X THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ffiatlj) ffinglisl) ?3tiutctr JSooits IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE A CATALOGUE OF THE ENGLISH BOOKS PRINTED BEFORE MDCI. NOW IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE SY ROBERT SINKER, B.D. LIBRARIAN AND FORMERLY CHAPLAIN OF TRINITY COLLEGE EDITOR OF "PEARSON ON THE CREED " DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON : GEORGE BELL AND SONS 1885 CAMBRIDGE I'RINTED BY J. PALMER 23, JESUS LANE PREFACE. The present catalogue is intended as a companion to that of the Fifteenth-Century printed books in Trinity College Library, published by me in 1876. This second volume is meant to include all the English books in the College Library printed before the close of the sixteenth century. Under the term English books are included : (i) all books, in whatsoever language, printed in England (or Scotland) ; (2) books in the English language printed abroad ; and {3) books printed abroad, which, though not in the English language, have a distinct connexion with the English Church, history, or literature. The method adopted in the former volume has been pursued in the present. The books are grouped under towns and printers, which are chronologically arranged, the appended dates marking the earliest year at which printing is known to have been practised at a given town or by a given printer. In the sixteenth century, and especially in the latter part of it, a difficulty arises, which is practically wanting in the fifteenth, in the presence of the bookseller element, as distinct 876814 VI PREFACE. from the printer. Thus the imprint may merely tell us for whom the book is printed, leaving the question of the actual printer's name as a problem to be solved ; and at times the bookseller's name is given as though the actual printer. In the present catalogue, when the printer's name is given or can be reasonably identified, a book is of course placed under that name ; and under the bookseller's name, when there is one distinct from the printer, there is a cross-reference to the printer. If two or more printers' names are given in the imprint, the book is, as a rule, entered under the one first- named, with a cross-reference under that of the other. When the printer's name cannot be ascertained, the work is entered under the name of the bookseller. The description of a book will vary in minuteness accord- ing to the character of the information already in print concerning it ; but, with a few exceptions in the earlier part of the work, the full collation of the signatures is always given. In these few cases a book may always be assumed to have signatures and catchwords, unless the contrary is stated. The numbering, however, of folios or pages is always men- tioned when it occurs. With regard to the words folio, quarto, octavo, etc., it is to be remarked that they are used here as one of the means towards the identification of a book, and they relate not directly to size, but to form, as testified to by the water-marks. A statement as to the height or width of a book may be interesting as shewing the condition of a particular copy, but docs not give much help towards PREFACE. vii identifying- books. As Mr. Bradshaw has pointed out {Address to the Library Association, Append, p. 36 ; Cambridge, 1882), the most sensible plan in dealing with moderii books is to describe them by their height and width in inches (as has been done for many years in the Library of this College), or even in the case of books of ordinary shape, by the height alone. In the case of early printed books, however, a note as to \\\Q form is often of great importance. The ordinarily recognised Latin abbreviations are used in the descriptions for the sake of conciseness, and of these a list is annexed. I have used the term " signature-title " for the shortened form of the title found in the lower margin of the recto of one or more of the leaves in the first half of a quire. This is found, e.g., in books printed by Wynkyn de Worde and Pynson. With regard to references appended to most of the books, whenever the book was mentioned by him, I have cited the page of Herbert's enlarged edition of Ames's Typographical Antiquities. So far as this was again re-edited by Dibdin, I have referred to the latter by volume and page ; any other work of Dibdin which is cited having the title also given. It seems to me very much to be regretted that Dibdin, though with much fresh materials at his disposal, should so distinctly and so constantly, in so far as he has differed from Herbert, have differed for the worse. We do not want high-flown talk of wide margins and the like, but a more real attempt at scientific arrangement and accuracy. Vlll PREFACE. Besides the references to Herbert and Dibdin, I have made a point of citing (by the page) the catalogue of the Grenville collection in the British Museum, Dr. Maitland's Catalogue of the early printed books in the Lambeth Library, and the catalogue of the Huth collection. The catalogue of the late Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection of Bibles, etc., is referred to by the number of the entry. The most important recent contribution to the bibliography of early English literature is the catalogue of English books in the British Museum, printed to the year 1640. This, unfortu- nately, did not appear till the greater part of the present work had been printed. While cordially welcoming this important publication, I cannot help regretting that, in the case of the earlier and rarer books at any rate, collations are not given, by which the usefulness of the book would have been vastly increased, with no very great increase of size. At the end of the work indices are given: (i) of the towns represented, the foreign towns being grouped separately ; (2) of printers and booksellers, the foreign element being, as before, placed separately ; (3) of the books themselves, with, I trust, a sufficiency of cross-references ; and (4) of donors. This last, doubtless, would have contained a larger number of sixteenth and early seventeenth century names, had it not been for the misdirected zeal of past generations of binders, \yho, as many a librarian knows too well, found a perverse pleasure in cutting out old fly-leaves, often doubtless contain- ing interesting MS. notes, and replacing them with fresh PREFACE. IX paper, or in pasting blank paper over writing or even printed donation-labels, to say nothing of their cutting down the margins so recklessly as constantly to trench upon the print. I would venture to repeat here a remark I made in the Preface of my former catalogue : " Bibliographical works are perhaps more than usually liable to errors, and I am fully aware that, in spite of every precaution, some may be detected in the following pages. Still, it may be hoped, there must be some value in every honest attempt to describe a collection on a definite plan, and especially when not a few of the books have hitherto been but slightly described, and several indeed totally undescribed. It may certainly be added that no one who has not been engaged on similar work can have at all an adequate conception of the amount of labour required." Certainly, a further nine years' experience has emphasised on my mind both the paramount need of accuracy in biblio- graphical matters, and the very great difficulty of attaining it. In conclusion, I must offer my thanks to the Master and Seniors of the College, who, acting on behalf of the Society, undertook the cost of the publication of the present work. My best thanks are also due to Mr. Bradshaw, Librarian of the University Library and Fellow of King's College, who, as in the case of my former catalogue, has most kindly read the whole of the proof-sheets and aided me in every possible way during the progress of the work ; to Mr. Falconer Madan, Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian Library and late Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, who has frequently enabled me to X PREFACE. complete my description of imperfect books by most generous expenditure of his own labour among the rich resources of the Bodleian ; and to Mr. S. W. Kershaw, Librarian of the Lambeth Library, for kind help in connexion with that library. R.S. Trinity College, April 20ih, 1885. LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO OR MADE USE OF IN THE FOLLOWING CATALOGUE. Ames, Jos., Typographical Antiquities ; being an Historical Account of Printing i7i England. London, 1749. Arber, Edw., Trajiscript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554 — 1664. 4 voll. London, 1875 — 77. Blades, W., The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England'' s first Printer ; with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the printer of Bruges. 2 voll. London, 1861—63. British Museum, Catalogue of books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in Englaiul, Scotland, and Lrelatul, and of books in English printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 voll. London, 1884. Collier, J. P., Bibliographical Account of early English Literature. 2 voll. London, 1S65. Cotton, H., Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from 1505 to 1850. Oxford, 1852. DiBDiN, T. F, Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 voll. London, 1814 — 15. Aedes Althorpianae. 2 voll. London, 1823. • Typographical Antiquities, or the History of Printing in England, Scotland, and Lreland. 4 voll. London, 18 10 — 19. Grenville, Bibliographical Notices of rare and curious books, forming part of the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. 3 voll. London, 1842 — 48. Hazlitt, W. C, Hand-book to early English Literature. London, 1867. Collections and Notes. London, 1876. \Second series ?\ London, 1882. xu WORKS REFERRED TO. Herbert, W., Typographical Antiquities ; or a?i Historical Account of the origin and progress of Printing in Great Britaifi afid Ireland. 3 voll. London, 1785 — 90. HuTH, Catalogue of the Huth Library. 5 voll. London, 1880. Lowndes, W. T., Bibliographer's Manual, cd. Bohn. 4 voll. Lon- don, 1857 — 64. Maitland, S. R., Early printed books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1843. Wilson, Lea, Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scriptures in the Collection of Lea Wilson, Esq. London, 1845. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE PRESENT WORK. c. (before a date) circa. c. cust cum custodibus (catchwords). c. ff, n cum foliorum numeratione. c. sig cum signaturis. char, goth charactere gothico. char, grace charactere graeco. char, rom charactere romano. f. foHum. ff. folia. f. i^ fol. I recto. f. i^ fol. I verso. 1 linea. 11 lineae. s. a, sine anno. s. 1 sine loco. s. sig sine signaturis. s. t. n sine typographi nomine. Dates and other facts given in brackets are to be understood as not actually given in the work, but as ascertained indirectly. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA NUM. 7. Two fragments of a copy of this book, printed on vellum, were discovered in this Library by Mr. F. Jenkinson in September, 1884, in the binding of Claudii Galeni Pergameni de alimen- torumfacultatibiis. Lugduni, ap. Gul, Rouvillium, 1547. 8. Twenty-six half-leaves of a copy of this book were discovered in this Library by Mr. F. Jenkinson in September, 1884, in the binding of Jo. Bapt Montani de excrementis, Venetiis, apud Balth. Constantinum, 1554. A copy, wanting only two leaves, has also recently been discovered by Mr. F. Madan in the Library of Merton College, Oxford. 99. The second copy is vi^ .3. i. 113. Read vi'^. i. 13. 133. 1. 3, read ff. 22 (f. 11 wanting); 1. 14, read f 22^ 167. For vi'=. read vi^, 206. 1. I, for ii. read iii. 477- 1- 3 J ^6^d Ecdesia. 613. 1. II, for 1599 read 1598. 632. 1. 7, for 623 read 624. 702. Another copy of this book is iv. 14. 58. 835. Another copy of this book is Q. t. 244. 853. 1. 6, for verso read 7'ecto. 868. 1. 9, for 44 read 36; 1. 10, read A— E«F* read B— E^F^ 914, The second copy is vi^ 3. 19. WESTMINSTER (1477). William Caxton (1477). (i) Vl"^. 8. 2. — The Dictes or Saycngis of the PJiilosophres. [First Edition]. Westmestre, William Caxton, 1477 : ff. ']%, (ff. JJ, y8, blank, the latter wanting), 11. 29, char, goth., s. sig. et cust., folio. Herbert 13, Dibdin i. 59, Bid/. Spem. iv. 210, Blades ii. 36, Huth 1664. (2) VI'^. 8. 2a. Johannis Kendale Litterae indidgeiitianim, 1480. (A slip containing 6 whole lines \y\ inches in length] from the middle, together with a small fragment of the last 6 lines, of) one leaf, broadside folio, printed on vellum, in the type used at Westminster by William Caxton in 1480, in the Chronicles of England. Mr. Blades (ii. 79) describes one edition of this Indulgence (which was issued under the authority of pope Sixtus iv. for assistance at the siege of Rhodes), printed in the type of the Game of Chess (see next entry) ; but this edition, in the type of the Chronicles of England., remained unnoticed until August, 1881, when the present fragments of a copy were found by Mr. Bradshaw in the binding of the King's Hall (now Trinity College) account-book for the year 1499 — 1500. The 6 complete lines run : tis supplicationib3 inclinati. vobis et vtrique vestru vt alique idoneum et discretu presbiteru secu- larem vel | cuiusuis ordinis regularem in vestru possitis eligere confessorem. qui confessionib^ vestris diligeter auditis | p com- I 2 WESTMINSTER. missis p vos quibusuis criminib3 excessib3 et delictis quatum- cunq3 grauib3 et enormib3. eciam si talia | fuerint ppter que sedes apostolica sit quouismodo merito consulenda. Injectionis manuu in episcopu. vol | superiorem. ac libertatis ecclesiastice offense, seu conspirationis in psonam aut statu romani pontificis. vel I cuiusuis ofifense inobediencie aut rebellionis sedis eiusdem ac prcsbitericidij. casib3 dumtaxat exceptis. In | . The frag- ment of the last 6 hnes is, e. Ac omniu pe ] articulo plena | dicta auctori | In quoT/ f | [D]at' | [sanctjissimi domini | , where the gap left for the date in 1. 5 shews that the copy of which these fragments form part was an unused one. (3) VI''. 8. 3. — The Game and Play of the Chess. [Second Edition.] S. 1. (Westminster), (William) Caxton, s. a. (1483 i") : fif. 84, 11. 29, char, goth., s. oust, folio. Woodcuts. Herbert 76, Dibdin i. 2>^, Bibl. Spenc. iv. 194, Blades ii. 95, Huth 288. (4) VI'J. 8. 4. — Eneydos. S. 1., t. n. et. a. (Westminster, William Caxton, 1490) : ff. 86, 11. 31, char, goth., s. cust, folio. Herbert 67, Dibdin i. 283, Bibl. Spenc. iv. 285, Blades ii. 221, Huth 1539. Wynkyn de Worde (1493). (5) vr^. 8. 5. — Liber qid vacatur Festialis: Qiiatuor Ser- viones. In Wcstmoncstcrio, s. t. n. (Wynkyn de Wordc), 1493 : ff. 202 (the first and last, blank and unnumbered ones, and ff. 190—195, arc wanting) and 50 {{i. 39—50 wanting), coll. 2, 11. 29, char, goth., c. {{. n., s. cust., quarto. Each treatise has its own signatures and pagination, and its own imprint. Dibdin ii. 33. (6) viJ. 8. 6.— (Jac. de Voraginc), Legcnda Aurea, that is to saye in Eng/ysshe the golden legende, for lykc as passeth golde WYNKYN DE WORDE. 3 in valewe all other jnctallys, so this legendc excdleth all other bookes. Westmynster, Wynkyn de Worde, 1498, Jan. 8 : ff. 402 (4 non num., 398 num.) and 52, coll. 2, 11. 47, char, goth., c. ff. n., folio. Woodcuts. There are separate signatures and pagination for the two parts of the book, the lives and histories taken from the Bible, and the feasts of the Church and lives of the Saints. In this copy the former has been wrongly bound up after the latter ; and the former is defective, be- ginning with f 8 (sig. Bb i), and the latter from f. 394 inclusive onwards. Dibdin ii. 73, BibL Spe?ic. iv. 402. OXFORD (1478). Theoderic Rood (148 i). (7) Vl'^. 8. 9. — Job. Lattcbury, ord. min., Expositio in Thre- nos Jcrcmiae. S. 1. ct t. n. (Oxford, Theoderic Rood), 1482. die Lilt. Julii : ii. 292, coll. 2, 11. 40, char, goth., s. cust., folio. Herbert 1394, Dibdin, Bibl. Spcnc. iv. 355. Theoderic Rood and Thomas Hunt (1483). (8) Vl^. 8. II. — A leaf (imperfect) of Swyneshed's Insohi- bilia. S. 1., t. n. et a. (Oxford, Theod. Rood and Thorn. Hunt, 1483 — 85), char, goth., quarto. The only known perfect copy of this work was discovered in the Library of New College, Oxford, by Mr. Bradshaw, who has also found four leaves in the Lambeth Library. Joseph Barnes (1585). (9) K. 16. I. — TJlc true difference betweene Christian sub- jection and unchristian rebellion. By Thomas Bilson, War- den of Winchester. Oxford, Joseph Barnes, printer to the Universitic, 1585 : ff. 427, char. goth. (but dedication, etc., in rom., and quotations in rom. and ital.), c. pp. n., quarto. Mar- ginal notes. F. I. title, ff. 2 — 6 dedication to Queen Elizabeth, ff. 7 — 11 contents and address to Christian reader, one blank leaf, 820 numbered pp., and ff. 5 table and contents [ends with single leaf]. Herbert 1400. JOSEPH BARNES. 5 (10) E. 7. 'i^j (i). — D. Joannis Chrysostomi Archicpiscopi Constantinopolitani Hoviilicc sex, ex mminscriptis Codieibns Novi Collegii ; Joannis Harmari . . . . opera ct indiistria nnnc priimim grcBce iti lucem edit<£. Oxonii, ex officina typographica Jos. Barnesii, 1586: fif. 80 {6 non. num., 138 num. pp., and 5 blank fF., the last two wanting), char, graec. (ital. in dedica- tion), c. pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1400. (11) iii. II. 44 (ii). — Peplus illustrissimi viri D. PJiilippi Sidnaei supremis hoiioribns dicatus. Oxonii, Jos. Barnesius, 1587: ff. 28 (f. 28 blank, wanting), char. rom. et ital., c. pp. n., quarto. F. 2^, Excellentissimo | domino, D. Henrico | Herberto, Penbro-| chiae Comiti .... Joannes Lvidvs | S.D. The poems of which this book consists are by the students of New College, Oxford. For John Lloyd, see Wood's Athenae Oxon. i. 738. Herbert 1402. (12) E. 7. 37 (ii). — Flavii Joseph! de Maccabceis : seit de Rationis ivipcrio liber. Mannseripti codicis ope, longe qnam anteJiac et einendatior et aiictior ; cimi Latina interpretatione ac notis Joannis L2iidi. Oxoniae, Jos. Barnesius, 1590: ff. 44 (4 non num., and separate pagination for the Greek and Latin), char, grsec. et ital. (rom. in dedication), c. pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1400. ( 1 3) Vl'^. 3. 2. — Barlaami de Papae principatn libellus. Nnnc prhnnni Graece et Latine editns opera Joannis Lnidi Proeuratoris Academiae Oxoniensis. Oxoniae, Jos. Barnesius, 1592: ff 20 (fif I, 20, probably blank, wanting), char, graec. et rom., quarto. In this copy the copperplate engraving of the University arms on the title-page, and of the Sackville arms on the verso of the leaf do not occur. Herbert 1405. 6 OXFORD. (14) T. 7. 57. — Willelmi Thorni Ttillius, sen "phthp in tria stromata divisus . . . .e Novo Bcatac Marine Wintoji in 0x071 Collcgio. Oxoniae, Jos. Barnesius, 1592. vaeneunt cum Oxoniae turn ad caput Tigridis ad Divi Pauli Londinensium : ff. 144 (16 non num., 254 num. pp., and one blank leaf), c. pp. n., octavo. Marginal notes. For William Thome, see Athcnae Oxon. ii. 4S0. Herbert 1405. (15) Vl^. 3. I (i) : vi*^. 3. \a. — Solon his follie, or a poli- tique discourse, touchvig the Reformation of conimon-iveales conquered, declined or corrupted. By Richard Beacon, gent., student of Grayes Inne, and sometimes her Majestie's Attorney of the province of Mounster in Irelande. [Then the Royal Arms.] Oxford, Jos. Barnes, Printer to the Universitie, 1594- ff. 66 (8 non num., of which f. i unknown, f. 8 blank ; 1 14 num. pp., and one blank leaf wanting in both copies), c. pp. n., quarto. For Rich. Beacon, or Becon, see Cooper's Athenac Cantab, ii. 174, 547- Herbert 1405. (16) vi*^. I. I. — Analysis analyticoruin posteriorum sive li- hroruni A ristotelis de Demonstrationc, in qua singula capita per quaestioncs ct respo7isiones pcrspicue cxponuntur opera et studio G. P. [Grifif. Powell] Oxoniensis. Oxoniae, Jos. Barnesius, 1594 : fif. 174 (ff. 8 non num., 334 num. pp., i blank leaf), char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (I^A — X**) et pp. n. (incorrectly put, the last num- bered page, 344, should be 333), octavo. Marginal notes. F. I*, title ; ff. 2, 3, dedication to Robert, Earl of Essex; ff. 4, 5, ad lect. Acad. ; ff. 6 — 8, prolegomena. For Griffith Powell, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 283. (17) iii. II. 51 (ii). — Funebria nobilissiini . . . . equitis D. Henrici Untoni, ad Gallos bis legati Regit, ibique nuper fato functi, charissiinae memoriae ac desiderio, a Musis Oxoniensibus JOSEPH BARNES. 7 Apparata. Oxoniae, Jos. Barnesius, 1596: ff. 34, char. ital. (rom. in dedication and an italian poem) graec. et heb., c. sig. (VA— G'H"), quarto. Herbert 1406. (18) T. 38. 5. — Thesaurus Occonomiae, sen commentarius ill oecoiiomica Aristotclis, in quo verae divitiae fainiliariim, earumqiie leges, partes et officia describuntur. Joanne Case Authore. [Below are Univ. Arms and i Tim. v. 8. Si quis — ]. Oxoniae, ex officina Typographica Jos. Barnesii et veneunt Londini in Coemiterio D. Pauli, ad insigne Bibl., i597 • ^- ^5^ (6 non num., 278 num. pp., 5 fif. non num. containing index), c. pp. n., quarto. Marginal notes. F. I. title: f. 2^. lUustrissimo heroi summa | virtute, ac sapientia prae-|dito Domino Thomae Sackvillo | Buckhurstio Baroni, .... For John Case, see Athenae Oxon. i. 685. Herbert 1407. LONDON (1480). John Lettou (148 i). (19) vi^. 8. 10.— Four leaves (ff. 19 — 22) of (Thomae Wallcnsis) Siipcr Psaltcrinm. In Civitatc Londoniensi, ad expensas Wilhelmi Wilcock per me Job. Lettou, 148 1 : char, goth., folio. Herbert iii, Dibdin ii. 3. Will, de Machlinia (148 i). (20) vr'. 8. 7. — (Job. Watton), Liber qui vacatur Speculum Christiani. Expositio Orationis Dominicae, etc. In Civitate Londoniarum, Willelmus de Macblinia ad instanciam nccnon expensas Henrici Vrankenbergb mercatoris, s. a. : ff. 118 (the first and last blank), 11. 29, char, goth., s. sig., quarto. Herbert 113, Dibdin ii. 13, Huth 1570. Richard Pynson (1493). (21) Vl'^. 8. 8. — JSIissale ad usuvi Saruin. London., Rich. Pynson, mandato et impensis Reverendissimi Joh. Morton Presbyteri Cardinalis Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, 1500. Jan. 10 : ff 248 (10 non num., 238 num. ; ff. 11, 102 — 104, wanting), coll. 2, 11. 39, char. goth. (rubrics printed in red), c. sig. (. •.^°, A-P K-M*'', two unsigned leaves, WO-X^ Aa-Ii^Kk^)* ct fif. * This collation does not quite agree with that given in my Catalogue of the XVth Century printed books in the Library of Trinity College [Cambridge, 1876]. Both the copies in Cambridge, those in Trinity and Emmanuel Colleges, being imperfect in quires M and N, in the collation at that part I had to rely on the pagination, which is here irregular. Through the kindness of Mr. F. Madan of Brasenose College, Oxford, I have now received a collation of the perfect copy in the Bodleian Library. RICHARD PYNSON. 9 n., s. cust. Folio [i2| inches by 8f]. Head-lines. PRINTED ON Vellum. F. I blank; ff. 2 — 10 table and calendar; f. 11 is wanting, it contained on the recto the royal arms, and on the verso those of Cardinal Morton (Dibdin, i?ifrd). F. 12^ (sig. Aij and num. ii) Missale ad vsum Saru incipit feli|citer. Dominica prima aduetus diii | etc. f. loi^ full page woodcut of crucifixion, ff. 102 — 104 are wanting, and their place supplied by 5 leaves of MS. On f 102^ began the canon, f 103 is mispaged (cxiii for xciii), f 105 is not paged. After f 106 (num. xcvi) is a gap of four in the numbering of the leaves. F. 107^ (num. ci, wrongly for xcvii) mass in die Paschae. On f 248^, col. 2, below 7 lines of text came the imprint and Pynson's device ; these, however, have been carefully erased. In the case of greater festivals (see e.g. fF. 12^, 107^), the page is surrounded with an elaborate border, containing a punning device on Card. Morton's name ; and the whole volume has received, after it left the printer's hands, an immense amount of illumi- nation. Dibdin, Aedes Alth. ii. 193. (22) Vl'^. 7. 8 (vi). — TJie lyfe of the gloryotis martyr saynt George. (London), Rich. Pynson, s. a. (after Aug. 3, 15 15): ff. 61 (fif. 28, 33, 36, 37, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A'^B^C^D^ E4J7SQ4H9 [single leaf inserted after H^] PK* [sig. H.i. for K.i.]), s. cust., quarto. Woodcuts. The original on which this poem is based is the Latin of Baptista Mantuanus, which is given in the margin in small gothic type. F. i=», dHere begynnyth the lyfe of the gloryous mar-|tyr saynt George, patrone of the Royalme of En-]glonde, traslate by alexander barclay, at c6maun|dement of the ryght hyghe, and myghty Prynce | Thomas, duke of Norfolke, tresorer 7 Erie mar-|chall of Englonde. | Below is a woodcut of the combat of St. George and the dragon, f i^, woodcut of the translator presenting his volume to the Duke of Norfolk, f. 2^, Prologue. | (I Unto the ryght hye and myghty Prynce, | Thomas, Duke of Norfolke, tresorer, 7 Er-|le marchall of Englonde : Alexander barclay [ contynuall Helth, with encreas of welthe, 7 1 honour. | 10 LONDON. f. 4^ [in small gothic type], Q Longe obseruando Domino sue Nicholao West Legu doctori luciilen-|tissimo Electo(i3 Elyen dignissimo Alexander Barclayus cum debita ob-|seruantia Salu- tem. Ends on f. 4^^, Ex monastrrio {sic) Elyen. 1 iij. non. Augusti. Anno virginii {sic) partus. M.CCCCC.xv. | Tu venias citius : Portus et aura tuis. ff. 5, 6, Table, f. ^^ (sig. B.i.), The lyfe of saynt George. Woodcut of monk writing at desk, f 61^, Pynson's device [Dibdin, no. 5]. Herbert 289, Dibdin ii. 548. (23) Vl'^. 7. I. — Rich. Pacei Oratio in Pace. Londini, Rich. Pynson, 15 18. nonis Decembris : ff. 10 (f. 10, with Pynson's device, wanting), 11. 24, c. sig. (A^B-*), s. oust., small quarto. F. I''', Oratio Richardi Pa-lcei in Pace nvperime | composita et foedere percusso : inter in-luictissimum Angliae regem, et | Fran- corum regem christi-lanissimum in aede diui | Pauli Londi-|ni habi-|ta, [Below are the royal arms.] F. 9^, Impressa Lon- dini. Anno Verbi in]carnati. M.D.xviij. Nonis Decembris per I Richardum Pynson regium impressorem cu | priuilegio a rege indulto, ne quis banc oratio|nem intra biennium in regno Anglic impri-|mat : aut alibi impressam, et importatain in 1 eodem regno Anglic vendat. For Rich. Paice, Pace, or Pacey, see Athenae Oxon. i. 64. Herbert 264, Dibdin ii. 497. (24) VI'^. 7. 2 (i) : Vl"^. 7. 2a (i). — The. Mori Epist. ad Gcnnaniim Brixium. London, (Rich.) Pynson, 1520: ff. 26, 11. 25, c. sig. (a— e*f^), quarto. V. i^, Thomas Mori Epi-[stola ad Germanu Brixiu : qui | quum Morus in libellum | eius, quo contumeliosis men-|dacijs inces- serat Angli-|am : lusisset aliquot epigram-jmata annis ab hinc plus septe : | ia intra sesquimensem, in sum-|ma Anglomm Gallorumq3 ; c6-|cordia, sub ipsum conuentum | principu, aedidit aduersus Mo|nmi libcllu, qui et ineptis | et uirulentis iurgijs suum in-jfamat authorem. | Apud inclytam Londini | urbem. m.d.xx. The above is enclosed in a woodcut border. F. 26''', below 11. 8 of text, Londini in aedibus Pynsonis. f 26'', Pynson's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 267, Dibdin ii. 4S3. RICHARD PYNSON. II (25) VI''. 7. 3. — Assertio septein Sacramentoruin aduersiis Martin. Lttthcru, (zdita ab inuictisswio Anglice et Francice rege et do. HybernicB Henrico cins noniinis octauo. Apud Londinum, (the last two, blank, wanting) in aedibus Pynsonianis, 1521. 4 id. Jul: ff. 80 (the last two, blank, wanting), 11. 28, c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, b— v"*), quarto. Marginal notes. Floriated initials. F. I*, title as above, surrounded by a woodcut border, copied from a design by Holbein, whose initials are given on the left hand. On i. 78, errata: f 78'^, below 11. 6 of text, Apud inclytam urbem Londinum in aedibus Pynso-|nianis. an. M.D.xxi. quarto Idus lulij. | Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. Herbert 268, Dibdin ii. 484, Huth 674. (26) VI*^. 7. 4. — Assertio septein Sacrament07'7iin [Second Issue.] Londini, in aedibus Pynsonianis, 1522. 17 kal. Feb. : ff. 78 (f 'jZ torn away), 11. 28, c. sig. (4 un- signed leaves, b— s^t*^), quarto. Marginal notes. Floriated initials. F. 77^, below 11. 20 of text, Finis. I Londini in aedibus Pynson- ianis. AN. M.D.xxii. I xvii. Kalendas Februarij. I Cum pri-| uilegio a rege indulto. It seems certain that in this second issue some of the sheets as struck off for the first edition were made use of This follows from the fact that in many of the sheets the very obvious mis- prints of the first issue are left entirely uncorrected, and from defects in printing occurring in both copies alike. The first sheet, however, and sig. t, besides others, have clearly been struck otf afresh (see e.g. i. 2°, 1. 14 — f 3^, 1. 14). At the beginning of the present copy, some MS. is bound up, consisting of the promise of the Indulgence granted to the readers of the book, a short Latin poem by Joh. Clerk, and the bull of Leo x. [5 id. Oct. 152 1, wrongly transcribed 1501] for the confirmation of Henry's work. These are all taken from the printed text of Pynson of 15 21, which is found prefixed to some copies of the Assertio of that year. John Clerk was the King's Orator at Rome, and delivered an 12 LONDON. oration before Leo x., on the occasion of presenting to him a copy of the Asscrfio, Sept. 21. He was a Cambridge man (B.A., 1499: college not known). See Athcnae Cantab, i. 77. Dibdin ii. 4S5. (27) VI''. 7. 5. — Ed. Powell, Propiignaculum Sujuvii Sacer- dotii Evangclici. Londini, in eedibus Pynsonianis, 1523. 3 non. Dec. : ff. 186 (the last blank), 11. 28, c. sig. (a-z*AA-YY* ZZ'') et fF. n., large quarto. Marginal notes. Head-lines. F. I", Propvg|nacvlvm svmmi sa-|cerdotij euangelici, ac septen- arij sa-Icramentorum, editum per uirum eruditum | sacrarumq^ literaru 1 professorem Edoardu Poue-[lum, aduersus INIartinu | Lutherum fratrem | famosum et Wi-lclefistam in-!signem. Title surrounded with border of same design as preceding, f. i^, Guil. Dynhami in Lvthe-|rvm Epigramma. f. 2^ (num. wrongly 4, sig. a2), Papirivs Geminvs Eliates | lectori salvtera. | f. 5a (num. 5, sig. b), Liber primvs. f. 180^, below 11. 14 of text, Amen. Opus orthodoxum, pto {sic) svmmi sacerdotij euangelici et ] septem sacramentonmi defensione, aduersus Martinum | Lu- therum, nuper gditum per Edouerdum Pouelum an-'glum, et Ecclesise Cathedralis Sarum canonicum reside-ltiarium. Im- pressum Londini in gdibus Pynsonianis An. i uerbi incamati M.D.xxiii. Tertio no. Decemb. ff. 183^ — 185^^, errata. For Edw. Powell, see Athcnae Oxon. i. 117. Herbert 273, Dibdin, ii. 511. (28) Grylls 10. 233 (ii). — Froissart, Chronicles, translated into English by Lord Berners. Vol. 2. London, Rich. Pinson, 1525. Aug. 31 : fif. 340 (8 non num., 332 num. irregularly), coll. 2, 11. 52 (in full page), char, goth., c. sig. (a^A— U'^'AA— UU^AAA-NNN^OOO^), cust. (at end of each quire to end of S [except in GKMNPRS], from thence onwards, and in table, on nearly every page) et ff. n., folio. Floriated initials. Head- lines. This, the second volume of Pynson's edition of Froissart, con- taining the third and fourth books of the Chronicles, is bound up with Middleton's edition of the first volume, to be described RICHARD PYNSON. I3 afterwards. In this copy there is not, as in those described by Herbert and Dibdin, a border round the title-page, nor the royal arms on f. i'^, nor the printer's device on f. 340^. F. i^, Q Here beginneth the third | and fourthe boke of syr John froissart of the crony-|cles of Englande, fraunce, Spaygne, Portyngale | Scotland, Bretayne, flaunders, and other places | adioynyng, translated out of french in to englishe | by Johan Bourchier knight lorde Berners, de-|putie generall of the kynges towne of Ca-|lais and marchesse of the same, at the com-lmaundemet of our most high redouted | souerayne Lorde kynge Henrye the | eyght, kyng of England and of | Fraunce and hygh defeder | of the Chrystyan | fayth. Sic. \ f. i^, blank : f. 2*, Lord Berners' preface : fif. 2^—8^, Table : f. 8^, blank : f. 9^ (sig. A, num. i) chronicle begins: f. 340^ (num. 319, wrongly for 332), col. 2, below 11. 25 of text, Finis totius Froissart. Then, (I Thus endeth the thirde and fourth boke of sir Jhon Froissart of the Chronycles of | England, Fraunce, Spaine, Portingale, Scotland, Bretaigne, Flaunders, and | other places adioyning : Translated out of Frenche, into maternal English, I by Jhon Bourchier knight Lord Berners, deputy general of the kings | towne of Calais, and marches of the same. At the high commaun-[ dement of our most redoubted soueraigne Lord king Henry | the eight, king of England and of Fraunce, and hygh [ defender of the christen faythe Szc. The whych I two bokes be compiled into one volume, and finished in the sayd towne of Ca-|lais the .x. day of March, in the .xvi [ yere of our sayd soueraigne | Lordes raigne. | Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Richard Pinson, printer to the kinges most I noble grace, And ended the last day of August : the yere of our lord god .M.D.xxv. | Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. Herbert 275, Dibdin ii. 508, Huth 557. (29) VI'*. 7. 6 (i). — T/ie Pilgrimage of Perfection. London, Richarde Pynson, 1526: fif. 440, 11. 33, char. goth. (but rem. in some marginal notes and Latin citations), c. sig. (A^a^'i"^ A-E [4 and 8 alt] F<5G-T [4 and 8 alt.] AA^AAA^BBBV [aii. wrongly given d ii. ] a^AA-RR [4 and 8 alt] AAA- ZZZ [4 and 8 alt.] a-h [4 and 8 alt] i« : first leaf of QOQ 14 LONDON. wrongly signed O), cust. (on every page) et ff. n. (as given be- low), quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Floriated initials. Woodcuts. Sig. title [The pil. of per., pyl. of p. cU.] usually on first 3 leaves of 4- and 6-leaf quires, and first 4 [or, from AA— RR, the first 5] leaves of 8-leaf quires. F. i^ CI Here begynneth a deuout treatyse in En-lglysshe, called the Fylgrimage of per-|fection : very | pfitable for all chri-|sten people to rede : and in j especial!, to all rely-'gious psons ] moche necessary. Below is woodcut in border [described in Herbert, p. 168]. f i^, woodcut in border of Virgin with the dead Christ in her lap. ft". 2^ — 6'^, Table of first and second books ; at end, woodcut of monk writing at desk, as in No. 22; f. 7^ (sig. a, and sig. title, the starre of gra.) below head-line, Q The declaracyon of the Starre of Grace, | whose place is to stade in the syxte cha|piter of the seconde boke. | f 11* (sig. ^, and sig. title, The pil), The declaracion of the tree of grace. | d Of this tree of grace is mencion made | in the .xvi. 7 ,xvii. chapiters of the seconde \ boke, and in many other places of this I treatise, and therfore it shulde haue 1 ben set after the .xvi. chapiter of the seconde boke. f 13^ (Fo. primo, and sig. Ai.), The prologe of the hole treatyse. f 15^, woodcut of Saviour bound, seated on a rock in front of the cross [Herbert, p. 293]. f. 16=1, The first boke. f 46=* (sig. Gi., num. 35), The seconde boke: ends on f 122^ (\vrongly num. 109 for no, through 76 coming twice over), f 123=^, (I Here begynneth the table of the thyrde | boke [ist, 2nd, and 3rd days] which coteyneth seuyn pticu-|ler bokes, called seuyn dayes iour]ney, 7 eche of these seuyn con-|teyneth many chapiters, | as here after folo-|weth. Below is same woodcut as on title, f. 123*^, woodcut, in border of flowers, of female saint [Herbert, p. 262]. At end of table woodcut of Adam and Eve. fif. 129^ — 138^, Table of 4th, 5ih, and 6th days, f 129^, same woodcut as on title, f. 129^, woodcut, in border, of crucifixion, f. 138^, wood- cut, in border, of Saviour giving the blessing, Avith figure of Virgin and Child in border on His right hand, and of St Sebasdan, pierced with three arrows, on His left. ff. 139=^ — 142'', Table of seventh day. f 139^, woodcut as on f. 123^. f 139^, woodcut of crucifi.Kion, as on f. 129'', f 142'', Descent RICHARD PYNSON. 1 5 of the Holy Ghost, f. 143^ (sig. a., and sig. title, tre of vyce), The declaracion of the tre of vyce. | d The declaracion of the tre of Vyce, which shulde | stande in the thyrde boke, after the nynth | chapiter of the fyrst day. f 151^ (Fo. primo, and sig. AA), The iii. boke. The first day. f 25 1^ (sig. AAAi., Fo. primo), The Fourthe daye. f 264^ (sig. CCCii., num. 14), The fyfthe day. f 270=* (sig. FFFii, num. 30), The sixte day. f. 427 (sig. d, num. 158, error for 157, through 156 having been omitted), The seventh day. F. 439^, below 11. 22 of text, QThus endeth the seuenth and last day of the pyl-[grimage of perfection. Imprinted at London | in Fletestrete, besyde saynt Dunstans | churche, by Richarde Pynson, ' priter to the kynges no-|ble grace. Cu pri-|uilegio. Anno domini. 1526. ] f 440^, blank, f 440^, Pynson's device. [Not Dibdin's no. 4, but the cipher enclosed in a border, not figured in Dibdin.] Herbert 275, Dibdin ii. 513. (30) vi'^. 7. 6 (ii). — T/ie Rosary of our Savmir Jesii. London, Richarde Pynson, s. a. (1526) : fif. 20, 11. '^'^y char. goth. (rem. in some marginal notes), c. sig. (A^B^C^D*^'), cust. (on every page) et ff. n., quarto. Marginal notes. Head-lines. Floriated initials. Sig. title [Rosary] on first three leaves of each quire. F. i^, QHere begynneth the Rosary of our Sa-[uyour Jesu, gyueng thankes and prayse to his holy | name, by maner of meditacion 7 prayer : for all the la|bours 7 great paynes that he suffred for man in this | worlde, from the fyrst instant of his blessed Incarna |cion vnto his glorious Ascencion : Of the whiche is | made mencion in the .xxxii. chapiter of the .vi. day 7 I thirde boke : And this treatise cotayneth .vii. chapt's | as seuyn meditacions for the .vii. dayes in the weke. | Below is the same woodcut as on f 15^ of the preceding work, but with a different border, f. i^, woodcut as on f. i^ of preceding work, f 20^, below 11. 6 of text, dThus endeth the Rosary of our sauyour Jesu. | Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Ri-[charde Pynson, priter to the kynges | noble grace. Cum priui-|legio. Below is Pynson's device [Dibdin, no. 2]. Herbert, 293, Dibdin ii. 558. l6 LONDON. (31) VI^. 7. 7. — Hcnricus viii., Litcrarum quibus rcspondit ad gttandani cpistolani LiitJicri cxcinphim etc. Londini, in aedibus Pynsonianis, 1527. Feb. 10: ff. 52 (ff. 49, 52, the latter blank, wanting), 11. 18, c. sig. (A— F^G^), octavo. Marginal notes. F. i^, Litcrarum, quibus in-[uictissimus princeps, | Hcnricus oc- tauus, rex | Anglise ct Franciae, dns | Hybernig, ac fidei defenlsor rcspondit, ad quan-|dam cpistolam Martini ] Lutheri, ad se niissa, ct | ipsius Luthcrane quoqj | epistole cxemplum. The above is in a woodcut border, with Pynson's cipher at the bottom, f. 2=^, Pio Lectori, f. 3*^, Epistola Lutheri, On f. 7'i the king's answer, f. 50^, below 11. 7 of text. Finis. | Londini | in oedibus Pynsojnianis. Anno domini Mil-llesimo quingen- tcsimo uicesi-|mo septimo, decima Fe-jbruarij. Cum priui- legio ] a rege indulto. On f. 51^ (sig. Giii.), are some Latin verses in praise of the king. Herbert 279, Dibdin ii. 4S7. (32) Capell G. 2. — Johan Bochas, TJic Fall of Princes, translated into English by JoJin Lydgate. London, Richarde Pynson, 1527. Feb. 21 : fif. 224, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (a'^A-X'^AA-OCPPS), cust. (up to f. 47 [num. xxxviii.] on each page [exc. f. 44^ num. xxxv.], afterwards only at the end of each quire, and sometimes omitted even there) et ff. n. (9 non num., 215 num., the last leaf wrongly numbered 216), folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. F. i^, (I Here begynneth the boke of Johan Bochas, discryuing the fall of pri-|Ces, princesses, and other nobles : Translated into Englysshe by John Lyd-|gate monke of Bury, begynnyng at Adam and Eue, and endyng | with kyng Johan of Fraunce, taken prisoner at | Poyters by prince Edwarde. | Below is a woodcut in border (engraved in Dibdin ii. 470). ff. 2 — 6, table, ff. 7 — 9, The prologue of the translatour. f. 10 (num. Fo. primo), The fyrst boke. f. 224-"^ (num. ccxvi. for ccxv.), col. 2, below three stanzas, (I Thus cndcth the nyntli and laste | boke of John Bochas, which trea|teth of the fiill of princes, princesses, | 7 other nobles. Imprinted at Lon-|don in flete strete by Richarde RICHARD PYNSON. 1/ Pyn-|son, printer vnto the kynges moste ] noble grace, 7 fynisshed the .xxi. day | of Februarye, the yere of our lorde | god .M.CCCCC.xxvii. f. 224^, Pynson's device [Dibdin, no. 6, in border]. Herbert 280, Dibdin ii. 405. Wynkyn de Worde (1 501). (33) Vl'^. 7. 9. — A fragment of (Jac. de Voragine), Golden Legend. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, c. 1508): containing ff. jy, coll. 2, 11. 44, char, goth., s. cust, folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. This edition, in the type of Wynkyn de Worde, differs from all the commonly known editions from his press, but bears most re- semblance to that of 1 5 1 2 ; while the difference between the two editions points to the fragment as somewhat the earlier of the two. Herbert (p. 146) mentions, but with no reference, an edition of 150S; Dibdin (ii. 81) merely refers to the "doubtful edition of 1508." Though as yet I can trace no edition of 1508 in any library, the fragment may well belong to such an edition. The fragment consists mostly of detached pieces, and many of the quires are incomplete. In some cases there is nothing to guide us but the pagination, which is most irregular. I note the heading and first line of each piece, (i) ff. 2 (num. 14, 15) The Quinquagesme (2) sig. i., ff. 6 [3 — 8], begin sig. i. iii., num. 67, The lyfe of saynt Syluester. ] And whan he sholde ascende in to his cha-|re... (3) f i (num. 114), The lyfe of saynt Longyus | precyous blode aualed by the shafte of the | spere... (4) B, complete, ff. 8: begin num. 192 [? 193], The lyf of safnt {sic) Martha. | the to my heuen. And al them that cal vpjon... (5) C, complete, ff. 8 : begin num. 201, The lyf of saynt Domynyk. j shed to lyf C[ And of this precyous mar-|tyr... (6) G, ff. 4 [3 — 6], begin num 235, The lyfe of saynt Austyn. | saynt Austyn the noble doctoure | was... (7) L, ff. 2, sig. L. ii., L. iii., num. 256 [? 266], 267, begin, The lyues of saynt Cosme and Damyane | renowme of Cypryane and Justyne, he | made... (8) R, ff. 2, sig. R. iii., R. iiii., num. 308, 309, begin, The commemoracyon of all soules. \ leth in the 2 1 8 LONDON. fourth boke of his dyalogues 7 sayth... (9) T, complete, ff 8, begin num. 323, The lyf of saynt Clare, her infyrmyte 7 languor. Q In the hourejof... (10) U, complete, ff. 8, begin num. 330 [331], The lyfe of saynt Alexis i He sytteth without tofore the entre of the ] chyrche... (11) ff. 2, num. 352, 353, begin, The lyfe of saynt Katheryne. | the deuocyon that he hadde to the saynt 7|cessed... (12) A [this letter, and the B, C, D, following, are from a larger fount], complete, ff. 8, begin num. 361, The lyfe of saynt Erkenwalde ', ke redy his chayre that he myght goo 7 pre^che... (13) B, complete, ff. 8, begin num. 369, The lyf of saynt Balaam. | nes, and all other thynges. And whan he had... (14) C, ff. 6 [2 — 7], begin sig. C. ii., num. 378, The lyfe of saynt Symeon | so grete stenche yssued out of his body that 'none... (15) D, ff. 4 [3 — 6], begin sig. D. iii., num. 392 [387], The lyf of saynt Laudry. [ theyr fyrst estate. For he ordeyned a relygi on... (34) vr^ 7. 10. — Liber CatJwnis, cum commento. London, Wynandus de Worde, 15 12. Sept. 23 : ff. 36 (fif. i, 6, wanting), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A— F^), s. oust., quarto. F. 36^, below 11. 6 of text, Q Liber Cathonis finit feliciter. Lii- pressus Lon^dofi, per Wynandu de Worde comorantem in vico | anglice nuncupato (the Fletestrete) in signo solis aurei. Anno dni .M.CCCCC.xij. die vero .xxiij. \ mensis Septembris. | Below is W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 151, Dibdin ii. 170. (35) ^^^' 7- II- — Expositio scqiicntiarum secimdum tisuin Sariim. London, Wynandus de Worde, 15 14. July 8: fT, 54 (ff. I, 54, wanting), char. goth. maj. ct min., c. sig., (A A [sig. A.ii. for A A. ii.]-HH [alt. in 8 and 4] IP) et fif. n., s. cust, quarto. Sig. title [Sequen.] [on ff. 2, 3, 4, in quire A ; f i in B, D, H ; ff. I, 3, in C, E, I ; ii. i, 2, in F ; fT. i, 2, 3, in G]. Ends on f 53^, Q Laus deo. [ (I Sequentiaru seu prosarum secudum vsum Sal/ | in ecclesia Anglicana per totum annum cantadarum | diligenterq3 correctarum et perc[3 familiariter exposi|tarum : cum argutiorib^ vocabulorum interpretatio-|nibus fmis London, per Wynandn {sic) de Worde impressa'ru in vico anglice nuncu- WYNKVN DE WORDE. IQ- pato (the fletestrete) ad signu | SoHs commorantem. Anno dni Millesimoquingen-ltesimo decimoquarto. | Die vero octaua mensis Julii. I f. 53^, Tabula ; below which, Ad lectorem. j Splendidum pulchri specimen libelli 1 Lector inspectans : animos fauentes I Sume winando merito reponans (sic), \ Era de worde. I f. 54 wanting. Herbert 152, Dibdin ii. 147. (36) Vl'^. 7. 12. — Nova Legenda Aiigliac. Londonias, Wi- nandus de Worde, 15 16. Feb. 27: fif. 342 (6 non num., 334 num., 2 non num., the latter blank, wanting), coll. 2, 11. 44, char, goth., c. sig. (A°A— X^a— z'^&*''aa— 11*^, for sig. q i, p i is printed) et fit", n., s. cust., folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. The sheets, sig. e iii, e iv, have been transposed in the binding. At the end of the volume are ff. 18 of an alphabetical index to the work, written in a contemporaneous hand, which has added many notes throughout the book. F. i^, full page woodcut, as on f. i of no. 6. f i^, same woodcut, f 2^, Prologue, f 5=^, col. i, below 11. 13, Tabula, which ends f. 6^, col. 2. f 6'', full page woodcut of Royal Arms. f. 340'^ (num. 334), col. 2, below 11. 32, Explicit (Noua legeda anglie). Impres-|sa lodonias : i domo Winadi de Worde : colmoratis ad signu solis : in vico nucupato j (the flete strete). Anno dni. M.CCCCC [ xvi. xxvij. die Februarij. Q Itaq3 omnes | hystorie hie collecte : merito dicutur noue : | quia licet quedam de istis etia reperiutur | apud plures : no tame ita emedate 7 corre'cte sicut in hoc volumen {sic) continentur. f. 341^, same woodcut as on f i, f 341'', Caxton's large de- vice, in border [Blades, plate x]. Herbert 153, Dibdin ii. 209, Huth 260. (37) vi'^. 7. 13. — Rob. Whitintoni de syllabarmn quantita- tibus opusaibwi. (London), Wynkyn de Worde, 15 19: ff. 46, char, goth., s. oust., quarto. In this copy the part generally annexed, Whitintoni Editio..., is not found. F. I*, (I Roberti Whitintoni Lauricomi Lichfel'diensis de syllabaru 20 LONDON. quantitatibus 0pus-|culu recognitu Anno dni xix. supra sesqui-| niillesimum. | Below is W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 7], in a border, followed by table of contents, running on to next page. Herbert 161, Dibdin ii. 183. (38) VI*^. 7. 14. — TJie yniagc of Lone. London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1525. Oct. 7: fif. 26, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A— D^E*^F^), s. cust., quarto. Marginal notes. Woodcuts. Sig. title [the ymage.] on f. i of quires C, D, F. F. i'"*, The ymage of Loue. | (I Here foloweth a goostly pamphlete or mater co}pendyously extract of holy scrypture, and i doctours of y^ chyrche, called y^ ymage \ of Loue, very necessary for all I vertuous persones to j loke vpon. [ Below, in a border, is a woodcut of our Lord, with glory, standing, arrayed in cope, giving the blessing, with orb in left hand. In the upper corners are, God the Father giving the blessing and with orb in left hand, and the Dove with outstretched wings, f. i^, woodcut, in border, of the Saviour seated and bound at the foot of the Cross, f. 26^, below 11. 5, Q Thus Endeth this lytyll treatyse, called the | ymage of Loue. Imprynted at London | in the Flete strete at the sygne of the | Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde. I The yere of onr {sic) lorde .M.| CCCCC. 7 .xxv. The I vij. daye of Octo-lber. | Below is a woodcut, in border, of our Lord's Baptism, f 26^, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 8; in border]. Herbert 168, Dibdin ii. 255. (39) Grylls 10. 156. — (Jac. de Voragine), Golden Legend. London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1527. Aug. 27: ff. 438 (54 and 384), coll. 2, 11. 46, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. [with separate pagination for the two parts], s. oust, folio. Head- lines. Woodcuts. F. i^, Full page woodcut as in no. 36. f i^, blank, f. 2^, col. i, Q Here foloweth a lytell table contey|nynge the lyues and hystoryes short-|ly taken out of the byble. I First part ends f. 53'', col. 2, \\'here l)clow 11. 5, Q .'\fter the feestes of our WYNKYN DE WORDE. 21 lorde Jesu i Chryst tofore set in ordre folowen the 1 legendes of the sayntes. I Table ends f. 54^. The second part follows, ending on f 438^ (num. 384), where in long lines and larger fount, beginning with 6-line initial, Thus endeth the legende, named in latyn Legeda aurea | that is to saye in englysshe the golden legende. For lyke | as golde passeth all other metalles, so this boke excedeth j all other bokes, wherein ben conteyned all the hygh and I grete feestes of our lorde, the feestes of our blyssed lady, 1 the lyues, passyons, and myracles of many other sayn-ltes hystoryes and actes, as all alonge here afore is made mencyon. whi[che werke hath ben diligetly amended in diuers places where as grete 1 nede was. Finysshed the .xxvii. daye of August, the yere of our lord .M. CCCCC.xxvii. the .xix. yere of the regne of our souerayne lorde kynge | Henry the eyght. Irnprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of I the Sonne, by wynkyn de worde. On verso, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 8 ; in border]. Herbert 174, Dibdin ii. 80, Huth 1546. (40) Grylls 3. 392. — Gradus coniparatiomim. London, Wynkyn de Worde, s. a. (c. 1530); fif. 8, 11. 33, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^), s. cast., quarto. Marginal notes. Sig. title [Sum es fui.] on fif. i, 3. F, i^, Q Gradus comparationum cum | verbis anomalis simul et | eoru compositis. I f. 8^, below 11. 29, Q Imprynted at London by Wynkyn de Worde | in Fletestrete, at the sygne of the Sonne, f. 8^, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 225. (41) Vl^. 7. 15. — The rote or niyrrour of consolacyon and comforte. London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1530. Mar. 23: fif. 52, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A^B'^C^D'^E^FeG^H^PK^), s. cust., quarto. Sig. title [Rote or myr.] on fif. i, 3, of 6-leaf, and f. i of 4-leaf quires. The last leaf of this book is torn, so that much of the imprint is gone, but enough remains to identify the edition. The upper margin is altogether cut away by the binder. F. i^, Q The rote or myrrour of I consolacyon and coforte. | This 22 LONDON. is in a ribbon, below which is a woodcut (see Herbert I.e.). f. i^, Q Here begynneth a lytell treatyse, the whiche is called | the Rote or myrrour of consolacyon and conforte. I f. 52'', Im- print and W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 181, Dibdin ii. 149. (42) Vi'^. 7. 16. — TJie Festyvall : QiLattuor Scnnoncs. Lon- don, Wynkyn de Worde, 1532. Oct. 23 : ff. 196, 11. 33, char, goth., c. sig. (A-YAA-KK [alt. 8 and 4] LL"*) et pp. n., s. cust., quarto. Woodcuts. Sig. title [Festy.] on ff. i, 3, of 8-leaf, and f. i of 4-leaf quires. F. i^, (I The Festyuall. | Below is a woodcut of our Lord seated, wearing a cope, giving the blessing, and with orb in His left hand. On His right is the Virgin seated, crowned, and St. John Baptist on His left. f. i^, same woodcut, f. 2, prologue and table, f. 3^, Dnica prima aduentus. f 156^, Hamus chari- tatis. f. 158^, Quattuor Sermones. f. 119^, Q The generall sentence [a curse directed to be read four times a year], f. 193^5 Q Modus fulminandi. f. 194^, The bedes on the sondaye. f. 196^, below 11. 6, ([Thus endeth the Festyuall. Lriprynted at London! in Fletestrete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by me | Wynkyn de Worde. Li the yere of our lorde | god .M.CCCCC. and .xxxij. The I xxiij. daye of October. | f. 196^^, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 184, Dibdin ii. ^C). (43) Vl^. 7. 17 (i). — Walter Hylton, Scala Pcrfectionis. London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1533. May. 27: ff. 156, 11. 33, char, goth., c. sig. (a— x [alt. 8 and 4] y'^z^T^^*'), s. oust, quarto. Head-lines [except in "devoute boke"]. Sig. title [Sea. pfec] on ff. I, 3, in 8 and 6-leaf, on f. i in 4-leaf quires. JMarginal notes. F. I-"*, G! Scala perfectionis. Below is woodcut, in border, of the Saviour standing by the cross, with monk kneeling [see Herbert /.^.] : below. The greatest comfort in al temptacyon I Is the remebraunce of crystes passyon. ff i^ — 4=*, Tabula prime partis, ff. 4^ — 61^, prima pars. ii. 62-^ — 64^, Tabula secunde partis. WYNKYN DE WORDE. 23 ff. 64^ — 142^, secunda pars. f. i43^(sig. pi), d This is a deuoute boke compyled by rnayster | Walter Hylton, to a deuoute man in tempo-|rall estate, how he sholde rule hym. 1 f. 156'', G^ Tm- prynted at London in Fletestrete, by Wynkyn dc | \V^)rde, dwellynge at the sygne of the Sonne, and fy-|nysshed in the yere of our lorde god .M.CCCCC.|xxxiij. The .xxvij. daye of Maye. | Below is W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 185, Dibdin ii. 36, Huth 700. Richard Fawkes (1509). (44) Yl'^. 7. 17 (ii). — A dcHont Iiitcrcescion, etc. (London), Richard Fawkes, s. a. (c. 1525) : fif. 4, char. goth. (two pieces of Latin in rom.), s. sig., c. cust. (on every page), quarto. F. 1% QA deuout Interces|cion and praier to our | sauiour Jesu Christ. I Below is a woodcut, in border, of our Lord, standing, arrayed in a cope, giving the blessing, and with the orb in His left hand. In the upper corners, God the Father and the Dove, as in no. 38. Below, Respice in facie xj5i tui. f. i'', ■\Voodcut of crucifixion, with the women on one side of the cross, and Pharisees and Roman soldiers on the other, f. 2^ (with 5-line initial, and the first line in large char.), Most merciful IJesu my swete sauioure 7 [most... f. 4% below 11. 14, QDeo gratias, Qlmprynted in Durham rentes] by Richard Fawkes. Robert Coplande (15 15). (45) Vl'^. 7. 18 (i). — The tree of the holy goost. London, Rob. Coplande, 1534: ff. 24 (f. 24 blank, f. i wanting), 11. 28, char, goth., c. sig. (A— F*) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Li the copy described by Herbert, the title-page to this work, wanting in the present copy, included the following work. As, however, each treatise is complete in itself, with separate signatures and pagination, as well as with differences of date and printers' names in the imprints, I have kept them distinct here. F. 2% Q The tree of the holy goost. ] Grace in this worlde, 7 ioye 24 • LONDON'. with-|outen ende. | f. 23^, below head-line, (I Here endeth the tree of y^ holy goost, Enpr)Ti|ted at London in the Fletestrete, at the I sygne of the rose Garlande. by Ro'bert Coplande. Anno dhi .M.|CCCCC.xxxiiij. | Below is Coplande's device, [not that given by Dibdin, e.^i^. in shape of frame, and without a rose between the two names]. Herbert 347, Dibdin ii. 119, Huth 424. (46) Vl'^. 7. 18 (ii). — T/ic xii. fniytcs of the Jioly goost. London, Rob. Copland and IMyghcU Fawkes, 1535, Oct. 29: ff. 80, 11. 28, char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, b— v* : sig. only on f. i of each quire) et. ii. n., quarto. Head-lines. F. 1% ttThe .xij. I fruytes of j the holy j goost. | in border of flowers, &c. f. i^, Tabula, f 2'\ The .xii. fruytes of the holy goost. I (I Here begynneth an epistle sent to a re-|lygious woman, of the .xii. fruy]tes of the holy goost.] f. 80% tt En- prynted at London in y<= Fletestrete | at the Rose garland, by Robert co-|pland 7 Myghell fawkes. | A° dni. M.v.C.xxxvl The .xxix. day | of Octo[bre. Herbert 348, Dibdin ii. 120, Huth 424. Henry Pepwell (1520). (47) VI''. 7. 17 (iii). — Rich, of St. Victor, A vcray dcvoute treatysc, named Benyauiyn, etc. London, Henry Pepwell, 1521. Nov. 16: ff. 50, 11. 31, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K, alt. 4 and 6), s. oust., quarto. Woodcuts. F. 1% (I Here foloweth a veray deuoute treatyse (named] Benyamyn) of the myghtes and vertues of mannes | soule, 7 of the way to true contemplacyon, compyled | by a noble 7 famous doctoure a ma of grete holynes 1 7 deuocyon, named Rycharde of saynt Vyctor. \ Below is a woodcut, in border, of the Saviour standing by the Cross, with the various emblems of the Passion. [Round and below this are words, as in the cut described by Dibdin, iii. 15]. f. i'^, (I The Prologue. | A [5-line initial] Grete clarke that men call Rychar-|de of saynt Vyctor... ends on f 3% table follows. HENRY PEPWELT.. 25 f. 3^, same woodcut as on title-page. f. 4% d Howe the vertue of drede ryseth in y^ affeccyon. | Capitulu. Primu. | ends on f. 14^ F, 15% Q Here foloweth dyuers doctrynes deuoute 7 fmyt-lfull, taken out of the lyfe of that gloryous vyrgyne, 7 1 spouse of our lorde Saynt Katheryn of Seenes... Below is a woodcut of St. Katherine, at a desk [as in Herbert 158], ends on f 19^ f 20% woodcut as on title-page. f. 20^, QHere begynneth a shorte treatyse of contemplajcyon taught by our lorde Jhesu cryst, or taken out | of the boke of Margery kempe ancresse of Lynne. | ends on f. 23^', below 11. 17, fl Here endeth a shorte treatyse of a deuoute an-|cres called Margerye kempe of Lynne. F. 24% d Here foloweth a deuoute treatyse | compyled by mayster Walter | Hylton of the songe of i aungelles. | Below is a wood- cut, in border, of Virgin crowned and Child, with two angels above and two adoring figures below. In the border at the foot is Pepwell's monogram. Ends on f 28'', below 11. 16, Explicit, f. 29% tt Here after foloweth a deuoute treatyse | called the Epystle of prayer. | Below is woodcut of figure kneeling and the Saviour standing. Ends on f 35^* (sig. H.i.), below 11. 25, AMEN (I Finis, f 35^, Q Here foloweth also a veray necessary | Epystle of dyscrecyon in styrynges of| the soule. | Below is the same woodcut as the preceding. Ends on f. 43"^, d Finit Epl'a. f. 44% Q Here foloweth a deuoute treatyse of | dyscernynge of spyrytes veray ne-]cessary for ghoostly lyuers. | Below is same woodcut as the preceding. Ends on f. 50% below 11. 15, Q Finis. Deo gracias. | tt Im- prynted at London in Poules chyrcheyarde | at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. | In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.xxj. the | xvj. daye of Nouembre. | f. 50^ Pepwell's full-page device. John Skot (1521). (48) vi^. r. 2 (iii). — Jasper Fyloll, Agajnst the posscssyons of the Clergye. (London), John Skot, s. a. : ff. 14, 11. 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A'^B^), octavo. F. 1% Agaynst the posses',syons of the Clergye. ] Harkyn what 26 LONDON. great aucto-|rytes shall nowe folowe, | For profife thereof. | Under reformacion of holy and de|uoute... f 13^^, Tabula, f 14% below II. 14, (I Geddered and compylyd by I Jasper Fyloll. I (1 Impressum, Cum priuilegio regali. f. 14'', John Skot's device [borrowed from that of Denis Roce, the Parisian printer, but witli John Skot's name below, his monogram in the shield, and his initials below it]. (49) vr^. I. 2 (v). — Enorniytccs vsyd by the Clergy. (Lon- don), John Skot, s. a. (after Nov. 3, 1530 [f. i'']) : ff. 24, 11. 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), octavo. F. 1% Enormytees vsyd | by the Clergy. | Here floweth {sic) dy-|uers enormytees vsyd by the Clergy, | and by some wryters theyr adherentis, | and specyally agaynst the heresy of symojny vsyd by the Clergy. | tt How some of the Clergy and theyr | adherentis causeles haue skladerousjly spoken agayns this noble realme | of Englande and agayns dyuers of j the Kynges lay subiectes, and haue | prechyd 7 wrytyn agaynst small offe-jsys, leuyng y^ greter offensys in the ! law of god vntouhcyd {sic). \ Ends on f 21'', I. II. i. 22% Impressum, Cum priuilegio regali. f. 22^, Tabula, f 23 wanting (probably blank), f. 24% blank, f. 24'^ device (as above). Robert Redman (1525). (50) Vl"^. I. 3. — Rciunia brcuiuni : vcl si inanis Rescripta Vicccoinitiini cum aliis scitu digiiioribiis. [Then the Royal Arms]. (London), Rob. Redman, s. a. (1525 — 30): ff. 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), octavo. Head-lines. (51) Vl^. I. 4. — Brittou. London, Rob. Redman, s. a.: ff. 29S (6 non num., 291 num. [f. 291 wrongly given 287], I non num.), 11. 29, char, goth., c. sig. (A-X*AA-PP^QQ*) et ff. n. (irregular), s. cust., octavo. Head-lines. F. 298^, (I I m pry n ted at London in Flete | strete by me Robert Redman dwel|lyng in saynt Dunstones pa-|rysshe at the signe of the George. | Below is Pynson's cypher [Dibdin, no. 2]. Herbert 399, Dibdin iii. 239. robert wver. 2/ Robert Wyer (1527). (52) VI'^. 3. 3 (i). — TJie Questionary of Cyriirgycns. Lon- don, Rob. Wyer, s. a. (after Feb. 4, 1542) : ff. 120, 11. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Y^A— H*), quarto. Woodcut initials. F. I*, (I The questyonary of | Cymrgyens, with the formulary of I lytell Guydo in Cyrurgie, with | the spectacles of Cyrurgyens | newly added, with the | fourth Boke of the | Terapentyke {sic), or Methode curatyfe of | Claude Galyen prynce of Physyciens, | with a Synguler treaty of the cure | of vlceres, newely Enprynted at I London, by me Robert wyer, | And be for to sell in Poules | Churcheyarde, at the | sygne of Judyth. | Cum priuilegio ad impri-|mendum solum. | Below is the sign of Judith, f i**, Q Robert Copland the translatour | herof to the Reders. | f 89^, ([The fourth boke of | the... Translated by me Robert Coplande. Anno .M.|CCCCC.xlii. the .iiii. day of February. | f. 120'', QHere fynyssheth the Questyonary of | Cyrurgyons... Newly translated out of the Frensshe (at the in-|stigacion and costes of the ryght honest par-|sone Henry Dabbe stacyoner 7 byblyo-|polyst in Paules churche yarde) by | Robert Coplande of the same | faculte, within the moste | famous 7 opulent | Mar- chaunt | cyte of London, the .xii. day of Nouembre, the yere of I our Lorde .1.5.41. In the .xxxiii. yeare of the I raygne of our soueraygne 7 most fayth-jful kynge Henry the .viii. | Q Im- prynted by me Robert wyer, for Henry | Dabbe, 7 Rycharde Banckes. Cum pri|uilegio regali ad imprimendu solum | per septiennium annum. Herbert 373, Dibdin iii. 180. Thomas Berthelet (1529). (53) vi^. 3. 4 (v).— Rob. Wakfeld, Kotsa- Codicis. Lon- don, Thorn. Berthelet, s. a. (c. 1530) : ff. 60 (f. 60 wanting), II. 29, char. rom. (but char. goth. in Payee's letter on f. 59), c. sig. (A— P^), quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Kotser I codicis R. Wakfeldi, I quo preter ecclesie sacro- sanctg de-]cretum, probatur coniugium cum | fratria carnaliter 28 Loxnox. cognita, illicitum ] omnino, inhibitum, interdic tuiiKi; esse turn naturg iure, | turn iure diuino, legeq; | euangelica atq; con-|sue- tudie catho-|lica ecclesio | ortho- doxe. [In woodcut border of boys in procession.] Ames (i66) and Herbert assign to this book the date 1530; and the Athenae Oxon. {infra) that of 15 28. The copy in the Bodleian, however, referred to in the latter work is undated, as is that in the Grenville collection. For Rob. Wakfeld, a Cambridge man, wlio was afterwards in- corporated at Oxford, see Athenae Cantab, i. 63, 531 ; Athenae Oxon. i. 102. Herbert 417, Dibdin iii. 274;/, Grenville 312. (54) Vl*^. I. 2 (i). — A Treatise conceniyiige the diuisiott betivene the spiritiialtie and temporaltie. Londini, in edibus Tho. Bertheleti, s. a. (c. 1530): ff. 48 (ff. 4, 5, 33, 39—48, wanting), 11. 27, char. goth. (script type, head-lines in rem.), c. sig. (A— F^) et fif. n., octavo. Woodcut initials. This work has been referred to Chr. Saint-German, for whom see Athenae Oxon. \. 120. Maitland 444, Huth 1289. - (55) Grylls 3. 236. — The determinations of the inoste famous and niooste excellent vninersities of Italy and Frannee, that it is so vnlefnll for a man to marie his brothers zvjfe, that the pope hath no poiver to dispence therzvith. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1531. Nov. 7: ff. 154, 11. 27, char. goth. (script type), c. sig. (A-L^M^N-T^U*) et ff. n., octavo. Woodcut initials. F. 1% title, in "window-frame" border, f. 154'^ G Imprinted at London in the house of | Thomas Berthelet printer to the | kinges most noble grace. | the .7. day of No-|uembre. | 1531 | cvm pri- uilegio. Herbert and Dibdin give the date as Nov. 7, 1530. From the identity in the day and month, however, this is probably due to a mistake. In the description of the book in the Grenville Catalogue, the date is given as "Nov. 7, no year." The Lambeth (Maitland 192) and Huth copies have the date 1531. Herbert 418, Dibdin iii. 275, Grenville 312, Huth 676. THOMAS BERTHELET. 29 (56) VI''. I. 2 (ii). — Articles devisid by the JioUe consent of the kynges vioste honourable counsayle, his gracis licence optcincd therto, not only to exhorte, but also to enfo2irnic his louynge subiectis of the trouthe. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1533 : ff. 12 (f. 12 wanting), 11. 24, char. goth. (head-lines and Latin quotations in rom.), c. fif. n., octavo. Herbert 420, Dibdin iii. 280. (57) Vl'^. I. 2 (iv). — A litel treatise ageynste the mutterynge of some papistis in corners. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1534 : ff. 20 (f. 20, the second of 2 blank ones, wanting), 11. 24, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), octavo. Herbert 425, Dibdin iii. 290. (58) Vl^. 3. 5 (ii). — (Edw. Fox), Opus exiniiuni de vera differoitia regiae potestatis et eeclesiasticae, et quae sit ipsa Veri- tas et virtus vtrivsque. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1534 : ff. 64 (f. 64 blank), 11. 26, c. sig. (A-Q*) et ff. n., quarto. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. For Edw. Fox, who was Provost of King's College, see Athenae Cantab, i. 66, 531. (59) VI^- I- 5- — (Hen. Parker), Dives and Pauper. (Lon- don), Tho. Berthelet, 1536. Oct. 16: ff. 356 (12 non num., 344 num., ff. I, 6, 356 [the last blank] wanting), 11. 34, char, goth., (marg. and head-lines in rom.), octavo. F. 355^ Here endethe a compendiouse treatyse or|dialoge of Dives and Pauper, That | is to say the ryche and the poore, fructuous-|ly treatynge vpon the tenne commaun-|dementes, fynyshed the .xvi. day ] of Octobre, In the yere of | our lorde .1536. 1 Imprynted in Fletestrete by me Thomas | Berthelet, prynter vnto the kynges | mooste noble grace, dwel-Hynge at the sygne of | the Lucrece. For Hen. Parker see Athenae Cantab, i. 5, Athenae Oxori. i. 46. Herbert 427, Dibdin iii. 294. 30 LONDON. (60) Vi<^. 1.6. — A Remedy for Sedition. Londini, in acdibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1536: ff. 26, 11. 31, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. {A— E'*F*'), quarto. Woodcut initials. F. i^ [in woodcut border as no. 53], A Reme-!dy for Sedi-]tion, wherin I are con-|teyned | many thynges, concernyng the true | and loyall obeysance, that com-]mes owe vnto their prince |and soueraygne lorde j the kynge. | Anno .M.D.xxxvi | f. 26^, Lon- dini, in aedibus | Thomae Ber-|theleti regii impres-|sons. | Cvm privilegio. Herbert 427, Dibdin iii. 295, Huth 1237. (61) Vl^. 3. 4 (ii). — Rich. Morysin, Apoinaxis Calmnjiianim. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1537 : ff. loS (6 non num., 102 num.), 11. 27, c. sig. (a^A— Z*a— c"*) et ff. n. (beginning with quire I, num. 35), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. i^ [in border as no. 53], Apomaxis | calvmniarvm, | convitior- vmqve, | quibus Joannes Cocleus, homo the-|ologus exiguus artiu professor, scur-|ra procax, Henrici octaui, serenissimi | regis Angliae famam impetere, nome | obscurare, rerum gestaru gloriam | fsedare, nuper edita, non tam | ad rege, Z\ in regis inuidia, | epistola studuit. Au-]thore Ricardo | Morysino | Anglo. | f. i^, Sapphic poem by Author, ff. 2^ — 4^, dedication to Thom. Crumwell. Ends on f 107^ (num. loi). f 107^, errata, f. 108% Londini, in aedibus Tho-lmae Bertheleti regii | impressoris. | An. M.D.XXXVIL | cvm privilegio. f 108'^, Sign of Lucretia. For Rich. Morysin, see AtJienae Cantab, i. 143. Herbert 429, Dibdin iii. 298. (62) vi<^. 3. 6. — The Institution of a Christen man, con- teynynge the Exposytion or Interpretation of the eonimnne Crede, of the seuen Saeranientes, of the x. conimandements, and of the Pater noster, and the Ane Maria, Justyfication and Purgatory. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1537: ff. 102 (ff. 5, 6, 92, wanting and supplied in MS.), 11. 35, char. goth. (script type), c. sig. (a^A— Z'*Aa^), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, in border as no. 53. f 2^ — 4% Dedication to Henry THOMAS BERTHELET. 3 I viii. f. 4^, Table, f. loi^, Londini in aedibus ] Thomae Ber-| theleti regii impres-|soris. ] An. M.D. XXXVII. | Cvm privilegio. f. 1 02, blank, wanting. Herbert 428, Dibdin iii. 296, Huth 755. (63) Vi^. I. 7 (i). — (Edw. Fox), De vera differentia regies potestatis et Ecelesiastieee et qua; sit ipsa iieritas ac uirtits utri- usqtie. Opus eximium. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1538: fif. 94, II. 22, c. sig. (a— Pn/') et ff. n., octavo. Marginal notes. Herbert 431, Dibdin iii. 302;/, Huth 539. (64) Vl^. I. 8 (iv). — (Tho. Lupset), A Treatise of Charite. Londini, in aedibus Tho. Bertheleti, 1539 : ff. 40 (f. 40 blank), 11. 22, char. goth. (rom. in head-lines), c. sig. (A— E®) et ff. n., octavo. Woodcut initials. F. 1% A trea-|tise | of j Charite. | i. Joan. 5. j Haec est enim cha-| ritas dei, vt pre- cepta eius ser-|uemus. [Enclosed in woodcut border, with 1534 in base], f. 39^, Londini in sedibus Thomae Ber-|theleti typis impress. | Cum priuilegio Ad imprimen-jdum solum. I Anno .M.D.XXXIX. Herbert 434, Dibdin iii. 3057/. (65) Capell S. 7 (ii). — Tho. Eliot, TJie Image of Governance. Londini, in officina Tho. Bertheleti, 1540: ff. 112 (8 non num., 104 num.), 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (a*b*A-Z^Aa-Cc^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-Hnes. Woodcut initials. F. 1% The Image | of Governance j compiled of the Ac-Jtes and Sentences [ notable, of the moste no-jble Emperour Alex-[ander Seuerus, | late transla-|ted out | of | Greke into Englyshe, by syr I Thomas Eliot knight, | in the fauour of | Nobylitie. j Anno .M.D.XLI. I Title in border, as no. 53. f. i^ Sir Thos. EUot's coat of arms (Herbert 301). fif. 2^ — 6% Preface, fif. 6^—8% Table, f. 8^ Sign of Lucretia. f. I04^ Londini j in ofificina Thomge Bertheleti | typis impress. [ Cum priuilegio ad imprimen-|dum solum. | Anno .M.D.XL. Herbert 438, Dibdin iii. 312. 32 LONDON. {66) vr'. 3. 7. — A ncrcssa}'}' doctrine and crndition for any Christen man, set furthe by the kynges niaiestie of Englande. London, Tho. Berthclct, 1543. May 29: ff. 114, 11. 31, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Z%-d-*c^), quarto. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, in border (see Dibdin, ijifra). f. I^ Contents, ff. 2* — 4a, Dedication to Henry viii. f. 4^, Royal arms. f. II4^ Imprinted at London in Fletestrete [ by Thomas Berthelet, printer to the | kynges hyghnes, the .xxix. ] day of May, the yere of our Lorde .m.d.xliii. j Cvm priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Herbert 444, Dibdin iii. 321, Huth 102 1. (6)']) VI'^. 3. 4 (i). — Pia et CatJioliea Christian i Honiinis In- stitutio. Londini, in ofificina Tho. Bertheleti, 1544. Feb. 12 : fif. 88, 11. 33, 32, c. sig. (A-Y*), quarto. Marginal notes (in ital.). Head-lines. Woodcut initials. This work is a translation of the preceding. F. i^ (in border, as no. 66), Pia et Catho-|lica Christiani | Honii- nis I Listitutio. Londini. | Apvd Thomam Ber-|theletvm. ] Anno .M.D.XLHH. I f. i'', Contents, ff. 2=^— 4b, Preface, after which the royal arms, f 88'', Londini in ofticina Thomje Bertheleti re-gij impressoris typis excusum. | Anno .M.D. XLHH. duodeuigesimo | die mensis Februarij. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimen-]dum solum. Herbert 445, Dibdin iii. 322, Huth 1022. (68) Vl'^. 5. I. — Bibliotheca Eliotce. Eliot is Libraric. This dictionarie noiv newly imprinted, Anno Domini .M.D. XL VIII. is augmented and inriched with aboue jcxxiij. thonsande wordes and pJirascs, very nedefull for the knozvlage of the latin tonge : besyde the deserybyng of the true significacions of wordes, wJiichc zvcrc greatly amissc by oner muche foloivyng of Calepine. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1548. Aug. 8: ff. 579 {{{. 5, 567, and the last 5, wanting), coll. 2, char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (A^A-Z'^Aa-Zz^Aaa-ZzzSAaaa^Bbbb^Cccc^; but at end of L a single leaf is added), folio. THOMAS BERTHELET. 33 F. 1% Title, in plain woodcut border, f. 571% Thus endeth this Dictionarie, | printed at London in the house of Thomas Ber- thelet, I Anno. Domini .M.D.XLVIII. | The .viii. daie of Au- gust. I Cum priuilegio. | f. 571^, Addicions with castigacions. (69) Capell R. 16. — The praise of Folie ; MoricB Enco- mium, a booke made in latyne by that great clerke Erasmus Roterodamc. Englisshed by sir Thomas CJialoner knigJit. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1549: fif. 80 (4 non num., ^6 num.), 11. 31, char. goth. et ital., c. sig. (a'*A— T*) et ff. n., quarto. Marginal notes. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. i^ in border, as no. 66. f. 80% Imprinted at Lon-jdon in Fletestrete | in the house of Tho|mas Berthelet. | Cum priui- legio ad im-'primendum so-jlum. | Anno .M.D.LXIX. ] The date in the imprint is obviously a misprint for MDXLIX., as is given in the title-page. Herbert 452, Dibdin iii. 335, Huth 480. (70) Vl^. 3. 8 (i). — Will. Thomas, Principal rules of the Italian grammer, with a Dictionarie for the better vnderstandyng of Boccace, Petrarcha and Dante, gathered into this tongue. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1550: fif. 144, char, goth, et rom., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A-H*, A-Z*Aa-Nn*Oo-), quarto. F. 1^ in woodcut border as in no. 66. f. 144'', Imprinted at London | in Fletestrete, in the | house of Tho-|mas Berthelet. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimen-jdum solum, j Anno dhi. [ 1550. Herbert 453, Dibdin iii. 336, Huth 1466. (71) Capell H. I : Hare 29. 352. — Jo. Gower, de Confessione Amantis. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1554. Mar. 12: ff. 198 (6 non num., 191 num., i non num. and blank, wanting in Hare copy), coll. 2, 11. 48, char. goth. (rom. in head-lines, Latin quotations, &c.), c. sig. (*'5A-Z«AA-n'5) et ff. n., folio. F. I — 6, Title, dedication to Henry viii., preface and table. Herbert 456, Dibdin iii. 340. 3 34 LONDON. William Rastell (1529). (j2) vi^^. 5. 2 (iii). — Tho. More, The supply cacy on of sonlys. S. I., t. n. ct a. (London, Will. Rastell, 1529): ff. 44 (f. 44 wanting), 11. 43, char. goth. (script type), c. sig. (A— L*) et ff. n., folio. As Sir Thos. More became Lord Chancellor on Oct. 25, 1529, and is described on the title-page as holding an inferior office, we thus fix the latest possible date of the book. Again, in the collected edition (London, 1557) of the English works of Sir Thomas More (p. 288), in the title of the above work, is added "made in 1529." F. 1% QThe supplycacyon of soulys Made by syr Thomas More knyght counccllour j to our souerayn lorde the Kynge and | chauncellour of hys Duchy | of Lancaster. | d Agaynst the sup- plycacyon of beggars. Herbert 481, Dibdin iii. 382, Maitland 242, Huth 995. {71)) vi^ 5. 2 (i).— Tho. More, Dyalogc. (London, Will. Rastell), 1531. mense Mali: ff 160 (6 non num., 153 num., I non num.), 11. 42, char. goth. (script type), c. sig. (a— z*" A-C^D^) et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Q A dyaloge of syr Thomas | More knyghte : one of the | counsayll of our souerayne lorde the kyng and chaunjcelloure of hys duchy of Lancaster. Wheryn be | treatyd dyuers maters, as of the veneracy-|on 7 worshyp of ymagys 7 relyques, \ prayng to sayntis, 7 goynge on pyl grymage. Wyth many other | thyngys touchyng the pes-jtylent secte of Luther | 7 Tyndale, by the | tone bygone in | Saxony, 7 j by the | tother laboryd | to be brought in to England, d Newly ouersene by the sayd syr Thomas More ' chauncellour of England. | 1530. | ff i^ — 6^, Table. f 159'', Q Cum priuilegio regali. | d Anno domini. M.v.C.xxxi. mense Maii. f 160=*, QThe fawtes escaped in the pryntynge. Herbert 475, Dibdin iii. 373, Maitland 190, Huth 995. (74) Vi'=. 5. 2 (ii).— Tho. More, Conftttacyon of Tyndales anszvere. London, Wyllyam Rastell, 1532: ff 184 (10 non num., 326 numbered pages, i unnumbered leaf), 11. 42, char. WILLIAM RASTELL. 35 goth., c. sig. (Aa-Ee^a-v^x^A-S^T^) et pp. n., folio. Head- lines. F. 1* [in woodcut border], QThe cofutacyon j of Tyndalcs an-| swere made by syr | Thomas More | knyght lorde | chaucellour | of Eng-jlonde. | tt Prentyd at London | By wyllyam Rastell. | 1532. I cvm privilegio. fif. 2* — 20*, The preface to the crysten reader, f 20'^, blank, f 184% The fawtes escaped in the pryntynge. The present is the first part only of the work, containing the first three books. Herbert 476, Dibdin iii. 374, Maitland 193. Thomas Godfray (1532). (75) VI"^. 4. I. — A treatise coccrnynge diners of the consti- tiicyons prouyuciall and legantines. London, The. Godfray, s. a. : fif. 54, 11. 25, char, goth., c. sig. (A-F^G*^), octavo. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, below which the royal arms, f i'^, Lntroduction. i. 2% The fyrst chapiter. Ends on f 51^, then the table, f 54% Fautes in printyng. f 54^, blank. Herbert 324, Dibdin iii. 69. John Byddell (1533). (76) Vl"^. 4. 2. — Dyalogite betivene Julius the sccondc, Genius, and Saynt Peter. London, John Byddell, 1535 : fif. 32 (f i wanting), 11. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— H^), quarto. Sig. title (Jul.) on first leaf of each quire. F. 32% Q Imprynted at London by John Byd-|dell, dwellynge in Fletestrete at the | sygne of the Sonne agaynste | the Cundyte. The yere | of our lorde .M.|CCCCC. | 7. xxxv. | Cvm privilegio | regali. | f 32^^, W. de Wor4e's device [Dibdin, no. 8], in border, and with the initials L B. at the upper corners. Herbert 486, 1545, Dibdin iii. 392;/. 36 LONDON. Thomas Petyt (1536). {']']) Vl'^. 4. 3 (ii). — John Longlond, ^ Scrmond made before the kynge Jiys JiygJicncs. [Imperfect, and imprint gone, but perhaps London, Thos. Petyt, 1536] : ff. 62, 61, 65, 68, and thence to end, wanting), 11. 29, char, goth., c. sig. (A— R^...), quarto. I can find no independent reference to this book save that in Herbert, nor can I trace a copy in any other Library. Taking into account the fact that Herbert derived much information from Cam- bridge, his omission of the name of the printer of the above book renders it not improbable that his reference is to the present im- perfect copy. A similar sermon in the Lambeth Library (Maitland, p. 243), having some points of resemblance to the present, was printed by Th. Petyt in 1538. In the absence of all other evidence, this gives some colour to the behef that he printed this also. F. 1% A Sermod ma-[de before the kynge hys hyghenes at | Rychemunte, vppon good fry- J day, the yere of our lorde | ]\LCCCCC.xxxvj. by I Johan Longlond I bysshope of | Lincoln. [Below, in Roman type] Ad gloriam Christi & ad memoria | gloriosae passionis | eius. f 2^ (text from Psalm 129. 5), Qvia apvd Dominvm misericor|dia et copiosa apud eum redemptio. For John Longlond, see Athenae Oxon. i. 161. Herbert 1547. {j"^) Vl^. 4. 4. — Lyttelton, Tenures, m Englysshe. London, Thomas Petyt, s. a. : ff. 206, 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A-X^ AA-DD^EE^) ct ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. F. i^, the title, over the royal arms crowned, f. 206^, Prynted at london in j paules churche yearde at | the sygne of the may-| dens heed, by Tho-|mas Petyt. Herbert 557, Dibdin iii. 515. John Waylande (1537). (79) vi"^. 2. 3. — Prymer in Latin and Englishe. London, John Waylande, 1555. June 4: ff. 196, char. goth. maj. et JOHN WAYLANDE. 37 mill., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, *^(I^()*, 4 leaves with no sig. letter [but i. on first leaf], A-O^a-zYAa-Dd^), quarto. Head-lines. The book is printed in red and black diroughout, and is in two columns, the Latin (which is in smaller type than the English) being always on the outer side. F. i^, An vniforme and Catholyke Prymer in Latin and Eng- lishe, I with many godly and deuout prayers, newjly set forth by certayne of the cleargye with] the assente of the moste reuer- ende father in | god the Lorde Cardinall Pole hys grace : ] to be only vsed (al other sette aparte) of al | the kyng and Queues maiesties louinge 1 subiectes throughe oute all their ] realmes and dominions, accor-|ding to the Queues hygh|nes letters pa- tentes | in that behalf ] geuen. | Q Imprinted at London, by John | AVaylande the .iiii. daye of June. | (I Anno domini .M.D.L.V. | Cum priuilegio per septennium. f i^, An almanacke for|xv. yeares. ff 2^ — 4^, Calendar, fif. 5^ — ii'^, Right godly rule &c. ff. \2^ — 20b, Athan. Creed, &c. f. 21^, The matyns of our Lady (with woodcut of Annunciation). After Compline comes (f 78^) The xv. oes of sainct Brygyde. ff 85^ — 94^, Seven penitential psalms, Litany &c. ff. 102^ — 156'', The Euynsong and matyns for the deade ; and the Commendations. f. 156^, The psalms of the passion, f 168=*, Godly prayer. f. 194a, dThe form of Confessyon. f 196^, (I The Contentes of this Primer, i. 196^, The Copye of the Queues Maiesties letters Patentes. | Below this, Q Imprynted at London in Flete- strete at the | sygne of the Sunne ouer against the Con-jduite by John Wayland. | Cum priuilegio per septennium. (80) Vi^^. 5. 4 (ii). — Jhon Bochas, TJie tragedies of all such Princes as fell from theyr estates tJiroiighe the vnitability of Fortune, since the creacion of Adam... Translated into Englysh by John Lidgate, Monke of Burye. London, John Wayland, s. a. : ff. 212 (9 non num., 163 num., 40 num. ; the last leaf but one numb. 37 for 39 : the outside sheet of the last quire wanting), coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (*^A-Y*'zYWV'i''^(I^ Aa-Ff'^Gg*) et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. F. i^, Title, enclosed in woodcut border (Herbert ififra). f 10^, 38 LONDON. Woodcut of creation of Eve, between two "terminuses" oc- curring in many of Berthelet's books. To the end of book vii. the leaves are numbered, Leaf... ; in the viiith and ixth as Fol, Herbert 565, Dibdin iii. 530, Huth 176. Richard Grafton (1539). (81) Vl^. 2. I. — Orarimn. (London), ex officina Ri. Graf- toni, 1545. Sept. 6: ff. 86, 11. 19, c. sig. (^i<^A-S«T^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcuts. Printed in red and black. F. 1% Orarivm | seu libellus precatio-Inum per Regiam | maiestatem & I cleru latine I ceditus. I 1546. 1 Cum priuilegio ad | imprimen- dum I solum. | Title in red and black, surrounded by woodcut border, with royal arms above and Grafton's monogram below. f. i'^, Table, ff. 2^ — 7^, Calendar, f. 8% Almanach pro .22. Annis. f. 8^, Crown and plume of Edward, Prince of Wales, ff. 9* — 10% Letter of Henry viii. to his subjects, f. 10^, Wood- cut of Annunciation, f. 85^, The copy of the Kynges highnes | bill assigned [in char. goth.]. f. 86=^, as on f. 8^. f. 86^ Ri. Grafton's emblem, below which, Ex officina Richardi Graftoni | Clarissimo Principi Edouardo a | typographica .vi. die mensis Sep. I Anno .M.D.XLV. | Cum priuilegio ad impri-|mendum solum. Herbert 521, Dibdin iii. 452. (82) vi^. 2. 2 (vi). — TJie forme and nianer of uiahyng and consecratyng of Ai'cJicbishoppcs, BisJioppcs, Pricstcs and Deacons. (London), Ri. Grafton, 1549. mcnse Martii : ff. 40, char, goth., maj. et min. (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (A— K^), quarto. F. i'"^, Title, in 'window-frame' border, f. 4o-'», Ri. Grafton's emblem, below which, Richardvs Grafton | typographus Regius | excudebat. I Mense Martij. A. M.D.XLIX. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, f 40^^, blank. Herbert 529, Dibdin iii. 467;/. (83) VP. 5. 3. — John Marbeck, A Cojieorddee, that is to sale, a worke wherein by the ordre of the letters of the A. B.C. RICHARD GRAFTON. 39 ye male redely finde any wovde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there expressed or mencioned. (London), Ri. Grafton, 1550. mense Julii : fif. 420, coll. 3, char, goth., c. sig. (a<5A-Z'^'Aa-Zz'5Aaa<5-Vvv''), folio. Head-lines. F, i^, Title, in woodcut border, ff. 2^ — 3^ the compiler's dedication to Edward vi. f. 4, Address to the reader, f. 5^, Table explaining the Roman numerals, f. 5'', Full-page wood- cut with Grafton's device, f. 6, blank, f. 420'', Richardvs Grafton, | typographus Regius excudebat. | Mense lulij. | A. M.D.L. I Cum priuilegio ad imprimendura solum. | Above the imprint is a cut, figured by Dibdin (infra). This work is the first concordance to the English Bible. There is no cut annexed to this copy, as in that described by Herbert, of Henry viii. and his council. Herbert 531, Dibdin iii. 469. (84) Vi^ 5. 5 : Capell F. 14. — Edw. Halle, The iniion of the tivo noble and illnstre faniclics of Lancastre and Yorke. London, Rychard Grafton, 1550: fif. 664 (ff i, 3, 4, wanting in former copy), 11. 45, char. goth. maj. et min. (in tables), c. sig. (as below) et fif. n., folio. Marginal notes. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. The former of the two above copies agrees exactly with what is called the Third Edition in the Grenville Catalogue (i. 298). There are separate signatures and pagination for the several reigns. F. I, Title, wanting, ff. 2, 3 [f 3 wanting], Author's dedication to Edward vi. and Grafton's address to the reader, f 4, Table, etc. [wanting]. Henry iv., A^B-E^F" [F, the Table: in Aiiii, Av, a small a is printed], fif. 34. Henry v., a-g^h-P [I, the Table], ff 52. Henry vi., a-qVs* [for sig. qii is printed Ffii : in s. Table, ff 3, last leaf blank], fif 108. Edward iv., A-P K^L* [Table begins on recto of K^ L* blank], fif. 66. Edward v., AA-DD'' and Table on aai, fif 25. Richard iii. [beginning on aa ii], aa — ee'"'fif^ [the last leaf, blank, wanting : Table begins on verso of f 7], fif. 37. Henry vii., aaa-iii''kkk®lll^ [HI, the Table : the last leaf of this and of the preceding quires are blank: for gggiiii is printed gggiiiii], fif 66. Henry viii., 40 LONDON. a-z^A-Z^ [last leaf, probably blank, wanting : the Table begins on the verso of X* : for S ii is printed s ii, and in Y ii, iii, and iv, L is printed for Y], ff. 276. The Capell copy agrees with the above from sig. d ii (inclusive) in Henry v. All the blank leaves, however, are wanting : the first leaf of Z in Henry viii. is wanting, but supplied in MS. As regards the earlier parts, in which the Capell copy differs from the other, all the preliminary matter is wanting, and the signatures follow thus : Henry iv., A^B-E^F- [F, the Table : the sig. in A are quite regular]. Henry v., F-H'^I\ after which the book is perfected from another edition. This agrees with the first edition by Grafton, as described in the Grenville Catalogue (297), where the signatures run con- tinuously through Henry iv. and Henry v., and the F of the table of the former is followed by F (of a different fount) at the beginning of the latter. Also in this fragment the pagination is continued, in- stead of beginning anew with a fresh reign ; and it has not the numerals in the inner margin like the second edition. (85) III. II. 51 (i). — Vita ct obitus dvorum fratrvm Snffol- ciensijtm. Londini, in sedibus Ri. Graftoni, s. a. (probably 1552) : ff. 62, char. ital. et graec. (char. rem. in introd.), c. sig. (a [A ij for a ij] -e^A-K^L^), quarto. F. 1% Vita et ob-|itvs dvorvm fra-|trvm Sufifolciensium, Henrici et Caroli Bran-]doni prestanti virtute, et splendore nobilita-|tis ducum illustrissimorum, duabus | epistolis explicata. | Adduntur Epitaphia et acroamata in eosdem j grcece et latine conscripta, cum Cantabrigiensiu | tum Oxoniensiu iugi comentatione et industria. | Affiguntur prseterea ad calcem libri qua^dam ] epi- grammata in alios prreclaros cum viros tum | etiam mulieres, quibus nomen memora-|bile fuit, et vita summis ornamentis | illustrata. ff. 2^ — 3*, Dedication of Thomas Wilson, the editor of the work, to Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk, f 3^^, Poem of same. ff. 4-"^ — 10^, Walter Haddon's Epistola de vita et obitu fratrum Suffolciensium. f 10'% De vita et obitu frajtrum Suffolciensium, Thomas Vvilsonus | vtrique olim famulus. Ends on f 19^'. On 20'"^, Serenissimae I Principi, Dominae Fran- ciscae, | sorori Sufifolciensium, & Vxori D. Marchio-|nis illustriss. Ducis nunc Suffolciae, Thomas Wilsonus jS.D. | f 62^, Ex- RICHARD GRAFTON. 4I cvsvm Londini | in aedibus Richardi | Graftoni, Typogra-|phi Regij. I Cum Priuilegio ad Imprimen-ldum solum. Thomas Wilson (for whom see Athenae Cantab, i. 434, 568) was tutor at Cambridge to Henry and Charles Brandon, successively dukes of Suffolk, both of whom died at Cambridge in 155 1. Herbert 533, Dibdin iii. 474, Grenville 93. (86) Hare 30. i. — TJie Bible in Englishe, according to the translation of the great Byble. London, Rich. Grafton, 1553 : ff. 478 (2 non num., 380 [numbered 382], 93 [numbered 92], 2 non num., and i blank [wanting]), coll. 2., 11. 62, char. goth. minim., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, a— z^A— Z^ [z printed for Z throughout the quire] 7V : A— M^) et ff. n. (irregular), quarto. Marginal references and indication of daily lessons. F. I, Title, wanting, f. 2, Table, wanting, ff. 3 — 382 (numbered I — 382), Old Test, and Apocrypha, ff. 383 — 475 (numbered I — 92), New Test, ff 467, 477 (unnumbered), Table, f. 306^ (sig. Qii), Old Test, ends, ([The ende of the Prophecie of Ma-[lachy, and consequently of all | the Prophetes. f. 307^, U The volume of | the Bookes, called | Hagiographa (in woodcut border), f. 382^, QThe ende of the olde Testa-|mente. f. 383^ (in same border as above), The newe Testa-|mente in Englishe, tran-| slated after the Greke, | conteinyng these | Bookes (then follows list of books), f. 476^, A Table to fynde|the Epystles and Gospels | vsually read in the churche, after Salys- bury|vse. . . f. 477*^, Imprinted at Lon|don by Richarde Grafton, printer to the | Kinges highnes. | An. M.DLIII. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Herbert 536, Dibdin iii. 478, Aedes Alth. i. 65, Lea Wilson no. 24. John Mayler (1539). (87) VF. 4. I. — Novimi Testanientmn Latinnm, ad anti- qnissinia Grcscoriim exeniplaria . . . castigatiint . . . per Gaiter tun Deloeniim, RcEgics Maiestatis Anglicance Biblioscopmn. Lon- dini, Joannes Mayler, 1540: ff. 268 (24 non num., 229 num. 42 LONDON. [the last numb. 228], 3 non num., 12 non num.), char. rom. (notes and marg. reff. in ital., with a few phrases in Greek and Heb.), c. sig. (a-f^ A-Z^Aa-Hh'Ii^'^Kk-Zz-'AAa-KKk^LLP, MMm— Ooo^) et ff. n., quarto. Hcad-Hncs. F. I, Title, f. 2, blank, ff. 3^—221^, Prsef. ad Regem. f. 23*, ad lectorem. f. 24, blank. ff. 25 — 153 (num. i — 129), Gospels and Acts. f. 154, blank, ff. 155 — 253 (num. 130 — 228), Epp. and Apocal. f 254, errata, f 255^, ad lectorem. f 256, blank, ff. 257 — 268, Pleonexegesis per Gal. Deloenum. Between ff. 2, 3 is inserted a fragment (ff. 8) of an Elizabethan Prayer Book, containing the Table of Lessons. Herbert 571, Dibdin iii. 542. (88) Vl"^. 7. 2a (iii). — Jo. Leiandus, Bononia Gallomastix. Londini, Joannes Mayler, 1545 : ff. 4, c. sig. (A*), s. cust., quarto. F. 1=^, Bononia Gallo[mastix. | In lavdem felicissimi victoris | Henrici octavi Anglici, Francici, Scottici | Hibernici. | Joanne Lelando Antiquario | autore. | ... Excvdebat Londini Joannes] Mayler. | Anno Domini .1545. Herbert 573, Dibdin iii. 545//. Edward Whitchurch (1539). (89) Vl^. 2. 4 (i). — TJie Primer, set foortJi by the Kynges maiestie. London, Edw. Whitechurche, 1545, June 19: ff. 134, char. goth. (except head-lines and marginal notes), c. sig. (f^****^ A-U^AA-KK^LL^), quarto. Woodcut initials. Ru- brics, capitals, &c., in red. F. i^, The Pri-|mer, set foortli by the Kynges maiestie and | his Clergie, to be taught lerned, 7 read : and none | other to be vsed I throughout I all his | dominions. | M.D.XLV. i. \°, The contcntes of this booke. | The kalendre. | The Kynges highnes iniunction. | The prayer of our Lord. | The salutation of the Angell. I The Crede or articles of the fayth. I The ten com- maundementes. | Certen graces. | The Matyns. | The Euensong. 1 EDWARD WHITCHURCH. 43 The Compline. | The Seuen psalmes. | The Letany. | The Dirige. | The Commendations. | The Psahiis of the passion. ] The Passion of our Lord. | Certen godly prayers, for sundry pur-lposes. f. 44^, blank, f. 44^, Woodcut of Bathsheba. f. 134^, The copy of the Kynges highnesjbil assigned, f. 134'' (below em- blem of sun, &c.), Imprinted at | London, in Fletestrete at the | signe of the Sunne, ouer | agaynst the con-jduyte, by Ed-jward Whit-|churche, I the | xix. day of I lune. ] M.D.XLV. | Cum pri- uilegio ad im-]primendum solum. Herbert 542, Dibdin iii. 4S7. (90) Capell T. 4 (i). — Roger Ascham, Toxophilus, The scJiole of sJiootinge, conteyned in two bookcs. To all Gentlemen and yonien of Englande, pleasannte for tJieyr pasty nie to rede, and profitable for tJieyr 7ise to folozv, both in ivar and peaee. Londini, in aedibus Edouardi Whytchurch, 1545 : ff. 96 (8 non num., 50 num., 38 num. [wrongly given as 42]), 11. 31, char. goth. (rem. in head-lines and dedication), c. sig. (A*a*, A— Y*), quarto. Woodcut initials. F. I, Frontispiece (wanting), ff. 2, 3, Dedication to Henry viii, f. 4, To all gentlemen and yomen of | Englande. ff. 7, 8, title and table. These two leaves have been bound in this copy so as to come at the beginning. Herbert 541, Dibdin iii. 486, Grenville 49. (91) Vl<^. 5. 6. — Erasmus's Paraphrase. Vol. I. London, Edw. Whitchurche, 1548, Jan. 31 : ff. 566, (12 non num., 100 num., 6 non num., 83 num., i blank, 12 non num., 170 num., 7 non num., 103 num., 81 num., i blank, pasted on to pre- ceding), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (6 leaves without sig. letter, :^ A-O'^R* ; i^A-O'' [on ff. i, 3, 4, of quire A, Aa is put]; a«.-.-.«,Vz'5aa-dd«ee^ A-R^S^ A-N^^O^) et ff n., folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. F. i^ (in woodcut border; Herbert, iifra), The first tome or vo-|lume of the Paraphrase of | Erasmus vpon the newe | testamente. | Enpriented at London in Flete-|strete at the signe of the sunne by | Edwarde Whitchurche the | last dale of Janu- 44 LONDON. arie. |Anno Domini. | 1548. f. 565^, QThe ende of the first Tome I of the Paraplirasis, Printed at London by | Edwarde Whitchurche. I Cum Priuilegio Regali Ad| Imprimendum Solum. Herbert 545, Dibdin iii. 491. (92) VT'^. 5. 7. — Erasmus's Paraphrase. Vol. 2. London, Edw. Whitchurch, 1552. June 2: ff. 334 (18 non num., 326 num.), char. goth. (translation of Scripture in rom.), c. sig. (aa^ a'^'Oa'^ A-ZSAa-Rr^Ss^^) et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. F. I* (in same border as preceding), The seconde tome | or volume of the Paraphrase of E-]rasmus vpon the newe testa- ment : contey-|nyng the Epistles of S. Paul, 7 other the | Apos- tles. Wheruto is added a Paraphrase | vpon the Reuelacion of S. John. With a | table collected of the principal matters, | noted in the margent. j Imprinted at London in Flete-|strete at the signe of the Sunne by Edward j Whitchurch, the .ii. | daye of June. I Cum priuilegio ad j imprimen-ldum solum. | Anno domini 1552. 1 ff. I — 6, Title, dedication, and argument of the Romans, ff. 7 — 18, Table [in 4 coll.], by Thom. Norton. Thomas Raynalde (1540). (93) Grylls 3. 259 (i). — Jhon Bale, The Actes of Englysh votaryes, compreheding tJicyr vnchast practyscs 7 exdples by all ages, fro y^ worldcs beginning to tins present yeare, collected out of theyr oivn legcndes 7 Chronycles. [First Part.] London, Thomas Raynalde, 1548: ff. 84, 11. 31, 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A-K^L*) et ff. n. (f. "^t^ wrongly given 85), octavo. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, ff. 1^—7% Preface, f. 84% Imprinted at Lond5 in saynt Andrejwes Parysh, In the Waredrop, By | Thomas Raynalde. | M.D.XLVIII. | Cum priuilegio. This copy has been bound up with the Introduction to the first part and the whole of the second part of tlie Actes in the edition printed for Abr. Vele in 1551. Herbert 582, Dibdin iii. 568. THOMAS RAYNALDE. 45 (94) Vi^. 4. I. — The Byblc... translated into EnglisJie by Thomas MattJieiue. London, Thomas Raynalde and William Hyll, 1549 : [Imperfect : ff. i — 20, and all after sig. h vii in the N.T., wanting], coll. 2, 11. 53, 54, char, goth maj. et min., c. sig. (as below) et fif. n. (very irregular), folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Ff. I — 20 of introductory matter, wanting : Vnto the Reader W.T. [pp. 3] Genesis to end of Job, A-Z'^aa [Aai for aai] -ttVv*, ff. 254 [the last wrongly given 244]. Psalms to end of O.T. and Apocrypha, Aa-Yy«AA-YY''AAa«BBb«CCc*^DDd«, ff. 302, the last blank, the preceding one wrongly numbered 340. The end of the Canonical books is on the recto of KK iiii. The N.T. has a fresh title. Gospels and Acts, A-HT^°, fif. 74 (the last wrongly numbered 86). Epistles and Revelation, a-c'^d-h® : all after h vii wanting. Herbert 583, Dibdin iii. 570, Lea Wilson no. 14. William Bonham (1542). (95) Vl^. 4. 3 (iii). — Primer, in English, ivith Exposition of Psalms li. and xxx., and Epistles and Gospels. [Imperfect.] London, Wyllyam Bonham, s. a. (c. 1545) : coll. 2 (in Expos, and in Ep. and Gosp.), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. et fif. n., s. cust., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. In this copy most of the Primer itself is wanting (perhaps to be explained by the fact that bound up in the volume is a copy of a Sarum Horae of 1498 to be described afterwards), and the fragment of the Primer with the exposition following is bound so as to follow the Ep. and Gosp., which should properly have been placed after it. The fragment of the Primer and the Exposition have sig. (T-X^) and pagination continuously (fif. 147 — 176, very irregularly numbered). All after sig. X, apparently a 6-leaf quire, is wanting. The fragment of the Primer is printed in large gothic type, in red and black, the remainder of the book in smaller type, in black only, except the title of the Exposition. Begins f 147 (sig. T. i.), on St. Stephen's day, (below head-line, called coUettes), Verse. They wayted for the soule of the 46 LONDON. iuste. I The primer ends on f. i5i'\ f- 151'^ (below head-line, An exposition), d An exposition after the maner of a contem| placyon vpon the .li. psalme, called Miserere | mei deus, which Hierom of Farrarye made 1 at the latter ende of his dayes. | Ends f. 163-' (sig. X.iiii., num. 172), col. i, below 11. 10; then follows, QA meditacyo of the | same leroni vpon the 1 Psalme of In te dne speraui. | whiche preuented by death | he coulde not finishe. The Epistles and Gospels, which are complete, have separate sig. (A-F®) and pagination (fif. 1-48). F. 1% Here begynneth the I Pistels and Gospels of the Sondayes and | festyuall holy dayes, newly correc-|ted and amended. | f- 39^ (below head- line, The Epistles and). Here begynneth the | Pystles and gosples on the sayntes dayes. | Ends f. 48'', Q Imprinted in Paules churche | yarde by Wyllyam Bonham. William Middleton (1542). (96) Grylls 10. 233 (i). — Froissart, CJironiclcs, translated into English by Lord Berners. Vol. i. LiTidon, Wyllyam Myddylton, s. a. : ff. 332 (10 non num., 322 num.), coll. 2, 11. 54 (in full page), char, goth., c. sig. (A*^B^ a-v'^aa— vv^aaa— nnn^Goo^), oust, (rarely and irregularly) et ff. n., folio. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. This volume, containing the first and second books of the Chronicles, is bound up with Pynson's edition of the second volume, described above (no. 28). F. 1=^ (in woodcut border). Here begynnith the firste|volum of Syr John Froissart : of the Cro-lnycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, | Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretaine, Flaunders : and | other places adioynynge. Translated oute of | Frenche into oure materall {sic) Englysshe tongue, by | John Bouchier knyghte, lorde Berners : At the 1 comaundement of oure moste hyghe redouted soue-|raygne lorde kynge Henrye the. viij. kynge of En-|glande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of | the faith : and of the church of Englande | and also of Irelande in earth the I supreme heade. f i''. Royal arms. f. 2, Translator's WILLIAM MIDDLETON. 47 preface, ff. 3 — 10, Table, f. 332-'^ (num. 322), col. i, Thus endeth the firste volume of sir|Johan Froyssart :... Imprinted at Ludon | in Flestrete at the signe of the George by. | Wyllyam Myddylton. Herbert 576, Dibdin iii. 552. John Reynes (1542). (97) Vl^. 7. 19: Capell F. 16. — Rob. Fabyan, The Chroni- cle of Fabyan, wJncJie he hym sclfe navictJi the coiicordaiince of historyes, nozve newely printed, 7 in many places corrected, as to the dylygent reader it may apere. London, John Reynes, 1542 : ff. 432 (vol. i., ff. 10 non num., 336 numbered pages, and one unnumbered leaf : vol. ii., ff. 7 non num., 490 numbered pages [for 491] and one blank page), coll. 2, 11. 46, char, goth., c. sig. (A*^B*, a-x^z'^A-E*' ; ^''aa-zz^Aaa- Sss^) et pp. n., folio. Woodcut initials. Head-lines. Mar- ginal notes. Title (wanting in former copy) in woodcut border (as no. 74), used by Will. Rastell ; below which, ff Printed by John Rey-|nes, dwellynge at the | sygne of saynte | George in | Paules | churcheyarde. | ff. 2 — 10, Table. The 2nd vol, begins on the last leaf of quire E. As the printed name occurs on the title-page to the first volume only, it is impossible to say to which of the two we are to assign the former copy. Some copies of this edition bear the name of William Bonham ; as those described in the Grenville (240) and Huth (502) Catalogues. Herbert 415, Dibdin 268. Reynold Wolfe (1542), (98) Vl'^. 7. 2a (ii). — Jo. Leland, Naeniae in mortem Th. Viati. Londini, (Rey. Wolfe), 1542 : ff. 6, c. sig. (A^), s. cust, quarto. Head-line. F. 1% Naeniae | in mortem Thomae | Viati equitis | incom-|parabilis. | Joanne Lelando j Antiqvario. | Avtore. | Londini. | Anno .ALD. 48 LONDON. XLII. I f. i'^, In effigiem Tho-|mae Viati. | ... Below is wood- cut portrait of Wyatt. f. 6% below 11. 22, Londini. | Ad signum senei Serpentis. Herbert 597, Dibdin iv. 7, Maitland 1542. (99) ^'^"^ 3- I (vi) : Vl<^. I. I (xii). — D. Joannis Chrysostomi, Honiilice diicu, luinc p7'im2im in Inccm cEdit(2 et ad Sereniss. AnglicB Regent latince factcB a Joanne Cheko Cantabrigiensi. Londini, apud Reynerum Vuolfium, 1543. mense Augusto : ff. 52 (4 non num., 34 num. pages and i unnumbered leaf: 58 numbered pages and i unnumbered leaf), 11. 30 (in the Greek), 22 (in the Latin), c. sig. (A— D^E*^ : a— f^g*^ ; the last quire wanting in the second copy) et pp. n., quarto. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. F. I, Title, fif. 2 — 4, Dedication to Henry viii. ff. 5^ — 2\^, Greek text. f. 22% Imprint in Greek, f. 22'^ blank, f. 23^ — 51^, Latin text. f. 52% Londini] Apud Reynerum Vuolfium in | Coemiterio Diui Pauli i ad signum aenei ser-jpentis. | Anno. M.D. XLIII. I Mense Augusto. f. 52^, Tree of Charity. Herbert 597, Dibdin iv. 9. (100) Vl'^. 3. 9. — Pet. Marty ris, Tractatio de Sacramento Evcharisti(B habita in celclcbcrrima vniiicrsitate Oxonicnsi in Anglia : Dispntatio de eodeni EvcJiaristice Sacrainento in cadeni Vniiiersitate per eundcni. Londini, ad jeneum serpentem (Reyn. Wolfe), (1549) : ff. 174 (8 non num., 67 num., i blank : 4 non num., 94 num.), 11. 32, c. sig. (a'*5'*A— R^ : 4 unsigned leaves [the first marked i] a— z^Aa'*) et ff. n., quarto. Head- lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. In this copy quire b is wanting, quire c being bound up twice over. Some fragments of the above work (the title of the Dispntatio, f. num. 24, and the outside half sheet of quire 1) are bound up with a copy of Jewell's Apology (vi'^. i. 9). Maitland 225. (loi) Vl'^. 3. 10. — Tho. (Cranmer), A defence of the true and cat ho like doctrine of the sacrament of the body and blond of our REYNOLD WOLFE. 49 sauiour CHRIST. London, Reynold Wolfe, 1550: ff. 125 {4 non num., 117 num. [ii6 wrongly given], 4 non num.), 11. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (**A— Z'* [with single leaf added after S. i.] Aa— Gg* [G given for Gg]) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1=^, Title, in woodcut border (Herbert, infra), f. i'^, Contents, ff. 2^ — 4^", Preface, f. 122% work ends. f. 122^, blank, ff. 123=^ — 124*^, Table, f. 125% R. Wolfe's emblem [brazen ser- pent], below which, Imprinted at London in Poules j churche- yarde at the signe of the Bra-|sen serpent, by Reynold Wolfe. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimen-|dum solum. | Anno domini. M.D.L. The above copy is of the 2nd of the two editions issued in the year 1550. In the first edition (Huth 364) a list of the errata is given on f 122^; in the second, these have been corrected and the page is left blank. Herbert 600, Dibdin iv. 12. (102) Vi^. 3. I (iv). — (Rob. Recorde), The patJnvay to know- ledg containing the first principles of Geometric, as they may moste aptly be applied vnto practise. London, Reynold Wolfe, 155 I : fif. 92, char. ital. maj. et min., c. sig. i^\%^^f, A-H*P: a— l^m-), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Mathematical figures. F. 1% Title, f. 1^, Argument to the four books, f. 2% Address to reader, ff. 3=*' — 7^, Dedication to Edward vi. fif. Z^ — ii^, Preface, f. 12, blank. Part 2 begins on f. 47^, The seconde booke of the Principles of Geometry... Ends on f 92^, Im- printed at London in Poules | churcheyarde, at the signe of tlie Bra-jsen serpent, by Reynold Wolfe. | ... Anno Domini. M.D. LI. I f. 92^, R. Wolfe's emblem (brazen serpent). Herbert 601, Dibdin iv. 16. (103) vi^. I. II (ii). — Catechismus brevis, ChristiancB disci- plincB summani continens, omnibus Ludimagistris authoritate Regia com^nendatus : Hvic Catechismo adiuncti sunt Articuli, de quibus in vltima Synodo Londinensi, Anno Dom. 1552. ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem, et consensum uercE religionis 4 50 LONDON. firmmidiim, inter Episcopos et alios eniditos atque pios uiros comienerat ; Regia similiter authoritate proniulgati. Londini, Regin. Wolfius, 1553: ff. 72 (the last 3 blank), 11. 20, c. sig. (a— i^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, ff. 2^ — 3% King's edict to all schoolmasters (in ital.). ff. 4="— 5% Catechism. {{. 52=1— 68^ Articles, f. 69% Tree of charity, below which, Excusum Londini, apud Reginal-| dum Wolfium, Regias Ma-|iestatis in Latinis | Typographum. | Anno Domini. M.D.LIIT. Herbert 608, Dibdin iv. 19, Huth 274. (104) Hare 42. 244. — Wolfg. Musculus, Common places of Christian Religion, gathered by Wolfgangus ATtiscnhis, for the vse of snche as desire the knoiv ledge of Godly truthe, translated out of Latine into Englishe. Hereunto are added tzvo other treatises, made by the same Author, one of Othes, and an other of Vsurye. London, Reginalde Wolfe, 1563 : ff. 625 (6 non num., 587 num., 32 non num.), 11. 50, char, goth., (preface, head-lines and marg. notes in rom.), c. sig. (•[*", A— Y*^Aa— Zz^Aaa— Zzz^ Aaaa— Cccc^Dddd^, a^b [a single leaf containing errata in- serted before last blank leaf]^^ a— cM*") et ff. n., folio. Wood- cut initials. This book belonged in 1620 to Will. Dowsing, who has entered a large number of marginal notes throughout the book. Herbert 608, Dibdin iv. 28. (105) Yl'^. I, II (i). — Liber Preevm Publicarum Eeelesics AnglicaiKS, in iimentutis GrcEcarum literarum studiosce gratiam, latine GrcBceque editus. Londini, Regin. Wolfius, 1569: ff. 68 (the last blank), coll. 2, char, graec. et rom. (ital. in pref), c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves. A— H^) et pp. n., octavo. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. F. i%Tide in Latin and Greek, below which the "tree of charity," and, Londini I Anno Domini. M.D.LXIX. | ff. i^ — 3% Whita- ker's preface to Alex. Nowell, dean of St. Paul's. Work ends f 67* (num. p. 125), Errata, below which, Excusum Londini REYNOLD WOLFE. 5 I apud Reginal-|dum Wolfium, Regise Maiestati in | Latinis Ty- pogra-lphum. For W. Whitaker see Athenae Cantab, ii. 196. Herbert 611, Dibdin iv. 32. (106) VI''. I. 12 (i). — Liber precuin publicaruui, seu minis terij Ecclesiastic<2 administrationis Sacrameiitomm, aliommqne ritmmi et ccBremoniariim in Ecclesia Anglicana. Londini, Regin. Wolfius, s. a. (1571-2) : ff. 300, c. sig. (*^^^^"^t^3^3'^ ; A— Z^Aa— li^), i6mo. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Table in ''architective" border, f. 2% Statutum de vni- formi ra-|tione comunium precum, | ... ends f. Io^ ff. 11^ — 43% Preface, Calendar, etc. f. 44, blank. f, 299^, "Tree of Charity," below which, Excusum Londini apud | Reginaldum Wolfium, Regise | Maiest. in Latinis Typo-|graphum. | Cum Priuilegio Regise | Maiestatis. f. 300, blank. This edition of the Prayer Book is undated, but the accompanying Psalter (see next article) has the date 157 1 on the title-page and 1572 in the imprint. Herbert 611, Dibdin iv. -^t,. (107) VI''. I. 12 (ii). — Liber Psalmorum Daiiidis, Prophetce et Regis. Londini, Regin. Wolfius, 1572: ff. 152, c. sig. (A— T^), i6mo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, below which, 1571, in border as preceding, f. 152^, Imprint, exactly as preceding. Herbert 611, Dibdin iv. 33. John Herforde (1544). (108) vi*^. 2. 4 (ii). — Pistels and Gospels. London, Jhon Herforde, s. a. (c. 1545 — 47) : ff. 60, char, goth., c. sig. (A— P*) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines (in rom.). Woodcut initials. F. I*, Q Here begynneth the | Pistels and Gospels of the Sondayes | and festiuall holy dayes, newly corrected | and amended. | Ends f. 45^. On f. 46^, Here begynneth the py-|stels and 52 LONDON. gospels on the sayntes dayes. | Ends f. 58^ Then follows table, ending f. 60^, below which, Q Imprinted at London in Aldersgate strete | by Jhon Herforde. | Herbert 1790, Dibdin iv. 559. (109) vr'. I. 10. — Stcph. Gardiner, y4 detection of tJic DciiiV s Sophistric. London, Jhon Herforde, 1546: ff. 136, 11. 25, char. goth. (quotations in rom. ; all sig. E is in Greek, and all sig. F [Latin] in char, rom.), c. sig. (A— D^E^F— R^S'*) et ff. n., octavo. Marginal notes. F. I* {in border), A detecjtion of the | Deuils Sophistrie, wher-|with he robbeth the vn-llearned people, of the | true byleef, in the | most blessed Sa-lcrament of thejaulter. | Below which (in ital.), 2 Cor, xi. Timeo...simplicitate. | f. 136^, Q Prynted at London in Aldersgate | strete, by Jhon Herforde, at the I costes 7 charges of Roberte | Toye, dwellynge in | Paules churche | yarde, at the | sygne of | the Bell. | 1546. | Herbert 578, Dibdin iii. 557, Grenville 833, INIaitland 213, Huth 575. Richard Kele (1545). (tig) Capell *. 5. — Proverbcs or Adagies, gathered cute of the CJiiliades of Erasmus by Ryeharde Taiierner. London, Rycharde Kele, 1552: ff. 80, char. goth. (ital. in table, &c.), c. sig. (A— K^) et ff. n., small octavo. F. 1=* (in border with N.H. on sill), Proverbes|or Adagies, gathered | oute of the Chiliades of E-jrasmus by Rycharde Ta-Iuerner. With newe ad-|dicions as well of La-| of ue rbes {sic) as I Englysshe. I An .M.D.LH. |Cum priuilegio ad im-|pri- mendum solum. 1 f. 50% Imprinted at London by Ry-|charde Kele, dwellynge in | Lombarde strete nere | vnto the stockes | market at the | sygne of the | Egle. [ Anno. M.D.LII. Herbert 747 (?), Dibdin iv. 303. (in) Capell C. 2. — Geoff. Chaucer, TIic zvorkes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers zvorkes luhiche ivere neuer in tirint before: As in the table more playnly do the appcre. RICHARD KELE. 53 London, Rycharde Kele, s. a. : ff. 360 (8 non num., 351 num. [wrongly given as 355] and i blank), coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (AS, B-U«X^ Aa-Zz«Aaa-Oqq*^) et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Two woodcuts. There is a fresh title for the Romauiit of the Rose on sig. Aa i. This edition is found with different booksellers' names in the imprint. The Huth copy (p. 306), which has the name of Tho. Petit, agrees exactly with the above ; e.g. ff. 2, 3, of quire A are both signed Aii. r. 359^, Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele | dwellynge in Lombarde strete nere vnto | the stockes market at the sygne 1 of the Egle. Herbert 747, Dibdin \\\ 3037;. John Day (1546). (112) VI^. 3. Ti (ii). — Anth. Cope, A godly meditacion vpon XX. select and chosen Psahnes of the Prophet Datdd, as wel neces- sary to al them that are desirous to hane y^ darke wordes of the Prophet declared and made playn : as also f miff nil to sjichc as delyte in the contcniplatio of the spiritual nicanyng of them. London, Jhon Daye, 1547: ff. 100 (last blank, wanting), 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (*^ A— Y^AaBb'*), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1=^ (below title), (I Imprinted at London in | Sepulchres paryshe a lytle aboue | Holbourne Conduit at the sygne | of the Resur- rection by I Jhon Daye. | Q Anno. M.d.xlvii. | Herbert 617, Dibdin iv. 50. (113) Vl'^. I. II. — Rob. Crowley, TJie confutation of .xiii. Articles, wherunto Nicolas Shaxton, late by shop of Salilburye (sic) subscribed and caused be set for the in print tJie ycre of our Lorde .M.C. (sic pro D) xlvi. luhe he recanted in Smithficlde at London, at the burning of mestres Anne Askue, ivhich is liuely set forth in the figure folozvynge. London, John Day and William Seres, s. a. (after Nov. 26, 1548) : 'ff. 80, 11. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K^), octavo. Head-lines. 54 LONDON. F. i^ (below title), Imprinted [at London, by John Day, land William Seres, dwellynge | in Sepulchres parish, at the | signe of the Resurrecti-jon, a litle aboue Hol-jbourne conduite. Between quires A and B is a folding woodcut plate of the burning of Anne Askew. This copy bears the autograph of Sir Robert Cotton. Herbert 620, Dibdin iv. 55. (114) VI^. 5. 2. — The Byble, that is to say all the holy Scripture: In whych are cotayned the Olde and New Testamente, truly 7 purely trdslatcd into English, 7 nowe lately zvith grcate industry 7 diligcce recognised. [Matthew's version.] London, John Daye and William Seres, 1549. Aug. 17: ff. 568, coll. 2, 11. 65, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut border and initials. Ff 1—20, introductory matter; sig. AA'^BB'CC* [for BB i is printed AAi, and for CC i, C i], fif. 20, non num. ff 21 — 108, Pentateuch, sig. D-R^R^, ff 88, num. [the last wrongly num. 86]. ff. 109 — 222, Joshua to Job, sig. Aa-Tt^ ff. 114 num. [the last wrongly num. 113]. ff. 223 — 370, rest of O.T. sig. AA-GG'HH«II-ZZ«AAa« [last, blank, wanting], ff. 148 num. [for 147, 145 is given, because of 2 non num. leaves between ff. 48, 49]. ff. 371 — 446, Apocrypha, sig. Aaa-Mmm^Nnn*, ff. 76 num. ff. 447 — 568, New Test., sig. A-T*'U®, ff. 122 num. [last wrongly given 123]. i. 568^', The ende of the newe Testa- ment, and of the whole Byble. | (I To the honoure and prayse of God was this Bible printed 7 1 fynyshed. In the yeare of oure Lorde God. | Anno M.D.xlix. i Imprinted at London by | John Daye dwellynge at Aldersgate, and \Villyam Seres | dwellynge in Peter coUedge towarde Ludgate. | These bokes are to be solde by the lyttle conduyte [ in Chepesyde. I fl Cum Priuilegio ad impri-|mendum solum. Herbert 621, Dibdin iv. 58, Lea Wilson no. 15, Grenville 77, Huth 142. (115) VI^. r. 14 (iii). — The. Lever, A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the .xiiii. day of December. Anno .M.D.L. Lon- JOHN DAY. 55 don, Jhon Day, s. a. (after Dec. 14, 1550) : ff. 60, 11. 24, char. goth., c. sig. (A— G*^H*), octavo. Head-lines. F. i^, Tide, in border (Herbert, /. c.) ; flf. 2^—8^, Epistle to the Lords and others of the Privy Council, f 60'', Imprynted at I London by Jhon | Day dwellyng ouer | Aldersgate. \ Cum priuilegio... For Thomas Lever, who was ]\Laster of St. John's College, 1551 — 1553, see Athenae Cantab, i. 366, 565. Herbert 624, Dibdin iv. 61, Huth 842. (116) Vl'^. I. 15 (ii). — Joh. Bale, The Apology of Johan Bale agaynste a rankc Papyst, ajinsivcring both Jiyin and hys doctoiirs, tJiat neythcr their voivcs iiov yet their pricstJiode are of the Gospell, but of AnticJirist. Anno Do. J\I.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also vpo the. xxx Chaptre of Nmneri, zuhich zvas the first occasion of thys present varyaiince. London, Jhon Day, s. a. (not before 1550) : ff. 160, 11. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— U^) et ff n., octavo. Head-lines. F. i^, Tide, ff 2^—7^^ Dedication to Edward vi. ff. 7'^ — 15^, Preface, ff 15^ — 149^ The Apology, ff 150^— 157a (num. cxlix), Brefe exposytion. ff 157^ — i59^j Table and Faults. f 160^, Q Imprinted j at London by Jhon | Day, dwelling ouer Al-ldersgate. These bokes are | to be sold at his shop, by \ the lyde Conduit I in Chepeisyde. | (I Cum priuilegio... f 160^, (I A dyspatche of vowes | and presthode, by the wurd | of God. Compyled by | Johan Bale, [see the verso of fol. cxlviii.] Herbert 626, Dibdin iv. 64, Huth 82. (117) VI^. 5. 3. — TJie Byble, that is to say, al the holy Scripture conteined in the olde 7 neiv Testament, faythfnlly set fiirtJi according to y^ Coppy of Thomas Matheives translacio. London, Jhon Daye, 1551. Maye 23: ff. 572, coll. 2, 11. 6^, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), folio. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Mr. Lea Wilson {infra) points out that, in spite of the title-page, this edition is, in the Old Testament, that of Taverner's (save from 56 - LONDON. Deut. 31 to Josh, 13, and in the Psalms), with slight variations introduced by Edm. Becke, the editor. The New Test, is Tyndale's. Ff. I — 22, introductory matter; sig. ^^AA^B^c* [for Bi is wrongly put bi], ff. 22 non num. (ff. i — 5, 7, 8, wanting, ff. 23 — 106, Pentateuch, sig. e-s" [for eiii, e iv, are wrongly given Eiii, Eiv], ff. 84 num. ff. 107 — 224, Joshua to Job, sig. A-T®U*, ff. 118 num. [the last blank], ff. 225 — 366, rest of O. T., sig. AA-YVAAA'^BBBS ff. 142 num. ff. 367 — 450, Apocrypha, sig. AAa-OOo^ ff. 84 num. ff. 451-572, New Test, followed by table of Epistles, &c. in pp. 3, sig. Aaaa-Tttt°Uuuu", ff. 120 [ff. 119, 120, wanting, the latter blank]. Herbert 626, Dibdin iv. 65, Acdes Alth. 11 64, Lea AVilson no. 20. (118) VI'^. 3. 12 (iv). — Rog. Ascham, A Report and Dis- course zuritten by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany, and the Emperonr Charles his conrt, dnryng certaine yeares ivJdle the sayd Roger zvas there. London, John Daye, s. a. (after Oct. 19, 1552): ff. 36, 11. -^2, char. goth. (rem. on title and prelim, epist.), c. sig. (A— P) et fif. n., quarto. Head-lines. Herbert 677, Dibdin iv. 118, Grenville 49. (119) Grylls 3. 266. — Barn. Ochyne, Fonrctene Sermons of Barnardine Ochyne, conccrnyng the predestinacion and cleccion of god : z'oy expcdiente to the settynge forth of Jiys glorye among hys creatnres. Transited ont of Italian in to 07ire natyue toimge by A.C. London, John Day and Wylliam Seres, s. a. : ff. 64 (the last blank), 11. 29, char, goth., c. sig. (A— H^), octavo. Head-lines. Marginal notes. A. C. is Ann Cooke, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, and after- wards wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon. The date of her marriage (1558 ?) gives the posterior limit of the date of the book. Herbert 672, Dibdin iv. 164. (120) Vl'^. 4. 2 (i). — Will. Cuningham, The Cosmographical Glasse, co7itei7iyng tJie pleasant Principles of CosmograpJiie, Geo- graphic, Hydrographie or Nanigation. Conpiled by William Cuningham, Doctor in Physicke. Londini, in ofificina Joan. Daij JOHN DAY. 57 Typographi, 1559: ff. 113 (6 non num. pp. 202 num. [with table inserted], ff. 4 non num., and f. i, prob. blank, wanting), char, ital., c. sig. (A*^, B-S*^T^ ; after 04a table of moons is inserted) et pp. n., folio. Woodcut portrait of the author and geometrical figures. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Large woodcut initials. Herbert 630, Dibdin iv. 71. (121) Vl"^. I. 16. — Rog. Hutchinson,^ F ait Jifvl Declaration of Christcs Jioly supper, couiprcJiedcd in tJire Sennos, preached at Eaton Collcdge, 1552. London, John Day, 1560: ff. 64 (the last, prob. blank, wanting), 11. 28, char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, B— PK^), octavo. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Herbert 632, Dibdin iv. 76. (122) VF. 4. 3. — Sleidan, A famonse Cronicle of onre time, called Sleidanes Cominc?itaries, concerning the state of Religion and common wealth, during the raigne of the Emperonr Charles tJie fift, with the Argunientes set before encry Booke, conteyninge the snnime or effcete of the Booke follozving. Translated ont of Latin into Englishe, by Jhon Dans. London, Jhon Daye, for Abraham Veale and Nicholas England, 1560. Sept. 25 : ff. 490 (6 non num. [f. 6 blank], 470 num. [by error for 466], 17 non num., i, prob. blank, wanting), 11. 43, char, goth., c. sig. (A-Y6Aa-Yy«AA-YY<5AAa-PPp«OOq^) et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert (y2)Zi Dibdin iv. 77, Grenville 668. (123) VI^ 2. 2 (ii) : Grylls 3. 405. — Certain most godly, frnitfiU, and comfortable letters of such true Saint es and holy Martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution Jiere ivithin this Realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christcs holy gospel : zvritten in the tymc of theyr affliction and cruell im- prysonment. London, John Day, 1564: ff. 350 (4 non num., 689 num. pp. [error for 688], i blank p. and 2 ff. non num.), char, goth., c. sig. (A*, B-Y^Aa-Yy^ ^"Y* : f. 8 of sig. D, and f. 6 of sig. K have been cancelled) et pp. n., quarto. Head- lines. Marg^inal notes. Woodcut initials. 58 LONDON. The two unpaged leaves of the table follow p. 682, and are followed by 4 leaves in which the pagination is continued. These, in the Grylls copy, have been wrongly transposed to precede the table. Herbert 639, Dibdin iv. loi. (124) vi^. I. 17 (iv). — Jo. Foxe, Syllogisticon, hoc est : argv- ineuta sev Prohationcs et Resohitiones, in vtranque partem, Jiinc iiide a Theologorum libris desmnptcE atqite in nudas Syllogis- inonnn forinas redacted, De re et Materia Sacramcnti EucJiar- istiei : Cmn Epistola ad Papistas Hor{td)toria. Londini, Joannes Daius, s. a. (not later than 1565) : fif. 76 (f. 60 blank), char. ital. (rem. in Epist. Hort.), c. sig. (A^a*, B— P), small octavo. Head-lines, The book is dedicated to John Hawarden (Hardingus), Principal of Brasenose, 1548 — 1565 ; for whom see Athenae Oxon. i. 529. Herbert 679, Dibdin iv. 177. (125) vr. 2. i: Grylls 3. 393: Grylls 3. 394 (i).— Will. Lambarde, apxaionomia, sive de priscis aiigloruni legibus libri, serinone Anglico, vetnstate antiqiiissimo , aliquot ahJiinc seculis conseripti, atque mine demnm, magno iurisperitornm et amantimn antiqnitatis oinninm eommodo e tenebris in lucem vocati. Londini, ex ofificina Joannis Daij, 1568: ff. 162, char, anglosax. et ital., c. sig. (A-D^E^, C-Y*Aa-Qq*) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Herbert 644, Dibdin iv. 108. (126) VP. I. 2 (iv). — (Tho. Norton), A tvarning agaynst the dangero7is practises of Papistcs, and specially the partencrs of the late Rebellion. Gathered out of the common feare and speche of good subiectes. Vox populi Dei, vox Dei est. Sene and allozved. London, John Daye, s. a. (1569) : ff. 56, 11. 28, 29, char, goth., c. sig. (A— O^), octavo. For Thomas Norton, see Athenae Cantab. \. 485. Herbert 672, Dibdin iv. 165, Grenville 495. JOHN DAY. 59 (127) vi<=. I. I (iii). — Tho. Norton, A tvarning against subiectes. Written by Thomas Norton, and newly perused and encreasced (sic). Vox popnli Dei, vox Dei est. Seen ajid allowed, according to the order of the Queenes Ininnctions. The above is a later edition of the preceding. Besides the differences of the title-page, it may be noted that f. i'' is blank in 126, but in 127 runs, (I The summe of all this | Booke. | We can not well spare | our Queene Elizabeth. | Below this are 11. 9 in char, goth., The Author protesteth, that as he mea-[neth... Again, the notice following the imprint in 126 (Herbert, /.^.), is omitted in 127. Herbert 672, Dibdin iv, 165, Huth 1047. (128) VF. I. I (iv). — (Tho. Norton), A Bull graunted by the Pope to Doctor Harding & other, by reconcilement and as soy ling of English Papist es to vndermyne faith and allcgeance to the Queue. With a true declaration of the intention and fjnites thei'cof and a tvarning of perils therby imniinent, not to be neglected. London, John Daye, s. a. (1569) : ff. 10, 11. 28, char. goth. (rom. in title, etc.), c. sig. (A'^B^C"), octavo. Wood- cut of the Pope's arms on f. I^ Herbert 674, Dibdin iv. 167, Huth 1048. (129) Vl=. I. I (v). — (Tho. Norton), y4 disclosing of the great Bull, aitd certain calues that he hath gotten, and specially the Monster Bull that roared at my Lord Byshops gate. London, John Daye, s. a. (1569) : fif. 10, 11. 29, char. goth. (rom. in title), c. sig. (A^B^C^), octavo. Herbert 674, Dibdin iv. 16S, Huth 1048. (130) VP. I. I (vi). — (Tho. Norton), A71 addition declara- torie to the Bulles, with a searching of the Maze. London, John Daye, s. a. (1569) : ff. 8, 11. 28, char. goth. (rom. in title), c. sig. (A*B*), octavo. Herbert 674, Dibdin iv. 168, (131) VI<=. I. 3 (vi). — (Tho. Norton), An addition declara- torie The above is a different edition from the preceding, from which 6o LONDON. it differs in numerous little points; e.g., on f. i^ are respectively, Seene and allowed, Q! Seen and allowed: f. 2% 1. 5, y^, the; 1. 10, Byshops, Bishops ; f. 8% 1. i, Maiestie, maiestie; 1. 2, principal-, principa- ; 1. 6, Preachers, preachers ; etc. Huth 1048. (132) vi*^. 2. 5. — Montanus, A Discovery and playne De- claration of sundry subtill practises of the holy Inqnisitio7i of Spay fie set forth in Latine by Rcginaldns Gonsaluiiis Montanns, and lately Translated. London, John Day, 1569: ff. 120 (16 non num. [f. 8 blank], 99 num., 5 non num.), 11. 35, char. goth. (rom. and ital. in title, preface, etc.), c. sig. (A^H* 1TB4*B4, B-Y^Aa-Dd^E^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Mar- ginal notes. Herbert 645, Dibdin iv. no. (133) Vl<^. I. 18 (v). — Tho. Brooke, An Epitaphe declaring the life and end of D. Edni. Boner. S. 1., t. n. et a. (prob. London, John Day, not before 1569): ff. 14 (f 7 wanting), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B^C"), small octavo. Bonner died on Sept. 5, 1569. F. i^ (in border), An Epi-jtaphe declaring the ] life and end of D. | Edm. Boner. &c. ] ff An other Epitaphe made by a Papist, in the prayse | of D. Edmund Boner, and set | vp in Paules Crosse : with I an answere therto. | G Also a reply to a slaude-|rous lying Libell cast abroad | in the defence of D. Ed-jmund Boner. | f. 5^, below 5 stanzas, Finis. Tho. Bro. the younger, f 6=^ (in border). An Epi-|taphe made in the | prayse of D. Edmund | Boner, and set vp in | Paules Crosse. [ With an aunswere to ] the same. By | Tho. Bro. | f. 14'^ below 7 stanzas. Farewell. | Finis. T. Brooke the younger. Herbert 678. (134) Vl'\ 4. 4, 5. — The first Volume of the Ecclesiasticall history contaynyng the Actcs and Monnmcntes of tJiynges passed in euery kynges tynic in this Reahne, especially in the Church of England prijicipally to be noted. With a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the sufferyng of Martyrs, and other JOHN DAY. - 6l thinges incident, tonchyng astvel the sayd Chuvch of England as also Scotland, and all other forcine nations, from the priuiitiue tyme till the r eigne of K. Henry viij. Nezuly recognised and inlarged by the Author John Foxe. London, John Dayc, 1 570 : fif. 479 (13 non num., 922 num. pp. [by error for 914], 9 non num.), coll. 2, 11, 72, char, goth., c. sig. (^^VQ"'* [single leaf added at end], a«bVd^e-y«A-C6D*E^F-F"*PK-Y'5Aa-Yy6 AA-KK^LL^MM^NN^OO^) et ff. n., large folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcuts. Between F5, F6, a picture of the poisoning of King John is inserted. 77^1? second Volume of the Eeclcsiasticall history, conteynyng the Actes arid Monumentes of Martyrs, with a generall discourse of these latter persecutions, horrible troubles, and tumultes, styrred vp by Romish Prelates in the Church with diners other thynges incident especially to this Realme of England and Scotland, as partly also to all other foreine nations appar- teyning, from the time of K. Henry the viij. to Queene Elizabeth our gratious Lady nozv reygning : ff. 712 (2 non num., the former blank; pp. 923 — 2302 [error for 2312]; ff 15 non num., the last, blank, wanting), c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, AAa-YYy'^AAA-ZZZ6777^****AAAa-YYYyAAAA-YYY Y<^AAAAa-ZZZZz*5AAAAA-CCCCC<5 [for C is wrongly printed G, except on f 2] HHHHHnillP) et ff. n. After SSS4, a picture is inserted of the martyrdom of Person, etc., at Windsor. Herbert 648, Dibdin iv. 115. (135) VF. 2. 4. — John Calvine, Commentaries vpon the PropJiet Daniell, translated into Ejiglishe. London, John Daye, 1570 : ff. 132 (12 non num., 120 num.), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A— Y*Aa— LI*) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 648, Dibdin iv. 117. (136) VF. 4. 4. — The Elements of Geometric of the most auncient Philosopher Evclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Engl is he toung, by H. Billings ley. Citizen 62 LONDON. of London. \V hereunto are annexed certaine Sc ho lies, Anno- tations and hiiientions, of the best MatJiematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfnll P ratface, made by M. J. Dec. London, John Daye, 1570: fif. 492 (28 non num., 464 num. [by error for 463], and i blank, wanting), char. rom. ct ital, c. sig. (^°Va-d^A-X^Aa-Yy^AA-YY« AAa-FFF'GGg-YYy^AAA-EEE^) et ff. n., folio. Head- lines. Marginal notes. Mathematical figures. At the end of quire A a broad sheet is let in, giving the plan of the preface. This is noted as printed by John Day, Feb. 25, 1570. For Hy, Billingsley, the translator, see Athenae Oxon. i. 761 : and for John Dee, who was one of the original fellows of Trinity College, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 497, 556. Herbert 646, Dibdin iv. 112. Grenville 235. (137) Vl^. I. 19. — Libcllns snpplex Imperatorics Maiestati etc. Londini, apud Johannem Daium, 1571 : ff. 56 (the two last blank), 11. 24, 32, char. rom. maj. et min., c. sig. (*^ A— F^) et pp. n., octavo. Marginal notes. F. 1% Libellvs I svpplex Impera-|tori3e Maiestati cae-]terisq; Sacri Imperij Electorlbus, ! Principibus, atqj Ordinibus, nomine | Bel- garum ex Inferiori Germania, E- uangelicse religionis causa per Al-|bani Ducis tyrannidem eie-|ctorum in comitijs Spi-[rensibus exhi-jbitus. ; IT Londini apud Johannem Daium | ad exemplar in Germania I editum. I AN. 1571. | f. 9% Apologeticon, | et vera | rervm in Eelgicogerma-]nia nvper gestarvm nar- ratio... (138) VF. 4. 5. — Will. Alley, nrnxoMorsEioN. The poore mans Librarie. Rapsodiae G. A. By shop of Exccter vpon tJie first Epistle of S. Peter, read pnblickely in the Cathedrall Chnrche of Saint Paule, zvithin the Citie of London. 1560 FaitJifnlly corrected and ajnended. London, John Daye, 1571 : ff. 218 (2 non num., 215 num. [the last wrongly given 217], and I blank, wanting) and 122 (no num., 11 non num.), char, goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A-Y^Aa-Nn^OoTp* : AA^'BB- YY^AAa-HHh^) ct {{. n., folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. The two tomes have separate pagination, signatures, and title- pages, with an index to both at the end of the second. JOHN DAY. 63 For William Alley, see Athenae Cantab, i. 284, 557; Athcnae 0x071. i. 376. Herbert 651, Dibdin iv. 122. (139) vi=. 6. I. — Balth. Castilionis, comitis, De Curiali sine Aulico Libri quatuor ex Italko scrmone in Latinuui comicrsi. BartJiolomcso Gierke Anglo Cantabrigiensi Interprete. Non ante Aiditi. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1571 : fif. 294, 11. 27, char, ital, c. sig. (A— P, two unsigned leaves, K— Y^Aa— Oo^Pp*) et pp. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. For Bartholomew Gierke, see Athcnae Cantab, u. 70, 544. (140) VI'^. 2. 3 (i) : Hare ^Z. Z6. — Reformatio Legvm Eccle- siasticarvin, ex avthoritate primuni Regis Henrici .8. incJioata : Deinde per Regent Edonardnin 6. pronecta, adanctaq; in hnnc modinn, atq; nunc ad pleniorein ipsarnm reforniationeni in hieeni csdita. Londini, ex officina Johannis Daij, 1571. mense Aprili : ff. 162 (10 non num. [f. 10 blank], 149 num., 3 non num.), char, ital, c. sig. (A^BV, B-Y^Aa-Rr*) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 651, Dibdin iv. 122. (141) Vl=. 2. 3 (ii). — Articvli, de quibns connenit inter Ar- cJiiepiseopos & episcopos vtriiisq; proiiincicE, & clernni vniiiersnm in synodo, Londiiii. An. Doni. 1562. sccnndnni coinpntationeni ecclesicE AnglicancB, ad tollendani opinionnni disscntionem, & consejisuni in vera religione jirmanduni. yEditi authoritate serenissinKE Regin<^. Londini, apud Johanem Dayum, 1571 : ff. 12, char, ital., c. sig. (A— C*) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Herbert 651, Dibdin iv. 120. (142) VF.2. 3 (v). — A Booke of eertaine Cations, concernyng some parte of the discipline of the Churche of England. In the yeare of onr Lord. 1571. London, John Daye, 1571 : ff. 16 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— D*) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 651, Dibdin iv, 122, Huth 259. 64 LONDON. (143) VF. 2. 3 (iv). — Libcv qiioj'iindani Canomim disciplincB ecclesi(2 Ajiglicancs. Anno 1571. (London, John Day, 1571) • fif. 12, char, rom., c. sig. (E— G*) et pp. n., quarto. Hcad-Hnes. Woodcut initials. The above, tliough bound before the preceding, was evidently printed as a continuation of it, though with independent pagination, to make it complete in itself. Dibdin iv. 122. (144) Grylls 7. 28. — Hen. Bullingeri, BvllcE Papisticcs ante bienninni co}itra Sereniss. Anglice, Francice & Hybernice Rcginam ElizabetJiani, & contra inclytiun Anglicu rcgnum pro- mnlgatcB, refictatio, Orthodoxcsq; Regi?i(E, & vniucrsi Regni Anglia; dcfensio. Londini, apud Johanem Dayum, 1571 : ff. Z6, 11. 32, char, ital., c. sig. (A-X^Y-) et fif. n., quarto. Head- lines, Marginal notes. Herbert 653, Dibdin iv. 124. (145) VI'^. 4. 3 (iii). — Articles to be enquh'cd of zvitJdn the Dioces of Winchester, in the Aletropoliticall visitation of the most Renerend FatJier in Christ, Matthew by the pronidence of God, ArchbysJiop of Canterbjiry, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan. London, John Daye, s. a. (not before 1571, see § 15) : ff. 10, char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^C^), quarto. Head- lines. (146) VF. I. 4 (iii) : VF. i. A,a (ii). — (Geo. Buchanan), De Maria Scotornm Regi?ia, totaque eius contra Regem coninratione, foedo cum Bothnelio adulterio, ncfaria in maritum crndelitate & rabie, Jiorrendo insupcr & dct err into einsdeniparricidio : plena & tragica plane Historia. S. 1., t. n. et a. (prob. London, John Day, 1572) : ff. 64 (f. i non num., 122 num. pp., ff. 2 non num.), char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— Q^) et ff. n., small octavo. Mar- ginal notes. Herbert 1629, Grenville 102. (147) vi^ I. I (vii) : Vi^ I. \a. — (Geo. Buchanan), Ane Detectiovn of the dninges of Marie Quene of Scottes, touchand JOHN DAY. 65 the miit'der of Jar husband, and Jiir conspiracie, adiilterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erie Bothwell. And anc defence of the trew Lordis, mainteineris of the Kingis graces actionn and aiitJioritie. Translatit 07 it of the Latin e qnJdlke zvas written by G. B. S. 1., t. n. ct a. (prob. London, John Day, c. 1572) : fif. %^ (last blank), 11. 29 (33 of smaller type), char, goth. {rom. in title, and last printed leaf), c. sig. (A— Y^), octavo. Herbert 1629, Dibdin iv. 163, Grenville 447, Huth 234. (148) Vl=. I. I (viii). — Mary, Queen of Scots. TJic copie of a letter zvrittcn by one in London to his f rend conccrnyng the credit of the late published detection of the doyngcs of the Ladie Marie of Scotland. S. 1., t. n. et a. (prob. London, John Day, c. 1572) : fif. 8, 11. 28, char. goth. (rom. in title, citations, &c.), c. sig. (A^B"*), octavo. Herbert 1633, Dibdin iv. 163, Grenville 448, Huth 925. (149) VF. I. I (ix). — Mary, Queen of Scots. A discourse toucJiing the pretended match bctwene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of Scottes. S. 1., t. n. et a. (prob. London, John Day, c. 1572) : ff. 8 (ff. i, 8, blank, wanting), char, ital., c. sig. (A^), octavo. Herbert 1626, Grenville 448, Huth 926. (150) VF. 4. 6: Hare 38. 181 : Grylls 10. 160. — The whole workes of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy Martyrs, and principall teachers of this Churche of England, collected and compiled in one Tome togither, beyng before scattered, 7 now in Print here exhibited to the Church. To the pray se of God, and profite of all good Christian Readers. London, John Daye, 1573 : ff. 447 (255 [ff. 7 non num., 478 pp. num., ff. 9 non num.] ; 89 [2 non num., pp. num. 3 — 172, ff. 2 non num.] ; 103 [4 non num., pp. num. 183 — '^']6, ff. 2 non num.] the last two leaves wanting in the Hare copy), coll. 2, 11. 62, char, goth., c. sig. (A*B", single leaf inserted ; C-Y^ Aa-Yy6AA-EE«FF^GG2 : 2 unsigned leaves, HH [first leaf cancelled] -XX'^YY* : *AAa*, AAa [first leaf can- 5 66 LONDON. celled] -OOq^RRi"*) et pp. n., folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcuts. Woodcut initials. Tyndall's works have a separate imprint, and each author has a special title-page. It was evidently intended that they should be issued separately when required. Herbert 654, Dibdin iv. 130. (151) VI^. 3. 4 (iii) : VP. 2. 6 (i). — Geo. Acworth, Legum doctor, De Visibili Ron{ anarchia Contra Nick. Saiideri Mon- archiam irpoke'yoiJbevov (sic) Libri duo. Londini, apud Johan- nem Dayum, 1573 : fif. 112 (3 non num., pp. 215 num., pp. 3 blank), 11. 31, char, rom., c. sig. {A— Y*Aa— Ff*) et pp. n., quarto, Herbert 655, Dibdin iv. 132, Grenville 2. (152) VI=. 2. 7 (ii) : VI^ 2. "ja. — Johannis Parkhvrsti L^idi- cra sine Epigrammata luiienilia. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1573: ff. 112 (12 non num., pp. 198 num., and one leaf blank, wanting in second copy), char, ital., c. sig. (**A*B*, C— Y"*Aa— Ee*) et pp. n., quarto. For John Parkhurst, bishop of Norwich, see Athenae Oxon. i. 412. The former copy bears the inscription, " Liber D. Gulielmi Butti ex dono Authoris." As there are poems addressed to this gentleman as "medicus" (pp. 49, 100), he is probably Dr. Butts, the king's physician, for whom see Athenae Cantab, i. 87, 535. Herbert 656, Dibdin iv. 1337/, Grenville 524. (153) VI'^. 3. 13. — Joamiis Jvelli Angli, Episcopi Saris- buriensis vita & mors, eiusqjie verce doctrines defensio, aim refutatione quoriindaui obiectonim, Laurent io Hiimfredo S. TheologieB apud Oxonicnses professore Regio Autore. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1573, after Sept. 23 : ff. 168 (18 non num. [the last blank], 270 pp. num., ff 15 non num.), 11. 31, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (fVH^ft^^^ A-Y^Aa-Pp^Qq-) et pp. n., quarto. Marginal notes. Li the concluding part are Latin, Greek, and Hebrew verses, the last printed very rudely, and ajDparently in woodcut. Herbert 655, Dibdin iv. 132, Grenville 354. JOHN DAY. 6^ (154) VP. 2. 6 (ii). — (Barth. Gierke), Fidelis servi, svbdito infideli responsio, vna cum errorum & calumniariim giiarutidam examine, qucs continentiir in septimo libro de visibili Ecclesice Monarchia a NicJiolao Sandero conscripta. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1573 : ff. 'J'J, 11. 26, char. rom. (quotations in ital.), c. sig. (A— T'*, one leaf of errata), quarto. Herbert 656, Dibdin iv. 133. (155) Vl"^. 2. I (iv) : Vl*^. 2. \a (iii). — Jo. Dee, Parallaticae Commentationis Praxeosque Nucleus quidam. Authore Joanne Dee, Londinensi. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, I573 • fif. 16 (the last blank), char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— D*), quarto. Head-lines. Mathematical figures. On f. 1=* is a coat of arms, probably the author's. Herbert 656, Dibdin iv. 133. (156) Vl<=, 2. 8 (i). — J oh. Caius, De Antiqvitate Cantebrigi- ensis Academics Libri duo. Audi ab ipso Authore plurimum. In quorum secundo de OxoTiiensis quoque Gy^nnasii antiquitate disseritur, & Cantebrigiense longe eo antiquius esse definitur. Londini, in sedibus Johannis Daij, 1574 : ff. 145 (268 pp. num., ff II non num., the last blank), II. 31, char, ital., c. sig. (A— Y* Aa— Ll^Mm'^ [with a single leaf of errata inserted in middle of quire] Nn'^Oo'*) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. For John Caius, re-founder of Gonville and Caius College, see Athenae Cantab, i. 312. Herbert 657, Dibdin iv. 135. (157) Vl^. 2. 8 (ii). — Assertio Aniiquitatis Oxoniensis Aca- demics, incerto Authore eiusdem Gymnasij. Ad illustriss. Reginam anno. 1566. lam nupcr ad verbum cum priore cEdita. Cum fragmento Oxoniensis historiol(E. Londini, in sedibus Johannis Daij, 1574: ff. 16, 11. 31, char, ital., c. sig. (A— D^) et pp. n. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. The author of this work was Thomas Key (Master of University College, 1561 — 1572), for whom see Athenae Oxon. i. 397, Herbert 657, Dibdin iv. 135. 68 LONDON. (158) VP, 2. 8 (iii). — Joh. Caius, Historian Cantchrigicnsis Academics ab vrbe condita. Londini, in aedibus Johannis Daij, 1574: ff. 73 (136 pp. num., ff. 5 non num., the last blank), 11. 31, char, ital., c. sig. (A— R^S* [besides a single leaf of ^rr<^^7]) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 657, Dibdin iv. 134. (159) ^^'^- 2. 8 (iv). — Joh. Caius, De prominciatione Greece & Latincs Ungues eum seriptione noita libel/us. Londini, in aedibus Johannis Daij, 1574: ff. 12, 11. 31, char, ital, c. sig. (A— C"*) et pp. n., quarto. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 658, Dibdin iv. 136. (160) Vl'^. 2. II (vi). — CatceJiismus, sine prima Institutio Diseiplinaque pietatis CJiristiancs Latine explieata. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1574: ff. ^'^ (4 non num., 159 pp. num., I p. non num., ff. 4 non num. : ff. i, 4, 85, 88, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (A— Y^) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 656, Dibdin iv. 133. (161) Vl'^. 4. 2 (i) : Grylls 10. 235 (i).— (Asserii) yElfredi Regis res gestcE. (London, John Day, 1574) : ff. 29 (5 non num., 40 pp. num., 4 ff. non num.), 11. 41, char, anglo-sax., c. sig. (A'^1[\ A-F^) et pp. n., folio. This is the first part of the volume published by Archbishop Parker ; the second is the Hlstoria Brevis TJiomce Walsingham, printed by Binneman, to be afterwards described, and the third is the next article, the Ypodigma Neustricc. In the Grylls copy the order of the two last is inverted ; in this copy also the whole of the preliminary matter of the present book, except the title-page, is wanting. Herbert 658, Dibdin iv. 137, Grenville 51. (162) Vl^. 4. 2 (iii) : Grylls 10. 235 (ii). — Tho. de Walsing- ham, Ypodigma Nevstrice vel NormannicB : ab irruptione Nor- mannomm vsq; ad annum .6. regni Hcnrici quinti. Londini, JOHN DAY. 69 in aedibus Johannis Daij, 1574: ff. 104 (2 non num., 200 pp. num., ff. 2 non num. : ff. i, 2, wanting in Grylls copy), 11. 56, char, rom., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A— G^H-I— Y*Aa— Dd*) et pp. n., folio. Head-lines, Marginal notes. Woodcuts (7) of Dukes of Normandy on f. i^ Herbert 658, Dibdin iv. 136, Granville 787. (163) VI'^. I. 20. — XpiaTLavLcTfiov A brief note scholastical. f 54, Verses addressed to the Right Worshipful Christopher Hatton, f, 55, Dee's coat of arms. F. 53 is a single leaf inserted in quire K, and in some copies is found in the first quire. In the present copy, the plate on the title- page and Dee's coat of arms have been coloured and gilt. Herbert 661, Dibdin iv. 140, Grenville 194, Huth 411. (168) VI*^. I. 21. — XpiaTLavia/xov cnof)(eio)(n'i, et? rrjv rtop Traihwv cocfyeXeiav eWr/vtarl Kal XaTiviaTt inTedelcra. CJiristianCB pietatis prima institutio, ad vsuni scholariun Greece et Latine JOHN DAY. 71 scripta. Londini, apud Johannem Dayum, 1578: ff. 128, char, grrec. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— Q^), small octavo. Head- lines. Marginal notes. On f. 127'' are arms of J. Day. f. 128% Errata. Herbert 663, Dibdin iv. 145, (169) VF. 2. 9. — Latimer, Frvtefvll Sermons preached by the right reuerend father, and constant Martyr of lesus Christ M. Hugh Latynier, newly Imprinted, zvith others not heretofore fet (sic) forth in print, to the edifying of all zvJiich will dispose themselnes to the reading of the same. London, John Daye, 1578 : fif, 339 (fif. 8 non num., 265 num., 65 num. [with numbers 150 — 215] ; f. 8 is wanting, probably blank : at end of quire C is a woodcut of Latimer preaching before Edward VL), 11. 39, char, goth., c. sig. (*^ A— Y^Aa— Ll^ single leaf inserted, AA— HH^IP) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 665, Dibdin iv. 151. (170) Vl<^. 4. 3 (vii). — Articles ministred by the Reuerend Father in God, Richard by Gods prouidence. By shop of Ely e, to the ChurcJicivardeJis and Inquirers, of enery senerall Parish within Ids Dioces, at his visitatioii holden and kept. Anno . 1 5 79- London, John Daye, (1579) : ff. 8, char, goth., c. sig. (A^B-C^), quarto. F. I wanting, probably blank, f. 2% Title (as above) in border, f. 2^, The othe of the Churchwardens and Sidemen. On f. 6% Finis, f. 7% Certayne additions made by the | Reuerend Father in God Richard Ends on f. 8^ (171) Vl=. 6. 2 (vi). — Will. Wilkinson, A Confutation of cer- taine Articles, deliuered vnto tJie Family e of L one, with the exposi- tion of TJieophihis, a s2ipposcd Elder in the sayd Family e %pon the same Articles. By William Wilkinson, Maister of Artes and student of Divinitye. Hereunto are prefixed By the right reuerend Father in God I. Y. Byshop of Rochester, ccrtaine notes collected out of their Gospell, and aunsiuered by the Fam. 72 LONDON. By t lie Author, a description of the tymc, places, Authors, and manner of spreading the same : of their Hues, and zurestyng of Scriptures : zuith Notes in the end hozu to know an Hcrctique. London, John Daye, 1579: ff. 98 (18 non num., 80 [given 100 by error] num.), char. goth. et ital, c. sig. (#^^^'*A^B^b^ €—¥•*) et fif. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Wood- cut initials. For John Young, bishop of Rochester, see Athetiae Ca?itab. ii. 405 ; and for Will. Wilkinson, ib. 179. Herbert 667, Dibdin iv. 153, Huth 1594. John Walley (1546). (172) Vl^. I. I. — A Table Collocted (sic) of the yeres of our Lordc Ggd (sic), and of the yeres of the Kynges of Englande, from the firste yere of Willyam Conquerour. London, Jhon Waley, 1562. Nov. 3 : ff. 88, char, goth., c. sig. (A-L^), s. cust. (except in Introd. and quire L), octavo. Herbert 732, Dibdin iv. 272. (173) Vl'^. 4. 3 (iv). — Iniunctions with certaine Articles to be enquired of, in the Visitation of the Reuerend Father in Christ, John, by Gods prouidence, BysJiop of Norzuich, aszvell to the Clargie, as to the CJiurcJnvardens a)id quest men of euery seuerall parish zvithin the dioccs of NorzvicJi, 7 to be put in execution, by al the ArcJideacons Commissaries 7 other officers exercisinge ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, vnder the sayd Bishop in their Synodcs, Visitation and Courtes. In the yeare of our Lord God .1569. London, John Walley, (1569). Aprilis 15 : ff. 8 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^), quarto. Head- lines. On the margin of f. 2^^ is pasted a slip with the word scruc as a correction for ferine in " Item none of you shall forme one cure or more " Herbert 732, Dibdin iv. 272;/. JOHN WALLEY. 'J^ (174) Vi'\ I. 2. — A brief c treatise eojtteyning maiiie proper Tables and easie Rules, verye necessary and needefiill, for the vse and eonimoditie of all people, collected ont of certaine learned mens zvorkes. The eontentes zvJiereof, the Page that folloiveth dooth expresse. Newlie set foorth and alozved according to the Qneenes maiesties Initmctions. London, John Walley, 1585 : ff. 56, char, goth., c. sig. (A*, A-F^G*), octavo. Head-hnes. Between F 3, F 4, are inserted two quarto leaves of forms for entering the number of burials (from the plague or otherwise), and christenings, in the various parishes of London, for parts of 16 13, 1 6 14. Richard Jugge (1547). (175) Grylls 3. 261. — A boke made by John Fryth prysoner in the Toiver of London, ansiverynge vnto M. Mores letter, zvJiich lie wrote agaynst thefyrste lytic treaty se that John Fryth made, concernynge the Sacramente of the body and bloode of Christ : vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his examynacyon before the Byshoppes of London, Wyjichester and Lyncolne, in P aides chnrche at London, for zvJiych John Fryth zvas condemned, and after brente in Smyth felde ivythout Neivgate, the fourth daye of July. Anno M.D.xxxiii. (London), Rychard Jugge, 1548 : ff. 108, 11. 30, char. goth. (Latin in ital.), c. sig. (A— N^O*) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. I* (below Title), Newly corrected and prynted after the | fyrst coppe, by Rychard Jugge, dwellynge | in Powles church yarde, at the sygne of the | Byble. | Deade men shall ryse agayne. | f. loS'^ (below 11. 10), Per me Johan Fryth. | Be wyse as Ser- pentes, and in-|nocent as Dooues. | Imprynted in the yare of oure I Lorde. M.D.XLviij. Herbert 714, Dibdin iv. 243. (176) Vl'^. 2. 5 (iii). — A short Fonrnie of tJiankesgenyng to God for ccassing the contagious sicknes of the plague, to be vsed in Common prayer, on Sundayes, Wednesdayes, and Frydayes, 74 LONDON. in steade of the Comon prayers, vsed in the time of mortalitie. Set foi'tJi by the By shop of London, to be vsed in the Citie of London, and the rest of his dioccsse, and in other places also at the discretion of the ordinary Ministers of the Churches. London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1563. Jan. 22 : ff. 4, char, goth., c. sig. (A*), quarto. Head-Hnes. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title, in " architective " border, f. 4'', Jugge's small emblem. Herbert 721, Dibdin iv. 254. (177) vi'^. 4. 3 (i). — The seconde Tome of Homely es, of such viatters as tvere promysed and Intituled in the former part of Homely es, set out by the aucthoritie of the Queues Maiestie : And to be read in euery parysJie Churche agreablye. 1563. London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, (1563) : ff. 296 (f. 2 wanting), II. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, Bb— Ddddd^Eeeee^ ; a second 4-leaf quire has been inserted in the middle of Ccc, and for quires Ppp, Qqq, are two signed Kk, LI, respectively), quarto. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Woodcut initials. The above is a copy (perfect save for the absence of f. 2, con- taining the table) of the first edition of the second book of the Homilies, and is that noted as "1563 A" by Dr. Griffiths {The two books of Homilies, p. Ixii : Oxford, 1859). "The inserted sheet in Ccc comes into the Homily of Fasting, which originally was not divided into two parts. There is a signature, Ccc. iii., printed on its first leaf, but no other leaf of it is marked in that manner ; whereas the original Ccc, like every other sheet in the volume, bears a signature on each of its first 3 leaves. The first words of the original Ccc. iii. (now the seventh leaf of that signature), ' for the use of fastyng,' are struck out with a pen" {I.e., where also the 17 leaves in the volume, which are cancels, are enumerated). The title is en- closed in an " architective " border, with Jugge's mark at the top. (178) Vl^'. 2. 5 (i). — A Four me to be vsed in Conunon prayer twyse aiveke, and also an order of publique fast, to be vsed euery RICHARD JUGGE. 7$ Wednesday in the wceke, dnryng this tyme of inortalitie and other afflictions, whcrzvith the Realme at this present is visited. Set forth by the Qneenes Maiesties speeiall comanjidement, ex- pressed in her letters hereafter foloivyng in the next page. xxx. Jnlii. 1563. London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, (1563) : fif. 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A— F'^), quarto. Head-Hncs. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title in border (as preceding), f. i^, Queen's letter to Abp. of York [dated Aug. i, 1562]. f. 12, blank, f. 13% An Homyly, concerning the Justice of God in punyshyng of impenitent synners Herbert 721, Dibdin iv. 254. (179) VI'^. 2. 5 (ii). — A Fonrme to be vsed in Common prayer, enery Siuiday, Wednesday, and Fry day, through the whole Realme : To excite and stirre all godly people to pray vnto God for the presentation of those Christians and their Conn treys, that are nozve innadcd by the Tnrke in Hungary or clsivJicre. Set foorth by the vioste Rcnerende father in God, JMathezve Arch- byshop of Canterbury , by the ancthoritie of the Qneenes Maiestie. London, Richarde Jugge and John Cawood, s. a. (1566): fif. 10, char, goth., c. sig. (A*, A^B*), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. The preface speaks of the Turks as assailing Malta in vain " last year," and as now invading Hungary, The siege of Malta was in 1565, and the invasion of Hungary in 1566. Herbert therefore is in error in giving 1565 as the date. F. 1% Title in border (as preceding), f. 2* — 3% Preface, f. 9'', Imprint, i. lo^ Jugge's emblem. Herbert 721, Dibdin iv. 255. (180) Vl^. 2. 3 (ix). — A brief e examination for tJie tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name afid defence of certaine Ministers in London, refnsyng to weare the apparel I prescribed by the laws and orders of the Realme. In the ende is reported the iudgemcnt of two notable learned fathers, J\T. doctonr Bucer and M. doctonr Martir , translated out of 'j6 LONDON. the originals, written hy theyr oivne Jiandes, purposely debatyng this controucrsie. London, Richarde Jugge, s. a. (1566) : ff. 42, 11. 36, char, goth., c. sig. (*-[6]*^[7]*- : A-D^), quarto. Head-lines (exc. in the Letters). Marg. ref. Large woodcut initials. Herbert 727, Dibdin iv. 265. (181) Vl'=. 2. 3 (iii). — Articles ivJicrcupon it was agreed by the A rehbishoppcs and Bishoppcs of both proninees and the zvJiole cleargie, in the Connocation Jiolden at London in the yere of our Lorde God .1562. aceording to the conpntation of the Chnrehe of Englande, for the aiioiding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the s tab lis hy fig of consent touching true religion. Put foorth by the Quccnes ancthoritie. London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1571 : ff. 14, char. goth. (rom. in title, headings, &c.), c. sig. (A-C*D") et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 723, Dibdin iv. 257. (182) Grylls 2. 228. — The .holie .Bible. [Bishops' Version]. London, Richarde Jugge, 1572: ff. 731, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), folio. Head-lines. Marginal notes. Four copper-plate and many woodcut engravings. Ff. I — 25, Introductory matter, sig., 8 unsigned leaves, ^ Q^ [f 9 single leaf added], ff. 25 non num. ff. 26 — 137, Pentateuch, sig. A-0®, ff 112 num. ff 138 — 295, Joshua to Job, sig. P-Z^Aa-Kk^Ll", ff. 157 [num. 113—270]. ff. 296—48.5, Psalms to Malachi, sig. Aaa-Zzzz**&&&®, ff 190 num. [last leaf wrongly numbered 189]. ff 486 — 591, Apocrypha, sig. Aaaa-Mmmm^ Nnnn^", ff 106 num. ff 592 — 731, New Testament, sig. A-R*S*, ff 140 num. On the title-page is a copper-plate portrait of Queen Elizabeth, one of Lord Leicester at the beginning of the second part, and one of Lord Burleigh at the beginning of the third part. In the second part in the middle of quire Q is a copper-plate map of Canaan and Egypt, engraved by Humfray Cole. At the end of the Acts is a woodcut map of St. Paul's travels. In the Psalter are two versions, RICHARD JUGGE. 'JJ that of the Great Bible and the new one, the former in black letter, and the latter in roman. The leaves of the introductory matter have apparently been transposed in the binding. That which is here f. 25 stands in the copy in the University Library the last leaf in the second quire ; and in that copy the last leaf of the third quire is certainly a single leaf added on, as is shewn by the water-marks. Herbert 723, Dibdin iv. 258, Cassano Cat. 191, Lea Wil- son no. 37, Huth 144. (183) Vi^. 2. 5 (iv). — A fourme of Prayer, ivith thankes geiiyiig, to be vsed euery yeere, the .17. of November, bcyng the day of the Qiieenes Maiesties cntrie to Jier raigne. i Tim. 2 Chap. Verse i. [vv. i — 3, given at full length]. London, Richarde Jugge, s. a. (1576 — 7): fif. 10, char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. The date is fixed by reference to the 18 years of the Queen's reign, f 9^ (184) vi'^. 4. 3 (vi). — Iniunctions geuen by the Reiierende father in God Richarde by Gods proiiidence Bishop of Elye, asivell to the Clergie as to the Church tvardens and Inquirers of euery seuerall parishe zvithin his Dioces. London, Ricarde Jugge, s. a. : ff. 6, char, goth., c. sig. (i'*2^), quarto. Woodcut initials. The text begins on f. i^, below the title. On f 6% The othe for the Churchwardens , below which, R. E. [ God saue the Queen e. | Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde by Ricarde Jugge, | Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. | Cum pri- uilegio Regise Maiestatis. | For Richard Cox, bishop of Ely (1559 — 81), see Athenae Cantab. i. 437, 568. An edition of the Prayer Book, printed by Jugge and Cawood, will be described below, under Cawood. William Hill (1548). See above, no. 94. yS LONDON. GWALTER LYNNE (1548). (185) VI"^. I. 22. — T/ie diuisyon of the places of the laive and of the Gospell, gathered owt of the Jiooly scriptures by Petnnn Artopoeum : zuher luito is added tivo orations of Prayeng to God made by S. JoJin. Chrisostonie, no lesse necessary then lerned. Trdslated into English. (London), Gwalter Lynne, 1548: fif, 128 (the two last blank), 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Q^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. 126% GSeke peace, and | ensue it. | Psalm, xxxiij. i. Pet. iij. | J. B. I Here comes Lynne's emblem (Dibdin iv. 315), below which is, Q Imprinted by me Gwalter | Lynne, dwellyng vpon So-|mers kaye, by Byllynges | gate. In the yeare of | our Lorde God. I M.D.xlviij. | Cum gratia Herbert 752, Dibdin iv. 315^;. Anthony Scoloker (1548). (186) Vl^. I. 23. — A Boke made by JoJian Fryth, prysoner in the Toivr of London, ansivering vnto .M. Mores letter, zvJiich lie zvrote against tJie fyrst lytic treaty se that JoJian FrytJi made concerning the sacrament of the body and blond of Christ : vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his Examination before the Bysshoppes of London, Winchester and Lincolne, in Panics Chnrche at London, for ivJiych John Frith zvas con- dempned and after brente in Smytfilde zvitJiout Newgate, the forth day of Jidy. Anno. 1533. Noiv nezvely reiiised, corrected and printed in the Yeare of our Lord . 1 548. the last daye of Jtme. Deade men shall ryse agayne. London, Ant. Scoloker and Wyllya Seres, 1548. Jun. 30 : ft". 120 (the last two blank), 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A— P^), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. Herbert 689, Dibdin iv. 197. William Seres (1548). (187) Hare 29. 148. — Thorn. Elyote, TJie Lmage of Gouern- auncc compiled of the actes and se?itences notable, of the most WILLIAM SERES. 79 noble emperour Alexander Scncnis, late translated out of Greke into Englyshe, by sir Thomas Elyote knyght, in the faiionr of Nobilitie. London, Wyllyam Seres, 1556: ff. 188, 11. 28, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Z^Aa'*) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 691, Dibdin iv. 20. (188) Vl'^. I. 2 (ix). — (James Pilkington), The bnrnyjige of P aides church in London in the yeare of oiire Lord 1561. and the an. day of jfune by lygJitnynge, at three of the clocke, at after noone, which contiiiued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght. London, Wyllyam Seres, 1563. March 10: ff. 140, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A— R^S'*), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. For James Pilkington, bishop of Durham (1561 — 1575-6), see Athenae Cajitab. i. 344, 563. His Sermon on the burning of St. Paul's, preached June 8, 1561, having been attacked in an anonymous pamphlet, "An Addicion with an Appologie to the causes of brinnynge of Paules Church," he here reprints the attack, with " A Confvtacion of an Addicion wyth an Appologye." Herbert 696, Dibdin iv. 208, Grenville 528, Huth 1148. (189) VF. I. 6 (i). — Regina Literata, Sine de serenissinice Doniincs Elizabethcs in Acadeniiani Cantabrigicnseni ad- uentn &c. Anno. 1564. Ang. 5. Narratio Abrahanii Hartuelli Cantabrigiensis. Londini, in Typographia Gulielmi Seres, 1565 : ff. 52 (f. 7 blank), 11. 26, char. ital. (rom. in letter to Haddon), c. sig. (H^ir^A-E^F^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For Abraham Hartwell, fellow of King's College, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 383, 554. Herbert 697, Dibdin iv. 210, Grenville 304. (190) ¥1"=. I. 7. — The eyght bookes of Cains Iidins Ccesar conteyning Jus martiall exploytes in the Reahne of Gallia and the Countries bordering vppon the same translated oute of latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G. London, Willyam Seres, 80 LONDON. 1565 : ff. 272 (12 non num., 272 num., 10 non num), 11. 27, char. goth. (rom. in title and ded.), c. sig. (/^^^ A— Z^Aa— Mm^Nn'") et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Wood- cut initials. Herbert 697, Dibdiii iv. 210. (191) Vl^. 5. I (i). — G. Haddoni, Litciihrationes passim collectcE, & editce. Studio & labore ThomcB Hatchcri Canta- brigicnsis. Londini, apud Gulielmum Seresium, 1567: ff. 180 (ff. 4 non num., 350 pp. num., and one blank leaf), 11. 22, c. sig. (1I*A— Z*Aa— Xx*) et pp. n., large quarto. Head-lines. For Thomas Hatcher, see AtJienac Cantab, i. 483, 569. Herbert 698, Dibdin iv. 211, Grenville 293. (192) Vl'^. 5. I (ii). — G. Haddoni, Pocmata, studio & labore TJiomae Hatchcri Cantabrigicnsis, sparsini collccta & edita. Londini, apud Gulielmum Seresium, 1567 : ff. 72, 11. 22, char, ital., c. sig. (A— S'*) et pp. n., large quarto. Head-lines. On f. 72=^ are the errata both in this and the preceding work. Herbert 698, Dibdin iv. 212, Grenville 293. (193) VI'^. I. 8. — Preccs priuatce, in studiosorum gratia collected, & Regia autJioritate approbates. Londini, per Guliel- mum Seresium, 1568 [wrongly printed 1668]: ff. 344,0. sig. (8 unsigned leaves, *^**^***^ A— Z^Aa— Oq^), i6mo. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. Ff. I — 5, the last leaf of quire I, all quire L, and the first leaf of quire M are wanting. Subjoined to this volume is the Psalter, c. sig. A-Z^Aa® (the rest and i. i wanting). Herbert 700, Dibdin iv. 214. (194) Vl*^. I. I (i). — John Cheeke, TJie hurt of Sedition, hoiv gricuous it is to a coviinon zveltJi. Set out by Sir lohn Cheeke. Knight. 1549. and now nezvly pcrvsed and printed. London, Willyam Seres, 1569. Dec. 14: ff. 48, 11. 25, char, goth., c. sig. (A— M^), octavo. Head-lines. Herbert 700, Dibdin iv. 215, Huth 308. WILLIAM SERES. 8 1 (195) Vl^. I. 3. — Joannis Caii, Britanni, De Cmiibiis Bri- tmmicis, liber vnvs: de rarioricm animalmm et stirpiiim his tor ia, liber vnvs: De libris propriis, liber vnvs. Londini, per Gu- lielmum Seresium, 1570: ff. 16 (besides a table of dogs, inserted after f. i instead of after f. 10), 32, 36 ; 11. 30, char, rom. et grsec., c. sig. (A-D* : A-H* : A-G*H«P) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. The three treatises have separate pagination, signatures, and title-pages. Herbert 701, Dibdin iv. 217, Grenville 109. (196) Vl^^. I. 9. — Prcccs privatae in stvdiosorvm gratiam & Regia aiithoritate approbates. Noiiitcr impresses & quibusdam in locis etiam aitctes. Londini, per Gulielmum Seresium, 1573 : ff. 256 (ff. I, 256, wanting), c. sig. (A^B^ A-YSAa-Hh^), i6mo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 702, Dibdin iv. 218. (197) VP. I. 3 (iii). — A litle Treatise called The Image of Idlenesse, conteining eertaine matters moiied betweene Walter Wedlocke and Baivdin Batchler translated ont of the Troian or Cornish long into English, by O liner Oldwanton, and dedicated to the Ladie Lust. Newlie corrected and amended. London, by the assigne of William Seres, 1581 : ff. 48 (the last blank), 11. 28, char. goth. (headings in rom.), c. sig. (A— F^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 704, Dibdin iv. 222. For books with the name of Seres in the imprint, see also above, 113, 114, 186; and below, under Henry Denham. William Copland (1548). (198) Capell o. 2. — The .xiii. Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poete Virgill Translatet ont of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dnnkel 7 vnkil to the Erie of Angus. 6 82 LONDON. Eiicry biike haiimg his perticidav Prologe. London, (William Copland), 1553: ff. 378 (the last, probably blank, wanting), 11. 34, char. goth. (rom. in first three lines of title, imprint, and heading of f. 377), c. sig. (single leaf, B— Z^ [for Z is printed z] a— z%a^bb^ : and in quire X an extra leaf is let in between ff. 3, 4, both it and the subsequent leaf being numbered clxiii.) et ff. n, (the last leaf but one being wrongly numbered 381 for 377), quarto. Marg. notes. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 356, Dibdin iii. 135, Granville 776. William Baldwin (1549). (199) Vl<^. 3. II (iii). — The Canticles or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh Metres, by William Bakhvin. London, William Baldwin servaunt with Edwarde Whit- churche, 1549: ff. 56 (the last four wanting), char. goth. et ital., c. sig. (A^, a— n*), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. For Will. Baldwin, see Athaiae Oxon. i. 341. The above is the only book at present known with his name in the imprint. Herbert 552, Dibdin iii. 505, Granville 673, Maitland 224. At the Crown in Fleet street by White Friars gate. Dialoge or Communycacyon, 1549. See Richard Foster. Leylande, 1549. See JOHN Bale. Richard Foster (1549). (200) VI'^. I. 15 (iii). — A dialoge or Coninmnycacyon to be had at a table betwene two chyldrcn, gathered ont of the holy scriptures, by Johan Bale, for Ids Aj. yonge sonnes Johan and Paule. London, for Richarde Foster, 1549: ff. 8, 11. 28, char, goth., c. sig. (A^), octavo. Marg. notes. Woodcut initial. F. 1% below title, To be sold in Fletestrete at the signe | of the RICHARD FOSTER, 83 Croune, nexte vnto the | whyte Fryres gate. | d Imprynted at London, I for Richarde Foster. | Anno. M.D.IXLIX. | Below this is a woodcut device, the same as in the title-page of the following. The type of this book and the following is the same as that used by John Day in T/ie Apology of Johan Bale {supra, no. n6). Herbert 1834. John Bale (1549). (201) Yl^. I, 14 (i) : Vl'^. I. 15 (i). — The laboryouse Journey 7 serche of JoJian Leylande, for Englandes Autiqiiitees, geueu of Jiyvi as a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the viij. in the .xxxvij. yeare of his Reygne, with declaracyons enlarged, by JoJian Bale. London, Johan Bale, 1549: ff. 64 (the last blank), 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A— H®), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. F. I % below title, ij. Macha. ij. "He that begynneth euery parte ; " after which, Q To be sold in fletestrete at the signe | of the Croune next vnto the whyte | Fryears gate. | f 47 '\ Em- printed at London by Johan | Bale. Anno. M.D.XLIX, Herbert 1565, Grenville 399, Maitland 226, Huth 833. See also below, under Abraham Vele. John Cawood (1549). (202) vr. I. 5 : VP. I. 5^;.— John Christoferson, An exhorta- tion to all inenne to take hede and beware of rebellioji. London, John Cawood, 1554. July 24: ff. 236, 11. 22, char, goth., c. sig. (A-Z^Aa-Ff^Gg*), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. For John Christoferson, Master of Trinity College (1553 — 58), see Athenae Cantab, i. 188, 551. The former copy bears the autograph " Tho : Baker Coll : Jo : socius ejectus." Herbert 789, Dibdin iv. 391. 84 LONDON. (203) VI'J. 2. 6 (ii) : C. 25. 37 (i) : Grylls 3. 402 : Grylls 3. 403 (i). — Edm. Bonner, A profitable and nccessarye doctryne, with cert ay ne Jionielics adioyned thervnto set forth by the reuerende father in God, Edmonde by shop of London, for the instruction and enforination of the people beynge within his Diocesse of London, 7 of his cnre and charge. London, in aedibus Johannis Cawodi, 1555. Sept. 17: ff. 207, char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, B— ZVAa— Zz^77*Aaa^Bbb*Ccc^ [f. 4 cancelled ; see below], 4 unsigned leaves), quarto. Head-lines (in ital.). Large woodcut initials. In the first copy the last leaf of quire Ii, and in the second the last 18 leaves of the book are wanting; in the latter for sig. Ii is printed Kk. In the first copy the last leaf of Ccc has been cancelled, and a four-leaf quire added with errata. In the first Grylls copy both the cancelled leaf and the added quire are found; and the second Grylls copy (formerly Miss Currer's) has the original fourth leaf of Ccc, and not the added quire. On the first page of the added quire occur the words, " Doniine salvos fac Regem, et Reginam," which are not in the cancelled leaf ; and while the latter bears no date, in the former we have "Anno. 1555, Mensis uero Septembris. 17." The verso of the original leaf is blank, but on f. i^ of the added quire begins "Fautes escaped in the pryntynge " ending on f. 7^ Herbert 792, Dibdin iv, 395, Grenville 90. (204) Vl^. 2. 6 (iii) : Grylls 3. 403 (ii). — Homclies sette forth by the righte reuerende father in God, Edmnnde Byshop of London, not oncly promised before in his booke, intituled, A necessajy doctrine, but also noiv of late adioyned and added thervnto, to be read ivitJiin Jus diocesse of London, of all persons, vycars, and curates, vnto tJicyr parisJiioncrs, vpon sondayes and holy day es. London, Jhon Cawodde, 1555 : ff. 74 (f. 74 want- ing in former copy), 11. 29, 30, c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, B— S^T^), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. The two copies are not absolutely the same. In the former copy, on f. 73^, after "Amen" is "Domine saluos fac regem, et reginam et omnes, | qui eis bene uolunt." In the Grylls copy this does not occur in that place, but on f 74% at the foot of the page, JOHN CAWOOD. 85 below (in ftal.) d Tetrastichon in immodicam prrcscntis | temporis pliuiam (sic) \, and (in goth.), GA Dialoge betwene man and the Ayre, of|lyke effecte. | f. 74'', ([ Imprinted at Lon|don in Poules churcheyarde, at the sygne of | the holy Ghost, by Jhon Cawodde, Pryn-[ter to the Kynge and Queenes | Maiesties. ] Cum priuilegio Regise maiestatis. Herbert 792, Dibdin iv. 395. (205) Vl'^. 2. 6 (i). — Inmnctions geiten in the visitatid of the Reuerend fatJicr in god Eduiundc, bishop of London, begnnne and cotitinued in his Cathedral chiirche and dioccs of London, from the thyrd day of September the yere of our Lorde god, a tJiousand fine hundreth fifty and foure, vntill the .viij. daye of October, the yeare of our Lord a thousand fine hundreth fifty and fine then nexte ensuyug. London, John Cawood, 1555. Oct. 4: fif. 10 (f. 10, probably blank, wanting), 11. 31, char, goth., c. sig. (A^B'^'), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 792, Dibdin iv. 395. (206) ¥!•=. I. 2 (ii). — A supplicacyo to tJie queues maiestie. London, John Cawoode, 1555 : ff. 28 (fif, i, 28, the latter blank, wanting), 11. 31 (rarely 32, e.g. on f, 3''), char. goth. (marg. in rom.), c. sig. (A— C^D*), fif. n. (regular, save that 42 is put for 24) et cust. (on verso always, exc. f. 13^ ; never on recto, exc. f. /'^ ; the lower margin is, however, in one or two cases, cut very close), octavo. Head-lines. I have entered this book under Cawood, because of the presence of his name in the imprint, but not only does the character of the type shew that it was printed abroad, but the character of the book itself, which is a bitter attack on the Romanizing bishops, shews that the name of the Queen's printer can only have been given in derision. There appear to have been two slightly-varying impressions of this tract, for in that described by Herbert the date at the end was printed M.D.L. (though the date, Jan. 26, 1555, occurs on f 24^). This is also the case in the Lambeth copy. See also Hazlitt's Collections and Notes, p. 281. 86 LONDON. F. I wanting [the title given above is that of the Lambeth copy]. f. 2^ (under head-line, To the quenes Mai.), apperyth by ther... f. 25^, catchword And, for An. f. 26% sig. D 4 for D 2. f. 27% below II. 5, Praye Praye Praye. | To the lyuynge [God is obviously omitted] only : be geuen all | honoure and glorye. | Anno M.D.LV. Herbert 793, 1582, Dibdin iv. 396. (207) Grylls 3. 257. — Gello, Circes of loJui Baptista Gello, Florentine. Translated out of Italion ijtto Englishe by Henry Iden. Anno Domini M.D.Lvii. London, John Cawood, (1557) : fif. 148, 11. 26, 25, char, goth., c. sig. (A-S'^T^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 794, Dibdin iv. 398, (208) VI''. I. 10 (i). — (John Fisher), A Godlie treatisse de- claryng the benefites, fruites, and great commodities of prayer, and also the true vse thcrof. Written in Latin fonrtie yeres past, by an EnglysJie man, of great vertne 1 Icarnyng. And lately translated into Englyshe. 1560. London, John Cawood, (1560) : ff. 64, 11. 26, char, goth., c. sig. (A— H^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title in border with Ri. Jugge's monogram, f. 8^ Jugge's emblem, f. 64% % Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde by John | Cawood, one of the Printers | to the Queenes | Maies- tie. I Qum {sic) priuilegio Regime Maiestatis. For John Fisher, Master of Michaelhouse, Bishop of Rochester, and co-founder of St. John's College, see Athenae Cantab, i. 52, 530. Herbert 796, Dibdin iv. 400. (209) VI''. 6. I, 2. — TJie bible in English, that is to say : The content of the holy Scripture, both of the olde and neive Testa- ment, According to the translation that is appointed to be read in the Churches. Anno .i$68, [Cranmer's Version]. London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1568 : voll. 2, ff. (as below) coll. 2, 11. 53, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. JOHN CAWOOD. 87 As will be seen, this Bible is bound up with the Book of Common Prayer and Metrical Psalms ; and as it may be doubted whether either of these two had an independent existence, I have simply given the collation of the volumes as they stand. Athough the work is in two volumes, the signatures and pagination are continuous. Introductory matter, (Title, Almanac for 14 yeares. Calendar, Table of Psalms), c. sig. A^B*, ff. 8 non num. Prayer-Book (beginning with Morning Prayer), c. sig. A-T^U'", ff. 162 non num., on f. 162^, Imprinted at Lon-]don in Paules Church- yarde, by Ri-|chard lugge and lohn Cawood | Printers to the Queenes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Old Testament, c. sig. A-O'BB-ZZ^Aaa-Uuu^Xxx^Yyy^Zzz^ AAaa-KKkk^LLlP". Pentateuch [A-0 5], ff. 109 num. Joshua to Job [O 6-XX 8], ff. 163, the last blank [last but one wrongly num. 163 for 162], Psalms to Malachi [YY1-XXX4], ff. 180 num. [164 — 344, title non num.], ff. 3 — 6 of quire Bbb are wanting. The first volume ends with the Psalms. Apocrypha [Yyy i-LLll 10], ff. 106 num. [title non num., the last blank 3 the rest numbered 345 — 438, the last an error for 449]. New Testament, c, sig. A-Q^R , Q i [supplied in MS.], Q8, R I, and all after R3 [fol. 125] wanting. Metrical Psalms, c. sig. A-M^ , A I and all after M 6 is wanting. Herbert 722, 797, Dibdin iv. 256, Cotton 300. (210) Capell F. 13 : Grylls 10. 159. — Seb. Brant, Stultifera Nauis, qua omnium mortalium Jiarratiir stiiltitia, e Latino sermone in nostrum vulgarem versa, & iam diligenter impressa. An. Do. 1570. The Ship of Fooles, w her in is shelved the folly of all States, with diners other zvorkes adioyned vnto the same, very profitable and fruitfull for all men. Translated out of Latin into EnglisJie by Alexander Barclay Priest. London, John Cawood, 1570: ff. 340, char. goth. (Latin text, marg. notes in rom.), c. sig. (as below) et ff. n. (in Ship of Fools only), folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. Ff. I — 12, Introductory matter, c. sig. IT^irir^, ff. 12. ff. 13 — 274, Ship of Fools and table, c. sig. A-Z''Aa-Uu''Xx*, ff. 262. ff. 273 — 316, Mirrour of good manners (in char. goth. min.), c. 88 LONDON. sig. A-G", ff. 42. ff. 317 — 340, Certayne Egloges of Alexander Barclay, Priest (in char. goth. minim,), c. sig. A-D^, ff. 24. Herbert 797, Dibdin iv. 401, Grenville 94, Huth 195. Robert Crowley (1549). (211) Capell T. 5. — TJie vision of Pierce Plowman, nowe the scconde time imprinted by Robcrte Croivley dwellynge in Elye rentes in Holbnrne. Whereunto are added certayne notes and cotations in the mcrgyne, geuynge light to the Reader London, Roberto Crowley, 1550: ff. 126 (the last, probably- blank, wanting), 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (#"(1^ A-Z*Aa-Ff* Gg^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. F, 125^, 0[ Imprinted at London by Roberte | Crowley, dwellyng in Elye rentes | in Holburne. The yere of | our Lord .M.D.L. The above is the true second edition : for its points of difference with the third (equally claiming to be the second edition) see Prof. Skeat's Piers the Ploiuman, part 2, p. xxxiv. Herbert 759, Dibdin iv. 330. John King (1550). (212) Grylls 3. 268. — Tho. Lupset's Workes. London, Jhon Kynge, 1560: ff. 212, 11. 22, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Z^ [z] Aa— Cc^Dd^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. F. 212'*, Iraprynted at London, in [ Paules churcheyearde, at the | signe of the Swanne, by | Jhon kynge. Herbert 763, Dibdin iv. 337, Huth 874. John Tisdale (1550). (213) Vl^. I. 17 (ii). — The first two partes of the Actes or vnchaste examples of the Englishe Votaryes, gathered out of theyr oivne legendes and Chronycles by Jhon Bale, and dedi- cated to our nioste redoitbted soueraigne kyng Edzvarde the JOHN TISDALE. 89 syxtc. London, John Tysdalc, 1560: ff. 108 (8 non num., 96 num. [the last wrongly num. 97], 4 non num.), 160; 11. 27, c. sig. (A^ A^ B-M^N^ : A-U^) et ff. n. (very irregular, and in first part only), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. F. I, General title, wanting, fif. 2 — 7, Dedication to Edward vi, f. 8, blank, wanting, f. 9, title to first part. ff. 10 — 16, Preface. In tliis copy the general title is wanting, and that to the first part has been put in its place, the whole quire containing the preface being transposed so as to precede the dedication, Herbert 766, Dibdin iv. 346. (214) VP. I. II. — John Bale, A declaration of Ednionde Bonners articles. London, Jhon Tysdale, for Frauncys Col- docke, 1561 : ff. 172 (ff. i, 12 [blank], and all after f 148 are wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (*^A*, B— U^) et ff. n. (very irregular; ff. i — 12 non num.), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 767, Dibdin iv. 348, Huth 83. (2 1 5) Grylls 3. 278. — An abridgevientc of the Notable worke of Polidore Virgile Compendioiislye gathered and neivlye perused by Thomas Langley. London, Jhon Tisdale, s. a. : ff. 176 (8 non num., 152 num., 16 non num., the last probably blank, wanting), 11, 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A^, a— x^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For Thomas Langley, see Athenae Cantab, i. 447. Herbert 769, Dibdin iv. 350. John Wyer (1550). (216) VI'J. 5. 2.— The Ymage of both Chvrches after The inoste wonderfull and heaitenly Reuelacion of Saincte John the Ejiangelyst Copyled by John Bale an exyle also in this lyfe, for the faitJifidl testimony of Jcsu. London, John Wyer, 1550: ff. 84, ^Z, 84 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char. 90 LONDON. goth., maj. et min., c. sig. (A-K^L^ : a-l^ : Aa-Kk^Ll*), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. (in first part only). There is a separate title-page and imprint to each part. Herbert 712, Dibdin iv. 240. Richard Tottell (155 i). (217) Grylls 3. 229. — Tho. More, A dialoge of comfort against tribiUacion, made by Syr Thomas More Knyght, and set foorth by the name of an Hugarie, not before this time imprinted. London, Richarde Tottel, 1553. Nov. 18: ff. 168 (f. 4 blank), 11. 33, char. goth. (head-lines, etc., in rom.), c. sig. ( k^, A-U^X^), quarto. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title (in woodcut border of Pyramus and Thisbe), below which, Londini in sedibus Richar-]di Totteli. | tt Cum Priui- legio f. 168'', Imprinted at Lon-|don in fletestrete within Temple | barre at the signe of the hand 7 | starre by Richarde Tottel I y^. xviii. day of Nouebre | in y^ yere of our lord. | 1553- I Cum Herbert 808, Dibdin iv. 424. (218) Vl^. 4. 4: Grylls 10. 158. — A Treatise excellent a?id compcdions, shewing and declaring, in maner of Tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable Princes and Princesses with other Nobles, through y^ mntabilitie and cJiange of vnstedfast Fortune together with their most detestable 7 ^vicked vices. First com- pyled in Latin by the excellent Gierke Bocatius, an Italian borne. And scnce that tyme translated into our English ajid Vulgare tong, by Dan John Lidgate Monke of Bury e. And nowe newly imprynted, corrected, and augmented out of diuerse and sundry olde writen copies in parchment. In csdibus Richardi*Tottclli. Cum priuilegio. London, Richard Tottell, 1554. Sept. 10: fif. 228 (9 non num., 219 num.), c. sig. (fl*^, A— Y'^Aa-^Pp*') et ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. F. I, Title, ff. 2 — 6, Table, ff. 7 — 9, Prologue, f 2 28»' (num. 220 for 219), Greneacres a Lenuoy vpon John Bochas. This RICHARD TOTTELL. 9 1 leaf is wanting in the Grylls copy. In both copies the 6-leat quire at the end (sig. (Id) with the daunce of Machabre, in which the imprint occurs, is wanting. Herbert 808, Dibdin iv. 425, Grenville 85, Huth 176. (219) Vl^. I. 4. — Magna Charta cvm statvtis. Londini, apud Richardum Tottelum, 1556, Jnn. {sic) 12: ff. 180, ^2; 11. 32, char, goth, (rom. in title and head-lines), c. sig. (*^, A-X^Y^ : A-P) et ff. n., octavo. Woodcut initials. Herbert 810, Dibdin iv. 428. (220) N. 17. 8 (vi). — [Year-book, 32 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Richard Tottel, 1556: ff. 34, char. goth., c. sig. (A-G*H<') et ff. n., folio. Tlie above is one of a series of year-books for the reign of Henry vi., printed by Tottell at different dates, and arranged in two volumes [N. 17. 7, 8], ending with the 2otli and 39th years respectively. To each volume is added a table to the whole of its contents, that to the 2nd with a title prefixed, stating it to have been printed by Thomas Wight in 1601. (221) Vi^. 4. 3 ; Capell F, 3. — TJie ivorkes of Sir Thomas More Knyght some ty me Lordc Chauncelloiir of England, ivrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. London, at the signe of the hand and starre {i.e. Rich. Tottell], at the coste and charge of John Cawood, John Walley, and Richarde Tottle, 1557. April : ff. 743, coll. 2, 11. 60, char, goth., c. sig. (Q^'^, Q^, a— z^ [there is no sig. g, but on ff. 2, 3, 4, of sig. f, are f. g. ii. &c.] aa-zz8A-Z«AA8-YY8ZZ<5, and single leaf added after CC 5) et pp. n. (an error occurs in quire f.), folio. Head-lines. F. I, Title (wanting in former copy), below which, Printed at | London at the costes and charges | of lohn Cawod, lohn Waly, | and Richarde Tottell. | Anno. 1557. | Below is Cawood's mono- gram, f. 2, Dedication to Queen Mary, by Will. Rastell. ff. 3 — 9, Tables, i. 10, blank (wanting in former and torn in Capell copy), ff. 11— 16, Poems. After this pagination begins, f. 742'' (num. p. 1458 by error for 1450), Imprinted at Lon|don in Fletestrete at the sygne of the | hande and starre, 92 LONDON. at the coste and charge of | lohn Cawood, lohn Walley, and Richarde Tottle. | Finished in Apryll, the yere | of our Lorde God. 1557. I Cum priuilegio f. 743, blank, wanting in both copies. Herbert 731, Dibdin iv. 273, Grenville 475, Huth 994. (222) Capell w. I. — Songes and Sonettes written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Hazuard late Earle of Surrey, and other. London, Richard Tottill, 1557. July 31 : ff. 120, char. goth. {title and head-lines in ital., headings of poems in rom.), c. sig. (A— Z'^Aa— Gg*) et ff. n., small quarto. F, 1% Title as above, below which, Apud Richardum Tottell. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum | solum. 1557. | f. 1^,11 To the reader, f. 117^, Poems end. ff. 118^ — 119^ Table, f. 120% Imprinted at London in fletestrete | within Temple barre. at the signe of the | hand and starre, by Richard Tot-|till, the .xxxi. day of July. | Anno. 1557. | Cum priuilegio ad im- pri-|mendum solum. (The last three lines are in rom.) The numbering of the leaves is regular, save that for 79 is 76, and the numbers in quire Ff run 113, 116, 115, 114. (223) N. 17. 5 (i). — [Year-book, 17, 18, 21, Edw. iii.] De Termino Hillarii London, Richard Tottyll, 1561. May 12: a. 80, 60, 62, char, goth., c. sig. (A-U* : A-P^ : A-0* P6) et ff. n., folio. The signatures and numbering of the leaves recommence for each year. (224) N. 17. 5 (iii). — [Year-book, 29 Edw. iii.] De Termijw Hillarii London, Richard Tottyll, 1561 : ff. 50 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-L^M*') et ff. n., folio. (225) N. 17. 5 (iv). — [Year-book, 30 Edw. iii.] De Termitio Hillarii London, Richard Tottyll, 1561 : ff. 32, char. goth., c. sig. (A-H^) et ff. n., folio. (226) N. 17. 5 (v). — [Year-book, 38 Edw. iii.] De Termino Hillarii London, Richard Tottyll, 1561 : ff. 38 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-H*P) et ff. n., folio. RICHARD TOTTELL. 93 (227) N. 17. 5 (vi). — [Year-book, 39 Edw. iii.] De Termhio Hillarii London, Richard Tottyll, 1561 : ff. 38, char. goth., c. sig. (A-H^r-) et ff. n., folio. (228) Capell X. 4 (ii). — Mattco Bandello, The Tragicall Historye of Romeiis and lulict, luritteji first in Italian by Bandcll and now in EnglisJie by Ar. Br. \_Arthur Broke\. London, Richard Tottill, 1562. Nov. 19: ff. Z% (ff. 1—3 wanting), 11. 36, char, goth, (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, A— K^L'*) et ff. n., octavo. Ff. I — 3 wanting, f. 4% To the Reader, f. 4^, The Argument. f. 88'\ Q Imprinted at London in | Fletestrete within Temble {sic) barre, at | the signe of the hand and starre, by | Richard Tottill the .xix. day of | Nouember. An. do. 1562. | For Arthur Broke, see J. P. Collier, Shakespeare s Library, vol. ii., p. 4. Herbert 814, Dibdin iv. 433, Huth 108. (229) Vl^. I. 5 (i). — Ri. Grafton, An abridgement of the Chronicles of England, gathered by Richard Grafton, citizen of London. Anno Do. 1563. Perused and allowed, according to an order taken. (London), in aedibus Richard Tottyll, 1562. Feb. 21 : ff. 196 (12 non num., 172 num., 12 non num. : ff. 193, 196 [the latter probably blank] wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A8B^ A-X8Y^ Y^Z^) et ff n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. The title-page bears the date 1563. The colophon is dated Feb. 21, 1562 [1562—63]. Herbert 813, Dibdin iv, 433, Grenville 282. (230) N. 2Qa. 6. — La Grannde Abridgement Collect par le Judge tresrejterend monsieur AntJiony FitzJicrbert (Lon- don), in sedibus Ricardi Tottcll, 1565. Nov. 12: ff. 380, 130 (the last, probably blank, wanting), 208 (f i [title .''] wanting), char, goth., c. sig. {K-Z^ K2,-Z7?Tf%%^ : A^Bbb-Qqq^Rrr^ : A— Z^ [including W] &V) et ff. n., large folio. Head-lines, Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. Herbert 815, Dibdin iv. 435. 94 LONDON. (231) N. 17. 5 (ii).— [Year-book, 22—25 Edw. iii.] De Termino Hillarii London, Ry chard Tottell, 1567: ff. 80, 64, char, goth., c. sig. (A-T^ G twice over : A-Q*) et ff. n., folio. On recto of T 3 is an imprint (Jan. 2, 1567) ; the %)C)-so of T 3 and recto of T4 are blank; and on the verso begins the 25th year. On the verso of Q 4 is an imprint (Jan. 23, 1567). (232) N. 17. 7 (viii). — [Year-book, 11 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Richard Tottill, 1567: ff. 56, char. goth., c. sig. (A— O^) et ff. n., folio. (233) N. 17. 7 (xii). — [Year-book, iQHen. vi.] De Termino Hillarii London, Rycharde Tottel, 1567: ff. 80, char. goth., c. sig. (A-U*) et ff. n., folio. (234) N. 17. 8 (iii). — [Year-book, 27 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Richard Tottill, 1567: ff. 10, char. goth., c. sig. (AWC^) et ff. n., folio. (235) N. 17. 8 (iv). — [Year-book, 28 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1567. Feb. 30 {sic) : ff. 14 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^C^) et ff. n., folio. (236) N. 17. 8 (v). — [Year-book, 30 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1567. Feb. 27: ff. 16, char, goth., c. sig. (A— D^) et ff. n., folio. (237) N. 17. 8 (vii). — [Year-book, 33 — 36 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1567. Mar. 10: ff. 56 (the last blank), 64 (the last blank), 34, char, goth., c. sig. (A-0* : A-Q^ : A-G^H''') et ff n., folio. (238) N. 17. 8 (viii). — [Year-book, 2,7 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Richard Tottill, 1567: ff. ^S, char. goth., c. sig. (A-Hn«) et ff. n., folio. (239) N. 17. II (iv). — [Year-book, i — 16, 20, 21, Hen. vii.] A nni Regis Henrici Septimi. Qnibvs acccsservnt A nnus Primus RICHARD TOTTELL. 95 et secundus de noua et valde bona collatione. Ac etiam, Annus decinius, vndccimus, dcciimis tertius, dccinius sextiis, et vigesinuis, nunquam ante Jiac cediti. Anno Domini 1555. London, Richard Tottill, 1567: ff. 424. char, goth., c. sig. (A'^B-Z* [but E«] 7*AA-ZZ^AAa-ZZz%-v4x^ aa-mm*nn«) ct ff. n., foho. Head-hnes. Marg. rcf. Woodcut initials. The date on the title-page is evidently that of the edition from which the present is a reprint (Herbert, p. 810). As in that, the title is enclosed in a border used by Grafton. Each year has a separate numbering of the leaves, but the signatures run on con- tinuously. The present work, together with a series of year-books, ranging from Edward v. to the 27th year of Henry viii., printed by Tottill, were collected into a volume and issued with a fresh general title with the imprint, "Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1620.", and enclosed in the border used by Jane Yetsweirt in a year-book of 1596. (240) N. 17. II (v). — [Year-book, 12 — 14 Hen. viii.] De Tennino Trinitatis London, Richard Tottel, 1567: ff. 16, 32 {the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-D^ : A-H^) et ff, n., folio. (241) N. 17. II (vi). — [Year-book, 18, 19, Hen. viii.] De Terniino MicJiaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1567: ff. 14, char, goth., c. sig. (A*B*C<^) et ff. n., folio. (242) N. 17. II (vii). — [Year-book, 26 Hen. viii.] De Tennino PascJie London, Rychard Tottel, 1567: ff. 10, char, goth., c. sig. (A'^B*') et ff. n., folio. (243) vi^. I. 6. — A profitable Booke of Maister John Perkins, felow of the Inner Temple, treating of the lawes of England. A^pud Richardnm Tottcll. London, Rycharde Tottil, 1567: ff. 188 (ff. 128, 129, wanting), 11. 32, char. goth. (head- lines in rom.), c. sig. (A^B^C*, B-Y^) et ff. n., octavo. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. Herbert 816, Dibdin iv. 437?/. 9^ LONDON. (244) Vl^. I. 7 (i), — A learned Commetidation of the poli- tique lawes of Englande ivritten in latine abone an hundred yeares past by the learned and right hojiorable niaister Fortescue knight, lorde CJianncelloiir of Engldd in y time of Kinge Henrye the .vi. And nczvly translated into Englishe by Robert Mnlcaster. London, Rychard Tottill, 1567: ff. 136, coll. 2, char. goth. (with the Latin, always in outer margin, in rom.), c. sig. (A— R^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 816, Dibdin iv. 437. (245) N. 17. 7 (iii). — [Year-book, 3 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaclis London, Rychard Tottel, 1568: ff. 56, char. goth., c. sig. (A-0^) et ff. n., folio. (246) N. 17. 7 (iv). — [Year-book, 4 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1568: ff. 32, char. goth., c. sig. (A-H*) et ff. n., folio. (247) N. 17. II (i). — [Year-book, i Edw. v.] De Termijio Trinitatis London, Richard Tottell, 1568: ff. 8, char. goth., c. sig. (A^B^) et ff. n., folio. (248) Vl^. 2. 4 : Vl^. 2. 4^ (ii).— Gerard Legh, The Accedens of Armory. London, Rychard Tottel, 1568: ff. 144, c. sig. (A— S^ : the outer half-sheets of quires H, I, wanting in former copy) et ff. n., quarto. Woodcuts (coloured in both copies). In the latter copy after i. 142 is a large woodcut of "the Constable's " arms. Herbert 817, Dibdin iv. 439 ;;, Grenville 398. (249) N. 17. II (viii). — [Year-book, 27 Hen. viii.] De Termino Pasche London, Rychard Tottel, 1569: ff. 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^G*') et ff. n., folio. (250) P. I. 6: Grylls i. 139. — Henrici de Bracton de Legibus & consuetiidinibus Anglice libri qninque. Londini, apud Richardum Tottellum, 1569: ff. 458, 11. 45, c. sig. RICHARD TOTTELL. 97 ('anV^'aVA*, B-SSSss*TTTtt°) ct ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. The Grylls copy contains the autograph of Sir John Savile. Herbert 8i8, Dibdin iv. 440. (251) Capell z. 4. — Graftons Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande. Neivly and diligently corrected, and finished the last of October, 1570. London, in aedibus Richardi Tottyl, (1570) : ff. 236 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (8 unsigned leaves, asaasaaa^aaaa^, A-Z^Aa^Bb^Cc*) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 819, Dibdin iv. 441. (252) N. 17. 9 (ii). — [Year-book, i, 2, 5, 7, Hen. v.] In hoc volninine continentiir aliquot anni Regis Henrici qiiinti cum aliquibns mannscriptis exemplarijs collati et nunqiid ante hac impressi. Anno Domini. 1563. Llensis Jamtarij secnndo. London, Rychard Tottel [Tottyl in final imprint], 1570: ff. 28 (the last blank), 14 (the last blank), 36 (the last blank), 10, char, goth., c. sig. (A-G^ : A-C^D^ : A-I* : A^B«) et ff. n. (beginning afresh for each year), folio. (253) N. 17. 7 (i). — [Year-book, i Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570: ff. 8, char. goth., c. sig. (A^B^) et ff. n., folio. (254) N. 17. 7 (ii). — [Year-book, 2 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570; ff. 16, char. goth., c. sig. (A'^B'^^C^) et ff. n., folio. (255) N. 17. 7 (v). — [Year-book, 5 Hen. vi.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570: ff. ?>2, char. goth., c. sig. (A-U^X-) et ff. n., folio. (256) N. 17. 7 (vi). — [Year-book, 9 Hen. vi.] De Tcj-mino Pasche London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570: '^.6% (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A^B-D^E'^F-Q*) et ff. n., folio. 7 98 LONDON. (257) N. 17. 7 (vii).— [Year-book, 10 Hen. vi.] De Tennino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570: ff. 26, char. goth., c. sig. (A-E^F*^) ct ff. n., folio. (258) N. 17. 7 (xiii). — [Year-book, 20 Hen. vi.] De Termmo Michaelis London, Rychard Tottyl, 1570: ff. 46, char. goth., c. sig. (A-K*L<^) et ff. n., folio. (259) Grylls 3. 98. — Les Tenures du Monsieur Litteltou, oitesque certein cases addes per auters de puis7ie temps London, Rychard Tottill, 1572: ff. 172, 11. 31, char, goth., c. sig. (A— X^Y*) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. In the copy described by Herbert (p. 819) two editions were combined. (260) Vi'^. I. 8. — A Discourse vppon vsinye, by zvaye of Dialogue and oracions By TJioinas Wilson, doctor of the Ciuill laives, one of the Masters of her maiesties honorable courte of requestes. Londini, in sedibus Rychardi TottelH, 1572 : ff. 222 (ff. I — 18 non num.), char, goth., c. sig. (Q^QQ^A^ B-Z^Aa-Cc^Dd^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 819, Dibdin iv. 442, Grenville 806. (261) Vl^. I. 7 (ii). — Tlie Expositions of the Tervies of the Lawes of Englande, with diners propre rules and principles of the lawe, as well oute of the Bookes of master Litleton as of other. Gathered both in Frenche and English, for yong men very necessary, whereunto are added the old temcres. London, Rycharde Tottyl, 1572: ff 144, coll. 2, char. goth. (with the French, always in the outer margin, in rom.), c. sig. (A— S^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 819, Dibdin iv. 442. (262) Vl^ 6. 6 (iii): Grylls i. 21. — Ricardi Willeii Poema- tum Liber. Ad Gulielmum Bar. BurgJileiuni Auratum nobiliss. ordinis equitcm, Scrcniss. Reg. Consiliarium ac Suniniuni RICHARD TOTTELL. 99 Anglics QticBstorem : — In svorvm Poemat. lib win Ricardi Willeii scholia. Ad Custodeni, socios, atq; Pncros CoUcgij Wiccamniici apiid Wintoniani. Londini, ex Bibliothcca Tot- tellina, 1573 : ff- 44> 3^' char. ital. (the scholia in rom.), c. sig. (A— E^F*: A— D^E"*) et pp. n. (in poems only), octavo. For Richard Willes, see Athenae Oxon. i. 415. To the account there given may be added from the above work (f. 6^^) that he was an M.A. and Professor of the University of Perugia. Herbert 820, Dibdin iv. 444 71. (263) P. 7. 39 (ii). — An exposition of the Kinges Preroga- tine collected out of the great Abridgeinent of lust ice Fitzhcrbert, a7id other olde Writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipful sir William Stannforde (sic) Knighte, lately one of the fustices of the Queenes Maiesties Courte of common Pleas. London, Richarde Totttle {sic), 1573 : ff. 86, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K^L^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. (264) P. 7. 39 (i). — Les Plees del Coron, diuisees in plusors titles & comon lieiix. Per queux home plus redenient & ple- nairement trouera quelque chose que il quira, touchaunt les dits Plees, coniposees par le tresreuerejid hidge Monsieur GuilliaiUine Staujidforde Chiualer, dernierement corrigee auecques vn table parfaicte des choses notables contenues en yeelle, nouuelment reueu et corrigee. London, Richard Tottel, IS74'' ff- 212, char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (VaP, A—Z^8i^1l^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert describes (p. 816) an earlier edition of this and the preceding work. (265) N. 17. 7 (ix). — [Year-book, 12 Hen. vi.] Be Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1574. Dec. 6: ff. 8, char, goth., c. sig. (A'*B*) et ff. n., folio. (266) N. 17. 7 (x). — [Year-book, 14 Hen. vi.] Ajino decinio quarto Henrici scxti London, Rychard Tottel, 1574. Dec. 6 : ff. 26, char, goth., c. sig. (A-E^F") et ff. n., folio. lOO LONDON. (267) N, 17. II (ii). — [Year-book, i Rich, iii.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1574. Dec. 6: ff. 4, char, goth., c. sig. (A*) et ff. n., foHo. (268) N. 17. II (iii). — [Year-book, 2 Rich, iii.] De Termino Michaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1574. Dec. 16: ff. 22, char, goth., c. sig. (A-D*E*^) et ff. n., foHo. (269) N. 17. 8 (ix). — [Year-book, t^% Hen. vi.] De Termino MicJiaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1575. May 5 ; ff. 40, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K'*) et ff. n., folio. (270) N. 17. 8 (i). — [Year-book, 21 Hen. vi.] De Termino MicJiaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1575. Nov. 10; ff. 58, char, goth., c. sig. {h.-WO^) et ff. n., folio. (271) N. 17. 8 (x). — [Year-book, 39 Hen. vi.] De Termino MicJiaelis London, Rychard Tottel, 1575. Dec. 14: ff. 52 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A-N^) et ff. n., folio. (272) N. 17. 9 (i). — [Year-book, i — 15 Hen. iv.] In Jioc volnmine continctnr omnes anni Regis Henrici qnarti ab anno prima vsque ad annum decimnm qnintum iam nouiter im~ pressi opera & impensis RicJiardi Tottelli, 1575. London, Rycharde Tottel, 1576: ff. 330 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-MMiA'Im''NNNN«) et ff n., folio. (273) N. 17. 6. — [Year-book, 40—50 Edvv. iii.] Regis pie inemorie Edivardi tertij a quadragesimo ad qninqnagesimnm. Anni omnes a mendis quibus iniserrime scatebant repurgati & suo nitori restitiiti. London, Rycharde Tottel, 1576. Mar. 2 : ff. 360, 26 (table), char, goth., c. sig. (A'^B-ZZz'^A-T^V^, A— D'^E-) et ff. n. (beginning afresh for each year), folio. (274) vi^. I. 9 (i). — TJie booke of sundry Instruments. London, Richard Tottell, 1576: ff. 176 (ff. i — 3, 176 [pro- bably blank], wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^ C— Y**) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. RICHARD TOTTELL. lOI (275) P. 7. 102. — La Graunde Abridgement, Collecte & cscrie per le Judge iresreiierend Syr Robert Brooke CJimalier, nadgairs chicfe Ijistice del coniinon bankc. London, Richarde Tottyl, 1576. Oct. 12: voll. 2, ff. 356 (the last blank), 328, char, goth., c. sig. (C*, A-XX^: A-SS«) et ff. n., folio. Head- lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. The signature letters are in goth. in vol. i, and in rem. in vol. 2. (276) N. 17. 8 (ii). — [Year-book, 22 Hen. vi.] De Termino MicJiaelis London, Rycharde Tottel, 1578 : ff. 60, char. goth., c. sig. (A-P*) et ff. n., folio, (277) vi^. I. 10 (iii). — Ascvns Notiell cases de les ans et temps le Roy, H. 8. Ed. 6. et la Roygne Mary, Escrie ex la gratind Abridge juent, compose per Sir Robert Brooke Chiualer ic. la disperse en les Titles. Mes icy collect sub ans. London, Rychard Tottyl, 1578. Oct. 15 : ff. 120 (ff. 2—7 wanting), c. sig. (A-P^) et ff n., small octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 821, Dibdin iv. 446. (278) N. 18. 7 (i). — Les Commentaries on Reportes de Edmunde Plozvdcn vn apprejitice de le comen ley London, Richard Tottell, 1578. Oct. 20: ff. 18, 404 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (1:•5A-C^ A-GGGGg^HHHh'^) et ff. n, folio. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 821, Dibdin iv. 447. (279) N. 18. 7 (ii). — Cy ensuont certeyne cases Reportes per Edmnnde Plowden, vn Apprentice de le commen ley London, in aedibus Richardi Tottelli, 1579. Jan. 15 : ff. 180, 6 (table), char, goth., c. sig. (A— SS'^TT*') et ff. n. (continuously with preceding work), folio. To this is appended, (I Vn Report fait per vn vncerteine anthour In sedibus Richardi Tottelli, 1579: ff. 16 (f i blank), c. sig. (A-D^). Herbert 822, Dibdin iv. 447. 102 LONDON. (280) Vl'^. I. 1 1. — Joh. Stowe, TJie Summavie of the Chroni- cles of England. Diligently collected, abridged & continued vnto this present yeare of Christ . 1 5 79. by John Stoive, Citizen of London. London, Richard Tottle and Henry Binneman, (1579): ff. 256, char, goth., c. sig. (HSIIII^ A-GG^) et pp. n., i6mo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. (281) N. 17. 12. — Le Liver des Assises & plees del Corone, inoues & dependaiintz deuannt les Lnstices, sibien en lour circuitz come aylonrs, en temps le Roy Edzvarde le tierce, onesqz vn Table des principal matters del plees del Corone. Ore noiiebnent imprimee & corrigee London, Rychard Tottell, 1580. Mar. 16: fF. 36, 326, char, goth., c. sig. (A* [title, dedication, &c.], A-H* [table], A-LLLl^MMMm'') et ff. n., folio. Head- lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 823, Dibdin iv. 449. (282) vi^. I. 12. — Littletons Tenvres in Englishe. London, Rychard Tottel, 1581 : ff. 144, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A— S^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. (283) Capell Q. I. — The Dial of Princes. Compiled by the reuerend fatJicr in God, Don Antony of Guevara, Bishop of Guadix, Preacher, 7 Chronicler to Charles the fift, late of that name Emperonr. EnglisJied out of the French by Thomas North, Sonne of Sir Edivard North knight L. North of Kirtheling (London), Richarde Tottill, 1582: ff. 30, 476, char, goth., c. sig. (A-C«D^ A-NNn^OOo") et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 823, Dibdin iv. 450. (284) Vl^. I. 13. — A profitable Booke of Master John Per- kins, treating of tJie Laives of England. [Imperfect at begin- ning, all prelim, matter wanting.] London, Richarde Tottell, 1586: c. sig. (,,,B— Y^) et ff. n., small octavo. Head-hnes. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. (285) N. 17. 10. — En cest volume est conteinus le lo7ige Report de Anno quinto Edivardi quarti. Ore nouelment im- RICHARD TOTTELL. IO3 primee & corrigee, otiesqiie references al Abridgement de les cases in Brooke addes in le Mmgent dc cJiesciin case. London, Richarde Tottyll, 1587 : ff. 4, 144 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (1^^ A-NN^) ct ff. n., folio. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. (286) N. 17. 7 (xi). — [Year-book, 18 Hen. vi.] De Termino Pasche London, Rychard Tottyl, s. a. : ff. 34, char, goth., c. sig. (A-G^H*^) et ff. n., folio. (287) vi^. I. 14: Grylls 3. 201. — Tractatvs de legihis et consiietndinibus regni Anglic, tempore Regis Henrici secnndi conipositns, lusticie gnbernacula tencnte illnstri viro Ranidpho de Glanuilla Londini, in sedibus Richardi Totteli, s. a.: ff. 136 (f. 120 blank : ff. 121 — 136, Table), c. sig. (A-R^) et ff. n., small octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. The Grylls copy contains the autograph and some MS. notes of Sir John Savile. Herbert 827, Dibdin \x. 455. Abraham Vele (155 i). (288) Grylls 3. 259 (ii). — J oh. Bale, The first two partes of the Actes or vncJiast examples of the EnglysJi votaryes, gathered ont of tJieir owne legenades (sic) and Chronycles by JoJian Bale, and dedycated to oitr most redoubted soueraigne kynge Edward the syxte. London, Abraham Vele, 155 i. In this copy all of the first part but th^^Introduction (sig. **, ff. 4) is wanting, and its place is supplied by a copy of the edition printed by Th. Raynalde in 1548 {supra, no. 93). The name of Abr. Vele occurred in the imprint at the end of the first part. Tlie second part or contynuacyon of the English votaries, compreJiendynge theyr vnchast examples for .CC. y cares space, from the yeare a thousande from Christes incarnacyon, to the reigne of kyng Johan, collected of theyr owne wryters by Johan Bale. ff. 124, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A— P^Q*), octavo. Head-lines. Margf. notes. Woodcut initials. 104 LONDON. The imprint below the title in the second part runs, Imprinted at London, for Johan Bale, | in the yeare of our Lorde a M.D.7LI. | and are to be sold wythin Paules ] chayne, at the sygne of S. | John Baptist. Herbert 772, Dibdin iv. 359, Huth 82. (289) Capell z. 8. — A frutefid, and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a pjiblyqiie weak, and of the newe yle called Utopia : written in Latine by Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson Citizein and Goldsmythe of London, at the procurement, and earnest request of George Tadloive Citesein 7 Haberdassher of the same Citie. London, Abraham Vele, 155 1 : ff. 144, 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (-fr^A*, B— R^S'^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 773, Dibdin iv. 359, Grenville 475, Huth 994. (290) Vl^. I. 15: Grydls 3. 273. — Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne them in healthe, is translated ont of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynell, zvJiicJi boke is ameded, augmented, and diligently im- prynted. London, Abraham Vele, 1557: ff. 192 (ff. 20, 192, blank : ff. 189, 190, 192, wanting in Grylls copy), 11. 28, char, goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (*'^»ii^A*, B— Y^Z*) et ff. n., octavo. For Thomas Paynell, see Athenae Oxon. i. 337. Herbert 773, Dibdin iv. 360;^. See also below, under William How. John Wight (155 i). See below, under John Kingston, John Charlewood, and Ninian Newton. Hugh Singleton (1551 or before). (291) vr. I. 13. — The supplication of doctour Barnes vnto the moost gracyous kynge Henrye the eyght with the declaration HUGH SINGLETON. I05 of his articles coiidcned for Jteresy by the bysJiops. London, Hugh Syngelton, s. a. : iL 188, 11, 30, char, goth., c. sig. (A— YV©* : sig. U is repeated twice), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 188'', Imprinted at London in | Poules churhyard {sic) at \ the signe of S. | Augustyne j by Hugh | Syngelton. | Herbert 743, Dibdin iv. 296, Grenville 60, Huth 113. (292) vi'^. I. 25. — The vocacyon of Johd Bale to the bisJioprick of Ossorie in Ireldde his persecucios in y same, 7 finall dcly- neraiince. Rome, s. t. n. [but with Singleton's emblem], 1553. Dec. : ff. 56, 11. 27, char, goth., c. sig. (A-G^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Two woodcuts. I have entered this book under Singleton, because of the occur- rence of his emblem on the last page, but the real history of this and the other books with Singleton's mark, derisively professing to have been printed in Rome, is most uncertain. F. i*^ (below title), woodcut, The English Christia, The Irishe Papist, ff. 2^ — 8% Preface, f. 8^, Veritas Domini, ma-jnet in seternum. Psalm. 116. (Below is a woodcut.) f. 49% work ends. ff. 49b — 55^, Table, f. 56% Correctyons , below which, fl Imprinted in Rome, before the castell of | S. Angell, at y« signe of S. Peter, in | Decembre, Anno D° 1553. | Ends f. 56'^, God is [here follows Singleton's emblem] my helper. Herbert 741, 1573, Dibdin iv. 290. (293) Capell T. 9 (i). — Edm. Spenser, TJie Shcphcardes Calender Conteyning tivelue yEglognes proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertvons Gentleman most zvorthy of all titles both of learning and cJieualrie M. PJiilip Sidney. London, Hugh Singleton, 1579: fif. 56, char, goth. (" arguments " in ital., notes in rom.), c. sig. (^^, A— N*) et ff. n., quarto. Woodcuts. F, i^ (below title). At London. | Printed by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in | Creede Lane neere vnto Ludgate at the | signe of the gylden Tunne, and | are there to be solde. | 1579. | Herbert 742, Dibdin iv. 293, Grenville 681, Huth 1386. I06 LONDON. (294) VP. I. 12 (v). — (John Stubbe), TJie Discoverie of a Gaping Gvlf ivJiercinto England is like to be sivalloivcd by anotJier French mariage, if the Lord forbid not the banes, by letting her Maiestie see the sin and pnnishnient tJiereof. S. 1. et t. n. (London, Hugh Singleton), 1579. -^"S- • ff- 44) 11- 35» char, rom., c. sig. (A— E^F'^), octavo. F. i^ (below title), Saue Lord, let the King here vs in the ] day that we call. Psal. 20. verse. 9. | Mense Augusti. | Anno. 1579. | The author and "disperser" of this book were punished by having their right hands cut off: the printer was pardoned. See Strype's Annals, vol. ii. part 2, pp. 232 sqq. \ Harington's Niigae Antiqiiae, i. 143 sqq. (ed. 1804); Camden's Elizabeth (sub ann. 1581, p. 378, ed. Hearne) ; Howell's State Trials, i. 1286 ; Athenae Cantab. i. Ill, 545. That Hugh Singleton was the printer of the above work is expressly stated by Camden {supra), who was present at the punishment. Herbert 743, Dibdin iv. 294, Grenville 697, Huth 141 2. William Riddell (1552). (295) vi^. 4. 5. — Abcedarivni Anglieo-Latinvm, pro Tyrun- cnlis Richardo Hnlceto Exscriptore. Londini, ex officina Gu- lielmi Riddel, 1552. Mense Sept.: ff. 218, coll. 2, char. goth. et ital., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, A— Mm'^Nn'*), folio. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. F. 1% Title (in border used by John Day), f. i'', Arms of Thomas (Goodrich), bishop of Ely. i. 2% Dedication to bp. of Ely. The "peroration to the English reader" is signed Rychard Howlet. Herbert 799, Dibdin iv. 406. Robert Caly (1553). (296) Vl*^. I. 24. — A Sermon very notable, frinctcfull, and Godlie, made at Panics crosse the .xii. dale of Noucbre, in the first yere of the gracious reigne of our Soucreigne ladic Quene ROBERT CALY. 10/ Marie Jicr most cxcellente highnesse, by James Brokis Doctor of Dininitie, 7 Master of Bailye College in Oxforth, zvith certein additions, ivJiicJie he at the tyine of vttering, for auoidyng of tcdiousiies, ivas faine to oniitte. London, Roberta Caly, 1553 : ff. 80 (f. 80, probably blank, wanting), 11. 22, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K^), octavo. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. F. 79% Q; Imprin-[ted at London, within | the late dissolued house, of I the Graie Friers, by j Roberte Caly. | Anno domini | 1553- 1 For James Brokis or Brookes, see Athenae Oxon. i. 314. Herbert 829, Dibdin iv. 458. (297) vi'^. 6. 4 (iv). — Jo. White, D iacosioniartyrion, id est dvcentorvm virorvnt testimonivm, de veritate corporis, ct san- gvinis Christi, in Eveharistia, ante trienniiim, adiiersiis Petrwn Marty rem, exprofesso conscriptiim. Sed mine primnm in liicem ceditum. Joanne WJiito Anglo Colloegij Wicamensis apnd inclytam Wijitoniam prceside Authore. Londini, in sedibus Roberti Cali, 1553. mense Decembri : ff. no (fif. 58, 64, 66, wanting), c. sig. (A^B', B^C-O^P*) et ff. n., quarto. Head- lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For John White or Whyte, see Athenae Oxon. i. 311. Herbert 828, Dibdin iv. 457, Grenville 798. (298) Vl'^. 3. 14. — Tho. Watson, Holsome and CatJiolyke doctryne concerninge the senen Sacramentes of Chrystes CJinrch, expedient to be knowen of nil men, set forth iii maner of shorte Sermons to bee made to the people, by the renerend father in God Thomas byshop of Lincoln. Londini, in sedibus Roberti Caly, 1558. Feb. 10: ff. 200 (the last, probably blank, want- ing), char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, the last blank ; A-PKi2L-Z«Aa^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. For Thomas Watson, Master of St. John's College, and bishop of Lincoln, see Athenae Cantab, i. 491. Herbert 831, Dibdin iv. 463, Huth 1569. I08 LONDON. William Griffith (1553). (299) VP. 4. 3 (i). — Rych. Beeard, A Godly Psalnie of Marye Quccne. London, Wylliam Grififith, (1553) : ff. 6, char, goth., c. sig. (A*, two unsigned leaves), quarto. F. 1% A Godly Psalme, of j Marye Queene, | which brought vs comfort al, ] Through God, whom ] wee of dewtye prayse, | that giues her ] foes a fal. | By Rychard Beeard. | Anno domini. ] 1553. I ([ Imprinted at London in | Fleetestrete, at the sygne of the Fau-|con against saint Donstons Church ] by Wylliam Griffith : and are | to be solde at his shoppe | a lytle aboue the I Conduit. I ff. i'^ — 2^, Music in four parts, ff. 2^ — 5% The poem in 44 four-line stanzas, f. 2° (beginning with 6-line initial), Al England now bee \ glad at ones, | With one heart mynde and | voyce : | For now haue wee y^ grea-jtest cause | To sing and eke reioyce. | f. 6% below 11. 3, (I A godly Psalme in meetre I by. T. B. Psal. 145] Then follow Psalms 145, 146, 148. At end, Finis. | By Thomas Bownell. For Richard Beeard, see Tanner, p. 93. Herbert 1572. John Kingston (1553). (300) vi^. 2. 5. — A Woorkc of loannes Ferrarivs Montanus, toiicJiynge the good orderynge of a common zvcale EnglisJicd by William Bauandc. London, Jhon Kingston for Jhon Wight, 1559: ff. 220 (ff. 168, 220, blank), 11. 37, char, goth., c. sig. (II^ A-Ggg^ H^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. Woodcut initials. For William Bavande, see Athenae Oxon. i. 310. Herbert 825, Dibdin iv. 469;?. (301) Grylls 10. 234. — Geoff. Chaucer. TJie luoorkcs of Geffrey CJiaiicer, newly printed, ivith diners addicions, zuJiiche were neuer in printe before: With the siege and destrnccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate, Monke of Beric. As in the table more plainly dooeth appere. London, Jhon Kyngston for John Wight, 1 561 : ff 10 (ff. 6 — 10 wanting), JOHN KINGSTON. ■ IO9 2>7S, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. ( -t-*, A-V«, Aa-Pp^Q-T^V^X^ Y^Z^Aaa— Ttt^Vvv^) et fif. n., folio. Head-lines. Woodcuts. F. 1% Title, below which is a large coat of arms of Chaucer, dated 1560, and under this, Vertue florisheth in Chaucer still, | Thougli death of hyni hath wrought his will. | This differs from the copy described by Herbert. The Canterbury Tales and the Romaunt of the Rose have separate titles in woodcut borders. Herbert 835, Dibdin iv. 469, Grenville 136. (302) vi"^. I. 16. — Des. Erasmi Rote. De Dvplici Copia ver- borvm, et rervvi. Commentarij duo, midta Capitum, formul- artimq; accessione loaipletati, ac M. VeltkircJdj Commcntarijs, lojige doctisshms, enarrati. Londini, excvdebat Joannes Kyng- stonus, 1569: ff. 168, c. sig. (A— X^) et ff. n., octavo. Head- lines. Woodcut initials. (303) Grylls 3. 231. — TJic Forcste or Collection of Histories, no lesse profitable, then pleasant and necessarie, dooen o?it of Frenche into Englishe, by Thomas Fortcscue. London, Jhon Kyngston for Willyam Jones, 1571 : ff. 106 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (a'^b^ A— Zz*77^()-*) et ff n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. 106% Imprinted at Lon-Vlon by Ihon Kingston, for William lones, I and are to be soulde at his newe | long Shoppe at the Weste I ende of Poules. Herbert 838, Dibdin iv. 475;/. {304) Vi'^. 2. 6 (iii). — A Pollitique Piatt for the honour of the Prince, the greate profile of the pnblique state, relief of the poore, preseruation of the richc, reformation of Roges and Idle persones, and the zvealtJie of thonsandes that knoives not Jiozve to line. Written for an Newyeres gift to Englande, and the in- habitantes thereof: by Robert Hitchcok late of Cauersfcelde in the Countie of Bnckyngham Gentleman. London, Jhon Kyng- ston, 1580. Jan. I : ff. 27, 11. 31, char. goth. (dedication, etc., in ital), c. sig. (***#^, a*b^ [large folding sheet] c— f**), quarto. Head-lines (Hitchcocks Newyeres gift to Englande). no LONDON. The large folding map inserted between quires e and f, and the large woodcut between f. 2 and f. 3 (wrongly printed f. iiii) are wanting in this copy. Herbert 840, Dibdin iv. 478, Grenville 328, Huth 703. Henry Sutton (1553). (305) Vl''. 2. I (ii). — Joannis Dee, Londinensis, UpoTrai- hevfjLara a(f)opLaTtKa, de Prcestantioribiis quibusdani Naturce virtutilnis. Londini, Henricus Suttonus, 1558. mense Julio: fif. 25, char, goth., c. sig. (single leaf, *^, a— e'^f^), quarto. F. I (wanting in this copy), Title, engraved on copper, ff. 2, 3, Dedication to Gerard Mercator. Herbert 844, Dibdin iv. 846. Thomas Marshe (1554). (306) Grylls 3. 265. — TJiis Treaty se concernynge the friiyt- full sayinges of Dmtyd the kynge and propJicte in the seiien pcnytencyall psalnics. Dcuided in .vii. sermons, was made and compyled by the ryghte rciierente father in god JoJin fysher douctonr of diiiynity and bysJiop of Rochester, at the exortacion and steryng of the moste excellente Prynces Margaret coiuitcsse of Ricliemount and Derby, and motJier to our soneraygne lorde kynge Henry the seuenth. An. M.D.L.V. London, Thomas Marshe, 1555 : ff. 190, char, goth., c. sig. {A—Z^f), octavo. Head-lines. Herbert 848, Dibdin iv. 494. (307) Vl=. 5. 4: Capell F, 15: Grylls 10. 157. — John Lydgate, The Avncient Historic and onely trewe and syncere Cronicle of the warres betzuixte the Grecians and the Troyans, and subsequently of the fyrst euercyon of the anncient and famonse Cytye of Troye vnder Lame don the king, and of the taste and fynall destruction of the same vnder Pryam, zvryttcn by Darctiis a Troyan and Dictus a Grecian both souldiours and present in all the sayde zvarres and digested in Latyn by the Icrncd Guy do THOMAS MARSHE. Ill de Columpnis and sythes translated into englyshe verse by John Lydgate Monckc of Bury e. And newly imprinted. An. M.D.L V. London, Thomas Marshc, 1555 : ff. 160 (fif. i, 2, wanting in first copy), coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (A'^, B-Cc^Dd^Ee*), folio. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 848, Dibdiii iv. 494, Grenville 421, Huth 880. (308) Capell S. 7 (i). — Will. Thomas, The History e of Italy e. A booke exceding profitable to be red: because it intreateth of the astate of many and dyiicrs common weales, Jlozv they Jiaiie bene, and now be goiierned. London, Thomas Marshe, 1561 : fif. 228 (f. 4 wanting, perhaps blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A*, Q^ A-Iii^) et ff. n. (quire T non num., T4 blank), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For Will. Thomas, see Athenae Oxon. i. 218. Herbert 851, Dibdin iv. 502;^. (309) Vl"=. I. 14. — A brief e treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and PJiagiiis at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Qncne Mary, ivith theyr restitjition in the time of our moste gracions souerayne Lady that noive is Translated into Englyshe by Arthur Goldyng. Anno 1 562. London, Thomas Marshe, (i 562) : ff. 96 (f. I wanting), 11. 23, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (tt^ K-IIW^), octavo. Herbert 852, Dibdin iv. 500. (310) Capell R. 13. — A Myrrour for Magistrates. Wherein maye be seen by example of other, with Jiowe grenons plages vices are punished: and hozve frayle and vnstable worldly prosperity is founde, even of those whom Fortune seemeth most highly to fa?iour. Foelix quem facivnt aliena pericida cautum. London, Thomas Marshe, 1563 : ff. 176, char, goth., c. sig. (a*, A^B-N^O-U^X-ZSAa^BbsCc^ : for sig. Li is printed K I, and B i for N i), quarto. This is the second edition of part i, to which the first of part 2 is added, beginning on L 2. The collation in the Huth Catalogue {infra) fails to notice that quires O to Q are single sheets. Dibdin iv. 501, Grenville 466, Huth 975. 112 LONDON. (311) Vl^. 2. 7. — A most excellent and learned woorke of Chirurgeric, called Chinirgia parua Lanfranci, Lanfranke of Mylayne his brief e : reduced from dy iters translations to our vidgar or vsnall frase, and noiu first published in the Englyshe prynte by lohn Halle Chirurgien And in the ende a com- pendions zuorke of Anatoinie, more vtile and profitable, then any here tofore in tJie Englyshe tongue pnblyshed. London, Thomas Marshe, 1565 : ff. 218 (f. 56 blank), char, goth., c. sig. (f^UVA*, B-L^ M-Z^a-k^ Bb-Pp^ Aaa-Ddd*Eee«) et ff. n., quarto. Head-Hnes. Woodcut of translator on f. i''. Herbert 854, Dibdin iv. 503. (3 1 2) Grylls 3. 255. — The boke named the Gouernour deuised by sir TJiomas Elyot KnygJit. Londini, in aedibus Thomae Marshi, 1565 : ff. 224, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (A^, A— Dd®) et ff. n., octavo. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 853, Dibdin iv. 502//. (313) Vl'^. 2. 7. — Tho. Becon, A neiv Postil Conteinyng most Godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the Church thorozvout the yeare : Lately set foorth vnto the great profite not onely of al Curates, and spirituall Ministers, but also of all other godly and FaytJifull Readers. Perused and alloived accordyng to the Queues Maiesties In- iunctions. London, Thomas Marshe, 1566: ff. 18, 312, 196 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (2 un- signed leaves, a^b^ A*B-00«RR^ : Aa-Zz«Aaa-Y) et ff n. (commencing afresh for the second part), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. ref. For Tho. Becon, see Athenae Cantab, i. 246, 555. Herbert 855, Dibdin iv. 506. (314) Capell R. 8. — Geff. Fenton, Certaine Tragicall Dis- courses writtten (sic) oute of Frenche and Latin, by Geffraie Fenton, no lesse profitable then pleasaiint, and of like necessitye to al degrees that take pleasure in antiquityes or forreine reap- portcs. London, Thomas Marshe, 1567 : ff. 10, 306, char. goth. THOMAS MARSHE. I I 3 (rom. and ital. in introductory poems), c. sig. {*%*?, A-Pp^Qq-) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 856, Dibdin iv. 507, Grenville 243, Huth 509. (315) Capell *. 3. — J oh. Skelton, Pithy, pkasannt and profitable luorkcs of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. Nozve collected and newly ptiblisJied. Anno \^6?>. London, Thomas Marsh, (1568) : fif. 192, char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, A-Z^Aa'*), octavo. Head-lines. This copy is very imperfect, wanting all up to C 7, and the following leaves : D 3, 6 ; F i, 2, 7 ; K i — 3 ; L 2 ; M i, 8 ; N i — 3, 6 ; Y 1—4, 7 ; Z 2—8. Herbert 857, Dibdin iv. 508, Grenville 667. (316) Capell R. 5.— Will. Painter, The Pallace of Pleasure Beautified, by William Painter, Clarke of the Ordinannce and Armarie. London, Thomas Marshe, 1569: ff. 8, 264, 11. 35, char. goth. (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (Q^Q^, A— Kk^) et fif. n., quarto. Woodcut initials. For a description of this (the second edition of the first volume) and the other editions of the Palace of Pleasure, see the Introduction to Hazlewood's reprint of the work, pp. 1 1 sqq. The above copy is imperfect, wanting all before B 2, and all after Ii6. Herbert 858 (?), Dibdin iv. 511. (317) Vi^. 4. 6. — Flores Historiarvm per MatthcEuni West- monasteriensem colleeti, Prcecipue de rebns Britannicis ab exordia mundi vsqne ad Annum Domijii. 1307. Londini, ex officina Thomje Marshij, 1570. June 2 : ff. 6 (the last blank, transposed so as to follow f. i), 510 (the last blank), 10 (table; the last blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (6 unsigned leaves. A— QQQQ^ /***), et pp. n., folio. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Herbert {infra) mentions an edition of 1573, differing somewhat from that of 1570 ; but in the points named by him the present copy agrees with the first-named edition as against the latter. It is thus clear either that there were two issues in 1570, or that Herbert's copy 8 1 14 LONDON. was made up of two editions ; for not only is the present copy (as well as that in the University library) dated 1570 in both title and colophon, but it also contains a note in the writing of Abp. Parker, who gave it to Lord Lumley ("ex dono Matthaei Cantuariensis. 17 Dece. 1570"), where the date is absolutely conclusive. Herbert 859, Dibdin iv. 512. (318) Capell R. 3. — A Myrroiir for Magistrates. Wherein may be seette by examples passed in this reahne, with howe grei icons plagues, vyces are pi/nished in great princes and ma- gistrates, Neivly corrected and augmented. London, Thomas Marshe, 1571 : ff. 164, char. goth. (head-lines in ital), c, sig. (*^ A^B-U^X*) et ff. n., quarto. Woodcut initials. This is the third edition of the original work. Dibdin iv. 515, Grenville 467, Huth 975. (319) Vl'^. 2. I (iii) : vi''. 2. \a (\\).— AlcB sen Scales Mathe- vtaticce Thoma Diggeseo, Cantiensi, Siemmatis Generosi, Anthore. Londini, apud Thomam Marsh, 1573 : ff. 48, char, rom. et ital., c. sig. (A^, A-L*), quarto. Mathematical woodcut figures. The last leaf (wanting in former copy), contains a woodcut of the Digges' family arms. For Thomas Digges, see Athcnae Cantab, ii. 184. Herbert 862, Dibdin iv. 517. (320) Vi^. 2. 8 (viii). — TJie Pageant of Popes, Contayninge the lynes of all the Bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, ArchbisJiops and Popes, zvJiereof the tivo first are con- tayned in two bookes, and the tJiird sort in fine Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and noiv EnglisJied ivith sondrye additions by I. S. London, Thomas Marsha, 1574: ff. 20, 200, char. goth. (dedication, head-lines, &c., in rom.), c. sig. (*a-*e^ A-Bb^) et ff. n., quarto. For the translator, John Studley, fellow of Trinity College, see AiJienae Cantab, ii, 100. Herbert 863, Dibdin iv. 519, Grenville 56, Huth 83. THOMAS MARSHE. 1 15 (321) VI^. 3. 2 (vi). — Cardanus Comforte, translated into EnglisJie. And published by commanndevient of the rigJite Honorable the Earlc of Oxcnfordc. Neivly perused, corrected ajid angniented. London, Thomas Marshe, 1576: fif. 108 (all the preliminary matter [fF. 1—6] and f. 108, wanting), char, goth. (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (a^ A— M^N"), quarto. Wood- cut initials. This translation is by Thomas Bedingfield. Herbert 865, Dibdin iv. 522. (322) Capell Q. 10 (i). — TJie First parte of the Mir our for Magistrates, containing the falles of tJie first infortunate Princes of this lande : From the comming of Brnte to the incarnation of our saiiiour and redemer lesu Christe, London, Thomas Marshe, 1574: ff. 80, char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (*^ A-PK^), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. F. I, Title, f. 2, Table, ff. 3^ — 5% Epistle of John Higgins (the sole author of this part), To the Nobilitie ff. 5^—6'', To the reader. The above is the first edition of this part, called First merely as relating to an earlier period in history. Marsh's edition in 1574 of the original Mirrour for Magistrates was called by him " the last parte," simply with reference to this fact. (323) Capell U. 2. — Will. Painter, The Second Tome of the Palace of Pleasure contayning store of goodly e Histories, Tra- gical matters, 7 otJier M or all arguinentes, very requisite for delight and prof yte. Chose and selected out of diners good and commendable Authors, and now once agayn corrected and en- creased. By Wiliam Painter, Gierke of the Ordinance and Armarie. London, Thomas Marshe, s. a. (c. 1580) : fF. 8, 360, 4, char. goth. (rom. in dedication, &c.), c. sig. (A^ A— Yy^ Zz* : fif. 2 — 7 of sig. E are wanting, and T i, 8) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. For some remarks on this edition, see Hazelwood {op. cit.), p. 15. (324) Vl^ 2. 12 (v). — The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a lesuite, conionlyc called Edmundjc Campion, latclye Il6 LONDON. arriued in Englande, contayninge nyne articles here seiierallye laide downe, directed by him to the Lordes of the Cowisail, cofuted 7 aiinswered by Meredith Hanmer, M. of Art, and student of Diiwiitie. London, Thomas Marshe, 1581 : fif. 32 (the last, perhaps blank, wanting), char, rom. et goth., c. sig. (A— H*), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For Edm. Campion, see Athenae Oxon. i. 476, and for Mer. Hanmer, ib. 746. Herbert 869, Dibdin iv. 531. (325) Capell T. I (i). — The Famous Hy story of Hcrodotvs. Conteyning the Discourse of dyuers Coiintreys, the succession of theyr Kyngs : the actes and exploytes atchieued by them : the Lawes and cus tomes of enery Nation : with the trtie Description and Antiqidtie of the same. Deiiided into nine Bookes, entitided with the names of the nine Mnses. London, Thomas Marshe, 1584: ff. 4, 120 (the last blank), char. goth. (head-lines and marg. in rom.), c. sig. (A*, B— Q^) et ff. n., quarto. In spite of the title, this translation contains only the first two books. The translator, B. R., is, according to Herbert {infra)^ perhaps Barnaby Rich. Herbert 870, Dibdin iv. 532. See also below under Gerard Dewes. Henry Wykes (1557). (326) VI^. 3. 16. — A very frvtefvl and pleasant booke called the Instruction of a christen woman, made firste in latyne, by the rigJit famous clerke mayster Lewes Vines, and tonrned out of latyne into Englyshe by Rycharde Hyrde. Londini, Henry Wykes, 1557 : ff. 4, 142, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (A^, B— Nn* : the whole of sig. C is wanting) et ff. n., quarto. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. Herbert 937. (327) Vl^. 3. 3 (i). — TJie reproufe of M. Dorman his proufe of ccrtaine Articles in Religion &c. continued by Alexander HENRY WYKES. II7 Nowell. London, Henry Wykes, 1566: ff. 7, 288, char. goth. et ital. (head-lines and marg. in rom.), c. sig. i*^*^, single unsigned leaf of errata, A-CCcc**) et ff. n., quarto. Woodcut initials. Herbert 938. (328) Capell w. 2. — lohn Heywoodes woorkes. A dialogue conteyniiig the member of the ejfcctiiall protierbes in the English tonge, compact in a matter conccrnynge tzvo maner of Mariages. With one hundred of Epigrammes : and three hundred of Epi- grammes vpo three hmdred protierbes : and a fifth hundred of Epigrams, WJiereunto are now newly added a sixte Jiundred of Epigrams by the sayde John Hey wood. London, Henry Wykes, 1566: ff. no, char. goth. (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (A— Dd'^Ee-), quarto. Woodcut initials. On the verso of Q i is a portrait of the author. The inner half sheet of sig. Dd, and the last leaf, probably blank, are wanting in this copy. Herbert 939. (329) vi^. 2. 10. — Principal rvles of the Italian Grammer, tvith a Dictionarie for the better vnderstandynge of Boccace, Pethrarcha, and Dante : gathered into this tongue by William TJwmas : Newly corrected and imprinted, in the yeare of our Lordc God, 1567. Londini, in aedibus H. Wykes, 1567: ff. 2, 54, 32 (the last wanting), char. goth. et ital., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A-Nn*Oo- : A-H"*), quarto. This is a reprint of the edition printed by Berthelet {supra, no. 70), but in this copy the Dictionary precedes the Grammar. (330) VF. 4. 7.— John Jewel, Bishop of Salisburie, A' Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, Conteininge an Afisweare to a certaine Booke lately set foortJi by M. Hard- inge, and Entitided, A Confutation of ^c. London, Henry Wykes, 1567. Oct. 27 : 'ff. 12, 372, 4, char. goth. et ital. (head- lines and marg. in rom.), c. sig. (A*^B^ A-Oqq-, Rrr*) et pp. n., folio. Woodcut initials. Herbert 939. Il8 LONDON. Henry Denham (1559). (331) Capell *. 4 (i). — The Zodiake of Life written by the Godly and zealous Poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus Nezvly trajislated into Englishe verse by Barnabcs (sic) Googe. London, Henry Denham for Rafe Newberye, 1565. Apr. 18: ff. 12, 348, char, goth., c. sig. (*s+^ A-Y^AA-XXSYY^), small octavo. r. I, Title, below which, Imprinted at London ] by Henry Denham, for Rafe New-!berye dwelling in Fleetejstreate. | Anno. 1565. Aprilis. 18. f 2% Arms of Barnaby Googe. ff. 2^ — 5^, Com- plimentary poems by various writers, ff. 6^ — 9^, Dedication. f 10^ — 12% To the reader, f 12^, Faultes escaped. For Barn. Googe, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 39. Among the writers of the preliminary poems were Gilbert Duke {ib. i. 212), Christopher Carlisle {ib. ii. 34), and Rich. Stephens {ib. i. 384). Herbert 901, 943, Grenville 518. (332) Vi^. 3. 3 (ii). — John Barthlet, The Pedegreive of Heretiques. Wherein is tritely and plainely set out, the first roote of Heretiques begon in the CJiurcJi, since the ti?ne and passage of the Gospell, together with an exajnple of the of spring of the same. London, Henry Denham for Lucas Harryson, 1566 : ff. 4, 90, char, goth., c. sig. (*-^, A-Y-^Z-) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. F. I, Title, f 2, Dedication to Lord Leicester by John Barthlet. f. 3, L G. Cantabrigiensis ad Lectorem. f 93^^, Imprinted at Lon-jdon, by Henry Denham, for | Lucas Harrison, dwelling { in Paules Churchyarde, at the | Signe of the Crane. | Anno. 1566. L. G. is Luke Gilpin, Fellow of Trinity College, for whom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 17, 542. Herbert 925. (333) Capell Z. 6. — Ovid. The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ouidius Naso, In EnglisJie Verse: set out and translated by George Turbertdle Gent, with An Ins Sabinus Aunszvcrcs to certaine of the same. London, Henry Denham, HENRY DENHAM. II9 1567: K 8, 164, char, goth, (head-lines in rom., arguments in ital.), c. sig. (A^ A-U^X*) et ff. n., quarto. F. I, Title, f. 2, wanting, ff. 3=* — 5% Dedication to Lord Tho. Howarde. f. 5^ The Translator to his muse. ff. 6=^ — 7^^, To the reader. The work ends on f. 169'' (num. 161). ff. 170, 171, The Translator to the cap-|tious sort of Sycophants, f. 172 wanting, probably blank. Herbert 943. (334) vi'J. 3. 15. — Rob. Crowley, A setting open of the snbtylc Sophistrie of Thomas Watson Doctor of Diuinitie, zvJiich he vsed in hys two Sermons made before Queene Mary, in the thirde andfift Friday es in Lent Anno. 1553. to proone the reall presence of Christs body and blond in the sacrament, and the Masse to be the sacrifice of the newe Testament, written by Robert Crowley Clearke. London, Henry Denham, 1569: ff. 8, 204, char. goth. (head-lines in ital), c. sig. {A%\ A-Y*Aa-Yy* Aaa— Ggg*), quarto. Marg. notes. Large woodcut initials. Herbert 944. (335) Capell Z. 10. — Geo. Turbervile, Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets, with a Discourse of the Friendly affections of Ty metes to Pyndara his Ladie. Neivly corrected tvith additions, and set out by George Turbcruilc Gentlejnan. Lon- don, Henry Denham, 1570: ff. 160, char, goth., (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. (A— U^ all of sig. A is wanting) et ff. n., octavo. F. 160^, Imprinted at London ' by Henry Denham, [ dweUing in Pater-|noster Rowe, at ] the Signe of the Starre. [Here follows Denham's emblem.] Anno Domini. | 1570. | Cum Priuilegio. Herbert 945, Huth 1491. (336) Vl'^. 3. 4 (i) : vi''. 3. 4«. — Demosthenis, Graecorum Oratorum Principis, OlyntJiiacce orationes tres, & PJiilippicce qiiatuor, e Greco in Latinum conuerscB, a Nicolao Carro, Anglo Nouocastrensi, Doctore medico, & Grecarum literarum in Can- tab rigicnsi Academia professore Regio. Addita est etiam Epis- tola de vita, & obitu eiusdan Nicolai Carri, & carmina, cum 120 LONDON. GrcEca, tiini Latvia, in eundeni conscripta. Londini, apud Henricum Denhamum, 1571 : ff. 96, char. rom. (head-lines in ital), c. sig. (A-Y*Aa*Bb^), octavo. Large woodcut initials. For Nicolas Carr, who was one of the original fellows of Trinity College, see Athenae Cantab, i. 262, 555 ; for the editor, Thomas Bing or Byng, Master of Clare Hall, ib. ii. 279, 551. The Epist. de Vita, &c., is by Earth. Dodyngton, the Greek Professor {ib. ii. 183, 547) ; and there is also a short Life annexed with verses, by Tho. Preston, afterwards Master of Trinity Hall {ib. ii. 247, 550). Herbert 947. {ZZ7) Vl''. 2. 2 (i). — Gesner, TJie nczve lewell of Health, wherein is contayned the moste excellent Secretes of Phisicke and PJiilosopJiie, denided into fozver Bookes Gathered ont of the best and most approiied Authors, by that excellent Doctor Gesnerus Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, CJiirnrgian. London, Henrie Denham, 1576: ff. 4, 274, char. goth. (head-lines in ital), c. sig. (A^ A-LPMm^) et ff. n., quarto. The book is dedicated by the translator to the Countess of Oxford, and the de Vere arms are on the back of the title. Herbert 948, Huth 595. (338) Vi^.5.3 (ii). — 'R.xch.'Ds.v'ies, A Fvnerall Sermon preached thexxvi. day of November in tJie yeare ofovrLordM.D.LXX VI. in the Parishe Chvrch of Caermerthyn, by the Reverende Father i)i God, Richard by the permission of God, Bishoppe of Saint Daiiys, at the buriall of the Right Honovrable Walter Earle of Essex and Ezve London, Henry Denham, 1577: ff. 26, char. goth. et ital., c. sig. (*^A^B^ C-E^F^), quarto. F. 1% Title, f. I^ Arms of Earl of Essex, ff. 2^— 3^^, Ded. to Robert, Earl of Essex, signed E. W. ff. 4^ — 9% "epitaphium genealogicum " of the deceased earl, with a genealogical tree and coats of arms. ff. 9'' — 12% Complimentary poems in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Welsh and French. Sermon (on Apoc. xiv. 13) begins on f i3'\ For Rich. Davics, sec Atlienae Oxon. i. 462. HENRY DENHAM. 121 With the present copy are bound up 9 leaves of contemporaneous MS. on the death of the Earl of Essex. Herbert 948, Grenville 183, Huth 847. (339) vr. 4. 8. — John Baret, A71 Alvearie or Quadruple Dictionarie, containing foiirc snndrie tongues : nanielie, English, Latine, Greeke, and French Neiulie enriched luith varietie of Wordes. Londini, Henricus Denhamus Typographus Gu- lielmi Seresij vnicus assignatus, 1580: ff. 8, 418, coll. 2 (4 in indices), char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (A^ B-Y^Aa— Yy^Aaa— Nnn^Ooo^ Aaaa-Ssss*Tttt^ : there is no E or F in the last alphabet, though they are mentioned in the Register) et ff. n., folio. For John Baret or Barret, Fellow of Trinity College, see Athejiae Cantab, i. 421. The work is dedicated to Lord Burghley, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Herbert 949. (340) vi<=. I. 15. — P salmi Davidis ex Hebrceo in Latinvm conversi, scholiisqve pernecessariis illvstrati ab Immajwele Tre- mellio et Francisco Jvnio. Londini, Henricus Denhamus Typographus Gulielmi Seresij vnicus assignatus, 1580: ff. 4, 240, char. rom. (notes, head-lines, and marg. in ital.), c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, A— Gg^) et pp. n., small octavo. Herbert 950. (341) Capell *. 15 (ii). — A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and Theaters Set forth by Anglo-pJiile Eutheo. London, Henrie Denham, 1580: char. rom. (head-lines in ital.), c. sig. ( B— P), octavo. This copy is imperfect, wanting all between the title and the leaf preceding sig. B : the last leaf, probably blank, is also wanting. The imprint, on the verso of the last leaf but one, below Denham's emblem, runs, (I Imprinted at London by Henrie | Denham, dweUing in Pater noster | Row, at the signe of the Starre, being | the assigne of William Seres. Herbert 950. 122 LONDON. (342) Capell Q. 10 (v). — Bullokars Booke at large, for the Amendment of OrthograpJiie for English speech: wherein, a most perfect snpplie is made, for the zvantes and double sounde of letters in the olde Orthographic. London, Henrie Denham, 1580: fif. 36, char. rom. et goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, B— R-, 2 unsigned leaves) et pp. n., quarto. F. I, Title, ff. 2—4, BuUokar to his Countrie. ff. 5=^—6% Pro- logue. Pagination begins on f. 6^ The work ends on the recto of R I. Then follows table, pp. 2, and names of letters, p. I. The two unsigned leaves at the end are printed on one side only, apparently in woodcut, and contain specimens of writing in " Romaine, Italian, Chauncerie and Secretarie." Herbert 951. (343) ^^- ^- I- — Tho. Tusser, Fine Jmndred pointes of good Hnsbandrie, as zvell for the Champion, or open conntrie, as also for the woodland Neivly set foorth by Thomas Tnsser Gen- tleman, seruant to the Honorable Lorde Paget of Beandesert. London, Henrie Denham, 1580. A fragment, consisting of ff. 2—7. F. I, wanting, f 2, Title, f 3, Table, f 4, Epist. to Lord William Paget. These 6 leaves are prefixed to a copy of the edition printed in 1599 by Peter Short, who had succeeded Henry Denham ; a complete copy being made up of the two editions. Huth 1496. (344) vi^. 2. 9 : Grylls 3. 395. — Hum. Lloyd, The historie of Cambria, noiv called Wales : A part of the most famous Yland of Brytaine, written in the Brytish language abone tzuo himdreth yeares past : translated into English by H. Lhoyd Gentleman : Corrected, augmented, and continued out of Records and best approoued Authors by Dauid Poivel Doctor in Diuinitie. London, Rafe Newberie and Henrie Denham, 1584: ff. 20, 208, char, goth., c. sig. (^^, A«B^ C-Y^Aa-Ee^Ff^Gg*) et pp. n., quarto. Woodcuts. Although the names of the two printers are given in the imprint, the woodcut border to the title has the initials H. D., and Denham's HENRY DENHAM. 1 23 emblem occurs at the end. Presumably, therefore, Denham was the actual printer. Ff, 20, 228, are blank, both wanting in Grylls copy. For Humphrey Lloyd see Athcnae Oxo?i. i. 382, and for David Powell, ib. i. 568. Herbert 911, Grenville 783, Huth 856. (345) ^'l"^- 5- 6> 7- — Raph. Holinshed, The First and second volumes of Chronicles, comprising i. The description and historic of England, 2. TJte description and Jiistorie of Ireland, 3. The description and historic of Scotland : First collected and pub- lished by Raphaell HolinsJicd, William Harrison, and others. Nozv nezvlie augmented and continued (luith manifold matters of singular note and zvorthie meinorie) to the yeare 1 5 %6. by John Hooker alias Vozvell Gent, and otJiers. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. The Third volume of Chronicles, beginning at duke William the Norman First compiled by Raphaell Holinshed, and by him extended to the yeare 1^77. Nozv nezvlie recognised, aug- mented, and continued to the yeare 1586. London, (Henry Denham), 1587 : 3 voU. in 2, ff. {as below), coll. 2 (4 in tables), char, goth., c. sig. (as below) et pp. n., large folio. Head- lines. Marg. notes. The colophon at the end of vols. 2, 3, runs, Finished in lanuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the experises of lohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas Woodcocke. [Here follows Denham's mark.] At London. Printed in Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre. Cum priuilegio. Vols. I and 2. Introductory matter and Description of Britaine, c. sig. A^ B-X^Y*, ff. 130 [f. I, blank, f. 2, Title, f. 3, names of Authors (c. sig. Aiij). f. 4, Dedication to Sir W. Brooke by Will. Harrison, f. 5, Table of the chapters, f. 6, work begins (p. i)]. Then, with fresh title. History of England, edited by Abr. Fleming; c. sig., 2 unsigned leaves, A-R% the last blank, ff. 104 Then second vol., with fresh title, Description of Ireland, c. sig., A-E'', single leaf [with rest of names of Deputies], ff. 31. The Irish Historic (with fresh title), A-Q«R^ ff. 98. 124 LONDON. Description and History of Scotland (with fresh title for each, that for the description wanting ; that of the history comes at beginning of sig. C), A-U«Aa-Nn«Oo^Pp-Rr«Ss^ [QqS, Rr4, are cancelled], fF. 222. Tables, A®, B®, ^'^H" (the last, probably blank, wanting), ff. 28. Vol. 3, c. sig. A-6U''[A, B, C, D, E]-[F, G, H, I]27K«7L*7M''7N« 7O* (the last blank) ; there is no X, Y, Z, in any of the alphabets, ff. 750 (f. I wanting). Tables, c. sig. C-C, ff. 30. Herbert 961, Grenville 331, Huth 710. See also below, under Ralph Newbery and Edmund BoUifant. Luke Harrison (1559). See below, under Henry Binneman. Thomas Hacket (1560). (346) Capell T. I (iv). — TJie worke of Poniponius Mela, The Cosmo grapher,concerni7ige the Situation of the worldyWherin euery parte, is deluded by it selfe in most perfect ina7iner, as appeareth in the Table at the ende of the booke. A booke right plesant and profitable for all sortes of men : but speciallie for Gentlemen, MarcJiants, Mariners, and Tratcellers, translated out of Latine By Arthur Golding Gentleman. London, for Thomas Hacket, 1585 : ff. 4, 48, char, goth., c. sig. (A^ C-0*), quarto. Head-lines. F. I, blank (save sig. A. i.). f. 2% Title in border, below which. At London, | Printed for Thomas Hacket, and | are to be sold at his shop in Lumbert streete, vn- {sic) \ the signe of the Popes head. | 1585. | fif. 3^ — 4% Golding's dedication to Sir Wilham Cecil. It is probable that the above work was printed for Hacket by John Charlewood, who printed for him Golding's translation of Solinus in 1587. Golding remarks in his preface, "I haue delyuered vnto the Printer hereof the Polyhistor of lulius Solinus to bee added as appendauntes to thys worke of Pomponius Mela." Herbert 897. THOMAS IIACKET. 1 25 (347) Vl^. 6. 4. — Will. Averell, Foure notable Histories. London, for Thomas Hacket, 1590: char, goth., c. sig. (A-, B— K* [the remainder of the first part is wanting] : A— F"^, the last leaf, probably blank, wanting), quarto. Head-lines. Large woodcut initials. F. 1% Foure notable Histo-|ries, applyed to foure worthy | examples : As, 1 1 A Diall for daintie darlings. | 2 A spectacle for negligent Parents. |'3 A glasse for disobedient Sonnes. | 4 And A myrrour for virtuous Maydes. | Wherunto is added a Dialogue, ex- pressing I the corruptions of this age. | A booke right excellent and profitable, gar-jnished with many learned authorities, | necessary for this time | present. | Written by W. A, | At London, | Printed for Thomas Hacket, and are to be | sold at hys Shop in Lumbert-streete, I vnder the Popes heade. | 1590. | f 2% Dedication to Hugh Ofley, Alderman of London. Herbert 898. See also below, under Rowland Hall and John Charlewood. Ralph Newbery (1561). (348) Hare 38. 182. — Bullinger, Fiftie Godlie mid Learned Sermons, diuided into fine Decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian Religion, written in three seiierall Tomes or Sections, by Henrie Bnllinger, minister of the Church of Tignre, in Swiccrlande. WJierevnto is adioyned a triple or threefolde Table, verie fruitfiill and necessarie. Translated ont of Latine by H. I. student in Diuinitie. London, Ralphe Newberrie, 1577: ff. 28 (f i wanting), 124, 266, 168, coll. 2, char. goth. (head-lines and marg. in rom.), c. sig. (11^2 IT— 511*, A-PSQi [the last blank] ; Aa-Uu^Aaa-Nnn^OooS ; Aaaa- Xxxx^ the last, prob. blank, wanting) et pp. n., large quarto. Herbert 904. (349) Vl*^. 4. 5 (v). — Tho. Sparke, A Brief and short Cate- chisnie necessarie for all them that rvould be Christians in deed, to be able to vnderstand & to answer vnto. (London), Ralph Newberie, (after Oct. 1580) : ff 32 (last two blank), char, goth. (address to reader, &c. in rom.), c. sig. (E— H^), octavo. 126 LONDON. F. 1% Title in border, and at foot, Printed by Ralph Newberie. ff, 1^-2^, To reader. On f. 30^ is Henry Binneman's emblem (mermaid) and monogram : and probably, in spite of the title, the book was printed by Binneman for Newbery. Althbugh this work is complete in itself, with a separate title, the signatures shew that it must have formed part of a large work. This will doubtless be that licensed to Henry Binne- man on Oct. 26, 1580: "A shorte treatis verie Comfortable for those Christians that be troubled and disquieted in their Consciences with the sighte of their owne infirmyties, with a briefe and shorte Catechisme necessarie for all that wilbe Christians in dede, by Thomas Sparke, Archdeacon of Lowthe." (Arber's Transcript \\. 380; see also Herbert 907, 992.) For Tho. Sparke, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 189. (350) Grylls 3. 381 (ii). — Gefif. Fenton, Golden Epistles, contayniing varietie of discourse, both Morall, Philosophicall, and Diuine : gathered, as ivel out of the reniaynder of Gtceu- araes woorkes, as other Authoiirs, Latine, French and Italian. By Geffrey Fenton. Nezvly corrected and amended. London, Ralph Newberie, 1582. Oct. 15 : ff. 178 (the last, prob. blank, wanting), char. goth. (head-lines in rem.), c. sig. (H^, A— Y^) et pp. n., quarto. (351) Grylls 3. 381 (i). — Guevara, TJie Familiar Epistles of sir Antonie of Gnenara, Preacher, Chronicler, and Counseller to the Emperor Cliarles the fift : Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by Edward Helloives, Groome of the Leash, and now nezvly imprinted, corrected and enlarged zuith other Epistles of the same Authour. London, Ralph Newberie, 1584: ff. 208, char. goth. (head-lines in ital), c. sig. (A*, A— Y^Aa— Cc^Dd*) et pp. n., quarto. (352) Vl^. I. 17. — The Nomenclator, or Remembrancer of Adrianus Junius Physician, diuided in two Tomes, conteining proper names and apt termes for all t hinges vnder their con- uetiient Titles, which within a few leaues doe follow : Written by the said Ad. In. in Latine, Greeke, FrencJi and other forrein RALPH NEWBERY. 12/ tongues: and nozv in English, by loJui Higins. London, for Ralph Newberie and Henrie Denham, 1585 : ff. 336 (f. i blank, wanting), coll. 2 (3 in Index), c. sig. (A— Tt^) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 962. (353) Vl=. 2. 13. — Cognet, Politiqve Discourses vpon Trveth and lying. An Instrvction to Princes to keepe their faith and promise : . . .First composed by Sir Martin Cognet, Knight. Newly translated 07tt of French into English, by Sir Edward Hoby, Knight. London, Ralfe Newberie, 1586 : fL.6, 126 (the last, prob. blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (H*^, A— P^Q*') et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated by the translator (for whom see Athenae OxoH. ii. 194) to Sir William Cecil. An alphabetical index to the work in MS. is appended to this copy. Herbert 913. (354) Vi^. I. 18 (i). — Will. Lambard, Eirenarcha : or of The office of the Justices of Peace, in foure Bookes : Gathered 1 5 79 ." first published 1 5 8 1 .• and now reuised, corrected, and enlarged, in this 31. yeere of the Peaceable raigne of our most gracioiis Queene Elizabeth. London, Ralph Newbery, 1588: ff. 364 (ff. I [wanting], 364, blank), char, goth., c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, B— Zz^) et pp. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. (355) Capell P. 5. — J oh. Stow, The Annales of England, faithfidly collected out of the most autenticall Authors, Records, and other Monuments of Antiq?iitie, from the first inhabitation vntill this present yeere 1592. By John Stow citizen of London. London, Ralfe Newbery, (1592) : ff. 12, 654, char. goth. (head- lines in rom.), c. sig. (a— c*, A— Pppp^Qqqq^ ; the last wanting, probably blank : there is no Z in any alphabet) et pp. n., quarto. (356) Vl'^. I. 19 (i). — Will. Lambard, Eirenarcha nozu reuised, corrected, and enlarged agreeably to the reformed Com- mission of the Peace, in the t^j. yeare of the peaceable raigne of 128 LONDON. ourmost gratioiis Qiieene Elizabeth. London, Ralph Newbery, 1594: fif. 348, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Uu^Xx^) et pp. n., octavo. Head-Hnes. Marg. notes. See also under Henry Denham, Thomas Colwell, Henry Binne- man, Henry Middleton, George Bishop, and Edmund Bollifant. Humphrey Toy (1560). See below, under Henry Binneman. Francis Coldocke (1561). (357) Capell R. 1 1 (i). — Heliodorus, An Ethiopian Historie, written in Grceke by Hcliodo7'ns, no lesse wittie then plcasaunt : Englished by TJionias Vnderdowne, & neivly corrected and aug- fnented zvitJi diners and sundry nezve additions by the said Authour. W hereunto is also annexed the argument of euery booke in the beginning of the same, for the better nndcrstaiiding of the storie. London, for Frauncis Coldocke [and are to be sold at his shop in Paules church yeard, at the signe of the greene Dragon], 1587: ff. 152, char. goth. (head-lines in ital., arguments, &c., in rom.), c. sig. (IT^, A— S^T^) et ff. n., quarto. For Tho. Underdowne, see Athenae Oxon. i. 430. Herbert 921. See also under John Wolfe and Arnold Hatfield. Thomas Colwell (1561). (358) Capell *. 19 (ii). — Barn. Googe, Eglogs Epytaphes. and Sonettes. Newly written by Barnabe Googe. London, Thomas Colwell, 1563. March 15 : ff. 12 (f 12, blank, wanting), 76, char. goth. (head-lines in ital), c. sig. (A^B* [for A v and B i, are printed a v and b i], A— C^D^E— K^ : K 7 and 8, the former containing errata and colophon, the latter probably blank, wanting), small octavo. THOMAS COLWELL. 1 29 F. 1% Title, ff. 21—4% Poem by Alex. Neuyll. f. 4^ Barn. Googe's arms. ff. 5^ — 7% Dedication by Barn. Googe to Will. Lovelace Esq., Reader of Gray's Inn. f. 7^, woodcut, ff. 8^ — 9^ L. Blundeston to the reader, ff. 10^ — 11^, Preface of L. Blundeston. F. i'^, below title, (I Imprynted at London, by | Thomas Colwell, for Raffe I Newbery, dwelyng in Fleetstrete a little a-jboue the Conduit I in the late shop | of Thomas | Bartelet {i.e. Berthelet). The only other copies that seem to be known of this book are those in the Britwell and Huth collections. Some remarks on the book will be found in Heber's Catalogue, part 9, no. 905, and Collier, Bibl. Cat. i. 318. I think Mr. Collier's remarks as to two differing forms of the title-page may be due to the fact that there are certain differences in the imprint on the title-page and at the end of the book, and that the reference to Tho. Berthelet occurs in the former only. Herbert 901, 931, Huth 609. (359) Capell S. 8 (ii). — Tho. Howell, Nezve Sonets and pretie Pamphlets. London, Thomas Colwell, s. a. (but not before 1567 — 8) : ff. 28 (ff. 15, 16, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— G^) at pp. n., quarto. F. I* (in border), Newe Sonets, and pretie | Pamphlets. | Written by Thomas Howell | Gentelman. | Newly augmented, corrected | and amended. [Here comes a woodcut of a female figure holding a lantern.] II Imprinted at London in Flete-]streete, at the signe of the S. | lohn Euangelist, by Thomas | Colwell. | ff. 2^ — 3% Dedication to Maister Henry Lassels, Gentilman. f. 3^, Poem to same. f. 4% John Keper, student, (see Athenae Oxon. i. 416) to the reader and to Tho. Howell, f. 4^ Will. Howell to his Brother's Booke. Below is the woodcut of St. John and the eagle, used by Robert Wyer (figured in Dibdin iii. 173), to whose business Tho, Colwell had succeeded. Pagination begins on sig. B i and continues to the end of sig. E. Many of Keper's poems occur throughout the book. f. 28*^, ([ Imprinted at London in Fleetstreet | beneath the Conduyt, at the signe of S. | lohn Euangelist by Thomas Colwell. 9 130 LONDON. In Herbert {infra) the author's name is wrongly given as Holwell. The present copy is believed to be the only one known of this work. In the Registers of the Company of Stationers, it was licensed to Thomas Colwell in 1567 — 68: "Recevyd of Thomas Colwell for his lycense for the pryntinge of newe Sonettes and pretye pamplylettes (?/<:.,.. ....iiij<^" (Arber's Transcript, i. 358), The wording, however, of the title-page of the present copy apparently suggests that it belongs to a subsequent issue. Herbert 932. Rowland Hall (1561). (360) Vl<=. I. 16 (iv), — The Lawcs and Statutes of Geneua, as tvell concerning spirittiall as cinill I'eginicnt, with certeine Proclamations didy executed, whereby Gods religion is most pnrelye maintcyned, and their common wealth quietly goiicrned: Translated out of FrencJie ijito Englishe by Robert Fills. Lon- don, Rouland Hall and Thomas Hacket, 1562. Apr. 16: ff, 8, ?,?>, char. goth. (head-lines in rem.), c. sig. (/, A— L^) et ff. n., octavo. F. i^ (below title). Printed at Lon-{don by Rouland Hall, dwellyng in Gutter | Lane, at the sygne of the halfe Egle | and the Keye. I1562. I f 96% Printed at London | by Rouland Hall I and Thomas Hac-:ketj the 16. of A-|prill, in the yere 1 of our lorde | 1562. Herbert 802, Dibdin iv. 413. Richard Watkins (1561). (361) VI^. 6. 6 (iii). — A Dialogue of Witches, in foretime named L ot-tcllcrs, and nozv cojnmonly called Sorcerers. WJierein is declared breefcly and effectually, zuhat soeuer may be required, touching that argument. A treatise very profitable, by reason of the diuerse and sundry opinions of men in this question, and right necessary for Judges to vndcrstandc, zuhich sit vpon lyfe and death. Written in Latin by L amber tus DancEus. And RICHARD WATKINS. 13 1 noiv trajislated into English. (London), R[ichard] W[atkins], 1575 : fif. 4 (the last blank), 80 (the last two blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A'*, B— L^), octavo. Head-lines. Herbert 1024, Huth 379. (362) Vl'^. 2. II. — John Dee, A triple Almanackc for the yeere of our Lorde God .1591. being the thirde front the Leape yeere By I. D. A Prognostication for the same yeere M.D.XCI. Conteyning a short discourse of the Eclipse of the Moone, and of the quarters of the yeere, with other necessai'ie Rides, for the better vnder- standing of the A Imanacke going before By J. D. London, Richard Watkins and lames Robertes, (1590) : ff. 14, 6, char, goth. et rom., c. sig. (A-C^D^, A^B^), quarto. The Almanack is printed in red and black throughout. F. 1% Tide (of Almanack) in border used by Richard Jugge, and bearing his name [the same as in the title of no. 183 suprci\. f. i'', Faultes. f. 15"', Tide of Prognostication in same border. f. 16^, John Dee's dedication to P. L., dated 4 kal. April. 1590. The printer's name occurs on the title-page of the Prognosti- cation only. See also below under John Charlevvood, Edmund Bollifant, John Jackson, Gabriel Simpson, and Adam Islip. John Charlewood (1563). (363) VI<^. I. 17 (i). — John Nichols, The Oration and Sermon made at Rome, by commanndement of the fonre Cardinalles, and the Dominican Inquisitour, vpon paine of death. By lohn Nichols, latelie the Popes Scholler London, John Charle- wood, 1581 : fif. 1 18, char, goth., c. sig. (*i[^ A-, B-Q^P^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. For John Nicholls, see Athenae Oxon. i. 481. Herbert 1095. 132 LONDON. (364) vri. 4 6 (i). — John Bradford, Tivo notable Sermons, the one of Repentance, and the other of the Lordes Snpper. London, John Charlcwood and John Wight, 1581 : [imperfect, the first six and last three leaves wanting], char. goth. (head- lines in rom.), c. sig. ( B— P), octavo. Herbert 782, 1096. (365) VI^. 3. 6 (iv). — Rob. Tanner, A Mirror for Mathe- inatiqites : A Golden Gem for Geometricians : A sure safety for Saylers, and an aiincicnt Antiquary for Astronomers and Astrologians By Robert Tanner Gent, practitioner in As- trologie & Phisick. London, J[ohn] C[harlewood] for Richard Watkins, 1587: fif. 56, char, goth., c. sig. (A-0^) et fif. n., quarto. Woodcut astrological figures. F. 1% below title, IT Imprinted at London by J. C. and | are to be sold in Paules Churchyard, by | Richard Watkins. 1587. | The work is dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham, '* Lorde Admirall of England." Herbert 1025, iioo. (366) Capell T. I (iii). — Solinus, The excellent and pleasant worke of luliiis Solimts Polyhistor Translated out of Latiji into English, by Arthur Golding. Gent. London, L Charle- vvoode for Thomas Hacket, 1587: ff. 114, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Ff*Gg^: there is no Z), quarto. Head-lines. Woodcut initials. Herbert 897. (367) vi''. 3. 5 (ix). — Gyles Clayton, The Approoucd order of Martiall discipline, with enery particuler Offycer his offyce and dutie : witJi many other stratagcnics adioyning to the same. W hereunto is adioyned a second bookc,for the true ordering and imbattelling of any number so euer, with the proportions of euery Battell, ivhifh best seriietJi in these our dayes of sendee. Nezvlie written by Gyles Clayton. London, I[ohn] C[harlcwood] for Abraham Kitsonne, 1591: ff. 48 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— M*) ct pp. n., quarto. JOHN CHARLEWOOD. 133 F. 1% Title, below which, Printed at London, by I. C. for Abraham | Kitsonne, dwelling in Paules Church yarde | at the signe of the Sunne. | Anno 1591. | f. I^ Woodcut of Queen Elizabeth, and complimentary Latin poem. ff. 2^ — 3% Dedi- cation to Queen, ft". 3^' — 5'', To the reader. The second part, with fresh title, begins on f. 29*; there the author de- scribes himself as " seruitour & late Lieuetenant to the Right honorable the Lord North, Lorde Lieuetenant Generall of Cambridgeshyre." The second part is dedicated to " the Lord of Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlaine of her Maiesties houshold, and Gouernour of her Towne of Barwicke." Between quires K and L is a large folding diagram. Herbert 1336. Thomas Purfoot (1564). (368) Vl''. I. 20. — Hum. Baker, The Well springe of Sciences, which teacJictJi the perfect worke and practise of Arithnieticke, bothe in ivJiole Numbres and Fractions, set forthe by Hvmfrey Baker, Londoner, 1562. And nozve once agayne perused, aug- mented and amended in all the three partes, by the sayde Auc- tJionr London, Thomas Purfoote, 1574: ff. 8, 222, char. goth., c. sig. (A^a^ B— Dd^Ee^ including W) et ff. n., octavo. The work is dedicated to the Governors, Consuls, &c., of the Company of Merchantes Adventurers, in an Epistle dated Sept. 16, 1574- On the last page is Purfoot's badge of Lucretia, below which, Imprinted at London | by Thomas Purfoote, dweb|ling in Paules Church yarde | at the signe of the Lucres. (369) Vl**. 2. 8. — Corranus, Dialogvs Theologicvs. Quo Epistola Divi Pavli apostoU ad Ronianos explanatvr. Ex prelectionibus Antonij Corrani Hispalensis, sacrce theologies professoris, collectus & concinnatus. Londini, apud Thomam Purfoetum, 1574: ff. 12, 108, char. rem. et ital, c. sig. (*W*A^, B-O^P^), octavo. F. I (below title), Q Londini Pridie calendas | lunij, excudebat prelum Thomai j Purfoetij ad Lucretiaj | symbolum. | (1 Cum 134 LONDON. Priuilegio. 1574. | f. 2=*, Dedication, Generosis viris vtrivsque templi f. 120% Errata, f. 120^, Figure of Lucretia, with Tho. Purfoot's initials at the sides, and those of the engraver (T. G.) below ; tlien, Excusum Londini apud 1 Tho- mam Purfoetum. Anno. | M.D.LXXIIII. For Corranus or Corro, see Athenae Oxon. i. 578. (370) Vl*^, 6. 6 (i). — A Treatise of the Immortalitie of the Soiile : Wherein is declared the Origine, Nature, and Powers of the same, together ivitJi the state and condition thereof, both as it is conioyned and dissolned from the body. Made by lohn Woolton, Minister of the Gospcll. London, Thomas Purfoote for lohn Shepperd, 1576: fif. 10, 96 (ff. 4, 5, wanting), char. rom., c. sig. (HSHH^, A-M^) et ff. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. F. I ^ (below title), Imprinted at London | in Paules Churchyarde, at the I signe of the Brasen Serpent, | by lohn Shepperd. | Anno Dora. 1576. I f. 2^ Woodcut of the Trinity, ff. 2=^ — 10^, Dedication to Countess of Bedford, f 106% Imprinted at London by | Thomas Purfoote, for | lohn Shepperd. | Anno Dom. 1576. Herbert 11 14. (371) Capell R. 2. — Lyndsay, A Dialogue betzveene Expe- rience and a Conrtier, of the miserable state of the Worlde. Compiled in the Scottish tnng by Syr Dauid Lindsey Knight, a 1)1 an of great learning and science: First turned and made perfect Englishe: And noiu the seconde time corrected and ajiicnded according to the first Copie. London, Thomas Pur- foote, 1581 : ff. 4, 148, char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves. A— S^T*) ct ff. n., quarto. F. i^ (below title), Imprinted at London, in | Newgate Market within the New | Rentes, by Thomas | Purfoote. | An. Dom. 1581. It is noticed in the Huth Catalogue [infra) that though the title speaks of this as the second edition, it is in reality the third, being an exact reprint of the second London edition of 1575. Herbert 996, Grenville 423, Hulh 885. THOMAS PURFOOT. 135 (372) vf'. 3. 17. — Jo. Fox, De Christo gratis iiistificante. Co7itra Osorianam iiistiiiam Arnica & inodesta defensio loan. Foxij. Londini, Thomas Purfutius impensis Geor. Byshop, 1583: ff. 4, 218, 24, char. rom. et ital, c. sig. (A^ B-Ee^Ff2, A-C**) et pp. n., large octavo. Head-hncs. Marg. notes. Herbert 999. (373) Vi'^. I. 8 (viil). — A hricfe collection or epitome of all the notable and materiall thi?igs contained in the Hystorie of Gtiicchiardijie. Being verie necessarie for Parliament Conncell, Treatises and Negotiations. London, Thomas Purfoote, 1591 : fif. 4 (the first, presumably blank, wanting), 52 (the last blank), char. goth. (head-lines, &c., in rom.), c. sig. (4 unsigned leaves, B-G^H^) et ff. n., octavo. r. I ^ (below title), Imprinted at London by | Thomas Purfoote, and are to be | sold in Paules Churchyard at | the signe of the Crane. | 1591. | The work is dedicated by Thomas Purfoot to Sir Henry Brooke Cobham, the epistle being dated from "the new rents in Saint Nicholas shambles. Dec. 7. 1591." (374) Vl''. 3. 6 (iii). — A Briefe and most easie Introduction to the Astrologicall Indgement of the Starres Written by the most famous PJiisition Claudius Dariot : and translated by F. W. gent. And lately renued, and in some places augmented and amended by G. C. Gent I Also hereunto is added a briefe Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke Written by the sayd G. C. practicioner in Phisicke. London, Thomas Purfoot, 1598 : ff. 80 (the last blank), 36, char, rom., c. sig. (A— V* : 2 unsigned leaves, B— PK^, with a large folding sheet between quires I and K), quarto. Woodcut astrological figures. Ff, 2^ — 3^, Dedication by the translator, Fabian Wither, to " Maister Edward Dodge, Esquier." f. 4=^, To the courteous Reader G. C. Herbert 1003. 136 LONDON. (375) Capell *. 8 (i). — Gelli, The Fearefull Fansics of the Florentine Cooper. Written in Tuscane, by loJin Baptista Gelli, one of the free Stiidie of Florence. And for recreation translated into English by IV. Barker. London, Tho, Purfoot for the Companie of Stacioners, 1599: ff. 136, char, goth., c. sig. (A-R8) et ff. n., octavo. Herbert 1003. Henry Binneman (1566). {hl^) Vl'^. I. 18. — (Joh. Caius), De antiquitate Cantahri- giensis Academics Libri duo. In quorum secundo de Oxonieftsis quoq'Tf Gymnasij antiqjiitate disseritur, & Cantabrigiense longe eo antiqiiitis esse definitur. Londinensi Authore. Adiunximus assertioncni antiqnitatis Oxonicnsis Acadeniice, ab Oxoniensi quodani annis iavi clapsis d nob lis ad Reginam conscriptam, itt qua doccre conatiir, Oxoniense Gymnasium Cantabrigiensi an- tiqiiiiis esse. Vt ex collationc facile intelligas, vtra sit antiquior. Londini, per Henricum Bynneman, 1568. mense August©: ff. 192, 20 (the last leaf, with the printer's emblem, wanting), char. ital. (rom. in the Assertio), c. sig. (A— Z^Aa^ : A— E*) et pp. n. (not in the Assertio), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. The Assertio has a separate title, in order that it might be sold separately. The above is the earliest edition of these works. For another edition see above, nos. 156, 157. Herbert 968. (377) Vl*^- I- I (ii)- — Tho. Norton, To the Queues Maiesties poore deceiued Subiectes of the North Coimtrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland. Written by Thomas Norton. And newly perused and encreased. Seen and allowed according to the Queencs Iniunctions. London, Henrie Bynneman for Lucas Harrison, 1569: ff. 28, char, goth. (rom. in title, marg., and imprint), c. sig. (A— C^D"*), octavo. Herbert 926, Huth 1047. HENRY BINNEMAN. 1 37 (378) Vl^. 6. 5.— Ralph Lever, The Arte of Reason, rightly termed, Witcraft, teaching a perfect way to argtie and dispute. Made by Raphe Leuer. Scene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties Ininnctions. London, H. Bynneman, 1573: fF. 12, 120, char, goth., c, sig. (*\#*, A— P^) ct pp. n., octavo. F. 1% Imprinted at London, by | H. Bynneman, dwelling in Knight'lrider streate, at the signe of the ] Mermayde. Anno. 1573. 1 These Bookes are to be solde at his Shop at | the Northwest dore of Paules church. | For Ralph Lever, see Athenae Cantab, i. 507. Herbert 973. (379) Vl"^. 4. 3 (v). — Articles to be inquired of, by the retierende Father in God, RicJiarde by Gods pronidence Bishop of Elye, For the Churchzvardcns and Inquirers of enery seuerall Parishe tvithin his Dioccsse, in his visitation, holden in the yearx of oiLr Lord God, 1573. London, Henry Bynneman for Humfrey Toy, (1573) ; ff. 8 (f. 8, probably blank, wanting), char. goth. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (A*B*), quarto. (380) Aa^. 2. 12 (iii). — J oh. Prise, Histories Brytanniccs defensio, loanne Priseo Eqvestris ordinis Brytanno Avthore. Londini, in sedibus H. Binneman typographi impensis Hum- fredi Toy, 1573 : ff. 18, ^6 (the last blank), 10, char, rom., c. sig. (1IV*A**^ A-X^Y2 ; Aa^Bb^Cc^) et pp. n., quarto. The supplement " de Mona Drvidvm Insvla ..." is in the form of a letter from Humfrey Lloyd, dated from Denbigh, April 5, 1568. At the beginning of the volume are Latin verses, by Tho. Brown, head-master of Westminster School and Canon of Westminster {Athenae Cantab, i. 510), Rich. Vaughan, Bishop of London {ib. ii, 450), Edw. Grant, head-master of Westminster School {ib. ii. 320), Earth. C. (probably Earth. Gierke, ib. ii. 70), and Jo. M. The title-page of this copy bears the autograph of Lord Lumley {Athenae Cantab, ii. 516) and his father-in-law, the Earl of Arundel. For John Prise, see Athenae Oxon. i. 216. Herbert 935. 138 LONDON. (381) Vid. 2. 10: Yl'^. 2. II (iv) : Grylls 3. 406. — John Whitgift, An ansivere to a certen Libell intituled, An admoni- tion to the Parliament, By lohn Whitgifte, D. of Diiiinitie. Newly augmented by the Authoure, as by conference shall appeare. London, Henrie Bynneman for Humfrey Toy [dwelling in Paules Church yard at the signe of the Helmet], 1573: ff. 172 (f. 10 wanting in first copy), char, goth., c. sig. {A-Y*Aa-Xx*) et pp. n., quarto. For John Whitgift, Master of Trinity College (1567 — 1577) and Archbishop of Canterbury (1583 — 1603-4), see Athenae Cantab, ii. 369, 553- Herbert 934. (382) Capell *. 13. — James Sanforde, TJie Garden of Pleasure : Contayninge most pleasante Tales, worthy deeds and witty sayings of noble Princes 7 Ica^nicd Philosophers, Moralized. No lesse delectable, than profitable. Done out of Italian into English, by lames Sanforde, Gent. Wherein are also set forth diners Verses and Sentences in Italian, with the Englishe to the same, for the benefit of the student in both tongs. London, Henry Bynneman, 1573 : ff. 4, 112 (f. 6 wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A^ B-PS) et ff. n., octavo. Herbert 973. (383) Vl<^. 4. 7 (i): vi^J. 4. 8 (ii). — John Whitgift, A Defense of the Ecclesiasticall Regiment in Englande, defaced by T. C. in his Replie agaynst D. Whitgifte. Scene and allowed according to the order appoyntcd in the Queencs Maiesties Iniunctions. London, Henry Bynneman for Humfrey Toy, 1574: ff. 100 (ff. 2, 100, blank ; both wanting in second copy), char, goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves. A— M'^N^) et pp. n., octavo. Head- lines. Marg. notes. For Thomas Cartwright, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 360, 553. Herbert 935. (384) Vl'\ 4. 2 (ii): Grylls 10. 235 (iii).— Tho. dc Walsing- ham, Historia Brcuis Thonue Walsinghain, ab Edwardo primo, HENRY BINNEMAN. 1 39 ad Henriciim quintum. Londini, apud Henricum Binneman Typographum sub insigno Syrcnis, 1574: ff. 6 (the first blank), 234 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (1[°, A-Y<^Aa- Pp^'Oq^ Rr*) et pp. n., folio. Large woodcut initials. Wood- cuts (6) of Kings of England on f i''. In the Grylls copy of the above work, on the blank portion of f. 6^, is a piece of MS., not improbably in the writing of Archbishop Parker, and, in any case, emanating from him. This, however, is not found in the copy of the work in the Parker collection in the library of Corpus Christi College, nor do I find any note bearing on the matter in any of the MSS. of Walsingham in that collection. As the note in question is not referred to by Mr. Riley in his introduc- tion to his edition of Walsingham, or by any other authority I have referred to, I subjoin the note at length. It may be added that on the title-page of the Asser, which forms the first portion of this volume {supra, no. 161), is the autograph yd^/^^^/z^i' Parker, perhaps the archbishop's eldest son (ob. 1618) : "Ad Lectorem. Vide queso (lector humanissime) quam mihi omnia in huius libri ieditione secus quam optauerim contigerint. Equidem cum vndique manuscriptos codices conquisiuerim, nullos autem nancisci potuerim, nisi mendis innumerabilibus deprauatos, factum est vt dum ab exemplaribus (ita vti erant foedissime de- scriptis) recedendum mihi neutiquam existimauerim liber iste multis maculis ac sordibus circumfluxerit. Ecce autem paucis ab hinc diebus impresso iam recens libro, detulerunt ad me quidam codices binos (et vt apparet peruetustos) quorum alter quideni contaminatissimus est, alter vero eiusmodi vt Authoris ipsius manu descriptus videatur. Quem nos in librum si prius inci- dissemus, quam hie Typis peruulgatus fuisset, perfacile loca omnia corrupta pristinse integritati restituissemus. Ne igitur mireris lector optime, si istius libri (quem nunc tandem sors mihi obtulit) authori- tatem secutus, veteris et inquinatse scripturte labes abluerim. Etenim vt vulgo dici solet, Prions est sepe discipulus posterior dies. Quod idem nuper accidit nobis in Florilego \i.e. the Florcs Historiarum of Matthew of Westminster; supra, no. 317], quem cum A° Domini 1562 [perhaps this is a slip for 1567^], in valgus edidissemus, coacti ^ A copy of an edition of this date is in the British Museum. See also HarL Cat. Vol. I. no. 7450. I40 LONDON. sumus eundem A° salutis 1570 denuo impressum, ex castioris codicis fide restituere. Iniquus autem erit Lector quisquis vel nobis, vel Typographo, vel ei qui praelo praefuit, harum rerum crimen im- posuerit, presertim cum per nos minime steterit, quo minus liber iste integer et impollutus ad hominum manus peruenerit. Sententiarum circuitus et incisa, tum verborum interpuncta perperam distincta, prudens Lector nullo negotio animaduerterit, cetera castigauimus omnia, quemadmodum singula corrigenda sunt, ad calcem libri admonuimus." Herbert 974. (385) Vl^ 4. 9: Grylls 26. 135. — John Whitgift, The De- fense of the Aunsivere to the Admonition^ against the Replie of T. C. By lohn Whitgift Doctor of Dininitie. London, Henry Binneman for Humfrey Toye, 1574: ff. 12, 506, 6, char, goth., c sig. (a^b^ A— Xxx'^Yyy*, AAaa*^ : for sig. Uu i is printed Aaa) et pp. n., folio. Herbert 935. (386) Vl''. 6. II. — Alexandri Nevylli Angli, Dc furorihus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce, Liber vmis. Eitisdcui Norvicvs. Londini, Ex officina Henrici Binnemani Typographi, 1575 : ff. 8 (the last blank), 78 ; 6, 106 ; char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (a^b*, A-T^V2; X^Y^, Aa-Zz*Aaa-Ddd^Eee2) et pp. n., quarto. Woodcut initials, and coats of arms. Between quires Oo, Pp, are two folding sheets, engraved on copper, of the British, Saxon, and Norman kings, and the con- tinuation down to Elizabeth. The engravers severally append their names, " Richardus Lyne (Remigius Hogenbergius) servus D. Matthgei Archiepi. Cantuar. sculpsit. A°. 1574." At the beginning of the book are two Latin poems signed G. A. Tlie former owner of this copy (Beaupre Bell) suggests in a note that this is Geo. Acworth, public orator of the University, 1559 — 60 {Athcnae Cantab, ii. 381, 566). There is also a poem by Tho. Urant {Athenae Cantab, i. 384, 566). The dedication to Archbishop Grindal (then of York) forms sig. b in this volume. The Norvicus begins on sig. Xi, with a special title-page. A poem addressed to the author by Tho. Drant is prefixed. HENRY BINNEMAN. I4I This copy is of the issue which contains the passages offensive to the Welsh, on pp. 132, 133, of the de furoribtis, omitted in some copies, and for which Neville published his "Apologia ad Wallise proceres" in 1576. Herbert 977. (387) Vi^. 6. 10. — Henrie Cornelius Agrippa, of the Vanitie and vncertaintie of A rtes and Sciences : Englished by la. San. [fames Sanforde'\ Gent. London, Henrie Bynncman, 1575 : fif. 8 [f. I, presumably blank, wanting], 188, char, goth., c. sig. {VA\ B-Bbb* ; the whole of sig. Aa and Bb is wanting) et ff. n., quarto. Herbert 976. (388) Vl^. 6. 6 (ii). — Onid his Imiective against Ibis. Trans- lated into English Meeter. Whervnto is added by the Trans- lator, a short draught of all the Stories and tales contained therein: very pleasant to be read. London, Henry Bynneman, 1577: fif. 92, char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (A-L^M*), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. The work is dedicated by the translator, Thomas Underdowne (supra, no. 357), to Lord Buckhurst. Herbert 979. (389) VI''. 6. 7 (viii).— John Fisher, A godly Treatise de- claring the benefttes, fruites, and great commodities of prayer, and also the trne vse therof. Written in Latin fonrtie yeeres past, by an English man of great vertne and learning. And lately translated into Englishe. London, H. B. for Gabriell Cawood, 1577: ff. 64, char, goth., c. sig. (A-H^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. For an earlier edition of this work, printed in 1560 by John Cawood, see above, no. 208. Herbert 980. (390) Vl<=. 2. 7 (iii). — Gabrielis Harveii Ciceronianvs, Vel Oratio post reditnm, Jiabita Cantabrigice ad snos A?tditores. Quorum potissimiim causa, diuulgata est. Londini, Ex Officina 142 LONDON. Typographica Henrici Binneman, 1577: ff. 4, 34, char, ital., c. sig. (a*, A— H*P) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to Will. Lewin, LL.D., formerly public orator of the University (1570 — 71), whose Latin epistle to the printer is prefixed to the work {Athetiae Cantab, ii. 245, 550). The dedication is dated " Cantab, ex Aula Pembroch. prid. Non. Jan. 1577." Herbert 980. (391) VP. 2. 7 (iv). — Gabrielis Harveii Rhetor, Vel dtiorunt dierinn Oratio, Dc Natiira, Arte, & Exercitatione Rhetorica. Ad sHos Aiiditores. Londini, Ex Ofificina Typographica Henrici Binneman, 1577: ff. 4, 62, char, ital., c. sig. (a^ A-P^Q2), quarto. The work is dedicated to Earth. Gierke {supra, no. 139), a letter from whom to the author is also prefixed. This copy is of the issue without the colophon mentioned by Herbert (/. c). Herbert 981. (392) VP. 2. 7 (v). — Gabrielis Harveii, Valdinatis, Smithvs; vel Mvsarvm LacJuymcB : Pro obitu Honoratissimi viri, atque hominis imiltis noininibns clarissimi, TJioince Sinithi, Equitis Britanni, Maiestatisqtic Regies Seeretarij. Ad Gvalterinn Mild- maivin, Equitcm Britannuin, & Consiliarium Reginin. Londini, ex officina typographica Henrici Binnemani, 1578: ff. 6, 38, char, ital., c. sig. (*'*A", B-K*L^), quarto. Woodcut portrait, and coat of arms. F. 4% Arms of Tho. Smith, f 39% Portrait of Tho. Smith, and on f 42% Woodcut of Tomb. f. 43% Epitaph by Tho. Bing {supra, no. 336). This work also contains the Mercurius of Rich. Harvey (fif. 33=^ — 38^), brother of Gabriel Harvey. The title-page bears the date 1578. The colophon is dated Cal. Jan. 1577 [1577—78]. For Sir Tho, Smith, public orator 1538 — 42, and the first regius professor of civil law in the University, and secretary of state to Queen Elizabeth, see Athcnae Cantab, i. 368, 565. Herbert 981. HENRY BINNEMAN. I43 (393) Vl^ 6. 8 (xi). — A Newyeares Gifte, dedicated to the Popes Holmesse, and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome : preferred the first day of lamiarie, in the yeare of our Lorde God, after the course and conipntation of the Ronianistes, one thousand, fiue hundreth, seauentie and nine, by B. G. Citizen of London : In recompence of diuers singular and inestimable ReliqueSy of late sent by the said Popes Holinesse into England, the true figures and representations whereof, are heereafter in their places dilated. London, Henry Bynneman, 1579: ff. 8, 44, char, goth., c. sig. (H^HII^ A-L*), quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. This work has been variously referred to Barnaby Googe and Bernard Garter. The large folding woodcut is wanting in this copy. Herbert 984, Grenville 279. (394) VP. 6. 9 (ix). — A brief e Discourse of the most hay- nous and tray torlike fact of Thomas Appeltree : For which hee shoulde haue suffred Death on Tuisday the one and twentith of Julie last : whcrin is set downe his Confession. Wherevnto is annexed, the Report of the message sent to the place of execu- tion from hir most excellent Maiestie, by the right honourable Sir Christopher Hatton Knight, Vizchamberlain to hir highnesse. London, Henry Bynneman, 1579: ff. 12, char. rom. (Intro- duction in goth., marg. notes in ital.), c. sig. (a^ A^B^), quarto. r. 1% Title (as above), with emblem of brazen serpent, f. 5 (presumably blank) wanting, f. 6, Separate title of the Report, below which is the emblem of the Tree of Charity. This tide- page is dated July 24, 1579. f. 12, presumably blank, wanting. Herbert 985. (395) VF. I. 4 (ii). — Aristotelis Ethicorvm ad Nicomachvm libri decent, in gratiam, & vsum Studiosorum, breuiter & per- spicue, per Qucsstiones expositi. Per Samvelem Heilandvm, Tubingciisis Scholce Professorem Ethices. Londini, ex officina H. Bynneman Typographi, 1581 : ff. 104, char, ital., c. sig. (A— N^) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 987. 144 LONDON. (396) Vl<=. I. 19 (i). — A declaration of the Recantation of lohn Nichols (for the space almoste of two yeeres the Popes scholer in the EnglisJie Seminarie or College at Rome) which desireth to be reconciled and receined as a member into the true Church of Christ in England. London, Henry Binneman for Christopher Barker, Printer to the Oueenes most excellent Maiestie, 1581 : ff. 80 (the last two blank, the latter wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— K^), octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. This work is dedicated to Sir Owen Hopton, Lieutenant of the Tower of London. (397) Vl"^. 5. 4: Vl<^. 5. 4«. — Chrysostom, Ait exposition Vpon the Epistle of S. Paide the Apostle to the Ephesians : By S. lohn Chrysostome, Archbishop of Constantinople. Truely and faithfully translated out of Greeke. Perused and auctorized, accordijig to an order appointed in hir Maiesties Ininnctions. London, Henry Binneman [Bynneman at end] and Ralph Newberie, 1581. Dec. 24: ff. 5, 172 (the last blank), 18 ; char, goth. (table in rom. in 2 coll.), c. sig. (IT* [and single leaf with sig. A.j. inserted after i. i, with dedication to Countess of Oxford. This, in the second copy, is transposed so as to come at the end of the quire], A— Vv*, *-4*^5*^) et pp. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcut initials. (398) VP. 6. 6 (iv) : Vl^ 6. 6a\ Grylls 24. 9. — Chris. Ocland, Anglorvm Prcelia ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimi- rum primo inclytissinii Principis Eduardi eius nominis tertij, vsque ad annu Domini. 1558. Carmine summatim pcrstricta. Item.' De pacatissimo Anglice statu, imperante Elisabetha, coinpendiosa Narratio. AtUJiore Christophoro Oclando, primo Scholce Southwarkiensis prope Londinum, dein Cheltennamensis , qiicB sunt a sercnissima sua Maicstate fundatce, Moderatore Hijs Alcxandri Neuilli Kcttum adiunximus. Londini, apud Radulphum Nuberie ex assignationc Henrici Binneman Typographi, 1582: ff 148 (f 2 wanting in each copy), char, ital., c. sig. (A^B-L^M* [the last blank], N-T«V*) et pp. n. (in " Kcttus " only), large octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes. HENRY BINNEMAN. 145 Each of the three parts of the above has its special title-page, in order to be sold separately, if necessary. The signatures, however, are continuous. On the title-page of the first the imprint is as above ; on the second, " Apud Ra: Nuberie, ex assignatione Henrici Bynne- man " ; and on the third, " Ex officina Henrici Binnemani Typo- graphi." On all three title-pages is the device of a hind. The EUzabetha begins on I5, and ends on the verso of M3 ; M4 is blank. Prefixed to the Pmlia is a Latin poem by Thomas Newton, Cestreshyrius, for whom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 452 ; Athcnae Oxon. ii. 5. The EUzabetha is dedicated to Mildred, Lady Burghley ; and poems are prefixed by Rich. Mulcaster {Athenae Oxon. ii. 293) and Tho. Watson {ib. i. 601). The Kettus is dedicated to Archbishop Parker. Among the poems prefixed is one by Thomas Drant [supra, no. 386). Herbert 909. (399) VI<=. 6. 7. — Chris. Ocland, Anglorvin Prcslia The above, though bearing the same date, is a different edition from the preceding; the variations, though small, being so very numerous as to shew that in parts of the book, at any rate, the type must have been set up anew. Thus on f. 3% the woodcut initial is altogether difi"erent, and in 11. 6, 7, the present edition runs, this Booke in all Grammar & | Free schooles , the foregoing one has, this booke in all Gram-| mer and Free scholes f. 5, 1. 8, for the "Caesaris" of this edition, the other reads "Julius." On verso of F2, the initial H is floriated in this edition, but contains design of two children with mask in the other. On recto of 1 2 the present edition has an error in the head- line, "Anglorum" for " Praelia." On recto of N3, this edition has (1. 4) "Primati ac Metropolitanu {sic),'' whereas the other has " Prunati ac Metropolltano.''' The author's name at the end of the dedication is Neuyllus in this and Neuillus in the other edition. On recto of Vi, the page is given as 63 in the previous edition, but rightly 97 in this one. In this edition the last line of p. 96 is printed again as the first line of p. 97. (400) Vl^. 6. 8 (v). — Virgil, The First Fovrc Bookcs of Virgil s /Ends, Translated into EnglisJi Hero? call Verse, by 146 LONDON. Richard Stanylivrst : With other Poetic// (sic) dcuises tliereto annexed. London, Henrie Bynneman, 1583 : ff. 60, char, goth., c. sig. (A— G^H'') et pp. n., octavo. The author dedicates his work " To the Right Honovrable my very loving brother the Lorde Baron of Dvnsanye." For Richard Stanyhurst, see Atlienae Oxon. ii. 252, and Colher's Bibl. Cat. ii. 386 ; and for Patrick Phinket, lord Dunsany, see AtJicnae Oxon. i. 505. The two had married daughters of Sir Christopher Barnewall. Herbert 988, Grenville 685, Huth 1538. (401) viK 6. 9 (v). — Nich. Grimoald, Oratio ad Pontifices, Londini in cede Pan/ina, Anno Doni. 1553. 17. Idns Apri/is Jiabita in Synodo pnb/ica : Per Nico/auui Grinioa/duni. Lon- dini, ex officina Typographica Henrici Bynnemani, 1583: ff. 18, char. ital. (head-lines in rom.), c. sig. (A— D^Q- ; the G is a misprint for E) et pp. n., octavo. In this copy, the last leaf, containing on the recto the device of the brazen serpent, is wanting. For Nich. Grimoald, or Grimald, see At/icnae Cantab, i. 230 ; At/ieuae Oxon. i. 407, (402) VI^. 6. 12 (IV) : Grylls 25. 71 : Grylls 25. ^2. — Will. Fulke, A Defense of tJie sincere and true Trans/ations of tJie ho/ie Seriptnres into tJie Eng/ish tong, against the manifo/de caiii/s, friuo/oiis qnare/s, and impudent s/annders of Gregorie Martin, one of tJie readers of Pop is /i diiiinitie in the tray tor ous Sejninarie of Rhenies. By Wi//iant Fv//ce D. in Dininitie, and M. of Pembroke hau/e in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a brief e confutation of a// sncJi quarre/s & eani/s, as Jiaue bene of late vttered by diuerse Papistes in their Eng/is/i PampJi/ets, against the zvritings of the saide William Fv/ke. London, Henrie Bynneman for George Bishop, 1583: ff. 50, 266, 36; char. rom. et ital, c. sig. (a— f^ [with sig. II-, inserted between ff. I, 2, with dedication], A— Kk^Ll^, A— D^E*) et.pp. n., octavo. Head-lines. Marg. notes (containing Hebrew occasionally). HENRY BINNEMAN. 147 In the first Grylls copy, the words " for George Bishop " do not occur on the title-page. In the first Grylls copy, sig. IT is wanting ; in the second Grylls copy, the Briefe confutation is wanting. For Will. Fulke, see AtJwiac Cantab, ii. 57, 544. Herbert 988. (403) IV. n. 29. — The. Cooper, Thesavrvs Lijigvce Romanes & BritanniccB, tain accurate congestits, vt nihil pene in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latine complectatnr ainplissiimis Stephani Thesaiirns, vel Anglice, toties aiicta Eliotcz Bibliotheca : opera & industria Thames Cooperi Magdalenensis Accessit dictionarivm historicvm & pocticvm Londini, in sedibus Henrici Bynnemani Typographi, 1584: fif. 6 (first blank, wanting), 810, 72 (last blank, wanting), coll. 2, char. rem. et goth., c. sig. ("[^ A-6V^ 'jA-yWf there is no Z in any alphabet), folio. The work is dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Among the complimentary poems prefixed to the work are Latin poems by Alex. Nowell {At/ie?iae Oxon. i. 716), James Calfhill {ib. 377, Athenae Cantab, i. 285) ; and a Greek poem by Richard Stephens {Athenae Cantab, i. 384). For Thomas Cooper, see Athenae Oxon. i. 608, ii. 832. See also above under Richard Tottell (no. 2 So) and Ralph Newber}^ Herbert 989. Gerard Dewes (1566). (404) vi^. I. 21. — Jo. Seton, Dialectica loannis Setoni Cantabrigiensis, annotationibns Petri Carteri, vt clarissimis ita breuissimis explicata. Hvic accessit, ob Artinm ingemiariim inter se cognatioiiem, Guilielmi Bnclm Arithmetica. Londini, Gerardus Dewes et Henricus Marsh ex assignatione Thomas Marsh, 1584 : ff. 4, 130, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A*, A— Q^R^), octavo. Head-lines. Woodcuts of Roman Imperial coins. 148 LONDON. For John Seton, see Atlmiae Cantab, (i. 218, 553), Will. Buckley {ib. 292), and Pet. Carter {ib. 382). Seton's work is dedicated to Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge {op. cit. i. 139, 547), that of Carter the editor is to Edward, Earl of Derby, and King {regulus) of Man. On the back of the title are poems by John Cheke {ib. 166, 549) and Rich. Stephens {supra no. 403). There are also poems by Tho. Drant {supra, no. 386), Tho. Newton {ib. ii. 452 ; Athenae Oxon. ii. 5). At the end are poems by Will. Carter {Athenae Cantab, i. 397), Tho. Watson {ib. 491), Alb. Langdale {ib. 509), Tho. Vavasour {ib. 327). The Arithmetic begins on the recto of Qiij. Of the above, Seton, Peter Carter, Cheke, Drant, Watson, and Langdale were fellows of St, John's. Herbert 942, cf. 866. George Bishop (1569). (405) vi^. 3. 7 (vi). — Edvardi Livelei, Hebraearum litera- rum in Academia Cantabrigiensi professoris, annotatioiies in quinque prior es ex minoribus PropJietis, cum Latina eorum interpretatione, ciusdein opera ac studio, ad norniavi Hebraicce veritatis diligenter exaniinata. Londini, typis Georgii Bishop, 1587 : ff. 104 (the first, apparently blank, torn), char. rem. et ital. et heb., c. sig. (A— N^) et ff. n., octavo. The book is dedicated by the author to Sir Francis Walsingham, whose arms are given on the v^so of the title ; and on the recto of the. last leaf is the Walsingham crest, the tiger's head, in ornamental border. For Edward Lively, Fellow of Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, and one of the Translators of the Bible, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 407, 554. Herbert 1149. (406) VI''. 4 . 10. — J oh. Fox, Eicasmi sev Meditationcs in Sacram Apocalypsin. AutJiore lo. Foxo Anglo. Londini, impensis Geor. Byshop, 1587 : fif. 6, 213 (the la.'^t blank), char. GEORGE BISHOP. 1 49 rom., c. sig. (H^ A-Mm^Nn* : Kk^ has been cancelled) et pp. n., folio. Marg. notes. The work is dedicated to Archbishop Whitgift by Sam. Fox, the author's son. Herbert 1149. (407) Vl''. 6. 13. — Fr. Junius, Sacrorum Parallelorwn libri tres : id est, Comparatio locorum Scriptures sacrce, qui ex Testa- inento vetere in Novo adducuntiir Francisci Iimii Bitii- rigis. Editio tertia. Londini, impensis G. Bishop, s. a. (not before 1588): ff. 192, char, rom., c. sig. (A— Aa^) et pp. n., octavo. This work was licensed to George Bishop, Oct. 4, 1588: " Entred for his copie. A booke whereof Franciscus Junius is Author. Entitled. Sacrorum Parallelorum. Libri Tres. autho- rised vnder master William Gravetes hand" (Arber's Transcript, ii. 501). Herbert (infra) mentions an edition of 1588, with "editio secunda" on the title-page, as well as an edition without date, pre- sumably the present " editio tertia." The title-page is enclosed in the woodcut border used by Chris. Barker, with the arms and crest of Sir Francis Walsingham. Herbert 1149. (408) Vl"^. 4. 1 1 (ix) : I. 2. 5 (x). — Antimartinvs, sive Monitio cuiusdain Londinensis ad Adolescentes vtriusque Aca- demicB, contra personatiim qnendam rahidam, qui se An^lice Martin Marprelat, Hoc est, Martiniint Ma^iyup'^op. r] fMiaap^ov vocat. Londini, Georgius Bishop et Radulphub Nevv;jory, 1589 : fF. 32 (the last blank, wanting in second copy), char, rom, c. sig. (A— H*) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert, 914, 1150. (409) Vl^. 3. 8. — Lod. Lloid, The Consent of Time, disci- pherifig the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vjicertaine compictation of the Romanes iti their Pcnteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrtis, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, I50 LONDON. disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and ivith the Sacred Histories in consent of time By Lodowik J^loid E squire. London, George Bishop and Ralph Newberle, 1590: fif. 8, 362 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (a'*, A— Aaa^Bbb'^ : there is no Z) et pp. n., quarto. In this copy the inner halves of quires a, C, Pp, have been wrongly folded. Herbert 915, 1151. (410) VI<^.6. \oi^.—^ AiroXivapiov Merdcppaa-L'i rov '^aXrrjpo';, Bm ari'xoyv tjpmlkmv. Apolinarij interpretatio Psabnornm, ver- sibns Hcroicis. Ex Bibliotheca Rcgia. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Regise Maiestatis Typographi Deputatus, 1590 : ff. 104 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, grsec, c. sig. (A— N^) et pp. n., octavo. The title-page is enclosed in the same woodcut border as no. 407. Herbert 1151. (411) Vl'^. 3. 12 (iii). — Miles Windsore, Academiarvni gvcs aliqvando fvere et hodie snnt in Enropa, Catalogns & eniinie- ratio brenis. Londini, Georgius Bishop et Radulphus New- berie, 1590 : fif. 30, char, rom., c. sig. (A— G'^H") et pp. n., quarto. The title is surmounted by the royal arms, and beneath it are the arms of the University of Oxford. On the verso of the title is a full- page woodcut of the arms of Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor of England and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, to whom the work is dedicated. The dedication, dated " Oxon. 15 Maij. 1590," is signed M. W., apparently Miles Windsore, for whom see Athenae Oxon. ii. 358. Herbert 915, 1 151. (412) I. 4. 90 (vii). — Had. Saravia, De diversis ministrorvm Evangelii Gradibvs, sicvt a Domino fncrnnt institnti, & traditi ab Apostolis, ac perpeiuo omninm Ecclesiarnni vsn confirmati, liber vnns : Cni Duo alij additi, alter de Honore qni debetur Ecclcsiarum Pastoribus, alter de Sacrilegijs & Sacrilegorum GEORGE BISHOP. 151 poenis. Anthore Hadriano Saravia Belga. Londini, Georgius Bishop et Rodolphus Newberie, 1590: ff. 10, ^6 (the last, perhaps blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (*'^**'**«*^, A— X'*Y^) et pp. n., quarto. (413) VI=. 6. II. — 'OiJbi]pov 'I\id<;. Homeri I/ias, id est, de Rebiis ad Troiam gestis. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Regiae Maiestatis Typographi Deputatus, 1591 : ff. 272, char, graec, c. sig. (A— LF) et pp. n., octavo. The title-page is enclosed in the same woodcut border as no. 407. Herbert 1151. {414) Vl^. 5. 6 (xi). — Matth. Sutcliffe, A Treatise of Eccle- siasticall Discipline : Wherein that confused forme of gouern- ment, which certeine vnder false pretence, and title of Reforma- tion, and trite discipline, do striue to bring into the Church of England, is examined and confuted. London, George Bishop, 1 591 : ff. 88, char, rom., c. sig. (A— Y^*) et pp. n., quarto. Matth. Sutcliffe was a Fellow of Trinity College : Minor Fellow, 1572 ; Major Fellow, 1574; Lector Mathematicus, 1579. (415) A. 14. 41. — Testament i Veteris Bib Ha Sacra, sive, Libri Canonici Prisccs ludceoruni EcclesicB a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebrceo facti, brevibusque Scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Jnnio. Accesserunt Libri Qui Vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latine redditi quibus etiani adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio, & ex Grceco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum versos Londini, excudebant G. B., R. N. & R. B. (George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker), 1593 : ff. 540, coll. 2, char, rom., c. sig. (as below) et ff. n. (pp. n. in Pentateuch), folio. Ff I — 4, introductory matter; sig. If*, ff 4 non num. ff 5 — 94, Pentateuch, sig. A — P^, ff 90 num. [the last blank], ff 95 — 202, Joshua to Esther, sig. Aa-Ss^, ff 108 num. [the last blank], ff 203 — 278, Job to Canticles, sig. Aaa-Mmm'"'Nnn^, ff. 76 num. ff. 279 — 402, Isaiah to Malachi, sig. Aaaa-Vvvv® 152 LONDON. Xxxx^, ff. 124 num. [the last blank], ff. 403 — 476, Apocrypha, sig. Aaaaa-LllU'^Mmmmm^, ff. 74 num. ff. 476 — 540, New Testament, sig. [A]-[Kk]*'[Ll]^, ff. 64 num. [the last, probably- blank, wanting]. The titles to the fourth part of the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and tlie New Testament bear the date 1592. The copy described by Herbert (p. 881) bore on the title-page *' Impensis Guliel. N." [Will. Norton], but in all other respects agrees with the above. Herbert 1152, 8S1, 1091. (416) vr. 6. 12 (i). — Piscator, Analysis Logica omnivm Epistolaruni Pauli U7ia cum scJioliis & obscrvationibiis locornni doctrince. Autoj'e M. jfohaji. Piscatore, saa'ariim literarum in ilbistri scJiola Herbornensi Professore. Editio Secvnda. Londini, impensis Geor. Bishop, 1594: ff. 8, 412, char. rem. et ital., c. sig. (A— Fff'^Ggg'*) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1151. (417) Grylls 13. 224. — (Hen. Savile), Rcrvni Anglicarvjn Scriptorcs post Bedani prcecipvi, ex vetvstissiniis codicibvs manv- scriptis nvnc prinivni in Ivcem editi. Londini, G. Bishop, R. Newberie et R. Barker, 1596: ff. 2, 620, 30, char, rem., c. sig. {^\ A-R«S«T-Dd«Ee^ Ff-Pp« ; Qq-Rrrr«Ssss* ; *V**/ A-H2) et ff n., folio. Herbert 1091, 1152. (418) VF. 6. 12 (ii). — Piscator, Analysis Logica Septem Epistolaruni Apostolicarum, qua; Catholicce appellari solent AutJiore jfo/ian. Piscatore Editio sccunda. Londini, excu- debat Georgius Bishop, 1597 : ff. 100, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (xAl-M^N*) et pp. n., octavo. (419) Capell E. I, 2. — Rich. Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiqves and Discoucries of the English Nation... This first Volume containing the ivoorthy Discoucries &c. of tJie EnglisJi toward the North and Northeast by sea And lastly, the memorable defeate of the Spanish huge Armada, GEORGE BISHOP. 1 53 Anno 1588. and the fajnous victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz, 1596, are described. By Richard Haklvyt, Master of Artes, and sometime Student of Clirist-ChiircJi in Oxford. The second Volvme of the Principal Navigations Dinided into ttvo seuerall parts : Whereof the first containeth the pcrsonall trauels &c. of the English, through and within the Streight of Gibraltar The second coinprehcndeth the Voyages, Trafficks, &c. of the English Nation, made without the Streight of Gibraltar.... The third and last Volvme of the Voyages.... As namely to Engronland, Met a Incognita, Estotiland, Tierra de Labrador, Newfoundland London, George Bishop, Ralph Newberie [Newbery in vol. 2] and Robert Barker, 1598, 1599, 1600: 3 voll. in 2 ; ff. 12, 310; 8, 258; 8,296; char, goth., c. sig. (A*6^ A-Eee'^Fff* : *^ A-Cc«, Aaa-Rrr*^ : {Kf, A- PK8L-Ccc*5) et pp. n., folio. The first volume is dedicated to Charles Howard, Earl of Not- tingham ; the second and third to Sir Robert Cecil. The last seven leaves of vol. i in this copy, containing the account of the victory at Cadiz, have been, as is generally the case, suppressed. The map (see Grcnville Catalogue, infra) is wanting in this copy. For Rich. Hakluyt, see Athenae Oxon. ii, 186. Grenville 295, Huth 643. (420) Grylls 31. 148, 149. — Rich. Hakluyt, TJie Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques The present book differs from the preceding only in the title-page to the first volume, which bears the date 1599; and besides trifling differences of spelling, the words "and the famous victorie are described" are omitted; and the author is spoken of as "Preacher, and sometime " Herbert 917, 1152. (421) VI''. 5. 7 (i) : Vl'i. 5. jc. — Matthaei Svtlivii dc Pontifice Romano, eivsqve inivstissima in Ecclesia Dominatione, adiiersns Robertum Bellarmimim, et vninersiim lebusitariim sodalitinm, 154 LONDON. libri qidnqiie. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Nevvberie et Robertus Barker, 1599 • ^- 2S6 ; char, rom., c. sig. (A— Bbbb* Cccc^) et pp. n., quarto. (422) Ni^. 5. 7 (ii) : Vl'^. 5. ja (i) : vi^. 5. jb (i). — De Tvrco- papisjuo, Hoc est, De Ttircariim & Papistarinn adiierstis Christi ecclesiam & fidem coniuratione L iber vmis. Eidem prcBterea adiuncti stmt, de Tiircopapistanun maledictis & cahimnijs, adiiersiis Gtdielmi Gijfordi vohimen , quod ille Calidno- turcismiim inscripsit, Libri qtiatiwr. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Newberie et Robertus Barker, 1599: ff. 168, char, rom., c. sig. (A— Tt^) et pp. n., quarto. The de Tiircopapismo ends on the verso of L3, and on the follow- ing page begins the de Turcopapistarum inakdidis, with a fresh title- page and fresh pagination. This work is generally assigned to Matt. Sutcliffe. In the edition of 1604, the author's initials are given as T. M. S. (423) N\^.^. 7 (iii): VI''. 5. 7(5 (ii). — Matth?ei Svtiivii Adversvs Roberti Bellarniini de Piwgatorio dispiitationem, Liber vnus. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Newberie et Robertus Barker, 1599 : ff. 56, char, rom., c. sig. (A— O^) et pp. n., quarto. This work is dedicated to Richard Bancroft, bishop of London. (424) vr'. 5. 5 (iii). — Tho. James, Bclknn Papale, Sine Con- cordia Discors Sixti Qvinti, et Cleinentis Octavi, circa Llierony- nnanavi editioneni Auctore Thoma lames, Noui Collegij in alma Academia Oxoniensi socio, & vtrinsque Academics in Artibits Magistro. Londini, Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Newberie et Robertus Barker, 1600: ff. 40 (the last blank), coll. 2, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— K**), quarto. For Tho. James, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 464. Herbert 1092, 1153. (425) Grylls 21. 173. — Tho. James, Bellvm Papale The present book, though agreeing verbatim with the preceding, is certainly of a different issue, and is apparently the later of the two. GEORGE BISHOP. I 55 Numerous little variations occur through the whole book, but the following instances will suffice to distinguish the two issues : In no. 425 the woodcut ornaments on the title-page and on the following leaf are the same, but in no. 424 they are different. On f. 2* there is in both copies a space for an 8-line initial, but in no. 425 the initial only extends over six lines, itself satisfactory proof that we have here the later issue. On this same page, in no. 424, scd is at the beginning of 1. 9, in no. 425 at the end of I. 8. In no. 424 the first page of sig. C ends with "esset vt," in no. 425 with "editionibus." In the present copy the last leaf of sig. A (which forms the first leaf of the Preface of Sixtus V.) has been wrongly bound at the end of sig. B. It is printed in smaller type than the rest of the preface, and I should therefore have thought it borrowed from a different edition, were it not the same in a copy in the British Museum. Thomas East (1569). (426) VI"=. 6. 9 (viii). — Oftivo Woonderf III Popish Monsters... London, Thomas East, 1579: ff. 22, char, goth., c. sig. (A— E^F^) et ff. n., quarto. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Two woodcuts. F. 1% Of two Woonderful [ Popish Monsters, ] to wyt, | Of a Popish Asse which was | found at Rome in the riuer | of Tyber, and of a Moonkish [ Calfe, calued at Fri-|berge in Misne. | II Which are the very foreshewings and tokens | of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, | and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, | and declared, the one by Philip | Melancthon, the other | by Martyn Lu-[ther. j IF Translated out of French into English j by lohn Brooke of Assh, next | Sandwich. | H These bookes are to be sould in I Powles Churchyard at the | signe of the Parat. \i.e. the shop of Andrew Maunsell.] f. 22% H Imprinted at London by I Thomas East, dwelling by Paules | Wharfe. 1579. | Herbert 10 10. (427) Capell T.6. — Edm. Spenser, The Shepheardes Calender Conteining tivelne yEglognes proportionable to the tivclne Monethes. Entitled to the Noble and Vertvons Gentleman most worthy of all titles, both of learning ajid cheualrie M. Philip 156 LONDON. Sidney. London, Thomas East for John Harrison the younger, 158 1 : ff. 4, 52, char. goth. ct rom., c. sig. {***^ A-N"^) et fif. n., quarto. Woodcuts. F. 1% below title, Imprinted at London for lohn ] Harison the younger, dwelling in Paterjnoster Roe, at the signe of the Anker, and | are there to be solde. | f. 56% Imprinted at London by Thomas | East, for lohn Harrison the youn-|ger,... Grenville 681, Huth 1386. (428) VI=. 4. 1 1. —Batman vppon Bartholome, His Booke De Proprietatibus Reruni, Newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such Additions as are requisite, vnto cuery seuerall Booke. Taken foorth of the most approued A uthors, the like heretofore 7iot translated in English. Profitable for all Estates, as well for the benefite of the Mind as the Bodie. London, Thomas East, 1582 : ff. 14, 524, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, H^ITIF^ B-Cccc^) et ff. n., folio. The work of Earth, de Glanvilla de Proprietatibus Rerum was originally translated into Enghsh by John de Trevisa. The edition of Stephen Batman (for whom see Athenae Cantab, i. 508) is dedicated to Henrie Gary, Baron of Hunsdon. Herbert 10 14, Huth 117. (429) Vl^. 3. 9. — Hern. Lopes de Castaneda, The first Booke of the Historic of the Discoucrie and Conq2iest of the East Indias, entciprised by the Portingales, in their daiingerotis N alligations, in the time of King Don lohn, the second of that name Set foortJi in the Portingale language, by Hernan Lopes de Castaneda. And now translated into English, by N. L. Gentleman. London, Thomas East, 1582: ff. 6, 164, char, goth., c. sig. (A^, A— Tt^) et ff. n., quarto. F. 170% Imprinted at London by | Thomas East, dwelling betweene | Paules Wharfe and Bay-|nards Castle. | 1582. | The translator, Nicholas Lichefild (for whom see Athenae Oxon. i. 489), dedicates his work to Sir Francis Drake. Herbert (p. 1013) speaks of an edition of this date in octavo. THOMAS EAST. I57 (430) Vl'*. 4. 10 (i). — Will, Byrd, Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pie tie, made into Musicke of fine parts : whereof some of them goifig abroade among diners, in vntriie coppies, are Jieere tritely corrected, and th' other being Songs very rare and newly composed, are heere publisJied, for the recreation of all such as delight in Mnsicke : By William Byrd, one of the Gent, of the Qneenes Maicsties Jionorable Chappell. (London), Thomas East, the assigne of W. Byrd, 1588 : ff. (as below), char, goth., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Tenor, 2 unsigned leaves, B-F^G^, ff. 24. Contratenor, Medius and Superius, each the same. Bassus wanting. F, i^ (of each part), below title, Printed by Thomas East, the assigne of W. Byrd, | and are to be sold at the dwelling house of the said T. East, by Paules wharfe. | 1588. | Cum... The work is dedicated to Sir Chris. Hatton, Lord Chancellor of England, whose crest, a hart, is given in the device on the title-page. Herbert 10 17. (431) Vl'^. 4. 10 (iii). — Nich. Yonge, Mvsica Transalpina. Madrigales translated of four e, fine and sixe partes, chosen out of diuers excel le?tt Authors, with the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, vpon two Stanza's of Ariosto, and brought to speake Englishe with the rest. Pub- lished by N. Yonge, in fauour of such as take pleasure in Musicke of voices. London, Thomas East, the assigne of William Byrd, 1588: ff. (as below), char, rem., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Cantus, sig. A^, A-H*, ff. 34. Altus and Tenor, each the same. In the Tenor, the last leaf is blank. Quintus, sig. A^, A-G^ ff. 30, the last leaf, blank, wanting. Sextus, sig. A'', AB\ ff, 10, the title-page torn. Bassus wanting. The work is dedicated to Gilbert, Lord Talbot, whose arms are given on i. i^ Herbert 1017, Huth 1630. (432) Vl"^. 4. 10 (ii). — Will. 'Qyrd, Liber primus Sacrarvm Cantionum Quinque vocum. Autore Guilielmo Byrd Organista 158 LONDON. Regio, Anglo. Londini, Thomas Est ex assignatione Gui- lielmi Byrd, 1589. Oct. 25 : fif. (as below), char, rom., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Tenor, Contratenor, Medius, Superius, each c. sig. A-D^, ff. 16; Bassus wanting. At the end of each part is the imprint, Londini, apud Thomam East typographum | in vico Aldersgate. The work is dedicated to Edward Somerset, Earl of Worcester. Herbert 10x7, Huth 249. (433) VI'^. 4. 10 (iv). — Will. Byrd, Songs of sundrie natures, some of graidtie, and otJiers of niyrtJi, fit for all companies and voyces. Lately made and composed into Musicke of '^. 4. 5. and 6. parts : and publisJied for the delight of all such as take pleasure iu the exercise of tJiat Art. By William Byrd, one of the Gentlemen of the Quecnes Maicsties honorable Chappell. London, Thomas East, the assigne of William Byrd, 1589: ff. (as below), char, rom., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Superius, c. sig. 2 unsigned leaves, B-H*, ff. 30 : Tenor, the same, but the two leaves of preliminary matter wanting. Contratenor, c. sig. 2 unsigned leaves [wanting], B-F\ ff 22. Medius, 2 unsigned leaves, B-D*, ff. 14, ' Sextus, 2 unsigned leaves, B^C^ ff. 8. Bassus wanting. On the recto of sig. D ii in the Contratenor, a small slip with a correction has been pasted on the second line. The work is dedicated to Henry Carye, Baron of Hunsdon. Herbert 1017. (434) Vl'^.^ 10 (v). — Tho. Watson, The first sett, Of Italian Madrigalls Englished, not to the sense of the originall dittie, but after the affection of the Noate. By Thomas Watson Gentleman. There are also Jicere inserted tivo excellent Mad- rigalls of Master William Byrds, composed after the Italian vainc, at the request of the sayd Thomas Watson. London, Thomas Este, the assigne of William Byrd, 1590: ff. (as below), char, rom., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Tenor, c. sig. 2 unsigned leaves, B-D*E^ ff. 16. Contratenor and Superius, each the same. Medius, c. sig. 2 unsigned THOMAS EAST. 1 59 leaves, BC^D-, ff. 12. Sextus, 2 unsigned leaves, B*, ff. 6. Bassus wanting. In the Medius, for sig. B has been printed C, and a small slip with B has been pasted over the C on the first leaf. Similarly, a slip with D has been pasted over the E on the first leaf of sig. E, The work is dedicated to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, to whom is addressed (on f. 2^ of each part) a Latin elegiac poem by Thomas Watson, as also one (on f i'^) to Luca Marenzio. Herbert 1018, Huth 1568. (435) Vl'^. 4. 10 (vi). — Tho. Morley, Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces nezvly pvblisJied by Thomas Morley. The First Booke. London, Thomas Est, 1594: ff. (as below), ch^r. rem., c. sig. (as below), quarto. Cantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, each with sig., two unsigned leaves (the latter wanting in each part), B-E^F", ff. 20. F. 1% below title. In London [ By Thomas Est in Al-|dersgate street at the signe of the \ black horse. | M.D.XC.IV. j f. i''. Coat of arms of Puckering. In the copy in the British Museum, on f 2% are complimentary verses to Tho. Morley, and the verso of the title is blank. As the present copy belonged to Sir Henry Puckering, the coat of arms was possibly added after publication by way of a book-plate. Herbert 1019. (436) VF. 2. 12 (ii). — The Choise of CJiange : Contaiiiing the Triplicitie of Diidnitie, PJiilosopJiie, and Poetrie. Short for memorie, Profitable for knowledge, ajid necessarie for vianers : Whereby the learned may bee confirmed, the ignorant instructed, a7id all men generally recreated. Nezvly set foorth by S. R. Gent, and Student in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. London, Thomas Este, 1598 : ff. 48 (f. 34 blank), char, goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, B— M^N-), quarto. The work is dedicated to Sir Hen. Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, and Robert Sidney, Esquire. The initials S. R. have been variously explained of Simon Robson and Samuel Rowlands. Herbert 1020, cf 1192. l60 LONDON. William How (1569). (437) Vl^. I, 22. — CI. Hollyband, The Frenche Schoole- maister of Claudius Hollyband : Newly corrected. Wherein is ■most playnely sJiewed, the true and most perfect zvay of pro- noucing of the Frenche tongue, to the furtherance of all those which doo stiidye priuately in their ozvne study or Jionses. Dum spiro, spero. London, William How for Abraham Veale, 1582 : fif. 8 (the last blank), 140, char. goth. et rom., c. sig. (A— S^T^) et fif. n., octavo. F. 1% Woodcut ornament and sig. A. i. f. 2% Title in border, f, 3% Dedication to " Mayster Robert Sackuill, sonne and heyre to the honorable the Lorde Buckhurst." f. 140% IT Im- printed I at London by William | How, for Abraham Veale, | dwelling in Pauls church- |yearde at the signe of the | Lambe. | 1582.1 (438) Capell S. 26. — Virgil, The .xiii. Bookes of ^Fneidos. The first twelue beeinge the zvoorke of the diuine Poet Virgil Maro, and the thirtenth the supplement of MapJicEus Vegins. Translated into English verse to the fyrst third part of the tenth Booke, by Thomas Phacr Esquire : and the residue finished, and now the second time neivly set forth for the delite of such as are siiidious in Poetrie : By Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. London, William How for Abraham Veale, 1584: ff. 4, 164 (the last, blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (4 un- signed leaves. A— V^X*) et ff. n., quarto. Herbert 777, Huth 1538. (439) Grylls 9. 290. — Abr. Fraunce, The Lazviers Logike exemplifying the prcecepts of Logike by the practise of the com- mon Lazve, by Abraham Fraunce. London, William How, 1588 : ff. 160 (f 94 blank), together with a folding table after li 2, wanting in this copy ; char, goth., c. sig. (H^IIII'*, B— Y* Aa— Rr'*) et ff. n., quarto. The work has a dedication in verse to the Earl of Pembroke, and a second to the " learned lawyers of England, especially of Gray's Inn." WILLIAM HOW. l6l The Grenville copy {infra) differs from the present, in that it is printed "by William How for Thomas Gubbin and Thomas Newman," the two latter names not occurring in this copy. The present contains the autograph of the writer, " ornatiss. E. Pelham. Non rem, sed amorem. Ab. Fr." For Abr. Fraunce, Fellow of St. John's, see AtJwiae Caiitah. ii. 119, 546. Herbert 1038, Grenville 256, Huth 550, Henry Middleton (1569). (440) vi^. 6. 13. — Lippi Brandolini De Ratione Scribendi Libri tres Adiccti svjit To. Ltidouici Viiiis, D. Erasnii Roterodavii, ConradiCcltis, Christophori HcgendorpJiini, Georgij Macropedij, de conscribcndis cpistolis libclli. Londini, apud Henricum Middletonum, 1573 : ff. 320, char, ital., c. sig. (A— Rr^) et pp. n., octavo. (441) VI''. 5. 8. — Geoff. Fenton, A forme of Christian pollicie drawne out of French by Geffray Fenton. London, H. Middelton for Rafe Newbery, 1574: ff. 8, 204, char, goth., c. sig. i^nT, 1F1[1[2, A-ZV^'Aa-Uu^Aaa-Fff^) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to Sir William Cecill, Lord Burghley. The above copy seems to have belonged to Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James i. It is stamped on the side with a Prince of Wales' crown and the rose, and was given to the College by Sir Henry Puckering, whose uncle, Sir John Puckering, was Prince Henry's tutor. Herbert 902. (z|42) vi^. 2. 13 (iii). — Hum. Gilbert, A Discovrse Of a Disconerie for a new Passage to Cataia. Written by Sir Hvjnfrey Gilbert, KnigJit. Quid non ? London, Henry Middleton for Kicharde Ihones, 1576. Apr. 12: ff. 14, 30 l62 LONDON. (with folding map at end), char, goth., c. sig. (H^ITimilll^lIIIIIlI^ B-H*P), quarto. F. I, Title, ff. 2^ — 9^ (in ital.), George Gascoigne Esquire to the Reader, f. io% A Prophetical Sonet of the same George Gascoine. ff. ir*' — 13^ (in rom.), A letter of Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight, sent to his Brother, Sir lohn Gilbert, of Compton, in the Countie of Deuon Knight...... f 14, Table. f. 44% Eaultes escaped in the printing, f. 44^ (below a globe), These Bokes are to be solde | at the shop of Richard lones, | at the West ende of Saint Paules | Church, betweene the Brasen Filler, | and Lollards Tower. | At the end is a wood-cut map, A General Map, made onelye for the | particvler Declaration of I this Discovery. For Sir Hum. Gilbert, see Athcnae Oxon. i. 493. Herbert 1041, Grenville 275. (443) Vl''. 7. I. — Calvin, A Commcntarie vpon S. Panics Epistles to the Corinthians. Written by M. lohn Calnin : and translated ont of Latine into English, by Thomas Tymme, Minister. London, (apparently Henry Middleton) for lohn Harison and George Byshop, 1577: ff. 8, 310, char, goth., c. sig. (1I^ A-Y^Aa-QqSRr'') et ff. n., quarto. Herbert {infra) points out tliat the floriated letters in the above are the same as in Calvin's Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians, printed by Henry Middleton for Luke Harrison and George Bishop, so that we may conclude the present work is from Middleton's press. The work is dedicated by the translator to Edniond (Grindal), Archbishop of Canterbury. Herbert 1147. (444) Vl<^. 4. 5 (vi). — The Cathechisme or manner hoiv to instruct and teach cJiildren and others in the Christian faith. Appointed to bee read in all the lands and dominions of the late right and inightie Prince, Fredcrike, Count ie Palatine of the Rhein, one of the Electors of the holy Empire, and Dnke in Bavicr. Netvly translated ont of Latin and Dutch into Englishc. London, Henrie Middleton for lohn Harison, 1578 : ff. 36, char, goth., c. sig. (A-D^E^), octavo. HENRY MIDDLETON. 163 (445) VF. I. 3 (ii). — John Rogers, The Displaying of an horrible sccte of grosse arid wicked Heretiques, naming tJiem- seliies the Familie of Lone, zvith the lines of their AntJiours, and zvJiat doctrine they teach in corners. Newely set foortJi by I. R. 1578. WJierevnto is aimexcd a confession of certain Articles, tvhich was made by two of the Familie of Lone, being examined before a Justice of peace, the 28. of May .1561, touching their erronrs taught amongest them at their assemblies. London, (Henry Middleton) for George Bishop, (1578): fif. 'jG (the last, perhaps blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— PK^), octavo. That this book comes from the press of Henry Middleton is shewn by a comparison of it with the edition of the following year (no. 446), which bears his name in the imprint. After the Author's Preface, follows, Stephan Bateman to the gentle Reader. Herbert 1147. (446) VF. I. 21. — John Rogers, The Displaying of an •liorrible Secte Neivly set foorth by I. R. WJierevnto is added certeine letters sent from the same Family inaintcyning their opinions, wJiich Letters are aunswered by the same I. R. London, Henrie Middleton for George Byshop, 1579: ff. 8, 112, char, goth., c. sig. (A^, A— O^), octavo. • Herbert 1057. (447) VI''. 6. 14 (i). — Joh. Rainolds, Sex Theses de Sacra Scriptvra, et Ecclcsia. Pvblicis in Academia Oxoniensi Dis- pvtationibvs propositce, explicatce, defenses, a lohanne Rainoldo. Londini, Henricus Middletonus impensis Georgij Bishopi, 1580: ff. 70 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-H^P, 2 unsigned leaves) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated, "Oxoniensis alumnis Academite," the dedication being dated from Corpus Christi College, Febr. 2, 1580. F. 69% Christiano Lectori ; f 69^, errata. For John Rainolds, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 12. l64 LONDON. (448) VF. I. 20. — Hicronymi Osorii, Lvsitani, Silvensis Episcopi, De Gloria, Libri V. Eivsdem de nobilitate Ciidli &" Christiana, Libri V. Omnia mine qnani antca castigatiora cdita. Londini, H. Middletonus Impensis I. H. [apparently John Harrison], 1580: ff. 218, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— Ee^Ff*) et pp. n., i6mo. Herbert 1059. (449) Vl'^. 4. 5 (iii). — Certayne short Questions and Answeres Very profitable and necessarye for yong Children, and such as are desirous to be instructed in the principles of the Christian Fayth. London, Henry Middleton for Thomas Man, 1580: ff. 8, char, goth., c. sig. (A^), octavo. (450) Vl'^. 3. II (i). — J oh. Hooper, Certeine comfortable Expositions of the constant Martyr of Christ, M. lohn Hooper, Bishop of Glocester and Worcester, zvritten in the time of his tribulation and imprisonment Nezvly recognised, and neticr before published. London, Henrie Middleton, 1580: ff. 4, 122, char, goth., c. sig. (H*, B— Q^R") et ff. n. [beginning on f. 5 with num. 9], quarto. The address, To the Reader, is' signed A. F. (apparently Abr. Fleming, Atlwiae Cantab, ii. 461). Herbert 1058. (451) A. 13. 40 i\). —Testa7nenti Veteris Biblia Sacra sive Libri Canonici, prisccB Ivdceorvm Ecclesice a Deo traditi, Latini reeens ex Hebrceo facti, brevibusque Scholiis illustrati ad Im- manuele Tremellio & Francisco lunio : Accesservnt Libri qvi vvlgo dicujitur Apocryphi, Latine redditi & notis quibusdavi micti a Francisco Junio qiiibus etiam adjunximus noid Testamcnti libros ex sermone Syriaco ab codem Tremellio in I^atimim converses. Londini, Henricus Middletonus impensis W. N. [William Norton], 1580 : fT. 6"^^ (not including the New Testament), coll. 2, char, rom., c. sig. (as below) et pp. n., quarto. HENRY MIDDLETON. ' 165 Ff. I —S, Introductory matter ; sig. IT", ff. 8 non num. (tlie last, apparently blank, torn), ff. 9 — 118, Pentateuch, sig. A-N^O", ff. 110 (with num. pp.). ff. 119 — 268, Joshua to Esther, sig. Aa-Ss^Tt^ ff. 150 (with num. pp.). ff. 269 — 394, Job to Canticles, sig. Aaa[A on ff. 2, 3]-Ppp*'Qqcf [the outside half- sheet of Fff wanting], ff. 126 (with num. pp.). ff. 395 — 590, Isaiah to Malachi, sig. Aaaa-Zzzz''&&&&^S)999* [the last, pro- bably blank, wanting], ff. 196 (with num. pp.). ff. 591—686, Apocrypha, sig. Aaaaa[f. i wanting]-Mmmmm^, ff. 96 (with num. pp.). The title-pages to the second, third, and fourth parts bear the date 1579 ; that to the Apocrypha is wanting. The New Testament bound in this volume is of the date 1585, and will be described below. The copy described by Herbert {infra) was printed "impensis J. H."; and that described by Ames (p. 350) "impensis C. E." Herbert 1058. (452) A. 13. 41 (i). — Tcstanienti Vetcris Biblia Sacra qidbits ctiam adjiinxinms iiovi Tcstanienti libros ex sernwne Gt'CEco a Theodoro Beza in Latinnni convcrsos. Londini, Henricus Middletonus, impensis W.N. [William Norton], 1581 : ff. 664 (not including the New Testament), coll. 2, char, rem., c. sig. (as below) et pp. n., quarto. Ff. I — 8, Introductory matter, sig. H^, ff. 8 non num. (the last, apparently blank, wanting), ff. 9 — 114, Pentateuch, sig. A-N*0^ ff. 106 (with num. pp.). ff, 115 — 258, Joshua to Esther, sig. Aa-Ss^, ff. 144 (with num. pp.). ff. 259 — 382, Job to Canticles, sig. Aaa-Ppp-Qqq*, ff. 124 (with num. pp.). ff. 382 — 572, Isaiah to Malachi, sig. Aaaa-Zzzz^&&&&^ ff. 190 (with num. pp.). ff. 573 — 664, Apocrypha, sig. Aaaaa— LUlPMmmmra*, ff. 92, the last blank (with num. pp.). The New Testament bound in this volume is one printed by Vautrollier, to be described below. Herbert 1058. (453) Vl^. 6. 12 (iii). — Laur. Humphrey, Icsvitisnii Pars Prima: sive De praxi RoniancB Cvrics contra Rcsp, & Principes: l66 LONDON. Et de noiia legatione Icsuitarfi in Angliam, 'jrpoOepd'jreLa et prcEnmnitio ad Anglos. Cvi adivncta est Concio eiusdcm Argumcnti, Lajir. Htimfrcdo S. Theologies iti Acadeniia Oxonicnsi professorc Regio, A^itore. Editio seeunda. Londini, Henricus Middletonus impensis Geor. Byshop, 1582: fif. 32, 'J2, 16 (the last three blank), char. rom. (ital. in dedication), c. sig. (ITsirirsirir^sAs^ B-K^ : Aa^B^) et pp. n., octavo. The Concio has a fresh title (" Pharisaism vsvetvs et news "), but the pagination runs on. The work is dedicated to the Earl of Leicester, Chancellor of the University of Oxford. For Laur. Humphrey, see Athenae Oxon. i. 557, Athcnae Cantab, ii. 80, 544. Herbert 1030. (454) VI^. 6. 15 (i). — Gasp. Olevian, An Exposition of the Syinbole of the Apostles, or rather of the Artieles of Faith Gathered ovt of the catecJiising Sermojis of Gasper Olevian Trevir, And now translated out of the Latino tongue into English, for the benifite of Christ his CJinrcJi, by John Fickle. London, H. Middleton for Thomas Man and Tobie Smith, 1582: ff. 128 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-Q^) et pp. n., octavo. The translator's dedication is addressed to Ambrose, Earle of Warvvicke ; that of the Author to Frederike, Countie Palatine. Herbert 1060. (455) VI^. 6. 16: Grylls 21. 198. — Will. Whitaker, Respon- sionis ad Decern illas Rationes, quibus fretns Edninndics Cani- piamis certamen EcclesicB Anglicaneu ministris obtnlit in cansa fidei, Defensio contra Confutationeni loannis Durcei Scoti, Presbyteri, lesuitcu: Anthore Guilielnio Whitakero Theologies in Acadeniia Cantabrigiejisi professore Regio. Londini, Hen- ricus Midletonus impensis Thomae Chardi, 1583 : fif. 8 (the last blank), 452, char. rom. et ital, c. sig. (H^ A-Iii^Kkk"^, LIP) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated to Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley. HENRY MIDDLETON. 1 67 For Will. Whitaker, Fellow of Trinity, and afterwards Master of St. John's, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 196, 548. Herbert 1061. (456) D. I. 43. — Calvin, The Sermons of M. lohn Calvin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Denteronomie : Faithfully gathered ivord for ivord as he preached them in open Pnlpet : Together with a preface of the Ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonisJunent made by the Deacons there Translated out of French by Arthur Golding. London, Henry Middleton for George Bishop, 1583 : fif. 6, 696, coll. 2 (3 in Table), char, rom., c. sig. i^\ A-5M«, 5NO-5Y«5Z^ ^^) et pp. n., folio. The translator dedicates his work to "Syr Thomas Bromley, Knight, Chauncelor of England." For Arthur Golding, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 431, 555. Herbert 1061. (457) vi'^. 4. 12. — Tho. Smith, De Repvblica Anglorvm. The manor of Goiierncment or policie of the Reahne of England, compiled by the Honorable man Thomas Smyth, Doctor of the ciuil lazves, Knight, and principall Sceretarie vnto tJie two most worthie Princes, King Edwarde the sixt, and Queene Elisabeth. London, Henrie' Midleton for Gregorie Seton, 1583: ff. 62, char, goth., c. sig. (A^, B-Q^) et pp. n., quarto. For Sir Thomas Smith, see above, no. 392. Herbert 1061. (458) vi''. 6. 17. — Will. Fulke, De Svccessione Ecclesiastica et latente ab Antichristi tyrannide Ecclesia, Liber contra Thomce Stapletoni principioriun fidei doctrinalium librum deci- mum tcrtium: Authore Guiliclmo Fiilcone Anglo... Londini, Henricus Midletonus, impensis Georgij Bishop, 1584: fif. 240 (the last blank), char. rom. et itaL, c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A-Ff^Gg^Hh") et pp. n., octavo. For Will. Fulke, see above, no. 402. Herbert 1062. l68 LONDON. (459) A. 13. 40 (ii). — Icsv Christ i Domini Nostri Novvm Testamcntvm, sine Novvm fQ:diis e Greece arcJietypo Latino sermone redditnm. Thcodoi'o Bcza inter prete, & iam vltimo ab eo recognitum. Cui additnr ex adiierso eiiisdcm Noui Testamenti ex vetustissima Syriaca tratislatione, translatio Latina Inimanvclis Tremellii... Londini, Henricus Midle- tonus, 15S5 : fif. 10, 212, coll. 2, char, rom., c. sig. (A-Cc^Dd^) et pp. n., quarto. Beza's translation from the Greek, and Tremellius's from the Syriac, are here given in parallel columns. Herbert 1058. (460) Z. 25. 26. — P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera vctcrvju exem- plarivm avxilio ab infinitis mcndis emcndata. Hcnrici Glareani annotationes in MctamorpJiosin Londini, Henricus Midcl- tonus impensis I. Hanson, 1585 : ff. 12, 216, char, ital., c. sig. (*^ **^ A— Z^Aa— Dd^) et pp. n., octavo. The present volume contains the Metamorphoses. (461) Vi^. 6. 18 (ii). — Petri Baroriis, Stempani, sacrae theologiae in academia Cantabrig. doctoris ac professoris, de prastantia et dignitatc diuince Icgis libri duo Londini, ex officina H. Middletoni, s. a. (after Oct. 21, 1586): ff. 8 (title wanting), 148 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, rem., c. sig. (*^,A— S^T'*) et pp. n., octavo. The dedication, which is dated from Cambridge, Oct. 21, 1586, is addressed to Archbishop Whitgift. For Peter Baro, Margaret Professor at Cambridge (1574 — 1596), see Athenac Cantab, ii. 274, 551. Herbert 1062. (462) Vl^. I. 18 (ii). — Will. Lambard, The Duties of Con- stables, Borsholders, Tythingmen, and such other lowe Ministers of the Peace First collected and penned by William L am bard of Liiicolnes Inne Gent. 1582. and now enlarged by the same mithour, 1587. London, Rafe Newberie and Henrie Midleton 1587 : ff. 40, char, goth., c. sig. (A— E^) ct pp. n., octavo. JOHN HARRISON, THE ELDER. 169 From Henry Middleton's device of the Good Shepherd on the title-page, and his small device with his initials on p. 67, it is evident that he was the actual printer. John Harrison, the elder (1570). (463) Vl^. 4. 7, 8 : Capcll F. i, 2. — Raph. Holinshed, The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England^ Scotlande, and Irelande. Conieynhig, The description and CJiroiiicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and CJironicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of onr Lorde. 1 5 7 1 . The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise froin the firste originall of that Nation, vntill the yeare. 1547. Faithfully gathered and set forth by Rap had I Holinshed. The Laste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande, with their descriptions. Conteyning, The Chronicles of Englande from William Conqueronr vntill this present tyme. Faithfully gathered and compiled by RapJiacll Holinshed. London, for John Harrison (see below), 1577 : 2 vol!., ff. (as below), coll. 2 (4 in tables), char, goth., c. sig. (as below) et pp. n., large folio. Head-lines. Marg. notes. Woodcuts. Vol. I. Introductory matter, and, The description of Britaine, c. sig. H^ *2^ A-P*Q«, ff. 134 [f. I, Tide. ff. 2, 3, Dedication to "Sir William Cecill, Baron of Burghleygh." f. 4, Preface to the Reader, ff 6, 7, Names of Authors, f. 7, Table of the chapters, f. 8, Dedication to Sir William Brooke by W[illiam] H[arrison]. f. 9, Work begins.] Then, The Historie of* Englande ; c. sig. a-s^t' [the remainder of sig. t enters into the second volume], ff. 145. Then, with fresh title. The Historie of Scotlande, c. sig. A^(*b*)-, *a*'=*b«, A-Ii^Kk^LPMm", ff. 288 [f I, Title, f. 2, Dedication to " Lorde Robert Dudley, Earle of Leycester." f 3, Description of Scotland, contents. f. 4, Dedication to "Maister Thomas Secford, Esquier." Then follows Description of Scotland, ff. 12, the last blank.] Then, with fresh title, The Historie of Irelande, c. sig. 4^-, A-C^D^ I/O LONDON. A-G^H^P, ff. 64 [f. I, Title, f. 2, Dedication to Sir Henry Sydney.] Vol. 2, c. sig. ir^, t-z* [sig. t continued from vol. i] A-Yyyy^Zzzz'' [with an extra leaf, with sig. Eeee 5, with names of Knights], A-M^N-, ff. 822. It is not improbable that the printer of the above work was Henry Binneman, as the title-page is contained in the same woodcut border as that of Walsingham's History {supra, no. 384), and the device of the brazen serpent occurs at the end of vol. i. The work was licensed to John Harrison and George Bishop (Arber's Transcript ii. 329) ; other names, however, also occur on the various title-pages. The Grenville copy {infra) bears the name of George Bishop. The first of the two above copies has on its first title-page the name of John Hunne, and on the other three that of John Harrison (or Harison). In the Capell copy, the name of John Harrison (or Harison) occurs on the first three title-pages, and that of Lucas Harrison on the fourth. As regards the last name, the Registers of the Stationers' Company mention Holinshed's Chronicle among the books sold by " mistres harrison wief vnto master Luke harrison" deceased to Tho. Woodcock (Arber ii. 332). In the Huth copy {infra) the name is that of John Hunne throughout. The Huth catalogue mentions a single leaf with "Faultes escaped" (sig. r) at the end of the Description of Britain ; and another after sig. Mm, in History of Scotland. Both of these leaves are wanting in both of the above copies, as well as the folding woodcut of Edinburgh in quire Yyyy. In vol. i., in the History of Ireland, the last three leaves of sig. E were cancelled. They, however, are found in the former of the above copies. In vol. ii., f. 2 is wanting in the former copy, and also L7 [in the Capel copy this is clearly a cancel] and Oooo 3. Herbert 1155 cf 980, Grenville 330, Huth 709. (464) vi^. 7. 2. — Valera, Tzuo Treatises : The first, Of the Lives of the Popes, and their doe trine. The Second, Of tJie Masse Also, A swarnie of false Miracles, wherewith Marie de la Visitacion, Prior esse de la Anniintiada of Lisbon, de- ceiued very many: And hoiu she zvas discouered and eon- demned The second edition in Spanish augmented by the JOHN HARRISON, THE ELDER. 171 Author himself e, M. Cyprian Valera, and translated into Englishe by John Golbnrne. 1600. London, John Harison (and arc to be sold at the Grey-hound in Pater-nostcr row), 1600 : fif. 6, 222, char, rom., c. sig. (A'^B— Ee^Ff^) et pp. n., quarto. The translator dedicates his work to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord- Keeper of the Great Seal of England, dating from " Fleete my miserable prison," Oct. 24, 1600. For Cyprian de Valera, Fellow of Magdalene College, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 353. Herbert 1157. See also under Henry Middleton, John Wolfe, John Windet, Richard Field, and Peter Short. Richard Jones (1570). (465) Vl\ 6. 7 (ix).— W. B. The Maner to dye well. London, Richard Ihones, 1578: ff. 6^, char, roxn., c. sig. (A-HSP) et ff. n., octavo. F. 1% The Maner | to dye well. | An Introduction | most compen- diouslie | shewinge the fruytfuU re-|membrance of the last fowre I things : That is to say. Death | Hel, Judgement, and The I ioyes of Heauen. | Gathered out of manye good | Authors, both comfortable and | profitable to the dili-|gent Reader. | Learnedly instructing | howe to prouide for | Death. | Imprinted at London by | Richard Ihones. 1578. ff. i^ — 3^, To the Reader, signed W. B. ff. 4=^—8^ Of the fall of man and the | punishment by death for the same, | and of the vncertaine howre | of death, [in verse]. Herbert 1042. (466) Capell T. 9 (ii). — George Whetstone, Promos and Cassandra. London, Richard Ihones, 1578. Aug. 20: ff. 48 (the last, blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— M*), quarto. F. 1% The Right excel-|lent and famous Historye, of | Promos and Cassandra : | Deuided into two Commicall | Discourses. | In the fyrst parte is showne, the | vnsufferable abuse, of a lewde 172 LONDON. Magistrate : | The vertuous behauiours of a chaste Ladye : 1 The vncontrowled leawdenes of a fauoured | Curtisan. | And the vndeserued estimation of a pernici-|ous Parasyte. | In the second parte is discoursed, | the perfect \ magnanimitye of a noble Kinge, ] in checking Vice and fauouringe Vertue : | Wherein is showne, the Ruyne and ouer-^throwe, of dishonest practises ; with the ad-juauncement of vpright dealers. 1 The worke of George | Whetstones Gent. | Formre nulla fides. | The second part begins with a fresh title, in a different border on f. 26 (sig. Gij). f. 47^, Imprinted at London by Richarde 1 Ihones, and are to be solde ouer agaynst Saint j Sepulchres Church, without Newgate, | August .20. 1578. | Herbert 1042. (467) Capell T. I (ii). — Eunapius, T/ie Lyvcs of Philosophers and Oratours. London, Richard lohnes, (1579). May 20 : ff. 8, 48, char, goth., c, sig. (A^A^ B-N^) et ff. n., quarto. F. 1% The Lyves, | of Philosophers and Oratours : [ Written in Greeke, by Eunapius, ] of the Cittie of Sardeis in Lydia. ] Brought into light, Translated into ] Latine, and Dedicated to the Queenes most | excellent Maiestie, our moste gracious Princesse ] and Soueraigne, Queene Elizabeth. | By the great learned man, Hadrianus ! lunius Hornanus. 1568. | And now set foorth in English, at | his request : and Dedicated to the right I Honourable, the Lord Chauncellour | of England. 1 5 79. | . . . Imprinted at London by Richard [ lohnes, and are to be solde at his shop ouer against | S. Sepulchres Church without New- gate. 1 The .XX, daye of May, The dedication to Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor of England, is signed H. I. H. Herbert 1043. (468) VI^. 3. 10 (iv). — Edict du Roy sur hi Reunion de scs suhjcts Londres, Richart loncs, 1585. 27 Juillet : ff. 4,4, c. sig. (AB'^) et pp. n., quarto. This edict of Henry iii. of France is published both in the original French (in rom.) and in an English translation (in goth.), with independent title-pages, so that they might be sold separately; RICHARD JONES. I73 but with tlie pagination continuous. In the present copy, sig. B (the English) has been bound up before sig. A (tlie French). At the end of the EngHsh text is the name of Hector Rowland. F. 1% Edict dv I Roy svr la ] Revnion de ses Subiets, | A L'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique & | Romaine. | Leu public, & enregistrc, en la Court de Parlement, | a Rouen, le 23. de luillet. 1585. [Here come the Royal Arms of France.] A Roven, | Chez Martin le Mesgissier, Imprimeur du Roy. | 1585. | Auec priui- lege dudict Seigneur. I Et Imprime a Londres par Richart lones, le 27. | iour de luillet. 1585. The English title-page runs, The Kinges | Edict, for the I Revni- tyng of his Subiectes in the Catho-|lique, Apostolique and Romish | Chvrche. | Read, published, and registred in the Court of Parliament at Roan, | the 23. of luly, 1585. [Here come the Royal Arms of France.] Imprinted at Roan by Martin Mesgissier, the | Kinges Printer. 1585. | With Priuiledge. | And Imprinted at London by Richard | Ihones, the 27. of July, 1585. (469) Vl^. 2. 14 (ii). — John. Smythe, Cei'tain Discourses, written by Sir John Smythe, Knight : Concerning the formes and effects of diuers sorts of weapons, and other verie important matters Militarie, greatlie mistaken by diners of anr men of warre in these daies London, Richard Johnes [at the signe of the Rose and Crowne neere Holburne Bridge], 1590. May i: ff. 18, 50, char. rem. (ital. in "Proeme"), c. sig. (*4^*4^**4A4a2^ B-N^O^) et ff. n., quarto. Below the title is Thomas Orwin's device of two hands holding cornucopias (Herbert p. 1242). Ff. 2^ — 18% Sir John Smythe his Proeme Dedicatorie, to the Nobilitie of the Realme of England. Herbert 1047. (470) Capell S. 8 (iii).— (Nich. Breton), The .Arbor of amorous Deniees by N.B. Gent. London, Richard lones, (1597.?): ff. 24 (ff. I, 4, 15, 16, 18—20, wanting; f. 3 torn), char, rom., c. sig. (A— F*), quarto. F. 2, To the Gentlemen | Readers : health, wealth, and | welfare. | Signed on verso. Yours, mo.st bounden, | R, 1. Printer. 1/4 LONDON. The title of the above is cited from Herbert {infra), Ames does not mention the work. In the absence of any reference to more than one edition of the work, it may be at any rate taken as probable that the above is of the edition of 1597. It must be noted, however, that the book was licensed to Richard Jones some years before, on Jan. 7, 1593 — 4, "Richard Jones. Entred for his Copie by warrant vnder the hande of Master warden Wood- cock, The Arbour of Amorus delightes, by N. B. gent vj'^" (Arber's Transcript ii. 643). Herbert 105 1. See also above, under Henry Middleton. James Roberts (1570). (471) Vl<=. 4. 12 (ii). — And. Maunsell, The Seconde parte of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : Eyther written in our owne tongue, or translated out of any other language : which conccrneth the Sciences MatJmnaticall, as AritJimetick, Geo- metric... And also of Phisick and Snrgerie... Gathered into Alphabet, and such victJiode as it is, by Andrew Maunsell Booke-seller. London, lames Roberts for Andrew Maunsell dwelling in Lothburie, 1595 : ff. 17, coll. 2, char, rom., c. sig. {2 unsigned leaves, single leaf with sig. IF, A— C^D") et pp. n., folio. The above is dedicated to Robert, Earl of Essex, whose arms are given on f. i^. The first part of the above catalogue was printed for Andrew Maunsell by John Windet, and will be described under that printer's name. On the title of both parts is the device of the Pelican, previously used by Richard Jugge. Herbert 1137. (472) Capell R. 18 (iii), — Mich. Drayton, Mortimcriados. London, I. R. (James Roberts) for Mathcw Lowncs, 1596: fif. 74, char, rom., c. sig. (A-S^T-), quarto. Y. 1% Mortimcriados. | The Lamen-|table ciuell warres of | Edward the second and the | Barrons. | At London, ] Printed by I. R. JAMES ROBERTS. 175 for Mathew Lownes, ] and are to bee solde at his shop in S. Dunstons | Churchyard. 1596. | The author dedicates his work to " Lucie, Countesse of Bedford." On f. 3^ is a sonnet addressed to the same, signed E. B. (473) VI''. 6. 14 (i). — Geo. More, A Demonstration of God in his zvorkcs. Against all sucJi as eytJicr in zuord or life deny there is a God. London, la. Ro. [James Roberts] for Thomas Charde, 1598 : fif. 85, char, rom., c. sig. (A— X* : after D 3, an extra single leaf is inserted with the same signature repeated) et pp. n., quarto. For Sir George More, see Athenae Oxoii. ii. 364, Herbert 1034. (474) Capell Q. 1 1 (iii). — Will. Shakespeare, A^ Midsommer nights drcame. As it hath beene sundry times pnblikely acted, by the Right Honotirable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. London, lames Roberts, 1600: fif. 32, char, rom., c. sig. (A— H^), quarto. Below the title is the device of the half-eagle and key used by Rowland Hall (see above no. 360). This edition is apparently subsequent to that printed by Thomas Fisher in the same year. See Mr. Ebsworth's Introduction to Griggs's Photolithographic fac-simile of this edition of the play (1880). Herbert 1035, Huth 1335. (475) Capell Q. II (v). — Will. Shakespeare, The excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the lew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iiist ponnd of his flesh. A nd the obtaining of Portia, by the choyse of tJiree Caskets. Written by W. Shakespeare. London, J. Roberts, 1600 : fif. 40, char, rom., c. sig. (A— K*), quarto. There seems little doubt that the .above was the first edition of this play, and therefore prior to the edition printed in the same year by James Roberts for Thomas Heyes (no. 476). The former was licensed to James Robertes on July 22, 1598 : — " Entred for his copie 1/6 LONDON. vnder the handes of bothe the wardens, a booke of the Manhaunt of Vejiyce or otherwise called the Jeive of Veftyce, Prouided that yt bee not prynted by the said James Robertes or anye other whatsoeuer without lycence first had from the Right honorable the lord Chamberlen..,vj'^." (Arber's Transcript iii. 122). The latter was licensed to Thomas Haies, on Oct. 28, 1600 : — " Entred for his copie mider the handes of the Wardens and by Consent of master Robertes. A booke called the booke of the merchant of Venyce vj'^." {ib. 175). See on this point Mr. Furnivall's Preface to Griggs's photolithographic facsimile of this edition of the play (1881). Below the title is the device of a flower in an oval border, with the legend " Heb ddim, heb ddieu " ; and at the end that of a female head between two cornucopias, used by Vautrollier. Herbert 1035, Huth 1335. (476) Capell S. 30 (iv). — Will. Shakespeare, The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreame cruel tie of Shy lock e the leive towards the sayd MereJiant, in cutting a inst ponnd of his flesh : and the obtayni7ig of Portia by the choyse of three chests. As it hath beene diners tijnes acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Written by William SJiakcspeare. London, I. R. [James Roberts] for Thomas Heyes, and are to be sold in Panics Church-yard, at the signe of the Greene Dragon, 1600: ff. ^%, char, rom., c. sig. (A-PK2), quarto. Huth 1336. See also above, under Richard VVatkins. Thomas Vautrollier (1570). (477) VI^. 2. 12. — Liber precvni piiblicarvin, sev Ministerij Ecclesiasticce administrationis Sacranicntorvin, aliorvniqvc ritiiuni, & Cco'inioniarum, in Ecclesice Anglicana. Londini, Thomas Vautrollcrius, 1574: ff. 28, 296 (the last blank: f. i, and sig. Pp, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (a%*, cM^, A— Oo^Pp^) et pp. n., octavo. THOMAS VAUTROLLIER, 1 77 F. i^ (below title) Excusum Londini per assignationem Francisci Florae. Cum Privilegio f. 324% Londini excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius. The title, wanting in this copy, has been taken from the perfect copy in the University Library. Herbert 1067. (478) Vl''. 7. 3. — Theod. Beza, Confcssio ChristiancB Fidei, et eivsdcm collatio aim Papist ids Hczresibus. Per Thcodorvin Bezant Vezeliiun. Adiecta est altera brenis eiusdem Bezcs fidei Confcssio. Londini, Thomas Vautrollerius, 1575 : fif. 8, 156, char, rem., c. sig. (A— V^X*) et pp. n., octavo. The last leaf of sig. A has been set up afresh from the first of sig. B, which latter has been evidently meant to be cancelled. Paragraph 2 (p. i) has been altered. Thus it originally ran (1. 2) "hanc diuinam essentiam in tres personas vere esse distinctam...," while in the cancel it reads " in hac vnica diuina essentia tres personas subsistere, & quidem suis proprietatibus reipsa distinctas." Herbert 1067. (479) Grylls 25. 73. — Will. Fulke, Two Treatises written against the Papistes, the one being an anszvere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a Popish Catholicke : The other, A confvtation of the Popish ChvrcJics doctrine touching Purgatory & prayers for the dead: by William Fulke Doctor in diuinitie. London, Thomas VautroUier (dwelling in the Blackefriers), 1577: ff. 4, 56 (the last blank), 232, char. rem. et ital, c. sig. (**, B— H^ A— FF^) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1069. (480) Vl^. 2. I (v). — Will. Fulke, MerpofMaxia sive Lvdvs Geometricvs. Auctore Guilielmo Fulcone Anglo. Londini, Thomas Vautrollerius, s. a. (1578.?): ff. 26, char, rom., c. sig. (A— F*G^ together with a folding sheet after G i, torn out in this copy) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert's {infra) copy of this work bore the date 1578. Whether this was a really independent edition I am unable to learn. 12 178 LONDON. The work is dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. In the dedication the author refers to his Ourauomachia as published a few years before; this latter appeared in 1572. In the present copy, after the folio sheet which constitutes sig. A. had been printed on one side of the paper, the sheet was turned the wrong way, so that the sequence of pages is in error. Herbert 1070, Grenville 262. (481) Capell B. 9.— Plutarch, The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by that graiie learned Philosopher and Historiographer, Plntarke of Chcsronea: Translated out of Greeke itito French by lames Ainyot, Abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Anxerre, one of the Kings priuy counsel, and great Amner of Fraunce, and out of French into Englishe, by Thomas North. London, Thomas Vautroullier, dwelling in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate, 1579: ff. 8 [f. i, presumably- blank, wanting], 784, char, rem., c. sig. (#^ A— FFFFF*^) et pp. n., folio. The recto of B 5 in this copy has been left blank in the printing. The translator, Thomas North {for whom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 350, 553) dedicates his work to Queen Elizabeth. Herbert 107 1. (482) Vi^. 5. 8. — The Historic of Guicciardin,conteining the Wai^rcs of Italic and other partes, continued for many yeares vnder sundry Kings and Princes, together with the variations and accidents of the same, deuided into tivcnty bookes : And also the Argumentes, ivitJi a Table at large expressing the principall matters through the ivhole historic. Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. Mon Jieur viendra. London, Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blackfriers by Ludgate, 1579: ff. 6 (the first blank), 600, char, rom., c. sig. (*^ •A-5F''5G^ 5H^) et pp. n., folio. The title-page of this copy bears the autograph of Lord Lumley and his father-in-law, the Earl of Arundel. Herbert 1070. THOMAS VAUTROLLIER. 179' (483) vr'. 2. 13. — Psalviorvj/i Davidis et aliorvm Prophet- arvni, libri qvinqve. Arguincntis & Latina ParapJirasi ilhis- trati, ac ctiavi vario canninnin gcncre latink exprcssi. Nunc postreiniim recogniti & a variis mcndis repiirgati. Theodora Bcza Vezclio Ancfore. Londini, typis Thorns Vautrollerij et impensis Herculis Francisci, 1580 : ff. 6, 346, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (^'^, A— Tt^Vv^°) et pp. n., small octavo. Beza dedicates the work to Henry, Earl of Huntingdon. After the dedication follow various complimentary verses in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Herbert 107 1. (484) Hare 38. 34. — John ]q.\xc\\, Apologia EcclesicB Angli- cancB. AiitJiore loJianne hicllo, oliin episcopo Sarisbiiriensi. Londini, Thomas Vautrollerius, 1581 : ff. 102, char, rom., c. sig, (A— H^^P) et pp. n., i6mo. Herbert 1072. (485) VP. 6. 15 (i). — Will. Whitaker, Ad Rationcs decern Edmvndi Canipiani lesvitce, qvibvs fretvs certainen AnglicancB ecclesics ministris obtiUit in cansa fidci, Responsio Gniliehni Whitakeri, Theologies in Academia Cantabvigiensi professoris RegiJ. Londini, Thomas Vautrollerius impensis Thomae Chardi, 1581 : ff. 8, 128 (the last two blank), char, rom., c. sig. (*^ *^ A-Q8) et pp. n., octavo. The dedication is addressed to Sir William Cecil, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and is dated " Cantabrigias, e Collegio Sanctte Trinitatis, Pridie Idus Septemb. 1581." See above, no. 445. Herbert 1072. (486) Vl'^. 2. 9 (iv). — Ant. Corranus, Epistola Bcati Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos, e GrcEco in Latinuvi fMeracf^paarLKW'i versa, & in Dialogi forniavi redact a, nt ins tar ChristiancB CatccJiescws invent uti esse pos sit. Per Ant. Corramun Hispalcnseni, Theo- logies Professorem. Londini, Thomas Vautrollerius, 1581 : ff. 12, 36 (the last, blank, wanting), char. rom. et ital, c. sig. (a^b^ A— D^E"*) et pp. n., small octavo. l80 LONDON. F. I, title wanting [this has been supplied me by the kindness of Prebendary Raine, from the perfect copy in the Chapter Library at York], ff. 2^ — s'', Dedication " Ornatissimis Viris, D. Vice- cancellario, D. Prjesidibvs Collegiorum, atque Praefectis Au- larum Academic Oxoniensis." The dedication is dated Oxonio, cal. Apr. 1581. ff. 6^ — 11% Address "ivventvti Oxoniensis Academiae." ff. 11^ — 12^, Argument of Epistle to the Romans. This is a totally different work from that described above, no. 369. (487) Vl'^. 4. 13. — Luther, Special and chosen sermons of D. Martin Lvther, collected ovt of his writings and preachings for the necessary instruction and edification of such, as hunger and seeke after the perfect knozvledge and inesti7nable glorie wJiich is in Christ Ies2i, to the comfort and saluation of their sonles. Englished by IV. G. London, Thomas Voutroullier {sic) dwelling in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate, 1581 : ff. 6, 240, char, goth., c. sig. (#'^, A— GG^) et pp. n., quarto. The translator, W. Gace (for Avhom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 22), dedicates his work to Sir Thomas Heneage, treasurer of her Majesty's privie chamber. In this copy, f. 2, containing a Catalogue of the Sermons, has been bound at the end of sig. # The first two leaves of sig. CC are supplied in MS. ; CC 5 — 8 are wanting, and DD i is torn. (488) A. 13. 41 (ii). — J CSV Christ i D.N. Novvni Testa- mentvm, Theodoro Bcaa Interprcte. Londini, Thomas Vau- trollerius, 1581 : ff. 174, coll. 2, char, rom., c. sig. (A— X^Y^) et pp. n., quarto. (489) VF. 6. 15 (ii): vi-^. 6. 16 (ii).— Will. Whitaker, Ad Nicolai Sander i Denwnstrationes Qvadraginta, in octavo libro visibilis Monarchies positas, qnibus Romanum Pontificent non esse Antichristnni docere institnit, responsio Guilielmi Whita- keri, Theologies in Aeademia Cantabrigiensi professoris Regij. Accessit eiiisdeni Thesis de Antichristo, defensa in Coniitijs Cantabrigiensibns, Londini, Thomas VautroUerius impcnsis THOMAS VAUTROLLIER. l8l Thomae Chardi, 1583 : ff. 22 (the last blank), 154, char. rom. (ital. in Thesis), c. sig. (*\A**^, A— T^V-) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated to Sir William Cecil. Herbert 1073. (490) VI'^. 4. 9 (ix, x). — T/ie Copie of a Letter sent ovt of Englaiid to Don Bernardin Mendoza W hereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements London, I. {sic) VautroUier for Richard Field, 1588 : fif. 22, 10, char. goth. (the Printer to the Reader, etc., in rom.), c. sig. (A-E^F^ ; A^B*, two unsigned leaves) et pp. n. (not in the Advertisements) ^ quarto. The full tide runs, " The Copie of a Letter sent ovt of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza Ambassadovr in France for the King of Spaine, declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the Copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a Seminarie Priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie, aswell in fight with the English Nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the West, and North coasts of Ireland, in their retume from the Northerne Isles beyond Scotland.'' Though thus named on the title-page, the Advertisements are furnished with a fresh one, " Certaine Advertisements ovt of Ireland " The printer's name is given as I, VautroUier on this title-page also. Herbert 1075, Grenville 44, Huth 1380. (491) Vl=. 6. 9 (v, vi). — The Copie of a Letter [as above.] In this copy, while most of the quires are undoubtedly of the. same issue as the preceding one (as is shewn by identity in mis- 1 82 LONDON. prints, etc.), some have certainly been set up afresh. Thus in the Letter, on sig. A 2, 1. 25, the words "You know how..." are made in the present copy to begin a fresh paragraph, so that 11. i — 7 of the following page are altered. The date at the end, which in the former is left blank. The of Octob. 1588, is here filled in. The 9 of Octob. 1588. In the Advertisemetits, quires A and B seem to have been alto- gether set up afresh, the differences in arrangement being far too numerous to be viewed as changes made while the book was passing through the press. One may suffice ; — on f. 2% 1. 1 1 ends in no. 490 with " 1000. tonne. In," and in 491 with "one thousande." Vautrollier also printed books at Edinburgh, to be described in their proper place. William Jones (1571). {492) VF. 6. 17. — Led. Lloid, The pilgrimage of Princes, penned out of sundry Greeke and Latine aucthoiirs, by Lodoivicke Lloid, Gent. London, William lones, and are to be solde at his newe long shop at the West doore of Powles, s. a. (1571 — 74) : ff. 8 (f. I wanting : title taken from Herbert), 224, char, goth., c. sig. (^^ ##^ A— Kkk'*) et ff. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to " Maister Christopher Hatton, Esquier, Capitaine of the Queenes Maiesties Garde " After the Address to the reader follow commendatory verses by Christopher Carlile {Athcnac Cantab, ii. 34), Edward Grant, headmaster of Westminster School {ih. ii. 320; Athcnac Oxon. i. 711), John Cooke, headmaster of St. Paul's School [Athcnac Cantab, ii. 86), Tho. Drant (ib. i. 384, 566), and Tho. Churchyard {Athcnac Oxon. i. 727). These are all in Latin, except the last, which is in English. We may note that instead of the ordinary head-line "The pil- grimage of Princes," there is (A 2 verso, A 3 recto) " The Paradice of princely Histories," and (A 4 verso, B i recto) " The Paradice of Princes." Herbert 13 18. See also above, under John Kingston (no. 303). For another William Jones, who dwelt at tlie sign of the Gun, near Holborn Conduit, see below. christopher barker. 1 83 Henry Kirkham (1573). See below under Robert Waldegrave and John Wolfe. Christopher Barker (1574). (493) VI'^. I. 26. — Mornay, A Treatise of the Chvrch, in wJiich are al the principall questions, that haue beene mooued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lorde of Plessis Marly n. Gentleman of Franncc. Translated out of French into English by I. F. and againe perused & corrected. London, Christopher Barker, 1579: ff. 192, char, goth., c. sig. (A— Aa^) et pp. n., octavo. The translator, Jo. Feilde (for whom see Athetiae Oxon. i. 534), dedicates his work to Robert Dudley, Earle of Leycester : the translator's dedication is to Henry, King of Navarre. Herbert 1080, (494) Vl^. 4. 3 (viii). — Articles to be enquired of , within the Prouifice of Canterburie, in the Metropoliticall visitation of the most reuerende father in God, Edinond A rchbishop of Canter- bury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitane. hi the xxii. year of the rcigne of our most gracious souereigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. London, Christopher Barker, 1580: fif. 12 (ff. i, 12, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), quarto. Herbert 1080. (495) Vi^. 6. 19 (iii). — Joh. Nichols, A declaration of the recantation of lohn Nichols (for the space almost of tivo yeeres the Popes Scholer in the English Seminarie or Colledge at Rome) which desireth to be reconciled, and rcceiued as a member into the true Church of Christ in England. London, Chris- topher Barker, 1581. Februarii 14: ff. 98 (the last wanting), char. goth. maj., c. sig. (A— M^N"^), octavo. 1 84 LONDON. For John Nichols, see above, no. 363. The work is dedicated to Sir Owen Hopton, Governor of the Tower of London. Herbert loSo. (496) Vl'=. 6. 9 (i). — Articles ivhereupon it zuas agreed by the Archbishops and Byshops of both prouinces and the ivhole cleargie, in the Comwcation hohien at London in the yeere of onr Lorde God 1562. according to the computation of the CJmrch of Eng- land, for the auoydijig of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishi)ig of consent touchiiig true religion. Put forth by the Queencs authoritie. London, Christopher Barker, 158 1 : ff. 12, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), quarto. The title is enclosed in the same woodcut border as that of the edition of 1579, described by Herbert (p. 1080). (497) vi'i. 3. 18. — A particular declaration or testimony, of the vndutifnll and traiteroiis affection borne against Jier Maiestie by Edmond Campion jfesnite, and other condem7ied Priestes, witnessed by their owne confessions : in reproof e of those slaun- derous bookes & libels de littered out to the contrary by such as are malitiously affected towards her Maiestie and the State. PublisJicd by authoritie. London, Christopher Barker, 1582 : ff. 16 (f. I, presumably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A-D*), quarto. On f. i^ is a full-page woodcut of the Royal Arms. Herbert 1081. (498) Hare 30. 2. — 77/^ ^//;/t' [Genevan Version.] London, Christopher Barker, 1582: ff. 434, 118, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (..., A-Hhh«Iii2 [Old Test, and Apocrypha]; *^ Kkk^- Yyy^Zzz^^) ct ff. n., quarto. The title-page and all the preliminary matter of the Old Testa- ment is wanting; the title to the New Testament bears the date 1582. (499) VP. 6. 8 (v) : VF. 2. II (iv) : L. 25. 11 (i).— Edm. Campion, A true report of the Disputation or rather priuate CHRISTOPHER BARKER. 1 85 Conference had in the Tozver of Londoti, witJi Ed. Campion lesuite, the last of August. 1581. Set downe by the Reuerend learned men them seines that dealt therein. W hereunto is ioyned also a true report of the other three dayes conferences had there with the same lesuite. Which noive are thougJit meete to be p2iblisJied in print by authoritie. London, Christopher Barker, 1583. Januarij i : fif, 115, char, goth., c. sig. (A-FPGg-, with an extra leaf in sig. G : there is no sig. B), quarto. In sig. G, there were originally 4 leaves, the last being blank : a half-sheet was then added, the first leaf bearing the signature G. iiij. The blank leaf is wanting in all three copies, and was possibly cut away before the book was published. On the first day, the conference was between Campion (see above, no. 324) and Alex. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's {Athenae Oxon. i. 716), and William Day, Dean of Windsor {Athenae Cantab, ii. 219, 548) ; on the second and third days Campion's opponents were William Fulke (see above, no. 402) and Roger Goade (Provost of King's, 1569 — 70), and on the fourth day John Walker {Athenae Cafiiab. ii. 37) and William Charke. The Address to the Reader in the first part is signed by Nowell and Day ; that in the second part [the three last days], to which there is a fresh title-page (sig. G. iiij), is by John Feilde {Athenae Oxon. i. 534). Herbert 1082, Grenville 112, Huth 256. (500) VI^. 3. 2 (ii). — Edm. Campion, A true report The present, though bearing the same date, is a later issue of the preceding book, and from the number of small differences in arrange- ment and other ways, was evidently set up fresh after the type had been distributed. It will be sufficient to note a very few of the variations : — On f i'^ in 499 is a list of errata, but in 500 the page is blank, the errors having been corrected. The head and tail-piece of the Preface are diff"erent in the two issues. The arrangement of the lines is different, e.g., on f 3% where in 499, 1. 3 ends with Campi — , and in 500 with Campion, and so for the later lines. On the recto of G 3, in 499, the names Alexander Nowell and William Daiie at the end of the discussion are printed one over the other, in 500 they are on the same level, and the initials only of the Christian 1 86 LONDON. names are printed. The verso of the same leaf is blank in 499, while in 500 there is a full-page woodcut of the Royal Arms. The original blank leaf at the end of sig. G has not been cut away in this copy ; but the last leaf of the book, containing the imprint, is wanting. (501) Vl^. 3. 12 (ii). — The Execution of lustice in England for inaintenaunce of pnblique and Christian peace, against certeine stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the traytors and enemies of the Realnie, without any persecution of tJicin for questions of Religion, as is falsely reported and published by the fautors and fosterers of their treasons, xvii. Decemb. 1583. London, (Christopher Barker), 1583 : fif. 20, char, goth., c. sig. (A-E^), quarto. The woodcut ornaments on the title-page and at the end of the book are frequently found in books bearing the imprint of Christopher Barker. It has generally been supposed that the above is the work of Sir William Cecil. Herbert 1082, Grenville 222. (502) vi'^. 4. 9 (i) : VF. 7. I (vi). — The Execution of lustice in England Secondly Imprinted at London mense Ian. 1583. A71. Reg. Elis. 26. With some small alterations of tJiinges mistaken or omitted in the transcript of tJie first Originall. This second edition coming out in the month after the preceding one (/.d in Jan. 1583 — 84) agrees in general typographical arrange- ment with the preceding. In 501, the work ends on f. 20^, in 502, on f. 20^ ; in the former the marginal notes are in goth., and the latter in rom. Herbert 1082, Huth 244. (503) vr'. 4. 9 (ii) : VF. 7. I (vii). — A Declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maicsties Commissioners appointed for the Examination of certaine Traitours, and of tortures vuiustly reported to be done vpon them for matters of religion. CHRISTOPHER BARKER. 1 8/ (London, Christopher Barker), 1583 : ff. 4, char, goth., c. sig. (A^), quarto. The woodcut ornament on the title-page is often found in books bearing Barker's imprint. Herbert 1082, Grenville 222. (504) A. 12. 31. — T/ie Bible. Translated according to the Ebreiv and Greekc, and conferred ivith the best translations in diners langiiages. With most profitable Annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, as may appear in the Epistle to the Reader [Genevan Version]. Lon- don, Christopher Barker, 1583: ff. 806, coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), large folio. Woodcuts, Ff. I — 22, Introductory matter, c. sig. A-CD*, ff. 22, non num. [F. I, probably blank, wanting; f. 2 table; f. 3 dedication to Queen Elizabeth ; f. 4=^ to the Christian Reader ; ff, 4'^ — 6% Cranmer's Prologue ; ff. 7^ — 12% Table of genealogy of Christ ; f 12'', Almanack, beginning with 1578; ff. 13 — 18, Calendar; f. 19% Names of Bookes ; f 22'^, full-page woodcut of Paradise], ff. 23 — 656, Old Testament and Apocrypha, c. sig. A-Vvvv*, ff. 634 num. [the signatures and pagination are continuous, but there are fresh title-pages for the Psalms and Apocrypha], ff. 657 — 794, New Testament, c. sig, K-Z^, ff. 138 num. ff. 795 — 806, Table of proper names, c. sig. *%#®, ff. 12 non num. [the last two blank, wanting]. Lea Wilson 55. (505) Vl^. 3. 12 (iii). — A trve and plaine declaration of the horrible Treasons, practised by William Parry the Traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie. The maner of his Arraignment, Conuiction and execution, together ivitJi the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to di?iers purposes, for the proof es of his Treasons. London, C. B. (Chris. Barker), (1584) : ff. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A-H*) et pp. n., quarto. F. I. (below title). Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, education and course of life. Moreouer, a fewe obseruations gathered of his owne l88 LONDON. wordeS and wrytings, for the farher [sic) manifestation of his most disloyal, deuilish and desperate purpose. The work ends on the 7'edo of G 4, with an imprint ; on the first page of sig. H begins, A prayer for all Kings, Princes, Countreyes and people, which doe professe the Gospel : And especially for our soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, vsed in her Maiesties Chappell, and meete to bee vsed of all persons within her Maiesties Dominions. Herbert 1082. (506) Vl'^. 4. 9 (iii). — A trve and plaine declaration The present is a different, and apparently a later issue of the preceding, although agreeing in general typographical arrangement. The following points of difference may be noted : In 505, the last line of the first paragraph of the title is in italics, there are four lines in the second, and the third is wholly in italics [with the misprint of farher iox farther in 1. 3]. In 506, the last line of the first paragraph is in roman, there are three lines in the second, and only 1. i of the third is in italics. On the recto of D 2, is a letter of the Cardinal di Como to Parry in Italian with an English translation appended. The wording of the translation in 506 looks like a revision of that in 505. In 505, the letter begins, "Monsignor, the Holines of our Lord hath scene the letter of your Signorie of the first with the assurance included...," but in 506, " Monsignor, his Holinesse hath .... with the certificate included...." Again, in 1. 7 of the letter, in 505 we have, " to perseuere, with causing to bring foorth the effects which your Signorie promiseth," but in 506 "to perseuere, and to bring to effect that which you haue promised." In sig. H, in the resetting of the type, the pages do not coincide in the two cases, e.g. the catchword on the recto of H i in 505 is practises, in 506 traytcrous. (507) Vl^\ 3. 5 (viii) : Vl^\ 3. 12 (iv). — A disconerie of the treasons practised and attempted against the Queenes Maiestie and the Reabne, by Francis Throckmorton, tvJio ivas for the same arraigned and condemned in Guyld Hall, in the Citie of London, the one and twentie day of May last past. 1584. (London, Christopher Barker, 1584) : ff. 14, char, rom., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A— C^), quarto. CHRISTOPHER BARKER. 1 89 The woodcut ornament on the title-page is one often found in books bearing Barker's imprint. Herbert 1082, Grenville 222. (508) vi^. 4. 9 (vi). — A disconcrie of the treasons The present is a different issue of the preceding, but it does not seem very clear which is the original issue. I think, however, the present is the later of the two, because there occur from time to time what seem to be intended as improvements in the setting up. The following differences will suffice to distinguish the two issues : In 507, 1. 5 of the title runs "for the same arraigned and condemned in," but in 508, " was for the same arraigned and condemned : " 11. 6, 7, are, in 507, in italic and roman respectively, but vice versa in 508. On f. 2% there is a 6-line initial in 507, and a 5-line initial in 508. The heading in f. 2^ runs respectively in the two cases, "A letter sent from a gentleman of Lions Inne | to his friend, concerning Francis Throckmorton, who was arraig-|ned and condemned of high Treason," and " A letter sent from a Gentleman of Lions Inne | to his friend, concerning Francis Throckemorton, | who was...." (509) VF. 2. 3 (vi). — Articuli per ArcJiiepiscopinn, Episcopos & reliqimm Cleriim Cantiiariensis Proitincics in Synodo incJioata Londini, vicesimo quarto die Mensis Noueinbris, Anno Domini 1584. Rcgniqiie Serenissinics in Christo Principis DomincE Elizabcthcs, Dei Gratia Anglice, Franeies & Hyberniee Rcgince, fidei Defensoris &c. vicesimo septimo stabiliti, & Regia anctori- tate approbati & confirmati. Londini, In sedibus C. B., (after Nov. 24, 1584) : ff. 4, char, rem., c. sig. (A'^), quarto. Herbert 1083. (510) M. 28. 20 (ii). — A Declaration of the Cavses mooving the Qveene of England to giue aide to the Defence of the People afflicted and oppressed in the lozve Countries. London, Chris- topher Barker, 1585 : ff. 16, char, rem., c. sig. (A— D*) at pp. n., quarto. F. I, blank, except sig. A. j., wanting, f. 2% title; f. 2^, full-page woodcut of Royal Arms of England; f. 16, blank, wanting. Herbert -1083. IQO LONDON. (511) VI'J. 4. 9 (iv) : Vl^. 3. 5 (vii) : Vl^. 3. 12 (vi). — A Declaration of the Cavses The present is a different and apparently later issue of the above. Besides numerous little changes in the setting, the following may be noted: On the recto of A3, 1. 10 runs respectively in 510 and 511, "Lord: yet (though amongst...," " Lorde : and that amongst...." The parenthesis in 510 ends in line 16, " Maiestie) wee," while in 511 we have "Maiestie : yet we...." (512) Vl^. 4. 9 (viii) : L. 12. 34 (vii). — A true and Sum- marie reportc of the declaration of some part of the Earle of Northimiberlands Treasons, delitiered piibliquelie in the Court at the Star re- chamber by the Lord Chauncelloiir and others of her Maiesties most Honotirable priuie Counsell, and Counsell learned, by Jier Maiesties special commandement, together zvith the examinations & depositions of sundrie persons touching the mancr of his most wicked and violent murder committed vpon him selfe with his owne hand, in the Tower of London, the 20. day of Lune. 1585. (London), In aedibus C. Barker, (1585): ff. 16 (f. I blank [wanting in second copy], except for sig. A, j. ; f. 16 blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-D^) et pp. n., quarto. The two above copies are absolutely identical, save that for the arabesque ornament at the end of the Preface in the former, the latter has the same ornament as that used in no. 513. Herbert 1083, Grenville 495. (513) ^^- 3- 5 (ii)- — ^ true and summarie Report The above is a different, and perhaps a later issue of the pre- ceding. The following differences will serve to distinguish the two editions : On the recto of A 4, the personal names are in 513 printed in roman, but in 512 they are in italics like the rest of the page. On the recto of B i, the name Henrie Percie is in 513 printed in italics in 11. 5, 6, in a context of roman type, and in 1. 22, in roman in a context of italic t3^e; in 512, the name is on both occasions in the same type as its context. On the margin of C i recto in 512 is the marginal note M. SoUicitor ; this is given in 5 1 3 near the top of the CHRISTOPHER BARKER. I91 following page, and appears as Master Solilcitour (sic). The marginal notes Tho. Bailiffe 21. Iwiii. 1585. deposed. (C 3 recto) and Adrian Mulan (D i recto) given in 512, are not found in 513. (514) Vi^. 4. 9 (v) : vi^. 3. II (ix). —The Copie of a Letter to the Right Honourable the Earle of Leicester, Lieutenant genera II of all her Males tics forees in the vnited Prouinces of tJie lowe Countreys, tvritten before, but delijiered at his return from thenee London, Christopher Barker, 1586: ff. 20 (the last blank), char. rom. et ftal., c. sig. (A— E^) et pp. n., quarto. F. i-'^ blank, f i'' full-page woodcut of Royal Arms of England, f. 2^ table. Ff i, 16, are wanting in the second copy. Herbert 1083. (515) vi'=. 6. 9 (iii). — Orders, thought mcete by her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell London, Christopher Barker, s. a. : ff. 14, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C*D-), quarto. F. I wanting (probably blank). The full title on f 2^ runs, Orders, thought meete by her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell, to be executed throughout the Counties of this Realme, in such Townes, Villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same. [Here follow the Royal Arms of England.] Also, an aduise set downe vpon her Maiesties expresse commandement, by the best learned in Physicke within this Realme, contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, aswell for the preseruation of her good Subiects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordering of them after they shalbe infected. Herbert (p. 1086) mentions an edition of this Order of the date 1592, but as after 1587 Barker seems always to have had deputies, the presence of his name directly in the imprint points to an earlier date. (516) vi^. 4. 9 (xiii) : vit^. 3. 13 (v). — A Packe Of Spanish Lyes, sent abroad to the ivorld : first printed in Spaine in the Spanish tongue, and translated out of the Originall. Nozv 192 LONDON. ripped vp, vnfolded, and by iust examination condemned, as cojtteyning false, corrupt, and detestable zuarcs, tvorthy to be damned and Imrned. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1588 : ff. 8, coll. 2, char. goth. et rom. (in the Spanish statement and refutation respectively), c. sig. (A^B"*) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1084, Granville 45. (517) VF. 6. 3 (vii). — Psalmau Dafydd. A fragment, con- sisting of sig. D (ff. 8) of the Psalter in Welsh. London, Christopher Barker's Deputies, 1588 : char, goth., quarto. Herbert 1084. (518) M. 2. 36 (x). — Rob. Some, A Godly Treatise contain- ing and deciding certaine questions, inoued of late in London and other places, toueJung the Ministerie, Sacraments, and Church : written by Robert Some, Doctor of Diuinitie. Lon- don, G. B. (George Bishop) Deputie to Christopher Barker, 1588: ff. 22 (f. I blank, save for sig. A. j., ff. 20—22 torn), char, rom., c. sig. (A-E^F^) et pp. n., quarto. The Preface of this work is dated, London, Maij 6, 1588. For Robert Some, Master of Peterhouse, see Athenae Cantab. ii. 510. Herbert 1084, Huth 1373. (519) Vl^. 4. 9 (xii). — Rob. Some, A Godly Treatise WJici'cunto one Proposition more is added. After the ende of this Booke you shall finde a defence of such points as M. Penry hath dealt against : And a confutation of many grosse errours broched in M. Penries last treatise. Written by Robert Some Doctor of Diuinitie. London, G. B. Deputie to Christopher Barker, 1588: ff. 100, char, rom., c. sig. (A-E^ F^G-Bb^Cc^) et pp. n., quarto. The above second edition of the preceding work is not a mere reprint ; a whole additional chapter has been inserted, c. 2 : "A Godly Prince may not suffer any religion but the true religion, either publikely or priuately in his Dominions." The answer to Penry CHRISTOPHER BARKER. I93 referred to on the general title-page, has also its own special title- page (sig. F), but the signatures and pagination are continuous. For John Penry, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 154, 546. Herbert 10S4. (520) Vl'^. 4. 9 (xi) : VP. 6. 2 (iv). — Rob. Some, A Godly Treatise, wherein are examined and confvted many execrable fancies, gincn ont and Jioldcn, partly by Henry Barrozv and loJm Greeneivood : partly, by other of the Anabaptistical order. Written by Robert Some Doctor of Dininitic. London, G. B. Deputie to Christopher Barker, 1589: ff. 24, char, rom., c. sig. (A— F^) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to " Sir Christopher Hatton Knight, Lord Chancellour of Englande, and Sir William Cecill, Knight, Baron of Burleygh, Lord high Treasourer of England, Chancellours of the Vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford." For Henry Barrow, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 151; and for John Greenwood, ib. 153. Herbert 10S5. (521) Vl^. 3. 14 (ii) : Vl'\ 7. 4 (i). — Tho. Cooper, An Admonition to the People of England : zvherein are answered, not onely the slannderous vntriiethes, reprochftlly vttered by Martin the Libeller, bnt also many other Crimes by some of his broode, obiected generally against all Bishops, and the chief e of the Cleargie, purposely to deface and discrcdite the present state of the Chnrch. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1589: ff. 133, char, rom., c. sig. (A— Kk'^Ll- ; except sig. L, in which there are 7 leaves, L 8 having been cancelled : there is no sig. Z) et pp. n., quarto. For Thomas Cooper, bishop, first of Lincoln and then of Win- chester, see Athenae Oxofi. i. 608; Athenae Cantab, ii. 166. Herbert 1084. (522) Vl*^. 6. 2 (ii). — Tho. Cooper, A71 Admonition (as above) : ff. 130, c. sig. (A— liKk-) et pp. n., quarto. The present is a different and apparently later issue of the pre- ceding. It may be noted that up to the end of sig. H there are 30 ^3 194 LONDON. and latterly 32 lines in a full page, but from the beginning of sig. I onwards, 33 lines are ordinarily found. In no. 521, there are as a rule 32 lines throughout. Herbert 1084. (523) A. 9. 69. — TJic Text of the New Testament of lesvs Christ, tra7islated ovt of tJie vulgar Latinc by the Papists of the traiteroiis Seniinarie at RJiemes. With Argiivients of Bookes, Chapters, and Annotations, Whereimto is added the Trans- lation ojit of the Original Greeke, commonly vsed in the Church of England, with A Confvtation of all sveh Argvnicnts, Glosses, and A nnotations, By William Fvlke, Doctor in Diinnitie. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1589: fif. 4, 638, coll. 2, char. rom. [Rhemish version] et ital. [Bishops' version], c. sig. (*^ A— Vvvv*^Xxxx* : there is no Z in any alphabet) et ff. n., folio. Herbert 1085. (524) vi^, 4. 9 (vii). — A Declaration of the Causes, which viooved the chief e Commanders of the Nanie of her most excel- lent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of come and other protiisions of warre bound for the said Citie : Prepared for the sernices of the King of Spaine, in the Ports and Prouinccs zvithin and about the Sownde, the 30. day of lune, in the yeere of our Lord 1589. and of her Maiesties raigne the one and thirtie. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1589: ff. 12, char, rom., c. sig. (A— C*) et pp. n., quarto. On f. i^ is the full-page woodcut of the Royal Arms. Herbert 1085. (525) Vl'i. 4. 9 (xiv) : VF. 7. 2 (iv). — A Declaration of great troubles pretended against the Realme by a number of Seminar ie Priests and lesuists, sent, and very secretly dispersed in the same, to zvorke great Treasons vndcr a false pretence of Religion, CHRISTOPHER BARKER. IQS With a proiiisiou very iiccessarie for remedie thereof. Pub- lished by this her Maiesties Proelavmtioii. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1591 : ff. 8 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A*B*) et pp. n,, quarto. The two copies of the above are of the same issue, but have different woodcut ornaments at the top of f 2^ In the second copy, it is the same with that on f 1% with the initial A in the shield; in the first copy the block is smaller and the A is below. Herbert 1085, Huth 410. (526) VI''. 4. 9 (xv) : Vl^. 2. 3 (viii). — Conspiracie, for Pre- tended Reformation : vis. Presbyteriall Diseipline. A Treatise discoiiering the late designnients and courses held for adnance- inent thereof by William Hacket Yeoman, Edmund Cop- pittger, and Henry Arthington Gent, out of others depositions and their oivne letters, writings & confessions vpon examijta- tion : Together With some part of the life and conditions, and the two Inditements, Arraignment, and Execution of the sayd Hacket: Also An answere to the calumniations of such as affirme they were mad men : and a resemblance of their action vnto the like, happened heretofore in Germanic. Vltimo Scpteui- bris. 1 591. London, Deputies of Cristopher {sic) Barker, 1592 : ff. 58, char, rom., c. sig. (A— O^P-) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1086, Grenville 293. (527) P. 7. 115. — Ferd. Pulton, An abstract of all the Pcnall Statutes ivhich be generall, in force and vse, Col- lected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolncs Innc, and by him corrected and augmented sithence the Parliament holdcn Anno 31. Regincs Elizabethce. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1592 : ff. 8, 368, char, goth., c. sig. (A-Aaa^) et ff. n., large quarto. For Ferd. Pulton, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 214. The present copy was in the library of Lord Lumley, and bears his autograph, and his initials I. L. are stamped on the side. Herbert 1079. 196 LONDON. (528) Vl^. 5. 9: vi^ 7. 3 (vi).— Matt. SutcViffe, An A nszvere to a certaine Libel Svpplicatorie, or rather Dijf amatory, WJierein not onely the friuoloiis discourse of the Petitioner is refuted, but also the accusation against the Disciplinarians his clyents iustified, and the slaunderotis cauils at tJie present gouerne- vient disciphred by MatJiew Sutcliffe. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1592 : ff, 1 16 (ff. 34, 35, wanting in second copy), char, rom., c. sig. (A— Ff^) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to Sir Edmund Anderson, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, for whom see Atlicnae Oxon. i. 753. Herbert 1086. (529) Vl^. 7, 4. — Matthaei Svtlivii, Dc Catholica, Orthodoxa, et Vera Christi Ecclesia, Libri dvo. Londini, Excudebant Reg. Typog. (Deputies of Christopher Barker), 1592: ff. 244, char. rom.,'c. sig. (A— Ppp*) et pp. n., quarto. In this copy, sig. E has been bound up twice. (530) Vl^. 5. 9 (i). — Book of Coniuwn Prayer. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1592.?: ff. 18 (f i wanting), 126, char, goth., c. sig. (a^%^ A— P^O*'), foho. The title-page to the above is wanting, and it is impossible to fix the date. Immediately following it, however, in this volume is the Psalter (see next article), dated 1592 ; and since there is no imprint at the end of the Prayer Book, but there is at the end of the Psalter, it is not improbable that the two were published together originally. The Almanack runs from 15S0 — 161 1. (531) Vl^. 5. 9 (ii). — The Psalter or Psaluics of Da7iid, after the translation of the great Bible, appointed as it sJialbe sung or said in Churches. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1592 : ff 80, char, goth., c. sig. (A— K*^), folio. (532) M. 14. 49 (i). — An Apologie for svndrie proceedings by Jurisdiction Ecclcsiasticall, of late times by some ehalenged, and also diucrsly by them impugned Whcrettnto...! have presumed to adioine that right excellent and sound determina- tion (concerning Oaths) which was made by M. Lajicclot CHRISTOPHER BARKER. 197 Androwes Doctor in Diuinitie m the common Dhmiitie Schoole of the Viiiiiersitie of Cambridge in lulie, An. 1591. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1593: ff. 80, "jG (the last blank), 42, char, rom., c. sig. (A— V^ Aa— Tt^ ; 2 unsigned leaves, A— Kk^) et pp. n., quarto. There are separate title-pages to all the three parts. The " determination " of Dr. Andrewes begins on the recto of li 2. Herbert 1087. (533) VF. I. 3 (v). — Tho. Clarke, The Recantation of Thomas Clarke (sometime a Seminarie Priest of the English Colledge in Rhemes : and notve by the great mercy of God comierted vnto the profession of the Gospell of lesvs Christ) made at Patties Crosse, after the Sermon 7ttade by Master Bvckeridge Preacher, the first of Inly, 1593. W hereunto is annexed a former Recantation made also by him in a publique assembly on Easter day, being the 15. of April, 1593. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1594: ff. 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), octavo. The Master Buckeridge is doubtless the John Buckeridge, who was successively Bishop of Rochester (161 1 — 28) and of Ely (1628—31). The present work is dedicated to John (Whitgift), Archbishop of Canterbury). Herbert 1088. (534) A. 8.59 (i). — 77^^ 5z(5/^... [Genevan Version]. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1594: ff. (as below), coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n. (as below), quarto. The title-page to the Old Testament in this copy is wanting, and that to the New Testament bears the date " 1495." The latter is a misprint for 1594, as is shewn by the perfect copy in the Bodleian. Preliminary matter wanting. Old Testament and Apocrypha, c. sig. A-HhhTii^ ff. 434 num. [ff i, 8, wanting]. New Testa- ment, preliminary matter, ff. 4 [f 4 wanting], c. sig. **; then the former signatures are continued, Kkk-Yyy'Zzz'°, ff. 114 num. 198 LONDON. (535) A. 8. 59 (ii). — Tivo right profitable and frintfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables A Iphabcticall :... And will seme as ivell for the translation called Geneva, as for the other authorized to be read in CJmrches. Collected by R.F. H. [Robert F. Herrey.] London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, .. : fif. Z2, coll. 3, char. goth. et rom. et ital., c. sig. (A-K8L2), quarto. The first edition of this Concordance to the Bible came out in 1578 (Herbert 1079), the Address to the Reader being dated Dec. 22, 1578. As the title-page of this copy is imperfect, the date can- not be given, but as being printed by Barker's Deputies, it would at any rate be not earlier than 1588, and is very possibly of about the same date as the Bible to which it is appended, 1594. (536) Vl^. 7. 5 (ix).— Matt. Sutclifife, The Examination Of M. Thomas Cartwrights late apologie, WJierein his vaine and vniiist challenge concerning certaine supposed slanders pretended to Jiane bene published in print against Jiim, is answered and refuted. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1596: fif. 60 {the last, probably blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (A-P^) et ff. n., quarto. The present copy contains a very large number of MS. notes in a contemporary hand, by one whose sympathies are strongly against the book : e.g. [E 3, rect6\ " I could shape you a foole's coate out of your own cloth such as I would not weare for your Deanry" [Dr. Sutclifle was Dean of Exeter, 1588 — 1629]. Herbert 1088. (537) Vl'^. 4. 3 (xiii). — Certaine Prayers set foorth by Author itie, to be vsedfor the prosperous successe of her Males ties Forces and Nauy. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1597 : ff. 12 (f I blank ; f. 12, probably blank, wanting), char, goth. maj., c. sig. (A-C'*), quarto. F. i'\ title, in border, as no. 496. After the name of Chris. Barker, follows " Printer to the Queenes most excellent " Ma'y being supplied in MS. On f. i^ is a full-page woodcut of the Royal Arms. Herbert 1088. CHRISTOPHER BARKER. I99 (538) Vl*^. 6. 3 (i). — TJie Bible [Tomson]. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1599 : ff. 4 (ff. i, 2, wanting), 318 (the last blank), 132, coll. 2 (3 in Table), char, rom., c. sig. (1^^ A-Zs&^ Aa-Qq^ Aaa-Oqq^Rrr^) et ff. n. (recommencing afresh for the second part of the Old Testament, and for the New Testament), quarto. Woodcuts. The Apocrypha is wanting in this copy, and the binding being apparently contemporaneous, was not improbably discarded at the time. The tide-page to the Old Testament is wanting, that to the New Testament runs, The ] New Testa-|ment of our Lord Jesus | Christ, Translated out of | Greeke by Theod. Beza : | With briefe Summaries and expositions upon the | hard places by the said Authour, loac. Camer. | and P. Loseler. Villerius. | Engelished by L. Tomson. ] Together with the Anno- tations of Fr. Junius upon | the Revelation of S. John. | This is contained in a heart-shaped space surrounded by an elaborate woodcut border, with emblems of Patriarchs, etc. Mr. Lea Wilson refers to six different impressions of Tomson's revision of 1599 in quarto (nos. 79 — 84), all with the heart- shaped title, and to distinguish them gives Esther i. i, 2, in full. The present is different from all of these. I subjoin the passage of Esther as here given : IN the dayes of ^ Ahashuerosh | (this is Ahashuerosh that reigned | from India even unto Ethio- phia, I over an 'Miundreth, and seven | and twenty provinces.) | 2 In those dayes when the king | Ahashuerosh <= sate on his throne, | which was in y^ palace of Shushan. | The initial I is an 8-line one, and differs from those given by Lea Wilson. It is possible that the present may be Lea Wilson's 78, as having black lines round the pages, though what the nature of the differences may be hindering him from putting it with the following group does not appear. William Hoskins (1575). (539) Capell S. 6 (ii). — Ulpian Fulwell, The fa^st part of the eight liherall science. London, William Hoskins, 1576: ff. 6, 46, char, goth., c. sig. (H^A^, B-M^N'^) et ff. n. (beginning on D I with num. 9), quartet 200 LONDON. F. 1% Title in border, Tee [sic, altered by a pen to /// 553- 206 LONDON. (548) VI^. 4. 14 (ii). — John Lylly, Enphucs. The Anatomy of Wit. London, Thomas East for Gabriel Cawood, 1579: ff. 6, 90 (the last two wanting), char. goth. (except in the dedications), c. sig. (A'*, H^, B— Z*Aa^) et pp. n., quarto. When the books printed by Thomas East were described, I had not succeeded in identifying this book as from his press. Through the kindness of Mr. F. Madan, I now learn that this edition is the same as that hitherto supposed to be unique in the Malone collection in the Bodleian, which being perfect, I am enabled to complete the collation of the present imperfect copy. In the Bodleian copy, sig. II comes at the end after sig. Aa, instead of, as here, after sig. A. F, 1% ITEuphves. | The Anatomy | of Wit. | Very pleasant for all Gentle-|men to reade, and most neces-|Sary to remember. | wherin are conteined the delights | that Wit followeth in his youth, by the | pleasantnesse of loue, and the hap-|pinesse he reapeth in | age, by | the perfectnesse of | Wisdome | H By lohn Lylly Master | of Art. | Corrected and augmented. | Im- printed at London for | Gabriell Cawood, dwel-|ling in Paules Church-jyard. fif. 2* — 3^, Dedication to " Sir William West Knight, Lord De la warre." f 4, To the Gentlemen Readers, ff. 5, 6, To my very good friends the | Gentlemen Scholers of Oxford. The present edition is noted by Prof Arber as the second (pp. cit. p. 28), and therefore taking into account the foregoing cditio pi'inccps, it would stand third. After comparing, however, the text with that of the Morley copy (in Arber's reprint), I think it exceedingly doubtful which is second and which is third. As regards the three reasons brought forward by Prof Arber (p. 30) in favour of the earlier date of the Morley copy, it may be remarked (i), that it can- not be doubted that the Morley copy would also have on its title- page " corrected and augmented." As to (2), the Morley copy may well have had the Address to the " Gentlemen Scholers of Oxford " at the beginning, as in the present copy; and if so, it has simply disappeared with the rest of the preliminary matter. Of (3), I am unable to speak, as the last two leaves are wanting in the present copy. thomas chard. 20/ Thomas Chard (1577). (549) M. 14. 49 (ii). — A71 Anstvcr To the tivo fyrst and principall Treatises of a certaine factions Libelly put foorth late lie, without name of AutJior or Printer, and zvithout appro- bation by author itie, vnder the title of An Abstract of certcine Acts of Parlement: of certaine Canons, &e. London, for Thomas Chard, 1584: fif. 184 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— Y^Aa^) et pp. n., quarto. It is not certainly known who is the author of the above. Strype {Aiinals, Book i. c. 19) says "Dr. Cosin [Athenae Cantab, ii. 230, 549] perhaps, or Dr. Bancroft." Baker notes in his copy of the work, now in St. John's College Library, " The Answere is by Dr. Cosin." Mr. Maskell [MS. note in copy of the Abstract in this Library, Grylls I. 33] refers it to Archbishop Whitgift. The copy described by Herbert {infrci) bore the name of Hen. Denham as the printer. In the absence of the name, however, I did not venture to include it among Denham's books, although the wood- cut ornament on A 8 verso of the present is the same as that on Dd 4 recto of no. 344 above, printed by Denham. I have since, however, compared the book with the copy in St. John's College Library, which is "printed by Henrie Denham for Thomas Chard." The preliminary matter (sig. A) is, it may be noted, of a different issue in the two copies, in the present consisting of 8 leaves in rom., in the other of 6 in goth. The title-page, too, is differently arranged. The first and second Treatises of the Abstract are annexed, the first pre- ceding the Answer, the latter between quires P, Q ; the same order being found in both copies, I presume they are from the same press, and are to be accounted an integral part of the work. The title runs. An Abstract, of certaine Acts of Parlement ; of certaine her Maicsties Iniunctions as in the original work to be described in due course. The first treatise is in ff, 40, c. sig. (A-E*'); the second in ff. 22, c. sig. (A'B^C^D^), in char, goth., without numbering of leaves. The pages, however, of the original edition of the Abstract are noted in the inner margin ; itself strong evidence that the work is reprinted for convenience to the readers of the Answer. It may be noted as singular that the woodcut ornament on N 6 recto (and also on A 2 recto in the St. John's copy) occurs not only in 208 LONDON. the accompanying reprint of the Abstract, but frequently in the original unauthorised edition. This matter will be discussed fully in its proper place below. Herbert 958, 1195. See also under Henry Middleton, Thomas Vautrollier, Thomas Dawson, John Windet, Richard Field, Peter Short. Thomas Dawson (1577). (550) Grylls 3. 267. — Hen. Bullinger, A most excellent Sermon of the hordes Supper, ivherein bricfely (and yet plainly yenough) is liuely set foorth the matter of the Slipper of the Lorde lesiis. By Hcmy Bullinger. Translated out of French into English, by I. T. London, Thomas Dawson and Thomas Gardyner for William Ponsonby, s. a. (1577?): ff. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A— D^), octavo. F. 1% below title, Imprinted at London, nigh vnto|vnto {sic) the three Cranes in the | Vintree, for William Ponsonby. | ff. 2^ — 4^, Translator's dedication to Thomas [Bentham] " Bishop of Couentrie and Lichfielde." f. 32% Imprinted at London,] nigh vnto the three Cranes in | the Vintree, by Thomas Dawson | and Thomas Gardyner, for Willi-|am Ponsonby. I cannot find Tho. Gardiner's name conjoined with Tho. Dawson's later than 1577. For Thomas Bentham, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1559-60 — 1578-9, see Athcnae Oxon. ii. 816. (551) VF. 7. 5 (i) : L II. I (i). — Calvin, Thirteene Sermons of Maister John Caluine, Entreating of the Free Election of God in Jacob, and of reprobation in Esau. London, Thomas Dawson for Tobie Cooke and Thomas Man (Thomas Man and Tobie Cooke on title-page), 1579: ff. 8 (the last blank), 176, char, rom., c. sig. (A-^B*, B-Z^) at ff. n., quarto. On Z 3 begins, An Answeare to a Libel against Predestination. The translator, John Field {Athenae Oxon. i. 534), dedicates the work to the Earl and Countess of Bedford. Herbert 11 17. THOMAS DAWSON. 209 (552) Vl=. 7. 5 (ii) : I. II. I (ii). — Calvin, Fonre Sermons of Maister loJin Cahiin, Entreating of matters very profitable for our time, as may bee seene by the Preface : With a brief e exposi- tion of the LXXX VII. Psalme. Translated out of FretieJic into Englishe by lohn Fielde. London, Thomas Dawson for Thomas Man dwelling in Pater Noster Rowe at the Signe of the Talbot, 1579: ff. 6, 6"^ (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. ($^\ V^ A-G^H^) ct ff. n., quarto. The translator dedicates his work to Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, etc. The dedication is followed by an address to all true Christians, dated Geneva, Sept. 20, 1552. Herbert 1117. (553) Vl^. 3. 16 (ii). — Monardus, loyfvll Newes out of the newfound world, wherein are declared the rare and singular vertnes of diners and sundrie Herbs, Trees, Oyles, Plants & Stones Englished by lohn Frampton Merchant. Neivly corrected as by conference zvith the olde copies may appeare. Wherevnto are added tJiree other bookes treating of the Besaar stone, the herbe Escncrgonera, the properties of yron and Steele, in Medicine and the benefite of snowe. London, Thomas Dawson for William Norton, 1580: ff. 4 (the first blank), 182, char, goth., c. sig. (*^ A— Yy^Zz^) et ff n., quarto. Woodcuts. F. 1% below title. Imprinted in London, in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Queues Arms, by William Norton, ff. 2, 3, Dedication to " Maister Edwarde Dier Esquier." The original work is divided into three parts, each with a separate title-page. That to. the second part is on H 4 verso, and that to the third on Y 3 recto. The three appendices have also separate titles (Ee3, Mm 3, VV3). f. 186% Imprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson, for William Norton, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Queenes arms. 1580. Herbert 879, 11 19. (554) Vl^. 4. 5 (iv). — Rob. Cavvdray, A shorte and fruite- full treatise, of the profile and necessitie of Catechising : That is, i4 2IO LONDON. of instructing tJie youth, and ignorant persons in the principles and gronndes of Christian religion. By Robert Cazvdray, one of the Ministers and Preachers of the ivorde of God, in the Cotmtie of Rutland. London, Thomas Dawson, dwelling at the three Cranes in the Vintree, 1580 : ff. 8 (ff. i, 8, presumably blank, wanting), 3 2, char. goth. et ital.,c. sig. (^p"^, A— D^), octavo. The work is dedicated to the Lady Gelding, by John Stockvvood " scholemaister of Tunbridge," who speaks of acting " in the behalfe of a godly brother and zelous pastour, as well as myselfe." On f. 30^ follows, John Stockwood to the Christian reader; f. 31'', a letter to Mr. Robert Masson Fontaine, signed W. Charcke. (555) ^- 13- 28. — Mich. Cope, A Godly and learned Expo- sition vppon the Pronerhes of Solomon : Written in French by Maister Michael Cope, Minister of the zuoorde of God, at Geneiia: And translated into English, by M.O. London, Thomas Dawson for George Byshop, 1580: ff. 4 (the last blank), 38, 628, char, rom., c. sig. (*^ a-5a^*-V5*^ A-M*N- 4P^4Q* : ff. 5, 7, are wanting in quire Qqq) et ff. n., quarto. The translator, Marcelline Outred, dedicates the work to Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Herbert 11 20. (556) Vl^. 6. 20. — Geo. Gilpin, TJie Bee hine of the Romishe CJiurche. A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read and most necessary to bee vnderstood : Wherin both the Catholike Religion is substantially confirmed, and the Heretikes fitiely fetcht ouer the coales. Translated out of Dutch itito English by George Gilpin the Elder Newly Imprinted with a table thereunto annexed. London, Thomas Dawson for John Stell, 1580: ff. 60, 356, char, goth., c. sig. (A*^ H^IFH^, a-3a'4aS A-Xx^Yy^) et ff. n., octavo. In the present copy, ff. i (presumably blank), 7, 8, 9 — 17, and the last (presumably blank) wanting. The two woodcuts in sig. ^ and sig. Vv are wanting in this copy. F. i^ (below title), These bookes are to be solde in Paules | Church- yarde, at the signe of the | Parret. [This was the shop of Andrew THOMAS DAWSON. 211 Maunsell.] The book is dedicated by John Stell to " Maister Philip Sidney, Esquire." Herbert 1119, 1344, Huth 600. (557) Vl^. 4. 5 (ii). — W. Wood, A Foiirme of Cathechising in true religion consisting in questions and answers zvitJi obserua- tions thereon, for the further declaration and vse of the same. London, Thomas Dawson for George Bishop, 1581 : ff. 8 (the last blank), 124, char, goth., c. sig. (/, A— O^P'*) et ff. n., octavo. The author dedicates his work to " Maister lohn Dryden, Gentle- man, my very good christian Mecenas," writing from Middleton cheinay, Sept. 10, 1581. Herbert 11 20. (558) Grylls 3. 404. — Calvin, Sermons of M. John Caluin, vpon the x. Commandements of the Lazve, giuen of God by Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue. Gathered zvordc for worde, presently at his Sermons, when Jiee preached on Deute- ronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them any thing afterward. Translated out of French into English, by I.H. London, (Thomas Dawson) for George Bishop, 1581 : ff. 4 (f. I, presumably blank, wanting), 126 (the last, perhaps blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (**, A— Hh^Ii^) et ff. n., quarto. As the last leaf, on which there may have been an imprint, is wanting, I am unable to say whether there was any actual mention of Tho. Dawson's name. The title-page, however, is enclosed in the woodcut border often used by Thomas Dawson and bearing his initials. The translator, John Harmar, professor of Greek in the University of Oxford (for whom see Athenae Oxon. ii. 138), dedicates his work to the Earl of Leicester. Herbert 11 17. (559) K.. 15. 25 (xx). — Will. Fulke, A briefe Confitatiojt of a Popish Discourse: Lately set forth, and presumpt2tously 212' LONDON. dedicated to the Quecnes most excellent Maicstie: by lohn Howlet, or some other Birde of the flight, vnder that name... By D. Fulke, Maister of Pcnbrokc Hall, in Cambridge. Lon- don, Thomas Dawson for George Bishop, 1581 : ff. 60, char, goth. et rom., c. sig. (two unsigned leaves [one, probably blank, wanting]. A— O^P-) et ff. n., quarto. The book attacked in the above is " A brief Discours contayn- ing certayne Reasons why CathoHques refuse to goe to Church," of which a copy, afterwards to be described, is in this Library. This was published under the name of John Howlet, the actual author being Robert Parsons {Athcnae Oxon. ii. d^). Herbert 11 20. (560) Vl'i. I. 27 (ii). — Rob. Some, A Godly and shorte Treatise of the Sacraments. London, Thomas Dawson for George Byshoppe, 1582 : ff. 48 (the last two blank, the latter wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^), octavo. The work is dedicated to Lord Robert Dudley, Earle of Leicester ; the dedication dated Cambridge, May 15, 1582, Herbert 11 22. (561) P. 24. 19 (x). — W. W., A true and inst Recorde, of the Information, Examination and Confession of all the Witches, taken at S. Oses in the co untie of Essex : whereof some were executed, and other some entreated according to the determina- tion of lawe. Wherein all men may see what a pestilent people Witches are, and how vnworthy to lyne in a Christian Common- wealth. Written orderly, as the cases were tryed by enidence, by W. W. London, Thomas Dawson, 1582 : ff, 52 (f. i, pre- sumably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A*, A— F*^), octavo. The work is dedicated to Lord Darcey. Herbert 11 23. (562) Vi^. 4. 5 (i). — Geo. Giffard, A Cathcchisme conteining the snmme of Christian Religion, gining a most excellent light to all those that seeke to enter the pathway to saltiation : Newly THOMAS DAWSON. 213 set foorth by G. G. Preacher of Gods word at Maiden in Essex. London, at the three Cranes in the Vinetrce by Thomas Dawson, 1583 : ff. 2, 80, char, goth., c. sig. {%-, A-K^), octavo. The note in Herbert (p. 11 23) does not absolutely agree with the above. For Geo. Giffard, see AtJicnae Oxon. ii. 291. (563) VI*^. I. 27 (i). — Rob. Some, Two treatises: one, Of the ChurcJi ; the other against oppression. London, Thomas Dawson for George Bishop, 1583: ff. 60 (ff. i — 5 wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— G^H*), octavo. The treatise on oppression begins on G 3 recto. Herbert 11 24. (564) Vl^. I. 27 (iii). — Rob. Some, A Godly and short Treatise vpon the Lordes Prayer, the xii. Articles of the Christian faitJi, and the ten Coniniandements. London, Thomas Dawson for George Bishop, 1583 : ff. 20 (the last four want- ing), char, goth., c. sig. (A^B^C^), octavo. The dedication, dated Cambridge, May 15, 1582, is addressed to the Lady Hynde. (565) I. 12, 4. — Calvin, Sermons of Maister lohn Caluin, vpon the Booke of lob, Translated 07it of French by A rthur Golding. London, Thomas Dawson for George Byshop and Thomas Woodcocke, 1584 : ff. 18 (f 18, probably blank, want- ing), 376, coll. 2 (3 in Table), char, rom., c. sig. (A^, **'#*^, A— Y^Aa-Yy^Aaa— Ccc^) et pp. n., folio, Herbert 11 25, (566) Vl^. 3, 17. — John Blagrave, The Mathematical lewel, SJiewing the making, and most excellent vse of a singnler jfnstru- ment so called: in that it performeth zvith wonderfidl dexteritie, whatsoeiier is to be done, either by Qiiadrant, Ship, Circle, Cylinder, Ring, Dyall, Horoscope, Astrolabe, Sphere, Globe, or any such like heretofore denised: yea or by most Tables com- monly extant : and that generally to all places from Pole to 214 LONDON. Pole By lohn BlagraiLe of Reading Gentleman and well wilier to the Mathematickes, who Jiaih cut all the prints or pictures of tJie wJiole worke zvith his ozvne hands. 1585. Lon- don, Thomas Dawson for Walter Venge, (1585): ff. 7, 62, char, rom., c. sig. (single leaf, H^ITH^ A— P'*Q^) et pp. n., small folio. Woodcut astronomical figures. On f. i^ is a full-page woodcut, with the heading Margarita Mathematica. Below is, Per loannem Blagrauura Reading- ensem, conditum, editum, & Sculptum. 1584. f. 2% Title, below which is an " armillary sphere." Below this, Imprinted at London by Walter Venge, dwelling in | Fleetelane ouer against the Maidenhead. | f. 3% Dedication to " Sir William Cycill Knight, Baron of Burleigh." On last page. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson for Walter Venge. For John Blagrave, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 96. Herbert 1221. (567) Vi^. 2. 15. — Giles Fletcher, Of the Rvsse Common Wealth. Or Mancr of Gonernement by the Rnssc Emperonr, (commonly called the Emperonr of Moskoiiia) with the maimers, and fashions of the people of that Coiintrey. London, T. D. (Thomas Dawson) for Thomas Charde, 1591 : ff. 4 (f i blank, save for sig. A), 116, char, rom., c. sig. (A^, B— P^Q*) et ff. n., octavo. Herbert 11 28. (568) vi^. 2. 16. — Rob. Hues, Tractatvs de Globis et eorvm vsv, Accoi7iodatns iis qid Londini editi sunt Anno 1593, sump- tibiis Guliclmi Sandersoni Ciiiis Londinensis, Conscriptus a Roberto Hues. Londini, Li aedibus Thomae Dawson, 1594: ff. 12 (with a folding woodcut of Sir Walter Raleigh's arms inserted between ff. i, 2), 84 (with folding table at end of sig. D), char, rom., c. sig. (ir^HIT^A*, B— Y*) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh, (569) VI''. 5. 10. — Tho. Storer, The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall. Diuided into three parts: His THOMAS DAWSON. 215 Aspiring, Tritimph, and DeatJi. By Thomas Storer Student of CJirist-cJinrcJi in Oxford. London, Thomas Dawson, 1599: fif. 40 (ff. 20, 40, blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A— K^), quarto. F. I, Title, f. 2\ To the Worshipfull M. lohn Howson, Chap- laine to her Maiestie (for whom see Athcnae Oxoji. ii. 517, 881), ff. 2^ — 6^, Commendatory poems by Edw. Michelborne, Charles Fitz-Geffrey {op. cit. ii. 607), Tho. Michelborne, and Joh. Sprint {op. cit. ii. 331). For Tho. Storer, see op. cit. i. 750, The copy described in the Grenville catalogue {i?ifra) is imperfect. Herbert 11 29, Grenville 6gi. John Hunne (1577). See above under John Harrison the elder (no. 463). Miles Jennings (1577). (570) Vl'^. 2. 17. — Val. Leigh, The inoste profitable and commendable science, of Snrueying of Landes, Tenenientes, and Hereditamentes : draiucn and Collected by the indnstrie of Valentyne Leigh. London, for Miles Jennings, 1577: ff. 4 (f 4 blank), 64 (besides two folding tables at end), char, goth., c. sig. (A— O* : sig. H consists of two folding tables), quarto. Wood:ut geometrical figures. The preface to this book is dated Oct. 27, 1562. It was Hcensed to Jerome Glover in 1567-68 (Arber's Transcript, i. 355). We again fird the book licensed with another, on Feb. 11, 1576-77, to Andrew Maunsell " so that he haue them prynted by a free prynter beinge a freeman of the mysterie of Stationars" {ib. ii. 308). On April 2, 1579, Andrew Maunsell assigns several books to Miles Jennings, but no mention is made of the present work {ih. 351). Presumably it had been made over before, though the transfer is not recorded. Edward White (1577). See belav under Edward Allde and Adam Islip. 2l6 LONDON. Toby Cooke (1578). (571) Vl''. 6. 22 (i). — George Gifford, A Godlie, Zealous, and profitable Sermon, vpon the second Chapter of S. lames. Preached at London, by M. George Gifford, and published at the request of sundry godly e and well disposed persons. London, for Tobie Cooke, dwelling at the Tigers head in Paules Churchyard, 1583 : ff. 28 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^D*), octavo. For Geo. Gifford, see above, no. 562. Herbert 1261. See also under Thomas Dawson, John Wolfe, Thomas Orvvin, and Richard Field. Richard Day (1578). (572) Vl'^. 6. 21 (i). — P. Baronis Stempani sacrae Theologiae in Academia Cantab. Doctoris ac Professoris, De Fide, Ejusque Ortu, & Natura, plana ac dilucida explicatio. (cen) Pi^e- lectio, in Cap, 3. ad Rom. vers, 28. Adjecta sunt alia qjiedam ejusdam Authoris Londini, apud Richardum Dayum in Occident. Coemeterio D. Pauli sub Arbore, 1580: ff. 8, 112 (the last, containing the errata, wanting ; also f. 27 cut out), char, rom., c. sig. (A— M^N'*, O^P^Q^) et pp. n., small octavo. The dedication is addressed to Sir Francis Walsinghani by Osmund Lakes, " Pastor " of Ringwood, the editor. Herbert 681. See also below under John Windet. / Thomas Man (1578). See under Thomas Dawson, Robert Waldegrave, Robeit Robin- son, Thomas Orwin, Thomas Scarlet, Robert Barker, Adim Islip, and Felix Kingston. / Robert Waldegrave (1578). / (573) ^^^- 4- 7 (^)- — Rich. Rice, An Inuectiue against vices, taken for Vcrtne. Gathered out of the Scriptures by the vn- profitable seruant of lesus Christe, Richard Rice. Ako certayne ROBERT WALDEGRAVE. 21/ necessary mstriictions, meete to be tatigJit the yonger sort, before they come to be partakers of the holy Coimmmion. Done by D. VV. Arch Scene and allowed. London, Robert VValdegaue {sic) for Henry Kirkham, 1581 : ff. 48, char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^), octavo. Prefixed is an address to the Christian Reader by Robert Crowley, followed by another by the author, (574) Vl^. I. 23 (iii). — J oh. Fielde, A Cancat for Parsons Howlet, concerning his vntinielye flighte, and scJiriching in the cleare daylighte of the Gospell, necessarie for him, and all the rest of that darke brood, and vncleane cage of Papistes, who with their vn timely bookes, seeke the discredite of the trueth, and the disquiet of this Church of England. Written by lohn Fielde, Student in Diuinitie. London, Robert Waldegraue for Thomas Man and Tobie Smith, s. a. (but after Aug. 30, 1581) : ff. 60, char, rom., c. sig. (A-G^H*), small octavo. The dedication is addressed to the Earl of Leicester, dated as above. For John Field, see Aihenae Oxon. i. 534. Herbert 1145. (575) VF. I. 10 (iii).— Alex. Gee, The Ground of Christ- ianitie. Composed in maner of a dialogue betweene Panic and Titus, Contayning all the principal poynts of onr Saluation in Christe. London, Robert Waldegraue and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Churchyard by Thomas Wood- cock, s. a. (1581 .?) : ff. 64, char, rom., c. sig. (A— H^), octavo. This book was licensed to Robert Waldegrave, April 28, 15 81 (Arber ii. 392). The author dedicates his work to " Fraunces, Earle of Bedforde." (576) Yi^. 4. 5 (viii).— Alex. Gee, The Grov7id of Christ- ianitie (as above). London, Robert waldegraue and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare , 1584: ff. 56 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A— G^), octavo. F. 55^, At London I Printed by | Robert Walde-graue, | dwelling without Temple barre, neere | vnto Sommerset-house. 2l8 LONDON. (577) Vl^. I. 24 (xii). — G. p. Libellvs De Memoria, verissi- maqve bene rccordandi Scientia. A nthore G. P. Cantabrigiense. Hue aeeessit emsdcni Adnionitiimeida ad A. Diseonvm, de Arti- ficioscs Memories, qiiam publiee projitetiir, vanitate. Londini, Robertus Walde-graue, 1584: fif. 34, char, rom., c. sig. (A— D^E^ : the first quire has no signature-letter, and in the other quires the letter is only given on the first recto), small octavo. The author, G. P., may be Gerard Peeters, fellow of Trinity College, for whom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 178. The work is dedicated " ornatissimo viro lohanni Vernero." Herbert 1141. (57S) Vi'=. I, 3 (i). — A Dialogve, concerning the strife of our ChiircJie : Wherein are aunswered diuers of those vniust accusa- tions, zuherewith the godly pi^eachers and professors of the Gospell, are falsly charged; with a brieje declaration of some such monstrous abuses, as our Byshops haue not bene ashamed to foster. London, Robert Walde-graue, 1584: ff. 8, 6%, char, goth. (Preface in rom.), c. sig. (A-PK* : the signature-letter is only given on the first recto of each quire) et pp. n., octavo. F. I blank, save for woodcut ornament and sig. A. f. 2, Title, on which is Waldegrave's device of the Swan (Herbert, p. 1139). £f. 3^* — S'^, To the Christian Reader. Herbert 1142. (579) ^'^^- 2- 14 (i)- — ^ Dialogve (as above). The present copy seems an absolute duplicate of the preceding, except in quire K, which must have been set up afresh. Thus on K I recto (p. 129), in 1. 6 are read in 578, 579 respectively, vngodly and vngodlie; 1. 7, cuill and euil ; 1. 12, Pctre and Peter ; 1. 13, first o^-idifirste, etc. (580) Vl'\ 6. 22 (viii). — John Tomkys, A Sermon Preached the 26. day of May. 1 5 84. in S. Maries Church in Shrewesbnry : Before the right honorable the Earle of Leicester, accompanied with the Earle of Essex, the Lorde North, diners Knightes ; Gentle-men of worshypfiill callyng, the worsJiipfull Bayliues, ROBERT WALDEGRAVE. 219 Aldermen and Burgesses of the towne of Salop: By lohn Toinkys ptiblick preacher of Gods word there : Now first pub- lished by the authour London, Robert Waldegraue for William Ponsonby, 1586: ff. 48, char, goth., c. sig. (A-F^ : in the first quire there is no signature-letter), octavo. The work is dedicated to " Lord Robert Dudley, Earle of Leycester, and Chancellor of the Universitie of Oxford." (581) N\^. 4. 5 (vii). — A friiitfidl treatise of Baptisme and the Lords Supper : of tJie vse and effect of them, of the worthie and vnivorthie receiucrs of the sajue Supper ; Very necessarie for all such as are to be admitted to the Lordes Table. London, Robert Walde-graue dwelling without Temple-bar, s. a. : ff. 40, char, goth., c. sig. (A— E^ : in the first quire there is no signature- letter, and in the other quires the letter is only- given on the first recto), octavo. Herbert 1145. (582) VI''. I. 12 (iv).— Tho, Bentham, A notable and com- fortable exposition, vpon the fourth of Mat hew ; concerning the Tentations of Christ, Preached in S. Peters Church in Oxen- ford ; By Thomas Bentham, Fellozv of Magdalin Co Hedge, and afterivards By shop of Liechfield and Coventrie. London, Robert Walde-graue dwelling in Foster-Lane ouer against Goldsmiths Hall, s. a. : ff. 48, char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^ : there is no signature-letter to the first quire, and in the other quires the letter is only given on the first recto), octavo. For Thomas Bentham, see Athenae Oxon. i. 442. Herbert 1145. , Waldegrave also printed books at Edinburgh, to be described in their proper place. William Ponsonby (1579). (583) Vl J oh. 8. \ Ps. 42. Christum J Fontem J At the foot of the title is written, in the same hand, " Noli timere Abrahame. Ego Protector tuus sum. Genes. 15." On f 4* are the initials A. H. (602) VI'^. 4. 17 (v). — Gab. Harvey, Four Letters, and certaine Sonnets : Especially toncJiing Robert Greene, and other parties by him abused London, lohn Wolfe, 1592 : ff. 42, char. rom. et ital., c. sig. {A— PK^ : all before A 4 and all after I I wanting in this copy) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1S06. (603) Vl^. 2. II (ii) : M. I. 22. — (Rich. Bancroft), A Svrvay of the Pretended Holy Discipline FaitJifnlly gathered, by tvay of historicall narration, out of the bookes and ivritinges, of JOHN WOLFE. 227 principall fauourcrs of that platfoinnc. Anno 1593. London, lohn Wolfe. 1593 : ff. 4, 232, char, rem., c. sig. (/, A-Mmm* : E 4 is blank) et pp. n., quarto. Richard Bancroft was Archbishop of Canterbury, 1604 — 10. Herbert 1181. (604) Vi^. 5. 13. — (Rich. Bancroft), Davngerovs Positions and proceedings, published and practised zvithin this Hand of Brytaine, vndcr Pretence of Reformation, and for the Presbi- teriall Disciplifie. London, lohn Wolfe, 1593 : ff. 6, 94, char, rom., c. sig. (two unsigned leaves, A'*, B— Aa^Bb") et pp. n., quarto. The inside half-sheet of sig. B has been cancelled, and its place filled with two separate single leaves. Herbert 1181. (605) VI'^. 2. II (iii).— (Rich. Bancroft), Davngerovs Posi- tions (as above) : ff. 4, 92, char, rom., c. sig. (A*, *B-*Aa*) et pp. n., quarto. The present is doubtless a later issue of the above. The date printed on the title-page was, I think, 1593, but has been altered by a pen into 1598. The two title-pages are absolutely identical, except that the references Prou. 24. 21, lude, are in rom. in 604 and in ital. in 605. It may be noted that the signature on the first page of each quire (except in H) has an asterisk attached. (606) VI''. 3. 8 (iii). — Joh. Eliot, Ortho-epia Gallica. Eliots Frvits for the French : Enterlaced zvith a double nezv Innention, wJiicJi teacheth to speake tritely, speedily and vobtbly the French- tongue. London, lohn Wolfe, 1593 : ff. 10, 30, 80 (the last, presumably blank, wanting), char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A*B*C^, D— K*L^, c— y*) et pp. n. (recommencing in the second part with num. 17), quarto. The work has a dedication in Italian to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester ; followed by two others in English to " the learned pro- fessors of the French tongue, in the famous citie of London," and to " the Gentlemen Readers, students of the French tongue." Herbert i iSo. 228 LONDON. (607) Yl^. 5. 14. — Frig. Gautius, Palma Christiana, sev, SpeciUum veri status Ecclesiastici...Ad sercnissimam Reginam Anglics. Atithore Frigcuillao Gaiitio. Londini, lohannes Wolfius, 1593 : ff. 8, "jG, char. rom. et ital. et graec, c. sig. (A*B^ B-V'*) et pp. n., quarto. The author dedicates his work to Queen Ehzabeth. (608) Capell R. 18 (i). — (Rob. Southwell), Saint Peters Complaint, With other Poenies. London, lohn Wolfe, 1595 : ff. "i^Z, char, rom., c. sig. (A— PK-) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated by " The Authour to his louinge Cosen." An edition of this work was also printed in 1595 by James Roberts for Gabriel Cavvood {Herbert, p. 1033), but the present is considered the earlier. Unless Wolfe printed two editions in 1595, the Huth copy must be imperfect, the collation being given as " A-H 3 in fours " as though H 4 were blank, I may note that on the verso of H 3 is the catchword " Life," the poem on the following page being " Life is but Losse." Herbert 1182, Huth 1378. (609) Capell R. I b. — Vincentio Saviolo Jiis Practise. Jn two Bookes. The first intreating of the vse of the Rapier and Dagger. The second, of Honor and honorable Quarrels. London, lohn Wolfe, 1595 : ff. 154 (ff. i [wanting], 154, blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-H^4*4 4^-^ 4 ^^I-Gg^^Hh*- Mm^), quarto. Woodcuts. The second book, beginning with sig. O, has a separate title-page, with the date 1594. The work is dedicated to " Robert, Earle of Essex and Ewe." Herbert 1 182, Grenville 641, Huth 1301. (610) Vl^. 7. 7 (iv). — Car. Horni, In obitvui ornatissimi viri, Gvilielmi Whitakeri, Doctoris in Theologia, in Academia Cantabrigicnsi, profcssoris Regii, & in eadeni, Collcgii Sancti lohannis prcefecti. Carmen Funebre, Caroli Horni. Londini, lohannes Wolfius, 1596: ff. 24 (f. i, blank; ii. 11, 12, 21—24, torn out), char. ital. et rom., c. sig. (A— F*), quarto. JOHN WOLFE. 229 The author, for whom see Athenae Cantab, ii. 222, dedicates his work to John [VVhitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury [ib. 369, 553), writing "Ex CoUegio S. Petri Cantabr. pridie Nonarum Febr. 1595." There are also poems in the volume in Latin, Italian, and French, by Will. Barlow, of Trin. Hall ; Rog. Flud, of St. John's {ib. 240, 550), Ed. Harrison, of Christ's ; Andrew Downes, Greek Professor (Baker-Mayor, ii. 598); Dudley Diggs, of London; Nic. Gascoigne, of York ; Sam. Crooke, of Emmanuel. Herbert 1182. (611) Vl'i. 3. 19. — The. Pie, A71 Hovreglasse Contayning i A Computation from the Beginning of Time to Christ by x. Articles, ii A Confirmatioji of the same for the times con- troller scd before Christ: as also that there wanteth a yeare after Christ, in the vsiiall Computation. With other matters, offered to the iudgemcnt of the learned, and vse of the studiotis in Chronologic and Historic. By Thomas Pie Doctor of Dininitie. London, John Wolfe, 1597 : ff. 60 (the first blank, save for the signature, A), char, rem., c. sig. (A— P^) at ff. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canter- bury, whose arms are given on the verso of the title. For Thomas Pie, or Pye, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 59. On the title-page of the present copy is written, "Ex dono Authoris, 12 Novembris 1597." (612) Vl^. 4. 10: Grylls 10. 161. — lohn Hvighen van Linschoten his Disconrs of Voyages into y Easte & West Indies. Denided into Fonre Bookes. London, lohn Wolfe Printer to y*' Honorable Cittie of London, (1598) : ff. 5, 230 (the last blank), coll. 2, char, goth., c. sig. (single leaf, A*, B-Q6R8*S2S-Aa<^Bb*Cc^Dd-Pp«Oq^) et pp. n., folio. The second, third, and fourth books have separate titles, from which are learnt the date of printing and the name W. P. (William Phillip) of the translator. The work is dedicated to the " Right Worshipfull lulius Csesar. Doctor of the Lawes." In the former copy the title-page, engraved on copper, the large 230 LONDON. folding copper-plate maps and plates and the last blank leaf are all wanting. In the Grylls copy the general title has been supplied by transferring to the beginning the title-page to the third part, the word ' third ' being removed. This copy contains twelve large copper- plate maps (besides plates), but these all, with one exception, that of the isle of Ascension, belong to the Dutch edition. Herbert 1 183, Grenville 406, Huth 851. (613) Capell S. 21. — John Stow, A Svrvay of London. Con- tayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and descj'iption of that Citic, written in the yeare 1598. by lohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apo logic (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concer^iing that Citie, the greatnesse thereof With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellnm de situ & nobilitate Londini : Written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. (London), lohn Wolfe, Printer to the honorable Citie of London : And are to be sold at his shop within the Popes head Alley in Lombard street, 1599: ff. 4, 242, char, goth., c. sig. (A^ B-Gg^Hh^*^) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to "the Lord Mayor of the Citie of London, to the communaltie, and Citizens of the same." On the last page of the book is a list of the errata. Herbert 1183, Huth 1404. (614) Capell R. 4. — John Stow, A Svrvay of London The present is exactly the same as the foregoing, save that it has the date 1599 on the title-page. On the last page is a list of the errata, as above. (615) VI^. 7. 8 (ii). — Sam. Harsnet, A Discovery of the Fravdvlent practises of I Jin D arret BacJicler of Artes, in Ids proceedings Concerning the pretended possession and dispossession of William Somers at Nottingham London, lohn Wolfe, 1599: ff. 4, 152, char, rom., c. sig. (A— V^Aa— Tt^) et pp. n., quarto. The second book ends with sig. V (p. 152), and the third book begins p. [77 (sig. Aa). Nothing, however, appears to be missing. JOHN WOLFE. 231 Samuel Harsnet was Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge (1605 — 1616); bishop of Chichester (1609 — ^1619), of Norwich (1619 — 1628), and archbishop of York (1628 — 1631). For John Barrel (or Dorrel), see Athenae Cantab, ii. 380. Herbert 1184. (616) VF. 6. 18. — Hay ward e, Sir John, TJie first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the iiii. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I. H. London, lohn Wolfe, 1599: fif. 88 (the last blank), char, rem., c. sig. (A— V'*) et pp. n., quarto. F. 1% Title, below which is Wolfe's device of the fleur-de-lys, and, Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe, and I are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley, | neere to the Exchange. 1599. | f. 2% Dedication to the Earl of Essex, f 2'', Faultes [although this list of errata is given, the printed text has nearly all the corrections embodied], ff 3, 4, A. P. to the reader. Herbert 1184, Grenville 306, Huth 665. (617) VF. 6. 19 (i). — Haywarde, Sir John, The first part... (as above). The present, though of the same date with the preceding, has evidently been set up afresh throughout. Whether there were two separate issues of the book in 1599, or whether the book was re- printed in a later year, with the old date reproduced, I am unable to say. The worn appearance of the woodcut initial in the dedication in the present (the only one common to the two books) suggests the latter view. The following points will suffice to distinguish the two editions : On the title-page of the present, instead of the fleur-de-lys, is a square of arabesque pattern, below which is " Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe, and | and {sic) are " On the first page of the address of "A. P. to the Reader" are Ik 25 in the present, and 11. 27 in the preceding copy. (618) vi^. 3. 12 (ii) : VF. 2. 15 (iv). — Sam. Lewkenor, A Discovrse not altogether vnprofitable, nor vnpleasant for sneJi as are desirous to know the situation and ctistonies of forraine 232 LONDON. Cities ivitlioiit travelling to see them. Containing a Discourse of all those Citties ivJicrcin doe Jloicrisli at this day priniledged Vninersities. Written by Samvel Leivkenor Gentleman. Lon- don, I. W. (perhaps John Wolfe) for Humfrey Hooper and are to be sold at his shop in Chauncery lane at the signe of the Beare, 1600 : ff. 6, ^6, char, rom., c. sig. (A^, B— V^) et pp. n., large quarto. The author [Athenae Cantab, ii. 400) dedicates his work to his uncle, Richard Lewkenor, Sergeant at the Law. The printer's initials are taken as those of John Windet by- Herbert (p. 1233), who, however, had not seen the book. I am on the whole, however, rather disposed to explain them as of John Wolfe, from a consideration of the various woodcut ornaments in the volume. William Carter (1580). (619) VI'^. 2. 14 (vii). — (Rob. Parsons), A brief Discovrs contayning certayne reasons why Catholiqiies refuse to goe to Church. Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a frend of his in England. And Dedicated by I.H. to the Qneenes most excellent Maiestie. Doway, lohn Lyon [but probably London, and perhaps William Carter], 1580: ff. 16, 72 (the last two blank, the latter wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (+'^1:+^ A— P) et ff. n., octavo. The dedication to the Queen in the above is signed " I. Howlet " (for which name see Fasti Oxon. i. 184). The real author of the book, however, is doubtless Rob. Parsons (op. cit. ii. 63), who was credited with it at the time (see above, no. 559, where an answer to the book is described). Wood, however [Athenae Oxon. ii. 68), followed by Herbert (p. 1204), has confused two different books, (i) the above, and (2) " A treatise of schisme, shewing that al Catholikes ought in any wise to abstaine altogether from heretical Conuenticles By Gregorie Martin." Duaci, apud lohannem Foulerum, 1578 (Herbert, p. 1836). Copies of both of these are in the Bodleian, but only the former is in this Library. WILLIAM CARTER. 233 Carter was executed on Jan. 10, 1584, for publishing a Romanist book (see Holinshed's Chroiiicks,^). 1357, col. i, ed. 1587; Stow's An7ials, p. 1 176, ed. 1605; Camden's Ajtnals, p. 354, ed. 1615), though the remarks appear to refer to the second-named book. The type, however, of the present book seems unmistakeably English, so that there will perhaps be sufficient a priori probability to justify us in placing it here. John Harrison the Younger (1580). See above under John Wolfe. Abraham Kitson (1580). See above under John Charlewood. Nicholas Ling (1580). (620) Vl*^. 4. 17 (ii). — Nashes Lenten Stnffe, Containing, The Description and first Procreation and Increase of tJie towne of Great Yarmouth in Norffolke : With a iiew Play neuer played before, of the praise of the Red Herring. Fitte of all Clear kes of Noblemens Kitchins to be read: and not vnnecessary by all Seriiing men that hane short boord-wages, to be remem- bered. London, Printed for N. L. and C. B. (Nicholas Ling and Cuthbert Burby), and are to be sold at the west end of Paules, 1599: ff. 4, 38, char, rem., c. sig. (A— K'^L^) et pp. n., quarto. This book was licensed to Cuth. Burby on Jan, 11, 1598-99, "vpon Condicon that he gett yt Laufully Aucthorised" (Arber, iii. 134). For Thomas Nash, see Athenae Cantab, ii. 306, 552. Herbert 1341, 1365, Huth 1019. (621) Capell Y. 4. — Rob. Allot, Englands Parnassus : or The choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons. Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Moiintaines, G rones. Seas, Springs, Riiiers, &c. 234 LONDON. VVhereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasannt and profitable. London, for N. L. C. B. and T. H. (Nicholas Ling, Cuthbert Burby, and Thomas Hayes), 1600: fif. 6, 256 (the last, presumably blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (A^, B— Kk^) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated to " Syr Thomas Mounson, Knight," by the editor, signing himself R. A. According to the Huth catalogue, however {infra), the full name is found in some copies in place of the initials. This book was licensed to the three publishers jointly, Oct. 2, 1600 (Arber, iii. 173). Herbert 1342, cf 899, Huth 22. John Perin (1580). (622) vi'^. 4. 7 (vi). — John of Marconville, A Treatise of the Good and enell Tounge. With the vnstablencsse of the same, and also with the abuses thereof. Made by lohn of Marconnille Gentlemaii. London, for lohn Perin dwelling in Paules Church yard at the signe of the Angell and are there to be sold, s. a. : ff. 32 (the last two, presumably blank, want- ing), char, rom., c. sig. (A-D^), octavo. Ff 2'^ — 4^, T. S. to the faithful Christian Reader greeting. Herbert 1344. Richard Bradocke (1581). (623) Grylls 3. 279. — John Stow, A Sunimarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently collected, abridged, & con- tinued vnto this present yere of Christ. 1598. By lohn Stozv. London, Richard Bradocke, 1598: ff. 16 (f 16 blank), 246, char, goth., c. sig. (unsigned quire of 8 leaves, H^, A— Gg^Hh^) et pp. n., i6mo. The work is dedicated to "Sir Richard Saltinstow knight L. Maior of the Citie of London, the worshipful! Aldermen his brethren, " Herbert 1298. john windet. 235 Toby Smith (1581). See above under Robert Waldegrave. John Windet (1581). (624) VI^. 4. II (i). — Tho. Rogers, The English Crccde, consenting zuith the Trve Anncient Catholique, and apostoliqne Church in al the points, and articles of Religion which euerie Christian is to knoiue and beleeue that zvoidd be saued. The First Parte, London, lohn Windet for Andrew Maunsel at the brasen Serpent in Pauls church yard, 1585 : ff. 4, 40, char, rom, c. sig. {*^ A-E^F^G'^H^P) et ff. n., foho. The work is dedicated to Edmund [Scambler], bishop of Norwich {Athenae Cantab, ii. 167, 547). For Thomas Rogers, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 162. Herbert 1224, 1136. (625) Capell Y. I. — Hen. Howard, Songes and Sonnets, ivritten by the Right hononrable Lord Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others. London, lohn Windet, 1585 : ff. 120, char, goth., c. sig. (A-P^) et ff. n., octavo. Herbert 1224. (626) VF. 7. 7(iv).— ^« Historicall Discovrse, or rather a tragical I Historic of the citie of Antwerpe, since the departure of king PJiillip king of Spaine out of NetJierland, till this present year, 1586. London, lohn Windet, 1586: ff. 26 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^G-), quarto. F. 1% below title, arms of city of Antwerp in border, beneath which, At London | Printed by lohn Windet, dwel-|ling in Adling street, at the signe | of the White Beare, neere | Baynards Castle. I f 25^, Windet's device of Time with scythe. Herbert 1225. (627) Vl^. 2. 4« (i). — John Feme, TJie Blazon of Gentrie : Deuided into two parts. The first named The Glorie of Generositie. The second, Lacyes Nobilitie. Comprehending 236 LONDON. discourses of A rmes and of Gentry. . . Compiled by lohn Feme Gentleman London, John Windet for Andrew Maunsell, 1586: ff. 10, 172 (the last blank), 60 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A^a^ B-Y8Z^ AaSBb^Cc-Hh^Ii^Kk^) et pp. n., quarto. Woodcut coats of arms. In sig. Dd, the verso of f i and the recto of f 2, containing a genealogical table wrongly printed, have been cancelled by the insertion of two single leaves, with the same genealogy correctly arranged, pasted over them. The work is dedicated to " Edmvnd Lorde Sheffilde," with a second dedication to the " Innes of Court." Herbert 1226, Grenville 243, Huth 511. (628) III. II. 44 (i). — Alex. Neville, Academics Canta- brigicnsis LacJirymce Tvmvlo Nobilissimi Equitis, D. Philippi Sidneif SacratcB per Alexandrum Nevillum. Londini, Ex offi- cina loannis Windet impensis Thomse Chardi, 1587. Feb. 16: ff. 22, zH> char, rom., c. sig. (a-P ; A-PK^L^M-) et pp. n. (be- ginning at sig. A) quarto. F. 1% Table, f i'\ Ad Academiam carmen Consolatorium. fif. 2^ — lya^ Dedication to Earl of Leicester, f 18, blank, ff 19* — 22% English poem on Sir Philip Sidney by James, King of Scotland, and various Latin renderings of it, and other Latin poems. The body of the work consists of a large number of Latin poems by members of the University of Cambridge, together with Greek poems by Tho. Playfer {Athenae Cantab, ii. 513), Andrew Downes (see above, no. 610), Will. Branthwaite (Emm. Coll.), R. Milborn, Will. Allibaster, Lion. Holyman {op. cit. 270), Ger. Peeter {pp. cit. 178), Rob. Lusher {op. cit. 76), I. Walter, Rich. Brewer {op. cit. 98), Jerem. Radclif There is also one in Hebrew, without the author's name. Herbert 1226. (629) VF. 6. 2 (v) : Vl'^. 5. 15 (iv) : M. 2. 36 (vii). — (S. Bred- well), TJie Rasing of tke Fovndations of Broivnisme. London, lohn Windet, dwelling at Pawles wharfe at the signe of the Crosse keycs, and are to be sold at the Rose at Powles JOHN WINDET. 237 churchyard, 1588 : fif. 8 (f. 8 blank), 74 (f. 74, blank, wanting in first copy), char, rom., c. sig. (1I*A^ B— T^V") ct pp. n., quarto. On f. !='■ is the device of the Resurrection, and on the verso of V I is that of Time with the scythe (Herbert, p. 1223). The author dedicates the work to his cousin *' M. Thomas Hussey Esquire." Herbert 1227. (630) \'\^. 3. 20 (iii) : M. 2. i. — Tim. Bright, An Abridge- ment of the Booke of Acts and Monvnientes of the Chvrch : Written by that Reiierend Father, Maister lohn Fox: and now abridged by Tinwthe Bright, Doctor of Phisicke, for snch as either thorough want of leysiire, or abilitie, haiie not the vse of so necessary an history. London, I. Windet at the assign- ment of Master Tim. Bright, and are to be sold at Pauls wharf, at the signe of the Crosse-keyes, 1589 : ff. 8 (f. i blank, save for signature: wanting in second copy), 252, 168, char, goth., c. sig. (!1^ A-Hh^Ii^ AA-SS^TT^W^YY^ZZ^) et pp. n., quarto. The work is dedicated to " Sir Fravncis Walsingham." Herbert 11 27. (63 1) Vl=. 7. 8 (xv).-^W. H., The Misterie of Megiddo, or first Encovnter of Armageddon: Wherin the late purpose and preparation, horrible and huge, of Antichrist and his adherents, against her most excellent Maiestie, our most prndent Deborah, and the whole Chnrch and children of God, is briefly noted. London, L Windet dwelling at Paules wharfe, at the signe of the Crosse-keyes, 1589: ff. 26, char, rom., c. sig. (A— F*G^), quarto. The work is dedicated to "Sir William Fitz-wilams, Knight, Lord Deputie of Ireland," a full-page woodcut of whose arms is given on f. 6^. (632) vi=. 7. I (iii). — Tho. Rogers, A Sermon vpon the 6. 7. and 8. Verses of the 12. Chapter of S. Paids Epistle vnto the 238 LONDON. Romanes; Published at the request of certaine frendes by Thomas Rogers. (London), lohn Windet, 13. April. 1590: ff. 2, 32 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-, B-P) et pp. n., quarto. For Tho. Rogers, see above, no. 623. Herbert 1228. (633) VF, 6. 2 (i). — Anth. Marten, A Reconciliation of all ^ the Pastors and Cleargy of this Church of England. By Anthony Marten, Sciucr of her Maiesties most honorable CJianiber. London, lohn Windet, 1590: ff. 8 (f. i, presumably- blank, wanting), 108, char, goth., c. sig. (A*, a*, B— Ee^) et ff. n., quarto. Herbert 1229. (634) Capell R. 10. — Phil. Sidney, TJie Covntesse of Pem- brokes Arcadia, Written by Sir Philippe Sidnei. London, lohn Windet for williani Ponsonbie, 1590: ff. 4 (f. i, pre- sumably blank, wanting), 360, char, rom., c. sig. (A*, B— ZZ^) et ff. n., quarto. In the Grenville and Huth copies {infra), John Windet's name does not occur in the imprint. Herbert 1274, Grenville 664, Huth 1355. (635) Vl"^. 2. 15. — Rich. Turnbull, A^n Exposition vpon the Canonicall Epistle of Saint hide: Diuided into tenne Sermons or Lectures, Made and written by Richad (sic) Turn- bull Preacher, in the Citie of London. London, lohn Windet, 1 591 : ff. 4, 90 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A^ B— p6Q4j^2. ^j^-h a folding table prefixed to sig. B) et ff. n., octavo. On the title-page is the device of the Pelican, and at the end that of Time with scythe. The work is dedicated to John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Can- terbury. For Rich. Turnbull, sec Athcuac Oxoji. i. 752. JOHN WINDET. 239 (636) Capell S. 29 (iii). — Edm. Spenser, The Shepheards Cal- ender. Coiiteining twclue Aeglogues proportionable to the twehie Aloncthes. Entitvlcd, To the noble and vertuoiis Gentleman most luorthie of all titles, both of learning and chinalry, Maister Philip Sidney. London, lohn Windet for lohn Harrison the yonger dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anger {sic), 1591 : ff. 4, 52, char. goth. (Arguments in ital. ; "Glosse" in rom.), c. sig. (**, A-N^) et if. n., quarto. Woodcuts. Herbert 1229. (fiU) Vl=. 6. 9 (iv). — Tasso, Godfrey of Bvlloigne, or The Recouerie of Hiervsalen. An Heroicall pocme zvritten in Italian by Seig. Torqnato Tasso, and translated into English by R. C. Esquire: And now the first part containing fiite Cantos, Im- printed in both Languages. London, lohn Windet for Chris- topher Hunt of Exceter, 1594: ff. 2, 118, char. rom. (English) et ital. (Italian) c. sig. (*"^, A— Ff'*Gg-) et pp. n., quarto. In some copies, the imprint bears the name of The. Man instead of Chris. Hunt. The book was licensed to Chris. Hunt, Jan, 26, 1593-94 (Arber, ii. 644). The initials, R. C, stand for Richard Carew, for whom see Atlienae Oxon. ii. 284. Herbert 1231, Huth 1429. (638) Vl''. 5, 9 (iii). — The Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English ineeter by Thomas Sternhold, lohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrjie, zuith apt Notes to sing them withal. London, lohn Windet for the Assignes of Richard Day, 1595: ff. 94, char, goth., c. sig. (A— P'^Q*) et pp. n. (beginning on B 4 verso), folio. Musical notes. (639) A. 8. 59 (iii). — The whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English vieetre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred With the Hebrne, with apt Notes to sing them withall. London, John Windet for the Assignes of Richard Daye, 1595 : ff. ... (ff. 2, 13, and all after D 6 wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^D ...) et pp. n., quarto. Musical notes. 240 LONDON. At the end is bound up a fragment of an edition of the Book of Common Prayer in char, goth., consisting of sig. E in ff. 8 (f. 8 wanting). Begins (Psal. 107. 40) "through tyrants." The woodcut ornament on recto of f. 6 is one often used by Christopher Barker. (640) VF. 4. 12 (i). — And. Maunsell, The First Part of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : Which concerncth suck matters of Diuinitie, as haue bin either written in our owne Tongue, or translated out of anie other language : A nd haue bin published, to the glory of God, and edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into AlpJiabet, and such Method as it is, by Andrew Majinsell, Bookcseller. London, lohn Windet for Andrew Maunsell dwelling in Lothburie, 1595 : fif. 4, 62, coll. 2, char, rem., c. sig. (4 leaves unsigned, A-K'^L^) et pp. n., folio. The work is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, The present copy is interleaved, and contains a large number of MS. notes in a contemporary hand ; and at the end are six leaves of MS., giving (i) Catalogus librorum prohibitorum Protestantium ; (2) Catalogus Papistarum. Herbert 1231. (641) Vi^. 3. 13 (iv). — Henry Savile, A Libell of Spanish Lies: Fovnd at the Sacke of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies, twixt the EnglisJi Naine being fourteene Ships and Pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the king of Spaines, and of the deatJi of Sir Francis Drake London, lohn Windet dwelling by Pauls Wharfe at the signe of the Crosse Keyes, and are there to be solde, 1596: fif. 28 (f. i blank, save for the signature, A), char, rom., c. sig. (A— G*) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1231, Grenville 641, Huth 1300. (642) Vi^. 1.25. — Francis Bacon, ^i'j-fTjrj. Religious Medi- tations. Places of pcrszvasion and disswasion. Scene and alloived. London, lohn Windet for Humfrey Hooper, 1597: ff. 72, char. rom. (the Meditations in ital.), c. sig. (A— F^^) et ff. n. (beginning on A 4), i6mo. JOHN WINDET. 24 1 F. i'* (below title), At London, | Printed for Humfrey Hooper | and are to be solde at the [ blacke Beare in Chaun-jcery Lane. 1597. 1 f. i'', List of Essays, ff. 2^ — 3'', Dedication "To M. Anthony Bacon his deare Brother." The dedication is dated "From my Chamber at Graies Inne, this 30. of lanuarie, 1597." Ten essays follow, ending on B8 verso. On f. 21a begin the Meditations [in Latin] with fresh title, below which, Londini. | Excusum impensis Humfri-'di Hooper. 1597. | These end on recto of D 7. On verso, Of the Colours of good and euill a I fragment. | f 72% Printed at London by lohn ] Windet for Humfrey | Hooper. 1597. It will be seen that the above is quite different from what is ordinarily spoken of as the first edition of the Essays, a small octavo published in the same year. I do not venture to say which is the earlier of the two; there are errors of the press which occur in one but not in the other, and there are others which are found in both. Not taking into account the exceedingly numerous differences in spelling between the two, I note the following differences between the text of the above and that of the octavo edition, as reprinted by Mr. Spedding (Bacon's Works, vol. vi. pp. 525 sqq.) : p. 525, 1. 9, contcmne, continue; 1. 10, and wise, wise; 1. 21, he had neede, omitted in the above; p. 526, 1. 8, give, guide; p. 527, 1. 19, 77) VV^. I. 28 (iii). — Geo. Sohn, A brief e and learned treatise, conteining a trtie description of tJie AnticJirist, who was foretold by the Prophets and Apostles. A nd an evident proofe that the same agreeth vnto the Pope. Written i?i Latin by M. George Sohn Doctor of Diuinitie, and publike professor thereof at Heidelberg, And translated into english. Cambridge, lohn 332 CAMBRIDGE. Legate, 1592: ff. 44, char, rom., c. sig. (A— E^p-*) et ff. n., octavo. The translator, N.G., dedicates the work to "Katharine, Countesse of Huntingdon." Herbert 1420. (878) vr. 3. 9 : Vl<^. 2. 6 (iii). — Antisandervs dvos continens dialogos non ita pridcm inter vivos quosdam doctos Venetijs habitos : In quibiis varies NicJiolaj Sandcri, aliorwnque Roma- nensiiim calumnies in Jicec Anglonuii ah cxcusso Pontifice tcm- pora vaferrime confides, licet obiter & fortuito, vere tamen candideqne rcfelluntJir. Cantabrigian cum consensu Prima- riorum hominum quorum authoritas charta Regia ad hoc requiritur, (John Legate), 1593: ff. 4, 112 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (II*, A— O^) et pp. n., quarto. The editor, A. L., dating "Aurelire octavo calen. Maij. Anno. 1593.," dedicates the work "Thomae Sacvilo Baroni Buckhurstis." The dedication is followed by the printer's address to the reader. The second Dialogue begins on G8 recto (p. in). According to Baker (see Herbert, infra), the author of the above was Dr. John Cowell (Regius Professor of Civil Law, 1594 — 161 1). Herbert 142 1. (879) Vl'=. 3. 10 : II. 7. 58. — Lysias. Eratosthenes, hoc est, hrevis et Ivcvlenta Defensio Lysice pro ccede Eratosthenis, prcBlectionibns illustrata Andrece Dvncei in Academia Canta- brigiensi Grcocce lingncs Regij profcssoris : i?i qnibiis fuse expli- cantiir mnlta, qitce turn ad ejus Ungues cognitionem, tuvi ad alias res attincnt. (Cambridge), lohanncs Legatus, inclytae Academiai Cantabrigicnsis Typographus, 1593 : ff. 24, 124, char. gra;c. ct rom., c. sig. (H— HHH^, A— P^O*) et pp. n., octavo. The dedication, which is dated " Cantabrigije e Collegio Sanctae & individuae Trinitatis 3. Cal. Octobris. 1593," is dedicated by the editor, Andrew Downes (Greek Professor, 1585 — 1625) to the Earl of Essex. Herbert 1421. JOHN LEGATE. 333 (880) VF. 3. II. — Joh. More, yi Table from the beginning of tJie world to this day. Wherein is deelared in what yeere of the World every thing was done, both in the Seriptnres men- tioned, and also in propJiane matters. Written by that worthy member of the Chureh of God, M. John More Preacher at Norwieh. (Cambridge), lohn Legate Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. And are to be solde at the signe of the Sunne in Pauls Churchyard in London, 1593 : ff. 6, 132, char, rom., c. sig. (H*^, A— Q^R"*) et pp. n., octavo. For John More, see Athenae Cafitab. ii. 117, 546. The editor, Nich. Bound, who had married More's widow, dedi- cates the work to " Edmond [Scambler] Lord Bishop of Norwich (ib. 167, 547), and to the Worshipfull M. Major of the same citie " Herbert 1421. (881) VI'=. 3. 12. — Theod. Beza, Ecclesiastes, or the Preaeher. Solomons sermon made to the people, teaching euery man hoive to order Ids life, so as they may come to trne and enerlasting happines. With a Paraphrase, or short exposition thereof made by Theodore Beza. Translated out of Latine into English. Cambridge, lohn Legatt. And are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Paules Churchyard in London, s. a. (1593 — 95) : ff. 32, char, rom., c. sig. (A— D*), octavo. Herbert 1429. (882) Vl'^. 3. I (ii). — The Death of Vsvry, or, the Disgrace of Vsvrers. Compiled -inoi^e pithily then hitherto hath bene pvblished in English. Wherein Vsvry is most lively vnfoldcd, defined, and confuted by Divines, Civilians, Canonists, Statutes, Schoole-men, olde and new Writers. With an Explanatiojt of the Statutes now in force cojicerning Vsiiry, very profitable for this present Age. (Cambridge), lohn Legatt, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. And are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Paules Church-yard in London, 1594: ff. 24 (f. I blank, save for the signature 4^ : f 6 torn out), char, rom., c. sig. (4'^ B— F^) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1422. 334 CAMBRIDGE. (883) Grylls 26. 134. — Will. Whitaker, Advcrsvs Thomcs Staplctoni AnglopapistcB in Academia Lovanictisi TJieologics Professoris Rcgij Dcfcnsioneni EcdcsiasticcB autJioritatis, quain ipse hiciilcntam & acairatam inscripsit, tribtisqne libris digcssit, Dvplicatio, Pro aiitJioritate atqiie avToircs-ia S. Scriptures. AiitJiore Gviliclmo WJiitakero, S. Theologies in Academia Can- tabrigiensi Doctor e ac Professore Regio ; & Collegio D. loannis Evangelistcs in cadeni Academia Prcefeeto. Cantab rigiae, Joannes Legatus Acadcmiae Typographus, i594- Aprilis 20: ff. 16, 330, char, rom., c. sig. (/W****, A— lii") et pp. n., folio. The work is dedicated to Archbishop Whitgift. (884) Vl=. 3. 13. — Jo. Lud. Havvenreutcr, ^wox^i? t^? ^vcnKr)<; rov ^Api(Trorekov 7 ; t' 1—4, 6, 7 ; aa 1—7 ; bb i, 4, 5> 8 ; cc 1—8 ; dd 1—3, 6—8; ee 1 — 8. Part ii., >{i, i — 6. Part iii. sect, i, a 2 — 4, 6, 7 ; b-h complete ; p 3 — 6 ; q i. Part iii. sect. 2, C 2, 7 ; D 1 — 8. Part iv. is altogether wanting. Only two other copies are known of the above, one printed on vellum in the British Museum, w^hich acquired it by purchase from St. Cuthbert's College, at Ushaw ; the other on paper in the Library of Christ Chiirch, Oxford. The Museum also possesses the only copy at present known of the Pars Estivalis. It may be noted that in the Museum copy of the Pars Hyenialis, several leaves are wanting in part i., and the whole of parts ii. iii. is discarded {^Catalogue of Bocks printed up to the year 1640, vol. ii. p. 985). Some of the leaves in the above copy are imperfect. (953) Capell Q. 5 (ii). — Jo. Maior, Historia Maioris Britan- nicE, tani Ang/iQ q Scotie, per loanne Maiorem, iioinine qiiideni Scotinn, professione aiitem Theologitin, e vetermn monnmcntis concinnata. (Paris), Ex officina Ascensiana, 152 1. ad Idus Aprilis: ff. 2, 150, 12, char, rom., c. sig. (A^ a-s^t*^, AA*A^) et ff. n., s. cust., quarto. Head-lines in very large gothic letters. 366 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. On the title-page is a woodcut of a printing press, dated 1520, different from the one referred to above (no. 951). The two quires at the end containing the tables, bear signatures respectively A iii, A iv ; AA iii, AA iv, AA v, AA vi. Nothing, how- ever, appears to be wanting. The work is dedicated to James v., King of Scotland. Grenville 430, (954) Vi'^. 6. 9. — Home beatae Mariae virginis ad usinn Sariim. Parisius, per Germanum Hardouyn, s. a. (1528): fif. 120, 11. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A-P^), s. oust., octavo [6| inches by 4]. Sig.-title (Sal/) on first recto of quire. PRINTED ON VELLUM. F. 1% below Hardouyn's device, coloured and illuminated, Hore beate Marie virginis ad vsum | insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum, tota|liter ad Longum sine require. Cum plu|ribus sufifragiis 7 orationibus, Nouiter | impressis parisius per Ger- manum Har-|douyn, comorantem inter duas portas | Palatii Rigis {sic), ad inter signium diue | IMargarete. | f. i'^, Almanack for 14 years from 1528 to 1 541. f. 119% The contentes of this boke. I f. 120'', Expliciunt Hore beatissime virginis | ]\larie secundum vsum. Sarum The above volume contains twelve large and eighteen small miniatures, besides a large amount of illumination generally. Inside the covers are two full-page miniatures, of the Annunciation and the Nativity. The binding of the above is of fish-skin, edged with broad orna- mental borders of silver, which were originally gilt. To these were attached two silver clasps, only one, however, of which remains, set with a jacinth ; and in the middle of each side is a silver boss set with tlie same stone. The above volume was a gift to the College from Dame Anna Sadleir (daughter of Sir Edward Coke), and the letter of thanks of the Master and Seniors, dated Aug. 10, 1660, is preserved among the MSB. in the Library (R. 5. 5). In this letter the present volume is spoken of as a MS. PARIS. 367 (955) ^1*=. 5. 10. — Gradiialc ad vera et integra preclare ecdcsie Saru consiictudinc, miper Parisiis cxcnsuvi. Paris, Nic. Prevost for Francis Byrckman of London, 1528. Large folio. The following fragments of the above were discovered in the Library in the summer of 1884 by Mr. F. Jenkinson : d 3, 6 (ff, 27, 30); h 2—7 (ff. 58—63); q 1—3, 6—8 (ff. 121 — 123, 126—128); D 4, 5 (ff- 28, 29)). A perfect copy of the above is possessed by the University Library. (956) vi<=, 5. 8. — Breviarmm ad iisum Sarum. (Paris), aere et impensis Claudii Chevallon et Francisci Regnault, 1531 : ff. 8, 222, 100, 190, \2, coll. 2, char. goth. (printed in red and black throughout), c. sig. (z^ [Title, calendar, etc.], a— z^^'^l^^ l-Sj-'io \Te7nporale\ ; A— L^M*^N^ [Psaltermm and Commune Sanctor7U)i\\ A-X^AA^BB^CC*^ \Propriiim Sanctorwii\\ M'Vf' [Accentuarhim']) et ff. n., s. cust., large folio. Sig. -title (Sal/) on rectos of first half of each quire. F. 1% in woodcut border, Ima permutat breuis hora summis | ff Breuiariu seu horariu domesti-Jcu : siue choro ecclesiastico deser-|uiens ad vsum insignis ec-|clesie SaT/ : cu integro or-|di- nario suo, proprijs ' suis locis accom-|modate in-|serto. [Below is Claude Chevallon's device, with his name] 153 1. 1 The colophon is given on the recto of CC 6, Q Ad laudem, gloriam, et honorem sanctissime indiuidueq3 tri-|nitatis, ac intemerate genetricis et virginis marie, totiusq3 celestis exercitus, ] ac insuper comenda- tionem celeberrimi cleri : famosissime, ac inter occiduas | nomi- natissime ecclesie Sal/. Diuini offfcij per totius anni curriculu tarn de | tepore q de Sanctis cu pica ordinariu, iamia solerti cura ac peruigili eruditissijmoru viroru lima correctionis, multa lucubratione castigatu : ac iteru enien|datu. Ere et ipensis honestoru viroru Claudij cheuallon. 7 Fracisci regnault. | Ciuiu Parisien. summa diligentia in alma Parisioru academia im- pressum. [ Anno. 1531. (957) Grylls 3. 62.— Tho. More, Expositio fidclis de morte D. Thomcs Mori & qiiorundam alioru insignmm iiirorum in 6S BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. Anglia. (Paris ?), s. t. n., 1535. after July 23 : ff. 12, char, rom., c. sig. (A— €■*) ct pp. n., quarto. The work is in the form of a letter, addressed on f. i^, P. M. Caspari Agrip. ] S. D. | Space is left for a 6-line initial, with director. The work ends on f. 12'', Apud Lutetiam Parisiorum x Cal. Augusti, | Anno. M.D.XXXV. (958) VI''. 6. 10. — Primer, in English mid Latin, with Ex- position of Psalms li. and xxx., and Epistles and Gospels. Paris, s. t. n., 1538: ff. 188, 60, 72, coll. 2 (in the Primer and Exposition, the Latin, in smaller type, is the outer column), char. goth. maj. et min. (head-lines, etc., in red), c. sig. (a— z^t* : a— g%^ [for bij, biiij, are printed S ij, S iiij] : A— P) et ff. n. (not in the Exposition), s. cust. (in the Epistles and Gospels), large octavo. Woodcuts. Part I, f. 1% Q Thys prymer in | Englyshe and in Laten is newly | traslatyd after the Laten texte. | fl The contentes of thys boke. | f. i'', QAn almanacke for xx. yeres [beginning with 1536]. f. 2% The anatomical man. fif. 2° — 14% Calendar, ff. 14'' — 16'', Q The preface and maner to lyue well, deuoutly and | salutarily euery day for all persones of meane estate. | Com- pyled by mayster Johan quentin doctour in dy-[uinyte at Parys : translated out of frenche in tho {sic) \ englysshe by Robert Copland prynter at London. | f. i8S% Q Finis. | fl Im- prynted in Parys the yere ] of our Lorde 153S |. The following leaves of the above are wanting : M 7, O 7, O 8, R 3, R 6. Part 2, f. 1% Q An exposicy-jon after the maner of a coteplacyo | vpon the .Ij. Psalme called Misere|re mei De^ whiche Hierom of Ferjrarye made at the later ende of hys dayes •.• | f. 38% Q! A meditacyo | of the same Jerom vpon the Psal-|me of In the {sic) Dne speraui, whiche | preuentyd by death he coulde nat 1 fynyshe. | f 60'', imprint as in the preceding part. Part 3, f. 1% (I Here begynneth the | Pystles and Gospels : j of euery Sonday, and | holy daye in the yere. [Here follows a woodcut of St. Paul] 1538 [ f. i'\ Fulbpage woodcut of St. John, f 67'', col. 2, QThis is | the table wherein ye shall] vndcrstande in what | lefe ye shall fynde the | Pystcls, and PARIS. 369 Gos-'pels after the vse | of Salysbury ofjeuery Sodaye | and holy day | in the yere. | f. 71% (1 Imprinted at Paris | The yere of our lord | M.D.xxxviij. | f. 72, presumably blank, wanting. Herbert 1547. (959) Vl"^. 6. II. — Brcviariinn ad usiivi Ecclesice Sarisbii- riensis. Pars Estivalis. Parisiis, Jo. le Blanc pro Guill. Merlin, 1557: ff. 8 non num., 56 num., 136 num., 120 non num., coll. 2, II. 43, char. goth. (rubrics in red), c. sig. (4»^ [Title and Calendar], A-G^ \de Tanpore\, a— r^ \Psalter and Commune Sanctorinn\ AA— PP^ \Praprmni Sanctontm'^} et fif. n., s. cust., octavo. Sig.-title [Sal/] on first recto of each quire. F. 1% tt Portiforium seu Breuiarium | ad vsum ecclesie Sarisbu- riensis castigatum, suppletu, j marginalibus quotationibus ador- natum, ac | nunc primum ad verissimum ordinalis | exemplar in suum ordinem a peri-|tissimis viris redactum. | ([ Pars Estiualis. [Below is the device of Guill. Merlin, a swan, supporting a cross, with the encircling motto. In hoc cygno (sic) vinces.*] Parisiis. | Q Apud Gulielmum Merlin, | in ponte teloneorum ad signu ] hominis Siluestris. | 1557. | On the verso of the last leaf, below 11. 18 of text, Q! Partis estiualis tam de tepore quam de Sanctis Breuiarij | ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sal/ nuper Parisiis accurate eme]dati : excusi vero industria ac typis loannis le Blanc typo-Igraphi pro Guillelmo Merlin in ponte teloneorum commo-jranti ad Siluestris hominis signum. Finis. | Below is the Register. | 1557. | (960) vr'. 3. 22 (i). — Dav. Lyndesay, Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Conrteonr. Off the Miserabill Estait of the Warld. Compilit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of ye Mont Knycht Alias, Lyone King of A^i'vies. And is Denidit in Fonre Partis. As efter Follow is. &c. Absit Gloriari, Nisi in Cruce Domini nostri lesu Christi. Paris, for Samuel Jascuy, 1558 : fif. 116, char, rom., c. sig. (4-leaf quire, unsigned, B— E^F^G^'H— Q^R^), s. cust. (except in sig. G, and on O 7, O 8), quarto. * See Silvestre, Marques Typographiques, nos. 268, 801. 24 370 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. F. 1% below title, a woodcut of Sir David Lyndesay as Lyon King of Arms, below which, (I And Iniprentit at the command, and I expenses of Maister Samuel Jascuy, In Paris. ] 1558. | (961) VI''. 3. 22 (ii). — Dav. Lyndesay, Heir folloivis iJie testament cOid coniplaynt of our soinicrane lordis papyngo. Kyug lames the Fyft. Quhilk lyis sore ivoimdit and may iiocht dee, tyll eiiery man Jiaue Jiarde qiiJiat he say is. QuJiarcfore gentyll redaris, Jiaist zoiv that he wcr out of his pane. Compylit by tJie said Sehir Danid Lyndesay of the Mont, KyncJit Alias Lyoun, Kyng of Amies. Paris, for Sammuel Jascuy, 155^ : ff. 24 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (4-leaf quire unsigned, B— F*), s. cust., quarto. The woodcut on the title-page and the imprint are as in the preceding ; the woodcut is also given on F 3 verso. The above does not seem to be absolutely the same as that described in the Huth catalogue (p. 884), see e.g. on title, noch for nocht and Kiiycht for Kyncht. Moreover, in the Huth copy, the woodcut of Sir David Lyndesay is spoken of as on the verso of the last leaf (i.e. F 4), which is otherwise blank. In the present copy the woodcut is on the verso of F 3, the poem finishing on the recto. Herbert 1597. (962) VI^. 3. 22 (iii). — Dav. Lyndesay, Heir followis the dreme of Shir Dauid lindsay of the mont Knyt, alias Lion Kyng of amies dereeket onto our sonerane Lord Kyng James the Fyft. Paris, for Samuel Jascuy, 1558 : ff. 26 (the last two wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (4-leaf quire unsigned, B— F'^G"), s. oust., quarto. The woodcut and the imprint on the title-page are the same as in the preceding. Herbert 1597. (963) Vl^. 3. 22 (iv). — Dav. Lyndesay, Heir folloivis the Tragedie of the vnqhyle, Maister Reuerende Fader Dauid, be the mercy of God, Cardinal, and A rcJnbyschope of Sanctandrous. And of the haill Real me of Scotlande Primate, Legate, And Chdcelare, And Administrator, of the Byschoprik of Merapoys PARIS. 371 /;/ France. And Comniendator pci'petuall of the A bay of Aber- bi'othok. Compylit be ScJiir Dauid Lyndcsay, Off the Mont, Knycht. Alias, Lyonc, Kyng of Armcs. &c. Paris, for Samuel Jascuy, 1558 : ff. 12, char, goth., c. sig. (4-leaf quire unsigned, B^), s. cust., quarto. The woodcut and imprint on the title-page are the same as in the preceding. On f. S*^ is a woodcut of a shepherd playing on a bagpipe. (964) Grylls 3. 94. — Micquel. Avreliae vrbis meniorabilis ab Anglis obsidio, anno 1428. et loanncB viraginis LotJiaringcs res gesics, Authoye lo. Lodo'ico Micqnello, innentntis AurclicB tnoderatore. Ad Carohnn Cardinaleni Lotharingvvi. Parisiis, Apud Andream Wechelum, sub Pegaso in vice Bellouaco, 1560: ff. 56, char, rem., c. sig. (A— G^) et pp. n., octavo. Grenville 463. (965) Capell M. 2 (i). — Tho. Smith, De recta & emendata lingvce Angliccz Scriptione, Dialogiis, TJionia Sviitho Eqicestris ordinis Anglo author e. Lvtetiae, Ex officina Roberti Stephani Typographi Regij, 1568 : ff. 2, 44, char, rom., c. sig. (*^ a— 1"*) ff. n. et cust. (at the end of each quire only), large quarto. The imprint on the title-page is above. In the colophon at the end the date is given " Idib. Novembris, Ann. M.D.LXVII." For Sir Tho. Smith, see above, no. 392. (966) Capell M. 2 (ii). — Tho. Smith, De recta & emendata lingV(B GrcECCB Pronvntiatione, Thomcs Sniithi Angli, tunc in Academia Cantabrigiensi piiblici prcelectoris, ad Vintonienseni Episcopnvi Epistola. Lvtetiae, Ex officina Roberti Stephani Typographi Regij, 1568: ff. 2 (f. 2 blank), 48, char. rom. et graec, c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves. A— M"*), ff. n. et cust. (at end of each quire only), large quarto. The above work is dedicated to Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Chan- cellor of the University of Cambridge. The present volume contains the book-plate of Lord James Beauclerk, Bishop of Hereford, 1746 — 1787. Grenville 671. 3/2 books printed abroad. Lyons (i473)- (967) Vl^^. 7. 23.— (Hans Holbein), The Images of the Old Testament. Lyons, lohan Frellon, 1549: ff. 52, char. rom. et ital, c. sig. (A— N*), quarto. F. 1% The I Images ] of the Old j Testament, 1 Lately expressed, set forthe in Ynglishe and \ Frenche, vuith a playn and | brief ex- position. I Below is John Frellon's device, a butterfly with its wings caught by the claws of a crab, in a border, and with Matura below. Beneath this, Printid at Lyons, by lohan Frellon, the | yere of our lord God, 1549. | On A 4 recto begin a series of woodcuts, 94 in number, from Holbein's designs, with explanations in English prose (in rom.), and in French verse (in ital.) below. On N 3 verso are the representations of the four Evangelists, and on the following page is the printer's device, as above. Herbert 1565, Huth 707. Lou VAIN (1474). (96S) Grylls 3. Z^. — Stephani [Gardiner] Winton. Epis- copi Angli, ad Martinvm Bvceriim, De Impiidenti eiiisdem Pseiidologia Conquestio. Lovanii, Ex officina Rutgeri Rescij, 1544. Men. August. : ff. 44, char. rom. et graec, c. sig. (A— L"*), quarto. F. 44% Pavcvla qvaedam errata Grenville 266. (969) Grylls 3. 138. — ^Ste. Gardiner, Confvtatio Cavilla- tiomnn, Quibus Saerosanctu Eveharisties Sacrajnentiun,ab iinpijs Caphaniaitis impeti solct, Author e Stephano Winton. Episcop. AnglicB Cancellario. Edit to Altera, Cni Index aeeessit loeu- pletissinuis. Lovanii, Apud l^etrum Coloncxum bibliop. jura., typis Reyncri Vclpij typ. jura., 1554: ff. 8, 400, char, rom., c. sig. (AS, A-Zz^AA-DD^) et pp. n., octavo. On the verso of the title is given the privilege of printing for four years, dated Brussels, Dec. 11, 1553, and signed De Zoete. LOU VAIN, 373 (970) VP. 3. 7 (i). — Job. Martiall, A replie to M. Calfhills blaspJicinovs answer made against the Treatise of the Crosse, by lolin Martiall, bachiler of Lazue, and studient in Diuinitie. Louaine, lohn Bogard, 1566: ff. 24, 228, char, rom., c. sig. (*-6*^ A-LLl^) et ff. n., quarto. F. 1% below title, a woodcut of the crucifixion, below which, Imprinted at Louaine by lohn Bogard at the Golden Bible | ■ with the Kinges Maiesties priuilege. 1566. | f. i'', Regise Maiestatis Priuilegio..., To M. Calfhill..., To the Christian Reader... ff. 2^ — 6% A Reqvest to Maister Grindal and other Svperintendents of the newe Chvrche of England, ff. 23'' — 24% Favltes escaped in Printing, f. 24'', Woodcut as on title- page. For John Martiall, see Athenae Oxon. i. 658 ; and for James Calfhill, Athenae Cantab, i. 285, Athenae Oxon. i. 377. Herbert 1619. (971) Grylls 3. 175. — Reg. Pole, De Svniuio Pontifiee Christi in Terr is vicar io, eivsque officio & potestatc, Liber vere singiilaris, &• eruditionis, &• piiri sernionis nomine, In inoduin Dialogi coscriptus olini, nnnquam vero anteliae editns, A utJiore Reginaldo Polo Anglo S. R. E. Cardinali Renerediss. Lovanii, Apud loannem Foulerum Anglum, 1569 : ff. 8, 156, char, rem., c. sig. (*^ A— T^V*) et fif. n., octavo. On the title-page is John Fowler's large woodcut device, with his initials. At the foot of the page, Cum Priuilegio. Subsign. Vander Aa. The above edition is dedicated to Pope Pius v. by " Henricus lolififus, presbyter Anglus"; and the present was the Pope's own copy, with his arms in gold and colours on the sides. Grenville 561. (972) Grylls 26. 104. — Nic. Sander, De visibili Monarchia Ecclesicz, libri octo Avctore Nicolao Sandero,- S acres TJieo- logice Professore. Lovanii, sub Capite Deaurato. loannis Fouleri cura & impensa, excudebat Reynervs Velpivs typ. ivr., 374 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. 1571: ff. 6, 430, char, rom., c. sig. (.^«, A-DD^EE'^FF^GG^ HH— ZZZ'^a-x^y^z'^aa— ll^mm^nn'*oo'*) et pp. n., large folio. On the title-page and the verso of the last leaf is John Fowler's large woodcut device. For Nic. Sander, see Athenae Oxoti. i. 469. Bruges (1476). (973) ^^^- ^- I- — (Raoul le Fewre), Recuy ell of the history es of Troye. [Englished by Caxton]. S. 1., t. n. et a. (Bruges, William Caxton, 1476) : ff. 352 (the first blank ; ff. i — 4, 8, 9, 346, 347, 35 i» 352, wanting), 11. 31, char, goth., s. sig., folio. [The first book printed in the Englispi language.] Herbert 5, Dibdin i. 16, Blades ii. 3. Delft (1477). (974) VP. 3. 8 (vii). — William of Orange, The Apologie or Defence, of the most noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange, Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, presented to my lords the Estates generall of the loive Conntrie. Together luith the said Proclamation or Proscription. Printed in FrencJi and in all other languages. At Delft, s. t. n., 1581 : ff. (i"^, char, rom., c. sig. (A-R"), quarto. Herbert 1656, Grenville 803. Geneva (1478). (975) VP. 2. 25. — (Henry Brinklow), The Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, somiyme a gray fryre, vnlo the parliament hoivse of Ingland his natural cnntry : For the redresse of certen ivlcked lazves, ettel cnstoms, ad crncl decreys. Imprinted at Sauoy [perhaps Geneva] per Franciscum de Turona, s. a. (after Jan. 16, 1541 — 42): ff. 64 {{{. i, 2, wanting; ff. .3, 4, slightly torn), char. ital. (except that k and iv are always in char, goth.), c. sig. (A— H®), octavo. As regards the date, there is a reference (H 3 recto ) cf.Yd recto) GENEVA. 375 to the meeting of pailiament "at Westmyster the .xvi. day of lanuary in the yere. 1541" [i.e. 1541 — 42]. As regards the place of printing, the phrase " af Savoy " suggests that the name of the town has been somehow omitted; and taking into consideration the colophon of a later edition (see next article) " imprynted at Geneve in Savoye," it is not impossible that the above edition may have been printed at Geneva. The name of the printer, Franc, de Turona, is unknown to me except from the imprint of this book. Herbert 1563, Grenville 478. (976) VF. I. 10 (v). — (Henry Brinklow), T/ie co-Plaint of Roderyck Mors, souitiine a gray Fryre, vnto the parlament house of Ingland hys naturall coiuitrey : For tJie redresse of certeyn wyckcd laiues, eiiell custuvies 7 crucll decrees, A table wJierof thoit shalt fynde in the next Icafe. Imprynted at Geneve in Savoye by Myghell boys, s. a. (but subsequent to the preceding) : ff. 64, char, goth., c. sig. (A— H^), octavo. In spite of the imprint of the above, the type is unmistakeably English. Some have proposed to assign the work to the press of Scoloker and Seres. Herbert 1563 (?), Huth 218. (977) VP. 3. 9 (iii). — D. Nicolai Ridleii Episcopi Lon- dinensis de Cccna Dominica assertio, contra sceleratani illam Transnbstdtionis hceresim, quam e carcere autJior scripserat : vnde etiani panlo post, id est XVI. Octobr. die. M.D.LV. igni coni- burendns extraJiebatur. Genevae, apvd loannem Crispinvm, 1556: ff. 56, 16, char. ital. (rem. in Epistle to the Reader), c. sig. (A— G^ *^, **^) et pp. n. (not in second part), octavo. Appended to the above is the " Praefatio et Protestatio Nicolai Ridlei, habitae xx. Aprilis in scholis publicis Oxonii, anno M.D.LV." (978) Vl^. 3. 7 (i). — Ratio et forma pvblice orandi Devm, atqve admi)iistrandi Sacrametita, et caet. In Anglorvm Eccle- siam, qiicB Geneuce colligitur, recepta : cum iudicio & comproba- tione D. lohannis Caluini. Genevae, apud Joannem Crispinum, 1556 : ff. 40, char, rom., c. sig. (A-E^) et pp. n., octavo. 3/6 • BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD, (979) "VP. 6. 16. — John Knox, An Ansiver to a great noinber of blasphemofLs cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and adnersarie to Gods eternal Predestination. (Geneva), lohn Crespin, 1560: ff. 238, char, rom., c. sig. (A-Ee^Ff^) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1602. (980) VI^. 6. 7 (v). — The foruic of prayers and ministration of the Sacrajnentes, &'c. vsed in. the Englishe Congregation at Geneua : and approncd, by the famous and Godly learned man. M. John Calnin. S. I. et t. n. (but presumably at Geneva), 1 561 : ff. 84, 8, char, rom., c. sig. (a— k^l*, aa*^) et ff. n. (except in sig. aa), octavo. The contents are given on the verso of the title: no. 11, how- ever, the " Psalmes of Dauid in metre," does not occur in the book, but no. 9, " An order of Ecclesiasticall Discipline," is immediately followed by no. 12, "The Catechisme." This last begins, with a fresh title-page, on e4 recto (p. 36), "The Catechisme oi {sic) maner to teache chyldren the Christian religion " The contents of sig. aa are not named in the table of contents. On aa i recto begins "A fourme of Praier to be vsed in Pruate {sic) houses, euery Mornynge and Euening." Herbert 1604. (981) VP. 6. 17. — Rob. Rollock, /;/ epistolam S. Pavli apostoli ad Ephesios, Roberti Rolloci Seoti, Ecelesice Edin- biirgensis Ministri, commcntarins. Altera editio, cni aecesse- rnnt notae, qiice Epistolcs & Commentarij methodum per breiiem qnandam Synopsin ostendunt. Genevze, Apud Franciscum le Preux, 1593 : ff. 8, 216 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (*^ a-z^A— D®) et pp. n., octavo. (982) Vl"*. 3. 10. — loliannis Rainoldi Angli, de Romanae Ecclesice Idololatria, in cvltv Sanctorvm, Operis inehoati libri ii. (Geneva), excudebat lacobus Steer, 1598: ff. 8, 324, char, rom., c. sig. (H^ A— Rr^Ss'*) et pp. n., octavo. This work was first published at Oxford in 1596. The dedication (dated " Oxon. e Collegio Reginai. lul. 7. 1596") is addressed to the ■ Earl of Essex. LEiPSic. 377 Leipsic (1481). (983) Grylls 3. 65. — Job. Cochlseus, De Matriinonio sere- iiissiiiii Regis AiigUce, Hcnrici Oct aid, Congratidatio dispnta- toria loJianids CocJdei Gcnnani, Ad Pavlvvi Tertiuui Pont. Max. Lipsiae, Michael Blum, 1535. Mense Februario : ff. 54, char, rom., c. sig. (A— N'^O'), quarto. The above work was written by Cochlajus in defence of Queen Catharine's marriage, and was answered by Rich. Morysin in his Aponiaxis Caliiinnianun J. Cochlcei contra Henricum vui., described above, no. 6r. Cochlaeus replied to Morysin in his Scopa (see the next article). Grenville 316. (984) Grylls 3. 66. — Joh. Cochlseus, Scopa loannis Coch- Iciei Gcnnani, in arancas Ricardi Morysini Angli. Lipsiae, Ex officina Nicolai Vuolrab, 1538. Mense Martio : ff. 28, char, rom., c. sig. (A— G^), quarto. Grenville 316. Antwerp (1482). (985) VI''. 7. 24. — Jaspar Laet, The pronosticacion of the yereM.CCCCC.xvi. The above is a fragment, consisting of sig. a. only, and the imprint, if any, has been lost; but the work was presumably printed at Antwerp in 15 15: char, goth., c. sig. (a"*...), s. cust, quarto. F. 1% (I The pronosticacio of niaister Jaspar late of borchloon | doctour in astrologie of the yere. M.CCCCC.xvi. trans- lated in to ynglissh to the honorre of te moost noble 7 vic-Itorious kynge Henry the. viij. by your moost huble sub-jiect- Nicholas longwater goeuerner of our lady coception | in y^ renowmed towne of Andwarp in sinte Jorge perys | In HazHtt's Collections and Notes., 2nd Sen, p. 331, John of Does- borch is given as the printer ; on what authority is not stated. It may be noted that Panzer (vi. 6. 24) cites under the Antwerp publi- cations of 15 15, the Frognostica varia (in Latin and Flemish) of Jasp. Laet de Borchloen, printed by Michael Hillenius Hochstratanus. 3/8 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. (986) N. 8. 41. — Will. Lyndewood, Prouinciale sai Costi-. tutioncs Anglic : cu suminarijs atq^ iiistis annotationibiis, poli- tissimis caracteribiis , siimmaq'^ accuratione rtu'snin reuise, atg"^ impresse. Antwerpiae, cura Christophori Endouieii., impensis Francisci Brickman, 1525. Dec. 20: fif. 256, 28, coll. 2, char, goth. (in black and red throughout), c. sig. (A— X^AA— HH^ IPKKSLL^O: A-C^D^) et ff. n., s. cust., folio. F. 1% Title, below whicli woodcut, illustrative of the Te Deian. Below this, Venales habetur London, in cimiterio san cti Pauli : apud Franciscum bryckman. f i^, Lyndewood's dedication to Archbishop Henry (Chicheley). f 256'^ Explicit preclaru opus Wilhelmi Lin-|dewode eruditissimi viri super constitutiones pro- uinciales Anglie : summa cura atq3 diligentia Chrilstophori Endouien. Antwerpie impressum. vna cu | annotationibus de- bitis. -cunq^ {sic) sumniarijs suis lo-|cis prepositis. Impensis vero Francisci Brickman | honesti mercatoris Anno salutis nostre Millesimo | quingentesimo vicesimo quinto. xx. die Decembris. | The table which follows has a fresh title, in woodcut border. It is headed widi seven Latin lines, Moribus ingenuis : doctrina : opibusq3 potetes, etc. Below these are woodcuts of the Royal Arms of England and the crowned rose ; and below this again is a woodcut of St. George and the Dragon, f. 1^, the dedication of Jo. Badius Ascensius " maioris Britannic seu ecclesie Anglicane clero." Appended to the above is, Constitutiones legitime sen Icgatine rcgionis anglicane : cu S7ibtilissinia interpretatione dni Johannis de Atlion : tripliciqj, tabclla. Nccnon et ^stitutiones prouinciales ab archicpiscopis Cantnaricnsibus edite : et sunia accuratione rccognitc : annotate et Parisijs coinipresse. Ff. 16, 154 (the last wanting), coll. 2, char. goth. (in black and red throughout), c. sig. (A^B*^, a— e^f^*^g— o^p'^'q— s^^t^'v*) ct ff. n., s. cust., folio. F. 1% Title (in red), below which a full-page woodcut of St. George and the Dragon and the Royal Arms of England, f i^, Dedication of Jo. Badius Ascensius to Will. Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury (see above, no. 949). After the table, the work begins ANTWERP. 379 on a I recto with a fresh title, Constitutiones legitime ccdesic totiusqT, regiois Aiiglicane The woodcut framework of this title-page is the same as that on the verso of the last leaf of the Lyndevvood in the Paris edition of 1505 (see above, no. 949). On p6 verso the comments of John de Athon come to an end ; thereupon follow provincial constitutions of Canterbury, set forth under Stephen Langton and subsequent archbishops. (987) Vl*^. 6. 8. — TJie nezve Testainent, dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Willy am Tindale : and fynesshed in the yere of oure Lorde God. A.M.D. 7 xxxiiij. in the inoneth of Nouembcr. Anwerp, Marten Emperowr, 1534: ff. 16, 408, char, goth., c. sig. (*^**^ A-Z%— z^Aa— Ee^) et fif. n., small octavo. Woodcuts. At the end of the Revelation on Bb 6 verso begin " The Epistles taken oute of the olde testament after the vse of Salsburye." The above is no. 3 in Mr. Fry's list {Bibliographical Description of the Editions of the Neio Testament, Tyndale's Version in English, p. 44), who gives an exceedingly minute description of the book, a collation of the text with those of three other editions of 1535 and 1537, and a full transcript of the marginal notes in the present edition. In plates iii. and iv. he gives the fac-similes of the two title-pages of the above, of a page of the text (i Timothy i.), and various woodcut figures and initials. Herbert 1542, Lea Wilson, no. 4, Huth 1450. (988) VP. 3. II. — John Rastell, A Replie against an anszver (falslie intitled) in Defence of the trntJi, made by John Rastell : M. of Art, and studient i)i dininitie. Antwerp, ^gidius Diest, 1565. X. Martij : ff. 14, 204, char, rom., c. sig. (^^f^ A-Bb^Cc*) et ff. n., octavo. Herbert 1610. (989) Vl'i. 2. 14 (vi). — Hier. Osorius, An Epistle of the Reuerejid father in God Hieronymvs Osorivs Bishop of Arco- bnrge in Portngale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Qnene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland. &c. Translated oute of L at ten in to Englishe by Richard Shacklock 380 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. M. of Arte and student of the Cinill Lazves in Louaine. Ant- werp, yEgidius Diest, 1565 : fif. 80, char. rom. (ital. in the Address to the Reader and concluding Epistle), c. sig. (A— K^) et ff. n., octavo. •On f. 1^ are two 7-line stanzas by the translator. The translator's address is dated "Antwerp, March 14." On K6 verso begins a letter To M. Doctor Haddon, dated "Antwerp, March 27." After this, Faultes escaped in some Copyes. The head-line throughout is " A Pearle for a Prynce." Herbert 16 10, Huth 1071. (990) Vl^. 3. 12. — Bede, The History of the Chvrch of Englande. Compiled by Venerable Bede, Englishman. Trans- lated out of Latin in to English by Thomas Stapleton Student in Diuinite. Antwerp, lohn Laet at the signe of the Rape, 1565 : ff. 14, 196, char, rom., c. sig. (*''>*|1^ A-CCC'*) et ff. n., quarto. Woodcuts. F. 1% below title, the printer's large device of a sower, surrounded by the motto, " Spes alit agricolas." f. i^, the Royal Arms of England, and below, God saue the Queue, ff. 2^ — 9% Staple- ton's dedication to Queen Elizabeth. For Thomas Stapleton, see Athenae Oxon. i. 669. Herbert 161 1, Grenville 67. (991) Vi'^. 3. 13. — Tho. Harding, A?i Anszuere to Maister Ivelles Chalenge, by Doctor Harding. Antwerpe, At the golden Angel, by William Sylvius the Kingcs Maiesties printer, 1565 : ({. 240, char, rom., c. sig. (i\— Gg^) et ff. n., octavo. The Address of " the Correctovr to the Reader," dated " Ant- werpe. 12 Januarij 1565," is signed John Martiall (see above, no. 970). The author's own preface follows, dated "Louaine: 14. of lune : 1563." For Thomas Harding, see Athenae Oxon. i. 402. Herbert 1609. ANTWERP. 381 (992) VP. 4. 8.— Tho. Heskyns, The Parlimncnt of CJiryste avovcJdng mid declaring the enacted and rcceancd triteth of the presence of his bodie and bloode in the blessed Saci'aiucnt, and of other articles concerning the same, impugned in a zvickcd sermon by HI. Inell, Collected and sethfnrth by Thomas Hes- kyns Doctonr of dyninitic. Antwcrpe, at the golden Angell, by William Silvius prynter to the Kynges Maiestie, 1566: ff. 6, 406, 6 (the last, presumably blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (H^ A*B-Yyy^ (.■.)*': quires LI, Mm, have been trans- posed in the binding) et ff. n., quarto. r. 1% below title, Will. Silvius's device of the Angel : f. 2% full page woodcut, as described by Herbert {infra). Herbert 161 7. (993) Grylls 3. 269. — Pet. Frarin, An Oration Against the Vnlazvfnll Insurrections of the Protestantes of our time, vnder pretence to Refourme Religion. Made and pronotinced in Latin, in the ScJiole of Artes at Louaine, the .xiiif. of December. Anno. 1565. By Peter Frarin of Andivcrp, M. of Arte, and Bacheler of both laives. And nozv translated into English, zvith tlie aduise of the Author. Antverpiae, Ex officina loannis Fouleri, 1566 : ff. Z"^, char, goth., c. sig. (A— L^), small octavo. On the title-page is John Fowler's large woodcut device. The translator's Address to the Reader, dated "From Andwerp. Maij. 9. Anno. 1566," is signed " Ihon Fouler," probably the printer himself. On K 4 recto is " The Table of this booke set ovt not by order of Alphabete or nubre, but by expresse figure, to the eye 7 sight of the Christian Reader, and of him also y' cannot reade." Then follow a number of woodcuts illustrative of the ill-doings of the Reformers, with explanatory verses. Herbert 16 18, Huth 549. (994) Vi^. 6. 21 (ii). — Sir Thomas More, A Dialogve Of Cumfort against Tribulation, made by the right Vertuous, Wise and Learned man. Sir Thomas More, sometime L. Chajiceller of England Antverpiae, Apud lohannem Foulerum Anglum, 1573: ff. 8 (ff. i, 8, the latter containing 382 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. a woodcut portrait of Sir Thomas More, torn out), 216, 4, char, goth., c. sig. (*^ A— Z^a— d'^, **'^) et ff. n., small octavo. Herbert 1633, Grenville 476, Huth 996. (995) Grylls 24. 333. — Richardi Stanihursti Dubliniensis De Rebvs in Hibernia gcstis, libri qvattvor, Ad carissiimim su?iin fratrcDi, darissimnnique viruni, P. Plvnketvtn, Dominum Barojievi Diinsania. Acccssit his libris Hibernicariim reriim Appendix, ex Silvestro Giraldo Cambrensi periietusto scriptore collecta ; Cum eiiisdeni StaniJivrsti adnotationibus. Omnia nunc priniinn in bicem cdita. Antverpiae, Apud Christo- phorum Plantinum, 1584: ff. 136, char, rom., c. sig. (A— Z* a— 1*), et pp. n., large quarto. For Ri. Stanihurst and Patrick Plunket, see above, no. 400. Huth 1395. (996) Vl"^. 3. 14. — A Treatise, Shaving the possibilitie, and comieniencie of the reall presence of our Saniour in the blessed Sacrament : The former is declared by similitudes and examples : the latter by the causes of the same. Antwerp, loachim Trog- nesius, 1596: ff. 8, 132 (the last wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (A-QSR*) et ff. n., octavo. On the title-page is a woodcut of the crucifixion, with the emblems of the Passion, in a border, as described by Herbert {infra). Herbert 1730. (997) Vl*^. 6. 6: Grylls 22. 105. — The New Testament of lesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, out of the atitlientical Latin, diligcjitly conferred zvith the Grceke, and other Editions in diners languages By the English College then Resident in Rhemes. Set forth the second time, by the same College nozv returned to Doway. With addition of one new Table of Heretical Corrvptions, the other Tables and An- notations someivhat augmented. Antwerp, Daniel Vervliet, 1600: ff. 18 (ff. I, 3, wanting in first copy and f. 2 torn; in the Grylls copy sig. e has been put at the end of the volume), LEYDEN. 383 386, char, rom., c. sig. (a— dV, A-Ddddd'*Eeeee-) et pp. n., large quarto. The above is the second edition of the Rhemish version. Herbert 1742, Lea Wilson, no. 53, Huth 1454. Leyden (1483). (998) Vi^. 7. 25 : Capell P. i. — Gefif. Whitney, A Choice of Emblemcs, and other devises, For the inoste parte gathered oat of suudrie zur iters, Englished and Moralised. And divers nezuly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. Imprinted at Leyden, In the house of Christopher Plantyn, by Francis Raphelengius, 1586: fif. 10, 116 (the last blank, wanting in Capell copy), char, rom., c. sig. (********^, A— Z*a— f*) et pp. n., large quarto. Woodcuts. The dedication (dated London, Nov. 28, 1585) is addressed to Robert, Earl of Leicester, of whose arms there is a full-page woodcut on the verso of the title. The address to the reader is dated Leyden, May 4, 1586. The second part begins with a fresh title on O i recto. Below the title is the bear and ragged staff, encircled by the Garter. In the first copy, on the page headed Intestince simultates (p. 7), a former possessor of the book has written " Experientia docett {sic). 1 64 1, for then civill warrs were newly begun." For Geff. Whitney, see Athenae Oxoji. i. 527. Herbert 1675, Grenville 801, Huth 1589. (999) VP. 3. 16.— John Udall, tTipH ]iU)^ HJlD^ That is the key of the holy tongve : Wherein is conteineid, first The Hebrue Grammar (in a manner) woord for woord out of P. Martinivs All Englished for the benefit of those that (being ignoraunt in the Latin) are desirous to learn tJie holy tongue ; By loJin. Udall. Leyden, Francis Raphelengius, 1593 : ff. 104 (the last blank, wanting), 'i'^ (the last blank), 52 (the last, pre- sumably blank, wanting), char. rom. et heb., c. sig. (A-N^ : 384 BOOKS PRINTED ARROAD. a— 1^ : Aa— Ff^Gg*) et pp. n. (beginning afresh for each part), octavo. For John Udall, see above, no. 913. Herbert 1722. Heidelberg (1485). (1000) Vl'\ 3. 15 : VP. 3. IS a (i).— Kath. de Medicis, A mervaylovs discourse vpon the lyfc, dcedcs, and bchauiours of KatJierine de Medicis, Quceue vwtJier : zvJierin are displayed the ineanes whicJi she hath practised to attcyne viito the vsnrp- ing of the Kingedome of France, and to the bringing of the estate of the same vnto vtter rinne and destruction. At Hey- delberge, s. t. n., 1575: ff. 98 (f. i wanting in second copy),' char, rom., c. sig. (A— M^N^) et pp. n., octavo. Herbert 1645. (looi) VP. 6. 15. — Rob. RoUock, Li librvni Danielis pro- phetcB, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ministri Icsii Christi in Ecclesia Edinbiirgensi, Commentarivs. In officina Sanctandreana (Heidelberg, Hier. Commehn), 1594: ff. 4, 192 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (*^ a— z^aa— zz*Aaa*Bbb^) et pp. n., quarto. On the title-page is the vignette of naked Truth, in a double border. Ingolstadt (1487). (1002) Grylls 3. 180. — Nicolai Sanded, de Origine ac pro- gressv Schisniatis A nglican i, L ibri Tres ...A ncti per Edovardvin Rishtonvni, Ronueq'y inipressi: nunc vero in Gcrniania iteruni lociipletius & castigatius editi. Ingolstadii, ex officina Typo- graphica Wolfgangi Ederi, 1587 : ff. 8, 200, char, rom., c. sig. (#^ A-Bb^) et pp. n., octavo. The work is dedicated by the printer, dating " Non. Novem. 1586 " to George, archbishop of Salzburg. On the versos of ff 6, 7, and the recto of f 8 are signatures, * 12, * 14, * 15- For Nic. Sander, see no. 972, and for Edw. Rishton, see Athenae Oxon. i. 511. ROUEN. 385 Rouen (1487). (1003) VP. 4. 9. — Mis sale ad vsiini ac consitehidinem in- signis ecclesie Sarnm. (Rouen), opera Petri Olivier expensis Jacobi Cousin, 15 19. Dec. 24: ff, 262 (8 non num., 128 num. [ff. 118, 121, wanting, see below], 74 non num., 52 num. [the last wanting]), coll. 2, char. goth. (in red and black through- out), c. sig. («i»^ [Title, Calendar, Exorcisnuis aquae, Bcnedictio Panis, ctc\ a— h^i^^k— o^p^q%^ \Temporalc\ A— H^P^ \Sanc- torale\, A— E^F*^G^ \Coinimine Sanctoruiii\) et ff. n., s. cust., folio. Sig. -title (ST/, Sa^/, sal/) generally on the rectos of the former half of each quire in the Temporale. In the Sancforale they only occur in sigs. A, B : and in the Comimme Sanctorum only on A i — 3, B i, 2, C i. The capital M of Missale is a very large woodcut letter, with the printer's name (holiuier) on a ribband. Below the title is a woodcut, in border, of the Deity, surrounded by the emblems of the four evangelists. The two leaves of sig. q in this copy are printed on vellum. The Canon begins on the recto of q 2, a full-page woodcut of the Cruci- fixion being on the preceding page. These two leaves are numbered xxix. XXX., an error for cxix. cxx. The colophon is given on G 5 recto ; ([ Missale ad vsum ecclesie Sarisbu-|riensis : optimis formulis (vt res ipsa | indicat) iuxta exemplar pridem parisi-|us impressum, opera Magistri Petri | oliuier, Expensis honesti mercatoris | Jacobi cousin, elimatissime impressu : | quod ceteris in multis excellit. tum qr|multa que in illis ad alia remittuntur [ loca, ac ideo non nisi magno cum labolre inueniri poterant, hie ad plenum et | longum describun- tur, tum etiam, qr|multa i isto sunt adiecta que in ceteris | desiderantur. scilicet in Comune, ofifi-jcium vnius martyris pontificis : offi-Icium de non virginibus : ac alias c6plu|ra : vt sequens tabula facile indicabit. | 1519. 24. Decembris. Herbert 1533. (1004) Vi^. I. 17 (i). — Ste. Gardiner, De vera obediencia... nowe translated into english. Roane, Michal Wood, 1553. 25 386 BOOKS POINTED ABROAD. Oct. 26: ff. 12, 68, char, rom., c. sig. (AV, b-i^k*) et ff. n., octavo. The full title runs, " De vera obediencia An Oration made in Latine by the ryghte Reuerend father in God Stephan B. of Winchestre, nowe lord Chaucellour of england, with the preface of Edmunde Boner, somtime Archedeaco of Leicestre and the kinges maiesties embassadour in Denmarke, & sithence B. of London, touchinge true Obedience. Printed at Hamburgh in Latine, In oflicina Fracisci Rhodi. Mense la. M.D.xxxvi. And nowe translated into english and printed by Michal Avood : With the Preface and conclusion of the traunslatour. (L From Roane .xxvi. of Octobre. M.D.liii. In Readinge marke the Notes in the margine. A double mynded man, is inconstat in al his waies. lac. i." Where this book was really printed I cannot venture to say, but I have placed it here in accordance with the imprint. The trans- "lator's address to the reader, ff. 2^ — 12^, is couched in the most scurrilous terms. It may be noted that Mich. Wood's name occurs as the printer of John Bale's Ponce Pantolabus at Geneva in 1545. Herbert 1573, Grenville 266. (1005) Vi'^. 8. 13. — Mamiale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis, contincs ecclesie sacramenta, et modu adminis- trddi ea: cu miUtis alijs comoditatibiis que in ceteris deside- rantur. Rothomagi, apud Rob. Valentinum, 1554: ff. 168, char. goth. (in red and black throughout), c. sig. (a— x^) et ff. n., s. cust., large quarto. Musical notes. F. 1% below title, Rob. Valentin's large woodcut device, with his initials on the shield and his name below. Then, 1554. | ttVenale habetur Rotho-|magi apud Robertum valetinu calco- graphu i atrio | bibliopolaru cathedralis ecclesie moram degen- tem. I f. 168% Q Explicit Manuale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sa-[risburiensis, tam in cantu (| in litera diligen-]tissime recog- nitum : et nusi| ante hac eli-]matius impressum. In quo ea que ser-|uat ecclesiasticus ritus ordine | cogruo connectuntur. | Excussu Rothoma-|gi, impensis ho-[nesti viri Ro-jberti Valenltini bibhopolarum | porticulo [ como-|ratis. | M.D.Liiii. Herbert 1578. ROUEN. 387 (1006) Yl^. 6. 12. — Prymer of Salisbury use [English and Latin]. Rouen, Joh. le Prest, impensis Rob. Valentini, 1555 : ff. 148 (f. 2 torn out), char. goth. (in red and black through- out), c. sig. (A— S^T^), s. cust., octavo. Sig.-title (Sal/) on the first recto of each quire. Woodcuts. F. 1% 0[This prymer of Salisbury | vse is set out a long withhout ony serchyng, with | many prayers, 7 goodly pyctures in the Kalen-|der, in the matins of our lady in the houres | of the crosse, in thes, vij. psalmes and in | the dyryge. And be newly enprynted | at Rouen. | Below is Rob. Valentin's large wood- cut device, with his initials on the shield and his name below. Beneath this, M.D.L.V. f 146^, The c5tentes of this boke. f. 148^, Q[ Expliciunt hore beatissime vir-|ginis Marie, secundu vsu Sarum, totaliter ad Ion [gum : cu orationibus beate Brigide, cu multis alijs | orationib^, Impresse per lohanne le prest, im- pen-jsis honestissimi viri Roberti valentini, sua officina | tenetis i porticu bibliopolaru iuxta ede bte Marie. Below is Rob. Valentin's device, as on the title; below which M.D.Lv. Herbert 1579. (1007) vi^. 7. 3. — Lewis de Granada, Of Prayer and Meditation Written firste in the Spanishe togue, by the famous Religious father. F. Leivis de Granada, Proitinciall of the holie order of pcacJiers (sic) in the Pro?iince of Portugall. Roven, George L'oiselet, 1584: ff. 346, char, rom., c. sig. (A— LU [8 and 4 alternately] Mmm^) et pp. n., large i6mo. Woodcuts of I H S in border, both with and without the emblems of the Passion, occur several times in the volume. The translator, Richard Hopkins, dating from " Paris,... Pentecost. 1582," dedicates the work " To the righte honorable, and worshipfvll, of the fower howses of Cowerte in London, professinge the studie of the Common Lawes of cure Realme." The translator had himself been of the Middle Temple. Herbert 1666. (1008) VP. 7. 5. — J asp. Loarte, The Exercise of a Christian life. Writen in Italian by the Reuerend Father laspar Loarte 388 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. D. of diiiinity of the holy Society of lesiis. Newly perused and corected by the Translatour. With certaine very deuout exercises mid prayers added therunto, more then were in the first edition. S.l. et t. n. (probably Rouen, George L'oiselet), 1584: fif. 8 (f. I has been injured by the cutting out of the woodcut device, f. 8 is wanting), 232, char, rom., c. sig. (*^, A— Pp [in 8 and 4 alternately] Oq*) et pp. n., large i6mo. I have ventured to assign this book to the press of L'oiselet at Rouen, because the same woodcut of I H S in a border is found in this as in the preceding work, and the same woodcut initials also occur. Wittenberg (1503). (1009) VI<^. 1. 14 (v). — Doncanus Yl'ihemviS, Ad D. Thomam Cnumiclhim De dignitate boni consiliarij Carmen Heroicnm. Vitebergae, s. t. n., 1539: ff. 8, char, rom., c. sig. (A^), octavo. R 1% Ad Claris I simum, Prudentissimumq3 uirum D.| Thomam Crumuellum Serenissimo Regi | Angli^e &c. a sigillo, vt vocant, pri-|uato, De dignitate boni consiliarij | Carmen Heroicu, Authore | Doncano Hiberno. | Then (in 11. 10) Epigramma ad do-Ictissimum uirum Vitum | Amerbachium. | Below this, Vitebergae M.D.|XXXIX. | f i^, Latin poem to Crumwell in 11. 8. ff. 2^ — 3% Author's dedication to Crumwell, dated "Viteberg^. XII. Calend. Martij. Anno. M.D.XXXIX." The poem begins f 3'^ (lOio) Vl'^. I. 14 (vi). — Doncanus Hibernus, Ad D. Ed- mundum Bonerum Carmen gratiilatorium. Vitebergae, s. t. n., 1539 : ff. 8 (the last, presumably blank, wanting), char, rom., c. sig. (A^), octavo. F. 1% Ad Revelrendissimum in Christo Patrem : ac Domilnum, D. Edmundum Bonerum Harfor-jdiensem Episcopum nuper electum, ac | Serenissimi Regis Angliae &c. Lejgatum eloquen- tissimum, Car|men gratulatorium, Don-|cani Hiberni. | Then an epigram, in 11. 6, headed Liuori. Below this, Vitebergae M.D.|XXXIX. I ff. i^ — 2% Author's dedication to Bonner, dated "Vitebergg IIII. Calend. Aprilis Anno Domini M.D.XXXIX. The poem begins on f. 2^ frankfort. 389 Frankfort (1507). (lOi i) Vl^. 4. 15, — Tho. Hariot, A brief e and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities, and of the nature and manners of the natiirall inhabitants. Discouered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinnile Knight In the yeere 1585. Which Remained Vnder the gouernement of twelue monethes, At the speciall charge and direction of the Ho7wnrable Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, lord Wardeji of the stanneries Who therein hath beene fauonred and authorised by her Maiestie and her letters patents : This fore booke Is made in English By Thomas Hariot seruant to the aboiienamed Sir Walter, a member of tJie Colony, and there imployed iji dis- couering. Cum gratia et privilegio cces. Ma^'^ speciali. Fran- cofvrti ad Moenvm, typis loannis Wecheli, svmtibvs vero Theodori de Bry. Venales reperivntvr in officina Sigismvndi Feirabendii, 1590: fF. 62, (see below), char, rom., c. sig. (a*bVd[f. 6 lostj^e [not signed : + i* iJ^AB [+ 4* xiii] C [+ 3* xviii]D6, ff. 49, 1—49 : E [f. 2 lostJ^EE [not signedJ^F [f. 6 lost^, fF. 14, 50 — 63) et pp. n., large folio. Engravings on copper. It will be seen from the above that fF. 20, 51, 6^ (the last perhaps blank), are alone wanting. For the following minute collation of this rare book, very difficult to make out in a bound copy, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Bradshaw : a*, f 1% title (in engraved border) ; i^, blank ; 2^ — 2^, Dedication to Sir Walter Raleigh ; 3^ — 3^, To the Adventurers ; 4% First part begins (p. 7). b^ I* — 2^, rest of First Part (pp. 9 — 12); 3^ — 6^, Second Part (pp. 13—20). c*, 1% end of Second Part (p. 21); 1^—4^, Third Part (pp. 22 — 28). d^, I* — i^, end of Third Part; 2^ — 3% conclusion; 3^, blank; 4% title to "the true pictures "; 4^ blank; 5^ — 5^, table of 23 pictures; 6, wanting [6% blank ; 6^, picture of Adam and Eve]. e (not signed: + i* i)\ 1% To the Gentle Reader; i^, blank; 1* (sheet inserted), map of Virginia, which is Plate i ; 2% Plate 2 and text; 2^, blank. 390 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. . A^, 1% Plate 3 and text; i^ blank; 2% Plate 4 and text; 2^, blank; 3% Plate 5 and text; 3^, blank; 4% Plate 6 and text; 4^, blank; 5% Plate 7 and text; 5^ blank; 6^ Plate 8 and text; 6\ blank. B ( + 4* xiiif, 1% Plate 9 and text; i'', blank; 2% Plate 10 and text; 2^, blank; 3% Plate 11 and text; 3^, blank; 4% Plate 12 and text; '4^, blank; 4*, Plate 13 and text (sheet inserted); 5% Plate 14 and text; 5^, blank; 6% Plate 15 and text; 6'\ blank, C (4-3*xviii)®, I'*, Plate 16 and text; i^, blank; 2^, blank 2^, Text of Plate 17; 3^, Plate 17; 3^^, blank; 3*, Plate 18 and text (sheet inserted); 4^, blank; 4^^, text of Plate 19; 5^, Plate 19 5^, blank; 6^, blank; 6^, text of Plate 20. D", 1% Plate 20; i^) blank; 2% Plate 21 and text; 2^, blank 3^, blank; 3^, text of Plate 22; 4^, Plate 22; 4^, blank; 5% Plate 23 and text; 5^, blank; 6, blank. E^, i^, title of "Som picture"; i^, text of Plate i ; 2, wanting [clearly 2^, Plate i; 2^, blank]; 3=*, blank; 3^, text of Plate 2; 4^, Plate 2 ; 4^, blank. EE (not signed)*, i^, blank; i^, text of Plate 3; 2% Plate 3; 2^, blank; 3^, blank; 3^, text of Plate 4; 4^, Plate 4; 4^, blank. F^ i^, blank; i'', text of Plate 5 ; 2^, Plate 5 ; 2^, blank; 3=^— 4^, Index to pp. i — 33; ^, Errata; 5^, imprint; ^^ blank; 6, wanting (perhaps blank). Herbert 17 14, Grenville 185. Amsterdam (1523). (1012) VF. 7. II (vii). — Henoch Clapham, Bihliotheca Theologica: or, A Librarye Theological xontaininge, i. A geiierall Analysis or Resolution: 2, A breife Elvcidation, off the most sacred Chapters off EloJnm Ids Bible : Drawen for the vse off yonge Christians, specially off the poorer sorte, vnable to pnrcJiase Variety off holy-inen thcyr wry tinges : By Henoch Claphani. Nihil primiim pcrfectnm. Imprinted at Amstel- rodam, s. t. n., 1597: ff. 4, 28, coll. 2, char, rem., c. sig, ((*^*)*, A— G*) et pp. n., quarto. The head-line throughout is Breshith, Genesis. AMSTERDAM. 39I The above consists of notes on Genesis, ending abruptly at the end of chap. xiv. on G4 verso. At the foot of the page (in char, rom.), Here businisse doth break me off. | The Sequel do expect, I What tyme or tymes, God giues the meanes : | Meane-tyme thys Myte accept. | Below is the catchword, IT Chap. xv. It does not appear whether the sequel were ever published. Herbert 1732. . (1013) Vl^. 3. 18 (iv). — Henoch Clapham, Theological axioms or conclusions : publikly controverted, discnssed, and con- cluded by that poore English Congregation, in Amstelredani : To whome H. C. For the present, ad-ministreth the Ghospel. Togither with an Examination of the saide Conclusions, by Henoch Clapham. Here-vnto is added a little Tractate, en- tituled. The Carpenter. S. 1. et t. n. (but presumably at Am- sterdam), 1597 : ff. 24 (f. I wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— F^), quarto. The dedicatory epistle prefixed to The Carpenter is dated Amstel- rodam, 7 Mon. lul. Besides the general presumption that the above book would under the circumstances be printed at Amsterdam, it may be added that though the body of the present book is printed in a larger black-letter type than the preceding, yet parts of both seem to be printed in exactly the same type. On A 2 verso of the present work the writer, after speaking of his Brief e of the Bible, refers to another work ready for the press, but "as yet «om Mynt-oyle is lackinge for cawsing the Printers presse to slyp." This book is perhaps the preceding. On F 4 recto, speaking of the present work, he says, " my Printer was much lacking in letter, and altogither in our language." Herbert 1732, Marburg (1527). (1014) VP. 2. 26. — Will. Tyndale, The practyse of Prelates. Whether t/ie Kynges grace may be scperated from hys quene, 392 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. because she was hys brothers wyfe. Marborch, s. t. n., 15 30: ff. Z2 (ff. I — 6 wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A-PK^*^), octavo. Herbert 1538. (1015) VP. 3. 17.— Will. Tyndale, The Obedience of a Christen man, and how Christen rulers otight to gonerne, where in also (yf thow viarke diligently), thou shalt fynde eyes to perccyue the crafty conueyance of all iugglers. Newly Printed and diligc7itly corrected. At Marlborough in the land of Hesse, Hans Luft, 1535. Oct. 19: ff. 168, char, goth., c. sig. (A-X8) et ff. n., octavo. In the above copy the first leaf and the last three leaves are in fac-simile. In the Huth catalogue (p. 1499) is given an edition of the above, dated October 29, and having sig. A-Hl It is possible that the date October 1 9 may be due to an error in the fac-simile ; but if the collation in the Huth catalogue be correctly given, there must have been two editions in octavo in the same month, which seems very improbable. (1016) VP. 3. 21. — John Bale, y^ brefe Chronycle concernynge the Exaviinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Johan Oldcastell the lorde Cobham, collected togyther by Johan Bale. S. 1. et t. n. (Marburg), 1544. Aug. 6 : ff. 56, char, goth., c. sig. (A— G^) et ff n., small octavo. I have included the above among those printed at Marburg on the authority of the Huth catalogue {infra), which states^ that the type is the same as that of the Examination of Anne Askeiv, printed at Marburg in 1546. F. 1% Title, below which woodcut of Sir John Oldcastle, as the Christian warrior, surrounding which (in char, rom.), Syr. lohan. Oldecastel. the. worthy. | lorde. Cobham. and. moste. valyaunt. | warryoure. of lesus. Christ. | suffred. death, at. London. Anno. 141 8. 1 Below this, In the latter tyme Dan. 12. | i. 56% Thus endeth the brefe chronycle ] cocernynge the Examynacyon 7 death | of y^ blessed martyr of Christ syr lohan | Oldecastell the lorde Cobham, not ca-jnonysed of the Pope, but in the EMBDEN. 393 precyou-[se bloude of his Lorde lesus Christ, j Collected by lohan Bale, and im-|prynted anno Domini. 1544. 1 7 vi. die Augusti. I f. 56'^ Prophecyes of Ioa-|chim Abbas. Herbert 1556, Grenville 55, Huth 80. Embden (1528). (1017) VP. 3. 20 (i). — (Ant. Gilby), To my loitynge brethren that is trouhlyd abowt the popishe aparrell, two short and com- fortable Epistels. Be ye constant: for the Lorde shall fyght for yoiv, yowrs in Christ. S. 1., t. n. et a. (but apparently Embden, 1566) : ff. 12, char. goth. (title in rom.), c. sig. (A— C*), octavo. Herbert {infra) notes that in his copy of the above was noted " Gylbyes Epistel." I infer the place and date of printing of this and nos. 1018, 1020, from the identity of type and setting with that of the tract of Bucer (infra, no. 1019), which forms part of a volume evidently put together at the time. Herbert 161 6. (1018) VP. 3. 20 (ii). — Apparell. To the Reader. To my faythfdl Brethren, we gene thankes to God S. 1., t. n. et a. (Embden, 1566) : ff. 12, char, goth., c. sig..(A— C*), octavo. There is no title-page to this work ; it begins directly as above. Herbert 1616. (1015) VP. 3. 20 (iii) : Hare 38. 30. — Mart. Bucer, The mynd and exposition of that excellente learned mail Martyn Bucer, vppon these tvordes of S. MatJiew : Woo be to the wordle (sic) by cause of offences. Math, xviij. FaytJifully trans- lated in to Englishe, by a faytJifvll brother, ivith ccrtayne obiec- tions 7 anszueres to the same. Emden, s. t. n,, 1 5 66 :.fF. 16, char, goth., c. sig. (A— D^), octavo. Herbert 161 6. (1020) VP. 3. 20 (iv). — Hen. Bullinger, The iudgemeni of the Reuerend Father Master Henry Bullinger, Pastor of the 394 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. church of Ztirick, in ccvteyne matters of religion, beinge in controuersy in many conntreys, enen zuher as the Gopel (sic) is tatight. (Embden), s. t. n., 1566: ff, 24, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^), octavo. The above is unmistakeably from the same press as the preceding. Herbert 16 16. Rhemes (155 i). (102 1) VI^. 7. 26 (i) : Y. 6. 6"] (i) : Grylls 24. 341 (i). — Joh. Leslie, De Titvlo et Ivre Serenissinics Principis Maries Scotornni Regincs, qno Regni Anglies snccessionem sibi iiiste vendicat, Libcllvs :... Opera lo. Leslcei Episcopi Rossensis Scoti, diun pro eadeni Serenissima Principe iampridem in Anglia Oratorem ageret, patrio primum, nunc vero Latino sermone in luce^n editus. Rhemis, excudebat loannes Fognseus, sub Leone, 1580 : ff. 8 (ff. 4, 8, blank, wanting in Grylls copy), 60, 10 (O 2 blank, wanting in Grylls copy), char, rom., c. sig. (a^ e^ A^B*C2D-P*Q2, a^b^c^) et ff n., large quarto. A folding genealogical table should come after sig. C, wanting in all three copies. In the Grylls copy the first and third rectos of sig. a are signed R, Riij. Herbert 1501, Grenville 401, Huth 840. (1022) VI^. 7. 26 (ii) : Y. 6. ^y (ii) : Grylls 24. 341 (ii). — Joh. Leslie, De Illvstrivm Foeminarvni in Repvb. Adminis- tranda, ac ferendis legibus atithoritate, Libellvs. Rhemis, loannes Fognseus, sub Leone, 1580: ff. 27, char, rom., c. sig. (A— F^G^, together with a single leaf added at the end) et ff. n., large quarto. On the recto of the last leaf are given the errata in this and the preceding work. Huth 840. (1023) vi'^. 6. 5. — The Nezo Testament of lesvs Christ, translated faitJifvlly into English, out of tJie authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently con- RHEMES. 395 f erred ivith the Greeke and other editions in diners lang7iages. . . In the English College of Rhemes. Rhemes, lohn Fogny, 1582 : fif. 14, 386, char, rom., c. sig. (a-cM^, A-Ddddd'^Eeeee^) et pp. n., large quarto. The above is the first edition of the Rhemish version. In the present copy the inner half-sheet of sig. a is wanting, and the half-sheet comprising sig. d has been sewn in its place. Herbert 1658, Grenville 723, Lea Wilson, no. 46, Huth 1454. (1024) VP. 6, 16 (i) : F. 14. 17: Grylls 25. 74. — Greg. Martin, A Discoverie of the manifold corrvptions of the holy Scriptvres by the Heretikes of our dales, specially the English Sectaries, ...By Gregory Martin one of the readers of Dininitie in the English College of Rhemes. Rhemes, lohn Fogny, 1582 : ff. 14, 164, char, rom., c. sig. (a^b*', A— V^X"^) et pp. n., octavo. This work was answered by Will. Fulke, see above, no. 402. The Grylls copy of the above formerly belonged to Archbishop Juxon, and has his autograph. Herbert 1658, Huth 915. DiLINGEN (1555). (1025) Grylls 3. 217. — Hieronymi Osorii Episcopi Syl- vensis in Gvalterum Haddomun Anghim, de Religione libri tres. Eiusdem Epistola ad Elisabetham Angliae Reginam. Editio tertia, prioribns emendatior. Accessit recens Christophori Longolii, Oratoris elognentissimi, non dissimilis argnmenti oratio. Dilingae, Sebaldus Mayer, 1576: fif. 200, char, ital, c. sig. (A— Z^a^b^) et pp. n., i6mo. See above, nos. 166, 989. ROCHELLE (1560). (1026) VI"^. 4. 8 (i). — (Walter Travers), Ecclesiasticae Dis- ciplinae, et Anglicancs Ecclesics ab ilia aberrationis, plena e verbo Dei, & dilucida explicatio. Rvpellse, excvdebat Adamvs 39^ BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. de Monte, 1574: ff. 8 (ff. 7, 8, blank), 148, char, rom., c. sig. (A— T^V'^, together with two folding tables after sig. A) et ff. n., octavo. On the question of Travers's authorship of the above, see Mul- linger, History of the University of Cambridge, vol. ii. pp. 303, 631. An English translation by Cartwright will be subsequently described in its proper place. To Cartwright has been assigned the preface in the original Latin edition [MS, notes by Tho. Baker in a copy of the English translation in diis Library, Grylls 3. 409]. Herbert 1635. DOUAY (1561). (1027) Vi"^. 2. 14 (ii) : VP. 7. 4 (vii). — An Epistle of the Persecvtion of CatJiolickes in Englandc. Translated ovvt of frenche into Englishe and conferred withe the Latyne copie. by. G. T. To zuhiche there is added an epistle by the translator to the right honorable Lordes of Iter maiesties preeuie councell towchynge the same matter. Imprynted at Douay in Artois, s. t. n. et a. (after September 5, 15 81 : seep. 134 marg.) : ff. 92, char, rom., c. sig. (A— L^M* ; the signature is only given on the first recto of the quire), pp. n. et cust. (at the end of the quire only), octavo. Herbert 1760, 1836. MiDDLEBURGH (1575). (1028) VP. 7. 15 (vii). — Rob. Browne, A Booke which sheweth the life and manners of all trne CJiristians, Also the point es and partes of all diuinitie Also there goeth a Treatise before of Reformation withoitt ta^ying for anie By me, Robert Browne. Middleburgh, Richarde Painter, 1582 : ff. 12, 56 (the last wanting), char. rom. et goth. et ital. (the Treatise of Reformation entirely in ital.), c. sig. (A'*B"*C-D- ; A-0^), quarto. The first part of this book consists of the Treatise of Reformation^ save that sig. D contains the Preface to the work following. The MONS. 397 second part has a fresh title, and the signatures begin afresh. It is clear that, as Herbert {infra) suggests, the Treatise of Reformation was printed after, and in some sense as an introduction to, the rest of the book, the first title-page being made to represent the combined work. Herbert 1659. MoNS (1580). (1029) VP. 7. 2 (ii). — Will. Allen, An Apologie and Trve Declaration of the Institution and endcuours of the two English Colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in R hemes : against certaine sinister informations giuen vp against the sa7ne. Printed at Mounts in Renault, s. t. n,, 1581 : ff. 124 (f. i imperfect; f. 124, containing the errata, wanting), char, rem., c. sig. (A-PSQ^) et ff. n., octavo. For Cardinal WiUiam Allen, see Athenae Oxen. i. 615. Herbert 1655, Huth 22. DORT (1581). (1030) Vl^. 7. 19 (vi). — (Henry Barrowe and John Green- wood), A trve Description ovt of the Word of God, of the visible Church. S. 1. et t. n. (Dort), 1589: ff. 4, char, rem,, c. sig. (A*) et pp. n., quarto. There can be no reasonable doubt that the above is to be identified with the work referred to in the deposition of Robert Stokes (or Stookes) in The Egerton Papers (p. 175), published by the Camden Society in 1840 : "He sayeth, also, he caused a lide thyng of one shete of paper to be prynted by their \i.e. Barrowe and Green- wood] procurement before all thys, called the Destructyon of the vysyble Church." That Destructyon is an undoubted error for Description, see Dexter, p. 259, n. 21. An answer was published to the above in 1590 by R. Alison; see above, no. 759. Herbert 1685. (103 1) VF. 7. 18. — Henry Barrowe, A brief Discoverie of the false Chvrch. Ezek. 16. 44. As The Mother Svch The 39^ BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. Davghter Is. S. 1. et t. n. (Dort), 1590: ff. 4, 132, char, rom., c, sig. (A— LI*) et pp. n., quarto. On the outer margin of p. 133 [S3 recto\ is pasted a shp printed in small roman letter, " Though this Booke could not by the Author be corrected or reuised " There can be no doubt that the above is the same as the book called A Breiff Dysscction of the false Church in the deposition of Rob. Stokes, given in The Egerton Papers (p. 174). John Green- wood, however, and James Forester, in their depositions, speak of the book as A Bricff Dyscription {ib. pp. 176, 178). Stokes asserted that this book and the Playne refutation of Mr. G. Glffbrd^s Booke (the latter not known to exist in a single copy) were printed at Dort to the number of 3000. Herbert 17 13. (1032) Vl'^. 5. 15 (ii).— (Henry Barrowe and John Green- wood), A Collection of certaine sclavnderovs Articles gyiicji out by the BissJiops against such faithfull Cliristians as they now vniustly deteyne in their Prisons togeather with the answeare of the saide Prisoners therunto. Also the some of certaine con- ferences had in the Fleete according to the BissJiops bloudie Mandate with two Prisoners there. S. 1. et t. n. (Dort), 15 90: ff. 28, char, rom., c. sig. (A— G*), quarto. F. 28 contains the Faults escaped in the printing. As regards the authorship and place of printing of the above, see The Egerton Papers (p. 174), where a definite statement on these points is made in the deposition of Rob. Stokes. He mentions that about 500 copies of this and the book next described were printed. Herbert 17 10. (1033) Vl^. 7. 19 (iii). — (Henry Barrowe and John Green- wood), A Collection Of certain Letters and conferences Lately Passed Betzvixt Certaine Preachers & Two Prisoners In The Fleet. S. 1. et t. n. (Dort), 1590: ff. 38, char, rom., c. sig. (A— PK^) et pp. n., quarto. Barrowe, in his examination, acknowledged that the above was " collected " by himself and Greenwood {The Egerton Papers, p. 170) j DORT. 399 and we learn from the examination of Robert Bowie {ib. p. 172) that it was printed at Dort. He remarks that there were printed "above two or three hundred of them," but Robert Stokes {ib. p. 174) says " about five hundred." Herbert 17 11. (1034) vi'\ 7. 19 (ii). — John Greenwood, A71 Avnswer to George Giffords pretended Defence of read Prayers and devised Leitotirgies with the vftgodly cauils and wicked scla?iders coin- prised in the first part of his book entitulcd, A Short Treatise against the Donatists of England. By John Greemuood Christs poore afflicted prisoner in the Fleete at London, for the truetJi of the Gospel. S. 1. et t. n. (Dort), 1590: fif. 38 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— G*H°, together with a 4-leaf quire, signed A, inserted between ff. i, 2) et pp. n., quarto. The present is the second of the two editions of the above published in 1590. We learn from Robert Stokes's examination that the above was printed at Dort, to the number of about five hundred copies {The Egerton Papers^ p. 174). The woodcut ornament on the title-page is the same as that on those of nos. 930, 1013, above. Herbert 17 13. Place Unknown; (1035) Vl'^. 7. 16: Grylls 3. 81. — Jo. '^\<^\^q, Dialogonim libri qnattnor. S. 1. et t. n., 1525. March 7 : fF. 6, 176 (the last blank, wanting in Grylls copy), char. rom. (marg. in goth.), c. sig. (A^ B^C-Xx^) et fif. n., quarto. F. i^ (in border), lo. Wic-|lefi viri vndiqva-jque pijs. dialogoru libri qttuor I quoru primus diuinitate & Idg|as tractat, Secudus uniuersaru | creatione coplectitur. Tertius | de uirtutib. uitijsq3 ipsis c6tra-|rijs copiosissime lo(jtur. Quar-|tus Ro. ecclesig sacrameta, eius | pestifera dotatione, antichristi | regnu, fratru fraudulenta origi|ne atq3 eoru hypocrisim, uaria-|q3 nro seuo scitu dignissima, grajphice pstringit, qug ut essent injuetu 400 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. facilia, singuloru libroru,|tum caput, turn capitis summajindice prsenotauimus. [ ff. 2^ — 3% Prologue, ff. 3^ — s^, Index, f. 6% blank, f. 6^, lohannes Wiclefus candido Lectori. | f. 182^, Excusum Anno a Christo nato | MDXXV. | Die VII Martij. | The above work has sometimes been referred to a Basle press, but I cannot find any evidence for this. "With more probability, Herbert (infra) suggests that it may have been printed by Valentine Kobian at Hagenau, because the woodcut border of the title-page is found in a book printed by Kobian in 1533. Herbert 1535, Huth 1590. (1036) vr"^. 3. 22 : VP. 6. 19 (iii). — Gildas. Opvs novvm. Gildas Britannvs Monachvs cvi sapientis cognometu est indittwi, de calamitate, excidio, & conquestu Britannicu, quam Angliam mine tiocant, aiitJior 2ietiistus a multis dm desyderatns, & miper in gratiamD. Cutheherti Tonstalli Londinen. Episcopi formulis excnsus... S. 1., t. n. et a. (but after April 6, 1525) : fF. 44, char, ital, c. sig. (A-E^F^), octavo. The editor, Polydore Vergil, dating "ad .VIII, Iduum April. M.D.XXV. Londini," dedicates the work to Cuthbert Tonstall, bishop of London. This has misled Herbert {infra) and the compiler of the British Museum 'Catalogue of hooks printed up to the year 1640 (vol. ii. p. 695) into speaking of the book as printed at London. The second copy was in the Library of Lord Lumley, and has his autograph. Herbert 1534, Grenville 275, Huth 600. (1037) Grylls 3. loi. — Henry viii. Epistola Martini Lutheri ad Henricnm viii Rcsponsio dicti Regis. S. 1. ct t. n.. 1527: fif, 24 (the last, probably blank, wanting), char, ital., c. sig, (A— C^), small octavo. F. 1% Epistola I Martini Lvtheri ad Hen]ricum. VIII. Anglise ac Franciae Regem &c. | In qua ueniam petit eorum quae prius | stultus ac prceceps in eundem Re-'gem effuderit, offerens palino-[diam se cantaturum. | Responsio dicti invictis-|simi Anglise ac Francioe Regis, Defensoris | fidci, ac domini Hy- berniae &lc. \ ad singula prxfatae Epi-jstolce capita. | 1527. | PLACE UNKNOWN. 4OI (1038) VP. I. 2 (ii). — Hen. Stalbrydge, The epistle exJior- tatorye of an E ugly she Chris tiane vnto his dcrelye heloitcd cojitreye of Eitglaiide, against the pompoiise^popysJie Bysshoppes therof as yet the true members of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome. Made by Henry e Stalbrydge. S. 1., t. n. et a. (after August i, 1544) : ff. 32, char, goth., c. sig. (A-D^) et ff. n., octavo. At the end of the Epistle, on f. 28^, we have, "Written from Basyle a cyte of the Hehiecyanes by me Henrye Stalbrydge in the yeare from Christes incarnacion. 1544. and thefyrst daye of August." It is noted by Cooper {Athenae Cantab, i. 229) that the above work is attributed by Fox to Bale, but it is not acknowledged by Bale himself. Herbert 1555, Grenville 684. (1039) VP. 7. 7. — John Hooper, A Deelaration of the ten holy comaundementcs of allmygthye God, wrotcn Exo. 20. Den. 5. Collectyd out of the scripture Canonicall, by loanne Hopper.. Cnm, and se : Joan. i. S. 1. et t. n., 1548: ff. 128 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— Q^) pp. n. (in large reman numerals) et cust. (on verso only), octavo. The date given above is that on the title-page; that at the end of the Address to the Reader is dated " 5. Nouembris. Anno M.D.XLIX." For Bishop John Hooper, see Athenae Oxon. i. 222. Herbert 1565, Huth 722. (1040) VP. 3. 9 (ii). — Robert! Watsoni ^tiologia. S. 1., t. n. et a. (after Nov. i, 1555 ; see f. 6^) : ff. 6?), char, rem., c. sig. (A-H^P), octavo. F. 1% Aetiologi[a Roberti Watsoni | Angli, in qua explicatur, quare depre-|hensus annum vnum & menses pene | quatuor, propter Euangeliu incarce-|ratus fuit : qu§na inter ipsu & eius An-|tagonistas in carcere habita fuit disce-'ptatio, de Transub- stantiatione & reali j Christi prsesentia in Sacramento : & | quo pacto corpore incolumi & | illibata conscientia tandem | expe- diuit eum j Dominus. | L 2^, Omnibus syncere | Christum 26 402 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. profitentibus vbiq3 terraru | dispersis : ac prtecipue fratribus meis et | coterraneis Anglis, qui pro Christi co-[scientia a natiua terra sua exulan-jtes eandem mecum propter j Euan- gelium perpessi sunt | adflictionem, Rober-jtus watsonus. 1 S. P. D. | This address ends on A 6 recto^ Scripsi prinio Nouembris ] Anno. 1555- 1 f. 6'^, Aetiolo|gia Roberti | Vuatsoni. | The author was a native of Norwich (A 6 vcrso)^ and was expelled from his benefice under Mary. He was a friend of Dr. John Barret (B 2 redo)^ for whom -see Athmac Cantab, i. 224. A certain Robert Watson, possibly the same as the above, is mentioned in Athenae Oxon. i. 493. Nic. Harpesfield was admitted on May 23, 1555, to the Rectory of Saltwood, vacant "per deprivationem Roberti Watsoni clerici conjugati." (1041) Grylls 3. 263. — John Ponet, An Apo.logie fvlly. avnsweringe by Scriptures and aunceant Doctors, a blasplie- mose Book gatJicrid by D. Stcph. Gardiner, of late Lord CJianncelar, D. Smyth of Oxford, Pighius, and other Papists, as by ther books appeareth and of late set furtk vnder the name of Thomas Martin Doctor of the Cinile laives (as of himself he saieth) against the godly mariadge of priests By lohn Ponet Doctor of dininitie and Bnsshop of Winchester. Newly correctid and amendid. S. 1. ct t. n., 1556: fif. 92 (the last, presumably blank, wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (A— L^M*) et pp. n., octavo. For Bishop John Ponet, see Athenae Cantab, i. 155, 547. As Ponet, after the suppression of Wyatt's rebellion, fled to Strasburg, where he died, it is possible that the above work was printed there ; but I find no further evidence of the fact. For Tho. Martin, see Athenae Oxon. i. 500. Herbert 1587, Grenville 565, Huth 1167. (1042) VP. 6. 20. — Anthoni de Adamo, An Anatomi, that is to say a parting in peeces of the Mass. which discoiiereth the horrible errors, and the infinit abuses vnknoiven to the people, aswel of the Mass as of the Mass Book, very profitable, yea most necessary for al Christian people. With a Sermon of the Sacra- PLACE UNKNOWN. 403 ment of thankesgyiiyng in the end, whiche dcclareth whetJier CJtrist be bodyly in the Sacrament or not. By Chrystes hnmble seruant AntJioni de Adamo. S. 1. et t. n., 1556: ff. 228, char, ital., c. sig. (A— Z%— e^f*) et fif. n., octavo. The "Sermon of the Sacrament " begins on f. 180^ (sig. V8). The last two leaves of the book contain the errata. The pagination of the book is incorrect. Herbert 1587. (1043) VP. 3. 19. — Barth. Traheron, An Exposition of a parte of S. loJiannes Gospel made in sondrie readinges in the English Congregation by Bartho. Traheron, and noiv pnblisJied against the wicked enterprises of new sterte vp Arians in Englande, being oiierseen againe, corrected and aiigmcted in 'manie places by the autor, with addition of sondrie other lec- tures, wherein the diuinitie of the holie gost the third person in ■ the blessed trinite, is treated, & the vse of sacramcntes. S. 1. et t. n., 1558 : ff. 148, char. rom. (but k, w, and ch, and frequently h, in char, goth.), c. sig. (A-S^T^), s. cust., octavo. The above, consisting of ten readings, is the second edition of the work originally published in 1557, consisting of six readings. These, according to the title-page of the first edition, were delivered to the English congregation at Wesel. The above is dedicated (f. 2^), To my most dere sister Elisabeth Palmel. widow V. M. f 148'^, Favtes escaped. Herbert 1595. (1044) vi^. 2. 20. — (Griffith Roberts), Gramadeg Cymraeg. S. 1. et t. n., 1567. Mar. i : ff. 8, 46, char, ital., c. sig. (a%*, A— K^L*^ ; together with a folding table to face the title) et pp. n., octavo. F. 1% Dosparth byrr ar y|rhann gyntaf i ramadeg cymraeg |le cair lauer o bynciau an-jhepcor i vn a chuen-jnychai na doedyd | y gymraeg yn dilediaith, nai | scrifennu 'n iaun. | Below this is a device of a crown borne up by two angels. Below this, A orchfygo yma, a goronir fry. | 1567. Primo Martij. | f. i^, Table of contents, f. 2% Yr iaith gymraeg | yn erchi gan duu, 404 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. luidiant, a hyfryd ] gynnyd meun gras, anrhyded, a | gogoniat iu hanrhydedussaf ] bennadur, ai dibal noded | Viliam Harbart \ laii o Benfro, | ag Argluyd o Gaer dyd. | This dedication ends on f. 5^', Ych phydlonaf lau foruyn | yr iaith gymraeg. f. 6% laith gambr yn | annerch yr hygar darleyd. [ This address ends ■ on f. 8% Byd uych. f. 8^ blank. For Griff. Roberts, see Rowlands-Evans, Welsh Bibliography^ p. 22; Williams, Emvogion Cyinru, p. 455. According to the latter, who, however, cites no authorities, Roberts was educated at the University of Siena, under the patronage of Will. Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. It has been customary to speak of this book as printed at IMilan. This, however, is by no means certain. Will. Maurice, the Welsh antiquary, notes in his copy of the above, which was afterwards at Wynnstay, "printed at Milan." (See note in the Grenville catalogue, infra). In Munday's English Romayne Life (London, John Charle- woode for Nich. Ling, 1590), cited by Rowlands-Evans {supra) from the Harlcian Miscellany (vol. vii. p. 141, ed. 181 1), the narrator, being on a journey to Rome, states that he was entertained at Milan by Dr. Robert Griffin {sic), confessor to Cardinal [Frederick] Borromeo. See also Rowland-Evans, pp. 86, 196. Grenville 610. (1045) VP- 2. 22 (iv) : VP. 2. 23 (i). — (John Field and Thomas Wilcox), An Admonition to the Parliament. S. 1., t. n. et a. (1572) : ff. 28 (fF. i, 2, are wanting in the second copy, and their place is supplied by three leaves of MS., in a seventeenth century hand), char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^D*), octavo. The above are of the. enlarged edition of the Admonition pub- lished in 1572, the date occurring at the end of the introduction to the two concluding letters (C 3 verso). Whitgift's answer was first published in 157 1. For a later edition of this, see above, no. 381. For John Field, see Athcnae Oxon. i. 534. Herbert 1631. (1046) Grylls 3. 181. — Ilhstria EcclcsicB Catholicce trophoea (sic), Ex rcccntibits Anglicorum inartyrum, Seotiece proditionis, PLACE UNKNOWN. ' 40^ Gallicoj'iimq'T) ftirontm rchiis gestis grauiss. vironim fide notatis. Charae posteritati, Vt niniinmi ea de prcssentiiun erronim natura atq'^ ingenio integre ac lib ere tandem mdicet, erecta. S. 1. et t. n., 1573: ff. 36 (the last blank), 96, char, rom., c. sig. {)(^Jt?ih^H:^K\ B-N8); octavo. The above is a reprint of the work of Maurice Chauncy, described above, no. 935, preceded by a long introductory epistle (ff. 2^ — 34^), "Ad Reverendis. ac Illvstriss. Principem D, Ernestum Adniinistra- torem Frisingen. Episcopatus, Comitem Palat. Rheni vtriusq3 Bauaris Ducem &c Erasnii Vendii Dvcalis Consilarij Mona- chij, Epistola parsenetica." f. 35, errata. After Chauncy's work comes the Historia Scotica. prodiiionis, with an address to the reader prefixed, beginning M 5 i-edo. (1047) Vl'^. 7. I7(i): Vi^.7. i8(ii): vi''. 7. 19(1) : Grylls3.408 : Grylls 3. 409. — (Walter Travers), A full and plaine declaration of Ecclesiasticall Discipline oivt off the luord off God, and off the declininge off the cJmrche off England from the same, S. 1. et t. n., 1574 : ff. 6 (f. 6 blank, wanting in the second and fifth of the above copies), 98 (the last blank, wanting in the second, third, and fifth copies), char, goth., c. sig. (a*b^ A— Aa^Bb^ ; with two folding tables, wanting in the second and fourth copies, placed at the end of the work in the first, after sig. b in the third, and at the beginning of the work in the fifth copy. Sig. 1 4 is a cancel in all the copies) et pp. n., quarto. On the above work, see Mullinger, History of the University of Cambridge^ vol. ii. App. C. As regards the place of printing, Geneva has been suggested by some, apparently on the ground that Cartwright retired there after his departure from England. The typographical characteristics are not at all those of Geneva. An edition in octavo was printed at Geneva in 1580, but this is not at all similar to the present. The British Museum' Catalogue of books printed up to the year 1640 (vol. i. p. 538) suggests Middleburgh, on what grounds is not stated. The first of the Grylls copies of the above was Miss Currer's, and the second was the property at different times of Tho. Baker, Mr. Bayntun, the Duke of Sussex, and Mr. Lyte. Baker has added some 406 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. MS. notes, including the following details as to Travers from the University and College registers : Matriculated (as a member of Christ's College), Dec. 14, 1560; elected a minor fellow of Trinity, Sept. 8, 1567 ; and a major fellow, Mar. 25, 1569. It may be noted here, although the book is slightly beyond our period, that appended to the second copy of the above is a work which appears to be absolutely unknown save by the present copy, "A discourse of some troubles, and excommunications' in the banished English Church at Amsterdam. Published for sundry causes de- clared in the preface to the Pastour of the sayd Church." Amsterdam, s. t. n., 1603: ff. 108, char, goth., c. sig. (A-Dd^) et pp. n., quarto. The work ends on the verso of Dd4 (p. 214), and is evidently un- finished, the catchwords Next to being supplied Avith a view to the next page. Whether, however, any more \vere published, it is im- possible to say. Herbert 1635, Huth 1483. (1048) VP. 2. 27.— Matt. Parker, The life off the 70. Arch- bisJiopp off Canterbury presentlye Sittiiige Englished, and to be added to the 69. lately Sett forth in Latin. This nnvibre off senenty is so eonipleat a niunber as it is great pitie ther shold be one more: but that as Augustin ivas the first, so Mathew viight be the last. S.l. et t. n., 1574: ff. 44 (the last blank), char, goth. (marg. notes in ital), c. sig. (A— E^F'*), small octavo. The folding table is wanting in the present copy. F. 2% Historiola, [ A litle storye of the a-jctes and life of Mathew now, I Archbishoppe of Canterb. | The life ends on C 3 verso. On the following page, To the Christian rea-jder, peace in Christe, and | warre with Antechriste {sic). The former part of the above is a translation of part of a Latin Historiola, compiled by the order of Archbishop Parker (appa- rently by John Josselin), which gave a brief history of the founda- tion and successive Masters of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, of which college Parker had previously been Master (1544 — 1553)- The translator, a man of strong Puritan bias, took that part of the above which referred to Parker's own mastership, and added to his translation "foolish, scurrilous, and malicious notes." See PLACE UNKNOWN. 407 Strype's Life of Parker, vol. ii. pp. 414 sqq. (ed. Oxford, 182 1). Strype (p. 418) is inclined to refer the authorship to John Stubbs (for whom see above, no. 294). It may be noted that Stubbs was brother-in-law to Thomas Cartwright, and \}:iQ Ecclesiastical Discipline, translated by the latter (see the preceding article), is printed in the same type as the present work. The Athenae Catitab. (i. 332) and Dean Hook {Lives of the Arch-' bishops of Canterbury, ix. 512 n.) speak of the date of the translation as 1573. This is presumably an error, as Strype speaks only of an edition of 1574, and all copies which have been described are of the latter date. The Historiola has been printed for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society by Mr. J. W. Clark (Cambridge, 1880, 8vo.). The reference to "The 69. lately Sett forth in Latin" is to the " De Antiquitate Britannicje Ecclesise et Privilegiis Ecclesise Cantuariensis, cum Archiepiscopis ejusdem 70." London, 1572, folio. Herbert 1635, Grenville 523, Huth 1095. (1049) '^^' 7- i^ (0-— -^ Brieff discoiirs off the troubles hegonne at Fraiickford in Germany Anno Domini 1554. Abowte the Booke off off {sic) common prayer and Ceremonies, and con- tinued by the Englishe men tJieyre, to thende off Q. Maries Raigne, in the wJiich disconrs, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, arid what zuas the cause off the same. S. 1. et t. n., 1575 : ff. 112 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-N^O^P-Cc^Dd'^) et pp. n. (in large roman numerals), quarto. The above is clearly from the same press as the Ecclesiastical Discipline (above, no. 1047). It may be noted that the woodcut ornament on the title-page of the latter occurs on A 3 verso of the present. Herbert 1644, Huth 217. (1050) VP. 6. 18 (ii). — Henrick Niclaes. Dicta H N. Docu- mentall Sentences : eauen-as those-same were spoken fourth by H N, and writen-vp ovt of the Woordes of his Mouth. A nd are by him perused, and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne. S.I., t. n. et a. (c. 1574 — 75) : ff. 48 (the 408 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. first wanting, the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A-F®) et ff. n., small octavo. For details as to Henrick Niclaes and the Family of Love, see Mr. Hessels's articles in Notes and Queries (4th Ser., vol. i\'., pp. 356, 404, 430)- For the work of John Rogers, against the Family of Love, see above, nos. 445, 446. Herbert 1638. (105 1 ) M. I. 107. — The. Cartwright, The second replie of Thomas Cartwright : agaynst Maister Doetor VV J dtgiftes second answer, touching the CJiurcJie Discipline. S. 1. et t. n., 1575- ff. 16, 340, char, goth., c. sig. ()(— 4)(*, A-Z^a-z^Aa-Zz^AA- Q,Q^) et pp. n. (in large roman numerals, as in A Brieff disconrs), quarto. The above is printed with the same types as A Briej^ disconrs. . . (above, no. 1049). The same curious woodcut ornament occurs on the title-page of both, the woodcut ornament on f. 1 6=^ of the present is found on f. 3^^ of the latter, and the initial F on A i I'ccto is of the same set as the S on the A 2 recto, and the A on A 4 I'ecto of the latter. The large initial T on )( 2 recto is found (and with the same defect) on A i recto of the Ecclesiastical Discipline. In the above the numbering of the lines is noted in the inner margin. Herbert 1644. (1052) M. I. 108. — Tho. Cartwright, The rest of the second replie of Thomas Cartviirihgt : agaynst Master Doctor Vnhit- gifts second ansvuer, touching the Chnrch discipline. S. 1. et t. n., 1577* ff- 4/140 (the last blank), char. rom. (see Herbert, infra, as to iv), c. sig. ()(^ a— z^A— M'^) et pp. n., quarto. Ff. 2^ — 3'', To the Reader, after which, on f. 3'', An Answer to the Residvv of the surmises ending on f. 4"', after which, Fautes escaped. Below these has been pasted a slip of five lines in italics of further errata. Herbert 1647. PLACE UNKNOWN. 4O9 ( 1 05 3) Grylls. 3 . 178. — Crudclitatis Calvinianae cxcmpla dvo rccentissiiiia ex Anglia. S. 1. et t. n., 1585 : fif. 32 (f. 32, the latter of two blank ones, wanting), char, rom. ct ital., c. sig. (A-D8), octavo. The full title runs, " Crvdelitatis Calvinianae exempla dvo recen- tissima ex Anglia. Quorum primum, continet barbarum ac sceuum Caluinianorum edictum recenter editum contra Catho- licos : alterum vero, exhibet indignissimam mortem Illustris- simi viri comitis Northumbrian in castro Londinensi occisi mense lulio huius Anni. 1585. Praemissa est prsefatio ad Principes populosque Catholicos de cladibus quas hasresis infert Rebuspub. cum congratulatione de pace recenter facta in Gallia. Adiectum est in fine exemplar quarundam literarum ex Anglia. Matth. 7. v. 16. A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos. Anno Dommi 1585." (1054) VI-''. 7. 6. — (Rob. Parsons), A Christian Directorie gviding vieii to tJieir Salvation. Devided into three bookes. The first wJierof appertcining to Rcsolntion, is only conteined in this volume, deuided into tivo partes, and set forth now againe with many corrections, and additions by th' Anthonr himself, zvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny. S. 1. et t, n., 1585. Aug. 30: ff. 24 (the first blank), 312, char, rom., c. sig. (a^Vd^, A-Fff, in 8 and 4 alternately) et pp. n., large i6mo. The preface is dated " At S. Omer in Artoys, this present xxix. of lulie 1585." For Rob. Parsons, see above, no. 942. Herbert 1667. (1055) VP. 7. I. — Nic. Sander, Z^i- Trois Livres dv Doctevr Nicolas Sanders, contenants Vorigine & progrez du Scisme d'Angleterre,. Augmented par Edouart Rishton, premierement Impjnmez en latin, en Allemaigne, & depuis plus correctcment a Rome. S. 1. et t. n., 1587 : ff. 6 (the first, presumably blank, wanting), 296, char, rom., c, sig. (a<^, A— Oo^) et ff. n., octavo. For Nic. Sander, see above, no. 972. Grenville dTfi. 410 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. (1056) Grylls 7. 35. — Elizabeth. De lezabelis Angles Pav- ricido varii generis poeinata Latina et Gallica. S. i., t. n. et a. (not before 1587) : ff. 8, 38 (f. 38 unknown, presumably blank), char, ital., c. Sig. (A*B^ A-PK^), s. cust, large quarto. The above work, of which no other copy appears to be at present known, was bought by Mr. Grylls in the Libri sale of 1859 (no. 898). It consists entirely of poems, in French and Latin, relating to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, and exceedingly bitter against Queen EHzabeth. On f. 7 is given (in char, rora.) the "Epitaphivni Marise Scotiae reginse." At the foot of the page a slip has been pasted on contain- ing the two following lines : Heu fides Britannorum punica | Poenior, Insularis & sublesta : | To some of the pqems that follow are affixed the initials G. C. S., R. C. P., A. A. R., I. A. P. R., N. R. P., P. M. P. Q. M., and D. C. A. C. R. The work ends, on K i verso^ with an anagram on Elizabeta Tevdera, Vade lesabel tetra, followed by the following quatrain : Vxor Achab, lesabel, quondam sceuissima pestis [ Sanctos occidens, tartara nigra petit : [ Sic tu, tetra, Dei, quce Christos tangis inique. [ ^ternis, lesabel, vade cremanda rogis. | Of the history of the work, and as to whether it was ever actually published, I am unable to say anything. (1057) Grylls 3. 75. — Romoaldus Scotus. Svmmarivm Rationvm, qvibvs CanccUarivs Angliae et Prolocutor Piicker- ingius ElicahetJicB Anglice RegincB pcrsnasernnt occidendam esse serenissiviani Principem Mariant Stuartam Scotice Rcginam & lacobi sexti Scotorum Regis matreni. Vna cum responsioni- biis Regince AnglicB & sententia mortis. Qvce omnia Anglice prinivm edita svnt, et Londini a Typograplio Rcgio impressa, ac deinde varias in linguas translata. His additnm et snpplicium & mors Regince Scotice, vna cum snccinctis qnibiisdam animad- versionibus, & confntationibus corum, qnce ci obiccta snnt. Opera Romoaldi Scoti. S. 1. et t. n., 1588 : ^. '^S (the last, probably blank, wanting), char. rom. et ital., c. sig. (A— PK^) ct ff. n., quarto. Grenville 650. PLACE UNKNOWN. 4I I (1058) Vl^. I. 24 (viii). — A Dialogve. Wherin is plainly laide open, the tyrannicall dealing of L. Bishopps against Gods children : with certaine points of doctrine, wherein they approoue themscbces (according to D. Bridges his jndgenient) to be triiely the Bishops of the Diuell. S. 1., t. n. et a. (probably 1 5 89) : fif. 16, char, rom., c. sig. (A— D*: the signature is only given on the first recto of the quire), octavo. Bishop Cooper's Admonition to the people of England, published in 1589 (see above, nos. 521, 522), is referred to on B 3 verso. See also the allusion to the destruction of Rob. Waldegrave's goods "about Ester was a tvvelue moneth." (B 4 recto). • Prof Arber suggests {Introd. to Mar-prelate controversy, p. 199) that the above may have been printed by Waldegrave at Rochelle in the summer of 1589; and it may be noted that the woodcut initial on A 2 recto is often found in books printed by Waldegrave. On the other hand, the method of printing the signatures is not that characteristic of Waldegrave ; and the characters in the Dialogue are represented as walking towards London, while the Puritan says, " I came from Rochell my selfe, which is a part of France." This would rather suggest that if Waldegrave were the printer, he had by this time left France. He is referred to by name on B 3 ve?'so. Herbert 1687. (1059) VP. 7. 17 (vii) : M. 2. 36 (v). — (Henry Barrowe), A petition directed to her most excellent Maiestie, wJierein is delinered i A nieane Jiowe to compound the ciidll dissention in the church of England. 2. A proofe that they who ivrite for Reformation, doe not offend against the stat. of 2^. Eliz. c. (sic) and therefore till matters bee componnded, deserue more fanonr . . . S. 1., t. n. et a. (c. 1590) : fif. 42, char, rom., c. sig. (A— K^L"-) et pp. n., quarto. On G 4 recto has been wrongly printed a signature H 2. Herbert 1715. (1060) Vl^. 3. 18 (vii). — John Penry, I lohn Pcnry doo heai'c as I shall ansivere before the Lord my God in that great day of Iiidgenient set downe sumarily the Whole truth and jiotJdng 412 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. but the ti'uih luhick I Jiold and prof esse at this Jiower eyther in regard of my faith towards my God and Dread Soiieraigne . Queene ElizabetJi tmto wJiome only of all the potentas In the world I ozue all renerente, dutie and snhinissiion (sic) in the Lord. S.l, t. n. et a. (after April 24, 1593) : ff. 4, char. goth. et rom,, c. sig. (A-B- : the lower margin of f. i is cut so close that I am unable to say whether there were a signature on that leaf) et pp. n., quarto. Ff. I, 2, are printed in char, goth.; ff. 3, 4, in char. rom. The Profession of Faith ends on f. 3% and then follows, To the distressed faithfvll congregation of Christ in London, and all the Members thereof, wither in bondes or at liberty these -be delivered. My beloved brethren M. F, lohnson [all the remaining persons are indicated by initials only]. This ends on f 4% Your louinge brother in the patience and sufiferinges of the gospell lohn Penry, a wittnesse of Christ in this life and a pertaher of the glory that shalbe reuealed. In ff. 3, 4, / and latterly h are mostly printed in goth. F. 4^ is blank. (1061) Vl''. 3. 18 (viii). — John Penry. To my beloved wife Helener Penry, partaker with me in this life of the suffrings of the Gospel in the kingdome and pacience of Ies?is Christ: And resting with me in vndowbted hope of the glory that shalbe revealed: all streftght and comfort, zvith all other spiritnall graces be multiplycd through Christ lesns our Lord. S. 1., t. n. et a. (but after April 6, 1593) : ff. 2, char, goth., s. sig., quarto. Whether the above was issued as part of the preceding I am unable to say, but I think not, as the pagination of the preceding would in that case presumably have gone on. The letter concludes thus, on f. 2^, Your husband nowe for a . season, and your beloved brother 1 for evermore Ihon Penry an vnworthy witnesse ofjChrists Testament, against the abhomi- nati-|ons of the Roman Antichrist and his 1 souldyers, sure of the victory by ] the blood of the lamb, (1062) Grylls 3. 171. — (Joseph Creswell), Elizabethce Reginae Anglics Edictvm Pronmlgattim Londini 29. Noiiemb. PLACE UNKNOWN. 413 Aniii M.D.XCI. Andrcae Philopatri ad idem Edictvm Responsio. S. 1. et t. n.; 1593 : ff. 176, char, ital, c. sig. (A-Y^) et pp. n., octavo. The above is given as the work of Joseph Creswell, the Jesuit, on the authority of Speed (Historie of Great Brit aine, EHz. § 113, p. 1 161, ed. 1632). See also Athehae Oxon. ii. 147 n. Grenville 223. (1063) VP. 7. 2 (i). — (Rob. Parsons), A Conference ahovt the next Svccession to the Croivne of Ingland, divided into two partes Directed to the Right Honorable the carle of Essex of her Maiesties priuy councell, & of the noble order of the Garter. Published by R. Doleman. Imprinted at N. with Licence. S.l. et t. n., 1594: ff. 4, 252, char, rom., c. sig. (*^ B-Ii^Kk* ; together with a folding table wanting in the present copy) et pp. n., octavo. In the present copy all after K 7 is wanting.. The dedication is dated *' from my chamber in Amsterdame this last of December. 1593." Herbert 1725, Grenville 525, Huth 11 00. (1064) Vl^. 7. 19 (iv) : Vl^. 3. I (viii). — {Francis Johnson), A Treatise Of the Ministery of the Chnrch of England. Whe7'ein is handled this question, Whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. Which is discussed in two letters, the one written for it, the other against it S.l. et t. n., 1595 (see p. 137) : ff. 4, 72, char, goth., c. sig. (*^**, A-S^) et pp. n., quarto. For Francis Johnson, see Dexter, pp. 263 sqq. Herbert 1726. (1065) Yl^. 5. 15 (iii). — A trve Confession of the faith, and Jivmble acknoivledgment oe (sic) tlie alegeance, zvhich wee hir Maiesties Subjects, falsely called Brownists, doo hould tozvards God, and yeild to hir Majestic and all other that are oner vs in the Lord. Set doivn in Articles or Positiofis, for the better & more easie vnderstanding of those that shall read yt : And pub- lished for the cleering of our selues from those vnchristian slanders of heresie, schisme, pryde, obstinacie, disloyaltie, 414 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. sedicion, &c. which by our adversaries are in all places given out against vs. S. 1. et t. n., 1596: ff. 12 (the last blank), char, goth. et rom., c. sig. (A— C^), quarto. For the above, see Dexter, pp. 270, 278. The facts there men- tioned give some ground for supposing the book to have been printed at Amsterdam. Herbert 1731. (1066) VP. 6. I (iv). — (Henry Jacob), A treatise of the Svjfcrings and Victory of Christ, in the work of oiLr redemp- tion: Declaring by the Scripturs these two questiojis : That Christ suffered for vs the wrath of God, which we may well tenne the paynes of Hell, or Hellish sorrowes. That Christ after his death on the crosse, went not into Hell in his Soule. Contrarie to certaine errours in these points publiklie preached in London: Anno 1597. S..1. et t. n., 1598: ff. 88, char, rem., c. sig. (A— L^) et pp. n., octavo. The author affixes his initials, H. I., at the end of the work, L 7 verso. On the following page are the errata. For Henry Jacob, see Athenae Oxon. ii. 308. Herbert 1735. (1067) VP. 7. 9 (iii) : VP. 7. 8 (x). — N. D., A temperate ward-zuord, to the tvrbvlent and scditiovs Wach-word of Sir Francis Hastinges knight, who indeuoretJi to slaunder the whole Catholique cause, & all professors therof both at home and abrode. Reduced into eight seueral encounters, with a particider speeche directed to the Lordes of hir Maiesties most honorable Councel. To tvhonie the arbitrament of the vohole is remitted. By N.D. Imprinted ivith Licence. S.l. et t. n., 1599: ff. 4 (f. I, probably blank, wanting in both copies ; in the second copy, f. 4 has been turned in the binding), 6G (the last, prob- ably blank, wanting in the first copy ; ff. 64 — 66 wanting in the second copy), c. sig, ( 4^*, A— Q*R^) et pp. n., quarto. The author of the above was Rob. Parsons, the Jesuit, for whom see above, no. 942. Herbert 1737, Grenville 526. ADDENDUM. The following books were either omitted from their proper place or have been added to the Library since the earlier sheets were printed : LONDON (1480). Wynkyn de Worde (1501). (1068) Vl^. 8. IS (viii). — (Rob. Whitinton), De viagistra- tibus veterimi Romanoru. S. 1. et t. n. (but presumably London, Wynkyn de Worde), 15 15. 8 kal. Martias : ff. 4, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (AA^), s. oust, quarto. I have referred the above to the press of Wynkyn de Worde because of the identity of the type with that of seven other tracts from his press bound up in the same volume. Herbert (p. 175) mentions an edition of the above, forming part of Whi tin ton's Lucubrationes, printed in 1527. Wood {Athefiae Oxon. i. 56) speaks of an edition of 15 14, but does not name the printer. (1069) Vl'^. 8. 15 (vi). — Rob. Whitintoni Ltiaibr.ationes. London., per Wynandum de Worde, 15 17: ff. 26, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B^C^D*^), s. cust, quarto. Sig.-title (Syno. whittin.) on the rectos of A 3, 4 ; B i ; C i, 3, 4 ; D i, 3, F. 1% QRoberti Whittintoni lichfeldiensis gra-jmatices magistri 7 prothouatis Anglie in| florentissimaOxoniensi academia laurea-|ti lucubrationes. [ C[De noim appellatiuoru, deoru, dearu, heroum, lieroi|narum, locorumq3 synonimis. | Q De epithetis deoru, dearu, heroum heroinaru, cla-[rorum virorum. Animaliu quoq3 quadrupedu, repti-jliu, auiu. Ite insectoru, arboru, fruticu, herbaru, flo-jrum. De epythetis quoq3 reru tum chronographi- caru I tu topographicaru, nee non bellicarum. | Q De variadi formuhs ta pedestri q soluto sermone | Q Experientie de virtutis immortalitate | ff De veteru romanoru magistratibus. | Below this follows, (I Eiusde whittyn. Carme dicolon tetrastrophon. | 41 6 LONDON. f. 26% ttExpliciunt synonima L5don. p wynandu de wor-jde impressa. Anno dni. M.CCCCC.xvii. | f. 26^ W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 5]. Although the list of contents on the title-page includes the De vetenim , it is not included in this edition. It will be seen that Herbert's {infiji) doubt as to the presence of the diphthong ce on the title-page was well founded. Herbert 157, Dibdin ii. 177. (1070) Vi'^. 8. 15 (v). — Rob. Whitintoni, De concinnitate grammatices. London., per Winandum de Worde, 15 18 : fif. 26 (ff. I, 26, wanting), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B'^C^D'^), s. cust, quarto. Sig.-title (whittin. de concin.) on the rectos- of A 3, 4; Bi ; C 1—3; D r, 3. F. I, title, wanting, f. 2% QCeleberrimo viro summaq3 obserua- tione colendo | magistro Stabrigo artiu magistro dignissimo whit-|tintonus salutem. | f. 25^, Dialogue between the author and his book. This is the same as in the edition of 15 19, described by Herbert (p. 160), who remarks that the Greek at the end (cut on wood) was the earliest he had met with in •books printed by Wynkyn de Worde. Below this. Explicit whittintoni editio de concinnitate gramma|tices et construc- tione : nouiter impressa London, per | winandu de worde in vico vulgariter nuucupato (the | flete strete) apud intersigniu solis. Anno domini. M.|CCCCC.xviii. | f. 26, perhaps con- taining the device, wanting. . Herbert 158. (1071) Vl^. 8. 15 (vii). — Rob. Whitintoni Lichfeldiensis de syllahanim qitantitate Editio. London., Wynkyn de Worde, : ff. 46, ..., char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A8B*CSD4E8F*5G8, A^B^C^ ; in the second part all after C 7 is wanting), s. cust, quarto. Sig.-title (whittin. de qua. syl., etc.) on A3; B I ; C i, 3 ; D i.; E i, 2, 3 ; F i, 2, 3 ; G i, 3 : and in the second part (whittin. de accen., etc.) on the first and third rectos of each quire. F. 1% title, below which, Wynkyn de Worde's large device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Beneath this, Q Secunda pars grammatices. | WYNKYN DE WORDE. 417 De syllaba et eius quantitate. | Then follows a list of the remaining contents of the work, which is continued on the following page. f. 46^^ (I Finis quatitatis sillabaru. Then follows, without a fresh title-page, but with a fresh set of signatures, G VVhittintoni editio cum interpretameto [ Fracisci nigri Diomedes de accentu in pe-[destri oratione potius q soluta obseruando | All after C 7 is wanting, and I am thus unable to give the full collation or the date (if there were one) of the work. It will be seen that the above differs from the editions of 15 13, 15 19, and 1524, described by Herbert (pp. 151, 161, 166). (1072) vi^. 8. 15 (i). — Rob. Whitintoni De octo partibus orationis. Londini, per Wynandum de Worde, s. a. : ff. 14 (f. I wanting), char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A*B*^C^), s. oust, quarto. Sig.-title (Octo par. whittin.) on the first three rectos of each quire. F. 14% tt Explicit Libellus octo partiu3 Roberti whittintoni | Lichfeldiensis Artium magistri. Londini impressus p | me wynandum de worde in vico anglice nuncupto {sic) (the | Flete strete) in intersignio solis comoratem. | f. 14^^, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 216. (1073) Vi"^. 8. 15 (ii). — Rob. Whitintoni, De heteroclitis uominibiis. Londini, per Wynandum de Worde, s. a. : ff. 10, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B^), s. cust., quarto. Sig.- title (Hetero. whittin.) on A 2, 3 ; B i, 2. F. 1% GDe heteroclitis noibus. | (I Editio Roberti Whittintoni lichfeldien|sis Grammatice magistri : et prothouatis | anglie in florentissima Oxoniensi achade-|mia laureati : de heteroclitis nominibus et | gradibus comparationis. | Below this come the tetrastich and distich, as in the edition of 1523 (Herbert, p. 165). f. 10^, ([ Editio Whittintoni lichfeldiesis de heteroclitis no-|minibus et gradib^ coparationis Londini impressa | per wynandu de worde in vico anglice nucupato (the | fletestrete) ad signum solis comorante explicit. Below is W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 5]. 27 41 8 LONDON. The above is presumably an earlier edition than that of 1523, since in the latter new types, se, g, the comma, etc., appear for the first time. Herbert 225. (1074) YV^. 8. 15 (iii). — Rob. Whitinton. Editio roberti wJiittintoni lichfeldiensis grmnatices magistri 7 prothouatis Anglic I florctissinia Oxonicsi acadania Imircati. Dcdinationes noiin id latinonnii quam grccoru... Londoii., per Wynandum de Worde, s. a. : ff. 14, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B*^), s. oust, quarto. Sig.-title (whittin) on A3 ; B i, 3. F. 1% below title, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 5]. f. 14% Q Explicit whittintoni editio de declinatione nomi-|num ta latinoru q grecoru patronymicoru 7 barba-|rorQ Impressa London, per wynandu de worde i vi]co vulgariter nucupato (the fietestrete) ad signu Sojlis commorantem. | f. 14'', W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 6]. Herbert 225. (1075) Vi*^, 8. 15 (iv). — (Rob.) Whittyntoni editio seamda. Opusculum affabre recognitiim et ad vngueni eliinatinn. De nominu generibus Londoii, per Wynandum de Worde, s. a. : ff. 16, char, goth, maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B^C*), s. oust., quarto. Sig.-title (whittin. affa.) on B i ; C i, 2, 3. F. i^, below title, W. de Worde's device [Dibdin, no. 5]. f. 16^, Q Finis opusculu affabre. Impressum London, p | Wynandu de worde, in vico vulgariter nucupato | (the Fietestrete) ad signu Solis aurei comorante. | Herbert 225, Julian Notary (1503). (1076) vi'i. 8. 14. — Alain Chartier. Parabolariun Alani cum commento. London, Jul. Notary, 1505. Jun. i : ff. 20, char. goth. maj. et min., c. sig. (A^B^C*^D^), s. cust, quarto. F. 1% below title, a woodcut, apparently the same as that de- scribed by Herbert (p. 307) as used by Jul. Notary in the Promptorium parvulorum. f. 20^, Q Liber parabolarum Alani WILLIAM MIDDLETON. 419 cum glosa finit feliciter | Impressum London Per honestissi- mum virum | Julianum Notary In tempell barre, moram | trahentis ad intersignium trium Regum | Anno incarnationis domini ]Millesi-]mo quingentesimo quinto die velro prima mensis. Junius (sic). Editions of the above were printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1508, 1517, 1525 (Herbert, pp. 146, 157, 170). William Middleton (1542). (1077) Capell *. 4 (ii). — A ineane to dye wel. London, Wyllyam Myddelton, s. a. The above is a fragment consisting of two leaves octavo (a quarter-sheet, so folded that the latter half comes first) of a work not otherwise known to me. It is apparently quite a different work from the Aianer to dye loel (London, Richard Ihones, 1578) described above, no. 465. The fragment is in char. goth. (head-line and marg. notes in rom.), 11. 21 to the full page, without pagination. The first leaf has the signature B.j., and commences "payne to haue forgyuenes, or els I doth fere " The last line of the recto of the second leaf is, Jesu haue mercy vpo my soule. | Q! Amen. | On the verso is, tt Imprynted at Lon-|don in Fletestrete at the | sygne of the George nexte to | saynt Dunstones churche [ by Wyllyam Myd-|delton. | Below this is William Middleton's device [Dibdin iii. 547, no. i]. John Day (1546). (1078) Grylls 3. 271. — John Hooper, An piiersight, and deliberation vpon the holy PropJicte Jonas : made, and vttered before the kynges maiestie, and his inoost honorable councell, by I J ion Hoper in lent last past. Comprehended in seue Sermons. A nno. MD.L . Excepte ye rcpente, ye shall al peryshe. L uke .xiii. London, Ihon Daye and Wylliam Seres, (1550) : fF. 192, char, goth., c. sig. (*^, A— Z^) et fT. n. (beginning on A 2), octavo. F. 1% title in woodcut border, ff. 2* — cj^, dedication to Edward vi., dated Septemb. 6, 1550. f. 192'^, Imprinted | at London by 420 LONDON. lohn I Daye, dwellyng ouer Al-|dersgate, and Wyl-lliam Seres dwel-|linge in Peter | Colledge. | Cum priuilegio ad impri-lmen- dum solum. | Herbert 624, Grenville 345. (1079) Yl'^. 6. 13. — A Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the atmcient zvr iters. London, John Daye, 1581 : char, goth., c. sig. et ff. n., s. cast., quarto. Woodcut borders to every page. The above is a fragment, containing from K i to Nn 2 inclusive (ff- 33—134)- John Bale (1549). (1080) VP. 3. 18. — J oh. Bale, The Actes of Englysh votaryes, coniprehendynge tJieir vncJiast practyses and examples by all ages, from the ivorldcs begynnynge to thys present yeare, collected out of their oivne legendes and Chronyclcs By JoJian Bale. Wesel, s. t. n., 1546 (but really London, and probably by Bale himself [see above, no. 201], not before 1547) : ff. 80 (the last blank), char, goth., c. sig. (A— K^) et ff n., octavo. In spite of the presence of the name Wcsel in the imprint, the character of the type is unmistakeably English, the Wesel edition being reprinted in England, even to the foreign imprint, no English imprint being added. F. 78% flThus endeth the first parte of thys | worke, called, The Actes of I Englyshe votaryes. Col-llected by Johan Bale. | Anno. 1546. 1 ff. 78'' — 79% The Autours names f 79^, Printed at Wesel In the Yeare | Of our Lorde God. 1 Herbert 1561. John Kingston (1553). (1081) vr. 6. 21. — M. T. Ciceronis Rhetoricorvm ad C. Herennivm, L ibri I I II. In eorvndem obscvra & difficilia loca Annotatiojies perutiles & necessaries, a Gyberto Longolio con- scripta. Eivsdcm M. T. Ciceronis de Inuentione Rhetorica, Libri II. (London), loannes Kyngstonus, 1574: ff. 176, char. ital. (notes in rom.), c. sig. (A— Y^) et ff. n., octavo. henry binneman. 421 Henry Binneman (1566). (1082) VP. 6. 24 (v). — Volusianus. EpistolcB ducB D. Vohi- siani Episcopi CartJiagincnsis ad Nicholawn Papain prinmni de C^libatu Clcri Londini, in aedibus Henrici Bynneman, 1569. Mense Augusto : ff. 8, 56, char, ital, c. sig. (a*b*, A-O'') et pp. n., octavo. Grenville 779. (1083) D. 7. 2. — Nic. Hemming, A Postill, or Expositions of the Gospels read in the CJuireJies of God on Sunday es, & feast days of Sainets. Written by NieJi. Hcniinge, and trans- lated into English by Arth. Goldinge. London, Henry Bynne- man for Lucas Haryson and George Bishop, 1569 ij) : ff. 14 (f. I wanting), 352 (the last wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (a^b^ A— Xx^) et ff. n., quarto. From the absence of both the first and last leaf, I am unable to say with certainty whether the above is of the edition of 1569 or of that of 1574, with Herbert's description of which latter (p. 927) it agrees. A MS. note in the volume gives the date 1569. The translator (see above, no. 456) dedicates the work to Sir Walter Myldmay Knight. Herbert 927, (10S4) D. 7. 50. — J oh. Calvin, Sermons of M. lohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Sainete Pajde to the Galathians. London, Henrie Bynneman for Lucas Harysoii and George Byshop, 1574: ff. 20, 330, char, rom., c. sig. (11^+^ *S**#**^ A-Ss^Tt^) et ff. n., quarto. The actual printer's name is only given in the final colophon ; on the title-page it runs, " Imprinted at London, by Lucas Harison and George Bishop." The final colophon was apparently not in Herbert's copy, as he does not mention it. The translator dedicates the work to "Sir William Cecill knight Baron of Burleygh." Herbert 927. 422 LONDON. Henry Middleton (1569). (1085) VP. 2. 15 (ii). — (Hen. Smith), Three Prayers : one for the Morning, another for the Eiicning, the thirde for a sicke Man. Whcrcjinto is annexed a godly Letter to a sieke friend : and a comfortable speech of a Preacher vpon Jus death bed. Anno. 1591. London, (Henry Middleton) for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater Nostcr row at the signe of the Talbot, 1592 : ff. 12, char, rom., c. sig. (A^B*) et pp. n., octavo. On the title-page is Hen. Middleton's device of the Good Shepherd. Herbert 1332. Richard Jones (1570). (1086) M. 24. 14 (iii). — Nic. Hemming, TJie Way of lyfe. A CJiristian, and CatJioliqne Institution conipreJiending principal poinds of Christian Religion, zvJiich are necessary to bee knozvne of all men, to the atteyning of Salnation. First dely tiered, in the Danish language for the instruction of those people, by Doctor Nicolas Heniniingins And about three yeares past, (for the coninioditie of otJiers) translated into Latine, by Andrezv Seiie- rinns Velleins : A nd noiv first, and neivly Englished, for the coniuwdity of English Readers : By N. Denhani, this yeare of our Redemption. 1579. London, Richard Jones, and are to bee sould ouer agaynst S. Sepulchers Churche, (1579) : ff. 8, 108, char, goth., c. sig. (A^IT*, B— Ee'*) et pp. n., quarto. The translator dedicates the work to " Henry Sadleyre Esquyer Sonne of the right Honorable, Sir Raphe Sadleyre Knight And also to Mistrisse Dorothy, wife of the said Henry." Herbert (p. 1042) describes an edition of 1578. Thomas Vautrollier (1570). (1087) Vl-'^. 6. 23. — Nic. Hemming, Enchiridion Theologi- cvm, pnccipva verce Rcligionis capita breviter et simpliciter explicata continens : A?itore Nicolao Hcmmingio. Londini, apud Thomam Vautrollerium Typographum, 1580: ff. 256, char, ital., c. sig. (A— li'^) et pp. n., octavo. christopher barker. 423 Christopher Barker (1574). (1088) VP. 7. II (iv). — Ri. Cosin, Vita et ohitvs Omatissimi celeberrimique viri RicJiardi Cosin Legiun Doctoris, Decani Cnria; de Arcubus, Cancella^'ij sen, Vicajnj generalis Reneren- dissinii patris loannis ArcJiicpiscopi Cantnariensis, &c. per Gviliclmnm Barlowvm Sacrcs Theologies Baecalaiirenm, amoris sni & officij ergo edita. Londini, Deputati Christopheri Barker Regi^ Maiestatis Typographi, 1598 : fif. 40, char, rom., c. sig. (A— K^) ct pp. n., quarto. On G 4 begins, with a fresh title, " Carmina Fvnebria, In eiusdem Venerandi Doctoris triste fatum, a quibusdam Cantabrigiensibus, iUius amicis, muho moerore fusa magis, quam condita." These poems are in Enghsh (in char, goth.), Latin, Greek, and Itahan. For Ri. Cosin, see above, no. 549. WiUiam Barlow was bishop of Rochester (1605-8) and of Lincoln (1608-13). Herbert 1089. Edward Aggas (1576). (1089) VP. 6. 23 (ii). — E. D. L. L C. A Catholicke Apologie against the Libels, Declarations, Advices, and Consvltations made, zvritten, and published by those of the Leagne, pcj^tnrbers of the qniet Estate of the Realnie of France. Who are risen since the decease of the late Monsier, the Kings onely brotJicr. By E. D. L. I. C. London, Imprinted for Edward Aggas, s. a. : ff. 156, char, goth., c. sig. (A— T®U^) et ff. n. (beginning on A 8), octavo. Robert Waldegrave (1578). (1090) Vl^. 4. II (ii). — Tho. Rogers, TJie English Creede, consenting zvith the trne, anncient, CatJiolique, and Apostoliqne CJiurcJi in al points, and articles of Religion, wJiich enerie Christian is to knozv and beleene that zvonld be sailed. The Second Part, London, Robert Walde-graue for Andrew Maunsel at the Brasen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1587: ff. 2, 46 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves, A-G'^H^) et pp. n., folio. 424 LONDON. The author dedicates his work to Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor of England. For Tho. Rogers, see above, no. 624. Herbert 1144, 1x36. John Wolfe (1579). (1091) Y. 6. 6'j (iv). — Rob. Ashley, A Comparison of the English and Spanish Nation : Composed by a French Gentle- man against those of the Leagne in Frannce, zi'JiicJi zuent abont to perswade the king to breake his allianee zuith England, and to confirmc it ivith Spaine. By occasion luhereof the nature of both Nations is linely decyphered. Faithfully translated, ont of French, by R. A. London, lohn Wolfe, 1589: ff. 4, 22 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. {A-F^G'^) et pp. n., quarto. On the title-page is John Wolfe's large woodcut device, with the motto "vbiqve floret." The work is dedicated to Sir William Hatton, Knight. (1092) Vl^. 7. 10 (xxiii). — H. B., Moriemini. A verie profit- able Sermon preached before Iter Maiestie at the Court, about xiij. y cares since : By H.B. London, lohn Wolfe, 1593 : fF. 16 (fif. I, 16, blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A— D^) et pp. n., quarto. Herbert 1181. Abell Jeffes (1584). (1093) Capell *. 12, — Boccaccio, Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, Entitided, A disport of diner se noble personages, written in Italian by M. lohn Bocace Florentine and poet Laureat, in Jus booke named Philocopo : Englished by H. G. London, Abell Icffes, and are to be solde in Paulcs church- yard by Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling at the signe of the Beare, 1587 : ff. 88, char, goth., c. sig. (A— L^), octavo. The work is dedicated to " M. William Rice Esquire." Herbert 1161, 11 09. Gabriel Simpson and William Wpiite (1585). (1094) M. 24. 14 (ii). — Roger Cotton, A Direction to the waters of lyfe. Come and beholde, Hoiv Christ shineth before the Lazv, in the Lazve, and in the Prophetes : and zuithall the GABRIEL SIMPSON AND WILLIAM WHITE. 425 iiidgenicnts of God vpon all Nations for the neglect of his Jiolye ivord, zvherein they might Jiaue secne the same : Both zvJiicJi are laide before your eyes in this little discourse, by R. C. London, for Gabriel Simson and William White, and are to be solde by William Barley, dwelling at the vpper ende of Gratious streete, 1592 : ff. 4 (f 4 blank, but folded back so as to come at the beginning of the quire), 52 (the last wanting), char, goth., c. sig. (![-^, A-N*) et ff. n., quarto. The work is dedicated " To the godlie and learned Maister Hvgh Brovghton, Teacher of Diuinitie" (see above, no. 835). Herbert 1263. Thomas Orwin (1587). (1095) Vl^. 7. 12 (vi). — Le vray Discovrs De la victoire merueilleuse obtenne par le Roy de France et de Nanarre Henry 4. En la battaile donnee contre les rebelles ligncs pres le bonrg d' Yit,ry en la plaine S. Andre, le 14. de Mars Van 1590. Dresse et eniioye par dega par vn des principaiix Officers de sa Maieste. a Londres, par Thomas Owrin {sic), pour Thomas Man, demourant a Pater noster-row, (1590) : ff. 18, char, rom., c. sig. (A-D^E-), quarto. Without Printer's Name. (1096) VI^^. 2. 14 (xii). — Leon. Wright, A Svmmons For Sleepers S. 1. et t. n., 1589 : ff. 2 (wanting), 28, char, goth., c. sig. (2 unsigned leaves. A— &■*) et pp. n,, quarto. The verso of F 2 is blank, and on the following recto begins " A Patterne for Pastors." Herbert 1687. (1097) Vl'^. 4. 5 (ix). — A shorte and plaine Table orderly disposing the Principles of religion, and first of the first Table of the Law, zvJiereby we may examine our seines. S. 1., t. n. et a. : ff, 25, char, goth., c. sig. (A— C^, and single leaf added), octavo. On i. 25 are given (in char, rom.) the " Faultes escaped." The above tract forms part of a volume containing a number of Catechisms, ranging in date from 1575 to 1584, and bound in contemporaneous binding. 426 ST. ALBANS. St. ALBANS (1481). (1098) Johannes Canonicus, In Aristotelis Physica, lib. viii. In villa S. Albani, 148 1. Folio. The above is a fragment consisting of four half-leaves, discovered in the Library by Mr. F. Jenkinson in September, 1884. Herbert 1431. EDINBURGH (1508). Robert Waldegrave (1590). (1099) VP. 7. 13. — James vi. of Scotland, His Maiesties Poeticall Exercises at vacajit houres. At Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Walde-graue printer to the Kings Maiestie, 1591 : ff. 63 (the last blank, wanting), char. rom. (the French version of the Lcpanto in ital.), c. sig. (two unsigned 4-leaf quires, B— O^P^ with an extra leaf at the end of sig. L, signed M), quarto. It may be noted that the signature-Zt"//^/- is only given on the first recto, as in previously described books printed by Waldegrave both at London and Edinburgh. F. 1% Title in the same woodcut border as e.g. no. 853 above, f. 2^ (sig. 2), The Avthovr to the Reader ; ends on f. 2^. f. 3% To the King of Scotland. A sonnet signed Henrie Constable. f. 3'', blank, f. 4% Sonet to the onely Royal Poet. Signed, M. W. Fovler. f. 4^, blank, i. 5% Greek and Latin verses by Hadr. Damman. f. 5^', another Latin poem by the same, and English verses by Henrie Lok. f. d^, The Exord, or Preface of the second week of Dv Bartas. This ends on f 7^ On i. 8% The Translators Invocation, f. 9^ (sig. B), The Fvries. This ends on G 2 recto, verso blank. On G 3 is a fresh title-page, " The Lepanto of lames the sixt, King of Scotland." This is sur- rounded by a woodcut border as the first title, but in this the side figures are Veritas and Castitas. The Lepanto ends on L 4 verso. Then follows a leaf, signed M, containing a " Sonet," signed I. R. S. I think that this leaf is an afterthought, and the true M i is the following leaf In the Huth EDINBURGH. 427 copy {infra), the leaf signed- M comes at the end of the vokime, but it is clear that the position the leaf holds in the present copy (as also in Herbert's) is the true one, if only from the " set-off" of the follow- ing page on the blank verso of this leaf. This following page is a fresh title, not in a border, but with a woodcut ornament at the top, "La Lepanthe de laqves VI. Roy d'Escosse, Faicte francoise par le Sieur Du Bartas. Imprime a Edin- bvrg par Robert Walde-grave, Imprimeur du Roy. Anno Dom. 1591. Auec Priuilege de sa MajesteV [It will be noticed that the date is only given on the third title-page.] Herbert 1509, Grenville 365, Huth 761, CAMBRIDGE (1521). John Siberch (1521). (iioo) ¥!•=. 3. I a. — Galeni Pergamensis de Temperanicntis, et de inaeqvali intempcrie libri ires TJiouia Linacro Anglo inter- prete. Opns non incdicis modo, sed et pJiilosopJiis oppido quoqne necessariu mine prhnnni prodit in htceni Cvm Gratia &Priidlegio. Apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam, per loannem Siberch, 1521 : fif. 8, 74, char, rem., c. sig. (2 unsigned 4-leaf quires, A— R^S*'' ; and Q 3, 4, have been cancelled, and their place supplied by a half-sheet, signed Oiij, Oiv) et ff. n. (in sigs. R, S, only), quarto. F. 1% Title, within Siberch's border-device, f. \^\ Sanctissimo Domino no-|stro Papae Leoni Decimo, | Thomas Linacer Medicorum | Minimus. S. D. .*. | The last two leaves contain "Index Erratorum," ending on f. 82-^ Below this, Impressura apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam per | loannem Siberch. Anno. M.D.XXI. I f. 82b, Printer's device of the Anna Regia (his sign), the Royal Arms of England. For Thomas Linacre, see Athenae Oxon. i. 42, and Dr. Payne's memoir prefixed to the fac-simile edition recently published (Cam- bridge, 1 881). The above is an exceptionally fine copy (measuring 8^ inches by 52), the bottom edge of many of the leaves being uncut. Herbert 141 1. 428 BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. BOOKS PRINTED ABROAD. Cologne (1466). (iioi) Vl^. 6. 19 (i). — Hum. Lloyd, Coimncntm'ioU Britmi- nicae Descriptionis fragmeiitvvi. Avctore H?iinfrcdo LJmyd, Denbyghiense, Caiiibro Britanno. Hums aiictoris diligentiam & mdicium lector admh'abitur. Coloniae Agrippinae, Apud loannem Birckmannum, 1572: fif. 8, 80 (the last two blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A— L^) et ff. n., octavo. The dedication, dated " Denbyghioe Guynedhiae sive Northwallire. 30 August!, 1568," is 'addressed "Abrahanio Ortelio Antuerpiano." The present copy was formerly in the libraries of Lord Arundel and his son-in-law, Lord Lumley, and has their autographs. Rome (1467). (1102) Grylls 7. 16 (i). — Henry viii. Asscrtio scptc Sac- rameto% aduersus Marti. Luthe%, csdita ab iiiuictissiino Anglicu et Frdcics rege, et do. Hyberiiice Henrico eiiis noininis octauo. Romae, opera Stephani Guillireti, 1521. mense De- cembri : ff. 92, 4, char, rom., c. sig. (a— u^x^z- [x 6 is blank], then a 4-leaf quire unsigned) et oust, (at the end of each quire only), quarto. The last leaf of sig. x is blank ; sigs. y, z, contain " lo. Clerk, pro Henrico, viii apud Leone, x oratio." After this follows an unsigned quire of 4 leaves containing the letter of Leo x. to Henry viii., with the titie, " Librvm hvnc invictiss. Anglias Regis Fidei Defensoris contra Mart. Lvthervm legentibvs, decern annorvm et totidem xl. Indvlgentia Apostolica avthoritate concessa est. Cum gratia et priuilegio." In the Grenville and Huth copies {infra), the last-named quire comes at the beginning of the book. In the Grenville catalogue, sig. x is said to contain only four leaves. The volume containing this and the following article was bought by Mr. Grylls at the Libri sale of 1859 (no. 1223). Grenville 311, Huth 675. ROME. 429 (1103) Grylls 7. 16 (ii). — Job. Eckius, Asscritvr hie invic- tissimi Angliae regis liber de sacranicntis, a cahuimiis & ivi- pietatibiis Liidderi, lohanne Eekio Atttore. Ad Jidei catlioliecs dcfensioncvi & inclytissiini Anglice regis honorein. In Rhoma, Marcell. Franck, 1523. Mense Maio : ff. 48, char, rom., c. sig. (A-M^), s. cust, quarto. F. 1% Title, in centre of which the Royal Arms of England, sup- ported by two angels, ff. 2, 3, Dedication, " D. Vuilhelmo Enckenfurt Episcopo dertusensi." f. 4, blank, f. 47^*, Excusuni in alma urbe Rhoma typis Marcelli [ Franck Germani, Adriano .VI. Pontifice, & | Carolo. v. Imperatore, Reip. Christians | praesidentibus, Mense Maio | Anno Salut. 1 1523 | f. 48% Errata. (1104) Grylls II. 290 (i). — Reg. Pole, de Concilio liber Reginaldi Poll Cardinalis. Romae, apud Paulum Manutium Aldi R, 1562 : ff. 8 (the last blank), char, rom., c. sig. (A-S^) et ff. n., large quarto. The work ends on R 2 7'ecto ; the verso is blank. Then begins a work by Pole, de Baptis7no Constajitini Magni Iniperatoris. See for the above, Renouard, Annaks de P Imprimerie dcs Alde^ p. 185, ed. 3. (1105) Grylls II. 290 (ii). — Reg. Pole, Reformatio Angliae. Ex deeretis Reginaldi Pali Cardinalis, sedis Apostolieae legati, anno M.D.L VI. Romae, apud Paulum Manutium Aldi F., 1562 : ff. 28, char, rom., c. sig. (A— G'*) et ff. n., large quarto. See for the above, Renouard, /. e. Venice (1469). (i 106) Grylls 1 1. 148. — Northumberland, Duke of, Historia delle eose oeeorse nel Regno dPnghilterra, in materia del Dnea di Notomberlan dopo la morte di Odoardo vi. Nell' Academia Venetiana, 1558: ff. 4 (f. 4 blank), 60, char, ital., c. sig. (A-*, B— H^P) et ff. n. (beginning with 9 on B i), octavo. For some account of the above, see Renouard, p. 271. 430 books printed abroad. Paris (1470). (1107) VP. 5. 7. — (J. Tortorel and J. Perrissin), TJie fyrst Volumne, cortteyninge fortye tables or divers memorable storyes toiicJiinge the zvarres, slaughters, & troubles zuicJi haiie changed in France these late years, gathered accordinge to the report of them that zvere present, and saw them truly ponr tray cted. S. 1., t. n. et a. (perhaps Paris, not before 1 5 70), large folio. The above consists of a printed title surrounded by a border engraved on copper, and occupying two leaves, and should be fol- lowed by 39 plates illustrating the history of France from 1559 to 1570, each occupying two leaves, of which, according to Brunet (infra), five are on wood and the remainder on copper. In the present copy no. 10 is wanting, but the set otherwise agrees exactly with the description given by Brunet, save that 8, 9 ; 25, 26 ; 27, 28 3 37, 38, are respectively interchanged. Plate no. 25 has been printed on the back of a sheet on which plate 5 had already been printed. The notice to the reader following the title, and enclosed in a like border, is not found in this copy. The descriptions of the plates in English are pasted at the foot of the respective plates. For full details as to the above, see Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, V. 892, and Supplement; ii. 778. Neither Brunet nor his continuators seem to have known of the edition with English descriptions. INDICES. I. INDEX OF TOWNS. NUM. Cambridge ... ... ... ..,• 867—895, iioo Edinburgh 838—863, 1099 Ipswich 896, 897 London .. 19—837, 1068— 1097 Oxford 7-18 St. Albans... 1098 SOUTHWARK 864—866 Stirling ... 898 Westminster 1—6 Amsterdam ... ... ... ... ... 1012, 1013 Antwerp ... 985—997 Basle ... 943—945 Bruges 973 Cologne ... 936 — 940, 1 1 01 Delft 974 Dilingen ... 1025 DORT ... 1030 — 1034 DOUAY 619, 1027 Embden ... 1017 — 1020 Frankfort lOII Geneva 975-982 Heidelberg 1000, loor INGOLSTADT ;.. 1002 Leipsic 983, 984 Leyden 998, 999 LOUVAIN 968—972 28 434 INDEX. OF TOWNS. NUM. Lyons ... ... ... ... ... ... . 967 Marburg ... ... IOI4 IOI6 Mentz 935 MiDDLEBURGH 1028 MONS 1029 Paris 947—966, 1 107 Rhemes ... 1021 — 1624 ROCHELLE ... 1026 Rome 292, 941, 942, 1102— .1105 Rouen ... 1003 — 1008 Venice 946, 1106 Wesel 897, 1080 Wittenberg 1009, lOIO II. INDEX OF PRINTERS, Etc. NUM. Aggas, Edward 542, 1089 AUde, Edward 659, 660 Arbuthnot, Alexander 847, 848 Aspley, William ... 693, 806, 807 Astley, Hugh 820 Baldwin, William ... 199 Bale, John 201, 288, 1080 Banckes, Richard ... 52 Barker, Christopher 396, 493—538, 1088 Barker, Robert 415.417,419—425.795—797 Barley, William 755. 1094 Barnes, Joseph 9—18 Berthelet, Thomas ... ••• 53—71 Binneman, Henry ... 280, 376—403, 1082— 1084 Bishop, George ... 345 , 372, 402, 405—425, 443, 445—447, 453, 456, 458, 518—520, 555, 557—560, 563-565, 668, 689, 697, 10S3, 1084 Blount, Edward 665, 667 Bollifant, Edmund ... 6S4— 696, 698, 699 Bonham, William ... 95 Bourne, Robert ... 780 Bouvier, Francis 661 Bradock, Richard ... 623 Bretton, William ... ■ 949 Brome, William 543, 727 Browne, John 658 Burby, Cuthbert ... 620, 621, 713, 760, 762, 775, 787, 793, 794, 816 Burre, Walter 777 Busby, John 657, 674, 675, 756, 802 Byddell, John 76 Byrckman, Francis ... 952,955,986 Cadman, Thomas ... 669, 701 Caly, Robert 296—298 Carpenter. See Bollifant. 436 INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. NUM. Carter, William 619 Cawood, Gabriel 3S9. 546—548 Cawood, John ... 176 — 179, 181, 202—210, 221 Caxton, William 1—4.973 Chard, Thomas 455. 473, 4S5. 489. 549, 567, 628, 739, 766 Charlewood, John .. 363—367. 793 Charteris, Henry .. 841, 844 Clarke, Sampson .. . 725, 726 Coldock, Francis .. 214, 357, 592, 662 Col well, Thomas .. 358, 359 Cooke, Toby 551, 571, 58S, 720, 723, 743 Copland, Robert 45,46 Copland, William .. 198 Creede, Thomas 649—658 Crowley, Robert .. 211 Dabbe, Henry 52 Danter, John • ■ 781 Dawson, Thomas .. 550-569 Day, John 112 — 171, 1078, 1079 Day, Richard 572,638,639 Denham, Henry 331—345, 352, 549, 684 Dewes, Gerard 404 Dexter, Robert 653, 709, 742, 744, 757, 758 Dra water, John 764, 76s East, Thomas 426—436, 547, 548 England, Nicholas 122 Fawkes, Myghell .. 46 Fawkes, Richard .. 44 Field, Richard 490, 491, 735-753 Fisher, Thomas 822 Flasket, John 771 Flower, Francis . - 477 Foster, Richard 200 Gardiner, Thomas .. 550 Godfray, Thomas .. 75 Grafton, Richard 81—86 Griffith, William .. 299 Gubbin, Thomas 714, 715, 717, 73^ Hacket, Thomas ' ••• 346, 347, 360, 366 Hall, Rowland 360 Harrison, John ■•• 345, 443, 444, 448, 460, 463, 464, 735, 74i, 774 Harrison, John, the ' 'lounger ... ... ... 427, 589, 596, 636 INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. 437 Harrison, Lucas Hatfield, Arnold Herforde, John Heyes, Thomas Hooper, Humfrey ... Hoskins, William ... How, William Hunt, Christopher {Exeter) ... Hunt, Thomas Hunne, John Hyll, William Islip, Adam Jackson, John Jackson, Ralph Jaggard, John Jaggard, William ... James, Jacques Jefifes, Abel Jennings, Miles Jones, Richard Jones, William Jones, William {at the Gun) ... Jugge, Richard Kele, Richard King, John Kingston, Feli.K Kingston, John Kirkham, Henry ... Kitson, Abraham ... Leake, William Legate, John Lekprevik, Robert {Edinburgh) ,, {Stirling) Lettou, John Ling, Nicholas Linley, Paul Lownes, Matthew ... Lynne, G waiter Machlinia, Will, de Man, Thomas Marprelate Press ... 332, 377, 463, 1083, 1084 662-668, 679 108, 109 476, 621 6 1 8, 642 539 437—439 637 8 463 94 782—792 697—703 754, 818 666 801 842, 843 669—676, 1093 570 442, 465 — 470, 1086 303, 492 712 175— I S4, 209 no. III 212 818—820 300—304, 1 08 1 573 367 798, 799, 801 874-895 838—840 898 19 620, 621 771 472, 666 18S 449, 454. 551, 552, 574, 70S, 71S, 761, 789, 795, 818, 819, 1085, 1095 913—919 43S INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. NUM. Marsh, Henry 404, 671, 677, 678 Marsh, Thomas 306—325, 404, 678 Mattes, WiUiam ... 768, 788 Maunsell, Andrew ... 471, 624, 627, 640, 719, 1090 Mayler, John 87, 88 Middleton, Henry ... 440—462, 1085 Middleton, William 96, 1077 Millington, Thomas 657, 808 Newbery, Ralph 331. 344, 345, 348—356, 397—399, 408, 409, 4", 412, 415 417, 419—425, 441, 462, 684 Newman, Thomas ... 716, 717 Newton, Ninian 679, 680 Nicolson, James 866 Norton, Bonham ... 659, 664, 688, 690, 696, 779 Norton, John 663, 664, 668, 688, 690 Norton, William ... 451,452,553 Notary, Julian 1076 Olney, Henry ... 814 Oliff, Richard 683 Orwin, Thomas 717—734, 1095 Oswen, John 896 Overton, John 897 P., G 754 Pavier, Thomas 823 Pennie, John 682 Perin, John 622 Perin, Widow 800 Pepwell, Henry 47 Petyt, Thomas 77, 78 Ponsonby, William . . . 550, 580, 583- -585, 598, 634, 649, 650, 724, 747—749, 751, 752, 770 Porter, John • 708, 714, 731, 780, 818 Purfoot, Thomas ... 368-375 Pynson, Richard ... 21—32 Rastell, William ... 72—74 Raynalde, Thomas . . . 93, 94 Redman, Robert 50, 51 Reynes, John 97, 865 Riddell, William ... 295 Roberts, James 362, 471—476 Robinson, Robert ... 704—709 Rood, Theoderic 7.8 Ross, John 844— S46 INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. 439 NUM. Scarlet, Thomas ... ... ... ... ... ... 759 — 765 Scoloker, Anthony ... ... ... ... .. ... 186 Seres, William ... ... I13, 114, 119, 186 — 197, 339, 340, 341, 1078 Seton, GrejTjory ... ... ... ... ... ...457,685, 700 Shepperd, John ... .. ... .„ ... ... 370,544 Short, Peter ... ... ... .... ... 682, 683, 766—778 Siberch, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 867, lioo Simmes, Valentine ... ... ... ... ... ... 802 — 808 Simpson, Gabriel ... ... ... ... ... 710 — 712, 1094 Singleton, Hugh ... ... ... ... .,. ... 291 — 294 Skot, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 48, 49 Smith, Toby ... ... ... ... ... .. 454, 574 Stafford, Simon ... ... ... ... ... ... 815 — 817 Standish, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 753 Stansby, William ... ... ... ... ... ... 821 Stell, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 556 Sutton, Henry ... ... ... ... 305 Tailer, William ... ... ... ... ... ... 687 Thomas, Thomas ... ... ... ... ... ... 868—873 Tisdale, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 — 215 Tottell, Richard ... ... ... ... ... ... 217—287 Towreolde, William ... ... ... ... ... 681 Toy, Humfrey ... ... ... ... ... 379—381, 383. 3^5 Treveris, Peter .. ... ... ... ... ... 864, 865 VautroUier, Thomas {London) ... ... .. 477 — 491, 1087 ,, ,, (Edinburgh) ... ... ... ... 849, 850 Vele, Abraham ... ... ... .. 122,288 — 290,437,438 Venge,' Walter ... ... ... ... ... ... 566 Vrankenbergh, Henry ... ... . . ... ... 20 Waldegrave, Robert (Z(7«^i3«) ... ... .. 573. — 582, 1090 ,, ,, (Edinburgh) ... ... ... 851—861, 1099 Waley, Robert ... ... ... ... ... ... 545 Walley, John ... ... ... ... ... 172 — 174, 221 Ward, Roger ... .. ... ... ... ... 644—648 "Waterson, Simon ... ... ... ... ... ... 769, 776 Watkins, Richard ... ... ... 361, 362, 365, 681, 686, 702, 711, 784 W^aylande, John ... ... ... ... ... ... 79, 80 Whitchurch, Edward ... ... ... ... ... 89 — 92, 199 White, Edward ... ... ... ... ... ... 660, 785 Wliite, William ... ... ... ... ... ... 713, 1094 Wight, John ... .... ... ... ... 300, 301, 364, 679 Wight, Thomas ... ... ... ... ... ... 779 Wilcock, William ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 440 Windet, John Wise, Andrew Wolfe, John Wolfe, Reynold Woodcock, Thomas Worde, Wynkyn de ( Westminster) ,, ,, (London) Wright, William ... Wyer, John Wyer, Robert Wykes, Henry Yardley, Richard ... Yetsweirt, Charles ... Yetsweirt, Jane INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. NUM. 6i8, 624 — 643 655, 773, 804—807, 815 ... 5S6— 618, 1091, 1092 98—107 345, 540, 541,. 565, 575, 729, 73°, 734, io93 5,6 ... 33—43, 1068— 1075 759 216 52 326—330 682, 683 809—811 812, 813 Badius Ascensius, Jod. Behem, Fran. Birckman, Am. Birckman, Joh. Bladus, Ant. Blanc, Jo. le ... Blum, Mich. Bocard, And. Bogard, Joh. Boys, Mygh. Bry, Theod. de Cervicornus, Euch. . . . Chevallon, Claud ... Colonffius, Pet. Commelin, Hier. Cousin, Jac. Crespin, Joh. Diest, .^gid. Eder, Wolfg. Egmont, Frid. Empereur, Mart, Endovien, Chris. Episcopius, Nic. (fil.) Ferrari, Cses. Ferrari, Geo. 951, 953 935 938, 939 IIOI 941 959 983 94S 970 976 lOII 936 956 969 lOOI 1003 977—979 988, 989 1002 946 987 986 945 942 942 INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. 441 Fogny, Joh. Fouler, Joh. Franck, Maicell. Frellon, Joh. Grassi, Barth. Guilliret, Steph. Hardouyn, Germ. . Hertzog, Joh. Hittorp, Godefr. Hopyl, Wolfg. Jacob, Hen. Jascuy, Sam. Jehannot, Joh. Kempensis, Godefr. Laet, Joh. Lecomte, Nic. L'oiselet, Geo. Luft, Hans Lyon, John Manutius, Paul Mayer, Sebald Merlin, Guill. Monte, Ad. de Olivier, Pet. Oporinus, Joh. • Painter, Rich. Pelgrim, Jud. Plantin, Chris. Prest, Jo. le Preux, Fra. le Prevost, Nic. Quentel, Pet. Raphelengius, Fra., Regnault, Fja. Rescius, Rutg. Stephanus, Rob. Steer, Jac. Sylvius, Will. NUM. ... I02I — 1024 971. 972, 993, 994 1103 967 942 I 102 954 946 936 949. 952 950 960—963 947 940 990 947 1007, 1008 1015 619 1 104, 1 105 1025 929 1026 1003 944 1028 950 995, 998 1006 981 955 937 998, 999 956 968 965, 966 982 991, 992 442 INDEX OF PRINTERS, ETC. NUM. Trognesius, Joach. ... 996 Turona, Fra. de 975 Valentin, Rob. 1005, 1606 Velpius, Reyn. 969, 972 Vervliet, Dan. 997 Vuolrab, Nic. 984 Wechel, And 964 Wechel, Joh ion Wood, Mich. 1004 III. INDEX OF BOOKS. Abrahamus fil. Kattani, Pi-cecepta in monte Sinai data yudcris : Lat. per Ph. Fe7-dinandnni. Cantabrigi^, ex off. Joh. Legat, 1597 .». . ... 889 Abstract of certain Acts of Parliament. S. 1., t. n. et a, ... ... 910 Ans7ver to the twofyrst Treatises of. London, (Hen. Denham) for Tho. Chard, 1584 ... ... ... ... .... ... 549 Ac worth, Geo., de Visibili Rom^ anarchia. Londini, apud Joh. Dayum, 1573 151 Adamo, Anth. de, Anatomi of the Mass. S. 1. et t. n., 1556 ... ... 1042 Adlington, Will. See Apuleius. Admonition to the Parliatnent. See Field. .(Elianus, Registi-e of Hystories, Eng. by Abr. Fleming. London, for Tho. Woodcocke, 1576 ... ... ... .., ... ... 540 Agrippa, Hen. Corn., Vanitie of Artes and Sciences, Eng. by Ja. Sanford. London, Hen. Bynneman, 1575 ... ... ... ... 387 Alfred. See Asser. Alison, R., Plaine Confutation of a Treatise of Brorunisme. London, Tho. Scarlet for Will. Wright, 1590 ... ... ... ... 759 Allen, Will., An Apologie of the two English Colleges. Mounts in Henault, s. t. n., 1581 ... ... ... ... ... 1029 See also G. D. Allenson, Joh. See Whitaker. Alley, Will., The poore man's Librarie. London, John Daye, 1571 ... 138 Allot, Rob., Englands Parnassus. London, for N. L., C. B,, and T. H., 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 621 Amyot, James. See Plutarch. Andrewes, Lancelot. See Apologie. Anglice, Nova Ltgenda. Londonias, Win. de Worde, 15 16 ... ... 36 Attswer for the time. See Apparel. Answer to an Abstract. See Abstract. Anti-Martinus. See Marprelate. Anti-Sanderus. Cantabrigiae, (John Legate), 1593 ... ... ... 878 Anti-Sixtus. London, John Wolfe, 1590 ... ... ... ... 599 Antiphonarium eccl. Sarisburiensis, Pars Hyemalis. Paris, Wolfg. Hopyl for Fr. Byrckman, 1519 ... ... ... ... ... 952 Antwerpe, Historicall Discourse of. London, John Windet, 1586 ... 626 Apollinarius, Inteipretatio Psalmort4m. Londini, Geo. Bishop, 1590 ... 410 Apologie for sundrie proceedings by Jurisdiction Ecclesiasiicall. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1593 ... ... ... ... 532 444 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Apothecarye, A komish, Eng. by Ikon Hollybiish. Collen, Am. Birck- man, 1 561 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 938 Appeltree, Tho. , A briefe discourse of the. . .fact of. London, Hen. B}Tine- man, 1579 ... ... ... ... ... ... 394 Apparell, A bnefe examination for the tytne. London, Rich. Jugge, (1566) 180 An Anstvere for the tyme, to the Examination put in print. S. 1. et t. n., 1566 ... ... ... ... ... ... 903 To the Reader. To my faythfull Bi-ethren. (Embden, s. t. n., 1566) 1018 See also Gilby. Apuleius, Golden Asse, trans, by Will. Adlington. London, Val. Symmes, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 803 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, in Eng. verse, by yohn Hanngton. London, Ri. Field, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... ... 740 Aristotle, Etiiic. Alcorn., ed. Sam. Heiland. Londini, H. Bynneman, 1581 395 See also Canonicus, Case, Powell. Arthington, Hen., The Seduction of. (London), R. B. for Tho. Man, s. a. 795 See also Conspiracie. Articles deznsid by the holle consent of the Kynge. London, in aed. Tho. Bertheleti, 1533 ... ... ... ... . . ... 56 agi-eed by the Archbishoppes and Bishoppes of both proz'inces, 1 562. London, Ri. Jugge and Joh. Cawood, 1571 ... ... ... 181 agreed by the Archbishops and Byshops of both p7'ovinces, 1562. London, Chris. Barker, 1581 ... ... ... ... 496 to be ^enquired of, within the Dioces of Winchester by Abp. Matt. [Tarher]. London, John Daye, s. a. .. ... ... ... 145 to be enquired of, by Edmond\_Grindar\, Abp. of Canterbury. London, Chris. Barker, 1580 ... ... ... ... ... 494 to be enquired of, by Richard \Cox\ Bishop of Ely, 1573- London, Hen. Bynneman for Hum. Toy, (1573) ... ... ... 379 ministred by Richard \Cox\ Bishop of Ely, 1579. London, John Daye, (1579) ... ... ... ... ... ... 170 to be enquired of, in the first year of Qu. Elizabeth. London, Ass. of Rob. Barker, 1600... ... ... ... ... ... 797 certai)t€, collected .. .out of... An Admonition to the Parliament. S. 1., t. n. et a., (1572) ... ... ... ... ... ... 906 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 907 Articuli in Syn. Londin. An. Dom. 1562. Londini, apud Joh. Dayum, 1571 141 per Archiep., episcopos et rel. clerutn Cantuar. prov, in Synodo, Atnio 1584. Londini, in ?ed. C. B., s. a. ... ... ... ... 509 Artopoeus, Pet., The divisyon of the places of the lawe and the Gospell. (London), Gwalt. Lynne, 1548 ... ... ... ... 185 Ascham, Roger, Report and Discourse of affaires and state of Germany. . London, John Daye, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... 118 Schoolemaster. London, Abell Jeffes, 1589 ... ... ... 672 Toxophilus. Londini, in sed. Ed. Whytchurch, 1545 ... ... 90 ,, London, Abell Jeffes, by the consent of H. IMarsh, 1589 671 Eamiliares Epistolae. Londini, Ar. Hatfield, pro Fr. Coldocko, 1590 662 Ashley, Rob., Comparison of the English and Spanish nation. London, John Wolfe, 1589 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1091 See also Bartas, G. S. du INDEX OF BOOKS. 445 Nl'M. A%str, yEl/redi Regis res ges/cB. (London, John Day, 1574) ... ... 161 Athon. See Lyndewood. Attersoll, Will. See Topsell. Averell, Will., Foure notable Histories. London, for Tho. ILickct, 1590 347 Aurellio, G. B., Esainiiu di varii Gindicii. Londra, Giov. Wolfio, 1587 591 B., H., Morianini. London, John Wolfe, 1593 ... ... ... 1092 B., W., The Alanei- to dye %uell. London, Richard Jhones, 1578 ... 465 Bacon, Fran., Essayes. London, Joh. Windet for Hum. Hooper, 1597 ... 642 Baker, Geo. See Gesner. Baker, Hum., The Well springe of Sciences. London, Tho. Purfoote, 1574 368 Balduirius, Cantuar. KTic\\\e^., de altaris Sacra/neiito. Cantabrigice, Joannes Siberch, 1521 ... ... ... ... ... ... 867 Baldwin, Will., Canticles or Balades of Salomon. London, Will. Baldwin, 1549 •■• ••■ ••• •■■ ••• •. 199 Baldwin, Will. See Mirrour for Magistrates. Bale, John, Bishop of Ossory. Actes of Englysh votaries, the first part of. Wesel, s. t. n., 1546 ... ... ... ... ... 1080 London, Tho. Raynalde, 1548 ... ... ... 93 The first tzuo parts of. London, Abr, Vele, 1551 ... ... 288 London, John Tysdale, 1560 ... ... ... 213 Apology agaynste a ranke Papyst. London, Jhon Day, s. a. ' ... 116 Declaration of Edm. Bonners articles. London, Ihon Tysdale for Fr. Coldocke, 1561... ... ... ... .. ... 214 Dialoge to be had at a table betivene ttvo chyldren. London, for Rich. Foster, 1549 ... ... .... ... ... ... 200 Ymage of both churches. London, John Wyer, 1550 ... .- 216 Laboryoiise Jonrney and serche of foh. Leylande. London, Johan Bale, 1549 ... ... ... ... ... ... 201 Majoris BritannicB Scriptoruni...Summariuni. Gippeswici, Joh. Overton, 1548 ... ... ... ... ... ... 897 Oldcastle, Sir yohn, Brefe Chronycle of. (Marburg), s. t. n., 1544 ... 1016 ' Pageant of Popes, Eng. by I. S. London, Tho, Marshe, 1574 ... 320 Vocacyon to the Bishoprick of Ossorie. Rome, s. t. n., 1553 ... 292 Bancroft, Rich., Abp. of Canterbury, Sermon preached at Paules Crosse. London, E. B. for Greg. Seton, 1588 ... ... ... ... 685 London, I.I. for Greg. Seton, 1588. ... ... ... 700 Daungerous Positions. London, John Wolfe, 1593 ... ... 604 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 605 Survay of P)-etended Holy Discipline. London, John Wolfe, 1593 ... 603 See also D., I., Penry. Bandello, Matt., Tragicall Historye of Romeiis and luliet, Eng. by Ar. Br. London, Rich. Tottill, 1562 ... ... ... ... ... 228 London, R. Robinson, 1587 ... ... ... ... 704 Baptismeund the Lords Supper, A Treatise of. London, Rob. Waldegrave, s.a. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 581 Barclay, Alex., Lyfe of Say nt George. (London), Rich. Pynson, s. a. ... 22 See also Brant. 446 INDEX OF BOOKS. Baret, Joh., A hear ie or Quadntple Dictionarie. Londini, Hen. Denhamus, 1580 339 Barker, W, See Gelli. 'BsiYlna.mni, de Papae Pnncipatu Libellus. Oxoniae, Jos. .Barnesius, 1592 13 Barnes, Rob., Supplication to Henry viii. London, Hugh Syngelton, s. a. 291 S. 1. et t. n., 1544 ... ... ... ... ... 899 See also Tindale. Baro, Pet., Defide. Londini, apud Rich. Dayum, 1580 ... ... 572 De Prastantia et Digiiitate Divines Legis. London, H. Middleton, s.a. 461 Barret, Rob., Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres. London, (Ri. Field) for Will. Ponsonby, 1598 ... ... ... ...' 751 Barrowe, Hen., True Description of the visible church. (Dort), s. t. n., .1589 1030 Brief Discoverie oj the false church. (Dort), s. t. n., 1590 ... ... 1031 Collection of certaine sclaunderous Articles. (Dort), s. t. n., 1590 ... 1032 Collection of Certain Letters and Conferences. (Dort), s. t. n., 1590 1033 Petition directed to her Maiestie. S. 1. , t. n. et a. ... ... ... 1059 See also Gifford, Some. Bartas, G. S. du, V Uranie ou Muse Celeste. Londini, Joh. Wolfius, 1589... 595 Hebdomas, Lat. a Gab. Lermceo. Londini, apud Rob. De.\ter, 1591... 757 See also James vi. Barthlet, Joh., Pedegrrtve of Hcretiques. London, Hen. Denham for Luc. Harryson, 1566 ... ... ... ... ... ... 332 Batman, vppon Bartholonie His Booke De Proprietatibus Reriim. London, Tho. East, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... 428 Bavande, Will. See Montanus. Beacon, Rich., Solon his follie. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1594 ... ... 15 Becon, Tho., A nnu Postil. London, Tho. Marshe, 1566 ... ... 313 Beda, Ven., Axiotnata Philosophica. Londini, Ri. Yardley et Pet. Short imp. Ri. Oliff, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... 683 Hist, of Church of Englande, trans, by Tho. Stapleton. Antwerp, Joh. Laet, 1565 ... ... ... ... ... ... 990 Bedingfield, Tho. See Cardanus, Macchiavelli. Beeard, Rych., A Godly Psalme of Marye Queene. London, Wyll. Griffith, {1553) 299 Beehive of Romish Church. See Gilpin. Bellarmine. See Sutcliffe. Bellot, Jas., The French Methode. London, Rob. Robinson, 1588 ... 706 Bentham, The, Exposition upon Matt. iv. London, Rob. Waldegrave, s.a. 582 Berners, Lord. See Froissart. Beza, Theod., Confessio Christiana; Fidei. Londini, Tho. Vautrollerius, 1575 478 Ecclesiastes or the Preacher. Cambridge, John Legatt, s. a. ... 88 1 See also Biblia, Psalmi. Bible, the Holy [Matthew]. London, Tho. Raynalde and Will. Hyll, 1549 94 [Matthew]. London, John Da'ye and Will. Seres, 1549 . . ... 114 [Taverner]. London, Jhon Daye, 1551 ... ... ... 117 [Cranmer]. London, Rich. Grafton, 1553 ... ' ... ... 86 [Cranmer], London, Rich. Jugge and Join; Cawood, 1568 ... 209 INDEX OF BOOKS. 447 NUM. Bid/e, t/ie //ofy [Bishops']. London, Rich. Jugge, 1572 ... ... 182 [Genevan]. London, Chris. Barker, 1582 ... ... ... 498 [Genevan]. London, Chris. Barker, 1583 ... ... ... 504 [Genevan]. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1594 ... ... 534 [Tomson]. London, Uep. of Chris. Barker, 1599 ... ... 538 Biblia Sacra, Lat. a TrcmelUo, Junio, et Beza. Londini, Hen. Middletonus, imp. W. N., 1580 ... ... ... ... ... ... 451 1581 ... 452 Londini, G. B., R. N., et R. B., 1593 ... ... ... 415 Bicknoll, Edm., Sivoorde against Swearyng. London, for Will. Tovvreolde, s. a. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 681 London, Gab. Symson, 1599 ... ... ... ... 711 Billingsley, Henry. See Euclid. Bilson, Tho., Bishop of Winchester, Diffe7-e7ice behveene Christian subjection a}id zmchristian rebellion. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1585 ... ... 9 London, John Jackson and Edm. Bollifant, 1586 ... ... 699 Effect of cei-taine Sermons touching full redemption, London, Peter Short for Walter Burre, 1599 ... ... .. ... 777 Bishops, See Dialogue, Exhortation. Blagrave, John, Mathematical Jewel. London, Tho. Dawson for Wal. Venge, {1585) ... .. ... ... ... ... 566 Boccaccio, Joh., Fall of Princes, Eng. by Lydgate. London, Rich. Pyn- son, 1527 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 London, Joh. Wayland, s. a. ... ... ... ... 80 London, Rich. Tottell, 1554 ... ... ... ... 218 Philocopo, Eng. by H. G. London, Abell Jeffes for Tho. Woodcocke, 1587 1093 Bodenham, John, Bel-vedere, or the Garden of the Muses. London, F. K. for Hugh Astley, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... 820 Bonner, Edm. , Bishop of London, A profitable and necessarye doctryne, -with certayne homelies adjoyned therunto, London, in Bed. Joh. Cawodi, 1555 203 Homilies, to be 7-ead in diocesse of London. London, Jhon Cawodde, IS55 204 Iniunctions geuen in the visitation of . London, John Cawood, 1555 205 See also Bale, Brooke, Doncanus. Bound, Nic. See More, Joh. Bownell, Tho. See Beeard. Bracton, Hen. de, De Legibus et Consttetudinibus Anglice. Londini, apud Rich. Tottellum, 1569 ... ... ... ... ... 250 Bradford, John, T%vo notable Sa-mons, the one of Repentance ajtd the other of the Lordes Supper, London, John Charlewood and John Wight, 1581 364 Brandolinus, Lipp., De Ratione Scribendi, libritres. Londini, apud Hen. Middletonum, 1573 ... ... ... ... ... 440 Brandon, See Wilson, Tho. Brant, Seb., Stultifera Navis, Eng. by Alex. Barclay. London, John Cawood, 1570 ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 Bredwell, S., Rasing of the foundations of Bnnonisme. London, folin Windet, 1588 ... ... ... ... ... " ... 629 448 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Breton, Wich., Arbor of amorous Devices. London, Rich. Jones, (l597?) 47° Breviariu7n ad nsuin Saj-um. (Paris), imp. CI. Chevallon et Fran. Reg- nault, 1531 ... ... ... ... ... ... 956 Pars Estivalis. Parisiis, Jo. le Blanc pro Guill. Merlin, 1557 ... 959 Bridges, John, Defend of the Eccl. Discipline, against a replie of. S. 1. et t. n., 1588 ... ... ... ... ... • ... 912 See also Fenner, Marprelate. Bright, Tim. See Fox. (Brinklow, Hen.), Co7nplaynt of Roderyck Mors. Savoy, Fran, de Turona, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 975 Geneve, Myghell Boys, s. a. ... ... ... ... 976 Britton. London, Rob. Redman, s. a. ... ... ... ... 51 Broke, Ar. See Bandello. Brokis, Jas., Bishop of Gloucester, Sermon made at Paiiles Crosse, Nov. 12, 1553. London, Rob. Caly, 1553 ... ... ... ... 296 Brooke, Joh., Tzuo Woonderjul Popish Monsters. London, Tho. East, 1579 •• ••• ••• ■•• ••• 426 Brooke, Ralph, Discoverie of Certaine Errours in Camdens Britannia. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 837 Brooke, Sir Rob., La Grannde Abridgement. London, Rich. Tottyl, 1576 275 Ascuns novell cases de les Ans. Hen. viii. , Edzu. vi. , et Alary. London, Rych. Tottyl, 1578 ... ... ... ... ... 277 ..'. London, Jana Yetsweirt, 1597 ... ... ... ... 813 Le Liver des Assises. London, Rych. Tottell, 1580 ... ... 281 Brooke, Tho. , Epitaphe on Edm. Boner. S. 1. , t. n. et a. ... ... 133 Broughton, Hugh, Concent of Scripture, S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... 835 Seder Olam. S. 1. et t. n., 1594 ... ... ... ... 836 Browne, Rob., A booke which sheweth the life and manners of all tnie Chris- tians. Middleburgh, Rich. Painter, 1582 ... ... ... 1028 Brownists, A true Confession of Faith, by those falsely so called. S. 1. et t. n., 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1065 See also Alison, Bredwell. Bucer, Mart., The mynd and exposition of, on Matt, xviii, 7. Emden, s. t. n., 1566 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1019 The burnytige of Bucer atid Phagius at Cambrydge, Eng. by Arthur Goldyng. London, Tho. Marsh, (1562) ... ... ... 309 Buchanan, Geo., De yure Regni apud Scotos. Edinburgi, ad exemp. Joh. Rossei, 1581 ... ... ... ••■ ... ... 846 Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Edimburgi, apud Alex, Arbuthnetum, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 847 Rerum Scoticarum et de Jure Regni. Edimburgi, ad exemp. Alex. Arbuthneti, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... ... 848 De Maria Scotorum Regina, totaque ejus contra Regem coniuratione. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 146 AnedetectiounoftheduingesofMarie, Quene of Scottes. S. I., t.n. eta. 147 Admonition direct to the trrM Lordis. Striviling, Rob. Lekprevik, 157 1 898 Buckeridge, Joh. See Clarke, Tho. Buckley, Will. See Seton. Bull, The Holy, and Crjisado of Rome. London, John Wolfe, 1588 ... 593 See also Norton. INDEX OF BOOKS. 449 NUM. Bullinger, Hen., Bulhe Papistica:...refulatio. Londini, apud Joh. DayUm, 1571 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 144 Fif tie Sermons, divided into five Decades. London, Ralphe Newberrie, 1577 348 A most excellent Sermon of the Lordes Supper, Eng. by I. T. London, Tho. Dawson and Tho. Gardyner for Will. Ponsonby, s. a. ... 55° The judgement of, in certeyne ^natters of religion. (Embden), s. t. n., 1566 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1020 Bullokars Booke at large, for the Amendment of Orthographic for English speech. London, Hen. Denhani, 1580 .. ... ... 342 Bunny, Edm. See Parsons. Burleigh. See Cecil. Burton, Will., A Caveat for Suerties. London, Rich. Field for Tobie Cooke, 1593 ... ... .,. ... ... ... 743 Byrd, W'ill., Psabnes, Sonets, and songs of sadnes. (London), Tho. East, 1588 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 430 Liber primus Sacrarufii Cantionum Quinque vociim. Londini, Tho. Est, 1589 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 432 Sojigs of sundrie natures. London, Tho. East, 1589 ... ... 433 C, E.D.L.I., A Catholicke Apologie against the Libels. ..by those of the League. London, for Edward Aggas, s. a. ... ... ... 1089 C, G. See Dariot. C, R. See Huarte, Tasso. C, T. See Whitgift. Ccesar, C. Jul., Exploytes in the Realme of Gallia, Eng. by Arth. Goldi7tg. London, Will. Seres, 1565 ... ... ... ... ... 190 Caius, Joh., De Antiqiiitate Cantabrig. Academice, libri duo. Londini, Hen. Bynneman, 1568 ... ... ... „. ... 376 Londini, in asd. Joh. Daii, 1574 ... ... ... ... 156 Hist. Cantebrig. Academice, ab urbe condita. Londini, in a;d. Joh. Daii, 1574... ... ... ... ... ... ... 158 De prommciatione Greece et Latincz lingua libellus. Londini, in'aed. Joh. Daii, 1574 ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 De Canibus Britannicis, etc. Londini, Gul. Seresius, 1570 ■■• I95 See also Key. Calfhill, James. See Martiall. Calvin, Joh., Thirteen Sermons concerning Jacob and Esau, Eng. by John Fielde. London, Tho. Dawson for Tobie Cooke and Tho. Man, 1579 551 Sermons upon Deuteronomic, Etig. by Arth. Golding. London, Hen. Middleton for Geo. Bishop, 1583 ... ..: ... ... 456 Sermons upon the ten Commandments, Eng. by I. H. London, (Tho. Dawson) for Geo. Bishop, 1581 ... ... ... ... 558 Sei-mons upon the Boohe of Job, Eng^ by Arth. Golding, London, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Byshop and Tho. Woodcocke, 1584 ... 565 Four Sermons, with an Exposition of -the 2>']th Psalm, Eng. by Joh. Fielde. London, Tho. Dawson for Tho. Man, 1579 ... ... 552 Commentaries iipon Daniel. London, John Daye, 1570 ... ... 135 Commentary upon the Epistles to the Corinthians. London, (Hen. Middleton), for loh.. Harison and Geo. Byshop, 1577 ... ... 443 29 450 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Calvin, Joh., Sermons upon the Epistle to the Galatians. London, Hen. Bynneman for Lu. Haryson and Geo. -Byshop, 1574 ... ... 1084 The Mynde of, ...what a Faithfull man ought to do. Ippyswiche, Ihon Oswen, 1548 ... ... ... ... ... ... 896 Iiistitucion de la Religion Christiana, trad, por Cypriano de Valera. (London), Ric. del Campo, 1597 ... ... ... ... 75° See also Geneva, Lawne. Calvinianae Crudelitatis exempla duo ex Anglia. S. 1. et t. n., 1585 ••■ 1053 Cainbna. See Lloyd. Cambridge. See Bucer, Caius, Carlile, Hartwell, Harvey, James. Camden. See Brooke. Campion, Edm., Declaration of the tiiidittifull... affection borne against her Maiestie by... London, Chris. Barker, 1582 ... ... ... 497 Repo7-t of the Disputation had in the Tower of London -with... London, Chris. Barker, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... 499 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 500 See also Hanmer, Whitaker. Canons concertiyng some parte of the discipline of the Churche of England. London, John Daye, 1571 ... ... ... ... ... 142 Canonum disciplince eccl. Anglicana:, Liber quorundum. (London, John Day, 1571) ... ... • ... ... ... ... 143 Canonicus, Joh., In Aristotelis Physica, lib. viii. In villa S. Albani, 1481 1098 Capilupus, Lasl., Cento ex Vergilio de Vita Monachorum. Edinburgi, Rob. Lekprevik, 1565 ... ... ... ... ... 838 Cardanus Comforte, Eng. by Tho. Bedingfield. London, Tho. Marshe, 1576 . . ... ... ... ... ... ... 321 Carlile, Chris., A Discourse concerning tzuo divine Positions. London, Roger Ward, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... 645 Carter, Pet. See Seton. Carr, Nic. See Demosthenes. Czxiv/rigYiiyTho., Second Admonition to the Parliament. S. 1. ett. n., (1572) 904 Replye to an Answere made by Dr. Whitgift agaynste the Admonition. S. 1. et t. n., (I573)--- ■•• •.• ••• ••■ ... 908 ; Second Replie agaynst Dr. Whitgifte's second Answer. S. 1. et t. n., 1575 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1051 Rest of Second Reply agaynst Dr. Whitgift' s Second Answer, S. 1. et t. n., 1577... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1052 Apologie against Mr. Sutcliffe. S. 1. et t. n., 1596 ... ... 928 Christian Letter to Mr. R. Hoo. S. 1. et t. n., 1599 ... ... 929 See also Sutcliffe, Travers, Whitgift. Case, Joh., Thesaurus Oeconomiae. Oxonice, ex off. Jos. Bamesii, 1597 ... 18 Castillo, Balth., De Curiali sive Aulico libri iv., Lat, per Barth. Clerke. Londini, ap. Joh. Daymn, 1571 ... ... ... ... 139 Castriot. See Lavardin. Catalogue. See James, Maunsell. Catechismus brevis Christiance Disciplince summam continens. Londini, Regin. Wolfius, 1553 ... ... ... ... ... 103 Catechismus sive prima Institutio...pietatis Christiance L(it. explicata. Lon- dini, ap. Joh. Dayum, 1574 ... ... ... ... ,.. 160 INDEX OF BOOKS. 451 NUM. CqUchisme or manner hmv to instruct... children... in the Christian Faith. London, Hen. Middleton for loh. Harison, 1578 ... ... 444 See also Cawdray, Craig, Giffard, Nowell, Questions, Sparke, Table, Wood. Catholicks, £pistle of the Persecution of, in England. Douay, s. t. n. et a. 1027 See also Parsons. Catonis liber, cum cotnmento. London, Wyn. de Worde, 1512 ... ... 34 Cawdray, Rob.-, Treatise of the profile and necessitie of Catechising. London, Tho. Dawson, 1580 ... ... ... ... ... 554 Caxton, Will. See Chess, Dictes, Eneydos, Fevre. Cecil, Sir Will., Lord Burghley, Execution of Justice in England. London, (Chris. Barker), 1583 . ... ... ... ... ... 501 [Second edition] ... ... ... ... ... 5°2 Chaloner, Sir Thos. See Erasmus. Charta, Magna, cum Statutis. Londini, ap. Rich. Tottelum, 1556 ••• 219 Chartier, Alain, Parabolarum liber, cum commento. London,' Jul. Notary, 1505 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1076 Chaucer, Geoff. , Workes of London, Rych. Kele, s. a. ... ... ill London, Jhon Kyngston for John Wight, 1561 ... ... 301 Chauncy, Maur., Historia aliquot nostri saculi Martyrum. Moguntise, Fran. Behem, 1550 ... ... ... ... ... 935 S. 1. et t. n., 1573 ... ... .,. ... ... 1046 Cheke, Sir John, The hurt of Sedition. London, Will. Seres, 1569 ... 194 See also Chrysostom. Chess, Game and Flay of t/u. (Westminster), (Will. ) Caxton, s. a. ... 3 Christoferson, John, Exho7-tation...to beivare of Rebellion. London, John Cawood, 1554 ... ... ... ... ... ... 202 Chrysostom, S. John, Honiilice duce, Grace; et Lat. a foh. Cheko. Lon- dini, ap. Reynerum Vuolfium, 1543 ... ... ... ... 99 Homilicz sex, Gi-ace, ed. Joh. Hdrmar. Oxonii, ex off. Jos. Barnesii, 1586 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Exposition upon the Epist. of S. Faule to the Ephesians, Trans, out of Greeke. London, Hen. Binneman and Ralph Newberie, 1581 ... 397 See also Artopoeus. Church, Dialogue concerjiing the strife of our. London, Rob. Waldegrave, 15S4 578,579 Cicero, M. T., Opera omnia, a Dion. Lambino. Vol. I. Londini, loh. I. et Edm. C, 1585 ... ... 698 de Oratore, libri Hi. Cantabrigire, Joh. Legatt, 1589 ... ... 874 Fhet. ad Heremiium, libri iv. ; de hiventione Rhetorica, lib. ii. (Lon- don), Jo. Kyngstonus, 1574 ... ... ... ... ... 1081 Clapham, Henoch, Bibliotheca Theologica. Amstelrodam, s. t. n., 1597 ... 1012 Theological Axioms. S. 1. et t. n., 1597 ... ... ... 1013 Clarke, Tho., Recantation of, made at Faules Crosse. London, Dep. of Chr. Barker, 1594 ... ... ... ... ... ... 533 Clayton, Gyles, Approoved order of Martiall Discipline. London, L C. for Abr. Kitsonne, 1591 ... ... ... .. ... 367 Clergy, Enormytees usyd by the. (London), John Skot, s. a. ... ... 49 See also Fyloll. 452 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. ■ Gierke, Earth., Fiddis send siibdito infideli responsio. Londini, ap. Joh. Dayum, 1573 ... ... ... ... ... ... 154 See also Castillo. Gierke, Will., Triall of Bastardie. London, Adam Islip, 1594 ... 7^2 Gochlceus, Joh., De Alatritnonia Regis AiiglicE, Henriciviii. Lipsise, Mich. Blum, 1535 983 Scopa, in araneas Ri. I\Iorysi>ii Angli. Lipsise, Nic. Vuolrab, 1538 9^4 See also Morysin. Cognet, Mart., Politique Discourses upon Trueth and lying, trans, by Sir Edzv. Hoby. London, Ralfe Newberie, 1586 ... ... ... 353 Golet, John, A right fruitfull Admonition. London, for Gab. Gawood, 1577 546 Golumnis, Guido de. See Lidgate. Goramines, Phil, de, Historie, trans, by Tho. Danett. London, Ar. Hatfield for I. Norton, 1596... ... ... ... ... ... 663 Concordance to the Bible. See Herrey, Marbeck. Confessions of the Fnith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, Harinony of. (Gambridge), Tho. Thomas, 1586 ... ... ... 871 Conspiracy for pretended Reformation. London, Dep. of Chr. Barker, 1592 526 Constitucyons provynciall and legantines. London, Tho. Godfray, s. a. ... 75 Gooper, Tho., Chronicle. S. 1. ett. n., 1565 ■•• ••• ••• 827 Thesaurus. Londini, s. t. n., 1573 ... .. ... ... 829 Londini, in ced. Hen. Bynnemani, 1584 ... ... ... 403 Admonition to the People of England. London, Dep. ofGhr. Barker, 1589 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 521 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 522 Gope, Ant., Godly meditacion upon xx...Psalmes of David. London, Jhon Daye, 1547 ... ... ... ... ... ... II2 Gope, Mich., Exposition upon the Proi'ci-bes of Soloinon, Eng. by M. 0. London, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Byshop, 1580 ... ... ... 555 Gopland, Rob. See Guido. Goppinger. See Conspiracy. Gorranus, Ant., Dialogus, quo Epistola D.. Pauli ad Romanos explanatur. Londini, ap. Tho. Purfoetum, 1574 ... ... ... ... 369 Epistola B. Pauli ad Romanos... in Dialogi formam redacta. Londini, Tho. Vautrollerius, 1581 ... ... ... 486 Gosin, Rich., Vita et obitus, per Guil. Barlowum. Londini, Dep. Ghris. Barker, 1598 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1088 See also Aiiswer to an Abstract. Gotton, Rog., Direction to the tuaters of lyfe. London, for Gab. Simson and Will. White, 1592 ... ... ... .. ... 1094 Couper, Mary. See Dorrell. Goverdale, Miles, Bishop of Exeter, The olde fayth. S.I. et t. n., 1547 ... 900 Certain most godly... letters of Saintes and Martyrs. London, John Day, 1564 ... ... ... ... ... ... 123 Fruitfull Lessons upon the Passion .. . London, Tho. Scarlet, 1593 ... 763 See also Apothecary, Testa?netit. Cowell, John. See Atiti-Sanderus. Gox, Rich., Bishop of Ely. See Articles, Injunctions. INDEX OF BOOKS. 453 Nl'M. Craig, Joh., Shorte sumtne of the whole Catechisme. Edinburgh, Hen. Charteris, 1581 ... ... ... ... ... ... 841 Cranmer, Tho., Archbishop of Canterbury, Defence of the trite and Catho- like doctrine of the Sacranunt... London, Reyn. Wolfe, 1 550 ... lOl A confutation of nmvritten verities. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... 902 (Zx&%\\e\\,']Q%., Elizabeths Regina Anglice Edictum. S. 1. et t. n., 1593 ... 1062 Crowley, Rob., Confutation of xiii. Articles... London, John Day and Will. Seres, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 113 Setting open of tlu subtyle sophisti-ie of Tho. Watson. London, Hen. • Denham, 1569 ... ... ... ... ... ... 334 Crumwell. See Doncanus. Cuningham, Will., Cosjnographical Glasse. Londini, in off. Jo. Daii, 1559 ■■. ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 D., G., Bricfe Discoz'erii of Doctor Aliens seditious drifts, London, L W. for Francis Coldock, 1588 ... ... ... ... ... 592 D., I. See Davidson, Joh. D., N. See Parsons, Rob. Dallington, Rob., Method for Travell. London, Tho. Creede, s. a. ... 656 Danasus, Lamb., Cofnmentarie upon the twelve Small Prophets, Eng. by Joh. Stockwood. (Cambridge), John Legate,- 1594 ... ... 8S5 Dialogue of Witches. London, R. W., 1575 ... ... ... 361 Danett, Tho., Description of the Low Countreys. London, Pet. Short for Tho. Chard, 1593 ... ... ... ... ... ... 766 Daniel, .Sam., Civile warres betiveene the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke. London, P. Short for Sim. Waterson, 1595 ... ... ... 769 Poeticall Essay es. London, P. .Short for Sim. Waterson, 1599 ... 776 Dares Phygius. See Lidgate. Dariot, CI., Introduction to the Astrologicall ludgement of the Starres, Eng. by F. W. London, Tho. Purfoot, 1598 ... ... ... 374 Darling, Tho. See Dorrell. Darrell, Joh. See Dorrell. Davidson, Joh., D. Bancrofts rashnes in rayling against the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1590 ... ... 851 Davies, Sir John, Nosce teipsum. London, Ri. Field for John Standish, 1599 753 Davies, John, O utinam. For Queene Elizabeths securitie... London, Ri. Yardley and Pet. Short for John Pennie, 1591 ... .. ... 682 Davies, Rich., Bishop of St. David's, Sermon at the buriall of Walter, Earl of Essex, London, Hen. Denham, 1577... ... ... 338 Daws, Joh. See Sleidane. Death. Meane to dye wel. London, Wyll. Myddelton, s. a. ... ... 1077 Dee, Joh., Fropadeumata Aphoristica. Londini, Hen. Suttonus, 1558 ... 305 ParallaticcB Commentationis Praxeosque nucleus quidam. Londini, ap. Joh. Dayum, 1573 ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 General and rare metnorials... London, John Day, 1577 ... ... 167 Triple Almanacke for the yeere 1591. London, Ri. W^atkins and la. Robertes, (1590) ... ...' ... ... ... ... 362 Deering, Edw., Lectures upon part of the Epistle to the Hebrews. (London), for Tho. Woodcocke, 1578 ... ... ... • ... 541 454 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Demosthenes, Olynthiacm orationes in. et PMHppiccB iv. , a Nic. Carro Lat. converse. Londini, ap. Hen. Denhamum, 1571 ... ... 336 Desainliens. See Hollyband. Dialogue betwene yuliiis ii., Genius, and Saynt Peter. London, John Byddell, 1535 76 Tvherin is plainly laide open the tyrannieall dealing of L. Bishopps against Gods children. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... 1058 See also Church, Danaeus. Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres. Westmestre, Will. Caxton, 1477 ■•• ^ Digges, Tho., Alee sen Scalce Mathematicce. Londini, ap. Tho. Marsh, 1573 319 Arithmetical warlike treatise tiamed Stratioticos. London, Ri. Field, 1590 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 738 Geometrical practical Treatise named Pantometria... London, Abell Jeffes, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... ... 673 Dillingham, Fran., Dissivasive from Poperie. (Cambridge), lohn Legat, 1599 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 892 Discipline, A Defence 0/ the Ecclesiastical, Against a replie of Maister Bridges. S. 1. et t. n., 1588 ... ... ... ... ... 912 Discourses, Politique, Trans, out of French by ALgr. Ratcliffe. London, for Edw. Aggas, 157S .. _ ... ... ... ... ... 542 Dives and Pauper. See Parker, Hen. Dodoens, Rem., A neiu Herball, Eng. by Henry Lyte, Esq. London, Nin. ■Newton, 1586 ... ... ... ,.. ... ... 680 Doleman, N. See Parsons, Rob. Doncanus Hibernus, /^(/ Z>. Tho. Criimuellum... Carmen Heroiciun. Vite- bergae, s. t. n., 1539 ... ... ... ... ... 1009 Ad D. Bonerzim. .. Carmen gi-atulatorium. Vitebergae, s. t. n., 1539 loio Dorman, Tho. See Nowell. Dorrell, Joh., B reife Narration of the possession... of Will. Sommej's. S. 1. et t. n., 1598... ... ... ... ... ... .. 930 Brief Apologie proving the possession of Will. Sommers. S. 1. et t. n., 1599 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 931 Triallof. S. I. et t. n. (1599)... ... ... ... ... 932 T^-ue Narration of the... vexation by the devil of "] persons in Lancashire. S. 1. et t. n., 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 933 Detection of that... Discours of Samuel Harshnet. S. 1. et t. n., 1600... 934 See also Harsnet. Douglas, Gawin. See Virgil. Downame, Joh., ^Spiritual physicke. London, Gab. Simson for Will. Jones, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1\2 Downes, And. See Lysias. Doyley. See Percivall. Drake. See Savile, Spain. Drant, Tho., Prcesul ; Sylva. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... 830 Dralymont, L D. See Spain. Drayton, Mich., Mortimeriados . London, I.'R. for Math. Lownes, 1596... 472 Duarenus, Fran., De Sacris Ecclesim Alinisteriis. Londini, ap. Joh. Jacsonum pi'o Geo. Bishop, 1585 ... ... ... ... 697 INDEX OF BOOKS. 455 NUM. Eckius, Joh., Assei-itur Anglice regis liber de Sacramentis. In Rhoma, Marc. Franck, 1523 ... ... ... ... ... 1103 Edwardes, Ri., Paradice of Dainty Devices. London, Edw. Allde for Edw. While, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... 660 Eliot, Joh., Oriho-epia Gallica. London, lohn Wolfe, 1593 ... ... 606 Eliot, Sir Tho., Image of Governance. Londini, in off. Tho. Bertheleti, 1540 ... ... ■ ... ... ... 65 London, Wyll. Seres, 1556 ... ... ... 187 Boke named the Governour. Londini, in aed. Tho. Marshi, 1565 ... 312 Bibliotheca Eliotie. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1548 ... ... 68 Elizabeth, Queen, Fotirtne of prayer zuith thankesgevyng to be used every yeare, the 17 A^ov., beyng the day of the Qitenes entrie to her raigne. London, Ri. Jugge, (1576—7) ... ... ... ... 183 Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners. (London, Chris. Barker, 1583) ... ... ... ... 503 ....'.. Declaration of ■ the Treasons, prcutised by Will. Parry the Traitor. London, C. B., (1584) ' ... ... ... ... ... 505 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 506 Discoverie of the Treasons against the Qnecne and the Realme by Francis Throckmorton. (London, Chris. Barker, 1584) ... ... 507 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 508 Declaration of the Causes moving the Queene to give aide to the Defence of the People in the lowe Countries. London, Chris. Barker, 1585... 510 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 511 Orders thought meete by her Majestie and her privie Councell. London, Chris. Barker, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 515 Declaration of Causes which mooved commanders of H.M.'s Navie to take in the tnouth of the River of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of Come. London, Chris. Barker, 1589 ... ... ... ,.. 524 Declaration of great (i-aubles pretended against the Real fne by ..Seminary Priests and fesuits. ..Published by this H. M. 's Proclamation. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1591 ... ... .. ... 525 ..?... True Report of sundry horrible conspiracies against. London, Chas. Yetsweirt Esq., 1594 ... ... ... ... ... 8n Iniunctions given by the Queen, Anno Dom. 1559' (London, Ass. of Rob. Barker, 1600) ... ... ... ... ... 796 De lezabelis Angles Parricido poemata Latina et Gallica. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1056 See also Creswell, Davies, Hartwell, Mary Queen of Scots, Ocland, Osorius, Scotus. Eneydos. See Viigil. England, Table of the yeres of the Kynges of, etc. London, Jhon Waley, 1562 172 Epistles and Gospels. London, Jhon Herforde, s. a. ... ... ... 108 See also Pnmer. Erasmus, Paraphrase. Vol. i. London, Edw. Whitchurche, 1548 ... 91 Vol. ii. London, Edw. Whitchurch, 1552... ... ... 92 The praise of Folie, Eng. by Sir Tho. Chaloner. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1549 ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 De Duplici copia verborum et rerum. Londini, Jo. Kyngstonus, 1569 302 See also Taverner. 456 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Espine, John de 1'. See Rouspeavi. Essex, Walter, Earl of. See Davies, Richard. Euclid, Eleinents of Geometrie, E)ig. by H. Billingslcy. London, John Daye, 1570 ... ... ■ ... ... .. ... 136 Eunapius, Lyves of Philosophers and Orafours. London, Ri. lohnes, (1579) 467 Eusebius Philadelphus, Dialogi. Edimburgi, Jac. Jamasus, 1574 ... 842 Le Reveille-Matin des Francois. Edimbourg, Jaques James, 1574 ... 843 Eutheo, Second and thii-d blast of retrait fi-otn f laics and Theatas. London, Hen. Denham, 1580 ... ... ... ... ... 341 Exhortation to the Biskufs. S. 1. et t. n., (1572) •■• •■• ••• 905 Fabyan, Rob., Chronicle. London, John Reynes, 1542 ... ... 97 Fagius. See Bucer. Fairfax, Edw. See Tasso. Fast, Ordoure aud Doctrine of the, halden at Edinbtcrgh, E>cc. 25, IS^S- Edinburgh, Rob. Lekprevik, 1574 ... ... ... ... 840 Fenner, Dud., Defence of the Godlie Ministers agaitist the slauiiders of D. Bridges. S. 1. et t. n., 1587... ... ... ... ... 911 Fenton, Geoff., Certaine Tragicall Discourses. London, Tho. Marshe, 1567 314 .; Golden Epistles. London, Ralph Nevvberie, 1582 ... ... 350 Forme of Christian Pollicie. London, H. Middelton for Rafe New- bery, 1574 ... ... ... ... ... ... 441 Ferdinand, Phil. See Abraham. Feme, ]6h., Blazon of Gentrie. London, Joh. Windet for And. Maunsell, 1586 627 Festialis Liber : Quatiior Sertnones. In Westmonesterio, (Wyn. de. Worde), 1493 5 London, Wyn. de Worde, 1532 ... ... .. ... 42 (Fevre, Raoul le), Reaiyell of the historyes of Troye. (Bruges, Will. Caxton, 1476) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 973 Field, John, A caveat for Parsons Hozvkt. London, Rob. Waldegrave for Tho. Man and Tobie Smith, s. a. .. ... ... ... 574 ( and Tho. Wilcox), Admonition to the Parliament. S. 1. et t. n., (1572) IO45 See also Calvin, Mornay, Olevian. Figuiero, Vasco, The Spaniards Mo)iarchie, Eng. by H. O.. London, Ri. Field for lohn Hairison, 1592 ... ... ... ... 741 Fills, Rob. See Geneva. Fischer, Joh. See Piscator. Fisher, Joh., Bishop of Rochester, Ti-eatiseconcernyngethefruytftllsayinges of Davyd. London, Tho. Marshe, 1555 ... ... ... 306 Godlie treatisse of Prayer. London, Joh. Cawood, (1560)... ... 208 London, H. B. for Gab. Cawood, 1577 ... 3S9 Assertiomun M. Lutlieri cotfutatio. Colonise, Euch. Cervicovnus, imp: Godef. Hittorpii, 1525 ... ... ... ... ... 936 Defensio Regies assertionis contra Babylonicam captivitatcm . Colonise, in off. Pet. Quentel, 1525 ... ... ... ... ... 937 Fitzherbert, Sir Anth., La Graunde Abridgement. (London), in jcd. Ri. Tottell, 1565 ... ... ... .. ... ... 230 See also Staundforde, Sir Will. Fitzstcphen, Will. See .Stow. INDEX OF BOOKS. 457 Nl'M. Fleming, Abr. See i^lian, Junius. Fletclier, Giles, Of the Rtisse Comniomvealth. London, T. D. for Tho. Charde, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... 567 Florio, Joh., Second Frtttes. London, (Tho. Orwin) for Tho. Woodcock, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 729 Worlde of IVordes .. London, Arn. Hatfield for Edw. Blount, 1598... 665 Fortescue, Sir John, Learned Comincndatioit of the politujue Laioes of Englande, Eng. by Rob. Alulcaster. London, Rych. Tottill, 1567 244 Fortescue, Thomas. See Mexia. Fox, Edw., De vera diff. reg. potestatis et ecclesiastioB. Londini, in red. Tho. Bertheleti, 1534 ... ... ... ... ... 58 Londini, in red. Tho. Bertheleti, 1538 ... ... ... 6^ Vo-x., ^oh.., Actes and MoHumentes. London, John Daye, 1570... ... 134 Abridgement of, by Tim. Bright. London, J. Windet, 1589 ... 630 Christus Triumphans. Basilese, Joh, Oporinus, 1556 ... ... 944 De Christo gratis justificante. Londini, Tho. Purfutius imp. Geo. Byshop, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... ... 372 Eicasmi sen Meditationes in Apocalypsin. Londini, imp. Geo. By.shop, 1587 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 406 Syllogistieon . . .De re et matena Sacramenti Eucharistici. Londini, Jo. Daius, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 124 See also Haddon. Frampton, Joh. See Monardus. France, Declaration exhibited to the French king. London^ Abell Jeffes for Tho. Cadman, 1587 ... ... ... ... ... 669 Restorer of the French Estate. London, Ri. Field, 1 589 ... ... 737 Historicall Collection of most Alemorable Accidents of France. London, Tho. Creede, 1598 ... ' ... ... ... ... ... 654 See also Henry iii., Henry iv., Tortorel. Frcnkfort, Brieff Disconrs off the Troubles bego)ine at, A.D. 1554. S. 1. et t. n., 1575 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1049 Frarin, Pet., Oration against the tmlaivfitll Btsurrections of the Pi-otestantes. Antverpias, ex off. Jo. Fouleri, 1566 ... ... ... ... 993 Fraunce, Abr., Lawiers Logihe. London, Will. How, 1588 ... ... 439 Insignium, Armoftim, ...Explicatio. Londini, Tho. Orwinus, imp. Tho. Gubbin et Tho. Newman, 1588 ... ... ... ... 717 Frith, Joh., Boke answerynge M. Mores letter concernynge the Sac7'amente. (London), Ry. Jugge, 1548 ... ... ... ... ... 175 London, Ant. Scoloker and Wyll. Seres; 1548 ... ... 186 See also Tindale. Froissart, Sir John, Chronicles, Eng. by Lord Berners. Vol. i. Lijdon, Wyll. Myddylton, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... 96 Vol. ii. London, Rich. Pinson, 1525 ... ... ... 28 Fulke, Will., Tiuo Treatises written against the Papistes. London, Tho. Vautrollier, 1577 ••• ••• ■•• ••• ■■• •.- 479 Metramachia, sive Lndus Geometricns. Londini, Tho. Vautrollerius, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 480 Confutation of a Popish Discourse by fohn LLowlet. London, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Bishop, 1581 ... ... ... ... 559 458 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Fulke, W. , Defense ■ of the Eng. Trans, of the Scriptures against Greg. Martin. London, Hen. Bynneman for Geo. Bishop, 1583 ... 402 De Successione Ecclesiastica. Londini, Hen. Midletonus imp. Geo. Bishop, 1584 ... ... ... ... ... ... 458 See also Campion, Testament. Fullonius, Gul., Acolastus de Filio Prodigo Comcedia. Londini, s. t. n., 1585 832 Fulwell, Ulp., First part of the eight liberall science, London, Will. Hoskins, 1576 ... ... ... ... ... ... 539 FyloU, Jasp., Agaynst the possessions of the Clergye. (London), John Skot, s. a. . . i ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 G., B., .Newyeares Gifte, dedicated to the Popes Holinesse. London, Hen. Bynneman, 1579 ... ... . ... ... ... ... 393 G., E. See Ascham. G., H. See Boccaccio. G., N. See Sohn. G., R. See Calvin (896). Gace, Will. See Luther. Galenus, De Temperamentis,...int. Tho. Linacro Anglo. Apud Canta- brigiam, lo. Siberch, 1 52 1 ... ... ... ... ... iioo Gardiner, Steph., Bishop of Winchester, Detection of the Dezils Sophistrie. London, Jhon Herforde, 1546 ... ... ... ... 109 De vera obediencia, trans, into English. Roane, Mich. Wood, 1553... 1004 Explication and assertion of the true Catholiqjie fayth. S. 1. at t. n., 1551 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 901 ad Alartitmm Bucerum. Lovanii, ex off. Rutg. Rescii, 1544 ... 968 Confidatio Cavillationum, Lovanii, ap. Pet. Colonseum, typ. Reyn. Velpii, 1554 ... .... ... ... ... ... 969 See also Ponet. Gascoigne, Geo., The whole Woorkes. London, Abell Jeffes, 1587 ... 670 Gautius, P"rig., Palma Christiana. Londini, loh. Wolfius, 1593 ... 607 Gee, Alex., Ground of Christianitie. London, Rob. Waldegrave, (1581 ?) 575 [Another edition]. London, Rob. Waldegrave, 1584 ... 576 Gelli, Jo. Bapt., Circes, Eng. by Hen. Iden. London, John Cawood, (1557) 207 Fearcfull Fansiis of the Florentine Cooper, Eng. by W. Barker. London, Tho. Purfoot, 1599... ... ... ... ... 375 Generydes. (Probably London, c. 1520 — 25)... ... ... ... 825 Geneva. Ratio et forma publice orandi Deum...in Anglorum Ecclesiam, quce Genevce colligitur. Geneva?, ap. Jo. Crispinum, 1556 ... 978 Fertile of prayers. ..used in the Englishe Congregation at Geneva. S. 1. et t.n., 1561 ... ... ... ... ... ... 980 Lawes and Statutes of Geneva, Eng. by Rob. Fills. London, Roul. Hail and Tho. Hacket, 1562 ... ... ... ... 360 Gentilis, Alb., De Juris interpretibus Dialogi sex. Londini, apud Joh. Wolfium, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... 587 Geoffrey of Monmouth, Brifanmcc utriusque Regum et Principuju Origo. (Paris), Jo. Badius Ascensius, s. a. ... ... ... ... 951 George, St. See Barclay. Gerarde, Joh., Herball. London, Edm. Bollifant for Bon. and Joh. Norton, 1597 ... ... ... ... ... ... 688 INDEX OF BOOKS. 459 NUM. Germany, Lihellus supplex IinperatoiH(E Alaiestati. Londini, ap. Joh. Daiuni, 1571 .. ... ... ... ... ... 137 Gesner, Conr., A^eive Jcivell of Health, Eng. by Geo. Baker. London, Hen. Denham, 1576 ... ... ... ... ... 337 Gifford, Geo., Catec/ilsme eoiteiniiig't/ie si(i?i»ie of C/uisttan Religion^ Lon- don, Tho. Dawson, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... 562 Sermon on second Chapter of S. 'James. London, for Tobie Cooke, 1583 571 Sermon on the Parable of the Sozuer. London, Joh. Wolfe for Toby Cooke, 1584 ... ..'. ... ... ... ... 5S8 Plaine Declaration that our Bro7vnists be fill Donatists. London, (Tho. Orwin) for To. Cooke, 1590 ... ... ... ... 720 Short Reply to the last printed books of Barrow and Greenwood. London, Tho. Orwin for To. Cooke, 159 1 ... ... ... 723 See also Greenwood. Gilbert, Sir Hum., Discourse of a Discoz^ei'ie for a new Passage to Cataia. London, Hen. Middleton for Ri. Ihones, 1576 ... ... ... 442 Gilby, Ant., Two short and comfortable Epistels. (Embden), s. t. n. et a 1017 Gildas, de Calamitate, excidio et conquestu Britannice. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... 1036 Gilpin, Geo., Bee hive of the Roinishe Churche. London, Tho. Dawson for Joh. Stell, 1580... ... ... .*. ... ... 556 Giraldus Cambrensis. See Virunnius. Glanville, Ran. de, Tractatus de legibus et Consuetudinibus regni Anglice. Londini, in red. Ri. Totteli, s. a. ... ... ... ... 2S7 Glareau, Hen. See Ovid. Goade, Rog. See Campion. Golden Legend. See Voragine, Jac. de. Golburne, Joh. See Valera. Golding, Arthur. See Bucer, Caesar, Calvin, Hemming, Hurault, Mela, Orange, Solinus. Googe, Barn., Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes. London, Tho. Colwell, 1563 ■•■ ••■ 358 See also Palingenius. Gower, Jo., de Confessione A mantis. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1554 ... 71 G7-aduale ad ecclesice Sarum consuetudinem. Paris, Nic. Prevost for Fr. Byrckman, 1528 ... ... ... ... ... ... g^j Gradus Comparationum. London, Wyn. de Worde, s. a. ... ... 40 Grafton, Ri., Abridgement of the Chronicles of England. (London), in ced. Rich. Tottyli, 1562... • .... ... ... ... ... 229 (I570)--- ••• ••• ••• ••• ... ... 251 Granada, Lewis de. Of Prayer and Meditation, Eng. by Rich. Hopkins. Rouen, Geo. L'Oiselet, 1584... ... ... ... ... 1007 Greene, Rob. See Harvey, Lodge. Gregory XHL, Pope. See Bull. Greenwood, Joh., Auns^aer to Geo. Giffbrds pretended defence of read Prayers. (Dort), s. t. n., 1590 . ... ... ... ... ... 1034 See also Barrow, Gifford, Some. Grenewey, Rich. See Tacitus. Grimoaldus, Nic, Oratio ad Ponfifces, Londini, in cede Paulina, Lon- dini, ex off. Hen. Bynnemani, 1583 ... ... ... ... 401 460 INDEX OF BOOKS. Guarini, Batt., II Pastor Fido. Lonclra, par Giov. Volfeo a spese di Giac Castelvetri, 1591 ... Guevara, Ant. de, Dial of Princes, Eng. by Tho. North. (London), Ri Tottill, 1582 Familiar Epistles of, Eng. by Edw. Ilelloives. London, Ra. New berie, 1584 Mount of Calvarie. London, A. Islip for Edw. White, 1595 Guicciardini, Fr., Historie of, Eng. by Geff. Fenton. London, Tho. Vau troullier, 1579 Brief e Collection of all the notable things contained in. London, Tho Purfoote,' 1591 Guido, Questionary of Cyrurgyens, Eng. by Rob. Copland. London, Rob, Wyer for Hen. Dabbe and Ry. Banckes, s. a. 600 283 351 785 4S2 373 52 H., R. See Lavater, Perkins. 'ii.,\N.,MisterieofMegiddo. London, L Windet, 1589 ... ... 631 Hacket, Will. See Arthington, Conspiracy. Haddon, Walt., Lucubrationes, ed. Tho. Hatcher. Londini, apud Gul. Seresium, 1567 ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Poemata, ed. Tho. Hatcher. Londini, apud Gul. Seresium, 1567 ... . 192 Contra Hier. Osorium, contin. per Jo. Foxum. Londini, ex off. Jo. Daii, 1577 ... ... ... ... ... ... 166 Hakluyt, Rich., Principal Navigatio7is... of the English Amotion. London, Geo. Bishop, Ra. Newberie, and Ro. Barker, 159S— 99— 1600 ... 419 1599 — 1600 ... ... ... ... ... 420 Hall, Edw., Union of the two noble famelies of Lancastre and Yorke. London, Ry. Grafton, 1550 ... ... ... ... 84 Hall, John. See Lanfranc. Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich, Virgidemiarum, First three Bookes. London, Tho. Creede for Rob. Dexter, 1597 ... ... ... 653 Three last Bookes. London, for Rob. Dexter, 1599 ... .. 758 Certaine worthye manuscript Poems. London, Rob. Robinson for Rob. Dexter, 1597 ... .-.. ... ... ... ... 709 Hanmer, Mer. , Great bragge and challenge of M. Champion... confuted and aunswered. London, Tho. Marshe, 1581 ... ... ...■ 324 Harding, Tho., Answere to Maister Juelles Chalcnge. Antwerpe, Will. Sylvius, 1565 ... ... ... ... ... ... 991 See also Jewel, Norton. Harington, Sir John, Metafnoiphosis of Aiax. London, Ri. Field, 1596... 745 Ulissesupon Aiax. London, for Tho. Gubbins, 1596 ... ... 715 Hariot, Tho., Brief e and true report of the neiu found land of Virginia. Francofurti ad Moenum, typ. Jo. Wechcli, sumt. Theo. de Bry, 1590 loii Harmar, Joh. See Calvin, Chrysostom. Haj-mony of the Confessions. See Confessions. Harrison, Will. See Holinshed. Harsnet, Sam., Archbishop of York, Discovery of the Fraudulent Practices of Joh. Darrel. London, lohn Wolfe, 1599 ... ... ... 615 See also Dorrell. Hartwell, Abr., Rei^ina Literata. Londini, in typog. Gul. Seres, 1565 ... 189 INDEX OF BOOKS. 46 1 NUM. Harvey, Gab., Ciceronianus. Londini, ex off. Hen. Binneman, 1577 ... 390 Rhetor. Londini, ex off. Hen. Binneman, 1577 .. ... ... 391 Stttit/ius. Londini, ex off. Hen. Binnemaiii, 1577 ... ... 392 Four letters and certaine Sonnets. London, loh. Wolfe, 1^92 ... 602 Harward, Sim., Encheiiidion Morale. Londini, Edm. Bollifantus imp. W. Tailer, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... 6S7 Hastings, Sir Francis. See Parsons. Hatcher, Tho. See Haddon. Haward. See Howard. Hawenreuter, Jo. Lud., Compendiuvt librorum physicorum Aristotelis. Cantabrigire, ex off. Jo. Legat, 1594 ... ... ... ... 884 Haywarde, Sir John, First part of the life and raigne of Henry IV. Lon- don, John Wolfe, 1599 ... ... ... ... ... 616 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 617 Heiland, Sam. See Aristotle. Heliodorus, ALthiopian Historic, Eng. by Tho. Underdoivne. London, for PVa. Coldocke, 15S7 ... ... ... ... ... 357 Hellowes, Edvv. See Guevara. Hemming, Nic, Postill, Eng. by Arth. Goldinge. London, Hen. Bynne- man for Lu. Haryson and Geo. Bishop, 1569 (?) ... ... 1083 Way of lyfe, Eng. by N. Denham. London, Ri. Jones, (1579) ... 1086 Encheiridion 'I heologicum. Londini, ap. Tho. Vautrollerium, 1580 10S7 Henry IV. See Haywarde. Henry VIII., Assertio septem Sacranientoru77i adversus Mart. Lutheru7n. Apud Londinum, in red. Pynsonianis, 1 521 ... ... ... 25 Londini, in sed. Pynsonianis, 1522 ... ... ... 26 Romse, op. Steph. Guillireti, -1521 ... ... ... 1102 Literarum quibus respondit ad qnandam epistolam Lutheri exemtlum. Londini, in red. Pynsonianis, 1527 ... ... ... * ... 31 S. 1. et t. n., 1527 ... ... ... ... ... 1037 Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christen Man. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1543 ... ... ... ... ... 66 Pia et Catholica Chnstiani Hoininis Institntio. Londini, in off. Tho. Bertheleti, 1544 ... ... .. ... ... 67 See also Barnes, Cochlreus, Eckius, Pace, Pole, Universities. Henry III. of France, Edict du Roy sur le Reunion deses subjets. Londres, Rich. lones, 1585 ... ... ... ... .... ... 468 See also Anti-Sixtus. Henry IV. of France, Discours de la Victoire obtenu par le roy Henry iv. en la battaile pres le bourg cf Yvry. Londres, Tho. Orwin pour Tho. Man, {1590) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1095 Herodotus, translated by B. R. London, Tho. Marsha, 1584 ... ... 325 Herrey, Rob., Tzvo right profitable Concordatices. London, Dep. of Chris. l^^^'ke'^-- 535 Heskyns, Tho., Parliament of Chryste. Antwerpe, Will. Silvias, 1566 ... 992 Heywoode, Joh., Woorkes. London, Hen. Wykes, 1566 ... ... 328 Higden, Ra., Polycronycon. Southwerke, Pet. Treveris, at the exp. of John Reynes, 1527 ... ... ... ... ... ... 865 Higgins, Joh. See Junius, AJirrour of Magist;ates. 462 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Hill, Adam, Defence of the Article, Chnst descended into Hell. London, for Will. Ponsonby, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... 584 Hill, Rob. See Perkins. Hitchcock, Rob.,- /4 /i5i/////i/«^ /"/<;//. London, Jhon Kyngston, 15S0 ... 304 Hoby, Sir Edw. See Cognet. Holbein, Hans, Images of the Old Testament. Lyons, Job. Frellon, 1549... 967 Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of England, Scotlande and Irelande. London, for Joh. Harrison, 1577 ... ... ... ... 463 Augmented and continued to the yeare 1586. London, (Hen. Denham), 1587 ... ... ... ... ... ... -345 HoUyband, CI., Frenche Schoolemaister. London, Will. How for Abr. Veale, 1582 ... ... ... ... 437 Dictionarie, French and English. London, T. O. for Tho. Wood- • cock, 1593 ... ,.. ... ... ... ... 734 Hollybush, Joh. See Apothecarye, Coverdale. Holy Ghost, The tree of . London, Rob. Coplande, IS34 ••• ■•• 45 The xii. fruytes of. London, Rob. Copland and Myghell Fawkes, 1535 46 Homer, Ilias. Londini, Geo. Bishop, 1591 ... ... ... ... 413 Homilies sette forth by Edm. [Bonner'], Byshop of London. London, Jhon Cawodde, 1555 ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 The Second Tome of, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie. London, Ri. Jugge and John Cawood, {1563) ... ... ... 177 Hooker, Rich. See Cartwright. • Hooper, John, Bishop of Gloucester, Declaration of the ten holy commaunde- mentes. S. 1. et t. n., 1548 .. ... ... ... ... 1039' Oversight and deliberation upon the prophete j^onas. London, Ihon Daye and Wyll. Seres, (1550) ... ... ... ... 1078 Certeine comfortable Expositions of. London, Hen. Middleton, 1580 450 Hopkins, John. See Psalms. Hopkins, Ri. See Granada. Horcz B. Maria: Virginis ad usutn Sarum. In Universitate Parisiensi, Joh. Jehannot, 1498 ... ... .... ... ... ... 947 Parisius, Germ. Hardouyn, s. a. ... ... ... ... 954 Hornanus, Hadr. Jun. See Eunapius. Hornius, Car., In obitnm...Guil. Whitakeri. Cartnen Funebre. Londini, Joh. Wolfius, 1596... ... ... ... ... ... 610 Horses, Medicines for . [Imperfect] ... ... ... ... ... 824 Howard, Hen., Earl of Surrey, Songes and Sonettes. London, Rich. Tottill, 1557 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 222 London, Joh. Windet, 1585 ... ... ... ... 625 Howell, Tho., Newe Sonets and pretie Pamphlets. London, Tho. Col well, s. a. 359 Howlet, Jo. See Field, Fulke, Parsons. Howlet, Rich., Abcedarium Aiiglico-Latinwn. Londini, ex off. Gul. Riddel, 1552 ... ... ... ... ... ... 295 Huarte, Joh., Examination of mens wits. London, (Ad. Islip) for Ri. Watkins, 1594 ... ... ... ... ... ... 784 Hues, Rob., Tractatus de Globis. Londini, in red. Tho. Dawson, 1594 ... 568 INDEX OF BOOKS. 463 NUM. Huloet, Rich. See Howlet. Hume, Alex., Reioynder to Dr. Nil concerning the descense of Christ into Hell. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... '... ... 927 See also Hill. Humfiey, Laur., yo. ytielli Episc. Sa^-isburiensis vita et mors. Londini, ap. Joh. Dayum, 1573 ... ... ... ... ... ... 153 Jesnitismi pars prima... Londini, Hen. Middletonus imp. Geo. Byshop, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... 453 Hungary. See Prayers, Hurault, Jaq., Politicke, Moral and Martiall Discourses, Eng. by Arth. Golding. London, Ad. Islip, 1595 ... ... ... ... 786 Hutchin.son, Rog. , Faithful Declaration of ChHstes holy supper. London, John Day, 1560 ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 Hylton, Walt., Scala Perfectionis. London, Wyn. de Worde, 1533 ... 43 Hyrde, Rich. See Vives. I., H. See Bullinger. L, T., IVorld of IVonders. London, for Will. Barley, 1595 ... ... 755 Iden, Henry. See Gelli. Idlenesse, Image of. London, ass. of Will. Seres, 1581 ... ... 197 Injunctions given in the visitation of Edmund [Bonne/-], bishop of London. London, Joh. Cawood, 1555... ... ... ... .. 205 With certaine Articles to be enquired of , in the visitation of John [Park- hurst], Bishop of Norzvich. London, Joh. Walley, 1569... ... 173 Given by Richard [Cox], Bishop of Ely. London, Ri. Jugge, s. a. ... 184 Given by the Queenes Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1559. (London, ass. of Rob. Barker, 1600) ... ... ... ... ... 796 Institution of a Christen Man. Londini, in aed. Tho. Bertheleti, i S3 7 ... 62 Intercescion, A devout. (London), Ri. Fawkes, s. a. ... ... ... 44 Instniments, The booke of Sundry. London, Ri. Tottell, 1576... .., 274 Jacchceus, Tho., Onomasticon Pocticum, Edinburgi, Rob. Waldegrave, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... ... 854 Jacob, Hen., Treatise of the Sufferings and Victory of Christ. S. 1. ett. n., 1598 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1066 James VI. of Scotland, Essay es of a Prentise, in the Divine Art of Poesie. Edinbrugh, Tho. Vautroullier, 1584 ... ... ... ... 849 Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres. Edinburgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1099 Short discourse of the good ends of prozddence, in the late attempt against his person. (Edinburgh), Rob. Waldegrave, 1600 ... ... 861 See also Scotland. James, Tho., Belltim Papale. Londini, Geo. Bishop, Ra. Newberie, et Rob. Barker, 1600... ... ... ... ... ... 424 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 425 Ecloga Oxonio-Caniabrigiensis. Londini, (Am. Hatfield), imp. Geo. Bishop et lo. Norton, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... 668 Jesuits, Arraim/tent of zuhole Society oj, in France. London, Chas. Yetsweirt, Esq., 1594 ... ... ... ... ... 809 464 INDEX OF BOOKS. Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury, Apologia Ecclesice Anglkance. Londini, Tho. Vautrollerius, 15S1 ... ... ... ... ... 484 Londini, ap. Fran. Bouvier, 1584... ... ... ... 661 Defence of the Apologie of the Chunhe of Englande. London, lien Wykes, 1567 See also Harding, Heskyns, Humfrey. Johnson, Fran., Treatise of the Miiiistery of the Church of England. S. 1 et t. n., 1595 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1064 Jones, Will. See Nenna. Josephus, Flav., de Maccabceis, cum Lat. inter p. fa. Liiidi. Oxonire, Jos Barnesius, 1590 Julius II. , Pope. See Dialogue. Junius, Fran., Sacrorum Parallelorwn libri tres. Londini, imp. Geo Bishop, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... 4°? See also Biblia, Psalmi. Junius, Adr., The Nomenclator. London, for Ra. Newberie and lien Denham, 1585 ... ... ... ... ... ... 352 fustice. The Execution of. . See Cecil. Justin, ex Trogi Pompeii Ilistoiiis libri xliii. Londini, Tho. Orwinus, 1593 733 Kendale, Joh. , littene Indulgentiaru/n. (Westminster, Will. Caxton, 1480) Kendall, Tim., Flowers of Epigrapis. London, Ihon Shej^pcrd, 1577 .. Kelt. See Ocland. Key, Tho., Assertio Antiqnitatis Oxoniensis Acadeniuc. Londini, in ad Jo. Daii, 1574 See also Caius. Knox, Joh., Anriver to a great nutnber of blasphe?nous Cavillations. (Geneva), John Crespin, 1560 (Ri. Field) for Tho. Charde, 1591 Sermon preached at Edenbrough, Aug. 19, 1565. S. 1. et t. n., 1566 2 544 157 979 739 828 Laet, Jaspar, of Borchloon, Pronosticacion of the yere MCCCCCXVI. (Frob. Antwerp, 1515) ... ... ... ... ... 985 Lakes, Osmond. See Baro. Lambard, Will., Archcconomia, sive de priscis Anglorum legibus. Londini, ex off. Jo. Daii, 1565 ... ... ... ... ... 125 Duties of Constables, Borsholders.... London, Ra. Newberie and Hen. Midleton, 1587 ... ... ... ... ... 462 London, Roger Warde, (1582) ... ... ... ... 646 Eirenarcha. London, Ra. Newbery, 1588 ... ... ... 354 1594 35(> Lambinus, Dion, See Cicero, Lanfranc, Chirujgia pai-va, Eng. by John Halle. London, Tho. Marshe, 1565 3" Langley, Tho. See Vergil, Polidore. Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, Fruteftdl Sermons. London, John Daye, 1578 ... ... ... ... 1 ... .. 169 Latteburyi Joh., Expositio in Throios, (Oxford, Theod. Rood), 1482 .... 7 INDEX OF BOOKS. 465 NUM. Lavardin, Jaq. de, Historic oj George Casiriot, surnamed Scanderheg. Lon- don, (Ri. Field) for Will. Ponsonby, 1596 ... ... ... 749 Lavater, Lewes, Of Ghostcs and Spirites walking by night, Eng. by R. H. London, The. Creede, 1596... ... ... ... ... 652 La'ives of Englande, Exposition of the Termcs oJ. London, Ry. Tottyl, 1572 261 Lawne, Will., Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion, by John Calvin. Edinburgh, s. t. n., 1586 ... ... ... ... 863 Lea, James. See Spain. Legh, Gerard, Accedens of Armory. London, Rych. Tottel, 1568 ... 248 Leicester, Earl of , Copie of a letter to. London, Chris. Barker, 1586 ... SH Leigh, Rich. See Mendoza. \.€\^,'^z\... Science of Surveying. London, for Miles Jennings, 1577 ••■ 57° Leius, Matt., Certamen Elegiacum novem Musarum. Londini, per Sim. Staffordum, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 817 Leland, Joh., Nanice in moi-tem Th. Viati. Londini, (Rey. Wolfe), 1542... 98' Bononia Gallomastix. Londini, Jo. Mayler, 154S ••• ••• ^^ See also Bale. Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, De Titulo et fiire Manm Scotornm Regince. Rhemis, lo. FognKus, 1580... ... ... ... ... 1021 De Illustriiim fccminaruni aiithoritate. Rhemis, lo. Fognceus, 1580... 1022 Letter wntten by a French CathoUcke Gentleman. London, Joh. Woolfe, . 1589 ... ... ... ... ■ ... ... ... 594 Lever, Ra., The Arte of Reason. London, H. Bynneman, 1573 ... 378 Lever, Tho., Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Dec. 14, 1550. London, Jhon Day, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 115 Lewkenor, Sam. , Discourse, of forraine cities. London, I. W. for Hum. Hooper, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 618 Lichefild, Nic. See Lopes. Liebault, John. See Surflet. Lidgate, Joh., Cronicle of the Warres betivixte the Grecians and the Troyans, London, Tho. Marshe, 1555... ... ... ... ... 307 See also Boccaccio, Chaucer. Lightfoote, Will., The Complaint of England. London, John Wolfe, 1587 590 \An(^e,'R\c\i., Fountaine of ancient Fictioiz. London, Ad. Islip, 1599 ... 792 Linschoten, John Huighen van, Dis'cours of Voyages. London, John Wolfe, (1598) ... ... 612 Liver des Assises et plees del Corone...en temps le Roy Edw, Hi. London, Ry. Tottill, 1580 ... ... ... ... ... ... 281 Lively, Edw., Annotationes in quinque priores ex minoribus Prophetis. Londini, typ. Geo. Bishop, 1587 ... ... ... ... 405 ...... True Chronologic of the times of the Persian Monarchic. London, Felix Kingston for. Tho. Man, Jo. Porter, and Ra. Jacson, 1597 ... 818 Lloid, Lod., Pilgrimage of Princes. London, Will. lones, s. a. ... 492 First part of the Diall of Dales. London, for Ro. Ward, 1590 ... 648 Consent of Time. London, Geo. Bishop and Ra. Newberie, 1590 ... 409 Lloyd, Hum., Historic of Cambria, continued by Dav. Powel. London, Ra. Newberie and Hen. Denham, 1584 ... ... ... 344 Commentarioli Britannicic descriptionis fragmentuf/i. Colonic Agiip- pinre, ap. lo. Birckmannum, 1572 ... ... ... ...^IIOI 30 466 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Lloyd, Joh. See Barlaam, Josephus, Sidney. 'Lo::iX\.e, ]z.s^.. Exercise of a C/instian life. S. 1. et t. n., 1584 ... ... 1008 Lodge, The. , Eiiphncs Shadcnu, the Battaile of the Settees, London, Ab. Jefifes for Joh. Busbie, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... 675 Phi His ; Complaynt of Elstred. London, for Joh. Busbie, 1593 ... 75^ Wits Misene, and the Worlds Madnesse. London, Ad. Islip for Cut. Burby, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7S7 The Div el conjured. London, Ad. Islip for Will. Mats, 1596 ... 788 Longlond, Joh., Bishop of Lincoln, Sermond tnade before the Kyrige hys hyghcnes. [Imperfect] ... ... ... ... ... 77 Lopes, Hem., First booke of the Hist, of the Discoverie and Conquest of the East Indias, Eng. by N. L. London, Tho. East, 1582 ... ... 429 Lffve, the Ymageof London, Wyn. de Worde, 1525 ... ... ... 38 Love, Family of. See Niclaes, Rogers, Wilkinson. Low Coutitries. See Elizabeth. Lupset, Tho., Workes. London, Jhon K}'nge, 1560 ... ... ... 212 Treatise of Chariie. Londini, in ccd. Tho. Bertheleti, 1539 ... 64 Luther, Mart., Special a>id chosen Sermons, Eng. by W. G. London, Tho. Voutroullier, 1581 ... ... ... ... ... . . 4S7 See also Brooke, Eckius, Fisher, Henry viii., Powell. Lylly, Joh., Euphues. The Anatotny of Wyt. London, {Tho. East) for Gab. Cawood, (1579)- ... ... ... ... ... 547 Corrected and augtnented. London, Tho. East for Gab. Cawood, 1579 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 548 Campaspe. London, Tho. Orwin for Will. Broome, 1 59 1 ... 727 Lyndesay, Sir David, Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour. Paris, for Sam. Jascuy, 1558... ... ... ... ... 960 London, Tho. Purfoote, 1581 ... ... ... ... 371 The Testament and complaynt of our sovverane lordis papyngo, Kyng James the fyft. Paris, for Sam. Jascuy, 155.8 ... ... ... 961 Thedremeof. Paris, for Sam. Jascuy, 1558 ... ... ... 962 Tragedie of the Cardinal and Archibyschope of Sanctandrous. Paris, for Sam. Jascuy, 1558 ... ... ... ... ... 963 Lyndewood, Will., Provinciale sen constitntiones Anglia. In Parisiana academia. And. Bocard, 1501 ... ... ... .. 948 cura Wolffg. Hopylii imp. Wilh. Bretton, 1505 ... ... 949 Antwerpise, cura Clms. Endovien imp. Fran. Brickman, 1525 9S6 Lyttelton. Tenures in Englysshe. London, Tho. Petyt, s. a. ... ... 78 London, Ry. Tottel, 1581 ... ... ... ... 2S2 Les Temires du, otiesque certein cases addes per autcrs... London, Ry. Tottill, 1572 ... ... ... ... ... ... 259 Lysias. Eratosthenes, cum prcelect. And. Dunai. (Cambridge), Joh. Legatus, 1593 ... ... ... ... S79 Lyte, Hen. See Dodoens. Magna Charta, cum Stalutis. Londini, apud Rich. Tottelum, 1556 ... 219 Macchiavelli, Nic, Florentine Historic, Eng by T. B. London, T. C. for w. P., 1595 • 649 Mannors of Stcbbunhuth and Hackney, Customs of. S. L, t. n. et a. ...• 834 INDEX OF BOOKS. 467 NUM. Manutius, Paul, Epistohv. Londini, Rob. Robinsonus, 1591 ... ... 707 Mannale ad nsiim eccl. Sarisbtiriensis. Rothomagi, apud Rob. Valentinum, 1554 ••• - •■• ... ... ... ... X005 Marbeck, Job,, Concordance to the whole Bible. (London), Ri. Grafton, 1550 83 Maior, Job., Historia Maioris Britannia. (Paris), ex off, Ascensiana, 1521 953 Marconville, John of. Treatise of the good attd'rjell tounge. London, for Job. Perin, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 622 Margaret, Princess. See Fisher. Marprelate Tracts. The Epistle. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... 914 The Epitome. S. 1., t. n. eta. ... ... ... ... 915 Hay any worke for Cooper. S. 1., t, n. et a. ... ... ... 917 Theses Martitiiana:. S. b, t. n. eta. ... ... ... ... 918 yust censure and reproof of Martin yunior. S. b, t. n. et a. ... 919 \Anti-]\Iarprelate\. Martitts Months mitide. S. b et t. n., 1589 ... 920 Pappe with an hatchet. S. L, t. n. et a. ... ... ... 921 Retiirne of the renowned Cavaliero Pasquill of England. S. b ct t. n., 1589 ... ... • ... ... ... ... 922 First parte of Pasquils Apologie. S. b et t. n., 1590 ... ... 923 Anti-Martinus. Londini, Geo. Bishop et Ra. Newbery, 1589 408 See also Cooper, Penry, Udalb Marten, Ant. , A Second Sound, or Warning of the Trumpet unto fudge- ment. London, Tbo. Orwin for And. Maunsell, 1589 ... ... 719 Reconciliation of all the Pastors and Cleargy. London, John Windet, 1590 ... 633 Martiall, Joh., Replie to M. CalfJiills blasphemous Answer. Louvaine, Job. Bogard, 1566 ... ... ... ... ... ... 970 Martin, Greg., Discoverie of the manifold corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the hei-etikes of ojir dales. Rbemes, Joh. Fogny, 1582... ... 1024 See also Fulke. Martin, Tbo. See Ponet. Martine Mar-Sixtus. See W., R. Martyr, Pet., Tractatio de Sacramento Eucharistice. Londini, (Reyn. Wolfe, 1549) ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 See also Apparell. Mary, Queen of England, Supplicacyon to the quenes maiestie. London, Job, Cawoode, 1555 ... ... ... ... ... ... 206 See also Beeard. Mary, Queen of Scots,. Copie of a Letter... concernyng the credit of the late published detection of the doynges of . . S. b, t. n. eta, ... ... 148 Discourse touching the pretended match with the Duke of Norfolk, S. b, t. n. eta, ... ... ... ... 149 Supplicium et Mors pro fide Catholice. Coloniae, apud Godefr. Kem- pensen, 1587 ... ... ,., ,.. ... ... 940 See also Buchanan, Leslie, Matthew of Westminster, Flores Historiarum. Londini, ex off, Tbo. Marshii, 1570 .. ... ... ... ... ... 317 Maunsell, And. , First part of the Catalogue of English printed Books. London, Jo. Windet for And. Maunsell, 1595 ... ... ... 640 Seconde parte. London, la. Roberts for And. Maunsell, 1595... 471 468 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Medicines Jor Horses. See Horses. Medicis, Kath. de, Mervaylous discourse upon the lyfe of. Heydelberge, s. t. n., 1575 ... ... ... ... ... . ... 1000 Megiddo, Misierie of. See H., W. Mela, Pomp., Worke of, Eng. by Arth. Golding. London, for Tho. Hacket, 1585 ... ... ... ... ... ... 346 Melancthon, Phil. See Brooke. Melbancke, Bri., Philotivms. London, Ro. Warde, 1582 ... ... 644 Metidoza, Bern, de, Copie of a letter to. London, I. VautroUier for Ri. Field, 1588 ... ... ... ... ... ' ... 490 [Another edition] ... ... ... ... ... 491 Meres, Fran., Palladis Tamia. London, P. Short for Cuth. Burbie, 1598 775 Me.xia, Ped., Fo7-este or Collection of Histories, Eng. by Tho. Fortesciie, London, Jhon Kingston for Will. Jones, 1571 ... ... ... 303 London, John Day, 1576 ... ... ... ... 165 Minsheu, Joh. See Percivall. Micquel, Jo. Lod., Aurcliie urbis ah Anglis obsidio. Parisiis, apud And. Wechelum, 1560 ... ... ... ... ... ... 964 Mirrour for Magistrates [by Will. Baldumi\. London, Tho. Marslie, 1563 310 London, Tho. Marshe, 157 1 ... ... ... ... ... 318 First part \by Joh. Higgins\ London,- Tho. Marshe, 1574 ... 322 [Both parts']. London, Hen. Marsh, ass. of Tho. Marsh, 1587 ... 678 Mirrour of Mirth. See Periers. Mirrour of Policie. See Perriere. Missale ad itsum Saru7n. Venetiis, Jo. Hertzog de Landoia, 1494 ... 946 London, Rich. Pynson, 1500 ... ... ... ... ... 21 (Rouen), op. Pet. Olivier exp. Jac. Cousin, 1519 ... ... 1003 Monardus, Nic., Joyfull N'eives out of the neiifound u\n\.Q.x,\^\\\., Pallace of Pleastire. London, Tho.Marshe, 1569 ... 316 Second tome of. London, Tho." Marshe, s. a. ... ... 323 Palingenius, Marc, Zodiake of life, Eng. by Barn. Googe. London, Hen. Denhani for Ra. Newberyc, 1565 ... ... ... ... 33 1 London, Rob. Robinson, 1588 ... ... ... ... 705 Papists, A litel treatise ageynste the viutteiynge of. Londini, in red. Tho, Bertheleti, 1534 ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 Parker, Hen., Dives and Pauper. (London), Tho. Berthelet, 1536 ... 59 Parker, Matt., Archbishop of Canterbury, Life of the 70. Archbishopp off Canterbnty. S. 1. et t. n., 1574 ... ... ... ... 1048 See also Articles. Parkhurst, Joh., Bishop of Norwich, Ludicra. Londini, apud Joh. Dayum, 1573 153 See also Injunctions. Parry, Will. See Elizabeth. Parsons, Rob., Brief discours '<.vhy Catholiques 7-efuse to goe to Church. Doway, Joh. Lyon, 1580 ... ... ... ... ... 619 Booke of Christian exercise, with treatise tending to Pacification by Edni. Bunny. London, N. Newton and A. Hatfield for Joh. Wight, 1584 679 London, s. t. n., 1585 ... ... ... ... ... 833 Christian Directory, with 7-eprofe of the corrupt edition of the same by Edm. Buny. S. 1. et t. n., 1585 .. ... ... ... 1054 Conference about the next succession to the Crowne of Ingland. S. 1. et t. n., 1594... ... ... ... .-. ••• ••• 1063 Temperate ward-word, to Sir Fran. Hastinges. S. 1. ett. n., 1599 ... 1067 De Persecutione Anglicana Libellus. Roma, ex typ. Geo. Ferrarii, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 942 See also Field, Fulke. Pasquillorum versus aliquot. Edimburgi, Rob. Lekprevik, 1565 ... 839 Paynell, Tho. See Salerni. Peele, Geo., Araygnement of Paris. London, Hen. Marsh, 1584 ... 677 Penry, Joh., Vie^ve of some part of publike wants and disorders in Wales. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 916 Treatise proving that Reformation and those that favor the same are unjustly charged. S. 1. et t. n., 1590 ... ... ... ... 9^4 Humble motion with submission to the Privy Counsell. S. 1. et t. n., 1590 ... ... ... ... ... ... ••■ 925 Brief e discovery of the tmtruthes of D. Bancrofts Sermon. S. 1., t. n. eta. ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 926 Profession of Faith. S. 1., t. n. et a. ... ... ... ... 1060 Letter to his 2vife. S. 1., t. n. et a. . .., ... ... ... 1061 See also Marprelate, Some. Percy. See Northumberland. Pcrcyvall, Rich., Bibliotheca Hispanica. London, Joh. Jackson for Ri. Watkins, 1591 ... ... ... ... .. ••■ 702 Diet, in Spanish and English, enlarged by John Minsheu. London, Edm. Bollifant, 1599 ... ... ... ... ... 691 Spanish Grammar^ augmented by John Minsheu. London, Edm. Bollifant, 1599 ... ... ... ... ... ... 692 4/2 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Vcnevs, Bon. de, Minvur of Mtri/i. London, Ro. ^Yardc, 1583 ... 647 Perkins, Joh., A profitable Booke, treating qf'thelaiues of England, London, Ry. Tottil, 1567 ... ... • ... ... ... ... 243 London, Ri. Tottell, 1586 ... ... ... ... 284 Perkins, Will., Exposition of the Lords Prayer. London, Rob, Bourne- and loh. Porter, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... 780 Golden chaine, Eng. by R. Hill. (Cambridge), John Legate, s. a. ... 875 Second edition. (Cambridge), John Legate, 1592 ... ... 876 {and other works). (Camliridge), John Legat, 1600 ... ... 894 Treatise whether a man be in the estate of damnation or of grace. London, Tho. Orwin for Joh. Porter and Tho. Gubltin, 1592 ... 731 Case of Conscience, London, Rob. Robinson for Tho. INLan and loh. Porter, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... .. 708 Foundation of Christian Religion, (London), for Tho. Gubbins and loh. Porter, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... ... 714 Exposition of the Creed. (Cambridge), John Lcgatt, 1595... ... 887 (Cambridge), John Legate, 1597 ... ... ... ... 888 Reformed Catholike, (Cambridge), John Legat, 1598 ... ... 890 De Prcedestinationis modo et ordine. Cantabrigioe, ex off. Joh. Legat, 1598 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 891 Perriere, Guill. la, Mirronr of Folicie, London, Ad. Islip, 1599 ... 791 Perrissin. See Tortorel. Phaer, Tho. See Virgil. Phagius. See Bucer, Philip IL , King of Spain. Declaration of the sicknesse, last wordes, and death of. London, Edm. Bollifant for Will. Aspley, 1599 ... 693 . See also Spain, Phillip, Barth., Counseller, Eng. by I. T. London, John Wolfe, 1589 ... 597 Y\ii,H\iQ., An Houreglasse. London, John Wolfe, 1597 •... ... 61 1 Pierce Plowman, vision of, London, Rob. Crowley, 1550 ... ... 2II Pilgrimage of Perfection. London, Rich. Pynson, 1526 ... ... 29 Pilkington, James, Bishop of Durham, Burnynge of Panics Church in .London in 1561. London, Wyll. Seres, 1563 ... ... ... 1S8 Godlie Exposition upon certeine chapters of A^ehemiah. (Cambridge), Tho. Thomas, 1585 ... ... ... ... ... 869 Of the foiile and grosse sinne of Oppression. (Cambridge), Tho. Thomas, 1585 ... ... ... ... ... ... 870 Piscator, Joh., Analysis logica Epistolarum Pauli, Ed. secunda. Londini, imp. Geo. Bishop, 1594 ... ... ... ... ... 416 Analysis logica Epist. Cathol, Ed. secunda, Londini, Geo. Bishop, 1597 ... 418 Plague. See Elizabeth. Platte, Hugh, Jeioell House of Arte and Nature. London, Pet. Short, 1594 767 Plowden, Edm., Lcs Commentaries ou Reportes de. London, Rich. Tottell, 1578 ... ... ... 278,279 Londini, in red. Tho. Wight et Bon. Norton, 1599 ... ... 779 La second part deles Reports, ou Commentaries. Londini, in a^l. Car. Yetsweirti, 1594 ... ... ... ... ... ... 810 Plutarch, Lives, Eng. by Tho. North, London, Tho. VaulrouUier, 1579... 481 INDEX OF BOOKS. 473 NUM. Pole, Card. Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury, Pro EccL unitalis defen- ■stone. Roma;, apud Ant. Bladuni, s. a. ... ... ... 941 de Concilio liber. Roma?, ajDud Paul. Manutium, 1562 ... .., 1 104 Reformatio Anglio:. Romce, apud Paul. Mamitium, 1562 1 105 De Sumiiio Pontifice Chrisli in terris vicaiio. Lovanii, apud Jo. Foulerum, 1569 ... ... ... ... ... ... 971 Ponet, Joh., Bishop of Winchester, Apologie auiiswcringe D. Stephen Gardiner. S. 1. et t. n., 1556 ... ... ... ... 1041 Pont, Rob., Newe treatise of the right reckoning of yeares and ages of the world. Edinburgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1599 ... ... ... 859 Portugal, Historie of the uniting oj the kingdom of, to the croivne of Castill. London, Arn. Hatfield for Edw. Blount, 1600 ... ... ... 667 See also Elizabeth. Porta, Jo. Bapt., De furtivis Literarum notis. Londini, apud loh. Wolphium, 1591 ... ... ... ... ... ... 601 Powell, David. See Lloyd, Virunnius. Powell, Edw., Propugnaciihim summi sacerdotii Evangelici. Londini, in ped. Pynsonianis, 1523 ... ... ... ... ... 27 Powell, Griff., Analysis analyt. posterior. Aristotelis. Oxoni^e, Jos. Bamesius, 1594 ... ... ... .... ... ... 16 Prayer, Book of Comtnon. London, Rich. Jugge and Joh. Cawood, 1568 209 London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1592? ... ... ... 530 : \in Greek and Latii!\. Londini, Reg. Wolfius, 1569... ... 105 ,...\in Latin\ Londini, Reg. Wolfius, s. a. ... ... ... 106 Londini, Tho. Vautrollerius, per ass, Fran. Florse, 1574 ... 477 Londini, Jo. Jacksonus per ass. Fran. Florre, 1594 ... ... 703 Forme of makyiig Archebishoppes, Bishoppes, Priestes, and Deacons. (London), Ri. Grafton, 1549 ... ... ... ... 82 Four me to be used ttuyce azveke duryng this tyme of mortalitie. London, Ri. Jugge and Jo. Cawood, (1563) ... ... ... ... 178 Fourme of thankesgezyng to God for ceassing the plague. London, Ri. Jugge and Jo. Cawood, 1563... ... ... ... ... 176 Foiirme to be used for those Christians that are nowe invaded by the Turke in Hungary'. London, Ri. Jugge and Jo. Cawood, (1566)... 179 Fourme to be used every ycere, Nov. I'j, beyng the day of the Queenes entrie to her raigne. London, Ri. Jugge, s. a.' ... ... ... 183 ....^.for the success of the Queens Forces and Navy. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1597 ... ... ... ... ... ... 537 Booke of Christian, collected out of the auncient tvriters. London, Joh. Daye, 1581 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1079 Preces Privates. Londini, Gul. Seresius, 1568 ... ... ... 193 Londini, Gul. Seresius, 1573 ... ... ... ... 196 Primer, in Eng. and Lat., with Expos, of Psalms li. and xxx. and Epistles and Gospels. Paris, s.t.n., 1538 ... ... ... ... 958 hi Eng [Imperfect]. London, Wyll. Bonham, s. a. ... 95 set foorth by the Kynges Maiestie. London, Edw. Whitechurche, 1545 ■•• • '■ 89 in Latin and Englishe. London, Joh. Waylande, 1555 ... ... 79 of Salisbury use, Eng. and Lat. Rouen, Jo. le Prest, imp. Rob. Valentini, 1555 ... ... ... . ... _ ... ... ioo6 474 INDEX OF BOOKS. Prise, Jo., Historia: Brytannkcc defonsio. Londini, in red. II. Binneman imp. Hum. Toy, 1573 Psalms of David, after trans, of the Great Bible. London, Dep. of Chris Barker, 1592 ... ... ... — in English meeter by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. London, Jo, Windet for ass. of Ri. Day, 1595 [Another edition] \in Welsh]. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 15SS Lat. Londini, Reg. Wolfius, 1572 ......per Tremellinm et Jitiiiiun. Londini, Hen. Denhamus ass. Gul Seresii, 1580 per Theod. Bezant. Londini, typ. The. Vautrollerii, 1580... Pulton, Ferd., Abstra<:t of all the Penall Statutes. London, Dep. of Chris, Barker, 1592 Puttenham, Geo., Arte of English Poesie. Loudon, Ri. Field, 15S9 Questions and Answeres, profitable for yong children. London, lien Middleton for Tho. Man, 1580 R., B. See Herodotus. R., I., De hypocritis vitandis. Cantabrigise, ex ofif. Jo. Legatt, 1595 R., S., The Chaise of Change. London, Tho. Este, 1598 Rainolds, Joh., Sex Theses de S. Scriptiira et Ecclesia. Londini, Hen Middletonus imp. Geo. Bishopi, 1580 de RomancB Ecclesice Idololatna. (Geneva), Jac. Sto;r, 1598 Rainolds, Will. See Whitaker. Rastell, Joh., Replie against an Answer (falselie intitled) in Defence of the truth. Antwerp, yEgid. Diest, 1565 ... Ratcliffe, ^gx. See Discourses. Recorde, Rob., Pathivay to Kno^oledg. London, Reyn. Wolfe, 1551 Rebuff, Pet. See Duarenus. Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum. Londini, ex off. Joh. Daii, 1571 Returna Brevium'. (London), Rob. Redman, s. a. ... ... .., Rhsese, Jo. Dav., Cambrobrytanniccc Lingua Institutiones. Londini, Tho. Orwinus, 1592 Rice, Rich., Invective against vices taken for Vertue. London, Rob. Wal- degrave for Hen. Kirkham, 1 581 Ridley, Nicholas, Bishop of London, de CQ:na Dominica assertio. Gcnevce, apud Jo. Crispinum, 1556 Ripley, Geo., Co7npound of Alchymy. London, Tho. Orwin, 1591 Rishton. Edw. See Sander. '^(So&x\s,,Qn'S.., Gramadeg Cymraeg. S. 1. et t. n., 1567 Robynson, Ra. See More. Rogers, Joh., Displaying of an horrible secte, London, (I Ion. Middleton) for Geo. Bishop, (1578) ... ... ... ... ' ... London, Hen. Middleton for Geo. Byshop, i579 ••• " Rogers, Tho., Ejtglish Creede, First parte. London, loh. Windet for And. Maunsel, 1585 Second part, London, Rob. Waldegrave for And. Maunsel, 1587 NUM. 380 638 639 107 483 527 736 449 436 447 140 50 732 573 977 728 1044 445 446 624 1090 INDEX OF BOOKS. 475 NUM. Rogers, Tho., Sermon upon Romans xii. 6 — 8. (London), Joli. Winclet, 1590 ••• ••• ■■■ 632 Rollock, Rob., In librum Daniclis Commentarhis. Edinburgi, Rob. Waldegrave, 1591 ... ... ... ... 853 In off. Sanctandieana, 1594 ... ... ... ... looi Tractatus de Vocatione Efficaci. Edinburgi, Rob. WaldegraVe, 1597 857 1)1 epist. ad Ephcsios Commoitarius, Genevce, apud Fran, le Preux, 1593 981 Rosary of our Saviour Jesji. London, Ri. Pynson, s. a. ... ... 30 Role or Myrrour of consolacyon and comforte. London, Wyn. de Worde, 1530 ... ... ... ... ■ ... ... ... 41 Rouland, Dav., Pksani Historic of Laz. de Tormes. London, Ab. Jeffes, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 676 Rouspeau, Yves, and Joh. de I'Espine, Tivo treatises of the Lord His Supper. (Cambridge), Tho. Thomas, 1584 ... ... ... ... 868 ^.,Y.., Diseoverie of the Knights of the Poste. London, G. S., 1597 ... 7 10 Sacratnent, Real! presence of our Saviour in the. Antwerp, Joach. Trog- nesius, 1596 ... ... ... ... ... ... 99^ (Saint-German, Chris. ), Division beiwene the spiritnaltie and temporaltie. Londini, in sed. Tiro. Bertheleti, s. a. ... ... ... .. 54 Salerni, Regimen sanitatis, Eng. by Tho. Paynell. London, Abr. Vele, 1557 290 Sander, Nic, De visibili Monarchia Ecclesicc. Lovanii, Reyn. Velpius imp. Jo. Fouleri, 1571 ... ... ... ... ... 972 de origine ac progressu Schismatis Anglicani, libri tres, aucti per Ed. Rishtonum. Ingolstadii, ex off. Wolfg. Ederi, 1587 ... ... 1002 VoHgine et progrez du Scisme d' Angleterre. Aug. par Ed. Rishton. ■ . S. 1. et t. n., 1587 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1055 See also Acworth, Anti-Sanderus, Gierke, Whitaker. Sanforde, Ja., Garden of Pleasure. London, Hen. Eynneman, 1573 ... 382 See also Agrippa. Saravia, Had., de diversis ministrorum Evangelii gradibus. Londini, Geo. Bishop et Rod. Newberie, 1590 ... ... ... ... 412 Savile, Sir Hen., Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. Londini, G. Bishop, R. Newberie et R. Barker, 1596 ... ... ... ... 417 Libell of Spanish Lies. London, Joh. Windet, 1596 ... ... 641 See also Tacitus. Saviolo, Vin., Practise. London, Joh. Wolfe, 1595 ... ... ... 609 Scala Perfectionis, See Hylton. Scanderbeg. See Lavardin. ^Q.oi,'RQg., Discovene of Witchcraft. London, Will. Brome, 1584 ... 543 Scot, Rom,, Sunwiarium rationum quibus persuasertmt Elizabetha: occiden- . dam esse Mariam Scotia: Reginam. S. 1. et t. n., 1588 ... ... 1057 Scotland. The Kingis Maiesteis Proclamatioun. Edinburgh, Joh. Ros, 1580 845 Declayatioun of the Kings Intentioun toivard the lait Actis of Parliament. Edinburgh, ass. of Tho. Vautroullier, 1585 ... • ... ... 850 Confession of Faith subscrived by the King and his hotishold. Edin- burgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1590 ... ... ... ... 852 Discoz'erie of the Conspiracie of Scottisch Papists. Edinburgh, Rob.. Waldegrave, s. a. ... ... ... ... ... ... 855 4/6 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Scotland. Laives and Acies of Parliament of James i. and his successoiirs, Edinburgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1597 ... ... ... ... 858 See also Buchanan, Davidson, Fast, Smeton. Sedition, A Remedy for. Londini, in sed. Tho. Bertheleti, 1536 ... 60 Sequentiamm secundwn usum Sanitn, Expositio. London, Wyn. de Worde, 1514 ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 Seton, Jo., Dialectica. Londini, Ger. Dewes ct Hen. Marsh ex assig. Tho. Marsh, 1584 ... ' ... ... ... ... ... 404 Severus, Alex. See Eliot. Shacklock, Rich. See Osorius. Shakespeare, Will., Henry iv.. Part I. London, T.S. for And. Wise, 1598 773 London, S.S. for And. Wise, 1599 ... ... ... 815 Part 2. London, V.S. for And. Wise and Will. Aspley, 1600 807 Henry v. London, Tho. Creede for Tho. Millington and John Busby, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 657 Henry vi.. Part 2. London Val. Simmes for Tho. Millington, 1600 S08 King John. London, (Tho. Orwin), for Sampson Clarke, 1591 ••• 7^5 Part 2. London, (Tho. Orwin) for Sampson Clarke, 1591 ... 726 Loves Labo's Lost. London, W,W. for Cut. Burby, 1598 ... 713 Merchant of Venice. London, J. Roberts, 1600... ... ... 475 London, I.R. for Tho. Heyes, 1600 ... ... ... 476 Midsummer Nights Dream. London, for Tho. Fisher, i6cx3 ... 822 London, lames Roberts, 1600 ... ... ... ... 474 Much Adoe about Nothing. London, V.S. for And. Wise and Will. Aspley, 1600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 806 Richard a. London, Val. Simmes for And. Wise, 1597 ... ... 804 London, Val. Simmes for And. Wise, 1598 ... ... 805 Richard Hi. London, Tho. Creede for And. Wise, 1598 ... ... 655 Romeo and Juliet. London, John Danter, 1597 ■•• ■•• ■•■ 78 1 Edward Hi. London, for Cuth. Burby, 1596 ... ... ... 794 London, Sim. Stafford for Cuth. Burby, 1599 ... ... 816 Locrine. London, Tho. Creede, 1595 ... ... ... ... 651 Oldcastle, Sir John. London, for T. P., 1606 ... ... ... 823 Lucrece. London, P. S. for John Harrison, 1598... ... ... 774 ....;, Passionate Pilgrim. London, for W. Jaggard and W. Leake, 1599-.- 8oi Shaxton, Nicholas, bishop of Salisbury. See Crowley. Sherwin. See White, Sidney, Sir Philip, Arcadia. London, Joh. Windet for Will. Ponsonbic, 1590 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 634 London, for Will. Eonsonbie, 1598 ... ... ... 585 Edinburgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1599 ... ... ... 860 A strophel and Stella. London, for Tho. Newman, 1591 ... ... 7^^ Apologiefor Poctrie. London^ for Hen. Olney, 1595 ... ... 814 Peplus D. Phil. Sidncei supremis honoribus dicatns. Oxonii, Jos. Barnesius, 1587 ... ... ... ... ... ... II See also Neville. . Sixtus v., Pope. ^QQ Anli-Sixtus, Bull. INDEX OF BOOKS. 4/7 NUM. Skelton, Joh., Pithy, pleasannt and profitable workes. London, Tho. Marsh, (1568) 315 Sleidan, Joh., Cfonicle of cure time, Eng. by Jhon Dans, London, Jhon Daye for Abr. Veale and Nich. England, 1560 .. ... ... 122 Smeton, Tho. , Ad Arch. Haviiltonii dialoguni responsio. Edinburgi, apud Joh. Rosseum pro Hen. Charteris, 1579 ... . ... ... 844 Smith, Hen., Thirty-eight Sermons. London, T. Scarlet for Cuth. Burby, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 760 Thirteene Sermons. London, (Tho. Scarlet) for Tho. Man, 1592 ... 761 ...:.. Preparative to Mariage. London, I. Charlwood for Cuth. Burby, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 793 Three Prayers. London, (Hen. Middleton) for Tho. Man, 1592 ... 1085 Sixe Sermons. London, R.F. for Rob. Dexter, 1593 ... ... 742 The Sinful Mans Search. London, T. Scarlet for Cuth. Burby, 1593 762 The Sinners Conversion. London, for Will. Leake, 1593 ... ... 798 The Sinners Confession. London, for Will. Leake, 1593 ... ... 799 Tnwipet of the Soule. London, for Widdow Perrin, 1593... ... 800 Smith, Rich. See Carlile. Smith, Sir Tho., De Repiiblica Anglorum. London, Hen. Midleton for Greg. Seton, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 De recta.. dinguce Angliccs Scriptione Dialogus. Lutetire, ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1568 ... ... ... ... ... ... 965 De recta... linguis GrceccE Pronuntiatione. Lutetise, ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1568 ... ... ... ... ... ... 966 See also Harvey. Smythe, Sir Joh., Discourses concerning the formes and effects of divers sorts of weapons. London, Ri. Johnes, 1590 ... ... ... 469 Sohn, Geo., True Description,of the Antichrist, Eng. by N.G. Cambridge, John Legate, 1592 ... ... ... ... ... ... 877 Solinus, Jul., Polyhistor, Eng. by Arth. Golding. London, I. Charlewoode for Tho. Hacket, 1587 ... ... ... ... ... 366 Some, Rob., Treatise of the Sacraments. London, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Byshoppe, 1582 ... ... ... ... ... ... 560 Two treatises, one of the Church, the other against Oppression. Lon- don, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Bishop, 1583 ... ... ... 563 Treatise upon the Lordes Prayer, etc, London, Tho. Dawson for Geo. Bishop, 1583 ... ... ... ... ... ... 564 Treatise... touching the Ministerie, Sacraments and Church, London, G.B., dep. to Chris. Barker, 1588 ... ... ... ... 518 [Second edition] ... ... ... ... ... 519 Treatise, wherein are examined many execrable fancies, 1589 ... 520 See also Pilkington. Sommers, Will, See Dorrell. Sophronistes. London, Tho. Orwin for Tho. Man, 1589 ... ... 718 Southwell, Rob., Saint Peters Complaint, with other Poemes, London, John Wolfe, 1595 ... ... ... ... ... ... 608 Mceonix. London, Val. Sims for Joh. Busbie, 1595 ... ... 802 Spain. A Packe of Spanish Lyes. London, Dep. of Chris. Barker, 1588... 516 Ansi-ver to the Untruthes published and printed in Spaine. London, Joh; Jackson for Tho. Cadman, 1589 ... ... ... ,,. 701 478 INDEX OF BOOKS. NCM. Sj)ain. Estate of English Fugitives under the King of Spaine. London, (Tho. Scarlet) for Joh. Dra water, 1595 ... ... ... 764 Corrected and amended. 1596 ... ... ... ... 7^5 Treatise Paranetical . . .the Hght way and true vieanes to resist the Castilian king. London, (Ri. Field) for Will. Ponsonby, 1598 ... 75^ See also Ashley, Mendoza, Montanus, Philip ii., Savilc. Sparkc, Thp., Brief and Short Catechisme. (London), Ra. Nevvberie, s. a. 349 Spenser, Edm., Faerie Queene, Boohs i. — Hi. London, (Joh. Wolfe), for Will. Ponsonbie, 1590 ... ... ... ... ... 598 Ed. 2. London, (Ri. Field) for Will. Ponsonbie, 1596 ... 747 Books iv. — vi. London, (Ri. Field) for Will. Ponsonby, 1596... 748 Shepheardes Calender. London, Hugh Singleton, 1579 ... ... 293 London, Tho. East for Joh. Plarrison the younger, 1 581 ... 427 London, Joh. Wolfe for Joh. Harrison the younger, 1586 ... 589 London, Joh. Windet for Joh. Harrison the younger, 1591 ... 636 Complaints. London, (Tho. Orwin) for Will. Ponsonbie, 1591 ... 724 Colin Clouts come home againe. London, (Tho. Creede) for Will, Ponsonbie, 1595 ... ... ... ... ... ... 650 Amoretti and Epithalamion. (London), P.S. for Will. Ponsonby, 159s •• 770 Stalbrydge, Hen., Epistle exhoj-tatorye of an Etiglyshe Christiane. S.I., t. n,, et a.... ... ... ... ... 1038 Stanley, Sir Will. See D., G. Stanyhurst, Rich., de Rebus in Hibernia gestis, Antverpia?, apud Chris. Plantinum, 1584 ... ... ... ... ... ... 995 See also Virgil. Stapleton, Tho. See Bede, Fulke, Whitaker. Staundforde, Sir Will., Exposition of the Kinges Prerogative. London, Rich. Tottle, 1573 ... ... . . ... ... ... 263 Les Plees del Coron. London, Rich. Tottel, 1574 ... ... 264 Sternhold, Tho. See Psalms. Stevens, Cha. See Surflet, Stockwood, Joh., A Bartholmr ,, 483 NUM. 586 1035 171 262 819 721 722 85 260 411 557 370 1096 812 223 231 224 225 226 227 273 272 252 253 254 245 246 255 256 257 232 265 266 484 INDEX OF BOOKS. NUM. Year-book, i8 Hen. vi. London, Rych. Tottyl, s. a. 286 19 ,, Rych. Tottel, 1567 233 20 >> , Rych. Tottyl, 1570 .. 258 21 >) Rych. Tottel, 1575 270 22 »» ) 11 1578 276 27 ,, Rich. Tottill, 1567 234 28 ,, , Rych. Tottel, II 235 30 >> > 11 11 .. 236 32 II Rich. Tottel, 1556 220 33—36 ,, Rych. Tottel, 1567 237 37 ,, Rich. Tottill, 1567 .. 238 38 II Rych. Tottel, 1575 269 39 }> > It ,, .. 271 5 Edw. iv. {h lons;e report) , Rich. Tottyll, 1587 .. 285 I Edw. V. Rich. Tottell, 1568 247 I Rich. iii. , Rych. Tottel, 1574 .. 267 2 ,, ) )i ,, .. 268 I — 16,20,21 Hen. vii. Rich. Tottill, 1567 239 12—14 Hen. viii. Rich. Tottel, 1567 240 18, 19 11 Rych. Tottel, II 241 26 II ) II ,, 242 27 ,, 1 i> 1569 249 YonjT, Earth. See Montemayor. Yonge, Nich., Miisica Tr jnsalpina. Lon don, Tho. East, 1588 431 Young, Joh., Bishop of Rochester. See> Vilkinson. IV. INDEX OF DONORS. * Bell, Beauprd ... "^ COLBATCH, John 3 DuPORT, James... k * Elwis, Sylvius * Evans, R. W. « Fraser, C. ^ Grote, John 8 Hall, W. » Huntley, J. T. ^° Laughton, John 6, 89, 108, 117, 152, 216, 386, 458, 495, 560, 563, 564, 601, 616, 682, 716, 754, 831 •■• 132, 455, 512, 699, 720, 741, 777, 929, 933,991,996, 1012, 1026 12, 15, 17, 22, 62, 66, 81, 85, 100, 103, 105, 152, 153, 168, 176, 178, 179, 183, 189, 280, 352, 356, 360, 365, 374, 389—392, 396, 401, 405, 416, 418, 421—423, 429, 465, 485, 489, 517, 546, 574, 615, 617, 618, 624, 628, 646, 662, 667, 684, 686, 707, 708, 712, 714, 721, 731, 734, 737, 749, 752, 771, 780, 817, 818, 830, 835, 837-839, 842, 854, 859, 876, 882, 890, 903, 959, 977, 978, 980, 982, 986, 1024, 1040, 1048, 1088, 1090, •••' 7,555 ... 408,412,486, 593 583 " Meede, Mich. ... '^ Nevile, The. ... Newton, Sir Henry. '' Paris, John 14 pexxit, Val. '* Price, Daniel ... 14, 15,43,44,47, 87, 160, 194, 197, 298, 408, 424, 440, 444- 554, 557, 562, 571, 590, 644, 645, 652, 776, 791, 821, 832, 904, 906, 918, 919, 1092, 1096, 1097. See Puckering. 52, 120, 123, 165, 248, 413,421,451,459, 757, 790, 833, 871, 169 99,127—131, 137, 146—149 320, 334, 349, 353, 377, 397 -447, 449, 454, 499, 533, 548 576, 578, 580, 581, 587, 588 683,687, 717, 763, 764, 769 841, 842, 851, 867, 889, 891 960 — 963, 1 00 1, 1006, 1045 463 134,938,939, 1107 260, 337, 387, 398, 403, 410, 460, 540, 630, 649, 661, 703, 910, 958, 1054. 3.973 250 486 INDEX OF DONORS. '^ Puckering, Sir Hen. i6, 24, 84, 125, 219 ,263, 264, 284, 300, 317, 385, 409, 430—436, 441, 464, 468, 469, 482, 490, 493, 502, 503, 506, 508, 511, 512, 514, 516, 519, 520, 524—527, 542, 551, 552, 569, 597, 604, 648, 656, 669, 671, 679, 727, 744, 766, 819, 844, 857, 868, 878, 911, 912, 974, 1036, 1044, 1047, IIOI. 538 534,535,639 109, 163, 186, 248, 448, 492, 696 954 Roe, H. O I'' Rouse, R. C. M. 18 RUD, Edw " Sadleir, Dame Anne.. Sandars, S. ... 23, 33—35, 37, 50, 121, 185, 196, 311, 326, 343, 347, 361, 370, 376, 388, 497, 642, 709, 719, 750, 778, 782—784, 826, 864, 865, 872, 950, 967, 985, 988, 1000, 1005, 1007, 1015, 1021, 1022, 1039, 1042, 1068 — 1076, 1079, 1087, 1 100. ... 83 ... 601 21 Sill, R 22 Skeffington, Tho. .. ^ Smith, Jonathan " Smith, Rob "^ Stanhope, Sir Edward 26 Stedman, Rich. 27 Street, Tho 28 Turner, H. J 29 Vallavin, John 3° Vincent, Rich 31 Whalley, Tho. 32 Whewell, W ^ Wrangham, Fran. 340, 55 I, 552 863, 887, 894 ... 829 21,949 ... 1035 ... 94 190 ... 1003 80, 307 155, 305, 319,480 329, 404, 673 499, 510, 561, 738, 9 J 6, 1086, 1094 All the books given by Mr. Edward Capell (ob. 1781), by the late Mr. Grylls (formerly Scholar of the College; B.A., 1808), and those from the collection of the late Archdeacon Hare (formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1816), bear the names of the respective donors in the class marks. NOTES TO INDEX OF DONORS. 1 B.A., 1725. 2 Formerly Fellow; B.A., 1686, 3 Formerly Fellow; B.A., 1626—7; Master of Magdalene College, 1668— 1679; Dean of Peterborough, 1664— 1679. A memoir of Dr. Duport by (Bishop) Monk will be found in the Aluseiini Criticum (vol. ii. 672, sqq. ). * Formerly Chaplain ; admitted circa 1600. The name occurs as one of the four Chaplains as late as 1637, after which there is a gap in the books for two years, and in those for 1640 the name does not occur. ' Formerly Fellow ; B. A., 1811 ; Archdeacon of Westmoreland, 1856^65. ^ Elected Minor Fellow, 1673 ; Major Fellow, 1674. ' Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1835; Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1855 — 66. 8 Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1577—8; M.A., 1581. 9 Of Trinity College ; B.A., 1814. ^° B.A., 1668; Librarian of Trinity Coll., 1679—82 ; of the University Library,- 1686 — 1 712; Canon of Lichfield and of Worcester. Mr. Laughton was Librarian of the University Library at the time of Uffenbach's visit (Reisen, iii. 20, etc.). (A letter of his is preserved in Nichol's Literary Illustrations, vol. iv. p. 81.) ^^ The following notice of this gentleman is given in Sir Edw. Stanhope's Liber Memorialise preserved in the Library; "Michaell Meade, firmarius Rectorice de Ware, viginti Marcas Collegio dedit in libris Bibliothecre maxime idoneis impendendas." '2 Master of Trinity College, 1593 — 1615 ; Dean of Canterbury, 1600 — 15. -3 Formerly Fellow ; B. A., 1704. '* Elected Minor Fellow, 1668 ; Major Fellow, 1669. 15 Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1671. 1* Formerly Fellow Commoner, ob. 1700, aetat. 83. Sir Henry Newton assumed the name of Puckering on succeeding to his uncle's estates. (See Burke, Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies, in loc. ; Birch, Life of Henry, Pritice of Wales, p. 375.) '' Formerly Scholar ; B.A., 1856. '^ Formerly Fellow; B.A., 1698. Dr. Rud's Diary has been edited by Dr. Luard for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (Cambridge, i860.) '9 Daughter of Sir Edward Coke, married to Sir Ralph Sadleir. *o Of Trinity College ; B.A., i860. 21 Formerly Fellow of Clare Hall ; B.A., 1796. 488 NOTES TO INDEX OF DONORS. " Elected Minor Fellow, 1571 ; Major Fellow, 1572. The books from this donor all bear the loyal motto, avrnreKapylav se/i'o. " Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1677. '* Master of Trinity College, 1742 — 68. 2* Elected Minor Fellow, 1564; Major Fellow, 1566 ; Founder of the Librarian- ship of Trinity College, the first on this foundation being Peter Hersent, appointed Sept. 24th, 1625. A memoir of Sir Edw. Stanhope will be found in Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigienses, ii. 470. 2« Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1647; M.A., 1650 ; B.D., 1660. " Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1 671. 28 Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1859. 2' Formerly Butler of the College. The following extract is from the College Conclusion- Book: "Oct. the 13th, 1684. Agreed then by the Vice-Master and Seniors that Mr. John Vallavin be second Butler in the place of Robert Martin now deceased. He performing such conditions as the Master and Seniors shall think fitt. Humf. Babington. V.M." 3" Formerly Fellow ; B.A., 1716. 31 Formerly Fellow (elected 1591) and Vice-Master. 32 Master of Trinity College, 1841 — 66. •3-) Formerly of Trinity Hall ; B.A., 1790. J. PALMER, VRINTER, JESUS I.AN'K, CAMBRIDCK. September 1884. A CLASSIFIED LIST or EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BV GEORGE BELL & SONS. Full Catalogues will be sent post free on application. BIBLIOTHECA CLASSICA. A Series of Greek and Latin Authors, xoith English Notes, edited by eminent Sclwlars. Qvo. iEschylus. By F. A. Paley, M.A. 18s. Cicero's Orations. By G. Long, M.A. 4 vols. 16s., 1-ls., 16«.,18». Demosthenes. By R. Whiston, M.A. 2 vols. 16s. each. Euripides. By F. A. Paley, M.A. 3 vols. 16s. each. Homer. By F. A. Paley, M.A. Vol. I. 12s. ; Vol. II. 14s. Herodotus. By Eev. J. W. 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