DA ?SMl ^ UC-NRLF B ^ D72 TSD ILonlron ©ountg CounciL No. [7, FLEET STREET PRINTED FOR THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL by Jas. Truscott and Sox, Ltd,, And may be purchased, either directly or tlirough any Bookseller, from ■ ' PS. KING AND SON, 3 AND 4, Great Smith-street, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W. Agents for the sale of the Publications of the London County Council. No. 977. Price 2d., or post free, 2id. J.T.S. — 5,000 — 27-8-06. In connection with its work of indicating houses of historical interest in London, the Council has issued booklets giving information as to houses on which the Council has erected memorial tablets. The following parts of the series have been published, and may be obtained, price id. each, at No. 17, Fleet Street, or from Messrs. King & Son, Great Smith Street, Westminster. PART I. Holly Lodge, Campden Hill, where Lord Macaulay died. PART II, No. 48, Doughty Street, Mecklenburg Square, a resi- dence of Charles Dickens. No. 4, Whitehall Gardens, where Sir Robert Peel died. No. 56, Devonshire Street, a residence of Sir John Herschel. PART III. No. 67, Wimpole Street, a residence of Henry Hallam. No. I, Devonshire Terrace, Marylebone Road, a residence of Charles Dickens. No. 22, Theobald's Road, the birthplace of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. PART IV. No. 14, York Place, Portman Square, a residence of William Pitt. No. 12, Clarges Street, Piccadilly, a residence of Edmund Kean. No. 48, Welbeck Street, a residence of Thomas Young. lHonXnon (tonnt^s. ^ountiL No. 17, FLEET STREET, PRINTED FOR THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL by Jas. Truscott and Son, Ltd., And may be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from P. S. KING AND SON, 2 AND 4, Great Smith-street, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W. Agents for the sale of the Publications of the London County Council. [601 1 Q,^v A FsAa. LOCAL GOVERNMENT, RECORDS AND MUSEUMS COMMITTEE, 1906-7. (Iljatrman. Frederick Dolman. 5Ftcc-CIjiairman. W. S. Sanders. Cl^atrman ai tijc CDuncil. Evan Spicer, J-P- Witt'^'^akmrnx ai tl;c Council. Henry Ward. JScputD-CIjairmaii al tij? CDimril. E. Baxter Forman, J. P. Bliss, Sir Henry W., K.C.I. E. Glanville, H. J, Harben, H. a., J. p. Harris, H. Percy, horniman, e. j., m.p. Jesson, Charles. Johnson, W. C. Lewis, John. Thompson, W. W, Wallas, Graham. HISTORICAL RECORDS AND LIBRARIES SUB-COMMITTEE. (Il^airmait. H. A. HAR3EN, J.r. Dolman, Frederick. Granville-Smith, R. W., J. P. HORNIMAN, E. J., M.P. Johnson, W. C. Sanders, W. S. Sturge, C. Y. Wallas, Graham. ^^^^25' No 17 Fleet Street before Restoration. No. 17, Fleet Street after Restoration. No. i;, FLEET STREET. TOWARDS the end of the twelfth century the Knights Templars removed from Holborn, their original home in London, to a spot between Fleet Street* and the banks of the Thames. Here they built another House, called the New Temple, to distinguish it from the old home, and in 1185 the Round Church was dedicated by Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem. For about a century and a half the Knights Templars continued in possession. In 1 3 1 2 the Order was abolished, and all its possessions were granted by the Pope to the rival body, the Knights Hospitallers of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. In England, however, the decree was not at once or to any full extent acted upon, and it was not until about 1 340 that the portion of the Temple property lying within the City was absolutely granted to the Order of St. John. In 1540 this Order was in turn dissolved, and its property taken by the Crown, In a list f of the possessions of the Order, dated 31 and 32 Henry VIII (1539-40) there is mentioned a house called TJie Hande. From its position on the list it was evidently next, on the east, to a house occupied by a person named Will. Garard. A grant J dated 36 Henry VIII. (1544-5), relating to Garard's property, * Many writers think that Fleet Street was not formed until some years later. t Ministers' Accounts, London and Middlesex, 114, 31 & 32 Hen. VIII. + Pat. 36 Hen. VIII. , p. 20, in. 5. refers to it as being bounded on the east by the way leading towards the Inner Temple. This renders it probable that The Hande was on the other side of Inner Temple Lane (where No. 17, Fleet Street now is), and this p^-ob^bllity is rendered certain by another* document, which refers .to " the messuage or inn called The Hande " 'vyffrji; idher /.tenements all lying together and situate '"'b'etWe'eli' the' 'tenement now in the occupation of " Eustace Kytteley on the east, the gate called Temple " Gate on the west, the highway on the north, and the " chamber or office of John Joyner, the prothonotary of " the Middle Temple, on the south." It would appear, therefore, that at this time the site (or part of it) of No. 17, Fleet Street was occupied by an inn called The Hand. When we again get a glimpse of the site nearly a century has elapsed. On 20th May, 16 10, the Society of the Inner Temple received a petition from a person named Bennett with regard to stopping up the Temple Gate during the erection of the new building over the gate as parcel of his house, called TJie Prince s Arws.f That this refers to No. 17, Fleet Street, we learn from the subsequent records of the Inner Temple. Under date of loth June, 1610, the following entry occurs : " Whereas John Bennett, one of the King's sergeants- " at-arms, has petitioned that the Inner Temple Gate, in " some vacation after a reading, may be stopped up for " a month or six weeks in order that it may be rebuilt, " together with his house, called 77ie Princes Arms, " adjoining to and over the said gate and lane, and that " he may 'jettie over' the gate towards the street. " Which building over the gate and lane will be in length *• Aug'nentaiion OJice, Particulars for Grants, I17S, 36 Hen. VIII. f A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, edited by F. A. Inderwick, Vol. II., p. 50. J3 c (f> Pu .Jiifev- No. 17, Fleet Street, in 1869. Taken, liy permission, from IIoi>ie Counties Magazine. " from the street backwards 19 feet upon the ground, "besides the 'jcttie' towards the street which will be " 2 feet 4 inches, besides the window. And in considera- " tion of the same being- granted, the said Bennett " promised to raise the gate and walls thereof to be in " height 1 1 feet and in breadth 9 feet, and to make the " same according to a plot under his hand, to make the " gates new (he being allowed the old gates), and he " will pave the street against the said house and gate."* From this we find that, in the year 1610, No. 17, Fleet Street, then known as The Prince's Arms, was about to be rebuilt. This, coupled with the fact that in the time of Henry VI IT. the site was occupied by an inn, renders it quite certain that the staring signboard which, before the restoration by the Council, occupied a prominent position on the front of the building, was absolutely wrong in asserting that the premises were " formerly the Palace of Henry the VIII. and Cardinal " Wolsey." A reference to the old premises on a portion of the site is met with in a grantf of the same year, wherein is mentioned a reservation to the Crown of the rents of " those three chambers or structures, " with their appurtenances, built over the gate com- *' monly called the Inner Temple gate in fifleete " streete, London, now or lately in the tenure or " occupation of John Bennett or his assigns, and " formerl)^ parcel of the possessions lately belonging to " the monastery or priory of St. John of Jerusalem in " England." In the same year Bennett parted with a i:)ortion of the property to William Blake,;]: and we find a petition§ in * A Calendar of the Inner 'I eruplc Records, edited by F. A. Indoiwick, Vol. II., p. 51. f Grant by Patent to Anthony Archer and T. Handres, 8 Jas. I., pi. 43, \ Feet of Fines, London, 8 Jas. I., Trinity term. § AliddU Temple Records : Minnies of Farliament of the Middle Temple, Vol. II., p. 531. 8 precisely similar terms to those in which Bennett's petition was couched addressed to the Middle Temple by William Blake, " citizen and vintner." Although it is not neces- sary to emphasise the fact that the use of a title such as TJie Princes Arms in no way implies that the house was a tavern, such titles being a necessity in days pre- ceding the adoption of street numbering, the fact that the occupant was a vintner certainly suggests that the newly-built house was intended to be used for the same purpose as the old Hand, and this presumption is strengthened when its later history is traced. It has been concluded,* from the terms of Bennett's petition, that the previous house on the site was also called The Prince's Arms. If such were the case, it would seem that such a title must have been given cither between 1544 and 1547, when it would have referred to Prince Edward, or subsequent to 1603. At about the latter time, when Prince Henry enjoyed great popularity, it was very likely indeed that the name would be applied, and, as a matter of fact, we find in 16 13 mention made of a tavern in St. Martin's Lane bearing the same title. t When we next hear of the house it has changed its name to TJie Fountain. In 1665, the year of the Great Plague, M. Anglers advertises his remedies for stopping the plague to be had at Mr. Drinkwater's, at the appropriate sign of The Fountain, Inner Temple Gate.J On 23rd July, 1693, we find, in the records of the Inner Temple,§ a reference to the first floor room. " Edward Dixon, the vintner at the Fctmtain Tavern * Article by Philip Norman on No. 17, Fleet Street, in Home Cowiiies Magaiine, Vol. II., p. 233. f Middlesex County Records, Vol. II., p. 95. X Quoted in Archaological Journal, Vol. LII., p. 360. § A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, Vol. III., p. 341. " by the Temple Gate," admitted the rights of the Society, who thereupon ordered the obstruction to the h'ghts of the tavern to be removed, " and that the said " Mr. Dixon, in consideration thereof, shall keep apart " for the use of the masters of the bench of this society " the best room in his house upon any public show or " occasion (when required)." The identification of TJie Feitniain with No. 17 is proved conclusively by a later entry* (July, 1731) in the Inner Temple Records where it is referred to as " The Prince's Arms or Fountain Tavern." In 1795 the front part of the house was taken by Mrs. Clark, who had for some time carried on, on the opposite side of Fleet Street, a well-known wax-works exhibition, known as Mrs. Salmon's Wax-works from the name of the founder of the business. The Mornins; Herald iox 28th January, 1795, contains the following on the subject : " The house in which Mrs. Salmon's Wax- " works have for above a century been exhibited, is " pulling down ; the figures are removed to the very " spacious and handsome apartments at the corner of the " Inner Temple Gate, which was once the Palace of " Henry Prince of Wales, the eldest son of King James " the First, and they are now the residence of many a " royal guest. Here are held the Courts of Alexander " the Great, of King Henry the Eighth, of Caractacus, " and the present Duke of York. Happy ingenuity to " bring heroes together maugre the lapse of time ! The " levees of each of these persons are daily very " numerously attended, and we find them all to be of " very easy access, since it is insured by a shilling to one " of the attendants." * This and later references to entries in the Inner Temple Records are taken from Mr. Norman's interesting article, the records subsequent to 1714 not having been published. lO The waxworks were exhibited here until about 1816* when Mr. Reed became tenant of the house. During this time, however, it would seem that the tavern business was still carried on in the back part of the premises, for in 1830 a document amongst the records of the Inner Temple describes the premises " formerly " known by the name of the Fountain Tavern, situate, " standing and being in Fleet Street — heretofore in the " tenure or occupation of Abraham Stevens — afterwards " of Peter Robinson — and now of Joseph Parlour." This cannot refer to the front part of the premises, for it will be noticed that there is no mention of Reed or of Mrs. Clark, In 1823 the account book shows rent for windows looking on Inner Temple Lane as follows : — *' Fountain Tavern, 3s. 9d., Mr. Reed, is. 6d.," showing that the house then had two tenants, and in a document dated in the previous year, we have reference to "the " Fountain Tavern, heretofore called the Princes Arms " part whereof is built over the Gateway" as being in the occupation of Mr. Parlour. Before leaving the early history of the house refer- ence should be made to the statement which has often appeared to the effect that No. 17, Fleet Street, was identical with Nando's coffee house, famous for its con- nection with Lord Thurlow. But Mr. Philip Normanf has recently shown this to be an error. Though there can be little doubt that The Prince's Arms was a tavern, it does not follow that the chief glory of the house, the front room on the first floor, has no associations of a more interesting character. The central portion of the design of the decorated ceiling in * The London Post Office Directory gives "S. Clark, Royal Wax- works " up to 1817, and Johnson's Directory gives " W. Reed, Law Bookseller," for that year. \ Home Comities Magazine, Vol. II., pp. 327-330 : Vol. III., pp. 90-93. Early view (date unknown) of houses in Fleet Street, including No. 17, and the Inner Temple Gateway. Taken, by permission, from Home Counties Alagaziiic :5 iAm.UMLmmJMM^il±UMU No. 17, Fleet Street, in 1786. Taken, by permission, from Home Comities Magazine Oak-panelling, No. 17, Fleet Street. [^This illustration, arid those showing the ceiling a?id the vaj-ions windows, are from photographs by Halftones, Ltd., 17, Fleet Street. "[ v./^ Plaster ceiling-, No. 17. Fleet Street. II this room (see below) has an obvious reference to Henry, James I.'s elder son, who in the year 1610 was created Prince of Wales. We know that at about this time the Council Chamber of the Duchy of Cornwall was situated in Fleet Street (though no more precise indication of its position is given) and the question is, does the evidence point to a probability that the Prince used this room as his Council Chamber for the Duchy of Cornwall ? The Duchy of Cornwall have informed the Council that the records of the Duchy are very incomplete, and that no entries indicating the location of the Council Chamber have been found between the date (ist September, 1610) of the Charter of Livery of the Duchy to Prince Henry, and the Prince's death, in November, 1612. The date of the Charter of Livery to Prince Charles was 21st June, 161 5, and there are numerous papers between this date and 1625, dated from His Highness' Council Chamber in Fleet Street, though others are headed " Duchy House," " Salisbury Court," and, in 1622 and 1623, from his Highness' Council Chamber at Denmark House in the Strand. From 1625 until 1641 there are frequent references to His Majesty's Commission House in Fleet Street, the Duchy possessions being managed by Commissioners appointed by the King when there was no Duke of Cornwall, or until Livery. There is therefore evidence that for several years from 161 5 the Duchy of Cornwall was managed from a house in Fleet Street. Fine buildings were not at this time available for public purposes, whereas the designing and construction of such a room as the front room on the first floor of No. 17, Fleet Street, for the ordinary purposes of a tavern are not in accord with the general evidence as to tavern building. 12 Moreover, indications that the house was used in separate occupation are afforded, first, by the terms of the grant of 1610 (p. 7), and secondly by the facts recorded in the Inner Temple document of 1823 (p. 10). We have therefore the following points : The house was at various times in more than one occupation ; the room on the first lloor was represented in the older building by chambers, the rent of which was reserved to the Crown ; the room was identified with Henry, Prince of Wales, by the ceiling decoration. These facts point to the conclusion that the room was in all probability the office of the Duchy of Cornwall, under Henry, Prince of Wales, though it is too much to say that this " has been " placed beyond dispute by documentary evidence."* The Council's interest in the house began in 1898, when its attention was called to the fact that the owner had decided to demolish the premises and rebuild on the site. In view, however, of the great interest attaching to the house by reason of its architectural features and also its possible historical associations, it was felt that an effort should be made to preserve it. By section 60 of its General Powers Act, 1898, the Council had obtained authority to purchase by agreement buildings and places of historical or architectural interest, and it was suggested that the Council should exercise its powers by purchasing the freehold of the premises and arranging for the front of the house n(>t to be rebuilt but to be restored. The Council had already entered into an arrange- ment with the City of London Corporation, whereby Fleet Street, between Falcon Court and the City boundary, should be widened, by setting back the southern side, as opportunity occurred, at the joint expense of the two authorities. It would be thus necessary to set back the ground floor to the new line of * Bellot, The Innt}- and Aliddle Temple, p. 113. 13 frontage, but the upper floors could, it was suggested, be allowed to overhang Fleet Street. This latter proposal could only be carried out with the consent of the City of London Corporation, and that authority not only con- sented to the proposal, but also agreed to contribute ;^2,500 towards the cost involved, on the understanding that the first floor room should be preserved for the public benefit. The Council therefore on 3rd April, 1900, decided to acquire the freehold of the premises, to rebuild the back portion, and to restore the front in the way suggested, and this work has now been accomplished. The following is a description of the premises, by Mr. W. E. Riley, F.R.I.B.A., the Council's architect:— The building is disposed in two blocks, one fronting Fleet Street, the other to the rear of it ; the two con- nected by a neck which contains the main staircase. On the west side of the building, that abutting on Inner Temple Lane, the ground floor storey of the whole building is in one general alignment. Above the ground floor the front block extends over the entrance gateway to Inner Temple Lane. At the time when the premises were acquired by the Council, the back block, which was an uninteresting modern building, had been demolished. Upon its site the Council erected business premises, in a modern style of architecture. Upon investigation, the front block and the staircase neck, as was anticipated, proved to be rich in features of architectural interest. At the time of the acquisition, the fajade visible from Fleet Street was, above the ground storey, a false or screen front, constructed of timber and glass, compara- tively modern in date, and of theatrical design, which completely masked the ancient work. To it had been afiixed eight of the carved oak panels belonging to the 14 original front ; but the details of these were so obliterated by accumulated coats of paint that their merit was unrecognisable. Some twenty inches behind this screen, however, remained the original early 17th century half-timbered front, which, though shorn of its bay windows and other- wise mutilated, contained the essential features intact. Included among these were the six fine solid oak storey-posts, elaborately carved with pilasters, on which were worked the jamb-mouldings of the bay- windows ; the storey-beams ; a carved storey-bracket ; and portions of cornice mouldings. The whole of this old work was thickly encrusted with layers of paint, so much so that in places the carving could hardly be seen ; but, upon its removal, it was found that the work was in almost perfect preservation, and that it was unneces- sary to do anything to it beyond piecing in the portions which had been cut away for the supports of the false front, and applying a slight protective strain. This false front was taken down ; and the old front exposed, repaired, and its missing features reinstated on the basis of those that remained. The greater part of the timber for these was cut from the sound portions of such of the oak beams from the interior of the building as were too decayed to be re-used in their original positions. The fagacle as now visible is, as nearly as could be ascertained by analysis of the work, and by comparison with prints contemporaneous with the building, a reinstatement of what was erected in i6ri; the only exception being the ground-storey, which, including the archway to Inner Temple Lane, has been set back about 5 feet as necessitated by the widening of Fleet Street. It will be observed that the building is a fine example Royal window. Arms of Henry, Prince of Wales. Royal window. Arms of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. IS of a 17th Century timber-constructed city house. The front overhangs storey by storey, each protecting that below it from weather, and giving additional floor space. The large bay windows were designed to afford the maximum of light obtainable from the then narrow street. The carving to the storey-posts has already been commented upon, but attention should also be given to that of the decorative panels, which is exceptionally fine in execution. On two of these will be seen the badge of the Prince of Wales, the three feathers of Bohemia. The removal of the accumulated paint from the stone- work of the archvv^ay to tiie Inner Temple Lane, brought to light the initials of the Treasurer and the date (1748) of erection, in lead letters on the keystone of the arch. Inside the building the chief feature of interest is the large room on the first floor, generally referred to as the " Council Chamber." It is well proportioned, and is agreeably lighted by two wide bay-windows. No doubt it was originally panelled all round in oak, similarly to the portion now remaining on the west side, which is undoubtedly contemporaneous with the original structure, and which is a very good specimen of the work of the period. This has been cleared of the paintwork with which it was encrusted, straightened, and slightly repaired here and there. The remaining panelling and the fireplace, which are of the Georgian period, are of fir ; these have been cleaned and repainted. The great treasure of the house is the plaster ceiling of this room. It is believed to be unique in design, and is one of the best of the remaining Jacobean enriched plaster ceilings. It is perfect alike in conception and execution. In the middle of the design occur the Prince of Wales's Feathers, accompanied by the letters P. H., and enclosed in a star-shaped border. The modelling was greatly obscured by paint and whitewash, and the i6 celling generally had suffered from the sagging of the timbers to which it was attached and in parts had become insecure. It was taken down in sections with the timbers adhering to it, and at South Kensington Museum the timbers were removed, and the ceiling cleaned, straightened and strengthened, and afterwards refixed. The staircase from the first to the third floor is an excellent specimen of iSth Century work. It has been repaired and repainted. The designs for the back block were prepared by the Council's architect, by whom also the renovation of the ancient work was directed. Advice as to the treatment of the enriched ceiling was furnished gratuitously by Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke, CLE., C.V.O., during his term of office as Director of Art at South Kensington ; the actual work being done by Mr. L. Giuntini, of Putney. The back block was erected by the Council's Works Department. The contractor for the remaining portion was Mr. William Dov/ns, of Walworth. The stained-glass windows have been provided and fixed at the cost of Mr. C. Y. Sturge, a member of the London County Council, who has kindly furnished the following description : — The window on the right of the visitor as he enters the room is the " Royal " window, designed to com- memorate the supposed historical connexion of the chamber with the Duchy of Cornwall. The window on the left, the " Municipal " window, illustrates the connexion of the room with the London County Council, the City of London Corporation, and the Society of the Inner Temple. The two central lights of the " Royal " window arc filled with representations of the coats of arms of Henry, Prince of Wales, and, by way both of contrast and -IffSi Municipal window. Treatment of the Seal of the London County Council. Municipal window. Arms of the City of London Corporation. 17 historical continuity, of His Royai Highness the present Prince of Wales. The arms and inscriptions have teen carefully copied from the Garter plates of both Princes aflfixed to their stalls as Knights of the Garter in the Chapel Royal of St. George's, Windsor. The arms of Henry, Prince of Wales, represent the Royal Arms of the period, containing the lions or leopards of England, the fleurs-de-lys of France, the lion rampant of Scotland, and the harp of Ireland, differenced by the label of the eldest son of the Sovereign, and surmounted by the Prince's coronet, helm, mantle, cap of maintenance, and crest, together with the badge of the Prince of Wales' Feathers, and the motto ^'' IcJl dic7i'' The inscription below, in the quaint Norman P'rench of the period, runs as follows : — DV • TRESHAVLT • ET • TRESPVISSANT • PRINCE HENRY • FILZLAISNE • DV • ROY • NRE • SEIGNR • PRINCE DE ■ GAVLES • DVC ' DE • CORNVAILE • ET • ROTHSAY COMTE • DE- CHESTRE • CHEVALIER • DV • TRESNOBLE ORDRE • DE • LA • lARTIERRE • ENSTALLE • LE • 2 • DE • IVLIET • 1603 The ornamental frame-work enclosing the whole is adorned with the rose, thistle, and shamrock of the three kingdoms, the conventional "Tudor" rose, and the lilies of France. The arms of the present Prince of Wales represent the Royal Arms of England as they have been borne since the death of William IV. and the separation of the Crowns of England and Hanover, differenced by the label of the King's eldest son, " over all an escutcheon " of the arms of the august House of Saxony, viz., " barry of ten, or and sable, a crown of rue, in bend vert, " for Saxe-Coburg." These arms borne on an escutcheon of pretence represent His Royal Highness's connexion with the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg through his grandfather, the late Prince Consort. The Prince's styles and titles i8 as recently set forth by Garter King-of-Arms, are inscribed beneath the arms as follows : — DV • TRES-HAVT • TRES-PVISSANT • ET • TRES-ILLVSTRE PRINCE • GEORGE • FREDERIC • ERNEST ■ ALBERT • PRINCE DE • GALLES • DVC • DE ■ SAXE • DVC • DE • CORNWALL DVC • DE • ROTHESAY • DVC • DE • YORK • COMTE • DE CHESTER • ET • DE ■ CARRICK • BARON • DE • RENFREW • ET SEIGNEVR • DES • ILES • GRAND • MaItRE • D'ECOSSE VICE • AMIRAL • DE • LA ■ MARINE • ET • GENERAL • AVX ARMhES • DV • ROl • CHEVALIER • DV • TRES-NOBLE ORDRE • DE • LA • JARRETIERE • LE • 4 • AOVT • 1884 The arms are surmounted by the Prince of Wales' coronet, helm, mantle, and crest, to left and right above the crest appearing the Prince's badges of the Feathers, and the Dragon of Wales, " on a mount vert a Dragon " passant gules, differenced with a label of three points " argent,'' granted by the King to His Royal Highness by Order in Council of loth December, 1901. The hlies of France having been dropped out of the Royal escutcheon by George HI. after the Union of Great Britain with Ireland in 1801, they are omitted from the frame enclosing the Prince's arms and achievement, and in their stead the leek of Wales has been inserted to mark the grant of the Dragon as the second badge of the Prince of Wales ; the rose, thistle, and shamrock being treated as in the companion window. The two windows to the right and left of the com- partments described above, having been made to open, are less ornate in character. Medallions in gold representing the Prince of Wales' Feathers and the Dragon of Wales, alternating with the monogram " L.C.C." artistically treated, surrounded by garlands of foliage in gold, have been inserted in the plain glass in both the " Royal " and " Municipal " windows. The side window placed at an angle towards the west contains the arms of the Duchy of Cornwall, a shield 19 blazoned with fifteen golden balls or "bezants" on a sable ground, within a decorative oval frame of gold. Beneath is the single word CORNWALL. The corresponding window towards the east displays a shield with the arms of the Earldom of Chester, from which the Prince of Wales takes his second English title, " azure, three garbes [wheatsheaves], or, banded " gules " similarly framed and inscribed with the name CHESTER. The " Municipal " window has been treated in the same style. The two centre compartments contain the well-known arms of the City of London with the motto DOMINE • DIRIGE • NOS and (as at present the London County Council has no arms) an artistic treatment of the Council's Seal, designed by Mr. Walter Crane, a crowned and robed female figure, representative of the majest}^ of London, handing a sceptre with an open hand at the end to a male figure on her right, described on a small scroll above the head as " Labor," and to a female figure on her left, described as " Scientia," a golden ball. Below is a Latin rendering of the words " London County Council." CONCILIVM • COMiTATUS • LONDINIARVM A.D • MDCCCLXXXIX The plural form " Londiniae " is found in ancient charters of the time of Edward III., and seems peculiarly appro- priate to a body whose jurisdiction extends over the 29 lesser Londons of the Metropolitan Boroughs. The medallions in the windows which open are similar to those in the " Royal " window. The window to the east contains a representation of the Ciborium, or sacramental chalice, of St. Dunstan, and commemorates the parish of St. Dunstan-in-the-West within which the house stands. Richard IL ^ranted 20 arms to all the great English saints, and St. Dunstan received the Ciborium as his arms or badge four hundred years after his death. The inscription ECCLESIA • STI • DVNSTANI JVXTA • NOVUM ■ TEMPLVM is a Latin rendering of a mediaeval description of the Church, found in old documents, " St. Dunstan by the " New Temple." The window to the west illustrates the close association of the house with the adjacent buildings of the Inner Temple, and contains a shield with the winged Pegasus, or White Horse, which is the badge of that Honourable Societ)'', on a blue ground, together with the rarely used motto of the Inner Temple, VOLAT • AD /ETH ERA • VIRTUS which may be freely rendered " Virtue takes wings to the skies." Below the badge of the Inner Temple is a small dedicatory inscription in Latin, commemorative of the donor of the windows, as follows : — FENESTRAS • HAS • PICTVRIS ■ ORNANDAS CVRAVIT • CLEMENS ■ Y • STVRGE • A • M • CONCILU COMITATVS • LONDINIARVM • DECVRIO • NECNON TEMPLI • INTERIORIS • SOCIVS • A.D • MCMVI The whole of the glass is from the designs of Messrs. Burlisson and Grylls, of 23, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W., and has been carried out and fixed under the supervision of Mr. Harry Grylls, with the assistance and approval of Mr. W. E. Riley, the architect to the London County Council. The thanks of the Council are due also to Everard Green, Esquire, Rouge Dragon, and to G. Woods Wollaston, Esquire, Bluemantle, of the College of Arms, for valuable advice as to the accuracy of the heraldry and inscriptions. G. L. GOMME, County Hall, Clerk of the Council. Spring Gardens, S.W., August, 1906. PART V. No. 14, Hertford Street, Park Lane, a residence of Edward Jenner. Holly Lodge, Wimbltdon Park Road, Wandsworth, a residence of " George Eliot." No. 34, Gloucester Square, Hyde Park, where Robert Stephenson died. PART VL No. 23, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, where Richard Cobden died. No. 10, Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea, a residence of Leigh Hunt. No. 12, Savile Row, where George Grote died. PART VH. No. 16, Young Street, Kensington, a residence of W. M. Thackeray. No. 56, Great Queen Street, a residence of James Boswell. PART VIII. No. 6, Frith Street, Soho, where William Hazlitt died. No. 27, Upper Baker Street, where Mrs, Siddons died. No. 71, Berners Street, a residence of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. PART IX. *" No. no, Gower Street, a residence of Charles Darwin. No. 18, Stamford Street, Southwark, where John Rennie died. No. no, Hallam Street, Portland Place, W., where Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born. PART X. No. 76, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, where John Constable died. No. 14, Doughty Street, Mecklenburg Square, the residence of Sydney Smith. No. 31, Baker Street, Portman Square, tha birthplace of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton. The " Council Chamber " of No. 17, Fleet Street, is open free, to the public every week day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. After these hours it is available for use on moderate terms as a meeting room by learned societies, etc. Applica- tions should be addressed to the Clerk of the London County Council, Spring Gardens, S.W. Gaylamount Pamphlet Binder Gxvlord Bros.. Inc. Stcckton, Calif. T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. f*f :r^t> k^f A M54254 ^ ■1)A&% l;s^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY v> k.