r REESE LIBRARY ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %'ceived <^-/AK - '^Q f- /J ^^icessioii No. Y^ ^ 3 (o . Chus No. l^h^'^ BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS OLD ENGLISH PROSE WRITERS A. S. COO A' BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS OLD ENGLISH PROSE WRITERS WITH THE VULGATE AND OTHER LATIN ORIGINALS INTRODUCTION ON OLD ENGLISH BIBLICAL VERSIONS INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES, AND INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS ALBERT S. COOK Hon. M.A, Yale, Ph.D. Jena, L.H.D. Rutgers professor of the english language and literature in yale university president of the modern language association of america HonDon MACMILLAN AND CO, Limited NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1898 \_All rights reserved] Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY TO DR. JAMES A. H. MURRAY WHOSE 'new ENGLISH DICTIONARY' WILL BE ONE OF THE GLORIES OF ENGLAND AND IS THE ADMIRATION OF HER CHILDREN BEYOND THE SEAS IN RECOGNITION NOT LESS OF HIS QUALITIES AS A MAN THAN OF HIS EMINENCE AS A SCHOLAR PEEFACE This first instalment of a reasonably complete collection of the Biblical extracts scattered throughout the Old English prose texts has been undertaken in the interest of the Biblical scholar, the professional student of English speech, and the person who desires to gain in the easiest possible manner a slight reading knowledge of Old English prose. For this volume the two representative prose authors of the two chief epochs, Alfred and ^Ifric, have been chosen ; and the Latin originals, the indispensable medium of interpretation and comparison, have been printed at the foot of the page. The Biblical scholar should know that in his domain I am the merest amateur, and that I leave to him the task of determining the precise readings which have been followed by our translators, when a choice of readings was possible. That the Vulgate was not always strictly followed is probable, and in some cases, as now and again in the Alfredian trans- lation of the Cura Pastoralis, is certain. ^Elfric may have followed the Latin homilists whom he adapts, and thus may have been led to deviate here and there from the Vulgate text; but his relation to these sources has as yet been too little investigated to admit of a present determination of the amount of this variation. The exact decision will always be rendered difficult by the paraphrastic nature of the version in some eases ; by the tendency of Old English writers to vary their expression in different places, even when rendering the very same original ; and by the frequent impossibility, in the case of the Gospels, of deciding which of the Evangelists the translator had in mind. Under the last head, a kind of Vlll PREFACE ' contamination ' is not unusual, showing that the translator is making or following a kind of harmony of the Gospels, and accordingly producing a composite narrative, in which the exact shares of the several Evangelists cannot always be ascertained with precision. Where I have adduced the so-called Itala, my dependence has been upon Sabatier. The professed student of English speech should know that I have followed the best printed texts of each work, taking no liberties with them save as respects punctuation and capitals, the use of diacritical marks for quantity, &c., and to some extent in the joining or separation of words. Thus for the Pastoral Care and Orosius I have followed Sweet; for the Ecclesiastical History, Miller ; for the Laws, Schmid's second edition ; and for ^Ifric, Thorpe's edition of the Homi- lies. In the slight changes referred to, I have studied con- sistency and .the ready apprehension of the text. To this end, I have not scrupled to change the traditional punctua- tion of the Vulgate, partly because I have not found entire uniformity in the various impressions, and partly because I have no superstitious reverence for the received usage when uniform, since it is not seldom at variance with grammar and sense. Accordingly, the punctuation of the Old English and that of the Latin have been brought into some degree of conformity, though there are instances where this has proved impracticable. In the marking of quantity, and of derivative e and o, there are, I trust, but few oversights not corrected in the Errata. The words which geminate an originally single consonant after a long vowel have given me most trouble, and here I shall no doubt seem inconsistent, and in some cases am no doubt really so ; in general, I have omitted the macron, but have retained it where the sonancy of the following consonant may probably have favoured the retention of length. Proper names have been left unmarked, since as yet there is no general agreement among scholars as to the quantity of the syllables in even the commonest Scriptural names. I have no doubt exposed myself to criticism by the use of PREFACE IX the hyphen for joining words left separate in the standard editions, and, in the case of a few common conjunctions, by actually writing two or three words (like for pon pe) as one. In these cases I must be content to receive the censure of those who are otherwise minded. The use of brackets and parentheses is most frequent in the Pastoral Care. Here I have followed Sweet (see the Table of Abbreviations), except that I have indicated the chief variant readings of the Hatton MS. by a parenthetical word followed byH. The beginner in the study of Old English will find in tlie present volume a convenient chrestomathy, with the matter of which he is already acquainted, and which can almost be read from the outset, without grammar or dictionary, by the help either of the modern English version, or, better, by that of the Latin. He will likewise, by a comparison of the different renderings of the same passage, acquire a sense of the \'ariations which the same translator permitted himself, the idios}mcrasies of each translator, and the changes in the language between one and another. Here, indeed, is considerable material for the study of Old English semasiology, a study which, like that of Englisli semasiology in general, has been too much neglected. What is an author's range of synonyms for a given idea ? What is the range of his vocabulary, as distributed among such cate- gories of synonyms ? What are the peculiarities of his diction, as determined by these tests? Wherein does the diction of a given period, again, as judged by these standards, differ from that of another given period ? It is evident that these inquiries are by no means otiose, and that the easiest and most promising introduction to the subject is through the medium of successive translations from the Latin, preferably from the same Latin text. Now there is no Latin text which fulfils the obvious conditions so well as the Vulgate. It is a toler- ably unchanging document, and, directly or indirectly, in fragments of various length, it has been translated or para- phrased over and over again. The study of these renderings would occupy a large number of capable students of semasio- X PREFACE logy for many years, and would add incalculably to our exact knowledge of the changes which have taken place in the English vocabulary, and in the differentiation of meanings. And what is true of semasiology is likewise true, in its degree, of syntax. Such comparisons as have been mentioned will be facilitated by the Index of Biblical Passages, and by that of Principal Words. The latter is not intended as a glossary, nor for the exhibition of grammatical forms; but for the purpose indi- cated its fullness ought to render it valuable. I wish the limitations of space had permitted still greater fullness, even under very common words ; for now and again a student may wish for a completer exhibit of usage than has been provided. The Introduction will, I trust, be serviceable to all who are interested in these texts, and to many who are not. The astounding • misstatements and omissions of the latest and most authoritative books of reference which treat of this subject — a subject of interest to every intelligent person of English extraction — will no doubt be deemed a sufficient reason for the essay here presented. Its shortcomings may perhaps be the more leniently judged when it is considered that all existing outlines which profess to cover the same ground are either misleading, or wholly inadequate, or both. This sketch may therefore justly be regarded as a sort of pioneer effort, for, while much of it is compilation, criticism has been necessary at every step, and some of the results have been worked out by the author himself especially for this publication. In conclusion, I shall be glad if the present work leads to a somewhat juster appreciation of the early history of the English Bible, to a more diligent study of the course of English speech, and, in however slight a measure, to a fuller sense of fraternity among the different members of the English race. Albert S. Cook. Yale University, August 15, 1897. CONTENTS PAGES Table of Abbreviatioks xii Introduction xiii-lxxx SEVENTH CENTURY: Prose Translations xiii Poetical Translations: Csedmon — Aldlielm— Guthlac . xiii-xix EIGHTH CENTURY: Prose Translations: Bede xx Poetical Translations : Kentish Version of the 51st Psalm — Cynewulf — Anonymous Poems of the Eighth Century— Poems of Uncertain Date .... xx-xxv NINTH century: Prose Translations : Mercian Gloss on the Psalms— Other Glossed Psalters : The Roman Psalter ; The Gallican Psalter — Glosses on the Canticles of Scripture — Kentish Gloss on Proverbs — KingAlfred'sTranslation of certain Psalms — The Paris Psalter . . xxvi-xliii Poetical Translations : Judith— The Paris Psalter . . xliii TENTH century : Prose Translations : Northumbrian Gloss on the Gospels — The Rush worth Version of the Gospels— The West Saxon Gospels— Versions of the Lord's Prayer — ^Ifric xliii-lxxv Poetical Translations : The Paris Psalter — The Kentish Psalm— Judith Ixxvi-lxxx King Alfred's Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care . 3-60 The Laws of King Alfred 61-68 King Alfred's Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History . . 69-74 King Alfred's Version of Orosius' History ... 75 .Elfric's Homilies 76-257 Index of Biblical Passages 259-273 Index of Principal Words 274-330 TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Bede. — As under Greg. Greg. — Gregory's reading in his Cura Pastoralis, as distinguished from that of the Vulgate. H.— Hatton MS. ins. — insert(s) ; inserit, inserunt. Ital. — Italam, Italicam versionem. LXX.— Septuagint. om. — omits ; omittit. sec. — secundum. sum. — summarily ; summatim. Vulg. — Vulgate. [ ] in the Cotton MS. of Gregory's Pastoral Care, denote the readings of Cotton Otho B. 2 (Sweet's Cotton 11) ; in the Hatton MS., they denote additions above the line. ( ) in the O. E. Pastoral Care, denote Sweet's conjectiiral additions ; when a word in parentheses is followed by H., a reading of the Hatton MS. is signified. In Alfred's Laws, both brackets and parentheses are used to indicate readings of MSS. G. and H. (Cott. Nero A. i, and the Textus Eofifensis), the standard being E. (the Corpus or Benet MS., C. C. 175). INTEODUCTION As a means of exhibiting the I'eLitions which the Biblical extracts now first collected sustain to the versions already known, the following conspectus is presented. No such survey at present exists, and the current statements on the subject are often so lamentably meagre and incorrect that it has seemed by no means superfluous to supply the exactest possible information in these pages, and to give ample references to the most authoritative and critical of recent works. SEVENTH CENTURY. Prose Translations. None are known. Poetical Translations. C^DMON. — The first Old English paraphrase of portions of the Bible is attributed to Csedmon, in the following passage of Bede's Ecclesiastical History (iv. 24) : ' Canebat autem de creatione mundi et origine humani generis, et tota Genesis historia, de egressu Israel ex Aegypto et ingressu in terram repromissionis, de aliis plurimis sacrae Scripturae historiis, de incarnatione Dominica, passione, resurrectione, et ascensione in coelum, de Spiritus Sancti adventu, et apostolorum doctrina.' Since the publication of Francis Junius' CcBchnonis Monaclii Paraplirasis Poctica Gencsios ac PraecipuarKm Sacrae Paginae Histo- riarum (Amsterdam, 1655), certain poetical paraphrases of the Bible contained in MS. Junius XI of the Bodleian Library at Oxford have passed under the name of Cix'dmon. The whole subject is discussed at length by Wulker, in his Gnindriss, y>P- 111-140, with the purely negative result, expressed on p. 139, that nothing can with cei-tainty be attributed to Caedmon save the Hymn XIV INTRODUCTION found at the end of the Moore MS. of Bede in the Cfimbridge University Library, and which is printed, e. g., in Sweet's Oldest English Texts,}). 149, and Anglo-Saxon Header, seventh edition, p. 175; in my The Bible and English Prose Style (Boston, U.S.A. : D. C. Heath & Co. ), p. ix ; Zupitza-MacLean's Old and Middle English Beader, p. i ; Grein-Wulker's BiUiotheTi, ii. 317 ; and Stopford Brooke's History of Early English Literature, p. 340. Since this Hymn is but nine lines in length, and refers only allusively to the first chapter of Genesis, it is evident that we cannot affirm that we possess any portion of the Biblical translations which Bede affirms to have been made by Caedmon. Aldhelm. — For more than sixty years there has been discussion among scholars as to whether the so-called Paris Psalter may have been the work of Aldhelm (640?-709). This recent suggestion was made by Thorpe in his edition of the Paris Psalter, under the title, Libri Psalmorum Versio Antiqua Latina, cum Paraphrasi Anglo- Saxonica (Oxford, 1835). His words are (Praefatio, p. v) : ' Memoriae quidem proditum est Aldhelmum, Shii'burnensem Episcopum, qui quum carminum laude inclaruisset, non Latino solum sed et patrio sermone conditorum, a. d. DCCIX mortuus est, Psalmos Davidis Anglo-Saxonice primum reddidisse : et quum versio quam nos edendam suscepimus, etsi ab initio ad Psalmum quinquagesimum oratione soluta scripta est, inde usque ad finem versibus puris Anglo-Saxonicis constat, dicendi tamen genus seculum decimo superius non sapiat; erunt fortasse qui suspicentur eam aliam non esse quam Aldhelmi ipsius versionem a recentiore quodam refictam.' Thorpe goes on to say that the evidence of language alone would not justify us in assigning a date to an Old English composition, and that the version which he publishes is in parts so incorrect that he would hesitate to attribute it to Aldhelm : ' Hinc quidem minus verisimile fit hanc versionem opus fuisse viri doctrina eximia qualis fuerit Aldhelm us ; etsi inter errores istos multi sunt quos aut incuriae aut ignorantiae librarii jure tribuas.' In his translation of Lappenberg's Anglo-Saxon Kings, 1845 (ed. 1880, i. 258, note 3), Thorpe says: 'An Anglo- Saxon version of the Psalms, possibly Aldhelm's, transcribed by the present translator from a MS. in the Royal Library at Paris, has been published at the expense of the University of Oxford.' Thorpe was followed by Thomas Wright, whose Biographia INTRODUCTION XV Britannka Liiemrla : AngJo-Saxon Period was published in 1842. He observes, at the close of his life of Aldhelm (p. 222) : 'He is said to have translated the Psalms into Anglo-Saxon verse, but the translation published by Mi-. Thorpe, in 1835, has none of the characteristics which might be looked for in his compositions.' From this it may be inferred that he derived his information from Thorpe. This is, however, quite inconsistent with his remarks concerning Aldhelm in a note to p. 2 1 : ' He is said, among other things, to have translated the Psalms into Anglo-Saxon verse, which may possibly have been the same which Mr. Thorpe has so ably edited from the Paris MS. or the groundwork of it.' Giles, Saudi Aldhelm i Opera, 1844, says nothing whatever on the subject. In 1853 Pi'ofessor Franz Dietrich, in an article entitled ' Hycgan und Hopian,' published in Haupt's Zeitsclirift fi'ir Deutsches Alter- thiim, vol. ix, endeavours to rehabilitate the tradition by means of an investigation into the relative age of two words for the verb 'hope,' namely, hycgan and hopian. In summing up (p. 222), he remarks : 'Es giebt eine alte Tradition dass Aldhelm (t709\ der lateinisch und in seiner Muttersprache gedichtet, audi die Psalmen ins Angelsiichsische tibertragen habe. Die schon aufgegebene Vermutung, dass sich sein Work hier erhalten habe, ist fiir den allitterierenden Theil nach den obigen Ausfiihrungen wieder aufzunehmen, und kann durch einige wenige audi hier wie im ersteii Theil vorkommende Mangel der Uebersetzung, w^elche nocli nach Abzug der vom Abschreiber und vom Lateinisclien verschuldeten (ibrig bleiben, niclit umgeworfen werden. Das erste Drittel seiner Arbeit mag an der Handschrift abgerissen gefunden und von eineni Schreiber des iin Jh. durch die vorliegende Prosa vermeintlich ersetzt worden sein. Vielleicht ist die Prosa aus einer etwas alteren, ebenfalls vollstandig gewesenen Uebersetzung entnommen.' In 1854, K. W. Bouterwek {Cccdmons des Angelsachsen Bihlische Diehtiingen, Giitersloh and London) refers to Thorpe's opinion in his ' Dritte Abtheilung,' p. clxxxiii, but, beyond citing Spelnian (see below), he contributes nothing to the discussion. In 1880 appeared a posthumous work of the distinguished scholar Grein, his Kurzgefasste Angelsdchsische Grammatik. In this (p. 9) he expresses the opinion that Psalms 52-150 of Thorpe's edition are probably to be attributed to Aldhelm. XVI INTRODUCTION In 1884 Professoi' Earle, of Oxford, writes {Anglo-Saxon Litera- ture, p. 90) : 'The suggestion that they might be Aldhelm's, though modernized, had rhetorical attractions for the editor (Thorpe), and supplied him with material for a few rather idle sentences of his Latin preface. ' In 1885 Professor Wulker, of Leipzig {Grunchiss stir Geschichte der AngelsdcJisischen Litteratur, p. 384), rejects Dietrich's hypothesis : ' Dieti-ich's Ansicht, dass Aldhelm Verfasser unserer Psalmen- tibertragung sei, ist unhaltbar ; dagegen spricht Behandlungsweise, Art des Ausdrucks, und Versbau.' In the same year, the Dictionary of National Biogra])Jiy, s. v. 'Aldhelm,' has no mention of the tradition. Various encyclopaedic works since the date of Thorpe's edition have repeated the statement that Aldhelm composed a version of the Psalms, but either assign no authority, or a false one. So the Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth edition, viii. 381; J vliaxis Dictionary of Hymnology, p. 916; Johnson's Encyclopaedia, revised edition, i. 610; Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, third edition, i. 149; Smith, Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 3424, 3425 (copied in McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia of Biblical lAterature, iii. 208, 209) ; Schaff-Herzog, Eeligious Encyclopaedia, i. 288 ; Wetzer andWelte's Kirchenleocikon, second edition, iv. 593 ; besides various popular books on the history of the English Bible, such as those of Mombert, Moulton, Smyth, &c. The whole matter has been subjected to a critical examination by Dr. Helen Bartlett, whose conclusions will be found under another head (p. xli). It will scarcely be believed that all these suggestions and posi- tive statements concerning Aldhelm's authorship of the Paris Psalter prove, on examination, to be absolutely baseless. Let us see. Thorpe probably was referring to Spelman when he intro- duced the name of Aldhelm into his Preface. John Spelman, not to be confounded with his more famous father, edited in 1640 a Latin text of the Psalms, with an interlinear Old English gloss, from a MS. belonging to his father, collated with three others. This book bears the title Psalter ium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Vetus, Londini, 1640. In his Address to the Eeader, immediately following the dedication, Spelman remarks : ' Primus Psalm orum in Linguam Saxonicam Translator sub anno 709. laudatur Adelmiis, Ei)isc. Shirburnensis ; sed cum Kegem Alfredum Magnum, trans- INTRODUCTIOTSr XVll lationem etiam hiiiusmodi, paulo ante annum. 900, adortum esse legimus, priorem illam ex Danica tempestate periisse verisimile est ; et posteriorem sane, ex iniportuna Eegis morte abortivam fuisse novimus.' Whence did Spelman derive his information ? Evidently from Bale (see Forshall and Madden's Wydiffite Versions of the Holy Bible, Preface, p. i). Bale says, at the end of his list of Aldhelm's works (Ulustrium Majoris Britanniae Scriptoruni, Basel, 1557, p. 84) : ' Psalterium quoque transtulit in linguam Anglo-Saxonicam, et alia nonnulla fecit.' Did Bale originate this? Yes, and no. He was indebted to a hint in Leland's Commentarii dc Scriptorihus Brifannicis, but tliis he elaborated and transfigured after his own fashion. Leland had said of Aldhelm {Commentarii, ed. Hall, Oxon., 1709^ p. 100) : ' Sepultus est Mailduni ; ubi adhuc monachi sui patroni monimenta ostentant, nempe sacram vestem, qua indutus missam celebrare solebat. Praeterea, Davidis psalterium Uteris Saxonicis longiuseulis scriptum. Tertium, altare sed minutiluni ex Ophiutico marmore argento revinctum, in quo Latina inscriptio apparet. Haec ego nuper Meilduni vidi.' Leland had seen a Latin Psalter written in a longish Saxon (really Irish) character*, which the monks of Malniesbury called Aldhelm's ; and thereupon Bale ingeniously avers that Aldhelm ' translated the Psalter into the Anglo-Saxon language.' After Bale and Spelman came Henry Wharton, who, in his Auctarium Historiae Bogmaticae Jacohi Usserii (London, 1689), attempts an independent proof, as follows (p. 350): 'Lib. de Virginitate . . . laudat Virgines sacras ad quas scribit ; quod in earum Epistola ad se scripta, melliflua divinarum studia Scriptura- rum sagacissima sermonum serie patuerunt. Et postea easdem praedicat, quod per ampla Scripturarum studia decurrentes, sagacis- simam animorum industriam, et vivacis ingenii qualitatem assidua lectionis instantia exercere noscantur. Hinc clare patet Versionem S. Scripturae Anglicam Aldhelmi aevo extitisse. Aliter impos- sibile fuisset foeminis Scripturae studium excolere : cum Latinae linguae notitia adeo rara apud Anglos ilia aetate fuerit, ut paucis- simi etiam e Clero eam vel summis labiis degustarint. Primus certe Anglorum Aldhelmus Latine scripsit, Latinis literis Romae et in Gallis imbutus. Quin et ipsum Versionem Scripturae Anglicam fieri curasse veri non est absimile. Ut Balei enim testimonium de b XVIU INTRODUCTION Psalterio ab illo Saxonice seu Anglice converso taceam : extat etiamnum Epistola eius ad Ehfridum, qua ilium niultis obse- crat, ut divina eloquia in communeni omnium usum vernacula lingua explicaret.' This argument is, in a word : Aldhelm compliments the nuns to whom he writes on their reading of the Bible ; hence there must have been an English Bible, since women could of course read no Latin. Aldhelm could not only i-ead Latin, but write it ; hence what so likely as that he had the translation made, if he did not make it hunself ? In the light of Bede's statement that he knew several people who were as well acquainted with Latin and Greek as with English, this argument of course falls to the ground ; and if the nuns knew no Latin, how came it that Ald- helm was writing them a letter in that language? The appeal to Aldhelm's letter to Ehfrid is equally valueless, because of its obscurity and the generality of the terms in which it is couched. Hearne, in his translation of the elder Spelman's Life of Alfred (Oxford, i7fc>9), carries on the tradition (p. 212, note): 'There had been a Saxon version before, by Aldhelmus, Bishop of Shir- burne, as is mentioned by Bale in his Life, and confirmed by Mr. Wharton.' Hearne, however, thinks that the Psalter which Leland saw was the Spelman MS., and that Aldhelm's version had been lost before Alfred's time. GuTHXAC. — It has often been asserted that Guthlac, a Saxon hermit who died in 714, translated the Psaltei', and this state- m.ent recurs even in the latest encyclopaedias. Tracing it back from one author to another, we find the earliest mention of Guthlac's Psalter in the Chronicle which bears the name of Ingulf (d. 1 109). According to this account, the Psalter was left with Abbot Kenulf by Guthlac's sister. The original runs : ' Sancta vero Pega, soror praefati sancti patris nostri Guthlaci, cito post primi anni revolutionem ab obitu eiusdem, relicto prius ibidem in manibus Kenulphi Abbatis flagello Sancti Bartholomaei, et psal- terio fratris sui, ... ad cellam suam navigio remeavit. ' The next statement emanates from John Lambert, properly Nicholson, who in 1538, having been accused of heresy, was examined by Archbishop Warham on forty-five articles. As part of his answer to the twenty-sixth article, he is reported in Foxe's Acts and Motiuments (ed. Townsend and Cattley, v. 213) to have said : INTRODUCTIOX XIX * There [in Higden's Foli/chronicon] it is showed how, when the Saxons did inhabit the land, the king at that time, who was a Saxon, did himself translate the Psalter into the language that then was generally used. Yea, I have seen a book at Crowland Abbe)^, which is kept there for a relic ; the book is called St. Guthlakes Psalter ; and I ween verily it is a copy of the same that the king did translate, for it is neither English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew^, nor Dutch, but somewhat sounding to our English ; and, as I have perceived since the time I was last there, being at Antwerp, the Saxon tongue doth sound likewise after ours, and is to ours pai-tly agi'eeable.' From this it is evident that Lambert believed the ' St. Guth- lake's Psalter ' which he saw to have been the translation made by King Alfred (see p. xxxiv). The connexion between the statements of Ingulf and of Lambert was made by Archbishop Usslier in 1690, in his Historia Dot/- matica (Worls, xii. 280): ' Psalterii S. Guthlaci Ingulphus in historia sua meminit ; et ad nostra tempera inter reliquias Croi- landensis monasterii conservatum est. Quod quidem vulgari Saxonica lingua exaratum fuisse, ex testimonio Joannis Lamberti. qui illud vidit, apparet.' As yet no great error had been committed, but conjecture soon mingled vriih fact, and finally we come to such extraordinary remarks as the follow^ing, taken from Mombert, Handbook of the English Versions of the Bihk, 2nd ed., New York 1 890, p. 5 : 'To the beginning of the eighth century belongs the Psalter of Aldhelm and Guthlac [sic], which contains the Latin with an exceedingly minute interlinear Anglo-Saxon version. The text is the Koman Psalter in use at Canterbur)^, whereas the GaUicmi text was used in other parts of England. It is said to be the identical copy sent by Pope Gregoiy to Augustine, a. d. 596- The translation is of much later date. It is among the Cotton MSS., marked Vespasian A. i .' The two independent versions, by Aldhelm and Guthlac respectively, both mythical, have now become a joint work of the two authors, and this is identified with the Vespasian Psalter, which is not a translation, but a mere gloss 1 \ b 2 XX INTRODUCTION EIGHTH CENTURY. Prose Translations. Bede. — Bede is said to have made a translation of the Gospel of John from the beginning through vi. 9, but of this no trace remains. The statement is contained in a letter concerning the close of Bede's life, written by Cuthberht, a pupil of Bede's, to Cuthwine, a fellow-student, and 'printed from MS. CCLV (compared with CCLIV) in the library at St. Gallon, which is believed to be a MS. of the ninth century,' by Mayor and Lumby in their edition of Bedae Hist. Ecd. Ill, IV, Cambridge, 1881. The passage runs {op. cit. p. 178) : 'In istis autem diebus dua opuscula memoriae digna, exceptis lectionibus quas cottidie accepimus ab eo et cantu psalmorum, facere studuit. Id est a capite sancti evangelii lohannis usque ad eum locum in quo dicitur, " sed haec quid sunt inter tantos ? " in nostram linguam ad utilitatem ecclesiae Dei con- vertit, et delibris Isidori episcopi excerptiones quasdam.' Trans- lations of the whole of this letter may be read in Lingard's Anglo- Saxon Church, ii. 177-182, and in Stevenson's Bede, pp. xvii-xx. The statement has frequently been made that Bede translated larger portions of the Bible, but this cannot be authenticated. Poetical Translations. Kektish Version of the 5 1st Psalm. — This was first published from MS. Cott. Vesp. D. VI of the British Museum by Dietrich in 1854, in the Indices Lectionum ct PuhUcarum et Primtarum quae in Acadeniia Marhurgensi per Semestre Hihermim hahendae proponuntur (Marburgi : Typis Academicis Elwerti). Dietrich subjoins a Latin translation, and adduces proofs that the poem was composed in the Kentish dialect. According to him, the MS. is of the early ninth centuiy, the letters a, m, and 5, for example, being often written as imcials. The paraphrase he would assign to the eighth century, citing, in support of his view, archaic forms like wlghcd (later weofod), V. 139; Mt3is (later hliss'^, vv. 79, 99, 118; hleodfor, in the sense of 'hearing,' v. 78 ; andhette, v. 29 ; &c. Some of the other words, as well as constructions, adduced in support of his opinion, are less convincing. In 1857 the psalm was reprinted by Grein, in his BibliotheJc der Angelscichsischen Poesie, ii. 276-280 (new ed., ii. 224-226). INTRODUCTION XXI An accurate reproduction of the text was given by Kluge. in his AngcIsiichsiscJics Lescbuch (Halle, 1888). In 1877 Ten Brink said, in his GcschicJiic dcr Engllsclicn Litteratur (I quote the English translation published by Holt. New York, p. 48): 'A paraphrase of the fiftieth [i.e. fiftj'-first | psalm in the Kentish dialect, not lacking warmth and elevation of tone, dates at the latest from a time before 800.' In 1882 Sievers confirmed the Kentish authorship of the psalm in his Angelsiichsische Grammatik, but said nothing about the date. In 1885 Wulker {Grundriss, p. 382) allowed the attribution to Kent, but pronounced decidedly against so early a date as the eighth centuiy, because the first hemistich of some lines contained but one alliterative letter. In 1887 Ebert {Literatur des Mittelalters im Ahcndlande, iii. 83) virtually expressed his agreement with Dietrich. In 1888 Henry Morley said {EmjUsh Writers, ii. 321) : ' There is reason to think that this psalm was produced in Kent as a separate work, in the eighth century, or at the beginning of the ninth.' But as he had just remarked, ' It has a prose [sic] introduction of its own on David, and an independent close, both indicating that it originally stood alone,' there is reason to think that he had never even seen the psalm, but professed all his views on the subject at second-hand. In 1894 Sweet printed the psalm in the seventh edition of his Anglo-Saxon Beader (pp. 196-201). In a note (p. 225), he calls it ' an interesting specimen of late Kentish, apparently of the tenth centuiy.' The psalm has an introduction of 30 lines upon David and the circumstances under which the psalm was com- posed. Then follows the paraphrase of the psalm in 128 lines more. I quote the rendering oi vv. i and 2 (lines 31-42). (i) Miltsa cSu me, meahta Walden, nu tSu wast . . . manna ge?ohtas ; help '^u, H^elend mm, handgeAveorces Junes anes, aelmehtig God, §fter I^inre t5ara miclan mildhiortnesse ; 9nd eac §fter m§nio miltsa tllnra, Dryhten weoruda, adilga min unriht, to forgefenesse gaste mlnum. XXll INTRODUCTION (2) A'Sweah me of sennum, saule fr^m wammum, gasta Scfppend ; geltas geclansa, pa Se ic on fildre seive gefr^mede ■Surh lichaman, le'Sre ge'Sohtas. Cynewulf. — Little more is known with certainty of Cynewulf (Cynwulf) than that he lived in the eighth century, and that he wrote the poems entitled Christ, Juliana, Elene, and Fata Aposto- loruni (about the last there is some doubt). It is also probable that he was a Northumbrian, and possible that he composed some or all of a collection of Riddles. Other poems have been ascribed to him with greater or less probability, but no general agreement on the matter has been reached by scholars \ In 1892 I showed in Anglia, xv. 9-19, that the Elene was almost certainly composed very early in the ninth century. While there are scattered paraphrases of Scriptural passages in various parts of his work, the poem which chiefly concerns us is his Christ. This' celebrates the Advent of the Saviour, his Ascen- sion, and his final Coming to the Judgment. Incidentally, therefore, it loosely paraphrases portions of the Gospels and of the first chapter of the Acts, besides individual texts from the Old Testament. A transcript of the text may be read in the Grein-Wiilker Bihliotheh cler Angelsdchsischen Poesie, iii. 1-54 ; in GoUancz's edition of The Exeter Booh (Early English Text Society, Original Series, No. 94); or in Gollancz"s separate edition of the Christ (London, 1892) ; both of the latter have a modern English rendering on alternate pages. My own edition of the poem is now in the press. The principal articles upon the sources of the l)oem are by Dietrich (Haupt's Zeitschrift fiir Bcutsches Altcrthum, ix. 1 93-2 1 4), and by myself (Modern Language Notes, iv. (1889) 171- 176). The chief sources for the first part, * The Advent,' will be indicated in my edition. The following lines (230-235) describe the creation of light (Gen. 1. 3) : ' Nu sie geworden, for]? a to widan feore leoht llxende, gefea lifgendra gehwam ]?e in cneorissum c§nde weorSen ! ' Qnd pa sona gel9mp, pa hit swa sceolde ; leoma leohtade leoda m^g|7um, torht mid tungium, sefter ]5on tida biggng. ^ The article in the Did. Nat. Biog. is under 'Kynewulf ' (vol. xxxi), with no cross-reference under ' Cynewulf.' INTRODUCTION XXlll The poems of Cynewulf, like most of those which we possess from the Old English period, have only been transmitted to us in MSS. of the tenth or eleventh centuries, and contain a mixture of dialectic forms as diverse as those of early Northumbrian and late West Saxon. Anonymous Poems of the Eighth Century. — Here belong especially the poems formerly attributed to Csedmon (see above, p. xiii). The most important of these are the so-called Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel They are all contained in a single MS., Junius XI of the Bodleian Library, which belongs to the tenth century. For a facsimile, see West wood's Palaeographia Sacra, Plate 39. Accordingly what was said above, concerning the mixture of forms in the Cynewulfian poems, is true of these also. The Genesis is not a homogeneous poem, — vv. 235-851, out of a total of 2935, being an interpolation, composed by an Old Saxon living in England (Ten Brink, Early English Literature, p. 379), or, as was first suggested by Sievers {Der Heliancl unci die Angel- sdchsische Genesis, Halle, 1875), translated from Old Saxon into Old English. A critical account of scholarly opinion upon this interpolation will be found in Piper, Die AltsachsischeBiheldichtung (Stuttgai-t, 1897), I. Iviii. The Genesis paraphrases various por- tions of that book, though nothing beyond 22. 13. I append the account of the creation of light {vv. 1 21-125), which may be compai'ed with that above, from the Christ : Metod §ngia heht, llfes Brytta, leoht forS cuman ofer runme grund. EaJ^e waes gefylled Heahcininges hses : him waes halig leoht ofer westenne, swa se Wyrhta behead. The Exodus is scarcely more than a very free rendering of a few verses of the Biblical Exodus, culminating in the Over- throw of Pharaoh in the Eed Sea, together with an episodical portion (vv. 362-445), paraphrasing certain parts of Genesis. The relation of this episodical portion to the rest is not fully settled, some thinking it to be a mere casual interpolation. The Exodus is 589 lines in length. I quote a part of the description of the pillar of cloud and fire {vv. 93-97 ; cf. Exod. 13. 21): V>^ OF THE ' r UNIVERSITY XXIV INTRODUCTION Him beforan foi-an fyr 9nd wolcen in beorhtrodor, beamas twegen, l^ara ^ghwsecSer efngedSlde heah]?egnunga Haliges Gastes, deormodra slS dagum 9nd nihtum. The Daniel is a poetical version of that book, as far as 5. 23. It contains 765 hnes, and, ending abruptly, is probably only a fragment. The following lines (269-279) paraphrase Dan. 3. 25 and the Song of the Three Holy Children, vv. 26, 27 (Vulg. Dan. 3. 49, 50, 92) : Geseah (5a swiSmod cyning, Sh he his sefan ontreowde, wundor on wite agangen ; him ]?aet wraeclic ]5uhte. Hyssas hale hwurfon in }?am hatan ofne, ealle ^fseste Sry. Him eac ])^v wses an on gesyhtSe, §ngel jElmihtiges ; him \>^y owiht ne d§rede, ac wses \)§^v inne ealles gelicost efne ]3onne on sumera sunne seine's, and deawdrias on dsege weor'SeS, winde geondsawen. pset waes wuldres God, ]?e hie gen§rede witS ]5am nl'Shgte. All these poems are critically edited in the Grein-Wtilker BihliotheJc cler AngelsacJisischen Poesie, ii. 3;i8 ff. (Leipzig, 1894). The Genesis occupies pp. 318-444, the Exodus pp. 445-475, and the Daniel pp. 476-515. A critical edition of the interpolated portion of the Genesis may also be found in Piper, Die Altsdchsische Bibeldichtung, i. 460-486. The Azarias, or 'Account of the Three Holy Children,' which is in part substantially identical with the corresponding portion of the text of Daniel, will to that extent be found printed opposite the poem in the Grein-Wtilker edition (pp. 491, 493, 495, 497) ; the remaindei-, beginning with v. 76, occurring on pp. 516-520. As a specimen of the Azarias we may take the paraphrase of the Song of the Three Holy Children, v. 55 (lines 134-138) : Qnd J3ec ealle ^sprynge, ece Dryhten, heanne h§rgen. Ful oft pn hluttor Isetest waeter wynlico to woruldhyhte of clife clSnum ; ]?3et us se Cyning gescop, mgnnum to miltse gnd to msegeneacan. INTRODUCTION XXV An English translation of the Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel can be read in Thorpe's Cccdnion's Metrical Paraphrase, London, 1832 ; and of the Amrias in his Codex Exoniensis, pp. 185-197. Poems of Uncertain Date.- — Here may also be mentioned other poems of uncertain date, such as the Andreas, I*hoenix, Giithlac, Dream of the Rood, &c., all of which will be found in the Grein-Wiilker collection when it is completed. Most of these contain quotations freely paraphrased from Scripture, or at least unmistakable allusions. The following selection from the Andixas (438-454) is a metrical rendering of Mark 4. 36-39, put into the mouth of Andrew on a subsequent occasion : Swa gesjelde lu, pset we on s^bate ofer waruSgewinn wseda cunnedan faroSrldende ; frecne |?uhton §gle ealada ; eagorstreamas beoton bordstaecSu ; brim oft oncwae'S, y^' oSerre. Hwllum uppastod of brimes bosme on bates fseSm §gesa ofer ySlid. ^Imihtig pser, Meotud mancynnes, on m§re)3yssan beorht basnode. Beornas wurdon forhte on mode ; fiiSes wilnedon, miltsa to MSrum. pa seo m§nigo ongan clypian on ceole ; Cyning sona aras ; §ngla Eadgifa ySum stilde, waeteres waelmum ; windas Jireade ; sje sessade, smylte wurdon m§restreama gemeotu. Three poetical paraphrases of the Lord's Prayer, of uncertain date, are given by Grein in his Bibliothek der Angelsdehsischen Poesie, ii. 285-290 (new ed., ii. 227-238), from the Codex Exoniensis, MS. Bodl. Jun. 121, and MS. CCCC. S. 18, respectively. The last two were published by Wanley, Catalogus, pp. 48 and 147-8, and by Ettmiiller, Scopas and Boceras, pp. 230-234. The first was published by Thorpe, Codex Exoniensis, pp. 468, 469. Later and less important, is another noted by Wanley (p. 267) in MS. Lambeth 185. For prose versions of the Lord's Prayer, see p. Ixiv. ^^^1 INTRODUCTION NINTH CENTURY. Peose Thanslatioxs. Mekciax Gloss on the Psalms.-A gloss, or interHnear version of the Eoman Psalter, dating, according to Sweet, from the first half of T^'^^Tt'""!' ^''' ^''"^ P'^^^"^ ^y ^™^ ^ ^« Oldest English Te.isiE.ET.S.m.83. London, 1885), pp. X83-40X; Ps:2-6 mJiluge, ^w^eZs«c/^s/5c/«es iesefte^cA (Halle, 1888), pp 11-14 It is known as the Vespasian Psalter, from being contained in MS. Cott. Vespasian A. i of the British Museum. A facsimile, mth description, is given in Westwood, PalaeogmpMa Sacra, Plate 40 The gloss was first edited by J. Stevenson as the Surtees Publication tor 1.43 (though it did not appear till a couple of years later), and was pubhshed in two volumes, with the title Anglo-Saxon and Early Engish Psalter.- Stevenson's edition is severely censured by Sweet {Oldest English Texis, p. 187). In the Phil. Soc. Trans, for 1875-6 Sweet declared the dialect to be Kentish, though Stevenson had regarded it as Northumbrian. In 1881 the language was carefully mvestigated by Zeuner (Die Sprache des KeMisclien Psalters, Halle 1881), who arrived at the same conclusion as Sweet. In 1882 it was pronounced by Sievers (cf. my translation of his Old English Grammar, second edition, 1887, p. 244) to be Mercian, and Sweet is mcHned to follow him in the Oldest English Texts, p. 184. It should be clearly understood that this version is not a trans- lation, in the ordinary sense of that word, but a mere interlinear gloss. It seems not improbable that it is the original from which all later Old English glosses on the Psalms have been derived undergoing m the process such modifications as were due to the language of the particular dialect or epoch ; on this point compare pp. 28 £f. and 32. Ps. 43 ^xiU furnish a specimen of the language. Where the Latm differs from the Vulgate text, the variant readings are given. D(£m mec, God, gnd toscad intingan minne of Seode noht haligre ; fr9ni m§n unrehtum 9nd facnum gen§re me, forSon tSu earS God mm ' 9nd strgngu mm. Forhwon me onweg adrife Su ? 9nd forhwon unrot ic inga, Sonne sw§ncet5 mec se feond ? Ons^nd leht ^ Lat. inserts 'rneus.' INTRODUCTION XXVU Sin Qiid soSfestnisse Sine ; hie mec geL'etlon Qnd togeLxiddon in munte SfBin hfilgan b'lnum, ynd in getelde Slnum '. Ic ^ ingaa tu wlbede Godes, to Gode se geblissaS iuguSe mine. Ic 9ndetto Se in citran, God, God mln. Forhwon unrot earSii, sawul niiii ? 9nd forhwon gedrdefes nie ? Gehyht in God, forSon^ ic Qndettu him, h;«ki ondwleotan mines, 9nd God mln. Other Glossed Psalters. — On this subject comparatively little has been done. What is here presented is only what it has Ijeen possible to accomplish with the aid of Sweet's edition of the Vespasian Psalter {Oldest English Texts), Spelman's Psalteriiim, Wanley's Catalogus, and Part II of Harsley's edition of Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter, and must therefore be regarded as strictly tentative and provisional. For the Vespasian Psalter, see p. xxvi. In 1640 John Spelman, son of the greater Henry, published, from a MS. in his father's possession, his Psalter'mm Davidis Latino- Saxonieuni Vetus (London). The elder Spelman's MS. came into the hands of Philip Morant (i 700-1 770), from whom it was inherited by his son-in-law, Thomas Astle (17 75-1 803), who figured it in tab. xix. 6 of his Origin of Writing, and mentions it on pp. 85-86 (cf. Westwood, infra). On the death of the latter, it passed by will to Grenville, first Marquis of Buckingham (1753- 18 13), and thus found a place in his library at Stowe. Here it was catalogued by 0' Conor {Bibliotheca Stowensis, 1818), and hence found its way by purchase into the possession of the Earl of Ashburnham in 1849. The British Museum became the purchaser of all the Stowe MSS. in 1883, and of Spelman's MS., known sometimes as King Alfred's Psalter, among the number. In the British Museum Catalogue of the Stoivc Manuscripts (London, 1895, 2 vols.) the Spelman MS. is designated as Stowe 2. Spelman had described this Psalter in his Concilia (first ed.), i. 218 : 'Est mihi Psalterium Davidis, sub temporibus Nicaeni Concilii 2di, vel mox inde, ut coniicitur, exaratum, in quo, ad finem uniuscuiusque Psalmi et singularium Lectionum Psalmi cxix, habetur Oratio, numero scilicet 171.' The younger Spelman's edition is, according to O'Conor, 'extremely incorrect,' and was collated, though very carelessly, * Lat. has 'in monte sanctotuo, et ^ Lat. omits 'Et.' in tabernaculo tuo.' ^ Lat. omits ' adliuc' XXVIU INTRODUCTION with three others — that of University Library, Cambridge ; that of Trinity College, Cambridge (Eadwdne's) ; and that now known as MS. Arundel 60 of the British Museum, but then in the possession of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshal of England. The last-named, however, was used only from Psalm 72 (73) to the end. In 1889 F. Harsley published (E.E. T. S., Original Series, No. 92) his edition of Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter, from the MS. in Trinity College, Cambridge. Besides these, Wanley printed, from a number of MSS. in various libraries, the 100th Psalm (numbering of A. V.), Latin and interlinear Old English. Of these there were nine in all, including the Vespasian Psalter and the so-called Canterbury Psalter. Westwood's PaJaeograpMa Sacra, on Plate 40, notices a 'Codex Salisburiensis, mentioned in the Preface to the second volume of Hickes' TJiesaurns, by Wanley, since which time it has remained unnoticed.' This is figured in the PalaeograpMcal Society Facsimiles, Series II, vol. ii. Plates 188 and 189, and in Westwood's Facsimiles, Plate 38. It is MS. 150 of the Salisbuiy Cathedral Library. A facsimile of text and gloss is given in Plate 189, extending from the beginning of Ps. 13. 3 to 14. 3 'guttur eorum.' The version is the Galilean. Thus, including Spelman's edition, we have record of ten different copies of the Psalter with interlinear Old English glosses. Westwood's ' Codex Dunelmensis, containing only the Penitential Psalms/ is a myth ; the Durham Eitual (cf. p. xlv) is what he has in mind (see p. 183 of that book). It remains to be seen whether a classification of the ten copies (exclusive of the Salisbury Psalter) is possible. On examination, it proves that five of these copies represent the Eoman Psalter, and five the Galilean or Vulgate. These two classes will accordingly be discussed separately. The Homan Psalter.— Vnder this fall the following MSS., which, for this purpose, may be designated by the letters of the alphabet which are appended : Cotton Vespasian A. i of the British Museum (Wanley, p. 2 2 2) ; the Vespasian Psalter (Sweet, Oldest English Texts, pp. 183-401), A. Junius 27 of the Bodleian Library (Wanley, p. 76), B. MS. Ff. I. 23 of the University Library, Cambridge (Wanley, p. 152), C. INTRODUCTION XXIX Eoyal 2 B. 5 of the British Museum (Wanley, p. 1S2), J). MS. of Trinity College, Cambridge (Wanley, p. 168) ; Eatlwine's Canterbury Psalter, E, Facsimiles of portions of these MSS. are in Westwood, Palaeo- gtapliia Sacra, Plates 41, 43 ; of A in his Facsimiles, Plate 3, and of B, ib. Plate 34 Pal. Sac, Plate 40; and in Astle, tab. ix. In order that the relation sustained by these various copies to one another may be perceived, I subjoin (i), in parallel columns, the Old English and the Latin of Psalm 100, according to the Vespasian Psalter ; (2) the variants obtained by collating MSS. B, C, D, and E. The words which differ in the Gallican text are italicized in the Latin. Psalm 100. Vespasian Psalter. Wynsumiac?^ Gode, alP eor'^e ^ ; Slo's%'ia'S * Dryhtne ^ in " blisse ' ; ingacS * in " gesili'Se his in " wynsumnisse ^. WeotaS ^" cS«t " Dryhten '', he is '^ God ; he dyde'* usic^°, 9nd nales^'^ we ^" usic ^^ ; we ^^ soSliee folc his, 9nd seep ^" leswe ^' his. IngaS" geatu^' his in^ 9ndet- nisse -', ceaf urtunes -*' his in ° Boman Text. lubilate Bco, omnis terra ; servite Domino in laetitia ; in- trate in conspectu eius in exul- tatione. Scitote quod Dominus, ipse est Deus ; ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos ; nos autem populus eius, et oves pascuae eius. In- trate portas eius in confessione, atria ^* eius in hymnis confessio- num. Laudate nomen eius : ^ B. w. sumia}) ge, D. diymaS, E. dreme'5. ^ B. C. D. eall, E. ejelle. ■' E. eorSse. * B. C. D. SeowiaS, E. Seowise]?. 5 B. C. E. drihtne, D. om. « B. C. D. E. on. ' E. blyssfe. * E. ongsengsej). ^ B. wynsumnesse, C. -wynsum- nysse, D. bli])nesse 1. wynsummunga, E. hihte. '" C. wita)^ ge, D. witaS, E. witaeS ge. '' E. >et. '2 C. di-ihtyn, D. E. drihten. 1= C. ys. '* B. geworhte, C. D. worhte. '5 B. C. D. E. us. ^^ C. nalys, D. na, E. ne. " D. selfe, E. wes he (Wanl. we). " B. E. us, C. usic, D. we. 18 E. us. ^" D. sceap, E. sceaep. ^*- G. Iseswa, E. leswae, D. forstorno- Ses {sic). ^^ E. ongsengae]). " CD. gatu, E. gaetu. ^* B. om. atria, D. in atria. -' B. ondetnesse, C. andettnysse, D. andetnesse, E. awrfdetnesse. '^ B. cafortures (sic), C. cafyrtunys, D. on c»fertunas, E. cafortun. XXX INTRODUCTION ymenum ^ gndetnissa ^. H§r- quoniam suavis est Dominus ; gaS ' ngman * his ^ : forSon '^ in aeternum misericordia eius ; wynsum' is^ Diyhten ^ ; iii'° et usque in saeculum saecidi ecnisse " raildheortnis ^^ his ; Veritas eius. ^nd o'S ^^ in " weoruld ^^ weo- rulde '® so'Sfestnis ^' his. From this collation it ^^'ill be seen that B stands nearest to A, but is carelessly "WTitten, and changes Anglian peculiarities in the direction of West Saxon {in to on, all to eall, &c. ), while retaining, in general, a comparatively early and Anglian cast {tveotad, seep, lesive, &c.) ; the Eunic iv for ivyn, if Wanley's transcript may be trusted, is interesting. C, ^vith frequent y in unstressed syllables, looks more like Late West Saxon. D has a number of new read- ings, among them such as suggest ' contamination ' with glosses based on the Gallican Psalter (drymaS, hlipnesse, forstonioBes for fostornodes). E is clearly transitional to Middle English, has new glosses (liilite, ongcengap, sicete), mistakes {cafortun, offht), and retains a sign of ' contamination ' (dremed), but otherwise has some striking resemblances to A and B [dyde, ymenum, liergcep, sopfestnes). The Gcdlkan Psalter. — Here belong the following : Spelman's printed text ; Stowe 2 of the British Museum, F. Cotton Yitellius E. iS of the British Museum (Wanley, p. 223), G. Cotton Tiberius C. 6 of the British Museum (Wauley, p. 224), H. Lambeth 188 (Wanley, p. 268), L Arundel 60 of the British Museum (Wanley, p. 291), J. [MS. 150 of Salisbury Cathedral (K), not used here.] Facsimiles of portions of H and I are in Westwood, PalaeograpJiia Sacra, Plate 42; of H in his Facsimdcs, ^-c, Plate 46; and of J, ih. Plate 34. ' D. ymnum. " B. D. E. ecnesse, C. ecnysse. ^ B. ondetnessa, C. andittnysse, ^^ B. D. E. inildheortnes, C. mild- D. andetiiessa, E. a>iddetaesse. heortnysse. 3 D. heriaS, E. herg»>. " E. oSSet. * C. D. naman, E. nomae. " B. om., D. a, C. E. on. = D. om. 15 B weorold, C. D. woruld, E. * D. om. world. ^ E. swete. '« B. weorolde, C. worulde, D. om., ^ C. ys. E. worldae. * C. E. drihten, D. om. ''' C. soSfaestnysse, D. soJ)faestnes. " B. C. D. E. on. INTRODUCTIOX Psalm Spclman Psalter. DrymacS ^ Drihtne ^ eall ^ eorSe * ; SeowiatS ^ Drihtne ^ on blisse ; infaracS ^ on gesyh(5e ^ hys ^ on birSnysse ^". WitaS " ge " forSonde '^ Drihten '^ he '^ is God ; he dyde '^ us, and na selfe '« we ". Folc " his ^\ and scsap ISswe ^^ his, infaraS -" gatu '^^ his on andetnysse '•^^, on cafertunas "* his on ymnum ^^ ; andettaS^him^^ H^riaSnaman his ; forSan'Se ^^ winsum ^° is Driht " ; on ecnysse ^"^ mild- heortnyssa ^* his ; and ocS on ^® cynrine ^^ and ^^ cynrine ^^ soS- festnj-s^^his*". Here the relations are not so clear. It would seem that certain members of the group show ' contamination ' with the other 100. Gallican or Vulgate Text. lubilate Domino, omnis terra ; servite Domino in laetitia ; in- troite in conspectu eius in exul- tatione. Scitote quoniam Domi- nus, ipse est Deus ; ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos. Populus eius, et oves pascuae eius, introite portas eius in confessione, atria ^' eius in hymnis ; confitemini illi -^ Laudate nomen eius : quoniam suavis est Dominus ; in aeternum misericordia eius ; et usque in generationem "^ et generationem ^^ Veritas eius. ' I. freadremaS (sit), J. drima]j. 2 H. om. 3 G. H. J. ealle, I. eala. * G. J. eorSan, I. eorS. « G. «aowia«. « H. 07n. ' I. insteppaS vel ingaS. 8 G. H. I. J. gesihSe. 9 G. H. I. J. his. "> G. H. J. bliSnesse, I. blisse. " G. H. witatJ, I. witaS vel wite ge, J. wite ge. '' G. I. forJ)amJ)e, H. om., J. forSon. '* H. om. ^* I. se sylfa. *^ G. H. worhte, I. J. geworhte. *^ G. we sylfe, I. we, J. silfe. " G. us, I. selfe, J. we. 1' I. o eala his folc, J. folc is. ^9 G. H. J. fostornoSes, I. laesuwe. ^° H. ingaj> on, J. infara]) on. ^' G. atriae, I. introite atria. "* J. gatum. ^3 G. anddetnesse, H. I. andet- nesse, J. andettnesse. ^* I. ingaS cafertunas, J. of cafar- tunas. ^^ G. ymenum, I. lofsangum. 2^ G. otn. ^' G. anddettaS, H. om.. 28 H. om. ^^ G. forjiampe, H. J. for])on. ™ G. H. I. wynsum, J. om. ^' G. drihten, H. I. J. om. {I. om. is). ^^ G. H. J. ecnesse. ^^ G. I. generationo. 3* G. H. J. mildheortnes, I. mild- heortnyss. ^' I. generatione. ''" H. om. " G. cynrene, H. om., I. m8eg);e vel cynrene, J. cneoriss. ^8 H. om. =' G. cynrene, H. om., I. J. cneo- risse. *"> G. H. soSfajstnes his, I. his so5- faestnys, J. sopfsestnesse his. XXXU INTRODUCTION group, particularly I {inga^, hlisse, Icesuwe), but the group in general has certain fairly well-marked characteristics {dryma^, hlidnesse, fostornodes, cynrene, &c.). It seems not improbable that the type represented by the Vespasian Psalter was that on which the gloss was first constructed, and that this was adapted in glossing the Gallican Psalter, with such changes as were necessary, or as, in successive remaniements, suggested themselves to the scribe for the time being. Spelman's seems hardly the best of this type, but a grouping accordmg to priority or superiority would require a more extended comparison. Though the MSS. under consideration range from the ninth to the twelfth century, yet, if we consider them as probably descended, with successive modifications, from an original represented by the Vespasian Psalter, they may all, for our purpose, be regarded as belonging to the ninth century. Glosses on the Canticles of Scripture. — The Canticles in question are those used in the daily service, and are the follow- ing : Song of Moses (I) Exod. 15. 1-19. Song of Moses (II) Deut. 32. 1-43. Song of Hannah I Sam. 2. i-io. Song of Isaiah Isa. 12. Song of Hezekiah Isa. 38. 10-20. Song of Three Holy Children Dan. 3. 57-88 (Vulg.), with (Benedicite) adaptation of 52 and 56. Song of Habakkuk Hab. 3. 2-19. Song of Mary (Magnificat; Luke 1. 46-55- Song of Zacharias Luke 1. 68-79. Song of Simeon (Nunc Di- Luke 2. 29-32. mittis) Besides these, there is occasionally found the so-called Ps. 151, otherwise * The Psalm of David after he had fought with Goliath.' This occurs regularly in the Septuagint, and is found in some MSS. of the Itala, as well as in the Mozarabic Bieviaiy. An English version of it appears in Churton's Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures, p. 366 (cf. Ewald, JDicliter dcs Altcn Bundes, i. 266). The Canticles are usually placed at the end of the Psalter. INTRODUCTIOX XXXlll According to Wanley, some or all of them are thus found in the MSS. designated above as A, C, D, E, G, I, J. Those that are lacking, according to the same authority, are : Song of Isaiah, in I ; of Hezekiah, in C ; of Moses II, in E ; of Simeon, in A and C. Ps. 151 occurs only in A, E, and J. In the Vespasian Psalter, which is the only one I have examined, the Canticles are glossed in the same manner as the Psalms, and I should assume that the relations of the glosses in the other MSS. would correspond in general with those that have been indicated above in the case of the Psalters. The order of the Canticles in the Vespasian Psalter is as follows : Ps. 151, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Hannah, Moses I, Habakkuk, Moses II, Three Holy Children, Zacharias, Mary. They have been reprinted by Sweet in both his Anglo-Saxon Readers. As a specimen, I print the Magnificat : Micla'S sawul min Dryhten, Qud gefaeh gast min in Gode Halwyndum minnum \ ForSon gelocade eaSmodnisse m§nenes his ; sehSe, soSlice of Sissum eadge mic cweoSa'S alle cneorisse. ForSon dyde me 'Sa miclan se msehtig is ; gnd halig n^ma his. Qnd mildheortnis his fr9m cynne in cyn ondreden- dum hine. Dyde mtehte in earme his ; tostregd oferhogan on mode heortan his. Ofdune s§tte maehtge of selde, gnd upahof ea^mode. Hyngrende gefylde godum, 9nd weolie forleort idel- h§nde. Onfoe6 [IsrahelJ cneht his, gemyndig mildheortnisse his ; swe spreocende wes to feadrum urum, Abram, Qnd sede his oS in weoruld. A paraphrase of the Magnificat occurs in MS. S. 7 of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Kentish Gloss on Proverbs. — Certain fragmentary glosses, referring to the Book of Proverbs, were first published by Zupitza in Haupt's Zeitschrift fur Beiitsches Altertlmm, xxi. 1-59, xxii. 223- 226 (Berlin, 1877, 1878). They are contained in MS. Vespasian D. 6 of the British Museum. Zupitza at once declared them to be Kentish, and gave such proofs that his view has never been questioned. They have been reprinted by Wul(c)ker, after fresh collation with the MS., in the Wright- Wiilcker Old English Vocabularies (London, 1S84), i. 55-87, and by Sweet, Second Anglo-Saxon Header (Oxford, 1887), pp. 152-175 ; a selection in ' Normally, ' minum.' XXXIV IXTRODUCTIOX Kluge's Angelsdchsisches Lescbucli (Halle, 1888), pp. 41-42. The glosses are referred to the first half of the ninth century. Their entirely fragmentary character will be evident from the following specimen, including all those belonging to chap, i (the verses are indicated). In some cases the Latin differs from that of the Vulgate, as will be apparent on examination. [17] iacitur : is worpen ; pennatorum : gefi^eradra ; [18] et mol'mntur frmtcles: and bereafia6 ; [19] sic . . . raphmt: swa reafiaS ; [^20] praedkat : bodaS ; [21] cZajw^Ya^ : hi clepaS ; [22] ef . . . ciq)iunt: and ge^s^dlniaS ; et . . . odibunt: and hatia'5 ; [23] en prof er am : efne nu ic forcS br§nge ; [24] quia vocavi : forSam ic geceide ; [26] ego . . . ridedo : ic hlihe ; [27] ctwi insomterit : Sonne swi^iS ; ingruerit: onbricj? ; [2g] exosam : onscunede ; [30] et detraxenint : and hio teldan ; [33] ef . . . perfruetur: and he brecS ; timore . . . sublato : atogenum §ge. King Alfred's Teanslatiox of certaix Psalms. — According to William of Malmesbuiy, King Alfred began a translation of the Psalms, but was cut off by death before he had advanced beyond the ' first part.' His words are {Gesta Begum Anglorum, ii. 123) : 'Psalterium transferre aggressus, vix j)rima parte explicata vivendi finem fecit.' For the attribution to Alfred of the first fifty psalms — the prose rendering — in Thorpe's edition, see pp. xxx^d ff. Of course Alfred is responsible for the translations in f/(/.s volume, pp. 14-17, 70-71, whatever assistance he may have had in the rendering. The Paris Psalter. — This consists of two translations conjoined, a prose version and a poetical one. The prose version ends in the eighth verse of the 51st Psalm (Vulg, 50. 10) ; the poetical one begins with the sixth verse of the o2nd Psalm (Vulg. 51. 8), and continues to the end of the Psalter. The whole, which is contained in a single MS. of the National Libraiy at Paris, was published by Thorpe, as Lihri Psalmorum Versio Aniiqiia Latina ; cu m Paraph rasi A nglo-Saxonica ( Oxford, 1835). What is known about the history of the MS. (Bibliotheque Nationale, fonds latin 8824) may be told in a few words. An autograph note at the end of the MS., given by Thorpe in facsimile, reads: *Ce liure est au due de Beriy, Jehan.' 'This Jean, Duke of Berry (1340-14 16), Avas brother of Charles V, King of France, whom he rivalled in the magnificence of his collections INTRODUCTION XXXV of books and treasures of art ' (Bruce, p. 1 3). The book may have come into his possession during his nine years' sojourn as a hostage in England, after the peace of Bretigny, 1360. In 1406 it passed into the possession of the Sainte Chapelle of Bourges, having ah-eady been promised in 1404. It next appears in a catalogue of the books belonging to the Sainte Chapelle, drawn up Nov. 17, 1552. In 1717 it is noticed in Martene and Durand's Voyage Litteraire de deux Religicux Benedictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur (Paris). In this work (i. 28 if.), some interesting information is given; I quote the words of Bruce (pp. 16-17): ' Only fifty or sixty volumes remained of the original collection. The place where they were stored was used, also, as a poultry house. The books, being left open on the desks, were, of course, in a pitiable condition, and one of these was the Paris Psalter-. The words of Dom Martene relating to this book are as follows : ''L'un des plus curieux manuscrits de la sainte Chapelle, est celui qu'on appelle les heures du due Jean. C'est un pseautier latin avec une version angloise de six ou sept cens ans. Ceux qui me la montrerent, croyoient que c'etoit de I'allemand ou de I'hebreu. Mais si-tot que je I'eus vu, je connus le caractere Angio- saxon. J'en fus encore plus convaincu, lorsqu' examinant les litanies qui sent a la fin, je trouvai que la plupart des Saints etoient d'Angleterre. Ce livre est conserve dans le chartrier."' In 1752 the volume was presented by the Canons of Bourges to Louis XV, and was incorporated into the Royal Libraiy, now the National Library of France. In 18 14 was published, at Paris, Gerard Gley's Langue et Litterature des anciens Francs, on p. 276 of which he says: 'On voit a la Bibliothfeque du Eoi, a Paris, un manuscrit anglo-saxon in — fol. max., qui renferme une Paraphrase des Psaumes de David. II appartenait autrefois a Jean, Due de Berry : je pense qu'il venait anterieurement des Dues de Normandie.' At the end of the MS. proper, just before the note on the ownership of the book, is this statement : ' Hoc psalterii carmen inclyti regis David sacer dl Wulfwinus manu sua conscripsit. Quicumque legerit scrij^tum, animae suae expetiat votum ; ' above the name, Wulfwinus, is added in another hand, 'cognomento Cada.' Now, as MS. C of the West Saxon Gospels (Cotton Otho C. i) has, at the end, the inscription ' Wulfwi me wrat,' attempts have been made to bring the two MSS. into relation, but without XXXVl INTRODUCTION any decisive result. In any case, it is pretty certain that the Paris MS. is of the eleventh centurj\ Facsimiles of specimen portions have been published in Silvesive's Faleograjyhie Unirerselle, Paris, 1 84 1 (Plate CCXXXI) ; Cooper's licport on Hymefs Foedera, Anpendix B ; Westwood, Pdacograpliia Sacra, London, 1843-45 (Plate II) ; and in Thorpe's edition. As there are virtually two incomplete translations, one in prose and one in verse, it will be desu-able to consider these separately. The Prose Translation. — This, as we have seen, consists of Psalms 1 to 51 {v. 8). It appears cei-tain that the translation was not made from the Latin text which accompanies it in the Paris Psalter. Beyond this, opinion is divided. J. Wichmann, writing in 1889 (Anglia, xi. 39-96), came to the conclusion that the authorship is to be attributed to Alfred. In 1894 J. Douglas Bruce published, in the PuUications of the Modern Language Association of America (ix. 43-164), a dissertation entitled 'The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Book of Psalms, commonly known as the Paris Psalter,' which was separately reprinted at Baltimore in the same year. In this paper Bruce investigates the whole question anew, and his con- clusions constitute the latest, though perhaps not the final, word upon the subject. The most important ones are these (pp. 122-123 ; Puhl. 160-161) : 'The prose division was . . . composed most probably in the late ninth or early tenth centuiy. That it is the work of an ecclesiastic is proved by the ample fund of alle- gorical interpretation which the author had at his command, as appears from a comparison of interpolations in the text ^-ith parallels from the early commentators on the Psalms. No sys- tematic — probably no direct — use, however, has been made of any particular commentary, except for the introductoiy prefaces to each of the Psalms, which are paraphrases of the corresponding argumenfa of the commentaiy, In Psalmorum Lihrum Exegesis. The Latin rubrics which head the metrical as well as prose Psalms in the Paris Psalter are drawn from the same source. The Latin commentaiy just mentioned, which was incorrectly ascribed to Bede by his early editors, is really the work of the Benedictine commentator, Ambrosius Autpertus, abbot of St. Vincent, near the Vulturn in Southern Italy, who died in the year 778. The argu- mcnta to the Psalms in this work, excluding the mystical elements, IXTRODUCTIOX XXXVll were ultimately derived from the Gi-eek commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Psalms.' It will thus be seen that Bruce rejects the hypothesis of the Alfredian authorship of the prose Psalms, but that he would date the translation little, if any, after the time of Alfred (d. 901). However, there is nothing in Bruce's arguments which necessarily militates against the theory of Alfredian authorship, since it is notorious that the king was assisted by clerical collaborators in much of his scholarly activity. It is unlikely, considering the veneration in which Alfred was held, both during his life and for centuries after his death, that so precious a j)roduct of his religious enthusiasm would be allowed to perish. William of Malmesbury expresslj^ tells us {Gesta Begum Anglorum, lib. ii. 123): 'Psal- terium transferre aggressus, vix prima parte explicata vivendi finem fecit.' Wulfing {Die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds des Grossen, I. xiii) suggests that by 'prima parte' William of Malmesbury may have meant the first fifty Psalms, on the assumption that he thought of the Psalter as divided into three equal portions. This, however, is contrary to the customary division of the Psalms into five parts, ending respectively with the 41st, 72nd, 89th, lOGth, and 150th. Still, it would not be imposing a very great strain upon ' vix ' to accommodate it to the facts as exhibited in the Paris PsaLter, even with the modi- fication which the traditional division of the Psalter renders necessaiy. Against Wiilfing's theory, however modified, there is a consideration which has not yet been brought forward. It is that, with the exception of two passages, there is no striking- resemblance between such verses as are quoted in Alfred's un- doubted works and the corresponding passages from the Paris Psalter. The following comparisons will show the relations at a glance : , Pastoral Care. ■ Paris Psalter. 1. I. . . . Saet he no ne s^te . . . Ne on heora wolberenduni on Siem wolberendan setle. setle ne sitt. C. P. 435. 23. 4. Din gierd ^nd 'Sin staef pin gyrd and ]3ln stsef me afre- me afrefredan. c. P. 124. fredon. 30. 6. Ic wende on minum Ic cwsecS on mlnum wl§ncum wlgncum 9nd on minum for- and on minre orsorhnesse : INTRODTJCTIOX wanan, 'Sa ic waes full segSer ge welona ge godra weorca, ■Sset Sses nsefre ne wurde nan §nde. C. P. 465. 30. 7. Diyhten, Su ah's\yrfdes Sinne 9ndwlitan fr9in me, Sa wear's ic gedrefed. C P. 465. 32. 5. Ic wille slogan ongean me selfne min unryht, Dryht- en, forSiem Su forgeafe Sa arleasnesse minre heortan. C. P. 419- 34. 19. SwiSe manigfealde sint ryhtwisra m^nna earfeSu. C. P. 25-'- 38. 6. Ic eom geblgged, ^nd seghwgnon ic eom gehiened. C. P. 66. 40. 9, 10. Dryhten, Su wast Sset ic ne wirne mine welora, 9nd Sine ryhtwisnesse ic ne digle on minre heortan ; 'Sine hailo 9nd Sine ryhtwisnesse ic ssecge. C. P. 380. 40. 12. Min mod 9nd min wis- dom me forlet. C. P. 272. 49. 7, 8. He ne sealde Gode nanne medsceat for his saule, ne naenne geSingsceat wiS his miltse. C. P. 338. 51. 3. Mine misd^eda bloS sinile beforan me. c. P. 413. Ne ^\yrS j?ises na^fre nan w^ndincg. pa awgndest ]?u Ipmne andwlitan fram me, pa wearS ic sona gedrefed. . . . pset ic wolde andettan and st^lan ongean me sylfne mine, scylda, and pa Gode andettan ; and ]3u me ]?a for- geafe ]?set unriht minra scylda. M9niga synt earfoSu J^ara riht- wlsena. Ac ic eom ges;ieged, and gehnjeg- ed, and swiSe geeaSined. Minum weolorum ic ne for- beode, ac bebeode J?aet hy ]?3et sprecon symle ; Drihten, p\X wast J^aet ic ne ahydde on min- um mode ]3ine rihtwisnesse, ac ]?lne so'Sfgestnesse and ]?lne hsele ic s^de. Min heorte and min mod me forleton. Kyle o}?]?e ne maeg . . . ]?aet he Jjset weorS agife to alysnesse his sawle. Mine synna beoS symle beforan me, on mlnuni gemynde. JBede's History. 18. 13, 14. Drihten hleoSra'S of heofonum, 9nd se Hehsta s§leS his stefne. He s^ndeS his strsele, 9nd heo toweorpeS ; Paris Psalter. And worhte J^unorrada on heof- onum, and se Hyhsta sealde his stemne. He sgnde his str^las, and hi tost^ncte ; and IXTRODUCTIOX XXXIX legetas gem9nigfealda'S, gnd gemanigfealdode his ligeta, heo gedrefeS. B. H. 268. and gedrcfde hig mid J^y. 32. I. pa beoS eadge ]?e heora Eadige beoS pa pe him beotS wOnnesse forlStne beocS, Qud heora unrihtwisnesse forgif- J?ara J^e synna bewrigene beocS. ene, and heora synna beo'S B. H. 442. beh§lede. 51. 5. Ic wat ]?9et ic wa^s in pu wast pxt ic waes mid unriht- wsenessum geeacnod, 9nd in wisnesse onfangen, and min scyldum mec c§nde min mod- niodor me geba^r mid synne. or. B. H. 82. It is apparent that by far the greatest similarity is in the case of the first two verses quoted from the Pastoral Care — 1. i and 23. 4. Of these it is 1. i which is the more remarkable. Its singularity comprehends two features, the choice of an equivalent for 'pestilentia,' and the fact that the attributive genitive, 'pesti- lentiae,' is rendered by an adjective. To exhibit the peculiarity more manifestly, the renderings of the Spelman Psalter (pp. xvi, xxvii) and of the so-called Canterbury Psalter may be compared. The former omits the gloss for ' pestilentia,' and has : On }5rymsetle . . . na saet. The latter has : On pan setele of pan quulmere ne set. Spelman notes that another MS. has civyldes for ' pestilentiae ' ; in the WS. Gospels ' pestilentia ' is rendered by avealm (Luke 21. 11) and manncwealm (Matt. 24. 7). On the other hand, zvol and its compounds seem to be especially Alfredian words. Wol is found in the Boethius, the Pastoral Care, and theBede ; tvdTb(Brnes,iv6lgeivm, and ivdlhryne in the Orosius ; while tvolberende occurs three times in the Pastoral Care (41 512, 435i9> 22), and once in the Bede (4817). These passages are, in the above order : mid 3a re icolberendan oliccunge (securitatis i)estiferae blanditiis) ; the rendering of Ps. 1. i ; on tmlherendum setle (in cathedra pestilentiae) ; se wolberenda sf^nc poire hjfte (aerum pestifer odor). Besides, Ps. 11. 6 of the Paris Psalter, in a free paraphrase, has tvolberende windas, apparently suggested by ' spiritus procellarum,' though of course not a translation of it. Manifestly, tvolberende is properly the rendering of ' pestifei-,' not of ' pestilentia,' and it is strange that it should ever have been employed for the latter, especially as between the two occurrences of it in C.P. 43 5 '9 and xl INTRODUCTION 43522, we have the more normal tvoles sctl {se ^onne sit on woles setJe). There can be little risk, then, in asserting ■svith much positive- ness that Ps. 1 . i of the Paris Psalter, or at least one portion of it, is from the hand of Alfred. The suspicion, too, can hardly be evaded that Ps. 11. 6, in which the same peculiar word appears, is by the same author. We may no^v examine Ps. 23. 4 : Din gierd 9nd 'Sin stsef me afrefredan, from which the Paris Psalter varies only in spelling. Here the Vesj^asian Psalter (p. xxvi) has : Gerd 'Sin and ciyc Sin, hie me froefrende werun. Spelman Psalter : Gird Sin and stef Sin, he me frefredon. Canterbury Psalter : pin gierd and stef J?ln, hy me frefredon. The Alfredian peculiarity thus seems restricted to the use of the verb afrefran, instead oi frefran. This of itself is perhaps hardly sufficient to base an argument upon, yet one is tempted to extend the limit from 11.6, where wolherencle was still found, to include at least Ps. 23. Here, then, we may rest the case. We have seen that Alfied must certainly have translated 1. i, pretty certainly 11.6, not im- probably 23, 4, and at least possibly the whole of the prose portion of the Paris Psalter. Yet against the last supposition must be set the notable discrepancies of language revealed by the parallel passages adduced above. It will require a more comprehensive and detailed examination to decide whether Alfred is really to be credited with the translation of all the prose Psalms extant. For Alfred's other translations of parts of the Bible, see pp. 3-75 of this volume. For comparison with the Vespasian Psalter, I subjoin Ps. 43. Dem me, Dryhten, and do sum toscead betwuh me and unriht- wisum folce ; and fr^m facenfullum m§nn and unrihtwisum gefriSa me, forj^am ]3u eart min God and min msegen. Forhwy awyrpst pu me ? and hwT Lietst }?u me gan unrotne, ]?onne mine fynd me dr§cceaS ? S§nd ]3ln leoht and ]3lne so'Sfaestnesse, ]>a me geo geara lieddon, ]>sii hy me nu gyt gel^dan to Jjinum halgan munte, in on ]3ln halge tempi ; J?aet ic ]?onne gauge to J?lnum altere, and to INTRODUCTION xH Ipiim. Gode Ipe me bll^^ne gedyde on minum geogotShnde. Ic ]?5 andette, Diyhten, mid sange and mid hearpan. Hwy eart ]>Zi unrot, min sawl ? oj^j^e hwl gedrefest ]?u me ? Hopa to Drihtne, for)?am ic hine gyt andette, forj^am ]?u eart God min Hselend, and mm Dryhten. TJie Poetical Translation. — As for the attempts to connect this with Akihelm, see pp. xiv ff. It has long been known that this version was used by the Okl English Benedictines in their Office. The Benedictine Office has been printed by Hickes, Letters ivliicli passed beticeen Br. IlicJces and a Popish Priest (1705); E. Thomson, Select Monuments, d'c. (1849) ; and K. Bouterwek, Ccedmons des Angelsachsen BihUsche Dichtiingen (1854), pp. cxciv-ccxxiii. Here, identical, or nearly so, with the corresponding parts of the Paris Psalter, will be found portions of Ps. 54, 59, 61, 65, 70, 71, 80, 85, 88, 90, 102, 103, 119, 122, 140, and 141 (according to the Authorized Version ; one less according to the Vulgate). Besides these, there are also parts of Ps. 5, 20, 25, 28, 33, 35, 41, 44, 51. In Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter, circa 1 150 (see p. xxviii), there is a late copy of Ps. 90. 1 6 to 98. 2 (pp. 1 6 i-i 68). The whole of the poetical Psalter, including a reproduction of Thorpe's text, the Benedictine frag- ments, and the Kentish 51st Psalm (but not the twelfth-century fragment), will be found in Grein's BibliotheJc der Angelsachsisclien Poesie, ii. 147-280. The most recent study of the problem presented by this transla- tion has been made by Dr. Helen Bartlett, The Metrical Division of the Paris Psalter, Baltimore, 1896. Her conclusions may be stated in her own words (pp. 48, 49) : ' Our examination of the vocabulary and metre of the Paris Psalter has thrown some light upon the question of the date and dialect of the Anglo-Saxon ver- sion in its original foi-m. The discovery of certain words peculiar to the metrical Psalter in texts of the tenth century has deprived of its force the argument that Dietrich used to establish the high antiquity of Ps. II [i. e. 52-150]. Moreover, a careful study of the metre has disclosed a disregard of the classical rules for the con- struction of alliterative verse which characterizes only the latest Anglo-Saxon poetry, and therefore points to a period not earlier than the middle of the tenth century. . . . But the terminus ante quern appears definitely determined by the quotation from the Psalms in the Menologium, if we do not regard the coincidence in Xlll INTRODUCTION translation as accidental, as I think it is hardly possible to do. The strong probability that this quotation is taken from the Pai-is Psalter will appear on comparing these passages : Ps. 117. 2 2. tSis ys se dteg, Se hine drihten us wisfsest geworhte wera cneorissum eallum eortStudrum eadgum to blisse. Men. 60-63. Sis is se daeg, 'Sasne drihten us wisfsest worhte wera cneorissum eallum eorcSwarum eadigum to blisse. ' As the Menologium ^ belongs to the latter half of the tenth cen- tury (between 940 and 980), the metrical Psalter must have been translated before this date. The determination of the date of the Benedictine Oflficium would furnish further evidence of the down- ward limit for the date of our text, but thus far no date has been assigned to the Qfficium. We may conclude, however, from the above discussion, that the metrical Psalter was translated about the middle of the tenth century. ' The comparison of the use of certain synonyms and forms in Ps. II with the usage of the other chief Anglo-Saxon texts has proved that the dialect of the original version must have been Anglian, and a few phonological peculiarities noted in the Psalter tend to confirm this conclusion. As to the actual authorshii) of the translation, there is no evidence. We can say merely that the sub- ject of the translation and the few additions that indicate a wider Biblical knowledge suggest that the translator was a priest, or more probably a monk. The negligence and clumsiness of the translation, and the poverty and artificiality of the poetry, prove that he was neither an exact scholar nor a gifted poet.' For comparison with the glossed Psalters, I reproduce Ps. 100 : Nu ge mycle gefean mihtigum Drihtne, eall J)eos eorSe, §lne hyre ; and blisse Gode bealde ]5eowie ; gangacS on ansyne ealle bliSe, WitaS wislice ]?3et he is Wealdend God ; he us geworhte, and we his syndon ; we his folc syndan, and his fjele sceap ■Sa he on his edisce ealle afedde. GaS nu on his doru, God andetta'S, ^ Ten Brink, Earhj Eng. Lit, vol. i. p. 90, foot-note. INTRODUCTION xllU and hine weort^iatS on wictunum mid lofsangum, lustum myclum. H^riatS naman Drihtnes, foi]5on h6 is niSum swais ; is ]?in milde mod ofer manna beam. Poetical Translations. Judith. — It is possible that the Old English poem of Judith belongs to the ninth century. See, however, pp. Ixxvi ff. For the poetical part of the Paris Psalter, see pp. xli ff. TENTH CENTURY. Prose Translations. Northumbrian Gloss on the Gospels. — This gloss was made by a priest named Aldred, about a. d. 950, or perhaps somewhat later. It is contained in the magnificent MS. known as the ' Durham Book,' or 'Lindisfarne Gospels,' or ' Book of St. Cuth- bert,' MS. Cotton Nero D. 4 of the British Museum. The MS., -with its Latin text, dates from before the year 700, and w^as ^^•l•itten by Eadfritli, who became Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698, and died in 721. According to Sir E. Maunde Thompson, in the British Museum Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts : Part II, Latin, pp. 17, 18 : ' The MS. has been frequently described. In addition to the descriptions to be found in the works cited above \ some account of it is given by Selden in his introduction to Historiae Anglicanao Scriptores x., Londini, 1652, pp. xxv, xxvi ; T. Marshall, Obser- vationes in versionem Anglo-Saxonkam, appended to his edition of the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, Amstelaedami, 1684, p. 49^ 5 and H. Wanley, in his Catalogus Lihrorum SeptentrionaUmn, printed in Hickes's Linguarum vett. Septentrionalium Thesaurus, vol. ii. Oxoniae, 1703, pp. 250-252 ; and, more recently, by T. F. Dibdin, The Bibliographical Decameron, London, 1827, vol. i. p. xlix ; J. Stevenson, in The Graphic and Historical Illustrator, ^ Such as Smith, Bihl. Cott. Hist, et Synopsis, p. 33.— Ed. Xllv INTRODUCTION London, 1834, p. 355 ; Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain, London, 1854, vol. i. p. 136 ; and others. Engravings of the four Evangelists are given by J. Strutt, Horda Angelcynnan, London, 1775, 1776, vol. iii. tabb. xxiii-xxvi ; and facsimile plates of the v^riting and ornamentation are published, with more or less description, by T. Astle, The Origin and Progress of Writing, London, 1803, tab. xiv; H. Shaw, Illuminated Ornaments, London, 1833, no. ii ; H. N. Humphreys and O. Jones, The Illuminated Boohs of the Middle Ages, London, 1849, PI. I ; J. 0. Westwood, Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria, London, 1 843-1 845, no. 45, and Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS., London, 1868, PI. XII, XIII; and by the Palaeo- graphical Society, Facsimiles of MSS. and Inscriptions, 18 73-1 883, PI. 3-6, 22.' To these facsimiles must be added those in the editions of Bouterwek and Waring ; in Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature (art. 'Anglo-Saxon Versions '); and (especially good, at a reasonable price) in Lieferung i of Wiilker's Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur, Leipzig and Vienna, 1896. Two entries in the codex are extremely interesting. The first occurs before the Argument of Mark's Gospel, and runs : ' Du lif- giende God, gemyne Su EadfriS, and ^Silwald, and Billfri'S, and Aldred peccatorum ; Sas feowero, miS Gode, ymbwoeson 'Sas hoc' The second is at the end of John's Gospel (marginal entries in parenthesis) : ' t^ EadfriS, biscob Lindisfearnensis aecclesiae, he 'Sis boc aurat aet fruma, Gode and Sancte CuSberhte and allum S^m halgum gim^nelice Sa 'Se in eol^nde sint. And ESiluald, Lind- isfearneol^ndinga biscob, hit uta giSryde and gibelde, sua he uel cu'Sse. And BillfriS, se ^ncrae, he gismioSade 'Sa gihrino Sa Se ixtan on sint, and hit gihrlnade miS golde and niiS gimmum, ^c mitS sulfre ofergylded, faconleas feh. And Aldred (^Ifredi ' natus, Aldredus uocor ; bonae mulieris, -i- Tilwin, filius eximius loquor), presbyter indignus et misserrimus, niiS Godes fultummte and Sancti CuSberhtes, hit ofergloesade on ^^nglisc, and hine giham- adi mi's Ssem Sriim di^lum — Matheus dSl Gode and Sancte Cu'Sbei-hti ; Marcus dsel S^m biscobe ; and Lucas d^el S^m hioi'ode, and aehtu ora seulfres miS to inlade ; and Sancti Johannes d?el for hine seolfne (fore his saule), and feouer ora seulfres, mi's Gode and Sancti CuSberti ^, J^sette he haebbe 9ndf9ng 'Serb Godes milsae on heofnum, seel and sibb on eorSo, forSgeong and giSyngo, 1 Skeat wrongly, 'Alfred!.' * Skeat wrongly, ' CuSberliti.' INTRODUCTION xlv ulsdom and sn5'ttro, Serh Sancti Cu'^erhtes earnunga. ►!< Ead- friS, (ESiluFild, BillfriS, Aldred hoc euangeliarium Deo and CuSberhto construxerunt uel ornauerunt.' These entries may readily be made out with the help of my Glossary of the Old Northumbrian Gosjxls (Halle, 1894), or transla- tions may be found in Waring's St. John, pp. xliv-xlv, and in Skeat's St. John, pp. viii-ix. Thompson suggests {op. cit.) the following as a free version of- the sentence beginning * And Aldred ' : ' And Aldred, unworthy and miserable priest, with the help of God and St. Cuthbert, glossed it in English, and got for himself a home [in the monastery] by his work on the three parts, viz. on St. Matthew in honour of God and St. Cuthbert, on St. Mark for the bishop, and on St. Luke for the brotherhood ; paying also eight oras of silver on his admission. But St. John he glossed for himself, making also an offering of four oras to God and St. Cuthbert, to the end that he may gain admittance into heaven,' &c. The exactest transcrij^t of these entries, with all the erasures and contractions indicated, the use of v for ti, &e., is by Thompson (oj?. cit.), though even he, like Professor Skeat, prints 'cvSberti ' wdth an h, but ' aelfredi,' not 'alfredi.' Aldred may perhaps have been the Bishop of Durham of that name, 957-68 {Diet. Nat. Biog. s. v.), though this hardly seems compatible with the self-sufficiency which he displays in this entry. In any case he is not to be confounded with Aldred the Provost, the writer of a few collects at the end of a MS. known as the ' Durham Ritual ' (Durham Chapter Library, MS. A. iv. 19), published by the Surtees Society, 1839, as Bituale Eeclcsiae Dunelmensis (cf. p. 185 of that book). Ethilwald succeeded Eadfrith as Bishop of Lindisfarne in 721, and died either in 737, 739? or 740, for authorities differ (Moberly's edition of Bede's Hist. Eccl, p. 318, note ; Bouterwek, p. xlvii). Billfrith, like Eadfrith and Ethilwald, is mentioned by Simeon of Durham (circa 1060-circa 1130), see p. xlviii. He was evidently a contem- porary of Ethilwald. Simeon of Durham's account of the loss and recovery of the MS., before it received the Northumbrian gloss, is most interest- ing. St. Cuthbert, the hermit of Fame, and subsequent patron of Northumbria, had died in 687. For a hundred and eighty- eight years his body had lain at Lindisfarne, but at the expiration of that time it was to begin its famous wanderings. xlvi INTRODUCTION According to Waring (Sf. Jolin, pp. xxv, xxvi) : 'The year 875 witnessed the great Danish invasion of Northumbria under Half- dene, when, in the words of Simeon of Durham, "fire and sword were carried throughout the land from the eastern sea to the western." The country southward of the Tyne was already laid waste, and at length the enemy crossed the river, left Tynemouth Abbey a smoking ruin behind them, and from thence marched direct for Holy Island. Upon their approach, Eardulf, Bishop of Lindisfarne, recalled to the monks St. Cuthbert's dymg injunction, that were they ever driven into exile they should carry his bones away with them. The shrine containing his body was hastily removed from the choir, and seven clerks appointed by the bishop bore it off on their shoulders. A few other treasures of the church, our Evangeliarium among the number, were also secured, as too precious to fall into the hands of the infidels. Then the fugitives set forth,- and hardly had they reached a place of safety when the Danes fell upon their monastery, which they pillaged and gave to the flames. Halfdene and his brother divided North- umbria between them, and governed it as a conquered country, plundering and laying waste so long as anythmg remained to seize or to destroy. Meanwhile the exiled brethren wandered from mountain to mountain with the saint's body, which was followed by the whole Christian population, whom Simeon of Durham likens to sheep fleemg before wolves to their shepherd for pro- tection. . . . Eardulf and his party traversed, as he tells us, the whole district of Northumbria, often in peril from the enemy, from famine, plague, and wolves, yet enduring every hardship rather than prove faithless to their trust, and abandon the i-emains of their patron to the insult of heathens. No person was per- mitted to lay hand upon the shrine save its seven original bearers, whose ofiS.ce made them an object of envy to the people, and whose descendants through many generations deemed themselves ennobled by the service of their ancestors.' At length, after wandermg some years, the party were about to seek refuge in Ireland, and embarked at the mouth of Derwent- water, in the Lake District, but only succeeded in reaching Whithern, in the present Wigtonshire, some thirty miles distant across the Solway Fu-tli. But the story of the loss and recovery of the MS. shall now be given in Simeon of Durham's own words {Hist. Eccl. JDunclm., lib. ii. capp. xi, xii ; ed. Arnold, Kolls INTRODUCTION xlvii Series, i. 64-68): 'Ergo ad ostium fluminis quod Dyrwenta vocatur, omnes simul, episcopus, et abbas, et populus conveniunt. Ibi navis ad transponendum paratur. . . . Continuo venti mutan- tur, fluctus intumescentes elevantur, et quod nunc erat tran- quillura, mare fit tempestuosum ; navisque iam non valens gubernari hue et illuc inter fluctivagas iactabatur undas. . . . Qua tempestate dum navis verteretur in latera, cadens ex ea textus Evaugeliorum auro gemmisque perornatus, in maris ferebatur profunda. . . . Arrepto itaqvie gubernaeulo, navim ad littus et ad socios retorquent, et continuo flantibus a tergo ventis illuc sine aliqua difficultate perveniunt.' Eventually God appears in a dream to one of the seven bearers of the shrine, named Hunred : ' Cuidam namque illorum, Aadelicet Hunredo, per visum assistens, iussit ut aestu maris recedente, codicem qui de navi, ut superius dictum est, medias ceciderat in undas quaererent, fortassis enim, contra hoc quod ipsi sperare possent, Deo miserante invenirent. Nam et de illius libri amissione, maxima illorum mentes pertur- baverat moestitia. . . . Confestim somno expergefactus, visionem se vidisse narravit, moxque aliquos e sociis ad mare, quod erat vicinum, librum quem amiserant quaesituros misit. Per id quippe temporis in locum qui Candida Casa, vulgo autem Huui- terna vocatui-, devenerant '. Itaque pergentes ad mare, multo quam consueverat longius recessisse conspieiunt, et tribus vel eo amplius milliariis gradientes, ipsum sanctum Evaugeliorum codicem reperiunt, qui ita forinsecus gemmis et auro sui decorem, ita intrinsecus Uteris et foliis priorem praeferebat pulchritudinem, ac si ab aqua minime tactus fuisset ^. ' ^ But we are not told how long a minute aperture.' Thompson says, time had elapsed since the loss of the however {pp. cit.) : ' With regard to volume, nor how they had reached the tradition of its immersion in Whithern. the sea, it is difficult to believe that ^ Waring (p. xxviii) quotes Sir such an accident really happened. Frederick Madden (Ellis, Letters of The MS. is unusually fresh and clean, Eminent Literary Men, Camden Society, and shows no trace of injury beyond p. 268) : ' The stains on the vellum a few stains, which may or may not I believe to have been occasioned by have been caused by sea-water. It sea-water when the book was brought is, however, possible that it was from Lindisfarne [sic]. It was no wrapped securely in skins or some doubt secured tightly in a theca, or such waterproof material, and thus with clasps, and the stains exhibit escaped without damage, if it was just the appearance that water would actually washed overboard.' In a make in oozing by force through a recent communication to me, Sir E. M. xlviii INTRODUCTION Eeturning with the volume, they find a bay (* rufi coloris ') horse: ' Adiuiigentes itaque caballum vehiculo, quod ilium coelestem thesaurum theca inclusum. ferebat, eo securius per quaelibet loca ipsum sequebantur, quo a Deo sibi proviso equo ductore utebantur. Porro liber m^emoratus in hac ecclesia quae corpus ipsius sancti partis habere meruit, usque hodie servatur ', in quo nullum omnino, ut diximus, per aquam laesionis signum monstratur'-. Quod plane et ipsius sancti Cuthberti, et ipsorum quoque meritis qui ipsius libri auctores extiterant, gestum creditur, Eadfridi videlicet venerandae memoriae episcopi^, qui hunc in honorem beati Cuthberti manu propria scripserat, successoris quoque eiusdem venerabilis Ethehvoldi, qui auro gemmisque perornari iusserat, sancti etiam Bilfridi anachoritae, qui vota iubentis manu artifici prosecutus, egregium opus composuerat. Erat enim aurificii arte praecipuus. Hi pariter amore dilecti Deo confessoris et pontificis ferventes, suam erga ipsum devo- tionem posteris omnibus innotescendam hoc opere reliquerunt.' Apparently, Simeon had our MS. before him when he wrote ; at all events, his statements seem clearly to refer to it. Such being the case, I am at a loss to understand the remark of Tliompson (oj). cit.) : ' On the other hand, the story which is told by Simeon of Durham may have oi-iginally referred to some other volume, lost at sea, in the w^ay described, and afterwards recovered. ' Evidently Simeon did not think so, at least *. It looks, too, if we interpret Aldred's entry in the light of Simeon's statement, as though Ethilwald had done nothing to the book with his own hands, in spite of Aldred's 'hit uta giSryde Thompson says : ' I do not think the wrote it after he had become bishop? theca would have been water-tight, It would then have been written and thei-efore some such additional between 698 and 701. It is usually wrappingwould have been necessary.' assumed that he wrote it previous ^ In the fourteenth century it ap- to assuming the episcopal office, pears in the inventories of Lindis- * Sir E. M. Thompson now ex- farne as ' Liber S. Cuthberti qui plains : ' What I meant was that, demersus erat in mare,' according to though Simeon had our MS. before Eaine, Histonj and Antiquities of North him, and believed it to be the book Durham, 1852, jjp. 93, 105, quoted by that went overboard, the tradition Thompson, op. cit. originally might have referred to ^ This statement should be care- another book, and have been shifted fully compared with the views of to our MS. even before the time of Madden and Thompson. Simeon.' ^ Does this mean that Eadfrith rNTRODUCTION xlix and gibelde, sua he uel cu'Sie,' since Simeon merely remarks that he commanded Billfrith to do what he did. The two statements about Billfrith, Latin and Old English, should be carefully com- pared ; theii- agreement is striking. It now appears probable that the original from which the Durham Book was copied belonged to Naples. The proof has been furnished by Dom G. Morin, and the whole argument is thus clearly presented by Samuel Berger, Histoirc de la Vulgate (Paris, 1893), PP- 39-41 : ' Une decouverte toute recente est venue rapprocher encore le texte northumbrien de I'ltalie. Elle est due a un religieux bene- dictin de Maredsous, en Belgique, Dom G. Morin. Chose etrange, ce n'est pas le nom de Eome qui a ete prononce a cette occasion, e'est celui de la ville de Naples '. 'En tete de chacun des Evangiles, dans le Boole of Linclisfarne, aussi bien que dans un autre manuscrit anglo-saxon qui parait du IXe siecle (M. Br. I. B. vii) et qui porte, au folio 15 v», la signa- ture : 2Etlidstan cyng, on trouve I'enumeration d'un certain nombre de fetes ou de ceremonies pendant lesquelles, assurement, on lisait des le9ons de cet Evangile. Ce texte liturgique n'est autre chose que le calendrier de I'eglise a laquelle appartenait le manuscrit primitif, celui sur lequel le Booh of Linclisfarne a ete copie. Or, parmi le tres petit nombre de fetes des saints, nous trouvons la fete de saint Janvier, precedee du jeune de la veille, et la fete de saint Vit ; nous voyons la dedicace d'une eglise : In dedicatione hasilicae StepJiani. Or chacun sait que saint Janvier est le grand saint local de Naples ; saint Vit y fut honore avant d'etre trans- porte a Saint-Denis et de la a Prague, et la cathedrale de Naples s'appelait hasilica Stepliani ou la Stc/phania, en I'honneur de sou deuxieme fondateur, I'eveque Etienne ler, vivant apres Tan 500. Nous avons du reste un autre calendrier ancien du diocfese de Naples, et il Concorde de tous points avec notre texte liturgique. Celui-ci est done bien napolitain. ' Mais quelle relation y a-t-il entre I'eglise de Naples et la North- umbrie ? La reponse est facile a donner. Nous laissons la parole a Dom Morin : ' "En 668, le Grec Theodore et I'Africain Adrien furent envoyes en Angleterre avec 1' Anglo-Saxon Benoit Biscop, afin de travailler de concert a I'organisation definitive de la chretiente dans ce pays. 1 La Liiurgie de Naples au tempa de S.Gregoire. Revue benedictine, t. viii, 1891, p. 481. d 1 INTRODUCTION Or cet Adrien etait abbe d'un monastere pres de Naples, appele par Bede nionasicr'mm Nisidamim. Mazzochi a identifie ce lieu avee la petite ile de Nisita, entre Naples et Pouzzoles, la Kesis des anciens, mentionnee par le Lihcr pontificalis parmi les donations faites par Constantin a I'eglise de Naples." ' II 5' eut effectivement dans cette ile un monastere qui a laisse 5a et la quelques traces dans I'histoire du VII^ au XIII^ siecle. ' Mais ce n'est pas tout. Un des premiers soins du vieil arch- eveque Theodore, apres son installation a Canterbury, fut de par- courir I'une apres I'autre les diverses provinces de Tile confiee a ses soins, accompagne et seconde en tout par I'abbe Adrien '. lis arriverent ainsi jusqu'a la metropole celtique de Lindisfarne, dont le prelat voulut consacrer lui-meme la cathedrale en bois, batie par Teveque Aldan. Si Theodore avait bien appcrte avec lui un Homere qu'il lisait sans cesse, on n'aura pas de peine a admettre qu'Adrien de son cote s'etait muni des livres liturgiques qu'il esti- mait devoir etre utiles aux eglises et communautes monastiques de I'Angleterre, Parmi ce bagage litteraire il a pu se trouver quel- ques manuscrits des Evangiles provenant de Naples. 'Si notre calendrier est de Naples, comme on ne saurait en douter, le texte des Evangiles qu'il accompagne est-il necessairement aussi napolitain ? Oui sans doute, car on ne pent guere admettre que Ton ait interj^ole ainsi un manuscrit en quatre endroits diffe- rents, et les notes liturgiques qui sont sur les marges sont d'accord avec le calendrier. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'entre Njiples et Lin- disfarne notre texte n'ait pu eprouver plus d'une alteration. On en jugera par les profondes differences qui separent le BooJc of Lin- disfarne du manuscrit d'jEthelstan, qui parait pourtant copie sur lui. On se souvient que, dans le Codex Amiatinus, les Evangiles sont en dehors des traditions ordinaires et forment groupe, a tons egards, avec les manuscrits northumbriens. II est done difficile de ne pas admettre que Ceolfrid a eu le manuscrit du moine Adrien sous les yeux. La chose paraitra beaucoup plus naturelle quand on considerera qu'il a eu egalement devant lui un des manuscrits de Cassiodore. Vivarium, le convent de Cassiodore, etait en Calabre. C'est done du sud de I'ltalie que sont venus plusieurs des textes les plus importants de I'Angleterre. Ce resultat ne manque pas d'interet.' * Bede, Hist. Eccl, iv. 2 : Moxqiie peragrata insula tota . . . pei- omnia comitante et cooperanie Hadriano disseminabat. INTRODUCTION 11 The firgument may be thus summarized : Certain saints are peculiarly Neapolitan — St. Januarius, St. Vitus, and St. Stephen. St. Januarius is known to all the world by the alleged liquefaction of his blood at certain times ; the cult of St. Vitus spread from Naples to St. Denis and to Prague ; St. Stephen is not the proto- martyr, but the bishop Stephen I, the second founder of the cathedral of Naples. These saints are all mentioned in a calendar prefixed to the Gospel of Matthew (Skeat, p. 23) ; hence the calendar, and "accoi'dingly the Gospels, must have been copied from a Neapolitan manuscript. As to the mode of transmission, Abbot Hadrian, to whom, in conjunction with Archl^ishop Theo- dore, so much of English culture in the seventh and following centuries is due, had been the abbot of the monastery on the little island of Nisita, between Naples and Pozzuoli, or, at all events, of some monasteiy 'qviod est non longe a Neapoli Campaniae' (Bede). "What more probable than that, on his visit with Theodore to Lindisfarne, he should have brought with him the original of the Durham Book ? On the general subject of the transmission of copies of the Scriptures between Italy and England, much interesting informa- tion may be found in White's The Codex Amiatimts and its Birth- place (St'udia BiUica et Ecclesiastica, Oxford, 1890, ii. 273 ff.). Wordsworth and White say of the Durham Book (Novum Testa- mentmn secundum Editionem Sancti Hierotiymi, Oxford, 1889, Praefatio, p. xiv) : ' Cum Amiatino maxime concordat, sed manu Anglica non Italica scriptus est.' The first complete edition of the Northumbrian Gloss was by Boutenvek, in 1857 : Die vier Evangelien in AU-Nordhumhrischer Sprache, Glitersloh, 1857 ; and Screadunga, Elberfeld, 1858 ; the latter merely containing the prefaces to the Gospels. The intro- duction to this edition is still valuable in parts ; on the other hand, the edition is nearly worthless, because of the changes made by Bouterwek in the text. Another edition, Latin as well as Old English, was by Steven- son and Waring, nos. 28, 39, 43, and 48 of the Surtees Society Publications, appearing respectively in 1854, i860, 1863, and 1865. Waring's Preface and Prolegomena (in his St. John) may be read with profit, and have been analyzed at considerable length by Skeat, Preface to St. John, pp. xvii, xviii. This edition, while measurably correct, is inferior in accuracy to the next, d 2 Ill INTRODUCTION The best edition is that by Skeat, The Holy Gospel, in Anglo- Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions, Cambridge, 1871, 1874, 1878, and [Mattlieiv) 1887, the latter having been pre- viously, and less satisfactorily, edited by Kemble and Hardwick. The Latin text, which differs from that on which the Kushworth and West Saxon versions are based, is here printed. This edition leaves little to be desired, though my own collation, made in 1882, shows occasional errors. It is upon Skeat's edition that my Glossary (see p. xlv) is based, my corrections having been silently incorporated. Portions of the gloss have been incorporated into various manuals: Matt., chaps. 2 and 3, in Kluge's Angelsdchsisches Lese- huch (Halle, 1888), pp. 35-40 ; Matt., chaps. 6-8, in Sweet's Second Anglo-Saxon Eeader {Oxford, 1887), pp. 124-150 (alternately with the Eushworth version) ; and Matt. 25. 31-46 in mj First Book in Old English (second edition, Boston, 1895), pp. 256-8. Henshall, in his Etymological Organic Beasoner (London, 1807) prints, together with the Gothic Gospel of Matthew, 5. 15 to 27. 66, the corresponding portions (omitting what the Gothic omits) of the Durham Book. To these he prefixes the account of the scribes. The text of both the Gothic and the Northumbrian is accompanied by a version upon the opposite page. One or two specimens of the version will be amusing, if not instructive. Of the Northumbrian : Matt. 10. 41. He that haves a wizard in the name of a wizard, has the meed of a wizard ; and he that has a soothfast in the name of a soothfast, has a soothfast's meed. 11. 13, 14. For that all the wizards and the aye witnessed until John. If ye will nab it, this is Elias he that toward was. Of the Gothic : Matt. 6. 18, 19. That not beseen art thou men fasting, but Dada thine the him in foulness, yea Dada thine whoso seeth in foulness upgives thee. Not hoardeth you hoards on earth, there mould and gnat frowardeth, yea there thieves up-grubb yea liften. It is needless, after the foregoing, to say that Henshall's texts are inaccurately printed. As a specimen of the language, the Lord's Prayer (Matt. 6. 9-13) is here given, in addition to the entries above : ' Fader user ' cSu ' Tlie MS. has * urer,' but this is clearly a mistake. INTRODUCTION liii arS {vel '^u bist) in lieofmim {rcl in heofnas), sle gehalgad n9ma Sin. TocymeS ric c5m. Sle willo 'Sin, susb is in heofne and in eorSo. Hlrtf userne ofenvistlie s§l us to-da}g. And forgef us scylda usra, su^ uoe forgefon scyldgum usum. And ne inlied ' usih in costunge, ah gefrig usich " fr9m yfle. ' As this is a gloss, of course the entries on p. xliv present the language under its more natural aspect. The Eushworth Version of the Gospels. — This version was made by two persons, Farman and Owun, probably in the tenth century, and the gloss at all events after the Lindisfarne gloss (see below). It falls into two tolerably distinct parts, a translation and a gloss. The translation is of the Gospel of Matthew ; the gloss, of the other three Gospels. The translation is independent ; the gloss is a modified tran- script of that in the Lindisfarne Gospels. Farman wrote the w^hole of the translation, together Avith the gloss from the begin- ning of Mark through the word hleonadun (' discumbebant ') in chap. 2. V. 15 of that Gospel, and John 18. 1-3. The Latin text was written by a scribe named Macregol, who appears to have died in 820. Waring says (Preface to St. John, p. i) : 'The age of the volume can hardly be fixed with any cer- tainty ; Astle asserts that the text was written towards the latter end of the seventh, and the interlineary gloss some time in the tenth century ; and Wanley afiirms the book to have been the property of the Venerable Bede, remarking at the same time that it appears older than the Lindisfarne Gospels. Dr. O'Connor, however, has discovered, in the Irish Annals of the year 820, the death of a scribe named "Macregol [dele tit is tvord], Mac Kiagoil, nepos Magleni, scriba et episcoj^us abbas Biror (hodie BiiT in Comitatu Eegio in Hibernia), periit." ' For O'Connor we should read O'Conor. In the latter's Annales ZJltonienses, under the year 821 {Berum Hibernicarum Scriptores, iv. 203), we read : ' Mac Kiagoil, nepos Magleni, Scriba, 7 Eps, Ab. Biror [Abbas Birrne], periit.' In his Annates IV Magistrormn, under 820 [ih. iii. 324): 'Mac Eiagalus O'Magleni Scriba, Episcopus, et Abbas Birrensis [with others] obierunt.' Compare O'Conor's remarks on the Eushwoith MS. in I. ccxxix-ccxxxv. In the Annals of Ulster (Irish Eecord Publications), edited by Hennessy, 1887, i. 315, ^ The Latin here, differing from ^ 'Usich' occurs only here; the usual the Vulgate, is in the order, ' ne forms are 'usic,' 'usig,' and 'usih'; inducas nos.' ' usih ' may be regarded as the norm. llV INTRODUCTION the translation of the Irish is * Macriaghoil Ua Magleni, a scril3e and bishop, abbot of Biror, died.' We learn that Bii-r, or Parsons- town, was the seat of a great school in the time of St. Brendan (O'Curry, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, ii. 76). The MS. is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and is marked Auct. D. ii. 19 (formerly D. 24, No. 3946). It now consists of 169 leaves of thick vellum, measuring 14 by 10 J inches, but is incom- plete, eleven leaves having been lost. The missing portions are all in the Gospel of Luke : chap. 4, latter part of v. 29, to chap. 7, V. 38 (eight leaves) ; chap. 10, from v. 19 to part of v. 38 (one leaf) ; and chap. 15, part oi v. 13, to chaj). 16, part oi v. 25 (two leaves). The MS. has been described by Wanley in his Catalogus, pp. 81, 82, and by Waring (after Westwood) in his St. John, pp. xlvii-lii. Facsimile plates, with description, are published by Astle, The Origin and Progress' of Writing, tab. xv ; Westw^ood, Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria, Plate 44, and Facsimiles of the Miniatures, fene Herodem, he Archelaus rlxode on ludea lande ondred ]?yder to farende (A. sefter his feeder Herode, and ne INTRODUCTION faranne). And, on swefnum gemynegod, he ferde on Galile- isce d:%las. And he com pa and eardode on J^iere ceastre 'Se is gengmned Nazareth, ]7fet Wi^re gefylled p?et gecweden wfes J^urh 'Sone witegan : Foi-}7am'Se he Nazarenisc byS gen§mned. dorste his nSawiste genSalrecan. pa wearS he §ft on swefne gemynegod pset h6 to Gahlea gew§nde. . . . paet cild Sa eardode on p^ve by rig pe is gehaten Nazareth, p?ei seo wTtegung w^re gefylled, J^e cwneS pset he sceolde beon Nazarenisc geclged. Qui consurgens, accepit puerum et matrem eius, et venit in terram Israel. Audiens autem quod Archelaus regnaret in ludaea pro Herode patre suo, timuit illo ire ; et admonitus in somnis, seeessit in partes Galilaeae. . . . Habitavit in civitate quae vocatur Nazareth, ut adimpleretur quod dictum est per prophetas : Quoniam Nazaraeus vocabitur. 73): !gft se H^elend s^ede soSlice his gingrum : Ealle ge me aeswiciaS on Sissere anre nihte. Hit is so'Slice awriten : Ic ofslea ■Sone hyrde, and Sa seep siScSan sona beoS tostgncte. jEfter- San-'Se ic arise of dea'Se gesund, ic Sow §ft gemote on Galileiscum earde. pa andwyrde Petrus ana mid gebeote : Ic '5e nifefre ne ^swicige, 6eah-Se ealle oSre don. Drihten §ft andwyrde anr^dlice Petre : pu me wiS- sseest 'Sriwa on 'Sissere nihte, serSanSe se hana hafitigende crawe. Petrus cwaeS J^aet he nolde hine njefre wi^sacan, Seah-'Se he sceolde samod mid him sweltan ; and ealle 'Sa oSre ealswa cwsedon. Tunc dicit illis lesus : Omnes vos scandalum patiemini in me in ista nocte. Scriptum est enim : Percutiam pastorem, et disper- The other is Matt. 26. 31-35 (see p. Coijms. Da ssede se HSlend heom ; Ealle ge wur|5ac5 genntreowsode on me on ]5ysse nihte. Hit ys awriten : purh Jjses hyrdes sl§ge bycS seo heord todrsefed. Witodlice, 8efter-]?am-]7e ic of dea]?e arise, ic cume to eow on Galilea. pa andwyrde Petrus him, and pus cwaeS : Deah-]?e hig ealle geuntreowsion on pe, ic n:^fre ne geuntreowsige. pa cwae'5 se HSlend : SoS ic s§cge pe pe on J)issere nihte, »r]5amj5e cocc crawe, ]?riwa p\X wi'Ssjecst min. Da saide Petrus him : Witudlice, ]3eah-]3e ic scyle sweltan mid pe, ne wi]?sace ic ]7ln. Gellce |?am cwiedon ealle Sa bpre leorningcnihtas. Ixiv INTRODUCTION gentur oves gregis. Postquam autem resurrexero, praecedam vos in Galilaeam. Kespondens autem Petrus, ait illi : Et si omnes scandalizati fuerint in te, ego nunquani scandalizabor. Ait illi lesus : Amen dico tibi quia in hac nocte, antequam gallus cantet, ter me negabis. Ait illi Petrus : Etiamsi oportuerit me mori tecum, non te negabo. Similiter et omnes discipuli dixerunt. The greater harmony and idiomatic ease of ^Ifric's version will be readily apparent. The standard translation is evidently hampered by the striving after the utmost attainable literalness. Versions of the Lord's Prayer. — Separate versions of the Lord's Prayer are either given, or their existence noted, by Wanley, Cafalogus, pp. 51, 160, 169, 197, 202, 221, 224, 239(9), 240, 248. I give the first, from MS. Bodl. Jun. 121 (which is almost iden- tical with the fourth, from MS. Cott. Tib. A. 3) : Eala lire Fasder pe on heofonum eart, a sy Sin nama ecelice gebletsod. And ©In rice dom ofer us rlxie symble. And Sin willa gewyrSe, swa-swa on heofonum Sac swa on eorSan. Geunn us to ]?issum daege deghwamlices fostres. And us gemildsa, swa- swa we miltsiaS ]?am }?e wiS us agylta]?. And ne Iset Su us costnian ealles to swySe, ac alys us fram yfele. Amen. There are poetical elements in this version, and it seems, in its present form, rather late than early. For the other prose versions, see pp. lii, lix (cf. xxv), and my paper in the Amer. Jour. Phil., xii. 59-66. ^LFRic. — About this celebrated man, the foremost representative of Old English culture in the tenth and early eleventh century, there has been so much controversy, that it is worth while to present here the opinions respecting his life entertained by his most competent biographer, Dietrich, especially as they seem to have been unknown to the contributor of the article on J^lfric in the Dictionary of National Biography, a work which most persons will naturally, and justly, consider of the highest authority. According to Dietrich, then (Niedner's Zeitschrift fiir Historische Theologie for 1856, pp. 242 ff. ; cf. Wtilker, G-rundriss zur Geschichte der Angelsdchsischen Litteratur, pp. 454-5), -^Ifric was born about 955, since by 987 he was, according to his account, a priest, and a priest must be at least thirty years old. He was educated under J^thelwold (9o8'?-984) in the Old Minster at Winchester, having probably entered it about the year 971, the same in which INTRODUCTION Ixv ^thelwold translated the relics of St. Svvithun to a new shrine in the Cathedral church. The mode of instruction, according to ^Ifric in his Life of JEthelwold, was to interpret Latin books in Old English, to elucidate grammar and prosody, and to incite his pupils wdth stirring addresses. In this monastery he remained till after the death of ^thelwold, since ^thelwold's successor, jElfheah (knowm as St. Alphege), sent him, at the request of jEthelmaer, a wealthy and prominent thane or knight, to St. Peter's Monastery at Cernel, later Cerne Abbey on the Frome, five miles north of Dorchester, the capital of Dorsetshire ; this fact rests upon JElfric's own statement in his Preface to the Homilies. Here he probably remained from 987 to 989, engaged in the work of instructing the monks in the monastic rule as inculcated by ^thelwold, according to Dietrich's conjecture. It was at Cerne that the thought of compiling and translating his Homilies from Latm sources occurred to liim. To this he was moved * not from confidence of great learning, but because I have seen and heard of much error in many English books, which unlearned men, through their simplicity, have esteemed as great wisdom ; and I regretted that they knew not nor had not the evangelical doctrines among their writings, those men only excepted who knew Latin, and those books excepted which King J^lfred wisely turned from Latin into Enghsh, which are to be had. For this cause I presumed, trusting in God, to undertake this book, and also because men have need of good instruction, especially at this time, which is the ending of the w^orld.' The first volume of the Homilies was probably written in 889- 890, and not completed till his return to Winchester, where he wrote the second volume (993-994), his Grammar (995), the Lives of the Saints (996), and the translation of the Pentateuch and Joshua (997-998). His so-called Canons were written at the com- mand of Bishop Wulfsine, of Sherborne, who died in looi, and probably fall within the three years preceding the last-named date. In the Preface to the Homilies, jElfric calls himself * monk and priest.' In the year 1005 his friend ^thelmaer established a monastery at Egnesham, now Eynsham, five or six miles N.W. of Oxford, on the north bank of the Thames. King ^thelred's charter for the foundation, wiiich may easily have been drawn up by zElfric himself, is to be found in Kemble's Codex Diplomat icus, iii- 339~346. Sixteen abbots subscribe as witnesses, immediately INTRODUCTION after the names of the bishops. Of these the first is ^Ifweard, Abbot of Glastonbury, the oldest monasteiy in England. The second is an ^Ifric, and the fifth is again an iElfric. One of these two must almost certainly have been our author, already installed as superior at Eynsham. One confirmation of this is furnished by the charter itself. In it ^thelmser prescribes that the present superior is to remain in office during his lifetime, and that aftei'wards the monks are to choose an abbot from among their o"\vn number ; adding that he himself mil live among them the rest of his days ( ' And ic wille 'fere beon ofer hi ealdor Se Saer no is, ?^a-hwile-'Se his llf beo, and siSc^an, gif hit [for ' him ' ?J hwaet getyma'S, Saet hi ceoson heom ealdor of heora geferr^dne ealswa hasra regol him t^cS ; . . . and ic me sylfe A^ylle mid 'Ssere gefer- r«dne gemjenelice libban, and S^re are niJ4him notian. 'Sa-hwlle- ^e mm lif biS '). • From this quotation we gatlier two inferences : first, that the present superior was not from the number of the Eynsham monks ; and secondly, that ^thelmaer had selected the monastery as his dwelling-place till death. Considering, then, the intimacy which had existed for years between ^thelmaer and -^Ifric, we can hardly doubt that the new abbot had been brought from Winchester by the patron, and that the latter found in his friendship for ^Ifric a strong ground for the choice of his future home. Another proof that ^Ifric was first Abbot of Ejmsham is to be found in the Preface to his extracts from ^thelwold's De Con- suetudine MonacJiorum. This runs : ' JElfricus Abbas Egnesham- ensibus fratribus salutem in Christo. Ecce video, vobiscum degens, vos necesse habere — quia nuper rogatu ^Ethelmeri ad monachicum habitum ordinati estis — instrui ad mores monachiles dictis aut scriptis. . . . Nee audeo omnia vobis intimare quae, in scola eius degens multis annis, de moribus seu consuetudinibus didici ' (Wanley, Catalogus, p. no). This proves, at all events, that JElfric, when he wrote these extracts, was abbot ; that he was living permanently (degens) with the Eynsham monks ; that the brethren had but recently been inducted into the monastic life ; and that this had been done at the instance of ^thelmasr. What more obvious, then, than to conclude that he was their abbot, and that these extracts from the monastic rule were made in 1005 or 1006? At Eynsham he must have written various works, which it is not necessary here to enumerate ; and at Eynsham he must, according INTRODUCTION Ixvil to -(Ethelmaer's charter, have died as abbot. If he is the Abbot ^Ifric who is one of the witnesses to the will of iEgelfia)d {Cod. Bipl. iv. 304), he must still have been living in 1020 or 1021. The first four witnesses are * ^gelnocS arcebiscop, and Wulfstan arcebiscop, ond jElfun biscop on Lundene, and -^Ifric abbot.' Now ^gelno'S (^thelnoth) was not consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury till Nov. 13, 1020; Wulfstan of York died in 1023 ; and ^Ifhun's death is assigned to 1020. Hence the date of the charter must in any case fall between November 1020 and 1023 ; and, if the authority of Eadulf for the demise of ^Ifhun is to be accepted, yet within the year 1020. Further, Eynsham Abbey was under the protection of the Bishop of London ; and, since ./Elfric's name here stands next to that of the Bishoj) of London, and no other Abbot ^Ifric is known at that date, it is most pro- bable that JElfric was the Abbot of Eynsham. This is the last notice that we have of him, so that the date of his death is uncer- tain. Dietrich places it, conjeeturally, between 1020 and 1025. It has been maintained that ^Ifric was either the Archbishop of Canterbury (fZ. 1005), or the Archbishop of York {d. 1051). The following considerations seem decisive against both hypotheses. It is sometimes asserted that ^Ifric called himself bishop. He is indeed so called in MS. Bodl. Jun. 45, but this is a transcript made by Junius, and the supei-scription doubtless originated with him, since none of the original MSS. agree. Subsequent writers of the eleventh and twelfth centuries know him only as Abbot ^Ifric. jElfric cannot have been the Arch- bishop of Canterbury for the following reasons : 1, ^Ifric dedicates his Vita JEtJiehvoldi to Cenwulf as Bishop of Winchester. (' ^Elfricus abbas, Wintoniensis alumnus, hono- rabili episcopo Kenulfo et fratribus Wintoniensibus salutem in Christo.') Now Cenwulf was bishop 1005-6, following ^Ifheah, or Alphege, who was translated to the see of Canterbury after the death of Archbishop JEUr'ic in 1005. Hence the author ^Ifric, w^ho v^Tote the Vita 2Ethelwoldi, cannot be identical with Archbishop ^Ifric. 2. ^Ifric's Pastoral Epistle for Arclibishop Wulfstan begins with these words : * jElfricus abbas Vulstano venerabili archi- episcopo salutem in Christo. Ecce paruimus vestrae Almitatis iussionibus transferentes Anglice duas epistolas.' Is this the IXVlll INTRODUCTION language of one archbishop to another, of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Ai'chbishop of York? Yet Archbishop ^Ifrie was elevated to the primacy in 995, and Wulfstan obtained the see of York in 1002. Hence any address to Wulfstan as archbishop must have been subsequent to 1002, and could not have been wi'itten by an * Abbot Jj]lfric' who had been raised to the archiepiscopate seven years before Wulfstan. 3. Our ^Ifric was a scholar and a man of peace ; ^Ifric of Canterbury was a warrior, who left to the king his best sliip and sixty helmets and hauberks, and gave a ship to the people of Kent, and another to the people of Wiltshire. 4. Archbishop ^Ifric's will {Cod. JDipl iii. 351-2) mentions several places, but not one of them is associated with the name of our ^Ifric. So far as to Canterbury. For these reasons ^Ifric cannot have been Archbishop of York : 1. Our ^Ifric was born, as we saw, about 955. The Archbishop of York died in 105 1. Had they been the same person, the archbishop would have died at the age of ninety-six, a circum- stance of which some notice would probably have been taken. 2. William of Malmesbury relates that, by jElfric of York's advice, Hardacnut decapitated and threw into the Thames the body of his brother Harold, and burned and ravaged the city of Worcester in 1041 {Gesta Pontificum, 1. iii. § 115): ' jElfricus tempore Cnuti et Hardacnuti fuit ; habeturque in hoc detestabilis, quod Hardacnutus eius consilio fratris sui Haroldi cadavere defosso caput truncari, et infami mortalibus exemplo in Tamensem proici iussit. Quin et Wigorniensibus pro repulsa episcopatus infensus, auctor Hardacnuto fuit ut, quia pertinatius illi exactoribus regiorum vectigalium obsti- terant, urbem incenderet, fortunas civium abraderet.' In the execution of the first-mentioned barbarity he himself took part, according to Florence of Worcester. These counsels would accordingly have emanated from a man of eighty-five or more, the same who had written the Homilies, the Lives of the Saints, the Canons, and the Pastoral Epistle for Wulfstan! When he was forty he would have been mild and gentle ; when verging upon ninety, fierce and intractable, a coun- sellor of outrageous inhumanities ! INTRODUCTION Ixix 3. The archbishop bore the cognomen Putta or Puttoc. This never appears in conjunction with the name of our ^Ifric. 4. Learning and literature are never attributed to this archbishop, 5. Kalph de Diceto and Florence of Worcester assert that ^Ifric of York passed to the archbishopric from a provost- ship at Wmchester. Accordingly Wharton thinks {Avglia Sacm, i. i25ff.) that he may previously have been abbot at Winchester. But our ^Ifric was abbot — of some monastery — in 1005, as we have already seen. Was it at Winchester ? There wei-e three monasteries at Winchester : a nunnery, the Old Minster, and the New Minster. The nunnery may be disregarded ; of the Old Minster the bishop, after ^thel- wold's time, was always the abbot [Vita u-Efhchvoldi, c. 7 ; cf. Cod. Dipl. iv. 170) ; and the abbot of the New Minster from 993 to 1 01 5 was jElfsige, who was succeeded by ^Elfwine. As the curi-ent authorities in English are so unsatisfactory with reference to the identity and career of JElfric, it has seemed necessary to outline the foregoing, leaving it to the scholarly inquii-er to consult Dietrich's essays. Our chief concern, how- ever, is with ^Ifric in his character of Biblical translator, and it is that aspect of his varied activity to which our attention will now be turned. According to ^Ifric's own account, as given in his tract On tlie Old Testament, written probably about loio, he had translated the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Job, Esther, Judith, and the Maccabees. The folloA^-ing rendering mil pre- sent the substance of his statements concerning his Biblical versions : — ' This epistle was written to an individual, but nevertheless it may do good to many. ' ^Ifric the abbot sendeth friendly greeting to Sigweard at Eastheolon. ... In all that narrative [the Pentateuch], which we indeed have translated into English, we may hear how the God of heaven spake, &c. . . . This [Joshua] I also translated into English some time ago for Earl ^thelweard. . . . This [Judges] any one can read that cares to, in that English book that I translated concerning these things. I thought that the wonderful narratives would convert your souls to God's will in earnest. ... In the Books of Kings many kings are mentioned. ixx rsTEODrcTiox about whom I also wrote certain books in English- . . . Con- cerning him Job] I once translated into English a homily. . . . That [Esther] I translated into English briefly, after our miumer. ... It r Judith] is also rendered into English, after our manner. as an example to you men, that you should defend your country with weapons against an invading army. ... I turned them [the two Books of Maccabees] iato EngKsh : read, if you will, for your own good." ^fric was concerned lest he should appear blameworthy to some for presenting sacred narrative in EngKsh. as appears from the Preface to his LiciS of the Saints, written about 996 : ' Xon mihi imputetur quod divinam scripturam nostrae lingue infero, quia arguet me praec-atus multorum fidelium. et maxime ^>>el- werdi ducis et .E?elmeri nostri. qui ardentissime nostras interpre- tationes ampleotuntur lectitando " vSkeat's edition, p. 4). Similarly, in his Prefac-e to his translation of Genesis, written about 997, he explains why he hesitates to provide an English version, and in what manner he has proc-eeded in finally acceding to ^thelweard's request : • .^Ifri c the monk sends greeting ia all humility to ^thelweard the earL • "When you desired me. honoured friend, to translate the Book of (renesis from Latin into English. I was loth to grant your request : upon which you assured me that I shovdd need to translate only so far as the ac-count of Isaac, Abraham's son, seeing that some other person had rendered it for you from that point to the end. Now. I am concerned lest the work should be dangerous for me or any one else to undertake, because I fear that, if some foolish man should read this book or hear it read, he would imagine that he could live now. under the new dispensation, just as the patriarchs lived before the old law was established, or as men lived under the law of Moses. At one time I was aware that a certain priest, who was then my master, and who had some knowledge of Latin, had in his possession the Book of Genesis : he did not scruple to say that the patriarch Jacob had four wives — two sisters and their two handmaids. What he said was true enough, but neither did he realize, nor did I as yet. what a differenc-e there is between the old dispensation and the new. In the early ages the brother took his sister to wife : sometimes the father had children by his own daughter ; many had several wives for the increase of the people ; INTRODUCTION Ixxi and one could only marry among his kindred. Any one who now, since the coming of Christ, lives as men lived before or under the Mosaic law, that man is no Christian ; in fact, he is not worthy to have a Christian eat with him. If ignorant priests have some inkling of the sense of their Latin books, they immediately think that they can set up for great teachers ; but they do not recognize the spiritual signification, and how the Old Testament was a pre- figuration of things to come, and how the New Testament, after the incarnation of Christ, was the fulfilment of all those things which the Old Testament foreshadowed concerning Christ and his elect. Keferring to Paul, they often wish to know why they may not have wives as well as the apostle Peter ; but they will neither hear nor know that the blessed Peter lived according to Moses' law until Christ came to men and began to preach his holy gospel, Peter being the first companion that he chose ; and that Peter forthwith forsook his wife, and all the twelve apostles who had wives forsook both wives and goods, and followed Christ's teaching to that new law and purity which he himself set up. . . . We say in advance that this book has a very profound spiritual significa- tion, and we undertake to do nothing more than relate the naked facts. The uneducated will think that all the meaning is included in the simple narrative, while such is by no means the case. . . . We dare write no more in English than the Latin has, nor change the order except so far as English idiom demands. Who- ever translates or teaches from Latm into English must always aiTange it so that the English is idiomatic, else it is very mislead- ing to one who does not know the Latin idiom. . . . Now I protest that I neither dare nor will translate any book hereafter from Latin into English ; and I beseech you, dear earl, not to urge me any longer, lest I should be disobedient to you, or break my word if I should promise. God be gracious to you for everraore. Now in God's name I implore, if any one should transcribe this book, that he vsdll strictly follow the copy, since I cannot help it if an inaccurate scribe introduces corruptions. In such case he does it at his own risk, not mine ; and the careless copyist does much haim, unless he corrects his mistakes.' The book which he has translated with least abridgment is Genesis ; but even here he has made considerable omissions, many of them no doubt in accordance with the views expressed above. Dietrich has subjected these omissions to a critical exami- IXXU INTRODUCTION nation, and thus characterizes them (Niedner's Zeitschrift for 1855 pp. 495-6): ' In the first place, he omits nearly all the lists of names, such as those in Gen. 10 ; 11. 10-26 ; 22. 20-24 ; 25. 1-4 ; the dukes and kings of chap, 36 ; the numbers of the tribes, Num. 1. 20-44 ; 2. 1-3 1 ; and chap. 26 ; the names of the resting-places, chap. 33; the descriptions of the borders, chap. 34 ; and those of the boun- daries as given in Joshua, chaps. 13-22, where ten chapters are condensed into a few lines. Next, those poetical passages which are most difficult of comprehension : the Blessing of Jacob, Gen. 49. 2-27 ; Moses' Song by the Eed Sea, Exod. 15. 1-19 ; Balaam's parables, Num. 23 and 24 ; the Blessing of Moses, Deut. 33 (while Moses' easier Song, Deut. 32, is given) ; the Song of Deborah, Judges 5. His other omissions are partly smaller passages involv- ing repetitions, e.g. Gen, 7. 13-16, 22 ; 8. 14, 19, &c. ; or details which do not affect the general course of the narrative, like Gen. 24. 12-14, 16-60 ; then the circumstantial descriptions of the tabernacle and the priestly garments, Exod, 24, 12-29, 8 ; 35, 4-40 ; and the greater part of the individual Levitical precepts, Lev. 12-18; Num. 4-10. 28; chaps. 27-30.' Dietrich thinks he has detected a difference between the language of the first twenty-five chapters of Genesis and that of the rest of the so-called Heptateuch, with the exception of Numbers, which again has JElfric's peculiarities. He therefore believes that the portion which least resembles ^Ifric was originally translated by another hand, and only revised by ^Ifric, Editions of the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, and Job, are as follows : — Thwaites, Heptateuchus, &c. (see p, Ixxx), Oxford, 1698, Grein, Bihliotliek der Angelsdclmsclien Prosa, Erster Band. Cassel and Gottingen, 1872. The Job is an abbreviated form of one of the Homilies in Thorpe's collection (vol. ii. no. 35), and the portions translated from the Bible will be found, arranged in the Biblical order, in the present volume, pp. 103-110. The Kings consists only of a homily, a mere epitome of passages from these books ; the extracts relate to Saul, David, Ahab, Jehu, Hezekiah, Manasseh, and Josiah. It has been published by Skeat INTRODUCTION Ixxill in 2EJfrics Lives of Saints, vol. i. (E. E. T. S, 82), no. xviii. (pp. 384- 412, alternate pages). The Esther and Judith ai'e published in Assmann's Angelsach- sische Homilien unci Heiligenlcben {BihliotheJc tier Angelscichsischen Prosa, iii), Kassel, 1889, the Esther occupying pp. 92-101, and the Judith pp. 1 02-1 16. The Maccabees comprises an abridgment of 1 Mace. 1. 1-64 ; 2 and 3 ; 4. 1-54 ; 5 ; 6. 1-7 ; 8. 1-17 ; 9. 1-22, 28-73 ; lO-lG ; 2 Mace. 3 ; 6. 18-31 ; 7 ; 9. i-ii ; 10. 24-38 ; 12. 39-45- It is printed in Lives of the Saints, vol. ii. (E.E. T. S. 94), no. xxv (pp. 66-120, alternate pages). The MS. of the so-called Heptateuch — the Pentateuch, Joshua, and Judges— from which Thwaites' edition was derived, is Bodl. Laud. Misc. 509, formerly E. 19 (Wanley, p. 67). Other MSS. are Ii. I. 33 of the University Libraiy, Cambridge, containing the first twenty-four chapters of Genesis (W. 162) ; Cott. Otho B. 10, con- taining from Gen. 37 to the end of that book (W. 192) ; Cott. Claud. B. 4, the Pentateuch and Joshua (W. 253) ; Bodl. Jun. 23, containing Judges only (W. 39) ; besides a sixteenth- century copy, probably made by Archbishop Parker's order, of the first twenty- five chapters of Genesis (W. 151), and certain fragments in a Lincoln Cathedral MS. (W. 305). Facsimiles of portions of the Laud and Cotton (Claud.) MSS. are to be found in Westwood, Palaeographia Sacra, Plate 39, and of the Cotton MS. in the Palaeo- graphical Society Facsimiles, Series I, vol. ii. Plates 71, 72, and in Astle, tab. xx. 6. The homily on Kings is found in two MSS. : Bodl. Jun. 23 (W. 39), and Cott. Jul. E. 7 (W. 188). The Job is found in Bodh NE. P. 4. 12 (W. 16) ; in two MSS. of the University Library, Cambridge, Gg. 3. 28, and Ii. i. 64 (W. 159, 164); and in Cott. Vespasian D. 14 (W. 205). Thwaites' edition, however, is based upon none of these, but upon a copy made by William L'Isle, Bodl. Laud. E. 381, formerly E. 33 (W. 100). That in Thorpe's edition of the Homilies is from MS. Gg. 3. 28 of the Cambridge University Library (W. 159), the first of the two mentioned above. The Esther is edited by Assmann from L'Isle's copy, no original MS. being known to exist. This copy is Bodl. Laud. E. 381 (see under Job). The Judith is edited by Assmann from CCCC. Jul. 303, formerly V^ OF THE ' r UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION S. 17 (W. 137), and Cott. Otho B. 10 (W. 192). In the former the end of the Judith is lost ; of the latter, which suffered in the fire of 1731, only two leaves are preserved, containing lines 62-123 and 384-445 of Assmann's edition. The homily on the Maccabees is extant in five MSS. : CCCC. 198, formerly S. 8 (W. 127) ; CCCC. 302, formerly S. 17 (W. 137) ; Cott. Julius E. 7, which also contains the Kings (W. 189) ; Cott. Vitellius D. 17 (W. 208) ; MS. li. i. 33 of the University Library, Cambridge (W. 164). Of these the Vitellius D. 17 ends at 1. 29. Skeat prints the Julius E. 7, with various readings from the others. To exhibit the discrepancy between ^Ifric's renderings in different places, I subjoin the version of Gen. 22. 4-13, as given in this volume, p. 83, and that from his independent translation (Thwaites, pp. 29-30; Grein, pp. 61-62) : Homilies. Efne, Sa-'Sa he Siere dune genealffihte, 'pa cwaeS he to his cnihtum : AndbldiaS her ; ic and pis, cild willaS us gebiddan jet J?^re stowe pe us God ge- swutelode. Isaac ]?a bser wudu to forbaernenne Sa offrunge, and Abraham haefde him on handa fyr and swurd. Isaac 'Sa befran cSone feeder, and cwseS : Efne, her is fyr and wudu, min fse- der; hwseris seooffrung? Abra- ham andA\yrde : Min beam, God foresceawa^ him sylfum pseve onsaegednysse offrunge. Hwaet, Sa Abraham, Sa-Sa hi to S^re stowe comon, geband his leofan sunu, and his swurd ateah, |?aet he hine Gode geof- frode. Efne, 'Sa Godes §ngel clypode of heofonum, and mid hluddre st§mne cwteS : Abra- ham, ne astrgce Su Sine hand Genesis. pa hig l^a dune gesawon, ]5£er- psbr hig to sceoldon to ofsleanne Isaac, pa cwaeS Abraham to ]3am twam cnapum |5us : AnbldiatS eow her mid ]?am assum sume hwlle ; ic and J^aet cild gaS unc to gebiddenne, and we sytSSan cumaS sona §ft to eow. Abra- ham fia het Isaac beran ]?one A\T.idu to ]7£ere stowe, and he sylf baer his swurd and fyr. Isaac )?a axode Abraham his faeder : Faeder min, ic axige hwger seo offrung sig ; her is ■svudu and fyr. Him and-^vyrde se faeder : God f oresceawaS, min sunu, him sylf pa offrunge. Hig comon ]?a to J^sere stowe pe him geswutelode God, and he pabr weofod ar^erde on ]?a ealdan wisan, and })one wudu gelogode, swa-swa he hyt wolde habban to his suna baernytte, sySSan he INTRODUCTION Ixxv bufon tSam cilde, ne him nane dare ne gedo ; nu ic oncneow }7i«t Su God ondriedst, and pu ne arodest )5inum anc§nnedan suna for his hSse. pa beseah Abraham underbaec, and 'SSr stod an ranim betwux |?am bremekim, getiged be 'Sam liorn- um. He ^a genam Sone ranim, and Gode geoifrode for 'Sam cilde. ofslagen wurde. He geband )?a his sunu, and his swurd ateah, ]7aet he hyne geoffrode on Ipa, ealdan wisan. Mid-]7am-]5e he wolde p2et weorc begynnan, )?a clipode Godes §ngel ardlice of heofenum : Abraham. Hs and- wyi'de sona. Se §ngel him cwsecS pa to : Ne acw§ll pn l^aet cild, ne J?lne hand ne astr§ce ofer his swuran. Nu ic oncneow soSlice ]?fet J7u ondrStst swySe God, nu )3u ]5lnne anc^nnedan sunu wold- est ofslean for him. pa beseah Abraham sona underbsec, and geseah ]5^r anne ramm betwux )?am bremekim be ]?am hornum gehaeft. And he ah§fde }?one rammto J^sere offrunge, and hyne ]?ffir ofsna'5, Gode to lace, for his sunu Isaac. . . . Vidit locum procul, dixitque ad pueros sues : Expectate hie cum asino ; ego et puer illuc usque properantes, postquam adorave- rimus revertemur ad vos. Tulit quoque ligna holocausti, et imposuit super Isaac filium suum ; ipse vero poiiabat in manibus ignem et gladium. Cumque duo pergerent simul, dixit Isaac patri suo : Pater mi. At ille respondit : Quid vis, fili ? Ecce, inquit, ignis et ligna ; ubi est victima holocausti ? Dixit autem Abraham : Deus providebit sibi victimam holocausti, fili mi. Pergebant ergo pariter, et venerunt ad locum quem ostenderat ei Deus, in quo aedificavit altare, et desuper Hgna composuit ; cumque alligasset Isaac filium suum, posuit eum in altare super struem lignorum. Extenditque manum et arripuit gladium, ut immolaret filium suum. Et ecce, angelus Domini de coelo clamavit, dicens : Abraham, Abraham. Qui respondit : Adsum. Dixitque ei : Non extendas manum tuam super puerum, neque facias illi quidquam ; nunc cognovi quod times Deum, et non pepercisti unigenito filio tuo propter me. Levavit Abraham oculos suos, viditque post tergum arietem inter vepres haerentem cornibus, quem assumens obtulit holocaustum pro filio. Ixxvi INTRODUCTION My friend and former pupil, Dr. Frank H. Chase, has recently- found in MS. li. I. 33 of the Cambridge University Library a literal translation from the Vulgate of Genesis 4, 5, 10, 11, 23, 24. 1-22, which is to be printed without delay in Herrig's Archiv. Poetical Translations. For the poetical part of the Paris Psalter, which apparently belongs here, see pp. xli ff. Sweet thinks that the Kentish Psalm is of the tenth centuiy. See p. XX. Judith. — This poem consists of 350 lines, and immediately follows the Beowulf in MS. Cotton Vitellius A. 1 5 of the British Museum. The portion of the Apocryphal book paraphrased is mostly included -between 8. 33 and 16. i inclusive, the chief portions being indicated in my edition, pp. xxxiv-xxxvi. The order of events is not that of the origmal narrative. Many transpositions have been made in the interest of condensation, and for the purpose of enhancing the dramatic liveliness of the story. Besides, the poet has not scrupled to add embellishments of his own invention. His art, under the four heads of Selection, Arrangement, Amplification, and Invention, is discussed at length in my edition, pp. xxxvii-xlii. 'The most discrepant dates have been assigned to our poem. On the one hand, Stephens and Hammerich would attribute it to Caedmon, which would fix the inferior limit of the composition at A. D, 680. Ebert {Allg. Gescli. cler Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande, iii. 24 K), without naming an author, refers its origin to the closing decades of the seventh century, and expressly declines to accept Kluge's view, as stated below. Ten Brink says {Early Eng. Lit. p. 50): "The majority of the works mentioned arose probably during the eighth, or in the beginning of the next century ; including also the Exodus, the Daniel, and the Judith." E. Groth {Composition und Alter des AltengliscJien Exodus, Berlin, 1883), basing his conclusion upon the comparative frequency in different poems of the definite article, and of the weak adjective when no article precedes, associates Judith with Byrhtnoth. Kluge, writing later in the same year {Beitrdge, ix. 448-9), approves of the methods originated by Lichtenheld and adopted by Groth, and adds other tests according to which Judith would belong to the INTRODUCTION Ixxvii tenth century. These are, passing over the verbal correspondences between Judith and Byrhtnoth, which are discussed below, the sporadic use of rime, and certain transgressions of the metrical rules observed in earlier poems. Luick, who investigates the metre of Judith in Paul and Braune's Beitrdge, vol. xi, is of the same opinion. The treatment of middle vowels, together with the frequency of expanded lines, leads him to the conclusion (pp. 490-1) that Judith is a comparatively late poem. Vigfusson and Powell, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, I. Iv-lvi, seem also to regard it as late, and would apparently assign it to the tenth century. Their words are: ''The Brunanhurh Lay is book poetry of the same type as the later bits in the English Chronicle. It has several lines almost identical with lines in Judith. . . . Judith is a Christian epic, also of the long modified style, composed by a bookman, who, however, knew and used snatches of good old verse."' Thus far I had written in 1887, and then proceeded to discuss the arguments for the various dates (pp. xv-xxxiv of my edition). My conclusion was reached in these words : ' Not earlier than Cynewulf, and not later than the year 937 — to this point our reasonings have conducted us. What follows is more con- jectural, but perhaps not wholly extravagant or fantastic' I then proceeded to outline a hypothesis, according to which the poem might have been composed on the occasion of the return to England of ^thelwulf Alfred's father, with his second wife, Judith, the daughter of Charles the Bold. ^Ifric, speaking of his own prose translation of Judith, said that it had been done 'as an example to you men, that you should defend your country with weapons against an invading army ' {On the Old Testament). Thwaites, in the first edition of the poem (1698), described our Judith as 'scriptum quo tempore Dani apud nos grassarentur.' Accordingly, since in 856 the Danes, after repeated invasions and alternate successes and defeats, appear to have ceased, for eight years, to harry England, I suggested the provisional theory : ' The poem of Judith was composed, in or about the year 856, in gratitude for the deliverance of Wessex from the fury of the heathen Noi-thmen, and dedicated, at once as epinikion and epithalamion, to the adopted daughter of England.' I ended my discussion with these words: 'This theory appears, better than any hitherto propounded, to harmonize with all the relevant facts ; and may perhaps be allowed to stand until superseded by a better.' IXXVIII INTRODUCTION In 1892 T. Gregory Foster published his Judith: Studies in Metre, Language, and Style, with a view to determining the date of the Old English Fragment and the Home of its Author (Strassburg). This consists, for the most part, of an amplified restatement of the matter contained in my edition, but presents at least one novelty in the form of a new hypothesis regarding the occasion upon which the poem was composed, and the royal name with which it should be associated. As to the limits of the period within which the poem was written, 800-937, Foster entirely agrees with me. He dissents, however, from my conjectures respecting Queen Judith, and frames a theory of his own, which, after a few preliminary obsei-vations, he thus states : ' History, then, indicates Mercia as the possible home for our poet at this time, and still more so when we take the following into account. After 895 Mercia had time and oppoi-tunity -to husband her resources and strength. The death of ^thelred in 910 left ^Ethelflaed queen of Mercia, or as the Chronicle calls her ''Myrcena hlaefdige." She was in the truest sense "Lady of the Mercians," for through her extraordinary energy the "Five Boroughs," formerly part of the Mercian kingdom, were recovered. jEthelflaed then is Mercia's Judith, for she by no ordinaiy strategy, we are told, raised her kingdom and people to their old position. She, like the Hebrew Judith, abandoned the older strategy of raid and battle, not indeed to murder the Danish chief, but to build fortresses and beleaguer her enemies, ^thelflfed is then a suitable and worthy heroine to have stirred a contemporary poet to his theme. In this estimation of her we are confirmed by William of Malmesbury in his Gesta Begum Anglorum. The passage quoted below presents us with a picture readily suggesting a Judith : "pavor hostium," "immodici cordis foemina," "virago potentissima, " "non mediocre momentum partium," all these are united vdth that eminently characteristic "favor civium." This suggestion would place our poem between the years 915 and 918 or soon after, during which period she obtained her greatest victories, dying in the last-named year. Our other results agree admirably ^^'ith this date.' Up to the present, then, it may be regarded as settled that the Judith was composed between 800 and 937 : but whether in Wessex or Mercia, whether in 856 or 918, whether to celebrate the stepmother of King Alfred or his daughter. Queen Judith or Queen jEthelflasd, must be left to the decision of the individual INTRODUCTION IxxiX scholar, at least until it has been decided beyond all question by future investigation. As bearing on this, however, it may be well to remember that ^thelflaed must have been nearly fifty years of age when she died in 9 1 8, and that it must then have been at least thirty-eight years since her marriage ; so that * elf-bright damsel ' {ides u'lfsclnu), 'maid of the Creator' iScyppendes mcegd), 'the bright maiden' (seo heorhte mceg'S), &c., if interpreted as compli- mentary references to her, cjin scarcely be considered so appropriate as if they w^ere referred to a bride of twelve summers or there- abouts. Perhaps, though, it would be going too far to insist upon the personal application to either queen of such expressions. In any case, considering the uncertainty which exists regarding the date of much of the Old English poetry, the interval which separates the years 856 and 918 is gratifyingly small, especially when one bears in mind the comparatively recent attribution of the Judith to the seventh century. With reference to the dialect, I said in my edition (p. xv) : ' The mixture of dialectic forms seems to indicate that a Northern original passed through one or more hands, and that the last scribe, at all events, belonged to the Late West Saxon period.' Similarly Foster (p. 49) : ' Our MS. is therefore a copy from a West Saxon original. This however does not lead us far ; we have yet to see whether there are forms in the MS. indicating that our poem was at some time ti'anscribed into West Saxon, from an original in another dialect. Such forms there are ; they are few in number, but all point to an Anglian original.' Again he says (p. 89) : ' We must remember that although our poem is for the most part preserved in West Saxon dialect, there are in it distinct traces of Anglian forms which the transcriber probably overlooked. There is nothing characteristically Noiihumbrian in these, that is not also Mercian.' It will be observed that these indications to the effect that the poem was originally composed in Anglian dialect appear to favour Foster's theory of the circumstances under which the poem was written. On the other hand, it might be urged that the Anglian dialect being the one in which English poetiy had first flourished, it would be natural that it should become, in some sense, the hieratic language of verse, and that even West Saxon poets should, for that reason, occasionally employ forms of wliich their memories were full. As bearing on this point, it must be remembered that the undoubtedly IXXX INTRODUCTION Anglian forms in the poem are comparatively few. As an experiment, I turned the poem into the dialect of the late Northumbrian Gospels (cf. p. xliii), and in this form it will be found in my edition /pp. 75-85). Metrical observations on this Northumbrianized version were published in the Transactions of the American Philological Association, xx. (1889), 175-176. The poem was first published at Oxford in 1698: Edward Thwaites, Heptateuchus, Liber Joh, and EvangeUum Nicodemi ; Anglo- Saxonice. Historiae Judith Fragmentum ; Bano-Saxonice. Since then it has been ten times included in anthologies and collections, and t^vice published separately, besides the reproduction of extracts. The two separate editions are by L. Gr. Nilsson, Copenhagen, 1858, and by myself, Boston (U.S.A.), 1888; second edition, 1889; student's edition, abridged, 1894. The full title of my edition is : Judith, an Old. English Epic Fragment, edited ivith Introduction, Facsimile, Translation, Complete Glossary, and various Indexes. The Judith has been three times translated into EngHsh, twice into German, and once into Swedish ; besides, theie have been pai-tial translations : into English, twdce ; into German, t\%dce ; into Danish, once ; and into Swedish, once. A bibliography will be found in my edition, pp. 71-73. As a specimen of the poem, we may take the paraphi'ase of chap. 13, i: 12, the relevant portion of wliich in the Vulgate is: Et exierunt duae, . . . et transierunt castra, . . . venerunt ad portam ci\4tatis. Here the poem has {vv. 1 32-1 41) : Eodon Sa g§gnum j^anonne |?a idesa ba §llen]3rlste, o^-pset hie becomon collenferhSe, eadhreSige mfegtS ut of Sam h^rige, pset hie sweotolllce geseon mihten pane wlitegan byrig weallas bllcan, Bethuliam. Hie Sa beahhrodene fe'Selaste forS onettan, o^ hie glaedmode gegan hsefdon to Sam wealgate. SOME BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS OLD ENGLISH PROSE WRITERS ^^ OF THK ' UNIVERSITY Of rTTTTTt: KING ALFRED'S VERSION GREGORY'S PASTORAL CARE GENESIS. 3. 14. On '^Tnre wambe Qnd on 'STnum breostum Su scealt snican. C. P. 3ii'. 4. 4, 5. ... Sfet Dryhten besawe to Abele ^nd to his lacum, 9nd nolde to Caine ne to his lacum. Da wearS Cain swiSe [swlS(e) hraedlice] ieri'e, 9nd hnipode ofdune. C. P. 234. 9. I, 2. Qnd eac Dryhten cwaeS to Noe ^nd to his bearnum : WeahsaS ge gnd mpnigfaldia'S, Qud gefyllaS eor^an ; ^nd eower gge 9nd broga sle ofer all [ealle] eorSan nietenu. C. P. 108. 18. 20. ... 'Sgette swiSe waere gemanigfalSod ^ Sodomwara hream 9nd Gomorvvara. c. p. 427, 9. I, 2. Beneclixitque Deus Noe et GENESIS. fiiiis eius, et dixit ad eos (Greg. 3. 14. Super pectus tuum gradieris Et cum Noe Dominus filiisque (Greg. sec. Ital. Pectore et ventre eius dicerct) : Crescite et multi- repes), plicamini, et replete terram ; et 4. 4, 5. Respexit Dominus ad Abel, terror vester ac tremor sit super et ad munera eius ; ad Cain vero, et cuncta animalia terrae. ad munera illius {Greg, eius), non 18. 20. Clamor Sodomorum et Go- respexit. Iratusque est Cain vehe- morrhae multiplicatus est. menter, et concidit vultus eius. * Odd numbers after C. P., and pp. 302-308, refer to the Hatton MS., ag printed in Sweet's edition ; this is cited only where there is a gap in the Cotton MS. * Bead, ' gemanigfaldod.' B 2 4 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 19, 20. Her is an lytele burg swiSe neah, ?£er ic maeg min feorh on gengrian. Hlo is an lytel, Qnd 'Seah ic mseg Saeron libban. C. P. 399. 19. 21. Dinre bene ic wille nu onfon, 9nd for 'Sinre bede ic ne to- weorpe Sa burg ^e Su forespr[i]cs'S. C. P. 399. 28. 12, 13. ... for ^sere gesihSe ]?e he on S^ni swefne geseah, J?a he set SEem stane sl^epte. He geseah ane hlSdre stgndan aet him on eorSan. OSer §nde wses uppe on hefonum, 9nd set Ssem uferran §nde Dryhten hlinode, Qnd §nglas stigon up Qnd of- dune on Sa hltedre. C. P. 100. 28. 18. Be Sjem eac lacobus se heahfaeder, ]?a he smii-ede 'Sone stan fje set his heafdum Iseg ... C. P. 100. 34. 1-3. . . . 'Sset Dina wSre ut gangende sceawian ?>3es l9ndes wif. Da hi 'Sa geseah Sihhem, Enimores sunu ^ses Ebreiscan, se wses aldorniQn 'Saes [Igndes] ; gnd '^a gelicode hio him, ^nd he hi genam niedenga, gnd hire mid geh^mde. Qnd Sa wses his mod gehseft mid 'SSm msedene, Qnd he ^^a hi swa unrote olec- cende to him geloccode. C. P. 415. 11 Sihhem, 'Sses landes ealdorman, genledde fset mseden Dinan. C. P. 415. II Silihemes mod wses 'Sa gehseft to Dinan. C P. 415. II . . . 'Ssett[e] Sihhem Dinan llSelice olehte, Ca-Sa he hi geunrotsod hsefde. C. P. 415. 19. 20. Est civitas haec (Greg, hie) 28. 18. Surgens ergo lacob mane, iuxta, ad quam possum fugere, tulit lapidem, quern supposuerat parva, et salvabor in ea ; numquid capiti suo, et erexit in titulum, non modica est, et vivet anima fundens oleum desuper {Greg., mea {Greg. ins. in ea) ? cf. sup^'a). 19.2 1. Ecce, etiam in hoc suscepi 34. 1-3. Egressa est autem (Greg. preces tuas, ut non subvertam ow. autem) Dina, filia Liae (Gre^. urbem pro qua locutus es. om. filia Liael, ut videret mulieres 28. 12, 13. Viditque in somnis sea- regionis illius. Quara cum vidis- 1am stantem super terram, et set Sicliem filius Hemor Hevaei, cacumen illius tangens coelum, princeps terrae illius, adamavit angelos quoque Dei ascendentes earn ; et rapuit. et dormivit et descendentes per eam, et cum ilia, vi opprimens virginem. Dominum innixum scalae (Greg. Et conglutinata est anima eius sum. Hinc lacob Domino desuper cum ea, tristemque delinivit innitente, et uncto deorsum la- blanditiis {Greg, blanditiis de- pide, ascendentes ac descen- linivit). dentes angelos vidit). GENESIS 19 — EXODUS 21 EXODUS. 13, 21. ... hine Ifedde Surli 'Sset westen mid (5y fyrenan sweore on nieht, 9nd on dxg mid Sy sweore wolcnes. C P. 304- 15. 6. Din swiSre hand, Dryhten, gebrsec 'Sine feond. C. P. 389- 16. 8. Hwset is eower mui-cung wiS unc ? Hwa^t sint wit ? Wit^ God ge doS 'Sset ge do5. C. P. 200. 18. 14, 17-22. Be 'SSm eac Moyses, ... set sume cirre Giethro his sweor . . . hiene tielde, ^nd sa;de 'Saet he on 'Syslicum [dyslicum] geswincum wi^re mid Sees folces eorSlican ^eowote, ac herde hiene Sset he gesgtte o'Sre for hiene to demenne betweox Sjem folee ymb hiera geflito, Sset he w^ere 'Saes Ipe freora to ongitonne ■Sa diglan gnd ^a gastlican Sing, Saet he meahte Saet folc 'Sy wislecor ^nd Sy rSdlicor iSran. C. P. 130. 21. 33, 34. . . . gif hwa adulfe pytt, gnd Sonne forglemeleasode tSfet he hine betynde, ^nd S^r 'Sonne befeolle on oS'Se oxa otSSe esol, 'Sset he hine scolde forgieldan. c. P. 459- EXODUS. 13. 2 1. Dominus autem praecedebat eos . . . per diem in columna nubis, et per noctem in columna ignis, ut dux esset itineris utro- que tempore {Greg. sum. Unde Moyses, qui regente se Deo, de- serti iter aerea columna duce pergebat . . .). 15. 6. Dextera tua, Domine, per- cussit inimicum {Greg. sec. Ital. Dextera manus tua, Domine, con- fregit inimicos). 16. 8. ... Nos enim quid sumus ? nee contra nos est murmur ves- trum, sed contra Dominum. 18. 14, 17-22. Quod cum vidisset cognatus eius, omnia scilicet quae agebat in populo, ait : Quid est hoc quod facis in plebe ? cur solus sedes, et omnis populus iDraesto- latur de mane usque ad vesperam ? At ille : Non bonam, inquit, rem facis ; stulto labore consumeris et tu et populus iste qui tecum est ; ultra vires tuas est negotium, solus illud non poteris sustinere. Sed audi verba mea atque consilia, et erit Deus tecum : Esto tu populo in bis quae ad Deum pertinent, ut referas quae dicuntur ad sum, ostendasque populo ceremonias et ritum colendi, viamque per quam ingredi debeant, et opus quod facere debeant ; provide autem de omni plebe viros potentes, . . . qui iudicent populum omni tempore ; quidquid autem mains fuerit, referant ad te, et ipsi minora tan- tummodo iudicent, leviusque sit tibi, partito in alios onere {Greg, sum. Hine Moses . . . letro alieni- genae reprebensione iudicatur quod terrenis populorum nego- tiis stulto labore deserviat ; cui et consilium mox praebetur ut j)ro se alios ad iurgia dirimenda constituat, et ipse liberius ad erudiendos populos spiritalium arcana cognoscat). 21. 33, 34. Si quis aperuerit cis- ternam et foderit,et non operuerit eam, cecideritque bos aut asinus 25. ii-i=. Wyrc feower hringas jelgyldene, gnd ahoh hie swiSe feste on 'Sa feower hyrnan Sjere earce ; ^nd liat ^v5^rcean twegen st^ngeas of 'S^m treowe pe is liaten setliim, '^set ne ■wierS nSfre forrotod ; 9nd befoh utan mid golde ; 9nd sting tit (Surh '5a hringas bl Sgere earce sidan, 'S^et hie myn msege beran on Saem, 9nd l^et hie stician ^^eron ; ne tlo hie mgn n-Mve of. c. p. i68, 170. 11 . . . sethim, 'Sset nSfre ne rota^. C. P. 170. II Da sahlas is beboden Saet sceoldon blon mid golde be- fangne. c. p. 170. II . . . 'Saet hie sculon simle stician on 'Ssem hringum, ^nd n^fre ne moton him beon ofatogene. c. P. i;o. II . . . '^aette simle Sa ofergyldan sahlas sceoldon stician on ^gem gj^ldnum hringum. C. P. 170. 28. S. Difit hraegl wses beboden Sset sceolde blon geworht of pur- puran, ynd of twibllum derodine, gnd of twispunnenum twine llnenum, gnd gerenod mid golde, ond mid S^m stane iecinta (iacincta H,). C. P. 82. II On Saes sacerdes hraegle wses toeacan golde 9nd iacincte (iacincS^e H.) 9nd purpuran, dyrodine twegi'a bleo. C. P. 86. II ForSon is beboden, toeacan 'Sgem twibleon godw§bbe, 'Saet scile beon twiSrawen twin on '^^m msessegierelan. C. P. 86. 28. 21. On S^m selfan hrajgle, pe he on his breostum waeg, waes eac awriten 5a naman Sara tw§lf heahf«edra. c. P. 76. 28. 28, 29. On Arones breostum sceolde beon awriten slo racu in earn, reddet dominus cisternae 28. 8. Ipsa quoque textura et cuncta pretium iumentorum {Greg. sum. operis varietas erit ex auro, et . . . ut is qui cisternam foderit, si hyacintho, et purpura, coccoque operire neglexerit, corruente in bis tincto, et bysso retorta {Greg. ea bove vel asino, pretium red- Recte etiam superbumerale ex dat). auro, hyacintho, purpura, bis 25. 11-15. Faciesque ((?;-^^. Facies) tincto cocco, et torta fieri bysso . . . quattuor circulos aureos, quos praecipitur). pones per quattuor arcae angu- 28. 21. Habebuntque nomina filio- los. . . . Facies quoque {Greg. rum Israel ; duodecim nominibus faciesque) vectes de lignis setim caelabuntur. . . . {Greg. In quo {Greg, sethim), et operies eos etiam rationali . . . ut duodecim {Greg. om. eos) auro, inducesque patriarchanam nomina descri- per circulos qui sunt in arcae bantur). lateribus, ut portetur in eis ; qui 28. 28, 29. Et stringatur rationale semper erunt in circulis, nee . . . vitta. . . . Portabitque Aaron unquam extrahentur ab eis. nomina filiorum Israel in ratio- EXODUS 25-32 7 ?5a3s domes on 'Siem liraegle j^e 111911 liiet 'rationale,' ynd mid nostlum gebunden. C. P. 76. 28. 30. Mpn sceolde writan on (SSm hrgegle t5e Aroii ba^r on his breostum, Sonne he inneode beforan Gode, 'Sa lare 9nd Sa dOmas, 9nd tSa socSfiestnesse. C. P. 78. 28. 33. ForS^m wa3s beboden Moyse 'Sset se sacerd sceolde blon mid bellum behangen. c. P. 92. II Hit wa3s awriten 'Saet Saes sacerdes hrsegl w^re behgngen mid bellum. C P. 92. II On (5a3S sacerdes hraegle wseron bellan hangiende. C. P. 92. II On '^aes sacerdes hraegle sceoldon hangian bellan, 9nd onge- m9ng tS^m bellum reade apla. C P. 94. II . . . (Saet sceolde beon on Saes sacerdes lirsegle 'Sa readan apla ongemang Saem bellum. C. P. 94. 28. 35. ... t5aet he sceolde, ing9ngende 9nd utg9ngende beforan Gode to (Sffim halignessum, beon gehlered his sweg, ]?yli«s he SAVulte. c. P. 92. II . . . '^aet se sacerd sceolde sweltan, gif se sweg nsere of him gehlered segSer ge ing9ngendum ge utg9ngendum. C. P. 92. 29. 5. . . . 'Saet se sacerd sceolde beon faeste bewaefed on bjem sculdrum mid (Saem maessehraegle. c. p. 82. 29. 22, 27. See Lev. 7. 31, 32. 32. 6. Daet folc saet, set, 9nd dranc, 9nd siS'San aryson, 9nd Sodon him plegean. C. P. 309. 32. 26, 27. Se tSe Godes Segn sle, ga hider 9nd do his sweord to his hype ; 9nd gaS fr9m geate to geate Surh midde Sa ceastre ; nali iudicii super pectus suum. veste iuxta divinam vocem tintin- . . . {Greg. sum. . . . ut in Aaron nabulis mala punica coniungun- pectore rationale iudicii vittis li- tur ; for briefer phrases see Greg. gantibus imprimatur). ch, 15). 28. 30. Pones autem in rationali 28. 35. . . . ut audiatur sonitus iudicii doctrinam et veritatem, quando ingreditur et egreditur quae erunt in pectore Aaron, sanctuarium in conspectu Do- quando ingredietur coram Do- mini, et non moriatur. mine, et gestabit iudicium filio- 29. 5. Indues Aaron . . . superhu- rum Israel in pectore suo, in con- merali et rationali quod con- spectu Domini semper. stringes balteo. 28.33. Deorsum vero, ad pedes 32, 6. . . . Sedit populus manducare eiusdem tunicae, per circuitum, et bibere, et surrexerunt ludere. quasi mala punica facies, . . . 32. 26, 27. ... Si quis est Domini mixtis in medio tintinnabulis {Greg. Domini est), iungatur mihi. {Greg. sum. Hinc in sacerdotis . . . Ponat vir gladium super fe- 8 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 9nd ofslea sic 111911 his broSur, 9nd his freond, 9nd his nihstan. c. p. 383. 32. 29. ... tSaet hiora h9nda w»ron gehalgode Gode. C. P. 352. 34. 30 ff. See c. p. 458. 39. See Ex. 28. LEVITICUS. 7. 31, 32. ... '^aet se saeerd scyle onfon Sone swl^ran bogh set Sjere offrunge, 9nd se sceolde beon asyndred fr9m 'Sgem o'Srum flSsce. . . . Eac him 111911 sceolde s^llan Sa breost Sees neates, toeacan 'S^m boge. C. P. 80. 15. 2. ... Saette se wer, se 'Srowude oferflownesse his sSdes, 9nd Saet unnytlice agute, ©set he Sonne wSre uncljene. c. P. 94. 19. 14. Ne cwe'Se ge nan laS SSm deafan. Ne serine Su Sone blindan. C. P. 45'3- 21. 17-20. . . . Sset he sceolde beodan Arone J^iet nan ni9n hiera cynnes ne hiera liToredes ne offrode his Gode nanne hlaf, ne to his Senunga ne come, gif he £enig wam haefde : gif he blind w^re, oS(5e healt, oSSe to niicle nosu haefde oSSe to lytle, o'SSe 9ft [to] wo nosu, oSSe tobroeene h9nda ocSSe fett, oSSe hoferede ware, oS'Se torenlgge, oSSe fleah hsefde on eagan, oSSe singale sceabbas, o'S'Se teter, o'SSe healan. c. p. 62, 64. mur suum ; ite et reclite de porta 15. 2. Vir qui patitur fluxum semi- usque ad portam per medium nis {Greg, qui fluxum seminis castrorum ; et occidat unusquis- patitur), immundus erit. que fratrem, et amicum, et proxi- 19. 14. Non maledices surdo, nee mum suum. coram caeco pones offendicu- 32. 29. ... Consecrastis manusves- lum. . . . tras hodie Domino [Greg. . . . Deo 21. 17-20. Loquere ad Aaron : Ho- manus dicta est consecrasse). mo de semine tuo per familias, qui habuerit maculam, non offeret panes {Greg. ins. Domino) Deo suo, nee accedet ad ministerium 31, 32. ... Pectusculum autem eius : si caecus fuerit, si claudus, erit Aaron, et filiorum eius. Ar- si {Greg. ins. vel) parvo vel grandi mus quoque dexter de pacifico- vel ( Gre^. et) torto naso, si fracto rum hostiis cedet in primitias pede, si manu, si gibbus, si lippus, sacerdotis (Gre^. swm. Hincdivina si albuginem habens in oculo, si lege armum sacerdos in sacrifi- iugem scabiem, si impetiginem cium et dextrum accipit et sepa- in corpore, vel herniosus {Greg. ratum. . . . Cui in esu quoque ponderosus). pectusculum cum armo tribuitur). LEVITICUS. EXODITS 32 — DEUTERONOMY 25 9 NUMBERS. 10. 29-31. We willa'S nu faran to cSiere stowe 'Se God us gehaten haefS ; ac far mid us, Saet we maegen wel don, for'Stem'^e God haeftS sulSe wel gehaten Israhela folce. Da andsuarode he him, gnd cuaeS : Ic nelle mid Se faran, ac ic wille faran to minre cycStSe, 9nd to '5Sm l^nde ?5e ic on geboren waes. Da andswarade him Moyses : La, ne forlset us, ac beo Ore laSeow ; 'Su cans eal Sis westen, 9nd wastS hw»r we wician magon. c. p. 30+. 22. 20 ff. See c. p. -^s4. 23. 10. Geweorc^e min lif swelce 'Sissa ryhtwTsena, 9nd geweorcSe min ^nde swelce hira. C P. 423. 25. 6 ff. See c. P. 35^. DEUTEEONOMY. 19. 5, 6. Gif hwa g9nge bilwitlice mid his friend to wuda, treow to ceorfanne, 9nd slo sees (Sonne awint of 'SSm hielfe, 9nd swse ungewealdes ofslihS his geferan, he t5onne sceal fieon to anra tSara 'Sreora burga \>e to friSstowe ges§tte sint, 9nd libbe, Sylifes hwelc tSara nihstena (Saes ofslaegenan for SiSm sare his ehte, 9nd hiene 'Sonne gefo 9nd ofslea. c. P. 164, 166. 25. 4. Ne forbinde ge no S^m Serscendum (Syrstendum H.) oxum Sone muS. c. P. 104. NUMBERS. DEUTERONOMY. 10. 29-31. . . . Proficiscimur ad lo- 19. 5, 6. ... Abiisse cum eo {Greg. cum quem Dominus daturus est Si quis abierit cum amico sue) nobis ; veni nobiscum, ut bene- simpliciter in silvam ad ligna faciamus tibi, quia Dominus bona caedenda, et in succisione Hgno- promisit Israeli. Cui ille respon- rum (Greg, et lignum) securis dit [Greg. Cui cum respondisset fugerit manu, ferrumque lajDsum ille) : Non vadam tecum, sed re- de manubrio amicum eius percus- vertar in terram meam, in qua serit, et occiderit, hie ad unam natus sum. Et ille : Noli, inquit supradictarum urbium confugiet, {Greg, illico adiunxit : Noli), nos et vivet, ne forsitan {Greg, forte) relinquere ; tu enim nosti in qui- proximus eius, cuius efFusus est bus locis per desertum castra sanguis, dolore stimulatus (Greg. ponere debeamus, et eris ductor doloris stimuloj persequatur et noster. apprehendat eum, si longior via 23. 10. ... Moriatur anima mea fuerit [Greg. om. si . . . fuerit), et morte iustorum, et fiant novissima percutiat animam eius. , , . mea horum similia. 25. 4. Non ligabis os bovis terentis in area fruges tuas. 10 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 25. 5-7, 9, 10. Gif hwa gefare 9nd nan beam ne gestrlne, gif he broSur IMe, fo se to his wife. Gif he Sonne beam S^erbie gestrlene, 'Sonne c§nne he Ipset Ssem gefarenan breSer J?e hie ser ahte. Gif he Sonne Saet wif wille forsacan, Sonne hr^ce hio him on Saet n§b foran, gnd his m^gas hiene anscogen oSre fet, J>ffit mgn maege siSSan hatan his tun Sses anscodan tun. c. P. 42. 32. 42. Mm sweord itt flsesc. c. p. 378. 1 SAMUEL. 2. 9. Dryhten gehilt his haligra fet, ^nd pa. unrihtwisan siccettaS on S^m Sistrum. C. P. 64. 2. 29. Du weorSast Sine suna ma Sonne me. c. p. 122. 4. 17, 18. See c. P. 122. 9. 21. See c. p. 34. 10. 22. See c. p. 34. 15. 17. Da Sti Se selfum Suhtest unwenlic, Sa ic Se ges§tte eallum Israhelum to heafde. C. P. 112 ; cf. C. P. 34. 16. 23. Donne him se wieSerwearda gast on becom, Sonne gefeng Dauid his hearpan, gnd gestilde his wodSraga mid Sam gHgge. C. P. 182. II ForS^m Sonne se uncl^ena gast becom on Saul, Dauid Sonne mid his sange gemetgode Sa wodSrage Saules. c. P. 184. 25.5-7, 9, 10. Quando liabitaverint habitaculum domum discalceati fratres simul, et unus ex eis abs- vocet). que liberis mortuus fuerit, . . . 32. 42. Gladius meus devorabit accipiet earn frater eius, . . . et {Greg, manducabit) carnes. primogenitum ex ea filium no- mine illius appellabit. . . . Sin 1 SAMUEL, autem noluerit accipere uxorem 2. 9. Pedes sanctorum suorum ser- fratris sui, . . . mulier . . . toilet vabit, et impii in tenebris conti- calceamentum de pede eius, spu- cescent. . . . etque in faciem illius. . . . Et 2.29. . . . Magisbonorastifiliostuos vocabitur nomen illius in Israel, [Greg. Honorasti filios tuos magis) Domus discalceati {Greg. Hinc quam me. . . . Moyses ait, ut uxorem fratris 15. 17. ... Nonne cum parvulus sine filiis defuncti superstes frater esses {Greg, esses parvulus) in accipiat, atque ad nomen fratris oculis tuis, caput in tribubus filios gignat; quam si accipere Israel factus es [Greg, caput te forte renuerit, huic in faciem mu- constitui in tribubus Israel) ? lier exspuat, unumque ei pedem 16. 23. Igitur quandocumque spiri- propinquus discalciet, eiusque tus Domini malus arripiebat Saul, DEUTERONOMY 25 — 1 SAMUEL 24 11 24. 4-S. Hit gel^mp vet sumum cirre ^xt he wres gehycl on anum eortSscrjefe mid his mQnnum. pa Saul hiene wolde secean uppe on Sa3m niunte, Sa for he Tor's ble Sajni scrtefe 'Se he oninnan waes, ^nd he his 'Sair no ne wende. Da gewearS hiene ■^set he gecierde inn to t5i%m. scrtefe, 9nd wolde him ^ser gan to feltune. Da wtes Si^rinne se ilea Dauid mid his m^nnum, 'pe lange ^r his ehtnesse earfoSlice Solode. Da clipodon his ■^egnas him to, ^nd hiene b»don, Qxvd geornlice h^rdon Sget he hiene ofsloge. Ac he him sona ^ndwyrde, gnd him swiSe stiernlice stierde, gnd cwaeS Sset hit no gedafenlic njere 'Saet hie slogen Gode gehalgodne kyning ; Qnd aras 'Seah up, Qnd bestael hiene to him, gnd forcearf his m§ntles senne Iseppan to tacne Saet he his geweald ahte. C. P. 196. li Dauid cearf swi'Se diegellice swl^e lytelne laeppan of Saules m§ntelle. c. P. 198. II For'Son hit is awi'iten tSaette Dauid, 'Sa he 'Sone Ifeppan forcorfedne haefde, Saet he sloge on his heortan, 9nd swiSe swiSlice hreowsode Sset he him jefre swm ungerisenlice ge'Senian sceolde, Seah his 'Segnas hiene Iserdon Saet he hiene mid his sweorde sloge. C. P. 198. II Se ilea Dauid ])e forbaer paet he Sone kyning ne yflode Ipe hine on swse heardum wraeee gebrohte, 9nd of his earda adr^fde, ]?a he his wel geweald ahte on 'S^m scrsefe, he genam his lo'San aenne laeppan to tacne j^set he his gewald ahte. c. P. 36. David tollebat citharam, et per- to : Ego tradam tibi inimicum cutiebat manu sua, et refocilla- tuum, ut facias ei sicut placuerit batur Saul, et levius babebat. ... in oculis tuis. Surrexit ergo (Greg. sum. . . . quod cum Saulem David, et praecidit cram cblamy- spiritus adversus invaderet, ap- dis Saul silenter. Post baec per- jjrebensa David cithara, eius vesa- cussit cor suum David, eo quod niam sedabat ; lb. Cum ergo Saul abscidisset oram chlamydis Saul, ab immundo spiiitu arripitur, Dixitque ad viros suos : Propitius David canente eius vesania tern- sit mibi Dominus, ne faciam banc peratur). rem domino meo, cbristo Domini, 24. 4-8. . . . Eratque ibi spelunca, ut mittam manum meam in eum, quam ingressus est Saul ut pur- quia christus Domini est. Et garet ventrem ; porro David et confregit David viros suos ser- viri eius in interiore parte spe- monibus, et non permisit eos ut luncae latebant. Et dixerunt consurgerent in Saul. . . . {Greg. servi David ad eum : Ecce dies Saul quippe persecutor, cum ad de qua locutus est Dominus ad purgandum ventrem speluncam 12 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 24. is. See c. p. 393. 25. 37- See c. p. 294. 2 SAMUEL. 2. 22, 2.^. Hit is awriten '^set Abner cwsede to Assaele : Gecier la, 9nd geswic, ne folga me, 'Sset ic Se ne Syrfe (dyrre H.) ofstingan. He forhogde 'Saet he hit gehlerde, 9nd nolde hiene forl^tan ; '^a 'Sydde Abner hiene mid hindewearde sceafte on cSfet sniael'Searme, Sset he wses dead. C. P. 294. 7. 27. Dm 'Seow hsefS nu funden his wisdom, 'Sset is 'Sset he hiene gebidde to ^e. C. P. 372. 11. 2 ff. See c. p. 34, se- ll. 1 7. See c. p. 393. 12. I ff. See c. P. 144, 184- 1 KINGS. 6. 7. Hit is gecweden 'Sfette Ipa stanas on SSm mSran temple Salomonnes w^ron ser swse wel gefegede, 9nd swse emne ge- snidene 9nd gesme'Sde, ser hie mgn to 'S^em stgde brohte ])e hie on standan sceoldon, Ssette hie m^n §ft siSSan on ^a^re halgan stowe swfe tosgmne ges§tte ©aet ^ser nan mgn ne gehlerde ne tehxe hl§m ne bitles sweg. C. P. 252. 7. 23. See 2 Chron. 4. 2, 4, 6. 11. 4. See c. P. 393- fuisset ingressus, illic cum viris suis David inerat, qui iam tarn longo tempore persecutionis eius mala tolerabat. Cumque eum viri sui ad feriendum Saul accen- derent, fregit eos responsionibus, quia manum mittere in christum Domini non deberet. Qui tamen occulta surrexit, et oram chla- mydis eius abscidit. . . . Post haec David percussit cor suum, eo quod abscidisset oram cMamydis Saul). 2 SAMUEL. 2. 22, 23. ... Locutus est Abner ad Assael {Greg. Asael, dicens) : Re- cede, noli me sequi {Greg, per- sequi), ne compellar confodere te in terram . . . Qui audire contempsit, et noluit declinare ; percussit ergo eum Abner aversa hasta in inguine, et transfodit {Greg. ins. eum), et mortuus est. . . . 7. 27. ... Invenit servus tuus cor suum ut oraret te. . . . 1 KINGS. 6. 7. Domus autem cum aedificare- tur, de lapidibus dolatis atque perfectis aedificata est ; et mal- leus, et securis, et omne ferra- mentum non sunt audita in domo cum aedificaretur {Greg. sum. Hinc est enim quod lapides extra tunsi sunt, ut in constructione templi Domini absque mallei sonitu ponerentur). 1 SAMUEL 24 — JOB 38 13 2 KINGS. 20. 13. . . . ]?a he ISdde IpTi §lSeodgcan Srendracan on his ma?Smhus, 9nd him gelewde his goldhord. C. P. 38. 21. See c. P. 38. 25. ic. Koka aldorm^n towearp ^a burg vet Hierusalem. c. P. 310. !l D^ra koka ealdormyn towierp'S Sa weallas Hierusa- lem. C. P. 310. 2 CHRONICLES. 4. 2, 4, 6. Beforan ^-xui temple stod jeren ceac onuppan t\v§lf Srenum oxum, Ssette J^a m§n, Ipe into tSjem temple gan woldon, meahton hiera h9nda (Swean on ]7Sm m§re. So ceac [eac] wees suffi micel 'S'aet he oferhelede Sa oxan ealle, butan ]pa heafdu totodun ut. C. P. 104. 19. 2. 3. Du fultumodest 'SSm arleasum, ^nd 'Su gem§ngdest tSinne freondscipe wiS tSone ^^e hatode God, ^nd mid '£?em Su geearnode Godes irre, SSr ^a godan weorc jer n^eren on (5e mette ; 'Saet waes 'S'set '^u adydest ■£& bearwas of ludea l^nde. C. P. 354- JOB. 10. 15. Gif ic ryhtwis waes, ne ahof ic me na for'Sy, gnd ^eah ic eom gefylled mid broce gnd mid iermSum. C. P. 252. 38. 36. Hwa sealde kokke wisdom ? c. P. 459. pq lavabantur {Greg. sum. Unde et ante fores templi ad abluendas 20. 13. ... Ostendit eis domum, . . . ingredientium manus mare aene- et omnia quae habere poterat in um, id est luterem, duodecim thesauris suis. boves portant ; qui quidem facie 25. 10. Et muros lerasalem in cir- exterius eminent, sed ex poste- cuitu destruxit omnis exercitus rioribus latent). Chaldaeorum {Greg. sec. LXX. 19. 2, 3. . . . Impiopraebesauxilium, Princeps cocorum destruxit muros et his qui oderunt Dominum ami- lerusalem; ib. Cocorum igitur citia iungeris, et idcirco iram princeps muros Jerusalem de- quidem Domini merebaris ; sed jecit), qui erat cum principe bona opera inventa sunt in te, militum. eo quod abstuleris lucos de terra luda. . . . 2 CHRONICLES. JOB. 4. 2, 4, 6. Mare etiani fusile. . . . Et 10. 15. ... Si iustus {Greg. ins. ipsum mare super duodecim boves fuero), non levabo caput, satura- impositum erat . . . ; posteriora tus afflictione et miseria. autem bourn erant intrin.secus 38. 36. ... Quis dedit gallo intelli- sub mari. ... In mari sacerdotes gentiam ? 14 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 41. i6(Vulg. 7). ^Ices fisces sciell biS to o(5erre gefeged, 'Sset ^»r ne maeg nan fe'Sm ut betweox. C. P. 360. 41. 23 (Vulg. 14). His flffi[s]ces lima clifaS aelc on o^rum. C. P. 360. 41. 34 (Vulg. 25). . . . cSaet he geslo £elce ofermetto, se is kyning ofer eall (5a beam oferhyde. c. P. no. II . . . (Sset he sle kyning ofer ealle '^a, oferhygdan beam. C. P. 300. PSALMS '. 1. I , ... 'Saet he no ne sSte on SEem wolberendan setle. c. P. 435. 23. 4. Din gierd gnd 'Sin stef me afrefredan. c. P. 124. 30. 6. Ic wende on minum wl§ncum 9nd on minum forwanan, Sa ic wses full ^g'Ser ge welona ge godra weorca, Saet 'Saes n^efre ne wurde nan §nde. C. P. 465. 30. 7. Dryhten, Su ahwyrfdes Sinne 9ndvvlitan frgm me, Sa wearS ic gedrefed. C. P^ 465. 32. 5. Ic ^\dlle sgcgan ongean me selfne min unryht, Dryhten, for'S^em Su forgeafe Sa arleasnesse minre heoi-tan. C. P. 419. 34. 19. SwiSe manigfealde sint ryhtwisra m9nna earfeSu. c. P. 252. 38. 6. Ic eom geblgged, 9nd £eghw9non ic eom gehlened. C. P. 66. 40. 9, 10. Dryhten, '5u wast 'Saet ic ne wirne mine welora, 9nd Sine ryhtwisnesse ic ne digle on minre heortan ; Sine h^lo 9nd Sine ryhtwisnesse ic saecge. C. P. 380. 41. 7. Una uni coniungitur, et ne 32. 5. . . . Dixi: Confitebor (Greg. spiraculumquideminceditpereas. pronuntiabo) adversum me inius- 41. 14. Membra carnium eius co- titiam meam (Gi-eg. iniustitias haerentia sibi. . . . meas) Domino ; et tu remisisti 41.25. Omne sublime videt ; (Greg. impietatem peccati ((7re^. cordis) ins. et) ipse est rex super uni- mei. versos filios superbiae. 34. 19. Multae tribulationes iusto- rum. . . . PSALMS. 38. 6. ... Curvatus sum usque in 1. I. ...In cathedra pestilentiae finem ((Jre.Qf. sec. iXX. Incurvatus non sedit. sum, et humiliatus sum usque- 23. 4. . . . Virgatua etbaculus tuus, quaque). . . . ipsa me consolata sunt. 40. 9, 10. ... Ecce labia mea non 30. 6. Ego autem dixi in abundantia prohibebo ; Domine, tu scisti [Greg. mea : Non movebor in aeternum. cognovisti). lustitiam tuam non 30. 7. . . . Avertisti faciem tuam a abscond! in corde meo ; veritatem me, et factus sum conturbatus. tuam et salutare tuum dixi. . . . I The Psalms are quoted according to the numbering of the English versions, •which differs, as is well known, from that of the Vulgate and that employed by Gregory and Allred. JOB 41 — PSALM 95 15 40. 12. Min mod 9nd min wisdom ms forlst. c. p. 272. 49. 7, 8. Hs ne sealde Gode nanne msdsceat for his saule, nS nsenne gecSingsceat wi(5 his miltse. c. P. 338. 51. 3. Mine misdSda bloS simle beforan me. c. P. 413. 51. 9. Ah^v5Tf, Dryhten, tSin eagan frgm minum synnum. C. P. 413. 51. 1 7. Da gedrefedan heortan gnd t5a geeaSmeddan, ne forsihtS hi nSfre Dryhten. C. P. 425. 54. 3. !|]lSiodige arisen wiS mS, 9nd wunnon wiS me, (Qnd H.) swiSe strange wieron t5a j^e min ehton. C. P. 374. 55. 15. Hi sculon gan libbende on h§lle. C. P. 429. 60. 5. GehSle me Sin sTo swlSre. C. P. 389. 69. 23. Sin hira eagan acSistrode J^aet hi ne geslon, Qnd hira hrycg simle gebigged. C. P. 28. 73. 18. Du hie geniSrades, ?5a hi hi selfe upahofon. C. P. 391. 75. 4. Ic cwae'S to SSm u(n)ryhtwlsum : Ne do gS unryhtwislice ; gnd cw8e?5 to (SSm tSe t5^r syngedon : Ne h§[b]be [ge] to up eowre hornas. c. P. 425. 78. 34. Donne God hie slog, Sonne sohton hie hiene. c. P. 250. 78. 61. Dryhten ge^iafode Sffit hiora mregen ^nd hiora cra9ft weere gehaeft, 9nd hiora wlite w^re on hira feonda h^nda. C. P. 465. 80. 5. God us dr§ncte swiSe gemetliee mid tearum. c. P. 413. 95. 2. Wuton cuman ^r his dome andettende. c. p. 415. 40. 12. ... Cor meum dereliquit dextera tua. . . . me. 69. 23. Obscurentur oculi eorum ne 49. 7, 8 . . . . Non dabit Deo pla- videant, et dorsum eoi-um {Greg. cationem suam, et (Greg, nee) illorum) semper incurva. pretium redemptionis animae 73. 18. ... Deiecisti eos dum alle- suae. varentur. 51. 3. . . . Peccatum {Greg. sec. Ital. 75. 4. Dixi iniquis : Nolite inique delictum) meum contra {Greg. agere ; et delinquentibus : Nolite coram) me est semper. exaltare cornu. 51. 9. Averte faciem tuam {Greg. 78. 34. Cum occideret eos, quaere- oculos tuos) a peccatis meis. . . . bant {Greg, tunc requirebant) 51. 17. ... Cor contritum et humi- eum. . . . liatum, Deus, non despicies {Greg. 78. 61. Et tradidit in captivitatem spernit). virtutem eorum, et pulchritudi- 54. 3. Quoniam aUeni insurrexerunt nem eorum in manus inimici. adversum (Greg, in) me, et fortes 80. 5. . . . Potum dabis ( (?re^. dedit) quaesierunt animam meam. . . . nobis in lacrymis in mensura. 55. 15. ... Descendant in infernum 95. 2. Praeoccupemus {Greg. Prae- viventes. . . . veniamus) faciem eius {Greg. Do- 60. 5. Salvum {Greg. ins. me) fac mini) in confessione. . . . 16 GKEGOBYS PASTORAL CARE 105. 44, 45. He him sealde ricu oSerra kynrena, 9nd manigra folca gestreones hie wieoldon, to tSon tSset hs his ryhtwisnesse geheolden, 9nd his se sohten. c. P. 391. 108. 6. Gehjele me Sin sio swiSre. c. P. 388. 112. 9. Se todselS his god, gnd s§lS 'Searfum ; his ryhtwisnes wunaS on ecnesse. c. P. 334, 336. 113. 6. . . . 'Saette Dryhten locige to S^m ea'Smodan. C. P. 298. 119. 97. Loca, Dryhten, hu swiSe ic lufige Sine m ; ealne dseg Saet biS mm smeaung. c. P. i68. 119. 106. Ic swor, swa-swa ic getiohhod hsefde, Saet ic wolde gehealdan Sine domas ^nd Sine ryhtwisnesse, Dryhten. C. P. 465. 119. 107. Ic eom gehened jeghw^nane 9nd on geghwam, Dryhten; ac gecwuca me sefter Sinum wordum, Dryhten. c. P. 465. 120. 6, 7 (Vulg. 7). Ic lufode Sa 'pe sibbe hatedon ; ynd Sonne ic him cidde, Sonne oncuSon hie me butan scylde. C. P. 354. 129. 3. Da synnfullan bytledon uppe on minum hrycge. C. P. 152. 132. 9. Sin Sine sacerdas gegirede mid ryhtwisnesse. C. P. 92. 138. 6. . . . Ssette Dryhten locige to Stem eaSmodan. Dryhten ongitt swiSe feorran Sa heahmodnesse. C. P. 298, 300. 139. 17. Dryhten, sulSe sulSe sint geweorSode mid me Sine friend, 9nd swiSe is gestrangod hiera ealdordom. c. P. 84. 139. 21,22. Hu ne hatige ic Sa ealle, Dryhten, Sa j^e Se hatigaS? 9nd for Sinum feondum ic aswand on minum mode, 9nd mid fuhyhte h§te ic he (hie H.) hatode, forSfem hie wseron eac mine fiend ? C. P. 352. 105. 44, 45. . ..Declit illis (Gre^f. eis) cundum verbum tuum. regiones gentium, etlaborespopu- 120. 7. Cum his qui oderunt pacem lorum possederunt, ut custodiant eram pacificus ; cum loquebar iustificationes eius, et legem eius illis, impugnabant me gratis, requirant. 129. 3. Supra dorsum meum fabri- 108. 6. Salvum {Greg. ins. me) fac caverunt peccatores. . . . dextera tua. . . . 132. 9. Sacerdotes tui induantur 112. 9. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus ; iustitiam. . . . iustitia eius manet in saeculum 138. 6. , . . ( G)Tg. ins. Deus) bumilia saeculi (G're^'. in aeternum). . . . respicit, et alta a longe cog- 113. 6. Et humilia resi^icit. . . . noscit. 119. 97. Quomodo dilexi legem 139. 17. Mihi autem nimis honori- tuam, Domine ! tota die medita- ficati sunt amici tui ; nimis con- tio mea est. fortatus est principatus eorum. 119. 106. luravi, et statui custodire 139. 21, 22. Nonne qui oderunt te, iudicia iustitiae tuae. Domine {Greg, te oderunt, Deus), 119, 107. Humiliatus sum usque- oderam (6r>-e^. /«s. illos), et super quaque, Domine ; vivifica me se- inimicos tuos tabescebam ? Per- PSALM 105 — PROVERBS 3 17 140. 9. Di^t geswinc hiera agenra welora hie ge'Siysc'S (getSrycS H.). c. P. 239. 140. II. Se ofersprieca wer, ne wierS lie nsefre geryht nc gelfcred on Sisse worlde. C. p. 278. 141. 3. Ges§te, Dryhten, hierde mlnum mu'Se, 9nd (5a duru gestaeS- ■^ignesse. C. P. 274. 150. 4. LofiaS God mid tympanan, 9nd on chore. C. P. 346. PEOVERBS. 1. 24-26. Ic eow clipode £er to me, ac ge me noldon set cuman ; ic rsehte mine hQnd to eow, nolde eower nan to locian ; ac ge forsawon eall min geSeaht, gnd leton eow to glemellste, 'Sonne ic eow cidde : hwset aceal ic 'Sonne buton hliehhan (5aes, Sonne g§ to lore (lose H.) weor'SaS, ^nd habban me 'Sset to gamene, Sonne eow Sset yl'el on becymS Saet ge eow rer ondredon ? C. P. 246, 248. 1. 28. Donne hie to me clipiaS, Sonne nylle ic hie gehlei'an ; on uhton hie arlsaS, and me seceaS, ac hie me ne findaS. c. p. 248. 1. 31. Hie etaS Sone w^sSm hiera Sgnes weges, Saet is Sonne, Sonne hie beoS gefyllede mid hiera segnum geSeahte. C. P. 306. 1. 32. Giongra m^nna dolscipe hi ofslihS, ^nd dysigra mgnna orsorgness hi fordeS. c. P. 387. 3. 16. . . . Saette on his swiSran handa w^ere lang llf, gnd on his winestran wSre wela 9nd AvyrSmynt. C. P. 389. 3. 28. . . . Saet m9n ne scyle cweSan to his frind : Ga, 9nd cum to- fecto odio oderam illos, et ( (y/f^'. pationes meas neglexistis: ego om. et) inimici facti sunt mihi. quoque in interitu vestro ridebo, 140. 9. . . . Labor labiorum ipsorum et subsannabo cum vobis id (G-reg. operiet eos. om. id) quod timebatis advenerit. 140.11. Vir linguosus non dirigetur 1. 28. Tunc invocabunt me, et non in terra [Greg, super terram). . . . exaudiam ; mane consurgent, et 141. 3. Pone, Domine, custodiam non invenient me. ori meo, et ostium circumstantiae 1. 31. Comedent igitur (6r>Y^. om. labiis meis. igitur) fructus viae suae, suisque 150. 4. Laudate eum in tympano, consiliis saturabuntur. et chore. ... 1. 32. Aversio pai-vulorum interficiet eos, et prosperitas stultorum per- PROVERBS. det illos. 1. 24-26. . . . Vocavi, et renuistis ; 3. 16. Longitude dierum in dextera extendi manum meam, et non eius, et in sinistra ( Greg, in sinis- fuit qui aspiceret; despexistis tra vero) illius divitiae et gloria. omne consilium meum, et incre- 3. 28. Ne dicas amico tuo : Vade, et 18 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE morgen, (Sonne s§lle ie tSe hwaethwugu, gif lie hit him ^onne s§llan maege. c. P. 322, 324. 3. 32. ... ^aet he haebbe his geSeaht Qud his sundorspr^ece mid Ssem bilwitum 9nd mid S^m anfealdum. C. P. 242. 4. 25. LSt simle gan Sin eagan beforan Sinum fotum. c. P. 286. 5. I, 2. Sunu mm, ongiet minne wisdom 9nd minne w^erscipe. 9nd beheald 'Sin eagan 9nd Sinne earan to SSm, Saette Su maege Sin geSoht gehealdan. C. P. 272. 5. 9-1 1. Ne Itet Su to glSiodegum Sinne weorSscipe, ne on Sass waelhreowan hand Sin gear, Syh^s fr§mde m§n weorSen gefylled of Slnum geswince, 9nd Sin maegen sle on oSres mgnnes geweald- um, gnd Su Sonne sargige forSSm on last, Sonne Sin llch9ma bio to lore gedon, 9nd Sin flSsc gebrosnod. c. P. 248. II . . . Saet m9n ne s§lle his weorSscipe fr^mdum m§nn. c. P. 248. II . . . Sfet frgmde ne sceoldon blon gefylde ures maegenes, 9nd tire geswine ne sceolde blon on oSres m9nnes onwalde. C. P. 250. II . . . Saet he sargige aet nihstan, Sonne his llch9ma 9nd his fl^esc sie gebrosnod. C. P. 250. 5. 15-17. Drinc Saet waeter of Slnum agnum m§re, 9nd Saette of Slnum agnum pytte aflowe, 9nd Itet Sine willas irnan wide, 9nd todSl hie ; ISd hie giond Sin land, 9nd gegierwe Saet hie irnen bl hgrestrStum ; 9nd hafa hie Seah Se anum, SylSs flSlodige hie ne daelen wiS Se. c. P. 372. II LSt forS Sine ^vyllas, 9nd todfel Sin waetru aefter h§i-e- strjetum. c. P. 372. 11 Deah Su Sin waetru todSle, hafa hie Seah Se self, 9nd ne sgle ^iSiodegum hiora nowuht. C. P. 372- II . . . Saet m9n scolde his waetru tod^elan, 9nd Seah him self eall habban. c. p. 374. revertere, (Grf^r. /hs. et) eras dabo tuum, et annos tuos crudeli, ne tibi, cum statim possis dare. forte impleantur extranei viribus 3. 32. ... Cum simplicibus sermo- tuis, et labores tui sint in dome cinatio eius. aliena, et gemas in novissimis, 4. 25. . . . Palpebrae tuae praece- quando consumpseris carnes tuas dant gressus tuos. {Greg. om. tuas) et corpus 5. I, 2. Fili mi, attends ad {Greg. tuum. . , . ow. ad) sapientiam meam, et pru- 5. 15-17. Bibe aquam de cisterna dentiae meae inclina aurem tuam, tua, et fluenta putei tui ; deri- ut custodias cogitationes. . . . ventur fontes tui foras, et in 6. 9-1 1. Ne des alienis honorem plateis aquas tuas ((?;-c^. ow. tuas) PROVERBS 3-14 19 6. I, 2. Sunu mm, gif ?^u hwret gehjetest for ?5inne frCond, '^onne hafast '?u ot^riim nifn {om. oc5rum m§n H.) ?>ln \v§cl geseald, 9nd ^u bist ^onne gebunden mid (5iem wordum '&'lnes ugnes muSes, 9nd geh?eft mid t5lnre agenre spruce. C. P. 192. 6. 3, 4. Do, mm sunu, sAvtS ic ^f© h^re ; alles 'Se selfne, for'Son tSu eai"t on borg gegan (began H.) 'Sinum friend. Ac iern nu ^nd onette, aw§ce hiene ; ne geSafa Su Slnum eagum ?^aet hie slapige, ne ne hnappigen Sme bri%\vas. C. P. 192. II Ne slapige no Sm eagan (eage H.), ne ne hnappigen 'Sine brSwas. c. P. 192. 6. 6. Du slawa, ga Ss to iemethylle, 9nd glem hu hie do's, gnd leorna 'SSr wisdom, c. P. 190, 192. 6. 12-14. Aworpen nign bi'S a unnyt, 9nd gS'5 mid wo mti'Se, gnd bicne'S mid SSm eagum, gnd trit mid 'Sjem fet, 9nd spricS mid ■Ssem fingre, 9nd on wore heortan biS yfel donde, 9nd on aelce tid saweS wrohte. c. P. 356. 10. 9. . . . Saette se libbe getreowlice se ])e bilwitlice libbe. C. P. 242. 10. 19. Ne bi'S nSfre slo oferspriec baton synne. c. P. 278. 11. 25. D3esm9nnes saul ]3e wel spric'5, lilo bi'S amaest; 9nd swse- hwa-sw^ oSerne Sr§ncS (dr§ncS H.), hs wirS self oferdrun- cen. C. P. 380. 11. 26. Se f'e his hwsete hyt, hiene wiergS Saet folc. c. p. 376. 14. 30. ... Saette Sis fliescKce llf sTe sefst, 9nd he sie 'Saere fl^esclican heortan hSlo, 9nd Seah Sa ban for him forrotigen \ c. P. 234. divide; habeto eas solus, nee sint 6. 12-14. Homo apostata, vir inuti- alieni participes tui. lis, graditur ore perverse, annuit 6. I, 2. Fill mi, si spoponderis pro oculis, terit pede, digito loquitur, amico tuo, defixisti apud extra- pravo corde machinatur malum, neum manum tuam, ( Greg. ins. et omni tempore iurgia seminat. etj illaqueatus es verbis oris tui, 10. 9. Qui ambulat simpliciter, am- et captus propriis sermonibus. bulat confidenter. . . . 6. 3, 4. Fac ergo quod dico, fill mi, 10. 19. In multiloquio non deerit et temetipsum libera ; quia inci- peccatum. . . . disti in manum proximi tui. Dis- 11. 25. Anima quae benedicit im- curre, festina, suscita amicum pinguabitur ; et qui inebriat, ipse tuum ; ne dederis somnum oculis quoque inebriabitur. tuis, nee dormitent palpebrae 11. 26. Qui abscondit frumenta, tuae. maledicetur in populis. . . . 6. 6. Vade ad formicam, piger, 14. 30. Vita carnium, sanitas cordis ; et considera vias eius, et disce putredo ossium, invidia. sapientiam. * A curious migtranslation. 2 20 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE II . . . Saette 'Saet flfesclice llf sie tSaere heortan li»lo. C. P. 234. II Daet is swiSe ryhte gecweden bl 'Sjem banum, Sset hie forrot- igen for SSm sefste. c. p. 234. 15. 7. Dysigra m9nna mod bi'S suI'Se unemn ^nd sulSe ungellc. C. P. 306. 15. 33. Slo ea'Smodnes iernt? beforan 'Ssem gilpe, gnd hio Gym's ser aer Sa weorcSmyndu. C. P. 298. 16. 5. . . . 'Saette God onscunige Slcne ofermodne m9n. c. P. 370. 16. iS. -^r Saes mQnnes hryre biS ?>aet mod upahafen. C. P. 298. 16. 32. B§tra biS se geSyldega wer Sonne se strgnga 9nd se kena ; 9nd str9ngra biS se 9nd Sristra Ipe his agen mod ofercymS 9nd gewilt, Sonne se Ipe faeste burg abrycS. c. P. 218. 17. 14. ... Saette se, se pe Sset waeter utforlete, wSre fruma Sgere towesnesse. C. P. 278. 18. 4. . . . Saette switSe deop pol w^re gewfred on Saes wisan m9nnes mode. c. p. 278. 18. 9. Se Se his willum for his sl^wSe forlsett his godan weorc, he biS gehcost Ssem m^n Se his towirpS. c. P. 445- 19. II. ^ghwelces lareowes lar wihst^ Surh his geSylde. C. P. 216. 19. 15. Slo sl^ewS glett sL^p on Sone m9nnan. . . . Daet migeorn- fulle mod 9nd Saet toslopene hyngreS. c. P. 282. 20. 4. For cile nyle se slawa §rigan on wintra ; ac he wile biddan on sumera, 9nd him m9n nyle Sonne sfllan. c. P. 284. II Se slawa nylle ^rian for ciele. c. p. 284. II Se slawa for S^m §ge Saes ciles nylle grian. c. P. 284. II Is . . . gecweden Saet he 9ft bedecige on sumera, 9nd him m9n Sonne noht ne sglle. c. P. 284. 15. 7. . . . Cor stultorum dissimile 18. 4. Aqua profunda verba ex ore erit. ^dri. . . . 15. 33. . . . Gloriam praecedit hu- 18. 9. Qui mollis et dissolutus est militas. in opera suo, fi'ater est sua opera 16. 5. Abominatio Domino {Greg. dissipantis. Domini) est omnis arrogans. ... 19. 11. Doctrina viri per patientiam 16. 18. ... Ante ruinam exaltatur noscitur. . . . spiritus. 19. 15. Pigredo immittit soporem, 16. 32. Melior est patiens viro forti ; et anima dissoluta esuriet. et qui dominatur animo suo, ex- 20. 4. Propter frigus piger arare pugnatore urbium. noluit ; mendicabit ergo aestate, 17. 14. Qui dimittit aquam, caput et non dabitur ilLi ((rre^. ei). est iurgiorum. . . . 1 'Noscitur' lias been, misread aa ' nascitur.' TRO VERBS 15-25 21 20. 21. Dset ierfe 'Sajt ge Srest sefter higiacS, set siSestan hit bicS bedieled Slcre bledsunge. C. P. 330. 20. 27. Daes m^nnes llf biS Godes leohtfaet ; 'S?et Godes leoht- faet geondsecS gnd geondllht ealle Sa diegelnesse (5a;re wambe. c. p. 258. 20. 30. ... tSsette slo wund wolde haligean, aefterSaem]:e hio wyrsmde. c. p. 256, 258. II Donne aflewS tSaet sar of ^sere wunde mid 'Sy wormse. C. p. 258. II . . . Saette 'Saet ilce bio bl Stem wundum J^e bio's oninnan SSre WQnibe. C. P. 258. II Dset worsm Sonne 'Sara wunda. ... c. P. 258. II Daet sar innan (Ssere W9nibe. ... C. P. 258. 21. 25. ^Ic idel mgn lifaS sefter his agnum dome. C. P. 283. 21. 26. Se Ipe ryhtwls biS, he bicS a s§llende, 9nd no ne blinS. c. p. 336. 21. 27, Ai'leasra offrung biS awierged, forS^m hio (hie H.) blo'5 brohte of unryhtum gestreonum, gnd of mandiedum. c. P. 342. 23. 34. . . . Saet hit wiere swelee se stiora slepe on midre s^, §nd forkire Saet stiorroSur. C. P. 431. 23. 35. Hi me wundedon, ^nd ic hit ne gefredde ; hi me drogon, 9nd ic hit nyste ; ^nd sona swa ic anwoc, swa wilnode ic 9ft wines. C. P. 431. 25. 28. . . . Ssette se m^n, se Ipe ne maeg his tungan gehealdan, sie gelicost openre byrg, SSre pe mid nane wealle ne biS ymbworht. c. P. 276. 20. 21. Haereditas, ad quam festi- 21. 27. Hostiae impiorum abomina- natur in principio, in novissimo biles, quia {Greg, quae) ofFeruntur benedictions carebit. ex scelere. 20.27. Lucerna Domini spiraculum 23, 34. Et eris sicut (Greg, quasi) hominis, quae investigat omnia dormiens in medio mari, et quasi secreta ventris. sopitus gubernator, amisso clavo. 20. 30. Livor vulneris absterget 23. 35. ... Verberaverunt me, sed {Greg, abstergit) mala, et plagae non dolui ; traxerunt me, et ego in secietioribus ventris. non sensi ; quando evigilabo, et 21. 25. Desideria occidunt pigrum rursus {Greg, rursum) vina re- ( Greg. In desideriis est omnis periam ? otiosus). . . . 25. 28. Sicut urbs patens et absque 21. 26. ... Qui autem {Greg. om. murorum ambitu, ita vir qui non autem) iustus est, tribuet, et non potest in loquendo cohibere spiri- cessabit. turn suum. 22 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 26. 10. Se gemetgaS ierre, se pe Sone dysegan h^t geswug- ian. C. P. 278. 27. 22. Deali 111911 ['Su] portige 'Sone dysegan on pllan, swS m^n corn deS mid pllstafe, ne meahSSu (meaht Su H.) his dysig him frgm adrlfan. c. P. 264, 266. 28. 20. Se pe sefter S^m higaS Saet he eadig sle in (on H.) 'Sisse worlde, ne biS he unsceaSfull. C. P. 330. 29. II. Se dysega unge'Syldega, all his ingeS^nc he geypt ; ac se wisa hit ieldcaS, 9nd bitt timan. C. P. 220. II Ac se wisa hilt his sprlece, Qnd bitt timan. c. P. 220. ECCLESIASTES. 3. 7. ... 'S^ette hwilum sle sprsece tiid, hwllum swiggean. c. p. 274. 5. 10 (Vulg. 9). Ne wierS se gidsere naefre full fios, 9nd se J^e worldwelan lufaS ungesceadwislice, ne Gym's him of tSsem nan waestm. C. P. 330. 7. 8 (Vulg. 9). . . . Saet bgtra bio se geSyldega wer "Sonne se gilpna. C. P. 216. 11. 4. Se J7e him ealneg wind ondr^t, he sSwS to seldon ; 9nd se ]?e him Sle wolcn ondr^t, ne rlpS se nsefre. C. P. 284. 11. 9. BliSsa, cnilit, on Sinum gioguShade. C. P. 385. SONG OF SOLOMON. 2. 6. Dryhtnes winestre hand is under minum heafde, 9nd his swiSre hand me beclipS. c. P. 3S9. 26. 10. ... Qui imponit stulto silen- 5. 9. Avarus non implebitur {Greg. tium, iras mitigat. impletur) pecunia ; et qui amat 27. 22. Si contuderis stultum in divitias, fructum noncapiet((7rf^. pila quasi ptisanas feriente {Greg. non capiat fructus) ex eis. . . . ferieuti) desuper pile, non au- 7. 9. . . . Melior est patiens arro- feretur ab eo stultitia eius. gante. 28. 20. ... Qui autem {Greg. om. 11. 4. Qui observat ventum non autem) festinat ditari, non erit seminat ; et qui considerat nubes innocens. numquam nietet. 29. II. Totum spiritum suuni pro- 11. 9. Laetare ergo {Greg.om. ergo), fert stultus; sapiens {Greg. ins. iuvenis, in adolescentia tua. . . . autem) dift'ert, et reservat in pos- terum. SONG OP SOLOMON. ECCLESIASTES. 2. 6. Laeva eius sub capite meo, 3. 7. . . . Tempustacendi, et tempus et dextera illius amplexabitur loquendi. ine. PROVERBS 26 — ISAIAH 23 23 3. 8. Haebbe eower selc his sweord be his 'Seo for nihtlocum §ge. c. P. 433. 7. 4. Din nosu is swelc, swelce se torr on Libano 'Syem munte. C. P. 64. II Din nosu is swelce se torr on Libano. c. P. 433. 8. 3. Dryhtnes winestre hand is under minum heafde, 9nd his swiSre hand me beclip'S. c. P. 389. 8. 13. Hlyst hider, Su pe eardast on friondes ortgearde, gnd gedoo Saet ic maege gehleran Sine stemne. c. P. 380. ISAIAH. 1. 16. ASweatS low, cSaet ge sin claene. c. P. 421. 3. 9. Hi iSrdon hira synna swa-swa Sodome dydon, ^nd hi hi nanwuht ne haelon. C. P. 427. 5. 8. Wa eow Ipe gadriacS hus to huse, ^nd spannaS 'Sone secer to SSm oSrum oS 'Sses Igndes mearce, swelce ge ane willen gebugean ealle 'Sas eorSan. C. P. 328. 6. 5. Wa me Saes ic swugode. c. P. 378. 6. 6, 7. See c. P. 48. 6. 8. Ic eom gearo, sgnde (s§nd H.) me. C. P. 48. 9. 13. Dis folc nis no gewgnd to '5Sm pe hie swing's, c. P. 266. 14. 13, 14. Ic wille wyrcean min setl on norSdsele, 9nd wille beon gellc (Sgem Hiehstan. c. P. no. 23. 4. Dios sse cwiS Saet Su Sin scamige, Sidon. c. P. 409. 3. 8. . . . Uniuscuiusque ensis super 5. 8. Vae qui coniungitis domum ad femur suum propter timores noc- domum, et agrum agro copulatis tumos. usque ad terminum loci ; num- 7. 4. ... Nasus tuus sicut turris Li- quid habitabitis vos soli ( Greg. ha.m {Greg, quae est in Libano) soli vos) in medio terrae ? 8. 3. Laeva eius sub capita meo, et 6, 5. . . . Vae mihi quia tacui. . . . dextera illius amplexabitur me. 6. 8. ... Ecce ego, mitte me. 8. 13. Quae habitas in hortis, amici 9. 13. ... Populus non est reversus auscultant ; fac me audire vocem ad percutientem se. tuam. 14. 13, 14. ... Sedebo in monte tes- T'^sATATT tamenti, in lateribus aquilonis, . . . similis ero Altissimo ( Greg. 1. 1 6. Lavamini, mundi estote. . . . Ponam sedem meam ad aquilo- 3, 9. ... Peccatum suum quasi nem, et ero similis Altissimo). (Greg, sicut) Sodoma praedica- 23. 4. Erubesce, Sidon: ait enim verunt, nee absconderunt. . . . [Greg. om. enim) mare. . . . 24 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 30. 20, 21. Din eag[aii] weorSaS geslonde 'Sinne beblodend, Qnd cSln earan gehiraS under bsec. c. P. 405. 32. 17. ... Sffitte slo swigge w^re 'Sfere ryhtwisnesse fultom ^nd midwyrhta. c. p. 278. 34. 15. ... Saet 'Sjer se iil hrefde se (his H.) holh. c. P. 240. 39. 4. See c. p. 38. 40. 9. Du Ipe wilt godspellian Sion, astig ofei' heanne munt. c. P. 80. 43. 25, 26. Dinra synna ne weor'Se ic gemunende, ac gemun 'Su hiora. C. P. 413. 48. 10. De ic geceas on Saem ofne pe Su on wiere asoden, Saet waes on 'Sinum iermSum. C. P. 180. 52. II. DoS Sow cl^ne, ge Ipe bera'S Godes fatu. c. P. 76. 54. 4. Ne ondi'ied Su Se, for'5£em 'Su ne wyi'Sest gescgnded. c. P. 180. 54. 4, 5. DSre scame 9nd 'S^re scande J^e Su on iugu'Se worhtes, ic gedo 'Sset Su forgitst ; gnd 'Sfes bismeres Sines wuduwanhades Su ne gemanst ; forS^m Sset is Sin Waldend J^e Se geworhte. c. P. 206, 54. II. Du earma, Su pe art mid Sy storme ^nd mid Ssere yste onw§nd gnd oferworpen. c. P. 180. 56. 4, 5. Dis cwiS Dryhten : Da afyrdan, Sa Se behealdaS minne raestedseg, 9nd geceosaS Sset ic wille, Qud minne freondscipe gehealSaS\ ic him s§lle on minum huse, 9nd bimian minum weallum, wic gnd b§teran n^man Sonne oSrum minum sunum oSSe dohtrum. c. p. 407. 30. 20, 21. . . . Et erunt oculi tui 54. 4, 5. Noli timere, quia non con- videntes praeceptorem tuum, et funderis. . . . Confusionis ado- aures tuae audient verbum post lescentiae tuae oblivisceris, et tergum. . . , opprobii viduitatis tuae non re- 32. 17. ... Cultus iustitiae silen- cordaberis amplius {Greg. om. tium. . . . amplius) ; quia dominabitur tui 34. 1 5. Ibi babuit foveam ericius qui fecit te. . . . 40.9. Super montem excelsum as- 54. 11. Paupercula, tempestate con- cende, tu qui evangelizas Sion. . . . vulsa. . . . 43. 25, 26. ... Et peccatorum tuo- 56. 4, 5. ... Haec dicit Dominus rum non recordabor (Gre^'. memor eunuchis : Qui custodierint sab- non ero). Reduc me in memoi'iam bata mea, et elegerint quae ego [Greg. Tu autem memor esto). . . . {Greg. om. ego) volui, et tenuerint 48. 10. ... Elegi te in camino pau- foedus meum [Greg, foedus meum pertatis. tenuerint), dabo eis in domo mea, 52.11. . . . Mundamini, qui fertis et in muris meis, locum et nomen vasa Domini. melius a filiis et filiabus. . . . » For 'gehealdaS.' ISAIAH 30 — JEREMIAH 1 25 56. lo. Dumbe liundas ne magon boorcan. c. P. 88. 56. II. Da hirdas nfefdon andgit. C. P. 26. 57. II. Ge sindon leogende ; nSron g5 no min gemunende, ne ge no ne getSoliton on eowerre heortan c5aet ic swugode, swelce ic hit ne gesawe. c. P. 150. 58. I. Cliopa, ond ne blin ; li§fe up 'Sine stefne swa 'Ser ((5es H.) bleme. C. P. 90. 58. 3. On eower festendagum biS ongieten eower willa. C. P. 314. 58. 4. To gemotum, 9nd to gecldum, 9nd to iersunga, 9nd to fyst- gebeate, ge faesta'S. C. P. 314. 58. 6, 7. Ne geceas ic no cSis festen, ac Syllic faesten ic geceas : Brec Sffim hyngriendum tSinne hlaf, 9nd 'Sone widfarendan 9nd ■Sone wJedlan It'ed on 'Sin hus. C. P. 314. 58. 9. Nu 'Su me clipodest ; nu ic eom her. c. P. 62. 61. 8. Ic eom Diyhten ; ic lufige ryhte domas, 9nd ic hatige \>a, lac Tpe bloS on woh gereafodu. C. P. 342. 66. 2. To hw^m locige ic buton to 'SSm ea^modum, 9nd to t^gem stUlum, 9nd to 'Sam ]?e him ondrJedaS mm word ? c. P. 298. JEEEMIAH. 1. 6. Eala, eala, eala, Dryhten, ic eom cniht ; hwoet can ic sprecan ? c. p. 48. 56. 10. ... Canes muti, non valentes Numquid tale est) ieiunium quod latrare. . . . elegi '? . . . {Greg. ins. Sed) frange 56. II. . . . Ipsi pastores ignorave- esurienti panem tuum, et egenos runt intelligentiam. . . . vagosque indue in domum 57. II. ... Mentita es, et mei non tuam. . . . es recordata, neque cogitasti in 58. 9. . . . Clamabis, et dicet {Greg. corde tuo ? quia ego tacens, et Adhuc loquente te dicam) : Ecce quasi non videns. . . . adsum. . . . 58. I. Clama, ne cesses; quasi tuba 61. 8. . . . Ego Dominus diligens exalta vocem tuam. . . . iudicium, et odio habens rapinam 58. 3. . . . Ecce in die ieiunii vestri in holocausto. . . . invenitur voluntas vestra {Greg. 66. 2. ...Ad quern autem {Greg, sec. Ital. In diebus ieiuniorum om. autem) respiciam nisi ad vestrorum inveniuntur voluntates pauperculum, et contritum spiritu vestrae). . . . {Greg. sec. Ital. nisi ad humilem 58.4. Ecce ad lites et contentiones et quietum), et trementem ser- ieiunatis, et percutitis pugno im- mones meos ? pie {Greg. sec. Ital. In indicia et TFRTTMTAn rixas ieiunatis, et percutitis pug- J iLltJ^iViiAU. nis) 1. 6. ... A, a, a, Domine Deus, ecce 58. 6, 7. Nonne hoc est magis ( Greg. nescio loqui, quia puer ego sum. 26 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 1. 10. Ic haebbe Dederunt terrain meam |on ^agna quam ego aedificayi sibi in hereditatem cum gaudio, ^^ domum regm, (Greg. ins. et) in et toto corde, et ex animo. . . . ^«^«^^ fortitudmis meae, et m 43. 13. Istae autem mensurae al- glona decons mei ? taris . . . : in sinu eius erat cubi- tus . . . ; haec quoque erat fossa un^FA altaris {Greg. sum.). 44. 12. ... Facti sunt domui Israel 2. 8. . . . Dedi ei (Greg, eis) fru- in offendiculuin iniquitatis. . . . mentum, et (Greg. om. et) vinum, 44.20. (Gre^. «?^.Sacerdotes) caput et oleum, et argentum multipli- autem (Greg. om. autem) suum cavi ei (Crre^'. eis), etaurum, quae non radent, neque comam nu- fecerunt Baal, trient, sed tondentes attondent 4. 9. Et erit sicut populus, sic (Greg, attondeant) capita sua. sacerdos. . . . EZEKIEL 3G — ^ZEPHAXIAH 1 31 5. I. Yfle prsostas bloS folces hryre^ c. p. 30. 8. 4. Hi ricsodon, naes Seah mines '^911068 ; ealdorm§n hi wa^ron, 9nd ic hi ne cu'Se. C P. 26. 9. S. Yfle preostas bloS folces hiyre^. c. P. 30. JOEL. 2. 15. Gehalgia'S eower faesten. c. p. 314. " AMOS. 1. 13. Hie snidon tSa Galatiscan wif J?e bearneacne wseron, Qiid woldon mid Sy geryman hiora landgemSru. c. P. 366. II M9n sniS 'Sa bearneacan wif on Gala's, hiora mearce mid to ryman [hrymanne] (rymanne H. ). C P. 366. HABAKKUK. 2. 6. Wa SSm 'pe ealneg gadraS on hiene selfne Sset h^fige f§nn, 9nd gemanigfaldaS Saette his ne bi(5. C. P. 328. ZEPHANIAH. 1. 14-16. Git cymS se micla 9nd se mSra 9nd se ggeslica Godes daeg ; se daeg biS ierres dseg, 9nd Slestra 'Sseg, 9nd mistes 9nd gebreces 9nd blemena 'Saeg, 9nd gedynes ofer ealla truma ceastra 9nd ofer ealle hea hwammas. c. p. 244. 5. I. Laqueus facti estis specula- HABAKKUK. tioiii(Gre(/-Laqueusruinaepopuli „ , -t^ • • ij.- t i. • -, ^ ^ ^ 2. 6. . . . Vae ei, qui multiplicat noii mei, sacerdotes). . . . sua ; usquequo . . .aggravat contra se clensum lutum ? 8. 4. Ipsi regnaverunt, et non ex me ; principes exstiterunt, et non cognovi (Greg, ego ignoravi). . . . 9. 8. ... Propheta laqueus ruinae factus est {Greg. Laqueus ruinae 1. 14-16. luxta est ((rr^p'. Ecce) dies populi mei, sacerdotes ). Domini magnus ( Greg. ins. et horri- ZEPHANIAH. JOEL. Sanctificate ieiunium. , bilis, from Joel 2. 3 1 ) Dies irae, dies ilia, . . . dies tenebrarum et caliginis, dies nebulae et turbi- AMOS. uis, dies tubae et clangoris super 1. 13. ... Dissecuerit (Greg. Secue- (Greg. ins. omnes) civitates muni- runt) praegnantes Galaad ad tas et super (Greg. ins. omnes) dilatandum terminum suum. angulos excelsos. ' There is considerable uncertainty whether the Old English is meant for the translation of these passages, or of Ezek. 44. 12. 32 GKEGOKYS PASTORAL CAKE HAGGAI. 1. 6. S^ Ipe medsoeattia^ gadra?. he ^g'^^ ^^ on t^yrelne pohhan. C. P. 3+j. ZECHAEIAH. 7. 5. 6. Eall ?3et t^aet g6 fa&ston ^nd weopon on ^sem. fiftan ond on ?£eni siofo^an mon?e nu hiindsiofontig vrintra, ne feste ge t^ses nauht me ; 9nd ^onne ge ^ton, ?onne «ton ge eow selfum, 9nd 'Jonne g6 druneon. t?onne tfnmcon ge eow selfam- c. P. 314. 316. MALACHL 2. :• Slo je sceal blon soht on 'Saes sacerdes mu?e, ond his weloras gehealdacS ?aet ondgit, for^«m he biS Godes boda to t^sem folc-e. C. P. 90. TOBIT. 4. 17 (Vulg. iS). S^te ^'in win. ^nd lege 'Jinne hlaf, ofer ryhtwTsra raonna byrgenne, ond ne et his nauht, ne ne drinc mid ^iem synfullum- C P. 3^6. WISDOM OF SOLOMOX. 1. ;. Daes Halgan Gastes lar^ wille fleon leasimge. c. p. ip. 2- i4. ... quasi unns ex iUis. n 10. Fili ne in multis sint actus 32. 10, 11. Adolescent, loquere in tui. . . . causa tua ris ; [Greg. ins. et 1 si 12. 5. 6. Da bono, et non receperis bis interrogatus fueiis, habeat peccatorem ; benefac humilL et caput [Greg, initium) responsum non dederis impio. . . . tuum > Greg, responsio tua t. 19. I. ... Qui spemit modiea 1 Greg. 32. 24. Fili, sine consilio nihil facias, modica spemit , paulatim decidet et post fectom non poenitebis. Greg, deciditi. B 34 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 34. 20 (Vulg. 24). Se 'pe me br^ngS lac of earmes m^nnes Shtum on woh gereafodum, 'Sonne bi5 Saet swelce hwa wille blotan Sgem fseder to 'Sance ^nd to lacum his agen beam, 9nd hit Sonne cwelle beforan his eagum. C. P. 342. 34. 25 (Vulg. 30). Gif hwa on hand nimS hwaet unclSnes 9nd hine aefter S^m a'S[w]ih'S, pnd 'Sonne §ft [fehSJ on 'Siiet ilce 'Saet he eer feng, hwset forst^nt him Sonne 'Sjet sbrre 'Sweal ? C. P. 421. MATTHEW. 3. 10. Nu is 'Sonne sio aex as§tt on Sone wyrttruman 'Sass treowes. C. P. 338. ^Ic trlow man sceal ceorfan, ]?e gode w^stmas ne bir'S, ^nd weorpan on fyr, 9nd forbaernan. c. P. 338. 5. 9. Eadige bio's 'Sa gesibsuman, forS^m hie bloS Godes beam gen§mde. c. P. 358. 5. 15. Ne scyle nan m9n blsecern ^lan under mittan. c. P. 42. 5. 16. DoS eower godan weorc beforan mannum, 'Sset hi msegen weor'Sian eowerne Faeder 'Se on hefonum is. C. P. 449. il . . . 'Sast hi weor'Sigen eowerne Feeder Se on hefonum is. C. P. 451. 5. 23, 24. Gif Su wille 'Sin lac br§ngan to Stem wiofude, 9nd Su ■Sonne 'S^r ryhte ofS§nce hwsethugu 'Saes J^e 'Sin niehsta 'Se wi'Serweardes gedon hsebbe, forl^et 'Sonne an 'Sin lac beforan ^gem wiofude, 9nd fer merest aefter him ; l^t inc geseman ^r 'Su Sin lac br§nge ; br§ng siSSan &n lac. C. P. 348. 34. 24. Qui offert sacrificium ex 5. 9. Beati pacifici, quoniam filii {Greg, de) substantia paupenim, Dei vocabuntur. quasi qui victimat filium in con- 5. 15. Neque accendunt lucernam, spectu patris sui. et ponunt earn sub medio. . . . 34. 30. Qui baptizatur a mortuo, et 5. 16. ... Videant opera vestra iterum ta,ng-it eum ( G}rg. ilium), bona, et glorificent Patrem ves- quid proficit lavatio illius {Greg. trum qui in coelis est. eius)? 5. 23, 24. Si ergo (Greg.om. ergo) MATTHEW. oflFers munus tuum ad altare, et ibi 3. 10. lam enim [Greg. om. enim) recordatus fueris quia frater tuus securis ad radieem arborum [Greg. habet aliquid adversum te ; relin- arboris) posita est; omnis ergo que ibi munus tuum ante altare, et {Greg. om. ergo) arbor, quae non vade prius reconciliari fratri tuo, facit fructum bonum, excidetur, et tunc veniens offeres munus et in ignem mittetur. tuum. ECCLESIASTICUS 34 — MATTHEW 12 35 5. 44. LufiacS gowre fiend, 9nd dotS tSaem wel Ipe eow Sr hatedon, 9nd gebidda'5 for 'pa pe eower ehtatS ^nd 6ow laS dots. c. P. 222. 6. I. GlematS tSset ge eowre ryhtwisnesse ne don beforan man- num. C. P. 334. II BehealdaS eow Sajt ge ne don eowre i-yhtwlsnesse beforan monnum, Syljes hi eow hgrien. c. P. 449, 451. 6. 2. ... Sjet 'Saet wsere hira med. C. P. 449. 6. 3. . . . (58et slo winestre h9nd ne scyle witan hwoet slo swi'Sre do. C. P. 322. 6. 24. Ne maeg nan m9n twSm hlafordum hieran. C. P. 128. 7. 3. Hwaet, Su meaht gesion lytelne el's on Sines bro'Sur eagan, 9nd ne meaht gefredan micehie beam on tSlnum agnan. C. P. 224. 7. 5. Du llcettere, aweorp Srest of 'Sinum agnum eagan 'Sone greatan beam, 9nd cunna siS'San hwas'Ser Su msege adon 'Sone el's of Sines broSur eagan. C. P. 224. 7. 13. Daet is swiSe rum weg 9nd widgille pe Iset to forwyrde (fa>r- wyrde H.). c. p. 132. 7. 19. See Matt. 3. 10. 10. 16. Bio ge sw^e waere sw£e n^dran, 9nd swS bilwite swae culfran. c. p. 236. 10. 34. Ne wene ge no 'Sset ic to 'Sjem come on eorSan 'Sa3t ic sibbe sgnde on eor'San, ac sweord. C. P. 352. 12. 36. ^Ices unnyttes wordes c5ara J^e m^n sprecaS hie sculon §ft ryht awyrcean on domes dsege. C P. 280. 5. 44. ... Diligite inimicos vestros, bem de oculo tuo, et tunc videbis benefacite his qui oderunt vos, eiicere festucam de oculo fratris et orate pro persequentibus et tui. calumniantibus vos. 7. 13- • • • Lata porta {Greg. oin. 6. I. Attendite ne iustitiam ves- porta) et spatiosa via est quae tram faciatis coram hominibus, ducit ad perditionem. . . . ut videamini ab eis. . . . 10. 16. . . . Estote ergo (Grer/. out. 6. 2. ... Amen dico vobis, rece- ergo) prudentes sicut serpentes, perunt mercedem suam. et simplices sicut columbae. 6. 3. ... Nesciat sinistra tua quid 10. 34. Nolite arbitrari quia pacem faciat dextera tua. venerim ( Greg, venei-im pacem ) 6. 24. Nemo potest duobus dominis niittere in terram ; nonveni pacem servire. . . . mittere, sed gladium. 7. 3. Quid autem vides festucam in 12. 36. . . . Omne verbum otiosum oculo fratris tui, et trabem in quod locuti fuerint homines, red- oculo tuo non vides ? dent rationera de eo ( Greg, de eo 7. 5. Hjpocrita, eiice primum tra- rationemj in die iudicii. D 2 3G GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 12. 43-45. Donne an uncltene gast biS adrifen of 'Sfeni m§n, 'Sonne bits Sset bus clgene ; ac gif be §ft cymS, ^nd Saet bus idel gemett, be bit gefylle'S mid swiSe mgnegum. c. P. 282. 13. ?8. Sum man Sis dyde ]?e ure flond waes. C. P. 356. 15. II. Ne geuncLensaS Saet no Sone m9n Saet on bis muS g^S ; ac Saet 'Saet of bis muSe gfeS, 'Saet hiene geunclJensaS. C. P. 316. 15. 14. Gif se blinda 'Sone blindan l^deS, bl feallaS begen on anne pyt. C. P. 28. 16. 26. Hwset forst§nt jenegum m§n ('Sfet H.), Seab be gemangige (mangige H.) Saet be ealne 'Sisne middangeard age, gif be bis saule forspildeS ? c. P. 332. 18. 6. Se pe «nigne Sissa ierminga beswlc^, bini wj^re bgtre Sset bim wSre sumu esulcweorn to S^m swiran getlgged, 9nd sw» aworpen to sjbs grunde. C. P. 30. 19. II. Ne underfoS no ealle m§n Sas lare. C. P. 409. 20. 25-28. Wiete ge Saette Seoda kyningas beoS Saes folces walden- das, 9nd "^a Ipe 'Sone onwald begaS, ble beocS blafurdas gebatene. Ne sle bit Sonne no swse betweoxn Sow ; ac swS-bwelc-swse wille betweoxn eow fyrmest beon, se sceal blon eower 'Segn, ^nd swse-bwelc-swse wille betweoxn eow mjest beon, sie se 12. 43-45. Cuin autem immundus prodest homini, si mundum uni- spiritus exierit ab homine, ... versum {Greg, totum mundum) veniens inveniet earn vacantem, lucretur, animae vero suae de- scopis mundatam. . . . Tunc vadit, trimentum patiatur ( Greg, fa- et assumit septem alios spiritus ciat) ? . . . secum, . . . habitant ibi. . . . (Greg. 18, 6. Qui autem (Greg. oni. autem) sum. Uno quidem exeunte spiritu scandalizaverit unum de pusillis munda domus dicitur, sed multi- istis qui in me credunt, expedit plicius redeunte dum vacat occu- ei ut suspendatur mola asinaria patur). in collo eius, et demergatur in 13. 28. ... Inimicus homo hoc profundum maris. fecit. ... 19. II. . . . Non omnes capiunt ver- 15. II. Non quod intrat in os coin- bum istud (Greg. hoc). . . . quinat hominem ; sed quod pro- 20. 25-28. . . . Scitis quia principes cedit ex ore, hoc (Greg. om. hoc) gentium dominantur eorum, et coinquinat hominem. qui maiores sunt potestatem exer- 15. 14. ... Caecus autem si caeco cent in eos. Non ita erit inter ducatum praestet (Greg. Si caecus vos ; sed quicumque voluerit inter caeco ducatum praebeat), ambo vos maior fieri, sit vester minister, in foveam cadunt. et qui voluerit inter vos primus 16. 26. Quid enim [Greg. om. enim) esse, erit vester servus ; sicut(Gre^. MATTHEW 12-24 37 eower Seow ; swit-sw.^ m9nnes sunu, . . . ne com he no to ^sem on eortSan ^xt him 111911 Ssnade, ac 'Sset ho wolde tSenian. c. p. 120. II Ne com ic to 'Son on eor'San Sset m6 mgn (5enode, ac to (5on tSset ic wolde 'Segnian. c. P. 300. 23. 6, 7. Hi seceaS pxt hi mgn Srest grete 9nd weor'Sige on ceapstowum ^iid on gebiorscipum, 9nd Ippet hi fyrmest hlynigen set ^fengiflum, ynd ]?9et yldeste setl on gemetingum hi seceacS. c. p. 26. 23. 13. Na'Ser ne hie selfe on ryhtne weg gan noldon, ne oc^rum ge'Safian. c. p. 58. 23. 23. Ge tlogoSia'S eowre mintan 9nd eowerne dile 9nd eowerne kymen, 9nd IStacS untiogotSad Sjette dionvyrt5re is eowra otJra aehta, 9nd Sa bebodu 'Se glet maran siiit on 'S^ere jewe g6 no ne healdaS, ^xi is ryht dom 9nd mildheortnys 9nd trsowa. C. P. 439- 23. 24. . . . t5jBt hi wiSbleowen tSjiere fleogan, 9nd forswulgun Sone olfend. c. p. 439. 23. 27. ... 'Sfet hi -svicren gellcost deadra manna byrgennum, c*^a bloS titan oft swl(5e wlitige geworhte, 9nd bloS innan swlSe fule gefylde. C. P. 449. 24. 4S-51. Se yfela ^^eow cwiS on his mode : Hit biS l9ng hwonne se hlaford cume ; ic nifeg slean 9nd ierman mine heafiidge- maeccean ; itt him 'Sonne 9nd drinc'S mid 'Ssem druncenwilhim m9nnum, 9nd iSt his hlafordes gebod to glemeliste. Donne 2 quia) filius liominis non venit 23. 34. . . . Excolantes (Greg. Li- ministrari, sed ministrare. . . . quantes) culicem, cameluin autem 23. 6, 7. Amant autem primes recu- glutientes. bitusincoenis,etprimascathedras 23.27. . . . Similes estis sepulcris in synagogis, et salutationes in dealbatis, quae a foris parent fore. . . . {Greg. sum. Primas hominibus speciosa, intus vero salutationes in fore, primes in plena sunt ossibus mortuorum et coenis recubitus, primas in con- omni spurcitia [Greg. sum. Quos ventibus catbedras quaeruntj. recte sepulcra dealbata speciosa 23. 13. . . . Vosenim non intratis, nee exterius, sed mortuorum ossibus introeuntes sinitis intrare {Greg. plena . . .). sum. Nee ipsi intrant, nee alios 24. 48-51. Si autem {Greg. Quod si) intrare permittunt). dixerit mains servus ille {Greg. 23. 23. ... Decimatis mentham et ille servus) in corde suo : Moram anetbum et cyminum, et reliquis- facit dominus mens venire ; et tis( Greg, relinquitis) quae graviora coeperit percutere conserves suos, sunt legis, iudicium et misericor- manducet autem et bibat cum diam et fidem, . . . ebriosis {Greg, ebriis) ; veniet 38 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE Gym's his hlaford on 'SEem dnege ]?e he ne wen's, gnd on 'Sa tiid Saet he hiene ^r nat ; hasfS hine 'Sonne siSSan for aenne llcettere. c. P. 120. 25. .8. See c. P. 58. 25. 24 ff. See c. p. 378. 25. 41. GewltaS fr9m me, awiergede, on eee fyr, Saet wres gegear- vvod diofle 9nd his §nglum. c. p. 328. 25. 42, 43. Me hyngrede, Qud ge me nauht ne saldon etan ; me Syrste, 9nd ge me ne saldon drincan ; ic wses cuma, 9nd ge me noldon onfon ; ie waes nacod, 9nd ge me noldon bewrlon ; ic waes untrum 9nd on carcaerne, 9nd ge min noldon fandian. c. P. 328. 28. 10. FaraS 9nd cySaS minum broSrum ]?£et hie cumen to Gali- leum ; Ster hie me gesloS. c. P. 42. MAEK. 9. 36. /See Matt. IG. 26. 9. 5o(Vulg. 49). HabbaS ge sealt on eow, 9nd sibbehabbaS betweoh eow. c. P. 92. II HabbaS ge sealt on eow, 9iid sibbe betweoh eow. C. P. 94. II HabbaS sealt on eow, 9nd (habbaS H.) sibbe betweoxen eow. C. P. 346. LUKE. 2. 42, 43, 46. . . . Saette ure H^elend, Sa he waes twglfwintre, wurde beaeftan his meder 9nd his mjegum innan Ssere ceastre Hieru- salem. Ac 9ft, 'Sa his m^gas hine sohton, Sa fundon hie hiene dominus servi illius in die qua me ; infirmus et in carcere, et non non sperat, et hora qua ignorat, visitastis me. et dividet eum, partemque eius 28. 10. Ite, nuntiate (Greg, dicite) ponet cum hypocritis. . . . fratribus meis (Greg. om. rel.) ut 25.41. . . . Discedite a me, male- eant in Galilaeam; ibi me vide- dicti, in ignem aeternum, qui bunt. paratus est diabolo et angelis MARK. eius. 25. 42, 43. Esurivi enim (Greg. om. enim), et non dedistis mihi mandu- intervos" care; sitivi, et non dedistis mihi potum (Grf^f.bibere); hospeseram, et non collegistis me; nudus, et 2. 42, 43, 46. ... Cum factus esset 9. 49. . . . Habete in vobis sal {Greg. sal in vobis), et pacem habete LUKE. ... Cm non cooperuistis [Greg, operuistisj annorum duodecim, . . . remansit MATTHEW 25 — LUKE 12 39 tomiddes 'Sara wietena tSe tS^er wisoste wjcron in Hierusalem, hlystende hiora worda, ^nd frinende liiora lara. c. P. 385. 3. 9. Sec Matt. 3. 10. 6. 24. Wa eow welegum. c. P. 180. 6. 25. Wa eow J'e nu lil§hha'S, for(5Sni gg sculon §ft wepan. c. P. 186. 6. 30. S§le sfilcum 'Sara \>e 'Se bidde. c. P. 324. 7. 47. Hire sint forgifena swic5e manega synna, for'Sgem'Se hlo swlSe hrsowsade. c. p. 411. 8. 14. Hiora sJed gefeollun on ]>& Somas. Daet sindon Sa J)e gehlera'5 Godes word, 9nd mid Sjiire geornfulnesse 9nd mid ■Ssei'e wilnunge cSisse worlde 9nd hiere welena biS asmorad Sset ssed Godes worda, tSeah hie tipasprytten, tSaet hie ne moton full- growan ne wsestmbsere weorSan. c. P. 66. 9. 62. ... tSaet nan m9n ne scyle don his h9nd to S^ere sylg, 9nd hawian underbaec. c. P. 403. 10. 30, 33, 34- He lierde cSurh cSa tiolunga Saes Samaritaniscan ymb Sone gewundedan, j^e m9n laedde healfcwicne to 'Ssem giesthuse, 9nd baed Saet m9n sceolde segSer ge win ge §le geotan on his wunde. C. P. 124. 11. 24. /See Matt. 12. 43-45- 12. 23. Mare is 'Saet mod Sonne se m^te, 9nd se llch9ma Sonne 'Sset hraegl. C. P. 326. puer lesus in lerusalem. . . . Inve- suam ad aratrum, at respiciens nerunt ilium in temple sedentem retro, aptus est regno Dei [Greg. in medio doctorum, audientem coelorum). illos, et interrogantem. ... 10. 30, 33, 34. ... Plagis impositia 6. 24. ... Vae vobis divitibus. . . . abierunt semivivo relicto, Samari- 6. 25. ... Vae vobis qui ridetis nunc, tanus autem quidam iter faciens, quia ( Greg, quoniam) lugebitis et venit secus eum, et videns eum, {Greg. om. lugebitis et) flebitis. misericordia motus est. Et ap- 6. 30. Omni autem { Greg. om. autem) preplans (al. appropinquans) petenti te, tribue. . . . alligavit vulnera eius, infundens 7. 47. . . . Remittuntur ei peccata oleum et vinum ; et impenens multa, queniam {Greg, quia) di- ilium in iumentum suum, duxit lexit multum. ... in stabulum, et curam eius egit 8. 14. Qued {Greg. Semen) autem {Greg. sum. Per Samaritani stu- (Greg. ins. quedjin spinas cecidit, dium semivivus in stabulum duci- hi sunt qui audierunt ( Greg. ins. tur, et vinum et oleum vulneribus verbum), et a sollicitudinibus et eius adhibetur). divitiis et voluptatibus vitae 12. 23. Anima plus est {Greg. Plus euntes suffocantur, et non re- est namque anima) quam esca, et ferunt fructum. corpus plus {Greg. om. plus) quam 9. 62. . . . Nemo mittens manum vestimentum. 40 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 12. 42. Hwa wenstu 'Sset sle to 'Sfem getreow 9nd [to] Zsem. wis brytnere t^aet hine God gesgtte ofer his hired, to 'Sjem 'Sset he him to tide gemetlice ged»le Sone hw^te ? c. P. 459. 12. 47- Se Segn, se Se %Yat his hlafordes willan, 9nd 'Sonne nyle wyrcean sefter his hlafordes willan, he biS manigra wita wyrtSe. c. p. 429. 13. 6 ff. See c. P. 336. 13. 27. GewltaS frQm me, ge unryht^^'yrhtan ; nat ic hwaet ge sint. C. P. 26. 14. 1 1. ^Ic 'Sara Se hiene selfne upahgfeS, he wierS gehlened. C. P. 298. ^Ic Sara 'Se biS geea'Smed, he biS iipahafen. c. P. 298. 14. 12-14. Donne Su htebbe gegearwod underngifl oSSe a;fengifl, ne laSa S^rto no (Su no S^rto H.) Sine friend, ne Sinne (Sine H.) broSur, ne Sine cuSan, ne Sine welegan neahgeburas, Sylifes hie Se don Saet selfe. Ac Sonne Su forme (feorme H.) gierwe on aelmessan, laSa S^erto wfedlan, 9nd wanhale, ^nd healte, 9nd blinde ; Sonne bist Su eadig, forSon hie nyton mid hw^em hie hit Se forgieldan. c. P. 322, 15. 7. Mara gefea wyrS on hefonum for anum hreowsiendum Sonne ofer nigon 9nd hundnigontig ryhtwisra S^ra Se him nan Searf ne biS hreowsunga. C. P. 411. 16. 19. ... Saet he felce daege simblede, 9nd mid micebe wiste 12. 42. ... Quis, putas, est fidelis aut coenam, noli vocare amicos dispensator et prudens, quern con- tuos, neque fratres tuos, neque stituet ( Greg, constituit ) dominus cognates, neque vicinos divites, supra ((Jre^r. super jfamiLiamsuam, ne forte te et ipsi {Greg, et ipsi ut det illis in tempore tritici te) reinvitent, et fiat tibi retri- mensuram ? butio. Sed cum facis convivium, 12. 47. . . . Servus, qui cognovit voca pauperes, debiles, claudos, voluntatem domini sui, et non et ( 6rrf(7. o>«. et ) caecos ; et beatus praeparavit, et non fecit secun- ens, quia non liabent retnbuere dum voluntatem eius, vapulabit tibi. . . . multis. 15. 7. . . . Gaudium erit in coelo 13. 27. . . . Nescio vos unde sitis ; super uno peccatore poenitentiam discedite a me, omnes operarii agente (Greg, poenitente), [Greg. iniquitatis {Greg. Recedite a me ins. magis) quam super nonagin- operarii iniquitatis ; nescio qui ta novem iustis, qui non indigent estisj. poenitentia ( G>-eg. quibus non 14. II. . . . Omnis qui se exaltat opus est poenitentia). humiliabitur ; et {Greg, omnis) 16. 19. ... Qui induebatur purpura qui se humiliat exaltabitur. et bysso, et {Greg, qui) epulabatur 14. 12-14. . . . Cum facis prandium quotidie splendide. LUKE 12-24 41 wsere gefiormod, gnd tolce dnege gegl§nged mid purpuran ^nd mid hwltum hraegle. C. P. 336. II . . . '?a?tte ^Ice d^ege symblede. C. P. 309. 16. 24. Fseder Habraham, miltsa me, 9nd onsgnd Ladzarus, (5a?tte he gew^te his ytemestan finger on waettre, ^nd mid tSaJm gecele mine tungan, for'Siiem ic eom cwielmed on 'Sys liege. C. P. 309. 16. 25. Du onfenge Sin god eal her on worulde. C. P. 391. 17. 10. Donne ge eall haebben gedon 'Sget Sow beboden is, 'Sonne cweSe ge Saet ge slen vinnytte Seowas, forS^m ge Sfet an worhton Sget ge niede scoldon. C. P. 322. 18. 12. Ic faeste tuwa on wucan. C. P. 312. 18. 14. See Luke 14. 11. 21. 19. On 6o(w)rum geSylde ge gehealdaS eowra saula. C. P. ->is. 21. 34, 35. BehealdaS eow Saet ge ne geh§fegien eowre heortan mid oferSte gnd oferdrynce, ^nd mid mgnigfealdre gleminge Sisse worlde, . . . Syl^s eow hrsedlice on becume se f^rlica domes daeg ; ... he cymS sw»-sw^ grin ofer ealle tSa J^e eardiaS ofer eorSan. c. P. 128. II BehaldaS eow S?et lowre heortan ne sTen geh§fgode mid oferSte Qnd druncennesse, ^nd on to manigfaldum ymbehogan Sisse worlde, Syh^s low on Sjem weorcum gemete se reSa 9nd se §geslica Saeg, se cymS ofer ealle eorSwaran unSinged (unge- Singed H.), sw^-sw^ grin. C. P. 316. 24. 49. SittaS eow nu glet innan ceastre, oS-Saet ge weorSen full- gearowode mid Siem g^sSlican craefte. C. P. 385. 16. 24, . . . Pater Abraham, miserere 21. 34, 35. Attendite autem vobis, mei, et mitte Lazarum, ut intingat ne forte ( Greg. I ut non) graventur extremum digiti sui in aquam, corda vestra in crapula et ebrie- ut refi-igeret linguam meam, quia tate, et {Greg. l aut in) curis huius crucior in hac flamma. vitae ( Greg, i mundi ), et ( Greg, i 16. 25. ... Recepisti bona in vita ne forte) superveniat in vos repen- tua. tina dies ilia ; tamquam laqueiis 17. 10. ... Cum feceritis omnia enim superveniet in {Greg, i quae praecepta sunt vobis, dicite : veniet super) omnes qui sedent Servi inutiles sumus ; quod de- super faciem omnis terrae. buimus facere, fecimus. 24. 49. . . . Vos autem sedete in 18. 12. leiuno bis in sabbato. . . . civitate, quoadusque induamiui 21. 19. In patientia vestra posside- virtute ex alto. bitis animas vestras. ^8E LIBf?^ \^ OV THE ' UNIVERSITY 42 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE JOHN. 1. ir. Da 'pe hiene onfengon, he salde him onwald 'Saet hie meahton beon Godes beam. c. P. 84. 5. 30. Ne mseg ic nana wuht don mines agnes ^Qnees, ac sua ic dsme sua ic minne Feeder gehlere. c. P. 307. Ne sece ic no minne willan, ac mines Faeder ^e me hider s§nde. C. P. 307. 6. 15. ludeas comon ^nd woldon hine don nidenga to kyninge. Da se Hselend ])set ongeat, Ipa becirde he hi 9nd gehydde hine. C. P. 32. 7. 38. See c. p. 467. 10. 12. See c. p. 88. 14. 27. Mine sibbe ic eow s§lle, gnd mine sibbe ic Isete to low. C. P. 350. 16. 12. Fela ic haebbe eow to ssecganne, ac ge hit ne magon nu git aberan. c. P. 236. 16. 22. ;^ft ic eow geslo, ^nd Sonne blissiaS eowre heortan, 9nd eowerne gefean Sow nan m9n aet ne genim'S. c. P. 186. 21. 16. And^ 9ft he cwaeS to Petre 'Ssem apostole : Petrus, lufast 'Su me ? He cwseS : Du wast Ipset ic t5e lufige. And ^ ]?a cwseS Dryhten : Fed Sonne min sceap, gif Su me lufige. C. P. 42. JOHN. 16. 12. ... Multa habeo vobis 1. 12. Quotquot autem receperunt dicere, sed {Greg. ins. nunc) non cum, dedit eis potestatem filios potestis {Greg. ins. illaj portare Dei fieri. . . . mode {Greg. om. modo). 5. 30. Non possum ego a me ipso 16. 22. ... Iterum autem {Greg.om. (G^re^. Ego a me ipso non possum) autem) videbo vos, et gaudebit facere quidquam ; {Greg. ins. sed) cor vestrum, et gaudium vestrum sicut audio, iudico, . . . qm2,{Greg. nemo toilet a vobis. om. quia) non quaere voluntatem 21. 16. Dicit ei iterum {Greg. Hine meam, sed voluntatem eius qui Petro ait) : Simon loannis, diligis misit me (G'rej^. ins, Patris). {G>'eg. amas) me? Ait illi : 6. 15. lesus ergo cum cognovisset Etiam, Domine, tu scis quia amo quia venturi essent ut raperent te. Dicit ei : Pasce agnos meos eum, et facerent eum regem, fugit ( Greg- Qui cum se amare protinus iterum in montem ipse solus. respondisset, audivit : Si diligis 14. 27. Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem me, pasce oves measj. meam do vobis. . . . JOHN 1 — ACTS 17 43 ACTS. 2. 3. See c. p. 92. 2. 22-24. Done Nazareniscaii H^lend 'Saet wses afandon' wer betwux 5ow on mfegenuni gnd tacnuni ^nd foretacnum, ■§& worhte Dryhten Surh hine ongemang eow, Sone ge beswicon 'Surh unryhtwisra m9nna hgnda, 9nd ofslogon 9nd ahengon 'Surh eower ge'Seaht, swa-swa hit God aet fruman wisse ^nd Seah ge'Safode ; se ilea God liine §ft aweahtc to onliesanne Sa gehfeftan on h§lle. c. p. 443. 2. 37, 38. Hwaet magon we his nu don, bio'Sur Petrus ? Petrus andswarode ^nd cwaeS : DO'S ^rest hreowsunga, 9nd weorSaS sic^San gefullwade. C. P. 443. II HreowsiaS, ^nd weorcSaS gefulwade eower jelc. C. P. 425. 5. I ff. See C. P. 114. 9. 5-7. Ascode ^nd cwa^S : Hw?et eart 'feii, Dryhten ? Da waes him swlSe hra'Se geandwyrd : Ic eom se Nazarenisca HSiend, ■Se t5u ehtst. Ond 'Sa cwae'S he : Dryhten, hwaet haetst 'Su me don ? Da gndwyrde him Dryhten : Arls, 9nd g9ng to geonre byrg ; Se m9n saegS 'Sara ^ hwaet Su don scealt. C. P. 443. 10. 26. Arls, ne do swS ; hu, ne eom ic m9n swie-ilce-swfe Su? C.P. .14. 17. 18. See c. p. 96. ACTS. ( (?rf^.Agitepoenitentiam),etbap- tizetur unusquisque vestrum. . . . 2. 22-24. • • • lesuui Nazarenum, 9. 5-7. Qui dixit {Greg. Nam cum virum approbatum a Deo in vobis prostratusrequireret,dicens):Quis virtutibus at prodigiis et signis, es, Domine ? Efc ille {Greg. Re- quae fecit Deus per ilium {Greg. spondetur protinusj : Ego sum per ilium fecit Deus) in medio Jesus ( Gre^. f«s. Nazarenus), quem vestri, sicut et {Greg. oni. et) vos tu persequeris; . . . Dixit {Greg. scitis, hunc, definite consilio et Et cum repente subiungeret) : praescientia Dei traditum, per Domine, quid me vis (Gre^. iubes) manus iniquorum affligentes in- facere ? Et Dominus ad eum teremistis ; quern Deus suscitavit, ( Greg. Illico adiungitur) : Surge, solutis doloribus inferni. ... et {Greg. Surgensj ingredere civi- 2. 37, 38. ... Quid [Greg. ins. ergo) tatem, et ibi dicetur tibi quid te faciemus, viri fratres ? Petrus vero oporteat facere. ad illos {Greg. Quibus mox dici- 10. 26. ... Surge, {Greg. ins. ne turj : Poenitentiam, inquit, agite feceris) ; et ego ipse homo sum. 1 Unusual for 'afandod.' ^ Unusual for ' i5ajr.' 44 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 20. 26, 27. Hwfet, ge sint ealle mine gewitan '^vet ic eom clSne gnd vmscyldig nu git to-daeg eowres Sices blodes ; for'SSm ic nsefre ne forvvandode ^vet ic low ne gecy'Sde eall Godes ge'Seaht. c. p. 378. 22. 8. Ic eom se Nazarenisca HSlend '^e 'Su ehtst. C. P. 443. 23. 6. Hwaet do ge, bro'Sor, doS esnlice, Hu, ne eom ic eower gefera, gnd eom Fariseisc sw£e-same-s\vS ge ? ^nd for(5'Sm min mgn eht Ipe ic bodige ymb 'Sone tohopan deadra m^nna ffiristes. C. P. 362. 23. 8. Da Saducie andsacedon 'SSre «riste sefter dea'^e ; 9nd 'Sa Fariseos geliefdon cSsere seriste. c. p. 362. ROMANS. 1. 14. ... Sanctus Paukis, se sceolde li^ran seg^ev ge wise ge unwise, c. p. 204. 1. 22. Hie sSdon Saet hie w£eron wise, gnd ]>a wurdon hie dysige for'Son. c. p. 70. 7. 23. ... 'Saet he gesawe o(5erne gewunan 9nd oSerne willan on his limum, 9nd se wSi'e feohtende wiS SSm willan his modes, ^nd hine gehaeftne ISdde on synne gewunan. C. P. 423- 8. 15. Ne underfengon ge no ©one gast set ^sem. fulluhte to t5eowianne for §ge, ac ge hiene underfengon to Ssem 'Sset ge Gode geagnudu bearn beon scylen, forSy we clipiaS to Gode, 9nd cweSaS : Feeder, Finder, c. P. 262. 20. 26, 27. . . . Contestor vos ho- ROMANS, diema die. quia mundus sum a 1. 14... .Sapientibuset insipientibus sanguine omnium ; non enim debitor. subterfugi.quominusannuntiarem 1. 22. Dicentes enim se esse sapien- omne consilium Dei vobis. tes, stulti facti sunt. 22. 8. . . . Ego sum lesus Nazarenus, 7. 23.' Video autem ( Greg. om. autem) quem tu persequeris. aham legem in membris meis, 23. 6. . . . Viri fratres, ego Phari- repugnantem legi mentis meae, saeus sum, filius Pharisaeorum ; gt captivantem me {Ch-eg. cap- de spe et resurrectione mortuonim tivum me ducentem) in lege ego iudicor. peccati, quae est in membris meis. 23. 8. Sadducaei enim dicunt non q 15. Non enim {Greg. om. enim) esse resurrectionem . . . ; Pharisaei accepistis spiritum servitutis ite- autem . . . confitentur [Greg. rum in timore, sed accepistis sum.). spiritum adoptionis filiorum, in quo clamamus : Abba, Pater. ACTS 20 — 1 CORINTHIANS 1 45 12. 3. Ne wilnigen ge mare to wietenne tSonne 6ow 'Searf sie, ac wietaS 'Saet tSaet eow gemetlic sTe, 9nd Sower ^ndefnu sien to wietonne. c. P. 92, 94. 12. 16. Ne sculon ge no %ncan eow selfuni to wise. c. P. 306. 12. 18. Ic wolde, gif hit sw^ blon meahte, (5aet ge wiS ielcne m9nn liaefden sibbe, eowres gewealdes. C. P. 354. 13. 3. Gif t5u wille 'Stet Su ne (Syrfe t^S ondrsedan 'Sinne hlaford, do tela ; 'Sonne ligreS he 'Se. C. P. 457. 13. II. Nu us is tlma 'Saet we onwsecnen of sl^epe. C. P. 459. 13. 13. Ne gewunige ge no to oferetolnesse ^nd to oferdruncen- nesse. c. P. 316. 14. 3. Se ]3e faestan wille, ne ti^le he no Sone pe ete. C. P. 310. 14. 21. ... 'Sfet hit wajre god 'Sa;t m^n foreode fltesc ynd win for bisene his brotjrum, c. P. 318. 16. 19. Ic wille 'Saet ge slen wise to gode, 9nd bilewite to yfele. C. P. 236. 1 COKINTHIANS. 1. 12. Sume cwSdon 'Saet hie w*ron Apollan ; sume cw^don 'Saet hie w»ron Paules (SaulesH.); sume Petres ; sum cwsecS 'Saet he w«re Cristes. C. P. 210. 1. 26. Ne sculon ge blon to wise defter 'Saes lich^man luste. c. P. 202. 1. 27. Da l^e woroldm^nnum Syncea'S dysige, Sa geclst Dryhten, forSjemJ^e [forSgem Saet] he tSa lytegan . . . gesc§nde. C. P. 202, 204. 12. 3. . . . Non plus sapere quam 14. 21. Bonum est non manducare oportet sapere, sed sapere ad carnem, et non [Greg, neque) sobrietatem. , . . bibere vinum, neque in quo frater 12. 16. . . . Nolite esse prudentes tuus . . . scandalizatur. . . . {Greg, prudentes esse) apud vos- 16. 19. . . . Volo vos sapientes esse metipsos. in bono, et {Greg. om. et) sim- 12. 18. Si fieri potest, quod ex vobis plices {Greg. ins. autem) in male. est, cum omnibus hominibuspacem habentes. 1 CORINTHIANS. 13. 3. . . . Vis autem {Greg. om. 1. 12, . . . Unusquisque vestrum autem) non timere potestatem ? dicit : Ego quidem sum Pauli ; Bonum fac, et habebis laudem ex ego autem Apollo ; ego vero ilia. Cepbae; ego autem Christi ((rret/. 13. II. ; . . Hora est iam nos de Ut alius Pauli, alius Apollo, alius somno surgere. Cephae, alius Christi esse se di- 13. 13. . . . Non in comessationibus ceret). et ebrietatibus. ... 1. 26. . . . Non multi sapientes 14. 3. . . . Qui non manducat, man- secundum carnem. . . . ducantem non iudicet. ... 1. 27. . . . Quae stulta sunt mundi 46 GREGORY S PASTORAL CARE 3. I, 2. Ic ne mseg no to eow sprecan swa-swa to gSstlicum, ac swa-swa to flSsclicum, for'Ssem ge sint glet cilderu on eowrum geleafan ; 'Sy ic sceal s§llan eow glet mioloc drincan, nalles flSsc etan. c. P. 459- 3. 3. Donne betweoxn eow biS yfel anda ^nd geflitu, hu ne blocS ge Sonne flj'esclice ? C. P. 344- 3. 18. Swelc eower swelce hiin selfum 'Synce 'Sset he (tSsette H.) wisust sTe on Zsam lotwr§nciuni, weor'Se 'Saes merest dysig, tSaet he insege S^non weor'San wis. C. P. 202. 4. 21. HwaeSer wille ge Saet ic cume to eow, Ipe mid gierde, )7e mid m9n'Swffire gaste ? c. P. 116. 5. T, 2. We gehlerdon betweohxn eow unryhthfemed, ge swie unryht swsb we furSum betweohxn hJeSnum m^nnum ne hlerdun, 'Sset is 'Sset ge sume haefdon eowre steopmodor ; 9nd ge 'Sa3S naefdon nane sorge, gnd noldon fr^m eow adon Sa J^e tSset dydon, ac w^ron swJe upahafene swae ge ser waeron. c. P. 210. 6. 4. Gif ge ymb worklcunde domas beon scylen, 'Sonne nime ge Sa ]?e on SSm hiorede unweorSuste sien, 9nd sgttaS }?a to domerum. C. P. 130. 6. 9, 10. NawSer ne Sa wohhc^mendan, ne (Sa Se dlofulgielduni SlowiaS, ne cSa unfsescSradan, (Se ne magon hira unryhthasmdes geswlcan, ne Sa tSlofas, ne c5a gletseras, ne Sa druncen- willnan, ne Sa wiergendan, ne Sa reaferas, Godes rice ne gesittaS. C. P. 401. elegit Deus, ut confundat sapien- nee inter gentes, ita ut nxoreni tes. . . . patris sui ( Greg. om. sui ) aliquit; 3. I, 2. . . . Non potui vobis loqui \Greg. quis) liabeat ; et vos in- quasi spiritualibus {Greg, spirita- flati estis, et non magis luctum libus), sed quasi carnalibus ; tam- habuistis ut tollatur ( Greg, tolle- quam parvulis in Cliristo, lac retur) de medio vestrum qui hoc vobis potum dedi, non escam. . . . opus fecit. 3. 3. Cum enim {Greg. om. enim) 6. 4. Saecularia igitur iudicia si sit inter vos zelus et contentio, habueritis, contemptibiles qui nonne carnales estis ? . . . sunt in ecclesia, illos constituite 3. 18. ... Si quis videtur inter vos ad iudicandum. sapiens esse in hoc saeculo,stultus 6. 9, 10. ... Neque fornicarii [Greg. fiat ut sit sapiens. fornicatores), neque idolis servien- 4. 21. Quid vultis? in virga veniam tes, neque adulter!, neque molles. ad vos, (Crrejr. 0»«. j-eZ.) an in chari- neque masculorum concubitores. tate et spiritu mansuetudinis ? neque fures, neque avari, neque 5. I, 2, ... Auditur inter vos ebriosi, neque maledici, neque fornicatio, et talis fornicatioqualis rapaces, regnum Dei possidebunt. 1 CORINTHIANS 3-7 47 6. II. Gs wajron an* on yflum weorcum, ac gc sint nn geclrensode 9nd gehalgode. c. P. 4-'5. 6. 13. Fiilga nu se m§te tSSre wambe willan, ^nd sTo wamb 'Sjes m§tes ; '?onne towierptS God SgcSer. c. P. 316. 7. 1. God biS m§n 'Saet he sle butan wife. c. P. 307. 7. 2, 3. Haebbe Sic mgn his wif, ^nd Sic wif hiere ceorl ; gnd do tSget wif (5Sm were t^^ajt hlo him mid ryhte don sceal, ^nd he hiere swS s^me, tSylSs hie on unryht liftmen. C. P. 98. II God biS mannum (5jet Sic hrebbe his agen wif, 9nd Sic wif hire ceorl, 'SylSs hi on unryht hSmen, C. P. 397. II Agife se wer his wife hire ryht on hira gesinscipe, ^nd swa same 'Saet wif (5Sm were. c. P. 397. 7. 5. Ne untreowsige ge no eow betweoxn, buton hum ^aet ge eow gehaebben sume liwlle, Sr^-Smjje ge eowru gebedu gnd eowra ofifrunga don wUlen, 9nd §ft sona cirraS to eowrum lyht- hSmde. c. P. 98. II Ne fornime iBcer no'Ser o'Ser ofer will butan getSafunge, ?Sm timum '^e he bine wille gebiddan, ac geSmtigea'S inc tr> gebedum. C. P. 399. 7. 6. Ne cwe^o ic no 'Sfet cSaet ic Sr cwaac? bebeodende, ac ISrende 9nd ge'Safigende. c. P. 397. 7. 9. . . . 'Saet hit sie b§tere cSffit mon gehlewige 'Sonne he bii-ne. C. P. 401. 7. 29, 30. Da Se wif haebben, slen 'Sa swelce hie nan hsebben ; gnd cSa t5e wepen, slen tSa swelce hi no ne wepen ; 9nd tSa Se faegnigen, slen Sa swelce hi no ne faegnigen. c. P. 395. 7. 30, 31. Slen Sa haebbendan swelce hie nowiht haebben ; ^nd 6. II. Et haec quidam fuistis, sed 7. 5. Nolite fraudare invicem, nisi abluti estis, sed sanctificati es- forte ex consensu ad temiDus, ut tis. . . . vacetis orationi, {Greg. 2 om. re!.) 6. 13. Esca ventri, et venter escis; et iterum revertimini in idip- Deus autem et hunc et has de- sum struet. ... 7. 6. Hoc autem dico secundum 7. I. ... Bonum est homini mulie- indulgentiam, non secundum iiii- rem non tangere. perium. 7. 2, 3. Propter fornicationem autem 7. 9. . . . Melius est enim (Greg. o»i. unusquisque suam uxorem habeat enim i nubere quam uri. {Greg, suam habeat uxorem), et 7. 29-31. . . . Qui habent uxores, unaquaeque suum virum habeat. tamquam non habentes sint ; et Uxorivirdebitumreddat, similiter qui flent, tamquam non flentes ; autem {Greg. om. aniem) et uxor et qui gaudent, tamquam non viro. gaudentes; . . . qui emunt, tarn- 48 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE ■Sa Se hisses middangeardes notiga'S swelce hi his no ne notigen. c. P. 387, 389. 7. 31. Dyses middangeardes anslen oferg;^^. c. P. 395. 7. 3?. Dis ic cwe^e for eowerre 'Searfe, Syl^es ic eow mid senige grine gefoo. Ic Sow s§cgge hwaet eow arwyi'Slicost is to beganne, 9nd hu ge fulleeost magon Gode cSlowian 'Sset eow laest 'Singa mier'6. c. P. 401. 8. 8. Se oferm§te ne befaest us n^fre Gode. C. P. 316. 8. 9. Loeia"S nu 'Saet Slos eowru leaf ne weor'Se o'Srum mQnnum to biswice. C. P. 451. 8. II, 12. Donne forwyr'5 Sin bro'Sur for 'Sinum Singum, for 'Sone jer Crist ge'Srowade. Swa, 'Sonne ge gesyngiaS wiS eowre broSer, ^nd ofsleaS hira untruma[n] gewit, Sonne gesyngige ge wiS God. C. P. 451. 9. 9. Ne forbinde ge no Ssem Serscendum (Syrstendum H.) oxum Sone muS. c. P. 104. 9. 20. Donne ic wses mid ludeum, ic waes swelce hie. C. P. 100. 10. 7. Dset folc sset, set, ^nd dranc, 9nd siSSan aryson 9nd eodon him plegean. c. P. 309. 10. 13. Ne gegripe eow naefre nan costung baton m§nnescu. C. P. 70. 10. 33. Swle-sw^ ic wilnige on eallum Singum Saet ic m9nnum cweme gnd llcige. C. P. 146. 11. 31. DSr we us selfum demden, Sonne ne dem(de) us no God. C. P. 415. quam non possidentes ; et qui propter quem Christus mortuus utuntur hoc mundo, tamquam est. Sic autem peccantes in nonutantur;praeteritenimfigura fratres, et percutientes conscien- huius mundi. tiam eorurn infirmam, in Christum 7. 35. ... Hoc ad utilitatem ves- peccatis. tram dico; non ut laqueum vobis 9. 9. . . . Non alligabis (Greg, ob- iniiciam, sed ad id quod honestum turabis) os bovi trituranti. . . . est, et quod facultatem praebeat 9. 20. ... Factus sum ludaeis tam- eine impedimento Dominum ob- quam ludaeus. . . . secrandi {Greg. Domino obser- 10. 7. . . . Sedit populus manducare viendi). et bibei-e, et surrexerunt ludere. 8. 8. Esca . . . nos non commendat 10. 13. Tentatiovos non apprehendit Deo. . . . (Greg, apprehendat) nisi hu- 8. 9. Videte . . . ne forte haec mana. . . . licentia vestra offendicuhim fiat 10. 33. Sicut et ego per omnia omni- infirmis. bus placeo. . . . 8. II, 12. Et peribit infirmus in tua 11. 31. . , . Si nosmetipsos diiudi- (Greg. conscientia^ scientiafrater, caremus, non utique iudicaremur. 1 CORINTHIANS 7 — 2 CORINTHIANS 5 49 13. 4. . . . tSaet slo Godes lufu sie getSyld. c. P. 214. II Lufu bits geSyldig, C. P. 22Z. II Hlo bits mildu. C. P. 222. 14. 38. Ss Jje God ne ongit, ne ongit God hine. C. P. 28. 15. 34. OnwaecnatS, gS ryhtwisan, 9nd ne syngiatS mu. C. P. 461. 2 CORINTHIANS. 1. 1 7. Wene ge nu tSfet ic ienigre leohtmodnesse bruce, otStSe tSiTotte ic tS§nce sefter woruldluste, o'StSe wene ge tSaet SgtSer sle mid m6 ge Gise ge Nese ? c. P. 308. 1. 24 (Vulg. 23). Ne sint we nane waldendas Sowres geleafan, ac sint fultumend eowres gefean ; fortSsemJ^e ge styndatS on geleafan. C. P. 114. 2. 17. SwS-swae of Gode, beforan Gode, we sprecatS on Criste. C. P. 370. 3. 17. Djer se Dxyhtnes Gast is, SSr is freedom. C. P. 262, 264. 4. 5. We sint eowre 'Seowas for Cristes lufan. c. P. 116. 5. 13. Deah we nu ofer ure vlv^ S§ncen 9nd smeagen, tSset we dotS for Gode ; tSonne we hit §ft gemetlieceatS, tSonne doS w6 tSset for eow. C. P. im. 5. 14, 15. Gif Crist for us eallum dead waes, tSonne weortSa'5 ealle m§n deade ; liwaet is 'fonne b§tre, tSa-hwile-]?e w6 libben, tSonne we ures fiSsces lustum ne libben, ac 'Saes bebodum pe for us dead waes ^nd §ft aras ? c. P. 42. 13. 4. Charitas patiens est, benigna 2. 17. . . . Sicut ex Deo, coram Deo, est. ... in Christo loquimur. 14. 38. Si quis autem ignorat, igno- 3. 17. . . . Ubi autem {Greg. om. rabitur. autem) Spiritus Domini, ibi li- 15. 34. Evigilate, iusti, et nolite bertas. peccare. ... 4. 5. . . . Nos autem sei-vos vestros per lesum (Greg. Christum). 5. 13. Sive enim (Greg. om. enim) mente excedimus, Deo ; sive sobrii 17. ... Numquid levitate usus sumus, vobis. sum? Aut quae cogito, secundum 5. 14, 15. ... Si unus (Greg. Chris- carnem cogito, ut sit apud me Est tus) pro omnibus mortuus est, et Non ? ergo omnes mortui sunt ; et ( Greg. 23. . . . Non quia dominamur ins. si) pro omnibus mortuus est fidei vestrae, sed adiutores sumus Christus (Greg. om. Christus, gaudiivestri; namfidestatis((?re^. ins. superest) ut et (Greg. om. et) fide enim statis). qui vivunt iam non sibi vivant, 2 CORINTHIANS. 50 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 6. 2. Nu is hiersumnesse tima, gnd nu sint hselnesse dagas. c. P. 246 e. 7. Gats ge gewgepnode, feg(5er ge on Sa swi'Sran li9nd ge on tSa winestran, mid (S^m wSpnum ryhtwlsnesse. c. P. 82. 8. 13, 14. Ne bio ge o?Srum m9nnum sw^ giofole tSaet hit weortSe eow selfum to geswince, ac ofer tSaet jse ge selfe genog haebben, s§llaS 'Saet Searfum, 9nd mid (Sy gebetaS hiora wJedle, (5aette sw£e-ilce-sw8e hie biotS her gefylde mid ure genyhtsumnesse, we beon eac mid hiora genyhtsumnesse. C. P. 324. 9. 6. Se Ipe lytel sJewcS, he lytel ripe'S. c. P. 324. 9. 7. . . . tSaette 'Sone gladan giefan God lufode. c. P. 322. 11. 29. Hwa biS geuntrumod, Sset ic ne sle eac geuntrumod? otStSe hwa bic5 gesc§nded, t5aet ic eac 'Saes ne scamige ? c. P. 100. II Hwa bi(5 medtrum, Saet ic ne sle eac for his 'Singum sloe? O'S'Se hwa bicS gescgnded, (Sset me forcSsem ne scamige? C. P. 164. 12. 2, 4. Paulus, Seah-J^e he w«re gel^ded on neorxnaw9ng, Ipser he arlmde Sa digolnesse cSses (Sriddan hefones. ... c. P. 98. GALATIANS. 1. 10. Gif ic m9nnum cweme 9nd licige, Sonne ne bio ic no Godes ■Seow. C. P. 146. 2. II. Seec.P. 144. 3. I. Eala ge ungewitfullan Galatse, hwa gehgfgade eow? C. P. 206. sedei qui pro ipsis mortuus est et 11. 29. Quis infirmatur, et ego non resurrexit. infirmor? quis scandalizatur, et 6. 2. ... Ecce nunc tempus accepta- ego non uror ? bile, ecce nunc dies salutis. 12. 2, 4. Scio hominem in Christo 6. 7. . . . Per arma iustitiae a dextris . . . raptum huiusmodi usque ad et a {Greg. om. et a) sinistris tertium coelum. . . . Quoniam {Greg, sinistrisque gradiens). raptus est in paradisum, et audivit 8. 13, 14. Non enimlG're^. om. enim) arcana verba, quae non licet ut aliis sit remissio, vobis autem homini loqui {Greg. sum.). tribulatio, sed ex aequalitate . . . Vestra abundantia illorum in- opiam suppleat, ut et [Greg, et GALATIANS. ut) illorum abundantia vestrae inopiae sit supplementum. ... 1. i o. ... Si adhuc hominibus 9. 6. , . . Qui parce seminat, parce placerem, Christi servus non et metet. . . . essem. 9. 7. ... Hilarem enim datorem 3. i. insensati Galatae, quis vos diligit Deus. fascinavit ? . . . 2 CORINTHIANS G — EPHESIANS G 51 3. 3. Swi^ dysige g6 sint, ^sotie Z-xi, t>set gG gastlice undorfengon, g5 willaS gegndian fl^sclice. C. P. 206. 5. 22. ... t5.iette iSiGS Gastes wfestm sle lufu, gnd gefea, 9nd ryht- wlslicu sibb. C. P. 344. 6. 1. Gif iiwa sle abisgod mid hwelcum scyldum, ge 'Sonne, pe gastlice sindon, geliSratS c5a swelcan mid manSwsernesse gaste ; gesceawiaS eow selfe, 'Sylass eow becyme costnung. c. P. 158. 6. 2. Bere eower j^lc otSres byi-^emie betweohxn eow, Sonne gefylle ge Godes S. C. P. 218. II BeraS eowre byr'Senna gemSnelice betwux low, Sonne gefylle ge Godes se. c. P. 395. EPHESIANS. 4. 3, 4. Geornlice gebinde gs low tos9mne mid anmodnesse 9nd mid sibbe, Saet ge slen sw» gellces modes swS ge sint gellces llch^man, sw»-sw8e ge ealle sint gelaSode to anum tohopan. c. P. 344. 4. 14. Ne iSte ge eow Slcre lare wind aw^cggan. c. p. 306. 4. 31. M\c Sweora, 9nd Sic ierre, 9nd unweorSscipe, 9nd geclibs, 9nd t-x\, sle anumen fram eow, . . . and ' tele yfel forlSte ge on eowrum inge^9nce. c. P. 222. 6. I. Beam, beo ge underSlodde eowrum ieldrmn magum on Diyhtne. c. P. 188. 6. 4. Ne grgmige ge eowru beam. c. P. 188. EPHESIANS. 3. 3. Sic stulti estis, ut cum spiritu coeperitis, nunc carne consum- memini ( Gre^. consummamini) ? 4. 3, 4. Solliciti servare unitatem 6. 22. Fructus autem Spiritus est Spiritus in vinculo pacis. Unum charitas, gaudium, pax. . . . coq^us, et unus spiritus, sicut 6. I. ... Si praeoccupatus fuerit vocati estis in una spe vocationis homo in aliquo delicto, vos, qui vestrae. spirituales {Greg, spiritales) estis, 4. 14. . . . Non . . . circumferamur huiusmodi instruite ( Greg, in- omni vento doctrinae. struite huiusmodi) in spiritu 4. 31. Omnis amaritudo, et ira, et lenitatis (Greg, mansuetudinis), indignatio, et clamor, et blas- considerans te ipsum, ne et tu phemia, tollatur a vobis, cum tenteris. omni malitia. 6. 2. Alter alterius [Greg. sec. Ital. 6.1. Filii, obedite parentibus vestris Invicem) onera ( Greg. ins. vestra) in Domino. . . . portate, et sic adimplebitis legem 6. 4. . . . Nolite ad iracundiam pro- Christi. vocare filios vestros. . . . 1 So Sweet, E 2 52 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 6. 5. BIO'S ge underSledde eowrum worldhlafordum. C. P. 200. 6. 9. Ge hlafordas, docS ge eowrum m9nnum 'Sset ilce be hiora andefene, 9nd gemetgiacS Sone tSrean ; geSgnceacS ^set geg(5er ge hiera hlaford ge eower is on hefonum. C. P. 200, 202. 6. 15. SceogeatS eowre fett, ])£ei ge sin gearwe to ganne on sibbe weg aefter minra boca bebodum. C. P. 44. PHILIPPIANS. 2. 8. Crist Ore Allesend hiene selfne geeacSmedde emne oS 'Sone deacS. c. p. 300. 3. 19. ... 'Ssette hiera w^mb w£ere hiora God, 9nd hie dyden him hiora bismer to weorSscipe. C. P. 316. 4. TO. Ic eom swlSe geflonde on Dryhtne 'Saette ge jefre wold on Snige wuht Sow selfum witan ser ic hit eow wite. Hit is god iSset ge hit nu wietun. Nseron ge noht gemettige, tSeah ge wel ne dyden. C. P. 206. COLOSSIANS. 2. 23. Oft, 'Sonne mgn ma faest 'Sonne he Syrfe, Sonne eowaS he titan eaSmodnesse, Qnd for SSre ilcan eaSmodnesse he ofermod- egaS innan micle Sy h§figlieor. c. P. 312. 3. 5. Slo gidsung, Ipe . . . w£ere hearga 9nd idelnysse gefera. C. P. 156. 6. 5. . . . Obedite dominis camali- 4. 10. Gavisus sum autem (Greg. bus. . . . om. autem) in Domino vehemen- 6. 9. Et vos, domini, eadem facite ter, quoniam tandem aliquando illis, remittentes minas, scientes refloruistis pro me sentire, sicut quia (Greg, quod) et illorum et et sentiebatis; occupati autem vester Dominus est in coelis. . . . {Greg, enim) eratis. 6. 15. Calceati pedes in praepara- tione evangelii pacis. COLOSSIANS. PHILIPPIANS. 2. 23. Quae sunt rationem quidem 2. 8. ... (Greg. ins. Quia Redemp- habentia sapientiae in supersti- tor noster) Humiliavit semet- tione et humilitate, et non ad ipsum, factus obediens usque ad parcendum corpori, non in honore mortem. . . . aliquo ad saturitatem carnis. 3. 19. . . . Quorum Deus venter 3.5.. . . Avaritiam (Greg. Et ava- est, et gloria in confusione ip- ritia), quae est simulacrorum sorum. . . (Greg, idolorum) servitus. EPHESIANS 6 — 2 THESSALONIANS 3 5 1 THESSALONIANS. 2. 7. We sint gewordene swelce lytlingas betweoxn Sow. c. P. 116. 2 THESSALONIANS. 1. 3, 4. We sculon simle ssecgean Gode t5ancas for eow, brotSur, swJe-swS hit wel vvyr'Se is, for'S^mJ^e eower geleafa ha3f5 ofer- ■Sungen swlSe m^negra ot5erra mgnna, ^nd eower lufu is betweohxn eow swi'Se genyhtsumu, sw£e Saet we apostolas sint swiSe gefeonde ealle for eowrum geleafan ^nd for eo(w)rum gecSylde. c. P. 212. 2. I, 2. Ic eow healsige, brot5ur, for S^m tocyme Diyhtnes HSlendan Cristes, 9nd for tire ges9mnunge, 'S^et ge no to hi-cedlice ne slen astyrede frQm eo'svrum gewitte, ne eow to swl^e ne [on]dr£eda'5 for nanes mgnnes wordum, ne for nanes witgan gaste, ne tSeah eow hwelc serendgewrit cume, swelce hit fr9m us asend (s§nd H.) sle, 9nd tS^eron cytSe tSaet se domes daeg neah sle. c. P. 212. 3. 14, 15. Sw»-hwa-sw£e urum wordum Qud gewritum hleran nylle, do hit m9n us to witanne, 9nd naebbe ge nsenne gemanan wiS hiene, for'S^m tSaette hiene gesceamige. . . . Ne scule ge wiS hiene gebSran swse-swae wiS flond, ac ge him sculon cidan sw^swae bre'fer. C. P. 356. 1 THESSALONIANS. per adventmn Domini nostrilesu Cnnsti, et nostrae congregationis 2. 7 Facti sumvLsiGreg.ins.&icut) [^ ipsum, ut non cito moveamini parvuli in medio vestrum. ... a vestro sensu neque terreamini, 2 THESSALONIANS. ^'^^"*^ P"^ ^P^"*""^' "'f f P'', '''- monem, neque per epistolam tam- 1. 3, 4. Gratias agere debemus sem- quam per nos missam, quasi instet per Deo ( Greg. Deo semper) pro digs Domini. vobis, fratres, ita ut dignum est, 3. 14, 15 Si quis non obedit verbo quoniam supercrescit fides vestra, nostro per epistolam, hunc notate, et abundat charitas uniuscuiusque et ne {Greg, non) commisceamini vestrum in invicem, ita ut et nos cum illo, ut confundatur. Et ipsi in vobis gloriemur in eccle- nolite quasi {Greg, ut) inimicum siis Dei, pro patientia vestra et existimare {Greg. ins. ilium), sed fide. . . . con-ipite ut fratrem. 2. 1,2. Rogamusautem vos, fratres. 54 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 1 TIMOTHY. 3. I. Se pe biscephad [biscephade] gewilnatS, god weorc he gewilnacS. c. p. 52. 3. 2. Biscepe gedafena'S ]?aet he sle t»lleas. C. P. 52. 4. I, 3. . . . Sset t5^in forhaebbendum hwllum gebyrede (^aet hie gewiten of hiera geleafan, 9nd forblodatS mannum 'Saet hie hlwien, 9nd '5a m§ttas ]>e God self gesceop to etonne geleaf- fulluni mQnnum, S^m ]?e ongieta'S so(5faestnesse 9nd Gode SanciaS mid godum weorcum his gifa. C. P. 316, 318. 4. II, 12. Beblod tSis, gnd ISre ; 9nd ne forslo nan m9n 'Sine giogucSe. C. P. 385. 4. 13. Donne ic cume, 'Sonne beo Su abisgod ymbe r^dinge. c. P. 168. 5. I. Ne 'Sreata Su na 'Sone ealdan, ac healsa hiene swab Sinne faeder. C. P. 180. 5. 8. Se |7e ne gim'S Sara J^e his beoS, 9nd huru Godes Seowa, he wiSsfecS Godes geleafan, 9nd he biS treowleas. C. P. 138. 5. 23. . . . Saet ge moston drincan gewealden wines for eowres magan medtrymnesse. C. P. 318. 6. I. -^Ic Sara Ipe sle under S^m geoke hlafordsciepes, he sceal his hlaford jeghwelcre are 9nd weorSscipes wurSne on- munan. c. P. 200. 6. 10. . . . Saet £elces yfles ^vyrtruma w^ere Sset ni9n wilnode hwelcere gidsunge. C. P. 72. 1 TIMOTHY. 4. 13. Dum venio, attende lec- tioni. . . . 5. I. Seniorem ne increpaveris, sed 3. I. ... Si quis episcopatum desi- obsecra ut patrem. . . . derat, bonum opus desiderat. 5. 8. Si quis autem (Greg. Qui) suo- 3. 2. Oportetergo (GjT^jf. autem)epis- rum, et maxima domesticorum, copum irreprehensibilem esse. . . . curam non habet, fidem negavit, 4. I, 3. ... Discedent quidam a fide, et est infideli deterior. . . . prohibentium nubere, absti- 5. 23. . . . Modico vino utere propter nere a cibis quos Deus creavit stomaclium tuum ( Gz-c^.ow. tuum) ad percipiendum cum gratiarum et frequentes tuas infirmitates. actione fidelibus et iis (Greg, his) 6. i. Quicumque sunt sub iugo servi, qui cognoverunt veritatem. dominos sues omni honore dignos 4. II, 12. Praecipe haec, et doce. arbitrentur. . . . Nemo adolescentiam tuam con- 6. 10. Radix enim {Greg. om. enim) temnat. . . . omnium malorum est cupiditas.... 1 TIMOTHY 3 — TITUS 2 55 6. 17. SnecgeaS 'S»m welegum gind (5isne niiddangeard ^xt hie to ofermodlice ne S^ncen, ne to wel ne truwigen tSissum unge- wissum welum. C. P. 180. 2 TIMOTHY. 2. 4. Nele (Ne [scyjle H.) nan Godes Seow hiene selfne to un- gemetlice gebindan on woruldscipum, tSylSs he misllcige tSi^ni ]}e hiene sr selfne gesealde. C. P. 130. 4. I, 2. Ic (5e bebeode beforan Gode 9nd tJ^em Hselendan Criste, se J^e demende is cwicum 9nd deadum, 9nd ic tSe bebeode [beode] tSurh his tocyme 9nd tSurh his rice, 'Saet tSu stande on t5issuni wordum, 9nd hie liere seg^er ge gedaeftelice ge eac ungedaeftelice. c. P. 96. 4. 2. Lsere hie, 9nd healsa, 9nd tael hiera untSeawas, 9nd ?5eah getSyldelice. C. P. 290. TITUS. 1. 9. ... tSaet se lareow sceolde beon mihtig to tyhtanne on halw§nde lare, 9nd eac to tSreageanne t5a Ipe him wiSstandan willen [willa'5]. c. P, 90. 1. 15. ... ]5aet (SSm clsenum wSre eal clsene ; 9nd tSaeni uneleenum n^re nauht cl?ene. c. P. 316. 2. 15. Ljer 'Saet folc, 9nd tSreata, 9nd tJel, 9nd hat, Saet hie witen tJaet ge sume anwald habbatS ofer hie. c. P. 290. 6. 17. Divitibus huius saeculi prae- verbum, insta opportune, impor- cipe non sublime {Greg, superbe) tune; argue, obsecra, increpa in sapere, neque sperare in incerto omni patientia et doctrina. divitiarum {Greg. ins. suarum). . . . TITUS. 2 TIMOTHY. 1. 9. . . . Ut potens sit exhortari in 2. 4. Nemo militans Deo implicat doctrina sana, et eos qui contra- se negotiis saecularibus, ut ei dicunt arguere. placeat cui se probavit. 1. 15. ( Greg. ins. Quia) Omnia munda 4. I, 2. Testificor coram Deo et mundis ; coinquinatis autem et lesu Christo, qui iudicaturus est infidelibus nihil est mundum. . . . vivos et mortuos per adventum 2. 15. Haec loquere, et exhoi'tare, ipsius et regnum eius, praedica et argue cum omni imperio. . . . 56 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE HEBEEWS. 8. 13. Dsette nu forealdod is, 'Sset is forneah losod. C. P. 204. 9. 4. See c. P. 124. 11. 36, 37. Da halgan mgn ge^afedon on Sisse worlde m^nig bismer gnd m^nige swyngean, 9nd in9nige b^ndas 9nd karcernu ; hie w^ron stSnde, 9nd snidene mid snide ; hie wseron costode, 9nd mid sweordum hie wSron ofslaegene. C. P. 204. 12. 5, 6. Sunu min, ne agimeleasa Su Godes swingan, ne tSu ne beo werig for his Sreaunga, for^Sm]?e God lufacS 'Sone Ipe he tSrea^, 9nd swingeS gelc beam J^e he underfon wile. c. P. 252. 12. 9, 10. Ure flSsclican fedras ISrdon us, 9nd we hie ondredon ; hie Sreadon us, 9nd we weorSodon hie ; hu micle swl(Sor sculon we Sonne blon gehlersume (5^m Ipe ure gasta Feeder bits, wiS (5^m ])e (Stet H.) we moten libban on ecnesse! Ure flSsclican fedras us Iserdon to t5*m \}e hiera willa waes, ac tSaet W£es to swlt5e scortre hwlle, fortS^mpe ?5eos world is swiSe l^nu ; ac se gastlica F^der, he us IsertS nytwyrc51icu Sing to underfonne, Saet is Sset we geearnigen Saet ece Ilf. C. P. 254. 12. 12, 13. AstrgcceaS eowre agSledan h9nda 9nd eowru cneowu, 9nd stfeppaS lyhte ; ne healtigeatS l§ng, ac blo(5 hale. C. P. 64. 12. 14. SeceaS sibbe 9nd god to eallum m9nnum, butan S»re ne mseg nan m9n God gesion. C. P. 344. nostrae eruditores habuimus HEBREWS. ^g,^.^^ habuimus eruditores), et 8. 13. ... Quod autem {Greg, enim) reverebamureos; non multo magis antiquatur et senescit prope in- obtemperabimus Patri spirituum, teritum est. et vivemus ? Et illi quidem in 11.36,37. Alii (6rrc^. Sancti) vero tempore paucorum dierum se- {Greg. om. vero) ludibria et ver- cundum voluntatem suam erudie- bera experti, insuper et vincula bant nos ; hie autem ad id quod et carceres ; lapidati sunt, secti utile est in recipiendo sanctifi- sunt, tentati sunt, in occisione cationem eius. gladii mortui sunt. . . . 12. 12, 13. . . . Remissas manus et 12. 5, 6. ... Fili mi, noli negligere soluta {Greg, dissoluta) genua disciplinam Domini, neque fati- erigite, et gressus rectos facite geris m ( Greg, cum), ab eo pedibus vestris, ut non claudicans argueris ; quem enim diligit Do- quis erret, magis autem sanetur. minus castigat, flagellat autem 12. 14. Pacem sequimini cum omni- omnem filium quem recipit. bus, et sanctimoniam, sine qua 12. 9, 10. ... Patres quidem carnis nemo videbit Deum. HEBREWS 8 — JAMES 4 57 13. 4. Diem wohhSmenim demetJ Dryhten. C. P. 401. 13. 7. GemunaS eowerra foreg^ngena tSara pe eow bodedon Godes word, 9nd behealdatS hiera liif 9nd hiera for?5sii(5, gnd gvngaS on tSone geleafan. c. p. 204. JAMES. 1. 19. Sle Sghwelc 111911 swltSe hraed 9nd swiSe geornfull to gehleranne, 9nd swi^e L-ct to sprecanne. c. p. 280. 1. 26. Gif hwu tiohhaS ^xt hs a^ficst sle, 9nd nyle gemldlian his tungan, ^aet mod lleliS him selfum, forSSm his jefestnes bitS swl'Se idlu. C. P. 280. 3. I. BrotSur, ne beo 6ower to fela lareowa. C. P. 32. 3. 8. ... t5aet hlo wxre swl(5e vmstille, yfel, 9nd deatSberendes atres full. c. P. 280. 3. 14, 15, 17. Gif ge haebben j-felne andan on low, 9nd tionan 9nd geflitu on Towrum mode, ne gilpe g6 no, ne ne fajgniatS cSa^s, 9nd ne flita'S mid Io^\^:um leasungum witS 'SSm sO^e ; fortSSm 86 wisdom nis ufan cumen of hefonum, ac he is eorSlic, gnd wildGorlic, 9nd eac deofullic. Ac se pe of Gode Gym's, he bitS godes willan 9nd gesibsum. C. P. 346, 348. 4. 4. Swa-hwa-swa wille bion tSisse weorlde frSond to ungemetlice, he biS gehaten Godes feond. C. P. 421- 13.4. ... Fornicatores enim ( Gregi. 3. i. Nolite plures magistri fieri, autemj et adulteros iudicabit fratres mei. . . . Deus. 3. 8. . . . Inquietum malum, plena 13. 7. Mementote praepositorum veneno mortifero. vestrorum qui vobis locuti sunt 3. 14,15,17. Quod si zelum amarum verbum Dei ; quorum intuentes habetis, et contentiones sint ( Greg. exitum conversationis, imitamimi sunt ) in cordibus vestris ( Greg. fidem. corde vestro), nolite gloriari, et mendaces esse advcrsusveritatem; non est enim 1 Greg. oni. enim) ista sapientia desursum descen- 1.19 Sitautem(6r;-e(7.o»i.autem) dens, sed terrena, animalis, dia- omnis homo velox ad audiendum, bolica. . . . Quae autem desursum tardus autem ad loquendum. . . . est) sapientia prinium quidem 1. 26. Si quis autem (Gre^.om. autem) pudica est, deinde pacifica. . . . putat se religiosum esse, non re- 4. 4. . . . Quicumquo ergo (Greg. frenans linguam suam, sed sedu- om. ergo) voluorit amicus esse cens cor suum, huius vana est saeculi huius, inimicus Dei con- religio. stituitur. JAMES. 58 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 1 PETEE. 2. 9. Ge sint acoren kyim Gode, Qnd IcyneKces preosthades. C. P. 84. 3. 15. Beo5 simle gearwe to iSrorme ynd to forgifonne jelcum. Sara pe eow ryhtlice bidde jTiibe tSone tohopan 'pe ge habbatS on eow. C. P. 172. 4. II. Swie-bwa-swae spraece, spraece he Godes worde, swelce t5a word na his ne sien, ac Godes. C. P. 3-0. Gif hwa Senige, cSenige he swelce he hit of Godes maegene ■Senige, naes of his selfes. c. P. 322. 5. I, 2. Ic eom eower efnt5eowa, ynd Cristes (5rowunge gewiota, ic eow healsige Saet ge feden Godes heorde pe under eow is ; . . . ungenldde, mid eorum agnum willum, ge sculon 'Sgncean for eowre heorde Godes 'S9nces, nalles no for fracotSliciun gestreon- um. C. P. 136. 5. 3. Ne sint we nane waldendas Sisses folces, ac we sint to bisene gesgtte urre heorde. c. P. uS. 2 PETEE. 1. 5, 6. Nu g6 habba'S geleafan, wyrcaS nu god weorc, gnd habbatS (Sonne wisdom, gnd on tS^m wisdome habbaS forhaefdnesse 9nd eac l^raS, 9nd huru on tSsere forhaefdnesse geSylde. c. P. 310. 2. 16. Daet dumbe 9nd 'Saet gehaefte neat 'Sreade 'Sone witgan for his yflan willan, tSa hit clipode sw£e-swS mann, 9nd mid tSy gestlerde tSsem witgan his unryhtre 9nd dysigre [dysiglicre] wihiunge. c. P. 256. providentes non coacte, sed spon- 1 PETER. tanee secundum Deum ; neque 2. 9. Vos autem genus electum, turpis lucri gratia, sed yoluntarie. regale sacerdotium. ... ^. 3. Neque ut {Greg. Non) domi- 3. 15. . . . Parati semper ad satis- ^antes m clens (Gr.^. clero), sed factionem omni poscenti vos ratio- ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ nem de ea. quae in vobis est, spe. „ 4. II. Si quis loquitur, quasi ser- rnjirjix. mones Dei; siquisministrat((?re5'. 1. 5, 6. ... Ministrate in fide vestra administrat), tamquam ex virtute virtutem, in virtute autem scien- quam administrat Deus. . . . tiam, in scientia autem absti- 5. I, 2. ... Obsecro, consenior et nentiam, in abstinentia autem testis Christi passionum, . . . pas- patientiam. . . . cite qui in vobis est gregem Dei, 2. 16. Correptionem vero {Greg.om. 1 PETER 2 — REVELATION 4 59 2. 21. ... t^ffit him wSre bgtere Sast hi no sotJfaestne.sse weg ne ongeaten, t5onne hi underbaec gecgrden sitSt^au hi hino on- geaten. c. p. 445. 2. 22. ... t^aet se hund wille etan t5aet he jer aspaw, 9nd slo sugu hi m[l]e sylian on hire sole, seftertS^mSe hlo aSwajgen bit?, c. P. 419. 1 JOHN. 4. 18. Sio fullfr§mede Godes lufu adrifecS aweg Sone §ge. c. P. 262. EEVELATION. 3. 2. Bio '5u wacor, ^nd gebet Sa weorc tSe deadlicu sint in tSe ; ne mette ic no tSin weorc fullfr§med beforan minum Gode. c. P. 445. 3. 15, 16. Eala, wsere he autSer, otS'Se hat, o'5(5e ceal[d] ! Ac fortSon'Se hs is wlaco, ynd nis nauSer, ne hat, nS ceald, tSeah ic hine supe ic hine wille §ft utaspiwan of minum mut5e. C. P. 445, 447- 3. 18. SmirewaS eowre eagan mid sealfe, \>sei ge maegen geslon. c. P. 68. 3. 19. Ic Sreage 9nd swinge Sa ]?e ic lufige. C. P. 252. 4. 8. ... Sset hie slen tSjem hefonlican neatum gellce, |?a wseron geeawde, swse hit awriten is Saet hie waeron ymb eall utan mid eagum bes§tt, 9nd 6ac innane eagna full. C. P. 194. vero) habuit suae vesaniae ; sub- iugale mutum animal ( Greg. om. REVELATION. animal, ins. quod m), hominis 3^ ^_ g^^^ ^.^-^^^^^ ^^ confirma voce loquens, prohibuit prophetae ^^^^^^ ^^^^ moritura erant ; non insipientiam. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^p^^..^ ^^^ pl^^^ 2. 2 1. Mehus enim ( Greg. om. enim) ^^^^^ j^^^ ^^^^ erat illis (Greg, eh) non cognos- 3^ ^^^ ^^ ^tinam frigidus esses, cere viam lustitiae, quam post ^ut calidus ! Sed quia tepidus es, agnitionemretrorsumconverti.... ^^. ^^^ ^^-^^^ ^^^ ^^^-^^^^ .^^._ 2. 22. ... Cams reversus ad suum -^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ vomitum, etsuslota in volutabro 3^ ^g ^ollyrio inunge oculos ^ ^' tuos, ut videas. 1 JOHN ^* '9" ^S^ ^^'^^ ^^^^' ^^'S^*^ 6t castigo. . . . 4. 18. ... Perfecta charitas foras 4. 8. Et quattuor animalia ... in mittit timorem. . . . circuitu, et intus plena sunt ocu- 60 GREGORYS PASTORAL CARE 14. 3. Da singatS 'Sone sang tSe nan m9n §lles singan ne nifeg, baton 'Saet hun(d)teontig gnd feowertig Qnd feower Susendo. C. P. 409. 14. 4. Dset sindan '5a, 'Sa Se mid wTfum ne beoS besmitene, 9nd hira maegetShad habba'S gehealdenne ; Sa folgiatS (5Sm Lambe swa-hwSr-swa hit fserS. C. P. 409. 22. 1 7. Se J^e gehlere (Saet hiene in9n clipige, clipige he eac o(5erne, gnd cweSe : Cum. c. p. 378. lis (Greg. sum. Ostensa quippe quadraginta quattuor millia). coeli aninaalia in circuitu et intus 14. 4. Hi sunt, qui cum mulieribus oculis plena describunturj. non sunt coinquinati ; virgines 14, 3. . . . Nemo poterat dicere enim sunt. Hi ( Greg, et) sequun- canticum, nisi ilia centum quad- tur Agnum quocumque ierit raginta quattuor millia ...( Gre^r. 22. 17. . . . Qui audit, dicat : Canticum cantant quod nemo Veni. . . . potest dicere, nisi ilia centum THE LAWS OF KING ALFRED (In Schmid's Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 2nd ed., pp. 58-66) EXODUS. 20. 1-3, 7-17, 23. Drihten wfes sprecende J:as word to Moyse, and ]:us cwsecS : Ic eom Drihten J?ln God ; ic )?6 utgel^dde of Egypta ]9nde and of hiora J^eowdome. Ne lufa Ipu o(!)re fr§mde godas ofer me. Ne minne nyman ne cig ^u on idelnesse, forj^onj^e |:u ne bist unscyldig wij:) me, gif J^ti on idelnesse cigst minne n^man. Gemyne Ipast ]?u gehalgige ]3one rsestedaeg. WyrceaS eow syx dagas, and on Ipaia siofoSan r§sta(5 eow. For]5am on syx dagum Crist geworhte heofenas and eor'San, s^s, and ealle gesceafta pe on him synt, and hine ger§ste on J^one seofo'San daeg ; and forj^on Drihten hine gehalgode. Ara J?lnum fseder and Jjinre medder, Ipa pe Drihten sealde, pset pu sie py l§ng libbende on eor'San. Ne sleah Ipu. Ne lige f>u dearnenga. Ne stala pu. Ne ssege pu lease gewitnesse. Ne wilna ]5u J^ines nehstan ierfes mid unryhte. Ne wyrc (]5u) J-e gyldne godas oS(Se seol- frene. Schmid 58. et facies omnia opera tua. Sep- timo autem die sabbatum Domini 20. 1-3, 7-17, 23. Locutusque est Dei tui est ; non facies omne opus Dominus cunctos sermones hos : in eo, tu, et Alius tuus et filia Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus, qui tua, servus tuus et ancilla tua, eduxi te de terra Aegypti, de iumentum tuum, et advena qui domo servitutis. Non habebis est intra portas tuas. Sex enim decs alienos coram me. . . . Non diebus fecit Dominus coelum et assumes nomen Domini Dei tui terram, et mare, et omnia quae in vanum ; nee enim babebit in- in eis sunt, et requievit in die Bontem Dominus eum qui as- septimo ; idcirco benedixit Domi- sumpserit nomen Domini Dei sui nus diei sabbati, et sanctificavit frustra. Memento ut diem sabbati eum. Honora patrem tuum et sanctifices. Sex diebus operaberis, matrem tuam, ut sis longaevus 62 THE LAWS OF KING ALFRED 21. 1-36. pis synt ]?a domas ]:e Ipu him s§ttan scealt : Gif hwa gebicgge crlstenne |?eow, VI gear fieowige he ; Ipy siofoSan beo he frioh orceapunga. Mid swelce hrsegle he ineode, mid swelce gange he ut. Gif he wif self haebbe, gange hlo ut mid him. Gif se hlaford him ]7onne wif sealde, sle hlo and hire beam pses hlafordes\ Gif se J?eowa J^onne cwaeSe : Nelle ic fr9m minum hlaforde, ne fr^m mlnum wife, ne fr^m minum bearne, ne fr9m minum ierfe -, br§nge hine ]?onne his hlaford to Ipses temples dura, and J?urh]5yrlige his eare mid sele, to tacne Jjset he sle jefre si'S'San J^eow. peah hwa gebycgge his dohtor on J^eowenne, ne sie hlo ealles swa j^eowu swa otSru m§nnenu. Nage he hie ut on §l|?eodig folc to bebycgganne ; ac gif he hire ne r§cce, se pe hie bohte, ISte hie freo on ^Ipeodig folc. Gif )?onne he alefe his suna mid to h^manne, do hiere gyfta, and locige ]?aet hlo haebbe hmegl, and ]33et weorcS sle hire maegShades, Jjset is, se weotuma agife he liire J)one. Gif he hire ]?ara nan ne do, Jx)nne sle hlo frioh. super terram quam Dominus Deus tuusdabittibi. Non Decides. Non moechaberis. Non furtum facies. Non loqueris contra prox- imum tuum falsum testimonium. Non concupisces domum proximi tui, nee desiderabis uxorem eius, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum, nee omnia quae illius sunt. . . . Non facietis deos argenteos, nee deos aureos facietis vobis. 21. 1-36. Haee sunt indicia quae propones eis : Si emeris servum Hebraeum, sex annis serviet tibi ; in septimo egredietur liber gratis. Cum quali veste intraverit, cum tali exeat ; si habens uxorem, et uxor egredietur simul. Sin autem dominus dederit ilH uxorem, et pepererit filios et filias, mulier et liberi eius erunt domini sui, ipse vero exibit cum vestitu suo. Quod si dixerit servus : Diligo dominum meum et uxorem ac liberos, non egrediar liber, offeret eum dominus diis, et applicabitur ad ostium et postes, perforabitque aurem eius subula, et erit ei ser- vus in saeculum. Si quis vendiderit filiam suam in famulam, non egredietur sicut an- cillae exire consueverunt. Si dis- plicuerit oculis domini sui cui tra- dita fuerat, dimittet eam ; populo autem alieno vendendi non babe- bit potestatem, si spreverit eam. Sin autem filio suo desponderit eam, iuxta morem filiarum faciet illi ; quod si alteram ei acceperit, providebit puellae nuptias, et vestimenta et pretium pudicitiae non negabit. Si tria ista non fecerit, egredietur gratis absque pecunia. Note the omission here. ' An insertion. EXODUS 21 63 Se 111911 se J^e his gewealdes ni9nnan ofslsa, swelte s5 deatSe. Se ]>e hine J^onne nedes ofsloge, otSSe unwillum otTSe ungewealdes, swelce hine God swa s§nde on his h9nda, and hs hine ne ymbsyi-ede, sle he feores ^v5^r'5e and folcryhtre bote, gif he friS- stOwe gesece. Gif hwa |7onne of giernesse and gewealdes ofslea his ]7one nehstan |5urh searwa, aluc IpTi hine fram mlnuni weofode, to-]5am-]7e he dea(5e swelte. Se Ipe slea his faeder 0'6'Se his modor, se seeal deacSe sweltan. Se Ipe frione forstaele and he hine bebycgge, and hit [hym] on- bestSled sle lp?et he hine ber^ceean ne mseg, swelte se dea'Se. Se Ipe w^rge his foeder oS'Se his modor, swelte se deaSe. Gif hwa slea his ]?one nehstan mid stane oStSe mid fyste\ and he ]3eah utgangan maege bl stafe, begite him l^ece, and wyrce his w^eorc ]?a-hwile-)7e he self ne maege. Se ]?e slea his agenne J^eowne ^sne o^e his m^nnen, and he ne sy idaeges dead, J^eah he libbe twa niht o'5(5e ]?reo, ne blS he ealles swa scyldig, for]5on]3e hit waes his agen fioh ; gif he ]?onne 8Te idaeges dead, J^onne sitte slo scyld on him. Gif hwa on cease eacniend wif gew^rde, bete J)one aewgrdlan^, sw^a him domeras gergccen ; gif hio dead sle, sglle sawle witS sawle. Gif hwa o(5mm his eage otSdo, s§lle his agen fore, to(S fore tecS, h9nda wid h9nda, fet fore fet, baeming fore baerning, wund wiS wunde, 1^1 wiS laele. Qui percusserithominem volens serit alter proximum suum lapide occidere, morte moriatur. Qui vel pugno, et ille mortuus non autem non est insidiatus, sed fuerit, sed iacuerit in lectulo ; si Deus ilium tradidit in manus surrexerit, et ambulaverit foris eius, constituam tibi locum in super baculum suum, innocens quem fugere debeat. Si quis per erit qui percusserit, ita tamen industriam occiderit proximum ut operas eius, et impensas in suam et per insidias, ab altari medicos, restituat. meo evelles eum, ut moriatur. Qui percusserit servum suum vel Qui percusserit patrem suum ancillam virga, et mortui fuerint aut matrem, morte moriatur. in manibus eius, crimiuis reus erit ; Qui furatus fuerit hominem et sin autem uno die vel duobus su- vendiderit eum, convictus noxae pervixerit, non subiacebit poenae, morte moriatur. quia pecunia illius est. Qui maledixerit patri suo vel Si rixati fuerint viri, et percus- matri, morte moriatur. serit quis mulierem praegnantem, Si rixati fuerint viri, et percus- et abortivum quidem fecerit, sed 1 Note the omission. * Much abridged. 64 THE LAWS OF KING ALFRED Gif hwa aslea his J^eowe o'S^e his J^eowenne ]?8et Sage ut, and he )5onne hi gedo anigge, geofreoge hie for Ipon. Gif he J^onne fione to6 ofaslea, doS jjset ilce. Gif oxa of hnite wer o'SSe wif, J^set hie dsade slen, sie he mid stanum ofworpod, and ne sie his flsesc eten. Se hlaford biS unscyldig, gif se oxa hnltol wjere twam dagum sbv o'S'Se frim, and se hlaford hit nyste ; gif he hit ]?onne wiste, and he hine inne betynan nolde, and he ]5onne wer oStSe wif ofsloge, sie he mid stanum ofworpod, and sie se hlaford ofslegen otStSe [se man] forgolden, swa j^set witan to rihte finden. Sunu o'S'Se dohtor gif he ofstinge, ]?8es ilcan domes sie he wyrSe. Gif he ]7onne j5eow ocStSe ]5eowm§nnen ofstinge, gesgUe fiam hlaforde XXX scill. seolfres, and se oxa sie mid stanum ofworpod. Gif hwa adelfe wseterpyt, o'S'Se betynedne ontyne, and hine §ft ne betyne, gelde swelc neat swelc J^Eeron befealle, and haebbe him Jjset deade. Gif oxa oSres m9nnes oxan gewundige, and he ]?onne dead sie, bebycggen Ipone oxan, and haebben him Jsaet weor'S gem^ne, and etur, et dominum eius Occident. ipsa vixerit, subiaeebit damno quantum maritus mulieris expeti- erit, et arbitri iudieaverint ; sin autem mors eius fuerit subsecuta, reddet animam pro anima, oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dents, manum pro manu,pedem propede, adustionem pro adustione, vulnus pro vulnere, livorem pro livore. Si percusserit quispiam oculum servi sui aut ancillae, et luscos eos fecerit, dimittet eos liberos pro oculo quern eruit. Dentem quo- que si excusserit servo vel ancillae suae, similiter dimittet eos li- beros. Si bos cornu percusserit virum aut mulierem, et mortui fuer- int, lapidibus obruetur, et non comedentur carnes eius ; domi- nus quoque bovis innocens erit. Quod si bos cornupeta fuerit ab lieri et nudiustertius, et contestati Bunt dominum eius, nee reclu- serit eum, occideritque virum aut mulierem ; et bos lapidibus obru- Quod si pretium fuerit ei impo- situm, dabit pro anima sua quid- quid fuerit postulatus. Filium quoque et filiam si cornu per- cusserit, simili sententiae subia- eebit. Si servum ancillamque invaserit, triginta siclos argenti domino dabit, bos vero lapidibus opprimetur. Si quis aperuerit cisternam et foderit, et non operuerit earn, cecideritquebos aut asinusin earn, reddet dominus cisternae pretium iumentorum ; quod autem mor- tuum est, ipsius erit. Si bos alienus bovem alte- rius vulneraverit, et ille mortuus fuerit ; vendent bovem vivum, et divident pretium, cadaver autem mortui inter se dispertient. Sin autem sciebat quod bos cornupeta esset ab heri et nudiustertius, et non custodivit eum dominus suus ; reddet bovem pro bove, et cadaver integrum accii^iet. EXODUS 22 65 5ac l^aet fliesc swa ]?aes deadan. Gif se hlaford ]7onne wiste J^aet se oxa hnitol Wi«re, and hine healdan nolde, s§lle him 0^'erne oxan fore, and haebbe him eall peet flSsc. Schmid 5cS, 60. 2. 1-6, 10-12, 16-31. Gif hwa forstele o'Sres oxan, and hine ofslea otS(5e bebycgge, s§lle twegen wi'S, and feower sceap wiS anum. Gif he naebbe hwaet he s§lle, sle he self beboht wiS pam. flo. Gif ]?eof brece mannes hus nihtes, and he weorSe ]?Sr ofsleg- en, ne sle he na mansl§ges scyldig. Gif he siScSan sefter sunnan upggnge Ipis decS, he biS mansl§ges scyldig, and he j^onne self swelte, buton he nieddseda w^i'e. Gif mid him cvvicum sle funden J^aet he Sr stsel, be twyfealdum forgielde he hit. Gif hwa gew§rde oSres mynnes wingeard, o'SSe his secras, o'S'^e his landes awuht, gebete swa hit m^n geeahtige. Gif fyr sle ont§nded rj^ht ^ to baernenne, gebete Ipone aefwgrd- elsan se pset fyr ont§nt. Gif hwa oSfseste his friend fioh, gif he hit self stSle, for- gjdde be twyfealdum. Gif he nyte hwa hit Steele, geladige hine selfne, ]?set he Ipeev nan facn ne gefrgmede. Gif hit ]7onne cucu feoh w£ere, and he sgcgge past hit h§re name, o'SSe ]7aet hit self acwsele, and he gewitnesse h^ebbe, ne ]?earf he pset geldan. Gif he |7onne gewitnesse nsebbe, and he him ne getrlewe, sw§r^ ige he ]3onne. 2. 1-6, 10-12, 16-31. Si quis fura- quid optimmn habuerit in agro tus fuerit bovem aut ovem, et sue, vel in vinea, pro damni aesti- occiderit vel vendiderit, quinque matione restituet. boves pro uno bove restituet, et Si egressus ignis invenerit spi- quattuor oves pro una ova. nas, et comprebenderit aeervos Si efFringens fur domum sive frugum sive stantes segetes in suffodiens fuerit inventus, et ac- agris, reddet damnum qui ignem cepto vulnere mortuus fuerit, succenderit. percussor non erit reus sanguinis. Si quis commendaverit prox- Quod si orto sole hoc fecerit, imo suo asinum, bovem, ovem, et homicidium perpetravit, et ipse omne iumentum, ad custodiam, morietur. Si non habuerit quod et mortuum fuerit, aut debilita- pro furto reddat, ipse venunda- turn, vel captum ab hostibus, nul- bitur. Si inventum fuerit apud lusque hoc viderit; iusiurandum eum quod furatus est vivens, sive erit in medio quod non exten- bos, sive asinus, sive ovis, duplum derit manum ad rem proximi restituet. sui, suscipietque dominus iura- Si laeserit quispiam agrum vel mentum, et ille reddere non co- vineam, et dimiserit iumentum getur. Quod si furto ablata fue- suum ut depascatur aliena, quid- rit, restituet damnum domino. * Lambarde has ' ryp,' harvest, which is probably right. 66 THE LAWS OF KING ALFRED Gif hwa fSmnan beswice unbew§ddode, and hire mid slsepe, forgielde hie, and hsebbe hi siSSan him to wife. Gif ]:^re fiemnan faeder hie J^onne s§llan nelle, agife he Jiaet fioh aefter J)am weotuman. pa fSmnan, Ipe gewunia'S onfon gealdorcraeftigan, and scln- Islcan, and wiccan, ne l^t ]?u ])a. libban. And se Ipe hSme mid netene, swelte he deatSe. And se J^e godgeldum onsaecge ofer God anne, swelte se deatSe. IJtancumene and §l]?eo<3ige ne gesw§nc ]?u no, forSonj^e ge Wffiron glu §l]?eodige on ^gypta Ignde. pa wuduwan and pa stiopcild ne scgSSaS ge, ne hie nawer dgria'S. Gif ge fionne §lles do's, hie eleopiaS to me, and ic gehiere hie, and ic eow ]5onne slea mid minum sweorde, and ic gedo IpsBt eowru wif bee's wydewan, and eowru bearne bee's steopcild. Gif ]?u fioh to borge s§lle ]?lnum geferan, J^e mid 'pe eardian wille, ne niede Ipxx hine swa niedling, and ne gehene Ipn hine mid Ipy eacan. Gif m9n naebbe buton anfeald hrsegl hine mid to wreonne oSSe to wgrianne, and he hit to w§dde s§lle, ier sunnan setlg9nge sle hit agifen. Gif Ipn swa ne dest, ]?onne cleopiaS he to me, and ic hine gehiere, forj5on]3e ic eom swi'Se mildheort. Ne tSl Ipn Ipme Dryhten, ne J^one hlaford })8es folces ne werge pu. Si seduxerit quis virginem nee- clamorem eorum, et indignabitur dum desponsatam, dormieritque furor meus, percutiamque vos cum ea, dotabit earn, et habebit gladio, et erunt uxores vestrae earn uxorem. Si pater virginis viduae, et fllii vestri pupilli. dare noluerit, reddet pecuniam Si pecuniam mutuam dederis iuxta modum dotis quam virgines populo meo pauperi qui habitat accipere consueverunt. tecum, non urgebis eum quasi Maleficos non patieris vivere. exactor, nee usuris opprimes. Qui coierit cum iumento, morte Si pignus a proximo tuo acce- moriatur. peris vestimentum, ante solis oc- Qui immolat diis occidetur, casum reddes ei ; ipsum enim est praeterquam Domino soli. solum quo operitur indumentum Advenam non contristabis, ne- carnis eius, nee habet aliud in que affliges eum ; advenae enim quo dormiat. Si clamaverit ad et ipsi fuistis in terra Aegypti. me, exaudiam eum, quia miseri- Viduae et laui^illo non noee- cors sum. bitis. Si laeseritis eos, vocifera- Diis non detrabes, et principi buntur ad me, et ego audiam populi tui non maledices. EXODUS 23 67 pine teo?>an sceattas and ]?ine frumripan, g9ngende8 and weaxendes, agife Ipu Gode. Eal pset flt^sc ]5set wildeor lajfen, ne eten ge ]?a3t, ac sgllaS hit hundum. Schmid 60, 62. 23. I, 2, 4, 6-9, 13. Leases m9nnes word ne r§ce Ipn no fiaes to gehleranne, n6 his domas ne gej^afa J>u, ns nane gewitnesse aefter him ne saga J^u. Ne w§nd pn pe no on ]?fes folces unrSd and unryht gewil, on hiora sprsece and geclysp ofer J?ln ryht and (on) ]?res un- wisestan lare, ne him ne ge]?afa. Gif pe becume oSres mgnnes glemeleas fioh on hand, ]?eah hit sle ]5in feond, gecycSe hit him. Dem Ipu swiSe emne ; ne dem pZi o'Serne dom ]?am welegan, oSerne ]?am eormen ; ne o^erne J^am hofran, and o'Serne J^am laSran ne dem ]?u. Onscuna }?u a leasunga. Soc5faestne man and unscildigne, ne acwele pu |7one nSfre. Ne onfoh }?u neefre medsceattum, forj^on hie ablaendaS ful oft wTsra nignna ge]:oht, and hiora word onwgndaS. pam §l|?eodigan and utancumenan ne hiet pu no uncuSlice wiS hine, ne mid nanum unrihtum ]?u hine ne dr§cce. Ne sw§rigen ge nSfre under h^e'Sene godas, ne on nanum fiingum ne cleopien ge to him. Sciimid 62, 64. TOBIT. 4. 16. ^See Acts 15. 29, end. Decimas tuas et primitias tuas plurimorum acquiesces senten- non tardabis reddere ; primogeni- tiae, ut a vero devies. turn filiorum tuorum dabis mihi. Si occurreris bovi inimici tui De bobus quoque et ovibus simi- aut asino erranti, reduc ad liter facies : septem diebus sit eum. cum matre sua, die octava reddes Non declinabis in iudicium pau- illum mihi. peris. . . . Carnem, quae a bestiis fue- Mendacium fugies. Insontem rit praegustata, non comedetis, et iustum non occides. . . . sed proiicietis canibus. Nee accipiesmunera, quaeetiam 23. I, 2, 4, 6-9, 13. Non suscipies excaecant prudentes, et subver- vocem mendacii, nee iunges ma- tunt verba iustorum. num tuam ut pro impio dicas Peregrine molestus non eris. . . . falsum testimonium. . . . Et per nomen externorum Non sequeris turbam ad faci- deorum non iurabitis, neque audi- endum malum ; nee in iudicio, etur ex ore vestro. 68 THE LAWS OF KING ALFRED MATTHEW. 5, 17. . . . J^get he ne come no p^s bebodu to brecanne, ne to forbeodanne, ac mid eallum godum to eacanne. Schmid 64. ACTS. 15. 23-29. pa apostolas and pa §ldran bro'Sor hjelo eow wysca'5 ; and we eow cy'Sa'S j^set we geascodon p?et ure geferan sume mid urum wordum to eow comon, and eow hffigran [wisan budan] to healdanne J^onne we him budon, and Sow to swi'Se ge- dwealdon mid J)^m manigfealdum gebodum, and eowra sawla ma forhw§rfdon ]?onne hie gerihton. pa ges^mnodon we us ymb pset, and us eallum gellcode pa ]?3et we sgndon Paulus and Barnaban, mgn pa wilniaS heora sawla s§llan for Dryhtenes naman. Mid him we s§ndon Judam and Silam, ]58et [hi] eow piBt ilce slogan. paem Halgan Gaste wses gej^uht and us, ]5aet we nane byrSene on sow sgttan noldon ofer }3set pe Sow nedj?earf wses to heald- enne, pset is ]?onne ]?aet ge forberen j^set gS deofolgyld ne weor'Sien, ns blod ne ]5icgen, ne asmored, and from d§rnum geligerum ; and J^set gS willen J)3et oSre m§n eow ne don, ne do(5 gS psei o&um mannum. Schmid 64, 66. MATTHEW ^^"^ tradiderunt (T. Br. traders cupiunt) animas suas pro nomine 5. 17. . . . Non veni (T. Br.^ ins. Domini nostri lesu Christi. Mi- legem) solvere, sed adimplere. simus ergo ( T. Br. etiam ad vos) ludam et Silam, qui et ipsi vobis ACTS. verbis (T. Br. verba) referent 15. 23-29. . . . Apostoli et seniores eadem. fratres his qui sunt Antiochiae, Visum est (T. Br. et) enim . . . Syriae, et Ciliciae, fratribus Spiritui Sancto et nobis nihil ex gentibus, salutem. Quoniam ultra imponere vobis oneris quam audivimus quia quidam ex nobis haec necessaria {T. Br. hoc ne- exeuntes turbaverunt vos verbis, cessario) : ut abstineatis vos ab ( T. Br. ins. potius) evertentes immolatis simulacrorum, et san- animas vestras, quibus non man- guine, et sufFocato, et fornica- davimus, placuit nobis collectis tione ; a quibus custodientes vos, in unum eligere viros, et mittere bene agetis . . . {T. Br. add Quod ad vos cum carissimis nostris vobis non vultis fieri, non faciatis Barnaba et Paulo, hominibus aliis). ' T. and Br. signify MS. Cott. Tit. A. 27 and Brompton's Chronicon respectively, where the Latin text corresponding -with the Old English is found (see Schmid, pp. XXV, xxvi). KING ALFRED'S VERSION OF BEDE'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY GENESIS. 2. 24. Wer 9nd wiif, heo tu beotS in anum llch9man. B. H. 70. 3. 16. In saare ]?u c§nnest beam. B. H. 76. 35. 29. Eald 9nd dagana full. B. H. 152. 49. 27. Beniamin is risende wulf ; on iermergen he itecS hlo'Se, 9nd on sefenne hgrereaf daele'S. B. H. 92. LEVITICUS. 12. 4, 5. Fore wSpnedbearne heo sceolde heo ahabban fr^m Godes buses uig9nge ]>veo gnd ]?rltig daga ; fore wifcilde syx gnd syxtig daga. B. H. 76. 15. 16. . . . ]>2ette se wer, se Se wtere his wiife gemgnged, y^et he sceolde waetre a'Swegen 9nd bebaSad beon, 9nd ger sunnan setlg9nge ne moste in heora ges9mnunge ing9ngan. B. H. 80. GENESIS. in sanctuariani, donee impleantur dies purificationis suae. Sinautera 24. . . . Erunt duo in came una. feminam pepererit, . . . sexaginta ^'/^\' : ■ I?-.^!'^''''^ ^"""^" ^^^"^ ^ex diebus manebit in sanguine purificationis suae {Bede sum. ut {Bede om. filiosj. 35. 29. . . . Senex et {Bede ac) plenus ^^.^ masculo diebus triginta tribus, dierum. . . . p^.^ femina autem diebus sexa- 49. 27. Beniamin hipus rapax ; ginta sex debeat abstinere). mane comedet praedam, et ves- ^^ ^^ Vir de quo egreditur semen pere dmdet spoha. ^^-^^g^ ^^^^^^^ ^q^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ suum, et immundus erit usque ad vesperum {Bede ut mixtus vir 12. 4, 5. Ipsa vero triginta tribus mulieri et lavari aqua debeat, diebus manebit ; . . . omne sane- et ante solis occasum ecclesiam turn non tanget, nee ingredietur non intrarej. LEVITICUS. 70 BEDES ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 18. ;. Ne onwreoh pu scgndlicnesse ]?ines faeder. B. H. 70. 20. iS. Seo halige fe mid deaSe slash's, gif hwylc wJepnedm9n g9nge'S to monaSaSlium wiife. b. h. 78. DEUTERONOMY. 23. 10, II. .(Efter bysmrunge seo ]3urh sljep wsepnedm9nnuin gelimpetS, . . . tSeosne m9n . . . seo cy'Snis Ipiere ealdan Je bismiten cwiS, . . . 9nd him ne forgifetS ]?aette he mote La Godes hus g9ngan, nem.ne he sy waetre aSwegen, ne j^onne gena ser sefenne. B. H. 84. 1 SAMUEL. 21. 4. See B. H. 84. 1 CHRONICLES. 23. I. See Gen. 35. 29. 42. 17. See Gen. 35. 29, JOB. PSALMS. 18. 13, 14. Drihten hleo'SraS of heofonum, 9nd se Hehsta s^lecS his stefne. He sonde's his strtele, 9nd heo toweorpeS ; legetas gem9nigfealda'5, 9nd heo gedrefe'5. B. H. 268. 32. I. pa beocS eadge pe heora wonnesse foiijetne beoS, 9nd j^ara pe synna bewrigene beoS. B. H. 442. 51. 5. Ic wat J?8et ic waes in wSnessum geeacnod, 9nd in scyldum mec cgnde min modor, B. H. 82. 18. 7. Turpitudinem patris tui . . . smn. Si post inlusionem quae per non discooperies {Bede revelabis). somnium solet accidere, . . . hunc 20. 18. Qui coierit cum muliere in quidem testamentum veteris legis fluxu menstruo, et revelaverit tur- . . . poUutum dicit, et, nisi lotum pitudinem eius, ipsaque aperuerit aqua, usque ad vesperam intrare fontem sanguinis sui, interficien- ecclesiam non concedit). tur ambo de medio populi sui {Bede sum. ita ut morte lex sacra PSALMS, feriat, si quis vir ad menstruatam 18. 13, 14. ... Intonuit de coelo Do- mulierem accedat). minus, et Altissimus dedit vocem suam. . . , Et {Bede om. Et) misit sagittas suas, et dissipavit eos ; DEUTERONOMY. 23. 10, II. Si fuerit inter vos homo fulgura multiplicavit, et contur- qui nocturne pollutus sit somnio, bavit eos. egredietur extra castra, et non re- 32. i. Beati quorum remissae sunt vertetur priusquam ad vespemm iniquitates, et quorum tecta sunt lavetur aqua ; et post solis occa- peccata. sum regredietur in castra {Bede 51. 5. Ecce enim in iniquitatibus LEVITICUS 18 — MATTHEW 9 71 84. 7. Halige g9ngat5 of maegene in maegen ; bitS gesegen haligra God in wlite sceawunge. B. H. 212. ECCLESIASTES. 3. 5. . . . )?aette tid w^ere stanas to s§ndenne, 9nd tid to S9m- nienne. b. h. 262. ISAIAH. 35. 7. In j3Sm cleofuni, J?e wv dracan eardodon, wjere upyrnende grownes hreodes gnd rixa. B. H. 230. JONAH. I. 12. Ic wat ]?aette pses storm for me is eumen ^nd sgnded waes. B. H. 412. MATTHEW. 8. 14, 15. . . . pa swsegre Sanctus Petrus J^aes apostoles, mid c5y heo waes sw§nced mid hseto 9nd mid bryne f^eferadle, ]?8et hlo to hrlnenisse pabre Dryhtenlican h9nda S9mod onfjeng haelo 9nd maegen, 9nd aras, 9nd 'S^m Hjelende Jjegnade. B. h. 396. 9. 20, 22. paet wiif pe waes j^rowiende blodes flownisse, heo eatS- modlice waes cumende aefter Drihtnes baece, 9nd gehran bset faes his hrsegles, 9nd sona instaepe hire untrymnes onweg gewat 9nd heo waes hal geworden. B. H. 78. conceptus sum, et in peccatis con- dis venit. . . . (Bede Quia propter cepit me mater mea. me est tempestas haec). 84. 7. . . . Ibunt {Bede ins. sancti) de virtute in virtutem ; videbitur MATTHEW. Deus deorum in Sion. 8. 14, 15. Et cum venisset lesus in domum Petri, vidit socrum eius ECCLESIASTES. iacentem, et febricitantem. Et 3. 5. [Bede ins. Quia) Tempus spar- *^*^^^*^ manum eius, et dimisit gendi {Bede mittendi) lapides, et tempus colligendi. . . , eam febris, et surrexit, et minis- trabat eis {Bede sum. Socrum beati Petri, quae cum febrium ISAIAH. fuisset ardoribus fatigata, ad tac- 5. 7 In cubilibus, in quibus ^^^^ ^^^''^ Dominicae surrexit, prius dracones habitabant, orietur "^*' sanitate simul ac virtute re- (Bede orireturj viror calami et «epta, ministrabat eis). jymji^ 9- 20, 2 2. Et ecce mulier quae san- TONATT guinis fluxum patiebatur duode- cim annis accessit retro, et tetigit 12. ... Scio enim ego quoniam fimbriam vestimenti eius. . . . Et propter me tempestas haec gran- salva facta est mulier ex ilia 72 BEDES ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 11. 29. Nima'S ge min geoc ofer eow, eac Qnd leornia'S aet me, Ipset ic eom milde 9nd eatJmodre heortan. B. H. 100. 15. II. Nales |?aette ing9nge5 in muS m9nnan besmltec5, ac ])a tSe utg9nga'S of muSe, pa seondon Ipe ]5one m9nnan besnilte??. B. H. 80. 15. 19. Of heortan utg9nga5 yfele ge]:ohtas. B. H. 80. 22. 37. Lufa Su ]7inne Dryhten God. B. H. 370. 22. 39. Lufa Su ])inne 'Sone nehstan. B. H. 370. 25. 13. WaciaS ge, forfon]7e ge ne weoton ne Sone dseg ne tSa tide. B. H. 210. MARK. 6. 18. See B. H. 70. 12. 30, 31. See Matt. 22. 37, 39. LUKE. 8. 43. See Matt. 9. 20, 22. 10. 27. /See Matt. 22. 37, 39. 11. 41. Dsette ofer seo 9nd to lafe, sgllaS selmesse, 9nd eow Tbeo^ eal clseno. B. H. 66. JOHN. 8. 56. . . . blissade |?aet he gesawe Drihtnes daeg, 9nd he hine geseah 9nd gefeonde waes. B. H. 474. ACTS. 4. 32. Nfenig heora of }?am pe heo ahton owiht his beon onsundrad cwaeS, ac him ealhim w^ron eall gemaeno. B. H. 64. hora (Bede sum. Mulier quae 22. 39. Diliges proximum tuum fluxum patiebatur sanguinis, post (Bede om. tuum). . . . tergum Domini humiliter veniens, 25. 13. Vigilate itaque, quia nescitis vestimenti eius fimbriam tetigit, diem neque horam. atque ab ea statim sua infirmitas recessit). LUKE. 11. 29. Tollite iugum meum super u. ^i. . . . Quod superest, date ele- vos, at discite a me, quia mitis mosynam, et ecce omnia munda sum, et humilis corde. . . . g^^^ vobis. 15. II. Non quod intrat in os coin- quinat hominem, sed quod pro- JUHJN. cedit {Bede quae exeunt) ex ore, 8. 56. ... Exulta\dt ut videret diem hoc coinquinat {Bede ilia sunt meum {Bede Domini) ; vidit, et quae coinquinant) liominem. gavisus est. 15. 19. De corde enim {Bede Ex corde) exeunt cogitationes ma- ACTS. lae. ... 4. 32. Nee quisquam eorum quae 22. 37. ... Diliges Domimmi Deum possidebat {Bede Nullus eorum tuum. ... ex his quae possidebant) aliquid MATTHEW 11 2 CORINTHIANS 4 73 4. 35. ... J?aet heo wSren tod^lende heora weoruldgood syndrigum m9nnuin, swa Sgh^^'ylcuIn ]7earf waes. B. H. 66. 7. 56 (Viilg. ^s)- Greseah he heofenas opene, geseah he Godes wuldur, 9nd ]7one H^lend standende Godes on pa, swi'Sran. B. H. 444. 13. 48. Swa ragnige swa forteode wseron to ecum life. B. H. 138. 17. 31. Qnd WEere toweard to demanne eor'San ymbhwyrft on rihtwisnesse. B. H. 224. EOMANS. 7. 23. Ic geseo oSere ss in nilnum leomum witSfeohtende ]?aere ae mines moodes, 9nd gehaeftedne mec is Isedende in synne as, seo is in minum leomum. B. H. 88. 10. 2. Hi haefdon Godes ^Ununge, ac nales aefter wisdome. b. h. 472. 1 COEINTHIANS. 5. I. ... swa psei he eode to his fseder wife. B. H. no. 7. 2, 9. Se cSe hine ahabban ne maeg, haebbe his wiif. B. H. 82. 7. 6. Dis ic cwecSo aefter forgifnesse, nales setter bebodo. B. H. 82. 2 COEINTHIANS. 4. 4. . . . J^aette God ]?a mood J?ara ungeleafsumra ablaende, ]5y-l£es him seine seo onllhtnes Cristes godspelles 9nd his wuldres. b. h. 122. suum esse dicebat, sed erant illis cati, quae est in membris meis. {Bede els) omnia communia. 10. 2. . . . Aemulationem Dei habent 4. 35. ... Dividebatur autem {Bede (Bede habebant), sed non secun- om. autem) singulis, prout cuique dum scientiam. opus erat. . 1 CORINTHIANS. 7. 55. ... Vidit ffloriam Dei, et _ x, , , • ■ ■r , , , , • -n • 5. I. . . . Ita ut uxorem patns sui lesum stantem a ciextris Dei. ,. . , , , .t. , t, . . . Video [Bede vidit) coelos ^l^q^^^ ^abeat {Bede Ita ut uxo- , rem joatris naberet). apertos. ... ... ,n „ r\ 1. J. J. 7. 2, 9. . . . Unusquisque suam uxo- 13. 48. . . . Quotquot erant praeor- ' ^ , , ^ ^ , • J. ,. , ., , rem babeat. . . . Quod si non se dmati ad vitam aeternam. ^. ^ , ^ ,T^^r^■ ,_ T T A i /E> 7 continent, nuhunt ... {Bede Qui 17. 31. ... ludicaturus est {Bede .. 1^ . ■, 1 ^ ,> , . ., , se contmere non potest, babeat esset) orbem in aequitate. ... \ ROMANS. uxorem suam) 7. 6. Hoc autem dico secundum in- dulgentiam, non secundum im- perium. 7. 2 3. Video autem {Bede om. autem) aliam legem in membris meis repugnantem legi mentis meae, " CORINTHIANS, et captivantem me {Bede capti- 4. 4. ... Deus huius saeculi {Bede vum me ducentem) in lege pec- saeculi huius) excaecavit mentes 74 BEDES ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY TITUS. 1. 15. Eall bits clsbne clsenum ; ]?feni besmitenum gnd ungeleaf- sumum noht biS cl^ene. . . . ForSon bismiten syndon ge heora mod ge ingewitnis. B. H. 80. 2 PETER. 2. 22. See B. H. no. infidelium, ut non fulgeat illis inquinatis autem et infidelibus {Bede ne eis f ulgeret ) illuminatio nihil est mundum, sed inquinatae evangelii gloriae Christi. . . . sunt eorum et mens et conscientia {Bede coinquinata sunt enim et ^ . / -. mens eorum et conscientia). 1. iv Omnia munda mundis ; co- KING ALFEED'S VERSION OROSIUS' HISTORY GENESIS. 19. 24 ; 37. 3 ; 44. 47, 54. See Oros. 32. 37. See Oros. 34. EXODUS. 1. S, II ff. ; 12. 31. See Oros. 34. 7. 20 ; 8. 3, 6, 17 ; 11. 10 ; 12. 51. See Oros. 36. 8. 24 ; 9. 3, 6, 10, 23-25 ; 10. 13, ic, 21, 22 ; 12. 29, 33, 37 ; 14. 5, 6 ff., 22, 28. See Oros. 38. ^LFRICS HOMILIES GENESIS. 1. 3. He cwae'S : Geweor'Se leoht. And 'S^errilite wses leoht geworden. M. H. i. 14. 1. 26. He cwaeS: Uton gewj^rcan mannan to ure anllcnysse. ^. H. i. 16. II He cwaetS : Uton gewyi'cean mannan to ure gellcnysse. JS. H. i. 288. 1. 27. And he worhte tSa Adam to his anllcnysse. JE. H. i. 288 ; cf. ii. 324- 1. 31. And he beheold pa, ealle his weorc 'Se he geworhte, and hi \v»ron ealle swiSe gode. M. H. i. 14. 2. 2, 3. And on Sam seofoSan dsege he ge§ndode his weorc, and geswac Sa. And gehalgode ]3one seofotSan dseg, for'San'Se he on 'Sam daege his weorc gegndode. JE. H. i. 14. II pa gergste he hine, and Sone daeg gehalgode. JE. H. ii. 206. 2. 7. And God pa geworhte aenne mannan of lame, and him onableow gast, and hine gellffaeste, and he wearS Sa mann gesceapen on sawle and on lichaman. je. h. i. 12. II And he worhte Sa ]?one man mid his handum, and him onableow sawle. M. H. i. 16 ; cf. i. 20. GENESIS. time opus suum quod fecerat, et requievit die septimo ab universe 1. 3. Dixitque Deus : Fiat lux. Et opere quod patrarat. Et bene- facta est lux. dixit diei septimo, et sanctificavit 1. 26. Et ait: Faciamus hominem ilium, quia in ipso cessaverat ab ad imaginem et similitudinem omni opere suo quod creavit Deus nostram. ... ut faceret. 1. 27. Et creavit Deus hominem ad 2. 7. Formavit igitur Dominus Deus imaginem suam. . . . hominem de limo terrae, et in- 1. 31. Viditque Deus cuncta quae spiravit in faciem eius spiraculum fecerat, et erant valde bona. . . . vitae, et factus est homo in ani- 2. 2, 3. Complevitque Deus die sep- mam viventem. GENESIS 1-3 77 2. 15-17. God pTi hine gebrohte on neorxnawange, and hine )5ser gelogode, and him to cwaecS : Ealra psera l^inga pe on neorxna- wange sindon ]?u most brucan, and hi ealle bsotS pB betaehte, baton anum treowe j^e stgnt on middan neorxnawange ; ne hr§pa pu Ipses treowes wSstm, for]7ant5e pu bist deadlic, gif ]?u ]5aes treowes wSstm geetst. JE. H. i. 12, 14. 2. 18. pa cwaecS God : Nis na gedafenlic J^aet j^es man ana beo, and naebbe naenne fultum ; ac uton gewyrcan him gemacan, him to fultume and to frofre. M. H. i. 14. 2. 19. And Ipa, waes Adam swa wis j^aet God gelsedde to him nytenu, and deorcynn, and fugelcynn, Sa-'Sa he hi gesceapene hfefde, and Adam him eallum naman gesceop ; and swa-swa he hi ]?a genamode, swa hi sindon gehatene. ^. H. i. 14. 2. 21-23. And God ]?a geswefode J^one Adam, and J7a-]?a he slep ■Sa genam he an rib of his sidan. And geworhte of (Sam ribbe senne wifman, and axode Adam hu heo hatan sceolde. pa cwaeS Adam : Heo is ban of minum banum, and flSsc of minum fi^sce ; beo hire nama Virago, ]?aet is, ffemne, forSan'Se heo is of hire were genumen. M. H. i. 14 ; cf. ii. 8, 58, 260. 2. 25. And hi w;^ron '5a nacode. M. H. i. is. 3. 1-;. He com Sa on naeddran hlwe to J^am twam mannum, serest to Sam wife, and hire to cwaetS : Hwl forbead God eow pses treowes wfestm, '5e st§nt on middan neorxnawange ? pa cwae'S paet wif : God us forbead paes treowes w^stm, and cwae'S pset W5 sceoldon dea'Se sweltan, gif we his onbyrigdon. Da 2. 15-17. Tulit ergo Dominus Deus enim quod vocavit Adam animae hominem, et posuit eum in para- viventis, ipsum est nomen eius. disc voluptatis, . . . praecepitque 2. 21-23. Immisit ergo Dominus ei dicens : Ex omni ligno paradisi Deus soporem in Adam ; cumque comede ; de ligno autem scientiae obdormisset, tulit unam de costis boni et mali ne comedas ; in quo- eius. , . , Et aedificavit Dominus cumque enim die comederis ex Deus costam quam tulerat de eo, morte morieris. Adam in mulierem, et adduxit 2. 18. Dixit quoque Dominus Deus : eam ad Adam. Dixitque Adam : Non est bonum esse hominem Hoc nunc os ex ossibus meis, et solum ; faciamus ei adiutorium caro de came mea ; haec voca- simile sibi. bitur Virago, quoniam de viro 2. 19. Formatis igitur Dominus sumpta est. Deus de humo cunctis animan- 2.25. Erat autem uterque nudus tibus terrae, et universis volati- 3. 1-5. Sed et serpens erat callidior libus coeli, adduxit ea ad Adam, cunctis animantibus terrae quae ut videret quid vocaret ea ; omne fecerat Dominus Deus. Qui dixit 78 ^LFRICS HOMILIES cwaetS se dsofol : Nis hit na swa Sa s§gst, ac God wat genoh geare, gif ge of t5ain trgowe geetaS, ]7onne bSoc5 eowere eagan geopenode, and ge magon geseon and tocnawan ^eg'Ser ge god ge yfel, and ge beoS §nglum gellce. M H. L i6, i8. II Swa majre ge beoS swa-swa gnglas, gif ge of ]7am treowe etacS. . . . and ge habbacS gescead ^gSer ge godes ge yfeles. M. H. i. 176. 8. 6. WearS ]?6ah J?8et wlf forspanen J)urh 'Saes deofles lare ; and genam of Saes treowes waestme, and geset, and sealde hire were, and he geset. M. H. i. 18 ; cf. ii. 220, 240, 330. 8. 17, 18. And cwseS : ForSan'Se Su w§eve gehyrsum Sines wifes wordum, and min bebod forsawe, Ipn scealt mid earfo'Snyssum ]?e m§tes tilian. And seo eorSe, 'pe is awyriged on ]?inum weorce, sylS ]?6 'Somas and bremblas. JE. H. i. :8. II Dornas and bremelas ]?e sceolon wexan, forSanSe Su wsere ]?inum wife gehyrsum swlSor Jjonne me, mihtigum Drihtne. JE. h. ii. 254. II Seo eorSe, pe is awyriged on 'Sinum weorce, agifS pe Somas and bremelas. ^. h. ii. 406. 3. 19. pu eart of eorSan genumen, and ]?u aw§nst to eorSan. pu eart dust, and Su aw§ntst to duste. je. h. i. 18. 11 pu eart eorSe, and pu gew§nst to eorSan. Du eart dust, and J^u gew§nst to duste. M. H. i. 300. 8. 20. Da s§tte Adam §ft hire oSerne naman, -^ua, pset is, lif ; forSanSe heo is ealra lybbendra modor. ^. H. i. 14. ad mulierem : Cur praecepit vobis lectabile ; et tulit de fructu illius, Deus ut non comederetis de omni et comedit, deditque viro suo, qui ligno paradisi? Cui respondit comedit. mulier: De fructu lignonim quae 3. 17, 18. Adae vero dixit: Quia sunt in paradiso vescimur; de audisti vocem uxoris tuae, et fructu vero ligni quod est in coniedisti de ligno ex quo prae- medio paradisi praecepit nobis ceperam tibi ne comederes, male- Deus ne comederemus, et ne tan- dicta terra in opere tuo ; in labo- geremus illud, ne forte moriamur. ribus comedes ex ea cunctis diebus Dixit autem serpens ad mulierem : vitae tuae. Spinas et tribulos Nequaquam morte moriemini. germinabit tibi, et comedes her- Scit enim Deus quod in quocum- bam terrae. que die comederitis ex eo, aperi- 3. 19. ... Pulvis es, et in pulverem entur oculi vestri, et eritis sicut reverteris. dii, scientes bonum et malum. 3. 20, Et vocavit Adam nomen uxoris 3. 6. Vidit igiturmulierquod bonum suae Heva, eo quod mater asset esset lignum ad vescendum, et cunctorum viventium. pulchrum oculis, aspectuque de- GENESIS 3-7 79 3. 21. God him worhte ^a r6af of fellum, and hi w^eron mid )?am fellum gescrydde. ^E. H. i. i8. 3. 24. And adr^fde hi biitu of neorxnawange. je. H. i. 18. 4. 8. Sec M. H. ii. 58. 5. 4, 5. And he and his wif tSa beam gestryndon, «gtSer ge suna ge dohtra. And he leofode nigon himd geara and ]?rittig geara, and sitSSan swealt. m. h. i. 20. 5. 24. See M. H. i. 308, 6. 14, 15. Wyrc ]>e nu aenne are, J?i-eo hvmd f?eSma lang, and flftig faeSma wid, and }?rltig faeSma heah ; gehref hit eall, and gecliem ealle J?a seamas mid tyi-wan \ ^. H. i. 20. 6. 17, 18. Ic wille s§ndan flod ofer ealne middangeard. . . . Ic wylle foi'don eal mancynn mid wsetere for heora synnum ; ac ic wylle gehealdan J^e aenne, and |5ln wif, and \)\ne ]?ry suna, Sem, and Cham, and lafeth, and heora J^reo wif ^ M. H. i. 20. 6. 19. Ic gegaderige in to ]7e of deorcynne and of fugelcynne symble gemacan, J^aet hi §ft to fostre beon. M. H. i. 20 ; cf. i. 536. 7. I. ForcSanj^e tSu eart rihtwis, and me gecweme, . . . ga inn sycSSan mid }7inum hlwum. m. h. i. 20. 7. II, 12. God . . . as§nde ren of heofonum feowertig daga togaedere, and geopenode J7^r togeanes ealle wyllspringas and waeter|?eotan of \)2bVG mieclan nlwelnysse. M. H. 1. 1. 22. 3. 21. Fecit quoque Dominus Deus ciam omnem carnem, in qua Adae et uxori eius tunicas pelli- spiritus vitae est subter coelum ; ceas, et incluit eos. universa quae in terra sunt consu- 3. 24. Eiecitque Adam. . . . mentur. Ponamque foedus meum 5. 4, 5. ... Genuitque filios et Alias. tecum ; et ingredieris arcam tu, Et factum est omne tempus quod et filii tui, uxor tua, et uxores vixit Adam anni nongenti tri- filiorum tuorum, tecum. ginta, et mortuus est. 6. 19. Et ex cunctis animantibus 6. 14, 15. Fac tibi arcam, . . . etbitu- universae carnis bina induces in mine linies intrinsecus et extrin- arcam, ut vivant tecum, mascu- eecus. . . . Trecentorum cubitorum lini sexus et feminini. erit longitude arcae, quinquaginta 7. i. . . . Ingredere tu, et omnia cubitorum latitude, et triginta domus tua, in arcam ; te enim cubitorum altitude illius. vidi iustum coram me in genera- 6. 17, 18. Ecce ego adducam aquas tione hac. diluvii super terram, ut interfi- 7. 11, 12. ... Rupti sunt omnes 1 yElfric has inverted the order of these passages ; they are here somewhat disjoined, and rearranged in the Biblical order. ^ From Gen. 7, 13, ' Sem, et Cham, et lapheth, . . . et tres uxores filiorum.' 80 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 7. 13. See Gen. 6. 17, 18, note. 7. 16, 17. God beleac hi bynnan ]?am arce. . . • Dset flod weox ■£§, and abaer up }?one arc, and hit oferstah ealle duna. iE. H. i. 22. 7. 21. See ^. H. i. 22. 8. 13. >Sec ^. H. ii. 58 ; cf. Gen. 7. 11, 12. 9. II, i^, 15. Ic wylle sfttan mln w§dd betwux me and eow to l^isum behate : Jjset is, Jjonne ic oferteo heofenas mid wolcnum, ]:onne biS aeteowod mln renboga betwux ]?am wolcnum, ]x)nne beo ic gemyndig mines Wfddes, fiaet ic nolle heononfor'S mancynn mid waetere adr§ncan. M. H. i, 22. 9. 18. See M. H. i. 20. 9. 29. Noe leofode on eallum his life, jer ]3am flode and aefter ]7am flode, nigon hund geara and fiftig geara ; and he ]7a forS- ferde. M. H. i. 22. . 10. 21, 22, 24. See M.'H..i.2^. 11. I. pa wses an gereord on eallum mancynne. M. H. i. 318 ; cf. i. 22. II Eal middaneard haefde ane spriece. M. H. ii. 472. 11. 4. Da cwaidon hi betwux him ]?3et hi woldon wyrcan ane burh, and senne stypel binnon |?Sre byrig, swa heahne }?3et his hrof astige up to heofenum. ^e. h. i. 22. 11 Hit getlmode aefter Noes flode, J^set entas woldon arjeran ane burh, and senne stypel swa heahne J?8et his hrof astige oS heofon. M. H. i. 318 ; cf. ii. 198. II M§n woldon him ar^ran swa heahne stypel ]?3et his hrof astige to heofenum. M. H. ii. 472. fontes abyssi magnae, et cata- duxero nubibus coelum, apparebit ractae coeli apertae sunt, et facta arcus meus in nubibus, et recor- est pluvia super terrain quadra- dabor foederis mei vobiscum, et ginta diebus et quadraginta noc- cum omni anima vivente quae tibus. oarnem vegetat, et non erunt , 16, 17. . . . Inclusit eum Dominus ultra aquae diluvii ad delendum deforis. Factumque est dihivium universam carnem. quadraginta diebus super terram, 9. 29. Et impleti sunt omnes dies et multipHcatae sunt aquae, et eius nongentorum quinquaginta elevaverunt arcam in sublime a annorum ; et mortuus est. terra. 11. i. Erat autem terra labii unius, .11,14,15. Statuam pactum meum et sermonum eorumdem. vobiscum, et nequaquam ultra in- 11. 4. Etdixerunt : Venite, faciamus terficietur omnis caro aquis dilu- nobis civitatem et turrim, cuius vii, neque erit deinceps diluvium culmen pertingat ad coelum. . . . dissipans terram. . . . Cumque ob- GENESIS 7-17 81 11. 7, S. Da com God pserio, 'pa-^Ti hi swi'Sost worhton, and sealde jelcuni m§nn, pe ^sev wfes, synderlice spraece. pa w^ron p^r swa fela gereord swa '(S'xr manna wSron ; and heora nan nyste hwaet oSer cwfe?^. And hi 6a geswicon |3.^re getimbrunge, and tofei'don geond eakie middangeard. je. h. i. 22. II God eac forSl hi tost§ncte, swa J^aet he forgeaf Slcum t^Sra wyi'htena seltcutS gereord, and heora nan ne cuSe ocSres sprSce tocnawan. Hi t5a geswicon (SSre getimbrunge, and toferdon geond ealne middangeard. M. H. i. 318. II Ac se ^Imihtiga towearp heora anginn, swa J^set he forgeaf ffilcum 'Ssera wyi'htena sjTiderlic gereord, and heora nan nyste hwset o^er gecwaetS. m. h. ii. 472. 11. 10-17. See ^. H. i. 24. 12. 3. See Gen. 26. 4. 15. 13, 14, 16. pa cwasS se ^Imihtiga God to Abrahame : Wite tSti ]3set 'Sin cynn sceal 8elt5eodig wunian on o'Srum earde feower hand geara, and hi hi on Seowte gebringa'S, and micclum swgncaS, SotSlice ic deme Sam folce ; and t5ln mjeg'5 siS'San mid micclum sehtum of 'Sam lande fserS, and on Sam feorSan cneowe hi gecyrraS hider ongean. M. H. ii 190. 17. I, 2. God . . . him to cwseS : Ic eom ^Imihtig Drihten ; gang beforan me, and beo fulfr§med. And ic s§tte min w§d betwux me and Se, and ic Se ]3earle gem§nigfylde. je. h. i. 90. 17. 3. Abraham hine astr§hte eallum limum to eorSan. je. h. i. 90. 17. 5. Ne beo Su geclged heononforS Abram, ac Abraham, forSan- pe ic gesgtte t5e manegra J^eoda feeder. ^E. H. i. 92. 11. 7, 8. Venite igitur, descenda- magna substantia. . . . Genera- mus, et confundamus ibi linguam tione autem quarta revertentur eorum, ut non audiat unusquisque hue. . . . vocem proximi sui. Atque ita 17. i, 2. . . . Dixitque ad eum : Ego divisit eos Dominus ex illo loco Deus omnipotens ; ambula coram in universas terras, et cessaverunt me, et esto perfectus. Ponamque aedificare civitatem. foedus meum inter me et te, et 15. 13, 14, 16. Dictumque est ad multiplicabotevehementernimis. eum : Scito praenoscens quod pe- 17. 3. Cecidit Abram pronus in regrinum futurum sit semen tuum faciem. in terra non sua, et subiicient eos 17. 5. Nee ultra vocabitur nomen servituti, et affligent quadringen- tuum Abram, sed appellaberis tis annis. Verumtamen gentem Abraham, quia patrem multarum cui servituri sunt ego iudicabo ; gentium constitui te. et post haec egredientur cum 82 CLERICS HOMILIES 17. 6, 7. Cyningas aspringacS of Se. And ic s§tte mTn w§d betwux me and 'Se, and ]?lnum ofspringe sefter Se, ]5set ic beo 'Sin God and Sines ofspringes. M. H. i. 90. 17. 9, 10, 1 2. Heald f)u mm w§d, and J)In ofspring sefter Se on heora mJegSum. Dis is mm w§d fiset ge healdan sceolon betwux ms and eow, ]3set gelc hysecild on eowrum cynrene beo ymbsniden ; J^set tacn sy betwux me and eow. -iElc hyse- cild, ]7onne hit eahta nihta eald bicS, sy ymbsniden, »gt5er ge fe]?elboren ge }7eowetling. M. H. i. 90, 92. 17. M. Swa hwylc hysecild swa ne biS ymbsniden on ]?am fylmene his flSsces his sawul losaS, forSanJ^e he aydlode min w§d. M. H. i. 94. II And se tSe ]>is forg^itS his sawul losaS, for'SanJ'e he min w§d aydlode. m. h. i. 92. 17. 15, 16. Ne Sm wif ne beo gehaten Sarai, ac beo gehaten Sarra ; and ic hi gebletsige, and of hire ic (5e sylle sunu. M. H. i. 92. 17. 1 7. See M. H. i. 92. 17. 19, 22, 26, 27. (Of hire ic Se sylle sunu,) ]?one Su gecigest Isaac ; and ic sgtte mm w§d to him and to his ofspringe on ecere faistnunge. And sefter Ssere spruce se ^Imihtiga upgewgnde. On ]?am ylcan daege wses Abraham ymbsniden, and eal his hyred. M. H. i. 92 ; cf. i. 90. 17. 6, 7. . . . Regesque ex te egredi- care circumcisa non fuerit, dele- entur. Et statuam pactum meum bitur anima ilia cle populo suo, inter me et te, et inter semen quia pactum meum irritum fecit, tuum post te in generationibus 17. 15, 16. ... Sarai uxorem tuam suis, foedere sempiterno ; ut sim non vocabis Sarai, sed Saram. Et Deus tuus, et seminis tui post te. benedicam ei, et ex ilia dabo tibi 17. 9, 10, 12. . . . Et tu ergo cus- filium. . . . todies pactum meum, et semen 17. 19, 22, 26, 27. . . . Sara uxor tua tuum post te in generationibus pariet tibi filium, vocabisque no- suis. Hoc est pactum meum quod men eius Isaac ; et constituam observabitis inter me et vos : . . . pactum meum illi in foedus sem- Circumcidetur ex vobis omne mas- piternum, et semini eius post culinum. . . . Infans octo dierum eum. , . . Cumque finitus esset circumcidetur in vobis, omne mas- sermo loquentis cum eo, ascendit culinum in generationibus vestris ; Deus ab Abraham. . . . Eadem die tam vernaculus quam emptitius circumcisus est Abraham ; . . . et circumcidetur, et quicumque non omnes viri domus illius . . . pariter fuerit de stirpe vestra. circumcisi sunt. 17. 14. Masculus, cuius praeputii GENESIS 17-22 8? 18. 2. See je. h. ii. 2.U- 18. i8. See Gen. 26. 4. 19. I. See M.B..i.zi. 19. 24, 25. ^See ^. H. i. 246. 21. 4. And sy'SSan his sunu Isaac, on ?'am eahto'San daege his acgnnednysse. M. H. i. 92. 22. 2, 3. ^See ^. h. ii. 60. 22. 4-13, 15-18. Efne, ^a-'Sa he 'SSre dune gengaljehte, ]>a. cwaeS he to his cnihtum : Andbldia'S her ; ic and ]?is cild willatS us gebiddan set ])gere stowe ]5e us God geswutelode. Isaac ]?a bfer wudu to forbsernenne 'Sa offrunge, and Abraham haefde him on handa fyr and swurd. Isaac 'Sa befran c5one faeder, and cwsetS : Efne, her is fyr and wudu, min faeder ; hw»r is sec offrung ? Abraham andwyrde : Mm beam, God foresceawatS him sylfum J^Sre ons^gednysse offrunge. Hwaet, tSa Abraham, Sa-t5a hi to SSre stowe comon, geband his leofan sunu, and his swurd ateah, ]58et he hine Gode geoffrode. Efne, Sa Godes §ngel clypode of heofonum, and mid hluddre stemne cwae'S : Abraham, ne astr§ce 'Su (Sine hand bufon 'Sam cilde, ne him nane dare ne gedo ; nu ic oncneow ]?3et tSu God ondrSdst, and J5u ne arodest ]?lnum ancgnnedan suna for his h»se. pa beseah Abraham underbaec, and t5Sr stod an ramm betwux ]3am bremelum, getlged be 'Sam hornum ; he 'Sa genam 'Sone ramm, and Gode geoffrode for 'Sam cilde. ^fter 'Sisum clypode §ft Godes §ngel of heofonum to Abrahame, ]7us cweSende : God cwseS : Ic swor ]?urh m6 sylfne, for'San'Se ]?u J?as dSde dydest, and 'Slnum anc§nnedan bearne ne arodest, ic gebletsige 'Se, and }?lnne ofspring ic gemfsnigfylde swa-swa steorran on heofenan, and swa-swa sandceosol on sSlicum strande. pin sjed soSlice geagna'S his feonda gatu, and on 'Sinum saede bee's geblet- sode ealle eorSlice m^gSa, forSanSe Su gehyrsumedest minre stemne. M. H. ii. 60, 62 ; cf. Gen. 26. 4. 21. 4. Et circumcidit eum octavo Tulit quoque ligna holocausti, et die. . . . imposuit super Isaac filium suum; 22. 4-13, 15-18. Die autem tertio, ipse vero portabat in manibus elevatis oculis, vidit locum procul, ignem et gladium. Cumque duo dixitque ad pueros sues : Expec- pergerent simul, dixit Isaac patri tate hie cum asino ; ego et puer sue : Pater mi, . . . ecce, . . . ignis illuc usque properantes, postquam et ligna ; ubi est victima holo- adoraverimus revertemur ad vos. causti ? Dixit autem Abraham : 81 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 24. 1-4. Da-'Sa he ealdode, and his sunu wifian sceolde, pa, clypode he his yldestan cnilat him to, and hst hine sgttan his hand under his t'Soh, and sw§rian 'Surh Sone heofonliean God pset he n^fre geSafode }:'net his sunu Isaac on hfeSenre m£^gSe wifian sceolde, ac of 'Sam geleaffullum folce Ipe Abraham on afedd waes. M. H. ii. 234. II Sgte 'Sine hand under minum 'Seo. . . . Sw§ra 'Surh 'Sone heofenlican God. je. h. ii. 236. 25. 24-26. See ^. h. i. no ; ii. 190. 26. 4. . . . ]?a3t on his cynne sceolde beon eal mancynn geblet- Sod. JE. H. ii. 12. 35. 22. See je. h. ii. 190. 41. 49. On 'Sam anum wfes corn . . . swa fela swa bicS sandceosol on sae. M. H. ii. 190. 41. 54. See M. H. ii. 190. 46. 46. See ^. h. ii. 190. 47. 27. See je. h. ii. igo. Deus proviclebit sibi victimam holocausti, fili mi. Pergebant ergo pariter, et venerunt ad locum quem ostenderat ei Deus, in quo aedificavit altare, et desuper ligna composuit ; cumque alligasset Isaac filium suum. . . . Extendit- que manum, et arripuit gladium, ut immolaret filium suum. Et ecce angelus Domini de coelo clamavit. dicens : Abraham, Abi"a- liam, . . . non extendas manum tuam super puerum, neque facias illiquidquam; nunc cognovi quod times Deum, et non pepercisti unigenito filio tuo propter me. Levavit Abraham oculos suos, vi- ditque post tergum arietem inter vepres haerentem cornibus, quem assumens obtulit holocaustum pro filio Vocavitautem angelus Do- mini Abraham secundo de coelo, dicens : Per memetipsum iuravi, dicit Dominus, quia fecisti hanc rem, et non pepercisti filio tuo unigenito propter me, benedicam tibi, et multiplicabo semen tuum sicut Stellas coeli, et velut arenam quae est in littore maris. Possi- debit semen tuum poiias inimi- corum suorum, et benedicentur in semine tuo omnes gentes terrae, quia obedisti voci meae. 24.1-4, Erat autem Abraham senex dierumque multorum. . . . Dixit- que ad servum seniorem domus suae, qui praeerat omnibus quae habebat : Pone manum tuam sub- ter femur meum, ut adiurem te per Dominum, Deum coeli et terrae, ut non accipias uxorem filio meo de filiabus Chananae- orum inter quos habito, sed ad terram et cognationem meam pro- ficiscaris, et inde accipias uxorem filio meo Isaac. 26. 4. . . . Benedicentur in semine tuo omnes gentes terrae. 41. 49. Tantaque fuit abundantia tritici, ut areuae maris coaequa- retur. . . . GENESIS 24 — EXODUS 7 85 49. 10. ... ]>xt ne sceolde ateorian ]?set ludeisce cynecynn, o)3-]3aet Crist sylf come. M. H. i. 82. EXODUS. 1. 5. See JE. H. ii. 190. 3. 7, 8. To Sam Moyse spraec se ^Elmihtiga God jjisum wordum : Ic geseali mines folces geswinc on Egypta lande, and heora hream ic gehyrde, and ic niSerastah J^set ic hi ahrgdde of EgjTDtiscra manna handum ; and ic hi gelSde of 'Sam earde to godan lande and bradmn, pset t5e fleowS mid meolce and mid hunige. ^. H. ii. 192. 3. 10. Far to Sam cyninge Pharao, and beod him |39et he min folc forlffite of his leode faran. .E. H. ii. 192. 3. 14. . . . swa-swa he sylf cwsetS to Moysen : IC EOM SE DE EOM, and s§ge Israhela bearnum : SE DE IS sgnde me to eow. M. H. ii. 236. 4. 25. See JE. H. i. 92. 5. I, 2. Moyses Sa and his broSor Aaron ferdon to Pharao mid Srende J^ses uElmihtigan Godes, and cw^don : pus cwyS Drihten Israhela God : Forlfet min folc, j^aet hit me lac offrige on westene, swa ic him gewissige. Pharao him andwyrde : Hwset is se Drihten, j^get ic his stemne gehyran sceole, and Israhel forlStan ? Nat ic Sone Drihten, and ic Israhel ne for- la3te. jE. h. ii. 192. 7. I . ... CwseS se ^Imihtiga to Moysen : Ic Se gesgtte Ipset ])Vl Wffire Pharaones god. JE. H. i. 3+6. 49. 10. Non auferetur sceptrum de 3. 14. Dixit Deus ad Moysen : EGO luda, et dux de femore eius, SUM QUI SUM. Ait : Sic dices donee veniat qui mittendus est, filiis Israel: QUI EST misit me et ipse erit expectatio gentium. ad vos. 5. I, 2. Post haec ingressi sunt EXODUS. Moyses et Aaron, et dixerunt 3. 7, 8. CuiaitDominus: Vidiafflic- Pharaoni: Haec dicit Dominus tionem populi mei in Aegypto, Deus Israel: Dimitte populum et clamorem eius audivi. . . . De- meum, ut sacrificet niihi in de- scendi ut liberem eum de manibus serto. At ille respondit : Quis est Aegyptiorum ; et educam de terra Dominus, ut audiam vocem eius, ilia in terram bonam et spatiosam, et dimittam Israel? Nescio Do- in terram quae fluit lacte et minum, et Israel non dimittam. J3ielle. ... 7. I. Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: 3. 10. Sed veni, et mittam te ad Ecce constitui te deum Pharao- Pharaonem, ut educas populum nis. meum, filios Israel, de Aegypto. 86 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 7. 20. See JE. H. ii. 192. 8. 6, 17, 24. See ^. H. ii. 192. 9. 6. pset fifte wite waes cwealm on heora orfe, swa J^aet on 'Sam lande fornean nan orf ne belaf, baton Israheles ]?e ansund gestod. JE. H. ii. 192. 9.10. paet sixte wite waes, paet mislice geswel and bljedran asprung- on on heora llchaman on eallum his folce. je. h. ii. 192. 9- 23, 25. pset seofoSe wite wses, pset swa micel (5unor and hagol becom on 'Sam leodscipe, J^aet gelc 'Sing waes adyd ]?aet ute wear's gemet, and £elc treow on Sam earde tobaerst. JE. H. iL 192. 10. 14. paet eahtoSe wite waes, j^aet gaerstapan ofereodon eall |?aet land swilce swa naefre jerSan nSron, ne §ft nsefre ne gewurS- a'S. ^. H. ii. 192! 10. 15. And hi forgnogon swa-hwaet-swa se hagol belgefde, oSSe on treowum oSSe on o'Srum wsestmum. m. h. ii. 194. 10. 22, 23. paet nigoSe wite waes, J?set becomon 'Sicce 'Seostru and §geslice ofer eallum Egypta lande, swa ]?3et heora nan binnon ■Srim dagum oSerne ne geseah, ne hi of 'S^ere stowe styrian ne mihton, and on Israhela Seode wSron gewunelice dagas. M. H. ii 194. 12. 2. pes monaS is mon'Sa anginn, and he biS fyrmest on geares mon'Sum. m. h. i. 98. 12. 2, 5. See M. H. i. 310. 12. 3, 5 if. God s§tte on 'Saere ealdan se, and het niman anes geares 9. 6. ... Mortuaque sunt omnia super universam terram Aegypti, animantia Aegyptiorum ; de ani- . . . quales ante illud tempus non malibus vero filiorum Israel nihil fuerant, nee iDOstea futurae sunt, omnino periit. 10. 15. ... Devorata est igitur herba 9. 10. ... Factaque sunt ulcera ve- terrae, et quidquid pomorum in sicaruni turgentium in homini- arboribus fuit, quae grando dimi- bus. . . . serat. . . . 9. 23, 25. ... Dominus dedit toni- 10. 22, 23. ... Factae sunt tene- trua et grandinem, . . . pluitque brae horribiles in universa terra Dominus grandinem super terram Aegypti tribus diebus. Nemo vidit Aegypti. . . . Et percussit grando fi-atrem suum, nee movit se de loco in omni terra Aegypti cuncta quae in quo erat ; ubicumque autem fuerunt in agris, ab liomine usque habitabant filii Israel lux erat. ad iumentum ; cunetamque her- 12. 2. Mensis iste vobis principium bam agri percussit grando, et mensium ; primus erit in mensi- omne lignum regionis confregit. bus anni. 10. 14. Quae [locustae] ascenderunt 12. 3, 5 ff. . . . Tollat unusquisque EXODUS 7-12 87 lamb aet ^Icum hlwisce, and sniSau on Eastertide, and wyrcan mid pxs lambes blode rodetacn on heora gedyrum and on ofer- slggum, and briedan jjfet lamb, and hit swa, tSicgan ; gif iSiev liWiBt Isefde, forba^rnan. je. h. ii. 40. 12. 7-1 1. Se ^Imihtiga God bebead Moysen . . . pxi hs sceolde bebeodan Israhela folce j^aet hi . . . sceoldon . . . wyrcan rodetacn on heora gedyrum and ofersl§gum mid Saes lambes blode, etan sitJSan tJaes lambes fl;%sc gebrsed, and Seorfe hlafas mid feldlicere lactucan. God cwaeS to Moysen : Ne ete gS of tSam lambe nan Sing hreaw, ne on waetere gesoden, ac gebraed to fyre. Eta's pset heafod, and Sa fet, and j^aet innewearde, ne his nan Sing ne belife oS merigen : gif SSr hwaet to lafe sy, forbaernaS ]?aet. DicgaS hit on Sas wison : BegyrdaS eowere l§ndenu, and beoS gesceode, habbaS Sow staef on handa, and etaS ardlice ; j^eos tid is Godes faereld. jE. h. ii. 264 ; cf. i. 310, ii. 266. II Israhel Sigde pass lambes fl^sc . . . mid ]5eoi*fum hlafum and feldlicum lactucum. M. H. ii. 278. II Israhel sceolde etan p3e& lambes heafod, and Sa fet, and pset innewerde, and peer nan Sing bellfan ne moste ofer niht ; gif Jj^r hwaet belife, forbaernan ]3set on fyre ; and ne tobn^con Sa ban \ ... Hi jeton J^set lamb mid begyrdum l§ndenum. ... Hi w^ron eac gesceode. ... Hi haefdon him staef on handa. ^. H. ii. 280. II . . . p2st hi sceoldon caflice etan. . . . Ne moston fiaes lambes ban sc£enan. je. h. ii 282. II . . . ]7aet hi hit hreaw ne seton, ne on waetere gesoden, ac gebrsed to fyi-e. jE. h. ii. 278. agnum per familias et domos suas. nee coctum aqua, sed tantum . . . Erit autem agnus . . . annicu- assum igni. Caput cum pedibus lus ; . . . immolabitque eum. [See eius et intestinis vorabitis, nee next paragraph.] remanebit quidquam ex eo usque 12. 7-1 1 • Et sument de sanguine mane; si quid residuum fuerit, eius, ac ponent super utrumque igne comburetis. Sic autem come- postem et in superliminaribus detis ilium : Renes vestros accin- domorum in quibus comedent getis, et calceamenta habebitis ilium. Et edent carnes nocte in pedibus, tenentes baculos in ilia assas igni, et azymos panes manibus, etcomedetisfestinanter; cum lactucia agrestibus. Non est enim Phase (id est transitus) comedetis ex eo crudum quid, Domini. 1 From Ex. 12. 46, ' ncc os illius confringetis.' 88 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 12. 14, 15. pa cwse^ God to Moysen : HealdaS J?isne daeg on eowenun gemynde, and freolsiaS hine m^rlice on eoweruni cynrenum mid ecum bigggnege, and etaS fieorfne hlaf symle seofon dagas set ■? issere freolstlde. ^. H. ii. 264. 12. 27. See ^. H. ii. 282. 12. 29, 30. paet teo'^e wite wffis, ]?aet on Slcum htise ealre cS^ere Seode, on anre nihte, laeg an dead mann, and )iaet wses se fnim- cgnneda and se leofosta ))ani hlaforde. ^. h. iL 194 ; cf. i. 310. 12. 37. Hi Igeddon ])set folc to Ssre Eeadan s» mid micelre fyrd- inge, ]73et w£eron six bund Jjusenda wigendra manna, buton wifum and cildum. je. h. iL 194 ; cf. i. 312. 12. 46. See Ex. 12. 7-1 1, note. 13. 13. Gif hit ]?onne unclsene nyten w^re, ]?onne sceolde se hlaford hit acwellan, op])e syllan Gode o])ev cl^ne nyten. ^. H. L 138. 13. 18. See ^. H.ii. 194. 13. 21, 22. See ^. H. ii. 196,200. 14. 5-9. See ^. H. u. 194. 14. 15, 16. pa cwasS se ^hnihtiga to Moysen : Astrgce &ne hand ofer 'Sa s:«, and todail hi. je. h. ii. 194. 14. 21-23. And Moyses '^a sloh psere S£e ofer mid his gyrde\ and seo sS toeode on twa, and eal ]?9et Israhela folc eode ofer Sa s^ be drium grunde, and ]3aet waeter stod him on twa healfa swilce oSer stanweall. Pharao Sa him filigde aet Sam hon mid his gebeotlicmn crtetum and gilplicum riddum. M. H. ii 194 ; cf. ii 264. II God hi ISdde ofer cSa Eeadan S£e mid drium fotum. pa tgngde se Pharao refter mid mycelre fyrde. jE. h. i 312. 12. 14, 15- Habebitis autein hunc de Ramesse in Socoth, sexcenta diem in monumentum, et cele- fere millia peditum virorum, abs- brabitis earn solemnem Domino que parvulis. in generationibus vestris cultu 13. 13. Primogenitumasini mutabis seminterno. Septemdiebusazyma eve; quod si non rederaeris, in- comedetis. . . . terficies. . . . 12. 29. 30. Factum est autem in 14. 15, 16. Dixitque Dominus ad noctis medio, percussit Dominus Moysen : , . . Tu autem eleva omne primogenitum in terra ^^rgam tuam, et extende manum Aegypti. . . . Neque enim erat tuam super mare, et di\dde illud. domus in quia non iaceret mor- 14. 21-23. Cumque extendisset tuus. Moyses manum super mare . . . 12. 37. Profectique sunt filii Israel Dominus . . . vertit in siccum; 1 Cf. Ex. 14. 16. EXODUS 12-19 89 14. 26-29. pa cwnsS se ^Imihtiga God to Moysen : Astrgce Sine hand ofer t$ri sS, )7set ]?aet waeter gecyrre to 'Srini Egiptiscum, ofer heora crsetum, and riddum. Moyses Sa astr§lite his hand ongean tJjere ste, and heo oferarn Pharao, and ealle his crtetu and riddan mid ySum oferwreah, swa J>fet SiSr nses fur'Son an to lafe ealles Saes h§res fie him fihgde. Israhela folc soSHce eode be Sam drium grunde. M. H. ii. 194 ; cf. i. 24, ii. 264. II Da-Sa he com on middan S^re sae, J^a wses j^aet Godes folc upagan, and God Sa besgncte Sone Pharao and eal his werod. M. H. i. 312. 16. 14 if. See je. h. ii. 194, 196. 16. 35. See ^. H. i. 24, 76 ; u. 264. 17. 1-6. See M. H. ii. 196, 264. 19. I, 2. See M. H. ii. 196. 19. 9. God cwaeS to Moysen 'pset he wolde cuman, and hine setforan Sam folce gesprecan, }?8et hi Sy leaffuh'an wSron. ^. H. ii. 196. 19. II. And hst hi beon gearowe on Sam Sriddan daege. je. h. ii. 196. 19. 13. Bebeod Sam folce Ipset heora nan Sam munte ne genea- ISce ; swa-hwset-swa hine hr§paS, oSSe mann oJ^J^e nyten, he ne leofaS sona. iE. H. ii. 196. 19. 16, 18. Da . . . wearS Godes wuldor gesewen on Sam westene uppon anum munte se is gehaten Synay, to Sam astah se ^Imihtiga Scyppend, and efne Sa, ])ser begann to brastligenne micel Sunor, and llget sceotan on Sses folces gesihSe, and byman divisaque est aqua. Et ingressi quidem superfuit ex eis. Filii sunt filii Israel per medium sicci autem Israel perrexerunt per me- maris ; erat enim aqua quasi mu- dium sicci maris. . . . rus a dextra eorum et laeva. Per- 19. 9. Ait ei Dominus : lam nunc sequentesque Aegypti ingressi veniam ad te, . . . ut audiat me sunt post eos, et omnis equitatus jjopulus loquentem ad te, et credat Pharaonis, currus eius et equites, tibi in perpetuum. . . . per medium maris. 19. 11. Et sint parati in diem ter- 14. 26-29. Et ait Dominus ad tium. . , . Moysen: Extende manum tuam 19. 13. Manus non tanget eum, sed super mare, ut revertantur aquae lapidibus opprimetur aut confo- adAegyptios, super currus etequi- dietur iaculis ; sive iumentum tes eorum. Cumque extendisset fuerit, sive homo, non vivet. . . . Moyses manum contra mare, . . . 19. 16, 18. ... Ecce coeperunt audiri reversaeque sunt aquae, et operu- tonitrua, ac micare fulgura, et erunt currus et equites cuncti nubes densissima operire montem, exercitus Pharaonis, . . . nee unus clangorque buccinae vehementius 90 ^LFRICS HOMILIES bleowan mid swlcSlicum dreame ; and iiiicel wolcn ofenvreah ealne Sone munt. ^. H. ii. 196. II pa . . . waes gesewen Godes wuldor uppon anre dune J?e is gehaten Synay. pjer com micel Isolit, and ggeslic sweg, and blawende byman. M. H. i. 312. II On Sam munte Synay, J^e se ^lmihtiga on becom, weai'tJ micel Sunor gehyred and stemn, and llget gesewen, swa-swa scinende leohtfatu, and yxr waes bymena dream hlude swegende, and eal se munt smocigende stod. ^E. H. a. 202. 19. 24. Clypode se -iBt se -(Elmihtiga God pas nseddran fram us afyrsige. Hwaet, '5a Moyses for 'Sam folce gebaed, and God J?ferrilite bebead Moyse J^aet he geworhte ane airene na^ddran, and s§tte up to tacne, and pset he manode pset folc pset swa-hAva- swa fram 'Sam na^ddrum abiten w^re, besawe up to <5fere ^renan naeddran, and he wurde gehSled. Hit wearS swa gedon : ■Sa nieddran hi totSron, and hi besawon to 'Saere rerenan naeddran, and hi wurdon gehSlede fram 'Sam deadbserum attre fi^era fyrenra nteddryna. JE. H. ii. 238. 27. 21. See ^. h. ii. 212. DEUTEKONOMY. See Ex. 34. 28. See Ex. 20. 7. See Ex. 20. 8. Scellx. 20. 12. ^SeeEx. 20. 13, See Ex. 20. 14. /Sec Ex. 20. 15. ^eeEx. 20. 16. -See Ex. 20. 17. 6. 4. Drihten ]3ln God is an God. JE. H. ii. 198 ; cf. ii. 204. 8. 3, 4. See JE. H. ii. 196. 9. 9. Moyses ?a wses wunigende up on 'Sgere dune feowertig daga and feowertig nihta tos^mne, and hs on ealkim (Sam fyrste nanes eor'Slices bigleofan ne onbyrigde. JE. H. it 198 ; cf. i, 178, 9. 18. See M H. i. 178. 10. 6. >See M. H. 4. 13 5. II 5. 12. 5. 16 5. 17. 5. 18 5. 19. 5. 20. 5. 21 11. 212. in populum ignitos serpentes, ad serpentem aeneum, et posuit eum quorum plagas et mortes pluri- pro i5igno ; quern cum percussi morum, venerunt ad Moysen, aspicerent, sanabantur. atque dixerunt : Peccavimus, quia locuti sumus contra Dominum et DEUTERONOMY, te ; era ut tollat a nobis serpentea. 6. 4. ... Dominus Deus noster Do- Oravitque Moyses pro populo, et minus unus est. locutus est Dominus ad eum : Fac 9. 9. ... Perseveravi in monte quad- serpentem aeneum, et pone eum raginta diebus ac noctibus, panem pro signo ; qui percussus aspex- non comedens, et aquam non erit eum, vivet. Fecit ergo Moyses bibens. 94 ^ELFRIC S HOMILTES 10. 9. See M. H. ii. 225. 22, 21. See M. H. i. 40, 42, 196. 32. 8. pa-Sa se healica God todSlde and tostgncte Adames ofspring, J?a s§tte he Seoda gemgeru aefter getfle his §ngla. M. H. i. 518. JOSHUA. I. 1 if. See M. H. ii. 212. 3. 16, 17. See ^. H. ii. 212. 4. 18. See ^. H. ii. 212. 5. 2. See M. H. i. 92. 5. 14. See M. H. i. 38. 6. 3, 4, 13-16, 20, 21. 6^eC iB. H. ii. 212. 9. 27. See M. H. ii. 222. 10. ii-i'. See M.B..ii. 213. II. 23. S'ee M. H. ii. 214. 12. See M. H. ii. 214. JUDGES. 16. 1-3. . . . Se stranga Samson, se hsefde f^h'Se to (Sam folce tSe is gehaten Philistei. Da getlmode hit ]7set he becom to heora byrig ]7e wses Gaza gehaten : ]?a wSron 'Sa Philistei swIcSe bllSe, and ymbsSton '5a burh. Ac se stranga Samson aras on midre nihte, and gelsehte (5a burhgeatu, and abser hi uppon ane dune, to bismere his gefaan. M. H. i. 226. 16. 19. See ^. H. i. 488. 1 SAMUEL. 4. II, 18. See M. H. ii. 326. 8. 7. See M. H. ii. 64. 13. 13. See ^. H. ii. 64. 16. I, 3, 4. pa sprsec God to his witegan Samuhele Sisum wordum : Hu lange wilt Su bewepan Saules siS, ]7onne ic hine awearp 32. 8. Quando dividebat Altissimus civitatis custodibus, . . . Dormivit gentes, quando separabat filios autem Samson usque ad medium Adam, constituit terminos popu- noctis, et inde consurgens appre- lorum iuxta numerum filiorum hendit ambas portae fores cum Israel. postibus suis et sera, impositasque JUDGES. humeris suis portavit ad verticem 16. 1-3. Abiit quoque in Gazam. . . . mentis. . . . Quod cum audissent Philisthiim, qamttt^T et percrebruisset apud eos, in- ^ bAMUi^L. trasse urbem Samson, circum- 16. i, 3, 4. Dixitque Dominus ad dederunt eum, positis in porta Samuelem: Usquequo tu luges DEUTERONOMY 10 — 2 SAMUEL 23 95 "jpiet he l^ng ofer Israhela (Seode ne rlxige ? Afyll t*fln elefsct, and far to t^Sre byrig Bethleem, to Isai ; ic foresceawode of his sunum me gecorenne cyning. Far, and gelacSa Isai mid his sunum to Sinre onssBgednysse, and ic geswutelige Se hwilcne tSu to cyninge gehalgian scealt. Samuhel t5a ferde, be Godes h^ese, to Bethleem. JE. H. ii. 64. 16. 7. See M. H. i. 288. 16. 12-14. And God gecSas Dauid of his seofon gebroSi'um him to cyninge ofer his folce. Hwaet, tta Samuhel gehalgode Dauid to cjminge on middan his gebrotSrum, and Godes Gast him wsos on wunigende ^fre of tSam diege. Witodlice Godes Gast gewat fram Saule, and hine astyrode se awyrigeda gast fram Gode. ^. H. ii. 64. 16. 23. See M. H. i. 322. 18. 8 ff. See JE. H. ii. 64. 31. I. See ^. H. ii. 64. 40. 12. See JE. H. i. 8. 2 SAMUEL. 5. 4. See M. H. ii 64, 576. 7. 4. See M. H. ii. 574. 7. 13, 14. ... Jjaet his sunu sceolde ]7fet tempel arSran, and hs wolde him beon for faeder, and him mid mildheortnysse gyrde styran, gif he ahwar unrihtlice dyde. JE. H. ii. 574, 576. 23. I. See M-E.i.322. Saul, cum ego proiecerim eum et clirectus est Spiritus Domini ne regnet super Israel? Imple a die ilia in David, et deinceps. cornu tuum oleo, et veni ut mittam . . . Spiritus autem Domini re- te ad Isai Bethleliemitem ; pro- cessit a Saul, et exagitabat eum vidi enim in filiis eius mihi regem. spiritus nequam a Domino. . . . Et vocabis Isai ad victimam, et ego ostendam tibi quid facias, et unges quemcumque monstravero tibi. Fecit ergo Samuel, sicut 7. 13, 14. Ipse aedificabit domum locutus est ei Dominus. Venitque nomini meo. . . . Ego ero ei in in Bethlehem. . . . patrem, et ipse erit mihi in filium, 16. 12-14. • • . Et ait Dominus: qui si inique aliquid gesserit, Surge, unge eum ; ipse est enim. arguam eum in virga virorum et Tulit ergo Samuel cornu olei, et in plagis filiorum hominum. unxit eum in medio fratrum eius ; 2 SAMUEL. 96 CLERICS HOMILIES 1 KINGS. 2. 1 1 See JE. H. ii. 64, 576. 2. 46 (Vulg. 3. i). See ^. h. ii. 5-6. 3. 3, 4. See ^. H. ii. 576. 3. 5-15. Efne, cSa on Ipsere ylcan nihte Steowode him Drihten on swefne, J^us cwe'Sende : Bide me, loce, hwaes 'Su wille, and ic tSe sylle. Da cwse'S Salomon to Drihtne : Du cyddest micele mildheoi-tnys.se Slnum Seowan Dauide minum fseder, }?aet he on soSfaistnysse and rihtwisnysse leofode setforan 'Se ; and '5u geu(5est his bearne his cynerlces. Nu eom ic cnaepling, and nytende mines fseres ; and ic eom ges§t betwux ]?inum folce, 'pe ne maeg beon geteald for (Sare micclan m^nigu. Forgif me wisdom, pset ic mage J?ln micele folc gewissian, and ic cunne tocnawan betwux god and yfel. Da gellcode Gode j^eos ben, and cwaetS to Salomone : Du ne bjede me langsum llf, ne micele welan, ne Sinra feonda deacS, ac bSde me wisdomes ; nu forgife ic Se eac wise heortan to 'San swiSe pset nan eorc51ic man naes Sin gelica fer(5an]?e (5u wsere, ne eac sefter pe ne bi?5. And eac ic Se forgife |?8es 'Se Su ne bsede, welan and wuldor, swa past nan cyning naes Sin gelica on Srrum dagum. And gif Su faerst on minum wegum, and mine beboda hylst, swa-swa Sin feeder dyde, Sonne gel§nge ic J)lne dagas. Salomon awoc Sa, and his swefen understod. ^. H. ii. 576. tudine. Dabis ergo servo tuo cor 1 KINGS. docile, ut populum tuum iudicare 3. 5-15. Apparuit autem Dominus possit, et discemere inter bonum Salomoni per somnium nocte, et malum. . . . Placuit ergo sermo dicens : Pcstula quod vis ut dem coram Domino, quod Salomon tibi. Et ait Salomon : Tu fecisti postulasset huiuscemodi rem. Et cum servo tuo David patre meo dixit Dominus Salomoni : Quia . . . misericordiam magnam, sicut am- non petisti tibi dies multos, nee bulavit in conspectu tuo in veri- divitias, aut animas inimicorum tate, et iustitia ; . . . et dedisti ei tuorum, sed postulasti tibi sapien- filium sedentem super thronum tiam, . . . ecce, . . . dedi tibi cor eius. . . . Ego autem sum puer par- sapiens et intelligens, in tantum vulus, et ignorans egressum et ut nuUus ante te similis tui fuerit, introitum meum. Et servus tuus nee post te surrecturus sit. Sed in medio est populi quem elegisti, et haec, quae non postulasti, dedi populi infiniti, qui numerari et tibi, divitias scilicet et gloriam, ut supputari non potest i^rae multi- nemo fuerit similis tui in regibus 1 KINGS 2-8 97 4. 2 2, 23. Him becomon 6ac swa micele welan to handa j^sot his bigleofa wa?s Sice daeg mid his hirede ]3rittig mittan chines melowes, and sixtig mittan oSres melowes, t\v§lf isette oxan. and twentig feldoxan, hundteontig weSera, buton hunto'Se, and fugolo^ie and ^ genifestra fugela. JE. H. ii. 576. 4. 29. And him forgeaf (5ri God swa micelne wisdom, and snoter- nysse, and bradnysse heortan, swa-swa sandceosol on sS- strande. M. H. ii. 576. 4. 32-34. preo Susend bigspella he gesgtte, and fif Susend^ leo^a. And asmeade be Slcum treowcynne, fram (5am heagan ceder- beame oS-]78et he com to SSre lytLan ysopan ; eac swylce be nytenum, and fixum, and fugehim he smeade. And of eallum leodum comon m§nn to gehyrenne Salomones wisdom, je. h. a. 57S. 6. 2, 3. pset tempel wses on Ifnge sixtig feSma, on wldnysse twentig feSma, on heahnysse Sritig feSma. pnet east portic waes on l§nge twentig fecSma, be j^aes temples wldnysse, and waes tyn fae'Sma wld. JE. H. ii. 578. 8. I fF., 22-54. See ^. h. ii. 57s. cunctis retro diebus. Si autem ambulaveris in viis meis, et custo- dieris praecepta mea et mandata mea, sicut ambulavit pater tuue, longos faciam dies tuos. Igitur evigilavit Salomon, et intellexit quod esset somnium. . . . 4. 22, 23. Erat autem cibus Salo- monis per dies singulos triginta cori similae, et sexaginta cori farinae, decern bovea pingues, et viginti boves pascuales, et centum arietes, excepta venatione cervorum, caprearum, atque buba- lorum, et avium altiliura. 4. 29. Dedit quoque Deus sapien- tiam Salomoni, et prudentiam multam nimis, et latitudinem cordis, quasi arenam quae est in littore maris. 4. 32-34. Locutus est quoque Salo- mon tria millia parabolas, et fuerunt carmina eius quinque et mille. Et disputavit super lignis, a cedro quae est in Libano usque ad hyssopum quae egreditur de pariete ; et disseruit de iumentis, et volucribus, et reptilibus, et piscibus. Et veniebant de cunctis populis ad audiendam sapientiam Salomonis, et ab universis regibus terrae, qui audiebant sapientiam eius. 6. 2, 3. Domus autem, quam aedifi- cabat rex Salomon Domino, habe- bat sexaginta cubitos in longi- tudine, et viginti cubitos in lati- tudine, et triginta cubitos in altitudine. Et porticus erat ante templum viginti cubitonini longi- tudinis, iuxta mensuram latitu- dinis templi, et habebat decern cubitos latitudinis ante faciem templi. Qy. omit ' and ' ? 98 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 8. i,^, 56. He astod ?Sa and ]7aet folc gebletsode, and cwaecS : Sy ure Drihten gebletsod, se '^e forgeaf r§ste and stilnysse his folce Isrr.hel, sefter (Sani wordum Ipe he §ev spraec ?5urh Moysen his Seowan. JE. H. ii. 578. 8. 63. Salomon . . . ]?Sr geoffrode Gode mgnigfealde lac. Ipset wseron getealde twa and twentig jjusend oxena, and hund- tw§lftig fiusend sceapa. iE. H. ii. 578. 10. i-io. Sum cwen waes on Sam dagum on suSdsele^ Saba gehaten, snoter and wis. Da gehyrde heo Salomones hlisan, and com fram tSam su'^ernum gemSrum to Salomone binnon Hierusalem mid miceh-e fare ; and hire olfendas bSron suSerne wyrta, and deorwur'Se gymstanas, and ungerlm goldes. Seo cwen '^a haefde sprSce wiS Salomon, and sSde him swa-hwset- swa heo on hire heortan ge'Sohte. Salomon 'Sa hi l»rde, and hire sSde, ealra S^ra worda andgit 'pe heo hine axode. Da geseah seo cwen Saba Salomones wisdom, and Ipset mSre tempi ■Se he getimbrod hfefde, and Sa lac pe man Gode offrode, and tSses cynges m§nigfealdan Senunga, and waes to San swlSe ofwundrod, J^aet heo naefde furtSor nfenne gast, forSanSe heo ne mihte na furSor smeagan. Heo cwaeS Sa to (Sam cyninge : Sots is ]78et word Ipe ic on minum earde gehyrde be Se and be Slnum wisdome ; ac ic nolde gelyfan ^rSanSe ic sylf hit gesawe. Nu hsebbe ic afandod ]?aet me nses be healfan djele Sin mJerS gecydd ; mare is ]?ln wisdom and Sin weorc ]?onne se hllsa waere pe ic gehyrde. Eadige sind |?lne Segnas and Sine Seowan, Se symle aetforan pe standaS and Sinne wisdom gehyraS. Gebletsod sy se ^Imihtiga God, pe Se geceas and ges§tte ofer Israhela rice, l7aet Su domas sgttest and rihtwls- nysse. Heo forgeaf Sam cyninge Sa hundtw§lftig punda goldes, and ungerlm deoi-wurSra wjTta and deorwurSra gym- stana, m. h. ii. 584. 8. 55, 56. Stetit ergo, et benedixit est per Moysen servum suam. omni ecclesiae Israel voce magna, 8. 63. Mactavitque Salomon hostias dicens : Benedictus Dominus, qui pacificas, quas immolavit Domino, dedit requiem populo suo Israel, boum viginti duo millia, et ovium iuxta omnia quae locutus est ; centum viginti millia. . . , non cecidit ne unus quidem sermo 10. i-io. Sed et regina Saba, audita ex omnibus bonis quae locutus fama Salomonis in nomine Do- ' From Matt. 12. 42, Luke 11. 31, ' Eegina austri.' It will be noted that ^Elfric understands Saba as her name. 1 KINGS 8-21 93 10. 13. Salomon eac forgeaf ptere cwene swri-hwses-swa hPo gyrnde set him, toforan tSrere cynelican lace Se he hire geaf ; and heo gewgnde ongean to hire 6'^ele mid hire ?5egnum. JE. H. ii. 584. 10. 23-25. Salomon c5ri waes gemSrsod ofer eallum eortSlicum cynegum, and ealle Seoda gewilnodon ]:set hi hine gesawon and his wisdom gehyrdon, and hi him m§nigfealde lac broht- on. ^. H. ii. 584. 10. 26. Feower liund and Susend craeta he haefde, and twflf tSusend riddena. JE. H. ii. 57S. 11. 42. See M. H. ii. 576, 578. 17. 6. See M. H. ii. 140. 19. 8. See ^. H. i. 178 ; ii. 100. 21. 5-13. See M. H. i. 488. mini, venit tentare eum in aenig- matibus. Et ingressa Jerusalem multo cum comitatu et divitiis, camelis portantibus aromata, et aurum infinitum nimis, etgemmas pretiosas, venit ad regem Salo- monem, et locuta est ei universa quae habebat in corde suo. Et docuit eam Salomon omnia verba quae proposuerat ; non fuit sermo qui regem posset latere, et non responderet ei. Videns autem regina Saba omnem sapientiam Salomonis, et domum quam aedi- ficaverat, et cibos mensae eius, et Labitacula servorum, et ordines ministrantium, vestesque eorum, et pincernas, et holocausta quae offerebat in domo Domini, non habebat ultra spiritum. Dixitque ad regem : Verus est sermo quem audivi in terra mea super sermo- nibus tuis et super sapientia tua ; et non credebam narrantibus mihi, donee ipsa veni, et vidi oculis meis, et probavi quod media pars mihi nuntiata non fuerit ; maior est sapientia et opera tua quam rumor quem audivi. Beati viri tui, et beati servi tui, qui stant coram te semper et audiunt sapientiam tuam. Sit Dominus Deus tuus benedictus, cui compla- cuisti, et posuit te super thronum Israel, eo quod dilexerit Dominus Israel in sempiternum, et con- stituit te regem, ut faceres indi- cium et iustitiam. Dedit ergo regi centum viginti talenta auri, et aromata multa nimis, et gem- mas pretiosas. . . . 10. 13. Rex autem Salomon dedit reginae Saba omnia quae voluit et petivit ab eo, exceptis his quae ultro obtulerat ei munere regie ; quae reversa est, et abiit in ter- ram suam cum servis suis. 10. 23-25. Magnificatus est ergo rex Salomon super omnes reges terrae. . , . Et universa terra de- siderabat vultum Salomonis, ut audiret sapientiam eius. . . . Et singuli deferebant ei munera. . . - 10. 26. ... Facti sunt ei mille quadringenti currus, et duodecim millia equitum. . . . 100 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 2 KINGS. 2. 1 1 . See JE. H. i. 308 ; ii. 100. 5. I. pa com him to sum rice mann of fiam leodscipe Ipe is Siria gehaten ; his nama waes Naam^an, and he waes hreoflig. M. H. i. 400. 5.14. See JE. H. i. 4c». 5. 15, 16. pa bead he 'Sam Godes m§nn, for his hSlSe, deorwur'Se sceattas, Se witega him andwyrde : Godes miht ]5e gehfelde, na ic. Ne underfo ic 'Sin feoh ; 'Sanca Gode 'Sinre gesund- fulnysse, and bruc 'Sinra gehta. M. H. i. 400. 5. 20-27. pa waes 'Sses witegan cnapa, Gyezi, mid gitsunge under- cropen, and ofarn, Sone 'Segen Naaman 'Sus mid wordum lic- cetende : Nu fserlice comon tweigra witegena beam to minum lareowe : as^nd'him twa scrud and sum pund. Se 'Segen him andwyrde : Waclic biS him swa lytel to s§ndenne ; ac genim feower scioid and twa pund. He 'Sa gew§nde ongean mid Ipaia sceattum, and bediglode his faer wiS ]?one witegan. Se witega hine befran : Hwanon come 'Su, Giezi ? He andwjnrde : Leof, nses ic on nanre fare. Se witega cwse'S : Ic geseah, 'Surh Godes Gast, pa se 'Segen alyhte of his crsete, and eode togeanes 'Se, and Su name his sceattas on feo and on reafe. Hafa 'Su eac for'S mid Sam sceattum his hreoflan, Su and eal 'Sin ofspring on ecnysse. And he gew§nde of his gesihSe mid snawhwitum hreoflan beslagen. M. H. i. 400. et accipiam ab eo aliquid. Et secutus est Giezi post tergum 5. I. Naaman, princeps militiae Naaman. ... Et ills ait : . . . Do- regis Syriae. erat virmagnus apud minus mens misit me ad te, dominum suum, et honoratus ; dicens : Mode venerunt ad me duo per ilium enim dedit Dominus adolescentes de monte Ephraim, salutem Syriae ; erat autem vir ex filiis prophetarum ; da eis fortis et dives, sed leprosus. talentum argenti, et vestas muta- 5. 15, 16. ... Obsecro itaque ut torias duplices. Dixitque Naa- accipias benedictionem a servo man : Melius est ut accipias duo tuo. At ille respondit : Vivit talenta. Et coegit eum, ligavit- Dominus, ante quern sto, quia que duo talenta argenti in duobus non accipiam. Cumque vim fa- saccis, et duplicia vestimenta, et ceret, penitus non acquievit. imposuit duobus puens suis, qui 5. 20-27. Dixitque Giezi puer viri et portaverunt coram eo. Gum- Dei : Pepercit dominus mens que venisset iam vesperi, tuUt de Naaman Syro isti, ut non acci- manu eorum, et reposuit in domo, peret ab eo quae attulit ; vivit dimisitque viros, et abierunt. Ipse Dominus quia curram post eum, autem ingressus, stetit coram do- 2 KINGS 2-19 101 18. 13, 17 if. Sec M. H. i. 568. 18. 29. Ne bepi^ce Ezechias eow mid leasum hopan. m. h. i. 568. 18. 35. Ic gewyllde and oferwann fela Seoda; and heora godas ne mihton hi gescyldan wiS minne 'Srymm. Hwaet is se god J^e mage Sas burh wiS minne h§re bew§rian ? JE. H. i. 568. 19. I, 2. Hwaet, (Sa se eyning Ezechias awearp his purpuran reaf, and dyde hSi-an to his lice. . . . Ezechias eac asgnde his witan mid h»ran gescrydde to Sam witegan Isaiam. M. H. i. 568. 19. 4. Ah§fe Sine gebedu for Israhela Seode, ]?iTet se ^Imihtiga God gehyre ]?a talu (Se Syria eyning as§nde to hospe and to edwite his micclan msegenSrymme. M. H. i. 568. 19. 6. pa andwyrde se witega Isaias ]?am bodum : SfCgaS eowi-um hlaforde ]?3et he unforht sy. M. H. i. 568. 19. 14-19. Ezechias . . . bfer Sa gewritu into Godes temple, and astrfshtum limum hine gebsed, ]>\xb cweSende : Drihten, weroda God, ]>vl Se gesitst ofer §ngla Srymm, ]?u eart ana God eah-a Seoda ; J3U geworhtest heofonas and eorSan and ealle gesceafta. Ahyld Sin eare and gehyr ; geopena Sine eagan and geseoh Sas word, ]?e Sennacherib as§nde to hospe and to tale Se and ]?lnum mine sue. Et dixit Eliseus : Unde opertos saccis, ad Isaiam prophe- venis, Giezi ? Qui respondit : Non tarn. . . . ivit servus tuus quoquam. At ills 19. 4. Si forte audiat Doininus Deus ait : Nonne cor meum in prae- tuus universa verba Rabsacis, senti erat, quando reversus est quern misit rex Assyriorum do- homo de curru suo in occursum minus suus, ut exprobraret Deum tui ? Nunc igitur accepisti ar- viventem, et argueret verbis, quae gentum, et accepisti vestes. . . . audivit Dominus Deus tuus ; et Sed et lepra Naaman adhaerebit fac orationem pro reliquiis quae tibi et semini tuo usque in senipi- repertae sunt. ternum. Et egressus est ab eo 19. 6. Dixitque eis Isaias: Haec leprosus quasi nix. dicetis domino vestro : Haec dicit 18. 29. . . . Non vos seducat Eze- Dominus: Noli timere. . . . chias. . . . 19. 14-19. Itaque cum accepisset 18. 35. Quinam illi sunt in universis Ezechias litteras de manu nunti- diis terrarum, qui eruerunt re- orum, et legisset eas, ascendit in gionem suam de manu mea, ut domum Domini, et expandit eas possit eruere Dominus lerusalem coram Domino. Et oravit in con- de manu mea ? spectu eius, dicens : Domine Deus 19. 1, 2. Quae cum audisset Ezechias Israel, qui sedes super cherubim, rex, scidit vestimenta sua, et oper- tu es Deus solus regum omnium tus est sacco. . . . Et misit Eliacim terrae ; tu fecisticoelum et terram. praepositum domus, et Sobnam Inclina aurem tuam, et audi ; scribam, et senes de sacerdotibus aperi, Domine, oculos tuos, et 102 ^LFRICS HOMILIES folee. So?51ice he to\v§nde ]?a h£e(5enan godas, and hi for- baernde, for'San'Se hi ngeron godas, ac wSron manna hand- geweorc, treowene and st^nene, and he hi forcSl tobrytte. Alys us nu, Drihten, fram his gebeote and niihte, J^aet ealle 'Seoda tocnawon ]?8et ]?u ana eart ^lmihtig God. ^. H. L 568. 19. 2 S. Ic geslea aenne wri^^an on his nosu, and senne brldel on his weleras, and ic bine gelSde ongean to his leode. M. H. i. 568. 19. 32. God ^Imihtig cwj'^ : Ne ascytt Sennacherib flan into tSsere byrig Hierusalem, ne mid his scylde hi ne gewylt. ^. H. i. 568. 19. 34. Ic '^a, burh gescylde for me and for minum (5eowan Dauid. M. H. i. 568, 570. 19. 35-37- pa oil ^^^6 nihte ferde Godes §ngel, and ofsloh cSaes Syrian cyninges hfre an bund ]?usend manna, and fif and hundeahtatig ]?usenda. pses on merigen aras Sennacherib, and geseah ^a deadan lie, and gecyrde mid micebe sceame ongean to ]?Sre byrig Niniue. Hit gelamp Sa Ipset he hine gebaed to his deofolgylde, and his twegen suna hine mid swurde acwealdon. JE. H. i. 570. 24. 19. See m. h. ii. 64. 25. I, 4, 7, 9-11, isff. See ^. B.. u. 66. 1 CHRONICLES. 10. 8. See JE. H. ii. 64. 29. 27. See ^. H. ii. 64. vide ; audi omnia verba Senna- Non ingredietur urbem hanc, nee cherib, qui misit ut exprobraret mittet in earn sagittam, nee occu- nobis Deum viventem. Vere, Do- pabit earn clypeus. . . . mine, dissipaverunt reges Assyri- 19. 34. Protegamque urbem hanc, orum gentes, et terras omnium, et salvabo eam propter me, et • et miserunt deos eorum in ignem; propter David servum meum. non enim erant dii, sed opera 19. 35-37- Factum est igitur in manuum hominum ex ligno et nocte ilia, venit angelus Domini, lapide, et perdiderunt eos. Nunc et percussit in castris Assyriorum igitur. Domine Deusnoster, salvos centum octoginta quinque millia. nos fac de manu eius, ut sciant Cumque diluculo surrexisset, vidit omnia regna terrae quia tu es omnia corpora mortuorum, et re- Dominus Deus solus. cedens abiit, et reversus est Sen- 19. 28. ... Ponam itaque circulum naclierib rex Assyriorum, et man- in naribus tuis, et camum in labiis sit in Ninive. Cumque adoraret tuis, et reducam te in viam per in templo Nesroch deum suum, quam venisti. Adramelech et Sarasar filii eius 19. 32. Quam ob rem haec dicit percusserunt eum gladio. . . . Dominus de rege Assyrioi-um : 2 KINGS 19 — JOB 1 103 2 CHKONICLES. 1. 7-12. See 1 Kings 3. 5-15. 0. 30. See 1 Kings 11. 42. EZRA. 1. I ff. See ^. H. ii. 66. 3. 2 ff. See JE. H. ii. 66. 5. 2. /See ^. H. ii. 66. JOB'. 1. 1-5. Sum vver waes geseten on j^am lande |;e is gehaten Hus; his nama waes lob. Se wer waes swi'Se bilewite and rihtwis, and ondrSdende God and forbagende yfel. Him w*ron ac§n- nede seofan suna and Sreo dohtra. He haefde seofon tSusend sceapa and 'Sreo Susend olfenda, fif hund getymu oxena and fif hund assan, and ormj%te micelne hired. Se wer waes swiSe nvieve betwux eallum Easternum. And his suna ferdon, and tSenode :^]c oSrum mid his godum on ymhwyrfte aet his huse, and ]?Srto heora swustru gela'Sodon. lob soSlice aras on 'Sam eahteo'San dsege on Srnemerigen, and offrode Gode seofonfealde lac for his seofon sunum, Sy-lses-tSe hi wi'S God on heora gecSance agylton. Dus dyde lob eallum dagum for liis sunum, and hi swa gehalgode. ^. H. ii. 446. 1. 6-S. Hit gelamp on sumum dsege, t5a-'Sa Godes gnglas'^ comon, and on his gesihcSe stodon, "^a waes eac swylce se scucca him JOB. convivium per domes unusquisque in die sue ; et mittentes vocabant 1.1-5. Vir erat in terra Hus, nomine tres sorores suas, ut comederent lob ; et erat vir ille simplex et et biberent cum eis. Cumque in rectus, ac timens Deum, et re- orbem transissent dies convivii, cedens a male. Natique sunt ei mittebat ad eos lob, et sanctifi- septem filii, et tres filiae. Et cabat illos, consurgensque dilu- fuit possessio eius septem millia culo offerebat holocausta pro ovium, et tria millia camelorum, singulis ; dicebat enim : Ne forte quingenta quoque iuga boum, et peccaverint filii mei, et benedix- quingentae asinae, ac familia erint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic multa nimis. Eratque vir ille faciebat lob cunctis diebus. magnus inter omnes Orientales. 1. 6-8. Quadam autem die cum ve- Et ibant filii eius, et faciebant nissent filii Dei ut assisterent * Cf. Grein's Bibliothek der Angelscichsischen Prosa, pp. 265-272, where will be found an abridged form of the homily on Job. - ^Ifric has a note in the text of his homily : ' Una translatio dicit " filii Dei," et altera dicit "angeli Dei."' 104 iELFEICS HOMILIES betwux. To Sam cwaecS Drihten : Hwanon come 'Su ? Se sceoeca anchvja-de : Ic ferde geond ]5as eor'San, and hi beeode. Drihten cwaeS : Ne beheolde 'fu, la, minne cSeowan lob, ]53et nan man nis his gelica on eorSan, bilewite man and rihtwis, ondr^edende God and yfel forbugende ? M. H. ii. 446. 1. 9-1 2. Se manfulla deofol . . . cwfeS to Drihtne : Ne ondrSt lob on idel God : J?u ymbtiymedest hine and ealle his Shta, and his handgeweorc ]3u bletsodest, and his ^hta weoxon on eorSan. Ac astrgce hwon 'fine hand, and getill ealle 6a J^ing tSe he ah, and he Se on ansyne ^^'yrig5. Drihten cwaecS to Sam sceoccan : Efne, nu ealle Sa Sing Se he ah sindon on Sinre handa, buton Sam anum, |?aet Su on him sylfum Sine hand ne astr§cce. Se deofol gew§nde Sa fram Godes gesihSe. ^. H. ii 448, 450 ; cf. i. 6. 1. 14-22. Sum rerendraca com to lobe, and cwaeS : pine syll eodon, and Sa assan wiS hi l^swodon ; Ipa, f^riice comon Sabei, and hi ealle us benamon, and ]?ine yrSlingas ofslogon, and ic ana setbserst J^set ic Se ]:is cydde. Mid-]3am-Se se yrSling ]?is saede, Sa com sum oSer, and cwseS : Fyr com fSriice of heofenum, and forbaernde ealle Sine seep, and Sa hyrdas samod, and ic ana setwand ]?3et ic Se Sis cydde. pa com se Sridda ferendraca, and cwseS : Da Chaldeiscan comon on Srim floccum, and ure olfendas ealle gelsehton, and Sa hyrdas mid swurde ofslogon ; ic ana aetfleah Ipset ic Se |?is cydde. Efne, Sa-gyt com se feorSa coram Domino, affuit inter eos faciem benedixerit tibi. Dixit etiam Satan. Cui dixit Dominus : ergo Dominus ad Satan : Ecce, Unde venis ? Qui respondens, universa quae habet in manu tua ait : Circuivi terram, et peram- sunt ; tantum in eum ne extendas bulavi earn. Dixitque Dominus manum tuam. Egressusque est ad eum : Numquid considerasti Satan a facie Domini, servum meum lob, quod non sit 1. 14-22. Nuntius venit ad lob, qui ei similis in terra, homo simplex diceret : Boves arabant, et asinae et rectus, ac timens Deum, et pascebantur iuxta eos, et irrue- recedens a male ? runt Sabaei, tuleruntque omnia, 1. 9-12. Cui respondens Satan ait: et pueros percusserunt gladio, et Numquid lob frustra timet Deum? evasi ego solus ut nuntiarem tibi. Nonne tu vallasti eum ac domum Cumque adhuc ille loqueretur, eius universamque substantiam venit alter, et dixit : Ignis Dei per circuitum, operibus manuum cecidit e coelo, et tactas oves eius benedixisti, et possessio eius puerosque consumpsit, et effugi crevit in terra? Sed extende ego solus ut nuntiarem tibi. Sed paululum manum tuam, et tange et illo adhuc loquente, venit alius, cuncta quae possidet, nisi in et dixit : Chaldaei fecerunt tres JOB 1-2 105 jerendraca' inn, and cwaetS : Dine suna and tSlne dohtra sBton and druncon mid heora yldestan bretSer ; and efne, ])a f;%rlice swegde swlSlic wind of (5am westene, and tosloli J^aet hus set Sam fsower hwfmmiim, Ipxt hit hreosende Sine beam ofSrihte and acwealde ; ic ana setbseist p?et ic Se j^is cydde. Hwaet, Sa lob aras, and totfer his tunecan, and his loccas foreearf, and feol to eorSan, and cwaeS : Nacod ic com of minre modor innoSe, and nacod ic sceal heonan gew§ndan ; Drihten me forgeaf Sa sehta, and Drihten hi me §ft benam ; swa-swa him gellcode, swa hit is gedon ; beo his nama gebletsod. On ealhim Sisum Sing- um ne syngode lob on his welerum, ne nan Sing dyslices ongean God ne spraec. ^E. H. ii. 450. 11 He gemacode Sa j^aet fyr come ufan, swilce of heofenum, and forbaernde ealle his seep Qt on felda, and j^a hyrdas samod, biiton anum pe hit him eySan sceolde. ^E. H. i. 6. II Nacode we wSron ac§nnede, and nacode we gewitaS. M. H. L 64. II God forgeaf Sa ^hta, and God hi §ft aetbrSd ; sy his nama gebletsod. ^. H. ii. 328. II Ac se geSyldiga lob on eallum Sisum ungelimpiim ne syn- gode mid his muSe, ne nan Sing stuntlices ongean God ne spraec, ac cwaeS : God me forgeaf Sa ^hta, and hi §ft aet me genam ; sy his nama gebletsod, JE. H. i. 473. II On eallum Sisum Singum ne syngode lob on his weler- um. M. H. ii. 452. 2. I. l^it siSSan on sumum daege, J?a-]5a Godes §nglas stodon on his gesihSe, ]?a wses eac se scucca him betwynan. M H. ii. 452. turmas, et invaserunt camelos, et solus ut nuntiarem tibi. Tunc tulerunt eos, necnon et pueros surrexit lob, et scidit vestimenta percusserunt gladio, et ego fugi sua, et tonso capite corruens in solus ut nuntiarem tibi. Adhuc terram, adoravit, et dixit : Nudus loquebatur ille, et ecce alius in- egressus sum de utero matris travit, et dixit : Filiis tuis et meae, et nudus revertar illuc ; filiabus vescentibus et bibentibus Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit ; vinum in domo fratris sui prime- sicut Domino placuit, ita factum geniti, repente ventus vehemens est ; sit nomen Domini benedic- irruit a regione deserti, et con- tum. In omnibus bis non peccavit cussit quattuor angulos domus, lob labiis suis, neque stultum quid quae corruens oppressit liberos contra Deum locutus est. tuos, et mortui sunt, et effugi ego 2. i. Factum est autemcum quadam 1 Thorpe, ' arendraca.' 106 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 2. 3-6. And Drihten him cwaeS to : Hwset la, ne beheolde tSu minne Seowan lob, pset his gelica nis on eor^an, and gyt he hylt his unscsecSSignysse ? pu astyredest me togeanes him, J^set ic (Searfleas hine gesw§ncte. Se scucca andwyrde : Fel sceal for felle, and swa-hwset-swa man haefS he sylS for his life. Astr§ce nu pine hand, and hrgpa his ban and his flgesc, 'Sonne gesihst Su Ipset he Se on ansyne wirigS. Drihten cwaeS to Icum be his weoi'cum. ^. H. ii. i8. 63. 5. Beo min sawul gefylled swa-swa mid rysle and mid ungele. JE. H. i. 52^. 68. 33. SingaS J^am Gode 'Se astah ofer heofonas to eastdsele. ^. H. ii. 16. 68. 35. ... on his hrdgum, on 'Sam hs is wundorlic. ^E. H. i. 446. 72. II. Ealle cyningas onbugaS him, and ealle J^eoda him ■SeowiatS. JE. H. ii. 18. 73. 28. Ms is god |?aet ic me to Gode ge'Seode, and s§tte minne hiht on Drihtne. ^. H. ii. 440. 80. I. Driliten, '5u 'Se sitst ofer cherubin, geswutela 'Se sylfne. JE. H. i. 348. 82. 6. Ic cwaeS : G6 sind godas, and ge ealle sind beam Ipscs, Hehstan. M. H. i. 324 ; cf. i. 366. II SoSlice m§n syndon godas geclgede. M. H. i. 40. 84. 7. Da lialgan faraS fram mihte to mihte ; ealra goda God biS gesewen on Sion. je. h. ii. 334. II pa halgan faraS fram mihte to mihte. je. h. i. 602. 86. I. Ic soSlice eom wSdla and ]:earfa. ^E. H. i. 550 ; cf. Ps. 109. 22. 86. 10. pu eart m^re and micel, 'Se wundra \A'yrcst ; ]5U eart ana God. JE. H. ii. 20. 89. 26. He sylf clypode to me : pu eart mln feeder. ^E. H. ii. 16. 89. 27. And ic ges§tte hine frumc§nnedne and healicne toforan eallum eortSHcum cynegum. je. h. u. 16. quia, Deus, susceptor meus es ; bim, manifestare. Deus meus misericordia niea. 82. 6, Ego dixi : Dii estis, et filii 62. 12. ... Domiue, . . • tu reddes Excels! omnes. unicuique iuxta opera sua. 84. 7. . . . Ibunt de virtute in vir- 63. 5. Sicut adipe et pinguedine tutem ; videbitur Deus deoruin in repleatur anima mea. . . . Sion. 68. 53. Qui ascendit super coelum 86. i. . . . Quoniam inops et pauper coeli ad orientem. . . . sum ego. 68. 35. Mirabilis Deus in Sanctis 86. 10. Quoniam magnus es tu, et suis. . . . faciens mirabilia ; tu es Deus 72. II. Et adorabunt eum omnes solus. reges terrae ; omnes gentes ser- 89. 26. Ipse invocabit mo : Pater vient ei. meus es tu. . . . 73. 28. Mihi autem adhaerere Deo 89. 27. Et ego primogenitum po- bonum est, ponere in Domino nam ilium excelsum prae regibus Deo spem meam. . . , terrae. 80. I. . . . Qui sedes super cheru- I 114 CLERICS HOMILIES 90. 10. See M. H. i. 490. 91. II, 12. God bebead his §nglum be (5e, ]7aet hi (Sg healdon, and on heora handan h^bban, j^e-ljes-Se 'Su set stane J^inne fot aetspurne. ^. H. i. 516; cf. Matt. 4. i-ii. 93. 5. Drihten, 'Sine gecy'Snyssa sindon swl^e geleaflice. M. H. ii. 42. Drihten, )?inum huse gedafenatS halignys on daga langsum- nysse. M. H. ii. 582. 94. iS. Gif mln fot aslad, Di'ihten, Sin mildheortnys geheolp me. M. H. ii. 392, 95. 2. Uton forhradian Godes ansyne on andetnysse. M. H. ii. 124. 106. 17, iS. Seo eorSe geopenode and forswealh Dathan, and heo ofenvreah Abiron and his gegaderunge, and heofenlic fyr barn on heora gesamnunge, and Sa synfullan forbsernde. M. H. ii. 420. 109. 22. Ic soSlice eom Wi«dla and J^earfa. ^. H. i. 550; cf. Ps. 86. I. 110. I. God cwaeS to minum Drilitne : Site her to minum swiSran. M. H. ii. 16 ; cf. Acts 2. 32 ff. 111. 10. Godes §ge is wisdomes angynn. M. H. i. 550. 112. I. Eadig biS se wer se Se hine ondr^t God, and aw§nt his willan to his bebodum. M. H. ii. s^- 112. 9. He aspende his Sing, and todSlde Searfum, and his riht- wlsnys wuna'S a on worulde. M. H. i. 254. 116. 15. Ealra gecorenra halgena dea'S is deonvurSe on Godes gesihSe. M. H. i. 48. 118.2 2. Sec M.B..i.i(£. 91. II, 12. Quoniam angelis suis exarsit ignis in synagoga eorum ; mandavit de to ut cust^diant te flamma combussit ijeccatores. in omnibus viis tuis. In manibus 109. 22. Quia egenus et pauper ego portabunt te, ne forte offendas sum. . . . ad lapidem pedem tuum. 110. i. Dixit Dominus Domino meo : 93. 5. Testimonia tua credibilia Sede a dextris meis. . . . facta sunt nimis ; domuni tuam 111. 10. Initium sapientiae timer decet sanctitudo, Domine, in Ion- Domini. . . . gitudinem dierum. 112. i. Beatus vir qui timet Do- 94. 18. Si dicebam: Motus est pes minum; in mandatis eius volet mens, misericordia tua, Domine, nimis. adiuvabat me. 112. 9. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus ; 95. 2. Praeoccupemus faciem eius iustitia eius manet in saeculum in confessione. . . . saeculi. . . . 106. 17, 18. Aperta est terra, et 116. 15. Pretiosa in conspectu Do- deglutivit Dathan, et operuit mini mors sanctorum eius. super congregationem Abiron, et PSALMS 90-141 115 118. 24. Des is se daeg 'pe Drihten worhte ; uton blissian and faegnian on Sam daege. iE. H. ii. 292, 294. 121. 4. Ne slSp'S ne ne hnajipa'S se 'Se liylt Israhel. je. h. ii. 2,^0. 127. I. Buton Drihten Saburh gehealde, on ydel waciaS ]5a hyrdas Se hi healdaS. je. h. ii. 230. 127. 2, 3. Donne God sjdS his leofum slSp, ]:iiet is Drihtnes yrfwyrdnys. ^E. H. ii. 526. 132. 9. Drihten, J^ine sacerdas sind ymbscrydde mid rihtwls- nysse. ^. H. i. 210. 135. 15-17. Da;ra h.^Senra anlicnyssa sind gyldene and sylfrene, manna handgeweorc ; hi habbaS dumne muS and blinde eagan, deafe earan and ungrapigende handa, fet butan ie^e, bodig butan life. JE. H. i. 366. 138. 6. Se healica Drihten sceawaS pa eadmodan, and pTi modigan feorran oncnSwS. .^. H. i. 128. 139. 16. Mm Drihten, |5ine eagan gesawon mine unfulfrgmednysse, and on ]?lnre bee ealle sind awritene. je. h. i. 530. 139. 17, 18. Me soSlice sind J^lne frynd, God, swiSe arwurSe, and heora ealdordom is swiSe gestrangod. Ic hi gerime, and hi beoS gem§nigfylde ofer SSre sse sandceosol. je. h. ii. 524. II Ic hi getealde, and heora getfl is mare Sonne sandceosol. JE. H. i. 536- Ic aras of deaSe, and ic §ft mid J^e eom. je. h. ii. 16. 141. 2. Drihten, sy min gebed as§nd swa-swa byrnende stor on Sin re gesihSe. ^. H. i. ns. 118. 24. Haec est dies quam fecit videbunt ; aures habent, et non Dominus ; exultemus et laetemur audient ; neque enim est spiritus in ea. in ore ipsorum. 121. 4. Ecce non dormitabit neque 138. 6. Quoniam excelsus Dominus, dormiet qui custodit Israel. et humilia respicit, et alta a longe 127. I. . . . Nisi Dominus custodierit cognoscit. civitatem, frustra vigilat qui cus- 139. 16. Imperfectum meum vide- todit earn. runt oculi tui, et in libro tuo 127. 2, 3. ... Cum dederit dilectis omnes scribentur. . . . suis somnum, ecce hereditas Do- 139. 17, 18. Mihi autem nimis liono- mini, filii. . . . rificati sunt amici tui, Deus; 132. 9. Sacerdotes tui induantur nimis confortatus est principatus iustitiam. . . . eorum. Dinumerabo eos, et super 135. 15-17. Simulacra gentium ar- arenam multiplicabuntur, Exsur- gentum et aurum, opera manuum rexi, et adhuc sum tecum, hominum : os habent, et non lo- 141. 2. Dirigatur oratio mea sicut quentur ; oculos habent, et non incensum in conspectu tuo. . . . 116 ^LrmCS HOMILIES 142. 5. Drihten, pu eart mln liiht ; beo mln dSl on psera lybbendra eorSan. m. h. l 550. 146. 3, 4. NellatS ge getruwian on ealdormannum, ne on manna bearnum, on 'Sam nis nan li^l. Heora gast gewlt, and hi to eorSan geh^^^rfaS, and on 'Sam dsege losiaS ealle heora ge'Sohtas. ^E. H. i. 410. PEOVEEBS. 1. 28. ponne hi clypia'5 to me, and ic hi ne gehyre ; hi firlsa'S on «rnemerigen, ac hi ne gemetaS me. M. H. ii. 378. 3. 9. Ai'wm'Sa 'Sinne Drihten mid J)inum ^htum, and of 'Sinum frumwSstmum syle ^earfum. ^. H. ii. 102. 4. 16. Hi blissia'S on yfelnysse and on arleasum di^dum, and hi slSp ne underfoS, baton hi yfel gefrgmmon. M. H. ii. 323. 4. 18. And rihtwisra si'Sfaet is swilce sclnende leoht, and weaxende symle oS soSre fulfrgmednysse. je. h. ii. 322. 5. 22. Anra gehwilc mann is ge^vriSen mid rapum his synna. M. H. i. 208. 13. 8. pses rican mannes welan sind his sawle alysednyss. je. h. i. 204. 13. 24. Se 'Se sparaS his gyrde, he hataS his cild ; and se 'Se hit Infa^, he h^rS hit ani'iedlice. ^. H. ii. 324. 15. 15. Yfele sind ure dagas. ^. H. i. 490. 16. 32. Seh-e is se geSyldiga wer Jjonne se stranga ; and sS 'Se his mod ge\A^lt is bgtera Sonne se 'Se burh oferwinS. ^. H. ii. 544. 17. 3. See .E. H. i. 288. 142. 5. . . . Tu es sjies mea, portio 4. 16. Non enim dormiunt nisi mea in terra viventiuiu. malefecerint, et rapitur somnua 146. 3, 4. . . . Nolite confidere in ab eis nisi supplantaverint. principibus, in filiis hominum, 4. 18. lustorum autem semita, quasi in quibus noii est salus. Exibit lux splendens, procedit et crescit spiritus eius, et revertetur in ter- usque ad perfectam diem, ram suam ; in ilia die peribunt 5. 22. ... Funibus peccatorum suo- omnes cogitationes eorum. rum constringitur, 13. 8. Redemptio animae %'iri divi- tiae suae. . . . 13. 24. Qui parcit virgae, edit filium 1. 28. Tunc invocabunt me, et non suum ; qui autem diligit ilium, exaudiam ; mane consurgent, et instanter erudit. non invenient me. 15. 15. Omnes dies pauperis mali. . . . 3. 9. Honora Dominum de tua sub- 16. 32. Mebor est patiens viro forti ; stantia, et de primitiis omnium et qui dominatur animo sue, ex- frugum tuarum da ei. pugnatore urbium. PROVERBS. PSALMS 142 — SONG OF SOLOMON 6 117 17. 5- Gif hwa '^earfan forsihS, hs ti^lS his Scypi^end. je. h. ii. 328. 19. II. pses mannes wisdom biS oncnawen ]7urh ge'Syld. ^. H. ii. 544. 21. 13. Ss t^e aw§nt his n§b fram clypigendum Searfan, he sylf clypa'S f ft to Gode, and his stemne ne biS gehyred. ^. H. ii. 102. 21. 20. Gewilnigendlic goldhord I16 on Saes witanmu'Se. m. h. i. 116. 21. 30. Nis nan wisdom ne nan rfed naht ongean God. ^. h. i. «.>. 23. 14. Styr 'Sinum cilde, and sleh hit mid gyrde, and '^u swa alyst his sawle fram dea'Se. jE. h. ii. 324. 28. 14. Eadig biS se man pe symle bi'S forhtigende ; and so'Slice .se heardmoda befylS on yfel. je. h. i. 408. 29. 5. Lyffetyndra tungan gewrl'SaS manna sawle on synnum '. JE. H. i. 494. 29. 19. Ne biS se stunta mid wordum gerihth^ced. ^. H. ii. 532. 31. 4. Ne bits nan Sing digle p^r $^fer druncennys rlxaS. M. H. i. 604. SONG OF SOLOMON. 4. II. And unas§cgendlic brseS stsmde of hire gyrlum. ^. H. i. 444. 5. 5. Mine handa drypton myi'ran. je. h. i. nS. 5. 12. Ic geseah fa wlitegan swilce culfran astlgende ofer stream- licum rlSum. JE. H. i. 444. 6. 10 (Vulg. 9). Hwset is (Seos tSe her astlhS swilee arlsende dsegrima, sw^a wlitig swa mona, swa gecoren swa sunne, and swa §geshc swa fyrdtruma ? JE. H. i. 442. 17. 5. Qui despicit pauperem, ex- sermonibus loquitur amico .sue probrat Factori eius. . . . rete expandit gressibus eius. 19.11. Doctrina viri per patientiam 29. 19. Servus verbis non potest noscitur. . . , erudiri. . . . 21. 13. Qui obturat aurem suam 31. 4. . . . Quia nullum secretum ad clamorem pauperis, et ipse est ubi regnat ebrietas, clamabit, et non exaudietur. 2L 20. Thesaurus desiderabilis . . . SONG OF SOLOMON. in habitaculo iusti. ... 4. 11. . . . Odor vestimentorum tuo- 21. 30, Non est sapientia, non est rum sicut odor thuris. prudentia, non est consilium con- 5. 5. . . . Manus meae stillaverunt tra Dominum. myrrham. 23. 14. Tu virga percuties eum, et 5. 12. Oculi eius sicut columbae animani eius de inferno liberabis. super rivulos aquarum. . . . 28.14. Beatus homo qui semper 6.9. Quae est ista, quae progroditur est pavidus ; qui vero mentis est quasi aurora consurgens, pulchra durae corruet in malum. ut luna, electa ut sol, terribilis ut 29. 5. Homo qui blandis fictisque castrorum acies ordinata ? 1 Doubtfvilly assigned here. 118 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ISAIAH. 1. 3. Se oxa oncneow his hlaford, and se assa his hlafordes binne. JE. H. i. 42. 1. 17-20. HelpaS ofs§ttum, and steopcildum demaS ; bew§ria5 "svydewan wicS wselhreawum ehterum, and Si-eagaS me sicSSan. pis sfede DrDiten, and gif eowere synna wSron wolcnreade Jer San, hi beoS scinende on snawes hwltnysse. Gif ge me gehyra'5, ge etaS fisere eor'San god ; gif ge me geyrsia?», eow foniimS mm swurd. M. H. ii. 322. 5. 7. SoSlice Godes wingeard is Israhela hlwrSden. M. H. ii. 72. 5. 20. Wa 'Sam "Se talaS, mid treowleasum mode, yfel to gode, and god to yfele ; J^eostru to leohte, and leoht to Seos- trum. M. H. ii. 322. 5. 22-24. Wa 'San 'Se Strang biS to swi'Slicum drgncum and to gem§ncgenne 'Sa micclan druncennysse ; swilce gerihtwi.siaS j3one ai'leasan for sceattum, and j^am rihtwisum a^tbreda'S his rilitwlsnysse swa. For'Sl hi fornim'S h§lle fyr swa-swa ceaf, and heora wyrtruma bi'S swa-swa windige ysla. M. H. ii. 322. 7. 14. Efne, sceal mSden geeacnian on hire inno'Se, and ac§nnan sunu ; and his nama biS geclged Emmanuhel. ^. H. i. 192. II Efne, an mJeden sceal geeacnian, and ac§nnan sunu ; and his nama biS Emmanuhel. .^. H. ii. 14; of. Matt. 1. 23. 9. 6, 7. Us is cild acgnned, and us is sunu forgifen, and his eal- dordom is on his exlum, and he bicS gehaten wundorlic, rjedbora, bras lucem, et lucem tenebras. . . . ISAIAH. 5^ 22-24. V^'G qui potentes estis ad 1. 3. Cognovit bos possessoremsuum, bibendum vinum, et viri fortes et asinus praesepe domini sui ad miscendam ebrietatem, qui 1, 17-20. . . . Subvenite oppresso, iustificatis impium pro muneri- iudicate pupillo, defendite vi- bus, et iustitiam iusti aufertis ab duam. Et venite, et arguite me, eo. Propter hoc, sicut devorat dicit Dominus : si fuerint peccata stipulam Hngua ignis, et calor vestra ut coccinum, quasi nix flammae exurit, sic radix eorum dealbabuntur Si . . . audieritis quasi favilla erit, et germen eorum me, bona terrae comedetis. Quod ut pulvis ascendet si ... me ad iracundiam provo- 7. 14. ... Ecce virgo concipiet, et caveritis, gladius devorabit vos pariet filium ; et vocabitur nomen 5. 7. Vinea enim Domini exerci- eius Emmanuel. tuum domus Israel est 9. 6, 7. Parvulus enim natus est 5. 20. Vae qui dicitis malum bonum. nobis, et filius datus est nobis, et et bonum malum, ponentes tene- factus est principatus super hu- ISAIAH 1-37 119 Strang God, and fa^der J?;^re toweardan worulde, and sib]>o ealdor ; his rice and his anweald biS gem§nigfyld, and ne hiq worhte Sam cyninge Ezechie cliSan to his dolge, and hine gelacnode. ... ^. H. i. 476. 40. 3, 4. Stemn clypigendes on westene : Gearcia'S Godes weig, do's rihte his paSas. ^Ic d§ne biS gefylled, and selc dun biS geeadmet, and ealle wohnyssa beoS gerihte, and scearpnyssa gesmeSode \ M. H. i. 360. II GearciaS Godes weig. M. H. i. 362. II GearciaS Drihtnes weg, doS rihte his siSfaetu. M. H. ii. 53a 40. 6. M\c fljesc is gsers, and ]?8es flSsces wuldor is swilce wjn-ta blostm. M. H. i.'i88. 42. 2. He ne flat, ne ne hrymde, ne nan mann his stemne on stratum ne gehyrde. M. H. i. 592 ; cf. ii. 44. 44. 17. M§n . . . bugon to ]?am anllcnyssum ]>e hi sylfe worhton, and him cwi^don to : pu eart min God. JE,. H. i. 208. 53. 4. SoSHce he sylf setbrsed ure adkmga, and ure sarnyssa he sylf abfer. M. H. i. 122. 53. 7. He is gel^d to sl§ge swa-swa seep, and he suwade and his niuS ne ondyde, swa-swa lamb deS |5onne hit man scyrS. M. H. ii. 16 ; cf. ii. 40. 57. 15. On hwam ger§st Godes Gast baton on Sam eadmodan-? M. H. i. 362. 38. 21. Et iussit Isaias ut tollerent foris. massam de ficis, et cataplasmarent 44. 17. . . . Curvatur ante illud, et super vulnus, et sanaretur. adorat illud et obsecrat, dicens : 40. 3, 4. Vox clamantis in deserto : ... Deus meus es tu. Parate viam Domini, rectas facite 53. 4. Vera languores nostros ipse . . . semitas Dei nostri. Omnis tulit, et dolores nostros ipse por- vallis exaltabitur, et omnis mons tavit. . . . et collis humiliabitur, et erunt 53. 7. . . . Sicut ovis ad occisionem prava in directa, et aspera in vias ducetur, et quasi agnus coram planas. tondente se obmutescet, et non 40. 6. . . . Omnis caro foenum, et aperiet os suum. omnis gloria eius quasi flos agri. 57. 15. ... Habitans . . . cum con- 42. 2. Non clamabit, neque accipiet trito et huniili spiritu. . . . personam, nee audietur vox eius * Probably translated from Luke 3. 4, 5. ^ Doubtfiilly assigned here. ISAIAH 37 — JEREMIAH 11 121 58. I. Clj'pa, and ne geswic (50, ah^fe IpJne stemne swa-swa, byme, and cyS minum folce heora leahtras, and lacobes hlrede heora synna. M. H. i. 6. 58. 7. Tobrec tSinne hlaf, and syle 'Sone oJ?erne diSl hungrium ni§n, and lifed into |?inuni huse wiedlan, and ISa earman sclfrgm- edan ni§n, and gefrefra hi mid ]5lnum godum ; J^onne Su nacodne geseo, scryd liine, and ne forseoh '(5ln agen fliusc. JE. H. i. 180. 60. S. Ilwfet sind J^as J^e her fleoga'S swa-swa wolcnu, and swa-swa culfran to heora ehtSyrlum? yE. H. i. 584. 62. 2. pu bist gecTged nlwiim naman, ]7one Se Godes mu(5 gen§m- node. JS. h. i. 96. 65. 15. God gecig'S his 'Seowan o^rum naman. ^E. H. i. 96. 66. I. Heofon is mln setl. ^. H. i. 520; cf. Matt. 5. 34-37. 66. 24. pSr nsefre heora wyrm ne swylt, ne heora fyr ne biS adwsesced. je. h. i. 132. JEREMIAH \ 4. 22. Hi sind snotere j^jet hi yfel wjTcon, and hi so'Slice ne cunnon naht to gode ge'\\yrcan. je. h. ii. 552. 8. 7. Store and swalewe heoldon 'Sone timan heora tocymes ; and J?is folc ne oncneow Godes dom. je. h. i. 404. 11. 20. See Rom. 9. 29. 58. I, Clama, ne cesses, quasi tuba 65. 15. . . . Et servos sues vocabit exalta vocem tuam, et annuncia nomine alio. populo meo scelera eorum, et 66. i. . . . Coelum sedes mea. . . . domui lacob peccata eorum. 66. 24. ... Vermis eorum non mo- 58. 7. Frange esurientipanemtuum, rietur, et ignis eorum non ex- et egenos vagosque indue in do- tinguetur. . . . mum tuam ; cum videris nudum, operi cum, et carnem tuam ne JEREMIAH. despexeris. 4. 22. ... Sapientes sunt ut faciant 60. 8. Qui sunt isti qui ut nubes mala, bene autem facere nescie- volant, et quasi columbae ad fe- runt. nestras suas ? 8. 7. . . . Hirundo et ciconia custo- 62. 2. . . . Et vocabitur tibi nomen dierunt tempus adventus sui ; novum, quod os Domini nomi- populus autem mens non cog- nabit. novit iudicium Domini. 1 For passages attributed to Jeremiah, but not found, see Untraced Passages, p. 2S7. 122 JELFRICS HOMILIES 16. 9. . . . ]^aet hi sceoldon . . . geswTcan blisse stemne and faeg- nunge, brydguman stemne and bryde. je. h. ii. S6. 16. 16. Ic as^nde mine fisceras, and hi gefixiaS hi ; mine huntan, and hi huntiaS hi of selcere dune and of ulcere hylle, M. H. i. =76. 17. 10. Ic afandige manna heortan and heora l§ndena, and .'"elcum sylle aefter his fserelde, and tefter his agenre afund- ennysse. ^. H. i. 114. 17. 14. Drihten, geh^l me, and ic beo gehjeled ; geheald fTi me, and ic beo gehealden. je. h. i. 254. 23. 24. Ic gefylle mid me sylfum heofonas and eor^an. je. h. i. 262. 29. 10. See ^. H. ii. 66. 31. 15. See Matt. 2. 18 (2. 16-18). LAMENTATIONS. 3. 41. Uton ahfbban ure heortan mid handum to Gode. je. h. ii. 124. 4. 4. Da lytlan cild biiedon him hlafes, ac pier naes nan mann Se Ipone hlaf hini betwynan tobrsece. je. h. ii. 400. EZEKIEL. 1. 10. An Sfera nytena waes on m§nniscre ansyne him seteowod, O^er on leon ansyne, ]?ridde on cealfes, feorSe on earnes. JE. H. ii. 430. 2. 6. Du mannes beam, ungeleaffulle and yfel tihtende sind mid ]pe, and ]?u wunast mid pam wyrstan wyrmcynne. je. h. i. 528. LAMENTATIONS. 16. 9. . . . Ego auferam de loco et terram ego inipleo ? isto . . . vocem gaudii et vocem laetitiae, vocem sponsi et vocem sponsae. 3. 41. Levemus corda nostra cum 16. 16. Ecce ego mittam piscatores manibus ad Dominum. . . . multos, dicit Dominus, et pisca- 4. 4. ... Parvuli petierunt panem, buntur eos : et post haec mittam et non erat qui frangeret eis. eis multos venatores, et vena- buntur eos de omni monte et de EZElvlLL. omni colle. . . . 1. 10. Similitudoautemvultuseoi-um: 17. 10. Ego Dominus scrutans cor facies hominis et facies leonis a et probans renes ; qui do uni- dextris ipsorum quattuor, facies cuique iuxta viam suam, et iuxta autem bovis a sinistris ipsorum fructum adinventionum suarum. quattuor, et facies aquilae desuper 17. 14. Sana me, Domine, et sana- ipsorum quattuor. bor ; salvum me fac, et salvus 2. 6. Tu ergo, iili hominis, . . . incre- ero. . . . dull et subversores sunt tecum, et 23.24. . . . Numquid non coelum cum scorpionibus habitas. . . . JEREMIAH 16 — EZEKIEL 18 123 3. i8. Gif |?u ne gest§ntst ]wne unrihtwlsan, and hine ne manast past he frain his arleasnysse gecyrre and lybbe, J^oniie swelt se arleasa on his unrihtwTsnysse, and ic wille ofgTin net (5e his blod. ^E. H. i. 6. II Baton pu. gestande '5one unrihtwisan, and him his un- rihtwlsnysse s§cge, ic ofga liis blodes gyte sat 'Sinum hand- Uin. 2E. H. ii. 340. 3. 19. Gif 'Su 'Sonne j^one arleasan gewarnast, and he nele fram his arleasnysse gecyrran, pu alysdest J?lne sawle mid Ipsbre mynegunge, and se arleasa swylt on liis unrihtwTsnysse. ^. H. i. 6. 3. 26. Ic do Ipset ]3ln tunge clifaS to Sinum goman, and pa bist dumb, na swa-swa (5reagende wer, for^anJ?e seo hlwri^den is swicSe tSvvyr. iE. H. ii. 530. 11. 19. Ic aetbrede him '5a stSnenan heortan, and ic forgife him fl^scene heortan. M. H. ii. 204. 18. 21, 22. Gif se arleasa and se synfulla wyrcS diidbote ealra his synna, and hylt ealle mine beboda, and rihtwisnysse begi«'5, he leofaS, and ne swelt na yfelum dea'Se ; and ic ne gemune nanra his synna 'Se he gefrgmode. jE. h. ii. 602. 18. 26, 27. Gif se rihtwisa gecyrcSfram his rihtwisnysse, and begicS unrihtwTsnysse arleaslice, ealle his rihtwisnysse ic forgyte ; and gif se arleasa behreowsaS his arleasnysse, and beg^eS rihtwis- nysse, ne gemune ic nanra his synna. je. h. i. 350. 3. 18. Si dicente me ad impium : 11. 19. . . , Auferam cor lapideinn Morte morieris, non annuntia- de came eorum, et dabo eis cor veris ei, neque locutus fueris ut carneum. avertatur a via sua irapia et vivat, 18. 21, 22. Si autem impius egerit ipse impius in iniquitate sua mo- poenitentiam ab omnibus pecca- rietur, sanguinem autem eius de tis suis quae operatus est, et cus- manu tua requiram. todierit omnia praecepta mea, et 3. 19. Si autem tu annuntiaveris fecerit iudicium et iustitiam, vita impio, et ille non fuerit con- vivet, et non morietur; omnium versus ab impietate sua, et a via iniquitatum eius, quas operatus sua impia, ipse quidem in iniqui- est, non recordabor. . . . tate sua morietur, tu autem ani- 18. 26, 27. Cum enim averterit se mam tuam liberasti. iustus a iustitia sua et fecerit 3. 26. Et linguam tuam adhaerere iniquitatem, morietur in eis ; in faciam palato tuo, et eris mutus, iniustitia quam operatus e.st mo- nec quasi vir obiurgans, quia do- rietur. Et cum averterit se impius mus exasperans est. ab impietate sua quam operatus 124 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 24. 2 2. Ic do ]?iet ge do's. .E. H. ii. 526. 33. 8. Sec Ezek. 3. 18. 33. II. Nylle ic pses synfullan dea(S, ac ic wille ]?8et lie gecyrre and lybbe. M. H. ii. 124. II God cwseS ]?aet he nolde |?aes syiifullan dea'S, ac he wyle swI'Sor pxt he gecyi-re fram his synnuni and lybbe. .E. H. ii. 602. 34. 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16. Ge hyrdas, gehyraS Godes word : Mine seep sint tostgncte (Surh eowre gymeleaste, and sind abitene. Ge caria(5 embe eowerne bigleofan, and na embe Ipsera sceapa ; fortSi ic wille ofgan Sa scep set eowrum handum ; and ic do Ipset ge geswIca'S j^^re wican, and ic wylle ahr^ddan mine eowde wiS eow. Ic sylf wylle gadrian mine scej} J?e w*ron tostgncte, and ic wylle hi healdan on genilitsumere Ijese. paet ]?aet losode, Jjaet ic wylle secan and ongean iSdan ; ))8et Ipset alefed wses, Ipaet ic gehi%le ; J^set untrume ic wylle getrymman, and pset strange gehealdan, and ic hi Iseswige on dome and on rihtwis- nysse. M. H. i. 242. 36. 26. >SeeEzek. 11. 19. 44. 2. pis geat ne biS nanum m§nn geopenod, ac se Hlaford ana fserS inn J?urh J^set geat, and §ft ut faerS, and hit biS belocen on ecnysse. ^. H. i. 194. est, et fecerit iudicium et iusti- tores semetipsos, et liberabo gre- tiam, ipse animam suam vivifi- gem meum de ore eorum, et non cabit. erit ultra eis in escam. . . . Et 24. 22. Et facietis sicut feci. . . . educani eas de populis, et con- 33. II. ... Nolo mortem impii, sed gregabo eas de terris, et inducam ut convertatur impius a via sua, eas in terram suam ; et pascam et vivat. . . . eas in montibus Israel, in rivis. 34. 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16. Propterea, et in cunctis sedibus terrae ; in pastores, audite verbum Domini : pascuis uberrimis pascam eas. . . . . . . Facti sunt greges mei in rapi- Quod perierat requiram, et quod nam, et oves meae in devora- abiectum erat reducam, et quod tionem omnium bestiarum agri, confractum fuerat alligabo, et 60 quod non esset pastor; neque quod infirmum fuerat consolidabo. enim quaesierunt pastores mei et quod pingue et forte custo- gregem meum, sed pascebant pas- diam, et pascam illas in iudicio. tores semetipsos, et greges meos 44. 2. . . . Porta haec clausa erit ; non pascebant ; . . . ecce ego ipse non aperietur, et vir non transibit super pastores requiram gregem per eam ; quoniam Dominus Deus meum de manu eorum, et cessare Israel ingressus est per eam, erit- faciam eos ut ultra non pascant que clausa. gregem, nee pascant amplius pas- EZEKIEL 24 — DANIEL 3 125 DANIEL. 1. 1 ff. Sec .-E. H. ii. i8, 432. 1. 19. See M. H. ii. 68. 2. I ff. See JE. H. ii. 432- 3. 1, 4-6. pa arierde li5 hSc^engyld, and bebead eallum his folce, be heora life, j^aet hi sceoldon feallan adune, and hi gebiddan to '^iere anllcnysse }:>e he ar;^rde ; gif hwa hit forsoce, pxt he sceolde been forbaerned on hatum ofne. ^E. H. ii. 18. 3. 12. See JE. H. ii. 18. 3. 14-22, 24-29. pa cwre'S se cyning him to : Hwast is se God ]?e mjfige Sow ahr§ddan of minum handum? Da cw;%don Annanias, Azarias, Misahel to Sam cyninge : Se iElmihtiga God, pe we vnxr^iaS, is swa mihtig ]?8et he eatSe maeg us ahr^ddan of t^lnum byrnendum ofne, and of cSlnum handum. And wite p\i gewiss, Ipeet we nSfre ne bugatS to cSlnum hj^Sen- scipe. He wearS Sa afylled mid graman, and het ont^lan ]5one ofen swiSe (5earle ; and het gebindan (5a cnihtas handum and fotum, and awurpan into Sam byrnendum ofne. pa waes tSaes cyninges h^s J?ferrihte gefylled, and hi wSron awoi'pene into 'Sam byrnendan ofne, and se llg sloh ut of 'Sam ofne feorr up, and forbsernde to deaSe 'Sa 'Se hi inn awurpon ; and ]:aet fyr ne d§rede naht |7am Srim cnihtum Se on God belyf- don, ac hi wurdon Jj^rrihte unbundene, and eodon orsorhlice bus tuis, rex, liberare. Quod si UAJNliLL. noluerit, notum sit tibi, rex, quia 3. I, 4-6. Nabucbodonosor rex fecit deos tuos non colimus, et statuam statuam auream ; . . . et praeco auream quam erexisti non ado- clamabat : . . . Cadentes adorate ramus. Tunc Nabuchodonosor re- statuam auream quam constituit pletus est furore, . . . et praecepit Nabuchodonosor rex ; si quis au- ut succenderetur fornax septu- tem non prostratus adoraverit, plum quam succendi consueverat ; eadem bora mittetur in fornacem et viris fortissimis de exercitu suo ignis ardentis. iussit ut, ligatis pedibus Sidrach, 3. 14-22, 24-29 (Vulg.9i-96).Pronun- Misach, et Abdenago, mitterent tiansque Nabuchodonosor rex, ait eos in fornacem ignis ardentis. eis : . . . Quis est Deus, qui eripiet Et confestim viri illi . . . missi vos de manu mea ? Respondentes sunt in medium fornacis ignis Sidrach, Misach, et Abdenago, dix- ardentis, nam iussio regis urge- erunt regi Nabuchodonosor : . . . bat ; fornax autem succensa erat Ecce enim Deus noster, quern nimis. Porro viros illos, qui mi- coHmus, potest eripere nos de serant Sidrach, Misach, et Abde- camino ignis ardentis, et de mani- nago, interfecit fiamma ignis. . . . 12G .^LFRICS HOMILIES on t?am fyre, and h§rodon God. Da eode se cyning to (Sam ofne, and sceawode geornlice ; 'pa geseah he 'S»r feower m§nn gangende binnon Sam fyre, and he cwaeS 'Sa to his cnihtum : Hula, ne wurpe we J^ry cnihtas into Sam fyre? Hi cw^don him to : SoS pu s§gst, cyning. pa cwceS se cyning : Ic geseo S^er feower weras gangende on middan j^am fyre ungew§mmede and iinforswwlede, and se feorSa is gellc Godes Bearne. . . . And he Sa geneal^hte Sam ofne, and cwaeS to Sam ]7rTm Godes cnihtum : Ge Godes m§nn, Annania, Azaria, Misahel, gaS ut of Sam ofne, and cumaS to me. Hi ]7jeri-ihte uteodon of Sam byrnendum ofne astforan eallum Sam folce. Hi sceawodon heoi'a fex and heora hchaman, and swiSe wundrodon l^ret hi ealswa gehale and swa gesunde uteodon of Sam fyre, swa hi inn aworpene Svi^ron. pa cwfeS se cyning : Gebletsod sy eower God, se Se eow ahr§dde swa mihtelice of Sam fyre. Ic Sftte nti Sis gebann on ealhim minum folce, ])^^et nan man ne beo swa dyrstig, J^aet he ^nig word oSSe ^nig tal cweSe ongean eowerum Gode ; gif hit hwa Sonne deS, he sceal Solian his i^hta and his agenes lifes. je. h. ii. i8, 20. II Eft siSSan Nabochodonossor, se Chaldeisca cyning, het gebindan handum and fotum pa Sry gelyfedan cnihtas, An- nanias, Azarias, Missael, and into anum byrnendum ofne awurpan ; for])anSe hi noldon hi gebiddan to his deofolgilde. Tunc Nabuchodonosor rex obstu- tes regis contemplabantur viros IDuit, et surrexit propere, et ait illos, quoniam nihil potestatis ha- optimatibus suis : Nonne tres vi- buisset ignis in cori^oribus eonim, ros misimus in medium ignis com- et capillus capitis eoi-um non peditos ? Qui respondentes regi, esset adustus, et sarabala eorum dixerunt : Vere, rex. Respondit, non fuissent immutata, et odor et ait : Ecce ego video quattuor ignis non transisset per eos. Et viros solutes, et ambulantes in erumpens Nabuchodonosor, ait: medio ignis, et nihil corruptionis Benedictus Deus eorum, . . . qui in eis est, et species quarti similis misit angelum suum, et eruit filio Dei. Tunc accessit Nabu- servos sues qui crediderunt in chodonosor ad ostium fornacis eum. ... A me ergo positum est ignis ardentis, et ait : Sidrach, hoc decretum, ut omnis populus, Misach, et Abdenago, servi Dei tribus, et lingua, quaecumque excelsi, egredimini, et venite. locuta fuerit blasphemiam contra Statimque egressi sunt Sidrach, Deum Sidrach, Misach, et Abde- Misach, et Abdenago de medio nago, dispereat, et domus eius ignis. Et congregati satrapae, et vastetur. . . . magistratus, et iudices, et poten- DAXTEL 3, 4 127 . . . pji sceawode se cyning ]5;vra 'Sreora enihta foax and llchaman, ]?us cwe'^ende : Sy gebletsod 6ower God, setSe as§nde his §ngel, and swa niihtelice his ^eowan of j^am byrnendan ofne alysde. je. h. i. 570. 3. 47-49 ^ (A. V. Apocrypha : Song of the Three Holy Children 24-26). Ac se ^4^1mihtiga God, l^e hi annvdlice on belyfdon, as§nde his §ngel into (5am ofne mid j^am cnihtum, and he '&"a tosceoc pone llg of tarn ofne, swa J^aet pset fyr ne mihte him d§rigan, ac sloh ut of Sam ofne nigan and feowertig fte]?ma, and forswjelde pa cw§lleras pe puit fyr onSldon. je. h. i. 570. 4. 29-37 (Vulg. 26-34.). ^fter Sison ymbe tw§lf monaS code se cyning binnon his healle mid orniittre upah^fednysse, h§rigende his weorc and his mihte, and cwaeS : Hu, ne is |?is sSo miccle Babilon 'Se ic sylf getimbrode to cynestole, and to Siymme me sylfum, to wlite and to wuldre, mid minum agenum m-Tegene and strgngSe? Ac him clypode ]3Srrihte to swT(5e §geslic stemn of heofenum, ]7us cweSende : pu Nabochodonosor, J3in rice gewit fram Se, and ]5u bist fram mannum aworpen, and Sin wunung biS mid wildeorum ; and }3u etst gsers swa-swa oxa seofon gear, oS-]?aet Su wite j^aet se healica God ge^vylt manna rlcu, and J)aet he forgifS rice Sam Se he wile. Witodlice on Jj^re ylcan tide waes j^eos spr^c gefylled ofer Nabochodonosor, and he arn to wuda, and wunode mid wildeorum, leofode be gaerse swa-swa nyten, oS-Jjoet his feax weox swa-swa wim- manna, and his naeglas swa-swa earnes clawa, . . . Ic 3. 47-49. Et effundebatur flamma Cumque sermo adhuc esset in ore super fornacem cubitis quadra- regis, vox de coelo ruit : Tibi di- ginta novem, et erupit, et incen- citur, Nabuchodonosor rex : Reg- dit quos reperit iuxta fornacem num tuum transibit a te, et ab de Cbaldaeis ; angelus autem Do- hominibus eiicieiit te, et cum mini descendit cum Azaria et bestiis et feris erit liabitatio tua ; sociis eius in fornacem, et excus- foenum quasi bos comedes, et sep- sit flammam ignis de fornace. tern tempera mutabuntur super 4.26-34'. Post finem mensium duo- te, donee scias quod dominetur decim in aula Babylonis deambu- Excelsus in regno hominum, et labat. Responditque rex, et ait : cuicumque voluerit dot illud. Nonne haec est Babylon magna Eadem hora sermo completus est qnam ego aedificavi in domum super Nabucbodonosor, et ex ho- regni, in robore fortitudinis minibus abiectus est, et foenum meae, et in gloria decoris mei ? ut bos comedit, . . . donee capilli > The Vulgutc numbering. 128 CLERICS HOMILIES Nabochodonosor ahof mine eagan up to heofonum, and min andgit mS wear's forgifen, and ic 'Sa bletsode J?one Hehstan God, and ic h§rode and wuldrode ];one tSe leofa'S on 6cnysse, forSanSe his miht is 6ce, and his rice st§nt on m^gSe and on mSgSe. Ealle eor'Sbugiende sind to nahte getealde on his wi^metenysse ; sefter his willan he de^ «g'Ser ge on heofonan ge on eorSan, and nis nan 'Sing 'pe his mihte wiSstande, oS'Se him to cwe'Se : Hwl dest 'Su swa ? On 'SSre tide mIn andgit ge\v§nde to me, and ic becOm to wurSmynte mines cynerlces, and min nif nnisce hlw mS becom ; mine witan me sohton ; and mln mjerS wearS geeacnod. Nu eornostlice ic mSrsige and wuldrige 'Sone heofonlican Cyning, fortSan'Se ealle his weorc sind so'Se, and his wegas rihtwise, and he mseg geeadmettan pa. ■Se on modignysse fara'S. M. H. ii. 432, 434. 5. 1-5. On sumere tide he feormode ealle his witan, and het beran forS pa gyldenan and sylfrenan maSmfatu, pe his feder on Godes temple binnon Hierusalem genam. Hi druncon 'Sa of t5am halgum fatum, and h^rodon heora hSSenan godas ; ac ]:Srrihte wear's gesewen swilce anes mannes hand writende on ■Saere healle wage, setforan 'Sam cyninge. je. h. ii. 434. eius in similitudinem aquilarum mei et magistratus mei requisi- crescerent, et ungues eius quasi erunt me ; . . . et magnificentia avium. Igitur post finem dierum amplior addita est mihi. Nunc ego Nabuchodonosor oculos meos igitur ego Nabuchodonosor laudo ad coelum levavi, et sensus mens et magnifico et glorifico Regem redditus est mihi, et Altissimo coeli, quia omnia opera eius vera, benedixi, et viventem in sempi- et viae eius iudicia, et gradientes ternum laudavi et glorificavi, in superbia potest humiliare. quia potestas eius potestas sem- 5. 1-5. Baltassar rex fecit grande piterna, et regnum eius in gene- convivium optimatibus suis mille. rationem et generationem. Et ... Praecepit ergo iam temulen- omnes habitatores terrae apud tus ut afferrentur vasa aurea et eum in nihilum reputati sunt ; argentea, quae asportaverat Nabu- iuxta voluntatem enim suam facit chodonosor pater eius de templo tam in virtutibus coeli quam in quod fuit in Jerusalem ; . . . et habitatoribus terrae, et non est biberunt in eis, . . . et laudabant qui resistat manui eius, et dicat deos suos. ... In eadem bora ap- ei: Quare fecisti? In ipso tem- paruerunt digiti, quasi manus pore sensus mens reversus est ad hominis scribentis ... in super- me, et ad honorem regni mei de- ficie parietis aulae regiae ; et coremque perveni, et figura mea rex aspiciebat articulos manus reversa est ad me ; et optimates scribentis. DANIEL 5 129 5. Q. pii weartS se cyning to '?an swife afyrht ]7a>t ho eal scranc. JE. H. ii. «fi- 5. 13. And him man b^dde |7one witegan to, Danihel. JE. H. ii. 436. 5. 16, 17. He cwa^'S to (Sam witegan : Riijd me Ipis gewrit, and ic Se forgife eal purpuran reaf and gyldenne swurbeah, and pu bist se 'Sridda mann to me on minum rice. Danihel him and^Ayrde : Gif 'Sam Ipe (Su wille Sine sylene, Sis gewrit ic Se ger§cce. M. H. ii. 436. 5. 22-31. Du noldest Se warnian }3urh ]?lnes faeder Sreale, ac drunce of Godes maSmfatum, and h§rodest Sine hfeSenan godas, dumbe and deafe. Nu asgnde se ^Imihtiga God pe Sis gewrit pe on Slnre healle wage st§nt : MANE, THECHEL, PHARES. MANE, J?»t is, God hajfS geteald pm rice, and gegndod ; THECHEL, ]>vet is, he awa^h Sin rice on wjegan, and he hit afunde gewanod ; PHARES, pvet is. Sin rice is todseled, and forgifen Medum and Persciscum. pa het se cyning syllan Sam witegan Danihele purpuran reaf and gyldenne swurbeah, and het cySan geond eall Jjaet he waere se Sridda man to him. On Saere ylcan nihte comon Medas, and ofslogon ]7one Balthasar, and Darius Meda feng to his rice. M. H. ii. 436. II . . . MANE, THECHEL, PHARES. je. h. ii. 434, 430 5. 9. Uncle rex Baltassar satis con- turbatus est, et vultus illius im- mutatus est. . . . 5. 1 3. Igitur introductus est Daniel coram rege. . . . 5. 16, 17. ... Si ergo vales scrip- turam legere, et interpretationem eius indicare niihi, purpura ves- tieris, et torquera auream circa collum tuum habebis, et tertius in regno meo princeps eris. Ad quae re.'5pondens Daniel, ait coram rege : Munora tua sint tibi, et dona domus tuae alteri da ; scrip- turam autem legam tibi, rex, et interpretationem eius ostendam tibi. 5. 22-31. Tu quoque, filius eius Bal- tassar, non humiliasti cor tuum, cum scires haec omnia, sed ad- versum dominatorem coeli eleva- tus es, et vasa domus eius allata sunt coram te ; et tu, et opti- mates tui, et uxores tuae, et con- cubinae tuae vinum bibistis in eis ; deo3 quoque . . . qui non vi- dent neque audiunt . . . laudasti. . . . Idcirco ab eo missus est arti- culus manus, quae scripsit hoc quod exaratum est. Haec est autem scriptura quae digesta est: MANE, THECEL, PHARES. Et haec est interpretatio sermo- nis : MANE, numeravit Deus reg- num tuum, et complevit illud ; THECEL, appensus es in statera, et inventus es minus habens ; PHARES, divisum est regnum tuum, et datum est Medis et Persis. Tunc iubente rege in- 130 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 7. lo. pusend Susenda 'Senodon |?am heofonlican Wealdende. and ten Susend si'San hundfealde Susenda him mid wuno- don. M. H. i. 348. 9. 21-24. Danihel se Avltega s§tte eac on his wltegunge ]:aet se heah§ngel Gabrihel com to fleogende, and him Ipus to cwae'S : Ic eom cumen to 'Se, Danihel, to Si J^aet ic sceal 'Se tsecan, and ])u. understand mine sprjece, and understand f)as gesih'Se. Feower hund geara and hundnigontig geara sind getealde of Sysum dscge ofer Se and ofer Sinum folce, and ofer S:^re byrig Hierusalem ; and l^onne biS sec ealde forgSgednys ge§ndod, and synn underfehS gegndunge, and unrihtwisnys biS adylegod, and biS gebroht ece rihtwisnys, and gesili'S and witegunga beoS gefyllede, and biS gesmyrod ealra halgena halga. JE. H. ii.' 14. 10. 13. Efne, nu Michahel, an 'Saera fyrmestra ealdra, com me to fultume, and ic wunode Sier wiS })one cyning Persciscre Seode. M. H. i. 518. 10. 20, 21. Me com to se heahfngel, Greciscre ]?eode ealdor, and nis heora nan min gefylsta baton Michahel. Ebreisces folces ealdor. je. h. i. 518. 13. 65 ^ (A. V. Apocrypha : Bel and the Dragon i). See JE. H. i. 570. 14. 27-42 ^ (A. V. Apocrypha : Bel and the Dragon 28-42). Da Babi- loniscan . . . cw^edon anmodlice to 'Sam foresa;dan cyninge dutus est Daniel purpura, et cir- populum tuum, et super urbem cumdata est torques aurea collo sanctam tuam, ut consummetur eius, et praedicatum est de eo praevaricatio, et finem accipiat quod haberet potestatem tertius peccatum, et deleatur iniquitas, in regno sue. Eadem nocte in- et adducatur iustitia sempiterna, terfectus est Baltassar rex dial- et impleatur visio et prophetia, et daeus, et Darius Medus successit ungatur sanctus sanctorum. in regnum. . . . 10. 13. ... Ecce Michael, unus de 7. 10. ... Millia millium ministra- principibus primis, venit adiuto- bant ei, et decies millies centena rium meum, et ego remansi ibi millia assistebant ei. . . . iuxta regem Persarum. 9. 21-24. . . . Ecce vir Gabriel, . . . 10. 20, 21. . . . Apparuit princeps cito volans, . . . locutus est mihi, Graecorum veniens, . . . et nemo dixitque : Daniel, nunc egressus est adiutor meus in omnibus his sum ut docerem te ; . . . tu ergo nisi Michael princeps vester. animadverte sermonem, et intel- I4.27-42. Quod cumaudissentBaby- lige visionem. Septuaginta heb- lonii, . . . congregati adversum domades abbreviatae sunt super regem, dixerunt : . . , Bel de- * The Vulgate numberiDg. DANIEL 7-14 131 Cyrum : Bet.'tc us Daniel, '^e urne god Bel tdwcarp, and ])one dracan acwealde pe wd on belyfdon. Gif Su hine forst^nst. wG fordylegiatS p5 and ?>lnne hyred. pa geseah se cyning j^a-t hi anmode Wftron, and neadunga ]'one wltegan him to handuni asceaf. Hi ^Ti hine awurpon into anum sea'Se, on )3am wseron seofan leon, pam. mann sealde daeghwomlice twa hry'Seru and twa seep ; ac him wa}s t^a oftogen ibices fodan six dagas, J^aet hi '?one Godes mann abltan sceoldon. On 'pseve tide wa3s sum otfer witega on ludea lande— his naraa waes Abacue — se baer his ryfterum m§te to a^cere. pa com him to Godes §ngel, and cwaeS : Abacue, baer Sone m§te to Babilone, and syle Daniele, se Se sitt on S^ra leona sea'^'e. Abacue and^\^l■de ]7am §ngle : La leof, ne geseali ic njefre tia burh, ne ic Sone sea's nut. pa se §ngel gelajhte hine be Sam fexe, and hine bser to Babilone, and hine sgtte bufan Sam seaSe. Da clypode se Abacue : pu Godes Seowa, Daniel, nim Sas lac Se pe God s§nde. Daniel cwaoS : Mm Driliten Ha?lend, sy Se lof and ^^^^lrSmynt pset pii me gemund- est. And he Sa SSre sande breac. Witodlice Godes §ngel ]7£errihte mid swyftum flihte gebrohte Sone discSen, Abacue, p&r he hine Sr genam. Se cyning Sa, Cyrus, on Sam seofoSan daege eode dreorig to SSra leona seaSe, and innbeseah, and efne, Sa Daniel sittende struxit, draconem interfecit ; . . . prandium quod habes in Baby- trade nobis Danielem. alioquin lonem Danieli, qui est in lacu interficiemus te et domum tuam. leonum. Et dixit Habacuc : Do- Vidit ergo rex quod irruerent in mine, Babylonem non vidi, et eum veliementer, et, necessitate lacum nescio. Et apprehendit compulsus, tradidit eis Danielem ; eum angelus Domini in vertico qui miserunt eum in lacum leo- eius, et portavit eum cainllo capi- num ; et erat ibi diebus sex. tis sui, posuitque eum . . . supra Porro in lacu erant leones sep- lacum. . . . Et clamavit Habacuc, tem, et dabantur eis duo corpora dicens : Daniel, serve Dei, telle quotidie, et duae eves ; et tunc prandium quod misit tibi Deus. non data sunt eis, ut devorarent Et ait Daniel : Recordatus es Danielem. mei, Deus. . . . Daniel comedit. Erat autem Habacuc prophcta Porro angelus Domini restituit in ludaca, et ipse coxerat pul- Habacuc conlestim in loco suo. mentum, et intriverat panes in Venit ergo rex die scptimo ut alveolo ; et ibat in campum ut lugeret Danielem ; et venit ad ferret messoribus. Dixitque an- lacum, et introspexit, et ecce gelus Domini ad Habacuc : Fer Daniel sedens in medio leonum. 182 ^LFRICS HOMILIES waes gesundful on middan ]:am leonum. pa clypode se cyning mid micelre stemne : Mfere is se God ]?e Daniel on belyfS. And he '5a mid ]?am worde hine ateah of 'Sam scraefe, and het inn- awurpan Sa J^e hine ser fordon woldon. paes cyninges h^es wear's hraedlice gefr§mmed, and pses witegan ehteras wurdon asceofene betwux 'Sa leon, and hi Sjerrihte mid grSdigum ceaflum hi ealle totseron. pa cwseS se cyning : Forhtion and ondrJedon ealle eorSbuende Danieles God, forSan'Se he is Alysend and Hselend, wyrcende tacna and wundra on heofonan and on eorSan. M. H. i. 570, 572 ; cf. i. 488. HOSEA. 4. 8. Hi eta's mines folces synna. ^E. H. ii. 536. 6. 6. Ic wylle mildheortnysse, and na offrunge, M. H. ii. 470 ; cf. Matt. 9. 13. 11. 1 . Of Egypta lande ic geclypode minne sunu. je. h. i. 80. JOEL. 1. 17. Da nytenu forrotedon on heora meoxe. jE. h. i. nS. 2. 28. See Acts 2. i if. 2. 32. .^Ic Sjera manna ]>e Godes naman clypa'S biS gehealden. JE. H. ii. 392. AMOS. 1. I. See ^. H. i. 322. 5. 13. Hit is awriten be Sam yfelum timan, |?8et se snotera sceal suwian, 'Sonne he gesili'S ]?fet seo bodung naefS naenne for'Sgang. M. H. ii. 340. Et exclamavit voce magna rex, 6. 6. . . . Misericordiam volui, et dicens : Magnus es, Domine Deus non sacrificium. , . . Danielis. Et extraxit eum de lacu 11. i. ... Ex Aegypto vocavi filiuni leonum. Porro illos qui perdi- meum. tionis eius causa fuerant intro- misit in lacum, et devorati sunt in memento coram eo. Tunc rex 1. 17. Computruerunt iumenta in ait : Paveant omnes habitantes in stercore sue. ... universa terra Deum Danielis, 2. 32. . . . Omnis qui invocaverit quia ipse est salvator, faciens nomen Domini salvus erit. . . . signa et mirabilia in terra. . . . HOSEA. AMOS. 4. 8. Peccata populi mei come- 5.13. Ideo prudens in tempore illo dent. . . . tacebit, quia tempus malum est. HOSEA 4 — JONAH 2 133 JONAH. 1. 1-5, 7-9, II, 12, 15-17. God spi'cTC to anum witegan, se wivs lonas gehaten : Far to iSiere byrig Niniuen, and boda ^Sr t^a word IpG ic ]'e s§cge. pa wearS se witega afyrht, and wolde foi-- fleon Godes gesili^e, ac he ne milite. Ferde tSa to sS, and stah on scip. Da-t?a 'pa scypm§n comon ut on s», J?a s§nde him God to micelne wind and hreohnysse, swa j^set hi waeron orwene heora llfes. Hi Sa wurpon heora waru oforbord, and se witega laeg and slep. Hi wurpon ^a tan betweox him, and bSdon J^aet God sceolde geswutulian hwanon him pset iingelimp become ; pa. com ^aes witegan ta upp. Hi axodon hine hwaet he w;«re, oSSe hu he faran wokle ? He cwseS piet he wi^re Godes Seow, se Se gesceop sS and land, and j^aet he fleon wolde of Godes gesihSe. Hi cwiSdon : Hu do we ymbe 6e ? He andwyrde : Weorpa'S me oforbord, J^onne geswlcS }?eos gedr§ccednys. Hi ■§& swa dydon, and seo hreohnys wearcS gestilled, and hi offrodon Gode heora lac, and tugon for©. God Sa gegearcode aenne hwael, and he forswealh ]wne witegan. je. h. i. 244, 246. 1. 1 7. See jE. h. i. 488. 2. io(Vulg, 11). And abaerhine to Sam lande pe he to sceolde, and hine Siier utasijaw. JE. H. i. 246. JONAH. hoc malum sit nobis. Et mise- 1- 1-5) 7-9) 11) 12, 15, 16 ; 2. I '. Et runt sortes ; et cecidit sors super factum est verbum Domini ad lonam. Et dixerunt ad eum : lonam, . . . dicens : Surge, et vade Indica nobis cuius causa malum in Niniven civitatem grandem, et istud sit nobis : quod est opus praedica in ea. . . . Et surrexit tuum? quae terra tua? et quo lonas, ut fugeret ... a facie Do- vadis ? vel ex quo populo es tu V mini. . . . Et invenit navem, . . . et Et dixit ad eos : . . . Dominum descendit in eam ut iret cum eis. Deum coeli ego timeo, qui fecit . . . Dominus autem misit ventum mare et aridam. . . . Et dixenint magnum in mare, et facta est ad eum : Quid faciemus tibi ? . . . tempestas magna in mari,et navis Et dixit ad eos: Tollite me, et periclitabatur conteri. Et timu- raittite in mare, et cessabit mare erunt nautae, et clamaverunt viri a vobis. . . . Et tulerunt lonam, et ad deum suum ; et miserunt vasa, miserunt in mare, et stetit mare quae erant in navi, in mare, ut a fervore suo. Et . . . immola- alleviaretur ab eis ; et lonas de- verunt hostias Domino. . . . Et scendit ad interiora navis, et dor- praeparavit Dominus piscem gran- miebat sopore gravi. . . . Et dixit dem ut deglutiret lonam. . . . vir ad collegam suum : Venite, et 2. 11. . . . Et evomuit lonam iu mittamus sortes, et sciamus quare aridam. » The Vulgate numbering. 134 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 3. 1-4, 6, 7. pa com §ft Godes word to Sam witegan, and cwaeS : Arls nu, and ga to (Sc^re mycelan byrig Niniuen, and boda swa- swa ic (Sg Sr sjede. He ferde, and bodode pset him wsbs Godes grama onslgende, gif hi to Gode bugan noldon. Da aras se cyning of his cynesetle, and awearp his deor\vy"r'Se reaf, and dyde h*ran to his lice, and axan uppan his heafod, and bead padt felc man swa don sceolde, and KgcSer ge m§n ge cSa sucendan cild, and eac cSa nytenu, ne onbyrigdon nanes twinges binnan &-im dagum. je. h. i. 246. 3. 10. See jE. H. i. 246. MICAH. 5. 2. 6'ccMatt. 2. 6(2. 1-15). 5. 5. ponne biS sib on eor'San, ]?onne lire Drihten [sic] cymS to urum lande, and 'Sonne he ga;S into urum husum. je. h. ii. 12. HABAKKUK. 2. 4. Se rilitwlsa leofaS be his geleafan, -E. H. i. 134. ZEPHANIAH. 1, 14-16. Se miccla Godes daeg is swiSe geh§nde and Searle swyft ; biter biS pses daeges stemn ; psev biS se stranga gedrefed. Se daeg is yrres daeg, and gedrefednysse daeg and angsumnysse, yi-mSe daeg and wanunge, ]?eostra daeg and dimnysse, byman daeg and cyrmes. je. h. i. 6i8. 3. 1-4, 6, 7. Et factum est verbum iumenta, et boves, et pecora non Domini ad lonam secundo, di- gustent quidquam, nee pascantur, cans : Surge, et vade in Niniven et aquam non bibant. civitatem magnam, et praedica in ea praedicationem quam ego loquor ad te. Et surrexit Jonas, 5. 5- Et erit iste pax, cum venerit et abiit in Niniven ; . . . et cla- Assyrius in terram nostram, et mavit, et dixit: Adliuc quadra- quando calcaverit in domibus ginta dies, et Ninive subvertetui*. nostris. . . . . . . Et pervenit verbum ad regem Ninive ; et surrexit de solio suo, MICAH. HABAKKUK. et abiecit vestimentum suum a se, 2. 4. • • • Iu«tus autem in fide sua et indutus est sacco, et sedit in vivet. cinere. Et clamavit, et dixit in ZEPHANIAH. Ninive ex ore regis et princi- 1. 14-16. luxta est dies Domini pum eius, dicens : Homines, et magnus, iuxta est et velox nimis ; JONAH 3 — WISDOM OF SOLOMON 1 13" ZECHARIAH. 2. 8. Ss tSe Sow hrepaS, hit me bit) swa ggle swylce he hr^ppe Sa sCo mines eagan. M. H. i. .^90. Se Se eow hr§pa^, hit biS me swa ^gle swilce he hrgppe mines eagan seo. m. h. i. 516. 9. 9. pin eyning cymS to tSe eadniod, and geedstaSelaS lp& \ JE. H. ii. 14. 13. 9. Si'e I Pet. 1. 7. MALACHL 1. 2, 3. . , . pxt God lufode lacob, and hatode Esau. je. h. i. no. 4. 2. ... rihtwisnysse Sunu. M. H. ii. 224. TOBIT. 11. 15. See ,E. H. ii. 136. 12. 12. pa-Sa ge eow gebsedon, ic offrode eower gebedu aetforan Gode. M. H. i. 51S. WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 1. I . LufiaS rihtwisnesse, ge tSe on eor^an dematJ ; oncnawaS eowerne God mid godnesse symle, and mid heortan anfealdnysse seca'S hine georne. ^. H. ii. 320. 1. 7. Godes gast gefylS ealne jaiibhwyrft middangeardes, and he hylt ealle Sing, and he ha?f 5 ingehyd juices gereordes. ^E. H. i. 280. II Godes gast gefylS eah-e eor'f an ymbhwyrft. je. h. ii. 44. vox diei Domini amaiu ; tribula- 4. 2. . . . Sol iustitiae. bitur ibi fortis. Dies irae dies ilia, dies tribulationis et angus- TOBIT. tiae, dies calamitatis et miseriae, 12. 12. Quando orabas, ... ego ob- dies tenebranim et caliginis, dies tuli orationem tuam Domino. nebulae et turbinis, dies tubae et clangoris WISDOM OF SOLOMON. ZECHARIAH. !• i- Diligite iustitiam, qui iudicatis . 2. 8. . . . Qui enim tetigerit vos, t^rram ; sentite de Domino in tangit pupillam oculi mei. bonitate, et in simplicitate cordis 9. 9. Ecce rex tuus veniet tibi ius- quaerite ilium. tus, et salvator; ipse pauper 1- 7- Quoniam spiritus Domini re- plevit orbem terrarum, et hoc MALACHL quod continet omnia scientiam 1. 2, 3. ... Dilexi lacob, Esau autem habet vocis. odio habui. . . . ' Attributed to Ezekicl by .^Elfric. 136 .ELFRICS HOMILIES 3. 9. Buton ge hit gelyfan, ne mage ge hit understandan. M. H. i. 280. 5. 21. Eor'San ymbhwyrft fiht for Gode ongean J^a andgitleasan. .E. H. ii. 540. ECCLESIASTICUS. 3. 20. ponne Su mfere sy, geeadmed pe sylfne on eallum 'Singum. and Su gemetst gife and lean mid Gode. je. h. i. 200. 3. 30 (Vulg. 33). Swa-swa waeter adw:%sc(S fyr, swa adwifesccS seo selmesse synna. je. h. ii. 106. 5. 7 (Vulg. 8, 9). Ne elca 'Sa to gecyrrenne to Gode, Sy-lSs-J'e se tima losige J:urh Sa sleacan §lcunge. M. H. 282. 7. 36 (Vulg. 40). On eallum Slnum weorcum beo Su gemyndig |?Tnes §ndenextan daeges, and on ecnysse 'Su ne syngast. JE. H. i. 408. II On eallum Singum beo Su gemyndig ]3lnes §ndenextan daeges, and pu ne syngast on ecnysse. je. h. i. 482. 25. 16 (Vulg. 23). . . . }?set selre wsere to wunigenne mid leon and dracan |3onne mid yfelan wife and oferspriecum. M. h. i. 486. 27. 6. LtBmene fatu beoS on ofne afandode, and rihtwise m§nn on gedrefednysse heora eostnunge. je. h. i. 554. 34. 24. pa aelmessan 'pe of reaflace beoS gesealde sind Gode swa gecweme swilce hwa acwelle o'Sres mannes cild, and bringe Sam feeder paet heafod to lace. M. H. ii. 102. 50. 8. And, swa-swa on l§ngctenlicere tide, rosena blostman and lilian hi ymtrymedon. je. h. i. 444. 3. 9. Qui confidunt in illo intelli- disperdet te. gent veritatem. ... 7. 40. In omnibus operibus tuis 5.21. ... Pugnabit cum illo (^. pro memorare novissima tua, et in eo) orbis terrarum contra insen- aeternum non peccabis. sates. 25. 23. ... Commorari leoni et VPPTVc-TAQTTrTT^ draconi placebit, quam habitare 3. 20. Quanto magnus es, humilia 27. 6. Vasa figuli probat fornax, et te in omnibus, et coram Deo in- homines iustos tentatio tribula- venies gratiam. tionis. 3. 33. Ignem ardentem extinguit 34. 24. Qui offert sacrificium ex aqua, et eleemosyna resistit pec- substantia pauperum quasi qui catis. victimat filium in conspectu pa- 5. 8, 9. Non tardes converti ad Do- tris sui. rainum ; . . . subito enim veniet 50. 8. . . . Quasi flos rosarum in die- ira illius, et in tempore vindictae bus vernis, et quasi lilia. . . . WISDOM OF SOLOMON 3 — MATTHEW 2 137 SONG OF THE THREE HOLY CHILDREN. 2^-26. Sec Dan. 3. 47-49. BEL AND THE DRAGON. I. See Dan. 13. 65. 2S-42. See Ban. 14. 27-42. MATTHEW. 1. 18-20. Ac 'Sa-'^a Joseph undergeat Ipset Maria mid cilde waes. ]?a wearS he dreorig, and nolde hire geneali^can, ac (Sohte ]7aet he wolde hi diglice forh'etan. pa-Sa loseph pis smeade, ]xi com him to Godes §ngel, and bebead him p-xt sceolde habban gymene sBgS'er ge 'S:ere meder ge p^s cildes, and cwob'S j^aet f;aet cild nxve of nanum m§n gestryned, ac Wiere of pam Halgan Gaste. JE. H. i. 196. 1. 21. . , . Iesus, and on urum gereorde HJlend, for'San'Se he gehailS his folc fram heora synnum. ^. H. i. 94. 1. 23. Efne, sceal maeden geeacnian on hire innoSe, and acgnnaii sunu ; and his nama biS geciged Emmanuhel, J^aet is ger§ht on urum getSeode : God is mid us. JE. H. i. 192, 194 ; cf. Isa. 7. 14. II Efne, an mieden sceal geeacnian, and ac§nnan sunu ; and his nama biS Emmanuhel, |3aet is ger§ht : God is mid us. ^. H. ii. 14. 2. j-15. pa-Sa se Hselend ac§nned waes on piere ludeiscan Beth- leem, on Herodes dagum cyninges, efne, 'Sa comon fram easl- dSle middangeardes j^ry tungelwitegan to Siere byrig Hieru- salem, |:us befrinende : Hw^er is ludeiscra leoda cyning, se ^e MATTHFW 1. 21. . . . lesum ; ipse enim salvuni "■ ■ faciet populum suum a peccatis 1. 18-20. . . . Inventa est in utero eorum. habens loseph autem vir eius, 1. 23. Ecce, virgo in utero habebit. cum esset iustus et nollet earn et pariet filium ; et vocabunt no- traducere, voluitoccultedimittere men eius Emmanuel, quod est earn. Haec autem eo cogitante, interpretatum : Nobiscum Deus. ecce, angelus Domini apparuit in 2. 1-15. Cum ergo natus esset lesus somnis ei, dicens : loseph fili Da- in Bethlehem luda, in diebus He vid, noli timere accipere Mariam rodis regis, ecce magi ab oriente coniugem tuam ; quod enim in ea venerunt lerosolymam, dicentes : natum est de Spiritu Sancto est. Ubi est qui natus est rex ludae- 138 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ac^nned is ? We gesawon sot51ice his steorran on eastd&le, and we comon to Si j^aet we us to him gebiddon. Hwaet, 'Sa Herodes cyuing, ]7is gehyrende, wearS micclum astyred, and eal seo burh- waru samod mid him. He Sa gesamnode ealle 'pa ealdorbiscopas • and 'Saes folces boceras, and befran hw^r Ci'lstes canning- stow Wfere. Hi s»don : On 'Siere ludeiscan Bethleem ; J5us so'Slice is awriten ]?urh 'Sone witegan Micheam : Eala pu Bethleem, ludeisc land, ne eart Su nateshwon wacost burga on ludeiscum ealdrum ; of Se cymS se h§retoga se Se ge- -w^lt and gewissaS Israhela folc. Da clypode Herodes IpU, Siy tungelwltegan on sunderspr^^ce, and geornlice hi befran to hwilces timan se steorra him Srst seteowode ; and asfnde hi to Bethleem, cSus cwe'Sende : Para's ardlice, and befrlna'5 be '5am cilde ; and j^onne ge hit gemetaS, cySa'S me, Iptet ic mage me to him gebiddan. pa tungelwltegan fsrdon sefter J?aes cyninges spruce ; and efne, 'Sa se steorra, pe hi on eastd*le gesawon, glad him beforan, o5-]7set he gestod bufon Sam ggsthuse pser pset cild on wunode. Hi gesawon 'Sone steorran, and J^earle blissodon. Eodon 'Sa inn, and J^aet cild gemetton mid Marian his meder, and ni'Serfeallende hi to him gebiddon. Hi geopenodon heora hordfatu, and him lac geoffrodon— gold, and recels, and myrram. Hwaet, Sa God on swefne hi gewarnode and behead J^set hi §ft ne cyrdon to San reSan cyninge Herode, ac ]?urh o'Serne weg hine for- orum ? vidimus enim stellam eius Bethleliem, dixit : Ite, et interro- in oriente, et venimus adorai-e gate diligenter de puero ; et cum eum. Audiens autem Herodes inveneritis, renuntiate mihi, ut rex turbatus est, et omnis leroso- et ego veniens adorem eum. Qui lyma cum illo ; et congregans cum audissent regem, abierunt ; omnes principes sacerdotum et et ecce stella quam viderant in scribas populi, sciscitabatur ab oriente antecedebat eos, usque eis ubi Christus nasceretur. At dum veniens staret supra ubi erat illi dixerunt ei : In Bethlehem puer. Vidcntes autem stellam ludae ; sic enim scriptum est per gavisi sunt gaudio magno valde. prophetam : Et tu, Bethlehem, Et intrantes domum, invenerunt terra luda, nequaquam minima puerum cum Maria matre eius, es in principibus luda ; ex te et procidentes adoraverunt eum ; enim exiet dux qui regat popu- et, apertis thesauris suis, obtu- lum meum Israel. Tunc Herodes, lerunt ei munera — aurum, thus, clam vocatis magis, diligenter di- et myrrham. Et responso accepto dicit ab eis tempus stellae quae in somnis ne redirent ad Hero- apparuit eis ; et mittens illos in dem, per aliam viam reversi sunt MATTHEW 2 139 cyrdon, and swa to heora e^'elo becomon. Efno, tSa Godos ^ngel ajteowode losepe, ^a!s cildes fosterfieder, on swefnum, cweSende : Arls, and nim j^is cild mid pxve meder, and ttuoh to Egypta lande, and beo ]?j«r o'S-J^ajt ic pB §ft s§cge ; sotilice toweard is Ipxt Herodes smeaS hu b6 pxt cild fordo. loseph ?a aras nihtes, and p-xt cild mid piere meder samod to Egyj^tu lande fgrede, and p-xr wunode oS-J^ajt Herodes gewat ; ]?8et sGo witegung \v;%re gefylled, pe be feiere fare ser tins cwa)S : Of Egypta lande ic geclypode minne sunu. JE. H. i. 78, 80. II pa-tSa, se HSlend ac§nned waes on J^^re ludeiscan Bethleem, on Herodes dagum cyninges, efne, t^a comon fram eastdttle middangeardes cSry tungelwltegan to 'SiBre byrig Hierusalem, |)us befrlnende : Hw«r is ludeiscra leoda cyning, se Se acgnned is ? JE. H. i. 104. II Hwaer is se t5e acgnned is ? . . . ludea cyning. je. h. i. 106. 11 We comon to Sy 'Saet we us to him gebiddan. je. h. i. 108. II pu Bethleem, ludeisc land, ne eart 'Su waeost burga on ludeiscum ealdrum ; soSlice of '^e cymS se latteow l^e gewylt Israhela 'Seoda. je. h. i. 34. II pa tungelwltegan eodon into Saes cildes g§sthuse, and hine gemetton mid pxre meder. Hi 'Sa mid astr§htum llc- haman hi to CrTste gebj^don, and geopenodon heora hord- fatu, and him geoffrodon ]?ryfealde lac— gold, and recels, and myrran. M. H. i. 116. . 16-18. He . . . geseah j^iet he waes bepieht fram '^am tungel- wltegum, and weartS pa $»'earle gegrgmod. S§nde fca his cwelleras, and ofsloh ealle Sa hysecild pe witron on j^rere byrig Bethleem and on eallum hyre geniierum, fram twiwintrum cilde to anre nihte, be 'fesere tide pe he geaxode a;t ^*am tungel- witegum. pa wajs gefylled Hieremias witegung, pe 'Sus wite- gode : Stemn is gehyred on heannysse, micel wop and boterung ; in regionem suam. Qui cum re- secessit in Aegyi^tum, et erat ibi cessissent, ecce, angelus Domini usque ad obitum Herodis ; ut apparuit in somnis loseph, di- adimpleretur quod dictum est a cans : Surge, et accipe puerum et Domino per prophetam dicentem : matrem eius, et fuge in Aegyptum, Ex Aegypto vocavi filiuni meuni. et esto ibi usque dum dicam tibi ; 2. 16-18. Tunc Herodes, videns quo- futurum est enim ut Herodes niam illusus esset a magis, iratus quaerat puerum ad perdendum est valde, et mittens occidit om- eum. Qui consurgens accepit nes pueros qui erant in Bethle- puenim et matrem eius nocte, et hem et in omnibus finibus eius, 140 -ELFEICS HOMILIES Eachel beweop hire cildru. and nolde beon gefrffrod. for?an?e hi ne sind. JL H. L So. Eachel beweop hire cildra. an'J nolde bfon gefrefrod. for?ante hi ne sind. jl H. L 84. 2. 19, 20. Efne. ?a Godes §ngel. iefter Herodes dea?e. seteowode losepe on swefnum on Egypta lande. ]:us cwe^ende : Arls, and nim ]r£et cild and his moder samod. and gew^nd ongean to Tsrahela lande : soiflice hi sind for? farene ?a ?e ynibe pses cildes feorh syrwdon. .£. H. L ss. Se engel cw?e5 to losepe : pft sind for?farene le embe ?*> cildes feorh syrwdon. .E. H. L &s. 2. 21—2.^. He ?a aras. swa-s"wa se engel bim bebead. and ferode J:*t cild mid p-^ve meder to Israhela lande. pa gefran loseph ]:cet Archelaus rlxode on ludea lande sefter his faeder Herode. and ne dorste his neawiste geneal*can. pa wear? he ^ft on swefne gemynegod ]:aet he to Galilea gewende. . . . piet cild ?a eardode on y^re byrig pe is gehaten Xazareth. J^tet seo wite- gung w^re gefylled, pe cwae? ]:aet he sceolde beon Xazarenisc geclged. ^L H. i 8S : cf. L 47«. 3. 2. BehreowsiaS eowre synna. and vryrca? ditdbute. forJanp Godes nee geneal^ehS. .E. H. iL 38. 3. 3. See Isa. 40. 3, 4- 3. J. Eal his reaf waes awefen of olfendes hftrum ; his bigleofa wies 5tT?lic : ne dranc he "wines drfnc. ne nanes gem§ncge ; cf. Matt. 17. 1-5. 4. i-ii. Se HSlend wies gelSd fram ]7am Halgan Gaste to anum westene, to ^y ]?iet hs wivre gecostnod fram deofle ; and he 'fa faeste feowertig daga and feowertig nihta, swa |:»t he ne on- 3. 12. ... Congregabit triticum nos imijlere omuem iustitiam. suum in horreum. paleas autem Tunc dimisit eum. Baptizatus comburet igm inextinguibili. autem lesus, . . . ecce. aperti sunt 3. 13. Tunc venit lesus a Galilaea ei coeli, et \-idit Spiritum Dei in lortlaneni ad loaunem, ut bap- descendentem sicut columbani. et tizaretur ab eo. venientem super se ; et ecce. vox 3. 14-17. loannes autem prohibebat de coelis dicens: Hie est Filius eum, dicens : Ego a te debeo mens dilectus, in quo mihi coni- baptizari, et tu venis ad me ? placui. Respondens autem lesus, dixit 4. i-ii. Tunc lesus ductus est in ei : Sine niodo ; sic enim decet desertuni a Spiritu. ut tentarctur ' From I.uke 1. 15, ' viuum et siceram non bibet." ]42 ^LFRICS HOMILIES byrigde setes ne w^tes on eallum Ipam fyrste ; ac siSSan him hingrode. pa genealaijhte se costnere, and liim to cwaeS : Gif Su sy Godes Sunu, cweS to Sisum stanum Ipast hi beon aw^nde to hlafum. Da andwearde se H^lend, and cwaecS : Hit is awriten : Ne leofacS se mann na be hlafe anum. ac lyfa'S be eallum 'Sam wordum pe gaS of Godes muSe. pa genam se deofol hine, and ges§tte hine uppan 6ain scylfe Ipses heagaii temples, and cwaecS : Gif Su Godes Sunu sy, feall nu adun : hit is awriten J^set §nglum is beboden be '^e, J^aet hi 'Se on hira handum ah§bbon, ]:8et ]?u furSon ne 'Surfe 'Sinne fot ait stane aetspurnan. pa cwjeS se HSlend §ft him to : Hit is awriten : Ne fanda ]?lnes Drihtnes. pa genam se deofol hine §ft, and gesftte hine uppan anre swiSe heahre dune, and seteowde him ealles middangeardes welan and his wuldor, and cwaeS him to : Ealle (5as 'Sing ic forgife 'Se, gif Su wilt feallan to minum fotum and gebiddan Ipe to me. Da cwaiS se Hajlend him to : Ga 'Su underbsecc, sceocca ! Hit is awriten : Gehwa sceal hine ge- biddan to his Drihtne anum, and him anum 'Seowian. pa forlet se deofol hine ; and him comon §nglas to, and him Senodon. JE. H. i. i66 ; cf. ii. u». II Se Halga Gast laedde J^one Hj'elend to ]5am westene, to Sy Sset he w^ere p^v gecostnod. JE. H. i. i66. II Hwl hingra'S Ipe ? Gif 'Su Godes Sunu sy, w§nd ]?as stanas to hlafum, and et. je. h. i. i68. a diabolo. Et cum ieiunasset offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum. quadraginta diebus et quadra- Ait illi lesus : Rursum scriptum ginta noctibus, postea esuriit. Et est: NonteiitabisDorainum Deum accedens tentator dixit ei : Si tuum. Iterum assumpsit eum dia- Eilius Dei es, die ut lapides isti bolus in montem excelsum valde. panes fiant. Qui respondens dixit : et ostendit ei omnia regna mundi. Scriptum est : Non in solo pane et gloriam eorum, et dixit ei : vivit homo, sed in omni verbo Haec omnia tibi dabo, si cadens quod procedit de ore Dei. Tunc adoraveris me. Tunc dicit ei assumpsit eum diabolus in sane- lesus : Vade {^. ins. retro '). tam civitatem, et statuit eum Satana ; scriptum est enim : Do- super pinnaculum templi, et dixit minum Deum tuum adorabis, et ei : Si Filius Dei es, mitte te deor- illi soli servies. Tunc reliquit sum ; scriptum est enim : Quia eum diabolus ; et ecce, angeli ac- angelis suis mandavit de te, et cesserunt, et ministrabant ei. in manibus tollent te, ne forte ' See .lElfric's discussion, i. 172. MATTHKW 4, 5 143 II ewe's to (5ysum strmuin ]wt hi bCon to hlrifmn awpiide, and et. je. h. i. 176. II Ne lifaS na se man bo hlafe anum, ac lifav5 be ^'am wordum Se ga^' of Godes muSe. JE. H. i. 168. II And he t^a hine genam, and boer upp on ]5a3t tempi, and liine s§tte sut ^am scylfe, and cvva^S to him : Gif t)u Godes Sunu sy, sceot adun ; for'SanJ^e §nglum is beboden be 'xt hi magon geseon ure godnysse, and l^aet hi wuldrian and h^rigan iirne heofonlican Feeder. M. H. i. 180. 5. 17. Ne wsne ge na j^set ic come to Si ]?3et ic wolde towurpan pa ealdan ?e otStSe witegena ges§tnyssa ; ic ne com to 'Si p'^et ic hi towurpe, ac pSBt ic hi gefylde. M. H. ii. 198. He ne com to Sy J^aet he wolde towurpan 'Sa ealdan se oSSe witegan, ac wolde hi aefter gastlicum andgite gefyllan. M. H. ii. 58. He cwaeS piet he ne come to 'Sy Jjset ho wolde pa ealdan » towurpan, ac gefyllan. M. H. i. 94. 5. iS. So 5 ic eow sgcge : An strica ocS'Se an stsef 'SSre ealdan so ne biS forgfeged o'S-]?8et hi ealle gefyllede beon. ^. H. ii. 198, 200. 5. 20. SoS ic eow sgcge : Buton eower rihtwisnyss mare sy ]:'onne S^ra ludeiscra bocera and sunderhalgena, ne becume ge into heofenan rice. M. H. ii. 216. 5. 23, 24. Gif (5u oflfrast Sine lac to Godes weofode, and J?u j^asr gemyndig bist ]?8et Sin broSor hasfS sum Sing ongean Se, forl*t SSrrihte Sa lac aetforan Sam weofode, and gang ssrest to pinum breSer, and pe to him gesibsuma ; and, Sonne Su §ft cymst to Sam weofode, geoffra Sonne Sine lac. ^. H. i. 54. 5. 32. Swa-hwa-swa his Swe forlast, and oSer genimS, he biS }?onne eawbrtiece and eac forligr. Eac se Se wifaS on Sam for- laetenum wife biS unrihth^mere gehaten fram Gode. JE. H. ii. 322. bona, et glorificent patrem ves- coelorum. trum qui in coelis est. 5. 23, 24. Si ergo offers munus tuum 5. 17. Nolite j)utare quoniam veni ad altare, et ibi recordatus fueris solvere legem aut prophetas ; quia frater tuus liabet aliquid ad- non veni solvere, sed adimplere. versum te, relinque ibi munus 5. 18. Amen quippe dico vobis, . . . tuum ante altare, et vade prius iota unum aut unus apex non reconciliari fratri tuo ; et tunc praeteribit a lege donee omnia veniens off'eres munus tuum. fiant. 5. 32. ... Quia omnis qui dimiserit 5. 20. Dico enim vobis quia nisi uxorem suam . . . facit earn moe- abundaverit iustitia vestra plus chari ; et qui dimissam duxerit quam scribarum et Pharisaeo- adulterat. rum, non intrabitis in regnum 146 ^LFRICS HOMILIES S. 34-37- Ne swgra Su |:urh heofenan, for^an'Se heo is Godes J^rymsetl ; ne sw§ra (5u Ipuvh eorSan, forSan'Se heo is Godes fotsceamol ; ne sw§ra pu 'Surh (Sin agen heafod, for'SanSe tSu ne miht wyrcan an h^r pines feaxes hwit o'SSe blacc. Ic sgcge eow : Ne s\v§rige ge ]:urh nan J^ing, ac beo eower sprsec t5us gegndod : Hit is swa ic s§cge, o]?]3e hit nis swa ; swa-hwaet-swa Sser mare biS ]?urh a'S, J^set biS of 'Sam yfelan. je. h. i. 482. II Heofon is his ]?rymsetl, and eorSe is his fotsceamul. M. H. i. 262. II EorSe is gecweden Godes fotsceamel, and seo heofen is his Siymsetl. ^. H. ii. 448 ; cf. Isa. 66. i. 5. 43-46. Ge gehyrdon hwset gecweden waes Sam ealdum mannum on Moyses se : Lufa 'Sinne nextan, and hata Sinne feond. Ic soSlice eow sgcge : LufiaS eowere fynd, doS |?am tela 'Se eow hatiaS, and gebiddaS for eowerum ehterum and eow tynendum, ]?8et ge beon eoweres Feeder beam se Se on heofonum is, se Se deS his sunnan scinan ofer Sa yfelan and ofer Sa godan, and syl'S renscuras Sam rihtwisum and Sam unrihtwisum. Gif ge tSa ane lufiaS )?e eow lufia'S, hwilce mede haebbe ge J^onne aet Gode ? ^. H. ii. 16. II Hit is Jjus awriten on ]?jere ealdan se : Lufa Sinne freond, and hata Sinne feond. M. H. i. 522. II OSre mgn hatiaS heora fynd, and j^el mid yfele forgyldaS ' ; we soSlice lufia'S ure fynd, and J^am teala doS pe us hatiaS. ^. H. ii. 484. II Ic bebeode eow : LufiaS eowre fynd, and do]? tela ]?am Se eow hatiaS, and gebiddaS for eowre ehteras, }?8et ge beon beam 5.34-37. Ego autem dice vobif?, non habebis inimicum tuum. p]go iurareomnino; neque per coelum, autem dice vobis: Diligite inimi- quia thronus Dei est ; neque per cos vestros, benefacite his qui terrain, quia scabellum est pedum oderunt vos, et orate pro perse- eius ; . . . neque per caput tuum quentibus et calumniantibus vos, iuraveris, quia non potes unum ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in capillum album facere aut ni- coelis est, qui solem suum oriri grum. Sit autem sermo vester : facit super bonos et males, et Est, est; Non, non; quod autem pluit super iustos et miustos. Si his abundantius est a malo est. enim diligitis eos qui vos diligunt, 5. 43-46. Audistis quia dictum est : quam mercedem habebitis? . . . Diliges proximum tuum, et odio ' From Rom. 12. 17, 'Nulli malum pro malo roddentes'; or 1 Thcss. 5. 15; or 1 Pet. 3. 9. MATTHEW 5, G 1 17 )^a}s heofonlican F.Tcler, so '^e la't his sunnan scTnan ofor gotk» and yfele, and he sylS ronscuras and w;ostmas rihtwisum and unrilitwisum. ^. H. i. 52.'. II Lufia'5" Powere fynd, doS pTxm tola ]:»o Pow hatia'5, Jwt ye beon eoweros Fc^oder cild se t5e on heofenum is. ^. H. i. 56. II LufiaS C'OAvre fynd, do's pTxm. tela t5o eow hatiaS, and gv- bidda'S for eowerum ehterum and tynendum, pxt g6 beon eowres Feeder beam se Se on lieofonum is. JE. H. ii. 36. II LSt scTnan his sunnan ofer Sn rihtwTsan and uni-ihtwlsan gelTce, and s§nt rSnas . . . godum and yfelum. M. H. i. 406. 6. 2, 5, 16. SotJ ic 60W s§cge : Hi underfengon heora mede. JE. H. n.^oo. II Hi undei-fpngon odlean heora weorca. JE. H. i. 412. 6. 8. Eower heofenlica Feeder wat hwjes g6 behofiaS, itrcSantSe g? hine jvniges twinges biddan. JS. H. i. 158. 6. 9-13. Gebidda'S 6ow mid }7isum wordum : . . . pu, ure Fanler J^e eart on heofonum, sy ]?Tn nama gehalgod. Cume Sin rice. Sy 'Sin AY}^lla on eortSan swa-swa on heofonum. Syle us to-djeg urne dreghwamlican hlaf. And forgj'f us ure gj'ltas, swa-swa we forgyfa'S t^fim J^e wit) us agyltaS. And ne l;^d Su na us on costnunge, ac alys us fram yfele. Sy hit swa \ JE. H. i. 25S. II Du, lire Faider pe eart on heofenum, sy tSin nama gehalgod. Gecume Sin rice. Sy Sin willa swa-swa on heofenum swa ?ac on eorSan. Syle us to-da?g urne da^ghwomlican hlaf. And forgif us ure gyltas swa-swa we forgj'faS }?am Se wiS us agj'ltaS. And ne Ltd ]7u na us on costnunge, ac alys us fram yfele. Sy liit swa. M. H. ii. 596. II Ure Faeder pe eart on heofonum. .E. H. i. .'(>.• ; cf. i. 54. H Sy Sin nama gehalgod. . . . Cume Sin rice. . . . GeweorSe ]^Tu willa on eorSan swa-swa on heofonum. . . . Syle us nu to-dag urne di\?ghwamlican hlaf, . . . Forgif us lire gyltas swa-swa. we 6. 2, 5, 16. . . . Amen dice vobis : regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua. Kecei^erunt merccdoiu suam. sicut in coelo et in terra. Paneni 6. 8. . . . Scit enim Patervester quid nostrum supersubstantialem da opus sit vobis, antequam petatis nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis eum. debita nostra, sicut et nos dimit- 6. 9-13. Sicergo vosorabitis : Pater timus debitoribus nostris. Et ne noster qui es in coelis, sanctifi- nos inducas in tentationem, sed cetur nomen tuum. Adveniat libera nos a malo. Amen. ' See the editor's ' Study of tho Lord's Prayer in English,' .dmcr/caH Joiirnul of Philology, vol. xii, pp. 59-66. L 2 148 ^LFRICS HOMILIES forgifaS |?am mannum ])e wiS us agyltaS'. . . . Ne ge^afa, Su God, ]>^t we beon gel^edde on costnunge. ... Ac alys us fram yfele. M. H. i. 262-270. 6. 14, 15. Gif ge forgyfaS J^am mannum pe wi'S eow agylta'5, j^onne forgyfS eow eower Faeder eowere sj^nna ; gif ge Sonne nellaS forgyfan, nele eac eower Faeder eow forgifan eowere gyltas. JE. H. i. 52. li Buton ge forgifon mannum heora gyltas, ne forgifS se heofonlica Fa^der eow eowere gyltas. ^. H. ii. 336. li Buton ge foi'gifon Sam mannum j^e eow agyltaS mid inne- weardre heortan^, nele se heofenlica Feeder eow forgj-fan eowere gyltas. ^. H. u. 604. Ii Buton ge forgyfon of eowerum heoi-tum- wiS eow agyl- tendum. ... ^. H. ii. 336. 6. 19-21. Ne behyde ge eowerne goldhord on eorSan, J^^r-Sair Oram and moSSan hit awestaS, and Seofas adelfaS and for- stelaS ; ac hordiaS eowerne goldhord on heofenum, ]?*r ne cymS to ne Dm ne moSSe, ne ]?eofas ne delfaS ne ne aetbredaS. SoSlice S^r-SEer Ipin goldhord is, y^r biS ]?in heorte. M. H. ii. 104- 6. 24-27. Ne maeg nan mann twam hlafordum samod Seowian ; oSSe he Sone aenne hataS and Sone oSerne lufaS, oSSe he hine to Sam anum geSeot and ]:one oSerne forsihS. . . . Ne mage ge Gode Seoman and eoweres feos gestreone. . . . Bgtere is seo sawul Sonne se m§te, and se lichama b§tera Sonne his scrud. . . . BehealdaS J^as fleogendan fugelas, Se ne sawaS ne ne ripaS, ac eower heofonlica Faeder hi afet. . . . We sind miccle rottran ]?onne Sa fugelas. . . . Hwilc eower maeg gelcan ane §lne to his lenge ? m. h. ii. 460-464. 6. 14, 15. Si enim dimiseritis homi- autem vobis thesauros in coelo, nibus peccata eorum, dimittet et ubi neque aerugo neque tinea vobis Pater vestercoelestis delicta demolitur, et ubi fures non eiFo- vestra; si autem non dimiseritis diunt nee furantur. Ubi enim liominibus, nee Pater vester di- est thesaurus tuus, ibi est et cor mittet vobis peccata vestra. tuum. 6. 19-21. Nolite thesaurizare vobis 6. 24-27. Nemo potest duobus do- tliesauros in terra, ubi aerugo et minis servire ; aut enim unum tinea demolitur. et ubi fures eifo- odio habebit et alteram diliget, diunt et furantur. Thesaurizate aut unum sustinebit et alteram ^ Here may be cited the isolated quotation in Cnut's Laws (Schmid's Gesetze der Angelsachsen, p. 270) : ' And forgyf Gs, Drihten, ure gyltas, swa we forgyfaS ])am ]>e wiiT us agyltaS.' - From Matt. 18. 35, 'de cordibus vestris.' MATTHEW 6, 7 149 6. 29. See M. H. ii. 464. 6. 31-33. Drihten bead ]?pet we nicron bj^sige and carfulle. cwetS- ende : Hwjiet sceole -vve etan, o'S'Se hwfet drincan, o5^e mid hwam beon jTiiscrydde ? and cwseS : Witodlice eower heofenlica Faeder wat J^aet ge Jjyssera tSinga behofiaS ; secatS surest Godes rice, and his rihtwTsnysse, and ealle 'Sas Sing eovv beoS fjserto geeacnode. M. H. ii. 464. 7. 7. Cnucia'S, and eow biS geopenod. M. H. ii. 572. 7. 13, 14. Se weig is swlSe nearu and sticol se tSe l^t to heofonan rice ; and se is swiSe rum and smeSe, se 'S'e ISt to h^lle- wite. jE. h. i. 162. II Se weg se 'Se 1st to forwyrde is brad and sme'Se. M. H. i. 162, 164. 7. 15. BehealdaS eow wiS leasum witegum, \)e to eow cuma'5 on sceapa hlwum. M. H. ii. 404. II . . . forSan]7e hi ne sind na seep, ac sind wulfas on sceapa hlwum. J&. H. ii. 404. 7. 16-19. Ge oncnawaS hi be heora w^stmum. . . . Hwa gaderaS sefre wTnb§rian of Sornum, o\>])e fleseppla of bremehim? . . . ^Ic god treow \a^c'S gode wSstmas, and yfel ti'eow wyrctS yfele w^stmas. . . , Ne ma3g J^set gode treow wyrcan yiele Wi^stmas, ne ]7a9t yfele treow gode wifistmas. . . . -^Ic treow (5'e ne wyrcS godne wjestm biS forcorfen, and on fyre aworpen. M. H. ii. 404, 406. contemnet. Non potestis Deo ser- omnia adiicientur vobis. vire et mammonae. . . . Nonne 7. 7. ... Pulsate, et apei'ieiur vobis. anima plus est quam esca, et 7. 13, 14. ... Lata porta et spatiosa corpus plus quam vestimentum ? via est quae ducit ad perditionem. Respicite volatilia coeli, quoniam . . . Quam angusta porta et arcta non serunt, neque metunt, . . . et via est quae ducit ad vitam ! . . . Pater vester coelestis pascit ilia. 7. 15. Attendite a falsis prophetis, Nonne vos magis pluris estis illis ? qui veniunt ad vos in vestimentis Quis autem vestrum cogitans po- ovium, intrinsecus autem sunt test adiicere ad staturam suam lupi rapaces. cubitum unum ? 7. 16-19. -A. fi-uctibus eorum cog- 0. 3i~33- Nolite ergo solliciti esse, noscetis eos. Numquid colligunt dicentes : Quid manducabimus, de spinis uvas, ant de tribulis aut quid bibemus, aut quo operi- ficus ? Sic omnis arbor bona eraur? . . . Scit enim Pater ves- fructus bonos facit, mala autem ter quia his omnibus indigetis. arbor malos fructus facit. Non Quaerite ergo primum regnum potest arbor bona malos fructus Dei, et iustitiam eius, et haec facere, neque arbor mala bonos 150 CLERICS HOMILIES 7.2 1. Ne fferS into heofonan rice felc S^era 'Se cweS to me: Drihten, Drihten ; ac se 'Se wyrcS mines Feeder willan pe on heofonum is, se faer'5 into heofonan rice. je. h. ii. 410. 7. 22, 23. Ic s§cge Sow : Manega cweSaS to me on 'Sam micclan dsege : Drihten, Drihten, la," hu ne witegode we on 'Sinum naman, and we adrSfdon deoflo of wodum mannum, and we micele mihta on ]?lnum naman gefrgmedon ? ponne andette ic him : Ne can ic eow ; gewltaS fram me, ge unrihtwise wyrhtan. M. H. i. 306. 8. 1-4. Se H^elend ni'Sereode of Snre dune, and him fihgde micel m§nigu. Efne, ISa, com sum hreoflig mann, and aleat wiS 'pses Hfelendes, ]?us cweSende : Drihten, gif pu. wilt, ]5u miht me geclgensian. Se H*lend astr§hte his hand, and hine hrgpode, and cwseS : Ic wylle ; and sy '5u geclgensod. pa sona wearS his hreofla eal geclsensod, and' he waes gehteled \ Da cwseS se Htelend him to : Warna ]?set pu hit nanum m§nn ne s§cge ; ac far to Godes temple, and geswutela 'Se sylfne 'Sam sacerde, and geoffra 'Sine lac, swa-swa Moyses behead, him on gewit- nysse. je. h. i. 120. II Ic wylle ; and pu beo gech^nsod. je. h. i. 122. 8. 5-13. Drihten ferde sefter Sisum to anre byrig pe is gehaten Capharnaum. pa genealsehte him to sum hundredes ealdor, biddende and cwe'Sende : Drihten, min cniht llS set liana fructus facere. Omnis arbor quae 8. 1-4. Cum autem descendisset de non facit fructum bonum, exci- monte, secutae sunt sum turbae detur, et in ignem mittetur. multae. Et ecce leprosus veniens 7. 21. Non omnis qui dicit mihi : adorabat eum, dicens : Domine, Domine, Domine, intrabit in reg- si vis. potes me mundare. Et num coelorum ; sed qui facit vo- extendens lesus manum, tetigit luntatem Patris mei qui in coelis eum, dicens : Volo ; mundare. Et est, ipse intrabit in regnum coe- confestim mundata est lepra eius. lorum. Et ait illi lesus : Vide nemini 7. 22, 23. Multi dicent mihi in ilia dixeris; sed vade, ostende te sacer- die : Domine, Domine, nonne in doti, et offer munus quod praece- nomine tuo prophetavimus, et in pit Moyses, in testimonium illis. nomine tuo daemonia eiecimus, 8. 5-13. Cum autem introisset Ca- et in nomine tuo virtutes multas pharnaum, accessit ad eum cen- fecimus? Et tunc confitebor illis: turio, rogans eum, et dicens: Quianunquam novi vos ; discedite Domine, puer mens iacet in domo a me, qui operamini iniquitatem. paralyticus, et male torquetur. ^ ' Efne . . . geliseled ' repeated below, M. H. i. 120, 122. MATTHEW 7, 8 151 bedreda, and is j^ele getSreatod. Drihten liim and\\'yrde : Ic dime and hine geliSle. pa andwyrde se hundredes ealdoi', and c^^'^'5 : Driliten, ne eom ic \vyrSe J^aet Ipu. innfare undei- minum hrofe ; ac cwetS |?ln word, and min cnilit biS gehieled. Ic eoni an man ges§t under anwealde, htebbende under me c§mpan ; and ic cweSe to tSisum : Far Su, and he fsertS ; to oSrum : Cum Su, and he cymtS ; to minum 'Seowan : Do Sis, and he deS. pa wundrode se Hielend, 'Sa-'Sa he 'Sis gehyrde, and cwteS to Siere fyligendan m§nigu : SoS ic eow s§cge, ne gemette ic swa micelne geleafan on Israhela Seode. Ic s§cge eow to soSum }:tet manega cumaS fram eastd^le and westd^le, and ger^staS hi mid Abrahame Sam heahfedere, and Isaace, and lacobe, on heofenan rice ; Jna rlcan beam beoS aworpene into Sam yttrum ]?eostrum ; J3«r biS wop and toSa gebitt. Da cwaeS §ft se H^lend to J^am hundredes ealdre : Far Se ham, and getlmige Se swa-swa Su gelyfdest. And se cniht wearS gehSled of Ssere tide. je. h. i. 126. II Ic eume, and Sinne cniht geh^ele. ^. H. i. 128. II Drihten, ne eom ic AvyrSe J^aet ])u innfare under mine Sgcene. ^. H. i. 126. II Drihten, cweS pin word, and min cniht biS hal. M. H. i. 126, 130. II Ic eom man under anwealde ges§tt, hrebbende under me c§mpan ; and ic s§cge Sisum : Far Su, and he faerS ; to oSrum : Cum Su, and he cymS ; to minum fieowan : Do ]?is, and he deS. ^. H. i. 130. 11 SoS ic eow sgcge, na gemette ic swa micelne geleafan on Israhela Seode. M. H. i. 128. II Ic s§cge eow to soSan pset manega eumaS fram eastd;ele Et ait illi lesus : Ego veiiiam et quentibus se dixit : Amen dico curabo eum. Et respondens can- vobis, non inveni tantarn fidem turio, ait : Domine, non sum dig- in Israel. Dico autem vobis quod nus ut intres sub tectum meum ; raulti ab orients et occidente ve- sed tantum die verbo, et sana- nient, et recumbent cum Abra- bitur puer meus. Nam et ego ham, et Isaac, et lacob in regno homo sum sub potestate consti- coelorum ; filii autem regni eii- tutus, habens sub me milites ; et cientur in tenebras exteriores ; dico huic : Vade, et vadit ; et ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium. alii : Veni, et venit ; et servo Et dixit lesus centurioni ; Vade, nieo : Fac hoc, et facit. Audiens et sicut credidisti fiat tibi. Et autem lesus miratus est, et se- sanatus est puer in ilia hora. 152 ^LFRICS HOMILIES and westd^le, and gergstaS hi mid Abrahame |?ani heahfaedere, and Isaace. and lacobe, on heofenan rice. M. H. i. 130. II Manega cuma'5 fram eastdSle and fram westd^ele, and sitta'S mid ]?am heahfaedere Abrahame, and Isaace, and lacobe, on heofonan rice. M. H. i. 336. II Fela cuma'S fram eastdiiele and fram westdtele, and gergstacS mid ]?am hsahfaederum, Abrahame, and Isaace, and lacobe, on heofonan rice. je. h. ii. 82. II pa rican beam bee's aworpene into 'Sam yttrum 'Seostrum ; Jjier biS wop and tota gebitt. M. H. i. 130. II . . . On ]?a yttran J^eostru ; . . . Y^r biS wop and toSa gebitt. M. H. i. 132 ; cf. Matt. 22. 5-14. II Drihten cwse'S to J?am himdredes ealdre : Far 'Se ham, and getlmige 'Se swa-swa 'Su gelyfdest ; and his cnilit wear's gehstled of 'S^re tide. M. H. i. 132. 8. 20. Deor habbaS hola, and fugelas habbaS nest, hwSr hi r§sta'S ; and ie naebbe hwJer ic ahylde min heafod. M. H. i. 160. 8. 23, 24. Ure Drihten astah on scip, and him filigdon his leorning- cnihtas. Efne, $)a f^rlice aras micel styrung and hreohnys on 'S^re si«, swa ]?aBt J^aet scip wear's mid y^Jum ofer'S§ht. Se wind him stod ongean mid orm^etum blSde ; and se H^elend wearS on sh%pe on 'Sam steorsetle^ M. H. ii. 378 ; cf. i. 26. 9. 2. See Mark 2. 5. 9. 6. See Mark 2. 11. 9. 9. Da-'Sa se HSlend ferde on sumere byrig, 'Sa geseah he sittan sumne mannan set tollsetle, Matheus gehaten ; and he cwaeS to him : Folga me. Matheus aras J^ierrihte fram his telle, and filigde Sam H;%lende. M. H. ii. 468 ; cf. i. 324, ii. 288. II He hine geseah sittan set telle. . . . Folga me. m. h. ii. 468. 9. 10. See Luke 5. 29. 9. II. See ^. H. ii. 470. 8. 20. . . . Vulpes foveas habent, et operiretur fluctibus ; ipse vero volucres coeli nidos ; Filius autem dormiebat. hominis non habet ubi caput re- 9. 9. Et cum transiret inde lesus, clinet. vidit hominem sedentem in te- 8.23,24. Et ascendente eo in navi- Ionic, Matthaeum nomine. Et culam, secuti sunt sum discipuli ait illi : Sequere me. Et surgens eius. Et ecce motus magnus fac- secutus est eum. tus est in mari, ita ut navicula * From Mark 4. 38, 'in pixppi.' MATTHEW 8-10 V Of 153 9. 12. Drihten him cwaetS to : Ne behofia'S Sa halan nanos hvcos, ac Sa untriiman. ^. H. ii. 470. 9. 13. He cwoe'S : Farac5, and leorniaS hwa)t j^a^t mSne : Ic M-ylle mildheortnysse, and na offrunge. . . . Ne com ic na to clj^^igenne Sa rihtwTsan, ac fea synfullan, to d:l'dbote ^ JE. H. ii. 4:ro ; of. Hos. G. 6. 9. 37. Drihten cwseS : pa3t gerlp is micel, and Sa riftevas foawa. M. H. ii. 530. 9. 38. BiddaS J^a^s gerlj^es hlaford ]3set he as§nde wyrhtan to liis geripe. M. H. u. 530. 10. 5. Ne fare ge on hS'Senra manna wege, and on Samaritaniscra burgum ne becume ge. je. h. u. 212. 10. 8. . . . se forgeaf us on his naman '^as mihte ]5a3t we untrume gehjelon, and blinde onlihton ^, hreoflige geclSnsian, deoflu afllan, deade ar>^ran. ^E. H. i. 466. Butan ceape ge underfengon 'fa gife, syllaS hi ocSrum butan csape. JE. H. i. 412. 10. 22. Se 'Se Sfre 'SurhwunatS on anr»dum geleafan, se biS gehealden. M. H. ii. 330. 10. 2S. Ne ondrjede ge eow Sa 'Se eowerne llchaman ofsleaS, forSanSe hi ne magon eo^vre sawle ofslean ; ac ondraxlaS God, 'Se maeg «gSer ge sawle ge llchaman on h§llesusle for- don. M. H. i. 554. 10. 32. ^Ic St%ra pe me andet ?etforan manmmi, ic andette 6ac hine aetforan mlnum Fseder se Se is on heofonum. ^E. H. ii. 558. 9. 12. At lesus audiens ait: Non 10. 8. Infirmos curate, mortuos est opus valentibus medicus, sed suscitate, leprosos mundate, dae- male habentibus. mones eiicite ; gratis accepistis, 9. 13. Euntes autem discite quid gratis date. est: Misericordiam vole, et non 10. 22. . . . Qui autem persevera- sacrificium. Non enim veni vo- verit usque in finem, hie salvus care iustos, sed peccatores. erit. 9. 37. Tunc dicit discipulis suis : 10. 28. Et nolite timere eos qui Messis quidem multa, operarii occidunt corpus, animam autem autem pauci. non possunt occidere ; sed potius 9. 38. Rogateergo Dominum messis tiraete eum qui potest et animam ut mittat operarios in messem et coqius perdere in guhennani. suam. 10. 32. Omnis ergo qui confitebitur 10. 5. ... In viam gentium ne abie- me coram hominibus, confitebor ritis, et in civitates Saraaritano- et ego eum coram Patre meo qui rum ne intraveritis. in coelis est. ' From Luke 5. 32, ' ad poenitentiam.' ^ A discrepancy here. 154 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 10. 41. Se 'Se witegan underfehS, he haefS wltegan mede ; se Se rihtwTsne underfeliS, he hfefS rihtwlses mannes edlean. M. H. i. 514. 10. 42. SoS ic eow sgcge : Swa-hwa-swa sylS ceald w^ter drincan anum. J^urstigan in§nn S^ra Se on me gelyfaS, ne biS his med forloren. M. H. i. 582. II Swa-hwa-swa syl5 anuni 'Surstigum nignn ceald wseter on minum nanian, ne forlyst he his mede ]?«re d^de. M. H. ii. 106. 11. 2, 3. Hwaet, Sa lohannes asgnde of 'Sam cwearterne twegen leorningcnihtas to Criste, and hine befran, ]?iis cwe'Sende : Eart Su se 'Se toweard is, o\)]>e we o'Si-es andbidian sceolon? M. H. i. 480. 11. 4-6. And cwae.S sySSan to lohannes jerendracum : Para's nu to lohanne, and cySaS him J^a 'Sing ]?e ge gesawon and gehyrdon. Efne, nu blinde gesso's, and 'Sa healtan gaS, and hreoflige m§n synd gecliBnsode, deafe gehyraS, and Sa deadan ansa's, and 'Searfan bodia'S godspel ; and se biS eadig |?e on me ne biS geseswicod. M. H. i. 480 ; cf. i. 26, and Luke 7. 21-23. 11. II. Betwux wifa bearnum ne aras nan mserra man Sonne is lohannes se Fulluhtere. M. H. i. 356, 542. II Betwux wifa bearnum ne aras nan m^rra man ]?onne lohannes se Fulluhtere. M. H. i. 476, 478. II On wifa bearnum naes nan m^rra mann ]3onne lohannes se Fulluhtere. M. H. ii. 36, 38. 11. 12. Frana lohannes dagum Godes rice SolaS neadunge, and 'Sa str§canmod hit gegripa'S. m. h. i. 358. 10. 41. Qui recipit prophetam in illis: Euntes renuntiate loanni nomine proj^hetae, mercedem pro- quae audistis et vidistis. Caeci phetae accipiet ; et qui recipit vident, claudi ambulant, leprosi iustum in nomine iusti, mercedem mundantur, surdi audiunt, mortui iusti accipiet. resurgunt, pauperes evangelizan- 10. 42. Et quicumque potum de- tur ; et beatus est qui non fuerit derit uni ex minimis istis calicem scandalizatus in me. aquae frigidae tantum in nomine 11. 11. ... Non surrexit inter natos discipuli, amen dice vobis, non mulierum maior loanne Bap- perdet mercedem suam. tista. . . . 11. 2, 3. loannes autem ... in vin- 11. 12. A diebus autem loannis Bap- culis, . . . mittens duos de disci- tistae usque nunc, regnum coe- pulis suis, ait illi : Tu es qui ven- lorum vim patitur, et violenti turns es, an alium expectamus ? rapiunt iUud. 11. 4-6, Et respondens lesus ait MATTHEW 10-13 155 11. 29. LeorniatS set me )5a>t ic eom liSe and swtSe Cad mod ; and ge gemetaS rf ste eowrum sawlum. je. h. i. 210. 12. 19. Cf. Isa. 42. 2. 12. 28. Gif ic on Godes Gaste deofl ridr<\;fe. . . . JE. H. ii. 204 ; cf. Luke 11. 20. 12. 31, 32. tEIc synn and trd biS forgifen behi-eowsigendum mannum, ac j^aes Ilalgan Gastes tal ne biS ntefre forgifen. peah-'Se hwa cwe'Se tallic word ongean me, him biS forgifen, gif he decS dSdbote ; so(51ice se t5e ewe's word ongan Sone Halgan Gast, ne biS hit him forgifen on Syssere worulde, ne on 'Sa;re towerdan. ^E. H. i. 498. 12. 42. See I Kings 10. i-io, note. 12. 50. Se 'Se -wyrcS mines Fa^der willan se Se is on heofonum, he biS min bro'Ser, and min moder, and min sweoster. je. h. i. 260. 13. 1 7. Fela witegan and rihtwise m§n woldon geseon Cristes to- cyme, ac hit noes na him getlSod. JE. H. i. 136. 13. 19. JElc Siera Se gehyrS ]?oet heofonlice word, and he hit ne underst§nt, Sonne cymS se yfela, and gehiehS hit. .E. H. ii. 90. 13. 22. ... lease welan. ^. H. ii. 88. 13. 23. Sum dcel Ip-ces s*des, J?e on Sam godan lande asprang, ageaf 'Sritigfealdne wa;stm, sum sLxtigfealdne, sum hund- fealdne '. M. H. ii. 92. 13. 30. On §nde Jpyssere worulde se soSa Dema h;et his §nglas 11. 29. ... Discite a me, quia mitis mater est. sum et humilis corde ; et inve- 13. 17- Multi prophetae et iusti cu- nietis requiem animabus vestris. pierunt videre quae videtis,et non 12. 28. Si autem ego in Spiritu Dei viderunt. eiicio daemones. ... 13. 1 9. Omnis qui audit verbum 12. 31, 32. ... Omne peccatum ct regni, et non intelligit, venit blasphemia remittetur hominibus, malus, et rapit quod seminatum Spiritus autem blasphemia non est in corde eius. . . . remittetur. Et quicumque dixerit 13. 22. ... Fallacia divitiarum. . . . verbum contra Filium bominis, 13. 23. Qui vero in terram bonam remittetur ei ; qui autem dixerit seminatus est, hie est qui . . . contra Spiritum Sanctum, non fructum afFert, et facit aliud qui- remittetur ei neque in hoc sac- dem centesimum, aliud autem culo, neque in future. sexagesimum, aliud vero trige- 12. 50. Quicumque enim fecerit vo- simum. luntatem Patris mei qui in coelis 13. 30. ... In tempore messis dicam est, ipse meus frater, et soror, et messoribus : CoUigite primum zi- ' yElfric attributes this to 'Se OCer godspellere,' by whom, on p. 88, ho means Matthew ; the order of the words, however, is that ia Murk. 156 ^LFRICS HOMILIES gadrian Ipone coccel byrj^enmSlum, and awurpan into '5am unadwfescendliciim fyre. . . . And se cl^na hwJete bicS gebroht into Godes b§rne. je. h. i. 526. 13. 41. Mannes Bearn asgnt his §nglas, and gegaderaS of his rice ealle ^swicunga. M. H. ii. 562. 13. 43. ponne scinacS Sa rihtwisan swa-swa sunne on heora Faeder rice. JE. H. i. 218. 14. 3, 4. See M. H. i. 478. 14. 6, 7. See M. H. i. 480. 14. 10. /See .^. H. i. 478, 488. 14. 19. He tobrsec Sa fif hlafas, and sealde his leorningcnihtum, and het beran 'Sam folce. M. H. i. 186 ; cf. John 6. 1-14. 14. 22. pa het he -his leorningenihtas faran to scipe, and oferrowan ]3one brym, oS-pset he Sa m§nigu forl^tan mihte. M. H. ii. 384. See also John 6. 15, 16, 19. 14. 23. Crist ana astah up to 'Siere dune, ]?iet he hine gebsde. M. H. ii. 384. II He astah ana up to 'Sasre dune, hine to gebiddenne. JE. H. ii. 388. 14. 25-28. Drihten com to his leorningcnihtum j^^r-'Sger hi on rewette gedi-efede wseron, on '^sere feox-San wseccan. . . . Da-?a Drihten Sam scipe geneali%hte, 'Sa wurdon hi afyrhte, wendon 'pset hit sum gedwimor w^re. Drihten cw:«'5 him to : HabbaS eow truwan ; ic hit eom, ne beo ge ofdr;%dde. . . . Petrus him andwyrde : Drihten, gif 'Su hit sy, hat me gan to 'Se bufon 'Sam waetere. je. h. ii. 388. II Drihten, hat me gan to 6e upon Sam wastere. JE. H. ii. 388, 39.1. zania, et alligate ea in fasciculos 14. 23. , . . Ascendit in montem ad comburendum, triticum autem solus orare. . . . congregate in horreum meum. 14. 25-28. Quarta autem vigilia 13. 41. Mittet Filiushominis angelos noctis, venit ad eos ambulans sues, et colligent de regno eius super mare. Et videntes eum super omnia scandala. . . . mare ambulantem, turbati sunt, 13. 43. Tunc iusti fulgebunt sicut dicentes : Quia phantasma est sol in regno Patris eorum. . . . Statimque lesus locutus est eis, 14. 19. . . . Fregit, et dedit discipulis dicens : Habete fiduciam ; ego panes, discipuli autem turbis. sum, nolite timere. Respondens 14. 22. Et statim compulit lesus autem Petrus dixit: Domine, si discipulos ascendere in navicu- tu es, iube me ad te venire super lam, et praecedere eum trans aquas. fretum, donee dimitteret turbas. MATTHEW 13-15 157 14. 29-31. Drihten cwne'S : Cum to me. And Petrus }7;crrihte, buton selcere twynunge, eode of Sum scipe, swT^e gcbyld J?urh Drihtnes liajse, and eode upon t^am waetere, swa-swu his Drihten. . . . Da geseah he fterlice ]7one strangan wind, and begann hine to ondniedenne, and, mid-]?am-'Se he deaf, clypode to his Drihtne : Drihten, gehelp mm. . . . Ne forlot Drihten Petrum, (5eah-§e he Surh his twynunge bedufe, ac astr^hte his hand, and liine geheold. . . . Drihten 'Sreiide Petrum, and cwaeS : pu ly ties geleafan, hwl twynode J?e ? M. H. ii. 390, 392. 14. 36. Drihten, fa-Sa he to lande becom, geh^elde ealle fa untruman pe him to gel^edde w^ron, J?urh his reafes hr§punge. ^. H. ii. 394. 15. 4. ^SeeExod. 20. 12, 21. 17. 15. 14. Gif se blinda man bicS otSres blindan latteow, j^onne befeallatS hi begen on sumum blindum sea'Se. M. H. ii. 320. 15. 21, 22. pa ferde he 'Sanon to'Sjere burhscire 'pe is gehaten Tyrus, and to tSSre o'Sre pe is gehaten Sidon. Efne, fa ferde an Chana- neisc wlf of ?'am gemierum togeanes 'Sam Hselende, and him to clypode, ]?us cweSende. . . . Heo clypode : Dauides beam, gemiltsa m6 ; mm dohtor is yfele fram deofle gedr^ht. ^E. H. ii. no. II Dauides beam, gemiltsa min. je. h. ii. no. II Sum wif wa3s Se com to Criste, and baed for hire dehter, pe laeg on wodum dreame. je. h. ii. 50. 15. 23-25. Cristes leorningcnihtas to him geneahX-'hton, and Sam wife to him geSingodon, ]5us cweSende : La, leof, forhet hi, for- SanSe heo clypaS setter us. . . . Drihten andwyrde his apo- stolum mid ]?isum wordum, and cwaeS : Ne eom ic as§nd buton 14. 29-31. At ipse ait: Veni. Et 15. 14. . . . Caecus autem si caeco descendens Petrus de navicula, ducatum praestet, ambo in foveam ambulabat super aquam ut veniret cadunt. ad lesum. Videns vero ventum 15. 21, 22. Et egressus inde lesu.s validum, timuit : et cum coepisset secessit in partes Tyri et Sidonis. mergi, clamavit dicens : Domine, EteccemulierChananaeaafinibus salvum me fac. Et continue lesus, illis egressa clamavit, dicens ei : extendens manum, apprehendit Miserere mei, Domine, fili David ; eum, et ait illi : Modicae fidei, filia mea male a daemonic vex- quare dubitasti ? atur, 14. 36. Et rogabant eum ut vel 15. 23-25. . . . Et accedentes dis- fimbriam vestimenti eius tange- cipuli eius rogabant eum dicentes: rent ; et quicumque tetigerunt, Dimitte eam, quia clamat post salvi facti sunt. nos. Ipse autem respondena ait : 158 ^LFRICS HOMILIES to 'Sam sceapum Israhela liiwr^dene "pe losedon. . . . p£et wlf com, and hi astr§hte retforan Drihtne, l^us cweSende : Drihten leof, help mm. M. H. ii. na, 114. 15. 26-28. pa cwseS Crist to hire ]?aet hit nSre na rihtlic ]7aet man name his cildra hlaf, and wurpe hundum. Heo Sa andwyrde : Gea, leof Drihten, and ]3eah-hwiTe(5ere oft 'Sa hwelpas gelaeccaS ])Si cruman ]?e feallacS of ]7ses hlafordes beode. Da andwyrde se H^lend, and cwseS : Eala Su wif, micel is 'Sin geleafa ; getimige Se swa-swa Su wilt. Hire dohtor wearS J^^rrihte gewittig. JE. H. ii. 50. II Drihten cwfeS to Sam wife : Nis na god J^aet man nime his bearna hlaf, and -woirpe hundum. . . . pset wlf cw^eS to CrTste : Gea, leof Drihten, swa-Seah Sa hwelpas etaS of Sam crumon ]?e feallaS of heora hlafordes mysan, . . . Drihten andwyrde ]3am Chananeiscum wife, and cwaiS : Eala Su wlf, micel is Sin geleafa ; getimige Se swa-swa Su wylt. And hire dohtor wearS Ipa gehSled of SSre tide. JE. H. ii. 114, 116. 15. 30, 31. See Mark 8. i, 2, note. 15. 32-38. See Mark 8. i ff. 16. 13-19. Drihten com to anre burhscire Se is gecIgeS Cesarea Philippi, and befran his gingran hu m§nn be him cwyddedon. Hi and^vyrdon : Sume m§nn cweSaS ])set Su sy lohannes se Fulluhtere, sume s§cgaS ]7fet Su sy Helias, sume Hieremias. oSSe sum oSer witega. Se H^lend Sa cwaeS : Hwaet s§cge ge ]7aet ic sy ? Petrus him andwyrde : pu eart Crist, Sses hfigendan Godes Sunu. Drihten him cwseS to andsware : Eadig eart Su, Simon, culfran beam, forSanSe flSsc and blod Ipe ne onwTeah Non sum missus nisi ad eves quae 16. 13-19. Venit autem lesus in perierunt domus Israel. At ilia partes Caesareae Philippi, et in- venit, et adoravit eum, dicens : terrogabat discipulos sues, dicens : Domine, adiuva me. Quem dicunt homines esse Filium 15.26-28. Qui respondens ait : Non hominis? At illi dixerunt : Alii estbonumsumere panemfiliorum, loannem Baptistam, alii autem et mittere canibus. At ilia dixit : Eliam, alii vero leremiam, aut Etiam, Domine, nam et catelli unum ex prophetis. Dicit illis edunt de micis quae cadunt de lesus : Vos autem quem me esse mensa dominorum suorum. Tunc dicitis? Respondens Simon Petrus respondens lesus ait illi: Omulier, dixit: Tu es Christus, Filius Dei magna est fides tua ; fiat tibi \avi. Respondens autem lesus sicut vis. Et sanata est filia eius dixit ei : Beatus es, Simon Bar ex ilia hora. lona, quia caro et sanguis non MATTHEW 15-17 159 cSisne geleafan, ac mm Fancier se '^e on heofonum is. Ic ^'e s§cge pxt pn eart stjenen, and ofer Sysne stan ic tinibrige mine cyrcan, and h^lle gatu naht ne magon ongoan hi. Ic betittce 'Se heofonan rices cs^ge ; and swa-hwa?t-swri 'S'u hintst on eorSan, Ipxt biS gebunden on heofonum ; and swa.-h\va3t- swa tSu unbintst ofer eorSan, Ipiet biS unbunden on heof- onum. M. H. i. 364. II His apostoli him andwyrdon : Sume m§n cwyddia'S ]->xt Sn sy Johannes se Fulluhtere, sume sgcga'5 ]?a3t 'Su sy Ilelias, sume Hieremias, ocTSe an 'Saera witegena. Drihten ©a befran : Hwaet sgcge ge p?et ic sy ? je. h. i. 366. II SySSan axode hi : Hu eweSe ge be me ? pa cwa^S Petrus : pu eart Crist, pxs lifigendan Godes Sunu. iE. H. ii. 3S8. II Him and^\'yrde se gehyrsuma Petrus : Du eart Crist, Tpxs lifigendan Godes Sunu. M. H. i. 366 ; of. i. 190. II pu eart Crist, Saes lifigendan Godes Sunu. je. h. i. 76, 366, 586. II Drihten cwseS to Petre : Eadig eart tSu, culfran sunu. . . . Ne onwreah Se fljesc ne blod J^isne geleafan, ac min Faeder se one HSlend, pa, forsceat se H^elend hine, ^e ealle Sing w^at, ]?us ewe'Sende : Hwaet 'Sine'S ]?e, Petrus ? ^t hwam nimaS eor'Slice cynegas gafol o'SSe toll, — ast heora gesiblingum, oplpe aet aelfr§medum ? Petrus cwas'S : ^t selfr§medum. Se H^lend cwae'S : Hwfet la, synd heora siblingas frige. pe-lSs-Se we hi geswicion, ga to 'S^re sS, and wurpe ut 'Sinne angel, and J^one fisc 'Se hine hra'Sost forswelhS, geopena his mil's, ]?onne fintst pu ■S^ron aenne gyldenne w§eg ; nim Sone, and syle to telle for me and for 'Se, ^. h. i. 510, 512. ji Syle for me and for Se. JE. H. i. 512. 18. I, 2. Drihtnes leorningcnihtas to him genealShton, |?us cweSende : La leof, hwa is fyrmest manna on heofenan rice ? Se Haelend him 'Sa to clypode sum gehwsede cild. je. h. i. 510. illos in montem excelsum seorsum, Et cum intrasset in domum, prae- et transfiguratus est ante eos. Et venit eum lesus, dicens : Quid tibi resplenduit facies eius sicut sol ; videtur, Simon ? Eeges terrae a vestimenta autem eius facta sunt quibusaccipiunt tributum velcen- "''-'- «icut nix. Et ecce apparu- sum, — a filiis suis, an ab alienis ? erunt illis Moyses et Elias cum Et ille dixit : Ab alienis. Dixit 60 loquentes. Respondens autem illi Jesus : Ergo liberi sunt filii. Petrus, dixit ad lesum : ... si vis, Ut autem non scandalizemus eos, faciamus bic tria tabemacula. . . . vade ad mare, et mitte bamum, Et ecce vox de nube, dicens : Hie et eum piscem qui primus ascen- est Filius meus dilectus, in quo derit tolle, et, aperto ore eius, mihi bene complacui ; ipsum invenies staterem ; ilium sumens, audite. da eis pro me et te. 17. 24-27. . . . Accesserunt qui di- 18. i, 2. In ilia bora accesserunt dracbma accipiebant ad Petrum, discipuli ad lesum, dicentes : et dixerunt ei : Magister vaster Quis, putas, maior est in i-egno non solvit didrachma? Ait: Etiam. coelorum? Et advocans lesus * From Mark 9. 3 (Vulgate, 2), ' velut nix.' - By error for Matt. 3. 17. MATTHEW 17, 18 161 II pa apostolas . . . axodon tSa t5one Hadenil hwa wibre fyrmest manna on heofonan rice. je. h. i. 512. 18. 3. Su'5 ic eow sgcge : Ne beciime ge to heofonan rice baton ge beon aw^nde, and gewordeno swa-swa Ij'ttlingas. je. h. i. 512. II Baton ge beon swa. bilewite on unscaetS'Signysse swa-swa cild, najbbe g6 infer to heofonan rice. je. h. ii. 336. 18. 4-5. Swa-hwa-swa hine sylfne geeadmet, swa-swa t^is cild, he biS i^^rmest on heofonan rice. . . . S6 Se underfehS a3nne swilcne lytthng on nilnum naman, he underfeh'S me sylfne. JE. H. i. 512, 514. II Se ??e underfehcS a^nne lytling on minum naman, he under- f6ht5 me sylfne. ^E. H. ii. 286. 18. 6-8. Se iSe geSswicaS anum '^yssera lyttlinga Se on m5 gelyfaS, selre him w^re J^aet him wSre getlged an ormtete cwyrnstan to his swiiran, and he swa wurde on deoppre sS besgnced, . . . Wa middangearde for seswicungum. . . . Need is ]pset Sswicunga cumon, 'Seah-hwa^'Sere wa (Sam m§nn Se hi of cumaS. . . . Gif Sin hand oSSe Sin fot ]?S ^swicige, ceorf of ]?8et lim, and awui'p fram Se. . . . M H. i. 514, 516. 18. 10. BehealdaS ]?aet ge ne forseon senne of ]?ysum lytlingum. JE. H. i. 516. Ic sfcge eow j^aet heora §nglas symle gesSoS mines Fasder ansyne se Se on heofonum is. je. h. i. 516. 18. 18. And swa-hwaet-swa hi bindaS ofer eorSan, Ipxt biS on heofonum gebunden ; and swa-hwaet-swa hi unbindaS ofer eorSan, j^aet biS unbunden on heofonum. M. H. i. 542 ; cf. Matt. 16. I -19. parvulum, statuit eum in medio demergatur in profundum maris, eorum. Vae mundo a scandalis. Necesse 18. 3. Et dixit : Amen dico vobis : est enim ut veniant scandala. Nisi conversi fueritis, et efficia- verumtamen vae homini illi per mini sicut parvuli, non intrabitis qiiem scandalum venit. Si autem in regnum coelorum. manus tua vel pes tuus seandalizat 18. 4-5. Quicumque ergo humilia- te, abscinde eum, et proiice abs verit se sicut parvulus isto, hie est te . . . . maior in regno coelorum. Et qui 18. 10. Videte ne contemnatis ununi susceperit unum parvulum talora ex his pusillis ; dico enim vobis in nomine meo, me suscipit. quia angeli eorum in coelis .sem- 18. 6-8. Qui autem scandalizaverit per vident faciem Patris mei qui unum de pusillis istis qui in me in coelis est. credunt, expedit eiutsuspendatur 18. 18. . . . Quaecumquc alligaveri- mola asinaria in collo eiu.s, et tis super terram erunt ligata et 162 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 18. 20. Swa-hwSr-swa bSoS twegen ocS^e '5ry gegadrode on minum naman, jjfer ic sylf beo him tomiddes. je. h. ii. 284. 18. 35. See Matt. 6. 14, 15. 19. 13, T4. He cwaeS, ]7a-Sa him man to baer cild to bletsigenne, and his gingran pvet bem^ndon : GeSafiatS ]?fet tSas cild to me cumon ; swilcera is soSlice heofonan rice. je. h. l 512. II . . . swa-swa God sylf gecwaeS, 'Sa-Sa he bletsode 'Sa gebroht- an cild, and sSde his gyngrum : Swilcra is Godes rice. JE. H. ii. 326. 19. 17-19. See Luke 18. 20-22, notes. 19. 27. On ^sere tide cwseS Petrus se apostol to t5am HSlende : Efne, we forleton ealle woruldSing, and Se anum fyligaS ; hwaet dest Su us ]3aes to leane ? ^. H. i. 392. II We forleton ealle t^ing. . . . We fyligaS 'Se. je. h. i. 394. II Efne, Ave forleton ealle Sing, and Se folgiaS. M. H. ii. 96. II Hwaet seeal us getimian ? . . . Hwaet dest Su us to edleane ? je. h. i. 394. 19. 2^. Se HSlend andwyrde : SoS ic eow s§cge l^aet ge Se ms fyligaS sceolon sittan ofer tw§lf domsetl on S«re edcynninge, Sonne ic sitte on setle mines maegenSrymmes ; and ge Sonne demaS twglf Israhela mSgSum. M. H. i. 394. II On Sam sriste sittaS ]:a tw§lf apostoli mid Criste on heora domsetlum, and demaS Ipam. twglf mffiigSum Israhela Seode. JE. H. i. 394, 396. II . . . pset hi on Sam micclum dome ofer tw§lf domsetl sittende beoS, to demenne eallum mannum J^e seive on lichaman llf underfengon. JE. H. i. 542. 19. 29. ^Ic S;era Se fork^t, for minum naman, faeder oSSe moder. in coelo; et quaecumque solveritis 19. 27. Tunc respondens Petrus, super terram erunt soluta et in dixit ei : Ecce nos relinquimus coelo. omnia, et secuti sumus te ; quid 18. 20. Ubi enim sunt duo vel tres ergo erit nobis ? congregati in nomine meo, ibi sum 19. 2 8. lesus autem dixit illis : Amen in medio eorum. dico vobis quod vos qui secuti 19. 13, 14. Tunc oblati sunt ei par- estis me, in regeneratione cum vuli, ut manus eis imponei'et, et sederit Filius hominis in sede oraret. Discipuli autem increpa- maiestatis suae, sedebitis et vos bant eos. lesus vero ait eis : sujier sedes duodecim, iudicantes Sinite parvulos ... ad me ve- duodecim tribus Israel ? nire ; talium est enim regnum 19. 29. Et omnis qui reliquerit coelorum. domum, vel fratres, aut sorores, MATTHEW 18-20 163 gebrotSru o'St^e g•es^^ystrll, wif oStSe beam, land oS'^e gebytlu ', be hundfealdum him bicS forgolden, and he htefS '5jtr-tu-eacan ]3aet ece lif. m. h. i. 396. 20. I. . . . ])xi heofenan rice wj^re gelTc sumum hiredes ealdre, se tSe ferde on Srnenierigen, and wolde hyrian wyrhtan into his wingearde. je. h. ii. 74. 20. 2-6. Witodlice Saes hiredes ealdor gehyrde ^^^rhtan into his wingearde on i^rnemerigen, §ft on undern, and on midne daeg, on nontlde, and on (5:%re endlyftan tide. ... To hwi stande gS her eahie dfeg ydele? M. H. ii. 74 ; cf. ii. 76, 78. 20. 7. Hi cw^don : For'SanJ^e nan man us ne hyrde. M. H. ii. 76. 20. 9. Witodlice fram '?am §ndenextan ongann se hiredes ealdor to agyldenne }?one p§ning. M. H. ii. 78. 20. 12. ... b:%ron Sa byr^ene and (5aes diieges hretan. M. H. ii. 80. 20. 14-16. Ic wille syllan Sisum §ndenextum eal swa micel swa t5e. . . . La, hu ne mot ic don J^aet ic wille ? . . . 0S(5e Sin eage is yfel, forcSanJje ic eom god ? . . . pus beoS J^a §ndenextan fyr- meste, and J^a fyrmestan §ndenexte. . . . Fela sind gelaSode, and feawa gecorene. M. H. ii. 80, 82. 20. 17. See Luke 18. 31-43, note 4. 20. 22, 23. . . . se (Se cw^eS to his twam apostolum, lacobum et aut patrem, aut matrem, aut alios stantes, et dicit illis : Quid uxorem, aut filios, aut agros, hie statis tota die otiosi ? propter nomen meum, centuiilum 20. 7. Dicunt ei : Quia nemo nos accipiet, et vitam aeternam possi- conduxit. . . . debit. 20. 9. Cum venissent ergo qui circa 20. I. Simile est regnum coelorum undecimam horam venerant, acce- homini patrifamilias, qui exiit perunt singulos denarios. prime mane conducere operarios 20. 12. . . . qui portavimus pondus in vineam suam. diei et aestus. 20. 2-6. Conventione autem facta 20. 14-16. . . . Volo autem et huic cum operariis ex denario diurno, novissimo dare sicut et tibi. Aut misit eos in vineam suam. Et non licet mihi quod volo facere ? egressus circa Horam tertiam,vidit an oculus tuus nequam est, quia alios, . . . et dixit illis : Ite et ego bonus sum ? Sic erunt novis- vos in vineam meam. . . . Illi simi primi, et primi novissimi ; autem abierunt. Jterum autem multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero exiit circa sextam et nonam ho- electi. ram, et fecit similiter. Circa un- 20. 22, 23. Respondens autem lesus decimam vero exiit, et invenit dixit : . . . Potestis bibere calicem * Note the arrangement in pairs, and the transposition of 'gebytlu' for this pvirpose. H 2 1G4 ^LFRICS HOMILIES lohanuem': Mage ge drincan Ipone calic ]e ic drincan sceall ? Hl s£edon ]7*t hi mihton. Drihten siede : Witodlice, ge drincaS minne calic. • ^. H. ii. 544. 21. I, ;. Se Hf^lend ferde to "S-^re byrig Hierusalem, and 'Sa-^a he genealffihte 'SSre dune Oliueti, ]?a s§nde he his twegen leorning- cnihtas, ]?us cwe'Sende : GaS to 'SSre byrig pe eow ongean is, and ge gemetaS ]5;^rrihte getigedne assan, and his folan samod ; untygaS hi, and l^daS to me. je. h. i. 206. 21. 3. Se Hlaford behofaS 'p-xva, assena ; and s§nt hi §ft ongean. . . . JE. H. i. 208, 210. 21. 5. See ^. H. ii. 242. 21. 7-9. Cristes leorningcnihtas ledon hyra reaf uppan 'pan assan. . . , p»t folc '^e heora reaf wurpon under p?es assan fet. . . . pa Se SSra treowa bogas heowon, and mid ]:am Cristes weig gedaefton. . . . paet folc ^e Criste beforan stop, and ]:8et '?e him fyligde, ealle hi sungon : Osanna filio Dauid, ]?aet is on urum ge'Seode : Sy hSlo Dauides bearne. . . . Gebletsod is se 'Se com on Godes naman. . . . Sy h;%lo Dauides bearne on heahn3'ssum. JE. H. i. 210, 212. 214. II Gebletsod is se Se com on Godes naman. ^. H. i. 60. 21. 14. Him Sa to geneal*hton blinde and healte, and he hi geh:%lde. M. H. i. 406. 21.41. Ic s§cge Sow ]78et Godes rice biS eow ffitbroden, and biS forgyfen Sjere Seode pe his wiestmas -wy^rcaS. ^. H. ii. 74. 22. 1-4. Drihten waes sprecende on sumere tide to his apostolum quern ego bibiturus sum ? Dicunt autemturbastraveruntvestimenta ei : Possumus. Ait illis : Calicem sua in via ; alii autem caedebant quidem meum bibetis. . . . ramos de arboribus, et sternebant 21. I, 2. Et cum appropinquassent in via. Turba autem quae praeee- lerosolymis, et venissent Beth- debant, et quae sequebantur, cla- phage ad montem Oliveti, tunc mabant dicentes: Hosanna filio lesus misit duos discipulos, dicens David ; benedictus qui venit in eis: Ite in castellum quod contra nomine Domini; hosanna in vos est, et statim invenietis asinam altissimis. alligatam, et pullum cum ea; sol- 21. 14. Et accesserunt ad eum caeci vite, et adducite mihi. et claudi, . . . et sanavit eos. 21. 3. . . . Dominus his opus habet ; 21. 41. . . . Yineam suam locabit et confestim dimittet eos. aliis agricolis, qui reddant ei 21. 7-9. . . . Imposuerunt super fructum temporibus suis. eos vestimenta sua. . . . Plurima 22. 1-4, Et respondens lesus, dixit ^ From Mark 10. 35, ' lacobus et loannes.' MATTHEW 21, 22 165 mid bigspellum, ]nis cwettende : Heofonan rice is gehc sumum cyninge pe worhte his suna gj'fte, pa, s^ndo liG his bydelas to gela^igenne his under'Seoddan. . . . pa-'^'a hi noldon cuman to t^am giftum, ■?& s§nde hc §ft, ]?us cweb'ende : S^cgaS taui gela'S- odum : Efne, ic gegearcode mine god, ic ofsloh mine foarras and mine gemfestan fugehis, and ealle mine 'Sing ic gearcode ; cmnaS to ]?am giftum. M. H. i. 522. II Mine fearras sind ofslagene, and mine gema}stan fugehis. JE. H. i. 524. 22. 5-14. Hi hit forgymeleasodon, and fei'don, sume to heora tunum, sume to heora ceape. . . . Sume hi gelaehton pa bydelas, and mid teonan gewi%hton, and ofslogon. Ac se cyning, '^'a-'fa he Ipis geaxode, s§nde his hgre to, and J^a manslagan fordyde, and heora burh forbternde. . . . Se cyning cwaeS '^a, to his l^egnum : Das gj^ta sind gearowe, ac pa, ^e ic }?Srto gelacSode nSron his ^\yr'Se, FaraS nu to wega utscytum, and swa-hwjdce- swa ge gemetaS laj^iaS to J?am g}^tum. . . . Hwat, Sa Sa-s cyninges ferendracan ferdon geond wegas, gadrigende ealle pa Se hi gemetton, iegSer ge yfele ge gode ; and gesftton fa gifta §ndemes. . . . Se cyning eode inn, and gesceawode pa gebsoras ; ]7a geseah he ]3Sr aenne mann j^e naes gescryd mid gyftlicum reafe. . . . pu freond, hiimeta dorstest t5u gan to minre gearc- unge baton gyftlicum reafe ? . . . He ]3Srrihte adumbode. . . . Se cyning cwaeS to his 'Segnum : BindaS ]?one misscryddan handum and fotum, and wurpat) into 'Sam yttrum ]36ostrum ; pm' biS wop and to?a gebitt. . . . Fela sind geclgede, and fcawa gecorene. ^. H. i. 524, 526, 528, 530, 532. iterum in parabolis eis, dicens : Reliqui vero tenuerunt servos eius, Simile factum est regnum coelo- etcontumeliisaftectos occiderunt. rum homini regi, qui fecit nuptias Rex autem cum audisset, iratus filio suo. Et misit servos sues est, et, missis exercitibus suis, vocare invitatos ad nuptias, et perdidit homicidas illos, et civi- nolebant venire. Iterum misit tatem illorum succendit. Tunc alios servos, dicens : Dicite in- ait servis suis : Nuptiae quidem vitatis : Ecce prandium meum paratae sunt, sed qui invitati erant paravi, tauri mei et altilia occisa non fuerunt digni. Ite ergo ad sunt, et omnia parata ; venite ad exitus viarum, et quoscumque nuptias. inveneritis vocate ad nuptias. Et 2. 5-14. Illi autem neglexerunt, egressi servi eius in vias, con- et abierunt, alius in villam suam, gregaverunt omnes quos invene- alius vero ad negotiationem suam. runt, males et bones ; et impletae 1G6 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 22. 21. . . . piet hwa sceolde agildan 'Sam casere }?aethim gebyre'J5, and Gode ]?aet him gebyre'S. ^E. H. ii. 68. 22. 30. See Luke 20. 35, 36. 22. .^7-40. Lufa Sinne Drihten mid ealre 'Smre heortan, and mid ealluni mode ; piis is ]?set m<^ste bebod. Is §ft oSer bebod tSisum swlSe gelic : Lufa 'Sinne nextan swa-swa ^e sylfne. pas twa bebodu beluca'S ealle bec. je. h. ii. 314 ; cf. i. 232, and Luke 18. 20-22, notes. 23. 3. Gif se lareow wel tiSce and yfele bysnige, do's swa-swa he tiec'S, and na be 'Sam Ipe he bysna'S. je. h. i. 242. II Gif se lareow riht tsece, do gehwa swa-swa he t^cS ; and gif he yfel bysnige, ne do ge na be his gebysnungum, ac doS swa- swa he tsecS. M. H. ii. 48. II DoS swa-swa hi Idea's, and ne do ge swa-swa hi doS. JE. H. ii. 68. 23. S, 9. Ge ealle sind gebroSra, and a^nne Feeder habba'S, se 'Se on heofonum is healice sittende. M. H. ii. 318. 23. 12. See Luke 18. 12-14. 23. 27, 28. Wa eow hlwerum ; ge sind gellce gemettum ofer- geweorcum, 'pe beo'S wi'Sutan Avlitige mannum «teowode, and seo byrgen 'Seah bi'S afylled mid deadum banum and forrotod- nysse ; swa sind ge eac aeteowode wiSutan rihtwlse on manna gesih'Sum, and ge sind wi'Sinnan afyllede mid hlwunge and unrihtwlsnysse. M. H. ii. 404. sunt nuptiae discumbentium. In- in tota anima tua, et in tota mente travit autem rex ut videret dis- tua ; hoc est maximum etprimum cumbentes, et vidit ibi hominem mandatum. Secundum autem non vestitum veste nuptiali. . . . simile est liuic : Diliges proximum Amice, quomodo hue intrasti tuum sicut teipsum. In his duo- non habens vestem nuptialem ? bus mandatis universa lex pendet, At ille obmutuit. Tunc dixit et prophetse. rex ministris : Ligatis manibus 23. 3. Omnia ergo quaecumque et pedibus eius, mittite eum dixerint vobis servate et facite ; in tenebras exteriores ; ibi erit secundum opera vero eorum nolite fletus et stridor dentium. Multi facere. . . . enim sunt vocati, pauci vero 23. 8, 9. . . . Omnes autem vos electi. fratres estis. . . . Unus est enim 22. 21. ... Reddite ergo quae sunt Pater vester qui in coelis est. Caesaris Caesari, et quae sunt Dei 23. 27,28. Vae vobis, . . . hypocritae ; Deo. quia similes estis sepulcris deal- 22. 37-40. . . . Diliges Dominum batis, quae a foris parent homini- Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, et bus speciosa, intus vero plena sunt MATTHEW 22-24 167 24. 5. Manega lease Cristas ' cumatS on minum naman, cwe'Sende : Ic eom Crist, and \\yrcat5 fela tacna and wundra ' to bepjccenne mancynn. JE. H. i. 4. 24. 7. See Luke 21. 10, ir. 24. 12, 13. And Sonne genihtsumatS sec unrihtwisnys, and bitS fortSl manegra manna lufu acolod ; ac sfi 'Se j^urhwunatS oS §nde on geleafan, se bitS gehealden. je. h. ii. ^2. II Se Se xhe Surhwuna'S on anr£Hlum geleafan, ss bit5 geheald- en. .E. H. ii. 330. 24. 21. Donne beoS swilce gedr§ceednyssa SAvilce nt%ron ni^fre xr fram frymSe middangeardes. ^E. H. i. 4. 24. 22. 56-6' Mark 13. 20. 24. 24. Sec Matt. 24. 5, note. 24. 29, 30. pi^rrihte a3fter (SSre micclan gedrefednysse biS sC'o sunne aSystrod, and se mona ne sylS nan leoht, and steorran feallaS of heofonum, and heofonan mihta beo'5 astyrode ; and Sonne biS £eteowed Cristes rodetacn on heofonum and ealle eorSlice mSgSa heofiaS. M. H. i. 610. 24. 31. Drihten as§nt his §nglas mid byman and micelre stemne, and hi gaderiaS his gecorenan fram feower windum, of eallum eorSlicum gemierum oS Sa healican heofonan ^ JE. H. i. 616. 24. 36. Nat nan man Sone daeg ne Sone timan Sysre worulde gegndunge, ne gnglas, ne nan halga, buton Gode anum. ^. H. i. 298. ossibus raortuorum et omni spur- tribulationem dierum illorum sol citia; sic et vos a foris quidem obscurabitur, et luna non dabit paretis bominibus iusti, intus au- lumen suum, et stellae cadent de tern pleni estis bypocrisi et ini- coelo, et virtutes coelorum com- quitate. movebuntur ; et tunc parebit 24. 5. Multi enim venient in nomine signum Filii bominis in coelo, et meo, dicentes : Ego sum Christus ; tunc plangent omnes tribus et multos seducent. terrae. . . . 24. 12, 13. Et quoniam abundavit 24. 31. Et mittet angelos suos cum iniquitas.refrigescetcharitasmul- tuba et voce magna, et congre- torum ; qui autem perseveraverit gabunt electos eius a quattuor usque in finem, bic sahus erit. ventis, a summis coelonam usque 24. 21. Erit enim tunc tribulatio ad terminos eorum. magna, qualis non fuit ab initio 24. 36. De die autem ilia et bora mundi usque modo. . . . nemo scit, neque angeli coelorum, 24. 29, 30. Statim autem post nisi solus Pater. ' From Matt. 24. 24, ' Pseiidochristi . . . dabunt signa magna et prodigia.' ' Perhaps influenced by Mark 13. 27, ' a summo terrae usque ad summum coeli.' 168 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 25. I, 2. . . . ]73et heofenan rice ^x•xTe gelic tyn mSdenum, Ipe genamon heora leolitfatu, and eodon togeanes 'Sam brydgum- an and Ipxre bryde. p^ra miedena wSron fif stunte, and fif snotore. je. h. ii. 562. II Da m;%denu woldon gan togeanes Sam brydguman mid heora leohtfatum. je. h. ii. 566. 25. 4-10, Da snoteran mSdenu namon Sone ele on heora leoht- fatum. ... Ac he §lcaS his tocymes, and on S^re anbidunge ]?a mSdenu hnappia'S and slapaS. ... On middre nihte wear's clypung gehyred : Efne, her cymS se brydguma ; gaS him togeanes. ... pa arison ealle 'Sa m?edenu, and gegearcodon heora leohtfatu. ... pa stuntan mSdenu cw^don to Sam snotei-um : SyllaS us sumne dSl eoweres eles, forSan]?e ure leohtfatu sind acw§ncte. ... Da snoteran m^denu andwjTdon Sam stuntum, and cw^edon : pl-l^s-Se hit ne genihtsumige us and eow, faraS to Sam syllendum, and bicgaS eow ele. . . . pa, mid-Sam-]?e hi ferdon ymbe Sone ceap, Sa com se brydguma ; and Sa fif mSdenu, Se mid ]?am leohte geanve wSron, ferdon mid him in to Sam giftum ; and ])set geat wearS belocen. JE. H. ii. 564, 566, 568, 570. II pfet geat wSs belocen. M. H. ii. 572. 25. II. Da vet nextan comon Sa stuntan mSdenu, and ch^odon to Sam brydguman : Hlaford, hlaford, hat geopenian ]?aet geat. ^. H. ii. 572. II Da stuntan nn^denu clj^podon : Hlaford, hlaford, hat ge- openian us ]>?et geat. je. h. ii. 572. 25. I, 2. Tunc simile erit regnum Fatuae autem sapientibus dix- coelorum decern virginibus, quae, erunt : Date nobis de oleo vestro, accipientes lampades suas, exie- quia lampades nostrae extingu- runt obviam sponso et sponsae. untur. Responderunt prudentes, Quinque autem ex eiserant fatuae, dicentes : Ne forte non sufficiat et quinque prudentes. nobis et vobis, ite potius ad 25. 4-10. Prudentes vero accepe runt vendentes, et emite vobis. Dum oleum in vasis suis cum lam- autem irent emere, venit sponsus ; padibus. Moram autem faciente et quae paratae erant intraverunt sponso, dormitaverunt omnes et cum eo ad nuptias ; et clausa est dormierunt. Media autem nocte ianua. clamor factus est : Ecce sponsus 25. i i.Novissime vero veniunt et re- venit ; exite obviam ei. Tunc liquaevirgines, dicentes: Doniine, surrexerunt omnes virgines illae, Domine, aperi nobis. et ornaverunt lampades suas. MATTHEW 25 169 25. 12, 13. And se hlaford andwyrde : SoS ic Sow s§cge : Ne cann ic eow. . , , WaciaS eornostlice, for'SanJ^e ge nytoii ]?one diiog n© Sa tld. ^. H. ii. 57-', 5;4. 25. H, 15. Sum rice man wokle faran on a?lScodigne eard. pa clypode he his 'Ssowan him to, and betShte him his god. Sumon he bettehte flf pund, sumum twa pund, sumum an, Slcum be his agenre mihte, and hst hi mid J^am fso him mare gestrynan ; and ferde siSt^an on fel'Seodignysse, swa-swa hs gemj'nt haefde. ^E. H. ii. 548 ; cf . ii. s^so. 25. 16. Se goda 'Seowa, j^e 'fa flf pund undei'feng, gestrynde his hlaforde ]?;^rto o'Sre flf. iE. H. ii. 550. 25. iS. Se ly&a tieowa, se tSe J>8et an pund underfgng, fgrde and bedealf hit on eort5an, and swa his hlafordes feoh be- hydde. je. h. ii. 552. 25. 21. Donne cweS he to 'Sam godum 'Ssowan : . . . Eala, '5u goda 'Seowa and getrywe, ])u w;ere getrywe on lytlum 'Singum, ic wylle ^e s§ttan ofer maran ; far nu into 'Sines hlafordes gefean. .E. H. u. 552. 25. 24-30. Se asolcena 'Seowa, Ipe nolde tilian nan 'Sing his hlaforde mid 'Sam beftestum punde, com him to mid beladunge, and cwfetS : La leof, ic wat Ipvet 'Su eart swi'Se styrne mann, and wilt niman J^ciet 'Su jer ne sealdest, and wilt ripan ]7aet pu j%r ne seowe ; J)a wearS ic forSi afyrht, and behydde 'Sin pund on eor&n ; efne, ]3u hrefst nu 'Sin agen, . . . Se hlaford cwfe'S to ]?am lySran Seowan : Du yfela Seowa and sleac, "pe gedafenode J^aet 'Su befaestest min feoh myneterum to sleanne, and ic wolde 25. 12, 13. At ille respondens ait: pecuniam domini sui. Amen dice vobis: Nescio vos. 25. 21. Ait illi dominus ejus : Euge, Vigilateitaque, quia nescitis diem serve bone et fidelis, quia super neque horam. pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te 25. 14, 15. Sicut enim homoperegre constituam ; intra in gaudium proficiscens, vocavit servos sues, domini tui. et tradidit illis bona sua. Et uni 25. 24-30. Accedens autem et qui dedit quinque talenta, alii autem unum talentum acceperat, ait : duo, alii vero unum, unicuique Domine, scio quia homo durus es, secundum propriam virtutem, et metis ubi non seminasti, et con- profectus est statim. gregas ubi nonsparsisti; ettimens 25. 16. Abiit autem qui quinque abii, et abscondi talentum tuum talenta acceperat, et operatus est in terra ; ecce, babes quod tuum in eis,etlucratus est alia quinque. est. Respondens autem dominus 25. 18. (jui autem unum acceperat, eius, dixit ei : Serve male et piger, abiensfoditinterram,etab8condit . . . oportuit . . . te committere 170 ^LFRICS HOMILIES mln agen ofgan mid 'Sam gafole. . . . Nima'S "pset pund of 'Sam yfelan 'Seowan, and sylla'5 pam Se me brohte tyn pund. Hl cwsedon : La leof, he haefS tyn pund \ . . . Ic s§cge eow to so'San : ^lc }?Sra Se haefS, him biS mare geseald, and he genihtsumaS. Se Se naefS, him biS aetbroden J?3et 'pset he haefS. . . . Se unholda 'Seowa wearS 'Sa aworpen on Ipam. yttrum ]5eostrum. je. h. ii. 552, 554, 556. 25. 3 1-46. Witodlice mannes Bearn Gym's on his msegenSrjTiime, and ealle §nglas samod mid him to Sam micclum dome ; |?onne sitt he on 'Sam setle his msegenSrymnysse, and beoS gegad- erode aetforan him ealle Seoda ; and he toscSt hi on twa, swa- swa scephyrde toscSt seep fram gatum. ponne gelogaS he Sa seep on his swiSran hand, and Sa gset on his wynstran. . . . ponne eAvyS se Cyning Crist to Sam 'pe on his swiSran hand standaS : CumaS, ge bletsode mines Faeder, and geagniaS J^ast riee Se eow gegearcod wses fram frimSe middaneardes. Me hingrode, and ge me gereordodon ; me 'Syrste, and ge me se§ncton ; ic waes cuma, and ge me underfengon on eowerum g§sthusum ; ie waes nacod, and ge me scryddon ; ic waes geun- trumod, and ge me geneosodon ; ie waes on ewearterne, and ge comon to me and me gefrefrodon. Donne andswariaS 'pa, riht- wlsan Criste, and ewe'SaS : Drihten, hwaenne gesawe we Se hungi'ine, and we Se gereordodon ? oSSe J'urstigne, and we Se pecuniam meam numulariis, et ab haedis. Et statuet eves qui- veniens ego recepissem utique dem a dextris suis, haedos autem quod meum est cum usura. Tollite a sinistris. Tunc dicet Rex his itaque ab eo talentum, et date ei qui a dextris eius erunt : Venite, qui liabet decern talenta. Omni benedicti Patris mei, possidete enim habenti dabitur, et abunda- paratum vobis regnum a constitu- bit ; ei autem qui non habet, et tione mundi. Esurivi enim, et quod videtur habere auferetur ab dedistis mihi manducare ; sitivi, eo. Et inutilem servum eiicite et dedistis mihi bibere ; hospes in tenebras exteriores. . . . eram, et collegistis me ; nudus, 25. 31-46. Cum autem venerit Filius et cooperuistis me; infirmus, et hominis in maiestate sua, et omues visitastis me ; in carcere eram, et angeli cum eo, tunc sedebit super veuistis ad me. Tunc responde- sedein maiestatis suae, et con- bunt ei iusti, dicentes : Domine, gregabuntur ante eum omnes quando te vidimus esurientem, et gentes ; et separabit eos ab in- pavimuste? sitientem, et dedimus vicem, sicut jDastor segregat oves tibi potum ? quando autem te 1 From Luke ] 9. 25, ' Et dixerimt ei : Domine, habet decern mnas.' MATTHEW 25 171 scgncton? oS^e hwnenne wieve Su cuma, and wS tSs under- fengon? ot9Se hwaenne gesTiwe w6 tSe untrumne o]7]3e on cwearterne, and wS 'Se geneosodon ? ponne andwyrd se Cyning tSam rihtAvisuin ]?isum wordum : SoS ic eow s§cge : Swa lange swa ge d5^don anum, ]?isum L'estan, on nilnuni naman, g6 hit dydon me sylfum. Donne ewe's he §ft to Sam synfullum, J^e on his \A^mstran healfe standaS : GewitaS fram me, ge awyriged- an, into Sam ecan fyre, ])e is gegearcod Sam deofle and his awyrigedum gastum. Me hingrode, and ge me *tes foi-wyrn- don ; ms Syrste, and ge me drincan ne seaklon ; ic waes cuma, and ge me underfon nokion ; ic wses nacod, nolde ge me wSda tiSian ; ic waes untrum and on cwearterne, nolde ge me geneos- ian. ponne andswariaS Sa unrihtwTsan manfullan : La leof, hwaenne gesawe we Se hungrine, oSSe 'Surstine, oSSe cuman, oplpe nacodne, oSSe geuntrumodne, olp^ie on cwearterne, and w6 Se noldon Senian ? ponne andwyrd se Cyning him, and cwyS : SoS ic Sow s§cge : Swa lange swa ge fonvyrndon anum of Sisum lytlum, and noldon him on mlnum naman tiSian, swa lange ge me sylfum his fonA'j'rndon. ponne faraS Sa uncystigan and Sa unrihtwisan into ecere cwicsusle, mid deofle and his awyriged- um §nglum ; and Sa rihtwisan gecyrraS fram Sam dome into Sam ecan life. je. h. ii. io6, io8. II CumaS, ge gebletsode mines Faeder, and gehabbaS Ip-xt rice ]?aet eow gegearcod waes fram anginne middangeardes. JE. H. i. 264. II CumaS to me, ge gebletsode mines Feeder, and onfoS vidimus hospitem, et coUegimus dus, et non cooperuistis me ; in- te, aut nudum, et cooperuimus te ? firmus et in carcere, et non visi- aut quando te vidimus infirmum tastis me. Tunc resjjondebunt ei aut in carcere, et venimus ad te? et ipsi, dicentes ; Domine, quando Et respondens Rex dicet illis : te vidimus essurientem, aut siti Amen dice vobis : Quamdiu fe- entem, aut hospitem, aut nudum, cistis uni ex his fratribus meis aut infirmum, aut in carcere, et minimis, milii fecistis. Tunc dicet non ministravimus tibi ? Tunc et his qui a sinistris erunt : Disce- respondebit illis dicens : Amen dite a me, maledicti, in ignem ae- dico vobis : Quamdiu non fecistis ternum, qui paratus est diabolo et uni de minoribus his, nee mihi angelis eius. Esurivi enim, et non fecistis. Et ibunt hi in supplicium dedistis mihi manducare ; sitivi, et aetemum, iusti autem in vitam non dedistis mihi potum ; hospes aeternam. eram, et non coUegistis me ; nu- 172 .ELFRICS HOMILIES Ip-xt rice '(Se eow is gegearcod fram fiym^e middangeardes. M. H. i. 396. II Me hingrode, and ge me gereordodon ; me %rste, and ge me scgncton ; ic wses nacod, and ge me scryddon. ^. H. i. 336. II Ic waes cuma, and ge me underfengon. je. h. ii. 286. II pffit J^aet ge doS anum tSearfan on mmum naman, 'pset ge do's me sylfum. je. h. i. 258. II paet ]33et ge doS ]?eai-fum on minum naman, paet ge do's me sylfum. JE. H. i. 336. II Swa-hwffit-swa ge do's on mlnum naman anum 'Sam Ijestum. Jifet ge do's me sylfum. je. h. ii. 438. 1! Gewlta'S fram me, ge a^^'5'rigedan, into 'Sam ecum fyre, Ipe is gegearcod deofie and his aA^yrgedum gastum. je. h. i. 396. II Gewlta'S fram me, ge awyrigedan, into 'Sam ecan fyre, 'pe Sam deofie is gegearcod and his awyrigedum §nglum. JE. H. ii. 572, 592. 26. 14. See Luke 22. 3-5, and je. h. i. 26. 26. 15. See Luke 22. 3-5, note. 26. 20-25. He eode §ft sittan si'S'San mid his 'Segnum. And on his gereorde he geunrotsode\ cwae'S J^ast heora an hine bel^ewan wolde. Hi 'Sa ealle mid angsumum mode ^nllpige cwSdon : Eom ic hit, Drihten ? pa andwyrde se HSlend him sona Sus : Se 'Se bedyp'S on disce mid me his hlaf on laepeldre, he is mln Iffiwa. Wa Sam m§n pe me bel^w'S ! b^tere him wSre ]?aet he geboren n^re. pa befran ludas gif he hit w«re. Da cwiecS se HSlend : Du hit sSdest. JE. H. ii. 242, 244. II . . . peet him selre wiere J)aet he geboren nfere. JE. H. ii. 244. 26. 26-28. He genam (Sa hlaf, and hine liflice gehalgode, tod;%lde his tSegnum, and hi 'Sicgan het ; cwae'S pset hit w^ere his agen llchama. . . . J^ft swa gellce gelashte aenne calic, senode mid swlS- 26. 20-25. . . . Discumbebat cum tradet. . . . Vae autem homini duodecim discipulis suis. Et eden- illi per quern Filius hominis tra- tibus illis, dixit : Amen dice vobis detur ; bonum erat ei, si natus quia unus vestrum me traditurus non fuisset homo ille. Respon- est. Et contristati valde coepe- dens autem Judas, qui tradidit runt singuli dicere : Numquid ego eum, dixit : Numquid ego sum, sum, Domine ? At ipse respon- Rabbi ? Ait illi : Tu dixisti. dens ait: Qui intingit mecum 26. 26-28. ... Accepit lesus panem, manum in paropside, hie me et benedixit, ac fregit, deditque ' From John 13. 21, ' turbatufl est spiritu.' MATTHEW 26 173 ran, and sealde his gingrum, of to supenne fcfter gereorde ; sj'Bde pset hit ^xxre so'^lice his blod '6^jtn-e niwan gecyt^nysse, J^jet hs for mannum ageat on synna forgyfennysso. M. H. ii. .'44. He halgode hlaf ier his ^rowunge, and tod:elde his discipuhmi, ]5us cweSende : Eta's ]?isne hlaf, hit is min lichama ; and doS ]?is on mlnum gemynde \ l^it he bletsode win on aiuim calice, and cwreS : DrincaS ealle of 'Sisuni ; J^is is min blod, ]7aet 'Se biS for manegum agoten on synna forgifenysse. je. h. ii. 266, 268. II pis is min lichama and min blod. ^E. H. ii. 274. 26. 31-3.:. Eft se Hjelend sj^de soMice his gingrum: Ealle g9 me jeswiciacS on Sissere anre nihte. Hit is so'Slice awriten : Ic ofslea 'Sone hyrde, and 'Sa scgp si'S^'an sona beo'S tostgncte. jEfter-'San-cSe ic arise of dea'Se gesund, ic 6ow §ft gemote on Galileiscum earde. pa andwyi'de Petrus ana mid gebeote: Ic Se n.^fre ne Sswicige, 'Ssah-'Se ealle o'Sre don. Drihten §ft andwyrde anrSdlice Petre : pu me wiSsaecst cSriwa on ■Sissere nihte, SrSan'Se se hana hafitigende crawe. Petrus cwoeS Jjffit he nolde hine naefre wi'Ssacan, Seah-^e he sceolde samod mid him sweltan ; and ealle tSa oSre ealswa cwJedon. ^. H. ii. 244, 246. 26. 39. Fi'eder min, gif hit gewur'San m^^g, afyrsa ]nsno calic fram me. ^. H. ii. 544. 26. 48, 49. pa cwaj'S se li%wa to 'Sam laSum flocce : Swa-hwilcne- swa ic cysse, cepaS his sona. And he 'Sa mid cosse Crist bel^wde. m. h. a. 246. discipulis suis, et ait : Accipite et omnes scandalizati fuerint in te, comedite ; hoc est corpus meuiu. ego nunquam scandalizabor. Ait Et accipiens calicem gratias egit, illi lesus: Amen dico tibi quia et dedit illis, dicens : Bibite ex in liac nocte, antequam gallus hoc omnes ; hie est enim sanguis cantet, ter me negabis. Ait illi mens novi testamenti, qui pro Petrus : Etiamsi oportuerit me multis effundetur in remissionem mori tecum, non te negabo. Si- peccatorum. militer et omnes discipuli dix- 26. 31-35. Tunc dicit illis lesiis : erunt. Omnes vos scandalum patiemini 26. 39. . . . Pater mi, si possibile in me in ista nocte. Scriptum est, transeat a me calix iste. . . . est enim : Percutiam pastorem, 26. 48, 49. Qui autem tradidit eum et dispergentur oves gregis. Post- dedit illis signum, dicens : Quem- quam autem resuiTexero, prae- cumque osculatus fuero ipse est ; cedam vosinGalilaeam. Respon- tenete eum. . . . Et osculatus est dens autem Petrus ait illi : Et si eum. ' From Luke 22. 19, 1 Cor. 11. 24, 'hoc facite in moam commemorationem.' 174 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 26. 51-54. Da abrSd Petrus^ bealdlice his swurd, and gesloh heora anum pset swlSre^ eare of. Ac Crist him styrde mid stiSum wordum, and het hine hydan ]?aet hearde Isen ; cwaeS ]?8et he mihte cSa ma 'Sonne tw§lf eoroda heofenlicra §ngla set his Faeder abiddan, gif hit weor'San ne sceolde swa-swa witegan cwJedon. jE. H. ii. 246. 26. 57. See je. h. ii. 248. 26. 58. Ac Petrus him filigde feorran. M. H. ii. 248. 26. 63-67. pa axode hine se ealdorbiscop, and mid aSe gehalsode, Jiset he opeuHce sSde gif he Godes Sunu soSHce wSre. Se HSlend him cwaeS to : Ic eom swa Su s^dest ; and ic sittende beo set mines Fseder swiSran, and on wolcnum ic cume on ■Sissere worulde ge§ndunge. Da cwaeS se ealdorbiscop mid orgel- worde : Hwset SincS eow nu be Sissere sggene ? Hi ealle andwyrdon mid anre stemne ]?a3t he scyldig ware witodHce to deaSe. And hi hine bespStton, huxKce sprecende. M. H. u. 248. 26. 67, 68. ludei . . . mid anum w^felse his n§b bewundon ^, sleande mid handbredum huxlice and gelome, and heton hine r^edan hwa hine hreopode. jE. h. ii. 248. 26. 69-75. Petrus stod ofcalen on Sam cauertune, set micclum 26. 51-54. Et ecce unus ex his qui es Christus, Filius Dei. Dicit illi erant cum lesu, extendens manum, lesus : Tu dixisti ; verumtamen exemit gladium suum, et, percu- dico vobis, amodo videbitis Filium tiens servum principis sacerdo- bominis sedentem a dextris virtu- tum, amputavit auriculam eius. tis Dei, et venieutem in nubibus Tunc ait illi lesus : Converte gla- coeli. Tunc princeps sacerdotuni dium tuum in locum suum. . . . scidit vestimenta sua, dicens : . . . An putas quia non possum ro- Quid vobis videtur? At illi respon- gare Patrem meum, et exhibebit dentes dixerunt : Reus est mortis, mihi modo plusquam duodecim Tunc exspuerunt in faciem eius, legiones angelorum ? Quomodo et colaijhis eum ceciderunt. . . . ergo implebunturScripturae, quia 26. 67,68. . . . Alii autera palmas sic oportet fieri ? in faciem eius dederunt, dicentes : 26. 58. Petrus autem sequebatur Prophetiza nobis, Christe, quis est eum a longe. . . . qui te percussit? 26. 63-67, . . . Et i)rinceps sacer- 26. 69-75. . . . Accessit ad eum una dotum ait illi : Adiuro te per ancilla, dicens : Et tu cum lesu Deum vivum ut dicas nobis si tu Galilaeo eras. At ille negavit. ' From John 18. lo, ' Simon ergo Petrus.' 2 From Luke 22. 50, John 18. 10, ' auriculam eius dexteram.' 3 From Mark 14. 65, ' coeperunt . . , velare faciem eius,' or Luke 22, 64, 'velaverunt eum.' MATTHEW 26, 27 175 fyre^ mid manegum O^runi. Da, cwa)t5 liim an ■vvylii to, ]isot hc wSre mid Criste ; ac he soiia witSsoc ]5a3t hit swa luvn-e. pa §ft ymbe hwTle cwaetS sum o'Ser Avyhi Ipset hs mid 'Sam Hi^lende on hyrede wSre ; and he §ft wicScwae'S Ipvei he hine ne cutSe. pa geneali'ehton ma hine meldigende ; ac Petrus wi'Ssoc gyt Sriddan sl6e. And se hana sona hludswSge sang. Da becyrde se H^lend and beseah to Petre '\ and he sona gemunde his micclan gebeotes, and mid biterum wope his wiSerssec behreow- sode. JE. H. ii. 24a 27. 3. ludas ^a geseah 'Sone re?5an dom, and gebrohte J^ajt feoh, J>e he mid facne genam, to 'Sam ealdorbiscopum, gebolgen SWi'Se. ^. H. ii 250. 27. 5. And hine sylfne aheng sona mid grine. ^. H. ii. 250. 27. 6, 7, 9. Da noldon 'Sa ludei J)»t feoh gel§cgan on heora fietels- um, swilce hi fecne n?eron ; ac gebohton aenne jecer aelSeodigum to byrgelsum, ]5fet 'Sses witegan word wurdon gefyllede, pe ier be 'Sam feo ealswa witegode. je. h. h. 250. 27. II. Se HSlend 'Sa stod on 'Sam dom§rne gelSdd. pa axode Pilatus hine orgollice gif he ludeiscre 'Seode cyning on eornost wSre. Da andwyrde se Hi^lend : Du hit sSdest. ^. H. ii. 250. 27. 15-17- Da heoldon 'Sa ludei on healicum gewunan ]?a't hi Sice . . . Vidit eum alia ancilla, et ait et senioribus. his qui erant ibi : Et hie erat 27. 5. . . • Et abiens laqueo se sus- cum lesu Nazareno. Et iterum pendit. negavit : . . . Quia non novi homi- 27. 6, 7, 9. Principes autem sacer- nem. Et post pusillum accesse- dotum, acceptis argenteis, dix- runt qui stabant, et dixerunt erunt : Non licet cos mittere in Petro : Vera et tu ex illis es. . . . corbonam, quiapretium sanguinis Tunc coepit detestari et iurare est. Consilio autem inito, eme- quia non novisset hominem. Et runt ex illis agrum figuli, in se- continuo gallus cantavit. Et re- pulturam peregrinoruin. . . . Tunc cordatus est Petrus verbi lesu impletum est quod dictum est per quod dixerat : Prius quam gallus leremiam prophetam. . , . cantet, ter me negabis. Et egres- 27. 11. Jesus autem stetit ante sus foras flevit amare. praesidem, et interrogavit eum 27. 3. Tunc videns Judas, qui eum praeses, dicens : Tu es rex ludae- tradidit, quod damnatus esset, onim ? Dicit illi Jesus : Tu dicis. poenitentia ductus retulit triginta 27. 15-17. Per diem autem solen- argenteos principibus sacerdotum nem consueverat praeses populo ^ Probably from John 18. 18, ' Stabant autem servi et ministri ad prunas, quia frigus erat, et calefaciebant se ; erat autem cum eis et Petrus stans, et calefaciens se.' * From Luke 22. 61, 'Et con versus Dominus respexit Petrum.' 176 ^LFRICS HOMILIES geare aenne scyldigne abSdon aet 'Sam ealdorm§nn to heora Eastertide. And haefdon '^a on b§ndum aenne bealdne 'Seof, Barraban gecigedne, for manslihte to slgge\ pa befran Pilatus ]3aes folces m§nigu hwae'Serne hi gecuron, Hiielend oSSe Barraban ? je. H. ii. 252. 27. 21-25, 27-29, 31. paet folc him to cwaeS J^aet hi gecuron Barraban. Da axode Pilatus §ft aet Sam folce, hwset he be Drihtne gedon sceolde ? pa cwSdon hi ealle mid anre stemne : Sy he ahangen on healicere rode. Da geseah Pilatus Saera ludeiscra gehlyd, and aSwoh his handa on heora gesihSe, cwaeS ]5aet he unscyldig his sl§ges w^ere. pa cwjedon Sa ludei him to andsware : Beo his blodes gyte ofer urum bearnum, and eal seo wracu on us wunigende. Da het Pilatus 'Sone H^lend beswingan, and betShte hine ^a to heora benum, swa j^aet he waelhreawlice wurde ahangen. Hwaet, Sa his c§mpan hine gelaehton on 'Sam dom§rne mid dyrstigum anginne, and hine unscryddon his agenum gyrelum, and mid wolcnreadum wa)felse hine bew^fdon, and mid ]?yrnenum helme his heafod befengon, and for cyne- gyrde him hreod forgeafon, bigende heora cneowu, and cweSende mid hospe : Sy '^u hal, leof, ludeiscre leode cyning. Hi Sa hraedlice §ft hine unscryddon J^am readan w^felse, and his reaf him on dydon, and woldon ]?£errihte to rode gelSdan. JE. H. ii. 252. 27. 3?, 34. Hwaet, cSa c§mpan hine gelfeddon to Si^re cwealmstowe, dimittere unum vinctum, quern voluissent. Habebat autem tunc vinctum insignem, qui dicebatur Barabbas. Congregatis ergo illis, dixit Pilatus : Quern vultis dimit- tam vobis, Barabbam, an lesum qui dicitur Christus ? 27. 21-25, 27-29, 31, . . . At illi dixerunt : Barabbam. Dicit illis Pilatus : Quid igitur faciam de lesu qui dicitur Christus ? Di- cunt omnes : Crucifigatur. . . . Videns autem Pilatus quia . . . tumultus fieret, . . . lavit manus coram populo, dicens : Innocens ego sum a sanguine iusti huius. . . . Et respondens universus popu- lus, dixit : Sanguis eius super nos et sujaer filios nostros. . . . lesum autem flagellatum tradidit eis ut crucifigeretur. Tunc milites prae- sidis suscipientes lesum in prae- torium. . . . Et, exuentes eum, clilamydem coccineam circumde- derunt ei, et, plectentes coronam de spinis, posuerunt super caput eius, et arundinem in dextera eius. Et, genu flexo ante eum, illudebant ei, dicentes: Ave, rex ludaeorum. . . . Et postquam illu- serunt ei, exuerunt eum clilarayde, et induerunt eum vestimentis eius, et duxerunt eum ut crucifigerent. 27. 33, 34. Et venerunt in locum From Mark 15. 7, ' qui . . . fecerat homicidi MATTHEW 27 177 ]?«r man cwealde scea^an, and him biulon drincan gebitrodne wlndr§nc, ac he hit asceaf sona fram his mu5e. .E. H. a 254. 27. 35- Sec John 19. 23. 27. 37, 38. Sec John 19. 18-20. 27. 42, 43. Gif he sy Israhela cyning, ]5onne astlge he nu of tSsere rode, and we golyfaS on hine. je. h. L 226. II Gif Su Godes Sunu sy, ga of 'Sjere rode, and we si'S'San swa on tSe gelyfa'b\ ^. h. ii. 256. 27. 45. Hwast, (Sa ymbe midne dseg wear^ middaneard a'Seostrod, and seo sunne behydde hire hatan leoman otS Ca nigotSan tide, ^e we non hata'?. ^. H. ii. 256 ; cf. L 108. 27. 48. J^it Sa cwa^S se Htelend ]>xt him hearde 'Syrste. Da arn to 'Sam §cede sum arleas c§mpa, and bedypte ane spincgan, and baer to his muSe \ je. h. u. 256. 27. 50-53. Da clj^ode Drihten, and cwiieS to his Fjieder : Ic betcl^ce, Fffider, ]?6 nu minne gast". And he, ahyldum heafde^, hine sona ageaf. Efne, 'Sa tobaerst 'pses temples wahiyft fram tS^re fyrste ufan oS 'Sa flor neoSan ; and eal eorSe bifode, and toburston stanas ; byrgenu openodon mid deadum banum, and halgena llchaman leohtlice arison, comon to Saire byrig, cuSlice seteowode manegum mannum. iE. H. ii 256, 258 ; cf. L loS, 224, 226. II paes temples wahryft 6ac wear's toborsten. JE. R iL 258. 27. 54. Se hundredes ealdor soSlice clypode, sefter 'Sisum tacnum : pes is soS Godes Beam. je. h. ii. 258. qui dicitur Golgotha, quod est 27. 50-53. lesus autem iterum cla- Calvariae locus. Et dederunt ei mans voce magna, emisitspiritum. vinum bibere cum felle mistum. Et ecce, velum templi scissum est Et cum gustasset, noluit bibere. in duas partes a summo usque 27. 42, 43. ... Si rex Israel est, de- deorsum ; et terra mota est, et scendat nunc de cruce, et credi- petrae scissae sunt; et monu- mus ei. . . . Dixit enim : Quia menta aperta sunt, et multa cor- Filius Dei sum. pora sanctorum, qui dormierant, 27. 45. A sexta autem bora tene- surrexerunt, et exeuntes de monu- brae factae sunt super universam mentis post resurrectionem eius, terram usque ad horam nonam. venerunt in sanctam civitatem, et 27. 48. Et continuo currens unus apparuerunt multis. ex eis, acceptam spongiam im- 27. 54. Centurio autem, et qui cum plevit aceto, . . . et dabat ei eo erant, custodientes lesum, viso bibere. terrae motu et his quae fiebant, ' From John 19. 28, 29, ' lesus . . . dixit : Sitio ; . . . obtulorunt ori eius.' " From Luke 23. 46, ' Pater, in manua tuas commendo spLritum meuin.' - From John 19. 30, ' inclinato capitc' N 178 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 27. 57, 58. pa sum rice 'Segen 'Searle Wfes gelyfed dearnunge ' on Drihten for 'Sam dyrstigum folce, his nama waes Joseph ; and he geneal^hte 'Sa hraedlice on fefen to 'Sam ealdorm§n, bied ]33et he moste Drilitnes lie bebyrian. pa . . . Pilatus . . . ge'Safode 'Sam Segene ]3aet hs hine behwurfe. M. H. ii. 260. 27. 62-66, Hwaet, Sa ludei eodon to Pikte, bSdon J^ast he bude 'Sa byrgene bes§ttan mid wacelum weardum, {Daet he ne wurde forstolen, and 'Sam folce gesSd ]3set he sylf aryse. pa ge'Safode Pilatus J^set hi hine besseton mid ymtrymmincge, and 'Sa 'Sruh geinnsegelodon. M. H. iL 262. II pa-Sa Crist bebyi-ged waes, Ipa cwfedon ]3a ludeiscan to heora ealdorm§nn Pilate : La leof, se swica 'Se her ofslegen is cwae'S gelomlice, ]3a-]?a he on life waes, 'pset he wolde arlsan of dea'Se on ))am 'Sriddan daege. JE. H. i. 220. 28. 2. See m. h. l 108. 28. 3. His wlite waes swilce llget, and his reaf swa hwit swa snaw. M. H. i. 222. 28. 5, 6. Se §ngel gehyrte 'Sa wif, ]5us cwe'Sende: Ne beo ge afyrhte. . . . Ge seca'S ]3one H^lend ; he aras ; nis he her. M. H. L 222, 224. 28. 19, 20. FaraS, and h^eraS ealle 'Seoda, and fulliaS hi on naman J^aes ^Imihtigan Faeder, and his Suna, and ]58es Halgan timuerunt valde, dicentes : Vers plebi : Surrexit a mortuis ; et erit Filius Dei erat iste. novissimus error peior priore. Ait 27. 57, 58. Cum autem sero factum illis Pilatus: Habetis custodiam, venit quidam homo dives ite, custodite sicut scitis. Illi ab Arimatliaea, nomine losepb, autem abeuntes, munierunt sepul- qui et ipse discipulus erat lesu ; crum, signantes lapidem, cum hie accessit ad Pilatum, et petiit custodibus. corpus lesu. Tunc Pilatus iussit 28. 3. Erat autem aspectus eius reddi corpus. sicut fulgur, et vestimentum eius 27. 62-66. Altera autem die, quae sicut nix. est post Parasceuen, convenerunt 28. 5, 6. Respondens autem angelus principes sacerdotum et Pharisaei dixit mulieribus : Nolite timere ad Pilatum, dicentes : Domine, vos ; scio enim quod lesum, qui recordati sumus quia seductor crucifixus est, quaeritis ; non est ille dixit adhuc vivens : Post tres hie ; surrexit enim. . . . dies resurgam. lube ergo cus- 28. 19, 20. Euntes ergo docete todiri sepulcrum usque in diem omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in tartium, ne forte veniant discipuli nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus eius, et furentur eum, et dicant sancti; docentes eos servare omnia 1 From John 19. 38, ' occultus autem, propter metum ludaeorum.' MATTHEW 27— MARK 5 179 Gastes ; and IfferatS hi ]^xt hi healdon ealle & 'Sing j^e ic r-ow behead, je. h. a 112. il FaraI5 geond ealne middangeard, and hvn'a(5 ealle 'Seoda, and fullia'5 hi on naman ])-xs Fieder, and ]7»s Suna, and pvcs Halgan Gastes ; and bSodaS pcet hi healdon ealle ?5a beboda J^e ic Coav t^hte. JE. H. i. 208. II Ure Drihten behead his discipulum j^at hi sceoldon h%ran and ti^ean ealluni J^eodum 'ba 'Sing j^e hs sylf him tadite. ^. H. L 6. Ic beo mid eow eallum dagum, o'S J^isre worulde gegnd- unge. .E. H. i. 3 to. II Efne, ic b6o mid eow eallum dagum, o'S J^issere worulde gefyllednysse. ^ H. L (xxx II Efne, ic beo mid eow eallum dagum, oS gefyllednysse "Syssere worulde. je. h. ii. 368. MAEK. 1. 3. See Isa. 40. 3, 4. 1. 6. See Matt. 3. 4. 1. 9. See Matt. 3. 13. 1 1 o. See .s. H. L 104. 1. 16. ^ecMatt. 4. 18. 1. iS. See Matt. 4. 20. 1. 24. pu eart Godes Sunu ; for'Sl 'Su come J^fet Su woldest us i'or- don. JE. H. i 304. 2. 5. Min beam, 'Se synd ]?Tne synna forgifene. JE. H. i. 472- 2. 1 1 . Ai-ls nu, and ber ham 'Sin legerbed. JE. H. i. 472. 2. 17. ^ceMatt. 9. 12. 4. 3. 5'ee Luke 8. 4-6. 4. 20. See Matt. 13. 23, and note. 4. 38. /S'ec Matt. 8. 23, 24, note. 5. 1-4. Hi (Sa oferreowon 'Sone brym, and gel§ndon on Sam lando quaecumque mandavi vobis ; et 2. 5. . . . Fili, dimittuntur tibi pec- ecce, ego vobiscum sum omnibus cata tua. diebus, usque ad consummatio- 2. 11. ... Surge, telle grabatum nam saeculi. tuum, et vade in donium tuam. 5. 1-4. Et venerunt trans fretuni MARK. maris in regionem Gerasenorum. 1. 24. ... Venisti perdere nos ? scio Et exeunti ei de navi, statim oc- qui sis, Sanctus Dei. currit de monumentis homo in N 2 180 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ]?e is geliaten Gerasenorum. Efne, 'Sa-'Sa hi upeodon, arn an Avod man togeanes Sam Hfelende, se haefde wununge on hfe'Sen- um byrgenum, and hine ne mihte nan man mid racenteagum ne mid fotcopsum gehseftan. jk h. ii. 378. 5. II if. See ^. H. ii 380. 5. 25, 27, 28. We rsedacS be sumon wife, 'pe waes tw§lf gsar geun- trumod 'Surh blodes ryne. Da eode heo betwux ]>sbre m§nigu ■Se se Haelend onferde, and cwaeS to hire sylfre : Gif ic huru his reafes gefnaedu ^ hr§ppe, ic beo sona hal. jE. h. ii. 394. 5. 29 ff. See Luke 8. 44-48. 5. 41. See Luke 8. 54, 55, note. 6. 17. Se waelhreowa cyning Herodes hine gehsefte, and on cwearterne sgtte, for his broSor wife Herodiaden. M. H. L 476 ; cf. i. 478. 6. 18, 21-23. See M. H. i. 478, 480. 6. 27. See ^. H. i. 478> 48«. 6.41. /See Matt. 14. 19. 6. 45 if. ;SeeMatt. 14. 22 if. 6. 56. See Matt. 14. 36. 7. 25-30. See Matt. 15. 21 ff. 8. I, 2. On sumere tide waes micel mgnigu mid |?am Hselende on anum westene m§teleas. pa clypode se H^lend his leorning- cnihtas him to, and cwsecS : Me ofhreow'S J^issere m§nigu, . . . for'San'Se hi nix for Srlm dagum her min andbldodon, and hi nabbaS hwaet hi eta's, je. h. ii 396. II paet folc andbldode 'Sry dagas mid 'Sam H^elende for hi^l'Se lieora untrumra ^ M. H. ii. 396. spiritu immundo, qui domicilium eius tetigero, salva ero. habebat in monumentis, et neque 6. 17. Ipse enim Herodes misit, ac catenis iam quisquam poterat eum tenuit loannem, et vinxit eum ligare ; quoniam saepe compedi- in carcere propter Herodiadem bus et catenis vinctus, dirupisset uxorem Philippi fratris sui. . . . catenas, et compedes comminuis- 8. i, 2. In diebus illis iterum cum set, et nemo poterat enm domare. turba multa esset, nee haberent 5. 25, 27, 28. Et mulier, quae erat quod manducarent, convocatis dis- in profluvio sanguinis annis duo- cipulis, ait illis ; Misereor super decim, . . . cum audisset de lesu, turbam, quia ecce iam triduo sus- venit in turba retro ; . . . dicebat tinent me, nee habent quod man- enim : Quia si vel vestimentum ducent. 1 Prom Matt. 9. 20, Luke 8, 44, ' fimbriam vestimenti eius.' 2 From Matt. 15. 30, 31 ?' MARK 5-11 181 8. 3. Gif ic hi forlivte fncsteude ham gecyrran, ]?onne ateoriatS hi be wege. . . . Sume hi comoii feorran. JE. H. iL 396. 8. 6. Crist hi hot sittau iippou S;^re eor^'au. . . . Drihten "Sancode jer'San'b'e he ^'a hlafas tobmec. . . . Se Hilileiul ^Ti tobniec t'a hlafas, and sealde his leornerum, p-xt lil hit '6Yim folce diehm sceoldon. JE. H. iL 398, 40a 8. 8, 9. paet folc a>t, and hi wurdon ealle gefyllede. ... Of Zxre lafe wjeron gefyllede seofan spyrtan. . . . pSr wiBron gereord- ode feower l^usend manna. .E. H. ii. 400, 402. 8. 36. See Luke 9. 25. 9. 3 (Vulg. 2). See Matt. 17. 1-5, note. 9. 37 (Vulg. 36). See Matt. 18. 4,5. 9. 44 (Vulg. 43). pSr njefre heora wyrm ne swylt, ne heora fyr ne bi'5 adwstsced. JE. H. L 132. 10. II, 12. Swa-hwa-swa his Swe forliet, and o'Ser genimtS, he biS ]5onne eawbntce and eac forligr. . . . ^ft, gif wif awyrp^' liire agenne wer, and otSerne gecyst, heo biS sO'S eawbnece. ^. H. iL 322, 324, 10. 13, 14. ^'ce Matt. 19. 13, 14. 10. 17. See Luke 18. 18, note 2. 10. 19. SeeExod. 20. 12. 10. 38, 39. See Matt. 20. 22, 23. 11. 25, 26. ponne ge standaS on oowruni gebedum, forgyfaS swa- hwset-swa ge habbaS on eowrum mode to Snigum m§n, and oower Fflcder ]?e on heofonum is forgyfS eow eowre synna. Gif ge Jjonne nella'5 forgyfan mid inweardre heortan j^am pe Cow gr§mia$», )7onne eac eower Fseder Se on heofonum is nele eow forgyfan eowre synna. -E. h. l 266. 8. 3. Et si dimisero eos ieiunos in ducaverant quasi quattuor niil- domum suam, deficient in via ; Ha. . . . quidam enim ex eis de longe 9. 43. Ubi vermis eorum non mori- venerunt. tur, et ignis non extinguitur. 8.6. Et praecepit turbae discum- 10. 11, 12. . . . Quicumque dimi- bere super terram. Et accipiens Kerit uxoreni suam, et aliain septem panes, gratias agens fregit, duxerit, adulterium comniittK et dabat discipulis suis ut apjw- super eam. Et si uxor dimiscrif nerent . . . turbae. virum suum, et alii nupserit, moe- 8. 8, 9. Et manducaverunt, et satu- chatur. rati sunt; et sustulerunt quod 11. 25, 26. Et cum stabitis ad oran- superaverat de fragmentis sejitem dum, dimittite si quid habetis eportas, Erant autem qui man- adversus aliquem, ut et Pater 182 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 12. 17. See Matt 22. 21. 12. 25. See Luke 20. 35, 36. 12. 31. Cf. Matt. 19. 19 (19. 17-19). 12. 41-44. -(Et sumum sSle gesaet se HSlend binnan '5am temple on Hierusalem, aetforan '5am maSmhuse, and beheold hu ]raet folc heora aelmyssan wurpon into 'Sam maSmhuse. and '5a fela rican brohton micele 'Sing. pa com ^xr an earm wudewe, and geoffrode Gode aenne feor'Sling. Drihten '5a cwaeS to his leorningcnihtum : Ic sg cge Sow to soSan })aet }3eos earme wydewe brobte maran lac |3onne ^nig '5yssera riccra manna. Hi ealle sealdon |3one d^el lieora speda pe him geSuhte. ac 'Seos wydewe ealne hire bigleofan mid estfullum mode geoffrode. ^. H. I 582. II Witodlice sum earm wydewe nsefde ealra a;hta buton aenne feorSling, Jjone heo brohte to Godes weofode on Cristes and- Averdnysse ; and he hi 5^rrihte mid his halgan mu'5e geh§rode. and cwae5 : BO'S ic eow s§cge ]:aet 5eos earm w^^dewe brohte maran lac 'Sonne Snig o^er mann on 5isum daege, forSan'5e heo brohte eal J^aet heo haefde mid estfullum mode. je. h. ii. 106. 13. 6. See Matt. 24. 5. 13. 8. See Luke 21. 10, 11. 13. 13. Sec Matt. 24. 12, 13. 13. 20. And butan se ^Imihtiga God (5a dagas gescyrte, eall m§nnisc forwurde ; ac for his gecorenum he gescj-rte ]3a dagas. ^. H. i. 4. 13. 22. See Matt. 24. 5. 13. 27. See Matt. 24. 31, note. 13. 32. See Matt. 24. 36. vaster qui in coelis est diiuittat vocans discipulos sues, ait illis : vobis peccata vestra. Quod si vos Amen dice vobis quoniam vidua lion dimiseritis, nee Pater vester haec pauper plus omnibus misit qui in coelis est dimittet vobis qui miserunt in gazophylacium. peccata vestra. Omues enim ex eo quod abunda- 12. 41-44. Et sedens lesus contra bat illis miserunt; haec vero de gazophylacium, aspiciebat quo- penuria sua omnia quae habuit modo turba iactaret aes in gazo- misit, totum victum suum. phylacium, et multi divites iacta- 13. 20. Et nisi breviasset Dominus bant multa. Cum venisset autem dies, non fuisset salva omnis caro ; vidua una pauper, misit duo mi- sed propter electos, quos elegit, nuta, quod est quadraus. Et con- breviavit dies. MARK 12-lG 183 13. 37. pset J^set ic to ?ow gecwot5e, ]xvt ic cwo'Se to eallmn luaii- num. JK H. ii. 5.'4. 14. 10. See M. H. i. -•(.. 14. 18-21. Scemxtt. 2G. 20-25. 14. 22-24. See Matt. 26. 26-28. 14. 27-31. Sa'Matt. 2G. 31-35. 14. 44. See Matt. 26. 48, 49. 14. 61-65. See Matt. 26. 63-67, and note. 15. 2. .SfcMatt. 27. II. 15. 7. See Matt. 27. 15-17, note. 15. 20. See Matt. 27. 21-25, 27-29, 31, 15. 22, 23. See Matt. 27. 33, 34. 15. 27. See John 19. 18-20. 15. 33. See Matt. 27. 45. 15. 36. See Matt. 27. 48. 15. 39. See Matt. 27. 54. 15. 44. See John 19. 38-42, note. 16. 5. Se §ngel sset on ^U, swlSran healfe '^•xre byrgene ; . . . se bydel wa>s ymbscryd mid sclnendum reafe. je. H. i. 222. 16. 6. See Matt. 28. 5, 6. 16. 14. See JE. H. L 3(x). 16. 15-18. pa cwaeS se Wealdend to his gingrum : FaratS geond ealne middangeard, and bodiai5 godspcl eallum gesceafto. Ss tSe gelyfS and bitS gefuUod, se biS gehealden ; s5 '^e ne gelyfS, he biS genycSerod. Das tacnu fyligaS pinn mannum ]>e gelyfaS : ... On mlnum naman hi adnlfaS deoflu ; hi sprecaS mid nlwum gereordum ; hi afyrsiaS najddran ; and t^sah-'Se hi un- lybban drincan, hit him ne d^ratJ ; hi sgttaS heora handa ofer adlige myn, and him biS tela. JE. H. i. 300, 304. II FaracS geond eahie middangeard, and bodiacS godspel eallum gesceafte. . . . Se '?e gelyf 5 and biS gefullod, ho biS gehealden ; and se '?e ne gelyf (S, he biS geniSerod. jE. h. L 302 ; cf. i. 20. 13. 37. Quod autem vobis dice, cm- evangelium onini creaturae. Qui nibus dico. . . . crediderit et baptizatus fueiit, 16. 5. Et introeuntes in menu- salvus erit ; qui voro non cre- mentum viderunt iuvenem se- diderit, condemnabitur. Signa dentem in dextri«, coopertum autem eos qui crediderint haec stola Candida. , . . sequentur : In nomine meo dae- 16. 15-18. Et dixit eis: Euntes in monia eiicient ; linguis loquentur mundum universum praedicate novis ; serpentes tollent ; et si 184 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 16. 19. See M. H. .308 ; cf. i. 306. 16. 20. Ferdon and bodedon gehwJer, Drihtne samod wyrcend- um, and Sa spr^ece getrymmendum mid aefterfyligenduni tacnum. M. H. L 310. LUKE. 1. 5-7. Sum eawfaest Godes 'Segen wa?s gehaten Zacharias ; his gebgdda waes geciged Elisabeth. Hi butu w^ron rihtwnse aetforan Gode, on his bebodum and rihtwisnyssum for'^stsep- pende butan tale. Nses him cild gemiene. je. H. L 352. II Elisabeth, seo waes Zacharian \\df. Hi butu wi%ron riht- wTse, and heoldon Godes beboda unt^lHce. Da wSron hi butan cilde, o|S-]38et hi wSron foi-wgrede m§nn. ^. H. L 200, 202. 1. II. See ^. H.i. 202. 1. 13. Se ylca engel . . . cydde J^aet he sceolde be his ealdan wife sunu habban, lohannem tSone Fulluhtere, m. h. i. 202. 1. 14. Manega blissiaS on his gebyrdtlde. J&. H. L 354. 1. 15. See Matt. 3. 4. 1. 17. ... Jjaet he forestope 'Sam H^elende on gaste and on mihte ]7aes witegan Helian. M. H. i. 356. 1. 19. See M. H. i. 24. 1. 20. Nu Su nylt gelyfan minum wordum, beo 'Su dumb otS-J^aet ]5aet cild bso acgnned. M. H. i. 202. 1. 22. See M. H. L202. 1. 26, 27. Godes heahgngel, Gabrihel, waes as§nd fram Gode to mortiferum quid biberint, non illis filius, . . . et ainbo processis- eis nocebit ; super aegros manus sent in diebus suis. imponent, et bene habebunt. 1. 13. Ait autem ad ilium angelus : 16. 20. Illi autem profecti praedi- . . . Uxor tua Elisabeth pariet tibi caverunt ubique, Domino coope- filium, et vocabis nomen eius rante, et sermonem confirmante loannem. sequentibus signis. 1. 14. . . . Et multi in nativitate eius gaudebunt. LUKE. 1^ ly, Et ipse praecedet ante ilium 1. 5-7. Fuit . . . sacerdos quidam in spiritu et virtute Eliae. . . . nomine Zacharias ; . . . et uxor 1. 20. Et ecce eris tacens, et non illius, . . . nomen eius Elisabeth. poteris loqui, usque in diem quo Erant autem iusti ambo ante haec fiant, pro eo quod non cre- Deum, incedentes in omnibus didisti verbis meis. . . . mandatis et iustificationibus Do- 1. 26. 27. ... Missus est angelus mini sine querela. Et non erat Gabriel a Deo in civitatem MARK 16 — LUKE 1 185 Zsere Galileiscan byrig Nazareth, to t^'am mfodcne J^e \n'£ES Maria gehaten ; and heo asprang of Dauidos cynne, j^scs maran cyninges ; and heo waes bew§ddod J^am rihtwTsan losepe. ,E. H. i. 194 ; cf, i. 460. II Maria Ava^s bewgddod losepe '5rim rihtwisan. je. h. i. 196. 1. 2S. Se §ngel grette Marian, and cwaeS pxt heo wSre mid Godes gife afylled, and ]5get hyre waes God mid, and heo wa^s gebletsod betA^nix wifum. JE. H. i. 196 ; cf. i. 198. 1. 31. Efne, ?Su scealt geeacnian on 'Slnuin inno'Se, and j^u ac^nst sunu. ^. H. L 198 ; cf. i. 24. His nama waes Hiesus. ^. H. L 198. 1. 32. pes bits miere, and he biS gecTged Sunu ]>2cs Hexstan. M. H. L 198. Crist heold Dauides cynesetl. .E. H. i. 198. 1. 34. pa cwaeS Maria to Sam §ngle : Hu maeg 'psci beon Ipset ic cild hffibbe, for'San'Se ic nanes weres ne bruce ? je. h. i. 198. 1. 35. pa andA\yrde se §ngel 'Sam ma^dene : Se Halga Gast cymtS ufen on t56, and miht '5»s Hyhstan ofersceadewaS "Se. . . . paet Halige, ]7e of tSe biS aegnned, biS geclged Godes Sunu. JE. H. i. 198, 200. 1. 36. See ^. H. i. 202. 1. 38. Da cwaeS Maria to 'Sam §ngle : Ic eom Godes Slnen ; ge- trmige me fefter Slnum worde. je. h. i. 200. 1. 40-45. Nu com Sa seo eadige Maria to his huse, and grette his wif, hyre niagan, Elisabeth. Da, mid-]^am-]5e }?a;t wif gehyrde ]59es miedenes gretinge, Sa blissode pset cild lohannes on his Galilaeae cui nomen Nazareth, ad Quomodo fiet istud, quoniam vi- virginem desponsatam viro cui rum non cognosce ? nomen erat loseph, de domo 1. 35. Et respondens angelus dixit David ; et nomen virginis Maria. ei : Spiritus sanctus supei"venict 1. 28. . . . Angelus ad earn dixit: in te, et virtus Altissimi obum- Ave, gratia plena ; Dominus te- brabit tibi. Ideoque et quod cum ; benedicta tu in mulieribus. nascetur ex te sanctum vocabitur 1. 31. Ecce concipies in utero, et Filius Dei. paries filium, et vocabis nomen 1. 38. Dixit autem Maria: Paco eius lesum. ancilla Domiiii ; fiat mihi secun- 1. 32. Hie erit magnus, et Filius dum verbum tuum. . . . Altissimi vocabitur, et dabit illi 1. 40-45. Et intravit in domum Dominus Deus sedem David patris Zachariae, et salutavit Elisabeth, eius. ... Et factum est, ut audivit saluta- 1. 34- Dixit autemMariaadangelum : tionem Mariac Elisabeth, exul- 186 ^LFRICS HOMILIES modor innocSe ; and seo iiioder wear's afylled mid J^am Halgan Gaste, and heo clypode to Marian mid micelre stemne, and cwseS : pQ eart gebletsod betwux wlfum, and gebletsod is se wsestm Jjlnes inno'Ses. Hu getimode me Ipset mines Drihtnes moder wolde cuman to me ? Efne, mid-]?am-]5e seo stefn Sinre gretinge swegde on mlnum earum, '^a, blissode mln cild on mluum inno'Se, and hoppode ongean his Drihten, 'pe 'pTi berst on Sinum innoSe. . . . Eadig eart 'Su, Maria, for'Son^e ]5u gelyf- dest Ipam wordum 'Se J?e fram Gode gebodode w^ron, and hit biS gefrgmmed swa-swa hit Se gecydd waes. je. h. i. 202 ; cf. i. 352. 1. 46. Mln sawul mJersaS Drihten. M. H. L 202. !• 52-55- Grod awearp 'Sa rlcan of setle. . . . And he ahof 'Sa ead- modan. God gefylS Ipa, hingrigendan mid his godum. . . . He forlet 'Sa rlcan idele. . . . God underfeng his cnapan Israhel. . . . Swa-swa he sprsec to urum faederum, Abrahame, and his ofspringe on worulda. M. H. i. 202, 204. 1. 60, 63. See M. H. i. 354. 1. 64. See M. H. i 352. 2. 1-20. On 'Sam tlman se Romanisca casere Octauianus s§tte gebann j^aet wsere on gewritum as§tt eall ymbhwyrft. peos towritennys wear's ar^ered fram 'Sam ealdormgn Cyrino, of Sirian lande, Ipset selc man oferheafod sceolde c§nnan his gebyrde and his are on 'S^re byrig Ipe he to gehyrde. pa ferde Joseph, Cristes fosterfaeder, fram Galileiscum earde, of Siere byrig Nazare'S, to ludeiscre byrig, seo wses Dauides, and wses gecTged Bethleem ; for'San'Se he waes of Dauides m^egSe, and tavit infans in utero eius ; et et exaltavit humiles. Esurientes repleta est Spiritu sancto Elisa- iraplevit bonis, et divites dimisit beth, et exclamavit voce magna, inanes. Suscepit Israel puerum et dixit : Benedicta tu inter mu- suum. . . , Sicut locutus est ad lieres, et benedictus fructus van- patres nostros, Abraham, et se- tris tui. Et unde hoc mihi, ut mini eius in saecula. veniat mater Domini mei ad me ? 2. 1-20. Factum est autem in diebus Ecce enim ut facta est vox salu- illis, exiit edictum a Caesare tationis tuae in auribus meis, Augusto ut describeretur univer- exultavitin gaudio infans in utero sus orbis. Haec descriptio prima meo. Et beata quae credidisti, facta est a praeside Syriae Cyrino. quoniam perficientur ea quae Et ibant omnes ut profiterentur dicta sunt tibi a Domino. singuli in suam civitatem. As- 1. 46. ... Magnificat anima mea cendit autem et Joseph a Galilaea Dominum. de civitate Nazareth in ludaeam !• 52-55. Deposuit potentes de sede, in civitatem David, quae vocatur LUKE 1-2 187 wolde andettan mid Marian hire gebyrde, pe waes \>a gyt bearn- 6aca. Da gelamp hit, ]?a-6H hi on ]?an-e byrig Bethleoni wicodon, ]7a}t hire tlma wres gefyllod ]JHii heo c§nnan sceoldo ; and ac§nde '^a hyre frumc§nnedan sunu, and mid cikk-lriSum bewand, and alede 'pxt cild on heora assena binne, forj^anj^e 'i^iur uses nan rymet on j^am g§sthuse. pa w^ron hyrdas on ]?am eardo waciende ofer heora eowede ; and efne, t^a Godes §ngel stod on emn hi, and Godes beorhtnys hi bescSan ; and hi ■^^1lrdon micclum afyrhte. Da cwaeS se Godes §ngel to '^am liyrdum : Ne ondredaS eow ; efne, ic Sow bodige micehie gefean, Ipe becymS eallum folce ; for'San]?e nu to-daeg is eow acgnned H^elend Crist on Dauides ceastre. Ge gesOoS ]ns tacen : Ge genista's ]?aet cild mid cildelaSum bewunden, and on binne geled. pa fSrlice, aefter pses §ngles sprtece, weartS gesewen micel m§nigu heofenlices Averodes God hfrigendra, and singendra : Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax homi- nibus bone uoluntatis ; Ipset is on urum gereorde : Sy wuldor Gode on heannyssum, and on eorSan sibb mannum, pam (5e beoS godes willan. And '^a, §nglas 'Sa ge\Wton of heora gesihSe to heofonum. Hwaet, 'Sa hyrdas pa him betweonan sprScon : Uton faran to Bethleem, and geseon J^aet word J^e us God seteowde. Hi comon 'Sa hraedlice, and gemetton Marian, and Joseph, and psst cild geled on anre binne, swa- Bethleliem ; eo quod esset do quod erit omni populo ; quia domo, et familia David, ut pro- natus est vobis hodio Salvator, fiteretur cum Maria desponsata qui est Cbristus Dominus, in civi- sibi uxore praegnante. Factum tate David. Et boc vobis signum: est autem, cum essent ibi, im- Invenietis infantem ijannis invo- pleti sunt dies ut pareret; et lutum, et positum in praesepio. peperit filium suum primogeni- Et subito facta est cum angelo turn, et pannis sum involvit, et multitude militiae coelestis lau- reclinavit eum in praesepio, quia dantium Deum, et dicentium : nonerateis locus in diversorio. Et Gloria in altissimis Deo, et in pastores erant in regions eadem terra pax bominibus bonae volun- vigilantes, et custodientes vigi- tatis. Et factum est, ut discos- Has noctis super grogem suum ; serunt ab eis angeli in couhun, et ecce, angelus Domini stetit pastores loquebantur ad invicem : iuxta illos, et claritas Dei circum- Transeamus usque Bethlehem, et fulsit illos ; et timuerunt timoro videamus hoc verbum quod fac- magno. Et dixit illis angelus : tum est, quod Dominus ostendit Nolite timere ; ecce enim, evan- nobis. Et venerunt festinantcs, gelizo vobis gaudium magnum, et invenerunt Mariam, et loseph, 183 .ELFRICS HOMILIES swa him se §ngel cydde. pa hyrdas soSlice oncneowon be Ipam. worde ])e him ges^d wres be Sam cilde. And ealle wun- drodon 'pe |?aet gehyrdon, and eac be Sam Se ]?a hyi'das him sSdon. Maria soShce heold ealle J)as word, arsefniende on hire heortan. Da gecyrdon ]7a hyrdas ongean, wuldrigende and hgrigende God on eallum Sam Singum Ipe hi gehyrdon and gesawon, swa-swa him fram J^am §ngle ges^d waes. je. h. l 28. 30, 32 ; cf. ii. 86. II Maria acgnde Sa hire frumc^nnedan sunu, . . . and hine mid cildclaSum bewand, and for rymetleaste on anre binne gelede. M. H. i. 34. II Ne beo ge afyrhte ; efne, ic bodige Sow micelne gefean, Se eallum folce becymS ; forSanJje nu to-daeg is ac§nned Hi^lend Crist on Dauides ceastre. .E. H. i. 36. 1] Nu to-dseg is eow ac^nned HSlend Crist on Dauides ceastre. m. h. i. 36. II Sy wuldor Gode on heannyssum, and on eorSan sibb pam mannum J^e beoS godes willan. 11 Sy "svuldor Gode on heaniij'ssum, and on eorSan sibb man- num, Sam Se beoS godes willan. ^ H. i. 38. II Sy wuldor Gode on heannyssum, and on eorSan sibb Sam mannum Se synd godes willan, M. H. i. 582. II Gode wuldor on heamiyssum. .5;. H. i. 56. II pa hyrdas Sa spri^con hina betweonan, sefter Sc^ra §ngla framfaerelde : Uton gefaran to Bethleem, and geseon ]7aet word Ipe geworden is, and God us geswutelode. M. H. i 40. II Uton geseon ]5aet word Ipe geworden is. ^. H. L 40. II Hrffidlice Sa comon pa hyi'das, and gemetton Marian, and Joseph, and past cild geled on SSre binne. je. h. i. 40. II Maria soSlice heold ealle Sas word, arsefniende on hire heortan. M. H. i. 42. II And IpsL hyrdas gecyrdon ongean, wuldrigende and hgrigende God on eallum Sam Singum Se hi gehyrdon and gesawon, swa- swa liim gesied waes. .E. H. i. 42. et infantem positum in praesepio. Maria autem conservabat omnia Videntes autem cognoverunt de verba haec, conferens in corde verbo quod dictum erat illis de sue. Et reversi sunt pastores puero hoc. Et omnes qui audi- glorificantes et laudantes Deum erunt mirati sunt, et de bis quae in omnibus quae audierant et vi- dicta erant a pastoribus ad ipsos. derant, sicut dictum est ad illos. LUKE 2 189 2. 21. JEher-pan-'Se vrieron gefyllede olita dagas Drihtnes ac^nncd- nysse yxt he ymbsnidon wau'e, ]?a "wais his nama gecTged lesus, }3aet is Hi^leiid, '?am naman he wacs gehaten fraiii 'Sara §ngle, 2er(5am]7e he on inno'Se geeaciiod waii'e. jk h. i. 90 ; cf. ii. 68. 2. 22-24. See JE. H. i. i,u, ii- 68. 2. 24. Geoffrode hire lac Gode, . . . swa hit on Godes ;e gesgt W£BS : . . . twegen culfranbriddas, o55e twa turtlan. ^E. H. i. 138, 140. 2. 25-32. Da wfes pxr binnan ]Txre byrig Hieriisalem sum Godes mann, and his nama waes Symeon ; he wa-s sw^-Se rihtwis, and haefde micehie Godes §ge, and he geandbldode '^'one frofer 'Se behaten waes Ipani folce Israhel, j^aet is CrTstes tocyme. Se Halga Gast waes wunigende on 'S;*m Symeone. . . . Da com him andswaru fram ]:am Halgan Gaste, ]?aet he ne sceolde dea'Ses onbyrigan j'er-Jjam-c^e he Crist gesawe. And he waes Ipa bliSe pves behates, and com to Godes temple, |5urh myngunge Saes Halgan Gastes. . . . He hine genam '^a, on his earnias, . . . and l^ancode georne Gode. . . . He cwaeS 'Sa : Min Drihten, Su forljetst me nu mid sibbe of |nsum Me, aefter Jjinum worde ; for'Son]7e mine eagan gesawon ]5lnne Halwgndan, ^one 'Su gear- codest aetforan ansyne ealles folces, — leoht to onwrigennysse |5eoda, and wuldor J^lnum folce Israhele. J&. H. i. 134, 136. II Drihten, pu. foi-h^tst me nu on sibbe of %sum life, forc^onj^e mine eagan habbaS geseweu Sinne Halw§ndan, . . . 'Sone ])u gearcodest aetforan gesihSe ealles folces. ... He is l6oht to onwrigennysse 'Seoda, and wuldor j^lnum folce Israhel. JE. H. L 142, 144. 2. 33, 34- pa Maria, pset halige midden, and paes cildes fostorfaeder, 2. 21. Et postquam consuramati sancto, non visurum se mortem sunt dies octo ut circumcideretur nisi prius videret Christum Do- puer, vocatum est nomen eius mini. Et venit in spiritu in lesus, quod vocatum est ab angelo templum. . . . Et ipse accepit prius quam in utero conciperetur. eum in ulnas suas, et benedixit 2. 24. Et ut darent hostiam, secun- Deum, et dixit: Nunc dimittis dum quod dictum est in lege servum tuum, Domine, secundum Domini, par turturum, aut duos verbum tuum, in pace, quia vi- pullos columbarum. derunt oculi mei salutare tuum. 2. 25-32. Et ecce homo erat in leru- quod iDarasti ante faciem omnium salem, cui nomen Simeon; et populorum,— lumen ad revelatio- homo iste iustus et timoratus, nem gentium, et gloriam plebis expectans consolationem Israel ; tuae Israel. et Spiritus sanctus erat in eo. 2. 33, 34. Et erat pater eius et Et responsum acceperat a Spiritu mater mirantes super his quae 190 iELFRICS HOMILIES Joseph, wSron ofwundrode j^Sra worda 'pe se ealda SjTneon clypode be 'Sam. cilde. And se Symeon him Sa sealde bletsunge, and witegode gyt mare be j^am cilde, and cwse'S : pis cild is gesgtt manegum mannum to hryre, and manegum to sriste and to tacne, and Ipam. bi'S wiScweden. M. H. i. 144. II To tacne com Crist, and j^am is wi'Scweden. M. H. i. 144. 2. 35. His swurd sceal Surhgan Sine sawle. M. H. i. 146. 2. 36-40. pa com Ip-xr sum wuduwe, seo wees Anna gehaten. Seo leofode mid hire were seofon gear, and sySSan heo wass wuduwe feower and hundeahtatig geara, and ]?eowode Gode on faesten- um, and on gebedum, and on clsennysse ; and waes on ealluni ]?am fyrste wunigende binnan ]3am Godes temple ; and com 'Sa to |?am cilde, and witegode be him, and andette Gode, . . . Seo eadige Maria, and Joseph, 'Sses cildes fostorfaeder, gecyrdon to ]}ieve byrig Nazareth mid pam cilde ; and peet cild weox, and waes gestrangod, and mid wisdome afylled ; and Godes gifu waes on him wunigende, ^. H. i. 146, 148, 158. 3. 1-4, On Sam fifteoSan geare Sees caseres rices Tyberii com Godes word ofer Johannem on Sam westene ; and he ferde to folces neawiste, and bodade Judeiscum folce fuUuht on synna forgyfenysse, swa-swa hit awriten is on Jsaies wlte- gunge, M. H. i. 352 ; cf. i 478. 3. 4, 5. See Jsa. 40. 3, 4. 3. 17, See Matt, 3. 12, 3. 19. See JE. H. i. 478. dicebantur de illo. Et benedixit illis Simeon, et dixit ad Mariam matrem eius : Ecce, positus est hie in ruinam et in resurrec- tionem multorum in Israel, et in signum cui contradicetur. 2. 35. Et tuam ipsius animam per- transibit gladius. . . . 2. 36-40. Et erat Anna prophetissa, . . . et vixerat cum viro suo annis septem a virginitate sua. Et haec vidua usque ad annos octoginta quattuor ; quae non discedebat de temple, ieiuniis et obsecrationi- bus serviens nocte ac die. Et haec, ipsa hora superveniens, con- fitebatur Domino Reversi sunt m Galilaeam in civitatem suam Nazareth. Puer autem cresce- bflt, et confortabatur, plenus sa- pientia ; et gratia Dei erat in illo. 3. 1-4. Anno autem quintodecimo imperii Tiberii Caesaris . . . fac- tum est verbum Domini super loannem, Zachariae fllium, in de- serto ; et venit in omnem regio- nem lordanis, praedicans baptis- mum poenitentiae in remissionem peccatorum, sicut scriptum est in libro sermonura Isaiae pro- phetae. . . . LUKE 2-7 191 » 3. 2 2. Sec ;e. h. l 104. 4. 10, II. SeeFs. 91. 11, 12. 4. 29, 30. Da ludei l;«ddon Crist set sumum saile to anum cliiV, and woldon hine ni'Ser ascufan ; ac he eodo betwConan heora handum aweg, swa Ipxi heora nan nyste hwier ho becOm. JE. H. ii. 236. 4. 34. See Mark 1. 24. 5. 6, See JE. H. a 290. 5. 29. Matheus ' 'pR gearcode micel gereord J^am Hsvilende, and hine to his huse gelaSode. je. H. ii. 468. 5. 31- See Matt. 9. 12. 5. 32. Sec Matt. 9. 13, note. 6. 25. Wa 60W }?e nu hlihga'S ; ge sceolon heofian and wepaii. M. H. i. 180. 6. 36. Beo5 mildheorte, swa-swa eower Faeder is. ^. H. ii. 322. 6. 37, 38. ForgyfatS, and Sow biS forgyfen. SyllacS, and eow biS geseald. .i;. h. ii 100. Eow biS ameten swa-swa ge amieton, on Sam ylcan geniet<^ tJe ge mannnm do'S. ^. H. ii. 3J2. II Gif ge forgyfa'5, Sow biS forgyfen. M. H. L 52. 7. 1 1-15. tire Drihten ferde to sumere byrig sec is gehaten Nairn, and his gingran samod, and genihtsum mgnigu. pa-'Sa he geneal^hte ]?am portgeate, fa f§rede man anes cnihtes lie to byrgene. . . . Se cniht waes ancenned sunu his meder. . . . Se Hrelend wearS astj^red mid mildheortnysse ofer ^iere meder. . . . He genealfehte and hreopode pii hxve, and )?a bSrmgnn jetstodon. . . . Drihten cwseS to 'Sam cnihte : Ic sgcge tSs : Aris ; and he 'SSrrihte gesaet and spraic. And se HiSlend betsehte hine his meder. ^E. H. i. 490, 492, 494. 4. 29, 30. . , Duxerunt ilium usque 6. 36. Estote ergo misericordes, sicut ad supercilium montis, . . . ut et Pater vester misericors est. praecipitarent eum. Ipse autem 6. 37, 38. ... Dimittite, et dimitte- transiens per medium illorum, mini. Date, et dabitur vobis. . . . ibat. Eadem quippe mensura qua mensi 5. 29. Et fecit ei convivium mag- fueritis, remetietur vobis. num Levi in dome sua. .. . 7. 11-15. Et factum est, deinceps 6. 25. ... Vae vobis qui ridetis ibat in civitatem quae vocatur nunc, quia lugebitis et flebitis. Naim; et ibant cum eo discipuli 1 From Matt. 9. 9. 192 ^LFRICS HOMILIES II Mid-]3am-Se Drihten lir§pode Sa b^re, 'Sa jetstodon 'Sa hser- m§nn. M. H. i. 494. II pu cniht, ic s§cge ^e : Arls. M. H. i. 498. 7. 16. pset folc wearS mid micclum §ge ablicged. . . . pset folc cwae'S : paet msere witega aras betwux us, and ]?£et God his folc geneosode. je. h. i. 494. 7. ly. See Matt 11. 2, 3. 7. 21-23. Hwset, '^a se H»lend on Sjere ylcan tide . . . geh^lde manega untruman fram mislicum co'Sum, and woduni mannuni gewitt forgeaf, and blindum gesihSe. And cwaeS sy'S'San to Johannes £erendi-acum : Para's nu to lohanne, and cySaS him ]5a Sing Ipe ge gesawon and gehyrdon. Efne, nu blinde geseoS, and 'Sa healtan gaS, and hreoflige m§n synd geclifensode, deafe gehyraS, and' Sla deadan ansa's, and Searfan bodiaS godspel ; and se biS eadig 'pe on me ne biS geieswicod. ^E. H. i. 480 ; cf. i 26, and Matt. 11. 4-6. 7. 28. ,SeeMatt. 11. 11. 8. 4-6. On sumere tide, Sa-'Sa micel m§nigu samod com to Sam HSlende, and fram gehmlcum burgum to him geneah^hton, ]7a Sc%de he him J^is bigspel : Sum s^dere ferde to sawenne his s«d. . . . pset saed ]>e feoll be 'Sam wege mid twyfealdre dare losode, 'Sa-Sa wegferende hit fortrSdon, and fugelas tobSron. . . . We sprjecon be 'Sam sSde Ipe betwux 'pam Sornum sprang, and mid heora wsstme for'Srysmod wearS. . . . paet saed pe eius, et turba copiosa. Cum curarit a languoribus, at plagis, autem appropinquaret portae ci- et spiritibus mails ; et caecis mul- vitatis, ecce defunctus effereba- tis donavit visum.) Et respon- tur filius unicus matris suae. . . . dens dixit illis : Euntes renun- Quam cum vidisset Dominus. tiate loanni quae audistis et misericordia motus super eam. vidistis : Quia caeci vident, claudi . . . Et accessit, et tetigit locu- ambulant, leprosi mundantur, lum. Hi autem qui portabant surdi audiunt, moiiui resurgunt, steterunt. Et ait : Adolescens, pauperes evangelizantur ; et bea- tibi dice : Surge. Et resedit qui tus est quicumque non fuerit erat mortuus, et coepit loqui. Et scandalizatus in me. dedit ilium matri suae. 8. 4-6. Cum autem turba plurima 7. 16. Accepit autem omnes timor, convenirent, et de civitatibus pro- . . . dicentes : Quia propheta mag- perarent ad eum, dixit jjer simi- nus surrexit in nobis, et quia Deus litudinem : Exiit qui seminat, visitavit plebem suam. seminare semen suum ; et dum 7. 21-23. (In ipsa autem bora multos seminat, aliud cecidit secus viam, LUKE 7, 8 193 bufon '^jlm stJenigum lando fool sprytto hwaHlnvogn, ac, 'fa-'5a sPo hSte com, ISa forscranc hit, fort5ant?o hit nivfde nivune Wi«tan. ^E. H. ii. 88, 90. 8. II, 12, 1-1, 15. pjet SiV^d is Godes word. . . . ponne atbret so fleog- enda sceocca '^anTihte Ipxt halige siSd of swilcera gedwolona heortan. ... Da sind l^e Godes word gehyra'?, ac hi siiid gebys- gode mid heora welum, and mid heora llfes lustum forsmorode, and ne beratS nrenne wifestm. . . . Se dj^l J?aes Si^des tJe on godre eort'an befeol, pxt sind t5a tSe Godes word on godre heortan healda'5, and bringa'5 Wi^stm on ge^ylde. je. h. ii. 90, 92. 8. 41 ff. See ^. H. i. 496. 8. 43, 44. See Mark 5. 25, 27, 28. 8. 44-4S. Heo creap 'Sa betwux ^am mannum, baeftan J^am HSlende, and forstael hire hi%lu, swa fiaet heo hrgpode his rgafes fnsedu ; and hire blodes gyte sona atstod. pa cwaeS se Hii^lend : Hwa hreopode m6 ? Petrus him andwja'de : La leof, j^eos m§nigu ^5 of t5rinctS, and 'Su axast hwa '^"6 hreopode. Drihten cwi^S : Sum man me hreopode ; ■^^•itodlice ic gefredde J^a^t '^xre hil'lSe miht of me eode. . . . Heo geseah (5a J^a^t hit digele na^s, and feol bifigende to iSiBS Hi\;lendes foton, and stede ix'tforan eallum t^am folce hwl heo hine hr§pode, and hu heo 'Sjerrihte gehieled wearS. Drihten hire cwae'S to : Dohtor, tSin geleafa }:e gehielde ; gang 'S'e nu on sibbe. ^. H. ii. 394. et conculcatum est, et volucres 8. 44-48. Accessit retro, et tetigit coeli comederunt illud. Et aliud fimbriam vestimenti eius ; et con- cecidit supra petram ; et natum festim stetit fluxus sanguinis aruit, quia non habebat humorem. eius. Et ait Jesus : Quis est Et aliud cecidit inter spinas, qui me tetigit ? . . . Dixit Petrus : et simul exortae spinae sutfoca- . . . Praeceptor, turbae te com- verunt illud. primunt et affligunt, et dicis : 8. II, 12, 14, 15. . . . Semen est Quis me tetigit ? Et dixit verbum Dei. . . . Deinde venit Jesus : Tetigit me aliquis ; nam diabolus, et tollit verbum de corde ego novi virtutem de me exiisse. eorum. . . . Quod autem in spinas Videns autem mulier quia non cecidit hi sunt qui audierunt, et latuit, tremens venit, et procidit a sollicitudinibus et divitiis ot ante pedes eius ; et ob quam volu^Dtatibus vitae euntes sufFo- causam tetigerit eum, indicavit cantur, et non referunt fructum. coram omni populo, et quemad- Quod autem in bonam terram hi modum confestim sanata sit. At sunt qui in corde bono et optimo ipse dixit ei : Filia, fides tua audientes verbum retinent, et salvam te fecit ; vade in pace, fructum afferunt in patientia. o 194 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 8. 49. See M. H. i. 496. 8. 54, 55. Da genam he hi be Ssere handa, and cwseS : pu mSden, ic y§cge (Se \ Aris. And heo Sierrihte aras, and mgtes bsed. JS.. H. i. 496. II pu m^eden, arls. je. h. i. 498. 9. 16. See Matt. 14. 19. 9. 25. Hwtet fr§ma(5 asnigura m§n, cSeah-cSe he ealne middaneard to his anwealduni geblge, gif he ana losa'S ? je. h. ii. 328. 9. 31. See Matt. 17. 1-5, note. 9. 58. See Matt. 8. 20. 9. 59, 60. Be swylcum cwaeS se Hielend to anum his gecorenan, Sa-tSa he wolde his fseder lie bebyrian ; he cwaecS : Ge'Safa J^aet 6a deadan bebyrion heora deadan ; far 6u, and boda Godes rice. M. H. i. 492, 494. 10. 1. Se HSlend geceas him, toeacan ]?am tw§lf apostolum, twa and hundseofontig leorningcnihta, and sgnde hi twam and twam setforan him to ^Ic ]5jera byrig and stowe ])e he sylf toweard wses. JE. H. ii 528 ; cf . i. 26. 10. 2-7. Drihten cwseS : paet gerip is micel, and 'Sa rifteras feawa. . . . BiddaS Jises gerlpes hlaford f>set he asfnde wyrhtan to his gerlpe. . . . FaraS ; efne, ic s§nde eow swa-swa lamb betwux wulfum. . . . Ne bere ge mid eow pusan, oSSe codd, ne gescy. . . . Ne gecyrre ge naenne mann be wege. . . . On swa hwilcum huse swa ge incuma'S, cweSa'S Srest : Wunige sib on 'Sisum huse. And gif Ipsev biS sibbe beam, eower sib wunatS ofer 'Sam huse ; gif on 'Sam huse ne biS sibbe beam, eower sibb gew§nt §ft to eow. . . . WuniaS on pam huse 'Se ge to cuma'S, etende and drincende ]38et Ipset hi habba'S eow to syllenne. . . . SoSlice se wyrhta is wur'Se his mede. JE. H. ii. 530, 532, 534. 8.54,55. Ipse autem tenens manum ire, et sepelire patrem meum. eius clamavit, dicens : Puella, Dixitque ei lesus : Sine ut mortui surge. Et reversus est spiritus sepeliant mortuos suos ; tu autem eius, et surrexit continue. Et vade, et annuntia regnum Dei. iussit illi dari mandueare. 10. i. Post haec autem designavit 9. 25. Quid enim proficit homo, si Dominus et alios septuaginta lucretur universum mundum, se duos, et misit illos binos ante autem ipsum perdat ? . . . faciem suam in omnem civitatem 9. 59, 60. Ait autem ad alteram : et locum, quo erat ipse venturus. Sequere me. Ille autem dixit : 10. 2-7. Et dicebat illis : Messis Domine, permitte milii primum quidem multa, operarii autem ^ From Mark 5. 41, 'tibi dico.' LUKE 8-11 195 10. 1 6. Se ^e T'ow gehyrsuma?^, ho gehyrsuma'iS inr- ; and sG t^o r-ow forsih^", ho forsihS lue. JE. H. ii. 50. II Se ^e Sow gehyr?», he gehyrS mc ; and so ?^o Gow fol•sih^', ho forsih'S lllG. JE. H. ii. 3J0. 10. 27. See Liike 18. 20-22. 10. 3S-4>. Se Ht^lend becom into suniere Oa(5elican byrig ; and an wlf, Martha gehaten, gela^ode hine to hire gereorde. . . . Martha wtes swl^e bysig ymbe Drihtnes tSonunge ; and hire swuster Maria stet stille ast Drihtnes fotuni, heorcnigende his lare. Martha swanc, and Maria saet jvnitig. . . . Martha spra- c cu^lice to tSam Hj^lende, wolde pset h6 hote hire swuster hire fylstan vet tSan-e 'Sonunge, 'pe hoc micchnn jnnbhogode. pa beladode Drihten Marian, and cwaetS : Martha, Martha, \>u eart earful and bysig ymbe fela Sing ; witodlice an Sing is nyd- behof. . . . Maria geceas ]7one selestan di^l, se tSe ne biS hire naifre fetbroden. je. h. ii. 438, 440. 11. I. pa cwiedon hi to t5am Hfelende : Loof, tieee us hu wo magon us gebiddan. :e. h. l 258. 11. 2-4. See Matt. 6. 9-13. 11. 5. Se Hjelend cwaeS to his leorningcnihtum : Hwilc Oower is Ipe h?ef5 sumne freond, and gjfetS him to on middere nihte, and c^^y 5. ... ^ H. i. 246. pauci. Rogate ergo domiuum ilium in domum suam. Et huic messis ut mittat operarios in erat soror nomine Maria, quao messem suam. Ite ; ecce ego etiam sedens secus pedes Domini, mitto vos sicut agnos inter lupos. audiebat verbum illius. Martha Nolite portare sacculum, neque autem satagebat circa frequens peram, neque calceamenta, et ministerium ; quae stetit, et ait : neminem per viam salutaveritis, Doraine, non est tibi curae quod In quamcumque domum intra- soror meareliquit me solam minis- veritis, primum dicite : Pax huic trare ? die ergo illi ut me adiuvet. domui. Et si ibi fuerit filius Etrespondens dixit illi Dominus : pacis, requiescet super ilium pax Martha, Martha, sollicita es et tur- vestra ; sin autem, ad vos rever- baris erga plurima ; porro unuiu tetur. In eadem autem domo est necessarium. Maria optimam manete, edentes et bibentes quae partem elegit, quae non auferetur apud illos sunt; dignus est enim ab ea. operarius mercede sua. ... 11. i. . . . Dixit unus ex discipulis 10. 16. Qui vos audit, me audit; et eius ad eum : Domine, doce nos qui vos spernit, me spernit. . . . orare. . . . 10. 38-42. . . . Ipse intravit in quod- 11. 5. Et ait ad illos : Quia vostrum dam oastellum; et mulier quae- hubobit amicuni, et ibit ad ilium dam, Martha nomine, excepit media nocte, et dicet illi. . . . 196 ^LFRTCS HOMILIES 11. 8, 9. Gif he 'SurhwunatS cnucigende, Jjonne arist se liTredes ealdor for 'Sses o&es onhrope, and him getl'SaS J^aes 'Se he bitt, na for freondrSdene, ac for his unstihiysse. . . . Bidda'S, and Sow biS forgifen ; seca'S, and ge genista's ; cnucia'S, and eow bi'5 geopenod. ^. H. i. 248, 250. II Cnucia'S, and eow biS geoj^enod. je. h. ii. 572. 11. ii-i;. Hwilc faeder wile syllan his eilde stan, gif hit hine hlafes bitt ? o]?]3e naeddran, gif hit fisces bitt ? o'SSe ]?one wja'ni Srowend, gif hit Sges bitt ? Gif ge cunnon, ]7a 'Se yfele sind, syllan Sa godnysse eo\AT.'uni bearnum, hu niicele swi'Sor wile eower heofonlica Faeder forgyfan godne gast him bidden- dum ? ^. H. L 250, 252. II Ge 'Se sind.(synt) j^ele. ... ^. H. i. 254. 11. 20. Gif ic on Godes fingre deofla adr^fe. ... .E. H. ii. 204 ; cf. Matt. 12. 28. 11. 27. Eadige sind ]>a innoSas ]7e hi gebSron, and 'Sa breost ]:e s^vylce geslhton. .E. H. i. 84. 11. 41. SyllaS 'Sone ofereacan eow to felmesda^dum, and efne, ealle 'Sing eow beo'S geelSnsode. ^. H. ii 328. 12. 4, f,. Ic s§cge Sow minum freondum : Ne beo ge af^rede for ■Sam shterum 'Se ]7one lichaman ofslea'S, and siS'San nabba'S hwaet hi mare do's. Ic setSOAvige Sow hwfene ge sceolon eow adrsedan : ondrSda'S Sow Ipone Se maeg Ipone lichaman ofslsan, and siSSan 'Sa sawle on hgllesusle asgndan. M. H. ii. 542. 11. 8, 9. Et si ille perseveraverit coelo dabit spiritum bonum pe- pulsans. dice vobis, etsi non dabit tentibus se ? illi surgens eo quod amicus eius 11. 20. Porro si in digito Dei eiicio sit, propter improbitatem tamen daemonia. . . . eius surget, et dabit illi quotquot 11. 27. . . . Beatus venter qui te habet necessaries. . , . Petite, et portavit, et ubera quae suxisti. dabitur vobis; quaerite, et in- 11. 41. Verumtamen quod superest venietis ; pulsate, et aperietur date eleemosynam, et ecce, omnia vobis. munda sunt vobis. 11. 11-13. Quis autem ex vobis 12. 4, 5. Dico autem vobis amicis patrem petit panem, numquid meis : Ne terreamini ab bis qui lapidem dabit illi ? aut piscem, occidunt corpus, et post baec non numquid pro pisce serj^entem babent amplius quid faciant. dabit illi ? aut si petierit ovum, Ostendam autem vobis quern numquid porriget illi scorpionem? timeatis : timete eum qui, post- Si ergo vos cum sitis mali, nostis quam occiderit, habet potestatem bona data dare filiis vestris, mittere in gebennam. . . . quanto magis Pater vester de LUKE 11-13 197 12. 16-21. Sum wclig mann WcTS on worukle, and his wjustnias genihtsunilice ]nigon. pa sniGatle se rica, and cwiotS : Ilwat do ic la, nu ic n»bbe hwj^r ic ma^ge ealle mine wiustmas gegaderian ? ^ft he cwas'S : Ic wille rynian mlnne bgrtun, and mine b^rnu geeacnian, and t^ider gegadrian eallo mine wjvstmas, and cwe'^an to minre sawle : Min sawul, 'Su ha^fst fela god to manegra geara bi-ice ; ger§st t5e nu, and et, and drinc, and gewistfulla. pa cwte'S God to tSam rican : Du stunta, nu to- niht (5u scealt t^ln lif alStan ; hwfes beoS ]7onne Ipme teolunga ? Swa bi(5 s6 tSe him sylfum goldhorda'5, and nis on Gode welig. JE. H. u. 104. 12. 23-25. 6'ee Matt. G. 24-27. 12. 27. See JE. H. ii 464. 12. 35. Beon eower l§ndena ymbgyrde, and eower leohtfatu byrn- ende. je:. h. ii. 564. 12. 37. . . . ]?a?t hs deS his halgan sittan, and he sylf farende him ■SenaS. yE. h. ii 442. 12. 47. Se 'feowa 'Se wat his hlafordes willan, and nele hinegefr^m- man, sceal beon gewltnod mid micclum witum. .e. h. a 338. 12. 49. Ic com to ^T Ipset ic wolde s§ndan fyr on eor&n, and ic- wylle ]3aet hit byrne. ^. H. i. 322. 13. 6-9. Sum hiredes hlaford hicfde aplantod an fictreow binnon liis wingearde, and com a)fter fyrste to Sam treowe, solite wSstm (Sail-on, and na^nne ne gemstte. Hs cwaetS Sa to pn's wlngeardes bigg§ngan : Efne, nu 'Sreo gear ic sohte w;estm on 12. 16-21. . . . Houiinis cuiusdam 12. 35. Sint lumbi vestri praecincti, divitis uberes fructus ager attulit. et lucernae ardentes. . . , Etcogitabat intra se dicens: Quid 12. 37. . . . Faciet illos discumbere, faciam, quia non habco quo con- et transiens ministrabit illis. gregem fructus meos ? Et dixit : 12. 47. Ille autem servus, qui cogno- Hoc faciam : Destruam horrea vit voluntatein domini sui, et non mea, et maiora faciam ; et illuc praeparavit, et non fecit secun- congregabo omnia quae nata sunt dum voluntatem eius, vajiulabit mihi, et bona mea. Et dicam multis. animaemeae : Anima, habesmulta 12. 49. Ignem veni mittere in terrani, bona posita in annos plurimos ; re- et quid volo nisi ut accendatur V quiesce, comede, bibe, ei^ulare. 13. 6-9. . . . Arborem fici habebat Dixit autem illi Deus: Stulte, hac quidam jilantatam in vinea sua, nocte animam tuam repetuntate; et venit quaerens fructum in ilia, quae autem parasti, cuius erunt? et non invenit. Dixit autem ad Sic est qui sibi thesaurizat, et non cultorem vineae : Ecce anni tres est in Deum dives. sunt ex quo venio quaerens 98 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ^isum fictreowe, and ntenne ne funde ; forceorf hit ; to hwl hi-gmS hit Sisne stf de ? Se bigg§nga him andwyrde : Hlaford, la;t hit standan gearlanges, oS-J^aet ic hit bedelfe, and mid meoxe bewurpe, and hit witodhce wjestm wyrcS ; gif hit Sonne beran nele, 'Su cjmist and forcyrfst hit. ^. H. ii. 406, 408. 14. II. See Luke 18. 12-14. 14. 16. Sum man gearcode micele feorme, and 'SSrto manega gela'S- ode. M. H. ii. 370. 14. 17, 18. Ealle mine 'Sing sind gegearcode. ... Hi ealle samod hi beladiaS, Se forma cwfeS : Ic bohte aenne tun, and me is neod to farenne, and (Sone geseon ; ic bidde Se, belada me. M. H. ii. 372. 14. 19. Sum oSer pwseS : Ic bohte fif getymu oxena, and ic wille faran fandian Sa^ra. . . . Ic bidde Se ]7aet Su me ladige. .'E. H. ii. 372, 374. 14. 20-24. Se Sridda cwaeS : Ic haebbe nu gewlfod, and forSl to SSre feorme cuman ne mseg. . . . Se Seowa gecyrde ham, and ssede his hlaforde S^ra gelaSodra forsewennysse. Se hlaford Sa gehathyrt cwseS to his Seowan : Far ardlice geond ]?as strata and wic, and gegadera Seaifan and alefede, blinde and healte, and gel^d hider inn. . . . Se Seowa cwaeS : Hlaford, hit is gedon swa Su hete, and her gyt is rymet femtig. ... Be Sam cwaeS se hlaford to San Seowan : Far nu geond wegas and h§gas, and nyd hi inn to farenne, ]?aet mm hus beo gefylled. . . . Ic s§cge eow to soSan J^set nan Saera wera Se, gelaSode, cuman noldon, ne onbirigS mines gereordes. M. H. iL 3-4, 376. fructum in ficulnea hac, et non emi, et necesse habeo exire, et invenio ; succide ergo illam ; ut videre illam ; rogo te, babe me quid etiam terram occupat? At excusatum. ille respondens, dicit illi : Domine, 14. 19. Et alter dixit: luga bouiii dimitte illam et hoc anno, usque emi quinque, et eo probare ilia ; dum fodiam circa illam, etmittam rogo te, liabe me excusatum. stercora, et siquidem fecerit 14. 20-24. Et alius dixit: Uxorem fructum ; sin autem, in futurum duxi, et ideo non possum venire, succides earn. Et reversus servus nuntiavit haec 14. 16. . . . Homo quidam fecit domino suo. Tunc iratus pater- coenam magnam, et vocavit familias dixit servo suo : Exi cite multos. in plateas et vicos civitatis, et 14. 17, 18. . . . lam parata sunt pauperes, ac debiles, et caecos, et omnia. Et coeperunt simul omnes claudos introduc hue. Et ait excusare. Primus dixit ei : Villam servus : Domine, factum est ut LUKE 11-lG 109 14. 26. Se t^e to mc cj'mt^, ne nio'g lu' boon mTn loorninin^ciulit, buton he his wif hatige. je. h. i. .^»8. 15. 1-7. Gerefaii and synfulle ni§n genoabthton (5run Ilil'lendo, and woklon his L'lre gehyran. pa ceorodon (Sa sunderhalgan and ^a boceras ludoiscre 'Seode, for'&an'^e se Hivlond iinderfr-ng '^a synfuHan, and him mid gereordode. pa sjcde se Hadend '?am ludeiscum bocerum 'Sis bigspel : Hwilc Cower ha^fS hundtr-ontig sceapa. . . . Hwilc eower hiefS hundteontig sceapa, and gif he forlysS an ?;lu-a sceapa, 'Sonne forbtt he (5''a nigon and hund- nigontig on westene, and gj%S secende ])set an tSe him losode '? . . . Da-tSa he hit gemette, he hit bjer on his exlum to 'S:ere eowde blissigende. . . . He gelaSode his frynd and his nehge- biiras. . . . He cwajS : BHssiat5 mid me, for'b'an'Se ic gemette min forlorene sceap. . . . Ic s§cge eow, mrire bliss bitS on heof- onum be anum synfullan m§n, gif he his synna mid di'edbote behreowsat»', Sonne sy be nigon and hundnigontig rihtvvlsum 'Se nanre behreowsunge ne behofia'S. JE. H. i. 338, 340. 15. 8. See JE. H. i. 342. 15. 10. . . . pxt micel blis wiere on heofonum be anum d;ed- l)etan. .E. H. L 350. 16. 9. Tina's eow frgonda on Godes 'Searfum, 'pxi hi on eowrum ge§ndungum onfon eow into ecum eardungstowum. .e. h. i. 337. imperasti, et adhuc locus est. Et ta novem in deserto, et vadit ad ait dominus servo : Exi in vias et illam quae perierat, donee in- sepes, et comijelle intrare, ut veniat earn ? Et cum invenerit impleaturdomus mea. Dicoautem earn, imponit in humeros sues vobis quod nemo virorum illorum gaudens ; . . . convocat amicos et qui vocati sunt gustabit coenani vicinos, dicens illis : Congratula- meam. mini raihi, quia inveni ovem meam 14. 26. ... Si quis venit ad me, et quae perierat. Dico vobis quod non odit . . . uxorem, non potest ita gaudium erit in coelo super mens esse discipulus. . . . uno peccatore poenitentiani 15. 1-7. Erant autem appropin- agente, quam super nonaginta quantes ei publicani et peccatore.s, novem iustis qui non indigent ut audirent ilium. Et murmura- poenitentia. bant Pharisaei et sCribae, dicen- 15. 10. . . . Gaudium erit coram tes : Quia hie peccatores recipit, angelis Dei super uno peccatore et manducat cum illis. Et ait ad poenitentiam agente. ill OS parabolam istam, dicens : 16. 9. . . . Facite vobis amicos de Quis ex vobis homo qui habet raammona iniquitatis, ut, cum centum oves, et si perdiderit unam defeceritis,recipiant vos inaeterna ex illis, nonne dimittit nonagin- tabernacula. 200 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 16. 13. See Matt. 6. 24-27. 16. 15. Ge rihtwisia'S eow setforan mannum ; and God cann eowere heortan. m. h. il 404. 16. 16. Seo ealde se and wltegan wSron 06 lohannes tocyme ; si(5(5an ongann godspelbodung. M. H. i. 354. 16. 19, 20. Sum welig man wses mid purpuran and godewgbbe geglgnged, and dfeghwamlice m^rlice leofode. pa laeg sum w^dla set ^ his geate, and his nama waes Lazarus, se wses llc- &owere. M. H. i. 328. II Sum rice man w^es. . . . Sum 'Searfa waes gehaten Lazarus. M. H. i 330. 16. 21, 22, 24-28. Da geneala;hton 'Sa hundas, and his wunda geHc- cedon. ... pa gelamp hit j^set se wsedla gewat, and §nglas fgrodon his sawle to 'faes heahfaederes wununge Abrahames ; and ■Sfes rlcan gast aefter forSsI'Se wearS on h§lle bes§nct. . . . He bsed fa Abraham mid earmlicre stemne }?8et Lazarus moste his tungan drypan. . . . Se heahfeder Abraham him cwaeS to : Du, mm beam, beo 'Se gemyndig Jjfet Su underfenge welan on (Sinum life, and Lazarus p'm'Se. . . . Betwux us and eow is gefaestnod micel Srosm ; ]3eah hwa wille fram tls to eow, he ne maeg, ne eac fram eow to us. ... Da beam him on mod his gebrotSra gemynd, . . . and gymde fortSl ];set Lazarus hi moste warnigan, ))aet hi ne becomon to his susle. ^. H. L 330, 332, 334. 16. 15. . . . Vos estis qui iustificatis inferno. . . . Et ipse damans dixit : vos coram hominibus; Deusautem Pater Abraham, miserere mei, et novit corda vestra. . . . mitte Lazarum, ut intingat ex- 16. 16. Lex et prophetae usque ad tremum digiti sui in aquam, ut loannem ; ex eo regnuni Dei refrigeret linguam meam. . . . Et evangelizatur dixit illi Abraham : Fili, recordare 16. 19, 20. Homo quidam erat dives, quia recepisti bona in vita tua, et qui induebatur purpura et bysso, Lazarus similiter mala ; . . . et in et epulabatur quotidie splendide. his omnibus inter nos et vos chaos Et erat quidam mendieus, nomine magnum firmatum est, ut hi, qui Lazarus, qui iacebat ad ianuam volunt hinc transire ad vos non eius, ulceribus plenus. possint, neque inde hue trans- 16. 21, 22, 24-28. . . . Canes venie- meare. Et ait: Rogo ergo te, bant, et lingebant ulcera eius. pater, ut mittas eum in domum Factum est autem ut moreretur patris mei— habeo enim quinque mendieus, et portaretur ab angelis fratres— ut testetur illis, ne et ipsi in sinum Abrahae. Mortuus est veniant in hunc locum tonnen- autem et dives, et sepultus est in torum. ' Thorpe, 'at,' LUKE 16-18 201 16. 31. Se heahfiipcler him andwyrde : Gif hi forsnotS IMoyses st and ■fiSra witegena bodunga, nella'5 lil golyfan, ]x'ah hwa of dva^e arise. JE. H. i. 334. 18. 9-11. Driliten sSde J:'is bigspel be siimum manmun ]7o on liim sylfum tiTnvodon yxt hi rihtwTse Wiiu'on, and O'Sre forsawon, J)us cwe'Sende : Twegen men eodon into Godes temple hi to gebid- denne ; an wajs sunderhrdga, and o^er waes openlice synfuh . . . He cwa3(5 : God ! ic '^ancige (5e psit ic ne eom na. swilce ot5re m§nn. je. h. ii 426, 428. II Ic ne eom swilce swa ' o^re m§n. JE. H. ii. 428. 18. 12-14. Ic faeste twegen dagas on '(Sivre wucan, and ic teoSie ealle mine ^hta. . . . Se synfulla stod feorran, gecnitwe his mis- d:%da, and ne dorste his eagan upahgbban, ac sloh his brSost, J5us cwe^ende : . . . God iElmihtig, gemiltsa me synfullum. . . . SoS ic eow Sfcge : He eode ham gerihtwisod fram Sam otSrum. . . . JEIc t^Sra tSe hine onh§f5 biS geeadmet, and se tSe hine sylfne geeadmet, se biS ahafen. je. h. a 428, 430, 432. II -(Elc '(5t%ra 'pe hine ohh§fS, he sceal beon geeadmet ; and se t5e hine geeadmet, he sceal beon ahafen. je. H. L 202. II -^Ic S^ra Se hine onli§fS biS geeadmet, and se Se hine geeadmet biS geuferod. JE. H. i. 362. I! ^Ic Sc%ra Se hine onhgfS biS geeadmet, and se Se hine geeadmet, ho biS ahafen. je. h. i. 512. 18. 15, 16. See Matt. 19. 13, 14. 18. iS. Sum welig mann com to Sam Ha)lende, and feoll to his fotum '-, Sus cweSende : Eala Su gOda lareow, hwa^t sceal ic dOn ]?aet ic haebbe J^set ece llf ? ^E. H. ii. 400. 16. 31. Ait autem illi : Si Moysen hominum. . . . et prophetas non aucliunt, neque 18. 12-14. leiuno bis in sabbato ; si quia ex mortuis resurrexerit decimas do omnium quae possideo. credent. Et publicanus a longe stans, 18. 9-11. Dixit autemet ad quosdam nolebat nee oculos ad coelum qui in se confidebant tamquam levare, sed percutiebat pectus iusti, et aspernabantur ceteros, suum, dicens : Deus, propitius parabolam istam : Duo homines esto mihi peccatori. Dico vobis : ascenderunt in templum ut Descendit hie iustificatus in do- orarent : unus Pharisaeus, et alter mum suam ab illo ; quia omnia publicanus. Phari.saeus . . . haec qui se exaltat humiliabitur : vt apud se orabat : Deus, gratias qui se humiliat exaltabitur. ago tibi quia non sum sicut ceteri 18. 18. Et interrogavit eum quidam 1 Thorpe, 'swilceswO.' * From Mark 10. 17, 'genu flexo ante eum.' 202 ^LmiCS HOMILIES 18. 19. Nis nan man god butan Gode anum. M. H. i. 254. 18. 20-22. Gif ^u wylt becuman to 'San ecan Me, heald ]7as bebodu ^ : Ne ofslih 'Su mann ^ ; Ne unrihthtem 'Su ; Ne stala ■Su ; Ne beo 'Su leas gewita ; ArwurSa ]5lnne feeder and ?>lne modor ; and, Lufa Slnne nextan swa-swa Se sylfne I Da and- wyrde se rica, and cwseS : Ealle (5as ])mg ic heold symle fram nilnum geogo'Shade. Him andwyrde §ft se H^lend, and cwfeS : Anes Singes Se is wana : far nu, and beceapa wiS feo ealle Sine ^hta, and dSl Searfum, and ]>u liaefst Sonne ]?Tnne gold- hord on heofonan rice ; and cum, and filig me. je. h. ii. 400 ; cf. Exod. 20. 12 ff. II Lufa Sinne nextan swa-swa Se sylfne. M. H. ii. 340. 18. 31-43. . . . Sast se Hi'elend gename onsundron his tw§lf leorningcnihtas \ ' and cwieS to him : Efne, we sceolon faran to SSre byrig Hierusalem, and ]?onne beoS gefyllede ealle Sa Sing Ipe w^x'on be me awritene ]7urh witegan. Ic sceal beon belfewed Seodum, and hi doS me to bysmore, and be- swingaS, and sySSan ofsleaS ; and ic arise of deaSe on ])Tim. Sriddan daege. pa nyston his leorningcnilitas nan andgit ]5yssera worda. Da gelamp hit ]?a3t hi genealsehton anre byrig ]?e is gehaten Hiericho, and Sa siet ]?^r sum blind man be Sam wege ; and, ]?a-]?a he gehyrde ])?e& folces fier mid Jiam princeps, dicens : Magister bone, 18. 31-43. Assumpsit autem lesus quid faciens vitam aeternam pes- duodecim, et ait illis: Ecce, ascen- sidebo ? dimus lerosolymam, et consum- 18. 19. . . . Nemo bonus nisi solus mabuntur omnia quae scripta sunt Deus. per prophetas de Filio hominis. 18. 20-22. . . . Non occides ; Non Tradetur enim gentibus, et illude- moecliaberis ; Non furtum facies ; tur, et flagellabitur, etconspuetur; Non falsum testimonium dices ; et, postquam flagellaverint, occi- Honora patrem tuum et matrem. dent eum ; et tertia die resurget. Qui ait : Haec omnia custodivi Et ipsi nihil horum intellexerunt, a iuventute mea. Quo audito, et erat verbum istud absconditum lesus ait ei : Adhuc unum tibi ab eis, et non intelligebant quae deest : omnia quaecumque liabes dicebantur. Factum est autem, vende, et da pauperibus, et ha- cum appropinquaret lericho, bebis thesaurum in coelo ; et veni, caecus quidam sedebat secus sequere me. viam ; . . . et cum audiret turbam 1 From Matt. 19. 17, ' Si autem vis ad vitam ingredi, serva mandata.' 2 The order from Matt. 19. 18, ' Non liomicidium facies ; Non adulterabis.' ■' From Matt. 19. 19, ' Diliges proximum tuum sicut teipsum.' * From Matt. 20. 17, 'duodecim discipulos secreto.' LUKE 18, 19 203 Hjelende, ?'a acsode he hwu ]?Sr ferde. Hi cwicdon him to Ipxt pvet wSre 'Stes H^lendes faer. pa begann hs to hrymenne, and cwaeS : Hifelend, Dauides beam, gemiltsa mln. Da m§n 'pe beforan ]?am HSlende ferdon ciddon ongean 'Sone blindan, ]:aet he suwian sceolde. He clypode J^a miccle swlSor : HSlend, Dauides beam, gemiltsa mln. pa stod se H^lend, and het iSdan Ipone blindan to him. pa-'Sa he genealShte, J^a acsode se HSlend hine : Hwait wylt 'Su Ipset ic 'pe do ? He cwaeS : Drihten, pset ic mage geseon. And se Hi%lend him cwtie'S to : Loca nu ; ]?Tn geleafa hfef S 'Se gehi^led. And he 'SSrrihte geseah, and fyligde ]?am HSlende, and hine msersode. pa eal pSBt folc, pe J^aet wundor geseh, h§rede God mid micelre onbryrdnysse. je. h. i. 152. II Ic arise of dea'Se on ]?am Sriddan doege. je. h. i. 152. II Hi'elend, Dauides beam, gemiltsa mln. je. h. i. 156. II Hwiet wilt c5u ]?£et ic Se do ? M. H. i. 158. II La leof, do ]?iet ic mrege geseon. je. h. i. 158. II Loca nu ; f)in geleafa Se gehSlde. M. H. i. 158. 19. 2-6. Zacheus waes sum rice mann ; and cepte paes H^^lendes faer, and wolde geseon hwilc he w^re, ac he ne mihte for Sj'ere m§nigu Se him mid ferde, forSanSe he waes scort on w^stme. pa forarn he Sam Htelende, and stah uppon an treow, fiaet he hine geseon mihte. Crist Sa beseah upp wiS J)a)s rican, and cwaeS : Zachee, stih ardlice adun, forSanSe me gedafenaS J:aet ic nu to-dceg pe gecyrre. Zacheus Sa swyftlice of Sam treowe alihte, and hine blissigende underfeng. je. h. i. 580. praetereuntem, interrogabat quid Et confestim vidit, et sequebatur hoc asset. Dixerunt autem ei ilium, magnificans Deum. Et quod lesus Nazarenus transiret. omnis plebs, ut vidit, dedit laudem Et clamavit, dicens : lesu, fill Deo. David, miserere mei. Et qui 19. 2-6. Et ecce vir nomine praeibant increpabant eum ut Zachaeus ; et hie princeps erat taceret. Ipse vero multo magis publicanorum, et ipse dives ; et clamabat : Fili David, miserere quaerebat videre lesum quis esset, mei. Stans autem lesus iussit et non poterat prae turba, quia ilium adduci ad se. Et cum statura pusillus erat. Et prae- appropinquasset, interrogavit currens ascendit in arborem sy- illum, dicens : Quid tibi vis comorum ut videret eum. . . . faciam ? At ille dixit : Domine, Suspiciens lesus vidit ilium, et ut videam. Et lesus dixit illi : dixit ad eum : Zachaee, festinans Respice ; fides tua te salvum fecit. descende, quia hodie in dome tua 204 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 19. S-io. Da astod he aetforan him, and him anmodlice to cwseS : Drihten, efne, ic toddle healfne dSl minra goda 'Searfum ; and swa-hwaet-swa ic mid facne berypte, J)aet ic wylle be feower- fealdum forgyldan. Drihten him to cwaeS : Nu to-daeg is ■^isum hlrede h^l gefr§mmed, for^an'Se he is Abrahames ofspring. Ic com to secenne and to gehSlenne 'pset ]?e on mancynne losode. M. H. i. 582. II . . . Zacheus, se Se healfe his ahta j^earfum dfelde, and mid healfum dfele forgeald be feowerfealdum swa-hwset-swa he ^r on unriht be anfealdum reafode. ... M.B^L 130, 132. 19. 25. See Matt. 25. 24-30. 19. 41, 42. Da-'Sa he geneal^hte ]>§eYe ceastre, and he hi geseah, ^a weep he ofer hi. . . . Drihten cwaeS to cS^re byrig : Gif J?u \vistest hwaet Ipe toweard is, ]7onne weope Su mid me '. Witod- lice on Sisum daege ]3u wunast on sibbe ; ac "Sa toweardan wraca sind nu bedlglode fram 'Sinum eagum. M. H. i. 402, 404. II On (Sysum daege pn wunast on sibbe; ac seo towearde ^^^.'acu is nu bedlglod fram Slnum eagum. je. h. i. 408. 19. 43, 44. Se tyma Gym's pset Sine fynd Se ymbsittaS mid ymbtiymminge, and Se on Jelce healfe genyrvviaS, and to eoi-'San ]:e astrgcca'S, and 'Sine beam samod 'Se on Se sind. . . . And hi ne forl^taS on Se stan ofer stane. M. H. i. 408, 410. II ForSan]?e Su ne oncneowe Sone timan Sinre geneo- sunge. ^. H. L 404. 19. 45, 46. Drihten adrsefde of Sam temple 'Sa cypmen, J^us cweS- oportet me manere. Et festinans videns civitatemflevit super illam. descendit, et excepit ilium dicens : Quia si cognovisses et tu, gaudens. et quidem in hac die tua, quae 19. 8-10. Stans autem Zachaeus, ad pacem tibi ; nunc autem ab- dixit ad Dominum : Ecce dimi- scondita sunt ab oculis tuis. dium bonorum meorum, Domine, 19. 43, 44. Quia venient dies in te, do pauperibus ; et si quid aliquem et circumdabunt te inimici tui defrauda\'i, reddo quadruplum. vallo, et circumdabunt te, et co- Ait lesus ad eum : Quia liodie angustabunt te undique, et ad salus domui huie facta est, eo terram prosternent te, et filios quod et ipse filius sit Abraliae. tuos qui in te sunt ; et non relin- Venit enim Filius hominis quae- quent in te lapidem super lapi- rere et salvum facere quod pe- dem, eo quod non cognoveris rierat. tempus visitationis tuae. 19. 41, 42. Et ut appropinquavit, 19.45,46. Et ingressus in templum, 1 Note the curious exegesis. LUKE 19-21 205 ende : Hit is uwriten ]7.a}t min hus is gebedhus ; and go hit habbaS gedon sceaSum to screafe. iE. H. i. 4(16. II Mm hus is gebedhus ; and ge hit habba'5 gedon scoaSuni to scra?fe. je. h. l 410. 19. 47. He . . . wfes ISrende j^tet folc dticghwomlice binnan 'Sain temple. ^ H. i. 406. II And he waes t:>3cende da?ghwomlice binnan 'Sam temple. JE. H. i. 412. 20. 25. ;SceMatt. 22. 21. 20. 35, 36. Nan wer ne wifacS, n6 wif ne ceorla^, no team ne bi'S getymed ; ne hi dea'Ses ne abyriga'S si'S^an ; ac bee's §nglum gellce. JE. H. i. 238. 21. 9. Donne ge gehyra'S on middanearde gefeoht and sace, ne beo ge afyrhte ; J^as t^ing sceolon itn-est cuman, ac ne bi'S swa-Seah ]?ierrihte seo ge§ndung. .^E. H. ii. 538. II pas frecednyssa sceolon Srest cuman, ac ne bi'5 swa-'Seah ]7ferrihte seo ge§ndung. . . . .e. h. ii. 538. 21. 10, II. peod arist ongean peode, and rice win's ongean rice. . . . Micele eor'Sstyrunga bee's geond stowa, . . . Co'Sa becuma'S. . . . Hunger bi'S. . . . Ogan of heofenum, and micele tacna. ^E. H. H 53s. II Deed arlst ongean 'Seode, and rice ongean rice, and micele eor'Sstyrunga bee's gehwSr, and cwealm, and hunger, ^e. h. i. 608. 21. 12-19. Swa-'Seah ^r'SanJje 'Sas 'Sing gelimpa'S, man eht eower, belSwende on gesamnungum, and teonde to cynegum, and to ealdormannum, and to cwearternum, for mlnum naman. . . . pis eow gelimp'S soSlice on gewitnysse. . . . Sgtta'S eorno.stlice on eowerum heortum, J^ast g6 ne J^urfon asmeagan hu ge coeiiit eiicere vendentes in illo statim finis. et ementes, dicens illis : Scrip- 21. 10, 11. Tuncdicebatillis: Surget turn est quia domus mea donms gens contra gentem, et regnum orationis est ; vos autem fecistis adversus regnum. Et terraemotus illam speluncam latronura. magni erunt per loca, et pesti- 19. 47. Et erat docens quotidie in lentiae, et fames, terroresque de temple. . . . coelo, et signa magna erunt. 20. 35, 36. Illi vero . . . neque nu- 21. 12-19. Sed ante haec omnia bent, neque ducent uxores ; ne- iniicient vobis manus suas, et que enim ultra mori poterunt ; persequentur tradente.s in syna- aequales enim angelis sunt. . . . gogas et custodias, trahentes ad 21. 9. Cum autem audieritis praelia reges et praesides, propter nomen etseditiones, nolite terreri ; ojior- meum ; continget autem vobis in tetprimum haec fieri, sednondum testimonium. Ponite ergo in cor- 206 .ELFRICS HOMILIES anch\yrdan sceolon. Ic so?!lice sylle eow muS and wisdom, J;am ne magon wi'Sstandan ng AAn'Scwe'San ealle eowere MiSer- winnan. . . . Ge beoS belSwede fram faederum, and gebroSrum, and fram magum, and hi eow to deaSe gewSca'S. . . . Ge beoS andsjete eallum mannum for minum naman ; and swa-'Seah ne losaS an h^r of eowerum heafde. . . . On eowerum ge'Sylde ge geahniaS sow eowere sawla. je. h. ii. 540, 542, 54+ II Ne sceal eow been forloren an h^r of eowrum heafde. M. H. i. 236. II On eowrum ge'Sylde ge habba'S eowere sawla. ^. h. ii. 92. 21. 25. Tacna bee's on sunnan, and on monan, and on steorrum ; and on eorSan 'Seoda of (Sriccednys, for gem§ncgednysse s^licra ySa and sweges. je. h. i. 608. II Tacna gewur'Sa'S on sunnan, and on monan, and on steorrum ; and on eorSan biS |3eoda of Sryccednyss. .E. H. i. 608. 21. 26-33. M^nn forseariaS for ogan, and andbidunge 'SSra 'Singa J?e becumaS ofer eahie middangeard ; witodhce heofonan mihta bee's astyrode, . . . ponne we geseoS mannes Beam cumende on wolcnum, mid miceh'e mihte and maegenSrymme. . . . ponne ■Sas wundra ongynnaS, ahgbbaS ]?onne eowre heafda, and behealda?, for'SanSe eower alysednyss genealSh'S. . . . Drihten cwse'S : BehealdaS ]3as f Ictreowa, and ealle oSre treowa ; J^onne hi sprytta'S, 'Sonne wite ge J^aet hit sumorla;hS. Swa eac ge magon witan, Sonne ge 'Sas foresfedan tacna geseoS, Ipaet Godes rice geneal^h?!. . . . SoS ic eow s§cge : Ne gewit 'Sees mSgS ©■S-Jjaet ealle 'Sas Sing gewurSaS^. . . . Heofen and eor'Se gewltaS ; and mine word nsefre ne gewitaS. ^ h. i. 610, 612, 614, 616. dibus vestris non praemeditari luna, et stellis ; et in terris pres- quemadmodum respondeatis. Ego sura gentium, prae confusione enim dabo vobis os et sapientiam, sonitus maris et fluctuum. cui non poterunt resistere et con- 21. 26-33. Arescentibus hominibus tradicere omnes adversarii vestri. prae timore, et expectations quae Trademini autem a parentibus, supervenient universe orbi ; nam et fratribus, et cognatis, et amicis, virtutes coelorum movebuntur. et morte afficient ex vobis. Et Et tunc videbunt Filium hominis eritis odio omnibus propter no- venientem in nube cum potestate men meum ; et capillus de capite magna et maiestate. His autem vestro non peribit. In patientia fieri incipientibus, respicite, et vestra possidebitis animas ves- levate capita vestra, quoniam ap- tras. propinquat redemptio vestra. Et 21. 25. Et erunt signa in sole, et dixit illis similitudinem : Videte LUKE 21-23 207 21. 34. B6ot5 w?ere psct eowere heortan ne bcon ^oh^ffjode mid oferfylle, and druncennysse, and mid worulilcaruni, and s(^ ferlica deatS becume ofer eow. ^Ti:. H. ii. 22. 22. 3-5. Hwa^t, tSa se deofol into ludan bestOp, an (5jora tw^^lfa Drilitnes ^egena. And ho sOna eode to iSxra ludeiscra iwde, and openlice befran Inviut hi him foos geutSon, gif ho (5one HaJlend him belli! wan mihte'. Hi ^Ti ]?*s fnegnodon, and )?i\}t feoh ges^tton on 'Srittig scillingum '. ^E. H. ii. 242 ; cf. i. 26. 22. 19. Sec Matt. 2G. 26-28, note. 22. 38. p*i- Avieron twa swurd sT'^hce gebrohte to tSam wiSerstealle, gif hit swa Crist wolde. je. h. ii. 248. 22. 50. See Matt. 26. 51-54, note 2. 22. 51. S'ce .E. H. ii 246. 22.61. /See Matt. 26. 69-75, note 2. 22. 63-65. See Matt. 26. 67, 68, and note. 23.3. ^ecMatt. 27. 11. 23. 7-9. pa gemunde se ealdormann ]?aet Herodes waes on ^^re scire (5a, and asende Crist him to. Herodes soSlice waes swlt^e geblissod mid t5aere gesiht^e, for his swltSlicum tacnum, and wolde gesCon sum wundor fram him ; ac Crist him nolde nan Sing to gecwe'^an. je. h. ii. 250. 23. 11-16. Da forseah Herodes hine swl?e mid his hirede, and be his hwltum reafum huxlice spraec, and asgnde hine suna to t5ani ficulneam, et omnes arbores ; cum Et abiit, et locutus est cum prin- producunt iam ex se fructum, cipibus sacerdotum et magistra- scitis quoniam prope est aestas. tibus. . . . Et gavisi sunt. . . . Ita et vos cum videritis haec fieri, 22.38. At illi dixerunt : Domine. scitote quoniam prope est reg- ecce duo gladii hie. At illu dixit num Dei. Amen dico vobis quia eis : Satis est. non praeteribit generatio haec 23. 7-9. Et ut cognovit quod de donee omnia fiant. Coelum et Herodis potestate esset, remisit terra transibunt ; verba autein eum ad Herodem, qui et ipse mea non transibunt. lerosolymis orat illis diebus. He- 21. 34. Attendite autem vobis, ne rodes autem, vise b'su, gavisus est forte graventur corda vestra in valde ; . . . audierat multa de eo, crapula et ebrietate, et curis et sperabat signum aliquod videre huius vitae, et superveniat in vos ab eo fieri. . . . Ipse nihil illi n-- repentina dies ilia. spondebat. 22, 3-5. Intravit autem Satanas in 23. 11-16. Sprevit autem ilium Ho- ludain, . . . unum de duodecim. rodes cum exercitu suo, et illusit > From Matt. 26. 15, ' Et ait illis : Quid vultis milii dare, et ego vobis eum tradum V At illi constituerxint ei triginta argcnteos.' 208 ^LFRICS HOMILIES foresSdan Pilate ; and hi wurdon Sa gefrynd for 'SSre dSde, swa-swa hi nSron niefre ^r on life, pa cljq^ode Pilatus §ft to "Sam folce, cwse'S be Sam HSlende Ipsdt he unscyldig wSre, forSan'Se Herodes ne he eac ne mihte naenne gylt on him to dea'Se afindan : cwseS ]?aet he wolde hine beswingan, and to life alStan. iE. h. ii. 252 ; cf. i. 478. 23. 32. D»r wSron gel»dde mid (Sam lifigendan Drihtne twegen scyldige scea'San, for heora synnum to honne. ^. H. ii. 254. 23. 34. Min heofenlica Faeder, ic cSe nu bidde, forgif tSas dt^de J?isum gedwolmannum, for'San'Se hi nyton hwset hi nu doS. JE. H. ii. 256 ; cf. ii. 258. 11 Mm Drihten, miltsa him ; nyton hi hwaet hi do's. je. h. ii. 34. 23. 39-43. An SSra sceaSena eac swilce clypode : Gif Su Hajlend Crist sy, gehSl Se and us. pa andwyrde se oSer, hine Sreag- ende : Hwaet Su la, earming, ne ondrStst Su Se God ? Wit synd gewltnode for waelhreawum dSdum, and ]?es halga Haslend hangaS her unscyldig. J^ft Sa se ylca clypode to Criste : Gemun Su min, Driliten, ])onne Su militig beeymst to Sinum agenum rice, roderes Wealdend ^ ! Se HSlend him cwibS to mid soSum behate : Nu to-daeg Su bist on neorxena wange mid me. M. H. ii. 256. 11 Drihten, geS§nc min }?onne Su to ]?lnum rice beeymst. Crist him andwyrde : SoS ic j^e sgcge : Nu to-daeg }3u bist mid me on neorxnawanges myrhSe. ^. H. i. 576. II Drihten, beo min gemyndig j^onne Su cymst to Sinum rice. Driliten hmi andwyrde : SoS ic Se s§cge: Nu to-daeg Ipu bist mid me on neorxena wange. m. h. ii. 78. indutum veste alba, et remisit ad Emendatum ergo ilium diniittam. Pilatum. Et facti sunt amici 23. 32. Ducebantur autem et alii Herodes et Pilatus in ipsa die; duo nequam cum eo, ut inter- nam antea inimici erant ad in- ficerentur. vicem. Pilatus autem, convocatis 23. 34. Pater, diraitte illis ; non principibus sacerdotum, et magi- enim sciunt quid faciunt. . . . stratibus, et plebe, dixit ad illos : 23. 39-43- Unus autem de his qui . . . Nullam causam inveni in ho- pendebant latronibus blasplie- mine isto ex his in quibus eum mabat eum, dicens : Si tu es accusatis. Sed neque Herodes ; Christus, salvum fac temetipsum nam remisi vos ad ilium, et ecce et nos. Respondens autem alter, nihil dignum morte actum est ei. increpabat eum, dicens : Neque 1 A poetical epitliet ; indeed the speech might be printed as two lines of allitera- tive verse. LUKE 23, 24 209 23.44. See Matt 27. 45. 23. 46. See Matt. 27. 50-53, note 2. 23. 48. And seo ot^er menigu iSe ^iev mid stodon buoton heora brgost, bugende to Gode. JE. H. ii. 258. 23. 56. Sec JE. H. i. 220. 24. 1. Sec JE. H. i. 220. 24. 13, 14. Eodon twegen Drihtnes leorningcnihtas to anro byrig, sso Wics f if mlla fram Hierusalem, Emmaus gehaten ; ]?& eodon hi, sprecende ymbe pxs HiLdondes J?rOwunge him be- twynan. ^. h. u. 284. 24. 25 if. See je. h. ii. 284, 286. 24. 36-39. pa aet nSxtan com se HiBlend to his leorningcnihtum, fi^r hi gegaderode wSron, and cwjbS him to : Sy sibb betwux 60W ; ic hit eom, ne beo ge nu afyrhte. pa w^rdon hi afj^rede, and -wendon pxt liit sum gast M-xve. Da cwaeS he him tO : Hwl sind ge afSrede, and mislice tS^ncaS be me? SceawiatJ mine handa and mine fet, pe wairon mid na}glum J^urhdrifene. GrapiaS and sceawiatS ; gif ic gast -svi^re, 'fonne naefde ic flaisc and ban. iE. H. i. 220. 24. 42, 43. . . . |jaet Crist Sto after his turiste gebra3dne fisc and hunies beobrSad. je. h. ii. 292 ; cf. i. ai/v 24. 50, 51. And he h^dde hi ta ut of ta-re byrig up to anre dune tu times Deum, quod in eadem 24. 36-59. Dum autem haec loquun- damnalione es ? Et nos quidem tur, stetit lesus in medio eoi-um, iuste, nam digna factis recipimus ; et dicit eis : Pax vobis : ego sum ; hie vero nihil mali gessit. Et nolite timere. Conturbati vero dieebat ad lesum : Domine, me- et conterriti, existimabant se mento mei cum veneris in reg- spiritum videre. Et dixit eis : num tuum. Et dixit illi lesus : Quid tuvbati estis, et cogitationes Amen dice tibi : Hodie mecum ascendant in corda vestra ? Vi- eris in paradise. dete manus meas et pedes, quia 23. 48. Et omnis turba eorum qui ego ipse sum ; palpate, et vi- simul aderant ad spectaculum dete ; quia spiritus carnem et ossa istud, et videbant quae fiebant, non liabet, sicut me videtis ba- percutientes pectora sua rever- bere. tebantur. 24. 42, 43. At illi obtulerunt ei 24. 13, 14. Et ecce, duo ex illis ibant partem piscis assi, et fiivum mel- ipsa die in castellum, quod erat lis. Et cum manducasset coram in spatio stadiorum sexaginta ab eis. . . . Jerusalem, nomine Emmaus; et 24.50, 51. Eduxit autem cos foras ipsi loquebantur ad inviccm de in Bethaniam, ct,elevatis manibus his omnibus quae acciderant. suis, benedixit eis. Et factum est, P 210 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 6e is gecweden Mons Oliueti \ and hi gebletsode upaliafenum handum. pa mid ]?Sre bletsunge ferde he to heofonum. JE. H. i. 294, 296 ; cf. Acts 1. 9-15. 24. 52. /See Acts 1. 9-15, note. JOHN. 1. 1-3. On frymSe wses Word, and ]??et Word wses mid Gode, and ]7set Word wses God. pis waes on frym'Se mid Gode, Ealle (5ing sind ]3urh hine geworhte ; and nis nan ]>ing buton him ge- sceapen. M. H. i. 70 ; cf. i. 280. II On frym'Se wfes Word, and J^fet Word wass mid Gode, and ]?8et Word wfes God. M. H. i. 40, 358. 1. 9. ;S'ee ^. H. i. 294. 1. 14. paet ylce Word waes geworden fliesc, and wunode on us, |?aet we hine geseon mihton. je. h. i. 40. 1. 18. He wses t^efre on 'Saes Faeder bosme. je. h. i. 280, 282. 1. 23. See Isa. 40. 3, 4. 1. 29, 30. Da-M lohannes hine geseah cumende to him, ]?a cwae'S he be him : Her gaeS Godes Lamb, se 'Se aetbryt and adylega'S middaneardes synna. Be Sysum ic saede eow ier : Se 'Se sefter me cymS, he is beforan me ; forcSanSe he waes aer ic gewurde. M. H. ii. 38. II Loca nu ! Efne, her g^e'S Godes Lamb, se 'Se aetbret middan- geardes synna. je. h. i. 358. II pu Godes Lamb, 'Se aetbretst middaneardes synna. je. k. ii. 264. II . . . pset he wSre Godes Lamb, se Se aetbrude middaneardes synna. je. h. ii. 40. 1. 32. See M. H. i. 104. 2. I, 2. Gifta Wffiron gewordene on anum tune Se is geclged dum benediceret illis, I'ecessit ab et liabitavit in nobis. . . . eis, et ferebatur in coelum. 1. 1 8. ... Qui est in sinu Patris. . . . 1. 29, 30. Altera die vidit loannes JOHN. lesum venientem ad se, et ait : 1. 1-3. In principio erat Verbum, Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit et Verbum erat apud Deum, et peccatum mundi. Hie est de Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in quo dixi : Post me venit vir qui principio apud Deum. Omnia per ante me factus est ; quia prior ipsum facta sunt ; et sine ij^so fac- me erat. turn est nihil quod factum est. 2. i, 2. Et die tertia nuptiae factae 1. 14. ... Verbum caro factume st, sunt in Cana Galilaeae; et erat ' From Acts 1. 12, 'a monte, qui vocatiir Oliveti.' LUKK 2\ — .UMIS 3 211 Ghana, on 'film Galileiscan oarde ; and t^jtr wjrs ]\Iaria. \>:vs Hivlendes moder. Se Hivlond w;fs fac golafod to j^Jini giftum. vE. H. iL 54 ; cf. i. 58. 2. 3. Win att'orode a't 'fam giftum, .E. n. ii. 54. II pa gelamp liit |\vt ivt "fam giftum win woarS atoorod. ^. H. i. 58. 2. 4. Drihten cwa^t^ to lys moder : Famno. hwa^t is mr and t^r- fr» ?5an ? ,E. H. ii. M- 2. 6. JEt )7am giftum wSron ges§tte six stienene Wfcterfatu, aefter t5^ra ludeiscra cl^nsunge, healdende j&nlTpige t^^'yfealde gemotu, d^e ]5ryfealde. 2E. H. il 56 ; cf. i. 58. 2. 7 ff. See JE. H. i. 5S. 168. 2. 10, n. Se drihtealdor cwx^S to ^"am brydguman : ^Ic man sylS on foranda?ge his gode win, and pxt waccre J^onno ^fi gebeoras druncnia^ ; pix so^ilice heokle ]7a)t gode win CS tSiss. ... pis tacn worhte se H.vlend on angynne his wundra, on t5am Galileiscan Ghana, and geswutelode his A\iildor ; and his leorningcnihtas on hine gelyfdon. ,E. H. ii. 70, 72 ; cf. i. 36. 2. 14. Djvr Si^ton myneteras, and fa>r waTon gecype hiySeni, ami seep, and culfran. .E. H. i. 406. Ii Divr w:eron gecype oxan, and seep, and culfran. and }^:Tr sSton myneteras. .E. H. i. 41J. 2. 15. He worhte ane swipe of rapum, and hi eallo mid gebeat»' Qtascynde. je.ill 406. 1; Mid swype ?5a cypan utadrrofdc. .E. H. i. 410. 3. 3. Buton gehwa beo tuwa ac^nned, ne ma'g he na faran intn heofonan rice. ^E. H. u. 10. mater lesu ibi. Vocatus est autem vasti bonum vinuni usque ailhuc. et lesus ... ad nuptias. Hoc fecit initium signorum Jesus 2. 3. Et deficiente vino. ... in Cana Galilaeae. et nianifestavit 2. 4. Et dicit ei lesus : Quid milii gloriam suara ; et credidenmt in et tibi est, mulier? . . . eum discipuli eius. 2.6. Erant autem ibi lapideae hy- 2. 14. Etinvenitin temple vendentes driae sex positae secundum puri- boves, et oves, et columbas, et ficationem ludaeorum, capientes numTdarios sedentes. singulae metretas binas vel ter- 2. 15. Et cum fecisset quasi flagel- nas. lum de funiculi^, omnes eiecit 2. 10, II. Et dicit ei : Omnis homo de templo. . . . primum bonuin vinum ponit ; et, 3. 3. • . . Nisi qui.s renatus fuerit cum inebriati fuerint. tunc id denuo, non potest videre rcgnum quod deterius est; tu autem ser- Dei. I' 2 212 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 3. 5. Buton gehwa beo geedc§nned of waetere and of San Halgan Gaste, ne nifeg he faran into Godes rlce. .E. H. ii. 12. II Btiton gehwa beo geedc§nned of wsetere and of j^ani Halguni Gaste, ne maeg he faran into heofenan rice. .E. H. i. 94. 3. 13. Nan man ne astihS to heofonum buton se Se of heofenum astah, mannes Bearn se 'Se is on heofenum. ^. H. ii. 386. II Mannes Bearn ]3e of heofenum astah, and on heofenum is. JE. H. ii. 386. 3. 14, 15. Swa-swa Moyses ahof Sa nneddran on ^&m. westene, swa gedafena'S ])?et ic beo ahafen, Ipeet Sic SSra ]?e on me gelyfS ne losige, ac J^aet he hasbbe j^set ece M. je. h. ii. 238. 3. 16. Swa swl]7e lufode God ]?ysne middangeard, Jiaet he his ancgnnedan Sunu sealde for us. je. h. i. 528. 3. 29. Se Se bryde hsefS, he is brydguma. .E. H. iL 10. 3. 30. Criste gedafenaS ]}iet he weaxe, and me j^iet ic vranigende beo. JE. H. L 356. 4.21. Gelyfme. ^. H. i. 482. 4. 34. Mm m§te is psat ic -s^yrce mines Fieder willan, Ip-xt is rihtwisnys. ^. H. i 552. 4. 46, 47, 5C-53. Sum undercyning com to Criste, and hine bjed ]?fet he ham mid him siSode, and his sunu gehSlde ; forSanJ^e he Ifeig aet forSslSe. pa cwseS se Hselend to Sam xmdercyninge : Gew§nd Ipe ham, ]3ln sunu leofaS. He gelyfde pses Hj'elendes sprSce, and ham siSode. Da comon his Segnas him togeanes, and cyddon pset his sunu gesund wSre. He Sa befran on hwilcere tide he gewyi'pte. Hi sjedon : Gyi-standaeg ofer midne dseg hine forlet se fefor. pa oncneow se faeder peet hit wses seo tid on Si^re Se se HSlend him to cwaeS : Far Se ham, |?in sunu leofaS. Se cyning gelyfde Sa on God, and eal his hired. jE. h. i. 128. 3. 5. ... Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex 3. 16, Sic enim Deus dilexit mun- aqua at Spiritu sancto, non potest dum, ut Filiuui suum unigenitum introire in regnum Dei. daret. . . . 3. 13. Et nemo ascendit in coehun 3. 29. Qui habet spousam, sponsus nisi qui descendit de coelo, Filius est. . . . hominis qui est in coelo. 3. 30. Ilium oportet crescere, me 3. 14, 15. Et sicut Moyses exaltavit autem minui. serpentem in deserto, ita exaltari 4. 21. ... Crede mihi. . . . oportet Filium hominis, ut omnis 4. 34. ... Mens cibus est ut faciam qui credit in ipsum non pereat, voluntatem eius qui misit me. . . . sed habeat vitam aeternam. 4. 46, 47, 50-53. . . . Et erat quidam JOHN 3-6 213 5. 14. Efne. nu '?u eart geluiiled ; ne synga (5u heononfor'?, j'y-las- tSe t? e sum '?ing ^^'5U'se gelimpe. ^. H. i. 350. 5. 17. Mm Fieder Myrc^' da^ghwomlice uS Ipis, and ic wyrce. ^. H. ii. 206. 5. 28, 29. Se tlma cymtS J?oet calle 'Sa |7e on byrgenum beocS, gehyracS Godes Suna stemne, and hi for'S gaS : pTi ISe god •Nvorhton to llfes fferiste ; pa soSlice pe yfel worhton to genit^f- runge jeriste. ^E. H. ii. 568. 6. 1-14. Se Hivlend ferdo ofer 'Sa Galileiscan sS, J?e is gohaten Tyberiadis ; and him filigde micel mgnigu, for'Sonj^e hi be- heoldon t5a tacna |:>e he worhte ofer ba untruman m^n. pfi astah se Hi^lend up on ane dune, and pxr snet mid his leorning- cnihtum. And wfes $ia swiSe gehgnde seo hrdige Easter- tld. pa beseah se Hselend up, and geseah ]?aet ?»r wfes mycel m§nnisc toweard, and cwa)^ to anum his leorningcnihta. se wses gehaten Philippus : Mid hwam mage we bicgan hlaf tSisum folce ? pis he cwae'S to fandunge j^a^s leorningciiihtes ; he sylf wiste hwa;t he don wolde. Da andwyrde Phih'ppus : peah her wSron gebohte twa hund pgningwur'5 hlafes, ne mihtc regulus. . . . Abiit ad eum, et roga- audient vocera Filii Dei, et pro- bat eum ut descenderet et sanaret cedent : qui bona fecerunt in f51iumeius; incipiebatenimmori. resurrectionem vitae ; qui vero . . . Dicit ei lesus: Vade, filius tuus mala egerunt in resurrectionem vivit. Credidit homo sermoni iudicii. quern dixit ei lesus, et ibat. lam 6. 1-14. . . . Abiit lesus trans man- autem eo descendente, servi oc- Galilaeae, quod est Tiboriadis ; currerunt ei, et nuntiaverunt di- et sequebatur eum multitude centes quia filius eius viveret. magna, quia videbant signa quae Interrogabat ergo horam ab eis faciebat super his qui infirma- in qua melius habuerit. Et dix- bantur. Subiit ergo in montem erunt ei : Quia heri hora septima lesus, et ibi sedebat cum disci- reliquit eum febris. Cognovit pulis suis. Erat autem proximum ergo pater quia ilia hora erat in ijascha, dies festus ludaeorum. qua dixit ei lesus : Filius tuus Cum sublevasset ergo oculos lesus, vivit. Et credidit ipse, et domus et vidisset quia multitude maxima eius tota. venit ad eum, dixit ad Philippum : 5. 14. . • . Ecce, sanus factus es ; Unde ememus panes, ut mandu- iam noli peccare, ne deterius tibi cent hi ? Hoc autem diceb.at aliquid contingat. tentans eum ; ipse enim sciebat 5. 17. ... Pater meus usque mode quid esset facturus. Rospondit operatur, et ego operor. ei Philippus : Ducentorum de- 5. 28, 29. . . . Yenit hora in qua nariorum panes non sufficiunt omnes qui in monumentis sunt eis, ut unusquisque modicum quid 214 ^LFRICS HOMILIES furSon hyra ^lc anne bitan of 'Sam gelaeccan. pa cwae'S an his leorningcnihta, se liatte Andreas, Petres broker : Her byrS an cnapa fif b§rene hlafas and twegen fixas ; ac to hwan maeg peet to swa micclum werode ? pa cwaeS se H^lend : DoS )7^t peet folc sitte. And Jjser waes micel gaers on 'S^re stowe, myrige on to sittenne. And hi Sa ealle s^ton, swa-swa milite beon fif Susend wera. Da genam se H^lend ]?a fif hlafas ; and bletsode, and tobraec, and tud^lde betwux cSam sittendum ; swa gelice eac ]?a fixas todselde ; and hi ealle genoh haefdon. pa-'Sa hi ealle fulle w^ron, Sa cwaeS se HSlend to his leorningcnihtum : GaderiaS J?a lafe, and hi ne losion. And hi Sa gegaderodon ■Sa bricas, and gefyldon tw§lf wilian mid SSre lafe. paet folc Sa, tSe Sis tacen geseah, cwfeS j^aet Crist Avaere soS witega, se Se waes' toweard to Sisum middangearde. M. H, i. i8o, 182 ; cf. ii 396. II DoS }5iet |7set folc sitte, .-E. H. i. 184. II Se Hselend het ]7a gegadrian pa, lafe, |7aet hi losian ne sceoldon ; and hi 'Sa gefyldon tw§lf wilion mid |?am bricum. JE. H. i. 190. II Hi Sil gegaderodon tw§lf wilian fulle mid pRm. bricum. M. H. i. 190. II paet folc 'Sa, pe past wundor geseah, cw^edon be Criste piei he waere soS witega Se toweard waes. ^ H. i. 190. II paet folc cwaeS ^a be Criste, |3aet he w^re soS witega. M. H. i. 190. 6. 15, 16, iQ. paet folc r;^dde be him l^aet hi woldon hine ge- laeccan, and ah§bban to cyninge. . . . pa-j5a Crist ongeat Saes accipiat. Dicit ei unus ex disci- Colligite quae superaverant frag- pulis eius, Andreas frater Simonis menta, ne pereant. Collegei'unt Petri : Est puer unus hie qui ergo, et inipleverunt duodecim habet quinque panes hordeaceos cophinos fragmentorum ex quin- et duos pisces ; sed haec quid que panibus hordeaceis, quae su- sunt inter tantos ? Dixit ergo perfuerunt his qui manducave- lesus : Facite homines discum- rant. Illi ergo homines, cum here. Erat autem foenum mul- vidissent quod lesus fecerat sig- tum in loco. Discubuerunt ergo num, dicebant : Quia hie est vere viri, numero quasi quinque millia. propheta, qui venturus est in Aeeepit ergo lesus panes ; et cum mundum. gratias egisset, distribuit discum- 6. 15, 16, 19. lesus ergo cum cog- bentibus ; similiter et ex piscibus novisset quia venturi essent, ut quantum volebant. Ut autem im- raperent eum et facerent eum l)leti sunt, dixit discipulis suis : regem, fugit iterum in moutem .TOHX C. 215 folcos willan, ^Yi floah ho anstaiult'iulo to anre dnno. and his gefcran gew^ndon lo sS. . . . Da on niht eodo se Ila'lond np- oii ^aiu wivtere mid drluni futuin, o?-))a)t hc com to his loorn- ingciiihtum, '&"a'i-^;lu' hi Wiei-ou on rCwute. .-e. h. i. i6i ; cf. i. A io«. Sec also Matt. 14. 22 ff. 6. 29. p£et is Godos Avoorc, pxt g^ 011 c!^one golyfaii \x' hv asgiule. -E. H. ii. 4ij. 6. 49. Fela manna ;I'ton of ^'ani hooloulican niyto on ^Yim wr-stenc, and druncon J3one gastlican drync ', and wurdon swa-'6"C'ali deade. je. h. ii. 2-4. 6. 50. Sc '^e of tSrim hlafo geett, ne swylt he on C-cnysse. ^E. H. i. 34- 6. 51. le eom se llflica hlaf ):>e of heofenum astrda ; and swa-hwa- swa of tSam hlafe geett, he leofatS on ecnysse ; and se hlaf tfo ic sylle for middaneardos life is min lichama. .E. H. ii. 20-'. II Ic eom se llflica hlaf, po of heofenum astrdi. .E. 11. i. 34 ; cf. ii. 292. 6« ."^3» 54» .18 (Vulg. 54, 65, 59). Sot?, soS, ic eow s§cge : Njebbe g5 llf on eow, buton gs eton min flajsc and drincon min blod. Se ■Se et mm fliSsc, and min blod drinctS, he wunaS on me, and ic on him, and he haefS J)aet ece llf, and ic hino anvre on tSam §ndenextan daege. Ic eom se llflica hlaf ^e of heofonum astah. Na swa-swa eowere fortSfaederas ^ton j^one heofenlican mgte on westene, and sit)t5an swulton ; se ISe et Sisne hlaf, he leofatS on ecnysse. je. h. a 266. II Se Se et mm fl»sc, and drincvS min l>lod, he lux-fS ece Ilf. ^. H. iL 274. ipse solus. Ut autem sere fac- caverit ex hoc pane, vivet in turn est, descenderunt discipuli aeternum ; et panis quem ego eiusadraare Cumremigassent dabo caro mea est pro mundi ergo, . . . vident lesum ambu- vita. lantern supra mare, et proximum 6. 54, 55, 59. Dixit ergo eis lesus : navi fieri. . . . Amen, amen, dico vobis : Nisi 6. 29. ... Hoc est opus Dei, ut ere- manducaveritis carnem Filii ho- datis in eum quem misit ille. minis, et biberitis eiussanguinem, 6.49. Patres vestri manducaverunt non habebitis vitam in vobis. Qui manna in deserto, et mortui sunt. nianducat meani carnem, et bibit 6. 50. ... Si quis ex ipso manduca- meum sanguinem, habet vitam verit, non moriatur. aeternam ; et ego resuscitabo eum 6. 51. Ego sum panis vivus qui de in novissimo die Hie est pani.s coelo descendi. Si quis mandu- qui de coelo descendit. Non ' From 1 Cor. 10. 4, ' et omncs cumJcni potum spiritulem bibcruiit.' 216 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 6. 69. See M. H. i. 190. 7. 38. Swa-hwam-swd cSyrste, cume to me and drince, and of his inno'Se fleowS llflic waeter. M. H. ii. 274. 8. 12. Ic eom leoht ealles middangeardes ; se 'Se me fylig(5, ne Gym's he na on }5ystrum, ac he haefS llfes leoht. M. H. i. 14+ II Ic eom middangeardes leoht ; se tSe me fyligtS, ne ggetS he on j^eostrum, ac he ha3fS lifes leoht. M. H. i. 530. 8. 34. So?^, BO'S, ic Sow s§cge : ^Ic cS^ra Se synne "\\^rc(5, he biS J?onne S^re synne Seow. M. H. iL 228. 8. 44. Ge sind deofles beam, and ge willa'S eoweres feeder willan wyrcan ; he waes manslaga fram fiymSe, and he ne wunode on soSfaestnysse, for'San'Se nan soc5fsestnys nis on him. ^E. H. ii 226. 8. 46. Hwilc eower 'SreaS me be synne ? Gif ic so3 s§cge, hwl nelle ge me gel y fan ? ^. H. iL 226. II Hwilc eower SreaS me for synne? . . . Gif ic soS s§cge, hwl nelle ge me gelyfan ? ^. H. ii 226. 8.47. Se Se fram Gode is, he gehyrS Godes word ; forSl ge nellaS gehyi-an, forSanSe ge ne sind fram Gode. ^. H. ii 226, 228. II Se Se is fram Gode, he gehyrS Godes word. . . . ForSi ge nellaS gehyran, forSanSe ge ne sind fram Gode. M. H. iL 228. 8. 48. pa ludeiscan cwSdon be Criste J^aet he w^re Samaritanisc, and hfefde deofol on him. je. h. ii. 228. 8. 49. Ic arwurSige minne Fseder, and ge unarwurSiaS me. j&. H. i. 442 ; ii. 230. 8. 50. Ne sece ic mm wuldor ; se is Se secS and toscSt. M. H. ii. 230. II Ic ne sece mm wuldor ; is swa-Seah se Se secS and to- SC^t. M. H. ii 232. sicut manducaverunt patres vestri initio, et in veritate non stetit, manna, et mortui sunt ; qui man- quia non est Veritas in eo. . . . ducat hunc panem vivet in aeter- 8. 46. Quis ex vobis arguet me de num. peccato ? Si veritatem dice vobis, 7. 38. Qui credit in me, . . . flumina quare non creditis mihi ? de ventre eius fluent aquae vivae. 8. 47. Qui ex Deo est verba Dei 8. 12. ... Ego sum lux mundi ; qui audit. Propterea vos non auditis, sequitur me non ambulat in tene- quia ex Deo non estis. bris, sed habebit lumen vitae. 8. 48. Responderunt ergo ludaei, et 8. 34. . . . Amen, amen, dico vobis dixerunt ei : Nonne bene dicimus quia omnis qui facit peccatum nos quia Samaritanus es tu, et servus est peccati. daemonium habes ? 8. 44. Vos ex patre diabolo estis, 8. 49. ... Honorifico Patrem meum, et desideria patris vestri vultis et vos inhonorastis me. facere. llle homicida erat ab 8. 50. Ego autem non quaero glo- JOHN G-9 217 8. fi--;.-- Soi5. sut!!, ic eow s§cge : Swa-lnvu-swri min word liylt, ne gesihtS he deat5 on ecnysse. . . . pa Iiuleiscan cwanlon : Nfi wO oncnawatS ]pxt Su eart wbd. Abraham fort^ferde, and witegan ; and "Su s^gst : Swa-hwa-swa niin word hylt, ne onbyrigtS ho deatSes on ecnysse. . . . Hwilcno >\yrcst t?u 'So sylfne? . . . Drihten and^^yrde : Gif ic me sylfne wuldrige, ]7onno bitS mTn wuldor naht. Mm Feeder is (Se me wuldra(5, be &im ge s§cga'S pxt he eower God sy ; and ge hine ne oncneowon. . . . Ic hine cann, and gif ic s§cge pxt ic hine ne cunne, ]5onne beo ic leas, eow gelic. ^. H. ii. 232, 234. II Ge s§cgat5 pvet hs eower God sy ; and ge hine ne oncneow- on. iE. H. ii. 234. 8. 56, Abraham, eower feeder, blissode pait hs minne dneg gesawe, and he geseah, and J^aes faegnode. JE. H. ii. 23+. 8. 57, 58. Hwaet, tSa ludeiscan yrsigende cwiSdon to Criste : Hwa?t la, git '5u ne eart fiftig geara, and gesawe '5u Abraham? Drihten him andwyrde : SoS, sbIS, ic eow s§cge : ^rtSan^e Abraham gewurde, ic eom. ^. H. iL 236. II JErSan]7e Abi-aham gewurde, ic eom. JE. H. ii. 236. 8. 59. Hi ?ri namon stanas, pxt hi hine torfodon. . . . Se Ht^lend sotSlice hine behydde, and eode of Sam temple. M. H. ii. 236. 9. 2, 3. His leorningcnihtas hine axodon, for hwaes synnum se mann wurde swa blind ac§nned. pa. cwtetS se Hailend ])ict he niere for his agenum synnum, ne for his maga, blind geboren, riam meam ; est qui quaerat et eum ; et si dixero quia non scio iudicet. eum, ero similis vobis, mendax. . . . 8. 51-55. Amen, amen, dice vobis: 8. 56. Abraham pater vester exul- Si quis sermonem meum servave- tavit ut videret diem meum ; rit, mortem non videbit in aeter- vidit, et gavisus est. num. Dixerunt ergo ludaei : 8. 57, 58. Dixerunt ergo ludaei ad Nunc cognovimus quia daemo- eum : Quinquaginta annos non- nium habes. Abraham mortuus dum habes, et Abraham vidisti ? est, et prophetae ; et tu dicis : Dixit eis lesus : Amen, amen, dico Si quis sermonem meum serva- vobis : Antequam Abraham fieret, verit, non gustabit mortem in ego sum. aeternum. . . . Quem te ipsum 8. 59. Tulerunt ergo lapidos, ut facis ? Respondit lesus : Si ego iacerent in eum. lesus autera glorifico meipsum, gloria mea abscondit se, et exivit de temple, nihil e.st; est Pater meus qui 8.2,3. Et interrogaverunt eum dis- glorificat me, quem vos dicitis cipuli eius : Rabbi, quis peccavit, quia Deus vester est ; et non hie, aut parentos eius. ut caecus cognovistis eum. Egoautemnovi nasceretur? Respondit lesus: 218 ^LmiCS HOMILIES ac forSl Jjast Godes wundor ]7urh hine geswutelod wjere. jE. H. i. 474. 9. 6, 7. See JE.B.. i. 474. 10. II, 12. Ic eom god hyrde ; se goda liyide syl'S his agen lif for his sceapum. Se hyra, se 'Se nis riht hyrde, he gesihS )?one wulf cuman, and he forljet (^a seep, and flyhS ; and se wulf sum gelaec'S, and Sa o'Sre tost§nc'5. je. h. i. 238. II Se goda hyrde sylS his agen lif for his sceapum. je. h. i. 23S. II Se hyra flih?, j^onne he Sone wulf gesihS. jE. h. i. 240. 10. 13. He flyhS, forSan'Se he is hyra, and na hyrde. ^. H. i. 240. 10. 14-16. Ic eom god hyrde, and ic oncnawe mine seep, and hi oncnawa'S me. . . . Swa-swa min Faeder oncn^wS me, and ic oncnawe hine ; and ic sylle mm agen lif for minum sceapum. . . . Ic haebbe o'Sre seep, pe ne sind na of 'Sisre eowde ; and tSa ic sceal ISdan, and hi gehyraS mine stemne ; and sceal beon an eowd, and an hyrde. je. h. i. 242, 244. II Ic haebbe oSre seep, J^a Se ne sind of 'Syssere eowde ; and Sa ic sceal Itedan, and hi gehyraS mine stemne. je. h. ii. 114. 10. 18. Mihte ic haebbe mine sawle to syllenne, and ic ea'Selice maeg hi §ft geniman. je. h. ii. 244. 10. 34. Ic cwaeS : Ge sind godas. je. h. i. 324 ; cf. i. 366. II So'Slice m§n syndon godas geclgede. je. h. i. 40. 11. 5. See JE. H. ii. 438. 11. 21. Drihten, gif Su her andwerd wiere, najre ure bro'Ser forS- faren. je. h. i. 130. 11. 25, 26. Ic eom Srist and lif ; se (Se gelyfS on me, j^eah-'Se he Neque hie peccavit, neque paren- et ego agnosco Patrem ; et ani- tes eius, sed ut manifestentur mam meam pono pro ovibus meis. opera Dei in illo. Et alias eves habeo, quae non 10. II, 12. Ego sum pastor bonus ; sunt ex hoc ovili; et illas oportet bonus pastor animam suam dat me adducere, et vocem meam pro ovibus suis. Mercenarius audient ; et fiet unum ovile, et autem, et qui non est pastor, unus pastor. cuius non sunt oves propriae, 10. 18. . . . Potestatem liabeo po- videt lupum venientem, et dimit- nendi earn, et potestatem habeo tit oves, et fugit ; et lupus rapit, iterum sumendi earn. . . . et dispergit oves. 10. 34. ... Ego dixi : Dii estis. 10. 13. Mercenarius autem fugit, 11. 21. . . . Domine, si fuisses hie, quia mercenarius est. . . . frater mens non fuisset mortuus. 10. 14-16. Ego sum pastor bonus, 11. 25, 26. . . . Ego sura resurrectio et cognosce meas, et cognoscunt et vita ; qui credit in me, etiam me meae. Sicut novit me Pater, si mortuus fuerit, vivet ; et omnis JOHN 9-13 219 dead bC'O, he leofaS ; and jtlc ^ajra pc loofah', and on nu" pclyf i\ no swelte he on ecnysse. .E. H. ii. 240. 11« 33, 35- 3Da gedrefde he hine sylfne, and tearas agrat. .K. 11. i. 4<>8. 11. 39. See vE. H. i. 206, 4()(). 11. 43. And mid inicoh-o stemne clypodo : Lazare, ga fori5, .E. H. i. 4e^S. 11. 44. Tolysa'5 his b^ndas. )?a^t he gan mivge. ^E. H. i. 2^. 11. ^T,. Da ludeiscan eakh-as geornlice smeadon hu hi Hivlend Crist acw^llan mihton. .E. H. ii. 242. 12. ic, II. pa heafodm§nn Ipves folccs smeadon betwux him pxt hi woldon ofslean J^one Lazarum, pe Crist of deatfe awr^hte ; fortSan- Se manega 'Stes folces m§nn gelyfdon on fjone ILolend, }?urh (Saes deadan mannes jtrist. .E. H. i. 206. 12. 26. Ss ^e me ]?enige, fylige he me. .E. H. i. 160. pier-]7aer ic sylf b6o, pfev bitS mm t5en. .e. h. ii. .vS6, 440. 12. 31. . . . psei he wiiere middangeardes ealdor, and he sceoklo beon utadrajfed. .E. H. i. i,-.-. 13. 4, 5, 12, 14, 15. pa aras Drihten of '5am gereorde, and awear]) his r6af swlt^e ricene ; wearS ]?a bewitifed mid anre wajter- scytan. And his gingrena fet eadmodlice a'SwOh. And §ft his reaf ardlice genam, and hi sittende Sisum wordum gespraec : Ic ges§tte eow nu soSe gebysnunge, ]?aet eower Sic sceole CSres fet aSwean, swa-swa ic lareow eow llSebig atSwOh. -E. H. ii. 242. 13. 21. See Matt. 2G. 20-25, note. 13. 35. Be ?am oncnawaS ealle m^'n j^ajt ge sind mine folgeras, gif ge habbatS lufe eow botwynan. -E. H. ii. 522. qui vivit, et credit in mo, non sequatur; et ubi sum ego, illic et morietur in aeternum. . . . minister mens erit. . . . 11.33,35. . . . Turbavit seipsum, . . . 12. 31. ... Nunc princeps huius et lacrymatus est lesus. mundi eiicietur foras. 11. 43. ... Voce magna clamavit : 13. 4. 5, 12, 14, 15. Surgit a coona, Lazare, veni foras, et ponit vestimenta sua ; et, cum 11. 44. . . . Solvite eum. et sinite accepisset linteum, praecinxit &e. abire. . . . Et coepit lavare pedes disci- 11. 53. Ab illo ergo die cogitavcrunt pulorum. . . . Accepit ve.stinient;i ut interficerent eum. sua; cum recubuisset iterum, dixit 12. 10, II. Cogitaverunt autem prin- eis : . . . Vos debetis alter alterius cipes sacerdotum ut et Lazarum lavare pedes. Exemplum eniiu interficerent ; quia multi propter dedi vobis. . . . ilium abibant ex ludaeis, et crede- 13. 35. In hoc cognosccnt omnes bant in lesum. quia discipuli mei estis, si dilec- 12. 26. Si quis mibi ministrat, me tionem habueritis ad invicem. 220 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 14. 2. On mines Feeder huse sincl fela wununga. ^. H. i. 350. II Di'ihten cw«)5 . . . ]:a3t on his Fseder huse sindon fela wununga. ^E. H. i. 446. 14. 6. Ic eoni weig, and socSfaestnys, and lif. je. h. i. 154, 156. II Ic eom soSfsestnys. M. H. i. 484. 14. 23. Se (5e me lufa'S, he hylt min bebod ; and niin Faeder hine lufii^, and wit cumaS to him, and mid him wuniaS. ^. H. i. 362. II Se 'Se me hifa'5, he hylt min bebod ; and min Feeder hine lufa'S for 'Sjere hyrsumnysse, and wit cuma(S him to, and him mid wuniaS. je. h. ii. 314. II Se 'Se me lufaS, he hylt min bebod. je. h. ii. 314. 14. 24. Se Se me ne lufaS, ne hylt he min bebod. je. h. ii. 316. 14. 26. He eow tiht and gewissaS to eallum Sam 'Singum Se ic Sow sJede. iE.'H. i. 298 ; cf. i. 550. 14. 27. Ic forlftete eow sibbe ; and ic forgife eow mine sybbe. JE. H. ii. 580. 15. 5. Ne mage ge nan Sing don butan me. je. h. i. 310. II Ne mage ge nan 'Sing to gode gedon buton me. JE. H. ii. 432. 15. 12-16. Dis is mm bebod, j^aet ge lufion Sow betwynan, swa- swa ic Sow lufode. NaefS nan man maran lufe ]^onne he sylle his sawle for his freondum. Ge sind mine frynd, gif ge doS swa-swa ic Sow bebeode. Ne hate ic Sow J?Sowan, forSan'Se se j^sowa nat hwaet his hlaford deS ; ic het Sow mine frynd, for}3anSe ic cydde Sow swa-hwaet-swa ic set minum Faeder gehyrde. Ne gecure ge me, ac ic geceas Sow, and ic sfstte eow Ipixit gs faron, and beron wfestm, and Sower w^stm 14. 2. In domo Patris mei mansiones 15, 5. . . . Sine me nihil potestis multae sunt. . . . facere. 14. 6. ...Ego sum via, et Veritas, 15. 12-16. Hoc est loraeceptum et vita. . . . meum, ut diligatis invicera, sicut 14. 23. ... Si quis diligit me, ser- dilexi vos. Maiorem hac dilec- monem meum servabit ; et Pater tionem nemo liabet, ut animam mens diliget eum, et ad eum ve- suam ponat quis pro amicis suis. niemus, et mansionem apud eum Vos amici mei estis, si feceritis faciemus. quae ego praecipio vobis. Lim 14. 24. Qui non diligit me, sermones non dicam vos servos, quia servus meos non servat. . . . nescit quid faciat dominus eius ; 14. 26. ... Ille vos docebit omnia, vos autem dixi amicos, quia om- et suggeret vobis omnia, quae- nia quaecumque audivi a Patre cumque dixero vobis. meo, nota feci vobis. Non vos me 14. 27. Pacem relinquo vobis ; pa- elegistis, sed ego elegi vos, et cem meam do vobis. . . . posui vos ut eatis, et fructum JOHN 11-17 221 ]"urlnviniige ; and swa-hw.Tt-swfi gS biddaS a^t mlnmn Fivder on niTnum nam an, he sylv5 eow. .E. H. ii. 5.'.'. II Ge bee's mine frynd, gif go wyrcende beotS tSa tSincg tSe ic bebeode eow to gehealdenne. je. h. ii. 316. II Gs beoS mine frynd, gif ge ^a ]Mng dotS fo ic eow bebeode. je. h. ii. 522. II Ne hate ic Sow tSeowan, forfanSo se jeowa nat hwa)t his hlaford det5. je. h. ii. 522. II Ic het eow mine frynd, fortSancfe ic eow cydde ealle 'Sa Sing ]re ic aet minum Fa?der gehyrde. je. h. ii. 524. II Ge sind mine fx*ynd, and ic cytSe eow swa-hwa^t-swa ic a;t mlnuni Faxler gehyrde. JE. H. i. 542. II Ne gecure ge me, ac ic geceas eow. ^. H. ii. 524. II Eower wSstm 'Surhwuna'5. . . . Swa-hwaet-swa ge biddatS net minum Fa?der on minum naman, he sylj? eow. .E. H. iL 526. 15. iS. Gif Ses middangeard eow hataS, wite ge \>iet he me hatode aer Sow. je. h. L 556. 15. 19. Ic eow geceas of middanearde. je. h. ii. 366. 15. 20. Gif hi mm ehton, ponne ehtaS hi eac eower. je. h. i. 556. 15. 26. Se FrOforgast, pe ic eow as§ndan wille, Gast '^iere sotS- faestnysse, Se of minum Faeder gfetS, he cyS gecySnysse be me. JE. H. i. 280. 16. 20. Ge beoS geunrotsode on ]5isum life, ac eower unrotnys biS aw§nd to ecere blisse. je. h. i. 142. 16. 23. So5 ic eow s§cge : Swa-hwaet-swa ge bidda'5 on nilniun naman xt minum Faeder, hit biS eow getiSod. .E. H. i. 466. 17. i-ii. Se Hielend cwaS to his Faeder, upfdiafenum eagum to heofenum : Fa?der min, se tima cum ; marsa Sinne Sunu, J^at afferatis, et fructus voster maneat ; a Patre procedit, ille testimoniiuu ut quodcumque petieritis Patreiu perhibebit de me. in nomine meo, det vobis. 16. 20. ... Vos autem contristabi- 15. 18. Si mundus vos edit, scitote mini, sed tristitia vester vertetur quia me priorem vobis odio in gaudium. habuit. 16. 2 3. ... Amen, amen, dice vobis : 15. 19. . . . Ego elegi vos de Si quid petieritis Patrem in no- mundo. . . . mine meo, dabit vobis. 15. 20. ... Si me persecuti sunt, et 17. i-ii. Haec locutus est Jesus, ct, vos persequentur. . . . sublevatis oculis in coelum, di.xit : 15. 26. Cum autem venerit Para- Pater, venithora ; clarificaFilium clitus, quern ego mittam vobis tuum, ut Filius tuus clarificet te. a Patre, Spritum veritatis, qui Sicut dedisti ei potestatem omnis 222 ^LFRICS HOMILIES t^In Sunu 'pe mSrsige, . . . Swa-swa 'Su forgeafe him andweald ealles flSsces, J^aet he forgife ece M '5am eallum Se 'Su him forgsafe. . . . pis is soSlice ece llf, j^aet liT 'Se senne oncnawon sotSne God, and 'Sone 'Se Su asgndest HSlend CrTst. . . . Ic ni£ersode Se ofer eor'San ; ic gefylde j^set weorc 'Se }?u me forgeafe to A\yrcenne. . . . Mfersa me nu, Faeder, mid p^re mSrsunge j^e ic mid Se haefde ser'^anj^e middaneard gewurde. . . . Ic geswutelode 'Sinne naman mannum, Sam ])e Su me forgeafe of middanearde. . . . pine hi wferon, and 'Su hi me forgeafe. ... Hi heoldon 'Sine sprt^ce, and hi oncneowon j^set ealle 'Sing ]?e Su me forgeafe sind fram pe ; forSanSe ic forgeaf him Sa word Se Su me forgeafe ; and hi hi iinderfengon, and oncneowon J^aet ic fram Se ferde, and hi gelyfdon ]:aet Su me s§ndest. . . . Ic' bidde for hi ; ne bidde ic for middanearde, ac for Sa ic bidde 'pe Su me forgeafe. . . . Ealle mine Sing sindon Sine, and Sine Sing sindon mine ; ic eom gemSrsod on him. And ic on middanearde ne eom ; hi sindon on middanearde, and ic cume to Se. M.H.iL 360, 362, 364, 366, 368. li Fa^der, se tima com ; mSrsa Sinne Sunu, |?9et Sin Sunu Se mSrsige. je-JLH 360. II pset is ece llf, 'peet hi Se oncnawon soSne God, and Sone Se ]?u asgndest Hielend Crist, je. h. i. 42. 17. 20. Ne bidde ic na for Sisum anum, ac eac swilce for Sa Se on me gelyfaS ]3urh heora word. JE. H. ii. 368. 17. 24. Feeder min, ic wille ]?set Sa ]:>e Su me forgeafe beon mid me Saii'-SSr ic beo, psot hi mine m^erSe geseon, Se Su me carnis, ut omne quod dedisti ei, guae dedisti mihi abs te sunt ; det eis vitam aeternam. Haec quia verba quae dedisti mihi est autem vita aeterna, ut cog- dedi eis ; et ipsi acceperunt, et noscant te, solum Deum verum, cognoverunt vere quia a te exivi, et quem misisti lesum Christum. et crediderunt quia tu me misisti. Ego te clarificavi super terram ; Ego pro eis rogo ; non pro mundo opus consummavi quod dedisti rogo, sed pro his quos dedisti mihi ut faciam. Et nunc clari- mihi. . . . Et mea omnia tua sunt, fica me tu, Pater, apud temet- et tua mea sunt ; et clarificatus ipsum, claritate quam habui prius sum in eis. Et iam non sum in quam mundus esset apud te. mundo, et hi in mundo sunt, et Manifestavi nomen tuum homini- ego ad te venio. . . . bus quos dedisti mihi de mundo. 17. 20. Non pro eis autem rogo tan- Tui erant, et mihi eos dedisti ; tum, sed et pro eis qui credituri et sermonem tuum servaverunt. sunt per verbum eorum in me. Nunc cognoverunt quia omnia 17. 24. Pater, quos dedisti mihi, volo JOHN 17-19 223 forgeafe ; fort?'an'?e '^u lufadest mv :or middanoardes ges^t- nysse. je. h. ii. 368. 18. 3. ludas se swicola swl'^e hra'^o rode to '^am arlr-asum ehterum Ipe lie s^r gespra^-, and geiiam liim fultuiu at V\"mi Phariseum ; and hi Sa eodon ealle gewiepnode and mid Ifolit- fatum. ^E. H. ii. 246. 18. 4-8. Hwa?t, tSa se Hjelend him togOanes stop, and nnforht axode liwfene hi sohton. Hi cSa cwsfedon l^a^t hi Crist sohton. Da sfede ho him : Ic hit so(51ice eom. Hi 'fla mid f>am worde w§ndon underbade, feallende to eor'fan, mid fyrhte fornumene. ^ft ■?& siStSan axode se Hjttlend hwaene hi sohton swa swiSe gewSpnode. Hi §ft andwyrdon mid ]5am serran worde ; cwSdon ]5aet hi 'Sone Hfelend habban woldon. pa and\A'yrde he mid Ipam ylcan "svorde : Ic eow saide air Ipxt ic se eom ; gif ge me seca'S, iJetaS mine gyngran aweg. ^e. h. ii. 246. 18. 10. See Matt. 2G. 51-54, notes i and 2. 18. 18. See Matt. 26. 69-75, note. 19. i8-2c. pa hengon '^a cgmpan Crist on a;le middan, and j^a twegen scea'fan him on twa healfa. And Pilatus a■\^Tat j^aes wites intingan on anre tabelan mid ]:rTm gereordum, Ebreis- cum, and Greciscum, and Ledenum samod : pt's is se H^lend, Iiideiscra Cyning. And asgtte 6is gewrit sOna to 'fji>re rode. JK H. ii. 254, 19. 23-27. pa djeldon 'Sa cwglleras Cristes rPaf on feower, heora Slcum his dffel, swa him demde seo ta ; and hcoldon his ut ubi sum ego et illi sint mecum, dixenint : lesum Nazarenum. Re- ut videant claritatem meam,quam spondit lesiis : Dixi vobis quia dedisti mihi ; quia dilexisti me ego sum ; si ergo me quaeritis, ante constitutionem mundi. sinite hos abire. 18. 3. ludas ergo cum accepisset 19. 18-20. Ubi crucifixerunt euni, cohortem, et a pontificibus et et cum eo alios duos hinc et bine, Pharisaeis ministros, venit illuc medium autem lesum. Scripsit cum laternis, et facibus, et armis. autem et titulum Pilatus, et jjo- 18. 4-8. lesus itaque . , . processit, suit super crucem. P>rat autem et dixit eis : Quem quaeritis ? scriptum : lesus, . . . Rex ludae- Responderunt ei : lesum Nazaro- orum. . . . Et erat scriptum He- num. Diciteis lesus: Ego sum. . . . braice, Graece, et Latine. Ut ergo dixit eis : Ego sum, abi- 19. 23-27. Milites ergo cum cruci- erunt retrorsum, et ceciderunt in fixissent eum, acceperunt vesti- terram. Iterum ergo interrogavit menta eius (et fecerunt quattuor eos : Quem quaeritis ? Illi autem partes, unicuique militi partemj, 224 ^LFRICS HOMILIES tunecan untOslitene, for'San'^e h6o waes eal buton seame. . . . Se halige Max'ia, Ipies H^elendes moder, stod wiS "Sa rode Searle dreorig, and lohannes samod, hire swuster bearn. Da clypode Drihten to his dreorian meder : Efne, her hangaS nu (5ln sunu, ftemne. . . . He cwaeS to lohanne : Her staent 'Sin modor. pa hsefde lohannes hire siSSan gymene mid gesw^sum ■Senungum, a on 'Sisum life. M. H. ii. 256. II Da cwseS he to his agenre meder : Du fjemne, efne, her is Ipin sunu. J^ft he cwaBS to lohanne : Loca nu, her st§nt ]?ln modor. SyS'San, of j^am daege, hsefde se godspellere lohannes gymene J^tere halgan Marian, and mid carfulre J^enunge, swa- swa agenre meder, gehyrsumode. M H. i. 438 ; cf. i. 58. 19. 28, 29. Sec Matt. 27. 48, note. 19. 30. See Matt. 27. 50-53, note 3. 19. 31-34. Da wselhreowan ludei noldon ge'fafian, for 'Sam symbeldsege, ]:set hi swa hangodon cuce on Sam rodum, ac woldon hi ac\v§llan, and bSdon Pilate peet man heora sceancan tobn^ce jer j^^re Eastertide, and of Sam rodum awurpe. pa comon Sa cgmpan mid cwylmbarum tolum, and sona SSra sceaSena sceancan tObrScon, Se Sa-gyt cwylmigende cuce hangodon. Hi gemetton Sa Crist middanearde deadne, and his halgan sceancan scsenan ne dorston ; ac an Sjera c§mpena mid cwealmbftirum sp§re his sidan geopenode, and of S^re utfleow blod and waster samod. JE. H. ii. 260 ; cf. i. 216, ii. 282. 19. 37. See M. H. ii 282. 19. 38-42. pa sum rice 'Segen Searle waes gelyfed dearnunge on Drihten, for Sam dyrstigum folce ; his nama waes Joseph ; and et tunicam. Erat autem tunica (erat enim magnus dies ille sab- inconsutilis, desuper contexta per bati), rogaverunt Pilatum ut fran- totum. . . . Miserunt sortem. . . . gerentur eorum crura, et tolle- Stabant autem iuxta crucem lesu rentur. Venerunt ergo milites, mater eius. . . . Cum vidisset ergo et primi quidem fregerunt crura, lesus matrem, et discipulum stan- et alterius qui crucifixus est cum tern quern diligebat, dicit matri eo. Ad lesum autem cum venis- suae : Mulier, ecce filius tuus. sent, ut viderunt eum iam mor- Deinde dicit discipulo : Ecce tuum, non fregerunt eius crura ; mater tua. Et ex ilia hora acce- sed unus militum lancea latus pit earn discipulus in sua. eius aperuit, et continue exivit 19. 51-34. ludaei ergo (quoniam sanguis et aqua. Parasceve erat), ut non remane- 19. 38-42. Post haec autem rogavit rent in cruce corpora sabbato Pilatum Joseph ab Arimathaea JOHN 19, 20 225 he gengala^hte '^a hra^dlice on jvfou to ^'am oaklormi.n, ba^l ]^:vt lis mOste Diihtnes lie bebyrian. pa wundiode Pilatus pmt he swa hra'&e gewat ', and go■^'afode t>rim (!!egeno ]>xt h»' hino behwui'fe. Da com eac Nichodenius mid gemengedro sealfe of myrran and ahvan, manegra punda gewyht. And hi be- wundon his lie mid llnenro scytan, ged^ced mid wyrtum, swa- swa heora gewuna wa?s. pa stod on f jvre stOwo sum stainen ■Sruh, on iSxve naifre ne l^eg nan eorMic mann. Da ledon "fa ]7egenas t^one Hselend '&;^ron. .E. H. a 260, 262. II pa comon twegen gelyfede m§n, loseph and Nichodomus, and bebyrigdon his lie ^r sefene on nlwere tfryh, mid deor- -vvyi-^um reafum bewunden. ^. H. i. 216. 20. 12. See M. H. L222. 20. 19. JEiter tSa^s Hailendes an-iste Witron his discipuli belocene on anum huse for '^its ludeiscan folces Ogan. . . . Se Hiolend ewaiS to him : Beo sibb betwux eow. JE. H. i. 232. II Hi sseton beelysede, for ogan ludeisees folces, on anum huse. M. H. i. 232. 20. 21, 22. Swa-swa min Fi>)der sgnde me, swa Sfnde ic 60 w. . . . Crist bleow on Sa apostolas, and cwaeS : OnfoS Haligne Gast. ^. H. i. 232. I! Crist ableow Sone Halgan Gast upon c5a apostolas ler liis upstige, Sus cweSende : OnfoS Haligne Gast. ^E. H. i. 324. . . . Sa-'&a he him on ableow, t>"us cwa^Sende : OnfoS Haligne Gast. JE. H. i. 370. 20. 23. pSra manna synna \>e ge forgj^aS, ]7fera beoS forgifene ; and Sam 'Se ge ofteoS |-a forgifenysse, Sam biS oftogen. ^. H. i. 232. II Diera manna synna J-e ge forgj^aS beoS forgyfene ; and (eo quod esset discipulus lesu, runt lesuni. occultus autem propter metum 20. 19. Cum ... fores essent clausae, ludaeorum), ut tolleret corims ubi erant discipuli congregati lesu. Et permisit Pilatus. . . . propter metum ludaeorum, venit Venit autetn et Nicodemus, . . . lesus, . . . et dixit eis : Pax vobis. ferensmixturammyrrhaeet aloes, 20. 21, 22. . . . Sicut misit me Pater, quasi libras centum. Acceperunt et ego mitto vos. . . . InsufHavit, ergo coqjus lesu, et ligaverunt et dixit eis: Accipite Spirituiu illud linteis cum aromatibus, sicut sanctum. mos est ludaeis sepelire. Erat 20. 23. Quorum remiseritis peccata, autem in loco . . . monumentum remittuntur eis ; et quorum reti novum, in quo nonduui quisquam nueritis, reteuta sunt, positus erat. Ibi ergo . . . posue- 1 From Mark 15. 44, 'Pilatus autem mirubatur si itim obiLisct.' Q 226 ^LFRICS HOMILIES Sam '^e ge forgifenysse ofunnon, him biS oftogen s5o for- gyfenys. ^. H. L 370. 20. 27. See M. H. i. 234, 300, 302. 20. 29. He cwaeS to Thomas : pu gelyfst, forSan'Se Su me gesawe. . . . Ges^lige beoS j^a ]:e me ne gesawon, and peah on me gelyfa'5, je. h. i. 234. II Eadige beoS pa pe me ne gesso's, and hi hwaeSere gelyfaS on me. m. h. i. 190. 20. 30, 31. Se HSlend worhte feLa oSre tacna on gesihSe his leorningcnihta, pe nSron ges§tte on Cristes bee. pas wundra sind awritene to Si J-set ge sceolon gelyfan J^get se Hfelend is Godes Sunu ; and ge sceolon habban psei ece llf pxirh Sone geleafan. M. H. i. 230. 21. I, 2. Se H^l6nd hine geswutelode aefter his Sriste aet Siere sae Tyberiadis his seofon leorningcnihtum. M. H. ii. 288 ; cf. ii. 292. 21. 0. He het wurpan J^aet n§t on Sa swiSran healfe pies rewetes. je. h. ii. 290. 21. 9. Hi gemetton fyr, and fisc on uppon, and hlaf on em, Sa-Sa hi to lande comon. 21. II. See ^. H. ii. 290. 21. 17. Driliten him to cwfeS Sriwa set Sisum ylcan gereorde ; he cwseS : Petrus, hifast Su me ? He cwseS : Drihten, Su wast ealle Sing, and pn wast ]7?et ic Se hifige. Drihten cwaeS him to : Gif Su me kifige, Iseswa mine seep. ^. H. ii. 290. ACTS. 1. 3-S. Se Hailend, middangeardes Alysend, osteowde hine sylfne cucenne his gingrum, refter his J^rowunge and his Sriste, on 20. 29. Dixit ei lesus : Quia vidisti 21.6. ... Mittite in dexteram navi- me, Thoma, credidisti ; beati qui gii rete. . . . non videi-unt, et crediderunt. 21. 9. Ut ergo descenderunt in 20. 30, 31. Multa quidem et alia terram viderunt prunas positas, signa fecit lesus in conspectu etpiscemsuperpositum, et panem. discipulorum suorum, quae non 21. 17. Dicit ei tertio : Simon loan- sunt scripta in Hbro boo. Haec nis, amas me ? . . . Petrus . . . autem sci'ipta sunt ut credatis dixit ei : Domine, tu omnia nosti ; quia lesus est Christus Filius Dei ; tu scis quia amo te. Dixit ei : et ut credentes vitam habeatis in Pasce eves meas. nomine eius. 21. I, 2. Postea manifestavit se ite- AC IS. rum lesus discipulis ad mare 1. 3-8. Quibus et praebuit seipsum Tiberiadis. . . . vivum post passionem suam in JOHN 20 — ACTS 1 227 manogum t'rafungum, geond fcowertig daga, and him to spr;rc ymbe Godes rice, samod mid him roordigonde. And behead him pxt 111 of ^";ei*e byrig Iliorusalem ne gewiton, ac j^a't hi i5an" anbldedon his Fjrder behates (liO cwie^') pe ge of minum muc5e gehyrdon ; for^'an^e lohannes se Fulhihtere gefullodo on woE-tere, and ge beo'5 gefullode on ?>am Hrdgan Gaste nu xher feawum dagiim. Eornostlice, seo gegaderung his leorningcnihta cwteS t^a anmodhce : Drihten leof, wilt ■? u nu ges^ttan ^nde J5ysre worukle ? He him andwyrde : Nis nn eow to ge-\vitenne (5a tid 0(5'?e ^^'a handhwile po min Fneder gesgtte jmrh his mihte ; ae ge underfotS ]vxs Halgan Gastes mihte, and ge beoS mine gewitan on ludea hande, and on eaUum niiddangearde, o'S-]5aet §ndenexte land. JE. H. i. 294 ; cf. i. 28, 206. II Se halga heap befran Crist hwae'Ser he wolde on ^'am timan )5isne middangeard gegndian. He 'Sa cwaetS him to andsAvare : Nis na eower mteS to witenne |7one timan pe mln Fjeder ]5urh his mihte ges§tte. JE. H. L 298. 1. S. See JE. H. i. 318. 1. 9-1:. pa . . . ferde he to heofonum, him on locigendum ; and pxt heofonlice wolcn leat •sviS his, and hine genam fram heora gesiliSum. Da-'Sa hi up to heofonum starigende stodon, Sa gesawon hi ?a;r twegen §nglas on hwitum ggrelan, J^us cwe^'ende : Ge Galileisce weras, hwT stande ge 5us starigende wiS heofenas weard ? Se HSlend, pe is nu genumen of eowrum gesih^um to heofonum, swa he Gym's §ft swa-swa ge gesawon j^aet he to multis argumentis, per dies quad- supervenientis Spiritus sancti in raginta apparens eis, et loquens vos, et eritis mihi testes ... in de regno Dei. Et convescens omni ludaea, . . . et usque ad praecepit eis ab lerosolymis ne ultimuni terrae. discederent, sed expectarent pro- 1. 9-15. Et, . . . videntibus illis, missionem Patris, quam audistis elevatus est; et nubes suscepit (inquit) per os meum ; quia eum ab oculis eorum. Cumque loannes quidem baptizavit aqua, intuerentur in coelum euntem vos autem baptizabimini Spiritu ilium, ecce duo viri astiterunt sancto non post multos hos dies. iuxta illos in vestibus albis, qui Igitur qui convenerant interroga- et dixerunt : Viri Galilaei, quid bant eum, dicentes : Domine, si statis aspicientes in coelum ? Hie in tempore hoc restitues regnum lesus, qui assumptus est a vobis Israel ? Dixit autem eis : Non in coelum, sic veniet quemad- est vestium nosse tempera vel modum vidistis eum euntem in momenta quae Pater posuit in sua coelum. Tunc reversi sunt lero- potestate ; sed accipietis virtutem solymam. . . . Et cum introissent Q 2 228 .^LFRICS HOMILIES heofomim astah. Hi '(Sa gecyrdon tu "^ieve byrig Hierusaleni mid micelre blisse \ and astigon upp on Fine upfleringe, and j^Si- wunedon ... on gebedum and on Godes hgrungum. . . . On Syssere geferrSdene wSron Peti'us and lohannes, lacob and Andreas, Philippus and Thomas, Bartholomeus and Matheus, se o Jer lacob and Simon, se oSer ludas, and Maria }?a?s Ha^lendes modor, and gehwilce oJre, ?eg'Ser ge weras ge wlf. Eal seo m§nigu Avaes an liund manna and twentig, anmodlice on gebedum wunigende. >e. h. i. 294, 296 ; cf. i 2-8, 220, 228, and Luke 24. 50, 51, note. II Se halga hyred wses wunigende anmodliee on gebedum on anre upflora, anbldigende his behates -. ^. H. i. 314. 1. iS. ludas . . . tobierst on emtwa, and his innoS tofleow. M. H. ii.'250. 2. 1—., 7, 8, 11-17, 19. On (5isum diBge, pe is Pentecostes gecweden, com fierlice micel sweg of heofonum, and gefylde ealle ta up- fleringe mid fyre. And waes aeteowed bufon heora telcum s^^ylce fyrene tungan ; and hi wurdon 'Sa ealle gefyllede mid )?am Halgum Gaste, and ongunnon to sprecenne mid mislicum gereordum, be Sam pe se Halga Gast him tiehte. pa wieron gegaderode binnan Siere byrig Hierusalem ea\\'ffeste weras of relcere Seode Se under heofonum eardiaS ; and pa apostoli sprsecon to Saes folces gegaderunge, and heora ^Ic oncneow his agen gereord. Da wearS seo mgnigu swiSe ablicged, and mid wundrunge cwiedon : La, hu ne sind f)as Se her sprecaS Gali- in coenaculum, ascenderunt ubi factus est repente de coelo sonus manebant Petrus et Joannes, tamquam advenientis spiritus ve- lacobus et Andreas, Philijipus et liementis,etreplevittotamdomum Thomas, Bartholomaeus et Mat- ubi erant sedentes. Et apparu- thaeus, Jacobus Alphaei et Simon erunt illis dispertitae linguae Zelotes, et Judas lacobi. Hi omnes tamquam ignis, seditque supra erant perseverantes unanimiter in singulos eorum ; et repleti sunt oratione cum mulieribus, et Maria omnes Spiritu sancto, et coeperunt matre Jesu, et fratribus eius. . . . loqui variis linguis. prout Spiritus Erat autem turbahominumsimul, sanctus dabat eloqui illis. Erant fere centum viginti. autem in Jerusalem habitantes 1. 18. ... Crepuit medius, et diffusa Judaei, viri religiosi ex omni sunt omnia viscera eius. natione quae sub coelo est. . . . 2, 1-5, 7, 8, 11-17, 19- Et cum com- Stupebant autem omnes, et mira- plerentur dies Pentecostes, . . . bantur, dicentes : Nonne ecce ' Of. Luke 24. 52, 'cum gaudio maguo.' ^ See Acts 1. 4. ACTS 1, 2 22'.) leisce ? And ure a>lc geliyrdo hu liT spra'con riruin soreonliini. on tJam t5e wP ac^nnede Wivron ! Wo gohyrdon hi sprocan Godes man-?>a mid firiim goroordum. Lfi, )nva^t \>\h br-oii scoole ? )"a cwjvdon ^a ludoiscan mid hospo : pas m^n sindon mid must(* fordr^ncte. pa andwyrde Petrus : Hit is iindorntTd ; ]iu militr Ave on tSysre tide beou fordr§nete? Ac ca^s witogau cwydc loheles is nu gefylled : God cwx^ j^urh '^"a'S wTtegan muS pat he wolde his Gast asgndan ofer ra^nnisc fliiisc ; and manna l)oani sceolon witigian; and ic sylle mine forebeacn ufan of iKMironuni. and mine tacna niSer on eortSan. .E. H. i. 314; cf. i. .-^j, 318, ^d : ii. 44, 280, 472, 474. II pa com se Hrdga Gast on fyres liTwe to t^am hrdgum hyrede on pam endleoftan dfege CrTstes upstiges, and hi eaUn onielde mid und^rgendlicum fyre ; and hi wurdon afyllede mid p^re heofonlican lare, and cutSon eallo woruldlice gereord. and bodedon nnfoihth'ee golr-afan and fulhiht rlcum and l'6'J5uni. JE. H. i. j.iS. 2. 21. See Joel 2. 32. 2. 27. Sec Ps. IG. 9, 10. 2. 32-^5, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45. Wite go so'^lice p»t Crist aiTis of dea'^e. and on iire ge-s^-itnysse astah to heofonum, and sitt a-t his Ficdor swlt^ran, swa-swa Dauid be him witegode, pus cwec^ende : Driliten cwasS to minum Drihtne : Site to mlnre switS^ran, oS- pa-t ic allege (Sine fynd under pinum futscamele. pa pa^t fok- t'is gehyrde, t^a wurdon hi onbi-yrde, and cwitdon to 'Sam ajios- tolon : La leof, hAva-t is us to donne? pa andwyrde Petrus: omnes isti qui loqnuntur. Galilaei super omnoiu camem ; et propho- sunt? Et quomodo nos auilivi- tabunt tilii vestri ; . . . et dabu mus unusquisque linguam nos- prodigia in coelo sursum, et signa tram in qua nati sumus ? . . . in terra deorsum. . . . Audivimus eos loquentes nostris 2. 32-35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45. Hum- Unguis niagnalia Dei. . • . Quid- lesuni resuscitavit Deus, cuius nam vult hoc esse? Alii autem omnes nos testes sumus. Dextera irridentes dicebant: Quia musto igitur Dei exaltatus. . . . David . . . I^leni sunt isti. . . . Petrus . . . dixit autom : . . . Dixit Donunus locutus est eis : . . . Non enim, Domino meo: Sede adoxtris meis, sicut vos aestimatis. hi ebrii donee ponam ininiicos tuos sca- sunt, cum sit hora diei tertia ; beUum pedum tuoruni. . . . His sed hoc est quod dictum est autem auditis, com))uncti sunt jier prophetam loel : Et erit in corde, etdixerunt ad I'etrum etad novissimis diebus (dicit Domi- reliquosapostolos: Quid faciemus. nus) etfundam de Spiritu meo virifratres? I'etrus vero ad illos .- 230 ^LFRICS HOMILIES BehreowsiatS eowre synna, and unclei-foS fulluht on CrTstes naman, and eowre synna beoS adylegode, and ge underfo'S ]?one Halgan Gast. pa underfengon lu his lare, and bugon to fulluhte on Sam daege 'Sreo tSusend manna. pa wSron ealle on annysse mid )7am apostolum ; and beceapodon heora svjhta, and ]?aet feoh betjBliton 'Sam apostolum, and hi di^ldon ielcum be his neode. JE. H. i 314, 316. 3. 14. See M. H. ii. 252. 4. 3 2. 34, 3?' WearS eall seo geleaffulle m§nigu swa anmod s^^dlce hi ealle haefdon ane heortan and ane sawle ; ne heora nan nsefde synderlice sehta, ac him eallum wses gem^ne heora Sing. Ns Sser naes nan wsedla betwux him. pa Se landare haefdon, hi hit beceapodon, and pset wurS brohton to S^ra apostola fotum ; hi Sa di^ldon Slcum be his neode. jel h. i. 316 ; cf. i. 326. II Hi wSron on swa micelre annysse, swilce him eallum w^ere an sawul and an heorte. ^. H. ii 276. 5. i-ii. pa waes sum Segen, Annanias gehaten, and his wif Saphira ; hi cwaedon him betweonan paet hi woldon bugan to Ssera apostola geferr^edene. Namon Sa to r^de ]?8et him waer- licor w^re J?aet hi sumne d^el heora landes wurSes aethaefdon, weald him getlmode. Com Sa se Segen mid feo to Sam aposto- lum. pa cwseS Petrus : Annania, deofol bep^ehte (Sine heortan, and Su haefst rdogen J^am Halgan Gaste. Hwl woldest 'Su swician on Sinum agenum ? Ne luge Su na mannum, ac Gode. Poenitentiam (inquit) agite, et communia. . . . Neque enim quis- baptizetur unusquisque vestrum quam egens erat inter illos. Quot- in nomine lesu Christi in rerais- quot enim possessores agrorum sionem peccatorum vestrorum ; et aut domorum erant, vendentes accipietis donum Spiritus sancti. atierebant pretia eorum quae ven- . . . Qui ergo receperunt sermonem debant, et ponebant ante j)edes eius bajjtizati sunt ; et appositae apostolorum. Dividebatur autem sunt in die ilia animae circiter singulis prout cuique opus erat. tria millia. Erant autem perse- 5. i-ii. Vir autem quidam nomine verantes in doctrina apostolorum. Ananias, cum Saphira uxore sua, . . . Possessiones et substantias vendidit agrum, et fraudavit de vendebant, et dividebant ilia pretio agri, conscia uxore sua ; omnibus, prout cuique opus erat. et ait'erens partem quamdam, ad 4. 32, 34, 35. Multitudinis autem pedes apostolorum posuit. Dixit credentium erat cor unum et autem Petrus : Anania, cur ten- anima una ; nee quisquam eorum tavit Satanas cor tuum, mentiri te quae possidebat aliquid suuni esse Spiritui sancto, et fraudare de dicebat, sed ei'ant illis omnia pretio agri ? Nonne manens tibi ACTS 3-5 231 pa he ]pT\s word gehyrdo, pa feol he adune and gewat. pa-i5ri he bebyrged waes, }?a com his wif Saphira, and nyste liu hii-e were gehimpen wa^s. Da cwaicS Petrus : S§ge me, beceapode go 'fus micel landes ? Heo andwyrde : Gea, leof, swa micel. ^ft ^Ti cwieS Petrus : Hwl gewearb' inc swa, J?aet gyt dorston fandian Godes? Heo feoll SSrrihto and gewat, and hi man bebyr- igde to hyre were, pa wear's micel §ge on Godes gelaSunge, and on eallum pe pset geaxodon. jE. h. i. 316, 318 ; cf. i. 398. 5. I?, 15, 16. pa worhte God fela tacna on Sam folce Surh tSsera apostohx handa, swa |5a3t hi gelogodon Sa untruman bo S^re strSt }?Sr Petrus forS eode ; and swa hraSe swa his sceadu hi hreopode, hi wurdon geh^lede fram eallum untrumnyssum. pa arn micel m§nigu to of geh§ndum burgum, and broliton heora untruman and 'Sa deofolseocan ; and hi ealle wurdon gehielede set 'Siera apostola handum. .e. h. i. 316. 5. 17-23. Wurdon Sa ludeiscan mid andan afyllede ongean his apostolas, and gebrohton hi on cwearterne. On ^seve ylean nihte Godes §ngel undyde pl\ locu Saes cwearternes, and hi ut- altedde, pus cweSende : GaS to Sam temple, and bodiaS ]?am folce llfes word. And hi swa dydon. Hwtet, c5a ludeiscan pses on merien Seahtodon embo Sajra apostola forwyrd, and s§ndon manebat, et venundatum in tua 5. 12, 15, 16. Per manus autem erat potestate ? Quare posuisti apostolorum fiebant signa et pro- in corde tuo banc rem ? Non es digia multa in plebe. . . . Ita ut mentitus hominibus, sed Deo. in plateas eiicerent inSrmos, . . . Audiens autem Ananias haec ut, veniente Petro, saltem umbra verba, cecidit et expiravit. . . . illius obumbraret quemquam illo- Surgentes autem iuvenes amove- rum, et liberarentur ab infirmitati- runt eum, et efferentes sepeHe- bus suis. Concurrebat autem et runt. . . . Uxor ipsius, nesciens multitude vicinarum civitatum quod factum fuerat, introivit. lerusalem, aiferentes aegros, et Dixit autem ei Petrus : Die mibi, vexatos a spiiutibus immundis ; ... si tanti agrum vendidistis ? qui curabantur omnes. At ilia dixit: Etiani, tanti. Petrus 5. 17-23. Exsurgens autem jjrinceps autem ad eam : Quid utique sacerdotum, et omnes qui cum convenit vobis tentare Spiritum illo erant, . . . repleti sunt zelo, Domini ? . . . Confestim cecidit et iniecerunt manus in apostolos, ante pedes eius, et expiravit. ... et posuerunt eos in custodia pub- luvenes . . . sepelierunt ad virum lica. Angelus autem Domini jser suum. Et factus est timer mag- noctem aperiens ianuas carceris, nus in universa ecclesia, et in et educens eos, dixit : Ite, et omnes qui audierunt haec. stantes loquimini in temple plebi 232 iELFRICS HOMILIES to 'Sam cwearterne, j^set hi man gef§tte. pa cw^lleras 'Sa ge- openodon piet cweartern, and naenne ne gemetton. Hi ^a cyddoii heora ealdrum : ptet cweartern we fundon feste beclysed, and Sa weardas wiSutan standende, ac we ne gemetton naenne wiSinnan. je. h. i. 572. II pa heafodm§n ludeisces folces gebrohton Cristes apostolas on cwearterne. pa on niht com him to Godes §ngel, and iSdde hi ut of Sara cwearterne ; and stod on merigen pset cweartern fa3ste belocen. M. H. ;. 230. 6. 5-7. I. p^ra diacona wiies se forma Stephanus. . . . He wves swlSe geleafful, and mid ]3am Halgum Gaste afylled. pa o6re six wajron geclgede 'Sisum namum : Stephanus wtes se fyrmesta, olSer Philipi^us, ]?ridda Procorus, feor^a Nicanor, fifta Timo- theus, sixta Parmenen, seofo'Sa Nicolaus. Das seofon hi gecuron and gesgtton on 'S^ra apostola gesih^e, and hi Sa mid gebedum and bletsimgum to diaconum gehadode wurdon. Weox 'Sa da3ghwonlice Godes bodung, and wass gem§nigfylld ]:9et get§l cristenra manna l^earle on Hierusalem. pa ■wearS se eadiga Stephanus mid Godes gife and mid miceh-e str§ncSe afylled, and worhte forebeacena and micele tacna on 'Sam folce. Da astodon sume 'Sa ungeleaffullan ludei, and Avoldon mid heora ged^^^lde pees eadigan martyres lare oferswl^an ; ac hi ne mihton his wisdome wi'Sstandan, ne 'Sam Halgum Gaste Se 'Surh hine spr?ec. pa s§tton hi lease gewitan, 'Se hine omnia verba vitae huius. Qui Spiritu sancto, et Philippum, et cum audissent, intraverunt dilu- Prochorum, et Nicanorem, et culo in templum, et docebant. Timonem, et Pannenam, et Nico- Adveniens autem princeps sacer- laum. . . . Hos statuerunt ante dotum, et qui cum eo erant, con- conspectum apostolorum, et vocaverunt concilium, et omnes orantes imposuerunt eis manus, seniores filiorum Israel, et mise- Et verbum Domini crescebat, et runt ad carcerem ut adducerentur. multiplicabatur numerus disci- Cum autem venissent ministri, et, pulorum in lerusalem valde. . . . aperto carcere, non invenissent Stephanus autem, plenus gratia illos, reversi nuntiaverunt, dicen- et fortitudine, faciebat prodigia tes : Carcerem quidem invenimus et signa magna in populo. Sur- clausum cum omni diligentia, et rexerunt autem quidam de syna- custodes stantes ante ianuas ; goga, . . . disputantes cum Ste- aperientes autem, neminem intus phano ; et non jjoterant resistere invenimus. sapientiae et Spiritui qui loque- 6. 5-7. I. . . . Et elegerunt Ste- batur. Tunc summiserunt vires phanum, virum plenum fide et qui dicerent se audivisse eum ACTS 6, 7 23;? forlugon, and cw»don ]>sit he tallice word sprSce be Moyse and be Gode. pa^t folc wear'S (5a niiccluni astyred, and j^a heafodmgnn, and }^a ludeiscan boceras ; and gelajliton Ste- phanum, and tngon to lieora ge]?eahte. And 'Sa leasan gewitan him on besSdon : Ne geswicS '^es man to sprecenne tallice word ongean IpTxs halgan stowe and Godes fe ; we gehyrdon hine sgcgan ptei Crist to^^-yrp'S |?as stowe, and tow^nt 'fa gesgtnysse 'Se us Moyses tShte. pa beheoldon Sa hine Se on ]:am ge'feahte steton, and gesawon his n§bwlite swylce sumes §ngles ansyne. Da cwseS se ealdorbiscop to 'Sam eadigan cytSere : Is hit swa hi sgcga'S ? je. h. i. 44, 46. 7. 2-50. Sec M. H. i. 46. 7. 8. See M. H. ii. 190. 7. 49. See Matt. 5. 34-37. 7. 51-60. Ge wiSstanda'S ]?am Halgiim Gaste mid stiSum swuran and ungeleaffulre heortan ; ge sind meldan and manslagan, and ge Sone rihtwisan Crist nl$>fulliee acwealdon ; ge underfengon S on gngla gesgtnysse, and ge hit ne heoldon. Hwset, fa ludeiscan 'pa -wairdon ]:earle on heora heortan astyrode, and biton heora teS him togeanes. Se halga Stephanus wearS pii afylled mid ]3am Halgum Gaste, and beheold wiS heofonas weard, and geseah Godes wuldor, and J^one Hielend standende set his Fajder swiSran ; and he cwaj'S : Efne, ic geseo heofenas opene, and mannes Sunu standende aet Godes swifran. ludei dicentem verba blasphemiae in 7.51-60. Dura cervice et iif^^'.uni- Moj-sen et in Deum. Commove- cisis cordibus . . . vos semper runt itaque plebem, et seniores, et Spiritui sancto resistitis. . . . scribas; et coucurrentes rapuerunt Quern proplietarum non sunt per- eum, et adduxerunt in concilium. secuti patres vestri ? Et occi- Et statuerunt falsos testes, qui derunt eos qui praenuntiabant dicerent : Homo iste non cessat de adventu lusti, cuius vos nunt; loqui verba adversus locum sane- proditores et homicidae fuistis : turn, et legem ; audivimus enim qui accepistis legem in disposi- eum dicentem quoniam lesus tione angelorum, et non custo- Nazarenus hie destruet locum distis. Audientes autem haec istum, et mutabit traditiones quas dissecabantur cordibus suis, et tradidit nobis Moyses. Et intu- stridebant dentibus in eum. Cum entes eum omnes qui sedebant autem esset plenus Spiritu sancto, in concilio, viderunt faciem eius intendensincoelum, viditgloriam tamquam faciem angeli. Dixit Dei, et lesum stantem a dextris autem princeps sacerdotum : Si Dei ; et ait : Ecce video coelos haec ita se habent ? apei-tos, et Filium hominis stantem 234 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ?a, mid micelre stemne hrymende, heoldon heora earan, and anmodlice him to scuton, and hi hine gelaehton, and of '^gere by)-ig gelSddon to stsenenne. pa leasgewitan ta ledon heora hacelan setforan fotuni sumes geonges cnihtes, se wses geclged Saulus. Ongunnon 'fa, oftorfian mid heardum stanum Sone eadigan Stephanum ; and he clypode, and cwseS : Drihten Hajlend, onfoh minne gast. And geblgde his cneowu, mid micehe stemne clypigende : Min Drihten, ne sgte Su 'Sas dteda him to synne. JE. H. i. 46, 48. |i Se forma martyr Stephanus cwaecS Ipsei he gesawe heofonas opene, and '^one H^lend standan on his Feeder swlSran. JE. H. i. 308, 310 ; cf. i. 306. II CrTst, onfoh minne gast. JE. H. ii. 26. il Drihten, ne sgte Su 'Sas dSda him to synne. JE. H. i. 50 (bis). II Drihten min, ne sgte ];u him 'Sas dieda to synne. je. h. ii. 34. 8. 3. See JE. H. i. 324. 8. 17. Hi sgtton heora handa ofer gelyfede m§n, and hi under- fengon }?one Halgan Gast. je. h. L 316. 9. i-ii, J 3-26. He nam Sa gewrit set 'fam ealdorbiscopum to 'SSre byrig Damascum, pset he moste gebindan Sa cristenan 'Se he on SSre byrig gemette, and gel^dan to Hierusalem. pa gelamp hit on ]3am siSe Jjjfit him com fserlice to micel leoht. And hine astrghte to eor'San, and he gehyrde stemne ufan ]:us cwe'Sende : Saule, Saule, hwl ehtst (5u min? Yfel biS c^e sylfum Ipsei Su spurne ongean Za. gade '. He 'Sa mid micelre fyrhte ^ andwyrde a dextris jDei. Exclamantes autem super illos, et accipiebant Spiri- voce magna continuerunt aures turn sanctum, suas, et impetum feceruiit unani- 9. i-ii, 13-26. . . . Accessit ad prin- miter in eum, et eiicientes eum cipem sacerdotum, et petiit ab extra civitatem lapidabant. Et eo epistolas in Damascum, . . . ut si testes deposuerunt vestimenta sua quos invenisset huius viae viros secus pedes adolescentis, qui vo- ac mulieves, vinctos perduceret cabatur Saulus. Et lapidabant in Jerusalem. Et cum iter fa- Stephanum invocantem, et dicen- ceret, contigit ut ... subito tem : Domine lesu, suscipe spiri- circumfulsit eum lux de coelo. turn meum. Positis autem genibus, Et, cadens in terram, audivit clamavit voce magna, dicens : vocemdicentemsibi: Saule, Saule, Domine, ne statuas illis boc pec- quid me persequeris ? Qui dixit : catum. . . . Quis es, Domine ? Et ille : Ego 8. 17. Tunc imponebant manus sum lesus quern tu persequeris; 1 A transposition. ACTS 8, 9 235 ]-xre stemne : Hwoet eart 'Su, leof Hlaford ? Him andwyrde seo clypung Ip^ve godcundan stemne : Ic eom se Hajlend 'pe tu ehtst ; ac arTs nu, and far forS to tSi^re byrig ; 'pier So bi3 ges£ed hwiiet Se gedafenige to donne. He aras Sa, abl§ndum eagum, and his geferan hine swa blindne to Siere byrig geb^d- don. And he Si^r andbldigende ne onbyrigde a3tes ne wastes binnan Sreora daga face. W?es Sa sum Godes Segen binnan Siere byrig ; his nama waes Annanias. To Sam spraec Drihten Sysum wordum : Annania, arls, and gecum to minum Seowan Saulum, se is biddende minre miltsunge mid eornestum mode. He andwyrde S^ere drihtenlican stemne : Mm Htelend, hu ma3g ic hine gesprecan, se Se is ehtere Slnra halgena, Surh mihte Stera ealdorbiscopa ? Drihten cwteS : Far swa ie S«6 siede, forSanSe he is me gecoren f^tels, piBt hs tobere mlnne naman Seodum, and cynegum, and Israhela bearnum ; and he sceal fela Srowian for mmum naman. Annanias Sa becom to Sam gecorenan cgmpan, and sgtte his handa him onuppan mid ]?isre gretinge : Saule, min broSor, se HSlend, pe Se be wege gespraec, s§nde me wiS Sin, l^aet }7u geseo, and mid plira Halgan Gaste gefylled sy. pa, mid Sisum wordum, feollon swylce fyhnena of his eagum, and he S^rrihte gesihSe underfeng, and to fulhxhte beah. durum est tibi contra stimulum Sanctis tuis in Jerusalem ; et hie calcitrare. Et tremens ac stu- habet potestatem a principibus pens dixit. . . .' Et Dominus ad sacerdotum alligandi omnes qui eum : Surge, et ingredere civita- invocant nomen tuum. Dixit tem, et ibi dicetur tibi quid te autem ad eum Dominus: Vade, oporteat facere Surrexit autem quoniam vas electionis est mihi Saulus de terra, apertisque oculis iste, ut portet nomen meum coram nihil videbat ; ad manus autem gentibus, et regibus, etfiliis Israel; ilium trahentes, introduxerunt ego enim ostendam illi quanta Damascum. Et erat ibi tribus oporteat eum pro nomine meo diebus non videns, et non man- pati. Et abiit Ananias, et intro- ducavit neque bibit. ivit in domum ; et, imponens ei Erat autem quidam discipulus manus, dixit : Saule frater, Do- Damasci, nomine Ananias. Et minus misit me lesus, qui apparuit dixit ad ilium in visu Dominus : tibi in via qua veniebas, ut videas, Anania, . . . surge, . . . et quaere et implearis Spiritu sancto. Et . . . Saulum ; . . . ecce enim confestim ceciderunt ab oculis orat. . . . Respondit autem Ana- eius tamquam squamae, et visum nias : Domine, audivi a multis de recepit ; et, surgens, baptizatus viro hoc, quanta mala fecerit est. . . . 236 ^LFRICS HOMILIES Wunode ^Ti sume feawa daga mid ]3am Godes ^eo\viim binnan ■fjere byrig ; and mid micelre bylde ]?am ludeiscum bodade ]?set CrTst, Ze lil witSsocon, is Saes selmihtigan Godes Sunu. Hi wurdon swlSlice ablicgede, and cwjedon : La, hu ne is Ses se wselhreowa ehtere crlstenra manna ? humeta boda'S he Crlstes geleafan ? Saulus so'Slice micclum swySrode, and t?a ludeiscan gesc§nde, mid anrrednysse seSende ]5set Crlst is Godes Sunu. Hwfet, '5a a)fter manegum dagum gereonodon Sa ludeiscan hu hi Sone Godes c§mpan acw§llan sceoldon, and sgtton '^a weardas to ailcum geate 'SSre ceastre. Paulus ongeat heora syrwunge, and Sa crlstenan hine genamon, and on anre wilian aleton ofer 'Sone weall. And he ferde ongean to Hieru- salem, and hine gecu'SlSihte to Sam halgan heape Crlstes hlredes. je. h. i. 386, 388. 11 Saule, hwi ehtst Su min ? je. h. i. 390. II Hwl ehtst ^n min ? je. h. i. 390. 11 Hwaet eart 'Su, Hlaford ? je. h. i. 390. II Derigendlic bi'S 'Se pset J?u spurne ongean pa gade, je. h. i. 390. II Ga inn to S^re eeastre, and 'Sjer J?e bi'S gesSd hwaet po gedafenaS to Sonne. M. H. i. 124. II pry dagas he wunode butan gesihSe. je. h. i. 390. 9. 17, 18. See M. H. i. 390. 9. 25. See JE. H. i. 390. 10. 41. See ^. H. i. 296. 12. 1-21, 23. Herodes cyning wolde, setter Crlstes upstige to heof- enum, ges\v§ncan sume of Siei*e gelaSunge, and sgnde werod Fuit autem cum discipulis Cum autem implerentur dies qui erant Damasci per dies ali- multi, consilium fecerunt in quot ; et continue in synagogis unum ludaei ut eum inter- praedicabat lesum, quoniam hie ficerent. Notae autem factae sunt est Filius Dei. Stupebant autem Saulo insidiae eorum. Custodie- omnes qui audiebant, et dicebant : bant autem et portas die ac Nonne hie est qui expugnabat noete, ut eum interficerent. Acci- in Jerusalem eos qui invoeabant pientes autem eumdiseipuli noete, nomen istud, et hue ad hoc venit, per murum dimiserunt eum, sub- ut vinetos illos duceret ad prin- mittentes in sporta. Cum autem cipes sacerdotum ? Saulus autem venisset in Jerusalem, tentabat se multo magis convalescebat, et iungere discipulis. confundebat ludaeos qui habita- 12. 1-2 1, 23. Eodem autem tempore bant Damasci, atfirmans quoniam misit Herodes rex manus, ut hie est Christus. affligeret quosdam de ecclesia; ACTS 9-12 237 ymbe psat. pa ofsloh he lacobum, lohannes broSor }pxs god- spelleres. And geseah J3a?t hit gellcodo pam. ludeiscum, and ■\volde gela;ccan Petruni. He '&a liine gefeng, and on cwearterne gebrohte, and betitjhte hine on ^am hsefte sixtyne c§mpum to healdenne ; hit waes Sa Eastertld, and for?I he §lcode his sl§ges. Petrus '^a waes gehrefd on 'Sam cwearterne ; and eal seo geleaffulle geLi"5ung baton toforlStennysse him fore bidden. pa leeg Petrus, on 'S^re nihte J^e Herodes wokle hine on merigeu forSlSdan, betwux twam c§mpum slapende, mid twam racen- teagum getiged ; and Sa weardas heoldon ]?£es cwearternes duru, swa-swa him geboden waes. Efne, Sa com Godes §ngel sclnende, and pset blinde cweartern eal mid leohte afylde ; he cnyste Sa Petres sldan, and cwae'S : Aris hra'Se ; and l^a. racenteagan feollon Sserrihte of Petres handum. Se §ngel cwaeS : Begyrd pe, and sceo pe, and fylig me. Petrus Sa him filigde ; and 'Sidite him swilce hit swefen waere. Hi 'Sa ofereodon Sa twa weardsetl, oS-]?8et hi becomon to (Sam Isenan geate, and ]53et tOsprang J^ferrihte him togeanes. Hi eodon foi-6 oS-]?aet hi comon to anre wic ; and se fngel him gewat fram. Petrus Sa beSohte hine sylfne, and cwaeS : Nu ic wat to soSan pset Drihten asgnde his §ngel, and me ahrgdde fram Herodes handum, and fram relcere anbldunge ludeisces folces. He occidit autem lacobum fratrem excitavit eum, dicens : Surge velo- loannis. . . . Videns autem quia citer; et ceciderunt catenae de placeret ludaeis, apposuit ut ap- manibuseius. Dixitautemangelus prelienderet et Petrum. ... ad eum : Praecingere, et calcea Quern cum apprehendisset, misit te caligas tuas, . . .etsequere me. in carcerem, tradens quattuor Et exiens sequebatur eum ; existi- quaternionibus militum custodi- mabat autem se visum videre. endum, volens post Pascha pro- Transeuntes autem primam et se- ducere eum populo. Et Petrus cundam custodiam, venerunt ad quidem servabatur in carcere ; portam ferream, . . . quae ultro oratio autem fiebat sine intermis- aperta est eis. Et exeuntes pro- sione ab ecclesia ad Deum pro eo. cesserunt vicum unum ; et con- Cum autem producturus eum esset tinuo discessit angelus ab eo. Et Herodes, in ipsa nocte erat Petrus Petrus, ad se reversus, dixit : Nunc dormiens inter duos milites, vine- scio vere quia misit Dominu.s tus catenis duabus ; et custodes angelum suum, et eripuit me de ante ostium custodiebant carce- manu Herodis, et de omni exspec- rem. Et ecce, angelus Domini tatione plebis ludaeorum. . . . astitit, et lumen refulsit in habita- Venit ad domuna, . . . ubi erant culo ; percussoque latere Petri, multi congregati. . . . Pulsante 238 ^LFRICS HOMILIES becom fa to his geferum, and cnucode »t 'S.'ere dura. Him arn to sum m^den J^aes geleaffullan weredes ; hire nama wses geclged Eode ; and 'Sa-'Sa heo oneneow Petres stemne, ne mihte for SSre blisse Sa duru geopenian, ac cyrde ongean, sSde J^aet Petrus pier stode. pa geleaffullan cwfedon l^set hit naere Petrus, ac w£ere his §ngel. Petrus cnucode for'S, oS-J^set hi hine inn leton ; and micclum his wundrodon. He r§hte Sa him hu God hine ahr§dde ]7urh his §ngel of (5am cwearterne, and cwfe'S : CySaS J^is lacobe and tirum gebroSrum. And eode Sa to sumere o'Sre stowe. Hwaet, 'Sa on merigen wearS micel styrung betwux Sam c§mpum pe hine healdan sceoldon. And Herodes gew^nde to Cesarean!, and 'ffer hrefde gemot wi5 Tyrum and Sidoniscum. Da mid-J^am-'Se he swi'Sost motode, on his domsetle sittende, mid cynelicum reafe gescryd, pa stop him to Godes §ngel, and hine ofsloh, for'Sant'e he ne sealde Gode na^nne wur'Smynt ; and he 'Sierrihte, mid wyrmum for- numen, gewat of life. JE. H. ii. 380, 382 ; cf. i. 402, 524. II Eft siSSan Herodes, ludea cyning, s§tte Sone apostol Petrum on cwearterne mid twam racenteagum gebundenne, and weardas wi^iinnan and wiSutan gesgtte ; ac on '(Sieve nihte ]?e se arleasa cyning hine on merigen acw^llan wolde, com Godes §ngel sclnende of heofonum, and gehi3dde hine ut 'Surh Sa isenan gatu. ^E. H. i. 574. II pa-tia se § ngel hine of 'Sara cwearterne gelsedde, and he to his geferum becom, and cnucigende inganges baed, pa, cwSdon pii geleaffullan : Nis hit na Petrus p2et 'Sier cnuca'S, ac is his §ngel. ^E. H. i. 516, 518. aiitem eo ostium ianuae, pro- egressus abiit in alium locum. cessit i3uella ad audiendum, no- Facta autem die, erat non parva mine Rhode ; et ut cognovit turbatio inter milites quidnam vocem Petri, prae gaudio non factum esset de Petro. Herodes aperuit ianuam, sed intro cur- autem, . . . descendensque a Judaea rens nuntiavit stare Petrum ante in Caesaream, ibi commoratus est. ianuam. . . . Illi autem dice- Erat autem iratus Tyriis et Sido- bant : Angelus eius est. Petrus niis. . . . Statuto autem die Hero- autem perseverabat pulsans. Cum des, vestitus veste regia, sedit pro autem aperuissent, viderunt eum, tribunali, et concionabaturad eos. et obstupuerunt. . . . Narravit Confestim autem percussit eum quomodo Dominus eduxisset eum angelus Domini, eo quod non de carcere, dixitque : Nuntiate dedisset honorem Deo ; et, con- lacobo et fratribus haec. Et sumptus a vermibus, expiravit. ACTS 13 — ROMANS 5 239 13. ?, ?. Syt5^an . . . com clypung of 'Sam Halgan Gaste to tSam geleaffullan werode, J)us cwe(5ende : As§ndacS Paulum and Barnaban to Sam weorce 'Se ic hi gecoren ha^bbe. Se halga hsap 'Sa. be Godes hnese and gecorennysse, hi asgndon to ISrenne eallum leodscipum. ^E. H. i. 388. 13. 33. See Ps. 2. 7. 13. 35. See Vs. 16. 9, 10. 14. 19. See M. H. i. 392. 15. II. We gelyfaS j^set we beon gehealdene |5urh Cristes gife, swa-swa hi. M. H. i. 214. 15» 35-39- See ^. H. i. 388. 18. 3. Paulus, . . . se Se waes on woruldcraefte tekhvyrhta. je. h. i.392. 20. 34. Sec j&. H. i. 392. 22. 4. See M. H. i. 324- 22. 2c. See m. h. ii. 82. 26. II. See m. h. i. 324. 28. 3, 5. See m. h. i. 574. ROMANS. 1. 4. Se 'Se is forestiht Godes Sunu. ^E. H. ii. 364. 1. 17. ,SceHab. 2. 4. 2. 6. God forgylt Slcum ni§n be his d;I^dum. je. h. ii. 340. 2. 12. Da Se butan Godes ve syngodon, hi eac losiaS butan ulcere ai. M. H. i. 396. II pa Se Godes S ne cunnon, and buton Godes ^ syngiaS, hi eac baton Godes je losiaS. je. h. ii. 52. II pa 'Se buton Godes ^e syngiaS, Sa losiaS eac buton Godes ffi. 2E: H. ii. 442. 5. 3-f. Geleaffullum gedafenaS J^ast hi wuldrion on gedrefed- nyssum, forfan'Se seo gedrefednys wyrc'S geSyld, and j^ret geSyld afandunge, and seo afandung hiht. Se hiht soSlice 13. 2,3. ... Dixit illis Spiritus sanc- tus: Segregate mihi Saulum et ROMANS. Bamabam in opus ad quod as- 1. 4. Qui praedestinatus est Filiu.s sumpsi eos. Tunc . . . dimiserunt Dei. . . . illos. 2. 6. Qui reddet unicuique secun- 15. 1 1. Sed per gratiam Domini lesu dum opera eius. Christi credimus salvari, quemad- 2. 12. Quicumque enim sine lege jiec- modum et illi. caverunt, sine lege peribunt. . . . 18. 3. Et quia eiusdem erat artis ... 5. 3-5. . . . Gloriamur in tribula- (erant autem scenofactoriae artis). tionibus, scientes quod tribulatio 240 ^LFRICS HOMILIES ne biS n^fre gescynd, for'^anj^e Godes lufu is agoten on urum heortum |3urh ^one Halgan Gast se 'Se us is forgifen. .E. H. i. 554 8. 9. Witodlice, se ^e Cristes Gast on him n^efS, nis se his. M. H. ii. 292. 8. 18. Ne sind na to wi'Smetenne Sa j^rowunga }?yssere tide 'Sam toweardan wuldre pe biS on us geswutelod, js. H. i. 486. 8. 30. Da 'Se he forestilite, pn he eac clypode him to ; and Sa ^e he him to clypode, '^a he gerihtwisode ; and Sa 'Se he gerilifc- wlsode, ]?a he gemjersode. .E. H. ii. 366. 8. 32. God Faeder ne sparode his agenum Bearne, ac for us eaUum hine to dea^e seakle. je. h. ii. 62. 9. 13. God hifode lacob, and hatode Esau. M. h. i. no. 9. 29. Dominus Sabao'S, ]?a;t is : H§res Hlaford, oSSe, Weroda Drihten. je. h. i. 526. 10. 13. See Joel 2. 32. 12. I. And he bebead Ipset we sceolon gearcian ure llchaman llflice onsaigednysse, and halige, and Gode andf§nge. ^. H. i. 482. 12. 4, :. See Eph. 5. 23, 30. 12. 17. /See Matt. 5. 43-46. 13. I. ^Ic sawul sy under'Seod heaherum anwealdum. je. h. ii. 362. 13. 9. See Luke 18. 20-22. 13. 10. Seo so'Se lufu is gefyllednys Godes ^. ^. H. i. 346. II Heo is fulfrgmednys Godes se. .E. H. ii. 522. 13. 11-14. . . . Nu is tima us of sh%pe to arisenne ; ure hael is gehfndre }?onne we gelyfdon. Seo niht gewat, and se dxg patientiain operatur, patientia 8. 32. Qui etiam proprio Filio suo autem probationem, probatio vero non pepercit, sed pro nobis omui- speui. Spes autem non confundit, bus tradidit ilium. . . . quia charitas Dei diffusa est in 9. 13. ... Jacob diiexi, Esau autem cordibus nostris per Spiritum sane- odio habui. turn qui datus est nobis. 9. 29. ... Dominus sabaotb. . . . 8. 9. ... Si quis autem Spiritum 12. i. Obsecro itaque . . . ut exhibe- Cbristi non babet, bic non est atis corpora vestra bostiam viven- eius. tem, sanctam, Deo placentem. . . . 8. 18. ... Non sunt condignae 13. i. Omnis anima potestatibus passiones buius temporis ad futu- sublimioribus subdita sit. . . . ram gloriam quae revelabitur in 13. 10. ... Plenitudo ergo legis est nobis. dilectio. 8. 30. Quos autem praedestinavit, 13. 11-14. • •• Hora est iam nos de bos et vocavit ; et quos vocavit, somno surgere ; nunc enim pro- bos et iustificavit ; quos autem pior est nostra salus quam cum iustificavit, illos et glorificavit. credidimus. Nox praecessit, dies ROMANS 8 — 1 CORINTHIANS 3 241 genSalJfehte ; uton a\Nairpan 'Seostra weorc, and beon ymbscrydde mid Isohtes wSpnum, swa }?i%t we on da3ge arwur'Slice faron ; na on oferStum and druncennyssum, na on forligerb§ddura and unclSnnyssum, na on geflite and andan ; ac beocS ymb- scrydde l^urh Drihten Ha;lend Crist. ^E. H. i. 6oo, 602. II . . . Nu is tima us of sl^epe to arlsenne. M. H. i. 602. II Ure hael is geh§ndre |?onne we gelyfdon. jE. h. i. 602. II Seo niht gewat, and se dseg genealShte. ^. H. i. 602. II Uton awurpan j^eostra weorc, and beon ymbscrydde mid leohtes wi^pnum, swa ]78et we on dsege arwur'Slice faron. ^E. H. i. 604. II Ac bee's ymbscrydde 'Surh Drihten Hielend Crist. ^. H. i. 606. 14. 10. Ealle we sceolon standan asfter Sisum life aetforan Cristes domsetle. ^. H. ii. 328. 15. I. We strange sceolon beran SSra unstrgngra byrtSene. JE. H. ii. 390. 1 CORINTHIANS. 1. 24. Crist is Godes miht, and Godes wisdom, je. h. l 520. 1. 27. God gecyst 'Sa untruman ]?ises middaneardes, j^aet hs Sa strangan gescynde. M. H. ii. 376. 1. 31. Se Se ^Vllldrige, wuldrige on Gode. .^. H. i. 578. 2. 9. Ne maeg nan eage on Sisum life geseon, ne nan eare gehyran, ne nanes mannes beorte asmeagan, tSa (Sing tSe God gearcaS |3am Se hine lufia'5. ^E. H. ii. 588. 3. 9. We sind Godes gefylstan. ^E. H. i. 8. 3. II. Ne m^eg nan man l§cgan o|7erne grundweall on 'Sgere halgan gelaSunge buton 'Sone j^e '^sev geled is, 'pset is Hfelend Crist. autem appropinquavit ; abiicia- mus ergo opera tenebrarum, et ■•■ CORINTHIANS. induamur arma lucis. Sicut in 1. 24. ... Christum Dei virtutem, die lioneste ambulemus ; non in et Dei sapientiam. comessationibus et ebrietatibus ; 1. 27. ... Infiiina mundi elegit nbn in cubilibus et impudicitiis ; Deus, ut confundat fortia. non in contentione et aemula- 1. 31. ... Qui gloriatur, in Domino tione ; sed induimini Dominum glorietur. lesum Christum. ... 2. 9. . . . Oculus non vidit, nee auris 14. 10. ... Omnes enim stabimus audivit, nee in cor hominis as- ante tribunal Christi. cendit, quae praeparavit Deus iis 15. I. Debemus autem nos firmiores qui diligunt ilium, imbecillitates infirmorum sus- 3. 9. Dei enim sumus adiutores. . . . tinere. . . . 3. 11. Fundamentum enim aliud B. 242 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 3. 12-15. Swa-hwa-swa getimbracS ofer 'Sisum grundwealle gold, oS(5e seolfor, oSSe deorwur'Se stanas, dppe treowa, streaw o])]}e ceaf, anes gehwilces mannes weoi-c biS swutel. Godes dseg hl geswutela^, forSan'Se he biS on fyre aeteowod ; and ]?aet fyr afandaS hwilc heora selces weorc biS. Gif hwaes getimbrung 'Surhwuna'S, and cSam fyre wi^stgnt, Jjonne underfehS se w^hta edlean aet Gode his weorces. Gif hwaes weorc forbyrncS, he hsefS j3one hearm, and biS swa-Seah gehealden Surh fyr. M. H. iL 588. 3. 16. Nyte ge J^aet eowere Hma syndon ]?aes Halgan Gastes tempel, se 'Se on eow is ? ^. H. ii 580. 3. 17. Se 'Se gewfmS Godes tempel, God hine forded, je. h. i 212. Godes tempel is halig ; p?et ge sind. jE. h. i. 412 ; ii. 580. 4. 7. pu mann, hwaet hsefst 'Su psea Se 'Su fram Gode ne under- fenge ? Hwl wuldrast 'Su, swilce 'Su nan Sing ne underfenge ? JE. H. iL 432. 5. 7. Crist is lire Eastertld. je. h. ii 278. 5.8. We sceoldon wistfuUian, na on yfelnysse beorman, ac on |?eorf- nyssum syfernysse and soS^faestnysse. jE. h. ii 278. 5. 13. Afyrsia'S J^one yfelan fram Sow. JE. H. i 124- 6. 9, 10. Dyrne forligeras o'SSe deofolgyldan, sceaSan and reaferas, oSSe re'Se manslagan, gytseras and drinceras, pe dollice lybbaS, nabba'S Godes rice on rodorlicere heofonan. ^. H. ii 330. , . . 'Saet 'Sa wyrigendan Godes rice ne geagnia'S. ^. H. ii. 34. nemo potest ponere praeter id estis, et Spiritus Dei habitat in quod positumest, quod est Christus vobis ? lesus. 3. 17. Si quis auteni templum Dei 3. 12-15. Si quis autem superaedi- violaverit, disperdet ilium Deus. ficat super fundamentum hoc Templum enim Dei sanctum est, aurum, argentum, lapides preti- quod estis vos. osos, ligna, foenum, stipulam, 4. 7. ... Quid autem habes quod uniuscuiusque opus manifestum non accepisti? Si autem acce- erit. Dies enim Domini declarabit, pisti, quid gloriaris quasi non quia in igne revelabitur ; et uni- acceperis ? uscuiusque opus quale sit ignis 5. 7. . . . Pascha nostrum ... est probabit. Si cuius opus manserit Christus. quod superaediiicavit, mercedem 5. 8. Itaque epulemur, non ... in fer- accipiet. Si cuius opus arserit, mento malitiae et nequitiae, sed detrimentum patietur ; ipse autem in azymis sinceritatis et veritatis. salvus erit, sic tamen quasi per 5. 13. ... Auferte malum ex vobis ignem. ipsis. 3. 16. Nescitis quia templum Dei 6.9, 10. . . . Neque fornicarii, neque 1 COEINTHIANS 3-12 243 6. 19. See yE.H. 1.262. 6. 20. Ge sincl gebohte mid micclum wur^e ; wuldriaS for^I, and beraS God on Sowrum lichaman. m. h. i. 210. 7. 29. pa 'Se wlf habba^, beon hi swilce hi nan nabbon. iE. H.' i. 148. 9. II. Gif we eow }?a gastlican sjed sawa'S, hwonlic bicS \)?ei \v6 eowere flSsclican 'Sing ripon. M. H. a 534. 9. 25. ^Ic S«ra J^e on geeampe win's, forhaefS hine sylfne fram Galium 'Sin gum. ^E. H. iL 86. 10. 1-4. Ealle ure forSfaederas w^ron gefullode on wolcne and on S£e ; and ealle hi aeton f>one ylcan gastlican m§te, and ealle hi druncon |5one ylcan gastlican dr§nc. Hi druncon soSlice of fefterfiligendum stane ; and se stan wses Crist. JE. H. ii. 272, 274. II Hi ealle aton Sone gastlican m§te, and Sone gastlican dr§nc diamcon. M. H. ii. 202 ; cf. John 6. 49, note. II Hi druncon of Sam gastlican stane ; and se stan wses Crist. M. H. ii. 202. II Se stan soSlice w?es Crist. jE. H. i. 98. 10. II. We sind Sa Se worulda ge§ndunga on becomon. M. H. ii. 372. 10. 17. We manega sindon an hlaf and an llchama. M. H. ii. 276. 11. 23-25. See Matt. 26. 26-28. 12. 8-1 1. Sumum m§n he forgifS wisdom and spraice, sumum god ingehyd, sumvmi micelne geleafan, sumum mihte to gehailenne unti-uman, sumum witegunge, sumum toscead godra gasta and yfelra ; sumum he forgifS mislice gereord, sumum ger§ccednysse mislicra sprteca. Ealle Sas 'Sing do's se Halga Gast, todjelende ffighwilcum be Sftm Se him gewyrS. je. h. i. 322. idolis servientes, neque adulteri, contendit, ab omnibus se absti- neque molles, neque masculorum net. . . . concubitores, neque fures, neque 10. 1-4. . . . Patres nostri omnes .... avari, neque ebriosi, neque male- baptizati sunt in nube et in dici, neque rapaces, regnum Dei niari ; et omnes eamdem escam possidebunt. spiritalem manducaverunt, et 6. 20. Emptienimestispretiomagno; omnes eumdem potum spirita- glorificate, et portate Deum in lem biberunt. Bibebant autem corpore vestro. de spiritali, consequente eos, 7. 29. ... Qui habent uxores tarn- petra ; petra autem erat Christus. quam non habentes sint. 10. 11. . . . Nostram, in quos fines 9. II. Si nos vobis spiritualia semi- saeculorum devenerunt. navimus, magnum est si nos car- 10. 17. ... Unus panis, unum corpus nalia vestra metamus ? multi sumus. . . . 9. 25. Omnis autem qui in agone 12. 8-1 1. Alii quidem per Spiritum R 2 244 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 12. 12, 20, 21. Sec Eph. 5. 23, 30. 12. 26. Gif an lim biS unti-um, ealle 'Sa oSre 'Srowia'S mid ]:am anum. M. H. i. 274. 12. 27'. Ge soSlice sindon Cristes Irchama and leomu. 2E. h. ii. 276 ; Cf. i. 368, 390. II Ge sind Cristes lichama and his lynia. m. h. il 386 ; cf. i 368, 390. 13. 2, 3. Deali se mann hsebbe fullne geleafan, and aelmessan wyrce, and fela to gode gedo, eal him biS ydel, swa-hwaet-swa he deS, buton he h^bbe so'Se lufe. M. H. i. 528. Il peah-'Se ie aspende ealle mine Shta on ^earfena bigleofan, and Seah-'Se ic mlnne agenne llchaman to cwale gesylle, swa 'Saet ic forbyrne on martp'dome ; gif ic nsebbe Sa soSan lufe, ne fr§maS liit me nan Sing. M. H. 1 54. 14. 20. Ne beo ge cild on andgite, ac on yfelnyssum ; beoS on and- gite fulfr§mede. M. H. L 512. 14. 26. ponne ge eow to gereorde gaderia'S, haebbe Sower gehwilc hahv§nde lare on muSe, and sealmboc on handa. M. H. i. 604. 14. 38. Se mann ]5e God forgyt, God forgyt eac hine. ^. H. ii 52. II Se 'Se ne cann, hine man eac ne cann. -E. H. ii. 442. 15. 24. ponne he betEecS rice his Faeder. ^. H. i. 264. 15. 52. On anre preowthwile, on 'SSre §ndenextan byman ; seo byme soSlice blSwS, and 'Sa deadan ansa's ungebrosnode, and we beoS aw§nde. M. H. ii. 568. datur sermo sapientiae ; alii autem cibos pauperum omnes facultates sermo scientiae secundum eumdem meas, et si tradidero corpus meum Spiritum ; alteri fides in eodem ita ut ardeam, charitatem autem Spiritu ; alii gi-atia sanitatum in non habuero, nihil mihi prodest. uno Spiritu ; alii operatic virtu- 14. 20. , . . Nolite pueri effici sensi- tum, alii prophetia, alii discretio bus, sed malitia parvuli estote ; spirituum, alii genera linguarum, sensibus autem perfecti estote. alii interpretatio sermonum. Haec 14. 26. ... Cum convenitis, unus- autem omnia operatur unus atque quisque vestrum psalmum habet, idem Spiritus, dividens singulis doctrinam habet, apocalypsim prout Tult. habet, linguam habet, interpre- 12. 26. Et si quid patitur unum tationem habet. .. . membrum, compatiuntur omnia 14. 38. Si quis autem ignorat, igno- membra. . . . rabitur. 12. 27. Vos autem estis corpus 15. 24. ... Cum tradiderit regnum Christi, et membra de membro. Deo et Patri. . . . 13. 2, 3. ... Si habuero omnem 15. 52. In memento, in ictu oculi, fidem, ... et si distribuero in in novissima tuba : canet enim 1 CORINTHIANS 12 — 2 CORINTHIANS 11 245 16. T3. BeoS wacole, unci standaS on gelsafan, and onginna'S wer- lice, and beotS gehyrte. ^e. h. i. i88. 2 COKINTHIANS. I. 12. tJre wuldor is seo gecySnys ures ingehydes. je. h. ii. 564. 5. 10. Ealle we sceolon standan sefter 'Sisum life setforan Cristas domsetle, psei Sic SSr underfo swa-hwset-swa he on llchaman adreah, o'SSe god o]?]3e yfel. ^. H. ii. 328 ; cf. ii. 12. 6. 10. Swa-swa naht haebbende, and ealle Sing geagniende. ^. H. i. 550. 9.9. SeeFs. 112. 9. 10. 1 7. Se Se -svnldrige, ^v^^ldrige on Gode. JE. H. i. 578. II. 2. Ic bew§ddode eow anum were, l^aet ge sceoldon gearcian clsene mseden Criste. ^E. H. ii. 10. II Ic bew§ddode eow anum were, t)8et ge gearcian Criste an clffine mjeden. JZ. H. ii. 54. II Ic bew§ddode eow anum were, J^set ge gearcian an clSne mffiden Criste. je. h. ii. 566. 11. 23. See 2 Cor. 11. 26, 27, note. 11. 25. . . . pset he aenne daeg and ane niht on sa;grunde adruge. M. H. i. 574. 11. 26, 27. He W0es gelomlice on mycelre frecednysse, SgSer ge on sse ge on lande, on westene, betwux sceaSum, on hungre and on Surste, and on manegum wfeccum, on cyle, and on na^cednysse, and on manegum cwearternum \ M. h. i. 392. tuba, et mortui resurgent incor- 6. 10. ... Tamquam nihil habentes, rupti, et nos immutabimur. et omnia possidentes. 16. 13. Vigilate, stateinfide, viriliter 10. 17- Qui autem gloriatur, in agite,- et confortamini. Domino gloriatur. 11. 2. Despondi enim vos uni viro 2 CORINTHIANS. virginem castam exhibere Christo. 1. 12. Nam gloria nostra haec est, 11. 25. ... Nocte et die in profundo testimonium conscientiae nos- maris fui. trae 11. 26, 27. In itineribus saepe, peri- 5. 10. Omnes enim nos manifestari culis fluminum, periculis latro- oportet ante tribunal Christi, ut num, periculis ex genere, peri- referat unusquisque propria cor- culis ex gentibus, periculis in poris, prout gessit, sive bonum civitate, periculis in solitudine, sive malum. periculis in mari, periculis in ' From 2 Cor. 11. 23, 'in career ibus.' 246 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 11. 33- See M. H. i. 390. 12. 2, 4. Ic wat Sone mann on Criste, ])e waes gegripen nu for feowertyne gearum, and gelsed o(S '^a. J?riddan heofenan. And §ft he waes gelsed to neorxnawange ; and S^r gehyrde 'Sa digelan word, \>G nan eoi^'Slic mann sprecan ne mot. M. H. ii. 332. II He wses geljed to heofonan oS tSa 'Sriddan fleringe ; and ]?£er he geseh and gehyrde Godes digehiysse, '5a he ne moste nanum m§n cy'San. m. h. i. 392. 12. 7-9. Me is geseald sticels mines llchaman, and se sceocca me gearplaet ^ |?iet seo micelnys Godes onwrigenyssa me ne onh§bbe. ForSan ic baed J^riwa minne Drihten j^set he afyrsode }?aes sceoccan sticels fram me ; ac he me andwyrde : Paule, Se geniht- suma'S min gifu.; soSlice msegen biS gefr§mod on untrumnysse. Nu wuldrige ic lustHce on minum untrumnyssum, J^aet Cristes miht on me wunige. m. h. i. 474. GALATIANS. 3. II. See Hab. 2. 4. 3. 29. Gif ge sind Cristes, ]7onne sind ge Abrahames seed, and aefter behate yrfenuman. M. H. i. 98. II Witodlice, gif ge cristene synd, ]5onne beo ge Abrahames ofspring, and yrfenuman sefter behate. M. H. i. 2C4. II EornostHce, gif ge Cristes sind, j^onne sind ge Abrahames s;Sd, and aefter behate yrfenuman. m. h. ii 62. 4. 4, 5. pa-|?a S^era tida gefyllednys com, tSa s§nde God Feeder his Sunn to mancynnes alysednysse. j&. h. i. 194. falsis fratribus ; in labore et gelus Satanae qui me colaphizet. aerumna, in vigiliis multis, in Propter quod ter Dominuin rogavi fame et siti, in ieiuniis multis, in ut discederet a me ; et dixit mihi : fiigore et nuditate. Sufficit tibi gratia mea ; nam 12. 2, 4. Scio bominem in Christo virtus in infirmitate perficitur. ante annos quattuoi'decim, . . . Libenter igitur gloriabor in infir- raptum huiusmodi usque ad ter- mitatibus meis, ut inhabitet in tium coelum. . . . Raptus est in me vii-tus Christi. paradisum ; et audivit arcana verba, quae non licet homini GALATIANS. loqui. 3. 29. Si autem vos Christi, ergo 12, 7-9. Et ne magnitudo revela- semen Abrahae estis, secundum tionum extollat me, datus est promissionem heredes. mihi stimulus camis meae, an- 4. 4, 5. At ubi venit plenitude tem- ^ For 'earplset,' or 'geearplaet,' 2 CORINTHIANS 11 — EPHESIANS 3 247 4. 10, II. Ic wene Ipset ic SAVunce on ydel, Sri-'Sa ic eow to Gode geblgde ; nu ge cepa'S dagas and mOnSas raid ydelum wlglung- um. M. H. i. 102. 4. 19. Ge synd mine beam, 'Sa 'Se ic nu oSre siSe geeacnige, o'S-}?aet Crist beo on Sow geedniwod. m. h. i. 492. 5. 14. ^eeMatt. 19. 19. EPHESIANS. 1. 4. Swa-swa he as geceas on Criste ^r middaneardes ges§t- nysse. JE. H. ii 366. 1. 10. . . . ]58et sceoldon ealle lieofenlice 'Sing and eorSlice beon geedsta'Selode on Criste. je. h. i. 214. 2. 14. He is ure sibb, se 'Se dyde segSer to anum, towurpende^ tSa jerran feondscipas on him sylfum. ^E. H. i. 106. II Se is ure sib, se 'Se dyde ^g'Ser to anum. m. H. ii. 580. 2. 1 7. Se H^elend bodade on his tocyme sibbe us 'Se feorran waeron, and sibbe pam. 'Se geh§nde wSron. M. H. ii. 106. 3. 14, 17-19. Ic blge mine cneowu to 'Sam aelmihtigan Fasder for eow, Tpeet ge beon on soSre lufe gewyrtrumode, ]?8et ge magon underfon mid eallum halgum hwset sy bradnyss, langnyss, heahnyss, and deopnyss on Godes ges§tnyssum ; and tocnawan eac 'Sa oferstlgendan so'San lufe Drihtnes Cristes, l^set ge beon gefyllede on ealre Godes gefyllednysse. je. h. ii 408. Ijoris, misit Deus Filium suum, ... 2. 14. Ipse enini est pax nostra, qui ut eos, qui sub lege erant, redime- fecit utraque unum, et . . . solvens ret. . . . ininiicitias in came sua. 4. 10, II. Dies observatis, et menses, 2.17. Etveniensevangelizavitpacem et tempera, et annos ; timeo vos, vobis qui longe fuistis, et pacem ne forte sine causa laboraverim iis qui prope. in vobis. 3. 14, 17-19. Huius rei gratia flecto 4. 19. Filioli mei, quos iterum par- genua mea ad Patrem Domini turio, donee formetur Christus in nostri lesu Christi. ... In chari- vobis. tate radicati et fundati, ut pos- sitis comprehendere cum omnibus Sanctis quae sit latitude, et lengi- 4. Sicut elegit nos in ipse ante tude, et sublimitas, et profundum ; mundi constitutionem. . . . scire etiam supereminentem sci- 10. . . . Instaurare omnia in entiae charitatem Christi, ut Christo, quae in coelis, et quae impleamini in omnem plenitudi- in terra sunt. . . . nem Dei. ' Possibly translates the ' evacuans ' of v. 15, EPHESIANS. 248 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 4. 3. See M. H. ii 276. 5. 16. Yfele sind ure dagas. M. h. i. 490. 5. 22. Wif sceolon gehyrsumian heora werum gedafenlice, and hi symle arwur'Sian swa-swa agene hlafordas. M. H. i. 322. 5.23. See M. H. L 260, 272. 5.27. Ealle 'Sa \>q to Godes rice gebyriga'S, nabbaS naSor ne W9inm ne awyrdnj^sse on heora llchaman. JE.. H. i. 236. 5. 30. See ^. H. i 260, 272. 6. 2. /SeeExod. 20. 12. 6. II, 12, 14, 16, 17. YmbscrydaS eow mid Godes wsepnunge, ]?8et ge magon standan ongean deofles syrwungum ; for^anSe us nis nan gecamp ongean flsesc and blod, ac togeanes deofellicuni ealdruni and gastlicum yfelnyssum. Standa'S, eornostlice, mid begyrdum jgndenum on so'Sfaestnysse, and ymbscrydde mid rihtwisnysse byrnan ; and nymaS j^ses geleafan scyld, and ■Saes hilites helm, and )?ses Halgan Gastes swurd, J^aet is Godes word. M. H. il 218. PHILIPPIANS. 2. 8. He wses gehyrsum his Feeder ajfre o'S dea^. M. H. ii 6. 2. 15,16. Gewunia'S betwnix ))wyrum mancynne ;^ sclnaS betwux }3am swa-swa steorran, llfes word healdende. .^. h. i 528. 3. ig. Heora wamb is heora God, and heora §nde is forwyrd, and heora wuldor on gescyndnysse. .^. h. i. 604. 3.21. See M. H. i. 236. 5. 16. . . . Dies mail sunt. ... in omnibus sumentes scutum 5. 22. Mulieres viris suis subditae fidei; . . . et galeam salutis sint, sicut Domino. assumite, et gladium Spiritus. 5. 27. Ut exliiberet ipse sibi glo- quod est verbum Dei. riosam ecclesiam, non habentem maculam aut rugam. . . . PHILIPPIANS. 6. II, 12, 14, 16, 17. Induite vos 2. 8. ... Factus obediens usque ad armaturam Dei, ut possitis stare mortem. . . . adversus insidias diaboli ; quo- 2. 15, 16. Ut sitis ... in medio niam non est nobis colluctatio nationis pravae et perversae ; inter adversus carnem et sanguinem, quos lucetis sicut luminaria in sed adversus principes et potes- mundo, verbum \dtae continen- tates, adversus mundi rectores tes. . . . tenebrarum harum, contra spiri- 3. 19. Quorum finis interitus. quo- tualia nequitiae. . . . State, ergo, rum Deus venter est, et gloria in succincti lumbos vestros in veri- confusione ipsorum. . . . tate, et induti loricara iustitiae EPHESIANS 4 — COLOSSIANS 3 249 COLOSSIANS. 2. 9. On him wunacS eal gefyllednys pxre godcundnysse. je. h. i. 150. 2. 14. Mid his upstige is adylegod ]?set cyrographum ure geni(Ser- unge. M. H. i. 300. 3. 5. Se gitsere . . . biS . . . J^am gellc pe deofolgyld begajS. M H. i 326. 3. 12, 14-17. Ymbscryda'S Sow, swa-swa Godes gecorenan, mid mildheortnj'sse and mid welwillendnysse, mid eadmodnysse, mid gemetfaestnysse, mid ge'Sylde ; and habba'S eow, toforan eallum 'Singum, tSa soSan lufe, seo Se is b§nd ealra fulfr§med- nyssa ; and Cristes sib blissige on eowrum heortum, on 'SSre ge sind geclgede on anum llchaman. BeoS J^ancfulle, and Godes word %vunige betwux eow genihtsumlice on eallum wls- dome ; tScende and tihtende eow betwynan on sealmsangum and gastlicum lofsangum, singende mid gife Godes on eowrum heortum. Swa-hwaet-swa ge doS on worde oStSe on weorce, doS symle on Drihtnes naman, J^ancigende 'Sam selmihtigan Fteder Surh his Beam. ^. H. i. 606. II Swa-liAvset-swa ge doS on worde oSSe on weorce, doS symle on Drihtnes naman, J^ancigende J?am aelmihtigan Feeder J)urh his Beam. ^. h. i 102. 3. 18. See Eph. 5. 22. 3. 19. LufiaS, ge weras, eowere wif on iewe ; ne beo ge biterehim ungebeorhlice. M. H. ii. 322. 3. 22-24. Eala, ge Seowan, beoS gehyrsume eowerum hlafordum ; COLOSSIANS. et vocati estis in uno corpora ; et grati estote. Verbum Christi 2. 9. ... In ipso inhabitat omnis habitat in vobis abundantar m plenitude divinitatis omni sapientia, docantes et com- 2. 14. Delens quod adversus nos monentes vosmetipsos psalmis, erat chirographum decreti hymnis, et canticis spiritualibus, 3. 5- . • • Avaritiam, quae est simu- in gratia cantantes in cordibus lacrorum servitus. vastris Deo. Omne quodcumque 3. 12, 14-17. Induite vos ergo, sicut facitis in verbo aut in opare, electi Dei, . . . viscera miseri- omnia in nomine Domini lesu cordiae, benignitatem, humilita- Christi, gratias agentes Deo et tem, modestiam, patientiam ; . . . Patri per ipsum. super omnia autem haec, charita- 3. 19. Viri, diligite uxores vestras, tem habete, quod est vinculum at nolite.amari esse ad illas. perfectionis ; et pax Christi ax- 3. 22-24. Servi, obedite per omnia ultet in cordibus vestris, in qua dominis carnalibus ; non ad ocu- 250 ^LFRICS HOMILIES swa-hwaet-swa ^ ge wyrca'S, wyrca'S mid mode, swa-swa Gode sylfum, and he sylS eow mede. Ne Seowige ge to ansyne, ac mid anfealdre heortan, ne swilce beforan mannum, ac mid Godes ogan. ^. h. ii 326. 1 THESSALONIANS. 2. 9. See M. H. i. 392. 4. 13 (Vulg. 12). Mine gebrocSra, ic nelle J^aet ge nyton be Sam slapendum, M. H. iL 566. 4. 16-18 (Vulg. 1 5-1 7). Drihten sylf astlhS of heofonum on stemne \)3ds, heah§ngles, and mid Godes byman ; and 'Sa deadan serest ansa's ; sySSan we Se lybbaS, and on llchaman beoS gemette, beoS gelaehte forS mid J^am oSrum on wolcnum togeanes Criste ; and we swa symle sySSan mid Gode beoS. FrefriaS eow mid )?isum wordum. M. H. i. 616. 5. 2. Drihtnes daeg cymS swa-swa Seof on niht. M H. iL 568. 5. 15. See Matt. 5. 43-46. 3. 8. See M. H. i. 2 THESSALONIANS. 1 TIMOTHY. 5. 6. Seo wuduwe }?e lyfaS on estm§ttum, heo ne lyfaS na, ac heo is dead. M. H. i. 146. 5. 18. See Luke 10. 2-7. lum servientes, quasi hominibus j)lacentes, sed in simplicitate cordis, timentes Deum. Quod- cumque facitis, ex animo ope- ramini, sicut Domino, at non hominibus, scientes quod a Do- mino accipietis retributionem hereditatis, . . . 1 THESSALONIANS. 4. 12. Nolumus autem vos ignorare, fratres, de dormientibus. . . . 4. 15-17. Quoniam ipse Dominus . . . in voce archangeh, et in tuba Dei, descendet de coelo ; et mortui . . . resurgent primi ; deinde nos qui vivimus, qui relinquimur, simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Christo in aera; et sic semper cum Domino erimus. Ita- que consolamini invicem in verbis istis. 5. 2. ... Dies Domini sicut fur in nocte, ita veniet. 1 TIMOTHY. 5. 6. Nam quae in deliciis est, vivens mortua est. Transposition, 1 THESSALONIANS 2 — HEBREWS 12 251 6. 7. Ne brohte w6 nan 'Sing to Sisum micldangearde, no wG nun c5ing heonon mid us ISdan no niagon. M. H. i. 256. 6. 10. Seo grsedignys is . . . Avyrtruma iielces yfeles. JE. H. ii. 410. II . . . gytsunge, seo Se is ^vyrtruma selces yfeles. JE. H. ii. 462. 6. 15. Hs is ealra cyninga Cyning, and ealra hlaforda Hlaford. iE. H. i. 8. 6. 17, 18. BebeodacS )7am ricum Jjaet hi ne modigan, nS hi ne hopian on heora ungemssum welan ; ac beon hi rice on godum weorcum, and syllan Godes ^earfum mid cystigum mode. M. H. i. 256. HEBREWS. 1. 3. . . . Ipiei he wjere his Faeder Avuldres beorhtnys. ^E. H. ii. 606 ; cf. i. 28. 1. 5. See Ps. 2. 7 ; 89. 26. 1. 13. SeeFs. 110. i. I. 14. |]nglas beo'S to Seninggastum fram Gode hider on worulde as§nde, ]53et hi beon on fultume his gecorenum, J^aet hi Sone ecan eSel onfon mid him. JE. H. i. 570. 5. 5- See Ps. 2. 7. 10. 38. See Hab. 2. 4. II. 6. Geleafa, . . . buton ]5am ne maeg nan mann Gode llcian. ^. H. i. 134. 12. R, 6. Ne forgym (5u, min beam, J^ines Drihtnes steore, ne Su beo gew^ht ]?onne he Se j^rea'S ; Sone Se Drihten lufaS, J^one he SreaS, and soSlice beswing'S selcne sunu Se he underfehtS. JE. H. ii. 328. II God ]3reaS and beswing'S ielcne 'Se he underfeh'S to his rice. JE. H. i 486 ; cf. Eev. 3. 1 9. HEBREWS. 6. 7. Nihil enim intulimus in hunc mundum ; haud dubium quod nee auferre quid possumus. 1. 3. Qui cum sit splendor gloriae . . . 6. 10. Radix enim omnium malorum eius. . . . est cupiditas. ... 1. 14. Nonneomnes suntadministra- 6. 15. ... Rex regum, et Dominus torii spiritus, in ministerium missi dominantium. propter eos qui hereditatem ca- 6. 17, 18. Divitibus huius saeculi pient salutis ? praecipe non sublime saj^ere, ne- 11. 6. Sine fide autem impossibile que sperare in incerto divitiarum; est placere Deo. . . . . . . divites fieri in bonis operibus, 12. 5, 6. ... Fili mi, noli negligere facile tribuere, communicare. disciplinam Domini, neque fati- 252 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 12. 29. God is . . . fornymende fyr. je. h. i. 322. 13. 1, 2. Wunige betwux eow lufu so'Sre brotJerraedene, and forgymeleasige ge cumll'Snysse. M. h. ii 286. JAMES. 1. 2. Eala, ge mine gebro'Sra, wenaS eow selcere blisse, ]?onne ge beoS on niislicum costnungum. M H. i 554, 2. 8. &eMatt. 17. 49. 2. 13. Se Se dom ges§t buton mildheortnysse, him biS §ft gedemed biiton mildheortnysse. m. h. ii 322. 2. 14. Hwaet frgma'S J?e )?8et (Su hsebbe geleafan, gif Su nafst Sa godan weorc ? ^. H. L 304. 2. 17. Se geleafa 'Se biS butan godum weorcum, se biS dead. M. H. i 302. II Se geleafa pe biS butan godum weorcum, se is dead. JE. H. L 236. 2. 19. Deoflu gelyfaS, ac hi forhtiat5. ^. H. i. 304. 2. 23. See M. H. i. 558. 2. 20, 26. /See Jas. 2. 17. 3. 10. Ne magon we mid anum mtiSe bletsian and wyrian. MB.. iL 36. 4. 4. Swa-hwa-swa wile beon freond pisve worulde, se biS geteald Godes feond. m. h. i. 162. II Swa-hwa-swa wile beon freond J^yssere worulde, he biS Godes feond geteald. M. H. L 612. geris dum ab eo argueris ; quern cordia illi qui non fecit miseri- enim diligit Dominus, castigat ; cordiam. . . . flagellat autem omnem filium 2. 14. Quid proderit ... si fidem quern recipit. quis dicat se habere, opera autem 12. 29. Etenim Deus noster ignis non habeat ? . . . consumens est. 2. 1 7. Sic et fides, si non habeat 13. I, 2, Charitas fraternitatis ma- opera, mortua est in semetipsa. neat in vobis, et hospitalitatem 2.19. . . . Daemones credunt, et con- nolite oblivisci. tremiscunt. 3. 10. Ex ipso ore procedit bene- JAMES. dictio et maledictio. Nonoportet, 1. 2. Omne gaudium existimate, fratres mei, haec ita fieri, fratres mei, cum in tentationes 4. 4. ... Quicumque ergo voluerit varias incideritis. amicus esse saeculi huius, inimicus 2. 13. Judicium enim sine miseri- Dei constituitur. HEBREWS 12 — 1 PETER 2 253 4.7, ?. Wi'^stancla'S pam. dcofle, and he fllh'S fram Oow ; genSalSc- at5 Gode, and he geneahtehtS to eow. .E. H. i. 6*14. II Geneah%ca'5 to Gode, and God geneah^ht) to eow. je. h. ii. 52. 5. 4. See Eom. 9. 29. 5. i6-2c. . . . J?set we sceolon andettan ure synna gelome, and ^Ic for o'Serne gebiddan, pvet we beon gehealdene. Helias se witega waes us mannum gehc, 'Srowiendlic swa-swa we ; and he swa-'Seah absed J^aet ren wses forwyrned 'Sam wiSerweardum folce to 'Sreora geara fyrste, and syx moncSa faece. He abaed fft siScSan aet 'Sam soSan Gode J^set he renas forgeaf, and eor'Slice wsestmas. Gif hwilc man gebig'S o'Serne fram ge- dwylde, he alyst his sawle soSHce fram deaSe, and fela synna adylegaS |3urh 'Saes gedwolan rihtinge. ^. H. ii. 330. 1 PETER. 1. I. See ^. H. i. 268. 1. 5. purh Godes gife ge sind gehealdene on geleafan. JE. H. i. 114. II Ge sind on Godes gife gehealdene Jjurh geleafan. ^. H. ii. 524. 1. 7. For'San]3e seo afandung eowres geleafan is miccle deorwurSre fjonne gold pe biS 'Surh fyr afandod. ^. H. i. 554 ; cf. i. 6, 268, 544. 1. 24. jEIc flgesc is gaers, and pass flgesces wuldor is swilce wyrta blostm. M. H. i. 188. 2. 4, 5. Genealseca^ to 'Sam lybbendum stane, se 'Se is fram mannum aworpen, and fram Gode gecoren and gearwur'Sod ; and beoS ge sylfe ofer 'Sam stane getimbrode, swa-swa lybbende stanas on gastlicum husum. je. h. ii. 580. 4. 7, 8. ... Resistite autem diabolo, salvabit animam eius a morte, et et fugiet a vobis ; appropinquate operietmultitudinempeccatorum. Deo, et appropinquabit vobis. . . . 5. 16-20. Confitemini ergo alteru- 1 PETER. trum peccata vestra, et orate pro 1. 5. ... In virtute Dei custodimini invicem ut salvemini. . . . Elias per fidem in salutem. . . . homo erat similis nobis passibilis ; 1. 7. Ut probatio vestrae fidei multo et oratione oravit ut non plueret pretiosior auro quod per ignem super terram, et non pluit annos probatur. . . . tres et menses sex. Et rursum 1. 24. ... Omnis caro ut foenum, et oravit, et coelum dedit pluviam, omnis gloria eius tamquam flos et terra dedit fructum suum. . . . foeni. . . . Si quis . . . erraverit a veritate, et 2. 4, 5. Ad quem accedentes lapidem converterit quis eum, scire debet vivum, ab hominibus quidem re- quoniam qui converti fecerit pec- probatum, a Deo autem electum catorem ab errore viae suae, et honorificatum ; et ipsi tarn- 254 ^LFRICS HOMILIES 2. 21. Crist 'Srowode for us, and sealde us bysne J^set we sceolon fyligan his fotswacSum. je. h. i. 164. 3. I. See Eph. 5. 22. 3. 6. Swa-swa Sarra gehyrsumode Abrahame, and hine hlaford het ; Ssere dohtra ge sind, wel donde and na ondr^dende £enige gedrefednysse. M. H. i. 98. 3. 9. See Matt. 5. 43-46. 3. 18. See je. h. ii. 276. 3. 20. See M. H. ii. 60. 4. 9. BeoS cumllSe eow betwynan, buton ceorungum. je. h. ii. 286. 5. 8, 9. Bee's syfre and wacole, forSanSe se deofol, eower wiSer- winna, fser^ onbutan swa-swa grymetende leo, secende hwaene he abite ; wiSstanda'S j^am strange on geleafan. je. h. ii. 448. 1 JOHN. 2. 4. Se Se cwyS }?aet he God cunne, and his beboda ne hylt, he is leas. JE. H. i. 302. II Gif hwa cwyS ]?aet he kifige ]3one lifigendan God, and his beboda ne hylt, he biS leas Sonne, je. h. ii. 314 ; cf. i. 236. 2. 6. Se Se cweS |?8et he on Criste wunige, he sceal faran swa-swa Crist ferde. M. H. ii. 468. 2. If. Ne lufige ge middangeard, ne 'Sa Sing Se him on wuniaS ; for'San swa-hwa-swa middangeard lufaS, naefS he Godes lufe on him. je. h. i. 614. II Ne lufige ge Sisne middaneard, ne Sa Sing Se on raid- danearde sind. m. h. ii. 340. 3. 14. Se Se his broSor ne lufaS, he wunaS on deaSe. je. h. i. 54. quam lapides vivi superaedifica- resistite fortes in fide. . . . mini, domus spiritualis. . . . 2. 21. ... Christus passus est pro 1 JOHN. nobis, vobis relinquens exemplum 2. 4. Qui dicit se nosse eum, et ut sequamini vestigia eiiis, niandata eius non custodit, men- 3. 6. Sicut Sara obediebat Abrahae, dax est. . . . dominum eum vocans ; cuius estis 2. 6. Qui dicit se in ipso manere, filiae, benefacientes et non pei'ti- debet, sicut ille ambulavit, et ipse mentes ullam perturbationem. ambulare. 4. 9. Hospitales invicem sine mur- 2. 15. Nolite diligere mundum, muratione. neque ea quae in mundo sunt ; si 5. 8, 9. Sobrii estote, et vigilate, quis diligit mundum, non est quia adversarius vester diabolus charitas Patris in eo. tamquam leo rugiens circuit, 3. 14. . . . Qui non diligit, manet in quaerens quem devoret ; cui morte. 1 PETER 2 — REVELATION 7 255 8. 15. Mlc SSra pe his brocSor hata'S is manslaga. ^E. H. i. 54. 3. 16. We oncneowon Cristes lufe on us J^urh Ipeet, pset he sealde hine sylfne for us ; and we sceolon syllan us sylfe for ge- bro'Srum. ^. H. ii. 318. 4. 9. Da geswutelode God hu miccle hife he haefde and haefS to us, ]5a-^a hs as§nde his agen Beam to sl^ge for us. je. h. ii. 6. 4. 20. Se Se ne lufaS his brotSor J^one 'Se he gesih'S, hu mseg he lufian God, |7one Se he ne gesih'S llchamhce ? JE. H. i. 232, 326. 5. 16. Sum synn is Se bringS to deaSe ; ic bidde pset nan man for pm-e ne gebidde. jE. h. ii. 528. KEVELATION. 1. 7. See JE. H. i. 2& 1. 9. See JE. H. i 58. 1. 10. See Kev. 19. 6. 3. 4. See M. H. i. 88. 3. 19. pa Se ic lufige, Sa ic Sreage and beswinge. M. H. i. 470. II Ic Sreage and s^vinge )7a Se ic lufige. M. H. ii. 32& II Se felmihtiga God bes^\angS and J?reaS ]7a Se he hifaS. JE. H. ii. 548 ; cf. Heb. 12. 5, 6. 3. 20. Ic stande ret S^re dura cnucigende ; and swa-hwa-swa mine stemne gehyrS, and Sa duru me geopenaS, ic gange in to him, and mid him gereordige, and he mid me. M. H. ii. 468, 470. 5. 5. He is Leo gecTged of ludan mtegSe, Dauides wyrtruma. M. H. i. 358. 7. 9-12. Ic geseah swa micele m§nigu swa nan man geiyman ne mseg, of eallum Seodum and of jelcere mSgSe, standende aetforan Godes ]?rymsetle, ealle mid hwltum gyrlum gesciydde, 3. 15. Omnis qui edit fratrem suum non pro illo dico ut roget quis. homicida est. . . . 3.16. In hoc cognovimus charitatem - _, ._ . _^-. Dei, quoniam ille animam suam pro nobis posuit ; et nos debemus 3. 19. Ego quos amo, arguo et pro fratribus animas ponere. castigo. . . . 4. 9. In hoc apparuit charitas Dei 3. 20. Ecce sto ad ostium, et pulso; in nobis, quoniam Filium suum siquis audierit vocem meam, et unigenitum misit Deus in niun- aperuerit mihi ianuam, intrabo ad dum, ut vivamus per eum. ilium, et coenabo cum illo, et ipse 4. 20. ... Qui enim non diligit mecum. fratrem suum quem videt, Deum, 5. 5. ... Leo de tribu luda, radix quem non videt, quomodo potest David. . . . diligere? 7. 9-12. ... Vidi turbam magnam, 5. 16. ... Est peccatum ad mortem ; quam dinumerare nemo poterat, 256 ^LFRICS HOMILIES healdende palmtwigu on lieora handum, and sungon mid hluddre stemne : Sy hSlu urum Gode J^e sitt ofer his pTymsetle. And ealle §nglas stodon on ymbhwyrfte his 'Srymsetles, and aluton to Grode, ]5us cwe'Sende : Sy urum Gode bletsung and beorhtnys, wisdom and J^ancung, wurSmynt and strgng^, on eah'a worulda woruld. Amen. M. H. i. 538. II And hi standa'S setforan his 'Srymsetle, haebbende heora palmtwigu on handa. m. h. i. 90. 14. 3. And singa'S ]5one nlwan lofsang. je. h. i. 90. 14. 4. Hi sind Sa 'Se Criste foIgia'S on hwltum gyrlum, swa-hwider- swa he g^'S. je. h. l 88, 90. 19. 6. See ^E. H. ii. 86. 19. 10. Beheald ]?aet Su Sas d^de ne do ; ic eom ^ln efenSeowa, and 'Slnra gebroSra ; gebide 'Se to Gode anum. M. H. i. 38. II Ne do ]?u hit na, piet pn to me abuge : ic eom Godes ]5eowa, swa-swa 'Su and pine gebro&a ; gebide Se to Gode anum. m. h. i. 174. 19. 16. See 1 Tim. 6. 15. 21. I . ponne biS nlwe heofon and nlwe eor'Se. je. h. i. 618. 22. 9. See Rev. 19. 10. 22. II. Se Se dgraS, d§rige he gyt swySor ; and se 'Se on ful- nyssum wunaS, befyle hine gyt swy'Sor ; . . . se 'Se halig is, beo he gyt s'W'ySor gehalgod. je. h. i. 484. UNTRACED PASSAGES. Sy '6am arleasan setbroden seo gesih'S Godes wuldres. JE. H. i. 300. ponne he biS mid idelum hllsan and lyifetungum befangen, ex omnibus gentibus, et tribubus, 14. 4. ... Hi sequuntur Agnum quo- et populis, et Unguis, stantes ante cumque ierit. . . . thronum, . . . amicti stolis albis, 19. 10. ... Vide ne feceris ; con- et pabnae in manibus eorum ; et servus tuus sum, et fratrum tuo- clamabant voce magna, dicentes : rum . . . Deum adora. . . . Salus Deo nostro qui sedet super 21. i. Et vidi coelum novum et thronum. . . . Et omnes angeli sta- terrain novam. . . . bant in circuitu throni, . . . et 22. 11. Qui nocet, noceat adhuc ; et adoraverunt Deum, dicentes : . . . qui in sordibus est, sordescat Benedictio, et claritas, et sapien- adhuc ; . . . et sanctus, sanctifice- tia, et gratiarum actio, honor, et tur adhuc. virtus, et fortitude Deo nostro in saeculasaeculorum. Amen. UNTRACED PASSAGES. ^ 14. 3. Et cantabant quasi canticum Tollatur impius ne videat gloriam novum. . . , Dei. REVELATION 14-22 — UNTRACED PASSAGES 257 ]5onne biS hit s^^-}'lce he sy mid sumere moldhypan ofhroren. ^. H. i. 492. Se wTtega Hieremias cwselS be 'Sam H^lende : Des is Qre God, and nis nan o'Ser geteald to him. He arSrde and gesgtte steore and fjeawfaestnysse his folce Israhel. He waes sicSSan gesewen ofer eorSan, and mid mannum he drohtnode. iE. H. ii. 12. . . . Witegode Hieremias to p-^ve byrig Hierusalem, ]3us cwe'Sende : To Se cymS |5in Alysend, and J^is biS his tacn : He geopenaS blindra manna eagan, and deadum he forgifS heorcnunge, and mid his stemne he araerS ]?a deadan of heora byrgenum. M. H. iL 16. . . . fiset se healica God hata'S unrihtwisra gife. M. H. ii. 338. God gecwaecS ]>set jbIc synn Se n^ere ofer eorSan gebet sceolde beon on Sissere worulde gedemed. M. H. ii. 338. Se Se wenS Ipset he hal sy, se is unhal. JE. H. ii. 470. INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES j^A prefixed asterisk indicat-es that the passage is not qnoted in the body of the M-ork, bat that a reference is given instead-] EJTESIS L 3, 26, 27, 3 2. 2, :^, 7 . I . . . . PAGE . 76 . 76 . 69 . 7S 3 . 69 . 7S . 79 3 . 79 . 79 . 79 Gills isis — 17. 19, 22, 26, 27 . *18. 2. iS .... 18. 20 *19. I, 24, 25 . . . 19. 20. 21 . . . . P.4GE . . . S2 So 2. i;-i7. iS, 2.24 . . 2. 25 . . 19, 21-23 • . . . 3 . . . S3 . . i Si;; 75 3.6. . . 3 ix 21.4 *22. 2,3 22. 4-13. i£-iS . . 24. 1-4. . . . S3 S3 3. 16 S3 3. 17, iS, 19, 3. 21, 24 . 4. 4^ ; 20 . . . Sa *25. 24-26 .... 26-4 28. 13.13, iS. • 34. 1-3 *35. 22 35. 29 *37 . . . S4 *4. S -L 5. 4, 5 . . "5. 24 . . . . . S4 6. 14, 15, 17, 7. I, 11, 12 «7 T-. IS, 19 . . . 79 . 79 . SO . 80 SO . SO 3 . SO . SO . so . so . so . SI . SI . SI . SI . SI 5 S2 S2 . . . 69 75 *37 ? 75 7. 16, 17 41-49 *41. :.± . . . . . S4 S4 *8. i:; . . *44. 47. :;4 . . . . . . . 75 9. 1, 2 . . *4e. 46 *47 '7 . . . Si 9. II, 14, 15 •9 18 S4 49. 10 . . . S4 9. 20 . . 49. 27 . . . 69 *10. 21, 22, 24 11 1. 4. Exodus — *1. 5 *1.S. iiffl ... 3. 7, S, 10, 14 . . *4 2? 11. 7 S . >5 *n. 10-17 . . . . 75 *12.3. . . 15. 13. 14, 16 17. 1. 2, 3, 5 17. 6, 7, 9, 10 *17. 17 . . 12, 14, 15. 1 . . . So So 5 I 2 7. 1 •7. 20 . >o 75, S6 260 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 17,24 33 21-23 PAGE 75 •5,86 75 86 75 86 75 86 75 86 75 75 86 75 86 86 86 86 87 88 88 88 75 88 75 88 75 88 75 88 88 5 88 75,88 Exodus— pace 18. 14, 17-22 5 *19. 1, 2 89 19. 9, II, 13, 16, 18 . . . 89 19. 24 90 20. 1-3 61 20.7,8 61,90 20. 11-15 61, 90 20. 16, 17 61, 91 20. 23 61 21. 1-16 62 21. 17 62, 91 21. 18-32 62 21. 33 34 5,62 21. 35. 36 62 22. 1-6, 10-12, 16-31 ... 65 23. I, 2, 4, 6-9, 13 ... . 67 *24. 12, 18 ...... . 91 *25. 8 ff 91 25. 11-15 6 28. 8, 21, 28, 29 6 28. 30, 33, 35 7 29.5 7 *29. 22, 27 7 31. 18 91 32.6 7 *32. 15, 16 91 32. 26, 27 7 32. 29 8 *34. 20 91 34. 28 91 *34. 30 ff. 8 *39 8 LEvmcxjs — 7.31,32 8 *12. 2 91 12. 4, 5 69 12. 6, 8 91 *13. 2, 46 91 15. 2 8 15. 16 69 18. 7 70 19. 14 8 19. 18 91 *20. 9 91 20. 18 70 21. 17-20 8 Numbers — 9. 17 92 10. 29-31 9 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 2(il Numbers— page 17. i-S 92 18. 15, 16 92 *18. 26 92 *20. 26 92 21. 6-9 92 *22. 20 fif. 9 23. 10 9 *25. 6 ff. 9 *27. 21 92 Deuteronomy — *4. 13 93 *5. 11, 12, 16-21 .... 93 6.4 93 *8. 3, 4 93 9. 9 93 *9. 18 93 *10. 6 93 *10. 9 94 19. 5, 6 9 21 93 23. 10, II 70 *22. 21 94 25,4 9 25. 5-7, 9, 10 10 32. 8 94 32. 42 10 Joshua — *1. I ff 94 *3. 16, 17 94 *4. 18 94 *5. 2, 14 94 *6. 3, 4, 13-16, 20, 21 , . . 94 *9. 27 94 *10. 11-13 94 ni. 23 94 *12 94 Judges — 16. 1-3 94 *16. 19 94 1 Sabiuel — 2. 9,29 ... . ... 10 *4. II, 18 . . . . ... 94 *4. 17, 18 . . . . ... 10 *8. 7 ... 94 *9. 21 ... 10 *10. 22 ... 10 1 Samuel — j.ack *13. 13 94 15. 17 10 16. I, 3, 4 -'4 *16. 7 9.5 16. 12-14 95 16. 23 10 *16. 23 95 *18. 8 ff. 95 *21. 4 70 24. 4-8 11 *24. 18 12 *25, 37 12 *31. I 95 *40. 12 95 2 Samuel — 2. 22, 23 12 *5. 4 95 *7. 4 95 7. 13, 14 95 7. 27 12 *11. 2ff., 17 12 *12. Iff. 12 *23. I 95 1 Kings — *2. 11,46 96 *3. 3, 4 96 3.5-15 9« 4.22,23,29,32-34 ... 97 6. 2, 3 97 6. 7 12 *7. 23 12 *8. I ff., 22-54 97 8.55,56,63 98 10. i-io 98 10. 13, 23-26 99 *11. 4 12 *11. 42 99 *17. 6 99 *19. 8 99 *21. 5-13 99 2 Kings— *2. II !<"' 5. I 100 *5. 14 100 5. 15, 16, 20-27 .... 100 *18. 13, I7ff. 101 18. 29, 35 101 262 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 2 Kings — page 19. I, 2, 4, 6, 14-19 ... 101 19. 28, 32, 34-37 .... 102 20. 13 13 *21 13 *24. 19 102 *25. I, 4, 7, 9 102 25. 10 13 *25. 10, II, I3ff. 102 1 Chronicles — *10. 8 102 *23. I 70 *29. 27 102 2 Chronicles — *1. 7-12. ...'.... 103 4. 2, 4, 6 13 *9. 30 103 19. 2, 3 13 Ezra — *1. I flf. 103 *3. 2 ff. 103 *5. 2 103 Job — 1. 1-8 103 1. 9-12, 14-22 104 2. I 105 2.3-13 106 4.5,6 107 6. 1-3, 26, 27 107 7.1,5,16 107 10. 15 13 19. 25-27 107 29. 12-16 108 30.16,17,19 108 31.16,17,20,25,29,32,33. 108 38. 36 13 41. 16, 23, 24 14 42. 7, 8 108 42.9-13 109 42. 15, 16 110 *42. 17 70 Psalms— 1. 1 14 2. 7 110 10. 3 110 12. 8 110 Psalms— page 16. 9, 10 110 17.3,15 110 18. 5, 6 110 18. 13, 14 70 19. I, 4, 5, 6 Ill 22. 16, 18 Ill 23. 4 14 23. 5 Ill 24.1 Ill 24.8 Ill 30. 6, 7 14 32. I 70 32.5 14 33.9 Ill 34.1 Ill 34. 19 14, 111 37. 27 Ill 38.6 14 39.6 Ill 40. 9, 10 14 40. 12 15 45. 9, 13 112 47. 5 112 49. 7, 8 15 49. 12 112 *49. 20 112 50. 3, 15, 16, 17 112 51. 3 15 51. 5 70, 112 51. 9, 17 15 54. 3 15 55. 15 15 56. 12 112 58.1 112 69. 17 112 60. 5 15 62. 12 113 63. 5 113 68. 33, 35 113 69. 23 15 72. II 113 73. 18 15 73. 28 113 75.4 15 78. 34, 61 15 80. I. . .- 113 80.6 1^ 82.6 113 84. 7 71, 113 86. I. 10 113 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 2G3 Psalms— page 89. 26, 27 113 *90. 10 114 91.11, 93. 5 . 94. 18 12 114 114 114 95. 2 15.114 105. 44, 45 , . . 106. 17, 18 . . . . 108. 6 109. 22 114 110. I 111. 10 112. I 112. 9 113. 6 16 114 16 14 . 114 . 114 . 114 16, 114 . 16 116. 15 114 *118. 22 114 118. 24 11,5 119. 97, 106, 107 16 120. 6, 7 16 121. 4 115 127. I, 2, 3 115 129. 3 16 132. 9 16. 115 135. 15-17 115 138.6 16, 115 139.16 115 139. 17 16, 115 139. 18 115 139. 21, 22 16 140.9,11 17 141. 2 . 141. 3 142.5 146. 3, 150. 4 , 115 10. 9-11, 15-17 • 3, 4, 6, 12-14. 17 116 116 17 17 116 17 116 17 18 116 18 18 116 19 19 Proverbs — 11. 25, 26 13. 8, 24 14.30 . 15.7. . 15. 15 . 15. 33 . 16. 5, iS PACE 19 116 19 20 116 20 20 16. 32 20, 116 *17. 3 116 17. 6 117 17. 14 20 18. 4, 9 20 19. II 20, 117 19. 15 20 20. 4 20 20. 21, 27, 30 21 21. 13, 20 117 21. 25, 26, 27 21 21. 30 117 23. 14 117 23. 34, 35 21 25. 28 21 ae. 10 27. 22 zo. 14 28. 20 29. 19 31.4. ECCLESIASTES — 3.5- . • . 3.7. . . . 5. 10 . , . 7. 8 . . . . 11. 4, 9 • . • Song of Solomon- 2.6. . . . 4. II . 5. 5, 12 6. 10 . 7.4. . 8. 3> 13 ■ Isaiah — 1. 3- ■ 1. 16 . 1. 17-20 22 22 117 22 117 22 117 117 71 22 22 22 22 22 23 117 117 117 118 23 118 264 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES Isaiah — 3.9. . . 5. 7 . • • 5. 8 . . . 5. 20, 22-24 6.5. . . *6. 6, 7 . . 7. 14 • 9. 6, 7 . 9, 13 . 11. 2, 3 . *14. 12, 13 14. 13, 14 23.4. . 26. 19 . 30. 20, 21 PAGE 23 118 23 118 23 23 23 118 118 23 119 119 23 23 119 24 30. 26 119 32. 17 24 34. 15 24 35. 4-6 119 35.7 71 *36. I, 14, 20 119 *37. 1, 2, 4, 6 119 *37. 29, 33, 35-38 .... 120 38. 21 120 *39. 4 24 .... 120 .... 24 120 24 40. 3, 4, 6 40. 9 . . 42. 2 . . 43. 25, 26 44. 17 . 48. 10 . 52. II . 53. 4, 7 . 54. 4, 5, 120 24 24 120 24 56. 4, 5 24 56. 10, II 25 57.11 25 57. 15 120 58. I 25, 121 58. 3, 4, 6 25 58. 7 25, 121 58.9 25 60.8 121 61.8 25 62. 3 121 65. 15 121 66. I 121 66. 3 25 66. 24 121 Jeremiah — page 1. 6 25 1. 10 26 2. 8 26 3. I, 3 26 4.4 26 4. 22 121 5.3 26 6. 29 26 8. 7 121 9.5 26 *H. 20 121 15. 7 26 16. 9, 16 122 17. 10, 14 122 23. 2 26 23. 24 122 *29. 10 122 *31. 15 122 48. 10 27 51. 9 27 Lamentations- 2.14 . 3.41 . 3.48 . 4. I. . 4. 4. . EZEKIEL — 1. 10 . . *1. 18 . . , *2. I . . . 2.6. . . 3. 18, 19, 26 4. I, 2, 3 . 8. 8-10 . 27 122 27 27 122 122 27 27 122 123 27 28 11. 19 123 13. 5, 18 28 16. 14, IS 29 18. 21, 22, 26, 27 .... 123 22. 18 29 23. 3 29 24. 12 29 24. 22 124 32. 19 29 *33. 8 124 33. II 124 34. 4 29 34. 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16. . . 124 34. 18, 19 29 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 265 EZEKIEL — PAGE 36. 5 30 *36. 26 124 43. 13 30 44. 2 124 44. 12, 20 30 Daniel — *1. I ff., 19 125 *2. I ff. 125 3. 1,4-6 125 *3. 12 125 3. 14-22, 24-29 125 3.47-49 127 *4. 16 ff. 30 4. 30 30 4. 29-37 127 5. 1-5 128 5. 9, 13, 16, 17, 22-31 . . 129 7. 10 130 9. 21-24 130 10. 13, 20, 21 130 *13. 65 130 14. 27-42 130 HOSEA — 2. 8 30 4. 8 132 4. 9 30 5. I 31 6. 6 132 8.4 31 9. 8 31 11. I 132 Joel — 1. 17 132 2. 15 31 *2. 28 132 2. 32 132 Amos— *1. I 132 1.13 31 5.13 132 Jonah— 1- 1-5. 7-9. II 133 1. 12 71, 133 1. 15-17 133 *1. 17 133 Jonah — pack 2. 10 133 3. 1-4, 6, 7 134 *3. 10 134 MiCAH — *5. 2 ; . . 134 5.5 134 Habakkuk — 2. 4 1.34 2. 6 31 Zephaniah — 1. 14-16 31, 1.34 Haggai — 1. 6 32 Zechariah — 2. 8 135 7. 5, 6 32 9. 9 135 *13. 9 135 Malachi — 1. 2, 3 135 2.7 32 4. 2 . 135 TOBIT — *4. 16 «7 4. 17 32 *11. 15 135 12. 12 135 Wisdom op Solomon — 1. I 135 1. 5 32 1. 7 135 2. 24 32 3. 9 13B 5. 21 136 ECCLESIASTICUS — 3. 20, 30 136 5. 7 136 7. 14 33 7. 36 136 10. 9, 13 33 11. 10 33 12. 4, 5 33 19. I 33 266 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES ECCLESIASTICUS — PAGE 20. 7, 30 33 25. 16 136 27. 6 136 32. I, 7, 19 33 34. 20 34, 136 34. 25 34 50.8 136 Song of the Thkee Holy Children — *24-26 137 Bel and the Dragon I 137 28-42 137 Matthew — 1. 18-21, 23 137 2. 1-15 137 2. 16-18 139 2. 19-23 140 3. 2 140 *3. 3 140 3. 4 140 3. 10 34 3. 12-17 141 _4. i-Ti 141 4. 18, 20 143 5. 1-3 143 5. 4-8 144 5. 9 34, 144 5. 10-14 144 5. 15 34 5. 16 34, 144 5. 17 68, 145 5. 18, 20 145 5. 23, 24 34, 145 6. 32 145 5-34-37,43-46 146 5. 44 35 6. I 35 6. 2 35, 147 6. 3 35 6. 5, 8-13 147 6. 14, 15 148 6. 16 147 6. 19-21 148 6. 24 35, 148 6. 25-27 148 *6. 29 149 6. 31-33 149 Matthew— page 7.3.5 35 7. 7 149 7. 13 35, 149 7. 14-19 149 *7. 19 35 7. 21-23 150 8. 1-13 150 8. 14, 15 71 8. 20, 23, 24 152 *9. 2,6 152 9. 9 152 *9. 10, II 152 9. 12, 13 153 9. 20, 22 71 9.37,38 153 10. 5, 8 153 10. 16 35 10. 22, 28, 32 153 10. 34 35 10. 41, 42 154 11. 2, 3-6, 11,12 . . . . 154 11. 29 72, 155 *12. 19 155 12. 28, 31, 32 155 12. 36 35 *12. 42 155 12.43-45 36 12. 50 155 13. 17, 19, 22, 23 .... 155 13. 28 36 13. 30 155 13. 41, 43 156 *14. 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 156 14. 19, 22, 23, 25-28 ... 156 14. 29-31, 36 157 *15. 4 157 15. II 36, 72 15. 14 36, 157 15. 19 72 15. 21-25 157 15. 26-28 158 *15. 30-38 158 16. 13-19 158 16. 26 36 *16. 26 159 17. 1-5 159 17. 24-27 160 18. I, 2 160 18. 3 161 18.4,5 161 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 2G7 Matthew— page 18. 6 36, 161 18. 6-8, lo, i8 161 18. 20 162 *18. 35 162 19. II 36 19. 13, 14 162 *19. 17-19 162 19. 27, 28, 29 162 20. 1-7, 9, 12, 14-16 . . . 163 *20. 17 163 20. 22, 23 163 20. 25-28 36 21. 1-3 164 *21. 5 164 21. 7-9, 14, 41 164 22. 1-4 164 22. 5-14 165 22. 21 166 *22. 30 166 22. 37 72, 166 22. 38 166 22. 39 72, 166 22. 40 166 23. 3 166 23. 6, 7 37 23. 8, 9 166 *23. 12 166 23. 13, 23, 24 37 23. 27 37, 166 23. 28 ,..-.... 166 24. 5 167 *24. 7 167 24. 12, 13, 21 167 *24. 22, 24 167 24. 29-31, 36 167 24. 48-51 37 25. I, 2, 4-11 168 25. 12 169 25. 13 72, 169 25. 14-16, 18 169 *25. 18 38 25. 21, 24 169 *25. 24 ff. 38 25. 25-30 169 25. 31-40 170 25. 41-43 38, 170 25. 44-46 170 *26. 14, 15 172 26. 20-28 172 26. 31-35, 39, 48, 49 • • • 1"'^ Matthew— page 26. 51-54 174 *26. 57 174 26. 58, 63-75 174 27.3,5-7,9.^1,15-17 • • 175 27. 21-25, 27-29, 31,33, 34 • 176 *27. 35,37, 38 177 27. 42, 43, 45, 48, 50-52, 54 . 177 27. 57, 58, 62-66 .... 178 *28. 2 178 28. 3, 5, 6 178 28. I'o 38 28. 19, 20 178 Mark — *1. 3, 6, 9, 10, 16, 18 . . . 179 1. 24 179 2.5,11 179 *2. 17 179 *4. 3, 20, 38 179 5. 1-4 179 *5. II ff. 180 5. 25, 27, 28 180 *5. 29ff., 41 180 6. 17 180 *6. 18 72, 180 *6. 21-23, 27, 41, 45 ff., 56 . 180 *7. 25-30 180 8. I, 2 ISO 8. 3, 6, 8, 9 181 *8. 36 181 *9. 3, 37 181 *9. 36 38 9. 44 181 9. 50 38 10. II, 12 181 *10. 13, 14, 17, 19, 38, 39 • • 181 11. 25, 26 181 *12. 17, 25 182 *12. 30 72 *12. 31 72, 182 12.41-44 182 *13. 6, 8, 13 182 13. 20 182 *13. 22, 27, 32 182 13.37 183 *14. lo, 18-24, 27-31, 44,61-65 183 *15. 2, 7, 20, 22, 23, 27, 33, 36, 39,44 183 16. 5 183 *16. 6, 14 183 268 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES Mark— page 16. 15-18 183 *16. 19 184 16. 20 184 -45 Luke— 1. 5-7 • *1. II . 1. 13, 14 *1. 15 • 1.17 . *1. 19 . 1. 20 *1. 22 . 1. 26, 27 1. 28, 31, 32 *1. 36 . 1. 38, 40 1. 46, 52-55 *1. 60, 63, 64 2. 1-20 2. 21 . *2. 22-24 2. 24-34 2. 35-40 . 2. 42, 43, 46 3. 1-4 . *3. 4, 5 • *3. 9 . . *3. 17, 19 *3. 22 . *4. 10, II 4. 29, 30 *4.34 . *5. 6 . . 5. 29 . *5. 31, 32 6. 24 . 6.25 . 6. 30 . 6. 36-38 7. 11-15 7. 16 7. 19 7. 21-23 *7. 28 7.47 8.4-6 8. II, 8. 14 8.15 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 185 185 185 186 186 186 189 189 189 190 38 190 190 39 190 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 39 39, 191 39 191 191 192 192 192 192 39 192 193 39, 193 . 193 Luke— page *8. 41 ff. 193 *8. 43 72, 193 *8. 44 193 8. 44-48 193 *8. 49 194 8. 54, 55 19* *9. 16 194 9. 25 194 *9-3i,58 194 9. 59, 60 194 9.62 39 10. 1-7 194 10. 16 195 *10. 27 72, 195 10- 30, 33, 34 39 10. 38-42 195 11. I 195 *11. 2-4 195 11. 5 195 11. 8-9, 11-13, 20 . . . . 196 *11. 24 39 11. 27 196 11. 41 72, 196 12. 4, 5 196 12. 16-21 197 12. 23 39 *12. 23-25, 27 197 12. 35, 37 197 12. 42 40 12. 47 40, 197 12. 49 197 *13. 6 ff. 40 13. 6-9 197 13. 27 40 14. II 40 *14. II 198 14. 12-14 40 14. 16-24 198 14. 26 199 15. 1-6 199 15. 7 40, 199 *15. 8 199 15. 10 199 16. 9 199 *16. 13 200 16. 15, 16 200 16. 19 40, 200 16. 20-22 200 16. 24, 25 41, 200 16. 26-28 200 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 269 Luke — page 16. 31 201 17. 10 41 18. 9-1 1 201 18. 12 41, 201 18. 13, 14 201 *18. 14 41 *18. 15, 16 201 18. 18 201 *18. 19 202 18. 20-22, 31-43 202 19. 2-6 203 19. 8-10 204 *19. 25 204 19. 41-46 204 19. 47 205 *20. 25 205 20. 35, 36 205 21. 9-18 205 21. 19 41, 205 21.25-33 206 21. 34 41, 207 21.35 il 22. 3-5 207 *22. 19 207 22. 38 207 *22. 50, 51, 61, 63-65 ... 207 *23. 3 207 23. 7-9, 11-16 207 23.32,34,39-43 .... 208 ♦23.44,46 209 23. 48 209 *23. 56 209 *24. I 209 24.. 13, 14 209 *24. 25 ff. 209 24. 36-39 209 *24. 42, 43 209 24. 49 41 24. 50, 51 209 *24. 52 210 John — 1. 1-3 210 *1. 9 210 1. 12 42 1. 14, 18 210 *1. 23 210 1. 29. 30 210 *1. 32 210 2. I, 2 210 John— p^^cE 2.3,4,6 211 *2. 7 ff. 211 2.10,11,14,15 .... 211 3. 3 211 3.5,13-16,29,30. ... 212 4. 21, 34, 46, 47, 50-53 . . 212 5. 14, 17, 28, 29 ... , 213 5. 30 42 6. 1-14 213 6. 15 42, 214 6, 16, 19 214 6. 29 215 6. 49-51. 53, 54, 58 • • • 215 *6. 69 216 7. 38 216 *7. 38 42 8. 12, 34, 44, 46-50 ... 216 8. 51-55 217 8. 56 72, 217 8.57,58,59 217 9.2,3 217 *9.6, 7 218 10. II, 12 218 *10. 12 42 10. 13-16, 18, 34 . ... 218 *11. 5 218 11. 21, 25, 26 218 11-33,35 219 *11. 39 219 11-43,44,53 219 12. 10, II, 26, 31 .... 219 13. 4, 5, 12, 14, 15 . . . . 219 *13. 21 219 13. 35 219 14. 2, 6, 23, 24, 26 . . , . 220 14. 27 42, 220 15. 5, 12-16 220 15. 18, 19, 20, 26 . ... 221 16. 12 42 16. 20 221 16. 22 42 16. 23 221 17. i-ii 221 17. 20, 24 222 18. 3-8 223 *18. 10, 18 223 19. iS-20, 23-27 223 *19. 28, 29, 30 224 19. 31-34 224 *i9. 37 224 270 IXDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES John— page 19. 38-42 224 *20. 12 225 20. 19, 21-23 225 *20. 27 226 20. 29-31 226 21. I, 2, 6, 9 226 *21. II 226 21. 16 42 21. 17 226 Acts — 1. 3-8 226 *1. 8 227 1.9-15 227 1. 18 228 2. 1-3 . . . . '. . . . 228 *2. 3 43 2.4,5,7,8,11-17,19 . . 228 *2. 21 229 2. 22-24 43 *2. 27 229 2.32-35 229 2. 37, 38 43, 229 2.41,42,45 229 *3, 14 2.30 4. 32 72, 230 4.34 230 4.35 73,230 5. I 230 *5. I ff. 43 5. 2-ir 230 5.12,15-23 231 6.5-15 232 7.1 232 *7. 2-50 233 7.51-57 238 7. 56 73, 233 7. 57-60 233 *8. 3 234 8. 17 234 9. 1-4 234 9.5-7 43, 234 9. 8-1 I, 13-26 234 *9. 17, 18, 25 236 10. 26 43 *10. 41 236 12. 1-21, 23 236 13. 2, 3 239 *13. 33, 35 239 13. 48 73 Acts— page *14. 19 239 15. II 239 15. 23-29 68 *15. 35-39 239 *17. 18 43 17. 31 73 18. 3 239 20. 26, 27 44 *20. 34 239 *22. 4 239 22.8 44 *22. 20 239 23. 6, 8 44 *26. II 239 *28. 3, 5 239 Romans — 1. 4 239 1. 14 44 *1. 17 239 1. 22 44 2. 6, 12 239 5. 3-5 239 7. 23 44, 73 8. 9 240 8. 15 44 8. iS, 30, 32 240 9. 13, 29 240 10. 2 73 *10. 13 240 12. I 240 12. 3 45 *12. 4, 5 240 12. 16 45 *12. 17 240 12. 18 45 13. I 240 13.3 45 *13. 9 240 13. 10 240 13. II 45, 240 13. 12 240 13. 13 45,240 13. 14 240 14. 3 45 14. 10 241 14. 21 45 15. I 241 16. 19 45 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 271 1 Corinthians — page 1. 12 45 1. 24 241 1. 26 45 1. 27 45, 241 1.31 241 2. 9 241 3. 1-3 46 3.9,11 241 3. 12-17 242 3. 18 46 4. 7 242 4. 21 46 5. I 46, 73 5. 2 46 5.7,8,13 242 6.4 46 6. 9, 10 46, 242 6. II, 13 47 *6. 19 243 6. 20 243 7. I 47 7. 2 47, 73 7. 3, 5 47 7. 6, 9 47, 73 7. 29 47, 243 7. 30 47 7. 31 47, 48 7.35 48 8. 8, 9, II, 12 48 9. 9 48 9. II 243 9. 20 48 9. 25 243 10. 1-4 243 10. 7 48 10. II 243 10. 13 48 10. 17 243 10.33 48 *11. 23-35 243 11-31 48 12. 8-1 1 243 *12. 12, 20, 21 244 12. 26, 27 244 13. 2, 3 244 13. 4 49 14. 20, 26 244 14. 38 49, 244 15. 24 244 15.34 49 1 Corinthians — page 15. 52 244 16. 13 245 2 Corinthians — 1. 12 245 1. 17, 24 49 2. 17 49 3. 17 49 4.4 73 4. 5 49 5. 10 245 5. 13-15 49 6. 2, 7 50 6. 10 245 8. 13, 14 50 9. 6, 7 50 *9. 9 245 10. 17 245 11. 2 245 *11. 23 245 11. 25-27 245 11. 29 50 *11. 33 246 12. 2, 4 50, 246 12. 7-9 246 Galatians — 1. 10 .50 *2. II 50 3. I 50 3.3 51 *3. 1 1 246 3. 29 246 4. 4, 5 246 4. 10, II, 19 247 *5. 14 247 5.22 51 6. I, 2 51 Ephesians — 1. 4, 10 247 2. 14, 17 247 3. 14, 17-19 247 4.3 51 *4. 3 248 4. 4, 14, 31 51 5. 16, 22 248 *5. 23 248 5. 27 248 *5. 30 248 6.1 51 272 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES Ephesiaks— page *6. 2 248 6.4 51 i>. 5. 9. 15 52 6. II, 12, 14, 16, 17 . . . 24S Philippian's — 2.8 52, 248 2. 15, 16 248 3. 19 52, 248 *3. 21 248 4. 10 52 COLOSSIANS — 2. 9, 14 249 2.23 52 3. 5 ........ 52. 249 3. 12, 14-17 249 *3. 18 249 3. 19, 22-24 249 1 Thessalokiajss — 2. 7 53 *2. 9 250 4. 13, 16-18 250 5. 2 250 *5. 15 250 2 Thessaloxians— 1. 3. 4 53 2.1,2 53 *3. 8 250 3. 14, 15 53 1 TniOTHT — 3. I, 2 54 4. 1, 3, 11-13 54 5. I 54 5.6 250 5.8 54 *5. 18 250 5. 23 54 6. I 54 6. 7 251 6. 10 54, 251 6. 15 251 6. 17 55, 251 6. 18 251 2 Timothy — 2. 4 55 4. I, 2 55 Titus— page 1. 9 55 1. 15 55, 74 2.15 55 Hebrews — 1.3 251 *1. 5, 13 251 1. 14 251 *5. 5 251 8. 13 56 *9. 4 56 *10. 38 251 11. 6 251 11.36,37 56 12.5, 6 56,251 12. 9, 10, 12-14 56 12. 29 252 13. I, 2 252 13. 4. 7 57 James — 1. 2 252 1. 19, 26 57 *2.8 252 2. 13, 14, 17, 19 .... 252 *2. 23, 25, 26 252 3.1,8 57 3. 10 252 3. I4>i5>i7 57 4.4 57, 252 4. 7, 8 253 *5.4 253 5. 16-20 253 1 Petek — *1. I 253 1. 5, 7> ^4 253 2. 4, 5 253 2.9 58 2. 21 254 *3. I 254 3.6 254 *3. 9 254 3.15 58 *3. 18, 20 254 4. 9 254 4. II 58 5. 1-3 58 5. 8, 9 254 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 273 2 Peter — page 1. 5, 6 58 2. i6 58 2. 21, 22 59 *2. 22 74 1 John — 2. 4, 6, 15 254 3. 14 254 3. 15, 16 255 4. 9 255 4. 18 59 4. 20 255 5. 16 255 Revelation — *1. 7,9,10 255 3. 2 59 Revelation — pace *3. 4 255 3. 15, 16, 18 59 3. 19 59, 255 3. 20 255 4.8 59 5.5 255 7.9-12 255 14. 3, 4 60, 25C. *19. 6 25« 19. 10 25« *19. 16 25« 21. I 250 *22. 9 25« 22. II 256 22. 17 60 Untraced Passages .... 256 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS [The words excluded from this list are such as the commoner conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, and numerals; the nouns Dryhten, God, mgnn(a) ; the adjectives eall, micel, mgnig ; the verbs beon (wesan), cuman, cunnan, cweSan, don, gan, habban, magan, motan, sculan, sgcgan, sprecan, weor'Saii, willan (nellan), witan (nytan) ; and the adverbs eac, gyt, her, hwsr, hwonne, na (no\ nu, swa, Sa, Ssr (and compounds), Sonne, and Sus. Of others it is intended that all the instances shall be given, unless otherwise indicated.] \_The references in this Index refer to the page and line.'] a, 19. 13; 21. 16; 67. 16; 114. 22; 224.7; 249. 22. Aaron (Aron), 6. 25 ; 7. 3; 8. 14; 85. 16; 90. 11; 92.8. Abacuc, 131. 10, 11, 13, 16, 20. Abel, 3. 3. aberan, 42. 15 ; 80. 3 ; 94. 19; 120. 20; 133. 19; 144. 12. abiddan, 174. 5; 176. i. Abiron, 114. 12. abisgian, 51. 5 ; 54. 11. abitan, 93. 7 ; 124. 8 ; 131. S ; 253. S, 9; 254. 13. ablawan, 225. 22, 24. abl^ndan (ablsendan), 67. 18; 73. 15; 235. 4. ablicgan, 192. 4; 228. 24; 236. 4. Abner, 12. 3, 6. Abraham, 81. 15, 24, 25 ; 82. 21 ; 83. II, 14, 15, 18, 22, 25; 84, 5; 151. 12; 152. 1,4, 7; 186. 15; 200. 14, 16, 17; 204.5; 217.3, i3, 16, 17, 19 ; 246. 17, 19, 21 ; 254. 4 ; Habra- ham, 41. 4. Abram, 81. 25. abrecan, 20. 12. abredan, 174. i, abugan, 256. 15. abyrian, 205. 11. acgnnan, 103. 8; 105. 16; 112. 20; 118. 18, 20, 22; 137. 13, 16, 19; 138. i; 139. 10, 13, 15; 184. 21; 185. 9, 19; 187. 4, 12 ; 188. 9, 13, 15; 211. 26; 217. 23; 219. 2. acgunednyss, 83. 6 ; 189. i. aceosan, 58. i. acolian, 167. 6. acsian. See ilxian. acwelan, 65. 20. acw^llan, 67. 17; 88. 14; 102. 18; 105. 5; 131. 2; 136. 20; 219. 9; 224. 17; 233. 17; 236. 9; 238. 21. acw^ncan, 168. 14. Adam, 76. 7; 77. 10, 12, 14, 16, 17; 78. 23; 94.3. adelfan, 5. 13; 64. 14; 148. 16. adeorcian, 27. 9. adlig, 183. 29. adlung, 120. 19. adon, 13. 15 ; 29. 15 ; 35. 15 ; 46. 15. adrSdan, 196. 23. adreefan, 11. 23 ; 79. 3 ; 150. 6 ; 155. 4; 183. 26; 196. 14; 204. 25. adrfncan, 80. 10. adreogan, 245. 6, 18. adrifan, 22. 5 ; 36. i ; 59. 7. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 271 adumbian, 165. 23. ridun(e), 90. II ; 125. 5 ; 142. 8 ; 143. 7; 203. 24; 231. I. adwaescan, 26. 15 ; 120. 16 ; 136. 7 (2) ; 181. 14. adydan, 86. 9. adylegian, 130. 12; 210. 17; 230. 2; 249. 2; 253. 13. ae, 16. 3, 8; 26. 4; 32. 8; 37. 14; 51. 9, II ; 70. 2, 5 ; 73. 8 (2), 9 ; 86. 25 ; 91. 13; 92. I'l; 145. 10, 12, 14, 16; 146. 13, 21 ; 189. 6 ; 200. 4; 201. i ; 233. 6, 18; 239. 21, 22, 23(2), 24, 25, 26 ; 240. 22, 23. See also eaw-. aecer, 23. 13; 65.12; 131. 10; 175. 15. aecs. See sex. ffifsest, 57. 7. See eawfsest. Sfestnes, 57. 8. aefen, 69. 5 ; 70. 8 ; 178. 3 ; 225. i, 11. Sfengifl, 40. 12. 5fre, 11. 18 ; 26. 6 (2) ; 52. 11 ; 62. 9 ; 95.11; 149.19; 153.18; 162.26; 167. 8; 210. 14; 248. 18. aefst, 19. 23; 20. 3; 32. 16. cefterfyligan (-filigan), 184. 3; 243. 12. aefwgrdla. See eewgrdla. aefw^rdelsa, 65. 14. Sg, 196. 9. 5gen, 17. 17, 18; 29. 3, 4. See also agen. seghwgnon (-ane), 14. 18; 16. 17. ^gypKe). See Egypt(e). aht, 34. I ; 37. 14; 81. 19; 91. 3 100. 8; 104. 7, 8; 105. 9, 18, 22 109. 14; 111. 14; 116. 9; 127. 18 182. 14; 201. 12; 202. 8; 204. 8 230. 5, 11; 244. II. aehx. See sex. fel, 223. 18. SI, 62. 9. lelan, 34. 14. jelfr^mede, 121. 5 ; 160. 15(2). selgylden, 6. i. Slic, 91. 17. aelmesdsed, 196. 18. selmesse (aelmysse), 40. 16; 72. 14; 136.8, 19; 182.6; 244. 8. aelmihtig, 81. 10, 15, 21 ; 82. 20; 85. 4, 17, 23; 87. 5 ; 88. 19; 89. i, 24; 90. 6, 10; 91. II ; 93. 3; 98. 27; 101.9; 102.5, 8; 112. 21; 125. 11; 127. 6; 129. 11; 178. 22; 182. 23; 201. 14; 236. 3; 247. 16; 249. 16, 19:255.17. ifilSeod. See flCeod. aeWeodignyss, 169. 8. See also flSeodig. iFinethyll, 19. 11. acmettig (jcintig), 52. 13; 195. 10; _ 198. 23. sEiilipig, 172. 21 ; 211. 10. iBppel, 7. 12, 14. 5r (adj.), 34. 7; 96. 19 ; 116. 8 ; 163. 8 ; 223. 1 2. &r (adv.), 10. 4 ; 11. 7 ; 12. 14; 13. 14 ; 17. 8, 13; 26. 7; 29. 23; 34. 6; 35. I ; 38. 2; 46. 16; 47. i, 20; 48. 1 2 ; 55. 6 ; 59. 4 ; 64. 6 ; 65. 1 1 ; 71. 5; 98. 3; 109. 17, 19; 131. 21 ; 132. 4; 134. 3; 138. 12; 139. 8; 145. 23; 159. 31 ; 167. 10; 169. 22(2); 175. 16; 194. 23; 204. 10; 205. 15, 16; 208. 2; 210. 18; 223. 4, 14 ; 247. 12 ; 250. 9 ; sup. lirest, 21.1 ; 34.22; 35.14; 37.6; 43. lo; 46. 8; 77. 22; 149. 5. aeren, 13. 7, 8, 9 ; 93. 5, 8, 9. jerende, 85. 7. Srendgewrit, 53. 12. Srendraca, 13. i ; 104. 14, 20; 105. i ; 154. 13; 165. 18; 192. II. Srest. See aer (adv.). Srist, 44. 9, 10, II ; 162. 22 ; 190. 4 ; 209. 20; 213.7, 8; 218. 26; 219. 13; 225. 14; 226. 14, 26. Eermergen, 69. 4. ffirnemerigen, 103. 15; 116. 8; 163. 5, 8. Sswician, 160. 17; 161. 18; 173. 11, _ ^^' aeswicung, 156. 5 ; 161. 16, 17. set, 142. I ; 171. 9; 235.6. aetberstan, 104. 17 ; 105. 4. aetbredan, 105. 18; 118. 15; 120. 19; 123. 15; 148. 18; 164. 23; 170. 5; 193. 4; 195. 16; 210. 17, 21, 23, 24 ; 256. 24. aeteowian (aetywan), 80. 8 ; 96.4; 110. 18; 122. 16; 138. 12; 139. 2; 140. 5; 142. 13; 143. 13; 166. 20, 22; 167. 17; 177. 20; 187. 22; 196. 22; 226. 25; 228. 17; 242.4. aetfleon, 104. 23. itthabban, 230. 20. 276 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS aetspurnan, 114. 4 ; 142. 11 ; 143. 9. setstgndan, 92. 1 ; 191. 27, 31 ; 193. 15- setwindan, 104. 20. iEtywan. See seteowian. ae])elboren, 82. 9. seSele, 27. 9. aeSm, 14. 2. .^ua, 78. 23. sew, 145. 26 ; 181. 15. See also ^, sew^rdla, 63. 19. jex (sees, Eehx), 9. 14; 12. 18 ; 34. 8. afSran, 196. 20 ; 209. 14, 16. afandiaB, 43. 2 ; 98. 23 ; 110. 16 ; 122. 5; 136. 17; 242. 5; 253. 18. afandung, 239. 29 (2) ; 253. 17. afeallan, 143. 14. afedan, 84. 5 ; 148. 26. afindan, 129. 15; 208. 5. afllan, 153. 15. aflowan, 18. 21 ; 21. 8. afrefrian, 14. 9. afundennyss, 122. 6. afyllan, 95. i ; 125. 15 ; 166, 21, 23 ; 185. 7 ; 186. i; 190. 16; 229. 14; 231. 16 ; 232. 11, 20 ; 233. 21 ; 237. 12. afyran, 24. 19. afyrhtan, 129. i ; 133. 3 ; 156. 22 ; 169. 23; 178.19; 187. 9; 188. 12; 205. 14; 209. 14. afyrsian, 93. 4 ; 173. 21 ; 183. 27; 242. 20; 246. II. agselan, 56. 18. agan, 10. 4; 11. 13, 23, 25; 36. 11; 72. 18; 104. 9, II. agen, 17. i ; 18. 20, 21 ; 19. 3, 4 ; 20. II ; 21. 14; 30. 16; 33. 17; 34. 3; 35. 13, 14; 42. 3; 47. 9; 58. II ; 63. 15, 17, 21 ; 91. 12 ; 121. 7 ; 122. 6; 126. 19; 127. 15; 146.3; 169. 7, 24; 170. I ; 172. 29; 176. 17; 181. 17; 208. 19; 217. 24; 218. 4, 8, 13 ; 224. 8, la ; 228. 24 ; 230. 24 ; 240. 10; 244. 12; 248. 4; 255. 5. See also Sgen. agendlice, 29. 21. ageotan, 8. 11 ; 29. 13 ; 173. 3, 8 ; 219. 3; 240.1. agifan, 47. 11 ; 62. 17 ; 66. 3, 21 ; 67. 2; 78. 17; 155. 21; 177. 17. agildan (agyldan), 163. 13 ; 166. i. agimeleasian, 56. 7. agyltan, 103. 17 ; 147. 19, 24; 148. i, 4, 10, 13. ahabban, 69. 6; 73. 13. ah^bban, 13. 17 ; 101. 9 ; 121. i ; 122. 13; 128. i; 142. 10; 143. 8; 186. 12; 201.17,19,24; 206. 20; 212. 9, 10; 214. 27. aholian, 30. 4. ahon, 6. I ; 43. 5 ; 175, 13 ; 176. 8, 15. ahrgddan, 85. 6; 112. 13; 124. 11; 125.10,13; 126. 15; 237. 21 ; 238.8. ah war, 95. 22. ahweorfan, 27. 10. aliwyrfaii, 14. 13 ; 15. 5. ahyldan, 101. iS; 152. 17; 177, 16. aidlian. See aydlian. alStan, 197. 9; 208. 6; 236. 12. aldor-. See ealdor-. al^cgan, 92. 6 ; 187. 5 ; 229. 24. alefan (injure), 124. 14; 198. 21. alefan {permit), 62. 14, aleogan, 230. 23. aliesan (alysau), 19. 5 ; 92. 12 ; 102. 3 ; 108. 3; 111. 21; 117. 8; 123. 9; 127. 4 ; 147, 19, 25 ; 148. 2 ; 253. 1 2. Aliesend (Alysend), 52. 7 ; 107. 20, 24 ; 132. 9 ; 226. 25 ; 257. 8. alihtan (alyhtan), 100. 18; 203. 26. alter, 30. 4. alucan, 63. 6. alutan, 150. 1 1 ; 256. 4. alwe, 225. 5. alyhtan. See alihtan. alysan. See aliesan. alysednyss, 116_. 17 ; 206. 21 ; 246. 24. Alysend. See Aliesend. amsestan, 19. 19. ametan, 191. 18 (2). anbidung (andbidung), 168. S ; 237. 22 ; 206. 16. anc^nned, 83. 21, 27; 191. 24; 212. 13- and-. See 9nd-. anda, 46. 5 ; 57. 13 ; 231. 16 ; 241. 4. andbiilian, 83. 9; 154. 11 ; 180, 24, 26; 227. 4 ; 228. 1 2 ; 235. 6. andbidung. See anlidung. andetnyss, 114. 10. andetta, 253. 5. INDEX OF PRINCirAL WORDS anclettan, 15. 22 ; 150. 7 ; 153. 24 (2) ; 187. I ; 190. 13. andfgnga, 112. 24. andfgnge, 240. 17, andgitleas, 136. 3. Andreas, 143. 24, 25 ; 214. 2 ; 228. 5. andsacian, 44. 10. andssete, 206. 5. andswarian (andsuarian), 9. 3, 6 ; 43. 10; 170. 21 ; 171. 13. andswaru, 33. iS ; 158. 26; 176. 11; 189. 13 ; 227. 15. and weald, 222. i. andwerd, 218. 24. andwerdnyss, 182. 15. anfeald, 18. 4 ; 66. 19 ; 204. lo ; 250. 3. anfealdnyss, 135. 14. angel, 160. 17. anginn (angynn), 81. 10; 86. 22 ; 110. I ; 114. 18; 171. 24; 176. 16; 211. 16. angsum, 172. 21. angsumnys, 134. 17. angynn. See anginn. anigge, 64. 2. animan, 29. 13; 51. 18. iinlicness (-nyss), 28. 14, 22; 76. 3, 7; 115. 10; 120.17; 125.6. anmod, 131. 4; 230. 9. anmodlice, 130. 23; 204. i; 227. 8; 228. 8, II ; 234. 2. anmodness, 51. 12. Anna, 190. 8. Annania(s), 125. 11 ; 126. 9, 21 ; 230. 17, 22; 235. 9 (2), 17. annyss, 230. 5, 15. anrald, 153. 18; 167. 8. anrSdlice, 116. 19 ; 127. 6 ; 173. 16. anrSdnyss, 236. 7. anscogan, 10. 5, 6. anscun-. See onscun-. ansien (ansyn), 48. 3; 104. 10; 106. 7; 109. 4, 9; 114. 10; 122. 16, 17; 160. i; 161. 23; 189. 20; 233. 10; 250. 2. anstandan, 215. i. ansund, 86. 4. ansyn. See ansien, anwacan, 21. 22. anwald (-weald). See onweald. apian tian, 197. 22. Apollas, 45. 17. apostol, 42. 18 ; 53. 5 ; 68. 3 ; 71. 9 ; 157. 26; 159. 8; 160. 8; 161. i ; 162. 11,22; 163. 21 ; 164. 23 ; 194. 14 ; 225. 20, 22 ; 228. 22 ; 229. 25 ; 230. 5, 6, 13, 17, 21 ; 231. 10, 15, 17, 21 ; 232. 6, 15; 238. 18. ar, 29. 6; 54. 19; 186. 23. araefnian, 188. 4, 30. araeran, 80. 21, 24; 95. 20 ; 125. 4, 6 ; 153. 15; 186. 21; 215. 20; 257.4, 10. arc. See earc. ArchilauB, 140. 14. ardlice, 87. 15; 138. 13; 198. 20; 203. 24; 219. 21. iirfestnys, 119. 6, 9, 12, arian, 61. 10 ; 83. 21, 27 ; 107. 19. arlman, 50. 17. arlsan (arysan), 7. 23; 11. 11; 15. 8; 17. 16; 43. 17, 19; 48. iS; 49. 22; 71. 12 ; 94. 18; 102. 14; 103. 14; 105.6; 107.21,25; 115.23; 116. 7; 117. 19; 119. 15; 134. 2,4; 139.3, 6; 140.6, 12; 152. 19, 27; 154. 16, 19, 21 ; 168. II ; 173. 13; 177. 20; 178. 8, 13, 19; 179. 25; 191. 28; 192.3,5, 14; 194. 3(2), 4; 196. 1; 201. 3; 202. 18; 203. 14; 205. iS, 21; 206. i; 219. 18; 229. 20; 235. 3, 4, 10 ; 237. 13 ; 240. 24 ; 241. 6 ; 244. 23 ; 250. 9. arleas, 13. 12; 21. 17; 33. 7; 110. 12; 116. II ; 118. 15; 123. 3, 8, 10, 17, 23; 177. 13; 223. 3; 238. 21 ; 256. 24. arleaslice, 123. 22. iirleasness (-nyss), 14. 16 ; 123. 2, 9, 23. Aron. See Aaron. arwuriS (^arwyrS), 115. 18. arwurSian, 90. 21, 23, 25; 116. 9; 202. 4; 216. 23; 248. 4. arwur'Slice, 241. 2, xo. arwyrS. See arwurO. arwyrSlic, 48. 5. arysan. See arlsan. asceotan, 102. 8. ascian (axian), 43. 14; 77. 16; 98. 15 ; 133. 10; 159. 12; 160. 8; 161. 1 ; 174. 9; 175. 18; 176. 7; 193. 17; 203. I, 7; 217. 22; 223. 8, 11. 278 INDEX OF PKINCIPAL WORDS a^erepan, 106. 13. ascufan, 131. 5 ; 132. 6 ; 177. 2 ; 191. 4. asgndan, 53. 13; 79. 20; 100. 12; 101. 7, 10, 19; 115. 24; 122. 3; 127. 2,7; 129. 11; 138.12; 153. 9; 154. 9; 156. 4; 157. 27; 167. 19; 184. 23 ; 194. 19 ; 196. 24 ; 207. 18, 23; 215. 6; 221. 16 ; 222. 4, 22 ; 229. 8 ; 237. 21 ; 239. 2, 4 ; 251. 16 ; 255. 5. aseoSan, 24. 10. as^ttan, 34. 8 ; 186. 20; 223. 22. aslean, 64. i. aslldan, 114. 8. asmeagan, 97. 10; 205. 26; 241. 21. asmorian, 39. 11 ; 68. 16. asolcen, 169. 19. aspfndan, 114. 21 ; 244. 11. aspiwan, 59. 4. aapringan, 82. i ; 86. 6 ; 155. 20 ; 185. 2. as3a, 103. 11; 104. 15; 109. 21, 22; 118. I ; 164. 7, 9, 12, 13; 187. 5. Assael, 12. 3. astigan, 24. 7 ; 29. 16 ; 80. 20, 22, 25 ; 89. 23 ; 90. 1 1 (2) ; 112. 14 ; 113. 4 ; 117. 17, 19 ; 143. 28 ; 152. 18; 156. 16, 18; 159. 32; 177. 5; 212. 5,6, 7; 213. 12; 215. 12, 15, 21; 228. i, 2 ; 229. 1 2 ; 250. 8. ast^ndan, 98. i ; 204. i ; 232. 21. astr^uc(e)an, 56. 18; 81. 24; 83. 19; 88.19; 89. I, 3; 101.15; 104.9, 12; 106.6; 139. 21; 150. 13; 157. 7; 158. 2; 204. 21 ; 234. 23. astyrian, 53. 10; 95. 12; 106. 3; 138. 3; 167. 16; 191. 25; 206. 18; 232. 19. aswindan, 16. 23. asyndran, 8. 7; 26. 19. ateon, 83. 17; 132. 3. ateorian, 85. i ; 107. 6 ; 181. i ; 211. 4. 5- ati(e)fran, 28. 16. atimbrian, 30. 15. ator (attor), 57. 12 ; 93. 10. a«, 146. 7 ; 174. 9. aSeostrian, 177. 9. See also aSystvian. aSistrian. See aSystrian. aSwean, 23. 10; 34. 6 ; 59. 5 ; 69. 10; 70. 7; 176. 10; 229. 20, 23(2). aSystrian (aSistrian), 15. 12 ; 167. 15. ^ee also aSeostrian. awacan, 96. 21. awfccan, 19. 7 ; 43. 7. aw§cggan, 51. 16. awefan, 140. 23. aweg. See onweg. awegan, 107. 11 ; 129. 14. aw^ndan, 9. 14 ; 78. 19, 20 ; 107. 14 ; 114. 19; 117. 3; 142. 3; 143. I ; 161. 4; 221. 24; 244. 24. aweorpan. See awurpan. awestan, 148. 16. awiergan (awyr(i)gan), 21. 17; 26. 18; 27. I ; 38. 6; 78. 12, 17; 95. 12 ; 171. 7, 9, 20; 172. 12, 13, 14, 15. awr^ccan, 219. 11. awritan, 6. 24, 25 ; 7. 8 ; 11. 16 ; 12. 3 ; 32. 15 ; 59. 19 ; 91. 11, 13, 17 ; 115. 17; 132. 20; 138. 7; 142. 5, 9, II, 17; 143. 18; 146. 21 ; 173. 11; 190. 21 ; 202. 16 ; 205. i ; 223. 19 ; 226. 11. awurpan (aweorpan), 19. 13 ; 35. 14 ; 36. 15; 94. 26; 101. 6; 112. 17; 125. 17, 18, 20; 126. 14, 23; 127. 18; 131. 5; 134. 5 ; 149. 23; 151. 13 ; 152. 9 ; 156. i ; 161. 19 ; 170. 6 ; 181. 16 ; 186. 12 ; 219. 18 ; 224. 18; 241. I, 9; 253. 22. awyrcean, 35. 25. awyr(i)gan. See awiergan. awyrdnyss, 248. 7. axe, 108. 10 ; 134. 6. axian. See ascian. aydlian, 82. 11, 14. Azarias, 125. 11 ; 126. 9, 22. Babilon (Babylon), 27. 3 ; 30. 14 ; 127. 14; 131. 12, 15. Babilonisc, 130. 22. bsee, 24. 2; 71. 14. bSr, 191. 26 ; 192. i, beermgnn, 191. 26; 192. i. bsernan, 65. 14. baerning, 63. 22 (2). Bal, 30. 19. BaldaS, 106. 23; 109. 7. Balthasar, 129. 20. ban, 19. 24 ; 20. 2 ; 77. 1 7 (2) ; 87. 2 i , 25; 106.6; 108. 8; 166. 21; 177. 19; 209. 19. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 279 Barnabas, 68. lo; 239. 2. Bairabas, 176, 3, 5, 6. Bartholomens, 228. 5. be-. See also bi-. beald, 176. 2. bealdlice, 174. I. beam, 35. 13, 15. beam, 3. 6 ; 10. i, 2 ; 13. 15 ; 14. 5, 6 ; 34. 3, 1 2 ; 42. 2 ; 44. 21 ; 51. 20, 22; 56.9; 62. 5, 7; 66. 14; 69. 2; 79. 5; 83. 14, 27; 85. 13; 96. 9; 100.11; 105.4; 110.7(2); 112.23; 113. 13; 116. 4; 122. 19; 126. 7; 144. 16, 18; 146. 16, 27; 147. 8; 151. 13; 152.9; 154. 19, 21, 23; 156. 4; 157. 19, 21; 158. 12, 27; 163. I ; 164. 17, 18 ; 170. 8 ; 176. 12 ; 177. 24 ; 179. 24 ; 194. 24, 25 ; 196. 10; 200. 18; 203. 3, 6, 15; 204.21; 206. 18; 212.6, 7; 216. 10; 224. 3; 235. 16; 240. 10; 247. 4 ; 249. 17, 20 ; 251. 22 ; 255. 6. bearneaca, 187. i. bearneacen, 31. 6, 8, beatan, 209. 3. bebaSian, 69. 10. bebeodan (bebiodan), 6. 9, 15, 21 ; 7. 6; 24. I ; 30. 3, 5 ; 41. 9 ; 47. 20; 54. 9; 55. 7, 8; 87. 5, 6; 89. 19; 91.4; 92. 11; 93. 5; 109.8; 111. 18; 114. 2; 125.4; 137. 7; 138. 23; 140. 12; 142.9; 143. 7; 146. 26; 150. 18; 179. 2, 7 ; 220. 22 ; 221. 4, 6 ; 227. 3 ; 240. 16 ; 251. 7. bebod, 37. 14 ; 49. 21 ; 52. 6 ; 68. i ; 73. 14; 78. 11; 91. 18; 96. 20; 114. 20; 123. 18; 166. 5 (2), 7; 179. 5 ; 184. 7, 10 ; 202. 3 ; 220. 6, 8, II, 12, 19 ; 254. 14, 17. bebjcggan, 62. 13 ; 63. 9 ; 64. 18 ; 65. 5,6. bebyrian, 178. 4, 11 ; 194. 11,12; 22.5. 2, 11; 231. 2, 6. beceapian, 202. 8 ; 230. 5, 13 ; 231. 3. becirran. See becyrran. beclippan, 22. 21 ; 23. 7. beclysan, 225. 1 7 ; 232. 3. becuman, 10. 17, 20; 17. 13; 32. 16; 41. 17; 51. 7; 67. 11; 86. 9, 17; 90.6; 94. 16; 97. i; 111. 3; 119. 4; 128.9, 10; 133. 9; 139. i; 145. 19; 153. 12; 157. 10; 161. 3; 187. 11; 188. 13; 191. 5; 195.6; 200. 23; 202. 2; 206. 17; 207. 3; 208. 18, 22 ; 235. 17; 237. 17; 238. i, 25 ; 243. 18. becyiTan (becirran), 42. 8 ; 175. 6. bed, 4. 4. bedSlan, 21. 2. bedecian, 20. 26. bedelfan, 169. 13; 198. 3. bediglian, 100. 15; 108. 20; 204. 16, 18. bedreda, 151. i, bedufan, 157. 7. bedypan, 172. 23 ; 177. 13. befe.stan, 48. 8; 169. 20, 26. befeallan, 5. 14; 64. 15 ; 117. 10; 157. 14 ; 193. 9. befon, 6. 4, 9 ; 107. 22 ; 108. i ; 176. 18; 256. 25. befrinan, 83. 12; 100. 16; 137. 21; 138. 5, II, 13; 139. 13; 154. 10; 158. 21 ; 159. 10 ; 160. 1 1 ; 172. 25 ; 176. 3 ; 207. 6 ; 212. 25 ; 227. 14. befylan, 256. 22. began, 19. 6 ; 36. 18 ; 48. 5 ; 104. 2; 110. 20, 21 ; 123. 18, 21, 23; 249. 4. beginnan, 19. 6 ; 89. 24 ; 157. 5 ; 203. 2. begitan. See begytan. begyrdan, 87. 13, 21 ; 237. 15 ; 248. 14. begytan (begitan), 63. 11 ; 91. 23 ; 144. 13- behaldan. See beliealdan. behat,80. 7; 112. 21 ; 189. 15; 227. 4; 228. 12 ; 246. 18, 20, 22. behatan, 189. 11 ; 208. 20. behealdan (behaldan), 18. 7; 24. 19; 35.6; 41. 15, 20; 57. 3; 76. 9 ; 104. 3; 106. i; 148. 25; 149. 14; 161. 20; 182. 5; 206.21,22; 213. 10; 238. 8, 21 ; 256, 13. behofian, 147. 13; 149. 5; 153. i; 164. 9; 199. 17. behon, 7. 7, 8. behreowsian, 123. 23 ; 140. 20 ; 155.6 ; 175. 8; 199. 16; 230. i. behrSowsung, 109. 12 ; 199. 17. behweorfan, 178. 5 ; 225. 4. 280 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WOEDS behydan, 108. 19; 111. 6; 148. 15; 169. 13, 23; 177. 10; 217. 21. Bel, 131." I. beladian, 195. 13; 19S. 10, 11. beladung, 169. 20. belEEfan, 86. 15. belSwan, 172. 20, 24 ; 173. 25 ; 202. 17 ; 205. 24; 206. 3; 207. 7. belifan, 86. 4; 87. 12, 19, 20. bell, 7. 7, 9, 10, II, 12, 14. belucan, 80. 2 ; 166. 7 ; 168. 19, 21 ; 225. 14; 232. 19. belyfan, 125. 21 ; 127. 6; 131. 2 ; 182. 2. bemaenan, 162. 5. ben, 4. 4; 96. 13 ; 176. 14. b?nd, 56. 4 ; 176. 2 ; 219. 7 ; 249. 9. Beniainin, 69. 4. beniman, 104. 16 ; 105. 9. beobread, 209. 21. beod, 158. 7. beodan, 8. 14; 29. 21; 55. 9; 68. 5, 6 ; 85. 10 ; 100. 5 ; 134. 6 ; 149. 2 ; 177. I ; 178. 6 ; 179. 5. beor, 141. 3. beorcan, 25. i, beorht, 119. 17. beorhtnys, 187. 8; 251. 11 ; 256. 5. beorina, 242. 18. bepSc(e)an, 101. 2 ; 139. 25 ; 167. 2 ; 230. 22. beran, 6. 6; 7. 3 ; 24. 12; 27. 19; 28. 4; 34. 10; 51. 8, 10; 83. 10; 92.9; 98. 11; 101. 14; 128. 15; 131. 10, II, 15; 143. 5; 156. 12 ; 163. 14; 177. 14 ; 179. 25 ; 186. 7 ; 193. 8 ; 194. 21 ; 198. 4; 199. 11 ; 214. 2; 220. 26; 241. 14; 243. 3. ber§cc(e)an, 63. 10. b^ren, 214. 3. bfm, 141. 9; 156. 3; 197. 5. b^rtun, 197. 4. berypan, 204. 3. bescinan, 187. 8. besfcgan, 233. 5. bes^ncan, 89. 9 ; 161. 16 ; 200. 15. beseon, 3. 3 ; 83. 21 ; 93. 7, 9; 175. 7 ; 203. 23 ; 213. 14. besgttan, 59. 20; 178. 7. besittan, 27. 18; 179. 9. beslean, 100. 22. besniitan (bi-), 60. 4 ; 70. 6 ; 72. 3, 4; 74. I, 2. besptftan, 174. 16. bestelan, 11. 11. best^ppan, 207. 4. bestreowian, 107. 4. beswican, 36. 13 ; 43. 4; 66. i, beswingan, 176. 13 ; 202. 17 ; 208. 5 ; 251. 24; 255. 15, 17. betacan, 77. 3 ; 131. i ; 159. 4, 26 ; 169. 5, 6; 176. 14; 177. 15; 191. 29; 230.6; 237.4; 244. 21. betan, 63. 19. Bethleem, 95. 2, 6; 137. 19; 138,6, 8, 13; 139. 10, 17, 28; 186. 26; 187. 2, 21, 25. bgt(e)ra. See god (adj .). betynan, 5. 14 ; 64. 8, 14, 15. beSgncan, 237. 20. bewSfan, 7. 20; 176. 17; 219. 19. bewgddian, 185. 3, 5 ; 245. 11, 13, 15. bewepan, 94. 26 ; 140. i, 3 ; 144. 3. bewgrian, 101. 5 ; 118. 3. bewindan, 174. 17; 187. 5, 13; 188. 10; 225. 5, 12. bewreon (bewrion), 38. 11 ; 70. 16. bewurpan, 198. 4. bicgan. See bycgan. bicnan, 19. 14. bidan, 22. 9, 10. biddan, 11. 8; 20. 22 ; 39. 6, 18 ; 58. 3; 93. 3; 96.5,14,15,18; 122.14; 133. 8 ; 147. 14 ; 150. 23 ; 153. 9 ; 157. 22 ; 178. 3, 6 ; 194. 3. 19 ; 196. 2, 3, 8 (2), 9, II ; 198. II, 13, 15 ; 200.16; 208. 9; 212. 20; 221.'^!, 14, 25 ; 222. 14 (2), 15, 23 ; 224. 17; 225. I ; 235. 10; 237. 7; 238. 25; 246. 11; 255.9. biegan. See bigan. bleme (byme), 25. 7 ; 31. 14 ; 89. 25 ; 90, 5,8; 121. i; 134. iS; 167. 19; 244. 22, 23; 250. 9. bifian, 177. 18; 193. 20. bigan, 176. 19; 247. 16. bigg^ncg, 88. 3. bigg^nga, 197. 25 ; 198. 2. bigleofa, 93. 26 ; 98. i ; 124. 9 ; 140. 23; 182. 12; 244. II, bigspel, 97. 9 ; 165. i ; 192. 20 ; 199. 7; 201,4, INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 281 bilewit (bilwit), 18. 4; 35. 20; 45. 15 ; 103. 7; 104.4; 161. 5. bilewitnyss, 106. 15. bilwitlice, 9. 13; 19. 1 7. bindan, 159. 4, 27 ; 161. 20; 165. 24. binn, 118. i ; 187. 5, 14, 23; 188. 10, 29. birnan. See byrnan. biscephad, 54. i. biscop (biscep), 54. 3 ; 92. 7. bisen. See bysen. bismitan. See besmitan. bismer (bysmor), 24. 15 ; 52. 9 ; 56. 3 ; 94. 20; 202. 17. bismrung. See bysmrung. biswic, 48. 10. bita, 214. i. bitan, 233. 20. bitel, 12. 1 8. biter, 134. 16; 175. 8 ; 249. 22. blaec, 146. 4. blScern, 34. 14. bbed, 152. 21. bl*dre, 86. 6. blawan, 90. i, 5 ; 225. 20 ; 224. 23. blavvere, 26. 18. bledsung. See bletsung. bleo, 6. 20. bletsian, 104. 8 ; 110. i ; 128. 2 ; 162. 4,7; 170.15; 173.6;214. 7;252. 18. bletsung (bledsung), 21. 2 ; 190. 2 ; 210. 2 ; 232. 16 ; 256. 4. blind,8. 13, 16; 36.8(2); 40. 17; 108. 5; 115. II ; 119. 21 ; 153. 14; 154. i6;157.i4(2);157.i5; 164.2i; 192. 10, 12 ; 198. 21 ; 202. 21 ; 203. 4, 7; 217. 23, 24 ; 235. 5 ; 237. 1 2 ; 257. 9. blinnan, 21. 14; 25. 6. bliss, 122. i; 199. 14, 19; 221. 24; 228. 2 ; 238. 4 ; 252. 4. blissian (bliSsian), 22. 19 ; 42. 16 ; 72. 16; 108. 16; 115. I ; 116. II ; 138. 19; 144. 22, 24; 184. 15, 26; 186. 6; 199. 12, 13; 203. 26; 217. 13; 249. 10. bliSe, 94. 17; 189. 15. bliSsian. See blissian. blod, 27. i; 44. 2; 68. 16; 71. 13; 87.2,8; 123.4,6; 158. 27; 159. 18; 173. 2, 7, 9; 176. 12; 180, 7; 193. 15; 215.18,19,25; 224.24; 229. 8; 248. 12. blostm(a), 120. 14 ; 136. 22 ; 253. 20. blotan, 34. 2. blowan, 92. 9. boc, 52. 6 ; 115. 17 ; 166. 7 ; 226. 10. bocere, 138. 5; 145. 19; 199. 5, 7; 233. 3. boda, 32. 9; 101. 12. bodian, 44. 8 ; 57. 2 ; 112. 15 ; 133. 2 ; 134. 2, 3; 154. 17; 183. 23, 30; 184.2; 187. 10; 188. 12; 190. 20 ; 192. 14; 194. 12; 229. 16; 231. 19; 236. 2, 5 ; 247. 14. bodig, 115. 12. boduDg, 111. 2; 132. 21; 201. 2; 232. 17. bog(h), 8. 6, 9 ; 92. 9; 164. 14. bolster, 28. 29. borg, 19. 6; 66. 16. bosm, 108. 2, 20; 210. 14. brad, 30. 8; 85.8; 149. 12. bradnyss, 97. 7; 247. 18. brSdan, 87. 3. brSS, 117. 15. br;cw, 19. 8, 10. brastlian, 89. 24. brecan, 25. 12; 65. 7; 68. i. brem(b)el, 78. 13, 14, 18; 83. 23; 149. 19. br^ngan, 34. i, 19, 23 (2) ; 62. S. breost, 3. i ; 6. 23, 25 ; 7. 4 ; 8. 8 ; 29. 9; 196. 16; "201. 13; 209.4. brice, 197. 7; 214. 12, 18, 20. bridel, 102. 6. brim. See brym. bringan, 12. 15 ; 21. 17 ; 29. 20 ; 30. 8 ; 91. 20, 23 ; 92. 14; 99. 6 ; 136. 20 ; 170. 2; 182. 7, 10, 15, 17, 19; 193. 10; 230. 13; 251. I ; 255. 9. broc, 13. 18. broga, 3. 8. broSerrSden, 252. 2. brotJor (broSer, broSur), 8. i ; 10. 2, 3 ; 35. 12, 16; 38. 13; 40. 14; 43.9; 44.6; 45. 14; 48. 11, 13; 53. 2,8, 19 ; 57. 10 ; 68. 3 ; 85. 16 ; 143. 24 ; 145. 22,24; 155. 14; 180. 13; 214. 2; 218. 24; 235. 18; 237. i; 254. 25; 255.1,6. brucan, 49. 6 ; 77. 3 ; 100. 8 ; 131 . 1 9 ; 185. 16. bryd, 122. 2; 168. 3; 212. 14. 282 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS brydb§d(1, 111. 4. brydguma, 111. 4; 122. 2; 168. 2, 5, 10, 17, 23; 211. 13; 212. 14. brym, 156. 14 ; 179. 30. bryne, 71. 10. brytnere, 40. 2. bagan, 111. 22; 120. 17; 125. 14; 134. 4; 209. 4; 230. 3, 18; 235. 22. burh (burg), 4. i, 5 ; 9. 16; 13. 4; 20. 12; 21. 25; 27. 15, 17, 22; 28. I, 3, 9 ; 29, I ; 43. 18 ; 80. 18, 19, 22 ; 94. 17, 18 ; 95. 2 ; 101. 5 ; 102. 9, 10, 16 ; 115. 4 ; 116. 21 ; 130. 10 ; 131. 14; 133. 2; 134. 2; 137. 21 ; 138.8; 139. 12, 17, 27; 140. 17; 150. 21 ; 152, 25;' 153, 12; 164. 4, 6; 165. 14; 177, 20; 185. i, 2; 186. 23, 25 (2) ; 187, 2 ; 189. 8 ; 190. 15 ; 191. 21 ; 192. 19 ; 194. 16 ; 195. 10; 202, 15, 20; 204. 13; 209. 7, 21 ; 227. 3 ; 228. i, 20; 231. 13; 234. 3, 20, 21; 235. 3, 5, 8; 236. 2 ; 257. 7. burhgeat, 94. 19. burhscir, 157. 16 ; 158. 20. burhwaru, 138, 3. bycgan (bicgan), 62. 14 ; 168. 16 ; 198. 10, 14; 213. 16. bydel, 165. 2, 11 ; 183. 19. byld, 236. 2. byme. See bleme. byrgels, 175. 16, byrgen, 32. 12 ; 37. 18 ; 119. 15 ; 166. 21; 177. 19; 178. 7; 180. 3; 183. 18 ; 191. 24; 213. 5; 257. 10. byrnan (birnan), 47. 23 ; 112. 9 ; 114. 12; 115.24; 125,13,17,19; 126, 11,22; 127. 3 ; 197, 14, 21 ; 200. 21. byme, 248. 15. byrSen, 51, 8, 10; 68. 13; 163, I4 ; 241. 14. byrSenmEel, 156. i. bysen (bisen), 45. 14 ; 58, 14 ; 254, i. bysig, 149. 2 ; 195. 8, 14, bysmrung, 70, 4. bysnian, 166. 9, 10, 12, bytlian, 16. 16. cSg, 159. 4, 26. cjlflice, 87. 24, Cain, 3. 4 (2). calic, 164. I, 3 ; 172. 30; 173. 6, 21, campdom, 107. 15. Capharnaum, 150. 22. carcsern (karcern), 38. 11 ; 56. 4. See also cweartern. carful^l), 149. 2; 195. 14; 224, 11. carian, 124. 9. casere, 160. 8, 9 ; 166. i ; 186. 14 ; 190. 18. cauertun, 174 20, ceac, 13. 7. ceaf, 118. 16; 141, 9; 242, 3. ceafl, 132. 7. ceald, 59. 11, 12; 154. 4, 7. cealf, 122. 17. ceap, 153. 16, 17; 165. 11 ; 168. 17. ceapstow, 37. 7. ceas, 63. 19. ceaster, 7. 26; 31. 14; 38. 22; 41. 25; 187, 12 ; 188. 14, 16 ; 204. 12 ; 236. 10, 19. cederbeam, 97. 10. c^mpa, 151, 6, 24; 176, 15, 24; 177. 13; 223. 18; 224. 19, 22; 235. 17; 236. 9; 237. 4, 9; 238. 11. cene : kene, 20. 10. cgnnan, 10, 3 ; 69. 2 ; 70, 18 ; 186. 22 ; 187. 3. cgnningstow, 138. 5, ceorfan,9. 14; 11, 14; 34. 10; 161, iS. ceorian, 199. 4. ceorl, 26. 5 ; 47. 6, 10. ceorlian, 205. 10. ceorung, 254. 10. cepan, 173. 24; 203. 19; 247. 2. Cesarea, 158. 20; 238. 12, Chaldeisc, 104. 2 1 ; 126. 20. Cham, 79. 15. Chana, 211. 1,17. Chananeisc, 157. 17; 158. 15. cherubin, 113. 11. chor {Lat. choru8), 17. 7. cidan, 16, 15 ; 17. 11 ; 53. 18; 203. 4. ciele (cile, cyle), 20, 22, 24, 25 ; 23. 24 ; 245. 22. cier(-). See cir(-). cigan, 61. 4, 5. cild (cyld), 46. 2; 83, 9, 19, 24; 88. II ; 91. 21; 116. 18; 117.7; 118. 22 ; 122. 14; 134, 8; 136, 20; 137. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 283 4,8,9; 138.14,18,19; 139.2,3, 5, 6, 20, 29; 140. I, 3, 7, 8, II, 13, 16; 147.5; 158.5; 160. 24; 161.6, 7; 162. 4, 5, 8; 184. 8, 11, 21; 185. 16, 26 ; 186. 6 ; 187. 5, 13, 23 ; 188. 29; 189. 27; 190. 2, 3(2), 13,14, 15(2); 196.7; 244.15. cildclaS, 187-4. ^3; 188. 10. cile. See ciele. cirr, 5. 6; 11. i. cirran (cyrran), 47. 15 ; 138. 23 ; 238. 4. ciS, 35. 12, 16. clffine, 23. 10 ; 24. 12 ; 26. 7 ; 36. 2 ; 44. i; 55. 17(2), 18; 72. 15; 74. I (2), 2 ; 88. 14; 97. 2 ; 141. 9 ; 156. 2; 245. 12, 14, 15. clSnheort, 144. 14. clcennyss, 190. 11. claensung, 211. 10. clawu, 127. 23. cleopian. See clipian. clif, 71. 5 ; 191. 3. clifian, 14. 3; 123. 12. clipian (cleopian, cliopian, clypian), 11. 7; 17.8, 15; 25.6, 14; 33. 16; 44.21; 58. 20; 60. 7(2); 66. 12, 21 ; 67. 23; 83. 18, 24; 84. I ; 90. 10; 93. i; 110. 21; 112. 13; 113. 23; 116. 7; 117. 3,4; 120. 7; 121. i; 127. 16; 131. 16; 132. I, 17; 138. 10; 141. 21; 153.5; 157.5, 19(2), 26; 160. 24; 168. 22, 25; 169. 5 ; 177. 15, 23; 180. 22; 186. 2; 190. 2; 203. 5; 208. 2. 13, 17; 219. 5; 224.4; 234.6, 8; 240. 7,8. cliSa, 120. 5. clj-pian. See clipian. clypung, 168. 10; 235. 2; 239. i. cnaepling, 96. 9. cnapa, 100. 9; 186. 14; 214. 3. cneo(w), 56. 18; 81. 20; 176. 19; 234. 7 ; 247. 16. cniht, 22. 18 ; 25. 19 ; 83. 9 ; 84. 2 ; 125. 16, 21 ; 126. 3, 4, 9, 22 ; 127. I, 7; 150. 23 ; 151. 4, 16, 18, 21 ; 152. 14; 191. 23, 24, 27; 192. 3; 234. 4. cnucian, 149. 8 ; 196. i, 4, 6; 238. i, 6, 25, 26 ; 255. 19. cnyssan, 237. 13. coo : kok, 13. 4, 5. coco : kokk, 13. 19. coccel, 156. I. codd, 194. 21. copenere, 26. 8. corn, 22. 4; 84. 13; 141. 9. coss, 173. 24. costian, 56. 5. costnere, 142. 2. cost(n)ung, 48. 20; 51.7; 136. 18; 147. 19, 25 ; 148. 3 ; 252. 5. coSu, 192. 9 ; 205. 19. craeft, 15. 19; 33. 12; 41. 26. crset, 88. 25 ; 89. 3, 4; 99. 8 ; 100. iS. era wan, 173. 17. creopan, 28. 14, 22; 193. 13. Crist, 45. 19 ; 48. 12 ; 49. 12, 15, 19; 52. 7; 53.9; 55. 7; 58.9; 73. 16; 85. 2 ; 138. 5 ; 139. 22 ; 141. 14, 15, 18, 20; 143. 17, 20, 22, 25 ; 154. 10; 155. 15; 156. 16; 157. 22, 24; 158. 4, 12, 25 ; 159. 13, 14, 15 ; 160. 10 ; 162. 22 ; 164. 12, 14, 15 ; 167. i, 2, 17; 170. 14, 22 ; 173. 24; 174. 2 ; 175. 2; 178. 11; 181. 3; 182. 15; 186. 24; 187. 12 ; 188. 14, 15; 189. 11, 14; 190. 6; 191. 3; 203. 23; 207. 18, 20; 208. 14, 18, 23; 209. 20 ; 212. 15, 20 ; 214. 13, 22, 24, 27 ; 216. 21 ; 217. 15; 219. 8, 11; 222. 4, 22 ; 223. 8, 18, 24 ; 224. 21 ; 225. 20, 22 ; 226. 10; 227. 14; 229. 13, 20 ; 230. I ; 232. 6 ; 233. 7,17; 234. 13; 236. 3, 5, 7, 13, 25; 239. 9; 241. 5, II, 12, 15, 25; 242. 17; 243. 12, 15, 17; 244. 4, 6; 245.4, 12, 13, 16 ; 246. 2, 14, 17, 21 ; 247. 5, 7, 10, 20; 249. 10; 250. 11; 254. i, 18, 19; 255. 2; 256. 10. cristen, 62. 2 ; 232. 18 ; 234. 20; 236. 5, 11; 246. 19. crocsceard, 106. 14. cruma, 158. 7, 13. cucu. See cwic. culfre (culfer), 35. 21 ; 91. 21 ; 117. 17 ; 121. 10 ; 141. 20 ; 158. 27 ; 159. 17 ; 211. 20, 21. culfranbrid(d), 91. 24; 189. 7. cuma, 38. 9; 170. 18; 171. i, 10, 14; 172. 5. cuinliSe, 254. 10. 284 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS cumliSnyss, 252. 3. cuSa, 40. 15. cuSlice, 177. 20; 195. 11, cwalu, 2H. 12. cwealm, 86. 3; 205. 22. cwealmstow, 176. 24. cweartern, 154. 9 ; 170. 20 ; 171. 3, 12,15; 180. 13; 205.25; 231.17, 18 ; 232. I, 2, 3, 7, 8 (2) ; 237. 3, 6, 10, 12 ; 238. 8, 19, 24 ; 245. 22. -See also carcaern. cwgllan, 34. 4; 177. i, cw^llere, 127. 10 ; 139. 27; 223. 24; 232. I. cweman, 48. 22 ; 50. 18. cwen, 98. 8, 13, 16; 99. i ; 112. i. cwic (cucu), 55. 8;- 65. 10, 19; 224. 16, 20; 226. 25. cwicsusl, 171. 20. cwielrn-. See cwylm-. cwielman, 41. 6. cwyddian, 158. 21 ; 159. 8. cwyde, 229. 6. cwylmbaere, 224. 19, 23. cwylmian, 224. 20. cwymstan, 161. 15. cyld. See cild. cyle. See ciele. cymen : kymen, 37. 13. cynecynn, 85. i. cyneg. See cyning. cynegyrd, 176. 17. cynelic (kynelic), 58. i ; 99. 2 ; 238. 14. cynerice, 96. 9 ; 128. 9. cynesetl, 134. 5 ; 185. 14. cynestol (kynestol), 30. 15 ; 127. 14. cyning (cyneg, cyng, kyning), 11. 11, 21; 14.4,6; 36. 17; 42. 7; 82. i ; 85. 10; 95. 3, 5, 9, 10; 96. 19; 98. 18, 20, 29; 99. 5; 101.6, 10; 102. 13; 106. 20; 109. 11; 113. 7, 25; 120. 5; 125. 9, II, 18; 126. I, 5(2), 14,21; 127.1,12; 128.12,20; 129. 1, 17; 130. 16, 23; 131. 3, 22; 132. 1,4,7; 134.5; 135. 5; 137. 20,22; 138. 3, 16, 24; 139. II, 13, 15; 160. 14; 165. 2, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24; 170. 14; 171.3,16; 175.19; 176. 20; 177.5; 180. 12; 185. 3; 205.24; 212. 29 ; 214. 27 ; 223. 22 ; 235. 15 ; 236. 25; 238. 18, 21; 251. 5 (2). cynn (kynn), 8. 15; 58. i ; 81. 16; 84. 10 ; 185. 2. cynren (kynren), 16. i ; 82. 6 ; 88. 3. cypmgnn, 204. 25. cyrce, 159. 3, 20, 21, 23, 25. Cyrinus, 186. 21. cyrm, 134. 19. cyrographum (Lat.), 249. 2. cyrran. See cirran. Cyrus, 131. i, 22. cyssan, 173. 24. cystig, 251. 9. cySan, 38. 13; 53.13; 68.4; 96.6; 104. 17, 20, 23 ; 105. 5, 15; 111. I ; 121. 2; 129. 18; 138. 14; 154. 14; 184. 13; 188. i; 192. 11; 212. 25; 220. 24; 221. 9, II, 21 ; 232. 2 ; 238. 9 ; 246. 8. cySere, 233. 11. cySnis, 70. 5. cySSu, 9. 5. d£d, 83. 26 ; 107. 8 ; 116. 11 ; 154. 8 ; 208. 1,9, 16; 234. 8, 14, 15; 239. 20; 256. 13. dsedbeta, 199. 19. dsdbot, 123. 17 ; 140. 20 ; 153. 5 ; 155. 9; 199.15. daeg, 5. 2 ; 16. 8, &c. dseghwamlic (-hwomlic), 147. 18, 23, 30. _ daeghwamlice (-hwomlice, -hwonlice), 131.6; 200. 7; 205. 5, 7; 213. 3 ; 232. 17. daegrima, 117. 19. dSl, 98. 23 ; 116. I ; 121. 4; 155. 20; 168. 13; 182. 11; 193. 8; 195. 15; 204. 2, 9 ; 223. 25 ; 230. 20. dSlan, 18. 24 ; 69. 5 ; 111. 10 ; 181. 5 ; 202. 9 ; 204. 8 ; 223. 24 ; 230. 6, 14. Damascus, 234. 20. Dani(h)el, 129. 3, 6, 17; 130. 4, 6; 131. I, 12, 17 (2), 23; 132. 2, 8. Darius, 129. 20. daru, 83. 20; 108. 19; 192. 21. Dathan, 114. 11. Dauid, 10. iS, 20; 11. 6, 14, 16, 21; 95. 8, 9; 96. 7; 102. 11; 157. 19, 21; 164. 17, 18; 185. 2, 14; 186. 25, 26; 187. 12; 188. 14, 15; 203. 3, 6, 15; 229. 22; 255. 22. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 285 dead, 12. 7 ; 37. i8 ; 44. 8 ; 49. 19, 20, 22 ; 55. S; 63. 16, 18, 20; 64. 4. 16, 17; 65. i; 88. 7; 102. 15; 119. 15; 153. 15; 154. 16; 166. 21 ; 177. 19; 192. 14; 194. 12 (2); 215. 10 ; 219. I, 13 ; 224. 21 ; 244. 23 ; 250. 9, 18; 252. II, 13 ; 267. 9, 10. deadbare, 93. 10. deadlic, 59. 8 ; 77. 5. deaf, 8. 12; 115.12; 119.21 ; 129. 11 ; 154. 16; 192. 13. dearnunge(-enga),61.i2; 178. i; 224. 26. dea?, 32. 16; 44. 10; 52. 8 ; 63. i, 7, S, 10, II ; 66. 7, 8; 70. 2 ; 77. 25 ; 91. 4, 6; 93. I ; 96. 15; 110. 20; 114. 23; 115. 23; 117.8; 123. 19; 124. 3,5; 125.20; 140. 5; 173.13; 174. 16; 178. 13; 189. 14; 201. 2; 202. 18 ; 203. 14 ; 205. 11 ; 206. 4 ; 207.3; 208. 5 ; 217. 2, 5; 219. 11 ; 229. 20 ; 240. 11 ; 248. 18 ; 253. 12 ; 254. 25 ; 255. 9. deaSberend, 57. 11, delfan. 148. iS. dehi, 29. 10,11. dema, 155. 23. deman, 5. 9 ; 42. 4 ; 48. 23 (2) ; 55. 8 ; 57.1; 67. 13 (2), 15; 73.6; 81. 18; 112. 23; lis. 3; 135. 13; 162. 21, 23, 26 ; 223. 25. d^ne, 120. 8. deofol (diofol), 38. 7 ; 78. i, 7 ; 104. 6, 13; 106. 10; 141. 27; 142. 7, 12, 19; 143. 17, 20; 150. 6; 153. 14; 155.4; 157. 20; 171.8, 20; 172. 13,15; 183. 26; 196.14; 207.4; 216. 10, 22 ; 230. 22 ; 248. 11 ; 252. 15 ; 253. I ; 254. 11. deofolgield (deofolgild, deofolgyld, dio- folgield), 30. 18; 46. 20; 68. 15; 102. 17; 126. 23; 249.4. deofolgylda, 242. 21. deofollic (deofuUic), 57. 17 ; 248. 12. deofiilseoc, 231. 14. deofulUc. .See deofdlic. deop(p), 20. 15; 161. 15. deopnyss, 247. 19. deor, 152. 16. deorcynn, 77. 11 ; 79. 16. deorwurS(?), 98. 1 2, 30 (2) ; 100. 5 ; 242. 2 ; 253. 17. See next word. deorwyrSe (deorwurSe, diorwyrSe), 37. 13; 114. 23 ; 134. 5; 225. 11 ; 253. 17. dorian, 66. 1 2 ; 125. 21 ; 127. 9 ; 183. 28 ; 256. 21 (2). d^rigendlic, 236. 18. derne. See dyrne. derodine (dyrodiiie), 6. 16, 20. diacon, 232. 10, 16. diegellice (diglice), 11. 14; 137. 6. diegelness (digelnyss, digolness), 21. 4 ; 50. 1 7 ; 246. 7. digel. See digol. diglan, 14. 20. diglice. See diegellice. digol (digel), 5. II ; 117. 14 ; 193. 19 ; 246. 4. digolness. See diegelness. dile, 37. 12. dimnyss, 134. 18. Dina, 4. 3, 20, 21, 22. diofol(-). See deofol(-). diorwyrSe. See deorwyrSe. disc, 172. 23. discipul, 173. 4; 179. 7 ; 225. 14. discCen, 131. 20. dohtor,24. 23; 62. 11; 64. 10; 67.6, 13; 79. 6 ; 103. 9 ; 105. i ; 110. 2,5; 157. 20, 22 ; 158. 9, 16 ; 198. 22 ; 254. 5. dolg, 120. 5. dollice, 242. 22. dolscipe, 17. 19. dom, 7. I, 6; 15. 22; 16. 11; 21. 14; 25. 15 ; 35. 25 ; 37. 15 ; 41. 17 ; 46. 17; 53. 13; 62. i; 64. 11 ; 98. 28; 121. 20; 124. 16; 162. 25; 170.9;. 171. 21 ; 175. 10; 252. 7. dOmere, 46. 19 ; 63. 20. dOiiigrn, 175. 18; 176. 16. domsetl, 162. 19, 23, 25 ; 238. 14 ; 241. 13; 245.5. draca, 71. 5 ; 131. 2 ; 136. 16. dragau, 21. 21. dream, 90. 1,8; 157. 23. drgccan, 67. 21. drgnc, 118. 13; 140. 24 ; 215-9; 243. II, 13- dr^ncan, 15. 21 ; 19. 20). drGorig, 131. 22; 137. 5 ; 224. 3,4. drige diie), 88. 23, 26 89. 7 ; 92. 5 ; 215. 3. 286 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS drihtealdor, 211. 13. drihtenlic. See dryhtenlic. drincan, 7. 23 ; 18. 20 ; 29. 24 ; 32. 6 (2), 12; 37. 23; 38. 9 ; 46. 3 ; 48. 18; 54. 16; 105. 2; 128. 17; 129. 10; 140. 24; 141. 3; 149. 3; 154.4; 164. I (2), 2; 171. 10; 173. 7; 177. i; 183. 28; 194. 27; 197. 7; 215. 9, 18, 19, 25; 216. 2; 243. II (2), 14, 15. drincere, 242. 22. drohtnian, 257. 6. druncenness (-nyss), 41. 21 ; 117. 14 ; 118. 14; 207. 2; 241. 3. druDcenwillen (druncenwille), 37. 23 ; 46, 22. druncnian, 141. 4; 211- 15- dryhtenlic (drihtenlic), 71. 11 ; 235. 12. drypan, 117. 16; 200. 17. dufan, 157. 5. dumb (dum), 25. i ; 58. 19; 115. 11 ; 119. 22; 123. 13; 129. II ; 184. 20. dun, 80. 3 ; 83. 8 ; 90. 3 ; 93. 24 ; 94. 19; 120. 8; 122.4; 142. 13; 143. 12,28; 150.10; 156. 16, 18; 159. 32 ; 164. 5 ; 209. 22 ; 213. 12 ; 215. I. durn, 17. 5 ; 28. 11, 19; 62. 9 ; 237. II ; 238. I, 4; 255. 19, 20. durran, 12. 4; 140. 15 ; 165. 22 ; 201. 13; 224. 22 ; 231. 5. dust, 33. 2; 78. 20 (2), 21, 22; 107. 3, 17- dyrne (derne), 68. 16; 242. 21. dyrodine. See derodine. dyrstig, 126. 17; 176. 16; 178. 2; 224. 27. dysig (sb.% 22. 4 ; 27. 5; 109. 5. dysig (dyseg) (adj.), 17. 19; 20. 4; 22. I, 3, 8; 44. 14; 45. 21; 46. 8; 51. i; 58. 21. dysiglic, 58. 21. dyslic, 5. 7. ea, 141. 12. eaca, 66. 18 ; 68. 2. eaciiian, 63. 19. eadig, 22. 6 ; 34. 12 ; 40. 17 ; 70. 15 ; 98. 25; 114. 19; 117.9; 143. 30, 32; 144. I, 3, 5, 7, 9, II, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20; 154. 17 ; 158. 26; 159. 17; 185. 24; 186. 8; 190. 14; 192. 15: 196. 16; 226. 7; 232. 19, 22 ; 233. 10; 234. 6. eadmod, 115. 14; 120. 24; 135. 5; 155. I ; 186. 12. See eaSinOd. Sadmodlice, 219. 20. eadmodnyss, 249. 7. Sage, 8. 19; 15. 5, 12 ; 18. 5, 7; 19. 7, 9, 14 ; 24. I ; 27. 8 ; 34. 4 ; 35. 1 2, 14, 16; 59. 15, 20 (2); 63. 21 ; 64. I ; 78. 2; 101. 18; 108.6; 115. 11, 16; 119. 21; 128. I ; 135. 2, 4; 163. 16; 189. 19, 23; 201. 13; 204. 16, 18; 221. 27; 235. 5, 21; 241. 20; 257. 9. eagSyrl. See ehSyrl. eala, 25. 19 (3) ; " 27. 9; 50. 21; 59. II ; 107. 10; 138. 7; 158. 8, 15; 169. 15 ; 201. 26 ; 249. 24 ; 252. 4. eald, 37.^8; 51. 20; 54. 12; 68.3; 69. 3; 70. 5; 82. 8; 84. 2; 86. 25; 91. 13; 92. II ; 105. 2 ; 130. 10; 145. 10, 12, 14, 16; 146. 12, 21; 184. 13 ; 190. i; 200. 4. ealdian, 84. i. ealdor, 119. 2; 130. 15, 18, 20; 138. 9; 139. 18; 150. 22; 151. 2, 15; 152. 13; 163. 4, 7, 12; 177. 23; 196. 2 ; 219. 8, 16; 232. 3 ; 248. 13. ealdorbiscop, 138. 4; 174.9,13; 175. 11; 233. 10; 234. 19; 235. 13. ealdordom, 16. 21 ; 115. 19; 118. 22. ealdoiingnn (aldormgnn, ealdormann), 4. 15, 19; 13. 4, 5; 31. 2; 33. 14; 116. 3; 176.1; 178.3,12; 186. 21 ; 205. 24; 207. 17; 225. i. ealneg, 22. 17; 31. 10. ealswa, 126. 13; 173. 19 ; 175. 17. ealu, 141. 3. earc (arc), 6. 2, 5 ; 79. g ; 80. 2, 3. eard, 11. 22 ; 81. 16 ; 85, 7 ; 86. 10 ; 98.21; 169. 4; 173.14; 186. 24; 187. 7; 211. I. eardian, 23. 8; 41. 18 ; 66. 16; 71. 5 ; 140. 17; 228. 22. eai-dungstow, 199. 22. eare, 18. 7; 24. 2 ; 62. 9 ; 101. 18; 115. 12; 119. 21; 174. 2 ; 186.6; 234. I ; 241. 20. earfeS, 14. 17. earfoSlice, 11. 7. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 287 earfoSnyss, 78. ii. earra (sb.), 189. i6. earm (adj.), 24. 17; 34. i ; G7. 14; 121. 5 ; 182. 7, 10, 14, 17. canning, 208. 15. earmlic, 200. 16. earn, 122. 17. east, 97. 15. eastdS-l, 113. 4 ; 137. 20 : 138. 1,17; 139. 11; 151. II, 29; 152. 3,6. Easterne, 103. 12. Eastertid, 87. i; 176. 2; 213. 13; 224. 18; 237. 5; 242. 17. eaSe, 125. 12. eaSelic, 195. 6; 218. 19. eaSmod, 16. 7, 18; 25. 17; 33. 7; 71. 2. See eadmod. eaSmodlice, 71. 13. eaSmodness, 20. 6 ; 52. 16 (2). eawbrSce, 145. 27; 181. 16, 17. Eawfsest, 184. 5 ; 228. 21. See Sfest. eaxl. See exl. Ebreisc, 4. 14; 130. 19 ; 223. 20. ece, 38. 6; 56. 17; 73. 5; 82. 19; 88.3; 128.4; 163. 3; 171. 8, 20, 22 ; 172. 12, 145 199. 22, 27 ; 202. 2 ; 212. II ; 215. 20, 25 ; 221. 24; 222. 2, 3, 21; 226. 12; 251. 16. feed, 177. 13. ecness (-nyss), 16. 16; 56. 13; 100. 21; 124'. 21; 128. 3; 136. 12, 14; 215. II, 13, 24; 217. 2, 5; 219. 2. edcynning, 162. 19. edlean, 147. 12; 154. 2; 162. 17; 242. 7. edwit, 101. II. ef(e)nSeowa, 58. 9; 256. 13. efne (emne), 12. 14; 52. 7; 67. i3,&c. efn'Seowa. See efenSeowa. ^fsian, 30. i 2. ?ft, 8. 18; 12. 16, &c. ^ftgian, 33. i. fge, 3. 8 ; 20. 24 ; 23. 2 ; 44. 20 ; 59. 7; 107. 7; 114. 18; 119. 6, 9, 12; 189. 9; 192.4; 231. 7. ^geslic, 31. 12 ; 41. 23; 86. 18 ; 90. 4; 117. 20; 127. 16. ?gle, 135. I, 3. Egypt(e) (/Egypt(e\ Egipt(e) ), 29. 8, 11; 61. 2; 66. 10; 85.4; 86. 18; 139. 4, 6, 9 ; 140. 6. Egyptisc, 85. 7 ; 89. 2. ehtan, 9. 17; 15.9; 35.2; 43.16; 44. 5, 8; 144. 21; 205. 23; 221. 19(2); 234. 24; 235.3; 236.15,16. ehtere, 118. 4; 132. 5; 146. 15, 27; 147.7; 196. 21; 223. 4; 235. 13; 236. 5. ehtness (-nyss), 11. 7 ; 144. 19. eht5yrl, 121. 10. ^Ician, 136. 9 ; 168. 8 ; 237. 5. ^Icung, 136. 10. §le, 30. 17 ; 39. 18 ; 168. 7, 13, 16. ^lefet, 95. I. Elias, 159. 31. Elifaz, 106. 23; 109. 7. Elisabeth, 184. 6, 9 ; 185. 25. ^lles, 60. I ; 66. 1 2. filming, 73. 11. §ln, 30. 7, 8 ; 148. 27. ^Inboga, 28. 28. §lSeodig (selCeodig, ^ISiodeg, ^ISiodig), 13. i; 15.8; 18. 9, 23, 28; 62. 13, 14; 66. 9, 10; 67. 20; 81. 16; 108. 18; 169. 4; 175,14. See lelSeod- ignyss. em. See em(n). Emmanuhel, 118. 19, 21 ; 137. 14, 17. Emmaus, 209. 8. Emmor, 4. 14. em(n), 187. 8; 226. 18. emne. See efne. emtwa, 228. 13. §nde, 4. 8, 9 ; 9. 11 ; 14. 12 ; 27. 11 ; 33. 19; 110. I ; 119. 3; 155. 23; 167. 6; 227. 8; 248. 21. ^ndemes, 33. 5 ; 165. 20. gndenext, 107. 21, 25; 136. 12, 13; 163.12, 15,17,18; 215.21; 227. 13; 244. 22. ^ngel, 4. 9 ; 38. 7, &c. ?nt, 80. 21. eornost (eornest), 175. 19; 235. 11. eomostlice, 128. 11; 169. 2; 205. 26; 227. 7; 246. 21; 248. 13. eorod, 174. 4. eorSbu(gi)end, 128. 5 ; 132. 8. eorSe, 3. 7, 8 ; 4. 8, &c. See yrS. eorSlic, 5. 8 ; 57. 16 ; 83. 31 ; 93. 26 ; 96. 16; 99. 4; 113. 25; 160. 14; 167. 18, 21 ; 225. 8 ; 246. 7 ; 247. 9 ; I 253. II. 288 INDEX OF PRTXCIPAL WORDS eorSscrasf, 11. 2. eorSstyrung, 205. 19, 22. eor^waran, 41. 23. eowan, 28. 11; 52. 15. eow(e)de, 124. 11; 187. 7; 199. 12; 218. 14, 16, 17. ^rian, 20. 21, 23, 24. Esau, 135. 8; 240. 12. fsne, 63. 15. ^snlice, 44. 6. esol, 5. 15. estfull, 182. 12, 19. estmgtte, 250. 17. esulcweorn, 36. 14. etan, 7. 23 ; 10. 8, &c. eSel, 99. 3; 139. i; 251. 17. exl, 118. 23. Ezechias, 101. 2, 6, 7, 14 ; 120. 5. Ezechiel, 30. 3. fac(e;n, 65. 18; 175. 11 ; 204. 3. fsec, 235. 7 ; 253. 9. fScne, 175. 15. feeder, 34. 3, 16, 17 ; 41. 4, &c. fSferadli, 71. 10. See also fefor. fcegnian, 47. 25, 26; 57. 14; 108. 17; 115. 2 ; 144. 22, 24 ; 207. 7 ; 217. 14. ftegnung, 122. i. fShS, 94. ifi. fa-mne, I, 3: 211. 7; 224. fer, 96. 10 ; 100. i-; ; 202. 22; 203. 2, 20. fereld, 87. 15 ; 122. 6. fSrlic, 41. 17; 207. 2. fierlice, 100. 11 ; 104. 15, 18 ; 105. 2 ; 152. 19; 157.4; 187. 14; 228. 16; 234. 22. faerwyid. See forwyrd. fes, 71. 14. fsest, 20. II. f£e.-itan, 25. 10; 32. 3, 4 ; 41. 12 r 45. 12; 52. 15; 141. 28; 181. i; 190. 10; 201. II. faeste, 6. 2 ; 7. 20 ; 232. 3, 9. festen, 25. 11 (2) ; 27. 18 ; 28. 3 ; 31. 5. festendieg, 25. S. faestnung, 82. 20. fet, 24. 12; 128. 18; 186. 17. fStels, 175. 14; 235. 15. fae'Sm, 79. 9, 10 ^2) ; 97. 14, 15 (2), 16, 17; 127. 9. f£tt, 97. 3. fahnyss, 112. 2. fandian, 38. 12 ; 142. 12 ; 143. 10, 11 ; 198. 15; 231. 5. fandung, 213. 17. faran, 9. i, 2, 4,2); 11. 3; 38. 13; 60. 6; 81. 19 ; 85. 11 ; 95. 2, 3; 96. 20; 109. 2; 113. 16, 18; 124. 20(2) ; 128. 14; 133. 2, 11; 138. 13 ; 150. I, 3, 17 ; 151. 6(2), 15, 24(2); 152.13; 153.3,11; 154.13; 156.13; 165.16; 168. 16; 169*4, 17; 171. 19; 178. 21; 179. 3; 183. 22, 30; 187. 21; 192. 11; 194. 12, 20; 197. 16 ; 198. II, 15, 20, 24, 25 ; 202.8,14; 211.26; 212.2,4,28; 220. 26; 235. 14; 241. 2, 10; 254. 12, 18. Fariseisc, 44. 7. Fariseos, 44. 11. faru, 98. 11 ; 100. 17; 139. 8. feallan, 36. 8 ; 105. 7 ; 125. 5 ; 142. 8, 15 ; 158. 7, 14; 167. 16; 192. 21; 193. I, 20; 201. 25; 223. 10; 231. I, 6; 235. 21 ; 237. 14. fearr, 109. 2 ; 165. 5, 8. feawa, 153. 7; 163. 19; 165. 26; 194. iS; 227.7; 236. I. feax (fex), 126. 12; 127. i. 23; 131. 15 ; 1^6. 4- fedan, 42. 20; 58. 10; 141. i. fefor, 212. 27. See also fttferadli. fela, 33. 4 ; 42. 14 ; 57. 10 ; 81. 3 ; 84. 13; 93. i; 101, 3; 110. 3; 111. 20; 152. 6; 155. 15; 163. 18; 165. 26; 167. 2; 182. 7; 195. 14; 197. 6 ; 215. 8 ; 220. i, 2 ; 226. 9 ; 231. 9; 235. 16; 244. 17; 253. 12. feld, 105. 14. feldlic, 87. 9, 17. feldoxa, 97. 4. fell, 79. I, 2 ; 106. 4, 5 ; 107. 22, 25. feltun, 11. 6. f§un, 31. 10. feoh (feo, fio. fioh), 22. 12 ; 6.3. 17 65. 6, 16, 19; 66. 3, 16; 67. 11 100. 7, 19; 148. 23; 169. 7, 13, 26 175. 10,14, 17; 202. 8; 207. 6, 7 230. 6, 21. feohtan, 44. 17; 136. 3. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 289 feond (fiond), 5. 3; 15. 20; 16. 23, 25 ; 32. 15; 35. I ; 36. 4; 53. 18; 57. 20; 67. 12; 83. 30; 96. 15; 108. 17; 146. 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 26; 147. 4, 6 ; 204. 19; 229. 24; 252. 21, 23. feondscipe, 247. 12. feorh (feor), 4. 2 ; 63. 4; 140. 9, 11. feorm (form), 40. 16; 198. 7, 18. feormian, 128. 15. feorr, 125. 20. feorran, 16. 19; 115. 15 ; 174. 8; 181. 2; 201. 12; 247. 14. feorSling, 182. 8, 15. feowerfeald, 204. 3, 9. feran, 34. 22 ; 85. 16 ; 95. 5 ; 102. 12 ; 103. 12; 104. 2; 109. 7; 111. 2; 133. 4; 134. 3; 138. 15; 143. 22; 150. 21 ; 152. 25 ; 157. 16, 17; 163. 5; 165. 10,18; 168. 17; 169. 8, 12; 184. 2 ; 186. 23; 190. 19; 191. 21; 192. 20; 203. I, 4, 21; 210. 2; 213. 9 ; 222. 13 ; 227. 19 ; 236. 12 ; 254. 19. f^rian, 139. 7; 140. 12; 191. 23; 200. 14. feSe, 115. 12. fex. See feax. ficaeppel, 149. 19. fictreow, 197. 22; 198. i ; 206. 22. filigan. See fyligan. findan, 12. 8; 17. 16; 38. 23; 64. 10; 65. 11; 141. 5; 160. 18; 198. I ; 232. 3. finger, 19. 15; 41. 5; 91. 12, 13; 196. 14. fio. See feoh. fioh. See feoh. fiond. See feond. fir. See fyr. fisc (fix), 14. I ; 97. 12 ; 160. 18 ; 196. 8; 209. 20; 214. 3, 9; 226. 18. fiscere, 122. 3. fix. See fisc. flSsc, 8. 8 ; 10. 8 ; 14. 3 ; 18. 3, 19 ; 45. 13 ; 49. 21 ; 64. 5 ; 65. i, 3; 67. 3; 77.17,18; 82. 11; 87. 8,16; 106. 6 ; 107. 17, 22 ; 108. i ; 120. 13(2); 121. 7; 158. 27; 159. 18; 209. 18; 210. 12; 215. 18, 19, 25; 222. 2; 229.8; 248.12; 253.19(2). flffiscen, 123. 16. flSsclic, 19. 23 (2) ; 20. I ; 46. 2, 4, 6 ; 56. 10, 14 ; 243. 6. flEcscHce, 51. 2. flan, 102. 8. fleah, 8. 19. fleogan, 121. 9 ; 130. 5 ; 148. 25 . 193. 4. fleoge, 37. 16. fleon, 9. 15 ; 32. 14 ; 133. 12 ; 139. 3; 215. I ; 218. 6, 9, 10; 253. i. flering, 246. 6. fliht, 131. 20. flitan, 57. 15 ; 120. 15. flocc, 104. 21 ; 173. 23. flod, 79. 12; 80. 2, 12, 13, 21. flor, 177. 18. flowan, 85. 8 ; 216. 3. flowniss, 71. 13. flys, 108. 14. fnted, 193. 14. foda, 131. 7. fola, 164, 7. folc, 5. 8, 10, II ; 7. 23, &c. folcryht, 63. 4. folgere, 219. 25. folgian, 12. 4; 60. 5 ; 152. 27, 29; 162. 15; 256. 10. -See fyligan. fon, 10. 2 ; 34. 6, 7 ; 129. 20. foran, 10. 5. forandseg, 211. 14. forbaernan, 34. ii ; 83. 11 ; 87. 4, 13, 20; 102. I ; 104. 19; 105. 14; 114. 13; 125. 7, 20; 141. 10; 165. 14. forbeodan (forbiodan), 54. 5 ; 68. 2 ; 77. 22, 24. forberan, 11. 21 ; 68. 15. forbindan, 9. 19 ; 48. 15. forbiodan. See forbeodan. forbrecan, 29. 10, 11. forbugan, 103. 8 ; 104. 5. forbyrnan, 242. 7; 244. 13. forceorfan, 11. 12, 17; 105. 6; 149. 23; 198. 1,5. forcyrran, 138. 24. fordon, 17. 20 ; 79. 7 ; 132. 4 ; 139. 5 ; 153. 22; 165. 13; 179. 22; 242. 12. fordr(^ncan, 229. 5, 7. fordylegian, 131. 3. fore, 65. 3. forealdian, 56. i. forebeaceu (forebeacn), 229. 9 ; 232. 20. 290 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS foreg^nga, 57. 2. forelegis, 26. 10, 12. foresceawian, 83. 14; 95. 2. fores^cgan, 130. 23; 206. 24; 208. i. foresprecan, 4. 5. forestgppan, 184. 17. forestihtian, 239. 18; 240. 7. foretacen, 43. 3. forfleon, 133. 3. forgfpgan, 145. i "j. forgaegednys, 130. 10. forgan, 45. 13; 82. 13. forgieldan (forgyldan), 5. 15; 40. 18; 64. 10; 65. II, 16; 66. I ; 109. 14, 21; 112. 21; 146. 23; 168. 2; 204. 4, 9 ; 239. 20. forgiemeleasian (forgymeleasian), 5. 1 3 ; 165. 10; 252. 3. forgifan (forgyfan), 14. 16; 39. 7; 58. 2 ; 70. 6; 81. 6, 10; 96. 11, 16, iS ; 97.6; 98. 2, 29; 99. i; 105.8, 18, 22; 109. 10; 118. 22; 123. 15 ; 127. 21; 128. 2; 129. 5, 16; 142. 15; 143. 14, 16; 147. 18, 19, 23, 24, 30; 148. I, 4, 5, 6(2), 8(2), 10, II, 12; 153. 13; 155. 6, 7, 8, 10; 164. 24 ; 176. 19 ; 179. 24 ; 181. 23, 25, 26, 28; 191. 16(2), 20(2); 192. 10; 196. 4, 11; 208. 9; 220. 15 ; 222. I, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, II (2), 12, 15, 25 ; 223. I ; 225. 26 (2), 28 (2) ; 240. 2 ; 243. 21, 24; 253. 10 ; 257. 9. forgifness (-gifennyss, -gyfen(n)yss, 73. 15 ; 173. 3, 8 ; 190. 21 ; 225. 27 ; 226. 1(2). forgitan (-gytan), 24. 15; 123. 22; 244. 19(2). forgnagan, 86. 15. forgyfan. See forgifan. forgyfen(n)yss. ISee forgifness. forgyldan. See forgieldan. forgyltan, 113. i. forgyman, 251. 22. forgymeleasian. See forgiemeleasian. forgytan. ^'ee forgitan. forhabban, 243. 7. forhiBfdness, 58. 17, 18. forhelan, 33. 12. forhradian, 114. 10. forhtian, 117. 9; 132. 7 ; 252. 15. forhwgrfan, 68. 8. forhycgan, 12. 5. forhy.lan, 33. 13. foriernau, 203. 22. forlstan, 9. 6 ; 12. 6 ; 15. i ; 20. 16 ; 26. 5; 34. 21 ; 51. 18; 70. 15; 85. II, 18, 21(2); 110. 13; 137. 6; 142. 19; 143. 20, 25; 145. 22, 26, 27 ; 156. 14; 157. 6, 25; 162. 12, 14, 15, 28; 181. I, 15; 186. 14; 189. 18, 22 ; 199. 9; 204. 22; 212. 27; 218. 6; 220. 15. forleogan, 233. i. forleosan, 21. 20 ; 29. 19 ; 154. 6 ; 199. 9, 14 ; 206. 8. forlicgan, 26. 7; 29. 2, 4, 8, 9. forIig(e)r, 146. 27 ; 181. 16; 242. 21. forligerb^dd, 241. 3. forlor, 26. 22. forlysan, 154. 8. form. See feorm. forma, 198. 10; 232. 10. forneah, 56. i. fornean, 86. 4. forniman (-nyman), 47. 17; 118. 8, 16; 223. 10; 238. 16; 252. i. forrotian, 6. 4; 19. 24; 132. 15. forrotodnyss, 107. 17; 166. 21. forsacan, 10. 4; 125. 6; 160. 12. forsceotan, 160. 12. forscrincan, 107. 18 ; 193. 2. forsearian, 107. 18 ; 206. 16. forseon (forsion), 15. 6 ; 17. 10 ; 54. 9 ; 78. II ; 117. I ; 121. 7; 148. 22; 161. 20; 195. 2(2), 3,4; 201. I, 5; 207. 22. forsewenmyss, 198. 19. forsmorian, 193. 7. forspanan, 78. 7. forspildan, 26. 2; 36. 12. forstelan (-stselan\ 63. 9 ; 65, 4 ; 148. 16; 178.8; 193. 14. forstgndan, 34. 7; 36. 10; 131. 2. forsweelan, 127. 10. forswelgan, 37. 16; 114. 11 ; 133. 17; 160. 18. forteon, 73. 5. fortredan, 29. 22; 192. 22. fortruwan, 29. 2. forS, 11. 3; 100. 20; 111. 4; 133. 16; 213. 6; 219. 5; 231. 11; 235. 3; 250. II. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 291 forSfeder, 215. 22 ; 243. 9. forSfaran, UO. 8, 10 ; 218. 24. forSferan, 80. 13 ; 217. 3. forSgang, 132. 22. forSlSdan, 237. 9. forSrysniian, 192. 24. forSsiS, 57. 3; 200. 15; 212. 22. forSstaeppan, 184. 7. forvvana, 14. 10. forvvandian, 44. 3. forweorSan, 48. 11 ; 182. 24. foi'wgred, 184. 11. forwyrd (fer-), 35. 17; 149. 12; 231. 21; 248. 21. forwyrnan, 108. 12; 171. 9, 17, 19; 253. 8. fostor, 79. 17. fostorfajder (foster-), 139. 2 ; 186. 24 ; 189. 27; 190. 14. fot, 8. 18 ; 10. 6, 9 ; 18. 5 ; 19. 4 ; 29. 23; 52. 5; 63. 22(2); 87. 11, 18; 88. 26; 108.6; 111. 9 ; 114. 3, 8; 115. 12 ; 125. 17; 126. 21 ; 142. 10, 15; 143. 8, 15; 161. 18; 164. 13; 165. 25; 193. 20; 195. 9; 201. 26; 209.17; 215.3; 219.20,23; 230. 13; 234. 4. fotcops, 180. 4. fotsceamol (-scamel), 146. 3, 8, 10 ; 229. 24. fotswseiJ, 254. 2. fracoffllic, 58. 12. framfaeield, 188. 25. frecednyss, 205. 16; 245. 20. frefrian, 250. 12. frfmde, 18. 10, 14, 15 ; 61. 3. frgmman, 194. 6; 244. 14 ; 252. 9. freo (frio, frioh), 5. 10 ; 62. 3, 14, 18 ; 63. 9; 160. 16. freodom, 49. 14. freolsian, 88. 2; 90. 17. freolstid, 88. 4. freond (friond), 8. i ; 9. 13; 16. 20 ; 17. 23; 19. I, 6; 23. 8; 40. 14; 57. 19; 65. 16; 107. 14; 115. 18; 146. 21 ; 165. 22 ; 195. 21 ; 196. 20 ; 199. 12, 21 ; 220. 21 (2), 24; 221. 3, 5, 9, II ; 252. 20, 22. freondriiden, 196. 3. freondscipe, 13. 13; 24. 20. frigaan (fiinan), 33. 18 ; 39. 2. frimtJ. See fryuiiS. frio. See freo. fiioh. See freo. friond. See freond. frifjstow, 9. 16; 63. 4. frofer, 77. 9 ; 189. 10. froforgast, 221. 20. fruma, 20. 12; 33. 3; 43. 6 ; 88. 7 ; 92. 12, 13. frumcgnned, 88. 7; 92. 12, 13 ; 113. 24; 187. 4 ; 188. 9. frumripa, 67. i. frumwirstm, 116. 10. frymS (frimO), 167. 1 1 ; 170. 16 ; 172. i ; 210. 5, 6, 9; 216. II. fugel, 97. 6, 12 ; 148. 25, 27 ; 152. 16 ; 165. 6, 8 ; 192. 22. fugelcynn, 77. 11 ; 79. 16, fugoloS, 97. 5. ful (adj.). See full, fill (adv.), 67. 18. fale, 37. 19. fulfr^mednyss, 107. 8; 116. 14: 240. 23; 249.9. fulgan, 47. 3. full (adj.), 14. II ; 22. 12 ; 57. 12 ; 59. 20; 69. 3; 214. 10, 20; 244. S. fullece, 48. 6. ful(l)fr§mman, 29. i; 59. 7, 9 ; 81. 22; 244. 16. fullgearwian, 41. 25. fullgrowan, 39. 12. fullian, 178. 21 ; 179, 4. fulluht, 44. 19; 141. II, 15; 190. 20 ; 229. 16; 230. I, 4; 235. 22. fuUuhtere, 154. 20, 22, 24; 158. 23; 159.9; 184. 14; 227. 5. fulnyss, 256. 21. fulryht, 16. 24. fultum (fultom), 24. 3; 27. 20; 77. 8, 9; 108. 4; 130.16; 223.4; 251.16. fultumend, 49. 10. fultumian, 13. 12. furSon. See furd'um. furSor, 98. 19, 20. fur'Sum (fur-Son), 29. 14; 33. 17; 46. 13; 89. 5; 142. 10. fyligan (fiUgan), 88. 24 ; 89. 6 ; 143. 26, 27; 150.10; 151.9; 152. 18, 28; 162. 12, 14, 19; 164. 16, iS; 174. 8 ; 183. 25 ; 202. 10; 203. 11 ; 292 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 213. lo; 216. 4, 6; 219. 14; 237. 15, 16; 254. 2. fjlmen, 82. 11 ; 235. 21. fylstaa, 195. 12. fyr (fir), 29. 14 ; 34. 1 1 ; 38. 6 ; 65. 14, 15 ; 83. 12, 13 ; 87. 11, 20, 27; 104. 18; 105. 13; 110. 16; 112. 9, 11; 114. 12; 118. 16; 121. 15; 125. 21; 126. I, 3, 4, 6, 13, 15 ; 127. 8, 10 ; 136. 7 ; 141. 10 ; 149. 23; 156. 2; 171. 8; 172. 12, 14; 175. I ; 181. 14; 197. 20; 226. 18; 228. 17; 229. 12, 14; 242. 4(2), 6, 8; 252. i; 253. 18. fyrd, 88. 27 ; 92. 2. fyrding, 88. 9. fyrdtruma, 117. 21. fyren, 5. i ; 92. 18 ; 93. 11 ; 228. 18. fyrhtu, 223. 10; 234. 25. fyrmest, 36. 20; 37. 7; 86. 22 ; 130. 15; 160. 23; 161.1,8; 163. 17, 18; 232. 12. fyrst {ceilinff\ 177. 18. fyrst (time), 93. 25; 142. i; 190. 12; 197. 23 ; 253. 9. fyst, 63. 12. fystgebeat, 25. 9. Gabrihel, 130. 5 ; 184. 23. gad, 234. 25 ; 236. 18. gad(e)rian, 23. 13 ; 31. 10 ; 32. i ; 124. 12; 149. 18; 156. I ; 165. 18; 167. 20; 214. II ; 244. 13. gaers, 120. 13; 127. 19, 24; 214. 5. gafol, 160. 14; 170. I. Galatse, 50. 21. GalaS, 31. 8. Galatisc, 31. 6. Galilea, Galileum, 38. 13; 140. 16. Galileisc, 143. 22; 173. 14; 185. i; 186. 24; 211.1,17; 213.9; 227.23; 228. 25. Galileum. See Galilea. gamen, 17. 13. gangan. See ggngan. gast, 10. 17, 20; 32. 14; 36. i ; 44. 19; 46. 11; 49. 14; 51. 3, 6; 53. 12; 56. 12; 68. 13; 76. 16; 95. 10, 11, 12; 98.19; 100.18; 116. 4; 119.5; 120. 24; 135. 16,18; 137. 10; 141. 19, 26 ; 142. 21 ; 155, 4, 7, 10 ; 171. 9, 13; 177. 16; 179. I, 5; 184. 17; 185. 17; 186. 2; 189. 12, 13, 16; 196. II ; 200. 15 ; 209. 15, 18 ; 212. 2, 4 ; 221. 20 ; 225. 21, 22, 23, 25 ; 227.6, 11; 228. 19, 20; 229.8, 12; 230. 3, 23 ; 232. 11, 23 ; 233. 15, 21 ; 234. 7, 13, 18 ; 235. 20 ; 239. i ; 240. 2, 3 ; 242. 10 ; 243. 23, 25 ; 248. 16. gastlic, 5. 11; 51. I, 6; 56. 16; 14.S. 30, 32 ; 145. 13 ; 215. 9 ; 243. 5, 10, II, 13 (2), 15; 248. 13; 249. 14; 253. 24. gat, 171. 12, 13. Gaza, 94. 17, gea, 158. 6, 13 ; 231. 4. See also gise. gesettrian, 93. i. geagnian (geabnian), 44. 21 ; 83. 30; 144. 7; 170. 15; 206. 7; 242. 24; 245. 7. gealdorcrseftig, 66. 5. geandbidian, 189. 10. geandwyrdan, 43. 15; 141. 16. geanlician, 108. il. gear, 18. 10 ; 62. 2 ; 79. 6 (2) ; 80. 13 (2^; 81. 17; 86. 22, 25; 91. 21 ; 110.6(2); 127.20; 130.8(2); 176. i; 180. 6; 190. 9, 10, 18; 197. 7, 25 ; 217. 6 ; 246. 3 ; 253. 9. gearcian, 120. 7, 11, 12 ; 165. 6 ; 189. 19, 24; 191. 9; 198. 7; 240. 16; 241. 22; 245. II, 13, 15. gearcung, 165. 22. geare, 78. 2. gearlanges, 198. 3. gearo. See gearu. gearplsettan, 246. 10. gearu (gearo), 23. 18; 52. 5 ; 58. 2 ; 89. 18; 165. 15; 168. 18. gearwurSian, 253. 22. geascian (geaxian), 68. 4 ; 106. 20 ; 139. 29; 165. 13; 281.8. geat, 7. 26 (2) ; 83. 30; 124. 19; 159, 3, 20 ; 168. 19, 21, 24, 26 ; 200. 8 ; 236. 10; 237, 17; 238. 23. geaxian. See geascian, geba-ran, 53. 18. gebann, 126. 16. gebeat, 211, 23, gebed, 33. i ; 47. 14, 19 ; 101. 9 ; 115. 24 ; 135, 1 1 ; 181. 23 ; 190. 1 1 ; 228. 3, 9, 11; 232. 16. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 293 gebgdda, 1S4. 6. gebedhus, 205. i, 3. gebelgan, 175. 11. gebeodan, 237. 11. gebeor, 165. 20; 211. 15. gebeot, 101. 4 ; 173. 14 ; 175. 8. gebeotlic, 88. 25. geberan, 9. 5; 172. 25, 27; 196. 16; 217. 24. gebetan, 50. 6; 59. 8 ; 65. 13, 14; 257. 13- gebicg(g)an. See gebycg(g)an. gebidan, 33. 18. gebiddan, 12. 9 ; 35. 2 ; 47. 18 ; 83. 10 ; 93. 4 ; 101. 15 ; 102. 16 ; 109. 4, 13 ; 125. 5; 126. 23; 135. II ; 138. 2, 15, 21 ; 139. 16, 22 ; 142. 16, 17 ; 143. 15, 18; 146. 15, 27; 147. 6, 15; 156. 16, 18 ; 195. 18 ; 201. 6 ; 253. 6 ; 255. 10; 256. 14, 16. geblg(g)an, 14. 18; 15. 13; 194. 7; 243.7; 247. 2; 253. II. gebindan, 7. 2 ; 19. 3 ; 51. 12 ; 55. 5 ; 83. 16; 125. 16; 126. 21 ; 159. 5, 26 ; 161. 25 ; 234. 20; 238. 19. geblorscipe, 37. 7. gebitrian, 177. i, gebitt, 151. 14; 152. 10, 11; 165. 26. gebletsian, 82. 16; 83. 27, 30; 84. 10; 98, 1, 2, 27; 105. 10, 19, 23; 110. II ; 126. 14; 127. 2; 164. 17, 20; 171. 23, 26 ; 185. 7 ; 186. 3 (2) ; 210. I. geblissian, 207. 19. gebod, 37. 24 ; 68. 7. gebodian, 186. 9. gebrJtdan, 209. 20. gebrec, 31. 14. gebrecan, 5.3. gebredan, 87. 8, 10, 27. gebringan, 11. 22 ; 27. 7 ; 77. i ; 81. 17; 130. 12; 131. 20; 156. 2; 162. 7; 175. 10; 207. 10; 231. 17; 232. 6 ; 237. 4. gebrosnian, 18. 13, 19; 110. 15. gebroSra, 95. 8, 10 ; 109. 16; 143. 23 ; 163. i; 166. 16; 200, 22; 206. 3; 238. 9 ; 250. 6 ; 252. 4 ; 255. 3 ; 256. 14, 16. gebrowen, 141. i. gebugean, 23. 14. gebycg(g)an (gebicg(g>n), 62. 2, 11 ; 175. 15; 213. 19; 243. 2. gebyld, 157. 2. gebyrd, 186. 23 ; 187. i. gebyrdelice, 28. i. gebyrdtid, 184. 15. ?;ebyriaii, 54. 4 ; 166. i, 2 ; 248. (). gebysgian, 193. 6. gebysnung, 219. 22 ; 166. 12. gebytlu, 163. i. gecamp, 243. 7; 248. 12. gecelan, 41. 6. geceosan, 24. 10, 20; 25. 11 (2) ; 45. 21 ; 92. 8; 95. 3, 8, 27; 114. 23; 117. 20; 119. 7; 163. 19; 165. 27; 167. 20; 176, 4, 6; 181. 17; 182, 24; 194. 10, 14; 195. 15; 220. 25 (2); 221. 13 (2), 18; 232. 15; 235, 14, 17; 239, 3; 241. 17; 247. 7; 249. 6; 251. 16; 253. 22, gecgrran. See gecierran, gecid, 25. 9. gecierran (gecgrran, gecyrran), 11. 5; 12. 3; 26. 8; 59. 2; 81. 20; 89. 2; 102. 15 ; 109. 12 ; 123. 2, 9, 21 ; 124. 3,6; 136.9; I'^i- 21 ; 181- i; 188, 5, 32; 190. 14; 228.1. gecigan, 81. 25 ; 82. 18 ; 106. 22 ; 113. 15 ; 118. 19; 121. II, 13; 137. 14; 140. 19; 143. 23; 144. 16, 18; 158, 20; 165. 26; 176. 3; 184.6; 185. 12,19; 186. 26; 189. 2; 210. 27; 218. 22; 232, 10; 234. 4; 238. 3; 249. II ; 255. 22. geclSman, 79. 10, geclsensian, 36. 6; 47. i ; 150. 13, 14, 15, 20; 153. 14; 154. 16; 192. 13; 196. 19. geclibs (geclysp), 51. 17; 67. 9. geclypian, 132. 14 ; 139. 9. geclysp. See geclibs. gecnawan, 26. 4. gecnSwe, 201. 12. gecorennyss, 239. 4, gecostnian, 141. 27 ; 142. 22, gecuman, 147. 22 ; 235. 10. gecutJlaccan, 236. 13. gecweme, 79. 18 ; 136. 20. gecweSan, 12. 13; 20. 2, 25; 81. 12; 106, 23; 111, 17; 146. 10, 12; 162, 294 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 7; 183. 1 ; 207. 21; 210. i ; 228.15; 257. 13. gecwucian, 16. 13. gecype, 211. 19, 21. gecySan, 27, 6 ; 44. 3 ; 67. 1 2 ; 98. 24 ; 186. 10. gecyiSnyss, 112. 16 ; 114. 5 ; 173. 2 ; 221. 21 ; 245. 3, gedseftan, 164. 15. gedseftelice, 55. 10. gedselan, 40. 3. gedafenian, 54. 3; 114. 6; 141. 16; 169. 25 ; 204. 25 ; 212. 10, 15 ; 235. 4; 236. 20; 239. 27. gedafenlic, 11. 10 ; 77. 7. gedafenlice, 248. 3. gedeman, 257. 14. gedon, IS. 13 ; 23. 8 ; 24. 15; 26. 22 ; 33. 21; 34. 21; 41. 9; 64. 2; 66. 14 ; 83. 20 ; 93. 8 ; 105. 10 ; 176. 7 ; 198. 23 ; 205. 2, 3 ; 220, iS; 244.9. gedreefan, 111. 12. gedr^ccan, 157. 20 ; 225. 6. gedrfccednyss, 111. 20; 133. 14; 167. 10. gedrefan, 14. 14; 15. 6; 29. 22; 70. 14; 111. 23; 134. 16; 156. 21 ; 219. 3. gedrefednyss, 110, 20; 112. 13; 134. 17; 186. 18; 167. 14; 239. 27, 28; 254. 6. gedw^llan, 68. 6. gedwimor, 156. 23. gedwola, 193. 5 ; 253. 1 3. gedwolmann, 208. 10. gedwyld, 232. 22; 253. 11. gedwyllan, 101. 3. gedyne, 31. 14. gedyi-e, 82. 2, 6. geeacnian, 70. 17; 112. 19; 118. 18, 20; 128. 11; 137. 13, 16; 149. 7; 185. 9 ; 189. 4 ; 197. 5 ; 247. 4. geeadmedan. See geeaSmedan. geeadmettan, 128. 13. geeahtian, 65. 1 3. geearnian, 13. 14; 56. 17. geeatJmedan (geeadmedan), 15. 6; 40. 12; 52. 7; 120. 9; 136. 6; 161. 7 ; 201. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. See aho geeadmettan. geeawan, 59. 19. geedcgnnan, 212. i, 3. geedcucian, 119. 16. geedniwian, 247. 5. geedstaSelian, 135. 5 ; 247. 10. ge§ndian, 51. 2; 76. 11, 13; 90. 19; 129. 14; 130. 11; 146.6; 227. 15. ge^ndung, 130. 11; 167. 23; 174. 13; 178. 10 ; 199. 22 ; 205. 15, 17 ; 243. 18. geetan, 77. 6 ; 78. 2, 8, 9 ; 215. 11, 13. gefaa, 94. 20. gefsestnian, 200. 20. gefaran, 10. i, 3 ; 188. 25. gefea, 30. i ; 40. 20 ; 42. 17; 49. 10 ; 51. 3; 169. 18; 187. 11; 188. 12. gefeallan, 39. 9. gefegan, 12. 14; 14. i, gefeoht, 28. 25; 111. 16; 205. 13. gefeon (gefion), 52. 11 ; 53. 6 ; 72. 17. gefera, 9. 15; 44, 7; 52. 18; 66. 16; 68. 4; 215. 2 ; 235. 5 ; 238, i, 25. geferrSden, 228. 4; 280. 19. gefftian, 282. i. gefion. See gefeon. gefiormian, 41. i. gefixian, 122, 3. geflit, 5. 10 ; 46. 5 ; 57. 14 ; 241. 4, gefnaed, ISO. 9. gefon, 9. 18 ; 10. 15, 18 ; 28. 29 ; 48, 5 ; 237. 3. gefredan, 21. 21 ; 35. 13 ; 198, 19. gefrefrian, 107. i ; 108, 4; 109. 17 ; 121,6; 140. 1,3; 144. 1,4, 6; 170. 21, gefr^mman, 65. 18; 116. 12 ; 123. 20; 182. 5; 150. 7; 186. 10; 197. x8 ; 204, 5; 246. 13. gefreogan, 64. 2, gefreond, 208. i. gefrinan, 140. 13. gefulUan, 141. 12, 14, 18 (2) ; 183. 24, 31; 227.5,6; 242.9. geful(l)wian, 43. 11, 12, gefylce, 27. 19. gefyllan, 8. 7 ; 18. 18, &c. gefyllednyss, 111. 13, 15; 179. 13, 14; 240. 22; 246. 23; 247. 21; 249. I. gefylsta, 112. 24; 180. 19; 241. 23. gegaderian, 79. 16 ; 111. 24, 26 ; 141. 9 ; 156. 4 ; 160. 9 ; 162. i ; 170. 10 ; INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 295 197.4,5; 198.21 ; 209. 13; 2U. 11, 17, 20; 228. 21. gegaderung, lU. 12 ; 227. 7; 228. 23. gegearcian, 111. 11 ; 133. 16; 165. 5 ; 168. II; 170. 16; 171. S, 24; 172. I, 13, 15; 198. 9. gegearwian, 38. 7 ; 40. 13. gegi(e)r\van, 16. 17; 18. 22. geglfngan, 41. i ; 200. 7. gegr^mian, 139. 26. gegripan, 48. 20 ; 124. 26 ; 246. 2. gehabban, 47. 14; 171. 23. gehadian, 232. 16. gehseftan, 4. 17, 21; 15. 20; 19. 4; 43. 7 ; 44. 18 ; 58. 19 ; 73. 10 ; 180. 4, 12. gehSlan, 15. 11; 16. 4 ; 27. 3 ; 93. 8, 10; 100.6; 109. 13; 119. 20; 122. 8 (2); 124. 15; 137. 12; 150. 15; 151.2,4,17,18; 152.14; 153.14; 157. 10; 158. 17; 164. 22 ; 192. 8; 193. 21, 22; 203. 10, 18; 204.6; 208. 14; 212. 21; 213. I, 12, 14; 243. 22. gehSman, 4. 16. gehal, 126. 13. gehalgian, 8. 3 ; 11. 11 ; 31. 5; 47. 2 ; 61. 6, 10; 76. 12, 14; 90. 17; 95. 5, 9; 103. 18; 147. 16, 21, 28; 172. 28 ; 256. 23. gehalsian, 174. 9. gehatan, 9. i, 3 ; 19. i, &c. gehathyrtan, 198. 20. gehealdan, 10. 9 ; 16. 3, 11 ; 18. 8 ; 21. 24; 24. 21; 32. 9; 41. 14; 60. 5 79. 14; 115. 4; 122. 8, 9; 124. 16 132. 17; 153. 19; 157. 8; 167.7,8 183. 24, 31 ; 221. 4 ; 239. 9 ; 242. 8 253. 6, 14, 15. gehgfigan (geh^fegan, gehffgan), 41. 15, 20; 50. 21; 207, I. gehglpan, 108. 4; 114. 8; 157. 6. gehenan. See gehienan. geh^nde, 134. 15; 213. 13; 231. 9; 240. 25; 241. 7; 247. 15. geh^rian, 110. 10 ; 182. 16. gehienan (gehenan), 14. iS ; 16. 12; 40. 10; 66. 17. gehieran (gehiran, gehyran), 7. 16, 19 ; 12. 5,17, &c. gehiersuni ^gehyrsum), 56. 12; 78. 10, 15; 159. 14;" 248. 18; 249. 24. gehiewian, 47. 22. gehiran. See gehieran. gehlyd, 170. 9. gehlywan, 108. 14. gehn^scian, 29. 9. gehrefan, 79. 10. gehrinan, 71. 14. gehwa'de, 160. 24. gehwSr, 184. 2 ; 205. 22. gehwyrfan, 116. 5. gehydan, 11. i ; 42. 8. gehyran {hire), 163. 7. gehyran. See gehieran. gehyrsum. See gehiersum. gehyrsumian, 83. 31 ; 195. i (2) ; 224. 12; 248. 3; 254. 4. gehyrtan, 119. 19; 178. iS; 245. 2. geican, 148. 27. geinnsegelian, 178. 10. gehicnian, 120. 6. gehadian, 65. 17. gelieccan, 94. 19; 104. 22; 131. 14; 155. 18; 158.6; 165. 11; 172. 30; 176. 15; 214. I, 26; 218. 7; 233.3; 234. 2 ; 237.3; 250. 11. gelffidan, 50. 16 ; 77. 10 ; 85. 7 ; 102. 7 ; 120. 21; 141. 26; 148. 2; 157. 11; 175. 18 ; 176. 22, 24 ; 198. 22 ; 208. 7 ; 234. 3, 21 ; 235. 5; 238. 22, 24; 246. 3, 4, 6. gelseran, 17. 3 ; 51. 6. gelaSian, 51. 14 ; 95. 3 ; 103. 14 ; 163. 18; 165. 3,4, 15; 191. 10; 195. 7; 198. 7, 19, 28; 199. 12; 211. 2. gelaSung, 231. 7; 236. 26; 237. 7 ; 241. 25. geldan, 64. 15 ; 65. 20. geleafa, 46. 3 ; 49. 9, 11 ; 53. 3, 6 ; 54. 5, 15; 57.4; 58. 16; 134. 14; 151. 10, 27 ; 153. 18 ; 157. 9 ; 158. 8, 16; 159. I, 18; 167. 7,8; 193. 22 ; 203. 10, 18; 226. 13; 229. 16; 236. 6; 243. 22 ; 244. 8 ; 245. i ; 248. 15 ; 251. 20; 252. 9, II, 13; 253. 15, 16, 17 ; 254. 13. geleaflfull, 54. 6 ; 84. 5 ; 230. 9 ; 232. II ; 237. 7 ; 238. 2, 5, 26 ; 239. 2, 27. geleaflic, 114. 5. gelgcgan, 108. 2; 17.5. 14; 187. 14, 23; 188. II, 29; 241. 25. gel^ndan, 179. 30. 296 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS gel§ngan, 96. 21. gello, 20. 17; 21. 25 ; 23. 21 ; 37. 18 51. 13, 14; 78. 4; 112. 6; 126. 7 163. 4 ; 165. 1 ; 166. 6, 19 ; 168. i 205. 12 ; 217. 10; 249. 4; 253. 7. gelica, 96. 17, 19; 104. 4; 106. 2. geliccian, 200. 12. gelice, 147. 10; 172. 30; 214. 8. gelician, 4. 15 ; 68. 9 ; 96. 13 ; 105. 9 ; 237. 2. gelicnyss, 76. 5. geliefan (gelyfan), 44. 11; 98. 22; 107. 20; 126. 21; 136. i; 151. 16; 152. 14 ; 154. 5 ; 161. 14 ; 177. 6, 8 ; 178. I ; 183. 24 (2), 25, 31, 32 ; 184. 20; 186.6; 201. 2; 211. 18; 212. 10, 17, 23, 29; 215. 6; 216. 14, 16; 218. 26; 219. I, 12; 222. 13,24; 224. 26; 225. 10 ; 226.4,6, 7, 11; 234. 17; 239.9; 240. 25; 241.7; 252. 15. geliffsestan, 76. i6. geliger, 68. 17. gelimpan, 11. i; 70. 5 ; 102. 16 ; 103. 19; 187. 2; 200. 13 ; 202. 20; 205. 23; 211.5; 213.2; 231.3; 234.21. gelisian, 33. 9. geloccian, 4. 18. gelogian, 77. 2 ; 170. 12 ; 231. 10. gelome, 174. 18; 253. 5. geloinlice, 178. 13; 245. 20. gelyfan. (adj.), 67. 15 ; 173. 23. laSeow. See latteow. laSian, 40. 14, 16; 165. 17. Lazarus (Ladzarus) {beggar), 41. 4 ; 200. 8, 10, 16, 19, 22. Lazarus {Marys brother), 219. 5, 11. lead, 29. 6. leaf, 48. 9. leafful, 89. 16. leahtor, 121, 2. lean, 136. 6; 162. 13. leas, 61. 13; 67. 5 ; 91. i ; 101. 2 ; 149. 14; 155. 19; 167. i; 202. 4; 215. 9; 232. 24; 233. 4; 254. 15, leasgewita, 234. 3. leasung, 26. 20 ; 27. 5 ; 32. 14 ; 57. 15 ; 67. 16. Igcgan, 27. 14, 16; 28. 28; 32. i, 11 ; 164. 12; 241. 24. Leden, 223. 21. legerb^d, 179. 25. leget. See Hget. l§ndenu, 87. 14, 21 ; 122. 5; 197, 14 ; 248. 14. l^ngctenlic, 136. 22. l§ngu, 97. 14, 16 ; 148. 28. leo, 122. 17; 131.6, 12, 23; 132. 1,6; 136. 15; 254. 12; 255.22. leod. 85. II ; 86. 4 ; 102. 7 ; 137. 22 ; 139. 13; 176. 20. leode, 97. 13. leodscipe, 86. 9 ; 100. 2 ; 239. 5. leof (liof), 67. 14 ; 83. 16 j 88. 8 ; 100. 16; 115.6; 131.13; 141.14,21,24, 25; 157.25; 158.3,6,13; 160.6, 23; 169. 21; 170. 3; 171.13; 176. 20; 178.12; 193. 16; 195.17; 203. 17 ; 227. 8 ; 229. 26 ; 231. 4 ; 235. i. leofian. See libban. leogan, 25. 3 ; 57. 8 ; 144. 22 ; 230. 24. leoht, 76. I (2) ; 90. 4 ; 116. 13; 118. II (2); 119. 18; 144. 27(2); 145.3; 167. 15 ; 168. 18 ; 189. 20, 24 ; 216. 4, 5, 6, 7 ; 234. 22 ; 237. 12 ; 241. 2, 10. leohtfset, 21. 3 (2) ; 90. 8 ; 168. 2, 6, 7, 12, 14 ; 197. 14; 223. 5. leohtlice, 177. 20. leohtmodness, 49. 6. leoma, 177. 10. leornere, 181. 5, INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 307 leomian, 19. 12 ; 72. i ; 153. 3; 155. i. leorningcniht, 143. 29; 152, 18; 154. 10; 156. II, 13, 20; 157. 24; 159. 32; 160. 22; 164. 5, 12 ; 180. 22 ; 182. 9; 194. 15; 195. 20; 199. i ; 202. 14, 19; 209. 7, 12 ; 211. 18; 213. 12, 15, 17; 214. 2, 10; 215. 3 J 217 22; 226. 10, 15; 227. 7. leo3, 97. 9. Libanus, 23. 3, 5. libban (leofian, lifgan, lybban), 4. 3 ; 9. 16; 15. lo; 19. 17 (2); 21. I ; 49. 20, 21 ; 56. 13 ; 61. 11 ; 63. 16; 66. 6; 78. 24; 79. 6; 80. 12; 89. 21 ; 96. 8; 107. 20,24; HO. 5; 116. i ; 123. 2, 19 ; 124. 4, 6 ; 127. 23 ; 128. 3; 134. 14; 142.6(2); 143.3(2); 158. 25; 159. 13, 15, 16; 190. 9; 200. 7 ; 208. 7 ; 212. 23, 29 ; 215. 13, 23; 219. I (2); 242. 22; 250. 10, 17 (2); 253. 21, 23; 254. 16. lie, 101. 7 ; 102. 15 ; 106. 13 ; 134. 6 ; 178. 4 ; 191. 23 ; 194. 1 1 ; 225. 2, 6, II. liccettan, 100. 10. licettere, 35. 14; 38. 3. licgan, 4. 12 ; 27. 11 ; 61. 12; 88. 7 108. 18; 117. 5; 119. 15; 133. 8 150. 23; 157. 23; 200. 7; 212. 22 225. 8 ; 237. 8. lichama. See llchgma. lichamlice, 255. 8. Iich9ina (-hama), 18. 12, 18; 39. 21; 45. 20; 51. 14; 69. I ; 76. 17; 86. 7 ; 110. 13, 14; 126. 12 ; 127. 2; 139. 21 ; 148. 24; 153. 20, 22 ; 162. 26; 172. 30; 173. 5, 9; 177. 20; 196. 21, 23; 215. 14; 240. 16; 243. 3, 19; 244. 4, 6, 12; 245. 5; 246. 9 ; 248. 7 ; 249. 11 ; 250. 10. lician, 48. 22 ; .50. 18 ; 141. 22, 24, 25 ; 160. 5,6; 251. 20. licSrowere, 200. 8. li(e)g, 41. 7; 125. 19; 127.8. lif (liif), 9. 10; 17. 21 ; 19. 23; 20. i; 21.3; 56. 17; 57.3; 73.5; 78.23; 80. 12; 90. 21 ; 96. 14; 106. 9; 107.15; 115.13; 125.5; 12V. 19; 133. 7; 144. 13; 162. 27; 163. 3; 171. 22; 178. 13; 189. 18, 22; 193. 7; 197.9; 200. 19; 201.27; 202. 2; 208. 2, 5; 212. n; 213-7; 216. 14, iS, 20, 26 ; 216. 5, 7 ; 218. 4, 8, 13, 26 ; 220. 4 ; 221. 23 ; 222. 2, 3, 21 ; 224. 7 ; 226. 12 ; 231. 20; 238. 17; 241. 12,20; 245. 4; 248. 20. lifgan. See libban. llflic, 215. 12, 15, 21 ; 216. 3. liflice, 172. 28 ; 240. 16. lig. See li(e)g. liget (leget), 70. 13; 89. 25; 90. 7; 178. 16. liif. -See lif. lilie, 136. 23. lim, 14. 3; 44. 17 ; 73. 8, 10 ; 81. 24 ; 101. 15; 161. 19; 242.10; 244. 2, 4,6. linen, 6. 17; 225. 6. liof. See leof. Me, 144. 7 ; 155. i. li«ebig, 219. 23. litJelice, 4. 22. loc, 231. 18. loec, 30. II ; 105. 6. locian, 16. 7, 8, 18; 17. 9; 25. 17; 48. 9; 62. 15; 96. 5; 203. 10,18; 210. 21; 224. 9; 227. 19. lof, 131. 18. lofian, 17. 7. lofsang, 249. 14; 256. 9. logian, 107. 13. Igmb (lamb), 60. 5; 87. i, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18, 21, 24; 91. 21 ; 120. 22 ; 194. 21 ; 210. 17, 21, 23, 24. Ignd (land), 4. 13, 15, 19; 9. 5; 1.3. 16; 18. 22; 23. 14; 30. i; 61. 2 ; 65. 13; 66. 10 ; 81. 19 ; 85. 4, 8 ; 86. 1 3, 18 ; 103. 6; 131. 9; 132. 14; 133. 12, 19; 134. 13; 138. 8; 139. 4, 7, 9, 17; 140. 6, 8, 13, 14; 144. 7; 155. 20; 157. 10; 163. I ; 179. 30; 186. 22; 193. I ; 226. 19; 227. 12, 13; 230. 20; 231. 4; 245. 21. Cf. land-. Ijng (lang), 17. 21; 30. 8; 37. 21; 79. 9; 90. 21. See aho lang-. Ignge (lange), 11. 7; 56. 19; 61. 11 ; 94. 26; 95. I ; 171. 4, 17, 18. los, 17. 12. losian, 56. i ; 82. 11, 13; 116. 5 ; 124. 13; 136. 10; 158. i; 192. 22; 194. 7 ; 199. 10 ; 204. 7 ; 206. 6 ; 212. 11; 214. II, 17; 239. ai, 25. 308 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS lotwT^nc, 46. 8. lo«a, 11. 24. lufian, 16. 8, 14 ; 22. 13 ; 25. 15 ; 35. i ; 42. 18,19, 20; 50. 10; 56.8; 59. 17; 61. 3; 72. 6, 7; 91. 26; 116. 19; 135. 8, 13; 146. 13, 14, 19(2), 21, 24, 26; 147. 4, 6; 148. 21; 166, 4, 6 ; 202. 5, 12 ; 212. 12 ; 220. 6, 7, 8, 9, n, 12, 19, 20 ; 223. i ; 226. 22, 23, 24; 240. 12; 241. 22; 249. 22; 251. 23; 254. 16, 20, 21, 23, 25; 255. 7, 8, 15, 16, 17. lufu, 49. I, 2, 15 ; 51. 3 ; 53. 4 ; 59. 7 ; 167. 6 ; 219. 26 ; 220. 20 ; 240. i, 22 ; 244. 10, 13 ; 247. 20; 249. 9 ; 252. 2 ; 2.54. 21 ; 255. 2, 5. lust, 45. 20; 49. 21 ; 110. 10; 193. 7. lustlice, 246. 14. lutan, 227. 20. lybban. See libban. lyffetan, 117. il. lyffetung, 256. 25. lyteg, 32. 15; 45. 22. lytel, 4. I, 2; 8. 17; 11. 14; 33. 8; 35. 12; 97. 11; 100. 13; 122. 14; 157. 9; 169. 16; 171. 18; sup. l£st, 48. 6; 171. 5; 172. 10. lytling (lyttling), 53. i ; 161. 4, 9, 11, 13, 20. lySre, 169. 12, 25. maeden, 4. 17, 19 ; 118. 18, 20; 137. 13, 16 ; 168. I, 3, 5, 7, 9, II, 12, 14, 18, 22, 25 ; 185. I, 17, 26; 189. 27; 194. 2, 4; 238. 2 ; 245. 12, 14, 16. maeg, 10. 5 ; 38. 22, 23; 51. 20; 109. 8, 13; 206. 4; 217. 24. maegdenhad, 29. 10. maegen, 15. 19; 18. 11, 15; 30. 16; 43. 3; 58. 7; 71. 1(2), 12; 127. 15; 246. 13. msegenSrymm, 101. Ii ; 162. 20; 170. 8; 206. 19. msegenSrymnyss, 170. 10. maeg(e)3had, 60. 5 ; 62. 16. msegS, 81. 18 ; 82. 5 ; 88. 31 ; 84. 4 ; 92.5; 110. 7; 128.4,6; 162. 21, 23; 167. 18; 186. 26; 206. 25; 255. 22, 25. maenan, 153. 3. ma-re, 12. 13 ; 31. 12 ; 78. 5 ; 98. 16 ; 103. 12; 113. 21; 132. 2; 136. 5; 154. 19, 21, 23; 185. 2 (mare, for mSre), 12 ; 192. 5. maerlice, 88. 2 ; 200. 7. msersian, 112. 14; 128. 11; 186. 11; 203. II ; 221. 28 ; 222. i, 5, 6, 19, 20. mSrsung, 222. 6. m8er?5, 98. 24 ; 128. ii ; 222. 26 ; 229. 3. msessegiei-ela, 6. 22. niBessehrsegl, 7. 21. m56, 49. 16 ; 227. 16. maga,'54. 16. mage, 185. 25. man-. See mgn-. mandaed, 21. 19. manfull, 104. 6 ; 171. 13. manian, 36. 11 ; 93. 6; 123. i. manigfald (-feald). See mgnigfeald. manlice, 91. 6. manslaga, 165. 13; 216. 11; 233. 16; 242. 22; 255. I. mansl^ge, 65. 8 ; 65. 9. mansliht, 176. 3. manSwarness, 1. 6. mare. See mSre. Maria {Jesus' mother), 137. 4 ; 138. 20 ; 185. I, 5, 6, 15, 22, 24; 186. 2, 8; 187. I, 25 ; 188. 4, 9, 28, 30; 189. 27; 190. 14; 211. i; 224. 2, 11 ; 228. 6. Maria (La z am s^ sister), 195. 9, 10, 13, 15- Martha, 195. 7, 8, 10(2), 13 (2). martyr, 232. 22. martyrdom, 244. 13. Matheus, 152. 26, 27; 191. 9; 228. 6. maSmfset, 128. 16 ; 129. 10. maSmhus, 13. i ; 182. 5, 6. mearc, 23. 14; 31. 8. med, 35. 8; 144. 23, 24; 146. 19; 147. 11; 154. I, 5, 8; 194. 29; 250. 2. Medas, 129. 16, 19, 20. medgilda, 107. 15. medsceat(t), 15. 2 ; 32. i; 67. 1 8. medtrum, 50. 13. medtrymness, 54. 17. melda, 233. 16. meldian, 175. 5. melu, 97. 3 (2). INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 309 mgnigfeald. See mgnigfeald. m^nigu, 96. ii ; 143. 27; 150. n; 151. 9; 156. 14; 176. 4; 180. 7, 21, 23; 187. 15; 191. 22; 192. 18; 193. 16; 203. 21; 209. 3; 213. 10; 228. S, 24 ; 230. 9 ; 231. 13 ; 255. 24. mgnnen, 62. 12 ; 63. 15. mgnnisc (sb.), 182. 24; 213. 15. mgnnisc (adj.), 48. 20; 122. 16; 128. 10 ; 229. 8. mfntel, 11. 12, 15. nieolc (mioloc), 46. 3 ; 85. S. meox, 132. 15 ; 198. 3. ni§re, 13. 9 ; 18. 20. meri(g)en, 87. 12; 102. 14; 231. 21;. 232. 8 ; 237. S. See Srnemerigen ; to-morgen. metan, 13. 15; 59. 9. m§te, 39. 21 ; 47. 3, 4; 54. 6; 78. 12; 131. 10, 11; 148. 24; 194. 3; 212, 18; 215. 8, 22; 243. 10, 13. mgteleas, 180. 22. micelnys, 246. 10. Michahel, 130. 15, 19. Micheam, 138. 7. mid, 21. 20; 163. 8; 168. 9; 177. 9; 195. 21 ; 212. 27 ; 223. 18. middan(g)eard, 36. 1 1 ; 48. 1,3; 55. i ; 79. 12 ; 80. 17; 81. 5, 9; 135. 16; 137.21; 139. 12; 142. 14; 143. 13; 144. 27; 160. 9; 161. 16; 167. 11; 170. 16 ; 171. 24 ; 172. i ; 177. 9 ; 179. 3 ; 184. 23, 30 ; 194. 6 ; 205. 13; 206, 17; 210. 18, 21, 23, 24; 212. 12; 214. 14; 215. 14; 216. 4, 6; 219. 16; 221. 16; 222. 7,9, 14, 17 (2) ; 223. I ; 224. 21 ; 226. 25 ; 227. 12, 15 ; 241. 17 ; 247. 7 ; 251. i ; 254. 20, 21, 23 (2). midde (sb.), 7. 26; 89. 8; 95. 10; 182. I. midde (adj.), 77. 4, 23 ; 94. 18; 126. 6. midwyrhta, 24. 4. mierran, 48. 7. miht, 100. 6; 102. 4; 113. 16(2), 18(2); 127. 13; 128.4, 7; 150. 7; 153. 13 ; 167. 16 ; 169. 7 ; 184. 17 ; 185. 18; 193. 19; 206. 17, 19 ; 218. 19; 227. 10, II, 17; 235. 13; 241. 16; 243. 22; 246. 15. mihtelice, 126. 15 ; 127. 3. mihtig, 55. 14; 78. 15; 111. 16; 125. 12; 208. 18. mil, 209. 8. milde, 49. 3 ; 72. 2. mildheort, 66. 22; 144. 13; 191. 15. mildheortnyss, 37. 15 ; 95. 21 ; 96. 7 ; 112. 25; 114. 8; 132. 12; 144. 13; 153. 4 ; 191. 25 ; 249. 7 ; 252. 7, 8. milts, 15. 3. miltsian, 41. 4 ; 208. 12. miltsung, 235. 11. minte, 37. 1 2. mioloc. See meolc. Misahel (Missael), 125. 11 ; 126. 9, 22. misdaed, 15. 4; 201. 12. mislic, 86. 6 ; 192. 9 ; 228. 19 ; 243. 24, 25 ; 252. 5. mislice, 209. 16. mislician, 55. 5. Missael. See Misahel. misacrydan, 165. 24. mist, 31. 13. mitta, 34. 14 ; 97. 2, 3. mixen, 106. 13. mod (mood), 4. 17, 21 ; 15, i ; 16. 23 ; 20. 4, 9, II, 16, 21; 30. 2 ; 33. 4; 37. 21 ; 39. 21 ; 44. 17; 51. 13; 57.8,14; 73.9,15; 74. 3; 116. 22; 118. 10; 166. 4; 172. 21; 181. 24; 182. 12, 19; 200. 21; 235. 11; 250. I ; 251. 10. moder. See modor. modig, 115. 14; 251. 7. modignysa, 128. 14. modor (-er), 38. 22 ; 61. 11 ; 63. 8, li ; 70. 18 ; 78. 24 ; 90. 21, 23, 25 ; 91. 4, 6 ; 105. 7 ; 137. 8 ; 138. 20 ; 139. 3, 6, 21; 140. 7, 13; 155. 14; 162. 28 ; 186. I (2), 6 ; 191. 25, 29 ; 202. 5; 211. 2, 7; 224. 2,4,6, 8, 10, 12 ; 228. 7. moldhype, 257. i. mona, 117. 20; 119. 18; 167. 15; 206. II, 14. mon(a)S, 32. 4 ; 86. 22(2), 23; 127. II ; 247. 2; 253.9. monatSa'Sli, 70. 3. mQiicymi (man-), 79. 13; 80. 9, 16; 84. 10; 167. 3; 204.7; 246. 24; 248. 19, mgnigfaldian, 3. 7. 310 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS monigfeald (manigfald, manigfeald, m^nigfeald), 14. 17 ; 41. 16, 21 ; 68. 7; 98. 5, 18; 99. 6; 108. 16; 112. 2 ; 144. 23, 24. monS. See mon(a)S. ingntJwSre, 46. 11. mood. See mod. motian, 238. 13. moS'Se, 148. 13, 18. Moyses, 5. 6 ; 7. 6 ; 9. 6 ; 61. i ; 85. 4, 12, 16, 23; 87. 5, 9; 88. I, 19, 21; 89. I, 3, 15 ; 90. 10 ; 92. 4 ; 93. 2, 4, 5, 24; 98. 3; 146. 13; 150. 18; 159. 31; 201. i; 212. 9; 233. 1,8. mimt, 11. 3; 23. 3; 24.7. miircung, 5. 4. must, 229. 4. mu3, 9. 20 ; 17. 5 ; 19. 4, 13 ; 32. 8 ; 36.5,6; 48. 16; 59. 14; 72. 3,4; 89. 19, 23; 90. 2, 6, 9 ; 105. 21; 112. 16; 115. II ; 117. 5; 120. 22; 121.11; 142.6; 143.4,30; 160. 18; 177. 2, 14; 182. 16; 206. i; 227. 5, 7; 229. 7; 244. 18; 252. 18. m}Ti(e)gung, 123. 10; 189. 15. mynetere, 169. 26; 211. 19, 22. niyrre, 117. 16; 138. 22; 139. 24; 225. 5. myrhS, 112. 4; 208. 24. myrig, 214. 5. myse, 111. 11; 158. 14. Naaman, 100. 3, 10. Nabochodonos(s)or, 126. 20; 127. 17, 22; 128. I. nacod, 38. 10; 77. 20; 105.7,8,16(2); 121.7; 170.19; 171.11,15; 172.4. nsecednyss, 245. 22. nsdre (nseddre), 35. 20; 77. 21 ; 92. 18; 93. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 (2), II ; 183. 27; 196. 8; 212. 9. nafre, 6. 4, 7, 8, 12 ; 14. 11 ; 15. 7 ; 17. 3; 19. 18 ; 22. 12, 19; 44. 3; 48. 8, 20 ; 67. 17, 18, 22 ; 84. 4 ; 86. 13 (2); 125. 14; 131. 14; 155. 7; 167. 10; 173. 15, 18; 181. 13; 195. 16; 206. 27; 208. 2 ; 240. i. nsegl, 127. 23; 209. 17. nagan, 62. 12. naht. See noht. Nairn, 191. 21. nales (nalles), 46. 3 ; 58. 12 ; 72. 3 ; 73. II, 14. nama. See ngma. nanwuht. See noht. nateshwon, 138. 8. nauht. See noht. nawer, 66. 11. Nazarenisc, 43. 2, 15 ; 44. 5 ; 140. 18. Nazareth, 140. 17; 185. i; 186. 25; 190. 15. neadung, 154. 25. neadunga, 131. 4. See also m(e)denga. neah (adj.), 4. i ; 53. 14 ; sup. nihsta (nexta), 18. 18 ; 168. 22. ^ee also uiehsta. neah (adv.), 209. 12. ne(a)hgebur, 40. 14; 199. 13. neat, 8. 8 ; 58. 19 ; 59. 18 ; 64. 15. neawist, 140. 15 ; 190. 20. ngbb, 10. 5 ; 26. 10 ; 117. 3 ; 174. 17. ngbwlite, 233. 9. nedes, 63. 2, See also niede. nedSearf. See nid'Searf. nehgebur. See ne(a)hgebur. nehsta. See niehsta. nemne, 70. 7. neod, 161. 16 ; 198. 11 ; 230. 7, 14. neorx(e)nawang(-w9ng),50. 16; 77.1, 2, 4, 23 ; 79. 3 ; 208. 20, 24, 27 ; 246. 4. neoSan, 177. 18. neoSewerd, 106. 12. nese, 49. 8. nest, 152. 16. neten. See nieten. ngtt, 143. 26 ; 226. 16. nexta. See niehsta. Nicanor, 232. 1 3. Nichodemus, 225. 4, o. Nicolaus, 232. 14. nidenga. See niedenga. nidSearf (nedSearf), 28. 26; 68. 14. Diedan (nydan), 66. 17 ; 198. 25. nieddSd, 65. 10. niede, 41. 11. See also nedes. ni(e)denga, 4. 16 ; 42. 7. See also neadunga. niedling, 66. 17. niehsta (nehsta, nexta, nihsta), 8. T ; 9. 17 ; 34. 20 ; 61. 13 ; 63. 6, 12 ; 72.7; 91.26; 146.13; 166. 6; 202. ^, 12. See also neah. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 311 nieht. See niht. nieten (neten, nyten), 3.8 ; 28. 15, 23 ; 66. 7; 77. 11; 88. 13, 14; 89. 20; 97. 12; 112. 6; 122. 16; 127. 24; 132. 15 ; 184. 8. nihsta. See niehsta. niht (nieht), 5. 2 ; 63. 16 ; 65. 7 ; 82. 8; 87. 19; 88. 7 ; 93- 25; 94. 19; 96. 4 ; 102. 12 ; 108. 7 ; 129. 19 ; 139. 6, 27 ; 141. 28 ; 168. 9 ; 173. II, 17; 195. 21; 215. 2; 231. 18; 232. 7 ; 237. 8 ; 238. 20 ; 240. 25 ; 241.8; 245. 18; 250. 14. nihtlec, 23. i. niman (nyman), 26. 5 ; 27. 14 ; 34. 5 ; 46. 17 ; 65. 19 ; 72. i ; 86. 25 ; 100. 19; 109.1; 131.17; 139-3; 140.7; 158. 5, II ; 160. 13, 19; 168. 7; 169. 22 ; 170. I ; 217. 20 ; 230. 19 ; 234. 19; 248. 15. Niniue, 102. 16; 133. 2 ; 134. 2. niejer, 191. 4 ; 229. 10. niiSerastigan, 85. 6. niSerfeallan, 138. 20. ni^ergan, 150. 10. niSfuUice, 233. 17. niwe, 121. 11; 173. 2; 183. 27; 225. II ; 256. 9, 19 (2), niwelnyss, 79. 22. Noe, 3. 6; 80. 12, 21. noht (naht, nanwuht, nauht, nowiht, nowuht), 18. 28; 20. 27; 23. 12; 32.5, 12; 33.7; 38.8; 47.27; 52. 13; 55.18; 74.2; 107.19; 117.6; 121. 18; 125. 21 ; 128. 5; 159. 3, 20 ; 217. 7 ; 24-5. 7. ngma (nama), 6. 24 ; 24. 22 ; 61. 4, 5 ; 68. II ; 77. 12, 18 ; 78. 23 ; 90. 12 ; 100. 3 ; 103. 7 ; 105. 10, 18, 23; 106. 22; 118. 19, 21 ; 121. II, 13; 131. 10; 132. 17; 137. 14, 17; 147. 16, 21, 28; 150.6, 7; 153. 13; 154. 8; 161. 9, II ; 162. 2, 28 ; 164. 18, 20; 167. i; 171. 5, 18; 172. 6, 8, 10; 178. 2, 22; 179, 4; 183. 26; 185. 11; 189. 2, 3, 9; 200. 8; 205. 25; 206. 5 ; 221. 2, 1 5, 26 ; 222. 8 ; 224. 27 ; 230. 2 ; 2.32. 12 ; 235. 8, 15, 16 ; 238. 2 ; 249. 16, 19. non, 177. ii. nontid, 163. 9. norSda-l, 23. 20. nostle, 7. 2. nosu, 8. 17, 18 ; 23. 3, 5 ; 102. 6. nclSer, 47. 1 7. notian, 48. i, 2. nowiht (nowuht). See noht. nydan. See niedan. nydbehof, 195. 14. nyman. See niman. nyt, 33. 1 2. nyten. See nieten. nytwyrSlic, 56. 16. Octauianus, 186. 19, ofaslean, 64. 3. ofateon, 6. 12. ofcalan, 174. 20. ofcuman, 161. 18. ofdrcedan, 119. 20; 156. 24. ofdune, 3. 5 ; 4. 9 ; 29. 16. ofen, 24. 10 ; 29. 7; 125. 7, 13, 16, 17, 19 (2); 126. 2, 8, 10, II, 22; 127. 3, 7,8,9; 136. 17. oferSt, 41. 16, 21 ; 241. 3. ofercuman, 20. 11. oferdrincan, 19. 20. oferdruncenness, 45. lo. oferdrync, 41. 16. ofereaca, 196. 18. oferetolness, 45. 10. oferflowness, 8. 10. oferfyll, 207. 2. ofergan, 48. 3 ; 86. 12 ; 237. 16. ofergeweorc, 166. 19. ofergyld, 6. 13; 112. i. oferheafod, 186. 22. oferhglian, 13. 10. oferhygd (oferhyd), 14. 5, 6. oferiman, 89. 4. oferm^te, 48. 8. ofermetto, 14. 4; 33. 3. ofermod, 20. 8. ofermodegian, 33. 2 ; 52. 16. oferniodlice, 55. 2. oferrowan, 150. 13 ; 179. 30. ofersceadewian, 185. iS. oferslfge, 87. 2, 7. oferspricc, 19. 18. ofersprSce, 17. 3 ; 1.36. 16. oferstigan, 80. 3 ; 247. 20. oferswiiJan, 232. 22. 312 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS oferteon, 80. 7. oferSgccan, 152. 20. oferSeon, 53. 3. oferweorpan, 24. 18. oferwinnan, 101. 3 ; 116, 22. oferwreon, 89. 5 ; 90. i ; 114. 12. ofet, 141. I, 4. oflfrian,8.i5 ; 85. 18; 92.12,15 ; 98-17; 103. 15; 133. 16; 135. II ; 145. 21. offrung, 8. 7 ; 21. 18 ; 47. 15 ; 83. 11, 14, 15; 132. 12; 153.4. ofgan, 123. 3, 6 ; 124. 10 ; 170. 1. ofhingrian, 144. 9, 11. ofhnitan, 64. 4. ofhreo-san, 257. i. ofhreowan, ISO. 23. ofirnan, 100. 10. oflystan, 144. 11. oforbord, 133. 7, 14. ofs§ttan, 118. 3. ofslean, 8. i ; 9. 15, 17, 18 ; 11. 9 ; 17. 19; 26. 22; 43. 5; 48. 13; 56. 6; 63. I, 2, 5 ; 64. 8, 9; 65. 4, 7 ; 90. 26, 27; 102. 12; 104. 16, 22; 129. 20 ; 189. 27 ; 153. 20, 21 ; 165. 5, 8, 12; 173. 12; 178.12; 196.21,23; 202. 3, 18 ; 219. 11 ; 237. i ; 238. 15. ofspring, 82. 2, 3, 4, 19 ; 83. 28 ; 94. 3 ; 100. 20; 186. 16 ; 204. 6 ; 246. 20. ofstingan, 12. 5 ; 64. 11, 12. oft, 52. 15; 67. 18. ofteon, 131. 7; 225. 27 (2) ; 226. i. oftorfian, 234. 5. of3§ncan, 34. 20. ofSriccan, 105. 4. ofSriccednys, 206. 12. ofSringan, 193. 17. ofSyrstan, 144. 9. ofunnan, 226. i. ofworpian, 64. 5, 9, 13. ofwundian, 98. 19. ofwundrian, 190. i. oga, 205. 20; 206. 16; 225. 15, 17; 250. 4. oleccan, 4. 17, 22. olfend (oluend), 37. 17; 98. ii; 103. 10 ; 104. 22 ; 109. 20, 22 ; 140. 23 ; 141. 6, 7. Oliueti, 164. 5. oluend. See olfend. om(m), 148. 16, 18. on-. See also an-. onablawan, 75. 16, 19. onsclan, 26. 14 ; 125. 15 ; 127. 10 ; 229. 14. onbestalan, 63. 9. onbirian. iS'ee onbyrian. onbryrdan, 119. 10; 229. 25. onbryrdnyss, 203. 13. onbugan, 113. 7. onbyrian (-birian), 77. 25 ; 93. 26 ; 134. 8; 141. 28; 189. 14; 198. 27; 217. 4 ; 235. 6. oncnawan, 83. 20; 107. 2; 115. 15; 117. 2; 118. 1; 121. 20; 149. 18; 188. I ; 204. 23 ; 212. 27 ; 217. 3, 8, II ; 218. II, 12 (2), 13; 219. 25 ; 222. 3, 10, 13, 21 ; 228. 23 ; 238. 3 ; 255.2. oncunnan, 16. 15. gnd-. See also and-, ondefn (andefn), 45. 2 ; 52. 3. gndgiet (andgit, andgyt), 25. 2 ; 32. 9; 98. 15 ; 119. 5, 8, II ; 128. 2, 8; 145. 13; 202. 19; 244. 15(2). ondon, 120. 22. ondrffidan, 17. 14; 22. 17, 18; 24. 13; 25. 18; 45. 7; 53. II ; 56. 10; 83. 20; 103.8; 104.5,6; 114.19; 132. 8; 153. 20, 21 ; 157. 5; 187. 10; 196. 23; 208. 15; 254. 5. gndwlite (andwlite\ 14. 13 ; 26. 12. gndwyrdan (andweardan, andwyrdan), 11. 9; 43. 17, &c. onettan, 19. 7. onferan, 180. 8. onfon, 4. 4 ; 8. 6 ; 38. 10 ; 41, 8 ; 42. l ; 66.5; 67.18; 71.11 ; 171.26; 199. 22; 225. 20, 23, 24; 234. 7, 13; 251. 17. ongean, 81, 20; 140. 7, ongi(e)tan, 5. 10 ; 16. 19 ; 18, 6 ; 25. 8 ; 33.10; 42. 8; 49.4(2); 54. 7; 59. 2 (2) ; 214. 27 ; 236. 10. onginnan, 163. 12 ; 200. 5 ; 206. 20; 228. 19 ; 234. 5 ; 245. i. See also anginn. onh^bban, 201. 16, 18, 20, 22 ; 246. 10. onhrop, 196. 2. onhweorfan, 27. 10. onliesan, 43. 7. onlihtan, 153. 14. onlihtnes, 73. 16. i\ uxM J, V x_.i7.,:.j1 X X n INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 313 onmunan, 54. 19. onsfecgan, 66. 8. onsifgednyss, S3. 15 ; 95. 4 ; 240. 17. onscunian (an-), 20. 8 ; 28. 15 ; 33. 8 ; 67. 16. onscutiigendlic (an-), 28. 15, 23. onsgndan, 41. 4. onsigan, 134. 4. onsundrian, 72. 18. onsundron, 202. 13, ontgndan, 65. 14, 15. ontynan, 64. 14. onwaecnan, 45. 9 ; 49. 5. onweald (onwald, anwald, anweald), 18. 16; 36. i8; 42. i ; 55. 20; 119. 2; 151. 5, 23 ; 194. 7 ; 240. 20. onweg (aweg), 29. 14; 59. 7; 71. 15; 191.5; 223. 15. onwgndan, 24. 18 ; 26. 23 ; 67. 19. onwreon, 70. 1 ; 158. 27 ; 159. 18. onwrigennyss, 189. 20, 25 ; 246. 10. open, 21. 26; 73. 3; 233.24; 234. 11. openian, 177. 19. openlice, 174. 10; 201. 7 ; 207. 6. orceapung, 62. 3. ord, 33. 19. orf, 86. 3,4; 92. 13. orgelword, 174. 13. orgollice, 175. 19. ormSte (adj.), 107. 2; 127. 12; 152. 21 ; 161. 14. ormSte (adv.), 103. 12. orsorgness, 17. 20. orsorhlice, 125. 22. ortgeard, 23. 8. orwene, 133. 6. oSdori, 63. 21. oSfsestan, 65. 16. owiht, 72. 18. oxa, 5. 14 ; 9. 19 ; 13. 8, 10 ; 48. 15 ; 64.4,6,13, 17(2), 18; 65.2,3,4; 97. 3; 98.6; 103. 10; 109. 20, 22 ; 118. I ; 127. 19; 198. 14. paeS, 120. 8. palmtwig, 256. i , 7. Parmenen, 232. 14. Paulus, 44. 1 2 ; 45. 18 ; 50. 16 ; 68. 9 ; 236. 10; 239. 2, 12; 246. 12. See also Saulus. pining, 163. 13. pgningwur?^, 213. 19. Pentecostes, 228. 15. Perscisc, 129. 16; 130. 16. Petrus, 42. 18 (2) ; 43. 9 (2) ; 45. 18 ; 71. 9; 143. 23, 25; 156. 24; 157.1, 7, 8; 158. 25 ; 159. 12, 14, 17, 22 ; 160. 3, 8, II (2), 13, 15; 162. 11; 173. 14, 16, 17; 174. I, 8, 20; 175. 5, 7 ; 193. 16 ; 214. 2 ; 226. 22 ; 228. 4 ; 229. 5, 26 ; 230. 22 ; 231. 3, 5, II ; 237. 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19 ; 238. 3, 5, 6 (2), 19, 26. Pharao, 85. 10, 16, 19, 24; 88. 24, 27; 89. 4, 9. Pharisei, 223. 5. Philippi, 158. 21. Philippus(^/ra:/^Ze),213. 16, 18 ; 228. 5. Philippus (deacon), 232. 13. Philistei, 94. 16, 17. Pilatus, 175. 19 ; 176. 4, 7, 9, 13 ; 178. 4, 6, 9, 12 ; 208. I, 2 ; 223. 19 ; 224. 17; 225. 2. pile, 22. 3. pilatffif, 22. 4. plegean, 7. 24 ; 48. 19. pohha, 32. 2. pol, 20. II. portgeat, 191. 23. portian, 22. 3. portic, 97. 15. preost, 30. 9; 31. i, 4. preosthad, 58. i. preowthwil, 244. 22. Procerus, 232, 13. pund, 98. 29 ; 100. 12, 14; 169. 6 (2), 10, 12, 20, 23; 170. I, 2, 3 ; 225. 5. purpura, 6. 15,20; 41. i ; 101.6; 129. 5, 17; 200. 6. pusa, 194. 21. pyle, 28. 28. pytt, 5. 13; 18. 21 ; 36. 9. racenteah, 180. 3; 237.9, H! 238. 19. Rachel, 140. i, 3. racu, 6. 25. ra-can, 17. 9. reed, 117. 6; 119.5,8; 207. 5 ; 230. 1 9, r£dan, 129. 4 ; 174. 19 ; 180. 6 ; 214. 26. ricdbora, 118. 23. rSditig, 54. 11. raedlice, 5. 1 2. 314 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS raestedseg, 24. 20 ; 61. 6. See also 22, 23 ramin, 27. 20 ; 28. 5 ; 109. 2. rap, 116. 15; 211. 23. rationale (Lat.), 7. i. read, 7. 12, 13; 88. 9, 26; 176. 21. reaf, 79. i ; 100. 19; 101. 6; 107. 3; 111. 10; 129. 5, 17; 13L 5; 140. 23; 141. 5; 157. 11; 164. 12, 13; 165. 22, 23; 176. 22; 178. 16; 180. 9; 183. 19; 193. 14; 207. 23; 219. 19, 21 ; 223. 24 ; 225. 12 ; 2B8. 14. reafere, 46. 23 ; 242. 21. reafian, 204. 10. reaflac, 136. 19. rgccan, 26. 6 ; 62. 13 ; 67. 5 ; 238. 7. recels, 138. 22 ; 139. 23. rea, 79. 20; 147. 10; 253. 8, 10. renboga, 80. 8. renscur, 146. 18; 147. 2. reordian, 227. 2. r^st, 98. 2 ; 155. 2. rgstan, 61. 7 ; 152. 16. rgstendaeg, 90. 15, 17. See also raeste- dseg. reSe, 41. 22 ; 138. 24; 175. 10; 229. 17; 242. 22. rewet (-ut), 156.21 ; 215. 4 ; 226. 17. rib, 77. 14 (2). ricce. See rice (adj.). rice (sb.), 16. i ; 26. i ; 49. 23 ; 55. 9 ; 98. 28; 106.21 ; 119.2; 127.17,21 (2); 128.4; 129. 6,13.14,15,21; 140.21; 143.33; 144.20; 145.20; 147. 16, 22, 28; 149. 6, 10; 150. I, 3; 151. 13; 152. 2, 5, 8; 154. 25; 156. 4 ; 159. 4, 26 ; 160. 23 ; 161. 2, 3, 6, 8 ; 162. 6, 8 ; 163. 4 ; 164. 23 ; 165. i; 168. 1 ; 170. 16; 171. 24; 172. i; 190. 18; 194. 13; 202. 10; 205. 18 (2), 21 (2); 206. 25; 208. 19, 22, 25 ; 211. 27 ; 227. 2 ; 242. 23, 24; 244. 21 ; 248. 6; 251. 27. rice (ricce) (adj.), 100. 2 ; 116. 17 ; 151. 13 ; 152. 9 ; 169. 4 ; 178. i ; 182. 7, 10 ; 186. 12,14; 197. 2, 8 ; 200. 10, 15 ; 202. 6 ; 203. 19, 24 ; 212. 2, 4 ; 224. 26 ; 229. 16 ; 251. 7, 8. ricene, 219. 19. riclice, 29. 21. ricsian (rixian), 31. 2 ; 95. i ; 117. 14; 140. 14. ridda, 88. 25 ; 89. 3, 4 ; 99. 9. riftere (ryftere), 131. 10 ; 153. 7 ; 194. 18. riht (ryht) (sb.), 35. 25 ; 47. 7, 11 ; 64. 10; 67. 9; 166. II. riht (ryht) (adj.), 25. 15; 37. 10, 15; 65. 14; 120. 8, 12; 218. 5. rihting, 253. 13. rihtlic, 158. 4. rihtlice (ryht-), 58. 3 ; 108. 23 ; 109. 5 ; 112. 23. rihtwis (ryhtwis), 9. 10; 13. 17; 14. 17; 21. 16; 32. II ; 40. 20; 49. 5; 79. 18; 103. 7; 104. 4; 111. 20; 116. 13; 118. 15; 123.21; 128.13; 134. 14; 136. 17; 146. 18; 147. 2, 9; 153.5; 154.2(2); 155.15; 156. 6; 166. 22; 170. 21; 171. 4, 21; 184. 6, 9 ; 185. 3, 5 ; 189. 9 ; 199. 16; -201.5; 233. 17. rihtwisian, 200. 2. rihtwisness (rilitwisnyss, ryhtwis- ness), 14. 20, 21 ; 16. 2, 5, 11, 17; 24. 3 ; 35. 4, 6 ; 50. 3 ; 73. 7 ; 96. 8; 98. 28; 108. 5; 110. 18; 112. 16; 114. 21 ; 115. 18 ; 118. 16 ; 123. 18, 21, 22, 23; 124. 16; 130. 12; 135. 9, 13; 141. 17; 144. 9, II, 12, 19; 145. 18; 149. 6; 184. 7; 212. 19; 248. 15. ripan, 22, 18 ; 50. 9 ; 148. 25 ; 169. 22 ; 243. 6. risan, 69. 4. riS, 117. 18. rix, 71. 6. rixiau. See ricsian. rod, 176. 9, 22 ; 177. 5, 7 ; 223. 22 ; 224. 2, 16, 18. Rode, 238. 3. roder, 208. 19. rodetacn, 87. 2, 7; 167. 17. rodorlic, 242. 23. Romanise, 186. 19. rosa, 136. 22. rot, 148. 26. rotian, 6. 8. riim, 35. 17; 149. 10. rust, 29. 14. ryftere. See riftere. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 31; ryht(-). See riht(-). ryhte, 20. 2 ; 34. 20 ; 56. 19. ryhthSmed, 47. 15. ryhtwislic, 51. 3. ryrnan, 31. 9 ; 197. 4. rymet, 187. 6; 198. 23. rymetleast, 188. to. ryne, 180. 7. rysel, 113. 2. saar. See sar. Saba, 98. 8, 16. Sabei, 104. 15, sacerd, 6. 19; 7. 6, 8, 10, il, 13, 18, 20 ; 8. 6 ; 16. 17; 30. 10, 20 ; 32. 8 ; 115. 8 ; 150. 17. sacu, 205. 13. Saducie, 44. 10. sS, 21. 20 ; 23. 22 ; 36. 15 ; 61. 8 ; 83. 28, 30 ; 84. 14 ; 88. 9, 20, 21,22 (2), 26; 89. 2,4, 8; 107. 12; 115. 20; 133.4,5,12; 143.22; 152.20; 160. 17; 161. 15 ; 213. 9; 215. 2 ; 226. 14; 243. 10; 245. 21. sSd, 8. 10; 39. 9, 12 ; 155. 20; 192. 21 (2), 23, 24 ; 193. 4, 5, 8 ; 243. 5 ; 246. 17, 22. sadere, 192. 20. saegrund, 245. 18. sSl, 182. 4 ; 191. 3. sSlic, 83. 28; 206. 12. saestrand, 97. 7. sagol, 6. 9, 13. Salomon, 12. 14 ; 96. 6, 14, 21 ; 97. 13 ; 98. 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16 ; 99. I, 4. Samaritanisc, 39. 16 ; 153. 11 ; 216. 21. same. See sjme. samod. See sgmod. Samson, 94. 15, 18. samtinges, 92. 2. Samuhel, 94. 25 ; 95. 5, 9. sanctus {Lat.), 44. 12 ; 71. 9. sand, 131. 19. sandceosol, 83. 29 ; 84. 13 ; 97. 7 ; 115. 20, 21. sandcorn, 107. 12. sang, 60. i. Saphira, 230. 18 ; 231. 2. sar (saar), 9. 17; 21.8, 14; 69. 2. Sarai, 82. 15. See also Sarra. sargian, 18. 12, 18. sarlice, 106. 12. samess, 107. 6 ; 108. 8 ; 110. 20 ; 120. 19. Sarra, 82. 15 ; 254. 4. ^ee also Sarai. Saul, 10. 20, 21; 11. 2, 14; 94. 26; 95. 12. saul. See sawul. Saulus, 45. 18 ; 234. 5, 24 (2) ; 235. 10, 18 ; 236. 6, 15. See aim Paulus. sawan, 19. 16; 22.17; 50. 9 ; 148. 25 ; 169. 23; 192. 20; 243.5. sawul (saul), 15. 2; 19. 19; 36. 12; 41. 14; 63. 20, 21 ; 68. 7, 10; 76. 17, 19; 82. II, 13; 106. 9; 110. 14; 113. 2; 116. 17; 117,8, II ; 123.9; 148. 24 ; 153. 31, 22 ; 155. a ; 186. 11; 190. 7; 196. 24; 197. 6 (2); 200. 14; 206. 7, 10; 218. 19; 220. 2 1,- 230. 10, 16; 240. 20; 253. 12. scienan, 87. 25 ; 224. 22. scam-. See sceam-. scamleas, 26. 10. scancforad, 29. 18. See also sceanca. scandu. See scgndu. sceabb, 8. 20. sceadu, 231. 11. sceaft, 12. 6. sceamian (scamian), 23. 22; 26. 12; 50. 12, 14. sc(e)amu, 24. 14; 102. 15. sceanca, 224. 17, 20, 22. See also scancforad. sce(a)p, 29. 18, 22 ; 42. 20 ; 65. 5 ; 98. 7; 103. 10; 104. 19; 105. 14; 108. 14; 109. 19, 21 ; 120. 21 ; 124.7,9, 10,12; 131.7; 149.15,16(2); 158. i; 170. 12, 13; 173. 12; 199.8(2), 9, 14; 211. 20, 21 ; 218. 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17 ; 226. 24. scear, 30. 12. scearpnyss, 120. 9. scearseax, 30. 11. sceatt, 67.i; 100.6,15,19,20; 118. 15. sceaSa, 177. i ; 205. 2, 3 ; 208. 8, 13 ; 223. 19 ; 224. 20 ; 242. 21 ; 245. 21. sceawian, 4. 13; 115. 14; 126. 2, 11 ; 127. i; 209. 16, 18. sceawung, 71. 2. sc?ncan, 170. 18; 171. i ; 172. 4. sceocca, 104. 2, 10; 142. 17 ; 143. 17 ; 193. 5 ; 246. 9, 12. See also scucca. ;i6 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS sceogean, 52. 5. sceon, 237. 15. sceotan, 89. 25 ; 143. 7 ; 234. 2. Bcep. See sce(a)p. scephyrde, 170. 12. scgtSSan, 66. 11. sciell, 14. I. scieran (scyran), 30. 10; 120. 23. scillmg(scylling),64. 13 ; 92. 13; 207.8. scinan, 73. 16; 90.8; 116. 13 ; 118.6; 144. 27; 145. 3; 146.17; 1^7.1,9; 156. 6 ; 160. i, 2 ; 183. 19 ; 237. 12 ; 238. 22; 248. 19. scinlseca, 66. 5. scip, 133. 5 ; 152. 18, 20; 156. 13, 22 ; 157. 2. See also seypmgn. scir, 207. 18. sc9ndlicnes(s), 70. i. sc9ndu (scandu), 24. 14; 28. 12, 20. scort, 56, 15 ; 203. 21. scraef (screaf), 11. 3, 5, 23 ; 132. 3 ; 205. 2,4- scr§ncan, 8. 12. serin, 92. 6. scrincan, 129. 2. sciTid, 100. 12, 14; 148. 24. scrydan, 121. 7; 170. 19; 172. 4. Bcucca, 103. 20; 105. 27; 106. 4, 8. See also sceocca. Bculdor, 7. 21. Bcyld, 16. 15; 33. 8; 51. 5 ; 63. 18; 70. 17; 102. 11; 248. 15. Bcyldig, 63. 17; 65. 8, 9 ; 91. 5 ; 174. 15 ; 176. I ; 208. 8. scylf, 142. 7 ; 143. 6. scylling. See scilling. scypmgn, 133. 5. See also scip. scyran. See scieran. Scyppend, 89. 24; 117. i. scyte, 225. 6. sealf, 59. 15; 225.4. sealmboc, 244. 18. Bealmsang, 249. 13. sealt, 38. 16, 18, 19; 144. 26. seam, 79. 11; 224. i. Bearu, 26. 14; 63. 6. Bea^, 131. 5, 13, 14, 16, 23; 157. 15. Bec(e)an, 11. 2 ; 15. 18 ; 16. 3 ; 17. 16 ; 29. 19 ; 32. 8 ; 37. 6, 9 ; 38. 23 ; 42. 5; 56. 20; 124. 14; 128. 10; 135. "15; 149. 5; 178. 19; 196. 4; 197. 23,25; 199.10; 204.6; 216.25(2), 26(2); 223. 8, II, 15; 254. 12. segen, 174. 14. seldon, 22. 1 7. selest. See god (adj.). s^llan (syUan), 8. 8; 13. 19; 15. 2; 16. I, 5; 18. I, 2, 14, 28; 20. 23, 27; 21. 16; 24, 21 ; 30. 17, 18; 33. 6; 38.8,9; 39. 6; 42. i, 12; 46. 3; 50. 6; 61. II ; 62.5; 63. 20, 21 ; 65. 2,5,6; 66. 3, 16, 20 ; 67. 3 ; 68. 10; 70. 12 ; 72. 14; 78. 8, 13; 81. i; 82. 16, 18; 88, 14; 96.6; 106. 5; 115.6; 116. 10; 119.7; 121.4; 122.6; 129. 17; 131. 12; 146. 18; 147.2,17,23,29; 153.16; 154.4, 7; 156. II ; 160. 10, 19, 21 ; 163. 15 ; 167. 15 ; 168. 13, 16 ; 169. 22 ; 170. 2; 171. 10; 173. i; 181. 5; 182. 11; 190. 2; 191. 16, 17; 194. 28; 196. 7, 10,18; 206. 1; 211. 14; 212. 13 ; 215. 14 ; 218. 4, 8, 13, 19 ; 220. 21; 221. 2, 15; 229. 9; 238. 15; 240. 11; 250. 2; 251.9; 254. I ; 255. 2, 3. selra. See god (adj.). seltcuS, 81. 7. Sem, 79. 14. s^ndan, 23. 18 ; 27. 19 ; 35. 23 ; 42. 6 ; (53. 13); 63.3; 68. 9, II ; 70. 13; 71. 3, 7; 79. 12; 85. 13; 92, 18; 100. 13; 131. 17; 133. 5; 139. 26; 147. 10; 164. 5, 9; 165. 2, 4, 13 ; 194. 15, 20; 197. 20; 222. 14; 225. 19 (2) ; 231. 21 ; 235. 19 ; 236. 26 ; 246. 23. senian, 172, 30. Sennacherib, 101. 19 ; 102. 8, 14. seo, 135. 2, 4. seofonfeald, 103. 15 ; 119. 4, 7, 10, 17. seolfor (sylofr), 30. 17 ; 64. 13 ; 242. 2, seolfren (sylfren), 61. 14; 115, 10; 128, 16, sethim, 6, 3, 8. setl, 14. 8 ; 23. 20 ; 37. 8 ; 121. 14 ; 162. 20; 170. 10; 186. 12, setlggng, 66. 20; 69. 11. sfttan, 27. 21 ; 28. 6, 8 ; 32. 11 ; 46. 18; 62. 1 ; 68. 14; 78. 23; 79. 6; 81. 22 ; 82. I, 19 ; 84. 2, 5 ; 86. 25 ; 93. 6; 94.4; 98. 28; 113. 9; 126. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 317 15; 130.4; 131. 15; 143.6; 169. 17; 180. 13; 183.28; 186. 19 ; 205. 26; 220. 26; 232. 24; 234. 8, 14, 15, 17 ; 235. 17 ; 236. 9 ; 238. 18. t6. 7. sibb (sybb), 16. 14; 35. 22 ; 38. 16, 18, 19; 42. 12 (2); 45. 6; 51. 4, 13; 52. 5 ; 56. 20; 119. i, 3; 134. 12 ; 187. 18; 188. 17, 19, 21 ; 189. 18, 22; 193. 23; 194. 24(3), 25, 26; 204.15,17; 209.13; 220. 15(2); 225. 16 ; 247. 11, 13, 14; 249. 10. aibUng, 160. 16. siccettan, 10. 9. side, 6. 5 ; 77. 15 ; 108. 15 ; 224. 23 ; 237. 13. Sidon, 23. 22 ; 157. 17. Sidonisc, 238. 1 3. Sihhem, 4. 14, 19, 21, 22. Silas, 68. 1 1, sioiblian. See symblian. simle (symle), 6. 11, 13 ; 15. 4, 13 ; 18. 5 ; 53. 2 ; 58. 2 ; 88. 3 ; 98. 26 ; 108. 19; 116. 14; 117.9; 135- 14; 161. 22; 202. 6; 248. 4; 249. 16, 18; 250. 12. Simon, 143. 23 ; 158. 27 ; 228. 6. Binder, 29. 5. singal, 8. 19. aingan, 60. i (2); 112. 24; 113. 4; 164. 16; 175. 6; 187. 16; 249. 14; 256. I, 9. sioc, 50. 14. Sion, 24. 7; 113. 17. Siria. See Syria, aittan, 7. 23 ; 14. 8, &c. 8i« (sb.), 94. 26 ; 130. 2 ; 175. 6 ; 234. 22 ; 247. 4. siO (adj.), 21. i. siSfot, 116. 13; 120. 12. siSian, 92. 2; 212. 21, 24. siSlice, 207. 10. sixtigfeald, 155. 21. slSp, 20. 20 ; 45. 9 ; 66. i ; 70. 4 ; 115.6; 116. 12; 152. 22; 240. 24; 241. 6. alsepan (slapan), 4. 7 ; 21. 20 ; 77. 14 ; 115.3; 133. 8; 237.9; 250.6. slaewS, 20. 17, 20. slapan. See slaepan. slapian,19. 7,9; 108. 9 ; 168. 9. slaw, 19. II ; 20. 22, 24, 25. sleac, 136. 10; 169. 25. slean, 11. 11, 17, 20; 15. iS ; 37. 22 ; 61. 12; 63. 8, 12, 15; 66. 13; 70. 2; 88. 21; 106. 10; 117. 7; 125. 19 ; 127. 9 ; 160. 3 ; 169. 26 ; 174. 18 ; 201. 13. 8l§ge, 120.21 ; 176. 3, 11 ; 237. 6; 255.6. smselSearme, 12. 7. sineagan, 49. 16 ; 97. 12 ; 98. 20 ; 137. 6; 139. 5; 197. 2; 219.8, 10. smeaung, 16. 9. smeSe, 149. 10, 12. smir(e)wan, 4. 11 ; 59. 15. smocian, 90. 9. snaw, 118.6; 160. 2; 178. 17. snawhwit, 100. 21. snican, 3. 2. snid, 56. 5. sniSan, 31. 6, 8 ; 56. 5 ; 87. i. snoter. See snotor. snoternyss, 97. 6. snotor (-er), 98. 9 ; 121. 17 ; 132. 20 ; 168. 4, 7, 13, 14- Sodom, 23. 11. Sodomwaru, 3. 9. Sofar, 106. 23 ; 109. 7, sol, 59. 5. sgme (same), 47. 8, 12. sgmnian, 71. 3. sgmod (samod), 71. 11 ; 90. 12 ; 104. 19; 105. 14; 106. 23 ; 138. 4; 139. 6; 140.7; 148. 20 ; 164. 7 ; 170. 9; 173. 19 ; 184. 2 ; 191. 22 ; 192. 18 ; 198.9; 204. 21; 223. 21 ; 224. ?,, 24; 227.2. sona, 11.9; 21. 23; 47. 15; 71. 15; 89. 21 ; 150. 14; 160. 3; 172. 22; 173.12,24; 175.2,6,7,13; 177. 2, 17; 180. 9; 207.5,23; 223. 22; 224. 19. sorg, 46. 15. soS (sb.), 57. 15 ; 120. 5 ; 145. t6, 18 ; 147. II ; 151. 9, II, 27, 29; 154. 4; 162. 18 ; 169. I ; 170. 4 ; 171. 4, 17 ; 174. 11; 182.0,17; 198.26; 201. 15 ; 206. 25 ; 208. 20, 23, 26 ; 215. 17 (2); 216. 8 (2), 13, 15; 217. 1(2), 17 (2); 221. 25; 237.20. so3 (adj.), 98. 21; 116. 14; 128. 13; 155.23; 177.24; 181. 17; 214. 13, 318 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 23, 24; 219. 22 ; 222. 4, 21 ; 240. 22; 2U. 10, 13; 247. 17, 20; 249. 9; 252. 2; 253. 10. soSfsesten, 67. 16. soSfsestness (-nyss), 7. 5 ; 54. 7 ; 59. i ; 96. 8; 216. 12 (2) ; 220.4,5; 221. 20; 242. 19; 248. 14. soSlice, 81. 18; 83. 29, &c. spannan, 23. 13. sparian, 116. 18 ; 240. 10. sped, 182. II. sp^ru, 224. 23. spilcan, 29. 18. spincge, 177. 13. sprS^c, 19. 4; 22. 10, 11 ; 33. 17, 18; 67.9; 80. 17; 81. 2, 7; 82. 20; 98. 13; 107. 13; 127. 22; 130. 7; 138. 16; 146. 5; 184. 3; 187. 14; 212. 24; 222. 10; 243. 21, 25. sprecan, 19. 14, 19; 25. 20; 33. 10; 35. 24; 46. i; 49. 12; 57. 6; 58. 5(2); 61. I ; 35.4; 94.25; 98.3; 105. 12, 22; 106. 16; 109. I, 6; 133. I ; 144. 21 ; 164. 25 ; 174. 16 ; 183. 26 ; 186. 15 ; 187. 21 ; 188. 24; 191. 28 ; 192. 23. springan, 192. 23. spryttan, 193. i ; 206. 23. spurnan, 234. 25 ; 236. 18. ,spyrte, 181. 8. staef, 14. 9 ; 63. 13 ; 87. 14, 22 ; 145. 16. stSnan, 36. 5 ; 234. 3. stalnen, 91. 11, 13; 102. 3; 123. 15 ; 159. 2, 19, 24; 211.9; 225. 7. stsenig, 193. i. staeppan. See st^ppan. stalian, 61. 12; 90. 30; 202. 3. Btan,'47. 12; 6. 17; 12. 13; 27. 10; 63. 12; 64.5,9, 13; 71. "3; H^. 3; 142. 3, 10, 23 ; 143. 1,9; 159. 2, 20, 22, 24; 177. 19; 196. 7; 204. 22(2); 217. 20; 234. 5; 242. 2; 243. 12, 15 (2), 17; 253. 21, 23, 24. standan. See stgndan. stanweall, 88. 24. Btarian, 227. 21, 23. Bt^de, 12. 15; 198. 2. stefn (stemn), 23. 9 ; 25. 6, &c. Btelan, 65. 11, 16, 17. Bteman, 117. 15. Btemn, See stefn. stgng, 6, 3. steopbearn, 108. 3, 13. steopcild (stiop-), 66. 11, 15 ; 118. 3. steopmodor, 46. 14. steor, 251. 22 ; 257. 4. steorra, 83. 28; 138. i, 12, 16, 19; 167. 15; 206. II, 15; 248. 20. steorsetl, 152. 22. Stephanus, 232. 10, 12, 19 ; 233. 3, 20; 234. 6, 10. stfppan (stasppan), 56. 19; 164. 15; 223. 7 ; 238. 14. sticels, 243. 9, 12. stician, 6. 6, 11, 13. sticol, 149. 9. stieran (styran), 11. 10; 95. 22; 117. 7 ; 174. 2. stiernlice, 11. 10. stigan, 4. 9 ; 133. 4 ; 203. 22, 24. stiUe, 25. 18 ; 195. 9. stilnyss, 98. 2. stingan, 6. 4. stiopcild. ^'ee steopcild. stiora, 21. 20. stiorroSur, 21. 21. stiS, 174. 2; 233. 15. stiSlic, 112. 12; 140. 24. stiSlice, 141. 7. stgndan (standan), 4. 7 ; 12. 16, &c. stor, 115. 24. store, 121. 19. storm, 24. 17 ; 71. 7 ; 112. 10. stow, 9. I ; 12. 17 ; 83. 10, 16 ; 86. 19 ; 194. 16 ; 205. 19 ; 214. 5 ; 225. 7 ; 233. 6, 7 ; 238. 10. strael, 70. 13. strat, 27.li; 120. 16 ; 198. 20 ; 231. 11. strand, 83. 28. Strang. See strgng. streamlic, 117. 17. streaw, 242. 2. strgcanmod, 154. 26. str§nc'S. See strgngS. str^ngeo, 30. 16. strings (strgncS), 107. 8 ; 119. 5, 11 ; 127. 16; 232. 19; 256. 5. strica, 145. 16. strgng (strangl, 15. 9 ; 20. 10, 11 ; 94. 15, 18; 111. 16; 116. 21 ; 118. 13; 119. I ; 124. 16 ; 134. 16 ; 157. 4 ; 241. 14, 18; 254. 13. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 319 stunt, 106. i6; 112.6; 117. 13; 168. 3, 12, 15, 22, 25; 197. 8. Btuntlic, 105. 21. stypel, 80. 19, 22, 24. styran. See stieran. styrian, 86. 19 ; 92. 2. styrne, 169. 21. styrung, 152. 19; 238. ir. sucan, 134. 7. sugu, 59. 4. sulh, 39. 14 ; 104. 14, suiSe. See swifie. sumer, 20. 23, 26 ; 257. i. sumorlScan, 206. 23. sunderhalig, 145. 19; 199. 4; 201. 7. sundorsprSc (sunder-), 18. 3; 138. 11. Bunne, 65. 8 ; 66. 20 ; 69. 10 ; 117. 20 ; 119. 17, 18; 146. 17; 147. I, 9; 156. 6; 160. i; 167. 15; 177. 10; 206. II, 14. sunu, 4. 14; 10.11; 18.6; 19. i, 5 ; 24. 22; 28. 10; 33. 4, 20; 37. i ; 56. 7; 62. 15; 64. 10; 79. 5, 14; 82. 16, 18; 83. 5, 16, 21 ; 84. i, 4; 95. 3, 4, 20; 102. 17; 103. 9, 12; 105. i; 110. 2,8; 118. 19, 20, 22; 132. 14; 135. 9; 137. 14, 16; 139. 9 ; 141. 22, 24, 25 ; 142. 3, 8, 23 ; 143. 7 ; 158. 26 ; 159. 13, 15, 16, 17 ; 160.5,6; 165. 2; 174. 10; 177. 7; 178. 22; 179.4, 22; 184. 14; 185. 10, 12, 19 ; 187. 4 ; 188. 9 ; 191. 24 ; 212. 13, 21, 23, 25, 29 ; 213. 6 ; 221. 28; 222. I, 19 (2); 224.5, 9; 226. 12 ; 233. 24; 236. 3, 7; 239. 18; 246. 24 ; 251. 24. supan, 59. 13; 173. i. susl, 196. 24 ; 200. 23. EuSdSl, 98. 8. BuSerne, 98. 10, 11. suwian, 112. 9, 1 1 ; 120. 21 ; 132. 21 ; 203. 5. swaeger, 71. 9. swSr, 107. II. Bwalewe, 121. 19. Bwat, 29. 13. Bwef(e)n, 4. 6; 96. 5, 22; 138. 23; 139. 2; 140.6, 16; 237. 16. Bweg, 7. 16, 18 ; 12. 18; 90.4; 111. 2; 206. 13; 228. 16. Bwegan, 90. 8 ; 105. 3 ; 160. 3 ; 186. 6. swelce. See swilce. sweltan, 7. 17, iS ; 63. i, 7, 8, 10, 1 1 ; 65. 10 ; 66. 7, 8 ; 77. 25 ; 79. 7 ; 91. 7; 106. 15; 121.15; 123.2,10,19; 173. 19; 181. 13; 215. u, 23; 219. 2. swgncan, 71. 10; 81. 18. sweor (pillar), 5. 1,2. sweor {father-in-law), 5. 7. sweord (swurd), 7. 25 ; 10. 8 ; 11. 20 ; 23. i; 27.1; 35.23; 56.6; 66. 13; 83.12,17; 102.17; 104.22; 118. 8; 174. i; 190. 7; 207. jo; 248. 16. sweoster (swuster, swustor), 103. 14; 155. 14; 195. 9, II ; 224. 3. sw^rian, 16. 10; 65. 21 ; 67. 22 ; 83. 26; 84.3,7; 146. 1,2,3,5. swica, 178. 12. swician, 230. 24. swicol, 223. 3. swigge, 24. 3. swiggean, 22. 11. swilce (swelce, swylce), 9. 10, 11 ; 21. 20, &c. swincan, 26. 21; 111. 24; 195. to; 247. I. ssvingan, 23. 19; 56. 9; 58. 17 ; 255. 16. swinge, 56. 7. swingel, 110. 6. swipu (swypu), 211. 23, 25. swii-a. See swura. swiSra, 5. 3 ; 8. 6, &c. swi3e (suiSe, svvy3e\ 3. 4, 9 ; 4. i, &c. swiSlic, 29. 12; 90. i; 105. 3; 112. 10; 118. 13 ; 207. 19. switJlice, 11. 18; 236. 4. Bwugian, 23. 16; 25. 4; 33. 10. swura (swira), 36. 14; 161. 15; 233. 15- swurbeah, 129. 5, 18. swurd. See sweord. swuster (-or). See sweoster. swutel, 242. 3. swutellice, 112. 9, 11. swyft, 131, 20; 134. 15. swyftlice, 203. 25. swylce. See swilce. swynge, 56. 4. swypu. See swipu. 320 INDEX OF PEINCIPAL WORDS swySe. See swiSe. swySrian, 236. 6, sybb. See sibb. syfernyss, 242. 19. syfre, 254. 11. sylen, 129. 7. sylfren. See seolfren. sylian, 59. 5. syllan. See sgUan. sylofr. See seolfor. Bymbeldseg, 224. 16. symblian (simblian), 40. 22 ; 41. 3. Symeon, 189. 9, 12; 190. i, 2. symle. See simle. Synay, 90. 4, 6. synderlic, 81. 2, 11 ; 230. 11, syndrig, 73. i. synfull, 16. 16 ; 32. 13 ; 33. 6 ; 110. 10; 112.15; 111-13; 123.17; 124. 3, 5 ; 127. 16 ; 153. 5 ; 171. 6 ; 199. 3,6, 15; 201. 7, 12, 14. syngian, 15. 16 ; 49. 5 ; 93. 2 ; 105. 11, 20,24; 106. 18; 213. i; 136. 12, 14; 239. 21, 23, 25. synn, 15. 6 ; 19. 18, &c. Syria (Siria), 100. 2; 101. 10; 102. 13; 186. 22. syrwan, 140. 9, 11. syrwung, 236. 11 ; 248. 11. ta, 133. 8, 10 ; 223. 25. tabele, 223. 20. tacen (tacn), 11. 12, 24; 43. 3 ; 62. 9 ; 82. 7 ; 93. 6 ; 132. 9 ; 167. 2 ; 177. 23; 183. 25; 184. 4; 187. 13; 190. 5, 6; 205. 20; 206. n, 14, 24; 207. 19; 211. 16; 213. II ; 214. 13; 226. 9; 229. 10; 231. 9; 232. 20; 257. 8. tscan, 27. 20 ; 130. 6 ; 179. 6, 8 (2) ; 166. 9, 10, II (2), 13, 14; 195. 17; 205. 7 ; 228. 20 ; 233. 8 ; 249. 13, t£l, 51. 18. tSlan, 5. 7 ; 45.12; 55.12,19; 66. 23; 117. I. tal, 101. 19; 126. 17; 155. 6, 7; 184. 8. talian, 118. 10. tallic, 155. 8; 233. I, 5. talu, 101. 10. team, 205. 10. tear, 15. 21 ; 219. 3. tela, 45. 8 ; 146. 14, 24, 26 ; 147. 4, 6 ; 183. 29. teldwyrhta, 239. 1 2. tempel, 12. 13 ; 13. 7, 8 ; 27. 11 ; 62, 8 ; 95. 20 ; 97. 14, 16 ; 98. 16 ; 101. 14; 110. 22; 128. 17; 142. 8; 143 5; 150.17; 177. 17; 182. 4; 189 15; 190. 12; 201. 6; 204. 25; 205. 6, 7 ; 217. 21 ; 231. 19 ; 242. 10, 12^ 13. tgngan, 88. 27. teolung (tiolung), 39. 16; 197. 9. teon (tion), 6. 6; 133. 16; 205. 24; 233. 4. teona (tlona), 57. 13; 165. 12. teoSa, 67. i. teoSian (tiogoSian), 37. 12; 201. 11. teter, 8. 20. Thomas, 226. 4 ; 228. 5. tid (tiid), 19. 16 ; 22. 11 ; 38. i ; 40, 3; 71.3(2); 72. 9; 87. 15; 127, 22; 128. 8, 15; 131. 9 ; 136. 22 139.29; 143.22 ; 151. 17; 152.15 158. 17; 162. 11; 163. 9; 164. 25 169. 3; 177. 10; 180. 21; 192. 8 18; 212. 26, 28; 227. 10; 229. 6 240. 5 ; 246, 23. tigle, 27. 14, 16. tihtan (tyhtan), 55. 14; 122. 19; 220 13; 249. 13. tiid. See tid. tilian, 78. 12 ; 169. 19; 199. 21. tima (tyma), 22. 9, 10 ; 45. 9 ; 47. 18 50. i; 111. 19; 121. 19; 132. 20 136. 10; 138. 12; 167.22; 186. 19 187. 3 ; 204. 19, 23 ; 213. 5 ; 221 28; 222. 19; 227. 14, 16; 240. 24: 241. 6. timbrian, 159. 2, 19. Timotheus, 232. 13. tin, 29. 6. tiogoSian. See teotSian. tiohhian, 57. 7. tiolung. See teolung. tion. See teon. tiona. See teona. tiSian, 171. 12, 18. toberan, 192. 22 ; 235. 15. toberstan, 86. 10; 177. 17, 18, 22; 228. 13. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 321 tobrecan, 8. i8; 26. i6 ; 87. 20; 121. 4; 122. 15; 156. 11; 181. 4(2); 214. 8; 224. 18, 20. tobryttan, 102. 3. tocnawan, 78. 3; 81. 8 ; 96. 13; 102. 5 ; 247. 19. tocyme, 53. 8 ; 55, 9 ; 121. 19 ; 155. 15; 168.8; 189. 11 ; 200. 4; 247. 14- to-dseg, 26. I ; 110. 8 ; 147. 17, 23, 29 ; 187. II ; 188. 13, 15; 203. 25; 204. 4 ; 208. 20, 23, 26. todaelan, 16. 5; 18. 22, 25, 27, 29; 33. 4; 73. i; 88. 20; 94. 3; 114. 21 ; 129. 16; 172. 28; 173. 4; 204. 2 ; 214. 8, 9 ; 243. 25. todSlness, 27. 8, toferan, 81. 5, 8. toflowan, 228. 13. toforlwtennyss, 237. 7. togsedere, 79. 20. togan, 88. 22. togeanes, 79. 21. tohopa, 44. 8 ; 51. 15 ; 58. 3. tol, 224. 19. toll, 152. 27, 29 ; 160. 9, 10, 14, 19. toUere, 160. 8. toUsetl, 152. 26. tolQcan, 26. 2. tolysan, 219. 7. to-morgen, 17. 23. to-niht, 197. 8. torenigge, 8. 19. torfian, 217. 20. torr, 23. 3, 5. tosceacan, 127. 8. toscead, 243. 23. tosceadan, 216. 26. tosceotan, 170. 11, 12. toslean, 105. 3. toslupan, 20. 21. tosgmne, 12. 17 ; 51. 12 ; 93. 25. tospringan, 237. 18. tostgncan, 26. 2 ; 81. 6 ; 94. 3 ; 124. 8, 12; 173. 12; 218. 7. toteran, 92. 18 ; 93. 9 ; 105. 6 ; 107. 3 ; 132. 7. totian, 13. 11. toS, 63. 21, 22; 64. 3 ; 151. 14; 152. 10, 12; 165. 26; 233. 20. toweard (-werd), 73. 6; 119. i; 139. 5; 154. 11; 155. 11; 194. 16; 204. 14, 15. 17; 213. 15; 214. 14, 23; 240. 6. towgndan, 102. i ; 233. 7. toweoqaan (towurpan), 4. 5 ; 13. 4, 5 ; 20. 18; 26. 2; 27. lo;' 47. 4; 70. 13; 81. 10; 131. i; 145. 9, II, 12, 15; 233. 7; 247. II. towerd. See toweard. towesness, 20. 14. towritennys, 186. 21. towurpan. See toweorpan. tredan, 19. 14. treow, 6. 3; 9. 13; 34. 9, 10; 77.4, 5, 6, 23, 24; 78. 2, 6, 8; 86. 10, 16; 149. 20 (2), 21, 22 (2); 164. 14.; 197. 23 ; 203. 23, 26 ; 206. 22 ; 242. 2. treowa (truwa), 37. 15 ; 156. 24. treowcynn, 97. 10. treowen, 102. 3. treowleas, 54. 15 ; 118. 18. trum, 31. 14. truwa. See treowa. truwian, 55. 2 ; 201. 5. trymian, 28. 26. tun, 10. 6,7; 165. 11; 198. 10; 210.27. tunece, 105. 6 ; 224. i. tunge, 21. 23 ; 26. 20 ; 41. 6 ; 57. 8 ; 117.11 ; 119. 23; 123. 12 ; 200. 17; 228. 18. tuDgelwitega, 137. 21; 138. 11, 15; 139. 12, 20, 25, 29. turnian, 110. 12. turtle, 91. 22, 24; 189. 7. tw^lfwintre, 38. 21. twibleoh (twiblioh), 6. 16, 21. twin, 6. 16, 22. twispunnen, 6. 16. twitJrawen, 6. 22. twiwintre, 139. 28. twyfeald, 65. 11, 17; 109. 14; 192. 21 ; 211. 10. twynian, 157. 9. twynung, 157. 2, 7. Tyberiadis, 213. 10 ; 226. 15. Tyberius, 190. 18. tyhtan. See tihtan. tyma. See tima. tympana, 17. 7. tynan, 146. 1 5 ; 147. 7. 322 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS tyrian, 91. 4. Tyrus, 238. 13. tyrwe, 79. 11. Sierrihte, 76. i ; 93. 5 ; 107. 3 ; 125. 18, 22 ; 126, 10 ; 127. 16 ; 128. 19 ; 131. 20 ; 132. 6 ; 143. 25 ; 145. 23 ; 152. 27; 157. i; 158. 9; 164. 7; 165.23; 167. 14; 176.22; 182. 16; 191. 28; 193. 5, 21 ; 194. 3; 203. 10; 205,15,17; 231.6; 235.21; 237. 14, 18; 238. 16. ?Jaer-to-eacan, 163. 2. ■Sane. See Sgnc. Sancfull, 249. 11. Sancian, 54. 8 ; 100. 7 ; 181. 3 ; 189. 17; 201. 8; 249. i6, 19. Sancing, 256. 5. Seahtian, 231. 21. Searf, 40. 21 ; 45. i ; 48. 4; 73. 2. Searfa, 16. 5 ; 50. 6 ; 108. 3, 6, 12, 14; 113. 19; 114. 14, 21 ; 116. 10; 117. 1,3; 143. 31, 32 ; 154. 17 ; 172. 6, 8; 192. 14; 198. 21; 199. 22; 200. 10; 202. 19; 204. 2, 8; 244. 11; 251. 9. Searfleas, 106. 4. tSearle, 81. 23 ; 125. 16 ; 134. 15 ; 138. 19; 139. 26; 178. i ; 224." 3, 26; 232. 18; 233. 19. Seawfsestnyss, 112. 17 ; 257. 5. •Sfcen, 151. 20. Seg(e)n (Sen), 7. 25 ; 11. 8, 19 ; 36. 20 ; 40. 4 ; 98. 25 ; 99. 3 ; 100. 10, 12,18; 109.1; 165.15,24; 172. 19,29; 178. 1,5; 184.5; 207. 5; 212. 24; 219. 15 ; 224. 26; 225. 3, 9; 230. 17, 21 ; 235. 8. Segnian (tJenian), 37. 2, 3, 4, 5 ; 58. 7 (2), 8; 71. 12 ; 103. 13; 130. i; 142. 20; 143. 21; 171. 16; 197.17; 219. 14. tJen. See Seg(e)n. Senc(e)an, 49. 7, 16; 55. 2; 58. 11 ; 107. 13; 137. 5; 209. 16. Senian. See ^egnian. Seninggfist, 251. 15. Cenung, 8. 16; 98. 18; 195. 8, 12; 224. 7, II. Seo. See 0eo(h). eeod (Siod), 26. i; 36. 17; 81. 26; 86. 20 ; 88. 7 ; 92. 5 ; 94. 4 ; 95. i ; 99.5; 101. 3, 9, 17; 102.4; 113. 7; 130. 17, 18; 139. 19; 151. 10, 28; 162. 23; 164. 24; 170. II ; 175. 19; 178. 21; 179. 3, 8; 189. 21,25; 199-5; 202.17; 205. 18(2), 21 (2); 206. 12, 15; 228. 22; 235. 15 ; 255. 25. Seof, 65. 7; 148. 16, 18; 176. 2 ; 250. 14. Seo(h), 23. I ; 84. 3, 7. Seon, 197. 2. Seorf, 87. 8, 16 ; 88. 3. Seorfnyss, 242. 18. Seostor, 151. 14; 152. 9, 11 ; 165. 25 ; 170. 7 ; 241. I, 9. Seostru, 86. 17 ; 118. 11 (2) ; 134. 18 ; 216. 7. See also Siestni. Seow, 12. 8 ; 37. i, 21 ; 41. to ; 49. 15 ; 50.19; 54. 14; 55.4; 62. 2, 10; 64. I, 12; 133. 11; 216. 9. «eowa, 62. 6 ; 96-7 ; 98. 4, 26 ; 102. 10 ; 104. 3 ; 106. 2 ; 109. 3,4,6; 121. 13; 127. 3; 131. 16; 150. 7, 25 ; 169. 5, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 25 (2) ; 170. 2,6; 197. 18; 198. 18, 20, 22, 24; 220. 22, 23; 221. 7(2); 235. 10; 236. i; 249. 24; 256. 16, Seowdom, 61. 3. Seowen, 62. 11 ; 63. 15 ; 64. i. Seowetling, 82. 9. Seowian (Siowian), 44. 20 ; 46. 21 ; 48. 6; 62. 2; 113. 8; 142. 18 ; 143. 19; 148. 20, 23 ; 190. 10; 250. 2. Seowmgnnen, 64. 12. ©eowot, 5. 8 ; 81. 17. Seowu, 62. 12. Serscan, 9. 19 ; 27. 19 ; 48. 15. Sicce, 86. 1 7. Sicgan, 68. 16 ; 87. 3, 13, 16 ; 172. 29. Sider, 197. 5. Siestru (Sistru, Systru), 10. 10 ; 31. 13 ; 216. 5. See also Seostni. Sigen, 141. 2. Sincan. See 6ync(e)an. Sincg. See Sing. 6inen, 185. 22. Sing (Sincg), 5. 11 ; 28. 13, &c. Singriden, 109. 9. Siowian. See ^eowian, Sistru. See Siestru. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 323 «olian, 11. 7; 107. ii ; 126. i8 ; 144. 19; 154. 25. CJgnc (Sane), 29. 3, 4; 31. 2 ; 34. 3 ; 42. 3; 53. 2; 58. 12. Sgnon (-an), 29. 16 ; 46. 9. Sorn, 39. 9; 78, 13, 14, 17; 149. 19; 192. 23. Soterung, 139. 31. Srafung, 227. i. "Srea, 52. 3. Sreagan, 55. 15; 66. 9, 11 ; 58. 19; 59. 17; 107. 13; 118. 4; 123. 13; 157. 8 ; 208. 14; 216. 13, 15 ; 251. 23, 24, 26 ; 255. 15, 16, 17. Sreal, 129. 9. iSreatian, 54. 12 ; 55. 19. Sreaimg, 56. 8. Srgncan {for dr§ncan), 19, 20. Srist, 20. II. Sritigfeald, 155. 21. Srosm, 200. 20. •Srowend, 196. 9. tJrowian, 8. 10; 71. 13; 235. 16; 244. 2 ; 254. I. Srowiendlic, 253. 7. Srowung-, 58. 9 ; 159. 31 ; 173. 4 ; 209. 9 ; 226. 26 ; 240. 5. Sruh, 178.9; 225.8, 11. tJryfeald, 139. 23; 211. 11. Srymm, 30. 15; 101. 4, 16; 127. 14. Srymsetl, 146. 2, 8, 11 ; 225. 26 ; 256. 2, 3, 7- Sunor, 86. 8 ; 89. 25 ; 90. 7. Surfan, 12. 4 ; 45. 7 ; 52. 15 ; 65^ 20 ; 142. 20 ; 143. 8 ; 205. 27. tJurhdrifan, 209. 17. ■Surhgan, 190. 7. Surhteon, 91. 20. ■^'urh^yn, 108. 8 ; 111. 9. 5urhSyr(e)lian, 28. 10, 11, 18 ; 62. 9. •Surhwunian, 106. 14; 153. 18 ; 167. 6, 8; 196. i; 221. 2, 14; 242.6. ■Surst, 245. 22. Surstig, 154. 5, 7; 170. 23; 171. 14. 8 weal, 34. 7. Swean, 13. 9. Sweora, 51. 17. Swyr, 12.3. 14 ; 248. 19. Sydan, 12. 6. SjUic, 25. II. -8'ee a/so Syslic. S3mc(e)an (Sincan), 10. 15 ; 45. 4, 21 ; 46. 7; 160. 13; 174. 14; 237. 16. Syrel, 32. i. Syrnen, 176. iS. tJyrstan, (9, 19) ; 38. 9 ; 48, 15 ; 170, 17; 171. 10; 172. 3; 177. 12; 216. 2. Syslic, 5. 7. See aho "Syllic Systru. See ^iestru, ufan, 57. 16; 105. 13 ; 177. 18; 185. 18. uferra, 4. 9. ufewerd, 106. 11. uhta, 17, 16. unadwa-scendlic, 141. 10 ; 156. 2. unarwurSian, 216. 23. unasgcgendlic, 117. 15. unbew^ddod, 66. i. unbindan, 125. 22 ; 159. 6 (2), 28 (2) ; 161, 25, 26. unclaene, 8. 11 ; 10. 20; 34. 5 ; 36. i ; 55. 17; 88. 13. unclaennyss, 241. 4. uncuSlice, 67. 20. uucystig, 171. 19. underbaec, 39. 15 ; 59. 2 ; 83. 22 ; 112. 17; 142. 17; 143. 17; 223. 10. undercreopan, 100. 9. imdercyning, 212. 20, 22. underfon, 26. j6 ; 36. 16 ; 44, 19, 20 ; 55. I ; 56. 9, 16 ; 90. 13 ; 100. 7 ; 106. 16, 17 ; 109. 4, 8 ; 116. 12 ; 130. II ; 147. II, 12; 153. 16 ; 154. 1, 2 ; 161. 8, 9, II, 12; 162. 27; 169. 10, 12; 170. 18; 171. I, 11; 172. 5 ; 186. 14 ; 199. 5 ; 200. 18 ; 203. 26 ; 222. 1 2 ; 227. 1 1 ; 230. i, 2, 3; 233. 17; 234. 17; 235. 22; 242. 6, 14, 15; 245. 5; 247, 18; 251. 24, 26. und§rgendlic, 229. 14. undergietan, 137. 4. undern, 163. 8. undemgifl, 40. 12. underntid, 229. 5. understandan, 96. 22 ; 112. 5; 130. 7 (2) ; 136. I ; 155. 18. underSeod, 240. 20. underSSodan (underSiodan), 51, 20 ; 165,3. 324 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS underSiedan, 52. i. underSiodan. See underSeodan. undon, 143. 29 ; 231. 18. undi-efed, 29. 23. unemn, 20. 4. unfsest!rad, 46. 21. unforht, 101. 13 ; 223. 7. unforhtlice, 229. 16. unforsvvEcled, 126. 7. unfulfr^mednyss, 115. 16. uDgebeorhlice, 249. 23. ungebrosnod, 244. 23. imgedffiftelice, 55. 1 1 . ungel, 113. 3. ungeleafFull 122. 19 ; 232.21; 233. 16. ungeleafsum, 73. 15 ; 74. i. ungelic, 20. 4. ungelimp, 105. 20 ; 106. 21 ; 133. 9. ungemetlice, 55. 4; 57. 19. uiigenided, 58. 11. imgeornfull, 20. 20. iingerim, 98. 12, 30. ungerisenlice, 11. 18. ungesceadwislice, 22. 13. ungeSinged, 41. 23. ungeSyldeg, 22. 8. imgewealdes, 9. 15; 63. 2. ungew^mmed, 126. 6. ungewiss, 55. 2 ; 251. 8. UBgewitfull, 50. 21. ungrapigende, 115. 12. unlial, 257. 15. unhold, 170. 6. uniSe, 33. 16. unlybba, 183. 27. imnytt, 19. 13 ; 26. 21 ; 35. 24 ; 41. 10. unnytlice, 8. 11. unr£d, 67. S. unriht (-ryht) (sb.), 14. 15 ; 47. 8, 10; 61. 14; 67. 21 ; 204. 10. unriht (-ryht) (adj.), 21. 19 ; (26. 21) ; 46. 13; 58. 21 ; 67. 8. unrihthseman (unryht-), 46. 1 2 ; 90. 29 ; 202. 3_. unrihthaemere, 145. 28. unrihtlice, 90. 28; 95. 22. unrihtwis (unryht-), 10. 9; 15. 15; 43. 6; 110. 10; 123. i, 5; 146. 18; 147. 3, 9; 150. 8; 171. 13, 20; 257. 12. unrihtwisnyss (unryhtwisness), 27. 6 ; 108. 20; 110. 17; 112. 19; 123. 3, 5, 10, 22 ; 130. II ; 166. 24 ; 167. 5. unrot, 4. 17. unrotnys, 221. 23. unryht(-). See also unriht(-). unryhthsemed, 46. 21. unryht wislice, 15. 15. unryhtwyrhta, 40. 8. unscseStSignyss, 106. 3 ; 161. 5. unsceaSfuU, 22. 7. unscildig. See unscyldig. unscrydan, 176. 16, 19. unscyldig (-scildig), 44. 2 ; 61. 5; 64. 6 ; 67. 16; 176. 10; 208. 3, 17. unspedig, 91. 22. unstille, 57. 11. unstilnyss, 196. 3. unstrung, 241. 14. untSllice, 184. 10. untiogoSad, 37. 13. untosliten, 224. 1. untreowsian, 47. 13. untrum, 38. 11 ; 48. 13 ; 124. 15 ; 153. 2, 13; 157. II ; 171. 2, 12; 180. 27; 192.9; 21a. 11; 231.10,14; 241. 17; 243. 23; 244. 2. untrumnyss (-trymness), 71. 15 ; 107. 2 ; 109. 14, 19 ; 231. 12 ; 246. 13, 14. untygan, 164. 8. unSeaw, 55. 12. unSinged, 41. 23. unwenlic, 10. 15. unweorS, 46. iS. unweortJscipe, 51. 17. unwillum, 63. 2. unwis, 44. 13 ; 67. 9. up, 4. 9; 11. II ; 15. 16; 25.6. tipagan, 89. 9. upah^bban, 15. 14 ; 20. 9 ; 33. 14 ; 40. 10,11 ; 46.16; 201. 13; 210. i ; 221. 27. upah§fednyss, 127. 12. upaspryttan, 39. 12. upflering, 228. 2, 16. upflor, 228. 12. upgan, 180. i. upg2°g. 65. 9. uppan, 30. 4 ; 30. 6. uppe, 4. 8 ; 11. 3 ; 16. 16. upstige, 225. 23; 229. 13; 236. 25; 249. 2. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 325 upyman, 71. 5. ut, 4. 13; 5. 5; 6. 5; 13. II ; 14. 2. utadrSfan, 211. 25 ; 219. 17. utalSdan, 231. 18. utan, 6. 4; 27. iS ; 37. 19; 52. 16; 59. 19. utancuman, 66. 9 ; 67. 20. utascyndan, 211. 24. utaspiwan, 59. 13 ; 133. 20. lite, 86. 10. utflowan, 224. 24. utforlStan, 20. 13. utgan, 126. 10. 13. utgangan. See utggogan, utgelffidan, 61. 2. utggngan (-gangan), 7. 15, 19 ; 63. 13 ; 72. 4, 5- utlsefcan, 27, 8. uton. See wuton. utscyte, 165. 16. Virago, 77. 18. \va, 23. 13, 16; 28. 28; 31. 10; 39. 4,5; 118. 10, 13; 161. 16,17; 166. 19; 172. 24; 191. 13. wac (wacc), 138. 8; 139. 17; 211. 14. wacel. See wacol. wacian, 72. 8 ; 115. 4 ; 169. 2 ; 187. 7. waclic, 100. 13 ; 141. 2. waclice, 141. 7. wacmod, 119. 19. wacol (-el), 178. 7 ; 245. i ; 254. 11. wacor, 59. 8. waecce, 156. 21 ; 245. 22. ■wted, 171. II. wiedl, 50. 6. wSdla, 25. 13 ; 40. 16; 113. 19; 114. 14; 121.5; 200. 8, 13; 230. 12. walfels, 174. 17; 176. 17, 19. wSge, 107. II ; 129. 14. wselhreawlice, 176. 14. waelhreow, 18. 10; 118. 4; 180. 12; 208. 16; 224. 15; 236. 5. w$ness, 70. 17. wSpen, 50. 3 ; 241. 2, 10. wHpnedbeam, 69. 6. waepnedmgnn, 70. 2, 4. wjiepnung, 248. 10. wasr, 35. 20 : 207. i. w;iTscipe, 18. 6, 14. WEcstm (wSsiJm), 17. 17 ; 22. 15 ; 20. 11; 34. 10 ; 51. 3 ; 77. 5, 6, 23, 24 ; 78. 8 ; 86. 16 ; 147. 2 ; 149. 18, 20, 21, 22 (2), 23; 165. 21 ; 164. 24; 186. 4; 192. 24 ; 193. 8, 10 ; 197. i, 3,5, 24, 25; 198.4; 203. 22; 220. 26(2); 221. 14; 253. II. wSstmbcere, 39. 13. wSt, 142. I ; 235. 6. wJEta, 141. I, 4; 193. 3. wffiter, 18. 20, 25, 27, 29; 20. 13; 27. 8; 29. 23; 41. 5; 69. 10; 70, 7; 79. 13; 80. 10; 87. 10, 26; 88. 23; 89. 2 ; 136. 7 ; 154. 4, 7 ; 156. 26, 27; 157.3; 212.1,3; 215.3; 216. 3 ; 224. 24 ; 227. 6. weeterfaBt, 211. 9. wseterpyt, 64. 14. wEeterscyte, 219. 19. wseterSeote, 79. 21. wag (wah), 28. 10, 11, 17; 128. 20; 129. 12. wahryft, 177. 17, 22. waldend. See wealdend. warn. See wgmm. wamb. See wgmb. wana, 202. 8. wang, 208. 21, 27, wanhal, 40, 16, wanian, 212. 15, wanung, 134. 18. warnian, 129. 9 ; 150. 16 ; 200. 23. waru, 133. 7. weahsan. See we(a)xan. weald, 230. 21. wealdan, 16. 2. wealdend (waldend), 24. 16 ; 36. 17; 49. 9; 58. 14; 130. i; 183. 22; 208. 19. weall, 13. 5; 21.26; 24. 22; 27. 20, 22; 28. 7, 8, 12, 18, 25; 236. 12. weard (sb.), 178. 7 ; 232. 4 ; 236. 10 ; 237. 10 ; 238. 20. weard (adv.), 227. 24; 233. 22. weardsetl, 237, 17. we(a)xan (weahsan), 3, 7 ; 20. 19; 30. 12; 67. 2; 78. 14; 80. 2; 104.8; 116. 13; 127. 24; 190. 15; 212.15; 232. 17. 326 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS wfcg, 160. 19. wgdd, 19. 2 ; 66. 20 ; 80. 6, 9 ; SI. 22 ; 82. I, 4, 5, 12, 13, 19. weg (weig), 17. 17 ; 26. 23 ; 35. 17 ; 37. 10 ; 52. 6 ; 59. i ; 96. 20 ; 120. 7, II, 12 ; 128. 13 ; 138. 24 ; 149. 9, 12; 153. 11; 164. 14; 165. 16, 18; 181. 2 ; 192. 21 ; 194. 22 ; 198. 24 ; 202. 22; 220. 4; 235. 19. wegan, 6. 23. Avegfarende, 192. 22. wegferend, 108. 19. weig. See weg. wel, 9. 2 ; 11. 23 ; 12. 14 ; 19. 19 ; 33. 7 ; 35. 1 ; 52. 13 ; 53. 3 ; 55. 2 ; 141. 22, 24, 25 ; 166. 9; 254. 5. wela, 14. II ; 17. 22 ; 39. 11 ; 55. 3 ; 96. 15,18; 97. i; 108. 16; 116. 17; 142. 14; 143. 13; 155. 19; 193. 7; 200. 18 ; 251. 8. welig (-eg), 39. 4; 40. 14; 55. i ; 67. 13; 197. I, 11; 200. 6; 201. 25. welor(-er), 14. 19; 17. i ; 32. 9; 102. 7; 105. II, 24; 106. 18. welwillendnyss, 249. 7. wenan, 11.4; 14. 10; 26.6; 29. 16 ; 35. 22; 38. I ; 40. I ; 49. 6, 7; 145.9; 156.22; 209.15; 247.1; 252. 4 ; 257. 15. wgndan, 67. 8 ; 142. 23; 223. 10. wgnian, 26. 20. weofod (weobud, wiofud), 30. 5, 7 ; 34. 19, 22 ; 63. 6 ; 145. 21, 23, 25 ; 182. 15. weorc, 13. 14 ; 14. 11 ; 20. 17 ; 26. 18, 21 ; 33. 4; 34. 15; 41. 22; 47. i ; 54. 1,8; 58. 16;* 59. 8,9; 63. 14; 76. 9, II, 13; 78. 13, 17; 98. 24; 113. i; 127. 12; 128. 12; 136. 11; 145. 1,4,6; 147. 12; 215.6; 222. 5 ; 239. 3 ; 241. i, 9 ; 242. 3, 5, 7 (2) ; 249. 15, 18 ; 251. 9 ; 252. 10, II, 13- weorld (world, woruld), 17. 4; 22. 7; 39. 11; 41. 8, 17, 22; 56. 3, 15; 57. 19; 114. 22; 119. i; 155. 10, 23; 167.22; 174.13; 179.10,12, 15; 186. 16; 197. i; 227.9; 243. 18 ; 251. 15; 252. 20, 22; 256. 6 (2); 257. 14. See also world-, woruld-. weoroldgod, 73. i. weorpan (wurpan), 34. 11 ; 126. 4; 133. 7, 8, 14 ; 158. 5, 12 ; 160. 17; 164. 13 ; 165. 25 ; 182. 6 ; 226. 16. weorS (wurS), 62.^16 ; 64. 18 ; 230. 13, 20 ; 243. 2. weortJian (wurSian), 10. 11 ; 34. 16, 17; 37.6; 56. 11; 68. 15; 125. 12! weorSmynd (wurSmynt, wyrSmynt), 17. 22; 20. 7; 112.5; 128.9; 131- 18; 238. 16; 256. 5. weorSscipe, 18. 9 ; 52. 10 ; 54. 19. weotuma, 62. 17 ; 66. 4. wepan, 32. 3 ; 39. 5 ; 47. 25 (2) ; 107. 3; 144.5; 191- 13; 204. 13,14. wer, 8. 10; 17. 3; 20. 10; 22. 15; 43. 2 ; 47.7, II, 12; 64.4, 8; 69. I, 9; 77. 19; 78. 8; 103. 6, 7, 11 ; 114. 19; 116. 21; 123. 13; 126.6; 181. 17; 185. 16; 190.9; 198. 26; 205. 10; 214. 7; 228. 7, 21; 231. 2, 7 ; 245. II, 13, 15 ; 248-3; 249. 22. wered. See werod. wfrgan. See wiergan. wgrian, 66. 20. werig, 56. 8. werlic, 245. i. werod (-ed), 89. 10; 101. 15; 187. 15 ; 214. 4 ; 236. 26 ; 238. 2 ; 239. 2 ; 240. 13. westdSl, 151. II ; 152. i, 3, 6. westen, 5. i ; 9. 7 ; 85. 19; 89. 22 ; 105. 3; 120. 7; 141. 27 ; 142. 21 ; 180. 22; 190. 19; 199. 10; 212. 9 215.8,23; 245. 21. weSer, 97. 4. wexan. See we(a)xan. wic, 24. 22 ; 198. 21 ; 237. 19. wicca, 66. 6. wice, 124. II. wician, 9. 7 ; 92. i ; 187. 3. wid, 79. 10; 97. 17. widfaran, 25. 1 2. widgill, 35. 17. widnyss, 97. 14, 16. wiergan (w^rgan, wyrian), 19. 22 ; 46, 23; 63. II ; 66. 24; 91. 4, 6; 104 10; 106. 7, 15; 144. 21; 242. 24 252. 18. wi(e)ta, 39. i; 64. 10; 101. 7; 117 S; 128. 10, 15. INDEX OF PRIXCirAL WORDS 327 wi(e)3erweard, 10. 17 ; 253. 8. wif (wiif), 4. 13; 10. 2, 4; 26, 5, 10; 31.6,8; 47. 5, 6(2), 7, 9(2), 11, 12, 24; 60. 4; 62. 4, 5, 7; 63. 19; 64. 4, 8 ; 66. 2, 14; 69. i, 9 ; 70. 3 ; 71. 13; 73. 12, 13; 77. 22, 24; 78. 7,10,15; 79.5,14,15; 82.15; 88. 11; 91.2, 22; 106.14,16; 136. 16; 145. 26; 154.19, 21, 23; 157. 18, 22, 25 ; 158. I, 8, II, 12, 15 (2) ; 163. i; 178. 18; 180. 6, 13; 181. 16; 184.9, 13; 185. 8, 25(2); 186. 3 ; 195. 7 ; 199. 2 ; 205. 10 ; 227. 23; 228.7; 230. 17; 231. 2; 243. 4 ; 248. 3 ; 249. 22. wifcild, 69. 7. wifian, 84. i, 4 ; 145. 27 ; 205. 10. wifman (wim-), 77. 16; 110, 4; 127. 24. wigende, 88. 10. wiglung, 247. 2, wiif. See wif. wildeor, 67. 3; 127. 19, 23. wildeorlic, 57. 17. wilie, 214. 12, 18, 20; 236. 12. will (wyll), 18. 21, 25. willa (will, wylla), 20. 16 ; 25. 8 ; 40. 5 ; 42. 5 ; 44. 16, 17; 47. 3, 17 ; 56.14; 57.18; 58, II, 20; 114.20; 128. 6; 147. 17, 22, 29; 150. 2; 155. 13 ; 187, 19; 188. 18, 20, 22; 197. 18; 212. 18; 215. I ; 216. 10. wilnian, 21. 23 ; 45. i ; 48. 21 ; 54. 21; 61. 13; 68. 10. wilnung, 39. 11 ; 58. 22. wimman. See wifman. win, 21. 23 ; 30. 1 7 j_ 32. 1 1 ; 39. 18 ; 44. 13; 54. 16; 140. 24; 141, 3; 173.6; 211.4, 6, 14, 1.5- winberie, 149. 19. wind, 22. 17 ; 51. 16 ; 105. 3 ; 133. 6 ; 152. 20; 157. 4; 167. 20. windig, 118. 17. windr^nc, 177. 2. winestre (wynstre), 17. 22; 22. 21; 23. 6; 35. 9; 50. 3; 170. 13; 171.7. wingeard, 65. 12 ; 118. 9; 163. 6, 8 ; 197. 23, 25. wiTiTian 1.5. «! 205. 18: 243. '7. winter, 20. 22 ; 32. 4. wiofud. See weofod. wirnan (wyrnan), 14. 19 ; 27, i. wirrest. See yfel (adj.). wis, 20. 15 ; 22. 9, 10 ; 33. 10; 39. 1 ; 40. i; 44. 12, 14; 45. 4, 15, 20; 46. 8, 9; 67, 19; 77. 10; 96. 16; 98. 9 ; 145. 6. wisdom, 12. 8 ; 13. 19 ; 15. i ; 18, 6 ; 19. 12; 57. 16; 58. 17(2); 73. n ; 96, 12, 15; 97, 6, 13; 98. 16, 22, 24, 26; 99.6; 114. 18 ; 117. 2,6; 119. 5,8, 11; 190. i6; 206. i; 232. 23; 241, 16; 243, 21 ; 249. 12; 256. 5. wise, 68. 5 ; 87, 13. wislece, 5. 12. wist, 40. 22. wistfullian, 242. 18, witan, 52. 12 (2). wite, 40. 5 ; 86. 3, 6, 8, 12, 17 ; 88. 6 ; 107. 6 ; 197. 19 ; 223. 20. witega, 27. 5 ; 30, 3 ; 53. 12 ; 58, 19, 21 ; 94. 25; 100. 6, 9, II, 15 (2), 17 ; 101. 8, 12 ; 129. 3,4, 17; 130. 4; 131. 4, 9; 132. 5; 133. I, 3, 7, 10, 17 ; 134. I ; 138. 7 ; 145. 10, 13 ; 149. 14; 154. I (2); 155. 15; 158. 24; 159. 10; 174. 5; 175. 16; 184. 18; 192. 5; 200. 4; 201. 2 ; 202, 16 ; 214. 13, 23, 24 ; 217. 3 ; 229. 6, 7 ; 253. 7 ; 257. 3. witegian. See witigian. witegung, 130. 4, 13 ; 139. S, 30 ; 140. 17 ; 190. 21 ; 243. 23. witigian (witegian), 27. 5 ; 189. 30 ; 150. 5 ; 175. 16 ; 190, 3, 13 ; 229. 9, 22 ; 257. 7. witodlice, 95. 11 ; 106. 20 ; 127. 21 ; 131,19; 149.4; 163.7,12; 164.2; 170. 8; 174. 15; 182, 14; 193. 18; 195. 14 ; 198. 4 ; 204. 14 ; 206. 17 ; 240. 3; 246. 19. wiSblawan, 37. 16. wiScweSan, 175. 4 ; 190. 5, 6 ; 206. 2. wiSersoec, 175. 8. wiSersteall, 207. 10. wiSerweardes, 34. 21. wiSerwinna, 206. 2; 254. 11, wiSfeohtan, 73. 8. wiSinnan, 112. 3 ; 116. 23. 328 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS wiJJmetan, 108. lo; 112. 6; 240. 5. wiSmetenyss, 128. 6. wiSsacan, 54. 15 ; 173. 16, 18; 175. 2, 5 ; 236. 3. wiSstandan, 55. 15; 128.7; 206. 2; 232. 23 ; 233. 15 ; 242. 6 ; 253. i ; 254. 13. wiSutan, 166. 20, 22. wlaco, 59. 12. wlgncu, 14. 10. wlite, 15. 20 ; 29. 2 ; .30. 15 ; 71.2; 127. 15; 178. 16. wlitig (-eg), 29. 16; 110. 4; 117. 17, 20 ; 166. 20. wlitige, 37. 19. wo, 8. 18 ; 19. 13, 15; 26. 23. wod, 150. 6 ; 157. 23 ; 180. 2 ; 192. 9 ; 217. 3. wodSrag, 10. 18, 21. woh, 25. 16 ; 34. 2. wohhSman, 46. 30. wohhSmere, 57. i. wohnyss, 120. 9. wolberende, 14. 8. wolc(e)n, 5. 2 ; 22. 19 ; 80. 7, 8 ; 90. I ; 92. 2, 3 ; 121. 9 ; 160. 4 ; 174. 12; 206. 19; 227. 20; 243. 9; 250. II. wolc(elnread, 118. 5; 176. 17. wgmb (wamb), 3. i; 21. 5, 12, 14; 47.3(2); 52. 9; 248. 21. w^mm (warn), 8. 16; 248. 6. vvonness, 70. 15. wop, 139. 31 ; 151. 14; 152. 10, 12 ; 165. 26 ; 175. 8. word, 16. 13 ; 19. 3 ; 25. 18 ; 33. i ; 35. 24; 39. 2, 10, 12 ; 53. 11, 15 ; 55. 10; 57. 3; 58. 5, 6; 61. i ; 67. 5, 19; 68. 5; 78. II ; 85.4; 91.17; 93. 2 ; 94. 25 ; 98. 3, 15, 21 ; 100. 10; 101. 19; 111, 3; 112. 17; 117. 13; 124. 7; 126. 17; 132.3; 133. 3 ; 134. 1 ; 142. 6 ; 143. 3 ; 147. 15 ; 151.4,21; 155.8,9,17; 157.27; 171.4; 174. 3; 175. 16; 184. 20; 185. 23 ; 186. 9 ; 187. 21 ; 188. 2, 4, 25, 27, 30; 189. 18; 190. I, 19; 193. 4, 6, 9 ; 202. 20; 206. 27 ; 210. 5 (2), 6, 9 (2), 10, 12 ; 216. 17, 19 ; 217. I, 4; 219. 21; 222. 12, 24; 223.9,12,14; 231.20; 233.1,6; 235. 9, 21 ; 246. 5 ; 248. 1 7, 20 ; 249. 12, 15, 18; 250. 13. world. See weorld. worldcund, 46. 17. worldhlaford, 52. i. worldwela, 22. 14. worms. See worsm. woroldmgnn, 45. 21. worsm (worms, wyrms), 21. 8, 12 ; 106. 13. woruld. See weorld. woruldcaru, 207. 2. woruldcraeft, 239. 12. woruldlic, 229. 15. woruldlust, 49. 7. woruldscipe, 55. 5. woruldSing, 162. 12. wracu, 11. 22 ; 176. 12 ; 204. 15, 18. wrecan, 26. 24. wreon, 66. 19. writan, 7. 3 ; 27. 14, 16 ; 128. 19. wriSa, 102. 6. wroht, 19. 16. wucu, 41. 12 ; 201. 11. wudehunig, 141. i. wudewe. See wuduwe. wudu, 9. 13 ; 83. 11, 13; 127. 23; 141. 5- wuduwanhad, 24. 15. wuduwe (wudewe, wydewe), 66. 11,14; 108. 4; 118. 4; 182.8,10,14,17; 190. 8,9; 250. 17. wuht, 28. 14, 23 ; 33.20; 42.3; 52. 12. wuldor (-ur), 30. 16; 73. 4, 17; 89. 22; 90. 3; 96. 18; 110. 19; 111. i; 112.3; 120. 13; 127. 15; 142. 14; 143.13; 187. 17 ; 188. 17, 19, 21,23; 189. 21, 27; 211. 16; 216. 25, 26; 217. 7; 233. 22; 240. 6; 245. 3; 248. 22; 251. 11; 253. 19; 256. 24. wuldrian, 128. 3, 12 ; 145. i, 4, 7 ; 188. 5, 32 ; 217. 6, 7 ; 239. 27 ; 241. 19 (2) ; 242. 15 ; 243. 2 ; 245. 10 (2) ; 246. 14. wuldur. See wuldor. wulf, 69. 4; 149. 16; 194. 21 ; 218. 6 (2), 9. wund, 21. 6, 8, 11, 13; 39. 19; 63. 22, 23; 106. II, 12 ; 200. 12. INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS 320 wundian, 21. 22. wundor, 113. 21 ; 132. 9; 167. 2 ; 203. 12; 206. 20; 207. 20; 211. 16; 214. 22 ; 217. I ; 226. 10. wundorlic, 118. 6 ; 118. 23 wundrian, 109. 18 ; 126. 12 ; 151. S ; 188. 2 ; 225. 2 ; 238. 7. wuudrung, 228. 25. wunian, 16. 5; 81. 16; 90. 22; 93. 24; 95. 11; 111. 14; 114. 22; 122. 20; 127. 23; 130. 2, 16; 136. 15; 138. 18; 139. 7; 176. 13; 189. 12; 190. 12, 17; 194. 23, 25, 26 ; 204. 15, 17; 210. 12; 215. 19; 216. 11; 220. 7,10; 228. 3, 9, 11; 236. 1,21; 246. 15; 249. I, 12; 252. 2; 254. 18, 20, 25; 256. 22. wunung, 127. 19; 180. 2; 200j 14; 220. I, 3. wurpan. See. weorpan. wur3(-). See weortS(-). wurSe (wyrSe), 40. 6 ; 53. 3 ; 54. 19 ; 63. 4 ; 64. II ; 151. 3, 19 ; 165. 16 ; 194. 28. wuton (uton), 15. 22 ; 76. 3, 5 ; 77. 8 ; 115. i; 122, 13; 187. 21; 188. 25, 27; 241. 1,9. wydewe. See wuduwe. wyll. See will, wylla. See willa. wyllspring, 79. 21, wyln, 175. i, 3. wynstre. See winestre. •wyrc(e)an, 6. i, 2 ; 23. 20; 24. 14; 27. 18; 28. 3; 29. 18; 40. 5; 41. II ; 43.3; 58. 16; 61. 6, 14; 63. 13 ; 76. 7, 18 ; 79. i, 9 ; 80. 18 ; 81. i; 87. 1,6; 113. 21 ; 115. i; 120. 5, 17 ; 121. 17; 123. 17; 132. 9; 140. 20 ; 146. 4 ; 149. 20 (2), 21,23; 150. 2; 155. 13; 164. 24; 165. 2; 167.2; 184.2; 198. 4 ; 211. 16, 23; 212. 18; 213. 3 (2), 7 (2), 11; 216. 8, 11; 217. 5; 221. 3; 222.6; 226. 9 ; 231. 9 ; 232. 20 ; 239. 28 ; 244. 18; 250. I (2). wyrhta, 81. 7, 11 ; 150. 9; 153. 9; 163. 5, 7 ; 194. 19, 28 ; 242. 6. wyrian. See wiergan. wyrm, 121. 15 ; 181. 13 ; 196. 8 ; 238. 16. wyrmcynn, 122. 20. wyrms. Sec worsm. wyrnan. See wirnan. wyrs. See yfel (adj.). wyrsman, 21. 7. wyrst. See yfel (adj.). wyrt, 98. 12, 30; 120. 13; 225. 6; 253. 19. wyrt(t)ruma, 34. 8 ; 54. 21 ; 118. 17 ; 251. 3,4; 255. 22. wyrOe. See wurSe. wyrSmynt. See weorSmynd. wyscan, 68. 3. ydel(-). See idel(-). yfel (sb.), 17. 13 ; 19. 15 ; 33. 3 ; 45. 16; 51. 18; 54.21; 78. 4, 6; 96. 13; 103. 8; 104. 5; 106. 17; 111. 22 ; 116. 12 ; 117. 10; 118. 10, 11 ; 121. 17; 122. 19; 144. 21; 146. 23 (2) ; 147. 20, 25 ; 148. 3 ; 166, 12; 213. 7; 234. 24; 245.6; 251. 3,4- yfel (adj.), 30. 9 ; 31. i, 4; 37. 21 ; 46. 6; 47. I ; 57. 11, 13; 58. 20; 72. 5; 116. 20; 123. 19; 132. 20; 136. 16; 146. 7, 17; 147. 2, 10; 149. 20, 21 (2), 22; 155. 18; 163. 17; 165. 19; 169. 25; 170. 2; 196. 9, 13; 242. 20; 243. 24; 248. 2; comp. wyrs, 213. 2 ; sup. wirrest (wyrst), 28. 13 ; 106. 11 ; 122. 20. yfele, 151. i ; 157. 20 ; 166. 9. yfelnyss, 116. ii; 242. 18; 244. 15; 248. 13. yflian, 11. 21. ym-. See ym(b)-. ymbehoga, 41. 21. ymbgyrdan, 197. 14. ymbhwyrft, 73. 6 ; 103. 13 ; 110. 12 ; 111. 3, 13 ; 112. 10; 135. 16, 18; 136. 2 ; 186. 20 ; 256. 3. ymbhycgan, 195. 12. ym(b)scrydan, 107. i 7 ; 108. 5 ; 112. 2 ; 115. 8; 149. 4; 183. 19; 241. i, 4, 9, 11; 248. 10, 14; 249.6. ymbsittan, 28. i, 4; 94. 18 ; 204. 19. ymbsniSan, 82. 7, 8, 10, 21 ; 189. 2. ymbsyrwan, 63. 4. ym(b)tryniman, 104. 7; 136. 23. ym(b) try milling, 178. 9 ; 204. 20. 330 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORDS ymbwyrcan, 21. 27. yrfenuma, 246. 18, 20, 22. See also ierfe(-). jTfwyrdnys, 115. 7. ynn3. See iermS. yrre. See ierre. yrSling, 104. 16, 17. See also eorS-. yrsian, 217. 15. See aho iersung. ysle, 108. 10 -, 118. 17. ysope, y/. II. yst,24. 17. ytemest, 41. 5. yttra, 151. 14; 152. 9, 11; 165. 2: 170. 6. yS, 89. 5; 152. 20; 206. 13. Zacliarias, 184. 5, 9. Zacheus, 203. 19, 24, 25 ; 204. 8. ERRATA Page 6, 1. 5 from bottom,— /or godwgbbe read godwgbbe. 13, 1. 10,— for oferhelede read oferh^lede. 24, 1. 8 from bottom,— /cr geworhte read geworhte. 41, 11. 3 and 9 from bottom, ^br grin read grin. 47) 1- 3>—for Fulga read Fulga. 65, 11. 6 and 12 from bottom,— /or twyfealdum read twyfealdum. 83, 1. 4 from bottom,— /or sandceosol read sandceosol. 84, 1. 5 from bottom, — for sandceosol read sandceosol. 96, 1. II,— /or me read me. 109, 1. 9 from bottom,— /or twyfealdum read twyfealdum. 139, 1. 9 from bottom, — for })ryfealde read J)ryfealde. 154, bottom line,— /or strgcanmod read strecanmod. 192, 1. 4 from bottom,— /or twyfealdre read twyfealdre. 205, 1. 8 from bottom, — add : — cf. ii. 568. 211, 1. 10,— for twyfealde read twyfealde. 211, 1. II, — for Jjryfealde read Jjryfealde. 239, 1. 9, — for Cristas read Cristes. 250, after 1. 6 from bottom, — inse7i : — 5. 5. See M. H. ii. 292. 254, after 1. 13,— insert :— 2 PETER. 2. 22. See M. H. ii. 602, cf. ii. 380. 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