^■W: n A SHORT HISTORY OP PAPER MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UNITED STATES, INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF PROVINCIAL AAD CONTINENTAL PAPER MONEY. TO WHICn IS PREFIXED AN INQUIRY INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SY8TE1M, WITH CONSIDERATIONS OF ITS EFFECTS ON MORALS AND HAPPINESS. THE WHOLE INTENDED AS A PLAIN EXPOSITION OF THE WAY IN WHICH PAPER MONEY AND MONEY CORPORATIONS, AFFECT THE INTE- RESTS OF DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE COMMUNITY. BY WILLIAM »I. GOUGE. PRINTED BY T. W. USTICK. AND FOR BALE, BY GRIGG & ELLIOTT, NO. 8 NORTH rOCRTH STREET, VRIAH HT'NT, NO. 19 NORTH THIRD ST., HOGAN & THOMPSON, NO. 139$ MARKET ST. 1833! utTttHAL [Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by William M. Gouge, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.] CONTENTS. Preface, Pages. V PART I. An Inquiry into the Principles of the American Banking System, with considerations of its Effects on Morals and Happiness. Importance of the Subject, - Of Real Money, - - - - Of Barter, Leger Entries, Bills of Ex- change and Promissory Notes, Of Banks of Discount, Of Banks of Circulation, General Effects of this System, - Effects on Credit, ... The same Subject continued, Of Banks as Corporations, Of the Popular Arguments in favor of Banking, . . - - Of Restrictions on Banking Corporations, 50 Of the Essential Qualities of Bank Notes, 53 Of the 'Convertibility' of Bank Medium, 58 Chapter I. (( II. u III. (1 IV. (( V. (1 VI. (1 VII. n VIII. ^i IX. n X. (( XL ti XII. a XIII. u XiV. (( XV. (( XVI. (( XVII. (1 XVIII. - 1 .. 7 - 18 - 21 - 23 - 26 - 34 - 37 - 41 - 45 XIX. XX. XXL XXI L XXIIL XXIV. Of the ' Elasticity' of Bank Medium, - Is Paper Money cheaper than Specie'? - Of the Tax paid by the People to the Banks, ------ Of the Formation of Bank Capitals, Of Speculations in Bank Stock, and of other Stock Jobbing, - - - Of the Ways and Means by which Charters are Obtained and Renewed, Summary View of the Advantages which the System gives to some Men over others, - - - Of the Remote Consequences of the System, - . - - Effects on Moral Character, Effects on Happiness, - - - Of the Evils that would be Produced by a Sudden Dissolution of the System, . - - - 62 64 67 70 73 - 84 - 90 - 94 - 97 101 ^ «^- ^iC n.. IV COXTEiVTS. Pages. Chapter XXV. Of the Proper Mode of Proceeding, -103 " -XXVI. Ofa New Coinage of Gold, - -106 " XXVIl. Of the Fiscal Concerns of the Union, -111 " XXVIII. Of Banking on Proper Principles, -117 " XXIX. Probable Consequences of the Con- tinuance of the Present System, - 123 ' " ■ XXX. Probable Effects of the Establishment of a System of Sound Currency and Sound Credit, - - - 128 XXXI. Summary, -•.--- 135 PART II. A Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the Uni- ted States. Of the Medium of Trade before the Introduction of Paper Money, - - 3 Of Provincial Paper Money, - - 7 Of Continental Aloney, - - - 25 Of the Bank of North America, - - 31 Of the Old Bank of the United States, 38 Of Banking from 1790 to 1810-11, - 43 Of Banking from 1810-11 to 1814-15, 55 Of Banking from 1814-15 to 1815-16, 64 Of Banking from 1815-16 to 1816-17, 73 Of Banking from 1816-17 to 1817-18, 85 Of Banking from 1817-18 to 1818-19, 93 Of Banking from 1818-19 to 1819-20, 101 Of Banking from 1819-20 to 1820-21, 121 Of Banking in the Western States, - 127 Of Banking in the Southwestern States, 133 Of Banking in the Southern States, - 139 Of Banking in New England, * -151 General View of Banking Operations from 1814 to 1820-21, - - - 165 Of Banking from 1820-21 to 182.5-26. 174 Of Banking from 1^^20-27 to 1828-29, 187 Additional Particulars in the History of Banking from 1824 to 1829, - - 196 Of Banking from 1^^29-29 to 1832^3. 2(^2 E.\tent of Banking Operations at dif- ferent periods, - - - - 210 XXIV. General Reflections, . - - - 227 Appendi.x.— Bank of North America, - 237 Chapter I. C( II. <( III. (( IV. (( V. (( VI. (( VII. (C VIII. It IX. (( X. (( XI. (( XH. (( xni. « XIV. i( XV. (( XVI. «( xvn. (( xvm. t( xix. n XX. n XXI. (( XXH. 11 XXIII PREFACE. A brief exposition of the principles of Banking, was all that the writer originally intended to give. In the first draft of the work, the historical sketch was part of a chapter. It has been extended to its present length, from a belief that a tolerably full account of incidents in the History of American Banking would be acceptable to the reader. If additional illustrations of the nature of the system were wanted, they might be derived from its history in Great Britain. These, our limits will not permit us to introduce. We have, however, room for a sketch of the changes of opinion that have taken place in that country, in regard to paper money. Mr. Joplin, in his History of the Currency Question, after collating different passages in the treatise on " The Wealth of Nations," gives the following as a summary of the views of Adam Smith. " 1. That he would prefer the circulation between con- sumers or what may be termed the consumptive circula- tion, to be metallic : but that he thought it a greater ad- vantage for the circulation between dealer and dealer, to be paper ; admitting at the same time, " 2. That if Bankers were subjected to the obligation of an immediate and unconditional payment of their notes in coin on demand, as soon as presented, their trade might, with safety to the public, be rendered in all other respects perfectly free. " 3. That the amount of notes which the country re- quired was an amount equal to the sum of metallic money which would circulate if there were no paper. " 4. That this amount could not be exceeded without producing an immediate demand for gold to be sent abroad previous to its passing into general circulation : by which, of course, no derangement of prices, from excess of issues, k Vi PREFACE could at any time be produced : the evils of over-issues being confined to the Banks upon which the demand for gold would arise. " 5. That besides this, if the Banks confined their loans to real bills of exchange and real transactions, they would not be liable to any excess of issues whatever." " With these views of the working of our paper system, nothing," says Mr. Joplin, " could be more reasonable than his (Smith's) conclusions as to its value. It was evi- dently one from which much good might be derived, and no harm." What Adam Smith had immediately in view, was the Scotch system of Banking, which is carried on by imin- corporatfd companies, each of the members of which is responsible, in his whole personal and real estate, for the whole amount of debts due by the company : and the English country system, which is carried on by private co- partnerships, the members of which enjoy no special pri- vileges or exemptions. His views afford little or no sup- port to the American Banking System. To a small note circulation he was a decided enemy. His judgment was, that country Banks should issue no notes of a less de- nomination than five pounds sterling, or twenty-four dol- lars Federal money : and that city Banks should issue no notes of a less denomination than ten pounds sterling, or forty-eight dollars Federal money. The whole tenor of his book is in decided opposition to the practice of confer- ring peculiar privileges or exemptions, on any men, or any bodies of men, and is, consequently, in decided opposition to a fundamental principle of the American Banking Sys- tem. The principles of Smith were generally received till the year 171)7. The ]Jank of England then suspended specie payments, and pcrnjission was given to it and to the coun- try bankers, to issue notes of as low a denomination as one pound. The country Banks were required to make payment in notes of the Bank of England : while the Bank of Eng- land itself was placed under no restraint whatever but the discretion of its directors. This state of things necessarily drew the attention of political economists to the subject; and, as Bank of Eng- land paper did not, for some years, undergo any sensible PREFACE. Vli depreciation, guineas began to be regarded as an unneces- sary incumbrance. So strong a hold did this notion take in the minds of men, that when Bank notes passed in the market at a considerable discount, many writers affirmed that paper had not fallen, but that gold had risen in value. Mr. Boyd, Lord King, and other Economists, showed the incorrectness of this opinion, and Mr. Ricardo placed its erroneousness in a strong point of view, in a pamphlet pub- lished in the latter part of the year 1809, entitled, " The high price of Bullion, a proof of the depreciation of Bank notes." This work, Mr. Joplin avers " was the immediate cause, and formed the ground-work of the Report of the Bullion Committee." " The principles of this Committee, supported by a host of writers, became now," says the historian, " the received opinions upon the subject, and they were as follows : " They entirely agreed with Smith in the general prin- ciple, that if Banks were obliged to pay their notes in spe- cie on demand, the trade might, in all other respects, be left perfectly free. They agreed with him, that the sum of paper in circulation ought not to exceed the sum of me- tallic money that would be in circulation if there were no paper : and they further agreed with him, that, if this amount of paper was not exceeded, no great demand for gold for exportation would ever arise : and that, if it were exceeded, a demand would arise for exportation, ade- quate to the excess. But in every other respect they dif- fered from him, and laid down principles equally new and important. " In the first place, they repudiated the principle that Banks could not issue to excess if they confined themselves to advancing money on real bills of exchange. This prin- ciple they proved totally incorrect. " In the next, they denied that an excess of issues would be discovered by the merchant previously to the money's entering into consumptive circulation, and be returned upon the Barnes for gold : though they admitted that an excess of issues would produce a demand upon the Banks for gold for exportation. But this, they proved, would take place after the paper had been introduced into circulation, and had depreciated the value both of itself and of the gold VIU PREFACE. in which it was payable ; that gold, by this operation, be- coming less valuable in England than in other countries, would be exported to other countries ; that the excess of paper would be returned upon the Banks in demand for it, to be sent abroad until the excess was withdrawn ; and that the value of both paper and gold would then rise to its previous level, and the exportation of gold cease. This doctrine negatived the idea of Smith, that an excess of is- sues did not find its way into consumptive circulation. It was contended, on the contrary, that prices must be raised above their proper level, before the exportation of gold could be brought about. " Thus, two important principles of Smith's which would be very much calculated to affect his views as to the value of a paper currency, were set aside : first, that the Banks had an easy rule by which to guard against excess; and next, that if they did issue to excess, no derangement of prices would be produced by it; that the injury would be felt by themselves, and not by the public. "To this derangement of prices, however, which ac- cording to their views must precede an importation of gold, the Committee did not appear to attach much import- ance. "In the third place, they contended, that the issues of the Bank of England regulated those of the country Banks. This theory was new, though appearing to be suggested and borne out by experience." When Mr. Joplin says that the principles of the Bul- lion Committee became the received opinions, we are to understand thereby that they became the opinions of a large part of the British nation. The Anli-Bullionists were so closely wedded to their favorite theory, that neither facts nor reasonings could separate them from it. Such was their inlluence, and such was the force of circumstances, that, though it had been determined that specie payments should be resumed one year after the close of the war, the Government delayed, for four or five years, to take the ne- cessary measures for effecting this object. • In May 1821, ;}ie Bank of England regularly resumed the payment of gold on demand. In the twenty-four years in which inconvertible paper was the circulating medium, many hundred millions had PREFACE. IX been added to the national debt, and the amount of private debts had been swelled immensely. The paying in specie of the interest of a national debt contracted in paper, and the discharging of private contracts in a currency of en- hanced value, necessarily produced much embarrassment. No sooner, however, had the difficulties attendant on the resumption of specie payments been surmounted, than the Bank of England began to extend its issues. In 1824, it reduced the rate of discount from 5 to 4 per cent., and as the country Banks at the same time increased their circu- lation, such an appearance of prosperity was produced, as was unexampled in the annals of the kingdom. This lasted till September 1825. Then, difficulties be- gan, and in December there was a convulsion which threat- ened all interests with destruction. " Such a panic," says Mr. Joplin, "occurring in a pe- riod of profound peace, after a good harvest, and traceable to no other cause but defects in our system of Banking and Currency, rendered it, of course, incumbent on the ministers to bring forward measures to remedy, if possible, the evils which had been produced, and also to prevent the recurrence of such diasters in future." One of the principal measures they recommended was, the abolition of one and two pound notes; and, on this occasion, they, according to the British author just quoted, " adopted a mode of speaking of our currency different to any that had hitherto been adopted. When the withdrawal of the small notes was enacted in 1819, all the arguments were in favor of paper payable in gold. The Bullion Com- mittee, whose views had been implicitly adopted, observed, that they fully agreed with Dr. Adam Smith, and all the most able writers and statesmen of this country, in consi- dering a paper circulation constantly convertible into spe- cie as one of the greatest practical improvements which can be made in the political and domestic economy of any State, and that such convertibility was a complete check against over issue. " Nor had this doctrine ever been impugned by those who differed from the Bullion Committee in other respects. They, on the contrary, always contended, that paying in cash would not merely prevent over-issues, but would pre- vent enough being issued. It was too great a check upon X PREFACE. issues. But in explaining the principles thus laid down in the letter to the Bank, the Ministers, now, for the first time, gave up this doctrine." Mr. Charles Grant stated, that " the great problem with respect to currency, is to discover that check whereby the evil we wish to avoid may be arrested before it takes place. The principle should be preventive rather than corrective. His honorable friend opposite (Mr. Smith) seemed to think, that the convertibility of paper into gold would operate as a sufficient check to arrest its progress ; and in this opinion he was certainly supported by high authorities, amongst whom were some of the wisest men that composed the Bul- lion Committee. They all agreed upon the necessity of the convertibility of paper into gold, in order to establish a sound currency. The science of currency (for it deserved the name of a science) was every day acquiring additional light ; in fact, it was now in a state of experiment. It ap- peared to him that those who supported the Bullion Report were led to rely too exclusively on this check, not merely to correct the evil when it does take place, but to operate as a preventive, by which to guard against the extension of it beyond a certain point. There was no doubt of the check ; but it may be so tardy in its progress as to produce the evil itself: because, it is a check that operates not by necessity, but by the discretion and judgment of those by whom the paper is circulated. " It was clear from what had occurred, that the check provided by the convertibility of notes into gold, operated so tardily, as to be inadequate to avert the evil, and it ought to be the leading principle in every sound currency, to pro- vide the means of arresting the evil before it arrives at its height." fi^^Lord Liverpool took a similar view of the subject, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for the first time, im- pugned the doctrine of the regulating power of the Bank of England. He observed, " that by an investigation into the different issues of diiVcrcnt years, it would be found, that the issues of the IJank of England had no relative con- nection with the issues of the country Banks, it happening in several instances, that, when the Bank of England is- sues had increased, tlic country note issues had diminished, and vice versa." PREFACE. XI This was also maintained by Lord Liverpool, who joined with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and with Mr.Huskis- son, in descanting on the merits of a metallic medium. The latter observed, that, " It was the natural course, that, in such a fluctuating state of our currency, all classes of society must, in their turn, be afflicted by it, and, there- fore, the sooner we get rid of that fluctuation, and return- ed to a sound, and healthy, and permanent, circulating me- dium, the better for the community at large. If they wish- ed to prove the value of a steady and unchangeable cur- rency, they had it in the history of France ; that country had been twice invaded by a foreign army, her capital had been twice taken possession of, and she was obliged to pay large sums to foreign countries; but they had a steady me- tallic currency, and however such visitations might have affected the great — however the extensive contractor might have been injured or ruined, the body of the population re- mained unoppressed. The storm might have crushed the forest tree, but it passed over without injuring the humble reed. This was to be attributed to the permanent footing upon which the currency of tljat country had been esta- blished." In conformity with these views, an act was passed to pro- hibit, after the day of 1829, the issue of all notes of a less denomination than five pounds sterling. In 1828, a vigorous effort was made to repeal the law, but it was steadfastly and successfully resisted. In a debate on the subject on the 3d of July, 1828, the Duke of Wellington said, " The measure of 1826 was not founded on any tlieory, but on experience which the few last years had confirmed. That experience had proved the fallacy of a theory which stated that a paper currency was perfectly safe as long as it was convertible into gold and silver. Experience during the three last years had proved this theory not to be true. It had likewise proved another theory not true — the theory that one pound notes and so- vereigns could circulate together." In the same debate Lord King remarked, that " those persons who considered paper money as an excellent thing to be established in a country, he was disposed to view as heretics. He had no hesitation in saying that the su- perstition attached to paper money was idolatrous in the XU PREFACE. highest degree. He looked upon it as the most dangerous heresy of all heresies." The opinions of such men as Mr. Huskisson, Mr. Grant, Lord King, Lord Liverpool, and the Duke of Wellington, are, on such a subject as this, entitled to the respectful at- tention of every candid American. In their country, paper money Banking has been known longer than in ours. Every thing that can be said in favor of convertible paper, has been said in the various publications that have issued from the British press. These statesmen were familiar with all the arguments usually adduced in support of the system. They had ample opportunities of observing its practical effects. If, however, we are disposed to disregard the result of their experience, let us examine the system for ourselves. If paper money Banking requires only new restrictions to prevent its producing evil, the nature and number of those restrictions cannot be known, till we know all the evils it has produced. If, as some seem to think, the system is to be perpetual, the effect it has on society, is a rational subject of inquiry. Such an inquiry, if faithfully made, will prevent us from as- cribing to other causes such evils as have their origin in Banking, and thereby prevent us from increasing those evils by applying improper remedies. ■I . \. AN INQUIRY INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. Importance of the Subject. In an address to the stockholders of the United States Bank, at their meeting in 1S28, Mr. N. Biddle, the Presi- dent of that institution, stated, that, of five hundred and forty-four Banks in the United States, one hundred and forty-four had been openly declared bankrupt, and about fifty more had suspended business. Mr. Gallatin, in his "Considerations on the Currency and Banking System," published in 1831, gives a list of 329 State Banks then in operation, having nominal capitals of the amount of $108,301,898, which, added to the capi- tal of the United States Bank, made the whole nominal capital of these institutions, upwards of one hundred and forty-three millions of dollars. These Banks issue notes which serve as substitutes for coin. They grant credits on their books, and transfer the amount of credit from one merchant to another. They receive money on deposit. They buy and sell bills of exchange. They discount mercantile notes. They buy and sell public stocks. All these are important functions, and if only one of them be ill performed, the community must suffer incon- venience. 2 2 IMPORTANCE OP THE SUBJECT. The Banks are scattered through nearly all the States and Territories which compose our Union ; but tliey may all be embraced in one view, inasmuch as they all substi- tute paper for specie, and credit for cash, and are all endowed with privileges which individuals do not possess. By their various operations, immediate and remote, they must affect, for good or for evil, every individual in the country. Banking is not a local, temporary, or occasional cause. It is general and permanent. Like the atmosphere, it presses every where. Its effects are felt alike in the palace and the hovel. To the customs of trade which Banking introduces, all are obliged to conform. A man may, indeed, neither bor- row money from the Banks, nor deposit money in their vaults : but if he buys or sells it is with the medium which they furnish, and in all bis contracts he must have refer- ence to the standard of value which they establish. There is no legal disability to carrying on commerce in the old- fashioned safe way : but the customs of Banking have in- troduced a practical disability. It is no longer possible for the merchant to buy and sell for ready money only, or for real money. He must give and take credit, and give and take paper money, or give up business. Bank paper is not a legal tender in the discharge of pri- vate debts : but it has become, in point of fact, the only actual tender, and the sudden refusal of creditors to receive it would put it out of the power of debtors to comply with their engagements. Credit, the great rival of cash, is completely controlled by the Banks, and distributed by them as suits their dis- cretion. These institutions may contribute little to the production of wealth ; but they furnish the means to many for the ac- quisition of wealth ; they appear to be the chief regulating cause of the present distribution of wealth, and as such are entitled to particular attention. " In cn|)ying England " says Mr. .Teffcrson "we do not seem to consider that like premises induce like conse- quences. The Bank mania is one of the most threaten- ing of these imitations : it is raising up a monied aristo- cracy in our country which has already set the Government at defiance, and although forced to yield a little on the first IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT. 3 essay of their strength, their principles are unyielded and unyielding. They have taken deep root in the hearts of that class from which our legislators are drawn, and the sop to Cerberus, from fable has become history. Their principles take hold of the good, their pelf of the bad, and thus, those whom the Constitution has placed as guards to its portals, are sophisticated or suborned from their duties. That paper money has some advantages must be admitted : but its abuses are also inveterate ; and that it, by breaking up tlie measure of value, makes a lottery of all private property, cannoU be denied. Shall we ever be able to put a constitutional veto upon it V " In most disquisitions upon the noxious tendency of Banks," says another writer* " much stress has been laid upon the injuries they have a power to inflict, by excessive loans and consequent bankruptcy, and by creating and circulating a permanent excess of currency. Could these two evils be avoided, many believe that Banks would be innoxious. I regret to differ. I am not of those who imagine that Banks incorporated with a liberal capital, will ever endanger their solvency by extending their loans; nor of those who believe that Banks controlled by specie pay- ment, can circulate a pennanent excess of paper. And yet, I think I can perceive a portentous power that they exercise over commercial enterprize. I am of opinion that they can circulate a temporary excess of paper, which, from time to time, finds a corrective, in a run upon the Banks for specie ; that this temporary excess is succeeded by a temporary deficiency, one extreme invariably tending to another ; that the consequences of this alternate excess and deficiency are, in the former case to impart an undue excitement, and in the latter an undue depression to com- mercial enterprize ; that the effect of the former is to cre- ate an unnatural facility in procuring money, and to en- hance unnaturally the price of commodities ; while that of the latter is to produce an artificial scarcity, and to cheap- en prices artificially ; that the victims of these vibrations are the great body of merchants, whose capital and ave- rage deposits cannot always command discounts ; that the gainers are a few intelligent and shrewd capitalists, the * Letter to Mr. Gallatiu, by Publicola, New York. 1815, 4 IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT. magnitude of whose deposits commands enormous dis- counts at all times, and who, being behind the curtain, know when to buy and when to sell. I am of opinion that these vibrations inflict evils which close not with mercan- tile speculation ; that they tend to unhinge and disorder the regular routine of commerce, and introduce at one mo- ment a spirit of wild and daring speculation, and at another, a prostration of confidence, and stagnation of business : that these feelings are transferred from the counting-house to the fire-side ; that the visionary profits of one day stimu- late extravagance, and the positive losses of another en- gender spleen, irritation, restlessness, a spirit of gambling and domestic inquietude. " I appeal to the commercial history of our country, du- ring the last seven years, and to the aching hearts of many of my fellow-citizens, for the truth of these reflections. " I wish not to be misunderstood. Let no one suppose me so weak as to attribute every unfortunate speculation, and every fluctuation in prices, to an undue management or organization of our Banking Institutions. That would be a folly, from the imputation of which I trust the pre- ceding remarks will rescue me. There are commercial fluctuations, and they are wholesome. They invigorate enterprize, and their benefits are directly felt by all. There are Banking fluctuations, and they are highly deleterious. They intoxicate enterprize, only to enfeeble it ; and the benefits are restricted to a few. " This evil of Banking fluctuation, ends not with the mercantile community. It extends to every thing that commercial enterprize reaches.^ It injures the farmer and the meclianic, in the precise ratio of the vacillations of public feeling. " The injuries which it has inflicted have been as uni- versal as the insinuation of bank paper ; and the peculiar manner of its operation renders it doubly distressing. It does not aficct the wealthy man, because he can always control discounts; but it falls with single and dreadful se- verity upon the industrious poor man, who.se capital is not sufficient to command permanent accommodations; upon the inexperienced, who purchase knowledge by a sacrifice of property, and upon the merchant whose skill and sagacity are superior to his wealth. ****** IMPORTAXCE OF THE SUBJECT. D Against a power so tremendous, what barrier has been erected ? Against a power which, at different periods, has baffled the legislative wisdom of our revolutionary sages, of the Governments of Europe, and of Great Britain ; what check have we imposed? The interest account of EACH Bank. As well might Canute have controlled the waves of the ocean with a breath." " Of all aristocracies," said a Committee of the New York Legislature, in 1818, " none more completely enslave a people than that of money ; and in the opinion of your committee, no system was ever better devised so perfectly to enslave a community, as that of the present mode of con- ducting Banking establishments. Like the Syren of the fable, they entice to destroy. They hold the purse strings of society ; and by monopolizing the whole of the circula- ting medium of the country, they form a precarious stand- ard, by which all property in the country, houses, lands, debts and credits, personal and real estate of all descrip- tions, are valued ; thus rendering the whole community de- pendent on them ; proscribing every man who dares to ex- pose their unlawful practices : if he happens to be out of their reach, so as to require no favors from them, his friends are made the victims. So no one dares complain. " The committee, on taking a general view of our State, and comparing those parts where Banks have been for some time established, with those that have had none, are asto- nished at the alarming disparity. They see. in the one case, the desolations they have made in societies that were be- fore prosperous and happy ; the ruin they have brought on an immense number of the most wealthy farmers, and they and their fomilies suddenly hurled from wealth and independence into the abyss of ruin and despair. " If the facts stated in the foregoing be true, and your committee have no doubt they are, together with others equally reprehensible and to be dreaded, such as that their influence too frequently, nay, often already begins to as- sume a species of dictation altogether alarming, and unless some judicious remedy is provided by legislative wisdom, we shall soon witness attempts to control all selections to offices in our counties, nay the elections to the very Le- gislature. Senators and members of Assembly will be in- debted to the Banks for their seats in this Capitol, and thus 2* 6 IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT. the wise end of our civil institutions will be prostrated in the dust of corporations of their own raising." Not a few of those who have a personal interest in the continuance of the system, acknowledge and deplore the evils it produces. Indeed we have found no men more sensible of those evils, than some of the officers of Banks. They retain their offices on the same principle that they would, if they lived in England, retain offices under a Government they could not approve. To the established system of a country, whether political or commercial, men may deem it expedient, perhaps believe it necessary, to con- form ; but this need not prevent their discovering the ne- cessity for reformation. One of these gentlemen, Mr. John "White, the Cashier of the United States Branch Bank at Baltimore, makes the following candid and correct statement, in a letter to the late Secretary of the Treasury, under date of February loth, 1830 : " Looking back to the peace, a short period, fresh in the memory of every man, the wretched state of the currency for the two' succeeding years, cannot be overlooked; the disasters of 1819, wliich seriously affected the circum- stances, property, and industry of every district in the Uni- ted States, will long be recollected. A sudden and press- ing scarcity of money prevailed in the Spring of 1822 ; nu- merous and very extensive failures took place at New York, Savannah, Charleston, and New Orleans, in 1825; there was a great convulsion among Banks and other raonied in- stitutions in the State of New York in 1826 ; the scarcity of money among traders in that State, and eastward, in the Winter of 1827 and 1828, was distressing and alarming; failures of Banks in Rhode Island and North Carolina, and amongst the manufacturers of New England and this State, characterize the last year; and intelligence is just received of the refusal of some of the principal Banks of Georgia to redeem their notes with specie — a lamentable and rapid succession of evil and untoward events, prejudicial to the progress of productive industry, and causing a baleful ex- tension of embarrassment, insolvency, litigation, and dis- honesty, alike subversive of social happiness and morals. Every intelligent mind must express regret and astonish- ment, at the recurrence of these disasters in tranquil times. OF REAL MONEY. 7 and bountiful seasons, amongst an enlightened, industri- ous, and enterprizing people, comparatively free from tax- ation, unrestrained in our pursuits, possessing abundance of fertile lands, and valuable minerals, with capital and capacity to improve, and an ardent disposition to avail our- selves of these great bounties. " Calamities of an injurious and demoralizing nature, occurring with singular frequency, amidst a profusion of the elements of wealth, are well calculated to inspire and enforce the conviction that there is something radically er- roneous in our monetary system, were it not that the judg- ment hesitates to yield assent, when grave, enlightened, and patriotic Senators, have deliberately announced to the public, in a recent report, that our system of money is in the main excellent, and that in most of its great principles, no innovation can be made with advantage." The " grave, enlightened, and patriotic Senators," to whom Mr. White alludes, are those who, with Mr. Smith, of Maryland, at their head, made a report, in the year 1830, in which they represented certain kinds of Bank paper as being as good as gold, and even better. If their opinion is correct, it ought to be confirmed. If it is not correct, its erroneousness ought to be exposed ; for error in such a subject as this, may be productive of incalculable mischief. CHAPTER 11. Of Real Money. Paper money is the foundation of the American Bank- ing System. I3ut, as, without a knowledge of what is genu- ine, it is impossible to have a clear conception of what is spurious, it will be necessary to give a statement of the qualities and functions of real money. Money is not, as was asserted by a late Secretary of the Treasury, (Mr; I.) "merely the representative of property." Money of gold and silver is property — is wealth. A hun- dred dollars in silver can no more be considered as the lepresentative of a hundred dollars' worth of flour, than a 8 OF REAL MONEY. hundred dollars' worth of flour can be considered as the representative of a hundred dollars' worth of iron. Each is the equivalent of the other ; but each is real wealth — not a mere symbol or representative. , But money is not, as is supposed by some others, su- perior in its nature to all other kinds of wealth. The pre- cious metals do not differ essentially from other items of wealth. This is distinctly seen when they are in the form of bullion. Converting them into coin, does not change their nature. It only adapts them to a particular use — fits them for passing from hand to hand, without the trouble of weighing and assaying each piece at each transfer. An in- crease of the stock of gold and silver in our country, is very desirable ; but it is for precisely the same reasons that an increase of other kinds of wealth is desirable.^ Some fancy that it is the authority of Goveniment that gives money its value. But the true value of money, as measured by the amount of goods for which it will honestly exchange, cannot be affected by edicts of Princes or acts of Parliament. Monarchs and Ministers may alter the weight of coins, or lessen their purity ; but they cannot make a coin containing an half of an ounce of pure silver, worth as much as a coin containing an ounce. The stamp of the State is a mere certificate of the weight and fine- ness of the piece. Others suppose that the precious metals owe their value entirely to their scarcity. But if gold and silver were not useful in the arts, they would have no value in commerce. Their utility is so great, that even if they were not the ma- terial of money, ihcy would exchange for great quantities of corn and other commodites. If they were as plentiful as copper and tin, they would be more valuable than these base metals ; because they are applicable to more various uses. The market value of the precious metals is, as that of all other tlnngs, in the rompound ratio of their utility and of their scarcity. It does not depend on their scarcity alone. Money is, simply, that valuable by reference to which the value of other things is estimated, and by the instrumenta- lity of which (lie interchange of other things is effected. There is nothing mystical in its nature; norisit likely that its character would ever have been misunderstood in the United OF REAL MONEY. 9 States, if the avoirdupois ounce of silver had been made the unit of reference, and if coins had been struckof the weight of an ounce, and of aliquot parts of the ounce. Men would then have had as clear conceptions of the nature of the transactions into which money enters, as they now have of those in which iron is exchanged for wheat. They would then have seen that there is no essential difference in these transactions — that trade by barter, is exchanging wheat for one metal, and that trade with money, is only exchang- ing wheat for another metal. It has been by taking for the unit of reference a fractional part of the Troy ounce, which is a weight with which the people are not familiar, and by giving to this unit the arbitrary name of "a dollar," that the subject has been rendered obscure to many minds. As whatever is extended may be made the standard of length, in like manner, whatever is valuable may be made the standard of value. Instead ofsaymg, this tract of land, or this bale of cloth, is worth so many ounces, or so many pieces of silver, men might say, it is worth so many horses or cows, or so many pounds of lead or of iron. The pi'iii- ciple of valuation would be identical with that which is adhered to in countries where only solid money is used. But he who had a small article to sell, would find it diffi- cult to calculate its exact value in the fractional parts of a horse or a cow, and pounds of lead or of iron w'ould be a very inconvenient circulating medium. Corn, cattle, iron, leather, cacoa, tobacco, and other commodities, have all, in point of fact, been used as money, in different ages and different countries; but they have long ceased to be so used, by commercial nations, for rea- sons similar to those which have induced men to choose for their standard of length, some object less liable to vari- ation than the foot of a Chancellor, or the fore arm ofa King. "'The high estimation in which the precious metals have -.been held, in nearly all ages and all regions, is evidence that they must possess something more than merely ideal value. It is not from the mere vagaries of fancy, that they are equally prized by the Laplander and the Siamese. It was not from compliance with any preconceived theories of philosophers or statesmen, that they were, for many thou- sand years, in all commercial countries, the exclusive cir- 10 OF REAL MONEY. dilating medium. Men chose gold and silver for the ma- terial for money, for reasons similar to those which induced them to choose wool, flax, silk, and cotton, for materials for clothing, and stone, hrick, and timber, for materials for building. They found the precious metals had those spe- cific qualities, which fitted them to be standards and mea- sures of value, and to serve, when in the shape of coin, the purposes of a circulating medium. To this use they are admirably adapted : 1. Because they are divisible into extremely minute portions, and capable of re-union without any sensible loss of weight or value ; so that the quantity may be easily apportioned to the value of the articles of purchase.* 2. They have a sameness of quality all over the world. The difference between iron from different parts of our own country and of Europe, is well known to all dealers in that article. The copper of Siberia is superior to that of Germany, while that of Sweden is better than that of Siberia, and that of Sweden is surpassed by that of Japan. But, one grain of pure gold is exactly similar to another, whether it comes from the mines of Europe or of America, or from the sands of Africa. Time, weather, and damp, have no power to alter the quality : the relative weight of any specific portion, therefore, determines its relative quan- tity and value to every other portion ; two grains of gold are worth exactly twice as much as one, 3. Gold and silver, especially with the mixture of alloy that they admit of, are hard enough to resist very consider- able friction, and are therefore fitted for rapid circulation. 4. Their rarity and consequent dearncss arc not so great, that the quantity of gold or of silver, equivalent to the generality of goods, is too minute for ordinary perception : nor, on the other hand, are they so abundant and cheap, as to make a large value amount to a great weight. 5. They are capable of receiving a stump or impression, certifying the weight of the piece, and tlie degree of its purity. C. They arc liable to less variation than any other arti- cle, from changes in the relations of supply and demand, including the cost of production among the conditions of supply. "See Say, Book, Chap, xxi, Section 2. OF REAL MONEY. 11 By the discovery of America, the supply from the mines was increased tenfold, but as there was at the same time an increase of demand, owing to the increase of other kinds of wealth, the rise of prices from 1520 to 1620, was only fourfold. An opinion prevailed about fifty years ago, that the value of silver had been gradually declining from the year 1G20, but Adam Smith, who inquired carefully into the facts, came to the conclusion that the opinion was unfounded, and Jean Baptist Say, the celebrated French economist, is of the belief that there has been hardly any variation in the value of silver in the last two centuries. During the eight years preceding 1819, the supply from the mines is supposed to have fallen short one-half, owing to the troubles in South America. Such a diminution in the supply of any other article, would have made a great alteration in its value ; but the annual product of the mines is so small in proportion to the whole quantity of the pre- cious metals in the market of the world, that it requires very nice calculations to show that their value has been affected by this falling short of the supply. According to the estimate of Mr. Gallatin, the stock of the precious metals on hand is between four and five thou- sand millions. From 1803 to 1809, when the mines are believed to have been most productive, the annual supply was fifty millions. In the last twenty years, it is said to have been but twenty-seven millions. But when the annu- al supply was most abundant, it was only in the proportion of one and a quarter per cent, to the stock on hand, and when it was lowest it had fallen only to three-fifths of one per cent. The ordinary supply of gold and silver does not exceed one hundredth part of the stock on hand, while the annual supply of agricultural products always exceeds, and that of manufactures often equals, the stock on hand. The demand for the precious metals may be measured by the whole amount of other commodities in the market of the world, and the whole amount of labor. In this, but little variation can take place from year to year, or even in a series of years. There may be a glut of corn, cloth, cotton, or other merchandise. More of these arti- cles may be produced than can be consumed, at a particu- lar time or place : but there is never a glut of gold or of silver. The demand for these metals is universal and 12 OF REAL MONEY. incessant. We do, indeed, say that " money is scarce, or money is plenty," but what we mean thereby is, that loan- able capital is scarce or abundant. Witb the great body of men, money, and the material of which it is composed, are always scarce : and must continue scarce, as long as they want those things which money can procure. From the durability of silver, and its other physical pro- perties, from the steadiness and universality of the demand for it, and from the small proportion the annual supply bears to the stock on hand, it appears to unite all the quali- ties that can reasonably be desired in a commercial stan- dard of value. If it is not, as has been asserted by some, " an abso- lutely perfect and altogether permanent standard of value," it, in this respect, resembles our standard measure of length. Even a platina rod is affected by changes of temperature. All things here below are in a state of mutaton. The very figure of our earth is changing ; and an arc of the meri- dian will not, in the cycles of futurity, be of precisely the same length that it was when measured by the French Academicians. It is true, our standard of value is liable to be affected by more causes than our standard of length. But we can calculate the force of these causes, and construct tables showing the effective power of money in exchanges in different ages. Such tables have been published by Sir George Shackford, in the Philosophical Transactions, by the Rev. Arthur Young, in one of his treatises, and by Admiral Rainer, as an accompaniment of his valuable charts of fluctuations in the price of corn. The difficul- ty of showing the etfective power of money in remote peri- ods, is not owing to any inherent defect in the material of which it is composed : but owing to the chroniclers of an- cient times not having recorded a sufficient number of facts for the satisfaction of modern inquirers. In solving problems in Political Economy, it is necessa- ry sometimes to use labor as a measure of value, sometimes corn, and son)ctimes other commodities. So, to measure heights, we sometimes use the foot rule, sometimes the barometer, and sometimes the theodolite. But as, what- ever instruments they may use, men find it convenient to express their mensuration of height in feet and inches OF REAL MONEY. 13 tl)eir fractional parts and multiples, so, whatever measure of value writers may adopt, they seldom find it convenient to proceed far in their calculation, without reducing their expressions of value into the common money of account. In no way can a clear conception of the wealth of a man in a distant time or place, be so easily acquired, as by a comparison of his income in money with the money price of labor and commodities at the same time and place. Those who object to silver as an imperfect standard of value, appear to have fixed their minds on our common measures of length, and finding in- them some qualities which silver does not possess, have hastily concluded that, as a standard of value, it is more imperfect than it really is. But, as value and length are essentially different, we must expect to find the standard and measures of the one essentially different from those of the other. The causes of variation must also be different; and the extent of varia- tion must be different. The analogy between the standards and measures of different things, cannot be greater than the analogy between the things themselves. Value and length agree only in this — that each admits of increase and de- crease by homogeneous degrees, whence it is that each is mensurable by like quantities. If the reader will not suffer his mind to dwell exclusive- ly on measures of length, but extend his thoughts to mea- sures of duration, of heat, and of atmospheric pressure, he will probably be convinced that the common measures of value are not more defective than the common measures of time, temperature, and gravity. To talk of absolute value is as absurd as to talk of ab- solute distance. As the distance of the earth from the sun increases as it passes from its perihelion to its aphelion, the distance from the sun to the earth must increase also. As the value of other things falls, that of gold and sil- ver rises. If the mercury in the thermometer did not rise as the heat increases, we should not be able, by that in- strument, to measure degrees of temperature. If the mer- cury in the barometer did not fall, as we ascend moun- tains, we should not be able, by that instrument, to mea- sure heights. For an absolute standard of value, we should have to find something, the cost of production of which should 3 14 OF REAL MONEY. be the same at all times, and in all places, and the demand and supply of which should never vary in the smallest de- gree. It is impossible even to fancy such a thing. It would be as reasonable to wish for a pendulum which should beat seconds in all latitudes, and in all elevations. The effective power of money is much greater in some countries, and some ages, than in others. But we do not complain of our common measures of weight as imperfect, because ponderous bodies weigh more when on a level with the sea, than when on the lops of tlie highest mountains. To object to the precious metals, on account of their being affected by the costs of production, and by the rela- tions of supply and demand, is to object to them on ac- count of the very things that fit them for standards and measures of value. If the causes of their value were not similar to the causes of the value of other items of wealth, and if they were not liable to be affected by the same causes of variation, they could not serve as a material for money. There must be some homogeneousness in the measure and the thing to be measured. An ounce of pure silver is a quantity which never chan- ges. We may make this our standard of value — our unit of reference in estimating other things. It is our own fault, if we afterwards vary this standard. In many minds the notions of value and utility appear to be confounded. But the two things are distinct, though frequently conjoined. A fine lady and a merchant of the society of Friends have very different views of the utility of diamonds ; but if the merchant has diamonds for sale, the creed of his church does not induce him to value them at less than the fine lady is able and willing to give. The value of commodities is in proportion to their adaptation to the wants and wishes of mankind, rational or irrational, and to the facility or the dilliculty with which those wants and w'ishes can be gratified. With others, value and wealth appear to be synonymous terms. But the various items that constitute wealth are positive in their nature. They arc all those things that conduce to the gratification of human wants and desires, and which may be estimated by reference to a given stan- dard — all those things which may be bought and sold, or estimated at a price. The word value is used to denote certain relations among these items. It always implies OF REAL MOXEV. 15 comparison of two or more objects. In its strict sense, it denotes the effective power of things in exchanges ; but it is, without impropriety, sometimes used to designate that property in things which makes them effective in exchan- ges, and sometimes to signify the judgment the mind forms of different things, on a consideration of their effective power in exchanges. All these meanings of the word are closely connected, and grow out of one another. Various views may be taken of value ; but in whatever light it may be regarded, we shall find gold and silver money the most convenient instruments of valuation, though certainly not the only ones it is expedient to employ. The political economist, to determine the natural value of things, may compute their cost of production in days' la- bor and capital ; but he will find it very difficult to esti- mate accurately these elements of production, except by the instrumentality of money. If he cannot bring his cal- culations into the common money of account, his labor will be of very little use to the practical man, for the effec- tive power of things in exchanges is always estimated in this way, and it is the relation the natural value bears to the market value, that induces the enterprizing to incur the toil and expense of production. In countries in which paper money is unknown, the common standards and measures of value appear to ap- proach as near theoretic perfection, as the common stan- dards of weight, length, or capacity. The standard of reference has no variation, except such as necessarily arises from the nature of value. The measures are com- posed of the same material as the standard. The calculations necessary to show the effective power of money in different countries, and different ages, may not unaptly be compared to those which show the length of pendulums to beat seconds in different latitudes ; or to those which show the loss of weight ponderous bodies sus- tain on being carried to different elevations above the sur- face of the sea. In all such countries, the people suffer no more practi- cal inconvenience from the want of any theoretic perfec- tion philosophers may discover, or may fancy they disco- ver, in the common measures of value, than from similar imperfections in the common measures of time and weight. 16 OF REAL MONEY. Where metallic money is exclusively used, the value of land, of labor, and of all commodities, great and small, can be determined with great accuracy. Jf, in such coun- tries, the trade between different men is not always an in- terchange of equivalents, the fault is not in the instrument of valuation, but in those who use it. If the labor of a man, for a day, or for a year, produces more than is necessary for his immediate support, he can, by exchanging the surplus product for gold or silver, secure the means of supplying his wants in future days or years. Time will not corrupt his treasure or lessen its value. If he should not require it all for his personal wants, he may, at the end of fifty years, endow his children with a portion. The use of money renders it unnecessary for families to keep on hand a large stock of provisions and other neces- saries, and thus saves them from the risk of loss from provisions spoiling, and from various accidents. Having money, they may procure whatever else they want, in just such proportions, and at just such times, as they want. If business or duty calls a man to a distant country, he finds in money the means of procuring comforts similar to those be enjoys at home. The instrument by which he procures all these advantages, is light of carriage, and is tmaftected by any climate into which he may travel. I As the value of silver has undergone hardly any varia- tion in the last two centuries, and probably will not under- go any great variation for a hundred years to come, a man may, in solid money countries, enter into a contract to pay a sum of money, ten, twenty, or thirty years hence, and rest assured that more wealth will not be exacted from him than he intends to give. . In such countries, contracts can be complied with in equity. As the standard of value in most countries is the same, the coins differing only in weight, purity, stamp, and de- nomination, the value of ditfercnt articles in different coun- tries at the same time, can be ascertained with sufficient accuracy for each country to determine what articles it is expedient to export and what to import. Without money, the division of labor could never be carried to any great extent, and the wealth of society would be small. Money, by promoting commerce, advances civili- zation. OF REAL MOXEV. 17 All these advantages are procured at a small cost, for the product of the labor of a commercial nation, for a few weeks, will procure it enough of metallic medium for all the purposes of domestic trade, and this medium will not re- quire renewal for centuries. If the sovereign power refrains from unnecessary altera- tion in the coinage, commerce is, in countries where me- tallic money is exclusively used, liable to derangement on- ly from great natural or political causes. If the supply of gold and silver from the mines is greatly increased, it does not produce a great rise of local price, for the metals dif- fuse themselves over the whole commercial world. If any country gets a large portion of these metals, manufactures absorb a part, and the increase of money is only in propor- tion to the increase of trade. If the supply from the mines is diminished, manufactures absorb less. To the state of trade in different countries, the supply of gold and silver money naturally adapts itself; and also to the state of trade in each county and town, and to the con- dition of each individual. If any country, any county, any town, or any individual wants money, it is for the same reason that that country, that county, that town, or that individual, wants corn, cloth, coaches, or other commodi- ties. If the laws regulating trade introduce a new state of things, the supply of gold and silver soon conforms to the new relations of supply and demand. No prohibitions can prevent money's departing from those countries where its amount is beyond what their trade and industry require. No country can be deprived of its just proportion of the precious metals, except by the use of paper, or by such causes as ruin the commerce and indus- try of a nation. No obstacle, except spurious money, can prevent the precious metals from flowing into countries where wealth is increasing. No instance is on record of a nation's having arrived at great wealth without the use of gold and silver money. Nor is there, on the other hand, any instance of a nation's endeavoring to supplant this natural money, by the use of paper money, without involving itself in distress and em- barrassment. 3* 18 OF BARTER, &C. CHAPTER III. Of Barter, Lcger Entries, Bills of Exchange and Pro- missory Notes. It is not necessary for carrying on business honestly, to introduce gold or silver money into every transaction. Af- ter we have measured a scantling by a toot rule, we may use that scantling to measure another, and that again to measure a third. We can, after having measured several scantlings in this way, make a tolerably correct estimate of tiie length of others by the eye. In like manner, after the value of given quantities of corn, cloth, and other commo- dities, has been ascertained by exchanging them for gold or silver, the value of other parcels of the same commo- dities may be determined without the intervention of mo- ney. In commercial countries in which there is no paper money, little trade is carried on by direct barter, not be- cause it is difficult to make a correct barter estimate, but because purchases and sales can be better regulated in re- gard to time and quantity by other modes of business. Hence the practice of leger entries, or running accounts. The amount of transactions between two traders may be very great, and yet, if, in all their dealings, they have strict reference to the specie price of goods, the commerce may throughout be an interchange of equivalent, though not an ounce of gold or of silver may have passed from one mer- chant to the other. By promissory notes, the use of real money is deferred, and in some cases superseded. If A gives a promissory note to B, and B gives it to C, in exchange for goods, and C passes it to D, the use of money is in two cases super- seded, and in one deferred. Bills of exchange have, in some respects, a similar ef- fect. A merchant at Paris sending goods to Alsace, and wishing money for them, would be forced to wait till the goods could be sold, and the money brought from Alsace, if he could not procure a bill of exchange. In like man- ner, a manufacturer at Alsace, sending goods to the capi- tal, would be forced to wait for payment till the money could be brought from Paris. Here would be two sums of OF BARTER, &C. l9 money passing in opposite directions. Supposing the whole trade of France carried on in this way, tlie amount of mo- ney continually on the road would be equal to the whole amount of goods in passage. The amount of money to be annually transferred from one country to another would be equal to the whole amount of trade between different 'countries, except when the business of importing and ex- porting was carried on by the same merchant. By the use of bills of exchange, the merchant receives the money for which the manufacturer's goods were sold at Paris, and the manufacturer receives the money for which the mer- chant's goods were sold at Alsace. In this way, it becomes necessary to transfer from one part of a country to an- other, or from one country to another, such sums only as are equivalent to the balances of trade. Bills of exchange, where the practice is to pass them from hand to hand, may serve as a local commercial medi- um, though not a very convenient one, since it is necessary for the nice adjustment of transactions, to calculate the difference of the interest on each transfer. Each of these three kinds of mediums has its specific uses ; and each is, as an auxiliary of gold and silver mo- ney, productive of great benefit. A clear view of their operations is necessary, for the distinction between the re- presentatives of private credit, and of bank credit, is as important as the distinction between genuine money and spurious. ''^Leger entries, promissory notes, and bills of exchange, agree with money in being a medium by which valuables are circulated. They differ from it in being evidences of debt owing by one man to another — which money is not. In a far more important particular do they differ from money. They are mere commercial medium. They are neither standards nor measures of value. The amounts expressed in them are the estimations made of goods, by reference to the article which law or custom has made the standard of value. They may be conveniently distin- guished as commercial medium, restricting the term circu- lating medium to money. An increase of these three kinds of commercial medi- um may have the same effect on prices as an increase of money. Where the spirit of speculation is excited, men. 20 OF BARTER, &C. after having exhausted their cash means, strain their cre- dit. Cash and credit are then competitors in the market, and raise prices on one another. In the year 1825, a year of great speculation, the amount of bills of exchange, ne- gotiated in England, was, according to the returns to Par- liament, COO millions sterling. Supposing one-eighth of these in circulation at the same time, this branch of the commercial medium of England amounted in that year to 75,000,000 pounds. But the rise of prices produced by these occasional mul- tiplications of the representatives of private credit, is al- ways temporary. At the end of a given period the bal- ance of the running account is demanded, and payment of the promissory notes, and of the bills of exchange, is re- quired in money. If they are paid, their effect on prices ceases. The result is the same, if they are dishonored. In 182C, the amount of bills of exchange negotiated in England, was 400 millions. Supposing one-eighth part in circulation at one time, this branch of the commercial me- dium of England amounted, in this year, to 50 millions, and was one-third less than in the year preceding. In countries where the money is of a sound character, and the state of credit sound also, leger entries, bills of exchange, and promissory notes, serve rather to keep pri- ces on a level, than to cause them to fluctuate. In some seasons of the year, as when crops are brought to market, or cargoes arrive from foreign ports, there is naturally more trade than in other seasons. By the use of private credit payments are divided among the different months more equally than would otherwise be practicable. Thus, in whatever way trade is carried on, whether by barter, running accounts, promissory notes, or bills of ex- change, or money, one principle of valuation is adhered to in countries having a sound money system. The cash sales regulate the credit sales, and the cash prices regulate the credit prices. If tlie money of a countiy is paper, whether issued by the government, or by a corporation, the expressions of value in the running accounts, promissory notes, and bills of exchange, arc according to the new standards and measures of value. Into the nature of these we shall inquire in other chapters. OF BANKS OF DISCOUNT. 21 CHAPTER IV. Of BanTcs of Discount. Let us suppose that all the Banks in the country were destroyed, and that our circulating medium consisted exclu- sively of gold and silver coin. In such a state of affairs, every merchant would keep about his person, or in his house, his whole stock of money. Let us next suppose an Office of Deposit, established in anyone of our large towns. For the sake of security against fire and robbers, xhe wealthy would here deposit whatever money they did not require for immediate uses. All the money employed in the wholesale trade would thus become the deposit of the Bank. It might be drawn out a few times, but as every large dealer would keep an account at the Bank, the absurdity would soon become evident, of drawing out the money by one man, that it might be depo- sited in the same place by his neighbor. The amount would, therefore, be transferred from the credit of one mer- chant to that of another, and the Bank would become an Office of IVansfcr as well as o( Deposit. The only money that would circulate, would be that employed in retail trade. All wholesale transactions would be adjusted by checks on the Bank, and transfers on its books. The Bank having issued no paper, the only demand on it would be for specie to send abroad. This demand would be limited, for every merchant would make it a rule to retain enough money in Bank for his domestic trade. It would be only as the trade of the town fluctuated, that the amount of money in the vaults of the Bank would fluctu- ate. We may suppose that it rose as high, sometimes, as six millions, and sunk as low, sometimes, as four millions. In a little time, the Bank would discover the lowest amount to which its permanent deposits would be liable to be re- duced ': and it might lend nearly the whole of this amount without much risk of discovery. The money might, indeed, be sent abroad by him to whom it was lent, but he by whom it had been deposited would still have a credit at the Bank, and as all the wholesale transactions of the town I 22 OF BAXKS OF DISCOUNT. would be carried on by checks on the Bank, his credit on the books of that institution would serve him the same purposes as money. Retaining the sum of 500,000 dollars to meet contingencies, the Bank mightsafely grant discounts 'to the amount of 3,500,000, and thus realize a profit of more than 200,000 dollars per annum, without lending a cent of its own capital, and without issuing any paper. It is worthy of note, that tlie Bank of Amsterdam acted on this principle. jNIillions of money, which the merchants had deposited in its vaults, and for the safe-keeping of which, and the transferrincr of which from one account to another, they paid a premium, were lent by the Bank to the India Company, and to the Provinces of Holland and AYest Friesland. The fact was long kept secret ; but was disco- vered when the French entered Amsterdam in 1T94. What was regarded as a shameful breach of confidence in the Bank of Amsterdam, is, with our American Banks, an avowed principle of action. They all lend the money deposited with them for safe keeping, and it is in this way that the Banks in the large cities make great part of their profits. All the money required for wholesale transactions is their permanent deposit. It may go out one day, but it returns the next ; and it may be transferred from one Bank to another, but it is never long out of some of the Banks ; and for the same sum of money there are frequently two creditors — one in favor of him by whom the money has been deposited, and another in favor of him to whom it has been lent. These Bank credits have a very different effect from the leger entries of private traders. "NVlioever sells on trust, puts on his goods an additional price, equivalent to the in- terest for the time to which payment is deferred. Sellers may persuade purchasers to the contrary, and, in some cases, capital may be so plentiful that the amount of interest on a small sum, for a short period, may be scarcely appre- ciable. In other cases, the increase of price is greater than the amount of interest ; as with fashionable tailors and shoemakers, who are forced to cliarge insurance on each item, and make the honest pay for themselves and the dishonest also. Their business would not otherwise yield the common profits of stock and the common wages of labor. OF BAXKS OF CIRCULATIOJf. 23 But Bank credits are in all cases equal to cash. The Bank check goes as far as Bank notes, for Bank notes can be obtained for it on demand. Increase of Bank credits has the same effect on prices as increase of Bank notes. lie who has deposited money iu the Bank, and he to whom it has been loaned, appear as competitors in the market, and raise prices by bidding against one another. It is the same sum of money with which they are contending, and the seller of goods can get it from one only. But there are two credits for this money in the Bank, and the credit is equivalent to cash, both to him who has deposited the money, and him to whom it has been lent. < Our American Banks of Discount must be distinguished , from Loan Offices, or institutions which lend no more than the amount of their own capital. As some express it, the business of the American Banks is " to lend credit." These Banks must also be distinguished from the Bank of Amsterdam, as it once was, and the Bank of Hamburg, as it now is. Into those cities there w'as a great influx of foreign coin, of various denominations, and much of it clipped or worn. To save the trouble of ascertaining the exact value of each parcel, by sorting it on every transac- tion, it was deposited in Bank, and credit granted to each merchant for the amount he deposited, according to mint valuation, a small sum being deducted for warehouse rent, and a small fee charged on each transfer. These Banks were mere offices of deposit and transfer — not of discount. They were very different from our American Banks. CHAPTER V. Of Banks of Circulation. Our American Banks are not contented with the profits derived from lending the money of depositors toother people. As soon as the first instalment of the capital is paid in, the Bank commences issuing notes. To those who come to borrow, it lends paper or coin. The paper being ex- 24 OF BANKS OF CIRCULATION. changed for coin, serves, at least at the place where it is issued, the same purposes as coin. Every man desires money, because he can therewith procure whatever else he desires. If paper can procure for him the object of his desire as readily as gold and silver, paper is as desirable to him as gold and silver. The Bank, therefore, finds borrowers for all the coin it has to lend, and all the paper it deems it safe to issue. This addition of notes to the amount of metallic money previously in circulation, raises first the price of some articles and then of others. The borrower from the Bank having more mo- ney, either paper or coin, at command, can offer an addi- tional price for the object of his desire, or perhaps procure some desirable object that was before unattainable. He from whom the borrower has bought, having made a speedier sale, or perhaps received a higher price than would other- wise have been possible — he also has it in his power to obtain some object of desire that was not before within his reach. A third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, each in his turn, derives a like advantage from this increase of circulating medium. The rise of prices is confined for a time to store goods, but it at length reaches real estate, and finally the wages of labor. Industry is stimulated, and enterprize encouraged. Speculation is excited, private credit is strain- ed, and the representatives of private credit are multiplied. Every body is active, and all branches of business appear to be prosperous. Nothing could be prettier than this, if prices could be kept continually rising. But it is, unfortunately, only while the amount of Bank issues is actually increasing, or for a short time after they have attained their maximum, that society derives ihis benefit from paper money. So far it has the same effect as an increase of real money — as an increase of real wealth. But in due time it affects all articles in nearly equal proportions : and men then discover that for an object of desire for which they had formerly to give one dollar, they have now to give one dollar twenty-five cents, or one dollar fifty : and that it is not more easy to g3t the one dollar and fifty cents to make the purchase with, than it was formerly to get one dollar. The value of land, labor, and commodities, as compared with one another, is t' c same as it was before. It is only the money price OF BANKS OF CIRCULATIOIf. 8$ that is enhanced. The effect this has on public prosperity, is much the same as that which would be produced by changing accounts from pounds, shillings, and pence, to federal money. The sum total of dollars would exceed tliat of pounds, but the articles of the value of which they would be the exponents, would be unaltered in number and in quality. It would be well if the issues of the Banks had no other effect than that of appca-ently increasing the wealth of the community, by raising the money valuation of all kinds of property. But these institutions do not continue their issues lotig, before they raise the price of some commodities above the price they bear in foreign countries, added to the costs of importation. In foreign countries the paper of the Banks will not pass current. The holders of it, therefore, pre- sent it for payment. The Banks finding their paper returned, fear they will be drained of coin, and call upon their debtors to repay what has been advanced to them. In two ways, then, is the quantity of circulating medium diminished : first, by the specie's being exported : secondly, by the pa- per's being withdrawn from circulation. Prices fall as rapidly as they had before risen./ The traders find that the goods in their stores cannot be disposed of, unless at a loss. The different members of society had entered into obligations proportionate to the amount of circulating me- dium in the days of Banking prosperity. The quantity of circulating medium is diminished, and they have not the means of discharging their obligations. The merchan- dise, the fiirms, the houses, for which they contracted debts, may be still in their possession ; but the product of the farms will not bring, perhaps, half as much as will pay the interest of the original purchase money ; the houses will not rent for as much as will pay the interest on the mort- gages ; and the store goods must, if sold at all, be sold be- low prime cost. Bills of exchange are dishonored, and promisory notes protested. One man is unable to pay his debts. His creditor depended on him for the means of paying a third person to whom be is himself indebted. The circle extends through society. Multitudes become bankrupt, and a few successful speculators get possession of the earnings and savings of many of their frugal and industrious neighbors. 4 26 GENERAL EFFECTS OF THIS SYSTEM. Bv the reduction of the amount of Bank medium, the prices of things are lowered, the importation of some kinds of foreign goods is diminished, and specie is brought back. Then the confidence of the Banks is renewed, and they re-commence their issues of paper. Prices are raised again, and speculation is excited anew. But prices soon undergo another fall, and the temporary and artificial pros- perity is followed by real and severe adversity. " Such is the circle which a mixed currency is always describing." CHAPTER VI. General Effects of this St/slcm. The rise of prices that follows an expansion of Bank me" dium, and the fall that follows a contraction, do not affect all descriptions of labor and commodities, at the same time, in an equal degree. The usual effect of an increase of is- sues^ appears to be to raise still higher those articles which are rising from some natural cause : and the effect of a contraction, to sink still lower those which are falling from some natural cause. As Malthus has observed, the ten- dency of paper money is in some instances to sink prices to their lowest point, and raise them in others to their highest. The natural value no longer regulates exchan- ges. We had melancholy proof of this effect of contrac- tion in 1820, when, according to Mr. Tsiles' calculation, the average price of flour throughout the country was only two dollars and fifty cents a barrel. Of rise of prices pro- duced by expansions of Bank issues, we had striking exam- ples in 182.5 and 1831. Wages appear to be among the last things that are raised by an increase of Bank medium. The working man finds all the articles he uses in his family ris- ing in price, while the money rate of his own wages re- mains unchanged. In the year 1831, which was a year o{ great expansion, rents rose enormously in many parts of the town, store goods advanced in price, and such fresh provisions as are sold in the market were higher than thej I; C£5£B.AL EfTECTS OF THIS STSTEM. 27 b&d beeo at any time since tbe reasapCJoa of specie pay* ments ; bat th«; money rate of wages was hardly dfected.* If wages are not tbe first to fall on a contraction of i5> saes, it i3 because the effects of tbe contraction £iil oae- qoally on different kinds of labor. " Cootractioos" nerer proceed far, without breaking ap some prodoctire esta- Uisboteots. Some men are thaa deprived of employment : thct enter into competition with tbe workmen in other es- tablishrnenta, and finallv reduce wages in tbe branches of bosinesa not immediately affected by tbe cootractios of Bank issues. Hejice the complaint we sometimes bear of " all brancb- C3 of trade being overdone." A great namber of enterpri- zes, andertaken with a cheering prospect of socceas wb« the Banks " make money plenty,' come to an nnlbrtanate conclusion when the Banks '' make mooey scarce." As one man is thrown out of employoient, hia effective de- mi r, I f'.r r^.'; '" ' - '" ighbor'a labor ia diminished, an : i.^, p ;r i^-^ competttor of his neighbor, instead of bia customer. The merchant ia compelled to offer his services as a clerk. The master mechanic be- comes a jour^ -"^ ' n. If a clerk is thrown out of employ- ment, the ^ :er has one good customer less. If twenty clerks are deprived of employment, the Bhoemaker may find it necessary to dismiss one - *' "" - ---'-"-.-ts. If t"^enty ahoemakera are without emplc .ier may find bis sales of bread materially diminished : and ao of all other trades. If the real wants of tbe community, and not their abi- lity to pay, be considered, it will not, perhaps, be iaaad that any one useful trade or profession has too maay imsi * Tbia 13 not ihe fim time thij remark has b«ea wade. Iq tbe BHt- iaiiB«Uioaftepart,Bndem '- '^ ^ foUtwriag ■rwui^^u mteuraz •*The wages •f etmmtm fu— fij . : fi^e of wUdk, it 'm well k— w * , adapts itadf awre aiowlj ta i^ e*aagefl windb hippea la Ae vaiae af BBoae? . tbaa tbe price of aar aCber ^>edes af bbar ar caoMMditf ." H:^.ch:jon. in ki» HUtory'of Maasadiaaetta, voL 2, page 401, Makes a reniark which ^lows that tbe effect of paper Boae7 k, ia tfais reject, the mwc, wbetfaer it b ia^^ b j a GorenMMaC ar bj a B^Uc '^ I reeofleet oae adraaCa^ fiaa p^cr ■aagy. Upas ife T tioa frooi tkae ta tiae, «he sages af aeonea, aad the eaaadag veasela aad otkets weie iind, td aoC mamaSateij pee pcopordoa to the riae af iflrer, aad e»gfc— ge wsk f partj of tke vorid.'^ 28 GEPTERAL ETFECTS OF THIS SYSTEM. bers. The number of educated physicians, for example, is not too great for the population. But, not a few physi- cians remain without employment, while many persons, from inability to pay for medical advice, suffer all the evils of sickness. It cannot be said that we have too many shoemakers, tailors, or cabinet-makers, while multitudes are but indifferently provided with clothing and furniture. But, in one sense, " all businesses" may be said to be "over- done," since all businesses are by this system rendered un- profitable to some who are engaged in them. On the operations of manufacturers, these contractions and expansions are productive of most pernicious conse- quences. Expansions of Bank medium are always incite- ments to them to extend their business. The paper need not be put in circulation by direct loans to the manufac- turers. Lending it to such as will buy their commodities has the same effect. Having, by the increase of Bank me- dium, been enabled to sell his goods at an advanced rate, the manufacturer re-commences operations with new spirit. So facile is production with modern machinery, that a small rise of prices causes a great increase of cotton and woollen goods. The production of the articles for which these fabrics are ultimately to be exchanged, cannot, un- fortunately, be increased with equal facility. Unfortunate- ly, also, the Bank medium is soon contracted. There is then a glut of manufactures, and a scarcity of money. On the operations of the agriculturists, these expansions and contractions operate more slowly, but not less perni- ciously. Of this we had a striking example in 182-5, when the speculations in cotton (speculations which can be dis- tinctly traced to an extension of the paper system in Eu- rope and America,) caused much corn to be uprooted that cotton might be phmted in its place. The consequence was, a glut of cotton in the next year, and a scarcity of corn, in some districts of the South. But, increase of Bank medium has the most obvious ef- fect on real estate, as that varies most slowly in value from natural causes. Whenever the Banks make money plenty, speculation in real estate is excited, because men are very desirous to possess that which will afford them a permanent revenue. As the custom is to pay only part of the price agreed upon, and give mortgages for the remainder, a GENERAL EFFECTS OP THIS SYSTEM. 29 small increase of Bank issues produces a considerable rise in the price of immoveable property. In Philadelphia and some other large towns, it is the practice with many not to give any money in the purchase of building lots, but to contract to pay a specified sum annually by way of ground rent. Thus, when the currency is plentiful, men enter into obligations, binding themselves and their heirs to pay perpetual annuities; which annuities, when the cur- rency becomes scarce, sweep away half or all their pro- perty. A four story house on Market street, the erection of which cost $10,000 about the time of the last war, was offered for sale some years afterwards ^ox Jive dollars. No- body would take it at this price, because the rent the house would bring was not equal to the ground rent. A few fur- longs higher up this street, several three story houses were bought for a dollar apiece ; and the purchaser did not get for rent of houses and ground together, as much as he had, a few years previous, bargained to receive for the ground alone. In the less commercial parts of the town, many mecha- nics took lots on ground rent, and invested their little sav- ings in houses, which they hoped would be the property of themselves and of their children after them. The Bank issues were contracted, and these hard-working men lost the net proceeds of many years of industry and economy. Now, the owners of the ground meditated no injustice towards these mechanics. When they fixed the rent of the lots, they supposed they were asking no more than they were worth in perpetuity; and the mechanics supposed they were agreeing to pay no m,ore than they were worth. Their value was correctly estimated, but in a debased cur- rency. If the landlords had abated part of their demand, when a fall of prices took place through the enhancement of the currency, they would have acted on principles dif- ferent from those which usually govern men of business. For more than a century it had been the practice with men of limited means to lease lots on perpetual ground rent, erect houses thereon, and give mortgages for so much of the cost of building as they could not defray without borrowing. There was little risk in entering into these obligations, as both the ground and the buildings rose ia 4* 30 GENERAL EFFECTS OF THIS StSTESf, value with increase of capital and population. In each succeeding year a portion of the debt was paid off, and the mechanic had, at the end of no long period, the satisfac- tion of calling his house his own. The mechanics whose melancholy fate we have recorded, were acting on a me- thod which had been successfully pursued from the first settlement of the country. Their only misfortune was, be- ing ignorant of the principles of currency, and having rulers as ignorant as themselves. In all parts of the Union, except New England, property passed in the same manner from those who had an equita- ble to those who had only a legal claim to it. Farms rose in price from fifty to a hundred per cent., and sunk again as rapidly as they had risen. Thousands were reduced to poverty, and scores rose to wealth on the ruin of their neighbors. It may be said that we are only describing the effects of a suspension and a resumption of specie payments. To this it is sufficient to reply, that occasional suspensions of specie payments are -necessary incidents of the Banking system. Those who fancy that the Bank of the United Slates would be able to continue specie payments in time of war, forget the fate of the more powerful Bank of Eng- gland. Twice in the midst of profound peace, has this very Bank of the United States been on the verge of sus- pending specie payments ; and the Bank of England itself Avas, in 1825, saved from bankruptcy, only by the interven- tion of a Sunday, the discovery in the cellar of the Bank- ing-house of 800,000 one pound notes, by putting w'hich in circulation again, the Bank evaded its promises to pay, and by an unexpected supply of gold from the continent. Suspensions and resumptions of specie payments only make the effects of contraction and expansion more obvi- vious. The money of the country is paper money now, as it was in 1815 and 181G. Its "convertibility" fixes limits on its expansion ; but frequent contractions are necessary to keep it " convertible," and these expansions and contractions are followed by very pernicious conse- quences. As in the case of all public evils, the system bears with the most hardship on the poor. The rate of wages is, as we have seen, the last thing that is affected by an expan- GENERAL EFFECTS OF THIS SYSTEM. 81 sion ; and one necessary consequence of a contraction is, to deprive some men of employment. If a rich man can- not sell his merchandise to-day, he can sell it to morrow ; and if he cannot sell it for full price, he can sell it for half- price. But labor is the poor man's only commodity. If he cannot sell it to-day, it is lost to him forever. The substantial capitalist is a frequent loser, though sometimes a gainer, by these fluctuations. If his capital is small, and his credit in proportion, it is v\'ith difficulty he escapes from total ruin in times of contraction. The reckless speculator, who has no capital of his own, but who operates extensively on the capital of other peo- ple, has much cause to be well pleased with this system. If a loss is sustained by a h\l of prices, the loss falls on his creditors, for he has nothing to lose. If there is a gain, through a rise of prices, the gain is all his own. If tiie speculator is a Bank Director, or a favorite with Bank Directors, happy is his lot. Is there a scarcity of money ? It affects not hiin. Money is made more scarce with other men, that it may be plenty in- his pockets. Whatever may be the condition of others, he is enabled to meet his engagements, and to support his credit. He has the means of purchasing the goods and real estate of dis- tressed debtors at reduced prices, and of holding them till prices rise again. A year seldom passes over without an opportunity of this kind occurring, and such opportunities sometimes occur several times in the course of a single year. In the facility with which these speculators can obtain loans in troublous times, they have another source of profit. In some seasons, they make more gain by discounting notes out of doors, at 2, 3, and 4 per cent, a month, than the Banks of a city acquire by their regular operations. A " go-between" usually manages these transactions, and the speculator, though generally suspected, cannot be proved to be a usurer : but instances have been known of Direc- tors following unsuccessful applicants for " renewals of ac- commodation" out of the Banking-house, and then dis- counting their notes for an extortionate premium. In times of " expansion," men are invited to receive " accommoda- tions" from the Banks; and in time of" contraction" these *' accommodations" are made the instruments by which they are fleeced of their property. 32 GENERAL EFFECTS OF THIS SYSTEM. Much is said against lotteries, and they are certainly great evils. But a lottery, if there is no fraud on the part of the Managers, is perfect fairness when contrasted with some of our commercial operations. Some must gain, and some must lose, in every lottery : but if it is fairly con- ducted, the chances of loss and gain are equal to all ad- venturers. In the present great game of Banking, in which the fortunes of the whole community are the stakes, the very nature of the game gives great advantages to the Managers. It is no reply to this to say, that many Bank Directors are too high-minded to make an improper use of their op- portunities for making money. Bank Directors are like other men — some of them good, some of them bad. The great majority of them are worthy of all respect as private citizens : but even they must, if they are candid, admit that the system gives great advantages to some members of the community over others ; and it is of the system that we are treatinor. Nor is this view of the subject altered by the fact that all the favorites of Banks do pot become men of great wealth. They have great advantages in the great game of society, but there is a bye-game among themselves, and one spe- culator wins from his fellow speculator what the latter had gained from the people at large. Besides this, they are affected, in common with other men, by the various Banking processes which make busi- ness in general so uncertain as frequently to baffle all cal- culation. These affect all classes of society. These place us all astride of the see-saw of fortune. Now we go up, and now we go down. The fate of the frequenters of the Palais Royal is hardly more uncertain. These vicissitudes of fortune are most striking in the cases of men of a bold turn of mind, who commence life without capital, and who, not satisfied with the gain ac- quired by a few years of successt''ul speculation, continue their operations till fortune turns against thera. But the regular merchant, the plodding mechanic, and the pains- taking farmer, are not exempted from similar vicissitudes. It is said, that, in one of the most commercial streets of Philadelphia, there were, a few years ago, but three or four mercantile houses of twenty years standing, which GENERAL EFFECTS OF THIS SYSTEM. 33 had not broken once or oftener, been compelled to ask for an extension of credit, or been in some way seriously em- barrassed. When we consider that the same causes are now in operation, how many of our present commercial houses may we hope will remain unembarrassed for twenty years to come? No doubt many men will, in that period, retire from business, with handsome estates : but of such as shall continue operations for twenty years, how many will escape the vicissitudes which the present system of things entails on the community 1 We have become so accustomed to this system of break- ing, that we begin to consider it a part of the system of nature. But it was not so always. Previous to the revo- lutionary war, there were but three bankruptcies among the large dealers in Philadelphia.* A bankruptcy in the olden time, spread as much gloom over a ftimily as a death; and if the bankruptcy w^as the result of misfortune, the family had the sympathy of all their neighbors. There is reason to believe, that in some periods of six months, more bankruptcies have been recorded in Phila- delphia and New York, than in Hamburg and Bremen in twice that number of years : and that there are more in- solvencies in the United States in one year, than happen in Holland in a whole century. No natural causes exist to make trade more uncertain in the United States than in France, Germany, and Hol- land. The commerce of those countries is, in fact, expos- ed to shocks, from which ours is exempt, from the opera- tions of hostile armies in and near their territories, and from every change that happens in the political world im- mediately affecting their mercantile operations. But the expansions of Bank medium lead our merchants to over- trading, and the contractions force them to make sacrifices of their property : and as these expansions and contrac- tions are as incessant, though not as regular, as the ebbing and flowing of the sea, many kinds of business are with us rendered more uncertain by this one cause, than they are in some other countries by all natural and political causes put together. * They were those of Scott and M'Michael, Peter Baynton & Co., and of one other firm, the name of which is not recollected by our in- formant. 34 EFFECTS ON CREDIT. CHAPTER VI. Effects on Credit. In a rising country, sound credit is of equal importance witli sound currency. Through its operation, the advanta- ges of capital are more equally diffused than would other- wise be possible. The man who has more capital than he wishes to employ in his own business, and the aged and infirm wlio possess wealth, lend it to the young and active. By these means, much capital is made productive, which must otherwise have remained unproductive; and many persons find employment who must otherwise have been idle. The wealth of the nation is increased, and lenders and borrowers are mutually benefitted. The former re- ceive their just share of profits, in the shape of interest; and the latter keep another share as a recompense for the trouble of management. To have a system of sound credit, nothing more is neces- sary than to have a sound money system, and to enforce the faithful performance of honest contracts. Tn the countries forming the present United States, credit has never been perfectly sound. In an early period of our colonial history, arbitrary alterations were made in the legal valuation of the current coin. Then came the paper money of the Provincial Governments, and the Continent- al money of the Revolutionary Congress, together with tender laws, supported by penal enactments. Men of property were careful in making loans, as they knew not but that, between the time of lending and receiving back, such alterations might be made in the currency, that they would be paid in money of much less value than that which they lent. Notwithstanding this, as business was much less uncer- tain than it is now, men whose moral character was such as to afford a guarantee that they would not take advantage of unjust laws to injure their creditors, found little diffi- culty in borrowing. But moral character is no longer security for tlic re-payment of loans; for, the sudden vicis- situdes of fortune, which are produced by the Banking sys- tem, make very great changes in the moral feelings of men. EFFECTS ON CREDIT. 85 Many a one who has, while his affairs are prosperous, every disposition to fulfil his engagements, becomes very careless about them, vvhen he finds his affairs declining. As industry and economy no longer insure success in business, nothing short of real estate is regarded as ade- quate security for the re-payment of a loan. This security many men, in whose hands capital would be very produc- tive, are unable to give. And thus, while the rich are pre- vented from lending their funds in the manner which would be most advantageous to themselves, not a few industrious and enterprizing persons are prevented from exerting their faculties in the way which would be most beneficial both for themselves and for the community. Some, from the im- possibility of obtaining capital to work with, are like me- chanics without tools — useless both to themselves and to the nation. This practice of lending on bond, to which Banking has nearly put an end, was, perhaps, more advantageous to the country, than any other kind of lending. Men who have real estate, could find means for employing their faculties to advantage, even if they were not able to borrow on mortgage. They might till their farms, if their real estate consisted of farms ; or if it consisted of houses, they might, by renting their houses, obtain capital enough to engage in some active business. But men having no capital of their own, and unable to borrow, must, unless employment is afforded them by others, remain in absolute idleness. It is now, indeed, possible for such men to borrow from the Banks, if their indorsers please the Directors. But the loans of the Banks are for 60 or 90 days, while months, and even years, are required for bringing the enterprizes of the farmer and the mechanic to successful completion. Short loans are useless to them. The Banks may, indeed, renew the accommodation, but this depends on contingen- cies ; and the curtailments in time of pressure are so ruin- ous, that a man acts very unwisely who borrows large sums from the Banks, or who borrows them for a long period. When Dr. Franklin arrived in this city, more than a century ago, he was a poor and friendless journeyman printer. The amount of loanable capital held by the Phi- ladelphians was small. Yet, he had been here but a short time, before his neighbors, without solicitation on his part. §6 EFFECTS ON CREDIT. offered to lend him money to establish him in business. A thrifty young mechanic who should now attempt to borrow 500 or 1000 dollars, for a term of two or three years, on his personal security, would be regarded with astonishment. Yet this young mechanic has a capital in his faculties which would entitle him to a loan of more than 500 dol- lars, if the state of credit were sound. If his labor yields him six dollars a week, and his expenses of living are four, he will have a surplus of 104 dollars at the end of the year. This would pay the interest on upwards of 1700 dollars. His chance of living, if he is twenty-one years old, is, ac- cording to. the doctrine of life-insurances, at least thirty years. After making every allowance for contingencies, a loan of 500 dollars to such a young man, might be consider- ed quite a prudent act, and such a loan might enable him to double his weekly revenue. But the uncertainty of business, and the instability of moral character which is produced by uncertainty of business, are such, that capi- talists deem the chances of re-payment not sufficient to justify lending to young mechanics: and the embryo Doc- tor Franklins who are among them, are left to contend with adversity, without assistance from their richer neigh- bors. As there is no borrowing at present on personal security, except from the Banks, many persons suppose that if there were no Banks, there would be no borrowing at all. But Banks do not increase the amount of loanable capital in the country. The loanable capital of each year, is the wealth which its owners do not choose to employ in their own business. All Banking can do, is, to take this loanable capital out of the hands of its owners, and place it under the control of irresponsible corporations. If those who have honestly paid their cent, per cent, for Bank stock, could get their money back, and lend it on bond, it would be more secure than it is at present. Much of that money has been lent by tlie Banks to wild specula- tors. It would be in safer hands, if lent to industrious farmers and mechanics, and plain dealing merchants and storekeepers. We mean, of course, if we had a sound money system, and a sound credit system built thereon, and that sound moral character which proceeds from a sound money and sound credit system. At present, it is EFFECTS ON CREDIT. 37 not prudent to lend on any security short of real estate. Such is the precariousness of business, that men who do not like to incur debts which they may be unable to pay, are scrupulous about borrowing on bond, unless their per- sonal estates are so large as to cover all risk. CHAPTER VII. The same subject, continued. It is a very pernicious kind of credit which Banking substitutes for the kind of credit which would exist, if we could escape the evils of government paper money, and of unnecessary alterations in our coinage. The lender and the borrower do not, under the present system, meet each other face to face. The capital is placed in the hands of irresponsible Boards of Directors, who, in managing it, have regard to little but their own personal interest and that of their favorites. Great faci- lities are thereby afforded to many men for borrowing, to whom no man ought to lend. They are led by Bank loans to engage in business for which they are not fitted by either nature or education. The enterprizes fail, and the wealth of the community is diminished in proportion as the amount of capital thus employed is great or small. ^ Instances have occurred of men obtaining credit for an \ immense amount, who were not entitled to credit for one \ cent. They vvere' neither skilful, industrious, nor econo- mical. They had no capital in their faculties; and none in the form of real or personal estate; or, if they had, it was previously loaded with debts of equal amount to its .' whole value. On an investigation of the affairs of a petty Bank in Buck's county, it was found that the President was indebted to it, either individually, or as a co-partner with other men, in the sum of $112,000, which was three times the amount of the active capital of the Bank. In the case of a Bank in Connecticut, the loans of which were 1,900,000, no less a sum than 1,500,000 was lent to two commercial firms, consisting of two persons each. In 5 38 EFrECTS ON CREDIT. another instance, four gentlemen of Baltimore, who had previously borrowed $1,957,700 from a certain Bank in the regular way, borrowed an additional sum of $l,oOO,000 from the same Bank, without even asking the consent of the proper officers. From a statement recently published, it appears that, on the 9th of April, 1832, the whole amount of notes and bills discounted at the principal Bank in Philadelphia, was $7,939,079 52; of which sum, more than two-thirds wvs loaned to ninety persons. jMore than 83,000,000 were in the hands of seventeen individuals, and nearly one-seventeenth part in the hands of one per- son. Deducting from the total the bills of exchange, the discounts of the Bank on that day, amouiited to §5,964,085 2G; and nearly five millions and a half of this amount were distributed as follows : In loans of not less than .$20,000, eacli to 72 persons, $2,404,278 do. 50,000, do. 19 do. 1,274,^82 do. 100,000, do. 3 do. 341,729 do. 200,000, do. 4 do. 995,456 do. 400.000, do. 1 do. 417,766 $5,434,100 Leaving only 8529,974 20, to be divided among the rest of the community. A small amount borrowed from a Bank, gives a man great credit with the community. By paying down a few thousand dollars and giving mortgages for the remain- der of the purchase money, he may get real estate in pos- session of the value of fifty thousand dollars. He is then regarded as a rich man by the multitude, who know of his houses and lands, but know nothing of the mortgages. They are willing to let him have any kind and any amount of goods on credit. The second year he may be insolvent; but his credit remains unimpaired, and he satisfies those from whom he bought goods in the first year, by the pro- ceeds of goods purchased on credit in the second year. Every year the amount of debt he owes beyond what he is able to pay, goes on increasing ; but ten or twelve years may elapse before his insolvency becomes apparent. In the mean time he is living in splendor on the property of other men. This facility of credit leads many into extravagant modes EFFECTS ON CREDIT. 39 of living. "What they have obtained by the sweat of their brow, men know the value of, and are careful of But what they obtain in a less laborious way, they expend more freely. The easiness with which they can run into debt, is to multitudes a great misfortune. It is well if extravagant living is the only fault this fa- cility of credit brings with it. When men accustomed to splendor, have the property of others in possession, and can secure an independent fortune by so simple an act as a false oath in an insolvent's court, the temptation may prove too strong to be resisted. When they break, the ruin that follows spreads far and wide : for a system of guaranteeing has grown out of our present mode of doing business, through wiiich every man's success in life is made to depend quite as much on the good conduct of those with whom he is connected, as on his own frugality and industry. The Banks are secured by special assignments in which the endorsers of notes are made " preferred cre- ditors," but all others with whom the bankrupt has had commercial dealings, are injured. As every merchant de- pends in part on what is owing to him by others to pay his own creditors, bankruptcies seldom occur singly. One dishonest, or one simply unfortunate man, may break twenty. When credit has caused such a distribution of wealth as renders that capital productive which would otherwise be unproductive, and gives employment to those persons who would otherwise be idle, or less profitably employed, it effectuates all the good that it is in its nature capable of accomplishing. Left to itself, it would regulate itself — would reach this limit, and seldom pass beyond it. Pushed beyond this extent, it becomes pernicious ; and it is push- ed far beyond this extent, byour present system. There is now little buying or selling, except on credit. Even the trade of consumption is on credit. A pass book goes to the crrocer's ; and the tailor and the shoemaker think them- selves happy if their bills are paid at theend of the year. The retail storekeeper (if he does not commence busi- ness without any capital of his own,) lends his capital to his customers by selling to them on credit. This forces him to borrow another capital from the wholesale merchant : for, buying goods on credit, is the same as borrowing capi- 40 EFFECTS ON CREDIT. tal — it is borrowing in the shape of goods instead of money, and giving a note instead of a bond, and an additional price instead of interest. The wholesale merchant, having lent his capital to the retailer, is forced to borrow another capi- tal from the Bank. The Bank, in its turn, borrows the capital of its depositors, and of those who receive its notes. In this way, the whole community becomes indebted — the private families to the storekeepers, the storekeepers to the merchants, the merchants to the Banks, and the Banks to the community at large. Nothing is gained by this forced extension of the credit system. It does, indeed, increase the gambling trade of speculation : and that kind of trade in which sheriffs, con- stables, and assignees, are the active agents. It also in- creases, in particular years, the trade of consumption : but then it draws from the productive capital of the country, and diminishes the trade of consumption in the following years. The amount o{ bona Jide trade for a series of years depends on the amount of goods produced and to be ex- changed. The aggregate of this trade would be much increased through the habits of industry and economy which a cash and sound credit system would introduce. On a cash system, men with small capitals could do as much business as they do at present. They would then turn their capital more frequently. By each act of trade, they would get back their own capital. Now, when they turn their capital once, they turn it out of their own hands, and it remains out of their hands for a year or eighteen months. In the interim they must employ themselves in turning other people's capital, or give up business. If an account should be rendered of the amount lost by bad debts in the course of a year, some notion might be formed of oiic of the evils of super-extended credit : for, nine bad debts in ten may fairly be laid to the account of this system. The aggregate must be enormous, as from 000 to 800 persons annually take the benefit of the insol- vent laws in Philadelphia alone, and numerous compromises are made of which the the courts take no cognizance. OF BANKS AS CORPORATIONS. 41 CHAPTER IX. Of Banks as Corporations. Against corporations of every kind, the objection may be brought, that whatever power is given to them, is so much taken from either the Government or the people. As the object of charters is to give to members of com- panies powers which they would not possess in their indi- vidual capacity, the very existence of monied corporations is incompatible with equality of rights. Corporations are unfavorable to the progress of national wealth. As the Argus eyesof private interest do not watch over their concerns, their affairs are much more carelessly and much more expensively conducted than those of indi- viduals. What would be the condition of the merchant who should trust every thing to his clerks, or of the farmer who should trust every thing to his laborers ? Corporations are obliged to trust every thing to stipendiaries, who are oftentimes less trustworthy than the clerks of the merchant or the laborers of the farmer. _ Such are the inherent defects of corporations, that they never can succeed, except when the laws or circumstances give them a monopoly, or advantages partaking of the na- ture of a monopoly. Sometimes they are protected by direct inhibitions to individuals to engage in the same business. Sometimes they are protected by an exemption from liabilities to which individuals are subjected. Some- times the extent of their capital or of their credit, gives them a control of the market. They cannot, even then, work as cheap as the individual trader, but they can afford to throw away enough money in the contest, to rui?i the in- dividual trader, and then they have the market to themselves. If a poor man suffers aggression from a rich man, the disproportion of power is such, that it may be difficult for him to obtain redress; but if a man is aggrieved by a cor- poration, he may have all its stockholders, all its clerks, and all its proteges for parties against him. Corporations are so powerful, as frequently to bid defiance to Govern- ment. If a man is unjust, or an extortioner, society is, sooner 5* 42 OF BANKS AS CORPORATIONS. or later, relieved from the burden, by his death. But cor- porations never die. What is worst of all, (if worse than what has already been stated be possible,) is that want of moral feeling and respon- sibility which characterizes corporations. A celebrated English writer expressed the truth, with some roughness, but with great force, when he declared that "corporations have neither bodies to be kicked, nor souls to be damned." All these objections apply to our American Banks. They are protected, in most of the States, by direct inhi- bitions on individuals engaging in the same business. They are exempted from liabilities to which individuals are subjected. If a poor man cannot pay his debts, his bed is, in some of the States, taken from under him. If that will not satisfy his creditors, his body is imprisoned. The shareholders in a Bank are entitled to all the gain they can make by Banking operations ; but if the undertaking chances to be unsuccessful, the loss falls on those who have trusted them. They are responsible only for the amount of stock they may have subscribed. For the old standard of value, they substitute the new standard of Bank credit. Would Government be willing to trust to corporations the fixing of our standards and measures of length, weight, and capacity? Or are our standards and measures of value of less importance than our standards and measures of other things ? They coin money out of paper. What has always been considered one of the most important prerogatives of Go- vernment, has been surrendered to the Banks. In addition to their own funds, they have the whole of the spare cash of the community to work upon. The credit of every business man depends on their nod. They have it in their power to ruin any merchant to whom they may become inimical. We have laws against usury : but if it was the intention of the Legislature to encourage usurious dealings, what more efiicient means could be devised than that of establishing incorporated paper money Banks ? Government e.\tends the credit of these institutions, by receiving their paper as an equivalent for specie, and ex- erts its whole power to protect and cherish them. Who- ever infringes any of the chartered privileges of the Banks, is visited with the severest penalties. OF BAXKS AS CORPORATIONS. 43 Supposing Banking to be a thing good in itself, why sliould Banlvers be exempted from liabilities to which farm- ers, manufacturers, and merchants are subjected ? It will not surely be contended that Banking is more conducive than agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, to the pro- gress of national wealth. Supposing the subscribers to Banks to be substantial capitalists, why should artificial power be conferred on them by granting them a charter ? Does not wealth of itself confer sufficient advantages on the rich man 1 Why should the competition among capitalists be diminished, by form- ing them into companies, and uniting their wealth in one mass. Supposing the subscribers to Banks to be speculators without capital — what is there so praiseworthy in their de- sign of growing rich without labor, that Government should exert all its powers to favor the undertaking ? Why should corporations have greater privileges than simple co-partnerships ? On what principle is it, that, in a professedly republican Government, immunities are conferred on individuals in a collective capacity, that are refused to individuals in their separate capacity ? To test this question fairly, let us suppose that a propo- sition were made to confer on fourteen individuals in Phila- delphia, and three or four hundred individuals in other parts of the country, the exclusive privileges which three or four hundred incorporated Banks now possess. How many citi- zens would be found who would not regard such a proposition with horror. Yet privileges conferred on corporations are more pernicious, because there is less moral feeling in the management of their concerns. As directors of a compa- ny men will sanction actions of which they would scorn to be guilty in their private capacity. A crime which would press heavily on the conscience of one man, becomes quite endurable when divided among many. We take much pride to ourselves for having abolished entails, and justly, in so far as the principle is concerned : but it seems to be lost sight of by many that entails can prove effective only when the land is of limited extent, as in Great Britain ; or where the mass of the population are serfs, as in Russia. In those districts of our country 44 OF BANKS AS CORPORATIONS. where negro slavery prevails, entails, aided by laws of primogeniture, would have kept estates in a few hands : but in the Middle and Northern States, a hundred ways would have been contrived for breaking the succession. If direct attempts had proved unsuccessful, the land would have been let on leases of 99 or 999 years, which would have been nearly the same in effect as disposing of them in fee simple. The abundance of land prevents its being monopolized. Supposing the whole extent of country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and north of the 39th degree of latitude, parcelled out among a few great Feudatories ; those Feudatories, in order to derive a revenue from their domains, would be forced to lease them in a manner which would give the tenants the whole usufruct of the terrene; for, the quit rent would be only an annual payment, in- stead of a payment of the whole in advance. But the floating capital of the country is limited in amount. This, from the condition of things, may be mo- nopolized. A small portion of the community have already, through the agency of Banking operations, got possession of a great part of this floating capital, and are now in a fair way of getting possession of much of the remainder. Fixed and floating capital must be united to produce in- come, but he who has certain possession of one of these elements of revenue, will not long remain without the other. The difference between England and the United States, is simply this: in the former country, exclusive privileges are conferred on individuals who are called Lords; in the latter, exclusive privileges are conferred on corporations which are called Banks. The effect on the people of both countries is the same. In both the many live and labor for the benefit of the few. POPULAR ARGUMENTS. 45 CHAPTER X. Of the Popular Arguments in favor of Banking. 'The objections to the American Banks are tripartite. They are, first, such as arise from their substituting paper money for metallic. Secondly, such as arise from their introducing an unsound system of credit. And, thirdly, such as arise from their nature as corporations. ,. If the reader will take a view of all the different operations of the Banks, connecting them together in his mind as they are con- nected in fact, he will require no refutation of the popular arguments in favor of the system. Nevertheless, it may not be amiss, for the satisfaction of some, to consider these argu- ments in the form in which they are commonly presented. " Banks make money plenty." Nay, they make real money scarce. As Bank notes are circulated, gold and silver are driven away. It is contrary to the laws of nature that two bodies should fill the same space at the same time : and no fact is better established than that, where there are two kinds of currency authorized by law or sanctioned by custom, that which has the least value, will displace the other. If Banks at any time make money more plentiful than it would be if only gold and silver circulated, they diminish its value in increasing its quantity. The valuation, or relative estimation of things is thereby enhanced, but not an atom is added to the wealth of the community. " Banks diminish the rate of interest." So far is this from being true, that the Banks tend to increase the rate of interest, by collecting capital into large masses, and diminishing the competition among money lenders. They, also, by their various operations, immediate and remote, give rise to a multitude of usurious transactions. " Banks do much good hy lending money to individuals." But much less good than would be done, by the owners of this money lending it themselves. Banks, as was ob- served in a previous chapter, do not increase the loanable capital of the country, but only take it out of the hands of Its proprietors, and place it under the control of irres- ponsible Bank Directors. 43 POPULAR ARGUMENTS. " If there icere no Bank paper, specie must of necessity he frequently transported to and from distant parts of the country, ot great erpense and great risk." The trade between different parts of the country does not consist of an interchange of Bank notes or of specie, but of the products of the soil and the industry of the in- habitants. B31 private bills of exchange, the sums due to one trader could be transferred to another ; and it would be necessary only occasionally to discharge balances in specie. This is, in fict, the present custom of trade, Bank notes being to only a limited extent, substitutes for bills of exchange. " Banks diminish the rate of exchange between different parts of the country." Then they do great evil. The rate of exchange is the natural balance wheel of trade between different parts of the country. Banks cannot interfere with this, without doing harm. When they lessen the rate of exchange, they remove a natural check on overtrading. " Banks give greater security than individuals in buy- ing and selling exchange." If so, it is because the other operations of Banking have rendered all kinds of business uncertain. In countries where paper money is unknown, no more risk attends dealinofs in exchange than other kinds of dealings. " Such are the customs of trade in the United States, that Banking seems necessary." But the customs herein referred to have their origin in Banking, and, as they are pernicious, ought to be abo- lished. " All commercial countries have some systems of Bank- ing." And none have a worse system than the United States. In all commercial countries, there are men who receive money on deposit, lend money, and deal in exchanges; but the system of Banking on paper money, is of modern ori- gin. The cities of Greece, and Rome, and Egypt, and ancient Asia, attained to wealth far greater than we can boast of, without the aid of chartered Banks. In all coun- tries in which pa])er money Banking, or paper money of any kind, has been introduced, it has done much evil. Aus- tria, Russia, Sweden, France, Denmark, Portugal, Bra- zil, and Buenos Ayres, all bear witness to this truth, as well POPULAR ARGUMENTS. 47 as England and the United States. To these countries we may add China, in which paper money was tried before the commencement of our era, and, on experience of its ill effects, abandoned. " The various evils that are mentioned as flowing from Banking, proceed, in fact, from abuses of it. Banking on proper principles is productive of great benefits." We willingly admit that Banking on proper principles would be productive of great benefits : but we deny that banking with paper money, or by corporations possessing peculiar privileges, is Banking on proper principles. " Paper is more convenient than specie in large pay- ments." Deduct from the total of large payments, all those that are made on account of accommodations at Bank, and all those made on account of the wild speculations introduced by Banking, and it will be found that so few large pay- ments would remain to be made, that we should be able to get through them all without difficulty. To count out a sum in ten or twenty dollar gold pieces, would be as easy as to count it out in ten or twenty dollar Bank notes. Be- fore the establishment of a Bank in ^Montreal, guineas were done up in rouleaus, and such was the confidence the merchants had in one another, that the paper envelopes of the guineas were seldom broken. We mention this merely to show that the effecting of large payments with metallic money, would not be a work of so much difficulty as some imagine. In cases vvhere great despatch was required, the silver or gold money might be weighed, as was done by the Bank of England in 1825, when the demands for gold was so urgent, that the tellers had not time to count the sove- reigns they paid out. If we wish to effect large payments with the least possi- ble inconvenience, we must establish a single Office of De- posit and Transfer in each large town. This would save the time which is now lost in running from Bank to Bank. " Paper saves the wear and tear of coin." The savincris too insignificant to betaken into a national account, in a subject of so much importance as the sound- ness of the currency. Mr. Gallatin says that " the an- nual amount wanted to repair the loss occasioned by fric- tion in gold and silver coin, cannot exceed, taking the 48 POPULAR ARGUMENTS. highest computation, seventy thousand dollars a year in a coinage of forty millions, and is probably much less." This estimate has been formed by Mr. G., " from various opi- nions deduced from actual experiments." Dr. Moore, the Director of the United States Mint, in a report made to the President in 1826, computes the loss on gold coins at two per cent, in fifty years, and on silver coins at only one per cent. Agreeably to the report made to the Senate by the Com- mittee of which Mr. Sanford was chairman, half-dollars and half-eagles will circulate for one hundred years, and dollars and eagles for two hundred years, without being so much worn or defaced as not to serve the purposes of a circulating medium. " Banks affo', d the pvhlic a safe place for depositing their funds." Not always. One hundred and sixty of these safe deposi- tories, have broken in the last twenty years, and one hun- dred and sixty more may break in the twenty years next to come. Again : all those who deposited money in the Banks in the early part of 1814, received back their deposits in mo- ney of inferior value. What has happened once, may hap- pen again. The probability is, that ten times as much has been lost by depositing money in Banks, as would have been lost if people had kept their money in their own houses. " Every man ought to be allowed to use his own credit." Exactly so : and, therefore, we ought not to have incor- porated Banks, which give credit to some, by taking it from others. These institutions owe their credit to acts of Assembly. If their charters were taken from them, not even their own stockholders would trust them. Every man ouglit to be allowed to use his own credit ; but he ought to get that credit fairly, and use it properly. " If there were no Banks, it would be easy to borrow money on bund or mortgage, for long periods, but it would not be possible to obtain discount of 7nerchants' business paper, which has but a few months to run."- Not so : If the corporate Banks of Philadelphia were abolished, many private Banks would spring up in their place. The owners of these private Banks would be men POPULAR ARGUMENTS. 49 in whom the public could place confidence, for they would be responsible in the whole amount of their estates. They would be men of great wealth, for it is in lending money I that men of large fortunes can employ their capitals with most profit and convenience. The competition among I them would be such, that business notes would be discount- \ ed on more favorable terms than at present. They would allow interest on such sums as their customers might leave in their hands. For their own convenience, they would establish a public Office of Transfer and Deposit, and pay the greater part of the expenses of this institution. The system of private Banking in England, has done much evil, (though much less evil than the system of cor- porate Banking in the United States,) because the private Banks of England have traded partly on paper money issued by themselves, and partly on that issued by the Bank of England. In Scotland, where the regulating power is in the unin- corporated Banks, the system does less evil than in England, although paper money is used in both countries. Private Banking in Switzerland, Holland, France, Ham- burg, and Bremen, does much good and no evil. Such a system will we have in the United States, when paper money shall be abolished. In every town in the United States, in which there is trade enough to require it, private Bankers will spring up, who will receive money on deposit, and pay interest for the use of it: Lend money on interest: Buy and sell bills of exchange: Attend to the collection of debts, and in various ways facilitate business. Operating on sufficient capital, these private Bankers will not ruin their customers by violent " contractions." Neither will they incite them to engage in improper enterprizes, by sudden and great "expansions." Our corporate Banks do no good to compensate for the evils they occasion, by their continual alterations of the measures of value, by the uncertainty they give to trade, and by the advantages they confer on some men over others. With private Banks, and public Offices of Transfer and Deposit, we should have all that is good in the present sys- tem, without the evil. 6 RESTRICTIONS ON BANKING CORPORATIONS. CHAPTER XI. Of Restrictions on Banking Corporations. The evils which are produced by paper money Banking, are so great as necessarily to force themselves on the atten- tion of those who are most deeply interested in the con- tinuance of the system. To remedy these evils, they pro- pose various restrictions on Banking corporations, or new modes of conducting their business. A common opinion is, that, if the Banks would not dis- count accommodation notes, and if they would confine themselves to business paper of short dates, their operations would not be injurious to the community.* But, a little reflection may convince us, that, by discounting busi- ness paper, as much Bank paper might be set afloat, as by discounting accommodation notes. The same lot of goods might be sold to a dozen persons, and each might give a note, and each of these twelve notes might be dis- counted at Bank. The limit on Bank issues would be the same as at present — that is, the demand for specie for foreign trade. The anxiety of the Banks to extend their issues would be in no way diminished. The inducement, then, would be to buy and sell goods that notes might be discounted at Bank. Now, it is to have notes discounted at Bank, that goods may be bought and sold. The spirit of speculation being excited by any cause, notes would flow in for discount, and the Banks would, as at present, dis- count as many as they might deem prudent. The severest legislative enactments could not confine the Banks to discounting business paper of short dates, if this paper did not afford full employment to all their "capi- * This opinion was sufficiently refuted by the Bullion Committee, so l()ng ago as 1811 ; and the correctness of their conclusion is confirmed by those who have had the best opportunities for observing the opera- tions of the IJanliing system. " l consider the opinion enteitained by some," says Sir V. IJ., '■ tliat the Bank ought to regulate its issues by the public demand, as dangerous in the extreme; l)ecause I know by experience, that the demand for speculation can only be limited by want of means." The general practice in t'.ngland is to discount only busi- ness paper, but this does not jjrevent the recurrence of evils similar to those we sutler in the United States. RESTRICTIOXS OX BANKING CORPORATIONS. 51 tal" and all their " credit." They would soon find suffi- cient reasons for " renewing" the business notes of some of their customers, and those notes, thus renewed, would become accommodation notes. Except in the cases of applications from Directors, and their favorites, the Banks now prefer business notes, because these place their issues more immediately under their con- trol. More than a certain amount they cannot lend on accommodation paper, for they must keep so much capital under command as is necessary to support their credit. Their deposits would otherwise be withdrawn, and the cir- culation of their notes would cease. It does not appear that these accommodation notes have any specially mis- chievous effect on prices. They are permanent in amount, or nearly so. The fluctuation ofprices appears to be occa- sioned by that part of Bank " capital" and of Bank " credit," which is always varying in amount. Limiting the amount of issues to double the amount of capital, and the amount of loans to thrice the amount of capital, is a favorite provision with legislators. But, Mr. Gallatin says, " amongst more than three hundred Banks, either now existing, or which have failed, and of which we have returns, we have not found a single one, the loans of which amounted, so long as specie payments were in force, to three times, or the issues to twice, the amount of capital. It is clear, that provisions applicable to such improbable contingences, are purely nominal." Compelling the Banks to give an annual statement of their affairs, is also a favorite measure. But it is not easy to compel them to give a/fl/^/i/w/ statement. The accounts of the Banks that break look nearly as well on paper as the accounts of the Banks that continue payments. They who are acquainted with the secrets of Bank management, say, little reliance is to be placed on these accounts. Preventing the Banks from issuing notes of a less deno- mination than five dollars, is a measure which is effective so far as it goes. But it still leaves the Banks the power to substitute paper for specie, and to carry on credit deal- ings to an extent which is very pernicious. In England, where the issue of notes of a less denomination than one pound sterling, or about four dollars and eighty cents, has, for many years, been prohibited, the contractions and ex- (u: 52 RESTRICTION'S ON BANKING CORPORATIONS. pansions of tlie Bank have done so much evil, that it has been found necessary to prohibit the emission of any notes of a less denomination than five pounds sterling, or about twenty-four dollars Federal currency. The Bank of France issues no notesof a less d(M)omination than 500 francs, equal to about ninety-four dollars of our money, yet the Bank of France is at times forced to make such sudden and great curtailments, as inflict much evil on many of those who are within the sphere of its influence. The manufacturers in Alsace had doleful experience of this power of the Bank in France, in 1825. The merchants of Paris, and through- out the kingdom, felt it in 1819. In 1822, also, the contrac- tions which the Bank of France found it necessary to make, produced much commercial embarrassment in many parts of that country. In the charter of the Bank of France, there is a provi- sion that all profits above six per cent, shall be converted into a reserved stock, on which reserved stock the Bank may make dividends not exceeding five per cent. Such a provision in the American Bank charters, would remove many inducements to over-banking, and would make specu- lations in their stock less frequent. In proportion as the personal responsibility of those con- cerned in Banking is increased, and in proportion as the denomination of the notes they are permitted to issue, is raised in amount, the system becomes less pernicious. But no legislative enactments can afford an adequate remedy for the evils which flow from incorporated paper money Banks. The system is, to use the language of the lawyers, malum per sc — or a thing which is evil in its nature. The very principle of its foundation is wrong. No immuni- ties should, in a Republican Government, be granted to any, save tliose which are common to all. To impart to corporations a moral sense of right and wrong, is impossi- ble. They may be made nominally responsible, but to impose on them an cffrctivc responsibility is impracticable. To a certain extent they obey the laws, and respect pub- lic opinion, but it is only so far as, and so long as, is neces- sary for making their business profitable. The interest account of the Banks is, in point of fact, the only effective check we have on the abuse of those powers which our legislative bodies have conferred on them by charter. ESSEXTIAL QUALITIES OF BAXK .VOTES. 53 r^ Such privileges as the Banks possess, ought neither to be / sold nor to be given away, by a republican legislature, to any men or any body of men. A control over the whole of the cash and the credit of the community, is a power as de- spotic in its nature as any possessed by the nobility of Germany. . The regulation of the currency is one of the most im- portant prerogatives of sovereignty. This prerogative is now, in point of fact, surrendered to the Banks. They drive away what may be called the natural money of the country, and substitute for it something which differs from this natural money in both the nature of its value, and the causes of its value. A quantity of this money may be put afloat, but, whatever may be the discretion of Directors of Banks, and whatever may be the legal restrictions on cor- porations, it must fluctuate in quantity, and be affected in, value, by all the causes, natural and political, by which credit is affected. It is flexible, vacillating, agitated by every wind that blows. If any man can invent a method by which the hardness and other properties of platina can be imparted to lead, that man may hope to discover the means by which Bank credit may be made as stable as gold and silver medium. To prove that the task is hopeless, we shall give an analysis of the standard and measures of value introduced by Banking. CHAPTER XII. Of the Essential qualities of Bank Notes. Bank notes are considered by some as "representatives of specie." But, for every silver dollar they have in their vaults, some of the Banks have two paper dollars in circu- lation, some three, some five, some eight, and some thir- teen. Bank notes cannot represent that which the Banks have not. and which is not in the country. If Bank notes can, in any sense, be considered representatives of specie, the paper dollar of the same Bank sometimes represents fifty cents, and sometimes forty cents : and the paper dol- C* 54 ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF BANK NOTES. lars of different Banks represent at the same time, thirty- three and a third cents, twelve and a half cents, ten cents, and seven cents of the silver dollar. Yet they are all current, and all have the same effective power as silver in exchanges. Various other erroneous views are entertained of the na- ture of Bank notes, the consideration of which would be tedious. Examining them one by one, would be merely showing what Bank notes are not. Instead of doing this, it will, it is presumed, be sufficient to show what Bank notes really ai^e. Bank notes are simple evidences of debt due by the Banks. This is their true character. As mere evidences of debt, they differ not from the pro- missory notes of merchants. They are also, in common with bills of exchange and business notes, a commercial medium ; but in some respects, there is an essential diffe- rence between Bank notes and the notes of merchants.* For their promissory notes, the merchants lyay interest. For the promissory notes of the Banks, the Banks receive interest. The promises to pay of the merchants are fulfilled, when the notes arrive at maturity. Bank notes are never paid.t Payment of them in the aggregate is never demanded, • " A bill of exchange drav?n by an individual or individuals who do not issue notes having the character of currency, appears to us to be clearly distinguished from a Banli note, though it is a substitute, and lessens tiie amount of currency which would otiierwise be required. A payment made in Bank notes is a discharge of the debt, the creditor having no further recourse against the person from wiioni he has re- ceived it, unless the Bank had previously failed. The bill of exchange does not discharge the debt, the person who receives it having recourse against the drawer and every preceding endorser, in case the drawer should fail or refuse to pay. But the essential distinction is, that bills of exchange are only promises to pay in currency : and that the failures of the drawers, drawees, and endorsers, docs not in the smallest degree, affect the value of the currency itself, or impair that permanent stan- dard of value by which the pertbriuance of all contracts is regulated." iiallalin. t " The essential dilTercnce between Banking and other commercial business is that merchants rely for the fulfilment of their engagements on their resources, and not on the foriiearance of their creditors, whilst the Banks always rely, not only on tl.'cir resources, but also on the pro- bability that their creditors will not require payment of their demands." Gallalin. ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF BANK NOTES. 55 because what could be got in payment, would, for most purposes of domestic trade, serve no better purpose than Bank notes themselves. Bank notes are thus a kind of paper money. In the countries where they are used, bills of exchange, the pro- missory notes of merchants, and balances of running ac- counts, are paid in Bank notes, as they are paid in other countries with metallic money. The sales for prompt payment in Bank notes regulate sales for deferred payment in Bank notes, as, in solid money countries, cash transactions regulate credit transactions. Like real money. Bank notes are instruments of valua- tion. The quantities they express are the exponents of the effective power in exchanges of land, labor, and commo- dities. An increase or decrease of Bank notes in the United States, has the same effect on prices, that an increase of solid money has on prices in Spain or Switzerland. Increase the amount of Bank notes, and, other things being the same, prices will rise. Diminish the amount of Bank notes, and, other things being the same, prices will fall. In our first chapter, the several qualities of gold and silver were enumerated, all which qualities an article must possess in the same degree, to serve as well as the precious metals the purposes of money. In proportion as the quali- ties of articles recede from those of gold and silver, they are unfitted for these uses. By a comparison of the differ- ent qualities of Bank notes and coin, the reader may acquire a clear conception of the difference between real money and fictitious. In susceptibility of receiving an impression, and in comprising a great value (i. e. market value) in a small space, Bank notes agree with coin. But in every thing else they disagree. Of utility in the arts, the very attribute that gives gold and silver their value in commerce. Bank notes are utterly destitute. They are also destitute of the im- portant qualities of unchangeableness of value, and of uni- formity of value. We, however, because we have never changed our mo- ney of account, fancy that we have never changed our standard of value. We call a Bank dollar by the some 56 ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF BANK NOTES. name as a silver dollar, and then fancy there is no essen- tial difference between them. In our mensuration of other things which admit of in- crease or decrease by homogeneous degrees, we use in- struments possessing the same physical properties as the thing to be measured. The judgment the mind forms of weight or length, is regulated by a material standard. The judgment the mind forms of value, is regulated by an ideal standard ; for Bank credit is something altogether intan- gible. In solid money countries, in all sales of goods for cash, the products of labor are exchanged for the products of labor. The product of the miner's labor, is made the in- strument for circulating the products of the farmer's and of the manufacturer's labor. The transactions are remov- ed but one step from simple barter, and do not differ from it in its essential principle. The exchanges on both sides are of articles possessing inherent value — articles in the production of which labor has been bestowed, and articles which possess the physical qualities which adapt them to the satisfaction of human wants and desires. We receive commodities from one another, and give in return some uncertain representatives of credit, and fancy that trade is conducted with us on the same principles as it is in those countries where paper money is unknown. We pass from hand to hand certain promises to pay, and call that ma- king payment. The relations in the supply and demand of the precious metals are so slow in changing, that hardly any percepti- ble variation in the value of silver has, according to some able authors, taken place in the last two centuries. But the supply of Bank notes may vary several per cent, in dif- ferent periods of the same year, and twenty or thirty per cent, iu three or four years. Thence come great rises and falls of price : but we have only an imperfect apprehension of the cause, for our intangible standard of value never changes its name, how great soever may be the extent in which it is contracted or expanded. It is folly to say that the money of the country is not paper money. In Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, payments of a less amount than five dollars are made in real money : but in the other States, dollar notes circulate, ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF BANK NOTES. 57 SO that payments in specie are made for only fractional parts of the dollar. In North Carolina, South Carolina, and some other parts of the Union, notes for 25 cents, 12| cents, and even 6| cents, are current. There even small silver change is a rarity.* Of large payments, nine hundred and ninety-nine in a thousand are made with paper. Of small payments, nine- ty-nine in a hundred. The currency of the country is, we repeat it, essentially a paper currency. The sprinkling of silver has only the effect of keeping up the reputation of the paper. This paper varies m amount, from day to day, from month to month, and from year to year. Every thing that aifects the spirit of enterprize, affect scorn mer- cial credit, and through that. Bank credit. The importance of adjusting measures of value with the greatest exactness, is enforced by all who have written on the subject. An order has recently been issued to re-coin the whole of the silver money of France, amounting to not less than eighty millions of dollars, on account of its hav- ing been discovered that the mode of assay by cupellation, indicates but 1000 grains of pure silver in a mass contain- ing 1004 grains. The difference between the legal and the practical standard, is less than a half of one per cent. ; yet this difference has been deemed important enough to make necessary a re-coinage of the whole of the silver money of the country. Our own statesmen bear a silent testimony to the truth of this doctrine, by their attempts to * It is observed by Mr. While, Cashier of the Uuited States Branch Bank at Baltimore, in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, under date of Feb. 30lh, 1830 : " Congiess fixed the relative value of gold at 15 for 1 of silver; and under the natural presumption that gold and silver coin would compose a portion of the general circulating medium, it has also been enacted, that a tender of either of those metals should be the only legal mode of discharging obligations. In practice, hoicever, and ill fact, our currencij consists altogether of ■paper. In this State, (Maryland,) and in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and perhaps some others, the fractional parts of a dollar circulate in sufficient quantity to purchase with coin, marketing, or other low priced necessaries; but in the Caro- linas, Georgia, and all that great district eastward of Pennsylvania, composing the States most distinguished for commerce and manufac- tures, and for wealth, there is no transfer of the value of the established unit that is not effected by paper. This Bank paper is sustained by public confidence on a specie basis, considered sufficient to liquidate balances accruing among the several States, and to supply the de- mands for foreign commerce." 58 CONVERTIBILITY OF BANK MEDIUM. determine the ratio of gold and silver, carrying out their calculations in some tables to the five hundredth thousandth part of a grain. Such is the care that Governments (our own among oth- ers) take in fixing metallic standards and measures of value. If by any accident a dollar coined at our mint should con- tain but 369 grains of pure sdver instead of 371^, it would not be put in circulation. The nicest chemical and me- chanical operations are resorted to that the different pieces may have an exact uniformity. But, having done this, our next care is to drive metallic measures of value from the country, and substitute those of the most uncertain nature possible. CHAPTER XIII. Of the "Convertibility" of Bank Medium. Many who are inimical to paper money in every other form, are friendly to the use of Bank paper, because it is, they say, equal to specie, inasmuch as specie can be ob- tained for it at the will of the holder. But what does this " convertibility" amount to ? Though we have between three and four hundred Banks, we have not yet one at every man's door ; and, if we had, every man would, in the course of business, be compelled to re- ceive the paper of distant Banks. A man may prefer silver, and yet not choose to walk even half a mile, to have his note changed. Those whose money dealings are most extensive, like not to offe-.J the Banks by too frequent calls on them for specie. It might lead to a curtailment of their accommo- dation. They have as deep an interest as the stockholders and the directors in keeping the notes in circulation.* " In a debate in Parliament in .Inly lt*28, Lord King said, that "as for payment in gold, Ik- knew there was an esprit dc corps among tlie Bankers, and people who wished to get accommodations from them would find it no easy thing to obtain gold. The Banker would inquire if the individual was in the habit of asking for gold, aud if so, accom- modations would be withheld. Paying in gold was not, therefore, thut check to over-issues which some people imagined." CONVERTIBILITY OF BANK MEDIUM. 59 In addition to this, it must be remembered, that Bank paper is " convertible" into only one of those species which should, according to law and constitution, be the money of the United States. An incorrect valuation of gold at the Mint, and paper money together, have driven this precious metal from the country. Bank paper is " convertible" in- to silver only, which is inconvenient for large payments, and for transportation to distant places in large amounts. From this combination of causes, not more than one- twentieth of the paper is actually "convertible" at any one time, and herein consists the safety of the Banks. An attempt to convert but one half of the Bank medium, into specie, would, though several months were allowed for the operation, break all the Banks in the country. Now, can such a " convertibility" make Bank notes "equal" to specie? We mean equal to specie as money, in its three functions of a circulating medium, and of a standard and measure of value. We know the two articles are equal in the market, but the question is, if they ought to be so. " Convertibility," so far from being an assurance of the soundness of Bank notes as money, is not even an assur- ance, for three days together, of their soundness as bills of credit. This is verified in the case of Banks whose paper is in one week at par, and in the next at a discount of fifty per cent. When the contingencies on which convertibility de- pend, are taken into consideration, the risk appears so great as of itself to outweigh all the arguments usually ad- duced in favor of Bank medium. The practice of the Banks is to make provision for those demands only which it is probable will be made upon them, which provision is seldom for more than one-fifth of the amount of their actual engagements to pay on demand. It is very easy for the Directors to make a mistake in their estimate of probabilities. Events which they could not fore- see may occur, and circumstances they cannot control. It is not always easy to say where the line of safety should be drawn ; and the Directors are at all times tempted to tran- scend it, from the desire of making large dividends, and raising the price of their stock in the market. Sudden changes in the political and commercial world, may render CO CONVERTIBILITY OF BANK MEDIUM. the best conducted Banks unable to comply with their en- gagements, though they may have in store double the amount of specie, which would, in other times, be neces- sary to support their credit. On a certain day in 1819, there were but $80,000 be- tween us and universal bankruptcy. This was the whole amount of specie in the United States Bank at Philadel- phia; and if that had been exhausted, a shock would have been given to Bank credit, which would have caused a general suspension of specie payments. In 1825, the con- dition of both England and the United States was hardly less critical. The failure of two or three of our principal Banks would cause a run upon all the others. They could then comply with but a part of their engagements, and their inability to satisfy the claims of the holders of their notes and of depositors, would render the fulfilment of other money contracts impossible. The credit which Bank notes enjoy, has been called " suspicion lulled to sleep." Events may awaken that suspicion. Attempts are sometimes made to show the perfect secu- rity of the Banks, by contrasting the amount due by them for notes in circulation and for deposites, with the amount falling due to them every sixty or ninety days on account of mercantile paper discounted by them. But such calcu- lations, even when they rest on indisputable data, prove only the ultimate solvency of a Bank. The amount due by the Bank, on account of deposites and on account of notes in circulation, may all be legally demanded in one day ; nay, in one hour. A greater amount may be owing to the Bank, but it is payable at different times, and the extremes of the term are sixty or ninety days apart. The individuals who owe this money to the Bank may be rich men : but their ability to pay, within the time agreed upon, depends on the credit of Bank paper being maintained. Let the depositors suddenly withdraw but one-half the amount of specie ordinarily retained by the Banks, and the credit of Bank notes necessarily falls. A portion of the debts due to the Banks may be paid in this depreciated paper; but the Banks will not have the means of satisfy- ing all their creditors. There being little specie in the country, the collection of debts due by individuals to indi- ESSEPfTIAL QUALITIES OF BANK NOTES. 61 viduals, would be suspended, (if Bank paper should sud- denly lose its credit.) * * * * * * The danger of such an event may not be very immi- nent ; but it is sufficient to show that the stability of Bank medium depends on contingencies which, as they cannot always be foreseen, cannot always be guarded against. What was called " a panic" in England, in 1825, broke up a number of private Bankers who were perfectly sol- vent, and was near proving destructive to the whole sys- tem. If a suspension of specie payments should again occur in this country, we should be left for a time without a sufficient medium of exchanges. Too many men are now aware of the nature of "inconvertible" Bank paper' for it to have general circulation. It would soon run the course of the Continental money, and of the French as- signats. So long as Bank paper is " convertible," more than a certain amount cannot be kept in circulation for a long time without undergoing a sensible depreciation. Hence " convertibility" fixes a limit which Bank issues cannot pass. By carefully watching one another, by attending to the course of foreign exchanges, and by guarding against a drain of specie, the Banks may, in ordinary times, main- tain the " convertibility" of their paper ; but the history of Banking, both in England and the United States, since the resumption of specie payments, shows that this " conver- tibility" cannot give to Bank medium that stability which' is essential to a sound money system. In the means by which " convertibility" is maintained, we have an abundant source of evils. It is by one Bank pressing on another, and thereby forcing the debtor Bank to press on its customers. When there is a foreign de- mand for specie, the " convertibility" of Bank medium is maintained by a general pressure on the community. Lord Liverpool, in a debate in the British House of Peers, in Feb. 1826, placed the doctrine of convertibility in its true light. " The doctrine," he said, " maintained by some noble lords, that nothing was better than a paper circulation convertible into gold, is true to this extent — that if couverlible into coin, the evil would cure itself, whilst one not convertible would lead to nothing but ruin. But how is the cure to be operated ? By the downfall of 7 C2 ELASTICITY OF BANK MEDIUM. thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the convulsion of all kinds of property. It is true that the evil carries its own cure, but with such terrible consequences that the cure is worse than the evil.'' CHAPTER XIV. Of the " Elasticity" of Bank Medium. " The value of Bank medium," says a writer on this subject, " consists in its elasticity — in its power of alter- nate expansion and contraction to suit the wants of the community. In truth, the merit of a Bank is nearly in proportion to the flexibility of its means."' Most unfortunately for this argument, when the demand for money is greatest, the Banks are compelled to contract their issues. When the natural demand is least, they are able to expand most. These " alternate contractions and expansions" do not, therefore, " suit the wants of the com- munity." It is not a regard to " the wants of the community" that regulates these " alternate expansions and contrac- tions." It is a simple regard to their own profits that in- duces the Banks to expand their issues. In contractions, the Banks have regard only to their own safety. Every thing is not, indeed, left to the arbitrary discre- tion of the Directors. The natural and political causes that affect trade, affect also their operations. If wars, or other political operations, cause a flow of pecie to a particular point, the Banks are immediately compelled to reduce their issues of paper. As a demand on tlie Banks for a million of specie usually causes them to reduce their accommodations to the amount of four mil- lions, the pressure on the community is four times as great as it would be if the foreign demand operated singly. A rise in the price of our staples in foreign markets en- ables the Banks immediately to expand their issues. The spirit of speculation is then excited, and the Banks supply it with aliment. Hence, immediately after news of a rise in the price of Hour and cotton, in foreign markets, these articles rise so higli at home that they cannot be exported s ELASTICITY OF BANK MEDIUM. 63 and sold at a profit abroad. The original holders gain something by selling their stock to the speculators. The price is raised on the domestic consumer ; but very little is added to the weahh of the nation, tor the rise of price at home causes little to be exported. To enumerate all the causes that affect expansions and contractions of Bank issues, would be to enumerate all the causes, immediate or remote, that affect trade, or affect the confidence man has in man. Any thing that excites the spirit of enterprize, has a tendency to increase the amount of Bank issues. Whatever damps the spirit of enterprize or of speculation, has a tendency to reduce the amount of Bank issues. As the wild spirit of speculation has in most cases its origin, and in all its aliment, in Banking trans- actions, these various causes operate in a circle. The Banks, by expanding their issues, give aliment to the wild spirit of speculation when it begins ; and by their contrac- tions, they aggravate the evils of the natural reaction. One of the principal inducements for preferring the precious metals as the material for money, is their icant of this very " elasticity" or " Hexibility" which the writer above quoted, declares is the principal excellence of Bank medium. The mere desire of one man to have money, and of another to gratify that desire that he may make a profit by it himself, will not increase the supply of the pre- cious metals. The spirit of wild speculation, therefore, in solid money countries, wants that aliment which is so rea- dily afforded to it in our own. The production of gold and silver requires an expenditure of labor equal to that which must be expended in the production of those articles which gold and silver can procure. The supply is regulated by natural causes which are as powerful as those which regu- late the demand. When an addition is made to the stock of gold and sil- ver in a solid money country, it does not immediately affect prices. It usually comes in the shape of bullion or foreign coin. The importer considers whether a profit may not be acquired by shipping it to some foreign country. If he decides on retaining it, part of it is probably wrought up into plate or jewellery. If he sends it to the mint, some time must elapse before it can be converted into coin. Af- ter it is converted into coin, he may not choose to put it 64 IS PAPER MONEY CHEAPER THAN SPECIE. immediately into circulation. He may make it part of his reserved stock, and wait for months, perhaps, for an oppor- tunity for making advantageous purchases. If he can make no advantageous purchases at home, he sends the money abroad. Thus while there are powerful causes in opera- tion throughout the commercial world, which make the demand and supply of silver and gold to vary in only an imperceptible degree, from year to year, there are particu- lar causes operating, which make the supply in all solid money countries, just equal to the effective demand, and thereby truly " to suit the wants of the community." In such countries, when the spirit of enterprize is awak- ened by fair prospects of a profitable trade, no sudden plentifulness of money follows to convert the spirit of en- terprize into a spirit of wild speculation. If the enterprizes prove unsuccessful, the evil is not aggravated by an artificial scarcity of money. If wars, or other political operations, create a demand for specie, the pressure is only equal to the foreign demand — not fourfold, as with us. If there is a rise abroad in the prices of the staples of ex- ports of a solid money country, no sudden increase of cur- rency raises prices so high as to make the exportation a los- ing business. Such are the advantages of an " injle-xihlc" and '*' non- clastic'^ money. CHAPTER XV. Is Paper 3Ioncy Cheaper than Specie ? The events of the last thirty years, have created a suspi- cion in most men's minds, that there is something not ex- actly right in our Banking system. Indeed, the very head of the system, the President of the United States Bank, seems at times half a sceptic as to its utility. He ac- knowledges that it is attended with great danger ; but then he says, " the substitution of credit for coin, enables the nation to make its exchanges with less coin, and of course saves the expense of that coin." IS PAPER MONEY CHEAPER THAN SPECIE. G5 Mr. Gallatin, who is now President of the National Bank at New York, goes still farther. " The substitution of a paper currency for the precious metals, does not," he says, " appear to be attended with any other substantial advantage than cheapness." Bank notes, it must be confessed, come very cheap to those who issue them. But to those who receive them, Bank notes come as dear as gold and silver. The farmer must give as much of the product of his labor for a paper dollar, as for a silver dollar. It is alleged by some, that " Bank notes increase the aggregate capital of the community, since they cause silver, which produces nothing, to be exchanged abroad for commodities useful in the arts, or for household consump- tion." But it is not true that silver money produces nothing. It is as productive as any other labor saving machine. Its uses in commerce, are as great as those of the steam engine in manufactures. Neither is it true, that the aggregate capital of the country is increased, when silver coin is displaced by Bank notes. A mere exchange is made of one kind of capitaJ for another. The precious metals are exported, and laces, wines, silks, satins, and ostrich feathers, are received in return. A nation that carries its consumption of foreign luxuries so far, as to leave itself without a suitable medium for domestic exchanges, may be compared to a mechanic who barters the tools of his trade for the enjoyments of the ale house. Money is the tool of all trades. But on the supposition most favorable to the friends of the Banking system, what sum is gained by the nation by the substitution of paper for specie ? According to the calculation of Mr. Gallatin, the cur- rency of the country consisted, on the 1st of January, 1830, of about ten millions of dollars in specie, in the hands of the people, of .54 millions of Bank notes, and 55 millions of Bank credits ; making a total of 109 millions of Bank me- dium, for the support of which the Banks keep 22 millions of specie dead in their vaults. Now, supposing Bank medium to fall into disuse, these 22 millions of specie would be set free, and 87 millions more would be required to bring up our currency to its 7* 66 IS PAPER MONEY CHEAPER THA!V SPECIE. present amount. What is this, when compared with the whole capital of the country, which is estimated by Mr. Lee of Boston, at ten thousand millions of dollars, and by two other able economists, at twelve thousand millions. What is it, even when compared with the aggregate of in- comes, which, according to Mr. Niles and Mr. E. Everett, is one thousand millions a year? It should be recollected, that, on the supposition of some- thing being gained by the nation, by the use of paper mo- ney, the saving is once for all, and the annual gain is no more than the interest on the amount of medium. Now, the interest on 87 millions, at six percent., divided among the individuals who constitute our nation, is about 40 cents a piece ! Is it wise, for so trifling a gain, to derange all our monied operations ? But if the inquiry be pushed further, it will be found that nothing is gained by the nation, (we do not say that no- thincr is gained by certain persons,) even on the supposi- tion most favorable to the Banks. For a specie medium, but one mint would be necessary. To maintain a paper medium, we have from 300 to 400 paper mints. The expenses of these mints press heavily on the people. The expenses of the Bank of the United States and its offices, are about 500,000 dollars a year. According to Adam Smith, three million people, in the countries now forming the United States, were governed, and well governed, before the Revolution, at an expense not exceeding 350,000 dollars a year. The labors of the American people for a few weeks would purchase them a sufficiency of metallic medium, which would not require renewal for a hundred years. To support our paper medium, we are frequently obliged to purchase specie abroad, at a disadvantage. As there is no profit on paper money, except by keeping down the amount of specie in the vaults of the Banks, the precious metals are frequently exported and sold at a loss. The cheapness or dearness of an instrument, is to be estimated by the annual expense to which it puts us, in addition to its original cost, and by the manner in which it .tcrves the uses intended. Bank medium is a machine which requires continual watching, which is always getting TAX PAID BY THE PEOPLE TO THE BANKS. 67 out of order, which requires frequent and expensive re- pairs, and which, after all, performs its work badly. Men have passed from one extreme to the other. A hun- dred years ago, the chief feature in the commercial policy of nations, was the amassing of gold and silver, as a kind of wealth ^or excellence. Now, he is the wisest statesman, who is most successful in driving the precious metals from a country. In their attempts " to economize specie," as they call their absurd and nefarious policy, they seem to be forgetful of economy in every thing else. Correct measures of value, it must be confessed, cost something. So, likewise, do correct measures of weight and of capacity. A metallic medium cannot be obtained without paying for it; but whatever it may cost, it is well worth its cost. Our roads and our canals, which are, like money, instruments for fa- cilitating exchanges, cost immense sums. So, also, do our ships, and our manufacturing machinery. Among labor saving machines, gold and silver coin are entitled to the first place. In no way can a nation invest a portion of its capital more profitably, than in a sound cir- culating medium. It will return its original cost a hun- dred fold. Without such a medium, it is impossible for contracts to be complied with in equity, or for productive industry to exert all its energies. CHAPTER XVI. Of the Tax paid hy the People to the Banks. The thirty-one chartered Banks of Pennsylvania had, in November 1829, according to the statement of Mr. Galla- tin, a nominal capital of $12,032,000. One million three hundred and ten thousand dollars of this amount was invested in real estate, and 4,620,000 in stocks of various descriptions, leaving the Banks 6,102,000 to employ in discounting notes.* From the §5,930,000, invested in * Some corrections might be made in Mr. Gallatin's estimates, bnt we take them as we find them, they being accurate enough for the illustration of principles, which is our only object in introducing them. \ 68 TAX PAID BY THE PEOPLE TO THE BANKS. Stocks and real estate, it is to be presumed they derive as much advantage as private persons derive from similar in- vestments. With the remaining 6,102,000, they discount notes to the amount of 17,526,000. On this amount they draw interest at 6 4-10 per cent., for the usage of the Banks is to charge 64 days' interest on loans for 63 days. The revenue which private capitalists would derive from lending $6,102,000 at the legal rate of six per cent., would be $366,120 per annum. The revenue which the Banks derive from the management of this amount, is 1,121,664 dollars. If the Banks do not, by the use of a nominal capital of $6,102,000, draw interest from the people on the sum of 17,526,000 dollars, their returns to the Legislature are de- ceptive. If they actually draw interest on this amount, they draw from the people $755,544 per annum more than would be drawn by private persons lending bona fide capi- tal of the same amount as the nominal capital of the Banks.* Supposing the sums paid in each year, since the passage of the Bank act of 1814, to equal that paid in 1829, the total amount paid by the people in sixteen years, over and above six per cent, on the loanable capital of the Banks, is $12,088,704. A direct tax of half the amount for the sup- port of government, would have produced a rebellion. The Bank of the United States had, on the 1st of No- vember, 1829, a nominal capital of $34,996,270. Of this amount, $11,717,071 were invested in public stocks, and $3,876,404 in real estate, leaving it $19,402,795 of nomi- nal capital for its proper business of accommodating bor- Algebraic signs would, if they were generally understood, serve the purposes of illustration as well as the most correct estimates. * It may, perhaps, be argued, that the "surplus funds" of the Banks ought to be added to their loanable capital. But, as Mr. Galla- tin has said, " it will easily be perceived, that what is called the surplus, and sonietimes the reserved or contingent fund, is nothing more than that which balances the account, or the difference between the debits and credits of the Banks." The surplus funds of the Banks of Penn- sylvania were, in IN'ovember, li^29, according to Mr. G.'s statement, $1,142,000. If it be thought proper to add tiiis amount to the loanable capital, the estimate of the tax paid by the people of Pennsylvania for the support of their local Banks should be reduced from 7.55,544 to 087,024 dollars per annum. It is of little moment whicli mode of esti- mation is adopted. Either proves that the tux amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars in each year. TAX PAID BY THE PEOPLE TO THE BANKS. 69 rowers and dealers in bills of exchange. On this amount of bona fide capital lent at six per cent., private persons would draw a revenue of ^1,164,107. But the Bank, with this amount of nominal capital, discounts notes and bills of exchange, to the amount of 40,017,445 dollars, from which it derives an annual revenue of $2,561,114, or $1,396,947 more per annum than would be received by private capi- talists. In this estimate, we do not include what is paid to the Bank on the rate of exchange, though this must amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of the tax paid by the people for the support of the local Banks in other States than Pennsylvania, it is not so easy to form an estimate. Mr. Gallatin gives a statement of 297 institutions having nominal capitals of the amount of 97,381,935 dollars, but he does not state what portion of their capital is invested in stocks and real estate. The loans made by certain local Banks, out of Pennsylvania, having capitals of the amount of 81,363,224 dollars, he states to be 108,341,268; but he gives no statement of the loans made on 20,412,711 dollars uf nominal Bank capital. Supposing the loans on this amount to be in the same pro- portion, the total amount loaned by the local Banks out of Pennsylvania, is 135,522,331 dollars, and the annual Bank interest on it 8,673,427 dollars. Supposing these Banks to have the same proportion of their capital invested in stock and real estate, as the Banks of Pennsylvania, they have 49,387,015 dollars left for the business of discounting. From such an amount of bona fide capital lent at six per cent., private persons would draw an interest of $2,963,220. But the amount the Banks draw is, 8,673,427 dollars, or 5,710,207 more than would be drawn by private capitalists. The sums, then, extracted from the people, over and above six per cent, on so much of the Bank capital as is employed in discounting, or the tax paid by the people for the support of the Banks, would appear to be — For the support of the Banks of Pennsylvania, $ 755,544 do. local Banks of other States, 5,710,207 do. United States Bank, 1,396,947 $7,862,698 We cannot pretend to be very exact in our estimate. 70 FORMATION OF BANK CAPITALS. The local Banks in the other States, may have a greater proportion of their capital invested in stocks and real estate, than the Banks of Pennsylvania, or thej may have a less proportion. The total amount of their loans may be greater or may be less than has been calculated from the data furnished by Mr. Gallatin. It is enough to know that the extra interest is millions per annum. The principle on which this tax is levied, cannot be misunderstood. With a loanable capital of 100,000 dol- lars, a Bank can, by the help of its deposits and circula- tion, make loans to the amount of 200,000 or 300,000. Hence, for every hundred thousand of their own capital employed in discounting, the Banks draw twice or thrice as much interest as is drawn from the same amount in the hands of private capitalists. The gain of the Banks from their practice of taking the discount in advance, and charg- ing 04 days interest on notes which have but 63 days to run, is also considerable. CHAPTER XVII. Oj the Formation of Bank Capitals. When the uninitiated hear of Banks having capitals of 500,000 or of 1 ,000,000 dollars, they suppose that these in- stitutions had at their commencement, or some time after, real money to this amount. It is a very natural supposi- tion ; but not a true one. The Banks create their own capitals in tlie same manner that they create the money they lend to the people. The usual method of proceeding is as follows : An act is passed by the Legislature to authorize the establishment of a Bank, and certain persons, called Com- missioners, are appointed to receive subscriptions. It is provided in the act that the amount subscribed shall be paid in instalments of five or ten dollars in specie, or the notes of specie-paying Banks, and that after one or two instalments shall liave been paid in, the Bank shall com- mence operations. The first instalment, which we shall suppose to be five FORMATION OF BANK CAPITALS. 71 dollars on a share, enables the Bank to purchase desks and a counter, and to pay for engraving and printing its notes. It has then the necessary apparatus for commen- cing operations, and has, perhaps, a specie fund in reserve of three or four dollars for each share of stock, to meet contingencies. It then begins lo discount notes and circulate paper. The spare cash of those who have dealings with it, are deposited in its vaults. This fund enables it to extend its operations. As the Bank notes will serve the purposes of trade in the neighborhood, the specie is sent to distant places to procure commodities. This leaves open a new channel for the circulation of paper : and the Bank in- creases the amount of its issues. Then conies the time for paying the second, third, or fourth instalment. The Bank makes a call on the stockholders. Some of them hypothecate their stock, that is, pledge it to the Bank, and with the means obtained from the Bank itself pay in their proportion. Others have obtained the means by discounts of accommodation notes, without any hypothecation of stock. Some few pay in real money : but they generally pay in the notes of the Bank itself, or of similar institutions. It is by this kind of hocus-pocus that Bank capitals are formed. After the first instalment is paid, the Bank by its own operations, facilitates the paying of the others. ..-—-- The Bank of Pennsylvania and ikat of the United States have more pretensions than most others to solidity of capi- tal. It was provided in their charters, that a portion of their instalments should be paid in Government stock. This is not a convenient form for loanable capital, which, it might be supposed, is what Bank.i should possess. But the peculiar profits of Banks are derived from credit and circu- lation, and they want no more real capital of any kind than is necessary to support their credit. It is difficult to say in what the capitals of the other Banks ever consisted, unless it be in what it consists at present — in the promissory notes of individuals. Now, the Banks did not obtain these promissory notes by lending real money of their own, for they had it not to lend. They obtained these promissory notes of the stockholders, by giving in exchange for them the promissory notes of the Bank. Thus Bank capitals are formed by exchanging 1 72 FORMATION OF BANK CAPITALS. one kind of promises to pay for another kind of promises to pay. This mode of forming Bank capitals, with the stock notes of the subscribers, is not peculiar to Banks of the second and third order. The Banks of the most approved standing have formed their capitals in the same way. The nominal capital of the old Bank of the United Slates, was ten millions of dollars. One-fifth part of this, or two millions of dollars, was subscribed by the National Government ; but the National Government having no money to pay its subscription, professed to borrow from the Bank. And the Bank having no money to lend, passed a credit of two millions in its books to the Government on which it paid six per cent. The Government, in its turn, received the dividends on 5,000 shares of stock of 400 dollars each at par value. The residue of the capital, or eight millions, was sub- scribed by individuals, and was to be paid, three-fourths in six per cent, stock, and one-fourth in specie, in four six- monthly instalments of five hundred thousand dollars each. " No more," says Dr. Erick Bollman, "or little more than the first instalment, can ever be considered as having been received by the Bank actually in hard money."* The capital of the present Bank of the United States was fixed by its charter at thirty-five millions, of which Government subscribed seven ; but Government having, as in the former instance, no money, the Bank granted it a credit to this amount. The remaining twenty-eight millions of stock were sub- scribed for by individuals. On each share of the stock, they were, agreeably lo the terms of charter, to pay five dollars in gold or silver coin at the time of subscribing ; at the ex- piration of six months the further sum of ten dollars : and at the expiration of twelve months, the further sum of ten dollars. At each of those three periods, twenty-five dollars more were to be paid, on each share, either in United States stock, or in gold and silver coin, at the option of the sub scribers. No more or very little more, than the first instalment of five dollars on cacii share, was paid in gold or silver coin. * r.-iragniphs on Banks, I'liiladelphia, 1811. Dr. Bollman was a zealous ailvocato for tlie renewal of the charter of the Bank. SPECULATIONS IN BANK STOCK. 73 The Directors, indeed, proceeded on the principle that no more was necessary. " It is clear," says one of them, " that having commenced business, and put its paper in cir- culation, it (the Bank) could not enforce the specie part of the second and third instalments of the capital, in new acquisitions of specie. * * * * The Directors acted wisely in discounting the notes of the stockholders, paya- ble in specie, sixty days after date, for the payment of the second instalment."* It is contended by the founders of these institutions, that this mode of forming Bank stock, is perfectly correct. If it is, stock may be created to almost any amount. The Bank risks nothing, and does not increase its circulation ; for the notes which it pays out at one counter in discounting stock notes, are paid in at another counter in subscriptions. The subscribers pay a certain sum to the Bank as borrow- ers : but they receive back the same amount as stockhol- ders. The whole business, is nothing but a paper transac- tion between the Bank and its stockholders. Many of the present owners of stock have paid their hundred dollars' worth of property, or perhaps given an advance of twenty per cent, for the shares they hold : but what they paid, never went to form the capitals of the Banks. They paid it to the original subscribers or to those who bought script from the original subscribers. CHAPTER XVIII. Of Speculations in Bank Stock, and of other Stock- Jobbing. It is well worthy of remark, that, though the Banks de- rive as much profit as private capitalists, from so much of their capital as is invested in real estate and public secu- rities, however they may liave got that capital, and however they may have formed it : and though they deriv^ from 12 to 18 per cent, from so much of their capital as is employ- ed in discounting, they do not, on an average, divide more * " A Friendly Monitor," Philadelphia, published December 15,1819, aad re-published September 17, 182'^. 8 74 SPECaLATIOXS IN BANK STOCK. than six per cent. When the proposal was made to form a " safety fund," by a tax on the Banks, tlie proprietors of stock in the city Banks of New York objected to it as a great hardship, alleging that they had not, for a series of years, received more than 5i per cent, per annum. The heavy expenses of these institutions in the payment of Presi- dents, Cashiers, and Clerks, and the heavy losses that are necessarily sustained when corporate interest superintends the business of lending, are the reasons that the stock- holders get much less than the people pay. Such being the fact, the anxiety to establish new Banks might create surprise, if we did not know that the object of the projec- tors of such institutions is not to lend money, but to make moiiey. People who have money, can lend it without the intervention of Boards of Directors. They can lend it more securely, and watch over it more easily. But a new Bank will afford to some favored gentleman a snug birth as President for life, and to another an equally snug birth as Cashier. Poor cousins can be very conveniently pro- vided for by giving them clerkships. To some, the new Bank will afford facilities for borrowing ; to others, it will afford faciHlies for lending — at two or three per cent, a month. To those who are to be Directors, it will impart additional consequence in society, and give great advanta- ges over their neighbors in business. Others hope to make fortunes by speculations in the script. To further all these objects, nothing is necessary but a charter from the Legis- lature, and the means of paying the first instalment. By the convenient contrivance of stock notes, the stock of the Bank can be completed. The circulation and deposits will prove a certain source of revenue. When a charter is granted, the speculators evince great anxiety to possess the stock, and thereby create an idea that it is something very valuable. In New York, their practice is to subscribe a much greater amount than the nominal capital, and tiien clamor for a pro rota division. In the case of the Broome County Bank, the capital of which was fixed at 100,000 dollars, the subscriptions amounted to eight millions. In Pennsylvania, where sub- scriptions are not received beyond the amount of nominal capital, draymen and other able-bodied persons are hired by the speculators to get the script for them. They strug- SPECULATIONS IN BANK STOCK. 75 i gle at the windows with so much violence, as to give and receive severe personal injury. The most disgraceful ri- ots that occur in Philadelphia, are those which are pro- duced hy the opening of the books of subscription for a new Bank. These doings have their effect on simple-minded people; and, from the prospect of large profits, they prefer Bank stock to land and houses. The founders of the Bank kindly spare them some of the script at an advance of five or ten per cent., retaining only enough to keep the control of the institution in their own hands. Even those who are not simple-minded, do not hesitate to buy the script at an advance, for they hope to sell it at an additional advance. They know that the price of Bank stock in the market is regulated principally by the rate of dividends, and that few make inquiry into the solidity of these institutions, or have, indeed, the means of ascertain- ing whether, on the winding up of affairs, they can pay fifty cents in a dollar. From the peculiar nature of their operations. Banks may sustain their credit, and continue to make high dividends, even when nearly all their capital is gone. In one in- stance, in Philadelphia, a sum equal to the whole capital of a Bank, was actually taken from it by some of its clerks and their coadjutors out of doors, without the Directors knowing any thing about it. The Bank continued its op- erations as before, supported by its deposits and its circu- lation. Its stock sold as high in the market as ever. When the defalcation was discovered, the credit of the Bank re- ceived a shock. But the Directors called in one or two additional instalments, and the Bank recovered its credit. Its stock is now much above par. On common gambling principles, speculations in Bank stock are, perhaps, as eligible as speculations in any thing else. But it may be made a question, if executors, guar- dians, and trustees, act with sound judgment, when they, merely for the sake of facility of management, invest the property entrusted to their care in stocks of this descrip- tion. The ability of a Bank to pay any thing to the pur- chasers of its shares, depends on the ability of the original subscribers to pay their stock notes and accommodation notes, and on the ability of borrowers to pay their promis- 76 SPECULATIONS IN BANK STOCK. sory notes. This ability depends on various contingen- cies, all which ought to be duly considered by those who contemplate making permanent investments of the funds in their hands. In making temporary investments, there is less risk. *' The house is crazy," says the weary traveller to himself, " and must fall ; but not to-night. I may therefore ven- ture to sleep in it." When it has no profits, the Bank may make dividends on its capital, and the fact be concealed from all but the Directors. If its stock should fall in the market, it may be raised again by a few pretended sales, effected through the instrumentality of brokers. Sometimes the funds of a Bank are employed in pur- chasing its stock, and then, if the price offered be suffi- ciently high, those who have the management contrive to sell their own shares. In 1826, four thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-three shares of the Franklin Bankof Nev»' York, were bought up with the funds of the Bank, at an advance of 62,850 dollars. When an investigation was made of the affairs of the Bank, in 1828, it was found there was not enough left to pay the remaining stockhold- ers 50 cents in a dollar. When a Bank gets into difficulties, it sometimes sustains itself for a period, and affords its agents a considerable chance of profit, by allowing them to have its notes at a discount, on condition of their putting them in circulation in distant places. On an investigation of the affairs of the State Bank at Trenton, in 1825, it was proved that one of its agents had sold bills of the Bank to the amount of 18,500 dollars, at an average discount of 37^ per cent. The very day before the Bank stopped payment, its notes were quoted in the Philadelphia Price Current, at only IJ per cent, discount. Every now and then the speculators find it convenient to break a Bank. This enables them to purchase up the notes at a discount, and therewith pay what they owe to the Bank. " There are instances," says Mr. Gallatin, "in which the stockholders, l)y paying for their shares in their own notes, and afterwards redeeming their notes with the stock in their name, suffered no loss ; and this fell exclu- sively on the holders of liank notes and depositors." In the New York American, for June 1825, the follow- SPECULATIONS IN BANK STOCK. 77 ing account is given of a mode of operation which was adopted by the knowing ones of that city. " The mode of proceeding is simple and not expensive, and acquires strength by its own action. We will illustrate it by a case. It is desired to get possession of Insurance Company A, for example. The stock bears a premium in the market, say of five per cent. Enough money is raised among the contributors to pay the premium; and the resi- due is borrowed from other individuals or companies, on a pledge of the stock A, at par. The original advance of the combination is thus small, and they are thence enabled to be operating in the stock of many Companies at once, till, having acquired a control in the several concerns, they turn out all the old administrators, put in their own men, and then go to work again with renewed energy, and means increased by the whole amount of the capitals they have thus acquired the control of By artful management, assi- duous puffing, magnificent predictions, and supplies of stock skilfully curtailed as the demand increases — any one of the stocks thus owned, may be blown up to an absurd rate — and spared as a favor to the public, until the Mana- gers have sold all out, and realized their profits, leaving the new purchasers to come in and assist at the bursting of the bubble." The Editor of another New York paper, the Inquirer, said in June, 1826, that certain men had, " by their bonds, rags, and hypothecation of stock, managed to control a nominal capital of \ie?ix\y fow millions of dollars in different institutions, and I do not believe" said he, " the whole confederacy is worth 100,000 dollars." The same editor afterwards gave a list of thirty-four Banking, Insurance, and other companies, all which, he asserted, were under the control of a certain gang of stock- jobbers. If a Legislature will only grant charters enough, the speculators will have no difficulty in providing a full " assortment" of stocks — Banking, Insurance, and of every other description that may be wanted to suit all the varie- ties of taste to be found in men and women who have mo- ney to part with. If they have one Bank under control, they can use that as a means of putting half a dozen other Corporations into active business. So, the Northern Bank 8* 78 CHARTERS OBTAINED AND RENEWED. of Pennsylvania was set a going by means of a certificate for tliirty-five thousand dollars said to be deposited in one of the New York Banks: and so, the Sutton Bank of Massachu- setts was put in operation by means of 50,000 dollars in specie, borrowed for one day from the City Bank of Boston. Several of the kind of doings described in this chapter, are regarded with horror by Banks v»-hich have reputations to sustain. But, in a view of the tolwle system, it is necessary to take them into consideration. The aggregate of loss sus- tained by simple-minded people, through such doings, is enormous. Another way of making money through the medium ot incorporated paper-money Banks, is by dealing in Govern- ment stocks. Voltaire gives us some insight into this, in one of his letters from Ferney, in Switzerland. "Here I am," he says, " living in a way suited to my habits, and caring but little for to-morrow ; for I have a friend, a Director in the Bank of France, who writes to me whenever money is to be made in tha public funds. Some- times he writes to me desiring me to sell, because the Bank is going to withdraw its notes : at other times, he bids me to buy, for we are going to issue a quantity of notes ; and so, through the kindness of my friend, I always make mo- ney, though living two hundred miles from Paris." CHAPTER XIX. Of the Ways and 3Ieans by tciiich Bank Charters are ob- tained and renewed. When a bill was under consideration in the year 1S28, to renew the charter of the New York Stale Bank, General Root, then speaker of the Senate of that Commonwealth, made a speech, from which the following is an extract: " This Bank was chartered in 1803. Who were the original applicants, and what were the representations made to the country members, it is not necessary to stale : at all events, it was to be a State Bank, and a democratic one. CHARTERS OBTAINED AND RENEWED. 79 I was urged to be a subscriber to the Bank ; it was said the shares were to be scattered over the State, and the members of the Legislature were to have shares. It was one of the most open, palpable, barefaced acts of bribery that can be imagmed. I was induced to subscribe ; but I lost all the shares but a few : they said they had lost the subscription paper, or some such thing. So I told them I would not take any. Afterwards a gentleman who came from Albany to Delaware {i. e. Delaware county, N. Y.) brought me a script for eight shares. I told them I would not have any; so they kept them to themselves, I suppose." In the year 1816, Mr. Hopkinson, of Philadelphia, had the boldness to declare in Congress, that " he considered the litter of Banks lately created in Pennsylvania, as the offspring of private legislation and legislative fraud." A fev/ years since, a senator from Philadelphia County, was heard to lament that a number of shares had been re- served for him in a certain Corporation, the bill for esta- blishing which, he had assisted in passing through the Legislature. The'speculation fuming out unfortunate, he had lost, instead of gaining, by his services as a stock- jobbing lawgiver. There was great struggling for the script of the Spring Garden Bank. But we know a member of the Legislature who merely intimated his wish to have a certain number of shares in that Institution, and his wish was gratified. A distinguished statesman has lately intimated " that there is no law against the Banks subsidizing the public press." With equal truth, it may be said, that there is no law to prevent members of the Legislature from partaking of the advantages of the Corporations they themselves esta- blish. Still it is proper that such facts should be known. Another great inducement with members of the Legisla- ture to vote for new Banks, is that they may have the means of rewarding the township and ward politicians, the " delegates" and " conferees," to whom they are indebt- ed for their nominations. In selecting "Commissioners," they have the means of paying a debt of gratitude to some men, and of laying others under personal obligations which they hope will not be forgotten. To get a majority to vote for a new Bank, is, in some instances, no ifficult undertaking. In Pennsylvania, there is a mode of running bills through both houses, known 80 CHARTERS OBTAINED AXD REXEWED. technically as " log-rolling." The figure of speech is bor- rowed from the practice of the original settlers, who, after cutting down the trees on their tracts of land, used to as- semble together to roll the logs into heaps. What could not be done by one man, the united strength of many made easy. In like manner, the members of the Legislature who are interested in local, personal, or corporation bills, unite their strength, and roll them all through both houses. In this way, it may chance that fifty or a hundred bills are passed in the course of a session, each of which, if suffer- ed to rest on its own merit, would have been rejected. Many members of the Legislature are averse to this practice ; but some of them are reluctantly brought into it, by the refusal of the " log-rolling" members to vote for good public l)ills, unless their own private bills are passed at the same time. The same system is known in the other States, by other names; and it will readily be believed, that where it pre- vails, special privdeges will be conferred on companies un- der any and every pretext. Such is the effect it has on American Legislation, that a stranger, on inspecting the list of acts annually passed, might suppose our State Go- vernments had been established for the special benefit of stock-jobbers and speculators. In 1826, the Governor of Massachusetts declared that, within the preceding five years, charters had been granted to corporations within that Commonwealth, with authority to hold thirty millions of property. This was exclusive of charters to Banking, Insurance, Canal and Rail Road Companies. The Go- vernor of Delaware stated, in his ofiicial message in 1825, that there were then ciglily corporations in that small State. No doubt many legislators think that, in voting for new Banks, they are promoting the welfare of their constitu- ents. . But the prevalence of false views of the money cor- poration system, in legislative bodies, is to be attributed mainly to the exertions of those members who have a per- sonal or political interest in establishing and supporting such institutions. If a Bank only preserves a tolerable credit, the rcnacal of its charter follows as a matter of course. At least, we have met with no instance on record, of refusal to renew the charter of a State Bank which had not committed some open act of bankruptcy. How far a Bank may be entitled CHARTERS OBTAINED AND RENEWED. 81 to the credit it enjoys, is seldom inquired into. Too many interests are then concerned. Those who have bought stock at second hand, know not, if the Bank were com- pelled to wind up, if its assets would cover its debts. Some of the borrowers from the Bank feel alarmed, for, if called on to pay what they owe, their insolvency may be made apparent, and the means of living in splendor be taken away from them. A. clerkship of 600 dollars per annum, makes a man a firm friend of the Banking system: and he who has had an accommodation note discounted, of the amount of only 500 dollars, feels unpleasant if you hint at the possibility of a charter's not being renewed. Such is the weakness of human nature, that if a man owns only a hundred dollars' worth of stock, it makes him less an ene- my to money corporations than he otherwise might be. Whenever the Legislature creates a Bank, it, at the same time, creates an interest sufficient to sustain that Bank, under all circumstances but those of open bankruptcy. And, as if to give these various interests as much power as possible, it has been contrived in Pennsylvania, that the charters of nearly all the Banks shall expire at the same time. The extent of Bank influence is not easily appreciated. It is seldom we see a "Bank ticket," or a " money corpora- tion ticket," on the election ground : but when questions are agitated which affect this interest, the Banks have agents at work, whose operations are the more effective because they are unseen. The result usually is, placing the names of friends of paper money on all the tickets. Over the periodical press, the Banks have great power. Few journalists can venture to expose the money corpora- tion system, in such plain terms as every body would un- derstand, without risking the means of support for them- selves and families. Newspaper editors have as much in- dependence of principle as other men ; but they are far from being independent in circumstances. The neglect of subscribers to pay up arrears, has brought many of them in debt to the Banks. Others who are not in debt, are supported principally by the patronage of the Banking in- terest.* * 111 a speech in Congress in 1816, Mr. Calhoun, referring to the state of the currency, said, " the evil he desired to remedy, was a deep I 82 CHARTERS OBTAINED AND RENEWED. In England it is possible to assail both the ecclesiastical and the hereditary aristocracy, through the medium of the periodical press. Under all the evils the people of that country suffer, they have the consolation of enjoying free- dom of discussion : but, notwithstanding our boasted li- berty in the United States, free and full expositions of the principal cause of our social evils would not be tolerated.* In some respects, the Banks have more power than the Government itself. They hold the purse-strings of the nation. They can buy off enemies, and they have the means, in various ways, of rewarding friends. Their fund for the circulation of pamphlets is not easily exhausted. They require no formal treaties to induce them to act in one; ahnost incurable; because connected with public opinion, over which Banks have a great contiol: Tiiey have, in a great measure, a control over the press ; for the proof of which lie referred to the fact, that the present wretched state of the circulating medium, had scarcelj been denounced by a single paper in the United States." * "Previous to commencing this pamphlet," says Mr. Carey, in a publication made in 1816, " and during its progress in my hands, pru- dence and discretion have been constantly exerting themselves to re- press my zeal, and to deter me from the undertaking. They have in- cessantly spread before my eyes the risk of otfending those powerful bodies, the Directors of the Banks, who have so many opportunities of making their indignation be felt, and some of whom may not be above the mean and malignant desire of availing themselves of those oppor- tunities. " To the soundness of these suggestions, I must freely assent. ' It is plain and practicable. And were 1 to consult my own personal advan- tage or comfort, I should bow down in humble submission to their au- thority. I am well aware of the risk I run. I know if there be at any of the Boards any portion of malice or resentment, (and were there ever twelve men assembled togther without a portion of malice and resent- men ?) it will be roused into action to peisecute the man who has dared to arraign their institutions at the bar of tlie public, and to accuse them of gross errors, whicli have produced a fertile crop of misfortunes and distress to our cili/.eiis. "Another consecjuence equally clear, is present to my view. One Bank Director, actuated by malice and resentment, would do me more injury in a day, liian one hundred of those whose cause I undertake to defend, would do me good in seven years. Tlic malice of the one would be strong, lasting, insatiable, and as vigilant as Argus, with his hundred eyes, to gratify lii.s spleen. The friendship, or the gratitude, of the others would be cold, torpid and lifeless." Mr. Car(!y then was, and perhaps still is, a supporter of the Banking system. The oljject of his letters was simply to investigate the poliaj of a curtailment of accommodations made by the Banks. CHARTERS OBTAINED AND RENEWED. 83 concert. They are ready organized for all occasions. The direct power their charters give them, and the additional power they acquire by their diversified operations, make them all but resistless. In the United States, there always have been, and there are now, a great number of men opposed to the money corporation and paper money system ; but their opposition has produced little effect. In the Bank controversy, there is, on the one side, the strong feeling of private interest supported by party discipline; and, on the other side, the comparatively weak feeling of patriotism, without any aid from party organization. The friends of the Banking sys- tem act in concert ; its opponents act singly, if they act at all. Against any kind of action, there are various dis- couragements. If a proposition is made to establish a new Bank, it seems hardly worth while to oppose it, for one Bank more or less can have no great effect. The question immediately occurs on such occasions, why should not these men, as well as others, be permitted to share the profits of Banking? Every new Bank does, indeed, increase the difficulty of reform ; but the prospect of reform seems so remote as to be with many thought hardly worthy of attention. Other difficulties arise from the system's having received the sanction of the Federal Government, as well as that of the State Governments. If any one of the States wag disposed to establish a system of sound currency and sound credit, it would find the work impracticable so long as a paper money Bank incorporated by the United States Gov- ernment continues in existence. If a proposition is made to suffer the charter of the United States Bank to expire, we are startled with the horrors of a multitude of State Banks, issuing paper without limits, and failing to redeem their notes with specie. It ought to excite no surprise that, under such circum- stances, the paper money system has, notwithstanding the great evils it has produced, been prolonged to the present time, and that it is daily strengthening and extending itself. To get rid of it suddenly is impossible. To remove it would require a regular plan of operations, the carrying of which into effect would employ a series of years. Such a plan of operations could be carried into effect by a party 84 ADVANTAGES TO SOME OVER OTHERS. which would be willing to sacrifice all merely personal predilections and antipathies for the grand object of break- ing down the money corporation ar.d paper money sys- tem, and restoring to the great body of the American peo- ple their natural right of acquiring property by industry and economy. CHAPTER XX. Summari/ Vieio of the Advantages tvJiich the Si/stem gives to some men over others. If two individuals should trade with one another, on the same principle that the Banks trade with the community, it would soon be seen on which side the advantage lay. If A should pay interest on all the notes he gave, and finally pay the notes themselves with his own wealth, and if B should receive interest on all the notes he issued, and final- ly pay the notes themselves with yi's wealth, A's loss and B's gain would be in proportion to the amount of transac- tions between them. This is the exact principle of American Banking ope- rations ; but, owing to the multitude of persons concerned, the nature of the transaction is not discovered by the pub- lic. Regard the whole Banking interest as one body cor- porate, and the whole of the rest of the community as one body politic, and it will be seen that the body politic pays interest to the body corporate for the whole amount of notes received, while the body corporate finally satisfies the demands of the body politic by transferring the body poli- tic's own property to its credit. In private credit, there is a reciprocity of burdens and of benefits. Substantial wealth is given when goods are sold, and substantial wealth is received when payment is made, and an equivalent is allowed for the time during which payment is deferred. If A took a note from B, en- dorsed l)y llic richest man in the country, he would require interest for the time for which payment was postponed. But the Banking system reverses this natural order. The interest which is due to the productive classes that receive the Bank notes, is paid to the Banks that issue them. ADVANTAGES TO SOME OVER OTHERS. 85 If the superior credit the Banks enjoy, grew out of the natural order of things, it would not be a subject of com- plaint. But the Banks owe their credit to their charters — to special acts of legislation in their favor, and to their notes being made receivable in payment of dues to Go- vernment. The kind of credit which is created for them by law, being equipollent with cash in the market, enables them to transfer an equal amount of substantial wealth from the productive classes to themselves, giving the pro- ductive classes only representatives of credit, or evidences of debt, in return for the substantial wealth which they part with. To test the Banking principle fairly, let us bring down our minds from a country to a county, and, to give defi- niteness to our ideas, let us, in all instances, make round numbers the basis of our calculation. Suppose a county to contain a thousand families of ten persons each, and each family to be worth 5,000 dollars. The wealth of the community is, then, 5,000,000 dollars. One-tenth of this wealth, or 500 dollars for each family, we will suppose to be in silver money. The rest is in land, houses, and various commodities. The state of credit in this county is as sound as the state of the currency. The distribution of wealth is left to natural laws. The produc- tion and acquisition of riches are never separated. Every man enjoys what he produces, and what he saves ; and no man enjoys what is produced or what is saved by another. We will suppose the income of this community to be 1,000,000, dollars, or 1,000 dollars a year for each family, and that 700,000 dollars of this aggregate income is derived from industry, and the rest from capital, profits being at the rate of six per cent. In this county are ten men of a speculative turn of mind, who grow tired of working and saving, and wish to grow rich in some more easy way. They apply to the Legisla- ture for a charter for a Bank,with a nominal capital of 100,000 dollars, divided into a thousand shares of 100 dollars each : and their prayer is granted. It is provided in the charter that, as soon as five dollars shall be paid on each share,the Bank shall commenceoperations. The payment of the other instalments is, according to the custom of Penn- sylvania, left to the discretion of the Directors. 9 86 ADVANTAGES TO SOME OVER OTHERS. The business of Banking is new in this county, and as none clearly understand its operation but the ten specula- tors, they subscribe for the whole of the stock, or for one hundred shares each. Each of them pays down 500 dol- lars, making the whole capital paid in, 5,000 dollars. The Bank then commences business, and issues notes to the amount of 25,000 dollars. By the contrivance of " convertibility," and by another contrivance by which they are made receivable in payment of dues to Govern- ment, the notes become current. The notes are borrowed by the speculators. Each speculator has then 2,500 dol- lars at command, instead of 500. It is true, he pays inte- rest to the Bank as a borrower : but he receives the same interest back as a stockholder. It is evident that the equal- ity of wealth is destroyed. The possession of a nionied capital so much greater than that of his neighbors, will give him advantages in trade equal to double the amount of interest. But, estimating his advantages as equal to only six per cent., his annual income is increased from 1000 dollars to 1120, his 500 dollars formerly yielding him but 30 dollars a year, and now, by their conversion into Bank- stock, yielding him 150 dollars ; for, each metallic dollar is, by this contrivance, made to produce to him as much as five did formerly. But this is only the first operation of the Bank. Some of the families in the county deposit their silver in the vaults of the Bank, for safe-keeping. Other families, find- ing that Bank notes serve all the purposes of domestic trade, export their silver. This creates a new demand for Bank notes as a circulating medium. In time, the Bank finds that its permanent deposits of silver are not liable to be reduced beyond a certain amount : and to increase its profits, it lends a great part of the silver to those who ex- port it. It may require some years to bring the machine into complete operation. The " prejudices " of some men against i)aper, and in favor of metallic money, are not easily subdued. But even those with whom the "prejudices" remain, are brought at length, through the force of exam- ple, through necessity, or through some other cause, to make deposits in Bank, and to pay and receive Bank paper. Bank medium then becomes the money of the ADVANTAGES TO SOME OVER OTHERS, 87 county : and as soon as this is accomplished, the regular receipts of the Bank may be estimated as follows : On 100,000 of Bank notes lent, at 6 40, - 66,400 On 100,000 of active Bank credit lent, - 6,400 On 100,000 of silver deposited by some, and lent by the Bank to others who export it, - 6,400 619,200 On this supposition, 200,000 of metallic money will be left in the county, half of which may be in the vaults of the Bank, and the other half circulate as the medium of retail trade. In our haste we passed over the payment of the second, third, and subsequent instalments of the stock. It was not of much moment. The payments were merely nomi- nal. The speculators could easily have paid all the instal- ments, after the first, by the profits derived from the opera- tions of the Bank itself But where would have been the use of this ? The money, if paid in, would have been lent and exported. It would have added something to the income of the Bank. But each speculator can make as much by keeping it in his own hands. The original sum of 5,000 dollars, and so much of the silver of deposi- tors as is retained, are sufficient to support the credit of the Bank. Each of the speculators, therefore, throws in a note for 500 dollars, when the second instalment becomes due. The Bank discounts it : pays out its own paper at one counter, and receives it back at another, or, perhaps, only makes a new cred it entry in its books. It is true, that the speculators are made debtors to the Bank for a certain amount as borrowers : but they are credited with an equal amount as stockholders : and in this way the whole of the remaining itistalments may be arranged. By this contrivance the sum of 95,000 dollars w^ill be added to the debts due to the Bank, but nothing to its circulation or responsibi- lities. The time has now come, in which the speculators may sell a part or the whole of the stock. They may with safety dispose of seven hundred and fifty shares, to widows, or- phans, and literary and charitable institutions, for these will never interfere with Bank management. We will deduct 9,200 dollars from the gross income of 88 ADVANTAGES TO SOMP OVER OTHERS. the Bank, for expenses, losses, and reservations for a con- tingent fund. It will then be able to divide ten per cent, on its nominal capital : and at the rate at which perma- nent annuities are calculated, stock yielding ten per cent, will be estimated as worth in the market 150 dollars a share. Each of our speculators sells seventy-five shares of his stock at this rate, or for 1 1,255 dollars, and invests the proceeds in land, houses, or merchandise. The risk of payment to the Bank of the notes discounted, he trans- fers to the purchaser of the stock. Thus we see that our ten speculators have, by the "ju- dicious" use of 5,000 dollars of metalic money, got trans- ferred to them 112,550 dollars' worth of real and personal estate. Retaining two hundred and fifty shares of stock, they keep the control of the institution in their own hands. Now, we pretend not to say that the accounts of any one of our American Banks would, if faithfully exhibited, accord in every particular with this supposed case. Their profits do not appear to be usually as great : but extreme cases serve best to illustrate j)riiicijjlcs ; and these are the funda- mental principles of the American Banking System. A small amount of metalic money is paid in : the other in- stalments are arranged by the discounting of stock notes. The Bank extends its operations by discounts on deposits, and by substituting a paper for a metalic medium : and, at a suitable time, the founders of the Bank sell a portion of the stock, and invest the proceeds in lands, houses, and merchandise. The Bank of Chester had, on the 3d of November, 1829, a capital of 90,000 dollars, notes in circulation to the amount of 209,004 dollars, and deposits to the amount of 166,374 dollars. The specie in its vaults amounted to 61,462 dollars, and the investments on which it was draw- ing interest amounted apparently to 451,003 dollars. I'he circulation and deposits of the Bank of Chester, were alto- gether 375,438. Those of the Bank in the case supposed, for the sake of illustrating the principle, were only .300, 000 dollars. The investments of the Bank of Chester, yielding interest, amounted to 451,003. Those of the supposed Bank, to only 395,000, including the stock notes of the ten founders of the Bank. It may be, that the whole 90,000 of the capital of the ADVANTAGES OF SOME OVER OTHERS. 89 Bank of Chester was paid in, without any resort to dis- counting of stock notes, or any similar contrivances. But if it was, there was nothing in the principles of the system to prevent the stock of the Bank of Chester from being filled up in the way which is usual in establishing new Banks in America. The Bank of Chester County hav- ing gone into operation in the year in which specie pay- ments were suspended, the filling up of its stock must have been an easy process, whatever method was adopted. As it is public credit that supports the Banks, and not the Banks that support public credit — as the deposits of the Banks are the property of the community generally, and as the profits derived from circulation come from the community generally, they ought to go to the community generally, and be used (if used at all) to lighten the bur- dens of taxation. " If," says Ricardo, " a charter were about to expire, the public might question the policy of permitting a company to enjoy all the advantages which attend the supplying of a great country with paper money. Paper money may be considered as affording a seignorage equal to its ivhole exchangeable value — but seignorage in all countries belongs to the State." If, after the manner of the Scotch Banks, the American Banks paid four per cent, interest on deposits, and granted discounts at the rate of five per cent, there would be some- thing like equity in this department of their operations, for one per cent, would not be more than a fair commission. But they allow no interest on deposits, except in Boston, and perhaps in Baltimore, though it is, in point of fact, through the means of the deposits, that they support the credit of the notes they have in circulation. But the reader will have a very imperfect idea of the ad- vantages the present Banking system gives to some men, if he extends his view no further than the profits derived from trading on deposits, from substituting a credit medium of commerce for a metallic medium, from the formation of Bank stock secundum artem, and the subsequent exchange of that Bank stock for lands, houses and merchandise. In addition to this, he must take into consideration — What some have gained and others have lost, by the va- rious kinds of stock-jobbing and usury, to which Banking has given rise : 9* 90 REMOTE CONSEQUEIVCES OF THE SYSTEM. What some have gained and others lost, by that fluctua- tion of prices which is produced by " contractions" and "expansions" of Bank medium, and which has made most kinds of business more uncertain than a lottery : What some have gained and others lost, through that super-extended system of commercial credit, which has its origin and support in Banking : What some have gained and others lost, by the breaking of upwards of one hundred and sixty Banks between the years 1811 and 1830: What some have gained and others lost, through the cir- culation of counterfeit notes : What some have gained and others lost, by receiving genuine notes at one rate, and passing them at another : Let him add all these accounts together, and he will have a pretty correct idea of what some have gained and others have lost by the direct operations of the system. CHAPTER XXI. Of the Remote Consequences of the System. Ourview of the extent to which paper-money Banking affects our social condition, will be very imperfect, if we confine it to the direct operations of the system. These are, as it were, but the first links of a long extended chain. Each effect becomes in its turn a cause ; and the remote consequences are of more importance than the immediate. To prove this, a few plain truths will suffice. If two men start in life at the same time, and the one gets, at the commencement, but a small advantage over the other, and retains the advantage for twenty or thirty years, their fortunes will, at the end of tliat period, be very unequal. If a man at the age of twenty-one years, is deprived of one hundred dollars which he had honestly earned, and honestly saved, the injury done to this man must be esti- mated by the advantage he would have derived from the use of his little property during the rest of his life. The want of it may prevent his turning his faculties to the best account. The loss may dispirit his future exertion. If a man is, at any period of his lile, deprived of a pro- REMOTE CONSEQUENCES OF THE SYSTEM 91 perty, large or small, accumulated for him by the honest industry and economy of his ancestors, the wrong done to him is of the same character as that which he sustains when he is unjustly deprived of property which was the fruits of his own industry. It is the dictate of nature that parents shall leave their wealth to their children, and the law of the land, in this case, only confirms the dictate of nature. It is not easy to set bounds to the effects of a single act of injustice. If you deprive a man of his property, you may thereby deprive him of the means of properly edu- cating his children, and thus affect the moral and intellectu- al character of his descendants for several generations. Such being the consequences of single acts, we may learn from them to estimate the effects of those political and commercial institutions which operate unequally. They lay the foundation of an artificial'm equality of wealth : and, whenever this is done, the wealth of the few goes on increasing in the ratio of compound interest, while the re- flux operations of the very causes to which they owe their wealth, keep the rest of the community in poverty. /Where the distribution of wealth is left to natural and just laws, and the natural connection of cause and effect is not violated, the tendency of " money to beget money," or rather of wealth to produce wealth, is not an evil. A man has as strong a natural right to the profits which are yielded by the capital which was formed by his labor, as he has to the immediate product of his labor. To deny this, would be to deny him a right to the whole product of his labor. The claims of the honest capitalist and of the honest laborer, are equally sacred, and rest, in fact, on the same foundation. Nor is it the law of nature that the idle and improvident shall suffer temporary inconvenience only. By neglecting to form a capital for themselves, they render their future labor less productive than it otherwise might be : and finally make themselves dependent on others for the means of both subsistence and employment. But, unequal political and commercial institutions invert \ the operation of the natural and just causes of wealth and \ poverty — take much of the capital of a country from those [ whose industry produced it, and whose economy saved it, and give it to those who neither work nor save. The natural reward of industry then goes to the idle, and the natural punishment of idleness falls on the industrious. 92 REMOTE COPTSEQUENCES OF THE SYSTEM. Inasmuch as personal, political, commercial, and acci- dental causes, operate sometimes in conjunction, and some- times in opposition, it is diffiult to say, in individual cases, in how great degree wealth or poverty is owing to one cause or to another. Harsh judgments of rich and poor, taking them individually, are to be avoided. But it is no- torious, that, as regards ditferent classes in different coun- tries, wealth and poverty are the consequences of the posi- tive institutions of those countries. Peculiar political pri- viliges are commonly the ground of the distinction : but peculiar commercial privileges have the same effect : and when the foundation of the artificial inequality of fortune is once hid, (it matters not whether it be by feudal institu- tions or money corporations,) all the subsequent operations of society tend to increase the difference in the condition of different classes of the community. One consequence of unequal institutions is increasing the demand for luxuries, and diminishing the effective demand for necessaries and comforts. Many being qualified to be producers of necessaries, and few to be producers of luxu- ries, the reward of the many is reduced, and that of the few raised to an enormous height. The inventor of some new means of gratification for the rich, is sure to receive his recompense, though thousands of able-bodied men may be starving around him. This may be illustrated by a case drawn from England, where the favorite opera-singer receives her thousands per annum, while the able-bodied agricultural laborer is forced to draw on the parish rates for subsistence. Something similar to it may be found in our own country, where the second rate singers, dancers, and players of Eu- rope, accumulate fortunes in a few years, while multitudes of humble but useful women in all our large cities, strug- gle hard for the means of a bare subsistence. Now, there is no cause of complaint in people's lavishing their thousands on favorite singers and dancers, if those thousands have been honestly earned and fairly got. But if they owe their thousands to political or commercial in- stitutions operating specially to their advantage, those poli- tical and commercial institutions are not of the kind most conducive to social happiness. Through all the operations of business, the effects of an REJrOTE CONSEQUENCES OFJfJHE SYSTEM. 93 unequal distribution of wealth may be distinctly traced The rich have the means of rewarding most liberally the professional characters whom they employ, and the trades- men with whom they deal. An aristocracy in one depart- ment of society, introduces an aristocracy into all. These effects are, it is true, most obvious in countries where the causes of an artificial inequality of wealth are of a permanent character, and connected with political organiza- tion : but they can be discovered in our own country. The inequality of reward our lawyers and physicians receive, is caused but in part by inequality of talent. It is owing in part to the inequality of the means of those who employ them : and to the disposition the many have to prefer the lawyer or the physician who is patronized by the rich and fashionable. They feel that their own education disquali- fies them for forming a proper estimate of professional talent, and take the judgment of those they suppose must, from their superior wealth, have better means of informa- tion. It is, however, amoncr the hard-working members of society, that the ultimate effects of such causes are most observable. The condition of a multitude of poor w'omen in our large cities, has lately attracted the attention of the benevolent. It appears from the statements that have been published, that they can, by working ten or twelve hours every day, earn no more than from seventy-five cents to a dollar a week. Half of this sum goes for house rent and fuel, leaving them from thirty-seven and a half cents to fifty cents a week for food and clothing for themselves and chil- dren. Some thousands are said to be in this situation in Philadelphia alone. Various proposals have been made to better their condi- tion : some futile, others absolutely pernicious. The laws of supply and demand are too pow^erful to yield to ser- mons and essays. The low rate of the wages of these poor women, is the effect of general causes — causes which affect, in one way or another, every branch of business. In the great game we have been playing, much of the wealth of the country has passed into a few hands. Many men dy- ing, have left nothing to their widows and children ; and others who still live, cannot support their families, except 94 EFFECTS ON MORAL CHARACTER. by the additional industry of their wives. The work of a seamstress can be done by a woman in her own house, in the intervals she can spare from attention to her children. In this way, the number of seamstresses has been in- creased. On the other hand, many families who would gladly em- ploy these poor women, are compelled by their own strait- ened circumstances, to do this kind of work themselves. In this way the demand for seamstresses is diminished. Private benevolence may improve the condition of indi- viduals of this class : but the class itself can be benefitted by such causes only as will diminish the number of seam- stresses or increase the demand for their. labor. The cause that will improve the condition of one of the industrious classes of society, will improve the condition of all. When an end shall be put to unfair speculation, then, and not till then, will honest industry have its just rev^ard. CHAPTER XXII. Effects on Moral Character. The practices of trade seem, in most countries, to fix the standard of commercial honesty. In the Hanse towns and Holland, while they were rising to wealth, this standard was very high. Soldiers were not more careful to preserve their honor without stain, than merchants were to maintain their credit without blemish. The practices of trade in the United States, have de- based the standard of commercial honesty. Without clearly distinguishing the causes that have made commerce a game of hap-hazard, men have come to perceive clearly the nature of the effect. They see wealth passing con- tinuallv out of the hands of those whoso labor produced it, or whose economy saved it, into the hands of those who neither work nor save. They do not clearly perceive hoio the transfer takes place : but they arc certain of the fact. In the general scramble they think themselves entitled to some portion of the spoil, and if they cannot obtain it by fair means, they take it by foul. EFFECTS ON MORAL CHARACTER. 95 Hence we find men, without scruple, incurring debts which they have no prospect of paying. Hence we find them, when on the very verge of bank- ruptcy, embarrassing their friends by prevailing on them to indorse notes and sign custom-house bonds. Instances not unfrequently occur of men who have failed once or twice, afterwards accumulating great wealth. How few of these honorably discharge their old debts by paying twenty shillings in the pound ! How many evade the just demands of their creditors, by privately transferring their property. . It is impossible, in the present condition of society, to pass laws which will punish dishonest insolvents, and not oppress the honest and unfortunate. Neither can public opinion distinguish between them, The dishonest share the sympathy which should be given exclusively to their unfortunate neighbors : and the honest are forced to bear a part of the indignation which should fall entirely on the fraudulent. The standard of commercial honesty can never be raised very high, while trade is conducted on present principles. " It is hard," says Dr. Franklin, " for an empty bag to stand upright." The straits to which many men are re- duced, cause them to be guilty of actions which they would regard with as much horror as their neighbors, if they were as prosperous as their neighbors. We may be very severe in our censure of such men, but what else ought we to expect, when the laws and cir- cumstances give to some men so great advantages in the great game in which the fortunes of the whole community are at issue — what else ought we to expect, but that those to whom the law gives no such advantage, should exert to the utmost such faculties as remain to them in the struggle for riches, and not be very particular whether the means they use are such as the law sanctions or the law condemns. Let those who are in possession of property which has been acquired according to the strict letter of the law, be thankful that they have not been led Into such temptations as those on whom the positive institutions of society have had an unfavorable influence. But, Banking has a more extensive effect on the moral character of the community, through that distribution of 96 EFFECTS ON MORAL CHARACTER. wealth which is the result of its various direct and remote operations. Moralists in all ages, have inveighed against lux- ury. To it they attribute the corruption of morals, and the downfall of nations. The word luxury is equivocal. What is regarded as a luxury in one stage of society, is, in another, considered as a comfort, and in a still more advanced stage as a necessary. The desire of enjoyment is the great stimu- lus to social improvement. If men were content with bare necessaries, no people would, in the arts and sciences, and in whatever else renders life desirable, be in advance of the lowest caste of the Hindoos, or the unhappy peasantry of the most unhappy country of Europe. Rut, whatever moralists have said against luxury, is true when applied to that artificial inequality of fortune which is produced by positive institutions of an unjust character. Its necessary effect is to corrupt one part of the communi- ty, and debase the other. The bare prospect of inheriting great wealth, damps the energies of a young man. It is well if this is the only evil it produces. " An idle man's brain," says John Bunyan, " is the devil's workshop." Few men can have much lei- sure, and not be injured by it. To get rid of the ennui of existence, young men of wealth resort to the gambling ta- ble, the race ground, and other haunts of dissipation. They cannot have these low means of gratification, without de- basing those less favored by fortune. The children of the poor suffer as much in one way, as the children of the rich suffer in another. The whole ener- gies of the father and mother are exhausted in providing bread for tl\emselves and their family. They cannot at- tend properly to the formation of the moral character of their offspring — the most important branch of education. They can ill spare the means to pay for suitable intellec- tual instruction. Their necessities compel them to put their children to employments unsuited to their age and strength. The foundation is thus laid of diseases which shorten and imbitter life. Instances occur of men, by the force of their innate powers, overcoming the advantages of excess or defect of wealth ; but il is true, as a general maxim, that, in early life, and in every period of life, too much or too little wealth, is injurious to the character of the individual, and, EFFECTS ON HAPPINESS. 97 when it extends through a community, it is injurious to the character of that community. In the general intercourse of society, this artificial ine- quality of wealth produces baneful effects. In the United States, the pride of wealth has more force than in any other country, because there is here no other pride to divide the human heart. Some of our good republicans do, indeed, boast of a descent from the European nobility; but when they produce their coats of arms, and their genealogical trees, they are laughed at. The question is propounded, if their noble ancestors left them any money. Genius con- fers on its possessor a very doubtful advantage. Virtue, with us, as in the days of the Roman poet, is viler than sea weed, unless it has a splendid retinue. Talent is esti- mated only as a means of increasing riches. Wealth alone can give permanent distinction, for he who is at the top of the political ladder to-day, may be at the bbttom to- morrow. One mischief this state of things produces, is, that men are brought to consider wealth as the only means of hap- piness. Hence they sacrifice honor, conscience, health, friends — every thing, to obtain it. The other effects of artificial inequality of wealth, have been treated of at large, by moralists, from Solomon and Socrates downwards. To their works, and to the modern treatises on crime and pauperism, we refer the reader. The last mentioned treatises are, for the most part, only illustra- tions of the ultimate effects of positive institutions, which operate unequally on different members of the commu- nity. CHAPTER XXIII. Effects on Happiness. The inferences the intelligent reader must have drawn from what has already been stated, preclude the necessity of much detail in this part of our inquiry. Wealth is, if independently considered, but one among fifty of the causes of happiness : and poverty, viewed i« 10 98 EFFECTS ON HAPPINESS. the same light, is but one among fifty of the causes of mi- sery. The poorest young man, having health of body and peace of mind, and enjoying tiie play of the social sympa- thies, in the affections of wife, children and friends, is hap- pier than the richest old man, bowed down v\ith sickness, oppressed with anxiety for the future, or by remorse for the past, having nobody to love, and beloved by nobody. But though we may, by mental abstraction, consider wealth independently, or poverty independently, neither the one or the other is absolutely independent in its opera- tion. Tiiere is no cause in either the physical or the moral world, but which works in conjunction with other causes. Health of body and peace of mind, with the just play of the social affections, may give happiness, independently of wealth: but in extreme poverty, it is difficult to preserve either health of body or peace of mind, and the play of the social affections becomes then a source of misery. Some little wealth, at least enough for daily subsistence, is necessary for the enjoyment of life and the pursuit of happiness: and hence it is, that the right to property is as important as the right to life and tlie right to liberty. " You take my life when you do take the means by which I live." The majority of men are of such temperament, that something more than the means of subsistence for the bare twenty-four hours, is necessary for their happiness. They must also have a prospect of enjoying the like means of sub- sistence in future days. But this is a prospect which, with the reflecting part of the poor, is frequently overcast with clouds and gloom. Few journeymen mechanics are able to make adequate provision for sickness and old age. The wages of a laborer will support him and his family while he enjoys health and while employment is steady: but in case of long continued sickness he must look for relief from the hand of public or of private charity. If he casts his eyes on his wife and children, his dying hours arc imbittered with thoughts of tlie misery which may be their portion. Corroding care is the inmate of the poor man's breast. It is so heart-withering, that it may be made a question, if the condition of some slaves in the Southern States is much worse than that of many citizens of tlie other States. The want of liberty is a great drawback on happiness: but the EFFECTS ON HAPPINESS. 9& slave is free from care. He knows that when he grows old, or becomes infirm, his master is bound to provide for his wants. There would be less objection to that artificial inequali- ty of wealth which is the result of unjust positive institu- tions, if it increased the happiness of one class of society in the same proportion that it diminishes the happiness of another class. But, increase of wealth beyond what is ne- i cessary to gratify the rational desires of a man, does not increase his happiness. If it gives birth to irrational desires, the gratification of them must produce misery. Even when inordinate wealth does not give birth to irrational desires, it is attended with an increase of care, and this is a foe to happiness. With some men, the love of wealth seems to be a blind passion. The magpie, in hiding silver spoons in its nest, appears to act with as much reflection as they do, in piling money-bag on money-bag. They have no object in view beyond accumulation. But, with most men, the desire of great wealth appears subordinate to the love of great power and distinction. This is the end, that the means. They love fine houses, splendid equipages, and large possessions, less for any physical gratification they impart, than for the distinction they confer, and the power they bestow. It is with some, as much an object of ambition to be ranked with the richest men, as it is with others to be ranked with the greatest warriors, poets, or philosophers. The love of that kind of distinction which mere wealth confers, is not a feeling to be highly commended : but it is hardly to be reprobated, when it is constitutional, and when it is under the government of proper moral principle. In this case, it is a simple stimulus to vigorous industry and watchful economy. With some men, the love of ease is the ruling passion, with others the love of pleasure, and with others the love of science. If the love of riches was not, with many men, stronger than any of the other loves we have mentioned, there might not be enough wealth accumulated to serve the general purposes of society. They may claim the liberty of gratifying their particular passion in a reasonable way : but it is a passion which derives less gratification from the actual possession of a large store, than from the constant increase of a small one. The 100 EFFECTS ON HAPPINESS. man whose wealth increases gradually from 100 dollars to 1000, thence to 5000, thence to 10,000, and thence to 50,000, has more satisfaction in the process than he who suddenly becomes possessed of 100,000 dollars. As to the distinction which mere wealth confers, it would be ob- tained in a state of society in which the distribution of wealth was left to natural laws, as certainly as in a state in which positive institutions operate to the advantage of the few, and to the disadvantage of the many. If the riches of men were made to depend entirely on their industry, eco- nomy, enterprize, and prudence, the possession of 100,000 dollars would confer as much distinction as the possession of 500,000 dollars confers at present. Those worth "a plum," would then rank among the " first men " on 'change : those who are worth " five plums" can rank no higher now. But the system has not a merely negative eifect on the happiness of the rich. Such is the uncertainty of fortune in the United States, that even the most wealthy are not exempt from painful solicitude for the future. Who can be sure that he will be able to navigate his own bark in safety to the end of the voyage, when he sees the shore strewed with wrecks? If a man leaves an estate to his children, he knows not how long they will keep possession of it. If he extends his views to his grand children, the probability will appear strong that some of them will be reduced to ab- ject poverty. Such is the present custom of trade, that a man who has a considerable capital of his own, not unfrequently gives credit to four or five times the amount of that capital. He is a rich man, but even if the debts due to him are per- fectly secure, the perplexity which is created by a long train of credit operations, the failure of but one of which may prove his ruin, must leave him little ground for solid sa- tisfaction : and the necessity he is under in times of embar- rassment, of courting the good-will of Bank Directors, goes far towards destroying his personal independence. " The servile dependence on Banks, in which many of our citi- zens pass their lives," was observed by l\!r. Carey as long ago as the year 1811. There is one other evil resulting from the super-extend- ed system of credit which has its origin in Banking, and with a few observations on this, we shall close our remarks EVILS OF A SUDDEN DISSOLTITION Oy ^THE Si'SrEM. 101 on this head of the subject. We allude to the misery suf- fered by an honest man, who is involved in debts. We have known cases in which none of the common rules of prudence had been transgressed in incurring the debts, in which the creditors were perfectly convinced of the honesty of the debtor, and neither pressed for payment, nor reflected on his disability to comply with his engage- ments : in which the debtor was sensible that his failure would not subject his creditors to any serious inconve- nience; and yet a gloom would overspread the mind of the debtor, and remain there for years. CHAPTER XXIV. Of the Evils that toould be produced hy a sudden dissolu- tion of the System. If every Bank note in the country were consumed by fire to-morrow, the wealth of the nation would be dimi- nished just as much as it would be by the destruction of so much v/aste paper. So, if all the title-deeds of estates were destroyed, the loss of positive wealth would be equivalent to the loss of so many skins of parchment. But very great injustice would be done to individuals by the destruction of these skins of parchment ; and not less, probably, by the sudden destruc- tion of Bank notes. It is an easy thing to establish a Banking system : but it is not very easy to get rid of it after it has been some years in operation. The sudden abolition of it, would pro- duce an entire destruction of private credit, a universal pressure for the payment of debts, and a general disability to comply with engagements. Business of nearly every kind would be suspended, and the laboring part of the community would be deprived of employment. If all the Bank notes in the country should be destroyed to-morrow, the twenty-two millions of specie which are said to be in the vaults of the Banks, would be put in cir- culation, which, added to the ten millions of soecie sup- 10* 102 EVir.S OF 4. S.t.!DDEN DISSOLUTION OF THE SYSTEM. posed to be at present in circulation, would make a total of thirty-two millions. Supposing Bank credits to be de- stroyed at the same moment, the circulating medium would suddenly be reduced from one hundred and nineteen mil- lions (which is, according to Mr. Gallatin, the present aggregate of specie, notes, and Bank credits) to thirty-two millions. If an end were not put to all transactions except by means of barter, the fall of prices would be at least seventy-five per cent. If but half of the Bank notes and Bank credits should be suddenly abolished, the fall of prices would be in greater proportion than the reduction of medium, from the immense quantities of land and of merchandise which would be thrown into the market. If the Bank medium should be suddenly reduced only one-fourth, the fall of prices would be at least twenty-five per cent., and universal embarrassment would be the conse- quence. Many of those who have acquired capital by the differ- ent operations of Banking, would not, perhaps, desire any thing better than the sudden destruction of the system. Most estates which are now mortgaged for only one-third or fourth of their worth, at the present rate of valuation, would fall into the hands of speculators. The condition of the whole country would be like that of Kentucky when she adopted her " relief laws." The people would clamor for the issue of paper money by the State Governments, and a worse system than the present might be adopted, if a worse be possible. Public opinion in the United States, when it once takes root, runs so rapidly to maturity, that this caution is not unnecessary. Some who are now living may see the time when the popular feeling against the Banking system will be stronger than the feeling ever was in its favor. ^ PROPER MODE OF PROCEEDING. 103 CHAPTER XXV. Of the Proper Mode of Proceeding. As paper drives specie out of circulation, so, the with- drawal of paper brings specie Bank again. Wherever there is a vacuum it flows in, unless political regulations counte- ract its tendency to find its own level. If we gradually withdraw Bank notes from circulation, no evil will ensue, for specie will immediately supply their place. The proper mode of proceeding would be, to begin with the smallest notes, and proceed gradually to those of the highest denomination. Mr. White, of New York, in his report to Congress, made in February, 1831, estimates the amount of notes in circulation of a less denomination than five dollars, at not more than seven millions. This does not exceed the amount of gold and silver we sometimes import in one year. But, through the use made of paper, the gold and silver imported in one year are exported in the next. Let small notes fall into disuse, and an equal amount of specie will be retained in the country. The amount of five dollar notes in circulation is esti- mated by Mr. White at ten millions. Two years after the act to prohibit the issuing of small notes, it would be per- fectly safe to prohibit the issuing of notes of a less deno- nfrination than ten dollars. In two years more, the prohibition might be extended to notes of a less denomination than twenty dollars. Our currency would then be on a par with that of Great Britain. In two years more the issue of notes of a less denomina- tion than fifty dollars might be forbidden ; and in two years after that, the issue of notes of a less denomination than 100 dollars. In this way, in the short period of ten years, and without producing any commercial convulsion, specie might be made to take the place of paper. We speak from experience. The principles of the mea- sure have been tried in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsyl- vania. In the way in which these States have got rid 104 PROPER MODE OF PROCEEDIXG. of small notes, the other States may get rid of them. In the way in which small notes have been driven from circu- lation, notes of every denomination may be made to give place to specie. In some parts of Pennsylvania, violent opposition was made to the act to prohibit the circulation of small notes, from an opinion that it would "make money scarce." The grand juries of the counties of Beaver and Erie went so far as to present it as a nuisance. But the Legislature remain- ed firm in its purpose, and many of the former opponents of the law are now among its warmest supporters. The effect of the measure was just such as its friends predicted. An immense quantity of trash disappeared from circulation, and its place was supplied with silver. The principles of the measure have also been tried in England, where, in 1829, the issue of notes of a less denomination than five pounds sterling was prohibited. The proceeding there was from notes of one pound, or four dollars eighty cents, to notes of five pounds, or twenty-four dollars — a greater jump than would be advisa- ble in America. Some of our most distinguished statesmen appear to be of opinion that, if it were possible to substitute a metallic for a paper medium, it would greatly promote the interests of the country. Nothing hinders, but icant of inclination. If either of the great political parties into which our na- tion is divided, would take a decided stand in favor of sound currency and sound credit, the cause of sound cur- rency and sound credit would be triumphant. The indus- trious classes of the nation would array themselves with that party, as soon as they could be made to understand the question, and the speculators and their satellites would be vanquished in the contest. If our national debt was of great amount, and if our taxes were heavy, some difficulties might be experienced in passing from a paper to a metallic medium. But our national debt is now merely nominal, and the taxes paya- ble to the United States may, if necessary, be reduced, without diminishing the efficiency of Government. A country and a people possessed of so much elasticity, could bear greater changes than any here proposed. Of the perfect feasibility of the measure, we may be PROPER MODE OF PROCEEDING. 105 convinced in another way. Our exports of domestic pro- duce amount annually to between fifty and sixty millions of dollars. If we should buy from five to ten millions a year of gold and silver, for ten years, we should still have between forty and fifty millions to expend in the purchase of European manufactures, and East and West India pro- ducts. If, by the withdrawal of paper, a demand for specie to the amount of twenty millions annually should be crea- ted, it could readily be supplied. England, in four years, on the resumption of specie payments, imported twenty millions sterling in gold alone. Our demand could be supplied by both gold and silver. Supposing the withdrawal of the Bank notes should cause a diminution of Bank discounts of equal amount, the effect, if we proceeded gradually, would be almost im- perceptible. If two years were allowed for the withdrawal of small notes, the diminution of Bank discounts would, in this period, and on this supposition, be at the rate of 3,500,000 dollars a year. In the single city of Philadel- phia, there have been, in periods of less than a year, reduc- tions of Bank discounts to as great an amount as is here proposed for the whole country. Accordincr to the estimate of Mr. Gallatin, the whole amount of Bank notes in actual circulation, in 1830, was about 54,000,000. Surely it will not be said, that our whole nation cannot pay olTan amount of Bank debt, equal to the amount of Bank notes in circulation, in the period of ten years. But, supposing we should, in tlje course of ten years, choose to pay off an amount of Bank debt, equal to the whole amount of Bank medium, or of both Bank notes and Bank credits, amounting together to 109,000,000, would it be a work of insuperable difliculty ? In the last seven years, the Government has paid off the public debt at the rate of eight or ten millions a year : can we not, all of us together, pay olF between eleven and twelve millions a year of Bank debt? In a pamphlet entitled "Remarks on the Annual Trea- sury Report," published in 1828, and said to be written by two practical economists, distinguished for their talents and information, the whole capital of the country is estima- ted at 12,000,000,000 dollars, and its productive industry 106 NEW COINAGE OF GOLD. at 600,000,000 annually. Mr. Lee of Boston, seems to sup- pose the national capital is not more than 10,000,000,000, but he increases the national income to 700, or 800 mil- lions. In the Harrisburgh address, drawn up by Mr. Niles, in 1828, our productive industry is estimated at 1,066,- 000,000. Mr. E. Everett, in his speech of 1830, rates our national income at 1,000,000,000 dollars. Take the lowest of these estimates ; suppose our nation- al capital to be only 10,000,000,000, and our productive industry only 600,000,000 a vear, can we not pay off a Bank debt of 109,000,000 in ten years? In every year, the increase of loanable capital in the country, must exceed the amount of Bank debt it would be necessary to pay. Private credit would take the place of Bank credit. If there should be a greater demand for capital on loan than could be supplied out of the savings of our own people, capital would flow in abundantly from Europe. If the notes should be withdrawn gradually, in the man- ner here proposed, there is not a solvent Bank, nor a sol- vent individual, in the country, that could not sustain the operation. Such are the energies and the resources of the American people, that it would seem practicable to accom- plish the work in half the time we have mentioned. The sooner it is accomplished, the sooner will we be delivered from the evils of our present condition. If, however, ten years be thought too short a time for the work of reform, let it be extended through twenty years or through thirty years. The longest of these is but a short period in the life time of a nation. CHAPTER XXVI. Of a New Coinage of Gold. The money unit of the United States is the dollar, con- sisting of 416 grains of standard silver, or 371.^ grains of pure silver and 34| grahis of alloy. All our contracts are to pay and receive dollars ; all our accounts are kept in XEW COINAGE OF GOLD. 107 dollars. The dollar is thus our money of both account and contract, and its legal value is fixed by our having a coin of the same name, containing the quantity of pure silver and alloy which has just been mentioned. Gold is, in the spirit of our laws, a subsidiary currency, its value being computed in silver dollars. At the United States Mint it is rated as fifteen to one — that is to say, one ounce of gold is considered as worth fifteen ounces of sil- ver ; or, what is the same thing, as many grains of pure gold as are equal to the number of grains of pure silver contained in a dollar, are coined into an eagle and a half eagle, and estimated at the mint as u'orth fifteen dollars. The market rate of gold to silver, as determined by sales of gold bullion and silver bullion, in a series of years past, is about 15.8 to 1. Consequently, if the mint rate cor- responded with tlie market rate, the quantity of pure gold contained in an eagle and a half eagle, ought to be estimated at the mint at about fifteen dollars and eighty cents. The undervaluation of gold at the mint, is not the rea- son that it has disappeared from circulation. Eagles have disappeared for the same reason that dollars have disap- peared. Whenever Bank notes are used, no more specie is retained in a country than is necessary for transactions of a smaller amount than the least denomination of paper, and is necessary for meeting the few stray notes that may be presented to the Banks for payment. It has been found impossible in England to make sovereigns and one pound notes circulate currently ; and we all know that small notes in the United States have not only driven away gold coins, but also such silver coins as are of a higher deno- mination than a half dollar. If Bank notes bad never been introduced, eagles, half- eagles, and quarter-eagles would have continued in cir- culation, notwithstanding the undervaluation of gold at the mint. The eagle would not have been current at the rate of ten dollars ; but at the rate of ten dollars and fifty cents, ten dollars and seventy-five cents — or whatever else it would have been worth. The calculation of the fraction would have been productive of some inconvenience ; but the utility of gold coins, in large transactions, would have made them current at a rate probably a little above that w hich they have borne in the bullion market. 108 NEW COINAGE OF GOLD. A new gold coinage is desirable ; but the proposition to coin eagles of a less weight than the eagles of former times, is not entirely free from objection. As all our contracts are to pay dollars, and as there is no gold at present in cir- culation, an issue of a new coin, called an eagle, which should be of the exact value of ten dollars, would cause no practical injustice. But the issue of a new coin of dif- ferent weight from the old, and yet bearing the same name, might give countenance to the idea that money is some- thing which owes its value to the authority of Government, and lead, perhaps, at some future time, to an alteration in the dollar — an alteration in our true standard of value. The Eagle is the proper name of a coin which contains 247J grains of pure gold, or 270 grains of standard gold, of twenty-two carats fineness. A coin which would con- tain but 234.84 grains of pure gold, or 256.20 grains of standard gold, ought to be called by another name, and, to prevent all possibility of mistake, should have a differ- ent device. tVhen the English ceased to coin pieces con- taining 118 58-89 grains of pure gold, and began to coin pieces containing 113 grains of pure gold, they did not call the new pieces by the same name as the old. But if the proposition which was laid before Congress, a year or two since, should be adopted, there will be a greater dif- ference in the weight and value of our new half-eagles and our old half-eagles, than there is in those of English sove- reigns and English guineas. To attempt to fix by law what is not fixed by nature, is preposterous. Gold and silver vary in value when com- pared w ith one another, in the same manner as copper and iron vary. The variations in the relative value of the pre- cious metals are, it is true, very small ; but in different epochs of our history, 232, 234, 238, 247, 250, and 252 grains of pure gold may be worth ten silver dollars. If we should, through all such changes, pertinaciously insist on coining eagles, adapting the quantity of gold in them to the varyincT state of the bullion market, we should have a dozen different coins, each of a different weight, and yet all bearinjj the same name. As there is little use for a gold coin so small as the quar- ter-eagle, and as we have imitated the Spaniards in our sil- ver coinage, perhaps it would be judicious to imitate them NEW COINAGE OF GOLD. 109 in our gold coinage also, and issue American doubloons, half-doubloons, and quarter-doubloons, of the respective values of sixteen dollars, eight dollars, and four dollars. But, if pieces containing five and ten dollars' worth of gold be preferred, call the ten dollar piece, " the Republican," " the President," or by any name that may please the fan- cy, except that of " the Eagle." This is a name affixed, by long usage, to a piece containing neither more nor less than 270 grains of standard gold, and calling a piece con- n taining a fewer number of grains by the same name, will \ certainly lead to confusion uf ideas, and perhaps, at some / future period, to practical injustice. Whatever kind of new coins may be preferred, it will be proper to stamp on them the number of grains of pure gold and alloy that they may contain. Each new gold piece will then be a primer of political economy, and help in dis- sipating the erroneous ideas entertained respecting money. It will be quite unnecessary to declare by law, that the new gold coins shall be a tender in payment of private debts. People who receive Bank notes at their nominal value, will not refuse gold at its real value. To ascertain the quantity of gold it would be proper to put in the new pieces, nothing more is necessary than to strike an average of the price gold bullion has borne as compared with silver bullion, in the principal markets of the world, during the last ten years. The mint regulations of different countries, are of no further account than as they affect the value of gold and silver in the bullion market. If, from some error in the data made the basis of the cal- culation, the gold in the new coins should happen to berated a decimal fraction too low, so small an undervaluation will not cause the coins to be exported. Their utility as a circulating medium will keep them in circulation, the issue of five and ten dollar notes being prohibited. If the gold should happen to be rated a decimal fraction to high, it will not, as some seem to fear, drive silver out of circulation. The necessity for silver coins in small pay- ments will cause them to be retained in the country. Should there be a greater error than a decimal' fraction either too much or too little, in the valuation of gold, the new coin would continue to circulate, but at a small dis- 11 110 NEW com AGE OF GOLD. count or a small premium, thus correcting the error of the mint valuation. .If one metal be made the standard and the legal tender, neither gold nor silver can be driven from circulation, ex- cept by paper, and paper cannot obtain currency except through the sanction or the connivance of government. Gold is undervalued at the French mint, as well as at our own : but, according to Mr. Gallatin, " it is only during short and extraordinary periods, that the fluctuations have been so great, as that the gold coins did either fall to the par of silver coins, or rise to the premium of one per cent. During by far the greater period of forty-five years, the pre- mium has fluctuated from one-fifth to one-half per cent. : so that the variations in the relative price of the two me- tals have, with the few exceptions above mentioned, been less than (me-third per cent." From the result of expe- rience in France, there is every reason to believe, with Mr. Gallatin, that " the fluctuation in the relative market price of gold and silver, issued under proper mint regulations, would be so small a quantity that it might be neglected." To establish a system of sound currency and sound cre- dit, it is not absolutely necessary to have a new gold coin- age. Only let Bank notes be withdrawn, and eagles, half- eagles, and quarter-eagles, will come into circulation, and pass at their real value. But as four and eight, or five and ten dollar pieces, would be more convenient than pieces of the worth of five dollars and the indeterminate parts of a dollar, or ten dollars and the indeterminate parts of a dol- lar, a new gold coinage is desirable. It would be attend- ed with injustice to no individual. No seignorage being charged at our mint, whatever quantity of gold bullion a man sent there, he would receive back the same amount in gold coin : and this coin he would pass in the market for whatever it might be worth. FISCAL CONCERNS OF THE UNION. lU CHAPTER XXVI. Of the Fiscal Concerns of the Union. In a report to the Senate, by the Committee of Finance, made March 29th, 1830, it is said — " The Government receives its revenue from — 343 Custom Houses, 42 Land Offices, 8400 Post Offices, 134 Receivers of Internal Revenue. 37 Marshals, 33 Clerks of Courts. " These, with other receiving otBcers wliich need not be specified, compose an aggregate of more than 9000 per- sons, dispersed through the whole of the Union, who col- lect the public revenue. From these persons the Govern- ment has, for the ten years preceding the 1st of January, 1830, received 8230,068,855 17. This sum has been collected in every section of this widely extended country. It has been disbursed at other points, many thousand miies distant from the places where it was collected ; and yet it has been so collected and distributed, without the loss, as far as the Committee can learn, of a single dollar." The most difficult point in the business of finance, is to get possession of money. If this point is attained, the safe- keeping of the money, the transferring of it from one part of the country to another, and the paying it away, are easy undertakings. If " not a dollar has been lost," it has not been because the present system contains any extraordinary guards against malversation. The collectors at our custom- houses have the whole amount of money received by them under their entire control, till it is, at stated times, transfer- red to the credit of the Treasury Department. Under a different system, all the public officers at each particular point might be made checks on one another. With a sub-treasury office in each State, the safe-keep- ing and disbursing of the public funds could be effected without any difficulty ; and the expense of each sub-trea- 112 FISCAL CONCERNS OF THE UNION. sury office need not exceed ten thousand dollars per an- num. If it were necessary occasionally to carry silver from one part of the country to another, the Government could do it as easily and cheaply as individuals. The whole amount it would be necessary to transport, would not probably ex- ceed four or five millions a year, nor the cost go beyond one per cent. As the principal part of the United States* revenue is collected in those sections of the country which have usually the rate of exchange in their favor, what the Government would gain by the sale of bills of exchange in the West and South, on Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, would probably exceed what it would be forced to pay for the transportation of specie. There is no novelty in this. It is the system of all po- liced nations except our own. In England, the Bank is merely auxiliary to the Exchequer and the Treasury. The revenue collected at Liverpool, is, or was a few years since, remitted to London through the agency of a private Banker. To incorporate a Bank with a capital of ten millions or of thirty-five millions, to endow that corporation with pri- vileges which individuals do not possess, and to make its paper receivable in payment of dues to Government, is a measure so wide from the proposed end, that it cannot be considered " as necessary and proper," or, if the phrase be preferred, " as natural and appropriate." It is difficult to believe that it would have been even so much as thought of, if the measure had not in itself been calculated to promote certain private interests. The natural and appropriate way of keeping the public funds, is in the Treasury and in sub-treasury offices. The natural and appropriate way of transferring them from point to point, is by bills of ex- change, and the occasional transportation of specie. Neither is the establishment of a United States paper- money incorporated Bank, the " necessary and proper," or " natural and appropriate" way of correcting the evils occasioned by the fState Banks. A National Bank, resting on the same principles as the State Banks, must produce similar evils. It must " contract" and " expand" as well as they. If Congress should, from excessive caution, or some less FISCAL CO>XERyS OF THE UNION. 113 I commendable motive, delay the passage of the necessary laws for prohibiting the issue of Bank notes, the "neces- sary and proper" or " natural and appropriate" way of regulating the State Banks, would be by declaring that nothing but gold and silver should be received in payment of dues to the Government. The State Banks would then be obliged to provide a sufficient fund of specie to meet the demands of the merchants having payments to make to Government. This wuuld force them to diminish the amount of notes in circulation. The Government receiv- ing and paying nothing but gold and silver, the people generally would begin to distinguish between paper and specie — between cash and credit. Simple as the measure is, it would double the amount of metallic money in the country, and prevent, in a great degree, fluctuations of currency, and oscillations of credit, by taking away one of the chief causes of the instability of Bank medium. The establishing of a paper-money incorporated Bank, is not the " necessary and proper" or " natural and appro- priate" way of enabling Government to borrow when bor- rowing is advisable. A Bank may, when instituted, lend to Government its whole capital, or so much, at least, as is not required for supporting its credit and circulation : but it is not often that it can, after it has been sometime in operation, make any great loan to Government, without either curtailing mercantile accommodations, or issuing an excess of paper. Nearly all the great " expansions" and " contractions" that have occurred in both Eiigland and the United States, can be traced to attempts to convert Banks into fiscal machines. If the operations of Govern- ment could be completely separated from those of the Banks, the system would be shorn of half its evils. If Government would neither deposit the public funds in the Banks, nor borrow money from the Banks ; and if it would in no case either receive Bank notes or pay away Bank notes, the Banks would become mere commercial institutions, and their credit and their power be brought nearer to a level with those of private merchants. The " necessary and proper" or " natural and appro- priate" way of placing the financial concerns of the coun- try on such a basis as will enable us to provide for all exi- gencies, is to make gold and silver coins the exclusive mo- ll* 114 FISCAL coarcERSS or the ryiosr. ncj of the coantrj. We shall then be prepared for either peace or war. To depend on the Banks in time of war, after the expe- rience of both England and the United States, would be the height of infatuation. The impression produced on the minds of men bj the suspension of specie payments, is so fre§b, that, on a new declaration of war, it is probable great part of iho ' •? would be withdrawn. If the Banks should escape :...^ , J, the landing of a hostile force of but a few thoosand men on anj part of the coast, would create " a run" which would compel most of them to sti- pend payment. If Goremment should, to forward its financial schemes, sanction or connire at a suspension of specie pajments, it would be instrumental in producing sach erils as we bafc su&red in past years. A war imposes on Gofemmem the necessity of expend- ing the greater portion of its rerenues m a section of coun- try distant from that in which it collects it. The payment of the war taxes of a single year, would deprire great part of the Union of its specie. The sources of foreign supply would be cut off, and much of the specie which flowed from the interior to the frontiers, would be exported. It would not return in sufficient quantities, or sufficiently early to meet the wants of either the people or the Govemment. A rigorous war of bni two years continuance, in which oar foreign commerce would be interrupted, must produce one of two results. It must either compel the Banks to = ■: -' '■-. i specie " " md thus produce erils which no ■. . 1 adeqa:! .re; or else force them to curtail mercantile accommodations, and thus spread ruin through the coraraunity. To sustain t' ' :" Bank medium, it would be nec€5.«ary to reduce :: - ...-d or one-fourth of its present amount : and as it would be impossible in a state of war, immediately to obtain a sufficient supply of gold and siJrer coin, the Gorernment and the people would suffer ail the evils of an insufficient circulating medium. We hare profited in some respects by the experience of the last war. We hare built ships, constructed fortifica- tions, and collected military stores. Bat " money is the sinews of war." .And it roust be real money. Paj>er mo- ney will not then answer. It is not necessary that the real money should be in the coffers of Goremment. It is enough that it is in the pockets of the people. I FISCAL CONCERNS OF THE UNION. 115 Let Bank notes be withdrawn, and such an accumula- tion of gold and silver coin will be made by individuals, that in no possible exigency will there be a real scarcity of money. This is evident from the condition of certain countries in which paper money is unknown. In Flanders, for example, every farmer has a little purse of gold or sil- ver — small in proportion to his property, but making the aggregate throughout the country very considerable. No- thing is lost by this practice. It is impossible to keep the whole wealth of a country in constant circulation. If a man's whole stock consists of but two suits of clothes, he cannot wear them both at the same time. It is of little moment, as regards individuals, whether their reserved JO ' stock be in money or in those things which money can pro- cure. In a national point of view nothing is lost by this custom. It ensures the punctual performance of con- tracts. No man has to call twice on a farmer in Flan- ders, for the payment of a debt. Whatever may be the vi- cissitudes of war or of commerce, there is never in that country a scarcity of the tool of all trades. We have that amount of metallic money in the United States which is barely sufficient, in the most favorable state of things, for daily exchanges, and which would not answer even in the most favorable state of things, if we had not various modes of barter, and different credit con- trivances. As much time is lost every year, in " dunning for debts," as would, if properly employed, purchase some millions of metallic medium. Let the natural order of things be restored, and a sufficiency of metallic money will be collected, to enable the country to bear transitions from peace to war, and to answer all the demands of commerce, both ordinary and extraordinary. As it is the custom of all prudent families in rural districts, to have on hand a greater quantity of flour and other necessaries, than is required tor the use of the twenty-four liours, so it will be- come the custom for each prudent family to have a little money in reserve. Out of this stock, the war taxes will be paid, and before the original stock is completely exhausted, a portion of it will come back to them in the regular course of trade. Few people are more able than those of the United States to contribute what is necessary for the defence of 116 BAXKIXG FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. " 9. The overflowing. of our prisons with insolvent debt- ors, most of whom are confined for trifling sums, whereby the community loses a portion of its effective labor, and is compelled to support families by charity, who have thus been deprived of their protectors. " 10. Numerous law suits upon the dockets of our courts and of our justices of the peace, which lead to extravagant costs and the loss of a great portion of valuable time. "11. Vexatious losses arising from the depreciation and fluctuation in the value of Bank notes, the impositions of brokers, and the frauds of counterfeiters. " 12. A general inabilitv in the community to meet with punctuality the payment of debts even for family expenses, which is experienced as well by those who are wealthy in property, as by those who have hitherto relied upon their current receipts to discharge their current engagements. " With such a mass of evils to oppress them, it cannot be wondered at that the people should be dispirited, and that they should look to their representatives for relief. Their patient endurance of suffering, which can only be imagined by those who have habitually intermingled with them at their homes and by their firesides, merits the commenda- tion of the Legislature, and prefers a powerful claim to their interference. " Havmg thus enumerated the most prominent features of the general distress, your committee will proceed to point out the cause which in their opinion has occasioned it. That cause is to be found chiefly in the abuses of the Bank- ing system, which abuses consist, first, in the excessive number of Banks, and, secondly, in their universal bad ad- ministration. For the first of these abuses the people have to reproach themselves, for having urged the Legislature to depart from that truly republican doctrine which influenced the deliberations of our early assemblies, and which taught that the incorporation of the monri/cd interest, cdrccnhj suf- ficiently poiccrful of itself 7vas but the creation of an odious aristocracy, hostile to the spirit of free government, and subversive of the rights and liberties of the people. The second abuse, the mismanagement of Banks, is to be as- cribed to a general ignorance of the true theory of curren- cy and Banking, and to the avarice of speculators, desirous of acquiring the property of others by an artificial rise in BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. 117 the moniinal value of stock, and by the sharing of usurious dividends. " In order that this subject may be clearly understood, your committee have thought that the following concise his- tory of Banking in Pennsylvania would be acceptable." The committee then give a short history of Banking in Pennsylvania, and of the operations of the United States' Bank, up to July, 1818, after which they remark — " This unv/ise procedure of replunging the people into the debts from which they had been partially extricated, and of involving others who had hitherto escaped, was con- tinued for a time, but the dreadful day of retribution at length arrived. The Bank, (i. e. the U. S. Bank,) disco- vered almost too late, that its issues had been extended be- yond the limits of safety, and that it was completely in the power of its creditors. It also foresaw that the payment of that portion of the Louisiana debt, redeemable on the 21st of October, 1818, which was held by foreigners, might oc- casion a demand for a considerable amount of coin, that the enhanced prices of China, India, and other goods, occa- sioned hy the depreciation of the currency from the over is- sues of itself and the State BanlxS, would lead to a demand for specie, and that as it was professedly a specie Bank, and liable, under a penalty of twelve per cent, per annum, to pay its notes on demand, the same delicacy and for- bearance would not be exei'cised towards it as to the State Banks. These considerations compelled it to seek its own safety, and from that moment a system of reduction com- menced. This reduction operating upon the State Banks, which had not profited by the opportunity afforded them of contracting their loans whilst the other was extending, obliged them also to diminish their transactions, and a ge- neral curtailment ensued which has not yet had its consum- mation. The severity of the second pressure commenced in the city in October, 1818, and was continued without intermission for a year ; at the expiration of which time it is said that the reductions made there by the National Bank alone have exceeded seven millions of dollars, and those by the other Banks probably two or four more. The reduc- tions of the country Banks during the three last years, may be inferred from the following statement, which ex» L 1 118 BANKING ON PROPER PRINCIPLES. f country where commerce is extensively carried on, Bankers \^vvill rise up in proportion to the wants of the community, vj-^ In most villages, all the call there is for Bankers could "*'' be answered by the Postmasters. Offices of deposit, of transfer, and of loan, are not necessary in villages. The only call there for a dealer in money, is to collect debts due to persons at a distance, and transmit the money to to whom it is due. The publishers of periodicals now collect great part of what is owing to them on account of subscriptions through the medium of the Postmasters. Many of the debts due to merchants might be convenient- ly collected in the same way, if Government were careful to appoint none but solvent and trust-worthy persons to be Postmasters : and if it should make a rule to remove them on proof being given of their having neglected to pay over money which they had collected. But it would not be necessary for Government to go even this far, for us to have a good Banking system. The Postmaster, in most small towns, would stand the best chance of becoming collector of debts for persons at a dis- tance, and the commissions he would receive would, in many cases, exceed the amount paid to him as a public officer : but if he was found untrustworthy, or incapable, the business would be transferred to the storekeeper, or some other respectable inhabitant of the village. In the larger towns, and even in the small towns which are centres of wealthy districts, the business of dealing in ex- changes, and of acting as an a^ent between lenders and borrowers, would become a distinct profession. In each city the number of Bankers would be in pro- portion to the amount of business to be done, and their capital in proportion to the trade of the city. A merchant of Pliiladelpliia who wished a note discounted, would, in- stead of having his choice among a dozen corporations, have his choice among perhaps twice that number of pri- vate Bankers. Instead of being obliged to approach the supercilious Director of some overgrown monied institu-- tion, he would deal with a private trader, to whom it would be of as much importance to lend as it would be to himself to borrow. The extent of business these private Bankers would do, would depend, in a degree, on the disposition they showed to accommodate their customers. The competition BANKING ON PROPER PRINCIPLES. 119 amongst them would be so lively, that, after the manner of the Bankers of Europe, they would allow a credit on de- posits. Being responsible in the whole amount of their private fortunes, they would seldom extend their loans so far as to cherish the wild spirit of speculation. Their whole fortunes would be in the business, and their whole faculties exerted for its proper management, and it is in this way only that any business can be well conducted. If there should be a necessity for placing any restric- tions on these private Bankers, it would be simply that of restraining them from issuing notes, bills, or checks, which would circulate in the same way as the present Bank notes. Some intelligent men who have turned their attention to the subject, think that even this would not be necessary. They are of opinion that the competition among private Bankers would be so brisk, that they would effectually check one another. In opposition to this it may be urged, that much has been lost by the breaking of private Bankers in England ; though it must be admitted, this is not a case exactly in point, since the private Bankers of England are influenced in their operations, though not regulated, by the great corpo- rate institution of that kingdom. In Scotland, where the private Banks have the predomi- nance, little has been lost by the breaking of these institu- tions. But, the evils produced by the occasional breaking of a Bank, are far from being the greatest evils of the sys- tem. No instance has occurred of a Bank breaking in Philadelphia, and yet who can adequately describe all that the people of this city have endured from Banking. We have satisfactory evidence that the Scotch Banks, by their " expansions" and " contractions," produce evils, the same in kind, though not in degree, as are felt in Philadelphia. But in neither England nor Scotland, can we, perhaps, be said to have a fair example of private Banking, as the Government receives Bank notes in payment of taxes. When the Government receives one kind of paper, the people lose their clear perception of the difference between cash and credit, and where room is made in this way for the circulation of paper, the most worthless kind sometimes obtains circulation as easily as the best. " Numberless in- stances," says the Edinburg Review, " have occurred in 120 BANKING ON PROPER PRINCIPLES. the history of British Banking, within the last few years, in which the notes of individuals without any real capital, and who were from the beginning in a state of insolvency, have continued to circulate for a long period in company with the notes of the best established houses, and to enjoy an equal degree of credit." The private Bankers on the continent of Europe do not circulate any paper, but it is not in our power to say, whe- ther this is, in all instances, owing to obstacles thrown in their way by Government, or to the indisposition of the peo- ple to receive paper where it is not taken in payment of taxes. If notes issued by private Bankers should circulate as the notes of the present corporations, they would become money. As a credit money, they would necessarily fluctu- ate in quantity. It is not desirable that, in addition to changes in the state of credit, proceeding from great natu- ral or political causes, we should have changes in the cur- rency, to add to the uncertainty of trade.* If these notes produced no other evil, they would prevent us from accumulating that stock of metallic money, which is required for the varying exigencies of peace and war. After this had been for a time in circulation, the receiving of them would be, as in the case of the present Bank notes, a matter of necessity rather than of choice. The evil would, indeed, in time, correct itself; but if we can prevent it, why suffer it at all ?t * " Hitherto," snya Tooke, " the Legislature has restricted individu- als, under the severest penalties, from establishing private mints, and uttering metallic money of intrinsic and discreditable value ; yet, with a degree of niconsisiency which strikes us as most extraordinary the more attentively we consider it, our law-makers have permitted individuals to establish private Banks of circulation — and to utter pa- per money, possessed of only a conventional value, which a breath of panic may at any lime destroy. On the same principle that the Govern- ment protects the public against the probable insecurity which might arise from individuals being permitted to utter metallic currency, it should guard against the more probable, nay certain insecurity which is created when individuals utter a pajicr currency. In every civilized country, sujiplying and regulating the criculating medium is a func- tion of the sovereing prerogative. t What is here advanced is not at variance with the principles of Adam Srnitii, as will l)e seen by tiie following extract from his writings: " To restrain private people, it may be said, from receiving in pay- BANKIXG OX PROPER PRINCIPLES. 121 We can certainly carry the credit system far enough, by the agency of leger entries, notesof hand, bills of exchange, and bonds and mortgages. "We do not require the addi- tional aid of credit money, to run us deeper in debt. Why should a private Banker, having a capital of his own of five hundred thousand or a million dollars, and de- riving therefrom an income of thirty thousand or of sixty thousand per annum, desire to double his income, by the circulation of paper money? He would make a legitimate use of his credit, in receiving money on deposit, at five per cent., and lending it again at six per cent. More than this he ought not to desire.* If the capital of a private Banker is small, he will derive as much profit from his credit as he is justly entitled to, in his commission on bills of exchange, and in the difference between the rate he will pay for money taken by him on deposit, and that at which he will lend this money to others. The issue of notes by Bankers, for the convenient dis- charge of their own business, will not be necessary. The private Bankers of London and Lancashire issue no nptes. At the clearins-house in London, in which their accounts ment the promissory notes of a Banker for any sum, whether great or small, when they themselves are willing to receive them : or, to restrain a Banker from issuing such notes, when all his neighbors are willing to accept them, is a manifest violation of that natural liberty which it is the proper business of law not to infringe but to support. Such regu- lations may, no doubt, be considered as in some respect a violation of natural liberty. But those exertions of the natural liberty of a few in- dividuals, which might endanger the security of the whole society, are, and ought to be, restrained by the laws of all governments : of the most free, as well as of the most despotical. The obligation of building par- ty walls, in order to prevent the communication of hre, is a violation of natural liberty, exactly of the same kind with the regulations of the banking trade which are here proposed." The proposal Adam Smith here supports, is that of prohibiting private Bankers from issuing notes of a less denomination than five pounds ster- ling, nearly ticenty-Jive dollars Federal money. On the principles on which he proposes to prohibit the issue of notes of some denominations, the issue of notes of all denominations may be prohibited. * " There is no more reason why a man. or body of men, shonld be permitted to demand of the public, interest for their reputation of being rich, than there would be in permitting a man to demand interest for the reputation of being wise, learned, or brave. If a man is actually rich, it is enough for him to receive interest for his money, and rent for his Mand, without receiving interest for his credit also.'' — Eaymond. 12 122 BANKING OIV PROPER PRINCIPLES. are daily settled by an exchange of checks, transactions to the amount of four or five millions sterling are adjusted with the help of about two hundred thousand pounds in money. If arrangements of this kind were not found to answer the desired end, a public Office of Transfer and Deposit might be established in each city, on the model of the Bank of Hamburg, with the exception of buying and sell- ing bullion and dealing in exchange, which ought to bo left to private Bankers. The establishing of such an Of- fice would be attended with a little expense, but if it vvould not be worth paying for, it would not be worth having. If the Bankers objected to paying all the expense, the Govern- ment might, as such an office would be a safe and conve- nient depository of the public funds, share the expense with them. There is nothing in the constitution to pre- vent the establishment of public Banks, which shall be mere Offices of Deposit and Transfer. And as such Banks would be a great public benefit, the defraying of their neces- sary expenses out of the public revenue would not be objec- tionable. In this way, we should secure all the advantages the present system affords, and avoid all its disadvantages. We should have places of deposit safer than the present; for the money deposited in a public Bank by one man would not be lent to another. The business of settling accounts by transfers of credit, would be greatly facilitated. One public Bank would suf- fice for each city, and the time which is now lost in run- nins from Bank to Bank, would be saved. The private Banks, paying interest on deposits, would extend throughout the country the advantages of Saving Banks. Men who wished to borrow, would deal with a private Banker as an equal, instead of dealing, as at present, with an overgrown corporation, as a superior. The business of dealing in exchange, would be better conducted than at present, for it would be left free to in- dividuals, and they would show the same disposition to oblige and to give satisfactio!i, that is now evinced by the dry goods merchant, or the importer of groceries. Instead of having to pay the expense of three or four COXSEQUENCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM. 123 hundred public Banks, we should have to pay the expense of only twenty or thirty, for this number of oflices of de- posit and transfer would suffice for the whole United States. We should escape all the evils that flow from Banks as corporations, from fluctuations of the circulating medium, and from the false system of credit which has its origin in the present banking system. And what should we lose? The supporters of the pre- sent system admit that " the only substantial advantage at- tending paper money appears to be its cheapness." Tak- ing their own estimates of the amount of Bank notes and Bank credits, the sum thus gained does not amount to more than forty cents a year for each individual in the na- tion. Is it worth while for so trifling a gain, (admitting it, by way of argument, to be a gain,) to endure all the evils of a bad system, and forego all the advantages of a good? CHAPTER XXIX. Prohahle Consequences of the Continuance of the Present System. To infer that because a system produces great evil, it must soon give way, would be to argue in opposition to all experience. If mere suffering could produce reformation, there would be little misery in the world. Too many individuals have an interest in incorporated paper money Banks, to suffer the truth in relation to such institutions to have free progress. Too many prejudices remain in the minds of a multitude who have no such interest, to permit the truth to have its proper effect. It is, therefore, rational to conclude that the present sys- tem may, at least with modifications, continue to be the system of the country — not forever, as some seem to think, but for a period which cannot be definitely calculated. It is also rational to conclude that the effect it will have on society in time to come, will be similar to the effect it has had in time past. We have, then, in the present state of the country, the means of judging of its future condition. No system of policy that can be devised, can prevent 124 CONSEQUENCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM. the United States from advancing in wealtli and popula- tion. Our national prosperity has its seat in natural causes which cannot be effectually counteracted by any human measures, excepting such as would convert the Govern- ment into a despotism like that of Turkey, or reduce the nation to a state of anarchy resembling that of some coun- tries of South America. Our wealth and population will increase till they become equal for each square mile to the wealth and population of the continent of Europe. We are now very far from this limit. Under a good system, we cannot reach it in less than one or two hun- dred years. Under a bad system, in not less, perhaps, than three or four hundred. If we had a political system as bad as that of Great Bri- tain, with its hereditary aristocracy, its laws of entail and primogeniture, its manufacturing guilds, its incorporated commercial companies, its large standing army, its expen- sive navy, its church establishment, its boroughmongering, its pensions and its sinecures, our advancement would be seriously retarded. But our wealth and population would, notwithstanding, continue to increase, till they should bear the same ratio to the natural resources of the country, that the wealth and population of Great Britain have to the natural resources of that island. The progress of opulence in the United States in the next forty or fifty years, will probably be very great. Many of the natural sources of wealth are as yet unappropriated. In no part of the country has their productiveness been fully developed. The people have now sufficient capital to turn their land and labor to more profit than was possible in any previous period of our country's history. The daily improvements in productive machinery, and especially in the application of steam power, the discove- ries in science, the introduction of new composts and new courses of crops in agriculture, the extension of roads and canals, have all a tendency to increase the wealth of the country, till the aggregate shall be enormous. But tliis increase of wealth will be principally for the benefit of those to whom an increase of riches will bring r.o increase of happiness, for they have already wealth enough or more than enough. Their originally small capi- L CO^SEQUEJCCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM. 125 tals have, in the course of a few years, been doubled, trebled, and, in some instances, quadrupled. They have now large capitals, which will go on increasing in nearly the same ratio. As no kind of property is prevented from being the prize of speculation by laws of entail, it is not easy to set bounds to the riches which some of our citizens may acquire. Their incomes may be equal to those of the most wealthy of the European nobility. Think, for a moment, of the immense accession of wealth certain families in the neigh- -borhood of large cities and other improving towns must receive, from the conversion of tracts of many acres into buildingr lots. For ground which cost them but one hun- dred dollars an acre, they may get ten thousand dollars, twenty thousand dollars, or twenty-five thousand dollars. This will be without any labor or expenditure of capital on their part. The land will be increased in value, by the improvements made around it at the expense of other men. But this is but one of the ways in which the wealth of the rich will increase. It has heretofore been found that capital invested in lots, even in the neighborhood of the most flourishing towns, doubles itself less rapidly than capital devoted to other purposes of speculation. In what- ever way it may be employed the capital of the rich will, in the aggregate, increase in nearly the ratio of compound interest. The vicissitudes of fortune will be, as they have been in past years, many and great, but they will tend to increase the inequality of social condition, by throwing the wealth of several rich men into the hands of one. It is seldom that the vicissitudes of fortune distribute the wealth of a few among the many. An increase in the number of Banks must be expected. If the system is to he perpetual, an increase in the number of these insititutions would not, in some respects, be an evil ; for seven hundred Banks could circulate no more paper than three hundred and fifty. But every new Bank is a new centre of speculation ; and one kind of stock-job- bing gives birth to another. We shall have new schemes for growing rich without labor — similar perhaps to the Bri- itsh bubble companies of 182-5 — perhaps to the former speculations in Washington City lots — perhaps to the recent 12* 126 CONSEQUENCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM. speculations in Pennsylvania coal lands. The present rage for rail-road stock shows that part of our population already want something to be crazy about — or rather want some- thing by which to set their neighbors crazy. The old modes of speculation no longer afford full employment for their time and talents. Nearly all the secondary operations of society will tend to increase the disparity between the rich and poor as differ- ent classes of the community, and not a small proportion of the rich will, in due time, become as luxurious and as corrupt, as ostentatious and as supercilious, as the " first circles" in the most dissipated capitals of Europe. Their early habits of industry and economy cleave to some of the rich men of the present day. Hence they are as useful and as modest members of society as many who are in moderate circumstances. But when their immense wealth passes, as pass it must in a few years, to their heirs, who know not the value of money, because they never knew the want of it, it will be lavished in everyway which corrupt inclination can dictate. While some will be enormously rich, there will be a con- siderable number in a state of comfort, as in Great Britain, and very many in a state of disconsolate poverty. Some years must, indeed, elapse, before the number of paupers and criminals, and of persons whose condition borders on pauperism, will bear the same proportion to population in 1 Europe and America. In our immense extent of unculti- jvated land, the poor have a place to fly to ; but the spirit ilof speculation will follow them there. We need not wait \\Will the country is fully peopled to experience a measure of ithese evils. While some parts of the Union will have all the simplicity, the rudeness, and the poverty of new settle- ments; others will exhibit all the splendor and licentious- ness, and misery and debasement of the most populous districts of Europe. The beginning of this state of things is already observa- ble. According to the estimates of Mr. Niles, the number of paupers in the maratime counties of the United States, was, in 1815, in the proportion of one to every 130 inha- bitants ; and, in 1821, in the proportion of two to every 130. The published accounts do not give the number of per- sons admitted into the almshouses or committed to the pri- CONSEQUENCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM. 127 sons of Philadelphia, in the course of the year ; but the number of commitments of criminals and vagrants amounts to three or four thousand annually, and the number of admissions into the alms-house is equally considerable. As the same person may be admitted or committed several times, we cannot give the exact number of either paupers or criminals. But at one time last winter, there were up- wards of sixteen hundred poor persons in the Spruce Street Alms-house ; and many more were receiving out- door relief.* In some years the public expenditures on account of the poor in Philadelphia, exceed the expenditures on the same account in Liverpool. Some of the members of a Commission appointed about twelve years ago to inquire into the causes and exteutof pau- perism in Philadelphia, estimated the cost of relieving the poor at between four hundred and five hundred thousand dollars a year. In this estimate was included what is given in private charity, as well as what is given in public : and an allowance was made for rent of almshouses and hospitals, or for interest on the first cost of land and build- ings set apart for the use of the poor. At that time the population of the city and suburbs did not much exceed one hundred and twenty thousand. We may increase the legal provision for the relief of the indigent, and multiply alms-houses and hospitals. But no- thing of this kind can supply the want of just laws and of equal institutions. Efforts may be made in various ways to diffuse the bless- ings of education, and to promote moral and religious im- provement. But these efforts will only alleviate our social evils : They cannot cure them. In no small degree will the public distress be increased by well-meant but ill-directed attempts to give relief. There is a class of politicians, (and they are unfortunately nu- merous and powerful,) who have for each particular social evil a legal remedy. They are willing to leave nothing / to nature : the law must do every thing. This is, most unfortunately, the kind of legislation which * Part of this pauperism and criminality must be attributed to Euro- pean institutions, as the character of the subjects was formed before they migrated to America. Another part is of" domestic origin. 128 EFFECTS OF A SOUND CURRENCY. public distress is almost sure to produce. Instead of tra- cing its cause to some positive institution, the removal of which, though it might not immediately relieve distress, ■would prevent its recurrence, men set themselves to heaping law upon law, and institution upon institution. They in this resemble quacks who apply lotions to the skin to cure diseases of the blood, or of the digestive organs, occasioned by intemperate living. These projects of relief and efforts at corrective legisla- tion, will be numberless in multitude and diversified in character : but as they will not proceed on the principle of " removing the cause that the effect may cease," they will ultimately increase the evils they are intended lo cure. CHAPTER XXX. JJ Probable Effects of the Establishment of a System of Sound Currency and Sound Credit. The laws which govern the moral world are just as cer- tain in their nature as those which govern the physi- cal : but it is not always easy to fortell the effects of a po- litical measure, because it is not easy to foresee the precise combination of causes that will be in operation at any future period. David Hume reasoned with perfect correct- ness from the permises before him, when he predicted that an increase of the national debt beyond a certain amount would make the British Government bankrupt. But he did not foresee the great increase of wealth, and con- sequent increase of ability in the people to bear public burdens, which has been caused by the use of steam and of productive machinery; and the Government has swelled the debt beyond the amount he fi.xed upon, without becom- ing bankrupt. As we have neither a large standing army nor an ex- pensive navy, neither King nor titled nobility to support, neither sinecurists nor pensioners to pay, it would seem rational to believe that, on the destruction of the monied corporation system, honest industry in the United States would be secure of its reward. But it is, perhaps, too soon to assert that the ingenuity of those who wish to grow EFFECTS OF A SOUND CURRENCY. 129 rich by the labor of others will then be exhausted. The Banking system destroyed, they may invent some other, equally plausible and equally pernicious. There has been at least an apparent improvement in the moral sentiments of men. About three centuries ago, it was customary to insert in the treaties between Christian Kings, a stipulation that the subjects of one King should not plunder the subjects of another, on the high seas, in time of peace — in other words, it was made matter of ex- press covenant that merchants should not be pirates. At a much later period, many Scottish gentlemen thought it quite as honorable and as honest to levy " black mail " on the estates of their neighbors, as to levy rents on their own estates. Some intelligent writers seem to be of opinion, that the improvement in moral sentiment is rather apparent than real. There is, they assert, so much less personal risk in certain modern modes of acquiring wealth, that men can lay little claim to merit because they do not carry off their neighbors' cattle by force of arms, or rob ships on the high seas. Lord Byron appears to have been of this way of thinking, for he said that " if the funds failed, Ac meant to take to the high-way, as he considered that the only honora- ble mode of making a living, now left for honest men." " For why ? The good old rule sufficeth still, The simple plan — That they shall take who have the power, Aud they shall keep who can." " Many ingenious men" says an American author, " have amused themselves and others, in forming theories respect- ing the social compact. Some supposed it to originate in one-way, some in another. Some supposed it to have been formed for one purpose, some for another. It is supposed by some to have been formed for defence — others suppose it to have been formed for aggression. It is true, that every thing on this subject is mere speculation; and one man has as much right to form theories as another, but it is very clear, that aggression must precede defence, and that be- fore communities could have been formed for defence, there must have been others formed for aggression. Had there been no such thing as attack, men would never have thought i 130 ErFECTS OF A SOUND CURRENCY. of defence. The primary object, therefore, in forming the social compact, must have been plunder; and the first ar- ticle of that compact no doubt was, " ice will plunder our neighbors." The second article probably was, " we ivill not plunder each other." This article was necessary to ena- ble them to carry the first into effect. " The first article in the social compact has been faith- fully executed, as far as it was practicable. The second article has been and still is evaded, or forcibly violated, by a large portion of every community. How many people do we see in every community, who, instead of supporting themselves by their own industry, contrive to supply them- selves with the necessaries and comforts of life, from the in- dustry of others? Some do this by fraud and overreaching. Some by direct violence — some by the exercise of their wits in one way, some in another. Some by the permission, or the express provision, of the law — others in violation of it. What a host would there be, if all the people in the United States even, who live by the labor of others, were collected together. " The history of mankind, in all ages of the world, shows that they will never labor for subsistence, so long as they can obtain it by plunder — that they will never labor for themselves, so long as they can compel others to labor for them."* This is a gloomy view of things: and we cannot say that we assent to its correctness in every particular. We trust there has been, in the last three centuries, some real improvement in the minds of men. Yet history and expe- rience both show that there is a strong principle of evil which shows itself in different forms in different men, and which clianges its appearance in communities with change of circumstances. As this principle is found in Americans as well as in Europeans and Asiatics, we may rest assured, that, if the money corporation system shall be abolished, attempts will be made, under the plausible pretext of promoting the pub- lic good, to iiave other laws passed, and other institutions established, which will c've to some members of the com- munity advantages over the rest. The attempts of this * Raymond. Elements of Political Economy. Baltimore 1823. EFFECTS OF A SOUND CURRENCY. 131 I kind will probably be numerous, for even those who appa- rently pay most regard to the principles of natural justice, think themselves fairly entitled to such advantages as the law gives them, and deem it quite proper to endeavor to advance their private speculations by procuring legislative enactments in their especial favor. If these attempts shall be successfully resisted; we may rationally expect — being de- livered from the curse of paper money and of monied cor- porations — a considerable improvement, in the following particulars. 1. The demand for most articles of commerce and ma- nufactures will become regular, and the supply will conform itself to the demand, the variations being seldom so sud- den or so great as to prevent men of good common sense from managing their business successfully. At present, men find it difficult to make the operation of the natural causes that affect supply and demand the basis of an es- timate, in engaging in any enterprize, because these causes are confounded with others growing out of the present sys- tem of business. 2. Bankruptcies will be as rare as they were before the Revolution, and losses by bad debts will be inconsiderable. More or less uncertainty will always attend foreign com- merce. Events which may happen abroad may, from time to time, have an injurious effect on bodies of mer- chants engaged in a trade with particular countries ; but, as is correctly observed by Mr. Gallatin, the effects of com- mercial revulsions in a country having a metallic currency, are generally confined to dealers, extending but indirectly and feebly to the community, and never affecting the cur- rency, the standard of value, or the contracts between per- sons not concerned in the failures. 3. The value of that which forms] the principal item of wealth in every country, the land and its improvements, is affected slowly by natural causes. It seldom rises or falls, except in particular situations, more than one or two per cent, in the course of a year. Such variations would not be great enough to prevent the majority of men from form- ing correct estimates of the value of real estate: and as there would be a continuous rise in the value of land, with the increase of wealth and population, sellers would be quite secure in receiving one-fourth of the purchase money 132 EFFECTS OF A SOUND CURRENCY, and a mortgage for the remainder, and buyers would run little risk of losing, from a fall in the price of property. The special causes which would affect the value of lands in particular localities, might be estimated with some degree of exactness. 4. The prices of land and commodities being left to the regulation of natural causes, it would, in most instances, be easy to form a judgment of the probable result of differ- ent undertakings. The risk, in the great majority of en- terprizes, would not be greater than that of the farmer when he ploughs and sows his fields. It would be easy to tell what businesses are adapted to the state of the coun- try, and to different parts of the country. The develope- ment of the natural sources of wealth would proceed in natural order, and men would grow rich, not by impo- verishing others, but by the same causes that enrich na- tions. 5. Credit would be diffused through the community, and each man would get that share to which he would be justly entitled. The thrifty young mechanic, and the in- dustrious farmer, though not possessed of real estate, would be able to borrow on bond, for such periods as might be necessary to bring their little undertakings to a successful issue. 6. Every increase of capital increasing the fund out of which wages would be paid, would increase the reward of the laborer. Through the new distribution of capital which would be produced by a just apportionment of credit, the number of the competitors of the working-man would be diminished, and the number of his employers increased. He would thus reap a double advantage, from the in- crease of competition on the one side, and its decrease on the other. 7. The present order of things, by rendering the condi- tion of some members of society almost hopeless, takes away from them almost every inducement to industry and economy. They labor only from the stimulus of necessity ; and if, in particular seasons, they obtain more than is ne- cessary for immediate subsistence, they expend it in pro- curing some sensual gr;itification. But, open to these men a fair prospect of ac{|iiiring a little property and of being secure in its possession, and many who are now indolent I EFFECTS OF A SOUNTD CURRENCY. 133 will become industrious, and many who are extravagant will become economical. Give them an object worth work- ing and saving for, and but few, even of those who are least gifted with natural prudence, will become a burden to their friends, or to the public. 8. The moral character of a great part of the nation has been stamped so deeply by causes which have been in operation for half a century, or for nearly a century and a half, if we count from the first issue of paper money by Massachusetts, that many years perhaps, will, elapse, be- fore it can be essentially changed. But one of the first effects of abolishing the money-corporation system, will be that of raising the standard of commercial honesty in a perceptible degree, and the standard of political honor will, in a few years, be sensibly elevated. 9. In a state of things in which industry was sure of its reward, few persons would be destitute of the pecuniary means for obtaining instruction. The intellectual powers of the great body of the people would then be fully developed, and this could not fail to promote the correct management of public and private affairs. 10. The causes of evil are as numerous as the varieties of evil. The Banking system must be regarded as the principal cause of social evil in the United States ; but it is by no means the onli/ one. There are other positive in- stitutions in our land which are very pernicious. Remove the Banking system, and the extent in which most other evil institutions operate, will become evident. The appli- cation of the proper remedies will then be an easy task. In the best social system that can be imagined, that is, in one in which there should be no laws or institutions of any kind except such as are absolutely necessary, and in which the few laws and institutions which are really necessary should be perfectly just in principle and equal in operation, there would necessarily be an inequality in the condition of men. It would proceed in part from dif- ferences in mental and bodily strength, in skill, in industry, in economy, in prudence, and in enterprize. In part, it would proceed from causes beyond human control. But this would be a natural inequality, and it would not be an evil. The sight of one man enjoying the reward of his good conduct, would induce others to imitate his example. 13 134 EFFECTS OF A SOUND CURREXCY. We have evidence in the condition of Switzerland and Holland, of what patient industry can accomplish. One of these countries is mountainous and rugged ; the other is a marsh, great portion of which has been reclaimed from the sea. Yet they are, in proportion to the number of square miles they contain, among the richest countries in the world. In Switzerland there are, or were till lately, many ab- surd restrictions on the liberty of the people. The national debt of Holland is very great, and tiie taxes are conse- quently heavy. Switzerland is an inland country, and has intercourse with distant nations, through the permission of the neighboring kingdoms. It owes its independence to the sufferance of its powerful neighbors. Holland is fre- quently devastated by hostile armies. It is not free from commercial monopolies. In both Holland and Switzerland there is an inequality of political rights quite incompatible with our American ideas of natural justice. Yet, under all these disadvantages^ natural and political, Holland and Switzerland have arrived at a degree of improvement whcih excites the admiration of every candid observer. Now, if the Union of the States can be preserved, to what may we not rise, under our free political institutions, with the immense extent of our natural resources, with all our advantages for foreign and domestic trade, and exempt- ed as we are by our situation from a participation in the wars of Europe. It would really appear that, if we could only get rid of a few laws and institutions which give advantages to some men over others, we might arrive at a state of improvement which would surpass that of any country of which mention is made in history. We have more means of happi- ness within our reach, than any other people. If we turn them not to a good account, the fault will be our own, and we must patiently bear the consequences. SUMMARY. 135 CHAPTER XXXI. I Summary. To place the subject fairly before the reader, we shall bring together the principal propositions that have been supported in this essay, and leave the decision to his can- did judgment. We have maintained : 1. That real money is that valuable by reference to which the' value of other articles is estimated, and by the instru- mentality of which they are circulated. It is a commodity, done up in a particular form to serve a particular use, and does not differ essentially from other items of wealth. 2. That silver, owing to its different physical properties, the universal and incessant demand for it, and the small proportion the annual supply bears to the stock on hand, is as good a practical standard of value as can reasonably be desired. It has no variations except such as necessarily arise from the nature of value. 3. That real money diffuses itself through different coun- tries, and through different parts of a country, in propor- tion to the demands of commerce. No prohibitions can prevent its departing from countries where wealth and trade are declining; and no obstacle, except spurious mo- ney, can prevent its flowing into countries where wealth and trade are increasing. 4. That money is the tool of all trades, and is, as such, one of the most useful of productive instruments, and one of the most valuable of labor saving machines. 5. That bills of exchange and promissory notes are a mere commercial medium, and are, as auxiliaries of gold silver money, very useful : but they differ from metallic money in having no inherent value, and in being evidences of debt. The expressions of value in bills of exchange and promissory notes, are according to the article which law or custom has made the standard ; and the failure to pay bills of exchange and promissory notes, does not affect the value of the currency, or the standard by which all con- tracts are regulated. 6. That Bank notes are inere evidences of debt due by 136 SUMMARY. the Banks, and in this respect differ not from the promis- sory notes of the merchants ; but, being received in full of all demands, they become to all intents and purposes the money of the country. 7. That Banks owe their credit to their charters ; for, if these were taken away, not even their ow-n stockholders would trust them. 8. That the circulating quality of Bank notes is in part owing to their being receivable in payment of dues to go- vernment ; in part to the interest which the debtors to Banks and Bank stockholders have in keeping them in circulation ; and in part to the difficulty, when the system is firmly established, of obtaining metallic money. 9. That so long as specie payments are maintained, there is a limit on Bank issues ; but this is not sufficient to pre- vent successive " expansions" and " contractions," which produce ruinous fluctuations of prices ; while the means by which Bank medium is kept " convertible" inflict great evils on the community. 10. That no restriction which can be imposed on Banks, and no discretion on the part of the Directors, can prevent these fluctuations; for. Bank credit, as a branch of com- mercial credit, is affected by all the causes, natural and political, that affect trade, or that affect the confidence man has in man. 11. That the " flexibility" or " elasticity" of Bank me- dium is not an excellence, but a defect, and that " expan- sions" and " contractions" are not made to suit the wants of the community, but from a simple regard to the profits and safety of the Banks. 12. That the uncertainty of trade produced by these successive " expansions" and " contractions," is but one of the evils of the present system. That the Banks cause credit dealings to be carried to an extent that is highly pernicious — that they cause credit to be given to men who are not entitled to it, and deprive others of credit to whom it would be useful. 13. That the granting of exclusive privileges to compa- nies, or the exempting of companies from liabliticsto which individuals are subject, is repugnant to the fundamental principles of American Government ; and that the Banks, inasmuch as they have exclusive privileges and exemp- SUMMARY. 137 tions, and have the entire control of credit and currencj', are the most pernicious of money corporations. 14. That a nominal responsibility may be imposed on such corporations, but that it is impossible to impose on them an effective responsibility. They respect the laws and public opinion so far only as is necessary to promote their own interest. 15. That on the supposition most favorable to the friends of the Banking system, the whole amount gained by the substitution of Bank medium for gold and silver coin, is equal only to about 40 cents per annum for each individual in the country ; but that it will be found that nothing is in reality gained bv the nation, if due allowance be made for the expense of supporting three or four hundred Banks, and for the fact that Bank medium is a machine which per- forms its work badly. 16. That some hundreds of thousands of dollars are an- nually extracted from the people of Pennsylvania, and some millions from the people of the United States, for the support of the Banks, insomuch as through Banking the natural order of things is reversed, and interest paid to the Banks on evidences of debt due by them, instead of in- terest being paid to those who part with commodities in exchange for Bank notes. 17. That into the formation of the Bank capital of the country very little substantial wealth has ever entered, that capital having been formed principally out of the promis- sory notes of the original subscribers, or by other means which the operations of the Banks themselves have facili- tated. They who have bought the script of the Banks at second hand, may have honestly paid cent, per cent, for it; but what they have paid has gone to those from whom they bought the script, and does not form any part of the capi- tal of the Banks. 18. That if it was the wish of the Legislature to promote usurious dealings, it could not well devise more efficient means than incorporating paper money Banks. That these Banks, moreover, give rise to many kinds of stock-jobbing, by which the simple-minded are injured and the crafty be- nefitted. 19. That many legislators have, in voting for Banks, sup- posed that they were promoting the welfare of their consti- 138 SUMMARY. tuents ; but the prevalence of false views in legislative bo- dies in respect to money corporations and paper money, is to be attributed chiefly to the desire certain members have to make money for themselves, or to afford their political partisans and personal friends opportunities for speculation. 20. That the banking interest has a pernicious influence on the periodical press, on public elections, and the gene- ral course of legislation. This interest is so powerful, that the establishment of a system of sound currency and sound credit is impracticable, except one or other of the political parties into which the nation is divided, makes such an ob- ject its primary principle of action. 21. That through the various advantages which the system of incorporated paper money Banking has given to some men over others, the foundation has been laid of an artificial inequality of wealth, which kind of inequality is, when once laid, increased by all the subsequent operations of society. 22. That this artificial inequality of wealth, adds nothing to the substantial happiness of the rich, and detracts much from the happiness of the rest of the community. That its tendency is to corrupt one portion of society, and de- base another. 23. That the sudden dissolution of the Banking system, without suitable preparation, would put an end to the col- lection of debts, destroy private credit, break up many pro- ductive establishments, throw most of the property of the in- dustrious into the hands of speculators, and deprive labor- ing people of employment. 24. That the system can be got rid of, without difficul- ty, by prohibiting, after a certain day, the issue of small notes, and proceeding gradually to those of the highest de- nomination. 25. That the feasibility of getting rid of the system, is further proved by the fact, that the whole amount of Bank notes and Bank credits, is, according to Mr. Gallatin's cal- culation, only about one hundred and nine million dollars. By paying ten or eleven millions a year, the whole- can be liquidated in the term of ten years. If, however, twenty or thirty years should be required for the operation, the longest of these is but a short period in the life time of a nation. SUMMARY. 139 26. That it has not been through the undervaluation of gold at the mint, that eagles and half-eagles have disap- peared ; but from the free use of Bank notes. Neverthe- less, a new coinage of pieces containing four and eight, or five and ten dollars worth of gold is desirable, to save the trouble of calculating fractions. The dollar being the mo- ney of contract and account, no possible confusion or in- justice can be produced by an adjustment of the gold coin- age to the silver standard. 27. That incorporating a paper money Bank is not the " necessary and proper," or " natural and appropriate" way of managing the fiscal concerns of the Union ; but that the " necessary and proper," or " natural and appropriate" way, is by sub-treasury offices. 28. That incorporating a paper m.oney Bank is not " the necessary and proper," or " natural and appropriate" way of correcting the evils occasioned by the State Banks, inasmuch as a National Bank, resting on the same princi- ples as the State Banks, must produce similar evils. 29. That " convertible" paper prevents the accumula- tion of such a stock of the precious metals as will enable the country to bear transitions from peace to war, and insure the punctual payment of war taxes, and that the " necessary and proper," or " natural and appropriate" way of providing for all public exigencies, is, by making the Go- vernment a solid Money Government, as was intended by the framers of the Constitution. 30. That if Congress should, from excessive caution, or some less commendable motive, decline passing the acta necessary to insure tlie gradual witlidrawal of Bank notes, they may greatly diminish the evils of the system, by de- claring that nothing but gold and silver shall be received in payment of duties, and by making the operations of the Governinent entirely distinct from those of the Banks. 31. That, on the abolition of incorporated paper money Banks, private Bankers will rise up, who will receive money on deposit, and allow interest on the same, discount pro- missory notes, and buy and sell bills of exchange. Ope- rating on sufficient funds, and being responsible for their engagements in the whole amount of their estates, these private Bankers will not by sudden and great " expan- sions" and " curtailments" derange the whole train of mer- 140 SUMMARY. cantile operations. In each large city, an office of deposit and transfer, similar to the Bank of Hamburgh, will be established, and we shall thus secure all the good of the present Banking system, and avoid all its evils. 32. That, if the present system of Banking and paper ^ money shall continue, the wealth and population of the country will increase from natural causes, till they shall be equal for each square mile to the wealth and population of Europe. But, with every year, the state of society in the United States will more nearly approximate to the state of society in Great Britain. Crime and pauperism will in- crease. A few men will be inordinately rich, some com- fortable, and a multitude in poverty. This condition of things will naturally lead to the adoption of that policy which proceeds on the principle that a legal remedy is to be found for each social evil, and nothing left for the ope- rations of nature. This kind of legislation will increase the evils it is intended to cure. 33. That there is reason to hope that, on the down- fall of monied corporations, and the substitution of gold and silver for Bank medium, sound credit will take the place of unsound, and legitimate enterprize the place of wild speculation. That the moral and intellectual character of the people will be sensibly though gradually raised, and the causes laid open of a variety of evils under which society is now suffering. That the sources of legislation will, to a certain extent, be purified, by taking from members of legislative bodies inducements to pass laws for the special benefit of themselves, their personal friends and political partisans. That the operation of the natural and just causes of wealth and poverty, will no longer be inverted, but that each cause will operate in its natural and just order, and produce its natural and just effect — wealth be- coming the reward of industry, frugality, skill, prudence, and enterprize, and poverty the punishment of few except the indolent and prodigal. ^ C ■ »■ PART II. SHORT HISTORY OP PAPER MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UNITED STATES. k k UK' A SHORT HISTORY OF PAPER MONEY AND BANKING. CHAPTER I. Of the Medium of Trade, before the Introduction of Paper Money. The first settlers of a country may be greatly in want of capital, but they do not need a great sum of money as a medium of domestic trade. A iev; exchanges of products for gold and silver coin, will regulate barter transactions with sufficient accuracy for general dealings. A great portion of the stock of money which the original emigrants brought with them, was, therefore, soon exchanged for the comforts and conveniences which Europe could supply, and trade by barter became the custom of the country. If the Government had not interfered, all would have been well. But, as early as 1618, as is stated by Holme'lf in his American Annals, Governor Argall of Virginia, order* ed " that all goods should be sold at an advance of 25 per cent., and tobacco taken in payment at three shillings per pound, and not more or less, on the penalty of three years servitude to the colony."* * Mr. Bulk says, in the appendix to the first volume of the History of Virginia — "I find in the proclamations of the Virginia Governors and Councils, the rates of some commodities and something like a scale of exchange between specie and tobacco. During the administration of Captain Argall, tobacco was fixed at three shillings the pound. In 1623, Ca- nary, Malaga, Alicant, Tent, Mnskadel, and Bastard wines, were rated at SIX shillings in specie, and nine shillings the gallon payable in tobacco. Sherry, Sack, and Aquavitae, at four shillings, or four shil- lings and six pence tobacco. Wine vmegar at three shillings, or four 4 ORlGIAtAL MEDIUM OF TRADE. In 1G41, as we learn from the same authority, the Gene- ral Court of Msssachusetts " made orders about payment of debts, setting corn at the usual price, and making it payable for all debts which should arise after a time pre- fixed." In 1643, the same General Court ordered "that Wampompeag should pass current in the payment of debts to the amount of forty shillings, the white at eight a penny, the black at four a penny, except for county rates." Wampompeag being an article of traffic with the Indians, had a value in domestic trade, but an attempt to fix its value by law was an absurdity, and making it a legal ten- der was something worse than absurdity. The measure was, however, in perfect accordance with the orders given by the General Court in 1033, declaring, "that artificers, such as carpenters and masons, should not receive more than two shillings a day, and proportionably, and that mer- chants should not advance more than four pence in the shil- ling above what their goods cost in England." shillings and six pence tobacco. Cider and beer vinegar at two shil- lings, or three shillings in tobacco. Loaf sugar one shilling and eight pence per pound, or two shillings and six pence in tobacco ; butter and cheese eight pence per pound, or one shilling in tobacco. Newfound- land fish per cwt. fifteen shillings, or one pound four shillings in to- bacco. Canada iish, two pounds, or three pounds ten shillings in tobacco. English meal sold at ten shillings the bushel, and Indian corn at eight. After a careful inspection of the old records, I cannot find any rates of labor specified, although they too are mentioned, as forming a part of the subject of proclamations." Holmes, in his Annals, supplies one deficiency in Burk's price cur- rent, namely, the price of a passage from Europe. " The enterprizing colonists being generally destitute of families, Sir Edward Sandys, the treasurer, proposed to the Virginia Company to send over a freight of young women to become wives for the planters. The proposal was applauded ; and ninety girls, " young and uncor- rupt," were sent over in the ships, that arrived this year, (J620; and, the vearlbllowing, sixty more, haiulsoine and well recommended to the company for their virtuous education and demeanor. The price of a wife, at the first, was one hundred younds of tobacco : but, as the num- ber became scarce, the price was increased to one hundred and fifty pounds, the value of which, in money, was three shilling.^ per pound. This debt for wives, it was ordered, should have the precedency of all Other debts, and be first recoverable." The Rev. Mr. Weems, a Virginia writer, intimates that it would have done a man's heart good, to .see the gallant, young Virginians, hastening to the waterside, when a ship arrived from London, each car- rying a bundle of the bes^t tobacco under his arm, and each taking back with him a beautiful and virtuous young wife. ORIGINAL MEDIUM OF TRADE. 5 In Pennsylvania, as well as in the other colonies, a con- siderable traffic was carried on by barter : and we recollect having read in the Minutes of Assembly, that, about the year 1700, a proposition was made to make domestic pro- ducts a legal tender, at their current rates. The propo- sition was rejected. But Holmes states that, in Maryland, as late as the year 1732, an act was passed " making to- bacco a legal tender at one penny a pound, and Indian corn at twenty pence a bushel." The colonists had hardly become numerous enough to require more than two or three hundred thousand dollars of medium for domestic uses, before specie began to flow in abundantly. Their trade with the West Indies and a clandestine commerce with the Spanish Maine, made sil- ver so plentiful, that, as early as 1652, a mint was esta- blished in New England for coining shillings, sixpences and three penny pieces.* Gabriel Thomas, in his account of Pennsylvania, pub- lished about the year 1698, says silver was more plentiful in that province than in England. Plentiful, however, as it was, there was not enough to satisfy the wishes of every body. Attempts were, therefore, made to keep the precious metals in the country, by rais- ing the official value of the coin. Virginia, in 1645, pro- hibited dealings by barter, and established the Spanish piece of eight at six shillings, as the standard currency of * " The law enacted that " Massachusetts" and a tree in the centre, be on the one side : and New England, and the year of our Lord, and the figure XII, VI, III, according to the value of each piece, be on the other side." — Massachusetts Laws. Theseveral coins had N. E. on one side, and the number denoting the number of pence, with the year 1652, on the other. The date was never altered, though more coin was stamped annually for thirty years." — Holmes. In 1662, the Assembly of Maryland besought the proprietary "to take orders for setting up a mint," and a law was passed for that purpose. " The great hindrance to the colony in trade for the want of money" is assigned as the reason for the measure. It was enacted, that the mo- ney coined shall be of as good silver as English sterling; that every shilling, and so in proportion for other pieces, shall weigh above nine pence in such silver; and that the proprietary shall accept of it in pay- ment of his rents and other debts. This coin bemg afterwards circu- lated, the jjresent law of ]\Iaryland was confirmed in 1676. This is the only law for coining money, which occurs in colonial history, pre- vious to the American Revolution, e.\cepting the ordinance of Massa- chusetts ia 1652." — Clmliners, 1. 248. B 6 ORIGINAL MEDIUM OF TRADE. that colony. The other colonies affixed various denomina- tions to tiie dollar, and the country exhibited a singular spectacle. Its money of account was the same nominally as that of England. Its coin was chiefly Spanish and Portuguese. But, what was a shilling in Pennsylvania, was more than a shilling in New York, and less than a shilling in Virginia. In the third year of Q,ueen Anne, an attempt was made to put an end to this confusion, by a Royal Proclamation and act of Parliament, fixing the plantation pound at two ounces sixteen pennyweights sixteen grains of silver, of the fineness of common pieces of eight, at six shillings and ten pence half-penny per ounce ; but, from various causes, the act proved effective in Barbadoes only. In South Ca- rolina, the dollar was estimated at 4s. 8d , in Virginia and New England at 6s., in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland at 7s. Gd., and in New York and North Caro- lina at 8s. These are to be understood as the rates at which the currencies of the different colonies were finally settled. They were varied from time to time to suit the varying views of the lawgivers.* Confusion in dealing was there- by introduced, and some injustice was done to individuals : but the chief object of these changes, namely, that of keep- ing a great stock of the precious metals in the country, was not effected. In proportion as the denominations of the coin were raised, the merchants raised the price of their goods. The laws of nature counteracted the laws of the land. The people exchanged their surplus gold and silver for such things as they wanted still more than gold and silver — leaving just as much money in the country as its domestic trade required, and not one shilling more. * Dr. FianUlin, in his Historical Account of Pennsylvania, says, " During tliis wesk practice, silver got up by degrees to eigiil shillings and nine pence per ounce, and English crowns were sis, seven, and eight shillings a piece."' PROVINCIAL PAPER MOXEY. 7 CHAPTER II. Of Provincial Paper Mojicy. Paper money was first issued by Massachusetts in 1090. The object was not to supply any supposed want of a me- dium for trade, but to satisfy the demands of some clamor- ous soldiers. Other issues were subsequently made, part- ly with the view of defraying the expenses of Government, and partly with the view of making money plenty in every man's pocket. But, as the quantity increased, the value diminished, as will be seen on inspectino- tlie followinw table.* \oz. Silver. Exch. icith loz London. 1702 - 133 - 6. 170.5 - 135 - 7 1713 - 150 . 8 1716 - 175 . 9 1717 - 225 - 12 1722 - 270 - 14 Erdi. icith \oz. Silver. London. 1728 - 340 - 185. 1730 - 380 - 20 1737 - 500 - 26 1741 - 550 - 28 1749 - 1100 - GO The ill-judged expedition of the Carolinians against St. Augustine, in 1702, entailed a debt of 6000 pounds on that colony, for the discharge of which a bill was passed by the Provincial Assembly for stamping bills of credit, which were to be sunk in three years by a duty laid upon liquors, skins and furs. For five or si.x years after the emission, the pa- per passed in the country at the same value and rate as the sterling money of England.! To defray the expenses of an expedition against the Tus- caroras, and to accommodate domestic trade, the Legisla- ture of South Carolina established a public Bank in 1712, and issued 48,000 pounds in bills of credit, called Bank bills, to be lent out on interest on landed and personal secu- rity, and to be sunk gradually at the rate of 4000 pounds a jear. Soon after the emission of these Bank bills, the rate of exchange and the price of produce rose, advancing in the first year to 1.30, and in the second to 200 per cent. j * Holmes. Vol. II, p. ]79. t lb. Vol. II, p. 53. X lb. Vol. II, D. S-2. 8 PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. By the year 1731, the rate of exchange rose to 700, at which, says Holmes, " it continued with little variation up- wards of forty years." In the year 1723, " the province of Pennsylvania made its first experiment of a paper currency. It issued, in March, 15,000 pounds, on such terms as appeared likely to be effectual to keep up the credit of the bills. It made no loans, but on land security, or plate deposited in the loan office : obliged the borrowers to pay five per cent, for the sums they took up; made its bills a tender in all payments, on pain of confiscating the debt, or forfeiting the commo- dity ; imposed sufficient penalties on all persons, who pre- sumed to make any bargain or sale on cheaper terms in case of being paid in gold or silver ; and provided for the gradual reduction of the bills, by enacting that one-eighth of the principal, as well as the whole interest, should be an- nually paid."* Governor Pownall, in his work on the Administration of the Colonies, bestows high praise on the paper system of Pennsylvania, " I will venture to say" he declares, " that there never was a wiser or a better measure, never one better calculated to serve the interests of an increasing country that there never was a measure more steadily pur- sued, or more faithfully executed, for forty years together, than the loan office in Pennsylvania, founded and admi- nistered by the Assembly of that province." Dr. Frank- lin, also, bestowed high commendation on the system. And Adam Smith, apparently guided by Governor Pownall and Dr. Franklin, says " Pennsylvania was always more mode- rate in its emission of paper money than any of our other colonies. Its paper currency accordingly is said never to have sunk below the value of the gold and silver which was current in the colony before the first emission of its paper money." All things go by comparison. The credit bills of Penn- sylvania were so much better than those of the other Go- vernments, that there was a demand for them throughout the country as bills of exchange: but it was not a fact that they never sunk below the value of the gold and silver which was current in the colony before the first emission * Holmes. Vol. II, p. 110. 5 10 5 10 6 6 C 6 3 9 6 9 3 9.' .2d. 6 m 7 5 8 3 8 1 8 9 PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. 9 of its paper. The following table taken from an official document to be found in Proud's History of Pennsylvania shows that the paper was never at a less discount than ele- ven per cent, if gold be taken as the standard, or seven per cent, if silver be the standard. Irold. Silver. 1700 to 1709 - - ^5 10s. Od. 1709 to 1720 - - 1720 to 1723 - - 1723 to 1726 - - 1726 to 1730 - - 1730 to 1738 - - We have no account of the bullion market in provincial Pennsylvania, subsequent to the year 1738, but this table shows that those who represented to Adam Smith that the paper of the colony suffered no depreciation, were misled by making neither gold nor silver the standard, but by making the paper the standard of itself As the Pennsyl- vania pound current never changed its name, they thought it never changed its value.* The following table shows the rate of exchange of the * It is curious to observe the .similarity of the reasoning of the sup- porters of this paper money with that of the anti-bullionists of a subse- quent period. A merchant of Boston writing to his friend in England in 1740, uses the following language. " Upon the continuance of a favorable turn in the trading circum- stances of the province of New England, the Government might stop at any rate whicli silver should fall to, and make that rate the fixed silver pound, and make it a lawful tender; and common consent or ac- ceptance of the people would complete the scheme of silver money. And thus the pound sterling is fixed in England at three ounces seven- teen penny weights and two grains of silver, of a certain fineness, or silver at five shillings and two pence per ounce. " But if that kingdom were under our unhappy circumstances, as not having a sufficiency in value in silver and all other exports to dis- charge the whole demand of their imports : it would then be next to a miracle if silver did not rise to above five shillings and two pence per ounce in the market, in proportion to the balance of debt against them ; and their trading circumstances continue to decline, as ours have ; their silver would be brought to twenty seven shillings per ounce, as ours is, and the current money of Great Britain be at the rate of twenty shillings per ounce, whatever the lawful money might be." Anderson, vol. iii. p. 498. Here we have the doctrine clearly stated that when paper is at a dis- count, it is not paper that has fallen, but silver that has risen ; and the English Anti-BuUionists are thus deprived of all claim to originality in ub 10 PROVINCIAL PAPER MOXEY. currencies of the different colonies , for .£100 sterling, at two different periods * 1,740 1,748 New England, - 525 1,100 New York, . 160 190 New Jersey, - - 160 180 and 190 Pennsylvania, - 170 180 Maryland, - 200 200 North Carolina, - 1,400 1,000 South Carolina, . 800 750 Virginia, - 120 a 125. The Government of Virginia appears not to have issued any paper money previous to the Revolutionary War. In respect to the paper money of the colonies generally, we may say, in the language of Adam Smith, " allowing the colony security to be perfectly good, a hundred pounds payable fifteen years hence, in a country where interest is at six per cent., is worth little more than forty pounds ready money. To oblige a creditor, therefore, to accept of this as a full payment for a debt of a hundred pounds actually paid down in ready money, was an act of such violent in- justice as has scarce, perhaps, been attempted by the Go- vernment of any other country which pretended to be free. It bears the evident marks of having originally been, what the honest and downright Dr. Douglass assures us it was, a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors. The Government of Pennsylvania, indeed, pretended, upon their first emission of paper money, to render their paper of equal value with gold and silver, by enacting penalties against all those who made any difference in the price of their goods when they sold them for colony paper, and when they sold them for gold and silver : a regulation equally tyrannical, but much less effectual than that which it was meant to support. A positive law n)ay render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that ten- der. But no positive law can oblige a person who sells error. All the arguments they used dining the suspension of specie payments were mere plagiarisms from the Boston merchant." * The items in the first column are from Anderson: those iu the second from Dr. Douglass. PROVIXCIAL PAPER MOXEY. 11 goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them." Dr. Williamson, the historian of North Carolina, says : " Of all the varieties of fraud which have been practised by men who call themselves honest, and wish to preserve a decent appearance, none have been more frequent in legisla- tive bodies than the attempt to pass money for more than its proper value. There are men who conceive that crimes lose their stain, when the offenders are numerous : that in the character of legislators they cannot be rogues : " de- fendit numerus." There are men who would be ashamed to acquire five shillings by stealing, picking a pocket, or robbing on the high-way ; but they would freely and with- out blushing assist in passing a law to defraud their credi- tors of their just demands. There are instances of men being banished fj^^^orth Carolina for stealing a hog not worth five dolIa^^^Bie the men v.ho banished them would contend for paj^^^wdebt of seven pounds with the value of twenty shilling^rthe moral sense is depraved by tender laws, or laws that enable the debtor to defraud his creditor, by offering him a fictitious payment. By such laws the mind is alienated from the love of justice, and is prepared for any species of chicane and fraud." Hutchinson, the historian of Massachusetts, has preserv- ed many curious particulars of the introduction of paper money into this country, and of its operation on society. After relating the unsuccessful expedition of the Massa- chusetts troops against Quebec in 1G90, he says : " The Government was utterly unprepared for the return of the forces. They seem to have presumed, not only upon success, but upon the enemy's treasure to bear the charge of the expedition. The soldiers were upon the point of mutiny for want of their wages. It was utterly impracticable to raise in a few days such a sum as would be necessary. An act was passed for levying the sum, but the men would not stay until it should be brought into the treasury. The extreme difficulty to which the Government was thus reduced, was the occasion of the first bills of credit ever issued in the colonies, as a substi- tute in the place of money. The debt was paid by paper notes from two shillings to ten pounds denomination, which 12 PROVIXCIAL PAPER MONEY. notes were to be received for payment of the tax which was to be levied, and all other payments in the treasury. This was a new expedient. They had better credit than King James' leather money in Ireland, about the same time. But the notes would not command money, nor any commodities at money price. Sir William Phipps, it is said, exchanged a large sum at par in order to give them credit. The soldiers in general were great sufferers, and could get no more than twelve or fourteen shillings in the pound. As the time of payment of the tax approach- ed, the credit of the notes was raised, and the Government allowing five per cent, to those who paid their taxes in notes, they became better than money. This was gain to the possessor, but it did not restore to the poor soldier what he had lost by the discount. " The Government, encouraged by the restoration of credit to their bills, afterwards issued^iJ^s for charges of Government. They obtained good ci^^^^he time of their being issued. The charges of GovB^^Ht were paid in this manner from year to year. Whilsone sum was small silver continued the measure, and bills continued their value. When the charges of Government increased, after the second expedition to Canada in 1711, the bills likewise increased, and in the same or greater proportion, the silver and gold were sent out of the country. There being a cryof scarcity of money in 1714, the Government caused c£oO,000 to be issued, and in 1716,^100,000, and lent to the inhabitants, to be paid in at a certain period, and in the mean time to pass as money. Lands were mortgaged for security. As soon as the silver and gold were gone and the bills were the sole instrument of commerce, pounds, shillings, and pence were altogether ideal, for no possible reason could be assigned why a bill of twenty shillings should bear a certain proportion to any one quantity of silver more than another. Sums in bills were drawing into the treasury from time to time, by the taxes or payment of the loans : but then other sums were continually issuing out, and all the bills were paid and received without any distinction, either in public or private payments, so that, for near forty years togetlier, the currency was in much the same state as if an hundred thousand pounds sterling had been stamp- ed on pieces of leather, or paper of various denominations, PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. 13 and declared to be the money of the Government, without any other sanction than this, that, when there should be taxes to pay, the treasury would receive this sort of money, and that every creditor should be obliged to receive it from his debtor. Can it be supposed that such a medium could retain its value ? In 1702, 6s. 8d. was equal to an ounce of silver. In 1749, 50s. was judged equal to an ounce of silver. I saw a five shilling bill which had been issued in 1690, and was remaining in 1749, and was then equal to eight pence only in the lavvful money, and so re- tained but one-eighth of its original value. Such was the delusion, that not only the bills of the Massachsetts Govern- ment passed as money, but they received the bills of the Governments of Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island also as a currency. The Massachusetts bills passed also in those Governments.* By the year l^^L " silver and gold were entirely ban- ished. Of two^^Kuments, one in use in a particular State only, the (^Hpith the whole commercial world, it is easy to determine which must leave the particular State and which remain. The currency of silver and gold en- tirely ceasing, the price of every thing bought or sold was no longer compared therewith, but with paper bills, or rather with mere ideal pounds, shillings, and pence. The rise of exchange with England and all other countries was not attributed to the true cause, the want of a fixed staple medium, but to the general bad state of the trade. Three parties were formed, one very small, which was for draw- ing in the paper bills and depending upon a silver and gold currency. Mr. Hutchinson, one of the members for Bos- ton, was among the most active of this party. He was an enemy all his life, to a depreciating currency, upon a prin- ciple very ancient, but too seldom practised upon, nil utile qiiod non lionestum, [nothing which is not honest is useful.] " Another party was very numerous. These had pro- jected a private Bank, or rather had taken up a project published in London in the year 1684 : but this not being generally known in America, a merchant in Boston was the reputed father of it. There was nothing more in it * Hutchinsons' History of ftlassachusetts, vol 1, p. 402-3. London edition, 1765. t 14 PROVINCIAL PAPER MOXEY. that issuing bills of credit, which all the members of the company promised to receive as money, but at no certain value compared with silver and gold : and real estates, to a sufficient value, were to be bound as a security that the company should perform their engagements. They were soliciting the sanction of the general court and an act of Government to incorporate them. This party, generally, consisted of persons in difficult or involved circumstances in trade, or such as were possessed of real estates, but had little or no ready money at command, or men of no sub- stance at all : and we may well enough suppose the party to be very numerous. Some, no doubt, joined them from mistaken principles, and an apprehension that it was a scheme beneficial to the public, and some for party sake and popular applause. " A third party, though very opposite to the private Bank, yet were no enemies to bills ^^h|dit. They were in favor of a loan of bills from the Gc^^^Knt to any of the inhabitants who would mortgage then^BRtes as a security for the re-payment of the bills, with interest, in a term of years, the interest to be paid annually, and applied to the support of Government. This was an easy way of paying public charges, which no doubt, they wondered that in so many ages the wisdom of other Governments had never discovered. "The controversy had a universal spread, and divided towns, parishes, and particular families. At length, after a long struggle, the party for the public Bank prevailed in the General Court for a loan of fifty thousand pounds in bills of credit, which were put in the hands of trustees, and lent for five years only, to any of the inhabitants at five per cent, interest, one-fifth part of the principal to be paid annually. This lessened the number of the party for ihe private Bank, but it increased the zeal and raised a strong resentment in those that remained."* Under this system the trade of the province declined, and in the year 1720, there was a general cry for want of money. " The bills of credit, which were the only money, were daily depreciating. The depreciation was grievous to all creditors, but particularly distressing to the clergy " Hutchinson, vol. I. pp. 206, 7, 8 & 9. Boston edition of 1765. PRO\^^'CIAL PAPER MO.VEY. 15 and other salary men, to widows and orphans whose estates consisted of money at interest, perhaps just enough to sup- port them, and being reduced to one-half the former value, they found themselves on a sudden in a state of poverty and want. Executors and administrators, and all who were possessed of the effects of others in trust, had a strono- temptation to retain them. The influence a bad currency has upon the morals of the people, is greater than is gene- rally imagined. Numbers of shemes, for private and pub- lic emissions of bills, were proposed as remedies, the only effectual one, the utter abolition of the bills, was omitted."* In 1721, the Governor recommended measures for pre- venting the depreciation of the currency : and the Assem- bly gave him for answer, that they " had passed a bill for issuing one hundred thousand pounds more in bills of cre- ^ dit." This alone, as Hutchinson justly observes, had a indirect tendency t^j||crease the mischief: but they added that " to preven^^Br depreciation, they had prohibited the buying, selliii^rod bartering silver, at any higher rates than set by acts of Parliament." This certainly could have no tendency to lessen it. Such an act can no more be executed than an act to stop the ebbing and flow of the sea."t f1 •' In 1733 there was a general complaint throughout the four Governments of New England of the unusual scarcity of money. There was as large a sum current in bills of credit as ever, but the bills having depreciated, they an- swered the purposes of money so much less in proportion. The Massachusetts and New Hampshire Governments were clogged with royal instructions. It was owing to to them that those Governments had not issued bills to as great an amount as Rhode Island. Connecticut, although under no restraint, yet consisting of more husbandmen and fewer traders than the rest, did not so much feel the want of money. The Massachusetts people were dissatiis- fied that Rhode Island should send their bills among them and take away their substance and employ it in trade, and many persons wished to see the bills of each Government current within the limits of such Government only. In the midst of this discontent, Rhode Island passed an act for * Hutchinson, pp. 231, 2. t lb. pp. 245, 6. 16 PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. issuing .£100,000 upon loan, for, I think, twenty years, to their own inhabitants, who would immediately have it in their power to add .£100,000 to their trading stock, from the horses, sheep, lumber, fish, &lc., of the Massachusetts inhabitants. The merchants of Boston, therefore, confede- rated and mutually promised and engaged not to receive any bills of this new emission, but, to provide a currency, a large number formed themselves into a company, en- tered into covenants, chose directors, &c., and issued h .£100,000, redeemable in ten years; in silver at 19s. per oz. the then current rate, or gold in proportion, a tenth part annually. About the same time the Massachusetts trea- sury, which had been long shut, was opened, and the debts of two or three years were all paid at one time in bills of credit : to this was added the ordinary emission of bills from New Hampshire and Connecticut; and some of the Boston merchants, tempted by aii^jj^tunity of selling their English goods, having broke ^H|h their engage- ments and received Rhode Island bins, all the rest soon followed the example. All these emissions made a flood of money, silver rose from 19^. to 27.^. the oz. and exchange with all other countries consequently rose also, and every creditor was defrauded of about one-third of his just dues. As soon as silver rose to275., the notes issued by the mer- chants at 19^-., were hoarded up and no longer answered the purposes of money. Although the currency vvas less- ened by taking away the notes, yet what remained never increased in value, silver continuing several years about the same rate, until it took another large jump. Thus very great injustice was caused by this wretched paper currency, and no relief of any sort obtained ; for, by this sinking in value, though the nominal sum was higher than it had ever been before, yet the currency would produce no more sterling money that it would have done before the late emissions were made.* Towards the close of the year 1738, a great clamor arose against the Governor for adhering to his instructions about paper money, and an agent was appointed at the expense of the colony, to procure, if possible, a relaxation of the in- structions. A petition was presented by him from the House to his Majesty in Council, but it had no efl'ect. ' Hutchinson, p. 3S0, 1. PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. 17 " A general dread of drawing in all the paper money without the substitution of any other instrument of trade in the place of it, disposed a great part of the province to favor the Land Bank or manufactory scheme, which was begun or rather revived in this year, 1739, and produced such great and lasting mischiefs, that a particular relation of the rise, progress, and overthrow of it, may be of use to prevent any attempts of the like nature in future ages. By a strange conduct in the General Court they had been issu- ing bills of credit for eight or ten years annually, for charges of Government, and being willing to ease each present year, they had put off' the redemption of the bills as far as they could, but the Governor being restrained by his instructions from going beyond the year 1740, that year was unreasonably loaded with thirty or forty thousand pounds sterling taxes, which, according to the general opi- nions of the peopl^it was impossible to levy. Royal in- structions were ifl^ar to the proceedings of private per- sons. The project of a Bank in the year 1714 was revived. The projector of that Bank now put himself at the head of seven or eight hundred persons, some few of rank and good estate^lKit generally of low condition among the plebians, and of small estate, and many of them perhaps insolvent. This notable company were to give credit to <£l 50,000, lawful money, to be issued in bills, each person being to mortgage a real estate in proportion to the sum he sub- scribed and took out, or to give bond with two sureties, but personal security was not to be taken for more than =£100 from any one person. Ten directors and a treasurer were to be chosen by the company. Every subscriber or part- ner was to pay three per cent, interest for the sum taken out, and five per cent, of the principal, and he that did not pay bills might pay the produce and manufactures of the province at such rates as the directors from time to time should set, and they should commonly pass in lawful mo- ney. The pretence was, that by thus furnishing a medium and instrument of trade, not only the inhabitants in gene- ral would be better able to procure the province bills of credit, but trade, foreign and inland, would revive and flourish. The fate of the project was thought to depend on the opinion the General Court should form of it. It was necessary therefore to have a House of Representatives c 18 PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. well disposed. Besides the eight hundred persons, sub- scribers, the needy part of the province, in general, favor- ed the scheme. One of their votes will go as far in popu- lar elections as one of the most opulent. The former are most numerous, and it appeared that by far the majority of representatives for 1740 were subscribers to or favorers of the scheme, and they have ever since been distinguished by the name of the Land Bank House. " Men of estates and the principal merchants in the pro- vince abhorred the project and refused to receive the bills, but great numbers of shopkeepers who had lived for a long time before upon the fraud (jf a depreciating currency, and many small traders, gave credit to the bills. The directors, it was said, by a vote of the company became traders, and issued just what bills they thought proper without any fund or security for their ever being redeemed. They pur- chased every sort of commodity, eve r §a much a drug, for the sake of pushing off their bills, 4PPby one means or other a large sum, say perhaps fifty or sixty thousand pounds, was abroad. To lessen the temptation to receive the bills, a company of merchants agreed to issue their notes or bills redeemable !)y silver and gold at distant pe- riods, much like the scheme in 1733, and attended with no better effect. The Governor exerted himself to blast this fraudulent undertaking, the Land Bank. Notonly such civil and military officers as were directors or partners, but all who received and paid any of the bills, were displaced. The Governor negatived the person chosen Speaker of the House being a director of the Bank, and afterwards negatived 13 of the new elected counsellors who were directors or part- ners in, or reputed favorers of, the scheme. But all was insufficient to suppress it. Perhaps the major part, in num- ber, of the inhabitants of the province openly or secretly were well-wishers to it. One of the directors afterwards acknowledged to me that although he entered into the company with a view to the public interest, yet when he found what power and influence they had in all public concerns, he was convinced it was more than belonged to them, more than they could make a good use of, and there- fore unwarrantable. Many of the most sensible, discreet persons in the province saw a general confusion at hand. Application was therefore made to Parliament for an act to PROVINCIAL PAPER MOXEY. 19 ^suppress the company, which, notwithstanding the opposi- tion of the agent, was ver}' easily obtained, and thereon it was declared that the act of the Glh of King George the First, chapter eighteenth, [the Bubble Act] did, does, and shall extend to the colonies and plantations in America. Had not the Parliament interposed, the province would have been in the utmost confusion, and the authority of Government entirely in the Land Bank Company."* Every scheme for fixing the value of the provincial bills of credit having failed, " a new project was, in 1741, report- ed by a committee of the House and accepted, and after- wards concurred in by the council and consented to by the Governor. This was a scheme to establish an ideal mea- sure, in all trade and dealings, let the instrument be what it would. The act which passed the Court declared that all contracts should be understood payable in silver at 65. 8cL the ounce, or^ld in proportion. Bills of a new form were issued, 205.4j|which expressed in the face of the bill three ounces of silver, and they were to be received ac- cordingly in all public and private payments, with this sav- ing, tirat, if they should depreciate in their value, an ad- dition should be made to all debts as much as the depre- ciation from the time of contract to the time of payment. How to ascertain the depreciation from time to time was the great difficulty in framing the act. To leave it to a common jury would never do. There were some doubts whether a House of Representatives would be wholly unbi- assed. At length it was agreed that the eldest counsellor in each county should meet once a year to ascertain the depreciation. " This at best must have been a very partial cure. It did not prevent the loss from the depreciation of the bills in those persons' hands through Vt'hich they were continu- ally passing. All debts which were contracted and paid between the periods when the value of the bills was fi.xed annually, could not be aflfected by such fixing, and unless in debts of long standing which the debtor would not pay without an action at law, demand was not ordinarily made for depreciation, and what rendered it of little effect in all other cases, the counsellors appointed to estimate the de- * Hutchinson, pp. 392, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 20 PROVINCIAL PAPER MOXEY. preciation never had firmness enough in any instance to make the full allowance, but when silver and exchange had risen 20 oer cent, or more, an addition was made of four or five only. The popular cry was against it, and one year when Nathaniel Hubbard, Esq. the eldest counsellor for the county of Bristol, a gentleman of amiable character, and who filled the several posts he sustained with applause, en- deavored to approach nearer to a just allowance than had been made in former years, he felt the resentment of the House, >vho left him out of the council the next election. In short, the act neither prevented the depreciation of the bills nor afforded relief in case of it, and was of no other service than to serve as a warning, when an act passed for establishing the currency a few years after, to leave nothing to be done by any person or bodies of men, or even future legislatures, to give the act its designed effect, but in the act itself to make full provision for it^^xecution in every part."* 4P " By the expedition to Lewisburgh, the preparations for the reduction of Canada, and the several supplies of men for Nova Scotia, the province had," by the year 1T47, " is- sued an immense sum in bills of credit, between two and three millions, according to their denomination in the cur- rency. The greater part of this sum had been issued when between five and six hundred pounds was equal to one hundred pounds sterling, and perhaps the real consi- deration the Government received from the inhabitants who gave credit to them, was near four hundred thousand pounds sterling : but by thus multiplying the bills they had so much depreciated that, at the end of the war, eleven or twelve hundred pounds was not equal to more than a hun- dred pounds sterling, and the whole debt of the province did not much exceed two hundred thousand pounds ster- ling. Thus the people had paid two hundred thousand pounds sterling in two or three years, besides a large sum raised by taxes each year, as much as it was supposed the people were able to pay ; but to pay by the depreciation of the bills, although infinitely unequal, yet, as they were shifting hands every day, it was almost insensible, a possessor of a large sum for a few days not perceiving the * Hutchinson, pp. 402, 3, 4. PROVIXCIAL PAPER MONEY. 21 difference in their value between the time wlien he re- ceived them and the time when he parted with them. The apprehension of their depreciation tended to increase it, and occasioned a quick circulation ; and for some time, even for English goods, which ordinarily sell for the long- est credit, no body pretended to ask credit. They were constantly, however, dying in somebody's hands, though no- body kept them long by them. Business was brisk, men in trade increased their figures, but were sinking the real value of their stock, and, what is worse, by endeavors to shift the loss attending such a pernicious currency from one to another, fraudulent dispositions and habits are acquired, and the morals of the people depreciate v/ith the currency. " The Government was solicting for the reimbursement of the charges in taking and securing Cape Breton, and by the address, assiduity, and fidelity of William Bollan, Esq. ; who was one of t^agents of the province for that purpose, there was a hopeful prospect that the full sum, about ■£180,000 sterling, would be obtained. " Mr. Hutchinson, who was then Speaker of the House of Representatives, imagined this to be a most favorable opportunity for abolishing the bills of credit, the source of so much iniquity, and for establishing a stable currency of gold and silver for the future. About two millions two hundred thousand pounds w-ould be outstanding in bills in the year 1749. One hundred and eighty thousand pounds sterling at eleven for one — which was the lowest rate of exchange with London for a year or two before, and perhaps the difference was really twelve to one — would re- deem nineteen hundred and eighty thousand pounds, which would leave but two hundred and twenty thousand pounds outstanding: it was therefore proposed that the sum granted by Parliament should be shipped to the pro- vince in Spanish milled dollars and applied for the redemp- tion of the bills as far as would serve for that purpose, and that the remainder of the bills should be drawn in by a tax on the year 1749. This would finish the bills. For the future, silver of sterling alloy at 65. Sd. the ounce, if pay- ment should be made in bullion, or otherwise milled dol- lars at 65. each, should be the lawful money of the province, and no person should receive or pay within the province, c c 22 PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. bills of credit of any of the other Governments of New England. This proposal being made to the Governor, he approved of it, as founded in justice and tending to promote the real interest of the province, but he knew the attach- ment of the people to paper money, and supposed it imprac- ticable. The Speaker, however, laid the proposal before the House, when it was received with a smile, and gene- rally thought to be a Utopian project ; and, rather out of deference to the Speaker than from an apprehension of any effect, the House appointed a committee to consider of it. The committee treated it in the same manner, but report- ed that the Speaker should be desired to bring in a bill for the consideration of the House. When this came to be known abroad, exceptions were taken and a clamor was raised from every quarter. The major part of the people in number, were no sufferers by a depreciating currency ; the number of debtors is always more than the number of creditors, and although debts on specicJj^es had allowance made in judgments of courts for depreciation of the bills, yet on simple contracts, of which there were ten to one speciality, no allowance was made. Those who were for a fixed currency were divided. Some supposed the bills might be reduced to so small a quantity as to be fixed and stable, and, therefore, were for redeeming as many by bills of exchange as should be thought superfluous; others were for putting an end to the bills, but in a gradual way, other- wise it was said a fatal shock would be given to trade. This last was the objection of many men of good sense. Douglass, who had wrote well upon the paper currency and been the oracle of the anti-paper party, was among them, and, as his manner was with all who differed from him, discovered as much rancor against the author and promo- ter of this new project as he had done against the iraudu- Icnt contrivers of pajier money emissions."* After many weeks spent in debating and settling the se- veral parts of the bill, it was rejected : but, afterwards, on motion, reconsidered, passed by the House and Council, and approved by the Governor. " The provision made by this act for the exchange of the bills and lor establishing a silver currency, was altogether * HiUcliinsoii, pp. 433, C, 7. PROVINCIAL PAPER MONEY. 23 conditional, and depended upon a grantof Parliament for re- imbursement of the charge of the Cape Breton expedition. This being at a distance and not absolutely certain, the act had no sudden effect upon the mindsof the people, but when the news of the grant arrived, the discontent appeared more visible, and upon the arrival of the money there were some beginnings of tumults, and the authors and promoters of the measure were threatened. The Government passed an act with a severe penalty against riots, and appeared deter- mined to carry the other act for exchanging the bills into execution. The apprehensions of a sJiock to trade proved groundless : the bills being dispersed through every part of the province, the silver took place instead of them, a good currency was insensibly substituted in the room of a bad one, and every branch of business was carried on to greater advantage than before. The other Governments, especially Connecticut and Rhode Island, who refused, upon being invite^ to conform their currency to the Mas- sacl^setts, felt a Wiock in their trade from which they have not yet recovered. The latter had been the importers for Massachusetts, of West India goods for many years, which ceased at once."* From this account of the operation of the provincial pa- per money of Massachusetts, the reader may judge of its operation in the other colonies; and thereby learn to esti- mate properly that provision of the United States' Constitu- tion, which forbids any State " to emit bills of credit, pass any law violating the obligation of contracts, or make any thing but gold and silver a legal tender in the payment of debts." The successful issue of the experiment in Massachusetts did not induce the other Governments to take the necessary measures for substituting a metallic for a paper medium. But, as the British merchants trading to the colonies were sufferers by the monetary system of the day, an act of Parliament was passed in 1763, " to prevent paper bills of credit, hereafter to be issued in any of his Majesty's colo- nies or plantations in America, from being declared to be a legal tender in payment of money, and to prevent the legal tender of such bills as are now subsisting from being pro- * Hutchinson, p. 440. 24 PROVIIVCIAL PAPER MONEY, longed beyond the periods for calling in and sinking the same." The preamble to the act declared, with great truth, that, by means of paper bills of credit, " debts have been dis- charged with a much less value than was contracted for, to the great discouragement and prejudice of trade and com- merce of his Majesty's subjects, by occasioning confusion in dealings and lessening credit in the said colonies or plantations." The body of the act made void all acts of Assembly thereafter passed to establish or keep up such tender; and inflicted a fine of 1000 pounds (with imme- diate dismissal and future incapacity to fill any public of- fice or place of trust,) on any Governor who should give his assent to such act of legal tender. This measure caused much murmuring, for the specu- lating classes of society, who are always the most noisy, liked not to be deprived of so many opportunities of profit as a vacillating currency afforded thei^ They appeared to have had influence enough to prevent the act from being effective in some of the colonies; for we find that ten years after, another act with the same title was passed by the Bri- tish Parliament. The two acts together seem to have reduced the paper bills of credit to a very small amount; for Pelatiah Web- ster, a respectable merchant of Philadelphia, estimates the whole circulating cash of the thirteen States, just before the war, at twelve million dollars, or perhaps, not more than ten million hard dollars in value. "Not more than half, or at most three-fifths of the circulating cash in this State (Pennsylvania,) was paper; and I am well convinced that that proportion was not exceeded in the other States where paper money was circulated." This provincial paper may be regarded as a species of Government script which by an act of tyranny was made a legal tender. It fluctuated in value, according to the changes in the credit of the Government by which it was issued, and the amount thrown into the market. Being more liable to great depreciation, it was inferior to Bank paper as money : but its character was better understood by the people. 'IMiey knew the authority of the Government, and the resources of the Government. When they were injured, they knew by whom they were injured, if not to what extent. CONTINENTAL MONEY. 25 In one respect the provincial paper money system had an effect directly opposite to that of the present Banking system. Through the present Banking system, dealings on credit are carried to an extent beyond that in which they are useful, and in wliich they become highly pernicious. Through the old paper money system, confidence was de- stroyed, and credit prevented from spreading to its natural extent. The profits gained by the Governments by the issues of paper money, enabled them to diminish the regular taxes ; but this gain was insignificant, and the evils produced by the system were incalculably great. All that honest men lost by highwaymen, house-breakers, foot-pads, and horse- thieves, was trifling in amount when compared with that which they lost through the instrumentality of the paper money of the different colonies. ^^ CHAPTER III. Of Continental Money. According to an estimate by the Register of the Treasury, in 1790, the issues of continental money were as follows, viz : In Old Emission. New Emission. Dolls. 90ths. Dolls. 90ths. 1776 - 20,064.464 66 1777 - 26,426,333 1 1778 - 66,96.5,269 34 1779 - - 149,703,656 77 1780 - 82,908,320 47 - 891,236 80 1781 - 11,408,09.5 00 - 1,179,249 00 $357,476,541 45 $2,070,485 80* The first emission was dated May 10 1775, but the notes were not actually in circulation till the August fol- lowing. i * See tlie American Almanac for 1830. t Most of the facts in tliis chapter have been derived from a series of essays by Pelatiah Webster, a merchant of Philadelphia, and an nncle of Noah Webster, the grammarian. They were published at different intervals, from 1776 to J780, in pamphlet form, and collected into a volume, with notes, in 1790. 26 CONTINENTAL MONEY. Till the issues exceeded nine millions, the bills, accord- ing to the concurrent testimony of Mr. Jetferson and Mr. Paine, passed at their nominal value. The depreciation afterwards was very great. The rate of exchange for hard money at Philadelphia, from January 1777 to May 1781, was as follows, according to a table take from the mer- chants' books and published by Mr. Pelatiah Webster. 1777. January, - Id 1779. April, 12i, 14, 16, 22 February, - U May, - 22,24 March, 2 June, 22, 20, 18 April, - 2h July, 18, 19, 20 May, - 2.i August, - 20 June, - 2i September, - 20,28 July, 3 October, - 30 August, 3 November, - 32,45 September, 3 December, - 45,38 October, - 3 1780. January, - - 40,45 November, 3 February, - 45, 55 December, 4 March, - 60, 65 1778. January, 4 April, 60 February, 5 May, 60 March, " - 5 June, 60 April, 6 July, - 60,65 May, 5 August, - - 65,75 June, 4 September 75 July, 4 October, - - 75,80 August, 5 November, - 80, 100 September, 5 December, 100 October, - 5 1781. January, - 100 November, 6 February, 100, 120 December, 6 March, 120, 135 1779. January 7,8,9 April, 135, 200 February, 10 May, 200, 500 March, 10,11 On the 31st of May, 1781, the continental bills ceased to circulate as money, but they were afterwards bought on speculation at various prices, from 400 for 1, up to 1000 fot 1. The value of continental paper was not the same in dif- ferent parts of the country. The exchange was, for exam- ple, December 25th 1770, at ;io for 1 in New England, New York, the Carolinas, and Georgia, and at 40 for 1 in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Vir- ginia. CONTINENTAL MONEY. 27 An account taken from the books of merchants in Vir- ginia shows that the depreciation there regularly followed that in Philadelphia, though, towards the close, it some- times lagged a month or more behind. Thus, when ex- change was at Philadelphia at 100 for 1, in January, 1781, it was in Virginia at 75 for 1 : and in April, when exchange in Philadelphia was at 135 for 1, it was in Virginia at 100 for 1. As late as May, 1781, speculations were entered into at Philadelphia, to purchase continental money at 225 for 1, and sell it at Boston at 75 for 1. It is worthy of remark " that the depreciation of conti- nental money never stopped the circulation of it. As long as it retained any value at all, it passed quick enough : and would purchase hard money or any thing else, as readily as ever, when the exchange was 200 for l,and when every hope, or even idea, of its being ultimately redeemed at nominal value had entirely vanished."* The facility of raising ways and means, in the early part of the war, by issues of paper, led to much extravagance in the commissary department, and prevented the establish- ment of a sound system of finance. It is said that when a proposition was before Congress to establish a regular revenue system, one member exclaimed, "Do you think, gentlemen, that I will consent to load my constituents with taxes, when we can send to our printer, and get a waggon load of money, one quire of which will pay for the whole !"t Our ancestors w-ere lavish of their blood, in defence of their rights. If it was through a wish to save their treasure, that they resorted to paper money, they did not succeed in their object. As a mode of raising revenue, it might be compared to a tax, the expenses of collecting which were many times as great as the sum brought into the treasury. The benefit the Government derived from it, was in no way commensurate with the burden it im- posed on the people. Most of the loss fell on the Whigs as it was in their hands the paper depreciated. The Tories, who had from the beginning no confidence in it, made it a rule to part with it as soon as possible. This continental money was, in its true character, a sim- - P. W. tib. 28 CONTINENTAL MONEY. pie evidence of debt due by the Government : and may, as such, in the first stage of its operation, be compared to the forced loans which the potentates of Europe have at times extracted from their subjects. As a forced currency, it may be compared to the base coin which the same poten- tates have issued in other seasons of difficulty. The resort to it can be justified (if it can be justified at all,) only on the plea of stale necessity — a plea so easily made that it oucrht never to be admitted without close examination. It is difficult to believe that a people so devoted to liberty as were the Americans of that day, would have been back- ward in their contributions for the necessary expenses of war, if they had not been taught by some of their leading men that taxation was quite unnecessary, and that paper money would supply every financial want. " What a shame it is" said a patriotic old lady, " that Congress should let the poor soldiers suffer, when they have power to make just as much money as they choose." The best, if not the only excuse, for the policy which was adopted is, perhaps, to be found in tlie opinion then prevalent, that money was something which derived its va- lue from the authority of Government. In no other way can we apologize for the acts which imposed severe penal- ties on those who refused to exchancre their merchandise for paper, and which in some instances even outlawed the supposed offijnder. When the continental money was first issued, an expres- sion of doubt as to its value, involved suspicion of disaf- fection to the cause of the country. As the issues increased, the prices of goods necessarily rose; but this was attributed to combinations of the merchants to raise the price of their merchandise, and to sink the value of continental money. They were called Tories, speculators, and many other hard names; and their stores were forcibly broken open, and their goods sold at limited prices by committees of the neighbors.* " The fatal error" says Mr. Webster, " that the credit and currency of continental money could be kept up and supported by acts of compulsion, entered so deep into the minds of Congress, and all departments of administration * P. W, Note to Essay of July, 1779. CONTINENTAL MONEY. 29 through the States, that no considerations of justice, reli- gion, or policy, or even experience of its utter inefficiency, could eradicate it : it seemed to be a kind of obstinate deli- rium, totally deaf to every argument drawn from justice and right, fr jm its natural tendency and mischief, from common justice, and even from common sense. "Congress began, as early as Jan. 11th, 1776, to hold- up and recommend this maxim of maniaism, when conimen tal money was but five months old. Congress then resolved that 'whoever should refuse to receive in payment conti- nental bills, should be declared and treated as an enemy of his country, and be precluded from intercourse with its in- habitants,' i. e. should be outlmoed : which is the severest penalty (except of life and limb,) known to our laws. " This ruinous principle was continued in practice for five successive years, and appeared in all shapes and forms, i. e. in tender acts, in limitation of prices, in cmful and threatening declarations, in penal laics, with dreadful and ruinous punishments, and in every other way that could be devised, and all executed with a relentless severity by the highest authorities then in being, viz. by Congress, by As- semblies and Conventions of the States, and hy cotnmittees of inspection (whose powers in those days were nearly so- vereign,) and even by military force : and though men of all descriptions stood trembling before this monster of force, without daring to lift a hand against it during all this period, yet its unrestrained energy always proved ineffectual to its purposes, but in every case increased the evils it was de- signed to remedy, and destroyed the benefits it was intend- ed to promote : at best its utmost effect was like that of water sprinkled on a blacksmith's forge, which, indeed, deadens the flame for a moment, but never fails to increase the heat and flame of the internal fire. MdiUy thousand fa- milies of full and easy fortune, were ruined by these fatal measures, and lie in ruins to this day (1790) without the least benefit to the country, or to the great and noble cause in which we were then engaged." After this account of the nature of the system, the rea» der will readily believe Mr. Webster, when he says, in an essay published in March, 1780, " Frauds, cheats, and gross dishonesty are introduced, and a thousand idle ways of living are attempted in the room of honest industry, D 30 COJTTINENTAL MONEY. economy and diligence which have heretofore enriched and blessed this country.'' In various parts of his essays, he adverts to the suffer- ings of the people from the necessary incidents of the war. The price of foreign commodities was increased many per cent. There was " an extreme scarcity and want of some necessary articles ; for example, much meat was spoiled and lost for want of salt to preserve it : and many trades and manufactures were either wholly stopped or greatly dimi- nished for want of materials. Another hardship very sen- sibly felt was the force which was used with all descrip- tions of men in seizing their goods, wagons, stock, grain, cattle, timber, and every thing else which was wanted for the public service. To these may be added the captures, the ravages, and depredations, the burnings and plunders of the enemy, which were very terrible and expensive. They had possession, first or last, in the course of the war, of eleven of the capitals of the thirteen States, pervaded the country in every part, and left dreadful tracks of their marches behind : burning, in cool blood, a great number not only of houses, barns, mills, &lc., but also of most ca- pital towns and villages." Yet these evils were not as great in the judgment of Mr. Webster, (and he was an eye wit- ness and a participator of these sufferings,) as those which were caused by continental money and the consequent ir- regularities of the financial system. " We have suffered more from this cause" he says, " than from crery other cause of calamity : it has killed more men, pervaded and corrupted the choicest interests of our country more, and done more injustice than even the arms and artifices of our enemies."* " While we rejoice in the riches and strength of our country, we have reason to lament with tears of the deepest regret, the most pernicious shifts of property which the ir- regularities of our finances introduced, and the many thou- sands of fortunes which were ruined by it; the generous, patriotic spirits suffered the injury: the idle and avaricious derived benefit from said confusion."! Certain compulsory measures of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, designed to support the credit of conti- * P. W. Essay of Jan. 8th 1780. t Note to Essay of Feb. 20th 1780. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. 31 nental money and of the State bills, gave the fatal blow to the system, m May 1781.' Mr. Webster gives a minute ac- count of the proceedings ; but we deem it unnecessary to transcribe them, for, as he justly observes, " they will ap- pear to a stranger as intricate and as hard to understand as the prices of stocks in Change Alley." We doubt not, however, " that they were perfectly understood by people of all ranks at that time, inasmuch as every variation of the exchange altered the value of all their cash on hand." " Thus," he exclaims, after having narrated the proceed- ings of the Executive Council, and their important effects, " thus fell, ended, and died, the continental currency, aged six years. Bubbles of another sort, such as the Mississipi scheme in France, and the South Sea in England, lasted but a few months, and then burst into nothing: but this held out much longer, and seemed to retain a vigorous con- stitution to its last : for its circulation was never more brisk x^^an when its exchange was 500 to one ; and yet it expired without a orroan or strucro-le : and I believe of all thinss which ever suffered dissolution since life was first given to the creation, this mighty monster died the least lamented. " If it saved the State, it has also polluted the equity of our laws ; turned them into engines of oppression and wrong : corrupted the justice of our public administration : destroyed the fortunes of thousands of those who had the most confidence in it ; enervated the trade, husbandry and manufactures of our country, and gone far to destroy the morality of our people." Many who are yet living can attest the truth of this state- ment. CHAPTER IV. Of the Bank of North America. It is a common opinion that the Bank of North America rendered essential service during our revolutionary struggle — that, without it, the achievement of independence would have been difficult, if not impossible. Assertions to this effect have been made with so much confidence that we once believed them to be well-founded ; but on examina- tion we find — 32 BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. First. That the capture of Cornwallis, which is described by historians as the closing scene of the Revolutionary War, took place on the 9th of October, 1781, and that the Bank did not go into operation till January 7th, 1782. Secondly. That the whole amount of expenditures of the U. S. Government in the year 1782, was only three million six hundred thousand dollars, and in 1783 only three mil- lion two hundred thousand dollars. Large loans were ne- gotiated in Europe in these years ; " and such a conviction of the necessities of public supplies generally took place through the States, that considerable sums were obtained by a tax on polls and real estates."* Thirdly. The whole amount subscribed by individuals to the Bank did not, as appears from the concurrent testi- mony of Mr. Robert Morris and Mr. Gouverneur Morris, exceed 70,000 dollars. Fourthly. From statements made by Mr. Robert Morris, in public debate in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in the year 1786, it appears that the advances made by the Bank to the Government, above the amount of silver money ac- tuallv paid in by the Government, never did exceed 165,000 dollars, and for a part of the time did not amount to 50,000 dollars.! The reader, on duly considering these facts, will proba- bly be convinced that the services rendered by the Bank of North America, during our revolutionary struggle, have been grossly exaggerated. From the beginning of the year 1780, till the close of the war, hard money was very plenty. This " was occa- * P. W. t From the slalements of Mr. Robert Morris, the accounts of the Go- vernment with the Bank were as follows: r. 47,082 - 147.082 - 146,606 46,006 46,606 - 129.800 - 164,781 January 1st. 1784, the debt was discharged. The last column sliows the amount in which the Government was in debt to the Bank, at the dillerent periods mentioned. Cr. Dr. Apiil 2d, - 1782 - 252,918 300,000 July - 1782 - 252.918 400.000 October - 1782 - 253,394 4011.000 January - 1783 - 53,394 100.000 April - 1783 - 53,394 J on. 000 July - 1783 . 129,800 October . 1783 - 164,781 .^'^^ BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. 33 sioned by large sums, by various means, coming from the English army at New York, and spreading through the States ; also by large sums remitted by France to their army and navy here ; also by large importations of hard money from the Havanna and other places abroad ; so that hard money was never more plenty nor more easily collected than at that time." In a note to an essay of later date, Mr. Webster says, " the States were really overrun with abundance of cash : the French and English armies, our foreign loans, Havanna trade &c., had filled the country with money." " It has been asked," says Lord Sheffield, " what has become of the money which we have sent during the war to America? Some is come back — a considerable part is the circulating cash within our lines. Many British sub- jects in New York have very large sums in their posses- sion. The Dutch and Germans, whose number is not in- N.vr-eonsiderable, have hoarded up — and it is believed consi- derable sums are concealed. " France sent (not included in the debt) above 600,000 pounds sterling in specie to America, being obliged to send cash."* The operations of the war caused such a drain of specie from Europe, that the Bank of England was brought into jeopardy, and the Caisse d' Escompte at Paris actually suspended payment in 1783 : and such a flux of specie into the United States, that, as Mr. Webster observes, " hard money was never more plenty or more easily collected." Such being the state of the money market, it is difficult to believe that the Government micrht not, if the Bank had not been established, have obtained a loan of 50,000 to 165,000 dollars from some other source. It does not ap- pear that the Bank ever made advances to the Government, except on the best security. For at least 80,000 dollars of the amount, the]State of Pennsylvania was guarantee. For the residue of the amount, the Government might have pledged the proceeds of the taxes, or bills on Europe : and on the same security, it is probable, individuals would have made the advances, especially as money was so abundant, and the news of peace confidently expected. * Observatious on the Commerce of the American States. June 21st 1783. Dd 34 BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. The truth is, that the project of establishing a Bank in Philadelphia had been conceived by Mr. Robert Morris, before the commencement of the war, as appears from his own declaration :* and he had entered into negociations in Europe with a view to effect this object. But a project for a Bank about the year 1763, had been vigorously op- posed on the ground that it would give a few men a monopoly of trade : and it is probable that Mr. Robert Morris's project would have encountered severe opposition, if it had not been brought forward as ?i fiscal measure, and at a time when neither the Legislature nor the people could give it that consideration it deserved. He submitted his plan to Congress in May, 1780, and on the 26th of the same month it was approved by that body. " Yet," he says, " until the month of September or October following, there were not more subscriptions in the whole, than amounted to about 70,000 dollars. During the time, one of his most Christian Majesty's frigates ar- rived at Boston, and brought a remittance in specie of about 470,000 dollars. The sum was brought to Pliiladel- phia and deposited in the vaults of the Bank. I deter- mined from the moment of its arrival, to subscribe on be- half of the United States, for those shares in the Bank which remained vacant: but such was the amount of the public expenditures, that notwithstanding the utmost care and caution to keep this money, nearly one-half of the sum was e.xhausted before the institution could be organized. In November, 1781, the president and directors of the Bank were elected : they obtained a charter of incorpora- tion from Congress — and opened the Bank for transacting business in January, 1782. I subscribed the sum then remaining in the treasury, being about 254,000 dollars, into the Bank stock, per account of the United States, which became thereby the principal stockholder."! As is remarked by Mr. Gouverncur Morris, the sum sub- gcribed by Government may be said to have been paid in • See Carey's "Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly •of Peniisylvuiiia, on the memorials prajing a repeal or suspension of the law annulling llie charter of the Bank." Phil. 1786. t It may be made a question, whether the whole of the original capital of the IJank was not advanced by (jlovernment. Thomas Paine says, in one of his tracts, it in well known " that the Bank originated in another Bank called the Bank of Pennsylvania, which was formed iu J- BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. 35 with one hand, and borrowed with the other, leaving the Bank but 70,000 dollars at most for its proper operations. On this amount it undertook to make advances to the Go- vernment and to individuals; but as the experience of the evils of continental money \Vas frssh in the minds of the people, some difficulty was encountered in giving currency to the notes of the Bank. To remove tiiis " prejudice" the gentlemen who were interested in the institution, were, as we have learned from undoubted private authority, in the practice of requesting people from the country and laboring men about town, to go to the Bank and get silver in exchange for notes. When they went on this errand of neighborly kindness, as they thought it, they found a display of silver on the counter, and men employed in raising boxes con- taining silver, or supposed to contain silver, from the cel- lar into the Banking room, or lowering them from the Banking room into the cellar. By contrivances like these, ' the Bank obtained the reputation of possessing immense wealth ; but its hollowness was several times nearly made apparent, especially on one occasion, when one of the co- partners withdrew a deposit of some five or six thousand dollars, when the whole specie stock of the Bank did not probably exceed twenty thousand. By these means, and by the assistance of the United States Government, the notes of the Bank became current ; the spring of 1780. On the 17th of June, it was resolved to open a security subscription to the amount of 300,000 pounds Pennsylvania currency, in real money, the subscribers to execute bunds for the amount of their subscription, and to form a Bank for supplying the army." He afterwards speaks of some oi these subscriptions being transferred to the Bank of North America. From the journals of Congress, it appears that the Board of Treasury was directed to deposite in this Pennsylvania Bond-Bank, "bills of ex- change, in favor of the directors thereof, on the Ministers of the United States in Europe, or any of them, and in such sums as shall be thought convenient, but not to exceed in the whole £150,000 sterling." Were the 70,000 dollars which were subscribed by individuals to the Bank of North America, paid in bonds or in money? Was a part of the 470,000 dollars received by the French frigate, used in redeeming some of these bonds ; and was it in this way subscriptions were transferred from the old Bond Bank to the Bank of North America : or were the 70,000 dollars paid in by individuals without any trafficking with Govern- ment? These questions are, perhaps, rather curious than useful: but our knowledge of the contrivances for forming Bank stock in our own day, makes us desire to see an explanation of the 70,000 dollars sub. gcription by individuals, 36 BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. and so profitable was the business that the early dividends were at the rate of from 12 to 16 per cent, per annum. This naturally created a desire in others to share in so very lucrative a trade. A project was therefrom formed for establishing a second Bank, to be called the Bank of Penn- sylvania. This, they who were interested in the Bank of North America strenuously opposed, fearing the effect of a rival institution in Philadelphia. To prevent its being established, they opened their books for additional sub- scriptions ; but not without murmuring loudly at the hard- ship of receiving new partners.* In the year 1784, the Bank did a very extensive busi- nsss ; and by the beginning of 1785, the effects of its ope- rations began to be very apparent. They are such as " The following is an extract from a pamphlet, published in 17S5, entitled an " Address to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, on tlie abolition of the Bank Charter." " After the peace, when the advantages of the Bank had been felt, and the property of the stock had become secure, an opposition was raised by some of the same persons who are now the opposers, but on grounds somewhat different. For then, instead of considering the Bank as pernicious, it was considered to be so highly beneficial that they must needs have two. They did indeed complain of the old Bank. But for what? Not because the capital was so large as to threaten general ruin : but because the directors would not open a subscription to make it larger. And what was the modest request of that day? Why, truly, such an extension of the capital as might enable those who had waited for events in perfect ease and safety, to enjoy the same advantages with those who had borne the burden, and run the risk of the contest. It was, in- deed, a hard case that many worthy gentlemen who would not have given a shilling to save the State, should be obliged to pay either $500 for a share in Bank which had cost but four, or to lend their money on bond and mortgage to the farmers of Pennsylvania. A very hard case; And so loudly did tiiey complain of it, that at last many sensible mem- bers of Assembly were prevailed on to believe it would be a good thing to have two Banks. Two shops to go to, for that was the fashionable phrase. And they were the more easily led into this opinion, because it was laid down by some in high stations, for whose sentiments they had acquired a habitual respect. " Tiie consequence of the noise made at the time, must be well re- membered. The Assembly were plagued with long arguments on both sides which might have been spared, and then, all at once, the thing was hushed up and accommodated. Because, sucliof the promoters of the new Bank as had mouey, found out their new friends had none. Because they all found out the scheme did not promise so much either of security or profit, as was imagined. And because they had not too much confidence in each other, being (like Nebucliadnczat's image) composed of discordant materials. They agreed, therefore, to abandon their project, on certain conditions acceded to by the old Bank, one of which was to extend tlie subscription, and this it is which has convert- BANK OF NORTH AMERICA. 37 Banking has always produced — a temporary plentifulness of money, followed by great scarcity, usury, ruin to the many, riches to the few. These effects were ably set forth in petitions to the Assembly, from the inhabitants of Phila- delphia, and those of the counties of Chester and Bucks, presented on the 21st and •23d of March, praying for a repeal of the charter of the Bank. Those petitions were referred to a committee, who, in a report of the 25th of the same month, fully sustained the allegations of the petition- ers, and recommended a repeal of the charter. This recom- mendation was carried into effect, at the ensuing session, on the 13th of September, 1785. Thus we find that the first Bank established in this country produced so much evil, that its charter was taken from it in less than four years after it had commenced X>perations. The Bank, however, claiming the right of prosecuting its business under the act of Congress, continued its opera- tions, though on a more moderate scale. In 1786, an at- tempt was made by its friends to obtain a renewal of the charter from the State of Pennsylvania, but it was success- fully opposed by Wm. Findlay of Westmoreland, Mr. Smilie of the same county, and other leading democrats. It is difficult, however, for the people long to withstand the efforts of a powerful monied interest : and it being pleaded, with some show of reason, that the forms of the Constitution had not been properly regarded in taking away the charter, and many persons fearing a return of the old paper money system, the Bank wasre-incorporated on the 17th of March, 1787, with limited powers, and for fourteen years. By successive acts of the Legislature, it has been continued in existence to the present day.* ed all the surplus money of the State into Bank stock. For otherwise, let the price of a share have risen ever so high, nay, had it gone to 4000 instead of 400 dollars, not one penny would have been added to the Bank capital. But in proportion as stock rose, the dividends would have been less valuable. " It is notorious that if the Directors had not been under compulsion, they would not have extended the subscriptions beyond the first 400,000 dollars. It is notorious that any addition to the number of shares lessens the value of each." * For further particulars respecting the early history of the Bank of North America, see Appendix. • {M oi.i) l!ANK 0(.' THf.; iiNfTED STATES. (;ifAi"n;i.' v. iff Ihr Old liiud: of Ihr. IJmUd Stales. " r,»;( I Ik: Arri(;ricans,"«airl Wfn. Pitt, " adopt tlioirfund- itijr !',yM|rari, find pn into tlnir F'iitd\ A nicrif.iin-! were of ;i fiiniilnr opi- nion : lull il, w»H r.otilcndcd \>y otliorw, lliat if llx; rovolu- tion.iry dclil wa.". not, InndiMl, irijiiMtiof! wfudd Ix; done to tin; pnlilic, crcditorH. ( )nt of tliiw fiiiidiri;/ systorn Hpriing tlin old I'ankfd' llio Mnitfid States, for tlirfin-fourthH of its ca[>ital conni-itcd lA' pnMic hUx-Mh. The IJaiik, its friends av<;rr(;d, was ucr.cHHury {<> support tlin piihlic credit, and aid till! fiHcal operations of the federal (lovcmmcnt. Its OI»|»onenl", e.ontended llial it waM anti-repniilican in its ten- dency, and tliat the (lofiHtilntion gave Congrc.s.s no pow- er to ostaldiflli Huoli an institution. The pf-riod iruinedia,tely Kuc,c,(;eding tlio n.ovf)liitionary War, waH, in a p(;r,nliar scinsr;, an age of specidation. 'I'ra (licking in soldier's (•(^rtificates, in the pnhlic lanrJH, and in the various evidences of the puhlic dtdit, was the hiisi- noHM (d' tnany who had rnf>ney_ and of many who had not. I'erliapM the lorlnnes sonte therehy a('(|iiire(|, may have CX- cited envy, ami llnis incr(;ased tlie o|)po.alion to tlio system whic.il had its (»riiMn with Hoin(; in political, and with others, in moral ri;asonM. I'l; this as it may, the ISank of the I'nited (States was regardfid as the cap-stone of a policy which was viewed as very ohjectionahle : and (he democratic jonrnal,4 of the ilay ahoiinded in what one of our most rc- spectahle authors oall.4 " ahtise of the iJanking and fund- ing Hys((!rn." Mr. .led'ersrui's op|)OHi(Ion to l»ank.': wa.-^ of tlif; most de- rided character. In liin |>refiic(: to Destntt Tracy's Politi- cal I'lconomy, he deiiouncus tliom as parisiticul institutions: and he lieldom let nlip an opportunity of exprcissing lii.H ah- liorrence »d (iieir wlnde Hclieme of operations. IliH rd)jec- tions (o the Hank of the (/nited States on coiiKtitutional grounds were; eipially strong. " I considcir," lie says, " (Ik; i'otimlatioii (d' the ( 'OiiHtiliitioii as laid on this ground, that •' all power,'! n(»( delegated to the United States hy the Con- OLD BANK CF THE UNITED STATES. 39 stitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or the people." To take a single step bevond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the power of Coniiress, is to take possession ot' a boundless tield of power, no longer susceptible of definition. Tiie incorpo- ration of a Bank, and other powers assumed by this bill, have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution." After showing that the powers were not among those specially enumerated, nor in any of the general phrases, he says *' It is known that the very power now proposed as a means was rejected as an end by the Convention which formed the Constitution : a proposition was made to tliem to authorize Congress to open canals, and an emendatory one to empower them to incorporate ; but the whole was rejected, and one of the reasons urged 'in the debate was, that thou they would have power to create a Bank, which would rentier the great cities, where there were projudicies or jealousies on this subject, adverse to the reception of the Constitution." The Bank was not established by a strict party vote, for eleven out of thirty-nine who voted for it were demo- crats, and six out of twenty, who opposed it, were fede- ralists; but it afterwards became, as Mr. Niles says, one of the landmarks of party, am!, in the second Congress, a resolution declaring the Bank charter unconstitutional, was within one vote of passing the House. The hostility of the democratic party to the Bank, was but little abated for many years ; but, as the time approach- ed for the expiration of the charter, enmity to the insti- tution gave way, in a great degree, to fear of the distress which the winding up of its atlairs would produce. The pens of numerous scribes were employed in portraying the manifold evils which must come upon the country, and deputations of merchants and mechanics were sent from riiiladelphia to Washington, to beg Congress to avert the impending danger.* * Sec tlio jniblic papers of the da}'. Of tlie feeling wiili wliieli a portion of tlie community regarded the prospect of a non-renewal of the Hank cliarter. an opinion may bo ibrmed fiom liie followinii extract tVoni a pamphlet, by Mr. Carey, en- titled "Desultory Kellections upon the Uninous ronse()nences of a Non-Kenewal of the Cliarter of the Bank of the United States." pub- lished in iMay, l^tO. 40 OLD HANK OF THE UMTED STATES. The predictions that were so confidently made of the ruin that would overspread the land, if the charter were not renewed, had their intended effect on some of the demo- cratic members. But, after a full discussion, the bill was indefinitely postponed on the 24th of January, 1811, in the House of Representatives, by a vote of 65 to 64. The Na- tional Intelligencer said, on recording the vote, that if the question had not been on the indefinite postponement, but " III the historj' of nations, as well as of individuals, there are to be found occasional moments of frenzy, in which every movement baffles the calculations of tiie politician, the moralist and the philosopher. To the distractions and derangementsof our affairs with the European world we are, with almost incredible folly, preparing, by allowing the charter of the Bank of the United States to expire, to add an awful scene of internal disorder and confusion, of private and public bankruptcy. I have gone over my calculations anew ; sifted the facts on which my opinions are founded: turned them in every possible point of view, to discover errors if any there were. But the result of every examination has been an invariable conviction of the leality of the danger, the mo- mentary frenzy of too many of my fellow-citizens, and the awful con- sequences of tlie prevailing apathy, if it should continue." By the next session of Congress, Mr. Carey's fears were in no degree abated, as will be seen by the following extract from another pamphlet, published December 15th, 1810, and entitled " Nine Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert, Representative in Congress for the City of Phila- delphia." " Nevei have I addressed my fellow-citizens with more solicitude than I feel at present. The question at issue, respecting the renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States, in its consequences upon the character of the country, and upon the prosperity and happi- ness of a large portion of its most valuable citizens, I conceive to be of more importance than any one that has been agitated for twenty years." He then intimates to members of Congress from parts of the country remote from the operations of Banking, "that they are liable to be be- wildered and led astray ; to be in.stru mental in dashing the Bank of pub- lic credit upon rocks and quicksands, and producing «n airfid seme of destruction, the couscquewcs or terminations of which elude the power of calculation. At sucli a crisis, it behoves every man vyhose experience in any degree qualifies him to shed light upon the subject, to step bold- ly forward, and use his endeavors to preserve so many vital interests as are at slake from the destruction which menaces them. In such a cause, indifference and guilt would perhaps be synonymous. Influenc- ed by these motives, and unalterably convinced of the reality of the impending ruin, I resolved, at the risk of the abuse, the calumny, the malignity, and the persecution, to which every man is liable, who, on such occasions, t;d Mohawk Bank, N. Y. New London Bank, Conn. ^ Hudson Bank, N. Y. nstitutod. Capital. 1802 $ 200,000 1802 150,000 180.3 1,250,000 1803 150,000 1803 460,000 1803 550,000 1803 100,000 1803 25,000 1803 100,000 1803 1,800,000 1803 150,000 1803 2,000,000 1803 200,000 1803 200,000 1803 150,000 1803 120,000 1803 68,000 200,000 1804 3,000,000 1804 350,000 1804 300,000 1804 225,000 1804 300,000 1804 200,000 1804 150,000 1804 100,000 1804 100,000 1804 150,000 1805 50,000 1805 60,000 1805 60,000 1805 1,500,000 1806 1,000,000 1806 100,000 1806 200,000 1806 200,000 1807 1,000,000 1807 500,000 1807 100,000 1807 500,000 1807 150,000 1807 1,250,000 1807 250,000 1807 200,000 1807 200,000 1808 300,000 44 BANKIPTG FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. Names. Instituted. Capital. Bank of Steubenville, Ohio 1809 $ 100,000 Chambersbur^h Bank, Pa. 1809 250,000 Commercial Bauk, R. 1. 1809 50,000 * State Baok of North Carolina, N.C. 1810 1,600,000 Commer. & Farm. Bk. of Bait, Mel. 1810 1,000,000 . Farm. & Merch. Bk. of Bait., Md. 1810 500,000 Franklin Bank, Do. 1810 600,000 ' Marine Bank, Do. 1810 600,000* Elkton Bank, Md. 1810 300,000 Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, Pa. 1810 300,000 Mechanics' Bank, N. Y. 1810 2,000,000 Bank of Troy, N. Y. 1811 500,000* Mechanics' & Farmers' Bank, N.Y. 1811 600,000 State Bank at Boston, Mass. 1811 3,000,000* Merchants' Bank at Salem, Mass. 1811 200,000* Cumberland Bank of Alleghany, Md. 1811 200,000, Bank of Newburgh, N. Y. 1811 400,000 , Farmers' Bank of Wor. &Som.Md. 1811 200,000* Middle District Bank, N. Y. 1811 500,000 Bank of New Orleans, L. 1811 500,000 Union Bank, N. Y. 181 1 1,800,000 * Eagle Bank, Conn. 1811 750,000 Bank of America, N. Y. 1812 6,000,000 City Bank, N. Y. 1812 2,000,000 Farm. andMechan. Bk. ofCinn., O. 1812 500,000 Bank of Muskingum, Zanesville. O. 1812 100,000. Monongahela Bank, O. 1812 250.000 New York Manufacturing Co., N.Y. 1812 1,200,000 Camden State Bank, N. J. 1812 800,000 Trenton Do. Do. 1812 300,000 New Brunswick State Bank, N. J. 1812 400,000 Newark Do. Do. 1812 400,000 Elizabeth Do. Do. 1812 200,000 Morris Do. Do. 1812 200,000 Utica Bank, N. Y. 1812 1,000,000 Pittsburg Manufacturing Co., Pa. 1812 1,000,000 City Bank of Baltimore, Md. 1812 1.500,000 B.of Wil'gton aqd Brandywine,Dei: 1812 120,000 Farm. & Median. Bank of Del., D. 1812 75,000 Commercial Bank of Del., D. 1812 200,000 Farm. & INIechan. Bk. of Va.,V. 1812 1,500,000 Savannah Bank, Geo. 1,000,000 Union Bauk, S. C. 1,000,000 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank, S.C. 1,000,000 Total. §77,258.000 BANKING FROM 1790 TO lSlO-11. 45 The operations of Banks in those times, were much like their operations in our own days. Thus, Mr. Burwell, of Virginia, in a speech delivered in 1811, said, " In Baltimore, where the Bank capital has always exceeded the demand by solvent customers, and where, to give full employment to their funds, the Banks have been accustomed to accom- modate mere speculators, failures have happened to the amount of a million, without property to pay the creditors twenty cents in the dollar. (A gentleman from INIaryland corrected Mr. Burwell, by stating that the failures had in the aggregate exceeded the sum he had mentioned, but in no smgle instance had the loss to creditors exceeded 600,000 dollars.) I stand corrected only 000,000 dollars."* It was in New England, however, that Banking opera- tions were carried furthest. The author of a pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on Money," published at Philadelphia in 1814, says, some of the institutions in that quarter issued bills for so small a sum as twenty-five cents, whereby " it was rendered so difficult in some of the Eastern States, to get a dollar changed, that it became necessary to purchase change of the money dealers in towns for current travel- ling expenses in the country." Of the principles of operation of some of these institu- tions, we have a curious memorial in a report made on the 20th of March, 1809, by a committee of the Legislature of Rhode Island, appointed to inquire into the situation of the Farmers' Exchange Bank of Gloucester. The Committee state, " that the said Bank was incorporated, February , A. D. 1804. That by the charter, its capital stock was to consist of two thousand shares of fifty dollars each, payable in seven in- stalments, in gold or silver. It appears to the Committee that the capital stock was not paid in according to the pro- visions of the charter. Some of the stockholders paid the whole amount of the shares by them subscribed ; others paid a part and gave their notes for the residue. The directors did not pay any money whatever, for although, in common with the other stockholders, the directors lodged the amount of their first instalment in specie, yet, in a very few days afterwards, all the directors received out of the Bank the amount of said instalments in bills of said * Legislative History of Uuited States Bank. E e 46 BANKIXG FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. Bank, for which no security whatever was given, and they gave five notes, without indorsers, for the five first instal- ments, payable on demand with interest : for the two hist instahnents, no payment was made or security given. The said notes remained in the Bank until the directors trans- ferred their stock, when they were delivered up in the manner hereinafter mentioned. The directors were the holders of one hundred and three shares each, and in this manner did the Farmers' Exchange Bank, which by the charter was to consist of two thousand shares, commence its operations with only six hundred and sixty-one shares, on which any payments had been made in gold and silver, agreeably to the express provisions of the charter : and the whole money paid into the Bank at any one period whatever, on the said six hundred and sixty-one shares, amounted to nineteen thousand one hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty-six cents. " Prior to the twenty-ninth of March 1808, sundry stock- holders, holding four hundred and fifty shares, transferred them to the directors of said Bank. No money or other con- sideration whatever was paid by the directors with their own property to any of the stockholders who so transferred their shares, but they were uniformily paid for with the property of the corporation. Most of the said stockhold- ers were indebted to the Bank in notes, and to them their notes were given up, and if their shares exceeded the sum due from them to the Bank, the balance was paid out of the Bank with the property of the corporation : and none of the said directors, or any person whatever, was debited for the said sums so paid, or for the notes surrendered. " On the third day of June, 1805, the Board of Direc- tors passed a vote permitting each director to take out of the Bank 200 dollars for the purpose of exchanging the the same. The said directors have never paid or account- ed for said money to the Bank. " When the Bank first commenced its operations, the capital paid in, including the money paid by the directors, and which was soon after repaid to them, as is herein be- fore stated, amounted to the sum of eleven thousand eight hundred and six dollars and sixty one cents : when the directors had, as before stated, taken back in bills the amount they had paid in specie for their first instalment, BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. 47 the capital stock really paid in, amounted to only the sum of three thousand and eighty-one dollars and eleven cents. "The directors never declared any certain dividend of the profits of the Bank, but once a year paid to the stockholders interest generally at the rate of eight per cent, per annum on the sums they had respectively paid in, and the residue, amounting in some years to one hundred and thirty dollars each, the directors divided among themselves. " According to the books containing the weekly state of the Bank, there were several periods when the amount of bills in circulation far exceeded the amount of notes due the Bank ; for instance, on the twenty-fifth day of March, 1805, the amount of bills* in circulation was seventy-two thousand two hundred and eleven dollars, and the amount of debts due the Bank was fifty-three thousand two hun- dred and seventy-five dollars : at some periods, anterior to the 29th day of IMarch, 1808, the Bank had in circulation from sixty to seventy thousand dollars. On the 28th day of March 1808, there was in said Bank, in specie and bills of other Banks, three hundred and eighty dollars and fifty cents, and the Bank had twenty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-four dollars of their own bills in cir- culation." Under this system, the Bank continued in operation about four years : and then eleven of the directors transferred their interest in the institution to the agent of Andrew Dexter, jun., of Boston. Each of the directors received thirteen hundred dollars in consideration of his transferring his shares ; and each of them received back the notes he had given for instalments, the whole principal and interest whereof were then due to the Bank. " The thirteen hun- dred dollars were paid to some of the directors by notes signed by Simon Smith and John Harris, as principals, and Andrew Dexter, jun., as surety : to others by surren- dering them notes given by the Bank for money borrowed, and to others by giving them the notes of individuals which were the property of the Bank. It appears that all the money paid to the said directors, was paid out of the Bank icith the property of said corporation, except that there is charged to said Dexter, three thousand seven hundred and eighty- five dollars and ninety-five cents paid on that account." Dexter thus got control of the institution, and having a Board of Directors disposed to favor his views, he got from 48 BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. the Bank, at divers times in the course of the year, its bills to the amount of seven hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixtrj-Jive dollars, dind there was paid to sundry persons for his use three thousand seven hundred and eigh- ty-five dollars and ninety-five cents." " From the first connexion of Dexter with the Bank, he appears, by himself and his agents, to have had the entire control and management thereof: all his schemes and plans, however wild and extravagant, were adopted and carried into execution without reserve : those of the direc- tors who still pretended to superintend the concerns of the Bank took no care whatever to guard the interest of the stockholders or the public. " Dexter was furnished with as much money as he thought proper to demand, and prescribed his own terms as to the security he gave, the rate of interest, and the time and man- ner of payment. The greatest secrecy was used respect- ing his negotiations at the Bank to prevent the public from being alarmed at the immense sum of money which was so suddenly put in circulation; and at the request of Dex- ter, the Cashier signed the bills secretly and chiefly in the night. Dexter never gave any security whatever, except his own name, for any money received by him from the Bank. For the first sums delivered Dexter gave his re- ceipts : for other sums he gave receipts to the following purpose, that he would employ the money as their agent for their benefit, paying them six per cent, interest therefor, and redeeming the bills by paying specie for tliem as often as they returned to the Bank, the cost of redemption to be paid by the Bank. After tiiese receipts had been standing for some time they were taken up by Dexter, and a note given by him for the whole amount, of the tenor and effect fol- lowing . " I, Andrew Dexter, jun., do promise the Presi- dent, Directors and Company of the Farmers' Exchange Bank, to pay them, on order, dollars, in two years from the date, with interest, at two per cent, per annum : it be- ing however understood, that said Dexter shall not be call- ed upon to make payment until he thinks proper, he being the principal stockholder, and best knowing when it will be proper to pay the same." The said note was after- wards given to Dexter, and a note given by him iox Jive hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-one dollars, bearing date on the 30th of November, 1808 : all BANKIXG FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. 49 the money received by Dexter after that time was deliver- ed to him by order of Harris and Fairbanks, the last of which was delivered on the 9th of February, 1809, for which Dexter gave his notes, which are now remaining in the Bank : one bearing date on the 4th of November, 1808, for three hundred thousand dollars : one bearing date on the 30th of the same month for thirty-two thousand dollars, and one bearing date on the 12th day of December, 1808, for six thousand dollars : all which notes amount to the sum oi eight hundred and fifty-jive thousand seven hundred and seventy-one dollars, payable in eight years from their respective dates, bearing interest at and after the rate of two per cent, per annum. " Out of the amount above stated, as due from the said Andrew Dexter, jun. to the Bank, ought to be deducted cer- tain drafts or orders drawn on said Dexter by the Cashier, to take up the bills at different times returned to the Bank, so far as the said drafts or orders have been paid by said Dexter. The amount of said drafts or orders, according to the books of the Bank, still outstanding and unsettled, is two hundred and four thousand and five dollars, but of this sum the Committee have no means of ascertaining what part has been paid by the said Dexter. " In December, 1808, the credit of the Bank had be- come very low, and the bills were selling at a large dis- count : but the said Andrew Dexter, jun., and the other per- sons who managed the affairs of the Bank, instead of putting a stop to the emission of their bills, and making some pro- vision for the payment of those in circulation, redoubled their efforts to circulate sums to a large amount, when at the same time they refused the payment of the smallest sums at the Bank. " The President and Cashier were incessantly employed in signing bills :" and " Dexter was continually urging them to sign bills as fast as possible," telling them that every thing depended on his having them vrry speedily : that if they were not soon finished, he should not be able to dispose of them, and that at that time he should be able to sell some of them very well. The bills were made with so much precipitation, and the officers of the Bank were so much pressed for time, that said bills were in some instances sent - to Boston without being dated or numbered. 50 BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. " There is now in said Bank, eiglity-six dollars and forty- six cents of specie. On the 9th of February, 1809, there had been emitted by said Bank, six hundred and forty- eight thousand and forty-three dollars of their bills, accord- ing to their books. Owing to the extreme confusion in which their mode of keeping their accounts has involved all their transactions, it is impossible to ascertain with preci- sion the amount of their bills now in circulation : but from the inquiries and examinations made by the Committee, they are of opinion that the bills of said Bank now in circula- tion, amount to the enormous sum of five hundred and eighty thousand dollars." From the testimony of the Cashier, which is appended to the report, it appears that the emission of six hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-three dol- lars in Bank bills, spoken of by the Committee, took place between the 29th of March, 1808, and the 9th of Febuary, 1809, and that previous to the first mentioned date, the Bank had bills in circulation to the amount of forty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-one dollars. This history of the Farmers' Bank of Gloucester shows what cunning men can do, when they have a legislative charter to work with. When the explosion took place, other New England Banks exhibited proof that they had been trading on the same principles, though none, we believe, to the same ex- tent. In a speech in Congress, in February, 1811, Mr. Desha, of Kentucky, said, "The Berkshire and North- ampton Banks, both of Massachusetts, when their vaults were examined, one had perhaps thirty or forty dollars in it, the other, I believe, was entirely empty : the Coos Bank, (I believe it was called,) of New Hampshire, was nearly in the same situation, and thousands of their bills in circula- tion at the same time." Mr. BurwcU, of Virginia, said, " The State of Massachu- setts found, upon examining the vaults of the Banks, the whole of them did not contain specie equal to the paper is- sued by a single one." We have no list of the New England Banks that stopped payment previous to the war : but it is evident from all tes- timony, that the Banking institutions in that quarter had extended their operations so fiir, that the necessary reaction produced very disastrous consequences. BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. 51 South of New England, the Banking system was, in some respects, less pernicious than it has been at any period since the war. The notes of the Banks were then " converti- ble" into either gold or silver. The old Bank of the United States issued no notes of a less denomination than ten dol- lars : whereby it was enabled to exercise a more salutary control over the local Banks, than the present Bank has ever found possible. As Ibng as a state of war existed between Spain and Great Britain, the citizens of this country were the carriers and commercial agents of Spain, and nearly all the metal lie treasure of Mexico passed through our hands. From the Peace of Amiens, in 1801, this influx of silver abated : but it was still considerable. It could hardly be regarded as part of the currency of the country, being received by us in payment for European goods, and afterwards trans- mitted to those from whom we had obtained those goods ; yet, temporary deposits of it were made in the Banks, where- by these institutions were sometimes prevented from feel- ing the effects their expansions must otherwise have pro- duced. The specie constantly ui transitu from South Ame- rica through the United States to other parts of the world, was so great in amount, that a retention of the quarterly or semi-quarterly supply for only a month or two was suffi- cient to relieve the Banks from the difficulties into which they were occasionally brought by extending their opera- tions too far. The Bank of England having suspended specie payments in 1797, and paper money being in extensive use on the continent of Europe, the demand for the precious metals as a material for money was, in a degree, abated. This rendered the pressure on the American Banks less severe than it is at present.* *■ The competitiou among the Banks being less than it is now, these institutions made very high dividends. In 1792, the Bank of North America divided 15 per cent. ; in 1793, 13.^ per cent. ; f.om 1794 to 1799, inclusive, 12 per cent, per annum ; from 1800 to 1802, 10 per cent. ; in 1803, 9.^ per cent. ; from ]804 to 1810, 9 per cent. The divi- dends of the old Bank of the United States were from 7 5-8 per cent, to 10 per cent. Fiom 1792 to 1808, the Bank of Pennsylvania never divided less than 8 per cent., and sometimes its annual dividends were as high as 10 per cent. Dr. Bollman, writing in 1810, says, " none of the Banks divided less than 8 per cent., and some of them much more." 52 BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. High dividends were not the only profit those who had the control of the Banks derived from their situation:, Banking was a closer monopoly than it now is, and circum- stances were such as to render that monopoly very lucra- tive. Money being at this period worth more than Bank interest to mercantile men, facility of borrowing gave to such as possessed it great advantages. Our commerce was exposed to frequent interruptions by the belligerents. These sometimes made the necessity of borrowing very'urgent, which necessities the agents of the Bank directors used to meet by lending money at two or three per cent, a month. The Banks expanded and contracted their issues then, as the Banks do now, and as credit Banks from the neces- sity of their nature always will do, and the occasional plen- ty of money produced by Banking operations, and the sub- sequent scarcity, had the same effects that they have in our own times. As a close veil was then thrown over Bank- ing proceedings, it was not always easy to trace these ef- fects to their causes: but even in those days it was not pos- sible completely to conceal the connection of causes and consequences from the eyes of observers. The periodical demand for specie for the China and East India trade al- ways caused a pressure in the money market. The specie at the Branch Bank at New York was, it is said, reduced on one occasion to 10,000 dollars.* Notwithstanding all the advantages the Banks tlien enjoyed, they were probably many times brought near the necessity of suspending spe- cie payments, for they had the same inducements then that they have now for extending their operations as far as pos- sible. The effects of these operations were less severely felt, the further a county or a town was removed from the sphere of Bank inlhicnce. In many of the agricultural districts, the state of credit was sound, or nearly so. The " vulgar pre- judices of the country people in favor of gold and silver money, were not then entirely subdued." The spirit of wild speculation did not often infect them. Industry and economy wore considered as tlie true roads to wealth : and men of reputation found little difficulty in borrowing as * Vide " A Peep into the Bank," New York, 1828. BANKIiVG FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. 53 much money as was wanted. The country capitalists did not then purchase Bank stock with their surplus funds, but lent them to their industrious neighbors for long periods. Little risk attended this mode of lending, and it was mu- tually beneficial to the parties concerned. " Before the establishment of Banks in the interior," say a committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania,* " the farmer who possessed credit and character, experienced little diffi- culty in borrowing on his simple bond, for one or more years, any sum which it was thought could be prudently loaned to him. Embarrassments and failures, in those days, were scarcely known among our husbandmen, and society moved on by a regular, sure, and happy march. In our cities, on the contrary, where loans have been chiefly made by incorporated Banks, vve have seen a con- tinued succession of bankruptcies, and had it not been for the practice so universally prevalent amongst merchants of securing the Banks for the sake of indorscrs, Banking long since would have been abandoned as an unprofitable trade." " From the adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1788, down to 1804," says a writer in the Richmond Enquirer, " Banks were unknown in Virginia, with the exception of a branch of the old U. S. Bank in Norfolk, about 1799 or 1800. The paper of this Bank scarcely found its way into the interior of the country : and it may be truly said, the currency of the country was metallic. Until tlie year 179S, no people enjoyed more happiness or prosperity than the peo- ple of the United States — nor did any country ever flourish more within the space of time. The desk of every agri- culturist in Virginia had some gold or silver to spare, if he was a prudent, industrious man ; or he had something like money to spare in the hands of his merchant, who, in the days of which I am speaking, acted as a banker to his prospering customers. Nor was any interest paid upon such moneys as might be deposited in the hands of the merchant : because both planter and merchant considered themselves accommodated by the arrangement : the planter in having his money safely kept tor him, until he wanted to use it, and the merchant in having the use of the money * Report on the renewal of Bank charters, Jan. 15th, 1821. Condy Raguet, Chairman. F 54 BANKING FROM 1790 TO 1810-11. until it was called for. Under such circumstances, none will doubt the happy condition of both planter and mer- chant, and if the view be somewhat extended, it will be found that this state of prosperity was not confined to one or two classes of society, but extended to all. The man embarrassed might readily sell something, and to advan- tage, to pay his debts. The currency of the country being specie, was widely scattered through the land, and in di- versified hands, so that its concentration at any particular point was impossible, and consequently its removal from the country could not happen to any great extent. "I know there are many, who, in order to effect present objects, insist that commerce could not be carried on with- out the aid of Banks. To this I answer, how was com- merce carried on before we had Banks? Will any body deny there was any commerce in this country at that time ] None will be found hardy enough to take this ground, for every intelligent man of forty years, knows that, before there were any Banks in Virginia, the foreign commerce of the country was greater than it has ever been since, and the country far more prosperous. Nor was there the least inconvenience in transmitting money from one point to ano- ther through the merchants, whose credit then, was as good as the credit of the Banks now, if not better. Banks have destroyed the credit and confidence which men had in one another. " No people had more cause to rejoice than the people of Virginia; but alas, the Banks came, and all things became changed. Like the Upas tree, they have withered and de- stroyed the healthful condition of the country, and intlict- ed on the people political and pecuniary diseases of the most deadly character." BANKING FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. 55 CHAPTER VII. Of Banking from. 1810-11 to 1814-15. After the unsuccessful attempt to obtain from Congress a renewal of the charter of the United States Bank, over- tures were made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. The petitioners offered a bonus of five hundred thousand dol- lars, and a loan of five hundred thousand dollars more, for an act of incorporation under the title of the " American Bank," with a capital of five million dollars.* The offer was, in a fiscal point of view, very advantageous, but it was not accepted, less perhaps from any remains of the old de- mocratic enmity to the system, than from a desire of indi- viduals to get charters for the particular benefit of them- selves and their friends. " The anxiety displayed by the stockholders of the Uni- ted States Bank to continue their business," say a commit- tee of the Senate of Pennsylvania,! " and the successful appearance of their dividends, added to the locating of branches of the Pennsylvania Bankj in the country, very naturally excited the attention of the public, and particu- larly of the inhabitants of some of the interior counties of the State, who fancied that much of the prosperity of cities was to be traced to the establishment of Banks, and that if that were the case, there was no reason why the country should not participate in their advantages. t Such consi- derations as these, urged on by the desire of accumulating wealth without the dull exercise of labor, engendered a spi- * " Concise Observations on the Propriety of Incorporating Newr Banks," Philadelphia, 1812. t Report on the Causes and Extent of the Present General Distress Read January 29lh, 1820. Condy ilagnet, Chairman. X If they had supposed that the prosperity of some of the inhabitants of cities was owing to the establishment of Banks, they would not have been far wrong. Nor were they in error in supposing that Bank notes are money to those who issue them, if others are so simple as to receive them; nor that a universal rise in the price of land and commodities brings ari increase of wealth to those who are fortunate enough to make sales while prices are high. Their error was in supposing that a sys- tem which is profitable to any, only because but t'ew participate in it, might be extended so far as to be profitable to all who might wish to share in its advantages. 56 BAXKmO FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. rit of speculation. It was supposed that the mere establish- ment of Banks would of itself create capital, that a hare promise to pay money, was money itself, and that a nomi- nal rise of the price of land and commodities, ever attend- ant upon a plenty of money, was a real increase of sub- stantial wealth. ) The theory was plausible, and too well succeeded. The Farmers' Bank, with a capital of three hundred thousand dollars, was established in the county of Lancaster, in the beginning of the year 1810, and was accompanied by several others in the city, as well as in other parts of the State. " These early symptoms of a mania for Banking, induced the Legislature, on the 19th of March, 1810, to enact a law prohibiting unincorporated institutions from issuing notes, or pursuing any of the operations of Banks ; but in defiance of its provisions, the system was persevered in, and even companies incorporated for the purpose of con- structing bridges, departed from the spirit of their charters, converted themselves into Banks, and emitted notes for cir- culation. " The war, as might naturally be expected, put a tempo- rary stop to the exportation of specie, and thereby removed the only check against inordinate issues of paper, which can possibly exist. This cessation of the returning of notes for payment, had the effect of inviting the Banks to enlarge their issues. Loans were made to Government to an im- mense amount, and to individuals vastly beyond what the absence of foreign commerce justified, and a gradual de- preciation of the currency was tlie result. The increase of dividends and the facility with which they appeared to be made, extended throughout the whole Commonwealth the spirit of speculation, already introduced into some coun- ties. The apparent success of the Farmers' Bank of Lan- caster, which from the enormous extent of its issues was enabled to divide upwards of twelve per cent, per annum, and to accommodate its stockholders jrith loans to double the amount of their stock, had a ])owcrful influence on the public mind. A Bank by many was no longer regarded as an instrument by which the surplus wealth of capitalists could be conveniently loaned to their industrious fellow-ci- tizens, but as a mint in which money could be coined at plea- sure, for those who did not possess it before. Under these BANKIiVG FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. 57 delusive impressions, associations of individuals sprang up in every quarter, holding out inducements to the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer, and mechanic, to aban- don the dull pursuits of a laborious life, for the golden dreams of an artificial fortune. " The liability, however, to individual ruin, attendant upon unchartered copartnerships, restrained in a degree the Banking mania, and impelled the projectors to apply for a legislative sanction. During the session of 1812-13, a bill to incorporate twenty-five institutions, the capitals of which amounted to nine million five hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars, was passed by both houses of the Legislature, by a bare majority of one vote in each. The bill was returned by the Governor with his objections, which were sensible and cogent, and on a reconsideration the votes were 38 to 40. At the following session the sub- ject was renewed with increased ardor, and a bill authoriz- ing the incorporation of forty-one Banking institutions with capitals amounting to seventeen million dollars, was passed by a large majority. This bill was also returned by the Go- vernor with additional objections, but two-thirds of each House, (many memberS'bf which were pledged to their con- stituents to that effect,) agreeing on its passage, it became a law on the 21st of March, 1814, and thus was inflicted upon the Commonwealth an evil of a more disastrous na- ture than has ever been experienced by its citizens. Un- der this law thirty-seven Banks, four of which were esta- blished in Philadelphia, actually went into operation. " The immediate commencement of a number of these Banks, with scarcely a bona fide capital equal to the first instalment, ybr the convenient mode of discounting stock notes to meet the subsequent payments, teas soon discovered, increased the mass of paper credits already too redundant, and depreciated the whole circulating medium so far below specie value, as to excite a want of confidence in its con- vertibility. In the absence of a foreign demand for specie a domestic one arose. The laws of the New England States had been so rigorous upon the subject of Banks, which were liable to a penalty of 12 per cent, per annum for the non-payment of their notes, that no depreciation of their currency took place. The consequence thereof was, that the difference between the New England prices of Ff 58 BANKING FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. commodities, stocks and foreign bills of exchange, and those of Pennsylvania, was equal to the extent of the de- preciation of the currency of the latter, and as our Bank notes were redeemable on demand, the most profitable re- mittance which could be made to New Engrland, in ex- change for her commodities, was specie, and this demand cj-eated a run upon the Banks which they were not able to withstand. The situation of the southern and western Banks was precisely similar to that of our own. All had over issued, and a general depreciation had ensued. The same causes produced the same effects, and a general stop- page of all the Banks in the United States except those of New England, took place in August and September 1814.* The New England demand, it is true, was increased by two causes, viz : first, by facilities in foreign trade through neutral vessels, which were afforded them by an exemption from the blockade of the enemy, and secondly, by a well- grounded apprehension that the southern Banks, from their extensive emissions, would necessarily become embarrass- ed. Certain it is, however, that all these causes combined could not have produced a general suspension of payment, had our Banks observed the same caution in their issues as that which characterized the Banks of the Eastern States." From this account it appears, that, one year before the expiration of the charter of the United States Bank, and two vears before the commencement of the war with Great Britain, the Bank mania raged in Pennsylvania with so much violence as to require legislative interposition. In a year or two after, the mania infected the Legislature. It had received a check in New England, and was now, ac- cording to the natural course of things, spreading south and west. The infatuation of the high authorities of the United States Government, was as strong as that of the people and of the local Legislatures. War was declared against * It fippc^ai's from otiier documents, that, when tiie British made an inroad into the State of Maine, some of the Banks in tliat quarter of the country suspended payment; that tlie Banks of Ohio and Kentucky maintained specie payments till the latter part of Decemher, or the be- ginning of January ; and that tiio Bank of IS'ashville, (one of tlie two Banics then in operation in Tennessee,) did not stop payment till August, 181.3. Tlio Bunks of Louisiana suspended payment in April, 1814, four months sooner than the Banks of Pennsylvania. BANKIIfG FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. 59 Great Britain in June 1812, and Bank notes and Bank credits were seized on to defray the expenses of fleets and armies. " The Bank capital has been stated at seventy- five millions," said the Committee of Ways and Means of 1813-14, of which INIr. Eppes was chairman. " On this capital we may calculate with safety on a circulation in notes and discounts of one hundred millions. From this sum deduct 47,569,120, the maximum of what is deemed necessary for circulation, and the sum remaining, viz. 52,430,880, constitutes the ability of the monied capitalists to loan. Of this sum we propose to borrow thirty millions." In conformity with these principles, about six millions were borrowed in 1812, from the Banks, and about four millions more from individuals, who had obtained from the Banks the means of lending. These loans were obtained at par. In the next year tlie Government borrowed about twenty millions, for every hundred dollars of which it is- sued a certificate of stock for 113 dollars. In the follow- ing year it borrowed about fifteen millions, for twelve mil- lions of W'hich stock was issued at the rate of 125 dollars for 100 dollars paid in. Then, as Mr. Ingham said in Congress, " it seemed impossible to borrow on any terms." The policy of carrying on the war by means of loans, cannot be said to have been an unwise one ; but what ought to have been an essential point in this policy, name- ly, drawing on the real resources of the country to an ex- tent sufficient to support the credit of Government, was neglected. It was known before-hand, that the operations of the enemy would, by cutting up our commerce, dimin- ish the revenue from the customs : yet, the first steps to- wards raising a revenue by internal taxation, were not taken till July and August, 1813 : and the acts which were then passed, did not take effect until the 1st of January 1814. The consequence was, that the revenue for the three years, 1812, 1813, and 1814, amounted to only thirty-six millions, or about twelve millions a year. The charges on Government in time of peace, amounted to eight millions a year, and with the remaining four millions we were en- deavoring to carry on a war with the most powerful nation on the globe ! As an auxiliary means of supplying financial wants, emissions were made of treasury notes, bearing an interest 60 BANKIXG FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. of five and two-fifths per cent, per annum, reimbursable one year after they were issued, and receivable in payment for duties, taxes, and public lands. Of these notes, nearly three millions were issued in 1813, about six millions in 1813, and upwards of eicrht millions in 1814. As great part of the revenue of twelve millions a year was received in treasury notes, the reader can judge of the condition of Government. The mania which raged among the people,- and which infected the Legislatures of the different States, would have produced great evils if we had remained at peace. But this fiananciering of the United States Government hasten- ed the crisis and exacerbated all the symptons of the dis- ease. The country was flooded with paper, which might, without impropriety, be regarded as a new emission of con- tinental money, differing from the old only in having the Banks for indorsers. Gladly did these institutions avail themselves of the excuse for stopping payments, which was afforded by the inroad of the enemy into Maryland. For some time after the suspension of specie payments by the Bank of England, its notes remained on a par with specie, and after they depreciated the paper of all the otlier Banks, inasmuch as they were convertible into Bank of England notes, experienced an equal degree of deprecia- tion. The currency was at times depreciated as much as twenty per cent., but the scale of depreciation was the same throughout England and Wales. The suspension of specie payments in the United States, differed from that of England in two important particulars. It did not take place throughout the country, and, as each Bank was independent, there was a different scale of de- preciation for each county and each town. The paper, however, still served as a medium of com- merce. The merchant of Pittsburg put an additional price on his goods, equivalent to the depreciation of the currency in that quarter : and as he had obtained ten or twenty per cent, more on his sales, he was enabled to pay ten or twenty per cent, more on his purchases. A loss was sustained by individuals when the paper underwent an addi- tional depreciation while remaining in their hands, but their indignation, instead of falling on the Banks, was vent- ed on the innocent and useful exchange merchants. BANKING FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. 61 On the 19th of November, or eighty days after the sus- pension of specie payments, the paper of the best Banks of Philadelphia was at fourteen per cent, discount : yet but little murmuring was heard, except at the refusal of the Banks to receive southern and western paper on deposit. Prices were rising, business was brisk, and if any man experienced difficulties, he attributed them to the war. Such was the state of things, when, on the 14th of October, 1814, or forty-four days after the suspension , of specie payments, Mr. A. J. Dallas, Secretary of the Treasury, recommended the establishment of a National Bank, with a capital of fifty millions, of which twenty millions should be subscribed by Government, and paid in six per cent, stock. The residue of the capital was to be subscribed by individuals, and was to be paid, six mil- lions in gold and silver coin, in three different instalments, six millions in treasury notes, and eighteen millions in six per cent, stock. The Bank was to be bound to lend thirty millions to Government, and was to be authorized to sus- pend specie payments, if the President of the United States should deem such a suspension advisable. So desperate was the state of credit, that this desperate ex- pedient was regarded with favor by many members of Con- gress. Mr. Ingham, who was one of its advocates, said, " should any unexpected difficulties menace the Bank, there will be a resort to the power of suspending specie payments. * * * I do not apprehend any serious consequences will re- sult from the temporary suspension of specie payments. The experiment was tried many years ago in England, and has been continued up to this time, without injury to the com- mercial interests, and with essential benefit to the nation at large. It has also been tried here, and, though Bank paper is somewhat depreciated thereby, it is solely be- cause it will not answer the purpose of paying balances between people of different States, for which specie had usually been employed. For example, the Bank paper of the District will not enable you to trade east of Baltimore : yet every article to be purchased with it here, is as cheap as it was twelve months ago. It may, therefore, be fairly inferred, that a paper which was receivable all over the United States in taxes, and might be exchanged for notes of smaller or greater denomination, or treasury notes in each of the States, would, from its general convenience 62 BAXKIXG FROM 1810-11 TO 1S14-15, continue to circulate without depreciation, even though a temporary suspension of soecie payments should take place."* Mr. Gaston, of North Carolina, compared this proposi- tion to relieve the evil arising from too much paper by throwing more into circulation, to the remedy which Burke had described the French Convention as prescribing for every evil, viz : issuing 7)iore assignats. The clauses in the bill to authorize the Bank to suspend specie payments, and to compel it to lend thirty millions to Government were struck out : and the bill was further mo- dified, by a provision that the whole of the stock should be subscribed by individuals, and paid, with the exception of the six millions in specie, in treasury notes to be here- after issued. In this form it received the approbation of a large majority of the House : but a select committee to whom it was referred, in one of its stages, received a let- ter from the Secretary of the Treasury, stating that the bill ais amended would not answer the purposes of Govern- ment. It would, he said, give to the holders of the public stock cause for complaint ; and it would be very difficult, if not impracticable, to get into circulation, either with or without depreciation, the forty-four millions of treasury notes, which were afterwards to be subscribed as the capi- tal of the Bank. After being made acquainted with the views of the Cabinet, the House rejected the bill, by a vote of 49 to 101. A bill drawn up in accordance with the views of the Treasury Department, was then brought before the Senate. It proposed the establishment of a Bank, with a capital of fifty millions, whereof five millions were to be paid in gold and silver, twenty-seven millions in six per cent, stock, eight millions in treasury notes, and ten millions to be sub- scribed by Government. The Bank was to be bound to lend thirty millions to Government, and was to be author- ized to suspend specie pavments. In this form, the bill passed the Senate on the Dth of December, by a vote of 17 to 14. In the House it was opposed with great ability by Mr. Webster and others, and rejected on the 2d of January, 1815, by the casting vote of Mr. Cheves, the Speaker. * Legislative History of the United States Bank. BANKING FROM 1810-11 TO 1814-15. 63 The next day this vote was reconsidered, and the bill was recommitted to a select committee, who, on the Cth of January, reported it \Aith sundry amendments, reducing the capital of the Bank to thirty millions, of which fifteen were to consist of treasury notes, and ten of public stocks ; and striking out the clauses to compel the Bank to lend thirty millions to Government, and to authorize it to sus- pend specie payments. The bill thus amended, was passed by the House on the 7th of January, by a vote of 120 to 37. When the bill was in this form returned to the Senate, that body increased the capital of the Bank to thirty-five millions, and restored the clause authorizing the Bank to suspend specie payments. In this, the House refused to concur, and the Senate finally receded from its amend- ments. The bill having thus passed both Houses, was sent to President Madison, but he put his veto on it. His objec- tions vvere : " The amount of stock to be subscribed will not, it is believed, be sufficient to produce in favor of the public credit, any considerable or lasting elevation of the market price. Nor will any adequate advantage arise to the public credit from the subscription of treasury notes. The actual issues of these notes nearly equal, and will soon exceed, the amount to be subscribed to the Bank. The Bank will be free from all obligations to co-operate with public measures." [The meaning of this is, the Bank will not be couipelled to lend thirty millions to Government.] Lastly : " The proposed Bank will commence and conduct its operations under an obligation to pay its notes in specie, or be subject to the loss of its charter. Without such an obligation, the notes of the Bank, though not exchangeable for specie, yet resting on good pledges, and performing the uses of specie in the payment of taxes and other public transactions, would, as experience has ascertained, qualify the Bank to supply at once a circulating medium, and pecuniary aid to Goveraraent. Under the fetters imposed by the bill, it is manifest that during the actual state of things, and probably during the war, the period particu- larly requiring such a medium and such a source for loans and advances to Government, notes for which the Bank would be compellable to give specie in exchange, could not be kept in circulation." 64 BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. Another bill was then got up in the Senate to establish a Bank with a capital of tifty millions, of which five were to be paid in gold and silver coin, fifteen in six per cent, stock, twenty in treasury notes, and ten to be subscribed by Government. In one paragraph, it was declared "the said corporation shall be bound to lend to the Government of the United States, reimburseable at their pleasure, thirty millions of dollars, in such sums and at such periods as may be convenient to the Government of the United States." And in another paragraph, it was expressly pro- vided, that " until the first Monday in April, 1816, it shall not be obligatory on said corporation to pay its notes in specie." Authority was also given to Congress to author- ize, in certain contingencies, " the suspension of specie payments, for such time or times as they may deem proper." This bill, which was framed in accordance with the views of Mr. Madison and of his Cabinet, was passed by the Senate on the 13lh of February, by a vote of 18 to 16. It was then sent to the House, where, after some debate, it was, on the 17th of February, indefinitely postponed, by a vote of 74 to 73.* The news of peace was received on the 13th of Fe- bruary, and to the timely arrival of this intelligence, we must attribute the delivery of the country from the curse of a national paper currency. If Mr. Madison and the gentlemen of his Cabinet had been allowed to take their own way, we should have had a National Bank with a paper capital of fifty millions, issuing notes redeemable in paper. ^^ CHAPTER VIII. Of Banking from 1814-15 to 1815-16. " At the time of the suspension of our city Banks, a public meeting of merchants and others was held, who publicly sanctioned the measure, under a pledge given by the Bunks, that as soon as the war was terminated, specie * Legislative History of U. S. Bank. BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. 65 payments would be resumed. That this measure was in- tended, is evident, from the curtailment of Joans immedi- ately consequent upon the suspension.* •' But, unhappily, the redemption of the pledge was not demanded by the public at the stipulated time, and the Banks, urged on by cupidity, and losing sight of moral obli- gations in their lust for profit, launched out into an extent of issues unexampled in the annals of folly. The fulfilling of a promise to pay money, by tendering another promise equally false , sanctioned by the public acquiescence, led to the organization of additional Banks, under the act of March, 1814, which had not till then been attempted to be formed, and a scene of indiscretion in the loaning of Bank credits was every where exhibited, which realized the an- ticipations of those who had foretold the ruinous effects of the paper system. Money lost its value. The notes of the city Banks depreciated twenty per cent., and those of the country Banks from twenty to fifty, and specie so entirely disappeared from circulation, that even the fractional parts of a dollar were substituted by small notes and tickets, issued by Banks, corporations and individuals. The de- preciation of money enhancing the prices of every species of property and commodity, appeared like a real rise in value, and led to all the consequences which are ever attendant upon a gradual advance of prices. The false delusions of artificial wealth increased the demand of the farmer for foreign productions, and led him to consume in anticipation of his crops. The country trader, seduced by a demand for more than his ordinary supply of merchan- dise, was tempted to the extension of his credit, and filled his stores, at the most extravagant prices, with goods vastly * This meeting was composed principally, if not exciasiveiy, of own- ers of Bank stock, and of debtors to the Banks ; and the great body of the public, knowing little of the nature of Banking operations, acquiesced in the measure. Peace was restored in less than six months after the Banks of the Mid- dle States had suspended payment. So confident were some of the public that these institutions would then redeem the solemn pledge they had given, that " the chests and secure places were unlocked, and hard money was again in the mar- ket, at three or four per cent, above par." Even in May the discount on Philadelphia notes was only 5 per cent. ; but the Banks, under one pretext or another, refused to open their vaults, and the paper sunk, by June, to 9, and by November, to IG per cent, below par. G 6G BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. beyond what the actual resources of his customers could pay for, whilst the importing merchant, having no guide to ascertain the real wants of the community but the eager- ness of retailers to purchase his commodities, sent orders abroad for a supply of manufactures wholly disproportioned to the effective demand of the country. Individuals of every profession were tempted to embark in speculation, and the whole community was literally plunged in debt. The plenty of money, as it was called, was so profuse, that the managers of the Banks vvere fearful they could not find a demand for all they could flvbricate, and it was no unfre- quent occurrence to hear solicitations urged to individuals to become borrowers, under promises as to indulgences the most tempting. Such continued to be the state of things until towards the close of the year 1815." The Secretary of the Treasury negotiated with the Banks as independent sovereignties. His first effort was "to associate them with a view of furnishing a uniform national currency."* It is almost needless to say that this effort did not succeed. His next attempt was, " by their agency in circulating treasury notes, to overcome the inequalities of exchange." This, he says, was but " partially successful." He then proposed a plan, " with the design to curtail the issues of Bank notes, to fix the public confidence, and to o-ive each Bank a legitimate share in the circulation." What the particulars of this plan were, he has not stated, but it is evident from the context that it was through the free-will of the Banks he sought to carry it into execution. He soon found that a plan which was not fitted to promote their particular interests, was " not likely to receive their general sanction. The truth is," he adds, "the charter restrictions of some of the Banks, the mutual relation and dependence of the Banks of the same State, and even of the Banks of the different States, and the duty which the di- rectors of each Bank conceive they owe to their immediate constituents upon points of security or emolument, inter- pose an insuperable obstacle to any voluntary arrangement, upon national considerations alone, for the establishment * Proposition relathig to the National Circulating Medium, Decem- ber 6th, ldl5. BACKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. 67 of a national medium, through the agency of the State Banks." The plain English of this is, that the flirectors of the Banks esteemed it a " duty" to make as much profit as they could, and Government did not see fit to interfere with them in the discharge of this sacred '* duty." In the effort " to overcome the inequalities of exchange, by the circulating of treasury notes, through the agency of the Banks," Government did indeed make some exertion of its power. The Secretary issued an order, declaring that, after the first of August, nothing should be received in payment of duties but specie, treasury bills and the notes of such Banks as would receive treasury bills in deposit at par. " The effect of this plan," says a contemporary writer,* " was clearly foreseen by all who fairly understood the subject. What was the result ? In places where trea- sury bills were in the market, at or above par, the Banks agreed to receive them : whereas, where they were below par, the proposition was rejected." But this measure had not simply a negative effect. It increased the mass of Bank paper in circidation, and there- by still further vitiated the currency. This is abundantly proved in a pamphlet entitled " An Appeal to the Public," published at New York, in December, 1815. In this pamphlet, Mr. Isaac Bronson, the author, states the active capital of the Banks of the city of New York to be 13,515,000 dollars, and computes the amount on which they were drawing interest to be twenty-two or twenty- three millions. "Admitting it to be twenty-two millions, it follows that the Banks make dividends on a sum which exceeds their active capital about eight millions and a half, yielding the stockholders about half a million in dividends. This profit is derived from their mere credit, without any cost or consideration whatever. Of the eight and a half millions excess beyond their capitals, five millions have been issued in the purchase of, and in exchange for. Govern- ment securities of various sorts, bearing interest. " We have been speaking hitherto of ' the Banks,' as if no distinctions were to be made between them. It is now time to make the proper discrimination. Among each other the * Inquiry into the causes of the present state of the Circulating Me- dium. Philadelphia, August, 1815. 68 BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. directors have already, in their conversation, fallen into the familiar distinctions of the ' debtor Banks,' and the ' credi- tor' Banks. By the former, are meant those whose paper has accumulated in the latter, to an amount which cannot be taken up. The debtor Banks, the Banks who are in- debted to the others, have become so indebted, because they hold large amounts of public securities, bearing in- terest, for which they have issued their Bank notes to Government, and which notes have found their way into the other Banks. To keep the creditor Banks quiet, how- ever, and as much as possible in good humor, it has been stipulated that they shall charge interest on these accumu- lations. The practical effect therefore is, that the debtor Banks make their profit by trusting Government ; and the creditor Banks make theirs by trusting the debtor Banks. The debtor Banks give out their notes in exchange for treasury notes bearing interest; and the creditor Banks charge interest on the notes they receive of the debtor Banks. But if these notes accumulate in the hands of in- dividuals, no interest is allowed them, unless they compel its payment by law. And thus the Banks have established a rule of justice towards each other, in itself very correct, but which they refuse, however, to extend to the rest of the community. " It is important to our subject that the reader should clearly understand the course of the Banks in relation to treasury notes. We hope, therefore, to be pardoned for what to some may appear unnecessarily minute. " Some months since, the Secretary of the Treasury pro- posed, to all the Banks in the United States, that they should receive treasury notes when offered them, and give their own notes in exchange for them : accompanying this proposition at the same time by a threat, that the treasury should not receive the paper of those Banks which did not receive treasury notes ! At a meeting of a select committee of our Banks, appointed to consider these propositions, it was resolved not to agree to them. Three of the Banks, and of course they arc the three who have been called, be- cause they have become, the debtor I}ank:<, did afterwards, however, by a private and separate arrangement, made by agents sent to Philadelphia on purpose, agree to these pro- positions, without the consent or knowledge of the five BAXKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815 16. 69 Other Banks ; so that these Banks now receive treasury notes from any one vvho presents them, and issue their bills in exchange for them when required. And here, we sub- mit to the reader, whether it does not necessarily and in- evitably follow, that these Banks have parted with all pov/er of control over their issues? That department of the Bank has been abandoned to the Secretary of the Treasury ; for it is very clear, that he may to-morrow, if he pleases, cause these Banks to add twenty millions to that excess of paper, which is the true cause of depreciation. That this excess is continually increasing, is most notorious : to what extent, is one of those Bank secrets which all their caution has not prevented us from penetrating. " Among others, this singular and ludicrous consequence has followed : The United States take only the bills of those Banks which cannot keep their accounts even with the other Banks ; and refuse to receive the bills of those Banks which are immense creditors of the Banks whose bills are received. " And the practical result will be, that so long as the notes of these Banks continue to be worth more than trea- sury notes, so long will treasury notes continue to be pre- sented and Bank notes issued in exchange for them. When the Bank notes, from the quantity afloat, become degraded below treasury notes, this practice will cease. But the affairs of the Banks will be, by that time, utterly irretrieva- ble, and they will follow the fate of all the Banks which have been mere machines of Government. " It appears from the reply to the Connecticut Banks, that in July, the commercial loans had been reduced nearly three millions below what their amount was when pay- ments were suspended. But it is at the same time acknow- ledged, that the whole amount of loans had been increas- ed three per cent, on the capitals of the Banks : and this before the system of receiving treasury notes was adopted. The effect of that system, as we have been recently enabled to ascertain, has been to produce in the creditor Banks an accumulation of the notes of the debtor Banks of between two and three millions: although the balances, when pay- ments were suspended, were less than three hundred thou- sand." The plentifulness of " money," whether caused by the 70 BAXKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. Banks trafficking with the Government, or by discounts to private persons, was very acceptable to the great mass of the people. The Banks of Pennsylvania added ten millions to the amount of their loans in the course of the year, and the Banks of some of the other States were equally liberal, if not more so. Never before had the country exhibited such an appearance of prosperity. The unequal value of the Bank notes of different districts, was productive of some inconvenience, but this was not suffi- cient to counterbalance the advantage of a general rise of prices, and the briskness of nearly every kind of business. " We cannot," says one writer, " see, with some honest calculators, how the continuance of the present state of things can affect the interests of the country. If specie has been withdrawn from circulation, it is because it has been occupied abroad in a more profitable employment than it was engaged in at home. Its exportation has added to the stock and wealth of the nation, by the purchase of merchandise abroad, worth more than the specie itself. To be sure, wc are subject to some inconveniences in our transactions at market, and in petty dealings ; but as we become accustomed to the use of paper money, the disadvan- tage imll vanish. All large mercantile negotiations are conducted as they have heretofore been, by Bank notes, or checks upon Banks. As to the agios of exchange, where balances are due, they must of necessity continue : but before long they will be so completely understood, as to occasion no embarrassment. The merchant who sells his goods for foreign notes, will add to the price of his goods the amount of the loss he sustains upon the notes, and the purchaser will eventually discover, that the differ- ence which he must pay for his goods, at a place where his Bank notes are at a discount, and at a place w here they are at par, is at least equal to the agio on his notes. As to the solidity of the Banks, the suspension of specie pay- ments has produced no alteration. Although the Banks do not pay specie for any of their notes, yet the time never has been when they could pay specie for them all : for a Bank that keeps on hand a sufficiency of specie to meet all its debts, can never divide six per cent, interest. The very principle upon which it is founded, requires that it * Inquiry, &.C., Pliiladelphia, August, 1815. BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. 71 should trade beyond its capital. But the Banks have the same means of discharging all their notes as they ever had, viz : claims upon individuals who have borrowed their money, and who are now as able to pay as ever they were, if not in specie, in merchandise and property of equal value." In March, 1816, IMr. Carey addressed a series of letters to the directors of the Philadelphia Bank, some extracts from which will elucidate the state of affairs, and the state of feelinor. " Blessed peace at length arrived. * * * * About the middle of May, 1815, the first vessel from Great Britain entered the port of Philadelphia. She was quickly followed by others. They were all full freighted with the most costly productions and manufactures of that country. The news was rapidly conveyed into the interior. The country storekeepers thronged to the city in crowds. Never, probably, were there so many here before at one time. The number has been calculated, and I believe correctly, at two thousand. " They weie all eager to purchase — apparently fearful of not being able to procure adequate supplies — and each providing himself as largely as if he were to have the mo- nopoly of the trade of his neighborhood. " Thus, although the importations were uncommonly great, they were sold off rapidly. The advances on the invoices were universally high. And some of the importers made independent fortunes on single cargoes. " This was the golden age of Philadelphia. The rapid circulation of property — the immensity of business done — and the profits made on that business, produced a degree of prosperity which she had, perhaps, never before wit- nessed. Almost every man in every kind of business, was employed advantageously for himself and for the commu- nity. And so high were the prices of imported articles generally, that domestic manufactures appeared likely to stand the shock of competition. " Of the immense quantity of business done in this city during the last year, some idea may be conceived from the astonishing fact, that the real bona fide auction sales on vfhich duties were paid, amounted in about eight months 72 BANKING FROM 1814-15 TO 1815-16. to near ten millions of dollars. As this kind of business was principally carried on upon credit, it may readily be conceived tiiat it must have created an inordinate quantity of promissory notes. During the first epoch, (the months of May, June, July and August,) which I have styled, and I think justly, the golden age of Philadelphia, there were few of these notes offered at the Banks which were not dis- counted. The Banks were in a most liberal mood. Few men of fair character experienced refusals. Instances oc- curred of notes being discounted at the different Banks for thirty, forty, fifty, sixty and seventy thousand dollars. Cases of this kind were not, I believe, very numerous. But enough of them did occur, to establish the fact of the extreme liberality that prevailed on the subject of dis- counts. *' The Banks have been censured, and very severely, for the extension of their discounts at this period. They have been charged with taking advantage of the suspension of specie payments, with over-trading and over-issuing of notes. " Superficial reasoners have carried these allegations to a great extent — and have not scrupled to brand this con- duct as fraudulent. These charges are highly unjust, ex- cept, perhaps, so far as respects those immoderate notes above mentioned. These I do not undertake to defend." Mr. Carey then attempts to refute the opinion of those "superficial reasoners" who maintained that the Banks had over-traded. " Never" in his opiuion, " was a coun- try in a more enviable state." The only cause of com- plaint he had against the Banks, was, that in the month of September they began to curtail mercantile accommo- dations, whereby, in the months of October and November, there was a considerable fall in the price of British goods. The necessity for this curtailment, Mr. Carey shows to have arisen from the extensive dealiusrs of the Banks in Government securities, thereby confirming the statements of Mr. Bronson. The published accounts show that seven of the Banks of Philadelphia, having nominal capitals of the amount of $7,700,000, had invested about 83,500,000 in Government stock. BAjVKING from 1815-16 TO 1816-17. 73 CHAPTER IX. Of Banking from 1815-16 to 1816-17. The bona fide revenue of Government for the year end- ing December 31st, 1815, was only fifteen million seven hundred thousand dollars, and the charges on Government in the same period amounted to upwards of thirty-nine mil- lion dollars : but with so much skill did the high officers of State exert those powers of financial metamorphosis which the funding and treasury note system gave them, that there was, at the end of the year, a balance in the trea- sury of upwards of thirteen millions of dollars. The grand secret by which this balance was produced, was that of exchanging treasury notes, many of which bore interest, for inconvertible Bank notes which bore no inte- rest. The officers of the treasury seemed highly pleased with the result of their operations : yet they found a diffi- culty in applying the balance where it was most wanted. But little of the money with which the treasury overflowed would pass current thirty miles from the seat of the Banks that had issued it, and paying the discount was a clear loss to Government or the creditors of Government. As was observed in a former chapter, the disadvantages arising from the various values of Bank notes, were not, in the case of individuals, sufficient to counterbalance the advan- tages arising from the advancing price of real estate, and the universal briskness of business. The time for general suffering, through the necessary reaction of the system, had not yet arrived. The want of uniformity appears to have been the only evil the officers of Government discovered in the state of the currency. If the depreciation had been uniform, as it was in England, there is no reason to believe they would have complained. In his message to Congress, on the 5th of December, 1815, President Madison said, " It is true, that the im- proved condition of the public revenue will not only afford the means of maintaining the faith of the Government with its creditors inviolate, and of prosecuting successfully the 74 BANKING FROM 1315-16 TO 1816-17. measures of the most liberal policy, but will also justify au immediate alleviation of the burdens imposed by the neces- sities of the war. It is, however, essential to every modi- fication of the finances, that the benefits of an rmiform na- tional currency should be restored to the community. The absence of the precious metals will, it is believed, be a tem- porary evil : but, until they can be rendered again the gene- ral medium of exchange, it devolves on the wisdom of Con- gress to provide a substitute, which shall equally engage the confidence, and accommodate the wants, of the citizens throughout the Union. If the operation of the State Banks cannot produce this result, the probable operation of a Na- tional Bank will merit consideration : and if neither of these expedients be deemed effectual, it may become ne- cessary to ascertain the terms upon which the notes of the Government (no longer required as an instrument of cre- dit,) shall be issued, upon motives of general policy, as a common medium of circulation." The Secretary of the Treasury, in his report on the 7th of December, entered at large upon the subject. " It is not intended," he said, " upon this occasion, to condemn generally the suspension of specie payments : for appear- ances indicated an approaching firisis, which would proba- bly have imposed it as a measure of necessity, if it had not been adopted as a measure of precaution. But the danger which originally induced, and perhaps justified, the conduct of the Banks, has passed away, and the continuance of the suspension of specie payments must be ascribed to a new cause." The Secretary admitted the practicability of sup- planting the paper currency by s])ecie, and did not regard it as a very difficult operation : " But is it," he asked " with- in the scope of a wise policy, to create additional demands for coin, and in that way to multiply the inducements to retain and import the precious metals of which it is com- posed ? * * * * Even, however, if it were practicable, it has sometimes been questioned whether it would be politic, again to employ gold and silver for the purposes of a na- tional currency. It was long and universally supposed, that, to maintain a paper medium without depreciation, the certainty of being able to convert it into coin was indis- pensable : nor can the experiment ivhich has given rise to the contrary doctrine be deemed complete or conclusive. But, BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. 75 whatever may be the issue of that experiment elsewhere, a difference in the structure of the Government, in the physical as well as the political situation of the country, and in the various departments of industry, seems to de- prive it of any important influence as a precedent for the imitation of the United States." Lord Stanhope had laid it down as a principle, " that a pound sterling being the abstract value, by which the com- puted value of any object of consumption is measured, that value ought to be independent of the variable quantities of gold and silver, the representative signs of which may be found in circulation." In conformity to this doctrine by which an abstract idea was made the standard of value, the British Government had imposed a penalty on all who should presume to pay more than twenty-one shillings in Bank paper for a guinea: and so very profound and inge- nious a doctrine could not fail to make proselytes on this side of the Atlantic. It was the delusion of the day. A host of British mi- nisterial writers had taken much pains to prove that Bank of England paper was as good as gold, and even better: and they had numerous copyists in America. Mr. Dallas, in admitting that inconvertible paper was not, whatever might be its abstract excellence, adapted to the situation of our country, was in advance of many of his cotempora- ries. After the Secretary had made his report, Dr. Bollman is- sued a pamphlet,* in which he declared : " The paper of the Bank of England preserves a value, as steady perhaps as any attainable, whilst the precious metals, like other com- modities, fluctuate around this standard : and the system now in f .rce, after an experience of eighteen years, is found so perfectly satisfactory, that the greater number of the most zealous bullionists, convinced of their former error, begin to doubt whether the resumption of specie payments would be at all expedient, should even no difficulty what- ever stand in the way of this measure." The Doctor pro- posed the establishment of a National Bank, the notes of which should be redeemable in United States six per cent, stock. His plan was to be completed by making the notes * Plan of an Improved System of the Money Concerns of the Union. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1816. 76 BAXKIXG FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. of the State Banks payable, not in specie, but in the paper of the Xational Bank. Mr. Carey pronounced the plan of Dr. Bollman a " mag- nijicent" one, and said it " would be a sovereign remedy for all the financial difficulties of the country."* Another of the literati of Philadelphia published some essays in the National Intelligencer, in which he endea- vored to refute, what he conceived to be, "the very fallacious and mischievous doctrines which some of the federal ora- tors in Congress had recently uttered on the subject of a paper currency in general. Such, for instance, as the fol- lowing : ' That paper not convertible can never have the quality of money. That the ability of a Bank to redeem, i. e. to pay specie, is the true criterion of excessive issues. That a paper currency is depreciated when it ceases to be of equal value with gold and silver. That the suspension of specie payments by the Bank of England in 1797, led to a depreciation of its paper. That the rise of specie, and p. general increase of prices, are the certain indications of depreciation,' «Soc. — " All which propositions," said our American anti-bullionist, " derived from the report of the English bullion committee, were most triumphantly refuted, in the discussions to which that report gave birth, in and out of Parliament, and are now in England considered as absolutely exploded." Mr. Carey, and the author of the essays published under the signature of " Anti-BuUionist," appear to have after- wards changed their views of the nature of inconvertible paper : but Dr. Bollman was, if we may judge by his latest publications, indexible in error. A new light was now, however, breaking on the people. To borrow the language of the committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, " Towards the close of the year 1815, the doctrine so generally taught, and so generally received by the great mass of the community, that the paper currency was not depreciated, but that specie had risen in value, be- gan to be abandoned. The intelligent part of the people became convinced that, although the nominal prices of property and commodities had been advanced, the sub- stantial wealth of society had absolutely diminished." * Letters to the Directors of the Banks, March 27th, 1816. BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 181G-17. 77 In Congress there were kw, if any, open advocates of inconvertible currency. On the eighth of January 1816, a bill was reported to establish a Bank of the United States. The bill was, word for word, nearly the same as that which had been brought before the House in 1814, excepting that it made the capital thirty-five millions instead of fifty, contained no provision to compel the Bank to lend to Government, and did not directly sanction a suspension of specie payments. On the 26th of February, the House proceeded to con- sider the bill in committee of the whole, and Mr. Calhoun addressed them at length in support of the measure. " There had been," he said, " an extraordinary revolu- tion in the currency of the country. By a sort of under current, the power of Congress to regulate the money of the country had caved in, and upon its ruin had sprung up those institutions which now exercised the right of making money in and for the United States : for gold and silver are not the only money, but whatever is the medium of purchase and sale, in which Bank paper alone was now employed, and had therefore become the money of the country. A change, great and wonderful, has taken place, which divests you of your rights, and turns you back to the condition of the Revolutionary War, in which every State issued bills of credit, which were made a legal tender, and were of various values. We have in lieu of gold and silver, a paper medium, unequally but generally depreciated, which affects the trade and industry of the nation : which paralyzes the national arm : which sullies the faith both public and private of the United States. According to es- timation there were in circulation, within the United States, two hundred millions of dollars of Bank notes, credits and Bank paper, in one shape or other. Supposing thirty mil- lions of these to be in possession of the Banks themselves, there were, perhaps, one hundred and seventy millions ac- tually in circulation, or on which they draw interest, while there were not, according to estimation, in the vaults of all the Banks, more than fifteen million in specie. The Banks had undertook to make loans to Government, not as brokers, but as stockholders — a practice wholly inconsistent with the system of specie payments. Of public stock the Banks held on, the thirtieth day of September last, about H 78 BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. eighteen millions and a half, and a nearly equal amount of treasury notes, besides stock for long loans made to the State Governments, amounting altogether to within a small amount of forty millions. If the Banks would regularly and consentaneously begin to dispose of their stock, to call in their notes for the treasury notes they have, and mode- rately curtail their private discounts : if they would act in concert in this manner, they might resume specie pay- ments. A National Bank, paying specie itself, would have a tendency to make specie payments general, as well by its influence as its example." Mr. Ward, of Massachusetts, " acknowledged the cor- rectness of the representation of the existing evil, for which he appeared to think the remedy was near at hand, and more simple in its application than the establishment of a National Bank, viz., by refusing to receive the notes of those Banks which do not pay specie, in dues to Govern- ment. But for an alliance which he considered disgrace- ful to the country, and unjust to individuals, between the Secretary of the Treasury and the Banks which refused to pay specie, the evil never would have existed." Mr. Smith, of jMaryland, " thought that, as far as he had information, the Banks had not issued more notes than, from the amount of their capital, they had a right to do," He was friendly to the proposal to establish a National Bank, but " he did not think it would do any harm, if the Bank were to commence its operations without specie, but with an assurance in its charter, of payment of specie at a particular day. Such an assurance would make the Bank notes equally good, in his eyes at least, as gold and silver." The National Intelligencer said that, " with these views Mr. S. concluded his p?-<7<:^/r«/ speech." Mr. Sergeant proposed to reduce the amount of the capi- tal of the Bank, from thirty-five to twenty millions. " With regard to the present time, he said, he should be glad to know why the Treasury of the United States had not now the command of specie payments, and the rate of exchange in its own hands." Mr. Ward thought that, " in the progressive state of the country, it was not very important whether the capital was thirty-five or twenty millions : the latter amount could be used with nearly as much effect for any mischievous pur- BAMCING mOM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. 79 poses as the former — that sum would be quite sufficient to influence the destinies of the nation." INIr. Tucker, of Virginia, was of opinion, that a capital of thirty-five millions would not be too large. " In New York, as I have understood, it is contemplated to put into activity an additional Bank capital of fourteen millions. In the State which I have the honor to represent, efforts have lately been made to establish fifteen new Banks, with a capital, I presume, of about seven millions. Do not these things prove that there is a fair prospect of profit?" Mr. Webster said, " It was a mistaken idea that we were about to reform the national currency. No nation had a better currency than tb.e United States — there was no nation which had guarded its currency with more care; for the framers of the Constitution, and those who enacted the early statutes on this subject, wexQ hard-monty men ; they had felt, and therefore duly appreciated, the evils of a paper medium; they therefore sedulously guarded the cur- rency of the United States from debasement. The legal currency of the United States was gold and silver coin ; this was a subject in regard to which Congress had run into no folly. " As to the conduct of the Banks, he would not examine whether the great advances they had made to the Govern- ment, during the war, were right or wrong in them, or whether it was right or wrong in the Government to accept them ; but, since the peace, he contended, their conduct had been wholly unjustifiable, as also had that of the Trea- sury in relation to them. It had been supposed that the Banks would have immediately sold out the stocks, with which they had no business, and fulfilled their engage- ments ; but public opinion had, in this respect, been disap- pointed. When this happened, the Government ought, by the use of the means in its power, to have compelled the Banks to return to their specie payments. " The establishment of a National Bank not being, in his opinion, the proper remedy, he proceeded to examine what was. The solvency of the Banks was not questioned; there could be no doubt, he said, if the Banks would unite in the object, they might in three weeks resume the pay- ment of specie, and render the adoption of any measure by this House wholly unnecessary. The Banks, he said, 80 BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. were making extravagant profits out of the present state of things, which ought to be curtailed. He referred, for illus- tration of this point, to the state of the Banks of Pennsyl- vania, as exhibited in the return to the Legislature of that State, which, with a capital of 2,500,000 dollars, had done a discount business of 4,133,000 at the same time that it held 1,811,000 dollars of the United States' stock — so that, without taking into account a mass of treasury notes, real estate, &c., that Bank was receiving interest on six and a half millions, nearly three times the amount of its capital. That Bank had been pronounced by the Legislature to be in " a flourishing state ;" it was so to the stockholders in the Bank, he doubted not. " The Banks not emanating from Congress, what engine were Congress to use for remedying the existing evil? Their only legitimate power, he said, was to interdict the paper of such Banks as do not pay specie, from being received at the Custom Houses. With a receipt of forty millions a year, if the Government was faithful to itself and to the in- terests of the people, they could control the evil, and it was their duty to make the effort. They should have made it long ago, and they ought now to make it." After some members who were friendly to the proposal to establish a National Bank had spoken — Mr. Randolph expressed his fears " lest gentlemen had got some of their ideas on this subject from the wretched pamphlets, under which the British and American presses had groaned, on the subject of a circulating medium. The proposal to establish this great Bank, he described as a crutch, and, as far as he understood it, it was a broken one : it would tend, instead of remedying the evil, to aggravate it. Tiie evil of the times was a spirit engendered in this Republic fatal to republican principles — fatal to republi- can virtue: a spirit to live by any means but those of honest industry : a spirit of profusion ; in other words, the spirit of Cataline himself — alicni avidus sui profusus — a spirit of expediency, not only in public, but in private life: the system of Diddler in the farce — living any way and well; wearing an expensive coat, and drinking the finest wines at any body's expense. If we wish to transmit our institutions, unimpaired, to posterity, we must put BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1316-17. 81 bounds to the spirit which seeks wealth by every path but the plain and regular path of honest industry and honest fame. " It was unpleasant, he said, to put one's self in array against a great leading interest in the community, be they a knot of land-speculators, paper-jobbers, or what not : but, every man you meet, in this House or out of it, with some rare exceptions, which served only to prove the general rule, was either a stockholder, president, cashier, clerk, or door-keeper, runner, engraver, paper-maker, or mechanic, in some way or other to a Bank. The gentleman from Pennsylvania, might dismiss his fears for the State Banks, with their one hundred and seventy millions of paper on eighty-two millions of capital. However great the evil of their conduct might be, who was to bell the cat? w'ho was to take the bull by the horns? You might as well attack Gibraltar with a pocket-pistol, as to attempt to punish them. There were very few who dared to speak truth of this mammoth: the Banks were so linked together with the business of the world, that there were very few men exempt from their influence. The true secret is, the Banks are creditors as well as debtors ; and if we were merely creditors to them for the paper in our pockets, they would soon, like Morris and Nicholson, go to jail (figuratively speaking) for having issued more paper than they were able to pay when presented to them. A man has their note for fifty dollars, perhaps, in his pocket, for which he wants fifty Spanish milled dollars: and they have his note for five thousand in their possession and laugh at his de- mand. We are tied hand and foot, and bound to con- ciliate this grand mammoth, which is set up to worship in this Christian land: we are bound to propitiate it. Thus, whilst our Government denounces hierarchy ; will permit no privileged order for conducting the service of the true God; whilst it denounces nobility, ifcc, has a privileged order of new men grown up, the pressure of whose foot he, at this moment, felt on his neck. But, he said, a man might as well go to Constantinople to preach Christianity, as to get up here and preach against Banks." The bill was read a third time on the 14th of March, and passed the House by a vote of 80 to 71. Hh 82 BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. When it came before the Senate, Mr. Mann, of N. H., moved so to amend it that the whole amount of specie to be paid in at the time of subscription should be two million eight hundred thousand dollars, instead of one million lour hundred thousand. " The United States' stock subscribable and payable at the same time, to the amount of seven mil lions, would be no more aid to the Bank in discounting, with a view to redeeming its notes in specie, than so many Bank bills. The amount of one million four hundred thou- .sand dollars in specie, divided among the different branches, which he presumed would be immediately established, would, he argued, be insufficient for any operation what- ever. Let the Bank issue paper to produce any effect, and the specie in its vaults would be instantly withdrawn from them; twenty-five days would be sufficient for that pur- pose. It might be said the Banks would commence ope- rations slowly and with caution ; but any man acquainted with the institution of Banks knows that the sumjirst paid in is nearly all that the stockholders ever pay. The Bank would continue in operation forever, without taking from the stockholders any considerable sum more than the first instalment : for, as far as the Bank discounted, the second instalment would be paid into the Bank with the specie of the first instalment, &c. This was a position so fully sup- ported by all experience, that he presumed it would not be denied." Mr. King, of New York, supported this motion. " The gentleman from New Hampshire had conclusively shown, that one and a half millions was the greatest extent to which, as it now stood, the Bank could safely issue on a specie system. Illustrating his view of the subject by a detailed statement of the process, he said, that the first discounts of the Bank being necessarily to those most pressed by the State Banks, the proceeds of the discounts would immedi- ately find their way to the State Banks. Under this view, a million and a half would be a sum entirely too small to enter into a competition with the existing Banks." Mr. Bibb, of Georgia, and Mr. Barbour of Virginia, op- posed the motion. In reply to some remarks by those gen- tlemen, Mr. Mann said, " he knew of no law of the United States which authorized any officer of the Government to receive any part of the spurious money, which the gentle- BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. 83 man said was in circulation. The laws were already per- fect on this subject. If the executive officers had received other moneys in payment than those authorized by law, they had acted without law, without right. The remedy now proposed, was, Mr. M. thought, something like Sangrado's practice : more Bank paper of the same sort — more hot water for the same evil." Mr. Mann's motion to amend was rejected. Mr. Wells opposed the bill on constitutional grounds, and because he did not believe it would have the effect intend- ed. " This bill," he said, " came out of the hands of the Administration ostensibly for the purpose of curtailing the over issue of Bank paper : and yet it came prepared to in- flict upon us the same evil, being itself nothing more than simply a paper making machine ; and constituting, in this respect, a scheme of policy about as wise, in point of pre- caution, as the contrivance of one of Rabelais' heroes, who hid himself in the water for fear of the rain. The disease, it is said, under which the people labor, is the Banking fe- ver of the States ; and this is to be cured by giving them the Banking fever of the United States." So little effect have the strongest arguments on men whose minds are made up, that the bill was passed by the Senate on the 3d of April, by a vote of 22 to 12 : and returned to the House for concurrence in certain amend- ments, not important enough to deserve special notice. When the question on concurrence with the amendments of the Senate was stated, Mr. Randolph declared himself the holder of no stock whatever, except live stock, and had determined never to own any : but, if this bill passed, he would not only be a stockholder to the utmost of his power, but would advise every man, over whom he had any in- fluence to do the same, because it was the creation of a great privileged order of the most hateful kind to his feel- ings, and because he would rather be the master than the slave. If he must have a master, let him be one with epau- lettes — something that he could fear and respect, something that he could look up to — but not a master with a quill be- hind his ear." Mr. Webster " animadverted on what he called a com- promise of principle, on a great moneyed institution,, and the desertion, not only of principles, but of friends, which had characterized the proceedings of this bilK" 84 BANKING FROM 1815-16 TO 1816-17. A motion to postpone the bill indefinitely, was decided in the negative on the 4th of April, by a vote of G7 to 91. The amendments made by the Senate were concurred in by the House; and on the 10th of April the bill was ap- proved by James Madison, the President. x\t the same session of Congress, a resolution was passed declaring that, after the 20th of February, 1817, nothing but gold and silver, treasury notes, and the notes of specie paying Banks, ought to be received in payment of dues to the United States. An incident which occurred in the beginning of this year, deserves mention, as an example of the power the Banks had over the community. A Mr. Fisher, a gentleman of Richmond, wished to enforce the payment often notes for 100 dollars each, which had been issued by a Bank .in Virginia. It had been his wish to bring a suit against the Bank in 1815, but he could not find any gentleman of the bar at Richmond, who was willing to undertake the busi- ness. He at length succeeded in engaging a lawyer, and, in January, 1816, regular proceedings were instituted : but the President of the Bank refused to obey the summons. The sheriff called to his aid a posse comitatus, and the President was forcibly taken before the court. The Bank still refusing to pay the amount of its notes, its doors were closed by the sheriff. It then brought suit against Mr. Fisher, laying its damages at 10,000 dollars, and also took measures for instituting legal proceedings against the she- riff! The doors of the Bank were surreptiously opened, and the Bank continued its operations, thus gaining a new tri- umph over the laws.* The Banks of other parts of the country, evinced an equal indisposition to obey- the laws of the land. Notwitli- standing that the resolution of Congress designated the 20th of February, 1817, as the day after which the notes of non-specie paying Banks ought not to be received in payment of dues to Government, " the principal Banks in the Middle States explicitly stated" to the Treasury Depart- ment, in the montli of August, " their determination not to resume specie payments before the 1st of July, 1817. "f Mr, Dallas had, however, become weary of treating with * Niles. t Letter of Mr. Dallas, Nov. 29lh, 18J6. BANKING FROM 1816-17 TO 1817-18. 85 the Banks as with independent sovereignties. He gave pub- lic notice, on the r2th of September, that the resolution of Congress would be enforced. But the delegates of the Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the Dis- trict of Columbia, assembled at New York on the IGth of September, bid him defiance, by resolutions which they published, fixing on the 1st of July for the resumption of specie payments. The resolution of Congress was, however, of such a na- ture that it could not easily be evaded ; and it was not a lit- tle strengthened, by an act of the Legislature of New York, imposing a penalty of twelve per cent, on any Bank within that commonwealth, which should not pay its notes on de- mand. An act of this kind had been brought before the Legislature in April, 1815, but tha fair promises of the Banks, and the exertions of their agents, prevented its being adopted in that year. Tired out by the subterfuges of the moneyed corporations, the Legislature at last adopt- ed this salutary measure. CHAPTER X. Of Banking from 1816-17 to 1817-18. During the year ending December 31st, 1816, the re venue of the United States' Government amounted to the enormous sum of forty-seven millions of dollars, or to two millions more than the total of the national debt on the first of January, 1812. The appearance of increasing riches, and the general rise of prices produced by the free use of paper money, had caused a consumption of foreign commodities, the effect of which was felt by Government in the great increase of its revenue. But, with all this income, our fiscal affairs were not free from embarrassment. " The public treasury exhibit- ed a phenomenon in finance. Many millions of surplus revenue, with as many different values as there were offi- ces of collection, constantly accumulating at those ports of entry where it was least valuable, and applicable only where it was collected, while the great mass of public debt and 86 BAJTKIA'G FROM 1816-17 TO 1817-16. expenditures was at those places where the public moneys were least available : even the quarterly interest on the public debt, due where the currency was most valuable, could not be discharged but by the evidence of a new debt, in the form of seven per cent, treasury notes. Thus creating an invidious distinction as well between the debt- ors as the creditors of the public, in many cases exceeding twenty per cent, on the amount of their respective claims. The market value of the currency paid to the Government, was made to fluctuate according to the arbitrary decisions of Banks, and intrigues of brokers. " In this situation, the State Banks which had been employed as depositories of the public money, withheld the indispensable facilities of exchange, for the payment of the public creditors, and finally refused to pay the ba- lances due by them, but in the ordinary course of public expenditure; at their respective places of location claim- ing, under various groundless pretexts, the indulgence of Government, while the immense sums received by them on account of the United States in the paper of the Banks which did not participate in the public deposits, enabled them to control those Banks and protract their efforts to resume specie payments."* Such was the state of affairs, that, though there was a balance of twf.ntii-tico millions in the treasury, the Govern- ment was compelled to borrow five hundred thousand dol- lars from the United States Bank, in anticipation of its regular operations, to pay the interest due on the public debt at Boston on the first of January, 1817. The Bank of the United States opened its doors at Phil- adelphia on the 1st of January, 1817. Its capital then consisted of one million four hundred thousand dollars in specie, and fourteen millions in public stocks. About this time a second instalment in specie, of the amount of two millions eight hundred tliousand dollars, was due : " but it is clear," says a Friendly Monitor, " that the Bank having commenced operations, and put its paper in circulation, could not enforce tiie payment of the specie part of the second and third instalments of the capital in nao acquisi- * " A Friendly Monitor." Philadelphia, December, 1819. Rep., September, 1H22. Mr. Gallatin says " it is well known that this pamiililet came from an authentic source." We have been told it was written by W. Jones, the first President of the United States Bank. BAXKkVG FROM lSlG-17 TO 1817-18. 87 tions of specie. They would be paid either in the notes of the Bank, or in the specie vvhich they would draw out of the Bank, or with checks drawn on the credit of the discounts, or not at all : for if the Bank had ceased to fur- nish facilities in the vain expectation of coercing payment, no dividend could have accrued * * * * The direc- tors therefore acted wisely in discounting the notes of the stockholders payable in specie sixty days after date." From the documents laid before Congress in 1819, it ap- pears that the directors did not wait till the second instalment was due : but passed a resolution in December, before any notes of the Bank were in circulation, authorizing discounts on a pledge of stock. Such " facilities" enabled the stock- holders either to comply with, or to evade, the requisitions of the law, as the reader is disposed to interpret its terms. A large part of the second instalment was not paid till months after it was due, and instead of two millions eight hundred thousand dollars, only three hundred and twenty-four thou- sand can, according to the report of a committee of Con- gress, be fairly presumed to have been paid in coin. A third instalment, of two millions eight hundred thou- sand in coin, and of seven millions in Government stock, was due after the 1st of July. But the committee of Con- gress say that, " of the two million eight hundred thousand dollars which was to have been paid at the third instalment, it is believed that a very trifling amount was paid in coin, and as little of the funded debt, but that nearly the whole were paid by the proceeds of notes discounted on stock."* To be brief, the capital of the United States Bank, when all paid in, consisted of about two millions in specie, instead of seven millions, and of about tv,enly-one millions in funded debt, instead of twenty-eight millions, and of about twelve millions in the stock notes of the original stockholders. Mr. Mann had predicted that the stock would be completed in this way, and it being the way in which Bank stock is usually completed, the result ought to occasion no surprise. The manner in which the discounts on pledges of stock of the Bank were conducted, was very beneficial to some of the original shareholders. " The directors did not confine themselves to the amount prescribed in the resolution of De- * Report to Congress, January, 1819. 88 BA\KIi\G FROM 1816-17 TO 1817-18. cember 27th, that is, to the proportion of the coined part of the second instalment, but discounted to the full par value of the stock which was paid for by the proceeds of the same discounts; and the discounts, the payment of the second instalment, the payment of the price to the owner, the transfer, and the pledge of the stock, were, as it is termed, simultaneous operations. All the discounts on stock after the 20th of February, 1817, were made at the par value of the shares, which enabled the discounter not only to pay the whole of the instalments, including the specie part, and the funded debt part, but also to draw out of the Bank the amount which might have been paid in on his shares. * * * The effect of these discounts was, very obviously, to enable those who had made large purchases, to retain their stock without paying for it, and to derive a benefit from its probable advancement in price. Had the Bank rigidly required the payment of the instalments, the large stockholders must have sold that portion of their shares which their real means did not enable them to hold. Or, if the Bank had not exacted the instalments, and had not afforded the means of substituting credit for payment, the stock would not have advanced materially in price, and thelartre holdersof itwould have had no inducementto retain it. In either event, a more equal dilTusion of shares would have been the consecjuence, and it would have reached the hands of solid capitalists, who would have held only what they could pay for."* In August a resolutior. was adopted to grant discounts on Bank stock, at the rate of 125 for 100 paid, with an indorser for the excess. " And in order to insure the greatest amount of such loans, and at the same time afford facilities to the prompt purchase and sale of stock," the President and Cashier were authorized, " to discount all stock notes that should be offered between discount days, to a certain amount. Stock-jobbing to an immense extent, and wagers on the price of shares, were the inevitable con- sequences of this system. It gave equal f;icilities to the bankrupt, who had not credit enough to obtain an indorser, and to the capitalist. Stock could be, and was, purchased without the advance of a cent by the purcha.'^er, who had only to apply to tlic directors, or to the President and '' llepoil to Congress, Jan. 1819. BAVKI9G FROM 1S1&-17 TO H17-li 89 Cashier between diacoont dava, for a loan on the shares about to be bought, and. by what is termed a «iroaltaneoas operation, he obtained the discount, and with it paid fijr his stock. A rise in the market wonld enable him to sell his shares, pocket the difference, and commence operations anew. The loans actually made were most of them un- reasonable, and excesaJTe in their amoant : they were not made to the merchant and trader, bat to a few per^ns consisting of directors, brokers, and speculators: and have been renewed and continued almost invariably at the option of the borrower. " One of the arts obviously intended to give the Bank stock a high price in the European market, was the es- tablishment of an agency there to pay the dividends. On the 28th of November, 1816, a resolution was passed by the casting vote of the President, and against the report of a committee who had been appointed to consider the sub- ject, authorizing John Sergeant, Es■ — through speculation, and the facilities of the abomi- nable paper system. "t " I am told that one merchant, who lately failed to the * Weekly Register, November 9th. t Jb, June 5th. BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. Il3 eastward, yet lives in a house for which, and its furniture, he was offered 200,000 dollars in real money and refus- ed it." " Scenes of speculation are revealed and revealing that sober people had no idea of. Their effect penetrates through all classes of society. The day -laborer feels it, and suffers, because 3Ir. Highflyer co\x\d sign his name prettily, and thereby cause his paper to pass through some of the Banks. The farmer who improved his plantation by build- ino" a cosily dwelling on credit, is compelled to sell both farm alid dwelling to pay the debts incurred in erecting the house ! — a pipe of wine, or a Cashmere shawl, compels some merchants to stop payment! I have heard of one man who failed for more than 8500,000, whose private wine vault, as it stood at the time of his bankruptcy, was estimat- ed to have cost him -ST, 000. This is said to have hap- pened in the sober city of Philadelphia.* " Twenty or thirty years ago, if a man failed for 100,000 dollars, the people talked as fearfully about it as about that time the old women did of the fulfilment of Love's prophe- cies,' who had determined that the world should come to an end before the close of the last century. But now, through the blessings of the ' paper system,' the facilities which it afforded, and the speculations it nourished, it is not decent for a man to break for less than 100,000 ; and if a person would be thought a respectable bankrupt, he ought to owe two or three hundred thousand or more. If with this ex- tent of credit it should appear that he had not been worth one cent for twenty years, and was not entitled to be trust- ed for a pair of shoes, so much the better ! — it is evidence of his qualities as a financier. And if, out of other peo- ples' money, he has given his wife 50,000 or 00,000 dollars, it shows \\\s prudence in ' providing for his family. 'f " Tiie Federal Gazette of the 18th instant, contains six solid, formidable columns of advertisements, by order of the commissioners for conferring the benefit of the ' insol- vent laws' of Maryland — in all about sixty — which gives the names, perhaps, of nearly one-third of the persons who are ' going through our mill' just at this time ; several of whom are those that lately counted their affairs by hundreds of * Weekly Register, June 12th. t August ]4th. L Ii4 BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. thousands, or by millions of dollars ; who erected palaces, and furnished them with a degree of magnificence superior to that which many German princes aspired to — who still live in splendid ajflunice, and indulge tltonselvcs in the most luxurious viands — their wives and children, or some kind relative, having been made rich through their swindlings of the people."* On the yth of December, a committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania was appointed to inquire into the causes and extent of tiie public distress, and on the 29th of January, 1820, the committee made a report, through Mr. Raguet, their chairman, in which they said — " In the performance of a duty of such high importance as that wliich has been intrusted to your committee, they have felt it incumbent on them to enter at large into the in- vestigation of the subject contemplated by their appoint- ment, in order that the people of the present day may be correc ly informed as to the extent and causes of the evil by which they are oppressed, and that the records of tlie House may be furnished with a document, wliich may af- ford evidence at a future day of the miseries which it is possible to inflict upon a people by errors in legislation, and by the bad administration of incorporated institutions. " In ascertaining the extent of the public distress, your committee has had no difficulties to encounter. Members of the Legislature from various quarters of the State, have been consulted in relation to this subject, and their written testimony in answer to interrogatories submitted to them by the committee, has agreed, with scarcely a single ex- ception, on all material points. With such a respectable weight of evidence, added to that which has been derived from the prothonotaries, recorders and sheriffs of the dif- ferent counties, from an intercourse with numerous pri- vate citizens residing in different parts of the Slate, as well as from the various petitions presented to the Legislature, your committee can safely assert, that a distress unexam- pled in our country since tlie period of its independence, prevails throughout the connnonwcalth. This distress ex- hibits itself under the varied forms of — *' 1. Ruinous sacrifices of landed property at sheriff's * Weekly Register, October '^3d. BANKIXG FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. 115 Siiles, whereby, in many cases, lands and houses have been sold at less than a half, a third, or a fourth of their former value, thereby depriving of their liomes, and of the fruits of laborious years, a vast number of our industrious far- mers, some of whom have been driven to seek, in the un- cultivated forests of the West, that shelter of which they have been deprived in their native State. " 2. Forced sales of merchandise, houseliold goods, farm- ing stock, and utensils, at prices far below the cost of pro- duction, by wliich many families have been deprived of the common necessaries of life, and of the implements of their trade. '' 3. Numerous bankruptcies and pecuniary embarrass- ments of every description, as well among the agricultural and manufacturincr, as the mercantile classes. " 4. A general scarcity of money throughout the country ^ which renders it almost impossible for the husbandman or other owner of real estate to borrow at a usurious interest, and where landed security of the most indubitable character is offered as a pledge. A similar difficulty of procuring on loan had existed in the metropolis previous to October last, but has since then been partially removed. " 5. A general suspension of labor, the only legitimate source of wealth, in our cities and towns, by which thou- sands of our most useful citizens are rendered destitute of the means of support, and are reduced to the extremity of poverty and despair. " 6. An almost entire cessation of the usual circulation of commodities, and a consequent stagnation of business, which is limited to the mere purchase and sale of the ne- cessaries of life, and of such articles of consumption as are absolutely required by the season. " 7. A universal suspension of all large manufacturing operations, by which, in addition to the dismissal of the numerous productive laborers heretofore engaged therein, who can find no other employment, the public loses the re- venue of the capital invested in machinery and buildings. " 8. Usurious extortions, whereby corporations instituted for Banking, Insurance, and other purposes, in violation of law, possess themselves of the products of industry without granting an equivalent. 116 BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. " 9. The overflowing .of our prisons with insolvent debt- ors, most of whom are confined for trifling sums, whereby the community loses a portion of its effective labor, and is compelled to support families by charity, who have thus been deprived of their protectors. " 10. Numerous law suits upon the dockets of our courts and of our justices of the peace, which lead to extravagant costs and the loss of a great portion of valuable time. "11. Vexatious losses arising from the depreciation and fluctuation in the value of Bank notes, the impositions of brokers, and the frauds of counterfeiters. " 12. A general inability in the community to meet with punctuality the payment of debts even for family expenses, which is experienced as well by those who are wealthy in property, as by those who have hitherto relied upon their current receipts to discliarge their current engagements. " With such a mass of evils to oppress them, it cannot be wondered at that the people should be dispirited, and that they should look to their representatives for relief. Their patient endurance of suflering, which can only be imagined by those who have habitually intermingled with them at their homes and by their firesides, merits the commenda- tion of the Legislature, and prefers a powerful claim to their interference. " Havmg thus enumerated the most prominent features of the general distress, your committee will proceed to point out the cause which in their opinion has occasioned it. That cause is to be found chiefly in the abuses of the Bank- ing system, which abuses consist, first, in the excessive number of Banks, and, sccondli/, in their universal bad ad- ministration. For the first of these abuses the people have to reproach themselves, for having urged the Legislature to depart from that truly republican doctrine which influenced the deliberations of our early assemblies, and which taught that the incorporation of the moneyed interest, already suf- ficiently powerful of itself , was hut the creation of an odious aristocracy , hostile to the spirit of free government, and subversive of the rights and liberties of the people. The second abuse, the mismanagement of Banks, is to be as- cribed to a general ignorance of the true theory of curren- cy and Banking, and to the avarice of speculators, desirous of acquiring the property of others by an artificial rise in BANKING FROM lSlS-19 TO 1819-20. 117 the mominal value of stock, and bv the sharing of usurious dividends. " In order that this subject may be clearly understood, your committee have thought that the following concise his- tory of Banking in Pennsylvania would be acceptable." The committee then give a short history of Banking in Pennsylvania, and of the operations of the United States' Bank, up to July, 1818, aftor which they remark — " This unwise procedure of replunging the people into the debts from which they had been partially extricated, and of involving others v.ho had hitherto escaped, was con- tinued for a time, but the dreadful day of retribution at length arrived. The Bank, (i. e. the U. S. Bank,) disco- vered almost too late, that its issues had been extended be- yond the limits of safety, and that it was completely in the power of its creditors. It also foresaw that the payment of that portion of the Louisiana debt, redeemable on the 21st of October, 1818, which was held by foreigners, might oc- casion a demand for a considerable amount of coin, that the enhanced prices of China, India, and other goods, occU' sioned hy the depreciation of the currency from the over is- sues of itself and the State Banks, would lead to a demand for specie, and that as it was professedly a specie Bank, and liable, under a penalty of twelve per cent, per annum, to pay its notes on demand, the same delicacy and for- bearance would not be exercised towards it as to the State Banks. These considerations compelled it to seek its own safety, and from that moment a system of reduction com- menced. This reduction operating upon the State Banks, which had not profited by the opportunity afforded them of contractincr their loans whilst the other was extending, obliged them also to diminish their transactions, and a ge- neral curtailment ensued which has not yet had its consum- mation. The severity of the second pressure commenced in the city in October, 1818, and was continued without intermission for a year ; at the expiration of which time it is said that the reductions made there by the National Bank alone have exceeded seven millions of dollars, and those by the other Banks probably two or four more. The reduc- tions of the country Banks during the three last years, may be inferred from the following statement, which ex» l1 118 BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20- hibits the amount of their notes in circulation at four dif- ferent periods. November 1st, 1816 $4,756,460 Do. 1817 3,783,760 Do. 1818 3,011,153 Do. 1819 1,318,976 " From the foregoing history it will be seen, what in- fluence has been produced upon the affairs of the commu- nity by the operation of the Banking system. Real pro- perty has been raised in nominal value, and thousands of individuals have been led into speculation, who without the facility of Bank loans would never have been thus seduced. The gradual nominal rise in the price of land, has produced an artificial appearance of increasing v/ealth, which has led to the indulging of extravagance and luxury, and to the neglect of productive industry. Foreign im- portations and domestic consumptions have thus been car- ried to an extent far beyond what the actual resources of the country and people would justify, and in pursuing a shadow, the community has lost sight of the substance." A similar Committee of Investigation, appointed by the House of Representatives, on the 13th of December, 1819, made report through their chairman, Mr. Wm. J. Duane, on the 28th of January, 1820, that, " As to the extent of the distress, it might be answered, in the language of the resolutions under which your Com- mittee act, that it is general : it extends, indeed, to the pursuits and habitations of the former capitalist, as well as to those of the more humble farmer and mechanic : there is no part of the commonwealth into which calamity has not penetrated, or in which numerous victims have not been found. But with regard to the extent of the loss which the State has suffered from the destruction of capi- tal, the emigration of our citizens to the wilderness, the stagnation of business, the deterioration of landed property, and the prostration of manufactories, and above all, in the change of the moral ciiaracter of many of our citizens by the presence of distress, your committee are utterly una- ble to decide : tlie extent of the mischief, they believe, defies scrutiny and surpasses the power of calculation. " From the numerous petitions which have been pre- sented at the present session, your committee quote the BANKING FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. 119 following extracts, which describe scenes of distress such as have been seldom, if ever, before beheld on this side of the Atlantic : Sundry citizens of Northumberland county declare — " The currency is so diminished as scarcely to suffice for the transaction of the most ordinary business : the pro- duce of the country has met with an unprecedented reduc- tion : the greater part of the citizens of this once flourish- ing commonwealth, even with the utmost economy and industry, are scarcely able to obtain sufficient articles to sustain life: real and personal property are daily sacrificed, and become the prey of speculators : debts are unpaid, creditors are dissatisfied, and the prisons are crowded with honest but unfortunate persons, whose wives and children must be a burden on the township, or suffer for want of the mere necessaries of life." Sundry citizens of Wayne county represent — " From the fall of every kind of produce, the scarcity of the circulating medium, and other causes, the general dis- tress in our part of the State hath become so great and alarming, as to call for the attention and wisdom of the Legislature. Our most industrious citizens are no longer able to meet their engagements, but their hard-earned pro- perty is daily sacrificed at a nominal value, and falling into the hands of a few speculators." Sundry inhabitants of Pike county assert — " At no time, since the Revolution, has greater distress been felt than at the present moment. We consider the Banking system to have been the principal cause : instead of becoming, as was predicted, blessings to the people. Banks have become like the scorpions among the children of Israel, perfect beasts of prey. The property of the great portion of our industrious people is brought to sale at one- fourth of its value, and struck off to speculators, leaving honest creditors unpaid, and families reduced to beggary " Sundry inhabitants of Huntingdon county represent — " That the mass of the people are utterly unable, at once, to pay their debts : that their property is selling at such rates, that even the fees of law-officers are not realized : that the industrious are impoverished, whilst the speculating part of the community are daily growing more wealthy : that the evil is only beginning, and demands legislative inter- position." 120 BAXKIXG FROM 1818-19 TO 1819-20. A memorial from sundry citizens of the western parts of the State, asserts — " That embarrassment is universal : that the sordid and avaricious are acquiring the sacrificed property of the liberal and industrious : that so much property is exposed to sale under execution, that buyers cannot be had to pay more for it than the fees of offices : that those mischiefs, instead of diminishing, are daily increasing, and that over- trading and the facility of getting credit have produced these effects." The petition of the inhabitants of Fayette county repre- sents — " That the fictitious capital and boundless credit extend- ed by Banking, the almost universal spirit of speculation, the prostration of manufactures by the mistaken policy of the National Government, the introduction of luxuries and extravagancies, and a reduction of exports, have produced a long train of calamities : that industry is paralized — that the precious metals hav3 vanished — that the Banks are tottering — that litigation is unprecedented in extent, and ruinous in its effects — that many merciless creditors, not content with plunging unfortunate debtors into the most abject poverty, frequently take from them the whole of that property to themselves, which in better times would pay the sums due to all, leaving the unfortunate debtor in jail, and his family in misery. " These are but a few of the extracts, which might be presented to the House and placed upon the journal : but these are deemed sufficient, accompanied by the remark, that these representations are not only supported by all the other petitions presented at this session, but by the testi- mony of the members of the Legislature, coming them- selves from all quarters of the Slate." The committee then give a short sketch of the commer- cial history of the country, after which, they say — " In defiance of all experience, and in contempt of warnings almost prophetic, which were given to them at the time, the people of Pennsylvania, during an expensive war, and in the midst of great embarrassments, established forty-one new Banks, with a capital of seventeen and a half millions dollars, and authority to issue Bank notes to dou- ble that amount! In consequence of this most destructive BANKING FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. 121 measure, the inclination of a large part of the people, cre- ated by past prosperity, to live by speculation and not by labor, was greatly increased : a spirit in all respects akin to gambling, prevailed ; a fictitious value was given to all descriptions of property : specie was driven from circula- tion, as if by common consent, and all efforts to restore society to its natural condition were treated with undis- guised contempt." These remarks are followed by a short view of operations subsequent to the war, after which, the Committee de- clare — " A new measure, however, remained to be adopted, that was really to close the last scene in the drama of error : the currency had already nearly vanished, but was tempo- rarily restored on the seaboard. The enormity of fictitious credit began to be felt : the abusive extent of paper issues was about to effect its own remedy in the State, when Con- gress created a corporation, with authority to circulate up- wards of one hundred milUons of a new paper medium — a corporation spreading its branches over the Union with the baneful influence of the fabled Upas. " Awakened by the quick succession of events so disas- trous, from the dream of perpetual prosperity under which they had so long been entranced, the people now find themselves involved in distresses, against which no provi- sion had been made, and from which, they allege, they can find no refuse but in legislative interference." CHAPTER Xlir. Of Banking from 1819-20 to 1820-21. Appended to the report of the committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, are a number of questions which were propounded to members of the Legislature, together with the answers which were given. From these answers we have formed the following table of the price of the best im- proved land in Pennsylvania, at three different periods. The second column gives the price the land bore in the height of the speculation, which was in different coun- 1809 Bedford, $30 to 40 Lebanon, 40 to 60 Bradford and ^ Tiot>;a, ^ G to 14 Somerset and ) Cambria," ^ Cumberland, 40 to GO Daupliin, IG to 24 Adams, 30 to 50 Lane-aster, 75 to 100 Delaware, 75 to 1-20 Northumberland, 40 to 50 Berks and i Schuylkill, ] 80 to 100 Northampton . 80 to 100 Wayne & Pike, > Bucks, 50 to GO Huntington, 20 to 30 122 BANKING FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. ties in different years, as the Banks extended their opera- tions into them. 1819 80 to 100 (1815) 20 to 30 130 to 150 (1816-17) 50 to 70 10 to 20 (1814) 3 to 10 15 to 50 (1814) 5 to 20 150 to 200 (1813-14) 25 to 40 35 to 45 (1815-lG) 12 to 15 GO to 100 (1814) no price 250 to 300 (1813-14) 50 to 70 100 to 150 40 to 75 80 to 90(1815) 30 to 40 150 to 200 80 to 100 100 to 140(1815-16) 15 to 20 100 to 110 (1814-15) 55 to 65 40 to 60 (1815) 20 to 30 The official valuation of real and personal property in the State of New York, exhibits an equally striking fall. It was, in 1818, #314, 013, 695, 1819, 281, 862, 793, 1820, 256, 603, 300.* The depression of prices continued throughout the year 1820, and, though money was abundant with retired capi- talists, the pressure on the great body of industrious peo- ple was very severe. " Our difficulties in commerce," said a director of the United States' Bank, writing to a friend in England, "continue without abatement. Men in busi- ness are like patients in the last stage of consumption, hoping for a favorable change, but growing worse every day till they expire. Dismal as are the prospects on your side of the water, they are worse here. You have some rearular and profitable trade — wc have none. It is ail scam- per and hap-hazard." The director then states that in former times he would, without hesitation, have trusted some men among his customers with goods to the amount of 100,000 pounds sterling ; but he adds, " now I do not * Niles, December 24th, 1821. BANKING FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. 123 know the persons doing business ; and there is not one among them whose order I would take for 1,000 pounds. "What a difference! A long continuance of distresses in the commercial world has had a bad effect on the morality of the country. The vast number of failures takes away the odium. Men fail in parties for convenience; and the bar- riers of honesty are broken down by a perpetual legislation suited to the condition of insolvent debtors. We have now no imprisonment for debt. Credit is become very rare, as you may well imagine, for we have nothing to depend upon but a man's honesty. Besides our commercial distresses, we are suffering great alarm in this city (Philadelphia) from incendiaries, who have succeeded in setting fire to a great number of buildings. On Sunday evening our theatre was entirely destroyed. " Houses which rented for 1,290 dollars, now rent for 450 dollars. Fuel which cost 12 dollars, now costs 5J dol' lars : flour which was 10 and 11 dollars, is now 4^; beef 25 cents, now 8 cents : other things in proportion. It is thus true we now pay less for these necessaries, but we can make no money. The farmer is become as poor as a rat: the labor of the farm costs him more than the produce is worth. He cannot pay the storekeeper, and the storekeep- er cannot pay the merchant. ". iMail robberies and piracies are quite the order of the day. Two men were huno- at Baltimore a few months ago for robbiiig the mail : two more will experience the same fate, in a few days, at the same place, for the same crime. Two men are to be hung there a week hence for piracy, and five others are under sentence of death.'* " Money is plenty," says Mr. Niles, on the 4th of March. " The six per cent, stocks are at 103 to 104 ; but there is little use for money in the hands of those who do not owe it. Hence it has a sluggish currency, and those who have it do not know what to do with it for themselves, and are afraid to trust it to others." On tlie 15th of April, the same writer says — " It has be- come a serious affair to the laboring man to purchase him- self a new garment — his wages, on an average, do not pur- * See Niles, vol. 18, p. 3-87. The letter appeared ia the London Courier, on the 11th of May, 1820. 124 BACKING FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. chase him half as much as they did, and he is continually uncertain as to obtaining even that. Many of the mecha- nical professions have equally declined : as an instance, though our population is one-half greater than it was ten years ago, it is certainly a fact that the printing of books is not now half so extensive as it was then. The desire to read is not lessened, but the means of purchasing are de- nied — the most common school books are a drug. Hatters, shoemakers, and tailors, and even blacksmiths, whose work seemed to be indispensable, have lost, in general, much of their former businesses — from a fourth to one-half. This is the result of necessity, and those who might purchase, abstain, in looking to a fearful future." On the IGih of September, he says — " Five years ago all the large stores in Market street, &c., Baltimore, were cut into two, and then there was not enough of them ; and a dwelling house could hardly be had — if a man talked of moving, fifty were applying for the property. The stores have resumed their old shapes, and dwelling houses are abundant. I believe we have 10,000 less inhabitants than we had in 1815; and, by calculation,! have concluded that the property on Market street at this time, if all on rent, would produce a sum less by $250,000 a year, than it would have produced as rent in that year. " Desire no longer presses on enjoyment with the la- boring classes, but necessity presses on necessity; and, one by one, tliey give up their enjoyments which they hitherto delighted to indulge themselves in. This is evident to every person who will look at society. The laboring people can- not get much money, and therefore cannot spend much. The average price oi' wheat is hardly more than fifty cents a bushel, and the farmer cannot buy many luxuries at that rate: a mechanic is hardly half his time employed, or at reduced wages, and must therefore limit his expenditure." It was natural that, in this condition of things, the pub- lic mind should be employed on projects for alleviating dis- tress, if not for preventing its recurrence. One measure that was suggested, was the requiring of cash payment of duties. This would have been beneficial, insomuch as it would have lopped off" one of the branches of the super-extended credit system, but it would have af- forded no immediate relief An cftbrt was made in Con- BANKIXG FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. 125 gress to carry through a measure of this kind, but it was not successful. Another effort, which was attended with no better suc- cess, was to restrict sales by auction. There is no cause to regret that this effort did not succeed. The only way in which the value of many kinds of property could be real- ized in this season of distress, was by sales by auctions, and restrictions on this business would have increased the sufferings of the public. A large portion of society were very anxious that a bank- rupt law should be passed, and it may be doubted if the mercantile part of any community ever stood more in need of relief But the bill which Was reported to Congress was modelled on the English system, and not adapted to the state of things in America. It might, if it had been adopted, have afforded relief to many worthy men ; but in it55 general operation it would probably have been produc- tive of great evils. It was rejected by a decided majority. The measure from which most was hoped, and which was pushed with most vigor and most perseverance, was an increase of the duty on imports. The dullness of business, the lowness of prices, and the want of employment, which were produced by the re-action of the Banking system, were all urged as reasons why Congress should afford ade- quate " protection to domestic industry." It is no part of our plan to discuss the tariff policy. But it belongs to the history of Banking, to state that the raismg of the duties on imports, to a height which now threatens to con- vulse if not to rend our Union, was one of the consequences of the great re-action of 1819. As the effects of the re-ac- tion were felt for several years, the advocates of the restric- tive system had full leisure for applying all the arguments in support of their favorite policy, which they could derive from the continued lowness of prices, dullness of business, and want of employment. The evils produced by the system of paper money and moneyed corporations, are of such a nature that they can- not be remedied by acts of legislation. When they come they must be endured. If we icill have the system, we viust bear its consequences. But there was one measure which, as it might have alleviated the distress, we have sometimes wondered was not adopted : We have wonder- M 12G BANKING FROM 1819-20 TO 1820-21. ed it was not adopted, because it is a measure which has been adopted in other countries, and in our own country at other times. We mean an equitable adjustment of the affairs of debtor and creditor. When the South Sea bub- ble bursted, the British Parliament saw that to require a literal fulfilment of the obligations which were affected by that stock-jobbing concern, would be to give the getters up of that scheme all the property of their miserable dupes. It therefore, in some cases, reduced the amount of money to be paid, as much as nine-tenths. During the Revolution- ary War, " scales of the depreciation" of continental money were from time to time published by the Legislature, by which the courts were governed in enforcing such con- tracts as were submitted to adjudication. The great Banking bubble of America was the same in principle as the South Sea bubble, but of longer continu- ance, and involved in it the fortunes of the whole commu- nity. But nothing like an equitable adjustment of the af- fairs of debtor and creditor was attempted. An obligation to pay 10,000 dollars entered into in 18 IG or 1818, when the current dollar was in some parts of the country worth perhaps but 50 cents in silver, was enforced according to the strictness of the letter, in 1819 and 1820, when the cur- rent dollar was of equal value with the legal dollar, and worth one hundred cents in silver. It is an awful thing to change the money standard of a country: but it is equally awful to refuse to recognize such a change, after it has actually been made. Effecting an equitable adjustment of the affairs of debtor and creditor, by a legislative or a judicial recognition of the practical changes which had been made in the standard of A'alue, would not have " impaired the obligation of contracts." Both debtor and creditor, when they entered into the con- tract, had the " current" dollar in view. The disorder was, however, so general, that an equitable adjustment of con- tracts would liave been a work of great ditliculty, if not of impossibility. Perhaps the courts, looking forward to the operations of future years, acted wisely in regarding the dollar as a fixed quantity, though it was, in fact, during these years, a quantity that was always changing. BANKIXG IN THE WE5TERIV STATES- 127 CHAPTER XIV. Of Banking in the Western States. The first paper issuing institution west of the Alleghany mountains, was the Lexington Insurance Company, which was incorporated in 1802, with a capital of 150,000 dol- lars, and for which Humphrey Marshall, the historian of Kentucky, says, Banking privileges were surreptitiously ob- tained. The business being found to be lucrative to those who were engaged in it, the Kentucky Bank was insti- tuted in 1807, with a nominal capital of one million of dollars. The Miami Exporting Company was instituted at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in 1803, with a capital of 200,000 dollars. As its title indicates that it was established ostensibly for com- mercial purposes of another nature, perhaps Banking pri- vileges were obtained for it surreptitiously, as in the case, in the previous year, of the Lexington Insurance Company. Be this as it may, the Miami Exporting Company did Banking business ; and in the nine years subsequent to its institution, five other Banks were established in different parts of the State, making in all six Banks in Ohio in 1812, with a nominal capital of 1,200,000 dollars. These Banks maintained specie payments till within a month or two of the close of the war. This is a fact not generally known, but it is placed beyond doubt by a state- ment made by Mr. Hawkins in Congress, on the 17th of January, 1815, that " even the Banks of Kentucky and Ohio, where specie abounded, had at length been com- pelled in self-defence to stop payment of specie." It must be evident from this, that if the United States' Government had immediately compelled the Banks of the great Atlantic cities to redeem the pledge they had given in the preceding August, the western country might have suffered but little from the suspension of specie payments. But, when the United States' Government connived at the suspension of specie payments, sanctioned the use of in- convertible paper, and by its fiscal manceuvering encouraged the issue of additional amounts of such paper, it was im- possible that the mania which had reached Pennsylvania, 128 BANKING IN THE WESTERN STATES. from New England, through New York and New Jersey, should not extend into Ohio and Kentucky. Kentucky was, however, at first comparatively moderate. All she did at the close of the war, was to authorize the Bank of Kentucky to increase its capital to three millions, and to establish thirteen branches. Seven of these branches were in operation in 1816. Ohio, apparently, went further into the system ; for, we have seen a list of twenty-one chartered institutions which were in operation in that State in 1816, and allusion is made to others which were carrying on the Banking business without charters. Still, the issues of paper in the Western States were moderate when compared with those in the Middle States. Mr. William Jones, the first President of the United States' Bank, stated, in the documents laid before Congress in 1819, that, " at the time of the subscription to the stock of the Bank, specie was at six per cent, at the westward, and at fourteen per cent, in Philadelphia, New York, and Bal- timore." In the table appended to Mr. McDuffie's report, the rate of exchange at Lexington on Boston, in July 1816, is stated to have been two per cent. — a sure proof that the currency of Kentucky was not at that time much, if it was any, depreciated. The issues of the western Banks were probably increased considerably in the last six months of 181C : and in this or the following year, the system was extended into Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. It was about this time, that branches of the United States' Bank were established in the West, and they sought to make a profit, less by circulating their own paper, than by giving drafts on the eastern cities, receiving in exchange notes of the local Banks, and requiring interest to be paid on the same. This was rather a round-about way of in- ducing the local Banks to extend their issues, but it was the most effective that could be adopted. Western Bank paper being exchangeable for United States' branch drafts, and United States' branch drafts being exchangea- ble for European products in the Atlantic cities, the efl^ect was similar to that which would have been produced by making western Bank notes current in New York and Philadelphia. The full elfects of this system were felt in the year 1818, BANKIXG I-\ THE WESTERN STATES. 129 or in the second year of active operations of the United States' Bank. 3Ir. Niles, then, speaking of " new Banks establishing or about to be established," says, " Behold for- ty-three new Banks authorized in Kentucky — half a score in Tennessee — eight in Ohio," &c. Of those authorized in Kentucky, at least tJdrtii-Jive, since known as the Inde- pendent Banks of Kentucky, went into operation. Their nominal capital was between seven and eight millions of dollars, but their real capital must have been small : for, the American Quarterly Review says, the same specie was used for different Banks, and only remained long enough in each for the law to be complied with. If the months of May, June, July, and August, 1815, were " the golden age of Philadelphia," the first months of the year 1818, were the golden age of the western coun- try. Silver could hardly have been more plentiful at Jerusalem in the days of Solomon, than paper money was in Ohio, Kentucky, and the adjoining regions. But, when the United States' Bank found it necessary to curtail, money became as scarce in the West as silver is in Jeru- salem under the Turkish despotism. The Bank of the United States was very sudden in its demands, for its necessities were such as to admit of no delay. An Ohio paper says that the branch at Cincinnati called on the local Banks of that town for a balance of 700,000 dollars, in requisitions of twenty per cent, every thirty days. This compelled the Bank of Cincinnati to stop payment about the middle of November, 1818, and in two days afterwards the Bank of Kentucky unexpectedly followed its example. A strong expression of public opi- nion compelled the Bank of Kentucky to resume specie payments in less than a week, and it continued to pay specie till the early part of 1820. It is stated that in the twelve months preceding June 26th, 1819, 800,000 dollars in specie were drawn from Ohio. If this be true, the wonder is not that only six or seven Banks in that State paid specie in August, 1819, but that they were not all bankrupt. This was the fate of the Independent Banks of Kentucky. Some of them main- tained a show of specie payments till August, and after- wards paid out notes which were lent them by the Bank of M m 130 BANKING IN THE WESTERN STATES. Kentucky, redeemable in 365 days after date : but, towards the close of the year few of them paid any thing. The Bank of Vincennes (Indiana) had recourse to a very ingenious expedient. It issued notes payable at its branch at Vevay, nine months after date, printing the words "nine months after date" in very small letters. All this, however, availed nothing. It went with the others.* The effect which the sudden withdrawal of specie and discrediting of Bank paper, had on prices in the western country was very distressing. " It is said '' remarked Mr. Niles on the 2d of September, 1820, " but we know not how to believe it, that corn is selling at 10, and wheat at 20 cents per bushel, specie, in some parts of Kentucky. At this rate how are debts to be paid V Mr. Niles ap- pears afterwards to have had other evidence sufficient to overcome his incredulity, for he remarked on the loth of September, 1821 : " A gentleman in Western Virginia directs the Register to be stopped, because he used to pay for it annually with one barrel of flour, but that three will not do it now. Another, a miller in Ohio, on paying his advance to my agent, observed, that he had sold four barrels of Jlour to obtain the note of five dollars which was remitted." In other publications we have evidence of the lowness of prices. For example : In the United States Gazette of May 23d, 1821, corn is said to have been sold at Cincin- nati at 10 cents a bushel : and the same periodical of 1st of June, has a notice of a letter from a practical farmer in Harrison County, Ohio, stating that wheat had fallen to 25 cents a bushel, and in some instances to 12 J cents. A letter from Greenfield, Ohio, dated May 3d, 1821, and quoted in the Gazette of June 23d, states tliat wheat was sold at 12J cents a bushel, and that whiskey was dull at 15 cents a gallon. f The Weekly Register of May 19th, ■* Tlie Banks in the cr/rtme West did not all stop payment till a year or two ulter tlie tailnre of the Banks in Kentucky. The Shawneetown and Edwardsville Banks, in Illinois, paid specie inAugust, 18'-21. One, at least, of the Banks in Missouri, continued to pay specie until the latter part of 1821 ; and several of the Ohio Banks appear to have paid specie in the midst of all the confusion. t Towards the close of the year 1831| flour rose at Cincinnati to $3 50 a barrel. BANKING IN THE WESTERN STATES. 131 gives the following quotation from " a late Pittsburg Mer- cury." " Flour, a barrel, $1 : whiskey 15 cents a gallon : good merchantable pine boards, 20 cents a hundred feet : sheep and calves $1 a head. Foreign goods at the old prices. One bushel and a half of wheat will buy a pound of coffee : a barrel of flour will buy a pound of tea ; twelve and a half barrels will buy one yard of superfine broadcloth.'' While the staples of the western country were at this low price, the people were deeply in debt to the United States Government, to the merchants of the Atlantic cities, to the United States' Bank, to the local Banks, and to one another. The plentiful issues of paper had led to great speculations in the public lands. The wild lands of the West had been sold, in some instances, as high as forty or fifty dollars an acre. The sum due to Government on ac- count of these purchases, exceeded twenty-two million dol- lars in the latter part of 1820. The sum due to one of the branches of the United States' Bank, that at Cincinnati, exceeded two million dollars. The sums which were due by the western people to one another, to the local Banks, and to the merchants of the Atlantic cities could not easily be calculated. To relieve the public distress, the Legislature of Ohio passed a law to prevent property from being sold unless it would bring a certain amount, to be fixed by appraisers. This law operated very unequally. Another law of the same State, to prohibit buying and selling the notes of char- tered Banks, would have increased the mischief, if it had not, happily, been such a law as, from the nature of things, could not be enforced. Kentucky adopted what has been called the " relief sys- tem," in all its extent. Stop laws, stays of executions, and replevin acts, followed one another in quick succession. And Commonwealth's Banks, or State Loan Oflices, were established in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, with power to issue millions of paper money. The credi- tor had no alternative but to receive this paper or wait for payment till better times should arrive. Governor Adair, in his message to the Legislature, in October, 1821, said, that " the paramount law of necessi- ty" had compelled Kentucky to resort to a policy against 132 BAXKIXG IN THE WESTERN STATES. which Strong objections might be brought: but, he added, " let it never be forgotten, that the measures adopted have completely realized the proposed end : that an agitated and endangered population of half a million of souls, has been tranquillized and secured, without the infliction of legal jus- tice, or the example of violated morality." All the people of Kentucky did not think so highly of the system, and the Judges of the Court of Appeals were among the dissidents. They resolutely refused to acknow- ledo-e the constitutionality of the " relief laws :" and the Legislature established a new Court of Appeals, the judges composing which were friendly to the relief system. The people divided into two parties, and the contest was conducted with great violence. The party friendly to the new Court of Appeals had the ascendancy for several years. In 1824, they numbered sixty members of the Legislature, while their opponents numbered but forty. In the session of 1S25-2G, they appear to have been less powerful, for we find that preparations were made to defend the records of the new Court of Appeals with powder and ball.* In the fall of 1826, the friends of the Old Court elected a majo- rity of members of the Legislature. A change of only ninety-one votes at the polls, would have given their oppo- nents the majority of members. The Old Court party has, however, ever since retained its ascendancy ; and the re- lief system is at an end. All parties now are willing to admit that this " relief sys- tem" did great evil. It did not effect an equitable adjust- ment of the affairs of debtor and creditor. That could have been effected only by a legislative or judicial recogni- tion of the changes which had been made in the standard of value, and a separate adjudication in each case. It was only by accident if a man received payment in paper of the same value as that which was current when the debt was contracted. The Bank of Kentucky commenced discounting on the 27th of April, 1821. Its notes were sold almost immedi- ately at 70 cents in the dollar ; and continued to depreciate till April or jNIay in the ensuing year, when the exchange was 210 paper dollars for 100 silver dollars. On the 28th of July, 1821, which was ten days after it commenced its * See Philadelphia Gazette of January 1st, 1826. BANKiyO IX THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. 133 issues, the notes of the State Bank of Illinois were 50 per cent, below par. In addition to the loss which each cre- ditor sustained by being paid in money of this description, he was liable to further loss from the paper depreciating while it remained in his hands. The other branches of the relief system, the stop laws, the appraisement laws, the stays of execution, and the re- plevin acts, tended to destroy the confidence of men in one another and in the Government. The relief system is at an end ; but its evil effects will be felt in the West for twenty years. What, then, ought we to think of the Banking system, in which the relief sys- tem originated ? CHAPTER XV. Of Banlcing in the Southcestern States. From Mr. Gallatin's and Mr. Crawford's tables, there appear to have been three Banks in operation in Louisiana, in 1814, with a capital of $1,432,300; two in Tennessee, with a capital of ,$212,962 ; and one in Mississippi, with a capital of $100,000. The Banks of New Orleans suspended specie payments in the latter part of April, 1814,* about four months sooner than the Banks of Philadelphia. The pretext was, that a contraband trade was drawing away all the specie. The fact mav have been as stated : but if the Banks of New Orleans had not issued to excess, no contraband trade, or any other kind of trade, could have deprived Louisiana of its metallic money. The excuse was, however, quite as good as that made by the Banks of the Middle States, viz. " That dealings in British Government bills of exchange, and importations of foreign goods through the Eastern States, were drawing off all the silver." The Bank of Nashville, Tennessee, did not stop specie payments till July or August, 1815, nearly a year after the Banks of Philadelphia.t * See Niles' Weekly Register for May or June, 1814. t lb. August, 1815. 134 BANKING IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. The Banks in Tennessee in 1817, were the Fayetteville Bank of Tennessee, with a capital of 200,000 dollars ; the Nashville Bank, with a capital of 400,000 dollars ; and the State Bank, with a capital of 400,000 dollars. In Novem- ber 1817, tlie capital of the State Bank was increased to 800,000 dollars, and authority was given to it to accept a batch of Banks as branches, which thereby swelled its capital to 1,600,000 dollars. A similar union was effected between the Nashville Bank and a number of others, by which the capital of the Nashville Bank was augmented to 1,031,705 dollars.* Between the years 1817 and 1820, the capital of the Bank of Mississippi was increased from 100,000 to 900,000 dollars: and the number of Banks in Louisiana was in- creased from three to four, and their capital from 1,432,300 to 2,597,420 dollars. About the same time, the system was introduced into Alabama, by the establishment of the Planters' Bank at Huntsville. The same causes that led to the extension of Banking operations in Ohio and Kentucky, were what led to an ex- tension of Banking operations in the Southwestern States ; and they all felt the reaction of the system about the same time. In July, 1819, the Banks of Tennessee stopped pay- ment : and, soon alter, a law was passed forbidding the issuing of executions on judgments, for two years, unless the plaintiff would consent to receive " current notes" in payment. As the ''current notes," {i. e., the notes of the non- specie-paying Banks of the State,) were many per cent, below par, this was making a considerable abatement of the demands of creditors. It gave them cause for complaint, but did not effectually relieve debtors; and, as the public distress increased, a special meeting of the Legislature was held in June, 1820, to consider the state of affairs, The Governor told them, in his message, " lie was fully per- suaded much good would result to the country, generally, by extending the time in which payments can by the pre- sent laws be forced, unless the creditor should, by his own voluntary act, make terms of accommodation, and, instead * American Quarterly Review. BANKING IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. 135 of cash payments, take tVom the debtor such valuable estate, either real or personal, as it may be in his power to give, and at such abatement under its estimated value as you may direct." The Legislature, in acting on this sub- ject, not only adopted the proposition of the Governor, but established a relief Bank, with a capital of 1,000,000 dol- lars, to make loans to debtors only. As a fund for the re- demption of the notes of this Bank of the State of Tennes- see, as it was called, the proceeds of certain public lands were appropriated. At the same time, an act was passed authorizing defendants to redeem in two years all lands and negroes sold under execution, on paying to the pur- chaser ten per cent, on the money he might have advanced. Gen. Jackson, Col. Edward Ward, and other citizens, remonstrated against these proceedings, pronouncing them inexpedient, injurious in their tendency, and in violation of the Constitution. Gen. Jackson, in particular, was very energetic in his opposition ; and a number of the most respectable citizens of the State united with him in senti- ment. Their combined efforts could not prevent the Legis- lature from adopting the system : but it would hardly be correct to say, that their opposition had no effect. The issues of the Bank of the State of Tennessee were mode- rate, when compared with those of the Bank of the Com- monwealth of Kentucky : and Tennessee appears not to have suffered as much as her sister State, by the relief system. In March, 1821, the notes of specie-paying Banks were at an advance, at Nashville, of 13 to 17 per cent., when estimated in notes of the Bank of the State of Tennessee, and the currency does not appear to have undergone any sensible improvement for several years ; for, we nnd Ten- nessee paper quoted in tlie Philadelphia papers, of August, 1824, at 25 per cent, discount. In July, 1826, the Bank of Nashville gave notice of its intention again to resume specie payments. It commenced them accordingly, in September; but 260,000 dollars in specie were drawn from it in seventy days, and it could bear no further drafts. The only Bank then remaining, (except the private Bank of Yeatman, Woods &- Co.,) was the Bank of the State, the notes of which are quoted in 136 BANKING IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. the Philadelphia papers of 1829 and 1830 at ten per cent, discount. The notes of the Banks of Mississippi and Louisiana appear, from the Philadelphia price currents, to have been subject to little, if any, more vacillation than those of the Banks of the Middle States : but the currency of Alabama has been very bad. In 1831, the notes of the local Banks being discredited, no way w^as found of paying public expenses in Alabama, but by issuing comptroller's warrants. These would not circulate, as some thought, because they were on bad paper and not handsomely printed ; whereupon, it was pro- posed to send to Philadelphia for blank warrants, hand- somely engraved, and printed on silk paper. In 1824, Huntsville notes were at 30 per cent, discount at Philadelphia. In the next year, the Bank of the State of Alabama was brought into operation. All the spare funds of the State were devoted to its establishment, and its capital has been augmented from year to year, as the means of the State Government have increased. Its loans are distributed among the different counties in proportion to their popula- tion. Its notes do not appear ever to have been at par in the Philadelphia market. In 1828, there was no local Bank in operation in Ken- tucky, none in Indiana, none in Illinois, none in Missouri, but one in Tennessee, one in Mississippi, and one in Ala- bama. Branches of the United States' Bank were, however, doing an extensive business in the West : and Judse Catron, of Nashville, in an address which he published in June 1829, pronounced the crisis a dangerous one. " Mil- lions" he said, " have been loaned by a single Bank — the crush of 1819 must overtake us." Directing his remarks " to the cultivators of the soil and the laboring people of Tennessee," he said — " The great pressure upon the people of this State for money, growing out of tlie excessive loans of the Branch Bank of tlie United States' at this place, and the yet more excessive usury (from 5 to 10 per cent, a month,) every where prevailing, has induced me to address you this note upon a subject maturely considered of, during the last ten years ; of the BAXKIJTG IN THE SOUTHWESTERX STATES. 137 necessity of which, my convictions have been confirmed by experience and observation. " I propose that the Legislature of Tennessee, at their next session, pass a law declaring — " That no one shall be bound for the debt or default of another, by writing or otherwise : Provided, that the act shall not extend to secu- rityships entered into in the courts of justice. In other words, that no one shall be bound as security for another, in any case, by word, bond, note or indorsement, for an ordinary contract between man and man." " Should such a law be passed, no man will be trusted, except upon the faith of his property, unless he has indus- try and honesty ; debts will be small and few, cash pay- ments generally required, and the necessaries of life cheap- er to the consumer. " Wives and daughters, I ask your powerful influence and aid, to procure the passage of a law, cutting off the powers of your husbands and fathers, to inflict ruin upon you, by standing the security of worthless adventurers. The writer begs your indulgence to his feelings, when he speaks of you in connection with ruined securities. He has seen you turned out from your happy homes upon the streets and highways in search of bread, the derision of those who had been the cause of your destruction. " For the sake of your families, fellow-citizens, let me intreat you to refuse your names, should the Banks and usurers outvote us, and the law not be passed. If you go security, what right have you to hope that your house will be your own to cover the heads of your wife and children ; you whose labor furnishes us all with bread, I ask — is not the speculator, the idle and worthless coxcomb, who bold- ly solicits credit and obtains it, more encouraged in socie- ty than the most honest and industrious of you, who by hard and daily labor earns his bread ? I appeal to you who till the earth, whom I hail as especial friends ; I ap- peal to the mechanic, with the sweat and dust of labor up- on him, are you not ridden down by unprincipled adven- turers, in cloth and ruffles, who, but the other day, through sheer worthlessness, deserted the plough, the plane, or the trowel, now turned merchants, or mock gentlemen in some form, upon the credit of those from whose side they so lately deserted ? Bankrupts in purse, and knaves in prin- N 138 BANKING IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. ciple, with nothing to recommend them save impudence, and the fine clothes bought with the money you have paid, or will be forced to pay, as their securities. Will you long- er be imposed upon 1 I hear you vociferate the energetic no: you are mistaken, my worthy friends, I know your in- dulgent natures ; a hundred times have you determined, and been ready to take a solemn oath you would never again go security, and as often wanted firmness to resist the succeeding impudent request. Thousands have I known ruined, calling heaven to witness every time they lent their names, that they had gone security the last time. You cannot help it, citizens : it is a weakness of your nature. Step forward boldly and confess that you cannot conquer it, and instruct your representatives to pass a law to pro- tect your frailty, and guard you against those mistaken friends, or designing knaves, threatening your destruction." Judge Catron may spare himself further labor. The pre- sent rage in the West and Southwest, is for State Banks of various forms. Political power and money power are to be henceforth in the same hands. Our present contests are less for the honors than for the emoluments of office. Their violence is to be increased by making the capital and the credit of the different State Governments the prizes of the successful party. In the regulations which may be made for the distribution of loans, there may be great apparent fairness ; but the practical operation of the system must be for the advantage of a small part of the community, and the disadvantage of all the rest. A new kind of aristocra- cy, a kind of half-political, half-moneyed aristocracy, will spring up in the land. The State Governments have no constitutional power to establish State Banks, or any other kind of paper-money issuing institutions. They are expressly prohibited to " emit bills of credit." Qui facit per alios, facit per se. He who does a thing by others, does it himself State Banks and incorporated paper-money Banks are palpable violations of the Coustitution, and would be acknowledged to be so by every body, if interest did not blind men's eyes to the truth. The business of lending money is no part of the duty of any Government, eitlicr State or Federal. If a Govern- ment has more funds than are required for public purposes, BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 139 its duty is to remit part of the public taxes. Banking and brokerage are the proper businesses of such private citi- zens as choose to engage in them, protected by the same laws that protect men engaged in other businesses. CHAPTER XVI. Of Banking in the Southern States. The Banks of the South found it convenient to suspend specie payments, soon after this measure was resolved on by the Banks of Philadelphia; and an extension of Bank- ing operations in that quarter was the necessary conse- quence. Without resorting to other evidence, the follow- ing tabular view of the amount of Bank capital in the four Southern States, in two different periods, will be sufficient.* 1814 1816 Georgia, 623,580 1,. 502,600 South Carolina, 3,730,900 3,832,758 North Carolina, 1,576,600 2,770,000 Virginia, 3,592,000 5,521,415 9,523,080 13,632,773 According to Mr. Gallatin's tables, there were fourteen Banks in these States on the first of January, 1815, and twenty-three on the first of January, 1816. Two of the Banks of Virginia had, in this interval, increased their cir- culation from 4,616,240, to 6,031,446 dollars. Of the cir- culation of the other Banks in the South, we have no re- turns. The aggregate increase was, no doubt, very con- siderable, but it was not sufficient to bring down the cur- rency to a level with that of jMaryland and Pennsylvania. In the tables appended to Mr. McDuffie's report, it is stated that, on the 1st of July, 1816, when subscriptions were made to the stock of the United States' Bank, specie was, at Philadelphia, at 17 per cent, advance, and at Washing- ton, at 20 per cent., while it was only 9 a 10 at Norfolk, and 6 a 8 at Charleston. The price of specie in North Carolina and Georgia is not mentioned, but North Caroli- * See Mr. Crawford's Report in 1620. 140 BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. na notes bore a premium of four per cent, at Philadelphia on that day, and New York notes were at a discount of 5 a 9 per cent, at Savannah. The comparative moderation of the southern Banks is to be ascribed to the fact, that, as but a small portion of the revenue from the customs is collected in the South, they did not get many of the treasury notes which were issued in the year after the war. When the United States' Bank began operations, it did not include the offices at Charleston and Savannah, in the plan for the " equalization of exchanges." It however gave these offices authority to do an extensive business. By the 29th of July, 1817, the branch at Charleston had made discounts to the amount of 850,000, and that at Savannah to the amount of about 300,000 dollars. On the 23d of June, 1818, the total of discounts at Charleston, including bills of exchange and stock notes, was about §2,700,000 at Savannah $1,000,000, at FayettviUe $500,000, at Norfolk $1,400,000, and at Richmond 83,000,000. This increase of credit dealings in the South did not improve the stale of the currency : and the attempts that were made to support excessive issues of paper, by import- ing specie, proved utterly unavailing. The directors of the Bank of the State of South Carolina say, that " in the first six months of 1818, it is probable that upwards of 8800,000 in specie were thrown into general circula- tion in the city of Charleston. It is probable that by the the first of November in that year, not 50,000 dollars of the whole sum remained in the State ; we are confident that not $10,000 could have been found in Charleston." The Bank of the United States was, to promote its own views, very indulgent to the Banks of the South, at the commencement of its operations. Witiiout being so, it could not, as its specie capital was inconsiderable, and as the deposits of public money were small in that quar- ter, have done much business at Savannah and Charles- ton. It freely received the notes of the local Banks, and as it did not press for immediate payirient, it encouraged them to make additional issues. The Bank of the United States could not, however, defer its demands forever, and when it called for payment, a conflict commenced between it and the local Banks, which was not fairly terminated for several years. BANKIN'G I\ THE SOUTHERN STATES. 141 As some movements in the Legislatures of Georgia and South Carolina had, at an early period, indicated a dispo- sition to embarrass its operations, the United States' Bank did not deem it prudent to use the most rigorous measures with the Banks of Charleston and Savannah. Fully aware of this fact, the Banks south of Virginia began, in the crisis of 1819, boldly to evade specie payments, if they did not make a full and formal suspension. The Bank of Darien, Georgia, for example,, adopted the following course of procedure, as is described by an eye wit- ness: "Persons makincr demands on the Bank of Darien must a swear before a justice of the peace, in Bank, to each and every bill presented that it is his own : that he is not agent for any other person ; and that oath must be made in the presence of at least five directors and the cashier: it alsf) makes the person so demanding specie subject to a charge of 81 37^^ on each bill, which must be paid on the spot, and unless you find five directors and the casliier together,. you cannot make a demand."* As the United States' Bank could not easily get pay- ment from the local Banks, and as specie was almost im- mediately demanded for such of its own notes as it issued in the South, it found it politic, if not necessary, to receive what was due on account of the imposts in North and South Carolina, and Georgia, in notes of the Banks of those States. So far as it traded, it traded on these notes, issuincr none of its own. This arrangement ijave the southern Banks a monopoly of the profits deriveable from the circu- lation of paper : but they were not satisfied, because they had not also the profits deriveable from the use of the pub- lic deposits. When the United States' Bank, in the spring of 1820, made a demand on the Banks of Savannah, for payment of a considerable amount of notes, which had been received principally in payment of duties, those Banks refused either to make payment in specie, or to allow interest on the sum which was unliquidated. The United States' Bank then protested a large amount of their notes : and soon afterwards, five hundred dollars in notes of the State Bank of Georgia were advertised to be sold by auction, for specie, in lots to suit purchasers, in front of the Exchange at Savannah. * Nile's Weekly Register, Aagust 14th, 1819. N n 142 BAN'KIXG IX THE SOUTHERN STATES. Ill August the Banks of Savannah had again the re- putation of specie paying Banks : but they refused to give money to individuals for their paper, unless those applying for it would agree to take half the amount in bills of the Darien Bank. It cannot, however, be said that they re- fused all kinds of accomodation to the public, for while they would not pay cash for their notes, they would oblige a holder of them by giving him a draft on New York at three per cent, advance.* In this contest the local Banks enlisted the feelings of the Legislature of Georgia in their favor : and an act was passed in the beginning of 1821, to repeal the law allow- ing twenty-five per cent, damages on non-payment of notes, so far as it might operate in favor of the United States' Bank. Such a disposition in the Legislature, was an encouragement to the Banks to evade payment to indivi- duals : and we read, without feelings of surprise, that on a demand being made in April on the Planters' Bank of Georgia for 30,000 dollars in specie, the cashier replied that he would pay in cents only : and that, when a gentle- man of Augusta made a demand for specie in June, cents were tendered to him and counted out at the rate of sixty dollars a day.f From that time to this, the people of Georgia have suf- fered the evils of irregular Banking, sometimes in one form and sometimes in another. The paper of their Banks is usually at a discount in tlie Philadelphia market, ex- ceeding the natural rate of exchange, that is, the cost of transporting specie. In 1824, complaints were made that "change" bills, issued by individuals and corporations, were in circulation. In the same year we find the Governor declaring " that all the Banks should resume specie pay- ments without delay." If they all resumed them, they could no* ail maintain them, for Mr. White, of Baltimore, in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury in 1830, speaks of " intelligence having just been received of the failure of some of the principal Banks of Georgia to redeem their notes with specie." Complaints of sufferings by tlie people of the State have been frequent. In 1824 and 1828 these complaints were very loud. When the Legis- * Niles, August, 2(;th, lS-20. t United States Gazette of April 30th, and June 22d, 1821. BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 143 lalure attempted to relieve the planters, by establishing a Bank on the funds of the State, called the " Central Bank," and opened that Bank for business at Milledgville in 1829, " the rush for money was tremendous." In South Carolina a disposition was evinced by a part of the population, to make the suspension of specie payments perpetual. Full proof of this is to be found in a long and elaborate report by the directors of the Bank of the State, dated October 1st, 1819, in which all the arguments of the English Anti-Bullionists are placed in prominent relief. The prosperity of the country from 1815 to 1817, is de- picted in glowing colors. The effects produced by the re- sumption of specie payments are deplored as unnecessary evils. " It becomes necessary to inquire," say the direc- tors, " whether, in the present state of the world, a metal- lic currency, sufficient for the wants of our country, is at- tainable, and whether, if it be obtained, it will be worth the necessary cost : whether, in fact, a currency equally good, perhaps better, may not be established, without any of those sacrifices which our country has already been obliged to make, and which it must for a long time make, to secure this fugitive and evanescent object. * * * Jn Great Britain, where alone, in modern days,'gold and silver have for a short time been left freely to find their value in an unshackled market ; they have been known to fluctuate in value nearly 50 per cent, in the course of a few months: a fluctuation which no paper currency has ever undergone, excepting such as has been issued by the mandates of ar- bitrary and necessitous governments, where no value is re- ceived for it on its emission, no pledge given or secured for its redemption." The Bank of the State of South Carolina did not j)ay specie regularly till the year 1823, and the United States' Bank at Charleston, as it is stated in Degrand's Weekly Report, " fostered the irregularity by aiding the circulation of State Bank paper which was not convertible." Since that time. Banking does not appear to have been less " re- gular" in South Carolina than in Pennsylvania : but as " regular" Banking by corporations and with paper money may produce great evils, it might be worthy of inquiry if jiart of the sufferings of the people of that State have not their origin in this cause. The excitement, however, at 144 BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. this moment, appears too great to permit such an inquiry to be made. Virginia has the honor of being the first State that took effectual measures towards reforming the currency. This she did in 1820, when she passed an act to prohibit the cir- culation of notes of a less denomination than five dollars. Her Banking operations have never been less regular than those of the Middle States : and she will probably be one of the first to establish a perfectly sound system of credit and currency. Of the condition of affairs in North Carolina, the reader may judge, by the following extract from a report made to the Legislature, at the session of 1828-29. " The Legislature having laid down, in the charters of the several Banks, certain fundamental articles for the govern- ment thereof, the committee assumed these articles as the basis of their investigations, and proceeded accordingly to inquire, in the first place, whether the stock of the several Banks had been raised in the manner required by their charters? — The evidence received by the committee on this point, shows that the charters of the Banks were disregard- ed and violated in the very creation of their capital. " The charter of the Bank of Cape Fear, enacted in 1804, authorized that corporation to raise a capital stock of $250,000; and the charter of the Newbern Bank, enact- ed in the same year, authorized that Bank to raise a ca- pital stock of $200,000; both charters directing the ca- pital to be paid by the stockholders in gold or silver. The undersigned have received no evidence as to the mode in which these Banks got into operation. It would seem, however, that tliey contemplated, at the outset, an evasion of the provisions of their charters. It is in evidence to the undersigned, that soon after they went into operation, they contrived to get possession of nearly all the paper money which had been issued on the faith of the State, which, being at the time a legal tender, enabled them to evade de- mands for specie, which they did, by thrusting this ragged paper at those wlio presented their notes for specie. In 1807, $2"), 000 was added to the capital stock of each of these Banks; in 1814, their charters were extended, and they were authorized to increase their respective capitals to $800,000 each, viz. the Newbern Bank was authorized to BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 145 raise an addition to its stock of $575,000, and the Bank of Cape Fear, an addition of $525,000. It is in evidence to the undersigned, that the whole of this additional stock was manufactured by the Banks themselves, and that, in many instances, favored individuals were permitted to acquire stock by subscribing their names, and putting their notes into Bank, without advancing a single dollar of actual ca- pital. It follows, that the whole amount of the interest drawn from the people, on the loans made on this fictitious capital, was a foul and illegal extortion. The effect of the trans- action was the same as if the pretended stockholders had individually executed their notes of hand, without interest, to the amount of the notes which they issued from the Bank, and exchanged them with the people for their notes, bear- ing interest, and renewable every ninety days. Taking the issues made on this fabricated capital to be in proportion with those made on the former capital, they must have put into circulation, on the faith of the assumed stock, between 3 and 4,000,000 of notes ; and thus, a parcel of individuals, under the name of stockholders, but who, in fact, held no stock, contrived to exchange their notes, without interest, to the amount of 3 or 4,000,000, for the notes of the peo- ple, bearing an interest of more than 6 per cent.; and while the property of the people was pledged for the pay- ment of the notes they had given to the stockholders, there was not a dollar or an atom of property pleged to them for the payment of the notes they had received ^ro??* the stock- holders ; so that for the use of their notes, which, intrinsi- cally, were of no value at all, the stockholders of these two Banks have drawn from the people, by way of interest, something like 8200,000 annually. - H'C«-^- " The charter of the State Bank, enacted in 1810, au- thorized that corporation to raise a capital stock of 81,600, 000, and directed books to be opened to receive subscrip- tions for that sum, requiring, at the same time, that indi- viduals subscribing for stock, should pay three-fourths of the amount subscribed in gold or silver, and the other fourth in the paper currency issued on the faith of the State. Books were accordingly opened, and the sum subscribed, including the subscription of 8250,000 for the State, amounted to 81,175,600. Of this sum, only 8500,000, or thereabouts, was paid into Bank, as required by the char- 146 BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. ter, in gold or silver. The balance was paid in Bank notes. Upon the capital thus constituted, the Bank went on to ope- rate till November, 1818; at which time, the proportion between the notes in circulation and the specie on hand, was nearly 12 to 1. In other words, the Bank had largely upwards of 11 and nearly 12 dollars of their notes in cir- culation, for every dollar of specie in their vaults. The directors then ordered books to be opened to receive sub- scriptions for the §424,000 which remained unsubscribed when the books were first opened ; and it forms a part of the order by which this additional subscription was au- thorized, that the subscribers inight pay it in the notes of the Bank. The reason assigned for this operation of the directors, is, that they were desirous of applying the sponge to a part of their outstanding debt, and by way of calling in $224,000 of their notes, they authorized individuals who held them to subscribe for stock in the Bank to that amount, and pay for it in their notes. Thus, at a time when they had in circulation nearly 12 dollars in notes for every dollar of specie in their vaults, and when most ob- viously they were unable to redeem their notes with specie, they purchased them from the holders by the sale of stock which they themselves created by the mere act of subscrip- tion. This the undersigned conceive to have been a most flagrant and fradulent violation of their charter. The charter only authorized the Bank to operate on a real and intrinsic capital, and directed that the capital should be paid into the Bank by the stockholders. In the transaction alluded tO; the Bank itself, by a scribbling process of its own, created the capital, and paid off a portion of its debt, by the very act by wiiich it also in- creased its capital. A circumstance, too, which greatly adds to the enormity of the transaction, is, that before all the instalments became payable, the State Bank, the Bank of Newbcrn and Bunk of Cape Fear entered into a formal resolution, through tlieir delegates assembled at Fayetteviile, in June, 1819, not to pay specie : and their notes imme- diately fell to to 15 per cent, below par. Then conmienced the system of usury and extortion, which has since been carried on with such unparalleled audacity, under the name of cxrhaimc Up to this time, viz., 1819, the high tide of commercial prosperity enjoyed by the country, ena- BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 147 bled the Banks to keep afloat, notwithstanding the artificial character of their capital, without resorting to this daring and dishonest expedient. They had kept pace in their operations with the increasing resources of the country, so as to absorb, by way of interest on discounts, nearly all the profits on the immense business then doing ; and hav- ing raised against the people a debt equal to the vast re- sources which, from 1815 to that time, they had derived from their foreign commerce, as soon as the alteration oc- curred in our foreign relations and those resources were cut off, the business of the country, unable any longer to employ the immense circulating medium which had been created by the Banks, and their notes returning upon them for redemption, they determined to extort from the people additional premiums on loans in order to enable them to meet the demands of their creditors. A scene of extortion and usury ensued, which has no parallel in the annals of avarice — the strange spectacle of moneyed institutions ex- acting specie in exchange for their notes, which they themselves refused to redeem with specie. To show the gross character of the usury thus carried on, the under- signed will suppose a case : An individual applies to the Bank for a loan of 1000 dollars, and offers his note to be discounted for the amount. He is told by the Bank that his note cannot be discounted, unless he will exchange with them 1000 dollars of specie funds, for 1000 dollars of their notes. Taking their notes to be 5 per cent, below par, 1000 dollars of their notes would in fact he no more than 950 dollars. So that the substance of such a proposition would be, that the borrower should give the Bank ffty dollars as a premium for the loan of 1000 dollars : which, added to the legal interest received in advance, would amount to something more than 11 per cent. In some instances, the usury has been still more rank. Quantities of their notes have been loaned to individuals on condition that the whole amount should be returned in ninety days in specie funds. At the rate of depreciation before stated, such a transaction would be equivalent to the exaction of 26 per cent. The evidence received by the committee, shows that the State Bank and Bank of Newbern have been guilty of such practices since the summer of 1819. There is no evidence that the Bank of Cape Fear has. It 148 BANKIiVG IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. appears in aggravation of the guilt of these practices, that, in the case of the State Bank, the specie funds thus ex- torted from the people in exchange for their depreciated notes, have heen employed by the Bank in purchasing back those notes at a discount : That they have, at times, employed agents in New York and Petersburg, to buy up their notes : and that about twelve months since, a parcel of their notes was bought up by their agent at Petersburg at 8 per cent, discount. It is stated by the President of the Bank of Cape Fear, for whose testimony too much respect cannot be expressed, that the notes of that Bank have, at different times, been bought up at a discount by the Bank. That a quantity of its notes were so purchased in anticipation of the late call of the stockholders ; and that during the panic occasioned by that call, something like 500 dollars of their notes were bought up by the Bank at a discount of 5 per cent. The depreciation of the notes of all the Banks, occasioned by the refusal of the Banks to make good their notes with specie, has been productive of incalculable mischief to the community ; and it is no in- considerable aggravation of the mischief to know that, in the case of the State Bank, large quantities of their notes have occasionally been thrown into circulation by themselves in the purchase of cotton. It is in evidence to the under- signed, that they laid out at one time 30,000 dollars of their notes in the purchase of cotton, on which they made a profit of more than 8,000 dollars. Another remarkable fact in the history of the State Bank, which the under- signed will notice in passing, is, that to protect themselves from demands for specie, they determined at one time to administer an oath to an individual, presenting their notes for specie, in which he was compelled to state that he was not a broker. It further appears to the undersigned, that all the Banks have bought up United States' Bank notes, for which they exchanged their own notes at a discount ; and the State Bank and Bank of Cape Fear, in direct vio- lation of their charters, have purchased stock to a consi- derable amount in the United States' Bank. The State Bank appears to have made a most convenient use of this arrangement. It appears from the evidence of the late President of that Bank, that they have been in the habit of rendering false statements to the Legislature ; and that in BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 149 May last, when they stated in their exhibit that they had on hand 214,000 dollars in specie, 140,000 dollars of it consisted of stock in the United States' Bank. So that, in- stead of keeping the specie in their vaults to take up their paper, they have vested it in the stock of another Bank, and were deriving interest from it. It further appears, from the evidence of the same person, that the amount of actual specie now in the State Bank at Raleigh, is not more than 300 to 400 dollars : at any rate, not exceeding 1000 dollars. " The undersigned have now gone through the details of the evidence, and stated all the essential facts collected in the course of their examination. Having thus embodied a simple statement of the facts, they would here close their •report, and leave the conclusions and arguments to the Legislature ; but they feel themselves impelled, by asolema sense of the duty which they owe to the Legislature and the country, to take a brief view of the present relation between the Banks and the people, and the consequence which must ensue if the Banks are permitted to continue their operations ; and, in doing so, to advert to the report of the committee of the stockholders of the State Bank at their late general meeting. It appears that the people of North Carolina, having already paid to the Banks, since they went into operation, a profit of about 4,000,000 dol- lars on their stock — stock, too, three-fourths of which was manufactured by the Banks themselves in a fictitious and fraudulent manner — that having paid this immense sum, exceeding four times the amount of the actual capital stock ever paid into Bank according to law, they still hold the notes of the people for more than 5,000,000 dollars, about four times the amount of the whole circulating medium of the State. Thus it is in the power of the Banks absolutely to extinguish, the currency of the country, and when they have taken every dollar out of circulation, still to have a debt against the people to the amount of about 4,000,000 dollars. We say it is in their power to do it ; and they in- timate pretty plainly that they icill do it. The communi- cation from the stockholders of the State Bank, now be- fore the committee, expresses the opinion that it is for the interest of the stockholders to withdraw their money from the Bank, and take it under their own management ; and o 150 BANKING IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. contains a resolution by which they have proclaimed their resolution to assemble in June next, in order to determine whether they will proceed to wind i/p their affairs ; and, consequently, the affairs of the people of North Carolina. Thus having for years contrived, by illegal and fraudulent practices, to draw from the people all the prof ts of their labor, and having by these practices placed the people in an impoverished condition, where they can no longer pay them large profits, they are now preparing, by one fell' swoop, to extort from them the aetiial means of subsistence. But the question occurs, will you permit it? Will you per- mit a parcel of men, who have long set the laws of the country at defiance, to go on and complete the ruin they have already so nearly accomplished ? Will you not bring them to the observance of the law 1 Will you not at length cause them to feel the rod of that law they have so long despised and violated ? These questions, your committee conceive, answer themselves. When the Legislature is called upon to determine whether their constituents shall live under a government of laws, or a government of cor- porations, it cannot be difficult to decide. The under- signed, therefore, recommend to the Legislature the adop- tion of the followintT resolution : — " Wliereas it appcurs to the Legislature that the State Bank of Newbern, and the Bank of Cape Fear, have vio- lated their charters and committed great frauds on the peo- ple of North Carolina, wliereby said Banks have forfeited the powers and privileges granted in their charters : There- fore, " Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, That the Attorney General be, and he is hereby, directed forthwith to institute a judicial inquiry into the conduct of the said Banks : and that he prosecute such inquiry by writ of Quo Warranto, or other legal pro- cess." No such judicial inquiry appears to have been instituted. The practical sovereignty remains with the Banks of North Carolina: and they respect the laws and public opinion, just so far as they believe to be conducive to their own interest. BANKirJG IN NEW ENGLAND. 151 CHAPTER XV]f '^IZL / "7 Of Banking in Ncxo England. We have searched the public libraries of Philadelphia for particulars respecting the New England Banks that broke previous to the war, but have been able to find no document of any importance, except the report of the com- mittee of the Legislature of Rhode Island in relation to the affairs of the Farmers' Bank of Gloucester. Many wri- ters allude to the great distress that the operations of the moneyed corporations produced in New England about the years 1808 and 1809, but they do not even give a list of the Banks that then stopped payment. That the distress was great, we have incidental proof in the rigidity of the laws afterwards adopted to enforce specie payments. All experience shows that till the evils produced by moneyed corporations become absolutely unendurable, the proper remedy is not applied. After the commencement of hostilities with Great Bri- tain, the New England Banks were obliged, in order to maintain specie payments, to wind up nearly all their credit dealings. This operation necessarily produced much dis- tress, and greatly increased the dissatisfaction with which the people of. that section of the Union regarded the war- like policy of Government. This distress does not appear to have terminated with the war. For, a Philadelphian, writing in August, 18] 5, says, after mentioning the curtailments made by the New England Banks, " Real estate would not command prices niffh its former value ; merchandise fell wreatlv below its usual rate ; whilst money in the market was worth two per cent, a month. This is the existing state of things in Bos- ton. * * * * It is manifest that the operation of the rigid laws of Massachusetts is highly injurious to the com- merce of their towns, and we do not see that the boasted ca- pacity of their Banks to pay -dfew notes in specie, renders their situation more enviable than our own."* The natural anxiety of the New Englandmen to get pay- ment of what was due to them by the people of the Middle * H Inquiry," &c. 152 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. States, was altributedjo ill-feeling. " Circumstances," said a New York writer, '* have excited a spirit of envy at our prosperity, which has superadded a restless malignity of effort to increase artificially and aggravate the evils of an unfavorable balance. Whoever has attended to the uniform language of eastern men and eastern writers, cannot have failed to discover this spirit — they will not believe that I speak of its authors with undue severity."* The apparent prosperity of the Middle States was such as might well excite envy; but it was a wholesome adver- sity New England was experiencing. Her currency could not, indeed, be called perfectly sound, for, as appears from Mr. Crawford's Report, many of the inconvertible notes of the other States found their way into her territory. But, as the people had got them for less than their nominal va- lue, they sustained no other loss except that which arose from the notes undergoing an additional depreciation while they remained in their hands. The standard of value by which contracts were regulated in New England was not affected ; and the Banks being prevented from suspending specie payments, were prevented from exciting a wild spirit of speculation in the people. The natural consequence of the suspension of specie pay- ments in the other States, was an influx of specie into New England. That this was very great, may be inferred from the fact that the Massachusetts Banks which had $1,560,004 in specie in 1811, had, in 1814, specie in their vaults of the amount of 80,393,718. It was useless to keep such an amount of specie lying dead. The abundant issues of trea- sury notes by the Government afforded easy means of pay- ing duties. There was enough, either of specie or of notes of different kinds in circulation, to supply all the wants of domestic trade. The specie was, therefore, exported with so much rapidity, that the amount in the Boston Banks, which had been $5,400,759 in .Tune, 1814, was, by June, 1815, or about five months after the return of peace, reduced to $2,125,070 ; or, if the amount in the Worcester Bank be included, to about $2,800,000. The exportation of specie did not stop till there was no more left than was just suffi- * " Statius," in tlie New York Columbian ; republished by Mr.Carey, with cooiuiendations, as an appendix to liis " Letter to Mr. Calhoun," 1816. BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. 153 cient to support the credit of the notes in circulation : so that, when the United States' Bank commenced operations, the other States could derive no important supplies of me- tallic money from New England. From a combination of causes, the operations of the United States' Bank were of limited extent in New Eng- land. The channels of circulation there were fully occu- pied by local Bank notes which had never been discre- dited. The new institution had so little metallic capi- tal, that it could not enter into competition with the local Banks ; and all the funds it acquired as receiver of tlie public moneys at Boston, were wanted to support its opera- tions in the South and West. Kence, the reaction of 1819 was less sensibly felt in New England than in other parts of the Union. The ordinary operations of Banking in New England, are, however, such as to make men lament tl;at the system was ever invented. Expansions and contractions have, as we have before had occasion to remark, a more striking effect on the operations of manufacturers than on those of agriculturists. So facile is production with modern ma- chinery, that a small rise of prices causes a great increase of manufactured articles. !n a short time, the Banks are forced to contract. Then there is a scarcity of money and a glut of manufactures. Then the manufacturers petition for new additions to the duties on imports. The tariff is raised accordingly. Enterprize is again awakened. There is a demand for capital : and the Banks supply credit. There is, however, no more solid ground for an extension of credit after the passage of a new tariff act than there was before. Not more than a year or two elapses before the necessary reaction commences. The manufacturers, again startled with the prospect of ruin, apply for additional " protection," It may be granted ; but it is doubtful if any tariff that can be established, will, while this system of money dealings continues, be able to protect multitudes from ruin. We know some very zealous and very intelli- gent friends of the " American System," who are decid- edly of opinion, that if there were no moneyed corporations and no paper money in the country, the manufacturers would require no protecting tariff. If the excitement in relation to protecting duties were less violent than it is at o o 154 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. this moment, we might invite particular inquiry into the effect paper Banking has on manufactures. We might illustrate our argument, by showing the effects expansions and contractions of Bank medium have had on manufac- turing operations in "England. The multitude of Banks in New England, makes it necessary for those concerned in them to resort to a variety of expedients to sustain them in their operations. Of these expedients none but the concerned could give a full account : but some idea of their nature may be formed from the disclosures which are occasionally made. Mr. Niles, in his Weekly Register for September 8th, 1821 , for example, gives the following quotations from the New York Journal : — " We observe by a notice in the " Dutchess Observer," that the farmers of Dutchess County have been shorn of all their wool by a most singular operation — or, in other words, that nearly all the wool in that county had been sold to J. Butler, cashier of the Litchfield Bank, who had recently failed, and assigned his factory, wool, &c. to the Bank, as security for his debts, leaving the farmers to suffer. " The story, as told by one of the shorn, is briefly this : — The "Wolcotville Factory, formerly belonged to Mr. Wolcott, who failed, being largely indebted to the Bank. As the Bank is prohibited from buying and selling pro- perty, their Cashier, Butler, became nominally the pro- prietor. The belief that James Butler acted in behalf of the Bank, was so universal, that he obtained an unlimited credit. The agents for the factory have recently made large purchases of wool, in the usual manner, upon the notes of James Butler. A great proportion of the wool raised this year in Dutchess County has thus been pur- chased and carried over to Litchfield, and as soon as the same is well packed away, James Butler, the Cashier, is discovered to be a defaulter to the Bank for some 16,000 dollars, and he assigns his factory, and the stock thus fairly and recently acquired, to the Litchfield Bank. The Bank is paid — the farmer has a Litchjiehl shearing — and James Butler, the cashier, is an insolvent." The art of forming Bank capitals by discounting the stock notes of subscribers, appears to be as well understood in New England as in Pennsylvania. The Keunebeck BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. 155 Bank, in Maine, had a nominal capital of 100,000 dollars; but an official investigation, in the year 1826, showed that 89,370 dollars of the whole amount consisted of stock notes: that the directors held nine-tenths of the stock, and that they were in debt to the Bank not only for the amount of their stock notes, but in an additional sum of 34,400 dollars. For two years, this Bank divided 12 per cent, per annum. The expose of the Bath Bank in the same State, was very similar to that of the Kennebeck Bank. Nearly three- fourths of the capital were represented by stock notes, and nine-tenths of the stock were owned by the directors. More than three-fourths of ail the discounts, in addition to those on stock notes, were made to the same directors. The capital of the Bank of Vassalborough consisted of 300 shares, of which 283 " belonged either personally or representatively to a partnership at Hallowell, A. & J. Leo- nard, the former of whom is President. The whole amount oi money which the Bank had on hand on the 21st of June, 1826, was 840,000; 836,000 of which was in the hands of the firm above mentioned, and 4,000 in the hands of the Cashier. The Bank had no record or charge to exhibit against the Leonards, who had about the whole property of the institution, and the Cashier had taken up his bond. The Commissioners were requested to postpone their re- port, till the Bank concerns could be put into some form and comeliness, but the disorders of the body politic appear- ed too incurable to be thus tampered with." On an investigation of the aftairs of the Burrillville Bank of Rhode Island, it was found that only 6000 dollars of the capital had been paid even in stock notes. Bank capitals being thus easily formed, and legislative charters conferring great privileges, we cannot wonder at the multiplication of Banks in New England. Rhode Is- land, which had thirty-four Banks in 1820, increased the number to fifty by the year 1830 : and Massachusetts, in the same period, made an addition of forty to the number of her Banking institutions. In some of their recent acts, the Legislature of Massa- chusetts have endeavored to guard against the formation of Bank capitals out of stock notes, but that it is possible for the getters up of Banks to evade, if so disposed, even the 156 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. Strongest legal enactments, may be learned from the follow- ing extract from a report made to the Senate of the State, on the 25th of January, 1830. " The Sutton Bank was incorporated the 11th of March, 1828. The act of incorporation provides — " That the ca- pital stock of said corporation shall consist of one hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall be paid in the manner following, viz. one-half part thereof on or before the first day of October (then) next, and the remaining part thereof on or before the first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty- nine." And it further provides, that no moneys shall be loaned or discounts made, nor shall any bills or promissory notes be made or issued from the said Bank, until the ca- pital subscribed and actually paid in, and existing in gold and silver in said vaults, shall amount to fifty thousand dol- lars, nor until the said capital stock, actually in said vaults, shall have been inspected and examined by three Commis- sioners, to be appointed by the Governor for that purpose, whose duty it shall be, at the expense of the said corpora- tion, to examine the money actually existing in said vaults, and to ascertain, by the oaths of the directors of said Bank, or a majority of them, that the said capital stock hath been bona fide paid in by the stockholders of said Bank, and to- wards the payment of their respective shares, and not in- tended for any other purpose, and that it is intended there to remain as part of said capital." " On the 26th day of September, 1828, the Governor, in compliance with an application for that purpose, made by a committee of the subscribers for stock in said Sutton Bank, appointed Commissioners to examine the moneys ac- tually existing in vaults of said Bank, as is provided in the second section of their act of incorporation. On the 2Tth day of Sei)tember, 1828, the Sutton Bank borrowed, on a deposit of fi fly-one thousand dollars in the bills of the City Bank, the sum of fifty thousand dollars in specie, for one day only ; this same specie was examined by the Commis- sioners, and the following certificates made out, viz. — " We, the subscribers, Commissioners appointed for that purpose, have this day been shown, and have examined, fif- ty thousand dollars in specie in the vaults of the Sutton BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. 157 Bank, which was paid in by the stockholders at their first instalment, agreeably to their Act of Incorporation, passed the eleventh day of March, 1828. Jonathan Leland. Amasa Roberts. Samuel Wood. Septe7nher, ^Ith, 1828. Commissioner!^." Boston, Sept. 27th, 1828. " Suffolk, ss. " Then personally appeared Hezekiah Howe, Jonas L. Sibley, Joshua W. Leland, and Thomas Harback, being a majority of directors of Sutton Bank, and made oath that fifty thousand dollars in specie by them shown in their vaults, was the first instalment paid by the stockholders of their Bank, towards the payment of their respective shares, and not for any other purpose, and that it is intended there- in to remain, a part of said capital. " Before me. " Eliphalet Williams, Just. Peace. " The bills and specie were then re-exchanged : this whole business, accomplished within an hour, and cdl of it done within the wcdls of the City Banlc, in the city of Boston. " It appears from the books of the company, that the se- veral payments for the first instalment were made on the first and sixth days of October, 1828, and on the same days, almost all the stockholders are charged with notes for the same amount as their respective instalments: in two in- stances, notes were taken from individuals equal to their own subscription and the sums due from their minor chil- dren, in whose names stock had been subscribed : in two instances only, and those for a small amount, it appears any payment was made in money. " On a petition to the Legislature, praying that they might be allowed further time to pay in the remaining moie- ty of their capital, " An act in addition to an act to incor- porate the President, Directors, and Company of the Sut- ton Bank,' was passed on the 20th of February, 1829, which provides, * that the said fifty thousand dollars shall be paid in gold and silver, in the manner following : — twen- ty-five thousand dollars on or before the first day of June next, and the remaining twenty-five thousand dollars on or 158 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. before the first day of October next.' The payment in June was made in the same manner as the first payment, as was also the last, with the exception of some shares on which the instalment was not settled, either by note or otherwise. The object of the Corporation in requesting an extension of the time of making payment for their stock in the mode adopted by them, is not apparent, as it may be supposed that it would be as convenient for them to make their notes in March last, as in the months of June and October following." The case of the Eagle Bank at New Haven is deserv- ing of notice. This Bank had a capital of 600,000 dollars, and was accounted one of the safest Banks in New Eng- land. It failed in September, 18:25 : and from a report by a committee of the Legislature, we give the following ex- tract. " George Bradly, Esq., the President of the Institution, was employed as Cashier of said Bank from its commence- ment, until the year 1817, when on the resignation of the Hon. Simon Baldwin, he was elected President. From that period, the President was permitted to be the sole manager of the institution. Its funds were placed entire- ly under his control and disposal. No rules were prescrib- ed by the Board of Directors regulating the mode of trasact- ing the business of the institution, or requiring its officers to bring their doings under the review of the Board during the aforesaid time. The President had not only in his hands the entire control of the concern of the Bank, but had, by accumulation of proxies, the power of appointing the directors. In the successive changes of the Board, no examination was made into the state and condition of the Bank. The funds of the institution were employed in speculations, and adventures unknown to the directors and stockholders, and entirely unconnected with, and remote from, the business of Banking. Loans were made in various forms, and to a great extent, which were not communicated to the directors, and in some instances by arrangement not to be communicated. In this course of management individuals obtained, without the form of security, and for various puri)oses, funds of the Bank, exceeding the capi- tal, and to supply the exigencies created thereby, agents were employed in whose hands the bills of tlie Bank were placed to give them a forced and distant circulation, and BAXKIXG IN NEW ENGLAND. 159 by that means to sustain the operations of tlie Bank. Those operations were not recorded in the regular books of the Bank, but vested in loose papers in the custody of the President, and in a book, in which the initial letters of the names of the agents were entered, and the figures contain- ing the amount by them received. The statements annu- ally rendered to the Legislature, have been calculated to mislead, rather than to afford any information on which the public could safely rely in relation to the true state and condiiion of the Bank. In one instance 220,000 dollars, issued upon the checks of the President, Normand Dex- ter, Henry C. Rossiter, the Messrs. Hinsdales, and other memorandums of indebtedness not entered upon the books of the Bank, were not included in the reported amount of circulation, making an error in the statement of the afore- said sum of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. In the course of the last spring, other and further expedients were adopted by the President to assist his operations. With- out the order or consultation with the Board of Directors, a new post note was procured, and notes in that form payable on different times, were placed in the hands of an individual to an alarming amount, and without, the precau- tions of security, to obtain by negotiations, the funds ne- cessary to relieve the increasing pressures on the Bank. Those notes were not entered regularly into the books of the Bank, and not known otherwise than casually to the Board. The consequences of sucli expedients were in a few months developed. The inability of the institution to redeem its notes, brought to an end its operations as a Bank in September last, and the distress in which the cre- ditors were involved, and the great body of the stockhold- ers, who cannot be supposed to have any agency in the management, is too deep and too extensive to require to be stated by the committee." In May, 1827, a report was made to the Legislature, that the amount of Bank notes and post notes of the Eagle Bank in circulation, was 815,478 dollars. In May, 1828, another report was made, in which it was stated that 1,451,507 dollars were owing to the Bank from four indi- viduals, viz: from J. & D. Hinsdale, 530,460 50: from W. C. Holly, 236,779 47 : and from N. Dexter, and W. C. Holly, conjointly, 568,801 98. The amount of debts, 160 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. good, bad, and doubtful, due from all other persons to the Bank, was then less than 200,000 dollars. Governor Wolcott, in an address to the Legislature of Connecticut, in May 182G, said, " Except in limited dis- tricts of the United States, the condition of our circulat- inw medium is not very dissimilar to that which has been established by arbitrary Kings in the North of Europe, and especially by the Autocrat of the Russian Empire. There, a Bank has been created, and its notes constitute a circu- latino- currency throughout his vast dominions. The credit which these notes obtain, is derived from revenues which are established by his sole authority. These revenues are not indeed paid in Bank notes, but the demand for silver coin which the revenue establishes, imparts a forced, though precarious, value to the notes, which value is maintained and regulated by the reciprocating influences which are created between the supply and demand for paper and silver currencies. The effect is, that all property is sub- ject to his will. " With us the currency which is required by the daily exchange between all the people, and by which the transac- tions between farmers, mechanics, laborers, manufacturers, and traders is regulated, is almost exclusively in Bank notes, which are issued by a great number of independent corporations, which possess an exclusive privilege of creat- ing notes for their own benefit. " This monopoly is here so exercised, that neither the amount of currency which is issued, nor the amount of that which is suddenly suspended, withdrawn, or annihi- lated, is subject to any practical limitation, other than what must arise from the state of foreign and domestic exchanges, the speculations of individuals, political events, and the necessities or caprices of the numerous monopo- lizing incorporations, who entirely control the circulation of the country. " These last observations require no other confirmation than a reference to the notorious facts, that no coins circu- late among the people, except small sums of copper, and the fractional parts of a dollar in silver, which is our sil- ver unit. Our unit of gold is a coin of ten dollars, which, with its fractional parts, in coins of five dollars, and two and one half dollars, have wholly vanished from circu- lation. BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. 161 " The effects produced upon the people are, that no man can travel fifty miles, in any direction, without receiving paper notes of which he possesses no means of ascertain- ing the value, or even the authenticity, and this difficulty in- creases in proportion to the distance of an individual from some one of these Banks. From these causes, the whole country is subject to complex evils, arising from either a redundant or too restricted circulation of the only currency which can be obtained, and hence, sudden variations in the prices of all exchangeable commodities, far exceeding the customary profits of regular industry and commerce, thereby converting all transactions of business, especi- ally at a distance from the seats of foreign commerce, into mere lotteries. " It is amidst explosions of credit, principally occasion- ed by the conduct of Banks, that every class of industri- ous citizens, and all our enterprizing young men, are ex- posed to repeated losses, against which no vigilance can guard, and no prudence exempt them. These distresses are inflicted upon the community, with- out any advantage being derived either to the State, to the stockholders, to the depositors of funds, or to the honest debtors to the Banks. They are so frequent, so extensive, and embrace so many personal interests and connexions, that it seems impossible to impute them, in many instances, to voluntary depravity. The inference must be, that our system of Bank administration is essentially defective, and that to correct it, all interests ought to contribute their best councils and united efforts. " There are fewer inducements at this time, why we should submit to the evils of a paper currency, than exist among any other people on the globe. We are prosecuting an active commerce with states and nations where gold and silver are abundant, and are, indeed, staple articles of trade. With these countries, the intercourse of the people on both sides is founded on friendly and constant relations, both personal and political. Our fabrics of iron, wool, leather, wood, cotton, paper, and most other productions of our arts and industry, are as necessary to these coun- tries, as a fair relative proportion of their metallic wealth has become essential to us. " It is very consolatory to know, that the abuses of 162 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. credit which are so prevalent, did not commence in this State, and tiiat although we have yielded to temptations which we oii^ht to have averted, our neighbors ought to correct their own conduct before they censure us. " In my opinion, we ought to manifest our sincerity by immediately retracing the folds of the web in which we, in common with our neighbors, have become entangled. We can perceive that the issues of notes from the Banks in this State have been annoying to the Banks in Boston and New York, while theirs, founded on no superior secu- rity, have been equally injurious to us. Both parties ought voluntarily to concur, in permitting specie to circulate throughont the country, thereby rendering the capitals and credit which exist conducive to mutual advantage. " The objections to the measure which I deem it my duty to recommend, will most probably be, that paper is a cheaper instrument of circulation than metallic money: and tliat the proposed restriction would diminish the dividend of Banks, in which the State, the school fund, ecclesiastical societies, the colleges and academies, other incorporations, stockholders, and numerous individuals, are interested. " But if all these objections were true in point of fact, they would form very inadequate reasons for inflicting great, i/icrcrising, and remediless injuries upon all the peo- ph and the wkole nation. These evils have not proceeded from the incorporations as such, but merely because they have issued bills of credit, as substitutes for the general currency of gold and silver. " If any principles are demonstrable by reason and ex- perience, they are, that paper money is an interruption to productive industry : that industry is the main source of wealth, and that whatever diminishes production is injuri- ous to the lenders of capital. " The stockholders of Banks are only interested in hav- incr their cajiitals safely invested, in such a manner as to secure the payment of a regular interest equal to the use of the sums so advanced. It cannot promote their interests, that all the capitals of this country, whether invested in stocks or other transferable property, or in exchangeable commodities, should be constantly exposed to the hazards of rapid revohitiniis. "In my opinion, Banks which deal in circulating notes, BANKIXG iN NEW ENGLAND. 163 and which are safely conducted, require a much more elaborate and expensive organization and system of detail, than such as deal wholly or principally in gold and silver. Honest men assume frightful responsibilities under the forms by which many of these institutions are now con- ducted, and their hazards increase in proportion to the number and variety of the notes which are received. Many counterfeited and altered notes are so skilfully prepared, as to defy the scrutiny of adepts : and no safeguards are provided to protect those who receive them from the most offensive accusations. " The case is far different, in respect to transactions in gold and silver : for by hydrostatic and other balances which are cheap instruments, which have been known and used since the time of Archimides, the purity and value of coins can at once be ascertained w'ith unerring certainty." The struggles of the New England Banks with one an- other, to decide which shall have the greatest share of "the circulation," inflict great evils on the community, in ad- dition to those which are inflicted by general contractions and expansions of Bank currency. Sometimes a number of country Banks form a coalition to extend their opera- tions, and the city Banks form alliances to resist them. Sometimes some of the city Banks enter into arrangements to aid the designs of the country Banks, and sometimes these latter find efficient auxiliaries in the city brokers. When a coalition succeeds in extending its issues of paper, certain districts or certain classes of society experience all the advantages, real or apparent, deriveable from an in- crease of circulating medium. This continues till the counter-coalition succeeds in reducing the circulation of its rivals : and then follows a reaction, with " scarcity of of money," and its usual concomitants of bankruptcies and public distress. A detail of the different measures of these combinations and counter-combinations, and an account of their effects on the community at large, would be interest- ing, but would exceed our limits. A writer in the Massachusetts Journal endeavored, in the fall of 1830, to show that the Banking system of that commonwealth is the worst which could be devised ; and recommended as a substitute for it, a State Bank and branches. His prominent objections to the present system 164 BANKING IN NEW ENGLAND. are " that it renders necessary about seventy Banking in- stitutions : that this number must every year be increased, as the Legislature cannot properly withhold charters from any who may apply for them : that the competition for business between these numerous establishments, gives to individuals a dangerous facility in obtaining loans, and creates a system of fictitious credits, which, having no base on real capital, must, at every pinch in the money market, explode, and bring ruin upon the Banks and their debtors. Other objections are, that the expenses of these various Banks in salaries, rent, 6lc., amount to a very large sum, (in Boston alone to 120,000 dollars,) which expenses are a tax upon stock :" that the country Banks are put to a great expense in redeeming their bills in Boston ; " and that, after all, the iiotes of these Banks form a currency, of different and fluctuating value, instead of that steady and uniform currency which public convenience requires." From accounts recently published, it appears that the number of Banks in Massachusetts, in Augrust, 1833. w^as eighty-three, having nominal capitals of the amount of 824,520,000, notes in circulation of the amount of 87,122,- 856, and specie on hand of the amount of §902,205 75. Of these Banks, twenty-two were in the city of Boston. The greatest amount of specie in any one of the city Banks was $127,131 43 ; the smallest was 82,415 41. The great- est amount of specie in any one of the sixty-three country Banks, was 822,906 90 ; the smallest was 81,022 97. Massachusetts was first in adopting the paper money system ; and she will probably be among the last to aban- don it. Its ramifications there are so numerous, that near- ly all the members of the community are compelled to give it either a willing or an unwilling support. BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. 165 CHAPTER XVIII. General Vieio of Banking Operations from 1814-15 to 1820-21. In the tables appended to Mr. Secretary Ingham's Report on the Gold Coinage, the following is stated to have been the price of specie, at the dates and places below mentioned. 1814. September - - . October . . _ November - - . December . _ - 1815. January . . - February . - - March - - - - April . . - . May » . - . June - - - - July ... - August - - - - September ... October - - - - November ... December - - _ 1816. January ... February _ - . March - - - - April _ - - - May - - - - June - . - . July - . - - August ... September October - . . November December ... 1817. January - - _ February - - - From the rates of exchange on London, in New York and Philadelphia, in the months in which there are blanks pp Baltimore. Philad. N. York. 20 pr.ct .adv. 15 10 14 20 15 5 2 5 5 10 H 14 5 5' 16 9 11 20 11 14 19 11 12* 20 15 13 2U 15 16 15 16 12 18 14 l^ 15 14 12^ 13 14 9 18 12.i 12i 23 \\h lOi 20 14 ]2i 20 16 12i 15 15 6 12 10 5 10 7h 3 8 9i 2 9 7 H 9 7 4 3 4i 2d 2i 4 2| 166 BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. in the table, the price of specie appears then to have been a few per cent, less in Philadelphia than in Baltimore ; and a few per cent, less in New York than in Philadelphia. In the Appendix to the Report of the Committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, the following table is given to show the discount on the notes of the country Banks — not as estimated in specie, but as estimated in Philadelphia paper. BANKS. 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 » -^ lO CO •* n CO I— ( !>. > >. > >• > > > CO C3 o 'Ti 1 o a o nS o »-< 10 2; 9 63 4 3 3^ 4 C3 >-> 3 Bank of Gettysburgh, Harrisburg Bank, pr pr 65 4 pr pr h li Carlisle Bank, io 9 45 2| 3 3^ 4 3 Bank of Chambersburg, 10 9 43 2i 3 3i 4 3 Westmoreland Bank, 10 9 6 5 2i 10 15 15 12d Lancaster Trading Company, 10 9 2 5 24 3 3 2 24 Marietta, 10 9 6 5 4 30 35 45 33 Centre Bank, 10 9 6 5 4 10 15 30 25 Farmers' Bank of Reading, 10 9 6,5 li 2i ^ 15 8 Alleghany Bank, 10 9 65 4 10 15 50 50 Germantown, 10 9 65 4 pr pr pr par York, 9 10 63 2^ 3 3.^ 4 3 Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, 10 9 65 4 pr pr pr par jSwetara, 10 9 6312^ 3 4 4 3 Easton Bank, pr pr pr 5 4 pr pr pr pai Pennsjdvania Agri. and Man. Bank, 10 9 63J,2A 10 4 40 Bank of Washington, 10 9 6 5 i4 10 15 50 45 Northampton Bank, 10 9 pr 5 4 10 P"- 2.^ 2h Juniata Bank, 10 9 6 5 4 10 15 50 40 Delaware Bank, p*" pr 6|5 4 pr pr pr par Chester County Bank, pr pr 65 4 Pi" pr pr jiar Bank of Beaver, 10 9 65 4 10 15 60 50 Bank of Pittsburgh, 10 9 6,5 3 6 pr 5 4 Huntingdon Bank, 10 9 65 4 10 15 30 25 Monongahela, 10 9 65 4 10 15 15 12i North Western Banlj, 10 9 65 4 10 15 50 35 Union Bank, 10 9 65 4 50 60 50 50 Northumberland, Union &Columbia 10 9 65 4 21 5 30 20 Bucks County Bank, 10 9 65 4 pr pr par Farm's. &. Mech's. Bank of Pittsburg 10 9 63^;4 10 50 40 Far. & Mec. Bank of Greencastle, 10 9 65 2^ 15 30 50 35 Montgomery Bank, pr pr'pr 5 4 pr pr par Silver Lake Bank, 10 9 62^ 2im 2^150 40 BAXKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. 167 In his speech of Jan. 2d, 1815, Mr. Webster said, " the depreciation of the notes of all the Banks in any place is, as far as I can learn, general, uniform and equal." In look- ing through Grotjan's Price Current, we have found the quo- tations of Pennsylvania and Ohio notes to be, for months together, from five to six, and afterwards ten, per cent, dis- count, and those of Virginia and North Carolina two to three per cent. So general seemed to be the rate of de- preciation for each part of the country, that the names of particular Banks were not given in the Price Current, for more than a year after the suspension of specie payments. While Philadelphia paper, the standard in which they were estimated, was always varying in value, as compared with silver, the notes of most of the country Banks had, as com- pared with one another, a singular equality of deprecia- tion. This equality lasted for some time after it became the custom to give regular quotations of the price of Bank pa- per. It will be seen, by inspecting the table, that in May, 1816, the notes of twenty-seven out of thirty-five country Banks of Pennsylvania, were at a discount often per cent. It will also be seen that the discount was diminished with a regularity approximating to uniformity, up to May, 1818. In the succeeding July, the United States' Bank com- menced its curtailment : and then the great confusion in exchanges begun. In other States the confusion was as great as it was in Pennsylvania. This may be seen by the following table. PRICES OF BANK NOTES. At Neio York, At Baltimore, April Ith, 1819. August 7th, 1819. New England notes, par to 2 per ct. dis. I to 6 discount. Philadelphia, par Pennsylvania, 1 to 60 Delaware, 4 to \2h 1 to Sand to 50 Baltimore, U Maryland, 2 to 20 I to 40 District of Columbia, 1 to 60 Virgiuia, 2 lito25 North Carolina, 2 to 3i 20 to 25 South Carolina, n 8 to 10 Georgia, 2 to 3 7 to 8 Tennessee, 7 Kentucky, 15 to 25 168 BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. Bank of Kentucky, Ohio Banks, Unchartered Bank ? of Ohio, ^ At New York, April 7th, 1819. 5 6 to 15 25 to 75 At Baltimore, August 7th, 1819 10 to 50 Louisiana, 6 Indiana, Illinois, > and Missouri, ^ 15 to 60 Mr. Niles, from whom we have taken the items which form this table, says the prices of Bank notes varied seve- ral per cent, in the course of a week. The notes which were at par in one part of the country, were in other parts at a heavy discount. At the same time that exchange at New Orleans on New York was at from seven to ten per cent, discount, exchange at New York or New Orleans was at six per cent, discount. A Bank's paying specie did not prevent its notes depreciating : for nobody knew how long any distant Bank would continue to pay specie. All the Banks whose notes v/ere at a discount at New York of less than o per cent., and some of the others, were under- stood to pay specie on demand. Of the increase and decrease of the local currency of Pennsylvania, the reader may form an idea from the follow- ing table. NOTES IN CIRCULATION.* City Banks. Country. Total. Nov. 1814, 3,363,802 1.942,479 5,306,281 181.5, 4,810,507 5,349,247 10,159,754 1816, 3,410,248 4,787,722 8,203,970 1817, 2,355,694 3,853,866 6,209,560 18J8, 1,987,945 3,093,966 5,081,911 1819, 1,645,000 1,384,325 3,029,325 It will be seen that the great increase in circulation took place in the year after the war. Great as it was we ought not to wonder at it. The Government's receiving in- convertible paper in payment of duties, was quite as effi- cient a sanction of the continued suspension of specie pay- ments as could have been afforded by an act of Congress passed with that express intent. What Government is * The returns of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, in 1814, were for August 2(1 : tiiose of tliB Pennsylvania Bank for August '^0, and those of the PliiUulelphia Bank for September 1st. The returns of the other Banks were for November. No return was 'made in any of these years of the circulation of the Bank of North America. BAXKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. 169 willing to receive, individuals having payments to make to Government will not refuse. Institutions which are found- ed for private profit, must always be expected to take ad- vantage of so many opportunities of acquiring gain as the policy of Government will allow, or its necessities compel it to afford. In the year 1815, ten months and a half of which were months of peace, the Government issued twenty millions in treasury notes. As such of these as were of a less de- nomination than one hundred dollars bore no interest, they directly increased the amount of paper medium. The others, as has been shown in another chapter, indirectly increased the circulation of the Banks, as those institutions gave their own inconvertible notes in exchange for trea- sury notes. In 1816 there was a reduction of about twenty-five per cent, in the circulation of the Banks of Pennsylvania, and a very great reduction in the circulation of the Banks of the adjoining States. Of the manner in which this was effected, we will let the Secretary of the Treasury speak. " At a moment when excessive importations of foreign merchandise had involved the mercantile and manufactur- ing interests in the greatest distress, and menaced them with impending bankruptcy, reason, humanity, and sound policy, all united against the curtailment of Bank discounts. Yet, so far as the knowledge of the Secretary of the Treasury extends, the reduction of the circulating paper has in no instance been attempted by the sale of the public debt held by the Banks. Curtailment of discounts has been the only process resorted to by them, where any efforts have been made to prepare for the resumption of specie payments. The disregard to individual suffering mani- fested by this procedure in the State Banks has been the result of a conviction, that when the national currency shall be restored by the efforts of the Government and the Bank of the United States, the public debt will be in- creased in value."* This is true. But when we establish institutions to which it is impossible to impart moral responsibility, we ought not to expect them to pay much regard to " reason and humanity." The Banks acted with sound " policy " * Letter of Mr. Dallas, November 1816. 170 BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1314-15 TO 1820-21. in regard to their own interest, in pressing on the commu- nity and in holding on to the public stocks. In 1817, there was a further reduction in the circula- tion of the Pennsylvania Banks, but the deficiency was sup- plied by the issues made by the United States' Bank. The returns of the Pennsylvania Banks, for 1818, were made some months at'ter the Bank of the United States had be- gun its grand curtailment. The local Bank mania may be said to have raged with more violence in Pennsylvania in the year 1815, than at any other period : but, if we take the Union throughout, the mania did not reach its height till the spring of 1818, or three years after the close of the war. It was in this year that Vermont, which had been without Banks since the grand New England explosion of 1808-9, began to revive the system : and the passion for multiplying paper issuing institutions became so great, that Mr. Niles was forced to exclaim — " We see every where new Banks esta- blishing or attempting to be established. Behold forty-three new Banks authorized in Kentucky — half a score in Ten- nessee—eight in Ohio — a mob in little Rhode Island — some in Virginia, Massachusetts, tSic. — sixteen petitioned for in New York — and some wanted in Pennsylvania — half a dozen new ones in Maryland — and from fifty to a hundred more proposed in various parts of the United States."* Only three months after Mr. Niles had indited this pa- ragraph, the United States' Bank was compelled to com- mence that course of measures, the effects of which have been narrated in our previous chapters. The author of the pamphlet signed " A Friendly Moni- tor," says, " Every inquiry I have made has entirely con- vinced me, that every formidable ditiiculty with which the Bank has had to contend, has been produced by its agency for the Government, and particularly by the too rapid re- duction of more than eighteen millions of the public debt, between the months of June 1817, and November 1818, and the utter impracticability of converting in due time any reasonable portion of the specific pul)lic deposits into such funds as the public creditors were entitled to demand, without hazarding the prostration of many respectable in- stitutions." " Weekly Register, April 11th, 1818. BANKING OPERATIOXS FROM 1814~lo TO 1820--21. 171 As Banks are the creatures of Government, all the evils thev produce must be ascribed to the Government. It is to afford opportunities for speculation to themselves, their personal friends and their political partisans, that our law- givers establish Banks. It was through the attempt to carry on the war by means of Bank notes and Bank credits, that the suspension of specie payments was produced. It was through the connivance of the Government, that the suspension of specie payments was so long continued. It was through the issue of treasury notes, that the amount of Bank notes in cir- culation was immediately increased. It was that a large am.ount of public stock might be absorbed, that a Bank was instituted with a capital of thirty-five millions, when there was not room for a credit Bank with a ca|iital of thirty-five thousands. No doubt, also, the disinclination of the Govern- ment to suffer the Bank to retain the eighteen millions of public .moneys, mentioned by " A Friendly Monitor," had its effect. H the Government had been content to con- tinue to pay the interest on a corresponding amount of public debt, and to let the Bank keep eighteen millions of the public money for its own uses, the crisis might have been — we will not say averted, but it might have been de- layed- If it had been delayed, the evil would have been increased. The notion of the early administrators of the Bank of the United Stales, appears to have been, that the Bank should do a business bearing the same proportion to its great capital, that the business of the local Banks bore to their small capitals. If the payment of any portion of the national debt had been deferred to suit their conve- nience, they would have made a corresponding increase in their business. Even as it was, we have found them com- plaining, in the spring of 1818, that they could not sign notes fast enough : and the report of the committee of Congress shows, that all the energies of the directors were exerted to increase the circulation, extend the gene- ral dealings of the Bank, and raise the price of the stock in the market. Other men in their situation would probably have acted as they did. It is of very little moment whether it is Mr. Wig- gins or Mr. Spriggixs that is president of a Bank, or whe- ther the JoxEs' or the Giles' are directors. The fault is in the system. Give the management of it to the wisest and best men in the country, and still it will produce evil. No 172 BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. new principles of action were introduced by the early ad- ministration of the United States' Bank. If the members of Congress who granted the charter did not know that the usual way of paying all instalments after the first is by dis- counting stock notes, they had not much acquaintance with either the theory or the history of Banking. As little credit must be given them for intelligence in respect to money corporations, if they did not know that the practice of those who wish to get the control of such institutions is, to divide their shares, as was done by certain gentlemen in Baltimore and others in Philadelphia. It was not, surely, to be expected, that men who associated with the professed design of making profit for themselves, and who admitted the Government as a partner, should trammel themselves with restrictions which the Legislature had, either throuo;h design or oversight, failed to impose. If the courts of law have not absolutely decided that whatever is not expressly forbidden is granted in a charter, the Banks find it very convenient to act on such an assumption. The history of the country from 1814 to 1818, exhibits nothing more than the natural results of Banking by cor- porations, and with paper money, while the Government, embarrassed in its fiscal concerns, wanted the inclination or perhaps the ability to apply an adequate remedy. The reaction of 1818-19 was only the natural result of the dif- ferent operations of the preceding years. The irregular Banking in the South and West in subsequent years, is only a link a little lower down in the same chain of conse- quences. It would appear as if the suspension and resumption of specie payments might have been productive of little em- barrassment, comparatively speaking, if the Government had, immediately on the close of the war, refused to receive inconvertible notes in payment of duties. The few Banks which then existed hi Ohio and Kentucky had suspended payment only a month or two. The Bank of Nashville actu- ally maintained specie payments. The dealings of the Banks in the Southern States were of moderate extent. The new Banks of Pennsylvania were not yet in full ope- ration. The principal part of the over-issue was by the Banks of the great cities of the Middle States, and these Banks might, by a sale of the public stocks they held, have obtained the means of redeeming their excess of paper. BANKING OPERATIONS FROM 1814-15 TO 1820-21. 173 If this had been done we should have escaped the parti- cular evils recorded in the foregoing chapters, but we should probably have experienced evils proceeding from the same source in another form. It was four or five years before the war, that Banking in New England produced conse- quences similar to those felt in the other States four or five years after the war. As the mania spread through New York, into Pennsylvania, and thence South and West, Banks were established without those restrictions which experience in New England had proved to be necessary. To impose such restrictions would, in fact, have been hardly in accordance with the philosophy of the day. A ruling principle in this was, as may be seen by the quota- tions we have given from the writings of various eminent men, that inconvertible Bank notes, if they were not quite as good as gold and silver, were very little inferior to them as a circulating medium. Many of our readers may smile at such notions now ; but perhaps if they had lived in those days, they would have thought as their neighbors thought. Perhaps the present popular notions on the sub- ject of Banks, will, some twenty years hence, be regarded in the same light as those notions of the anti-buUionists are at the present period. That " love of money which is the root of all evil," and which, operating through the medium of incorporations and paper bills, is productive of so much evil, would have brought on the nation great calamities, if we had remained at peace. The war, and the measures consequent thereon, gave that evil its particular form and feature. It is that same " love of money" which now gives plausibility to the sophistry by which the present Banking system is support- ed, as well in the minds of those who suffer as in the minds of those who are benefitted by the system. Hence it is that the former are so easily persuaded that what is gained by the use of paper money is so much gained by the nation, and not so much gained by one part of the nation from ano- ther part. It is so hard for any man, be he merchant, or be he drayman, to be content with his earnings — we are all so anxious to become rich in a hurry, that we readily become the dupes of one another, and sometimes in our haste we dupe ourselves. 174 BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825--26. CHAPTER XIX. Of Banking from 1820-21 to 1825-26. To tell of all the expansions and contractions that have occurred since the first grand curtailment was made by the United States' Bank, would require a large volume. Our country is so extensive, and the causes that affect Bank medium are so various, that, while one part of the Union is suffering all the evils of scarcity of money, another may be in the height of that apparent prosperity which is pro- duced by an increasing paper currency. It is by no means unusual for a contraction to begin on the sea-board, before the full effects of the previous expansion have been felt in the interior ; or for expansions to recommence on the sea- board, soon after the inland Banks find the necessity of re- stricting their issues. Each Bank has its own sphere of operation, within which there may be contractions and expansions not sensi- bly affecting any but those within that sphere. But, from desire to increase their profits, the different Banks not un- frequently encroach on each other's spheres, by which more extensive disorders are produced. The action of the Banks among themselves has been compared to that of so many drunken men passing along the street together, occa- sionally supporting one another, and occasionally knocking one another down. Their motion is vacillating, totter- ing. It is seldom in a straight line. An attempt to enumerate all the vibrations of Bank medium, would therefore be idle. But, from a careful in- spection of files of the United States Gazette for 1821 and 1822, and of the Philadelphia Gazette for subsecjuent years, we are able to give the following view of varia- tions of the money market, embracing all the most import- ant expansions and contractions. 1821. Business dull in the beginning of the year. The effects of an expansion apparently commenced in the Spring, begin to be felt in June or July, and by October the spirit of speculation is tolerably ac- tive. BAXKIXG FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. 175 1822. A reaction commences in May, the eflfects of which are felt through the rest of the year. 1823. The Bank of the United States receives the notes of all its branches, and begins to extend its opera- tions. 1824. The Banks increase their issues, and the spirit of speculation becomes excited. 1825. The consequences of the great reaction of 1818-19 are not over in the interior : but on the seaboard the effects of the expansion, begun in 1823 and con- tinued through 1824, are felt in the rise of property and general briskness of business. In July or August a violent reaction commences. 1826. The effects of the reaction are felt through the greater part of the year. 1827. Money plenty. The United States' Bank com- mencQs issuing Branch drafts for small amounts. 1828. Sudden and alarming scarcity of money in May, and again in September. 1829. Money is scarce till July. It afterwards becomes plenty. 1830. Money plenty. 1831. Money very plenty till October. Then a reactiou begins. 1832. Money scarce. Towards the close of the year, the pressure abates in Philadelphia : but it is not appa- rently diminished in some other parts of the coun- try. In the Middle States are placed the United States' Bank, and some of its most important branches, and here are collected and disbursed the greater part of the public revenues. The heart of the Banking system is here, and while it is affected, in a greater or less degree, by whatever affects the extremities, it, in its turn, has a powerful opera- tion on the remote parts of the Union. In the years 1820 and 1821, the Banks of the Middle States settled down into what Mr. Niles calls a state of regularity. The notes of many of them became mere broker's merchandise, and the discount on those which remained current, did not exceed the cost of transporting specie from the place where they were issued to the place where they were circulated. 176 BAN KING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. A fair field was then first opened for the credit opera- tions of the Bank of the United States. But by this time confidence was destroyed, and the spirit of enterprize was chilled. " There is now," says Mr. Niles, on the 3d of February, 1821, " little demand for money, except to an- swer the current purposes of life, and pay old debts, for either of which it is difficult enough to get, though appa- rently abundant enough." The capitalists of New York made great complaints in March of the difficulty they found in investing their funds : though at this very time, the country papeis were teeming with advertisements by the sheriff; and three hundred and fifty persons in Balti- more made application, in the month of May, for the bene- fit of the insolvent laws of Maryland. A tradesman in Philadelphia advertised for a shop boy, and fifty applica- tions were made for the place in three days.* The build- ing of a new ship excited quite a sensation, as something out of the common order of things. The fear of moneyed men to embark in new enterprizes, left many laboring peo- ple without employment. Solvent men had little disposi- tion to borrow, fur they could not tell if prices had yet reached their lowest limit, or form a satisfactory conclusion as to the state of affairs in coming years. In the interior of Pennsylvania, the people were clamor- ous for the establishment of a State Loan Office. Nor is this to be wondered at. In the month of June, the Sheriff of Bedford filled two newspaper columns and a half with his advertisements : and the Sheriff of Berks offered for sale 3000 acres of land, besides town lots. In August, fifty-seven farms were advertised for sale by the Sheriff of Westmoreland, sixty-three pieces of property by the Sheriff of Northampton, and thirty-seven by the Slieriff of Mifflin. In October, the Sheriff of Cumberland advertised for sale 2,380 acres of land, besides twelve town lots with hand- some improvements : and in Deccml)cr, the Sheriff of Berks offered f ^r sale the property of forty persons. From the state of things in six of the fifty-two counties of Penn- sylvania, the reader may form some idea of the condition of affairs generally. In April or May, 1821, as nearly as can be ascertained, * See United States Gazette of June 20tli. BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. 177 the city Banks began to expand, and the effects of this ex- pansion were sensibly feh in August, and still more sensi- bly in October. Tired of a protracted state of inactivity, many men began to employ their capitals and their credit, at a risk rather than on calculation. For some months things wore a pleasing aspect : but in April and May, 182"2, the prospect was again clouded over. Some kinds of imported goods fell 15 per cent, in Philadelphia ; and United States' Bank stock, which had been held at 115 in in February, was sold in New York on the first of May at 102, and fell before night to 98^. Other kinds of public securities experienced a deprecia- tion, but the fall in United States' Bank stock beinw greatest, naturally attracted most attention. It was attributed by some to the machinations of brokers, and by others to a loan of five millions made by the Bank to the Government, and to the quantity of stock hypothecated to the different Banks and insurance offices in New York and other places. It is certain that the evils produced by paper money Banks, are greatly increased by the dealings of these insti- tutions with Government. The transactions are so large as usually to derange the regular train of mercantile opera- tions. The heavy d'eposits of Government enable the Banks, at times, to extend their discounts further than is proper. Their payment of these deposits, and the making of heavy loans to Government, usually compel them to curtail their accommodations to men of business. But it is of less moment for us to know what particular operations of the Banks caused the sufferings of 1822, than to know that these sufferings were the consequences of over-trading produced by over-banking. That there was an excess of paper issues in part of 1821 and 1822, is evi- dent from the fact that, according to the official returns, the exports of specie in the year ending September 30th, 1822, amounted to 10,781,933 dollars, and those of bullion to 28,248, while the imports of specie for the same period amounted to only 2,958,402 dollars, and those of bullion to 411,444. A Boston paper says that from the 1st of Janu- ary to the 1st of June, 1822, the imports of specie into that port amounted to only 70,000 dollars, while the exports, in the same period, to the East Indies, Brazil, England, and Qq 178 BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. Cuba, amounted to one million two hundred and five thou- sand five hundred and six dollars. At one time in 1821, there were 2,434,000 dollars in specie in the vaults of the Boston Banks, and by June, 1822, this amount was reduced to 430,000. In the same period, the specie in the vaults of the United States' Bank and its branches was reduced from 7,643,140 to 3,334,452 dollars. On the 29th of June, Mr. Niles remarked that forty-two merchants of Boston had stopped payment within the pe- riod of a month ; and on the 3d of August, he made a quotation to the following effect from a Salem paper : " We regret to learn that failures continue to take place almost daily at Boston, some of them of persons extensively on- gaged in commerce. We are informed that within the last two months, there have been more than eighty failures in that city. The embarrassment, distress, and alarm, which such a state of things must necessarily produce, are indeed a serious calamity." The amount of these failures, for the last two months, adds Mr. Niles, is said to be more than three millions of dollars. There were also failures in New York, and many of the operative manufacturers of Philadelphia were deprived of employment. Throughout the year business was very vacillating. In the latter part of it, there appears to have been another sud- den shock given to trade ; for it is mentioned in the United States Gazette of December 13th, that some species of cot- ton and woollen goods had fallen fifty per cent, in the course of a few weeks. Bills on London, which were at IIUV a 112.J, in Febru- ary, 1822, were quoted in the Philadelphia Gazette of May 14th, 1823, at 104^. The true par being, according to Mr. Gallatin, seven per cent, above the nominal par, the foreign exchanges were decidedly in favor of the country. A coml)ination of causes compelled the Banks to be cau- tious this year in their operations. The condition of things in the Southern and Western parts of the Union, prevent- ed the United States' Bank from extending its dealings as far as it desired. The Pennsylvania Banks felt the uncer- tainty of their fate. The charters of many of them were about expiring, and applications for a renewal of them, made to the Legislature in the sessions of 1821-22, and 1822-23, BAXKING FROM 1820--21 TO 1825-26. 179 had been defeated. The city of New York was flooded with the notes of a number of small institutions in the country parts of that State, and of other States. These notes, though they were not on a par with specie, consti- tuted the principal medium of retail trade. The Bank interest was very powerful in the Pennsylva- nia Legislature in the session of 1822-23 ; but the domi- nant party feared to pass a bill to extend the charters of the Banks of 1814, as it might have an unfavorable effect on the election for Governor in October. When the election was over, the chief obstacle to the operations of the Bank- ing interest was removed, and a bill was passed in March, 1824, for re-incorporating every one of the Banks of 1814 which had applied for a renewal of its charter.* About the same time, the Bank mania broke out afresh in some of the other States, and it seemed, in the latter part of 1824, and the beginning of 1825, as if the days of 1815 and 1816 were about returning in America, and those of the South Sea bubble in England. The infatuation, if we may be permitted to call it by so mild a name, was most violent in New York. The specu- lators of that city, not content with such privileges as their own Legislature could bestow, prevailed, by means of bo- nuses, on the Legislature of New Jersey to establish a string of small moneyed corporations along the shore of the North River; and, in defiance of the statutes of Pennsyl- vania, took possession of coal lands within her limits, un- der the color of charters granted by another State. Their own Legislature they besieged in every possible form. Dar- ing the session which commenced in January, 1825, appli- cation was made for charters for new Banking, Insurance, and other companies, with nominal capitals of the amount of ffty-tico iiiilUon dollars. Money was never more abundant, if a judgment could be formed fronj subscriptions to the stock of such compa- nies as succeeded in their applications for charters. Three million dollars were subscribed in one day, in January, to the stock of the New Jersey Lombard and Protection Com- pany, though its capital, as fixed by law, was only three * The Silver Lake Bank is perhaps aii exception. Its charter was renewed, but we are not certain whether it was at this or at a succeed- ing sei^sion. 180 BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. hundred thousand dollars. Nine million dollars were sub- scribed in April to the New York Water Works Company, and by some contrivance its script was raised in the market to thirty per cent, above par. Tiiirteen millions were sub- scribed in May to the stock of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company. Between the 5th and the 16th of Feb- ruary, the stock of the New York Gas Company advanced 28 per cent., and was sold at 178. It was not alone in dealings in the stocks of chartered companies that great activity prevailed. More commercial business was said to have been done in Philadelphia, in the month of February, than in any one month of the prece- ding ten years. The Bunks were liberal in their discounts, and the spirit of speculation showed itself in various forms. While the public mind was in this state, seven expresses arrived at Philadelphia from New York in one day (April 9th) with news of a great rise of prices in the markets of Liverpool and London. The effect was electric. Twenty- seven cents were offered for Upland cotton, and refused, though the holders would, a week before, have been happy to obtain twenty cents. Cotton yarn. No. 15, rose from 35 to 45 cents. Muscovado sugars advanced a dollar a hundred. St. Domingo coffee rose from 17i to 21 cents a pound. Quercitron bark rose from 27 dollars a ton to 35 dollars. The rise in the prices of tobacco, drugs, and spices, was very considerable. Every body was in haste to grow rich : and the cotton dealers were regarded with special envy. It was currently rumored that such a man bad made 20,000 dollars in one day ; such another, 30,000 ; such another, 40,000, and such another 50,000. Some firms, if reports were to be believed, had realized 100,000 ; while the computed or prospective gains of others were swelled to nearly half a million. In New York, the speculations were carried to a much greater extent than in Phihidelpliia ; and despatches sent to the South spread the infection through all that region. The Charleston Patriot, to show the state of feelinsr, men- tioned that " the same parcel of cotton had changed own- ers six or seven times within a week, without leaving the hands of the factor." It was in this year, that the grow- ing crop of corn was rooted up in some parts of the South- ern States, to make room for new plantations of cotton. BANKIiVG FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. 181 The cotton mania continued to rage, with more or less violence, through the months of May and June. But in July news was received of a decline of 3d. a pound in the price of cotton at Liverpool, and a pressure for money was soon felt in New York. In the next month, the pressure increased, and between August and December, there were fifiy failures in New York, and thirty in the Southern cities. Towards the close of the year, the pressure for money in Boston was very alarming. Exchange on England, which was at five per cent, in the spring, rose to ten per cent, in September. New Orleans notes, which were at two or three per cent, discount at Philadelphia in the spring, fell on the 21stof September to fifteen per cent., and were quoted on the 28th of the same month, at fifty-six per cent, below par. On the 4th of December, the same notes were quoted at only four per cent, discount, exhibiting a remarkable ex- ample of rise and fall in the space of a few months. Many of the Banks were in great difficulties. Several of them broke. And such were the straits of the United States' Bank, that one of the directors talked publicly on the Exchange at Philadelphia of the expediency of sus- pending specie payments. Mr. "Biddle, the President of the United States' Bank, says, " The fall of 1825 was probably the most disastrous period in the financial history of England. It was then that the wild speculations in the American mines, and the still wilder speculations in American cottons, recoiled upon England, and spread over it extensive ruin. In the midst of this suffering, it required little to produce a panic, and accordingly there ensued a state of dismay, which, for a time, threatened to involve all interests in confusion. There was, probably, at no period of English history, so intense and general a distress as tnere was in Decem- ber 1825. " Now, the very same storm which thus broke on Eng- land, passed over this country a few weeks before : it was on the eve of producing precisely the same results ; and certainly I have never felt any uneasiness about the Banks of this country except on that occasion. Just as the diffi- culties were commencing, the Government paid off", on the the 1st of October, a loan of seven millions, of which $3,366,761 64 were payable in Philadelphia. The pay- 182 BANKING FROM 1820--21 TO 1825--26. ment of this sum by the Bank, of course diminished its means for active business, and brought it largely in debt to the State Banks both of Philadelphia and New York. It became, therefore, an object of extreme solicitude to pre- pare for the relief of the community, and provide for the danger which was obviously approaching. " The first object of the Bank was to relieve itself from the debt which the payment of the seven millions tlirew upon it. Accordingly, it began by making sales of its funded debt and Bank stock at New York, and Boston, and Philadelphia, amounting, in the month of October, to $1,828,210 19 in funded debt alone, and by husbanding all its means till it could place itself in a state of perfect security. " By the first of November, the Bank was extricated from debt, and continued daily to strengthen itself. In the midst of the difficulties of the community, two circum- stances contributed to increase them : the one was a heavy demand for specie for the use of the British army in Cana- da; the other was a similar demand for specie, to pay the instalments of a new Bank then recently established at New Orleans. This want was to be supplied before any ease could be extended to the community, and it was press- ing with extreme urgency. The effect of it was to inspire a general distrust and alarm, and, by the middle of Novem- ber, all the indications, which it was impossible to mistake, denoted an approaching panic, which would have been fa- tal to the country. If the strength and wealth of England could not withstand such an alarm, its effects on this coun- try would have been incalculable. That moment seemed to me to be the very crisis of the country, to be met only by some decided and resolute step, to rally the confidence of the community. In such a situation I did not hesitate on the course which my duty prescribed. 1 went imme- diately to New York, where I sought the gentleman who was preparing to draw specie from the Banks of Philadelphia, in order to send it to New Orleans, and ffave him drafts on that city. These drafts were not given to protect the Bank itself, which was then a creditor of the Piiiladelphia Banks for more than the amount of them, but they were employed to arrest from these city Banks a drain which could not fail to embarrass them. 1 then endeavored to ascertain BANKIxVG FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. 183 the real state of things by separating the danger from the alarm, and having done so, on the 22d of November, the letter annexed was addressed to the Branch at New York, suggesting the propriety of increasing its loans. " From this moment confidence revived, and the danger passed. I then thought, and still think, that this measure, the increase of the loans of the Banks, in the face of an approacliing panic, could alone have averted the same con- sequences, which, in a few days afterwards, were operating with such fatal effect upon England. I have never doubted that the delay of a week would have been of infi- nite injury, and the prompt interposition of the Bank was the occasion of protecting the country from a general calamity." It is very possible that the means taken by Mr. Biddle were the only ones by which a panic could be prevented ; but, what ought we think of a system by which the pecu- niary salvation of the country is made to depend on one man's hurrying by night from Philadelphia to New York, to prevail on another man to accept drafts on New Orleans in place of specie ? The establishment of a new Bank is, in the United States, an event of every day occurrence : and the business is so well understood, that the amount of specie required for such a purpose is very trifling. What sum was wanted for the use of the British army in Canada, is not mentioned ; but as the British Government must have given an equivalent for it. it diminished, in the same amount, the demand for remittances to England. If there had not been the two particular demands mentioned by Mr. Biddle, there would have been demands for some- thing else. There is what Mr. John Quincy Adams calls, " a gal- vanic sympathy" between the paper money Banks of dif- ferent countries : and it is certainly no small objection to our present system that it makes us liable to be affected injuriously by every derangement in the currency, com- mercial concerns, or financial affairs of Great Britain. So intimate and so manifold are the connections of the two countries, that an expansion or contraction never takes place in England, without being accompanied or followed by an expansion or contraction in the United States. We have, also, expansions and contractions independent of 184 BANKIxVG FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. those of Great Britain : but when the causes of the varia- tions of Bank medium operate sirnuhaneously in both countries, the effects are very striking. The state of confidence between man and man, and the state of the currency in some parts of the Union, were not such as to admit of as great an increase of Bank medium in the United States as took place in England in 1824 and 1825. The effects of the great reaction of 1818-19 were not yet over. In Kentucky, society was in a state border- ing on anarchy. In Alabama and Tennessee, the paper of the local Banks was much below par. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri had not recovered from the effects of the relief system. The currencies of Georgia and North Carolina were very vacillating. The city Banks of New York had for two years, beginning with the summer of 1823, been endeavoring to restrict the petty Banks of their neighborhood, and in so doing had limited their own circulation. In New England there was a war between the allied Banks of Boston and the country Banks, which caused a great pressure for money in the Eastern States, in the month of xMay, or at the very time when there was so much commercial activity in the southern cities. In the interior of Pennsylvania, the sheriffs had not yet got through the duty of selling the estates of those who had been made bankrupt by the operations of the years 1818 and 1819.* ^^ hile the country was in this condition, it was impossi- ble for Banks maintaining specie payments to make any great addition to their issues. In point of fact, the actual increase of Bank currency in 1824 and 1825, appears not to have been very great : but the state of affairs was not such as to admit of any increase of credit dealings, without * The SherifT of Adams County advertised thirty-three estates for sale in the month of AJay. The Juniata Gazette, on' one day of July, contained thirty-two advertisements by the Sheriff". The Sheriff of Fayette, in tiie month of June, otiered'for sale 118 tracts of land, con- taining 4.5,000 acres, or one-eleventh part of the county. Most of this was the property of one person. In the same month the Sheriff of Bedford offered for sale twenty-three estates, and the Sheriff of A\'est- moreland, twenty-six. In December, 48 estates, containing together 3342 acres of land, with farm houses, barns, grist mills, and other im- provements, belonging to thirty -one dillerent persons, were offered for sale by the Sheriff of Berks. BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 1825-26. 185 jeoparding a great variety of interests. It was owing to this, that, though the expansion was such as might under other circumstances have been regarded as inconsiderable, the effects of the necessary reaction were felt through the greater part of the year 1826, in a general dullness of busi- ness. In the Southern States, the consequences were most trying, as the high price of cotton had led to an over- extension of the culture of that article, and as the planters, encouraged by the demand for their staple, had plunged themselves in debt to support their style of living. The manufacturers of cotton were, also, great sufferers. Cot- ton cloth which it cost 18 cents a yard to import in 1825, was imported in the spring of 1826, at 13 cents. It was said that of four thousand weavers employed in Philadel- phia in 1825, not more than one thousand had employment in May 1826. It must be admitted, however, that the reaction was at- tended with one good effect, and that was in checking the operations of the New York speculators. Unaffected by all the disasters which the community were suffering, they made application to the Legislature, at the session com- mencing in January 1826, for charters for twcnti/seven new Banks in the city of New York, with nominal capi- tals of 22,500,000 dollars, for thirty-seven new Banks in the other parts of the State, with nominal capitals of 13,250,000 dollars, for ticentu-six other joint stockcompa- nies in the city of New York, with capitals of 14,350,000 dollars, and for thirty-tkrec in other parts of the State, with capitals of 5,437,000 dollars, making in all 123 Banking and other joint stock companies, with nominal capitals of the amount of 55,537,000 dollars. The Legislature hav- ing at its previous session incorporated twenty-tioo Banks and loan offices, and twenty-six insurance companies, pru- dently refused to extend the system any further for the present. The wisdom of this course soon became manifest. In. April 1826, the Marble Manufacturing Company, a newly instituted, bond-issuing concern, became bankrupt. This was followed in July by the bankruptcy of the Dundaff and New Hope Banks of Pennsylvania, the Jersey City Bank and Patterson Bank of New Jersey, the Green County Bank of New York, the United States' Lombard, the R 186 BANKING FROM 1820-21 TO 7825-26. Franklin Manufacturing Company, the Hudson Insurance Company, and the New York Life Insurance Company ; these were again followed, in August and September, by the bankruptcies of the New York Mount Hope Loan, the Sun Fire Insurance, the Greenwich Insurance, and the Protection Fire Insurance Company. When an injunction was issued in the case of the Tradesman's Bank, a run commenced on all the Banks of the city of New York. It is probable that if they had been exposed to such a run twelve months sooner, very disastrous consequences would have ensued. But by this time the foreign demand for specie had abated. The ex- ports of gold and silver from the port of Philadelphia in the months of June and July were only 500,501 dollars, against 2,136,151 in the corresponding months of 1825. Credit dealings having been diminished, and the amount of specie in the country having been increased, the New York City Banks were enabled to save themselves, and thereby to save all the Banks from Maine to Louisiana ; for a stoppage of payment by them, would have produced a run on all the Banks in the Union. The bankruptcy of some of the New York moneyed cor- porations, revealed secrets to the public which led to a legal investigation, and as it is always the practice of the world to punish unsuccessful villainy, some of the concern- ed were severely dealt with. Previous to passing sentence on them, Judge Edwards made following observations: " During the trials which have taken place at the present term of this court^ we have witnessed displays of depravity on the part of the agents of moneyed institutions of the most appalling nature. As common as crimes are in all great cities, yet this community was not prepared to expect from the class of society to which the perpetrators of the crimes belonged, a burst of such iniquity. Tiieir offences have been characterized by breaches of official and personal confidence ; by a course of misrepresentation and decep- tion systematically pursued, and by injurious and crafty devices which no ordinary prudence could guard against. Nor was this all. Among the actors in those scenes were some of ihe jjrincipal agents in the management of money- ed institutions, and they have been found actually combin- ing and conspiring together for the accomplishment of their nefarious purposes. BA\KI\G FROM 1826-27 to 182.?-2!). 187 "From combinations of men of so much talent, availing themselves of their high standing, it is not surprisino- that they should have swept society with the besom of destruc- tion. When crimes of such character, attended with such destructive consequences abound, it behooves the tribunals of justice to gather themselves up to meet the occasion, and to extend, as far as in them lies, the protecting arm of the law/' The court sentenced two of the persons who were con- victed to imprisonment for two years, and two others for one year. A writer in a New Hampshire paper, says, after briefly relating these facts — " In some of the other States, jus- tice has too long slumbered. The guilty have escaped with impunity, but the innocent and unsuspecting have been plundered without redress." CHAPTER XX. Of Banking from 1826-27 to 1828-29. Mr. John F. Watson, the Cashier of the* Bank of Ger- mantown, in his " Annals of Philadelphia," gives the fol- lowing testimony of an ancient lady, respecting the man- ner in whicli commercial atfairs were conducted previous to the Revolutionary War. " If a citizen failed in busi- ness, it was a cause of general and deep regret. Every man who met his neighbor, spoke of his chagrin. It was a rare occurrence, because honesty and temperance in trade were then universal." In another part of his book, Mr. Watson speaks of the changes which have in this respect taken place, within his own short period of observation. " When I was a boy, as none got suddenly rich by monopolies, they went through whole lives gradually but surely augmenting their estates, without the least fear of misfortune or bankruptcy. When it did rarely occur, such was the surprise and general sym- pathy of the public, that citizens saluted each other with sad faces, and made their regrets and condolence a matter of common concern. An aged person has told me, that, when 188 BANKING FROM 1826--27 TO 1828--29. the proprietor of that large house, formerly the Post Office (now the National Hotel) at the corner of Chesnut street and Carpenter's Court, suddenly failed in business, the whole house was closely shut up for one week, as an em- blem of the deepest family mourning, and all who passed the house instinctively stopped, and mingled the expressions of their liveliest regret. Now how are changed matters in those particulars." They are so changed, that a certain number of bank- ruptcies and insolvencies in the course of a year, are re- garded as being as much within the order of nature as a certain number of deaths. Periodical redundancies and scarcities of money are looked for as naturally as cold in winter or heat in summer. If a great storm occurs, or a pestilence sweeps over the land, the .journalists record it : and so they record great pressures for money, but they think no more of noting the effects of ordinary " expansions" and " contractions " than of noting the ordinary variations of the weather. A gentleman who resided for twenty-five years in the town of Barcelona, a town which does most of the import and export business of the fertile and industrious province of Catalonia, has told us that during the whole period of his residence there, but one bankruptcy occurred. It may be difficult for many Americans of the present day to con- ceive such a state of things to be possible. But it is possi- ble ; and a faithful relation of the pecuniary vicissitudes of one of our ordinary years, might be received as incredu- lously by many plain Swiss and Hollanders, as some Ameri- cans receive accounts of countries and cities where bank- ruptcies and insolvencies are events of rare occurrence. But, to return to our narrative. By September, 1826, the violence of the reaction which followed the expansion of 1824-25, had subsided : and through the year 1827, things went on smoothly. The two first months of 1828 also passed over without any convulsion : but in the begin- ning of INFarch, a sudden and unexpected scarcity of money was felt in Philadelphia. If we were engaged in frequent wars, or if the state of the world at largo was such as it was in the twenty years which followed the French Revolution, ingenuity might be able to give a plausible view of the causes of the frequent BANKING FROM 1826-27 TO 1828-29. 189 scarcities of money, independent of the operations of Bank- ing institutions. But we have enjoyed peace for seven- teen years in succession. Most other commercial coun- tries have been in the enjoyment of peace. It has, there- fore, become impossible to conceal from observers, the ef- fects which paper money Banking institutions have on com- mercial affairs. That the scarcity of money in 1828 was owing to their operations, was so evident, that no body doubted, nobody disputed it. No other cause could be as- signed for it. And Mr. Biddle, the President of the United States' Bank, published an essay in the National Gazette, on the 10th of April, in which lie gave the following ele- gant and lucid exposition of one of the causes of the evils the community was then suffering. " The question is, what is the cause and the nature of the present scarcity of money? " The answer is easy. " The currency of the United States consists of coin, and of Bank notes promising to pay coin. As long as the Banks can always pay the coin they promise they are use- ful, because, in a country where the moneyed capital is dis- proportioned to the means of employing capital, the sub- stitution of credits for coins enables the nation to make its exchanges with less coin, and of course, saves the expense of that coin. But this advantage has by its side a great danger. Banks are often directed by needy persons, who borrow too much, or by sanguine persons, anxious only to increase the profits, without much pecuniary interest or personal responsibility in the administration. The constant tendency of Banks is, therefore, to lend too much, and to put too many notes in circulation. Now, the addition of many notes, even while they are as good as coin by being always exchangeable for coin, may be injurious, because the increase of the mixed mass of money generally occa- sions a rise in the price of all commodities. The conse- quence is, that the high price of foreign productions tempts foreigners to send a large amount of their commodities, while the high price of domestic productions prevents these foreigners from taking in exchange a large amount of our commodities. When, therefore, you buy from foreigners more than they buy from you, as they cannot take the paper part of your currency, they must take the coin part. If B r 190 BAyKiNG FROM 1826--27 TO 18-28-29. this is done to a considerable extent, the danger is that the Banks will be obliged to pay so much of their coin for their notes as not to leave them a suflicient quantity to answer the demand for it, in which case the Banks fail, and the com- munity is defrauded. To prevent this, a prudent Bank, the moment it perceives an unusual demand for its notes, and has reason to fear a drain on its vaults, should immediate- ly diminish the amount of its notes, and call in part of its debts. So, on a large scale, when the Banks of a country perceive such a demand for coin for exportation as dimi- nishes too much the stock of coin necessary for their Bank- ing purposes, they should stop the exportation. This they can always do if their affairs have been well managed : and here lies the test of Bank management. " The law of a mixed currency of coin and paper is, that when, from superabundance of the mixed mass, too much of the coin part leaves the country, the remainder must be preserved by diminishing the paper part, so as to make the mixed mass more valuable in proportion. It is this capacity of diminishing the paper which protects it. Its value consists in its elasticity — its power of alternate expansion and contraction, to suit the state of tlie commu- nity ; and when it loses its flexibility, it no longer contains within itself the means of its own defence, and is full of hazard. In truth, the merit of a Bank is nearly in propor- tion to the degree of this flexibility of its means. If a Bank lends its money on mortgages, on stocks — for long terms, and to persons careless of protests, it incurs this great risk, that, on the one hand, its notes are payable on demand, while, on the other, its debts cannot be called in without great delay — a delay fatal to its credit and charac- ter. This is the general error of Banks, who do not al- ways discriminate between two things essentially distinct in Banking, a debt ultimately secure, and a debt certainly payable. But a well-managed Bank has its funds mainly in short loans to persons in business — the result of business transactions — payable on a day named, which the parties are able to pay and will pay at any sacrifice, in order to es- cape mercantile dishonor. Such a Bank has its funds, therefore, constantly repaid into it, and is able to say whe- ther it will or will not, lend them out again. " A Bank so managed, if it finds too much demand for BANKING FROM 1826-27 TO 1828--29. 191 its coin to go abroad, begins by not lending more than it receives every day, and tiien goes farther, by not lending as much as its income, declining to renew the notes of its debt- ors, and obliging them to pay a part or the whole : making it a rule to keep its discounts within its income. The opera- tion proceeds thus : by issuing no new notes, but requiring something from your debtors, you oblige them to return to you the Bank notes you lent them, or their equivalents. This makes the Bank notes scarcer — this makes them more valuable — this makes the goods for which they are -gener- ally exchanged less valuable — the debtor, in his anxiety to get your notes, being willing to sell his goods at a sacri- fice — this brings down the prices of goods, and makes every thing cheaper. Then the remedy begins. The for- eigner, finding that his goods must be sold so low, sends no more. The American importer, finding that he cannot make money by importing them, imports no more. The remainder of the coin, of course, is not sent out after new importations, but stays at home, where it finds better em- ployment in purchasing these cheap articles; and when the foreigner hears of this state of things, he sends back the coin he took away. He took it away merely because .your own domestic productions were so high that he could not make any profit in his country by taking them. But when the news reaches him that his productions are very cheap in our country, he will also learn that our productions are cheap too, and he sends back the coin to buy these cheap productions of ours. We, therefore, get back our coin by diminishing our paper, and it will stay until drawn away by another superabundance of paper. Such is the circle which a mixed currency is always describing. Like the power of steam, it is eminently useful in prudent hands, but of tremendous hazard when not controlled ; and the practical wisdom in managing it lies in seizing the proper moment to expand and contract it — taking care, in work- ing with such explosive. materials, whenever there is doubt, to incline to the side of safety. " These simple elements explain the present situation of the country. Its disorder is over-trading, brought on by over-banking. The remedy is to bank less, and to trade less. " During the last year, money was very abundant — that 192 BANKIPfG FROM 1826-27 TO 1823-29. is, the demand for coin being small in proportion, the Banks distributed freely their discounts and notes. This plenty concurred with other causes, especially the expectation of a new tariff, to induce an increased importation of foreign goods, and, at the same time, furnish great facility for pro- curing them on credit. For instance, in the difficulty of procuring profitable investments, there were found capi- talists who exported the coin of the country, and sold their bills for it on credit — thus obtaining a small profit on the shipment, and a greater on the discount of the notes taken for their bills. This fraction of a per centage on the ship- ment of coin, seems to be a trifling gain for the great in- convenience to which it often subjects the community ; but the profit, though small, is lawful, and no odium should at- tach to the agents, for the operation is often a wholesome corrective of excessive issues of paper. The effect was, that by the month of February, the exportations of specie to France and England had become unusually large, amount- ing, probably, in the preceding twelve months, to between four and five million dollars ; and great importations were constantly arriving, and wh.ich, when sold, would require remittances to Europe. Hitherto, at this season, the de- mand for exchange had been supplied by the bills drawn on the produce of the South, when shipped to Europe ; but this year the crop, and with it the bills produced by it, has come tardily into the market, so that the demands of ex- change for the proceeds of the arriving shipments were di- rected immediately to the exhausted vaults of the Banks. Such an effect was to be averted without loss of time. The directors of the Bank of the United States, as was their natural duty, were the first to perceive the danger, and the Bank was immediately placed in a situation of great strength and repose. The State Banks followed its example. They began by restraining their loans within their income, and gradually and quietly decreasing the amount of them, and more especially directing their retrenchments on those whose operations were particularly connected with the ex- portations they desired to prevent. The course of business has been this : A merchant borrows from the Banks and sends abroad $!100,000 in coin, or he buys bills from one who has shipped the coin. With these he imports a cargo of goods — obtaining a long credit for the duties — sends BANKING FROM 1826-27 TO 1828-29. 193 them to auction, where they are sold, and .the auctioneer's notes given for thera. These notes are discounted by the Banks, and the merchant is then put in possession of an- other $* 100,000, which he again ships, and thus he proceeds in an endless circle, as long as the Banks, by discounting his notes, enable him to send the coin, and tempt him to do so, by keeping up prices here by their excessive issues. The Banks, therefore, begin by diminishing or withdraw- ing these artificial facilities, leaving the persons directly concerned in this trade to act as they please with their own funds, but not with the funds of the Banks. The im- mediate consequence is, that the auctioneers can no long- er advance the money for entire cargoes — that they no longer sell for credit, but for cash — that the price of goods falls — that instead of being sold in large masses, they are sold slowly and in small parcels, so that the importer is not able to remit the proceeds in large amounts. This dimi- nishes the demand for bills and for specie to send abroad. In the meantime, the importer, finding the prices of his goods fall, imports no more ; and the shipper of coin, find- ing less demand for exchange, and that he can make more of his money by using it at home than by exporting it, ab- stains from sending it abroad. Time is thus gained till the arrival of the Southern exchange, which will supply the demand without the aid of the coin, and then every thing resumes its accustomed course. " This is the point to which the present measures of the Banks are tending. The purpose must be accomplished, in a longer or shorter time, with a greater or less degree of pressure, but the effect must and will be produced." This account, mutatis mutandis, will serve for a history of Banking in almost any year. " Such is the circle a mixed currency is always describing." The only differ- ence is, that the circle is sometimes wider and sometimes narrower. " The constant tendency of Banks is to lend too much, and to put too many notes in circulation." Sometimes it is a demand for specie to establish a new institution at New Orleans, that compels them to diminish their issues ; sometimes it is a demand for specie for the use of the Bri- tish army in Canada, sometimes the crop of cotton comes in tardily — sometimes it is something else : but a year 194 BAXKING FROM 1826--27 TO 1828-29. seldom passes without some cause of tliis kind occurring, and it is impossible in the nature of things that such causes should not occur. It would seem from Mr. Biddle's statements in another part of this essay, that, though every thing appeared very smooth on the surface in 1827, great danger lurked be- neath. Speaking of the State Banks, he says, " vvhat in- terest has the community in propping up many of these institutions? Let any sedate man look at the returns made this winter of the state of the Banks in various parts of the United States, and then answer whether they need further exemptions from the necessity of accommodating their bu- siness to their means. * * * * * * In the present and immediate example, no man can fail to perceive that, but for the warning restriction imposed by the Bank of the United States and the leading State Banks, the events of the last six weeks would have brought many of them to the verge of insolvency, whence they could only escape by some sudden shock to the com- munity." In 1825, the immediate danger was to the Banks, and through them to the community. In 1826, the United States' Bank and the leading State Banks placed them- selves '' in a situation of great strength and repose," but the sufferings of the community were not the less severe on that account. It was, in fact, by producing sufferings in the community, that the Banks placed themselves in that situa- tion from which they regarded what was going on around them with so much complacency. The people implored them for relief, but the President of the United States' Bank replied, " It is in the order of nature, that if men or nations live extravagantly, they must suffer till they repair their losses by prudence, and that neither men nor Banks should impose on the community by promises to pay what they cannot pay. The laws of trade have their own remedy for such disorders, as infallible as the law of animal life, which enables the human system to relieve itself from its own excesses. Both must have their course. But the Bank of the United States is invoked to assume that which, whoever attempts, deserves the ruin he will suffer. It is requested to erect itself into a special providence to modify the laws of nature, and to declare that the ordinary BAXKIXG FROM 1826 27 TO 1828 29. 195 fate of the heedless and improvident shall not be applied to the United Stales. Our countrymen are to be indulged without restraint in the utmost extravagance of the luxu- ries of Europe, on credit from the Banks ; and when the day of payment arrives, the debtor shall not be called upon for payment — the Banks shall not be incommoded to pay their own notes, for the moment any inconvenience is felt, the Bank of the United States will certainly interpose and pay the debt. But if the Bank of the United States blends any sense with its tenderness, it will do nothing of all this." This reply, though not very consoling, would have been unanswerable, if it had not been that " the disorder of the country was over-trading, brought on by over-banking." The Banks continued to diminish mercantile facilities, in the month of May. In September there was another pressure on the community ; and in December a great scarcity of money was felt in Boston. The President of the United States' Bank, in a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, dated July 18th, 1829, says the office at Portsmouth, " last year was nearly pros- trated in the general ruin which spread over that coun- try. Out of 400,000 dollars of loans, 148,000 dollars was thrown under protest : still further protests were expected, and the actual loss sustained there will not be less than 112,000." In March 1829, there was a pressure in Philadelphia : and in the following months great appreliensions were enter- tained in New York for the safety of the country Banks in that and the neighboring States. A writer in the United States Telegraph endeavored to show that the Banks of that city were also in a perilous condition. The difficul- ties appear to have been greatest in that city about the beginning of June. In the middle of the month, it was announced that the money market was becoming easy. Many New York merchants were, however, compelled to make compromises w ith their creditors ; and many mechanics were deprived of employment. The greatest distress in this year, appears to have been in Rhode Island. The Providence Literary Subaltern, as quoted by the Philadelphia Gazette, on the 2Gth of June, says — " The embarrassments which have been realized in 196 BANKING FROM 1826--27 TO 1828-29. this immediate neighborhood for the last ten days, have had no parallel in the history of the Republic. Men of reputed capital, who have withstood the shock of former changes and times ; men who for the last forty years have stood firm, erect and undismayed before the tempest of the times that have assailed them, are now tottering on the verge of bankruptcy and ruin. Their fall bears excessively heavy on the poor and laboring classes, who, by the way, are in reality the principal sufferers. Deprived of employ- ment, destitute and friendless, they are thrown upon the world, and know not how to obtain a livelihood. VVithin the last ten days, within the circle of the ten adjacent miles, upwards of twenty-five hundred people have been suddenly and unexpectedly thrown out of employment, and the distress that such an event has produced, can be far better imagined than described." CHAPTER XXI. Additional Particulars of the History of BanJcing from 1824 to 1829. The professors of natural science are able to give satis- factory accounts of the general causes of heat and cold in different latitudes, and of snow and rain in different sea- sons, but it is in most instances beyond their power to state in what degree each of the general causes known to be in operation, has contributed to the state of the weather at a particular time and particular place. Banking is like the weather. It is affected by a variety of causes, which pre- sent themselves in difTerent combinations. Many of these causes are of such a nature that their operation, if sepa- rately considered, would be inapjjreciable, though when united they produce a very sensible effect. Others are so strongly n)arked in their consequences, that their operation can at times be calculated with all the accuracy which is necessary tor illustrating general principles. Among these latter causes must be ranked the conflicts of the Banks with one another, and their dealinsis with Go- vernment. These are sufficient to produce great commer- BANKING FROM 1824 TO 1829. 197 cial embarrassments, even when there is no very great de- mand for specie for exportation. We have seen that the war between the allied Banks of Boston and the country Banks, produced a great scarcity of money in New Eng- land, in May 1825, or at the very time when speculation was most active in the Middle and Southern States. The President of the United States' Bank speaks of the " re- action, as it is called," taking place in Philadelphia, " in October." But the newspapers make mention of the pres- sure in July, and it is well known that it is not till some- time after great pressures begin, that mention is made of them in the public journals. Taking into consideration the facts that the pressure was felt here some four or five months before the crisis in England, that exchanges were in favor of this country, and that during this time the Eng- lish country Banks were, according to Lord Liverpool, in- creasing their issues, we are inclined to think that some Gther cause besides the foreign demand for specie must have contributed to the reaction of 1825 — at least so far as it affected the United States' Bank, and through it the other Banks and the community. We have a cause adequate to the effect, in the loans of ten million dollars made by the Bank to the Government in 1824 and 1825. The amount may not be large, abstractedly considered, but a paper mo- ney Bank which has been doing business for several years, can seldom, unless it has a surplus stock of specie, make loans for a long period, without being afterwards forced to resort to such measures as operate with great hardship on its regular customers. " The constant tendency of Banks," as Mr. Biddle has correctly observed, " is to lend too much — to put too many notes in circulation." And the Bank of the United States, after having lent as much as it could to private traders, strained its credit and resources to lend to Government, and thereby put more notes in circulation than the state of trade required. The peculiar force with which the pressure of 1825 ope- rated on the United States' Bank, strengthens this reason- ing. It receives additional corroboration in the fact that the reaction was over in the United States much sooner than in England : and also in the fact that the exports of gold and silver in the year 1825, exceeded the imports in s 198 BANKING FROM 1824 TO 1829. only the small sum of 2,600,000 dollars, the imports for the year being $6,150,785, and the exports $8,787,055. It must, indeed, be admitted that a very small export of specie sometimes produces very great confusion. Mr. Carey, in a work published in 1810, says — " The merchants en- gaged in the trade to the East Indies, made application last spring to the Bank of the United States for dollars to remit there, and offered a premium of one per cent. The direc- tors took the matter under consideration, and with liberali- ty resolved to furnish the necessary sums without premium What was the exact amount I cannot state, but I have rea- son to believe it exceeded half a million of dollars. They were applauded for their liberality. But, however extraor- dinary it may appear, the effect of the operation was abso- lutely to impel some of the other Banks to curtail their dis- counts considerably." If our currency was metallic, the exportation of ten or twenty millions of gold and silver, would have no more ef- fect on the general train of commercial operations than the exportation of so many dollars' worth of iron and copper, for the exportation of specie would never commence till the domestic demand was fully satisfied. But, now, the fitting out of a single East India ship, may derange the trade of a city : and diminishing the ordinary stock of spe- cie in the amount of only two or three millions, may de- range the trade of the country. This may appear strange at first view, but Mr. Biddle, in his Address to the Stockholders of the United Slates' Bank, in September 1831, gives us very satisfactory rea- sons why a cause, apparently so very trifling, should pro- duce so very great an effect. " It is the peculiarity of our moneyed .system, that in many parts of the country the precious metals are excluded from the minor channels of circulation by a small paper currency, in consequence of which the greater portion of these metals is accumulated in great masses in the Atlantic cities, liable to be immedi- ately demanded on notes previously issued in the confidence of the continuance of the same state of things which caused the abundant issue of them ; at the first turn in the -tide of foreign exchange — when the supply of foreign exchange is unequal to the daily demand, the vaults of the Banks may be exhausted before any precaution can prevent it. These BANKIXG TROM 1824 TO 1829. 199 very precautions too, consisting as they do almost exclu- sively of curtailnaent of their loans, made suddenly — most- ly without concert, and always under the influence of anxie- ty if not of alarm, may fall with oppressive weight on the community, by the pressure in which alone can be pro- duced the necessary reaction. This reaction, moreover, is necessarily slow, since our distance from Europe makes it less easy to restore the equilibrium than between adjoining countries in the same hemisphere." It certainly was not by any increase of its loans to mer- chants that the Bank of the United States was brought into difficulty in 1825, for these loans, including in the calcula- tion common discounts and bills of exchange, actually sus- tained a reduction of upwards of 300,000 dollars, between the 1st of January, 1824, and the 31st of July, 1825. By its loans of ten millions to Government, the Bank appears to have added to its circulation, between the dates just mention- ed, only 3,277,885. But this, it seems, was two millions six hundred thousand more paper than the country could bear, for in this amount the exports of specie exceeded the im- ports in 1825. It is well worthy of observation, that the total import of foreign merchandise in 1825, was, according to the custom- house returns, 896,340,075, and the total export of domes- tic and foreign produce, was $99,535,388. If allowance be made for freight of the exports, and profits on them in foreign markets, it will be seen that the " balance of trade" was decidedly in favor of the country. So that, altogether, we have in the events of the year, an example that, in time of profound peace, and when the balance of trade is in favor of the country, and when the exports of specie ex- ceed the imports in the sum of only two or three millions, a whole comnuniity may, by the operations of paper money Banking, be brought to the very verge of insolvency. The evils produced by Banks' making loans to Govern- ment are occasional. These produced by Banks' trading on Government deposits, are perpetual. These deposits vary in the amount of millions in the course of a few months. A Bank may know that the Government will, in the course of a short period, require its funds to pay off a portion of the public debt, or for some other purpose, but as the constant tendency of Banks is to lend too much and put too many 200 BANKING FROM 1824 TO 1829. notes in circulation, a Bank having possession of such funds seldom fails to make discounts on them as freely as on its own capital, trusting that when the Government shall demand its own, means may be found of meeting the demand through a credit in Europe, or some other financial operation. The most common mode is that of reducing com- mercial discounts. In the voluminous documents appended to the report made by a Committee of Congress in April 1832, continual reference is made to changes in the opera- tions of the United States' Bank, rendered necessary by Go- vernment's reclaiming its deposits for the purpose of pay- ing off the public debt. If the State Banks should be made the depositories of the public funds, the evil would be increased instead of being diminished. Paper money Banks cannot be employed in any way as fiscal machines, without embarrassing the op- erations either of Government or of the community, and sometimes of both. If we had a metallic currency, and if our fiscal concerns were managed without the agency of Banks, the paying off of ten or twenty millions of public debt in the course of a year, would have the same effect as the paying off of ten or twenty millions of private debt — would produce benefit instead of injury. But as matters have been managed through the agency of the Banks, the pay- ing off of the public debt has indirectly contributed to the irregularities of the money market since the year 1825. The pressure of 1828 operated with more force on the local Banks than on the Bank of the United States. It was, as we have reason to believe, with great difficulty that some of the principal Banks of Philadelphia placed themselves in a situation of repose. As the imports of specie had in the previous year exceeded the exports, the imports having been $8,151,130, and the exports 87,971,307, while the total value of exports was 882,324,827, and of im- ports only 879,484,068, we cannot resist the conclusion that the difficulties of 1828 were, as well as those of 1825, owing, in a great measure, to domestic causes. The pres- sure in that year appears to have been independent of any movements in Europe. Money was very plenty in Eng- land. The interest on commercial securities in London in August, was only two per cent. The Bank of France had it in contemplation in November, to reduce the rate of discount to three per cent. In December, there was. BANKIiYG FROM 1824 TO 1829. 201 indeed, a pressure in both France and England, but our difficulties commenced in the early part of the year. The foreign demand for specie could not have been great, as the exports of gold and silver in the whole year amounted to 87,550,339, and were nearly balanced by the imports, which amounted to $7,489,741. To account for the difficulties in the year 1828, it is necessary to take into consideration a fact which was men- tioned by Mr. Biddle in the verbal expose he gave to the stockholders of the United States' Bank, at their meeting in August. He then stated that the circulation of the Bank had been increased between August 1822 and Au- gust 1828, from 5,400,000 dollars, to upwards of 13,000,000, and that this had been effected, without adding any thing to the aggregate amount of currency, but simply by dis- placing an equal amount of the notes of the Jocal Banks. Admitting this to be the fact, we have a satisfactory reason for the pressure felt by the other Banks of Philadelphia, while the United States' Bank was in a situation of great strength and repose. It was in the previous year, or 1827, that the United States' Bank commenced the issue of branch drafts for the sums of five and ten dollars, by which it obtained a decided advantage over the State Banks. It was thereby able, in December 1827, to put a stop to the circulation of the notes of the Cape Fear Bank of North Carolina ; and to this operation of displacing the notes of the local Banks by the small branch drafts of the United States' Bank, may be attributed great part of the difficulties of the year 1828. It must be evident to every person,that new and unexpected demands on the local Banks by the United States' Bank, must have the same effect on them as new and unexpected demands on them for specie to send abroad. The United States' Bank may expand in the same proportion as the local Banks contract ; but it has a different class of customers, and thus while money is made plenty with one portion of the community, it may be made scarce with another. The pressure of 1828 did not seem to affect the dealers in public stocks. Its weight fell principally on the merchants, and other productive members of society. The difficulties of the year 1829, appear to have been owing in part to the operation of displacing local Bank s s 202 BANKING FROM 1629-30 TO 1832-33. notes by the branch drafts of the United States' Bank, in part to local causes of different kinds in different parts of the country, and in part to the state of commercial affairs in Europe. The operations of the United States' Bank are so limited in New England, that the people of that quarter of the country must attribute the principal evils they suffer to the doings of their local Banks. The people of the other States must attribute their sufferings to the combined operations of the local Banks and the Bank of the United States, bearing in mind the fact, that the United States' Bank has a share in producing these evils, only in proportion to the amount of its capital, the number of its branches, the control it has of the funds of Govern- ment, and the changes it makes from time to time, in its mode of operation. CHAPTER XXII. Of Banking from 1829-30 to 1832-33. Towards the close of the year 1829, money . became plenty. For this various causes may be assigned. One of the chief was the extensive dealings of the United States' Bank. This institution had, early in 1823, devised a plan for extending its operations, and in that year discontinued the practice of paying out the notes of the local Banks, and renewed the practice of receiving the notes of all its branches. But the condition of things was such, that, towards the close of the year, its circulation was diminish- ed, instead of being increased. It stood, in November and December, at §4,081,842, which was less than it was at any previous period, except the three months which immedi- ately followed the first opening of the doors of the Bank at Philadelphia. In 1824 and 1825, the Bank increased its active capi- tal, by the sale of three or four millions of forfeited Bank stock. It was by this operation, by adding upwards of three millions to its circulation, and by straining its credit, that it was enabled in these years to lend ten millions to Government. A part of the plan of the Bank was to ex- BANKIXG FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. 203 tend its dealings in domestic exchanges. This it natural- ly preferred to increasing its business in other commercial securities, as on theseit received only discount, whereas on bills of exchange it received both discount and premium. Being the depository of the public funds in various parts of the Union, it possessed great advantages for dealings in exchange, especially as the greater part of the public re- venues was received in those cities which had naturally the rate of exchange in their favor. The operations of the Bank in its exchange dealings are thus described by its President. " The crop of Tennessee is purchased by merchants who ship it to Xew Orleans, giving their bills founded on it to the branch of Nashville, which furnishes them with notes. These notes are in time brought to New York for purchasing supplies for Tennessee. They are paid in New York, and the Nashville Bank becomes the debtor of the branch at New York. The Nashville branch repays them by drafts given to the branch at New York on the branch at New Orleans, where its bills have been sent, and the branch in New York brings home the amount by sel- ling its drafts on the branch at New Orleans : or the New Orleans branch remits. This very plan of circulation, is the basis of the whole interior trade of the United States." The true basis of the interior trade of the United States, is the fertility of the soil and the industry of the people. The sun would shine, the streams would flow, and the earth would yield her increase, if the Bank of the United States was not in existence. What is now performed by it in the way of exchange dealings, would, if there were no corporations, be as well performed by private exchange merchants. Perhaps they could not perform it at quite as low a rate, for they would have to provide a capital of their own, whereas the United States' Bank performs it by the control it has of the public deposits, and by means of the credit its charter gives it in different States. Employing no capital of its own in the business — the whole affair being a mere paper transaction between the Bank and its branches, it may well afford to do it cheap. It may, however, be questioned, if the reduction of the price of exchange below its natural rate, is an equivalent for the evils which must necessarily ensue from the substi- 204 BANKIIVG FROM 1829--30 TO 183-2-33. tution of the discretion of the officers of the United States' Bank and of its twenty-five branches, for the laws of nature. Whenever and wherever the Bank of the United States reduces exchange below its natural rate, it removes the only effective check on over-trading. This in a short time makes necessary a reduction of discounts, and thus we have in the exchange dealings of the United States' Bank a new element of commercial vicissitude. If there were no paper money institutions, the rate of domes- tic exchange would be regulated by the cost of transporting specie from one part of the country to another. This, even between the most remote parts of the Union, would not ex- ceed two or three per cent., and it would be better to pay this per ceptage than to be exposed to all the evils of an interminable series of expansions and contractions. There was, however, a serious obstacle to extending the operations of the Bank as far as was desirable. It was physically impossible for the President and Cashier of the Parent Bank to sign all the notes wanted for the branches: and Congress, though repeatedly solicited, had refused to give authority to any other persons to sign notes for circu- lation. Counsel was then taken of some distinguished legal characters, and they declared that the issue of small drafts signed by the officers of the branches, either upon one another, or upon the Parent Bank, was not prohibited by the charter. The issue of these drafts was accordingly commenced in 1827, and a great increase of paper me- dium has followed. The President of the institution has said, " If branch drafts had not been issued, no notes at all could have been issued, from the mere physical impos- sibility of preparing them. But branch drafts do not increase the circulation more than branch notes would." This is true, but the physical impossibility was made known to Congress, when application was made for authority to be given to other persons besides the President and Cashier to sign notes for circulation. In answer to a question propounded by Mr. Camber- breleng, " In what manner can a National Bank diminish the circulation of country Banks, with which it has no transactions except by reducing its own circulation ?" the President of the Bank replied, " Very easily and very na- turally. The very increase of the circulation of a National BANKING FROM 18-29--30 TO 1832-33. 205 Bank, may be the most efficient cause of the reduction of a State Bank, and in this way, a branch is near a local Bank — the branch notes are more valuable than the local notes — the local notes are exchanged for the branch notes at the branch Bank, which thus becomes the creditor of the local Bank, and makes it pay its debts, and thus reduce its circulation. Now almost all State Banks stand in this relation to the Bank and its branches." This is sufficient to show that the embarrasm.ents of 182S were produced in part by the conflicts between the United States' Bank and the local Banks for the circula- tion. Encouraged by the success of its experiment, the United States' Bank took measures for extending the ope- rations of its old branches and for establishing new ones. It felt pretty secure in the emission of branch drafts, for they were made payable at a distance of five hundred or a thousand miles from the places in which they were issued, and though receiveable every where inpayment of debts to Government, could at any time be refused to be received in payment of debts due to the Bank. The Bank did, in- deed, and still does, receive these branch drafts on de- posit, at all its offices. This was necessary to give the drafts a general circulation. But if it should at any time become the interest of the Bank not to receive them, it has only to say so, and the merchants will, as they were in 1818-19, be denied the privilege of paying debts due to the Bank in the paper of the Bank, A portion of the paper of each of the twenty-five offices, being distributed through each of the twenty-four States, each office may, in case of a " panic" be delivered from the effects of a " run," by a refusal to receive or to discharge any but its own drafts. Under these circumstances the Bank increased its issues, and it is evident that after these issues were swelled to a certain amount, they affiarded a basis for new issues by the the State Banks. It is well known that the country Banksof Pennsylvania discount as freely on deposits of Phi- ladelphia notes as on deposits of specie ; for, Philadelphia notes are, they say, " as good to them as specie," or even better, inasmuch as exchange is usually in favor of Phila- delphia. The Banks throughout the Union regard United States' Bank notes and drafts in much the same light as the country Banks of Pennsylvania regard Philadelphia 206 BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. paper; because balances are constantly accumulating against them, in the United States' Bank, through that in- stitution's being made the depository of the public funds, and through its many extensive transactions. The opera- ration was briefly this : — local Bank notes which circulated freely only in the neighborhood of the Banks which issued them, were exchanged at the ofBces of the United States' Bank for branch drafts which were made to circulate every where. This diminished the circulation of the State Banks, and increased that of the United States' Bank. The circulation of the Bank of the United States being in- creased, a number of its notes were received by the State Banks, either on deposit or in payment of debts due to them by individuals. The local Banks finding they had on hand a considerable amount of United States' paper, which was " as good to them as specie, or even better," began to issue their own notes more freely. A portion of these were received by the United States' Bank, and the State Banks, on payment being required, satisfied the de- mand with branch drafts. Each extension of the business of the United States' Bank in exchanges, increased its cir- culation of branch drafts, and each increase of branch drafts, after the new mode of operation was fairly established, en- abled the State Banks to increase their issues, by provid- ing them with means to meet such demands against them as might be made by the United States' Bank. From the reports made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania in November, 1828, by the various Banks of the State, and by the Bank of Pennsylvania in February 1829, it appears that their circulation then amounted to 7,238,991 dollars, and their deposits to 6,221,037 dollars— total 13,460,028 dollars. From similar reports made in November 1831, it appears that their circulation was 8,753,092, and their deposits 7,736,747— total 16,489,839 dollars. This shows an increase in the local Bank medium of Pennsylvania, of three millions of dollars, or about twenty-two per cent, between these dates. Mr. Cambreleng states, that, between the 1st of January 1830 and the 1st of January 1832, the country Banks in the State of New York had increased their circulation from 3,974,345, to 8,022,277 dollars. The increase in 1831, in the circulation of the Banks of New York, Massachusetts, BANKIPTG FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. 207 Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, not including the Banks of Philadelphia, is estimated by him at eight millions. The gross circulation of the Bank of the United States in January 1829, was 13,391,110 dollars, and in January 1832 it was 24,630,747 dollars. The net circulation was at the first of these periods, 11,901,656 — at the second it was 21,250,545 dollars. The increase in the net circula- tion was about seventy-eight per cent. Other causes besides the new mode of operation adopted by the United States' Bank have contributed to this in- crease of currency. Multitudes of those who were ruined by the events which followed the war, had found relief in death. Others had sought an asylum in the poor-house. The children of others had become old enough to till, as hirelincrs, the farms their fathers once owned. A new generation of business men had come on the stage of ac- tion, and the incidents of 1818-19 were fast fading from the minds of those who were then old enough to be observant of the course of affairs. In such a country as the United States, the silent operations of society work great changes in a period of ten or twenty years. Perni- cious as the Banking system is, it cannot exhaust the natural sources of wealth, or destroy that desire in men to better their condition, which is the main spring of action. The country was more populous and more wealthy than it was at any previous period. It could bear more Banking, and more Banking it was made to bear. The combined operations of these causes began to be very visible in their effects in the latter part of 1829, after the embarrassments caused by a pressure in Europe were over. The rise of property on Market street, Philadelphia, was a subject of newspaper boast in November. An increase of the trade with Mexico, and a decline of the trade with China, contributed to swell the amount of specie in the country. In 1830, the exports of gold and silver were only 2,178,773 dollars, while the imports were 8,155,964. A method adopted by the Bank of the United States, and imitated by private capitalists, of drawing bills on England to be negotiated beyond the Cape of Good Hope, was one of the causes which, in this year, diminish- ed the export of gold and silver. The committee of Coi>- gress say, " this new method of dealing in bills of exchange 208 BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. does not economize the specie of the country at all. It is a universal law of drawing, that funds must either go be- fore or follow after the draft to honor it at maturity ; and whether it goes directly or circuitously, the funds to dis- charge it must sooner or later arrive at the place of pay- ment. These bills are to be paid in England, but they go round the Cape of Good Hope before they reach their place of destination. Instead, therefore, of sending the specie directly to India and China, as formerly, who does not per- ceive that it must now be sent to England, the country upon which these bills are drawn, there to meet them upon the arrival at the place where they are to be paid? The Bank consequently becomes the shipper of the specie, to pay its bills, in place of the merchant, to purchase his merchan- dise in the East Indies. It is simply and purely nothing but a change of the destination of the specie, with only the advantage of its going to London. " The supplying of bills encourages an operation which commences and ends without the employment of any capi- tal whatever, and is similar in character to respondentia se- curities. The buyer is enabled, within the term of credit, to make the voyage, dispose of his goods, and obtain from the proceeds the funds to meet his obligation, and the Bank to transmit the same to the place upon which the bills are drawn, (which are at six months' sight,) long before they be- come due. It would seem to produce a greater export of specie, eventually, than would otherwise take place, if the operations were commenced with specie, and not with bills purchased in the manner described: for the merchant, re- lying upon his immediate resources, would not engage to such an extent in the business, and would combine in the operation much of the produce of the country, whereas, re- lying upon an extensive credit, he hazards every thing on the success of the enterprize. It is a species of speculation in trade, leading to great risks, and certainly terminating in over-trading — the evils of which the country is now sorely experiencing. By loans of a similar character by insurance companies, providing funds for traders to China, Govern- ment has sustained more loss than in any other branches of trade." All this is true enough, but this method of drawing bills to be negotiated beyond the Cape of Good Hope, enables BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832--33. ' 209 the Banks to increase their issues, inasmuch as it defers the demand for specie for six months, a year, or longer. It contributed, with other causes, to swell the amount of silver in the vaults of the Banks, in the latter part of 1829, and in 1830, and 1831. In March 1830, the Bank of the United States had in its vaults 8,038,246 dollars, which was more than it ever had before. In December, the Banks of the city of New York complained that they had so much specie that they did not know what to do with it. The amount in their vaults was said to be seven millions. Throughout 1830 and the greater part of 1831, the Banks generally extended their operations. Money was unusually plenty, and little embarrassment was suffered, except what was produced by the action of the Banks on one another, in their struggle to determine which should circulate most paper. The efTect in Philadelphia was to raise property, in many parts of the town, as high, or nearly as high, as it was during the suspension of specie payments. Great part of Market street was rebuilt with elegant stores. Rents rose enormously in business places. The trade with the Western country was increased greatly ; and speculation showed its activity in a variety of forms. In aln)ost every part of the country, the same effects were observable, in either a greater or a less degree. This continued till October, 1831, when " an active de- mand for money" began, the consequences of which have since been felt in various parts of the country in various forms. The President of the United States' Bank, in a letter dated April IGth, 1832, addressed to Mr. Clayton, the chair- man of the committee of Congress, gives the following ac- count of the state of affairs : " In addition to the business of domestic exchange, the amount of local loans has increased, owing to the greater demand for the use of money during the last year, and the conversion into the more active form of business of the stocks repaid by Government to the Bank. The first grew naturally out of the state of trade. For eighteen months, the want of employment for capital, and the derangement of industry arising from political and other causes, rendered money very abundant in France and England, the two T 210 BAXKIXG FROM 1829--30 TO 1832-33. countries whose situation so much influences our own, and produced a correspondintr ease and plenty in the United States, while at the same time, the disturbed state of Eu- rope, and the Cholera which interposed new obstacles to trade, with certain parts of it, naturally directed the manu- facturers of England and France to this country, which is by far the best and safest markets for their productions. These circumstances occasioned, during the past twelve months, an unusual importation of foreign merchandise. While the treatment of this temporary commercial disease was in pro- gress, the sufferers naturally looked for the cause of it every where but in themselves, and the Bank was reproached with having contributed to occasion the importations. With- out going into detail, one single fact is quite decisive on this subject. It will be seen from the following oflicial statement, marked B, that the large importations last year began with the month of April, and of course they must have been founded, so far back as the Bank was concerned, on the state of things in this country a month or two pre- vious, say the month of March last. Now, it will be seen from the'state of the Bank before the committee, that, for nearly two years before the month of March last, (1831,) the local discounts of the Bank had undergone no percep- tible increase— those for July 1S29 being 634,196,000, and those for March 1S31 being $34,2-^0,000, an increase within that period of only 24,000 dollars." This does not appear to be a correct mode of viewing the subject. The exchange dealings of the Bank ought to be taken into consideration as well as the local discounts. They contribute quite as much to credit traffic. It is throuCTh them the Bank is able to circulate its branch drafts. The arrival of these branch drafts in the great Atlantic ci- ties, is, as the President of the Bank has stated elsewhere, " the signal of relief to the southern and western traders." The receipt of them at tiie office at \ew York, was near- ly twelve millions in the year 1828, and upwards of eleven millions in 1829. The receipt of them at Philadelphia, and at the three offices of New York, Baltimore, and Bos- ton, amounted to upwards of thirty-seven million dollars, in the two years of 1828 and 1829. It is with these branch drafts that the southern and western merchants pay for fo- rciffu merchandise. It is with tliese the importer pays the •t3 BAN RING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. 211 duties to the Government. Nothing, therefore, can con- tribute more efficiently to an increase of imports. " The large importations must have been founded, so far as the Bank was concerned, on the state of things in this country a month or two previous." This is unquestiona- ble, and the state of things in this country was then affect- ed by the new system of operations begun by the Bank in 1827. Between the two dates mentioned in the extract, the net circulation of the United Sates' Bank was increased from 13,780,847 to 10,933,122, or about twenty-two per cent., and though the increase in the circulation of the lo- cal Banks may not have been in the same proportion, there is reason to believe it was considerable. It may be admit- ted that the state of trade in Europe, and, perhaps, the Cho- lera, tended to swell the importations, but any disposition to over-trading thereby induced, would, if we had been with- out moneyed corporations and without paper money, soon have been checked by the necessity of paying cash, or at least making engagements to pay in specie. — The Presi- dent of the Bank proceeds as follows : " Without having contributed to produce them, the Bank found, about nine months ago, large importations, requiring for their diffusion through the country, increased facilities connected with Banking : having the means of giving them, — being in fact created for the purpose of giving them — it gave them ; it had the means of giving, because, in the early part of the year, it had been strengthened for busi- ness, purposely, by the addition of two millions of its funds in Europe transferred home, by the repayment of about ten millions of the funded debt paid back by Government since October, 1830, making an increase of active means amount- ing to twelve millions. When, in the progress of a few months, the continuance of these importations, and the re- venue which had accrued on them, produced an effect jn the actual state of the market, the Bank applied itself im- mediately to correct any disadvantages from it to the com- munity. The actual position of things was simply this : There were large importations requiring means of remit- tance to Europe to pay for them : there were large amounts of revenue to Government, amounting in New York alone, from March 1831, to March 1832, to nearly seventeen million dollars, requiring great forbearance towards the 212 BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. debtors. In the mean time, the southern produce, which furnishes the greater part of the means to pay for these im- portations, was, owing to a great variety of causes, the state of the crops and the weather, unusually late in appearing. This, therefore, was the condition of the country : an unu- sual importation, an unusual amount of debts payable to Government, and an unusual delay in receiving the ordi- nary means of meeting these demands. Undoubtedly, if the Bank had chosen to adopt such a course, it would have been easy, by an immediate diminution of its loans, to place itself out of the reach of all inconvenience, but it would, at the same time, have inflicted very deep wounds on the community, and seriously endangered the revenue of Go- vernment. These exertions of mere power have no attrac- tion, and it was deemed a far wiser policy to deal with the utmost gentleness to the commercial community, to avoid all shocks, to abstain from countenancing all exaggerations and alarms, but to stand quietly by, and assist, if necessa- ry, the operations of nature and "the laws of trade, which can always correct their own transient excesses. Accord- ingly, the whole policy of the Bank for the last six months, [preceding April IGth, 1832,] has been exclusively pro- tective and conservative, calculated to mitigate suffering, and yet avert danger. The point where these importations occurred, and where the revenue was payable, was New York. The whole force of the institution was, therefore, di- rected to strengthen that place, and the distant branches were directed to avoid incommodingr it, and the xitlantic branches near to it, by drafts upon them, but to pay their balances to them with as little delay as the convenience of their respective localities would permit. This is the whole policy of the Bank for the last six months. It will be seen, therefore, that, without a diminution, there has been an ac- tual increase of business in New York, and a large increase of the domestic bills of the branches: the increase in New York being for the purpose of protecting the interest there, and the increase of the hills being the remittances from the West and South to sustain New York and the southern At- lantic branches. In the mean time the Bank, out of its own accumulations, and its own credits in Europe, supplied, since the first of September last, the means of remittances in its own bills to the amount of §5,295,746 52, and part- BANKING FROM 1329-30 TO 1832-33. ■ 213 ed with its surplus specie to the amount of 5,000,000, making an aggregate contribution to the commerce of the country of 810,295,746 52." The letters from the Cashier of the Bank at Philadelphia to the cashiers of the branches, in the months of October, November, December, January, and February, 1831-32, exhibit a remarkable example of the manner in which the operations of the Bank " assist the operations of nature, and the laws of trade, which can always correct their own transient excesses." The general directions to the cashiers were to shape their business, not according to the natural demands of trade in their immediate vicinity, but accord- ing to the special demands of the Bank in New York, and other Atlantic cities. They were to withhold local accom- modations, and to purchase bills of exchange on particular places, thus increasing facilities to one class of dealers, and denying them to others, when it was as likely as not that regard to the interests of the community in the neighbor- hood of the offices would have required an increase of local discounts and a diminution of exchange dealings, or ex- change dealings of a different character from those which were ordered. It may be doubted if any Board of men sitting in Philadelphia, is able to direct money operations, in many and remote parts of the Union, without inflicting injury on the community, especially when that same Board has on its shoulders the adtlitional burden of regulating the foreign exchanges of the country. It may be doubted if the discretion of any Board, however scientific and how- ever experienced, is an andequate substitute for " those operations of nature and laws of trade," which, if left to themselves, " can always correct their own transient ex- cesses." The reduction of accommodations at the Bank in Phila- delphia, between the 5th of January and the 29th of March, 1832, was $1,810,408 37, including both promissory notes and bills of exchange ; at the offices at Boston, between the 5th day of January and the 29th of March, it was $167,- 860 85, on a discount line of less than two and a half mil- lion dollars ; and at the office at Baltimore, between the 16th of January and the 2d of April, it was $123,741 63, on a discount line of little more than two million dollars. At the office at New York, the local discounts were, as T t 214 • BAVKING FROM 1629-30 TO 1832-33. Mr. Bidille states, increased, but the dealings in exchange were diminished, so that the actual reduction of commer- cial accommodations at that office, was $259,305 43, be- tween the 4th day of January and the 28th day of March, At the Bank in Philadelphia, the reduction between the 5th of January and the oth of April, fell a little short of twenty per cent, of the whole amount of accommodations. It appears, from a letter of the Cashier of the Bank in Philadelphia, dated November 24th, 1831, that the orders issued in October were, at some of the Western offices, " unfortunately misunderstood. At some of them, our Cashiers ceased checking altogether upon Philadelphia and New York, and at Nashville the Board refused very large amounts of prime bills upon your city, (New Orleans,) and have thus dried up a few of the rills by which the stream of exchange would have been swelled in its course towards you and thence to us." Thus, it seems, that, in addition to the evils to which the country is exposed from the at- tempts of the Board at Philadelphia to control the whole course of foreign and domestic exchanges, and through them the whole train of commercial operations — attempts which, from the imperfection of human nature, must neces- sarily be productive of evil — we are exposed to other evils from the officers of distant branches misunderstanding di- rections. Explanations of the orders of the Bank were then given to such of the branches as had misapprehended them, and it must be stated, in justice to the Cashiers of the Southern and Western offices, that they obeyed orders so well, that, though there was a reduction of dealings to the extent of two millions and a half at Philadelphia, New York, Bos- ton, and Baltimore, there was an increase between Oc- tober 1831, and March 1832, of more than a million in the net circulation of the Bank, of more than six millions in the bills of exchange, and of more than eight millions in the total of discounts and bills. The Bank perceived in February that it was necessary to change its policy, for branch drafts came from the South and West in such (juantities into the great Atlantic cities, as to threaten difficulties of another nature. Orders were then issued to the branches to keep down their business, as well in bills of exchange as in local discounts. Notwith- BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832--33. 215 standing this direction, the bills of exchange were, by May, increased to twenty-three millions, and the aggregate of discounts and bills to seventy millions. The immediate causes assigned for the movement in Oc- tober, were directions from Government to pay off six or seven millions of the public debt. Orders to pay off a small additional amount, only one million and three quar- ters, in April, are specially mentioned, in the instructions given to the southern and western branches, why they should shape their business so as to assist the principal of- fices in the Atlantic cities. If the Government had been willing to leave the national debt unpaid, and to suffer the Bank to have the public funds to trade upon, it would, per- haps, have kept on expanding. But the Government was, very properly, desirous of discharging the national debt while it had the means : and expressed a wish in March, to pay off in July one half of the three per cents. This ren- dered necessary a new movement on the part of the Bank, which is thus related by its chief officer. •' I received a letter from the acting Secretary of the Treasury, dated the 24th of March, 1832, informing me that the Government was about to issue a notice on the 1st of April, of their intention to pay on the 1st of July next, one-half of the three per cent, stock, and to do it by pay- ing to each stockholder one-half the amount of his certi- ficate. He added, ' If any objection occurs to you, either as to the amount, or as to the mode of payment, I will thank you to suggest it.' " Thus invited by the Government, in a communication marked ' confidential,' to give my opinion on a measure contemplated by the Government, I felt it my duty to ex- press my views of its probable operation. In my reply, therefore, dated the 29th of March, I stated, ' that so far as the Bank is concerned no objection occurs to me, it being sufficient that tho Government has the necessary amount of funds in the Bank to make the contemplated payment.' I then proceeded to observe, that in the present situation of the mercantile community, and with a very large amount of revenue, [amounting to nine millions,] to be paid before the 1st of July, the debtors of the Govern- ment would require all the forbearance and all the aid which could be given to them ; and that the payment pro- 216 BAXKIXG FROM 1629-30 TO 1832-33. posed, by creating a demand for the remittance of several million dollars to the European stockholders, would tend to diminish the usual facilities to the debtors of the Govern- ment, and might endanger the punctual payment. For this reason, I thought it for the interest of the Government to postpone the payment till the next quarter. " After weighing the circumstances, the Government was desirous of adopting the measure ; but the difficulty I understood to be this, that the sinking fund would lose the quarter's interest, from July to October, of the sum intended lo be paid in July, and that the Government did not feel itself justified in making the postponement, unless that in- terest could be saved ; but that it would be made, provided the Bank would make the sinking fund whole on the 1st o of October. To this I said, that, as the Bank would have the use of the fifnd during the three months, it would con- sent to save the sinking fund harmless, by paying the three months' interest itself And so the matter stands." It was not long, however, before the Bank discovered that it would be as inconvenient to pay the European stock- holders in October, as to pay them in July. One of the directors then made a voyage to Europe, and an arrange- ment was made through the medium of a private Banker in London, by which the reimbursement of a portion of the three per cents, was deferred for a further period. It is thus by means of its credit w ith Government, and its credit in Europe, that the Bank has sustained itself during the last six months. And it is well for the community that the Bank enjoys this credit. From the accounts recently published, it appears that its circulation was reduced, from March to November, more than twenty per cent. A fur- ther diminution would, by is operation on the local Banks, have added greatly to the sufferings which the commercial community endured during the last year. If we except the real estate held by the Bank and the specie in its vaults, all its capital and all its credit may be regarded as invested in promissory notes and bills of exchange, and it cannot pay to the public creditors the funds entrusted to it for that purpose, without making a reduction of com- mercial accommodations in a corresponding amount. The reduction during the past year was quite as great as the community could bear ; and though the Government has BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. 217 just cause of complaint, inasmuch as the sinking fund was not made whole on the 1st of October, according to agree- ment, it ought, perhaps, not to be very severe in its judg- ment, as an attempt to fulfil the contract literally, would have occasioned a great pressure on the people. The President of the Bank said, in his letter to Mr. Clayton in April 183-2, speaking of the plan of operation adopted in October IS31, " This has given time for the operations of the laws of trade : the country is recovering from the temporary inconvenience; the over-stocked market, by checking prices, has checked farther importations ; the southern crop so long delayed, is coming forward ; the ex- portation of specie has ceased ; the importations of specie, postponed by the troubles of Mexico, are resumed ; and in a short time, the whole operation will rectify itself" The inconvenience has, however, continued to the pre- sent day, and if a man of Mr. Biddle's great powers of mind, still thinks the embarrassments of the people are such as spring only from " vibrations of trade," having their origin in natural causes, and that they are in no way increased by Banking operations, it must be that his situa- tion at the head of the Banking system, has an influence on his judgment. He speaks of its being natural for men to look for the cause of their sufferings every where but in themselves. With equal truth it may be affirmed that statesmen, and men whose situation gives them the power of statesmen, are apt to attribute the sufferings of the com- munity to any cause but their own measures. If it should still be denied that the operations of the United States' Bank in particular, and of the local Banks in general, contributed to that state of things which led to the excessive importations in the spring of 1831, it must be admitted that the subsequent measures of the Banks have contributed to produce the heavier importations of 1832. It would be very illogical to argue that the " Cho- lera," when it visits the north of Europe, forces trade from it, and that when it visits the United States, it brings an increase of trade along with it. There must be some other cause than the " Cholera" for the excessive importa- tions of the last year. Mr. Biddle, in the essay he pub- lished in 1828, pointed out very clearly the manner in which over-banking leads to over-trading. 218 BANKING FROM 1829-30 TO 1832-33. Id October 1829, the statements of the United States' Bank showed a total of discounts and bills of exchange of 839,960,052, and in May 1832, a total of $70,428,070. In the short period of two years and seven months, there was an increase of 830,068,018 in the accommodations the Bank afforded to dealers. At the same time the local Banks expanded ; and if such causes will not affect trade, it is hard to say what will. The present amount of currency would be redundant, if over-bankinor had not induced over-tradinar. But in the present condition of things, men cannot, notwithstanding the abundance of paper money, meet their engagements with ease ; and their embarrassments are, at particular times and particular places, increased by the action of the Banks on one another, and by a system of exchange dealings in which the interests of the community in one town or in one State, are made subordinate to the interest of a Bank- ing office, perhaps five hundred or a thousand miles dis- tant. Such consequences are inseparable from the present sys- tem, and must not be ascribed to faults in the men who ma- nage it. Under another President and another Board of Di- rectors, the Bank of the United States might not have com- mitted precisely the same faults, but perhaps it would have committed faults which would have inflicted still greater evils on the community. A President and Board of Direc- tors who would refuse to take the ineasures necessary to raise the rate of dividends and the price of shares as high as possible, would be very unpopular with the stockholders, and would, probably, soon be dismissed from their official stations. If the State Banks were made the depositories of the public funds, and if their notes were made receivable in payment of duties, the evils of the system would be in- creased. If the Government should, after the expiration of the pre- sent charter of tlie United States' Bank, resolutely refuse to receive any thing but gold and silver in payment of debts, and also refuse to employ any Bunk as an agent in its fiscal operations, the evils of the system would be greatly dimi- nished. BAXKIXG OPERATIONS AT DIFFEREXT PERIODS. 219 CHAPTER XXIII. Extent of Banking Operations at Different Periods. For many years a veil of mystery was thrown over the operations of the Banks. Mr. Bland, a member of Con- gress from Maryland, in a speech made previous to the dissolution of tlie old Bank of the United States, said, "The nature of the loans, the deposits, and all the bargains, dealings, and contrivances, between the Government and the Bank, are wholly invisible to th.e public." Dr. Bellman, who undertook the defence of the Bank, after mentioning that the nature of Banking operations was but little understood, spoke of " an idea prevailing with those whom curiosity and a turn for research has led to investigate the subject more deeply, that the interest of of these institutions, as well as their usefulness, required the preservation of what they deem salutary prejudices concerning them." The Doctor justified such revelations as he made by the necessity of the case. "I have labored," says Mr. Carey, who was embark- ed in the same cause, " under a most discouraging des- titution of materials. Those whose province it was to furnish them, have most cautiously forborne from the com- munication, in the most extraordinary manner." In another sentence he says, " The obligation of se- crecy in Banking transactions, precludes a writer who un- dertakes the defence of such an institution, from many of the most important data, on which his reasoning may de- pend. * * * Were I possessed of a statement of the specie in the dilTerent Banks of Philadelphia — and were it proper to disclose it." For many years this veil of mystery was not removed ; if, indeed, it can now be said to be removed. " I have found " said ' A Frienly Monitor,' writing in 1819, " con- siderable embarrassment in obtaining the most simple in- formation in relation to the Bank (i. e. the present Bank of the United States.) If I ask a director, the seal of his finger is significantly impressed on his lips. There is a species of masonry in Banking which to a certain extent is highly proper and necessary. It implies a mutual pledge 220 BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. among the directors, that nothing shall be divulged which may be prejudicial to the interests of the Bank." Before the suspension of specie payments, no regular returns were received by the Legislature of Pennsylvania from the Banks in this Commonwealth. Since that time, accounts have been published annually : but as the Bank of Pennsylvania and the Bank of North America have in many years made no returns, it is impossible to give a gene- ral table from which indisputable conclusions might be drawn. In some of the other States, the difficulty of obtaining satisfactory accounts of the extent of Bank operations, is more difficult than in Pennsylvania. During the great excitement of 1818-19, Mr. Niles made an effort to col- lect information respecting all the Banks then in existence ; but, though his correspondence was very extensive, he does not appear to have succeeded in his object ; for the tables which he gave notice of his intention of publishing, do not appear in his Register. In 1820, Mr. Crawford, who was then Secretary of the Treasury, made a report on the state of currency, in con- nexion with which he gave a table intended to show the amount of capital paid in, the notes in circulation, the pub- lic and private deposits, and the specie in tlie Banks in 1319. Mr. Niles, on publishing the table said, " it will be seen the preceding returns are very imperfect — as, for instance, the capital paid in, in Maryland is given at 86,290, whereas it is nearly eight millions of dollars. Several of the other items I know, from various documents in my possession, are pretty nearly correct ; yet some are also much deficient." ]Mr. Gallatin, who was for many years Secretary of the Treasury, published in 1831, " Considerations on the Cur- rency and Banking System of the United States." A comparison of his estimates with those of Mr. Crawford, will show the difficulty there is in arriving at a satisfactory conclusion. Mr. Crawford's estimate of the amount of notes in cir- culation, is as follows: 1813, - - - - i?Gi2.000,000 1815, - - - . IIO.OOO.OOO 1819, - . - . 45,000,()U0 BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 221 Mr. Gallatin's estimate is as follows : 1811, - - - - $28,000,000 1815, - . - . 45,000,000 1816, - - - • - 68,000,000 1820, .... 44,863,349 1830, .... 61,323,898 Mr. Gallatin appears to have had more data than Mr. Crawford, but still his tables are so imperfect that variations of from 5 to 25 per cent, may take place in the amount of currency, which they afford no means of ascertaining. To collect and arrange the accounts of five or six hun- dred Banks which are, or which have been, scattered through twenty-four States and two or three Territories, would be no easy task. If we had all these accounts collected and arranged to our hand, a question might arise as to the sense in which they should be understood. There is an ambiguity in many Bank statements which renders them useless. The word " cash" under the pens of some Bank officers, con- tracts and expands its meaning with as much facility as Bank medium contracts and expands its amount. Some- times it includes " mint certificates," because cash can be got for them in the market. Sometimes, in the case of a country Bank, it includes city Bank notes, because they are to the country Bank " as good as cash." Sometimes cash and " bills of exchange" are given together. If all ambiguity were removed from Bank statements, another question might arise, and that is, how far they are to be depended upon. We have seen a committee of the Legislature of North Carolina accusing one of the Banks of that State of rendering a false account of the amount of specie in its vaults : and a committee of the Legislature of Connecticut accusing one of the Banks of that State of ren- dering a false account of the amount of notes in circula- tion. No doubt, the accounts of many Banks are fairly render- ed, but it is impossible, in a general view of the subject, to say how many Bank returns are fiiithful and how many are not. There may be a literal exactness in the returns, and yet some fact may be suppressed, which, if generally known, might entirely change the impression the public u 222 BAXKIXG OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. receives from a Bank statement. " I could," says a writer in a Porlsmouth, New Hampshire, paper, " name more than one Bank in this State, where a considerable portion of the debts mentioned in the return, were worth nothing ; and much of the specie was borrowed from individuals or Banks, laid in the vaults those two days, and then returned to the owners with the seals unbroken." The author of a pamphlet published at New York, in 1828, entitled a " Peep into the Banks," objected to a new law of that State, requiring the Banks to make semi-annual returns of the amount of specie in their vaults, for the following rea- sons. " It is well known, that institutions which, hereto- fore, have been required to make these exhibitions, have prepared, previous to the period of making them, to present as favorable statements as possible. If all the Banks in the State are to do so, it will produce a semi-annual pressure for monev. Paper, payable a short time previous to these periods, will be discounted freely, when a general curtail- ment will be made. The notes and bills payable out of the State, will obtain a preference, that thereby funds of specie, in Philadelphia, Boston, «Soc., may be made for a few days the property of Banks in this State. In this and other contrivances, the officers will be employed to make a a display of that which has no permanent existence." There is another question. Do even the directors know, in all cases, what is the exact state of a Bank ? — There are not in the city and county of Philadelphia, any men more astute in what regards their own interests, than some of the Directors of the Bank of the Northern Liberties ; yet a sum equivalent to the whole capital of the Bank, was taken from it by some of its clerks and their coadjutors out of doors, without any of the Directors, the President, or Cashier, being aware of the fact. The case of the City Bank of Baltimore, was still more remarkable. It had what was called a " solid" capital of 800,000 or 900,000 dollars, and its credit was good. But, about the time Mr. M'Culloh was removed from the cashiership of the Uni- ted States' branch, the Cashier of the City Bank found it ne- cessary to resign. An investigation was then made by a com- mittee of the stockholders, and it .was found that all the persons employed in the Bank, with the exception of one clerk and the porter, had made free with its funds. The BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 223 over-drafts of the Cashier amounted to $160,548 85 : those of his particular friend to 185,382 dollars ; those of one clerk to about 30,000 dollars ; those of a second clerk to $15,082 70 ; and those of a third clerk to 86,324 99 * It is to be hoped that most Bank officers are every way worthy of the trust reposed in them ; but even then we cannot be sure of the accuracy of their accounts. As is remarked by Governor Wolcott, " The stations of Presi- dent, Cashier, Teller and Book-keeper, are incompatible, and yet some two or more of them are united in the same persons, contrary to established maxims of accountability, prudence, and even justice to the individuals who are so entrusted. If, at the close of the hours of business in every day, full accounts of all the funds issued and of securities obtained and discharged, are not immediately stated, their accuracy ascertained, and their results extended into re- cords, which are regularly continued, by persons whose peculiar duty it is to note all these facts, according to established forms ; then the transactions of different days will be blended, and soon all individual responsibility will be irrecoverably lost." While so much obscurity and so much uncertainty hanors over Bank accounts, the reader will be content with a mere abstract of the tables and statements of Mr. Gallatin. We have been for seven years collecting the accounts of the Banks, but so little success has crowned the labors of Mr. Crawford, Mr. Gallatin, and Mr. Niles, that we do not think it worth while to arrange our own materials. Number of Banks in operation at different periods, and number of Banks that failed or discontinued business, from 1st January 1811, to 1st January 1830. 1811. 1815. 1816. 1820. 1830. ^^,f|'/' Massachusetts, 15 21 26 28 66 6 Maine, - 6 8 14 15 18 8 New Hampshire, - 8 10 10 10 18 2 Vermont, 1 10 Rhode Island, 13 14 16 30 47 1 Connecticut, - 5 10 10 8 13 2 New York, - 8 26 27 33 37 10 New Jersey, __ - 3 1] 11 14 18 7 Pennsylvania, 4 42 43 36 33 16 Delaware, 5 5 6 6 1 Niles' Register, October 30th, 1819, 224 BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 1811. 1815. 1816. 1820. 1830. Broken Banks. Maryland, - - 6 17 20 14 13 9 District of C oluDT bia, 4 10 10 13 9 4 Virginia, - - 1 4 12 4 4 10 North Carol ina, - 3 3 3 3 3 2 South Caro ina, - 4 5 5 5 5 Georg;ia, - - 1 - 2 3 4 y 1 Louisiaua, - . 1 3 3 4 4 2 Alabama, - - 3 2 3 Mississippi, - - 1 1 1 1 Tennessee, - . 1 2 4 8 1 9* Kentucky, - - 1 2 2 42 43 Ohio, - - - 4 12 21 20 11 20 Indiana, - - 2 2 liiinois, - - - 2 2 Missouri, - - 1 2 Michigan, - - 1 1 Florida, - - 1 88 208 246 307 330 165 We have another list, which contains the names of twen- ty-eight broken Banks not mentioned in Mr. Gallatin's ta- ble, viz. one in Massachusetts, one in Maine, three in New York, three in Pennsylvania, one in Delaware, one in the District of Columbia, two in Virginia, one in Georgia, four in Kentucky, eight in Ohio, one in Indiana, one in Illinois, and one in Michigan. Even this, however, does not ap- pear to be complete. No. list has yet been published of the number of Banks in operation in the first six months of 1818, which was the time the mania reached its height; and Mr. Gallatin, with all his industry, has not been able to give a complete list of all the Banks which were in ope- ration in the years mentioned in the above table. There were, for example, two if not three Banks in Missouri in the year 1820. Mr. Gallatin's estimate of the capital of the Banks, the notes in circulation, and specie in their vaults, at different periods, is as follows : Capital. Circulation. Specie. 1st. Jan. 1811, - 52.010,001 28,100,000 15,400,000 1815, -. 82,259,.')90 45,.500,000 17,000,000 1816, - 89,822,422 68,000,000 19,000,000 1820, - 137,110,011 44,863,344 19,820,240 1830, - 145,192,268 01,323,898 22,114,917 ** Iiicludini' five Branches. BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 225 In making these estimates, Mr. Gallatin was forced to gttess at the amount of specie possessed by, and the amount of notes circulated by, thirty-eight Banks in 1811, eighty- eight Banks in 1815, one hundred and twelve Banks in 1816, ninety-five Banks in 1820, and forty-nine Banks in 1830. Where he had returns they were not all of the same dates, and in some years the returns were from but little more than half the whole number of Banks. After all, his guesses may be as near the truth as some Bank state- ments. Nothing is more certain than political economy. Nothing is more uncertain than political arithmetic. Bank statements, taken by themselves, are too vague to be made the basis of an argument. We have, however, throughout this book, received them without dispute, be- cause we believed them to approximate sufficiently near the truth to serve the purposes of illustration. Abstract signs would, if generally understood, answer the same end. Bank statements may be used with this view, though, taking them in the aggregate, they may not be worthy of implicit confidence. That the Banks should make such reports as will place their operations in the most favorable light, is natural. If any think differently, and are disposed to reason a priori with Bank statements for their basis, we hope they will avoid the error of some modern writers, who have represented an increase of some eight or ten millions in the circulation of a single Bank in a year or two as quite gradual and moderate. If Mr. Gallatin is correct in his conjecture, that the whole amount of medium, Bank notes, Bank credits, and specie in circulation, is but one hun- dred and ten or one hundred and twenty millions, an in- crease of ten or twelve, or fifteen per cent., in one of these components of the currency, must have a very considera- ble effect on prices. This able writer is confident that the amount of notes in circulation did not exceed thirty mil- lions in 1811, forty-seven millions in 1815, and seventy millions in 1816 : yet this he thinks, and he probably thinks justly, is quite sufficient to account for the depreciation of the currency. He agrees with Mr. Crawford in the opi- nion that the notes in circulation were not reduced to a less amount than forty-five millions in 1820 : yet his judg- u u 226 BANKING OPERATIONS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. nient is, that the numerous failures which preceeded the year 1819. or which have since taken place, have been principally owing to the operations of the Banks. Full and correct accounts of the amount of notes in circulation, and of the amount of deposits, would gratify curi- osity : but, for practical purposes, they are not necessary. The effects of Banking are inscribed on every page of our country's history, from the year 1783 up to the present day. Those who have been in business can speak of these effects from their own experience. Those who have never been in business, have only to open tlieir eyes, and they will behold the effects of the system in the condition of differ- ent classes of society. Many of the operations of the system are such that they cannot be embraced in the annual reports made by the Banks to the Legislature. Fluctuation of prices is but one of the evils of paper money Banking, and that not the great- est. If it were possible for a metallic currency to vary in amount as Bank medium varries, such variations would be limited in their effects, for they would not operate on a false and super-extended system of credit, nor would the evil be aggravated by the machinations of irrespon- sible Boards of Directors. Paper money must be regarded as the foundation of the American Banking System, since the founders of Banks would not, if they were prevented from issuing paper money, accept of charters : but this paper money does less evil as an uncertain medium of com- merce, than is produced by its being made the instrument by which the foundation is laid for a false and super-ex- tended system of credit, and by its giving to corporom the minds of the great body of the people. The sophistry of the Bank men silences but does not satisfy 232 GENERAL KEFLECTIONS. them. They may feel themselves unable to reply to the ingenious arguments of the advocates of paper medium, but they think within themselves, with an honest old German farmer of Pennsylvania, " You may say what you will, but paper is paper, and money is money." Thousands of them knovv the evils of Banking by personal experience. Thou- sands of others have seen the effects of the system display- ed in the ruin of their neighbors. The power is at present in the hands of the Bank inte- rest, but by exertion the seat of power may be changed. If our leading politicians should be as zealous on this ques- tion, as they have been either for or against the tariff, that want of inclination which is the only real obstacle to the establishment of a sound system of credit and currency, will be overcome. Great difficulties may be encountered at the outset, but they will yield to zeal and perseverance. Nine Americans in. ten, if not ninety-nine in a hundred, have an interest in the downfal of the paper money and money corporation system, and it is impossible for them not to see, sooner or later, where their true interest lies. For the salvation of the country, we must look to the farmers and mechanics. The mercantile classes are so entangled in the meshes of the Banks that they cannot yield much assistance. For similar reasons, little must be expected from -public journals in the towns where Banks are in operation. If the editors are not in debt to these institutions, they are dependent, in a great degree, on the patronage of the Bank interest for support : and it would be unreasonable to wish them to sacrifice the means of sub- sistence of themselves and families to promote a public object, while the great body of the public is disposed to make no sacrifice at all. The good work should be begun in the country, where there is the strongest motive to begin it ; for, the present Banking system enriches the towns at the expense of the country, and the large towns at the expense of the small ones. In some counties, there are, as yet, no Banks. There the public papers may discuss the question freely. In due time, the conductors of some city journals may find it pos- sible to speak on the subject without reserve, and perhaps find their interest thereby i)ronioted. If inducements are wanted for exertion, they are afford- GENERAL REFLECTIOXS. 233 ed in the history of the country, from the time of the intro- duction of paper nxoney into Massachusetts, up to the pre- sent day. Let any man think on the wrongs that were in- flicted by the instrumentality of provincial paper money — of the many thousand familes who were ruined by conti- nental money, and who lie in ruins to this day — and of the multitudes who have been reduced to poverty by vari- ous Banking processes. Let him then trace the system in its remote consequences — in its effects on morals — on man- ners — on education — on happiness. Let him consider that the same causes being now in operation must produce the same effects, and he will, if he has one spark of real patri- otism in his breast, be willing to make any exertion which will not interfere with his duty to himself and to his family. If the work were once fairly begun, assistance might, perhaps, be obtained from some quarters, from which, on a first view, the most violent opposition might be feared. There are strong indications of dissatisfaction in the offi- cial reports of some of the Banks. From the language they use in private conversation, no men appear to have clearer views of the evils the public sufier, than some of the officers of these institutions. They have comformed to a system which they found established in the country, but if a sincere desire should be evinced by the people to introduce a better system, not a few Presidents, Cashiers and Directors may be found willing to yield all the aid that lies in their power. There are reasons, besides those which spring from pa- triotic motives, which should make men of property very desirous to see the foundation laid of a system of sound cre- dit and sound currency. They now hold their wealth by a very uncertain tenure. It may pass from them as rapidly as it came to them. In one respect the comparison of pa- per Banking with steam power is an apt one. The danger of an explosion is very great, and the effects of an explo- sion would be tremendous. The attempts at corrective legislation which the suffer- ings occasioned by paper Banking are sure to induce, offer other motives for reflection to men of property. The " re- lief system" of the West, and the " tariff system" of the East, are but specimens of what is to be expected. As it has become a kind of principle that when the evils pro- X 234 GENERAL REFLECTIONS. duced by paper money rise to a certain height, they are to be cured by more paper money, we may see a return of the times spoken of by Dr. Witherspoon, " when creditors were seen running away from their debtors, and debtors pursuing them in triumph, and paying them without mercy." If the virtue and intelligence of the nation should direct the movements of Government during the ten or twenty years which might elapse in the gradual withdrawal of Bank notes and Bank credits, the people would suffer less from the application of the remedy, than they must otherwise suffer from the operation of the disease. Clamors might, indeed, be excited ; for some of the community are always mistaking want of money's worth for want of money — want of things to be circulated for want of circulating medium. But such clamors ought to be disregarded. The work of reform once begun, should be steadily persevered in. If a State Government, after having prohibited the issue of notes of a less denomination than five dollars, should after- wards be prevailed on by a complaint of " want of money" to repeal the law, it would act with the same wisdom as a surgeon, who, being engaged in the amputation of a dis- eased limb, should be frightened by the cries of the patient, and withdraw his knife after having cut through the first artery. If we should go to work too hastily — if Congress should, for example, exerting its constitutional power over the cur- rency, pass an act prohibiting on short notice, the issue of Bank notes of any and every denomination, its con- duct would be like that of a surgeon who should endeavor by one random slash of his knife to remove a diseased mem- ber. This is an evil, however, of which no fears need be entertained. All that it will be necessary for Congress to do, will, probably, be to declare that, after a certain day, nothing but gold and silver shall be received in payment of dues to Government, and that no corporation shall be an agent in the management of its fiscal concerns. The peo- ple will then begin to distinguish between cash and credit : and public opinion will operate with so much force on the State Governments, that they will, one by one, take the ne- cessary nieasures for supplanting paper money by metallic. Proceeding gradually in winding up the affairs of the Banks, the stockholders will get the real worth of their GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 235 Stock, whatever that may be, and more than this they are not entitled to. Many of the officers of Banks will be sub- jected to little inconvenience, as it is to presumed that, under a better system, their talents and industry will in- sure them as ample a reward as they receive at present. When the work is done, the condition of the country will be very different from what it would have been, if paper money and money corporations had never been known. A system which has been in operation in different forms, for more than one hundred and forty years, must, by this time, have affected the very structure of society, and, in a greater or less degree, the character of every member of the com- munity. It may require one hundred and forty years more, fully to wear out its effects on manners and morals. In getting rid of paper money and money corporations, we shall not get rid of tha.t principle of evil, in which they have their origin : but we shall get rid of very efficient in- strumeiits of evil. Our political institutions will then have their proper influence. Conjoining equality of commer- cial privileges with equality of political rights, we shall no longer startle those philosophers of Europe who land on our shores, by exhibiting to them a state of society so different from that which their views of republicanism had led them to hope for. We have heretofore been too disregard ful of the fact, that social order is quite as dependent on the laws which regulate the distribution of wealth, as on political or- ganization. Let us remove these excrescences by which our excellent form of Government is prevented from answer- ing its intended end, and our country will become, " the PRAISE OF ALL THE EARTH." J APPENDIX. JBanJc of North America. Minutes of the Assembly, March 21, 1785. Petitions from a considerable number of the inhabitants of Ches- ter County were read, representing that the Bank established at Philadelphia has fatal effects upon the community ; that while men are enabled, by means of tlie Bank, to receive nearly three times the rate of common interest, and, at the same time, to receive their money at very short warning, whenever they have occasion for it, it will be impossible for the husbandman and the mechanic to bor- row on the former terms of legal interest and distant payment of the principal; that the best security will not enable the person to borrow; that experience clearly demonstrates the mischievous consequences of this institution to the fair trader ; that impostors have been enabled to support themselves in a fictitious credit, by means of a temporary punciuality at the Bank, until they have drawn in their honest neighbors to trust them with their property, or pledge their credit as securities, and have been finally involved in ruin and distress ; that they have repeatedly seen the stopping of discounts at the Bank operate on the trading part of the com- munity, with a degree of violence scarcely inferior to that of the stagnation of the blood in the human body, hurrying the wretched merchant who hath debts to pay into the hands of griping usurers; that the Directors of the Bank may give such preferences in trade, by advances of money, to their particular favorites, as to destroy the equality which ought to prevail in a commercial country ; that paper money has often proved beneficial to the State, but the Bank forbids it, and the people must acquiesce : therefore, in order to restore public confidence and private security, they pray that a bill may be brought in and passed into a law for repealing the law for incorporating the Bank. March 28. — The report of the committee, read March 2-5, on the petitions from the counties of Chester and Berks, and the city of Philadelphia and its viciuity, praying the Act of Assembly whereby the Bank was established at Philadelphia, may be repeal- ed, was read a second time as follows, viz: The committee to whom were referred the petitions concerning 238 APPENDIX. the Bank established at Philadelphia, and who were instructed to inquire whether the said Bank be compatible with the public safe- ty, and that equality which ought always to prevail between the individuals of a republic, beg leave to report, that it is the opinion of this committee, that the said Bank, as at present established, is in every view incompatible with the public safety; that in the pre- sent state of our trade, the said Bank has a direct tendency to ba- nish a great part of the specie from the country, so as to produce a scarcity of money, and to collect into the hands of the stockhold- ers of the said Bank almost the whole of the money which re- mains amongst us. That the accumulation of enormous wealth in the hands of a society who claim perpetual duration, will ne- cessarily produce a degree of influence and power, which cannot be entrusted in the hands of any set of men whatsoever, without en- dangering the public safety. That the said Bank in its corporate capacity, is empowered to hold estates to the amount of ten mil- lions of dollars, and by the tenor of the present charter is to exist forever, without being obliged to yield any emolument to the Go- vernment, or to be at all dependent upon it. That the great pro- fits of the Bank, which will daily increase as money grows scarcer, and which already far exceed the profits of European Banks, have tempted foreigners to vest tlieir money in this Bank, and thus to draw from us large sums of interest. That foieigners will doubtless be more and more induced to be- come stockholders, until the time may arrive when this enormous engine of power may become subject to foreign influence ; tliis country may be agitated with the politics of European courts, and the good people of America reduced once more to a state of subor- dination, and dependence upon some one or other of the European Powers. That at best, if it were even confined to the hands of Americans, it would be totally destructive of that equality which ought to prevail in a republic. We have nothing in our free and equal Government capable of balancing the influence the Bank must create : and we see notliing which, in the course of a few years, can prevent the directors of the Bank from governing Penn- sylvania. Already we have felt its influence directly interfering in the measures of tlie Legislature. Already the House of Assem- bly, the representatives of the people, have been threatened that the credit of our paper currency will be blasted by the Bank; and if this growing evil continues, we fear the time is not very distant when tlie Bank will be able to dictate to the Legislature, what laws to pass and what to forbear. "Vour committee therefore beg leave further to report the follow- ing resolution to be adopted by the House, viz; Resolved, That a committee be appointed to bring in a bill to re- peal the Act of Assembly, passed the first day of April 17S2, en- titled, " An Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of North America ;" and also to repeal one other Act of Assembly, APPENDIX. 239 passed the 18th of March 1782, entitled, " An Act for preventing and punishing the counterfeiting of the common seal. Bank bills, and Bank notes of the President, Directors, and Company, of the Bank of North America, and for the other purposes therein men- tioned." The opinion the Legislature of 1786 had of grants to corpora- tions, may be judged of by the following extract from a speech by Mr. Smihe. " There are charters so sacred that they cannot be revoked. But there is a material distinction between charters, and the opi- nions of many have been very wrong on that head. When once an error is taken up, men go on a long time in delusion. There are many things which we now consider as absurd, which were formerly venerated, for want of being properly considered. The doctrine of hereditary right, which is now held odious, was once deemed sacred. There is a strong reason why persons from Eu- rope are so highly prejudiced in favor of charters. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Europe was in the lowest state of vas- salage — the people were in some measure rooted to the soil, and sold with it. While affairs were in that situation, the kings and powerful barons granted charters of incorporation to towns and cities, thereby exempting them from the common vassalage of the state, and bestowing on them particular immunities ; thus giving them political existence. These charters were sacred, because they secured to the persons on whom they were bestowed their natural rights and privileges. But, there are, sir, charters of a very different nature. And here it is necessary to fix the point of distinction. Charters are rendered sacred, not because they are given by the Assembly or by the Parliament, but by the ob- jects for which they are given. If a charter is given in favor of a monopoly, whereby the natural and legal rights of mankind are invaded, to benefit certain individuals, it would be a dangerous doctrine to hold that it cannot be annulled. All the natural rights of the people, as far as is consistent with the welfare of man- kind, are secured by the Constitution. All charters granting ex- clusive rights, are a monopoly on the great charter of mankind." Mr. Lollar said, " the House which granted it (the charter) en- tertained no idea of its being for a perpetuity, or of its being out of the power of the Assembly to alter or new-model it, as they might see fit. In support of this, 3Ir. Lollar quoted the minutes of that House, where it appeared that a clause had been intro- duced as a rider to the bill, for the purpose of empowering the As- sembly that should sit in 1789, to alter or amend the charter as might be necessary. This was rejected by twenty-seven to twen- ty-four, and the express reason assigned for the rejection was, that the charter of the Bank must necessarily be always in the power of the House." 240 APPENDIX. " What is all this to us!" said Mr. Morris in reply. " Are we to regulate our conduct by the private opinions of former members of Assembly ]" The friends of the Bank maintained, that the Legislature had no power over a charter once granted, and that the courts of law alone had power to declare a charter forfeited. There are traces of a Bank in Virginia, previous to the esta- blishment of the Bank of North America, but we have not been able to learn any thing satisfactory concerning its character. Note. — This work has been printed in about half the time usual- ly employed in prmting works of this size, in consequence of which some typographical errors escaped correction. Of these it is proper to note the following : PART I. Page 18 line 21, for equivalent, read equivalents 22 26, for creditors, read credits. 24 1, for exchanged, read exchangeable. 55 23, for first, read second. 91 IS, for reflux, read reflex. 103 2, for Bank, read back. 107 28, for currently, read concurrently. 120 23, for this, read they. 30, for discreditable, read indestructible PART II. Page 24 line 18, for appeared, read appear. 55 17, for Banks, read Bank. 80 3, for Banks, read Bank. LOAN D^M^''"'" or II YB I oi52 r ' ft "'v. 1^-=- UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY >f< ;J