ifomia Dnal ity THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES niYSICAL EDUCATION AND THE PRESERVATION OE HEALTH. BY JOHN C. jWARREN, M. D. PBOFESSOR OF ANATOMY AMD SURGERY IK HARVARD UNIVERSITY. BOSTON: \V I L L I A 31 D . T I C K N 11 & C ^M P A N Y MDCCC XLVl. Entered accortiing to Act of Congress, in the yenr 1845, by William D. TicKNon & Co., in the Clerk's office of tlio District Court of the District of Mu^sachusotta. BOSTON: PRINTED BY 'I'llUKSTON, TUIUIY & CO. 31 Devonshire Street. PREFACE. This publication was originally a lecture .on physical education, delivered before the American Institute in 1830. Having been informed, that these remarks had an influ- Z ence in directing the attention of instructors 7 and others to this important subject, and "^ frequent applications having been made for 3 copies, I have thought it might be useful to republish it. Additions are now made to the original text, for the purpose of more c fully illustrating some of the most impor- J tant means of attaining and preserving a o good constitution. •>i> 15^.1 ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Nature has destined that the physical and intellectual education of man should be conducted in very different modes. The culture of the mind requires the early, con- stant and well-directed efforts of an artificial system. That of the physical faculties is fully effected by the powers of nature. All that she asks, is, that we would leave her free and unconstrained. Unhappily, our state of civilization, while it has copiously supplied the means of intellectual improve- ment, has, nearly in the same ratio, raised obstacles to the development of the physi- cal powers ; and if we wished to restore to these their original spring, we should either revert to our primitive condition, or 1* b THE PRESEllVATION find substitutes in art for the modes em- ployed by nature. Considerations of this description have presented themselves occasionally, as I have been called to observe the evils arising from the prevalent systems of education, and also from too steady an application to liter- ary pursuits in those whose education was completed. At one period, my attention was directed to the unfavorable influence of studious and sedentary habits on health, by the occurrence of alarming indisposition among the members of the sacred profes- sion, a number of whom became its prema- ture and much lamented victims. At an- other, I witnessed the effects of a mistaken system, on the constitution of multitudes of the fairest Avork of creative power. I have had the misfortune to behold, when it was too late to apply a remedy, rmmer- ous instances of decay in the most vigorous constitutions, and of distortion in the best proportioned forms. The importance of health to the regular exercise of the faculties of mind, as well OF HEALTH. 7 as those of body, is very well understood in theory, and very generally neglected in practice. We are daily seen to accumulate the treasures of science on intellects, where the physical machinery is disordered and made useless by the burden. What is the value of a brilliant genius, or a highly cul- tivated mind, to a weak and laboring frame ? Let us suppose the existence of such a case in cither of the learned professions. If it occur in the minister of religion, the organs of utterance are enfeebled, and the power of instructing his hearers is diminished or destroyed. The thoughts that should speak, remain un embodied in language, and the words that should burn, are extin- guished on his lips. His usefulness is impaired at the moment of its full career ; and even if his days are not cut off at an early period, he finds his mental abilities prematurely chained down by bodily weak- ness. If it happen in the interpreter of the law, — the powerful workings of the mind in the investigation of obscure points, and the 8 THE PRESERVATION elaboration of profound arguments, break down a sickly and yielding organization, and bring on a train of nervous affections and perverted imaginations, as permanent perhaps as life, and less supportable than death. Again, a bad constitution in a professor of the healing art, keeps him at variance with all his duties. How can he heal others, in whom the springs of health act feebly and imperfectly ? A laborious and active course of duty demands a bodily vigor that can endure all kinds of unseason- able labor ; a steadiness of fibre, that can bear without agitation the sufferings of others, while attempting to relieve them ; and a firmness of health, able to resist the attacks of those malignant epidemics, that prostrate a whole community. When we regard the influence of a de- bilitated body on the more delicate sex, we find it not less distressing. A young fe- male, at the age of twelve or fourteen, pre- sents a beautiful figure, rosy cheeks, an airy step, and the fulness of life and happi- OF HEALTH. ncss in every movement. As she advances, her vivacity naturally lessens ; but, as if it would not be soon enough extinguished, it nnist be repressed by art. Tiie lively mo- tions of the body and limbs must be check- ed, the spirits must be restrained, and a sort of unnatural hypocrisy made to conceal every ingenuous movement. The activity of disposition is destroyed ; by confniement she loses the inclination for exercise, and passes from her school to a state of listless- ncss at home, or to frivolous and useless amusements, or perhaps to fresh tasks. By this regular repression of the physical pow- ers, their energy is at last broken. Various organs lose then- tone and their healthy action. Even the most solid parts are gra- dually impaired, and, being unable to sup- port their ordinary burden, they sink under its weight, and bring on michangeable de- formity. Perhaps the exterior of health may remain a little longer, although the destroying principle is working in the heart. Should she be called on to be a mother, then comes the trial of her strength. The 10 THE PRESERVATION fruit, so fair without, is found decayed within, when scarcely matured. Next, the roses of the countenance wither; the limbs are feeble and tottering ; the vivacity is ex- tinguished ; the whole system undermined, and ready to fall on the first shock. Of what use now are all the finery of accom- plishment, and the rich stores of literature and of science, the fruits of so many years' labor ? They are all wasted, and perish unemployed. What I have now stated as the result of the mode of female education in use at present, is not a picture of the imagination ; it is a fair representation of what we are compelled to encounter, in almost daily experience. My wish now is, to point out some of the principal ways in which literary pur- suits may be destructive to health ; and also to show what measures might be adopt- ed to prevent these pernicious consequences. Action is the object for which organiza- tion was created. If the organs are allowed to remain inactive, the channels of life be- OF HEALTH. 11 come clogged ; and the functions and even the structure get impaired. Young animals are filled with the desire of motion, in or- der that the fluids of the body may be forced rapidly throngh their tubes, the solids thus elongated and enlarged, and every part gradually and fully developed. The immediate consequences of action on the bodily frame are familiar and visible to daily experience. Observe the sinewy arm of the mechanic. The muscles are large and distinct ; and when put in motion, they become as hard as wood, and as strong as iron. Notice those who are accustomed to carry considerable weights on the head. The joints of the lower limbs are close-set and unyielding ; the frame perfectly erect, and the attitude commanding. In the cul- tivator of the soil, though the form may be vitiated by neglect, you may observe that the appearance of every part is healthful, vigorous, and well fitted for labor. While all of us are desirous of possessing the excellent qualities of strength, hardi- ness and beauty, how defective are our 12 THE PKESERVATION systems of education in the means of ac- quiring them. In the present state of civilization, a child, soon after it can Avalk, is sent to school ; not so much for the pur- pose of learning, as to relieve its parents of the trouble of superintending its early- movements. As he grows older, the same plan is incessantly pursued and improved on, till a large part of his time is passed in sedentary pursuits and in crowded rooms. In the short intervals of confinement at school, the boy is allowed to follow the bent of his inclinations, and seek in play that exercise which nature imperiously demands. The development of his system, though not what it was destined to be, is attained in a certain way ; and he is exempted from some of the evils, which fall heavily on the other sex. The female, at an early age, is discoura- ged from activity, as unbecoming her sex, and is taught to pass her leisure hours in a state of quietude at home. The effects of this habit have been already spoken of in general terms ; and I would now point out some of its results in a specific maimer. OF HEALTH. 13 In the course of my observations, I have been able to satisfy myself that about half the young females brought up as they are at present, undergo some visible and obvi- ous change of structure ; and of the remain- der, a large number are the subjects of great and permanent deviations, while not a few entirely lose their health from the manner in which they are reared. The proportion of those who fall under the first description, I have already stated. The amount of the two last, it is impossible to ascertain with precision. I can venture to say, that it is sufficient to constitute a pow- erful claim on the attention of those enga- ged in the management of young persons. The nature of all the particular affections and diseases thus induced, it would be im- possible to describe in this place. I shall venture to direct your views to the details of only one of them. The weight of the principal part of the body or trunk, the weight of the neck, the head and the two upper extremities, are supported by a single bony column, called 2 14 THE PRESERVATION the spine. This column is about three inches in diameter. It consists of twenty- four pieces of bone placed one on the other ; and between each two is interposed a sub- stance, somewhat resembling caoutchouc or India-rubber, for the purpose of giving it elasticity. This column is hollow, and contains the spinal marrow. Now the spinal marrow is the origin and source of the nerves, that convey the influence ne- cessary to voluntary motion ; and they are sent off in pairs to the various muscles. The bony pieces of the spine are confined together by many small ligaments, by the elastic substance just spoken of, and by numerous muscles, affixed, not only to con- nect and support, but also to move them. The bones of the spine, at an early peri- od of life, are themselves in part composed of an elastic, cartilaginous or gristly sub- stance ; and are always of a porous and sponge-like texture. In consequence of this kind of organization, the spinal column possesses much elasticity and flexibility, which enable it to yield and to move in OF HEALTH. 16 different directions, and expose it to receive permanent flexures, when there is a deficien- cy of natural strength in its composing parts. Causes which affect the health and pro- duce general weakness, operate powerfully on this part, in consequence of the com- plexity of its structure, and the great burden it supports. When weakened, it gradually yields under its weight, becomes bent and distorted, losing its natural curves, and ac- quiring others, in such directions as the operation of external causes tend to give it ; and these curves will be proportioned in their degree and in their permanence, to the producing causes. If the supporting part is removed from its true position, the parts supported necessarily follow, and thus a distortion of the spine effects a distortion of the trunk of the body. The change commonly begins at the part which supports the right arm. The column bends towards the right shoulder, forms a convexity on the side Avhere the shoulder rests, and thus elevates the right higher than the other. This elevation, or as it is 16 THE PRESERVATION commonly called, growing out of the shoul- der, is the first phenomenon that strikes the friends of the patient. Often when observ- ed, the shoulder has already undergone a considerable change of position ; and the change is not confined to the shoulder, nor to the portion of spine immediately con- nected with it. On examination, it will be discovered that the curvature to the right in the upper part of the column,' is accompanied, as a natural consequence, by a bend of the lower part to the left, and a correspondent projection of the left hip. It is perfectly obvious, that the inclination of the upper part of a flexible stick to one side, will leave the lower part on the other ; and when, by this inclination, the vertical support is lost, a disposition to yield at the curving points will continually increase, until it be counteracted by some other power. Thus it happens, then, that any considerable projection of the right shoul- der v/ill be attended by a correspondent projection of the left hip. The rising of the shoulder involves other OF HEALTH. 17 changes in the osseous fabric. For, as the spinal bones support the ribs, when these bones project, they necessarily push for- wards the ribs dependent on them. Tliese ribs form the frame of the chest, and of course the right side of the chest is pro- jected forwards, and causes a deformity in the fore-part of the body. Nor do the changes stop here. The posterior ends of the ribs being pushed forwards, and the anterior ends being confined to the sternum or breast-bone, the right edge of the sternum will be drawn forwards, and the left edge consequently turned backwards. The fore- parts of the left ribs will be gradually forced inwards or backwards, and thus the left side of the chest distorted and contracted. I am aware how difficult it is to have a distinct notion of these intricate changes in the human machinery, without an exami- nation of the parts concerned in them ; but it is my duty to represent the train of phe- nomena as they exist in nature ; and I think they are sufilcicntly intelligible to excite consideration and inquiry. 2* 18 THE PRESERVATION Perhaps it may be imagined, that the cases I have described are of rare occur- rence, that we have no occasion to alarm ourselves about a few strange distortions, the consequence of peculiar and accidental causes. If such were in fact the truth, I would not have occupied your time with the minute detail of these unpleasant sub- jects. Unhappily they are very common. I feel warranted in the assertion already in- timated, that of the well-educated females within my sphere of experience, about 07ie half are affected with some degree of dis- tortion of the spine. This statement will not be thought exaggerated, when compar- ed with that of one of the latest and most judicious foreign writers. Speaking of the right, lateral curvature of the spine, just described, he tells us, ' It is so common, that out of twenty young girls who have attained the age of fifteen years, there are not two who do not present very manifest traces of it.' * *Lachaise, Sur les Courbures de la Coloniie Verte- brale. p. 23. OF HEALTH, 19 As the bones serve to contain most of the great organs, any change in their forms will be likely to produce changes in the condition and healthy action of these or- gans. The spine gives lodgment, as has been said, to the spinal marrow ; and this sends out nearly all the nerves that carry the influence of voluntary motion, and many of those that convey energy to the great organs of respiration, circulation and digestion. When the containing part is distorted, the part contained is likely to be disturbed, and this disturbance must pro- duce important efl'ects on the nerves issuing from it, and of course on the organs to which these nerves are distributed. If the compression be slight, the operations of the organs will be partially disturbed. Hence proceed shortness of breath ; palpitation of the heart ; the phenomena of indiges- tion, flatulence, acidity, &c. These again give rise to the uncomfortable feelings call- ed nervous ; though I believe they are sometimes the direct consequence of partial compression of the spinal marrow. AVhen 20 THE PRESERVATION this pressure is considerable, the bad con- sequences are more obvious and formidable. In such instances, the muscles supplied with nerves from the part below that com- pressed, lose their activity. The circula- tion in the lower limbs is retarded, and they grow cold and livid, and swell. Some- times even a complete paralysis, or loss of the power of motion, occurs in one or in both of these extremities. The ribs and the breast-bone enclose and guard, as we have said, the organs of the chest. Their position being altered by the deviation of the spine, the cavity they form becomes deranged. Its left part, where the heart is placed, being diminished in extent, this organ is embarrassed in its movements, and striving to relieve itself, produces painful and dangerous palpitations, and a general disturbance in the circulatory system. The lungs, for the same reasons, cannot fully expand in the effort of inspi- ration. This function is partially perform- ed, and the blood imperfectly oxygenated — an irregularity of itself sufficient to OF IIP-ALTir. 21 bring on a low state of health, and a dis- position to disease. The want of conformity between these organs and the bones they are in contact M'ith, causing interference between the parts, an irritable condition of the kings may be engendered, disposing to acute inflammation, or to the slow development of chronic disease. Having given some notion of the nature of the affections brought on by mistakes during the time of education, I shall advert now to their causes. The general causes of these derange- ments are those things that weaken the constitution. They may be physical or mental. Among the most important phy- sical causes, are want of the exercise proper to develope the powers of the body, the taking of food, improper in quantity or quality, and many other causes of inferior importance. The mental causes may be a too constant occupation of the mind in study ; the influence of feelings or passions of a depressing nature, &c. 22 THE PRESERVATION The facts, that show the want of exer- cise to be one of the greatest causes of these affections and of the weakness that induces them, are very numerous. On the one side, we observe that young people brought up to hardy and laborious occupa- tions, whether they are males or females, do not suffer in this way. The sons and daughters of farmers and laborers, for ex- ample, never exhibit the deformities spoken of, except in cases where there is a great scrofulous defect, by inheritance. A still more remarkable fact of a general nature may be seen on a comparison in this respect between the two sexes. The lateral distortion of the spine is almost wholly confined to females, and is scarcely ever found existing in the other sex. The pro- portion of the former to the latter is at least nine to one. In truth, I may say that I have rarely witnessed a remarkable distor- tion, of the kind now spoken of, in a boy. What is the cause of the disparity ? They are equally well formed by nature ; or if there be any difference, the symmetry of OF HEALTH. 23 all parts is more perfect in the female than in the male. The difference in physical organization rcsnlts from a dillerence of habits depending upon school education. It is not seen till after this process is ad- vanced. The girl, when she goes from school, is, as we have before said, expected to go home and remain, at least a large part of the time, confined to the house. As soon as the boy is released, he begins to run and jump, and frolic in the open air, and continues his sports till hunger draws him to his food. The result is, that in him all the organs get invigorated, and the bones of course become solid ; while a defect exists in the other sex, proportionate to the want of physical motion. A question may fairly be asked why these evils are apparently greater now than formerly, when females were equally con- fined ? The answer, in reference to the young females of our country, is, that they then took a considerable share in the labo- rious part of the domestic duties ; now, they are devoted to literary occupations, of 24 THE PRESERVATION a nature to confine the body and require considerable efforts of the mind. I shall not, in this place, say anything of the second of the physical causes of weak- ness, spoken of, as it will be adverted to hereafter. The next of these causes, which presents itself to our view, is of a moral nature ; — the influence of too great occu- pation of the mind in study, and that of feelings and passions of a depressing nature. The operation of mental causes on the bodily frame is not unknown to any of us ; though they may not perhaps have been thought, in regard to education, to be of very great importance. As it is not in my power to enter fully into the subject, I would barely present it for your considera- tion. The effect of anxiety, grief, and other feelings, in diminishing strength and wear- ing away health, are quite familiar. The loss of property and of friends, has been known to bring on diseases; and it has sometimes happened, that an agreeable re- verse or a favorable incident has speedily OF HEALTH. 25 removed them. Confidence in a physician is a great help towards receiving benefit from his prescriptions ; and many of the cures wrought by empirical or quack medi- cines, are to be attributed rather to the op- eration of the mind, than to the action of the medicines on the disease. Tlie production of physical changes in a sudden and sensible way, by the action of moral causes, is comparatively rare, and very dilhcult to comprehend. Yet medical men do sometimes have an opportunity of observing changes effected by this power, which might appear incredible, and almost miraculous, to those not aware of the force of mental operations on the human organs. I could adduce many such cases. Perhaps it will be proper to state one or two in de- tail. When, some years ago, the metallic tract- ors were in the height of their reputa- tion for the cure of diseases by external application to the part affected, the follow- ing experiment was performed by Dr. Ilay- garth, of Bath. Two tractors were prepared, 3 26 THE PRKSERVATION not of metal, but of a substance different from the genuine tractors, and made to resemble them. Thr-se were applied, in a number of instances, with all the good effects of the real tractors. Among other remarkable cures was that of a person with a contraction of the knee joint, from a dis- ease of six months' duration. After a few minutes' application, this man was directed to use his limb, and, to the surprise of all present, he was able to walk about the room. Snch instances are not very unusual. Many empirics succeed by calling into action the same principle. The patient, after a number of manipulations of the part affected, is directed to make use of his limb ; and though this call on his imagina- tion does not infallibly succeed, it is not wonderful that it occasionally does so. I will relate another case of this kind. Some time since, a female presented herself to me, with a tumor, or swelling of the sub- maxillary gland of the neck, which had become what is commonly called a wen. It was about the size of an egg, had lasted OF hi:ai/ii[. 27 two years, and was so veiy hard, that I considered any attempt to dissipate it by medicine to be vain, and advised its removal by an operation. To this the patient could not bring her mind ; tlierefore, to satisfy her M'ish, I directed some applications of con- siderable activity to be made to the part, and these she pursued a number of weeks, witliout any change. After this, she called on me, and, with some hesitation, begged to know, whether an application recom- mended to her would in my opinion be safe. This consisted in applying the hand of a dead man three times to the diseased part. One of her neighbors now lay dead, and she had an opportunity of trying the experiment, if thought not dangerous. At first, I was disposed to divert her from it ; but, recollecting the power of the imagina- tion, I gravely assured her she might make the trial without apprehension of serious consecpiences. A while after, she presented herself once more, and, with a smiling countenance, informed me she had used this remedy and no other since I saw her ,• 28 THE PRESERVATION and, on examining for the tumor, I found it had disappeared. The possibility of operating powerfully on the corporeal organization by moral causes being established, it is clear that the long exertion of intellectual efforts, and still more the frequent action of depressing passions, may, and even must, have a great influence on the condition of the body, at the flexible period when education and growth are going on together. — A close and constant occupation of mind, too long continued, lessens the action of the heart ; and a languid circulation, thus being in- duced, prevents the full growth of the body. Depressing passions act more conspicuous- ly. You may possibly have noticed, though the case is rare in this country, the condi- tion of children subjected to a persevering system of harshness at home. They are pale and shrivelled, and their growth is checked. In the present modes of education, great pains are taken to excite the imagination by competition. These efforts are attended OF IIF.AI/ni. 29 with but too much success iu susceptible miuds. An anxiety to excel becomes the predominant passion. The health, the sports, and too often the friendships of youth are sacrificed to the desire of surpass- ing those around. When this becomes an all-absorbing passion, the result is most un- friendly to physical organization ; and a multitude of fine constitutions are ruhied by it, in both sexes. Whether any proper substitute can be found, in our sex, for competition and rival- ry, I must leave to others to decide. So far as my experience extends, I should give an affirmative answer ; and while 1 do not pretend to be a very competent judge in the case, it is fair to say, that the habit of giving public instructions for more than twenty years, has afforded me some con- clusions of a satisfactory nature. The application of the system of rivalry to the softer sex, I speak with submission to greater experience, appears to me fraught with mischief. It inflames the imagination, festers the passions, and poisons the ha})pi- 3* 30 THE PRESERVATION ness of the brightest days of life ; and since the very highest grade of literary acquirement is not essential to the duties of the sex, it seems as unnecessary as it is pernicious. I have just made a question whether there is a substitute, which is sufficiently practical to be of general use. I do not know that there is ; and if none exists, I think the ingenuity and intelligence of in- structors could not be employed on a more important subject, than in devising such substitute. The spirit of improvement has, I imagine, already discovered that the rea- soning process may be generally employed with great success in the instruction of young persons. I know individuals, who use it to a considerable extent, and with the most happy results. They endeavor to enforce on their pupils the doctrine that the path of duty is the most easy, and most for the interest of the individual to pursue. They do this by conversation and by argu- ment ; and the process succeeds with those who are capable of being influenced in any OF HEALTH. 31 way, — and why should it not ? Children of the earliest age are capable of feeling the force of reason ; and I believe it will generally be found that they are under the power of their parents, rather in proportion to the employment of this agent, than to that of the rod or any other compulsory means. If they understand reason, at so early a period, surely they cannot lose their susceptibility to it, at one more advanced. There are, I know, minds, on which the powers of language make no impression, and all the weapons of argument fall as if pointless. But these are to be considered as exceptions to general laws — cases in which all the means of severity and kind- ness equally fail. They should not cause discoiu-agement. Patience is the everlast- ins; motto of the instructer. With it he performs wonders — without it he can do nothins:. The remarks made above, will give some notion of the most important of what I conceive to be general causes of ill health and imperfect growth, during the educating process. 32 THE PIIKSKRVATION It may not be useless to say a few words on some of the immediate causes of spinal distortion, which may be called local, in opposition to the former. The most obvious of the local causes are bad postures of the body and limbs. The habit of bending the neck, while writing or drawing, gradually compresses the ver- tebraj, and the intervertebral substance on their anterior part, and causes a permanent change in the form of this part of the spinal column. This distortion is so very com- mon among us, that we are apt to consider it a natural formation. In fact, however, it is entirely artificial in a great number of instances. Sometimes it is the conse- quence of negligence, and not unfrequently of timidity. Whether it tends to impair the health, always, I will not say — that it sometimes does so, I am certain ; and its effect in deforming the shape is even greater than a moderate degree of lateral curve. The immediate cause of the lateral curve of the spine to the right, opposite to the right shoulder, is the elevation and action OF HEALTH. 33 of the right arm in drawing and writing. Tliis postnrp pulls the part of the spinal column to which the muscles of the right arm are fixed, to the right side. The con- vexity of the spine thus produced keeps the right shoulder elevated, and the left conse- quently depressed. The lower part of the column is thrown to the left side ; and this displacement being favored by the disposi- tion to rest on the left foot, while standing to speak or read, there comes to be a per- manent projection of the left hip. The postures employed in practising on some musical instruments, sometimes bring on these distortions ; as for example, a great use of the harp favors the disposition to lateral curvature, from the constant exten- sion of the right arm.* * For many years I have in my anatomical lectures been in tlie habit of recommemling, that children should be taught by their parents to use the left hand equally with the right. Tliis habit will in a great number of in- stances prevent the occurrence of the distortion mentioned in the text, and preserve the lateral symmetry of the body. It would also give a valuable resource in case of those injuries, which in everyone temporarily, and in some per- manently, impair the use of the right arm. 34 THE PRESERVATION Having adverted to tlie nature and the causes of some of the defects that arise from want of attention to physical education, I shall now throw out some hints, as to the modes iti which it may be improved. Nature, as we have before said, if left to herself, is all-sufficient to the development of physical organization. But we live in an artificial state — a state that continually thwarts the course of the native dispositions of the animal economy ; and as we must abandon the advantages of these, we must seek for substitutes in an artificial process. The principles which should form the basis of such a process, will readily be seen, on attending to the nature and the causes of these defects. We shall observe that the remedy, or rather the preventive means, lies in a certain regulation of the sentiments and passions and intellectual operations : in promoting bodily activity; in a salutary regimen, and in some other inferior consid- erations. In regard to the first of these, that is, to what relates to the mind, I have already said all I intend at this time ; and I shall now advert to the others. OF HEALTH. 35 Towards a perfect, system of education, it is necessary there should be a balance preserved between physical and intellectual cultivation. When the mind is closely oc- cupied, the body should be carefully guard- ed. If the pursuits of the former are severe and absorbing, those of the latter should be cheerful and relaxing. Instead, then, of abandoning the physical to the intellectual culture, it should be increased in the same ratio, and followed with the same earnest- ness. Exercise is so material to physical edu- cation, that it has sometimes been used synonymously, though it really constitutes only a part of it. In ordeK that exercise may have its due operation, it must begin at the earliest period of life, and of course, the parent must, in this, act the part of in- structer. He must take pains to have the infant carried into the air, every day, and in every season ; for, whatever may be the dangers of such a course, they are in the end less than those incident to the acci- dental exposures of a delicate constitution. 36 THE PUESERVATION 111 the earlier years, the dress should be arranged so as to allow that use of the body and Umbs, to which nature prompts, with freedom, and without impropriety. When children are sent to school, care should be taken that they are not confined too long. Children under fourteen should not be kept in school more than six or seven hours a day ; and this period should be shortened for females. It is expedient that it should be broken into many parts ; so as to avoid a long confinement at one time. Young persons, however well disposed, cannot sup- port a restriction to one place and one pos- ture. Nature resists such restrictions ; and if enforced, they are apt to create disgust with the means and the object. Thus chil- dren learn to hate studies that might be rendered agreeable, and they take an aver- sion to instructers, who would otherwise be interesting to them. The postures tliey assume while seated at their studies, are not indifferent. They should be frequently warned against the practice of maintaining the head and neck OF HEALTH. 37 long in a stooping position ; and the dispo- sition to it should be lessened by giving a proper elevation and slope to the desk ; and the seat should have a support or back of a few inches, at its edge. The arms must be kept on the same level ; and there should be room to support them equally, or the right will be apt to rise above the left, from its constant use and elevation. A standing posture in writing and studying, is not com- mendable for young persons. The secret of posture consists in avoiding all bad posi- tions, and avoiding all positions long con- tinued. The ordinary carriage of the body in walking should be an object of attention to every instructer. How different are the im- pressions made on us by a man, whose attitude is erect and commanding, and by one who walks with his face directed to the earth, as if fearful of encountering the glances of those he meets ! Such attentions are even of great importance to the fairer sex, where we naturally look for attraction in some form or shape. If nature has not given beauty of face to all, she has given 4 38 THE PRESERVATION the power of acquiring a graceful movement and upright form — qualities more valua- ble and more durable than the other. These qualities are lost or gained at school ; and of course they lie, to some extent, within the control of the instructer. It seems to me it would afford a great addition of satis- faction to the superintendent and guardian of the rising population, to be able to send out to the world his annual recruits, not only well imbued with knowledge and vir- tue, but also endowed with a handsome form and graceful manners. The influence of an upright form and open breast on the health, has been, I think, sufhciently explained ; and what may be done to acquire these qualities, is shown by many remarkable facts, one of which I will mention. For a great number of years, it has been the custom in France, to give to young females of the earliest age, the habit of holding back the shoulders, and thus ex- panding the chest. From the observations of anatomists lately made, it appears that the clavicle, or collar bone, is actually longer in females of the French nation than in OF HEAI.TII. 39 those of the English, although the latter are the best formed people. As the two nations are of the same race, as there is no other remarkable dillerence in their bones, and this is peculiar to the sex, it must be attrib- uted, as I believe, to the habit abovemen- tioned, which, by the extension of the arms, has gradually produced a national elonga- tion of this bone. Thus we see that habit may be employed to alter and improve the solid bones. The French have succeeded in the development of a part, in a way that adds to health and beauty, and increases a characteristic that distinguishes the human being from the brute. As young persons advance in age, and as the disposition to motion naturally dimin- ishes, it becomes important to encourage and provide for it, especially in females, and in young men of studious character. Instead of restraining their movements, and blaming the disposition to frolic, they should be allowed and advised to it, at proper times, and in becoming modes. Next to walking in the open air, the best exercise for a young female is dancing. 40 THE PRESERVATION This brings into action a large part of the muscles of the body and lower limbs, and gives them grace and power. The mode in which I wish to recommend its use, is not in balls and crowded assemblies, but at home, alone, or with two or three friends, or in the domestic circle. As this practice does not give motion to the upper limbs, and as the exercising them is too apt to be neglected, it is important to provide the means of bringing them into action, as well to develope their own powers, as to enlarge and invigorate the chest, with which they are connected, and which they powerfully influence. The best I know of is the use of the triangle.* This admirably exerts the upper limbs and the muscles of the chest, and, indeed, when adroitly employed, those of the whole body. The plays at ball with both hands, and that of dumb bells, are useful. The parallel bars afford a very * The triangle is made of a stick of walnut wood, four feet long, an inch and a half in diameter. To each end is connected a rope, the opposite extremities of which being confined together, are secured to the ceiling of a room, at such height as to allow the motion of swinging by the hands. OF IIFALTII. 41 fine exercise for the muscles of the body and upper hmbs. Battledoor I should re- commend to be played with the left hand as well as the right, a habit, like all others, acquired by due practice. While I partic- ularly mention these, I should advise as great a diversity as possible, in exercise and amusement ; so that, wlien the mind or the muscles get fatigued Avith one, they may take up another with fresh ardor. Every seminary of young persons should be pro- vided with the instruments for these exer- cises. They are not expensive, occupy but little room, and are of unspeakable im- portance. While active exercises should occupy time sufficient to excite the circulation, and gently to agitate the organs, there must also be an occasional relaxation. At proper in- tervals, the whole muscular apparatus should be allowed to repose. I do not mean that the young lady should sleep during the day ; but I wish to advise a graceful attitude on a couch or sofa, as a necessary alternation to muscular or mental eflort. The remarks last made have reference 4# 42 THE PRESERVATION principally to the exercises of young ladies, who are more likely to suffer in this respect, in our plans of education, than the other sex. The necessity of cultivating the physical powers in young men, is sufficiently under- stood. The establishment of gymnasia through the country, promised, at one period, the opening of a new era in physical education. The exercises were pursued with ardor, so long as their novelty lasted ; but, owing to not understanding their im- portance, or some defect in the institutions which adopted them, they have gradually been neglected and forgotten, at least in our vicinity. The benefits which resulted from these institutions, within my personal knowledge and experience, far transcended the most sanguine expectations. I have known many instances of protracted and distressing affections wholly removed ; of weakly organized forms unfolded and in- vigorated, and of the attainment of extraor- dinary degrees of muscular energy and elas- ticity in persons in health. The diversions of the gymnasium should OF HF.ALTII. 43 constitute a regular part of the duties of all our colleges and seminaries of learning; and, to give them the requisite power of excitement, the system of rewards, so dan- gerous when mismanaged in literary educa- tion, might be introduced without any ill effect.* Our young men may surely find time to cultivate those exercises, which Cicero and Cossar, and some of the most studious among the ancient and modern philosophers, considered necessary, and contrived to prosecute in the midst of their studies and affairs.f * I have known many instances of great increase of muscular vigor, and of tiie general health by the regular use of gymnastic exercises, even at an advanced period of life. Among these I might refer to a distinguished member of the legal profession, who first began the practice of gymnastics when nearly seventy years old. He acquired great additional vigor, lived to the age of eighty-four, in habits of constant activity, and died at this period in the most easy and tranquil manner. t Cicero is described by Plutarch, as being, at one period of his life, extremely lean and slender, and having such a weakness in his stomach, that he could eat but little, and that not till late in the evening. He travelled to Athens, however, for the recovery of his health, where his body was so strengthened by gym- nastic exercises, as to become firm and robust ; and his 44 THE PRESERVATION If the gymnasium is deserted because it calls for too much effort, let me intreat them at least to adopt a regular plan of walking. Two hours a day must be de- voted to this business without relaxation, unless they are willing to carry the mark of disorder in the face while young, and a dyspeptic, nervous, disabled frame through that part of life, which especially requires health and activity. I have often been asked, how it is the German literati preserve their health with- out exercise. Some of them are known to pass most of their time in study, and think not of wasting their precious moments in taking care of their bodies. To this I reply ; first, that they are careful to acquire a good voice, wliicli had been harsh, was tlioroughly formed, and rendered sweet, full, and sonorous. In regard to Julius Cagsar, the same author informs us, that he was originally of a slender habit of body, had a soft and white skin, was troubled with pains in his head, and subject to epilepsy; but, by continual marches, coarse diet, and frequent lodging in the fields, he struggled against these diseases ; and used war, and the exercises and iiardships therewith connected, as the best medicine against these indispositions. — Sir John Sinclair. OF HEALTH. 45 constitution by habits of activity while they are young. The organs are properly de- veloped, and confirmed in healthy action. Secondly, they do not break down their strength by luxurious ways of living, and the free use of stimulant drinks, in early age. Thirdly, which is the great secret, they live most abstemiously. The diges- tive organs are not overburdened with food, and stand not in need of extraordinary ef- forts to relieve them. Let those who are compelled to sedentary pursuits, seasonably lay aside one third of their ordinary food ; and they will experi- ence no loss of time in combating the horrors of dyspepsia. The inhabitants of the Philadelphia Peni- tentiary, confined to a uniform regimen, which of course limits itself, enjoy uninter- rupted health. Those who were diseased from bad habits before they became its tenants, are effectually cured after a short residence there. Regulation of the food is of primary con- sequence towards the formation of a good constitution. The most common error in 46 THE PRESERVATION relation to it, consists in the use of too much food. Nature has given us organs of a cer- tain capacity, on the presumption that, being called on to manual labor, we should then require a large quantity of food. Muscular effort exhausts the strength, and requires renovation by nutritious substances ; but when the muscular efforts are small, the quantity of nourishment required is com- paratively trifling ; and if, in consequence of the appetite, a large quantity is taken, the result will be pernicious, directly or indirectly. Parents are uneasy when their children eat bat little, and would encourage them to eat against their inclination. No mistake can be more pernicious to health ; and if persevered in, disease will infallibly result from it. When the child wants ap- petite, instead of being compelled to take food, it must be compelled to take exercise, unless positively ill, and then it must be compelled to take medicine. The quantity of liquid given to young persons is decidedly injurious. The prin- cipal agent in the digesting process, is a solvent juice. The more this is diluted OF HEALTH. 47 with fluids, the weaker it is, and the less perfect the digestive action. Animal food should be sparingly taken by young persons who use little exercise ; and children gen- erally do not need it. Bread and milk, and fruit are the best articles for those who do not labor. Wine is highly pernicious to young persons. It is a slow but certain poison. Before the body has attained its full growth, there is an overplus of excita- bility ; and if to this is added the powerful agency of wine, or any other stimulating drink, the constitution cannot fail to be hurt. Females are more injured by stimu- lating drinks than males, because their system is more susceptible of physical ex- citement. The nervous power is more ener- getic ; the pulse and respiration are quicker ; and the developement of animal heat greater. Hence, I suppose, it is, that they require less covering in cold weather ; and sufler more inconvenience from the heat, than the other sex. Females are unfortunately compelled by fashion to adopt partial and unequal cover- ings of the body. A part of the chest is 48 THE PRESERVATION very much covered, while another part is wholly exposed. The dangers which spring from fashion are more easily pointed ont, than avoided. They serve at least to place in a clearer light the necessity of inuring young females to exposure, and invigorating them by exercise. There is one part of female dress, the dangers of which have been made known, but which still, I fear, continues to be practised ; I mean the girting the chest. In what notions of beauty this practice took its origin, I am unable to discover. The angular projections formed by a tightly drawn cord, are in direct opposition to the models of Grecian or Roman beauty. In the flowing robes of the Juno, the Vesta and Diana, every part is light and graceful. Nor have I been able to discover, in the representation of the Muses or the Graces, any habiliment which would lead us to believe they wore stays or corsets. The taste of the other sex is uniformly opposed to the wasp-like waist and the boarded chest. Yet, strange as it seems, there is scarcely a young lady of fifteen, who has OF HEALTH. 49 not imbibed a disposition for this species of application, and scarcely a well dressed lady of any age, whose chest is not confined in such a manner as to impede the motions of respiration and the free use of the muscles of the upper extremities. It is true, we are constantly told that they are uncomfortable without these appendages ; but this only shows, what great inconveniences we can, by habit, become accustomed to. The Indian nations, who consider the flattened forehead to be a beauty, confine the heads of their infants between two pieces of board corded together, and the child exists under this pressure and may grow up. Yet there can be no doubt that diseases are generated by it ; that some lose their lives and others their intellects. Still the fashion continues from age to age ; for I have now in my pos- session flattened heads, which must have lived some hundreds of years since, and others which have belonged to individuals of the existing generation. Nature has so contrived the human chest that there is no superfluous play of the parts composing it. Its movements are just suf- 5 50 THE PRESERVATION ficicnt to give such an expansion to the kings and such an extent of oxygenation of the blood, as are adequate to the wants of the individual, under different occurrences. In females, the chest is shorter than in males ; and to compensate for this, the motion of the ribs is naturally more exten- sive and more frequent. Whatever limits this motion, is therefore peculiarly injurious to the sex ; especially as they are more dis- posed to consumption, and other chronic affections of the lungs. Now, the ligatures in the fashionable dress are placed precisely on that part, where the motion should be greatest ; that is, below the middle of the chest. It is precisely here, that, in case of fracture of the ribs, when we desire to stop the movements of the chest, we apply a tight bandage ; — though rarely do we ven- ture to make it so tight as the ordinary corsets. The effect of such pressure, begun at an early period of life, will be understood from what has been stated in regard to the spine. The bones must yield to it ; their shape becomes permanently altered; the lower part of the breast contracted ; the OF HEALTH. 61 space destined by nature for the heart and hmgs diminished ; and what the fatal re- suhs of all this on these tender and vital organs are, every day's experience shows us. The intluence on the health, though slow, is certain. It may not at once pro- duce consum}>tion ; but it lays the founda- tion for ills it would pain you to hear, and me to describe. I will only say, by way of specification, that, among other diseases of which this is the fruitful germ, I have known three instances of perpetual head- ache, at last bringing on insanity and termi- nating in death. The immediate cause of the disease was the compression of the heart and great blood vessels, and the consequent accumulation of blood in the head. As young ladies are disposed to this prac- tice, probably by fancies communicated by their companions, those who have charge of them, should not only prohibit these ap- plications — they should, for themselves, observe whether anything is wrong ; and after the young ladies have reached the age when dress is considered a primary object, they should resolutely oppose every en- 52 THE PRESERVATION croachment on the rights of the vital organs, beyond what is required by a decent atten- tion to the prejudices of the day.* If I might call your attention to other topics of interest connected with this sub- ject, I should advert to the constant use of cold bathing, especially the shower-bath, as very conducive to invigoration of the body, and to lessening the susceptibility to the injurious effects of cold on the surface of the skin. I would speak of the advantages of regular frictions over the whole surface, and especially the chest and the neck, those parts, which are constantly to be exposed to the air. The judicious use of the voice by reading aloud, I should highly commend. It invigorates the lungs, and gives action to the whole digestive apparatus ; but I should not speak so favorably of singing — a de- lightful accomplishment, indeed, but only * Since this was written, the practice of tight lacing has diminished, and we now and tiicn have an oppor- tunity of seeing the female form in a dress, which does not conceal its natural symmetry and grace. It would be tliougiit singular, if this pernicious practice^ thus becoming unfasliionuble in the one sex, should have been adopted by the other. OF HEALTH. 53 to be pursued by those whose chests are ample, and pulmonary organs vigorous. These subjects I can barely allude to, with- out entering into the details of their par- ticular application, having extended these remarks much beyond my original design. Let me conclude by intreating your at- tention to a revision of the existing plans of education, in what relates to the preser- vation of health. Too much of the time of the better educated part of young persons, is, in my humble opinion, devoted to literary pursuits and sedentary occupations ; and too little to the acquisition of the corporeal powers indispensable to make the former practically useful. If the present system does not undergo some change, 1 much ap- prehend we shall see a degenerate and sinking race, such as came to exist among the higher classes in France, before the revolution, and such as now deforms a large part of the noblest families in Spain ; * but * I am inTormed, by a lady who passed a long time at the Spanish court, in a distinguished situation, that tlie Grandees have deteriorated by tiieir iiabits of living, and the restriction of intermarriages to their own rank, 5* 54 THE PRESERVATION if, as I trust it will, the spirit of improve- ment, so happily awakened, continue to animate those concerned in the formation of the young members of society, we shall soon be able, I doubt not, to exhibit an active, beautiful, and wise generation, of which the age may be proud. 1. DIGESTION. The renovation of organized structures is accomplished by the process of digestion. This, whether it take place in vegetables or animals, is effected by the assimilation of external substances constituting the food, which is appropriated to the structure to be repaired. The digestive organs are very simple in vegetables. Food is taken from the earth by the radicles of the plant, circulated in its vessels, elaborated or digested in its leaves, and sent to the different parts of the plant for their support and development. In most to a race of dwarfs, and, tliough fine persons are some- times seen among lliem, they, when assembled at court, appear to be a group of mannikins. OF HEALTH. 55 animals the apparatus of digestion is much more complicated. In the lower classes it is in truth but little more complex than in vegetables, but in the higher animals, and in man, it forms one of the most extensive parts of the animal economy. The primary and most essential portion of the digestive apparatus in man is the stomach. Into this cavity articles of food are introduced in great variety, and these in the course of a few hours are gradually dissolved. The power, by which this solu- tion is accomplished, has been ascertained to be a liquid exuded from the coats of the stomach, similar in its aspect to liquid saliva, and which has been denominated the gastric fluid or juice. The experiments of Spalanzani, Stevens, and others, and finally those of Dr. Beaumont on Alexis St. Martin, an individual, who had an aperture in his stomach from an accidental wound, have proved, that when food was introduced into an empty stomach, this exudation was seen to take place, in proportion to the quantity of food received into the organ, within certain limits. The food, brought 56 THE PRESERVATION in contact with the interior of the stomach by the action of its muscular coat, and by the movements of respiration, is attacked by this hquid in successive portions, and grad- ually melted into a homogeneous mass. In a healthy stomach a moderate meal is digested in four hours, and then the food is pushed by the stomach into the duodenum, a sort of second stomach, in which, and in the tube below, the nutritious liquid is first separated from the solid part of the food, then absorbed, and carried into the blood- vessels, and circulated through every part of the animal body. So that it may be said, that the whole of the drink taken into the stomach, and a considerable part of the solid food, ultimately make their way into the blood-vessels, and are circulated through- out the animal system. It has been also observed, that when liquids were taken into the stomach at the same time with solids, the liquids were separated from the solids, and disappeared from the stomach in a short time. Both reasoning and observation have plainly shown, that while any considerable:quantity OF HEALTH. 57 of liquid remains in the stomach, the gastric fluid is too much diluted to accomplish the solution of the food. From the facts above mentioned we con- sider it to be established, that the taking of (|uantities of liquid at the same time with solid food does not promote the digestive process, but interferes with, and suspends it. Hence the swallowing of large quantities of fluid of any description, such as wine, tea, coffee, or even water, is not consistent with a healthy and speedy digestion. The practice of drinking at our meals is so uni- versal a custom as to make it appear like a second nature, but it is in fact contrary to nature. Animals do not drink at the time they eat, but some hours after, and they generally take very small quantities of liquid, compared with that which is used by man. The savage in his native wilds takes his solid food, when he can obtain it, to satiety, reposes afterwards, and then resuming his chase through the forest, stops at the rivulet to allay his thirst. The disadvantage of taking a large quan- tity of liquid must be obvious to all those 58 THE PRESERVATION who consider that the digesting liquid is dihited and weakened, in proportion to the quantity of drink. Children especially, are much mismanaged in this particular. We begin at an early period of life to drench the stomach of a child with large quantities of milk and water, of simple water, or of some other liquid. The poor child suffers from the extensive distention of the stomach and complaining frequently, the mother pre- sumes it is affected with worms, and many violent purges are given to destroy these sup- posed invaders. The digestive apparatus is thus weakened still more ; chyle is im- perfectly formed, the blood itself hence be- comes weak and impure, and in this way the seeds of scrofula are developed. All kinds of stimulating drinks are of pernicious effect in two ways : 1st, by di- luting the gastric fluid, as above stated ; 2d, by over-stimulating the stomach. When food is taken into the stomach, the inner coat of the organ is excited, and thereupon becomes reddened from an increased flow of blood ; this is a natural excitment of the organ. When stimulants of any kind are OF HEALTH. 69 thrown into the stomach, it is over-excited at the time, and, Hke all other over-excited parts, sulfers a proportionate debility after- wards. If then a quantity of alcohol and water, or wine, which is a mixture of alco- hol, water, and some vegetable substance, are taken into the stomach at the same time with the food, the over-excitement must be injurious. It may not indeed produce im- mediate disease, or death, but it lays the foundation for the former, and shortens the road to the latter. A single excess or de- bauch takes off something from life, and when this excess is frequently repeated, even if not carried to habitual intoxication, the effect must be materially to diminish the term of existence. One of the effects of the over-excitement, produced by stimulant licpiid on the inner coat of the stomach, is, a separation of the cuticle or epithelium, which guards its inner coat, and the forma- tion of little canker spots in the interior of this organ. This was often observed by Dr. Beaumont in the stomach of St. Martin. All alcoholic drinks have the property of 60 THE PRESERVATION preventing the decomposition, and of course the digestion of food. This property it is, that enables us to preserve portions of the flesh of animals, when steeped in alcohol, for a great number of years. Some physicians believe, that there is danger in suddenly abandoning the use of stimulant drinks. Most of the great Eng- lish physicians appear to be of this opinion, and they seem to be particularly clear in regard to the ill consequences of the disuse of ardent spirits in those, who have become disordered by their habitual employment. In this country, where more has been said and done on this subject than in any other, a very great mass of experience has been accumulated. The results of this experi- ence are, that persons in health and in dis- ease,' with certain exceptions, may safely break up the habit. We know of hundreds of instances, and there is reason to believe, that thousands exist, of a sudden and total abandonment of the use of ardent spirits, and of all the fermented liquors, without bad consequences. This mode has therefore been adopted generally, wherever the tem- OK ULALTH. 61 perance reform has extended itself, in pref- erence to the gradual abandonment of these drinks. This method has been based on a multi- tude of observations, tending to show, that the gradual disuse of habitual stimulants can rarely be accomplished. We therefore always recommend to those in health to break off the practice suddenly ; we also do it generally in cases of disease brought on by the use of these articles ; and by sup- porting the patient with small quantities of 'good nutritious food, we succeed in bring- ing him right, without resorting to the dele- terious lluid. The worst cases of this de- scription are those of delirium tremens occurring in drunkards from violent injuries, such as fractures and extensive wounds. In such instances the patient may be saved, if it is possible to save him by any means, by the use of opium. Without going into further detail, we feel quite authorized to state as a general rule, that the use of wine and other stimulating liquids may be suddenly relinquished by persons in health, without bringing on dis- 6 63 THE PRESERVATION ease, and that in the greater number of instances of those disordered by them, there is, on the whole, more safety in abandoning than continuing the practice. The quantity of drink required for heaUh and comfort is very small. In cold weather a pint of liquid in twenty-four hours is sufficient : in the hot seasons this quantity may be increased, but this increase is rarely necessary, when a reasonable amount of fruit can be obtained. Moreover, the agent in the digestive pro- cess being a fluid, formed in limited quan- tity, it is obvious, that when the amount of solid food taken into stomach is too great in proportion to the quantity of this gastric liquid, the whole of the solid cannot be digested in time to prevent it from under- going the acid or putrefactive fermentation. The fermentation thus generated is pro- ductive of every degree of suffering, espe- cially a burning sensation in the stomach, foul breath, and frequent eructations of offensive gasses. Further, the existence of a putrified mass in the centre of the human body must, if it occur frequently, lay the foundation for a great variety of diseases. OF HEALTH. G3 The Autlior of Nature did not destine his offspring to be the victims of compli- cated and protracted diseases. In a state of nature, disease is comparatively rare ; the conveniencies of social life, if rightly em- ployed, would aid us in the prevention of many of those affections, to which the sav- age state is obnoxious. So that, instead of being less healthy than in a state of nature, we might be more so. To attain such a state, however, we should be compelled to alter our habits to a greater extent, than our social organization would admit. This change being impracticable, the next best thing to be done is, to take into view, that all that part of society, who are not called to daily and constant labor, constitute cases exceptional to those laws, which the Author of Nature has been pleased to establish for the whole race. By a due consideration of this exceptional state, as applied to ourselves, and a right accommodation of our habits to this state, we may prolong life, and avoid much suffering. The quantity of food, then, is not to be regulated by our appetites, but by our occu- 64 THE PRESERVATION pations. A great deal of exercise requires a great deal of food, little exercise will tolerate only a small portion of food : and if we offend against this rule, we must expect to suffer some form of disease sooner or later. In a great number of instances we are able to trace the origin of diseases, at first view not connected with digestion, to de- rangements of this function. In the course of my professional experience, I have had occasion to witness many instances of acute disease originating from a single excess. A person much exposed to cold and wet, is more liable to be dangerously affected after taking an inordinate meal. Some species of typhus undoubtedly begin in disorders of the digestive apparatus ; for it has been established by Louis and others, that de- rangement of the bowels occasionally pre- cedes the attack of fever, even at some distance of time. Gout, though generally produced by combined excess in eating and drinking, is, I have had occasion to notice, often the consequence of excessive eating. Scrofula likewise, though the disposition to it is generally hereditary, may be devel- OF HEALTH. 65 oped by an improper use of food.* We could go on, and specify a great number of diseases, which undoubtedly take their ori- gin from disorders of the stomach, liver, and intestines, brought on by the abuse of food, i. e. by a disproportion between the quantity of food and the quantity of exer- cise. Habitual temperance in the use of food is therefore indispensable to the healthy action of the physical powers. From the preceding remarks it appears, that persons of different occupations require * Sir James Clark, one of the most able physicians of .our times, in his Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption and Scrofulous Diseases, says, " An imperfect supply of food, or food of an innutritions quality, forms a very efficient cause [of Scrofula,] although we have rarely an opportunity of observing the effects of this alone; because when the means of procuring proper nourish- ment are wanting, other causes are generally in action at the same time, such as residence in ill-ventilated and dark apartments, exposure to cold from imperfect cloth- ing, &c. ; all of which arc often combined, and hence more speedily effect the deterioration of the health. But proper food, when taken in excess, or when of too exciting a quality, may also induce tuberculous cachexia in youth, — a circumstance which is not sudiciently at- tended to, — I may say not generally understood, even by medical men ; nevertlielcss I hold it to be a frequent 6* 66 THE PRESERVATION different quantities of food. The point we wish to ascertain is, what amount of food is necessary for those, who do not live by manual labor. Such persons generally con- sume three or four pounds in a day. That this quantity is too great, there can be no doubt, and of this a distinct proof is found in the following fact. The seamen in the British Navy were formerly allowed to eat as much as they desired ; of late years, cause of Scrofula. Tlie adaptation of the food, in quality and quantity, to the age of tlie individual, as well as to the powers of the digestive organs, is too little consid- ered, and the evil consequencesof this neglect are often evinced in the children of the wealthy classes, who are frequently allowed an unrestricted use of the most ex- citing kinds of animal food, tlian which there cannot be a greater error. By a too stimulating diet at this early age, the digestive organs become over excited ; the biliary and other secretions connected with diges- tion are diminished; congestion of the abdominal cir- culation ensues ; and the skin, sympathising with the irritation of the internal surfaces, becomes dry and harsh, and cutaneous eruptions, or copious perspiration are common consequences. The ultimate effect is often tuberculous disease, which is generally attributed to im- perfect nourishment ; and on this erroneous view steel and other tonics and stimulants are often prescribed, by which the evil is increased." OF HEALTH. 67 however, the quantity of food has been fixed at about 32 oz., or 2 lb. avoirdupois,* and the result has been, that a smaller num- ber have been found upon the sick list since the introduction of this regulation. If then the laborious British seamen can be kept in the best possible condition by two pounds, or two pounds and a quarter, of solid food, certainly a much less quantity would be proper for a gentleman in England, or in this country. This quantity we might fix perhaps at from one pound to one and a half. It is said, and I apprehend on very good authority, that the soldiers of the •American army are allowed not less than four pounds of solid and four pounds of liquid a day. What a multitude of diseases in our Army might be traced to this boun- tiful supply of food ! 2. EXERCISE. The remarks on exercise are sufllciently extended in the text for the general objects of society, but there is a class, which has risen into existence within a few years, to " Vide Carpenter's Human Physiology, p. .'582. CS THE TRESERVATION whose condition I feel myself called on to advert. A large number of persons in this country have lately engaged in the labor of of manufactories. The establishments, in which these labors are carried on, are, it is well known, better regulated than those in the Old World, and the amount of health of the individuals employed in them is un- doubtedly greater. The operatives necessa- rily employ sufficient bodily exercise. Notwithstanding these favorable circum- stances, no one, I think, will maintain, that they possess so robust an appearance, and enjoy so high a degree of health, as do the members of families, both male and female, who are occupied in the pursuits of agriculture. The difference in the influ- ence of these occupations is attributable to the difference in the variety of labor, and to that in the atmosphere which is respired by these classes. As to the former of these circumstances, no important changes can be expected, but in the latter much improve- ment may be made. The operatives in our manufactories, especially females, ought to form and pur- OF HEALTH. 60 sue a regular plan of exercise in the open air during the intervals of labor. This plan, I am aware, will seem to impose on them an additional burden, but the prac- tical etfect wonld, I am confident, be bene- ficial. A walk abroad two or three times in the day, at all seasjons, would bring into action other muscles than those, which are usually exerted in their daily toil, wonld give fresh vigor to the circulation of the blood, and inspire them with new cheerful- ness in their monotonous routine. In this M'-ay it may be hoped that an impending physical degeneration may be avoided in a large and interesting portion of our society.* * I deem it right to say, that on making tlie reflec- tions above stated to my friend, William Applcton, Esq. on vviiose experience and power of observation I liave great confidence, lie remarked, that it seemed to him quite impracticable for tiic fatigued operative to take additional exercise of any description. There is much ground for this opinion, no doubt ; still I cannot but hope, that iho plan I have recommended may be prac- tised on in a great number of cases. 70 THE PRESERVATION 3 MODE OF SLEEPING. « The manner in which children sleep, will readily be acknowledged to be important, yet very little attention is paid to this mat- ter. Children are crowded together in small and unventilated rooms, often two or three in a bed, and on beds composed of half prepared feathers, from which issues a nox- ious effluvia, infecting the child at a period when he is least able to resist its influence. So that in the morning, instead of feeling the full refreshment and vigor natural to the age, he is pale, languid, and for some time indisposed to active exertion. The rooms in which children are brought up, should be well aired, by having a fire- place, which should be kept open the greater part of the year. There never should be more than one in the same bed, and this remark may be applied with equal proprie- ty to adults. The substance on which they lie, should be hair, thoroughly prepared, so that it shall have no bad smell ; in winter it may be of cotton, or of hair and cotton. It would be very desirable, however, when- OF HEALTH. 71 ever practicable, to place them in separate apartments, as well as se])arate beds. It has been just said, that adults as well as children had better employ single instead of double beds; this remark is intended to apply miiversally. The use of double beds has been very generally adopted in this country, perhaps in ])art as a matter of economy, but this practice is objectionable for more reasons than can be stated here. Two or three may, however, be given. 1. The interference of one individual with the tranquility of the other. 2. The inhalation of matters excreted by the breath and by the skin. 3. The connnunication of cutaneous dis- eases, and even of insects, such as ascarides, and other vermin, from one to the other. 4. There are moral considerations, of a high order, which are opposed to the com- mon arrangement. 4 THE EXTERNAL USE OF WATER. In this discourse I liave strongly recom- mended the external use of cold water, and especially of the shower bath. Since it was 72 THE PRESERVATION delivered, the employment of cold water ex- ternally in this country has been very much extended ; the shower bath especially has been introduced into a great number of fam- ilies. There is room, hoAvever, for a very great extension of this practice, and a sense of its utility leads me to make some further remarks on it. The application of cold water to the human body is beneficial principally in two ways ; first, as a purifier ; second, as a tonic ; 1st, it purifies the body by removing from its surface those excretions, which are con- tinually poured out. The skin is an outlet, by which are discharged matters necessary to be thrown out of the system, for if re- tained, they would produce disease. These matters cause an incrustation over the sur- face of the skin, and this to a certain extent obstructs the little orifices, through which these exhalations take place. Physicians and surgeons are in the habit of observing deplorable instances of filthy concretions on the skin of poor patients, and this kind of neglect, imfortunately, is not wholly con- fined to the lower classes. OF HEALTH. 73 Besides these exhalations, the surface of the skin becomes more or less charged witii cuticular exfoliations, which ought to be daily removed. The linen taken from the body of a poor person is sometimes seen to shed a shower of llakes of separated cu- ticle. The regular removal of these sub- stances not only gives a more free outlet to cutaneous exhalation, but the act by which they are removed, also serves to promote the healthy action of the capillary vessels of this organ. 2d. The eflect of cold water as a tonic is well known. The refreshing influence of water applied to the face, neck, hands, and arms, is a matter of general experience. The operation of cold water, applied to the whole surface of the body, is to produce an agreeable and refreshing sensation. This is followed by a glow more or less consid- erable, depending partly upon the difference between the temperature of the water and that of the body, and partly on the state of the body itself, to which the application is made. Immersion of the hand, or any other part of the body, in cold weather in tepid 7 74 THE PRESERVATION water is followed by a sense of chilliness, while immersion of the same part, for a limited time, in iced water is followed by a sensation of positive heat. Immersion of a part, or the whole of the body in cold water causes an increase of vigor. This is par- ticularly obvious in hot weather. When one, who is exhausted with heat and fatigue, plunges into the cold water, or receives the affusion of it over the whole surface of the body, the languid frame is immediately invigorated and prepared for new labors. This change is probably attributable to a uniform contraction of the small vessels, and a more regular flow of blood through the relaxed organs, thus reviving their vigor. In the same way congestions, by which the vital actions are impeded, are removed, and this not only in the external or cutane- ous portion of the body, but also by the reflex nervous action of Dr. Marshall Hall, or sympathy as it has been formerly called, in the great central organs, the heart, lungs, stomach and intestines. Thus a great many diseases may be removed in the incipient stage ; for vascular congestions, or accumu- OF HEALTH, tO lations of blood in particular vessels, by which the circulation is obstructed, consti- tute the origin of a great number of diseases. All those who have been in the habit of using cold water know, that an incipient catarrhal affection often disappears on its judicious application to the surface of the body. This disease is a congestion of the blood in the vessels of the membrane lining the nostrils, trachea, and lungs, arising in this instance from the application of cold air to the surface of the body. When cold water is applied to the skin it produces in- creased circulation in this part, and the blood is thus diverted from the internal organs. A similar train of occurrences takes place in the germination of many diseases. The effect of the judicious application of cold water to the surface of the body is, therefore, to relieve temporary languor, re- move incipient disease, and give permanent tone to the animal system. It will naturally be asked, what mode is the best for the application of cold Avater ^ Sponging the body over with the coldest water is a very convenient mode, and one 76 THE PRESERVATION which may be resorted to with great facihty. Tiie use of the cold hip-bath is valuable for affections of the back, and of the organs in the lower part of the trunk of the body. A sudden plunge of the feet into cold water removes swelling of the veins and absorb- ent vessels, and prevents accumulations in the cellular membrane. I am inclined to think, that the most con- venient and efficient mode of producing the beneficial effects of cold water on the whole body is by the shower bath. This was recommended by me in the preceding lec- ture of 1830, and all that I have seen of its effects since that time, has led me to the belief that it has an efficacy superior to that of other modes. The impulse of the water gives a general shock to the system, causes a sensible increase of strength at the mo- ment, and is followed, when the water is sufficiently cold, by a general and delight- ful glow. In hot weather, I personally employ the shower-bath with great free- dom ; I resort to it three or four times a day, and find it to produce great refresh- ment from the debilitating effects of heat. I OF HEALTH. 77 am not able to ascertain the extent of the use of cold affusion among our countrymen in the south, but I have no doubt, that re- lief might be obtained from the effects of excessive heat by a frequent judicious resort to this delightful application. The use of the douche is worthy of some remark. This is a continuous stream of water poured with a certain degree of force on some one part of the body. It is gene- rally used for medicinal purposes, and is one of the most powerful remedies for the relief of many local diseases. But it may also be employed as a means of invigorat- ing a weak part of the body, and is there- fore particularly useful in weakness of the back and of the limbs, especially the joints, of the eyes, etc. A continuous fine stream of cold water, driven upon the naked eyeball, is submitted to after one trial with- out any reluctance, and is a most efficient application for weakness of the eyes and chronic inflammation. The douche is easily arranged by connecting a flexible tube, with a stop-cock, from ten to twenty feet in length with a reservoir placed at that dis- 7* 78 THE PRESERVATION tance above it. This reservoir may be a cask, a cistern, or any other convenient re- ceptacle. I have recommended the douche with a degree of advantage in many inter- nal as well as external weaknesses. For children, either the shower-bath, or the sponge-bath is convenient, beginning at the earliest period of life. The infant thus becomes accustomed to have its head wet, and the habit being formed no incon- venience results from the retention of moist- ure in the hair, though this should be re- moved by friction with cloths and brush- es, as soon as practicable. The dipping, although some children bear it well, gene- rally produces alarm and aversion, while the other plans gradually become grateful and desirable to the child. Of late years the apprehension of the external use of cold water has greatly di- minished, and this practice, the result of advanced civilization, has very much in- creased. The institution of Preisnitz, at Graeffenburg, has done service, by show- ing to what extent the use of water may be carried without always producing fatal dis- OF IIEAI.Tn, 7\) eases. In the preceding remarks, I do not mean to recommend the use of this vahia- ble agent in the modes proposed by Preisnitz and his followers. I have always advised, and still advise, a very frequent use of cold water, perhaps further experience may justify the use of it to a greater extent than what my observations have hitherto authorized me to recommend.* 5. FRICTION. The external use of cold water almost necessarily involves that of friction, which may also be employed independently. The object of this is to increase the flow of blood to the external parts, and thus to relieve the internal organs of too great an accumulation of the circulating fluid. It has been already stated, when speaking of the use of water, that congestion or inordinate partial accu- * Tlie hydropathic practice has unfortunately been combined with horaa3opatliy in iliis part of the coun- try. There is, however, no proper connection between them. Hydropatiiy in a reasonable extent is supported by good sense and exact observation ; homa;opaliiy is in opposition to both. 80 THE PRESERVATION mulation of blood is the primary cause of many diseases. An instance may be speci- j&ed in the common pain in the side. This, we know, will, in persons subject to it, be brought on by sitting long in a confined posture, as, for example , in writing for too long a time. It sometimes produces very acute pain, and even may go on to inflamma- tion of the pleura. An individual who is affected in this way , naturally applies his hand to the part, and attempts by friction to dissipate the pain. When this is accom- plished, it is done partly by exciting the action of the congested vessels, and partly by increasing the circulation in other tex- tures near that affected, and thus abstracting the accumulated blood from the latter. Friction over the general surface of the body, by equalizing the circulation, con- tributes to its health and vigor : by exciting a uniform and healthy action in any one part, it serves to give vigor to this part. 6. TOBACCO. While the general means for the preser- vation of health have been materially ad- OF HEALTH. 81 vanced in our society by attention to exer- cise, by the external use of cold water, by moderation in food, by the curtailment of dinner parties, and more especially by the fast extension of abstinence from stimulant and intoxicating drinks, there is in one par- ticular a decided and unhappy deterioration of our social habits, I refer to the increased use of tobacco. Of the three modes of using tobacco, smokinsc is that which seems to have insin- uated itself most extensively among the young men of our community. Tobacco, employed in this way, being drawn in with the vital breath, conveys its poisonous influ- ence into every part of the lungs. There the noxious fluid is entangled in the minute spongy air-cells, and has time to exert its pernicious influence on the blood, not in vivifying, but in vitiating it. The blood imbibes the stimulant and narcotic princi- ple, and circulates it through the whole system. It produces in consequence a febrile action in most individuals, and especially in those of a delicate habit. Where there is any tendency to phthisis and tubercular de- 82 THE PRESERVATION posit in the lungs, the debility of these organs, consequent on the use of tobacco in this way, must favor the deposit of tuber- culous matter, and thus sow the seeds of consumption. This practice impairs the natural taste and relish for food, lessens the appetite, and weakens the powers of the stomach. As to the pleasure produced by it, it is, I believe, a well known fact, that a person smoking in the dark is often unable to determine whether his cigar is lighted, or not. Snuff received into the nostrils to some extent enters the cavities opening from them, fills those cavities, and makes a snuff-box of the olfactory apparatus. The voice is con- sequently impaired, sometimes to a remark- able degree. I knew a gentleman of the legal profession, who from the use of snuff occasionally lost the resonance of his voice, and the power of speaking audibly in Court. Moreover, portions of this powder are conveyed into the lungs and stomach, and exert on these organs their deleterious effects. The worst form, in which tobacco is OF HEALTH, 83 employed, is in cheiving. This vegetable is one of the most powerful of narcotics ; a very small portion of it, say a couple of drachms, and perhaps less, received into the stomach might prove fatal. When it is taken into the mouth in smaller portions, and there retained sometime, an absorption into the system of part of it takes place, which has a most debilitating effect. If we wished to reduce our physical powers in a slow, yet certain way, we could not adopt a more convenient process than that of chewing tobacco. Who is there among the chewers of tobacco, who has not felt that deadly sickness, which it occasionally produces ? Those who have experienced these effects will not, I think, deny its great power of relaxing the whole animal system. The more limited and local effects are indigestion, fixed pains about the region of the stomach, in some cases looseness of the bowels, torpor of these parts, debility of the back and of the organs in the lower part of the trunk of the body. In regard to this last point much might be said of a striking character. To the consequences already 84 THE PRESERVATION mentioned, Ave may add affections of the brain, producing vertigo, (an effect well known to most of those who are in the habit of chewing tobacco,) and also affections of the mouth generating cancer. Tobacco is by some persons recommend- ed as beneficial to the teeth, but while it can have no material effect in preserving the bony substance of the teeth, it has a real influence on their vitality, by impair- ing the healthy action of the gums. These, and also the adjacent parts, are very subject to cancer, particularly the tongue and lips. For more than twenty years back I have been in the habit of inquiring of patients, who came to me with cancers of these parts, whether they used tobacco, and if so, whether by chewing or smoking. If they have sometimes answered in the negative as to the first question, I can truly say, that to the best of my knowledge and belief, such cases of exemption are exceptions to a general rule. When, as is usually the case, one side of the tongue is affected with ulcer- ated cancer, the tobacco has been habitually retained in contact with this part. The OF HEALTH. 85 irritation from a cigar, or even from a tobacco-pipe, fretiiiently precedes cancer of the lip. The lower lip is more commonly affected by cancer than the upper, in con- sequence of the irritation produced on this part by acrid substances from the mouth. Among such substances, what is more likely to cause a morbid irritation terminating in disease, than the frequent application of tobacco juice ? No one, I suppose, Avill understand, that I intend to say, that tobacco is a specific for the production of cancer. I mean to say, that this substance by its frequent ap- plication irritates and diseases the parts, to which it is applied, in the same way that any other acrid substance would do by very frequent application. The want of atten- tion to cleanliness often connected with this practice, and the consequent lodgement of the particles of tobacco on the surface of the lip has, as already suggested, a great influence in these cases. This leads me naturally to inquire, whether those, who have been in the regular habit of general and exact cleanliness, are so often affected 8 86 THE PRESERVATION with external cancer as others ? My expe- rience would lead me to believe that they are not so, but I do not feel myself author- ized to enter here into details upon this subject. 7. CONCLUSION. Perhaps it may be useful to add some hints in a condensed form for the preserva- tion of health. Children, as soon after birth as practica- ble, should be washed, or rather dashed with a sponge and cold water two or three times a day, and well rubbed afterwards. This practice is to be continued summer and winter, except in case of illness, and even in most cases of febrile disease it may be used with advantage under medical di- rection. The food of young infants should be ad- ministered to them at stated periods, and not whenever they cry. Children very fre- quently cry from having taken too much food. A good rule for general use is, to give nourishment to the child once in about three hours. From the time of weaning OF HEALTH. 87 until the first dcutitioii is over, their best food is bread and milk, coarse bread is bet- ter than fine in most cases. After the first dentition a greater variety of food may be employed, but animal food may perhaps be advantageously omitted until after the most critical period of the second den- tition.* Daring the time of school education every kind of wholesome food is proper, but it should be so plain as not to encourage the propensity to take a greater quantity than the power of the stomach can control. The disposition to drink should be discour- aged, and when drink is employed, it should be water. Sugar in the liquid and solid form should be avoided in a great degree. The stomach will bear a certain amount of saccharine matter without bad consequen- ces, but when this amount is habitually ex- ceeded, the healthy state of the blood be- * The first hint, which I received on this point many years ago, was from my friend , Dr. James Jackson, late Profussor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in Har- vard University, — an aiUhorily in my estimation as higli as that of any living piiysician. 88 THE PRESERVATION comes impaired. Moreover, some of the most dangerous attacks of cramp in the stomach and of colic, which I have seen, have arisen from the too free use of sugar in various forms. The sugar used in tea has often, within my knowledge, been the cause of evils attributed to the injurious influence of the tea, in which it was conveyed.* All stimulants should be avoided. Happy are they, who have never learned the use of them in any way! especially of alcohol in its different forms ! their lives may be *" Sugar exists in considerable qnantitj', and but Jittle complicated, in many plants. Moreover, the great- er number of the other saccliarine principles are capable of being converted into crystalized sugar, by artificial processes. Sugar is the only crystallizable product employed in considerable quantity as an aliment, and by the perfectly healthy stomach seems to be readily assimilated. There are, however, certain states of dis- ease in which this organ appears to lose, in a great measure, the power of assimilating this principle, and in such states of disease, sugar consequently is ill adapted as an aliment. Indeed, on the whole, though sugar, as we have said, is capable of being assimilated in large quantity, it is doubtful if mankind have been the gain- ers, except in convenience, by employing it in a form in which it is the furthest possible removed from organi- zation and life." — On the Kature and Treatment of Stomach and Urinary Diseases, etc. ; hy \V. Prout, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1840, p. viii. OF HEALTH. 89 insured, and at comparatively a low pre- mium ! Exercise during the early period of life should be regularly enforced, or rather the natural disposition to exercise in young children of both sexes, instead of being re- pressed, should be encouraged in every variety of form. Exercise, when practica- ble, should take place in the open air ; even young infants should be carried into the air soon after birth, and should be taken out daily. Every family possessed of a moder- ate competence should have a play-room devoted to the use of their children in bad weather. There should be, during the whole period of their education a balance between the hours of exercise and the hours of study ; the younger the subject, the greater must be the proportion of physical action. A great number of young persons, espe- cially of the male sex, lose their health from a vitiated imagination ; the prevention and cure of this should be one of the greatest objects of attention to parents and instruc- tors. When, by the combined influence of na- 9 90 THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH. ture and education, the constitution has become developed in its full power and strength, it depends on the individual to retain health and avoid disease. In other words, it may be considered as a general law, that health may be preserved to a late period of life by the use of those things, which are friendly, and the avoidance of those which are noxious. Most diseases are the consequences of violations of the laws of nature, sometimes the result of ig- norance, more frequently of inattention. Let there be a due balance between the bodily and mental exercise, I speak of the educated division of society, a reasonable regulation of the amount of food and drink, the omission of all extra stimulants, and a re- moval by the means indicated of all noxious agents, such, for example, as a want of per- sonal cleanliness, and we might calculate on avoiding a great number of the diseases which ordinarily harass and shorten our lives ; we might, if we escaped accident, expect to attain a comfortable old age, and a death free from suffering. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowec 2 WKS FROM RECEIPT NOiv-ncivtWAbLi: UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I AA 000 690 540 o 1 Univ( So L