'Mm^-H^^.t y:Dtf^ mt.:...d^'^'- mmm^^ UM ^ LAJ^;A '1^'.^- iOi i»^iW;v^^i:i mmm ■Ivi ^^yww V w.Ww %:yyMUj*^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY TH. 'OF THE BILLS OF EICHANCE ACT PO. FULLY AND COPIOUSLY INDEXED SO AS TO BE OF QUICK AND KEADY EEFEEENCE. BY JOHN AUGUSTUS BARRON (ONE OF HER MAJESTY'S COUNSEL), AUTHOR OF Barron on Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages, and of The Conditional Sales Act {annotated). TORONTO : \. ^ CARSWELL & CO., PUBLISHERS. &-^ 1890. T 1896 Entered according to Act of the Parliameut of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety, by Caesweld & Co., in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. PKINTED BY Thos. Moohe & Co., Law Printebs 22 & 24 Adelaidk St. East TORONTO. I'ri- .Y OF PREFACE. A PERUSAL and consideration of the Bills of Exchange Act, 1890, made necessary by the active practice of my profession, induced the belief that simply an Index to the Act, carefully and accurately prepared, would com- mend itself to those in my profession, or in business, having frequent occasion to refer to the law. With a hope that my belief will be justified I present its result, which, if found useful, will be my reward. J. A. B. 53 VICTORIA. CHAPTER 33. An Act relating to Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Promissory Notes. H [Assented to 16th May, 1890.] ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows ; — PART I. PRELIMINARY. 1. This Act maybe cited as "The Bills of Exchange short title. Act, 1890." 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, — interpre- tation. (a) The expression " Acceptance " means an acceptance "Accept- completed by delivery or notification ; (b) The expression " Action " inckides counter claim and "Action." set off; ((?) The expression " Bank " means an incorporated bank "Bank." or savings bank carrying on business in Canada ; (d) The expression " Bearer " means the person in pos- "Bearer." session of a bill or note which is payable to bearer ; is BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. '"Note." (^) T^® expression "Bill" means bill of exchange, and " Note " means promissory note ; "Delivery." (jj The expression " Delivery " means transfer of pos- session, actual or constructive, from one person to another ; "Holder." (^) The expression "Holder" means the payee or in- dorsee of a bill or note who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof; minl°^^^' (^0 The expression " Indorsement " means an indorse- ment completed by delivery ; "Issue." (j) The expression " Issue " means the first delivery of a bill or note, complete in form, to a person who takes it as a holder ; "Value." (j) The expression " Value " means valuable considera- tion. "Defence." ^j.^ The cxprcssion "Defence" includes counter-claim. OF PAET II. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Form and Interpretation. •t. A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writ- boi of ex- ing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the fined, person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is ad- dressed to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer : 2. An instrument which does not comply with these when in- -,. . I'l 1 IT . TT- strument conditions, or which orders any act to be done m addition is not such . bill. to the payment of money, is not, except as hereinafter provided, a bill of exchange : 3. An order to pav out of a particular fund is not un- uncon- ,.. , •,i- \ • r it • • ditional conditional within the meaning oi this section; but anorderde- unqualified order to pay, coupled with (a) an indication of a particular i'aud out of which the drawee is to re-imburse himself, or a particular account to be debited with the amount, or (/>) a statement of the transaction which gives rise to the hill, is unconditional : 4. A bill is not invalid by reason — Bin not in- valid for (a) That it is not dated ; --°a"ld. [h) That it does not specify the value given, or that any value has been given therefor ; {(■) That it does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where it is payable. 4 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. foreign ^'^^ 4. All iulaud bill is a bill wliicb is, or on the face of it bills. purports to be, (a) both drawn and payable within Canada, or (b) drawn within Canada upon some person resident therein. Any other bill is a foreign bill : as°orS°n^ 2. Unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may treat it as an inland bill. If different 5. j\ ]j[\\ j^ay be drawn payable to, or to the order of, parties to j i. ^ ^ » bill are the \]jq drawcr ; or it mav be drawn payable to, or to the order same per- ' •' r- ./ ' ^°^- of, the drawee : hoide^hi ^- Where in a bill drawer and drawee are the same per- offlld.^'^ son, or where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract, the holder may treat the instrument, at his option, either as a bill of exchange or as a promissory note. be nlmed° ®* ^^^® drawee must be named or otherwise indicated in a bill with reasonable certainty : morltbar ^- ^ ^^^^ ^^y ^^ addressed to two or more drawees, one. whether they are partners or not ; but an order addressed to two drawees in the alternative, or to two or more drawees in succession is not a bill of exchange. re^'^^tred^as '^' Where a bill is not payable to bearer, the payee to payee, niust be named or otherwise indicated therein with reason- able certainty : totwo^o^^^ 2. A bill may be made payable to two or more payees j^y?es,or jointly. Or it may be made payable in the alternative to office!'^^^°^o^6 of two, or one or some of several payees. A bill may also be made payable to the holder of an office for the time being : non^Jli^st^ ^' Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing per- ils- son, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 8. When a bill contains words prohibiting transfer, or p.^^'^i^,.^ i- o ' \)i\\s valid indicating an intention that it should not be transferable, gotiaTie*^^' it is valid as between the parties thereto, but it is not negotiable : 2. A negotiable bill may be payable either to order or toP^y^^bieto bearer : bearer. 3. A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be to bearer. so payable, or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank : 4. A bill is payable to order which is expressed to be so To order. payable, or which is expressed to be payable to a particu- lar person, and does not contain words prohibiting transfer or indicating an intention that it should not be transfer- able : 5. Where a bill, either originally or by indorsement, isOptio^^o^ expressed to be payable to the order of a specified person, and not to him or his order, it is nevertheless payable to him or his order, at his option. O. The sum payable by a bill is a sum certain within sum pay- the meaning of this Act, although it is required to be paid — [a) With interest ; (6) By stated instalments ; (c) By stated instalments, with "a provision that upon default in payment of any instalment the whole shall become due ; (d) According to an indicated rate of exchange, or accol'd- ing to a rate of exchange to be ascertained as directed by the bill ; 6 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. D^^crep- 2. Where the sum payable is expressed in words and also figures audi^ figures, and there is a discrepancy between the two, the words. g^jj^ denoted by the words is the amount payable : Interest. 3. "Where a bill is expressed to be payable with interest, unless the instrument otherwise provides, interest runs from the date of the bill, and if the bill is undated, from the issue thereof. Bill pay- lO. A bill is payable on demand— able ou •' demand. ^^^^ Which is exprcsscd to be payable on demand, or on presentation ; or (b) In which no time for payment is expressed : Accept- 2. Where a bill is accepted or indorsed when it is over- ance, etc., ^ due^° °^^'^''due, it shall, as regards the acceptor whoso accepts, or any indorser who so indorses it, be deemed a bill payable on demand. Bill pay- able at a future time. As to con- tingencies. II. A bill is payable at a determinable future time, within the meaning of this Act, which is expressed to be payable — (a) At a fixed period after date or sight : (h) On or at a fixed period after the occurrence of a spe- cified event which is certain to happen, though the time of happening is uncertain : 2. An instrument expressed to be payable on a contin- gency is not a bill, and the happening of the event does not cure the defect. Omission 12. Where a bill expressed to be payable at a fixed of date in i r j bi" pay- pcriod after date is issued undated, or where the acceptance date. of a bill payable at a fixed period after sight is undated, any BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 7 bolder may insert therein the true date of issue or accept- ance, and the bill shall be payable accordingly ; Provided that (a) where the holder in good faith and by ^Ite^^^^'^g mistake inserts a wrong date, and (b) in every case where a wrong date is inserted, if the bill subsequently comes into the hands of a holder in due course, the bill shall not be voided thereby, but shall operate and be payable as if the date so inserted had been the true date. 13. Where a bill or an acceptance, or any indorsement pate pmna ■*■ "^ _ facie evi- on a bill, is dated, the date shall, unless the contrary isdence. proved, be deemed to be the true date of the drawing, ac- ceptance, or indorsement, as the case may be : 2. A bill is not invalid by reason only that it is antedated certain *' -^ datings not or postdated, or that it bears date on a Sunday or other ^°i^^**i- non-juridical day. 14. Where a bill is not payable on demand, the day onCompu- \ '' ' ./ tation of which it falls due is determined as follows : '^i'^« of ^ payment. (a) Three days, called days of grace, are, in every case Days of where the bill itself does not otherwise provide, added to the time of payment as fixed by the bill, and the bill is due and payable on the last day of grace : Provided that — (1.) Whenever the last day of grace falls on a legal holi- Non-jur- ^ ' . . idical days. day or non-juridical day in the Province where any such bill is payable, then the day next following, not being a legal holiday or non-juridical day in such Province, shall be the last day of grace : 2. In all matters relating to bills of exchange the follow- what shall ° _ be such. ing and no other shall be observed as legal holidays or non- juridical days, that is to say : b BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. T^n^es^^°" (") ^^ ^^^ ^^® Provinces of Canada, except the Province of qSc. Quebec- Sundays ; New Year's Day ; Good Friday ; Easter Monday ; Christmas Day ; The birthday (or the day fixed by proclamation for the celebration of the birthday) of the reigning Sovereign ; and if such birthday is a Sunday, then the following day ; The first day of July (Dominion Day), and if that day is a Sunday, then the second day of July as the same holiday ; Any day appointed by proclamation for a public holiday, or for a general fast, or a general thanksgiving throughout Canada ; and the day next following New Year's Day and Christmas Day, when those days respectively fall on Sun- day ; In Quebec. (fc) And in the Province of Quebec the said days, and also — The Epiphany ; The Annunciation ; The Ascension ; Corpus Christi ; St. Peter and St. Paul's Day ; All Saints' Day ; Conception Day ; In every (A And also, in any one of the Provinces of Canada, any Province. / ' .; ^ j day appointed by proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor of such Province for a public holiday, or for a fast or thanks- giving within the same, or being a non-juridical day by vir- tue of a statute of such Province : BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 9 3. Where a bill is payable at sight, or at a fixed period ^ompu°ed® after date, after sight, or after the happening of a specified biggins t?^ event, the time of payment is determined by excluding the'^'^" day from which the time is to begin to run and by including the day of payment : 4. Where a bill is payable at sight or a fixed period after when time ^ '^ ^ ^ begins to sight, the time begins to run from the date of the acceptance '^"J^- if the bill is accepted, and from the date of noting or protest if the bill is noted or protested for non-acceptance, or for non- delivery : 5. The term "Month" in a bill means the calendar "Months, month : 6. Every bill which is made payable at a month or Reckoning ^ "^ of time. months after date becomes due on the same numbered day of the month in which it is made payable as the day on which it is dated — unless there is no such day in the month in which it is made payable, in which case it becomes due on the last day of that month — with the addition, in all eases, of the days of grace. 15. The drawer of a bill and any indorser may insert ^^-^^ of therein the name of a person to whom the holder may resort in case of need, that is to say, in case the bill is dishonored by non-acceptance or non-payment. Such person is called the referee in case of need. It is in the option of the holder to resort to the referee in case of need or not, as he thinks fit. 16. The drawer of a bill, and any indorser, may insert °\pu°'a^' therein an express stipulation — drawJ^or (a) Negativing or limiting his own liability to the holder ; ^ (b) Waiving, as regards himself, some or all of the holder's duties. 10 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Definition of accept- ance. ■Requisites of accept- ance. 17. The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer ; 2. An acceptance is invalid, unless it complies with the following conditions, namely : — (a) It must be written on the bill and be signed by the drawee. The mere signature of the drawee without addi- tional words is sufficient ; (b) It must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money ; 3. Where in a bill the drawee is wrongly designated or his name is misspelt, he may accept the bill as therein de- scribed, adding, if he thinks fit, his proper signature, or he may accept by his proper signature. Time for accept- ance. Date, in case of ac IS. A bill may be accepted — [a] Before it has been signed by the drawer, or while otherwise incomplete ; (b) When it is overdue, or after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, or by non-payment : 2. When a bill payable after sight is dishonored by non- ceptance acceptance, and the drawee subsequently accepts it, the QiitiQT CliS" • honor. holder, in the absence of any different agreement, is en- titled to have the bill accepted as of the date of first pre- sentment to the drawee for acceptance. General . |«|. An acceptance is either (a) general, or (b) qualified : fled accept- ^ cjeneral acceptance assents without qualification to the ances. '^ '■ n -, , • order of the drawer ; a qualified acceptance m express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn : Qualified 2. In particular, an acceptance is qualified which is — accept- '■ *'''=^- (a) Conditional, that is to say, which makes payment by the acceptor dependent on the fulfilment of a condition BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 11 therein stated ; but an acceptance to pay at a particular specified place is not conditional or qualified. {b) Partial, that is to say, an acceptance to pay part only of the amount for which the bill is drawn ; (c) Qualified as to time ; (d) The acceptance of some one or more of the drawees, but not of all. 20. Where a simple signature on a blank paper is de- inchoate ^ ^ , . instru- livered by the signer in order that it may be converted intoments. a bill, it operates as a prima facie authority to fill it up as a complete bill for any amount, using the signature for that of the drawer, or the acceptor, or an indorser ; and, in like manner, when a bill is wanting in any material particular, the person in possession of it has a prima fade authority to fill up the omission in any way he thinks fit : 2. In order that any such instrument when completed w|^euj;o be may be enforceable against any person who became a party thereto prior to its completion, it must be filled up within a reasonable time, and strictly in accordance with the authority given ; reasonable time for this purpose is a question of fact : • Provided, that if any such instrument, after completion. As to sub- • 1 n 1 TIT sequent is negotiated to a holder in due course, it shall be valid and bolder, effectual for all purposes in his hands, and he may enforce it as if it had been filled up within a reasonable time and strictly in accordance with the authority given. 21. Every contract on a bill, whether it is the drawer's, contract •^ ' not com- the acceptor's or an indorser's, is incomplete and re- ^j'^^j^^g"'^**' vocable, until delivery of the instrument in order to give effect thereto : 12 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Exception.' Provided, that where an acceptance is written on a bill, and the drawee gives notice to, or according to the direc- tions of, the person entitled to the hill that he has accepted it, tbe acceptance then becomes complete and irrevocable : Kequisites 2. As between immediate parties, and as regards a re- as to deliv- '■ ' ° ^^y- mote party, other than a holder in due course, the deliver}- — (a) In order to be effectual must be made either by or under the authority of the party drawing, accepting or in- dorsing, as the case may be ; (h) May be shown to have been conditional or for a special purpose only, and not for the purpose of transfer- ring the property in the bill ; When valid _But if the bill is in the hands of a holder in due course, a delivery presumed, yalid delivery of the bill by all parties prior to him, so as to make them liable to him, is conclusively presumed : Prima facie 3, Where a bill is no longer in the possession of a party 6 VlQ.€OC6> who has signed it as drawer, acceptor or indorser, a valid and uncondititional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved. CajMcity and Authority of Parties. Capacity of 22. Capacity to incur liability as a party to a bill is co- PctX* tl6S> extensive with capacity to contract : As to cor- Provided, that nothing in this section shall enable a cor- porations. ' ° poration to make itself liable as drawer, acceptor or indorser of a bill, unless it is competent to it so to do under the law for the time being in force relating to such corporation : SdOTsfng"'' 2- Where a bill is drawn or indorsed by an infant, minor, not'^com-" or Corporation having no capacity or power to incur petent. liability on a bill, the drawing or indorsement entitles the CAPACITY AND AUTHORITY OF PARTIES. 13 holder to receive payment of the bill, and to enforce it against any other party thereto. 23. No person is liable as drawer, indorser, or acceptor Signature i _ essential to of a bill who has not signed it as such : Provided that — liability. (a) Where a person signs a bill in a trade or assumed Excep- name, he is liable thereon as if he had signed it in his own name ; (b) The signature of the name of a firm is equivalent to the signature by the person so signing of the names of all persons liable as partners in that firm. 24. Subiect to the provisions of this Act, where a signa- Forged or J i 7 o uuautlior- ture on a bill is forged or placed thereon without thei^e^sigua- authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, the forged or unauthorized signature is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the bill or to give a discharge there- for or to enforce payment thereof against any party thereto can be acquired through or under that signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to retain or enforce payment of the bill is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority : Provided, that nothing in this section shall affect the Proviso, ratification of an unauthorized signature not amounting to a forgery : And provided also, that if a cheque, pavable to Proviso: as T . to payment order, is paid by the drawee upon a forged indorsement out ou torged ' ^ '' . . indorse- of the funds of the drawer, or is so paid and charged to his "leut- account, the drawer shall have no right of action against the drawee for the recovery back of the amount so paid, or no defence to any claim made by the drawee for the amount so paid, as the case may be, unless he gives notice in writing of such forgery to the drawee within one year after he has acquired notice of such forgery ; and in case of 14 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. failure by the drawer to give such notice within the saicl period, such cheque shall be held to have been paid in due course as respects every other party thereto or named therein, who has not previously instituted proceedings for the protection of his rights. Procur- «>5. A. signature bv procuration operates as notice that ation sig- o ., .1 i. _ natures, ^jjg agent has but a limited authority to sign, and the prni- cipal is bound by such signature only if the agent in so signing was acting within the actual limits of his authority. Person 26. Where a person signs a bill as drawer, indorser or signing as ■,,■,■ • ■ • t i- ni. agent or in acceptor, and adds words to his signature mdicatmg tnat represen- •- .... , tatiyeca- i^g signs for or on behalf of a prmcipal, or in a representa- tive character, he is not personally liable thereon ; but the mere addition to his signature of words describing him as an agent, or as filling a representative character, does not exempt him from personal liability : Buiefor 2. In determining whether a signature on a bill is that determin- ° " ^ j -l ■ atiouof Qf ^}je principal or that of the agent by whose hand it is signature. L J- " "^ ti-i. c written, the construction most favorable to the validity oi the instrument shall be adopted. The Consideration for a. Bill. Valuable 27. Valuable consideration for a bill may be constituted consider- ation ; how Uy constituted J (a) Any consideration sufficient to support a simple con- tract ; (b) An antecedent debt or hability ; such a debt or liability is deemed valuable consideration, whether the bill is payable on demand or at a future time : When 2. Where value has at any time been given for a bill, holder 18 , r i J holder for +|^e holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards value. THE CONSIDERATION FOR A BILL. 15 the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time : 3. Where the holder of a bill has a lien on it, arising as to lien. either from contract or by implication of law, he is deemed to be a holder for value to the extent of the sum for which he has a lien. 2S. An accommodation party to a bill is a person who f^^?^'^°' has signed a bill as drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without party to a receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person : 2. An accommodation party is liable on the bill to a ^i?^^^^- holder for value ; and it is immaterial whether, when such holder took the bill, he knew such party to be an accomo- dation party or not. 29. A holder in due course is a holder who has taken a Holder in due course. bill, complete and regular on the face of it, under the fol- lowing conditions, namely : — (a) That he became the holder of it before it was over- due and without notice that it had been previously dis- honored, if such was the fact ; (b) That he took the bill in good faith and for value, and that at the time the bill was negotiated to him he had no notice of any defect in the title of the person who negotiated it : 2. In particular, the title of a person who negotiates a Title defec- bill is defective within the meaning of this Act when he cases speci- " fled. obtained the bill, or the acceptance thereof, by fraud, duress, or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud : 16 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. fuwrnent ^- ^ lioldei', wlietbei' for value or not, who derives his holder. ^j^jjg ^q g^ |3JH through a holder in due course, and who is not himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting it, has all the rights of that holder in due course as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill prior to that holder. Presump tion of :50. Every party whose signature appears on a bill is goocuaiih. Z''"'"'^' /<''<^*^ deemed to have become a party thereto for value : On whom bunlen of proof lies. Usurious coii>ider- atiun. Consider- ation con- sisting of purchase money of patent right. 2. And every holder of a bill is j)rima facie deemed to be a holder in due course ; but if, in an action on a bill, it is admitted or proved that the acceptance, issue or subse- quent negotiation of the bill is affected with fraud , duress, or force and fear, or illegality, the burden of proof that he is such holder in due course shall be on him, unless and until he proves that, subsequent to the alleged fraud or illegality, value has in good faith been given for the bill by some other holder in due course : 3. No bill, although given for a usurious consideration or upon a usurious contract, is void in the hands of a holder, unless such holder had at the time of its transfer to him, actual knowledge that it was originall}' given for a usurious consideration, or upon a usurious contract : 4. Every bill or note the consideration of which con- sists, in whole or in part, of the purchase money of a patent right, or of a partial interest, limited geographic- ally or otherwise, in a patent right, shall have written or printed prominently and legibly across the face thereof, before the same is issued, the words " given for a patent right : " and without such words thereon such instrument and any renewal thereof shall be void, except in the hands of a holder in due course without notice of such consideration. NEGOTIATION OF BILLS. 17 5. The indorsee or other transferee of any such mstru-pa,biiityof •' _ transferee. ment having the words aforesaid so printed or written thereon, shall take the same subject to any defence or set- off in respect of the whole or any part thereof which would have existed between the original parties : 6. Every one who issues, sells or transfers, by indorse- Penalty, ment or delivery, any such instrument not having the words "given for a patent right" printed or written in manner aforesaid across the face thereof, knowing the consideration of such instrument to have consisted, in whole or in part, of the purchase money of a patent right, or of a partial interest, limited geographically or other- wise, in a patent right, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one year, or to such fine, not exceeding two hundred dollars, as the court thinks fit. Nef/oti'iiion of Bills. :$1. A bill is negotiated when it is transferred from oneNegotia- 11-1 -1 ^^'^'^ °^ person to another in such a manner as to constitute thetms. transferee the holder of the bill : 2. A bill payable to bearer is negotiated by delivery : To bearer. 3. A bill payable to order is negotiated by the indorse- To order, ment of the holder completed by delivery : 4. Where the holder of a bill pavable to his order trans- '^'ittiout . . . . . iudorse- fers it for vakie without indorsing it, the transfer gives the^^ent. transferee such title as the transferrer had in the bill, and the transferee in addition acquires the right to have the indorsement of the transferrer : 5. Where any person is under obligation to indorse a Personal , .,, . . . . liability bill in a representative capacity, he may indorse the bill may be 1 , . 1 ,• , .,. avoided. in such terms as to negative personal liability. li.E.A. 2 18 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. of^a^'aiid^ ^^* -^11 indorsement in order to operate as a negotia- ment °' ^^0^1 must comply with the following conditions, namely : — (a) It must be written on the bill itself and be signed by the indorser. The simple signature of the indorser on the bill, without additional words, is sufficient ; An indorsement written on an allonge, or on a " copy " of a bill issued or negotiated in a country where " copies " are recognized, is deemed to be written on the bill itself ; (b) It must be an indorsement of the entire bill. A par- tial indorsement, that is to say, an indorsement which purports to transfer to the indorsee a part only of the amount payable, or which purports to transfer the bill to two or more indorsees severally, does not operate as a negotiation of the bill ; (c) Where a bill is payable to the order of two or more payees or indorsees who are not partners, all must indorse, unless the one indorsing has authority to indorse for the others : Misspelling 2. Where, in a bill payable to order, the payee or in- dorsee is wrongly designated, or his name is misspelt, he may indorse the bill as therein described, adding his proper signature ; or he may indorse by his own proper signature. Order of 3. Where there are two or more indorsements on a bill, indorse- iiient. each indorsement is deemed to have been made in the order in which it appears on the bill, until the contrary is proved : Special in- 4. An indorsement may be made in blank or special. It dorsement. _ ■' _ _ . . '■ may also contain terms making it restrictive. 9??- , . •?*$. Where a bill purports to be indorsed conditionally, ditional m- •'••'■ •' dorsement. the couditiou may be disregarded by the payer, and pay- NEGOTIATION OF BILLS. 19 ment to the indorsee is valid, whether the condition has been fulfilled or not. 34. An indorsement in blank specifies no indorsee, and i"<5oi"se- '■ ment in a bill so indorsed becomes payable to bearer : want. 2. A special indorsement specifies the person to whom, special in- '■ ^ ^ '■ '■ dorsement. or to whose order, the bill is to be payable : 3. The provisions of this Act relating to a payee apply, Appiica- ■■• _ _ *^ I J L L J > ti(,^ of Act with the necessary modifications, to an indorsee under a *» i'^'^o'^see. special indorsement : 4. Where a bill has been indorsed in blank, any holder conversion ' " of blank m- may convert the blank indorsement into a special indorse- dorsement. ment by writing above the indorser's signature a direction to pay the bill to or to the order of himself or some other person. 35. An indorsement is restrictive which prohibits the Restrictive ■■• indorse- further negotiation of the bill, or which expresses that it "lent. is a mere authority to deal with the bill as thereby directed, and not a transfer of the ownership thereof, as, for ex- ample, if a bill is indorsed "Pay D only," or "Pay D for the account of X," or " Pay D, or order, for collec- tion:" 2. A restrictive indorsement gives the indorsee the right Kigiit of *^ ° indorsee to receive payment of the bill and to sue any party thereto J^^^ere^ that his indorser could have sued, but gives him no power to transfer his rights as indorsee unless it expressly au- thorizes him lo do so : 3. Where a restrictive indorsement authorizes further Jf farther transfer is transfer, all subsequent indorsees take the bill with the authorized, same rights and subject to the same liabilities as the first indorsee under the restrictive indorsement. 20 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. goTiabie^' * *^^** Where a bill is negotiable in its origin, it continues tobesa^^^^o be negotiable until it has been (a) restrictively indorsed. Negotia- tion of over- due bill. When bill deemed overdue. or (b) discharged by payment or otherwise ; 2. Where an overdue bill is negotiated, it can be negoti- ated only subject to any defect of title affecting it at its maturity, and thenceforward no person who takes it can acquire or give a better title than that which had the person from whom he took it : 3. A bill payable on demand is deemed to be overdue within the meaning and for the purposes of this section, when it appears on the face of it to have been in circula- tion for an unreasonable length of time ; what is an un- reasonable length of time for this purpose is a question of fact : fiolfa^to ^' Except where an indorsement bears date after the °®p,°^'' maturity of the bill, every negotiation is prima facie, deemed to have been effected before the bill was overdue : Taking bill 5, "Where a bill which is not overdue has been dis- subsequent iK)nor honored, any person who takes it with notice of the dis- honor takes it subject to any defect of title attaching thereto at the time of dishonor ; but nothing in this sub- section shall affect the rights of a holder in due course. Negotia- tion of bill to party already liable thereon. 37. Where a bill is negotiated back to the drawer, or to a prior indorser, or to the acceptor, such party may, sub- ject to the provisions of this Act, re-issue and further negotiate the bill, but he is not entitled to enforce the pay- ment of the bill against any intervening party to whom he was previously liable. Rishtsof sji^. The rights and powers of the holder of a bill are as follows : GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 21 [a) He may sue on the bill in bis own name ; (h) Wbere he is a holder in due course, be holds the bill free from any defect of title of prior parties, as well as from mere personal defences available to prior parties among themselves, and may enforce payment against all parties liable on the bill ; (c) Where his title is defective, (1) if he negotiates the bill to a holder in due course, that holder obtains a good and complete title to the bill, and (-2) if he obtains pay- ment of the bill the person who pays him in due course gets a valid discharge for the bill. General Duties of the Holder. 39. Where a bill is payable at sight or after sight, when pre- presentment for acceptance is necessary in order to fix the a°tfctTs''ne- maturity of the instrument : ''^""^'^y- 2. Where a bill expressly stipulates that it shall be pre- f^fP^'f^t^j^jj sented for acceptance, or where a bill is drawn payable ^|^toj'g>"^-_ elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of the drawee, it must be presented for acceptance before it can be presented for payment : 3. In no other case is presentment for acceptance neces- ^° ^[1^®°* sary in order to render liable any party to the bill : case"**^^^ 4. Where the holder of a bill, drawn payable elsewhere Necessary than at the place of business or residence of the drawee, ^^^H'^^' has not time, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, to present the bill for acceptance before presenting it for pay- ment on the day that it falls due, the delay caused by pre- senting the bill for acceptance before presenting it for payment is excused, and does not discharge the drawer and indorsers. 22 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. prSlnUng "*^* Subject to the provisions of this Act, when a bill abieaf^t'er Payable after sight is negotiated, the holder must either sigbt. present it for acceptance or negotiate it within a reasonable time : If not pre- 2, If he doGS not do so, the drawer and all indorsers sented. ' prior to that holder are discharged : Astorea- 3, In determining what is a reasonable time within the sonable *^ _ time. meaning of this section, regard shall be had to the nature of the bill, the usage of trade with respect to similar bills, and the facts of the particular case. ■^res^luT*° "*'• ^ ^^^^ '^^ ^^^^y presented for acceptance which is pre- mentfor gentcd in accordance with the following rules : ance. (a) The presentment must be made by or on behalf of the holder to the drawee or to some person authorized to accept or refuse acceptance on his behalf, at a reasonable hour on a business day and before the bill is overdue ; {h) Where a bill is addressed to two or more drawees, who are not partners, presentment must be made to them all, unless one has authority to accept for all, when pre- sentment may be made to him only ; (c) Where the drawee is dead, presentment may be ' made to his personal representative ; (d) Where authorized by agreement or usage, a present- ment through the post office is sufficient : Excusesfor 2. Presentment in accordance with these rules is ex- non-pre- sentment, cused, and a bill may be treated as dishonored by non- acceptance — (a) Where the drawee is dead or bankrupt, or is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract by bill ; GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 23 (h) Where, aftei the exercise of reasonable diligence, such presentment cannot be effected ; (c) Where, although the presentment has been irregular, acceptance has been refused on some other ground : 3. The fact that the holder has reason to believe that whenthere the bill, on presentment, will be dishonored does not excuse <="^«'- presentment. 42. When a bill is dul}' presented for acceptance and isNon-ae-^ not accepted on the day of presentment or within two days thereafter, the person presenting it must treat it as dis- honored by non-acceptance. If he does not, the holder shall lose his right of recourse against the drawer and in- dorsers. 43. A bill is dishonored by non-acceptance — Dishonor '' by non-ac- (fl) When it is duly presented for acceptance, and such ^^P^f^'^'^f^^. an acceptance as is prescribed by this Act is refused or ^^'i'"^''*^^^- cannot be obtained; or — {b) When presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted : 2. Subiect to the provisions of this Act, when a bill isRecoursein •' "^ ... such case. dishonored by non-acceptance an immediate right of re- course against the drawer and indorsers accrues to the holder, and no presentment for payment is necessary. 44. The holder of a bill may refuse to take a qualified as to quaii- •^ fied accept- acceptance, and if he does not obtain an unqualified accep- ances. tance may treat the bill as dishonored by non-acceptance: 2. Where a qualified acceptance is taken, and the drawer if taken • 1- n 1-1 without or an indorser has not expressly or impliedly authorized authority. the holder to take a qualified acceptance, or does not sub- 24 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. sequently assent thereto, such drawer or indorser is dis- charged from his liability on the bill ; ceptance° "^^^ provisions of this sub-section do not apply to a par- tial acceptance, whereof due notice has been given. Where a foreign bill has been accepted as to part, it must be pro- tested as to the balance : ^•bat shall 3. When the drawer or indorser of a bill receives notice be deemed asseut. of a qualified acceptance, and does not within a reasonable time express his dissent to the holder, he shall be deemed to have assented thereto. Present- 45. Subiect to the provisions of this Act, a bill must be mentfor •' ^ payment, ^uly presented for payment. If it is not so presented, the drawer and indorsers shall be discharged : Euiesasto 2. A bill is duly presented for payment which is pre- ment. sentcd in accordance with the following rules : — (a) Where the bill is not payable on demand, present- ment must be made on the day it falls due ; (h) Where the bill is payable on demand, then, subject to the provisions of this Act, presentment must be made within a reasonable time after its issue, in order to render the drawer liable, and within a reasonable time after its indorsement, in order to render the indorser liable ; In determining what is a reasonable time, regard shall be had to the nature of the bill, the usage of trade with regard to similar bills, and the facts of the particular case; (c) Presentment must be made by the holder or by some person authorized to receive payment on his behalf, at the proper place, as hereinafter defined, either to the person designated by the bill as payer or to his representative or some person authorized to pay or refuse payment on GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 25 his behalf, if, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, such person can there be found ; {d) A bill is presented at the proper place : — (1) Where a place of payment is specified, in the bill or acceptance, and the bill is there presented ; (2) Wbere no place of payment is specified but the ad- dress of the drawee or acceptor is given in the bill, and the bill is tiiere presented ; (3) Wbere no place of payment is specified and no ad- dress given, and the bill is presented at the drawee's or acceptor's place of business, if known, and if not, at his ordinary residence, if known ; (4) In any other case, if presented to the drawee or acceptor wherever he can be found, or if presented at his last known place of business or residence : 3. Where a bill is presented at the proper place, and, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, no person author- ized to pay or refuse payment can be found there, no further presentment to the drawee or acceptor is required : 4. Where a bill is drawn upon, or accepted by two or more persons who are not partners, and no place of pay- ment is specified, presentment must be made to them all : 5. Where the drawee or acceptor of a bill is dead, and no place of payment is specified, presentment must be made to a personal representative, if such there is, and with the exercise of reasonable diligence he can be found : 6. Where authorized by agreement or usage, a present- ment through the post office is sufficient : 7. Where the j^lace of payment specified in the bill or acceptance is any city, town or village, and no place there- 26 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. in is specified, and the bill is presented at the drawee's or acceptor's known place of business or known ordinary residence therein, and, if there is no snch place of business or residence the bill is presented at the post office, or principnl post office in such city, town or village, such pre- sentment is sufficient. Excusefor 4^, Delav in inakin<:j presentment for iiayment is ex- delay in ■ '^ ^ J- •' ment°or cused when the delay is caused by circumstances beyond payment. ^}jg control of the holder, and not imputable to his default, misconduct or negligence. When the cause of delay ceases to operate, presentment must be made with reasonable diligence : ^sent-"*^^ 2. Presentment for payment is dispensed with — pensed^ ^^ (") Where, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, presentment, as required by this Act, cannot be effected; The fact that the holder has reason to believe that the bill will, on presentment, be dishonored, does not dispense with the necessity for presentment ; {h) Where the drawee is a fictitious person ; (r) As regards the drawer, where the drawee or acceptor is not bound, as between himself and the drawer, to accept or pay the bill, and the drawer has no reason to believe that the bill would be paid if presented ; (d) As regards an indorser, where the bill was accepted or made for the accommodation of that indorser, and he has no reason to expect that the bill would be paid if pre- sented ; (e) By waiver of presentment, express or implied. by^non-°'^ 4T. A bill is dishonored by non-payment ('/) when it is payment. Jnly presented for payment and payment is refused or can- GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 27 not be obtained, or (h) when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid : 2. Subject to the provisions of this Act, when a bill is ^{f^^j^^^||j° dishonored by non-payment, an immediate ri^^ht of re- course against the drawer, acceptor and indorsers accrues to the holder. 4cS. Subject to the provisions of this Act, when a bill^^tjceof has been dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-pay- o^noyf*^* ment, notice of dishonor must be given to the drawer and "o^ice. each indorser, and any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged ; Provided that — (a) Where a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance, and notice of dishonor is not given, the rights of a holder in due course subsequent to the omission shall not be pre- judiced by the omission ; (h) Where a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance and due notice of dishonor is given, it shall not be necessary to give notice of a subsequent dishonor by non-payment, unless the bill shall in the meantime have been accepted. 49. ]!^otice of dishonor, in order to be valid and effec- K"ies as to notice of tual, must be given in accordance with the following ciishonor. rules : — (a) The notice must be given by or on behalf of the holder, or by or on behalf of an indorser who, at the time of giving it, is himself liable on the bill ; (b) Notice of dishonor may be given by an agent either in his own name, or in the name of any party entitled to give notice whether that party is his principal or not ; (c) Where the notice is given by or on behalf of the holder, it enures for the benefit of all subsequent holders 28 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. and all prior indorsers who have a right of recourse against the party to whom it is given ; ('/) Where notice is given by or on behalf of an indorser entitled to give notice as hereinbefore provided, it enures for the benefit of the holder and all indorsers subsequent to the party to whom notice is given ; (e) The notice may be given in writing or by personal communication, and may be given in any terms which sufficiently identify the bill and intimate that the bill has been dishonored by non-acceptance or non-payment ; (/) The return of a dishonored bill to the drawer or an indorser is, in point of form, deemed a sufficient notice of dishonor ; ig) A written notice need not be signed, and an insuffi- cient written notice may be supplemented and validated by verbal communication. A misdescription of the bill shall not vitiate the notice, unless the party to whom the notice is given is in fact misled thereby ; (h) Where notice of dishonor is required to be given to any person, it may be given either to the party himself, or to his agent in that behalf ; (i) W^here the drawer or indorser is dead, and the party giving notice knows it, the notice must be given to a personal representative, if such there is and, with the ex- ercise of reasonable diligence, he can be found ; (,/) Where there are two or more drawers and indorsers who are not partners, notice must be given to each of them, unless one of them has authority to receive such notice for the others ; (A) The notice may be given as soon as the bill is dis- honored, and must be given not later than the next follow- ing juridical or business day : GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 29 2. Where a bill, when dishonored, is in the hands of an if dishou- orert bill is agent, he may either himself give notice to the parties i" i-aads of liable on the bill, or he may give notice to his principal. If he gives notice to his principal, he must do so within the same time as if he were the holder, and the principal, upon receipt of such notice, has himself the same time for giving notice as if the agent had been an independent holder : 3. Where a party to a bill receives due notice of dis-^'ot'^eto ■■• "' antecedent honor, he has, after the receipt of such notice, the same parties. period of time for giving notice to antecedent parties that the holder has after the dishonor. 4. Notice of the protest or dishonor of any bill payable "^^'i^ea , , ■^ ./ i ./ notice sual in Canada shall, notwithstanding anything in this section '^^ given. contained, be sufficiently given if it is addressed in due time to any party to such bill entitled to such notice, at his customary address or place of residence or at the place at which such bill is dated, unless any such party has, under his signature, designated another place ; and in such latter case such notice shall be sufficiently given if addressed to him in due time at such other place ; and such notice so addressed shall be sufficient, although the place of resi- dence of such party is other than either of such above- mentioned places ; and such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served and given for all purposes if it is deposited in any post office, with the postage j)aid thereon, at any time during the day on which such protest or presentment has been made, or on the next following juridical or busi- ness day; such notice shall not be invalid by reason of the fact that the party to whom it is addressed is dead : 5. Where a notice of dishonor is duly addressed and^iscar- •^ riage lu posted, as above provided, the sender is deemed to have^pstser 30 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. given due notice of dishonor, notwithstanding any mis- carriage by the post office. Excusesfor •■)(>. Dclav in giving notice of dishonor is excused where non-notice j o o and delay, ^^q delay is causcd by circumstances beyond the control of the party giving notice, and not imputable to his default, misconduct, or negligence : when the cause of delay ceases to operate the notice must be given with reasonable dili- gence ; When 2. Notice of dishonor is dispensed with — notice IS i dispensed . iitt with. (a) When, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, no- tice as required by this Act cannot be given to or does not reach the drawer or indorser sought to be charged ; (b) By waiver express or implied : notice of dishonor may be waived before the time of giving notice has arrived, or after the omission to give due notice ; (c) As regards the drawer, in the following cases, namely, (1) where drawer and drawee are the same person, (2) where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not hav- ing capacity to contract, (3) where the drawer is the person to whom the bill is presented for payment, (4) where the drawee or acceptor is, as between himself and the drawer, under no obligation to accept or pay the bill, (5) where the drawer has countermanded payment ; (d) As regards the indorser, in the following cases, namely, (1) where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract, and the indorser was aware of the fact at the time he indorsed the bill, (2) where the indorser is the person to whom the bill is pre- sented for payment, (3) where the bill was accepted or made for his accommodation. GENERAL DUTIES OF THE HOLDER. 31 ^1. Where an inland bill has been dishonored it may, if J^°Sof the holder thinks fit, be noted and protested for nou-^^'"- acceptance or non-payment, as the case may be ; but, subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to notice of dishonor, it shall not, except in the Province of Quebec, be necessary to note or protest any such bill in order to jDreserve the recourse against the drawer or indorser ; but in the case of a bill drawn upon any person in the Province of Quebec, or payable or accepted at any place therein, in default of protest for non-acceptance or non-payment, as the case may be, and of notice thereof the parties liable on the bill other than the acceptor are discharged, subject, nevertheless, to the exceptions in this section hereinafter contained. 2. Where a foreign bill, appearing on the face of it to he Pi;e^test^of ^ such, has been dishonored by non-acceptance, it must be duly protested for non-acceptance, and where such a bill, which has not been previously dishonored by non-accept- ance, is dishonored by non-payment, it must be duly pro- tested for non-payment. If it is not so protested, the drawer and indorsers are discharged. Where a bill does not appear on the face of it to be a foreign bill, protest thereof in case of dishonor, except as in this section pro- vided, is unnecessary : 3. A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance, subse- ^^ or a bill of which protest for non-acceptance has been test. waived, may be subsequently protested for non-pa3'meut : 4. Subject to the provisions of this Act, when a bill is ^^^^g*^^ protested the protest must be made or noted on the day of its dishonor. When a bill has been duly noted, the pro- test may be subsequently extended as of the date of the noting : 32 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. If acceptor is insol- vent. Where bill must be protested. What pro- test shall set forth. If bill is lost, etc. Excuses for non-pro- test and delay 5. Wbere the acceptor of a bill becomes bankrupt or suspends payment before it matures, the holder may cause the bill to be protested for better security against the drawer and indorsers : 6. A bill must be protested at the place where it is dis- honored, or at some other place in Canada situate within five miles of the place of presentment and dishonor of such l)ill : Provided that — (a) When a bill is presented through the post office, and returned by post dishonored, it may be protested at the place to which it is returned, not later than on the day of its return or the next juridical day ; (J)) Every protest for dishonor, either for non-acceptance or non-payment, may be made on the day of such dishonor at any time after non-acceptance, or in case of non-pay- ment, at any time after three o'clock in the afternoon : 7. A protest must contain a copy of the bill, or the original bill may be annexed thereto, and the protest must be signed by the notary making it, and must specify — {a) The person at whose request the bill is protested ; (b) The place and date of protest, the cause or reason for protesting the bill, the demand made, and the answer given, if any, or the fact that the drawee or acceptor could not be found : 8. Where a bill is lost or destroyed, or is wrongly or accidentally detained from the person entitled to hold it, or is accidentally retained in a place other than where pay- able, protest may be made on a copy or written particulars thereof : 9. Protest is dispensed with by any circumstances which would dispense with notice of dishonor. Delay in noting LIABILITIES OF PARTIES. 33 or protesting is excused when the delay is caused by cir- cumstances beyond the control of the holder, and not imputable to his default, misconduct or negligence. When the cause of delay ceases to operate, the bill must be noted or protested with reasonable diligence. 10. No clerk, teller or agent of any bank shall act as a officer of ' "-■ - bank not to notary in the protesting of any bill or note payable at the^ct^'S^ bank or at any of the branches of the bank in which he is employed. 52. When no place of payment is specified in the bill^^i^^'j^^^^^as or acceptance, presentment for payment is not necessary in J^gi^'j.^^®"*- order to render the acceptor liable : 2. When a place of payment is specified in the bill or acceptance, the acceptor, in the absence of an express stipulation to that effect, is not discharged by the omission to present the bill for payment on the day that it matures, but if any suit or action be instituted thereon before pre- sentation the costs thereof shall be in tue discretion of the court. 3. In order to render the acceptor of a bill liable, it isNoprotest i 'or notice not necessary to protest it, or that notice of dishonor should necessary be given to him : 4. Where the holder of a bill presents it for payment, he ^^^^^j^*; shall exhibit the bill to the person from whom he demands P^y™^"*- payment, and when a bill is paid the holder shall forth- with deliver it up to the party paying it. Liabilities of Parties. 5S. A bill, of itself, does not operate as an assignment ^"^||^f of funds in the hands of the drawee available for the pay- ti^awer. ment thereof, and the drawee of a bill who does not accept as required by this Act is not liable on the instrument. B.E.A. 3 34 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Jcceptor^ 54. The acceptor of a bill, by accepting it— (a) Engages that he will pay it according to the tenor of his acceptance ; (b) Is precluded from denying to a holder in due course — (1.) The existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature, and his capacity and authority to draw the bill ; (2.) In the case of a bill payable to drawer's order, the then capacity of the drawer to indorse, but not the genuine- ness or validity of his indorsement ; (3.) In the case of a bill payable to the order of a third person, the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse, but not the genuineness or validity of his indorse- ment. tolvei^^ "^ ^^' The drawer of a bill, by drawing it— (a) Engages that on due presentment it shall be ac- cepted and paid according to its tenor, and that if it is dishonored he will compensate the holder or any indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite pro- ceedings on dishonor are duly taken ; (h) Is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse : indorser °^ 2. The indorser of a bill, by indorsing it — (a) Engages that on due presentment it shall be accepted and paid according to its tenor, and that if it is dishonored he will compensate the holder or a subsequent indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite pro- ceedings on dishonor are duly taken ; (b) Is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the genuineness and regularity in all respects of the drawer's signature and all previous indorsements ; LIABILITIES OF PARTIES. 35 (c) Is precluded from denying to his immediate or a sub- sequent indorsee that the bill was, at the time of his in- dorsement, a valid and subsisting bill, and that he had then a good title thereto. 56. Where a person signs a bill otherwise than as a stranger ,,.,.,.. „ siguiog bill drawer or acceptor, he thereby incurs the liabilities of ani'^iWeas -■■ ' "^ , . ludorser. indorser to a holder in due course, and is subject to all the provisions of this Act respecting indorsers. 57. Where a bill is dishonored, the measure of damages damages °^ which shall be deemed to be liquidated damages, shall be pf^{fes*to as follows : bin. (a) The holder may recover from any party liable on the bill, the drawer who has been compelled to pay the bill may recover from the acceptor, and an indorser who has been compelled to pay the bill may recover from the ac- ceptor or from the drawer, or from a prior indorser — (1.) The amount of the bill ; (2.) Interest thereon from the time of presentment for payment, if the bill is payable on demand, and from the maturity of the bill in any other case ; (3.) The expenses of noting and protest ; {b) In the case of a bill which has been dishonored abroad, in addition to the above damages, the holder may recover from the drawer or any indorser, and the drawer or an indorser who has been compelled to pay tbe bill may recover from any party liable to him, the amount of the re-exchange with interest thereon until the time of payment. 58. Where the holder of a bill payable to bearer Transfer- . . . . rer by de- negotiates it by delivery without indorsing it, he is called nvery. a " transferrer by delivery " : 36 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Liability. 2, A transferrer by delivery is not liable on the instru- ment : Warranty. 3. A. transferrer by delivery who negotiates a bill thereby warrants to his immediate transferee, being a holder for value, that the bill is what it purports to be, that he has av right to transfer it, and that at the time of transfer he i& not aware of any fact which renders it valueless. Discharge of Bill. Discharge 50. A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or ment. on behalf of the drawee or acceptor : Paymentin " Payment in due course " means payment made at or due course. •' . after the maturity of the bill to the holder thereof in good faith and without notice that his title to the bill is de- fective : Payment 2. Subiect to the provisions hereinafter contained, when by drawer •' '■ orindorser, a bill is paid by the drawer or an indorser, it is not dis- charged; but — (a) Where a bill payable to, or to the order of, a third party is paid by the drawer, the drawer may enforce pay- ment thereof against the acceptor, but may not re-issue the bill; (6) Where a bill is paid by an indorser, or where a bill payable to drawer's order is paid by the drawer, the party paying it is remitted to his former rights as regards the ac- ceptor or antecedent parties, and he may, if he thinks fit, strike out his own and subsequent indorsements, and again negotiate the bill : Accommo- 3. Where an accommodation bill is paid in due course by dation bill. "^ the party accommodated, the bill is discharged. DISCHAKGE OF BILL. 37 60. When the acceptor of a bill is or becomes the holder Acceptor , . . . , . . the holder of it at or after its maturity, in his own risht, the bill is dis- ^t ma- "^ ° turity. charged. 61. When the holder of a bill at or after its maturity ab- Express • ,, ^ .. ,.., waiver. solutely and unconditionally renounces his rights against "the acceptor, the bill is discharged : the renunciation must be in writing, unless the bill is delivered up to the ac- ceptor : 2. The liabilities of any party to a bill may in like man- The same, ner be renounced by the holder before, at or after its ma- turity ; but nothing in this section shall affect the rights of a holder in due course without notice of renunciation. 02. Where a bill is intentionally cancelled by the holder S^^"='^P?-"„ •^ •' tion of bill. or his agent, and the cancellation is apparent thereon, the bill is discharged : 2. In like manner, any party liable on a bill may be dis- of any charged by the intentional cancellation of his signature by the holder or his agent. In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is cancelled is also discharged : 3. A cancellation made unintentionally, or under a mis- Erroneous take, or without the authority of the holder, is inopera- tion. tive : but where a bill or any signature thereon appears to have been cancelled, the burden of pro^tl lies on the party who alleges that the cancellation was made unintentionally, or under a mistake, or without authority. 63. Where a bill or acceptance is materially altered Aiteratiou without the assent of all parties liable on the bill, the bill is voided, except as against a party who has himself made, 38 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. authorized, or assented to the alteration, and subsequent indorsers : Proviso. Provided, that where a bill has been materially altered, but the alteration is not apparent, and the bill is in the hands of a holder in due course, such holder may avail himself of the bill as if it had not been altered, and may en- force payment of it according to its original tenor : What are 2. In particular, the following alterations are material, material r ' o alterations, namely, any alteration of the date, the sum payable, the time of payment, the place of payment, and where a bill has been accepted generally, the addition of a place of payment without the acceptor's assent. Acceptance and Payment for Honor. Acceptance ©4. "Where a bill of exchange has been protested for dis- for hou(5r " "uprapro- honor by non-acceptance, or protested for better security, and is not overdue, any person, not being a party already liable thereon, may, with the consent of the holder, inter- vene and accept the bill siqjra protest, for the honor of any party liable thereon, or for the honor of the person for whose account the bill is drawn : In part. 2. A bill may l)e accepted for honor for part only of the sum for which it is drawn : iiequh-e- 3, A.n acceptance for honor supra protest, in order to be validity, valid, must — (a) Be written on the bill, and indicate that it is an ac- ceptance for honor; (b) Be signed by the acceptor for honor : Forwhose 4^ Where an acceptance for honor does not expressly state for whose honor it is made, it is deemed to be an ac- ceptance for the honor of the drawer : ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT FOB HONOR. 39 5. Where a bill payable after sight is accepted for honor, [jq^^p"*^* its maturity is calculated from the date of protesting for ""^e. non-acceptance, and not from the date of the acceptance for honor. 65. The acceptor for honor of a bill by accepting it en- liability of gages that he will, on due presentment, pay the bill accord- foi-iionor. ing to the tenor of his acceptance, if it is not paid by the drawee, provided it has been duly presented for payment and protested for non-payment, and that he receives notice of these facts. 2. The acceptor for honor is liable to the holder and to To what ^ parties. all parties to the bill subsequent to the party for whose honor he has accepted. 66. Where a dishonored bill has been accepted for honor Present- *- _ nient to ac- supra protest, or contains a reference in case of need, it J^^^^^^j^^' *°^ must be protested for non-payment before it is presented for payment to the acceptor for honor, or referee in case of need : 2. Where the address of the acceptor for honor is in the'''^™^^?'^ '- present- same place where the bill is protested for non-payment, the "^''°'^- bill must be presented to him not later than the day follow- ing its maturity ; and where the address of the acceptor for honor is in some place other than the place where it was protested for non-payment, the bill must be forwarded not later than the day following its maturity for presentment to him : 3. Delay in presentment or non-presentment is excused Ho^^.p^^g.^"*^ by any circumstance which would excuse delay in present- or^d^ay ^ ment for payment or non- presentment for payment : 4. When a bill of exchange is dishonored by the acceptor Protest for ° ./ jr non-pay- for honor, it must be protested for non-payment by him. i^ent. 40 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Payment 67. Where a bill has been protested for nou-paymeut, for honor . i ^ » testT"^^^" any person may intervene and pay it supra protest for the honor of any party liable thereon, or for the honor of the person for whose account the bill is drawn : If more 2, Where two or more persons offer to pay a bill for the than one _ '■ "^ '' offer to honor of different parties, the person whose payment will discharge most parties to the bill shall have the prefer- ence : Attestation 3. Payment for honor supra protest, in order to operate as such and not as a mere voluntary payment, must be at- tested by a notarial act of honor, which may be appended to the protest or form an extension of it : Basis 4. The notarial act of honor must be founded on a decla- ration made by the payer for honor, or his agent in that be- half, declaring his intention to pay the bill for honor, and for whose honor he pays : Liabilities 5. Where a bill has been paid for honor, all parties sub- and rights '■ •"■ in such sequent to the party for whose honor it is paid are dis- ease. 11^ 1 charged, but the payer for honor is subrogated for and suc- ceeds to both the rights and duties of the holder as regards the party for whose honor he pays, and all parties liable to that party : ■^a^ei^for^" 6. The payer for honor, on paying to the holder the honor. amouut of the bill and the notarial expenses incidental to its dishonor, is entitled to receive both the bill itself and the protest. If the holder does not on demand de- liver them up he shall be liable to the payer for honor in damages : Effectofre- 7. Where the holder of a bill refuses to receive payment lusaltore- _ '■•' ceive pay- supra protcst, he shall lose his right of recourse against any party who would have been discharged by such payment. I LOST INSTRUMENTS — BILL IN A SET. 41 Lost Instruments. 68. Where a bill has been lost before it is overdue, the Holder's person who was holder of it may apply to the drawer to o^fog^ bni give him another bill of the same tenor, giving secmity to the drawer, if required, to indemnify him against all per- sons whatever in case the bill alleged to have been lost shall be found again. 2. If the drawee, on request as aforesaid, refuses to give if refused. such duplicate bill, he may be compelled to do so. 60. In any action or proceeding upon a bill, the court Action ou or a judge may order that the loss of the instrument shall not be set up, provided an indemnity is given to the satis- faction of the court or judge against the claims of any other person upon the instrument in question. Bill in a Set. TO. Where a bill is drawn in a set, each part of the setAstobiiis 1 - 1 1 1 • • ^^ sets. being numbered, and containing a reference to the other parts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill : 2. Where the holder of 3, set indorses two or more parts if indorsed ■^ to diflerent to ditferent persons, he is liable on every such part, and Persons. every indorser subsequent to him is liable on the part he has himself indorsed as if the said parts were sej)arate bills : 3. Where tw^o or more parts of a set are negotiated to '? ^^ego- . tiated to different holders in due course, the holder whose title first different holders. accrues is, as between such holders, deemed the true owner of the bill ; but nothing in this sub-section shall affect the rights of a person who in due course accepts or pays the part first i^resented to him : 42 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Acceptance 4_ rp^g acceptance may be written on any part, and it must be written on one part only : th^'^one ^' ^^ ^^^^ drawee accepts more than one part, and such ceptid.'^°" accepted parts get into the hands of different holders in due course, he is liable on every such part as if it were a separate bill : withmit de- ^- ^^lien the acceptor of a bill drawn in a set pays it proper"* without requiring the part bearing his acceptance to be part. dehvered up to him, and that part at maturity is outstand- ing in the hands of a holder in due course, he is liable to the holder thereof : Discharge. 7. Subject to the preceding rules, where any one part of a bill drawn in a set is discharged by payment or other- wise, the whole bill is discharged. Conflict of Laws. while laws ^^' ^^^^'^^ ^ '^ill drawn in one country is negotiated, conflict, accepted or payable in another, the rights, duties and liabi- lities of the parties thereto are determined as follows : — howdefer- (^^ "^^^ Validity of a bill as regards requisites in form mined. jg determined by the law of the place of issue, and the validity as regards requisites in form of the supervening contracts, such as acceptance, or indorsement, or accept- ance supra protest, is determined by the law of the place where such contract was made : Proviso. Provided that — (1) Where a bill is issued out of Canada, it is not in- valid by reason only that it is not stamped in accordance with the law of the place of issue : (2) Where a bill, issued out of Canada, conforms, as regards requisites in form, to the law of Canada, it may, CONFLICT OF LAWS. 43 for the purpose of enforcing payment thereof, be treated as valid as between all persons who negotiate, hold or be- come parties to it in Canada ; (6) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the interpre- ?^^'^a^^i»s tation of the drawing, indorsement, acceptance or accept- ^^^^' ^^°- ance supra protest of a bill, is determined by the law of the place where such contract is made ; Provided, that where an inland bill is indorsed in a Proviso, foreign country, the indorsement shall, as regards the payer, be interpreted according to the law of Canada ; (c) The duties of the holder with respect to presentment °^ij|^ °^ for acceptance or payment and the necessity for or suffi- ciency of a protest or notice of dishonor, or otherwise, are determined by the law of the place where the act is done or the bill is dishonored ; (d) Where a bill is drawn out of but payable in Canada, cun-ency. and the sum payable is not expressed in the currency of Canada, the amount shall, in the absence of some express stipulation, be calculated according to the rate of exchange for sight drafts at the place of payment on the day the bill is payable ; (e) Where a bill is drawn in one country and is payable ^"® <^'^*®- in another, the due date thereof is determined according to the law of the place where it is payable. (/) If a bill or note, presented for acceptance, or payable Evidence out of Canada, is protested for non-acceptance or non- payment, a notarial copy of the protest and of the notice of dishonour, and a notarial certificate of the service of such notice, shall be received in all courts, as prima facie evidence of such protest, notice and service. PAET III. CHEQUES ON A BANK. Cheque de- 72. A. clieque is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank, fiued. ^ ° ' payable on demand : Certain 2. Except as otherwise provided in this part, the pro- provisious '■ '■ _ ± ' J. to apply, visions of this Act applicable to a bill of exchange payable on demand apply to a cheque. Present- ^j;}. Subject to the provisions of this Act — paymeVt°^ {. Where the hank, on which a crossed cheque is Pi\otection -^ ^ to bank and drawn, in good faith and without negligence pays it, if^^j^wer crossed generally, to a hank, or, if crossed specially, to the^|?^^Jg"^|is bank to which it is crossed, or to a bank acting as its agent for collection, the bank paying the cheque, and if the cheque has come into the hands of the payee, the drawer, shall respectively be entitled to the same rights and be placed in the same position as if payment of the cheque had been made to the true owner thereof. S\>. Where a person takes a crossed cheque which bears Effect of ■^ _ -^ crossing on on it the words "not negotiable," he shall not have and '-oi^er. shall not be capable of giving a better title to the cheque than that which had the person from whom he took it. cH|. Where a bank, in good faith and without negligence, Protection ' '^ " " ' to collect- receives for a customer payment of a cheque crossed gener- i"g bank. ally or specially to itself, and the customer has no title, or a defective title thereto, the bank shall not incur any lia- bility to the true owner of the cheque by reason only of having received such payment. PAKT IV. PEOMISSOEY NOTES. notedl^°^^ <**2, A promissory note is an unconditional promise in fined. writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to, or to the order of, a specified person, or to bearer : menttf ^* ^^^ instrument in the form of a note payable to maker's maker. order is not a note within the meaning of this section, unless and until it is indorsed by the maker : Collateral 3, ^ note is uot invalid by reason only that it contains pled e does •■' -^ date"^'^^^ also a pledge of collateral security with authority to sell or dispose thereof : fortign.^ 4. A note which is, or on the face of it purports to be, both made and payable within Canada, is an inland note : any other note is a foreign note. ?lcessl?y ^'^' ^ promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer. joiutand H4:. A promissory note may be made by two or more notes. makers, and they may be liable thereon jointly, or jointly and severally, according to its tenor : As^to num- 2. Where a note runs " 1 promise to pay," and is signed by two or more persons, it is deemed to be their joint and several note. abie^^n ^ 85. Where a note payable on demand has been indorsed, demand. -^ niust be presented for payment within a reasonable time PROMISSORY NOTES. 49 of the indorsement : if it is not so presented, the indorser is discharged ; if however, with the assent of the indorser it has been dehvered as a collateral or continuing security it need not be presented for payment so long as it is held as such security : 2. In determining what is a reasonable time, regard shall Reasonable <^ _ ' o time. be had to the nature of the instrument, the usage of trade and the facts of the particular case : 3. Where a note payable on demand is negotiated, it is^?/j^^^\ not deemed to be overdue, for the purpose of affecting the '^"'^^*'®- holder with defects of title of which he had Vio notice, by reason that it appears that a reasonable time for presenting it for payment has elapsed since its issue. HG. Where a promissory note is in the body of it made P'^®^?^*- i- 'J J merit of payable at a particular place, it must be presented for pay- ^"'^^^^^t ment at that place. But the maker is not discharged by the omission to present the note for payment on the day that it matures. But if any suit or action is instituted thereon against him before presentation, the costs thereof shall be in the discretion of the court. If no place of pay- ment is specified in the body of the note, presentment for payment is not necessary in order to render the maker liable : 2. Presentment for payment is necessary in order to Liability^ render the indorser of a note liable : 3. Where a note is in the body of it made payable at aPi^icefoi- preseut- particular place, presentment at that place is necessary in "lent. order to render an indorser liable; but when a place of pay- ment is indicated by way of memorandum only, present- ment at that place is sufficient to render the indorser liable, but a presentment to the maker elsewhere, if sulH- cient in other respects, sliall also suffice. B.E..\ 4 50 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. ^abiutyof ^i7_ The maker of a promissory note, by making it — (a) Engages that he will pay it according to its tenor ; (b) Is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse. Apiiiica- ^s. Subject to the provisions in this part, and except as tiouofPart J i i » i II to notes, i^y ^jjig section provided, the provisions of this Act relating to bills of exchange apply, with the necessary modifica- tions, to promissory notes : Cones- 2. In applying those provisions the maker of a note shall pouding 1 i ./ o 1 terms. \yQ deemed to correspond with the accej^tor of a bill, and the first indorser of a note shall be deemed to correspond with the drawer of an accepted bill payable to drawer's order : What pro- 3_ ^he followiug provisions as to bills do not apply to visions do or- J. i ./ not apply, notcs, namely, provisions relating to — (a) Presentment for acceptance ; (b) Acceptance ; (c) Acceptance siq^ra protest ; (d) Bills in a set : As to for- 4. Where a foreign note is dishonored, protest thereof is unnecessary, except for the preservation of the liabilities of indorsers. PAKT V. SUPPLEMENTARY. 8!>. A thing is deemed to be done in good faith, within Good faith the meaning of this Act, where it is in fact done honestly whether it is done negligently or not. ?>0. Where, by this Act, any instrument or writing is signature. required to be signed by any person, it is not necessary that he should sign it with his own hand, but it is sufd- cient if his signature is written thereon by some other person by or under his authority : 2. In the case of a corporation, where, by this Act, anyAstocor- instrument or writing is required to be signed, it is suffi- cient if the instrument or writing is duly sealed with the corporate seal ; but nothing in this section shall be con- strued as requiring the bill or note of a corporation to be under seal. Ol. Where, by this Act, the time limited for doing any computa- act or thing is less than three days, in reckoning time, non- ti^ie- business days are excluded : "non-business days," for the purposes of this Act, mean the days mentioned in the four- teenth section of this Act ; any other day is a business day. tt2. For the purposes of this Act, where a bill or note is wheu no- . . .„ . ting is required to be protested within a specified time or before equivalent ■^ '■ ^ to protest. some further proceeding is taken, it is sufficient that the bill or note has been noted for protest before the expiration of the specified time or the taking of the proceeding ; and 52 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. the formal protest may be extended at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting. Protest i>;j, Where a dishonored bill is authorized or required to wheu uo- _ ^ tai-yisuot ]jq protested, and the services of a notary cannot be ob- accessible. '■ ' ... tained at the place where the bill is dishonored, any justice of the peace resident in the place may present and protest such bill and give all necessary notices, and shall have all the necessary powers of a notary in respect thereto : Expenses. 2. The expense of noting and protesting any bill or note, and the postages thereby incurred, shall be allowed and paid to the holder in addition to any interest thereon : Fees 3. Notaries may charge the fees in each Province here- chargeable. '' ^ tofore allowed them : Forms. 4, The forms in the first schedule to this Act may be used in noting or protesting any bill or note and in giving notice thereof. A copy of the bill or note and indorsement may be included in the forms, or the original bill or note may be annexed and the necessary changes in that behalf made in the forms : Evideuceof 5, ^ protcst of any bill or note, and any copy thereof as preseuta- ^ '' ./ i ./ ^ h°norand ^opisd by the notary or justice of the peace, shall, in any notice. action be prima facie evidence of presentation and dis- honor, and also of service of notice of such presentation and dishonor as stated in such protest. warrilfts ^'*- '^^^ provisions of this Act as to crossed cheques SoBsed. shall apply to a warrant for payment of dividend. Kepeai. 5|,^. The enactments mentioned in the second schedule to this Act are hereby repealed, as from the commencement of this Act, to the extent in that schedule mentioned : SUPPLEMENTARY. 53 Provided, that such repeal shall not affect anything done I'^'o^iso. or suffered, or any right, title or interest acquired or accrued before the commencement of this Act, or any legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such thing, right, title or interest ; 2. Nothing in this Act or in any repeal effected thereby " Tbe Bank Act," not shall affect the provisions of " The Bank Act : " affected. 3. The Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed ^"iperiai 'VctsloO'GO in the fifteenth year of the reign of His late Majesty iii;e-5i ^ ^ J J and 17, Geo. George III., intituled "An Act to restrain the negotiation i";f-3o of Promissory Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange under p'^- a limited sum within that part of Great Britain called England,." and the Act of the said Parliament passed in the seventeenth year of His said Majesty's reign, intituled, " An Act for further restraining the negotiation of Pro- missory Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange under a limited sum within that part of Great Britain called Eng- land," shall not extend to or be in force in any Province of Canada, nor shall the said Acts make void any bills, notes, drafts or orders which have been or may be made or uttered therein. 06. Where any Act or document refers to any enact- coustruc- , "^ tion with ment repealed by this Act, the Act or document shall be "tiier Acts, etc. construed and shall operate as if it referred to the corre- sponding provisions of this Act. 07. This Act shall come into force on the first day of com- September next. ment of Act. I SCHEDULE OF FORMS. FIEST SCHEDULE. Form A. NOTING FOK NON-ACCEPTANCE. {Copy of Bill and Indorsements.) On the 18 , the above bill was, by me, at the request of , presented for acceptance to E. F., the drawee, personally {or, at his residence, office or usual place of business), in the city (town or village) of and I received for answer, '• "; The said bill is therefore noted for non-acceptance. A. B., Notary Pullic. {Date and place.) 18 . (A B Due notice of the above was by me served upon ] n'j)*' the i^^'f^e*"' I personally, on the day of Inidorser, j i' J ' -^ {or, at his residence, office or usual place of business) in , on the day of {or, by depositing such notice, directed to him, at , in Her Majesty's post office in the c'ty [town or village' , on the day of , and prepaying the postage thereon.) A.B., Notary Public. {Date and place.) 18 56 bills of exchange act. Form B. protest for non-acceptance or for non-payment of a bill payable generally. {Copy of Bill and Indorsements.) On this day of, in the year 18 , I, A.B., notary public for the Province of , dwelling at , in the Province of , at the request of , did exhibit the original bill of exchange, whereof a true _ _, drawee I copy is above written, unto E.F., thei , i- thereoi ^•^ acceptor personally (or,at his residence, office orusual place of business) in , and, speaking to himself {or his wife, his clerk, or acceptance his servant, etc.,) did demand he / which demand payment answered : " thereof; unto she j Whereof I, the said notary, at the request aforesaid, have protested, and by these presents do protest against the acceptor, drawer and indorsers {or drawer and indorsers) of the said bill, and other parties thereto or therein concerned, for all exchange, re-exchange,, and all costs, damages and acceptance interest, present and to come, for want oi ^ , r oi payment the said bill. Ail of which I attest by my signature. (Protested in duplicate.) A.B., Notary Public. FORMS. 57 Form C. protest for non-acceptance or for non-payment of a bill payable at a stated place. {Copy of Bill and Indorsements.) On this day of, , in the year 18 , I, A.B., notary public for the Province of , dwelKng at , in the Province of , at the request of , did exhibit the original bill of exchange, whereof a true copy is above written, unto E. F., the j- thereof, at , being the stated acceptor place where the said bill is payable, and there, speaking acceptance payment of the said bill ; unto which demand he answered : " ." Wbereof I, the said notary, at the request aforesaid, have protested, and by these presents do protest against the ac- ceptor, drawer and indorsers {or drawer and indorsers) of the said bill, and all other parties thereto or therein con- cerned, for all exchange, re-exchange, costs, damages and acceptance to did demand interest, present and to come, for want of , payment of the said bill. All of which I attest by my signature. (Protested in duplicate.) A.B., Notary Public. 58 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Form D. PROTEST FOR NON-PAYMENT OF A BILL NOTED, BUT NOT PROTESTED, FOR NON-ACCEPTANCE. If the protest is made by the same notary tvho noted the bill, it should immediately follow the act of noting and memorandum of service thereof, and begin with the words "and afterwards on, etc.," continuing as in the last preceding form., hut intro- ducing between the words " did " and " exhibit," the word "again," and, in a parenthesis, between the words "written" and "unto," the words: "and which bill was by me duly noted for non-acceptance on the , day of ." But if the protest is not made by the same notary, then it should follow a copy of the original bill and indorsements and noting marked on the bill — and then in the protest introduce, in a parenthesis, between the words " written " and " unto," the words : " and which bill was on the , day of , by , notary public for the Province of , noted for non-acceptance, as appears by his note thereof, marked on the said bill," Form E. PROTEST FOR NON-PAYMENT OF A NOTE PAYABLE GENERALLY. {Copy of Note and Indorsements.) On this , day of , in the year 18 ,1, A.B., notary public for the Province of , dwelling at , in the Province of , at tbe request of , did exhibit the original promissory note, whereof a true copy is above written, unto , the FORMS. 59 promisor, personally {or, at his residence, office or usual place of business), in , and speaking to himself (or his wife, his clerk or his servant, etc.), (he did demand payment thereof ; unto which demand -, , '- -^ she answered : " ." Wherefore I, the said notary, at the request aforesaid, have protested, and by these presents do protest against the promisor and indorsers of the said note, and all other parties thereto or therein concerned, for all costs, damages and interest, present and to come, for want of payment of the said note. All of which I attest by my signature. (Protested in duplicate.) A.B., Notdry Public. Form F. protest for non-payment of a note payable at a stated PLACE. {Copy of Note and Indorsements.) On this day , in the year 18 , I, A.B., notary public for the Province of , dwelling at , in the Province of , at the request of , did exhibit the original promissory note, whereof a true copy is above written, unto the promisor, at , being the stated place where the said note is payable, and there, speaking to 60 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. did demand payment of the said note, unto which demand he answered : " ." Wherefore I, the said notary, at the request aforesaid, have protested, and hy these presents do protest against the promisor and iudorsers of the said note, and all other parties thereto or therein concerned, for all costs, damages and interest, present and to come, for want of payment of the said note. All of which I attest by my signature. (Protested in duplicate.) A.B., Notar'y Public. Form G. NOTARIAL NOTICE OF A NOTING, OR OF A PROTEST FOK NON- ACCEPTANCE, OR OF A PROTEST FOR NON-PAYMENT OF A BILL. {Place and date of Noting or of Protest.) 1st. To P. Q. {the drawer.) at Sir, Your bill of exchange for $ , date at the , upon E. F., in favor of C. D., payable days after ] ^^^ ^ ' \ was this day, at the request of I date ) FORMS. 61 fnoted ) , (non-acceptance. ) '^''^y Iprotested | ^^ ^^ ^^^ jnon-payment. J A. B., Notary Public. (Place and date of Noting or of Protest.) 2nd. To C. D. (indorser). {or F.G.) at Sir, Mr. P. Q.'s bill of exchange for $ , dated at , the , upon E. F., in your favor {or in favor of C. D.,) payable days after - i i. ' [^ind by you indorsed, was this day, at the request of , duly ("noted I (non-acceptance. Iprotested J ^ (non-payment. A. B., Notary Public. Form H. notarial notice of protest for non-payment of a note. {Place and date of Protest.) To at Sir, Mr. P. Q.'s promissory note for $ , dated at 62 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. Mays , the j months ion after date to •^ -p Tji r or order, and nidorsed by you, was this day, at the request of , duly protested by me for non- payment. A. B., Notary Public. Form I. NOTARIAL SERVICE OF NOTICE OF A PROTEST FOR NON-ACCEPTANCE OR NON-PAYMENT OF A BILL, OR OF NON-PAYMENT OF A NOTE {to he suhjoined to the Protest.) And afterwards, I, the aforesaid protesting notary public, did serve due notice, in the form prescribed by law, of the r ■ i. i. e (non-acceptance ] » ,, (bill ] foregoing protest for J ^ ' of the \ [ (non-payment J (note ) thereby protested upon J • ^•' I the ] ' rP®^" (CI).,] [ indorsers j sonally, on the day of {or, at his residence, office, or usual place of business) in , on the day of ; (or, by depositing such notice, directed to the said ] ' ^''[at in Her Majesty's post office (C. D.,) in on the day of , and prepaying the postage thereon. In testimony whereof, I have, on the last mentioned day and year, at aforesaid, signed these presents. A. B., Notary Public. FORMS. 63 Form J. PROTEST BY A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (wHERE THERE IS NO notary) for NON-ACCEPTANCE OF A BILL, OR NON-PAYMENT OF A BILL OR NOTE. {Copy of Bill or Note and Indorsement.) On this day of , in the year 18 , 1, N. 0., one of Her Majesty's justices of the peace for the district {or county, etc.), of in the Province of , dwelHng at {or near) the village of , in the said district, there being no practising notary public at or near the said village {or any other legal cause), did, at the request of and in the presence of well known unto me, exhibit the original 1 ^ \ whereof a true copy is above written (note ] r drawer \ unto P. Q., the] acceptor Uhereof, personally {or at his ipromissor ] residence, office or usual place of business) in and speaking to himself (his wife, his clerk or his ser- vant, etc.), did demand] ^^^^^ ^^^^ [thereof, unto which [ payment j demand ] [answered:" ." (she] Wherefore I, the said justice of the peace, at the request aforesaid, have protested, and by these presents do protest I'drawer and indorsers ] against the j promisor and indorsers [of the said (acceptor, drawer and indorsers- ^ [ and all other parties thereto and therein con- note 64 BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT. cenied, for all exchange, re-excbange, and all costs, damages and inierest, present and to come, for want of (acceptance) . , , ., (bill. ) i ^ I or the said -' l (payment j (note.) All which is by these presents attested by the signature of the said {the tvitness) and by my hand and seal. (Protested in duplicate.) {Signature of tJie witness.) [Signature and seal of the J. P.) SECOND SCHEDULE. ENACTMKNTS REPEALED. Province and Chapter. Title of Act and extent of Repeal. Dominion of Canada : Chap. 12H, Revised Statutes. Province of Quebec : Civil Code of Lower Canada. Nova Scotia : Revised Statutes, third series, chap. 82 New Brunswick : Revised Statutes, chap, llfi, 30 Vic, 18f;7, chap. 34 An Act respecting Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. — The whole Act. Articles 2,279 to 2,354, both inclusive [*]. " Of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes." Section 2. The other sections of this chapter have been heretofore re- pealed. " Of Bills, Notes and Choses in Action." Section 2. The other sections of this chapter have been heretofore repealed. An Act to amend chap, llfj of the Revised Statutes. " Of Bills, Notes and Choses in Action;" also Act 12th Victoria^ chapter 39, relating thereto. Section 1. [* Except in so far as such articles, or any of them, relate to evidence in regard to bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes.] INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. A BROAD, bill dishonored abroad, amount of re-exchange can be recovered in addition to all other damages 57(6) 35 ABSOLUTELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY EE- NOUNCING if at or after matm-ity, holder so renounces his rights against the acceptor, the bill is discharged 61 37 such a renunciation must be in writing, or the bill be delivered up 61 37 ACCEPTANCE, the meaning of the term 2 (a) 1 of a bill payable at a fixed period after sight, and bill not dated, any holder may insert true date of acceptance 12 6 date of, shall be deemed the true date 13 7 what is an acceptance under the statute 17 10 invalid, unless it complies with certain conditions 17 (2) 10 it must be written on the bill, and signed by drawee 17 («) 10 signature of drawee to, is sufficient 17 (a) 10 must not express that drawee will perform his promise otherwise than by payment of money. 17 (h) 10 when it may be given 18 10 bill dishonored for refusal of, may yet be accepted 18 (b) 10 is either general or qualified 19 10 what is a general acceptance 19 10 what is a qualified acceptance 19 10 at a particular place is not a conditional or a qualified acceptance 19 (2) 10 is partial, when it is to pay part only of amount mentioned in bill 19 (6) 11 is qualified, when qualified as to time 19 (c) 11 is qualified, wlien acceptance is of some one or more of drawees 19 (f?) H B.E.A. 5 G6 INDKX. ACCEPTANCE- Contimicd. SECTION. PAGE. when it becomes complete and irrevocable '21 11 notice of, is equivalent to delivery of bill 21 11 in order to tix maturity in bill payable at or after sight, presentment for acceptance is necessary . 39 21 when presentment for acceptance must be made before presentment for payment 39 (2) 21 presentment for, must be made by holder of bill payable after sight, within reasonable time . . 40 22 effect of not presenting for •lO (2) 22 when a bill is said to be presented for acceptance. 41 22 when it is refused, on some other ground than irregular presentment, presentment for accept- ance is excused 41 ('2c) 23 of bill in one country, when drawn in another country, how rights, duties, etc., of parties determined 71 42 presentment for, is not excused because holder has reason to believe that bill would be dis- honored 41 (3) 23 two days allowed after presentment for, that bill may be honored 42 23 provisions as to, and to presentment inapplicable to notes 88 (3) 50 effect of not treating the bill as dishonored after two days after presentment for acceptance. ... 42 23 when a bill is said to be dishonored for non-ac- ceptance 43 23 a qualified acceptance may be refused 44 23 Holder is entitled to an unqualified acceptance.. 44 23 when holder takes a qualified acceptance, without authority drawer or indorser is discharged from bill 44(2) 23 partial acceptance is not treated as qualified ac- ceptance, when due notice is given 44 (2) 23 is given of a foreign bill as to part, it must be protested as to balance ■I'l ('^) 24 notice of non-acceptance, when, and to whom it should be sent 48 27 INDEX. 67 SECTIOK. PAGE. ACCBTTA-SCK— Continued. when no place of payment is mentioned, present- ment for payment not necessary to make acceptor liable 52 33 of bill drawn in set, how it must be written .... 70 (4) 42 when specific place of payment mentioned, om- ission to present bill thereat, does not dis- charge acceptor 52 (2) 33 when it is mater iaUtj altered without assent of all parties, what the effect is 63 37 ACCEPTANCE FOR HONOR for part only, what it is. 64 (2) 3S what is meant by acceptance for honor supra protest 64 (3) 38- when it does not state for whose honor, it is deemed an acceptance for honor of drawer. ... 64 (4) 38- of a bill payable after sight, maturity is calculated from date of protest for non-acceptance, not from date of acceptance for honor 64 (5) 39' ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT FOR HONOR, what it is 64 38- ACCEPTING, drawee not accepting under the Act, not responsible on instrument 53 33 ACCEPTOR who accepts bill when overdue makes bill payable on demand, as against him accepting. . 10 (2) 6 when he may accept 18 10 signature of, on a blank paper delivered by signer to be filled up as bill, may be used as signature of acceptor 20 11. contract of, in a bill, incomplete and revocable until delivery 21 11'. giving notice of acceptance equivalent to delivery 21 11. when bill no longer in his possession delivery is presumed 21 (3) 12.' who may be sucli 22 12 not liable on bill unless he has signed it as such.. 23 13 who signs bill, adding words indicating his acting for principal, or in representative capacity, is 68 'INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. ACCEFTOR— continued. not personally liable, but different if words added were words of identity 26 14 if at anytime value be given, the holder is holder for value as against acceptor 27 (2) 14 to whom bill is negotiated back, may reissue and negotiate, the effect of 37 20 but acceptor reissuing and negotiating, cannot enforce payment against intervening party .... 37 20 becoming bankrupt or suspending, holder may, before maturity, protest bill for better security 51 (5) 32 to make him liable not necessary to protest bill or to give him notice of dishonor 52 (3) 33 to make him liable not necessary to present for payment,whennoplaceof payment is mentioned 52 33 person accepting, what he thereby engages, his position generally, and liability 54 34 drawer may enforce payment against acceptor of bill payable to order of third party 59 30 rights against, preserved by indorser who pays the bill 59 {h) 36 when he becomes holder of a bill, at or after maturity, in his own right, the bill is discharged 61 37 renunciation must be in writing or bill delivered up 61 37 who pays part of a bill drawn in set, other than the part he accepted, and latter part in hands of holder in due course, he is liable to such holder 70(6) 42 ACCEPTOR FOR HONOR, what he engages to do.. 05 31) to whom he is liable 65 (2) 31) bill accepted supra protest, before being p)-escnted to acceptor must protest for non-payment 66 39 when his addres and place where bill protested for non-payment are in the same place, bill must be presented to acceptor for honor not later than day after maturity 66 (2) 39 •course to pursue, when address and place, etc., is not same place 66 (2) 39 INDEX. 69 SECTION. PAGE. ACCEPTOK FOR UO'SOB.— continued. what delay operates as an excuse for non-present- ment to G6 (3) 39 if he does not pay, when bill presented to him, it must be protested for non-payment by him. ... CO (4) 39 ACCOMMODATION, when bill accepted for party's accommodation such party not entitled to notice of dishonor by non-payment 50 (d) 30 payment of bill by accommodation party, dis- charges the bill 50 (3) 36 ACCOMMODATION PARTY, who is siach 28 15 when and to whom liable 28 (2) 15 ACT, how cited 1 1 provisions of, relating to payee apply to indorsee under special indorsement 34 (3) 19 ACTION, meaning of expression 2 (b) 1 right of, for recovery back of moneys paid on cheque with foi-ged indorsement, barred, unless notice of forgery given drawee within one year from discovery of forgery 24 13 in action upon bill, burden of px-oof as to being prima facie holder in due course, shifted by proving fraud, etc., etc 30 (2) 16 holder of a bill may bring such in his own name 38 (a) 21 on a lost bill, Court may order that loss be not set up, if indemnity be given 69 41 in any action protest prima facie evidence of pre- sentation and dishonor and of service of notice 93 (5) 52 ACTS OR DOCUMENTS which are repealed, how construed 96 53 ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE that bill given for usurious consideration can alone render void in hands of holder 30 (3) 16 ADDITION of words creating and relieving persons signing from personal liability 26 14 70 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. ABBITWi^— continued. of place of payment to a bill accepted generalh' is a material alteration 03 (2) 38 ADDRESS, see Acceptor for Houoi- 06 (2) 39 when presentment for payment should be at address of acceptor or drawee 45 (d2) 25 ADMISSION of fraud, etc., shifts onus of proof that holder is holder in due course 30 (2) 16 AGENT signing by procuration, gives notice that he has but limited authority 25 14 signing by procuration only binds principal if act- ing within actual limits of his authority 25 14 signing and adding words creating and relieving him from personal liability 26 14 rule for determining whether signature that of principal or agent. 26 (2) 14 may give notice of dishonor in his own name or name of any party entitled to give notice • . . 49 (5) 29 notice of dishonor may be given to agent in that behalf 49 (/;) 28 in whose hands bill is, when dishonored, may give notice to parties, or to his principal, effect of giving notice to principal 49 (2) 29 of Bank, when he must not act as notary 51 (10) 33 of holder may cancel bill, and bill discharged.. 02 37 of holder may discharge liability of any party by intentionally cancelling signatui-e 62 (2) 37 for payer for honor may make declaration for notarial act of honor 67 (4) 40 1 76 (5) 45 bank as agent for collection of crossed cheques . . -^ 78 46 (79 47 AGREEMENT, presentation for acceptance or for pay- I,-. ,g\ 03 ment is governed by any agreement relating 1 ,r ir-^ 95 thereto ^ ALLONGE, indorsement on, when sufficient 32 (a) 18 INDEX. 71 SECTION. PAGE. ALTERATION in bill or acceptance, effect of and result from ()3 37 when not apparent, holder in due course, may avail himself as if no alteration 63 37 what are material alterations in particular 03 (2) 38 AMOUNT.— See Aiithoritij. ANTECEDENT DEBT is sufficient to constitute a valuable consideration for a bill 27 (?)) 14 ANTECEDENT PARTIES, rights against preserved by indorser who pays bill 59 (/^) 36 ANTE DATED bill so dated is not for that reason invalid 13(2) 7 ASSENT, signification of, by drawee to oi'der of drawer acceptance of bill 17 10 subsequent assent to holder taking qualified ac- ceptance binds party so assenting 44 (2) 23 to qualified acceptance, deemed to have been given, unless after notice of same, drawer or in- dorser dissents within reasonable time 44 (2) 23 assent of indorser to demand note being held as collateral security dispenses with necessity of usual presentment for payment 85 48 ASSIGNMENT of funds in hands of di-awee available for payment of bill not constituted by bill itself 53 33 ASSUMED NAME, person signing in assumed name liable as if signing in his own name 23 (a) 13 AUTHORITY, signature to blank paper, delivered by signer to be converted into bill operates as authority to fill up for any amount 20 11 person in possession of bill prima facie has authority to fill in omissioii 20 11 72 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. AVTUOHlTY^continued. authority must be strictly followed in filling up as a bill, a blank paper with signature delivered by signer to be so filled up 20 (2) 11 though not strictly followed, matters not, when instrument after completion negotiated in hands of holder in due course 20 (2) 11 name signed to bill, without authority, effect of. . 21 13 an unauthorized signature not amounting to forgery may be ratified 24 13 in agent signing by procuration indicated to be a limited authority 25 14 when bill jjayable to two or more not partners all must indorse unless one indorsing has authority 32 (r) 18 to deal with bill as thereby directed makes in- dorsement restrictive 35 19 if without authority holder takes qualified ac- ceptance drawer or indorser is discharged -14 (2) 23 may be express or implied or may be subsequent to taking qualified acceptance ^'1 ("•^) 23 when authority deemed to exist 44 (3) 24 cancellation of signature without authority is in- operative 62 (3) 37 to hold note and sell or dispose of it as collateral security, does not prevent instrument from being a note 82(3) 48 one person may sign the signature of another under authority 90 51 BANK, meaning of expression 2 (c) 1 see cheque 72 44 duty and authority of, to pay cheque, how terminated 74 (/;) 44 difference between word " Bank " and the addi- tion of the name of the bank in crossed cheque when bank may cross cheque when bank must refuse payment of crossed cheque when bank paying cheque is liable to true owner of same 75 45 75, 76 45 78 46 78 (2) 46 INDEX. 73 SECTION. PAGE. BANK — continued. payincf crossed cheque in good faith, etc , not liable 78(2) 46 when bank paying crossed cheque entitled to position of having paid it to true owner 79 47 receiving payment of crossed cheque in good faith, etc., for customer who has no title, not responsible to true owner from simply having received the money BANKING ACT, not affected by the statute BANKRUPT, when drawee is bankrupt, presentment for acceptance excused if acceptor becomes bankrupt, holder, before maturity, may protest bill for better security. . BEARER, meaning of expression when bill not payable to bearer, payee must be named, or otherwise indicated with reasonable certainty when a bill is payable to bearer a bill payable to, is negotiated by delivery note payable to, must be delivered in order to become complete BILL, meaning of expression BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT, 1890, mode of citing Act 1 1 BILL OF EXCHANGE, definition of 3 3 an order to pay out of particular fund not a bill of exchange 3(3) 3 an order addressed to two drawees in alternative, or to two or more in succession, not a bill of exchange ^ (2) 4 may be addressed to two or more as partners .... '^> (2) 4 an unqualified order to pay is a bill of exchange though coupled with an indication to drawefe to reimburse himself out of particular fund, or 81 47 95 52 41 («) 22 51 (5) 32 2{d) 1 7 8(3) 31 (2) 4 5 17 83 48 2 (e) 2 74 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— co«fi>n/(v/. to debit particular account with the amount, or with a statement of transaction f:!ivin.(^ rise to the bill 3 (3) 8 not invalid, because not dated, nor value specified, nor place where drawn or payable, mentioned 3 (4) 3 definition of an inland bill 4 4 may be drawn payable to drawer or order, or to drawee or order 5 may be drawn payable to two or more payees jointly, or in alternative to one of two, or one or some of several, or to holder of an office. ... 7 (2) 4 when it may be treated as a promissory note. ... 5 (2) 4 to whom a bill of exchange may be addressed. . . (5 (2) 4 payee must be named or indicated with certainty when bill is not payable to bearer 7 4 when payee fictitious or non-existing person may be treated as payable to bearer 7 (3) 4 when drawee fictitious person holder may treat bill as promissory note 5 (2) 4 when bill contains words prohibiting transfer or indicating intention of being non-transferable valid between parties, but not negotiable 8 5 when valid between parties, though not negoti- able 8 5 when it is payable to bearer 8 (3) 5 when it is payable to order 8 (4) 5 when payable originally, or by indorsement to order of specified person, same as if payable to him or his order 8 (5) 5 when the sum payable by, is a sum certain within the Act ^' y when sum payable expressed in figures and in words, and discrepancy, sum expressed by words governs ^ (2) 6 from whence interest runs, when bill dated and not dated 9(3) 6 when it is payable on demand 10 6 accepted when overdue, is payable on demand as against such acceptor 10 (2) 6 INDEX. 75 SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— contmuerf. when it is paj'able at a determinable future time 11 6 when payable on a contingency is not a bill of exchange H ("2) 6 the happening of the event, upon which bill pay- able, does not cure defect H (2) C when payable at fixed period after date and un- dated, any holder may insert true date of issue 12 6 when accepted at fixed period after sight, and undated, any holder in due course may insert true date of acceptance 12 6 the date of shall be deemed true date 13 7 not invalid, because ajite dated, or post dated, or dated on Sunday, or non-juridical day 13 (2) 7 rules for determining when bill, not payable on demand, falls due 14, 14 (6) 7, 9 what are legal holidays I'l (2) 7 what are non- juridical days 14 (2) 7 how to compute time, when same is to be pay- able 14(3) 9 drawer or indorser of, may insert name of person to whom holder may resort in case of need .... 15 9 drawer may insert express stipulations negativing or limiting his own liability, etc 16 9 may waive some or all of holder's duties 16 (,6) 9 what is acceptance of 17 10 when drawee's name mis-spelt, or he is wrongly designated, course which may be taken 17 (3) 10 when bill may be accepted 18 10 if sight bill, and subsequently accepted, holder entitled to have acceptance as of date of first presentment 18 (2) 10 acceptance of, when general and when qualified 19 10 when acceptance is partial 19 (i') H when the acceptance of one or more of drawees makes acceptance qualified 19 {d) 11 how blank paper operates having signature of signer and by him delivered to be converted into a bill 20 11 76 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCUA^GE— Continued. when enforceable against prior parties 20 (2) 11 when an omission in a bill may be filled in by person in possession of same 20 11 when wanting in any material particular (see next above). a blank paper with signature, delivered to be converted into a bill negotiated after completion to " holder in due course " valid for all pur- poses in his hands 20 (2) 11 though not filled up within reasonable time, or strictly according to authority, yet enfoi'ceable by holder in due course 20 (2) 11 contract or bill, incomplete and revocable until delivery of instrument, to give effect thereto.. . 21 11 where acceptance becomes complete and irrevoc- able 21 11 what amounts to delivery of, as between immedi- ate parties and as regards remote parties .... 21 (2) 12 delivery of, may be shewn to be conditional or for special purpose 21 (/> j 12 when in hands of "holder in due course," a valid delivery is presumed 21 (?;) 12 when no longer in possession of drawer, acceptor, or indorser, delivery is presumed 21 (3) 12 who may be parties to 22 12 when and how corporations may be parties to. . . 22 12 effect of being drawa by infant, minor, or by cor- poration without power, as against other parties 22 (2) 12 drawer, indorser, or acceptor not liable on, unless signing as such 23 13 person signing in trade, or assumed name liable as if signing his own name 23 {a) 13 signature of name of firm equivalent to signature by person signing, of names of all persons in firm 23 (b) 13 effect of forged signature, or signature without authority 24 13 unauthorized signature may be ratified 24 13 INDEX. 77 SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Co/ianu^rf. forged signature cannot be ratified 24 13 signature by procuration operates as notice of limited authority in agent 25 14 person signing and adding words indicative of his so doing in behalf of another, or in a represen- tative capacity, is not personally liable 2G 14 mere words of identification, however, do not re- lieve him from personal liability 2C 14 in determining whether signature that of prin- cipal or agent construction most favourable to validity of instrument to be adopted 26 (2) 14 consideration for 27 14 payable on demand, or at a future time, an ante- cedent debt or liability valuable consideration for 27 {h) 14 value once given for, then holder is holder for value as regards all prior parties 27 (2) 14 when holder is holder for value in full and par- tially 27(2)(3) 14, 15 who is an accommodation party to a bill 28 15 when and to whom accommodation party is liable on bill 28(2) 15 who is holder of, in due course 29 15 when title of person who negotiates a bill is de- fective 29 (2) 15 when a holder without value may be a holder in duecourse 29(3) 16 party whose signature is to bill is prima facie a party for value 30 16 every holder is prima facie a holder in due course 30 (2) 16 when such is valid as given upon a usurious con- sideration 30 (3) 16 when consideration for, in whole, or in part, the purchase money of, a patent right 30 (4) 16 transferee or indorsee of, takes same subject to equities 30 (5) 17 person issuing, etc., patent right note, knowing it to be such without adding words, " patent right note," guilty of misdemeanor 30 (6) 17 78 INDKX. SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHA^GB— Continued. when bill said to be negotiated 31 17 when bill is payable to bearer 31 (2) 17 when bill is payable to order 31 (8) 17 when holder transfers bill without indorsing he gives transferee his title 31 (4) 17 person indorsing such in representative capacity may so indorse as to negative personal liability 31 (5) 17 indorsement of, to operate as negotiation, must comply with certain conditions 32 18 payable to two or more not partners, all must indorse, unless the one indorsing has authority 32 (c) 18 when two or more indorsements, order in which indorsements deemed to have been made 32 (3) 18 indorsement of, may be in blank, special or re- strictive 32 (3) 18 when indorsement is conditional, condition may be disregarded, and payment to indorsee valid, whether condition performed or not 33 18 what is a blank indorsement of 34 19 what is a special indorsement of 34 (2) 19 what is a restrictive indorsement of 35 19 when indorsed in blank, bill payable to bearer. . 34 19 how a bill indorsed in blank may be converted into a bill with special indorsement 34 (4) 19 indorsee under restrictive indorsement, may sue any party that his indorser could have sued, but cannot transfer 35 (2) 19 when restrictive indorsement authorizes further transfer, all subsequent indorsees take bill with same riglits, etc., as first indorsee under such indorsement 35 (3) 19 when negotiable in its origin, continues so to be until restrictively indorsed or paid, etc 36 20 when overdue can be negotiated, but subject to equities affecting it at its maturity 3G (2) 20 person taking overdue bill, can only give or ac- quire such title as person had from whom he got it 36(2) 20 INDEX. 79 SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Co)i^»w,',/. when a bill payable on demand is deemed to be overdue 36(3) 20 indorsement of, prima facie before overdue, ex- cept when dated after maturity 36 (4) 20 not overdue, and dishonored person taking it with notice does so subject to defects in title at time of dishonor 86 (5) 20 negotiated bade may be re-issued and further negotiated with certain restrictions 37 20 rights and powers of holder of 38 20 holder of, in due course holds free from any defect of title of prior parties and from personal de- fences assailable to prior parties 38 (/)) 21 payment of, by person in due course discharges such person from all liability, even though title of person to whom money paid be defec- tive 38(c) 21 duties of holder of 39 21 payable at sight, must be presented for accept- ance to fix time of maturity 39 21 when a bill must be presented for acceptance before it can be presented for payment 39(2) 21 when only presentment for acceptance is neces- sary 39(3) 21 when time lost in presenting for acceptance is excused 39 (4) 21 holder of, for sight must present for payment or negotiate bill within reasonable time 40 22 effect of not doing so 40(2) 22 when it is duly presented for acceptance 41 22 rules governing presentment for acceptance 41 22 when presentment for acceptance excused, and bill to be treated as dishonored for want of acceptance 41(2) 22 two days allowed after presentment within which to honor bill by acceptance 42 23 effect of not treating bill as dishonored, if not honored within two days after presentment 42 23 SECTION. PAGE. 42 23 43 23 80 INDEX. BILL OF EXCHANGE-Co?if/«H,v?. holder loses right of recourse against drawer or indorser where bill is dishonored by non-acceptance where bill dishonored an immediate right of re- course accrues to holder "13 (2) 23 a qualified acceptance of, may be refused and bill dishonored by non-acceptance 44 23 when qualified acceptance taken without au- thority drawer or indorser discharged 44 (2) 23 when foreign bill is accepted as to part, it must be protested as to balance •. 44 (2) 23 • when qualified acceptance is given, the drawer or indorser bound thereby after notice, unless he dissents within a reasonable time 44 (3) 24 must be presented for payment 45 24 effect of not presenting for payment 45 24 rules governing presentment for payment 45 (2) 24 payable on demand, when it must be presented for payment 45 {2b) 24 presentment of, for payment, by whom to be made 45 (2c) 24 where presentment must be made 45 (2c) 24 to whom presentment of, must be made 45 (2c) 24 when it is presented at proper place 45 (2d) 25 when presentment for paymer.t is excused 45(3) 25 must be presented for payment to all of two or more drawees or acceptors not partners unless place of payment named 45 (4) 25 when drawee or acceptor dead, and no place of payment mentioned presentment must be to personal representative 45 (5) 25 delay in making presentment, when excused 46 26 when delay ceases, bill must then be presented within reasonable time 46 26 when presentment for payment is dispensed with 46 (2) 26 fact of holder having reason to believe that bill will be dishonored, does not dispense with necessity of presentment for payment 46 (2a) 26 when bill is dishonored for non-payment 47 26 th: .irOF INDEX. 81 SECTION, PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Co?if(H!/erf. when so dishonored immediate right of recourse accrues to holder 47 (2) 27 when dishonored by non-acceptance or non-pay- ment, notice of dishonor must be given, to whom, and when 48 27 See Notice of Dishonor. when dishonored and returned to drawer or in- dorser it is sufficient notice of dishonor 49 (/) 28 when notice of dishonor by non-payment is dis- pensed with 50 (2) 30 an inland bill dishonored may be noted and pro- tested for non-acceptance or non-payment as holder thinks fit 51 31 a foreign bill ajDpearing such dishonored by non- acceptance must be duly protested therefor.. 51 (2) 31 when not appearing a foreign bill, protest in case of dishonor unnecessary 51 (2) 31 protested for non-acceptance, may be protested for non-payment 51 (3) 31 when protested, the j)rotest must be made or noted on day of dishonor 51 (4) 31 when noted, protest may be extended as of day of noting 51(4) 31 when acceptor of, becomes bankrupt or suspends holder may protest bill for better security, ... 51 (5) 32 where a bill must be protested 51 (6) 32 when lost, destroyed, or accidentally, or wrongly detained protest may be on copy or written particulars 51 (8) 32 when no place of payment mentioned, present- ment not necessary in order to make acceptor liable 52 33 when acceptance specifies place and presentation omitted thereat on day of maturity, acceptor not thereby released 52 (2) 33 if suit instituted on bill before presentation, costs of suit in discretion of court 52 (2) 33 not necessary to protest or send notice to ac- ceptor to make him liable 52 (3) 33 B.K.A. 6 82 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Co»///n(C(7. holder of, when presenting for payment must ex- hibit it and deliver it up when paid 52 (4) 33 does not operate as an assignment of funds in hands of drawee available for payment thereof 53 33 what acceptor of bill engages, his position genera lly and liabilities 54 34 what drawer of bill engages, his position generally and liabilities 55 34 what indorser of bill engages, his position generally and liabilities 56 35 person signing otherwise than as acceptor or drawer becomes liable in same way as in- dorser 56 35 when dishonored, what are the measure of damages and what may be recovered 57 35 when dishonored, who iiiay recover, from whom and what damages 57 (1) 35 dishonored abroad, holder may recover in ad- dition to all other damages, amount of re- exchange and interest 57 (6) 35 holder of bill payable to bearer, negotiating by delivery without indorsing is transferer by de- livery 58 35 discharge of, by payment 59 36 not discharged when paid by drawer or indorser 59 (2) 36 " payment of, in due course," what is meant thereby 59 36 payable to order of third party, when paid by drawer he may enforce payment against acceptor, but cannot reissue 59 36 when paid by indorser, or in case of bill fiayable to drawer's order, party paying bill may strike out his own indorsement and again negotiate bill 59 (6) 36 payment of, by accommodation party discharges bill 59(3) 36 is discharged by acceptor becoming holder of, in his own right at or after maturity 60 37 INDEX. 83 SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Conti/iHei. is discharged, when holder renounces his right against acceptor GO 37 liability of any party on, may be renounced by holder when discharged by cancellation holder of, or his agent may discharge any party to, by intentionally cancelling his signature. .. cancellation of, without authority inoperative. . . . when cancelled, burden of proof to contrary rests on him asserting the contrary when materially altered, effect of, and result from when materially altered, but alteration not ap- parent, holder in due course may avail him- self as if no alteration made what are material alterations in particular who may intervene and accept for honor and when may be accepted for honor for part only requirements of an acceptance for honor supra protest acceptor for honor of, what he engages and to whom he is liable accepted for honor supra protest, must be pro- tested for non-payment, before presented for payment to acceptor 60 39 containing a reference in case of need, must be protested for non-payment before it is pre- sented for acceptance to referee in case of need OG 39 when it should be presented to accept Dr for honor 00(2) 39 when presented to acceptor for honor, and pay- ment refused, must be protested for non-pay- ment by him 66(4) 39 when protested for non-payment, any one may intervene, and pay supra protest 67 4ft, when two or more persons offer to pay bill, who is preferred 67 (2) 40'> notarial act of honor necessary to payment supra protest ". 67 (3) 40^ 61 (2) 37 62 37 62 (2) 37 62 (3) 37 62 (3) 37 63 37 63 37 63 37 64 3& 64 (2) 3a 64 (3) 3a 65 39 84 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. BILL OF EXCHANGE— Co»?/H(k'(/. what notarial act of honor must contain 67 (4) 40 who discharged by payment for honor, and rights of payer for honor 67(5,6) 40 effect of holder of bill refusing payment supra protest 67 (7) 40 when lost, holder may demand another bill from drawer 68 41 drawn in set 70 41 when drawn in set, and holder indorses each part, he is liable on each part 70 (2) 41 indorser only liable on part of bill in a set he has himself indorsed 70 (2) 41 when parts of a set negotiated to different holders in due course, holder whose title first accrues deemed the true owner 70 (3) 41 rights of person who in due course accepts or pays part first presented are protected 70 (3) 41 how acceptance of bill in set written 70 (4) 42 if drawee accepts different parts, he is liable on each part in hands of different holder 70 (5) 42 acceptor of bill in set, who pays part not bearing his acceptance, may have to pay other part on maturity 70 (6) 42 when one part of a bill drawn in set is paid the whole is discharged 70 (7) 42 drawn in one country, negotiated, accepted or payable in another, how rights, etc., of parties are determined 71 42 issued out of Canada not invalid, because not stamped according to law of country of issue. . 71 (1) 42 issued out of Canada, conforming to law of Canada can be enforced against all parties be- coming parties to it in Canada 71 (2) 42 interpretation of, according to law of country wherein contract made 71 (6) 43 drawn out of, but payable in Canada and amount not stated in Canadian currency, how cal- culated 71 (<0 43 SECTION. PAGE. 71 {e) 43 93(4) 52 32 (4) 18 Si 19 84(4) 19 20 11 INDEX. 85 BILL OF EXCHA'NG'E — Continued. drawn out of one country, payable in another, how due date is determined copy of, may be attached to protest in place of original BLANK INDORSEMENT, indorsement may be in blank what is a blank indorsement how it may be converted into a special indorse- ment BLANK PAPER, signature on such delivered by signer to be converted into bill, how operates BURDEN OF PROOF, on whom it is to show that holder is holder in due course 30 (2) 16 that cancellation of bill unintentional rests on him so asserting 62 (3) 37 BUSINESS DAYS, what are now business days 91, 14 51, 7 CALENDAR MONTH, what is meant by the term ... 14 (5) 9 CANADA, bill di-awn in, negotiated payable or accepted in foreign country, how rights of parties are determined 71 42 bill issued out of, not invalid because not stamped according to law of that country 71 (1) 42 bill issued out of, conforming to laws of Canada, valid as between parties to it in Canada 71 (2) 42 law of Canada governs, so far as indorsement in foreign country is concerned upon an inland bill 71 42 See Currency of Canada. note made in, is an inland note, all others foreign 82 (4) 48 CANCELLATION of bill, to be effective, must be ap- parent thereon, and must be intentional before bill is discharged 62 37 effect of, so far as indorser and others are con- cerned 62 (2) 37 by mistake, or unintentionally, is in-operative.. . 62 (3) 37 when alleged to be unintentional, etc., burden of proof rests on him so asserting 62 (3) 37 86 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. CANCELLATION OF SIGNATURE. Any holder or agent, by cancelling signature, may discharge party to bill 62(2) 37 CAPACITY to contract, want of, in drawee named in a bill entitles holder to treat bill as promissory note 5(2) 4 and authority of parties 22 12 to incur liability, co-extensive with capacity to contract 22 12 See Representative Capacity. to contract, when drawee has not capacity to con- tract, presentment for acceptance excused . . .. 41 (2rt) 22 CAUSE OF DELAY when it ceases, then bill must be presented with reasonable diligence 46 26 CERTAIN, when a sum is certain 9 5 CERTAINTY, drawee must be named in bill with reasenable certainty 6 4 CITED, how act may be cited 1 1 CHEQUE on a bank, what It is 72 44 provisions of act applicable to bills of exchange, applies to cheques 72 (2) 44 effect of, not presenting within reasonable time. . 73 (a) 44 how question of what is reasonable time is determined 73 (^) 44 when holder of cheque becomes a creditor of bank in which cheque drawn in lieu of drawer 73 (c) 4 how duties of bank to pay cheque drawn on it are determined 74 44 law as to crossed cheques 75 45 what constitutes a crossing and cheque crossed generally 75 45 what constitutes a crossing and cheque crossed specially 75 (2) 45 may be crossed generally or specially 76 45 where holder may cross cheque generally or specially 76 (2) 45 when crossed generally holder may cross specially 76(3) 45 iCTION. PAGE. 7f; (4) 45 76(5) 45 76 (6) 45 76 (7) 46 77 46 INDEX. 87 CRBQJJB—ContJmted. when crossed generally or specially holder may add words "not negotiable" when crossed specially, bank may again cross specially to another bank for collection when not crossed, or crossed generally, bank may cross it specially to itself how a cheque may be reopened or uncrossed .... crossing authorized is material part of cheque.. unlawful for any one to obliterate, add to, or alter crossing 77 46 when crossed specially to more than one bank when bank shall refuse payment 78 46 when bank paying a crossed cheque is liable to true owner 78 (2) 46 when bank paying crossed cheque in good faith is protected 78(2) 46 when bank paying crossed cheque entitled to position of having paid it to true owner 79 47 person taking crossed cheque only gets and can only give title thereto of person from whem he got it 80 47 bank receiving payment of crossed cheque in good faith, etc., for customer who has no title there- to, incurs no liability from simply having taken money 81 47 forged indorsement on, when paid by drawee, effect of 24 18 held to be paid in "due course," unless proceed- ings taken within one year from discovery of forgery 24 13 CIRCULATION, when a bill payable on demand, in circulation an unreasonable time, deemed to be overdue 36(3) 20 CLERK IN BANK, when he must not act as notary. . 51 (10) 33 COLLATERAL SECURITY, demand note being held as such need not be presented for pay- ment so long as so held 85 48 88 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. COLLATERAL Q^CVUlTY—ContinnnL circumstance of note being held as such, does not render invalid instrument as a note 82 (3) 48 COMPLETION, to hold party to instrument prior to its completion it must be filled up as bill within " reasonable time." See Incomplete 20(2) 11 COMPUTATION, of time when bill is payable i . ,.jv ^ of time, see Time 14 ((J) j CONDITIONAL, acceptance, what it is 19 (2) 10 when endorsement conditional, condition may be disregarded by payer and payment valid 33 18 CONDITIONS, necessary to a bill of exchange 3 3 upon which a holder is a " holder in due course " 29 15 certain conditions to indorsement necessary be- fore indorsement operates as negotiation 31 17 CONFLICT, of laws 71 42 CONSIDERATION, a valuable consideration for a bill, what it is 27 14 when person obtains bill by illegal consideration his title is defective 29(2) 15 when bill given for usurious consideration void in hands of holder 30 (3) 16 when wholly or in ))art purchase money of patent right 30 (4) 16 CONSTRUCTION, most favorable to validity of in- strument to be adopted in determining the character in which person signs 26 (2) 14 of acts or documents repealed 90 58 CONTINGENCY, instrument payable on, not a bill of exchange 1 1 (2) 6 CONTINUING SECURITY, see Collateral Security CONTRACT, on a bill incomplete and revocable until delivery of instrument 21 11 any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract is a vnluable consideration for a bill. . 27 (a) 14 INDEX. 89 SECTION. PAGE. CONTRACT— Co?Uf)n(efZ. holder having lien on bill by contract is holder for value to extent of lien 27 (3) 15 for. See Uswious contract. CONVERTED, blank page with signature delivered by signer to be converted into bill, when operates as such 20 11 COPY, when indorsement on copy of bill sufficient. ... 32 (a) 18 of bill or note may be attached to protest 93 (4) 52 CORPORATIONS, when they may be parties to a bill and how 22 12 bill, drawn by, not having power so to do, effect of in hands of holder as against other parties.. 22 (2) 12 seal of, sufficient signature, but seal not made necessary 90 51 COSTS, in discretion of Court, when bill sued on be- fore presentation 52 (2) 33 COUNTERMAND OF PAYMENT, terminates bank's duty and authority to pay cheque 75 45 COUNTRY, the law of, which determines rights of parties when bill drawn in one country pay- able in another 71 , 42 COURT, has discretion in costs, when bill sued upon before presentation 52 (2) 33 CROSSED CHEQUE, see Cheque. law of, applicable to warrants for payment of dividends 94 52 CROSSING, see Cheque. CURRENCY OF CANADA, when bill drawn out of but payable in Canada, and sum not stated in Canadian currency, how amount calculated.. . 71 (d) 43 CUSTOMER, of bank dying, and notice of death to bank terminates authority to pay clieque 75 45 DAMAGES, what may be recovered when bill dis- honored and the measure of damages 57 35 90 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. 3(4) 3 11 (.) 6 14 (3) 9 80 (4) 20 63 (2) 38 J) AMAGBS— Continued. amount of re-exchange recoverable on foreign bill 57 (/;) 35 DATE, want of, in a bill of exchange does not render it invalid when bill payable at fixed period after date it is payable at a determinable future time day of date excluded in computing time when bill falls due except when date of indorsement after maturity of bill each negotiation prima facie effected before bill overdue alteration of, is a material alteration of protest from whence maturity of bill payable after sight is calculated not date of acceptance for honor 64 (3) 38 See Due Date. DAY, when bill not payable on demand falls due 14 7 bill payable at month or months falls due on same numbered day as dated 14 (6) 9 DAY OF MATURITY, when stated on bill or accept- ance omission to present thereat does not dis- charge acceptor DAYS OF GRACE, what is last day of grace three such in every case added where bill not pay- able on demand bill payable on last of sucli days exceptions when last day of grace a legal holiday or non- juridical holiday, the next day shall be last day of grace 14(1) 7 DEATH, notice of, to bank, terminates bank's duty and authority to pay cheque 14 7 DECLARATION, for notarial act of honor who may make it and what it is 'J7 (4) 40 DEFECT, notice of defect in title prevents holder being holder in due course 29 (t) 15 See Title. 52 |2) 33 14(1) 7 14 (a) 14 (a) 14(1) 7 7 7 INDEX. 91 SECTION. PAGE. DEFENCE, meaning of expression 2 (A:) 2 DEFENCES, personal defences available to prior parties between themselves unavailable against holder in due course 38 {h) 21 DEFINITION, of a bill of exchange 3 3 of an inland bill 4 3 of a foreign bill 4 3 DELAY, in making presentment for payment, when excused 46 26 in sendmg notice of dishonor, when excused.. ..50 30 in noting or protesting, when excused '^1 (9) ^2 when cause for delay ceases to operate, bill must be noted or protested with reasonable diligence 51 (9) 32 DELIVERED, blank paper with signature delivered by signer may operate as a bill 20 11 DELIVERY, meaning of expression 2 (/) 2 until bill delivered so as to give effect to it, con- tract incomplete 21 11 what is effectual delivery of bill as between im- mediate parties and as regards a remote party. 21 (2) 12 may be shown to be conditional, or for special purpose 21 ('^) 12 valid delivery of bill in hands of holder in due course conclusively presumed 21 (?/) 12 valid and unconditional delivery as against drawer, acceptor or iudorser when presumed.. 21 (3) 12 a bill payable to bearer is negotiable by 31 (2) 12 necessary to complete negotiations of a bill pay- able to order 31(3) 17 bill when paid must be delivered up by holder. . . 52 (4) 33 transfered by, who is such 58 35 his liabilities and undertakings 58 35 of bill by holder to acceptor at or after maturity discharges bill 61 37 a promissory note is incomplete until delivered. . 83 48 DEMAND, when a note payable on demand is indorsed, how soon it should be presented for payment. . 85 48 92 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. BBM-ANB— Continued. when demand note negotiated, holder not affected by defect in title, simply because not presented for payment within reasonable time after issue 85 (3) 49 when bill not so payable presentment must be on day bill falls due 45 (2a) 24 when bill so payable must be presented for pay- ment ' 45 (2b) 24 when a bill payable on demand is deemed overdue 36 (3) 20 what is an " unreasonable time " is a question of fact 36(3) 20 though bill payable on, antecedent debt or liabil- ity deemed valuable consideration therefor .... 27 (?>) 14 when a bill is payable on 10 6 when not payable on demand, what day bill is determined to fall due 14 7 DEMANDED, when payment of bill demanded, bill must be exhibited and delivered up on payment 52 (4) 33 "DETKRMINABLE future time," meaning of words 11 6 DILIGENCE, after exercise of reasonable diligence. Ml {2b) 23 and presentment cannot be effected, present- j 45 (2c) 24 ment is excused ^5 (5) 25 reasonable diligence must be exercised in noting and protesting bill 51 (9) ^2 DISCHARGE of bill by payment 59 36 accommodation party paying bill discharges it.. 59 (b) 36 when bill is discharged by renunciation of holder 61 37 when acceptor becomes holder of bill 60 37 cancellation of bill to operate as discharge must be intentional and apparent on bill itself 62 37 of any party liable on bill by intentional cancel- lation of signature 62 37 when one part of bill drawn in a set is paid gen- erally whole bill is discharged 70 (7) 42 DISCRETION OF COURT can be exercised in regard to costs, when bill sued upon before presenta- tion 52(2) 33 INDKX. 93 SECTION. PAGE. DISHONOR, when bill may be treated as dishonored by non-acceptance, and presentment excused.. 41 (2) 22 holder believing that bill would be dishonored does not excuse presentment 41 (3) 23 effect of not treating bill as dishonored after two days from presentment if not honored 42 23 notice of, prevents holder from becoming holder in " due course " 29 (a) 15 of an inland bill noting and protesting 51 31 DISHONORED, when bill dishonored for non-accep- tance or non-payment holder may, in case of need, resort to "referee in case of need" 15 9 bill dishonored may be accepted 18 CO 10 if sight draft, holder entitled to have accepted as of date of first presentment 18 (2) 10 bill dishonored not overdue, person taking it do3s so subject to defect in title attaching of time of dishonor 36(5) 20 when bill is dishonored for non-acceptance 43 23 when so dishonored then immediate right of re- course accrues to holder 43(2) 23 holder may refuse to take qualified acceptance and treat bill as dishonored by non-acceptance. ... 44 23 when bill dishonored by non-payment, then im- mediate right of recourse accrues to holder. ... 47 (2) 26 when dishonored, notice of dishonor must be given to drawers and indorsers, etc 48 27 effect of not giving notice 48 (a) 27 when not necessary to give notice of subsequent dishonor by non-payment 48 (a) 27 bill dishonored by acceptor for honor must be protested for non-payment by him 66 (4) 39 when foreign note dishonored need not be pro- tested, except to preserve liabilities of indorser 88 (4) 50 DISPENSING, with presentment for payment, when it can be done 46 (2) 26 with notice of dishonor, when it can be done. ... 50 (2) 30 DISSENT to qualified acceptance must be expressed within reasonable time after notice, else assent deemed to be given 44 (3) 24 94 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. DIVIDEND, warrants for payment of, governed bylaw of crossed cheques 94 4 DKAWEE, bill may be drawn payable to, or order. ... 5 4 when fictitious person, holder may treat bill as promissory note 5 (2 ) 4 or when a person not having capacity to contract 5 (2) 4 must be named or indicated in a bill with reason- able certainty G 4 a bill may be addressed to two or more, whether partners or not 6 (2) 4 signification by, of assent to order of drawer is acceptance of bill 17 10 his signature to acceptance sufficient without additional words 17 (a) 10 in accepting bill must not express that he will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money 17 (6) 10 when his name is wrongly designated or name missj)elt, may accept as in bill described, or by his proper signature 17 (3) 10 may accept a bill though incomplete or not signed by drawer 18 (^) 10 acceptance of one or more, but not all, makes acceptance qualified 19 (d) 11 giving notice of acceptance to person entitled to bill or according to latter's direction accept- ance then complete and irrevocable, though bill not delivered 21 11 who may be such 22 12 of cheque with forged indorsement, paying same will be held to have paid it in due course, unless notice given within one year of forgery 24 18 DRAWEES, when two or more not partners, when presentment for acceptance must be to all, . . . 41 (b) 22 when dead presentment may be made to personal representatives same with presentment for payment when dead presentment for acceptance excused. . same with presentment for payment 41 (c) 22 45 (5) 25 41(a) 22 46 26 INDEX. 95 SECTION. PAGE. DRAWEES- Continued. same when drawee bankrupt, or fictitious person. or not having capacity to contract -11 ('') 22 funds in hands of, available to pay bill not assigned by bill 53 33 not accepting as required by act is not liable on the investment 53 33 DRAWEE, accepting more than one part of bill drawn in a set, when he is liable on each part 70 (5) 42 DRAWER, bill may be drawn payable to, or order. ... 5 4 when bill so payable not dated, any holder may insert true date 12 6 wrong date when inserted by holder in due course in mistake, such date shall operate as true date 12 6 shall be deemed true date unless contrary be proved 13 7 when same person as drawee, holder may treat bill as promissory note 5 (2) 4 may insert in bill name of person to whom holder may resort " in case of need " 15 9 of a bill may insert express stipulations, negativ- ing or limiting his own liability, etc 16 9 may waive same or all of holder's duties 16 C') 9 signification by drawee of latter's assent to order of, acceptance of bill 17 10 a bill though incomplete, or not signed by, may yet be accepted by drawee 18 (a) 10 when his order assented to without qualification, acceptance a general acceptance 19 10 when his order varied in express terrrs, the ac- ceptance a qualified acceptance 19 10 signature on blank paper delivered to be filled up as bill, may be used as signature of drawer .... 20 11 contract of, in bill, incomplete and revocable until delivery 21 11 bill no longer in his possession delivery presumed 21 (3) 12 who may be such 22 12 not liable on bill unless signed it as such 23 13 96 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. DKAWER— C0H?/«M('(/. of cheque, paid by drawee with fort;ed indorse- ment, must give notice of forf^ery within one year from discovery, else cheque held to be paid indue course 24 13 who signs bill and adds words indicating his act- ing for principal or in representative capacity, is not personally liable, but different if words added mere words of identity 2C 14 to whom bill negotiated back may re-issue and further negotiate, effect of 37 20 but cannot enforce payment against intervening party 37 20 of bill, when not discharged, when presentment for payment is delayed 39 (4) 21 of sight bill discharged, when holder does not pre- sent for acceptance, or negotiate within reason- able time 40 (2) is discharged from bill when holder, without his authority, takes qualified acceptance 44(2) 28 having notice of qualified acceptance, must dis- sent within reasonable time or else bound thereby 44 (3) 24 discharged, if bill not presented for payment. .. . 45 24 when dead, notice of dishonor must be given to personal representative, if death known 49 (?) 28 regards him, when notice of dishonor by non- payment may be dispensed with 50 (1) 30 of bill, what he engages, his position generally and his liabilities 55 34 of bill dishonored may recover from acceptor .... 57 (a) 35 what he may recover 57 (1) 35 who pays bill does not thereby discharge it 59 36 when, pays bill payable to order of third party, may enforce payment against acceptor but may not re-issue bill 59 (a) 36 acceptance for honor not stating for whose honor, deemed acceptance for honor of drawer 64 (4) 38 of overdue bill lost, must give holder a new bill of same terms 08 41 SECTION. PAGE. 76(7) 46 76(7) 46 2) & entitled to have sight draft, subsequently accepted, accepted as of date of first presentment 18 (2) 10 "in due course," with whom an instrument negotiated after completion holds it valid and effectual in his hands against all parties and for all purposes delivery to him, so as to make all parties liable to him, presumed of bill drawn by infant, minor or corporation not having power, his position as against other parties to instrument when deemed holder for value having a lien on the bill is deemed holder for value pro tanto for value can recover from accommodation party on bill, whether he knew him to be such or not when bill transferred, so as to constitute trans- feree holder, then bill negotiated who indorses and delivers bill negotiates it of a bill, who transfers without indorsing tor value gives transferee his title 31 (4) 17 when a holder without value has all the rights of a holder in due course prima facie every holder is holder in due course. . when bill given for usurious consideration is void in hands of, and when not may convert a blank indorsement into a special indorsement and how 20(2) 11 21 (b) 12 22 (2) 12 27 (2) 14 27(3) 15 28 (2) 15 31 17 31 (3) 17 29 (3) 16 30 (2) m 30 (3) 16 34(4) la INDEX, 103 SECTION. PAGE. UO'LBE'R— Continued. may refuse to take qualified acceptance and treat bill as dishonored by non-acceptance 44 23 if authorized he may take such acceptance, when it binds drawer or indorser as also when they subsequently assent to such 44 (2) 23 who takes qualified acceptance may bind drawer or indorser thereto if, after notice, latter does not dissent within reasonable time 44 (3) 24 must himself present for payment or some person for him 45 (c) 24 excused from presenting for payment, when delay caused by circumstances beyond his control, etc., etc 46 26 not excused from presenting for payment, because he has reason to believe that bill will be dis- honored 46 (2rt) 26 has immediate right of recourse when bill dis- honored by nonpayment 47 (2) 27 notice of dishonor to be valid, must be given on behalf of holder 49 27 when notice given by, or on behalf of, enures to benefit of others, and who 49 (c) 27 of inland bill dishonored may note and protest it for non-acceptance, whichever he thinks fit — 51 31 may protest for better security, if acceptor be- comes bankrupt or suspends 51 (5) 32 presenting bill for payment shall exhibit it and if paid deliver it up 52 (4) 33 when acceptor becomes holder in his own right of bill after or at maturity, bill is discharged .... 60 37 who renounces his rights after maturity, against acceptor, bill is discharged 61 37 may renounce liabilities of any party, when. ... 61 (2) 37 may cancel bill, and bill discharged 62 37 may cancel signature of party liable and thus discharge each party 62 (2) 37 without his authority cancellation inoperative . . . 62 (3) 37 of bill losing, it may demand another bill from drawer ^8 41 104 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. B.OLDE'R— Continued. of bill in a set, indorsing two or more parts is liable on each 70 (2) 41 his duties determined by law where bill is pre- sented for payment or acceptance, etc 71 (c) 43 of bill, rights and powers of 38 20 of bill dishonored may recover from any i^arty to it 57(a) 35 what he may recover 57 (1) 35 of bill payable to bearer who ne<^otiates bill by delivery without indorsing is called " trans- feree by delivery " 58 35 of cheque. See Cheque 73 44 when a creditor of bank in lieu of drawer of cheque 73 (e) 44 when he may cross cheque 76 (2) 45 (3) 45 when he may add words not negotiable 7(j (4j 45 in due course, who is such 29 15 in due course without notice of patent right note, same is valid in his hands 30 (4) 16 in due course, not prejudiced, though he may have notice of dishonor of bill not overdue, at time of dishonor 36 (5) 20 in due course, acquires good and complete title to bill negotiated by transferer, though latter's title defective 38 (c) 21 duties of 39 21 when holder is excused delay in presenting bill for acceptance ^9 (4) 21 of bill payable at sight, must present for accept- ance or negotiate it within reasonable time. ... 40 22 effect of not doing so 40(2) 22 because holder believes bill would be dishonored, presentment for acceptance not therefore ex- cused 41 (3) 23 loses right of recourse against drawer and in- dorsers if person presenting bill does not treat it as dishonored after two days from present- ment 42 23 INDEX. 105 SECTION. PAGE. HOLDER— Co?!^//(!/«7. in due course, rights of such, subsequent to omission to send notice of dishonor not pre- judiced by omission 48 (a) 27 in due course, person signing otherwise than as acceptor or drawer becomes hable to as in- dorser 56 35 HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, not affected by renun- ciation unless received notice thereof 61 (2) 37 may avail himself of altered bill as if no altera- tion, when 63 37 HONOR, acceptance and payment for. 64 38 ILLEGAL CONSIDERATION person obtaining bill by such his title is defective 29 (2) 1.5 IMMEDIATE PARTIES, what is delivery of bill, as between such 21 (2) 12 IMPLICATION of law, holder having lien on bill by, is holder for value pro tanto 27 (3) 15 IMPRISONMENT, person issuing "patent right note" liable to, who does not write words " Given for patent right" across face of the note 30(6) 17 " IN CASE OF NEED," by such is meant in case bill is dishonored for non-acceptance or non- payment 15 9 Referee " In case of need," who he is 15 9 INCHOATE, a note is inchoate until delivered 83 48 INCOMPLETE, a note is incomplete until delivered.. 83 48 bill incomplete may yet be accepted 18 10 see Indoreer. INDEMNITY, loss of bill, may not be set up, if indemnity given as ordered by Court 69 41 INDORSEE of "patent right note" with words "patent right printed " takes same subject to equities between original parties 30 (5) 17 payment by payer to, is valid when bill condi- tionally indorsed whether condition fulfilled or not 33 18 106 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. mDOBSBB— Continued. is not specified by blank endorsement, and by such endorsement bill becomes payable to bearer 34 19 provisions of act applicable to payee, apply to en- dorsee with necessary modifications, under special endorsement '^"i (•■^) 1^ may convert a blank indorsement into a special indorsement and how 34 (4) 19 under restrictive indorsement, his rights, powers, and privileges 34 (2) 19 under restrictive endorsement, when authorized to transfer, then all subsequent indorsees take bill with same rights and liabilities as first indor- see after restrictive endorsement 35 (3) 19 INDORSEES, two or more indorsing must all endorse if not partners unless authority in one to en- dorse for all when indorsee wrongly designated or name mis- spelled how he may endorse subsequent indorsees take bill with same rights, etc., of first indorsee after restrictive endorse- ment INDORSEMENT, meaning of expression date of, shall be deemed true date if only, or last endorsement, in blank makes bill payable to bearer of holder with delivery of bill, then bill negotiated what conditions it must comply with, in order to operate as a negotiation must be written on bill and signed by endorser. . simple signature of indorser without more is suffi- cient written on allonge or copy when sufficient must be endorsement on entire bill partial endorsement not sufficient to operate as negotiation what is a partial endorsement of bill payable to two or more who are not part- ners all must endorse unless one indorsing has authority 32 (c) 18 32(c) 18 32 (2) 18 35 (3) 18 2 (h) 2 13 7 8(3) 5 31(3) 17 32 18 32 (a) 18 32 (a) 18 32 (a) 18 m(b) 18 32 (/.) 18 32 (/;) 18 INDEX. 107 SECTION. PAGE. INDORSEMENT— Confnn/«Z. when two or more on bill, the order in which they are deemed to have been made S'2 (3) 18 may be a blank or special or restrictive 32 (4) 18 what is blank 34 19 what is special 34 (2) 19 what is restrictive 35 19 when conditional the conditions may be disre- garded and payment be valid 33 18 prima facie deemed to be before bill overdue, ex- cept where it bears date after maturity of bill . . 36 (4) 20 INDORSEE may insert in bill name of person to whom holder may resort in case of need 15 9 may insert express stipulation, negativing or limiting his own liability, etc., etc 16 9 may waive some or all of holder's duties 16 (6) 9 signature on blank paper delivered by signer to be filled up as bill, may be used as signature of indorser '-0 H contract of, in bill incomplete and revocable until delivered 20 (2) 11 indorsing bill overdue makes bill payable on de- mand as against himself 10 (2) 6 when bill no longer in his possession, delivery presumed 21 (3) 12 not liable on bill unless he has signed it as such 23 13 who signs bills, and adds words indicating his acting for principal or in representative capa- city, is not personally liable ; but different if words added mere words of identity 26 14 prior indorser to whom bill is negotiated back, may reissue, effect of 37 20 but cannot enforce payment against intervening party 37 20 is discharged from bill if holder without his authority take qualified acceptance 44 (2) 23 having notice of qualified acceptance, must dis- sent thereto, within a reasonable time, else bound 44(3) 24 discharged if bill not presented for payment 45 (3) 24 108 INDRX. PAGE. 57 (a) 35 57(1) 35 59 36 INDORSEE— Co»f/;((/('.7. notice of dislionor to be valid must at time <^iven be on behalf of indorser 49 («) 27 when notice of dishonor given by, or on behalf of indorser it enures to benefit of others, and when 49 (d) '28 when dead, notice of dishonor must be given to personal rei)resentative 49 (/) 28 as regards him, when notice of dishonor by non- payment may be dispensed with 50 (d) 30 on bill, what he engages, his position generally and his liabilities 55 (2) 34 person signing bill otherwise than as drawer or acceptor, he incurs liability of indorser to holder in due course 56 35 may recover from acceptor or drawer or prior in- dorser what he may recover who pays bill, does not thereby discharge it. . . . who pays bill, his rights as against acceptor and prior parties may strike out his own indorse- ment, etc., and again negotiate bill 59(b) 36 having right of recourse against party discharged by cancellation of signature is also discharged. 62 (2) 37 subsequent to alteration of bill, is not discharged 63 37 who indorses part only of bill drawn in a set liable only on that part 70 (2) 41 on a demand note discharged, unless presented for payment within reasonable time 85 48 INDORSEES when not discharged though bill not pre- sented for payment without delay ^9 (4) 21 discharged on sight bill when holder does not present for acceptance, or negotiate within reasonable time 40 (2) 22 INDOESING, omission to indorse by holder transfer- ing bill for value, his title nevertheless rests in transferer 31 (4) 17 person indorsing in representative capacity may negative personal liability ^1 ('^) 17 INFANT, bill drawn by, effect of, in hands of, holder as against other parties 22 (2) 12 INDEX. 109 SECTION. PAGE. INLAND BILL indorsed in a foreign country, the law of Canada governs as to indorsement 71 42 drawn upon any one in "Quebec, or payable or ac- cepted therein, all parties on, except acceptor are discharged in default of protest, etc., and of notice thereof, etc ol 31 may be noted and protested when dishonored for non-acceptance or non-payment as holder thinks fit 51 31 except in province of Quebec not necessary to note and protest such to preserve recourse against drawer or indorser 51 31 definition of 4 3 when holder may treat bill as an inland bill 4 3 INLAND NOT I<^ what is such 82(4) 48 INSTALMENT, when sum required to be paid in in- stalment, sum still a sum certain 9 (J>) 5 INSTRUMENT, signature to blank paper, delivered to be filled up as a bill, when enforceable against party thereto prior to its completion 20 (2) 11 after completion, if negotiated to " holder in due course " valid for all purposes in his hands . . 20 (2) 11 payable on a contingency, not a bill, and happen- ing of event does not cure defect 11 (2) 6 INTENTION indicated that bill be not transferred makes it non-negotiable 8 5 if no siich intention, and payable to particular person, bill is payable to order B (4) 5 INTEREST, when sum required to be paid in, sum still a sum certain 9 (o) 5 from when it runs in dated and undated bills.. 9 (2) 6 INTERPRETATION OF LAW, when bill drawn in one country payable, accepted or indorsed in another 71 42 INTERVENING party, cannot be made pay bill when negotiated back to drawer, prior indorser or acceptor 37 20 110 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. INTERVENTION of payer for honor, who it is, and when it can be and for whom 67 40 effect of, on all parties 67 (5) 40 INVALID, bill not invalid because antedated, or post dated, or dated on Sunday or non-juridical day 13 (2) 7 IRREGULAR, when presentment is irregular and ac- ceptance refused on some other ground, pre- sentment excused 41 (2c) 22 *' ISSUE," meaning of expression 2 (/) 2 date of, in a bill, may be filled in by holder, when 12 6 JOINT NOTES, there may be joint makers of notes, so as to be jointly liable and not severally 84 48 JUSTICE OF PEACE, when he may act as notary public 93 52 his powers and privileges 93 52 LAWS, conflict of 71 42 LEGAL HOLIDAY, when last day of grace falls on such, then next following juridical day last day of grace 14(1) 7 what are legal holidays 14 (2) 7 LENDING, person lending his name, without receiving value, the bill is an accommodation bill 28 15 LIABILITIES of any party may be renounced by holder 61(2) 37 LIABILITY of drawer or indorser may be negotiated or limited 16 9 is sufficient to constitute a valuable consideration for a bill 27 (/;) 14 of parties 53 33 of " transferrer by delivery " 58 35 LIEN, holder becoming such on a bill, is holder for value to extent of lien 27 (3) 15 LIQUIDATION damages, measure of damages re- coverable when bill dishonored shall be liqui- dated damages, and what they are 57 35 INDEX. Ill SECTION. PAGE. LOST BILL, before overdue holder may demand an- other bill from drawer 68 41 in action on, court may order loss not to be set up upon oetting indemnity 69 41 MAKER of note payable at a particular place, not discharged, because note not presented there.. 86 49 a note made by, payable to his own order, not a note until indorsed 82 48 of bill, etc., who may be such 82 48 MAKERS, there may be two or more on a note 84 48 liability of, when two or more makers 84 48 MATERIAL ALTERATION in bill, effect of, and re- sult from 63 37 which is not apparent, holder in due course may avail himself as if no alteration 63 37 what are material alterations in xDarticular 63 (2) 38 MATURITY of bill calculated on sight, bill accepted for honor from date of protest, not from date of accepting for honor 64 (5) 39 before bill matures holder may protest for better security if acceptor becomes bankrupt or suspends ol (5) 32 if bill stating place of payment is not jjresented on day of maturity, acceptor not thereby dis- charged 52(2) 33 if holder becomes holder of bill in his own right at or after maturity, bill is discharged 60 37 if at or after maturity holder renounces his rights against acceptor, bill discharged 61 37 renunciation must be in writing or bill delivered up 61 37 at or after maturity holder may renounce his right against any party to bill 61 (2) 37 except when indorsement dated after maturity of bill such indorsement prima facie effected be- fore bill overdue 36 (4) 20 of sight, or after sight, bill can only be fixed by presentment for acceptance 39 21 112 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. 13 7 14 (6) 9 MATHniTY— Continued. when bill matures MEANING of words " 1 promise to pay " when signed by two or more makers 84 48 MINOR bill drawn by, in hands of holder, effect of, as against other parties when drawee a minor, presentment for accept- ance is excused MISCARRIAGE by post office, not to invalidate notice of protest properly sent MISDEMEANOR, person issuing " patent right note" guilty of, who does not write words " patent right note " across face MISDESCRIPTION, in notice of dishonor of bill, will not vitiate notice unless party misled MIS-SPELT, when name of payee or indorsee mis- spelt how he may indorse MISTAKE, cancellation by, is inoperative when wrong date inserted in bill by holder in mistake such date shall operate as true date. . MONTH, means a calendar month bill payable in month or months fall due on same numbered day as dated 14 (0) 9 NAME, person signing in trade, or assumed name, liable as if signing his own name 23 (?;) 13 holder of bill may sue on, in his own name. ... 38 20 NEED, see Iteference in Case of Need. NEGLIGENCE, though a thing done in negligence, yet if done honestly, it is deemed to be done in " good faith " NEGOTIABLE, when bill not negotiable negotiable bill, may be payable to either " order " or " bearer " bill negotiable in its origin continues to be, and when ceases to be NEGOTIATE, holder of bill payable at sight must negotiate within reasonable time or present for acceptance 40 22 22(2) 12 41 (2a) 22 49 (5) 27 30 (G) 17 49 (u) 28 32 (2) 18 62 (3) 37 12 6 14(5) 9 89 51 8 5 8(2) 5 36 20 INDEX. 129 SECTION. PAGE. PROPEH SIGNATURE, payee, or indorsee, whose name mis-sp3lt, may indorse with proper signature 32 (2) 18 PROPER PLA.CE, when presentment said to be made at proper place 45 (2(/) 25 PROTEST, when foreign bill accepted as to part must be protested as to b.dance 44 (2) 2.3 of an inland bill 51 31 in default of, in Quebec, all parties, except ac- ceptor, discharged 51 31 of a foreign bill, necessary for non-acceptance or non-p.tyment -"'l (2) 31 result of not protesting foreign bill 5 (2) 31 of a bill, not on its face appearing a foreign bill, unnecessary 51 (2) 31 a bill protested, for non-acceptance, may be pro- tested for non-payment 51 (3) 31 when it must be made or noted 51 (4) 31 when duly noted, the protest may be subsequently extended, as of date of noting 51 (4) 31 holder may protest bill for better security, when acceptor bankrupt or suspends 51 (5) 32 where a bill must be protested 51 (6) 32 when bill presented through post office, must be protested on day of return, or next juridical day 51 (a) 32 for non acceptance, or non-payment, may be made on day of dishonor any time after 3 o'clock in afternoon . . ol {b) 32 must contain copy of bill, or bill itself 51 (7) 32 must be signed by notary 51 (7) 32 what protest must specify 5l{7(ib) 32 may be made on copy, or written particulars of bill, when bill lost, destroyed or detained .... 51 (8) 32 when it may be dispensed with 51 (9) 32 not necessary to protest, to make acceptor liable . 52 (3) 33 when bill has been protested, who may intervene for honor and when 04 38 date of, on sight bill accepted for honor is from whence maturity is calculated, not from date of acoe[)tance 64 (5) 39 130 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. PROTEST— Continued. bill presented to acceptor for honor, and refused, must be protested for non-payment by him .... 60 (4) 39 law as to, decided by law of country wherein bill is protested VI (c) 43 of foreign note unnecessary, except for purpose of preserving liabilities of indorser 88 (4) 50 when reqi;ired to be within a specified time, or before certain event, sufficient to note for pro- test within such time, or before such event, and protest any time after, as of date of noting. ... 92 52 fees, etc., what are chargeable 93 (2) 52 prima facie evidence, in any action, of presenta- tion and dishonor, and of service of notice, etc. 93 (5) 52 PROTESTING " for better security," see Protest. PROVINCES, what days are legal holidays and non- juridical days in the several provinces 14 (2) 7 PROVISIONS of the Act, relating to payee, apply mutatis mutandus to indorsee under special indorsement ^4(3) 19 QUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE, what it is 19 10 may be refused, and holder treat bill as dis- honored by non-acceptance 44 23 when taken, unauthorized and not assented to, the drawer or indorser is discharged from bill.. 44 (2) 23 assent to is presumed if, after notice, drawer or indorser does not dissent within reasonable time - 44(2) 23 QUEBEC, inland bill drawn on person in province of, or payable or accepted therein, parties thereto, except acceptor, discharged in default of pro- test for non-acceptance or non-payment 51 31 legal holidays in 14 (i^) 8 RATIFICATION, unauthorized signature may be rati- fied, but not forged signature 24 13 REASONABLE, diligence, after exercise of, and pre- sentment cannot be effected, it is excused 41 (26) 23 INDEX. 131 SECTION. PAGE. BEASONABLE— Confmjjed. diligence must be exercised in presenting for pay- ment 45 (5) 24 diligence must be exercised in giving notice of dishonor for non-payment 50 30 diligence must be exercised in noting or protest- ing 51 32 " REASONABLE TIME," see Time. within which instrument filled up as a bill, a question of fact 20(2) 11 rules for determining what is, within which cheque must be presented to bank 73 (^)) 43 if holder, takes a qualified acceptance, drawer or indorser deemed to have assented, unless dis- sent expressed within reasonable time after notice 44(3) 24 how determined "i 85 (2) 49 REFEREE, "in case of need" what is meant by 15 9 " in case of need " see Reference in Case of Need 66 39 REFERENCE IN CASE OF NEED, bill containing such must before being presented to referee in case of need, be protested for non-payment. ... 66 39 REFUSAL, to accept, bill dishonored for, may yet be accepted 18(b) 10 REISSUE of bill, may be had, when negotiated back to drawer, prior indorser or acceptor 37 20 bill cannot be reissued by drawer, who pays bill payable to order of third party 59 36 RENUNCIATION, holder may at, or after maturity, renounce rights against acceptor, when bill is discharged 61 37 must be in writing or bill be delivered up 61 37 holder may also renounce the liabilities of any party to bill, when 61 37 not to affect rights of holder in due course with- out n otice 61 (2) 37 132 INDEX. SECTION. TAOE. 95 52 ys 52 95 52 39 (2) 21 45 (7) 25 32 (3) 18 85 19 35 19 35 (2) 19 REOPENED, when a cheque may he, hy drawer, and how 76(7) 46 REPEALED, enactments which are repealed to what extent enactments not retroactive REPRESENTATIVE, capacity, person signing as such, not personally liahle but different, when words aided mere words of description 26 14 person indorsing in such, may negative personal Hability 31(5) 17 RESIDENCE, when bill payable elsewhere than at residence, etc., it must be presented fo- accept- ance before being presented for payment when his place of residence mentioned RESTRICTIVE, indorsement, may be restrictive what is restrictive indorsement indorsements, examples of indorsement, rights and powers of indorsee under RESTRICTIVE INDORSEMENT, when indorsee further authorized to transfer, all subsequent indorsees take bill with same rights and sub- ject to same liabilities as first indorsee after restrictive indorsement 35(3) 19 until bill so indorsed, which in its origin was negotiable, continues to be negotiable 36 20 REVOCABLE, contract of drawer, acceptor, or in- dorser, revocable until delivery of bill 21 11 RIGHT OF RECOURSE, holder loses such against drawer and indorsers if bill after two days from presentment not treated as dishonored . . 41 23 RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES of indorsees under re- strictive indorsement RIGHTS enjoyed by " holder in due courss " when holder without value enjoys rights of holder in due coarse of indorsee, under restricted indorsement, what they are 35 (3) 19 29 15 29 (3) 16 35 (2) 19 INDEX. 1355 SECTION. PAGE. RULES governing presentment for acceptance 41 22 SEAL, corporation may sign by seal, though seal not made absolutely necessary 90 (2) 51 SECURITY, holder must give security before he de- mands from drawer new bill for lost bill 68 41 SET, bill in a set 70 41 See Hill of Exchange. SEVERAL, there may be several makers on a note as well as joint 84 48 SIGHT, when a bill payable at fixed period after sight, it is payable at a determinable future time. ... H ('') ^ when bill accepted at fixed period after sight, not dated, any holder may insert true date of ac- ceptance 12 6 when time begins to run in bill payable at sight, or at fixed period after sight 14 (4) 9 if bill payable after, is dishonored and sub- sequently accepted, holder entitled to have acceptance as of date of first presentment. ... 18 (2) 10 bill payable at or after sight must be presented for acceptance to fix time of maturity 39 21 bill at sight negotiated must be presented for acceptance or negotiated within reasonable time 40 22 SIGNATURE of name of drawee to acceptance suffi- cient without more 17 (") 10 proper signature of drawee may be signed to acceptance, though mis-spelt in bill, or wrongly described therein 17 (3) 10 on a blank paper delivered to be converted into bill operates as authority to fill up as complete bill 20 11 on a blank paper delivered to be converted into a bill, may be used as signature of drawer, ac- ceptor, or indorser 20 11 to a bill in trade name binds person so doing as if he signed his own name 23 ('/) 13 184 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. 2S(b) 13 24 13 24 13 24 13 25 14 25 14 SIGNATURE— Co7i?/n! computation of, to ascertain when bill is pay- ( 14 (3) 9 able 114(6) 9 day from which time begins to run, excluded in computing time 1^ (3) 9 when acceptance qualified as to time, there is qualified acceptance 19 (c) 11 when blank paper with signature delivered to be filled up as a bill it must be so filled up within " i-easonable time," to hold prior parties 22 12 what is " reasonable time" within which instru- ment filled up as a bill, is question of fact. ... 20 (2) 11 reasonable time of no consideration in the filling up of an instrument as a bill, when negotiated in hands of " holder in due course " 20 (2) 11 one year allowed from discovery of forged in- dorsement on cheque, to give notice to drawee paying same 24 1'6 See Reasonable time. person issuing patent right note without writing words indicating such, liable to imprisonment for one year 30 (B) 17 in determining what is reasonable time certain rules to govern 45 (/;) 24 when bill payable on demand and in circula- tion an unreasonable leiigth of time, deemed to be overdue 36(3) 20 what is an unreasonable length of time, question of fact 36(3) 20 when bill must be presented for acceptance or negotiated within a»reasonable time 40 22 what facts are regarded in determining what is a reasonable time 40 (3) 22 allowed for giving notice of dishonor for non-pay- ment 49 (A) 28 91 51 97 53 10 (^) 6 14(a) 7 29 (b) 15 29 (2) 15 INDEX. 137 SECTION. PAGE. TIME— Coiitinued. alteration of time, when bill payable is a material alteration 63 (2) 38 when less than three days limited for doing an act, " non-business days " excluded in court.. . when the Act comes into force , TIME FOR PAYMENT, when not expressed, bill pay- able on demand • Three days of grace always added to bill not payable on demand TITLE, notice of defect of title, in person negotiating bill prevents holder from becoming holder in due course when title of person negotiating bill is defective. . to bill not indorsed vests in transferee for value from holder transferring 31 (4) 17 defect of, affecting bill at its maturity, affects bill if negotiated when overdue 36 20 holder of bill in due course holds free from de- fect of title of prior parties 38 (6) 21 defective title existing at time of dishonor at- tached to bill not overdue in hands of person taking same with notice of dishonor 36 (5) 20 person taking crossed cheque marked " not negotiable " can only get and only give such title as possessed by person from whom he got it 80 47 of customer being defective to crossed cheque, payment of which has been received by bank in good faith, bank not liable to true owner of cheque ; 81 47 defect in title holder not affected by, because de- mand note not presented within a reasonable time after issue 85 (3) 49 any taking overdue bill gets and can give only such title as party had from whom he took it. . 36 (2) 20 TEADE, person signing bill in trade name, bound as if signing his own name 23 13 TRANSFER, when ownership not transferred in a bill then indorsement is restrictive 35 19 B.E.A. 10 SECTION. PAGE. 8 5 8(4) 5 30 (5) 17 31 17 31(4) 17 31(4) 17 58 3& 58 35 138 INDEX. TEANSFERABLE, bill may contain words prohibiting transfer when no such words and payable to particular person, then payable to order. TRANSFEREE, of patent right note, with notice takes same subject to equities between original parties when bill so transfered as to constitute trans- feree the holder, then bill is negotiated for value of bill without indorsement acquires title of holder who transfers for value of a bill not indorsed acquires title of transferer and right to have bill indorsed .... " TRANSFEREE BY DELIVERY," who is such, and when what he undertakes and his liabilities TRANSFERER, see Transferee 31 (4) 17 ■TRUE DATE, of issue or acceptance may be inserted by holder in due course, when bill payable at fixed period after date, or at sight and not dated 12 6- what shall be deemed the true date 13 7 TWO OR MORE persons indorsing who are not partners, must all indorse unless authority in one to indorse for all 32 (c) 18 UNAUTHORIZED, signature, may be ratified 24 13 UNDATED, when bill not dated and payable at fixed period after date, any holder may insert true date of issue 12 6- UNLAWFUL means, when person obtains bill by such his title is defective 29 (2) 15 UNREASONABLE length of time, demand bill so in circulation deemed overdue 36|(3) 20 time is question of fact 36^(3) '^^ UNQUALIFIED acceptance, holder entitled to, and can refuse to take qualified acceptance 44 23 USURIOUS consideration, when bill given for, is void, in hands of holder 30 (3) 1& INDEX. 139 SECTION. PAGE. USUKIOUS— CoHtmwed. contract 30 (3) 10 See Usurious Consideration. "VALID, bill may be valid between parties yet not negotiable 8 5 VALID AND EFFECTUAL, instrument negotiated after completion as bill in hands of holder in due course, valid and effectual for all purposes and against all parties 20 (2) 11 VALID AND UNCONDITIONAL delivery of bill, when presumed VALUABLE consideration, how it may be constituted " VALUE," meaning of expression want of statement of, or that any given for bill, does not render invalid when at any time given for bill, holder deemed holder for value as against acceptor and all prior parties when value not received by an acceptor, drawer or indorser, then the bill is an accommodation bill holder to be holder in due course must have taken bill for value party whose signature to bill prima facie party for value holder of bill transferring such for, without in- dorsing gives transferee his title VE RB AL communications may supplement and validate written notice of dislionor 49 (<;) 28 VOIDED, bill not voided by insertion of date, though wrong date, if so done by holder in due course 12 6 WAIVEE, notice of dishonor may be dispensed with by waiver 50(6) 30 when notice may be waived 50 (b) 30 WAREANT for payment of dividend, law as to crossed cheqiie, applicable to 94 52 21 11 27 14 2 Ul 2 3(4) 3 27 (2) 14 28 15 29 (b) 15 30 16 31(4) 17 140 INDEX. SECTION. PAGE. WARRANTY OF transferrer by delivery 58 35 WORDS, when sum expressed in words and figures, amount in words governs 9 (2) 6 See E.vjyression^. addition of creating and relieving person signing from personal liability 26 14 given for a "patent right'' must be written across patent right note 30 (4) 16 " pay costs," meaning of, in crossed cheque 76 (7) 45 WRITTEN notice of dishonor need not be signed 49 (g) 28 indorsement must be written 32 (a) 18 WRITING, renunciation of right by holder against acceptor must be in writing 61 37 notice of dishonor may be in writing 49 (c) 28 WRONG DATE, when inserted by holder in mistake shall operate as true date 12 6 WRONGLY DESIGNATED, when payee or indorsee wrongly designated, how he may indorse 32 (2) 18 YEAR, one year allowed within which to give notice of forged indorsement on cheque from discovery of same 24 13 1 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY IMIMIil' IIIIMM AA 000 594 106 '^W'f^, ;5S# "' WV^! !^^r>;y^AAA; AA^A ■r^r,^^^^:.'M^f^f^^f\fS?\ '"m^^l^i^^^^^^ .AA. ^hhO^OKn .r^r~r\