! J- o '-Y GIFT OF A LATIN GRAMMAR FOR SCHOOLS HENRY JOHN ROBY, AUTHOR OF { A GRAMMAR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE FROM PLAUTUS TO SUETONIUS* IN TWO PARTS. Dicta sunt omnia antequam prseciperentur : mox ea scriptores observata et collecta ediderunt. QUINTIL. Hontron: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1885 [Aft Rights reserved^ STEREOTYPED EDITION. PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THIS book is in the main an abridgment for school purposes of my larger Latin Grammar, but the abridgment is very unequal, some parts being reproduced with slight omissions, some parts being largely reduced, and others again being rewritten. Under the last head fall especially chaps, i and ii of Book I, and chap, vi of Book II. Of the last-named chapter, part, particularly 132, contains an analysis which is, I think, new and interesting. I have added an English trans- lation of the Examples in almost the whole of the Syntax. It will be found that in some cases I have given the ordinary English equivalent, whilst in others I have aimed rather at explaining the Latin construction. Three Appendices are new, viz. those on Metre, on Grammatical and Rhetorical terms, and on Latin authors. Some changes in arrangement have been made (e, g. as regards degrees of comparison, and Numerals) to suit ordinary usage. The Index has been made fuller than is usual in a book of this class so full, that it may not be unimportant to observe that the book is really intended not for reference, but for study. The lists are not exhaustive, the statements of occur- rence or non-occurrence of forms or expressions must not be taken too literally, but only as approximations to the truth, with especial regard to the classical authors and usages of recognized authority in schools ; and many of the rarer usages are not noticed at all, but left to be picked up in the student's own reading, or obtained, wheji needed, from a dictionary. iv PREFACE. I have given Greek nouns in considerable detail, partly because some of my readers may not be Greek scholars, and partly because a certain mass of examples is necessary to stamp on the mind the general treatment of Greek nouns by Latin writers. Chaps, xix, xxi, and xxii should be studied, because they group the verbs according to their natural relations, but in my judgment the best way of getting up the (so-called) irregular verbs is learning them, by sheer memory, as given in the list in chap. xxiv. They are not reducible to very definite rules, and a page of mixed verbs tests the student far better than small sorted packets. The number of Examples in the Syntax has purposely been kept small in order that the main lines of the analysis may be more clearly seen than was possible in the larger work. If a student once gets the classification fairly into his head, he will not find much difficulty in increasing the number of specimens from his daily reading of authors or in assigning the new ones to their proper classes. The sectional numbering has been carried throughout the book, including the Appendices. It is merely for the purpose of reference, and is sometimes quite independent of the in- ternal division of the matter. Prof. A. S. Wilkins of Owens College has kindly looked over several of the proof sheets. Had I submitted them all to him, my readers would, doubtless, have been spared some errors of author and printer which I have, and possibly more which I have not, noticed. I shall be much obliged for any corrections or suggestions (addressed to the publishers). 24 July* 1880. IN this third edition a few corrections have been made and the translation of the Examples in the Syntax has been com- pleted. H. J. R. October ; 1885. CONTENTS. BOOK I. SOUNDS, CHAP. I. Introduction and Alphabet II. Phonetic Composition III. Quantity of Syllables IV. Accentuation BOOK II. INFLEXIONS. I. Inflexions in general IT- II. Inflexion? of Nouns ...,.,. . . 23 III. Of Gender 25 IV. Of Noun Inflexions of Number . , . . . . 30 V. . First Declension ... . , . . . . 32 VI. Second Declension 38 VII. Greek Nouns, esp. Class I 52 VIII. Greek Nouns, Class II 55 IX. Degrees of Nouns Adjective . . . . . 6r X. Numerals 65 XI. Peculiar Inflexions of certain Pronouns ... 7: XII. Adverbs and Conjunctions , 76 Appendix to Chaps. XI. XII. Pronominal Adjec- tives and Adverbs 84 XIII. Inflexions of Verbs 86 XIV. Examples of the system of Inflexions of Verbs . . 89 XV. Inflexions of sum and other Irregular Verbs . . 104 XVI. Inflexions of Person, Number and Voice . . . J o8 XVII. Inflexions of Mood in XVIII. Tenses formed from Present Stem . . . . i r 3 VI CONTENTS. CHAP. XIX. XX. XXL XXII. XXIII. XXIV. Of Verb Stems, esp. the Present Stem Tenses formed from Perfect Stem . Formation of Perfect Stem Formation of Supine Stem Of the traditional classification of Verbs List of Verbs, with Perfects, Supines, &c. PAGE 117 121 I2 3 128 133 134 BOOK III. WORD-FORMATION. I. Elements of Word-formation 154 II. Derivative Suffixes 156 III. Labial and Guttural Noun-stems . . . . 158 IV. Dental Noun-stems . . . . . . 160 V. Lingual Noun-stems 165 VI. Vowel Noun-stems ....... 170 VII. Verb-Stems . . 173 VIII. Composition 176 IX. Interjections . . 182 BOOK IV. SYNTAX or USE OF INFLEXIONAL FORMS. I. Classification of Words 184 II. Parts of a Simple Sentence and Use of the parts of Speech . . . 186 III. Use of Noun-Inflexions ; especially those of Gender and Number 192 IV. Use of Cases . 195 V. Use of Nominative Case 196 VI. Use of Accusative Case 197 VII. Use of Dative Case 201 VIII. Use of Locative and Ablative Cases .... 204 IX. Use of Genitive Case . > 212 X. Use of Infinitive 216 XI. Tenses of Infinitive 219 XII. Use of Verbal Nouns 222 XIII. Use of Verb-Inflexions. Inflexions of Voice . . 227 XIV. Use of Verbal Inflexions of Person and Number . 230 XV. Of the Indicative and Imperative Moods and their Tenses 234 XVI. Of the Subjunctive Mood and its Tenses . . . 244 XVII. Typical Subjunctives .-.-. . . . . 249 CONTENTS. vu CHAP. PAGE XVIII. Use of Moods, especially Subjunctive, in (A) Hypo- thetical and (B) Conditional clauses . . . 2=,8 XIX. Use of Subjunctive Mood to express desire (C, D) . 270 XX. Use of Subjunctive Mood to express causation (E, F) . 284 XXI, Use of Subjunctive Mood to express alien or con- tingent assertions 296 XXII. Of Reported Speech 307 XXIII. Order of Words and Sentences 312 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX. I. Prepositions and quasi-prepositional Adverbs . . 317 II. Conjunctions 331 III. Negative particles 335 IV. Interrogative particles 331) V, Pronouns 340 APPENDICES. A. Money, Measures, Weights 348 B. Division of Time and Expression of Date . . . 352 C. Names of Relations by Blood and Marriage . . . 354 D. Elements and Terms of Latin Metre .... 356 E. Explanation of some Grammatical and Rhetorical terms 367 F. Principal (extant) Latin Authors . . . . 372 G Abbreviations . . . . . . . . - TRANSLATION OF EXAMPLES IN SYNTAX, 439 7 373 INDEX 412 BOOK I. SOUNDS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION and ALPHABET. 1 LATIN was the language spoken by the inhabitants of a district on the western side of Italy hundreds of years B.C. Of this tract the chief town was Rome, and the conquests of the Romans spread the language over the neighbouring countries. The modern languages of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Wallachia, and of parts of eastern Switzer- land, are derived from it; and mainly through the influence of the Christian Church it was the language principally used in European literature, law, State documents, and learned intercourse, during the middle ages. With the exception of a very few short inscriptions on stones and works of art, the earliest documents in Latin which are still preserved to us are a few fragments of Livius Andronicus and of Naevius, dating from about 240 B.C. or later. The earliest literary compositions in Latin in a complete state, are the plays of Plautus (born 354 B.C., died 184 B.C.). The best period of the Latin language and literature was comprised in the lifetimes of Cicero and Augustus. After about A.D. izo, the decline both in language and literature became more sensible. Latin belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, and is most nearly related to Greek. Its alphabet was taken probably from that of the Dorian Greeks of the trading colony of Cumae in Cam- pania. The forms of the letters were similar to, and in the time of Cicero almost the same as, the capital letters now in use in English and other languages of western Europe. I. G. i V SOUNDS. \Book /. 2 The following table contains the letters of the Latin alphabet as used in Cicero's time, with their names and probable pronunciation. Sign. Name. Pronounced as English A a a in papa B be b C ce k D de d E e a in late, or e in fete F cf / G ge g hard, as in give H ha h in &z/ I i ec in ,/tttf, or / in machine K ka k L el / M em m (except at end of words) N en n, but, when before a guttural, as ng O o o, approaching to a) ad in compounds : appello, accurro, aggero, &c. ob in oppono, occurro, &c.; sub in suppono, succurro, suggero, &c. ec in effugio, &c. ; dis in diffugio, &c. ; com in corruo, colluo, &c. 26 Partial assimilation is found chiefly in the following cases : () A voiced consonant is changed into the corresponding voice- less consonant; e.g. scrlp-tus for scrib-tus; ac-tus for ag-tus; auxi ( auc-si) for aug-si ; optineo for obtineo. This change was necessary tor articulation, even where the spelling was not altered. () m is changed into n if a dental follow ; n into m if a labial follow : e. g. con-tero for com-tero ; exin-de for exim-de ; im-pero for in-pero ; im-berbis for in-berbis, &c. Before a guttural n is written, but pronounced as the guttural nasal, i.e. as ng in English; e.g. inquam pronounced ing-q\vam. 8 SOUNDS. \Book L 27 Another change very common in Latin is that of tt or dt to ss or s; e.g. defensum for defendtum ; missum for mit-tum; nexum (i.e. nee-sum) for nect-tum ; &c. So always when a suffix beginning with t is appended to a form ending in d or t. (The right theory of this change is that the t of the suffix is changed to s, and the final d or t of the stem is assimilated to it ; e.g. mit-tum, mit-sum, missum.) 28 s between two vowels changed to r ; thus pignus makes pign6ris ; 6nus, 6n6ra (but shows its proper final consonant in onustus) ; pulvis, pulvfiris ; Papirius was formerly Paplsius ; Numfirius is for Numlsius ; dis- in composition becomes dlr- ; e. g. diiimo for dls-6mo ; dlribeo for dis-habeo, &c. 29 After m and before a dental p is sometimes inserted ; e.g. sumptus, sumpsi for sum-tus, sum-si ; hiemps for hiems. The p is in fact almost involuntarily pronounced in passing from m to t or s. (Analogously in Greek aVSpor for aj/-po?, p-fa-rju^pia for /* f o-rjpcpia ', in French vendredi from veneris dies ; nomtore from numerus.) Omission or Change of Vowels. 30 Vowels are sometimes' changed in quantity or in quality. Change in Quantity of l r Change in quantity is either from- short to long, or from long to short. 31 Short vowels are changed to long (the quality of the vowel usually remaining the same) : (a) From the absorption of a consonant ; e. g. casum for cadtum (cassum) ; examen for exagmen ; jumentum- for Jugnientum ; pono for posno. () In forming the perfect tense; e.g. leg'o, perf. legi; 6mo, emi ; sfideo, sedi; fugio, fugi ; video, vidij fftdio, fodi ; but a when length- ened in perfects becomes e ; e. g. ago, egi ; capio, cepi ; facio, feci (except before u, e.g. lauo, lavi). (c) In some compounds or derivatives ; e. g. placere, placare ; sSnare, persona ; sdpor, sopire ; r&gSre, rex, regis ; s&dere, sedes ; tggere, tegula ; dux, diicis, duco ; mal6-dlc-us, dicare, dlco ; fides, perf Idus, fldo. (It is assumed in these cases that the short vowel is the original.) (d} By transposition, ar, 6r (which is often for ir), &c. become ra, re, rl, &c. e. g. ster-no, stra-vi, stra-mn j cer-no, cre-vi, crl-men ; serpo, (s)repo ; ter-nus, trl-nus ; t6ro, trlvi, trltus ; and probably por, pro ; sup6r-Imus (supermus), supre-mus. (e) By contraction with another vowel (see instances below). 32 Long vowels are changed t& short, chiefly in the final syllable ; e. g. calcar for calcare, bldental for Mdentale ; amat6r, majCr from stems with o long ; in verbs am&r, amat, mon6t, audit, all of which are pro- Chap. //.] Phonetic Composition. 9 perly long by contractions (for ama-or, ama-it, &c.) ; audivgrfs (sometimes) ; so am6, r6gd, ctipi& occasionally in later poets ; and many final syllables in Plautus ; &c. Change In Quality of Vowels. 33 Change in the quality of the vowel has usually been in this order : a, o, u, e, i, not the reverse; that is to say, an original a may change to any of these ; o may change to u, e, or 1 ; u may change to e or i ; e may change to i ; but an original i does not change to a, &c. 34 Root vowels are often changed when by a* syllable being prefixed (as in composition) the root syllable loses the first place. The usual changes of radical vowels are as follows : Radical a to e before a final consonant or two consonants, or r ; e. g. carpo, discerpo ; rapio, correptus ; damno, condemno ; sacer, consScro ; fallo, fefelli ; pars, expers ; facio, artlfex, effectus ; annus, perennis ; pario, pepgri paro, impfiro ; c. Radical a to i before ng, or before any single consonant, except r ; e.g. pango, impingoj tango, attingo; pango, pgplgi ; tango, tetlgi; rapio, corripio ; apiscor, indipiscor ; facio, efflcio ; ratus, irrltus ; capiit, occiput ; amicus, Inlnricus ; fades, superficies ; &c. Radical a to u before labials or 1 with another consonant ; e. g. capio, aucupari ; taberna, contubernium ; lavo, diltivies ; salto, insulto ; calco, inculco ; c. Radical e to i, e.g. 16go, colllgo, dlllgo; 6mo, adlmo; figeo, indlgeo; prSmo, opprimo, tSneo, rStineo. Radical o is occasionally changed to u: e.g. ad61eo, adiilescens ; radical u to i ; e. g. clftpeus, clipeus ;' lubet, nbet. The diphthong ae becomes in compounds I, and au becomes o or u; e.g. aestimo, existlmo; aequus, inlquus; ; pfaudo, explodo; suffoco from fauces; accftso from causa; exclude from claudo. The usual changes of vowels in suffixes are as follows : 35 a in suffixes becomes u before 1, e before r or 11, and i before other single consonants; e.g. casa, casula; porta, portula; cista, cistella; Allia, Alliensis. 36 o in the older language often gave place to u in the later language; e.g. cSsentiont, consentiunt; vivont, vivunt; Idquontur, ISquuntur; p6p61os, pdpulus; volt, vult; mortuos (nom. s.), mortuus; quom, cum; filios, fllius, &c. ; but it is retained after e, i or u; e.g. auredlus, ebridlus, frivdlus. o was changed to u before two consonants or a final s ; e,g. carbon-, carbunculus ; min6s-, mlnfts, minuscftlus ; : corpfis-*, corpus, corpusculum ; but also to e sometimes before two consonants, or when final ; e.g. major-, majestas; faciundus (probably earlier faciondus), facien- dus; ipse (for ips6s, ipsd-); taurg (voc.) for taur6- or taurds; &c. 6 in final stem syllable to i ; e. g. carddn-, cardlnis ; IrOmOn-, hOmlnis; alto-, altlttldo; armo-, armipOtens ; fato-, fattdlcus. SOUNDS. [Book T. 6 in final stem syllable to i; e.g. cardda-, cardiais; admda-, homiais; alto-, altitude; armo-, armipdteas; fato-, fatidicus. 37 u in the older (prae- Augustan) language is often found where I is used in the later language; e.g. maxumus, saactissuaius, vlcensunms, arciibus (from arcus), portubus, maacupem, capfctalem became later inaxlmus, saactisslmus^ vlcesimus, arcibus, portlbus, maacipem, capi- talem. S3 6 is found as final, where I is found before s or d; e.g. facllg, facilis; mare, marls; potg, pdtls; fortasse, fortassis; rggg, rggis; rege, regis ; fatearg, fatearis. 6 is changed to I in the final syllable of a stem to which a letter or syllable is suffixed: either if 8 be final in the stem, but the suffix begin with a con- sonant; e.g. 1115, iUIc; uadg, uadique; iadg, indidem; antS, aatistgs; bgag, bgaigaus; mdag-, mOaltus; aabg-, aablto; rggg, rgglte, rgglto: or if 6 be not final in the stem, but the suffix begin with a vowel; e.g. al6s (for alet-s), allt-is; p6d6s (for p6det-s), p6dlt-is; antistes (for antistets), antistit-a; agm6n, agmln-is; biceps, blclplt-em; ver- tex, vertic-is; d6cem, ddcim-us. But (in the last-mentioned case) S remains after i, or before r or tr ; e.g. aries, arigtis; t6n6r, tengra; plp6r, pipgris; ggnltor, g6n6trix; f6ro, r6f6ro ; seatio, consentio. 6 (when not final in the stem) remains also if the suffix begin with a consonant; e.g. ale's for al6t-s; obsgs for obsgd-s; nutrlmga, nutri- mea-tum (compared with autrimia-Is) ; sgaex (i.e. seaec-s), sgaectus. 39 Occasionally a vowel is assimilated to the vowel in the next syllable; e. g. slmulo, slmilis ; Aemilius compared with aemulus ; famllia with famulus; exsilium with exsul. In all these cases the u, which is both earlier than i, and has a special affinity to 1, is changed to i, because an i follows the 1. Affinity of vowels to consonants. 40 It will be seen from the preceding, that some vowels appear to have special affinity to some consonants following. Thus we find u before 1; e before U; comp. vello, yulsum; percello, perculi; fallo, fgfelli ; pello, pgpuli, pulsum. e before r ; comp. fgro, coafgro with rego, corrlgo ; aasgr, aasgris with algs, alitis ; &c. u before m; the u however eventually gave way to I, which is the ordinary short vowel in unaccented syllables ; e.g. mSaumeatum, maxu- mus, ceatesumusj later m0aimeatum, maxlmus, ceatesuaus. e before two consonants.; i before one (not final); e.g. nutrlmgn, autriauals, autrimeatum ; scaado, coasceado compared with caao, coa- ciao. i is especially frequent before the dentals t, d, a and s, but this is partly because it is the lightest yowel, and suffixes with t, d, a, s are especially frequent, Chap. 77. ] Phonetic Composition. n Omission of Fb 41 A short vowel is often omitted between two consonants ; e. g. i has been dropped in facultas for facilitas ; misertum for mlsgritum ; puertia (Hor.) for puerltia; postus (Verg.) for positus; replictus (Verg.) for repllcitus; audacter for audaciter; fert for f6rit; valde for vallde; caldus for calldus. And even when the vowel is radical; e.g. pergo for porrigo (from per rSgo) ; surgo for surrigo (from sub r8go). u in suffixes -ciilo, -pulo, especially in verse; e.g, manipulus makes maniplus; vinculum, viaclum ; pgriculum, pgrlelum ; cdlumen (Plaut.), culmen. 6 before r, e. g. ace"r, acris ; aggr, agrum ; dextSra, dextra ; infera, infra; nostSr, nostra; also nialignus for m.allge'nus, gigno for gigfino; calfacere for caleTacere, &c. Other Changes. 42 5 was in the earlier prae- Augustan language retained after v ; e.g. serv6s, later servus. Hence when o in qvo- changed to u, the v was dropped, and c (sometimes) written for q. Thus quom became cum ; quoi, quor became cui, cur; aliquobi, alicubi; quoquds (Plaut.) became cdcus (also written coquus), a cook ; 6quos, 6cus (also equus) ; loquon- tur, locuntur (also loquuntur).. 43 h and v between- two vowels often dropped out, or the v was treated as a vowel, and the vowels, thus brought together, coalesced into a single vowel or a diphthong. dehibeo, praehlbeo (in Plautus) became debeo, praebeo ; comprg- hendo became comprendo ; cShors, cors ; nihil, nil ; mllii, often mi ; dehinc, mehercules are in verse sometimes treated, though not written, as if contracted into dene, mercules. amave'ram, amaram ; flevgram, fleram ; amavisse, amasse ; navita, nauta ; avlceps, auceps ; aevitas, aetas ; hovorsum, horsum ; provldens, pnidens; juvgnior, junior; breylma, brumaj nevolo, nolo; pblivltus, oblltus. So in Plautus J6vem, 6vis, bSves, br6vi are monosyllabic, and avoneulus, oblivisci are trisyllables. 44 i and v, in some words where they ordinarily were pronounced as vowels, sometimes in verse were treated as consonants (pronounced as Engl. y and w). Thus in Plautus scio, dies, filio, otium are scanned as if pronounced scjo, djes, filjo, otjum$ in the dactylic poets we have arjetat, abjStS, parje"tlbus, steljo, omnja, precantja, vindemjator, consiljum, &c. Similarly in Plautus tuos, suos, puer, fuit are scanned as tvos, svos, pver, fvit ; and in dactylic poets we have genva, pitvlta, patrvi, sinvatis. So the trisyllabic earlier forms mlluus, larua, were in the later pronounced milvus, larva. Tenvis, tenvior seem to have been always disyllables. 45 In several cases, changes, liyhiclv might according to the usual practice be expected, were avoided, lest confusion should arise. e.g. afo is not so often changed in composition as sub is, because of the SOUNDS. [Book /. danger of confusion with compounds of ad; hence we have abreptus, not arreptus, like surreptus. The vowel before the suffix tat- is usually I; e.g. aviditas, pra vitas, gra vitas, but after i, 6 is used; e.g. pietas, societas (not piitas, sociitas). Similarly the vowel before the suffix -lo is usually u; e. g. singulus, populus, tantulus, hortulus ; but after 1, e or v, the older o is often preserved; e.g. aureolus, filiolus, servolus. This principle appears to have frequently preserved the i before s in the nom. sing, of nouns of the second class. Thus canis, jUvSnis, if deprived of i would become cans, then cas; juvens, then juves, or even jus, where the stem would be greatly disguised. 46 When vowels come together in a word, sometimes they remain un- changed, sometimes they coalesce into a new sound (vowel or diphthong). 47 A broader vowel followed by a long narrower vowel is usually absorbed into it or forms a diphthong with it. a + u becomes au; e.g. caultum, cautum; aviceps, auceps. a + 1 becomes e; e.g. ametis for amaltis. + i becomes I; e.g. domlnl for domlnoi, dominls for dominois; or oi; e.g. quoi, proin. Exceptions : u + I either remains as in cui, huic, where u was probably semi-conso- nantal, or the i is dropped; e.g, senatu-i, sometimes senatu. e + I; e.g. spei or spe, rei or re, sometimes- pronounced as disyllabic spSI, rSI or rei. 48 A broader vowel followed by a short narrower vowel often absorbs it. a + 6, or ii, or , or I; e.g. ama-ont (or ama-unt), amant; amav6ram, amaram; ainavisse, amasse; but Cri-Ius remains as dactyl. - o + 6, or I ; e. g. noveram, noram ; ntovisse,. mosse ; coemptus, comptus ; co-imo, como. But o + vi often becomes- u< evg. provldens, prddens; dvlpilio, upilio; ndvumper, nttper; m6vlto y mfito. , u+I; senatu-is, senatus. , e-hl; delevisse, delesse; mone-is, moneS; dehlbeo, debeo. 49 A narrower vowel followed by a broader vowel either remains un- changed, or assumes a quasi-consonantal character. u + a, or o; e.g. tuas, tuos. e + a, or o, or u; e.g. moneas, saxea, saxeo, saxeum; eunt, earn, eo. In alveo, alvearia; eodem, eadem, &c. the e must be regarded as semi- consonantal. But monent, not moaeunt. 1 + a, or o, or u, or e; e.g. audiam, audiunt, audies; filias, filios. But in fili for filie, sis for sies, mag-is for magios, and some other words, the i absorbs the following vowel. 50 A vowel before the same vowel, usually absorbs it and becomes long? e.g. eooperio, coperio; cohors, cors; delevSrat, delerat; prehendo, prendo. But i + i, if one be long, gives I; if both are short, I; e.g. dil, dl; consilil, consill; audifsti, audlsti; mini, ml; but fugl-Is, fugls; egregi-Ior, egreglor; navl Ibus, navlbus. o Chap. ///.] Quantity of Syllables. 13 CHAPTER III. ^QUANTITY OF SYLLABLES. fS 51 TuAT^partpf grammar which treats of the Quantity of Syllables is often cz\\<&*4*rosody, a term which the ancients applied principally to accentuation. If the voice dwells upon a syllable in pronouncing it, it is called a long syllable : if it passes rapidly over it, it is called a short syllable. Two short syllables are considered to occupy the same time as one long syllable. A syllable is long or short, either because it contains a vo^vel naturally long or short ; or on account of the position of its vowel. Long vowels are marked in grammars by a straight line over the vowel : thus d5ms. Short vowels are marked by a curved line over the vowel : thus, regg. These marks over the vowels are frequently (though improperly) used to denote the length or shortness of the syllable. But it must be remembered that a long syllable may have a short vowel. 52 i. Quantity of vowels not in the last syllable of a word. i. All diphthongs are long (except before another vowel) ; e.g. aurum; deinde; &c. a. All vowels which have originated from contraction are long ; e.g. cogo for cd-lgo (from com ago), momentum for mdvlmentum, tiblcen for tibil-cen ; &c. 3. The quantity of the radical syllables of a word is generally preserved in composition or derivation, even when the vowel is changed; e.g. mater, maternus; cado, incldo ; caedo, incldo ; amo, amor, amicus, inlmlcus ; &c. So also almost always where the members of what is apparently a compound word may be treated as separate words, as quapropter, mecum, alioqui, agricultura. But we have siquldem and quand6- quldem (from si ;and quando) ; and of the compounds of ubl, uti, the following, ublvis, sicutl, necubi, utinam, utlque, have i always short, ubique always long. For the quantity of root vowels no rule can be given. The quantity of inflexional or derivative affixes is given in Books II. III. Greek words usually retain in Latin their own quantity. SOUNDS. [Book L 53 ii. Quantity of vowels in the last syllable of a word. (A) Monosyllables are long. Except (a) The enclitics -que" 3 -n6, -ve", -eg, which are always appended to other words. () Words ending with b, d, t ; e.g. ab, sub, 6b; ad, Id, qu6d, quid; at, dat, 6t, net, tdtj &c, (c) fac, lac, nSc, an, In, f61, m51, vel, f6r, per, t6r, vlr, cdr, quls (nom. sing.), Is, bis, els, 6s (a bone}. The nom. masculine hie is not frequently short. 6s (thou art} usually short ; but es in Plaut., Ter. 54 (B) In polysyllables: a and e (and jf) final are short Except a in (a) Abl. sing, of nouns with a- stem ; e. g. musa. (i) Imperative sing. act. of verbs with a- stem ; e.g. ama. (c) Indeclinable words; e.g. ergft, intra, quadraginta; but Ita, quia, eja; and (in Pers. and Mart.) puta, for instance (properly imper. of putare). {d} Greek vocatives from nominatives in as; e.g. Aenea, Palla : and Greek horn. sing, of a- stems ; e. g. Electra. 55 Except e in (a) Gen. dat. abl. sing, of nouns with e- stems; e.g. facie; so also h&dig. But hgrg, yesterday, has 6 short. () Imperative sing. act. of verbs with e- stems; e.g. mone ; but in cave (Hor. Ov,), and vide (Phaedn Pers.), it is sometimes short. (c) Adverbs from adjectives with o- stems; e.g. docte, to which add f6re, ferrae, pgrggre, ohe ; but ben, ma!6, inferng, superng. t6m6re is only found before a vowel. mact6, probably an adverb, also has e short. (d} Greek neut. pi. ; e. g. tempS, pelage ; fern. sing, crambe, Circe" ; masc. voc. Alcide. 56 1, 0, u (in polysyllables} final are long; Except i in (a) mihi, tibi, sibi, ubi, ibi, in which i is common ; and quasi, nisi. (Of the compounds ubinam, iiblvis are always short, ubique, utroblque always long, utlnam, nutlquam (or ne utlquam, not neutiquam) are short, though utl is long.) (Z>) Greek nom. ace. neuters sing.; e.g. sinapi: vocatives; e.g. Parl, Amarylll : rarely dat. sing. e.g. Minoidl. 57 Except 6 in () cit5, imm5, modd (and compounds), dud, eg5, cSdd and end6 (old form of in). Rarely erg5. Martial, Juvenal, &c., have intr6, porrO, serd, oct6. Sec. ; modo has sometimes final o long in Lucretius and earlier poets. Chap. III.] Quantify of Syllables. 15 (b) In the present tense of the verbs sci6, nescid, put6, void, used parenthetically, o is sometimes short : and occasionally in and after the Augustan age in other verbs with short penult; e.g. rogtt, vet6, nuntid, obsecrd. Instances of o being short in other parts of the & . verb, or in verbs with long penult, are rarer; e.g. estd, caeditC, Oder 6, dabd, tendd, tolld, credd. (r) In Nominatives of Proper names with consonant stems 6 is common, e.g. PolliS, Scipid, Curid, Nas6 ; sometimes virgd, nem6, liomo, and other appellatives in Martial, Juvenal, &c. Datives and ablatives in o are never short, except the ablative gerund once or twice in Juvenal and Seneca. 58 Final syllables (of polysyllables} ending in any other single consonant than s are short. But the final syllable is long in (a) all cases of illlc, istic, except the nom. masc. (b) all compounds of par, e. g. dispar, compar. (c) alec, lien. (W) lit, petnt, and their compounds (and of course It, petit as contracted perfects). (e) some Greek nominatives in -er; e.g. crater, character, ar, aether; and some cases in -n; e.g. siren (nom.), Aenean (ace.), Eucliden (ace.), epigrammaton (gen. pi.) ; &c. G9 Of the final syllables in 8, as, os, es, are long. Except (a) anas (probably) ; exds ; compds, Impos ; p6n6s. (b) nom. sing, in -es of nouns with consonant stems, which have dtis, Itis, Idis in genitive, e. g. s6g6s, mile's, obsgs : but paries, abies, aries, Cfires. (c) compounds of es (from sum), e.g. abgs. (*/) some Greek words; e.g. Ilias (nom.), crateras (ace. pi.); DelSs (n. sing.), Erinny6s, dhlamyd6s (gen. sing.), ArcadSs, cra- teres (nom. pi.) ; Cynosarg6s (neat. s.). 60 us and is are short. Except us in (a) gen. sing, and nom. and ace. plu. of nouns with -u stems. () nom. sing, of consonant nouns, when genitive singular has long penultimate, e.g. telias (teUuris), palus (paliidis), virtus (virtutis). (Hor. has once palus.) (r) some Greek names; Sapphus (gen. s.), Panthils (nom. s.). 61 Except Is in (a) dat. andabl. plural, e.g. mensls, vobis, quls ; so gratis, forls. Also in ace. (and nom.) plural of -i stems; e.g. omnis. r 6 SOUNDS. '[Book I. (b) and pers. sing. pres. ind. of verbs with -1 stems; e.g. audls: also possis (and other compounds of sis), veils, noils, malls. (c) and pers. sing, of perf. subj. and compl. fut. in which is is common ; e.g. viderls. () in arsis 1 , chiefly at the regular caesura; e.g. Stant et juniper! et castaneae hirsutae. (Verg.) Si pereo, liominum manibus periisse juvabit. (Verg.) (t) in thesis 1 , a long vowel, especially in a monosyllable, is sometimes shortened instead of elided ; e.g. Credimus? an qui amant ipsi sibi somnia fingunt? (Verg.) Hoc motu radiantis Etesiae in vada ponti. (Cic.) (d) a word ending in m is rarely not elided; e.g. Miscent inter sese inimicitiam agitantes. (Enn.) Sed dum abest quod avemus, id exsuperare videtur. (Lucr.) 66 A short final syllable ending in a consonant is always lengthened by an initial consonant in the word following; e.g. (in liquuntur and Pnoebus) Vellitur, huic atro liquuntur sanguine guttae. (Verg.) Quo Phoebus vocet errantis jubeatque reverti. (Verg.) 67 A short final syllable ending in a vowel is rarely lengthened before two consonants at the beginning of the next word. This is done before sp, sc, st ; more rarely still before pr, br, fr, tr. There are a few instances in Catullus, Tibullus, Martial, &c. (none in Lucretius, Vergil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid); e.g. Nulla fugae ratio ; nulla spes ; omnia muta. (Cat.) Tua si bona nescis seryare, frustra clavis inest foribus. (Tib.) On the other hand a short final vowel is rarely found before sp, sc, sq, st, gn. Lucilius, Lucretius, Horace in Satires, and Propertius have, in all, about 23 instances ; Vergil one, and that where the sense is interrupted. Other poets have hardly a single instance : such a collocation was avoided alto- gether. A short final vowel is not put before an initial z by the best writers except in zmaragdus, Zacynthus. The enclitic -que is lengthened in arsis not uncommonly by Vergil (before two consonants, or a liquid or s), and by Ovid : very rarely by others ; e. g. Tribulaque traheaeque et iniquo pondere rastra. (Verg.) So once final a ; Dona dehinc auro gravia sectoque elephanto. (Verg.) 68 Occasionally (in Vergil about 50 times) a short final closed syllable is lengthened by the arsis, though the next word begins with a vowel : this is chiefly in the caesura, or when a proper name or Greek word follows, or where the sense is interrupted ; e.g. (all from Vergil) 1 The arsis is the metrical accent of a foot, and is on the first syllable in dacty], spondee, and trochee ; on the last in iambus and anapaest. The thesis is the want of metrical accent, and is on the last syllable of dactyl, &c., on the. first of iambus, &c. Chap. ///] Quantity of Syllables. 19 Pacem me exanimis et Martis sorte peremptis oratis? Equidem et vivis concedere vellem. Desine plura puer, et quod mine instat agamus. Olli serva datur, operum fraud ignara Minervae. Ipse, ubi tempus erit, omnes in fonte lavabo. Pectoribus inhians, spirantia consulit exta. In thesis it is very rare ; e.g. Si non periret immiserabilis | captiva pubes. (I lor.) 69 v. Peculiarities in early dramatic verse. In early dramatic verse the quantity of syllables was not so definitely fixed or observed, as in the later dactylic and other verse. The principal cases of deviation from the rules given above may be classified as follows. i. Final syllables, afterwards short, were sometimes used with their original long quantity; e.g. fama (nom. s.), soror, pater; amet, sciat, ponebat, perciplt, vendidlt ; amer, loquar, &c. 2. Final syllables with long vowels were sometimes used as short; e.g. domd (abl. s.), probS (adv.), tace", mauu, virl, &c. ; conrigl, bonas, foras, do!6s, ovs, manus (ace. pi.), bonls, &c. This is almost confined to iambic words. 3. Syllables containing a vowel followed by two consonants were sometimes used as short. Such are (a) Syllables in the later language written with doubled consonants ; e.g. Immo, ille, simlllimae, Pliillppus, 6sse, dcculto, &c. (b] Some syllables with two different consonants ; e.g. Inter, Interim, Intus, Inde, iinde, n5mpe, dmnis. So also (according to some) voliiptas, maglstratus, minlstrabit, venustas, senSctus, &c. (or perhaps volptas, magstratus, &c.) ; gxpediant, gxigere, i^xorem. 4. Final syllables ending in a consonant were sometimes not lengthened, though the next word began with a consonant; e.g. (in Terence) enlm vero, auctus sit, sor6r dictast, dablt nemo, simul conficiam, tamSn suspicor, &c. ; apud is frequently so used : even studSnt facere. This licence is most frequent, when the final consonant is m, s, r, or t ; and is due to the tendency of the early language to drop the final consonant, and to shorten the final vowel. 5. On the freer use of what grammarians call synizesis, e.g. tvos for tuos, scjo for scto, &c. see 44. CHAPTER IV. ACCENTUATION. 70 ACCENT is the elevation of voice, with which one syllable of a word is pronounced, in comparison with the more subdued tone with which the other syllables are pronounced. 2 2 20 SOUNDS. {Book L This subdued tone is called by grammarians the grave accent. The principal rules of Latin accentuation are given by Quintilian, I. 5. 22 31. It is the habit in modern times to understand by accent in Latin (as in English) only stress, or greater stress on one syllable relatively to other syllables, and to denote this by loud ness, or greater loudness of voice. There are however some grounds for thinking that the Romans meant by accent musical pitch and pronounced acutely accented syllables in a higher pitch, but not with greater stress or force or loudness 1 . 71 Monosyllables always have the accent. Disyllables have the accent on the penultimate syllable, unless they are enclitic. Words of more than two syllables have the accent on the ante-penulti- mate, if the penultimate syllable is short ; on the penultimate, if it is long. The Romans distinguish between an acute and a circumflex accent. The circumflex is only on monosyllables which have long vowels; and, in words of more than one syllable, on the penultimate, if that have a long vowel, and the final syllable have a short vowel. If the acute be marked by a ' over the vowel ; the circumflex by a A , the above rules may be illustrated by the following examples : Monosyllables ; ab, ml, fel ; ars, pars, nix, fax ; sp6s, flfls, m6s, lis ; nidus, ffins, lux. Disyllables; dus, citus, drat; dec-, Cato, arant ; sellers, pontus, ponto, luna ; luna, R6ma, vidlt. Polysyllables ; Sergius, fuscina, credere ; Se'rgio, fuscinas, crederent ; Metellus, fenestra ; Metello, fen^strae ; Sabino, praedives ; Sabinus, Romane, amicus, amare. 72 All compound words, whether their parts can or cannot be used as separate words, are accented according to the regular rules; e.g. anhelo, redirno ; undique, itaque (therefore) ; itidem, utinam, postiiac, postmodo, introrsus, quicumque, jamdudum, exadversum, quodsi, forsan, &c. So respiiblica or res piiblica. A few words, called enclitics, always appended to other words, caused, according to the Roman grammarians, the accent to fall on the last syllable of the word to which they were attached. These are -que (and), -ne, -ve, -ce, -met, -pte, -dum, and also the separable words, quando, inde ; e.g. itaque (and so), utique (and as), illice, hicine, mihimet, respice- dum, exinde, ecquando, &c. So also que in pleraque. In the case of many words called enclitics (owing to their own quantity) the accentuation is the same, whether they be considered as enclitics proper, or parts of a compound ; e. g. quandoquidem, scilicet, quibuslibet, quantumvis, &c. 73 Prepositions and adverbs used as prepositions (e.g. intra) were regarded as closely attached to the word which they precede and qualify. In inscriptions they are frequently written as one word with their nouns. The Roman grammarians considered them to have no accent when thus pre- ceding their noun or a word (e.g. adjective or genitive case) dependent on 1 So A. J. Ellis, Hints on the Quantitative Pronunciation of Latin. I do not profess here to decide the question. Chap. IV.~\ Accentuation. 21 it ; e.g. ad eas, adhuc, in foro, virtutem propter patris, &c. But if they follow their noun, they are said to retain their own accent; e.g. quae- propter, quacum ; but cum after personal pronouns is said to be enclitic ; e. g. nobiscum. (L. Miiller, resting on the usage of dactylic poets as to the caesura, &c., confines this to the words me, te, se, nos, vos, in company with disyllabic prepositions in -ter, -tra ; e. g. inter nos, intra se.) So also the relative was unaccented, the interrogative accented; e.g. quo die rediit, on which day he returned: qu6 die 1 on which day ? 74 Apparent exceptions to the general rules are some words in which the accent remains, notwithstanding the loss of a syllable; e.g. r. Some words where the accent is on what is now the last syllabic ; e.g. illic, prodflc, tantdn, bonan, satin, nostras, for illice, produce, tantdne, bonane, satisne, nostratis, &c. 2. Some where the accent is on the penult instead of on the ante- penult ; e.g. (gen. and voc.) Valeri, Vergili, &c. (for Valerie, Valerii; VergUie, Vergllii ; &c.); and the verbs (really not complete compounds) calefacis, mansuefacit, c. 75 It would appear, though little reference is made to such a doctrine in the Roman grammarians, that words of more than three syllables must have frequently had besides the principal accent another subordinate one ; e. g. numeravimus, sisterSmus, longitudo, difficultatibus had probably a subordinate accent on the first syllables. The first part of a compound especially may have retained to seme extent the accent which it had as a simple word; e.g. pergrandis, praster- ire, ve"rsipellis, undeviginti. 76 The frequent omission or absorption of a short vowel, or of a syllable which has according to the general rules the accent, leads to the inference that there must have been a tendency to put the accent nearer to the begin- ning of the word than the antepenultimate or penultimate syllable. The effort to do this, and the resistance made by the heavy dragging of the unaccented syllables after it, were the cause of the omission, e.g. intellexisti became intellexti ; dehibeo, debeo; rjavideo, gaudeo ; surripuit, surpuit; calcare (nom. sing.), calcar ; armigeruG, drmiger ; pueritia, puertia ; &c. So the weakening of the vowel in compounds; e.g. inquiro for inquaero, concludo for com-claudo, abreptus for ab-raptus, is difficult to explain, so long as the affected syllable is considered as accented. Similarly the change of ille-ce to illice, illic, suggests doubts as to the truth oi the doctrine respecting enclitics, given above, 72. BOOK II. INFLEXIONS. CHAPTER I. INFLEXIONS IN GENERAL. 77 WORDS may be divided into two classes, those which have inflexions, and those which have not inflexions. Nouns, pronouns, and verbs are Inflected; other words, viz. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, are not inflected. 78 Inflexions are those alterations or additions, which are made in a word in order to give it special meanings suited to the different functions which it is to fulfil as part of a sentence. That part of a word which is essentially the same under such different uses is called the stem (or theme, or crude form}. Thus from stem bon, we have bon-us, a good he ; bon-a, a good she ; bon-ura, a good thing. From stem mulier, mulier-is, woman's ; mulier-es, women ; mulier-um, women's. From stem priucep, princep-s, a chief- princip-is, a chiefs. From stem ama, ama-t, loie-s ama-sti, love-dst ama-tus, love-d ; ama-ns, lov-ing. From stem pug, pu-n-go, I prick ; pu-pug-i, I prlck-ed ; pu-n-c-tus, prick-ed. Sometimes the inflexion is a mere addition at the end of the stem, as -is and -es are appended to mulier; -t, -sti, -tus, -ns appended to ama. Sometimes it is inserted in the middle, as n in pungo, punctus ; sometimes prefixed, as pu- in pupugi ; sometimes the stem is changed in consequence of the addition, as the addition of is to princep makes it into princip-is, or as sta- becomes stare for sta-gre. 79 A stem is (in Latin) rarely used without having an inflexion, unless the inflexion, which would otherwise be used, is on phonetic Chap. /.] Inflexions in general. 23 grounds inapplicable ; e. g. the stem nmlier is used as the nominative case without the inflexion s being added, because mul;ers would have come to be pronounced as mulies, and the characteristic r would have been lost. Different nouns and verbs and other words have often a common part ; such common part is called a roof. Thus the root sta- (ori- ginally sta, sometimes sta) is common to sta-re, sta-tio, sta-tuo, sta- men, sta-tura, sta-tim, c., to stand, standing, stablisb, standing- thread (i.e. warp), standing-height, instantly. A root may be used as a stem, or the stem may contain the root with alterations or additions. CHAPTER II. INFLEXIONS OF NOUNS. 80 THE inflexions of nouns and pronouns are in the main the same. The inflexions of verbs are quite distinct. The inflexions of nouns are always additions to, or alterations in, the end of the stem. They serve to mark the gender, the case, and the number of the word. 81 There are in Latin Three genders called masculine, feminine, and neuter. Six cases called nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, locative, and ablative. Another form is found in some nouns, to which the name of vocative case has often been applied. Two numbers called singular andp/urat. Originally a noun probably received a special modification to denote its gender, its case, and its number; that is to say, the form of the word showed whether the person denoted by it was (for instance) considered as male or female (gender}, as the agent or object of an action (case), as by himself or as joined with others (tiumber). E.g. a common stem serv- denoting slave became servo- for male slave, serva- for female slave. If the slave was the object of the action, m was added, thus, servom, servam ; if not one, but several slaves were spoken of as the object of the action, s was added, thus servoms, servams, which were eventually pronounced and written servos, servas. But many of the inflexions, as they are found in regular Latin, do not show their purpose so plainly, being only the remains of a fuller system of inflexions, and having their original form often altered or disguised by contact with the final letters of the stem. 24 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 82 Latin nouns may be conveniently divided according to their in- flexions into two main classes : The first containing the stems ending in a or e or o ; The second containing the stems ending in u or i or a consonant. In the first class a and o are as regards adjectives entirely, and as regards substantives to a large extent, suffixes expressing respectively a the feminine gender, o the masculine and neuter genders. The neuter is distinguished from the masculine only in the nominative and accusative cases. The steins in e arc confined to substantives, and are all feminine. In the second class there are both masculine and feminine nouns with all of these stems, and the inflexions of case and number are the same for both genders. Neuter nouns differ from masculine and feminine only in the nominative and accusative cases. Stems in u are confined to substantives. In both classes neuter nouns have the accusative and nominative alike, which in the plural always end in a. 83 The chief constant differences between the inflexions of the two classes (besides the difference in stem-ending) are these : Nouns of the first class have the genitive singular, the locative singular, and the nominative plural (except in a few e stems) alike, and ending in a long vowel or diphthong ; the genitive plural ends in -rum preceded by a long vowel ; the dative and ablative plural (except in two e stems and a few old forms) end in -is. Nouns of the second class have the genitive singular and nominative plural ending in -s; the locative usually the same as the ablative; the genitive plural in -um preceded by a consonant or short vowel ; the dative and ablative plural in -bus (usually -ibus). Personal pronouns are peculiar in their inflexions. Other pronouns belong to the first class, but have the genitive singular in -ins, and dative in -i, for all genders. And there are some other points in which they differ from ordinary nouns. 84 The following examples will serve to give a general notion of the inflexions of nouns. The peculiarities of the various stems will be given later. The terminations after the hyphens are the case inflexions com- bined with the stem vowel, except in the last, which has no stem vowel. CLASS I. a- stem: serva, a female slave. 0- stem (masc.) : servos (often written servus), a male slave. (ncut.) : servom (often written serwixn), a slave thing. CLASS II. u- stem: artus (m.), a joint. 1- stem : navis (f.), a ship. consonant stem : crus (n.), a leg. Chap. //.] Inflexions of Nouns. GLASS I. SINGULAR. Neut. Nom. serv-a serv5s serv-om (usually (usually serv-us) serv-um) Ace. serv-am serv-om serv-om (serv-um) (serv-um) Gen. serv-ae serv-I serv-I Loc. serv-ae serv-I serv-1 Uat. serv-ae sarv-o serv-o Abl. serv-a serv-6 serv-o PLURAL. Nom. serv-ae serv-I serv-a Ace. serv-as serv-os serv-a Gen. serv-arum serv-orum serv-orum Loc. \ Dat. Uarv-Is serv-is serv-Is Abl. j CLASS II. Ncut. art-us nav-is crus art-um nav-im crus or nav-em art-us nav-is crur-Is art-ui nav-I crur-i art-ui nav-I crur-I or art-ft art- ft nav-I crur-S or nav-S art-us nav-es crdr-a art-us nav-is crur-a or nav-fcs ' art-uum nav-ium crur-um art-ubus nav-ibus crur-Ibus or art-Ibus 85 [According to the arrangement usually followed, substantives and adjec- tives are treated separately, and are classed as follows : Substantives in five declensions. Of these the ist contains a stems, the 2nd o stems ; the 3rd consonant and i stems ; the 4th u stems and the 5th e stems. Adjectives were divided into adjectives of three terminations, nom. -us, -a, -um (i.e. stems in o and a); adjectives of two terminations is and e, and also or and us (i.e. i stems and some consonant stems), and adjectives of one termination (i.e. rest of consonant and i stems).] CHAPTER HI. OF GENDER. 86 IN marking the gender of nouns a two-fold distinction was made; (i) according as sex could be attributed or not; (a) according as the sex attributed was male or female. Names of things, to which sex was not attributed, are said tD be of the neuter gender: but the Romans, yielding to their imaginations, attributed sex to many things, which really had it not, and thus living creatures are but a small number of the objects, which have names of the masculine and feminine genders. 87 The distinction of gender is not marked throughout all the cases. In the nouns put together as the first class, the feminine was perhaps 26 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. originally different from the masculine and neuter throughout, and it still is so in most cases. In the second class, the masculine and feminine are alike throughout: the neuter form is the same as the masculine ex- cept in the nominative and accusative cases. In the singular of the first class the neuter form both for nominative and accusative is the same as that of the accusative masculine : in the second class it is the bare stem, unprotected by a suffix, and therefore sometimes withered : in the plural of both declensions it always ends in -a. The real significance of the inflexions is best seen in adjectives, because they have the same stem modified, if of the first class, to repre- sent all three genders ; if of the second class, usually only to represent the masculine and feminine genders as distinguished from the neuter ; i.e. sex as distinguished from no sex; e.g. bonus (m.), bona (f.), bonum (n.) ; tristis (m. f.), triste (n.) ; amans (in. f. n.), but accusa- tive axnantem (m. f.), amans (n.). Substantives differ from adjectives as regards their inflexions, chiefly ill being fixed to one gender only. But i. Some substantival stems have a masculine and feminine form ; e.g. Julius (m.), Julia (f.) ; equus (m.), equa (f.). a. A few substantives of the first class are feminine, though with stems in -o ; others masculine, though with stems in -a. 3. A substantive of the second class may be masculine, or feminine, or both, the form being indeterminate. 4. Some suffixes of derivation are exclusively used for substantives, and not for adjectives: some again are confined to the masculine gender, others to the feminine. For instance, no adjective is formed with the suffix -i6n: again, all abstract substantives, if formed by the suffix -ion, or -tat, are feminine ; if formed by the suffix -or are masculine. It follows from the above, that the gender is not always known by the form. The test of a substantive's being of a particular gender is the use of an adjective of that particular gender as an attribute to it ; e.g. humus is known to be feminine, because dura humus, not durus humus, is used. An adjective, where the form is not determinately significant, is commonly said to be in the same gender as that of the substantive to which it is used as an attribute. But though the sex attributed to the person or thing is not always expressed by the form, the gender was never assigned in defiance of the true sex in persons, nor in animals, if the sex was of importance. Many animals are denoted by a substantive of only one form and only one gender, the masculine or feminine having been originally selected, according as the male or female was most frequently thought of. Animals of the kind generally would be spoken of, without distinction, by this noun, whether it were masculine or feminine; e.g. olores (m.), sivans in genenil ; anates, ducks, including drakes. If a distinction is important, the word mas or femina, as the case may be, is added ; e.g. olor femina, the female swan ; anas mas, the male duck. Such nouns are called epicoena (Quint. 1. 1. 24). Chap. III.} Of Gender. 27 In the same way a feminine, e.g. Aetna, can be spoken of as masculine, if mons be added ; a river can be neuter, if fluxnen be added : and the appropriate change of gender takes place sometimes without the explanatory word being expressed; e.g. Eunuchus acta est, i.e. the play Eunuchus ; Centauro invShitur magna, i.e. he is borne on the great (ship] Centaurus. So occasionally lierba or litera is understood. The genders assigned to names of persons, animals, or vegetables, and of some other classes of natural objects, were as follows : 90 Names of persons. Names of males are masculine, of females feminine. Thus proper names of females, derived from the Greek, though retaining the neuter suffix corresponding to their neuter gender in Greek, are in Latin feminine; e.g. in Plautus, and Terence, Plane- slum, GlycSrium, Fhrongsium, Stephanium, Delphium. For Appellatives, especially those derived from age or relationship, there are separate forms, sometimes from different roots, for the males and females; e.g. mas, male, femiaa, female; pater, father, mater, mother; avus, grandfather, avia, grandmother; proavus, great-grand- father, proavia, &c. ; filius, son, filia, daughter; puer, boy, puella, girl; n&pos, grandson, neptis, granddaughter, &c. ; vlr, man, mulier, woman; marltus, husband, uxor, wife ; vitricus, stepfather, noverca, stepmother ; prlvignus, stepson, privigna, stepdaughter; sdcer, father-in-law, socrus, mother-in-law ; gener, son-in-law, nurus, daughter-in-law ; frater, bro- ther, soror, sister'; patruus, uncle (father's brother} ; amita, aunt (father's sister) ; avunculus, uncle (mother's brother), matertfira, aunt (mother's sister}] verna (male} house-born slave, ancilla (female} slave; antistes, priest, antistlta, priestess; hospes, host or guest, hosplta, hostess or female guest; cliens, client, clienta; tibicen, flute-player, tibicina ; f Idlcen, harper, fidicina. So also many (derived from verbs) with -tor (or -sor) for masculine (nom. sing.), and -trix for feminine ; e.g. tonsor, barber, tonstrix. H6mo, man, ammans, living being (of a rational creature), are mas- culine ; virgo, girl, and matrona, matron, feminine. Others (all of and class of nouns) are common to male and female : viz. conjunx, consort; parens, parent; afflnis, connexion by marriage; patruelis, cousin; snex, old man or rarely woman; juvenis, youth; adulescens, youth ; infans, infant. So are ranked hospes (in the poets) and antistes. 91 Other personal appellatives are usually or exclusively masculine, because the offices, occupations, &c., denoted were filled by men, or at least by men as much as by women. The following are sometimes feminine ; clvis, citizen; mUnlceps, burgher ; contubernalis, comrade ; hostis, enemy ; exul, exile ; vates, seer : sacerdos, artifex, artist ; auctor, responsible adviser. Others are used of females, but without a feminine adjective; e.g. dplfex, worker; carnlfex, bntche;- ; auspex, bird-observer ; sponsor, bondsman ; viator, traveller : defensor, defender; tfttor, guardian ; auceps, fowler; manceps, purchaser* 28 INFLEXIONS. \Book IL So also sonic with -a sterns ; aurlga, charioteer; advdna, stranger, &c. Other? are nowhere found applied to females ; e. g. cornicen, horn- blower ; tiblcen, flute-player ; tublcen, trumpeter ; latro, brigand ; fullo, fuller ; mango, slave-dealer ; n&bulo, rascal. Some words which are only metaphorically applied to men or women retain their original gender ; e.g. manclpium (n.), a chattel ; acroama (n.), a musical performer ; scortum (n.), harlot; prostlbiiluni (n.), prostitute; viglliae (f.), watch ; excubiae (f.), nightwatch ; 6pgrae (f.), hands; de- liciae (f.), darling ; aux'ilia (n.), auxiliary troups. 92 Names of Animals. For some quadrupeds, with which the Ro- mans had much to do, separate forms are found for the male and female. The stems in -o are masc., those in -a fern. Agnus, lamb, agna ; aper, wild boar, apra; aries (m.), ram, vervex (m.), wether, ovis (f.), sheep; aslnus, ass, asina ; asellus, young ass, asella ; nircus, he-goat, caper, goat, capra ; catulus, whelp, catula ; cervus, stag, cerva ; cdlumbus, dove, columba ; equus, horse, equa, mare ; gallus, cock, galllna, hen ; haedus, kid, capella ; Mnnus, mule (with horse for father), hinna; juvencus, steer, juvenca, heifer; leo (m.), lion, lea, or (Greek) leaena, lioness; lupus, wolf, lupa; mulus, mula, mule (with ass for father) ; porcus, pig, porca ; slmius, ape, simia (the fern, also of apes in general) ; taurus, bull, vacca, cow ; verres, boar, scrofa, sow ; vltulus, calf, vitula ; ursus, bear, ursa. 93 For most other animals there was only one form ; e.g. Quadrupeds: bldens (f., sc. ovis), sheep; bos (m. f.), ox; camelus (m. f.), camel; canis (m. f.), dog ; damma (m. f.), deer ; el6phans, elephantus (rn. rarely f.), elephant : feies (f.), weasel, later cat ; fiber (m.), beaver ; glls (m.), dormouse; hystrix (f.), porcupine ; ISpus (m. rarely f.), hare; lynx (f. rarely m.), lynx ; mus (m.), mouse; mustella (f.), weasel; nltella (f.), dormouse; panthtra (f.), panther; pardus (m.), leopard; quadrupes (m. f. n.), quadruped; sorex (m.), shrew ; BUS (m. f.), swine ; talpa (f. rarely m.), mole; tigris (f. rarely m.), tiger ; vespertilio (m.), bat ; vulpes (f.), fox. Birds: e.g. acclpiter (m. rarely f.), hawk ; ales (m. f.), winged, hence a bird; anas (f.), duck; anser (m. rarely f.), gander goose; aqulla (f. ), eagle; avis (f.), bird ; bubo (m. rarely f.), horned owl ; clconia (f.), stork; comix (f.), crow; cofcurnix (f.), quail; cygnus (m.), swan; 61or (m.), swan; fullca and fulix (f.), cool; graciilus (m.), jackdaw; grus (f. rarely m.), crane; hirundo (f.), swallow ; Ibis (f.), ibis ; lusclnius (m.), luscinia (f. also of nightingales in general) ; mSrula (f.), blackbird ; miluus, milvus (m.), kite ; noctua (f.), oivl ; oscen (m. f.), singing bird ; palumbes (m. f. ), palumbus (m.), ivoodpigeon ; passer (m.), sparrow; pavo (m.), peacock; perdix (m. f.), partridge; pica (f. ), pie ; sturnus (m.), starling; strutlid- camelus (m. f. ), ostrich ; turdus (rarely {.}, fieldfare ; turtur (m. f.), turtle- dove; vultur (m.), vulture. Reptiles : e. g. anguis (m. f.), snake ; bufo (m.), toad ; chamaeleon (m.); cdluber (m.), -water snake ; colubra (f. also of snakes generally) ; crocddllus (m.) ; draco (m.), dragon; lacertus (m.), lacerta (f. also of lizards gene- rally) ; rana (i^frog; serpens (m. f.), serpent ; stelio (m.), gecko; testftdo (f.), tortoise. Chap. III.] Of Gender. 29 Fishes; adpenser (m.), sturgeon; mugil (m.); muraena (f. ), lamprey ; mullus (m.), mullet ; piscis (m.), fish ; rhombus (m.), turbot ; salar (m.), salmon ; scarus (m.), wrasse ; sdlea (f.), sole. Invertebrates: apis (f.), bcc ; cicada (f.), grasshopper; araneus (m.), aranea (f. also of spiders generally) ; clmex (m.), Inig; culex (m.), gnat ; formica (f.), ant ; hlrCLdo (f.), leech ; lendes (pi. f.), nits ; llmax (f. rarely m.), snail; milrex (m.), purple-fish; musca (f.), fly; papilio (m.), butterfly; pgdis (m. f.), louse; pulex (m.), flea; sepia (f.), cuttlefish ; vennis (m.), worm; vespa (f.), wasp. 94 Almost all trees and shrubs are feminine. Some of them have -o stems, but these are mostly from the Greek. Of plants andjloivers, some are masculine, the rest chiefly feminine. Names of fruits and woods are often neuter, with stems in -o, and some trees are also neuter, probably because the name was first applied to the product. The principal masculine names are : acanthus ; amaracus (also f. ) ; asparagus; boletus; calamus, reed; carduus, thistle; crocus; cytlsus (also f.) ; dumus, thicket; flcus (also f.), fig; fungus; helleborus (often -urn n.); intubus (also intubum n.), endive; juncus, btdmsh; lotus (usually f.) ; malus (but as an apple tree f.) ; muscus, moss; oleaster ; pam- plnus (also f.), vine; raphanus, radish; rhamnus, buckthorn; rubus, bramble; riimex (also f.), sorrel; scirpus, rush. The principal neuter names are: apium, parsley; acer, maple; bal- sanium ; laser ; papaver (also m.), poppy; piper, pepper; robur, oak; siler; slser (but in plural siseres), skirret ; tuber (truffle] : and the fruits or woods arbutum, buxum, &c. (but castanea, chestnut; 61ea ; balanus, acorn ; are also used as fruits, and retain their fern. gen. So buxus (besides buxum), boxtrec, for &flute)\. 95 Names of jewels are mainly feminine and Greek. Masculine are Mamas, beryllus, carbunculus, chrysdlithus (also f.), 6nyx (as a marble, or a cup], dpalus, sarddnyx (also f.), smaragdus, &c. 96 Names of iowns, countries, &c. have, if of Latin origin, their gender marked by their termination; e.g. masculine; Veji, properly the Veians, Puteoli, little wells, &c. : feminine; e.g. Africa (sc. terra), Italia, Roma : neuter ; Tarentum, Bgnfiventum, Reate, Praeneste, Anxur (n., also m. of the mountain), Tibur (n.). Of Greek nouns many retain their Greek gender (though often with stems in -o), others, owing sometimes to their termination being misunder- stood, have other genders : e.g. Argos usually neut., but Vergil has dulcls Argos ; Statins frequently patrios Argos, afflictos Argos, &c. ; Livy occa- sionally Argi, as nom. pi. The Spanish towns are sometimes feminine in -is, e. g. Illiturgis ; sometimes neuter in -i, e. g. Hliturgi. Some neuter plurals are found; e.g. Leuctra, Megara, Artaxata, Tigranocerta. Names of mountains are all masculine, except those with marked feminine terminations (stems in -a or Greek -e) ; e. g. Aetna, Ida, 30 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. RhodSpe, c. ; or neuter terminations; e.g. Pelion, Soracte". Alpes (pi.) is feminine. Names of rivers are masculine, even those with -a stems, except Allia, Duria, Sagra, Lethe, Styx, which are feminine. But sometimes rivers are made neuter by prefixing flumen and giving a termination in -um ; e.g. flumen Rhenum (Hor.) ; flumen Granicum (Plin.) ; &c. Names of winds are masculine; e.g. actuilo, Vulturnus, &c. So also Etesiae (pi.). 97 All indeclinable words (except barbaric names, e.g. Abraham) are neuter : e. g. fas, nefas, instar ; and to this class belong infinitives (e.g. non dolere ist-ud, totum hoc philosophari) ; words used as names of themselves (e.g. istuc 'taceo,' hoc ipsum 'honesti') ; and often the letters of the alphabet (as ' c in g commutato') ; but these last are sometimes feminine, litera being expressed or understood. CHAPTER IV. OF NOUN INFLEXIONS OF NUMBER. 98 IN Latin the only distinction in point of number which is marked by inflexions is between one (singular number), and more than one {plural number). The particular inflexions of number will be best treated in connexion with the case inflexions. Some nouns, in consequence of their meaning, are used only in the singular, others only in the plural. 99 The following are found ordinarily in the singular only : (a) Proper names of persons and places ; e.g. Metellus, Roma, &c. ; but Metelli of several members of the family ; Camilli of persons with qualities like Camillus; Galliae of the two divisions of Gaul (Gallia Cisal- pina and Transalpina) ; Volcani of gods with different attributes, but bear- ing the name of Vulcan, or of statues of Vulcan, &c. (b) Single natural objects ; e.g. sol, the sun ; caelum, the sky, hearcri ; tellus, the earth ; but soles is used in discussions as to whether there are more suns than one, or as equivalent to days, &c. (c) Conlinua; i.e. natural objects which are measured or weighed, not numbered, e.g. cruor, blood; r<5s, dew; aes, bronze; frumentum, corn; faba, beans, as a class ; ftimus, smoke. But these are used in the plural, when several kinds, or distinct pieces or drops, are meant ; e.g. vlna, different ivines ; nlves, flakes of snow; fabae, individual beans ; aera, bronze works of art; carnes, pieces of flesh ; fCLmi, wreaths of smoke. In poetry the plural is sometimes used without such a distinction. Ckap. IV.] Of Noun Inflexions of Number. 31 (d) Abstract nouns; e.g. justitia, justice; but not uncommonly the plural is used even in these in order to express the occurrence of the event or exhibition of the quality at several times or in several forms, e.g. vir- tfltes, virtues; cupiditates, desires; odia, cases of hatred; conscientiae, several persons' consciousness (of guilt] ; mortes, deaths (of several persons] ; otia, periods of rest; adventus, arrivals; niaturltates, culminations; vlcinitates, position of people as neighbours; lapsus, slips; calSres, frlgora, times of heat, of cold ; slmilltudlnes, resemblances; &c. The following are found only or ordinarily in the plural ; though some of them correspond to what in other languages are denoted by singulars. (a) Names of certain towns or places, &c.: Thebae, Tigranocerta, Leuctra, Veji (originally the Veians}, Cannae (i.e. Keeds} : Gades, Cumae. bo Pergama, the towers of Troy, Tarbara. (b) Groiips of islands and mountains, &c. ; e. g. Cyclades, Alpes, Esqulllae, Tempe ( properly glens). (c) Collections of persons : e.g. dscemvlri, a commission of ten (though we have decemvir also used of a commissioner}, &c.; majores, ancestors; pr6c8res, primores, leading men; llberi, children; infSri, the spirits beloiv; sftpe'ri, the Gods above; caelltes, the heavenly ones ; pSnates, the health gods; manes, the ghosts; gratiae, the Graces; Furiae, the Furies; DIrae, Curses (conceived as goddesses) ; &c. (d) Parts of the body; e.g. artus, the joints; cervices (Hortensius is said to have first used the singular in this sense), the neck (neckbones ?) ; exta, intestlna, viscera, the internal organs ; fauces, the throat; lactes, the lacteal vessels; pantlces, bowels; renes, kidneys; tori, the muscles; praecordia, midriff ; . nia, loins. (e) Names of feasts or days; e.g. Calendae, Nonae, Idus ; feriae, the feast-day; nundinae, market-day; Baccanalia, feast of Bacchus ; c. (/) Other collections of things, actions, &c. ; altaria. an altar; ambages, evasion ; angustiae, straits (sing, rare) ; argdtiae, subtlety; antes, rows, e.g. of vines ; arma, tools, esp. weapons, armour; armamenta, ship's tackling; balneae, the baths, i.e. bath-house; blgae, a carriage and pair (sing, not till Sen.); cancelli, railings; casses, a hunting net (properly meshes}', castra, a camp (properly huts, tents'! castrum is found only as part of proper names, e.g. Castrum Novum) ; claustra, bars (sing, in Sen. Curt, rarely) ; clltellae, a pack saddle (panniers!}', compedes, fetters; crepundia, ckilcTs rattle, &c. ; cunae, cdnabula, incunabula, cradle; dellciae, delight; dlvltia^s riches; excubiae, the%vatch; 6pulae, a dinner; exsgq.uiae, funeral procession ; exuviae, things stripped off, spoils; facetiae, jokes (sing, rare); fasti, the Calendar; fori, decks; grates, thanks; in- dutiae, a triice; ineptiae, silliness (sing, in Plant. Ter.) ; infe'riae, offer- ings to the shades belo%v ; infitias (ace.), denial; insidiae, ambush; inlmlcltiae, hostility (rarely sing. ) ; laplcldlnae, stone quarries ; 16culi, com- partments, and so box, bag, &c. ; lustra, a den ; manubiae, booty ; mlnae, threats; moenia, town walls; nugae, trifles; nuptiae, marriage; dblces, bolts (also abl. s. obice) ; parietinae, ruins ; phal6rae, horse trappings ; praestlgiae, juggling tricks; prlmltiae, first-fruits; pugiUares, writing tablets ; quadrigae, a carriage and four (sing, not till Propert. ) ; quisciuiliae, refuse; reliquiae, the remains; rgpagula, bolts^ &c. : sallnae, sal/pits; 32 INFLEXIONS. \Bcok II. sata, the crops ; scalae, s fairs ; scopae, a broom ; sentes, thornbush ; serta, a wreath; sordes, filth (sing, rare); suppStias (ace.), siipply ; tSngbrae, the darkness ; thermae, the warm baths (cf. balneae) ; tesqua, wastes; valvae, folding-doors ; vlndlciae, claims; virgulta, bushes ; uten- silia, necessaries. Some of these words are used in one or two cases of the singular. 101 The following words are used in the plural with a special meaning, be- sides their use (in most instances) as an ordinary plural : aedes sing, a temple, plur. a house (properly, hearths, chambers!); aqua, water ; aquae, a watering-place : auxIUum, assistance ; auxilia, means of assistance, auxiliary troops: b6num, a good ; bdna, goods, i.e. one's property: career, a prison; carcSres, the barriers (in horse races) : codlcillus, a small piece of wood ; codlcilli, writing tablets, supplementary will : copia, plenty ; copiae, supplies, troops : cdmltium, the place of tribes-assembly at Rome; c6m!tia, the assembly: fides sing, a harps/ring, plur. a stringed instrument : fortuna, fortune ; fortunae, one's possessions : gratia, thank- fulness ; gratiae, grates, thanks: hortus, a garden; horti, pleasure-gardens, a country house : impgdlmentum, a hindrance ; impedimenta, baggage : littSra, a letter (of the alphabet) ; litterae, a letter, i.e. epistle: ludus, a game; ludi, Public Games: natalis, a birthday ; natales, one's descent: 6p8ra, %vork; operae, services, hands, i.e. workmen: Ops, a goddess; 6pem, help ; 6pes, wealth, resources : pars, a part ; partes, a part on the stage : rostrum, a beak; rostra, the tribime or pulpit at Rome; tabula, a plank; tabulae, accoiint books. CHAPTER V. FIRST DECLENSION. 102 THE first declension contains stems ending in a,, e, and o. i. DECLENSION OF -a STEMS. Stems in a are feminine, excepting some substantives which, being names of men or rivers, are masculine. All adjective stems in a are feminine. E.g. mensa (f.), a table-, b6na (adj.), a good she ; scrlba (m.), a clerk ; Claudia, a woman of the Claudian house. SINGULAR. Nom. mensa b6na scrlba Claudia Ace. mensa-m bona-m s:riba-m Claudia-m Gen.^ Loc. L mensae bonae scribae Claudiae Dat.j Abl. mensa bona scriba Claudia Chap. K] Declension of -a Stems. 33 PLURAL. Nom. mensae bonae scribae Claudiae Ace. mensas bonas scribas Claudias Gen. mensarum bonarum scribarum Claudiarum Loc.-) Dat.l mensis bonis scribls Claudils Abl.j Peculiar forms of cases are found as follows : 103 SINGULAR. Genitive. Two old forms of the genitive ending in as and ai; the former in the word famllia (household], combined with pater, mater, films, filia ; e. g. pater familias, patres familias ; &c. The ending 5,1 is found (as two long syllables) in early poetry, chiefly in Lucretius, and occasionally in Vergil; e.g. aqual, pictal ; magnai rei publicai gratia (as iambic line) in Plautus. It is also found in inscriptions for the locative and dative. The ablative in early times ended in ad; e.g. praidad (praeda), sen- tentiad. 104 PLURAL. The genitive sometimes ended in -um instead of -arum; (a) chiefly in names derived from Greek; viz. amphdrum (e.g. trium amphorum, of three jars), drachmum ; and in proper names in Vergil, &c. ; e.g. Laplthum for Lapitliarum, Dardanldum for Dardanidarum. Also in compounds of gigno and colo, Grajugenum, caellcOlum for Graju- genarum, caelicolarum. Dat. Loc. All. The ordinary form Is is apparently a contraction of als, i.e. s added to the locative singular; e.g. mensa-i-, mensa-is,' mens's. Stems in la sometimes have Is, instead iis ; e.g. taenis (Verg.) for taenils. Hence gratiis (abl.), for thanks, became in ordinary language gratis. A few words have a form abus instead of Is. Thus ambabus, duabus are the only forms in use (never ambis, duis). Similarly, chiefly in old legal and religious forms, we have deabus, filiabus, libertabus probably to distinguish the females from the males dels or dis, flliis, libertis. 105 The most usual tnascnline stems in a are the following : acedia, a neighbour pdeta, a poet (Gr. Trotijr?/?) agrlcdla, a farmer prSfftga, an exile incdla, an inhabitant transfuga, a deserter adv6na, a new comer serlba, a clerk aurlga, a chariot driver scurra, a buffoon collega, a colleague verna, a slave born in the family convlva, a guest Sometimes also nauta ) a sailor damma, a deer ; and rarely navltai (Gr. vaiVrjs) talpa, a mole parriclda, a parricide So also proper names like Sulla, Numa, &c. And rivers; e.g. Sequana, Seine ; Trebia, and Hadria, the Hadriatic sea. L. G. 3 34 INFLEXIONS, \B0ok IL 2. DECLENSION OF -e STEMS. 106 Stems in e are all feminine substantives, except meridies (m.), noon. Dies, day (nn.) is often feminine, when an appointed day is spoken of; and almost always when it means time ; e.g. longa dies, a long period of time. Only two words with stem in e are inflected throughout all cases of both numbers. These are res, a thing and dies, day. Besides these none have any plural, except acies, edge; fa.cies, face; effigies, likeness; spe"cies,ybr>; spes, hope; series, a ro-iu, which are found in nom. and accus. plural: glides in accus. and eluvies in nom. plur. Most words with stem in e are of four syllables and end in ie. Many of these have also stems in a. SINGULAR. Nom. rt-3 Ace. Gen.| Dat.f Abl. PLURAL. Norn.) Ace. f Gen. Dat.| Abl.f re-m rei or re re re-s re-rum re-bus die-s die-m diel or die die die-s die-rum die-bus acie-s luxuries or luxuria acie-m luxurie-m or luxuria-m acii or acie luxuriae acie luxurie or luxuria acie-s (not found) (no plural ex- cept possibly from stem in (not found) a) 107 There is some uncertainty about the form of the genitive and dative singular. Neither case is common except from dies, res, spes, fides, and plebes. In modern books these cases are generally made to end in ei, and this practice is as old as the and century after Christ. But there is no proof of ei being disyllabic except in the words diel (often), rei (Hor.) and rei (Lucr.), fldei_(post- August.) and fidel (Lucr.). (But die and diel, rei and re, fidei and fide are also used.) Spei is monosyllabic in Terence; plebei is only used in prose. In other words in classical times i, e, and ei were perhaps written indifferently. Where there is a collateral stem in a, this supplies the gen. and dat. sing. e.g. luxuriae not luxuriei. A gen. in -es is rarely found; e.g. rabies (Lucr.). 3. DECLENSION OF -o STEMS. 108 Stems in o are almost always either masculine or neuter; a few substantives are feminine, chiefly names of trees or Greek words. No adjective stems are feminine. A shortened form of the masculine nomi- native is used in addresses and is often called the vocative case. e.g. dflmmus (m.), an owner, a lord- bdnus (adj.), a good he] ulmus (f.), an elm; bellum (n.), war; bdnum (n.), a good thing. Chap. Declension of -o Stems. SINGULAR. subst. adj. subst. subst. adj. Nom. clSmmus b6nus ulmus bellum bdnum Voc. doming bong (not found) Ace. domlnum bonum ulmum bellum bonum Gen.) Loc.j doniinl bonl ulmi beUi boni Dat.) Abu domino bono ulmo bello bond PLURAL. Nom. d6mini b6m ulmi bella Ace. domino a bonos ulmos bella Gen. dominorum bonorum ulmorum bellor Loc.j Dat.f- domims boms ulmis beUis Abl.J b6na bona bonorum bonis 109 Stems in 6ro have usually certain peculiarities. Most drop the final us in the nominative singular; and many omit the 6 before -ro in all cases, except the nom. voc. masculine singular. e.g. numgrus (m.), a number; puer (m.), a boy] faber (m.), a work- man; vlr (m.), a man; membrum (n.), a limb. SINGULAR. Nom. numSrus puSr fabgr vir membrum Ace. numerum puSrum fabrum virum membrum Gen.| Loc.f numerl puer! fabrl viri membri Dat.) Abl.f nuraero puero fabro viro membro PLURAL. Nom. niimgri pugrl fabrl viri membra Ace. numeros pueros fabros virSs membra Gen. Loc.) numerorum puerorum fabrorum virorum membrorum Dat.} Abl.J numerls puerls fabrls viris membris 110 Like numerus are declined umSrus, a shoulder; iitgrus, the womb; JunlpSrus (f.), a juniper ; and the adjectives fSrus, wild ; prop&rus, hasty; prospgrus, favourable. Like puer are declined s6c6r, father-in-law; ggngr, son-in-hnv ; vesper, evening star; LIb6r, the god Bacchus; jugSrum, an acre (plural juge"ra, jugerum, jugerlbus) ; and the adjectives aspgr, rough; Iac6r, wounded; Hb6r, free (hence liberi (pi.), children}; mlsgr, -wretched; t6n6r, tender; and compounds like mortlfe'r, death-bringing ; allgSr, winged : &c. Dexter is declined both like puer and like faber. Similarly the adjective satur, satiated (satiira, saturum, &c.). 32 36 INFLEXIONS. [Book If. Like faber are declined ag6r, a field ; ap&r, a wild boar ; liber, bark, book ; and most other substantives and adjectives (m. and f.) with stems in Sro. The neuters are declined like membrum. 111 Stems in -vo or -qvo, in order to avoid a concurrence of u with u, retained o in the nom. and ace. cases singular until after the Augustan age. Hence Squ&s, not gquus ; aevom, not aevum ; arduos, arduom, not arduus, arduum. This concurrence was also avoided by writing gqus or Scus, antlcus. &c. for equus. antiquus, c. (In modern books the forms equus, arduus, aevum, arduum, &c. are usually printed.) 112 Substantive stems in io, until after the Augustan age, formed the genitive singular in i single; e.g. Virglli, Claudi, not Virgilii, Claudii; Ovid and Propertius, however, use ii. The vocative sing, of these stems ended in i not ie; e.g, Claudi not Claudie. But the vocative sing, is found only in proper names, and in filius, a son ; ggnius, natural temper; vulturius, a -vulture. The vocative of Pompeius and other words with stem in aio-, eio-, was either a disyllabic Pompei, or a trisyllable Pompel. Adjectives have gen. sing, in 11. A voc. sing, is found only in a few adjectives derived from Greek proper names : it is in IS, e.g. Cynthie, Tlrynthie. 113 There are but few o stems of the feminine gender. These are chiefly names of trees or Greek words, especially names of jewels and towns, &c. Those most used are the following : (a) alvus, belly ; carbasus, a sail; c61us, a distaff; ddmus (stem also in u; see 121), a house; humus, the ground; vannus. a fan. (b) names of trees ; aesculus, chestnut fraxmus, ash alnus, alder laurus, bay (cf. 121) arbutus, strawberry tree malus, apple tree buxus, box tree myrtus, myrtle (cf. 121) cedrus, cedar ornus, mountain ash cornus, cornel (cf. 121) plnus, pine (cf. 121) c6rtilus, hazel platanus, plane cupressus, cypress (cf. 121) pSpulus, poplar fagus, beech quercus, oak (cf. 121) flcus (rarely m.), fig (cf. 121) ulmus, elm (c) Jewels; e.g. amethystus, crystallus, sappMrus; c. (d) Towns and other places ; e.g. Aegyptus, Chersdnesus, Cyprus, Delos, Lemnos. Peldponnesus, Rhodus, &c. But Canopus, Isthmus, Orchomgnus and Fontus are masculine. (e) Other Greek words ; e. g. atdmus, an atom ; m6th6dus, a method, &c. 114 All neuters have nom. and ace. singular ending in -um, except virus, poison ; vulgus, common people, and Greek pelagus, sea, which have in ace. virus, vulgus and vulgum, pelagus. The plural of this last word is pelage. Virus and vulgus have no plural. Chap. K] Declension of -o Stems. 37 115 Peculiar forms of cases occur as follows: SING. Abl. In early times the ablative ended in d; e.g. poplicod, preivatod. Possibly Plautus used it. It occurs in an inscription, B.C. 186. PLUR. Gen. -urn instead of -orum is found in some masculine names ; viz. : (a) in names of weights and measures (chiefly Greek) in combination with numerals. Thus nummum, sestertium, denarium, talentum, me- dimnum, stadium (for nummorum, &c.). (6) in deum, divum, virum (in poetry), and in the compounds in prose; e.g. decemvlrum ; llberum, Children; fabrum (in phrases, as praefectus fabrum) ; socium (in prose rarely, except of the Italian allies) ; equum (also written ecum). (<:) in names of people in poetry; e.g. Argivum, Teucrum, &c. Occa- sionally also in fluvium, famulum, juvencum. (d} in adjectives rarely : e.g. magnanimum (Verg.), amicum, aequom, &c. (Ter.). In numerals frequently; e.g. duum, ducentum, quingentum, &c. So usually in distributives; e.g. trinum, quaternum, senum, &c. This genitive is rare in neuters. But the genitives armum, somnium, oppidum are found. The dative and ablative form is sometimes contracted; e.g. suffragls, denarls. 116 Deus, God, had voc. Deus; nom. plur. di (sometimes written dii); dat. abl. dis (dils); but del and dels are not infrequent in Ovid, &c. 117 The following words of this class are defective or redundant in certain cases. balneum (n.), a bath, also plur. balneae (f.), of the bath house ; caelum (n.), heaven, no plur. except caelos oiic'e in Lucr. where the meaning com- pels a plural ; carbasus (f.), linen, plur. carbasa (n.), sails, &c. ; gpulae (pi.), dinner, also sing, gpulum (n.) 5 frenum (n.), a rein, plur. freni (m.) and frena (n.) ; infltias, denial, ace. pi. only with verb Ire and only in this case ; jdcus (m.), joke, plur. jdci (m.) and jdca ; jtigulus (m.), in sing, also jugtilum (n.), collarbone, throat; jus jurandum (n.), oath, both parts of the words are declined ; e.g. juris jurandi, jure jurando, &c. ; Idcus (m.), a place, in plur. also Idea, of places, properly speaking ; 16ci, chiefly of places metaphorically, i. e. matters for argument, c. : nauci, trifle, only loc. or gen. sing.; nlhil (n.), nothing, only in nom* ace. s. often contracted nH ; (of the fuller form nlhllum are used ninlli as gen. or loc. of price ; nlhllo after prepositions, comparatives, and as abl. of price; and ad nlliilum; in ordinary language nullius rei, &c. are used) ; pessum, bottom, only ace. s. after verbs of motion, e.g. Ire, dare, &c. ; pondo, properly abl. s., also used as if indeclinable, ' pounds' ; rastrum (n.), a rake, also in plur. rastrl (m.) ; retlculus (m. ), more frequently reticulum \ suppfitias (ace. pi.), supply, help, only in this case; venum (n.), ace. sing, after ire, dare, &c. : Tacitus alone has a dative veno. For virus, vulgus, see 114. For substantives which have some forms of this first class and some of the second, see 121. INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 118 The inflexions of adjective stems in o and a are usually given to- gether, e. g. : SING. m. f. n. m. f. n. Nom.l Voc. f plus pia pium ater atra atrum Ace. pium piam pium atrum atram atrum Gen. Pil piae pii atri atrae atri Dat. pia piae pi3 atra atrae atr8 Abl. pie pia pio atro atra atra PLURAL. Nom. Pii piae pia atri atrae atra Ace. pios pias pia atros atras atra Gen. piorum piarum piorum atrorum atrarum atr8rum Dat.) Abl.f piis piis piis atris atris atris 119 Similarly the possessive pronouns meus, mine; tuus, thine; suus, his (her, their) own ; noster, our own ; vester, jour own. In the vocative singular masculine mi is used. CHAPTER VI. SECOND DECLENSION. 120 THE second main class of nouns contains stems ending in the semi- consonantal vowels u and i, or in a consonant. 1. DECLENSION OF -u STEMS. Stems in u, if masculine or feminine, have the nominative sing, in -us ; if neuter, have the bare stem for nom. and ace. singular. The feminine nouns with u stem are colus, domus, Idus (pi.), manus, portlcus, quinquatrus (pi.), tribus, and names of women (anus, an old woman; nurus, daughter-in-law; pronurus, sdcrus, mother-in- law, prosocrus) ; and of trees (cornus, cornel; cupressus, cypress; ficus, Jig; myrtus, myrtle; quercus, oafc). The neuter nouns are cornu, horn', g5nu, knee; pgcu, cattle] veru, a spit, and the rare plurals, artua, limbs and ossua, bones. All the rest are masculine. The great mass of them are verbal nouns denoting action; e.g. ggmitus, groaning; conatus, effort; visus, sight, &c. As examples may be given : artus (m.), a limb (rare in singular) ; anus (f.), an old woman ; cornu (n.), horn. Chap. VI.} Declension of -u Stems. 39 SINGULAR. Nom. artu-s anus cornu Ace. artu-m anum cornu Gen. artfls anus cornus Dat. artu-i or artu anul ) Abl. artu ana j corntl PLURAL. Nom.) Ace. ( artfls anus cornua Gen. artuum anuum cornuum Dat.) A 1,1 f artu-bus anlbus cornibus Abl.j The dat. abl. plural is in -Ibus, except aciibus, arcubus, artubus, laciibus, portubus, speciibus, tribubus, vgrubus (also vSribus). 121 There was apparently some confusion between these inflexions and those of stems in o. For many words have some cases as if from o stems and others as if from u stems. The most important word of this kind is ddmus, which is thus declined : SINGULAR. Nom. Ace. Gen. Loc. Dat. Abl. ddmus domum domus and (Plaut.) domi domi, sometimes domui } domui, rarely domo domo, sometimes domu J PLURAL. domus domos, sometimes domus domorum, post-Aug. domuum domibus arcus has gen. (besides arcus) arc! or arqui. anglportus only used in abl. s. and ace. pi. : a neuter with stem in o is more common. caestus has abl. pi. caestibus and caestis. cdlus has dat. colo only; abl. colu and colo ; ace. plur. colus and COlos ; no gen. dat. or abl. plural. cornus has dat. corno ; abl. cornu and corno ; plur. nom. cornus ; dat. abl. cornls. No other cases. cupressus besides nom. has only gen. abl. sing, and nom. ace. plural from both u and o stems. frStus only in nom. ace. gen. and abl. sing. A neuter stem in is more usual. glus, rare, except in abl. sing. A neuter stem in is also used. laurus only in gen. and abl. sing, and nom. ace. plur. : also a stem in declined throughout, but gen. plural not found. myrtus, only nom. ace. plural from u stem : all cases, except gen. plural, from o stem. pSnus, also two neuter stems in -u and in -6s (nom. pfiniis) : all are found in singular, but usually pe"nu for ablative : in plur. only pgnus, p&ndra ace. are found. plnus has o stem also : abl. s. always pinu, abl. pi. pinis : gen. pi. not found. 40 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. quercus, gen. pi. quercSrum: no dat. sing, or dat. abl. plural. rictus, rarely a nom. rictum, pi. ricta. tonltrus, also a neuter stem in -uo. Many stems in the earlier language had genitive in i. Thus in Plautus and Terence we have adventi, fructi, gSmlti, ornati, quaesti, senati, sumpti, tumulti, victi (besides domi, arci already mentioned). 122 No adjectives have u stems, except compounds of manus, e. g. angui- mamis, ace. pi. Lucret. There are three words whose stem ends in u, but the u is radical and the stem is monosyllabic. Their inflexions really belong mainly to the consonant class of stems: grfis (ace. gruem, c.); BUS which has two datives sulbus, subus, also subus; bQs, ace. bdvem, &c. gen. pi. bourn, dat. abl. plur. bobus or bttbus. To these may be added Juppiter (for Jovpater), ace. Jovem, &c. All the other words with u stems are of two or more syllables. 2. DECLENSION OF -i STEMS AND 3. CONSONANT STEMS. 123 Stems ending in i and stems ending in a consonant have very similar, often identical, case-endings and cannot always be clearly distinguished. These case-endings, as here given, in the i stems include the final stem- vowel (I) ; in the consonant stems they may be considered as mere suffixes. They are as follows: I stems. Consonant stems. SING. Nom. various various Ace. -em, sometimes -1m (for i-em) -em Gen. -Is (for 1-Is) -is Dat. -1 (for i-I) -I PLUR. Nom. -es (for i-es), neut. -ia } . Ace. -Is or -6s f ' es ' n< Gen. -ium -um Dat.) Loc. - -Ibus (for I-Ibus) -Ibus Abl.) 124 The nominative singular of masculine and feminine nouns in both classes of stems was normally formed by the addition of s, but was liable to modification according to the nature of the final consonant. In the i stems we have sometimes -Is, sometimes -es, sometimes (the i having fallen away) simple s : and from stems in -li or -ri the nomina- tive ended in the final stem consonant. In the consonant stems a simple s was added to stems ending in mutes, except in a very few stems in which -is, perhaps also in some few -es, was added. In stems ending in n, 1, and r the nominative and stem are identical, excepting that stems in on dropped the n. Chap. VI.] Declension of -1 Stems. Both in i stems and consonant stems t or d, if coming immediately before the s, fell away. The nom. sing, of neuter nouns ended either in the final stem con- sonant, or sometimes, in i stems, the final i was changed to 6. A few adjectives have the form (in s) properly belonging to the masculine applied also to neuters. The accusative is always like the nominative. In i stems the accus. sing, has -em for masc. and fern, in all adjec- tives and always or usually in most substantives. A few substantives have also -im, very few have -im only. The abl. of i stems from adjectives (except participles), when used as adjectives, is in -i always or usually. Most substantives, substantially used adjectives, and participles have g. Neuters which have e, 1 or r final in nom. sing, have i in ablative. The locative ended in i, but its place is often taken by the ablative. Occasionally an abl. in i is found from consonant stems. . 125 In the plural i stems have gs, rarely is in the nominative; es or Is or (as sometimes written) eis indifferently in the accusative. In the genitive the i of some stems in -nti, and a few others, is occasion- ally omitted in verse for metre's sake. 2. I Stems. 126 Stems in -pi, -bi, -mi, -vl ; -sci, -qvi, -gi, -gvi, -hi; -stl, -di, -ni, -li, -si retain i or e in nom. sing., masc. or fern. Except stirps, trabs, plebs, urbs, nix, frons, glans and compounds of cor. As examples may be given: nubes (f.), stem nubi-, a cloud; puppis (f.), stem puppi-, a ship-stern; tristis, adj., stem tristi-, sad. SINGULAR. Nom. Ace. nflbe-s nube-m puppl-s puppi-m or puppe-m Gen. xmbl-s puppl-s Dat. nubi puppi Loc.) Abl.f nubg puppfi PLURAL. Nom. nube-s puppg-s Ace. nube-s or puppe-s of nubi-s puppi-s Gen. nubi-um puppi-um Dat. Loc. Abl. nubi-bus puppl-bus tristi-s (m. f.) tristg (n.) triste-m triste tristl-s tristi tristi tristg-s (m. f.) tristi-a (n.) tristg-s or tristi-a tristi-s tristi-um tristi-bus INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 127 Sterns in -ci, except those in -sci, drop i in nom. sing. As examples: urbs (f.), stem urbi-, a city- calx (f. sometimes m.), stem calci-, a heel; audax (adj.), stem audaci-, bold. SINGULAR. Nom. Ace. Gen. Dat. Loc.| Abl.f PLURAL. Nom. urbe-s calces Ace. urbe-s or calce-s or urbl-s calcl-s urbi-um (no gen. pi.) urbs urbe-m urbl-s urbi urb6 calx calce-m calci-s calci palcS Gen. Dat.^ LocA Abl.j audax (m. f. n.) audace-m(m.f.) audax (n.) audacl-s audaci audacS or audaci audaea-s (m.f.) audaci-a (n.) audac5-s or audaci-a audaci-s audaci-um urbl-biis calcl-bus audaci-bus Most stems in -ti, if -ti is preceded by a consonant or long vowel, drop -ti. As examples: amans (adj.), stem amanti-, loving; ars (f.), stem arti-, art; rete" (n.), stem retk-, a net. SINGULAR. Nom. amans (m. f, n.) ars ret8 Ace. amante-m (m. f.) amans (n.) arte-m rete" Gen. amantl-s artl-s retl-s Dat. amanti art! reti Loc.) amanti or .- reti or Abl.f amante retg PLURAL. Nom. amante-s (m. f.) amanti-a (n.) arte-s reti-a Ace. amante-s or amanti-a arte-s or reti-a amanti-s artl-s Gen. amanti-um arti-um reti-um Dat.] Loc.r amanti-bus arti-bus retl-bus AblJ 128 Stems ending in ri preceded by e usually drop the i in the nom. sing, masc. and drop the e (before r) in all other cases as well as in the fern, and neut. nom. : those ending in ari as well as all usually, if substan- tives, drop the final vowel in the nom. ace. sing, neuter. Otherwise stems in ri, li have usually is for nom. s. masc. and fern., 6 for neuter. Except m6mor, par and their compounds. As examples may be given; ac6r (acjj-), stem acSri-, sharp; anl- mali-s (adj.), stem animali-, endued with life. Chap. VI J] Declension of Consonant Stems. 43 SINGULAR. Nom. acer(m.) acris(f.) acre (n.) anlmali-s (m.f.) ammalg(n.adj.) animal (n. sub.) Ace. acre-m acrS animale-m do. Gen. acrl-s animali-s Dat. acrl animall Loc. AH ,,* animall (adj.) AbK acri animalg (subst.) PLURAL. Nom. acre-s (m. f.) acri-a (n.) animale-s (m. f.) anlmali-a (n.) Ace. acre-s or acri-a animale-s or animali-a acri-s animall-s Gen. acri-um animali-um Dat.>| Loc. I acri-bus animali-fous Abl.j The form in -is (e, g. acris) is sometimes used for masculine nom. s. as well as for feminine. 3. Consonant Stems. 129 Stems ending in mutes (labial, guttural or dental) form the nomi- native singular by adding s, but the dentals t, d, being assimilated to it, fall away. A short e preceding the final stem consonant is usually changed to I in other cases than the nom. sing. As examples: princeps (adj.), stem princgp-, chief; jiidex (m. f.), stem judge-, a judge; rex (m.), stem reg-, a king; civltas (f.), stem civitat-, citizenship; Squgs (m. f.), stem equfit-, horseman; caput (n.), stem caput-, head; pes (m.), stem p6d^, a foot. SINGULAR. Nom. princep-s (adj.) jiidex rex Ace. princip-em(m.f.) prineep-s (n.) judlc-em reg-em Gen. princip-Is judic.-Is reg-Is ^H princip-I judic-I reg-1 Abl. princip-6 judic-5 reg-5 PLURAL. princip-es (m. f.) no neut. jfldic-es reg-es Gen. princip-um judic-um reg-um Dat.) Loci princip-Ibiis judic-Ibus reg-Ibiis AblJ 44 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. SINGULAR. Nom. civitas 6qu6s capftt pes Ace. civitat-em eqult-em caput pgd-em Gen. civitat-is equit-Is caplt-ls ped-ls Dat | Locj civitat-I fequit-I capit-I ped-I Abl. civitat-6 equit-8 capit-6 ped-6 PLURAL. Nom.) Ace. | clvltat-es gquit-es caplt-a p6d-es Gen. civitat-um equit-um capit-um ped-um Dat.) Loc. \ civitat-Ibus equit-Ibiis capit-Ibus ped-Ibiia AblJ Civitas, and a few other nouns with stem in tat- have sometimes -imn in gen. plur. 130 Stems ending in n form the nominative singular in one of two ways: Those ending in -6n and -on (all masc. or fern.) drop the final n; in the cases other than nom. sing. On becomes In. Those ending in 6n remain unchanged ; in the cases other than nom. sing. 6n becomes -In. Most of these are in -mSn, and all these except one are neuter. As examples: h6mo (m. f.), stem h6m6n-, a man; Cratio (f.), stem oration-, speech; tibicSn (m.), stem tiblcSn-, a flute-player; noraSn (n.), stem nomfin-, a name. SINGULAR. Nom. hOmo Oratio tibicSn nSmgn Ace. homln-em oration- em tibicln-em nomen Gen. homin-Is oration-Is tibicin-is nomln-Is Dat.| Loc.f Abl. homin-i homin-6 oration-I oration-6 tibicin-i tibicin-6 nomin-I nomin-6 PLURAL. Nom.( Ace. j h6mln-es 5rati6n-es tiblcln-es n6mIn-3, Gen. homin-um oration-um tibicin-um nomin-um Dat.) Loc.V Abl.) homin-Sb&s oration-Ibus tibicin-Ibus nomin-Ibus 131 Stems ending in 1, r, s are used as the nomin. sing, without addi- tion or change, except that some neuters change 6r into ur, others 6s into fcs. Stems in -s (except as, penny, os, bone, and mensis, month) change s into r (also tls into fir) before a vowel, i.e. in all cases except nom. sing. Chap. F/.] Declension of Consonant Stems. 45 (Thus a nom. neut. in -us sometimes goes with a genitive -6ris, some- times with a gen. -6ris, according as its stem is in -6s or -us.) As examples: consftl (m.), stem consul-, a consul; muli6r (f.), stem mulier-, a woman; pater (m.), stem pat6r-, a father; am6r (m.), stem am6r-, love; tempus (n.), stem temp6s-, time; 6nus (n.), stem 6nus-, a burden; m5s (m.), stem mos-, a habit] crus (n.), stem criis-, a leg. SINGULAR. Nom. cSnsfil mulier patSr fim6r (m.) Ace. consul-em mulier^em patr^em amor-em Gen. consul-Is mulifir-Is patr-Is amor-Is Dat.l Loc.f consul-* mulier-I patr-I am6r-i Abl. consul-6 muliSrwS patr-$ amor-6 PLURAL. M I INom.i Ace. | consul-es muli6r-gs patr-es amor-es Gen. consul-um muli6r-um patr-um amor-um Dat.) Loc. f consul-Ibus muli6r-Ibus patr-Ibus amor-Ibus AblJ SINGULAR, Nom. tempus (n.) 6nus (n.) tempus temp6r-Is temp6r-I tempor- temp6r-5, temp6r-uin onus on6r-Is on6r-i on6r-5 ongr-a on8r-um mos (m.) mor-em m6r-Is mOr-I mor-$ crus (n.) crfts crur-Is crur-I crur-6 mor-es mSr-um temp6r-Ibus ou6r-Ibus mor-Ibus criir-a crur-um crur-Ibus Ace. Gen. Dat.l Loc.f Abl. PLURAL. Nom.l Ace. f Gen. Dat.) Loci AblJ The principal adjectives with consonant stems are those in -6s, which express the comparative degree of adjectives, As example: melior (adj.), stem m61i6s-, better. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Nom. m6116r(m.f.) mglius (n.) Nom.) m61i5rgs ( m .f.) mS ii6ra(n.) Ace. melior-em meliiis Ace. j Gen. melior-Is Gen. melior-um Loci melior-I Loc 'j. melior-Ibiis Abl. melior-6 Abl 46 INFLEXIONS. ' \Book II. Contrast of -i Stems and Consonant Stems. 132 The class of i stems and the class of consonant stems have, speaking generally, certain marked differences. i. A very large proportion of the i stems have the syllable, which precedes the i, long, sometimes from the length of the vowel, more often from the i being preceded by two consonants. In the consonant stems the final stem consonant is always preceded by a vowel, and this preceding vowel is generally short. a. Further the i stems fall mainly into three divisions, thus: (A) Substantives and adjectives of not more than two syllables in the genitive sing. (B) Adjectives with derivative suffixes. (C) Adjectives compounded of noun stems. The consonant stems fall into three divisions, thus : (A) Substantives (few) of not more than two syllables in the genitive singular. (B) Substantives (and one class of adjectives) with derivative suf- fixes. (C) Substantives and adjectives compounded of verbal stems. Classification of -i Stems* 133 A. The nouns of not more than two syllables in the genitive singular have either i. Disyllabic nominative in -es, or i. Disyllabic nominative in -Is (m. f.), neuter in -S, or 3. Disyllabic nominative in -6r (for <5rls), or 4. Monosyllabic nominatives. 134 (i) Stems with disyllabic nominatives in -es : all feminine, except verres (m.), a boar ; vates (m. f., gen. pi. often vatum), a seer. Of the feminine, notice aedes (also aedis), hearth, temple; lues (also luem, no other case), pestilence; proles (no plur.), offspring; sedes, gen. pi. usually sedum), seat ; strues (no plur.), heap ; tabes (no plur., abl. s. tabe, tabo), decay. (2) Stems with disyllabic nominatives in -is : (a) Adjectives; e.g. dulcis, sweet; gravis, heavy ; ISvis, light; omnis, all ; tristis, sad; turpis, foul; &c. (/3) Substantives: Masculine and Feminine; anguis (abl. -i rarely), snake; callis, path ; clvls, citizen; clunis, haunch; corbis (abl. -i some- times), basket ; finis (abl. often -i ; plur. rarely fern.), boundary; hostis, enemy ; pgdis, louse; scr6bis, ditch; testis, witness. Chap. VL} Classification of -1 ' Stems. 47 (y) Masculine: amnis (abl. -1 often), river; aaaia or axis, pole, axle- tree; buris, plough-tail (ace. in -im, no abl.); casses (pi., also casse abl. s.), meshes; caulis, stalk; collis, hill; crlnis,, hair; ensis, sword; fascia, bundle; follis, leather bag ; funis, rope ; fustis (abl. often -i), club; ignis (abl. -i usually), yfrv ; manes (pi.), ghosts; orbia (abl. -i sometimes), a round ; panis (no gen. pi.), loaf ; piacia, fish ; postia (abl. -i often), door- post ; renes (pi., gen. renum sometimes), kidneys ; aentes (pi.), thorns; torquis, collar; torris, brand; vectis, croivbar ; vermis, worm; ungnis (abl. -i sometimes), nail, cla^v. Feminine : apis (gen. pi. apum sometimes), bee ; avis (abl. -i sometimes), bird; classis (abl. -i often), fleet, class ; clavia (ace. -im sometimes), key ; cratia (ace. -im and -em), hurdle ; messia (ace. -im sometimes), reaping; navis (ace. -im, abl. -i often), ship ; pelvis (ace. -im sometimes, abl. -i usually), basin ; puppis (ace. -im or -em, abl. -i or -S), stern of ship ; ravia (ace. -im, abl. -i always), hoarseness ; restis (ace. -im usually), rope ; sltis (ace. -im, abl. -i, no plur.), thirst ; tigris (also with stem tigrld-), tiger; turria (ace. -im usually, abl. -i often), tower; tuasis (ace, -im, abl. -i always), cough ; and others. Neuter: mare (abl. s. sometimes in -e in poetry: plural only nom. ace. except marlbua once), sea; mille (indeclinable in sing.), thousand ; rete (abl. s. sometimes ret& ; ace. s. also retem (m.)), a net. 135 (3) Stems with disyllabic nominatives in -fir : imber (m., abl. -i often), shower of rain; linter or lunter (f. rarely m.), boat; venter (m.), belly; uter (m.), skin bag. 135 (4) Stems with monosyllabic nominatives. All (except mas, gen. maris, male ; nix, gen. nlvla, snow ; trabs, gen. trabis, a beam} have a long syllable, usually formed by two consonants, preceding the i; e.g. urbs, a city ; arx, a citadel; plebs, the common people ; lux, light. All are feminine, except the following masculines : dens, tooth ; fons, fount ; glans (gen. glandis), acorn ; glla (gen. gllria), dormouse ; mas (gen. pi. marum sometimes), male ; mils (gen. muris), mouse ; pons (gen. pontis), bridge ; and the neuters lac, sometimes lacte" (gen. lactis, no plur.), milk ; plus (gen. pluris), more, plural plures (m. f.), plura (n.). Notice also nix (f.) (gen. nlvis, stem nigvi-), snow (no gen. pi.) ; vis (f.), force, ace. vim; abl. vl; gen. and dat. rare: plur. vires, strength; gen. viriuin ; dat. abl. viribus. 137 B. Adjectives with derivative suffixes: -acl e.g. audax, bold; 16quax, talkative ; vlvax, longlived. -ocl e.g. atrox, cruel; ferox, fierce; velox, swift. -trlcl e.g. victrix, conquering ; corruptrix, corrupting. -atl e.g. nostras, of our country; Arplnas, of Arpinum, &c. ; so pgnates (pi.), gods of our hearth; summates (pi.), men at the top. -Itl e.g. Qulrla, a Roman citizen ; Samnls, a man of Samnium. present participles; e.g. amans, loving; monens, warning; hence anlmana, living creature ; parena, a parent ; torrens, a raging flood ; aerpena, serpent, &c. e.g. agUia, active; facllia, easy; fosallis, dug up; delebllia, destroyable ; slmilia, like. 48 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. -all e.g. aequalis, equal; mortalis, mortal; rlvalis, rival ; quails, of -what kind. Some of these in the masculine and neuter are used as substantives ; e.g. Masc. canalis, a conduit ; fetialis, an ambassador ; sOdalis, a companion. Neut. (most drop the final -e in the nom. ace. sing.), animal, animal; tribunal, a judgment-scat ; vectlgal, ground-rent. -till e.g. edulis, eatable ; trlbulis, of a tribe. -ell crudSlis, cruel ; fldelis, faithful ; patruelis, of an uncle. -HI e.g. hostllis, of an enemy; vlrllis, manly. As substantives: Aednis, a public officer ; Quintnis, the fifth month. Neuter : e.g. ancfle, sacred shield ; 6vDle, shccpfold. -brl e.g. celSber, crowded ; December (sc. mensis), the tenth month; lugubris, mournful ; muliebris, womanly. -crl e.g. alacer, alert ; mfidiocris, moderate ; vfilucer, swift. -strl e.g. Ulustris, brilliant ; gquester, on horseback; pgdester, on foot ; terrestris, on land. -arl e. g. famlliaris, intimate ; mnitaris, of soldiers ; singularis, unique. Neuters used as substantives often drop finale: e.g. calcar, a spur ; laquear, a ceiling ; but cochleare, a spoon. -onsl e.g. castrensis, of the camp ; fdrensis, of the forum ; Cannensis, of Cannae. 139 C. Adjectives compounded of noun stems : e.g. exanlmis, lifeless ; blennis, for two years ; Inermis, unarmed ; Iners, inactive ; praeceps, headforemost (gen. praeclpltis) ; so also anceps, biceps, &c. ; decllvls, sloping ; conc&lor, of one folour ; incdlumis, safe ; not speaking ; afflnis, related by marriage; effrenis, bit-less; trlformis, of three shapes ; bllinguis, two-tongued; delumbis, weak in loins; immanis, wild; blmestris, for two months; enervia, sinewless; enormis, huge; expers, without share; Idcuples, rich; complures (pi. ), neut.complura, several; implumis,^//^;-/^5-; impubis, not grown up; simplex, simple ; tiir6mis, triply oared; insignls, distinguished; insomnls, sleepless ; consors, with com- mon lot ; quincunx, with five oiinces, hence (generally) with five divisions. So also (probably compounds) flnjlTiis, empty ; subllmis, lofty. 140 D. A few other words with -1 stems do not clearly belong to any of the above classes ; viz. : Substantives: ambages (f. pi., also ambage, abl. s.), windings; corn- pages (f.), fastening; inddles (f.), native disposition ; subdles, upgrowth, i.e. offspring; palumbes (m. f.), a, dove. cucumis (m.) (also with stem ciicumls-, gen. cucumfiris), cucumber; sementis (f.) (ace. sometimes in -im), seedtime; strlgllis (f., abl. usually in -i), a scraper. praesepg (n.), a fold ; tapete (n., plur. tapetia, tapeta; dat. abl. tapetlbus, tapetls), carpet ; Praeneste, Soracte, Reate and other proper names. cdhors (f.), a troop ; Mavors (m.), the god Mars. Adjectives: agrestis, rural; caelestis, heavenly; hflarls, cheerful; felix, happy ; pernix, active; h6bs, blunt ; t6r6s, round; c616r, swift; m6m6r, mindful ; virldis, green. Chap. VI.] Consonant Stems. 49 CONSONANT STEMS. 141 A. Substantives of not more than two syllables in the genitive singular : (a) with disyllabic nominative : canis (m. f.), dog; senex (m.), gen. s6n!s, old man ; mensis (m.), gen. pi. usually mensum, month. frater (m.), brother ; mater (f.), mother ; pater (m.}, father. 142 (I)} with monosyllabic nominative : Masculine : dux (gen. duels), leader ; grex (gen. grfigis), flock ; rex (gen. regis), king; pes (gen. pgdis), foot; praes* (gen. praedis), surety ; vas (m. f., gen. vadis), bail; lar (gen. laris), household god ; fur (gen. furis), thief; fios (gen. floris), flower ; mos (gen. moris), manner; ros (gen. roris), dew. Also sol (gen. soils), sun ; sal (gen. sails, m. n.), salt ; which have no gen. plur. Feminine : ops (in nom. s. only as name of goddess), help ; mix (gen. niicis), nut ; precem (no nom. s.), prayer ; vox (gen. vocis), voice ; frugeni (no nom. s.), fruit; lex (gen. legis), a larv ; laus (gen. laudis), praise. Also daps (gen. dapis), feast ; stlp-em (no nom.), piece of money ; fax (gen. facis), torch; crux (gen. criicis), cross ; nex (gen. ne"cis), murder ; pix (gen. plcis), pitch; vlcem (no nom. s.), change ; strix (gen. strlgis), owl ; which have no genitive plural. Par (m. f. gen. paris), an equal, as subst. has consonant stem; but as adj. has i stem (neut. pi. paria). Neuter: aes (gen. aeris), bronze; 6s (gen. ossis), bone; 6s (gen. oris), mouth ; crus (gen. criiris), leg ; jus (gen. juris), right ; also broth. Also cor (gen. cordis), heart ; fel (gen. fellis), gall ; mel (gen. mellis), honey ; far (gen. fan-is), spelt ; ver (gen. veris), spring; rfis (gen. ruris), country ; tus (gen. tu.ris), incense ; which have no gen. plur. Also vas (gen. vasis), -vessel, which has vasoruin in gen. plur. Fas, divine right ; nefas, wrong ; are indeclinable. 113 B. Substantives (and a few adjectives) with derivative affixes: -c (gen. Icis), chiefly masculine; e.g. apex, point; pollex, tJmmb ; vortex or vertex, a whirl, a head; Ilex (f.), holm oak ; pellex (f.), a concubine. -Ic chiefly feminine : e.g. calix, cup ; fornix (m.), vault. -Ic all feminine : e.g. cervix, neck; me're'trix (subst.), a prostitute ; nutrix (subst.), nurse; radix, root. -6t (gen. 8tls), with nom. sing, in -es ; viz. abies (f.),yfr; aries (m.), rain; paries (m.), party-wall. with nom. sing, in -es ; viz. s&gSs (f.), standing corn ; tgges (f.), a mat. 6t (gen. Itis); e.g. caespgs (m.), turf; gurgSs (m.), whirlpool; llmSs (m.), boundary. dives (adj.), rich; ales, winged; hence a bird (gen. pi. usually in verse alltuum). 50 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. -tat abstract substantives, very numerous, all feminine: e.g. aetas, age; aestas, summer; cl vitas, citizenship ; bgnignltas, kindness; neredltas, inheritance; llbertas, liberty; majestas, dignity; , partnership ; v61uptas, pleasure ; &c. -tUt all feminine : viz. jiiventus, youth; sgnectus, old age; servltus, bondage ; virtus, manliness. -Ht salus, safety. -Id (gen. Idis), all feminine : e.g. cassis, a helmet ; cuspls, point of spear ; lapis, pebble. 144 -6n (gen. Inls) ; e.g. hdmo (m. f.), man; nemo, no man; turbo (m.), a whirl ; also caro (f.) gen. carnis for carlnis, fiesh. -g6n numerous, all feminine, (except margo (usually m.), a brink ;) Virgo, girl ; Imago, image ; lanugo, downy hair ; callgo, mist ; orlgo, a source ; roblgo, rust. -d6n (gen. dlnls) numerous, substantives chiefly in -tudon, all feminine, except those otherwise marked. cardo (m.), hinge ; harundo (f.), a reed ; ordo (m.), a row. aegrltudo, sickness; fortltudo, courage; multitude, great number, &c. ; libido, lust. -Sn (gen. Inls) ; flamen (m.), a priest ; pecten (m.), comb ; sanguen, usually sanguls (m.), blood. Numerous verbals in -m6n (gen. minis), all neuter: e.g. agmen, a train of people, &c. ; carmen, song; certamen, con- test ; crlmen, charge ; lenlrnen, alleviation ; nomen, -name ; stamen, -warp thread. -6n (gen. 6nls), all masculine, except Juno and abstract substantives in -ion which are numerous and all feminine. e.g. masculine: aqullo, north wind; carbo, coal; leo, lion; centurio, a captain ; mulio, muleteer ; senio (of dice), a seize ; sclpio, a staff; &c. Feminine : e. g. accusatio (f. ), an accusation ; concessio, grant ; quaestio, inquiry ; sedltio, a sedition ; ratio, a reckon- ing, reason ; and many others. legio (lit. a picking), a body of soldiers ; rggio (lit. a ruling] a district; relllgio, a religious obligation. 145 -6r all neuter: some have nom. -6r, gen. orls : e.g. aequdr, a level ; marmdr, marble. Others have nom. -ur, gen. 6rls : 6bur, ivory ; fSmur, thigh ; jgcur, liver (also gen. jdclneris, dat. jocineri, &c.); robur, heart of oak, strength. -ur e.g. augur (m.), an augur ; vultur (m.), vulture ; fulgur (n.), lightning ; guttur (n.), throat ; murmur (n.), murmur. -6r agger (m.), a mound ; anser (m.), a gander; career (m.), prison ; niulier (f.), woman ; passer (m. ), sparrow. cadaver (n.), a corpse ; Iter (n.), a journey (so nom. ace. sing., other cases as if from Itlner : e.g. itineris, itinera, &c.); verbgra (n. pi.), strokes (also abl. s. verbere). -or all masculine, except two, viz. s6r6r (f.), a sister ; ux6r (f.), wife. Chap. J^f.] Consonant Stems. 51 am6r (m.), love; d616r, pain; fulg6r, glitter; and other verbals from present stem. actdr, pleader; amat6r, lover; auditor, listener; censor, assessor. -5r or -6s Some nouns have both -6r and -6s in nom. s., 6ris in gen. honos (less often h6n6r), honour ; labSs (more often Iab6r), toil ; c616s, also color, colour; 6dos (or 6d6r), scent. Adjectives of the comparative degree have nom. s. m. and f. -6r; neut. -us; gen. s. all genders -oris. e.g. mSlidr (m. f.), meliiis (n.), better ; duricr (m. f.), duriils (n.), harder. -6s making nom. s. -us, gen. -6rls. All neuter, except Igpiis (m.), hare; arb6r (also nom. arbos) (f.), tree. Neuter: corpus, body; de"cus, distinction; faclnus, a deed (usually bad deed) ; frlgus, cold; lltus, shore; ne"mus, grove; pectus, breast ; tempus, time ; and a few others. -us making nom. s. -us, gen. 6rls. All neuter, except VSnus (f.), grace ; vetus (adj.), old. Neuter: foedus, treaty; funus, death; genus, a kind; munus, gift ; 6nus, burden ; 6pus, work ; pondus, weight ; scelus, wickedness; sldus, constellation; i$Qx&) fleece ; vulnus, -wound; and a few others. 143 C. Substantives and adjectives compounded of verb-stems: e.g. redux (adj.), bringing back ; faenisex (m.), gen. faenlse"cis, mower. Also auceps (m.), gen. aucupis, bird-catcher ; remex (m.), gen. remi- gis, a rower; compos (adj.), gen. comp6tis, having power ; praepfis (adj.), gen. praepgtis, swift ; incus (f.), gen. incudis, anvil. with gen. in Ipis : municeps (m.), burgess ; princeps (adj.), chief. with gen. in Icis: index (m. f.), teller; judex (m. f.), judge; vindex (m. f.), avenger; artlfex (m. f.), skilled maker; carnlfex (m. f.), butcher ; pontlfex (m. f.), priest ; auspex (m. f.), bird- diviner ; supplex (adj.), sup- pliant. * with gen. in -Idis : obs6s (m. f.), hostage ; praes6s (m. f.), president ; dose's (adj.), indolent. with gen. in -Itis : c6m5s (m. f.), companion; mile's (m.), soldier; ale's (adj.), winged ; 6qu6s (m.), on horseback ; pSd6s, on foot ; superstes (adj.), surviving. 147 D. A few other words do not clearly belong to the above classes, e.g.: (i) Compounds of noun stems : Wvertex (gen. -Icis), with two tops; exlex (gen. exlegis), outlaw; occiput (n.), gen. occlpltis, J)0fk of head ; tripes, gen. trlpgdis, with three feet ; cornlpes, horn-footed; deggner, de- generate ; stipellex (f.), gen. supellectllis, couch coverings. 42 52 INFLEXIONS. [Book If. (2) cuBtos (m. f.), gen. custodis, a keeper ; heres (m. f.), gen. heredis, an heir ; merces (f.), gen. mercedis, wages; paltis (f.), gen. palfidis, a marsh ; sacerdos (m.), gen. sacerdotis, a priest ; quies, rSquiSs (f.), gen. quiStis, c. rest; Cergs (f.), gen. Cer&ris, the goddess Ceres; pflbes (adj.), gen. pftbfiris, grown up ; clnls (m.), gen. clnfiris, ashes ; pulvls (m.), gen. pulveris, dust; tellus (f.), gen. telluris, the earth. CHAPTER VII. GREEK NOUNS, (esp. CLASS I.) 143 GREEK nouns generally, at least in the prae- Augustan period, received slight changes, especially of vowels, to adjust them to the Latin usage. Thus in inflexions Greek o became in Latin not 6 but u; e be- comes not 6 but I; final v becomes not n but m ; final a>v (nom. s.) be- comes not on but o. In and after Augustus' time a tendency grew up to preserve more strictly the Greek forms. In some words and classes of words the Romans appear to have been misled by a superficial resem- blance and thus to have given Greek words the inflexions properly suitable to stems of a different character. Plautus, Terence and Cicero for the most part Latinize the in- flexions. Propertius, Ovid, and the post-Augustan poets very frequently retain the Greek vowels and n (for m) of the ace. sing. Intermediate between these two parties stand Vergil and Horace, who with Corn. Nepos, Pliny and other post-Augustan prose writers have the same tendency as Ovid, but use many of the Latin forms. In all writers the Greek forms are much more frequent in proper names than in appella- tives, and in rarely used words than in those which had become part of the ordinary language. CLASS I. i. Stems in -a. 149 Typical examples: npovtriar, 'Arpei&js, SINGULAR. Nom. Prflsia or Prusias Atrida or Atrides Circa or Circe Voc. Prusia or Prusia Atrida or Atride Circa or Circe Ace. Prusiam or Prusian Atridam or Atrlden Circam or Circen Gen. Prusiae Atrldae Circae or Circes Dat. Prusiae Atridae Circae Abl. Prusia Atrida Circa or Circe 150 The Greek nouns corresponding to the Latin -a stems, ended in the nom. sing, as follows : masc. -as (-as), fern, -a (-a), after a vowel or r : otherwise, masc. -rjs (-es), fern. -77 (-e). If Latinized all become simply -a. Chap. VII.} Greek Nouns. Stems in -a. 53 In obliqiie cases the Greek declension has (usually) -3,, -g in the voca- tive, -an, en in the accusative singular. But the Latin vocative in -a and ace. in -am (or -em, from Greek gentile names) are often found even when the nominative retains the Greek form. Stems in -tes had vocative (Greek, as well as Latin) -ta, e.f. Thyesta also-te, e.g. Boote. Patronymics in -des had vocative -de, e.g. Tydlde, Aeacide, Alclde ; sometimes -da, e.g. Aeacida, Cecrdpida (Ovid), Anchlsiada (Verg.) ; accu- sative always -den, e.g. Laertiaden, PSIIden. So also feminine nouns with nom. s. in -e ; e.g. Circen, Prienen. The genitive, dative, and locative almost always take the Latin form -ae. But Propertius, Ovid and later poets usually make the genitive in -ea from nominatives in -e. So also Quintilian in names like musice. The ablative of stems in -es and -e is usually -e. The plural is almost always in the Latin form. (Names of peoples Sec. often have -um for -arum. See 104.) 151 The following examples \vill serve to show the variety in the nominative case singular. i. Greek nouns in -as (-as), or -775 (-es). Masculine. (a) Appellatives. SycSphanta, p6eta, nauta, plrata always. Simi- larly athleta, bibliopola, propola, citharista, and in Plaut. trapesslta (TpaTrf^iTTjs) ; danista (daveia-Trjs) . In Cicero, anagnostes, geometres, sophistes. So satrapes (ace. usually satrapam). (/;) Gentile names. Persa (Plant.), Perses (Cic.) ; Scythes (Cic. Hor.), Scytha (Lucan). In Cicero Abderltes, Crotoniates, Eplrotes, Staglrltes. (c} Names of men. Hermia (Cic.), MIda (Ter.), Marsya (Hor. Ov.), Pausania (Cic.), Phaedria (Ter.), Perdicca (Curt.), Aeeta (Ov.), Prusia (Cic. Liv.). On the other hand Archias, Amyntas (Cic.) ; Pmsias (Liv.) ; Aeneas, &c. Anchlses, Achates, Thyestes. Patronymics rarely have -a. Thus Heraclldes, Alcldes, Asclepiades, Pelldes. But Atrlda is found (Hor. Ov.). Lucretius has two patronymics from Latin names : Memmiadae (clat. sing.), son of Memmius ; Sclpiadas (nom. s. ; Scipiadam ace. s., Hor. ; Scipiadae gen. s., Prop. Hor. ; Scipiadas ace. pi., Verg.), son of Scipio. 152 2. Greek nouns in -d (-a) or -rj (-e). Feminine. (a) Appellatives. ApStheca, aula, bibliotheca, tragoedia, comoedia, prSra, machaera, purpiira (?ro/)0i;pd), ancSra (ayKvpd), nausea (vavo-id), epistula (eTTitrroXi;), scaena (a-K-fiv-rj), always. In Cicero, grammatlca, dialectica, rhetorica, musica : in Quintilian grammatice, &c. (b) Names of places. Aetna, Greta, Libya, Sparta, Ida, Ithaca, &c., but in Ovid usually Aetne, Crete, &c. Thessalonlca (Cic.) ; Tiiessalonice (Liv. Plin.). Always Cyrene, Meroe. (c) Names of women. For ' A\K/j.-r}vrj Alcumena (Plant.), Alcmena (Cic.), Alcniene (Ovid). In Cicero, Varro, &c., Andrdmacha, Antidpa, Europa, H6cata, Helena, Semela, &c. In poets usually Andromache, Antiope, &c. But nympha (Cat. Verg. Ov.), nymphe (Ov.). Always BSrSnlce, Htbo, Daphne, Pers6ph6ne, Phoebe, Rhddope, Thule, Tisiphbne, &c. 54 INFLEXIONS. {Book II. ii. Stems in -o. 153 Typical examples: "Hnfipos, Mcuai/Spos-, *A0a>y. SINGULAR. Nom. Eplrus or EpirSs Maeand6r or Maeandr6s Athos or Ath5 Voc. EpirS Maeandgr or Maeandrfi Ace. Eplrum or Eplrdn Maeandrum or Maeandron Athon or Athonem Gen. Epirl Maeandri Atho? The -o stems in Greek had -05 (-6s) in nom., -ov (-6n) in accus. (and neuter nominative) singular. The Latin form (-urn) for the accus. is often found, even when a Latinized nominative (-us, sometimes -er for -6ms) is not found. The other cases rarely received any other than a Latin form. 154 The following are instances of the usage : SINGULAR, i. Appellatives (feminine), e.g. methodus, at6mus, anti- d6tus, always. So trim&trus, or trimeter ; tetramStrus, or tetrameter ; on the other hand diamfetros (also diam6trus), barbltos (m. and f.), phase- los, or faselus, a bean, a boat. 2. A r amcs of plants, &c., e.g. acanthus (m.), asparagus (m.), asph6- delus (m.), hyacinthus (m.), hellSbtfrus (m. more frequently helieb6rum, n.) papyrus (f.), &c. But 16t6s (f.), aspalath6s, &c. Precious stones (mostly feminine), amSthystus (f.), zmaragdus (m.), electrum (n.), topazes (f.), &c. Animals, arctos (f.) ; scorpios or scorpius (m.), camelus (m. f.), &c. 3. Names of toums and islands (feminine), e.g. Abydus, COrintlius, Lampsacus, Paphus, Cyprus, Rhddus, T6n6dus, Eplrus, &c. The forms in -os, -on (os, ov} in the poets chiefly. Always Aegyptus, but (nom.) Imbros, Lemnos, DZlos, Samos, Sestos, Tyros, c. Names of rivers and mountains (masculine), PenSus, Caystrus, Maean- der, Parnassus, &c. Also Peneos, &c. Usually Pelion (n.) and nom. Olympus (m.), Caucasus (m.), ace. Olympian, Caucasum. 4. Names of men. Usually Latinized, especially those in -pos (-rus), preceded by a consonant ; e.g. Teucer, MSleager, rarely Meleagros, Anti- pater, Alexander, Menander, sometimes Menandros, Evander, sometimes Evandrus. So we have as accusatives Daidalon, Slsyphum, &c. The genitive is sometimes in -u ; e. g. Menandru, ApoUodoru. Panthus, voc. Panthu is a contracted form (Ildj^ooj, HdvOoe). 155 Greek words in -ews (-eos), are either completely Latinized; e.g. Tyn- dargus, Pen616us, or sometimes have nom. -6s, ace. -on or -o, e.g. Andr6- geos (gen. Andr6gCQ, and Andr6gei in Vergil). So also a few names of places, viz. : Athos, Ceos, ace. Ath6u (Cat. Ov. Verg.), Atho (Liv. Plin.), Ceo (Cic.). Coos (Mela), C6us (Liv.) for Kowy, KcDy, has ace. Coum (Plin. Tac.), abl. Coo (Cic. Plin.). Cicero and Livy inflect Atho, as if with stem in -on. For some stems in cu- (eu-) see 160. Chap. VIIJ] Greek Nouns. Stems in -o, -eu, -y. 55 156 PLURAL. The nominative rarely in -oe; e.g. Adelphoe (Ter.), cane- phdroe, arctoe, cosmoe (Cic.). The Greek genitive in -wv (-6n) is found sometimes with liber as the name of a book; e.g. Vergil's Bucdlicon, Georglcon ; Manillas' Astro- n6micon; rarely otherwise ; e.g. Colonia Theraeon, for Theraeorum (Sail.). On the genitive in -um, e.g. Pelasgum, Grajum, see 115. CHAPTER VIII. GREEK NOUNS. CLASS II. 157 GREEK nouns of this class, as of the first class, frequently retain such of their Greek inflexions as are not very dissimilar from the Latin inflexions. Plautus, Terence and Cicero for the most part Latinize the inflexions. Propertius, Ovid and the post- A ugustan poets very fre- quently retain the Greek vowels and -n (for -m) of the ace. sing, and short pronunciation of the final syllables. Intermediate between these two parties stand Vergil and Horace, who with Corn. Nepos, Pliny and other post-Augustan prose writers share the same tendency as Ovid, but use many of the Latin forms. The Greek forms in all writers are much more frequent in proper names than in appellatives. 158 i. Stems in -o, -eu, -y. Typical examples: ;po>r, 'Arpeu's-, TrjQvs. SINGULAR. PLURAL. SINGULAR. SINGULAR. Nom.) heros herofis Atreus Tethys Voc. j Atreu Tethy Ace. heroem heroas Atreum or AtrSa Tethym or Tethyn or heroa Gen. herois heroum Atrei or Atr66s Tethyls or TethySs Dat. Abl. heroi ) heroS ( herolbus Atreo Atreo Tethyl or Tethyl 159 -0 (a) Masculine. Nom. in -6s ; ace. -oem or (poet.) -6 ; gen. -6Is ; dat. -61. Plural nom. -6s ; ace. -oas ; gen. -oum ; dat. abl. -olbus? (-oisin once in Ovid), e.g. lieros, Minos. (b) Feminine. All cases in -o, except gen. -fts. Ovid occa- sionally has accusative in -on. e.g. Allecto, Argo, Callisto, Caljrpso, Dido, Echo, Hero, lo, Ino, Manto, Tneano, Sappho. 56 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 160 -eu Masculine. Norn, -eus ; voc. -eu ; ace. -eum or (poet.) 6a ; gen. -ei or (poet.) -efls ; dat. abl. -eo. The poets (e.g. l> Verg. Ov. Prop.) often treat -ei, -eo as one syllable, e.g. Atreus, Cepheus, Erechtheus, Mnestheus, Nereus, Orpheus, Peleus, Perseus, Pr&metheus, PIraeeus, Proteus, Tereus, The- seus, Typhoeeus, Tyndareus, &c. For metre's sake we have in ace. IdOmenea, DiOnea (Verg.), Capanea (Stat.). The plural is rarely found ; e.g. accus. Slegarecs (Quintil.), Phineas or Phineas (Mart.). The name of the Macedonian king Perseus had an e- (or a-) stem used in Cicero, and a -eu stem used in Livy. Other writers generally follow Livy. Thus in Cicero, nom. Perses ; ace. Persen, rarely Persem ; gen. dat. Persae ; abl. Persa. In Livy, nom. Perseus ; ace. Perseum and Persea ; gen. Persei ; dat. abl. Perseo. In Horace are found gen. AchiHe!, 1711x61. The Greek d/x^opeuy (m.), is in Lat. always amphdra (f.). 161 -y Nom. -ys, voc. -y (in poets); ace. -yn or -ym; gen. -yis or -yos ; dat. -yl ; abl. -ye. e.g. cheiys (f.), Cotys (m.), Erlnys (f.), Halys (m.), Phorcys (f.), Tethys (f., dat. Tethyl once Catul.). 2. Stems in -e and -i. 162 Typical examples : 2&)^par^r, riypis tiger, ir\ayos (n.). SINGULAR. SINGULAR. PLURAL. SINGULAR. IN 1/111*1 Socrates tigrls tigres peiagus Acc! Socratem or Socraten tigrim or tigrin tigres or pglagus tigrldas Gen. SocratI or SocratI s tigrls or tigrldls tigrium pSlagl Dat. SocratI tigri or tigrldi? tigrlbus pglago Abl. Socrate or Socratg tigrg or tigrldg pglago Plur. N. Ac. pglage 163 -e (a) Masculine. Nom. s. -es 1 . Ace. -em or more frequently (especially in post- Augustan writers), in -en. Gen. usually in -i'-', sometimes -Is. Abl. in -6, rarely -e. In plural these stems are often treated as if they ended in -a 3 . -ce e.g. Pharnaces. -che e.g. Laches. -te e.g. Acestes, Achates, Bdotes, Euphrates, Hippocrates, Iphl- crates, Is6crates, Mithridates, Orestes, Phrahates, P61ycrates, Socrates, Thyestes, Tirldates, Tlmocrates, XSndcrates, &c. 1 These stems properly end in -os, or -es ; e.g. 2c6/cpares-, 76/0?-. The final s (in yevos-, &c.), which is changed to r in Latin ( 131), is omitted in Greek. 2 Forms like J^wKparov, Ka\\iKparov, KaXXtcrfleVou, &c. (instead of SWK/DCITOVS, &c.), occur, in the Aeolic dialect and in some Attic inscriptions. 3 Forms like Zi-j(f>dvai, ILoatT^Xcu, &c. occur in Greek in and after Plutarch. Chap. VIII.} Greek Nouns. Stems in -e and -i- 57 A genitive in -ae is occasionally found in the poets; e.g. Antlphatae, Bootae, Orestae, Thyestae. -de e.g. Alclbiades, Aristldes, Carneades, Di6medes, Euripides, Ganymgdes, Hypgrldes, Miltiades, Palamedes, Parmgnldes, Simonldes, Thucydldes. Proper patronymics belong to the first class, 150, 151. -ne e.g. Artaphernes, Clisthgnes, Demosthgnes, Dioggnes. -le e.g. Achilles (see 160), Arist6teles, Hercilles, Praxiteles, Thales (see 166, 168) ; EmpgdScles, ThSmistoeles, Pgricles. -se (-ze) e.g. Gotarzes, Oaxes, Ulixes (see 160), Xerxes, Vologeses (some cases of a stem in -o are found from the last-named). 164 ((>) Neuters. Nom. ace. sing. -6s or -us. Norn. ace. pi. -e (no other cases), e.g. cetfls, mg!6s, pglagus ; Texnpe (plur. only). Pelagus (n.), and cetus (m.), are also used with -o stems. So also grgbum (ace.), erebi (gen.), erebo; chao (dat.), cac6etb.es (adj. n.). 165 -i (a) Feminine (chiefly, except names of rivers). Nom. in -is. Ace. in -im or -in, abl. -i. Appellatives : e.g. basis (ace. also in -em), phthisis, p6esis, pristis, tigris (also with stem in -id). Names of Persons. e.g. Sesostris (m.), Memphltis (f.), Alcestis (f.). Names of Places, e.g. Amphipdlis, Neap61is, &c. ; Cha- rybdis, Hispalis, Leptis, Memphis, Sybaris, &c., also the plurals Gadls, Sardls, Syrtls, TraUIs. Names of Rivers. Masculine, e.g. Albis, Baetis (abl. also in -6), Liggris, LIris, Tamesis, Tanais, Tigris (see also 1 70), Tibgris ; Vesgris, Visurgis. A gen. pi. in -on occurs in the word mgtamorphoseon as part of the title of Ovid's work. (b] Neuter. Nom. in. -i. e. g. sinapi. Also a feminine form with nom. in is, ace. in -im. 3. Consonant stems. 166 The Greek forms are : Singular gen. -fis (Lat. -Is) ; ace. -a (Lat. -em) ; Plural nom. -gs (Lat. -es). Other differences apply only to particular stems. Typical examples: eX/^ay, KpeW, QaK-qs. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Nom. glgphantus or elephans or -as glgphanti (or elephantgs ?) Ace. glgphantum or glephanta or -em elephantos (or elephantas?) Gen. elephant! elephantorum Dat. elephanto elephantis (or elephantlbus?) Abl. elephanto or elephantg 58 INFLEXIONS. [Book IT. SINGULAR. Nom. Creo or Creon Aiicona or Ancon Ace. CreSnem or Creontem or -ta Anconam or Anconem Gen. Creonls or Creontls Anconae or Anconis? Dat. Creoni or Creonti Anconae or Anconi? Abl. Creone or Creonte Ancona or AnconS Nom.) PhyUIs Thetis Voc. f Tnales Phylll Thetl Ace. ThaletemorThalem Phylllda Thetim or Thetln or -en Gen. Thaletls or Thalis? PhyllldlsorPhyllldSs Thetldls Dat. Thaleti or Thall? Phyllidi or Phyllidl? Thetidi Abl. ThaletS or Thale Phyllide" Thetidg and Theti 167 (a) Labial stems : -ap e.g. Laelaps (m.). -6p e.g. AetMops (m.), PSlops (m.). -op e.g. Cyclops (m.). -yph e.g. gryps (m. In plur. also gryphi, gryphorum, gryphis). -ab e.g. Arabs (m., also nom. Arabus ; abl. Arabo). -yb e.g. Chalybs (m.). (l>) Gtittural stems : -ac e.g. C6rax (m.). -6c e.g. Cappadox (some cases from stems in -o in post- Augustan writers). -yc e.g. Eryx (m. ace. Erycum ; abl. Eryco Cic. Tac.). -Ic e.g. Cilix(adj.). -ac e.g. thorax (m.), Ajax (m.), Thrax (m.), Phaeax (m.). -yc e.g. Ceyx (m.), bombyx (m.). -yen e.g. 6nyx (m. f.), sarddnyx (f.). -nc e.g. lynx (f. rarely m.). -yg e.g. Phryx (m.), Styx (f.), lapyx (m.). -ng e.g. Sphinx (f.), syrinx (f.), phalanx (f.). 163 (c) Dental stems : (a) stems in -t. -at (r) Neuter. Nom. s. in -a; Plural nom. in -ta ; gen. in -torum ; dat. abl. in -tls, sometimes in -tlbus. e.g. dlplSma, emblema, plasma, p6ema, prdblema, tdreuma. (2) Neuter. Nom. s. in -as ; e.g. artdcreas. -It Nom. s. in -Is ; e.g. Charis (f.). -ot Nom. s. in -6s ; e.g. Aeg5c6ros (m.), rhln6c6ros (m.), Eros (m.). -et Nom. s. in -es ; e.g. 16bes (m.), magnes (m.) ; Ores, Dares, Thales, Chr6mes, PhI161aches, &c. The last three have also forms as from -i stems ; e.g. Thalem, Thali, Thale ( 163. It has vowel, not dental, stem in Herodotus and Attic Greek). -5th Nom. s. in -es; e.g. Parnes. Chap. VIIL~\ Greek Nouns. Consonant Stems. 59 -ant Nom. s. in -as, rarely in -ans ; ace. in -anta, often in poets vocative sometimes in -a ; e.g. Calcha, Palla. e.g. adamas (m.), gigas (m.), lphas (m. the other cases most frequently formed as from a stem in -anto) ; Atlas (m.), Calchas (m.), CSrybantes (m. plur.), PaUas (m.), Thoas (m.). For the Greek forms Acragas (m.), Taras (m.), used some- times in verse we have in prose -0 stems; e.g. Agrigentum, Tarentum or Tarentus. -ont Nom. s. in -on. All masculine. e.g. Anacreon, Autdmgdon, Charon, PhaSthon, draco, cha- maeleon, Creon, Antlphon, X6n6phon. The last three words, and others ending in -phont, have, in Plautus and Terence and sometimes in Cicero, stems in -ph6n, nom. -pho, only; e.g. Cteslpho, ace. Ctesiphonem, &c. ( 171). -unt Nom. s. in -us. e.g. Pesslnus (m.), Sellnus (f.), Trapezus (f.). For Snrous Cicero has Sipontum ; for 'TSpovs Livy has Hydruntum. Ache- runs (Plaut., Lucr.), Acheron (Cic. &c.). -ent Nom. s. in -is; e.g. SImoIs. -ynth Nom. s. in -ns ; e.g. TIryns. 169 (/3) Stems in -d. In nom. sing, -d gives place to -s. -ad Nom. s. in -as. All feminine; e.g. lampas (ace. s. generally lampada) ; Pallas (dat. s. PalladI once) ; Areas, Cyclas, Dryas, Hamadryas, Hfcis, Ilias, Maenas, Oreas, Pleias, Thyas. _ A few instances occur of dat. pi. in -asin ; e.g. Hamadryasin, &c. (Prop.); Troasin, Lemniasin (Ovid). -6d Nom. s. in -us; e.g. trlpus (m.) ; Melampus, m. (voc. Melampu, once in Stat.). From Oedipus (m.) the following forms are found, chiefly in Seneca (Trag.) and Statins : nom. -us, -6des; voc. -6 ; ace. -um (Cic.), -6da? -odem, -6den ; gen. -6dls (Cic., Stat.), -6dae (Sen., Stat.); dat. -odae ; abl. -ode (Cic.), -oda. -yd Nom. s. in -ys ; voc. in -y in poets ; e.g. chlamys (f.), lapys. 170 -Id Nom. s. in -Is; voc. in poets (not Plaut. or Ter.), frequently in -I. Other Greek forms are frequent; dat. sing, in -I occurs once, viz. MInoIdl (Catul.). As regards the ace. s. these stems fall into two classes : (r) Ace. s. in -Idem in prose and prae-Augustan poets; in -Ida in post- Augustan poets. All feminine. Appellatives : e. g. aegis, aspis, ephemeris, herois, p6ri- sc&lis, pyramis, pyxis, tyrannis (ace. s. in -ida once in Cicero). Names of persons : e. g. Amaryllis, Bacchis, Chrysis, Doris, Lais, LycSris, Phyllis, Thais. Patronymics, &c. : e.g. BrlsSis, Cadmeis, Colchis, Gnosis, MInSis, Prlameis, SalmSnis, Titanis. Names of countries: e.g. Aulis, Chalcis, Locris, Persis, PhScis. (2) Ace. s. in -im or, sometimes, esp. in Augustan and post- Augustan poets, -in. So all masculines and some feminines. 60 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. An abl. or dat. s. in -I is found in some ; e. g. EupSli, Oslri, Phalari, Th6ti, SSmlrami. Appellatives : e.g. Ibis (f., also in plur. ibes, ibium), Iris (f.), tigris (both river and animal, also declined as if with stem in -i. Dat. abl. plur. only tigribus). Names of persons. Masculine ; e.g. Alexis, Adonis, Daphnis, Eupdlis, Nabis, Paris (the last three have ace. also in -Idem), Moeris, Thyrsis, Zeuxis, Anflbis, Buslris, Osiris, Serapis. Feminine; e.g. Isis, S6mlramis, Procris, Thetis. Names of countries : e.g. Phasis (f.), Phthiotis (f.) have also ace. in -Idem or -Ida. -Id Nom. s. in -Is ; e.g. apsis (f.). (From KprjiriS- we have only an -a stem, crSpIda.) 171 ((f) Stems in -n. These retain -n in nominative (except some stems in -6n, more in -on) ; ace. s. frequently in -a ; plur. in -as. -6n Nom. s. usually in -on; gen. s. sometimes in -6n6s; e.g. sindon (f.), Arlon (m.), Gorgon (f.), Memnon (m.), Ixlon (m.). Some have also nom. s. in -o ; e.g. Agamemno (m.), Amphlo (m.), LacSdaemo (f.), Macfedo (m.), Strymo (m.). -6n e.g. Phildpoemen. -an Masculine; e.g. paean, Alcman, Acarnan, Titan (rarely de- clined as with -o stem), Pan (ace. s. always Pana). -6n Mostly masculine. Names of persons and things. Nom. s. usually in -0 ; e. g. arrhabo (sometimes f.), mydparo, sipho, ApoUo (also like homo, e.g. ace. s. Apollinem), Laco, Amphitruo, Dr6mo, Phormio, Simo, Tranio, Dio, Higro, Milo, Parmenio, Plato, Pyrrho, Zeno. So also stems in -phon, see 168. But Triton, Telamon, Chiron. Names of places. Nom. s. usually in -on; e.g. Cdldphon (m.), Marathon (f.), SIcyon (f.), Babylon (f.), Calydon (f.), Helicon (m.), Cithaeron (m.). For Ancon, Croto (m.), we have often an -a stem, viz. Ancona, Crotona. -en e.g. attagen (m. but also a stem in -a, attagena) ; Siren (f.), splen (m.), Troezen (f.). -In e.g. delphin (m. usual nom. delphlnus) ; Eleusln (f.), Trachln (f.). Rarely nom. s. in -s ; e.g. Salamis (f.). 172 (c) Stems in -s or T : exhibit simple stem in nominative. -ar e.g. nectar (n.). -or all masculine, e.g. rhgtor (m.), Amyntor, Antenor, Castor, Hector, Mentor, Nestor, -us (ur) Nom. s. in -us; e.g. LIgus. -e"r Nom. s. in -er ; e.g. aer; (m. ace. s. usually afcra; aether (m. ace. always aethgra). -er e.g. crater (m.) ace. cratera (Cic.). Also with stem in -a; nom. s. cratera and creterra. For panther, stater, we have always panthera, statera. Chap. IX^\ Formation of Comparative and Superlative. 61 CHAPTER IX. DEGREES OF NOUNS ADJECTIVE. 173 FROM many adjectives two derivative adjectives are formed in order to denote the degree of the quality exprest by them. The simple form is called the positive. The comparative expresses a higher degree of the quality in a comparison of two things or persons. The super- lative expresses a higher degree in a comparison of more than two things or persons ; as, dttrus, hard, dflrior, harder, dftrissmms, hardest. The comparative is sometimes used to express that the quality is possessed in too high a degree. The superlative is sometimes used to express that the quality is pos- sessed in a very high degree. Ordinary formation of Comparative and Superlative. 174 These derivative adjectives are formed from the positive as follows. 1. The stem of the comparative is formed by adding ios to the last consonant of the stem. The s is changed into r before vowels and in the nom. sing. masc. and fern, (see 28). In the neuter nom. and ace. sing, ios becomes ius. 2. The stem of the superlative always ends in -Imo (before Augus- tus, umo). Usually this is suffixed to the stem of the comparative, and we thus get a termination -isstimo for ios-umo appended to the last consonant of the stem; i.e. by changing the inflexion i or is of the genitive into issumus or isslnms for the nom. sing. masc. Thus, dflr-us, gen. dur-I, comp. dur-Ior, superl. dur-issimus. trist-is, gen. trist-is, comp. trist-Ior, superl. trist-issimus. felix (felic-s), gen. felic-is, comp. felic-ior, superl. felic-issimus. Some adjectives form their superlative by doubling the last conso- nant of the stem and adding Imus. These are () Adjectives with stems ending in 6ro or 6ri, the e being omitted or retained, as in the positive, 109, no. pulcher, comp. pulchr-Ior, superl. pulcher-rimus. So niger, plger, rftber, taeter, vafer : acer, cel&ber, satofoer. asper, aspgrior, asperrlnms. 62 INFLEXIONS. {Book IL So c&ler, dexter (also rarely superl. dextinms), liber, miser, pauper, tener, fiber. Also vStus no comp. vfiterrimus prospgrus prosperrimus sinister sinisterior (sinistimus only in augurial language) no positive detfirior deterrlmus nftpgrum (ace. nup6rior no superl. Plaut. once) maturus has matur-rimus, as well as the more common form matur- issimus. (sincerus, austerus, procerus, severus have superl. in issimus.) () The following adjectives whose last stem consonant is 1 ; facilis, easy; slmilis, like; difflcllis, difficult; disslmilis, unlike; gracllis, thin, slender] humllis, low; as, facil-is, facil-llmus. 175 Irregular or defective adjectives (besides those named above 2. a). 1. The following are either deficient in the positive degree or form their comparative and superlative irregularly or from a different stem : Positive. Comp. Superl. b6nus, good m61ior optimus malus, bad pejor pesslxnus magnus, great major maxlnms (minimus (parvissi- parvus, small minor j muSj y ^ Lucr } multus, much plus (neut. cf. 136) plurlmus neqvam (indecl.), wicked neqvior neqvissimus , _ . fdivltisslmus (Cic.) T1 rich ^ Iti0r ditisslmus (Aug. d13 f ^ tior 1 and post-Aug.) E6nex, old s6nior (natu maximus) {jflnlor (sometimes post-Aug. juve- (natu minimus) nior) P 6tis, P6t6, (indecl.), able\ b potisslmus, best possible (no positive, cf. oJ/cvs) odor, swifter ocisslmus frflgi (indecl.) frflgalior frugalissimus egentior egentissimus x er.) | xx /r>i 4.\t malevolentior malevolentissimus ma]6v61ens (Plaut.)f x /TO * T xibenevolentior benevolentissimus b6nSv61ens (Plaut. Ter.) | /r >, * maledlcentior maledlcentissimus malgdicens (Plaut.)f b$n6flcus beneficentior beneficentissimus malgflcus maleflcentissimus Chap. IX.] Irregular or defective Adjectives. Positive. Comp. Superl. magnlficus magniflcentior magnlflcentissimus munlflcus munificentissimus Jmiriflcissimus mlriflcus j (Ter. once) htoorificus honoriflcentior honoriflcentissimus cltra (adv.), on this side clterior citlmus (de, prep, down from) detgrior, worse deterrimus extra (adv.), extSr (adj.) out-\ side (very rare in sing.), ex- exterior jextremus jextlmus ternus J infra (adv.), infer (adj.), low\ IITI^TTTITIH (chiefly used in plur. the be- I inferior lUUbUUtta ilmUS ings, places, &c. belcw) } intra (adv.), (within interior intimus f ..- \ (posterior, hinder. post, posterus, next (in time) -r ^^ ' jpostremus, last jpostumus, last-born prae (prep.) before prior primus pr6pe (adv.), near prdpior proxlxnus supra (adv.), super (adj.), high \ fsupremus, highest, (chiefly used in plur. the be- Isuperior ( last (in time) ings, places, &c. above) ) (summus ultra (adv.), beyond ulterior ultlmus, farthest 2. The following have superlative, but not comparative : bellus, caesius, falsus, inclutus, invictus, invltus, ndvus, sacer, vafer. 3. The following have comparative, but not superlative : Verbals in -ills (except amabilissimus, mQbilissimus, fertilissimus, utilissimus, notoilissimus). alacer, agrestis, arcanus, diuturnus, exflis, jejunus, juv6nis, longin- qvus, obllqvus, oplmus, procllvis, pronus, satur, segnis, s6nex, serus, suplnus, surdus, taciturnus, tempestivus, vlclnus. 176 Adjectives used only in the positive: Many adjectives, which express an absolute state or quality, e.g. material (e.g. aureus), time (e.g. nocturnus), special relationship (e.g. paternus), which does not readily admit the idea of a higher or lower degree, have 'no comparative or superlative. In some others they are wanting without any such apparent reason. If a comparison is required in such adjectives the defect is supplied by adding magis and maxime. Thus, magis mlrus, more wonderful, maxime mirus, most wonderful. Adjectives used only in the positive are chiefly of the following classes : 1. Deri-vati'ves ending in -Icus, -Inus, -ivus, -orus, -tlmus, -ulus, -alis or -aris, -ills, and (from substantives) in -atus and -itus, as civlcus, naturalis, &c., barbatus, criiritus. 64 INFLEXIONS. [Book If. Exceptions: aeqvalior; capitalior; civilior (Ov.) ; familiarior, fami- liarisstmus ; frugalior, frugalissimus ; hospitalissimus (Cic.) ; juvenilior (Ov.) ; liberallor, liberalissimus j popularior ; puerilior (Hor.) ; salu- tarior. 2. Compounds ; as inops, magnanimus, c. Except those named above from dico, facio, volo ( 1 75). Except also amentior, amentissimus ; concordior, concordissimus ; deformior ; dementior, dementissimus ; immanior, immanissimus ; iner- tior, inertissimus ; ingentior ; insignior ; misericordior ; perennior ; sollertior, sollertissimus. 3. Adjectives ending in -us, preceded by a -vowel. (a) But u often is, or becomes, consonantal, and thus allows a compa- rative or superlative without difficulty ; e.g. in -qvus and -gvis ; e.g. anti- qvior, antiqvissiinus ; pingvior, pingvissimus ; tenvis, tenvlor, tenvis- simus. (b) industrior (Plant.) ; piisimus (condemned by Cic. Phil. 13. 19, but used by Antony, Sen., Curt., Tac.). 4. The following: albus, almus, calvus, canus, curvus, fgrus, gnarus, mSdiocris, mirus, gnavus, rudis, trux. 177 Many participles present and past have comparatives and super- latives, e.g. i. Present Participle : amans, appetens, ardens, continens, egens, fervens, flagrans, florens, indulgens, negligens, patiens, temperans, tuens, valens, &c. i. Past Participle : acceptus, accuratus, adstrictus, apertus, aversus, concitatus, con- junctus, contemptus, dissolutus, doctus, effusus, eruditus, exoptatus, expeditus, instructus, intentus, munitus, obstinatus, paratus, perditus, perfectus, promptus, refertus, remotus, &c. Chap. X.] Numerals, M W fc illic in all genders } . Dat.j I illisce in all genders Abl. ill5c iliac i!16cj So also istlc. In nom. sing, illace, istace for fern., and illcc, ist5c for neut. are also found. 200 Hie (stem ho-), this near me, is declined as follows. SINGULAR. PLURAL. m. f. n. m. f. n. Nom. hie haec) hi hael Ace. hunc hancf hoc hos hasf Gen. hujus or hujusce in all genders horum harum horum Loc. Me (adverb) | Dat. huic in all genders > Ms in all genders Abl. hoc hac h5c ) The fuller forms hosce, hasce, hujusce are found in Cicero : haec for nom. fern. plur. is found in Varro, Lucretius, and Vergil. Plautus had other of the fuller forms, e.g. Mce (nom. m. sing.), hoce (neut. nom.), hlsce (nom. plur. m.), hlbus (dat. abl. plur.). 74 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. 201 Is, that (stem i- and eo-), is thus declined. Id SINGULAR. m. f. Norn. Is 6a Ace. eum earn Gen. ejus (in all genders) \ Loc. Ibi (adverb) j. Dat. el or ei (in all genders) ) Abl. eo ' ea eo m. ei or ii eorum PLURAL. f. eae eas earum n. e6rum Sis, eis or iis Ibus dat. abl. plur. occurs sometimes in comic poets and Lucretius; Sabus in Cato for abl. plur. fern. ; i and Is in Plautus (for ii and iis). Of poets only the prae- Augustan used any of the cases, except that Horace has the genitive and accusative in his non-lyrical writings. The dat. sing, ei has rarely a short penultimate (81) : as el it is frequent in Plautus and Terence and (in the last foot of the hexameter) in Lucretius. As a monosyllable it is also common. 202 The suffix -pse is sometimes found in Plautus appended ; e. g. eapse, eumpse, eampse, eopse, eapse ; and in Cicero several times in the phrase reapse (for re eapse), in reality. In ipse (see above, 195) the suffix is made the vehicle of the case-endings. 203 Idem (for is-dem) is thus declined : SINGULAR. m. f. Nom. idem eadem n. Idem Ace. eundem eandem Idem Gen. ejusdem in all genders Dat. eldem in all genders Abl. eodem eadem eod m. Idem or eldem eosdem PLURAL. f. eaedem n. eadem easdem eadem eorundem earundem eorundem isdem or eisdem in all genders 204 Qui (stem qu6-), which, what? any, an (adjective) relative, ii terrogative, and indefinite pronoun, is thus declined. SINGULAR. m. f. Nom. qul quae I Ace. quern quam j Gen. ciijus in all genders Dat. cui in all genders { Abl. quo qua quo f qu6d PLURAL. m. f. n. qul quae) quos quasf quorum quarum quorum qulbus As an Indefinite pronoun qua, any : is more common than quae in fern, nom. sing, and neut. plur. Chap. XIJ] Pronouns. 75 205 Cujus was treated (in prae-Augustan writers and once in Vergil) as a declinable genitive, i. e. an adjective with -o stem (e. g. is cuja res, cujum periculum est. Cujum pecus ?). The following forms are found so used : nom. s. cuja (f.), cujum (n.) ; ace. cujum (m. n.), cujam (f.); abl. cuja (f.) ; plur. nom. cujae (f.). (Never used instead of quorum or quarum.) In Plautus cuius (also written quoius) is often a monosyllable. 206 QuI is used (i) as an ablative (of all genders, and, occasionally in early writers, of the plural) with the preposition cum appended (qui- cum); (a) as a substantive relative and interrogative (e.g. habeo qui \ utar); (3) as an adverbial interrogative, how 1 and (4) occasionally as^V indefinite, e.g. neuqui, siqui (Plaut). As a locative ubi (for qu6bi)-is * used. As ablat. plur. quis is found often in Varro, Sallust, and Tacitus, rarely in Cicero. 207 Qui like any other adjective can be used substantively, but, in the nom. singular and neuter ace. sing., it is rarely so used as an interroga- tive: as an indefinite pronoun, whether substantively or adjectively, it is used only after si, nisi, ne, num. In the cases just named, an allied form quis, with neut. quid, takes its place. Quis (i) as an interrogative is generally a substantive, but sometimes a masculine adjective: (2) as an indefinite pronoun, it is used both as substantive and as masculine and feminine adjective. Quid and its compounds are always substantives. 208 The compounds of qui, quis are mainly declined like them, but all have -quid (not -quod), when used as substantives. Other peculiarities are here named. Aliqui, allqua, allquod, some. Aliquis is a subst. and masc. adj. ; and is more common than aliqui. Aliquae as nom. fern. sing, occurs in Lucretius once, and not at all as neut. plur. Abl. aliqui is sometimes used in Plautus. Ecqui, ecqua or ecquae, ecquod, any ? Ecquis is subst. and masc. adj. The only cases besides the nom. in use are dat. eccui ; ace. ecquem, ecquam ; abl. m. and n. ecquo. The plural is rare, but the forms ecqui, ecquos, ecquas, are found. Qulnam, quaenam, quodnam, what? which? (numquinam, &c., ecquinam, &c., any f). Quisnam is also used. Quldam, quaedam, quoddam, a certain one, &c. Qulcunque, quaecunque, quodcunque, whatsoever. The -cunque is sometimes separated from qui, c. ; e.g. qua re cunque possum. Qullibet, quaellbet, quodllbet, which you like. Qulvis, quaevis, quodvls, which you will. Sometimes with cunque attached; e.g. quiviscunque, whatsoever. 209 The following have quis instead of qui for the nom. sing. masc. Quisquis, whosoever or whatsoever; quidquid or quicquid, what- ever, also a substantive. 76 INFLEXIONS. \Book IL Quiqui (nom. sing.) only in Plautus once. Quisquis as adjective is not applied to females. Of the other cases we have only the locative quiqui in Plaut. and possibly in cuicuimodi : the abl. masc. and neut. quoquo ; ace. in comic poets quemquem ; quiqui nom. plur. masc. ; in Livy quitms- quibus (dat. pi., perhaps in quotation from ancient document) : and quaqua, in Tacitus as abl. fern. sing. ; elsewhere only as adverb. Quisquam, n. quicquam, any at all. Generally used as substantive, but quisquam is also used adjectively of females (as well as of males). Quiquam as ablative in Plautus. The plural and the feminine singular are not used. Quodquam also not used. Quispiam, quaepiam, quodpiam, some. Plaut. has an abl. quipiam. Quisque, quaeque, quodque, each. Quicque or quidqus is subst. Quisque used of a woman in Plautus. Its compound unusquisque (unaquaeque, unumquodque) is similarly declined. 210 Quis appears to have stem qui-, and to belong to the -i stems. Proba- bly the forms (now partly assumed by quo-) were, Nom. quis, neut. quid (so also is, id) ; Gen. quis ; Ace. quern (the proper accus. of quo- being quom now used as conjunction), neut. quid ; Abl. qui. Plural Nom. and Ace. ques (old form used by Cato and Pacuvius), neut. quia (used as con- junction) ; Gen. cuium (found in Plautus) ; Dat. Abl. quibus. CHAPTER XII. ADVERBS AND CONJUNCTIONS. 211 ADVERBS and Conjunctions are indeclinable words, some of them cases of existing words, others cases of lost words, others words with case- suffixes, different from those in common use in Latin, others mutilated remnants of fuller expressions. They are here arranged according to the final letter of the ending, which sometimes is a suffix, sometimes part of the stem or some modi- fication thereof. 212 -ft Abl. sing. fern, from -o, or rather, -a stems. ea, in that direction ; fcac, iliac, and (Plaut., Ter.) ilia; alia; qua, quaque, quanam, qualibet; nequaquam, by no means; usque quaque, every where; utralibet, in whichever direction, you please. These ablatives are often used with tSnus ( 230) ; e. g. eate- nus, thus far, hactenus, quatenus, quadamtenus, aliquatenus. So perhaps circa, about; juxta, close; erga, towards. supra (supera Lucr. often), above; infra, below; extra, outside; intra, -within; ultra, beyond; citra, on this side; contra, against. ..;.,.. Chap. XJf.] Adverbs and Conjunctions. 77 So frustra, in vain (in Plaut. sometimes frustra ; ne frustra sis, not to deceive you). Apparently a similar ablative is used with prepositions, which in the ordinary language take an accusative ; e. g. antea (antidea old), antehac (antidhac old), before; postea (postidea old), posthac, afterwards ; interea, meanwhile; praeterea, praetor- hac, besides ; propterea, therefore ; quapropter, wherefore* -a Apparently accusatives plur. neut. Ita, thus (comp. Itl-dem) ; qtiift, whereas, because. -ae prae, in front (old locative?). 213 -o Adverbs chiefly denoting manner (e.g. certo for certod, cf. 19; comp. ovrwy, ot/roo). (i) from substantives. ergo, on account of, therefore (2p7^) ; extemplo, at once; HIco, on the spot, instantly (in loco) ; m6do, only, just now (lit. in measured terms] ; niimero (prae-Ciceron.),//^/, quickly ; usually too soon (lit. by number?) ; oppldo (prae- August.), very (lit. on the plain, cf. eTriTr^Sws) ; postmodo, afterwards (cf. 224) ; prdfecto, really (for pro facto?); propemodo (Plaut.), almost (cf. 224). Praesto (always used as predicate, chiefly with esse), at hand, is of uncertain origin. (a) From noun adjectives and participles. certo, for a certainty; clto, quickly; contlnuo, straightway; crebro, frequently ; denuo, afresh (de novo); directo, directly, straight; falso, falsely; fortuito, accidentally; gratuito, gra- tuitously; liquldo, clearly; manifesto, palpably; merlto, de- servedly; rautuo, mutually; necessario, necessarily; omnlno, entirely, in all (as if from an adj. omnlnus) ; perpetuo, per- petually; precario, on sufferance; ra.ro, seldom; secreto, secretly; sedulo, actively; serio, seriously; sgro, late; sublto, suddenly; tuto, safely; vero, indeed, no doubt. bipertito, tripertito, quadripertito, divided into two, three, four; improviso, unforeseen; inaugurate, without taking auspices; inopmato, necoplnato, unexpectedly, &c. (3) Ablatives of order. prlmo, in the first place; secundo, tertio, &c. ; postremo, ultimo, in the last place; immo (imo, at the bottom]}, at the least, nay rather. (4) Direction towards a place. e6, thither; eSdem, to the same place; eousque, adeo, so far; quo-ad, as long as; hue (for hoc), hither; adhuc, hitherto; illo, iUuc (illoc Plaut.), thither; isto, istuc (istoc Plaut.); alio, elsewhither; quo, whither; quonam, quovis, quocumque, quoquo, quousque ( 236) ; aliquo, somewhither. citro, to this side; ultro, further; intro, inwards ; retro, backwards; utro (rare), to which of the two sides; utroque, in either direction; neutro, in neither direction. porro, further (iroppw) ; ideo, idcirco, therefore ; quo-circa, wherefore. 78 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. 214 -o-vorsus or o- vorsum, lit. turned towards ; but versus and vorsum were used indifferently and not inflected. liorsum, hitherwards (ho- vorsum) ; quorsus, quorsum, whi- therwards? istorsum, aliorsum, aliquovorsum, utroquevorsum, altrovorsum (Plaut., &c.), quoquoversus (Cic.), quoqueversum (Caes.). controversus (adj.), in dispute (lit. turned against] ; intror- sus, introrsum ; retrorsum, dextrorsum, sinistrorsum. deorsum, downwards.; seorsum, separately (se- vorsum, turned to itself, or turned aside] ; sursum, upwards; prorsum, prorsus, forwards ; rursum, rursus, backwards, again ; transvorsus, across. (Susum, prosum, rusum (russum), are forms also found in Plaut., Lucret., &c.) 215 -do quando, when (quam-do) ; aliquando, sometimes ; quandoque, whenever, some time or other ; quandocumque, whensoever; quanddquidem, since ; endo, also indu, old forms of in (comp. induperator for imperator, Enn., Lucr. ; ind-Igeo, ind-Ipiscor, &c.). -u diu, for long ; interdiu (interdius Cato, Plaut.), in the day- time; noctu,/y night ; slmitu (Plaut.), at the same time ; dudum, lately (for diu-dum). 216 -e Apparently old forms of ablative. (Comp. facilumed in S. C. de Bacc.) From adjectives with -o stems both positive and superlative this is the most usual adverbial ending. e. g. aegre, hardly (aegro-) ; blande, soothingly (blando-) ; carte, surely (certo-) ; considerate, with consideration (con- siderato-); docte, skilfully (docto-); plane, quite (piano-); ornate, in ornate manner (ornato-) ; recte, rightly (recto-) ; sane, of course (sano-) ; valde, 'very (valido-) ; vere, truly, actually (vero-); &c. ardentissime, most eagerly] audacissime, most boldly- cre- berrime, very frequently; doctissime, 'very skilfully; maxime, especially; minlme, least of all; paenissume (Plaut.), very marly; &c. apprlme (prae-Ciceronian), exceedingly (ad-primo) ; fre, ferme (superlative of fere), almost. hddie ( = hoc die), to-day. 217 -6 (r) From -o stems; bgne, well (bono-); male, badly (malo-) ; inferne, below (inferno-) ; superne, above (superno-). Perhaps here belong tSmSre, at haphazard ; macte, blest. (Some take macte for a vocative.) (2) From other stems; especially abl. or neut. ace. of -i stems; abunde, abundantly ; ante (for antid), before ; forte, by chance (abl. of fors) ; facile, easily (ace. neut. of facilis ; comp. dulce ridens, &c.) ; impune, with impunity (as if from adj. impunis); mage (cf. magis, 232), more ; paene, almost ; rgpente, sud- denly (repenti-) ; rite, dttly ; saepe, often ; sponte, of its own accord (abl. of a nom. spons) ; sublime, aloft (sublimi-) ; v61iipe pr better volup (Plaut.), with pleasure (almost always with est). Chap. Xf/.] Adverbs and Conjunctions. 79 So the ablatives mane, in the morning; lilce, by daylight ; nocte, by night ; magndpere, greatly (magno opere), &c. herculg, hercle, 'pon honoiir (for hercules. See Syntax). 218 -pe" A form of que (compare quispiam, quisquam) ; nem-pe, indeed (nam-pe, comp. namque) ; quippe, indeed (for qui pe ? comp. utique) ; prdpe, near (comp. proximus, as if from proque). -vS Perhaps for vel. SIve (old seve, hence sen), or if, whether ; neve (neu), or not. ceil, as (for ceve, ce being of pronominal origin?). -c6 nlc, illlc, &c., see 221, 3; ecce, behold ^.m ence); sic, thus (cf. 22i);ac, 219. 219 -Qu8 Appended to pronouns (a kind of reduplication) ; e.g. quisque (adj.), each ; quandoque, whenever ; quicumque (quiquomque) (adj.), whosoever; qudque, also; ublque, everywhere ; undlque, from all sides ; utique, anyhow; usque, ever; uterque (adj.), each. Also absque, without (abs) ; atque (ac), and also (for ad- que); ngque (nee), not; namque, for; hodieque (Vell.) = hodie; denlque,y/za//p. 220 -pte" e.g. suopte ; see 193. -de" i. e. possibly the preposition de shortened by losing the accent?; e. g. inde, thence (im-de) ; indldem, from the same place; deinde, exinde, thereupon ; proinde, periride, just so ; subinde, imme- diately afterwards. unde, whence (quom- or cum-de) ; undlque, from all sides ; undScumque, whencesoever ; quamde (Enn. Lucr.), than. -ne sing, without; p5nS, behind. ne, not, lest ; ne (wrongly written nae), verily (comp. vat, vrj); n8 interrogative particle, perhaps the same as ne. Comp. n6- fas, ng-quis, n6-vls ( = non vis). 221 -I (rarely I) (i) Ablative cases of manner. qui (interrogative and relative, like ut), how, in which case-, quln, why notl but (qui-ne); alioqui, alioquin, cetero- qui, ceteroquin, in other respects (the final n is of obscure origin) ; nequlquam, by no means- atqul, but. Si, if (abl. or loc. of pronoun, in which case) nisi, itnlcss (for ne si) ; slquldem, if indeed, since ; quasi, as if (quam si) ; sic, thus (si-ce, in which, or in this, way], nl, not (for ne, nei), also used as = nisi ; quidnl, why not? iitl (ut), how (for quo-ti) ; utique, any how ; utlnam, that! ne utlquam (nutiquam), by no means. (2) praeflsclni (also praefiscine), withoitt offence (prae fas- cino-, for, i. e. to avert, bewitchments} ; procllvi (or proclivfi), downhill (proclivi-, old stem proclivo-) : brSvI, in few words (brgvi-). (3) Locative cases; iUi, isti (Plaut. Ter.); iUIc, istlc, there (illo-, isto-) ; Me, here (ho-); pridem, some time ago: h6ri (in Quintilian's time herg), yesterday- peregri, more commonly peregre, abroad, from abroad- temper!, in good time (tempos-) ; and others. 8o INFLEXIONS. [Book IL 222 -bi Ibi, there (is); inibi, therein; postibi (Plaut.), thereupon; interibi (Plaut.), in the meantime; ibidem, in the same place; ubl, (where (for quobi, cubi) ; ublque, everywhere; ubicumque, wheresoever; si-cubi, if anywhere; all-ciibi, somewhere; alibi, elsewhere (all-) ; utrubi, at (which of two places (utro-) ; utrubique, at both places. -b ab (abs), from ; 6b (obs), opposite to ; sub (subs), under. 223 -am jam, now ; etiam, also (et jam) ; qudniam, since (quom jam) ; nunciam (Plaut.), now (nunc jam) ; nam, for (originally now) ; quam, hcnv, as ; quamquam, however, although ; aliquam, somehow ; allquan-do, sometimes ; aliquamdiu, for some time ; nutiquam ( 221), not at all ; uspiam, usquam, any where; nusquam, no -where ; praequam, compared with ; tarn, so ; tarn quam, as if; tandem, at length. nequam, good for nothing, is used as indecl. adjective. cSram, face to face (com, os-) ; clam, secretly (comp. oc-ciil-o, conceal) ; obviam, opposite (obvio- ; or ob viam, comp. obiter) ; palam, propalam, openly; perpgram, badly; protlnam (Plaut.), immediately (cf. protenus, 230). So the compounds with fariam ; e.g. bifariam, divided in two (bi-); trifariam, quadrifariam ; multifariam, in many places ; plurifariam, in several places. -dam quondam, sometime. (Comp. quldam, a certain one.} 224 -om (urn) Probably accusative cases. donlcum (Plaut., ddnlque Lucr., donSc commonly), un- til; dum, while; du-dum, lately (diu dum) ; interdum, for a time ; quidum, how so ? primumdum, first of all ; appended to imperatives, e. g. agfidum, come now ; mangdum, stop pray ; tanggdum, just touch me ; &c. num (in questions), now? nunc (i.e. num-ce), now; etiamnum, even now. quom, cum, when (quo-) ; com (in composition), cum (prep.), with (comp. uV); quon-dam, sometime (quom-dam); quando- cumque, -whensoever ; turn, tune, then; umquam, ever (um for quom) ; numquam, never (ne umquam) ; nonnunquam, at times. actutum, instantly; cireum,r0wW(circo-);clanculum, secretly (clam, with suffix -culo-); commddum, suitably, just now (commodo-) ; demum, at length (lit. downmost; superl. of de) ; extremum,/or the utmost (i.e. last) time (extreme-); incas- sum, to no purpose (in cassum) ; minimum, in phrase quam minimum, as little as possible (minimo-) ; nlmium, too much; noenum (generally contracted to non), not (ne unum); parum, little; plerumque, for the most part (plero-, que) ; postremum, for the hindmost (i.e. last) time (postremo-); potissimum, especially (potissimo-) ; prlmum, for the first time (primo-); propemodum, almost (cf. 213); Itrum, for the second time; tertium, quartum, &c.; ultimum, for the furthest (i.e. last) time; secundum (prep.), following, along (sequondo-). For rursum, adversum, &c. see 214. Chap. XII.} Adverbs and Conjunctions. 81 225 impraesentianun, at the present time (for in praesentia renun ?). pr6p6diem, very shortly (possibly a corruption for prope die, on a near day}. autem, however; Item, likewise (comp. ita, itidexn) ; saltern, at least, quidem, Squldem, indeed ; prldem, some time ago ; tandem, at length (tamdem) ; Itldem, likewise (ita) ; Identldem, repeatedly (for Idem Itldern? or Idem et Idem?). (Comp. Idem, the same, for is-dem ; totldem (indec. adj.), just so many ; tantus- dem.) -em -tern -dem 226 -im denotes at or from a place ; hin-c, hence (Mm ce) ; illim, istim, Ulinc, istinc, thence; im in inde ( 220), thereupon; exim, exin, exinde, therefrom ; dein, deinde, thereupon ; int6r-im, mean- while, also at times (Quintil.); olim, in those times, i.e. formerly or hereafter (o\lo = iH.Q); 6nim, for; utrinque, on both sides (utro-)- altrinsecus (for altrimsecus ; Plaut.), on the other side ; extrinsecus, from outside ; intrinsecus, from within. 227 t-im (sim) Formed from, or similarly to, past participles ; e. g. carptim, by pieces, separately (lit. plucking at it, carpere) ; confertim, compactly (confercire) ; confestim, immediately; cursim, swiftly (currere) ; efflictim, desperately (effligere, to kill, hence efflic- tim amare, to love to death); furtim, thief-wise, i.e. by stealth; partim, partly (parti-) ; passim, here and there (in a scattered way, pandere) ; pdStentim, feeling the way (pede tendere) ; praesertim, especially (putting in front, praesgrere) ; raptim, hurriedly (rapgre) ; sensim, gradually (lit. perceptibly ; sentlre) ; statim, immediately (lit. as you stand, sta-, stare) ; strictim, slightly (lit. grazing, stringere) ; vicissim, in turns (vici-). In affatim (ad fatim, to yawning*), in abundance, we have an accus. of an extinct noun fatis, a yawn (comp. fatisci, fatigare). -at-im (i) From verbs with -a stems; e.g. acervatim, in heaps, sum- marily (acerva-re) ; certatim, vying with one another (certa- re); datatim (datatim ludere, to play at ball), giving and reg'rving (data-re frequentative of dare); gravatim, with difficulty (gravari) ; nominatim, by name (nominare), &c. (2) From nouns (compare the adjective forms, e.g. barbatus. cord-atus, &c. ) ; e. g. ggnratim, taking classes (genus) ; gra- datim, step by step (gradu-) ; grggatim, in jlocks, herding together (grgg-) ; membratim, limb by limb (membro-) ; ostia- tim, from house to house (ostio-) ; paullatim, little by little. (pauUo-) ; singiUatim, one by one (comp. singulo-) ; summatim, slightly, sTimmarily (taking the tops, summo-) ; &c. -ut-im tolutim, full trot (raising the feet, tollgre) ; trlbutim, tribe by tribe (tribu-). -It-im -^rltim, man by man (vlro-). T G. 6 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 228 -t ast, but ; at, bttt (also atque, atqui) ; ant, or (comp. are) ; 6t, and (comp. 2rt) ; tit (for uti), as (prout, praeut, sicut, velut) ; post, after (also pos, poste, postidea ; comp. ante, antidea). Sat is shortened for satis ( 232). For -met see 193. -d Old ablative suffix? cf. 19, 1 1 5 ; ad, to ; apiid, at ; baud (or hau), not ; sed, but (properly by itself?}. Qu6d, because, is neut. ace. (comp. 6Vi), but in quod si, quod quia, quod utinam is by some taken to be an old ablative. -n quln, why not ? (qui ne) ; sin, but if; an, whether ; forsan, forsltan (fors sit an), perhaps ; tamSn, yet ; en, lo ! In, in. -1 pr5ciil, off, afar; slmul, older semol (for simile"), together; sxn&l, once; vel, or (probably imperative of volo, hence choose}. -ur Igltur, therefore ; quor or cur, wherefore ? -6r Suffix of comparative degree: super, above (higher; sub, tip); desuper, insuper. per, throitgh ; ter (for tris, cf. 128), thrice; quater, four times. -per nuper, lately (novumper) ; parumper, for but little time (parum) ; paullisper, for a little while (paullo-) ; tantisper, for so long (tanto-); semper, always (sim-, whole? comp. simplex, simul). 229 -tSr (i) From adjectives with -o stems: duriter (also dure), hardly (duro-) ; humanlter, inhumaniter (also humane, inhu- mane), politely, impolitely (humano-); larglter (also large), lavishly (largo-); navlter, ignaviter (also nave, ignave), skilfully, unskilfully (gnavo-) ; luculenter (also luculente), brilliantly (for luciilentiter from luculento-) ; turbulenter (also turbulente), confusedly (for turtoulentiter from turbu- lento-), and others in early writers. (2) From adjectives with i- stems, and one (supplex) with consonant stem : acrl-ter, eagerly (acri-) ; all-ter, other- wise (ali-, 198); aman-ter, lovingly (for amantiter); atro- ci-ter, audac-ter, brgvi-ter, clemen-ter (for clementi-ter), concordi-ter, constan-ter (for constant!- ter), decen-ter, dill- gen-ter, elSgan-ter, fellci-ter, frequen-ter, gravi-ter, leni-ter, 16vi-ter, mediocri-ter, mem6ri-ter, with good memory; mise- ricordi-ter, pari-ter, salubri-ter, scien-ter, simlli-ter, sim- pllci-ter, sollemni-ter, soller-ter (for sollerti-ter), supplici-ter, tenvi-ter, vehemen-ter or vemen-ter, vernili-ter, vigilan-ter, utlli-ter, and others from stems in -nti, of which -ti is dropped before the suffix (cf. 20). (3) From other words: circl-ter, about (circo-); inter, between (in) ; praeter, beside (prae) ; prop-ter, near (prdpe) ; sub-ter, beneath (sub). nequl-ter, badly (nequam). Obiter (not ante- Augustan), on the way, is apparently ob iter (comp. obviam). Chap. XJL] Adverbs and Conjunctions. 83 230 -s abs (ab, a), from ; bis, twice (for duls) ; els, on this side (comp. ci-timus) ; ex, out (ec in some compounds, and e) ; mox, presently ; obs (ob), on, opposite; subs (sub), tinder (in subs- tralio, c.) ; trans, across ; uls, beyond (comp. ul-timus) ; us-quam, us-piam, anywhere ; us-que, ever ; vix, scarcely. delnceps (dein, cap-6re), next, is a compound like parti- ceps, but indeclinable. -as alias, at other times ; eras, to-morrow ; fdras, (to] out of doors . -us mordl-c-us, with the teeth (mord-, mordere); s6c-us, otherwise; tgnus, as far as (subst. ace. s. extent?}-, prot6nus (or pro- tinus), immediately. emlnus, from a distance; comminus, hand to hand, are probably compounds of inanus, hand (meaning "hands off," " hands together"). 231 -tus from ; same as Greek -dev (comp. ypa^-o^ev, scrlbz;;*j). antiqui-tus, from of old (antique-) ; divlni-tus, from the Gods (divino-) ; fundl-tus, from the bottom (fundo-) ; humanl- tus, after the manner of men (humano-) ; in- tus, from within (in) ; pgni-tus, from the interior, deeply (peno-) ; publicl-tus (Plaut., Ter. &c.), on the public account (publlco-) j radlcl-tus, from the root (radlci-) ; sub-tus, tinder neat h (sub). -8s pnes, in the possession ^/"(comp. pSnitus). 232 -Is for -ios, the stem, or for -iiis the neuter ace., of the comparative suffix ; e.g. nlmls, too much', magls (sometimes magg), more; satis (also sat), enough. fortassls, fortassS, perhaps. -Is fSris, out of doors ; imprimis, in the first place ; gratils, gratis, for thanks, gratuitously ; ingratls, thanklessly; multinaodis, \ many wise; qudtannis, yearly, are locatives or ablatives. 233 -iens post-Augustan -ies; the regular suffix for numeral adverbs: tStiens, so often (tot) ; qudtiens, bow often (quot) ; aliquo- tiens, sometimes; pluriens, often (plus-); quinquiens, fi*ve times (quinque) ; sexiens, six times (sex) ; dgciens, ten times (decem); viciens, twenty times (for vicintiens, cf. ao; from viginti); centiens, a hundred times (centum), and others. See Chap. x. 62 84 INFLEXIONS. 77. Q .Sk .^ $ "1-1 ^ &g*8 .S \> 8 t- $ S s; 8 App. to XI. XIIJ\ Pronominal Adjectives and Adverbs. 86 INFLEXIONS. {Book IT. 237 The following are the chief (pronominal) adverbs ofti quom, when. mine, now. j"~ antehac, before this. postnac, after this. subinde, immediately afterwards. nondum, not yet. alias, at another time. allquamdiu, for some length of time. quousque, till when? adhuc, hitherto. quondam,) sometime, i.e. formerly, 61im \ or hereafter. tbties, so often. allqu6ties, several times. Identldem, repeatedly. nonnunquam, \ sometimes allquando, > (i. e. notun- quandoque ) frequently}. interdum, sometimes (i. e. occasionally], unquam, ever (after nega- tives, &c.). usque, ever (of progressive continuance). CHAPTER XIII. INFLEXIONS OF VERBS. Introduction. 238 LATIN verbs have inflexions to denote differences of voice, person, number, mood, and tense. 1. There are two voices, the Active and the Passive. (The Passive voice is sometimes called Reflexive or Middle.) Some verbs have both voices, some have only the active, except in the third person ; others, called Deponents, have only the passive, but with the signification (apparently) of the active. 2. Two numbers, the Singular and Plural. In a few verbs no plural is found. 3. There are three persons (First, Second, Third) in each number. In the Imperative mood fhere is no form for the first person singular. A few verbs are used only in the third person. 4. Three moods, Indicative, Subjunctive (often called Conjunctive), Imperative. Chap. XIIL] Inflexions of Verbs. 87 5. Six tenses, in the Indicative mood, active voice: (#) Three, denoting incomplete action ; the Present, Future, and Imperfect. (More precise terms for these tenses are (as used by some writers) present imperfect, future imperfect, past imperfect.) () Three denoting completed action; the Perfect, Completed Future, and Pluperfect. (More precise terms: present perfect, future perfect, and past per- fect.) In the Subjunctive mood, active voice, there are only four dis- tinct tense-forms, called Present, Imperfect, Perfect, and Pluperfect. In the Imperative there are only two, the present and future. Some verbs in the active voice and all verbs in the passive voice have in the Indicative only three simple tense-forms, those of incom- plete action, and in the Subjunctive only the present and imperfect. The deficiency of the tenses of complete action in the Passive voice is supplied by participles in combination with certain tenses of the verb of being. 239 Certain 'verbal nouns are (partly from their mode of formation, partly from their use) usually treated in connexion with the verb. These are (#) Two indeclinable substantives, called Infinitives (or the Infini- tive Mood). They are the Present infinitive, denoting incomplete action, and the Perfect, denoting completed action. () Three verbal adjectives, called Participles, the Present and Future belonging to the active voice; the Past participle belonging to the passive voice. (c) A verbal substantive and adjective, called the Gerund and Gerundive, usually classed, the first with the active, the second with the passive voice. (d) Two Supines, i. e. the accusative and ablative (or dative) of a verbal noun. The forms of the verb proper are often called collectively the Finite Verb ; the verbal nouns above named are sometimes called the Injinite Verb. 240 Every single word in the Latin (finite) verb is a complete sentence, the verbal stem being used not by itself, but in combination with abbreviated forms of pronouns of the first, second, and third persons. The principles on which all verbs are inflected are the same. The differences in detail which are found are due partly to the nature or ending of the stem of the particular verb. But there are other differ- 88 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. ences, of which the reason must apparently be sought elsewhere. Pos- sibly in early stages of the language there may have been a fuller system of forms applicable to all verbs, and in the language as we have it some verbs exhibit some of these forms and other verbs exhibit other forms. 241 The inflexions are attached to the stem in the following order : inflexions of tense, of mood, of person, of number, of voice. The forms of the present tense, indicative mood, singular number, active voice are the simplest, and arise from the union of the stem with personal pro- nouns. All other parts of the verb (usually) contain modifications for tense, mood, number and voice. Of these the modifications for tense and mood are made between the stem and personal pronoun, and the inflexions for number and voice are appended after them. Thus dat is the 3rd person, singular number, present tense, indica- tive mood, active voice of a verbal stem meaning give. It is composed of da- verbal stem, and t abbreviated pronoun of 3rd person : and thus is strictly give-he (she, if), for which originally give-s is the English equivalent, but English, having lost its sense of the meaning of the final j, now prefixes in addition the pronoun he (she, if), as a separate word for the like purpose. da-r-e-m-us is the ist person plural, active voice, imperfect sub- junctive of the same stem, da-, give. The sound r denotes past time, e the mood of thought (instead of fact}, m the speaker himself, us the action of others with the speaker. Thus daremus analysed is give-did- in-tbought-I-they. If for -us we have -ur (daremur), the speaker and others are passive instead of active. 242 The inflexions of tense are divisible into two classes : viz. those which are common to several tenses or forms, and those which are peculiar to the particular tense. The inflexions common to several tenses or forms may be referred to three forms of the verbal stem called the Present stem, the Perfect stem and the Supine stem. i. The Present stem is very often identical with the verbal stem, but not unfrequently is more or less modified. From this present stem are formed all the tenses and verbal forms which express incomplete action : viz. both in Active and Passive voices Indicative Present, Future, Imperfect ; Imperative Present, Future ; Subjunctive Present, Imperfect ; also the following verbal forms : Present Infinitive ; Active and Passive ; Present Participle ; Active (none in Passive) ; Gerunds and Gerundive. Chap. Xlfl.] Inflexions of Verbs. 89 a. The Perfect stem is sometimes identical with the verb stem and with the present stem, but usually is considerably modified. From this perfect stem are formed all the tenses denoting completed action : viz. in the Active voice Indicative Perfect, Completed Future, Pluperfect ; Subjunctive Perfect, Pluperfect ; also the Perfect Infinitive. 3. The Supine stem is always a modification of the verbal stem, and from it are formed certain verbal nouns, of which the forms called the supines, the past participle passive, and future participle active are generally treated in connexion with the verb. The past participle passive is used with certain tenses of the verb of being to form the perfect, pluperfect and future indicative, and the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive, of the passive voice. CHAPTER XIV. EXAMPLES OF THE SYSTEM OF INFLEXIONS OF VERBS. 243 VERBS are as regards their inflexions divided into two principal classes ; those whose stem ends in a consonant and those whose stem ends in a vowel. The former may be called for shortness consonant- I'erbs, the latter e vo-wel- r vcrbs . Vowel-verbs may have a stem ending in a or u, or e or i. Of these by far the most numerous are those with stems ending in a, and this class differs most in its inflexions from consonant verbs. It is in the inflexions of tenses formed from the present stem that these differences are mainly found. First will be given on opposite pages the whole system of inflected forms of a consonant stem, r6g-, rule, and of a vowel stem, ama-, love. The English corresponding generally to the Latin forms of the Indicative and Imperative moods is added. The English corresponding to the Subjunctive mood varies so much with the character of the sentence in which it is used, that none can properly be given here. On the whole in the greater number of sentences the English used for the Indicative would also fit the Subjunctive. The proper translation according to the class of the Subjunctive is given in the Syntax. The quantity of the final syllables is marked as actually used by Latin poets. (See also 53 foil.) Doubtless in some forms here marked short the quantity was originally long, and some traces of the earlier quantity are occasionally found. See 32, 68, 69. INFLEXIONS. [Book IT. CONSONANT CONJUGATION. PRESENT STEM. Active Voice. Present. Indicative. Sing. i. rgg-o, I am ruling or I rule 2. rgg-Is, Thou art ruling or Thou rulest 3. rgg-it, He is ruling or He rules Plur. i. reg-Im-ils, We are ruling or We rule 2. rgg-It-Is, Ye are ruling or Ye rule 3. rSg-unt, They are ruling or They rule Future. Sing. i. rSg-am, I shall or will rule 2. rg-es, Thou wilt rule 3. rSg-6t, He will rule Plur. i. rgg-em-us, We shall or will rule 2. rgg-et-Is, Ye will rule 3. rSg-ent, They will rule Imperfect. Sing, i . reg-eb-am, I was ruling or / ruled 2. rgg-eb-as, Thou wast ruling or Thou ruledst 3. r6g-eb-at, He was ruling or He ruled Plur. i. rgg-eb-am-iis, We were ruling or We ruled 2. rgg-eb-at-Is, Ye were ruling or Ye ruled 3. rgg-eb-ant, They were ruling or They ruled Subjunctive. reg-axn r$g-as rgg-at rgg-am-iis rgg-at-^s rgg-ant r8g-8r-em rg-6r-es r6g-6r-t r6g-6r-em-us r6g-6r-et-Is rgg-6r-ent Present. Future. Imperative Mood, Sing. 2. rg-6, Rule (thou) Plur. 3. rgg-It-6, Rule O) . 2) , y . (Thou shalt rule Sing. 3 j. rgg-It-o ^ shall rule Plur. 2. reg-it-6t-6, Ye shall rule 3. rSg-unt-o, They shall rule Verbal Noun-Forms. Infinitive Present. rgg-6r-6, to rule Participle Present S. Nom. reg-ens, ruling Ace. rSg-ent-em (m. f.), rSg-ens (n.) Nom.) Ace. f Gerund. chap, xi v: Inflexions of Verbs. 9 J VOWEL CONJUGATION. PRESENT STEM. Active Voice. Present. Indicative. Subjunctive. 215 Sing. i. am-o, I am loving or I love am-em 2. am-as, Thou art loving or Thou loves t am-es 3. am-at, He is loving or He loves am-6t Plur. i. am-am-us, We are loving or We love am-em-us 2. am-at-is, Ye are loving or Ye love am-et-is 3. ara-ant, 'They are loving or They love am-ent Future. Sing. i. am-ab-o, I shall Q? will love 2. am-ab-Is, Thou about to love amat-ar-um (n.)J Infin. Fut. (Sing. Nom.) amat-ar-us, -a, -urn esse, to be about to love ,, ,, fuisse, to have been about to love 9 6 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. Subjunctive, rectus, recta, rectum sim SUPINE STEM. Passive Voice. Perfect. Indicative. (m.) (f.) (n.) 250 Sing. i. rect-us rect-a rect-um sum, / have been or am ruled 2. rect-us rect-a rect-um 6s, ,, ,, ,, sis Thou hast been or art ruled 3. rect-us rect-a rect-um est, ,, ,, ,, sit He has been or is ruled Plur. i. rect-I rect-ae rect-a sumus, rect-1, rect-ae, rect-a sim-us We have been or are ruled 2. rect-I rect-ae rect-a estis, ., ,, ,, sltis Ye have been or are ruled 3. rect-I rect-ae rect-a sunt, ,, ,, sint They have been or are ruled Completed Future. Sing. i. rect-us rect-a rect-um gro, / shall have been ruled a. ,, ,, ,, gris, Thou wilt have been ruled 3. ,, ,, ,, grit, He ivill have been ruled Plur. i. rect-1 rect-ae rect-a 6rlmus, We shall have been ruled 2. ,, ., ,, giitfs, Ye will have been ruled 3. ,, ,, erunt, They will have been ruled Pluperfect. Sing. i. rect-us rect-a rect-um gram, rect-us, -a, -um essem / had been ruled 2. rect-us rect-a rect-um gras, ,, ,, ,, esses Thou hadst been ruled 3. rect-us rect-a rect-um grat, ,, ,, ess6t He had been ruled Plur. i. rect-1 rect-ae rect-a gramus, rect-1, -ae, -a essemus We had been ruled 2. rect-I rect-ae rect-a gratis ,, ,, ,, essetis Ye had been ruled 3. rect-I rect-ae rect-a grant ,, ,, ,, essent They had been ruled Participle Perfect, rect-us, -a, -um, ruled. Infinitive Perfect (sing. nom.). rect-us, -a, -um esse, to have been, or to be, ruled. Chap. XIV.} Inflexions of Verbs. 97 SUPINE STEM. Passive Voice. Perfect. Indicative. Subjunctive. 251 Sing. i. amat-iis, -a, -urn sum, / have been amat-iis, -a, -um sim or am loved 2. amat-iis, -a, -um es, Thou hast been ,, sis or art loved 2. amat-us, -a, -um est, He has been ,, ,, sit or is loved Plur. i. amat-I, -ae, -a sumus, We have been amat-i, -ae, -a slmus or are loved 2. amat-I, -ae, -a estis, Te have been ,, ,, sltis or are loved 3. amat-I, -ae, -a sunt, They have been ., ,, suit or are loved Completed Future. Sing. i. amat-us, -a, -urn e"ro, I shall have been loved 2. ,, ,, 8ris, Thou wilt have been loved 3. ,, ,, Srlt, He will have been loved Plur. i. aniat-i, -ae, -a grimus, We shall have been loved 2. ,, ,, gritis, Te will have been loved 3. ,, ,, 6runt, They will have been loved Pluperfect. Sing. i. amat-iis, -a, -um gram, / had amat-us, -a, -um essem been loved 2. amat-us, -a, -um e"ras, Thou hadst ,, ,, esses been loved 3. amat-us, -a, -um 6rat, He had ,, ,, esset been loved Plur. i. amat-1, -ae, -a 6ramus, We had amat-i, -ae, -a essemus been loved 2. amat-i, -ae, -a gratis, Te had been ,, ,, essetis loved 3. amat-i, -ae, -a grant, They had ., ., essent been loved Participle Perfect (sing. nom.). amat-us, -a, -um, loved. Infinitive Perfect (sing. nom.). amat-iis, -a, -um esse, to havz been, or to be, loved. L. G. 7 252 9 8 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. PRESENT STEM. Other Vowel Conjugations. ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative Mood. Singular. Present. i. trlb-u-o cap-i-o aud-i-o m6n-e-o 2. trlb-u-Is cap-Is aud-is mdu-es 3. trlb-u-It cap-It aud-It m6n-6t Plural. i. trlb-u-Im-us cap-Im-us aud-Im-iis m6n-em-iis 2. trlb-u-It-Is cap-It-Is aud-It-Is m6n-et-Is 3. trlb-u-unt cap-i-unt aud-i-unt mdu-ent Singular. Future. i. trlb-u-am cap-i-am aud-i-am m5n-eb-o 2. trlb-u-es cap-i-Ss aud-i-es m6n-b-is 3. trlb-u-8t cap-i-6t aud-i-6t mdn-eb-It Plural. i. trib-u-em-us cap~i-em-fts aud-i-em-us m5n-eb-Im-us 2. trlb-u-St-Is cap-i-St-Is aud-i-et-Is m6n-eb-It-Is 3. trlb-u-ent cap-i-ent aud-i-ent m6n-eb-unt Singular. Imperfect. i. trib-u-b-am cap-i-eb-am aud-i-eb-am m6n-eb-am 2. trlb-u-eb-as cap-i-eb-as aud-i-eb-as m6n-gb-as 3. trlb-u-eb-at cap-i-eb-at aud-i-eb-at m6n-eb-at Plural. i. trlb-u-eb-am-us cap-i-eb-am-us aud-i-eb-am -us m6n-eb-am-u5 2. trib-u-eb-at-Is cap-i-eb-at-is aud-i-eb-at-Is m6n-eb-at-is 3. trib-u-eb-ant cap-i-eb-ant aud-i-eb-ant m6n-gb-ant Imperative Mood. Singular. Present. 2. trIb-u-6 cap-6 aud-I m6n-e Plural. 2. trlb-u-It-S cap-It-S aud-it-g ni6n-et-6 Singular. Future. H trlb-u-It-o cap-It-o aud-lt-o m5n-et-o Plural. 2. trlb-u-it-5t-g cap-It-6t- aud-it-6t-6 m6n-gt-5t- 3. trlb-u-unt-o cap-i-unt-o aud-i-unt-o mon-ent-o Verbal Noun-Forms. Infin. Pres. trIb-u-6r-5 Part. Pres. (sing, nom trlb-u-ens Gerund (sing. nom.). trlb-u-end-um cap-er-6 aud-ir-g m6n-er-6 cap-i-ens aud-i-ens m6n-ens cap-i-end-um aud-i-end-uin m6n-end-um Chap. 253 PRESENT STEM. Singular. Inflexions of Verbs. Other Vowel Conjugations \ Indicative Mood. Present. 99 PASSIVE VOICE. i. trlb-u-fir cap-i-6r aud-i-6r m6n-e-5r 2. trib-u-6r-Is cap-6r-Is aud-Ir-Is m6n-er-Is 3* trlb-u-It-ftr cap-It-iir aud-It-tir m6n-et-ur Plural. i. trlb-u-lm*ttr cap-Im-ftr aud-im-ur m6n-em-ur 2. trlb-u-Imln-I cap-Imln-i aud-imin-i mon-emm-1 3. trib-u-unt-ur cap-i-unt-ur aud-i-unt-ur m6n-ent-ur Singular. Future. i. trib-u-ar cap-i-ar aud-i-ar m6n-eb-6r 2. trlb-u-gr-is cap-i-er-is and-i^er-Ia m6n-eb-gr-i3 3. trlb-u-et-iir cap-i-et-ur aud-i-et-iir m6n-eb-it-ur Plural. i. trib-u-ein-ur cap-i-em-iir aud-i-em-iir m&n-eb-im-iir a. trlb-u-emin-i cap-i-emm-I aud-i-emln-l m6n-eb-Imin-i 3. trib-u-ent-tir cap-i-ent-ur aud-i-ent-ilr m6n-eb-unt-ilr Singular. 1. trib-u-eb-ar 2. trlb-u-eb-ar-Is 3. trlb-u-eb-at-ilr Plural. i. trlb-u-Sb-am-ur cap-i-eb-am-ur a. trlb-u-eb-amln-i cap-^i-eb-amin-i Imperfect. cap-i-eb-ar aud-i-eb-ar m6n-eb-ar aud-i-eb-ar-is m6n-eb-ar-Is aud-i-eb-at-tir m6n-eb-at-ur cap-i-eb-ar-Is cap-i-eb-at-ilr aud-i-eb-am-iir aud-i-eb-amin-i 3. trib-u-eb-ant-ftr cap-i-eb-ant-iir aud-i-eb-ant-tlr Singular. 2. trib-u-er-6 Plural. 2. trlb-u-Imin-i Singular. 2.) Imperative Mood. Present. cap-6r-S aud-ir-6 cap-Imin-I aud-imin-i Future. cap-It-6r aud-It-6r trlb-u-lt-6r Plural. 3. trib-u-unt-6r cap-i-unt-6r aud-i-unt-6r Verbal Noun- Forms. In fin. Pres. trlb-u-i cap-i aud-ir-I Gerundive (sing. nom.). trib-u-end-us cap-i-end-us aud-i-end-us m6n-eb-axn-ur mSn-eb-amin-i moa-eb-ant-tir m6n-er-6 m6n-emin-i m6n-et-6r m6n-ent-6r m5n-er-I m6n-end-us 72 100 INFLEXIONS. [Book IL 254 PRESENT STEM. Other Vowel Conjugations. Subjunctive Mood. ACTIVE VOICE. Singular. Present. i. trib-u-am cap-i-am aud-i-am m6n-e-am 2. trlb-u-as cap-i-as aud-i-as mdn-e-as 3. trib-u-at cap-i-at aud-i-at mdu-e-at Plural. i. trlb-u-am-us cap-i-am-us aud-i-am-us m6n-e-am-us 2. trlb-u-at-Is cap-i-at-is aud-i-at-is m6n-e-at-Is 3, trlb-u-ant cap-i-ant aud-i-ant m6n-e-ant Singular. Imperfect. 1. trlb-u-gr-em cap-6r-em aud-ir-em m6n-er-em 2. trib-u-6r-es cap-6r-es aud-lr-es m6n-er-es 3. trlb-u-6r-6t cap-6r-6t aud-ir-6t m5n-er-6t Plural. 1. trib-u-6r-em-fis cap-6r-5m-fis aud-ir-em-iis mdn-er-gm-iis 2. trib-u-gr-et-is cap-6r-et-is aud-Ir-Bt-Is m6n-er-et-Is 3. trlb-u-6r-ent cap-6r-ent aud-Ir-ent m6n-er-ent 255 Singular. 1. trib-u-ar 2. trlb-u-ar-is 3 . trlb-u-at-ftr Plural. Subjunctive Mood. Present. cap-i-ar aud-i-ar cap-i-ar-is aud-i-ar-Is cap-i-at-fir aud-i-at-ur i. trlb-u-am-ur cap-i-am-ur aud-i-am-ur 2. trlb-u-amin-l cap-i-amin-i aud-i-amm-I 3. trlb-u-ant-ftr cap-i-ant-ur aud-i-ant-ur PASSIVE VOICE. m6n-e-ar m6n-e-ar-Is m6n-e-at-iir mSn-e-am-ur m6n-e-amm-I m6n-e-ant-ur Singular. Imperfect. i. trib-u-8r-6r cap-6r-6r aud-ir-6r ni6n-er-6r 2. trlb-u-6r-er-is cap-6r-er-is aud-ir-er-is m&n-er-er-Is 3. trlb-u-6r-et-iir cap-6r-et-ilr aud-Ir-et-ur m6n-er-et-tlr Plural. i. trib-u-er-em-iir cap-fir-em-iir aud-ir-em-iir m6n-er-em-iir 2. trib-u-6r-emln-i cap-6r-emin-I aud-ir-emin-I m6n-er-emln-i 3. trib-u-6r-ent-tir cap-6r-ent-ur aud-ir-ent-tir m6n-er-ent-tlr Chap. XIV.] Inflexions -of- Vero*. 101 256 PERFECT STEM. Other Vowel Conjugations. ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative Mood. Singular. Perfect. i. trlbu-I cep-I audiv-1 m6nu-I 2. trlbu-is-ti cep-is-ti audiv-is-ti m6nu-is-ti 3. trlbu-It cep-It audlv-it m6nu-It Plural. i. tribu-!m-iis cep-Im-us audiv-Im-us m6nu-Im-us 1. tribu-is-tls cep-is-tls audiv-is-tis m6nu-is-tls 3. tribu-er-unt cep-er-unt audiv-er-unt monu-er-unt Singular. Completed Future. i. trlbu-6r-o cep-gr-o audiv-6r-o m6nu-gr-o 2. tribu-gr-is cep-gr-is audlv-gr-is m6nu-gr-is 3. trlbu-er-It cep-gr-It audiv-gr-it m6nu-gr-It Plural. i. tribu-gr-im-us cep-gr-im-us audlv-gr-im-us m6nu-gr-im-us 2. trlbu-gr-it-Is cep-gr-it-is audlv-Sr-it-Is m6nu-gr-it-Is 3. trfbu-gr-int cep-gr-int audlv-gr-int m6nu-gr-int Singular. Pluperfect. i. trlbu-6r-am cep-gr-am audlv-gr-am m6nu-gr-am 2. trlbu-gr-as cep-gr-as audiv-gr-as mdnu-gr-as 3. trlbu-gr-at cep-gr-at audiv-gr-at m6nu-gr-at Plural. i. trlbu-gr-am-iis cep-gr-am-us audiv-gr-am-us mSnu-gr-am-us 2. trlbu-gr-at-is cep-gr-at-is audlv-gr-at-Is m6na-gr-at-is 3. trlbu-gr-ant cep-gr-ant audiv-gr-ant m6nu-gr-ant Singular. 1. trlbu-gr-im 2. trlbu-gr-is 3. trlbu-gr-it Plural. 1. tribu-gr-im-us cep-gr-im-iis 2. tribu-gr-it-is cep-gr-it-is 3 . trlbu-gr-int cep-gr-int Singular. 1. tribu-is-sem 2. tribu-is-ses cep-is-ses 3. trlbu-is-sgt cgp-is-sgt Plural. 1. tribu-is-sem-us cep-is-sem-us 2. tribu-is- set-Is cep-is-set-Is 3. trlbu-is-sent cep-is-sent Subjunctive Mood. Perfect. cep-gr-im audiv-gr-im m6nu-gr-im cep-gr-is audlv-gr-is m6nu-gr-is cep-gr-It audiv-gr-It m6nu-gr-It audlv-gr-im-us audiv-gr-it-Is audlv-gr-int Pluperfect. cep-is-sem audlv-is-sem audlv-is-ses audiv-is-sgt m6nu- gr-im-us m6nu-gr-it-Is m6nu-gr-int m6nu-is-sem mSnu-is-nes mdnu-is-sgt audiv-is-sem-us m6nu-is-sem-us audlv-is-set-Is m6nu-is-set-Is audiv-is-sent m6nu-is-sent io.fr: : ':' . ' ' : : , , : , fWxiONS. {Book II, 257 SUPINE STEM. Other Vowel Conjugations. PASSIVE VOICE, Indicative Mood. Singular. Perfect. i. trlbut-iis capt-tis audlt-us m6nlt-iis sum 2. 55 55 55 es 3' ,5 55 55 55 est Plural. i. trlbut-I capt-I audlt-I m6nlt-i sumus 2. ,, 55 55 estis 3- 55 55 55 55 sunt Singular. Completed Future. i. tribut-us capt-us audlt-us m6nlt-us 6ro 2. ,, 55 55 55 gris 3- 55 55 55 55 grit Plural. i. trlbut-I capt-I audlt-I m5nlt-l grlmus 2. ,, 55 55 55 grltls 3- ,5 55 55 55 grunt Singular. Pluperfect. i. trlbut-us capt-us audlt-us ni6nlt-us gram 2. 55 55 55 6ras 3- 55 55 55 55 grat Plural. i. trfbut-I capt-I audlt-I mdnlt-I gramus ^' 55 55 5) ,, gratis 3' ,5 55 55 55 grant Subjunctive Mood. Singular. Perfect, i. tribiit-us capt-us - audlt-us m6nlt-us sim 2. ,, 55 55 55 sis cit 3- 55 55 5 55 blu Plural. i. trlbiit-I capt-I audlt-I m5nlt-l simus 2. 55 55 sltls 3- ,5 55 55 55 sint Singular. Pluperfect. i. trlbut-us capt-iis audlt-iis m5nlt-iis essem 2. ,, 55 55 55 esses 3- 5J 55 55 55 essgt Plural. i. trlbut-I capt-I audlt-I m6nit-I essemus 2. 55 55 55 essetls 3- 55 55 55 55 essent Chap. XIV.} Deponents. 103 Deponent verbs have the inflexions of the passive voice with the active meanings, and have also a present and future participle active and the gerunds and supines. The following examples are given (for brevity's sake) only in the first person singular, or other leading form : s^qu-, follow; prgca-, pray; vgre-, fear. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. sgquor, I follow or am following Future. sgquar, I shall follow Imperfect, sgquebar, / was follow- ing or I followed Perfect. sgcutus sum, I followed or have followed Comp. Fut. sgcutus gro, / shall have followed Pluperfect, secutus gram, I had fol- lowed prgcor prgcabor prgcabar v6reor vgrebor vgrebar precatus sum vSritus sum prgcatus gro vgrltus gro prgcatus gram vgrltus gram SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. sgquar, I be following or prgcer vgrear IfoHow Imperfect, sgqugrer, 7 were follow- prgcarer vgrerer ing or I followed Perfect. sgcutus sim, I followed precatus sim vgrltus sim Pluperfect, sgcutus essem, 7 hadfol- prgcatus essem vgrltus essem lowed IMPERATIVE MOOD. Present. sgqugrg,/o//ow (thoii) prgcarg vgrerg Future. sgcutor, thou s halt follow prgcator vgretor VERBAL, NOUNS. INFINITIVE. Present. sgqui, to follow prgcari vgreri Perfect. sgcutus esse, to have fol- prgcatus esse vgrltus esse lowed PARTICIPLES. Present. sgquens, following Future. secuturus, going to follow Past. sgcutus, having followed prgcans prgcatiirus prgcatus vgrens verlturus vgrltus GERUND. sgquendum, following GERUNDIVE, sgquendus, to follow or to be followed prgcandum prgcandus vgrendum vgrendus 104 INFLEXIONS. [Book If. CHAPTER XV. INFLEXIONS OF sum AND OTHER IRREGULAR VERBS. 259 THE tenses of the verb of being are partly from a root es- whence es-um (Gr. ju for eV/u) and partly from the root fu- (whence fio), Gr. 0uoj. Pos-sum, I am able or I can, is a compound of p6te sum, and usually retains the t before a vowel but assimilates it to a following -s. Present. Indicative. Subjunctive. Sing. i. sum, 7<3> pos-sum, I can sim possim 2. gs, Thou art pOtgs, Thou canst sis possis 3- est, Tfe is pfttest, He can sit posslt Plur. i. sftmus, We are possiimus, We can simfts possimus 2. es-tls, Te are pdtestls, Te can sitls possitls 3- sunt, 7/7/ 47-) 293 The use of these forms is analogous to that of the forms in -ero, -erim, but is confined to those classes of sentences in which those forms differ least from a future indicative, or present subjunctive ; viz. (i) the indicative in the protasis (not the apodosis) of a sentence ; (except faxo, which might be either a simple or completed future) : (a) the subjunc- tive in modest affirmations, wishes, prohibitions, purpose, and in de- pendent sentences for the future, never for the perfect indicative (as the form in -erim frequently is). In all these classes the English language ordinarily uses an incomplete tense (present or future). The infinitives in -sere might be taken as either simple or completed futures. Chap. XIX.} Of the Present Stem. 117 CHAPTER XIX. OF VERB STEMS, especially THE PRESENT STEM. 294 A VERB often exhibits a different stem in the present tense from that which appears to be presumed in the perfect or in the supine. Verbs may be divided into consonant verbs and vowel verbs accord- ing as the present stem ends in a consonant or in a vowel. (In the following enumeration the different instances will be classified according to the last letter of the verb stem ; and sometimes the perfect and supine added in illustration.) i. Consonant verbs. 295 Most consonant verbs exhibit in the present stem no alteration of the regular stem of the verb ; e. g. rgg-, rgg-gre ; caed-, caed-gre, &c. Other consonant verbs exhibit such alteration; e.g. 1. The stem is reduplicated to form the present tense ; e.g. ggn- (ggn-gre old form), gigngre for gl-gSngre (ggn-ui, ggn-Itum) ; sta-, sistgre (stgti, statum) ; sa-, sgrgre for sgsgre (sevl, satum). 2. The radical vowel is lengthened; e.g. due-, ducgre ; die-, dlcgre (cf. die-are, causidic-us) ; fid-, fldere ; nub-, nubere (cf. proniibus). 3. n is suffixed to the stem of the verb ; e. g. tern-, tem-n-gre ; cer-, cer-n-gre ; sper-, sper-n-gre ; ster-, ster-n-ere ; 1I-, H-n-gre ; si-, sl-n-gre. 4. A nasal is inserted before the final stem consonant. (a) Labial stems : cub-, cu-m-bgre ; rup-, ru-m-pgre ; () Guttural stems : llqv-, li-n-qvgre ; vie-, vi-n-cgre ; nac-, na-n-cisci ; frag-, fra-n-ggre ; pag-, pa-n-ggre ; pug-, pu-n-ggre ; tag-, ta-n-ggre. In some verbs the nasal is retained in the perfect and dropped in the supine stem : fig-, fln-ggre ; pig-, pi-n-ggre ; strlg-, stri-n-ggre. In other verbs the nasal is constant in the verb stem ; e. g. jig- (cf. jug-urn), ju-n-ggre (junxi, junction), (r) Dental stems : fid-, fl-n-dgre ; sold-, aci-n-dgre ; fud-, fu-n-dgre ; tud-, tu-n-dgre. n8 INFLEXIONS. \BookII. 296 5. sc or isc is suffixed to verbal stems, especially to vowel stems in e, and gives often the special meaning of beginning or becoming. This inchoative form sometimes exists alone, sometimes is used besides the ordinary stem, sometimes is found in a compound, but not in the simple verb. The perfect and supine, if any, are the same as those of the ordinary stem (real or assumed). A very few stems carry the suffix -sc throughout all the tenses. sc is suffixed : (a) To consonant stems ; e. g. al- (algre), ale-sc-gre : die-, di-sc-ere (for dic-sc-gre) ; pac-, pac-isc-i ; trdm- (trgmgre), contrgm-isc-gre ; perg- (perggre), experg-isc-i ; vigv- (vlvgre), reviv-isc-gre. () To vowel stems ; e. g. A. Ira-, ira-sc-i ; laM- (labare), laba-sc-gre ; na-, na-sc-i ; vgtgra- (invetgrare trans.), vgtgra-sc-gro intrans. 0. no-, no-sc-gre ; E. ere-, cre-sc-gre ; quie-, qule-sc-gre ; sue-, sue-sc-gre ; arde- (ardere), arde-sc-gre ; auge-, augere (trans.), auge-sc-gre (intrans.). haere- (haerere), haere-sc-gre ; splende- (splendere), splende-sc-gre, &c. ; ace- (acere), ace-sc-fire and many others from e stems, with perf. in -ui. 1. dorml- (dormire), ob-donni-sc-6re ; obliv-, obliv-isc-i; sci-, sci-sc-6re ; apl-, api-sc-i ; cupl- (cupgre), concupi-sc-6re ; facl- (facSre), proflci-sc-i; M- (comp. hiare), M-sc-6re ; sapl- (sapgre), resipi-sc-6re, &c. 297 6. The guttural is omitted in some stems which probably ended in gv- (i.e. g with a slight labial action after it ; cf. 17), e.g. flugv-, flu-6re ; frugv-, frui ; strugv-, stru-Sre ; vigv-, vlv-gre ; also the vowel stem conigv-, conivere. Other stems vary between gv and g ; e.g. stingvgre, stinggre ; tingvgre, tinggre ; ungvere, unggre ; ningvit, ningit (comp. nix, nlv-is), and the vowel stems urgvere, urgere. 7. s is changed between vowels to r ; e. g. ggs-, ggrgre (gessi, gestum) ; quaes-, quaergre (comp. quaeso, qugs-, qugri (ques-tus) ; quaesivi, &c.) fts-, flrgre (ussi, ustum). Also the vowel stem hausi-, haurire (hausi, haus-tum). 8. A few verbs have 11 in present stem, but not in other parts (Cf. 41). col-, perceUSre (per-ciil-i, per-cul-sum) ; pol-, pellgre (pe-piil-i, pul-sum) ; tol-, tollgr (ttll-i) ; vellgre retains 11 in perfect velli, but supine vul-sum. Chap. XIX.} Of the Present Stem. 119 ii. Vowel verbs. 298 Verbs ivlth stems ending in a : (a) Most of these verbs have the stem ending in a-, and preserve it in all tenses ; e. g. Fla-, flare (fiavi, flatum) ; fa-, fari (fatus) ; in which a is radical. In na-, nare (navi, natum), the a is constant, but the derivative nato shows that a is radical. In stra- (cf. 31 d) t ster-n-6ro (stravi, stratum) ; tla-, toll-re (tStuli, latum for tlatum) ; the present-stem is consonantal. Derivative verbs with a- stems are very numerous ; e.g. ama-, amare ; crea-, creare ; nuntia-, nuntiare ; 16va-, levare, c. ; all have perfects in -avi, atuin. 299 (b) Verbs u-i; rapl-, rap-u-i. 313 Gutturals, frlca-, fric-u-i ; en6ca-, engc-u-i, (also en6c-a-vl) ; sca-, s6c-u-i. arce"-, arc-ui ; jac6-, jac-u-i; place-, plac-u-i ; egS-, Sg-u-i ; r!g-, (Pr. also rlgesc-), rlg-u-I ; fr6m-, fr6m-u-i ; ge"m-, v6m-, v6m-u-i. ciiba-, (Pr. also cumb-), cub-u-i; tlm6-, tlm-u-i. lubS-, lub-u-it ; sene"-, (Pr. sgnesc-), s6n-u-i; stiipS-, (Pr. also stupesc-), stiip-u-i; torpg-, (Pr. also torpesc-), torp-u-i. mica-, mlc-u-i, (but dimicavi) ; -plica-, -pllc-u-i, (also -pllc-a-vl) d5c-u-i ; d6c6-, d6c-u-i ; lice"-, lic-u-it ; n6cS-, n6c-u-i ; tac6-, tac-u-i. plgg-, p!g-u-it ; vlgg-, (Pr. also vigesc-), vlg-u-i. 314 Dentals, stert-, stert-u-i. late-, (Pr. also latesc-), lat-u-i ; innot-, (Pr. inn6tesc-),innot-u-i; paenlte"-, paenit-u-it ; madS-, (Pr. also madesc-), mad-u-i ; sordg-, (Pr. also sordesc-), sord-u-i ; 315 Nasals, Liquids, &c. N. gSn-, (Pr. gign-), gSn-u-i. sOna-, s6n-u-i ; emmS-, emin-u-i ; sn6- (Pr. sSaesc-), sgn-u-i ; vSta-, v6t-u-i (once v6t-a-vl). nltS-, (Pr. also nitesc-), nlt-u-i ; 6port6-, 6port-u-it ; patS-, (Pr. also patesc-), pat-u-i. pudS-, pud-u-it ; obsurdS-,(Pr.obsurdesc-),obsurd-u-i. t6na-, t6n-u-i. in6n6-, m6n-u-i ; tSn-, t6n-u-i. Chap. XXL] Formation of the Perfect Stem. 127 L. al-, al-u-i ; col-, col-u-i ; consul-, consul-u-i ; mol-, m61-u-i ; 61-, (also 616-), 61-u-i ; v61-, v61-u-i. ca!6-, (Pr. also calesc-), cal-u-i ; caUS-, (Pr. also callesc-), call-u-i ; coalfi-, (Pr. coalesc- intrans. ; comp. alo trans.), coal-u-i ; d616-, d61-u-i ; pallg-, (Pr. also pallesc-), paU-U-i ; sll6-, (Pr. also sUesc-), sll-u-i ; studS-, stud-u-i ; vale"-, (Pr. also valesc-), val-u-i. evlle", (Pr. evnesc-), evH-u-i, sail-, sal-u-i (rarely salii). R. sr-, s6r-u-i. are, (Pr. also aresc-), ar-u-i ; care"-, car-u-i ; durS-, (Pr. dflresc-}, dUr-u-i ; fl6r6-, (Pr. also floresc-), flor-u-i ; horr6-, (Pr. also horresc-), horr-u-i ; m6rS-, m6r-u-i ; par6-, par-u-i; terrS-, terr-u-i. ap6r-u-i ; 6p6rl-, 6p6r-u-i. S. nex-, nex-u-i ; p6s-, (Pr. pon-), p6s-u-i ; tex-, tex-u-i. cense"-, cens-u-i ; tors-, (Pr. torre"-), torr-u-i. Semivowels, ferv- (also ferv6- and ferve-sc-), ferb-u-i (also fervi). 316 iv. (b} Perfect stem formed by suffixing v (consonant). The consonantal v is suffixed to vowel stems only (except pasco ?) r and the preceding vowel is always long. Almost all verbs with stems in a- or I- have their perfect stem formed in this way. So also Labials, cupl, (Pr. cupl-), cupl-v-i ; sapi-, (Pr. sapl-), sapl-v-i. Dentals. pe"tl-, (Pr. pe"t-), pet!-v-i ; ru'dl-, (Pr. rud-), mdl-v-I. Sibilant. arcessl-, (Pr.arcess-),arcessl-v-i; capessl-, (Pr. capess-), capessl-v-i ;. pdsi-, (Pr. pon-), posl-v-i (always in Plaut., Ter. ; for posui see 315) ; quaesl-, (Pr. quaer-), quaesl-v-i. pas-, (Pr. pasc-, for pas-sc-), pa-v-i. 317 Monosyllabic voivel -verbs : (also oloo, quiesco). A. sa-, (Pr. ser-), se-v-i ; stra-, (Pr, stern-), stra-v-i. 0. n6-, (Pr. nose-), no-v-L U. fu-, fu-v-i (Plaut. but usually fui) ; comp. pin-, pliivi (also plui). E. ere-, (Pr. cer-n-), cre-v-i ; ere-, (Pr. cre-sc-), cre-v-i ; fle-, fla-v-i ; de-le-, dele-v-i ; ne-, ne-v-i ; -615- (e.g. abole-sc-o, adole-sc-o, obsole-sc-o), -615-v-i ; -pie-, ple-v-i ; quie-, (Pr. quiesc-), quie-v-i ; spre-, (Pr. sper-n-), spr5-v-i; sue, (Pr. sue-sc-), sue-v-i. 1. cl-, (Pr. cie-, also cl-), cl-v-i ; I-, (Pr. ind. ist pers. eo), i-v-i ; 1I-, (Pr. Hn-), H-v-i and le-v-i ; qul-, (Pr. ind. ist pers. queo), qul-v-i ; scl-, (Pr. sci-sc- ; besides the regular I verb scio), sci-v-i ; si-, (Pr. sin-), sl-v- ; trt-, (Pr. t6r-), trl-v-i (cf. 31 d). 128 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. 318 v. Perfect stem, same as present stem. This is frequent (i) in the compounds of verbs of which the simple has a reduplicated perfect (see 309); (a) by the dropping of v, in per- fects, in -Ivi, -evl, -avl (see 306); (3) regularly in verbs with u stems, which with other, chiefly consonantal, stems are here named : Labials, bib-, blbi ; lamb-, Iambi. Gutturals. Ic-, Ici. conigve"-, (Pr. cSnlve-), conlvi (also conixl). Denials, vert-, vert-i. -cand-, -cand-i ; cud-, ctld-i ; -fend-, -fend-i ; fld-, (Pr. find-), fid-i (probably for feTId-i) ; mand-, mand-i ; pand-, pand-i ; prghend-, prehend-i ; scand-, scand-i ; seld-, (Pr. scind-), scld-i (sci-cld-i old) ; sld-, sldi- ; prande-, prand-i ; retund-, retundl ; stride-, strld-i. Liquids and Sibilants. L. psall-, psall-i ; vol-, (Pr. veU-), veU-i (rarely vulsi). R. verr-, verr-i. comperl-, compgr-1; repSrl-, r6pp6r-i (both probably compounds of a perfect pgperi). S. pins-, {also pis-), pins-i ; vis-, vIs-L facessi-, (Pr. facess-), facess-i; Incessi-, (Pr. incess-), incess-i ; lacessi-, (Pr. lacess-), lacess-i. 319 Vo^vels. U, vowel and consonant. acu-, acu-i ; argu-, argu-i ; exu-, exu-i ; fu-, fu-i (in Plautus sometimes fu-vi) ; -grfl-, -gru-i ; imbu-, imbu-i ; indfl.-, indu-i ; Ifl-, lu-i ; metu-, m6tu-i ; mlnii-, minu-i ; plfl-, plu-i, also pliivi ; nu-, nu-i ; spu-, spu-i ; statil-, statu-i ; sternu-, sternu-i ; sfl-, sul ; trlbfl-, trlbu-i ; solv-, solv-i ; volv-, volv-I ; ferve-, ferv-i (also ferbui). I. adi-, (Pr. ind. ist pers. sing, adeo), adi-i ; so usually the compounds of eo ; inqui-, (Pr. ind. inquam), inquli; sail-, sal-i-i (rare, usually salui). CHAPTER XXII. FORMATION OF THE SUPINE STEM. 320 THE supine stem has a common base with the stem of the past and the future participles, and with that of some verbal substantives, to which class the supines themselves belong; e.g. supine, ama-t-u-; past part, ama-t-o- ; fut. part, ama-t-oiro- -, subst. denoting agent, ama-t-6r- ; denoting action ama-t-ion-. This common base, which will be here spoken of as the supine stem, is -t- suffixed to the stem of the verb. Chap. XXII.} Formation of the Supine Stem. 129 When the verb-stem ends in a vowel, the vowel is, if long, gene- rally retained; if short, almost always changed, except in monosyl- lables, to I ( 38), or omitted altogether. A few of the verbs which have a consonant stem, have -It- (instead of -t in the supine), as if from a vowel stem. When the verb-stem ends in a consonant, or loses its final vowel, t is, when following certain consonants, changed to 3. A few other instances of this softening admit of special explanation. The verbs here will be classified according as they do or do not exhibit a vowel before the supine suffix, and, subordinately to that, according to the final vowel or consonant of the verb-stem. N.B. The supine itself will be here named when either supine, past participle, or verbal substantive in -tu- exists : otherwise such other form from the same base, as does exist. 321 i. Verbs with a vowel preceding the supine suffix. A. i. Verbs having a in supine stem ; na- (for ggna- ? Pr. inf. nasci), natum ; stra-, (Pr. stern-), stra-tum ; tla-, (Pr. toll-), la-turn ; ama-, ama-tum ; and all other verbs with derivative a stems. frlca-, frlca-tum (also fric-tum) ; mica-, -mica- turn ; n6ca-, neca-tum (but cf. 326) ; s6ca-, secaturus (once). 2. Verbs having -a in supine stem ; da-, da-turn ; ra-, (Pr. inf. reri) : ratum ; sa-, (Pr. s6r-), sa-tum ; sta-, (Pr. inf. stare ; also si-st8re), sta- turn (but in some compounds sta-turus). 3. Verbs having -I (for -a) in supine stem ; crSpa-. crepl-tum ; cuba-, (Pr. also cumb-), cubl-tum ; ddma-, d6ml-tum ; -plica-, -pllcl-tum (also plica-turn ; s5na-, sdnl-tum (sona-turus, once) ; tona-, tbnl-tum (intona-tus, once) ; veta-, v6tl-turn. In juva-, ju-tum (rarely juva-turus) ; lava- (also lav-), lau-tum ; the I is absorbed by the v preceding. 322 0. no-, (Pr. nose-), no-turn ; po-, (potare frequentative) po-tus, cognd- (cf. 300), (so also agn6-), cognl-tum. 323 U. i. Verbs having u in supine stem ; acu-, acu-tum ; argtt-, argu-tum ; dilu-, dUu-tum ; exu-, exu-tum ; imbiU, imbu-tum ; indu-, indii-tum ; minu-, minu-tum ; -nu-, nu-tum (abnulturus in Sail.) ; spu-, spa-turn ; statti-, statu-tum ; stl-, sft-tum ; tribu-, tribu-tuni ; ttl- (Pr. tue- usually), tu-tum. 15qv-, locfl-tum ; seqv-, s6cu-tum; solv-, solu-tum ; volv-, volu-tum. fru- (for frugv-) has rarely frulturus (usually, fruc-tum). 2. Verbs having -ii in supine stem ; rii-, ru-tum, (but rutum according to Varr. ; fut. part, is rui-turus) ; pu-, (whence putare frequentative), pu-tus (adj.) ; clti-, (almost always clue-), -clutum (inclutus). L. G. 9 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. 324 E- i. Verbs having -e in supine stem : ere-, (Pr. cern-, also Pr. cresc-), cretum ; dele-, dele-turn ; fie-, fle-tum ; ne-, ne-tum (Ulp.) ; -ole- (Pr. obs-, es-olesc-), -die-turn; -pie-, ple-tum; quie-, quie-tum ; sue-, (Pr. suesc-), s-uetum ; spre-, (Pr. spern-), spre-tum. vie-, vietum Ter., Lucr. (but vieturn Hor. apparently). 2. Verbs having I (for -6) in supine stem ; abSle"-, ab51!-tum ; calg-, .call-turus ; care"-, care-turus; d51e-, d6H-turus ; exerce"-, exercltum ; tabe"- (and compounds debe-, praebe"-), habl-tum ; jacS-, jaciturus ; lice"-, licl-tum ; lube"-, lubl-tum ; mre-, m6rl-tum ; misgre"-, mls6rl-tum (rarely miserttun) ; m6ne-, monl-tum ; noc6-, n6cl-tum ; par6-, parl-turus ; plg-, plgl-tum ; place-, placl-tum ; pude-, pudl-tum ; sol6-, soli- turn ; tac6-, tacltus (adj.); terr6-, terrl-tum; vale-, vall-turus ; v6r6-, v6rl-tum. cav6, cavl-tum (old : usually cau-tum) ; fave-, fau-tum (for favi-tum ; cf. favltor Plant.). So also fovS-, fo-tum; m6v6-, m6-tum; vdvS-, votum. 325 I. i. Verbs having -I in supine stem; audi-, audl-tum; and others which have -ivi in perfect, except those in 303 b. bland!-, blaudi-tum ; largi-, largl-tum ; menti-, menti-tum ; moll-, m61i-tum ; parti-, parti-turn ; p6tl-, poti-tum. sorti-, sortltum. sand-, sanci-tum (sanctum more frequently); pe"ri-, p6r-Itus, adj. (but in comp. -per-tum); opperi-, opperitum (also oppertum) ; obllvi-, oblitum (for obllvitum) probably has stem in I. cupl-, cupi-tum ; p6ti-, (Pr. p6t-), p6tl-tum ; quaesi-, (Pr. quaer-), quaesl-tum; riidi-, (Pr. rud-), rudl-tum; trl-, c. N. Can-, can- tus subst.; men-, e.g. commln-isc-, commentum tentum ; v6nl-, ven-tum. 331 L. al-, al-tum ; c61-, cul-tum ; consul-, consul-turn ; occul-, occul-tum ; v61- (Pr. inf. velle), vultus, subst. expression. ad61e- (Pr. adolesc-), adul-tum. sail-, sal-turn ; sSpgll-, sgpul-tuni. 132 INFLEXIONS. \BookII. R. c6r-, (Pr. cern-), cer-tus adj. (also ere-, cre-tus) ; sSr-, -ser-tum (also serta, n. pi. garlands}. 6ri-, or-tum (cf. 325. 2) ; ap6rl-, aper-tum ; parl-, par-turn. S. f6s-, (Pr. fSri-?), fes-tum (e.g. infes-tus, manlfes-tus) ; ggs-, (Pr. ge"r-), ges-tum ; pas-, (Pr. pasc-), pas-turn ; pis-, pis-turn ; qu6s-, (Pr. quSr-), ques-tum ; tex-, tex-tum; us-, (Pr. ur-), us-tum; tors-, (Pr. torre-), tos-tum. hausl-, (Pr. hauri-), haus-tum; p6sl-, (Pr. pon-), pos-tum (usually pSsItum). 332 2. Verbs with t suffixed : but softened to s by the influence usually either of a preceding dental, or of two consonants of which the first is a liquid. A vowel preceding -sum is always long. (Other cases are but few; and the sum may be partly due to the active perfect (if any) having -si, as it has in all these exceptional cases, except censui.) 333 Labials, lab-, lap-sum ; jube"-, jus-sum (for jflve"-, jousum ?) ; prem-, pres-sum (for pren-sum). Gutturals. The guttural usually drops out. C. pare-, par-sum. mulce"-, mul-sum. G. fig-, fixum; flugv-, (Pr. flu-), fluxus adj. (fluc-tus subst.); merg-, mer-sum ; sparg-, spar-sum, midge"-, mul-sum; terge"-, ter-sum. 334 Dentals. The dental either drops out, the preceding vowel being therefore lengthened, or is assimilated. N. B. All dental stems have -sum. T. fleet-, flexum ; mSt-, mes-sum ; mitt-, mis-sum ; nect-, nexum ; nict-, (Pr. nit-), nixum or nl-sum ; pect-, pexum ; -plect-, -plexum ; vert-, ver-sum ; tit-, u-sum. fat6-, fas-sum. metl- , mensum ; senti-, sen-sum ; fatl-, (Pr. fatisc-), fes-sus adj. ; pati-, pas-sum; quatl-, quas-sum. D. cad-, ca-sum ; caed-, cae-sum ; ced-, ces-sum; claud-, clau-sum; cftd-, cu-sum ; dlvid-, dlvl-sum ; 6d-, e-sum (rarely comes-tum, from com6d-) ; -fend-, -fen-sum ; fid-, fl-sum ; fid-, fissum ; frend-, fres-sum or fre-sum ; fud-, (Pr. fund-), fu-sum ; laed-, laesum ; lud-, m-sum ; mand-, man-sum ; 6d-, -osum (e.g. per-osus, exosus) ; pand-, pan-sum or pas-sum ; pend-, pen-sum ; plaud-, plau-sum ; prehend-, prehen-sum ; rad-, ra-sum ; rod-, ro-sum ; scand-, scan-sum ; scld-, (Pr. scind-), scis-sum ; tend-, ten-sum (also ten-turn) ; trud-, trfl-sum ; tud-, (Pr. tund-), tu-sum or tun-sum. arde-, ar-silrus ; aude-, au-sum ; gavld-e-, (Pr. gaude-), gavl-sum; morde-, mor-sum ; pende-, pen-sum ; prande-, pran-sum ; ride-, rl-sum ; s6de-, ses-sum ; Chap. XXII.] Formation of the Supine Stem. 133 sponde-, spon-sum ; suade-, sua-sum ; taede-, tae-sum ; tonde-, ton-sum ; vide-, vl-sum. ordl-, or-sum ; f6dl-, fos-sum ; gradl-, gres-sum. 335 A r asats, Liquids, &c. N. mine-, man-sum. L. -cell-, -cul-sum ; fall-, fal-sum ; peU-, pul-sum ; saU-, sal-sum ; veU-, vul-sum. R. curr-, cur-sum ; haere-, hae-sum. verr-, ver-sum. S. cense-, cen-sum ; hausl- (Pr. hauri-), haus-tum (also hau-surus). Many verbs have no forms from a supine stem in use. 336 The supines are respectively the accusative and ablative (or in some uses apparently the dative), of a verbal noun in -u. They are called respectively active supine, or supine in -urn, and passive supine or supine in -u. From this so-called supine stem are formed, as has been said, the future participle active by suffixing -urc~, sing. nom. -urus (m.) ; -ura (f.), -urum (n.) ; and the past participle passive, by suffixing the or- dinary case-endings of the second class ; e. g. sing. nom. -us (m.), a (f.), -urn (n.). These participles, in the appropriate gender and number, are used in the nominative case with the finite tenses of the verb sum, and in the accusative as well as the nominative with the infinitive of the same verb to supply the place of certain tenses for which there is no special form. The future participle thus supplies additional future tenses in the active voice especially in the subjunctive: the past participle supplies the perfect tenses of the passive voice, whether the passive voice have a strictly passive meaning, or, as in deponents, an active or reflexive meaning. CHAPTER XXIII. OF THE TRADITIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF VERBS. 337 As the ordinary classification of verbs is often referred to, it may be convenient here to give a brief account of it. It is as old at least, as the fourth century after Christ. Verbs are generally divided according to their form into four classes, called Conjugations. The four conjugations are distinguished by the vowel which immediately precedes re in the infinitive mood; which in the ist conjugation is S, I in the second S 1 : in the third 6, not usually belonging to the stem: in the fourth I. The distribution of the verbs among these conjugations is as follows. 1 i.e. 5 according to the ordinary doctrine : but see 302 b. 134 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. I. First conjugation contains all vowel verbs, whose stem ends in . as am-o, / love, infin. ama-re. II. Second conjugation contains all vowel verbs whose stem ends in e; as mone-o, / advise, infin. mone-re. III. Third conjugation contains all verbs whose stem ends in a con- sonant, or in u, or a variable i (called I above, 303 c); as r6g-o, / rule, infin. r6g-6re. tribu-o, I assign, infin. trlbu-ere. capi-o, / take, perf. cep-i, infin. cap6-re. IV. Fourth conjugation contains all vowel verbs whose stem ends in I, as audi-o, I hear, infin. audl-re. 333 The following are the regular forms of the perfect and supine in the several conjugations according to the ordinary description. In the ist conjugation the regular perfect is formed by the addition of vl to the stem, the regular supine by the addition of turn, e.g. ama-vi, ama-tum. The exceptions are few : two verbs do, sto have a reduplicated perfect dSdi, steti: two others, jftvo, lavo, lengthen the stem vowel, e.g. (juvi, lavi) : the others add ui to the stem, the final a being omitted ; e.g. crSpa-, crSp-ui. None form the perfect in si or i simple. None form the supine in sum. In the 2nd conjugation the regular perfect is formed by the addition of ui to the stem, the regular supine by the addition of Itum, the final stem vowel e being omitted, as mone-, mon-ui. The exceptions are numerous, and of all kinds : the larger number adding si. Many have the supine in sum. In the 3rd conjugation all the forms are much used, some having even the long characteristic vowel of the other three conjugations, e.g. stsrno, stravi ; sperno, sprevi ; tero, trlvi. These are clearly instances of a vowel stem in the perfect and supine superseding a consonant stem. Many have the supine in sum. In the 4th conjugation, the regular perfect is formed by the addition of vi and the regular supine by the addition of turn to the stem; e.g. audl-vi, audi-tum. The exceptions are few : one lengthens the stem vowel (vgni-o, v6ni): one simply adds the personal inflexions (compgri-o, com- pgr-i). Three have perfect in ui ; viz. aperio, operio, and salio, nine have perfect in si. Two, viz. eo and cio, have short I in supine. None form the perfect by reduplication, except perhaps repSri-o, reppSr-i. Several have supine in sum. CHAPTER XXIV. LIST OF VERBS, WITH THEIR PERFECTS, SUPINES, &c. 339 THE following list contains almost all the verbs of the Latin language, with certain exceptions, which exceptions are i. All verbs with a- or i- stems, which have their pres. infinitive in -are, -Ire (-ari, -Iri), perf. in -avi, -Ivl (-atus, -Itus, sum), and supine in -atum, -Itum. Chap. XXIV.] List of Verbs. 135 i. All verbs with e- stems, which have perfect in -ui, but no supine. They are generally intransitive. 3. Most inchoatives, which either have no perfect or supine, or one of the same form as the simple verb. 4. Verbs compounded with prepositions. But such are named as differ from the form of the simple verb in perfect or supine, or which agree with it in having a reduplication in the perfect. 5. A few verbs, with e- or i- stems, which have no perfect or supine. The supine is not much used, but is here mentioned wherever it or a perfect participle is known, as this is similarly formed. N.B. Where the English translation as given here, whether with or without a preposition, allows of the immediate addition of an object, the verb is transitive (though it may perhaps also be intransitive), e.g. arcesso, send for ; laedo, hurt, are transitive. Where it requires the addition of an English preposition, the verb is intransitive, e. g. ndceo, be hurtful. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. accerso. See arcesso. acuo, sharpen actti acutum acfiere aeu- ago, do, drive egl actum age"re ag- adlgo, adegi, adactum, adiggro. So the other compounds, Except : cogo (cSegi, coactum, cog&re), dego, which has no perf. or supine, prodlgo which has perf. only, and circumago, perago, which retain a in pres., &c. satago is really two words : perf. egi satis. aio, say aj- The following forms only are preserved, pres. ajo, ais, alt (ais, ait in Plaut.), ajunt. Imp. ajebam, &c. complete. In Plant. andTer. aibam. Pres. subj. ajas, ajat. The part, aiens is used only as adj. algeo, be cold alsi algere alg-e- alo, nourish, raise alui altum a!6re al- alltum is found in post- Augustan writers. amicio, clothe amictum amlclre ain!c-i anilcui and am Ixl are both said to have been used for perf, ango, throttle, vex anggre ang- apiscor, fasten to one- aptus sum aptum apisci ap-I- sdf, get More usual in compound adlpiscor, adeptus sum, adipisci. See also coepio. arceo, inclose, keep ojf arcui (artus) arcere arc-e- artus, only used as adj. confined, narrow: exerceo, exercise, exercui, exercltum, exercgre, So also coerceo. ) fetch, send for arcesslvl arcessltum arcessSre Another form (perhaps of different origin) is accerso. In pass. inf. arcesslri (accersiri) sometimes occurs. ardeo, be on fire arsi (arsurus) ardere ard-e- axguo, charge argui argutum argu6re argu- (with crime, &c.) argutus rare, except as adj. sharp. Fut. part, arguiturus (once in Sail.), 136 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. audeo, dare ausus sum, ausum audere aud-e- ausus sum, I have dared ; ausus also (rarely) passive part. ave, imperat. hail (in Quintilian's time havg) also aveto, plur. avete : inf. avere. Martial has av5. aveo, long no perf. or sup. avere av-e- BMgeo, increase (trans.) auxi auctum augere aug-e- endo^u batuo, beat, fence batul batugre batu- (with a weapon) blbo, drink blbi blbgre blb- For supine and fut. part. p5tum, poturus are used. blto, go no perf. or sup. bltgre bit- Only in early dramatists. Plautus has compounds abito, adbito, inter - bito, perbito, rebito. cado, fall cgcldi casum cadgre cad- occldo, occldi, occasion, ocddSre. The other compounds, except rgcldo and (rarely) incldo, have no supine. caedo,/f//, cut, slay, cgcldi caesum caedgre caed- occido, occldi, occlsum, occidgre. So all the compounds. caleo, be hot calui (callturus) calere cal-g- calvor, play tricks (also as passive) calvi calv- Only in early writers for later calumniari. -cando, light , only in compounds. cand- e.g. accendo, accendi, accensum, accendgre. cano, sing, play cgclni (cantus cangre can- (on a harp, &c.) subst.) conclno, conclnui, concentum, conclngre. So occlno (also once occe- cini), incino and praeclno. No perf. found of other compounds. capesso, undertake capesslvi capessltum cftpessgre ] c P ess " capio, take cepi captum capgre cap-I- ' concipio, concepi, conceptum, conclpgre. So the other compounds, except antecapio, antecepi, anteceptum, antecapgre. careo, be in want carui (cariturus) carere car-g- caro, card (wool), very rare cargre car- carpo, nibble, pluck carpsi carptum carpgre carp- decerpo, decerpsi, decerptum, decerpgre. So the other compounds. caveo, be ware, be cavi cautum cavere cav-g- ivare of cedo, give way, yield up ces&i cessuni cedSre cd- cgdo, give, said to be old imperative 2nd per. sing. The plural cette (for cgdlte) only in early scenic poets. -cello, strike? only in compounds: celsus adj. high cell- percello (strike down], perculi, perculsus, percellgre. excello (distinguish myself} has (in Gellius) a perf. excellul. Of ante- cello and praecello no perf. or sup. are found, excelsus praecelsus, lofty, are used as adj. Wb&w, count, estimate^ censul censum censure cens-g- give opinion Chap. XXIV.} List of Verbs. 137 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. cerno, sift, distin- crevl jcrgtum cerngre jc6r- guish, decide, see (certus, adj. sure |cre- The meaning see is confined to pres., fut. and imp. tenses. decerno, decrSvi, decrgtum, decerngre. So the other compounds. * up civi oltu* The -i stem is rare in the simple verb : the -e stem rare in the com- pounds. accio makes (once) accltus ; *excio, excltus and excltus ; concio, concltus, and (once) concltus ; percio, percltus. cingo, gird cinxi cinctum cinggre cing- clango (rare) dang clanggre clang- claudo, shut clausi clausum claudgre claud conclude, conclusi, conclusion, concludere. So the other compounds. clgpo (old), steal clepsi cleptum clgpgre clgp- clueo, be spoken of -clutum cluere clu-e In Seneca (once) duo. Past part, only in compound Inclutus. c51o, till, pay atten- cdlui cultum cdlgre cdl- tion to So the compounds excdlo, excClui, excultum, exc61re, but accdlo, incdlo have no supine. Occulo has probably a different stem. coepio, begin coepi coeptum coepgre coep-I- Pres. ind. and subj. only in Plaut. Fut. coepiam in Cato. Imperf. subj. coepgrem once in Ter. Otherwise only perfect stem in use. But coeptus and coepturus are also used. (Coeptus sum often with a pass, infin. ; but also coepi.) The verb is apparently fi-om co-apio (apiscor). compesco. See pasco. conquinisco, crouch conquexi, old and rare conquinlscgre consulo, consult consului consultum consulgre consul- cSquo, cook coxi coctum cdqugre cdqv- credo. See do. crgpo, rattle crgpui crgpltum crgpare crgp-a- cresco, grow crevl crgtum crescgre cre- Though cresco is intransitive, it has a part, cretus, sprung from. cubo, lie, lie ill ctibui ciibltum ciibare ciib-a- cubavl is occasionally found. cudo, hammer cudi cusum cudgre cud- -cumbo, lie, only in compounds, as strengthened form of cubo. accumbo, accubul, acciibltum, accumbgre. ciipio, desire cuplvi ctipltum ciipgre ciip-I- cuplret once in Lucr. curro, run cucurri cursum currSre curr- The compounds frequently retain the reduplication, e.g. accucurri, dgcucurrl, excucurri ; more usually (in Cicero and Livy) drop it, e.g. accurri. deleo. See lino. depso, knead depsul depstum depsgre deps- dlco, say dixi dictum dlcgre dlc- disco, learn dldlci discgre die- Compounds retain reduplication, e.g. edisco, learn by heart, edldlci. 1 38 INFLEXIONS. {Book 77. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. dispesco. See pasco. divide, divide dlvlsi divlsum dlvldgre di-vld- do, give (see p. 106) dgdi datum dare da- The half- compounds circuindo, surround, pessumdo, ruin, satisdo, satisfy, venumdo, expose to sale, follow do precisely. credo, entrust, believe, vendo, sell, reddo, give back, and the compounds with monosyllabic prepositions, have consonant stems : e. g. credo, credldi, crSdltum, credgre. So also accredo, accredldi. The compound with prae exists only in praedltus, endued. The reduplication is retained in the compounds, except usually in abscondo. For the passives of vendo, perdo, (except past part, and gerundive) veneo and (usually) pereo are used. dSceOj teach dbciil doctum d6cere d5c-g- dOleo, be in pain ddlui (dSHturus) ddlere d61-g- d6mo, tame domui ddmltum ddmare d6m-a- duco, drazv, lead, ac~ duxi ductum ducSre diic- count gdo, eat edi esum 6dere gd- Supine sometimes essum. C6m6do has also (rarely) comestuni. 6mo, buy (orig. take] emi emptum SmSre 6m- adlmo, ademl, ademptum, adlmSre. So other compounds, except ^i) c66mo (cdemi, coemptum), perSmo, interfimo, which retain e: (2) the earlier compounds como, demo, promo, sCLmo, which make compsi, comptum, &c. o,0(seep. 107) Ivl Itum Ire !- Compounds always omit v (e.g. adil), in ist pers. perf., and usually in other persons of perfect and thence derived tenses. veneo, be for sale, perf. venii, is a compound of eo. It has no supine. VX.MO, strip ^(clothes, exui ezutum exu6re exu- &c.) facesso, cause t wafocff&cessl facessltum facessSre facio, make, do fed factum facfire fac-I- For the passive, in tenses formed from present stem, flo is used. proflc'lo, make progress, profeci, profectum, proflcgre. So the other compounds with prepositions. But calgfacio, tremgfacio, &c. being only half compounds retain a ( 74). proflciscor, set out (on ajoitrney), travel, prdfectum, prdflcisci. faUo, deceive, elude fgfelli falsum failure fall- refeUo, refute, refelli, refeUgre. farcio, stuff farsi fartum farclre farc-I- rSfercio, rgfersl, rgfertum, rgferclre. So also differtus. fateor, acknowledge fassum fatSri fat-6- confiteor, confessum, conflteri. So prdflteor. difElteor has no part. perf. fatisco ) (fessus adj. (fatiscgre fatiscor (old) j y n > dro t weary) J jlatisci defgtiscor, defessum, defetisci. be favourable favi fautum favere fav-e- Chap. XXIV.] List of Verbs. 139 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. -fendo, strike, only in compounds. fend- defendo, ward off, guard, defend!, defensum, defendgre. So also offendo, strike against. ferio, strike (see ico) ferlre fer-I- (percussi, percussum are often used as perfect and supine.) fero, bear (see p. 107) (tuli) (latum) ferre fer- Perfect and supine are borrowed from tollo. afifgro, attuli, allatum, afferre ; aufgro, abstuli, ablatum, auferre ; differo, distiill, dllatum, differre ; offgro, obtuli, oblatum, offerre ; rgfgro, rettuli, relatum referre; (rarely rellatum) refert, it is of importance (probably for rei fert) is used as impersonal. suffgro has for perf. rarely susttili, usually sustinui. ferveo, boil, glow jferbui forvere ferv-5- A consonantal stem (e.g. fervit, fervfire) frequent in prae-Aug. and Aug. poets. fldo, trust flsum fidSre fid- fisus sum is used for perf., I have tmsted* flgo,yf^ fixi fixum flgfire ffg- flctus as past participle in Varro, R. R. and Lucr. fio, become (see p. 107) fi6ri fi- The compound infit, he begins, only in this one form (poetical). findo, cleave fidi fissum findgre fld- &ngo,form, invent finxi fictum finggre flg- fleo, weep flevi fletum flere fle- flecto, bend flexi flexum flectfire fiect- -fllgo, strike, only in compounds. affllgo, strike against, knock down, afflixi, afllictuin, affllge're. So the other compounds, except profllgo, put to rout, profligavi, profll- gatum, profllgare. fluo,_/7^7e/ fluxi (fluxus, adj. loose, fluSre fliigv- fluctus, sub. a wave.) f6dio, dig fodi fossum f6d6re f6d-I- Inf. fodlri, effodiri are found in the older language. fatur, he speaks fatum fari f,- The following only found : pres. ind. fatur ; fut. fabor, fabitur : perf. fatus est ; pluperf. fatus eram, erat ; imper. fare ; inf. fari : part. fantem, &c. (no nominative, except in phrase fans atque infans, Plaut.), fatus, fandus, and fatu. In compounds we have also -famur, -faniini : -fabar, farer, &c., and in imperat. &c., praefato, praefamino. fdveo, keep warm, fovl fotum fdvere fdv-- cherish frango, break in pieces fxegl. fractum frangre frag- Compounds as confringo, confrggl, contractual, confringgre. 140 INFLEXIONS. [Book IT. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. Irgmo, roar, snort frgmui frgmltum frgmgre frgm- frendo, gnash (with the teeth) ) fressum \ fresum frendgre frend- frlco, rub frlcui frfgere frlg-e- frlggre frig- tral frugv- An old form fruniscor, frlgeo, be cold frisi frlgo, roast, (corn, &c.) frictum fruor, enjoy myself fructtun - fruitum once (Ulpian). Fut. part, frultilrus. frunitum is quoted from early writers. Vb&a, flee, fly from ftigl (fftglturus) fuggre fllg-I- totos>, prop " fulsi fultum fulclre fulc-I- fulgeo,y?a.s7* fulsi fulgere fulg-e- A consonantal stem e.g. fulglt, fulggre is found in prae-Aug. poets; twice in Vergil. fundo, pour, rout fUdi fUsum fundfire fud- (an enemy) fungor, get quit, dis- functum fungi fung- charge myself, (an office, &c.) fuo, grow? see sum ( 259, 260) furls, thou ragest furfire fur- Only furls, furlt, furunt, furebas, furebat, furgre, furens are found. gaudeo, be glad gavlsum gaudere gavld-e gavisus sum, / rejoiced. g6mo, sigh, groan ggmul gSmltum g6m6re g6m- g6ro, carry, perform gessl gestum g6r6re g6s- gigno, beget, produce g6nul gfinltum gigngre g6n- In old language (Lucr. Varr.), sometimes gSno is found. glisco, swell, kindle gllscgre gli- glubo, peel gluptum glubgre glflb- gradior, step gressum gradi grad-I- Compounds as aggrfidior, attack, aggressum, aggr6di. Inf. aggre- dlri, progredlri, ind. pres. aggredlmur are found in Plaut. -gmo only in compounds. grtt- congruo, agree, congrul, congrufire. So also ingruo, impend. habeo, have ^ habui habltum habere hab-6- So the compounds debeo, owe, debul, debltum, dgbgre; praebeo, afford, praebui, praebitum, praebgre (in Plautus dehibeo, prae- nlbeo) : probeo (Lucr.) for prohlbeo. haereo, stick, intr. haesi haesum haergre haer-e- haurio, drain, draw hausi haustum hauTlre haus-I- (water) In Varr. once haurierint. Fut. part, hausurus, Verg. once, Stat. once, Sil. twice. (not hausus). hisco, gape, open the mouth, to speak hiscgre hi- jaceo, lie jacui (jaclturus) jacere jac-g- jacio, cast jeci jactum jacgre Jac-I- ablcio, abjeci, abjectum, ablcgre. So the other compounds. Disslcio for dis-jacio. porrlcio, offer (sacrifices), &c. porrectum, porrlcgre (without perf.). haustflrus (Cic. once) and The subst. is haustus Chap. XXIV.} List of Verls. 141 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. Ico (or Icio?), strike Ici ictuxn Icfire Ic- Of the present (rare), only icit, icitur, icimur occur : (fSrio is generally used instead). The perfect is often in MSS. written iecit. imbuo, steep, imbue imbui imbutum imbugre imbu- incesso, attack incessl incessfire incess- indulgeo, yield, intr. indulsi indulgere indulg e- (Indultum, &c. is only a late form.) induo, put on indui indutum induSre indu- (clothes, &c.) , , * inquam, quoth inquii jorinqvl- The following forms only occur. Pres. iml. inquam, inquls, inquit, inqulmus, inquiunt. Fut. inquies, iaquiet. Imperf. inquiebat. Perf. inquii, inquisti, inquit. Imperat. 2nd sing, inque, inqulto, plur. inqulte. Irascor, grow angry Iratum Irasci Ira- Iratus sum, I am angry; succensui, / (fired zip, i.e.) was angry. jiibeo, bid jussi jussum jiibere jiib-e- jungo, yoke, join junxi junctum junggre jung- juvo, help, delight juvi jutum juvare jiiv-a- fut. part, juvaturus. Adjiivo has adjuturus. labor, slip, glide lapsum labi lab- lacesso, provoke lacesslvi lacessltum lacessgre | acess " -lacio, entice. Only in compounds. laci- aUicio, allexi, aUectum, alllcgre. So illlcio, peUIcio. ellcio, ellcui, ellcltum, ellcSre. Prollcio has no perfect or supine. laedo, strike (rare), laesi laesuxn laedgre laed- hurt coUIdo, dash together, colllsi, coUIsum, collldgre. So allldo. lambo, lick Iambi (once) lambgre lamb- langveo, be faint langvi langvere langv-e- (lavatum lavo, wash lavi ^lautum lavare lav-a- (lotum A consonantal stem (e.g.lavit, lavSre, &c.) is frequent in prae-Augustan and Augustan poets. For compounds see luo. 18go, pick ^lp, choose, legi lectum 16g6re l&g- read colligo, collect, collegi, coUeetum, colligSre. So compounds gene- rally : Except that (i) allSgo, choose besides; perlfigo, read throtigh; praelfigo, read to others; rS16go, read again; sublSgo, pick up, substitute, retain e. (2) dilSgo (or dlllgo), love ; intellggo, understand ; neglggo, neglect, retain e and have perf. in -xi, e.g. neglexi. (Rarely intellegi, neglggi.) 142 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. Present. Perfect. Supine. Pres. Infinitive. Stem. Hb-g- Only used in 3rd pers. Rarely in plural. Also participle libens. (The stem vowel was in early times u; e.g. lubet.) llceo, be on sale llcui llceor, bid for Hcitus sum licet, it is permitted Only used in 3rd pers. found. Hcltum est Rarely in plural. llcere llceri Hc-g- Hc-g- Hcere Hc-g- LicSto, llcens, Hcitus, also lingo, lick linctum linggre ling- lino, besmear levl Htum llngre II- II vl is also found. In post-Augustan writers, we have Hnio, Hnivi, llnltum, linlre. deleo, blot out, delevi, deletum, delere, either belongs to this stem, or to -oleo, grow. linqvo, leave Hqvi linqvgre Hqv- The compound, rglinqvo, rgllqvi, rglictum, rglinqvgre, is more usual. llqveo, be clear, fluid llcul llqvor, melt, intr. 16qvor, speak luceo, be light, beam luxi ludo, sport lusi lugeo, mourn, trans, luxi luo,/0jj', expiate lui Hqvere Hqv-g- Hqvi Hqv- 16cutum Idqvi 16qv- Iflcere luc-e- lasum ludgre Ifld- (luctus subs.) lugere lug-e- lugre lu- Compounds retain the original meaning, ivash (luo = lavo), and have past part. e.g. dfluo, dflui, dflutum, dfluSre. mando, chew mandi (once) mansum mandgre mand- maneo, remain, await mansi mansuna manere man-e- emlneo, project, emlnui, emlnere (no supine). immlneo, impend, promineo, no perf. or supine. Permaneo is like maneo. mSdeor, be a remedy md5ri m6d-6- -m&niscor, only in compounds mn- Only perfect stem (with present meaning) in use. MSmlni, / remember. Imperative memento, mementote. commlniscor, devise, commentum, commlnisci. So also rgmlniscor, call to mind. mSrui mSrltum mersi mersum is intrans., but has part mSreo, earn mergo, sink, trans. emgrgo, emerge, emerged. metior, measure m6to, mow mfctuo, fear mSrere mgr-6- merggre merg- perf. emersus, having mensum metlri met-I- (messem feci) messum m6tere m6t- m6tui m6tu6re m6tu- mettitus, once in Lucret. mlco, quiver, fash mlcui mlcaxe mlc-a- emlco, emlcui, fut. part, emlcaturus. dlmlco, dlmlcavi (dlmlcui twice in Ovid), dlmlcatum. mingo minxi mictum minggre mlg- Another form of the present is mejo. Chap. XXIV.] List of Verbs. 143 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. mlnuo, lessen mlnui mlnutum mlnure inlntt- misceo, mix miscui mixtum miscere misc-6- The supine is sometimes written mistum. JtiWnm, feel pity mSert^Trare \ mlsgr5ri mls ^' mlsSreo is very rare : miseret and (in early writers) miseretur, mise- rescit are used impersonally. mitto, let go, send mlsi missum mittere mitt- mdlo, grind mdlui mdlltum m616re m61- mdneo, warn mdnui mdnltum mdnere m6n-6- mordeo, bite mdmordi morsum mordere mord-e- mbrior, die mortuus sum (mdrlturus) rndri mdr-I- Inf. morlri, emorlri several times in Plaut. once in Ter. once in Ovid. m6veo, move, trans. movi mStum mdvere m'Ov-5- mulceo, stroke mulsi mulsum mulcere mulc-e- Permulctus is also found besides the more usual permulsus. mulgeo, milk mulsi nmlgere mulg-e -mungo only in compound mung- emungo, wipe (nose), emunxi, emunctum, emunggre. nancisci nascor, be born natum nasci gna- Originally gnascor, whence agnatus, cognatus, prognatus. But enascor, cnatus. ngco, kill ngcavi ngcatum ngcare n6c-a necui once in Phaedrus and Ennius : en8co, stifle completely, engcui and engcavi (both rare), enectum, engcare. necto, link together nexi nexum nect8re nect- nexui is probably from nexo, nexgre which is an early form. neo, spin nevi netum (Ulp.) nere ne- ngqueo. See queo ; and 266. nltor, lean, strive jnlsum nlti gnict " fut. part, nlsurus : so also compounds. Originally gnitor, kneel, from g6nu, knee. Nixus generally in sense of leaning, nisus, striving. Conitor, adnitor, enitor, have both forms frequently (in sense of bearing children always enixa). Innisus, obnisus, subnisus are infrequent : and in poetry all the compounds of nisus are rare. -nlveo only in compound nigv- oonlveo, ,*, eyes, |M| (both rare) (no supine) C5nly5re nbceo, be hurt/id n6cui (ndclturus) nocere n6c-6- nosco, get to know novl, / know notum noscgre gno- notus only as adj. known: fut. part, is not used. agnosco, cognosce, have supines agnltum (fut. part, agnoturus once, Sail.), cognltum : ignosco, ignotum, fut. part, ignofrurus (quoted from Cato and Cic. ; ignosciturus from Piso) : dignosco, internosco, have no supine. 144 INFLEXIONS. \Book II. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. nubo, put on a veil nupsi nuptum nubgre nub- (as a bride), marry Part, nupta, married. -nuo, nod, only in compounds : but nutus is used as subst. nu- annuo, annul, annuSre. abnuo has fut. part, abnulturus. obllviscor (orig. cover with black), oblltum obllvisci ob-llv-i- forget occulo, conceal occului occultum occulere ob-cul- 6di, perf., I hate (osflrus) 6d- A perf. form odivi, once (used by M. Antony). Exosus, perosus are used with an active meaning as participles and with sum, &c. as perfect. -61eo, grow, is only used in compounds, and is a different word from 61eo, smell (intrans.). abSleo, destroy, abdlevi, abOHtum, abSlere. ab51esco, decay, abdlevi, no supine, abolescSre. So also Inolesco. addlesco, grow up, addlevi, adolesc6re, adultus, *.$\. grown ttp. adSleo, (increasti), offer (in sacrifice), burn j J*** 1 tdeT For deleo see under lino. obsdlesco, wear out, intr. obs615vl, obsolescgre, obsdletus, adj. worn out. So also exdlesco. 61eo, smell (intrans.) 61ui dlere 61-6- A consonantal stem (olat, olant, subolat, praeolat, o!6re) is found rarely in the comic poets. 6portet, it behoves 6portuit 6portere 6port-6- Only used in 3rd pers. sing. opp6rior. See -p6rio. ordior, commence, trans. orsum ordlrl ord-I- 6rior, rise ortum driri 6r-I- fut. part. 6rlturus : gerundive 6riundus used n.s &&}. sprung from. Pres. ind. 6r5ris, 6rltur, 6rlmur, imperf. subj. orlrer, or6rer. The com- pound adorior has in pres. ind. addiirls, addrltur. 6vo, triumph 6v-a- The only forms found are ovet, ovaret, ovans, ovatus, ovandi. paciscor. See pango. paemtet, it repents paenltuit paenttere paenIt-6- Rarely personal, paenitendura is also found, paenitens as adj. . penitent. t, open pandi passum pand6re Dispando has dispansum, dlspessum. Expando, expansum. pegl compingo, compegi, compactum, compinggre. So impingo. oppango, oppegi, oppactum, oppang6re. Depango, repango also retain a. pac-isc-or, bargain pp!gi pactum pacisci pac- Compaciscor or comp6ciscor has compactum or compectum. parco, be sparing p6perci (parsurus) parc6re parc- Plautus always, and Terence sometimes, have parsi. comperco, compersi, compercfire. Imperco, reperco, (or reparco) found in present only. Chap. XXI V^ List of Verbs. 145 Present. Perfect. pareo, appear, be parui obedient Supine. (parlturus) Pres. Infinitive. parSre Stem. pSx-6- pario, get) bring forth pgpgrl partum pargre par-I- Fut. part, parlturus. Parens, a parent, is an old participle of this verb. comp6rior(rare)i' ascertain > compgri, compertum, compgrlre. rgpgrio, find, reppgri, rgpertum, rgpgrtre. pasco, pasture, feed pavi pastum pascgre pas- The active is rarely used of the animals feeding except inpres. participle. Depasco follows pasco. Compesco (lit. pasture together"?), confine, compescui, compescSre (no supine). So dispesco (rare), separate. patior, suffer passum pati pat-I- perpgtior, perpessus sum, perpSti. paveo, quake with fear pavi pavgre pav-e- pecto, comb pexi (once) pexum pectfire pect- p5do pgpedi pedSre ped- peUo, push, drive back pSpuli pulsum peU6re pell- appello (esp. of a ship, put in], appuli, appulsum, appellgre. So the other compounds. Rgpello always has reppuli or repuli. pendeo, hang, intr. pSpendi pensum pendere pend-e- $&\&Q, iv eigh,pay, value pgpendi pensum pendgre pend- originally hang, trans. So suspendo, hang up. -pgrio only in compounds, except perltus, skilled. pgr-I- apgrio (ab perio?), uncover, open, apgrui, apertum, apgrlre. expgrior, try, expertum, expgrlri. dpgrio (ob perio ?), cover, Cpgrui, dpertum, Opgrlre. oppgrior, wait for, oppertum and opperltum, oppgrlri. pgto, seek, aim at ' 1 pgtltum pgtgre Only used in 3rd pers. sing. The gerund and gerundive are also found. pingo, paint pinxi pictum pinggre pinso, ) , jpinsui jpinsitum (pinsgre pins- plso, \** (pinsi |pistum |plsgre pls- Pinslbant once in Ennius. Hence pinsitus, often in Columella's prose, has perhaps I. Pinsui, pinsi occur once each. . placeo, be pleasing placui placltum placere plac-g- plango, beat (esp. the planxi planctum planggre plang- breast in grief) plaudo, clap (the plausi plausum plaudgre plaud- hands, &c.) explodo (hiss off, i.e. drive away by hissing], explosi, explosion, explo- dgre. So the other compounds, applaudo does not change the vowel. plecto, strike, punish (rare except in passive) plectgre plect- L. G. 10 146 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. -plecto, twine plexum -plectgre plect- Only in part. perf. and compounds, which are always of deponent form, except in one or two instances of imperatives in prae- Ciceronian writers. amplector, twine oneself rotind, embrace, amplexum, amplecti. So complector. Of other compounds only participles implexus, en- twined ', perplexus, entangled, are found. -pleo, fill, only in compounds pie- Compounds as compleo, complevl, completum, complere. plIco,/0/, 1X -. \sal-i- salloi salt sallgre Isalsum |sall- An inf. salire is not certain. Nor is the quantity of the first two syl- lables in salitum. The verb is found in MSS. with 1 and U. salio, leap salui (saltus subst.) salire sal-i- Desllio, desilui, deslllre. So the other compounds. The forms sallvi, salii are rare both in simple and compounds. salve, hail! also salvete inf. salvere and fut. salvebis. (The present salveo once in Plautus, perhaps in joke, salve being probably origi- nally an adverb.) sancio, hallcnv, ordain sanxi sanctum sanclre sanc-i- sancltum (rarely). 10 2 148 INFLEXIONS. [Book II. Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. sapio, have a savour saplvi sapgre sap-I- of, be wise deslpio, be foolish, no perf. or sup., deslpgre. rgslpisco, recover senses, rgslpui and rSsIpivi, rgslpiscgre. sarcio, patch sarsi sartum sarclre sarc-i- sario, hoe sarui (once) sarltum sarlre sar-I- Also written sarrio. Perf. also sarrlvi. sarpo, trim sarptum sarpgre sarp- scabo, scratch scab! (rare) scabfcre scab scalpo, scrape scalps! scalptum scalpgre scalp- Compounds follow sculpo. scando, climb scandi scansum scandgre scand- ascendo, ascendi, ascensum, ascendgre. So the other compounds. scindo, tear, cut scldi scissum scindgre scld- Exscindo has no perfect. The other compounds follow scindo. scisco, enact sclvi scltum sciscgre scl- A strengthened form of scio. scrlbo, write scrips! scriptum scrlbgre scrlb- sculpo, carve in stone, sculps! sculptum sculpgre sculp- &c. Another form of scalpo. sSco, cut sgcui sectum sgcare sgc-a- fut. part. sScaturus (once in Colum.). sSdeo, sit sedi sessum sgdere s6d-6- Fossldeo, occupy, possedi, possessum, possldere. So the other com- pounds, except sUpersedeo, refrain, circumsgdeo, which do not change the e. Dissldeo, praesldeo have no supine. sentio,jfar/, think sensi sensum sentlre sent-I- assentior, assensus sum, is used as deponent (besides assentio). sgpglio, bury s6pgllvi sgpultura s6pllre s8pSM- sgqvor, follow sgcutum sfeqvi sgqv- sgro, sow, plant sevi satum sgrgre sa- sgro, put in rows (serta, garlands) sgrgre sgr- Compounds as consgro, consgrui, consertum, consgrgre. serpo, crawl serpsi serptum serpgre serp- Another form of rSpo. Cf. Greek epww. sldo, settle, intr. sldi sldgre sld- ssdi and sessum from sgdeo are the usual perfect and supine, and so the compounds. slno, put, leave, suffer slvi sltum slngre sl- In subj. perf. slrim, slris, slrit, slrint. Desmo, desii in post-Augustan writers (desisti, desiit, pluperf. desi- gram, perf. subj. desigrim), desltum, deslngre. (Cicero and Caesar generally use destiti for perf.) Desltus sum used before a passive infin. I ceased. sisto, set, stay, trans, stlti (rare) statum sistgre sta- desisto, destiti, destltum, desistere. So the compounds all intransi- tive. The reduplication is retained. Sisto is rarely intrans. and then has perf. stgti (from sto). So also circumstgti. Chap. XXIV.] List of Verbs. 149 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. s51eo, be ivont s61Itum sdlere s61-g- Perf. sdlltus sum, / was accustomed. solve, loose, pay solvi sdlutum solvgre solv- Sometimes in Augustan poets sfilui (trisyllabic). sdno, sound sdnui sdnltum s6nare s6n-a- fut. part, sOnaturus (once in IJor.). In prae-Augustan poets some- times songre, sonlt, sonunt. sorbeo, sup up, stick in sorbui (sorbltio,subst.) sorbgre sorb-g- absorbeo, absorbui, absorbere. So other compounds. Rarely a per- fect (post-Augustan) in si ; absorpsi, exsorpsi. spargo, scatter, be- sparsi sparsum sparggre sparg- sprinkle Compounds as conspergo, conspersi, conspersum, consperggre. sp6cio, (or spicio ?) look, only in Plautus. spgc-i- asplcio, aspexi, aspectum, asplcere. So the other compounds. sperno, reject, despise sprevi spretum sperngre spondeo, pledge oneself r spftpondi sponsum spondere spond-e- spuo, spit spui sputum spugre spu- statuo, set up, settle statui statutum statuere statu- (with oneself) sterno, throw on the stravi stratum sterngre jstar- ground, cover (s r sternuo, sneeze sternui sternugre sternu- sterto, snore stertui stertgre stert- stingvo (rare), stamp, extinguish stingvgre stingv- Exstingvo, exstinxi, exstinctum, exstingvere. So the other com- pounds. sto, stand stSti statum stare sta- Fut. part, staturus in Lucan. Praesto, be superior, warrant, render, praestlti, praestatum (also prae- stltum), praestare. The other compounds have fut. part, -staturus (constaturus Luc. Mart., perstaturus Stat.) but no supine: disto has no perf. or supine : those with disyllabic prepositions retain e in the perf. (e.g. circumsteti). strgpo, make a din strfipui strSpItum strgpgre str8p- strldeo, hiss, screech strldi strldere strld-e- A consonantal form (e.g. stridunt, stridgre) is found in Augustan poets. stringo, strip, graze, strinxi strictum stringgre jstrlg- draw tight ' (string- struo, heap up, build struxi structum struere strugv- svadeo, recommend svasi svasum svadere svad-e- svesco, accustom one- svevi svetum svescgre sv- self An old form is found of pres. indie, ist plur. suemus (as from sueo). sugo, sttck suxi suctum suggre sflg- sum, be (see pp. 104, 105) esse gs- suo, sow, stitch sul sutum sugre su- 1501 INFLEXIONS. \BookIf* Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. taceo, be silent tacui taciturn tacSre tac-e- taedet, it ivearieth taesum est taed-e- For perf. the compound pertaesum est is more common. Taedescit, obtaedescit, distaedet are also used impersonally. tango, touch tgtlgl tactum tangere tag- Attingo, attlgi, attactum, attinggre. So the other compounds. In Plautus rarely tago, attigo. tggo, cover texl tectum tgggre tgg- temno, despise temps! temptum temnere tem- tendo, stretch, tend tgtendi tentum tendgre tend- In post- Augustan writers sometimes tensum. Compounds have -ten- sum occasionally. tgneo, hold tSnui tentum (rare) tenere tgn-g- Supine and cognate forms are little used, except in the compounds, detingo, obtlneo, and rgtlneo. Contentus only as adj. content. dStlneo, detlnui, detent urn, detlngre. So the other compounds. terreo, frighten terrui terrltum terrors tgrr-g- tergeo, wipe tersi tersum tergere terg-e- A consonantal stem (e.g. tergit, terguntur) is also found sometimes. tSro, rub trlvl trltum tgrgre j*jj attgruisse in TibulL (once). texo, -weave texftl textum texgre tex- tollo, lift up, remove (sustuli) (sublatum) tollgre toll- toll (in prae-August. poets tgtttli) and latum (for tlatum) are the proper perf. and supine : but as these are taken by fgro, tollo takes the perf. and supine of its compound sustollo. The compounds have no perf. or supine. tondeo, shear tdtondi tonsum tondere tond-e- tdno, thunder tdnui tdnltum t6nare tdn-a- intdno has part. Intdnatus (once Hor.). The other compounds follow tdno. torqveo, twist, whirl torsi tortum torqvere torqv-e- torreo, roast torrul tostum torrere tors-e- traho, drag traxl tractum trahgre trah- trgmo, tremble trgmul trgmgre trgm- trlbuo, assign, grant trlbul trlbutum trlbugre trlbu- trfldo, thrust *~ trusl trusum trudgre trud- tueor, look at, protect *** tueri tu-g- tutus, adj. safe. Tutatus sum (from tutor) is generally used as perfect ; tutus or (post- Augustan) tuitus sum are rare. Contueor, intueor have (post-Augus- tan) contultus, intiiltus sum. A present with stem in -u (e.g. tulmur, contuor, &c.), is frequent in prae-August. poets and Seneca's tragedies. tundo, thump ttttfldi tnrai tundgre tud- Contundo, contudi, contusum, contundgre. So pertundo. Obtundo, retundo have both -tunsum and -tusum. Perfect of retundo always retundi. Chap. XXI F.] List of Verbs. 151 Pres. Present. Perfect. Supine. Infinitive. Stem. turgeo, swell tursi (very rare) turgSre turg-e- vado, go. vadfire vad- Invado, invasi, invasion, invad6re. So other compounds. valeo, be strong valui (vallturus) valgre val-6- vggeo, stir up (old word) (v6g6tus adj.) vggere v6g-6- v6ho, carry vexi vectum v8h8re v6h- Pres. part, and gerund also used intransitively, riding. vello, pull, pluck veil! vulsum veU6re vell- Vulsi both in simple and compounds is sometimes found in post- Augustan writers. vendo, sell. See do. veneo, be sold. See eo. v&nio, come v5ni ventum vSnlre vSn-I- vereor, be awed at v6rltum vereri v6r-e- vergo, incline vergere verg- verro, brush verri (rare) versum verrgre verr- verto, turn verti versum vertere vert- So the compounds generally, but dlvertor, put up (at an inn), divert! (perf.), diversum, divert! (inf.). rSvertor, return, perf. reverti, reversum, reverti (inf.), reversus, having returned. praevertor, attend to first, is entirely deponent : praeverto, be before- hand with, is very rare. vescor, feed oneself vesci vesc- iton, forbid v6tui v6tltum v6tare v6t-a- Persius has a perfect vetavi. video, see vldi vlsum vldere vld-e- vldeor, vlsum, vlderi, very common in sense of seem. vieo, plait (twigs, &c.) vietum viere vi-e- part. vietus (Ter. Lucr., but vi6tus. Hor.), shrivelled. vincio, bind vinxi vinctum vinclre vinc-I- vinco, conquer vlci vietum vincfere vlc- vlso, visit vlsi vls6re vls- vlvo, live vixi vietum vlv6re vigv- ulciscor, avenge oneself on, avenge ultum ulcisci ulc- ^ 1ULd unctum volo, will vdlui veUe vdl- So its compounds nolo, malo ; see p. 106. volvo, roll volvi vdlfltum volvfire volv- Sometimes volui in Augustan poets. vdmo, vomit v6mui vOmltum v6m6re v6m- vOveo, VOT.U vovi vStum v6vere v6v-e- urgeo, push t press ursi urgere urg-e- uro, burn ussi ustum ur6re us- Comburo, combussi, combustum, combttrfire, is a compound of com with an older form buro, seen in bustum, tomb. Other compounds (exflro, &c.) follow the usual form. utor, avail oneself, make ute usum uti ut- i$2 INFLEXIONS. {.Book II. 3W) The following verbs (with many others) are used as deponents; but some of them are also used, especially in the past participle, as passive. In some again both the active and deponent forms are in use either generally or in some others. Some past participles are given which are used as if deponents, though the usual form of the verb is active : abSminarl, detest ; abominatus also pass. adaentiri, assent ; also passive ; adsentire frequent. adttlari, wheedle, flatter ; also adulare (Lucr.). adultus, grown up ; from ad61escer6. altercari, dispute ; also altercare (Ter.). apisci, get ; once passive (Plaut.). Of compound adipiscor, adoptus is rarely passive. axVLtr&rl, judge ; arbitrare act., arbitrari pass, in Plaut. aucupari, catch at ; also aucupare (Plaut.). augtijari, take omens; also rarely augiirare ; auguratus also pass. (Cic. Liv. rarely). ausplcari, take omens ; also ausplcare (Plaut.), auspicatus also pass. blandirl, play the coax. cenatus, having slipped ; from cenare. cdmltari, accompany ; also pass. commentari, think over, practise ; commentatus also pass, coramlnisci, devise ; commentus also pass. (Ov.). compgrlri (Ter. Sail. ), find out ; usually pass. concretus, grown together; from concresc6re. consplratus, having conspired ; from consplrare. contemplari, contemplate ; also contemplare (Plant.). criminal!, accuse ; once in Cic. passively ; also crlmlnare (Plaut.). cunctari, delay. dignari, think worthy ; dignatus also pass. ddmlnari, play the lord. eventum subst., an event; from evgnlre. execrari, curse ; execratus also pass, exordiri, commence speaking ; exorsus also pass. exp6riri, try ; expertus also pass. fabrlcari, manufacture ; also fabricare. fatSri, confess ; so conflteri ; confessus also pass. fSnerari, lend money ; also fenerare. fluctuari (L\v.),flucttiate; usually fluctuare. far!, speak ; effatus also pass. frustrari, disappoint; also pass. (Sail.), gloriari, boast. gravari, be annoyed. fcortari, exhort. Imltari, imitate; imitatus also pass. (Ov. Quint.). interpretari, interpret ; interpretatus also pass. juratus, having sworn ; conjuratus, having conspired ; from jtlrare, con- jurare. largiri, make gifts. lUcrari, make gain. luctari, struggle; also luctare (Plaut. Ter.). Ifldlflcari, make sport of; also ludificare (esp. Plaut.). luxuriari, be luxuriant ; usually luxnrlare. mSdlcari, apply remedies ; usually medicare, mgditari meditate ; meditatus also pass. Chap. XXIV.} List of Verbs. 153 inendicari (Plaut.), be a beggar; usually mendlcare. mentiri, tell a lie ; mentltus also pass. mSreri, deserve, sometimes earn ; me'rere, earn, sometimes deserve. metari, ) measure . metatus, metltus also pass. metiri, \ mddgrari, rule ; mddSratus also pass. mddulari, modulate ; modulatus also pass. (Ov.). mtln&rari, reward ; also mune'rare. nupta, married ; from nftbgre. nfttrirl (Verg. once), nurse ; usually nfltrlre. otollvisci, forget ; oblltus, also pass. (Verg.). occasns, of the sun, having sunk ; from occld6re. oplnari, be of opinion ; also oplnare (Plaut.); opinatus also pass. (Cic.). opsonari (Plaut.), purchase meat, &c. ; usually opsonare. oscltari, yawn ; also oscitare. osus, exosus, perosus, having hated, see p. 144. pacisci, bargain ; pactus also pass. palpari, coax ; also palpare. partiri, divide; also partire. So usually dispertire, impertire. placltus, having pleased ; from placere. popular!, lay waste; also p6piilare. potus, having drunk ; see potare, p. 146. praetgrltus (of time, &c.), having gone by ; from praeterlre. pransus, having dined ; from prandere. pilnlri, putiish ; usually ptlnlre. quietus, at rest ; from quiesc&re. ructari (Hor.), belch ; usually ructare. sectari, foll(nv ; rarely passive ; insectare in Plaut. sortlri, cast lots for ; also sortire (Plant.); sortltus also pass. suetus, acctistomed ; from suescSre. tacltus, silent ; from tacere. ' trlcari, trifle ; compounds not usually deponent extricare, intricare. tutari, defend ; rarely pass. ulcisci, avenge; once pass. (Sail.); ultus also pass. (Liv.). vSnSrari, worship; also venerare (Plant.), veneratus also pass. (Verg. Hor.). BOOK III. WORD-FORMA TION. CHAPTER I. ELEMENTS OF WORD-FORMATION. 341 WORDS are formed either directly from roots or from other words. The elements of formation are four : (a) reduplication, (b) internal change, (c) addition of suffixes, (d) combination of two or more words into one. Two or more of these modes of formation may be called into use in forming a word ; and especially, almost all words, whatever other change the root may have undergone, exhibit some suffix or other. 342 Reduplication is the repetition of the root syllable, either to express repeated action or simply to give additional emphasis to the root. In Latin there appear but few instances of reduplication. The following among others are probably such : i. Reduplication of a closed syllable: bar-bar-us, foreign (from ftdp/Sapos) ; cin-cln-nus, a curl (comp. niKivvoi) ; gur-giil-io, the windpipe; mur-mur (n.), a murmur (comp. poppvpetv) ; quisquis, whosoever; tin-tin-are, to tinkle ; tur-tur (m. f.), a dove; til-til-a, a screech-owl ; til- til-are, to bowl, wail (comp. o'X-oX- vfciv). a. Reduplication of an open syllable; or rather, of the initial consonant, with a vowel appended : bl-bfire, to drink ; cl-cada, a grasshopper ; cti-cMus, a cuckoo (comp. KoKAcul) ; cft-ctimis (m.), a cucumber', pl-pire, to chirp; sft-surrus, a whisper (comp. (rvpifciv) ; tl-tillare, to tickle ; tl-tfibare, to stumble. For the use of reduplication to form the present stem of verbs see 295. i ; and to form \hzperfect stem, 309 sqq. Chap. /.] Elements of Word-Formation. 155 343 Internal change is frequently found accompanying the addition of suffixes, or accompanying composition, but is then due mainly to the shifting of the accent (which is often brought about by lengthening the word), or to the influence of neighbouring consonants. The usual changes have been set forth in Book I. There appear to be but few instances in Latin, in which there is clear evidence of internal change being employed as the main element in the formation of a word. Compare however, e. g. tdga with t6g-6re ; sed-es with sSd-ere ; fides with f IdSre ; pr6c-us with prfic-ari ; dflc-ere with due- (dux) ; dicere with maiedlcus, &c. ; voc., nom. vox, with vflcare. For the change of vowel in forming the perfect tense see 310. But if, as is probable, the primary form of roots admitted of short vowels only, then all instances of (apparent) roots with long vowels fall under this head (unless the long vowel is a compensation for omitted consonants) ; e.g. lux, pax, &c., scrib-ere, lud-ere, &c. 344 Suffixes are of three kinds : (i) suffixes of inflexion, (a) stem-suffixes (included under Inflexions in Book II.), (3) derivative suffixes. (1) Suffixes of inflexion are those which are employed to form the several cases and numbers of nouns, and the persons, moods, tenses, voice, &c. of verbs. (2) Stem-suffixes are those which form the distinguishing marks of the several declensions of nouns, and of the several conjugations (or classes) of verbs. In nouns of the first class they are a, e, o ; in nouns of the second class u, i or e ; in verbs a, u, e, i. A large class of nouns, and the most primitive verbs, have no stem-suffix. The application of the stem-suffixes in Latin nouns coincides to a large extent with the distinction of gender : in verbs it coincides, at least as regards the a and e stems, to a noticeable degree, with the dis- tinction of transitive and intransitive action, the a stems being fre- quently transitive, e.g. amare, to love; the e stems being frequently intransitive, e.g. ndcere, to be hurtful; splendere, to shine. The absence of a stem-suffix in many nouns is the result of the shifting of the accent, and consequent slurring of the end of the word, the consonant stem being thus reduced by one syllable from what was, or would otherwise have been, their full form (with a stem-suffix) ; e. g. praeceps for praeciplts, &c. In other nouns of the same class (consonant stems) there appears to be no clear ground for assuming the previous existence of a stem-suffix. Many noun-stems and many verb-stems are apparently formed directly from the root by the addition of these stem-suffixes. In some a reduplication or an internal change, especially of the vowel, occurs also. The formation of one word, compound or simple, from another is often effected by the substitution of the stem-suffix appropriate to one part of speech for that appropriate to another. 156 WORD-FORMATION. \BookIIL 345 The following are examples of the formation of nouns from roots or from other words by the addition or substitution of no other than a stem-suffix. The majority of verbs are so formed. A. advgna, a stranger (adveni-re) ; convlva, a guest (conviv-gre) ; funda, a sling (fund-6re) ; mdla, a mill (m51-ere) ; sciiba, a clerk (scrlb-ere) ; tdga, a cloak (tSg-Sre) ; traha, a sledge (tran-6re). 0. ahenobarbus, bronze-beard (barba-) ; condus, a store-keeper (cond-gre) ; cdqvus, a cook (c6qv-6re) ; fidus, trusty (fid-6re, flde-s) ; jugum, a yoke (comp. ju#g6re) ; mergus, a diver (merg-6re) ; nescius, ignorant (nescl-re) ; prdfugus, deserting (profugS-re) ; promus, a butler (prom-erg) ; rdgus, a funeral pile (rgg-6re, comp. erlggre, to erect) ; sdnus, a sound (s6n-6re and sdnare). U. acus, a needle (ac-, comp. ac-u-6re) ; currus, a chariot (curr- 6re) ; ddmus, a house (comp. 5e/x-eti', to build, d6mare, to tame}. I (or E). abnormis, abnormal (norma-) ; bilinguis, two-tongued (lingua) ; nubas, a cloud (nilb-6re, to cover, comp. ye'0-os) ; rUpes, a rock (rump-6re, to break) ; sedes, a seat (sgd-ere) ; v6hes, a cartload (v6h-6re). [The following are without stem-suffix, dux, a leader (due-, comp. dac-6re) ; incus, an anvil (incud-6re) ; 6bex, a bolt (obic6-re) ; plani- ooted (p6d-).] (3) Derivative suffixes are those additions (not being recognisable roots) which are interposed between the root and the stem-suffix ; or, when there is no stem-suffix, between the root and the suffix of in- flexion. If they are themselves recognisable as roots, the formation of the word belongs to the sphere of Composition, which is treated of in a separate Chapter. Interjections, some of which are words, some mere natural sounds, will be enumerated in the last Chapter. CHAPTER II. DERIVATIVE SUFFIXES. 346 DERIVATIVE suffixes may originally have been words, but are now merely sounds or combinations of sounds which have no separate use or separate meaning, but modify the meaning of the word to which they are suffixed. The same suffix does not usually express precisely the same modifications, and different suffixes often seem to have the same effect : compare e.g. -tud6n, -tia, -tat, all forming abstract sub- stantives of quality, e.g. amaritudo (Plin.) ; amarities (Catull.), bitter- ness acerbitas, harshness. Frequently indeed the use of a suffix may have proceeded from a fancied or imperfectly apprehended analogy; Chap. //.] Derivative Supines. 157 and the ending of a word, which is partly composed of stem-conso- nants or stem-vowels, and partly of a suffix, has apparently been taken for an entire suffix, and as such applied to other stems. Sometimes the sense of the suffix has been obscured, and a further suffix is added to realize what the former suffix once expressed ; e. g. puella is diminutive of pugra, but afterwards supplanted puera as the ordinary term for a girl, and thus puellula was formed for a little or very young girl. 347 A light vowel, 6, ft, 6, more frequently I, is often found between the last consonant of the stem and the suffix. Its origin is not clear. Sometimes it appears to be part of the suffix ; e. g. -So (-ic) in sfinex, pflmex, &c. ; more frequently it appears to be the stem-suffix weakened; e.g. candidus from cande-; altitddo from alto-, &c. ; sometimes it appears to owe its birth to analogy with other words ; some- times to a desire to ease the pronunciation, or avoid the destructive effect of contiguous consonants ; or even to render possible the use of the word in verse. It is indeed possible that it may be an expression of the slight sound occasioned by opening the organs, in order fully to articulate the final consonant. It has most frequently been treated in the following lists as the weak- ened stem-suffix ; but its occurrence in words formed from consonant stems is by no means unusual, and seems to conflict with this theory of its origin. If these consonant stems are the stunted remnants of forms which originally Avere vowel stems, this weakened vowel may be the relic of the fuller form. (So in French the final t of the Latin 3rd pers. sing, is preserved only before a vowel; e.g. a-t-il, and its meaning lost to the popular conscious- ness). If otherwise, one of the other explanations must be resorted to. 348 The long vowel, found not uncommonly in the same part of a derivative, is sometimes part of the suffix ; e.g. dum-etum for dum-ec-tum ; sometimes due to contraction of the stem-suffix with a short initial vowel of the suffix ; e.g. the suffix -Ino appended to the stems Roma-, divo-, tribu-, mari-, ege- gives Romanus, divlnus, tribunus, marlnus, egenus : the suffix -111 ap- pended to ancdra-, tribu-, fide-, civl- gives ancoralis, tribtllis, fidelis, civllis. Sometimes it is due to following a false analogy ; e.g. mont-anus, anser-I-nus, &c., virgin-alls, reg-alis, c. In other respects the ordinary laws of consonant and vowel changes (given in Book I.) are observed. 349 These suffixes are sometimes simple, i.e. consisting of a single vowel, or a single consonant with a vowel; sometimes compound, i.e. consisting of two consonants with one or two vowels. Compound suffixes are usually the result of adding a suffix to a stem which is itself a derivative; but sometimes the suffix, though originally compound, has come to be treated as if it were a simple suffix ; e. g. -uncftlo : sometimes it may be really a word which has ceased to be used sepa- rately, and only appears now to be suffixal ; e. g. -ginta, and perhaps -gno, -monio, -clnio, &c. 350 In the following lists the principal suffixes only are given. The primary arrangement of noun-endings is according to the consonant or vowel which immediately precedes either the stem-suffix, or, in conso- nant nouns, the suffix of inflexions. (For instance, the suffixes -monio, -clnio are given under the head of -io, not under mon- or cin- ; -trici 158 WORD-FORMATION. \Book III. under -ci, not under t or r ; &c.) Subordinately to this, first come all word-endings which have the stem-suffix of nouns of the first class (o being used, for convenience sake, as inclusive of a) ; secondly, word- endings of the second class. The simplest endings, among which are those beginning with short vowels, are put first ; then such compound endings as have a consonant before the same short vowel ; then simple endings with long vowels ; lastly, compound endings with the same long vowel. The order of the consonants and vowels is the same as in Books I. and II. : the order of the words is generally alphabetical. Only a few instances of each suffix are given. CHAPTER III. LABIAL AND GUTTURAL NOUN-STEMS. Labial Noun-Stems. i. Stems ending in -mo. 351 -mo i. Adjectives: e.g. al-mus, nourishing (al-6re) : 2. Substantives: e.g. ar-mus (m.), shoulder-joint (comp. dp-, apapiffKw)', fa-ma (I.}, fame (fa-ri) ; spu-ma, foam (spu6re). -fcmo or -Imo used to form adjectives in the superlative degree and ordinal numbers ; e, g. post-umus, last-born (post-) ; imus (for In-Imus), inmost, lowest. -iss-umo or -iss-Imo probably composed of -timo appended to the stem of the comparative ; so that -iss-umo = ios-umo. Very fre- quent; e.g. alt-issumus, highest (alto-, high, alt-iQs-, higher}; aud-ac-issumus, boldest (audaci-, audac-ios-) ; antiquisslmus, most ancient (antique-, antiqu-ios-). Cf. 174. -1-ftmo or -1-Imo ) .^ the game guffix ended to the fina i consonant of -r-umo or -r-lmoj adjectives in _ u and _ ro or .rf. The 1 or r is doubled : e. g. facil-lumus, easiest (faclli-) ; celer-rlmus, swiftest (c616ri-) ; miser-rimus, most -wretched (mlsSro-). 352 -t-umo or -t-Imo e. g. (a) fini-ttimus, on the borders (f ini-) ; leg-Itunms, legal. (b) Superlatives : ex-timus, outmost (ex) ; in-tlmus, in- most (in). (c) Ordinal numbers from the aoth to 9oth inclusive. The initial t of the suffix joined to the final t of the cardinal forms ss, of which one s was omitted, and in post- Augustan times the preceding n was sometimes omitted also; e.g. vlcens-ftnras (afterwards vlces-inms), twentieth, is for vigint- tumus (viginti) ; tricens-umus, thirtieth (trlginta). Cf. 178. Chap. ///.] Labial and Guttural Noun-Stems. 159 "g J^ | Ordinal numbers from 200 to 1000 inclusive, probably by false ' analogy from the preceding: e.g. ducent-5ns-umus (later ducent-es-Imus), two-hundredth (ducenti-) ; millens-uinus (mil- leslmus), thousandth (mille). ii. Stems ending in -vo, -uo. 353 -vo is found after vowels, or 1 or r; -uo after other consonants (including tr). -vo i. Adjectives : e. g. cur-vus, curved (comp. cir-cus, /cu/3-r6s, Kv\-\6s) ; gna-vus, knoiving (comp. gna-vus, gno-sc5re). 2. Substantives: e.g. cor-vus, a raven (comp. cor- nix) ; nae- vus, a mole on the body, literally a birth-mark (gi-gSn-o). -uo i. Adjectives, from verb stems: e.g. amblg-uus, on both sides, ambiguous (amb-Igere, to drive round} ; mut-uus, by way of change (mut-are); rellc-uus, remaining (relinqv-Sre). 2. Substantives: e.g. patr-uus, a father's brother (patr-) ; jan-ua, a gate (jano-). -I-vo Adjectives: e.g. ndc-Ivus (also nbcuus), hurtful (ndcere) ; subslc-lvus, cut off, spare (subsgcare) ; v6c-Ivus, early form for vacuus, empty (vacare). -t-Ivo i. e. -Ivo added to the participial forms in -to ; Adjectives : e. g. cap-t-ivus, captive (cap8-re) ; f&gl-t-ivus, run-away (fugg-re) ; praer6ga-t-ivus, Jirst-asked (praerog- are). So the grammatical terms ablatlvus, datlvus, demon- strat-ivus, rglatlvus, &c. Guttural Noun-Stems. i. Stems ending in -co, -qvo. 354 -co i. Adjectives : e.g. pris-cus, of aforetime (prius) ; raucus (for rauicus), hoarse (ravis, hoarseness}. i. Substantives : e. g. juven-cus, a bullock (juvgn-) ; es-ca, food (6d6re or esse, to eat). -Ico i.e. (usually) -co suffixed to vowel stems. i. Adjectives: e.g. Afr-Icus, of the Afrl (Afro-); civ-Icus, of a citizen (civi-) ; m6d-Icus, of healing (mederi, to heal}. a. Substantives : vil-Icus, a farm-steward (villa-) ; fabr- Ica, a workshop, handiwork (fabro-) ; p6d-Ica, a snare (p6d-, foot}. -tlco which suffixed to an a stem makes -atl-co- Adjectives : rus-tlcus, of the country (rus-) ; erra-tlcus, wander- ing (errare) ; silva-ticus, of a wood (silva-) ; hence subst. via- ticum, journey stipplies (via- comp. viator). 355 -uco e.g. cad-ucus, falling (cad-6re) ; usually substantives: e.g. aeruca, -verdigris (aes). -Ico Adjectives: e.g. amlcus, friendly (amare) ; postlcus, behind (post). Substantives: e.g. lectlca, a sedan (lecto-, couch}', lorlca, a breast-guard of leathern thongs (from lorum). WORD-FORMATION. [Book III. -Inavo- S antlqvus, preferable, ancient (ante) ; longin-qvus, distant (longo-) ; pr&pinqvus, near (prdpg). ii. Stems ending in -ci, -c. 356 -e"c (-Ic) Substantives : e.g. s6n-ex, old (gen. s6n-is) ; vort-ex, a whirl (vort-6re). Adjectives chiefly from verb-stems: e.g. aud-ax, daring (aud-ere) ; fall-ax, deceptive (fall-Sre) ; min-ax, threatening (mina-ri) ; ver-ax, truthful (vero-). atr-ox, cruel (atro-) ; f6r-ox, high-spirited, fierce (fero-, wild}. -tric-i Semi-adjectival feminine substantives corresponding to mas- culine nouns in -tor. They are formed from participles in -to. When used as adjectives they have -i stems ; e. g. vic- tricia arma ; e. g. adju-trix, helper (adjiiv-are) ; effec-trix, producing (eflflc-6re) ; vena-trix, huntress (v6nari) ; vic-trix, conquering (vincSre). CHAPTER IV. DENTAL NOUN-STEMS. 357 Stems ending in -to, or -so (when -so has presumably arisen from a dental}. -to Adjectives of quantity: e.g. quan-tus, how great (quam) ; quar-tus, fourth (for qvatvor-tus from qvattvor) ; qulnc-tus or quin-tus, fifth (qvinqve). -to (-so) i. Adjectives, very numerous, derived from verbs; express completed action ; i. e. the past participle, passive or deponent : e. g. rec-tus, ruled (r6g6re) ; par-tus, gained (pargre) ; ama- tus, loved (amare) ; conatus, having attempted (cSnari). Many such participles, or words similarly formed, are used as adjectives of quality ; e. g. al-tus, high (al-6re, to nourish) : fal-sus, false (failure) ; jus-tus, lawful (jtls-) ; lau-tus, splendid (lavare) ; sabl-tus, sudden (stlbire). 2. Substantives: e.g. llber-tus, afreedman (HbSro-) ; fossa, a ditch (fddg-re) ; exta (n. pi.), heart, liver, &c. (probably for ex-sec-ta) ; furtum, theft (fxlr-, thief} ; pas-sum, raisin- ) Similar formations from names of persons are used as sub- stantives, being surnames : e. g. AntSninus (from Antonius) ; Censorinus (from Censor) ; Justmus (from Justus) ; Messal- lina (f.) (from Messalla (m.)) ; Planclna (f.) (from Plancus). (<:) Appellative substantives : e.g. carnlflc-lna, place of tor- ture (carnifex) ; mSdic-ina, healing art (med-Ico-) ; pisc-ina, fish-pond (pisci-) ; reg-lna, queen (reg-) ; ru-Ina, a fall (ru- 6re). Adjectives : intes-tlnus, internal (intus) ; vesper-tlnus, of even- ing (vesper-). From stems in -tor. For the omission of o compare suffix -trlci. Substantives: e.g. doc-trlna, teaching (ddctor); pis-trina, a bakehouse (pistor-) ; tex-trlnum. weaver's plan (textor-) ; tons- trlna, barber's shop (tonsor- for tonstor-). Stems ending in -n (cf. 130). Feminine substantives, numerous: e.g. Im-ago, a likeness (comp. Im-Itari) ; v6r-ago, a 7^(v6rare). aer-ugo, bronze rust (aes-) ; lan-ugo, downy hair (lana-, wool). cal-Igo, mist ; 6r-Igo, a source (orlri-) ; r6b-Igo, rust (rub-ro, red). Feminine abstract substantives, formed chiefly from ad- jectives : e. g. aegri-tudo, sickness (aegro-) ; magni-ttldo, greatness (raagno-) ; turpi-tudo, foulness (turpi-) ; vale-tttdo, health (valere). Feminine substantives, few: e.g. dulc-edo, sweetness (dulci-) ; ur-edo, blight (ur-6re); cup-Ido, desire (ciipe're); llb-Ido, lust (llbere). e. g. pect-en (m.), a comb (pect-e"re); ungv-6n, ointment (ung- 6re). Neuter substantives, very numerous, chiefly derived from verbs: e.g. certa-men, a contest (certare) ; crl-men, a charge (comp. ere-, cerngre, rpiveiv) ; flu-men, a stream (flu- fire) ; frag-men, broken bit (frang-Sre) ; lenl-men, a Chap. IV.} Dental Noun-Stems. 165 solace (15nire) ; n5men, a name (nose-fire) ; rSgi-men, gui- dance (rgg-ere). 373 -5n Masculine substantives; many are personal names: e.g. commlllt-o, fellow-soldier (com, miles) ; erro, a runaway (errare) ; praed-o, a robber (praeda-) ; serm-o, conversation (s6r-8re, to join ; the m being probably of similar origin to the m in the suffix -mgn). Many are used chiefly as proper names, from some bodily characteristics : e. g. Capito, bighead (caput) ; Pronto (front!-) ; Labeo (labium) ; Naso (nasus) ; Strabo, squint-eyed. 374 -ion i. Masculine substantives: e.g. centur-io, a captain (cen- tfcria-) ; nrftl-io, a muleteer (nrfllo-) ; sen-io, a seize at dice (sex, seno-) ; Glabr-io (glabro-, smooth, hairless), i. Feminine abstract substantives; chiefly from verbs: e.g. contag-io, contagion (com, tangSre) ; ISg-io, body of soldiers (Igggre, to pick) ; 6pm-io, an opinion (Splnari) ; consortio, fellowship (com, sorti-). -tion Feminine abstract substantives (very numerous), from supine stems. Some are used in a concrete sense : actio, action (aggre) ; cautio, a legal security (cav-ere) ; cognitio, know- ledge (cognoscSre) ; dubitatio, doubt (dubltare) ; largltio, bribery (larglri) ; sSlutio, a discharge (solv-6re) ; sponsio, a wager (spondere) ; statio, a post (stare, sisteTe) ; venatio, hunting, also caught game (venaxi). CHAPTER V. LINGUAL NOUN-STEMS. Stems ending in -lo. 375 -O-lo) Numerous nouns, chiefly diminutival : e.g. i. Adjectives : aure-61us, golden (aureo-) ; parv-61us, very small (parvo-) ; horrid-ulus, roughish (horrido-) ; tant-ulus, so little (tanto-) ; garr-ulus, prattling (garrire) ; trgm-ulus, quivering (trfimSre). a. Substantives; (a) Masculine: serv-61us, a little slaw, calc-ulus, a pebble (calci-, chalk) ; flg-ulus, a potter (flnggro) ; 16c-ulus, a compartment (16co-) ; tum-iilus, a hillock (ttlm- 5re). (b) Feminine : besti-ola, an insect (bestia) ; nause-61a, slight squeamishness (nausea-) ; nerb-ula, a small herb (her- ba-) ; sport-Ma, a small basket (sporta-) ; n6b-ula, a cloud (comp. nubes, vtfyos) ; ung-ula, a hoof (ungvl-). 1 66 -WORD-FORMATION. [Book III. -plo 378 -biilo -culo (c) Neuter : atri-olum, a small entrance hall (atrio-) ; negoti- olum, a bit of business (nggotio-) ; oppid-ulum, a small town (oppido-) ; cing-uliun, a belt (cinggre) ; jac-ulum, a dart (jacgre). Adjectives: generally used in neuter, as substantives: e.g. sim- plus, single (comp. sim-plex) ; du-plus, double (du-), &c. -unculo 377 -us-culo -ell-ulo) -ill-ulo -aUo \ -aullof -olio ( -ullo J -ello Substantives, chiefly neuter: fa-bula, a narrative (fari); sfl-bula, an awl (su-gre). latl-bulum, a hiding-place (latere) ; pa-bulum, fodder (pa- sc-gre) ; sta-bulum, a stall (stare) ; tintinna-bulum, a bell (tintinnare). Numerous nouns, chiefly diminutival : 1. Adjectives: e.g. anni-culus, a year old (anno-); pauper- culus, poor (pauper-) ; turpi-culus, ugly (turpi-) ; ridi-culus, laughable (ridere). 2. Substantives; (a) Masculine: e.g. flos-culus, a flowret (flos-); quaesti-culus, a small profit (quaestu-); versl-culus, a short 'verse (versu-). (b) Feminine: febrl-cula, a feverish attack (febri-) ; mulier- cula, a girl (mulier-) ; plebe-cula, the populace (plebe-). (c ) Neuter, often from verbs : e. g. corpus-culum, a particle (corpds-) ; reti-culum, a small net ; cena-culum, a dining room (cenare) ; ora-eulum, a (divine) utterance (orare) ; pferl-culum, a trial, risk (comp. pSri-tus, expgrlri) ; vehl- culum, a carriage (v6h6re) ; vin-ciilum, a bond (vinclre). i.e. -culo affixed to stems (real or presumed) in -on: e.g. Masculine : av-unculus, a mother's brother (avo-, grand- father) ; carb-uncfllus, a small coal (carbon-) ; hSmunculus, a poor fellow (h6m6n-). Feminine : chiefly diminutives of substantives in -tion ; fre- quent in Cicero: aedificati-uncula, a small building capti- uncula, a quibble ; orati-uncula, a short speech ; virg-uncula, a little girl. i.e. -culo suffixed to the stem of adjectives of the comparative degree: e.g. longi-usculus, rather long (longo-); mSli-usculus, somewhat better; mln-us-culus, rather less; uncti-us-culus, somewhat greasy (uncto-). i. e. -illo suffixed to diminutives in -ello, -illo : e. g. ag-ellulus, a little field (agro-) ; anc-illula, a little handmaid (ancilla-) ; pu-ellula, a little girl (pugro-). i. e. -iilo fused with a preceding consonant : e. g. Hisp-allus (for Hispan-ulus) ; paullus (for pauc-ulus), few (pauco-). c6r-olla for cbronula, a garland (cOrona-). amp-ulla (for ampdr-ula), aflask (ampdra-); h6m-ullus (for hSmdnulus), a mannikin (h6- ni6n-); uUus (for unftlus) any (uno-). Cat-iUlus (for Caton- ulus); S-uUa (for sfirula), little calf of leg. for -griilo, -6nulo, or the doubly diminutival -ululo (cf. 41) ; frequent. Chap. F.] Lingual Noun- Stems. 167 1. Adjectives: bellus (for bSnulus), pretty (b6no-, comp. be"ne) ; gem-ellus (for ggminiilus), twin (ggmlno-). a. Substantives; (a} Masculine: ag-ellus (for aggrulus), a small fold (ag). "^ r ro | Iftdlcer, sportive (ludo-) ; sSpul-crum, a tomb (sgpSHre) ; simula- crum, a liketiess (simulare). i. Adjectives : al-ter, other (ill-, aUo-) ; ex-t6ro-, outside (ex-) ; nos-ter, our (nos) ; uter, whether 1 (quo-) ; compare also con-tra, ul-tra, &c. ; it-6rum (adv.), a second time (cf. 2. Substantives ; (a) Masculine and Feminine : magis-ter (also magis-tra, f.), a master (magis) ; minis-ter (also ministra, f.), a servant (minus) ; s&qves-ter, a stakeholder, mediator (s6cus). (b) Neuter : ara-trum, a plough (ara-re) ; claus-trum (usu- ally pi.), a fastening (claud-ere) ; ros-trum, a beak (rod-6re); trans-trum, a cross bench (trans). Chap. Vl\ Lingual Noun-Stems. 169 -as-tgro Fulvi-aster (Cic. Aft. 12. 44), a little Fulvius ; 61e-aster, a wild olive (olea-) ; surd-aster, rather deaf (surdo-). 384= -6ro i. e. stem suffix in -o suffixed to suffix in -6s, -or : e. g. 6d<5r-us, scented (6d5s-); s6p-6rus, sleep-bringing (s6por-). -turo) ^ Adjectives; i.e. the future participle active: e.g. ama- -suroj turus, about to love (ama-re) ; da-turus, about to give (dare) ; 6-surus, about to hate (6d-) ; pas-surus, about to suffer (pati-). 2. Substantives (numerous), feminine, similarly formed to the above. These nouns denote the employment or result, and are probably really formed from the substantive stems denoting agents and ending in -tor, -sor : cen-stira, the censor- ship (censere, censor) ; jac-tura, a throwing over, a loss (jac6re) ; men-sura, a measure (metlri, mensor) ; na-tura, nature (na-sc-i) ; prae-tura, thepraetorship (praeire, praetor) ; scrip-tura, a 'writing, a tax on registered use of public pastures (scrl-foere) ; u-siira, use, esp. of money (uti). Stems in -ri, -r. 335 -ben) Adjectives : Dgcem-ber, tenth month (d6cem-); fune-bris, fune- real (fttnus-) ; salu-ber, healthy (salvo-, salut-j. Adjectives (few) : m6dio-cris, middling (mgdio-) ; v61ii-cer, swift (v61are). tri ! Adjectives: 6qves-ter, of horsemen (6qv6s-); semes-tris, for six months (sex mensi-); similarly campester, of the field (campo-); terres-tris, of the earth (terra-). 386 -ari Used, when a stem contains 1, in place of -all. Numerous adjectives and thence-derived substantives : e. g. ancill-aris, of a maid-servant (ancilla-) ; consul-aris, of a consul (con- sul-) ; llne-aris, of lines (llnea-) ; millt-aris, of soldiers (mliet-) ; p6pul-aris, of the people (p6pulo-) ; saiat-aris, healthful (salut-) ; vulg-aris, of the common people (vulgo-) ; calc-ar, a spur (calci-, beet) ; exemplar, a pattern (exemplo-). 387 -5r Masculine substantives, denoting chiefly a quality: e.g. am- or, love (amare) ; ard-or, g/ow (ardere) ; clam-or, a shout (clamare) ; fur-or, rage (furore) ; pud-or, shame (pudere) ; um-or, moisture (iimere). " ? r > i.e. -or appended to the supine stem. All masculine sub- stantives (denoting persons), very numerous : accusa-tor, an accuser- ac-tor, an actor, a plaintiff', adju-tor, a helper ; audi-tor, a hearer, esp. a pupil; cen-sor, a valuer, a critic ; credl-tor, a lender ; divl-sor, a distributer ; emp-tor, a pur- chaser ; ora-tor, a speaker, a spokesman', posses-sor, an oc- cupier', sa-tor, a sower ; vic-tor, a conqueror. Similarly lictor, a magistrate's attendant; portl-tor, a toll- taker (portu-); s6na-tor, a senator (s6n-, old) ; vani-tor. a vine-dresser (vino-). 170 WORD-FORMATION. \BookIIL Stems ending in -s. 388 -nos (-nor) facl-nus, a deed, esp. ill deed (fac6re) ; fe-nus, breed (i. e. inter- est] of money (comp. fe-tus, fe-mlna) ; pig-mis, a fledge -ios (-ior) Adjectives in comparative degree. The original s of the suffix is seen only in the neuter gender and in derivatives, especially the superlatives ( 351), and us-culo ( 376). acr-ior, sharper (ac^ri-) ; alt-ior, higher (alto-) ; amant-ior, more loving (amanti-) ; dur-ior, harder (dtiro-) ; ma-jor (for mag-ior), greater (comp. mag-nus, magis) ; pe-jor (for pgd-ior), worse (comp. pes-simus) ; salubr-ior, more healthy (salubri-) ; v6tust-ior, older (ve"tusto-). CHAPTER VI. VOWEL NOUN-STEMS. Stems ending in -eo. 389 -eo i. Adjectives: e. g. aur-eus, golden (auro-) ; corp&r-eus, of or having a body (corp6s-) ; femln-eus, of a woman (femlna-) ; ign-eus, fiery (igni-) ; sangmn-eus, bloody (sanguin-) ; plc- eus, pitchy (pic-). 2. Substantives : calc-eus, a shoe (calci-, heel) ; flamm-eura, ayelloe> _ icio use( j w j t k stem ^_ t) ^ Q f p ast p ar ti c jpi es . Adjectives : -sicioj conduc-tlcius, hired (conduc-gre) ; dedi-ticius, surrendered (dedgre) ; rgcep-ticius, of things received or reserved (reci- pgre) ; tralaticius, transferred, traditional (transferee). 392 -tio i.e. -io appended to past participles or to similar formations. (a) Feminine substantives: e.g. angus-tiae (pi.), straits (a.n- gusto-) ; controver-sia, a dispute (contro, vertgre) ; nup- tiae (pi.), marriage (nubgre) ; pugrl-tia, childhood (pugro-) ; saevi-tia, cruelty (saevo-). Stems in -Itie-, usually with collateral stem in -itia: e.g. cam-ties, grayness (cano-); molll-tia (also -e stem), softness (molli-); nequi-tia (also -e stem), roguishness (nequam) ; plam-ties (also -a stem), a level (piano-). (b) Neuter substantives: e.g. cdmi-tium, assembly, place of assembly (com, -ire) ; servl-tium, slavery (servo-). -en-t-io i.e. -io, or more frequently -ia, appended to stem (in -enti-) of present participle, or of adjectives of like form : benevol- entia, goodwill (bgng, velle) ; glgg-antia, neatness (glgganti-) ; p6t-entia, power (posse) ; sapi-entia, wisdom (sapgre) ; vldl- entia, violence (vidlento-). So the neuter sil-entium, silence (sUere). 172 WORD-FORMATION. [Book III. 393 -monio Substantives: (a) Feminine; e. g. acri-monia, sharpness (acri-); querl-monia, complaint (qv6ri). (b) Neuter ; matrl-monium, marriage (matr-) ; patrl-monium, hereditary estate (patr-) ; testl-monium, evidence (testi-). -cln-io Neuter substantives chiefly from verbs in -clnari : e.g. latro- clnium, brigandage (latro-clnari from latron-) ; patro-clnium, patronage (patro-clnari from patrono-); tlro-clnium, pupillage (tlrSn-) j vatl-clnium, prophecy (vaticlnari), from vati-. 394 -5-rio Very numerous, often with collateral stems in -ari ( 386). 1. Adjectives: e.g. advers-arius, opposed (adverse-); agr- arius, of land (agro-) ; nScess-arius, necessary (n&cesse) ; sen-arius, containing six (seno-) ; smnptu-arius, of expense (sumptu-) ; volupt-arius, of pleasure (for voluptat-arius from vdluptat-). 2. Substantives; (a) Masculine: e.g. comment-arius (sc. liber), a note book (commento-) ; febru-arius (sc. mensis), the month of purifications (februo-) ; libr-arius, a transcriber (llbro-) ; sext-arius, a pint, i.e. sixth of a congius (sexto-), (b) Feminine: argent-aria (sc. fodina), a silver mine, (sc. tabula) a bank (argent!-); asin-aria (sc. fabula), of an ass; name of a play of Plautus (asino-) ; mosteU-aria, a play of a ghost (mostello-, diminutive of monstro-). (c ) Neuter : aer-arium, the treasury (aes-) ; congi-arium, a quart-largess (congius - 5 7 6 pints); emiss-arium, an outlet (emisso-) ; pom-arium, an orchard (porno-) ; vlv-arium, a preserve of li-ve animals, e.g. a fa h pond (vivo-). ~ fi i f ^' e ' ~^ a PP en d e d to personal names in -tor (-s5r). Some appear to be formed immediately from the past participle or the supine stem. 1. Adjectives: cen-s5r-ius, of a censor-, gladia-tor-ius, of a gladiator mes-sor-ius, of a reaper ; mgri-tor-ius, for hire (mgrlto-) ; sua-sor-ius, of the persuasive. 2. Substantives, chiefly neuter: e.g. audl-tSr-ium, a lecture room- cna-toria (pi.), dinner dress- prae-t5rium, the gene- ral's quarters ; tec-torium, plaster of (walls (tecto-) ; vic- toria, victory. Chap. VII.} Verb-Stems. 173 CHAPTER VII. VERB-STEMS. 395 SIMPLE verbs are formed in four ways : i. A verb may be formed by union of a root directly with the suffixes of inflexion. In this case the root does duty as the verb-stem. Verbs so formed are probably the oldest in the language. They are all (or almost all) given in the list in Book II. chap. xxiu. e.g. r6g-, reggre, rule; fgr-, ferre, bear; ru-, ruSre, dash; su-, suSre, sow; fts-, Hr6re, burn (where the change of s to r is merely phonetic). In some of these verbs the root (or what we suppose to be the root) is somewhat disguised either (a) by internal change, or by (b) the addition or modification of the final consonant in order to adapt the root to a slight turn of the meaning. (#) By internal change: e.g. diic-, dflco ; jug-, jungo. It is pos- sible that such change may have originally belonged to the present stem only and have gradually been carried through all the parts of the verb. In sealp&re, to scratch, sculpgre, carve, we have slight modifica- tions of the same root. () By altering the final stem-consonant : e. g. verr-ere, brush, and vert-Sre, turn, are probably one root differently modified. So mulc-ere, stroke, is modified to mulg-ere, milk. 396 ii. A verb-stem may be formed by the addition of a verbal stem- suffix to the root : e. g. root am- stem am-a- amare, to love cu.b- cub-a- cubare, to He down tSn- tSn-6- tSnere, to hold nfle- n6c-S- ndcere, to be hurtful tu- tu-g- tueri, to defend fug- fiig-I- fuggre, to flee fgr- fgr-I- ffirlre, to strike ven- v6n-I- vSnire, to come In some cases it is doubtful whether the stem-vowel belongs to the present tense only, or belongs properly to the verb-stem and has given way only through phonetic changes : e.g. cftb-u-i, ciib-I-tum probably stand for ciib-au-i, ciib-a-tum ; fftgSre exhibits I in present and supine stem, though in the present it takes the form of 6 before r (e.g. ftig6-re) ; v6n-Ire exhibits the I only in the present stem. A good many verbs in -i are expressive of animal sounds and may pro- bably be formed directly from the sound : e. g. croclre, croak ; garrlre, chat- ter; g!5clre, chick ; grunnlre, grunt; hinnlre ; neigh ; muglre, low ; tinnlre, jingle, tinkle, &c. 174 WORD-FORMATION. \BookIIL 397 iii. A verb-stem may be formed from a noun-stem either by the retention of the stem-suffix of the noun, or by the modification of it so as to get the appropriate verbal stem-suffix. In this way are formed the great majority of the very numerous verb-stems in -a, a considera- ble number of the -e stems and of the -i stems, and some of the -u stems. i. Verbs with -a stems are formed (without special derivative suffix) : (a) from substantives with -a stems: e.g. aquari, to fetch water; curare, take charge of; lacrlmare, weep; rotare, wheel. (b) from substantives with -e steins (very few): e.g. glaciare, turn to ice ; mSrldiare (also dep.), take a hmch (or noon-day meal}. (c) from nouns with -0 stems, viz. : from substantives: e.g. ctlmiilare, pile up (cumulus); damnare, con~ demn (damnum, loss); j6cari, joke (jdcus); laniare, butcher (lanius); regnare, reign (regnum). from adjectives: aequare, level; dignari, think worthy; laxare, loosen; sacrare, consecrate (sacer) ; vagari, stroll about. (d) from substantives with -u stems (few) : e.g. aestuare, be hot, surge ; fluctuare (also dep.), tindulate, waver. (e) from nouns with -i stems, viz. : from substantives: e.g. calcare, trample (calx, heel); piscari, to fish (piscis) ; sedare, settle (sedes). from adjectives: e.g. celSbrare, frequent (ce'lSbe'r); dltare, enrich (dls); tSnuare, make thin (tenuis). (f) from nouns with consonant-stems, viz. : from substantives: e.g. dScdrare, decorate (duetts); hi&mare, spend winter (hiems) ; interprStari, act interpreter (interpres) ; jtidicare, judge (judex) ; laudare, praise (laus) ; omlnari, forebode (omen) ; salutare, greet (saltts). from adjectives (very few) : e. g. degSngrare, degenerate (deg6n8r) ; paupSrare, make poor (pauper). a. Verbs with -u stems (few) are formed : from substantives in -u : e. g. mStu-gre, fear (mfitus) ; statuere, place (status) ; trltouere, divide (tribus). 3. Verbs with -e stems are formed : (a) from substantives with -o stems; e.g. callere, have a thick skin (callum) ; niucere, be mouldy (mucus). (l>) from adjectives with -o stems: e.g. canere, be hoary (canus) ; denser!, thicken (intr.), be crowded (densus); fiavere, be yellow (flavus); mlserCri, have pity (mlsfir). (c) from nouns with -i stems; e.g. froDdere, be leafy (trans); sordere, be dirty (sordes pi.): tabere, waste away (tabes). (d) from nouns with consonant-stems: e.g. florere, be in Jlower (flcs); lucere, be light (lux). 4. Verbs with -i stems are formed : (d) from substantives with -a stems: e.g. metlri, measure (meta); pfinlre, punish (poena). Chap. VII.} Verb-Stems. 175 (b) from nouns with -o stems, viz. : from substantives: e.g. servlre, be a slave (servus). from adjectives: e.g. blandlri, coax (blandus); ineptlre, be silly (inep- tus) ; insanlre, be insane (insanus) ; saevire, rage (saevus). (c) from substantives with -u stems; e.g. gestlre, exult (gestus, a gesture}; singultire, sob (singultus). (d) from nouns with -i stems, viz. : from substantives: e.g. audlre, hear (auris); flnlre, put an end to (finis); mflnlre, fortify (moenia, pi.); sortlri, cast lots (sors); vestire, clothe (vestis). (e) from adjectives: e.g. insignlre, mark (insignis); molllre, soften (mollis); stabllire, establish (stabllis). (/) from substantives with consonant-stems: e.g. custodlre, keep watch on (custos) ; expMIre, free one's foot (ex pes). 5. Inchoative verbs with suffix -sc are often formed directly from noun-stems, and on this account may claim a place here. Others have both the simple and the inchoative form in the present stem, see 296. (a) from noun-stems in -a and -o: e.g. gemmascSre, bud (gemma); rarescgre, grow sparse (rarus) ; silvescere, become woody (silva). (/') from noun-stems (especially adjectives) in -i: e.g. ditescere, grow rich (dls) ; dulcescere, grow sweet (dulcis) ; fatiscere, yawn (fatis in adfa- tim) ; gravescere, grow heavy (gravis) ; ignescere (or igniscSre), burst into flame (ignis) ; pinguescere, grow fat (pinguis). (c) from consonant noun-stems : e.g. juvenescere, grow young ($&%&.-}; lapidescere (Plin.), turn to stone (lapis) ; rorescere (Ov.), dissolve to dew (ros). 398 iv. A verb-stem may be, formed by the addition of a special deri- vative suffix, besides a verbal stem-suffix, to a root. The following derivative suffixes are found in use (mostly with -a stems), but it is possible that some or a*ll of them may have been at least originally noun-suffixes. In that case this mode of formation (iv) would be resolved into the preceding (iii). -Ie-a (Infrequent.) As if from adjective-stems in -Ico : e.g. claud- Icare, limp (claudus, claudere) ; praevar-Icari, act in collusion (varus, crooked] ; vell-Icare, pluck at (velle're). -Iga e.g. cast-Igare, chastise (castus); fat-Igare, tire (make to yawn, fatis). As if from same stem as past participles, usually expressing repeated action or attempt (Frequentative Verbs). (None are from participles in -ato.) e.g. adven-tare, come frequently (advgnire); dictare, say frequently (dlcSre) ; habl-tare, dwell in (babere) ; n6-tare, note (noscgre, comp. cogmtus) ; osten- tare, show off (ostend6re) ; trac-tare, handle (trahgre) ; ver-sare, turn about (vertgre). -Iti Usually affixed to the last consonant of the present stem of another verb. Sometimes the i may be part of the stem-root of the suffix: e.g. ag-Itare, shake (aggre) ; cog-itare, think (cogere) ; dub-Itare, doubt (dubio-) ; pericl-Itari, make trial 176 WORD-FORMATION. \BookIIl. of (pgriculo-) ; r6g-itare, ask frequently (rOgare) ; vend- Itare, offer for sale (vendSre). i. e. -Ita suffixed to the same stem as past participles or ordi- nary frequentatives : e.g. dicti-tare, say repeatedly (dlc-6re, diet-are) ; haesi-tare, hesitate (haerere) ; pensitare, pay habitually, Cic. ; ponder, Liv. (pendere, pensare) ; ventl- tare, come often (vfinire). 400 -fltl- From noun-stems: e.g. balb-CltIre, stammer (balbus); caec- fttire, be blind (caecus). -cina latro-clnari, be a brigand (latron-) ; patro-clnari, be a patron (patrono-); ratio-cinari, calculate (ration-); vatl-clnari, titter prophecies (vati-). As if from diminutival nouns : e. g. grat-ftlari, congratulate (grato-); vi-61are, use force to (vi-); ust-iilare, singe (usto-, burnt}. -ilia- conscrib-illare, scribble on (scrlb-Sre) ; vac-Ulare (vacciUare Lucr. once), waddle, hesitate (vacca, a cow). -tra calci-trare, kick (calci-) ; p6n6-trare, penetrate (pgniis-, store). -ftrl Usually expressive of desire; formed as from the supine-stem: cenat-tiiire, be eager for dinner (cenare) ; es-ftrlre, be hungry (6dre) ; proscript-ttrire, be eager for a proscription (proscrlb6re) . -urri lig-urrire, lick; scat-urrire, gush forth (scat6re). 401 Some verbs with -a stems are formed from, or parallel to, verbs with other stems : e. g. aspernari, scorn, spurn (ab, sperngre) ; consternare, dismay (consterngre) ; creare, make to grow (cre-sc-6re, grow} ; dicare, dedicate (dic6re) ; ediicare, bring up, train (edflc6re) ; hiare, gape (hi-sc-Sre, open the mouth to speak} ; labare, slip (labi) ; mandare, commit, entrust (manu-, dare); mulcare, beat (mulcere, stroke) ; sgdare, settle (sgdere, sit). CHAPTER VIII. COMPOSITION. 402 NEW words may be formed not merely by the addition of a deri- vative suffix, but by the junction of two or more separately intelligible words into one. This is called composition. The distinctive features of two words being compounded are the loss of their separate accents, and the possession of but one set of inflexions. Any two words in syntactical connexion may, if the meaning be suitable, be the base of a new compound word. So long as the two words each retain their own proper inflexion or use, however frequently they may be used together, they are not a proper compound ; e. g. rem gerere, res gestae, &c. Chap. VIII.\ . Composition. 177 Such habitual combinations are called spurious compounds, and are often marked by the fixing of a particular order for the words, though such order is not absolutely prescribed by general principles ; e. g. pater familias, jus jurandura, respublica, accept! ratio, &c. 403 Compounds are distinguishable from a mere juxtaposition of the simple words of which they are or might appear to be composed, either (a) by the two words being used together in a way in which they would not be used as simple words, e.g. ediirus, subsimilis, cisrhenanus, proavus, qvinqvevir; or (b) by one or both not being used at all independently, e.g. dissimilis, vesanus ; or (c) by one or both losing their proper inflexions or terminations, e.g. arcitenens, malevolus, tridens, caprificus : ; or (d) by a vowel being changed or omitted owing to the two words being brought under one accent, e. g. Diespiter, duodecim ; auceps, usurpo. or (e} by the meaning of the compound being different or more than the meaning of the two words, e.g. supercilium, the eyebrow; (but super cilium, above the eyelid) ; conclave, a chamber. 404 The precise form which the compound word assumes is not deter- mined by the previous connexion, but mainly by the .class (verb, adjec- tive, substantive, &c.) to which it is to belong ; and, subordinately to that, by the same causes (known or unknown) which occasion the selection of particular suffixes of declension or derivation. To us the particular form thus appears to be frequently 3 matter of caprice. There is, however, a tendency for the compound word to take a similar form to the second of the component words. The combination is always a combination of stems or roots (some- times dipt) ; and the resulting compound, even where it exhibits similar inflexional or derivative suffixes to those of one of the simple words, may most truly be supposed not to have retained such suffixes but to have reproduced them ; e. g. palmi-pes is a compound from the stems palma-, ped-, and has received the simple inflexions (i.e. nomi- native suffix) of the second class of nouns, just as the stem ped- itself has. But a verb or adjective, compounded with a preposition used abso- lutely ( 408), retains the form of the simple stem: a verb compounded of two words in proper syntactical relation with each other ( 409 415) takes an a stem. So far as the inflexional or derivative suffix is concerned, compound words have been sometimes already included in the examples given in this and the previous book. Here they will be classified and selections made according to the variety of the elements of which they are com- posed, and the nature of the connexion. 405 i. SPURIOUS COMPOUNDS. The following are the combinations which, from the fixity of their use, appear most nearly to approach proper compounds. L. G. 12 178 WORD-FORMATION. \BookIII. 1. Verbs: (a) animum advertere (or animadvertere), to take notice ; f Idei committere, to entrust ; f ideicommissa, trusts ; f idejubSre, to bid a person do a thing on your guaranty ; fidejussor, a guarantor ; pessum dare, to send to the bottom (comp. pessum ire, abire, premgre) ; venum ire, to be sold, venum dare, to sell (but venire, vend6re as com- pounds proper) ; usucapere, acquire by use. illcet, off! at once (ire licet) ; scilicet, let me tell you (scire licet) ; videlicet, you may see that is to say (videre licet), where the re has dropt off by its similarity to 11. () The disyllabic prepositions appear often to form with verbs only improper compounds ; e. g. circum dare, to throw around, appears to be in meaning a proper compound in urbem circum dare muro ; an improper one in urbi circum dare murum. Similarly retroagere, retrogradi, &c. ; be'neTace're, male'dice're, satis- facgre, palamfacerS. palamfieri. Compare also inque pediri, jacere indu, inque gravescunt (Lucr.), and the use of per in such expressions as per mini gratum est ; &c. 2. Nouns: 408 (a) Doubled adjective : alt&riiter, one of two ; quisquis, (whosoever ; qudtusquisque, how many. (Gomp. the adverbs : quamquam, utut, although, however.} tertius decimus, quartus decimus, and other compound numerals. So lex quina vicenaria, law relating to age of twenty-jive. (b) Adjective -f substantive : jusjurandum, an oath (lit. a swearing one's right, being a nominative formed to correspond with the gerundival use jurisjurandi, &c.) ; res gestae, exploits; res publica, the common weal ; ros marinus (ros maris Ov.), rosemary (sea-dew}. (c~) Genitive + substantive : accept! latio, expensi latio, crediting or debiting (lit. entering in book as received or expended) ; agricultura, farming] aquaeductus, a water-course-, argentifodinae, silver mines; ludimagister, a school-master; paterfamilias, materfamilias, filius- familias, &c. a father, &c. of a household; plebiscltum, a commons 1 resolution ; senatusconsultum, a senate's decree. So jurisconsultus, one skilled in the law. (d) Genitive + adjective: e.g. verisimilis, likely (like the truth). (e) Oblique case and participle; e.g. dicto audiens esse, to be obedient, (f) Two parallel substantives: e.g. ususfructus, the use and enjoy- ment. So perhaps pactum conventum, a bargain and covenant. (g) Adverb (or adverbial accusative) + participle : e.g. gravedlens, strong smelling suaveolens, sweet-smelling. Similarly paeninsula, an almost-island (comp. duos prope Hannibales in Italia esse (Liv.) ; ex non sensibus, from what are not senses (Lucr.). Chap. VIfI^\ Composition. 179 407 3- Adverbs: e.g. saepenumero, often in number' tantummodo, only (lit. so much in measure} ; hactSnus, thus far ; quamlibet, quamvis, however much, although, &c. itaqve, therefore / et6nim, in fact, &c. have each but one accent: inagnopere, greatly ; prorsus ( 214), utterly, c. have been contracted: slqvidem, nisi ( 221), &c. have had the first vowel modified. So nudlus tertius (quartus, &c.), the day (two days) before yesterday, is a contracted sentence (nunc dies tertius est). Multimodis, miri- modls multismodis. &c. Lucr. has also omnimodis. 408 ii. COMPOUNDS of prepositions used absolutely, or of inseparable particles* Such compounds are some verbs and some nouns, i. Verbs: (a) Common with prepositions; e.g. abire, go away j advenire, come to; colllgere, collect; demittere, let down; expellgre, drive out; inspicSre, look in ; oblbqui, speak against ; succedere, go under ; &c. (b) With inseparable particles : amb-, round ; dis-, in pieces ; por-, forth; red (re), back; sed (se), apart; e.g. ambire, go round; dissol- vere, undo; porrfgere, stretch forth ; rfemittere, send back; sevScare, c all aside. (c) Rarely with negatives; viz. in-, ne : e.g. ignoscere, not recog- nise, pardon ; nequire, be unable ; nescire, be ignorant ; nolle, be un- willingi With gerundive: infandus, nefandus, unspeakable: (in- is fre- quent with participles). a. Nouns: some containing verbal stems, some containing noun stems: e.g. concavus, hollow (cavo-) ; concors, of the same mind (cord-) ; col- lega, a fellow by law (leg-) ; conservus, a fellow slave (servo-) ; discolor, of various colours (c61or-) ; exheres, disinherited (hered-) ; exsomnis, sleepless (somno-) ; ignarug, ignorant (gnaro-) ; immSritus, undeserved (mgrlto-) ; in- 6dia, fasting (SdSre, eat) ; iniqvus, unfair (aequo-) ; inops, helpless (dpi-) ; and many others with in-, not. ngfas, wickedness (fas-) ; nggotium, business (nee, otiuni) ; peraciitus, very sharp ; pergratus, very pleasing ; permagnus, very great; praeclarus, very illustrious; praevalldus, very strong; and many others with per and prae, very; praematurus, ripe before the time; praeposterus, behind before, re- versed; proavus, a great grandfather; procllvis, sloping forwards; pr6fugus, y^/Vzg- (fiiggre) ; recurvus, curved back; refluus, flowing back (fluSre). subabsurdus, slightly absurd ; subobscilrus, rather dark; subtiirpis, somewhat disgraceful ; and many others with sub, slightly : also subcen- j a lieutenant. 12 2 180 WORD-FORMATION. {Book III. vecors, foolish (cord-) ; vegrandis, small (grand!-) ; vemens, 'violent (menti-). 409 Hi- Compounds formed by giving an appropriate suffix to words conceived as in regular syntactical relation to each other. A. Attributed- noun (usually substantive): () Numeral + noun (usually substantive) : e. g. bidens, with two teeth (denti-) ; blvius, with two roads (via-) ; centlmanus, hundred- handed (manu-) ; duplex, two-fold (pUcare) ; quadriga (for quadrijuga), a fourhorse chariot (quatuor, jugo-) ; sexnibarbarus, half foreign (bar- baro-); semlrutus, half fallen (rfito-) ; sesqui-pSdalis, afoot and halfm measure (pSd-); teruncius, a three-ounce, i.e. \ of an as (uneia-); unanlmus, of one mind (animo-). () Ordinary adjective + substantive; e. g. aequaevus, contemporary (aequo-, aevo-); laticlavius, with a broad border to the toga (lato-, clavo-) ; mSdlterraneus, midland (m8dio-, terra-) ; mlsSrfcors, pitiful (misero-, cord-) ; multlformis, multiform (multa-, forma-) ; plenlluniunV, time of full moon (plena-, luna-) ; versjco'lor, with changed colour (verso-, cd!8r-). (f) Substantive -f substantive. The first is used as attributive: e.g. aerlpes, bronze-footed (aes-, pSd-) ; cornlpes, hornfooted (cornu-, p6d-) ; caprlcornus, goat-horned (capro-, cornu-) ; manupr6tium, cost of hand- work (manu-, prgtio-). 410 B. Preposition + substantive: e.g. abnorniis, irregular (ab norma) ; adumbrare, sketch in outline (ad umbram, draw by the shadow) ; antelucanus, before daybreak (ante lucem) ; circumfdraneus, round the forum (circum forum) ; deg6n6r, degenerate (de gen5r6) ; egrggius, select (e grg6) ; extempSralis, on the moment (ex tempOrS) ; extraordlnarius, out of the usual order (extra ordlnem) ; inaures (pi.), eardrops (in aure) ; intervallum, space between palisades, an interval (inter valla) ; obnoxius, liable for a wrong (ob noxam) ; perennis, all through the year (per annum) ; proconsul, a deputy consul (pro consult) ; suburbanus, near the city (sub urbem) ; suffocare, strangle (sub faucibus, under throat} ; trans- Alpinus, beyond ths A J ps (trans Alpes). 411 C. Nouns collateral to one another (rare): duodgcim, tivclve (duo+decem; octodgcim, eighteen (octo + decem) ; undgcim, eleven (uno + decem). suovetaurilia, (pi.), a sacrifice of a sheep, pig and bull (su- + 6vi- + tauro-). 412 D. Object -f verb (frequent): aedificare, to build, aedlficium, a building (aedem facere) ; agricdla, a farmer (agrum c61ere); agrlpgta, a squatter (agrum p6t6re) ; armlggr, a warrior (anna g&rSre) ; auceps, a birdcatcher, hence aucupium, aucu- Chap. VTIL] Composition. 181 p,re (avem capere); auspex, a bird-viewer (avem spScfire); car- nlvdrus, flesh-eating (carnem vdrare) ; causidlcus, a pleader (causam dlcSre); faenlsex, hay-cutter (faenum scare); fatlfgr, death-bringing (fatum ferre); fratrlclda, a brother-slayer (fratrera caedgre); grandl- 16qvus, talking big (grandg 16qui; lectisternium, couch-covering; a re- ligious ceremony (lectum sterngre): naufragus, shipwrecked (navem fraggre) ; navigare, to voyage, navlgium, -voyage, ship (navem agfire) ; morlggrus, complaisant (mSrem ggrgre) ; puerpgra, puerpgrium, child- bearing (pugrum pargre) ; sortflggus, lot-picker, hence soothsayer (sortes Igggre)! stipendium (for sttplpendium), pay (stlpem pendfire); v6ne- nlfer, poison-bearing (vSnenum ferre); vltlsator, vineplanter (vitem ser6re). 413 E. Oblique predicate + verb : e.g. aequlpgrare, make equal (aequum (aliquod) parare) ; Ifldl- ficare, make game of (ludos (aliquem) facgre) ; purgare, cleanse (purum (aliquem) agere). Here may be put the half-compounds of (usually) verbal stems with facfire and fiiri. The quantity of the e is doubtful : it is here marked only when proof exists, in which case the author's name is added. ca!6fac6re (Plaut., Lucr.) also calface"re, make warm; labgfacere (Ter., Ov.), make to fall; liqvfifacere (Verg., Ov.), llquefacere (Lucr., Gatull., Ov.), melt; patefacere (Plaut., Verg., Ov.), patefacere (Lucr.), display; patrefacere or patefacere (Plaut., Lucr.), pfitr6fac6re (Ov.), make rotten; desuefacare, disuse; mansuefacere, tame; c. 414 F. Subject + verb (rare): galllclnium, time of cockcroimng (gallus canit); reglfugium, kings flight (rex fugit or reges fugiunt) ; stilHcIdium, a dripping (stUla cadit). 415 G. Oblique case or adjective used adverbially + verb. The construction presumed is often very loose. artlfex, a handicraftsman, artlflcium, skilled work (arte facio); b6n6v61us, well-wisher (b6n6 v61o) ; bgnignus, well-born, liberal (ben6 gen-itus) ; blfidus, cleft in two (bis findor) ; largifluus, copious (large fluo) ; manceps, a purchaser, mancipium, a chattel (manu capio) ; mandare, hand over to a person (manu do); montivagus, wandering on the mountains (montibus vagor) ; noctlvagus, night-wandering (nocte vagor) ; omnlpotens, all-powerful (omnia possum) : raucisdnus, hoarse- sounding (raucum sdno) ; tibicen, tiblcina, a Jlute-player m. or f. (tibia cano); tiiblcen, a trumpeter (tuba cano); vend8re, to sell (venum dare). So adverb (or oblique case) + participle, e.g. : alticinctus, girt high; bipartltus, divided into two (bis partlri). 1 82 WORD-FORMATION, \B0ok III. CHAPTER IX. INTERJECTIONS. 416 INTERJECTIONS may be divided into two classes, according as they are (i) imitations of sounds; (2) abbreviated sentences or mutilated words. i. Imitations of sounds. (The probable Greek and English modes of representing the same or similar sounds are here added.) or ha ( * n warnm S or sorrow. Comp. a; Engl. ah! Germ, achl heia ( * n encoura emen * : ' Comp. ela, Engl. hey. vah in surprise or indignation. Comp. oct. o various, Comp, Comp. Greek /3aj8af, TTOTTOI, irairaT. hahahae Laughing. Comp. a, a, Engl. Haha. vae in grief and anger. Represents a wail. Comp. oval, in Alex- andrine and i later writers, perhaps imitation of the Latin ; Germ. 7M?/$,Engl. woe. Compare also vah and the verb vaglre. dh9 in annoyance, especially when a person is sated ; probably be- tween a groan and a grunt. Comp. Engl. ugh. hei or ei in grief. It represents a sigh, Comp, f or I or e?}, and perhaps ata?, Engl. heigh. ehern or ) the sound of clearing the throat? Comp. Engl. hem, ahem, hem or em ( In Plautus em is often found in MSS. for en. Chap. IX.] Interjections. 183 st to command silence. The corresponding sound in English, hist, is used to attract attention; and s/i, hush to command silence. a , or .?' a Or ( in surprise, vexation, fear, &c. : smacking of the tongue re y ' against the teeth. Comp. drrarat drraTaTcu, OTOTOTOI, Engl. tut, tut. heus a noise to attract attention : a combined whistle and hiss. Comp. Engl. whisht! and perhaps Germ, heisa (=Engl. huzza}. bombax apparently from /3o,u/3a : expression of wonder. euax a cry of joy. Comp. efrx, evdfciv, and perhaps Germ., juchhe. tax tax the sound of blows. Comp. Engl. thwack. taratantara (Ennius), the sound of a trumpet. 417 2. Abbreviated sentences or mutilated words. The following are probably such: (a) Latin : en in Plaut. usually em, lol ecce lo herd The ce is perhaps the demonstrative particle, cf. 119, 218. In the comic poets it is frequently combined with the ac- cusative (as if it were equivalent to see) of the pronouns is and ille ; eccum, eccam, eccos, eccas, ecca ; eccillum, eccillam, eccillut; once also eccistam. eccere used similarly to English there! medius fldius for me deus Fidius juvet, so help me the God of Faith. ecastor perhaps for en Castor. pol for Pollux. e"de"pol said by Roman grammarians to be for per aedem Pollucis. sodes prythee. Said by Cicero (Or. 45) to be for si audes. (b) Borrowed from the Greek: age come ! for aye. It is sometimes followed by dum. apage off! for ax aye. euge for evye. eugipae originally for eirye irat? BOOK IV. SYNTAX, OR USE OF INFLEXIONAL FORMS. 418 SYNTAX is an account of the way in which the different parts of speech (i.e. classes of words), and their different inflexional forms are employed in the formation of sentences. CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION OF WORDS. 419 WORDS in Latin may be divided into four classes, according as they denote, (i) a complete thought ; (n) a person, thing, or abstract notion ; (in) a relation or quality ; (iv) a mere connexion of words or sentences. Words of the first two classes are, with some special exceptions, inflected ; the last two are not inflected. 420 I- Words which express a complete thought (called in logic a judgment) are fnite verbs (i.e. verbs in indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods) ; e.g. dico, dicis, dicit, / say, thou sayest, he says ; dicat, he should say dicito, thou shalt say. 421 ii. Words which denote persons and things and abstract notions are called nouns (i.e. names), and are divided into two classes, substan- tives and adjectives. 1. Substantives are such names of things, &c. as are representative, not of their possessing one particular quality, but of the sum of all the qualities and relations which we conceive them to have. Chap. /.] Classification of Words. 185 (a) Pronoun Substantives. Personal Pronouns (in Latin) are names to denote the person speak- ing and the person spoken to ; e.g. ego, I ; tu, tbou. (b) Noun Substantives. Proper nouns are names of individual persons or places ; e.g. Lucius, Lucius Roma, Rome. Common nouns, or appellatives, are names of classes of persons or things; e.g. victor, conqueror; aurum, gold; flos, a flower. Abstract nouns are names of qualities, actions, and states, considered apart from the persons or things possessing or performing them e.g. magnitude, greatness ; salus, health ; discessus, departure. (c) Infinitive mood of verbs and gerunds are names of actions or states conceived in connexion with the persons or things performing or possessing them; e.g. videre, to see; videndi, of seeing. (d) Any word or phrase which is spoken of as a word or phrase only, is the name of itself; e.g. vidit, the word vidit. Such words are necessarily indeclinable. 422 2. Adjectives (in Latin are not names of qualities, but) are such names of persons or things as are expressive simply of their possessing this or that quality, or being placed in this or that relation. (See 442.) (a) Pronominal adjectives describe by means of certain relations, chiefly those of local nearness to the person speaking, spoken to, or spoken of. They are often used instead of nouns ; e.g. meus, mine ; We, this ; ille, that; qui, which. (b) Numeral adjectives describe by means of number or rank; e.g. septem, seven ; Septimus, seventh. Some are indeclinable. (c) Nominal (or noun) adjectives describe by means of qualities ; e.g. magnus, great ; salutaris, healthy. (cT) Participles (including gerundive in some uses) are verbal adjec- tives used to describe persons or things by means of actions done by or to them; e.g. amans, loving; amatus, loved; amandus, that should be loved. 423 III. Words (besides oblique cases of nouns), which denote rela- tions or qualities of qualities or of actions, are called adverbs, and are indeclinable. (a) Connective adverbs ; i.e. those which besides qualifying a word in their own sentence, also connect that sentence with another sentence. These are all pronominal ; e.g. quum, when; dum, whilst; ubi, where; ut, how, as ; si, in whatever case, if; quia, whereas, because, &c. () Other pronominal adverbs; e.g. Me, here; turn, then. (c} Numeral adverbs ; e.g. septies, seven times. (d) Nominal adverbs (of quality, manner, &c.) ; e.g. b6ne, well ; clare, 186 SYNTAX. [Book IV. (e) Prepositions either express modes of actions or qualities, and in this usage are generally compounded with the verb or adjective, or give precision to the relations denoted by the case-suffixes of nouns; e.g. in, in ; ex, out ; per, through. 424 IV. Words which denote a mere connexion (not of things, but) of names with names, sentences with sentences, or parts of sentences with like parts, are called conjunctions ; e.g. et, nee, sed, in the following sentences, Caesar et Cicero eunt et colloquuntur, Caesar and Cicero go and talk together; Non eros nee dominos appellat eos, sed patriae custodes, sed patres, sed deos (Cic.), He calls them not masters nor lords but guardians of their country, fathers, aye gods. 425 To these four classes may be added Interjections; which are either natural vocal sounds, expressive of sudden emotions, or abbreviated sentences ; e.g. ! heu ! ehem ! st t medius fidius, upon my word. CHAPTER II. PARTS OF A SIMPLE SENTENCE, AND USE OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH. i, Elements of a Sentence. 426 WHEN we speak we either name a person or thing, or we declare something of a person or thing. The name of a person r thing js expressed by a substanti-ve. A complete thought always contains more than the name, for it declares something of the person or thing named. Every complete thought (called in Grammar a sentence) contains at least two ideas, viz. 1. The person or thing of which we speak, called the Subject. 2. Our declaration respecting it, called the Predicate. 427 A complete thought may be expressed most simply in Latin either (a) by a finite verb, or () by two nouns. (a) A finite verb contains in its personal suffixes the subject, in its stem the predicate; e.g. curr-it, be (she, it) runs; plu-it, it rains; aina-mus, ewe love ; etc. () When the thought is expressed by two nouns only, the sen- tence will contain a substantive (or substantivally-used adjective), in the nominative case, for the subject, and either a substantive or an adjective for the predicate. Of .two substantives it is, apart from the context, indifferent which is considered as the subject, but usually the Chap. //.] Parts of a Simple Sentence. 187 least general name will be the subject: e.g. Julius fortis, Julius is brave; Julius consul, Julius is the Consul, or, the Consul is Julius. The junction of the two ideas, i.e. the predication itself (called in logic the copula), is not expressed by any separate word, but (a) is implied in the indissoluble junction of the stem and personal suffixes in the finite verb ; or (b) is inferred from the close sequence of the two names.. 428 Both these simple forms of sentences are liable to be ambiguous: (a) The personal suffixes of a finite verb are often insufficient to define the subject, especially when the subject is of the third person. For the purpose of further definition, a substantive in the nominative case is often expressed with it, and the verb may then be regarded as containing only the predicate ; e.g. Equus currit, the horse runs (pro- perly horse run-he' 1 }. (b) The relation of two nouns to each other is also ambiguous. The adjective or second substantive may be used, not to assert a con- nexion (i.e. as n. predicate), but to denote an already known or assumed connexion (i.e. as an attribute), of the person or thing named by the first substantive with the quality named by the second substantive or the adjective. To remedy this ambiguity, some part of the verb sum is generally used (except in animated language) to mark the fact of a predication, and then (usually but not necessarily) means little more thai) the logical copula, e.g. Julius est consul, Julius (he) is consul. General rules. 429 i. A finite verb, when its subject is expressed by a separate word, is put in the same person, and as a rule, in the same number, as its subject.. a. Any -substantive may be used as a subject. The subject of a sentence is, if declinable, in the nominative case ; but the relation of sub- ject and predicate may exist also between words in oblique cases. 3. A noun, whether used as an attribute or predicate, is put in the same case, if it denote the same person or thing, as the substantive to which it is attributed, or the subject of which it is predicated. (Pronouns and participles follow the same rule as nouns, and will there- fore, unless separately mentioned, be included here under the term noun. Adjectives used otherwise than as attributes or predicates of a substantive will be included under the term substantive,} ii. Of Attributes. 430 JjF a substantive by itself does not express the full name or definition which we wish to give of a person or thing, a word or expression is added, called an attribute* of the substantive. The simplest forms of 1 More strictly perhaps {if we : may regard the o stems as properly mas- culine, and notice the nominative suffix 1 ) horse- he run*he. 2 Whether in any given sentence a word or expression is an attribute and intended merely to aid in identifying the subject, or is a predicate and in- 1 88 , SYNTAX. \BooklV. attributes are nouns, denoting the same person or thing, as the substan- tive of which they are attributes. An attribute may be (a) A substantive (often said to be in apposition}-, e.g. Gains Julius Caesar ; Julio consul! credidi, / believed the consul Julius. (b~) An adjective ; e.g, haec res, this thing j fortem consulem vidi, / saw the brave consul This is the normal use of the adjective, the adjectival suffixes, like the personal suffixes of the finite verb^ acquiring further definition by the accompaniment of a substantive. (c) For the use of other words or expressions as attributes, see below ( 438). iii. Of Predicates. 431 A predicate 1 is either primary or secondary, and each of these is either direct or oblique. A predicate is direct, if its subject is in the nominative case; oblique, if its subject is in an oblique case. It is primary, if predicated immediately of the subject ; secondary, if pre- dicated only through, or in connexion with, a primary predicate, A finite verb always contains a primary direct predication ; and is never used otherwise (except as mentioned in 421 d). A noun or infinitive mood may be a primary or secondary, direct or oblique, predicate. 432 As primary predicate some form of the verb is usual, and chiefly the finite verb ; but a past participle or gerundive is not uncommon : a noun or pronoun is comparatively rare. An infinitive is also found in animated narrative; e.g. Invadunt hostes : Roman! fuggre : occisus Marcellus. Haec nuntiandd, The enemy rush on : the Romans (proceed to} fly : Marcellus is killed. This must be told. The distinction of the use of a noun as a primary predicate from its use as a secondary predicate with the verb of being (see next paragraph) is prac- tically so unimportant, that the term secondary predicate will often be used to cover both. 433 (a) A secondary predicate is often added to a verb of indeterminate meaning (e.g. a verb of being, becoming, naming, &c.) to complete, as it were, the predication : e. g. Dux fuit Julius. Occisus est Marcellus. Haec sunt nuntianda. Liberati videbamur, We seemed (to be) freed. tended to give fresh information about it, may be sometimes doubtful. Latin has no mark to distinguish these uses. In Greek an attribute has the article prefixed, a secondary predicate has not. 1 It is convenient sometimes to regard the whole of the sentence as divisible into two parts only : in this view the grammatical subject with all its attributes, &c. is the (logical) subject; the rest of the sentence is the (logical) predicate. Shap. //.] Parts of a Simple Sentence. 189 Gaius dicitur advenire, Gaius is said to be coming. Caesar imperator appeUatur (or appellatus, or appeUari), Caesar is being called (or is called, or begins to be called} Emperor. (b} A secondary predicate is often employed to denote the cha- racter in which, or circumstances under .which, a person or thing acts, x>r is acted on 1 , Hannibal peto pacem, It is I, Hannibal, who now ask for peace. Primus Marcum vidisti, Ton are the first that has seen Marcus. Senex seribere institui, 7 was an old man when I began to write. Neque loquens es, neque tacens, umquam bonus, Neither when talking, nor ^when keeping silence, are you ever good. Caesar legatus mittitur (or missus or mittl). Caesar is being sent (or ;/ sent, or begins to be sent} as ambassador, 434 Oblique predicates are usually in sentences containing a finite verb. The following contain primary oblique predicates. Dicit Romanes fuge're, He says the Romans are fleeing (speaks of the Romans as fleeing}. Fama est Romanes fuggre, There is a rumour that the Romans are fleeing. Minabar me abiturum, 7 threatened I would go away. Minantur puellae se abituras, The girls threaten they will go away. Te heredem fecit, He made you heir.. Quern te appellem? Whom am I to p-all you ? Marcum primum vidisti, Marcus was the first you saw. Advenienti sorori librum dedit, He gave the book to his sister as she was coming up. Ante Ciceronem consulem interiit, He died before Cicero was consul. Capta urbe rediit, On the city being taken he returned. 435 An infinitive, when used either as (i) predicate or (2) object, &e,, is often accompanied by a noun or other predicate ; e.g. (i) Caesarem dico appeUari (or appellatum ease) imperatorem, 7 say that Caesar is being called (or is or was called} Emperor. Caesar dicitur appeUari (or appellatus esse) imperator, Caesar is said to be called (to have been called} Emperor. Fertur iUe consules reliquisse, invitus invitos, He is said to have left the consuls, to his and their regret, Spero vos in urbem triumphantes ingressuros esse, 7 hope that you will march into the city in triumph, (z) Caesar bonus esse (or haberi) cupit, Caesar desires to be (or to be considered} good. Cogito iter facere armatus, I am thinking of making the journey armed, Licuit esse otioso ThemistocU, Themistocles was allowed to be idle. Movit me vir, cujus fugientis comes, rempublicam recuperantis socius, videor esse debere, 7 was moved by the man whose companion I feel I ought to be in his flight and ally in restoring the commonwealth. (Cic.) 1 Such a secondary predicate might, if it needed distinction from the preceding class, be called a subpredicate. It is often called an apposition, or adverbial apposition. 1 90 SYNTAX. \Book IV. 436 Participles are (sometimes attributes, but) usually predicates to some substantive in the sentence, and are thus the means of com- bining into one sentence several subordinate predications : e.g. Venit iste cum sago, gladia succinctu, teneria jaculum ; illi, nescio quid incipient! dicere, gladium in latere defixit, The fellow came wearing his cloak, girt with a sword, a javelin in bis hand, and as the other was beginning to say something, plunged his sword in his side, (Corn,) In this sentence all the participles are predicates. iv. Of the use of oblique cases and adverbs. 437 i. If a verb by itself, or with a secondary predicate, does not express all that we wish to declare of a person or thing by that sentence, additions may be made of various kinds ; viz. (a) If the verb express an action conceived as in immediate Con'- nexion with some person or thing upon which it is exercised, or to which it gives rise, a substantive in the accusative case may be added to denote such a person or thing. This is called the object (or direct or immediate object) ; e. g. amicos fugiunt, They Jiee from their friends ; Caesar librum teneat, Caesar should hold the book carmina fingo, / am making poetry. If the object be itself an action of the same subject, it is usually expressed by an infinitive mood ; e'.g; eupio discere, I desire to learn. () If the verb express an action or fact indirectly affecting a person (or thing), who is not the subject or direct object, a substantive, in the dative case, may be added to express such an indirect (or remoter} object. Some (i.e. intransitive) verbs admit this indirect object only : many verbs admit of both a direct and indirect object: e.g. Placet oratio tibi, The speech is pleasing to you ; hoc fratri tradite, Hand this to your brother; liber Caesari datur, The book is given to Caesar. (c} Some verbs have what may be called a secondary object in the genitive case : if transitive, they have also usually a direct (frequently personal) object: e.g. Accuso te furti, I accuse thee of theft ; cadum vini implet, He Jills the cask with (makes it full of} wine ; miserescite patris, Have pity on your father. (d) A verb may be further qualified by adding oblique cases of substantives (with or without prepositions), or adverbs, to denote the place, time, value, means, manner, cause, &c. at, in, by, from, &c. which the action is done or state exists : e. g. Fui annum Capuae, / was a year at Capua ; litteras abs te Balbus ad me attulit vesperi, Balbus brought me in the evening a letter from you ; magni hoc aestimo, 7 value this at a large sum ; ardet dolore, He is in a fever 'with pain. The infinitive mood and the participles admit the same qualifica- tions as finite verbs. 438 ^. Oblique cases of substantives (with or without prepositions), and adverbs, when they qualify (a) the verb of being and other verbs of similarly colourless meaning, have often the same effect as a secondary Chap. //.] Parts of a Simple Sentence. 191 predicate 1 . They are rarely used predicatively without a verb. But they are also used to qualify () substantives attributively, and (c) ad- jectives, and sometimes (d) adverbs: e.g. (a) Caesaris est (or vocatur) gladius, The sword (is called} Caesar's, Sclo hoc laudi esse mihi, / know that this is an honour to me. Praestanti prudentia est, He is of remarkable prudence. In me odium est tuum, Tour hatred is against me. Sic est vita hominum, Such is the life of men. () Caesaris gladius, Caesar's sword. Cupiditate triumph! ardebam, / was in a glow with the desire for a triumph. Aliquid laeti, something (of) pleasant. (This use as attribute is the most common use of the genitive.) Deoemviri legibus scribendis, A commission of ten for drawing up laws. Vir praestanti prudentia. In me odium. Omnes circa civitates, All the states round about. (r) Maximus regum, The greatest of kings. Cupidus triumph!, Desirous of a triumph. Arti cuilibet idoneus, Fit for any art whatever. Tanto major, (by) so much greater; splendidior vitro, Brighter than glass. Ex composite hilaris, Cheerful by arrangement. Valde utilis, Very useful. Aliquando laetus, Sometimes cheerful. (d) Convenienter naturae, Agreeably to nature. Tanto magis, so much the more. In dies magis, more day by day. Paene pedetemptim, almost step by step* 439 v. Of coordination by conjunctions and otherwise. (a) Conjunctions and connective adverbs of manner (e.g. quam, ut), when used to unite words or phrases, unite those only which are coordinate to one another, i.e. which fulfil the same function in the sentence; e.g. two objects, two attributes, two adverbial qualifications; &c. e.g. Komani ac socii veniunt, The Romans and allies come. Nee regem nee reginam vidi, / saw neither king nor queen. mine credam an tibi? Am I to believe him or you? Bella fortius quam felicius geris, You are more brave than fortunate in waging wars. Tibi cum meam salutem, turn omnium horum debeo, I owe to you as well my own safety as that of all these. Cum omnibus potius quam soli perire voluerunt, They wished rather to perish with all the world than by themselves, Tu mihi videris Epicharmi, acuti nee insulsi hominis, ut Siculi, senten- tiam sequi, (Cic.) Tou seem to me to be following the view of EpicharmuS) a sharp man and, as a Sicilian, not without wit. 1 Such words do not (like those in 430) denote the same person or thing as the word of which they are predicates or attributes ; and the main- tenance of their own special case is necessary to give them the requisite meaning. 1 92 SYNTAX. \Book IV. (b) Coordinate words are often put simply side by side, without any conjunction: sometimes another word is repeated with each: e.g. Veios, Fidenas, Collatiam, Arioiam, Tusculum cum Calibus, Teano, Neapoli, Puteolis, Nuceria, comparabunt. (G. Agr. 2. 35.) Nihil vos civibus, nihil sociis, nihil regibus respondistis ; niMl judices sententia, niMl populus suffragiis, nihil hie ordo auctoritate decla- ravit; mutum forum, elinguem curiam, tacitam et fractam civi- tatem videbatis. (Cic.) (c) An answer, when not framed as an independent sentence, is often made in words coordinate to the pertinent part of the question : e.g. Quis librum dedit? Cicero. Cui? Bruto. Quern? Tusculanas Dis- putationes. Ubif In Tusculano. vj. Of fragmentary or interjectional expressions. 40 A noun or infinitive mood is sometimes used (a) as subject without a predicate expressed, or () as predicate without a subject expressed ; or (c) as a mere address. Similarly (d) adverbs and interjections. ] is interior of country, &c. ; e.g. in Siciliam, in urbem venit; or neighbourhood, e.g. ad urbem venit. (c) has urbem, &c. in apposition; these require ad or in, e.g. ivit Tarquinios in urbem Etruriae magnam ; venit in oppidum Cirtam. 466 a. An action as the goal of motion or the like. This use is almost confined to the so-called supine in -urn, really the accusative singular of a verbal substantive with stem ending in u. Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsae. (Ov.) Lusum it Maecenas, dormitum ego Vergiliusque. (Hor.) Coctum ego, non vapulatum dudum conductus fui. (Plant.) Daturne ilia Pamphilo hodie nuptum ? (Ter.) Similarly infitias ire, to go to deny. 46 7 3. The accusative expressive of the goal is often used with prepositions, which define it more exactly. In Sicilian! ad regem militatum abiit. (Ter.) Occasionally a preposition retains this use in composition. Rostra advolat. Arbitrum ttliun adegit. 200 'SYNTAX. \BookIV. 463 (C) Direct object of a transitive verb or participle: Non silvas ilia nee amnes ; rus amat et ramos felicia poma ferentis. (Ov.) Cervius iratus leges minitatur et umam. (Hor.) Cave canem. Egi gratias. Dat miM verba. 469 Many verbs not originally transitive become such either (a) by composi- tion, or (b) by a stretch of the conception especially in poetry or animated language. (a) Venio, / come, convenio, 7 visit ; loquor, 7 speak, adloquor, 7 address ; sto, I stand, praesto, I guarantee ot perform. (b} Horreo, I shudder, hence I fear ; ardeo, I am on fire, hence I love ; resono, 7 resound, hence 7 re-echo ; erubesco, 7 blush, hence 7 bhish at. Jura fidemque supplicis erubuit. (Verg.) Formosam resonant Amaryllida silvae. (Verg.) Pastorem saltaret uti Cyclopa, rogabat. (Hor.) Tribunatum etiam nunc spirans, locum seditionis quaerit. (Liv.) 470 This same objective accusative is used in certain special ways : (a) Some verbs have two direct objects, one a person, the other a thing. These arp doceo, teach ; celo, keep in ignorance of; posco, oro, flagito, rogo and compounds. Non te celavi sermonem T. Ampil. (Cic.) Tribunus me primum sententiam rogavit. (Cic.) The accusative of the thing remains even when the verb is put in passive voice. Latinae legiones longa societate militiam Romanam edoctae. (Liv.) 471 () In the poets many passive verbs, especially in the past parti- ciple, retain in the accusative the direct object, expressing either (i) A part of the body, &c. (frequent). Consurgit senior, tunicaque inducitur artus. (Verg.) Hie juvenis, casta redimitus tempora lauro. (Tib.) Jam satiata animos, jam duros ulta dolores. (Cic.) or (2) A thing worn, &c. (less frequent). Pueri laevo suspensi loculos tabulamque lacerto. (Hor.) Vestes induta recinctas, nuda pedem, nudos humeris infusa capillos. (Ov.) 472 (c) The accusative is also used in exclamations, really object to some verb understood. (The particular verb is often quite unim- portant, and probably not distinctly conceived.) The object has usually an oblique predicate. fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint, agricolas. (Verg.) excubias tuas, Cn. Planci, miseras ! o flebiles vigilias ! o noctis acerbas ! o custodiam etiam mei capitis infelicem. (Cic.) Di vostram fidem ! hominem perditum miserumque. (Ter.) En quattuor aras ! ecce duas tibi, Daphni, duas altaria Phoebo. (Verg.) Similarly Di meliora (sc. dent). Me hercules (sc. juvet). Unde mini lapidem ? (sc. capiam). Sed quo divitias liaec per tormenta coactas ? (sc. habes). Chap. VII.'] Use of Dative Case. 201 CHAPTER VII. USE OF DATIVE CASE. 473 THE DATIVE case is used in two principal senses only. (A) It expresses the indirect object, which is usually a person; e.g. Hoc tibi facio, I do this for you. Besides the general use, there are several special uses of the indirect object. (a) Where a local relation is implied ; e. g. Labuntur flumina ponto, The streams glide on to the sea, i.e. for the sea to receive them. () Agent; e.g. Haec mihi dicta sunt, These things I have said (lit. are for me said things}* (V) Person judging; e.g. Formosa est multis, She is fair in the eyes of many. (/) Person interested in a statement; e.g. Quid mihi Celsus agit? What, pray, is Celsus doing ? (e) Person possessing ; e. g. Sunt mihi divitiae, / have riches. CO Where a genitive might have been expected ; e. g. Heres est fratri, He is heir to his brother. (<") Work contemplated ; e. g. Signum receptui, The signal for retreat. (B) It is used predicatively in a quasi-adjectival sense (Dative of the thing, also called Dative of the purpose) ; e. g. Haec res curae est mihi, This thing is an object of care to me, i.e. / am attending to the matter. These uses may be set forth more in detail as follows : 474 (A) i. The indirect object is the person (or thing) affected by the occurrence of an action or by the exercise of a quality, although not directly or primarily acted on. The indirect word put in the dative belongs properly to the whole predicate of the clause, though there is often some word in the sentence whose meaning is naturally supplemented by such an indirect object. The indirect object may be used with or without a direct object. A transitive verb will often have both : an intransitive verb has only the indirect object. (a) With simple verbs : Tibi aras, tibi occas, tibi seris, tibi etiam metes. (Plaut.) Quo licuit libris, non licet ire mihi. (Ov.) Dicit Cleomeni : Tibi uni. parcam. (Cic.) Cum tibi nubebam, nulli mea taeda nocebat. (Ov.) Quid volui misero mihi? (Verg.) Tuas res tibi habeto. Quae xnunera Niso digna dabis? Eisit pater optimus olli. (Verg.) 202 SYNTAX. \Book IV. () With compound verbs : Applicor ignotis, fratrique elapsa fretoque. (Ov.) Vitam adulescentibus vis aufert, senibus maturitas. (Gic.) Cassius incendiis, Cethegus caedi praeponebatur. (Cic.) Tu, mini qui imperitas, aliis servls miser. (Hor.) Solstitium pecori defendite. (Verg.) (V) With adjectives ; Fiunt omnia castris quara urbi similiora. (Liv.) Triste lupus stabulis, maturis frugibus imbres. (Verg.) 475 a. The indirect object is especially noticeable in the following usages : (a) Where a local relation literal or figurative is implied. Cicero and Caesar would generally use a preposition with its case, but Livy and the poets often put a dative. A te principium : tibi desinam. (Verg.) Incumbens tereti Damon sic coepit olivae. (Verg.) Nos onera quibusdam bestiis, nos juga inponimus. (Cic.) Adequitabant Samnites vallo. (Liv.) 476 () Agent (regarded not strictly as agent, but as person affected). Regularly with gerundive and sometimes with passive participle or adjective in -bill. Otherwise rare. Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agenda. (Caes.) Suo cuique judicio utendum st. (Cic.) Cui non sunt auditae Demosthenis vigiliae ? (Cic.) Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit, nuUi flebilior quam tibi. (Hor.) Terra tibi, nobis aspiciuntur aquae. (Ov.) In prose aspiciuntur a nobis; sometimes a nobis aspiciundae sunt. 477 (c) Person judging. Fortunatus sibi Damocles videbatur. (Cic.) In qua tu nata es, terra beata mini est. (Ov.) Animo cupienti nihil satis festinatur. (Sail.) Verum confltentibus latifundia perdidere Italiam. (Plin.) 478 (d) Person interested in a statement: only personal pronouns in lively, often in ironical expressions. (Called Dativus ethicus.) Haec vobis illorum per biduum militia fuit. (Liv.) At tibi repente venit ad me Caninius mane. (Cic.) En vobis juvenem efflgiem atque imaginem mei. (Liv.) 479 (e) Person possessing : generally with verb of being. An nescis longas regibus esse manus. (Ov.) Semper in civitate, quibus opes nullae sunt, bonis invident. (Sail.) Quo mini fortunam, si non conceditur uti? (Hor.) Res est omnis in hac causa nobis cum Clodia. (Cic.) Malum quidem militibus meis, nisi quieverint. (Liv.) Em tibi (Plaut). Vae capiti tuo. (N.B. The dative is used when the gist of the question relates to the thing possessed ; the genitive when it relates to the possessor.) Chap. VII.] Use of Dative Case. 203 480 (./*) The dative is often so closely connected with a noun in the sentence, that a genitive might have been expected. Chiefly in poets and Livy. (Cato) urbi pater est urbique maritus. (Luc.) 0111 dura quies oculos et ferreus urguet somnus. (Verg.) Puero dormienti, cul Servio Tullio fuit nomen, caput arsisse ferunt. (Liv.) 481 () Work contemplated: chiefly verbal substantives and gerundival expressions, dependent mainly on substantives, or esse. Decemviri legibus scribendis. Lex operi faciundo. Diem concUio constituerunt. (Caes.) Solvendo non erat Magius. (Gic.) Aquam p6tui nuUam reperiebamus. 482 (B) Predicative dative: expressing that which a thing (or person) serves as, or occasions. This dative is usually a semi-abstract substantive, always in the singular number, and without any attribute, except sometimes simple quantitative adjectives: e.g. magnus, major, minor, nullus, tantus, quantus. A personal dative is generally added (as indirect object) : (a) With the verb esse (so most frequently). Exitio est avidis mare nautis. (Hor.) Cogor vobis prius oneri quam usui esse. (Sail.) Vitis ut arboribus decori est, ut vitibus uvae, tu decus omne tuis. (Verg.) Odi odioque sum Romanis. (Liv.) Ea res nemini unquam fraud! fuit. (Cic.) Evenit facile quod dis cordi est. (Liv.) Haec non operae 1 est referre. (Liv.) (b) With habere, ducere, dare, vertere, &c. Medium ex tribus sedere apud Numidas honor! ducitur. (Sail.) Curae, quid tibi desit, habet. (Ov.) Quis erit, vitio qui id vortat tibi ? (Plaut.) Tu id in me reprehendis, quod Q. Metello laudi datum est, hodieque est et semper erit maximae gloriae. (Cic.) (c) With other verbs, especially verbs of motion, &c. : only auxilio, praesidio, subsidio. Equitatum auxilio Caesari miserant. (Caes.) Quinque cohortes castris praesidio relinquit. (Caes.) Romanis post proelium demum factum Samnites venerunt subsidio. (Liv.) 1 Most grammarians take operae as a genitive. 204 SYNTAX. \Book IV. CHAPTER VIII. USE OF LOCATIVE AND ABLATIVE CASES. 483 THE LOCATIVE and ABLATIVE cases express adverbial qualifica- tions referable to the general types of (A) Place where, (B) Instrument, (C) Place whence. The locative ex pressed place where, and was applied also by analogy to time and amount. The uses of the ablative appear to arise from three sources : (i) a case expressing an instrument; (2) a confusion of the form of this case with that of the locative ; (3) a case expressing place whence. The result is that the ablative in some of its uses coincides with the locative, but this is chiefly where the notion of instrument could be conceived as present. A preposition (at, in, ly, with, from) is generally required in English translation. These uses may be summarily stated as follows : 484 (A) PLACE WHERE. (B) INSTRUMENT. i. Place at which. Locative : e. g. Romae fuit, He was at Rome. Ablative : e.g. Campo jacet, He lies in the plain. i. Time w r hen or within which. Locative : (a, Z>) Die quinti venit, He came on the fifth day. Ablative: (a) e.g. Eorum adventu fcaec dixit, On their arrival he said this. () e.g. Tribus horis Iter confecit, He accomplished the journey in three hours. 3. Amount at which. Locative : e. g. Quanti hoc emitur ? What is the price of this ? (lit. At how much is this purchased?}. Ablative: (a) e.g. Parvo emitur, The price is small (lit. It is pur- chased for a small sum}. () e.g. Quanto ille major eat? How much greater is he? Chap. VIII.} Use of Locative and Ablative Cases. 205 The remaining usages have ablative only, viz. 4. (a) Part concerned; e.g. Tarn re quam dictu mirabile, Strange as much in fact as in words. (ti\ Means ; e. g. Cornibus tauri se tutantur, Bulls defend them- selves with horns. (<:) Efficient cause ; e. g. Maerore consenescit, He is getting old with sorrow. j. (#) Description; e.g. Vir mediocri Ingenio, A man of moderate ability. () Manner ; (i) with attribute; e.g. Bona fide hoc polliceor, I pro- mise you this in good faith. (a) without attribute; e.g. Nee via nee arte dicebant, They were speaking neither methodically nor skilfully. (c) Attendant circumstances ; e. g. Quid hoc populo obtineri potest ? What can be maintained with a people like this ? (or, when a people is like this ?). 6. Use with prepositions ; e.g. In primis, among thejirst. (C) PLACE WHENCE (Ablative). i. Place from which movement is made ; e.g. Roma cedit, He de- parts from Rome. i. Thing from which separation takes place; e.g. Pellit homines loco, He dri-ves men from the place. 3. Origin ; e.g. Jove natus, Sprung from Jove. 4. Standard of comparison ; e.g. Quis melior Cicerone? TVho is better than Cicero ? 5. Use with prepositions; e.g. A principio, From the commencement. These uses may be set forth more in detail as follows : 485 (A) PLACE WHERE. (B) INSTRUMENT. 1. Place at which. (() Locative and (#) Ablative.) (a) The Locative is used for names of towns and of islands small enough to be considered as one place: Also humi, on the ground; domi, at home; (and in connexion with domi) belli, militiae, in war; viciniae (Plant. Ter.) and animi (plur. animis) in certain phrases expressing doubt or anxiety. Here also belong the so-called adverbs hie, Ullc, istic (more rarely illl, istl) ; also (perhaps) ubi, ibi, &c. Negotiari libet : cur non Pergami ? Smyrnae ? Trallibus ? (Cic.) Ex acie fugientes, non prius quam Venusiae aut Canusii constiterunt. (Liv.) Plebem Romanam militiae domique colui. (Liv.) Discrucior animi. (Ter.) Pendemus animis. (Cic.) 206 SYNTAX. \Book IV. If a relative follows the locative, the adverb ubi, quo, &c. is used, not the adjective ; e.g. mortuus Cumis quo se contulerat, not in quas se con- tulerat; but in quam urbem &c. is right. 4S6 (<&) The Ablative in ordinary prose is used for names of towns or small islands if they have consonant or -i stems (the locative is also used, but more rarely). Also rure, parte, regione (all with attribute), loco, locis, dextra, laeva, medio, terra, marique, and expressions with totus or medius as attribute. The poets use this ablative more freely. Romae Tibur amem ventosus, Tibure Romam. (Hor.) Bellum terra et mari comparat. (Cic.) Totis trepidatur castris. (Caes.) Hasta prior terra, medio stetit altera tergo. (Ov.) 487 A preposition is in prose usually required when the place at which (a) is expressed by common noun ; e. g. in foro. (b) is interior, or neighbourhood of town or country; e,g. in Hispania. (c) has urbe, oppido in apposition; e.g. in oppido Antiochiae erat, He was at Antioch in the town. 38 The simple ablative' is used in some metaphorical expressions ; especially loco (locis), numero, principle, initio. Senator! jussa tria sunt ; ut adsit ; ut loco dicat, id est, rogatus ; ut modo, ne sit inflnitus. (Cic.) Principle nobis in cunctas undique partis nulla est finis. (Lucr.) AC 9 So also where the place is also the means : Conjurant, qui victus acie excessisset, eum ne quis urbe, tecto, mensa, lare reciperet. (Liv.) Hospitio me invitabit propter famUiaritatem notissimam. (Cic.) 90 With verbs of motion the simple ablative often expresses the road by which. Lupus Esquilina porta ingressus, Tusco vico per portam Capenam evaserat. (Liv.) Tendimus nine recta Beneventum (sc. via). (Hor.) 31 2. (a) Time when. Locative: chiefly pridie, postridie, quotidie, Sec. and vesperi, heri, temper!, luci 1 . Cum Canluius ad me pervesperi venisset et se postridie mane ad te iturum esse dixlsset, conscripsi epistolam noctu. (Cic.) Advorsum veniri mini ad Philolachem volo temperi. (Plant.) Ablative ; generally with adjective. Castoris aedes eodem anno Idibus QuintUibus dedicata est. Vota erat Latino bello. (Liv.) Arabes campos et montes hieme et aestate peragrant. (Cic.) Livius fabulam dedit C. Claudio, M. Tuditano consulibus. (Cic.) 1 It is possible that luci &c. may really be ablatives. Cf. 124. Chap. F///.] Use of Locative and Ablative Cases. 207 492 () Remoter object ; corresponding to a dative (rare) or ablative or prepositional phrases after the corresponding verb. (Meus, tuus, &c. are rarely used in this sense as attributes.) Vacatio muneris. Contentio honorum. (Cic.) Di, quibus imperium est animarum. (Verg.) Inimicitiae ex reipublicae dissensione susceptae. (Cic.) Studiosus litterarum. Mens interrita leti. (Ov.) Incertus sententiae. (Liv.) Ambiguus futuri. (Tac.) Chap. IX.] Use of Genitive Case. 215 526 6. Thing in point of which a term is applied to a person: used after adjectives in poets and Tacitus. Aevi maturus. (Verg.) Seri studionun. (Hor.) Capitis minor (Hor.) Judlcii rectus. (Sen.) , Occultus odii. (Tac.) Linguae ferox. (Tac.) For animi with discruciari, fallere, &c. anxius, aeger, victus, &c., see 485. 527 B. Dependent on verbs and adjectives. i. Secondary object of the thing, after certain verbs, which if transitive, have also a direct object of the' person : also after adjectives. (a) The matter charged; after verbs of accusing, condemning, acquitting, &c. ; also after certain adjectives of like meaning. Ambitus alterum accusavit. Majestatis absolvuntur. C. Verrem insimulat avaritiae et audaciae. (Gic.) Furtt recte agis. Damnatus voti. Manufestus rerum capitalium. Reus parricidii. Suspectus jam uirniae spei. 528 (b} The object exciting mental emotion; after misereor and the impersonals miseret, pa6nitet, pig6t, pudet, taedet ; rarely after other words. Aliquando miseremini sociorum. (Cic.) Me quidem miseret parietum ipsorum atque tectorum. (Cic.) Paenitet te fortunae. Me civitatis morum piget taedetque. (Sail.) Justitiae mirari (Verg.), sepositi ciceris invidere (Hor.), appear to be mere imitations of Greek. 529 (c) The thing remembered, or forgotten, &c. ; after memini. reminiscor. obliviscor, admoneo, &c. Vivorum memini, nee tamen Epicuri licet oblivisci. (Cic.) Catilina admonebat alium egestatis, alium cupiditatis suae. (Sail.) A similar genitive is found in the phrases certiorem facere, certior fieri, venire in mentem. Certiorem me consilii fecit. Venit mini Platonis in mentem. The thing remembered is often in the accusative after memini, re- miniscor, obliviscof, and in the ablat. with de after admoneo, certiorem facere, &c. 530 (d} Thing lacking, or supplied; after impleo, compleo, egeo, indigeo, potior, fclerius, egenus, refertus, and other like words occa- sionally. (All are also used with the ablative, 498.) Tullia adolescentem temeritatis suae replet. (Liv.) Exercitationis indiget. Adherbalis potitur. Domus erat aleatoribus referta, plena ebriorum. (Cic.) Omnium rerum satur. Italia referta Pythagoreorum fuit. (Cic.) Ager frugum fertilis. (Sail.) Operum vacuus. (Hor.) Abstinere irarum, decipi laborum (Hor.), fessus rerum (Verg.) and the like seem to be Graecisms. 531 2. For pluris, minoris, assis and other genitives used in expressions of value, see 494. 2i6 SYNTAX. [Book 2V. CHAPTER X. USE OF INFINITIVE. 532 THE infinitive (usually called the infinitive mood of a verb) is an indeclinable verbal substantive of peculiar character. It denotes an action or fact or event not (usually) in an abstract manner, but in connexion with the person or thing of which it is predicated. It is a substantive, because it is used as object and as subject to verbs, and as an oblique and direct predicate. It has however also a verbal character. It contains the notion of time; it has its object in the accusative or (indirect object) in the dative case ; it is qualified by adverbs, not adjectives ; and it readily admits, as a finite verb admits, of enlargements or qualifications by means of phrases or subordinate sentences. Its ordinary, and what we may call its normal, use is as direct object to a verb, or as oblique predicate of a substantive in the accusative case. Its other usages are developed from these. It has only an occasional and irregular use as a genitive, dative, or ablative case, or as an accusative after a preposition. The gerund and gerundive are used instead. 533 The infinitive is used as A. (Ordinary usages). 1. Direct object to a verb; e.g. Debeo venire, / ought to come (I owe coming). Sets loqui. Toil understand speaking. 2. Oblique predicate, the infinitive with its subject forming the object to a verb ; e. g. Dico te venire, / say that you are coming. Video te sapientem esse, / see that you are wise. 3. Direct secondary predicate; Dic6ris venire, You are said to be coming. Videtur sapiens esse, He seems to be wise. 4. Subject of a sentence : (a) Absolutely ; e. g. Placet disputare, Disputation is agreed on. Turpe est fugere, To fly is disgraceful. (b) With its own subject ; e. g. Placet exercitum dimitti, The disbanding of the army is agreed on (It is agreed that the army should be disbanded). 5. In exclamations; At te Romae non fore, Then to think of your not going to be at Rome ! B. Primary predicate to a subject in the nominative case ; Clamare omnes ; ego instare, A shout from every one I press on. (Historic infinitive.) C. As genitive or ablative, or accusative other than objective; e.g. dignus amari, Worthy to be loved. Itoat videre (poetic for regular visum, 466), He was going to see. Chap. X.] Use of Infinitive. 217 534 A. Ordinary usages. i. (a) Direct object to a verb: especially to such as involve a reference to another action of the same subject ; e. g. verbs expressing will, power, duty, purpose, custom, commencement, continuance, &C. Possum (soleo, debeo, volo, audeo, &c.) hanc rem facere. Vincere scis, Hannibal : victoria uti nescis. (Liv.) Non destitit monere. Institit sequi. Maturat proflcisci. Mitte orare. Odi peccare. Amat lauclari, Speras ascenders. Funem contingere gaudent. Haec dicere habui. (Cic.) Da flammam evadere classi. (Verg.) Similarly dat operam ( = conatur) id scire. (b] Object of the thing to a verb which has also a direct personal object. Such verbs are chiefly doceo, assuefacio, jubeo, veto, sino, arguo. Docebo Rullum posthac tacere. (Cic.) Jussit Helvetica abire, Assuefecit equos remanere. This infinitive remains when the verb is put in the passive or gerun- dive; e.g. Rullus docetur (docendus est) tacere. Helvetii jubentur (prohibentur) abire. Assuefacti sunt equi remanere. 535 2. Oblique predicate, with its subject in the accusative case, the whole expression forming the object after a verb. Such verbs are those which have naturally a fact or event for their object ; e. g. verbs expressing declaration, opinion, knowledge, order, wish, sorrow, surprise, &c. Dico (puto, scio, doleo, admoneo, &c.) Caesarem abisse victorem. Sapientem civem me et esse et numerari volo. (Cic.) Nullos honores mini decerni sino. (Gic.) Fore se in discrimine videt. (Cic.) Te tua victoria frui cupimus. (Cic.) Similarly after phrases equivalent to verbs : Caesar certior factus est hostes sub monte consedisse. (Caes.) Caelius auctor est Magonem flumen tranasse. (Liv.) Magna me spes tenet hunc locum perfugium fore. (Cic.) 536 3- Direct secondary predicate. (a) When the finite verb which has an oblique sentence for object is put in its passive voice, and the subject of the infinitive becomes the subject of this passive verb, the infinitive and other oblique predicates become direct secondary predicates. (Cf. 435.) Caesar dicitur (putatur, auditur, reperitur, &c.) abisse victor. Videntur haec esse faciliora. Jussus es renuntiari consul. (Cic.) Tn lautumias Syracusanas custodiendi deduct imperantur. (Cic.) () With another infinitive, or a pronoun, for subject. Erudito homini vivere est cogitare. (Cic.) Ostentare hoc est, Romani, non gerere bellum. (Liv.) 218 SYNTAX. \BookIV. 537 4. Subject of a sentence or in apposition to the subject, either (a) absolutely, or () with its own subject in the accusative case. The predicate of such a sentence is usually either est with a second- ary predicate, or an impersonal verb. (a) Absolutely. Facinus est vincire civem Romanum, scelus verberare, prope parri- cidium necare : quid dicam in crucem. tollere ? (Cic.) Haec ipsa sunt honorabilia, salutari, appeti, decedi, assurgi, deduct, reduci, consul!. (Cic.) Licet lascivire. Didicisse fideliter artes, emc-Uit mores. (Ov.) () With its own subject in the accusative case. Hoc fieri et oportet et opus est. (Cic.) Te hilari animo esse valde me juvat. (Cic.) Mihi nuntiatum est Parthos transisse Euphratem. (Cic.) (r) With its own subject omitted, but with secondary oblique predicate expressed. The secondary predicate is usually in the Accusative, but if the person or thing which is the subject of the infinitive is expressed in the dative with the principal verb, the predicate usually conforms. Non esse cupidum pecunia est ; non esse emacem vectigal est. (Cic.) Licet esse Gaditanum. (Also Licet civi Romano esse Gaditano ; rarely Licet civi Romano esse Gaditanum.) Vobis immunibus hujus esse mali dabitur. (Ov.) 538 5. In exclamations: object or subject of verb understood. Ah ! tantamna rem tarn neglegenter agere ! (Ter.) Ergo me potius in Hispania fuisse turn quam Formiis ! (Gael.) 539 B. As primary predicate to a subject in the nominative case: or sometimes without any subject. It is thus used to express the occurrence of actions without marking the order of time. (Historic infinitive.) Frequent in animated language describing a scene. Only present infinitive (besides odisse, meminisse). This usage is analogous to the predication of one noun of another without expressing est, &c. 427 , 584. Haec cum dixisset Catulus, me omnes intueri. (Cic.) Turn spectaculum horribile in campis patentibus : sequi, fugere, occidi, capi : equi atque viri adflicti, ac multi volneribus acceptis neque fugere posse neque quietem pati, niti modo ac statim concidere. (Sail.) 540 C. As genitive, or ablative, or accusative (other than objective ; cf. 458). (i) Dependent on substantives; only iri a few phrases. (In place of genitive or gerund.) Nulla est ratio amittere ejusmodi occasionem. (Cic. ) Tempus est jam majora conari. (Liv.) Chap. X.} Use of Infinitive. 219 (2) Dependent on adjectives ; in poetry and post- Augustan prose. In place of genitive of gerund or supine in -u. Soli cantare periti Arcades. (Verg.) Mens erat apta capi. (Ov.) Niveus videri. (Hor.) Dignus erat, alter eligi, alter eligere. (Plin.) (3) Dependent on verbs ; chiefly to express purpose after verbs of motion, &c.; in early and Augustan poets. (In place of supine in -um.) Misit orare. (Ter.) Eximus visere. (Plaut.) Mittit me quaerere. (Prop.) Pecus egit altos visere montes. (Hor.) Sometimes other expressions, in imitation of Greek, occur ; e. g. Loricam donat habere viro. (Verg.) Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati. (Hor.) (4) Dependent on prepositions (rare). Superest praeter amare nihil. (Ov.) Multum interest inter dare et accipere. (Sen.) CHAPTER XL TENSES OF INFINITIVE. 541 THE Infinitive is put in the present, past, or future tense, according as the action or event denoted by it is contemporaneous with, or ante- cedent, or subsequent to, that of the verb on which it depends. 1. Infinitive as object. Cupio "I / long Cupiam / shall long Cupiero 1 ,. / shall have longed Cupiebam f Videre ' / was longing Y to Cupivi / longed CupieramJ I had longed In this use the present infinitive is common: and even where in English the past infinitive is used. So especially with possum, debeo, &c. Possum } (I may see. Potui r videre, \ I might have seen (lit. / was able to see). Poteranv (l might have seen at the time. Debeo \ (I ought to see. Debui i- videre, -(I ought to have seen (It was my duty to see}. DebebamJ (l ought then to have seen, or, to have been seeing. The perfect infinitive is not often used as object, except (a) when it is important to speak of the action or event as already done or ready : Non potest non optasse, She cannot revoke the wish (already made), but Non potuit non optare, She could not help wishing. Malui dicere, I preferred speaking. Malui dixisse, I preferred to have done with speaking (to say no more). Debeo vincere, / ought to win. Debeo vicisse, / ought to be pronounced winner. 220 SYNTAX. [Book IV. (b) after volo in prohibitions. An old usage imitated by Livy and Augustan poets. It is also used after possum and some other verbs. Ne quis humasse velit Aiacem, Atrida, vetas. (Hor.) Consoles edlxerunt, ne quis quid fugae causa vendiuisse neve emisse vellet. (Liv.) Commisisse caret, quod mox mutare labor et. (Hor.) Bacchatur vates, magnum si pectore possit excussisse deum. (Verg.) 542 2. Infinitive as oblique predicate. (a) In sentences dependent on principal tenses, Dico \ I say \ Dixi (perf.) / have said te scripsisse, ..................... that you have written, or (wrote. te scripturum esse, ............ that you will write, or are going to (write. te scripturum fuisse, ......... that you (were going to (write, or (would have (written. illud scribi, ..................... that that is being (written. illud scriptum esse, ............ that that (was (written. illud scriptum fuisse, ......... that that (was {for some time) (written, or had been (written. illud scriptum iri, ............... that that (will be (written, or is going to be (written. In sentences dependent on secondary tenses. Dicebam \ I (was saying} Dixit (aor.) L te scribere, I said r that you (were (writing. Dixeram J I had said J .................. te scripsisse, .. ................ that you had (written. .................. te scripturum esse, ......... that you (would (write, or (were going to (write. .................. te scripturum fuisse, ...... that you had been going to (write, or (would have (written. .................. illud scribi, .................. that that (was being (written. .................. illud scriptum esse, ......... that that (was (already) (written. .................. illud scriptum fuisse, ...... that that (was {for some time) (written, or had been (written. .................. illud scriptum iri, ............ that (would be (written, or (was going to be (written. The same use applies if instead of dico, dixi, &c. the impersonal passive dicitur, dictum est, &c. be used. Chap. XL} Tenses of Infinitive. 221 643 We may specially note (1) The infinitives esse, fuisse, as used with participles, are often omitted. See 584, 585. (2) For the future infinitive both active and passive, a periphrasis with fore or futurum esse is often made use of. Dico fore ut amem, amer, I say thai I shall love, shall be loved. Dixi fore ut amarem, amarer, / said that I should love, should be loved. (3) Fore with the past participle both in deponent and passive verbs, corresponds to the completed future: Dico (dixi) me adeptuin fore, that I shall hare gained ; missum fore, shall have been sent. (4) Memini is used with the present (and sometimes the perfect) in- finitive of events of which the subject himself was witness ; with the perfect infinitive of events of which the subject was not witness. Memini eum dicere, / remember his saying ; memini eum dixisse, / re- member he said. 544 3. Infinitive as secondary predicate. Dicor "I J am being said Dicar / shall be said Dictus ero i / shall have been said , Dictus sum f scrlbere > / was (or have been said} \ t0 be Dicebar / was being said Dictus eram J / had been said J scripsisse, to have written. scripturus esse, to be going to write. vulnerari, to be in the act of being wounded. vulneratus esse, to have been wounded. 545 4. Infinitive as subject. The present is most usual, but the perfect is used where the meaning requires it. Licet 1 I am allowed ~\ Licebit / shall be allowed Licuerit i . / shall have been allowed I , Licuit f mmi dlCer6 ' / was (or have been} allowed \ t0 5 ** k * Licebat / was (being) allowed Licuerat j / had been allowed J The perfect is found in some expressions where in English the present would be used. Proinde quiesse erit melius (Liv.), It will be for your advantage to keep quiet. niud non paenitebit curasse. (Quint.) Tune decuit flesse quum adempta sunt nobis anna. (Liv.) 222 SYNTAX. {Book IV. CHAPTER XII. USE OF VERBAL NOUNS. 546 BESIDES the infinitive other verbal nouns are found with the verbal characteristic (when formed from transitive verbs) of having a direct object in the accusative case. A. Gerund : e.g. agendum (subst), doing; with which is closely connected B. Gerundive : e.g. res agenda, a thing to do. C. Supine: e.g. ibis actum, Tou will go to do. D. Participles: (V) Present: Active; e.g. agens, doing (adj.). () Past: Active (only from deponents); adep- tus, having gained. Passive ; actus, done. (c) Future : Active ; e. g. acturus, about to do. A. B. The gerund and gerundive are nouns with -o stems, the gerund being in form a neuter substantive, the gerundive an adjective. They are used in all cases, but the gerund is used in the singular number only. The gerund, like the infinitive, shews its verbal nature in having its object in the accusative or in the dative, not in the genitive, case ; and in being qualified by adverbs, not by adjectives : it shews its substan- tival nature in its own construction. As compared with the gerundive, it is chiefly found when the verb from which it is formed is intransitive. or, though transitive, is used without the object being expressed with it. The gerundive is confined to transitive verbs, and is usually substi- tuted for the gerund of such verbs, when the object is expressed. The object is then attracted into the case of the gerund, and the gerund, taking adjectival inflexions (then called the gerundive), is made to agree with it in number and gender. But the gerundive is not used where indistinctness would arise from the change of the object's case. The oblique cases of the gerund and gerundive are used to supple- ment the infinitive : i.e. they are used where the infinitive if it Jiad case inflexions would be used in oblique cases. The nominative (and in oblique language the accusative) of the gerund and gerundive has a special use. resere > to rule > Or rulln S' ( 534, 5370 Accusative with prep. : ad regendum, to rule. ad regendos populos. to rul? peoples. Chap. XII.} Use of Verbal Nouns. 2 23 Dative : regendo, for ruling. regendis populis, for ruling peoples. Ablative : regendo, by ruling ; in regendo, in ruling. regendis populis, by ruling peoples in regendis populis, in ruling peoples, Genitive: regendi, of ruling. regendorum populorum, of ruling peoples. 647 The accusative gerund (except as the substitute for the nomi- native in infinitive sentences) is used only after prepositions, usually ad, sometimes in, inter and ob ; rarely any others. Instead of the gerund with a direct object dependent on it, the gerundival expression is always used. Haec ad judicandum sunt facillima, (Gic.) Missus est ad animos regum perspiciendos. (Liv.) Magna jam summa erogata est in servos ad militiam emendos arman- dosque. (Liv.) 548 The dative gerund expresses the indirect object, especially work contemplated. Instead of the gerund with a direct object dependent on it, the gerundival expression is always used. Consul placandis Eomae dis habendoque dilectu dat operam. (Liv.) His audiendis credendisque opportuna multitude confluebat, (Liv.) Hi scribendo affuerunt. Decemviri litibus judicandis. Civitates non sunt solvendo. (Gic.) 649 The ablative gerund is used both without and with a pre- position. (a) The gerund used without a preposition chiefly expresses the means, sometimes the manner and circumstances. Instead of the gerund with a direct object being used, the gerundive is generally substituted, unless some obscurity would result. Caesar dando, sublevando, ignoscundo, Cato nihil largiundo, gloriani adeptus est. (Sail.) Herdonius hostem se fatendo prope denuntiavit ut arma caperetis, hie negando bella esse, arma vobis ademit. (Liv.) Hodie stat Asia Luculli institutes servandis et quasi vestigiis perse- quendis. (Cic.) () With prepositions ab, de, ex, in; rarely pro, very rarely super. (Never with cum or sine.) The gerund is rarely used with a direct object depending on it, unless it be a neuter pronoun. Nomen legis Graece a suum cuique tribuendo due turn est. Primus liber est de contemnenda morte. (Cic.) In accusando atque in explicandis criminibus operam consumpsi. (Cic.) Pro ope ferenda sociis pergit ire ipse ad urbem oppugnandam. (Liv.) 224 SYNTAX. [Book IV. 550 The genitive gerund and gerundive are always dependent on a noun, never on a verb (except as secondary predicate with esse). They are used indifferently, except where the one form or the other affords less ambiguity. Ita nati factique sumus ut et agendi aliquid et diligendi aliquos et refereudae gratiae principia in nobis contineremus. (Cic.) Inlta sunt in liac civitate consilia urbis delendae, civium trucidandorum, nominis Romani exstinguendi. (Cic.) 551 The gerund is used in the nominative as subject to the verb est, erat, &c. predicating existence, with a dative of the agent, the whole expression thus conveying the idea of obligation \ The gerund is rarely used in this way with a direct object de- pendent on it, except in Lucretius and Varro. Instead of this, what would have been the direct object after the gerund becomes the subject, and the gerundive is used as a secondary predicate. Hence it may often be translated in English by the passive voice. In oblique language the accusative with esse, &c. is used. Eundum est mini, There is for me a going, i.e. I must go. Haec mihi sunt agenda, These things are for me to do, or must be done by me. Scio haec mini esse agenda. Hac tempe state serviundum aut imperitandum, habendus metus est aut faciundus, Quirites. (Sail.) Suo cinque judicio utendum est. (Cic.) Caesar i orania uno tempore erant agenda ; vexillum proponendum, signum tuba dandum, ab opere revocandi milites, acies instru- enda. (Caes.) Discessi ab eo bello in quo aut in acie cadendum fuit, aut in aliquas insidias incidendum, aut deveniundum in vlctoris manus, aut ad Jubam confugiendum, aut capiendus tamquam exsilio locus aut consciscenda mors voluntaria. (Cic.) Aeternas poenas in rnorte timendumst. (Lucr.) 552 The gerundive is also used : (a) As oblique predicate to the direct object of certain transitive verbs (habeo, do, euro, loco, conduco, &c.) to express an action purposed to be done upon such object. If the verb is put in the passive, the gerundive becomes a direct predicate. Agrum de nostro patre colendum habebat. (Ter.) Demus nos philosophiae excolendos. (Cic.) Caesar pontem in Arare faciundum curat. (Caes.) Pars inde bibenda servatur. (Ov.) Detergendas cloacas locat. (Liv.) 1 In Plautus verbal stems in -tion are occasionally so used and even with an accusative object ; e. g. Quid tibi hanc aditiost ? Why is there for you an approaching this woman? i.e. What do you mean by approaching? Quid tibi is turn tactiost? Chap. XII.] Use of Verbal Nouns. 225 () As a mere attribute, with the meaning of (i) obligation or destiny or desert ; and this in negative and quasi-negative sentences approaches the meaning of (a) possibility. (i) facinus animadvortendum. (Ter.) Cognoscite aliud genus imperatoris, sane diligenter retinendum et con- servandum. (Cic.) Quies inter labores aut jam exhaustos aut mox exhauriendos renovavit corpora animosque ad onmia de integro patienda. (Liv.) Omnia sibi et empta et emenda esse clamavit. (Cic.) Vix erat credendum. (Caes.) Labores non fugiendos aerumnas nominaverunt. (Cic.) 553 C. The accusative of verbal substantives with stem in -tu (i.e. the supine in -um) often has a direct, less often, an indirect object. Quamprimum haec risum vgni. (Cic.) Legati in castra Aequorum venerunt questum injurias et ex foedere res repetitum. (Liv.) Non ego Graiis servitum matribus ibo. (Verg.) This supine, with iri used impersonally, supplies a form for the passive future infinitive. Audierat non datum iri filio uxorem suo (Ter.), He had heard that there is not a going to give a wife to his son ; i.e. that a wife will not be given to his son. Putat onmia aut pleraque ambigua visum iri. (Cic.) 554 [The so-called supine in -u is the ablative of the same stem, and is used as other ablatives ; e. g. Turpe dictu. Terribiles visu formae. See 497. The dative is occasionally found in somewhat similar use ; e. g. Alter collis usui opportunus. (Sail.) Aqua potui jucund^ (Plin.)] 555 D. The participles are verbal adjectives~used either to predicate some action or state of a person or thing, or to describe a person or thing by some action or state. They are of three different times, past, present, and future, in reference to the time of the principal actions. The present and future participles, and in deponent and a few other verbs the perfect participle also, have an active meaning. The perfect participle has in verbs other than deponents usually a passive meaning. 556 i. As primary predicate, or, more commonly, as secondary predi- cate with the verb esse, the future and perfect participles are used to supply the place of deficient tenses in the active and passive voice. The present participle is hardly ever so used. Amatus sum, amaturus sum, &c. Amatum te esse dico. Nihil dignum dictu actum Ms consulibus. (Liv.) Senectus est operosa et semper agens aliquid et moliens. (Cic.) L. G. 15 2z6 SYNTAX. [Book IV. 557 2. As secondary predicate they denote the circumstances in which some person or thing is placed when the principal action occurs. In prae-Augustan prose the future participle is rarely so used. (A participle thus stands in place of an adverbial expression or sentence and often is best so translated, or sometimes by a finite verb coordinate with the principal verb.) Haec locutus sublimis abiit. (Liv.) Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit plerumque robustius. (Cic.) Non hercule mihi nisi admonito venisset in mentem. (Cic.) Nee vixit male qui natus moriensque fefellit. (Hor.) Inde Graeciae praesidebis, et speciem Romanis trajecturum tepraebens, et, si res poposcerit, trajecturus. (Liv.) 558 Some stems in -bundo, originally gerundives, are (rarely) used as parti- ciples present, and even with object in accusative; e.g. Haec prope contionabundus circumibat homines. (Liv.) 559 The passive participle is specially used as oblique predicate with habeo, do, reddo, facio, euro, volo, cupio. (Compare the gerundive 552.) Excusatum habeas me rogo : ceno domi. (Mart.) Missos facio mathematicos, grammaticos, musicos. (Cic.) Sic stratas legiones Latinorum dabo, quemadmodum legatum jacentem vidistis. (Liv.) 560 The passive participle is, chiefly in "Livy and other historians, used with a substantive so as to express not so much a thing or person acted on, as the action itself. But the action is regarded as completed, and thus differs from expressions with the gerundive. Dubitabat nemo quin violati hospites, leguti necati, fana vexata hanc tantam efflcerent vastitatem. (Cic.) Regnatum Romae ab condita urbe ad liberatam annos ducentos quadra - ginta quattuor. (Liv.) Turn Danai gemitu atque ereptae virginis ira undiqne collecti invadunt. (Verg.) The neuter singular of the participle is so used without a substantive but chiefly in the nominative and ablative cases (cf. 506). Din non perlitatum tenuerat dictatorem. (Liv.) Inventum est carmen in libris Sibyllinis propter crebrius eo anno de caelo lapidatum. (Liv.) Erat uihil cur properato opus esset. (Cic.) 561 The participles are sometimes used as ordinary adjectives, sometimes as substantives. (a) Participles used as ordinary adjectives. Vir sapiens. Certa poena. Vox acuta. Tempus futurum. Quid ? istae imagines ita nobis -dicto audientes sunt ? (Cic.) Medicus plane conflrmat propediem te valentem fore. (Cic.) Many become so completely adjectives that they are inflected for the comparative and superlative degrees, and take an object in the genitive instead of the accusative. Chap. XII.} Use of Verbal Nouns. 227 () Participles used as substantives. This use is, except in certain words, chiefly found in the neuter singular of the perfect participle, and the plural of the masculine. amans, a lover ; adulescens, a young man ; candidatus, a candidate ; praefeetus, a chief magistrate; factum, a deed-, pactum, a bargain; senatus consultum, a resolution of the Senate ; plebisci.tu.in, a commons' decree; jurisprudentes, lawyers ; senates diurna acta, Senate's journal. CHAPTER XIII. USE OF VERB INFLEXIONS. INFLEXIONS OF VOICE. 562 VERBS with active inflexions are of two classes, transitive and intransitive. Some verbs belong to both. Transitive verbs express an action conceived in connection with an object upon which it is exercised; e.g. amo, I love; moneo, / warn; audio, I hear ; Sdo, I eat ; pello, I push ; rego, I guide ; tolero, I bear ; uro, / burn ; laedo, / wound. But it is not necessary that the object should be actually expressed, e.g. edo, I eat, does not cease to be a transitive verb because no food is specified. 563 Some verbs being specially applicable to, or frequently used with, a particular object are not unfrequently found in this special sense without the object being expressed. appellere, sc. navem, pttt in to shore ; conturbare, sc. rationes, become bankrupt ; facere, sc. sacra, sacrifice; facere mecum, sc. rem, make with me, on my side ; inhibere, sc. navem, back water; mittere, sc. nuntium, send a message; obire, sc. mortem, meet death, die; tendere, sc. pelles, pitch tents. 564 Intransitive (or neuter) verbs express a state of being, or an action not conceived in connection with any object, as thereby affected ; e.g. curro, / run; liorreo, / shiver ; gaudeo, / rejoice praesum, 1 am at the head; ardeo, I am on fire ; noceo, I am hurtful. Such a state or action may affect other persons or things indirectly, and this indirect object may be expressed in an oblique case, just as a similarly indirect object may be expressed with a transitive verb; e.g. miM gaudeo, non tibi, 1 rejoice for myself, not for you ; praesum exer- citui, I am in command of the army (cf. 474)- Some neuter verbs often correspond to passive verbs in English; e.g. audiq male, / am ill spoken of; jaceo, / am prostrated; compare psrclo, I destroy ; pereo, I am destroyed ; vendo, I sell ; veneo, I am sold. 228 SYNTAX. [Book IV. 565 Verbs with passive inflexions are of two classes ; viz. verbs which have also an active voice, and verbs which have no (corresponding) active voice. The latter are called deponents. (See list in 340.) In verbs which have also an active voice, passive inflexions are used principally to bring into prominence either the object of the action by making it the subject of the sentence, or the occurrence of the action, without specifying the agent. If the object of the action be a person or thing, i.e. if the verb be transitive, the passive may be used in both numbers and all three persons. Thus, laedo, / wound, may have for object me, te, eum (earn, id), nos, vos, eos (eas, ea). Consequently in the passive we may have (ego) laedor, (tu) laederis, (is, ea, id) laeditur, (nos) laedimur, (vos) laedimini, (ii, eae, ea) laeduntur, / am (being) wounded, thou art wounded, &C. If the verb be intransitive, and therefore express merely the existence or occurrence of an action, the passive is used in the third person singular only (as if the action itself were the real object of such a verb). Thus noceo, I am hurtful, I do hurt nocetur, hurtfulness exists, hurt is (being) done ; eo, / go ; itur, going takes place, is (being) done; suadebo, I will give advice; suadebitur, advice will be given. 566 Besides the more usual case, in which the subject is acted on by others, passive inflexions are sometimes used in speaking: (i) of an action done by the subject to himself; and more frequently (2) of an action experienced without any specified external agency; e.g. (1) cingor, accingor, I gird myself ; dedor, give myself up ; erigor, raise myself; exerceor, exercise myself; exuor, take ojffrom myself; feror, bear myself; fingor, train myself; induor, put on myself; ponor, place myself; praecipitor, throw myself headlong ; sternor, throw myself on the ground; vertor (and compounds), turn myself; ungor, anoint myself; volvor (and compounds), roll myself; and others. (2) Corresponding in English to verbs used intransitively : alor, I feed ; circumagor, move round; corrumpor, spoil; delector, delight; exstinguor (of a light), go out; flndor, split ; lavor, bathe; mergor, plunge ; moveor, move ; mutor, change*; ornor, dress ; pascor, feed ; rumpor, burst ; tondeor, shave ; devortor, turn aside (to lodge) ; and many others, ' where sometimes it is difficult to say that there is any precise notion of action either by oneself or by others. Sometimes also (3) the action is one which the subject gets done or lets be done to him: e.g. cogor, I find myself compelled ; non defa- tigabor, / will not permit myself to be tired out, Q^c. The simple import of the passive inflexions is the same in all these cases, viz. that the subject is also the object of the action. 567 Deponents have passive inflexions, but the meaning and con- struction of verbs with active inflexions. Some deponents are transitive, e.g. fateor, I confess ; some intransitive, e.g. epulor, I banquet. Chap. XII Il\ Verb Inflexions. Voice. 229 In a few verbs this deponent use of the passive inflexions coexists with a properly passive one. The past participle is not unfrequently subject to vacillation. (See 340.) The precise import of the passive inflexions in the case of each deponent is not easy to tell, because we do not know the precise conception attached originally to the verbal stem. The ordinary meaning which we attach to the verb in its deponent form is that original meaning as modified by the effect of the passive inflections. The following appear to be some of the shades of meaning which sug- gested the use of the passive (originally reflective) inflexions. i. Action upon oneself ; e.g. fungor, I free myself ; proficiscor, I set myself forward (i.e. travel); potior, I make myself master ; apiscor, I fasten to myself ; amplector, I fold myself round (i. e. embrace] ; nitor, / make myself kneel. i. Action within oneself; e.g. morior. / die ; patior, I suffer; irascor, I get angry ; reor, / think ; spatior, / walk about. 3. Action for oneself; e.g. obliviscor, / blot out for myself; mereor, I earn for ?;zy^//"(mereo, simply / earn] epulor, I make a feast for myself ; piscor, I provide myself with fish. So metior, partior, sortior, all convey the idea of the subject's share in the result. 4. Becoming (e.g. playing a part); e.g. blandior, I play the coax ; furor, I play the thief, hence steal ; dominor, I act the lord ; interpreter, / act interpreter. 5. Engagement in a mutual action. The effect is seen chiefly in plural number ; e. g. osculamur, we kiss ; praelior, / wage war ; comitor, / accom- pany (or make myself an attendant) ; rixor, / wrangle. 568 In the construction of passive verbs several points require notice. If a transitive verb be changed from the active to the passive voice, the following additional changes are required, if the sentence is to express the same fact, as it expressed with the active form. (a) The object of the active verb becomes subject to the passive verb. () A secondary predicate of the object changes from the accusa- tive to the nominative. (r) The agent (subject of the active verb) is put in the ablative with the prep. ab. /laedit tiuounds Marcus. e.g. Lucius Marcum consulem esse dicit \says Marcus is consul. flaeditur Cis being wounded by Lucius. Druso adjutor datus est | was given to Drusus as a Marcus a Lxicio { Marcus *( helper. consul esse dicitur I is being said by Lucius to be i i consul. 23 SYNTAX. [Book IV. 563 An intransitive verb is not used in the passive except impersonally, and no further change is required, except usually the omission of the agent. (If the agent is expressed, it will be usually in the ablative with ab as above.) (An indirect object to an Intransitive passive verb in Latin will sometimes appear in English translation as the subject of a transitive passive verb.) Persuasumst homini ; factumst ; veatumst ; vincinmr ; duxit. (Ter.) Invidetur commodis homiiium ipsorum, studiis autem eorum ceteris commodandi favetur. (Cic.) Sed tamen satis flet a nobis, neque parcetur labori. (Cic.) Vult sibi quisque credl. (Liv.) A Cotta primisque ordinibus acriter resistebatur. (Caes.) 570 A neuter prononn in the singular number (which is in the accusative as denoting the extent of an action after an active verb, cf. 461) is found with the passive construction. (It may be considered as an accusative still, or perhaps as a nominative qualifying the impersonal subject.) Hoc a Lucio ) Marcus laeditur, Marcus receives this wound from Lucius. (Marco nocetur, This hurt is being done Marcus by Lucius. Mibl quidem ipsi nihil ab istis jam nocerl potest. (Cic.) Hoc solum pugnatur. (Cic.) CHAPTER XIV. USE OF VERBAL INFLEXIONS OF PERSON AND NUMBER. 571 i. Subject and predicate contained in the verb. The finite verb contains both subject and predicate in itself, the personal inflexions expressing the subject, and the stem expressing the predicate. Hence, whenever in English an unemphatic pronoun is sufficient to denote the subject without risk of mistake, the finite verb in Latin requires no addition for this purpose. This is so with the verb 572 1. in the first or second person. Thus curro. currimus, refer to the person or persons speaking; curris, curritis, curre, currite, to the person or persons spoken to. But the pronouns may be added for the sake of emphasis or contrast. Quod ego fui ad Trasumennum, ad Cannas, id tu hodie es. (Liv.) Negat cuncta Italia, negat senatus, negatis vos. (Cic.) Chap. XIV^\ Verb Inflexions. Person and Number. 231 573 2. in the third person, when it is the same as the subject of the last preceding verb of the same number and person, and which is suited to the sense. (Very frequent.) Venit Verres in aedem Castoris: considerat templum: versat se, quaerit, quid agat. (Gic.) 574 3, sometimes in the third person plural, when the subject is 'persons in general.' Deorum imnortalium judicia solent in scholis proferre de morte. (Cic.) Vulgo ex oppidis publice gratulabantur Pompejo. {Cic.) Hence we find sentences in which parfcim, partly, appears to perform the functions of a subject, as if it were pars or alii. (Comp, vulgo above.) Partim e nobis ita timidi sunt, ut omnem populi Romani beneficiorum memoriam abjecerint, partim ita a republica aversi, ut se hosti favere prae se ferant. (Cic.) More correctly Amici partim deseruerunt me, partim etiam prodide- runt. (Cic.) 575 4. in certain verbs in the 3rd person singular, where the fact of the action, state, or feeling is the prominent point and the doer is left indefinite. Such verbs are called impersonal s, and may be classified as follows: (a) The verbs miseret, piget, pudet, paenitet, taedet. e. g. Ipsius facti pudet. luiseret me aliorum. (Other examples in 528. Many other verbs, e.g. decet, oportet, accidit, &c. are called impersonals : but these have always a neuter pronoun, or infinitive, or sentence for subject.) () Expressions concerning the weather or sky. Fulminat ; tonat ; pluit ; gelat ; advesperascit. Reate imbri lapidavit. (Liv.) Luciscit hoc jam. (Ter.) For hoc, comp. 570. (c) Intransitive verbs are sometimes so used, generally in the passive voice (see 569). Dicto paretur. Cui parci potuit ? Lites severe aestimatae : cui placet, obliviscitur : cui dolet, meminit. (Gic.) 576 ii- Subject expressed by a separate word or words. As the finite verb always contains its own subject in its personal inflexions, the separate word, usually called its subject, is, strictly speaking, in apposition to these inflexions for the purpose of closer definition. 232 SYNTAX. [Book IF. 1. When the subject is expressed by a separate word, the finite verb is in the same number and person as its subject. Te aerumnae premunt omnes, qui te florentem putas ; te lubidines torquent ; tu dies noctesque cruciaris, cui non sat est, quod est. (Cic.) Omnes enim patres familiae falce et aratro relictis intra murum cor- repsimus. (Col.) Exceptions : 577 (#) If the subject be a substantive in the singular number, but denotes more than one person, the verb is sometimes in the plural. Diffugiunt alii ad naves ; pars scandunt rursus equum. (Verg.) Uterque eorum ex castris stativis a flumine Apso exercitum educunt. (Gaes.) () The verb, if it closely follow a secondary predicate, sometimes conforms to it in number. (This is rare, except where it is indifferent which substantive be considered the subject.) Amantium irae amoris integratiost. (Ter.) Contentum rebus suis esse maximae sunt certissimaeque divitiae. (Cic.) 578 2. When the subject is composed of two or more substantives, denoting different persons or things, but regarded as in connexion with each other, the verb is put in the plural : in the first person plural, if the subject contain the first person ; and in the second person plural, if the subject contain the second person and not the first. Paulus et Marcellus private consilio praetereuntur. (Caes.) Si tu et Tullia valetis, ego et suavissimus Cicero valemus. (Cic.) Ego et vos scimus inurbanum lepido ssponere dicto. (Hor.) 579 Occasionally the plural is found when a singular substantive has another joined to it by cum; rarely when the connexion is by a disjunctive. Ipse dux cum aliquot principibus capiuntur. (Liv.) Haec neque ego neque tu fecimus. (Ter.) 580 If the two or more substantives composing the subject really form but one notion, the verb is frequently put in the singular. Senatus populusque Romanus intellegit. (Cic.) Cum tempus necessitasque postulat, decertandum manu est. (Cic.) iiii Omission of the verbal predicate. 581 ! When two or more subjects require the same predicate, but joint action &c. is not to be expressed, the predicate is usually expressed only once, and is put in the number and person required by the subject nearest to it in the sentence. Chap. XIVJ\ Verb Inflexions. Person and Number. 233 Hoc mihi et Peripatetic! et vetus Academia concedit. (Cic.) Vir bonus et sapiens dici delector ego ac tu. (Hor.) In qua sententia Democritus, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Aristoteles fuit. (Cic.) Quaesturara nos, consulatum Cotta, aedilitatem petebat Hortensius. (Cic.) But also, for rhetorical effect, Dixit juratus P. Titius tutor pupilli Junii ; dixit M. Junius tutor et patruus : Mustius dixisset si viveret : dixit L. Domitius. (Cic.) 582 2. When a plural subject is distributed by an apposition of alius, quisque, pars, &c., either the general plural predicate is omitted, or more usually the special singular predicate. Ambo exercitus, Vejens Tarquiniensisqus, suas quisque abeunt domos. (Liv.) Quisque suos patiraur manis. (Verg.) Inertia et mollitia animi, alius alium expectantes, cuncfcamini. (Sail.) Consules ejus anni, alter morbo, alter ferro perierat. (Liv.) 583 3. The verb is sometimes omitted when it can be readily supplied by consideration of the context. So especially dico and facio ; and in answers, the verb used in the question &c. Quid tu, inquit, tarn mane, Tubero ? Turn ille. (Cic.) Sapienter haec reliquisti, si consilio ; feliciter, si casu. (Cic.) Galli per biduum nihil aliud, quana steterunt parati. (Liv.) A me C. Caesar pecuniam? Cur potius, quam ego ab illo? (Cic.) Magis ac magis anxia Agrippina, quod nemo a filio. (Tac.) Quo mini fortunam, si non conceditur uti? (Hor.) Sed hoc nihil ad m.3. Quorsum haec ? Quid multa ? 684 A predication without est, &c. (besides its occurrence where the est is expressed in an adjoining clause) is common in descriptions of a scene or the like (comp. 539) ; and with past participle. Ante diem tertium Idus Novembris, cum sacra via descenderem, insecu- tus est me cum suis : clamor, lapides, fustes, gladii ; haec impro- visa omnia. (Cic.) Mare saevom, inportuosum, ager frugum fertilis, bonus pecori, arbori infecundus ; caelo terraque penuria aquarum. (Sail.) Interea cum meis omnibus copiis vexavi Amaniensis, hostis sempiternos : multi occisi, capti ; reliqui dissipati ; castella munita inproviso adventu capta et incensa. (Cic.) 585 Similarly the infinitive esse is usually omitted with the future par- ticiple, and frequently with the past participle, (esp. after volo, oportet, &c.) ; sometimes in other cases. Eespondit se id neminem facturum putasse. (Cic.) Senatus censuit frequens coloniam Lavicos deducendam. (Liv.) Quid dubitatis ? jam sublimem raptum oportuit. (Plaut.) Quid refert utrum voluerim fieri an gaudeam factum? (Cic.) 234 SYNTAX. \Book IV. CHAPTER XV. Of the INDICATIVE and IMPERATIVE MOODS and THEIR TENSES. 583 (A) TENSES OF INDICATIVE MOOD. The Indicative mood is the primary and ordinary form of the finite verb, and is therefore used wherever there is no special reason for employing the imperative or subjunctive. Not only facts but supposi- tions and commands can be put in the indicative mood, but only when the writer or speaker relies on the tenor of the context, or turn of the rhetoric, to guard against misapprehension, and does not care to mark the supposition or the command by the form of the expression. The tenses of the Latin verb in the indicative mood may be divided either (i) according to the time to which they relate, or (ii) according to the completeness or incompleteness of the action spoken of. i. Time to which the tenses relate. 587 According to the time to which they relate, the tenses are either primary or secondary. The primary tenses denote time contemporaneous with, antecedent, or subsequent to, the time at which we are speaking, or to some time at which we feign ourselves to be present and watching events. The secondary tenses denote time contemporaneous with, antecedent, or subsequent to, some other time of which we are speaking, and wfcich we affirm (by the use of secondary tenses) to be past. ACTIVE VOICE. PRIMARY. SECONDARY. Present; dico, Imperfect; dicebam, 1 Contemporary. ^ ^.^ ^ sa \ ng Future; dicam, Aorist ; dixi, / said (i.e. Subsequent. / shall (jou, he after something had 'will} say. happened). Subsequent to Completed Future ; present time but dixero, I shall antecedent to (you, he ivill) some future event. ha), it relates to the past. The imperfect relates to any time not future, and therefore may, and frequently does, include the present moment. The pluperfect relates to some point of time in the past. Chap. XVIJ] Subjunctive Mood and its Tenses. 247 ii. In dependent sentences (B, D, E, F, G, H) 619 i. The present and perfect are used in sentences dependent on primary tenses. () The present subjunctive represents the present of the indica- tive : but if future time is otherwise indicated it may represent the future of the indicative; e.g. si naturam sequamur, nego nos aberraturos corresponds to si naturam sequemur, non aberrabimus. () The perfect subjunctive in some final sentences (D) (e. g. timeo ne venerit), in consecutive sentences (E), in sentences with cum (F). in reported sentences (G), and in such dependent sentences as are classed under H, represents the perfect (and aorist) of the indicative ; and in a dependent interrogative it may also represent the imperfect; e.g. quid dicebas would become quaero quid dixeris ; In all these classes of sentences, if future time be otherwise indi- cated, the perfect subjunctive may represent the completed future of the indicative, as it does also when used in conditional and most final sen- tences (B, D). 620 2. The imperfect and pluperfect are used in sentences de- pendent on secondary tenses (including frequently the perfect as well as the aorist indicative, cf. 607), even though the statement is applicable as well to the present as to the past time, or generally to all times alike. (a) The imperfect subjunctive represents both the imperfect and perfect of the indicative. () The pluperfect subjunctive represents the pluperfect of the indicative. In final sentences and in sentences classed under (H), the imperfect may represent a future, and the pluperfect may represent a completed future, as seen from a point of view in past time. 621 3. But in some cases the particular sense or context requires or allows a different tense from what these rules should give. Thus () The historical present is, in its effect on the verbs directly or indirectly dependent on it, sometimes regarded as a primary, sometimes as a secondary tense. Rogat Rubrium ut quos ei commodum sit invitet : locum sibi soli, si videatur, relinquat. (Cic.) Simul servis suis Rubrius ut januam clauderent et ipsi ad foris adsis- terent imperat. (Cic.) 622 When the dependent sentence has another dependent on it, the former is frequently in the present tense ; e. g. 248 SYNTAX. [Book IV. Adversaril postulant ut in earn rem judices dentur ex eis civitatibus, quae in id forum convenirent : electi, qui Verri viderentur. (Cic.) Mago nuntios Carthaginem ad senatum mittit, qui defectionem sociorum in majus verbis extollentes, hortentur, ut auxilia mitterent, quibus traditum a patribus imperiun> Hispaniae repeti posset. (Liv.) 623 (^) I n consecutive sentences, though dependent on a secondary tense, the present is used of such actions as belong to the present time only. Siciliam per triennium ita vexavit ac perdidit, ut ea restitui in anti- quum statum nullo modo possit, vix aute'm' per multos annos aliqua ex parte aliquando recreari posse videatur, (Cic.) 624 And the perfect is used of a result completed at the present time only (corresponding to perfect indie.); and also of an event in past time simply regarded as such, without reference to its being contempo- raneous or prior to other past events. Aemilius Paullus tantum in aerarium pecuniad invexit, ut unius impe- ratoris praeda flnem attulerit tributorum. (Cic.) Tantum opes creverant, ut ne morte quidem Aeneae movere arma Etrusci aut ulli alii accolae ausi sint. (Liv.) 625 00 The secondary tenses' are rarely found in sentences dependent on a present tense, and when so found admit of a special explanation from the writer's having more than the present time in mind. Laudantur oratores veteres, quod copiose reorum causas defendere solerent. (Cic.) * Ut me omnes,' inquit, ' pater, tuo sanguine ortum vere ferrent, pro- vocatus equestria nae<* spolia oapta ex hoste caeso porto.' (Liv.) CHAPTER XVII. TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD AND ITS TENSES. 626 THE following examples show the typical uses of the subjunctive mood and its tenses, with their proper English translations. (A) Hypothetical sentences, i.e. apodosis to a conditional sen- tence. (For translation of protasis see next section.) 1. Faciam, I should do, w be doing. Chap. XVI Li Typical Subjunctives. 249 / should be found to have, or / should F rim (si jubeas, or have, done (the fact, or the know- jusseris,) ledge of the fact, being in future time). fsiluberes or I 3hould harve been d' in S, or should Facerem, v lusaissesS ^ ave ^ ne ' r ^ ^ a * ^ cen do ' m S-> or J I had done. - . (si juberes, or / should have done, or / had done (in 3m ' jussisses,) past time). For the second and third persons would must be substituted for should: e.g. Facias (si Jubeas, or Ton \ Faciat jusseris,) He \ 2. With condition suppressed. Velim, / could wish. Vellem, / could have wished. Quisdicat? I .. Quis dixerit ? ( Who can or ould sa l ? Ego censuerim, 7 am Inclined to think. Ubi invenias ? Where does or can one Jin d ? Crederes, One would have believed. 627 (^) Conditional sentences, i.e. protasis to a conditional sen- tence. (For translation of apodosis see preceding section.) 1. Si jubeas (faciam or fecgfim), If you should bid or be bidding. Si Jusseris (faciam or fecerim), If you should have bidden or should bid. Si juberes (facerem or fecissem), If you had been bidding or had bidden. Si jussisses (facerem or fecissem), If you had bidden. Sometimes the conditional particle is not expressed. (In the follow- ing sentences the ordinary translation of the apodosis as well as of the protasis is given.) \ Should you ask, or were you to\ Idicam, * J f , , , \Ishouldsay. [ should you have asked* or were * Eogaveris, J you to have asked, } ............... dixerim, ................................. I should have said, or should be found to have said. Should you or ^reyou to have\ Eogares, I ^ c been asking, or bad been ask-\ QTlhadb T/"/' , j Rogasses, J Had you asked, } dixissem, ................................. / should have said, or / had said. 250 SYNTAX. [Book IV. 628 2. Conditional sentences in the subjunctive often have for an apodosis either a future participle or gerundive with the indicative mood of sum, or an infinitive with the indicative mood of possum, licet, oportet, debeo, &c. Si adsis Si Jusseris Si adesses Si jussisses facturus sum, / mean to do facturus ero, I shall Intend to do faciendum milii _ _x I have to do est, faciendum niilii erit, I shall have to do if you should be there facere possum, I can do facere licet, (I) may do B facere debeo, I ought to do facere audeo, I dare to do if you bid. facere potero, I shall be able to do facere licebit, (I)s hall be allowed to do facere debebo, It wi/l be my duty to do . facere audebo, I shall dare to do j f facturus fid, I meant to do facturus eram, I was intending (had (sometimes fueram) intended) to do faciendum mini I had to do, or ought to fuit, have done faciendum mini I had to do, or ought to if you were or erat, havt done at the time had beer, there facere poteram, I could have been doing (now or formerly) facere licebatj I might have been doing (now OK formerly) I ought to have been facere debebam, doing (now or for- merly) facere audebam, I had dared to be do- if you bade or facere potul, ing (now or 'formerly) J fguld have done had bidden. facere licuit, (f) might have done facere debui, I .ought to have done facere ausus sum, I had dared to have j L done J The difference in meaning is scarcely perceptible, whether the apo- dosis to si jussisses be constituted by fecissem or facturus fui. And practically faciendum mini fuit, or facere potui, might come to much the same. Hence the usages mentioned in the next two sections. Chap. XVII.} Typical Subjunctives. 251 629 If the apodosis to a conditional sentence of past time is in a depen- dent interrogative or consecutive sentence, or dependent on cum, so that the subjunctive mood would be required on account of the dependency, a periphrasis by means of the future participle with fuerim is usually resorted to, instead of the simple pluperfect 1 active. Ostendis, (ostendes,) quomodo \ Non dubium est, (erit,) quin . jussissem, , Eo fit, (flet,) ut ^ hoc ' si juberem, facturus fueris > Tails es, (eris,) qui You show, (will show, how. \ .~ r , , , , ,, There is, (will be,} no doubt that, \ * ! had tWUm ^i &*", com So it results, (will result,} that, j m ^ J U ould ha done lt ' So it results, (will result,} that, Tou are, (were.} the sert of person to ha-ve done it, if I had commanded (been commanding}. 630 If the hypothetical sentence depend on a secondary tense, fueris is still used generally, but in interrogative sentences (except such as non fuit dubium quin) f uisses is used instead ; e. g. Ostendisti, quomodo hoc, si ' facturus fuisses. Non dubium fuit quin 1 Eo factum est ut > fueris. Tails fuistl qui ) For the pluperfect passive a periphrasis (esp. with the gerundive or possum) is resorted to ; e. g. Non dubium est, quin | . . j oppidum capl potuerit. Eo fit ut f em ' (clades accipienda fuerit. Non dubium fuit quin I potuerit cum c ' If not dependent, potorat or potuit would have been used in each. See examples in 652. 3. The following are types of rhetorical irregularities : Gatis est si te videam, // is enough if I Jo but see you. Perieram, ni te vidisssm, // was all o'ver with me if I bad not caught sight of you. 1 An hypothetical imperfect (e.g. facerem) is also occasionally found; a pluperfect very rarely. The subjunctive in facturus fuerim, &c. is due to the dependency of the sentence : the corresponding independent expres- sion would be in the indicative, the hypothesis being expressed by the future participle. 252 SYNTAX. \BookIV. 631 (C) 1. Optative sentences. Moriar, may I die! Ne moriar, may I not die! Morerer, were I but dying ! f moriar, C / way ///> / morerer, | I were (now) dying! or had been Utinam -j O that ( dying ! I mortuus sim, / may be dead, or may have died! [_ mortuus essem, [_ / m* (now} dead, or /W */;> he could have said. Abeo, &c. prius quam dicat, / am off, before he can say. Abibam, &c. prius quam diceret, 7 was going off, before he could say. Depugno, potius quam serviam, I fght it out rather than be a &c. slave. Depugnabam, potius quam servirem, / was ready to fght it out &c. rather than be a slave. 254 SYNTAX. [Book IV. G33 (E) Consecutive sentences, i.e. expressing a consequence. 1. Is sum, &c. qui nihil timeam, I am one who fears nothing. .......................... . timuerim, ................. .feared or has fear- ed nothing. Is eram, c .......... tlmerem, / was one who feared nothing. ........................... timuissem, ............. ..... had feared nothing. Quis est, &c. quin cernat ? Who is there but sees? Quis erat, &c. quin cerneret ? Who was there but saw f Tempus erit, cum liceat loqui, The time will come for speech to be lawful. .......... fuit, ..... liceret ...... There was a time for speech to be lawful. 2. (i) Eofifc ~\ The result is "1 that the sol- Eo flet ut milites The result will be | d'ters lose Eo factum erit \ animos The result will have i- (or are I demittant, been losing) Eo factum est (perf.) j The result has been J heart. ........................ demiseiint, ............... have (rarely will have} lost heart. ........................ demissuri sint, ............... will be likely to lose heart. Eo fiebat *| militea ^ e resll!t CiVas ^ tfjat ^ oe so ^~ animos coming I diers lost (or ED factum est i The result was f were losing) Eo factum erat J int ' The result had been J heart. (Sometimes demiserint ( 624), the action being regarded as a dis- tinct historical fact, not as a continuous state, or as a contemporary with the principal action (imperfect)}. ........................ demisissent, ............... had (rarely would have) lost heart. ........................ demissuri essent, ............ were likely to lose heart. (i) Paruni abest, quin Cato moriatur, Cats all but dies. ...... afuit, ............ moreretur, ............... died. (3) f dicas, Suppose you to say, although you should s.ay, or 'were to say. J dixeris, Suppose you to have said, although you should have said. diceres, Suppose, or although, you had been saying. I dixisses, Suppose, or although, you had said. Ut non dicas, c. Suppose you not to say, &c. Chap. XVIL] Typical .Subjunctives. 255 634 (F) Sentences expressing attendant circumstances. Marcus, liking (since be 1. (a) Marcus, u res placeat, abit, &c. //') the matter, goes away. ........................ placuerit, abit, &c. ...since he has liked... ........................ placeret, abibat, Marcus since he liked (at &c. the time) the matter was going away. ........................ placuisset, abibat, . . . since he had liked. . . &c. () In Livy and later historians : Quod faceret, dicebat, s '*"' be "*'* ' ... ......... fecisset, ... ...... Whenever he had done this, he used to say. [N.B. In Cicero and Caesar the indicative is used ; e.g. _ . cum _ Whenever he had done this, he used to QUOd ubi feC6rat ' dlCebat ' say. So also Quod . . fecit, dicit, Whenever he has done this, he says. ......... fecerit, dicet, ................................. he will say^\ 2. (i) Cum navis adveniret, haec dicebam, On the ship approaching, / proceeded to say, or was saying, this. ................................. dixi, .............................. I said this. ................................. dixeram, As the ship ivas approach- ing, / had said this. ............ advenisset, haec dicebam, When the ship had come up, / proceeded to say this. ................................. dixi, .............................. J said this. ................................. dixeram, ............... ............... / had said this. (a) Cum haec sint, Whereas, since, although, these things are so, ............ essent, ............................................. (were so, or These things being so, or Under these circumstances. (3) Simulat se audire, cum interea aliud agat, He pretends to hear, while all the time he is at something else. Simulabat ....... . ........ , ............. ageret, He pretended to hear, while all the time he ivas at something els:. (4) Audivi cum diceret, I heard him saying. Vidl cum veniret, I saw him coming. SYNTAX. [Book IV. 635 (G) Sentences containing reported definition, reason, con- dition, question. I you for i this. 1.2. Laudatl He praises Laudabit He (will praise Laudaverit - te, Q ^ OC facias Jfr ou/7/ Aaiw Laudavit praised (perf.) J A? has praised J feceris you for having done this. facturus sis for purposing to do this. He (was praising ~\ , He praised (has I you for doing praised) [ this. He had praised J f ecisses for having done this. facturus esses for purposing to do this. These are often translated like the indicative (e.g. I praise you because you do this), but a distinction may be made by inserting as he said, as is thought, <&c. Laudabat Laudavit Laudaverat te, qui hoc quod hoc 3. Minatur, &c. ni eant, Minabatur, &c. ni irent, Minatur, &c. ni iverint, Minabatur, &c. ni issent, Tentat, &c. si res agi possit, Tentabat, &c posset, He threatens them, if they do not go. He threatened them, if they did not go. He threatens them, if they should not have gone. He threatened them, if they should not have gone. He tries (whether the thing can be ma- naged. He (was trying (whether the thing could be managed. Reported (often called Dependent) question. V quid facias, ' v (what you are doing. quid feceris, (what you did or have done. quid facturus sis, (what you (will do. I (was seeing, \ (what you (were do- &c. | ing. quid fecisses, (what you had done. quid facturus esses, (what you (were about to do. Non est dubium, quin id fiat, There is no doubt it is being done. quin futurum sit, ut id fiat, /'/ (will be done. Non erat dubium, quin id fieret, There (was no doubt it (was being done. quin futurum esset, ut id fieret, it (would be done. Video, &c. Videbam, &c. i quid faceres, Chap. XVIL] ' Typical Subjunctives. 257 638 (H) Sentences with verb in subjunctive because dependent on infinitive or subjunctive. i. Dependent on infinitive. Dicit "j He says ] Dicet I se ire (iturum), cum He wilt say Dixerit j tempus postulet, He will have said i Dixit (perf.)J He has said postulaverit, , that he goes whenever the time requires. .postulaturum sit, cum He was saying ~ , A tempus postularet. "7 v "" DixeratJ He had said postulasset, postulaturum esset when the time requires or shall have required. when the time shall be about to require. {that he was going whenever the time required or should require, 'when the time required or should have required, when the time should be about to require. So videor, videbor, visus ero, c. ire (iturus esse), cum tempus postulet, postulaverit, postulaturum sit ; videbar, visus sum, visus eram, ire (iturus esse), cum tempus postularet, postulasset, postulaturum esset. After the past infinitive the tenses are secondary ; e.g. Dicit 1 Dixerit ' se ivisse (iturum fuisse), ubi tempus postularet. -j. . . r postulasset. Dicebat I postulaturum esset. Dixerat J So videor, &c., videbar, c., ivisse (iturus fuisse), ubi tempus pos- tularet, &c. 2. Dependent on subjunctive. The other tenses and translations given under (i) will hold good, if we substitute as follows : Si eat, if he were to go, eat, he would go, Si ierit, if he should (or shall} have gone, ierit, he 'would (or twill} have gone, Si iret, if he had been going, iret, he would have been going, Si isset, if he had gone, isset, he (would have gone, for dicit or dicet se ire. for dixit (perf.) or dix- erit se ire. for dicebat se ire. for dixit (aor.) or dix- erat se ire. L. G. 258 Subjunctive. (A) Hypothetical. {Book IV. [From here to end of Chap. xxi. the right-hand pages are not con- tinuous with the left-hand pages, but form a parallel exposition. All the sections on the left-hand pages have even numbers, all those on the right- hand have odd numbers.] CHAPTER XVIII. USE OF THE MOODS IN (A) HYPOTHETICAL AND (B) CONDITIONAL CLAUSES. (A) Hypothetical subjunctive. 638 SUCH a subjunctive as appears in the principal clause (i.e. the apodosis) of a conditional sentence may be called a hypothetical sub- junctive. An hypothetical subjunctive expresses an action 1 which, while its non-occurrence is implied, is yet supposed to occur, if some other action occur. The following rules for the tense apply to the subjunctive in both clauses. (a} The present tense is used of an imaginary action in the im- mediate present or the future, and therefore still possible, but marked (by the use of the subjunctive) as merely imaginary. (Z>) The perfect is used of an action similarly marked as merely imaginary, but assumed to be already .completed, or to be completed before an action still possible in the present .or future. (c) The imperfect is used of an action supposed, contrary to the fact, to be already occurring in the present time, or of a continuous state supposed, contrary to the fact, to have existed in past time. (J) The pluperfect is used of an action supposed, contrary to the fact, to have occurred in past time; or at least to be already completed at the present time. 640 i- Hypothetical subjunctive, with condition expressed in a separate clause. Si is used of a positive, si non of a negative condition, nisi, ni, nisi si of an exception (which often has the same effect as a negative con- dition). (a) Present. Tu si hie sis, aliter sentias. (Ter.) Ego si Scipionis desiderio me moveri negem, mentiar. (Cic.) Quid, si pater fana expilet, cuniculos agat ad aerarium ? indicetne id magistratibus films ? Nefas id quidem est : quin etiam defendat patrem, si arguatur. (Cic.) () Perfect (rare). Turn vero ego nequiquam hac dextra Capitolium arcemque servaverim, si civem in vincula duel videam. (Liv.) 1 Action is used throughout as the general term for what a verb denotes. Continued on p. 260 Chap. XVIIII\ Indicative in protasis and apodosis. 259 637 [The following instances (Chapp. xviil. xxi.) of the indicative and im- perative moods are selected, partly for introducing certain idiomatic usages, but chiefly to illustrate, by contrast with these, the effect due to the sub- junctive mood. Compared with the sentences on the left-hand pages they all belong to one of two classes ; they either express a different meaning in similar sentences (or in sentences introduced by like conjunctions), or ex- press a similar meaning in differently turned sentences. The arrangement of the matter in these chapters is mainly such as is necessary to show the connexion with one another of the uses of the subjunctive; and the uses of the indicative are grouped as connectedly as the primary object of contrast or comparison with the subjunctive allows.] 639 The use of the indicative in a principal sentence, with a sub- ordinate conditional sentence, is very common in all tenses except the pluperfect. The INDICATIVE makes a statement without implying that the action does not occur, or (necessarily} that it does occur. <541 1. Regular conditional sentences with si, si non, nisi, ni ; si modo, si quidem. (a) Present. Si id facis, hodie pcstremum me vides. (Ter.) Nos vero, si quidem in voluptate sunt omnia, longe multumque supe- ramur a bestiis. (Cic.) Denique si deus es, tribuere mortalibus beneficia debes, non sua eripere ; sin autem homo es, id, quod es, semper esse te cogita. (Curt.) Future. Si damnatus eris, atque adeo cum damnatus eris, (nam dubitatio damnationis, illis recuperatoribus, quae poterat esse?) virgis te ad necem caedi necesse erit. (Cic.) Quid? si tyrannidem occupare, si patriam prodere conabitur pater, silebitne filius ? Immo vero obsecrabit patreni, ne id faciat : si nihil proficiet, accusabit. (Cic.) Si tot exempla virtutis non movent, nihil unquam movebit : si tanta clades vilem vitam non fecit, nulla faciet. (Liv.) (b) Perfect. Si veneno te inter cenam tollere volui, quid minus aptum fuit quam iratum te efflcere? (Liv.) Dixi me pigrum proficiscenti tibi : quid turn profeci, mecum facientia jura si tamen attemptas ? (Hor.) Continued on p. a 6 1 172 260 Subjunctive. (A) Hypothetical. \Book IV. Injussu tuo, imperator, extra ordinem nunquam pugnaverim, non si certain victoriam videam. (Liv.) Denique hercle aufugerim potius quam redeam, si eo miM redeundum sciam. (Ter.) Hos, ni mea cura resistat, jam flammae tulerint, inimicus et hauserit ensis. (Verg.) (c) Imperfect. Haec tibi ridicula videntur, non enim ades : quae si videres, lacrimas non teneres. (Cic.) Hannibal peto pacem, qui non peterem, nisi utilem crederem. (Liv.) Num igitur Opimium, si turn esses, temerarium civem aut crudelem putares? (Cic.) Nunc quemadmodum audiar sentio, at turn si dicerem non audirer. (Cic.) Tu vero, vel si testamentum defenderes, sic ageres, ut omne omnium testamentorum jus in eo judicio positum videretur, vel si causam ageres militis, patrem ejus dicendo a mortuis excitasses. (Cic.) (d} Pluperfect. Si Metelli fidei diffisus essem, judicem eum non retinuissem. (Cic.) Res neque nunc difficili loco mini videtur esse, et fuisset facillimo, si culpa a quibusdani afuisset. (Cic.) Atqui, VeUei, nisi tu aliquid dixisses, nihil sane ex me quidem audire potuisses. (Cic.) 642 ii- With the condition not formally expressed. (This is some- times called the potential mood.) 1. The condition is sometimes contained in a phrase in the sen- tence or implied by the context. Uno proelio victus, Alexander beUo victus esset; Romanum quem Caudium, quem Cannae non fregerunt, quae fregisset acies ? (Liv.) i. e. si evenisset. Illius impulsu cum turribus ardua celsis moenia mota forent : serpenc sine vulnere mansit. (Ov.) Where illius impulsu = si ab illo impulsae essent. ' Vellem quidem liceret : hoc dixissem.' Dicas licet. ' Hoc fecissem/ Facias licet: nemo pronibet. ' Hoc decrevissem.' Decerne, modo recte : omnes approbabunt. (Cic.) NuUa profecto alia gens tanta mole cladis non obruta esset. (Liv.) Hoc spatio plura facinora in se victi ediderunt quam infesti edidissent victores. (Liv.) Omnia nostra, dum.nascuntur, placent : alioqui nee scriberentur. (Quint.) IUa vel intactae segetis per summa volaret gramina nee teneras cursu laesisset aristas, vel mare per medium fluctu suspensa tumenti ferret iter celeris nee tingueret aequore plantas. (Verg.) Continued on p. z6z Chap. XVI I I ^\ Indicative. Expressions of power, duty, &c. 261 Epicurus quamvis comis in amicis tuendis fuerit, tamen si haec vera sunt, nihil enim affirmo, non satis acutus fuit. (Gic.) Completed Future. Si tu argentum attuleris, cum illo perdidero fidem. (Plaut.) Pergratum mihi feceris, spero etiam Scaevolae, si de amicitia dispu- taris. (Cic.) (r) Imperfect. Si nullum jam ante consilium de morte Sex. Rosci inieras, hie nuntius ad te minime omnium pertinebat. (Gic.) Metellum si parum pudor ipsius dofendebat, debebat familiae nostrae dignitas satis sublevare. (Metell.) Turn enim magistratum non gerebat is qui ceperat, si patres auctores non erant facti. (Cic.) (d) Pluperfect. Cesseram, si alienam a me plebem fuisse voltis, quae non fuit, invidiae ; si vis suberat, armis ; si periculurn civium, rei publicae. (Cic.) Vivere debuerant et vir meus et tua conjux, si nullum ausuri niajus eramus opus. (Ov.) 643 2. The indicative (of certain verbs) is used where the power, pos- sibility, duty, convenience, Q^c. of doing certain acts is spoken of, rather than the occurrence of the acts themselves. (a) The Present and Future are used when the possible, obliga- tory, c. action is spoken of as still possible. (b) The Perfect is used of past time generally. (c) The Imperfect is used of present time, or of a continuous state in past time, the action being regarded as no longer possible. (d) The Pluperfect is used of an action no longer possible in past time. (a) Present. Possum persequi multa oblectamenta rerum rusticarum, sed ea ipsa, quae dixi, sentio fuisse longiora. (Cic.) Longum est ea dicere : sed hoc breve dicam. (Cic.) Future. Nihil est quod verearis, ne sit hoc illi molesturi, cui orbem terrarum circumire non erit longum mea causa. (Plin.) (Jy) Perfect. Aut non suscipi bellum oportuit, aut geri pro dignitate populi Komani oportet. (Liv.) Prohiberi melius fuit impedirique ne Cinna tot summos viros inter- flceret, quam ipsum aliquando poenas dare. (Cic.) (c) Imperfect. Perturbationes animorum poteram morbos appellare ; sed non conveniret ad omnia. (Cic.) Itaque Plato eos ne ad rempublicam quidem accessuros putat nisi coactos: aequius autem erat id voluntate fieri. (Cic.) (cT) Pluperfect. Quanto melius fuerat, in hoc promissum patris non esse servatum. (Cic.) Catilina erupit e senatu, triumphans gaudio, quern omnino vivum Ulinc exire non oporiusrat. (Cic.) Continued on p. 263 262 Subjunctive. (A) Hypothetical \Book IV. 644 2. Often the suppressed condition is l if occasion arose J ' if a trial ) The protasis may be introduced by a relative adjective (qui siquis). Haec et innumerabOia ex eodem genere qui videat, nonne cogatur con- fiteri deos esss? (Cic.) Qui videret equuin Trojanum introduction, urbem captam diceret. (Cic.) (r) Ordinary conditional sentences have the protasis introduced by si. Instances are given in 640. Conditional clauses, with si, si maxume (followed by tamen), tametsi, etiamsi, are often used to concede, for argument's sake, a supposition contrary to the fact. Si haee non gesta audiretis, sed picta videretis, tamen appareret uter esset insidiator. (Cic.) Etiamsi mors oppetenda esset, domi atque in patria mallem quam in externis atque alienis locis. (Cic.) Continued on p. 266 Chap. XVIIII\ Indicative in Conditional clause. 265 Indicative and Imperative in Conditional clause. Conditional clauses with the verb in the indicative usually qualify principal clauses which contain an indicative or imperative. The indicative is however found in the conditional clause, when the principal clause has the subjunctive, but this happens only where either the principal clause, properly correspondent, has been suppressed ; or where the subjunctive form is due not to its conditional function, but to a wholly independent reason, e.g. to its denoting a wish or command, c u In the indicative or imperative mood, a condition is put simply without its being implied that it does, or does not, occur, 651 ! Conditional sentence with protasis and apodosis in indicative or imperative. (a) The protasis may be without relative or connective adverb, in indicative ; especially the present and completed future. Quicquid dicunt laudo : id rursum si negant, laudo id quoque. Negat quis ; nego : ait, aio. (Ter.) Clarissimo viro decrevit imperium, private tamen: in quo maximum nobis onus imposuit. Adsensus ero ; ambitionem induxero in curiam : negaro ; videbor suffragio meo honorem homini amicissimo denegavlsse. (Cic.) (J uv -) Bides ; majore cachinno concutitur : flet, si lacrymas conspexit amici. Veneris in patriam mecum, ibi tibi gratiam referam. (Sen. Rhet.) Or the protasis may be in imperative. Attendite : jam intellegetis. (Cic.) Tolle hanc opinionem : luctum sustuleris. (Cic.) (Z>) The protasis may be introduced by a relative adjective. Nihil est enim virtute amabilius, quam qui adeptus erit, ubicunque erit gentium, a nobis diligetur. (Cic.) Haec et quae sunt ejus generis facile videbit, qui volet laudare. (Cic.) (r) Ordinary conditional sentences have the protasis introduced by si. Instances are given in 641. With si, si maxume (followed by tamen, at), etsi, tametsi, etiamsi, of a simple supposition, especially where the supposition is known to be the fact. In Deciis Magiis si moderatio ilia, quae in nostris solet esse consulibus, non fuit, at fuit pompa, fuit species. (Cic.) Viri boni multa ob earn causam faciunt, quia honestum est, etsi nul- lum consecuturum emolumentum vident. (Cic.) Quod crebro quis videt, non miratur, etiamsi cur fiat nescit. (Cic.) Continued on p. 267 266 Subjunctive. (B) Conditional. \Book IV. (d) The subjunctive appears to be rarely used in stating conflicting possibilities (as with sive or sin), except in reported narrative or dependent sentence ; probably because the writer declines to mark as imaginary any of the possibilities among which he declines to decide. Eb tamen ego a philosopno, si adferat eloquentiam, non asperner, si non habeat, non admodum flagitem. (Cic.) 652 2. Conditional sentence with subjunctive in protasis, but with some part of infinite verb, i.e. infinitive, future participle, or gerundive, in the apodosis. The verb in the apodosis on which the infinitive depends, or the auxiliary verb with the gerundive or participle, is usually put in the indicative (except for some collateral reason), and conveys a positive expression of duty, possibility, right, &c. (Gf. 628, 643.) (a) A condition qualifying an infinitive. Omnibus eum contumeliis onerasti, quern patris loco, si ulla in te pietas esset, colere debebas 1 . (Cic.) Deleri totus exercitus potuit 1 , si fugientes persecuti victores essent. (Liv.) Neque tu hoc dicere audebis, nee, si cupias, licebit. (Cic.) But the verb on which the infinitive depends or the auxiliary verb (with genitive, &c.) is sometimes put in the subjunctive either (i) as hypothetical, Haec si diceret, tamen ignosci non oporteret. (Cic.) or (2) often for a collateral reason : this is especially the case with potuerit, rajely potuisset. (Cf. 629, 630.) Ventum quidem erat eo, ut, si hostem similem antiquis Macedonum regibus habuisset consul, magna clades accipi potuerit. (Liv.) Philippus, si satis diei superesset, non dubius quin Athamanes quoque exui castris potuissent, sub tumulo consedit. (Liv.) () A condition qualifying the future participle, or the gerundive. Illi ipsi aratores, qui remanserant, relicturi agros omnis erant, nisi ad eos Metellus Roma litteras misisset. (Cic.) Quid, si hostes urbem veniant, facturi estis ? (Liv.) Hos nisi manumisisset, tormantis etiam dedendi fuerunt. (Cic.) Sic flendus Peleus, si moreretur, erat. (Ov.) The auxiliary verb in the apodosis may be in the subjunctive for a col- lateral reason ; e.g. if the apodosis is a dependent question, &c. (Cf. 629, 630.) Nee dubium erat, quin, si tarn pauci simul obire omnia (loca) possent, terga daturi hostes fuerint. (Liv.) Quae res sua sponte tarn scelerata et nefaria est, tit, etiamsi lex non esset, magno opere vitanda fuerit. (Cic.) 1 This corresponds to the origin of the English idiom, should, could, might, &c. Continued on p. 268 Chap. XVIII.'] Indicative in Conditional clause. 267 (d) When several conflicting possibilities are stated, either the first is expressed by si, and the second by si, sin, si vero, &c. positively, by si non, sin minus negatively. Si feceris id quod ostendis, magnam habebo gratiam ; si non foceris, ignoscam. (Cic.) Aut si es dura, nega : sin es non dura, venito. (Prop.) Luxuria cum omni aetati turpis, turn senectuti foedissima est : sin autem etiam libidinum intemperantia accessit, duplex malum est. (Cic.) Sive enim ad sapientiam perveniri potest, non paranda nobis solum ea, sed fruenda etiani est : sive hoc difficile est, tamen nuUus est modus investigandi veri, nisi inveneris. (Cic.) 653 (e) An exception (in the indicative) is often appended by way of afterthought : nisi, nisi forte, nisi vero, ironical, nisi tamen. Sometimes nisi o nly that, only, but, however. Nemo fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit. (Cic.) Ridiculum caput, quasi necesse sit, si huic non dat, te illam uxorem ducere : nisi vides, nisi senis amicos oras, ambis. (Ter.) De re non possum judicare, nisi iUud mini persuadeo, te talem virum nihil temere fecisse. (Cic.) Nos nihil de eo percontationibus reperiebamus, nisi certis ex aqua men- suris breviores esse quam in continenti noctes videbamus. (Caes.) 65 5 2. Indicative conditional clause with apodosis in impera- tive. The conditional clause may have, or may not have, si or nisi. Quamobrem si me amas tantum, quantum profecto amas, si dormis, expergiscere ; si stas, ingredere ; si ingrederis, curre ; si curris, advola. (Gic.) Vive, vale: siquid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperfci ; si nil, his utere mecum. (Hor.) Ebiamsi alii primam frontem tenebunt, te sors inter triarios posuerit, inde voce, adhortatione, exemplo, aninio milita. (Sen.) Verum parcite dignitati Lentuli, si ipse famae suae pepercit : ignoscite Cethegi adolescentiae, nisi iterum patriae bellum fecit. (Sail.) Arguet, arguito : quicquid probat ilia, probato ; quod dicet, dicas ; quod negat ilia, neges. Riserit, adride ; si flebit, flere memento. (Ov.) Rure erit et dicet venias amor odit inertes si rota defuerit, tu pede carpe viam. (Ov.) Continued on p. 269 268 Subjunctive. (B) ^Conditional. \BookIV. 654 3. Conditional sentence with subjunctive in protasis but with suppression or contraction of the proper hypothetical apodosis. (a) An allied fact is sometimes substituted for the proper hypo- thetical statement. This allied fact is usually either (i. Present) a general truth (instead of a particular occurrence); or (2. Future) an unconditional prophecy; or (3. Perfect with paene, prope, or Imperfect) an incomplete action or tendency (instead of the completed result) ; or (4. Pluperfect) a wilful exaggeration. 1. Multa me deliortaatur a vobis, Quirites, ni studium reipublieae supsret. (Sail.) Ilemini numeros, si verba tenerem. (Verg.) 2. At si me jubeas domitos Jovls igne Gigantas dicere, conantem debilitabit onus. (Ov.) Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae. (Hor.) 3. Pens sublicius iter paene hostibus dedit, ni unus \ir fuisset. (Liv.) Quin labebar longius, nisi me retinuissem. (Cic.) i per L. MeteUnm licitum esset, matres iUorum miserorum sororesque veniebant. (Cic.) 4. Praeclare viceramus, nisi spoliatum, inermem, fugientem Lepidus recepisset Antonium. (Cic.) Me truncus illapsus cerebro sustulerat, nisi Faunus ictum dextra levas- set. (Hor.) 656 (b) An epithet, &c. forms the apodosis, instead of a statement of the epithet's being applicable. Hunc exitum nabuit vir, nisi in libera civitate natus esset, memorabilia. (Liv.) Vidimus et merulas poni, suavls res, si non causas narraret earum et naturas dominus. (Hor.) 658 (c) In conversational questions the verb of the apodosis is omitted, perhaps not even distinctly conceived. Quid, si liunc comprehend! jusserim? TY. Sapias magis. (Plaut.) 660 ( d ) * n sentences of comparison; with quasi, velut si, ac si, tamquam si, sicuti, ceu, &c., the verb of the apodosis (being an hypo- thetical repetition of the verb of the principal sentence) is often omitted. With tamquam and velut the si also is sometimes omitted. Verum homines conrupti superbia ita aetatem agunt, quasi vostros honores contemnant ; ita hos pstunt, quasi honeste vixerint. (Sail.) At accusat C. Cornelii films, et id aeque valere debet, ac si pater indi- caret. (Cic.) Continued on p. 370 Chap. XVIflJ] Indicative in Conditional clause. 269 657 3. With apparent apodosis in subjunctive, (a) Sometimes it is not the particular action expressed this may be in indicative or subjunctive according to circumstances but the mention of the action, which is qualified by the conditional clause expressed. Quam vellem Romae esses, si forte non es. (Cic.) Tua nos virtus ita conciliavit tibi, ut, te salvo atque incolumi aniico, ne deos quidem iratos, si fas est dici, timeremus. (Liv.) Tu tamen velim orationem legas, nisi forte jam legist!. (Cic.) () Or the apodosis may express a wish or command or conse- quence, or modest assertion, &c. and on that account have its verb in the subjunctive, without the mood of the protasis being affected. Etenim si nox non adimit vitam beatam, cur dies nocti similis adimat ? (Cic.) Peream male, si non optimum erat. (Hor.) Fratrem mecum et te si habebo, per me isti pedibus trahantur. (Cic.) Si piguit portas ultra procedere, at illuc jussisses lectum lentius ire meum. (Propert.) Sin erit ille gemitus elamentabilis, si inbecillus, si abjectus, si flebilis, ei qui se dederit, vix eum virum dixerim. (Cic.) (c) Or the apodosis may contain an hypothetical statement contingent, not on the condition expressed, but on another which is not formally ex- pressed. Si unquam tibi visus sum in republica fortis, certe me in ilia causa admiratus esses (sc. si affuisses). (Cic.) Quod si in hoc mundo fieri sine deo non potest, ne in sphaera quidem eosdem motus Archimedes sine divino ingenio ( = nisi divinum in- genium haberet) potuisset imitari. (Cic.) 659 4. In conversational questions the verb of the apodosis is sometimes omitted. Quid, si Me manebo potius ad meridiem ? (Plaut.) 661 The indicative is used in sentences of comparison where the occur- rence adduced in comparison is a fact ; chiefly with ac, tamquam, Longe alia nobis ac tu scripseras narrantur. (Cic.) Nam et vitast eadem et animus te erga idem ac fuit. (Ter.) Jusserunt simulacrum Jovis facere majus et in excelso conlocare et contra, atque antea fuerat, ad orientem convertere. (Cic.) Fuit olim, quasi nunc ego sum, senex : ei filiae duae erant, quasi nunc meae sunt : eae erant duobus nuptae fratribus, quasi nunc meae sunt vobis, &c. (Plaut.) Continued on p. 271 270 Subjunctive. (C) Optative and Jussive. \BookIV. Samnitium exercitus, velut baud ulla mora pugnae futura esset, aciem instruit. (Liv.) Hie vero ingentem pugnam, ceu cetera nusquam bella forent, nuUi tota morerentur in urbe, cernimus. (Verg.) Quasi vero mihi difficile sit quam vis multos nominatim proferre. (Cic.) 662 (e) In wishes. SI nunc se nobis ille aureus arbore ramus ostendat nemore in tanto. (Verg.) Quanquam o si solitae quicquam virtutis adesset ! (Verg.) CHAPTER XIX. USE OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD TO EXPRESS DESIRE, with contrasted use of indicative and imperative. 664 (C) Optative and jussive subjunctive. THIS use, with the hypothetical subjunctive, exhausts the cases in which the subjunctive stands in a simple sentence, or in an independent principal clause of a compound sentence. In all these cases, except in questions ( 674), if the subjunctive verb requires a negative, ne is used instead of non. Cave and nolim, nollem are also sometimes used as equivalent to ne. The optative or jussive subjunctive expresses an action sup- posed and either wished, or deprecated, or commanded, or forbidden. 666 1. Wish. (a) Without connective adverb ; (in negative sentences with ne). Valeant cives mei, sint incolumes, sint florentes, sint beati. (Cic.) Legati pro contione: Quod bonum felix faustumque sit vobis reique publicae, redite in patriam. (Liv.) Di facerent sine patre forem. (Ov.) Ac venerata Ceres, ita culmo surgeret alto, explicuit vino contractae seria frontis. (Hor.) Phoebe, gravis Trojae semper miserate labores, hac Trojana tenus fuerit Fortuna secuta. (Verg.) Ne sim salvus, si aliter scribo ac sentio. (Cic.) So in certain apologetic phrases ; (present and perfect). Obsecro vos, putate me ex media coatione unum civem succlamare: " Bona venia vestra liceat ex his rogationibus legere, quas salubres nobis censemus esse, antiquare alias." (Liv.) Tu, et meo judicio et omnium, vix ullam ceteris oratoribus, pace horum dixerim, laudem reliquisti. (Cic.) Continued on p. 272 Chap. XfX.] Indicative and Imperative. 271 663 If the verb of the subordinate sentence is the same (whether re- quiring the same or a different mood) as that of the principal sentence, it is usually omitted, and the adverb thus appears to qualify a word only. De Fabiano Severus Cassius, antequam ab illo reus ageretur, dixerat : ' quasi dissertus cs, quasi formosus cs, quasi dives es ; ununi tantum es non quasi, vappa.' (Sen. Rhet.) M. Porcium, sicut omni vita, turn prensantem premebat nobilitas. (Liv.) Cn. Plancii salutem non secus ac meam tueri debeo. (Cic.) Indicative and Imperative. 665 The uses of the indicative mood in this chapter have not all a close connexion with one another. They have been selected as con- trasting, or at least being in some way comparable, with the quoted usages of the subjunctive. i. A similar meaning to that of this class of subjunctive may be expressed by the indicative. (a) A direct expression of a wish is made by the use of the verbs volo, cupio, &c. Te ipsum, Naevi, volo audire ; volo inauditum facinus ipsius, qui id commisit, voce convinei. (Cic.) Neque ficto in pejus vultu proponi cereus usquam, nee prave facti^ decorari versibus opto. (Hor.) (b) The second person of the future indicative, by telling a person what he will do, may imply that he shall do it. Interea dedite profanos nos : dedetis deinde et istos sacrosanctos, quum primum magistratu abierint. (Liv. ) Sed valebis, meaque negotia videbis, meque dis juvantibus ante brumam expectabis. (Cic.) Cum te audirem, accidebat, ut moleste ferrem tantum ingenium bona venia me audies in tarn ineptas sententias incidisse. (Cic.) 667 ( c ) The use of all persons of videro (see 609, 5) to put off the con- sideration of a question is noticeable. Quae fuerit causa, mox videro ; interea hoc tenebo. (Cic.) Sed de te tu videris : ego de me ipso profitebor. (Cic.) Continued on p. 27 3 272 Subjunctive. (C) Jussive. \BookIV. () With utinam, sometimes with modo ; or (in poetry) ut. In negative sentences usually with ne. In execrations qui (adv.) is used by the comic poets. Utinam ipse Varro incumbat in causam. (Cic.) Utinam populus Romanus unam cervicem haberet. (Calig. ap. Suet.) Juppiter omnipotens, utinam ne tempore primo Gnosia Cecropiae teti- gissent litora puppes. (Catull.) pater et rex Juppiter, ut pereat positum robigine telum, neu quis- quam noceat cupido mihi pacis ! (Hor.) Qui ilium di omnes parduint, qui primus comnientust contionem habere. (Plaut.) A wish is sometimes expressed by a conditional sentence, with the apodosis omitted ; see 662. 668 2. Simple command. (In prohibitions ne, nemo, nihil, rarely non : sometimes (for et ne, vel ne) neve, neu ; nee.) (a) In present and, in prohibitions, perfect tenses. The use of the subjunctive of the second person, present tense, is not frequent, excepting when the subject is indefinite ( 646). Mini quidem in vita servanda videtur ilia les, quae in Graecorum con- viviis obtinetur : ' aut bibat,' inquit, ' aut abeat.' (Cic.) Ergo detur aliquid aetati : sit adulescentia liberior : non pmnia volup- tatibus denegentur : non semper superet vera ilia et derecta ratio. (Cic.) Here non belongs to omnia, semper. Amemus patriam, pareamus senatui, consulamus bonis, praesentis fructus neglegamus, posteritatis gloriae serviamus ; speremus quae volumus, sed quod acciderit feramus. (Cic.) Isto bono utare, dum adsit : cum absit, ne requiras. (Cic.) Quid bellicosus Cantaber, Hirpine Quinti, cogitet, remittas quaerere, nee trepides in usum poscentis aevi pauca. (Hor.) Ne transieris Iberum ; ne quid rei tibi sit cum Saguntinis ; nusquam te vestigio moveris. (Liv.) Nihil ignoveris ; nihil omnino gratiae concesseris ; misericordia com- motus ne sis ; in sententia permaneto. (Cic.) 670 (^) In imperfect and pluperfect tenses, of advice applicable to cir- cumstances no longer existing. Non ego illi argentum redderem? ME. Non redderes, neque de illo quicquam neque emeres neque venderes, nee, qui deterior esset, faceres copiam. (Plaut.) Here non is used in echo of the question. Civem Romanum in crucem egisti. Asservasses hominem, clausum habuisses, dum Panhormo Raecius veniret : cognosceret hominem, aliquid de summo supplicio remitteres ; si ignoraret, turn, &c. (Cic.) Quid facere debuisti ? si ut plerique faciunt, frumentum ne emisses, sumpsisses id nummomm. (Cic.) Continued on p. 374 Chap. XIX.] Indicative and Imperative. 273 Nunc morere : ast de me divom pater atque hominum rex viderit. (Verg.) Ipsam iracundiam fortitudinis quasi cotem esse dicebant : recte secusne, alias viderimus. (Cic.) 'Vos,' inquit (Lucretia), 'videritis quid Uli debeatur: ego me, etsi peccato absolve, supplicio non libero.' (Liv.) Quae quam sit facilis, iUi viderint, qui ejus artis arrogantia, quasi difflcillima sit, ita subnixi ambulant, deinde etiam tu ipse videris. (Cic.) So also the simple future. Sed de hoc videbimus : exeamus modo. (Cic.) De nomine tu videbis cum Cispio. (Cic.) a. The imperative mood is used in commands and en- treaties, generally from the nature of its meaning in the second person. The third person is only found in the future tense, and its use almost confined to legal or quasi-legal phraseology. In prohibitions, with ne, the present is used only in the poets: the future only in legal or antique phraseology. A periphrasis by means of noli or cave is more common. (a) Present. Patres conscript!, subvenite mini misero, ite obviam injuriae, nolite pati regnum Numidiae tabescere. (Sail.) Tibi habe sane istam laudationem Mamertinorum. (Cic.) Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. (Verg.) Quid tuta times ? accingere et omnem pelle moram. (Ov.) Ne lacruma atque istuc, quidquid est, fac me ut sciam : ne retics, ne verere, crede, inquam, miM. (Ter.) DE. Bene ambulato. LY. Bene vale. DE. Bene sit tibi. (Plaut.) () Future. Quum valetndini tuae diligontissima consulueris, turn, mi Tiro, consulito navigation!. (Cic.) Si te forte meae gravis uret sarclna chartae, abicito potius, quam quo perferre juberis, clitellas ferus impingas. (Hor.) Primus humum fodito, primus devecta cremato sarmenta, et vallos primus sub tecta referto : postremus metito. (Verg.) Hoc pinguem et placitam paci nutritor olivam. (Verg.) Tu quidem macte virtute diligentiaque esto. (Liv.) Heres Titius esto cernitoque in centum diebus proxumis, quibus scies poterisque. Quod ni ita creveris, exheres esto. (In a will. Gai. 2. 165.) Borea flante ne arato, frugem ne serito, semen ne jacito. (Plin.) Continued on p. 275 L. G. 18 274 Subjunctive. (C) Jussive. [Book IV. 672 3. In quasi-dependence on another verb. Primary tenses are used when the principal verb is primary, and secondary, when that is secondary. Abi, nuntia publice patribus, urbem Romanam muniant. (Liv.) Jugurtha oppidanos hortatur, moenia defendant. (Sail.) Hesterna tibi nocte dixeramus cenares hodie, Procille, mecum. (Mart.) Omnia fecerit oportet, quae interdicta et denuntiata sunt, priusquam aliquid postulet. (Cic.) Huic vitae tot tantisque gaudiis refertae forfcuna ipsa cedat necesse est. (Cic.) Quin. etiam Graecis verbis licebit utare, cum voles, si te Latina forte deficient. (Cic.) Quam mallem vinctos mihi traderet. (Liv.) Nolo me in tempore hoc videat senex. (Ter.) Cave putes quicquam homines magis unquam esse miratos. (See 664.) (Cic.) 674 4. In interrogative sentences. Usually a negative answer is expected. In a negative question non is used. (These are sometimes called dubitative questions.) (a) In principal sentences. Quid faciat ? pugnet ? vincetur femina pugnans : clamet ? at in dextra qui vetet ensis erat. (Ov.) Haec cum viderem, quid agerem, judices ? Contenderem contra tribu- num plebis privatus armis ? Forsitan non nemo dixerit ; ' Resti- tissss, repugnasses, mortem pugnans oppetisses.' (Cic.) Apud exercitum mihi fueris tot annos ; forum non attigeris ; afueris tarn diu ; et, cum longo intervallo veneris, cum his, qui in foro habitarint, de dignitate contendas ? (Cic.) An mihi cantando victus non redderet Ule capruni ? ( Verg.) () So also in a dependent sentence. Non satis Bruto vel tribunis militum constabat, quid agerent aut quam rationem pugnae insisterent. (Caes.) Ubi consistamus, non habemus, praeter Sex. Pompeium. (D. Brut.) Extemplo agitabatur quemadmodum ultro inferendo bello averterent ab Italia hostem. (Liv.) De'pueris quid agam, non habeo. (Cic.) (c) The subjunctive with quidni, ivhy not ? has a similar meaning, and the whole expression is tantamount to a confident affirmative. ' How can I help, &c.'? ' of course I, 6) The subordinate clause is often in place of object or subject to the principal verb. Verres rogat et orat Dolabellam, ut ad Neronem proflciscatur. (Cic.) Decrevit senatus, ut L. Opimius videret, nequid respublica detrimenti caperet. (Cic.) Ke quid ferretur ad populum patres tenuere : plebes vicit ut quintuni eosdem tribunos crearent. (Liv.) Justitiae primum munus est, ut ne cui quis noceat, nisi lacessitus injuria. (Cic.) Proximum est, ut doceam deorum providentia mundum administrari. (Cic.) Continued on p. 280 Chap. XIX.~\ Indicative. Comparative sentences. 279 Misi quondam pro amicitia : qui hoc Antonio dixit. Homini natura rationem dedit ; qua reguntur animi appetitus. Scribebat Aelius orationes, quas alii dicebant. Unum id bonum est, quo melior animus efficietur. (Sen.) Expressae sunt ex unius cujusque damno, dolore, incommodo, calami- tate, injuria publicae a praetore formulae, ad quas privata lis adcommodatur. (Cic.) Liciti sunt usque adeo, quoad se efficere posse arbitrabantur : supra adjecit Aeschrio. (Cic.) 1 Note to $6*2. 681 Quin, like ut, is also used in consecutive ( 704, 706) and dependent interrogative ( 754) sentences. The following is a summary of the general usage of certain verbs : Verbs ) Sometimes the subjunctive implies not strictly that an action is purposed, but that it is expected and counted on (dum, ' ivhi/e 1 ). Nihil deinde moratus rex quattuor milia armatorum, dum recens terror esset, Scotussam mislt. (Liv.) 694 (c) Sometimes (chiefly in Livy and later historians) with donee, ' so long as,' 'until,' 1 the subjunctive is used of facts; where the indicative would have been used in earlier writers. Only in present and imperfect and (rarely) pluperfect tenses. (Comp. 720.) Nihil sane trepidabant elephanti, donee continent! velut ponte age- rentur ; primus erat pavor, quum, soluta ab ceteris rate, in altum raperentur. Ibi urgentes inter se, cedentibus extremis ab aqua, trepidationis aliquantum edebant, donee quietem ipse timor circuni- spectantibus aquam fecisset. (Liv.) G3G (d) * So long as '= 'provided that] ' if only;" 1 dum, dum modo (in negative sentences dum ne, dummodo ne), with present or imperfect tenses. Dum res maneant, verba fingant arbitratu suo. (Cic.) Vox ilia dira et abominanda, ' Oderint dum metuant.' Sullano scias saeculo scriptam. Oderint ? quid ? dum pareant ? non. dum pro- bent ? non. quid ergo ? dum timeant. Sic nee amari quidem vellem. (Sen.) Quicquid vis esto, dummodo nil recites. (Mart.) Multi omnia cecta et honesta neglegunt, dummodo potentiam conse- quantur. (Cic.) Imitamini, patres conscript!, turbam inconsultam, dum ego ne imiter tribunes. (Liv.) Continued on p. 284 Chap. XIX.} Indicative: with dum, donee, &c. 283 633 The indicative mood is used with quam diu, so long as; dum, donee, quoad, until, whilst, so long as, of a simple expression of fact. The pluperfect appears not to be used in these sentences. i. (a) ' Until:' donee (donicum), quoad; and sometimes dum. Usque eo timui, donee ad rejiciundos judices venimus. (Cic.) Milo in senatu fuit eo die, quoad senatus dimissus est. (Cic.) Mihi quidem usque curae erit, quid agas, dum, quid egeris, sciero. (Gic.) 695 () l While" 1 = l so long as,' ' all the time that;' dum, donee, quam- diu, quoad. The tense in both clauses is usually the same. Neque enim, dum eram vobiscum, animum meum videbatis. (Cic.) Hoc feci, dum licuit ; intermisi, quoad non licuit. (Cic.) Tit aegroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur, sic ego, quoad Pompeius in Italia fuit, sperare non destiti. (Cic.) Donee gratus eram tibi, Persarum vigui rege beatior. Donee non alia magis arsisti, Romana vigui clarior Ilia. (Hor.) Quamdiu quisquam erit, qui te defendere audeat, vives. (Cic.) 697 (0 ''While,' 1 i.e. '/ the time that:" dum with present tense (though qualifying past actions), rarely with other tenses. (The indicative present is usually retained even in clauses dependent on infinitives and subjunctives.) Of time only, without any notion of purpose. An event expected is sometimes treated as if it occupied the period of waiting. Dum veniunt amici, solus, filio procul stante, multa secum animo volutans, inambulavit. (Liv.) Nullis evidentibus causis obiere, dum calciantur matutino, duo Cae- sares, Q. Aemilius Lepidus jam egrediens, incusso pollice limini cubiculi ; C. Aufustius egressus, cum in senatum iret, offenso pede in comitio; Cn. Baebius Tamphilus, cum a puero quaesisset horas ; L. Tuccius medicus, dum mulsi potionem haurit ; Appius Saufeius, e balineo reversus, cum mulsum bibisset ovumque sor- beret; &c. (Plin.) Dum haec Veils agebantur, interim arx Romae Capitoliumque in in- genti periculo fuit. (Liv.) (. 297 296 Subjunctive. (F) Attendant circumstances. \Book IV. ' 3 ^ (r) Of events, actions, &c. notwithstanding which other events, &c. take place. Cumr=' although." 1 Druentia flmnen, cum. aquae vim vehat ingentem, non tamen navium patiens est. (Liv.) Pylades cum sis, dices te esse Oresten, ut moriare pro amico ? (Cic.) Ipse Cicero, cum tenuissima valetudine esset, ne nocturnum quidem sibi tempus ad quietem relinquebat. (Caes.) Nunc cum ejus alienum esse animum a me sentiam, quamobrem red- ducam ? (Ter.) Hoc ipso texnpore, cum omnia gymnasia philosophi teneant, tamen eorum auditores discum audire quam philosophum malunt. (Cic.) 734 The following are instances of the clause with cum being subse- quent : Cum=' and yet] ' while all the time" 1 (cf. 724), cum praesertim, ' and that too though." 1 Quomodo igitur hoc in genere accusas Sestium, cum idem laudes Milonem ? (Cic.) Cimulat se eorum praesidio confidere, cum interea aliud quiddam jam diu machinetur. (Cic.) Fadium abstractum delodit in ludo et vivum conbussit ; cum quidem pransus, nudis pedibus, tunica soluta, manibus ad tergum rejectis inambularet, et illi misero quiritanti responderet, Abi nunc, populi fidem inplora. (Asin. Poll.) Thucydides nunquam est numeratus orator ; nee vero, si historiam non Bcripsisset, nomen exstaret,- cum praesertim fuisset honoratus et nobilis. (Cic.) 736 (d) Of an action or event, &c. rhetorically contrasted with a later or particular action, &c. of the same sort ; especially where the time of the two actions is different. Sisennae historia cum facile omnis vincat superiores, turn indicat tamen, quantum absit a summo. (Cic.) Cum te a pueritia tua unice dilexerim, turn hoc vel tuo facto vel populi Romani de te judicio multo acrius diligo. (Cic.) CHAPTER XXL USE OF SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD TO' EXPRESS ALIEN OR CONTINGENT ASSERTIONS,- &c. with contrasted use of Indicative. (G) Subjunctive of reported statements. 738 THE subjunctive in all the sentences classed here serves to distin- guish what is reported from what is uttered at first hand. These sen- tences are not like those in the next head, dependent on infinitive or subjunctive moods, but (except for some collateral reason) on the indi- cative. Continued on p. 298 'Chap. XXL~\ Indicative: in temporal sentences. 297 731 (*0 Identity of action. (Present and perfect tenses.) Usually the tense and person of the verb in both sentences are the same. Cum ' when] ' in that." 1 Qui, cum hunc accusant, Naevium Plautum Ennium accusant. (Ter.) De te autem, Catilina, cum quiescunt, probant ; cum patiuntur, decer- nunt ; cum tacent, clamant. (Cic.) Concede tibi, ut ea praetereas, quae, cum taces, nihil esse concedis. (Cic.) Epicurus ex animis hominum extraxit radicitus religionem, cum in dis inmortalibus opem et gratiam sustulit. (Cic.) 733 In some sentences (from Plantus and Terence) similar to some on the opposite page, 732, the coincidence in time serves to set off strongly the unreasonableness of the action. (Compare 729.) tynom=z' although.* Quid igitur faciam ? non earn ? ne nunc quidem, cum accersor ultro ? (Ter.) Hei mihi, insanire me aiunt ultro, quom ipsi insaniunt. (Plant.) 735 00 The coincidence in time is sometimes vividly expressed by an inversion ; what would otherwise have been the temporal clause being put first as an independent sentence (often with jam), and what would have been the principal sentence being subjoined with cum, often cum repente, cum interim, &c. Cum = et turn. Milites, postquam in aedis irrupere, divorsi regem quaerere, strepitu et tumultu omnia miscere, cum interim Hiempsal reperitur, occul- tans se tugurio mulieris ancillae. (Sail.) Castra in hostico incuriose posita, cum subito advenere Samnitium legiones. (Liv.) Hannibal subibat muros, cum repente in eum, nihil minus quam tale quicquam timentem, patefacta porta erumpunt Romani. (Liv.) Jamque hoc facere noctu apparabant, cum matres familiae repente in publicum procurrerunt. (Caes.) 737 (/) In a simple combination with faint contrast of two actions (subjunctive more usual). Cum = whilst, both (turn = and). Cum ipsam cognitionem juris augurii consequi cupio, turn mehercule tuis incredibiliter studiis erga me muneribusque delector. (Cic.) Cum te semper maxime dilexi, turn fratrum tuorum singularis pietas nullum me patitur officii erga te munus praetermittere. (Cic.) Continued on p. 299 298 Subjunctive. (G) Reported reason. \_Book The subjunctive expresses a definition or reason or condition or question reported, but not as the speaker's or writer's own at the time of speaking or writing: in a subordinate sentence. For the distinctive use of tenses, see 635 sqq. 740 1. Reported definition or reason: with relative adjective. Faetus omnes libros, quos frater suus reliquisset, mini donavit. (Gic.) Magna proponit iis, qui regem occiderint, praemia. (Caes.) Interim cotidie Caesar Heduos frumentum, quod essent publice pol- liciti, flagitare. (Gaes.) 2. Reported or .assumed reason: with adverb, quod, quia; non quod, noii quia, non quo. non quin. Laudat Fanaetius Africanum, quod fuerit abstinens. (Cic.) An paenitet vos quod salvum exercitum traduxerim? quod classem hostium primp impetu adveniens profligaverim 7 quod bis per biduum equestri proelio superaverim ? &c. (Caes.) Caesar sua senatusque in eum beneficia commemoravit, quod rex ap- peUatus esset a senatu, qupd amicus, quod munera aniplissima missa. (Caes.) Eomani. quia consules, ubi sumraa rerura esset, ad id locorum pros- pere rem gererent, minus his cladibus commovebantur. (Liv.) Pugiles in jactandis caestibus ingemescunt, non quod doleant animove succumbant, sed quia profundenda voce oxnne corpus intenditur venitque plaga vehementyor. X^^-) Mini quidem laudabiliora videntur, quae sine yenditatione et sine populo teste fiunt, non quo fugiendus sit, (omnia enim bene facta in luce se conlocari volunt,) sed tamen nullum theatrum virtuti conscientia majus est. (Cic.) Non tarn, ut prosini causis elaborate soleo, quam ut ne quid obsim : non quin enitendum sit in utroque, sed tamen multo est turpius oratori nocuisse videri cauaae, quam non profuisse. (Cic.) 742 By a carelessness of expression the -verb .of ' saying ' or ' thinking ' is sometimes put in the subjunctive instead of the thing said. So especially diceret, dicerent. (Compare 724.) Cum enim Hannibalis permissu exisset de castrls, rediit paulo post, quod se oblitum nescio quid diceret. (Cic.) Qui istinc veniunt, superbiam tuam accusant, quod negent te percon- tantibus respondere. (Cic.) 744 The clause with quod sometimes simply introduces a matter for remark. If this is stated as a supposition only, the .subjunctive is used. Miles, edico tibi, si te in platea offendero hac post umquam, quod dicas mihi, ' alium quaerebam, iter hac habui,' periisti. (Ter. ) Quod enim te liberation jam existimationis metu, defunctum honoribus, desig-natum consulem cogites, mihi crede, ornamenta ista et bene- ficia populi Roman! non xninore negotio retinentur quam compa- rantur. (Cic.) Continued on p. 300 Chap. JOT/.] Indicative: with quod, quia, &v. 299 Indicative: in contrasted usages. 739 The indicative expresses a fact; or a direct statement of opinion of the writer or speaker. i. With relative adjective. Paetus omnes libros, quos frater ejus reliquerat, mini donavit. Verres mittit rogatum vasa ea, quae pulcherrima apucl eum vlderat. (Gic.) Negavit se judices ex lege Rupilia sortiturum : quinque judices, quos commodum ipsi fuit, dedit. (Cic.) 741 2. With causal conjunctions, quod, quia, quoniam, quando, siquidem, quatenus, ''inasmuch as." 1 (For quod see also 713.) Neque vero, quid mini irascare, intellegere possum. Si, quod eum defendo, quern tu accusas, cur tibi ego non succenseo, quod ac- cusas eum, quern ego defendo ? (Cic.) Ita fit ut adsint propterea, quod officium Eequuntur, taceant autem Idcirco, quia periculum yitant. (Cic.) Quod spiratis, quod vocem mittitis, quod formas hominum habetis, indignantur. (Liv,) Tusculanum et Pompejanum valde me delectant, nisi quod me aere alieno obruerunt. (Cic.) Vos, Quirites, quoniam jam nox est, in vestra tecta discedite. (Cic.) Quando igitur virtus est adfectio animi, laudabiles efficiens eos, in quibus est, ex ea proficiscuntur honestae voluntates. (Cic.) Summa utilitas est in iis qui militari laude antecellunt, siquidem eorum consilio et periculo cum republics turn etiam nostris rebus perfrui possumus. (Cic.) Quandoquidem apud te nee auctoritas senatus nee aetas mea valet, tribunes plebis appello, (Liv.) Cur enim non usquequaque Homericis versibus agam tecum, quatenus tu me tuis agere non pateris ? (Plin.) Quo quidem etiam magis sum exercitus, non quia mujtis debeo, sed quia saepe concurrunt aliquorum de me meritorum inter ipsos contentiones. (Cic.) 743 Quod with indicative often expresses a fact, which is not so much the cause of the action of the principal verb, as the cause of the statement, a matter for remark. Quod scribis, te si velim ad me venturam, ego vero istic esse volo. (Cic.) Quod Silius te cum Clodio loqui vult, potes id mea voluntate facere. (Cic.) Quae cum ita sint, quod C. Pansa consul verba fecit de litteris, quae a Q. Caepione adlatae sunt, de ea re ita censeo. (Cic.) Continued on p. 301 3oo Subjunctive. ' (G) Reported condition. \Book IV. 746 3. Reported condition: the apodosis not being set out sepa- rately, but absorbed into the principal sentence. (a) Praetor aedem Diovi vovit, si eo die hostes fudisset. (Liv.) Metellus evocat ad se magistrates ; nisi restituissent statuas, vehe- ment er minatur 1 . (Cic.) Jugurtha timebat iram senatus, ni paruisset legatis 2 . (Sail.) Nee illos periculum, si animus host! redisset, cogere potuit gradum accelerare. (Liv.) Hernici pudore etiam, non misericordia solum, moti, si nee obstitissent 3 communibus hostibus, nee opem ullam obsessis sociis ferrent, Eomam pergunt. (Liv.) Cur M. Brutus, referente te, legibus est solutus, si ab urbe plus quam decem dies afuisset 4 ? (Cic.) (/>) So especially in legal forms ; si, ni, uti, quicquid, &c. Rubrius Apronium sponsione lacessivit, ni Apronius dictitaret te sibi in decumis esse socium. (Cic.) ASrmabant qui una meruerant, secum Caesonem turn, frequentemque ad sig-na sine ullo commeatu fuisse. Nisi ita esset, multi privatim ferebant Volscio judicem. (Liv.) 748 (r) Sometimes the apodosis is omitted altogether, perhaps not even distinctly conceived (comp. 658 r, 662). The principal sentence states the action taken or feelings excited in contemplation of a particular event, the conditional sentence states the condition on which the event would take place; this contemplated event itself, which is the real apodosis, is not stated. The conditional sentence appears like a de- pendent question. Si =' whet her? (Possim, possem, &c. are fre- quently found in the conditional clause.) Quaesivit iterum, si cum Romanis militare liceret. (Liv.) Hanc paludem si nostri transirent, hostes expectabant. (Caes.) Tentata res est, si primo impetu capi Ardea posset. (Liv.) Ad Gonnum castra movet, si potiri oppido posset. (Liv.) 753 4. Reported question. (Dependent interrogative.) (N.B. A rhetorical question in the first or third person, not de- pendent on a verb of asking, but being part of a continuous report of a speech, is put in the infinitive: see ch. xxn.) () Qui sermo fuerit, et quid actum sit, scribam ad te, quum certum sciam. (Cic.) Sum circumvectus : ita ubi nunc sim nescio. (Plant.) Nunc has exspectationes habemus duas, unam, quid Caesar actums sit, alteram, quid Pompeius agat. (Cic.) Lesbonicum hie adulescentem quaero, in his regionibus ubi habitet. (Plaut.) Continued on p. 3oz Chap. XXI.~\ Indicative. Contrasted usages. 301 745 The following is a vow in direct language. Si duellum, quod cum rege Antiocho sum! populus jussit, id ex sen- tentia senatus populique Roman! confectum erit, turn tibi, Juppi- ter, populus Romanus ludos magnos dies decem continues faciet. (ap. Liv.) 1 i.e. minatur, nisi restituissent statuas, se iis malum daturum. 2 i. e. timebat, nisi paruisset legatis, ne senatus irasceretur. 3 i. e. Hernici haec secum reputabant : Pudebit nos, si nee obsti- terimus, &c. ; or pudere se, si nee obstitissent, &c. 4 i.e. Referente M. Antonio, senatui placuit ut M. Brutus, si... afuisset, leglbus solveretur. 747 A thing to be ascertained is sometimes expressed as the condition, in- stead of being expressed as the object, of the seeing or knowing. Ibo visam, si domist. (Ter.) Nunc redeo : si forte frater redierit, viso. (Ter.) Mirum ni Me me quasi muraenam exossare cogitat. (Plaut.) Tu nisi mirumst, leno, plane perdidisti mulierem. (Plaut.) Miror, ilia superbia et importunitate si (Tarquinius) queniquam amicum nabere potuit. (Cic.) 749 3- A direct question (or exclamation) is put in the indicative mood (unless it concerns what some one is to do, not what he is or was doing: see 631. 45 674). Ut valet ? ut meminit nostri ? (Hor.) Atticus. "Qui sermo fuit? quid actum est?" Cicero. " Scribam ad te, quum certum sciam.'' 751 In conversational or animated language a question is often put, logically though not grammatically dependent on another verb or sen- tence, e.g. on such expletives as die mini, loquere, cedo, responde, expedi, narra, vide ; rogo, volo scire, fac sciam ; viden, audin, scin ; &c. So frequently in Plautus and Terence, even where later writers would make the question dependent and use the subjunctive. (Com- pare English 'Tell me, where are youV ''Tell me where you are."} Cf. 671, 673. Continued on p. 303 302 Subjunctive. (G) Reported question. \Book IV. Rogitant me ut valeam, quid agam, quid rerum geram. (Plaut.) Vide quam iniquos sis prae studio. (Ter.) Videte, ut hoc iste correxerit. (Cic.) Quid fait causae, cur in Africam Caesarem non sequerere, cum prae- sertim belli pars tanta restaret ? (Cic.) In curiam compelluntur incerti, quatenus Volero exerceret victoriam. (Liv.) Legatos speculari jusserunt, num sollicitati animi sociorum ab reg3 Perseo essent. (Liv.) 752 ' Laeter ' ait ' doleanme geri lacrimabile bellum, in dubio est.' (Ov.; Hoc doce, doleam, necne doleam, nihil interesse. (Cic.) Tantum id interest, veneritne eo itinere ad urbem, an ab urbe in Cam- paniam redierit. (Liv.) Quid quaeris ? Perisse omnia aiebat, quod haud seio an ita sit. (Cic.) 754 () Sentences with forsitaa (tors' sit an), and some with quin, fall strictly under the head of dependent questions. Concede : forsitan aliquis aliquando ejusmodi quippiam fecerit. (Cic.) Quid ? ilia quae forsitan ne sentiamus quidem, quanta sunt ! (Cic.) Quid est causae quin coloniam in Janiculum possint deducere ? (Cic.) Alterum dici non potest, quin ii qui nihil metuant, nihil angantur, ninil concupiscant, beati sint. (Cic.) Neque Caesarem fefellit quin ab iis cohortibus, quae contra equitatum in quarta acie collocatae essent, initium victoriae oriretur. (Caes.) Orgetorix mortuus est : neque abest suspicio, ut Helvetii arbitrantur, quin ipse sibi mortem consciverit. (Caes.) 756 (<:) A question simply repeated in astonishment, &c. by the hearer is similarly put in the subjunctive, if dependent on an interrogative pronoun. Quid ergo narras? AN. Quid ego narrem? opera tua ad restim mini quidem res redit planissume. (Ter.) Enem, Demea, baud aspexeram te : quid agitur ? DE. Quid agatur ? vostram nequeo mirari satis rationem. (Ter. ) Continued on p. 304 Chap. XX '/] Indicative: in direct questions, &c. 303 Die, ubi ea mine est, obsecro ? (Plaut.) Nimis velim, certum qui id faciat mini, ubi Ballio Me leno habitat. (Plaut.) Scire volo, quoi reddidisti ? (Plaut.) Quis ego sum saltern, si non sum Sosia ? te interrogo. (Plaut.) Rogo vos, judices, num si iste disertus est, ideo me damnari oportet ? (Vatin.) Vide, num ejus color pudoris signum usquam indicat ? (Ter.) At enim scin', quid mi in mentem venit ? (Plaut.) Ergo mecastor pulcher est : vide, caesaries quam decet ! (Plaut.) Viden, limulis, obsecro, ut contuentur | (Plaut.) 753 4. Relative definitions are liable to be confused with dependent questions. Scio quid quaeras, '/ know your question." 1 Scio quod quaeris, '/ know the answer to your question? Scio quantum tu scis, 4 / know as much as you? Scio quantum tu scias, ' / know how much you know." 1 Dico quod sentio, ' 1 say what I mean ' 'I mean what I say." 1 Dico quid sentiam, 'J give you my opinion? Utrum placet, roga, 'Put whichever question you like? Utrum placeat, roga, ' Ask 'which is approved? Senes omnia quae curant meminerunt, vadintdnia constituta, qui sibi, cui ipsi debeant. (Cic.) Ausculta paucis, et, quid te ego velim et tu quod quaeris, scies. (Ter.) Quid concupiscas, tu videris : quod concupiveris, certe habebis. (Anton.) 755 5. Forsitan is (c'hiefly in the pacts and later writers) sometimes put with indicative, as if it were the same as fortasse. Forsitan haec aliquis, nam sunt quoque, parva vocabit. (Ov.) Forsitan, infelix, ventos undasque timebas. (Ov.) In some expressions, especially with nescio quis, &c. the fact of the action is asserted in the indicative, a'nd the verb belonging to the de- pendent question is omitted. (Nescio quis = 'some one or other?) Venit eccum Calidorus ; ducit nescioquem secum simul. (Plaut.) Minime assentior iis, qui istam nescio quam indolentiam magno opere laudant, quae nee potest ulla esse, nee debet. (Cic.) Acutae crebraeque sententiae ponentur, et nescio unde ex abdito erutae (Cic.) 757 6. A reply often puts interrogatively or admiratively some of the words of the other speaker. The mood is not changed (unless the case falls under 756), but the person or pronoun is changed if necessary. Frequently autem accompanies the reply. AC. Tuus pater CH. Quid meus pater ? AC. Tuam amicam. CH. Quid earn? AC. Vidit. CH. Vidit ? vae misero mini. (Plaut.) Quaeso edepol te, exsurge : pater advenit. CA. Tuus venit pater ? Jube eum abire rursum. (Plaut.) Continued on p. 305 304 Subjunctive, (H) Because dependent, &c. {Book IV. (H) Subjunctive because dependent on another subjunctive or infinitive. 758 Subordinate sentences are often found with the verb in the subjunc- tive, not because of any special meaning (e. g. a non-real condition, a command, purpose, concession, &c.) which the verb has to express, but because they are stated not as a fact but as part of a thought. The principal sentence which they qualify has its verb in the infinitive or subjunctive. (If the subordinate sentence would in any case have had the subjunctive, even though the principal sentence had the in- dicative or imperative, it is not referred to this head, but to the head suitable to the special meaning.) The subjunctive expresses an action qualifying another supposed, or abstractly conceived, action, i.e. in sentences forming an essential part of an infinitive or subjunctive sentence, and neither expressing an independent declaration of facts, nor simply definitive of existing persons or things or classes. N.B. To this head belongs the substitution of the subjunctive for the indicative, when a speech or thoughts are reported. These sentences are chiefly relative, or introduced by si, cum, dum, or quod. 760 1. Subjunctive, because dependent on infinitive. For the distinctive use of tenses, see 636. Jam mini videor navasse operam, quod hue venerim. (Cic.) But navavi operam, quod hue veni. Sapiens non dubitat, si ita melius sit, migrare de vita. (Cic.) But si ita melius est, migro de vita. Hoc video, dum breviter voluerim dicere, dictum esse a me paullo obscurius. (Cic.) Hoc dum breviter volui dicere, dictum est, &c. Negant intueri lucem esse fas ei, qui a se hominem occisum esse fateatur. (Cic.) From lucem non debet ille intueri, qui... fatetur. Non enim is sum, qui, quicquid videtur, tale dicam esse, quale videatur. (Cic.) Tale est, quale videtur. Romulus, ut natus sit, cum Remo fratre dicitur ab Amulio exponi jussus esse. (Cic.) From Romulus, ut natus est, expositus est. 2. Subjunctive, because dependent on subjunctive (usually on one which expresses an hypothesis, condition, purpose, result, or re- ported speech). Si luce quoque canes latrent, quum deos salutatum aliqui venerint, crura, opinor, eis suffringantur, quod acres sint etiam turn, quum suspitio nulla sit. (Cic.) From his canibus crura suffringuntur, quod acres sunt, quum suspitio nulla est. Continued on p. 306 Chap. XX 7.] Indicative : although dependent \ &c. 305 Indicative although dependent on a subjunctive or infinitive. 759 The use of the subjunctive mood in sentences subordinate to a prin- cipal clause which has the subjunctive or infinitive is carefully re- stricted, so as not to throw an air of unreality about what is intended to be stated as fact. There are indeed many sentences in which it matters not whether the subordinate clause retain the indicative, and thus state a thing as it appears to all, or whether the subjunctive be used so as to state the same fact as part of the thought of the speaker or some one else. But there are other sentences where what is a fact is to be stated as such, and then the indicative must be used. Especially frequent in this way is the indicative with ut, * as,' and dum when simply meaning * while? Obviously in these cases a subjunctive might suggest a wrong meaning, e. g. a purpose or consequence or proviso. The indicative is regularly found where the sentence, grammatically dependent on a subjunctive or infinitive sentence, contains an inde- pendent declaration of fact, and frequently in other sentences, which express simple definitions or qualifications. 76i i. Indicative, although dependent on infinitive. Apud Hypanim fluvium, qui ab Europae parte in Pontum influit, Aris- toteles ait bestiolas quasdam iiasci, quae unum diem vivant. (Cic.) Eloquendi vis efficit, ut et ea, quae ignoramus, discere, et ea, quae scimus, alios docere possinms. (Cic.) Putasne posse facere, ut, quae Verres nefarie fecerit, ea aeque acerba et indigna videantur esse his, qui audient, atque illis visa sunt, qui senserunt ? (Cic.) Ita mini salvam rempublicam sistere liceat, ut moriens feram mecum spem, mansura in vestigio suo fundamenta reipublicae quae jecero. (Aug.) Vos quoque aequum est, quae vestra munia sunt, quo quisque loco positus erit, quod imperabitur, impigre praestare. (Liv.) 2. Indicative, although dependent on subjunctive. Mors si timeretur, non L. Brutus arcens eum reditu tyrannum, quern ipse expulerat, in proelio concidfsset. (Cic.) Si haec contra ac dico essent omnia, tamen, &c. (Cic.) Ego omnibus, unde petitur, hoc consilii dederim. (Cic.) IUud quidem statim curatur, ut quicquid caelati argent! fuit in illius bonis, ad istum deferatur. (Cic.) I.e. the result of the orders was that all the plate was taken to Verres' house. The subj. would have implied that this was the order. Continued on p. 307 L. G. 20 306 Subjunctive. (H) Because dependent. [Book IV. In Hortensio memoria fuit tanta, quantam in nullo cognovisse me arbi- tror, ut, quae secum commentatus esset, ea sine scripto verbis eisdem redderet, quibus cogitavisset. (Gic.) From quae secum commentatus erat ea,..reddebat, quibus cogitaverat. Sic eaim mini perspicere videor, ita natos esse nos, ut inter omnes esset Bocietas quaedam, major autem, ut quisque proximo acce- deret. (Cic.) From inter omnes est societas...ut accedit. Erant multi, qui quamquam non ita se rem habere arbitrarentur, tamen libenter id, quod dixl, de illis oratoribus praedicarent. (Gic.) From multi quamquam... arbitraretur tamen... praedicabant. Facburusne operae pretium aim, si a primordio urbis res populi Ro- mani perscripserim nee satis scio, nee, si sciain, clicere ausim. (Liv.) From faciam operae pretium si...perscripsero. Chap. XXI.] Indicative: although dependent, &c. 307 Orator surripiat oportet imitationem, ut is, qui audiet, cogitet plura quam videat. (Gic.) 1 Ne nihil remissum dicatis, remitto,' inquit Papirius, ' ne utique dor- sum demulceatis, quum ex equis descendetis.' (Liv.) Descendatis might have meant ' since you are dismounting,' 1 Quotus enim quisque pliilosophorum invenitur. qui sit ita moratus, ut ratio postulat ? (Cic.) Servus est nemo, qui non, quantum audet et quantum potest, conferat ad salutem yoluntatis. (Cic.) CHAPTER XXII. OF REPORTED SPEECH. 762 THE use of the infinitive and subjunctive in reports of speeches and thoughts deserves collective notice. When a statement is directly made, a question directly put, or a supposition directly expressed, the language is said to be direct (oratio recta). So also in a report which preserves the independent form in which the speech, &c. was delivered; as, ' Caesar said: I am about to march,' &c. When a statement, question, or supposition is reported in a form which makes it dependent in construction on some such words as said, the language is said to be oblique or indirect (oratio obliqua) ; thus, ' Caesar said that he was about to march.' 763 (A) The moods used in the oratio obliqua are the infinitive and subjunctive, never (unless by an irregularity) the indicative. i. All statements in principal sentences in the indicative mood in the oratio recta become infinitives in the oratio obliqua ( 535). Those relative sentences in which qui - et is or nam is, quum = et turn, &c. (being not really subordinate sentences) are properly and usually put in the infinitive ( 775 777). 764\ 2< Questions in the indicative mood in oratio recta, are, if closely \iependent on a verb of asking, put in the subjunctive, being in fact ordinary indirect questions ( 750) ; but, if they are part of the continuous report of a speech, they are put in the infinitive, if of the first or third person ; in the subjunctive, if of the second person. 3 o3 Of Reported Speech. {Book IV. e.g. Quid facio ? becomes quid (se) facere ? Quid facis ? becomes quid (ille) faceret ? Quid facit ? becomes quid (ilium) facere ? (But rogavit, quid (ipse, ille, &c.) faceret for all alike.) 765 3. All subordinate sentences ( 738, 758), as also all sentences in the subjunctive and imperative moods in oratio recta, are put in the subjunctive (comp. 672), with few exceptions, viz. : (a) The imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive in the apodosis to a conditional sentence, are (in oratio obliqua) expressed in the active voice by the future participle with fuisse : in the passive, by the peri- phrasis futurum fuisse ut ( 771). The future participle with esse is used also for the present (and sometimes for the imperfect) active ; and fore or futurum ease ut for the present (and sometimes for the im- perfect) passive. () Occasionally short relative clauses are attracted into the infin- itive: (compare 701). Scribebant, ut feras quasdam nulla mitescere arte, sic immitem et im- placabilem ejus viri animum esse. (Liv.) Admonemus cives nos eorum esse et, si noii easdem opes habere, eandem tamen patriam incolere. (Liv.) Afflrmavl quidvis me potius perpessurum, quam ex Italia ad bellum civile eziturum. (Cic.) (c) Sentences with dum sometimes (in poets, &c.) retain the indi- cative (cf. 759). Die hospes Spartae nos te liic vidisse jacentes dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur. (Cic.) 766 (B) i. The tenses of the infinitive are present, or perfect, or future according as the time would have been present, past, or future in the oratio recta. i. The tenses of the subjunctive are usually secondary, viz. im- perfect and pluperfect, especially in commands or questions ; but the present and perfect are sometimes used, especially if the verb on which the whole oratio obliqua depends be in the present. 767 (C) In ordinary historical accounts no other person than the third can in general be used. Thus i. Instead of pronouns of the ist or and persons, the pronouns se, suus, ipse, is, ille, in the requisite cases are used. The pronouns hie, this near me, and iste, that near you, are rarely found in oratio obliqua. (Nos and noster are sometimes used by Caesar of the Roman people or Roman army generally.) a. All finite verbs are put in the third person. Chap. XX II.} Of Reported Speech. 309 768 The following tabular statement of the above may be useful : (A) Mood: Principal sentences. Oratio Recta. f Indicative Statements Questions Subjunctive (hypothesis) Indicative Subjunctive Commands or Imperative { Prohibitions Subjunctive | Subordinate sentences. Indicative \ Subjunctive) ist / ^d pers. and pers. (B) Tense, Present I Future ) Completed Future ) Perfect f Imperfect Present Future | Completed Future f Perfect ] Imperfect r Pluperfect ) (C) Person. ego, meus, nos, noster, tu. tuus, vos, vester, iste, is, ille. hie, nunc, often by Oratio Obliqua. Infinitive. In active, future part, with fuisse, or some- times (for present or imperfect) esse. In passive futurum fuisse, ut, &c., or sometimes (for pre- sent or imperfect) fore or futurum esse, ut, &c. Infinitive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive. Imperfect, sometimes Present Pluperfect, sometimes Perfect Imperfect Pluperfect Future participle with fuerim Injiniti've. Present Fut. part, with esse Perfect Ise, ipse, suus, (usually) of the subject of the sentence: is, ille, of what is not the subject. ille, turn, tune 3 io Of Reported Speech. [Book IV. 769 The above rules will be best illustrated by the following extracts : O RATIO OBLIQUA. (Is ita cum Caesare egit): Si pacem populus Romanus cum Hel- vetiis f&ceret, in earn partem ituros atque \\tifuturos Helvetios, ubieos Caesar constitu/jj^ atque esse vo- lume/ : sin bello persequi perse- vere/-^, Teminiszeretur et veteris incommodi populi Roman! et pris tinae virtutis Helvetic-rum. Quod improvise unum pagum adortus esset, cum ii qui flumen transij- sent suis auxilium ferre non pos- jent, ne ob earn rem aut 3uae mag- nopere virtuti tiibueret aut ipsos despic^rc-/: se ita a patribus major- ibusque suis didic/jj^, ut magis virtute, quam dolo conten&erent aut insidiis nitercntur. Quare ne commltteret ut is locus ubi consti- tissent ex calamitate populi Ro- mani et internecione exercitus no- men c&peret aut memoriam pro- deret. O RATIO RECTA. SI pa- cem populus Romanus cum Hel- vetiis fac/V^, in earn partem ibunt atque ibi erunt Helvetii, ubi tu eos constitu^m atque esse volueris ; sin bello persequi persevered, reminisc/Vor et veteris incom- modi populi Romani et pristinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod im- proviso unum pagum adortus es, cum ii qui flumen transi- erant suis auxilium ferre non pot- erant, ne ob earn rem aut iuae magnopere virtuti triburw/; qui si alicujus injuriae sibi con- scius fuisset, non fu/V difficile ca- vere : sed eo deceptu-r e st, quod neque commissum a se intellig^Z^ quare timeret, neque sine causa timendum putabat. Quod si V3- teris contumeliae oblivisci vo/o, num etiam recentium injuriarum, quod me invito iter per provin- vinciam per vim temptas//'j, quod Haeduos, quod Ambarros, quod Al- lobrogas vexasf/j, memoriam depo- nere possutn ? Quod vestra vic- toria tarn insolenter gloriaw/'w/', quodque tarn diu vos impune in- jurias tulisse 1 admir#w/Vz/, eodem (His Caesar ita respondit :) Eo sibi minus dubitationis dar/, quod eas res, quas legati Helvetii com- memorajjf/ memoria tenere/, at- que eo gravius fer/r quo minus merito populi Rom. acci&ssent : qui si alicujus injuriae sibi con- scius fuisset, non fuisse difficile cavere ; sed eo deceptuw, quod neque commissum a se intelligcr The subject is put first, the predicate last, and the object and other qualifications of the predicate interposed, in order that the precise extent and purport of the predicate may be known, before the hearer or reader can suppose the sense to be complete. Cur ego tuas partes suscipio ? Cur M. Tullius P. African! monumenta requirit, P. Scipio eum, qui ilia sustulit, defendit ? (Cic.) In poetry the order depends greatly on the requirements of the metre : Ponitur ad patrios barbara praeda deos. (Ov.) 782 2> Qualificatory expressions (except attributes) are for a similar reason placed immediately before the word they qualify. Consequently, (a) The preposition precedes its substantive, either immediately, or with qualificatory expressions only interposed. Consul de bello ad populum tulit. (Liv.) Sine ullo metu et summa cum honestate vivenms. (Cic. ) Haec officia pertinent ad earum rerum, quibus utuntur homines, facul- tatem, ad opes, ad copias. (Cic.) 723 Some prepositions, chiefly disyllabic, occasionally stand after a relative pronoun without a substantive. Cum is always suffixed to personal and usually to relative pronouns. Quinque cohortes fnunentatum in proximas segetes mittit, quas inter et castra unus omnino collis intererat. (Caes.) Homo disertus non intellegit eum, quern contra dicit, laudari a se, eos, apud quos dicit, vituperari. (Cic.) In poetry the order is often modified. Solus avem caelo dejecit ab alto. (Verg.) Foederaregum vel.Oabiis vel cum rigidis aequata Sabinis. (Hor.) 734 (b] Adverbs and oblique cases precede the verb or adjective to which they belong. Bellum civile opinione plerumque et fama gubernatur. (Cic.) Multi autem, Gnathonum simUes, sunt loco, fortuna, fama superiores. (Cic.) (c] Negatives precede the word they qualify. Nec animo nee benevolentiae nee patientiae cujusquam pro vobis cedam. (Plancus.) Ninil ne ab iis quidem tribunis ad Velitras memorabile factum. (Liv.) 785 3. Attributes, whether adjectives, substantives in apposition, or oh- lique cases, usually follow their substantive, but the reverse order is frequent, and with demonstrative pronouns, and adjectives of number and quantity, is the rule. Principle male reprehendunt praemeditationem rerum futurarum. (Cic.) Balbus quaestor, magna numerata pecunia, magno pondere auri, majore argenti coacto de publicis exactionibus, Kal. Juniis traiecit se in regnum Bogudis, plane bene peculiatus. (Asin. Pollio.) 314 Order of Words and Sentences. \Book IV. Bellienus verna Demetrii Domitium quendam, nobilem illic, Caesaris hospitem, a contraria factione nummis acceptis compreliendit et strangulavit. (Gael.) Adjectives and (not so frequently) a genitive case are sometimes put before, instead of between or after, a preposition and its substantive : e.g. Magna ex parte, tribus de rebus, ea de causa; deorum in mente. 735 In many expressions the order of the words is fixed by custom : e.g. Populus Romanus, civis Romanus, res familiaris, res gestae, aes alienum, jus civile, senatus consultum, magister equitum, tribunus plebi, pontifex maximus, Bona Dea, Carthago nova, &c. 787 4. When a substantive is qualified by both an adjective and a genitive, or by both a genitive and a prepositional expression, the adjective in the first case, the genitive in the second case, is usually put first, and the other attribute interposed between that and the substantive, e. g. Amicitia nullam aetatis degendae rationem patitur esse expertem sui. (Cic.) Cujus rationis vim ex illo caelesti Epicuri de regula et judicio volumine accepimus. (Cic.) 788 5- Relative pronouns regularly stand at the commencement of their clause, never after their verb. Hie est, quern quaerimus. Quae cum ita sint, hoc loquor. But sometimes an emphatic word (or words) is prefixed to the relative, especially when the demonstrative sentence is put after the relative sentence. Romam quae apportata sunt, ad aedem Honoris et Virtutis videmus. 789 6. Connective adverbs and interrogative pronouns usually (except for emphasis' sake) stand at the head of their clause or only after words (e.g. relative or demonstrative pronouns) referring to the preceding sentence; never after their verb. Quae cujusmodi sint, facilius jam inteUigemus, cum ad ipsa ridiculorum genera veniemus. (Cic.) Haec tu, Eruci, tot et tanta si nactus esses in reo, quam diu diceres ? (Cic.) But in poetry we have, e.g. : Tu numina ponti victa domas ipsumque, regit qui numina ponti. (Ov.) 790 7' Words belonging to two or more co-ordinate words or expressions should strictly be put either before them all or after them all. But it is very usual, partly for rhythm's sake, for the common word to be put after the first of the co-ordinated words. Jam viris vires, jam ferro sua vis, jam consilia ducibus deerant. (Liv.) An tu existimas, cum esset Hippocrates ille Cous, fuisse turn alios medi- cos, qui morbis, alios qui volneribus, alios qui oculis mederentur. (Cic.) Una est enim eloquentia, nam sive de caeli natura loquitur, sive de terra, sive de divina vi sive de humana, sive ex inferiore loco sive ex aequo sive ex superiore, sive ut impellat homines, sive ut doceat, sive ut deterreat, rivis est diducta oratio, non fontibus. (Cic.) But in poetry irregularities occur : e.g. Pacis eras mediusque belli. (Hor.) Chap. XX III.} Order of Words and Sentences. 315 791 (B) Emphasis suggests the following rules : I. Any word which is to be made prominent is placed at or near the beginning of the sentence, or sometimes, if not the primary predicate, at the end (as an unusual position). A mails mors abducit, non a bonis. (Cic.) Dedi veniam homini impudenter petenti. (Cic.) Sequemur igitur hoc tempore et in liac quaestione potissimum Stoicos. (Cic.) 2. An unemphatic word is sometimes- inserted between words con- nected with one another, partly to throw the words before it into greater relief, partly to prevent itself occupying a more important position in the sentence. So especially est, sunt, &c. Quadridui sermonem superioribus ad te perscriptum libris misimus. (Cic.) Qui in fortunae periculis sunt at; varietate versati. (Cic.) Primum Marcelli ad Nolam praelio populus se Romanus erexit. (Cic.) 3. Contrasted words are put next to one another. Ego Q. Fabium, senem adulescens, ita dUexi ut aequalem. (Cic.) Quid quod tu te ipse in custodiam dedisti? (Cic.) 4. Contrasted pairs of words are often put with the words in one pair in a reverse order to that of the other pair, (two of the contrasted words still often being together as by last rule). This figure is called chiasmus (i. e. crossing}. Ratio enim nostra consentit ; pugnat oratio. (Cic.) Cum spe vincendi simul abjecisti certandi etiam cupiditatem. (Cic.) Clariorem inter Romanos deditio Postumium, quam Pentium incruenta victoria inter Samnites fecit. (Liv.) Cedere alius, alius obtruncari. (Sail.) 5. Where cumulative effect or a sense of similarity rather than con- trast is desired, the same order of words is preserved in the component clauses. This figure is called anaphora (i.e. repetition}. His similes sunt omnes qui virtuti student: levantur vitiis, levantur erroribus. (Cic.) Ut non nequiquam tantae virtutis homines judicari deberet ausos esse transire latissimum flumen, ascendere altissimas rupes, subire ini- quissimum locum. (Caes. ) 722 (C) Rhythm admits, of no definite rules being given, but suggests i. That short words or expressions occupying a distinct position as subject, predicate, &c. be put first. Erant ei veteres inimicitiae cum duobus Rosciis Amerinis. (Cic.) Terrebat et proximus annus lugubris duorum consulum funeribus. (Liv. ) Movet ferocem animum juvenis seu ira seu detrectandi certaminis pudor seu inexsuperabilis vis fati. (Liv.) i. That there be variety in the arrangements of neighbouring sen- tences as regards prosody and syntax. (Thus B. 4, and B. 5, are often found together.) 3i 6 Order of Words and Sentences. [Book IV. Vide quid intersit inter tuam libidinem majorumque auctoritatem, inter amorem furoremque tuum et illorum consilium atque prudentiam. (Cic.) Adde hue fontium gelidas perennitates, liquores perlucidos amnium, riparum vestitus viridissimos, speluncarum concavas amplitudines, saxorum asperitates, impendentium montium altitudines immensi- tatesque camporum : adde etiam reconditas auri argentique venas inflnitamque vim mannoris. (Cic.) 7S3 (D) The position of the following adverbs may be specially noticed: (a] Nam always, namque almost always, at the beginning ; enim after one or (rarely) two words. (b] Itaque almost always at beginning; igitur usually (except in Sallust) after one or two words. (c] Etiam immediately precedes the word it qualifies; qu6que, quidem, demum, immediately succeed such a word. (d] Tamen first except for emphasis ; autem, vero, after one (or two closely connected) words. ( 'such is the temple in which he sits.' 826 Juxta, close to, as adverb, and with dative (rare) or accusative. (#) Accedere juxta, approach near ; juxta murum castra ponere, pitch the camp close to the wall ; juxta divinas religiones fides humana colitur, next to divine obligations good faith among men is cultivated. () Alike : ceteri juxta insontes, the others just as innocent ; res parva ac juxta magnis difficilis, a small matter, as difficult as great ones. 827 Ob : only with accusative case. (a) Before, so as to obstruct : mors ob oculos versatur, death is be- fore my eyes ; olmam venire, to come to meet. But ob iter, on the way. Inter, intra, intus, juxta, ob, palam, penes, per. 325 () For, on account of: ob asinoa argentum ferre, to bring money in payment of the asses; ob decem minas pignori opponere, to pledge for 10 minae ; pretium ob stultitiam ferre, to carry off' a reward for folly ; frustra an ob rera, in vain or for real advantage ? quam ob rem, on which account; ob timorem, on the ground of fear ; ob salutem accipere, take for safety's sake. 828 In composition obs, ob is generally assimilated to p, f, c, g ; often written (as pronounced) op before s and t ; the b of obs is omitted in ostendere. (a) Over, against, before, as obstruction: e.g. occludsre, shut against a person; officere, get in the way; obloqui, to speak against ; obrepere, to steal upon ; obsignare, seal up. (b) Towards, with the idea of favour: obsequi, follow compliantly; Oboedire, hearken to. (c) Down : occidere, (of the sun) set ; opprimere, squeeze; obtrun- care, cut down. 829 Palam as adverb and rarely with ablative : (a) openly : haec in foro palam gesta sunt, this was done publicly in the forum ; palam est res, the thing is known ; pisces audire palam est, it is notorious that fah can hear. (b) * in presence of y with ablative : rem creditor! palam populo solvit, he pays the amount to the creditor in the presence of the people. 830 Pfines, with, i.e. in the possession of, only with accusative, and almost always with the name of a person: Penes quoe sunt auspicia more majorum? nempe penes patres, In (whose hands are auspices according to the custom of our ancestors? why with the Fathers of course. 831 Per, through, only with accusative (except in loose compounds, e.g. per quam, per mini mirum est). () Through, of space, &c. : coronam per forum fert, he carries the crown through the forum ; praesidia per oppida disponere, to place garri- sons throughout the towns ; per manus tradere, to pass from hand to hand; per triennium, for a whole three years. In comic poets per tern- pus advenire, to come at the right time. (b) Through, by the aid of: eos aut per se aut per alios sollicitat, he tries to win them either by himself or by the aid of others ; per me stetit quominus hoc fieret, / was the cause of its not being done; per vim, by force; per ego te deos oro (cf. 798), I implore you by the gods. (c) Without hindrance from: trahantur per me pedibus omnes, they may all be dragged off by the feet for what I care ; si per commodum reipublicae possit, if it can be done without hurt to the commonweal. 832 In composition : (a) Through, all over : perfringere, to break through ; perscribere, to ivrite in full ; persalutare, to greet all in succession. ($) Intensive: percutere, ts strike, shock; perdiscere, to learn thoroughly; permanere, to last out; perpurgare, to cleanse thoroughly; pervenire, to reach. 326 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, i. Prepositions. (r) In a bad sense: perdfire, to destroy; perire, to be destroyed; perfugere, to desert ; pervertere, to overturn. 833 Pone, behind, (for pos-ne ; cf. post) both as adverb and with accusative. Pone subit conjux, his -wife comes behind; pone castra pabulatum ibant, they ^vent behind the camp to collect fodder. 834 Por-, old form of pro (comp. porro, irpbo-u, ir6ppw) only in composition, e.g. porric6re (por jacgre), offer in sacrifice; portendere, (hold forth] portend ; possldere, occupy.'' 835 Post, behind, after, both as adverb and with accusative : (a) In space: servi post erant, slaves 'were behind ; se post cratera tegebat, he concealed himself behind a mixing bowl. (b) In time: multis post annis, many years after ; maximus post hominum meinoriam, the greatest (since \. e.) in tnens records ; ex post facto, from subsequent events. So posthac, postea, postilla ( 212), afterwards. (r) Metaphorically: post esse, to be thought less of; post ferre, habere, putare, put second, hold, think less of. So in argument, quid postea, what then? w hat follows from that ? 835 Prae, in front, before, both as adverb and with ablative: (a) Before: e.g. i prae, go before; prae se ferre, to display; prae nianu habere, to have at hand. (b) In comparison with ; prae nobis beatus, happy compared with us ; adverbially in Plaut. praeut, praequam, compared with how. (c) For, in consequence of, usually of hindrances : e. g. nee loqui prae moerore potuit, he could not speak for grief . 837 In composition (a) B?fore, in front, at the end: praecedere, go before; praescribere, (write at the top ; praetexere, edge ; praestare, vouch for, make good. (b) Of time: e.g. praecipere, seize beforehand, admonish; praeire, go over first, as a pattern ; praevenire, outstrip. (c) Before others, greatly: praecellere, be distinguished ; praegesbire exult. 838 Praeter as adverb and with an accusative : (a) Past: praeter castra copias produxit, led forth his troops past the camp. (b) Beyond: praeter modum crescere, grow beyond bounds; unus praeter ceteros, one far beyond others. (V) Except : nihil praeter pellis habent, have nothing except skins ; praeterea, besides ; praeterquam, except, except that. Often with verbs in loose composition, e.g. praeter-ire, -ducere, &c. 839 Pro, before, in front, with ablative only (except in prout, proinde). (#) Before: pro castris, in front of the camp; pro tectis aediflcio- rum, on the front of the roof. Pone, post, prae, praeter, pro, procul, prope, propter. 527 () In behalf of: contra legem proque lege dicere, speak against and in defence of the law ; pro collegio pronuntlant, they declare on behalf of the board; pro imperio jubet, commands in virtue of his authority, i.e. officially and authoritatively. (r) Instead of: pro console, acting in place of the consul ; pro dam- nato erat, he was as good as condemned; pro explorato habere, regard as certain. (d) In return for : pro vectura solvere, pay as passage-money. (>) According to : atrocius quam pro numero, more fiercely than 'would be expected from the number ; vires pro corpore, corpus grande, strength in proportion to his body and a big body ; pro virili parte de- fendere, to take a man's share in the defence ; pro eo quanti te facio, in accordance with my appreciation of you. 840 In composition prod before vowels ; pr5 usually long, except before f. (c. ; tam prope ab exule fuit quam postea a principe, be was as near being an exile as he was after- wards being emperor. 843 Propter (for propi-ter) ; both as adverb and with accusative. (a) Near : voluptates propter intuens, taking a near view of plea- sures ; propter aquae rivum, near a stream of water. (b) On account of: non tam propter me quam propter pueros, not so much on my account as on that of the boys. So quapropter, wherefore ; propterea, therefore ; propterea quod, be- cause. 844 Red-, re- in composition only: red- before vowels and h, re- before consonants: (but sometimes the d was assimilated, or fell off, the vowel being lengthened to compensate. Thus reddo, reccido or recido, r- jectus; reliquiae, rellcuus (rellqvus in post-Augustan poets), rellgio. So the perfects reppgri, reppuli, rettuli, rettudi, partly due to the redupli- cation, cf. 318). 328 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, i. Prepositions. (a) Back: e.g. recedere, go back; religare, bind back, tie up; retinere, hold back. (b) In response : redarguere, refute ; reddere, give in return ; reso- nare, resound. (c) Against, counter: reclamare, cry out against ; repugnare, resist. (d) Behind: relinquere, leave behind; restare, remain, be left. (i) Again, esp. of restoration: reconciliare, reunite- reflcere, renew; reminisci, recall to mind; resurgere, rise again. (/") Un-; recantare, recant; recingere, ungird; resignare, unseal, cancel. 845 Eetro, behind, only used as adverb : Quod retro est, what is behind (in space), past (in time); retroponere, to put in the background ; retroagere, turn back, reverse. 846 Sed, se in old language with ablative; se fraude esto (xn. Tabb.), it shall not be a crime. In composition: secedere, go apart; sejungere, disjoin; sed-itio, a secession, or sedition. 847 secundum, following, properly the neuter of the gerundive of sequor : used chiefly with an accusative. (a) Behind: volnus accepit secundum aurem, he received a wound behind the ear. () Along : secundum flumen, along the river. (c) After : castra secundum praelium capta, the camp was taken after the battle ; ille mihi secundum te est, he is in my estimation next to you. (d) In accordance with: secundum naturam vivere, to live in obedience to nature; multa secundum causam nostram disputare, to argue at length in favour of our case. 848 SImul, together, as adverb, in post- Augustan also with ablative. Totos dies simul eramus, We were together whole days : often with cum, e. g. nobiscum simul, together with ^ts. Pollio Mamerco simul postulatur, Pollio is put on his trial with Mamercus. In Plautus simltu is used adverbially as simul. 8i9 Sing, used only with ablative. Without, i. e. not having: homo sine re, sine fide, sine spe, sine sede, sine fortunis (Gic.), a man without property, (without honour, without hope, without home, without chances ; sine multorum pernicie, without exposing many to ruin. 50 Sub, subter, used with accusative and ablative ; subter also rarely as adverb. (a) Beneath : quae supra et subter sunt, things above and beneath. (accus.) Sub divum rapiam, / will bring them to the light of day ; aedis suas detulit sub Veliam, moved his house to the foot of the Velia. (abl.) Vitam sub divo agere, to pass life in the open air ; sub monte consedit, settled at the foot of the mountain. Red-, retro, se, secundum, siraul, sine, sub, super. 329 () Of time (ace.), close upon, i. e. (usually) just after : sub galli cantum, y'j/ after cockcrow ; sometimes just before or up to: sub ipsum funus, just before death. (abl.) At : sub luce, at daybreak. (c) Metaphorically: under (accus.): sub oculos venit, it comes under one's eye. (abl.) sub judice Us est, the matter is before the judge ; sub specie pacis, under the appearance of peace. 851 In composition : b is often assimilated to labials, f, r and gutturals; sus (for subs) before t and sometimes c and p ; su before s usually. (a) Under : succumbere, lie under ; subducere, draw from under ; subscribere, write under. (b) In substitution : subdSre, substitute, forge ; subnasci, grow into place. (c) Up, from under up : succrescere, grow up ; summittere, send up, rear ; suspendere, hang up, (d) Secretly: subauscultare, overhear; subornare, equip secretly; subripere, snatch away. (e) Slightly : subaccusare, blame somewhat ; sublucere, faintly gleam; subirasci, be a bit angry ; subnegare, half deny. 852 Super, as adverb, and with accusative and ablative. (a) In space, over, upon : imponendum medicamentum, a dressing should be put upon it. So desuper, from above. (accus.) Super lateres coria inducuntur, hides are put upon the bricks. (abl.) Super impia cervice pendet ensis, a sword hangs over his impious neck. () Above, beyond: (accus.) Nomentanus erat super ipsum Forcing infra, Nomentanus sat above him, Porcius below; super omnia Romanum noraen. the name of Roman beyond everything. (c) In time (rare), over, during, at : (accus.) super cenam loqui, to talk over supper. (abl.) rixa super mero debellata, a quarrel fought out over the ivine. (/) Over, besides: satis superque est, it is enough and to spare; quid super sanguinis est? what blood have we left'/ So insuper, in addition. (e) Upon, concerning: (abl.) sed hac super re nimis, too much on this matter; multa super Priamo rogitans, putting repeated questions about Priam. In composition : over : supergredi, step over ; supersternere, lay over ; supersedere, sit upon, be above, forbear. 853 Supra, rarely supera : as adverb and with accusative. (a) On the top, above: toto vertice supra est, be is a whole head above them; versus supra tribunal et supra praetoris caput scribe- bantur, verses were perpetually written above the bench and above the praetor s head, 330 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, r. Prepositions. (b) Above, before : ut supra dixi, as I said above; paulo supra hanc memoriam, a little before our time. (c) Above, more: trecentis aut etiam supra millibus emptum, bought for 300000 sesterces or more ; supra Coclites Muciosque id f acinus est, the deed surpasses the Coclites and Mucii ; supra gratiam, above the reach of influence. 854 T8nus, as far as, with genitive or ablative: always put after the word dependent on it. (gen.) Rumores Cumarum tenus caluerunt, rumours were rife as far as Cumae; crurum tenus a mento palearia pendent, the dewlaps hang from the chin as far as the legs. (abl.) Later! capulo tenus abdidit ensem, phmged the sword into his side up to the hilt : verbo tenus acute disserere, discuss cleverly as far as theory goes. Hence hactenus, thus far ; protenus or protlnus, right on, forthivith. 855 Trans, across, with accusative only: xnultitudinem trans Rhenum traduxit, be led the mass across the Rhine ; trans flumen est, be is across the river. In composition: often becomes tra before J, d, 1, m, n. (a) Across : transire, go across ; traicere, throw across. (b) Of a change: tradere, hand over, hand down to posterity ; transfundere, decant, transfer. (r) Through to the end: transigere, complete, settle a suit. 856 Versus, versum (versus, vorsum), towards, used both with (a) a preposition, () a locative adverb, and (f) accusative which however is usually an ordinary accusative of the place towards which. (a) Modo ad urbem, modo in Galliam versus, castra movet, moves his camp now towards the city, now into Gaul. () Nescio neque unde earn neque quorsum (quo vorsum) earn, / know not (whence nor whitherwards I am going. So horsum, hitherwards ; sinistrorsus, to the left sursum, upwards, &c. (r) Cursum Massiliam versus perflcit (Cic.), completes his run (of ships) to Marseilles quern locum Aegyptum versus finem imperil habuere (Sail.), this place was the limit of their power in the direction of. Egypt. 857 Ultra, beyond as adverb and with accusative: (uls is only in old language). (a) In space : paulo ultra eum locum, a little beyond that place. () In time : usque ad Accium et ultra, as late as Accius and later; non ultra vos difleram, / will not put you off any longer. (ace.) Nee ultra pueriles annos retinebitur, it wilt not be kept be- yond the years of childhood. (c) In quantity, degree, Q^c.: ultra nobis quam oportebat indul- eimus, we indulged ourselves more than we ought. Supra, tenus, trans, versus, ultra, ultro, usque. 331 (ace.) Ultra legem tenders opus, extend one's work beyond the statute. ultro citroque, there and back, backwards and forwards (see citro) ; ultro, further, unasked, unprovoked. Often in English, actually, even: ultro pollicetur, offers spontaneous ly, actually offers. 858 Usque, all the way, continuously : used as adverb, and with preposi- tions, and with accusative which usually comes under place to which. (a) In space: perreptavi usque omne oppidum, / have crawled through the whole town ; usque Romam voces referuntur, the voices are borne all the way to Rome. (b) In time and order, &c.: onmes usque ab Romulo (usque ad Romulum), all continuously starting 'with Romulus {ending with Romulus') ; usque eo (adeo) dum, so long until', poenas dedit usque superque quam satis est, bs was punished quite as much as or more than was sufficient. II. (^Co-ordinating) conjunctions. (Mainly from Madvig.) 839 Co-ordinate sentences, regularly expressed, either have a conjunc- tion with every member, or with all but the first. In the former case the writer shews that he has foreseen, and determines to mark, the dis- tribution of his sentence into two or more co-ordinate clauses or parts ; in the latter case the first clause expresses the original idea, the others are in the nature of afterthoughts. i. Copulative Conjunctions. Copulative conjunctions are those which connect both the sentences and their meaning : et ; -que, appended to (usually) the first word of a clause; atque (before consonants or vowels), ac (before consonants only). 860 i. et simply connects, whether words or sentences: que marks the second member as an appendage or supplement to the first : and is often used in joining two words, which together make up one conception : ac, or atque, lays a greater stress on the appended second member : e.g. omnia honesta et inhonesta, all things becoming and unbecoming; omnia honesta inhonestaque, all becoming things, and the unbecoming too ; omnia honesta atque inhonesta, all becoming things and no less the un- becoming also. These distinctions are not always clearly marked, and the selection is sometimes made rather to give variety to the sentence and to avoid the confusion of principal with subordinate divisions. Est tamen quaedam philosophi discriptio, ut is, qui studeat omnium rerum divinarum atque humanarum vim naturam causasque nosse, et omnem foene Vivendi rationem tenere et persequi, nomine hoc appelletur. (Cic.) 332 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, n. Conjunctions. Molliebantur irae, et ipsa deformitas Pleminii memoriaque absent is Scipionis favorem ad vulgum conciliabat. (Liv.) Senatus populusque Romanus. Jus potestatemque habere. 861 i- et, ac are sometimes found emphatically in commencing a reply, e.g. Curae est mini. Mic. Et mihi curae est. (Ter.) E caelo? Sy. Atque e medio quidem. (Plant.) See also 667 b. et is also used for a/so, chiefly in such expressions as, et ille et ipse, et nunc, &c. e.g. Sunt et mea contra fata mini. (Verg.) For ac in comparison see 660, 66 1. 862 3. An affirmative sentence, following a negative sentence and ex- pressing the same general meaning, is joined to it by et, ac, -que, not, as in English, by an adversative conjunction. Nostrorum militum impetum hostes ferre non potuerunt, ac terga verterunt. (Caes.) 853 4- When the distribution of a sentence or expression is foreseen and marked, the conjunctions are used as follows : et...et connect either words or sentences. This is the regular mode. que...et connect words only; (not in Cicero). que... que in prose are rare ; but are used with a double relative. et...que only as a loose connexion of two sentences. Et mittentibus et missis ea laeta expeditio fait. (Liv.) Omnes legatique et tribuni. (Liv.) Omnes, quique Romae quique in exercitu erant. (Liv.) 864 5. () In stating three or more perfectly co-ordinate words, Either no conjunction is put, e.g. summa fide, constantia, justitia; or (Z>) each is connected with the preceding, e. g. summa fide (or et fide) et constantia et justitia ; or (r) the conjunction is omitted between the first members, and que (sometimes et or atque) is annexed to the last, e.g. summa fide, constantia justitiaque. 865 A conjunction is usually put between two epithets, and either omitted or inserted between three, e.g. multae et graves causae (not multae graves causae ; but multae aliae causae is frequent). multae et graves et diuturnae causae ; or causae multae, graves, diuturnae. 866 6. Occasionally two co-ordinate words are put without any conjunc- tion. This is chiefly (a) when the words are opposites, completing one another ; or (I)) in old forms. (a) Omnes te di homines, summi medii infimi, cives peregrini, viri mu- lieres, liberi servi oderunt. (Cic.) /') Deus optimus maximus. Cn. Pompeio, M. Crasso consulibus, Velitis, jubeatis Quirites, &c. Et, ac, qua; sed, vemm, autem. 333 867 7- Co-ordinate words and sentences are connected or introduced by other adverbs also, e.g. turn... turn, at one time,. .at another time; (cum... turn, as ewe!!... as) \ modo...modo ; nunc...nunc; more rarely in prose jam. . Jam ; simul. . .simul ; qua. . .qua ; e. g. Disserens in utramque partem, turn Graece, turn Latine. (Gic.) Intellego te distentissimum esse, qua de Buthrotiis, qua de Bruto. (Cic.) 863 Any word may however serve in rhetorical language in place of a co- ordinative conjunction. Quod si recte Cato judicavit, non recte frumentarius iUe, non recte aedium pestilentium venditor tacuit. (Cic.) Ninil enim habet praestantius, nihil quod magis expetat, quam honesta- tem, quam laudem, quara dignitatem, quam decus. (Cic.) 869 A series of propositions are often marked by the use of, first primum, then deinde or turn, then (sometimes) porro, postea, or praeterea, last denique or postremo. Primum Latine Apollo numquam locutus est : deinde ista sors inaudita Graecis est ; praeterea Phoebi temporibus jam Apollo versus facere desierat ; postremo... hanc ampniboliam versus intellegere potuis- set. (Cic.) ii. Adversative Conjunctions. 870 Adversative conjunctions contrast the meaning, while they connect the sentences. Such are sed, verum, ceterum, autem, vero, ast, at, atqui, quod, and in some uses quamquam, tamen, etsi, tametsi. Of these autem and vero are placed not at the beginning of the sentence, but after one word, or sometimes two closely connected words ; tamen is placed either at the beginning of the sentence or after an important word. 871 i. Sed (set), but, introduces a statement which alters or limits the assertion of the preceding sentence ; or it expresses transition to another subject of discourse. It is often repeated with each clause or word to give them additional emphasis. Verum, sometimes verum enimvero (but be that as it may] is similar, but is used with a stronger effect. Ceterum is similarly used ; chiefly in Sallust and Livy. Sed jam ad id, unde digress! sumus, revertamur. (Cic.) At inquit, trecenti sumus ; et ita respondit : trecenti, set viri, set armati, set ad Thermopylas. (Sen. Rhet. ) In M. Catone quae bona nonnunquam requirimus, ea sunt omnia non a natura, verum a magistro. (Cic. ) Illis merito accidet quidquid evenerit : ceterum vos, patres conscripti, quid in alios statuatis considerate. (Sail.) i. Autem, however, introduces a different statement, in continuation of the preceding, without really altering or limiting it. Sometimes it is used to pick up, for special notice, a preceding word or statement. Ast, is similar but is almost confined to old legal language, to Vergil, and post-Augustan poets. Vero, indeed, is similarly used, and gives special emphasis to the word preceding it : it is also often used after nee or turn. Nunc quod agitur agamus : agitur autem, liberine vivamus an mortem obeamus. (Cic.) 334 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, n. Conjunctions. Scimus musicen nostris moribus abesse a principis persona, saltare vero etiam in vitiis poni. (Nep.) [(Cic.) Num quis testis Postumum appellavit ? testis autem ? num accusator ? 3. At, but, on the other hand (sometimes whereupon], ~ introduces an emphatic remark different from and opposed to the preceding statement. Sometimes it appears in the apodosis of a conditional sentence. It is espe- cially used in a lively retort or exclamation : at enim in the statement of an adversary's objection. Quod si se ipsos nostri Illi liberatores e conspectu nostro abstulerunt, at exemplum fact! reliquerunt. ( Cic. ) Horum omnium studium una mater oppugnat. At quae mater? (Cic.) Quibus rebus confectis omnia propere per nuntios consul! declarantur. At ilium ingens cura atque laetitia simul occupavere. (Sail.) 4. Atqui, but, sometimes introduces an objection, sometimes a fresh step in the reasoning. Quod si virtutes sunt pares inter se, paria esse etiam vitia necesse est : atqui pares esse virtutes facillime potest perspici. (Cic.) 5. Quod, but, is used (chiefly before si, nisi, but also before etsi, quia, quoniam) to continue a statement. Coluntur tyranni simulatione, dum taxat ad tempus : quod si forte, ut fit plerumque, ceciderunt, turn intelligitur quam fuerint inopes amicorum. (Cic.) 6. The statement of a fact opposite to or corrective of previous state- ments is often introduced by quanquam, tamen, etsi, tametsi, And yet. (For nisi in this sense, see 653.) Non video quo pacto Hercules 'in domum aeternam patris' pervenerit, quern tamen Homerus apud inferos conveniri facit ab Ulixe. Quam- quam quern potissimum Herculem colamus, scire sane velim. (Cic.) 'Quid est ? Crasse, ' inquit Julius, 'imusne sessum? etsi admonitum ve- nimus te, non flagitatum.' (Cic.) (The ordinary use of etsi and other concessive conjunctions is given in 651 c; of quamquam in 71 1.) iii. Disjunctive Conjunctions. 872 i. Disjunctive conjunctions are those, which connect the sentences, but disconnect their meaning ; viz. aut, vel, -ve (appended to first word of clause), sive or (before consonants only) seu. aut is used where the difference between the conceptions or pro- positions is real or important ; vel (often vel potius, vel dicam, vel etiam), and -ve, are used where the difference is unimportant, or concerns the expression more than the substance. Both aut and vel are sometimes used in adding the consequence of denying a former proposition : or else, otherwise. Seu (sive) is used chiefly to correct a previous assertion, and, when without a following seu, usually has potius with it. Qua re vi aut clam agendum est. (Cic.) Post obitum vel potius excessum Romuli. (Cic.) Quod ipsura a se movetur, id nee nasci potest nee mori ; vel concidat omne caelum, omnisque natura consistat necesse est. (Cic.) Quid perturbatius hoc ab urbe discsssu sive potius turpisslma fuga ? (Cic.) Aut, vel, -ve, sive (seu) ; ne, nl, nee. 335 873 2. Where the distribution is foreseen, the conjunctions are doubled, preserving their usual distinction from each other. aut...aut are used of things mutually exclusive, especially where an alternative is put distinctly. Omne enuntiatum ant vemm aut falsum est. (Cic.) vel... vel (in poetry also ve...ve) are used of things, both or all of which may co-exist (partly... partly}, or where the choice is a matter of indifference to the speaker or concerns the expression only. sive (seu)... sive (seu) are used where it is uncertain or indifferent which conception should be taken. (When used with verbs, they are often conditional particles = vel si. Cf. 651 d.) Hanc tu milii vel vi vel clam vel precario fac tradas. (Ter.) Vel imperatore vel milite me utimini. (Sail.) Corpora vertuntur : nee, quod fuimusve sumusve, eras erimus. (Ov.) Homines nobiles seu recte seu perperam facere coeperunt, in utroque excellunt. (Cic.) 874 3- ^ e ^ is used, especially with a superlative, as an intensive particle ('even') to introduce what is regarded as the climax, the inferior stages being left to the imagination or implied in the context. Heus, te tribus verbis volo. Sy. Vel trecentis, (Plaut.) So it introduces a special instance : why even, for instance. Raras tuas quideni. sed suaves accipio litter as. Vel quas proxime ac- ceperam, quam prudentes ! (Cic. ) III. Negative particles. 875 The negative particles are ne", n, ni, nee, neque, non, baud. N6 is found in composition, e.g. nSque, nSqueo, nolo (nSvis), nescio, nSfas, nemo (ne nemo old for homo), nullus (ne ullus), nutiquam (neutiquam). It is identical with the enclitic interrogative -ne, and is found in quin (see 221), and probably in sin. Ne and ni were originally identical, and at one time (6th Cent, u.c.) often written nei. Hence nihil for ne (nei, ni) nilum. Ne is used in the phrase ne...quidem; and sometimes by itself, sometimes following qui (adj. and adv.), ut, dum, in sentences with imperative, or subjunc- tive signifying (wish, command, purpose, &c. ( 664, 678). The en- clitic disjunctive -ve is often appended, and makes neve or neu. Ne or nee is found, in composition with quiquam (abl. ?) or quid- quam (ace.), in the words nequiquam or nequicquam, in 'vain; it is also found in nequaquam, by no means ; nedum ( 688). Ni is generally used as a negative conditional particle for nisi (ori- ginally ne si?). Originally it was probably a simple negative, as in phrases, nimirum (cf. 747), quidni, quippini, and became specially appropriated to conditional clauses, as ne did to final clauses, -ve is sometimes appended. 87g Nee is usually a co-ordinate conjunction, interchangeable with neque, of which it is regarded as an abbreviation. But it is also found 336 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, in. Negative Particles. as a simple negative in some old phrases; e.g. nee recte (Plaut.), also in the compounds nec-opinus, neglego, neg-otium, and in the derivative nego. It is also used, with -ne appended, in the second member of a disjunctive question (nec-ne, or not, cf. 771). Non, originally noenum (for ne unum ace. cf. 224), is the ordinary simple negative. Haud (haut, hau) is a simple negative, used chiefly before adverbs (e.g. hand quaquam, haud sane, haud procul) and adjectives, not often before verbs, at least after Plautus, except in phrase haud (hau) scio an. In- and ve- are used only in composition ( 408, i. 2). 877 i. (a) Non, haud, nee (in phrases referred to above) are used as simple negatives, as English not. Both non and nee are occasionally (nee frequently in Ovid and Livy) found with an imperative or jussive subjunctive (instead of ne). Nihil as adverbial accusative (461 a), and nullus as adjective, are sometimes used where we use, not at all. Non, non sic futurumst : non potest. (Ter.) Thebani nihil moti sunt, quamquam nonnihil succensebant Romanis. (Liv.) Haec bona in tabulas publicas nulla redierunt. (Cic.) (Z>) Ne before a word and quidem after it are together equal to not even, or not ..either, (when we use this latter expression as adverb with- out nor following,) e.g. ne hoc quidem, not even this, not this either. Nee is also sometimes used in the sense of ne... quidem in and after the Augustan age. Postero die Curio milites productos in acie collocat. Ne Varus quidem dubitat copias producere. (Caes.) Tu voluptatem summum bonum putas : ego nee bonum. (Sen.) (c) Ne with the imperative or the subjunctive of wish or command is not ; but with a subjunctive of purpose (without ut) is lest or that not. So (in such sentences) ne quis, ne quando, ne ullus, necubi, &c. are used instead of ut nemo, ut nunquam, ut nullus, ut nusquam, &c. Noli dicere, cave dicas are equivalent simply to do not say. Lata lex est, ne auspicia valerent, ne quis obnuntiaret j ne quis legi intercederet, ut lex Aelia, lex Pufla ne valeret. (Cic.) (^/) Minus, especially after si, sin ( 651^), or quo ( 682), and minime, least of all, are used as equivalent to not at all, not. Vix, scarcely; parum, but little, and sometimes male, have a character ap- proaching to that of a negative. Egone ut, quod ad me adlatum esse alienum sciam, celem? minume istuc faciet noster Daemones. (Plaut.) Ego autem ilium male sanum semper putavi. (Cic.) 878 2. A negative sentence, or member of a sentence, requiring to be joined to the preceding by a co-ordinate conjunction, is introduced by neque (nee) ; or if a purpose or command, &c. be implied, usually by Non, baud, nee, ne ; et non; nee... nee, non modo, &c. 337 neve (neu). So nee for et non, necdum for et nondum, nee quisquam for et nemo, neque uUus for et nuUus, &c. Usually also the Romans said neque enim, neque vero, nee tamen, though sometimes non enim is found, and rarely non tamen. Et (or ac) non, et nullus, &c., are found where the negative belongs to a special word in the sentence, or the new sentence is intended as a correction of the former. So also et (sometimes ac) ne...quidem. Senatui pacis auctor ful, nee sumptis armis belli ullam partem attigi. Patior, judices, et non moleste fero. (Cic.) [( c i c -) Quasi nunc id agatur, quis ex tanta multitudine occiderit, ac non hoc quaeratur, utrum, &c. (Cic.) 879 Sometimes neque (nee) is used, where the negative belongs only to a participial or other subordinate clause, but the principal verb or sentence has to be united with that preceding. Haud cunctanter Hiberum transgrediuntur ; nee ullo viso lioste Sagun- tum pergunt ire (Liv.) et, nullo viso noste, pergunt. 880 3- Several negative sentences or clauses may in fact form one sentence, without the connexion being marked, or foreseen. Either (a) there is no conjunction used, or (b) the conjunctiou is used ( 864) only with the second or third members, not with the first. (a) Non gratia, non cognatione, non aljls recte factis, non denlque aliquo mediocri vitio. tot tantaque ejus vitia sublevata, esse videbuntur. (Cic.) (/') Justum et tenacem propositi virum non civium ardor prava juben- tium, non vultus instantis tyranni meute quatit solida, neque auster, . . .nee fulminantis magna manus Jovis. ( Hor.) 881 4- When the distribution of the sentence or thought into two or more co-ordinate clauses or expressions is foreseen, it may be marked in several ways. If all the clauses are negative, we have (a) neque (nee)... neque (nee), neither... nor..., except usually in commands, &c. () neve (neu)... neve (neu), neither... nor, where a prohibition or wish is intended: that neither... nor, lest either... or, where a purpose, &c. is intended. (This is not frequent.) (c) non modo 1 (solum) non...sed ne...quidem, not only not... but not even ; where the second member implies a stronger statement than the first. If a predicate or other word is common to both clauses, but stands with the latter, the non after modo or solum is frequently omitted, and we have non modo (solum)... sed ne...quidem. (See also 689 andnedum, ne dicam, non dico, &c. 690, 691.) 1 Non modo is ' not exactly? k I do not say f non solum 'not only,' non tantum ''not so much.' 1 Non modo is more common at least in Cicero. L. G. 22 338 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX. HI. Negative Particles. (a) Virtus nee eripl nee subripi potest ; neque naufragio neque In- cendio amittitur ; nee tempestatum nee temporum turbatione mutatur. (Cic.) (li) Peto a te, ut id a me neve in hoc reo neve in aliis requiras. (Gic.) (c) Obscenitas non solum non foro digna, sed vix convivio liberorum. (Cic.) Regnat Eomae advena, non modo vicinae, sed ne Italicae quidem stirpis. (Liv.) 882 If all the clauses are not negative, these clauses are introduced by () et... neque, both... and not, if the first be affirmative. If the negative belong to a word only, et...et non may be used. () neque... et, neither... and, if the second be affirmative. neque... que is more rare. (c) non modo (solum, tantum) non... sed (verum) etiam, if the second be affirmative and a stronger statement than the first. Patebat via et certa neque longa. (Cic.) Uva, vestita pampiuis, nee niodico tepore caret et nimios soils defendit ardores. (Cic.) Nee domi tantum indignationes continebant, sed congregabantur undi- que ad regem Sabinorum. (Liv.) 883 5- One negative, applied to another, destroys its effect, and the re- sult is equivalent to an affirmative. This is chiefly seen in the phrases non nemo, some one non nullus, some; non niMl, something ; non nun- quam, sometimes- nemo non, nullus non, everyone; nihilnon, everything; nunquam non, always; nusquam non, e -ve rywhere ; non possum non, I cannot help myself, i.e. I must. Necnon in the earlier prose is not used, as it is sometimes in verse and in later prose, as little more than an equivalent for etiam. Nee hoc ille non vidit, sed verborum magniflcentia est et gloria delec- tatus. (Cic.) Here it has its full force. Necnon et Tyrii frequentes convenere, (Ver.) 884 But negatives do not destroy one another, when the first negative is general, and this is followed (a) By ne... quidem or non modo emphasizing some particular word or phrase. () By several subordinate members each with a negative. (r) By another co-ordinate member joined by neque (nee). (',-/) Se quoque dictatorem Romae fuisse, nee a se quemquam, ne plebis quidem hominem, non centurionem, non militem violatum. (Liv.) () Nemo umquam neque poeta neque orator fuit, qui quemquam meliorem quam se arbitraretur. (Cic.) (c) Nequeo satis mirarl neque conicere. (Ter.) iv. Interrogative Particles: -ne, nonne, num; utrum, -ne, an. 339 IV. Interrogative Particles, 885 Interrogative particles are used in those sentences in which a ques- tion is asked relating to the truth or falsehood of a particular state- ment, and a simple affirmative or negative answer is expected. These questions are either simple or alternative. Simple questions may be expressed without any interrogative pro- noun or particle. An affirmative sentence then not unfrequently expects a negative answer, and 'vice versa, the tone of voice or circumstances supplying the necessary warning. In alternative questions the first member is similarly left sometimes without any interrogative particle. The particles which are used in introducing simple questions (when they have no interrogative pronoun) are -ne, properly, not (appended to another word), non-ne, and num, properly, now (numne, numnam, numquid). An is also found in what appear at first to be simple questions. In conversational language the final e in -ne is often omitted, e.g. nostin ; and then a preceding & is in some verbs omitted ; e. g. ain, scin, vidSn, audln (for ais-ne, scis-ne, vides-ne, audis-ne). So also satin for satis-ne. The particles used in introducing alternative questions are utrum (neut. of uter), whether, -ne, and an. For dependent questions, see 750 752. L In simple Questions. &S6 -Ne puts a question without any implication as to the character of the answer: e.g. Sentisne? Do you feel? Nonne implies the expectation of an affirmative answer: e.g. Nonne sentis? Do you not feel? Num implies the expectation of a negative answer: e.g. Num sentis, Ton do not feel, do you} An affirmative answer is expressed by etiam, Ita, factum, vero, verum, sane, ita vero, ita est, sane quidem, &c. ; or with the proper pronoun, as, ego vero ; or by the verb (or other words), repeated in the proper person, e.g. sentio. (Cf. 439 f.) A negative answer is expressed by non, minime, minime vero ; or with the pronoun, e.g. minime ego quidem ; or with the verb, &c. e.g. non sentio. When the contrary is asserted by way of reply, we have immo, immo vero, No, on the other hand, Nay rather. Quid hoc ? Dasne, aut manere animos post mortem aut morte ipsa interire ? Do vero. (Cic.) Quid ? canis nonne similis lupo ? (Cic.) Num igitur peccamus ? Minime nos quidem. (Cic.) Huic ego 4 studes ? ' inquam. Respondit ' etiam.' (Plin.) Hue abiit Clitipho. CH. Solus ? ME. Solus. (Ter.) AN. Jam ea praeteriit ? DO. Non. (Ter.) Causa igitur non bona est ? Immo optima. (Cic.) 22 2 34 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, iv. Interrogative Particles. ii. In alternative Questions. 887 In alternative questions utrum or -ne are used in the first member of the sentence, an (sometimes anne) in the second member. In comic poets utrum is often put first and the alternatives are then expressed by ne...an. Or not is expressed by an non or nec-ne. In dependent questions -ne is frequent in the second member, especially if the first have no particle. -Ne...-ne are found occasionally, chiefly in the poets. Utrum nescis quam alte ascenderis, an pro nlhilo id putas ? (Cic.) Vosne vero L. Domitium an vos Domitius deseruit ? (Gaes.) Utrum voltis patri Flacco licuisse necne ? (Cic.) Utrum praedlcemne an taceam ? (Ter.) 888 An is frequently used in a question apparently simple, but which may be regarded as really the second member of an alternative question, , the first being either not put in the form of a question or left to be inferred from the context. It introduces questions which imply the needlessness of the preceding remark, or meets an anticipated objection. TOR. Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. TUL. An me, nisi te audire vellem, censes haec dicturum fuisse ? Do you then think? (Cic.) Quando ista vis autem evanuit ? An postquam homines minus craduli esse coeperunt? (Cic.) Was it not after, &c.? 889 From alternative questions must be distinguished such questions as have several subordinate parts, which are different from, but not alter- natives to, one another. These are connected by aut. An tu mei similem putas esse aut tui deum? Profecto non putas. Quid, ergo ? solem dicam aut lunam aut caelum deum ? (Cic.) V. Pronouns. Hie, iste, ille, is. 890 The demonstrative pronouns are hie, iste or istic, ille, or illic. They denote respectively, hie, that which is near the speaker in place, time, or thought : iste, that which is near the person addressed : ille, that which is not (comparatively) near either. Is has no definite demonstrative meaning, but always refers to some person or thing named in the context. If more emphasis is required, hie or ille is used. The adverbs derived from these pronouns are used with the same relative signification. In time and thought hie and ille are opposed, hie referring to that which is near, ille to that which is remote. Ille is also used of a well-known or famous person or thing. Iste is specially used of an opponent in a lawsuit, and hence of something despised or disliked. Is, with conjunction et or ac prefixed, is used to give additional emphasis to a new predicate or description ; ille (like other pronouns), with quidem appended, is used in making concessions (where in Eng- lish we use no pronoun). V. Pronouns: hie, iste, ille; se, suus, Ipse. 341 Hanc urbem hoc biennio consul evertes. (Cic.) Gratia te fleet! non magis potulsse demonstras, quam Herculem Xeno- phontlum ilium a voluptate. (Cic.) Hunc ilium poscere fata reor. (Verg.) Hie et Ule, ille et ille, this or that. Habet homo memoriam et earn infinitam rerum innumerabilium. (Cic.) Uno atque eo facili proelio caesi ad Antium hostes. (Liv.) Doctum igitur hominem cognovi et studiis optimls deditum, idque a puero. (Cic.) P. Scipio non multum Ille quidem nee saepe dicebat, sed Latine loquendo cuivis erat par. (Cic.) Se, suus, ipse. 891 Se and ipse are both used where we in English use self, but they are also found where we do not use it. Thus se often corresponds to him, her, them; ipse to the adjective very, or other expressions of emphasis. Se is of the third person only ; ipse is simply an adjective of emphasis, and can be used of any person, but when in an oblique case by itself (without me, te, nos, vos), it is of the third person. Se, suus are distinguished from other pronouns of the third person, by being used always either of the subject or of some word in the sentence. If him, her, &c. requires emphasis, when not relating to the subject (or otherwise where se is suitable), ipsum is used, either with or without ram. Suus, the possessive of se, relates also to the subject of discourse. When it is an attribute of the grammatical subject, it can of course only relate to some other subject of discourse, very commonly to the direct or indirect object. 892 Se, BUUS are used primarily in reference to the grammatical sub- ject of the sentence. If the subject itself requires emphasis, ipse is used. Athenae urbs est ea vetustate, ut ipsa ex sese suos civis genuisse dica- tur. (Cic.) Neque sane, quid ipse sentiret, sed quid ab illis diceretur, ostendit. (Cic.) 893 In speaking of actions by the subject upon himself, ipse is very common and agrees normally with the emphasized word. But it is predicated of the subject, not merely when (a) what is emphasized is the subject, and not others, acting, but also sometimes () when it is the subject acting on, or by, himself, and not on others. (a) Non egeo medicina: me ipse consolor. (Cic.) Sunt qui Tarpeiam dicant, fraude visara agere, sua ipsam peremptam mercede. (Liv.) () Iste repente ex alacri atque laeto sic erat humilis atque demissus, ut non modo populo Romano sed etiam sibi ipse condemnatus videretur. (Cic.) 342 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, v. Pronouns. Eos delectari videmus, si quid ratione per se Ipsi invenerint. (Cic.) Bellum pacem foedera societates per se ipse, cum quibus voluit, injussu popull ac senatus fecit diremitque. (Liv.) 894 Se, suus, especially the latter, are also used in reference to some word in the sentence which is not the subject. This is rarely done where the context would create ambiguity. Hannibalem sui cives e civitate ejecerunt. (Cic.) Suis flammis delete Fldenas. (Liv.) Neque occasion! tuae desis, neque suam occasionem host! des. (Liv.) But also Deum adgnoscis ex operibus ejus. (Cic.) 895 Se, suus are also used in reference to the subject of the sentence or clause, on which the subordinate clause containing se, suus depends. So regularly when the subordinate clause has a subjunctive of the classes 1 D, G, or H, (But exceptions occasionally occur.) (a) Scipionem Hannibal eo ipso, quod adversus se dux potisslmum lectus esset, praestantem virum credebat. (Liv.) Domitius ad Pompeium in Apuliam peritos regionum mittit, qui petant atque orent, ut sibi subveniat. (Caes.) () Similarly of what is the logical, though not the grammatical, subject, of the principal sentence. A Caesare valde liberaliter invitor, sibl ut sim legatus. (Cic.) Ipsius, ipsl, &c. are sometimes found for suum ipsius, sibi ipsi, &c. Caesar milites incusavit: cur de sua virtute aut de ipsius diligentia desperarent? (Caes.) 96 Se, suus are also used in reference to the unexpressed subject of an abstract infinitive or gerund. Honestius est alienis injuriis quam re sua commoveri. (Cic.) Quls, quisplam, aliquis, quidam, nescio quis, alteruter, aliquot, nonnemo, &c. 897 The pronouns, which correspond to the English a or some, are quis, quispiam, aliquis, quidam. Of these quis is the least emphatic and quidam the most. Quis is usually in relative sentences, and after cum, si, nisi, ne, num ; aliquis is not uncommon after si, and sometimes used after ne. Quis and quispiam are best translated by a (man, thing, &c.), one, or in the plural by nothing ; aliquis (plur. aliqui) by some one, some one or other quidam means a certain person, &c. ; aliquot (indeclinable), a few, several ; nescio quis, some one or other ( 755). alteruter (of two persons}, one or of her no matter which. 1 In consecutive sentences eum, not se, is regularly used. Quis, aliquis, quidam ; quisquam, uUus, quivis, 343 More specific are the double negatives nonnemo, one or two, non- nullus (adj.), some certainly, some at least, nonniliil, something at any rate. So est (sunt) qui, 703, 706. (a) In affirmative sentences : 81 mala condiderit in quern quis carmina, jus est Judiclumque. (Hor.) SI nulla est (nota), quid istos interpretes audiamus? Sin quaepiam est, aveo scire quae sit. (Cic.) Commentabar declamitans saepe cum M. Pisone et cum Q. Fompeio aut cum aliquo cotidie. (Cic.) Accurrit quidam, notus mini nomine tantum. (Hor.) Hoc quidem certe video, cum sit necessa alterum utrum vincere, quails futura sit vel haec vel ma victoria. (Cic.) () In negative sentences; also with sine, &c. His idem propcsitum fuit, quod regibus, ut ne qua re egerent, ne cui parerent, libertate uterentur. (Cic.) Vidi, fore, ut aliquando non Torquatus neque Torquati qulspiam similis, sed ut aliquis patrimonii naufragus, bonorum hostis, aliter Indicata haec esse diceret.. (Cic.) Qulsquam, ullus, uter, quivis, quilibet, utervis. 898 The pronouns which correspond most with the English any are quisquam (usually subst.), ullus (adj.), quivis, quilibet. Quisquam and ullus are any whatever, any at all, where all are excluded; and are used in negative or quasi-negative sentences (the negative being always pre- fixed), or after comparatives, or in relative and conditional sentences, where the barest minimum is sufficient to justify an affirmative. Quivis and quilibet (originally relative sentences) signify any you please, and imply that all will answer the required conditions. Hence they can be used in either positive or negative sentences. When only two persons or things are concerned, uter is (rarely) used corresponding to quisquam ; utervis, uterlibet to quivis, quilibet. For non quisquam, non ullus, non quidquam, non uter, c. are generally used, at least in prose, nemo, nullus, nihil, neuter, &c. (For the use of the forms of quisquam, see 209; of nemo, nullus, 196 ; of nihil, nihilum, 117.) Iste nihil umquam fecit sine aliquo quaestu atque praeda. (Cic.) Quani diu quisquam erit, qui te defendere audeat, vives. (Cic.) Non recito cuiquam nisi amicis, idque coactus, non ubivis, coramve quibuslibet. (Hor.) Cuivis potest accidere quod cuiquam potest. (Publ.) Ut enim histrioni actio, saltatori motus non quivis sed certus quidam est datus, sic vita agenda est certo genere quodam, non quolibet. (Cic.) At minus habeo virium, quam vestrum utervis. (Cic.) 344 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, v. Pronouns. Quisque. uterque, ambo, singuli, alterni, &c. 899 Quisque, each (and sometimes, in Lucretius frequently, quisquis), is used of each several case, where there are more than two: uterque (rarely quisque, except with suus) of each several case, where there are two only. In the plural quisque and uterque are properly used of each party, or of each set of cases. When all are spoken of without implying any distinction between them, omnes or nemo non are used; ambo of two only. Cunctus (usually in plural) and universus are all together ; totus is the whole. Unus quisque, every single person; singuli, one apiece, several; alterni, every ^ other. Quisque is frequently' accompanied by se or suus ; and also fre- quently joined to a superlative or ordinal, which is always placed before quisque, e. g. optimus quisque, all the best people ; decimus quisque, every tenth, one in ten ; primus^ quisque, one after the other ; also the very earliest ; quotus quisque, how few ! To quisque correspond generally (though not as distinguished from omnes) ubique, usque ; to uterque corresponds utrobique, or utrinque. Magni est Judicis statuere, quid quemque cuique praestare oporteat. Abduci non potest, quia uterque utrique est cordi. (Ter.) [(Cic.) Fro so quisque, ut in quoque erat auctoritatis plurimum, ad populum loquebatur. (Cic.) Quid ubique habeat frumenti et navium, ostendit. (Caes.) Qui tiniet his ad versa, fere miratur eodem, quo cupiens, pacto : pavor est utrobique molestus. (Hor.) Ex ceteris philosophis nonne optumus et gravissimus quisque oonflte- tur multa se ignorare ? (Gic.) Forma del munus. Forma quota quaeque superbit ? (Ov.) Censeo, uti C. Pansa, A. Hirtius consules, alter ambove, si eis videbltur, de ejus honore praemiove primo quoque die ad senatum referant. (Cic.) In viduitate rellctae filiae singulos fllios parvos habentes. (Liv.) Vix hostem, alterni si congrediamur, habemus. (Verg.) Quisquis, quicunque, qualiscunque, utercumque, &c. ; utique. 900 The indefinite relative pronouns are sometimes used absolutely, i.e. instead of whoever, whichever, they denote any one whosoever, some one or other, any thing whatever. So quisquis, quantusquantus, quicunque, qualiscunque, utercumque, &c. De Drusi hortis quanti licuisse tu scribls, id ego quoque audieram, sed quantiquanti bene emitur, quod necesse est. (Cic.) Vos lamina. hanc potius quocumque absumite leto. (Verg.) Quae sanari poterunt, quacumque ratione, sanabo. (Cic.) Si numina divum sunt aliquid, si non perierunt omnia mecum, quando- cumque mini poenas dabis. (Ov.) Nisi mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat. amaras porrecto jugulo historias. captivus ut, audit. (Hor.) Quisque, ambo; quisquis, utlque ; Idem, alius; alter. 345 901 Similarly utique comes to mean anyhow, at all events; non (ne) utlque, not of course, not necessarily. Velim M. Varronis et Ollli mittas laudatlonem, Ollii utique, nam illam legi, volo tamen regustare. (Cic.) Sapient! proposition est in vita agenda non utique, quod temp tat, effl- cere, sed omnino recte facere : gubernatori propositum est utique navem in portum perducere. (Sen.) Idem, alius, alter, ceteri. 902 Idem is same, as opposed to alius ; alius is other generally, alter, other of two or the second of many ; ceteri is the others. Relicuus is remaining, i.e. after something has been subtracted. Often it is indis- tinguishable from ceteri. When alius or alter is repeated in different clauses, the first is in English often to be translated one, the second alius is another, alter the other. In Livy, &c. alius is sometimes used where ceteri would be more strictly right. When repeated in the same sentence, alius is often to be translated by different', e.g. alius alium videt (vident), different men see different things, or one sees one thing, another another; sometimes alius alium (alter alterum) vident is they see one another. Unus et alter is one or two. (For idem ac, alius ac see 661.) Multae idem istuc aliae cupiuut. (Plaut.) Equidem certo idem sum qui semper fui. (Plaut.) Alium esse censes mine me atque olim, cum dabam ? (Ter.) Alias bestias nantis aquarum incolas esse voluit, alias volucres caelo frui libero, serpentis quasdam, quasdam esse gradientis : earum ipsarum partim solivagas, partim congregatas, inmanis alias, quasdam autem cicures, nonnullas abditas terraque tectas. (Cic.) mi alias aliud eisdem de rebus et sentiunt et judicant. (Cic.) Alter! apud alteros formidinem facere. Pro metu repente gaudium mutatur : xnilites alius alium laeti appellant. (Sail.) Numero centuriarum Tarquinius alterum tantum adjecit. (Liv.) Unus et alter adsultur pannus. (Hor.) Altero vicesimo die litteras reddidit. (Cic.) O spectaculum un! eras so jucundum, ceteris non item ! (Cic.) Refugientes pauci aliam omnem multitudinem in potestate hostium esse afferebant. (Liv.) 346 SUPPLEMENT TO SYNTAX, v. Pronouns. Quis? quisnam? ecquis? ecq[iiisnam ? numquis? 903 Of the interrogative pronouns quis and (usually) quisnam (some- times namquis) denote tubo? which (of many}? uter, whether of 'two - ecquis, numquis, and sometimes siquisnam, num quisnam inquire whether any one or thing of the kind exists. In all these quis, quid are substantive, qui, quod adjective ( 207). TH. Quis fuit igitur ? PY. Iste Chaerea. TH. Qui Chaerea ? PY. Iste ephebus frater Phaedriae. (Ter.) Ecquis in aedibust ? Heus ecquis Me est ? ecquis hoc aperit ostium ? ecquis exit ? (Plaut.) Ninil jam quaerere aliud debetis, nisi uter utrl insidias feeerit. (Cic.) Miscellaneous Remarks on Pronouns, 904 The second person plural is not used in Latin (as in English) for the singular, e. g. Quid ais ? What say you ? The first person plural is sometimes so used, as in English. Tu, quaeso, festina ad nos venire. (Cic.) Keliquum est ut de felicitate (Pompeii) timide ac pauca dicamus. Ego enim sic existimo. (Cic.) 905 On the usual omission of any separate personal pronoun, when it would be the subject, see 571, 572 sq. It is also, if no ambiguity is likely to arise, often omitted, when it would be in the accusative ,or datiye. Fratrem tuum in ceteris rebus laudo : in hac una reprehendere cogor. So always vidi eum rogavique ; never vidi eum et rogavi eum. Meos Caesarisque libros reliqui, / left my own books and those of Caesar (never eosque gaesaris). The possessive pronoun is generally omitted. Roga parentes (sc. tuos). Patris (sc. mei) animum Tnifri reconciliasti. 906 The possessive pronouns are sometimes used in the sense of 'favourable to me, you,' &c. loco aequo, tempore tuo pugnasti. (Liv.) Alfenus utebatur populo sane suo. (Cic.) 907 The indefinite pronoun ' one ' is variously expressed in Latin : but these different modes are not all equally applicable in all circumstances. (a) By a personal passive : e. g. Rex nic valde diligitur, one feels strongly attached to the king. (b) By an impersonal expression: e.g. Non licet Ire, one may not go ; solet dici, one often says ; parendum est, one must obey. (c) By the first person plural ; e. g. Quae volumus, credimus libenter, what one wishes, one readily believes. Quis? quisnam? Miscellaneous Remarks, 347 (d) By the second person singular subjunctive ; e. g. putares, one ivould have fancied. (e) By quis or aliquis ; e.g. si quis dicat, if one should say, &c. (/) By is with a relative, e.g. is qui hoc dicit, one who says this, &c. (g) By se after, or with, a general infinitive (cf. 537 c); e.g. Neglegere quid de se quisque sentiat (what people think of one), noa solum arrogantis est sed etiam omnlno dissoluti. (Cic.) Melius est ire se ipsum, it is better (one does better) to go oneself. Frequently this indefinite pronoun is omitted altogether in Latin : e.g. Libros quaeris : bonum affero, You seek books : I bring you a good one. So after 'any,' 'each,' 'some,' 'certain; 9 e.g. quisquam, quivis, any- one; quisque, each one', aliquis, some one ; quidam, a certain one ; or sim- ply 'one.' 908 ' Each other,' f one another, ,' &c. are expressed in Latin by, (a) alius alium (alter alterum) intueri, they began to look at one another. (Cf. 582.) (b) inter se, inter nos, &c. Veri amici non solum colent inter se ac diligent, sed etiam verebuntur. (Cic.) Will not only look after and love, but also respect one another. (c) Sometimes by repetition of the noun. Manus manum lavat. (Similarly, but without implying reciprocity: Vir virum legit. Dies diem docet.) (Atticus moriens) non ex vita, sed ex domo in domum migrare videbatur. (Nep.) Tantae fuerunt tenebrae, ut per biduum nemo hominem homo agnos- ceret. (Cic.) (d) In later writers by invlcem (in turn]. Quae omnia hue spectant, ut invicem ardentius diligamus. (Plin.) (e) Sometimes by ultro citro, Societas inter populum Carthaginiensem regemque data ultro citroque fide affirmatur. (Liv.) APPENDICES. APPENDIX A. MONEY, MEASURES, WEIGHTS, &c. i. Coinage (chiefly from Hultsch). 909 COINED money was not used at Rome till the time of the decemviral legislation (303 u.c. = 45i B.C.). The coin was called an as and was sup- posed to weigh a pound ; hence called, in distinction from the subsequent as, as libralis or librarius. Coins also existed for the semis, triens, qvadrans, sextans and uncia. The real weight (of unworn pieces now found) is p to 1 1 unciae and may be taken therefore at an average of 10 unclae. The coinage was of copper (aes), alloyed with tin and lead. In 485 u.C. ( = 269 B.C.), shortly before the first Punic war, silver was first coined, and at the same time the as was reduced to the weight of 4 unclae (and then gradually before the end of the first Punic war to 2 unciae) instead of an actual 10, nominal 12, unciae. Three silver coins were introduced ; the denarius (often stamped with a biga, or qvadrigu, and thence called bigatus or qvadrigatus) = 10 (reduced) asses ; the qvinarius-5 asses; the sestertius = i\ asses. The coin equivalent to the reduced as was of copper and called libella ; the half of this was sem- bella; the quarter (of the libella) was teruncius. The double as was coined and called dupondius ; other coins were tressis = 3 asses; decessis = 10 asses. The denarius was probably -fa pound of silver. In the year 537 u.c. ( = 217 B.C.) the copper as was reduced to the weight of one uncia, and to the value of ? V denarius or sestertius. Pro- bably at the same time the denarius, which had been gradually losing, was reduced so as to be equal to 5 \ pound of silver. The as eventually sunk to the value of \ uncia. A new silver coin called victoriatus, because stamped on the reverse with a figure of Victory, was introduced probably about the year 228 B.C. At first it was f denarius, afterwards by the Clodian law, 104 B.C., it was reduced to be = \ denarius, and as such was known to Varro, Cicero, &c. In the time of Nero the denarius was again reduced to ^ pound of silver, and at the same time Nero debased the silver. Copper coinage was dropped from about 84 to 74 B.C. until 15 B.C. (Except that some coins by Antony are found.) Then the silver sesterce being given up, a four-as piece was coined instead ; and a piece of half the value of the new sesterce, viz. the dupondius. Both these were of brass. The as, semis and qvadrans were of copper. Gold was first coined in 217 B.C.: but sparsely until Sulla, Pompey and Caesar. Caesar's coin called aureus was fixed as equivalent to 25 denarii or 100 sesterces. Coinage, Money, Interest, 6<*. 349 The value of these different coins is about as follows : Eng. Mon. As libralis (copper) 5^. 269 217 B.C. As sextantarius ( =-f sestertius) (copper) nearly \d. Sestertius (silver) i\d. Denarius (silver) \d. 217 30 B.C. Sestertius (silver) nearly id. Denarius (silver) 8 the sextula for fa ; the scripulum (for of the sextula, i.e. for) ^^ of the jugerum. The pes qvadratus = -94 Engl. sq. foot : the actus qvadratus i rood 9 perches 131 sq. feet : the jugerum = 2 roods 19 perches 189-9 square feet, i.e. almost of an acre ; an heredium was nearly an acre and a quarter. vii. Measures of Capacity. 915 The unit of liquid measure was the qvadrantal, which was defined as vas pedis qvadrati, i.e. as containing a sqtiare foot of wine. The name in and after Cicero's time was superseded by that of amphora (d/x0o/)eu5). The amphora contained two urnae, the urna four congii ; the congius six sex- tarii ; the sextarius two hemlnae ; the hemlna two qvartarii ; the qvar- tarius two acetabula. A culeus contained 20 amphorae. The duodecimal system was applied to the sextarius, a twelfth of which was a cyathus = uncia. The triens=4 cyathi, qvadrans = 3 cyathi, sex- tans =2 cyathi, &c., are spoken of. The unit of dry measure was the modius, which contained two semodii or 16 sextarii. The divisions of the sextarius (hemina, &c.) were the same as of liquid measure. The sextarius was =-96 pint Engl. Hence the amphora was about = 5f gall- Engl.; the modius = nearly 2 gall. Engl. 3.52 APPENDIX B. APPENDIX B. DIVISION OF TIME AND EXPRESSION OF DATE. 916 The Romans divided time into years, months, days, and hours. A civil day, as recognised in law, was from midnight to midnight ; a natural day, from sunrise to sunset. The duodecimal system was applied here also, the natural day being divided into twelfths, called horae, which were therefore of different absolute lengths according to the time of year. From Dec. 23rd, when the day at Rome was, according to modern reckoning, 8 hrs. 54m. long, and the Roman hour was 44^ m., the length increased up to 25 June, when the day was 15 hrs. 6 m., and the Roman hour 75^ m. At the equinoxes, 23 March, 25 Sept., the Roman hour was of the same length as our own. The civil day is sometimes spoken of as divided into twenty-four hours. The night was for military purposes divided into four watches (vigilia pzima, &c.) of equal length. And a similar division of the day into four parts is also implied by Varro's account of the praetor's marshal crying the 3rd hour, noon, and the 9th hour. Various loose names for different parts of the day and night came into vogue, and are arranged by Censorinus (c. 24) in the following order, starting from midnight : i. De media nocte; 2. gallicinium ; 3. conticinium, general silence-, 4. ante lucezu ; 5. diluculum ; 6. mane ; 7. ad meridiem ; 8. meridies ; 9. demeridie; 10. suprema ; n. vespera; 12. crepusculum; 13. lumini- bus accensis, or, anciently, prima facie; 14. concubium; 15. intempesta nox ; 1 6. ad mediam noctem ; 17. media noz. 917 The division of time into weeks of seven days with distinct names was not used by the ancient Romans (before the introduction of Christianity). The months were distinguished by the names adopted by us from the Romans, excepting that, before the time of the Emperor Augustus, Julius and Augustus had the names of Quincfflis and Sextnis (i. e. fifth and sixth month, March being the first). The days of the month were com- puted from three leading days in each, which were called respectively Calendae (Kal.), Nonae (Non.), and Idus (Id.); to these the name of the month was appended as an adjective. The Calendae was the first day of every month ; the Nonae and Idus the fifth and thirteenth, except in the months of March, May, July, and October, in which they were the seventh and fifteenth respectively. From these days they counted backwards, the days between the ist and the Nones being reckoned as so many days be- fore the Nones : the days between the Nones and Ides as so many days be- fore the Ides ; and the remaining days of the month as so many days before the Kalends of the next month. The day immediately preceding any of these reckoning points was called pridie Nonas, &c. ; the day next but one before was the third day before (in consequence of the Nones, &c. being themselves included in the reckoning), and so on. There are two abbreviated modes of denoting the date; e.g. the 2/th of March might be marked as vi Kal. Apr., or a. d. vi Kal. Apr. The first is for sexto (die ante) Kalendas Apriles ; the second for ante diem sextum Kalendas Apriles. The latter expression appears to have originally signi- fied before (on the sixth day) the Kalends of April ; the exact day being Division of Time and Expression of Date. 353 thrown in parenthetically, and attracted from the ablative into the accusa- tive case in consequence of following ante. Similarly we find the date sometimes denoted by the number of days preceding a festival ; as a. d. V Terminalia, i.e. ipthFeb. (the festival of the god of boundaries being on the 23rd Feb.). This expression was considered as one word, before which in or ex may stand : as, Ex ante diem iii Nonas Junias usque ad pridie Kalendas Septembres, front the $rd June to the $ist August ; differre aliquid in ante diem xv Kalendas Novembres, to put off something to the iSM October. The readiest way of reckoning the day is, (i) if the date lie between the Kalends and Nones, or between the Nones and Ides, to subtract the num- ber of the day mentioned from the number of the day on which the Nones or Ides fall, and add one (for the inclusive reckoning): (2) if the date lie between the Ides and the Kalends, to subtract the number of the day men- tioned from the number of the days in the month, and add two (i.e. one for the inclusive reckoning, and one because the Kalends are not the last of the month in which the date lies, but the first of the following month). 918 In leap year the intercalated day was counted between a. d. vi Kal. Mart, and a. d. vii Kal. Mart, and denominated a. d. bissextum Kal. Mart., so that a. d. vii Kal. Mart, answers as in the ordinary February to Feb. 23, and a. d. viii Kal. Mart, to Feb. 22nd, &c. (Hence the name of leap year, annus bissextllis.) Before the reformation of the Calendar by Julius Caesar, B. C. 45, the number of days in the months were in March, May, July and October, 31 ; in February 28 ; in all the rest 29. Hence, as these four months were two days longer, the Nones and Ides were two days later. This should be remembered in reading Cicero's letters, many of which were written before 45 B.C. After that year the number of days in each month was the same as it is with us. The following examples suppose the date to be subsequent to B.C. 45. The usual abbreviated form is given. [It must be remembered that Kalendae, Nonae, and Idus are feminine, and the months adjectives ; that the date ( l on the first,' &c.) is in the ablative (Kalendis, Nonis, Idibus) ; and that a. d. vi Non. Mart. &c. is for ante diem sextum Nonas Martias.] Day of January April March English (So also Aug. (So also Jun., Sept., (So also May, Jul., month. Dec.). Nov.). Oct.). i Kal. Jan. Kal. Apr. Kal. Mart. 2 a. d. iv Non. Jan. a. d. iv Non. Apr. a. d. vi Non. Mart. 4 Prid. Non. Jan. Prid. Non. Apr. a. d. iv Non. Mart. 5 Non. Jan. Non. Apr. a. d. iii Non. Mart. 6 a. d. viii Id. Jan. a. d. viii Id. Apr. Prid. Non. Mart. 7 a. d. vii Id. Jan. a. d. vii Id. Apr. Non. Mart. 8 a. d. vi Id. Jan. a. d. vi Id. Apr. a. d. viii Id. Mart. 12 Prid. Id. Jan. Prid. Id. Apr. a. d. iv Id. Mart. 13 Id. Jan. Id. Apr. a. d. iii Id. Mart. 14 a. d. xix Kal. Feb. a. d. xviii Kal. Mai. Prid. Id. Mart. 15 a. d. xviii Kal. Feb. a. d. xvii Kal. Mai. Id. Mart. 16 a. d. xvii Kal. Feb. a. d. xvi Kal. Mai. a. d. xvii Kal. Apr. 33 a. d. iii Kal. Feb. Prid. Kal. Mai. a. d. iii Kal. Apr. 31 Prid. Kal. Feb. Prid. Kal. Apr. L. G. 554 APPENDIX C. P X P O 3 a | I M [ v ia M .i 1 $ i H II ^ >s pq i OT ^ gs i H i i_ i-I- ** t> I* i / -H H i ft L I I CJj --4 i a -HI- t Names of Relations by Blood and Marriage* i s 232 356 APPENDIX D. APPENDIX D. ELEMENTS AND TERMS OF LATIN METRE. FEET. 922 Afoot consists of two or more a'djoining syllables, having defined quan- tities, and may be contained in one or more words or parts of words. The Latin names of the different feet recognised in statements on metre are, as follows : examples of each are added : Disyllabic. Pyrrhlchius ~ ~ age Spondeus vici Trdchaeus - ~ prode Iambus - - agas or ChfirSus Trisyllabic, Trfbrachys ~~ agitt M610SSUS vicini Dactylus " -' prodite Anapaestus agitas Cretlcus ~ - proditos Bacchlus ' amari or Amphim&cer Antlbacchlus 1 - ~ vicina Amphibrachys amare (nom. or ace.) (inf.) Quadrisyllable. Prdceieusmatlcus ~ - ~ " recipere Dispondeu? insanires Dltrdchaeug ~ ~ flagitare Diiambus inutiles orDich6reus Chdriambus - - flag^itio Antispastus ^ - - " reccpcre lonlciis a major! - - ~ ~ fehcia ISnlcusaminori ~ ~ agitasti Paeon I mus ~ ~* flagitia Paeon II dus inutile Paeon III th " ~ trepidare Paeon IV tus ^ ~ ^ - memineras Epitritus I mu reclinatos Epitritus II d> " insecuti Epitritus III tiul ~ dijudicas Epitritus IV tus - insanire Pentasyllable, Dochmius * requisiveras VERSES. 923 A verse or line is composed of a number of feet in a definite order, and is variously named and described by the number of syllables or of feet or of metres which it contains: e.g. hendecasyllabus (eleven-syllabled], dgca- syUabus, &c. ; senarius (with six feet], septenarius, &c. ; m6n6m6ter (with one metre], dimeter (two), pentameter (five), hexameter (six), &c. In dactylic verse one foot makes (for this purpose of description) a metre ; in iambic, trochaic, and anapaestic verse two feet make one metre. A verse containing the stated number of complete metres is called acata- lectic. If the last metre be short by one syllable, it is called catalectic : if short by two syllables brachy catalectic. 1 Some writers reverse the application of the terms Bacchius and Anti- bacchius. Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 357 If there be one or two syllables after the last complete metre, it is called hypercatalectic. A verse is said to be pure when it consists only of one kind of feet (e. g. pure iambic). Most verses are impure, i. e. they contain more than one kind of feet. Some verses admit in certain parts any of several feet, while in other parts one kind only is admissible. Some kinds of verse are named after their inventor or first user, usually a Greek lyric poet; e.g. Archilochus (cir. 700 B.C.), Alcaeus, Alcman and Sappho (cir. 600 B. c.), Hipponax (cir. 540 B. c.), Anacreon (cir. 520 B.C.), Pherecrates (cir. 450 B. c.), Asclepiades and Glycon (age unknown). 924 The main classification of verses is best made by considering whether a verse moves from long syllables to short (falling rhythm) or from short to long (rising rhythm). Thus verses composed of dactyls and of trochees form one class : those composed of iambs and of anapaests form another class. Many verses are catalectic, that is to say, the last foot is abridged. If this is the case in iambic or trochaic or anapaestic verse the last foot is thus represented by one syllable, most frequently a long syllable : in dactylic verse either by a single syllable (male ending) or by a trochee (female end- ing). A certain rest is thus obtained. In verses of more than two metres (i.e. in trimeters, tetrameters, &c.) a similar rest is often sought in the middle of the verse by making a break. And this in two ways : (1) In the verses which are used continuously to form long poems or long parts of plays, viz. in the dactylic hexameter, in the iambic trimeter and in the trochaic tetrameter, this break is procured by making the end of a disyllabic or polysyllabic word come at the middle of the third or fourth foot or of both feet. This ' cutting* of the verse is called caesura. It is in harmony with the principle which prevails in these verses of avoiding, at least in the first half, frequent coincidences, especially successive coin- cidences, of words with feet. (2) In some other" verses we find regularly, at the end of the first or second half of the verse, or at the end of both, a long syllable, after which, as after a rest, the rhythm starts afresh. Thus in the falling rhythm a trochee with such a long syllable becomes a cretic, a dactyl becomes a choriamb, and, in the rising rhythm, an iamb becomes a bacchic, an anapaest becomes a rising or lesser ionic (ionicus a minori). A spondee, as being equal in length ( 51) to either a dactyl or anapaest, belongs to both rhythms, and is freely used in certain parts of the verse, sometimes necessarily, sometimes optionally, in place of trochee, dactyl, iamb or anapaest (cf. Hor. A. P. 256 sq.). A tribrach is found, in some verses frequently, taking the place of iamb or trochee, the long syllable being resolved (as it is often said) into two short ones. 925 The last syllable of a verse is in most, but not in all kinds of verses, at option either long or short, whatever the metre may theoretically require. A short vowel is not so frequent a close as is a long vowel or a consonant. Again, generally an hiatus is not noticed between the end of a verse and the beginning of the following verse. Occasionally, however, a short vowel is so elided ( 64). If, however, the metre runs on continuously, the end of the verse being subject to the same requirements as to quantity and as to the avoidance of hiatus as if there were no division of verses, there is said to be sjfaS,pliIa (continuity} in the metre or between the verses. Anapaestic verse in Greek has always this continuity. It is frequent also in Glyconics 358 APPENDIX D. and Sapphics as used by Catullus and sometimes in those used by Horace. A word is rarely divided between one line and the next (cf. Hor. Od. i. 2. 19; Catull. 61. 82). The following are the principal kinds of verses which occur in Latin poetry now preserved. Sometimes a poem, or a distinct part of a poem, is composed of a number of verses all of one kind, sometimes of two or more, used alternately or in some regular order. FALLING RHYTHMS. N.B. The vertical line is used in the metrical scheme to mark the feet or sets of feet ; in the lines quoted it is used to mark a caesura or break, 926 Dactylic. i. Dactylic hexameter catalectic, or Heroic verse, consists of six feet, the first four of which are either dactyls or spondees, the fifth is a dactyl, rarely a spondee, the sixth always a trochee or spondee. If the fifth foot is a spondee, the fourth is a dactyl. There is usually a caesura (either male or female) in the middle of the third foot, sometimes not until the middle of the fourth foot. First used in Latin by Ennius, then by Lucilius, Lucre- tius, Catullus (62 ; 64) and above all by Vergil, Horace (in Satires and the Epistles), Ovid (in Metamorphoses) and many later writers. S) I quibtis etnguino \ red\mita eapitto Frons expircintis \ praeportat pectoris z'ras, Hue hue adventate \ meets \ audite qucrelas. Ipsitts ante pedes \fltictits \ marts adludebant. (Catull.) 2. Dactylic tetrameter acatalectic : rare (Pseudo-Sen. Here. Oct. Unde sonus trepidas aitres ferit. 3. Dactylic tetrameter catalectic : similar to the last four feet of the Hexameter : used chiefly with other verses, Cms ingens iteretbimus aequor. Plurimus in Junonis honorem. (Hor.) 4. Dactylic dimeter catalectic (or Adonius, from a poem of Sappho calling on Adonis) consists of a dactyl and a trochee or spondee. Used only with other verses. _ ^ ~ | ~ Terruit urbem. (Hor.) 927 Dactylo-choriambic. 5. Dactylic dimeter hypercatalectic, or Arcliil6criius minor, consists of a dactyl and a choriamb. Used only with other verses. _ _ ^ i _ .- ~ _ Pulvis tt umbra sumus. (Hor.) Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 359 6. Dactylic pentameter is composed of two dimeter hypercatalectics, but the first of the two admits a spondee in place of dactyl and a molossus in place of a choriamb. There is always a break after the choriamb. Ovid has nearly always a disyllabic at the end of the verse. Catullus and Pro- pertius have occasionally words of three, four, or five syllables. The verse is very frequently used in alternation with the hexameter. See 938 A. Obruet hostiles \ ista ruina domos. (Ov.) Tune vero longas \ condimus Iliadas. (Propert.) Id quod verbosis \ dicitur et fatuis. (Catull. ) 928 Trochaic. 7. Trochaic tetrameter acatalectic consists of eight trochees, for any of which a spondee may be .used, and for all but the last a dactyl or anapaest or tribrach. Only in comic poets; e.g. Plaut. Menaech. 588 foil. Dixi causam : condiciones \ tetuli torlas confragosas. 8. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic consists of seven trochees and a half (i.e. six trochees and a cretic). Frequent in comic poets with the same choice of feet for the first six trochees as in the acatalectic. A break at end of 4th or 5th foot (e. g. Plaut. Men. 588 sqq.). Seneca observes stricter rules allowing tribrachs in the odd places (except last) and spondees and anapaests in the even places. Dactyls are used also. Seneca's metre appears to have these varieties of feet : Pallid i fauces averni \ vosque Tacnarci spectis Unda Mtscris grata Lethes \ vosque torpentes lacus Jmpium rapite atque m.ersum \ premite perpetuis malts. (Sen. Phaedr. 1210 foil.) 9. Trochaic dimeter catalectic consists of two trochees and a cretic. Only used in combination with other lines (Hor. II. 18). See also under Glyconic. - ^ - ~ | ~ Non ebur neque anreum. (Hor. ) 10. Ithyphallic, i.e. trochaic dimeter brachycatalectic, consists of three trochees. Only used with other lines. - ~ - ~ ~ ~ Bacche, Baccke, Bacche. 929 Dactylo-trochdic. N.B. Dactyls followed by trochees form what are sometimes called logaoedic verses. ir. ArchllSchiua major consists of four dactyls followed by three trochees. In the first three feet spondees may be used. Only used with other verses (Hor. Od. I. 4). 360 APPENDIX D. Nitnc decet aut viridi \ nitidum caput impedire myrto. Pallida mors aeqiio \ put sat pede pauper um tabernas. (Hor. Od. i. 4.) 12. Alcaic decasyllabic consists of two dactyls (not each contained in a separate word) followed by two trochees. Only used as the fourth line of the Alcaic stanza. _~~|_~~|_^_- Impavidum ferient ruinae. Omne caput movet ttrna no men. Impetus aut orient is haedi. (Hor.) 13. Aristdphanlc consists of a dactyl followed by a trochee and spondee (or trochee?). Not used by itself in Horace (i. 8). - ~ ~ | - ~ | Lydia die per omnes. (Hor.) 930 Trochaeo-dactylic. The first disyllabic foot in these verses is often called the base. It usually admits of some variety; e.g. spondee, trochee or iamb. 14. Sapphic (Sapphlcus minor) is a trochaic quinarius with a dactyl always in third foot. It usually consists (in this order) of trochee, spondee, dactyl and two trochees. Catullus has (but rarely)? a trochee in the second foot. There is a caesura, usually male, sometimes female, in the dactyl. This verse is usually combined with the adoiiic, bu-i in Seneca is frequently used continuously by itself. Pauca nuntiate \ meae pucllac. (Catull.) Quo nihil ma/us \ melitisve terris Fata donavere \ bonique Divi. (Hor.) 15. Phalaecian, or simply Heiidecasyllabu^, is like the last a special form of trochaic quinarius. The first foot is usually a spondee, but in Catullus occasionally a trochee or iamb ; the second a dactyl (except in Catull. 55 where it is frequently a spondee). The other three feet are trochees. There is no special caesura. It forms whole poems and is much used by Catullus, Seneca, and Martial ; also by Statius (Silv. i. 6; n. 7 ; IV. 3 ; 9). Adeste hcndecasyllabi quot estis Ovines undique quotquot estis omnes. (Catull.) Tanto ten fastu negas, amice? (Catull. 55.) 1 6. Phgrecratian consists of a dactyl between two disyllabic feet which in Catullus are trochees or spondees, in Horace spondees only. (For ist foot Catullus once has iamb, Horace once has trochee.) Used in stanzas with other feet (see below 938). I ~ -' I (Catull.) Prodeas nova nupta. _ ~ ~ | (Hor.) Grata Pyrrha siib antro. 17. Glyconic consists of a trochee or spondee followed by two dactyls. Catullus usually has a trochee in first place, a cretic in 3rd place. Horace Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 361 has almost always a spondee in ist place. Seneca (cf. Oedip. 903 sqq. but not Thyest. 336 sqq.) has sometimes a spondee in second place, which makes the verse in fact the same as a trochaic dimeter catalectic. Quicquid excessit modutii Pendet instabili loco. (Sen.) Cinge tempora floribus. (Catull.) Nos cantabimus invicem. (Hor.) 1 8. Priapeus consists of trochee or spondee, followed in order by a dactyl, cretic, trochee, dactyl, trochee. In fact it is glyconic + pherecratian. There is a break at the end of the cretic foot. Only found in Catull. 17, Priap. 85. O colonia quae cupis \ ponte hcdere Uva pampinea rubens \ ed^tcata sub umbra. 19. Asclepiadeus minor consists of one spondee, one choriamb and two dactyls. A break usually after choriamb. Much used by Horace and Seneca. (This line repeated forms what is called the First Asclepiad metre, Hor. I. I ; III. 30.) Maecenas atavis \ edite regibiis. (Hor.) Tecum conseruit \ pest if eras mantis. (Sen.) 20. Asclepiadeus major consists of one spondee, two choriambs and two dactyls. A break usually after each choriamb (Catull. 30; Hor. I. n ; 18; IV. 10). I -I -I- !- . Quae mens est hodie \ cur eadem \ non puero fuit? (Hor.) Alphene immemor atque \ unanimis \false sodalibus. (Catull.-) 2 r . SappWcus major (i. e. the ordinary sapphic with a choriamb in- serted) consists of trochee, spondee, choriamb, dactyl, trochee and spondee. A break after the choriamb. Only in Hor. I. 8. t -i i !---- Cur timet Jtavum Tiberim \ t anger e? cur olivum* 931 Cretic and greater Ionic. 12. Wetic tetrameter acatalectic consists of four cretics. Only found in comic poets (e.g. Ter. Andr. 625 sqq.). Occasionally admits Of other feet, e, g. dactyl or paeon. -~-| _~_ I--- J-wa Tanta vecordia innatd cuiquam ut siet* Turn coacti necessario se aperiunt* 23. S5tadeus consists of three ionics a majori and one trochee or spondee. A double trochee is often substituted for the" 3rd ionic, some- times for the first ; and some pf the long syllables are occasionally resolved into two shorts. Only in Terentianus Maurus. 362 APPENDIX D. Lavinia cum dicimus, hacc tamen figura fst Metrumque facit, sotadicon quod vocitartmt Qui multafertmt hoc pcde Sotaden locutum. (Ter. Maur. 1 508 sqq. ) Quasi si repetam quo,s docui disyllabos jam. (ist foot ^ ^ ~ ~) Unum ut faciant duo pariter pedes jugati. (2nd foot - ~ ~ ~ ~) (Ib. 1458 sq.) RISING RHYTHMS. 932 Anapaestic. 24. Anapaestic dimeter acatalectic consists of four anapaests, for any of which a spondee and for the first and third of which a dactyl may be substituted. A break after second foot. Coincident endings of foot and word are frequent. Much used by Seneca. Itc umbrosas \ cingite silvas Summaque montis \juga cecropil Celcri planta \ lustrate vagi, (Sen.) 25. Anapaestic monometer acatalectic consists of two feet, either anapaests or spondees. The first may also be a dactyl. Only interspersed among dimeters, -' Saltus aperit. Captent auras* Notte silenti. Anapaestic tetrameter catalectic is frequent in Greek (e. g. in Aristo- phanes). 933 Iambic. 26. Iambic tetrameter catalectic consists of seven iambs and a half. In the first and fifth places are found spondees occasionally (Catull. 25). The comic poets use spondees, &c. in every place but the seventh. Remitte palliu m mihi \ meum quod involasti. (Catull.) Nunc detmtm experipr mi ob oculos \ caliginem obstitisse. (Plaut.) 27. Iambic trimeter acatalectic consists of six iambs. It is sometimes found pure throughout a poem (Catull. 4; 29), but generally in Horace ad- mits a spondee frequently, a dactyl rarely, in the ist, 3rd and th places, and an anapaest in the jst and 5th. Seneca has the spondee and anapaest frequently in these places. The tribrach occurs in all places except the last. Seneca uses it chiefly in the even places. Phaedrus and the comic poets admit all these substitutes for iambics in any of the first five places. There k a caesura usually at the end of t\ feet, sometimes not until the end of ^ feet. Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 363 Socer generque \ pcrdidistis omnia. (Catull.) Et hoc negat minacis \ Adriatici. (Catull.) In/amis Helenas \ Castor offensits via. (Hor.) Pavidumque leporem et \ advenam laqzieo gruem. (Hor.) Nil praeter domini \ nomen mutant pauperes. (Phaedr.) 28. Iambic Scazon or Hipponacteus, also a trimeter acatalectic, differs from the ordinary trimeter by having a spondee or trochee in the sixth foot and iamb in the fifth. Either a spondee, anapaest or dactyl may be used in first or third feet ; a tribrach in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Caesuras as in the ordinary trimeter. Much used by Catullus and Martial, also by Persius in Prologue. Nam risu inepto \ res ineptior nullast. (Catull.) Dum Janus hiemes \ Domitianus aitctuninos Augustus annis \ commodab.it aestates. (Mart.) Nihil est miserius \ neque gulosius Santra. (Mart.) 29. Iambic trimeter catalectic consists of four iambs, and a bacchic. Spondees are sometimes used in the ist and 3rd places and a tribrach once occurs. A break after 2.^ feet. Only used with other verses (Hor. I. 4; II. 18). Trahentque siccas \ machinae carinas. Mea renidet \ in domo lacunar. (Hor.) 30. Alcaicus enneasyllabus consists of spondee (sometimes iamb), iamb, spondee, bacchic. It is a special form of iambic dimeter hypercata- lectic, and forms the third line of the Alcaic stanza. Te iriste lignum mox caducum. Clari giganteo triumpho. (Hor.) 3 1 . Iambic dimeter acatalectic consists of four iambs, for the first and third of which a spondee is often substituted. A tribrach and dactyl also occur though rarely. Used with other verses (Hor. Epod. I 10). Sacer nepotibus cruor. Virtus sepiikhrum condidit. (Hor.) 3 6 4 APPENDIX D. 3*2. Iambic dimeter catalectic consists of two iambs and a bacchic. A special form of this verse called the anacreontic has an anapaest in the first foot. They are used together in Seneca (Med. 857 sqq.). ^ Quonam cruenta maenas Praeceps amore saevo Rapitur ? quod impotenti Facinus parat furore ? (Sen.) 33. Iambic dimeter brachycatalectic consists of three iambs, found at close of a system of dimeter catalectics. _ _ ^ _ Quis credat extilem. (Sen. Med. 865.) Only Anapaesto-Iambic. 34. Galliambic consists in theory of two iambic or anacreontic dimeters of which the first is catalectic and the second brachycatalectic. There are thus six feet, which are usually anapaest, iamb, bacchic, anapaest, tribrach, iamb; but with some variations. The metre is only found in Catullus' 65111 poem. The name is from the Gaulish priests of Cybele, which form the subject of it. Super alta vectuS Atys \ ccleri rate maria. Tibicen ubi canit Phryx \ curvo grave calamo, Ubi capita maenades vi \jaciunt ederigerae. 'Jamjani dotet quod egi ; \ jam jamque' paenitet. Bacchiac and lesser Ionic. 35. Bacchiac tetrameter* acatalectic consists of four bacchics. Only found in comic poets, e.g. Plaut. Mcn< 753 sqq. ; TV///. 223 sqq. ; Amph. Sed haec res mi hi in pectore ei cords curae st. Homo idem in duobus locis lit simul sit. Occasionally a bacchiac hexameter occurs ; e.g. PI. Amph. 627 sqq. Satin parva res est voluptatem in vita, atqut in aetatc agunda. 36. Ionic a minori. The only metre of this kind in Latin is in one ode of Horace (in. 12). The poem is composed of forty feet, all of this description, and may (as the synapliia throughout is perfect) be divided into four decameters, but is usually printed as if divided into four stanzas, each containing two tetrameters and a dimeter. ___|__|^__|^__ &c . Miserarum est neque dmori dare ludum neque dulci Mala vino lavere aut exanimari, jnetuentes Patruae verbera linguae. Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 365 COMPOSITE. lambo-Dactylic. 37. Alcaic hendecasyllable consists of a spondee (occasionally iamb), and bacchic followed by two dactyls. There is almost always a break after the bacchic. It is used for the ist and 2nd lines of the alcaic stanza. It might be considered as an iambic quinarius with a spondee in the third foot and an anapaest in the fourth (Madvig), but looking at the character of the fourth line of the stanza it is better to consider the first and second lines as compounded of iambic and dactylic rhythm. The first syllable of this and of the nine-syllable verse (;upr. 30) is often called auacrftsis (back-stroke). Nee Tera virtus \ cum semel excidit Curat reponi \ deterioribus. Retorta tergo \ brachia libero. (Hor.) 937 lambo-Trochaic. 38. Saturnian. This is the oldest form of Latin verse, and the laws of it are very uncertain, because few, and those mostly very irregular, specimens are preserved. The most regular form is an iambic trimeter hypercatalectic, with a spondee in the fourth foot and a break in the middle of it. Or it may be considered as compounded of an iambic dimeter catalectic, followed by an ithyphallic (No. 10), i. e. by three trochees. But the first part was sometimes merely three feet, either spondees, iambs, dactyls, or anapaests, and the last part was similarly rudely organised. ~-|~-l~--l!-- ~ Dabunt maluni Aletelli Naevio poetae. Jmmortales mor tales si foret fas flere, Plerent divae catnenae Naeviwn poetant. Itaque, postqtiam est orcino traditust thesauro, Obliti sunt Romae loquier lingua latina. (Naev.) ? Romai 938 STANZAS or SYSTEMS OF METRE. Some of the above-mentioned verses are merely repeated to form a poem or large portion of a poem. Above all the dactylic hexameter (No. i), and iambic trimeter (No. 27) are so used: less frequently the iambic scazon (No. 28), trochaic tetrameter (No. 8), Phalaecian (No. 15), the lesser Asclepiad (No. 19, cf. Hor. Od. I. i; in. 30; IV. 8) and the greater Ascle- piad (No. 20, cf. Hor. i. ir ; 18; iv. 10) and in Seneca the lesser Sapphic (No. 14) and the Glyconic (No. 17). But elegiac and lyric poets frequently combine in regular order two or more kinds of verses. The following are the principal composite metres (in this sense), with the components of each stanza, the stanzas being repeated as often as the poet chooses. A. Elegiac. Dactylic hexameter (No. i) and dactylic pentameter (No. 6) alternately. The sense is usually (except in Catullus) not continued syntactically from one couplet to the succeeding one. Ovid, except in the 366 APPENDIX D. Metamorphoses, used this metre exclusively. So also Tibullus (Books I. n.) and Propertius. Catullus' elegiacs are rough. Martial wrote many poems in this metre. B. Alcaic. A stanza of four lines ; viz. two eleven-syllable (No. 37), one nine-syllable (No. 30) and one ten-syllable (No. 12).. The stanza is artistically composed, of two lines having iambic rhythm in the first half, and dactylic rhythm in the second half; then of an iambic line; last of a dactylo-trochaic. (See Hor. I. 9 and often; especially in. i 6.) C. First Glyconic. A stanza of four lines ; viz. three glyconic (No. 17) and one pherecratian (No. 16). Only in Catull. 34. D. Second Glyconic. A stanza of five lines ; viz. four glyconic and one pherecratian. Only in Catull. 61. E. Second Asclepiad. A stanza of four lines'; viz. three lesser ascle- piads (No. 19) and one glyconic (No. 17). Hor. i. 6; 15; 24; 33; n. 12; in. 10; 16; iv. 5; 12. (For first asclepiad, see No. 19.) F. Third Asclepiad. A stanza of four lines ; viz. two lesser asclepiads, one pherecratian and one glyconic. Hor. i. 5; 14; 21; 43; in. 7; 13; iv. 13. G. Fourth Asclepiad. Glyconic and lesser asclepiad alternately. Hor. i. 35 13; J 9! 3<5; in. 9; 15; 19; 24; 25; 28; iv. i; 3. H. (First) Sapphic. A stanza of four lines ; viz. three (lesser) sap- phics (No. 14) and an adonic (No. 4). Catull. n ; 51 ; Hor. i. 2 and often ; Sen. Med. 582 sqq. ; Stat. Silv. iv. 7. J. Second Sapphic. An aristophanic (No. 13) and greater sapphic (No. 21) alternately. Only in Hor. i. 8. K. Alcmanian. Dactylic hexameter (No. i) and dactylic tetrameter alternately. Hor. I. 7; 28 ; Epod. 12. L. First Archilochian. Dactylic hexameter and lesser archilochian (No. 5) alternately. Only in Hor. iv. 7. M. Second Archilochian. A stanza of three lines; viz. dactylic hexa- meter, iambic dimeter (No. 31) and lesser archilochian (No. 5). The two latter are usually considered as forming together one verse, called an iambe'le'gus- But as there is no synaphia between the iambic and the archilochian (whence this supposed one verse is called asynartetus, i.e. not fitted together] it seems best to treat them as separate verses. (So Lam- binus.) Only in Hor. Epod. 13. N. Third Archilochian. A stanza of three lines ; viz. iambic trimeter (No. 27), lesser archilochian (No. 5) and iambic dimeter (No. 31). The two latter here also (as in M) are often treated as one verse and called elegiambus. Only in Hor. Epod. n. O. Fourth Archilochian. A greater archilochian (No. u) and iambic trimeter catalectic (No. 29) alternately. Only in Hor. i. 4. P. First Pythiambic. Dactylic hexameter and iambic dimeter (No. 3 1 ) alternately. Only in Hor. Epod. 14, 15. Q. Second Pythiambic. Dactylic hexameter and iambic trimeter (No. 27) alternately. Only in Hor. Epod. 16. R. Hipponactean. Trochaic dimeter catalectic (No. 9) and iambic trimeter catalectic (No. 29) alternately. Only in Hor. n. 18. Elements and Terms of Latin Metre. 367 S. Second Iambic. Trimeter and dimeter acatalectic iambics alter- nately. Hor. Epod. i 10 ; Martial i. 49; m. 14; ix. 77. (The so- called 'first iambic' consists of trimeters.) T. Iambic trimeter scazon (No. 28) and iambic dimeter (No. 31) alternately. Only in Martial i. 61. V. Anapaestic. Consists of a number of anapaestic dimeter acata- lectics (No. 24), frequently mixed with monometers (No. 25); e.g. Sen. Mcd. 790 sqq. ; Phaedr. i sqq. In Greek the set of dimeters is frequently closed by a dimeter brachycatalectic (which is often immediately preceded by a monometer). This closing verse from its frequently expressing a proverb is often called versus paroemiacus. X. Anacreontic consists of a number of iambic dimeter catalectics (No. 32) closed by a single iambic dimeter brachycatalectic (No. 33). See Sen. Mcd. 856 sqq. APPENDIX E. EXPLANATION OF SOME GRAMMATICAL AND RHETORICAL TERMS. 939 N.B. Many of these terms being in fact Greek words of wide generic meaning have not been applied by grammarians and rhetoricians uniformly to the same class of expression. i. GRAMMATICAL TERMS; chiefly names of grammatical figures. Amphlbdlia, ' ambiguity ; ' e. g. aio te Romanes vincere posse where tc may be subject and Romanos object ; and vice versa. Anacdlfithdn, where a sentence is begun in one way and finished in another not syntactically accordant ; e. g. Deos verisimile est ut alias indul- gently s tractent for deos... alias tractare or Di...ut...tractent. Anastr&phe, ' inversion ; ' e.g. wale quod vult for qtcod male vult ; tecum for cum te ; trans tra per et remos, &c. AphaerSsIs, ' omission ' of a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word ; e.g. Us for stlis, natits for gnafus. Apdcdps, 'cutting off,' i. e. omission of a letter or syllable at end of a word ; e. g. ille for illus, me for med, vigil for vigilis. Apdddsls, ' reply ' applied to the demonstrative or consequent or principal clause ; cf. 626, 628, 629, 638, 654, &c. 940 Archaismus, use of an ' old'' or obsolete form or word or expression; e.g. olli in Vergil for illi ; duellum in Horace for bellum. Assimilatio, see 22 27. Asynd6t6n, 'omission of conjunctions;' e.g. usus fructus ; sarta tecta ; inde ventis remis in patriam properavi (Cic.). Cf. 439 b. Attractio, often applied to such constructions as are referred to in 451 : also urbem quam statuo vestra est for urbs quam, &c. Barbarismus, using a faulty ' non-Latin ' word, esp. a word faultily formed ; e. g. gladia for gladii, scala for scalae. Distinguished by relating to a single word from soloecismus which relates to a complex of words. Brachyldgia, ' shortening of expression ;' e.g. 581, 58*. 368 APPENDIX E. 941 Crasls, ' union ' of two or more vowel sounds; e.g. cars for cohort, prorsus for proversus. Diaeresis, ' separation ' of one vowel sound into two ; e. g. Orpheus for Orpheus : also the treatment of a usually consonantal v as a vowel; e. g. sttuae for silvae. Ecthllpsls, ' crushing out,' in verse of a syllable ending in m before an ensuing vowel ; see 63. Ellipsis, ' omission ' of a word syntactically required. Cf. 447, 563, 583, &c. Enallage, 'change;' i.e. putting of one case for another, applied by old grammarians to such usages as those in 475 a, 480 and others. EpenthSsIs, ' insertion ; ' e. g. of u in AZctimena for Alcmena ; p in sumpsi, sumptum ( 29). TTaiisrHc ( 'Graecism; ' use of a Greek form or construction, not pro- perly Latin also; e.g. cf. 148, 156, &c. ; 5*8, 53, 540 (3)- Hendladys, ' one by two ; ' use of two words co-ordinated instead of an ex- pression in which one qualifies the other grammatically; e.g. paterae et auriim for aureae patera*. See also 580. Hypallage, ' exchange ; ' applied to such deviations from ordinary expression or construction as Tyrrhenus tubae clangor for Tyrrhenae tubae clangor ; arma dd Vokania for anna a dco Volcano facta, &c. Hyperbaton, ' transgression ; ' i. e. when a considerable clause or expres- sion is interpolated between two parts of a sentence mutually connected in meaning; e-g. hyperboreo septem siibjecta trioni; animadverti omnem accusatoris orationem in duas divisatn esse paries. Hyphen, 'union' of two words, as if by composition; e.g. non-sutor, 'one who is not a tailor,' ignari ante-malorum, 'ignorant of the ills before.' 943 MfitathSsIs, ' change of position;' transposition of two (or more) letters; e.g. cretus for certus (31 d). Paragoge, ' addition ; ' applied (according to a probably false theory) to the formation of dicier from did by addition of er. But see 288. ParenthSsIs, ' insertion ' of a clause into the midst of another ; e. g. si nos, id quod maxime debet, nostra patria delectat (Cic.). The term is generally applied to an ordinary insertion ; if unusual either from its character or length, it is sometimes called hyperbaton. Plednasmus, ' saying too much,' an unnecessary fullness of expression ; e.g. erant otnnino itinera duo, quibus itineribus domo exire possent (Caes.) ; sno sibi gladio hunc jugulo, ' I slay him with his own sword to him ; ' praesensi prius. Prdlepsis, 'anticipation,' applied to such use of an adjective as laceras aries ballistave concutit arces, where the towers are lacerae from the effects of concutit. Pr6tS,sIs, 'proposal,' applied to the relative or conditional, &c. clause, cf. 650. 944 Syllepsis, 'taking together,' applied to the relation of an adjective to two or more substantives of different genders, &c. 446. Synaer6sis, 'contraction' of two vowels into one sound: e.g. treating deinde, quoad as monosyllables ; aurec, eidcm as disyllables ; ariete, tenuia as trisyllables ; cf. 43 50. Other terms are synecpliQnesis and synlzesis. All three are variously distinguished Explanation of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms. 369 and applied, but most frequently used of those contractions which are regarded as exceptional and not expressed in writing ; e. g. 44, 49, while crasis would apply to 47, 48. Synaloepha, * coalescing ' of two vowels, applied to the elision in verse of the vowel at the end of one word before a vowel beginning the next ( 63). Syncdpe, 'striking together,' applied to the omission of a vowel in the middle of a word ; e. g. saeclum for saeculum, puertia for pueritia, &c. Cf. 39. Synecphonesis, ' pronouncing together, see Synaer6sis. SjfnSsIs, where the construction is adapted to the ' sense ' of the word rather than to the form ; e.g. turba ruunt ( 577)> tui'ba circumfusi fre- mabant (Liv.) ; concursus populi mirantium (Liv.). Cf. some exx. in 443- Synlzesls, 'settlement together,' see Synaergsis. 945 Tmesis, 'cutting' of a compound word into two ; e.g. scptem subjecta trioni for septem-trioni ; per mihi gratum feceris for per-gratum; quae me cunque vacant, for quae cunqtie me ; and saxo cere comminuit brum which Ennius wrote, probably mistaking cerebrum for a compound. Zeugma, 'joining,' where a verb grammatically belonging to two or more substantives, is in sense appropriate to one (or to less than all); e.g. te greges centum Siculaeque circum mugiunt vaccae (Hor.); where 'lowing' does not properly suit greges sc. ovium. Magonem alii naufragio (sc. perisse), alii a servis ipsius interfectum, scriptum reliquerunt (Nep.). 2. RHETORICAL TERMS (called 'figures of speech'). S45 A113goria, a continued description of one thing in terms and in images properly belonging to another ; e.g. at jam tempus equum fumantia solvere colla (Verg.), of ' concluding a book.' A more detailed allegory is seen in Horace's description (Od. I. 14) of the State in political difficulties under the name of a ship tossed by waves. Essentially allegory and metaphor are the same. Anaphdra, ' repetition ' of the same word or grammatical form at the com- mencement of several clauses ; e. g. in his templis atque tectis dux Lentulus erat constitutes meis consiliis meis laboribus, mei capitis periculis, sine tumultu, sine delcctu, sine armis, &c. (Cic.). Cf. 79i, 5- Antithesis, 'contrast;' e.g. ego projector, quod tu peccas ; tu delinquis, ego arguor ; pro malefactis Helena redeat, virgo pcreat innocens (Erin.). Aat6n6masia, ' substituting ' a description * for a name ; ' e. g. Tydides for Diomedes ; eversor Karthaginis for Scipio. Apdsiopesls, ' breaking into silence' after a sentence or subject has been begun; e.g. Quos ego scd motos praestat componere Jluctus (Verg. A. r. 135). 947 ApostrSphe, 'turning away' to address some person, or thing, who is absent or at least not the proper object of address at the time ; e.g. o leges Porciae legesqtie Semproniae (Cic.) ; Citae Ivlettuin in diversa quadrigae distulerant : at tu dictis, Albane, inanercs (Verg.). Catachresls, a ' wrong use ' of a term either to supply the place of a non- existing word, e.g. parricida for the murderer of a brother ; or to I,. G. 24 37 APPENDIX E. put a different aspect on a case ; e. g. virtus for temeritas, libera- litas for luxuria, &c. CMasmtts, 'making a (Greek) X,' i.e. 'crossing,' where a second and cor- responding set of words are stated in inverse order to that of the first set ; e.g. multa quae nostra causa non f admits, facimus causa amicorum (Cic.). Cf. 791, 4. Climax (or gradatio), a series of words or expressions each stronger than the preceding : nihil agis, nihil moliris, nihil cogitas, quod ego non modo audiam, sed etiam videam planeque scntiam (Cic.). See also the first ex. in 537 a. Enallage, ' change,' i.e. use of a more general word for a specific word : e.g. Poenus for Hannibal, urbs for Roma. 948 Epexegesls, 'additional explanation,' applied to such usages as habere in loricam donat habere viro (Verg.), or to the subordinate clause in pacem. amicitiamque hortatus est, ut cum rege in gratiam rediret (Nep.), &c. Homoe6t81eut6n, ' like ending ' of several clauses ; e. g. in muros statim curritur^ exercitus a soclis accersitur, dilectusjuuentuti demmtiatur ; neminem, alteri posse dare in malrimonium nisi penes quern sit patrimonium. HSmonymia, ' applicability of same word to different things ;' such words are called hdmonyma ; e.g. taurus maybe an animal, a moun- tain, a constellation, name of man or root of tree. (So Quintilian.) HyperbSle, ' exaggeration ; ' e. g. gemini minantur in caelum scopuli (Verg.); or the description of Camilla's swiftness in last ex. of 642. Hyst6r6n pr6tSr6n, ' putting the former later,' of an inversion in expres- sions of the proper order in thought or fact; e.g. moriamur et in arma ruamus (Verg.). 949 Ironla, 'dissimulation,' when the thing that is said is, or suggests, the con- trary of that which is meant; e.g. in balneis delitiierunt : testis cgregios! dein temere prosiluerunt ; homines temperantis! (Cic. Caec. 26) ; meque timoris argue tu, Drance, quando tot stragis acervos Teucrorum tua dextra dedit (Verg.). (Cf. 653 and many sentences with quasi (690).) LItdtbS, ' plainness,' used of a self-depreciatory mode of speaking ; e. g. non nego instead of aio ; non indoctus for doctus, &c. MStaphdra (or translatio), 'transference ' of a term from its proper subject to another : frequently the application of a physical or concrete term to a mental or abstract subject; e.g. sitiunt segetes, asper homo ('rough,' i.e. ' ill-tempered '); incensus ira, 'fired with rage ; ' eloquentiae fiilmina, &c. It differs from allegory only by be- ing less sustained, and by being worked into the discourse instead of being an independent fable. Almost all language is metaphor, more or less vivid and conscious. M6t5nymia, ' change of name, ' applied to such expressions as Neptumts for 'sea ; ' Vitlcanus for 'fire ; ' Ceres for ' corn ;' bene moratae urbes for bene morati tirbis cives ; Graecia for Gracci ; Vergilius for carmina Vergili ; proximus ardet Ucalegon, where Ucalegon is for 'Uca- legon's house.' On6m3,t6poeia, 'name making,' in modern writers applied only to making names from the sounds which they are to denote ; e. g. ulula, ' howler;' murmur ; clangor ; hirrire (of a dog snarling), &c. 950 OxymorSn, 'pointedly foolish,' applied to such expressions as insaniens Explanation of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms. 371 sapientia ; strenua inertia ; splendid? mendax : et absentes adsunt et egcntes abundant et imbecilli valent et, quod difficilius dictu est, inortui vivunt (Cic. Lael. 7). Pardndmasia (adnominatio), 'playing upon a word/ 'punning; ' e.g. consul ipse parvo animo et pravo, facie magis qtiam facetiis ridiculus (Cic. ). Inceptio est amentium haud amantium (Ter.). Praetor iste vel potius praedo sociorum. Cui quod libet, hoc licet. PSriphrasIs, ' roundabout expression,' ' circumlocution ; ' e. g. fac discas for disce ; vos oratos volo for vos oro ; Scipionis providentia Kartha- ginis opesfregit for Scipio Karthaginem fregit. Prdsopdpoeia, ' personification ; ' e. g. crudelitatis mater avaritiast, pater furor. Si patria mea loquatur, ' M. Tulli, quid agis?' 1 (Cic.) Ex- templo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbcs (Verg.). See Verg. Aen. vi. 273281. Synecddche, when the whole is 'understood along with' (i. e. under the name of) '# part ;' e.g. puppis for navis ; tectum for domus ; mucro or ferrum for gladius ; &c. 951 Sdloecismus, i.e. grammatical blunder in matters of syntax; Quintilian in- stances non feceris for ne feccris ( 668) ; hie aut z'//^for hie an ille; eo intus and intro sum for eo intra and intus sum. See Barba- rismus. S^nonymia, ' using different words or expressions for same meaning ; ' e. g. nonferam^ non patiar, non sinam (Cic.). Words of same mean- ing are called synonyma ; e. g. gladius with ensis ; scutum with clipeus ; mare vtithpontus, &c. Taut616gla, ' repetition of the same thing ; ' sometimes used as identical with synonymia ; sometimes applied to repetitions of the same word ; e. g. non solum igitur illud judicium judicii simile, judices, non fuit (Cic.). Nam cujus rationis ratio non exstat, ei rationi ratio non est Jidem habere (Cornif.). 952 It is important to bear in mind that these terms are only short modes of referring to certain (or uncertain) classes of usages, and the sphere of this application is different in different writers. Whether the usages are legiti- mate or proper depends on the context and the occasion and on general considerations of intelligibility, good sense, vigorous expression, propriety, habit of speakers and writers and the like, and does not depend at all on there being a name for the usage. A name confers no licence, and a gram- matical or rhetorical figure is a name of a fact, not of a law. The mode in which these figures are spoken of in old writers (e.g. ' This is by metonymy,' &c.) might mislead a student to attribute to them some inherent worth or authority. 242 372 APPENDIX F. APPENDIX F. PRINCIPAL (EXTANT) LATIN AUTHORS. Prae- Ciceronian Age. 933 Cn. Naevius, a Latin of Campania, d. 199 B.C. Dramatic and epic poems; only fragments extant. T. Maceius Plautus, b. 254 B.C. at Sassina in Umbria, d. 184 B.C. Comedies, 20 of which are extant, many being written 201 189 B. c. Q. Ennlus, b. 239 B.C. at Rudiae in Calabria, d. 169 B.C. Poems epic and dramatic; only fragments extant. M. Porcius Cato (Censorinus), b. 234 B.C. at Tusculum, d. 149 B.C. History, speeches, and treatise on farming; this treatise and fragments extant. 054 P. Tgrentius, b. 185 B.C. at Carthage; d. 159 B.C. Six comedies; all preserved. L. Attius (or Accius), b. 170 B.C., d. cir. 94 B.C. Tragedies and other poems-; fragments only extant. C. Lucilius, b. 148 B.C. at Suessa Aurunca in Campania, d. 103 B.C. Satires ; only fragments extant. 953 Golden Age. (A) Ciceronian. Cornlflcius, probable name of the author of a treatise on rhetoric addressed to C. Herennius and printed with Cicero's works. Possibly Q. Cornificius trib. pi. 69 B.C. M. Terentius Varro, b. 116 B.C. at Reate, d. 27 B.C. Antiquarian and grammatical writings ; satires, partly in verse ; a treatise on farming. Extant: part of a work on the Latin language (written cir. 43 B.C.), and the treatise de re rustica (written 37 B. C.) : fragments only of others. M. Tullius ClcSro, b. 106 B.C. at Tusculum, d. 43 B. c. Speeches, treatises on rhetoric and philosophy, and private letters. 58 speeches (some mutilated), most of the treatises and many letters are extant. Speeches from 8 j B. c ; treatises from 55 B.C., except a work on rhetoric written in his youth ; letters from 68 B. c. all reaching nearly to his death. Frag- ments only of his poems extant. Q. Tullius Cicero, b. 102 B.C., d. 43 B.C. A short political essay de petition* consulates : extant (with his brother's writings). C. Julius Caesar, b. 100 B.C., d. 44 B.C. Speeches, history, treatises on astronomy and grammar ; only histories (or rather notes for history) of his own campaigns extant. A. Hirtius, d. 43 B.C., wrote 8th book of Caesar de Bella Gallico, and Bellum Alexandrinum : both extant, printed with Caesar. Cornelius NSpos, b. 104 to 94 B.C. near the Po, d. after 32 B.C. His- tory in the form of biographies : some extant. T. Lucretius Cams, b. 98 B.C., d. 55 B.C. Philosophical poem: extant. C. Valerius Catullus, b. 87 B.C. at Verona, d. 54 B.C. Poems, of varied character ; epic, lyric, occasional : extant. Principal Latin Authors. 373 Publilius Syrus of Antioch, cir. 45 B. c. Minaes. Extant a collection of proverbial lines extracted from them. C. Sallustius Crispus, b, 87 B.C. at Amiternum, d. 34 B.C. History. Extant : histories of wars with Catiline and with Jugurtha, and some speeches from the other histories. 956 M. Caelius M. F. Rflfus b. 85 82 B.C., d. cir. 48 B.C. Speeches. Some lively letters to Cicero are -extant, forming Book viil. of Cic. ad Familiares. Among other correspondents of Cicero, several of whose letters have come to us with Cicero's, are L. Munatius Plancus (Cic. ad Fam. Book x.); C. Asinius Pollio (same Book) ; D. Brutus (Book XL); C. Cassius (Book xii.) ; P. Lentulus (ibid.); M. Junius Brutus (Cic. Epist. ad M. Bmturri). One or two letters also occur from C. JuL Caesar, Cn. Pompeius, M. Porcius Cato, M. Antonius, M. Lepidus, Q. Metel- lusNepos, Matius, Caecina, Cicero films. (B) Augustan. 057 P. Vergllius Maro, b. 70 B.C. at Andes near Mantua, d. 19 B.C. Rural and epic poems, viz. Bucolica (B.C. 41 38) ; Georgica (B.C. 37 30); Aeneis (begun cir. B. c. 26 ; left unfinished at his death) : all extant. Some other smaller poems, partly satirical, which have been ascribed to him, are extant. Q. HSratius Flaccus, b. 65 B.C. at Venusia, d. 8 B. c. Poems lyrical and satirical or didactic ; partly in the form of epistles ; all extant. T. LIvius, b. 59 B.C. at Patavium, d. 17 A. D. History of Rome from the foundation of the city to the death of Drusus (9 B.C.), in 142 books of .which 35 books (viz. I x. xx XLV) only are extant. Albius TIbullus, b. cir. 54 B.C., d. 19 B.C. Poems chiefly amatory. Other poems are printed with Tibullus', especially those of Lygdamus, b. cir. 43 B.C. Amatory poems. Sextus Prdpertius, b. cir. 49 B.C. inUmbria, d. after 16 B.C. Poems chiefly amatory ; all extant. L. Annaeus S6n6ca (the father), b. cir. 54 B. c. at Corduba, d. cir. 38 A. D. Wrote in old age reminiscences and specimens of the exercises of rhetorical schools, called Suasoriae and Controversies; partly extant. (Often called Seneca Rhetor to distinguish him from his son.) Vitruvius Pollio, cir. 14 B.C. Wrote a work on Architecture, still extant. P. Ovldius Naso, b. 43 B.C. at Sulmo, d. 17 A. D. Poems amatory (B.C. 14 i A. D.) mythological and antiquarian (A. D. 2 8) and elegiac (A.D. 9 1 6) all extant. A tragedy which he wrote is not extant. Gratius. Poem on hunting; extant probably only in part. Manilius. Poem on astronomy written about the end of Augustus' reign ; extant. Silver Age. (A) Age of S:neca. 951 T. Claudius Caesar Germanicus, b. 15 B. c., d. 18 A. D. Translation in hexameters of Aratus' poem on the constellations. M. Velleius Paterciilus, a soldier before i A. D., d. after 30 A.D. Roman history ; a short work mainly extant. 374 APPENDIX" F. Valerius Maxlmus, cir. 30 A.D. Wrote collection of anecdotes, all or almost all extant. A. Cornelius Celsus, time of Tiberius. Practical treatises on various arts ; work on medicine extant. Phaedrus (freedman of Augustus). Fables in verse ; mainly extant. L. Annaeus S6n6ca (the son), b. cir. 4 B.C., d. 65 A. D. Philosophy and tragedies ; both largely extant. Q. Curtius, Rufus, time of Claudius. History of Alexander the Great ; not wholly extant. L. Junius MddSratus Cdlumella, of Gades, time between Celsus and Plinius major. Treatise on farming, in twelve books (one in verse); all extant. Q. Asconius PSdianus, cir. 3 88 A.D. Notes on Cicero's speeches, partly preserved. Pomponius Mela of Tingentera in Spain, time of Claudius. Geography; extant. A. Persius Flaccus, b. at Volaterra 34 A.D., d. 62 A.D. Satirical poetry; extant. M. Annaeus Luc anus, b. 39 A.D. , d. 65 A. D. Poem on war between Pompey and Caesar called Pharsalia ; extant. Petronius Arbiter, time of Nero. Romance; extant in large frag- ments, chiefly in prose, but partly in verse. Calpurnius, time of Nero. Bucolic poetry ; extant. 959 (B) Age of Quint Ulan. C. Plinius Secundus (the elder), b. 23 A.D., d. 79 A.D. History, Grammar, Natural History; extant only Natural History in 37 books. C. Valerius Flaccus, d. before 90 A. D. Epic poem on Argonautic expedition ; extant. C. Sllius Itallcus, b. 25 A.D., d. 101 A.D. Epic poem on 2nd Punic War. Extant. P. Papinius Statius, b. at Naples cir. 45 A.D., d. 96 A.D. Poems epic and occasional. Extant: Thebais cir. 8092 A. D. ; Acldllcis (un- finished) and Silvae written in the last years of his life. M. Valerius Martialis, b. at Bilbilis in Spain cir. 42 A. D., d. cir. 102 A.D. Epigrams in verse; extant. M. Fabius Quintllianus, b. at Calagurris in Spain, cir. 35 A.D., d. cir. 95 A. D. Treatise on rhetoric ; extant. Sex. Julius Frontlnus, b. cir. 40 A.D., d. cir. 103 A.D. Military and engineering works. Extant : treatise on Roman aqueducts, and anecdotes of military tactics, and fragments. 930 (C) Age of Tacitus. Cornelius Tacitus, b. cir. 54 A.D., d. cir. 119 A.D. Rhetoric and later Roman history. Extant : a considerable part of the history, a life of Julius Agricola and a description of Germany. A dialogue ' de oraioribits ' is attributed to him, but its very different style from that of the other works of Tacitus makes this attribution doubtful. C. Plinius Caecllius Secundus (the younger), b. at Comum 62 A.D., d. 1 13 A. D. Letters (published by himself) and a panegyrical speech. Extant. Principal Latin Authors. 375 D. Junius JiivSnalis, b. at AquTnum cir. 67 A.D., d. cir. 147 A.D. (So according to Friedlander. Usually put 20 years earlier.) Satires; extant. Velius Longus, time of Trajan. Grammatical treatises, one of which is extant. Hyginus, time of Trajan. Landsurveying ; partly extant. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, b. cir. 75 A.D., d. cir. 160 A.D. Biogra- phical, antiquarian and grammatical writings. Partly extant, principally the Lives of the Caesars, written cir. 120 A. D APPENDIX G. ABBREVIATIONS. For abbreviations of money , see 178, 181, of date, 917, 918. (i) First names (Praenomina). A. App. V->. Cn. D. K. L. M. AY- Aulus. Appius. Gaius. Gnaeus. Decimus. Kaeso. Lucius. Marcus. Manius. Mam. Mamercus. N. or Num. Numerius. P. Publius. Q. Qvintus. S. or Sex. Sextus. Sen Servius. S. or Sp. Spurius. T. Titus. Ti. Tiberius. Women's names are expressed by inverted characters ; as, Q for Gaia. CES. or CENS. Cos. 1 D. DES. F. IMP. LEG. L. or LIB. MAG. N. P. C. P. M. PR. PR.oc.0r PRO. Cos. PRO. PR. PROQ. P. R. Q. (2) Titles of Persons, &>c. Censor or Censores. QUIR. Consul or Consules. RESP. Divus. R. P. P. R. Q. Designatus. Filius. S. Imperator. S. P. Q. R. Legatus. Libertus, Liberta. S. P. P. Q. R. Magister. Nepos. TR. MIL. Patres Conscript!. TR. PL. Pontifex Maximus. TR. POT. Praetor, 0rPraetores. X. V. Pro consule, i.e. Pro- X. VIR. STL. consul. JUDIK. Propraetor. Proqvaestor. XV. V. S. F. Populus Romanus. Qvaestor. Qvirites. Eespublica. Respublica Populi Ro- man! Qviritium. Servus. Senatus Populusque Romanus. Senatus Populus Ple- besque Romana. Tribunus Militum. Tribunus Plebis. Tribunicia Potestate. Decemvir(um) 2 . Decemvir(um) stliti- bus (i.e. litibus) judicandis. Qvindecimviri sacris faciundis. 1 Not until 3rd cent. p. Chr. was cons, used ; in Diocletian's time be- gan the custom of doubling the 8 (e.g. conss.) to denote the plural (Mommsen). 2 Descriptive genitive; *of,' i.e. 'one of the ten commissioners.' APPENDIX G. The name of the tribe to which a person belonged is sometimes added to the name in an abbreviated form ; thus, Pup. for Pupinia ; Qvi. or Qvir. for Qvirina. See 512, and Caelius' letter in Cic. Epist. ad Fam. vni. 8, 5. (3) Pis Manibus Sacrum. De sua pecunia. D. M. S. D. S. P. F. C. Faciendum curavit. H. C. E. Hie conditus est. Sepulchral. H. S. E. OB. P. C. V. (4) In "voting on trials. A. Absolve. C. Condemno. N. L. Non liquet. A. P. V. R. Hie situs est. Obiit. Ponendum curavit. Vixit. In voting on laws. Antiquam (legem) probo. Uti rogas. (5) Epistolary. D. Data (est epistola). S. D. Salutem dicit. S. P. D. Salutem plurimam dicit. S, Salutem (dicit). S. V. B. E. E. V. Si vales, bene est : ego valeo. S. T. E. Q. V. B. E. E. Q. V. Si tu exercitusque valetis beno est : ego quoque valeo. S- V. G. V. Si vales gaudeo. Valeo. (6) In decrees of the Senate. D. E. R. I. C. De ea re ita censuerunt. I. N. Intercessit nemo. Scr. arf. Scribendo arfuerunt (i.e. adfuerunt). S. C. Senatus consultum. V. F. Verba fecit. A. U. C. D. D. DD. D. D. D. F. F. F. (7) Miscellaneous. Anno urbis conditae. ITER. Iterum. Dono dedit. L. Libertas. Dederunt. Dat, dicat, dedicat. Felix, faustum, fortuna- tuni. L. M. P. Mille passuum. Q. B. F. F. Q. S. Quod bonum felix faustumque sit (cf. 666). HS (for IIS, i.e. duo + semis) sestertius ( 910). A.C. A.D. A.M. a.C.n, p.C.n, Anno Christ! . Anno Domini. Anno mundi. "" .' Christum natum. post \ c. caput, capitis, &c. (chapter}. cet. cetera. cf. confer, or, conferatur. Cod., Codd. Codex, Codices. (8) Modern Latin. coll. coUato, or, collatis. comp. or cp. compara, or, compa- retur. del. dele, or, deleatur. D. O. M. Deo optimo maximo. ed., edd. editio, editiones. e.g. exempli gratia, etc. or &c. et cetera, h. e. noc est. Abbreviations, 377 I. C. Jesus Christus. N.B. Nota bene. Ictus. Juris consultus. N. T. Novum Testamentum. ibid, ibidem. obs. observa, or, observetur. id. idem. P. S. Postscriptum. i. e. id est. q. v. quern, or quod, vide. i. q. id quod. sc. scilicet. L. or Lib., Libb. Liber, Libri. sq., sqq. sequent!, sectuentibus. L. B. Lectori Benevolo. s. v. sub voce. 1. c. loco citato. vid. vide. 1.1. loco laudato. viz. videlicet. leg. lege, or, legatur. v. versus, versum, &c. L. S. Locus Sigilli. v.c. verbi causa. MS., MSS. Manuscriptum (or Manu-V. eel. Vir celeberrimus. scriptus, sc. liber), Manuscripta, V. cl. Vir clarissimus. or manuscript!. V. T. Vetus Testamentum. TRANSLATION OF EXAMPLES IN SYNTAX. [The figures relate to the sections.] 439. They will compare Veil, Fidenae, Collatia, Aricia, Tusculum with Caere, Teanum, Neapolis, Puteoli, Nuceria. You gave no answer to your fellow-citizens, none to your allies, none to kings: no assertion was made by the verdict of judges, by the votes of the people, by the authority of the body before me : before your eyes was a dumb forum, a voiceless senate-house, a silent and downcast state. 441 (a). He unites his two daughters to the royal youths Lucius and Arruns Tarquin. Publius and Servius Sulla. Tlbe'rius and Gaius Gracchus. Pet Tullia, my little darling, is clamorous for your present. O philosophy guide of life, O thou that ever seekest for virtue and drivest vices forth. This is the war, Porsinna, which we Roman youths proclaim against you. The name of that disease is avarice. 441 (b). This city is Rome. Caesar was created consul. Caesar may be (be created, propose a law in his capacity of,) consul. Gaius Junius dedicated when dictator the temple, which he had vowed when consul, and had ordered when censor to be built. Dolabella having been decreed yesterday to be an enemy, war must be carried on. Could I make Cilicia into Aetolia or Macedonia? A good-for-nothing and an idler is Davus : you on the other hand are spoken of as a fine and clever judge of the old masters. The arrival of Philotimus what a fellow that is ! such a fool and for ever telling lies for Pompey took away all our breath. This man's name also is Menaechmus. The boy had the name of Needson given him from his poverty. We caught a sight of your heart, a simpleminded fellow. 443. The learned are of opinion. Sweets delight. What is this? To whom did he give the purchase money? whence did he get it, and how much was it he gave? I am a timid man. I am a timid woman. They are timid women. Death then is a wretched thing, since it is an evil thing. That is just what I think, that the good are blessed, the villainous are wretched. Flattery is unworthy not merely of a friend but even of a freeman. Toil and pleasure, things most unlike by nature, are joined to one another by a kind of natural fellowship. Leisure and riches, which mortals count the first things. The heads of that conspiracy were (men) beaten with rods and struck with axes. A grievous thing is a wolf to the folds. An uncertain and ever changeable creature is woman. 444. A young man, an agnate (a relative through males ; cp. App. C), a friend, a living creature, an infant, a youth, a married man, an intimate, a rustic, a serpent (a crawling he or she\ a fellow, &c. A convenience, a decree, a saying, a deed, fate (an uttered thing), a prodigy, an agreement, a sin, an answer, a secret, truth, a vow, &c. 445. This empty affair was presently the cause of a real disaster. I restore to you that law of Acilius', by which law many have been condemned after one statement of the case. 446. All lands and seas. Lands and seas all. To man's service we see all lands and seas obedient. 447. The African (wind); Translation of Examples in Syntax. 379 hoary (hairs) ; the (games) of the circus; a birth(day); the setting (sun, i.e. the west) ; the Seventh (month, i.e. September) ; the sesterce (coin of two and a half pounds). Africa (the land of the Afri); lamb (flesh) ; Appius' (road) ; arithmetic (the art of numeration) ; hot (water) ; a tithe (tenth part) ; right (hand); a wild (beast); the Latin (festival); father- (land); a bordered (gown); the main (thing); a three-oar (ship), i.e. with three ranks of oars. An estate at Cumae; Falernian (wine); neat (wine); winter-, settled, quar- ters. To play the first (parts); to drink cold (water). 448. True friendships are (friendships) for ever, /hand over to you a kingdom, strong if you be good, weak if you be evil. 449. They are called in their own tongue Kelts, in ours Gauls. The wings (tend) in different directions, the right tends towards the camp of the Samnites, the left towards the city. 450. The envoys came to Caesar : he sent them back immediately. That fatherland is the first (to us in dearness, i. e.) in our affections, for which we ought to die, and to which we ought to devote ourselves wholly, and in which we ought to place all that is ours. For myself I was never brought to such great hopes by your letters as I was by those of others. Sternness in old age I approve, but, like other things, in bounds. The place on to which the Enetans and the Trojans first disembarked is called Troy. 451. That they used to think was riches, that was good reputation, and great rank. What among others is called passionateness, in a despotism is named haughtiness and cruelty. There was no doubt that the Roman should bring succour to the people of Luceria ; the only matter for deliberation was the road ( 490) they should take. Pompey the father who was a light to the empire of the Roman people having been extinguished, his son, the very copy of the father, was put to death. 452. It is only to the wise man that it happens to do nothing unwillingly, or in pain, or under com- pulsion. Marius who was previously set against the nobility, then presses them much and fiercely. Active make for the forum in the morning and at (i.e. not before) eventide your house. Appius from that day maintained the obstinacy from of old hereditary in his family by holding the censor- ship alone. 455. Milo was present. Pompey spoke. The gates are thrown open. Knowest thou not? Take then your crook. Guilt falls to prayers, the innocent to wrath. It is the facts, the time, the risks, poverty, the splendid spoils of war, more than my words that urge you. Whence and whither wends Catius? 456. Lo, Priam (is here). Ha, Cris- pinus again. Ha, two letters from Varro. There's a crime, there's a cause for a runaway (slave), to put a king on his trial. 457. Hail, my soul. O dear Clinia, hail. Mother, I call on thee. Keep not thy wrath, great priestess: Go, our glory, go. O Corydon, Corydon, what madness seized you ? You, mounds and groves of Alba, you, I say, I implore. Pollio, thee, Messalla, with thy brother, and you too, Bibulus and Servius, and with them thee, bright Furnius, I deliberately pass over. 459. Caesar advanced a three days' journey. A wall ten feet high. He is a thousand paces from Utica. One ought not to swerve a nail's breadth from a right conscience. Caesar pitches his camp three thousand paces from the camp of the Helvetii. 460. Through the nights he kept watch till actual morning, the whole of the day he used to snore. Now for a year you have been attending Cratippus' lectures. Nor will he be of this mind all his life. Sextus Roscius, forty years old. 461. Somewhat we have aided, the Rutulians. What hurt do those things of yours do me? One feeling have you all, one desire. Sweetly smiling, sweetly speaking Lalage will I love. Rough, bitter-looking, back he retreats. Do I already seem to you to be living a long life ? Let me, I pray thee, first rage this rage of mine. 383 Translation of Examples in Syntax. I have served a slavery to thy commands, my father. 462. In face and shoulders like a God. And she stands with her side pierced ( 471, i) with a javelin, stands wounded in the breast. The women clothe themselves in linen robes, leaving their arms bare to the shoulders (bare as to their fore- arms and arms above elbow). Anxious on behalf of the general. They live mainly on milk and cattle. 463. Far across the Tiber he lies (ill) near Caesar's gardens. Hannibal threw his forces across the Ebro. The Belgae crossed the Rhine of old. He keeps his army as near as possible to the enemy. He himself nearer the mountain places his troops. 464. He went away (into Sicily to Syracuse, i.e.) to Syracuse in Sicily. We came to Leucas : thence we had a splendid voyage to Corcyra. Write to your home. The old man buried himself in the country. Exiled by fate he came to Italy and the Lavinian shores. The army was ordered to assemble at Aquilonia. He received a matron into his house. 465. He went to Tarquinii, a large city of Etruria. 466. They come to look, they come to be looked at themselves. Maecenas goes to play, I and Vergil to take some sleep. I was engaged just now to cook, not to be thrashed. Is she given in marriage to Pamphilus to-day? 467. He went off to take service with the king in Sicily (unto Sicily to the king to fight). He flies to the Beaks (i.e. the place of addi'essing the Romans). He forced him to an arbitration (to an arbitrator). 468. Not woods nor rivers, 'tis the country she loves and boughs bearing prolific fruits. Cervius in wrath is ever threatening (folk) with the laws and ballot box. Ware dog. I returned thanks. He gives me words (instead of money, i.e. cheats me). 469. He blushed before the rights and honour of the suppliant (i.e. He respected the rights of the suppliant who appealed to his honour). The woods reecho ' Beautiful Amaryllis.' He begged him to dance (in the character of) the shepherd Cyclops. Even now with the tribuneship on his lips he seeks an opportunity for sedition. 470. I did not conceal from you the language of Titus Ampius. I was the first whom the tribune asked his opinion. The Latin legions had been taught Roman warfare by their long alliance. 471. The old man rises and wraps his limbs in the cloak. This youth having his temples girt with pure bay. At length having her spirit glutted, at length having avenged her hard griefs. Boys having their satchel and board hanging on their left arm. Having put on robes girt back, barefoot, with hair thrown upon her bare shoulders. 472. O too happy tillers of the soil, if they did but know their blessings. What a wretched guard was yours, Gnaeus Plancius ! what a tearful watch ! what bitter nights ! what an unfortunate post to guard my life too ! On your honour, gods (I appeal to your honour); (you see) a man lost and wretched. Lo four altars ! behold two for thee, Daphnis, two (altars), high altars, for Phoebus. Whence (can I get) me a stone? But what is the good of riches collected by such torments? 474 (a). You plough for yourself, you harrow for yourself, you sow for yourself, for yourself also will you reap. Whither my books have been allowed to go, I am not allowed to go. He says to Cleomenes : I will spare you only. When I married you, my torch was a hurt to none. What wished I for my wretched self? Keep your things to yourself (a formula tised in divorces). What presents will you give Nisus worthy of him? The excellent father smiled to him. 474 (b). I put in to unknown (shores), having escaped from my brother and the sea. Life is taken from the young by force, from the old by ripe age. Cassius was being put to direct the fires, Cethegus the slaughter. Thou who art lord to me art a wretched slave to others. Ward off the solstice from the herd. 474 (c)> Everything is made more like a Translation of Examples in Syntax. 381 camp than a city. A grievous thing is a wolf to the folds, showers to the ripe corn. 475. From thee is the start: for thee (i.e. when I have reached thee) will I leave off. Leaning on a taper olive thus began Damon. We (men) put loads on certain beasts, ive put yokes. The Samnites kept riding up to the rampart. 476. Caesar had everything to do at once. Each must use his own judgment. Who has not heard of Demosthenes' sleepless nights? To many good men he left tears when he died, to none move tears than thee. Land is before thy eyes, before ours are the waters. 477. To himself Damocles seemed a fortunate man. Blest to me is the land in which thou wert born. To a longing mind nothing is done speedily enough. To those who confess the truth, it was the broadacres that ruined Italy. 478. This was their two days' warservice for you. But, you must know, of a sudden came Caninius to me in the morning. There's a youth for you, the copy and likeness of myself. 479. Know you not then that kings have long arms? It is always so in a state; those who have no wealth envy the good (i.e. the nobler). What is the good of fortune to me if I am not allowed to use it (Quo mihi with accus. not nom. perhaps for quo mihi est habere)1 In this case I have to do entirely with Clodia. It will be the mischief for my soldiers, if (I shall find) they have not kept quiet. There's for you ! Woe to your head ! 480. Cato is Rome's father and Rome's husband. For him the eyes (i.e. his eyes) are pressed with hard rest and iron sleep. As a lad whose name was Servius Tullius was sleeping, his head they say caught fire. 481. A commission of ten for writing laws. The instructions for doing a work. They settled a day for a council. Magius was insolvent. We found (at the time) no drinking-water. 482 (a). The sea is destructive to greedy skippers. I find myself forted to be a burden before I am a benefit to you. As a vine is a grace to trees, and grapes to vines, thou art all grace to thine. I hate, and am hateful to, the Romans. The business did not prove damaging to anyone. That easily comes to pass which is dear to the Gods. It is not worth while to recount this. 482 (b). To sit in the middle of three is among the Numidians taken as an honour. He has it in charge to see what you lack. Who will there be to throw that at you as a fault? You blame that in me which to Q. Metellus was granted to be an honour, and is to-day and ever will be the greatest glory. 482 (c). They had sent the cavalry to aid Caesar. He leaves five cohorts to guard the camp. Not until the battle was over did the Samnites come to support the Romans. 485. You choose to trade : why not at Pergamum ? at Smyrna ? at Tralles ? Fleeing from the battlefield they did not stop before (they were at) Venusia or Canusium. The commons of Rome I have tended in the field and at home. I am in an agony of soul. We are in suspense of soul. He died at Cumae whither he had betaken himself. 486. Fickle as the wind, let me in Rome love Tibur and at Tibur Rome. He prepares for war by land and sea. There is a panic all through the camp. The first of the two spears was fixed in the ground, the second in the middle of his back. 488. A senator is bid three things, to attend ; to speak in his place, that is, when the question is put to him ; to speak with moderation, (that is) not to speak interminably. In the first place we see ( 478) everywhere in all directions there is no limit. 489. They agree on oath that no one should receive to his city, his house, his table, his hearth, anyone who has left the battle- field a conquered man. He from his notorious intimacy will (cheer me with, i.e.) show me hospitality. 490. A wolf entered by the Esquiline Gate and passing along Tuscan Street had escaped through the Capene Gate. From here we take straight to Beneventum. 491. Caninius 382 Translation of Examples in Syntax. having come to me late in the evening and said he was going the next morning to you, I wrote a letter at night. I wish (that it should be come to Philolaches to meet me, i.e.) to be fetched from Philolaches' (house), in good time. The temple of Castor was dedicated the same year on the 1 5th July. It had been vowed during the war with the Latins. The Arabs wander over fields and mountains winter and summer. Livius (Andronicus) exhibited a play in the consulship of Gaius Claudius and Marcus (Sempronius) Tuditanus (i.e. in the year 240 B.C.). 492. In three hours you can get to Aduatuca. If he had owed it, Sextus, you would have sued for it immediately; if not immediately, soon (paulo 496) after; if not soon, still some time after ( 496); within (those six months, i.e.) six months from then surely; in the course of a year without question. So (within these four hundred years, i.e.) within four hundred years from now there was a king at Rome. 493. It is a real sorrow not to have seen the games of the circus for a year. He lived (eighty years, i.e.) to the age of eighty. Why do you ask how long he lived? 494. Take this rice-gruel. How much did it cost? A trifle. But how much? Eight asses (four pence). Of little worth are arms abroad, unless there is policy at home. The father reckons it at nothing. Our ancestors placed in the laws that a thief should be condemned in double (the value of the property), a usurer in fourfold. 495. This man sold his country for gold : he made and remade laws for a price. In Sicily corn was at most 3 sesterces per bushel (strictly the bushel of corn was at 3 sesterces) . That hesitation cost him dearly. Most men sentence souls to death, as if they had been condemned of a capital offence. The same thing was done by Lucius Philippus, a man most worthy of his father, grandfather and ancestors. For my part I do not think myself worthy of such an honour. 496. Occasionally they make a month a day or two longer. If you had become the worse looking by only a black tooth or a single nail, I should have believed you. The more numerous the Veientes were, the greater the slaughter was. He had vowed the temple ten years before (before by ten years) the war with the Poeni. The temple of Aesculapius is five miles (five thousand paces) from the city. 497. You have erred not indeed in the whole matter but, what is most important, in the dates. All bewildered in ears and eyes were ( 339) numb with fear. As great as Calchas in (interpreting) the organs (of animals), or the Telamonian in arms, or Automedon with a chariot, so great am I as a lover. They eat herbs terrible (in the speaking, i.e.) to speak of, not merely to eat. 498. Rich in land, rich in money invested in loans. The country house abounds with pork, kid, lamb, fowl, milk, cheese, honey. To him the city was surrendered, bare of a garrison, crammed with supplies. Ariovistus forbade the whole of Gaul to the Romans. He did me out of all that gold. 499. Bulls defend themselves with horns, boars with tusks, lions with the grip of their teeth, other beasts by flight, others by hiding. These are the things / feed on, these I delight in, these I thoroughly enjoy. Friends one can neither collect by an armed raid nor procure with gold: they are got by attention and good faith. He is overwhelmed with the hatred of all classes, above all he is floored by the evidence. What are you to do with such a man as this? 500, Sometimes the eyes cannot discharge their proper functions. The com- forts which we have, and the light \ve enjoy, and the breath we draw are, as we see, given us by Jove. Now is the need for courage, Aeneas, now for a steady heart. You fade after discharging all the duties of life. 501. He all but collapsed from fear, I from laughter. In so long a time ( 492) many properties were being held without wrong by inheritance (cf. Translation of Examples in Syntax, 383 99 d), many by purchase, many by dowry. He was growing old from grief and tears. The district of Abano is esteemed for its countryman Livius. 502. What sort of looking man was he? A red man, big- bellied, with thick ankles, somewhat black (in hair), with a big head, sharp eyes, a ruddy face, very big feet. He kept declaring that he had no slave at all of that name. The first elements are simple and solid. Lucius Catilina was born of noble race, with great energy mental and physical, but of a bad and vicious disposition. Tribunes of the soldiers with the power of consuls. 503 i. First if you please let us proceed after the fashion of the Stoics, afterwards we will digress as our habit is. Marius advances with his troops in square column. 503 2. Think that Naevius did everything at Rome properly and reasonably, if this is con- sidered to have been done rightly and duly. Caesar, as was his custom, was on guard at the work. I had scarce uttered these words, when with a groan he thus replies. They leap down from their chariots and fight on foot. 504. What can be maintained with such a people as this? Nothing should be despaired of with Teucer for leader and Teucer for luckbringer. I am sorry that you suspected me on the score of negligence. I copy out the books in the forum among a great crowd of people. 505. While the consul was saying this, the horsemen throw themselves on the flanks. Quickly accomplishing the work and taking the legions across and choosing a fit place for the camp, he recalled the rest of the troops. A (meeting of the) senate cannot be held in the whole month of February, unless the deputations are either settled or put off. When dictating this to you I was in good spirits excepting only for your not being with me. Thence he advanced towards Pluinna, having not yet ascertained what part the enemy had made for. 506. It is decreed that they should be sent into the pro- vinces according to the result of the lot. At length with reluctance, driven by the loud shouts of the Ithacan, according to agreement he opens his mouth. In a calm as they say anyone makes a pilot. 507. It was necessary to ground. Corinth to Tarquinii. Nothing here as yet from Brundisium. Brutus wrote from Rome. Showers of stones fell from the sky. 510. To fall off the rock. To come from Pollio. He comes from Spain. He departed from Gergovia. He is driven out of the town of Gergovia. He is three thousand paces from Rome. 511. He endeavoured to drive Publius Varius from his holdings. Caesar had cut off the enemy from their supplies of corn. He leaves Italy. He loses his case. I was abstaining from lampreys. Released from work. Free from care and toil. Ware mischief. 512. Apollo was the son of Jove and Latona. From Latinus sprang Alba, from Alba Atys, from Atys Capys, from Capys Capetus, from Capetus Tiberinus. L. Domitius, son of Gnaeus, of the Fabian tribe, (surnamed) Ahenobarbus (Brazenbeard). 513 (a). What is more hard than a rock, what softer than a wave? This state has brought forth none either more brilliant for their achievements ( 497) or more refined gentlemen than Publius Africanus, Gaius Laelius, Lucius Furius. 1 am in want of bread, a better thing to me now than honeyed cakes. I fear you may think some other than the wise and good to be the happy man. 513 (b). He did not come to Rome so soon as all hoped. My eyes see farther than usual. Plant no tree, Vanis, before the sacred vine. 516. Cicero's house. Crassus' son. Hector's Andromache (his wife). The sun's rising. The moon's horns. Goddesses of the sea. The toil of learning. His best friends. An enemy to ease, a 384 Translation of Examples in Syntax. foe to the good. It is worth while to recall to mind the pains our ancestors took. What a full attendance of the senate on that occasion, what expec- tations on the part of the people, how the deputations flocked to the place from all Italy, how manly, spirited, and dignified was Publius Len- tulus the consul! As a God will you be to me. 517. Everything which was the woman's becomes the man's property, held as dowry. Now I know myself to be entirely given to Pompey. We held the Car- thaginians as our wards. It is all men's interest to act rightly. 518. My house. Thy friends. My accuser. By my single help (By the help of me alone) the commonwealth is preserved. It is mine (my habit) to speak freely. The common parent of us all. Nor will I make the glory mine, the toil theirs. 519. This concerns me. He said, this con- cerned them more than himself. It is greatly for the interest of Cicero or rather for mine or, upon my word, for that of both, that I should visit him while at his studies. 520. Alone of all. Many of you. The third of the kings of Rome. Of the provinces, Macedonia is harassed by the wild tribe?, Cilicia by the pirates. Each of them. The middle of the path. The level parts of the city. The better part of me. 521. All of us. In the middle of the city. At the end of the year. The whole of Asia. The rest of the crowd. The front of the base. The back of the paper. Each of the brothers. Three hundred of us have sworn to one another. Friends, of whom he had many, were present. 522. This piece of reward. But little prudence. Something beautiful. To such a pitch of misery was I to come. You have logs in plenty (cf. 22 7). All the ships (What of ships) there had been anywhere they had collected to one place. They point out that there is nothing left them beyond the soil of the land, 523 (a). The honour of the consulship. The number of three hundred. The virtue of justice. The lofty city of Buthrotum. The nymphs gave the nourish- ment of milk. A squadron of three hundred horsemen. Supports (con- sisting) both of foot and horse. There are two kinds of liberality ; one in giving a kindness, the other in returning it. 523 (b). A heap of corn. Rewards in money. A great number of horses. A great quantity of seeds. Six days' space. A thousand coins. He was reluctant to give too much profit out of the tithes. A scoundrel of a fellow, Palaestrio. They get 400 bushels to the good. They are compelled to pay to Valentius 30,000 sesterces extra. 624. A ditch a hundred feet long. A boy of sixteen. You will have a guest of no great appetite, but great in merriment. Your letters are of the greatest weight with me. 525 (a). The accusa- tion of the guilty. The possession of influence. The care for other people's things. The purchaser of the estate. A knowledge of law. An actor of the best parts. Lazy reluctance to bury them individually. Hesitation to invade. Greedy of praise. Shirking toil. A man who holds to his pur- pose. Time that eats things away. Like their parents. Conscious of the crime. (Declaration of law, i.e.) Jurisdiction. 525 (b). Freedom from office. The struggle for official honours. Gods who have the rule over souls. Animosities taken up from political differences. Devoted to litera- ture. A mind without fear of death. Uncertain of opinion. Doubtful of the future. 526. Ripe in age. Late in studies. Lessened in (head, i.e.) civil position. Upright in judgment. Secret in hatred. Fierce of tongue. 527. He accused the one of canvassing. They get acquitted of treason. He charges Gaius Verres with avarice and boldness. You duly sue for theft. Condemned to pay his vow. Caught in the perpetration of capital crimes. On his trial for parricide. Already suspected of enter- taining too ambitious hopes. 528. Some day (i. e. At length) pity Translation of Examples in Syntax. 385 your allies. I indeed feel pity for the very walls and roof. It repents you of your fortune. I am bored and wearied with the ways of the state. To admire for justice. To envy one the chickpease reserved. 529. I re- member the living nor yet am I allowed to forget Epicurus. Catilina kept putting one in mind of his poverty, another of his desire. He made me informed of his design. The thought of Plato occurred to me. 530. Tullia infects the young man with her own rashness. He is in need of exer- cise. He makes himself master of Adherbal. The house was crowded with dice-players, full of drunken men. Sated with all things. Italy was crowded with Pythagoreans. Land fertile in crops. Free from businesses. To abstain from fits of passion. To be cheated of one's toils. Wearied of matters. 534 (a). I can, am used to, ought to, wish to, dare to, do this thing. You know how to conquer, Hannibal ; the way to use your con- quest you know not. He did not leave off warning. He set on to follow. He hastens to set out. Give up praying. I hate sinning. He loves being praised. You hope to ascend. They delight to touch the rope. I had to say this. Grant that the fleet escape the flame. He takes trouble to know this. 534 (b). I will teach Rullus to hold his tongue after this. He bade the Helvetii go away. He trained his horses to stay. 535. I say (think, know, grieve, warn you) that Caesar has gone off conqueror. I wish myself both to be, and to be considered, a wise citizen. I allow no honours to be decreed me. He sees that he will be in danger. We desire you to enjoy your conquest. Caesar was informed that the enemy had sat down at the foot of the mountain. Caelius is the authority for Mago's having crossed the river. Great hope possesses me that this place will be a refuge. 536 (a). Caesar is said (is thought, is heard, is found) to have gone away as conqueror. These things seem to be easier. You are ordered to be returned as consul. They are ordered (to be taken to the Syracusan stonequarries, to be imprisoned there, i.e.) to be taken and imprisoned in the Syracu- san stonequarries. 536 (l>). To an educated man to live is to think. This, Roman, is to make a display of war, not to wage it. 537 (a). It is a wicked deed to bind a Roman citizen, a crime to beat him, almost a parricide to kill him : what am I to call fastening him on a cross? These very things are marks of honour to be greeted, sought, made way for, be received by persons rising, be escorted, brought back, consulted. One may frisk. Learning the arts thoroughly softens the manners. 537 (l>). This ought to be and must be done (It behoves and is necessary that this be done). I am pleased that you are in cheerful spirits. The news was brought me that the Parthians had crossed the Euphrates. 537 (c). To have no desires is wealth ; to have no eagerness to purchase is a revenue. One may be a citizen of Gades (Cadiz). It will be given you to be free from this mischief. 538. Ah, to treat so carelessly a matter of this importance! There now that I should have been in Spain at that time rather than at Formiae ! 539. When Catulus had said this, all (began) to look -at me. Then there was a horrible spectacle in the open plains : following, flying, slaughter, capture : horses and men dashed to the ground, and many, from wounds they had received, able neither to fly nor to endure to lie still, but only to struggle and fall down on the spot. 540 i. There is no sense in letting slip an opportunity of that kind. It is time now to attempt something greater. 540 2. The Arcadians alone are skilled in singing. Her mind was apt to be caught. Snow-white to the sight. The one was worthy to be chosen, the other to choose. 540 3. He sent me to beg. We are going out to look. He sends me to seek. He drove his herd to visit the lofty mountains. 540 4. He gives the L. G. 25 386 Translation of Examples in Syntax. man a corslet to possess. We are a number only, and born to consume the crops. MO 5. There remains nothing except love. There is a deal of difference between giving and receiving. 541 b. Son of Atreus, you forbid anyone to think of burying Ajax. The consuls issued a procla- mation forbidding anyone to sell or buy anything to facilitate flight. He avoids doing anything which he would afterwards have trouble in chang- ing. The seer is frenzied in her attempts (cf. 748) to shake off the mighty god from her breast. 645. One will not repent of having paid attention to that. Then was the time for weeping when our arms were taken from us. 547. These things are very easy to decide. He was sent to ascertain the dispositions of the kings. A large sum has now been expended on buying and arming slaves for service in war. 548. The consul gives his attention to appeasing the Gods at Rome and holding a levy. Numbers of people flocked together ready to hear and believe this. The following were present at the recording. A commission of ten for deciding lawsuits. The states are not solvent. 549 (a). Caesar gained glory by giving, by relieving, by excusing, Cato by making no present at all. Herdonius by confessing himself an enemy almost served a notice on you to take up arms, this man by denying that there were wars at all, took the arms out of your hands. At this day Asia rests on the main- tenance of the arrangements and, I may say, on treading in the footsteps of Lucullus. 549 (l>). The word law in Greek is derived from assigning each his own. The first book is on the contempt of death. 1 spent my exertions in making the accusation and setting forth the charges. Instead of bringing help to the allies he proceeds to march in person to lay siege to the city. 550. We are so (born and made, i.e.) framed by nature as to contain in ourselves the instincts to do something, to love some people, and to repay a favour. In this state have been formed plans for destroying the city, butchering the citizens, putting an end to the name of Rome. 551. At this crisis we must be slaves or lords: we must feel fear or cause it, Quirites. Each must use his own judgment. Caesar had to do everything at once ; to set up the flag, give the signal with the trumpet, recall the soldiers from work, draw up the line. I withdrew from a war in which one had either to fall in battle, or to fall into an ambush, to come into the conqueror's hands or to take refuge with Juba or to choose a place for what would be exile, or to decree oneself a voluntary death. We have to fear in death eternal punishment. 552 (a). He had some land from my father to cultivate. Let us give ourselves to philosophy to refine. Caesar has a bridge (of boats) made in the Arar (Saone). Part of it is kept for drinking. He puts out a contract for cleaning the sewers. 552 (b}. There's a deed which calls for (notice, i. e.) punishment. Let me tell you now of another type of general, one which calls for very careful retention and preservation. Rest between toils either already spent or soon to be spent refreshed their bodies and spirits to endure everything anew. He cried both that he had bought and was to buy everything. It was scarcely to be believed. They gave the name of pains to toils which could not be avoided. 553. Come as soon as you can to have a laugh at this. Envoys came into the camp of the Aequi to complain of the wrongs and demand restitution in accordance with the treaty. I will not go to be a slave to Grecian mothers. He thinks that all or most things will appear ambiguous. 654. Foul to say (in the saying). Terrible forms to look at. The other hill was convenient for practical purposes. Water pleasant to drink. 556. I am loved, I am about to love, &c. I say that thou art loved. Nothing worthy of mention was done this year (cf. 491). Old age is busy and Translation of Examples in Syntax. 387 ever doing and stirring something. 557. Having said this he went aloft. Every evil is easily crushed in its birth, but when grown old becomes stronger. Upon my word it would not have occurred to me if I had not been reminded of it. Nor has he lived ill who has escaped notice both in birth and death. Thence you will protect Greece, at once wearing to the Romans the appearance of preparing to cross, and actually ready to cross if circumstances should require it. With almost an harangue of this kind in his mouth he went from man to man. 559. I ask you to hold me excused; I dine at home. I put aside the mathematicians (astrologers), grammarians, musicians. I will so lay low the legions of the Latins as the envoy lay low just now before your eyes. No one doubted that it was outraged guests, slaughtered envoys, ransacked temples that brought about this great destruction. There were kings at Rome, counting from, the foundation of the city to the deliverance of it, for 244 years. Then the Danai with a groan, raging at the girl's having been carried off, collected from all sides and rush on. Failure in getting favourable omens for a long time had detained the dictator. A verse was found in the Sibylline books on account of the frequent showers of stones in that year. There was no reason why haste should be required. 561. A wise man (lit. A man having taste). Fixed penalty. A shrill (sharpened) voice. Time to come. What? are then those images of yours so obedient to us (lit. so listening for us at our word)? The doctor quite confirms the opinion that you will be shortly in health. 569. The man was persuaded : it was done : they came : we are beaten : he married (the lady). A grudge is felt at the benefits received by the men themselves, but their exertions to benefit others are viewed with favour. Still however we will give satisfaction and no labour shall be spared. Each wishes himself to be trusted. Strenuous opposition was made by Cotta and the (centurions of the) first ranks. 670. To myself no injury can now be done by them. This is the only point of contention. 672. What I was at Trasumene (lake) and at Cannae, that you are to-day. It is denied by the whole of Italy, denied by the senate, denied by you. 673. Verres comes into the temple of Castor : looks upon the sanctuary : turns himself about : seeks what to do. 574. They are wont in the schools (of rhetoric) to bring forward decisions of the immortal Gods on the subject of death. Official congratulations from the towns all along the road (imperfect tense) were offered to Pompey. Part of us are so timid as to have thrown aside all recollection of the favours of the people of Rome, part so opposed to the commonwealth as to show that they favour the enemv. Friends partly deserted me, partly even betrayed me. 575 (a). The deed itself puts him to shame. Pity seizes me for others. 575 (b). It lightens; it thunders; it rains ; it freezes; it draws to evening. At Reate a shower of stones fell (it stoned in a shower). It begins to dawn here now ('it, here' represent hoc]. 575 (c). The order is obeyed. Who could have been spared? The damages in the suits have been strictly assessed : the party pleased forgets it; the party hurt remembers. You who think yourself flourishing are weighed down by anxieties; you are tormented with desires; you are racked all day and night, because what you have is not enough. In fact all of us householders have left reaping-hook and plough, and crept within the city walls. 577 (a). Some fly off to the ships : part again climb the (wooden) horse. Each of them lead out their armies from the stationary camp away on the side of the river Apsus. 577 (/'). Lovers' quarrels are a renewal of love. To be contented with one's property is the greatest and surest riches. 573. Paulus and Marcellus are passed over by private agreement. If you and Tullia are well, I and my sweetest Cicero are well. 252 388 Translation of Examples in Syntax. I and you know to separate a rude saying from a humorous one. 579. The leader himself with some chiefs are taken. This neither I nor you have done. 580. The senate and people of Rome understands. When time and need requires, we must fight it out with force, 581. This much both the Peripatetics and the old Academy grants me. I delight to be called a good and wise man, and so do you. And of this opinion were Demo- critus, Heraclltus, Empedocles, Aristotle. The quaestorship I was a candi- date for, Cotta for the consulship, Hortensius for the aedileship. It was stated on oath by Publius Titius, guardian of the ward Junius : it was stated by Marcus Junius, guardian and uncle : it would have been stated by Lucius Mustius if he had been alive ; it was stated by L. Domitius. 682. Both armies, that of Veii and that of Tarquinii, go off each to their own homes. We endure each his own ghost (the events of a ghostly life). From slug- gishness and softness of spirit you hesitate, one waiting for another. The consuls of that year had perished, one by disease, the other by the sword, 583. What, says he, are you here for so early, Tubero? Then he (spake). You have done wisely in leaving this, if you did so deliberately; and fortunately if you did so by accident. The Gauls (did) nothing else for two days but stand ready. Gaius Caesar (ask) money from me? Why so rather, than I from him? More and more anxious became Agrippina, because no one came from her son. What is the good of my possessing fortune, if I am not allowed to make use of it? This however is nothing to me. Whither tends (i.e. What is the purpose of) this? Why make many words of it? 584. On the 3rd day before the Ides of November (nth Nov.), on my coming down Holy Street, he followed me with his (roughs) : shouts, stones, sticks, swords : all these unexpectedly. A sea raging, harbourless, land fertile in crops, good for cattle, unfavourable to trees : a scarcity of water both in sky and land. Meanwhile with all my forces I made a raid on the Amanienses, our constant enemies : many were slain, (or) captured : the rest dispersed : some fortified hamlets were taken by a sudden attack and set on fire. 585. He answered that it had not occurred to him that anyone would do it. A crowded senate determined that a colony should be established at Lavlcum. Why do you hesitate? He ought to have been hurried aloft by this time. What mat- ters it whether I wished it to be done or rejoice at its being already done? 590 (p. 236 note). I will beg Achilles to give me the gold for which Hector was ransomed. 593. Here I am waiting for Servius. Now when I look at you, I see you to be Romans. 594. He gave Archagathus the task of having the silver carried down to the sea. Archagathus goes up into the town, bids all to produce whatever they had. There was a great panic. I had scarce uttered this : of a sudden everything seemed to quiver : sinking down we drop to the ground anxl a voice is borne to our ears. 595. In complying with the young men's request, I forgot myself to be an old man. Whilst the Romans are preparing and consulting, Saguntum was already being besieged with might and main. Whilst the elephants are being conveyed across, meantime Hannibal had sent 500 horsemen to spy out the Roman camp. Now is the time for imbuing the boy with those arts which, imbibed while he is of tender age, will make him come better pre- pared to more important matters. I for my part desire and I have for long been desiring to visit Alexandria. What? did I ever cheat you ( 468 tr.) at all since I have been yours? 597. Well, what do you say? Crassus, are we going to sit down? Look to the camp and defend it needfully, if anything fall out for the worse : I meantime am going round the rest of the gates and strengthening the guards of the camp. 598.. Before I Translation of Examples in Syntax. 389 speak of the accusation itself, I will say a few words on the hope of the accusers. You meantime will await us here till we come out. 599. What is ever in motion is eternal. Your interests are concerned (lit. Your business is being done) when the adjoining wall is on fire. 600. If we take nature as our guide, we shall never go wrong. Our time here, while we are on the earth, will be like that heavenly life. Anyone who shall wish to gain true glory, should discharge the duties of justice. Remember to take me to listen wheresoever you go. 601. If however the wise man had been susceptible of suffering, he would have been susceptible of wrath ; now as he is free from wrath he will be free also from suffering. I. have found she is of kin to us. What? are you out of your senses? It will turn out as I say: I am not speaking at random. 602. About the water if there is any trouble, you will look to it, if Philip does anything. 603. They attack the rear rank of the Romans. At that time Marius was 1 busy in the front, because Jugurtha with most of the enemy was there. Archias was in those days a pleasant associate of Metellus the conqueror of Numidia, his recitations were attended by Marcus Aemilius, he used to live with Quintus Catulus both father and son, his acquaintance was cultivated by Lucius Crassus. 604. I was (am) writing this at the ninth hour of the night on the eighth before the Kalends. Milo was (is) already in possession of the plain of Mars : the candidate Marcellus was (is) snoring so loud that I heard (hear) him through the wall. Feb. isth. I have written this before daybreak : I am going to day to dine at Pomponius' wedding dinner. What is the state of politics with you at the time of my writing" this I know not : I hear there are some disturbances : I hope they are' wrongly reported, so that we may sometime enjoy liberty and peace. These are my anxieties at the time of writing to you : if some God shall turn them into joy, I shall not complain of the apprehensions. 605. Anything he had earned he bestowed on his greedy belly. In Greece musicians were in favour, and all used to learn the art. I used to practise declaiming daily. Hortensius used to speak better than he has written (or* ever wrote). All who were present were dying with laughter: and for the future all began to dread me. Both lines take up a position and they pre- pared themselves for battle. The consuls, uncertain what sudden mischief had fallen on the city, tried to allay the tumult, and by their efforts to do this sometimes excited it. Of this surrender Postumius himself, who was offered in surrender, was the adviser and mover. After they failed in seeing any sign of the enemy, the Gauls marching on reach the city of Rome. 608 i (a). At last Catiline came into the senate. Then Marcus Tullius the consul made a speech at once brilliant and politically Useful. He afterwards wrote and published it. I came, I saw, I conquered. Lucius Lucullus was for many years governor of the province of Asia. 608 I (b). I almost forgot that which was the principal object of my letter. I love Brutus as much as you do, I had almost said as much as I love you* 608 I (<:). After Gnaeus Pompeius was sent to the war by sea, the power of the oligarchy grew. Hispala did not let the young man go till he pledged his word that he would keep aloof from these rites. 608 i (a). We use our limbs before we have learnt for what purpose we have them. At length, Quirites, we have, shall I say, expelled Catiline from the city or, if you like, let him go or escorted him with words in his voluntary retirement; He has gone away, has withdrawn, has escaped, has broken out. Now no more will the destruction of our walls be plotted inside the walls. 608 i (b). We Trojans are things of the past : Ilium is no more and the great glory of the Teucri. I have an only son, a young man. Ah ! What Translation of Examples in Syntax. said I ? that I have (a son)? Nay I have had, Chremes. Whether I have still or not, is uncertain. The earth trembles, the beasts are fled. 608 -2 (r). When fortune blows (has blown) on us, we are dashed to the ground. 608 2 (d). Whilst the king is safe, all (the bees) have but one mind : if he is lost, they break at once their loyalty and plunder the honey they had piled up. Not house or lands, nor heap of bronze and gold has drawn away fevers from the sick body of their lord. 609 i. When you come to read this, I shall perhaps have met him. When I have seen him I shall proceed to Arpinum. 609 2. lie that shall crush (have crushed) Antony, will thereby put an end to the war. Will he not then be really the conqueror, if on any terms whatever he succeed in entering this city with his (troops) ? 609 3. Plato, if I shall succeed in translating him, uses some such words as these. By the Judicature Act neither will the man who chooses be elected, nor the man who refuses escape election: those will be the judges whom the Act itself, not man's caprice, shall have selected. 609 4. But if we are utterly fallen, I shall have been the ruin of all my friends. Shall one man go unpunished after causing this carnage through the city? after sending so many leading warriors to (for) Orcus? 609 5. Trust me, I say. I will help you either by consolation or counsel or act. Do you invite the ladies ; meantime I shall have summoned the boys. If I am troublesome, give back the money: I will then be off at once. Some time I will look to what he effects : meanwhile I highly value his offer. 610. As a father of a household shall enact with regard to his own family and money, so shall the law be. Come now, Stichus : whichever of (us) two shall cry off shall be fined a glass. 611 (a). He decided to put up with anything rather than enter on war, because the previous attempt had turned out ill. Hanno, with those who had come up last after the battle was lost, is taken alive. 611 (b}. We are now travelling on a hot and dusty road. I sent off (a letter) from Ephesus yesterday: this letter I send from Tralles. 611 (r). A hundred and twenty lictors had filled the forum and were carrying axes bound up with their bundles of rods. The crops not only were being consumed by this great number of beasts and men, but had also been beaten to the ground by the season and the showers. Publius Africanus, after he had been twice consul and censor, proceeded to put L. Cotta on his trial. 611 (d). The enemy, whenever from the shore they caught sight of single soldiers disembarking, attacked them while embarrassed. 612. Do whatever you like. I mean to give you no more. I have lent you everything which I meant to lend. An orator must try the minds and feelings of those before whom he may be pleading at the time ( 600 a] or be preparing to plead. The chamber where the king was to stay (for the night), if he had continued his journey, fell in the very next night. 613. Mind you keep well. Collect the sheep, lads. When you have admitted this, then deny, if you will, that you received the money. 621. He asks Rubrius to invite whomever it may be con- venient to him : and leave one place for himself, if Rubrius pleased. At the same time Rubrius orders his slaves to shut the gate and stand them- selves at the doors. 622. The other side demand that judges to try the case should be assigned out of those states who frequented that forum: those were chosen whom Verres thought fit. Mago sends envoys to the senate at Carthage to represent in exaggerated terms the defection of the allies and urge them to send reinforcements so that they might recover the empire of Spain which had come to them from their fathers. 623. For three years he so harassed and ruined Sicily that it cannot possibly be restored to its former condition, and it will require many years before it can Translation of Examples in Syntax. 391 have a chance of some partial recovery. 624. Aemilius Paullus brought so much money into the treasury that the booty gained by one general has put an end to the poll-tax. Their resources had grown so greatly that not even at the death of Aeneas did the Etruscans or any other neighbours dare to take up arms. 625. The orators of old are praised, for their habit of defending at length the cases of accused persons. That all men, father, said he, might truly report me sprung from your blood, on a challenge I slew my enemy and bear these horsemen's spoils to you. 640 (a). If you were here, you would feel differently. Jf I were to say that I am moved by regret for Scipio, I should tell a lie. What if a father were to rob temples, drive a mine to the treasury? would a son give information of it to the magistrates? That indeed would be ( 643) a sin : nay he would even defend his father, if he should be accused. 640 (b). Then verily should I in vain have, with this right hand, saved the Capitol and the citadel, if I were to see a fellow-citizen be dragged to prison. Without your consent, general, I should never think of fighting out of the ranks, not though I were to see victory certain. In fine I would upon my word rather flee away at once than return if I should know that my return must be thither. These, if my care were not resisting, the flames would already have seized and the hostile sword would have drained (their blood). 640 (c}. All this seems to you laughable, for you are not present : if you had been a spectator you would not have restrained your tears. It is I Han- nibal who sue for peace, I who would not have been sueing if I had not believed it to be expedient. Would you then have thought Opimius, if you had lived in those days, a rash or cruel citizen? How I am listened to now I am fully sensible, but if I had been speaking then, I should not have been listened to. You however alike if you had been defending a will, would have pleaded so that all rights of all wills might seem to be in- volved in that trial, or if you had been pleading the cause of the soldier would with your words have roused his father from the dead. 640 (d). If I had distrusted Metellus' honour, I should not have retained him as a judge. The matter neither now seems to me in a difficult position and would have been in a very easy one, if some persons had not been to blame. But, Velleius, if you had not said something, you would not have succeeded in getting me to say anything. 641 (a). If you do this, you see me to- day for the last time. We indeed, if pleasure contains everything, are far away distanced by beasts. In fine if you are a God, you ought to confer benefits on mortals, not take away what they have: but if you are a man, always bear in mind that which you are. If you shall be con- demned, and in fact when you are condemned (for with those men as judges what doubt of your condemnation could there be?), you will have to be beaten to death with rods. What? if a father shall attempt to seize a throne, or betray his country, will the son keep silence? Nay he will implore his father not to do it : if he prevail nothing he will accuse him. If so many examples of valour do not move you, nothing ever will move you : if so terrible a disaster did not make life cheap, none will make it so. 641 (b). If I wished to take you off by poison at your supper, what was less suitable conduct than to make you angry? I told you when you were starting that I was lazy: what good did I get by telling you this, if notwithstanding you attack rights which are on my side? Epicurus however courteous he may have been in defending his friends, still, if this is true, for I affirm nothing, was deficient in sharpness. If you be found to bring the money, I shall be found to break my word to him. You will greatly please me, and I hope Scaevola also, if you discuss friendship. 392 Translation of Examples in SyntaX. 641 (f). If you had not already previously formed a plan for the death of Sextus Roscius, this piece of news did not in the least concern you. If Metellus was not sufficiently defended by his own modesty, the rank of our family ought to have given him sufficient support. At that time in fact a man who had got an office did not hold it, if the Fathers had not given formal sanction. 641 (d). I had yielded to odium, if you will have it that the commons were hostile to me, which they were not ; if there was violence in the matter, then to fear; if there was danger to the citizens, then to the commonwealth. Both my husband and your wife ought to have been living, if we had not meant to dare some great deed. 642. Defeated in one battle Alexander would have been defeated in the whole war; but what battle could have broken the Roman, who was not broken by the Caudine Forks, not broken by Cannae? At a push from him lofty walls with high towers would have been stirred : the serpent remained without a wound. I could have wished I had been permitted: I should have said this. You may say it. I should have done this. You may do it: no one stops you. I should have decreed this. Decree away, only decree rightly : all will approve. Assuredly no other nation would have failed to be overwhelmed with such a weight of disaster. In this space of time the con- quered committed more cruelties on themselves than the conquerors, if set on, would have committed. All our own productions please us while they are being produced : otherwise they would not be (have been) written. She would have flown over the tops of the stalks of unmovvn corn and not have hurt the tender beards as she ran, or would have taken her course through the midst of the sea suspended on the swelling wave and not have wetted her swift feet in the water. 643 (a). I could (can) go through the many attractions of country life, but I feel that even what I have said has been too long. It is a long business to mention them : but this much in brief I will say. There is no reason why you should fear lest this be troublesome to him, for he will not find it tedious to go round the world for my sake. 643 (b}. Either the war ought not to have been undertaken or it ought now to be waged in a way worthy of the Roman people. It would have been better for Cinna to have been forbidden and prevented from putting so many leading men to death than for himself at some time to suffer for it. 643 (c). I might have called disturbances of mind diseases; but (if I had) it would not have been convenient ( 642) in all respects. And so Plato thinks that they would not even take part in politics unless compelled : it would have been fairer however for it to be done voluntarily. 643 (). But I should not readily say anyone was more apt in words or closer packed with meaning. I would gladly give all wealth to everybody if only ( 684) I could be allowed to live in your fashion without being interrupted by brute force. Cicero I would boldly match against any of the Greeks whatever. Bravely spoken! (lit. Blessed for valour, 501), in fact I myself should not mind going wrong in your hero's company. So I should give my opinion Translation of Examples in Syntax. 393 to your friends that they should avoid that new style of speaking. 645 (a). I wish you to take a wife to-day. I much prefer your being silent to your saying that you are silent. I prefer upon my word that what you maintain should be proved before those judges and the Roman people than what I charge against you. These are great deeds of course: who denies it? but they are stimulated by great rewards and by the eternal remembrance of mankind. Good heavens! Will anyone after learning these things say that Oppianicus was deceived? Enough and more than enough has your liberality enriched me : I shall not (be found to) have acquired what either like greedy Chremes I may bury in the earth or squander like a loose young rake. 645 (). I will for my part gladly yield for you, Laelius, to dis- course on that, I am possessed by moderate vices such as may be excused ( 646) : perchance even these length of time will handsomely diminish. Now what is it you say? Beware of pardoning. This is the language nei- ther of a man nor (fit to be addressed) to a man : he that uses such language before you, Gnaeus Caesar, will be quicker in casting off his own human feeling than in wresting yours. 1 will gladly give my opinion that each should practise the art he knows. 646. "Tis in vain that you exhort a man who is roused neither by glory nor dangers. He holds an apple taken from a tree : you would think the Hesperides had given it him. Without the word of command they bear back the standards, and sorrowful you would have thought them conquered return into the camp. Presently you would have seen no one at rest throughout the camp. One would have thought that there ought to be an end to that mourning. The mind too and spirit, unless you drop oil as it were upon their light, die away from old age. A good man only becomes less active if you neglect him, but a bad man becomes more wicked. 647 i. Some one will perhaps inquire, whether I disapprove of using the protection of the laws to drive off danger. No, judges, I do not disapprove. A man will say, What then is your opinion? that we should take measures against those who have betrayed the commonwealth to the enemy ? Not by arms, not by force, &c. Do you then speak of yourself? some one will have said. I do it unwil- lingly,, but pain at the wrong I have suffered makes me unusually boastful. 647 -2. You will ask, how much I value it at? If I shall ever be per- mitted to live in ease, you will find by experience. Where shall we find those who do not prefer office to friendship? Where can you find the man who prefers the promotion of his friend to his own? 650 (a). Should you ask me what I consider to be the nature of the Gods, I should perhaps give no answer : should you inquire, whether I think it to be such as you have just set forth, I should say that nothing seems to me less likely. A share in this great work, had grief permitted, Icarus, thou wouldst have had (been now having). Had you given this mind a body equal to it, he would have done what (i.e. the definite thing) he wished. For without you (were it), I should not have been living till sunset this day. 650 (&). One who sees these and innumerable things of the same kind, would he not be forced to admit the existence of Gods? One who had seen (been seeing) the Trojan horse brought inside would have said that the city was taken. 650 (c). If you had not heard of these things as done, but had been looking at them in a picture, still it would have been clear which of the two was the plotter. Even if death had to be met, I should have preferred meeting it at home and in my country rather than in strange places abroad. 650 (d). And yet for my part if a philosopher were to be furnished with eloquence, I should not despise it; if he have it not, I should not require it. 651 (a). Whatever they say, I praise : if again they deny it, I praise that too* 394 Translation of Examples in Syntax. Does any one say no, I say no : does he say ay, I say ay. He has by his decree assigned supreme command to a most illustrious man, but that man a private individual. In this lie has imposed a very great burden on us* (If) I shall assent, I shall have thereby brought canvassing into the senate- house. If I shall refuse, I shall seem by my vote to have refused a post of honour to a great friend. You laugh, he is convulsed with a louder laugh : he weeps, if he sees (has seen) his friend in tears. (Shall you have) come into my country with me, there I will return the favour to you. Attend and you will understand. Take away this thought : you will have taken away all mourning. 651 (l>). There is in fact nothing more love- able than virtue : the man that has gained that, wherever he be ( 600) in the world, will have our affection. These and things of this kind anyone will easily see who wishes to praise. 651 (c). In the Decii Magii if there was not the control which is usually found in our consuls, there was pomp, there was show. Good men do many things for this reason, because it is right, although they see no advantage likely to result. What a man often sees he does not wonder at, even though he is ignorant of its cause. 651 (d}. If you do (shall have done) what you profess, I shall be very grateful to you; if you do not, I shall ex- cuse it. Either if you are hard, say no, if you are not hard, come. Luxury, while disgraceful to every age, is foulest to old age: but if there is besides want of control over the desires, the evil is twofold. For be it that we can attain wisdom, it should not be procured only but enjoyed : be it that that is difficult, still there is no limit to the hunt for truth until you have found it. 652 (a). You loaded him with every insult whom, if you had had a spark of dutiful affection, you ought to have reverenced as a father. The whole army might have been annihilated, if the conquerors had pursued the fugitives. Neither will you dare to say this, nor will you be allowed, if you were to desire it. If he had said this, still no excuse should have been allowed him. They had come into such a position that if the consul had had a foe like the former kings of the Macedonians, a great disaster might have been incurred. Philip not doubting that, if there had been day enough left, the Athamanes also might have been turned out of their camp, sat down at the foot of the hill. 652 (l>). Those very farmers who had remained, were going to leave all their farms, if Metellus had not written to them from Rome. What do you mean to do, if the enemy come to the city? If he had not set them free, these men would have had to be given up to torture. Such should have been the mourning for Peleus if he had been dying. Nor was there any doubt that the enemy would have turned their backs, if this small number had been able to be in all places at once. And this thing is naturally so wicked and criminal that even if there had been no law it should have been carefully avoided. 653. No one hardly dances when sober, unless perchance he is mad. Absurd creature ! as if it were necessary, if he does not give her to him, that you should marry her: unless you look to it, pray, and court the old man's friends. I can form no judgment on the matter, only I persuade myself of this that a man such as you has done nothing without good reason. We found out nothing about it by putting questions, but saw by positive measurements with a water-glass that the nights were shorter than on the mainland. 654 i. Many things urge me to keep aloof from you, Quirites, did not my devotion to the state overcome them. I remember the tune if I could but have retained the words. 654 2. Why, if you were to bid me describe the Giants subdued by Jove's fire, the task will break me down in the attempt. If the world were to be broken up and Translation of Examples in Syntax. 395- fall on him, dauntless will he receive the blow of the ruins. 654 3. The bridge of piles all but furnished a road for the enemy, if it had not been for one man. Why, I was slipping still further if I had not checked myself. If L. Metellus had not prevented it, the mothers and sisters of the wretches were coming. 654 4. We had had a splendid victory if Lepidus had not received Antony when stripped, disarmed, a fugitive. A tree falling on my head had taken me off, only that, Faunus with his right hand lightened the blow. 655. Wherefore if you love me as much as assuredly you do love me, if you are sleeping, awake ; if you are standing, step on ; if you are stepping on, run ; if you are running, fly to me. Live and farewell: if you know anything more correct than these rules, candidly impart them ; if not, use these with me. Even if others shall be occupying the front rank, and the lot shall have placed you among the rearguard, still from thence fight with voice, with cheer, with example, with spirit. Spare ye however the dignity of Lentulus if he has spared his own reputa- tion : spare the youth of Cethegus, unless this be the second time that he has made war on his country. Will she find fault, do you find fault; what- ever she approves, do you approve: say what she says, deny what she denies. Has she smiled, smile on her: if she weep, remember to weep also. If she is in the country and says 'Come' love hates the lazy if wheels shall not be at hand, do you hurry to her on foot. 656. Such was the end of a man, worthy of record if he had not been born in a free state. We saw blackbirds too being placed (on table), nice things if the host had not proceeded to describe their causes and qualities. 657 (a). How I could wish you had been at Rome, if perchance you are not there. Your virtue has so won us to you, that whilst you are our friend safe and sound we fear not, if it is not impious to say so, even the Gods in wrath. I should like you however to read the speech, unless as is possible you have read it already. 657 (b). For if night does not take away a happy life, why should ( 674) a day like a night take it away? May I be hanged if it were ( 643 c) not the best course. If I have my brother and you with me, those fellows may ( 668) for all I care be dragged by the feet to execution. If you were too lazy to proceed beyond the gates, at least you should have bidden ( 670) my (funeral) couch go thither more slowly. But if the groaning (of which we speak) be quite pitiful, weak, despairing, tearful, I should scarcely call ( 644 l>) one who abandoned himself to it, a man. 657 (c ). If ever you thought me brave in politics, certainly you would have admired me that day (i.e. if you had been present). And if this cannot be done in .our present world without God's , assistance, neither would Archimedes without God-inspired intellect have succeeded in imitating the same movements in a ball. 658. What if I bid him be seized ? You would be wiser (to do so). 659. What if I rather remain till noon ? 660. The fact is men spoilt by pride lead their life as if they despised the offices you confer : and yet are candidates for them as if they led an upright life. But, you say, the son of C. Cornelius is accuser and that ought to have as much weight as if his father had been the informer. The army of the Samnites, as though there were to be no delay in joining battle, draws up its line. Here however we see a great struggle, as though there were no fights elsewhere, none dying throughout the city. Just as if it were difficult for me to produce by name as many as ever you like. 661. A very different tale is told us from what you had written. For both her life is the same and her feelings towards you the same as they were. They bade us make a larger statue of Jove and place it on high and, contrary to what it had been before, turn it to the east. Once upon a time there was an old 396 Translation of Examples in Syntax. man just as I am now: he had two daughters, just as mine are now : these were married to two brothers, just as mine are now to you. 662. If only that golden bough would but show itself to us on a tree in this mighty grove ! And yet oh if there were still any spark of our wonted valour ! 663. Of Fabianus Severus Cassius had said before he was put on his trial by him : You are fluent after a sort, handsome after a sort, rich after a sort: there is one thing only which you are not after a sort a flat. The nobility tried to keep down M. Porcius then in his canvass as throughout his life. The safety of Gnaeus Plancius I am bound to defend no otherwise than my own. 665 (a). Naevius, I wish to hear it from your own lips : I wish this unprecedented act to be proved by the voice of the man who did it. Neither do I choose to be put up anywhere in wax with a face made worse than it is, nor to be honoured in badly composed verses. 665 (l>). Meantime surrender us common persons; you will afterwards surrender also those consecrated men, as soon as they have gone out of office. However you will keep your health and look after my business, and expect me, please the Gods, before midwinter. On hearing you, so it was that I felt annoyed that so powerful a mind you will kindly excuse my saying it should have fallen into such absurd sentiments. 666 (a). Farewell to my fellow-citizens, may they be unharmed, may they be flourish- ing, may they be happy. The envoys in front of the meeting (said), May this proposal (which we are going to make) be good happy and prosperous for you and the commonwealth : return into your country. Had the Gods but consented to my having no father! And Ceres after the prayer that so might she rise on a lofty stalk, smoothed with wine the anxieties of the furrowed brow. Phoebus, who hast ever pitied the heavy toils of Troy, so far (and no farther) may the fortune of Troy have followed us. May I not be saved if I write other than I think. I beseech you, think me to be a simple citizen from the midst of the meeting shouting to you in reply: with your kind leave permit us to choose out of these proposals those which we think to be wholesome for us, and to reject the rest. In the opinion of myself and of every one, you have, let me speak without offence to these gentlemen, left scarcely any distinction for other orators. 666 (b). O that Varro himself would throw himself into the cause ! O that the people of Rome had but one neck ! Almighty Juppiter, would that the ships of Cecrops had not the first time touched the shores of Gnosus ! O father and king Juppiter, would that weapons may be laid aside and perish from rust and that no one may hurt me a lover of peace ! O may all the Gods just destroy him ( 280) who first hit upon the plan of holding a meeting. 667. What the cause was I will consider presently : meantime I shall hold this. However about yourself you will see: of myself I shall declare this. Now die: as for me the father of Gods and men must look to it. Wrathful- ness itself they used to say was the whetstone of courage : whether rightly or not will be for us to look to at another time. You, said Lucretia, will have to see what is due to him : myself though I acquit of guilt /do not free from punishment. How easy that (art) is, they will settle who strut about supporting themselves on the claims of the art as if it were excessively difficult, and next to them you yourself will settle. But about this we will consider : only let us go out. About the debt you will see with Cispius. 668. I think we ought to observe in life the rule which is maintained in wine-parties among the Greeks: either he must drink, it says, or must go. So something should be granted to age : youth may be a little freer : not everything should be refused to pleasures: the true and strict rule should not always prevail. Let us love our country, obey the senate, look to the Translation of Examples in Syntax. 397 interests of the good, neglect immediate profits, work for the glory of posterity : let us hope for what we wish, but bear what happens. Use that advantage while it is here; when it is gone, do not seek for it. What the warloving Cantab rian, Quintus Hirpinus, may be thinking of, waive inquiring, nor flurry yourself to provide for the needs of a life which (really) needs but few things. Cross not the Ebro : have nothing to do with the people of Saguntum : don't move a step (from your footmark) any whither. Excuse nothing : yield not an inch to favour : be not stirred to pity ; remain firm in your opinion. 669 (a). Enrolled fathers, assist me, wretched man that I am, go and meet the wrong, let not the realm of Numidia waste away. Keep to yourself by all means that laudatory decree of the Mamer- tines. Yield thou not to woes but march more boldly to face them. Why art thou afraid of what is safe? Gird thyself and push aside all delay. Stop weeping and let me know what is the matter whatever it be : don't keep it secret, don't shrink, trust, I say, to me. Off with you ! Farewell, Good bye. 669 (&). When you have most carefully thought for your health, then, dear Tiro, think of sailing. If perchance the heavy burden of my paper chafe you, throw it away rather than wildly dash the panniers against the place whither you have to carry it. Be the first to dig the ground, the first to carry off and burn the loppings, and the first to bring the stakes under cover : the last to reap. By means of this nourish thou the rich olive dear to Peace. God bless you for your courage and care. You, Titius, shall be my heir and shall decide (whether to accept or not) within a hundred days of your having notice and not being disabled. If you shall not so decide, you shall be disinherited. When the north wind is blowing plough not, plant not crops, cast not seed. 670. Was I not to pay him the money? You should not have paid it him nor have bought any- thing of him, nor sold to him, nor have given him the means of going to the bad. You sent a citizen of Rome to the cross. You should have reserved the man, kept him shut up, until Raecius could come from Pan- hormus ; had he then recognised the man, you should have remitted some- thing of the extreme penalty; had he been ignorant of him, then, &c. What ought you to have done? If you did as most others do, you should not have bought corn, but have taken the amount in money. 671. You'll drink some hellebore, I'll take care, for some twenty days. I'll secure, he'll thereby lose both wine and labour. 672. Away, bear this public message to the Fathers that they fortify the city of Rome. Jugurtha exhorts the townsmen to defend their walls. We had told you, Procillus, yester-eve to dine with me to-day. He must have done everything which has been enjoined on him and notified to him before he put in any request. To such a life as this, crowned with so many full delights, fortune herself must yield. Why you may even use Greek words when you choose, if Latin words fall short. How much I should have preferred he had given them up to me in chains. I do not wish the old man to see me at this crisis. Don't fancy that anything ever excited men's wonder more. 673. I'm determined, I will work the old ground and be my own master. Prythee permit it quietly. I think I shall succeed in getting him to put off the marriage for some days at least (lit. put forward some days for the marriage) ; meanwhile something will be done I hope. No doubt (ironical), either those are frightened by the fear of death or these by (the fear of) the sanctity (of the place). 674 (a). What is she to do? fight? a woman will be beaten in fight : cry out? but he had in his hand a sword to forbid that. Seeing this what was I to do, judges? was I, a private person, to contend in arms against a tribune of the commons? Perchance some onti 398 Translation of Examples in Syntax* may be found to say, You should have resisted, should have fought against him, should have met death in arms. Are you to tell me ( 478) that you have been with the army all these years, not put foot in the forum ; absent all this time, and then come here after this long interval and dispute for a post of honour with those who have lived in the forum? Was then he, when beaten in song, not to give me the goat (he wagered)? 674 (). It was not at all clear to Brutus or the tribunes of the soldiers what to do or what plan of battle to adopt. We have nowhere to make a stand except Sextus Pompeius. At once the plan was discussed how by acting on the offensive to turn the enemy from Italy. What to do about the boys, I do not see. 674 (f). Have you got the man, pray? (Why should I not have him? i.e.) Of course I have got him. On Maximus having recovered Tarentum, Salinator asked him to remember that it was by his services that he had recovered Tarentum. Why should I not (i.e. Of course I) remem- ber it? says he : for I never should have recovered it if you had not lost it. 675 (a). But why do I mention things which when they were in doing used lo be praised to the skies? Yet what do you advise me? Do I fly to him or do I stop? For my part I am both fast in the midst of my books and I do not wish to receive him here. 675 (b). Are we then actually waiting till beasts speak, and are we not contented with the concurrent authority of men? But am I actually loitering instead of escorting her to Thais? Shall Verres have at his own house a candelabrum of Jove's? Pretty well that! gone off, and cares not a lock of wool for what I said. Actually smiling? Did it seem then to you such a fine joke to laugh at us, you villain? 675 (c). What shall we have to eat afterwards? Will you be silent? Am I to be accountable to you? I believe, my father will not believe it. Will you not be silent, you fool? He'll believe it, I'm sure. Why, if we have the vigour of youth, do we not mount our horses and inspect with our own eyes the dispositions of our wives? Why, look at the matter thus, judges. In truth I now neither exhort you nor ask you to return home : why, I myself desire to fly from hence. 676 (a). If we do not gain your approval of these views, assume that they are false, at any rate they are not of a nature to excite odium. Be it that there is no strength in old age : from old age strength is not expected. A bad citizen, a wicked consul, a factious fellow was Gnaeus Carbo: (Let him have been so to others, i.e.) Be it that he was so in the opinion of others ( 477) ; when did you begin to be of that opinion? There never was such a man, you will say. Be it so (lit. Let no one have been so), I am discussing what I desire, not what I have seen. But the fortune of fight had been doubtful. Grant that it had: whom did I, doomed to death, fear? I would have borne torches into his camp. 676 (b). You do nothing, pain: however troublesome you are, I shall never admit you to be an evil. Let them be as humorous, witty and eloquent as they will, the power shown in the forum is one thing and that at the dinner- table is another. Gaius Gracchus however told many people that when he was a candidate for the quaestorship his brother Tiberius seemed to say to him in his sleep, let him hesitate as much as he chose, he would have to die by the same death by which he had himself died. 676 (c). Old men retain their abilities, if only they retain their zeal and industry. I now refer to you whom I am to follow : only let no one give me that very ignorant and absurd answer, ' Anybody, provided it be somebody. ' 677 (a). That course of yours is right, but this is expedient. Suppose that you have rightly waged war: ought you therefore to have had to deal with women? 677 (b}. You will reply that the Stoics call the same things preferable which your friends call good. True they do call them so, but Translation of Examples in Syntax. 399 they deny that a happy life is filled with them. He thinks that it is one thing to have joy, another thing to be free from pain. Yes, and makes a great mistake. 677 (c). We may attack them as much as you please, I am afraid they are the only philosophers. 677 (d). He was among them in royal rank, although he had not the name. Although one of the two has perished he who remains to me shall stand both for himself and for Remus. Nor was there wanting one to recommend a deed however bold. Expect to hear of any deed you please (i.e. quod /acinus expectare commodum esf vobis), as bad as you please, still I shall surpass the ex- pectation of all. 677 (e). Whom indeed I shall at once compel to confess only do ye stand aside. 679. I sent one in a friendly way, and he told this to Antony. Nature has given man reason, whereby the appetites of the soul are ruled. Aelius used to write speeches, which others used to deliver. That only is good by which the soul will be made better. From each man's loss, pain, inconvenience, ruin, wrong, the praetor drew up public formulae, on which model a private suit is arranged. They bid up as high as they thought they could do the business for ; Aeschrio bid above them. 680. I have one to avoid : I have none to follow. I sent in a friendly way one to say this to Antony. Nature has given man reason whereby to rule the appetites of the soul. Aelius used to write speeches for others to say. Give him back tit for tat so as to sting him. Most persons think the matter one fit for inquiry and the men worth arguing with. In this respect you were sharp-sighted, in laying down beforehand a limit above which I was not to purchase. 682 (a), We must eat to live ; not live to eat. Both times I so bore myself as not to be a disgrace to you, or to your kingdom or to the race of the Macedonians. It is useful for there to be a number of accusers in a state, that boldness may be kept in check by fear : but it is only useful provided we are not simply made sport for the accusers. Only see that at the present time there be nothing which can get in his way. I will endeavour to prevent your having formed these hopes of me in vain. It had been written to him to prepare everything against the games and to take care that his haste should not prove fruitless to himself. Trunks are covered over with skin or bark that they may be safer from frosts and heats. Caesar saw that it was due to Afranius that a pitched battle was not fought. I shall not object to all the world reading my writings. I will not add a word to prevent you dying like a man. The soldiers scarcely restrained their feelings enough to prevent their making a rush on them at once. 682 (/>). Verres begs and prays Dolabella to go to Nero. The senate decreed that L. Opimius should see that the state received no damage. The Fathers maintained their ground that no motion should be made to the people : the commons were successful in electing the same men tribunes for the fifth time. It is the first principle of justice that no one should hurt anyone unless wrongly provoked. The next thing is for me to show that the world is ruled by the providence of the Gods. 683 i. There is the greatest possible difference with them in habits and pursuits. The bare names of places will be given, and with as much brevity as can be. Jugurtha arms the greatest number of troops that he can. Craftily ( 452) conceal your words under characters as ambiguous as possible. He held the place as long as he could bear the toil. Having brought back from thence a booty exceeding the fame of the war, he held some sports. This was as pleasing as any- thing ever was to the senate. 683 2. They kept doing this for a great part of the summer so much the more easily because our ships were being kept back by storms. The more completely master of his art and more Translation of Examples in Syntax. able a man is, so much more irritation and pain does teaching cause him. In proportion to my want of ability I have had to rely upon carefulness. Nor now indeed do I feel the want of a young man's strength, any more than when a young man I used to feel the want of that of a bull or an elephant, I wish Antony to be worse off than he is (worse to be to A. than there is), 684. We have accepted Caesar's terms, but on condition that he withdraws his garrisons from the places he has seized. And he so puts his inventions, so mixes up true with false, as to secure the middle according with the beginning and the end with the middle. To the people of Lanuvium the citizenship (of Rome) was given and their own sacred rites restored with the proviso that the temple and grove of the saviour Juno should be common to the burghers of Lanuvium and the people of Rome. 685 (a). The want of harmony is enormous between the Median scymetar and wine and lights. He was going in with strangely bitter feelings, so that I had to scold him. O Phaedria, my superiority in wisdom over my master is incredible. 685 (b). Strange how much not merely the occupation but even the thought of that place delights me. He was interrupted by frequent cries from the soldiers of Ventidius, for of his own he has very few. It was not easy to remember all the objections made, for most of them were utterly trivial. 686. My boy, I fear you will not be long- lived, and some of your greater friends will kill you with cold (receptions). They kept saying that they were afraid as to the possibility of bringing up the supplies of corn properly. I fear lest if we delay like this it will be for Hannibal and the Phoenicians that our ancestors have so often saved Rome. I fear I shall not get it. Many things of that kind are said in declamations (lit. in the schools), but perhaps it is not necessary for us to believe them all. It would be ( 643) your line, if anyone's, to count nothing but virtue among goods. Perhaps, said he, it would rather be your line. 687 (a). Haven't I nicely forgotten that I told you? He remem- bers his freedom pretty well, eh ? 687 (b). Just look at this, how he wheedles ; no one when he (has begun) does begin is more coaxing. O look there, how the rascal has twisted his face. 688. In weak health, one scarcely avoids cold even indoors, much more difficult is it to guard against the inclemency of the weather when on the sea. This complaint was that the consuls were both war-loving men who even in profound peace would be able to stir up a war, much less would they let the state have breathing-time in war. The fact is, prosperity wears the temper of wise men, much less could such men with depraved habits make a moderate use of victory. 689. Lepidus never approved of the plan of leaving Italy : Tullus still less. These things then the wise man will not undertake in the interest of the state, nor will the state wish them to be undertaken in her interest. Time however not only does not lighten this grief but actually increases it. The oracles of Apollo never met with credence even from any ordinary person, much less from a skilled inquirer. The condition of things in the whole of this crisis was more than anyone could bewail as it deserved, still less can anyone find words to describe it. 690. Not to be longer, farewell. Since with you respect is paid to courage, that you may owe to your (may have got by) kindness what you have failed to get by threats, (I tell you) three hundred of us leaders of the youth of Rome have sworn to one another to attack you in this way. "It showed great recklessness, not to say audacity ( 517), to touch any of those things. 691. It is incredible and portentous how he managed to squander such a quantity of things in so few not months but days (tarn -multa quam panels, &c., as many things as the days were few). There has Translation of Examples in Syntax. 401 been in that city nothing I don't say done, but even devised, against this state. 692 (a). Wait, pray, till I can see Atticus. He waited at anchor till the ninth hour to allow of the remaining ships meeting there. He suffered much in war till he could found a city and bring in his Gods to Latium (i.e. to help, &c. Latium, 475). The battle of Actium is rehearsed by the lads after the manner of enemies under your leadership, until swift victory can crown one or other with her (palm) branch. Epaminondas used to practise greatly running and wrestling, until he could manage while standing to grip his adversary and straggle with him. 692 (l>). Without any further delay the king sent 4000 armed men to Scotussa while the panic was fresh. 693. I was in fear until we came to challenging the jurymen. Milo was in the senate on that day until the senate was dismissed. I shall be anxious about what you are doing (or how you are faring) till I know what you have done (how you have fared). 694. The elephants were not at all alarmed as long as they were being driven on what appeared like a continuous bridge : the first fright began when the raft being loosed from the rest, they were borne quickly into the open river. There pushing one another, as those on the outside drew back from the water, they began to shew some panic, until as they looked at the water all round them fear itself (brought quiet, i.e.) made them quiet. 695. In fact all the time I was with you you did not see my soul. This I did as long as I was permitted: I ceased doing so as long as I was not permitted. Just as there is said to be hope for a sick man as long as there is breath, so I as long as Pompeius was in Italy, did not cease to hope. So long as I was pleasing to you, I throve, more blessed than the king of the Persians. So long as you were more in love with no other woman, I throve more renowned than the Ilia of Rome. As long as there shall be anyone to dare to defend you, you shall live. 696. So long as (i.e. If only) things remain, let them invent words at their own choice. That expression is cruel and detestable, ' Let them hate (so long as they fear, i.e.) if they do but fear.' You may be sure it was written in the time of Sulla. ' Let them hate' what? So long as they obey? No. So long as they approve ? No. What then ? So long as they fear. On these terms I should not have been willing even to be loved. Be whatever you like, if only you don't recite. Many neglect everything that is right and honourable if only they can get power. Imitate, enrolled fathers, the inconsiderate mob, if only I am not required to imitate the tribunes. 697 (r). Whilst his friends are coming, he walked about alone, his son standing at a distance, he himself turning in his mind many things. Without any evident causes died two Caesars while putting on shoes in the morning; Q. Aemilius Lepidus while just stepping out, having knocked his toe against the threshold of his chamber; Gaius Aufustius after leaving his house, as he was going to the senate, having struck his foot (against something) in the Assembly-place; Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus, when he had asked the time from his (boy, i.e.): slave; L. Tuccius a physician whilst taking a draught of honey-wine ; Appius Saufeius \vhen on his return from the bath he had drunk some honey-wine, and was sucking an egg ; &c. W'hilst these things were doing at Veii, meantime the citadel of Rome and the Capitol was in great danger. 697 (d). We have fallen into these disasters while preferring to be feared than to be loved and esteemed. Thus the lady while seeking to retain a few slaves ruined all her fortunes. I have however gone on too freely into deeper water in my annoyance and weariness of the ways of my country. 698. The Roman sticking to his rear burst in as it were in one body before the doors of the gates could be L. G. 26 402 Translation of Examples in Syntax. shut against him. He of course before he can come into Pontus will send a despatch to Gnaeus Pompeius. But you will not gird with walls the city given you, before cruel hunger force you to consume with your jaws the gnawed tables. He did not cease to send to his brother and friends until he could confirm peace with them. A few days ( 496) before Syracuse was taken, Otacilius crossed into Africa. 699 (a). Love strikes us, before in safety we see our enemy. All this property, he who had made the will, had some time before his death delivered to the use and possession of Heraclius. Nor did they stop in their flight till they came to the river Rhine about five thousand paces from that place. I shall not tire of it before I have learnt their two-edged ways and methods of dis- puting both for and against everyone. We use our limbs before we have learnt for what purpose we have them. 699 (). But upon my honour ( 417) I shall much sooner sacrifice my own safety for you than surrender Gnaeus Plancius' safety to your attack. 700. Zeno of Elea endured everything rather than inform against those who conspired with him to overthrow the despotism. Anyone shall tear out my eyes sooner than scorn you and despoil you of a rotten nut. Many of the common people in despair, rather than be tortured with still drawing breath, covered up their heads and threw themselves into the Tiber. 701. Pompeius adds that he will be slain by Clodius before I shall be hurt. I am grieved that you, a man endowed with almost unique wisdom, are not rather delighted with your own advantages than troubled with others' woes. Did not I declare to you that I would endure anything whatever rather than go out of Italy to a civil war? They determine rather to adopt that plan than undergo terms either of surrender or of peace. 704. I am a man who never did anything for my own sake rather than for that of my fellow-citizens. The Campanians had committed in their revolt too great crimes to admit of pardon ( 569). This is the only contention which has remained till now. You are the only man, Gaius Caesar, whose victory was marked by the death of no one who did not bear arms. O fortunate youth to have found a herald of your valour in Homer. The time will assuredly come for you to regret the lofty spirit of the bravest of men. The life of Romulus fell in an age when Greece was already full of poets and musicians. 705. Spurius Thorius had considerable power in the popular style of oratory I mean the man who by a bad and useless law relieved the public land from tax. Epicurus was not sufficiently educated in those arts which give their possessors the title of ' accomplished.' Choose which of the two is convenient to you. Virtue is most of all things fixed with the deepest roots ; it can never be shaken by any force. Ah ! wretched that I am ! I looked at your feelings with the eyes of my own. Fortunate was his end : he saw not the things actually happening which he foresaw would happen. The long period when I shall not exist moves me more than this short time. You have had ample opportunity of seeing my views ever since the time when you came to meet me at my house at Cumae. 706. There are those who think that death is the departure of the soul from the body. There is a limit to the indulgence which may be given to friendship. There was formerly a time when the Gauls surpassed the Germans in valour. How many then are there who obey dreams, or even understand them or remem- ber them? Nor can anyone be king of the Persians who has not previously mastered the Magians' course of instruction. I say that there was not throughout Sicily a single silver vessel which Verres did not hunt up, inspect, and take from it anything that pleased him. There was not one of all the soldiers in the fort who was not wounded. 707. Many are those ^Translation of Examples in Syntax, 403 who take away from one to give to another. There is one man to whom a crow gave the possession of a surname. It is many years since M. Fadius is in my treasures and loved by me for his thorough culture. But crises often occur when what seems especially worthy of a just man changes and becomes the contrary. The time is past when it could be said : Why, you are a patrician and sprung from the liberators of your country : now the consulship is the reward not of race as formerly but of valour. Is any- thing good which does not make him who possesses it better? I do not consider him a free man who does not occasionally do nothing. 708. Why that unnamed gentleman who is wont to be mentioned in disputations used to see things 200 miles off. L. Pinarius was a sharp man, who trusted more to precluding the possibility of being deceived than to the honour of the Sicilians. True, we often look for a Latin word parallel and equivalent to a Greek word : here there was no reason for looking. In explaining names you Stoics toil to a piteous extent. 709. He must needs fear many whom many fear. A man whom you could not have over- reached if you brought the case before an arbitrator, to whom judgment on such a question did not properly belong, him will you condemn by means of a judge who has no right as arbitrator on such a matter. I do not even know by what name I should address you. Citizens ? you who have revolted from your country. Or soldiers? you who have thrown off respect for your general and the auspices, and have broken the obligation of your oath. 710. Of all orators, so far at least as I know them, .1 consider Q. Sertorius the most acute. There is not a slave, if only he is in a tolerable condition as a slave, who does not shudder at the boldness of the citizens. Epicurus alone, so far as I know, dared to profess himself a wise man. I. beg then of you to oblige him in all things, so far as you can do so without trouble to yourself, I should be glad of your coming as soon as possible consistently with your convenience. 711 (a). Who however of our orators of the present day reads Cato? Who that has ever cared to know these things moderately is ignorant that there are three kinds of Greeks? The censors used to examine the case of those who were dis- charged from serving in the army, and anyone whose discharge seemed at present not legitimate, they compelled to take an oath ( 467) as follows: "According to the purpose of your mind you will according to the decree of Gains Claudius and Titus Sempronius the censors return into the province of Macedonia, so far as you shall be able honestly to do so." You have, so far as in you lay, ruined both yourself and the unhappy woman. 711 (I}. But however that is, this complaint of yours is of no avail. What- ever it is, I fear the Danai even when bringing gifts, I count as ours the forces of Deiotarus, however great they are. Whatever is the matter, wherever he is, whatever he does, Egnatius has a smile. This may no doubt be false, it may be true, but whichever it is, it is not surprising. In what- ever way posterity will take those deeds, love of country will conquer. The Romans, although they were weary with marching and battle, still advance in order and pn the alert to meet Metellus. 712 (a). You are not the man, Catilina, for shame ever to have recalled you from foul acts. The rest they drove in such a panic of fear that they did not desist from flight before they had come in sight of our column. He made this speech with so firm a voice and look as to seem not to be retiring from life, but from one house to another. The Sicilians are never in such a bad way that they cannot say something witty and apt. I never had anyone to whom to give a letter for you but what I gave it. The Trevii i did not stop any time during the whole winter sending envoys across the Rhine. 712 (//). So far are we 262 404 Translation of Examples in Syntax. from admiring our own productions that we are actually so hard to please and whimsical as not to be satisfied with Demosthenes himself. It is the habit of men to dislike the same man's excelling in several things. It often happens that debtors do not meet their obligations punctually. Not even a God can make one who> has lived not to have lived, or one who has held office not to have held office, or twice ten not to be twenty. Appius Claudius besides- being old was also blind. When Varus stopped behind and asked who he was and what he wanted, Fabius strikes his uncovered shoulder with his sword and all but killed Varus. I cannot help sending you a letter every day in order that I may get one from you. 713. It happened very inconveniently that you nowhere caught sight of him. You are checked neither by the period of the censorship having expired, nor by your colleague having resigned his office, nor by statute nor by shame. It was much against Eumenes while living among the Macedonians that he was of a foreign state. I omit the fact that she selected that as a home and settlement for herself. Licinius acted very politely in coming to me in the evening after the senate was dismissed. In addition to the fear inspired by the war with the Latins had come the fact that it was tolerably clear that thirty tribes had already leagued themselves together. In this one respect above all others we excel wild beasts, that we have speech to express our feelings. 714 (c). His ability I praise without being much afraid of it, and approve while thinking that I can be more easily pleased than beguiled by him. Not very long ago it received the steady spondees into its ancestral right, obliging and contented, but not to the extent of withdrawing in its love of companionship from the second or the fourth place. Who is there who would be willing to live in abundance of everything without either loving anyone or being himself loved by any? 714 (d). Even supposing that you were more worthy than Plancius, itself a point which I shall presently discuss with you without detracting from your worth, it is not your competitor but the people that is to blame (for your not being elected). How very few skilled lawyers there are, even if you count those who claim to be. Even if I do not compare your life with his (for it does not admit of comparison) I will compare this one point in which you make yourself out to be superior. Granted that I have gone wrong in these matters, still by mentioning a different opinion as well, I have avoided deceiving my readers. However, supposing this not to be so, still I pro- pose to myself a splendid spectacle, provided only I may enjoy it with you in the seat next me. For even if Plato had brought no reason (see what weight I assign the man), he would have subdued me by his mere authority. 714 (e). That this fellow should carry off from me all this money and laugh in my face ? It were better to die. I interrupt you? I should not have wished that either. And yet what am I saying ? Can it be that anything should break you? that you should ever correct yourself? that you should think at all of flight ? Would that the Gods would give you the disposition to it. (To think) that you should have laughed un- punished at the revealing of the Cotyttian mysteries. 715 (a). The consul, having laid this news before the senate exactly as it had reached him, consulted them on the religious point. As you shall have sown, so will you reap. They interpreted that, each according to his own temper. 715 (/;). These men however are, compared with the age of the people of Rome, old men : but, as the generations of Athenians are reckoned, ought to be considered young men. But upon my word, as the case now stands, although it was shaken by yesterday's conversation, it seems to me per- fectly true. Sthenius had got, so far as the means of a man of Thermae Translation of Examples in Syntax. 405 went, a very fair quantity of well-made silver. 715 (c). But although, my dear Plancus, you may have made a mistake, for who can avoid that? still who does not see that deceived you could not have been ? The people of Saguntum, although they had rest from righting, yet had never ceased working either by night or day. 715 (d). Grant that Ennius is, as he no doubt is, more perfect. The enemy required frightening more than deceiving, as frightened in fact they were. 715 (e). Led on by the authority of the Veneti the neighbouring tribes Gauls always farm, sudden and hasty plans retain Trebius on the same ground. Chrysippus, always careful in historical investigation, collects many other usages. 715 (/). My life upon it, I incur the utmost expense. 718. I seem to myself to have sinned in leaving you. How blind I was not to have seen this before. We ourselves, although at first as stern as Lycurgus, become milder every day. The stranger touched by religious scruple, desiring as he did to have everything done duly, at once went clown to the Tiber. They make their way back to the camp now full of panic and confusion, women and boys and other non-combatants being mixed up there. The brightness of the Sun is more brilliant than that of any fire, shining as it does so far and wide in an immeasurable universe. You the quaestor did not obey the tribune of the cornmons, and that too though your colleague obeyed. 719 (a). You are tormented days and nights through, for what you have is not enough, and you fear lest even that should not last long. O trusty right hand of Antonius, with which he cut down numbers of citizens. I feel very grateful to old age: it has increased my eagerness for discourse, and removed my eagerness for drink and food. Jugurtha on the other hand on receiving the unexpected news (for he had a fixed conviction that everything at Rome was purchaseable), sends ambassadors to the senate. 719 (/;). If you had left the business to me, such is my love to you, I would have settled it. They rise to consider their judgment, when Oppianicus, as was allowed at that time, declared that he wished the votes to be given openly. 720. When they caught sight of a debtor being led into court, they used to rush together from all parts. Nor did he accept the succession to anyone's property, except when he had deserved it by friendship. W r hen the envoy had said this, he used to hurl a spear into their territory. Philopoemen whenever he travelled anywhere and came to a difficult pass used to consider on all sides the character of the place, and then if travelling by himself, discuss in his own mind ; if with companions, question them, what plan should be adopted supposing an enemy made its appearance there. He used to take food even before dinner, at whatever place and time his appetite demanded it. In whatever direction he took himself he drew with him no doubtful victory. As often as he took counsel on such a matter, he used to resort to a high part of the house and with the knowledge of one freedman only. Nor was the Roman consul negligent in trying the cities if any chance shewed itself in any quarter. 721. When I (have) come to my villa, this is just what I like, to do nothing and be quite idle. When a father of a family of higher rank dies (has died) his relations meet. Wherever you turn your eyes your own wrong deeds, like furies, meet you. When idleness has caused strength, time, ability to dwindle away, men throw blame on natural weakness. Anyone, whoever he was, who had at the time of my disaster a share in Cloclius' crime, wherever he came, whatever trial he had to stand, was condemned. He generally kept the soldiers in fixed quarters, except when effluvia or want of fodder forced him to change the place. For my part whenever I was praised by our friend Cato I readily put up 40 6 Translation of Examples in Syntax. even with censure from others. If they proved unable to keep the enemy from pursuing, they used by a flank march to attack them in the rear as they were scattered. As each man's lot fell he briskly caught up his arms in haste. Nor will this lad whenever he sees me ( 609, i) sigh and say that he sees the ruin of his father. 722. On his approaching the gate a fire as agreed was raised by Hannibal : as the well-known voice of Philomenus and the signal now familiar roused the guard, the small gate is opened. As Phocion was being led to death, Ephiletus met him. On his saying with tears, 'What an unworthy fate is yours, Phocion,' he replied: 'But not an unexpected one.' At noon when Caesar had despatched three legions to forage, of a sudden the enemy from all sides flew up to the foragers. As I was at Athens, I used to attend Zeno's lectures frequently. As the night was far advanced and I had stayed in the country-house of P. Valerius, and the day after stayed with him waiting for a wind, a great number of the burghers of Rhegium came to me. 723. Pompeius when he saw his cavalry routed, retired from the battle. When this opinion was scornfully rejected and, on the same messenger returning, he was consulted again, he recommended that they should all to a man be put to death. Another hope succeeded, after this had turned out unfounded. After that victory was established and we withdrew from arms, though ( 732) men were being proscribed, Roscius used to be frequently at Rome. As soon as his sister Juturna saw talk of this kind to grow, she flings herself into the midst of the ranks. 724. Lollius is dragged up by the slaves of Venus just when Apronius had returned from the palaestra and had thrown himself on the dinner-couch. He entered the city with what a suite or rather with what an army ! on the right and on the left, amid the groans of the people of Rome, threatening the owners, marking the houses, openly pro- mising his followers that he would divide the city among them. Day by day he used to make invidious charges against my power, saying that the senate decreed not what it thought right but what I chose. 725. When you will be reading this, we shall have consuls (i. e. the consuls will have been elected). Whilst this was doing at Rome, Antiochus at Chalcis was working on the minds of the townships. As soon as ever I came to Rome, I thought nothing should take precedence of my (congra- tulating you in your absence, i. e.) writing to congratulate you on my re- turn. It remains that you should tell me everything before you set out, and when you have set out take care and let me know it. As to the name of despot I can answer this that whatever I am, I am the same I was when you yourself made an alliance with me. When the consul got to Placentia, Hannibal had already moved out of his fixed camp. We our- selves (were of that class, i. e.) acted in that way, when the circumstances of our canvass required it. What groves or what mountain forests held you, Naid girls, when Callus was being ruined by an unworthy love. At the time when in Asia very many had lost large properties, we know at Rome credit had collapsed from the difficulties in the way of payment. When I got there, the praetor was resting: the brothers from Cibyra were walking about. 726. I have often heard my father-in-law say that his father-in-law Laelius was wont almost always to go into the country with Scipio. We have seen with our own eyes troops of young men at Lace- daemon struggling with incredible determination and rather losing their life than admit themselves conquered. 727. It was, when I despatched this letter, just thirty days during which I had had none from you. It is not quite i jo years since a law giving a right of action for moneys extorted was brought forward by Lucius Piso, there having been none before ( 722). Translation of Examples in Syntax. 407 728. This being the case, Catilina, proceed whither you have begun. But since there are Gods, if there are Gods as unquestionably there are, it must 'be that they are living. Dionysius, not daring to stand on the common hustings, used to address the people from a lofty tower. 729. May all the Gods grant you all your wishes, since you honour me with such great honour, and since you take me out of prison. Since the Gods love you, I am pleased. I congratulate you, since you have so much weight with Dolabella. What are masters to do when thieves are so daring? What will the wise man do, when the fool is pleased with a present? 730. Your (son) Cicero came to us to dinner, since Pomponia was dining out. What will hair do, when things like that give way before iron? What is a guard to do when there are so many theatres in the city and when she goes whither her companions are forbidden to go? 731. Who in accusing this man accuse Naevius, Plautus, and Ennius. But as to you, Catilina, when they are quiet, they approve ; when they suffer, they decree ; when they are silent, they shout. I allow you to pass over those things which by your silence you allow to be nothing. Epicurus drew religion out of men's minds by the roots, when in treating of the immortal Gods he took from them help and favour. 732. The river Drance, though it carries a great force of water, is yet not navigable. Notwithstanding that you are really Pylades, will you say that you are Orestes, in order to die for your friend? Cicero himself, though in very delicate health, did not leave him- self even night-time for rest. Now that I perceive his mind to be averse from me, why should I bring him back? At this very time, though all the gymnasia are occupied by philosophers, still their hearers prefer to hear a quoit than a philosopher. 733. What then am I to do? Not go? Not now even, when I am actually sent for? Alas ! they go so far as to say I am mad, when they are mad themselves. 734. How then do you bring this charge against Sestius, when at the same time you praise Milo? He pretends that he is trusting to their protection, while in the meantime he has been (for) long planning some other scheme. Fadius he dragged off, half buried him in the school and burnt him alive, whilst he all the time having dined, with bare feet, loosened robe, and hands behind his back, walked up and down, and answered the poor wretch who pleaded his rights as a Quirite : ' Now off with you, throw yourself on the honour of the people.' Thucydides was never counted an orator; nor indeed if he had. not written history would his name have been prominent, and that too though he had held office and was a noble. 735. The soldiers, when they broke into the house, went in different directions to look for the king ( 539), filling everything with noise and disturbance, when in the meantime Hi- empsal is discovered, concealing himself in the cottage of a slave woman. The camp was pitched with little care on the enemy's territory, when of a sudden the legions of the Samnites came up. Hannibal was coming up to the walls, when suddenly the gate was thrown open and the Romans make a sally upon him just as he was apprehending nothing of the kind. And now they were preparing to do this by night, when the matrons suddenly advanced into the public place. 736. Sisenna's history, easily as it surpasses all before, still shows how far removed it is from perfection. Singularly as I have loved you from your boyhood, yet for this deed of yours or, shall I say, judgment of the Roman people on you, I love you still more ardently. 737. Whilst I desire to acquire an actual know- ledge of the law of augury, I am upon my word incredibly delighted with your devotion and benefits to me. Whilst I have always greatly loved you, the singular affection of your brothers does not allow me to omit any 408 Translation 'of Examples in Syntax. act of duty towards you. 739. Paetus made a present to me of (as a matter of fact) all the books which his brother had left. Verres sends to ask for (what in fact was) the most beautiful plate which he had seen at his house. He said that he would not take judges by lot in accordance with Rupilius' law: he appointed five judges just those which it suited him to give. 740 i. Paetus made a present to me of all such books as his brother had left. He offers great rewards to such as should slay the king. In the meantime Caesar daily demanded from the Haedui the corn which (as Caesar described it) they had officially offered. 740 i. Panaetius praises Africanus for having been abstemious. Are you then not satisfied that I brought the army across in safety? that at the first onset as I came, I routed the enemy's fleet? that twice in two days I conquered in cavalry engagements? Caesar mentioned the favours he himself and the senate had bestowed on him, that he had received the title of king and that of friend from the senate, and that handsome presents had been sent him. The Romans were less stirred by those disasters because they saw that the consuls in the critical part of the war were up to that time managing successfully. Boxers groan when wielding the gloves, not that they are in pain or having any sinking in their courage, but because by the utterance of a cry the whole body is put on the stretch and the blow comes with greater force. To me those acts seem more praiseworthy which are done without vaunting, and away from the eyes of the people ; not that the people should be avoided, for all good deeds wish to be placed in the light, but yet to virtue there is no theatre greater than conscience. My chief efforts in each instance are not to help my case, but to avoid hurting it, not but what both deserve one's exertions, but still it is more disgraceful for an orator to be thought to have injured his case than not to have helped it. 741. Nor in truth can I understand why you are angry with me. If it is because I defend the man whom you attack, why am I not wroth with you, because you attack the man whom I defend? So it happens that they are present because their duty leads them, they are silent because they shun risk. They are indignant because you breathe, because you speak, because you have men's shapes. The villas at Tusculum and Pompeii greatly please me, only that they have involved me in debt. You, Quirites, seeing that it is now night, depart to your houses. Since then virtue is a disposition of the mind, making those people, who have it, praiseworthy, from it proceed right acts of will. The greatest service is done by those who are distinguished in warfare, since it is by their wisdom and at their risk that we are enabled to enjoy our privi- leges both as a state and as individuals. Since neither the authority of the senate nor my age has any weight with you, I appeal to the tribunes of the commons. Why should I not continually plead with you by means of verses from Homer, since you do not permit me to plead with you by means of your own? On which account I am the more harassed, not because I am in debt, as is true, to many, but because the claims of some who have deserved well of me often clash with one another. 742. For having by Hannibal's permission gone out of the camp, he returned soon after on the plea of having forgotten something. Those who come from your part find fault with you for haughtiness in refusing, as they assert, to give an answer to inquiries. 743. You write that if I wish you will come to me. /wish I were with you. As to Silius' wish that you should talk to Clodius, I consent to your doing so. This being so, whereas Gains Pansa the consul has addressed us respecting the despatch which was brought from Q. Caepio, on that matter my recommendation is as follows. 744. Soldier, I Translation of Examples in Syntax. 40 give you notice, if I ever again find you in this square, however you may say to me "I was looking for someone else, my road lay in this direction," it is all over with you. As to your thinking that you are now freed from all fear for your reputation, that you have done with honours and are consul elect, believe me those distinctions and favours of the Roman people re- quire no less trouble to keep than to get. 745. If the war which the people has ordered to be waged with king Antiochus shall be completed in accordance with the feeling of the senate and people of Rome, then in thy honour, father Jove, will the people of Rome celebrate great games for ten successive days. 746 (a). The praetor vowed a temple to Jove, if he should succeed in routing the enemy that day. Metellus summons the magistrates to appear before him, utters terrible threats if they fail in restoring the statues. Jugurtha was afraid of the anger of the senate, if he did not obey the envoys. Nor could the danger of the enemy's recovering courage make them hasten their steps. The Hernici, moved by shame also, and not pity only, if they should neither oppose the common enemy nor bring aid to their allies who were besieged, march to Rome. Why was M. Brutus on your motion freed from (the penalties of) the laws if he should be away from the city more than ten days? 746 (I)}. Rubrius made a wager with Apronius whether Apromus had not frequently said that you were his partner in the tithes. Those who had served with him declared that Caeso- was with them and constant with the standards without any leave of absence. If that were not so, many made Volscius the offer of a judge on their private account (i.e. offered to bet Volscius that it was so). 747. I will go and see, if he is at home. I shall now go back ( 597) 5 I g to see if perchance my brother has come back. Strange if this fellow is not thinking of boning me like a lamprey. If it is not a miracle, pander, you have lost the woman outright. I am surprised if with such haughtiness and cruelty Tarquinius could ever have had a friend. 748. He inquired again, if it were permitted to go to the war along with the Romans. The enemy were waiting in case our men should cross this marsh. The thing was tried whether Ardea could be taken at the first rush. He moves his camp to Gonnus in the hopes of making himself master of the town. 749. How is he? does he remember me? Atticus, 'What was the talk? what was done?' Cicero, 'I will write to you when I know for certain.' 750. What the talk was and what was done I will write and tell you when I know for certain. I have been carried about and don't know where I am. At present we are waiting to know two things, one, what Caesar is going to do, the other what Pompeius is doing. I am seeking here for a young man Lesbonicus, (to know) where in these parts he lives. They ask me fre- quently how I am, what I am doing, what business I am at. See how unfair your eagerness makes you. Look now how the defendant corrected it. What was the reason why you did not follow Caesar into Africa, especially as there was so much of the war still remaining? They are driven into the senate-house, uncertain how far Volero would carry his victory. They ordered the envoys to look out whether an attempt had been made by King Perseus on the minds of the allies. 751. Tell me, where is she now, I beseech you. I should very much like someone to make this clear to me, where does this pander Ballio now live? I want to know, to whom did you give it back ? Who am I then, pray, if I am not Sosia? I put the question to yott. I ask you, judges, just because he is eloquent, ought I to be condemned? Look you, does his colour show anywhere a trace of shame? But do you know, what has come into my 4io Translation of Examples in Syntax. mind? So then, help me Castor, he's fair: look, how his hair becomes him! Do you see, prythee, how they give a sidelong glance at us? 752. Whether I rejoice, says he, or am pained that a lamentable war is being waged, is doubtful. Show me this that whether I am in pain or not makes no difference. There is only this difference, whether he came on that march to the city or returned from the city into Campania. In short he said everything was lost, and I almost think that is the case. 753. Old men remember everything which they care about, appointments to appear in court, who is their debtor and creditor. Listen in brief (abl. 503) and you will know what I wish of you and what you are seeking. What you desire, is for you to settle ( 667) : whatever you decide is your desire, you shall certainly have. 754. I grant it : perhaps someone sometime may have done a thing of the kind. Why the advantages which perhaps we do not even feel, how important are they ! What is there to prevent them from having power to establish a colony on the Janiculum? One (of the two things) cannot be said, viz., why those, who fear nothing, are not vexed, and have no desires, should not be happy. Nor did it escape Caesar that the victory began with the cohorts which were placed facing the cavalry in the fourth line. Orgetorix died : nor is there wanting a suspicion, as the Helvetii think, that he (resolved on death for himself, i.e.) put an end to his own life. 755. Perhaps someone will call these small, for such they are. Perhaps, unfortunate one, you were then afraid of the winds and waves. See, Cali- dorus comes: he has someone or other with him. I by no means agree with those who greatly praise that unpainfulness, if I may call it so (nescio yuam), which cannot and ought not to exist. Sharp sayings in numbers drawn from some hidden source or other will find a place. 756. What then do you tell? What do I tell? Why by your aid affairs are now coming back as plainly as possible to a rope for me. Ah, Demea, I had not caught sight of you. What's doing? What's doing? I cannot be astonished enough at your mode of acting. 757. Your father What of my father? Your mistress What of her? Has seen Seen? woe's me wretched. I prythee by Poll, get up : my father has come here. Your father come? Bid him go away again. 760 i. Now I seem to myself to have done some business in coming here. The wise man does not hesitate, if that should be the better course, to withdraw from life. I see that this, while I have wished to say it briefly, has been actually said somewhat obscurely. They deny that it is right for him to look at the light, who admits that a man has been slain by him. For I am not one to say that whatever is seen is such as it seems. Romulus is said to have been ordered by Amulius to be exposed along with his brother Remus as soon as he was born. 760 2. If in the daytime also the dogs should bark, when people have come to pay their respects to the Gods, their legs, I imagine, would be broken for being on the alert even when there is no ground for suspicion. Hortensius possessed such a good memory as I think I have known in no one else, so that what he had thought over in his own mind he repeated, without a line on paper, in the same words which he had framed in thought. This is what I seem to see clearly that we are so framed by nature that all have fellowship with one another, but the greater fellowship in proportion to nearness. There were many who, though thinking that that was not the state of the case, still readily said what I have named about those orators. Whether I should be spending my labour profitably if I should succeed in writing the affairs of Rome from the first origin of the city, I am by no Translation of Examples in Syntax,. 411 means sure, nor, if I were, should I dare to say so. 761 i. At the river Hypanis which flows from part of Europe into the Euxine, Aristotle says there are some insects born which live for one single day. The force of speech enables us both to learn the things of which we are ignorant, and to teach the things we know. Thinkest thou that you can make the wicked acts of Verres appear to those who will hear of them as cruel and unworthy as they appeared to those who felt them ? May I be permitted so to place the commonwealth in safety that I may, when dying, bear with me the hope that the foundations of the commonwealth which I shall have laid will remain in their own impress. It is right that you also should actively perform your duties in whatever position each shall be placed and whatever order shall be given him. 761 2. If death had been an object of fear, L. Brutus would not have fallen in battle while pre- venting the return of the despot whom he had himself driven out. If these things had been contrary to what I say, still, &c. I would give this piece of advice to all defendants. This much is at once seen to, that whatever plate there was among that man's effects should be carried off to the defendant. The speaker must slyly use just so much imitation that his hearer may imagine more than he sees. Lest you should say no indulgence has been allowed you, says Papirius, I allow you not to stroke the back (of your horse) when you get down from your horses. How few philosophers are found with conduct such as their system demands. There is no slave who does not contribute as much goodwill, as he dares and can, to our safety. 765 (). They were constantly writing that just as certain beasts are never tamed by any skill, so man's disposition could neither be tamed nor appeased. We remind them that we are their fellow-citizens, and, if we have not the same means, yet we inhabit the same country. I declared that I would endure anything whatever rather than leave Italy for a civil war. 765 (c). Stranger, tell Sparta that you saw us lying here in obedience to the hallowed laws of our country. 778. Caesar was informed by scouts that from the part of the village which he had left to the Gauls all had departed by night. Meanwhile word is brought to Caesar, that the people of Sulmo, a town about 7 miles from Corfinium, desire to do what he wished, but are prevented by Q. Lucretius a Senator and Attius a Paelignian, who held the town with a garrison of 7 cohorts. Why, Diogenes the Cynic was wont to say, that Harpalus, who in those times was reputed a lucky brigand, was a witness against the (existence of) ds, in that he lived so long in luck like that. 779. C. Marius been told by an haruspex that great and marvellous things were indicated for him: wherefore he should trust the gocls and do what he had in mind. He exhorts them to bring a like temper to the easy matters which remained. 781. Why am I undertaking your part? Why is M. Tullius demanding the memorials of P. Africanus, while P. Scipio is defending the man who removed them ? The foreign spoil is placed before the gods of their fatherland. 782. The Consul brought (the question) of war before the people. Without any fear and with the highest honour (uprightness) shall we live. These duties relate to power over the things which men use, to means, to supplies. 783. He sends five cohorts into the nearest crops to get corn : between the crops and the camp there was only one hill. This fluent gentleman does not understand that he is praising the man he speaks against and abusing those he is addressing. He only struck the bird down from high heaven. Treaties of the kings made for equal rights with the Gabii and with the hard Sabines. 78* (/>) A civil war is swayed for the most part by opinion and report, 4 ii a Translation of Examples in Syntax. Many however like Gnathos are superior in position, in fortune, in reputa- tion. 784 (c). To no one's spirit or good- will or endurance in your cause will I yield. Not even by these tribunes was anything noticeable done at Velitrae. 785. At the commencement they are wrong in checking meditation on the future. My quaestor Balbus, having collected from public levies a great quantity of coin, a great weight of gold and still greater weight of silver, on the first of June crossed into the kingdom of Bogudes, with quite a nice little property. Bellienus a house slave of Demetrius, having received money from the opposite party, arrested and strangled a certain Domitius, a nobleman there and a guest-friend of Caesar. 787. Friendship allows no plan of spending life into which she does not enter. The force of this reasoning we have learnt from the divine book of Epicurus on the text and criterion. 788. This is the man we are seeking. This being so, I speak as follows. What were brought to Rome we see near the temple of Honour and Virtue. 789. What kind of things those are, we shall more easily understand, when we come to the actual classification of jokes. These points, Erucius, so many, so important, if you had them to urge in the case of a defendant, how long a speech would you have made? Thou subduest the conquered Powers of the sea and him who rules the Powers. 790. Now the strong men had lost their strength, the sword its strong edge, the leaders their plans. Or think you that, at the time when the great Hippocrates of Cos lived, there were some doctors who prescribed for diseases, some who prescribed for wounds, others for the eyes? In fact eloquence is one and the same: for whether it speaks of the origin of the heaven or of the earth, of the divine or human power, whether it speaks from a lower place or on a level or from a higher, whether to urge men on or to instruct them or to deter them, speech is spread by channels not by springs (i.e. a stream which has many channels but only one source). Thou wast the same mkl peace and war. 791 i. It is from evils that death leads us away, not from goods. I gave the man permission, though the request was impudent. We shall follow then, at this time and on this subject, principally the Stoics. 791 2. Four days' discourse we have sent you written in full in the former books. Who have experienced the risks and change of fortune. Marcellus' fight at Nola was the first thing that raised the spirits of the Roman people. 791 3. Q. Fabius was old and I was young, yet I loved him as if he were my own age. What of your putting yourself in prison? 791 4. Our principles agree : the fight is one of language. Together with the hope of conquest you have thrown away also the desire of fighting. Postumius was more distinguished among the Romans by his surrender than Pontius among the Sabines by his bloodless victory. One gives way, another is cut down. 791 5. Like these are all who pursue virtue; they are relieved of vices, relieved of errors. So that we ought to judge that it \vas not for nothing that men of so great valour dared to cross a very broad river, to climb very high rocks, to come up to a most unfavourable position. 792 r. He had old quarrels with the Roscii of Aineria. They were frightened also by the last year which had been one of mourning from the deaths of the two consuls. The high spirit of the youth was stirred perhaps by anger, perhaps by shame of shirking a contest, perhaps by the irresistible force of destiny. 792 2. See what a difference there is between your lust and the authority of our ancestors, between your love and madness and their policy and forethought. Add to this the icy everflowings of the springs, the transparent waters of the rivers, the clothing of the banks greenest of the green, the hollow Translation of Examples in Syntax. 411 vastness of the caves, the roughnesses of the rocks, the heights of the over- hanging mountains and the unmeasured expanse of the plains : add also the hidden veins of gold and silver, and the unlimited mass of marble. 794 i. When the forces of the enemy are at no great distance, even if no attack is made, yet the cattle are abandoned, farming is given up. He however who will act as he ought should first choose with his eyes open whom to imitate, then most carefully practise the qualities which are of chief excel- lence in the person whom he has made his standard. When however I shall have disclosed what the real question is, it will be easy to decide what you should give as your opinion. 794 2. As for the Stoics you are not unaware how fine or rather how prickly their line of argument is. 860. Yet a philosopher may be defined as one (yet there is a definition of the philosopher namely that he should be so called) who exerts himself to know the meaning, the nature and causes of all things, divine as well as human, and to grasp and carry out in practice the whole method of right living. Their anger began to soften, and even the haggard looks of Pleminius and the memory of the absent Scipio were gaining him favour in the eyes of the common people. The senate and people of Rome. To have right and power. 861. It is an anxiety to me. Yes and to me also. From heaven ? Yes and in fact from the very middle of it. I too have my own destiny opposed to that. 862. The enemy proved un.- able to bear the charge of our soldiers and turned their backs. 863. Both senders and sent were delighted at the expedition. All both am- bassadors and tribunes. All, both those at Rome and those in the army. 866. All hate you, gods and men, from the highest to the lowest, citizens and foreigners, men and women, free and slave. God the best and greatest. In the consulship of Gnaeus Pompeius and Marcus Crassus. Would you be pleased to order, Quirites? 867. Arguing on either side in Greek as well as in Latin. I understand that you are completely occupied, on the one hand with the Buthrotians, on the other hand with Brutus. 868. If Cato's decision was right, the cornmerchant we mentioned was wrong and the vendor of the infected house was wrong in not disclosing the fact. For it (nature) has nothing more excellent, nothing which it more aims at than uprightness, praise, dignity, honour. 869. In the first place Apollo never spoke Latin, in the next place the Greeks never heard of that oracle : besides in Pyrrhus' time, Apollo had ceased to make verses : lastly he (Pyrrhus) would have been able to under- stand the ambiguity of the line. 871 i. But now let us return to the point whence we digressed. But, says he, we are (but) three hundred : and he replied, Yes three hundred, but we're men, we're armed, we're at Thermopylae. The good qualities which we sometimes miss in M. Cato are all products of training, not gifts of nature. They will deserve their fate, be it what it may: there remains the consideration what sentence, conscript fathers, you should pronounce on others. 871 2. Now let us deal with the real question, and that question is whether we are to live as freemen or to meet death. We know that according to our customs music is not an accomplishment for a statesman and dancing is even reckoned a disgrace. Did any witness name Postumus? Did I say witness? did the prosecutor himself name him? 871 3. But if those our deliverers have taken themselves from our sight, still they have left us the memory of their deed. The desire of all these is assailed by his mother only. But what kind of mother is she? On these things being accomplished mes- sengers report everything in haste to the consul, who was filled with anxiety mixed with joy. 871 4. Now if virtues are equal to one another, 4 1 1 c Translation of Examples in Syntax. vices also must be so; but, that virtues are equal, may be very easily perceived. 871 5. Despots are courted but hypocritically and only for a time: but if, as generally happens, they chance to fall, then is seen how much they lacked friends. 871 6. I do not see how Hercules 'came into his father's eternal home', whilst Homer makes Ulysses meet him in the realm below. However I should like to know which Hercules it is we ought chiefly to worship. Well, Crassus, says Julius, are we to have a sitting? though we have come to suggest it to you, not demand it. 872. Wherefore we must act by force or else by stealth. After the death or rather the departure of Romulus. That which moves of itself can neither be born nor die : or else the whole heaven must collapse and all nature stand still. What could be a more frenzied act than this departure, or rather most disgraceful flight, from the city? 873. Every proposi- tion is either true or false. Mind you deliver her to me, either by force or .stealth or entreaty. Take me either as your general or your fellow soldier. Our bodies change; and we shall not be to-morrow what we were or are. Noblemen, whether they take to acting rightly or wrongly, are distinguished in either case. 874. Halloo, a few words with you. Three hundred if you like. I receive but few letters from you, but they are very charming. Your last for instance was a model of wisdom. 877 (a). No, no, it will not be so ; it cannot. The Thebans were not at all moved, although they were inclined to be somewhat angry with the Romans. These goods in no case fell in to the public books (i.e. were not confiscated). 877 (b). The next day Curio leads forth his soldiers and puts them in line. Neither does Varus hesitate to lead forth his troops. You think pleasure to be the highest good: I think it is not even a good at all. 877 (c). A law was proposed that the auspices should have no force, no one should report unfavourable auspices, no one should put a veto on the law; that Aelius' Act and Fufius' Act should have no force. 877 (d). That I should con- ceal what has been brought to me and is to my knowledge others' property? our friend Daemones (i.e. I) will least of all do that. I however have always thought him scarcely sane. 878. I recommended peace to the senate, and, when arms were taken up, I had nothing to do with the war. I suffer it, judges, and I bear it with no reluctance. As if the point now were who in all that number killed him, and the question were not rather this, whether &c. 879. Without delay they cross the Ebro, and without seeing an enemy they continue their march to Saguntum. 880. It will not be by influence or kinship or some good deeds, no not by some slight fault that relief will be thought to have been found for faults so many and so great. The righteous man firm of purpose is not shaken from his steady mind by the passion of his fellow citizens decreeing injustice, nor by the look of a despot standing over him, nor by the south wind nor the mighty hand of thundering Jove. 881. Virtue can neither be forced nor stolen from one, it is neither lost by shipwreck nor by fire, nor changed by the disturbance of weather or events. I beg you not to expect this from me either in the case of this accusation (accused) or any other. Obscenity (is) not only not fit for the forum, but scarcely for a dinnerparty of gentlemen. At Rome reigns a stranger of no neighbour stock, not even of an Italian stock. 882. A road was open before him certain and not long. The berry clothed with the vineleaves wants not gentle heat and keeps off excessive glow of the sun. Nor kept they their indignant feelings at home but gathered from all parts to the king of the Sabines. 883. Nor did he fail to see this, but he was pleased with the splendour and glory of words. Nor did the Tyrians also fail to come in numbers. 884. (He said) that he too Translation of Examples in Syntax. 4 1 1 d had been dictator at Rome, and that he had used force to no one, not even to a commoner, not to a centurion, not to a soldier. There was never any one either poet or orator, \vho thought any one better than himself. I cannot wonder or guess enough. 886. What of this? Do you grant that souls either remain after death or perish.by death itself? I do. What? Is not a dog like a wolf? Are we then in fault? Not we indeed. I said to him, Are you studying? He answered, Yes. Hither went off Clitipho. Alone? Alone. Has it (the day) already passed? No, Is then the cause not a good one? Nay, it is the best possible. 887. Are you ignorant, how high you have ascended, or do you count that for nothing? Did you desert Domitius or did Domitius desert you? Whether will you that it was allowable for Flaccus the father or that it was not? Shall I say it or keep silence? 888. But I have something I should like to say in reply to this, if it is not troubling you. Do you then think that I should have said this (cf. 628), if I had not wished to hear you? Now when did that force expire? Was it not after men became less credulous? , 889. Do you then think that a god is like me or you? Of course you do not think so. What then? Am I to say that the sun or the moon or the sky is god? 890. In two years from now you as consul will overturn this city. You show that you could no more have been turned by favour than Hercules in Xenophon was by pleasure. This I think is the man demanded by the fates. Man has memory, and that unlimited, of in- numerable things. In one, and that an easy battle, the enemy were struck down near Antium. I found him to be an educated man, given up to the best studies, and that from his boyhood. Publius Scipio did not indeed speak much or often, but in Latin style he was a match for any one. 892. The city of Athens is so ancient that it is said to have given birth to its citizens itself. Nor indeed did he show what he thought himself, but what was said by them. 893 (a). I need no medicine: I am my own comforter. There are persons who say that Tarpeia, being thought to be acting falsely, was herself killed with her own wages. 893 (). He of a sudden from being alert and cheerful became so humble and downcast, that he seemed, not merely to the Roman people but to himself, a con- demned man. These we see delighted, if ever they have found out any- thing by their own wits. War, peace, treaties, alliances he made and broke of himself, with whom he chose, without the orders of the people and senate. 894. Hannibal was expelled from the city by his own fellow citizens. Destroy Fidenae with its own flames. Neither be wanting, if an opportunity occurs to yourself, nor allow an opportunity to occur to the enemy. You acknowledge God from his works. 895 (a). Hannibal thought Scipio to be a man of excellence from the very fact that he above others was selected to oppose him. Domitius sends to Pompeius in Apulia some men acquainted with the country to beg and pray him to come to his succour. 895 (l>). I am invited by Caesar in very complimentary terms to be his legate. Caesar reproached his soldiers. Why (he asked) did they despair either of their own valour or of his care? 896. It is more honourable to be moved by others' wrongs than by one's own. 897 (a). If a man have composed scandalous verse against one, there is law and judgment to be had. If there is no mark of distinction, why should we listen to your interpreters? but, if there is one, I am eager to know what it is. I used to practise declaiming often with M. Piso and with Q. Pompeius or with some one every day. There runs up a certain fellow known to me by name only. ^This much at least I see, since one or other of the two must be victorious, what kind of victory either this or that will be. 4i i e - Translation of Examples in Syntax. 897 (b). These men had the same object that kings have, to need nothing, to obey no one, to enjoy freedom. I saw that the day would come when, not Torquatus or any one like Torquatus, but some fellow who had made ship- wreck of his patrimony, a foe to good men, would say that the information given was different. 898. That man (the defendant) never did any- thing without some profit and booty. As long as there shall be any one who dares to defend you, you shall live. I read aloud to no one except friends, and that when I am compelled, not everywhere and before every- body. What may happen to any one at all, may happen to any and every" body. As an actor is not allowed any but only certain action, and a dancer only certain movement, so action in life should be of a certain kind, not of any, just as one likes. But I have less strength than either of you. 899. It requires a great judge to decide what each should do for each. She cannot be taken away because each is dear to the other (to each). Each acting for himself, according as each had influence, proceeded to address the people. He shows what corn and ships he has in each place. Who fears the contrary to these as a rule over-esteems them, in the same way as he who craves : the excitement is troublesome in either case. Of the remaining philosophers do not the best and wisest admit that they are ignorant of many things? Beauty is the god's gift. Of beauty how few can boast? I propose that Gaius Pansa, Aulus Hirtius the consuls, one or both if they shall think fit, bring a motion before the senate on the first possible day for conferring honour and reward upon him. Daughters left in widow- hood with one son each. We have hardly got a foe, if only every other one of us fights. 900. About Drusus' garden, I also had heard the same price (bidding at a sale) which you write, but what one is necessary is well. purchased, whatever the price. Rather take ye away this life by any death whatever. What can be remedied in any way whatever I will remedy. If the wills of the gods are something, if everything has not perished with me, sometime or other you shall give me satisfaction. Unless he screws out the interest or principal from somewhere or other, he listens to bitter stories like a captive with outstretched throat. 901. Please send M. Varro's and Ollius' panegyric, Ollius' at all events, for Varro's I have read, only I wish to taste it again. The philosopher's aim in life is not to accomplish anyhow what he attempts, but in all cases to act rightly : a pilot's aim is to get his vessel anyhow into port. 902. Many other women desire the same as you. I at any rate am the same I always was. Do you think that I am a different person from what I was when I offered? Some beasts she (nature) willed to swim and dwell in the waters, others to fly and enjoy free heaven, some to be crawlers, some to be steppers: of these again part (she made) solitary wanderers, part herding in numbers, others wild, some again tame, and a few hidden and buried in the earth. They both feel and judge on the same subjects differently at different times. The two forces cause dread to one another. Suddenly fear is changed to joy : the soldiers in delight address one another by name. To the number of the centuries Tarquin added as many again. One or two patches are sewn on. In the twenty-second day he delivered the letter. A sight pleasant to Crassus only, to others not so. A few flying back reported that all the rest of the mass were in the power of the enemies. 903. Who was it then? Your Chaerea. WhatChaerea? That youth, the brother of Phaedria. Is any one in the house? Hey, is any one here? Is any one opening this door? Is any one coming out? You ought now to investigate one thing only, which of the two laid a plot for the other. 904. Prithee make haste to come to us. It remains for me to say a few words timidly Translation of Examples in Syntax. 41 \ t about the good fortune of Pompeius. For this is my opinion. 905. I praise your brother in other matters : in this one point only I am com- pelled to blame him. Ask your parents. You have regained for me my father's affections. 906. You fought in & favourable position, and your own time. Alfenus had indeed the people devoted to him. 908 (c). Hands wash each other. Man chooses man (i. e. each chooses a fellow). Day teaches day (i.e. we grow wiser with time). Atticus when dying seemed to be passing not from life but from >ne home to another. The darkness was so thick that for two days no human being recognised another. 908 (d}. All which things tend to this, that we .should love one another more warmly. 908 (e). The alliance between $\e people of Carthage and the king is strengthened by plighting troth to one another. L. G. 27 INDEX. The numbers refer to the sections, unless p for page be prefixed to the number. A usual mark of feminine 82 ; some masculine stems 105 ; noun-stems 102 ; Greek nouns 149 152 ; verb stems, for* mation 397 ; inflexions 244 foil. a, quantity of final 54 ; change of t in root 34 a, ab, abs 799 ; with abl. of agent 568 ; rare after gerundive 476 ; "with names of places 510 ; in expressions of distance 510 a or ah in exclamations 416 ; cf. 608. 2 b abavus 919 abbreviations 961 abesse inflexions 251; tantum abest ut... ut 712^; paulum abest quin 712 b; in expressions of distance 459 abies 143 : abiete 44 ablative, early in d 103, 115 ; in -abus 104; in -ubus 120; of \-stems and con- sonant stems 124: ttse contrasted with accus. 453 ; general use 483 foil. ; of gerund 549 ; of verbal stems in -tu (supine) 497, 554 ; absolute 504 ; form- ing adverbs of place 212 ; of 'order '213 (3) expressing agent with ab 568, 799 ; amount 494 ; amount of difference 496 ; cause 501 ; circumstances 504 foil. ; comparison, standard of 513 ; cost 495 ; deprivation 498 ; description 502 ; in- strument 499; manner 503 ; means 489, 499; measure 496; origin 512; /ar^ concerned 497 ; penalty 495 ; place at which ,485 ./b//. ; //rtCi? _/>w;z which 509 ; price <'495 ; road by -which 490 ; separa- tion 511 ; &'//& 512, 961(2) . after ab 799, 510 ; compound's of ab 511; abundare 498 ; aliussi3; ante 496; captus 497 ; censeri 501 ; circumducere 498; damnari 495; dignus 495; dives 498; ex 817; fa cere 499; fruor 500; fungor 500; in 820; intercludere 511; interdicere 498; interesse 519; invitare 489; macte 669 b; natus 512; nudus 498 ; nitor 500 ; opus est 500, 507 ; ortus 512 ; post 496 ; potiri 500 ; refert 519 ; stare 'cost' 495; sub 350; super 352; vendere 495 ; usus est 500, 507 ; uti 500 abolere^. 144 abscondere^. 138 s. v. do absolvere with gen. of crime 527 absque 800 ; in conditional clause 650 a. , regular construction 511 ; irarum abstract nouns defined 421 b ; plural of 99 d ; use of concrete for 560 abundare with abl. 498 abunde 217, 2 abundo- stems so formed 365 ; with accus. 558 . -abus in dat. abl. plur. 104 ac, atque 219; general use ^ifoll.\ in comparisons 661 ; ac si 660 acatalectic verse p. 923 accedit quod 713 ; ut 712- b accent 70 : led to omission of syllables 76 accentuation, rules of "jifollt acceptilatio 406 c accersere^ 135 s. v. arcesso accidit quod 713 accompaniment ', cum (prep.} with abl. 809 accusare aliquem furti, &c. 527 accusative of \-stems sing, in -im, 124, 134 (2), plur, in -is, -es07*-eis 125 ; of Greek nouns Class I. 150, 153 ; Class li. 159 foil., 163, 170, &c. ; used as adv. 224, 461 general use of 437, 458 ; contrasted with other uses 453, 454; of gerund hcnv used 547 ; of gerundive, special use 552 ; of verbal stems in -tu 553 with infin. 535, 542 ; as oblique pred. of unexpressed subject of infin. 537 c adverbial accus. 458 A ; cognate 461 b ; double 470; in exclamations 472 ; facti- tive cf. 434 expressing action as goal of motion 466; compass 459, 461 ; description 462 ; distance 459; extent of action 461; ob- ject direct of transitive verb 468 ; (dou- ble) 470 ; of passive verb 471, 470 ; cf. 570 ; of verbs originally intrans. 469; verbal noun-stems in -tion p. 224 note part concerned 462; place towards which 464, 465 ; space over which 459 ; time throtighout which 460 ; with preposi- tions 463, 467, 796 after abdere 464 ; abesse 459 ; adigere 467; altus 459; -bundo-, stems in 558; cavere 468 ; celare 470 ; censeri 501 : convenire 469 ; docere 470 ; ecce, en 472 ; erubescere 469 ; frui, fungi, &c. 500; indictus 464; indutus 471 ; juvare 461; meminisse 529 : natus 460; oblivisci 529; proprior, proxime, &c. 463; quo (mihi) 583, cf. 472; reminisci 529; ro? gare 470; saltare 469; saucius 462 ; sol- licitus 462; traducere, traicere 463; vi- vere 461 b ; cf. 462 -aceo, stems in 389 acer declined 128 Acheron, Acheruns 168 Achilles 163, 160 -aci stems in 127, 356 27 2 414 INDEX. i 553 ?f length 91; acies 106; acie 503, 2 acroama 91 action as object to a verb 533, 534 ; as goal of motion 466, 553 actus, measure actutum 224 a. d. 917, 918 ad general use 801 ; with place towards which 465 ; wit ft gerund 547 ; assimi- lated 80 1 adeo 213 (4) ; in climax 689 adequitare "with dat. 475 adfatim, see affatim adi 276 adigere 467 adjectives defined 423 : gender 87 89 ; inflexions a- and o-stems 118 ; v^-stems 122; \-stems 124 128; consonant-stems 139, 141 ; old classification 85 ', form large part of \-stems 132; comparison of \-jifoll. ; numeral 178 foil.: prono- minal 119, 194 _/>//.; tabular arrange- ment 234 general use 427, 430, 441 452 ; usea as substantives 444, 447 ; as adverbs 452 ; with dependent accus. 462 ; dative 474 c, 476 : ablative 497 ; genitive 525 530; infinitive 540 (2); used specially with agreeing accus. 461 ; ablat. 502 > 504 ; genitive 524 ; /' partitive expres- sions 520, 521 ; "with numerals 801 ; ^0- lition in sentence 785787 admodum Sot admonere WM accus. and gen. 529 ; ;// de and abl 529 fin. adnepos 919 adolere/. 144 j. z>. oleo adonius versus 926, 4 adverbs defined 423 ; classification of 211 f oil. \ of manner in -o 213: in -e 216; in -ter 229 ; / -tim 227 ; of place 236; ' to which' 213 (4): '/ which' 221 (3), 222, 226 ; 'from which' 231, 226 ; ^/" /* 215, 223, 224 esp. 337 ; nume- ral 178, 233; pronominal tabular ar- rangements 235 237 ; use of 438 : quasi-prepositional 795 ; //// #/. of comparison 513^ adversative conjunctions 870, 871 adversum, adversus, rc of 802 : advorsum veniri 491 ; ad versus (adj.) front of 521 ae becomes i /' compounds 34 Aeacida, Aeacide 150 Aedes 101 aeque ac si 660 ; aequius erat 643 c ; aequo animo 503 aer 172 aera 99 aestate 491 aetatem 'for a life-time ' 406 ; istuc aetatis 460 affatim 227 ; with gen. 522 agent expressed by abl. with ab 799 ; after gerundive by dat. 476 agere furti 527 aggredior, p. 140, jr. v. gradior agmine 503 agnatus 921 ai for gen. &*c. flfa stems 103 ai followed by a vowel, hoiu pronounced 17 aio, defective verb p. 135 ; opposed to nego 651 a: ain 885 alcaic stanza 938 B ; enneasyllabic 933, 30; decasyllabic 929, 12; hendecasyllabic 436 alcmanic stanza 938 K. Alcmena, &*c. 152 c all, noun-stems in 380, 138 alibi 198, 222 alioqui 221 aliquam (adv.] 223 aliquando 223 ; 237 aliquis, aliqui 208 ; aliquae 208 ; use of '897 ; dicet, dixerit aliquis 647, i alisyfr?' alius 198 alius declined 197 ; aliae 198 ; alii modi 198; with abl. dependent 513; use of 902 ; nihil aliud quam 583 allegoria 946 alter infiexions 195 ; use of 902 ; alteruter 195 ; use 897 alterni 899 although expressed by etiamsi 650 c; etsi 651 c ; quamvis, &c. 676 b ; 677 d; quam- quam 711; licet, licebit 677 c-: ut with subj. -ji^d; "with indie. 715^; cum 732 with subj.; cum praesertim 734; quom with ind. 733 ; relative adj. 718 altrinsecus 2a6 alveo, alvearia 39 amare infiexions z^foll. \ amans declined 127; as subst. 561 ; amasti, &c. 306 amb-, am-, compounds ^803 ambages 140 ambire 265 ainbo inflexions 182 ; ambabus 104 amphtbolia 939 amphora 160 ; contents 915 amplecti, /. 146, s. v. plecto 567, i an, in direct questions 887 ; in apparently simple questions 888 ; in dependent ques- tions 752 anacoluthon 939 A nacreongtic verse 931, 32 anacrusis 936 A napaestic verse 932, 938, V ; anapaesto- iambic 934 anaphora 791, 5 ; 946 anastrophe 939 Ancon 171 Androgeos 155 -aneo- noun-stems in 389 angiportus 121 anguimanus 122 animalis declined 128 anitni loc. 485; cf. 526 -ano- noun-stems in 368 answers hpiu expressed 886 ; tnade in words coordinate to part of question 439 e ante 217; general use 804; decem anms ante 496 ; ante diem (a. d,) 917 antea, antehac 212 antecedent 450 antequam with subj 698; with ind. 699, pres. 598, perf. 608 c antid 19 ; see ante antiquus 355 (/. 60); comp. and superl, 176. 3; antiquitus 231 antithesis 946 INDEX. antonomasia 946 anxius aniiui 526 anxur 96 aorist i.e. historical perfect 587, 590, 608 aperire^. 145 s. v. perio aphacresis 939 apocope 939 apodosis 626, 638, 939 ; expressed by epithet 642 ; rot distinctly conceived 658 ; omitted 66c, 662 Apollo 171 aposiopesis 946 apostrophe 947 appellatives, 421 b appellatur imperator 433 a' t appellari 435 appellere 563 apposition 430 a ; often same as secondary predicate 433 b and note ; position in sentence 785 ; apposition in English, sometimes expressed in Latin by gen. 323 aptus p. 1 35 j. v. apiscor -with inf. 54, 2 apud 228; general use 805 arbitratu hujus 504 arcessere/. 135 archaism 940 archilochius -major 929; minor 927, 5; stanzas 938 L O arcus declension, 120, 121 arduos in Argo 159 Argos 96 argutus^J. 135 s. v. ar'gt(o* -an- noun-stems in 386, 138 aries 143: arjetat, &c. 44 -ario- noun-stems in 394; numerals 180 Aristophanic verse 929, 13 arsis defined p. 18 note artus (adj.) 21 ; p. 135 j. z/. arceo as w*/ of vali4e 189 c -as old gen. of 3. stems 103 -as quantity of $6 Asclepiadeus major 930, 20 , minor 930, 19; stanzas 938 E, F, G aspici nobis 476 -assere infin, 291 assiduo 506 assimilation of consonants 22 27 assuefacere r/". 413; with i>ijin. 534 ast 871, 2 -aster suffix 383 asyndeton 940 at general use 871, 3 ; at enlm, &c. ?';/ statement of objection 677 <> ater declined 118 Athos declined 153, 155 -ato- noun-stems in 359 atque, w* ac atqui 871, 4 Atreus declined 158 Atrides declined 149 attagen 171 attat 416 attendant circumstances denoted by se- condary predicate 433 3, 557 ; specially abl. absolute 504; by cum w//& */ 634, 716, 722 attraction of pronoun into gender and number of predicate ^\ \ of finite verb into iiifin. 765 b\ mire quam_/2v mirum quam 685 b to attraction are sometimes referred the constructions in 577 b, 701 ; the dative Menaechmo in 441 b\ and the predicate if dative, in 537 c '. see also 940 attribute, general description of 428 b, 430, 441 _/2>//. , position of in sentence, 785 787 ; oblique cases and adverbs as attributes 438 auceps 146; derivation 412 auctor sum -with inf. object clause 535 audax declined 127 audere/. 136, with infin. 534 audire inflexions 252 _/^//. : audieram, audisti 306; ex eo cum diceret 726; auditur abisse 536; dicto audiens esse 561; audire male ^64 ; audis callidus 441 ; Sudltum est alicui 476 ave_^. 136 aversus (adj.) ''back of 521 auferre/ 139: aliquid alicui 474 b augOf 145 : atigurato 506 avidus with gen. 525 a, ausim 291 auspex 412, 146 : auspice Teucro 504 ant general use 872; aut...aut 873 autem general use 870, 871, 2 ; position nt sentence 793 auxilium, auxilia distinguished 101 ; auxilio mittere, &c. 482 c W pronounced 1 3, 4; ivrittenfor v. 10 -ba suffix of imperfect tense 285 babae 416 Bacchius922; Bacchiac verse 935 balneum, balneae ^17, loo./ barbarism 940 base in metre 930 basis inflexions 16.5 belli locative 48 Sy Latino bello 491 bellus 377 b*ene 217; mini 440 benevolus 415 ; cOmp. and superl. 175 benignus 367, 413 -ber, -bri- noun-stems in 138, 385; -bero-, -bro- 382 bes. 143 s. v. niveo conjugation of verbs 243 foil. ; old classifi- cation 337, 338 ; periphrastic (so called] i. e. part. fut. with sum (ind.) 612, 628 ; (subj.) 629, 630 ; (inf.) 542, 765 conjunction, defined 424; general use ^y) ; copulative 859 foil. ; adversative 870, 871; disjunctive 872 874; negative 878 fait. ; // of (with adverbs) -211 foil. conjunctive, another name for subjunc- tive, or some parts or uses of same 238, 4. connecting vowel (so called] 347 connective adverbs 423 a. conquiniscere p. 137 consciscere mortem sibi, cf. 754 conscius facinoris 525 * 'consecutio temporum;' general rules 621 625 ; typical examples 626 636 consecutive subjunctive 633, 702 fall. ; with subordinate conditional sentence 629, 630, 652 consobrinus 921 consonants, changes of '21 foil. ; which can begin syllables 16 ; consonant noun- stems declension 1 29 foil. ; classification 132, i\\foll.; consonant conjugation consuetudine 503, 2 consul declined 131 ; abbreviation for, cons. cos. &c. 961 (2); consulibus as note of the year 491 consular! potestate 502 consulto 506, 507 consumpsti 307 con United action 591 contra 212; general use 810 contraction of vowels 46 50 conturbare 563 convenire with ace. 469 a coordination 439; coordinating conjunc- tions %sgfoll. ; position of words com- mon to coordinates 789 Coos 155 copia, copiae distinguished 101 copula 427 ; copulative conjunctions 859 foil. cor 142 ; cordi esse 482 coram 223; use 811 cornus 121 ; cornu declined 120 cors, see cohors Corybantes 168 (/. 59) cos, for consul 961 (2) note. eras 230 crasis 941 credo p. 138 s v. do; parenthetical 673; creduas 280 ; crederes ' one. would have believed 1 646 Creon declined 166 creterra 172 creticfoot 922, 924 (2) ; verse 931, 22 crime, case used for 527 crimen 372 crocire 396 crude form 78 crus declined 131 Ctesipho declined 168 cubare 396, p. 137 cucumis 140 cuicuimodi 209 cujus declined 205 cum (quom) 224 ; general use 720736 ; typical examples 634; 'whenever' (subj.) 720; (ind.) 721; 'when' (subj.) 722; (ind.) 725; ' to the time when' (ind.) 727; ' because' (ind.) 729; 'whereas, since ' (subj.) 728, 729 ; ' and then ' (ind.) 735; 'although' (subj.) 732: (ind.) 733; as relative adverb (fuit tempuscum) subj. 706 ; (ind.)joj; cum... turn (subj.) 736; (ind.) 737; cum prae- sertim (subj.) 734; cum diceret, 'saying as he did' 724 ; audivi cum diceret 726 cum, com ' with ' 224 ; general use 809 ; Position 798 ; accent 73 ; cum eo ut 684 ; two nouns joined by cum may have plural predicate 579 -cundo- suffix to quasi-pat ticipial stems 365 cupere p. 137 ; with infin. 541 ; with infin. object clause 535 cupressus 121 4 i8 INDEX. cur 228 ; in depend, questions 750 curae esse 473 B ; cf. 602 ; habere 482 b curate with gerundive 552; u'ith pass. part. 559 currere and compounds p. 1 37 curriculo, cursu 503, 2 curvus 353 cyathus 915 D final in abl. sing.ig, roj, 115; append- ed to me and te 191 ; neuter ace. of pro- nouns 194 dactylic verse 926 damnare capite 495; voti 527 dare inflexions 262; compotinds p. 138; with predicative dative 482 b ; -with ace. of gerundive 552; of past part. 559; with infin. object-clause 534; dare nuptum 466; operam -with inf. 534 a; pessum 117; verba' alicui 468; dabat, dedit distinguished 591, 3 daremus analysed 241 datatim 227 Dative of ^-sterns in plur. 104; ofe.-stems 107; of \\-stems 120; of ego' 191; of pronouns adj. 196; general -use 4376, 473; contrasted with other cases 453, 454 ; use of gerund 548 ; of stetns in -tu 554 ; for genitive 480 ; for prepositional phrase 475 ; after compound verbs 474 b expressing agent 476; indirect object 4745 person judging 477; person inter- ested (ethical] 478; person possessing 479; -work contemplated 481 predicative dative (of purpose) 482 dative in various senses after ade- quitare 475 ; advorsum venire 802 ; aspici 476 ; bene 44cf d ; credi 569 ; dare 474, 482 ; decemviri 481; defen- dere 474 b; desinere 475; dicere 474 a; em 479; en 478; esse 479 482; flebilis 476 ; habere 474, 482 b , rmperitare 474 b ; imponere 475 ; incumbere 475 : labi 473 a; lex 481; licet 474 a, 537 c\ mit- tere 482 c ; nocere 474 a ; nomen est 441 3; nubere 474 a; parcere 474 a; persuasumst 569 ; placet 575 c ; praeponi 474 b relinquere 482 c ; ridere 474 a ; servire553; signum 473^; similis 474 c; vae 479, velle 474 a; vertere 482 de prep, general use 812: in composition 813, 410; sometimes after relative"]^; used after admonere, &c. 529 -de suffix 220 deabus 104 debeo p. 140 (s. v. habeo) ; "with infix.. 534 a > 54 1 with perf. infin. 541 a; in apodosis to conditional sentence 628, 652 a decem septem, or septem decem, &c. 186 decemviri -with gerundival dative 481 decet not really impersonal ^"j^ a decies 233; centena milia 188 (2); value 909, 910 decipi laborum 530 declensions, properly tivo 82, 102 foil. , 120 foil. ; old division into five 85 decori esse 482 a decumanus 368 defective nouns 117; adjectives 175, 176; verbs, see in 339 defit, &c. 265 dein 226 ; deinceps 230 ; deinde 220, 226 delere/. 142 s. v. lino demonstrative pronouns, see pronouns -dem as suffix 225 demum 224 denarius adj, rSo ; coin 909 dentals 4 ; dental verb-stems have supine in -sum 334 ; noun-stems "S'tffoll. denuo 213 (2) deorsum 214 deponent verbs, inflexions 258 ; list of 340; meaning and use 565, 567 derivative suffixes of noun-stems 345 (3) , ^6 foil. ; of verb-stems 398 400 desiderative verbs in -uri- 400' desinere^. 148 s. v. sino; desii 306; desi* tus sum'/: 148,- s.v. sino desistere^>. 148 s. v. sister despexe 307 destiti/. 148 s. vv. sino a^sisto desuper 228 deunx 189, 3 devorti 566, 2 ;/. 151 s. v. vertor deus declined 116; gen. pi. deum 115 b dextans 189, 3 dexter no di meliora 472; di vostrant fidetn ib. di- in composition 23 diaeresis 941 die 276 dicere with infin. o"bje'ct sentence 542 ; di- cor scribere, &c. 544; dicet, dixerit aliquis 647, i: nee cito dixerim 644 b; cum dioerct 724.; audivi' cum diceret 725 ; quod diceret 742; quod dicas 744; dixi 591, T ; dixisse 541 ; dico often omitted 583 ; dixti 307 dicto audiens esse 402 e ; $6t ; turpe dictu 554 ; dignum dictu cf. 556 Dido 159^ dies declined 106; dies noctisque 458 A. 2; cf. 460; die qumti 484 A. 2 ante diem (a. d.) 917; paucis ante diebus 804 ; in dies 820 b difference, amount of, in abl. 496 dignari, dignus with abl. 495; dignus qui with subj. 680; dignus with inf. 540. (2)- dimeter 923 dimidia, dimidium 189, i, 6 diminutival suffixes of nouns 375 377 ; of verbs, in -ta- 400 diphthongs n; quantity 52, i dirimere 28 dis- in composition 814 discere p. 137; contains inchoative suffix 296 a; cf. 309 discrucior animi 485 disjunctive conjunctions 872, 873 ; nega- tive 88 1 disjunctive questions, direct 877; indirect dissensio reipublicae 525 b dissicere/. 140 s. v. jacio distance, expressed by ace. 459; cf. 510 distributive numerals 178 ; use ^i83 diu 215 dives with abl. 498 ; with gen. cf-. .530 INDEX. 419 diurnus 367 divumfor divorum 115 b dixti 307 -do- suffix of noun-stems 365 ; of adverbs 215 docere with two ace. 470 ; -with, object and infin. 534 b dodrans 189 dolere with, infin. object clause 535 ; im- personal 'with dat. 573 dolo 503, 2 ; malo 503, i domare_/>. 138 domus declined 121; domi 485; domum scribere 464 ; domo 509 -don- suffix of noun-stems 144, 371 donee, donicum, donique 224; 'until' subj. 692; (ind.) 693-; 'while' (ind.) 695 dubitative subj. 674 dubito followed by quin, an, &c. 68 1 dubius quin 629, 630 ducere withered, dative 4&zo; due 276 dudum 224 duint 280; duas ib. -dum enclitic 224- dum, general use of 692 697; ' whilst' usually withpres. ind. 595 ; even though dependent on infin. 765 c dummodo 696 duo inflexions of 183; duodeviginti 183, 186; duae partes^iSg dupondius, coin 909; applied to length 913 duration of time y in ace. 460;' abl. 493- . E see ex e takes place of a. in root 34 ; in suffixes 35 ', of o 36 ; changed to i 38 ; omitted 41 ; specially used before r or two conso- nants 40 ; in connexion "with other vowels 455 e, adverbs ending" in 216 220 eabus 201 * each other,' hoiu expressed in Latin 908 eadem opera (abl.} 503, i eapse 202 ebur 145 ecastor 417 ecce 218; eccere 417; with nom. 456; with ace. 472 ecquis 208 ; use ecthlipsis 941 edepol 417 edere, esse inflexions fffz64 ; edim 260 edoctus militiam 476 egenus, egere with gen. 530; abl. iee q$ ego declined 190 ehem 416 ei (dat. pron.) 201 ei, eja 416 -eio- suffix of noun-stems; how pro~ nounced 17 ; vocative of such stems 112 elephans, elephantus declined 166 elision 64 -ella- or-e\A-, notin-suffix 378 ellipse 941; of substantives $4$ 450; with certain adjectives 447 ; of verbal pw dicate 581 585 ; with ace. of exclama- tion 472 ; of apodosis 658 ; with quasi 660; in wishes 662; with quaerere, tentare, &c. 748 in fragmentary ex~ pressions 440 em 416 emere/. 138 ; with locative of price 494 eminus 230 emphasis, effect on position of words 791 en with nom. 456 ; with ace. 472 ; with dat. and ace- 4 78 en- (gen. -in-) suffix of noun-stems 144 enallage, grammatical 341 ; rJietorical 947 enclitics 72 -endo- suffix of gerund 365 endo old form of'm 215 enim 226; at enim 677^; 871, 3; neque enim 878 enixa^. 143 s. v. nitor eo 'I go,' see ire eo 'thither' 213 (4) eo 'by so much 496 epenthesis 941 epexegesis 948 epicoena 89 Epirus declined 153 epistolary tenses 604 epulae 117 eques 146; declined 129 equidem 225 equos or ecus 42 -er-y^r -us-, -es-, or -is- 28 ; neuter noun- stems in -er- 145 eram 285, 259 -ertpe'rf. suffix for -erunt 274 erepseimis 307 erga 212; use of 815 ergo 213 (i) ; use of as postposition 816 -eri (-erim; -ero) verbal tense suffix, quan- tity of'\ 281 -cr\s passive suffix ind pers., how formed 270 -erno suffix of noun-stems 367 -ero noun-stems in, ho'iu declined 109 erubescere with ace. 469 b -erunt -$rd pers. plur. perf., quantity of penult of 274 es 'thou art,' quantity 260; often loses vowel z6o esse and compounds, inflexions of 259 261; use in predication 428 b', often omitted 584, 585 ; position in sentence 791, 2 ; with obliqite cases and adverbs 438 a; male esse aliciii 712 a\ with da- tive of possessor 479; predicative 482 a ; work contemplated 481; W. of descrip- tion 502 ; 7t/#/i gerund, &c. 551 ; //V/4 past participle 590; "with future parti- ciple 612: / apodosis 628; longum est, melius fuit, &c. 643; e'st qui', est cum 704, 706, 707; ut est TL$d,'e; ftihil est quod 708 ; cf. 750 esse * to eat ' 264 et 228 ; general use of 860865 ; et quidein in replies 677 b ', et ipse 861 ; et non, et nullus, &c. 87$ -et- (-it) noun-stems in 143- etiam 223 ; in questions of surprise, &c. 675 b, c; etiam si (subj.) 650 c; (ind.) 651 c -eto suffix of noun-stems 359 et si (ind.) 651 c; 'and yet' 871, 6 420 INDEX. euge, eugipae 417 b ex, ec, e 230 ; general use 817 ; in compos. 818; 408, 2; 410; ex animi sententia 817; jiza; e republica 817; e re nata 817; heres ex asse 189; ex ante diem, &c. 917 exadversum 802 examen 23 excelsus/. 136 s. v. cello exclamations, accusative in 472; infin. 538 exest eats out ' 265 exinde 220 exitio esse 482 a expectare dum with subj. 6920.; si 748; with dep. question 750 expensi latio 406 c exta 357, 2 extinxem 307 extra 212; general use 819 extrinsecus 226 F how pronounced 4 faber declined 109 Fabia abl. 512 fac 276; fac sciam used parenthetically 75i facere and comp. p. 138 ; passive (fieri) 264; half compounds 413; other com- pounds 412, 415; with obi. pred. 434; aliquid alicujus 513; lucri 523 b; cer- tiorem facere 529, 535 ; with abl. 499 ; with sacra understood 563 : mecum 563 ; with subj. see under 666 ; facere non pos- sum quin 712 b; faxo 291; used paren- thetically 671; quid opust facto 507; factum as answer to a question 886 facessere/. 138 facilis_/rwj superlative 1740; 351; facile 217 fallere with secondary pred. 557 familias gen. sing. 103 ; cf. 406 c fari/. 139 J. v. fatur -fariam compounds of 22$ fas 142 faxo, faxim 291. 3 ; also see facere fel 142 femur 145 fendere/. 139 fenus unciarium 91 r ferbui p. 1 39 s. v. ferveo fere 55, 216 ferire A 139; cf. festus 331 (/. 132) ferox linguae 526 ferre 264; compounds of,p. 139; fer 276 ; fers, fert 270 fessus/. 138 s. -v. fatisco festus 33 1 (/. 132) fides 107 ; fidei commissum, fidejubere405; bona fide 503, j fidicen 90; cf. 415 fieri 264; alicujus 5 17, fit utwith subj. 633, 7 1 2 b. See also facere flamen (;.) 144 flu ere/. 139 fodere, fodiri p. 139 foot in Prosody 922 foras 230; use 264; foris 232; use, see ex- ample in 494 fore 259 (/. 105); fore ut 543(2); missum fore 543 (3) forem, &c. 260 formonsus, formosus 363 forsan, forsitan 228; with subj. 754; with ind. 755 fortassis, fortasse 232 ; quaeret fortassis 647 ; fortassis abstulerit 645 b forte 217, 503, 2 ; nisi forte 653 ; si forte fortuito 213, cf. 506 fractions, expression 0/i8g frangere/. 139; fregisio; 31 b fraudi esse 482 a frugi 175 frui/. 140; with abl. 500 frunisci p. 140 s. v. fruor frustra 212 fuam &c. 260 fueram (compared with eram) amatus 590; amaturus 612 fui 259 (compared with sum and eram) amatus 590; amaturus 612; fuerim with fut. part, in apodosis to a conditional sentence 629, 630 ; fuisses 630 ; fuisse with do in reported speech 765 funditus 231 fungi/. 140; with abl. 500; with acc> 500 furere/. 140 furtim 227 Future simple indie. 283, 284 ; use cf 590, 600602 ; in conditional sentences 641/1; in znd person used for imperative 665$ completed indie. 304, 305 ; use of 590, 609 ; in conditional sentences 641 b \ with- out si 651 ; of repeated actions 721 imperative 613; 669 ; infinitive, see fore and periphrases with participles participle act. 336, 384 ; with ind. and subj. of esse 612; in apodosis of conditional sentences 628 ; in consecutive sentences 633 ; with quod 635 ; in de- pendent questions 635, 4 ; and other sentences 636 ; with infin. of esse 542 ; also 768 future in -so -sim 291 293; also 610 futurum esse ut 543; futurum fuisse ut 765, 768, fuvit 260 G when first used 2 ; often omitted before n 16 ; before m 21, 23 Gaius denoted by C 961, i ; quantity 62 c Galliambic verse 934 gaudere/. 140 ; with inf. 534 ; with past part, {for past infin.} 585 gelu abl. <2/"gelus 121 gemere/. 140 Gender, meaning and expression 0/81, 82, 86 89 ; of persons, animals, &c. go foil. ; of a.-stems 102, 105; of o-stems 113, 114: of \\-stems 1 20 ; of \-stems 134 foil. ', of consonant-stems 141 foil. ; use of in- flexions of gender 443 445 ; attraction of gender 451 Genitive in -as and -ai 103 ; in -um 104, 115; of pronouns 194; general use 438, 515 ; difference from other cases 453, INDEX. 421 454; possessive 515, 516; of 'divided whole* i.e. partitive 520, 522; of defi- nition 523 ; descriptive 524 ; objective 525 ; secondary after verbs, &*c. 527 foil. gerundial 550 ; supplied by pos- sessive adj. 518; interchangeable "with, dative 480 ; for locative 494 after absolvere 527 ; abstinere 530 ; accusare 527 ; acervus 523 ; admonere 529; aliquid 522: ambiguus 525 ; ami- cissimus 516; certiorem facere 523; con- tentio 525 b ; damnatus 527 ; decipi 530 ; dies (spatii) 523 b\ egere 530; ergo 816 ; facere (lucri) 523 b\ fessus53o; imperiurn, 525 ; implere 530; incertus 525 ; in- star 516; interest 517; interritus 525 ; manifestus 527; medium 520; minor 526; mirari 528; misereri 528; nihil (reliqui) 522 ; numerus (trecentorum) 523 ; oblivisci 529; occultus 526; paenitet 528; pigej; 528; plenus 530; potiri 530; pudet 528; quod 522; refertsig; refertus 530; reus 527; scelus (viri) 523 b; suspectus 527; taedet 528 ; tenax 525 ; tenus 854 ; uter- que 520 Gerund and gerundive, formation vfzgo, 365 ; general use 0/546 ; accusative 547 ; ablative 549 ; dative 548 ; genitive 530 ; nominative 551 as obi. pred. 552 a ; as mere attribute 552 b; with agent in dative 476 ; some- times in abl. with ab 476 gignere p. 140; contains reduplication 255 -gino-, -gno-, adjective suffix 367 -ginta, numeral suffix 358 Gly conic verse 930, 17; stanza 938 C. D. gn 16(3) gnascor/*. 143 s. v. nascor -gon- (-gin-) suffix of substantives 371 Graecism 942 gratia, gratiae 100 c, 101; gratiis, gratis 232, 503 c gravatim 227 (i) Greek nouns, declension of 148 172 gregatim 227 (2) grex 142 grus 142 gryps 167 H, sound of '8; often omitted 43; uncer- tain 8 habere with ind. olj. 474; with pred. dat. 482 b ; with gerundive 552 ; with past part. 559; with in/in. 534 a ; compounds 0/140 habitual action, expressed by imperfect 605; with cum (ind.) 721 ; (subj.) 720 hactenus 854 haec_/0r nom.fem. plur. 200 hau, haud 228, 876 ; use 877 ; haud scio an 75? haurire^. 140 have =ave/. 136 hebes 140 hei 416 Hellenism 942 hem 416 hendiadys 942 hercle 417 here, heri 221, 491 heredium 914 heres 147, 2 ; ex deunce 817 heroic verse 926 heros declined 158 heus 416 hexameter (dactylic] 926 hiatus 65 hibernus 367 hibus 200 hie declined^ 200; use of 890; hie (adv.) 221(3); his annis 492; hoc populo 504; hoc praemii 522; hoc pugnatur &c. 570; quo. ..hoc 683, 2 hiemps 29 hinc 226 hinnus 92 Hipponactean verse 933, 28 ; stanza 938 R. historical infin. 539 historical present 594 ; perfect 608 hodie 216; hodieque 219 homo 130, 144 hontoeoteleuton 948 homonymia 948 honos, honor 145 horrere aliquem 469 horsum 214, 856 HS92I, 7 hue 213 humane, humaniter 229 (i); humanitus 231 humi 485 hypallage 942 hyperbaton 942 hyperbole 948 hyphen 942 hypothetical 'sentences 626, 638 foil. ; with- out condition expressed 642, 644 ; iti zndpers. sing. subj. ('you' = ' one ') 646; hypothesis in dep. interrog. or consec. sentence 652 a. -2 : b hysteron proteron 948 i in root from a, e, or u 34 : in suffixes from o 36 ; from u 37 ; from e 38 ; often, omitted 41; arising from assimilation 39; has special affinity to some conso- nants 40, 45 ; from i + e 49; from i + i 5 i from ae 34 ; from o + i 47 ; from i + I or I + I 50 i remains before a, o, u, e 49; treated as consonant 44; quantity of 56; in ferf. and comp.fut. 281 i in gen. sing, of o-s terns 112; in voc. sing. 112; in gen. sing, of u-s terns 121 (p. 40); in abl. sing, of \-stems 124, 134; in gen. > pi. 123, 125 i noun-stems in, declension of 123 128; distinguished from consonant stems, 132; classification of 133 140; Greek stems 162 165 i ad-verbs in 22 1 i verb stems in 303 ; derivatives 397, 4 ; 400 i ends perf. ind. ist pers. sing. 268; with- out other suffix 318; in ii 306; a: characteristic of pres. subj. 279, 280; as original subjunctive suffix 282 jacere in comp. p. 140 jacere ' to be prostrated' 564 422 INDEX. jam 223; jam. ..jam 867 Iamb 922 ; iambic verse 933 iano- noun-suffix 368 -ibamy^r -iebam 234 ibi 201, 222 ibis 170, 2 ibo 234 ibus (from is) 201 -ico- noun-suffix 354, 355 ; -iqvo 355 ; *ici- 356 _ ico or icio '/ strike? p. 141 id genus 462 ; id temporis 460 idcirco 2i3_/?., 806 idem declined 203 ; idem ac 661 identidem 225 -idon- noun- suffix 371 idus (//.) 100 e\ i3o; place in calendar 917 -ic noun-stems in, declined 106; suffix 39 jecit per/, of jacio /. 140; of ico or icio /. 141 jecur 145 -iens, -ies adverbial suffix 233 -iensi- noun-suffix 364 -ier pass. inf. 288 igitur 228; place in sentence 793 ignaviter 229 ignoscere p. 143; /tow compounded 408 c -igon noun-suffix 371 -ii in gen. ofo-stems 112 -ili- noun-suffix 379 ; -ili- 38* ilia (;*/.) loo a ilicet 405 a ilico (illicc) 213 -ilia- verbal suffix 400 ille declined 197; useof^zp illic declined 199 illim 226, 236 illimo- superlative stem 174 (/. 62) illius, quantity of pemtlt off>2 -illo- ; -illulo- noun-suffixes 377 illo, \\\\\cadv. 213 (4), 236 -im adverbial-sttffix 226, 227 ; accusative of \-steir.s 124, 134; in prcs. subj. 279, 280 imber declined 135 immane quantum 685 immo 213; in answers 886; im'mb vero, see example in 641 rt -imo- (-umo-) noun-suffix 351, 352; r/! 174 impedire construction 68 1 imperare, cf. 474; imperor with infin. 536 a Imperative mood, how formed 275 278; use of tenses 613; general use 669; con- trasted with siibj. 614, 2; z' protasis of conditional sentence 651; / apodosis 655 ; j^ with quin 675 c; &> make a con- cession 677; with modo 677 ^; expressed in orat. obi. by subjunctive 765, 768 Imperfect indicative, formation 285: 2nd" pers. sing. pass, in &c. 27 f; general distinction from other tenses 587 591; special uses 603 606 ; use in letters 604: ; with postquam 606 ; in conditional sen- tences 641 ; in statements of duty, possi- bility &c. 643 ; in apodosis to condition- al sentences 6~28, 652 ; where subj. might be expected 654 Imperfect subjunctive 281, 286 ; general uses 618, 620; dependent on historical present 621, 622; in hypothetical and conditional sentences 638 ; typical ex- amples 626, 627; in jussive sentences 670; in final sentences 678; in hypo- thetical sentences, how expressed in orat. obi. 765 Impersonal verbs' 575 ; in passive voice 569; with neuter pronoun 570; imper- sonal use of passive participle 560, 506 implere with ace. and gen. or abl. 530 imponere with ace. and dat. 475 hnpraesentiarum 225 impune 217, 2 in prep, general use 820 ; in composition 821; cf. 410"; in dies- 820^; in vicem 820 in- ' not ' in composition 408, i c \ 2 inceptive or inchoative verbs 296, 397, 5 incessere^>. 141 incomplete action, tenses ^"588 591 incumbere with dat. 475 inde 220 Indefinite subject of yd. pers. omitted 574; expressed by second pers. and subj. 646; by aliquis, &>c. with indie. 647, i Indicative mood; general use 586; dis- tinction of tenses 587 foil. ; in state- ments of ' duty,' l power' &V., 643; ' pur- pose' withfut. part. 612; in the follow- ing sentences : ca usa I, quod, (juia, &c. 741 ; cum 729 : comparative, aliusac!, idemac,quasi &c. 661; tantus...quantus, tam...quam, &c. 683, i; eo...quod, eo...quo, quam 683, 2; ut, sicut, &c. 715; citius quam 699: concessive, with sane/ at enim, &c. 6/7; etsi, si maxime 651 c; qaamvis 677 d; quamquam 711 b\ ut 715 c\ cum 729, conditional, in apodosis and pro- tasis 641 ; in apodosis {protasis in subj.) 652, 654; cf. 628; in protasis without si 651 ; with imperative apodosis 655 ; sub- junctive apodosis 657 , expressing ' thing to be ascertained* 747: dependent on infinitive 761, i; on subjunctive 761, 2 : definitive with qui 679, 703 709, 75?; with ut 715 a: interrogative 675, 749, 751; re- peating "words of other speaker 757 : limiting i\i: relative, qui 651 b,6jg, 703 709, 739, 753; 'such' -jig b; ut qui 683; quippe qui 719; quantus 683; quisquis, quicun- que 711 b, 721 : substa ntivaliiJith quod 713: temporal 'with cum 725 "737; donee, dum, &c. 693 697, 765 ; antequam, prius- quam 699; ubi, quoties, &c. 723; post- quam 606, 611 c, 723; in the midst of orat. obi. 778, 779; in clauses with faxo 671; forsitan 755; fortasse 677,- cf. 645 a, b\ nescio quis 755; nisi forte, nisi vero 653; modo 711; prout 715 a, b; quasi 661; sive 651 d; sunt qui 703 707; satin' ut, vide ut, 687 : INDEX. 423 in the following expressions : dicet aliquis 647; dico quod seritio 753; etiam taces? 675 c: licet, licebit 677 c; melius erat 643; non dicam 691; peream, si... erat 657; quam vis, quam volet 676 b; advolone 675 a; quod scribis 743; quod facere poteris 711 b\ videro, viderih 667; videbis 667 indidem 220 indigere with gen. or abl. 530 ; composi- tion of 215 indirect discourse see 'Reported speech' / question of command 67 4 b ; of fact 750; rhetorical (reported} 764 indoles 140 indu (form] 215 inducor artus tunica 471 a induere p. 141 : induor, indutus tunicam 47*6 indulgere/. 141 infestus 331 Infinitive, present how formed 287, 288 ; in -sere 291 ; perfect 304 ; contracted y>7 i classed as substantive 42 1 , its cha- racter 532 ; general use 533 ; use of its tenses 541 545! use as object 534; as oblique predicate 535; as (direct) secon- dary predicate 536; as subject 537; in exclamations 538; as primary pred. (historic infin.] 539; in rare uses 540; in reported speech -j6jfoll. ; in rhetori- cal questions 764; with relative 765 b; often omitted with past part. 585 : used (in various ways) after aequum erat, &c. 643: aptus 540 (2); assuefieri 534 ; audeo 534 *z; cupio 541: debeo 534 a; desisto 534 a\ dicor 536, 544; dignus 540 (2) ; do 534^; doceor 534 b; est 536; habeo 534^; inter 540 (4); jubeor 536; licet 545; maturo 534 a; mitto 534 a: cf. 540 (3); natus 540 (3); operam do 534 a ; possum 534 a ; praeter 540 (4); prohibeor 534 b\ reperior 536 a', scio 534 a; soleo 534; tempus est 540 (i); videor 536*1: accus. with infin. a/feradmoneo 53.5.' assiiefacio 534 b; auctor sum, certior no 535; cupio 535; dico 535, 542, doceo 534 ; doleo 535; memini 543 (4); opus est, oportet 537 a; sino 535; volo 535 perfect injin. after .debeo, malo, pos- sum, &c. 541 a- : caveo, volo 541 ; de- cui* 535 infu 265 infitias 117, 466 infra 212; general use 822: comp. and superl. 175 inimicus with gen. 516 injuria 503, 2 -ino- noun-suffix cf. 366, 367 ; -ino 370 inquani 2685 /. 141 insertion ofp in sumpsi, &c. 29, 311 insimulare with gen. of crime 527 vaster with gen. 516 jnstare with infin. 534 a inter 229; general use 823; inter se 823 a, go8/>; with infin. 540 (4; jntercludere with abl. 511 interdicere with abl. 498 interdutn 224, 237 interea 212, 237 interest Ciceronis 517; mea 519 interibi 222 interim 226; cum interim 735 Interjections 416, 417 Interrogative particles 204 208; pro' nouns 204 208 : See also 'questions' intervallum 410 intonatus p. 150 s. v. tono intra 212; comp. and superl. 175 (p. 63); general use 824 Intransitive verbs defined 564; sometimes become transitive 469 impersonal in passive 565, 569; with ace. (of extent) 459 461, cf. 570; or cog- nate 461 b\ "with ind. obj. 474; with abl. of 'part, concerned 497; have gerund 546 intrinsecus 226 intro 213; general use 824 introrsus 214 intus 231; general use 825 invitare hospitio 489 -io noun-suffix 390 394 jocineris 145 jpous 117; joco 503, 2. -ion noun-suffix 374; declension 130 Ionic feet 922, a majori used in verse 935, 23; a minori 935, 36 -ios-, -ior- suffix of comparatives 388, cf. 174; declension i-^ifin. Jovem 122 ipse declined 195; general use 891, 893; ipsius_/frr suum ipsius 895 iquo, -inquo noun-siiffix 355 ire inflexions 264; ibo 284; ibam 285; use with supine 553 ; to form passive infin. 553; infitias ire 466, 117; pessum, venum, ire 117 ; ibat videre 533 C ironia 949 irrauserit/. 147 s. v. ravio is declension of 201 general use 890 -issumo- noun-suffix (superlative) 351, 174 iste declension of 197; general use 890; isti modi 198 ita2i2: ita...ut wit't final subf. 684; witJi consecutive subj. 714: with indie, 'as.. 30' 715 a\ 'although, .ye C 715 c\ ita yivam ut with tndic. 715^"; ita vero, ita est in answers 886 -ita- suffix of frequentative verbs 399 -itano- noun-suffix 368 item 225 her declined 145; obiter -zigfin. iterum 224, 383 ithyphallic verse 928, io jtidem 225 -itie- noun-suffix 392 ito- noun-suffix 359 jubere 311 ; /. 141 ; jubeo eum abire 534 b ; jubeor dici consul 536 judex declined 129 jugerum no; contents 914 jugulus 117 -\u.m.gen.plur. 123 jumentum 23 jungere 295; /. 141 -ivo- noun-suffix 353 Juppiter 122 juratus 340 424 INDEX. -\VLSgen. sing, quantity of penult ofd-i a jus 142 jusjurandum 117, 406 juvare 299; /. 141; juvat -with- ace. and , inf. 537 * juxta 212 ; general use 820 K. 7 Kal. 917 1 hoiu pronounced $; has attraction for & ; \\for e 40 labials 4 lac, lacte 136 lacessere/. 141 lapidavit (itnpers.) 575 laquear 138 larva, lama 44 Latin language i lavare, lavere i\gp. 14* laurus 121 laus 142; laudi dare 482 b legere/. 141 lenibat 285 ; lenibo 284 -lento noun-suffix 358 letters, tenses used in, itnperf. 604 ; pluperf. 611 b\ mode of dating 91 7, 918 Leuctra 96 lex 142; operi faciundo 481 libella 909 libet;*. 142 licere, liceri^>. 142 licet /. 142; with, infin. 637*, 545; -with, dot. 474; civi esse Gaditano, &c. 537^; with subj. 672, 677 c\ in apodosis to a conditional subj. 628 -limo- superl. sujffix 351, 174 t> linere/. 142 linquere 295, 4 b; p. 142 liquefacere 413 liqui/. 142 litotes 949 locare with gerundive 552 ft Locative case 83, 84; general use of 483, 484; of place 485 ; followed by relative adverb, not adjective 485 (p. 206) ; in apposition to abl. with in 487 ; of time when 491; of amount 494; animi 485; belli 485; domi 121, 485; dupli 494: humi485; 1110491; militiae48s, quanti 494; quotidie 491 locus 117; loco 488 logaoedic verse 929 lubet, see libet Iuci49i lucri facere 523 ; de lucro 812 e lucre/. 142 lues 134, i luxuria declined 106 "Nipronounced6 ; when final '19 ; frequently omitted 19, 63; affected by dental fo I-' lowing 26 ; as verbal ending of ist pers, sing. 267, 268 macte 217; esto 669 Maeander declined 153 magis 232; use 176 magister 383, 2 magno opere 503, i; magno stare 'cost' 495 majestatis absolvere 527 major 388 male 217; almost negative 877 d malignus 367 malo, inflexions of 262; malim, mallem, &c. 644 a ; followed by subj. 672 manceps, mancipium 415 mandare 415 mane 217 manedum 276 manere/. 142 manes 134, 2. y. manifestos 331 (/. 132); with gen. of crime 527 manus 120; ad manum 801 ; inter manus 823 ; per manus 831 mare i34_/?. mas 136 masculine gender 86folf. frtatertera 919 maturare with inf. 534 a maturus with gen. 526 maximus 175; with quam, quantus 683, T : Ot qui maxima 683, i. ' may' expressed by licet 628 ; by subj. after permittit 631, 3 ; after ut 632 (2) means, abl. expressing 489, 499; by per 831* measure of difference in abl. 496 med 191 meditari 340 medium viae 520 ; in media urbe 521 ; me- dip, media tefgo 486 medius fidius 417 mehercules 417, 472 mel 142 Melampus 169 melior declined lyifin. melius erat, fuit, &C. with inf. 643; with perf. inf. 545 me"mini p. 142 s. v. -meniscor; with gen. or ace. 529; with pres. and perf . infin. .,543(4) Memmiadae 151 c memor inflexions 140 memoriter 229(2) -men noun-sufjfix 372 ; declension of nouns in 130, 144 Menandru 154, 4 mensis 141 mentem alicujus, venire in 529 merces 147, 2 merere/. 142 ; p. 153; merito 213(2); with hyf>othet. subj. 644 b meridies 106 -met suffix to pronoiins 193 metaphora 949 metathesis 943 metonymia 949 Metre 923 metuo ut with subf. 686; cf. 632, 2 meus declined 119 ; use 101 ; as possessive gen. 518; as objective gen. 525^; mea refert, interest 519 mi vocative 119; dative 190, 191 militiae 485 mille declined \%\; millia spelling i^fin.; mille nummum 523^ minari aliquid alicui cf. 468 ; ni eant, &c. ^35> 3 : 746 ; with inf. object-clause 434 INDEX. 425 -mini suffix of -2nd pi. pass. 272 minime as negative 877 b ; in answers 886 ; quam minimum 224 minister 383 -mino imperative suffix 278 ; noun-suffix 366 Minoidi 170 minor compar. 175 ; capitis 526 ; minoris as gen of price w Minos declined 158 minus as negative 877 d; sin minus 652 d ; quominus 682 a-, and note mire quam 685 miror si with subj. cf. 748 ; ind. 747 mirum ni 747; nisi mirumst 747; mirum quam 685*1 mis 191 miscere/. 143 misereri^. 143; with gen. 5'8 miseret impers. 575; p. 143; with gen. 528 mittere^. 143 ; auxilio Caesari 482 c ', with infin. of object 534: of purpose 540(3) ; "with ad and gerundive 547 ; with su- pine cf. 466, 553 ; ixfith qui, ut and subj. 632. i ; 680, 682 j missus facio 559 -mno noun-suffix 366 -mo noun-suffix 351 moderari/J. 153 modius 915 modo 213(1), 503; in "wishes 6&l>; in concessions (subj'.} 676 r; {imper.) 677 e ; ivith dum in provisoes (subj.) 696; in restrictions with qui (subj'.) 710; (ind.) 711 ; modo. ..modo 867 non modo...sed 689 ; general use 1 881, 882 moenia//. TOO/ -monio substantival suffix '393 mordicus 230 moribus 503, 2 morte multare 495 ; mortem obire 563 mos declined 131, 142; moribus, 503, 2 mostellaria 394 motion, goal of, accus. 464, 465 ; dat. 473 a ; motion whence 509, 5 TO, 511 mulcere/. 143 ; same root as mulgere 395 b ; as mulcare 401 muliebris 138 mulier declined 13* multimodis 407, 232 in u Itiplica tive-s 179 multus with gen. 520; as attribute 521; ' 452 ; multae et graves (not multae graves) 865; compar. and superl. 175; multum (adverbial) 461 mulus 92 municeps 146; declined cf. 129 munus 145 mutes 3 ; mute fallowed by liquid 16 ; 62, 2 myrtus 120, 121 N, sound of -2. : 6 ; affinity to i 41 ; inserted in verb-stems 295 nae, see ne 220 naevus 353 nam 223 ; position in sentence 793 ; ap- pended to pronouns 208, 903 nancisci/. 143 nasci/. 143 natura 503, 2 natus with ace, 460 nauci i 17 naufragus 412 navigium 412 navis 134 ; declined 84 ne in affirmations 220 ne negative 220, 375 ; general use 875 foil. ; w/'M subj. 614, 2 ; ?' wishes 664, 666 3; wzV/fc subj. 668, 682, &c.; /#/* imper. 669 ; rt/ter z-v rbs of fearing (subj ) 686; ne dicam 690; ne...quidem 689, 877 b, 884 ; after non modo 881 ; ne quis, ne quandoy^ ut nemo, &c. 877 c ne in composition 875 -ne interrog. particle 875, 752 nee simple negative 219, 876 : disjunctive 878 ; belonging to subordinate clause 879 ; necne 887, 752 ; necnon 883 necare/. 143 necesse est with subj. 672 necne, necnon, see nee necopinato 506 nedum with subj. 688 nefandus 408 c nefas 408, 2 negative particles distinguished Sj^foll. negligere, neglexi or neglegi /. 141 s. z> ( lego nemo 144, 875 ; use of ig6 nempe 218 nequam 223 neque, see nee ; neque enim 878 ; neque... et, &c. 882 nequeo 266 nequiquam 221 ne quis, &c. for ut nemo, &c. 877 c nequiter 229 riescio 408 ; nescio quis 755 neve, neu 218 ; use 88 1 b nevis 263 nevis, nevult 263 neuter gender 86 ; declension 82 ; accus. used adverbially 224, 461 neuter verbs 564; passive 0^569 nex 142 nexui/. 143 .y. v. necto ni 221 ; general use 875; quidni with subj. 674 c ; in conditional sentences 640, 641 -, mirum ni 747 nihil, nihilum 117: nihil aliud quam 583: nili of value 494, nihil non, non nihil 883 nimis 232 nimium 224 ningit/. 143 nisi 221; general use with subj'. 640 foil. ; with indie, 64 1 foil. ; with subj. 'after exaggerated statements 654, 3; -with reported condition 746; nisi vero, nisi forte 653 ; with abl. of circumstances 505 ; with participle (dative) 557 nitor/. 143 nix 136 -no noun-suffix 366 nocetur 565 nocte 217 ; cf. 491 ; noctes ' nights through' 460 noctu 215 noenum 224 426 INDEX. nolo inflexions 0/262; noli 262, 275; with infin. 269; nolo videat 672 nomen declined 1 30 ; mihi nomen est with, nom 441 a; "with dative 441 b'. nomine negligentiae suspectus 504; servus no- mine illo 502 nominal adjectives 422 c\ adverbs 423 ofoll. ; for- mation of 34* foll.j arrangement of noun-suffixes 350 ns often for nts 21 ; n omitted 25 nubere p 144: with dative 474: nuptum dare 466 : nupta /. 153 nubes declined 1 26 nudius tertius 407 nudus with abl. 498; nuda pedem 471 nullus 195; nulli (gen.), nullae {<&/.) 196; nullius, &c. used for neminis, &c. 196; nullius rei for nihili 117; nullus non, nonnullus 883, 897 ; ne ullus_/fcr ut nullus 878 num 224; as interrog. 885, 86, 751; in indirect questions 750 Number, noun-inflexion of 9% foil. ; liable to attraction 451 ; use of verb inflexions HI foil. Numerals 17% foil. numerus declined 109; numero (adv.) 213 nunc 224 nunciam 223 nundinae 100 e nunquam 224 nurus 120 nusquam 223 nutiquam (neutiquam; 223 nux 142 O, sound of 3, 12; shortening of o 32, 57; o changed to u 34, 36 ; also to and i 36 , retained after v 42 ; contracted ivith i 47; with e or i 48 : in ist pers. sing. 268; quantity when final 56 o with vocative 457; with accus. 472; o si 662 ob 222; obs 230; general use 827 object, several kinds of '454 ; direct in accus. 468 \foll. \ two direct objects +jo; indirect object (dat.) 47 4 foil.; secondary object (gen.} after verbs 52; after nouns 525, 527 foil.; infinitive 534, 541; ittfin. sentence as object 535 obire (sc . mortem) 563 obiter 22gfin. oblique cases 437, 438; contrasted 453, 454 oblique oration, see oratio oblivisci p. 144 ; has inchoative suffix 296; with gen. or ace. 529 obsolescere /. 144 obviarn 223 occalui 591, 4 occasus/. 153 occidere p. 1 36 s , vp. caedo and cado occidionc occidere 503, a occiput 147 occulere /. 144 ; occultus odii 526 ocellus 377 -oci noun-suffix 356 ocior 175, i odi/. 144; odio esse 482 a odor 145 Oedipus declined 169 ohe 416 -ola verbal stem-suffix 400 olere/. 144 olim 226 olli &c. 198 -olo suffix to nounfstems 375 omission oj 'vowels 39; of 'consonants 21 foil. omnimodis 407 omnino 213 omnis 134, 10 a.: omnium nostrum 518 -on- noun-suffix 371 ; -.On 373, 374; Greek stems 171 -ono- noun-suffix 369 onomatopoea 949 ' one' indef f how expressed in Latin 907; 'one another' 908 onus declined 131 opera eadem, una 503, i ; .operae est 482 a; operae pretium est 516 x>pere with magno, &c. 503, z operire/. 145 s. v. perio oportet 144; called impersonal 575; with inf. 643 b, with inf. object-sentence 537; with past part, accus. 585; with subj 6 7 2_ oppenri p. 145 s. v. perio oppido 213 ops 142 ; opis, opes TOT optative subj. 664 666 opus 145 ; opus est ivith abl. 500 ; with accus. 500; with abl. neuter pass. part. 507; with infin. obj. sentence 537 -or noun-suffix 387 ; declension of stems in 131 oratio obltqua defined 762 : general rules for moods, y*c. 763 foil. ; use of tenses 766; use of pronouns 767; tabular state- ment 768; examples ^tx)folL INDEX. 427 order of words 780; ofjsentences 794 ordinal numbers 178 foil. \ order in com- pounding 186, used in giving date 187 ordo 144 ; recte atque ordine 503, 2 ; extra ordinem 818 origin, abl. of$iz oriri p. 144 , ormndus iff. -oro noun-suffix 384 Orpheus 160 ortus ivitk abl. 512 -os in nom. sing, of Q- stem 84 ; cf. 36 os, ossis 142; os, oris 142 -oso noun-suffix 363 ossua 1 20 -oto noun-suffix 359 ovans/. 144 oxymoron 950 pace horum dixerim, cf. 666 pacisci/. 144 paene 217 paeninsula 406; use with perfect 608 I ; 654, 3 paenitet /. 144; impersonal 575; with perf. in fin. 545 palam 223 ; general use 829 palus 147 (2) pangere/. 144. panis 134, 2 v paragoge 943 parcere/. 144 ; with dat. 474 , 569 parenthesis, 943 parenthetical verbs 671, 673, 751 parere, /. 145 par ere/. 145 paries 143 Paris 170 (2) parisyllabic nouns 134, 141 paronomasia 950 pars A? express fractions 189 ; partem mnxi- mam 462; partes foll.\ defined 421- a pertaesum e->t/. 150 s. v. taedet pes 142; dec lined 1 29 ; measure 913, 914 pessimus 175 L, G. 428 INDEX. pessum dare, ite 117; 405 a petere 303 d; p. 145; petit with long \ y&fin. Phalaecian verse 930, 15 Pherecratian verse 930, 16 phon, -phont, Greek noun-stems in 168 Phyllis declined 166 (/. 58) piget/. 145; how used 575; me morum piget 528 pinguis comp. and superl. 176, 3 a pinsere, pisere/. 145 pinus 121 Piraeeus 160 pius declined 118 ; piissimus 176, 3 place whence 509 ; (with prep ) 510 ; where 485; (with prep.) 487; to which 464; (with prep.} 465 placitus/*. 153 plane 216 plants, gender cf names ofg^ plaudere and compounds p. 145 plebes 107; plebs 136 plecteie 'strike,' p. 145; 'twine 1 (-v/V/z compounds} p. 146 plenus with gen. or abl. 530 pleonasmus 943 plerique /V/* j4/. protasis 634, 4; z letters 6.11 b ; of repeated actions 611 rf; /#/* cum, ut, &c. 721 ; 7f/'M postquam 611 c; - donee 694; 7ivY/z cum 'when' 722; 'whenever' 720; facturus fuisses 630 Plural of nouns usually singular 99; /zVA /z0 singular 100; suffixes of verbs 269, 272, 274; without subject expressed 574, 3; w/VA singular subject 577; //V>4 several nouns for subject 578, cf. 579; //// alius. .alius 582; nosfor ego 904 plus 136, cf. 175; pluris facere, &c. 494 poema 168 pol 417 Pompeius -vocative of 112; pronunciation 17 pondo 117 pone 220; ponere/. 146 por- z'w composition 834 _ porricere/. 140 j. z>. jacio porro z-i^fin. porta ingredi 490 portubus \2ofin. poscere/. 146; with two ace. 470 Position of words in sentence jBofc/l.: of subordinate sentences 794; of preposi' tioHS 798 ; in prosody 62 posivi^. 146 s. v. pono posse 259, 261; Withinfin. 534; withperf. inf. 541 a\ impersonal 570; possum, &c. used -where possim, &c. might be ex- pected 643; in apodosis of conditional sentence 628; potuerit in lieu of depen- dent ph(p. subj, pass. 630, 652 a. 2 ; tentare, &c. si possit 748; facere non possum quin 712 b\ quam maxima* potest 683, i possessive genitive 516 foil., 518 possessor in gen. 516; dat. 479 possidere/. 148 s. v. sedeo post 228; comp. and superl. 175, i ^. 63; general use 835 ; post esse, &c. 835 poste, postea 212, 228; quid postea 835 posterus 175 posthac 212 postibi 222 postidea 212 postis 134, 2. Y postmodo 213 postquam (posteaquam) general use 723; with imperf. 6o6;perf. 608, i c; pluperf. 611 c postridie 491 postumus/. 63 potare p. 146 pote 261 potens 259./?. : in compounds 415 Potential mood 642 potesse 261 ; potestur 261 potiri/. 146; w'thabl. 500; with gen. 530 potis, pote 261; comp. and superl. 175 potissimum 224 potivi, potui/. 146 s. v. potior potius quam with subj. 698, 700; with infin. 701 ; quam ut (subj. ) 700 b potui aqua 481; cf. 554; potum /. 146 s. v. poto prae 212; general use 836; in composition 408, 2; 837; praequam 223, 836; praeut 836 praebere /. 140 j. v. habeo praecordia (pi.') 100^; 390, zc praeditus p. 1 38 s. v. do praeesse 261 praefiscini 221 Praeneste 140 praenomina 961 praes 142 praesens 261 praesepe 140 praesertim 227: with qui (subj.} 718; with cum (subj.} 734 praeses 146 praesidio relinquere, &c. 482 c praestare/. 149 s. v. sto; with ace. 469 a praesto esse 213 (i) praeter 229 (3) ; general use 838; praeterea, praeterhac 212; praeterquam 838 praeut 836 praevaricari 398 prandere^. 146; pransus ib. precario 213 precem 142 precor 258 INDEX. 429 Predicate defined 426; contrasted -with attribute 428, 430 note; p rim a ry 43 1 , 432 ; formed by infin. (direct) 539; oblique 434, 535; _ secondary 431, 433, 441 ; rt/JVr infin. 435; instead of adverb 452, z' special case 438 ; formed by infin. 536 ; y participle 436, 557; after licet 435 ( 2 ) ? 537 f ; oblique 431 ; formed by infin. ' 434, 435, 535; *'* exclamations 538; rticiple gerunve 552 ; ^j^ partcpe 559 ; zwV/4 accus. cognate 461 ; wzYA accus. in. exclamations 472 ; 0/" unexpressed subject of infinitive 537 c; with abl. of description &*c. 502 ; of manner 503 ; ; 434; primus quisque 899 ; primo 213(3); primum 224; cum primum 725; pri- mum...deinde 86p princeps 146; declined 129 principle 488 prior 175, 178 priusquam with ind. 699; esp. present 598; /^/ 608 c\ subj. 698; ?'/?. 701 2; 410; prout 715 a, &; pro eo ut 715 b< pro eo quanti 839 e pro or proh 416 proavus 919, 403 probeo^. 140 s. v. habeo proclive, proclivi 221 proconsul 410 procul 228; general use 841 prod 19, 840 profecto 213 (i) proficisci /. 138 s. v. facio proh 416 prohibere re, or quominus, -with subj. 632, 2; with infin. 68 1; prohibessit 291 prohibitions subj. 668; imper. 669 proinde 2^0, 839 prolepsis 943 proles 134 Pronouns: (i) demonstrative defined cf~. 422 a; declined igj 203; classified by place and time 236, 237 ; distinguished in use 890; position in sentence 785; often attracted in gender and number 45*; (2) indefinite: declined 207, 208; distinguished in use 897, 898; Engl. 1 one' 917; (3) interrogative: declined 204 _///. ; distinguished 903 (4) personal: declined 190; <7/"*V omitted 5 76 ; 904 foil. (5) possessive: declined 119; A0w used 191, 192, 518; with gen. of sub t. 4\ib and note; -used for abjective gen. 5 2 5! (6) reflexive: declined 190, 191; privignus 367 privileeii pnvuegmm 390, 2. c , pro (prep.) 19; generaJL use 839; m com- position ^vith verbs 840 ; with nouns 408, (7) relative: declined 204 foil.* in simple definitions 703; *' final sen- tences 680; z' consecutive sentences 704; z restrictions 710; z' conditional sen- tences (subj.) 650 3 ; (ind.) 651 ; ^a\ 'as 9 after tam 683, i; 'than' 683, 2; in various senses- after ante 598, 698, 701; citius645^; 699^; contra 8ioc; mirum 685 a; mire 685 b\ oppido 685 b\ post 606, 6o8c, 6iifj 723; potius 700, 701; praeter 838; prius ^98, 698701; tam 660, 661; valde 685 ; ultra 857 quamde 220 quamquam 711 b\ 'and yet' 871, 6 quam vis 407; with ind. 677 b ; subj. 676 quam volet, cc. 676 b, 677 d quando 215, 741; quandoque 219; quan- docunque 215, 900 quantus 683; quanti 494; quantiquanti 900 quapropter 212, 843 quartus 357 quasi 221 ; with subj. 660; ind. 66 1 quatenus 212; 'inasmuch as' (ind.) 741; ' how far' dep. question (subj.) 750 quatere/. 147 -que appended to pronouns 219 -que ' and' general use 859 864 queo 266 ; p. 147 quercus 120, 121 (/. 40) questions, direct 749 ; with particles, simple 885, 886; alternative 887; dependent 750; quasi-dependent 751; dubitative 674 ; expressing surprise, &>c. 675 ; cf. 787 ; repeated in surprise 756, 757 c with quidni 674 c ; quid si 658, 659 ; quin (ind.) 675^; (subj.} 754 ; satin 675^; satin ut 687 qai (adj.) declined 204; compounds 0/208 ; position in sentence 788 : sometimes be* fore preposition 782, 798 ; attracted in gender, &*c. 451 ; relation to antecedent 450; 'such' 719 b ; sunt qui (subj.) 706; (ind.) 707; qui ' since^ he (subj.) 718 ; 'for he' (ind.) "jig ; qui praesertim (subj.) 718 ; quippe qui (subj) 718 ; (ind.) 719 ; ut qui (subj.) 718 ; qui quidem, qui uiodo (subj.) 710; (ind.) 711 tjui (.tbL and adv.) 221, 206 quia 210, 212 ; with subj. 740, 2 ; with ind. 74i quicunque 208; in limiting clauses (ind.) jiib; of frequent cases (subj.) 720; (ind.) 721 ; used absolutely 900 quid distinguished from quod 207, 208 ; as ace. of extent 461 ; quid opust facto 507 ; quid multasS^, 883; quid ni674<- ; quid si 658, 659 ; quid est causae cur 750 ; quid est causae quin 754; scio quid quaeras 7 53 quidam 208 ; general use 897 quidem 225, 677 a ; place in sentence 793 r ; et quidem 677^; ne... quidem 689, 884, 877 6; qui quidem 710, 711 ; quandoqui- dem, si quidem 741 quies 147 (2) quilibet 208 ; general use 898; cf. 676 c quin 228 ; interrog. 675 c ; with imper. and ind. 675 ; dependent 681 ; in final sentences 682 a ; consecutive 712 a, b ; dependent interrog. 754; for qui npn 704, 706 ; after quid est causae 754 ; dici non potest 754 ; facere non possum 713 b ; paulumafuit 713 ; vix temperare 682 ; non habere 682 a ; nemo fuit 706 ; non fallere 754 ; non est clubiiun 635, 4 quinam 208 quingenti 178, 358 quinque, quini, &c. 178 quipiam 209 quippe 218; with relative (subj.) 718; (ind.) 719 quiqui 209 (p. 76) quis indef. 207, 897; interrog. 207, 903: compounds 208 ; stem and original cases 210; quid facial? quid agerem? &c. 674; quid commemoro 675 ; nescio quis 755, 897 q\i\sf. ago satis 232 ; satin' 885 ; w///z /W/c. 675 b satur no; wo superl. 175, 3; with gen. 53 Satumian verse 937 saucia pectvis 462 sc initial affects preceding vowel 67 -sc- inchoative suffix to verbs 397, 5 ; to present stem 296 scalae (//.) ioo/ scalpere/. 148 scazon verse 933, 28 scibam, scibo 285, 284 scilicet 405 a scire quid quaeras, quod quaeris 753 ; scin 885 ; with logically dependent question 751 ; quod sciam 710 sciscere/. 148 Scipiadas, &c. 151 scribere/. 148; Roma (abl.) 509 scriptulum 189, 3; 912 scriptura 384 se, sed (prep.) 846 se, <-xi\pron. igofoll. ; general use %g\ foil.; se ipse 893 ; se quisque 899; inter se 908 secare/. 148 secondary predicate 431, 433 y&//.; secon- dary tenses 587 secundum 224 ; general use 847 secus 230 ; non secus ac 663 ; appended io locatives 226 432 INDEX. sed 'but* 228; cf. 846; general use 871; repeated 424 sedere/. 148 sedes 134, I sella 377 semel 228 sementis 140 semestris 385 semis 189, 3; 909; in composition 409*1 semol 228 semper 228 senarius 180 senati 121 (/. 40) senex 141 ; comp. 175 sensim 227 sentence defined 426 sentenria mea 504 ; ex animi sententia, cf. 711 a sentes(//.) 134, 2. v sentire^J. 148 seorsum 214 septem, septuaginta 178 sequence of tenses 619 foil. sequi/. 148; principal tenses 258 serere 'sow' p. 148; 'put in rows' p. 148 serus -with gen. 526; spe serius 513 b servire servitutem 461 b servus (servos), &c. declined 84 sesqui 189, 7 sestertium 910; sestertius 909 set, see sed sen 218 ; general use 872, 873 ; in sentences of frequency 720 sextans 189, 3 sextarius 394; contents 915 si 221 ; in regular conditional sentences 6c6 630; (sul'j.} 640; (ind.) 641; with imper. apodosis 655 ; in reported condi- tion 746 ; cf. 747 ; in "wishes 662 ; of fre- quent actions 721 ; "with infin. in or. obi. 765^; si. ..sinon ('.. 553 (2) in u 336 ; use 554, 497 supplex 146 supra 212; comp. and superl. 175 (p. 63); use 853; supremus 31 surgere p. 147 s. v. rego; cf. 41; surrexe 307 sursum 214 sus 'pig' 93, 122 sus- 851 suspectus w ith gen. 527 suspensus loculos lacerto 471 sustuli p. 150 j. v. tollo : see at so p. 159 s. v. fero suus 119; use, see se; 'favourable' 906 syllables defined 15 ; how divided 15 ; ivhnt letters can begin 16 syllepsis 944 synaeresis 944 ; 69. 5 synalaepha 944 synaphia 925 synecdoche 950 synecphonesis 944 synesis 944 synizesis 944; 69, 5 synonymia 951 T how pronounced 4 ; ti not sh 1 3 -t& frequentative suffix of verbs 399 tabes, tabo 134 tacere p. 150; etiam taces? non taces? 675 c taedet/. 150; impersonal 575 ; -with gen. 528 talpa 93 tarn 223; correlative to quam 235; tarn... quam 683; tamquam (subj.) 660; (ind.) 661 ; tamquam si 660 434 INDEX. tamen 228; after nisi 653; in apodosis to cum 732; to quamquam 711 b; to quam vellet 676 b\ to si 650 c; place in sen- tence 793 tametsi (sub}.) 650 c ; (ind.) 651 c tamquam, see tam tandem 225 tangere/. 150 tantisper 228 tantus 234; tanti est 494; tantum 461; tantum abest ut..ut (subj.) 712^; non tantum. .sed 88 1 note tapete, tapeta 140 -tat 1lo^^n-suffix 362 tautologia 951 ted 191 tegere/. 150 tellus 147(2) temere 217; in prosody 55 c Terrpe 164 temperare quin 682 a temperi 221, 491 tempus declined 131, cf. 145; tempus est witk infin. 540; id temporis 460 tendere/. 150; with. ace. " tenere/. 150 Tenses 238; of present stem 283 _///.; of perfect stein -\o\foll. ; use of tenses of infinitive 541 foil. ; indicative 586 foil. ; subjunctive 6i6fi>ll.\ 626 foil. \ in re~ ported speech 7686 tensum 330; also p. 150 s.v. tendo tenvis 44; comjt. and superl. 176, 3 a tenus 230; use ^854 ter numeral adverb 228 -ter adverbial suffix 229 terere/. 150 teres 140 -ten, -tri noun-suffix 385 -terno noun-suffix 367 ternus, trinus 188 tero, -tro noun-suffix 383 terra 486 teruncius 189, 3; 909 testis 134, 2. J3 Tethys declined 158, 161 tetrameter trochaic 928; iambic 933 ; rtWrt- paestic 932 Thales declined 166, 168 thesis defined p. ^ note Thetis declined 166, 170(2) Tiberis 165 tibicen, 415; declined 130 -ticio- noun-suffix 391 tigris declined 162, 165, 170 (2) -tili- (-sili-) noun-suffix 379 Time 'when' (loc.) 491 ; (abl.) 491 : '/ M^ course of -which' (abl.) 492; tuith de 812 ff; with in 820 ; with inter 823 ; 'throughout which' (ace.) 460; YA per 831; (rt/.)493; 'from which' (abl.) with ab 799 ; ' after which ' (ad/.) with ex 817^; zvt'M de 812 . 150 j. v. tollo turn 224; in a series 867; cum. ..turn (/ contrasts) 736, 737 tumulti 121 (/. 140) -turp- suffix for future participle 384 turris 134, 2. 7. tus 142 tussis 134, 2. y -tut- noun-suffix 362 tutus/. 150 .y. f. tueor tuus 119; possessive 191, 518; _/<7r objec- tive genitive 525 a, ; tui part. gen. 520; obj. gen. 525 ; tua refert 519. u pronunciation of 2, 12 ; arises from change of a, &c. 34, 36; changes to \ 37 ; omitted ^\\ assimilated 39; has affinity to 1 #*/ m 41 ; sometimes pronounced as v 44; z' diphthongs 47 _/W7. v pronunciation of 10; omitted between vowels 43 vacillare 400 vacuus, vocivus 353; w//^: /. 511; ^r. 530 vae 416 vagire 416 .y.z/. vae vah 416 valere /. 151; vale 669 ; valebis 665^; valeant 666 a value expressed in locative 494; genitivt 53 1, 494 vas, vadis 142 vas, vasis 142 vates 134 ubi 222, 206; 'when' (ind.) 723: 'when- ever' (sitoj.) 720; (iud.) 721 ubique 219 ubivis 898 Ye 218; use 872, 873 INDEX. 435 ve- 408, 2 (/, 180) vegere/. 151 vehere/. 151; vehens riding to. vel 228; use 872874; vel dicam, vel potius 872. velle 262, 263; -with infin. 534 a; with perf. infin. 541 b; with, sttbj. 631, 2; cf. 644, 645; with pass, part. 559; quam vis, quam volent 676 ; volet, voluerit contrasted 591, 2; velim, vellem. 644; vellem_/br volerem 286; cf. 41 vellere/. 151 velut subj. 660 vendere /. 138 s. v. do 564 venia bona vestra (abl.), &c. 666 venire/. 151; veni 310; advorsum alicui 802 ; in mentem venire 529 ; subsidio 482 c venire^). 138 j. v. eo; 564 venum dare, ire, &c. 117, 405 Venus 145 Verb inflexions 238 foil. ; formation of stems 395 foil. ; finite, defined 420 ; transitive and intransitive 562 foil. ; deponent 567; omitted ^T. foil. verba dare 468 verbal noims 239 ; use of '546 foil. verbera 145 vereri 258; p. 151; ut, ne 'with subj. 686 vero 213 (2); place in sentence 793; after nisi ironically 653 ; emphasizes preceding word 871 ; z' answers 886 versum, versus 214; ? 0/856 vertere /. 151; akin to verrere 395^; anno vertente 492 veru 120 verum 871 ; in answers 886; verura enim vero 871 ; verum etiam after non. .modo 882 vesci/. 151; with abl, 500 vesperi 491 vester 119; possessive 191, 518; for ob- jective genitive 525 a } by vestripart. gen. 520; obj.gen. 525 a vetare/. 151 vetus 145 vi 503. 2 via 484 B, 5 b viaticum 354 vicem 142; sollicitus vicein alicujus 462; in vicem 820 c\ 908 d vicissim 227 victoriatus 909 videlicet 405 viden 885; used parenthetically 751 videre /. 151; with infin. object clause 535; vidi cum exanimarentur 726, vi- deres 646^ videro, viderint, &c. 667; videbis 667; vide ne 682, 686; ne non 686; ut (subj) 686, 750; vide ut (ind.) 687^; 752; vide quam 750; vide sis 276 videri with infin. 536; with dat. 477 videsis 276 vietus/. 151 viginti 358 vin, cf. 885 vincere /. 151; vici 310; ut with subj. 682 b; debeo vincere, vicisse 541 vincire/. 151 vir declined 109 L. G. virgo 144 viritim 227 visere si (ind.) 747 vitio 503, 2 ; aliquid vertere 482 b vivere/. 151; with cognate ace. 461 b vix 230; almost a negative 877 d -ula- verbal suffix 400 -ulento- noun-suffix 358 ullus 194, 195 ; use 898 -ulo-, -uilo- noun suffix 375 377 uls 230; ultra 212; ultro 213(4); general use 857; comp. and super 1. 175, i (/. 63) ululare 342, i -umo- superlative and ordinal siiffix 351, 352, cf. 37 -unculo- noun-suffix 376 unde 220; unde unde 'from somewhere or other* 902 undeviginti 186 -undo- verbal noun-suffix 290, 365 unguis 134, 2. Y -uno- noun-suffix 369 -\\rii\- participial sriffix 289 unus 195; use of 'plural, 182, unusquisque 209 ; use 899 ; unus et alter 902 ; unus qui with subj. 704; -with ind. 705 ; uno ' by one ' 496 ; una opera 503, i vo-, -uo- noun- siiffix 353 ; sterns retained o in vocative case 108, 112; use 457 vocivus 353 voices 238 ; use ^fafoll. volo, see velle voltus, see vultus volvere/. 151 voluntas 20 volup 217, 2 vomere p. 151 vorsum, vorsus 214; /C 42 vovere^. 151; aedem Jovi 746 vowels gfbll.; scale of 14; change in quantity 30 foil. ; in quality y$foll. ; omission of 41 foil. ; treated as conso- nants 44, 49 ; from diphthongs Afifoll. ; quantity in prosody ttfoll. ; vowel-verbs 243 foil., 2.$&foll.\ connecting vowel wj upilio 48 urbs declined 127 urere/. 151 urgere/. 151 -uri-, -urri- verbal suffix 400 -urno- noun- suffix 367 -usculo- adjectival siiffix 376 uspiam, usquam 223, 236 usque 219, 237; use 858; usquequaque 236 usucapere 405 a usurae centesimae, &c. 911 usus est with abl. 500, 507 ; usui esse 482 a ; usui opportunus 554; usu 503, 2 ususfructus 4o6_/~ ut (uti) 228, 221: (i) 'hmu?' (ind.) 749; dep* (subj.) 750; so probably timeo ut 686; vide ut 686; (2) ''howl' (ind.) 752; in wishes (subj.) 666 b; (3) ' how' relative; so perhaps satin ut (ind.) 687 a ; vide ut (ind.) 687 b; (4) 'as' (ind.) 683, 715; 610 (uti legassit); with noun 439 a; with infin. 765 6; 2 9 43 6 INDEX. (5) ' although' (ind.) 715 c\ (6) ' "when ' (ind. ) 723 ; (7) ' in order that ' of intention (subj.) 682 ; 'provided that' (subj.) 684 ; (8) 'so that' of facts (subj. ) 7 1 2 (9) 'supposing that* (subj.') 714 d\ (10) in questions of surprise (subj.) 74 utcunque 711 o ut ne 682, 875; ut non 712; ut qui 718; ut qui maxime 683, i ; ut ubi 718 ; utut 711 b in various senses with subj. after abest 712 b; accedit 712 b\ cuni co 684; decerno 682 b; facio 712 b; fit 712 b; 633> 2 > fore, futurum esse 543 (2); hor- tor622; impero62i; 15712; ita, see s. v. ; nietuo 686; mos est 712 b\ munus est 682 ; oro 682 b\ postulo 622; potius quam 700; proximum est 682 b; rogo 621 ; scriptum est 682 a ; tantus 624 bis ; 712 a\ tantum abest 712 ; timeo 686; 632, 2 ; vide, see s. v. ; vinco 682 b "with indie, after ita. 715 a,f; perinde 715 ; prae 715 b; pro, pro eo 715 b; satin 687 ; sic 71 5 a. d; vide 687 b uter 195; interrog. 930; indef. 898; rela- tive 711 b; utercumque 195, 900; uter- libet 195, 898; utervis 195, 898; alteruter. 195, 897 uterque 195; use 899; with plural verb 577; eorum 520; frater (not fratrum) 521 uti, see ut; quantity of i 56; utinam 221 ; with subj. 666 b uti (?ierK)p. 151 utique 221; use 901 utpote qui with subj. 718 utrinque 226 utrubi, utrubique 222 utrum...an 885, 887 vulgus 114; vulgo 503, 574 vultus 331 w pronunciation of Latin v 10 ' way,' i. e. road abl. 490 : i. e. manner 503 weight, measures 0/912 wish expt pressed by subj. 666 ; by volo &c. 665 a " ' without' expressed in Latin by se (old) 846; sine (abl.) 849; citra (afc.) 807 c; extra (ace.) 819; by negative, e.g. '"with- out ascertaining' &*c. non comperto 505 ; non nisi admoniti 557; 'without doing' ut non faciam 714^; not by sine with gerund 549 Y Greek letter 2 y sound Germ, j ; expressed by\\\\ e 49 z 2 ; effect in prosody 67 zeugma 945 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY c. j. 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[Ready. ODYSSEY. BOOK I. Edited by Rev. JOHN BOND, M.A. and A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready. Horace. ODES. BOOKS I. IV. Edited by T. E. PAGE, M.A. , late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Assistant-?*! aster at the Charterhouse. Each is. (yd. [Ready. Livy. BOOK I. Edited by H. M. STEPHENSON, M.A., Mead Master of St. Peter's School, York. [R^ady. ELEMENTARY CLASSICS. Livy. THE HANNIBALIAN WAR. Being part of the XXI- AND XXII. BOOKS OF LIVY, adapted for the use of beginners, by G. C. MACAULAY, M.A., Assistant-Master at Rugby ; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. [Ready. THE SIEGE OF SYRACUSE. Being part of the XXIV. AND XXV. BOOKS OF LIVY, adapted for the use of beginners. With Notes, Vocabulary, and Exercises, by GEORGE RICHARDS, M.A., and A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready. Lucian. EXTRACTS FROM LUCIAN. Edited, with Notes, Exercises, and Vocabulary, by Rev. JOHN BOND, M.A., and A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. ' [Ready. NepOS. SELECT LIVES OF CORNELIUS NEPOS. Edited for the use of beginners with Notes, Vocabulary and Exercises, by G. S. FARNELL, M.A. [Nearly ready. Ovid. SELECTIONS. Edited by E. S. SHUCKBURGH, M.A. late Fellow and Assistant-Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. [Ready. ELEGIAC SELECTIONS. Arranged for the use of Beginners with Notes, Vocabulary, and Exercises, by H. WILKINSON, M.A. [In preparation. PhsedruS. SELECT FABLES. Adapted for the Use of Be- ginners. With Notes, Exercises, and Vocabularies, by A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready. Thucydides. THE RISE OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. BOOK I. cc. LXXXIX. CXVII. AND CXXVIII. CXXXVIII. Edited with Notes, Vocabulary and Exercises, by F. H. COLSON, M.A., Senior Classical Master at Bradford Grammar School ; Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. Virgil. ^NEID. BOOK I. Edited by A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready. ^ENEID. BOOK V. Edited by Rev. A. CALVERT, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. SELECTIONS/ Edited by E. S. SHUCKBURGH, M.A. [Ready. Xenophon. ANABASIS. BOOK I. Edited by A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready. SELECTIONS FROM THE CYROP^DIA. Edited, with Notes, Vocabulary, and Exercises, by A. H. COOKE, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer 01 King's College, Cambridge. [Ready. The following more advanced Books, with Introductions and Notes, but no Vocabulary, are either ready, or in preparation : Cicero. SELECT LETTERS. Edited by Rev. G. E. JEANS, M.A., Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, and Assistant-Master at Haileybury College. [Ready. 6 MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Euripides. HECUBA. Edited by Rev. JOHN BOND, MA and A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. [Ready, Herodotus. SELECTIONS FROM BOOKS VI. AND VII., THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by A. H. COOKE, M. A., Fellow and Lecturer of King's College, Cambridge. [Ready. Horace. SELECTIONS FROM THE SATIRES AND EPISTLES. Edited by Rev. W. T. V. BAKER, M. A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Assistant-Master in Marlborough College. [Ready. SELECT EPODES AND ARS POETICA. Edited by H. A. DALTON, M. A., formerly Senior Student of Christchurch ; Assistant- Master in Winchester College. [Ready. PlatO. EUTHYPHRO AND MENEXENUS. Edited by C. E. GRAVES, M.A., Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. Terence. SCENES FROM THE ANDRIA. Edited by F. W. CORNISH, M.A., Assistant- Master at Eton College. [Ready. The Greek Elegiac Poets. FROM CALLINUS TO CALLIMACHUS. Selected and Edited by Rev. HERBERT KYNASTON, D.D., Principal of Cheltenham College, and formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. Thucydides. BOOK IV. CHS. I. XLI. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by C. E. GRAVES, M.A. [Ready. Virgil. GEORGICS. BOOK II. Edited by Rev. J. H. SKRIN, M.A., late Fellow of Merton College, Oxford; Assistant-Master at Uppingham. [Ready. %* Other Volumes to follow. CLASSICAL SERIES FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Fcap. 8vo. 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