I University of California Berkeley lopult bojc Bet, Complaint Comon0 agamft ilotttron: RE-PRINTED BY G. WOODFALL, ANGEL-COURT, SKINNER - STREET. 1821. IS PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF Ciufc 5 ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTIONS OF THE LATE i RIGHT HON. SIR JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, KXT. MDCCCXLIII. Club. MDCCCXLIII. THE EARL OF POWIS, PRESIDENT. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, K. G. ^ THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENS- t. BERRY, K. G. THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. EARL SPENCER. EARL BROWNLOW. EARL CAWDOR. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON. VISCOUNT MAHON. VISCOUNT CLIVE. VISCOUNT ACHESON. LORD VERNON. RIGHT HON. SIR JAMES PARKE. HON. AND REV. GEORGE NEVILLE GRENVILLE, M. A. HON. HUGH CHOLMONDELEY. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. REV. BULKELEY BANDINELL, D. D. BENJAMIN BARNARD, ESQ. REV. PHILIP BLISS, D. C. L. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. REV. THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, D. D., V. P. DAVID DUNDAS, ESQ. HENRY HALLAM, ESQ. REV. EDWARD CRAVEN HAWTREY, D. D. JOHN ARTHUR LLOYD, ESQ. JAMES HEYWOOD MARKLAND, ESQ. Treasurer. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. THOMAS PONTON, ESQ. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. PEREGRINE TOWNELEY, ESQ. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQ. Co tf>e lungs mofte excellent $Jlaieftie 3! prape po fie not toiotbe JFot teliinge of tbe trotbe JFor tbid tbe toortoe it gotbe T5otbe to Ipfe ant) to lotfie 30 &o& Mm felf 60 imotbe ana ad all men un&etttanD TBotfce lotDeQ)ipe0 ann lanD0 are noto in feVu mend 6anti0 H3otb0 fufiQance ann fianDg Df all tfce tofjolc tealme Hie noto confumcn clean e H0 mode men emme jf^ome tfie fetmet anti tbe potote Co tbe totone ana tbe totoe^e Wibtcb maketbe tbem to Co fee tbat in tbette flotoeje 30 negtber malte nor meale 15acon bgfe nor tjeale OEioclie mglfce nor ^eale 05ut reug for to fleale jfor t)e?p pu?e neeoe contend fa^e in DeDe From the M. S. Harl. 367. foL 130. a. [ 2 ] Cbep be not abell to fene Jn tbeje ffable fftant a deae Co bjgng up nor to bjeDe J8or ffeant abel to bjenge Co tbe majltett an? tbpnge CotoaOT tbeje botoffe feepingc lnn ffeant baue a cotoe J(3or to ftepe a potu^e folue/ Cbujoi tbe toa^lDe 50 notoe ano to beze tbe telaQon )f tbe potoje mens commupcafion Onnet tobatt foitte ano fafcbpon Cbape ma&e tbe^e crclamafpon gotu toolDe baue companion Cbu0 gotbe tbec protection ^apenge tbat fucbe ano fucbe Cbat oflatte a?e mapoe rpcbe to to /to mpcbe g^afpng anD regiatpnge potolgng ann uebattpnge 15? rolling anD bp Dattpng cbefee ann cbefee matpnge tielags ann nebatpnge coUiGomes ano tallpng0 anD foie Gallpngs tbat pou^e commen* fape * Altered by another hand pomen. pape page altoape 'But pett tt)ep fe noc flaje Df tftt0 otott rage a !or populi /t)or Dei fiD mofl nobell OtonQoer toell tBi0 if. C * ] 2. C 3nt) tbu0 tfie toopfe oot&e mtrttpplpe 9motong0 pour giafi0 commpnalte Cbep a?e in fucbe g^ette pentyp Cbat tbap cane nettiet fell net eie crt^eme Dotbe it 90 t^totfte pt felfe oot&e teflgfte 10 a me;t>eU tieto t&ep fap it 10 no Jfor giafia?0 ann reg?at^0 foe man? ftepe maifle^g of e^abell g^ounDe make a?e tbcj? tftat be tbe0 toafle?0 Cbat togll unnoe tbi0 ianne gf tbap continto ann flanue 90 j)z ttall onDccGounnc 15? tbi0 feteil botofee ?f ou;e g^ace it oucrlotufee 9nD otter iotofce it agapne togll tgli potu foo plapne ten^e ario tfjc tbi0 lua?lo noto mp negbtbore ano mp noCt 3n etiejp cotonue totone ann cofl cercum&iftons Df pout gjafi's aompnpons anD tobge tbe potore men toepe jFor flatting of fucb ftepe Jfor tbat Coo mang fcppe numtjec ann Cucbe ftottte neuet toad fcnc before tooiue ge anp moic ing?clTe toa0 neoer moje C()u0 gotbe tfte ^oogfe ana rotate 3nD t?e\utb it ^0 in nene jror all men noto too fircDe C&at cane cimcbe anp lanoe )tott of tbe potu^e men0 banDe Jfot tobotoe 10 foe giett a gjofiet as tbe lo;te ana tbe latoeer jfot eue?g Dratogng tiage Cbe bocbec mo?e moft page JFot bis fattpng toaie ano to be tbe mote teuget a notber tpme to ctatte ^(ben be mo?e fljepe tuoioe baue Hnn to elptoatte tbe p^ce @)ume tob'att be moft rp(Te OHitb a fpnfce or a fgffe ^oo tbat tbe bocber cane not fpa;e CotoaiD0 bis cba^ges anD is fate Co fell tbe tie;e ca^cbaOfe baie to Ontier rtf or a ma&e 10 a pptpfull toeifte fptie tf)c offal ant) tfje dice CDc dice anQ tfie fell C&U0 fce aotfje it felle a*la0 a. las a. las Cbi0 is a pitj?toos cbaffe O3|)att poto^c man notoe i# abeU Co baue mette one 10 tabell Hn ore at fpue pomnne tie any tiring totunoe ell0 come not in tlje groUm&e laboie foe to umae Ci)i0 10 tbe netu cafle C&e neto cafl ftome tbe olDe Ct)i0 commen pnce t&ap tolDe 10 a toete retotbe men mpgbt fape tbe tctotb pomen* t[)U0 uoo faje gf tbape tjatie it /tbttJ0 tbap page (Hor populi uor Dei D mofl nobell Jipnge toell tbi0 * T'Aw wcreete0 altoape fot tbe flatte of all poure ma?cbant men einno moG paite of potn^e gentpll men HnD torape tfiem in fucbe banucs Cbat ttiap imue taloe tber lanns HnD papeti) but fjalfe in Cpll tbag mo?e unDeiflotonD Df tbe pjofett of tbe^e lanne HnD for tbe otber balfe IDe (balbe mapD a calfe OBiccept be baue guD cane toage botb enfte* CC* erased. [ 13 ] pet imtb frenDetf tooe H)e Kali baue mticbe to Doe COicbe gs a grett in nosmpte Co pot^e gjafpis regallgte Lett maicbant men ttoe faple jFor tbat 20 tljer titoe toaplie jFot of one C. pe ftaue not ten Cgat noto be m'aicban w uentiing men C&at occupi g^ett in atunnets jFoufier tben into jFlanDei0 jFlatonDe20 or in to jFiance jFot fe^e of fome mpfcftance OBut I^etb at borne anD flanDS moigage anD pujc&aife of of ail gentpll mend jotoiQ fe^e altonge sour it batbe fucbe bigbt Degree Cfje totone it pis Coo fliaatt Cbat cuerp man uotftc ftantt anD fometbpn^e not foo fftaiefe 15iit etien as mttcb to baffc gouc matcfiant men Doe fape Cta^e fgnoe it tape bg Dage Co be a matter (Uange C^ben tbap Qjofrto mafee ercange Dne tbotbet fj?ue tbe fee Cbep aje tyguen to tbe^e plee jFor tuqe ouje pountie fome tpme COa0 better tben tbe^e0 bp nene Boto ou?0 toben it comptbe fojtbe iQo better tben tbe;0 id luoitbe 5Boc nor isfcant fooe gune Cbep fa^e fo b? tbe rooue fi>oiD map tbe megcbant man TBe able to occuppe tban Crept ftben be comes beie feu tu0 miz to np^e C. ii* [ 20 ] rpe neeaes mutt batte a fiDt ell# fge one tbe turning Cftis copne bg altejacpon latbe bibugbt tbis uefolacon 2Jtcb 10 not get all fenotoen 2)Oi)at mpfciuff it batoe fotoen Cbep fage too tooctbc tbat man Cbat fgttt tbat co^ne began Co put in anpe beaDe C&e mj?nDe to Cucb a teen Co come to fucb a bte^e JFor cotiite0 uefgre, 3 fenofre not tobat it menpt&e OBut tbus tbag Cage ana Dremetbe (He tile pet quern gftan&alum tjenit OBut tbist topll upe gtaett pene 15e fot it be toell agapne ractt pene anD fote Co make tbt0 a0 Uia0 befoie gou;e commons tbu0 Doe fape gf tbap bane it tbag tooloe page dor populi DO^ Dei D mofl nobell Eenge Confpoet tnell tbi0 tbinge C 21 J 7. C Cbi0 matter 10 to tretoe Cbat manp a man Dotbe reioe Cbeflfe fotorotoe0 Doe in fetne JFor poto?e men tbap Doe qpe anD Tape it p0 a tojpe Cbap fape tbap cannott be bejDe TBut flpll fiome Dape DiffejeD tbap batte anp ftootte map gotoe blotue tber fltutt gotbe tbe common fyetott Cbe ricbe man UipH come in JFor be p0 fuie to topnne JFor be cane mafte (0 toape 2Bitb banD in banDe to pape IBotbe to tbpc&e anD tbpne Dr ell0 to fenotoe tbe plefu^e ^p lo^De 10 not at lefu^e Cbe poto?e man at tbe Dur ftanD0 Ip&e an pflanDe cur anD Dane not otter fluje C^cepet be gotoe 10 tuape anD come anotber Dape anD tben tbe matter p0 mapDe Cbat tbe potoje man toitbe bi0 fpaDe [ 22 ] no moie tbia fejme in toaptie 16ut muft gotoe ufe foume otber JFDC it pd foe agjepD Ct)at mp lauep maiflerd mene bpme ejcpuifc toitb all fpeoe out maiflec tbe lanDlo^D batie it all act bid acco^De tolTe anD fejmc agapne Co make tfteje of t)i0 wtmofl gagne JF oc i0 toantage toplbe moie Qjcpc anD cattell itto floje not to plottgb bid ff wunD no mo?e tbe rennet tupii ajeje Cfte rente b^er bp bolle ge?e J?ett mtifl be baoe a fpne toe Cbe ba?gapne be map tbe knoloe OQicbe mafeetb tbe matfeett note (be aeie Cbat tbe^e bge fetoe tbat ma{{0 gooD cbeje jFor tbe feimer moa fell bid goffe as be mage be abell to pave for bid bottfe
Io?ue0 tbat be Cbat OD Dotb nott fee Cbi0 *#cbe manj)0 cba^te fpeculum 3lnigmate e0 gotoe rpcbe i0 toiptten in Cbat Dit)i0 lap in tbe Witb IBelfabube bi0 anD patopet be a botoe fatt 3n tbe fett of abram0 lape ano toa0 taken fjome tbi0 tiope Co l^e alltoa^e toitb <$OD in poipe gotor commons tbu0 Do faj?e ^f tbap baoe it tbap toolo page Oor populi Dor Dei D mofi nobeli Henge ConfpDer toeil tbi0 JF, If. 8. C Cbe pjapfe no left ps toonbe <$ODDS tooiue is toell fett foul) ij)itt neuer teas mo?e pjecbea J!3or neocr Co plapnelp tecbeue i!)itt netiet toa0 fo baUoeD newt foe Iptteil foiuioeD of ftpgbt anD lotoe as mang a man uotbc knotuc JFor t6i0 gS plagne perfferppfjon mt tatie tjanpfcbg 16ut fipU toe kepe ambpfpon (COe batie Qjolutt atoape all OBut flpll toe feepe ertoifpna^s CKe baue taken tbe^e lanus for t&et abbtoefe TBut toe batje conoe^tpD tbeme to a tooife ufe gf tftis talle be noe ipe 09p lo2D0 tbis gotbe a to^e 8 tutge a turpe pe gooe (KElitb manp tbengs mooe [Xuptt ftome tbe Eengs bp toape Cbe commons tbus toe rape J?f tbap bane it tbap toolD pape [ 25 ] Of or populi do* Dei D moa nobeii fteng Confpnet toeli t{ji0 tbpng 9. Canto of all tbttfequell Cbefatott 31 cane not tell Put gotoe togetber anto fpell 3 feze al be not toell ame bgflpon Co not&e ftoell a0 it gotbe ftp *epo*tte a motog0 tfje grett a toonueifull fottt of C6at tooy populi tglti* flDf tfieiEf tiottomelef0 toeiw Cbat aie efl toed anu (o fortb p fout() ann alfo no?t[) * tgcbe* rgcbe* ricbe anu to mgc&e C&e potoic men to be gglle Wittb faccfee ann pacc&e to fple QjQitb fucbe a0 toe compounn jTor an offpg i) tbotofant potonne rpotoe mage fucbe men DO regbt poure poto^e men to tequptt i)tott of tbeie tjotobell ant) papne IBut tbep mofl gett it agape I5p ccaft or fucb OBg b^bejeg ann E 27 ] manp faiips tnooe Cbat 31 coiDe uetolg Ccfcetoe neuer Uiad fuc&e neucc foe mocbe pour point men tbu0 Doe fa^e ^f tjjeg bane pt tbap UJOID tK>* Dei mofl nobeli deng toell tfii0 . ii. Q ana tbu0 tin0 pii of bjtotw aofl plentiful! of ftetotw men ail mod a^e foe ouet iapoe 31 fe^e anD ante a Df tbe fljofce of ^aicjje j?0 a pejeiog toDDe P?ape/ p^age/ piape/ ^Oe neuec fee tgat uage jfot pf tfiat nape DOO cume 2^3e Qjall neCTctiec ano tunn Cbe father agapnfle tbe fonne 3nD one agapnfl ana notbet T6p on0 meflfcD motfter Dt tbep begpne to buggec JFot (SoncQafee looke a ftougftt and ftage be tgme0 tbte rougfit jTor fea?e tbep DO come otote 31 put pou ougfit of Dougfit Ctie^e 10 no giett t^ufl ^f ttotbe fljouioc be DifcuQ Cbeiefoie mp Io?ne0 tafee beeDe Cbat tbi0 0:020 Donot bjeeDe 29 ] at cDefiTe to plage a maett jfot tben it p0 to latt Wz mape toell p^otoe a cbefce I5ut toe Qmu bate tfce toejfce grt ps not to be toontyeae JFor tftap aje not to 60 numfi?eD !i3itt p0 not one alone Cfiat ti)U0 Dotbe giotont ann &otone ant) mafeetfjc tftis pitiou0 mone JFor it 50 mo?e tfien toonoet Co be?e tje infpnptte ntombet ffl)f poto^e men tfiat Doo Qjotue 15p tefonne Jjitt mod be fooc Cbap topfcbe and DOO conneftor Cbat mp Io?t0 gjaffe ano p^oteftot Cbat cbeffe p0 notoe qeftor 3nu fo^moftoftbe tenge OnDec ouie nobeil Eenge Cbat be tooine fee rengetre Df tbi0 mofl g?aett ejcceffe JFor be p0 cailpo DotottlelTe man of gjaett pioe0 foo Dotbe be^e tbe fame notb tiefp^e tbe fame mpnue tbap fape 10 good gf all tooine folotoe bi0 moDe JI2otoe for to fett tbe name Co keep ttgll ti)i0 goon name [ 30 toe moft Delay all all e?cufi0 3nD ponpfcbe tbeffe gjaett abbufis SDf tbeffe fpnp0 ann neto etofis Cbat tjane Too manp mtifts HnD Qcfl anD pjinfipallj? @upp?effe t&10 ftainfull OTommenlpe callgD JFopf tjje^e be noe 3In tpmc anD tbat tegbt ftogtip gt toplb^Dc to a plctn^fe Witbz p0 a g^aett innojmpte Co all pome giafid commj/naltpe jfo tfte? 10 noe fmalle ntomber iBut tbat tbi0 fatolt Dotbe tncumbec poi?e men tbu0 noo Cape baoe it tbepujoloe page populi uojc Dei D mod nobell Eenge Confpoer toell tbi0 10. C Jftotoe at pome g?afi0 lapfure gf pe toell fee tbe fe^aje Df all tbe cbeffe t;eafu;e 6epeo toit&e otogbt meftue fl)f tbe fubflan0 of pouje rente 90 it wit in a u?eme 31 toell make an effeme 31n tbe banD0 of a fetoe tjetotbe pou to fljotoe bi0 matter ootbe gooe jFor 3 topll not fpa^e Cbe uogtbe to Declare jFor t^optbe t^etolp ment neoer j?ett ftente neoer ftent (balbe Bote tbi0 rerte of me j'f attpme bef^ameti JFor feje fome ftotolD be blamcD 15ut it topll not be fljamcD iDitt y& of fucbe a fijengbe fi)itt topli otter come at Icngbc }?f noto 31 (ball not fapne Cbe troptbe to tell pou plapne ffl)f tbooflfe tbat DOO bolue Cbe fubaan0 ano tbe gooloc [ 32 ] anD tbe tjefuje of tbi0 reme anD ttortlp to caile ail mofl tbep jjatie all att leff tbep batoe tbe tjaDDe Df all tfcat ma^e be mapce 3nd OiGt to Declaie a bjeffe to^at t[jep Co make Q)o;t a0 Uieli fppiptual a0 temprall latoers ana tfte latDiorDc g^actt rpue ano tbe recoiue recoiDc 3 mene psi 6e Cfmt batb offp0 or ells fee Co fe;tie oute nobull fcenge 3In t)id accomt0 anu teconnpng Df tts treafu^e fu?mountpng Home Cftatonclet anu mpmts ano anu atoDitei0 anu uflome?0 anD anD of 0?aett fallj?0 of anti of fcbepe maifiei0 fucbe Ipfee common Uiafle?0 Cfiat or q?abel r 33 page mafte;* fuc&e a0 tiappeg pur gotten iff or inj gjett tfie bolle ipbcll ft&iti) tfteffe ann tficje Co be b^effe anD plapne fl)f tlje^e to mpcbe gapnc C6at tbep take for t&er )tt 50 fenotoin lip ce^tapne Cbat t|)ep magnetene "Bg tbe fpace of a Jjollc Be it gooD ctepe or Pe tbotcgtt toe 15otbe JFrance anD 3nt3 ^ett to ietie flDf monep toaie anD fluffe iBotfce in cattell anD cojne Co moie tfjcn tbe? toer a bojne 16p patoiomonp or bluDe Co me^ett foo mttcbe gutie IBe caufe tba^ be foo baflfe Cbap tuelbe nenei? anD fcagffe jfor QUOD natu^a DeDtt Jiome aentpll bluDe tbep ieoetb ^nD to fojffc a cbou;lgcbe befl JSemo attolleie potcCt gett ratber tben tbep tooiD goo before tootoe belpe pur g?ace toitb fometobat mo?e 3. [ 34 ] JFoj tbep be tboffe tbat batie tbe fiotoje Cboffe be tfiep 31 topll toanant e Cbougbt pe ta&e netoet a peneg flDf pouje poto^e commgnalltep Cbt0 10 titoe unnotottlpWpe 31 tiaie, affe^me it feuenlp JT^or pf tfti0 toatfue DOO boloe flDffojfepemoftbebolDe Co botojotoe tber fgne golDe JFor t&ep 6aue t6e fioUi^e gout common* ftatoe no mo^e ge mape it call to \mbt jFor it p0 pour atone reg&t gf tfiat pour g^afe {mtoe neoe IBeleue tbi0 a0 pouje qeue Cbe potoje men DOO fape gf tftep bane it tbep UJOID page better topll tban tbap populi Dor Oei flD mofl nobeil Heng toell tbi0 tbing ' C fi> oit&egeft ptoteftor 3Be?epn co^eftor HnD goto m# lo?D0 ail Lett not pour ouet apall 35ut fenoto&e fie tpme0 ann call JF or tDe0 giaett etof&es all pe fenotoe tfie fttnfipall raftat neoc0 moie rebeKall gfpotoDoonotrenjeire ^Be tpme0 tfiiief cooitifne0 ^p Jjene 3I toolo to gage Cfjer toelfie g^ett otot rage ^lic&e rage a0 neuer tua0 fene 3ln anp oiDe man0 tpme aifo for tW0 pejptejcfite SDf tfie0 tbat a?e mod frelt&e !j)itU)c?c a DcncofcDa?ite Co jjelpe t&em of t6er plu^pfe it come0 bj> fucbe gjette fptt0 Cftat it tale0 Uiape tber toitt0 iBotfie in tfier uefu^e and tellpng Dr ell0 in bpeng ano felieng L oftl)i3 tocjc ccfeo gout gjafle ftotoloe tie toell plefeD anD tbap but Ipttell DpfefeD fiDf tbiS comtous D jopfue Cbat bjengs tbem to tftisf plu^fe TBotfce tlje plu^pfe anu tjc gotot 3Incu?atieU to De Jjolpe (ZBrccpt ^our g?affe for petie is fotfapu temente Dofte;* fiolDe opinion ambtoffe ant) Certullpon tbe ftoipflafee anD tfie mpngon Cfie gallp anD tbe too Ctat Coo (topft ootbe gooe <$oo anu that a pafie 1BB tfie l&enp <5jace JDcnp anD t&c OBDtoaiD fenD tljcm all toell fo?tua?D all tbe bole fleet cotoncell complete it i0 full mett Cbat giaette &eDd anD Dpfcjett ^botolD loofee toeil to tbet fett amen 31 Cage fo &e it 30 all pour common* pzage jrot pouic loufee teltb atoage baDe it tbap UiolDe a better topll tben tbap ([lor populi Dor Dei [ 37 ] 6u0 Dot& torptt an& t&us Dot&e fape With tlu0 falmc mpfercre mei SD mofl nobeil ffiieng tueli tbi0 tftingc fatic tfie Henge jFini0 of tioi: populi uor - o^ r f fc? I Pj? 1105 - 182 | a