M'.: f ICi'oioi Copy^Hght JReserved.} MANUALS OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, FOOD suppir mm REVISED TO Jrjy 31st, 1918, COMPRISING THE FOOD CONTROLLER'S POWERS AND ' ORDERS AND ORDERS OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS ANCILLARY THERETO. i' - BLi;5i. iLD BY AUTHORITY H.JM. STATIONERY OFFICi:. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. July, 1918. Price 03., Net. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/foodsupplymanualOOgrearich lCro2vn Copyright Reserved.'] MANUALS OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION. FOOD suppLT mm REVISED TO JULY 31st, 1918, COMPRISING THE FOOD CONTROLLER'S POWERS AND ORDERS AND ORDERS OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS ANCILLARY THERETO. '>^ PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ^ ^ H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTYS STATIONERY OFFIOEJ. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H^. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addre.ssea : Imperial House, Kinqsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, ABINGDON Street, London, S.W.1 ; 37, Peter Street, Manchester ; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; ©r from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, GbAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. July, 1918. Price Five Shillings Net. • • • • • • • •, • • • 4 • • • » • • « • t • • • • » DOCUtAEHm DEPT. Ill ITs^TRODUCTOEY NOTE. This Food Supply Manual is a revised edition of the Food Control Manual, dated April 30tli last, and contains all the Orders of the Food Controller and those of other Departments ancillary thereto which are now (July 31st, 1918), or are about to be, in force. It also contains the Powers of the Controller, viz., the Act of 1916 which established the Ministry of Food, and the Defence of the E/ealm Regulations which confer powers on the Food Controller. The Manual further contains a Classified Index of ^11 the *' Food Supply " Orders in force, and in addition a Chronological Table of all the Food Controller's Orders which have been made since the establishment of the Ministry, showing which of them have been revoked or amended and which Orders have now expired. The Manual is divided into three Parts, viz., Part I, which comprises the Constitution and Powers of the Ministry of Food. Part II, which consists of the Orders as to Maintenance of Food Supply, i.e. J Orders (i) Requisitioning various Articles of Food, (ii) Fixing Maximum Prices, (iii) Rationing and Local Distribution, (iv) Restricting Use, Manufacture, Dealings and Movement, (v) Licensing and Registration of Dealers, &c., &c. Part III, which contains the Orders as to the Constitution, &c., of Food Control Committees ; as to the Enforcement of Orders ; and as to Prosecutions. Contraventions of the Food Controller's Orders are, in the majority of cases, declared either by Order of the Controller or by the Defence of the Realm Regulations to be '' summary offences " against those Regulations. The maximum sentence for such a '' summary offence " may be six months with or without hard labour, and a fine of £100, and forfeiture of any goods in respect of which the offence was committed. The Defence of the Realm (Food Profits) Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 9), printed at page 653, provides for an additional penalty of double the excess profits obtained by overcharging for food. It has not been considered necessary to publish in this Manual a revision of the Outline of the Constitution and Powers of the Food Ministry and of the Food Control Committees, which was included in the Introduction to the Food Control Manual, dated April 30th last. A reference to this last mentioned Manual, and to the Chronological Table contained in the present one, will probably furnish any necessary information. The Manual is printed '' Under the Authority of H.M. Stationery Office," and accordingly the Orders printed therein may be produced as prima facie evidence of the making of the Orders. H.M. Stationery Office, Westminster, S.W.I. July 31st, 1918. (5789.) Wt. 25600 -303. 5000. 12/18. D & S. G. 10. 419316 [Attention is directed to the Introductory Note ichich states the scope and arrangement of this Manual.] FART I. CONSTITUTION AND POWERS MINISTRY OF FOOD. OF THE 1. New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916, so far as relates to Mi7iistry of Food, p. 1. 2. Powers of Food Controller under Defence of the Realm Regulations, p. 5. 1. The New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916 (6 & 7 Geo. 5. c. 68) so far as it relates to tlie Ministry of Food. An Act for establishing certain new Ministries and for the appoint- ment of additional Secretaries or Under Secretaries in certain Government Departments ; and \ot purposes incidental thereto. [22nd December 1916.] Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temponil, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and bj' the authority of the same, as follows : 1, 2. \These sections relate solely to the Ministry of Labour, and are therefore omitted from this Manual.'] Ministry of Eood, 3. For the purpose of economising and maintaining the food Establish- ' supply of the country during the present war, it shall be lawful ^^^? ^^ for His Majesty to appoint a Minister of Food under the title of Food^*""^ Food Controller, who shall hold office during His Majest3^'s pleasure. 4. It shall be the duty of the Food Controller to regulate the Powers and supply and consumption of food in such manner as he thinks best J^^^^^p^ for maintaining a proper supply of food, and to take such steps as ^^^n^^ he thinks best for encouraging the production of food, and for those purposes he shall have such powers or duties of any Govern- ment department or authority, whether conferred by statute cr otherwise, as His Majesty may, by Order in Council, transfer to him, or authorise him to exercise or perform concurrently witlk, o78U A Food Con- I^&i^ Minlii^i^i and: Se^^ Act, 1916 (6 «J- 7 Geo. 5. c. 68) c. 8. or in consultation with, the Government department or authority concerned, (*) and also such further powers as may be conferred on him by regulations under the Defence of the Realm Consolida- 5&6Geo. 5. |;ion Act, 1914, and regulations may be made under that Act accordingly, (b) 5-9. — [These sections relate solely to the Ministry of Shipping and the Air Board, and to the suspension of the limit on number of Parliamentary Under Secretaries of State and of Secretaries of Ministry of Munitions, etc., and are therefore omitted from this Manual.] Officers, re- muneration, and ex- penses. Seal, style, and acts of Minister. General. 10. — (1) Any Minister appointed under this Act may appoint such secretaries, officers and servants as the Minister may determine. (2) There shall be paid out of moneys provided by Parlia- ment to any Minister appointed under this Act .... an annual salary not exceeding two thousand pounds, and to the secretaries, officers and servants of each of the Ministers estab- lished under this Act, such salaries or remuneration as the Treasury may from time to time determine. (3) The expenses of each of the Ministers established under this Act, to such an amount as may be sanctioned by the Treasury, shall be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament. 11. — (1) Each Minister appointed under this Act may adopt an official seal and describe himself generally by the stjde and title .... in the case of the Minister of Food, of Food Controller . . . . ; and the seal of the Minister shall be officially and judicially noticed, and shall be authenticated by the signature of the Minister or of a secretary or some person authorised by the Minister to act in that behalf. (a) Transferred anit Concurrent Powers of Food Controller. — Under this provision two (and oiily two) Orders in Council have been made, viz. : — (1) "The Food Controller (Concurrent Powers) Order, 1917" (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 124), which amended s. 1 (2) of the Defence of the Realm (Amdt.) (No. 2) Act, 1915 (relating to interference with contracts) by giving the Food Controller concurrent powers there- under. That sub-section as thus and otherwise amended is printed in the form it now appears to assume in Part XI. (" Relief from Liability under Contracts affected by Departments' Requirements or Restrictions") of the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 443. , (2) "The Food Controller (Transfer of Powers) Order, 1917" (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 287), transferring to the Controller certain powers of the Board of Trade as to Certificates authorising Brewing for Military Canteens. That Order amends the Output of Beer Restric- tion Acts which as thus amended are printed in the Consolidated Form which they appear to assume as Appendix V. to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 470. (b) Powers of Food Controller under Defence of the Realm Regulations. — Such of these Regulations as confer express powers on the Controller are printed pp. 5-16 of this Manual. New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916 (6^7 Geo. b. c. 68). 3 (2) Every document purporting to be an order or other instrument issued by a Minister appointed under this Act, and to be sealed with the seal of the Minister authenticated in manner provided by this section, or to be signed by the secretary or any person authorised as aforesaid, shall be received in evidence- and be deemed to be such order or instrument without further proof, unless the contrary is shown. (3) A certificate signed by a Minister appointed under this Act, that any order or other instrument purporting to be made or issued by him is so made or issued, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact so certified. (4) The Documentary Evidence Act, 1868, as amended by the 31 & 32 Vict. Documentary Evidence Act, 1882, (a) shall apply to a Minister Jk^Z'^^ tt- + appointed under this Act in like manner as if that Minister ^ q ^^ * were mentioned in the first column to the Schedule of the first- mentioned Act, or as if that Minister or a Secretary of the Ministry, or any person authorised by the Minister to act on his behalf, were mentioned in the second column of that Schedule, and as if the regulations referred to in those Acts included any document issued by the Minister. (5) Where in connection with the undertaking of any duties or powers by a Minister appointed under this Act, it appears to the Minister and the department or authority concerned, that in any notice, order, contract, or other document, the name of the Minister should be substituted for the name of any depart- ment or authority, or that the name of any officer of the Ministry should be substituted for the name of any officer of any such department or authority, the Minister may order that the sub- stitution shall take effect, subject to any limitations contained in the order, and, where such an order is made, the notice, order, contract, or document, shall have effect in accordance with the order. (a) Documentary Evidence Acts.— These Acts as amended and applied by various Acts provide three alternative modes of proving {inter alia) Orders of the Food Controller. Those modes are the production of (1) a copy of the Gazette, (2) an officially printed copy of the Order or (3) a certified copy or extract . One of the objects of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, was to avoid unneces- sary gazetting (see s. 3 (3) thereof), and accordingly none of the Orders of the Food Controller have been published in the London Gazette, but have all been officially printed as " Statutory Rules and Orders." This Manual comprises officially printed copies of all the Orders of the Food Controller in forCB (July 31, 1918), and any such Order may accordingly be proved by the production of this Manual, or of a separate Statutory Rule and Order copy of the Order. So much of the Documentary Evidence Acts as relates to the reception in evidence of any of the Orders printed or noted in this Manual is printed as Part X (1) ("Proof of Regulations Orders and Documents") of the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 437, in the form which as applying to that matter it appears to assume. 5789 A 2 New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916 (6^7 Geo. 5. c, 68) Ability of Minister and secretaries to sit in Parlia- ment. 30 & 31 Vict. c. 102. 31 & 32 Vict, c. 48. 31 &32Vit-t. c. 49. 31 & 32 Vict, c. 72. Cessation of Ministry of Food. Orders in Council. Short title. 12. — (1) Tlie office of a Minister appointed under ttis Act, or of secretary in a Ministry established under this Act, shall not render the holder thereof incapable of being elected to, or sitting or voting as a member of, the Commons House of Parlia- ment, but not more than one secretary in each Ministry shall sit as a member of that House at the same time. (2) The office of a Minister appointed under this Act shall be deemed to be an office included in Schedule H. of the Representation of the People Act, 1867, and Schedule H. of the Representation of the People (Scotland) Act, 1868, and Schedule E. of the Representation of the People (Ireland) Act, 1868.(a) (3) A Minister appointed under this Act shall take oath of allegiance and official oath, and shall be deemed to be included in the First Part of the Schedule to the Promissory Oaths Act, 1868.(b) 13. The office of Food Controller .... and the Ministry of Food .... shall cease to exist on the termination of a period of twelve months after the conclusion of the present war, or such earlier date as may be fixed by His Majesty in Council, and then any appointments made under the powers conferred by this Act shall be determined, and any powers or duties which have been transferred to the Food Controller .... under this Act shall, without prejudice to any action taken in pursuance of those powers or duties, revert to the department or authority from which they were transferred. 14. — (1) Any Order in Council made for the purposes of this Act may be added to, varied, or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council. (2) Where any powers and duties are tranferred by virtue of this Act, the transfer shall take effect as from a date to be fixed by Order of His Majesty in Council, and different dates may be fixed for different powers and duties. 15. This Act may be cited as the New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916. (a) NON-VACATION OF SEAT IN PARLIAMENT ON ACCEPTANCE OF ANOTHER OFFICE. — The effect of this enactment is to add the new offices to the list of those offices immediate succession from the one to the other of which does not vacate a seat in the House of Commons. The list as enacted in 1867 and 1868 for England, Scotland, and Ireland was in identical terms, but on the one hand it has been extended by numerous enactments, and on the other certain Ministerial Offices existing in 1867 are now obsolete. That list in its present form will be found printed in Appendix VII (1) to the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 510. ' (b) Officers by whom the Oaths are to be taken. — The effect of this enactment is that the oaths are to be tendered to the Food Controller by the Clerk of the Council and taken in the presence of His Majesty in Council or otherwise as His Majesty shall direct. Powers of Food Controller as to -Taldng Possession of Food, 2. Powers of Food Controller under Defence of the Realm Regrulations. Editorial Note. The whole Jof the Defence of the Realm Regulations reproduced under the authority of Regulation 64 as one single Consolidated Code, and revised to the last day of each month, are published at the com- mencement of the ensuing month. In "the Defence of the Realm Manual," which will henceforward be issued twice a year (the latest Edition covering the legislation to February 28th, 1918), the Regula- tions are accompanied by full editorial notes, by the full text of both the enabling Acts and of the Departmental Orders made under the Regulations with full notes, and by an analytical index to the whole of the Defence of the Realm Legislation. This Food Control Manual comprises only those of the Regulations which confer powers on the Food Controller. Such Regulations are here printed in the form which they appear to assume as applying to the Food Controller— all variations from the form in which they appear in the general Consolidated Code being indicated by thick black lines. Defence of the Realm Regulations 2b, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2gg, 2h, 2j, 7, 8c, 8cc AND 35a conferring powers on the Food Con- TROLLER(a) as AMENDED TO JULY 31 ST, 1918, REPRODUCED IN THE FORM IN WHICH THEY APPLY TO THE FoOD CONTROLLER. 2^. It shall be lawful for the Food Controller to take possession Power to of any articles to which his powers under Regulations 2f to 2j ^^^ o?food extend. &c. Where any goods, possession of which has been so taken, are acquired by the Food Controller, the price to be paid in respect thereof shall in default of agreement be determined by the tribunal by which claims for compensation under these regula- (a) Consultation with Food Controller as to exercise of certain Land Cultivation Powers. — Regulation 2m (1) (printed in the July, 1918, Monthly Edition of the Defence of the Realm Regulations in the form in which it was in force on July 31st, 1918), provides that the po\\ers of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and of the Board of Agriculture for Scotland as to land not cultivated so as to increase food supply shall be exercised " after such consultation with the Food Controller as may be arranged." 5789 A 3 Powers of Food Controller to' Regulate Manufacture or Dealings in Food. tions are, in the absence of any express provision to the contrary, determined, (a) In determining such price(b) regard need not be had to the market price but shall be had — {a) if the goods are acquired from the grower or producer thereof, to the cost of production and to the rate of profit usually earned by him in respect of similar goods before the war and to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other cir- cumstances of the case ; (6) if the goods are acquired from any person other than the grower or producer thereof, to the price paid by such person for the goods and to whether such price was unreasonable or excessive, and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the sale of similar goods before the war, and to whether such rate or profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circum- stances of the case; so, however, that if the person from whom the goods are acquired himself acquired the goods otherwise than in the usual course of his business, no allowance, or an allowance at a reduced rate, on account of profit shall be made : (a) Tribunal for Compensation Claims.— On March 31st, 1915, a Royal Commission (" The Defence of the Realm (Losses) Commission ") was appointed, the terms of reference of which (printed at length at pp. 367, 368 of Supple- ment No. 3 to the Manual of Emergency Legislation) are as follows : — " to enquire and determine, and to report what sums (in cases not other- " wise provided for) ought in reason and fairness to be paid out of " public funds to applicants who (not being subjects of an enemy " State) are resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom, " in respect of direct and substantial loss incurred and damage " sustained by them by reason of interference with their property or " business in the United Kingdom through the exercise by the Crown " of its rights and duties in the defence of the Realm," The Commissioners thereby appointed are empowered — (i.) to call before them such persons as they shall judge likely to afford them any information upon the subject of the Commission : and also to call for, have access to and examine all such books, documents, registers and records as may afford them the fullest information on the subject, and to inquire of and concerning the premises by all other lawful ways and means whatsoever, (ii.) to visit and personally inspect such places as they may deem it ex- pedient so to inspect for the more effectual carrying out of the purposes aforesaid. The Commissioner further provides that if the Commissioners deem it expedient the powers and privileges conferred on them shall belong to, and may be exer- cised by, any one or more of them, and that they shall, from time to time, report to the Treasury. The (July 31st, 1918) present members of the Commission are : — Lord Terrington (chairman) ; Sir Matthew G. Wallace ; The Rt. Hon. Mr. Laurence Hardy, M.P. ; Mr. W. F. Hamilton, K.C. ; The Hon. W. Watson, K.C, M.P. Mr. D. du Bois Davidson is Secretary to the Commission, whose address is Spencer House, 27, St. James' Place, S.W.I. (b) Determination of Price. — Regulation 7 (p. 13) provides for the determination of the price of factory-output requisitioned thereunder. Powers of Food Controller to regulate Manufacture or Dealings 7 in Food. Provided that where by \irtue of these regulations or any order made thereunder the sale of the goods at a price above any price fixed thereunder is prohibited the price assessed under this regu- lation shall not exceed the price so fixed. If, after the Food Controller has issued a notice that he has taken or intends to take possession of any article in pursuance of this regulation, any person having control of any such article (without the consent of the Food Controller ) sells, removes, or secretes it, or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence, permit, or order that may have been granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. The Food Controller may by order direct that any action in contravention of, or failure to comply with, this regulation or any order or requirement thereunder, shall, instead of being an offence, be a summary offence against these regulations, (a) and this regulation shall have effect accordingly. (b) 2^. The Food Controller may by order regulate, restrict, or power to prohibit the manufacture, purchase, sale, delivery of or payment regulate for, or other dealing in, any article to which his powers under manufacture Regulations 2f to 2j extend, and if any person refuses to sell any f^o^j ^^^ article, the sale whereof is regulated by any such order, he may be required by the Food Controller to sell fit on the terms and subject to the conditions on and subject to which the sale thereof is authorised by the order and to deliver it to him or to any person or persons named by him, delivery to be made in such quantities and at such times and places as may be specified by him or on his behalf. If any person fails to comply with any provision of any such order or any requirements made thereunder, or aids or abets(c) any other person, whether or not such person is in the United Kingdom, in doing anything which,. if done in the United King- dom, would be a contravention of any such order, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a) Offences against Hegulations.— See Introductory Note to this Manual. (bj Taking Possession of Growing Crops.— Regulation 2b is valid and under it any of the Departments on whom it confers specific powers can give a valid notice to take possession of growing crops when gathered. See Lipton Limited v. Ford: lid Law Times Reports 632 j 33 Times Lam Beports 459. It would seem (see view expressed by Atkins, J.) that the Regulation does not authorise the Departments to send men tO gather the crops themselves. (c) Aiding or Abetting.— Regulation 48 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations makes it an offence to attempt to commit or to procure, aid or abet or do any act preparatory to the commission of any act prohibited by the Regulations. 5789 A 4 Powers of Food Con- troller as to maintenance of food supply. Towers of Food Controller as to maintenance of Food Supply. The Food Controller may by order direct that any action in contravention of, or failure to comply with, this regulation or any order or requirement thereunder, shall, instead of being an offence, be a summary offence against these regulations, (a,) and this regulation shall have effect accordingly. 2^. — ^(1) Ihe Food Controller may make ord€rs(b) regulating, or giving directions with respect to the production, manufacture, treatnisjit, use, consumption, transport, storage, distribution, supply, sale or purchase of, or other dealing in, or measures to be taken in relation to any article(c) (including orders providing for the fixing of maximum and minimum prices) where it appears to him necessary or expedient to make any such order tor the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the food supply of the country, and making such provisions as to entry, inspection, or otherwise as appear to him necessary or expedient for the purpose of his duties. (2) The Food Controller may by order require all or any persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any article, or any stocks thereof, to place at the disposal of the Controller the article, or the whole or any part of the stocks thereof, as may be directed by the Controller, on such terms as he may direct, and to deliver to the Controller or to any person or persons named by him the article or stocks in such quantities and at such times as the Con- troller may requij^, where it appears to him necessary or expedient to make any such order for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the food supply of the country. Such compensation shall be paid for any article or stocks so requisitioned as shall, in default of agreement, be determined by the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed in manner pro- vided by the order ; but in determining the amount of the compen- sation the arbitrator shall have regard to the cost of production of the article and to the allowance of a reasonable profit, without necessarily taking into consideration the market price of the article at the time. [(3) of this Reg., which provided that Orders thereunder Tnight he general or special, was revoked hy an amending Order in Council; its place is now taken hy Reg. 2j (3), p. 11, which is to the like purport as the revoked provision, hut of extended scope.] (a) Offences against Regulations.— -See Introductory Note to this Manual. (b) Orders of the Food Controller. — The Orders of the Food Controller under Reg. 2f in force on July 31st, 1918, are printed in Part II. of this Manual. (c) " Article." — This expression includes animals alive or dead. See Rec. 2j (4) p. 13. Power of Food Controller to Require Returns, (4) The Food Controller shall, as respects any article to which his powers extend, have the same power as the Board of Trade have of giving directions, pending the issue of a Proclamation or the making of an Order of or in Council, with respect to the export of the article. (a) (5) If any person acts in contravention of ot fails to comply with any provision of any order made under this regulation, or aids or abets any other person, whether or not such other person is in the United Kingdom, in doing anything which, if done in the United Kingdom, would be a contravention of any such pro- vision, such person shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (b)(c) 2^. — (1) The Food Controller may by order require persons Power of engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribu- ^^^^^ ^^^' tion, transport, storage, or shipment, of any art:cle(d) to which the *^*^^^®^ *° powers of the Food Controller extend, to make returns giving such returns, particulars as to their businesses as may be specified by or on behalf of the Food Controller and may require the returns to be verified as he may direct. (e) (C) For the purpose of testing the accuracy of any return made to the Feed Contrcller under this regulation, or of obtaining mfcimaticn in case of a lailure to make a return, any officer of the Feed Controller authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller mav enter any premises belonging to or in the occupation of the person making or who has failed to make the return, or on which he has reason to believe that any articles with respect to which an order under this regulation has been made are kept stored, manufactured, or produced, and may carry out such inspections and examinations (including the inspection and examination oi books) as the officer may consider necessary for testing the accuracy of the return or for obtaining any such information. (a) Action in Anticipation of Restriction op Exports. — If the Food Oontroller, in accordance with Reg. 2f (4), so directs, the Commissioners of Customs and Excise have, pending the issue of such a Proclamatioi) or Order, the same power to take any action for preventing the export of any article as if the Proclamation or Order were in force. See s. 3 (1) of the Customs (War Powers) Act, 1916 (6 & 7 G. 5. c. 102). (b) Offences by Company Directors, &c.— Regulation 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations provides that every director and officer of a corporation or company shall be guilty of an offence against the Regulations committed by his corporation or company unless he proves that the act constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or consent. (c) Information as to Contravention of Orders. — Information regard- ing Contravention of Orders should be given to the police or to an officer of the local authority and not to the Ministry of Food. As to disclosing contraven- tions, see also Regulation 49 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (d) " Article." — This expression includes animals alive or dead. See Reg. 2j (4), p. 13. (e) Orders under Reg. 2g.— The Orders of the Food Controller under Reg. 2g in force on July 81st, 1918 are printed in Part II. of this Manual. 10 Powers of Food Controller as to taking Possession of Factories f Power of Food Con- troller to take possession of factory or premises in which food IS manu- factured or adapted for use. (3) If any person — (a) refuses or without lawful excuse neglects to make a return as required by this regulation to the best of his knowledge and belief, or makes or causes to be made a false* return; or (b) obstructs or impedes an officer of the Eood Controller in the exercise of any of his powers under this regula- tion; or (c) refuses to answer or gives a false answer to any question, or refuses to produce any books or documents, required for obtaining the information to be furnished in pursuance of this regulation ; that person shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (4) No individual return or part of a return made under this regulation, and no information as to any person or his business obtained under this regulation, shall without lawful authority be published or disclosed except for the purposes of a prosecution under such of these regulations as relate to the powers and duties of the Food Controller ; and if any person acts in contravention of this provision he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (5) If in any case the Food Controller is of opinion that it is necessary or expedient to obtain information from any person in connection with any article as to all or any of the matters with respect to which returns may be required under sub-section (1) of this regulation, the Food Controller shall have power, without making an order for the purpose, to require that person to furnish him with that information ; and any person who is so required to furnish information shall furnish it accordingly. In such a case, all the foregoing provisions of this regulation shall apply to information so given and the giving of such information as they apply to returns made and the making of returns. 2CfG. — (1) Where the Food Controller is of opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so for the purpose of his powers and duties, he may by order apply the provisions of this regulation to factories and workshops and other premises in which any article of food specified in the order is manufactured, stored or produced or adapted for sale, or which are used for the purpose of the distribution of any such article, or to any plant used in connection therewith. (2) Any factory, workshop or premises or plant to which this regulation is so applied, shall by virtue of the order pass into the possession of the Food Controller or of such person or body of persons as he may from time to time nominate for the purpose as from the date of the order or from any later date mentioned in the order, and the occupier of every such factory, workshop or premises or plant, and every officer of such occupier, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company shall comply with the directions of the Food Controller or of such person or body of persons as aforesaid, as to the management Powers of Food Controller as to Inquiries. 11 and user of the factory, workshop or premises or plant, and if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations, (a) (3) It is hereby declared that the possession under this regula- tion by the Food Controller or by a person or body of persons nominated by him of any factory, workshop or premises or plant shall not alfect any liability of the actual occupier thereof under the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, (b) or any Act amending the same. (4) It shall be lawful for the Food Controller — {a) To require any work in any such factory or workshop or other premises as aforesaid to be done in accordance with his directions given with the object of making the factory or workshop or other premises or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the manu- facture, storage, production or distribution of food. (b) To regulate or restrict the carrying on of any work in any such factory workshop or other premises as afore- said, or the engagement or employment of any work- man, or all or any classes of workmen, therein, or to remove the plant therefrom, with a view to maintain- ing or increasing the production of food. (5) The occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of any factory, workshop or other premises, or any other person affected by any such directions, regulations, or restrictions, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company, shall obey the directions, regulations or restrictions of the Food Controller, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (6) Where under this regulation any directions regulating the priority to be given to work at any factory, workshop, or other premises, have been given and any person in any certificate or document given or issued for the purpose of securing priority for any work in pursuance of such directions, makes any false state- ment or false representation, he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. 2^. — (1) If the Food Controller in any special case is of opinion Powers of that, before exercising any of his powers under these regulations Food Con- in relation to any article, (c) it is expedient to hold an inquiry troUer as to with respect to that article in any locality, the Food Controller ^^^^i"®®- may appoint such persons as he thinks fit to hold an inquiry as respects that article and report to the Food Controller on such points as the Food Controller may direct. (2) Any persons so appointed shall have power to take evidence on oath and to administer an oath for the purpose. (a) Order under Reg. 2gg.— /Se« " The Flour Mills Order, 1917 " (p. 98), and " The Flour Mills Order, No. 2, 1917 " (p. 104), taking possession of all the flour mills in the United Kingdom. (b) Factory and Workshop Acts.— The Act of 1901 (1 Edw. 7, c. 22) has been amended by s. 5 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1907 (7 Edw. 7, c. 39), as to certain charitable institutions. The 1901 Act has also been otherwise amended, but such amendments do not relate to the subject of Regulation 2gg (3). (c) " Article." — This expression includes animals alive or dead. See Reg. 2j (4), p. 13. "2 Supplemental Provisions as to Poivers of Food Controller. Supple- 2J. — (1) The Food Controller may make arrangements with mental ^^y other Government Department for the exercise by that FoTowers' of ^^^partment on behalf of the Food Controller of the powers of Food ^^^ Food Controller under the Regulations numbered 2b, 2f, 20^ Controller. 2h, and 7 with respect to any particular article, (a) and in such case the Department and the officers thereof shall, as respects that article, have and exercise the same powers as are by those regula- tions conferred on the Food Controller and the officers of the Food Controller, (b) and the Local Government Board (or as respects Scotland the Secretary for Scotland, and as respects Ireland the Local Government Board for Ireland) may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of the said Regulations, (c) and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations, and the Food Controller may by order provide for the exercise and performance by any persons or bodies of persons approved by him for the purpose or by local or other bodies constituted by or under any such order of such powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed on them by the order, (d) (a) " Article." — This expression includes animals alive or dead. See Reg. 2j (4), p. 13. (b) Interdepartmental Arrangements. — The Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917 (p. 215), and the Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918 (p. 223), confer certain powers on the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries ; the Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917 (p. 222), confers certain powers on the Fishery Board for Scotland ; and the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917 (p. 212), and the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917 (p. 219), confer certain powers on the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. The Board of Trade by arrangement with the Food Controller administers the Horses (Rationing) Order 1918, p. 164. (c) Powers and Duties of Local Authorities under Food Con- troller's Orders. — "The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1917," and "The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Order (No. 2), 1917, made by the Local Government Board and the Secretary for Scotland, and both dated August 22, 1917, respectively, confer on Local Authorities in England, Wales, and Scotland the powers and duties necessary to carry out the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. Two further Orders, " The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1917," and " The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Order (No. 3), 1917," both issued in November, 1917, confer on Local Authorities in England, Wales, and Scotland the powers necessary to carry out of their functions in connection with the system established in the same month of enforcement of the Food Controller's Orders by Food Control Committees. All these Orders are printed in Part III of this Manual- Orders have also been made by the Local Government Board and Secretary for Scotland as to National Kitcheiis, and are printed in Group 11 A (" National Kitchens "). An Order by the Local Government Board as to Milk for Mothers and Children is printed in Group 11 (Milk, &c.). (d) Local Bodies Constituted by Order of the Food Controller. — The bodies so constituted comprise Local Food Control Committees throughout England and Scotland and the Food Control Committee for Ireland. The Orders constituting these bodies and regulating their proceedings and accounts are printed in Part III. of this Manual. The Cattle P'eeding StufPs (Committees) Order, 1917 (p. 122) constitutes a. Port Feeding Stuffs Committee for each of the 4 divisions into which England and Wales are divided for that purpose and another one for Scotland, and also a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee for each of the 28 English and Welsh Areas, and for each of the 7 Scottish ones formed by grouping Counties for this purpose. Powers of Food Controller , Sfc, to Requisition Output of 13 Factories Manufacturing Food. (2) Nothing in tlie regulations numbered 2g and 2h sliall pre- vent the exercise by the Food Controller of any of his powers in relation to any article under these regulations or otherwise, with- out having obtained or endeavoured to obtain returns under Regulation 2g or having held an inquiry under Regulation 2h. (3) Any order of the Food Controller under these regulations may be revoked or varied as occasion requires, and any such order may be made either so as to apply generally, or so as to apply to any special locality, or so as to apply to any special supplies of any article or to any special producer, manufacturer, dealer or person, or to any class or description of factories work- shops premises or plant, or to any special factory workshop premises or plant; and any such order may direct that all contracts, or any class of contracts, or any special contract, affected by the order shall be abrogated, or shall remain in force notwithstanding anything in the order but subject to any excep- tions or modifications for which provision may be made by the order. (4) It is hereby declared that in the regulations numbered 2r, 2g, 2h and 2j, the expression *' article " includes animals, live or dead; but this provision shall not be construed so as to limit the general interpretation of that expression. (5) Where the Food Controller considers it desirable to do so for the purpose of maintaining the supply of hops, he may, after consultation with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, exercise, with respect to hops, any of the powers conferred on him by Regulations 2r to 2H.(a') 7. The Food Controller may by order require the occupier of Power to any factory or workshop in which any article to which the powers requisition of the Food Controller under Regulations 2f to 2j extend is or factories may be man ufactured, produced or adapted for sale, to place manu- at his disposal the whole or any part of the output of the f^Q^j"^^"" factory or workshop as may be specified in the order, and to deliver to him, or to any person or persons named by him, the output or such part thereof as aforesaid in such quantities and at such times as may be specified in the order; and the price to be paid for the output so requisitioned shall, in default of agree- ment, be determined by the arbitration of a judge of the High Court selected by the Lord Chief Justice of England in England, of a judge of the Court of Session selected* by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, or of a judge of the High Court of Ireland selected by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (a) Hops. — The Hops (Restriction) Order, 1917 (p. 181), restricts dealings in hops, and Regulation 2nn (printed p. 628 of Addenda to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual ") provides for the reduction of the acreage under hops in England and Wales. 14 AtitJiorisation by Food Controller of use of Registered Design. In determining such price regard need not be had to the market price, but shall be had to the cost of production of the output so requisitioned and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, and to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circumstances of the case. If the occupier of the factory or workshop fails to comply with the order, or without the leave of the Food Controller delivers to any other person any part of the output of the factory or work- shop to which the order relates, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the output of any factory or workshop or any plant therein and the cost of production of such output, and the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, the Food Controller may require the occupier of any such factory or workshop, or any officer or servant of the occupier, or where the occupier is a company any director of the company, to furnish to the Food Controller such particulars as to such output, cost, and rate of profits as he may direct, and may require any such particulars to be verified in such manner as he may direct, and if any such person fails to comply with any such require- ment he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. The Food Controller may by order direct that any action ii). contravention of, or failure to comply with, this regulation, or any order or requirement thereunder, shall, instead of being an offence, be a summary offence against these regulations, (a) and this regulation shall have effect accordingly. tered design. Power to 8C It shall be lawful for the Food Controller to authorise or authorise require any contractor holding a contract with the Food Co n- "ftrftd dSon troller, or any sub-contractor, to use any registered design for the purposes of such contract, and thereupon the contractor or sub-contractor shall be entitled for the purposes afore- said to use the registered design and to apply the same to any article in any class of goods in which the design is registered without the consent of the registered proprietor, and the con- siderntion to be paid for the use of the registered design shall, in default of agreement between the proprietor of the df'sign and the Food Controller, be determined, at the option of the Treasury, either in the manner in which other claims for compensation under these regulations are determined, (b) or in the manner (a) Offences against Regulations. — See Introductory Note to this Manual. (b) Claims for Compensation under Regulations. — See footnote (a) to Regulation 2b, p. 6. Power of Food Controller to require porticulars of Invention 15 or Process. in which the consideration for the use of a patent is determined under section twenty-nine of the Patents and Designs Act, 1907. (a) 8CC. It shall be lawful for the Food Controller, with a view Power to to the more efficient or increased production of any article to Jf^^J^l^^g ^^•^' which his powers under Regulations 2f to 2j extend, to require invention or any jjerson to communicate to a person nominated for that pocess. purpose by the Food Controller all such particulars as may be in his possession of any invention, or process or method of manufacture, or of any article manufactured or pro- posed to be manufactured, and to furnish drawings, models, or plans thereof, and to explain and demonstrate the same to such person, in all or any of its uses and workings; and if any person fails or neglects to comply with any such requirement he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations ; and if the requirement is addressed to a company, every director, manager, or officer of the company who fails or neglects to comply with such requirement shall also be guilty of an offence against these regulations. If any person, except as authorised by the Food Controller, discloses or makes use of any information obtained in consequence of any requirement made under this regulation or communicated to him by the person by whom it was so obtained, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. The Food Controller may by order direct that any action in contravention of, or failure to comply with, this regulation, or any order or requirement thereunder, shall, instead of being an offence, be a summary offence against these regulations, (b) and this regulation shall have effect accordingly, No communication of an invention made in consequence of any requirement under this regulation, or the use thereof by any person authorised under this regulation to use it, shall prejudice any right of the inventor or owner thereof subsequently io apply for or obtain a patent for the inTention. 35-^. The Food Controller, after consultation with a Secretary Safety rules of State, may as respects any premises to which his powers under for factories, Regulation 2gg extend , make rules for the purpose of securing risk of fire, the safety — (a) of any factory, store, magazine, wharf, or other premises, or any vessel, vehicle, receptacle, or place which in his opinion it is necessary in the interests of the (a) Consideration for Use of Patent. — S. 29 of the Act of 1907 (7 Edw. 7. c. 29) makes the following provision : — " Provided that any Govern- ment department may, by themselves, their agents, contractors, or others, at any time after the application, use the invention for the services of the Crown on such terms as may, either before or after the use thereof, be agreed on, with the approval of the Treasury, between the department and the patentee, or, in default of agreement, as may be settled by the Treasury after hearing all parties interested." (b) Offences against Regulations.— See Introductory Note to this Manual, 16 Powers of Food Controller as to Safety Rules for Factories, 8fc., against Risk of Fire. public safety and the defence of the Realm specially to safeguard against the risk of fire and other dangers on account of the nature of the materials manu- factured, treated, produced, handled, carried, stored or deposited therein or in the vicinity thereof ; and {1)1 of any person in or in the vicinty of any such premises, vessel, vehicle, receptacle, or place ; and in particular rules prohibiting, except as may be otherwise provided under or in pursuance of the rules, any person whilst in or in the vicinity of such premises, vessel, vehicle, receptacle, or place from smoking, or having in his possession any match or apparatus of any kind for producing a light, or any tobacco, cigar, cigarette, pipe, or contrivance for smoking. (a) Any person who fails to comply with any such rule shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (a) Prohibition op Smoking. — See the Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smok- ing) Ordei', 1918 (p. 155) made by the Food Controller under this Regulation. 17 [Attention is directed to the Introductory Note lohich states the scope and arrangement of this Manual.^ PART n. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF ALL THE ORDERS OF THE FOOD CONTROLLER UNDER DEFENCE OF THE REALM REGULATIONS SHEWING WHICH ARE REVOKED, SUPERSEDED, OR SPENT, AND WHICH ARE AMENDED. [Under the Food Supply provisions of the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions issued in November, 1916, the Board of Trade(a) made 10 Orders, all of which have now been revoked or have expired. The substituted Regulations of January, 1917, empowered the Food Controller to mate Orders relating to Food Supply, etc., and this Table forms a complete list of such Orders(b) made by him shewing which of these Orders have been revoked or amended and by what subsequent Orders, and which Orders have now expired and when they expired. The number following the Title of each Order in force is that under which it has been put on sale as a " Statutory Rule and Order "(c) ; the Title of each Order which has wholly expired, or been wholly revoked, is printed in italics. This table does not include the ancillary Orders, &c., made by the Treasury, Local Government Board, Secretary for Scotland, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, Fishery Board for Scotland, and Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruc- tion for Ireland, which are printed or noted in connection with the Food Controller's Orders to which they relate, but is confined to Orders made, or having effect as if made, by the Controller. The Controller's Orders relating to Food Control Committees and to enforcement of Orders and Prosecutions are included in this Table, but the text of them will be found not in this Part (II.) but in a separate Part III (pp. 621-652) which also includes the Orders mado by the Local Government Board and the Secretary for Scotland relating to the functions of Local Authorities as to Food Control Committees. (a,) Board of Trade Orders. — The Orders made in 1916 by the Board of Trade (all of which have now been revoked or have expired) had effect as though made by the Food Controller. See Defence of the Realm Regula- tions 2jj (2) printed at p. 9 of the May, 1917, Edit, of the "Food Supply Manual " but omitted from the present Edition as being now spent. (b) Licences of the Food Controller.— In this statement General Licences which have been put on sale as Statutory Rules and Orders are counted with the Orders. References to other Licences are given in the footnotes to the Orders. (c) Statu'J'ORy Rules and Orders.— Any Order referred to may be obtained from a bookseller at the price of \d., or direct from H.M. Stationery Office, Kings way, W.C. 2, post free, \\d. 18 Chronological Table of A\\ the Food Controller s Orders. Chronological Table of all Food Control Orders. Date. Short Title. Page. 1916. Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 14 Dec. 18 1917. Jan. 11 Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order ^ 1916 (Virt. rev. hy Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1917, ivJuch loas virt. rev. by Mayiufacture of Flour and Bread Order {No. 2), 1917, p. 89). Potatoes {Gi'owers' Returns) Order, 1916 (Spent ; related to returiis to he made hy Dec. 7, 1916). Waste of Wheat Order, 1916 {Rev. hy Art. 7 of Wheat, Rye and Rice {Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 97). Price of Milh Order, 1916 {Rev. hy Art. 6 of Price of Milk Order, 1917 {p. 60 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual) which was rev. hy Milk Order, 1917, p. 183 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual.) Regulation of Meals Order, 1916 {Rev. hy Puhlic Meals Order, 1917, p. 158 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual). Manufacture of Flour and Bread No. 2 Order, 1916 {Virt. rev. hy Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1917, which was virt. rev. hy Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order {No. 2), 1917, p. 89). Price of Milk No. 2 Order, 1916 {Rev. hy Art. 6 of Price of Milk Order, 1917, {p. 60 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual) which teas rev. hy Milk Order, 1917, p. 183 q/ January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual). Seed Potatoes Order, 1916. {Printed p. 62 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Continued until June 1st, 1917, hy Art. 10 of Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order, 1917 {p. 72 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual), Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 2), 191 7 {ihi,p. 77), and Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 3), 1917 {ihi, p. 78) and then expired). Potatoes {Ireland) Order, 1916. {Printed p. 65 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Arts. 1, 2, 7 continued until June 30th, 1917, hy the Oats and Potatoes {Ireland) Order, 1917 {ihi., p. ^l of 1st Edit, of this Manual) and then expired ; Arts. 3, 4, 5, and 6 continued until June 1st, 1917, hy Seed Potatoes {Prices) Orders, 1917 ^ Nos. 2 and 3, ihi., pp. 77, 78, and then expired). Regulation of Meals {No. 2) Order, 1916. {Expired : the Order related only to Christmas, 1916). Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order, 1917. {Virt. rev. hy Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order {No. 2), 1917, p. 89). Outs {Export from Ireland) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 24 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Continued until August 31st, 1917, hy Oats {Export from Ireland) Order, No. 2, 1917, {1917, No. 613) and then expired.) ' Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order^ 1917. {Spent. Supers, hy Milk ( Use in Chocolate) No. 2 Order, 1917, p. 388.) Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 65.) {Art. 3 rev. hy Sugar {Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 479 of the A p)ril, 1918, Edition of this Manual ... Feeding of Game Order, 1917. (1917, No. 66) ... Wheat {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Rev. hy Art. 7 of Wheat, Rye and Rice {Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 97.) Chronological Table of All the Food Controller s Orders. 19 I Date. I i Short Title. Page. 1917. Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 i Feb. 8 It )) Feb. 20 j» Feb. 24 Feb. 26 March 16 lklarch21 J) 11 March 28 Seed Potatoes {Growers' Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p'. 68 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. except as to Ireland by Art. 11 of the Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order, 1917, ibi.,p. 72. Pev. as to Ireland from June 1st by Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 2), 1917, ibi., p. 77, and Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 3), 1917, ibi., p. 78.) Barley and Malt {Returns) Order, 1917. {Spent ; related to returns to be made by Feb. 17, 1917.) Price of Milk Order, 1917. {Printed p. 58 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Am. by Price of Milk Order {No. 2) 1917, ibi., p. 61. Both Orders rev. by Milk Order, 1917, p. 183 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual.) Potatoes, 1916 Main Crop {Prices) Order, 1917. {Rev. by Art. 13 of Potatoes, 1916 Main Crop {Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917 {p. 76 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Matiual), which was rev. by Art. 54 of Potatoes Order, 1917, p. 472.) Brewers {Malt Purchases) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 96 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Malt {Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 187.) Brewers Sugar Order, 1917. (1917, No. 90) Brewers Sugar {Returns) Order, 1917. {Spent; related to returns to be made by Feb. 22, 1917.) Dealings in Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 131). Malt {I^estriction) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 97 of January, 191-^, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Malt {Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 187.) Price of Milk Order {No. 2), 1917. {Printed p. 61 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Milk Order, 1917, p. 183 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual.) Potatoes, 1916 Main Crop {Prices) Order {No. 2) 1917. {Printed p. 74 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Art. 54 of Potatoes Order, 1917, p. 472.) Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 70 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Continued until June 1st, 1917, by Seed Potatoes {Prices) Orders 1917, Nos. 2 and 3, ibi. pp. 77, 78. These 3 Orders expired June 1st, 1917.) Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. (1917, No. 187.) {Art. 3 {a) varied by Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order {No. 3), 1917, p. 92.) Bread Order, 1917. {Printed p. 71 of April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from June I, 1918, by Bread Order, 1918, 2J. 168.) Freshwater Fish Order, 191 7. {Printed p. 45 of May, 191 7, Edit, of this Manual. Expired, June 15, 1917.) Sugar {Restriction) Order, 1917. {1917, No. 252, amended by No. 458.) {Printed p. 479 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Expired May 31, 1918.) Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 259.) Swedes (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 260) Food (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 261) Oats and Potatoes {Ireland) Order, 1917. {Printed p. ^i of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Expirea June 30th, 1917.) 565 566 89 173 468 205 20 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Order Date. Short Title. Page 1917. March 29 Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 270.) {Printed an am. hy Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order {No. 4), 1917, and hy In- toxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery), No. 2, Order, 1918. The Order is also am. by Order {No. 5), 1917, printed p. 182, and by the 1918 Order, p. 191.) 'March 30 Sugar {Restriction) Order, No. 2, 1917. {Superseded as from June 1st by Sugar Restriction Order No. 3 {No. 458) which substituted in the Sugar {Restriction) Order, 1917, a new table for that inserted by No. 2 Order.) Apnril 3 April 4 >> April 5 ?? April 12 April 16 April 18 April 20 April 25 April 30 May 1 May 2 May 8 Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 2), 1917. {Printed p. 77 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Ain. by Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 3), 1917, ibi., p. 78. Both these Orders eo^pired June 1st, 1917.) Public Meals Order, 1917. {Printed ]j. 158 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Public Meals Order, I 1918, p. 513.) and Bread Order (No. 3), 1917. Manufacture of Flour (1917, No. 315.) Food Hoarding Order, 1917. (1917, No. 317) {Printed as am. by Food Hoarding {Amendment) Order, 1918 {1918, No. 489).) Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 318) Malt {Restriction) No. 2 Order, 1917. {Printed p. 98 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. , by Malt. {Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 187.) Wheat, Barley and Oats (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 363.) Barley (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 364.) {Printed as am. by Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. {1918, No. 294.)) Cake and Pastry Order, 1917. (1917, No. 372). {Clause 8 rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522) Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 376.) Flour Mills Order, 1917. (1917, No. 377) {Provisions extended to all flour mills by Flour Mills Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 104 ) Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order 1917. (1917, No. 387.) {This Order is printed as am. by the Freshicafer Fish {I) Order, 1917, Amendmerd Order, 1918.) Seed Potatoes {Prices) Order {No. 3), 1917. {Printed p. 78 of April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Expired June It^t, 1917.) Order requisitioning certain Burmah Peas and Beans. Provision is made for the ap2)lication of this Order to the original consignees of such peas and heuvs by the Defence of the Realm {Beans, Peas and Pulse Orders) A(t, 1918 {8 & 9 Geo. 5. c. 12). Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 404.) {Rev. so far as relates to barley, by Barley {Restriction) Order, 1917 {p. 108).) Order authorising Local Authorities in England and Wales to prosecute Offences before Courts of Summary Juris- diction. {Printed p. 192 of Food {Supply and Produc- tion) Manual. Rev. by Enforcement {England aiid Wales) Order, 1917, p. 63i».) 174 92 252 602 92 93 94 97 98 212 80 99 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders. 21 Date. Short Title. Page. 1917. May 9 May 11 May 14 May 16 May 18 May 23 May 29 May 31 June 11 June 29 July 3 July 4 July 6 July 7 July 10 Oat and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 429.) {Am. by Oat and Maize Products {Retail Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 103, ond supers, as to oats products by Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) Horses {Rationing) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 41 of May, 1917, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Horses {Rationing) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 56 of January, 1918, Edit, of the same.) Dealings in Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 444.) Public Meals Order {No. 2), 1917. {Printed p. 158 of Pood {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 513.) Beans, Peas, and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 457.) {Provision is made for the application of this Order to the original consignees of such beans, peas and pulse by the Defence of the Realm {Beans, Peas and Pulse Orders) Act, 1918 {8 d 9 Geo. 5. c. 12) Suaar {Rpstriction) Order, No. 3,1917. {1917, No. 468.) {This Order substituted a new table for that in the Sugar {^Restriction) Order, 1917, which as so amended vms printed p. 479 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Mtmual.) Oat and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917. (1917, No. 482.) {Supers, as to oats products by Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) General Licence under the Bread Order, 1917. {Rev. as from July 21, 1918, by Order dated July 18, 1918.) Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 510.) {Printed as am. by Appoihtment of Arbitration Order, 1918. {1918, No. 294.).) Beans, Peas, and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 511.) Meat (Sales) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 520.) Sugar {Domestic Preserving) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 291 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Sugar {Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918^ p. 590.) Order conferring certain powers on Inspectors of Weights and Measures and authorizing them to prosecute offences before Courts of Summary Jurisdiction in England and Ireland. (1917, No. 538.) Oats {Export from Ireland) Order, No. 2, 1917. {Expired : Aug. 31st, 1917.) Public Meals Order {No. 3), 1917. {Printed p. 158 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 513.) General Licence under the Beans, Peas and Pulse {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. {Expired : Aug. 15th, 1917). Stone Fruit {Jam Manufacturers Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 222 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Soft Fruit {Sales) Order, 1918, p. 260.) ' hitoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, No. 2, 1917. {Spent. Related to the quarter terminutiiig Sept. 30th, 1917) Raspberries {Jam Manufacturers' Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 224 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Soft Fruit '{Sales) Order, 1918, p. 260.) 100 102 81 loa 362 82 296 63^^ Chronological Table of KW the Food Controller's Orders. Date. Short Title. 1917. July 10 July 13 July 27 July 28 July 30 July 31 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 28 Aiig. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Raspberries (Scotlmid) {Delivery) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 225 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manned. Rev. by Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 260.) The 1917 Crop (Restriction) Order, 1917. (Rev. except as regards potatoes, by Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 105 ; and as to potatoes by Potatoes Order, 1917, p. 472.) Winter Beans Order, 1917. (Printed p. 28 of Food (Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by St. R. cC- 0., 1917, No. 1106, which in itself is spent.) Cattle and Meat (Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 767) Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917. (1917, No 768.) Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1917. (Spent) Pickled Herrings (Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 770) Flour Mills Order No. 2, 1917. (1917, No. 774) Milk (Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 776) Grain (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No .820). (Printed as am. by amending Orders of Jan. 31, April 5, and May 6. 1918.) Winter Oats and Rye (Restriction) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 54 of Food (Supp)ly and Produciion) Manual, liev. by St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1106, which in itself is spent.) General Licence under the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 823.) Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 821) Jam (Prices) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 107 of Food (Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Jam (Pi-ices) Order, 1918, lohich is also revoked.) Tea (Returns) Order, 1917. (Spent. Related to Returns to"^ be made by Sept. 10th, 1917.) Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917. (1917, No. 868.) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 869.) (Am. by Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, p 634, and by Food Control Committees (Term of O^ce) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 637.) Sugar (Registration of Retailers) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 885.) General Licence under 1917 Crop (Restriction) Order, 1917 (1917, No. 896.) (Spent on rev. of said Order by Pota- toes Order, 1917, p. 472.) Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 903.) (Printed as amended by Meat (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917, and amending Order of March 28,1918.) (Part 2 rev. as regards Scotland as from July 21, 1918, by Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, p. 349.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (Printed p. 21 of Food (Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisio7ial Prices) Order, 1917, p. 51.) Cheese (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 126 of Food (Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by British Cheese Order, 1917, p. 370.) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 913.) (Am. by Butter (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917, p. 367 ; (No. 3), p. 367 ; (No. 4), p. 369 ; (No. 5), p. 379 ; and Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amdt.) Order, 191 7, p. 376. Rev. as to Ireland by Butter (Maximum Prices) (/.), Order, 1918, p. 421.) (Rev. as from August 7, 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, p. 439.) 300 215 218 104 "^ 363 105 83 108 256 621 567 300 363 Chronological Table o/ All the Food Controller's Orders, Date. Short Title. Page. 1917. Aug 31 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Hops (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 914) {Printed as amended hy Hops {Restriction) Order No. 2, 1917.) Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 915) Hops (Restriction) Order, No. 2, 1917. (1917, No. 925). {This Order amends Hops {Restriction) Order ^ 1917, ivhicli as so amended is printed at p. 181.) Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 935.) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 937) {Printed as am. hy Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, WIS.) Sept .7 Sept .8 Sept. 11 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 » Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 •>■) Oct. 2 {Printed p. 183 of January, 1918, Edit. Rev. by Milk {Summer Prices) Order, Milk Order, 1917, of this Manual. 1918, p. 406.) Dried Fruits {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 183 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Order of May 1, 1918, which in itself is spent.) Meat (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917. {This Order amends Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, whi h as so amended is printed p. 300.) Potatoes Order, 1917. (1917, No. 949.) {Printed as amended by Potatoes {Poaipoiiement of Date) Order, 1917, Seed Potatoes {1917 Crop) Order, 1917, Potatoes {Amendment) Order, 1918, and amendiiig Order of June 12, 1918.) {Further am. by Pototoes {Base Price) Order, 1918, and by Early Pototoes {Prices) Order, 1918.) Pickled Herrings Order, 1917. {Printed p. 199 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from June 17, 1918, by Pickled Herrings Order, 1918, p. 239.) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917. (1917, No. 965.) {This Order varied the Sch. to Butter {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, which is printed, p. 363. That Sch. was again further varied by Butter {Maximum Plaices) Order, No. 3, p. 367 ; No. 4, p. 369, and No. 5, p. 379.) {Rev as from August 7. 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, p. 439.) General Licence as to Bacoji under Bacon, Ha,m and Lard {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed ,p. 23 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, p. 51.) Horses {Rationing) Order {No. 2), 1917. {Printed p. 56 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Horses {Rationing) Order, 1918, p. 164.) Potatoes (Postponement of Date) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 998.) {This Order amends Potatoes Order, 1917, which as so amended is printed 2). 472.) Lard {Returns) Order, 1917. {1917, No. 1002.) {Spent. Related to returns to be made by Oct. 3rd, 1917.) Cheese {Maximum Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917. {Printed p. 137 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Virt. rev. by British Cheese Order, 1917, p. 370.) Wheat (Channel Islands and Isle of Man Export) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1006.) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 3, 1917. (1917, No. 1009) {2his Order varied the Sch. to Butter {Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1917, printed p. 363. That Sch. luas again further varied by Orders No. 4, p. 369, and No. 5, p. 379.) {Rev. as from. August 7, 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, p. 439.) 181 219 469 109 472 367 112 367 14. Chronological Table o/ All the Food Controller's Orders. Date. Short Title. 1917. Oct. 5 Oct. 8 » Oct. 10 Oct. 12 > Oct. 13 ) Oct. 15 > ' Oct. 16 Oct. 17 i> Oct. 20 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Oct. "31 Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 60 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Bread {Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, p. 159.) General Licence under Milk Order, 1917. {Printed p. 190 of January Edit, of this Manual. Superseded by Milk {Summer Prices) Order, 1918, p. 406.) General Licence under Public Meals Order, 1917. {Printed p. 162 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Virt. rev. by Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 513.) General Licence under Dried Fruits {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Spent.) Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1033) General Licence under Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, 191 7. {Printed p. 67 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by General Licence of January 9, 1918, p. 129.) Sugar Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1049.) {Clause 21 rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Potato Bigs {Returns) Order, 1917. Printed p. 156 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Expired Oct. 22 lid, 1917.) Currants and Sultanas (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No.'1053.) {Printed as am. by Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. {1918, No. 2P4.)) Beer {Prices and Description) Order, 1917, {Printed p. 106 of January. 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Beer {Prices and Description) Order, 1918, p. 188.) Intojricating Liquor {OWput and Delivery) Order No. 3, 1917. {Printed p. 78 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Supers, by Jntoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, No. 5, 1917, printed p. 182.) General Licence under the Jam {Prices) Order, 1917. {Supers, by Jam {Prices) No. 2, Order, 1918.) General Licence as to Lard under the Bacon, Ham and Lard {Maximum. Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 24 of Food {Supply and Production) Manual. Rev. by Bacoii, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, p. 51.) Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1063.) {Rev. as^to national control teas by Tea {Prices) Order, 1918, ivhich is itself rev. Sugar (Sales for Ireland Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1072.) Milk Factories {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Printed p. ^2^ of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from June 17, 1918, by Use of Milk {Licensing) Order, 1918, p. 422 ) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 4), 1917. (1917, No. 1093.) {This Order varied the Sch. to Butter {Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 363. Ihat Sch. ivas again further varied by Order No. 5, p. 379.) (Rev. as from August 7, 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, p. 439.) Sufijar (Registration of Retailers) (Ireland) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1094.) General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917. {Superseded by General Licence of Nov. 23rd, 1917, p. 497.) Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1101.) British Cheese Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1105.) {Pri7ited as am. by amending Order of March 23, 1918. The Order vj is also am. by Du'ch Cheese {Prices) Order printed p. 386.) Page. 222 568 200 603 575 369 577 485 370 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders, 1917. Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. .3 Nov. 6 11 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 >j Nov. 9 j> V V Nov. 10 Nov. 12 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 It J) jj Nov. 19 Order revoking Winter Beans Ordcr^ 1917 {printed p. 28 of Food {Supply aiul Production') Manual) and Winter Outs and Rye {Restriction) Order, 1917 {ibi, p. 54.) {Spent.) Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1110.) {Rev. as to Ireland by Butter {Maxi- mum Prices) {I.) Order, 1918, p. 421.) {Rev. as from August 7, 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, p. 439.) Cattle Feeding Cake and Meal and Millers'' Offals {Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1917. { Printed p. 61 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Maimal. Rev. by Cattle Feeding Stuff's {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 143.) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 5), 1917. (1917, No. 1122.) {Rev. as from August 7, 1918, by Lutter. Order, 1918, p. 4:^.) General Licence under Bacon, Ham and Lard {Maximum Prices) Order, 191 7. { Rev. by Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, p. 51.) Pigs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {fri?ded p. 157 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual.) {Rev. by Pigs {Prices) Order, 1918 printed p. 336.) Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1160.) General Licence under Sugar Order, 1 917. (1917, No. 1140.) General Licence imder I otutoes Order, 1917. {Superseded by General Licence of Nov. 23rd, 1917, />. 497.) EnforcemeDt (England and Wales) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1130.) Oil Splitting Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1134) General Licence under Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1135.) Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1138.) Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 64 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1155.) {Printed as am. by Seed Potatoes {1917 Crop) {Prices) Order, 1918.) Testing of Seeds Order, 1917. {Printed p. 465 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from July 1, 1918, by Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, p. 553.) Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1163) ... Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1173.) {Printed (o^ am. by amending Order of May 13, 1918.) Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1174.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of May 10,1918.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, (1917, No. 1180.) {Am. by Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, p. 67. Rev. as to O'reat Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918, p. 69.) General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1181.) Dredge Corn Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1182.) Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1185.) {Printed as am. by Sugar {Brewers' Restriction) Order {No. 2) 1917.) {Am. by Sugar {Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 601.) 376 379 649 578 639 449 579 651 486 382 112 116 51 494 119 579 26 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders. Date. Short Title. 1917. Nov. 19 ») Nov. 20 ?> Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 ij Nov. 28 »j >> >) )j Nov. 29 Dec. Dec. 1 4 Dec. Dec. 5 8 Dec' > 10 Dec. 11 J ) Food Control Committees (Milk Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1186.) {Printed as am. hy Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 {1918, No. 294), and hy amending Order of March 25, 1918.) Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917. (1917, No. 1188.) {Printed as am. hy Potatoes Order {No. 2), 1917, Amendment Order, 1918.) {Further am. hy Potatoes {Base Price) Order, 1918.) Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1189.) Cream Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1192.) {Continued hy Order of April 27, 1918.) .Authorisation under Pigs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 158 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. hy Pigs {Prices) Order, 1918, p. 336.) General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1199.) Oats Products {Poatponemerd of Date) Order, 1917. {Print- ed p. 64 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. hy Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1201.) Meat (Control) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1203.) {Rev. as regards registration of persons occupying premises as slaughterhouses, as from August 15, 1918, hy Slaughter- houses {Licensitig) Order, 1918, p. 356.) Direction under the Manufacture of Flour and Bread (No. 2) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1219.) Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, No. 4, 1917. {Printed p. 99 of Jarmary, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Spent.) General Licence under Dried Fruits {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Spent.) Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1224.) Hardened Fat (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1225.) Milh (Ireland) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 209 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Expired on April 30, 1918.) Seeds, Nuts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1226.) {Printed as am. by Appointment of Arbitra- tors Order, 1918. {1918, No. 294.).) Coffee (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1228) ... General Licence under the Bread Order, 1917. {Spent. Related to sale of new bread at Christmas and the New Year.) Ships' Stores Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1233) Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, No. 2, 1917. (1917, No. 1246.) Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1247) ... General Licence under Pigs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 163 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. ■ Rev. hy Pigs {Prices) Order, 1918, p. 336.) Sugar Order, No. 2, 1917. {Rev. hy Sugar {Rationing) Order, 1918, lohich is ittelf rev.) General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1257.) Meat {Restriction of Retail Sales) Order, 1911. {Spent. Related to temporary restriction during period December 17th, 1917, to January 13th, 1918.) 383 494 646 385 497 62 305 120 450 450 551 604 561 121 386 498 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders. 27 Date. Short Title. Page. 1917. Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 24 Authorisation under "Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1292.) Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917. (1917, No. 1295.) {Rev. as to national control tea by Tea (Prices) Order, 191 S, which is itself rev.) Milk (Use in Chocolate), No. 2, Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1296.) {Rev. as respects Great Britain, as from June 17, 1918, by Use of Milk {Licensiiig) Order, 1918, p. 422.) Condensed Milk (Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1297.) Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1298.) Livestock {Restriction of Slaughter) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 163 of January. 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Livestock {Restriction of Slaughter) Oi'der, 1918.) Raw Coffee {Returns) Order, 1917. {Spent. Related to returns to be made by Jan. 14th, 1918.) Food Control Committees {Margarine Requisition) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 215 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Food Control Committees {Requisitioning) Order, 1918, printed p. 278.) Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1311.) {Printed as am. by Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. {1918, No. 294.) Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order. 1917, No. 2. (1917, No. 1312.) {This Order amends Sugar {Brewers' Restric- tion) Order, 1917, which, as so amended, is printed p. 579.) Bacon and Ham Curers (Returns) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1313.) Refined Vegetable Oils (Requisition) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1314.) Margarine (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1315.) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1316.) Milk {Amendment) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 219 of the ' January. 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Milk {Sum- mer Prices) Oi'der, 1918, p. 406.) Directions under British Cheese Order, 1917. {Spent. Related to returns of stock as on Dec. 31st, 1917.) Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, No. 3, 1917. {Printed, as amending the Principal Order, at p. 153 of the January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Supers, by amending Order of March 28, 1918, printed vnth the principal Order at p. 300.) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1325.) {Am. by Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Amendment Order,1918, p. 2S1, and explained by Powers of Food Control Committees {Interpretation) Order, 1918, p. 291.) Mangels and Swedes (Prices') (Ireland) Order. 1917. (1917, No. 1326.) General Directions under Potatoes Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1327.) Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order No. 2, 191 7. {Printed p. 64 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) Sugar Order (Ireland), 1917. (1917, No. 1330) British Onions Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1331) 63 606 388 389 627 452 64 454 390 122 276 498 499 581 500 28 Chronological Table o/All the Food Controller s Orders. Date. Short Title. Page. 1917. Dec. 24 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 1918. Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 j> 5? Jan. 5 Jan. 8 5> Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 J) Jan. 16 Cattle (Sales) Order, 1917. {Printed p. 266 of the April^ 1018, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. hij Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 339) Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 5, 1917. (1917, No. 1337.) General Licence under Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 167 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Hev. by amending Order of March 28, 1918, printed p. 300.) Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. (1917, No. 1350.) Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918. (Printed p. 502 of the April, 1918, Edit, ef this Manual. Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Notice under Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918. (1917, No. 1353.) General Licence under Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 222 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Spent. Related to sales before February, 8, 1918.) Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 2.) Butter (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 5) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 7.) General Licence under Sugar Order, 1917. (1918, No. 8.) Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 9) Whiskey (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 12 ) General Notice under Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 82 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Virt. rev. by Bread ( Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, p. 159.) Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 24) General Licence under Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 20.) Wheat Seed Order, 1918. (Printed p. 83 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from May 1, 1918, by Order of April 24, 1918, which in itself is spent.) Deer (Restriction of Feeding) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 22) Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 29.) (Printed as am. by amending Order of May 1, 1918.) Meat (Retailers' Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 30) Authorisation under Live Stock (Restriction of Slaughter) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 174 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Virt. rev. by Live Stock (Restriction of Slaughter) Order, 1918, which is itself rev.) General Licence under Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 176 of January, 1918, Edit of this Manual. Rev. by amending Order of March 28, 1918, p. 300.) Notice under Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 33.) Sheep (Sales) Order, 1917 (Printed p. 275 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 339.) General Licence under Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (1918, No. 190.) Fish (Prices) Order, 1918. (Printed p. 130 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918, p. 230.) 182 393 587 628 394 128 589 309 185 394 129 *130 311 315 398 130 Chronological Tahle of All the Food Controller s Orders, 29 Date. Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 n Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Short Title. 1918. Jan. 17 '> Jan. 19 Jan. 21 j> Jan. 23 Jan. 24 »} 1 Jan. 28 •J Rum and Gin (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 48.) Margarine (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 49) ... Raw Cocoa (Heturns) Order, 1918. (Printed p. 329 of January, 1918 Edition. Related to returns to he made before February 2, 1918. Spent) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 58.) Public Meals Order, 1918. (1918, No. 59). {Am. by amending Order of May 16, 1918. Rev. as to Great Britain by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Potato Bags Order, 1918. (1918, No. 63) Jam (Prices) Order, 1918 . (Printed p. 228 o^ the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Am. by amending Order of May 6, 1918, and subsequently rev. by Jam (Prices), No. 2, Order, 1918, p. 266.) Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 93.) (Am. by Earli/ Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918.) Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 94). (Ajn. by Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918.) General Licence under Live Stock (Restriction of Slaughter) Order, 1917. (Printed p. 176 of January, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Virt. rev. by Lice Stock (Restriction of Slaughter) Order, 1918, which is itself rev.) Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 92.) Rice (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 101). (Printed as am. by Rice (Retail Prices) Amendment Order, 1918) General Licence under Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (1918, No. 116.) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, No. 102.) General Licence under Beans, Peas and Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No, 113.) Order amending Grain (Prices) Order, No. 114.) (The Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, is printed p. 105, as thus amended.) Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 115.) (Explained by Powp.rs of Food Control Committees (loiter pretation) Order, 1918, p. 291.) General Notice under Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 124.) (Rev. as ti Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, ^ 1918, p. m.^ Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 129.) Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Prices Order, 1918. ' (1918, No. 138.) This Order, which amends the 1917 Order, is incorporated vnth it at p. 486.) General Licence under Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 156.) Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 155.) Milk (Registration of Dealers) Postponement Order, 1918. (1918, No. 161.) (litis Order amends Milk (Registra- tion of Dealers) Order, 1918, which as so am. is printed i?. 394.) • 1918. /1918, Pulse (Retail 1917. (1918, Page. 186 3S8 131 513 502 503 504 133 134 141 135 84 278 64 280 400 316 30 Chro7iological Table of K\\ the Food Controller s Order Date. Short Title. Page. 1918. Feb. 7 , 5» Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 n Feb. 15 JO Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 General Licence under Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. ( Virt. rev. by Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 152.) Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 166) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 173.) Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 174.) Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 189.) Barley (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 182.) Food Hoarding {Amnesty) Order, 1918. {Expired, Feb. 25th, 1918,) General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917. (1918, No. 188.) Meat (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 196.) {Rev. as to Ireland from June 17, 1918, by Meat {Licensing of Export) {Ireland) Order, 1918, p. Ub.) Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 192.) Tea (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 193) Tea {Prices) Order, 1918. {Printed p. 525 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. as from May 6, 1918, by Tea {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 615.) Egg (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 200) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amend- ment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 197.) General Licence under Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 202.) Oats Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 210.) Notice under Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 204.) Irish Pigs (Control) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 207.) Potatoes (Protection) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 211) Waste of Foodstuffs Order, 1918. (1918, No. 212) London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Amended by Butler and Margarine Rationing {Special Districts) Order, 1918). {Printed p. 449 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual, rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) General Licence under Public Meals Order, 1918, and London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {The London atid Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order is rev. by Meat Rationing Order, 1918, as regards meat, and by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions under Londoti and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Rev. so far as regards Meat by Meat Rationing Order, 1918.) {Am. by direction, dated June 17, 1918.) {Both directions revoked by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to retailers of butter and margarine under London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Am. by direction dated June 17, 1918.) {Both directions revohed by Rationing Or§er, 1918, p. 522.) 141 143 400 401 151 505 317 318 608 321 281 589 152 505 322 506 618 519 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller s Orders. 31 1918. Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Mar. Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Directions to butchers under London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Printed p. ^b^ of the April, 191S, Edit, of this Manucd. Rev. by Directions dated May 6, 1918, ivhich icere also rev. by Rationing Opder,19l8,p. 522.) Directions to retailers of meat other than butcher s meat {including pork) under London and Home Comities {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Printed p. 461 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Directions dated May 6, 1918, wtiich were also rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to self - suppliers under London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Rev. by Meat Rationing Order. 1918, a.s regards meat, and by Rationing Order, 1918,' p. .522.) National Kitchens Order, 1918. (1918, No. 223.) {Printed as am. by amending Ordf-r of July 16, 1918.) Barley (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 224) Malt (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 225) Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 226.) {The Freshwater Fish {Ireland) Order, 1917, is printed as so am. by this Order, p. 212.) Uessicated Cocoanufc (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 243.) Order amending Med {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {Supers, by amending Order of March 28th, 1918, printed with the principal Order at p. 300.) Direction under London and Home Counties {Rationing . Scheme) Order, 1918. {Rev. by Meat Rationing Order, 1918, and Directioiis thereunder.) London Central Markets Order, 1918. (1918, No. 279.) ... General Licences under Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 281.) General Licence under Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917. (1918, No. 282.) Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order, 1918. {Rev. by Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order, No. 2, 1918, printed p. 330.) Notice under Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (19J8, No. 292.) {Rev. as to Great Britain by Bacon. Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918, p. 69.) Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 293.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of May 2, 1918.) Milk (Summer Prices). Order, 1918." (1918, No. 296) {Am. by Milk {Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 429.) Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. (1918, No. 294.) {This Order, ivhich substitutes an amended clause providirig for the appointment of on ui*bitrator in certain of the earlier Orders is not printed separately in this Manual. In accordance with the Order each of the Orders it amends is printed herein as so amended.) Imported Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 299.) General Licence under Margarine {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. {Revoked as to Great Britain by Margarine {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 416, and as to Ireland by General Licence of April 10, 1918, p. 420.) 442 153 187 551 328 406 609 65 250 406 412 w Chronolof/ical Table of All the Food Controller s Ordei Date. Short Title. Pago 1918. Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 15 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar."21 Mar. 25 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 (1918, (1918, Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smoking) Order, 1918. No. 298.) Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918. No. 316) Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, Nd? 322). {iiev. as to Ireland as from July 16, 1918, by B'iah {Registration of IJealers) {Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 24i.) {Amended by Fish {Registiation of Dealers) No, 2 Amend- ment Order, 1918, p. 246.) Fish (Prices) Order No. 2, 1918. (1918, No. 323.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of May 14, 1918.) Prevention of Corruption Order, 1918." (1918, No. 321)... Live Stock {liesiriction of Slaughter) Order, 1918. {Printed p. 290 of the Aprd, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Live Stock {Sales) Order, 1918, p. 339.) Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 339.) Cocoa Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 340.) Cocoa Powder Order, 1918. (1918, No. 341) Raw Cocoa (Prices) Order. 1918. (1918, No. 342; Beer (Prices and Descriptions) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 343.) Pig and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918. ' (1918, No. 344.) Flour (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 363.) Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 350.) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918. (1918, No. 351.) {Am. by Pood Control Committees {Local Distribution) Scheme Order No. 2, 1918, p. 291, by Food Control Committees {Local Distri- bution) Scheme Order, No. 4, 1918, p>. 293, and by Direction of June 17, 1918.) {Rev. as regards Butter, Margarine and Lard by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 355.) Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. Oils and Fats (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 191H. Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918. No. 361.) Ordpr amending Food Control Committees (Milk Requisi- tion) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 370.) {Printed ivith the principal Order, p. 383.) Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 371) ... Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order, 1918, JSo. 2. (1918, No. 372.) Flour and 'Bread (Registration) Order, 1918. (1918. No. 373.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of April 24, 1918.) Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 375) Notice in Shops (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 400)... Order amending Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 374.) {Printed with the principal Order at p. 30U.) Order amending British Cheese Order, 1917. (1918, No. 386.) {Incorporated icitk the principal Order as p)'f'inted at p. 370.) (1918, No. 356.). (1918, No. 357.) (1918, No. 358). (1918, No. 359.) (1918, No. 360.) (1918, 155 223 226 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller s Orders, 33 Date. 1918. Mar. 28 April 5 April 6 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 16 April 17 April 19 5789 Short Title. Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 387.) Authorisation under Food Hoarding Order, 1917. (1918, No. 899.) Order amending Grain (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 401.) {Printed with the principal Order at p. 105.) Growing Grain Crops Order, 1918. (1918, No. 402) Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 403.) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 1918. (1918, No. 405.) (Rev. as regards Butter, Margarine, and Lard, by Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Meat Rationing Order, 1918. (Printed p. 301 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Direction, relating to the Amount of the Eation, and Use of Cards and Coupons, under lUeat Eationing Order, 1918. (Am. by amending Orders of May 4, 1918, and June 12, 1918. Eev. by Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to Pork Butchers under Meat Rationing Order, 1918. (Printed p. 314 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Eev. by Directions dated May 6, 1918, which were also rev. by Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to General Butchers under Meat Rationing Ord.er, 1918. (Printed p. 315 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Eev. by Directions dated May 6, 1918, which were also rev. by Eationmg Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to Eetaders of Meat other than Butcher's Meat or Pork. (Printed p. 317 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Eev. by Directions dated May 6, 1918, which were also rev. by Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) General Licence applicable to Ireland under Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 408.) Bacon (Prohibition of Export) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 409.) Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 410) Potato (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 411) Notice under Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 41G.) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 418.) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 440.) (This Order which amends the 1917 Order, is printed with it at p. 109.) Potatoes (Amendment) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 445.) (This Order is printed vnth the Potatoes Order, 1917, nhich it amends, at p. 472.) Oil and Fat Compound (Licensing of Manufacturers and Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 446.) General Licence under Cocoa Powder Order, 1918. (1918, No. 447.) Ba'jon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 448.) (Eev ax to Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 69.) Potatoes (Growers Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 453.) Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 454.) Freshwater Fis"h Order, 1918. (1918, No. 455) Page. 590 253 163 291 291 420 66 164 507 420 592 457 615 67 508 421 238 B 34 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders Date. 1918. April 22 Apr. 22 Apr. 24 Apr, 27 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 6 Short Title. Order amending Flour and Bread (Re^stration) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 460.) {Incorporated in the principal Order as printed p. \Qy).) Spirits (Prices and Descriptions) Order, 1918. (1918, No 470.) {Am. by directions, dated May 31,1918, p. 199, and June 27, 1918, p. 200.) Order revoking the Wheat {Seed) Order, 1918. {Spent.) Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. (1^18, No. 478 ) Order continuing temporarily the Cream Order, 1917. (1917, No. 480.) {Printed with the principal Order at p. 385.) Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 483.) Directions under London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. {Printed p. 464 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Direction under Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 485.) Food Hoarding (Amendment) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 489.) {TJiis Order is priiited with the Food Hoarding Order, 1917, which it amends, at p. 252.) Order revoking . the Dried Fruits {Restriction) Order, 1917. {Spent.) Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 491.) Order amending' the Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 494.) {Printed wih the principal Order, lohich it amends, at p. 311.) Order amending the Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 492.) {l rinted with the priticipal Order, which it amends, at p. 250 ) General Licence under Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 503.) Directions amending the Table of Equivalent Weights set out in the Directions relating to the use of coupons given under the Meat Rationing Order, 1918. {Rev. by ttationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Tea (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 506) Order relative to Directions under the Tea (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 507.) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 4, 1918. (1918, No. 509.) {Rev. as regards Butter, Margarine and Lard by Rationing Order, 1918, JO. 522.) Directions to Pork Butchers under Meat Rationing Order, 1918. {Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to General Butchers utider Meat Rationing Order, 1918. {Rev. by Ratio7iing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions to Retailers of Uncooked Bacon and Ham under Meat Rationing Order, 1918. {Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) " Directions^ relating to the sale by Retailers of meat other than {a) butcher s meat and {b) uncooked pork, baeon, or ham under Meat Rationing Order, 1918. {Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Order amending Jam {Prices) Order, 1918. {Rev. by Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918, p. 266.) Order amending Grain (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 516.) {Incorporated with the p>rincipal Order as printed at p. 105.) Chronological Table of K\\ the Food Controller^ s Orders. 35 Date. Short Title. Page. 1918. May 8 May 10 May 11 May 13 May 14 May 15 May" 16 May 17 May 18 May 21 May 22 May 25 May 27 » May 29 )) )» May 30 May 31 Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 517) Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917, Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 518.) {Incorporated with the Potatoes Order {No. 2), 1917, which it amends, as printed at p. 494.) Order amending Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 519.) {Incorporated with the principal Order as printed at p. 116.) General Licence under Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 520.) Beehive Section (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 521.) Gooseberries Order, 1918. (1918, No. 522)... General Licence under Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order, No. 2, 1918. (1918, No. 523 ) Order amending Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (1918, No. 527.) {Incorporated tcith the principal Order as printed at p. 1 12.) Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 528) Order amending Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. (1918, No. 529.) {Incorporated with the principal Order as printed at p. 230.) Notice under British Cheese Order, 1917, prescribing prices of certain varieties of cheese. (1918, No. 531.) General Licence under Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 533.) Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 534) ' ... Order amending Public Meals Order, 1918. (1918, No. 542). Rice (Retail Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 544.) {Incorporated with the Bice {Retail Prices) Order, 1918, which it amends, as printed at p. 134.) Authorisation under Food Hoarding Order, 1917 ; Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917 ; Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amend- ment Order, 1918 ; and London and Home Counties (Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 524.) Bread Order, 1918. (1918, No. 547) Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1918. ('1918, No. 552) ... Cocoa Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 553) Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 554) ... Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 555.) {Printed as am. by amending Order of , June 6, 1918.) Edible Oils and Fats and Oils and Fat Compound (Distri- bution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 566.) General Licence under Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 576.) Order amending Potatoes {Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. {Rev. by amending Order of June 6, 1918.) British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. (^918, No. 578) General Licence under British Cheese {Reqidsition) Order, 1918 {Rev. by General Licence of July 13, 1918, p. 434.) Meat (Licensing of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (^1918. No. 580.) Milk (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 582) Canteens and Hostels (Licensing) Order, 1918, (1918, No. 583.) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 590.) 339 594 85 257 345 595 421 167 509 520 254 168 422 424 510 511 458 597 425 345 426 202 598 5789 B2 36 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller s Orders. Date. Short Title. 1918. May 31 June 3 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 10 June 12 June 14 June 16 '■ June 17 Direction under Spirits (Prices and Description) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 591.) Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 593.) (^Frinted as am. by amending Order of- June 7", 1918.) Canned Meat (Nett Weights) ! Order, 1918. (19i8, No. 598.) General Licence under Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, lyl7. (1918, No. 599.) Intoxicating Liquor' (Output and Delivery), No. 2, Order, 1918. (19 18, No. 600.) {hvorpor- ■ ted vuth the Intoxicating Liquor {Out/>ut and Delivery) Order. 1917 (as amended), lohich it further amends, as printed at p. 174.) General Lhence under Meat Rationing Order, 1918. (Supers, by Ra'ioning Order, 1918, p. 522.) Pickled Herrings Order, 1918. (191H, No. 602.) General liicence under Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, Sugar (Rationing) Order, Order, No. 2, 1918. 1918. 1918, and No. 609.) Potatoes (Distribution) No. 617.) Order amending Potatoes (Registration Dealers) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 623.) icith the principal Order, as prirted at p. 511.) Cheese (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 618) (1918, (1918, of Wholesale {Incorporated, Order amending Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 621.) {Incorporated n ith the princifial Order, which it extends to Scotland and Ireland, as printed at p. 258.) Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 622.) General Licence under Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 624.) Directions amending the Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat, so far as relates to Butchers' Meat, Bacon and Miscellaneous Meats {other than Poultry and Game). (Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, 2^. 522.) Canned Salmon (Returns) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 634) Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 635.) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 636.) Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Ord^, 1918. (1918, No. 637.) Order amending Potatoes Order, 1917. (1918, No. 639.) {IncorfjOrated with the principal Order, as printed at p. 472.) Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 641.) {Am. by Soft Fruit {Sales) {Amendment) Order, 1918, p. 265). Butter and Margarine Rationing {Special Districts) Order, 1918. {Spent. Supers, by Rationing Order^ 1918, p. b22.) Directions to Retailers of Butter and Margarine, and to Con- sumers under Butter and Margariiie Rationing {Special Districts) Order, 1918. {Supers, by Ratiotiing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Directions under Food Control Committees {Local Distribu- tion) Scheme Order, 1918, as to amount of Ration of butter and margarine. {Supers, by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) Chronological Table of All the Food Controller's Orders, 37 1918. June 17 June 21 June 22 June 25 June 26 j> June 27 June 28 June 29 June 29 July 1 July 4 )> July 5 July 13 Jvly 16 July 17 5789 Direction under London and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918, as to Amount of Ration of huHer and margarine. {Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522) Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. (1918, No. 648.) '. General Licence under Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 732.) Strawberries (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 733.) General Licence under Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 734.) General Licence under Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 735.) Directions under Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. (1918, No. 736.) (Rev. as from August 7, 1918, brj Butter Order, 1918, p. 439) Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 761.) Authorisation conferring certain powers on Inspectors of Weights and Measures. (1918, No. 762.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 766.) Canned Condensed Milk (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 769.) Direction under Spirits (Prices and Description) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 771.) Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 773.) General Licence under Potatoes {Registration of Whole- sale Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended. (Spent.) Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 776.) (Am. by Food Control Com- mittees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 637) General Licence under Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918, and Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 785.) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) • Order, 1918. (1918, No. 797.) Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 798.) Fish (Registration of Dealers) No, 2 Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 857.) General Licence under Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 805.) Soft Fruit (Sales) (Amendment) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 813.) General Licence under Meat (Rationing) Order, 1918. (Supers, by Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) 1 Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, ' No. 860.) General Licence under British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, and Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 861.) Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 862.) Fish (Distribution) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 879.) Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 1918. (1918, No. 880.) Order amending National Kitchens Order, 1918. (1918, No. 881.) (Printed loith the principal Order at p. 442.) Pilchards Order, 1918. (1918, No. 883.) General Licence under Soft Fruii ^Sales) Order, 1918. (1918, No. 882.) 553 263 264 430 431 431 210 640 69 432 200 601 634 466 76 242 246 264 265 433 434 349 246 637 248 265 B3 38 Chronological Table of All the Food Controller'' s Orders, Date. Short Title. 1918. July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 23 July 24 July 26 July 27 July 29 July 31 Notice under British Cheese Order, 1917, prescribing prices of certain varieties of Cheese. (1918, No. 884.) Rationing Order, 1918. (1918, No. 894.) Licence under Flour an. 65. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, p. 67. Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 1917, />. 62. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, jp. 76. Pig and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918,/?. 66. Rationing Order, 1918,/?. 79. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), /?. 79. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and their Customers), p. 19. 2. Beans, Peas and Pulse (pp. 80-84). Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917, p. 81. Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, ^. 82. General Licence thereunder (Peas in Packages), p. 83. General Licence thereunder (Seed Beans and Peas), p. 84. Burmah Peas and Beans, Order requisitioning, p. 80. Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 84. Feeding of Game Order, 1917, p. 80. Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, p. 84. Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917, as amended, p. 84. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, p. 84. 2^' Beehive Section (^^j. 85, 86). The Beehive Section (Maximum Prices)' Order, 191S, p.\S5. 3. Bread, Flour and Cereals (pp. 87-172). Barley (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918, />. I5l. Barley (Requisition) Order, 1917, j9. 93. Barley (Requisition) Order, 1918, /). 153. Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 108. Bread Order, 1918,^. 168. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 121. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, p. 159. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, p. 94. Cattle Feeding StufFs (Committees) Order, 1917, p. 122. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, /a 135. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918,^9. 143. General Licence thereunder (Imported Millers' Offals— charge for sacks), p, 167. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 41 3. Bread, Flour, and Gevedii'^— continued. Cattle Feeding StufFs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918, p. 128. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918,;?. 131. Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 116. Dealings in Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917,/?. 102. Deer (Restriction of Feeding) Order, 1918, p. 130. Dredge Corn Order, 1917,/?. 119. Feeding of Game Order, 1917, /?. 88. Flour (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918, /?. 155. Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, as artiended, p. 109. General Licence thereunder (Charge for Flour Bags), p. 129. Licence thereunder (Prices of loaves of Bread sold in Dublin), p, 172. Flour and 'Bread (Registration) Order, 1918, as amended, jo. 160. Flour Mills Order, 1917, p, 98. Flour Mills Order No. 2, 1917, p, 104. Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smoking) Order, 1918, p. 155. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, as amended,/?. 154. Grain (Prices) Order, 1917 (Grain of 1917), as amended, p. 105. Growing Grain Crops Order, 1918, p. 163. * , Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 112. General Licence thereunder (Constituents of Mixtures), p. 130. General Licence thereunder (Bags for Poultry Mixtures), p. 141. Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, p. 164. Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917, />. 99. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917, p. 89. Directions thereunder (Sale and Use of Imported Flour), /?. 120. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3), 1917,/?. 92. Oat and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, /?. 100. 0«^ «?i^ Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 103. Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918, /?. 141. Oats Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 152. Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918,/?. 133. Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 132. Rice (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 134. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918,/?. 172. Wheat, Barley and Oats (Prices) Order, 1917 (Grain of 1916), /?. 92. Wheat (Channel Islands and Isle of Man Export) Order, 1917, p. 112. Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 97. 4. Brewing, Malting and Intoxicating Liquors (/?/?. 173-200). Beer (Prices and Description) Order, 1918, /?. 188. Brewer's Sugar Order, 1917, /?. 173. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, as amended, p, 188. Hops (Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 181. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 174. Treasury Rules under Part II. of that Order,/?. 179. 42 Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 4. Brewing, Malting and Intoxicating JAoiuov^— continued. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, No. 5, 1917^ p. 182. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918,/?. 19U Malt (Kestriction) Order, 1918,2?. 187. Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917, /). 173. Kum and Gin (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918, jo. 186. Spirits (Prices and Description) Order, 1918,^0. 193. Direction thereunder (Postponing operation of Clause 7), p. 199. Direction thereunder (Further postponing operation of Clause 7), p. 200. Sugar (Brewer's Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 181. Sugar (Brewer's Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 200.^ Whiskey (Restriction on Sales) Order, 19 1 8,^. 185, 4a. Bribery {p. 201). Prevention of Corruption Order, 1918, ^. 201. 4^-^. Canteens and Hostels {pp. 202-203). Canteens and Hostels (Licensing) Order, 1918,^9. 202. Order postponing, p. 203. 4^- Cold Storage {p. 204). Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 204. Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918, p. 204. 5. Conditions on Sale of Food ip. 205). Food (Conditions of Sale) Order,- 1917, /?. 205. 6. Dried Fruits {vp. 206-211). Currants and Sultanas (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended,, p. 206. Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918, j9. 207. Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 210. Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 209. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, jo. 209. Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 208. 7. Fish {pp. 212-249). Canned Salmon (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 242. Fish (Distribution) Order, 1918, p. 246. Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918, as amended, p. 230. Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, p. 226. General Licence thereunder (Dealers in shell fish), p, 239. Fish (Registration of Dealers) No. 2 Amendment Order, 1918, p. 246. Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, /?. 242. Freshwater Fish Order, 1918, p. 238. 'Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918, jo. 223. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 1, p. 224. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 2, p, 224. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 43 7. Fish. — continued. Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, as amended,/?. 212. Table oF Local Orders thereunder, p. 213. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, /). 238. Pickled Herring (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 218. Pickled Herrings Order, 1918, p. 239. Pilchards Order, 1918, p, 248. Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1918,^. 237. Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917, p. 215. Sea Fishing Order No. 5,/). 217. Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917,^9. 222. Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917,^. 219. Order thereunder, p. 221. 7^- Foreigrn Holdingrs of Food {pp. 250,251). Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, as amended,^. 250. 8. Hoarding" of Food {pp. 252-251). Food Hoarding Order, 1917, as amended, p. 252. Authorisation thereunder (Preserved Eggs), p. 253. Authorisation thereunder (Butter), p. 254. 8a. Importers' Returns {p. 255). Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, j9. 255. 9. Jam and Fresh Fruit {pp. 256-275). Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917, j9. 256. Gooseberries Order, 1918, /;. 257. Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 258. Jam (Prices), No. 2, Order, 1918,^. 266. Plum (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 273. Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 260. (jeneral Licence thereunder (Black Currants) />. 264. General Licences thereunder (Strawberries), pp. 263, 265. Soft Fruit (Sales) Amendment Order, 1918, p, 265. Strawberries (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 264. 9a. Local Distribution and Requisitioning: {pp. 276-294). Authorisation (acquisition of Farmers' Butter for home pre- servation), p. 294. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, p. 276. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, /?. 281. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918,;?. 283. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 1918, p. 291. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 4, 1918, p. 293. Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) Order, 1918,^5.278. Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order, 1918,/?. 280. Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order, 1918,^9.291. 44 Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 10. Meat and Cattle and Eggs {pp. 295-359.) Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, p. 318. Canned Meat (Nett Weights) Order, 1918, p. 347. Cattle and Meat (Returns) Order, 1917, p, 300. Edible OfFals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, as amended,. ;?. 311. Egg (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 321. Eggs, Authorisation under Food Ploarding Order, 1917, as to preserved eggs, p. 338. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 328. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, ;?. 338. Irish Pigs (Control) Order, 1918, p. 322. Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 339. General Licence thereunder (Calves' Heads and Feet), p. 348. London Central Markets Order, 1918, j9. 328. Meat (Control) Order, 1917, p. 305. Meat (Licensing of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918, ;?. 345. Meat (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, p. 317. Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, />. 300. Direction thereunder (Pig Meat in Ireland), p. 338. Meat Retail Prices (Eni^land and Wales), Order No. 2, 1918, p, 330. General Licence thereunder (Price of Sausages),./?. 345. General Licence thereunder (Price of Sausages),/?. 358. Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, /?. 349. Meat (Retailers' Restriction) Order, 1918,/?. 315. Meat (Sales) Order, 1917, p. 296. Pig and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order^ 1918, p. 329. Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 333. Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918, p. 316. Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918,/?. 352. Public Meals Order, 1918, /?. 316. Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 309. Rationing Order, 1918, p. 355. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p. 359. Directions thereunder (General Butchers and their Customers), p. 359. Directions thereunder (Pork Butchers and Retailers of Miscellaneous Meat and their Customers), p. 359. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Bacon and Ham and their Customers), p. 359. Slaughterhouses (Licensing) Order, 1918,/?, 356. 11. Milk, Butter and Clieese O^iJ. 360-441). British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended, p. 370. Notices thereunder (First-hand Prices), pp. 421, 434. British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918,/?. 425. General Licence thereunder (Supply to employees, &c.), p. 434. Butter Order, 1918, p. 439. Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917, p. 382. Directions thereunder (Retail Prices), j), 431. Directions thereunder (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers),. p. 438. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 45 11. Milk, Butter and OlieQ^e— continued. Butter (Ireland) Order, 1918, jp. 394. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917,/?. 363. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 367. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 3, 1917, p. 367. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 4, 1917, p. 369. Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 376. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 5. 1917, />. 379. Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 421. Caerphdl^ Cheese (Revpisition) Order, 1918,/?. 433. General Licence thereunder (Supply to employees, &c.),/?. 434. Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918,/?. 419. Canned Condensed Milk (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 432. Cheese (Distribution) Order, 1918, p. 428. , Directions thereunder (Retail price), p. 437. Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 362. Cocoa-Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 413. • Cocoa-Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 424. Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918, p. 400. Condensed Milk (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 389. Cream Order, 1917, p. 385. Dutch Chepse (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 396. Notice thereunder (First-hand Prices), p. 398. Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 415. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, p. 414. Food Control Committees (Milk Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, p 383. Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917,/?. 393. General Licence thereunder (Water Ice, &c.), P- 427. Imported Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918, /?. 412. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, /?. 421. Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918, p. 417. Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 381. General Licence thereunder (Wholesale Price in Ireland), /?. 420. Margarine (Registration of Dealers), Order, 1917,/?. 390. Margarine (Requisition) Order, 1918, /?. 398. Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918,/?. 416. N otice thereunder (Date of Operation in Scotland), p. 420. Notice thereunder (Prices), /?. 436. Milk (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 426. Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918, /?. 401. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1918 (Powers of Local Authorities under the Order), /?. 403. Circular to LocalpAuthorities, /?. 404. Milk Products (Import Restriction), Order, 1918, p. 436. Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 394. General Licences thereunder (Exemption of »Small Retailers), /?. 400. General Licences thereunder (Sales by Wholesale and Accommo- ' dation Sales), p. 406. 46 Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 11. Milk, Butter and Ohee^Q— continued. Milk (Returns) 1917, p. 363. Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918 p, 406. General Licence thereunder (Small Quantities), p, 431. Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 429. Milk (Use in Chocolate) No. 2 Order, 1917, p. 388. Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 399. Eationin^ Order, 1918, p. 436. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine and Lard, and their Customers), p. 438. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p. 438. Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1.918, p. 422. General Licence thereunder (Milk Preparations), p. 430. 11^- National Kitchens {pp. 442-447). National Kitchens Order, 1918, as amended, p. 442. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No 2), 1918 (Powers of English Local Authorities under Order) p. 444. Local Authorities (P'ood Control) Order (No. 3), 1918 (Extension of (No. 2) Order), p. 446. Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918 (Powers of Scottish Local Authorities under Order),/?. 445. 11^- Notices by Retailer of Prices {p. 448). Notice in Shops (Ireland) Order, 1918, p, 448. 12. Oils and Fats {pp. 449-467). Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917,;?. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, /?. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918, p. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Kequisition) Order, 19i8, /?. 455. Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compound (Distribution) Order, 1918, j9. 458. Hardened Fat (Requisition) Order, 1917,/?. 450. Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, j9. 462. Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918, • . p. 465. General Licences thereunder (Retail Butchers), jt?^. 466, 467. Oil Splitting Order, 1917, p, 449. Oil and Fat Compound (Licensing of Manufacturers and Requisition) Order, 1918, ;o. 457. Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, ;?. 452. Oils and Fats (Restriction) Order, 1918, /?. 456. Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition^ Order, 1917, p. 450. Public Meals Order, 1918, j9. 455. • Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918,^9. 461. General Licences thereunder (Retail Butchers), /);9. 466, 467. Refined Vegetable Oils (Requisition) Order, 1917, jo. 454. Seeds, Nuts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 19 1 7, as amended, p. 451. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 47 13. Potatoes and other Vegetables and Roots {pp. 468-512). Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order No. 2, 1917, p. 497. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, p, 506. British Onions Order, 1917, p. 500. Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918,;?. 510. Mangels and Swedes (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 498. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended, p. 472. General Licence thereunder (Sale by Growers at Prices below Minimum) p. 494. General Licence thereunder (Sale in United Kingdom of Varieties specified in CI. 10), p. 497. General Licence thereunder (Non-Returnable Bags outside Ireland), p. 498. General Direction thereunder (Invoice by Wholesale -Dealers), p. 499. General Licence thereunder (Sale in Midlands of Varieties specified in CI. 10), p. 505. Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917, as amended,^. 494. Potato Bags Order, 1918, p. 502. Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918, p. 509. Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918^ p. 504. Notice thereunder (Application to south-west England), p. 505. Potatoes (Distribution) Order, No. 2, 1918, p. 512. Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 503. Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917, p. 485. Potatoes ({j rowers' Returns) Order, 1918, p. 508. Potatoes (Protection) Order, 1918, p. 506. Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 511. Potatoes (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 507. Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 469. Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 486. Swedes (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 468. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, p. 512. 14. Public Meals p. 561, 562). Ships' Stores Order, 1917, p. 561. 17. Sugar {pp. 563-601.) Bread Order, 1917,/?. 566. Brewers' Sugar Order, 1917, />. 5^5. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, /?. 567. Dealings in Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 5^Q, Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 587. General Licence thereunder (Water Ice), p. 600. Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 589. Rationing Order, 1918,/?. 601. Directions thereunder (Amouat of Rationed Food), /?. 601. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine and Lard and their Customers), p, 601. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, /?. 592. General Licence thereunder (Crystalised Fruits, etc.), />• 594. General Licence thereunder (Prisoners of War), /?. 597. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 598. Sugar Order, 1917, /?. 568. General Licence thereunder (Excess Delivery against Youoh«r), p, 578. General Licence thereunder (Period of Delivery again* t Voucher), /?. 589. Sugar Order (Ireland), 1917, /?. 581. General Licence thereunder (Excess Delivery against Voncher), p. 590. Classified List of Food Controller's Orders in Force. 49 17. Sugrar — continvsd. ^ Sugar (Brewers' Eestriction) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 579. Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 601. Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917, /?. 564. General Licence thereunder (Retail of Crystallized and Gla«^ Fruits), p. 579. General Licence thereunder (Weight of Wrappers), /?. 589. Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918, ^. 590. General Licence thereunder (Supply by Retailer), p, 600. Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918, (Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918). Notice thereunder (Weekly Ration), p. 587. Order of Local Government Board thereunder (Requisition for copy of certificate of birth), p. 588. Sugar (Registration of Retailers) Order, 1917, j9. 567. Sugar (Registration of Retailers) (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 577. Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 595. Sugar (Sales for Ireland Returns) Order, 1917, p. 575. 18. Tea, Coflfee and Cocoa (pp. 602-617.) Cocoa-Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918, />. 613. Cocoa-Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918, />. 617. Cocoa Powder Order, 1918, j9. 610. General Licence thereunder (Sales before June 1, 1918), p. 615. Coffee (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, p. 604. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918,^9.614. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 609. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, /?. 615. Raw Cocoa (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 613. Tea (Distribution) Order, 1918, j9. 608. Directions thereunder (Charges for blending or packeting), p. 617. Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917, p. 602. Tea (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 615. Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, /). 603. Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, J9. 606. General Licence thereunder (Green Teas in Bond), p 609. 18^. Waste of Foodstuffs (pp. 618-619.) Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 618. Egg (Restriction) Order, 1918, jo. 618. Waste of Foodstuffs Order, 1918, j9. 618. Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917, /?. 818. 50 Editorial Note. This Part of this Manual comprises all the Food Controller's Orders and the Orders of a general character of other Depart- ments ancillary thereto (except Orders a« to the Constitution, Procedure and Accounts of Food Control Committees and as to the Enforcement of and Prosecutions under the Controller's Orders which form a separate Part — Part III.) which were not on July 31st, 1918, wholly revoked or spent. In each case the full text of the Order is printed, save that where an amending Order provides for the principal Order being reprinted with the substitutions effected by such amending Order incorporated, the principal Order is reproduced as so amended and the amend- ing Order itself is omitted. In all other cases footnotes to a subsequently amended Order give direct reference to the subse- quent amending Orders. Where only a portion of an Order is revoked or spent, that portion is printed in italics. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917 51 1. Bacon, Ham and Lard. Bacon (Prohibition of Export) Order, 1918, p. 66. Bacon and Ham Curers (Returns) Order, 1917, />. 64. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 69. Direction thereunder (postponement of date of operation of sub clause (d) of Third Schedule), p. 79. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, p. 51. Authorisation thereunder (Secondary "Wholesalers in Ireland), p. 63. Notice thereunder (Imported U.S.A. or Canadian Lard), p. 64. Notice thereunder (Imported Lard), p. Q5. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amend- ment Order, 1918, p. 67. • ' Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 1917, ;^5. 62. Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 76. Pi^ and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918, j9. 66. Rationing Order, 1918,j9. 79. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p. 79. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and their Customers), p. 79. The Bacon, Ham and Lard (Phoyisional Prices) Order, 1917. D^TED November 17, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1180. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all pesons concerned : — 1 . (a) On a sale of any bacon or ham by or on behalf of the pirst hand importer, curer or manufacturer thereof, or on a sale of lard by. prices, the importer, manufacturer or refiner thereof (not being in any case a sale by retail) the maximum price shall be the price for the time being prescribed by the Food Controller as the maximum first hand price for the article sold. (b) Until further notice the maximum first hand price for the bacon and hams specified in the First Schedule shall be the prices therein mentioned and for lard of the descriptions mentioned in the third Schedule shall be the prices therein mentioned. (c) A maximum first hand price for the time being in force under this Clause is hereinafter referred to as a '^ maximum first hand price''; a sale to which the maximum first hand price applies is hereinafter referred to as a '' first hand sale " ; and the actual price at which any bacon, ham or lard is sold on the occasion of a first hand sale (being a price not greater than the maximum first hand price) is hereinafter referred to as the ** actual first hand price." (a) Revocation. — This Order was revoked as to Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, prmted p. 69. 52 Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. {d) Where on a first hand sale the bacon, ham or lard is caiiied by the importer, curer, manufacturer or refiner in his own cart or van for or in the course of delivery to the purchaser, the importer, curer, manufacturer or refiner may charge for such carriage at a rate not exceeding %d. per cwt. if the distance in a straight line is less than 10 miles, or Is. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds that limit. (e) Where any imported bacon or ham is prepared by the importer thereof by any process mentioned in the second Schedule a sum calculated according to the provisions of the second Schedule may be added to the maximum first hand price. Wholesaler's 2. (i) On a sale of bacon, hom or lard (other than a first prices. hand sale or a sale by retail and except as provided by Clauses 3 an3 4 of this Order) the maximum price shall be the actual first hand price with the addition of the following charges or such of them as may be applicable : — A. — Process Charges. Where the bacon or ham has been prepared in the British Islands by any person other than the curer, manufacturer or importer by any process mentioned in the Second Schedule, a sum calculated according to the provisions of the Second Schedule may be added. B. — Transport Charges. The amount, if any, properly paid or pajjrable in respect of carriage or transport of the bacon, ham or lard and not included in the actual first hand price may be added. Where the bacon, ham or lard has been or is either on the purchase or on the sale thereof carried by the seller in his own cart or van, the seller may charge for such carriage at a rate not exceeding G^Z. per cwt. if the distance in a straight line is less than 10 miles, or Is. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds that limit. C. — Wholesalers' Gross Profit. There may be added in respect of wholesalers' gross profit : — (a) a sum at the rate of Is per cwt. on the sale of any bacon or ham which Las, by some person other than the importer, curer or manufacturer thereof, been washed and drained, or prepared by some process mentioned in the Second Schedule ; \h) a sum at the rate of 4'5. per cwt. on the sale of any other bacon or ham or any lard : Provided that there may also be added a further sum at the rate of 2^. per cwt. as respects such part of the quantity included in any sale as does not amount to a complete original box or package, but this further sum may not be added on more than one sale made by any one seller to the same buyer in any week or more than once in respect of the same bacon, ham or lard, (ii) The total sum added in respect of transport and the sum added in respect of process charges shall be separately stated in the invoice rela+insr to any sale, bnt tbp details of the cbarpjei^ need not be stat-ed unless required by the buyer. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. 53 3. Where a dealer wlio has purchased any bacon, ham or lard Sales to direct from the importer, curer manufacturer or refiner thereof secondary is selling the same to a secondary wholesaler, the sum of 75. per wholesalers, cwt. or 4^. per cwt. which may be added in respect of wholesalers' gross profit shall as the case may require be reduced to 45. per cwt. or 35. per cwt. 4. Where a secondary wholesaler is selling otherwise than by Sales by way of retail sale, any bacon, ham or lard purchased by him at ^^desalers. a price which included a sum in respect of wholesaler's gross profit, he may, upon such re-sale, add to the price in respect of wholesalers' gross profit: — (a) A further sum at the rate of 95. per cwt. on the sale of any bacon or ham which has been washed and drained or prepared as mentioned in Clause 2. (&) A further sum at the rate of 45. per cwt. on the sale of any other bacon or ham, or any lard. 5. No person shall sell or buy except on the occasion of a retail Limitation sale, any bacon or ham in any. cut not mentioned in the first ^^ ^"*8- Schedule and no person shall for the purpose of sale prepare any bacon oi ham by any process not mentioned in the second Schedule, or sell or buy except on the occasion of a retail sale, any bacon or ham so prepared. 6. {a) For the purpose of ascertaining the maximum price at Sale by which bacon or ham may be sold by retail, the retailer shall ^®t*il- ascertain the cost per lb. by reference to the actual cost of the side or other cut in question and the invoice weight thereof. (J) On a sale by retail of a side or cut not divided into separate portions, the price per lb. sold shall not exceed the cost per lb. so ascertained by more than 36^. (c) On a sale by retail of a side or cut divided into separate portions, the prices charged shall be such that the rate per lb. on the whole side or cut does not exceed the cost per lb. so ascertained by more than 3^., the retailer being at liberty to distribute his prices within this limit as he may think fit. (d) On a sale of lard by retail the maximum price shall be the actual cost of the lard sold with an addition thereto at the rate of 2d. per lb. (e) No charge may be made for giving credit or making delivery. 7. (a) For the purpose of the preceding clause the actual cost Actual cost of bacon, ham or lard, not being bacon or ham imported manu- *'° retailer, factured or cured by the retailer, or lard imported, manufactured or refined by the retailer, shall be taken at the price paid or payable by him therefor (not exceeding the maximum price authorised by this Order) together with the amount, if any, paid or payable or deemed to have been paid by him in respect of transport and not included in such price, and the actual cost of bacon or ham imported, manufactured or cured by the retailer or lard imported, manufactured or refined by the retailer shall be the maximum first hand price of such bacon, ham or lard together with the amount if any paid or deemed k> have been paid by him in respect of transport. 54 Terms of payment. Wrappings inclnded in prices. Purchasers may rely apon vendor's statements. Bacon and ham to be invoiced as imported or home produced. Prices to be exhibited. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (6) If the retailer has prepared the bacon or ham by any process mentioned in the second Schedule, a sum calculated ac- cording to the provisions of that Schedule shall be added for the purpose of ascertaining the actual cost, and where any bacon or ham is washed and drained by the retailer, but has not been prepared by any such process, a sum at the rate of 35. per cwt. may be added for such purpose. (c) Where the price paid by a retail dealer for bacon, ham or lard does not include delivery to his own retail premises and the bacon, ham or lard is carried to his retail premises in his own cart or van, he shall be deemed to have made a payment for such carriage at the rate of ^d. per cwt. if the distance in a straight line is less than ten miles, or at the rate of Is. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds that limit. 8. (a) The terms of payment and credit on the occasion of any sale other than a retail sale shall be, at the seller's option, either (i) payment before delivery with discount for 2 months and 7 days at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum ; (ii) payment within 7 days of invoice with discount for 2 months at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum ; (iii) payment within one month with discount for one month at the rate of 5- per cent, per annum. (6) When discounts are allowed on a sale, the price upon such sale shall for the purpose of the Order be reckoned at the full price before deducting the discount. 9. The maximum prices prescribed by this Order include in each case charges for suitable wrappings or packages. 10. Where the maximum price at which bacon, ham or lard may be sold by any person depends upon the amount of any sum or sums paid or charged or payable or chargeable in relation thereto by any former seller, such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement as to the amounts of the sum or sums so paid or payable, charged or chargeable, that may have been made to him by the person from whom he bought the bacon or ham, unless he has reason to suspect the truth of such stat^- ment. 11. The invoice relating to any sale other than a sale by retail of bacon or ham, shall state whethej: the bacon or ham is imported or home produced. 12. Every retailer of bacon ham or lard shall so long as he shall have any bacon ham or lard on sale, display prominently at the shop or other place of sale a dated statement or dated statements showing the prices at which he is selling bacon ham or lard at such shop or place and when he is selling different varieties or cuts of bacon or ham at different prices the state- ment or statements shall be in such form or so displayed as to show which is the price of each variety and cut and shall on reasonable demand give to any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee all such information as may be necessary for showing which of the documents and records mentioned in this clause relate to the bacon ham and lard which he has for the time being on sale. Bacon, Hajn and Lard {Provisional PHces) Order, 1917. 55 No retailer shall sell any cut of bacon or liam or any lard at a price per lb. higher than that shown on any such statement. Every retailer shall by ticket or label specify which of the cuts of bacon or ham for the time being exposed for sale are imported or home produced. 13. Every person dealing in bacon ham or lard shall keep Records, accurate records containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is complying with the provisions, of this Order, so far as they relate to him or to his trade and shall make such returns as to his trade in bacon ham and lard as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. All such records and relevant documents incluviing invoices and dated statements of price shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. 14. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy Offers and or offer to buy any bacon ham or lard at prices exceeding the conditions, maximum prices provided by or under this Order or in connec- tion with any sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of bacon, ham or lard enter or offer to enter into any artificial * or fictitious transaction or niake or demand any unreasonable charge. 15. The expression '* Food Committee" shall mean as respects Interpreta- Great Britain a Committee appointed in pursuance of the Food tion. Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) or as respects Ireland^ the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller. (b) The expression *' importer" shall mean: — (a) In the case of bacon ham and lard imported otherwise than by or on behalf of the Food Controller the person sighting the shipper's draft, but this provision shall not be construed so as to limit the general interpreta- tion of that expression : (6) In the case of bacon ham and lard, imported by or on behalf of the Food Controller, the person to whom such bacon ham or lard is assigned by the Food Controller for the purposes of distribution. The expression ** secondary wholesaler " shall mean: — (a) any person who is licensed as a secondary wholesaler by the Food Controller or by any person authorised by him in that behalf. (c) (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1G17.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland.— 5^6 the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Hanual. (c) Licence for Secondary Wholesalers. — See Authorisation to Food Control Committee for Ireland, dated Dec. 13, 1917, printed p. 63. 56 Bacon y Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. {h) a trader who in the ordinary course of his business buys bacon ham or lard from a wholesaler and resells the same to retailers in quantities not exceeding- in the case of bacon and ham 3 cwt., and in the case of lard \ cwt. in any one week to any one purchaser. If any question shall arise whether a person is or is not a secondary wholesaler under this provision such question shall be^ determined by the Food Controller. The expression "bacon*' shall include shoulders and picnics. The expression lard shall not include neutral lard or compound. Exceptions. 16. This Order shall not apply to (i) Sales by a caterer of bacon or ham for immediate con- sumption in the ordinary course of his catering business, (ii) Sales by retail of cooked bacon or ham by a person who at the time of such sale is ready and willing to sell uncooked bacon or ham at the prices permitted by this Order or by a person who did not prior to the date of this Order sell uncooked bacon or ham in the ordinary way of his trade. 17. Infringements of this Order and summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 18. The Bacon, Ham and Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) and all licences issued thereunder are hereby revoked as at the 19th November, 1917, but without prejudice to any proceed- ings in respect of iany contravention thereof. 19. This Order shall come into force : — {a) So far as the same affects a first hand sale, on the 19th November, 1917. (&) So far as the same affects a sale not being a first hand sale, or a sale by retail, on the 23rd November, 1917 ; and (c) So far as the same affects a sale by retail, on the 26tli i November, 1917. Titie. 20. This Order may be cited as the Bacon, Ham and Lar^ „ (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. Penalties. Seroofttion. Date of Commenoe- ment of Order. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food, 17th November, 1917. (a) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. is printed p. 21 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." -That Order Bacon, HaTn and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917 57 The First Schedule, Maximum Prices to be charged on a sale of Bacon or Ham by the Importer or Curer. Paet I. (Sales by Impoetee). Canadian or Canadian Cured American. — "Wiltshire Cut Side Long Rib Cumberland Cut Side Long Clear ... Long Cut Hams A. C. Hams ... Rib in Backs ... American (U.S.A.). — Wiltshire Cut Side Cumberland Cut Side Bellies Long Clear S. C. Backs Short Rib Short Clear Rib in Backs Long Rib Dublin Cut Yorkshire Cut Staffordshire Cut Rolling Middles Square Shoulders New York Shoulders Picnics Long Cut Hams A. C. Hams ... Manchester Cut Hams Scotch Cut Hams Berwick Cut Hams Skinned Hams Fatless Hams Danish. — Wiltshire Cut Side Dutch. — Wiltshire Cut Side Argentine. — Bacon Hams and Shoulders (including picnics) same prices as American U.S.A. Other Kinds. — Bacon Hams and Shoulders (including picnics) imported from any other Country 6^. under American prices. Note (i). — All prices are ex port. Note (ii). — Weights to be averaged reweights. Rate per Cwt* n2s. 172^. 172^. 180*. 1655. 162^. 179*. 172*. 172*. 180*. 180*. 177*. 177*. 180*. 179*. 172*. 172*. 172*. 180*. 180*. 152*. 146*. 125*. 165*. 162*. 165*. 165*. 172*. 170*. 172*. 172*. 172*. 58 Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. Part II. — Sales by Curer or Manufacturer, (a) (A) Bacon Cured or Manctfactured in England. Prices per Cwt, 1. Wiltshire Cut Sides. Green Pale Dried or smoked ... ••• 176^. 192^. 2. Country Cut Sides. Green Pale Dried or smoked ... ... 176^. 192*. 3. Cumberland Cut Sides. Green Pale Dried or smoked ... 176*. 192*. 4. Staffordshire Sides. Green ex-salt Pale Dried or smoked ... 184*. < 201*. 6. Country Cured Middles. Green ex-salt Pale Dried or smoked ,.. 180*. .. 97*. 6. Home Cured Clear Bellies (Drafts). Green ex-salt Pale Dried or .smoked ... ... 190*. 207*. 7. Home Cured Bellies Eib in. * Green Pale Dried or smoked ... 186*. 203*. 8. Shoulder Bellies. Green Pale Dried or smoked ... 186*. 203*. Special Sides Birmingham Style Green Pale Dried or smoked ..." ... 186*. 203*. 0. Long Cut Hams. Green Pale Dried or smoked ... ... 180*. 203*. 1. Short Cut Hams. Green ... Pale Dried or smoked ... ... 180*. 203*. 12. York or Cumberland Style Hams. Dried and Matured ... ... 214*. 13. Boned and Rolled Hams. Green 196*. Pale Dried or smoked ... 211*. (a) Variation op Prices. — See the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisronal Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, p. 67. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. 59 fiJote. — (1) All prices are ex-factory and include packages. ffote. — (2) A Wiltshire Cut Side or a Cumberland Cut Side may be divided as follows : — 1. Three-quarter aide (foreless). 2. Gammonless Side. 3. Gammon. ^ 4. Fore. 5. Middle. The total price charged for the above resulting cuts shall not exceed by more than a sum at the rate of 25. per cwt. the maxi- mum price for the whole side. (B) Bacon Cured or Manufactured in Scotland. Price per Cwt. Ayrshire Rolled Bacon Skin off ... ... 208^. Irish Rolled Bacon Skin off (Scottish cure) ... 190j. Irish Rolled Bacon Skin off (Scottish cure) ... 202*. Irish Boneless Smoked Hams (Scottish cure) ... 206*. Note. — All prices are ex-factory and include Packages. (C) Bacon Cured or Manufactured in Ireland. 1. Wiltshire Cut Sides. Prices per cwt. Green 172*. Pale dried or smoked 1875. 2. Gammon. Ex-salt ... ... 1785. Pale dried or smoked ... ... ... ... 194*. 3. Limerick Middles. Green 1845. Pale dried or smoked ... ... ... ... 2015. 4. Irish Gams. . Green 155^. Pale dried or smoked 1715. 6. Long Clear Middles. Ex-salt 190j. Pale dried or smoked 2025. 6. Long Clear Backs. Ex-salt 190^. Pale dried or smoked 2025. T. Long Clear Bellies. Ex-salt 2905. Pale dried or smoked 2065 8. Short Clear Bellies. Ex-salt 1945. Pale dried or smoked 210*. 9. Dried Irish Rolls \\ igg/, 10. Long Cut Hams. Ex-salt 180^, Dried off the hooks 193^. Trimmed pale or smoked 203* 11. Short Cut Hams. Trimmed pale or smoked ... 2035. 60 BacoUy Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. Note (1) All prices are ex-factory and include packages. Note (2) A Wiltshire cut side may be divided as follows: — 1. Three-quarter side (foreiess). 2. 'Gammonless side. 3. Gammon. 4. Eore. 5. Middle. The total price charged for the above resulting cuts shall not exceed by more than a sum at the rate of 2*. per cwt. the maximum price for the whole side. The Second Schedule. Phocess Charges. Description of Bacon or Hams operated on. Result of Operations. Permitted Per- centage. New York Shoulders New York Shoulders New York Shoulders Square Shoulders ... Square Shoulders ... Cumberland Cut Side Cumberland Cut Side Long Clear Long Clear A.C. Ham A.C. Ham or skinless A.C. Ham or skinless Long Cut Ham Gammonless Side ... Wiltshire Cut Side... Wiltshire Cut Side... Picnics A/C, M/C or Scotch Hams. Long Cut Hams New York Shoulders Square Shoulders ... Rib in Backs Bellies Wiltshire Cut Sides Cumberland Cut Bides Long Ribs Dublin Cut Shankless, boneless, rolled Shank bone in, rolled Boneless, rolled Shank bone in, rolled Shankless, boneless, rolled Boneless, rolled Rolled, skinless Boneless, rolled Boneless, rolled, skinless Boneless, rolled, skinless Boneless, rolled Shank bone in, rolled Shank bone in, rolled Boneless, rolled Boneless, rolled Boneless, rolled, skinless Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked Stove dried or smoked 5 Green I Smoked 5 Green \ Smoked I Green \ Smoked j Green ( Smoked I Green \ Smoked f Green \ Smoked Green ( Green \ Smoked Green Green 5 Green \ Smoked 5 Green ( Smoked ( Green ( Smoked I Green ( Smoked j Green I Smoked Green 21 33 13 25 16 28 11 21 16 25 13 22 22 7 15 13 21 14 22 11 20 11 20 12 20 12 20 26 14 11 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. 61 In each case the smn to be added in respect of a process charge is to be ascertained by applying the relevant percentage to the total of (i) The actual price paid for the side or cut operated on ; (ii) The transport charges to the factory of such side or cut not included in such price. When the process is carried out by the Importer the maximum • first hand price shall be substituted for the price paid. In calculating percentages, if it is found that the result con- tains a sum in pence greater than ^d., this shall be charged as« Is. ; if less than Qd. it shall be ignored. A level 6cZ. will stand good . A Wiltshire Cut Side or Cumberland Cut Side may be divided as follows : — Middle Gammon Fore Three-quarter Side (without Fore End) .. Spencer (without Gammon) Streak ... ... ... ... Eib in Back ... ... ... Gam The total price charged for the above resulting cuts shall not exceed by more than a sum at the rate of 2^. per cwt. the maxi- mum price for the whole side. Third Schedule. {^) Maximum prices to be charged on a sale of lard by an importer of imported lard, by a manufacturer of English, Scottish or Irish lard, and by a refiner of raw or unrefined lard which has been refined by him in the United Kingdom. Part I. Sale by an Importer of Imported Lard. U .S.A., Canadian, or Argentine Lard. Pails (refined) Boxes (refined) Tierces or other packages (refined) ... Tierces or other packages (raw or unrefined) Other Imported Lard. Pails (refined) Boxes (refined) Tierces or other packages (refined) Tierces or other packages (raw or unrefined) . . . (a) Variation in Prices of Lard. — See Notices of February 2 and March 8, 1918, printed pp. 64, 65. Per cwt. ex P s. d. 136 3 135 135 135 133 3 132 132 132 62 Bacon, Hams and Lard {Distribution) Order, 1917. Part II. Sale by a Manufacturer of English, Scottish, and Irish Lard. English and Scottish Lard. Per cwt. ex Factory. s. d. In J-lb., 1-lb. or 2-lb. packets, or in bladders ... 152 In tierces, half-barrels, kiels, 56-lb. blocks or otber packages ... ... ... ... 150 Irish Lard. In J-lb., 1-lb. or 2-lb. packets, or in bladders ... 150 In tierces, half -barrels, kiels, 56-lb. blocks or other packages ... ... ... ... 148 Part III. Sales by a Refiner of Imported raw or un-refined lard, which has been refined by him in the United Kingdom. Lard imported as raw or unrefined lard from U.S.A., Canada or Argentine and refined in the United Kingdom. Per cwt. ex factory. In J lb., 1 lb. or 2 lb. packets, or in bladders 145s. In tierces, half barrels, 56 lb. blocks or other packages ... ... ... ... 143^. Lard imported as raw or unrefined lard from other conntriea and refined in the United Kingdom. Per cwt. ex factory. In J lb., 1 lb. or 2 lb. packets, or in bladders 142^. In tierces, half barrels, kiels or other packages ... ... ... ... .^. 140^. All prices to include packages. Form* of application may be prescribed. The Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 1917. Dated November 24, 1917. 1917. 1201. • In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the pur- ix)se of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with, bacon hams or lard proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller. Any such form or document may contain instrue- tions to be observed as to the completion of the form or any other matter. (6) The Food Controller may from time to time issue direc- tions relating to the distribution, disposal and use of any such bacon, hams or lard. Authorisation under Bacon, Hain and Lard {Provisional Prices) 63 Order, 1917. 2. All persons concerned sliall in the completion of any such Completion form or document and in the distribution, disposal or use of any of forms of ffuch bacon, hams or lard comply with the instructions and application, directions relative thereto for the time being in force. 3. A person shall not : — ^^^^ «*^^- {a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with, any such bacon, hams or lard. (6) Forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document. (c) Personate, or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies. {d) Obtain any such bacon, hams or lard where any state- ment made on the relative application is false in any material particular, or deliver the same under any such application where he has reason to' believe that any statement in such application is false in a material particular. 4. Any form of application or other document purporting to be Prescribed prescribed pursuant to this Order, or headed '' Distribution of forms. Imported Bacon, Hams and Lard " shall, unless the contrary be proved be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Bacon, Hams and Lard (Dis- Title. tribution) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 24th November, 1917. 'Authorisation, dated December 13, 1917, under the Bacx)n, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, to the Food Control Committee for Ireland. 1917. No. 1292. The Food Controller hereby authorises the Food Control Committee appointed by him for Ireland to license persons in Ireland as secondary wholesalers for the purposes of the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917 (Clause 15) (a). By Order of the Food Controller. W , H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th December, 1917. (a) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917.— Clause 15 of that Order is printed p. 55. 64 Returns of bacon and ham cured during the year 1917. Prescribed forms. Sxceptions. Penalty. Title of Order. Bacon and Ham, Curers {Returns) Order, 1917 ; Notice under Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. The Bacon and Ham Curers (Returns) Order, 1917. Dated December 21, 1917. 1917. No. 1313. In exercise of the powers conferred upon liim by th« Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other jjowers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, ^^cept under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Every person who during the calendar year 1917 cured any bacon or hams, shall on or before the 10th January, 1918, furnish to the Food Controller a return giving particulars of the bacon and hams cured by him during such year, and shall thereafter furnish such information concerning bacon and ham cured by him as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller. 2. The return shall be made on forms prescribed by the Food Controller to be obtained from and when completed to be returned to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Statistical Branch), Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I. 3. No returns shall be required from {a) any person in relation to bacon or ham cured by him for his own domestic consumption ; or (6) any person who during the calendar year 1917 has not cured more than 20 cwts. of bacon and hams. 4. Failure to make a return in accordance with this Order or the making of a false return is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Bacon and Ham Curers (Returns) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st December, 1917. Notice, dated February 2, 1918, under the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1918, No. 124. Pursuant to Clause (1) of the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Pro- visional Prices) Order, 1917, (l>) the Food Controller hereby pre- scribes that on and after the 2nd February, 1918, until further (a) Revocation. — This Notice was revoked as to Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 69. (b) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 51. Notice under Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, Q5 1917. notice, the maximum first hand prices for lard of the descrip- tions mentioned in the Schedule shall be prices at the rates specified in the Schedule. The maximum first hand prices for all other lard are unaltered. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd February, 1918. The Schedule. Sale by an Importer of Imported Lard. Rate per cict. U.S.A. or Canadian Lard. ex Port. Pails (Refined) 152^. Boxes (Refined) 152^. Tierces or other Packages (Refined) ... 152^. Tierces or other Packages (Raw or Un- refined) 1495. 6rf. All prices to include packages. Notice, dated March 8, 1918, under the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. (aj) 1918, No. 292. Pursuont to Clause (1) of the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Pio- visional Prices) Order, 1917, (b) the Food Controller hereby gives notice that on and after the 8th March, 1918, until further notice, the maximum first hand prices prescribed for lard of the descrip- tions mentioned in the Schedule to this Notice shall be prices at the rates specified in such Schedule. The maximum first hand prices for all other lard are unaltered. By Order of the Food Controller. W . II. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8th March, 1918. (a) Revocation. — This notice was revoked as to Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 69. ' (b) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 51. 5780 C 66 Bacon {Prohibition of Export) Order ^ 1918 The Schedule. Sales by a Refinee, of Imported Raw or Unrefined Lard WHICH HAS BEEN REFINED BY HIM IN THE UnITED KiNGDOM. Lard iTnported as Raw or Unrefined from U.S.A., Argentine or Canada, and Refined in the United. Kingdom. Per cwt. ex factory. On the occasion of a sale direct to a retailer of lard 1565. On tlie occasion of anj?^ other sale ... ... ... 152^. The above prices apply to sales in any kind of package whatever and include packages. The Pig and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated March 20, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 10 (*'' Meat, Cattle and Eggs ") (p. 329), prohibits the export from Ireland of any bacon, ham or lard.] The Bacon (Prohibition of Export) Order, 1918. Dated April 10, 1918. 1918, No. 409. In exercise of the poweis conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, a person shall not until further notice send, ship or consign any carcase or part of a carcase of a pig or any bacon, ham, lard or other pig product from any part of Great Britain to any destination in Ireland. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Bacon (Prohibition cf Export) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. lOth April, 1918. Bacon ^ Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order ^ 1917, 67 Aviendvient Order, 1918. The Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. Amendment Order, 1918. Dated April 17, 1918. (a-) 1918, No. 448. In exercise of the powers conferred, upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Eood .Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Pursuant to Clause 1 of the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Pro- S. R. & 0., visional Prices) Order, 1917, (b) the Food Controller hereby pre- ^o- 1180 of scribes that on and after the 17th Apiil, 1918, until further ^^^^• notice, the maximum first hand prices for bacon, ham and lard of the descriptions mentioned in the first schedule hereto shall be prices at the rates specified in the first schedule and the maximum first hand prices for |)acon and ham of the description mentioned in the second schedule herato shall be prices at the rates specified in the second schedule. 2. (a) A person shall not after the 20th April, 1918, prepare for sale or after the 11th May, 1918, sell or buy except on the occasion of a retail sale any bacon or ham cured or manufactured in the United Kingdom in any cut not mentioned in the first schedule to this Order. (h) This clause shall not prevent the completion of the preparation for sale of anv bacon or ham in course of preparation on the 20th April, 1918. " 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Bncon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 19J3. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th April, 1918. (a) Revocation. — This Order was revoked as to Great Britain by Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 69, (b) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 51. 5789 C 2 6? Bacon, Ham and Lard {Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amend- ment Order, 1918. The First Schedule. Sales by curer or manufacturer of Bacon or Ham (cured or manufactured in any part of the United Kingdom). Wiltshire cut sides : green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... A Wiltshire Cut Side may be divided and sold by turers or Curers as follows: — Fore-end, cut to include one rib bone: green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Gammon : green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Middle, or Middle and Gammon, the fore-end being cut off to include one rib bone : green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Country Cut Sides: green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Special sides, Birmingham Style: green ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Ayrshire Rolled Bacon : skin off ... Long Clear Middles and Dried Irish Rolls: pale dried or smoked ... Hams, manufactured or cured in Long or short cut : greeu ex salt ... pale dried or smoked ... Hams manufactured or cured in Ireland. Long cut dried. Knobs off: Trimmed pale or smoked ...- per cwt. 1885. 1985. manufac- per cwt. 1665. 1765. 1965. 2065. 1965. 2065. 1835. 1935. 2135. 2215. 2215. 2105. Great Britain. 1865. 1935. 2115. Sale by a Manufacturer of English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh Lard : In any kind of package ... ... ... 1625. Note. — All prices are ex factory and include packages. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. 69 The Second Schedule. Sales by curer or manufacturer of Bacon or Ham (cured or manufactured in any part of tlie United Kingdom). per cwt. r green ex salt .. . ... 188^. Cumberland Cut sides | ^^^^ ^^:^^^ ^^ smoked. . 198*. Staffordshire sides Country Cured Middles Home Cured clear Bellies (drafts) Home Cured Bellies — rib in ... Shoulder JBellies _. .,-,,-• 1 n r green ex salt .. . ... !f965. Limerick Middles \ ^^^^ ^^i^^ ^^ smoked. . 206.. T . X r^ f green ex salt .. . ... 166.. Irish Gams j p^^^ ^^-^^ ^^ smoked, . 176.. Long Clear Backs ... ... i Long Clear Bellies ^ pale dried or smoked.. 210.. Short Clear Bellies ... ... ) Note. — All prices are ex factory and include packages. green ex salt .. . ... 213s. ' pale dried or smoked.. 221s. The Bacox, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 26th June, 1918. 1918. No. 766. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controllel* hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy Sales not to or offer to buy any bacon, ham or lard, at prices exceeding the ^® above maximum prices provided by or by notice under this Order. ^.-^^ (b) Until further notice the maximum prices shall be as Maximum follows:— P^^^«- (i) On the occasion of a sale of imported bacon, ham or lard by an appointed importer to an appointed wholesaler, prices at the rate set out in column " A " of the First Schedule ; (ii) On the occasion of a sale of imported bacon, ham or lard by an appointed importer to a person other than an appointed wholesaler, prices at the rate set out in column *' B " of the First Schedule ; (iii) On the occasion of a sale of any bacon, ham or lard which is not a sale by retail and also is not a sale to which sub-clause (i) or (ii) applies, prices at the rate set out in the Second Schedule ; 5789 C 3 70 Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Delivery included iii price in First and Second Schedules. Terms of payment under First and Second Schedules. Permitted charge for wrappers on certain sales. Terms on retail sales. (iv) On the occasion of a sale by retail, prices at the rate set out in the Third Schedule, except that where not less than 28 lbs. of bacon and ham (taken together) or not less than 7 lbs. vf lard is sold by retail to any one person at one sale^ to be delivered in any one week ending on a Saturday, such prices shall be reduced by Id. per lb. in the case of bacon and ham, and by \d. a lb. in the case o- lard. 2. The maximum prices prescribed under the First and Second Schedules are fixed on the basis that the cost of delivery to the buyer's premises is included in the price, and no sales to which these Schedules apply shall be made on any other basis. • 3. {a) On the occasion of a sale to which the First or Second Schedule applies the terms of sale shall be at the seller's option either : — (i) Payment before delivery, with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for two months. (ii) Payment within 7 days of date of invoice, with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for two months. (iii) Payment after 7 days of date of invoice with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the unexpired portion of 2 months and 3 days from date of invoice. (5) For the purposes of this clause '' date of invoice " shall mean — (i) where the goods in question are despatched by an appointed importer from the quay direct to the premises of the buyer, the date borne by the invoice not being a date earlier than the average date between the commence- ment and completion of their unloading from the ship ; and (ii) in any other case the date of despatch of the goods to the buyer, or the date borne by the invoice, whichever shall be the later, .excepting in cases where goods are detained pending buyer's instructions, in which case it shall mean the date when the goods were ready for despatch to the buyer. 4. Where on the occasion of a sale other than (a) a sale by an appointed importer or (b) a sale in original packages as imported or (c) a sale by retail the seller provides wrappers or other packing materials, the cost of the same may be charged to the buyer in addition to the prices prescribed under this Order; provided that such cost shall be shown separately on the invoice and shall be refunded in full to the buyer on his returning the wrappers or packing materials to the seller in good condition. 5. On the occasion of a sale to which the Third Schedule of the Order applies : — (a) the cost of suitable wrappings or packages is included in the price. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. 7J. (h) Where delivery is made at the request of the huyer other- wise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding ^d. per lb., or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. (c) No charge may be made for packing, packages or for giving credit. 6. Every person who sells bacon, liam or lard by retail shall, Retailers to so long as he has any bacon, ham or lard for sale, display display prominently at the place of sale a copy of the prescribed ^"^ maximum retail prices in a form prescribed by the Food Controller. 7. A person shall not except on the occasion of a sale by retail Prohibited sell or buy any bacon or ham ^n a cut not specified in the First or cuts and ^ Second Schedule, or on or after the 28th June, 1918, prepare Processes. for the purpose of sale any cut of bacon or ham by any process not specified against that cut in the Second Schedule, or sell or buy except on the occasion of a sale by retail any bacon or ham so prepared. 8. A person shall not in connection with any sale or disposition Fictitious or proposed sale or disposition of any bacon, ham or lard enter transactions), or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 9. Nothing in this Order shall apply to sales of bacon, ham or Exceptions, lard by a caterer for consumption as part of any meal provided by him in the ordinary course of his business as a caterer. 10. The expression *' Appointed Importer " shall mean an Interpreta- ' importer appointed by the Food Controller under ^e Bacon, Hams *^°°- and Lard (Distribution) Order, 191T,(a) or under this Order. The expression *' Appointed Wholesaler " shall mean a whole- sale dealer appointed by the Food Controller under the Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 191T,(a') or under this Order. The expression *' Bacon " shall include shoulders, picnics and bath chaps, but shall not include pickled pork or cured pigs' heads. The expression '* Lard '' shall not include neutral lard or compound. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulatidns. 12. The Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, as subsequently amended and the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, (b) and all licences issued thereunder shall cease to apply to any sale of bacon, ham or lard if and so soon as the provisions of this Order apply thereto but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention tnereof . (a) Bacon, Hams and Lard (Distribution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 62. (b) Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917, and the Amending Orders are printed at pp. 51, 04, 65, and 67, respectively. 5789 , C 4 72 Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Commence- 13. This Order shall come into force on the 28th June, 1918, ment. except that : — (i) on the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of imported goods sold by an Appointed Importer before the 28th June, 1918, this Order shall not apply before the 12th July, 1^18; and (ii) on the occasion of a sale by retail of imported goods sold by an Appointed Importer before the 28th June, 1918, this Order shall not apply before the 26th July, 1918. (iii) on the occasion of a sale of any goods cured or manufac- tured m any part of the United Kingdom, this Order shall not, as to sales by retail apply before the 26th July, 1918 or as to other sales before the 12th July, 1918. Title 14. {a) This Order may be cited as the Bacon, Ham and Lard and extent. (Prices) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W . II. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th June, 1918. First Schedule. Maximum prices to be charged by an Appointed Importer on a sale of Imported Bacon, Ham or Lard. A. B. Oi { the occasion On the occasion of a sale to an of any other Appointed sale : — Wholesaler : — Per cwt. Per cwt. Wiltshires 176^. 6^. 1855. Cumberlands, Dublins, and Long Ribs 174^. 1825. 6d. Long Clears, Short Clear Backs and Eolling Middles 189^. 1985. Bellies, Itib in Backs, Short Ribs and Short Clears ... • 200.9. 2095. 6d. Square Shoulders 1435. 6d. 1505. Qd. New York Shoulders 140.S. 1475. Picnics 1195. 1255. 6^. Hams (except Skinless or Fatless Hamp"^ 1705. 1785. 6^. Hams (Skinless or Fatless) 1675. 1755. LARD— Refined 1685. 1635. 6^. Unrefined 1555. Qd. 1615. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. Second Schedule. Maximum prices to be charged on a sale of any Bacon, Ham or Lard which is not a sale by retail and also is not a sale of Imported Bacon, Ham or Lard by an Appointed Importer : — Wiltshires— P^r cwt. Bone in; Imported; Green ... ... •.. ••• 185^. Bone in ; Home Cured ; Green 1895. 6(i. Bone in; Pale dried or smoked ... ... ••• 199^. 6 (^Gammon Hock or Ham Hock without Shank J r Flank -J Fore hock with Shank ... ( Gammon Hock or Ham Hock with Shank {Trimmings without Bone Hocks cut close {Shanks with or without Bone ... Sheet Eibs Bones The expression '* Shoulder meat'* shall include Picnics. The expression " Shank " shall mean the small piece at the extreme end of the Shoulder or Ham or Gammon. (b) On a sale by retail of cuts of Pale dried or smoked Bacon or Ham sold whole with Bone in, the following prices to apply: — IL III. IV. VI. VIT. 25. Od. is. Sd. Is. 4:d. Is. Od. 8d. 2d. r Middle with Flank ^ y ) Long Clear, Long Clear Middle, Ayrshire f ^- \ Roll and Dried Irish Roll ^ (^Special Side, Birmingham Style Ham ... Gammon Wiltshire Side jr . Country Cut Side Cumberland Side Dublin Side Long Rib Bath Chaps TFore III. < Square Shoulder (New York Shoulder IV. Picnics ... per lb. 2s. Sd. y 2s. Od. :::} Is. Sd. Is. 6d. 76 Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. (c) On a sale by retail of Green Bacon or Ham the prices in sub-clauses (a) and (b) above to be reduced by l^d. per lb. except No. VII. of sub-clause (a). (d) (ai)On a sale by retail of Cooked Bacon or Ham the prices to apply : — Cooked Ham and other Bacon (except Shoulder meat) without Skin and without Bone Cooked Ham and other Bacon (except Shoulder meat) with Skin, but without Bone Cooked Hams (whole) with Skin and with Bone. . . Cooked Shoulder Meat (except Picnics) without Skin and without Bone ..: Cooked Shoulder Meat (except Picnics) with Skin but without Bone ... Cooked Picnics without Bone Cooked Picnics with Bone ... (e) On a sale by retail of Eefined or Home-rendered Lard the price to be per lb. I5. ^d. following per lb. 2s. IM. 2s. 2s, ^d. 2s. Qd. 2s. 2s. 1^. 4d. Od. lOd. The Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers; (Ireland) Order, 1918, dated the 29th June, 1918. 1918. No. 797. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — RegiBtra- 1- (^) ^ person shall not deal in Ireland in Bacon, Ham or tion of Lard, by wholesale, either on his own account or for the account Dealers of any other person or by retail : — (i) after the 13th July, 1918, except in, about or in con- nection with premises in respect of which he has applied for a certificate of registration as a wholesale or retail dealer in Bacon, Ham or Lard ; or (ii) after the ITth August, 1918, except in, about or in con- nection with premises in respect of which he is holder of a certificate of registration as a wholesale or retail dealer in Bacon, Ham or Lard for the time being in force granted by the Committee. But this shall not prevent a retail dealer who has duly applied or is duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business. (a) Under a Direction dated 24th July, 1918, printed at p. 79, the operation of sub-clause (d) has been postponed until further notice. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Registration of Dealers) {Ireland) Order, 1918. 77 Persons entitled to receive certificates. Upon the refusal of a certificate of registration the applicant's title, if any, to deal in Bacon, Ham or Lard shall cease. (6) A person duly entitled may receive certificates of regis- tration both as a wholesale dealer and as a retail dealer on making due application in both capacities. (c) A person registered as a Bacon Curer under the pro- visions of the Irish Pigs (Control) (Ireland) Order, 1918,(8') may be registered as a retail dealer but shall not be registered as a wholesale dealer. 2. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be Mode of made to the Secretary, Food Control Committee ior Ireland, Application. Kilworth House, Kildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be pre- scribed by the Committee and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for com- pleting the same, which statement shall be signed by the appli- cant or by his duly authorised agent, when the signature of the applicant by his authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 3. {a) A person who (or whose predecessor in business) was on the 1st March, 1918, and who now is carrying on business as a wholesale dealer or a retail dealer in Bacon, Ham or Lard, or both as a wholesale dealer and a retail dealer shall, on making application before the 13th July, 1918, be entitled to receive a certificate of registration or certificates of registration, as the case may be, in respect of the premises in, about or in connection with which such business or businesses was being carried on. (6) A person who carries on his business at more than one shop or place shall be entitled on making the proper applications to receive a separate certificate of registration in respect of each such shop or place. 4. The Committee shall not refuse a certificate of registration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the preceding clause of this Order, except in circumstances in which the Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had been already granted. 5. The Committee may, in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable to do so, grant to any other person a certificate of registration under this Order. 6. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Committee, and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine. 7. The Committee may revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Order, if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order or any regula- tion or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents ; and shall revoke such certificates if required to do so by the Food Controller. Grounds for Refusal. Power to grant new certificates. Form of certificate. Revocation of certificate (a) IiusH Pigs (Control) (Ikei^and) Order.— That Order is printed p. 322. Bacon, Ham and Lard {Registration of Deale/rs) {Ireland) Order, 1918. Inspection and Information and Duties. Register of 8. The Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom Holders of and the premises in resjject of which certificates of registration Certificates, j^^ve been granted under this Order. Transfer of 9. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection a Business. with which a certificate of registration is held or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certi- ficate of registration, to deal in Bacon, Ham or Lard, from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Committee, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 1(J. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is regis- tered accurate records as to any Bacon, Ham or Lard dealt in by him and such other matters as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the Authority of the Food Controller or the Committee, as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept, under this clause, and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions relating to his trade or business in Bacon, Ham or Lard as may be given to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require. 11. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at the premises or some one of the premises to which it relates, and every holder of a certificate of registration, shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any ofiicer or constable of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. 12. All forms of application and other documents, instructions and directions issued, whether before or after the date of this Order, by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee purporting to be issued under this Order or headed " Bacon, Ham and Lard (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918," and all applications made upon any such form and all acts to be done pursuant to any such instructions and direc- tions shall be deemed respectively to have been issued, made and done under and pursuant to this Order. Interpre- 13. For the purposes of this Order '^ Committee " shall mean tation. the Food Control Committee for Ireland appointed by the Food Controller. Exception. 14. The provisions of this Order shall not apply to : — Sales by retail of cooked Bacon or Ham by a person in the ordinary course of his trade. Penalty. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Custody and production of certificate. Forms, &c., already issued, to be dated. Direction under Bacon, Ham and Lard {Prices) Order, 1918. 79 16. (a) This Order may be cited as the Bacon, Ham and Lard Title and (Eegistration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. ^^^l^"^ ^^ (b) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th June, 1918. Rationing Order, 1918, Dated July 17th, 1918. [This Order printed in Group 14-A- ('"^ Rationing Schemes ") p. 522), prescribes Meat to be a Rationed Food. Direction, dated 24th July, 1918, under the Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918. 1918, No. 922. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby directs that the opera- tion of sub-clause (d) of the Tiiird Sehedule(a) of the above Order g j^ ^ q (which fixes maximum retail prices for cooked Bacon and Ham) No. 766 of shall be postponed until further notice. 1918. By Order of thft Food Controller, W. II. Beveridge, Second Secretary to tine Ministry of Food. 24th July, 1918. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham; and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918, under THE Rationing Order, l918. [These directions are printed in Group 14a. ("Rationing Schemes ") (p. 540.)] Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated the 29tk July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These directions are printed in Group 14a. ("Rationing Schemes '^ (p. 546).] (a) Sub-clause {d) of the Third Schedule of the Order is printed p. 76. 80 Order requisitioning Burmah Peas and Beans. 2. Beans, Peas and Pulse. Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917, p, 81. Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, p, 82. Greneral Licence thereunder (Peas in Packages), p. 81^. General Licence thereunder (Seed Beans and Peas), p. 84. Burmah Peas and Beans, Order requisitioning, p. 80. Damaged Grain, Seeds, and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 84. Feeding of Game Order, 1917, /?. 80. Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918, /?. 84. Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917, as amended,/?. 84. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, p. 84. The Feeding of Game Order, 1917. Dated January 11, 1917. [This Order, printed in Group 3 ('* Bread, Flour and Cereals '') (p. 88), prohibits the feeding of pulse, &c., to game birds.] Order of the Food Controller, dated May 1, 1917, requi- sitioning certain Burmah Peas and Beans. (a) In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — (1) The original consigness of all Burmah peas and beans for which tonnage has been or may be engaged or allo- cated, and which have not arrived at the date of this Order and which shall arrive in the United Kingdom, shall place and hold such peas and beans at the dis- posal of the Food Controller : (2) The peas and beans are taken over by the Food Con- troller from the original consignees, at the price, for Rangoon hand-picked white beans, of £37 per ton nett delivered weight in bags c.i.f. to the United Kingdom, including war risk with customary trade conditions as set out in the Burmah bean contract of the London Rice Brokers' Association. All other varieties of beans and the peas are taken over at corresponding prices but otherwise on the same terms : (3) Except as otherwise determined by the Food Controller in any particular case, all contracts for sale of any such peas or beans made by the original consignees or any persons claiming under them are cancelled, and sellers and /or buyers are to stand released from all liability as to brokerage : (a) Application OF Order to Original Consignees.— This is provided for by the Defence of the Realm (Beans, Peas and Pulse Orders) Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5. c. 12). Beans, Feas and Pulse {Requisition) Order, 1917. 81 (4) Tlie original consignees are required to furnish the Food Controller on or before the Tth May, 1917, with full particulars of tonnage engaged or allocated for Burmah peas or beans and such other particulars as may from time to time be required : (5) The expression '' original consignees " shall mean the shipper or the person to whom the peas or beans have been or may be originally consigned. Devowport, Food Controller. 1st May, 1917. The Beans, Peas and Pulse (Eequisition) Order, 1917. Dated May 16, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 457. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. All persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any beans, peas or pulse suitable for human food which have arrived in the United Kingdom or which shall hereafter arrive (except beans, peas and pulse arrived which have been sold by the original consignees and paid for by the purchasers) shall place and hold such beans, Deas and pulse at the disposal of the Food Controller. 2. The beans, peas and pulse are taken over by the Food Con- troller from the original consignees and the Food Controller will subsequently communicate to them the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 3. Except as otherwise determined by the Food Controller in any particular case all contracts made by the original consignees or any persons claiming under them for the sale of any beans, peas and pulse taken over under this Order are cancelled, and sellers and /or buyers are to stand released from all liability as to brokerage. 4. The arbitrator to determine in default of Agreement the compensation to be paid for stocks requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chief Justice of England. 5. The original consignees shall on or before the 21st May, 1917, furnish to the Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, Trafalgar House, Waterloo Place, S.W.I, full particulars of all beans, peas and pulse taken over under this Order. (a) Application of Order to original Consignees. — This is pro- vided for by the Defence of the Realm (Beans, Peas and Pulse Orders) Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5. c. 12). 82 Beans J Peas and Pulse {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. 6. This Order shall apply to all peas, beans and pulse imported or to be imported into the United Kingdom except as mentioned above and except Bnrmah peas and beans taken over by the Food Controller under an Order in that behalf dated Ist May, 1917. (a) 7. This Order may be cited as the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Requisition) Order, 1917. Devonporti Food Controller. 16th May, 1917. The Beans, Peas and Pulse (^tail Prices) Order, 1917. Dated May 29, 1917. 1917. No. 511. Maximum prices f or beans, peas and pulse. Packages. Method of sale and use. Fictitious transactions. Penalty. Title of Order. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy by retail any beans, peas or pulse of the descriptions mentioned in the Schedule at prices exceeding the prices applicable as therein specified. (b) 2. The maximum price shall include all charges for bags and other packages and no additional charge may be made therefor. 3. All such peas, beans and pulse shall be sold by weight only and shall be used only for human consumption. 4. No person shall in connection with a sale or proposed sale of any article to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or unreasonable transaction or make or propose to make any unreasonable charge. 6. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a com- pany every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. 6. This Order may toe cited as the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. Devonporty Food Controller. (a) Order as to Burmah Peas and Beans. — That Order is printed p. 80. (b) Sale of Beans and Peas at Prices Exceeding Maxima. — By the Controller's General Licence of August 14, 1917 (p. 83) the sale by retail in packages of peas to which the May Order applies at prices exceeding those permitted by that Order was authorised, and by General Licence of January 31, 1918 (p. 84), the sale of seed beans and peas at prices exceeding those per- mitted by the Order was authorised. Beans, Peas and Pulse {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. General Licence under Beans, Peas and Pulse {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. Schedule. 83 Until June During On and after 30th, 1917. July, 1917. August, 1917. ' per lb. per lb. per lb. Large Butter Beans lOd. U. M. White Haricot Beans M. Id. 6d. Coloured Haricot Beans Ihd. 6M. bid. Blue and Green Peas (Whole and M. M. M. Split). Large Manufactured Lentils M. U. M. Small Manufactured Lentils Id. Id. Id. Yellow Split Peas M. M. 6d • General Licence, dated August 14, 1917, under the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Eetail Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1917, No. 823. The Food Controller hereby authorises, until further notice, the sale and purchase by retail in packages of peas to which the above Order applies, subject to the following conditions: — 1. The package may contain only peas and a bag of cooking requisites, and no packets shall be sold except packets of the approximate gross weight of 1 lb., | lb., or J lb. 2. There shall be plainly printed on the outside of the package the name of the person by or for whom it was packed, the month in which it was packed, the gross weight of the packet and the net weight of the peas. 3. A 1 lb. (gross weight) packet may be sold at a price not exceeding S)d., provided that the net weight of the peas is not less than 14J ozs. 4. A i lb. (gross weight) packet may be sold at a price not exceeding GJtZ., provided that the net weight of the peas is not less than lOf ozs. 5. A J lb. (gross weight) packet may be sold at a price not exceeding 4j6?., provided that the net weight of the peas is not less than 6| ozs. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. August 14th, 1917. (a) Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. is printed p. 82. -That Order 84 General Licence under Beans, Peas and Pulse {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. The Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. Dated November 17, 1917, as amended by Amending Order of May 13, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 3 {[' Bread, Flour and Cereals ") (p. 112), relates, inter alia, to beans and pulse.] The Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (pRiCEs) Order, 1917. Dated November 17, 1917, as amended by Order of May 10, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 3 (" Bread, Flour and Cereals '') (p. 116), applies also to damaged pulse.] General Licence, dated January 31, 1918, under the Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1918. No. 113. The Fond Controller hereby authorises until further notice, the sale and purchase specifically for seed purposes of Beans and Peas whether Home Grown oi Imported at prices in excess of the prices permitted by the above Order but subject to compliance with the provisions of the Testing of Seeds Order, 1917. (b) By Order of the Food Controller. W, H. Beveridge, . Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st January, 1918. The Horses (Eationing) Order, 1918. Dated April 10, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 3 ('' Bread, Flour and Cereals '') (p. 164), restricts the feeding of beans to horses.] The Testing of Seeds Order, * 1918. Dated June 17, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 15 ('' Seeds and Nuts ") (p. 553), relates, inter alia, to pea and bean seeds.] (a) Beans, Peas and Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 82. , ^ , , -, i m .- (b) Testing of Seeds Order, 1917.- -That Order was revoked by 1 esting of Seeds Order, 1918, which is printed in Group 15 ("Seeds and Nuts"). Beehive Section XMaximum Prwes) Order, 1918. 85 2^- Beehive Section. The Beehive Section (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. THE 10th May, 1918. Dated Maximum Prices. Sale of j Bee- hive sections by wholesale and retail. Charges. 1918. 1^0. 521. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons cgncerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 13th May, 1918, #ell or ofEer to expose for sale or buy or offer to buy 1 lb. beehive sections of a description or quality set out in the schedules to this Order at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable thereto according to the provisions of this Order. 2. The maximum prices shall be as follows : — (a) On the occasion of a wholesale sale at the rates set out in the First Schedule to this Order; and (6) On the occasion of a retail sale at the rates set out in the Second Schedule to this Order. 3. On the occasion of any sale: — (a) No charge may be made for boxes, packages, or packing or for giving credit ; •(6) The price is a price ex seller's premises, and all cost of transport from such premises shall be for tae buyer's account. 4. A person shall not in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any beehive sections to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or dem.and any unreasonable charge. 5. For the purposes of this Order : — The expression " wholesale sale " shall mean the sale of any quantity to a person buying for the purpose of re-sale. The expression *' retail sale '' shall mean any sale other than a wholesale sale. fi. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infrin^e- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ments, 7. This Order may be cited as the Beehive Section (Maximum Title. Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Offers. Interprets tion. 10th May, 1918. 86 Beehive Section {2laxiinuin Prices) Order, 1918. First Schedule. Maximum Prices on Wholesale Sales. Columii 1. Description of beehive sections — First quality : Split top Grooved 3 sides and split 41 h side Second quality : Split top Grooved 3 sides and split 4tli side Column 2. Maximum prices Eate per 1,000. s. d. 43 9 45 9 42 43 9 Second Schedule. Maximum Pkices on Retail Sales. Column 1. Column 2. Maximum Prices. Where number sold is : — Description of Beehive 60 or over 100 or over 600 or over Sections. 49 or less but less than but less than but less than 1000 or over at the rate 100, at the 500, at the 1000, at the at the rate per 26 of rate per rate per rate per per 1,000 of 50 of 100 of 500 of First Quality s. d. s. d. s. d. 1 s. d. s. d. Split top 1 7 3 5 6 , 25 6 50 Grooved 3 sides and split 4th side 1 9 3 3 6 26 6 52 Second Quality i Split top 1 6 2 11 5 4 24 6 48 Grooved 3 sides and split 4th i side 3 2 5 10 25 6 50 List of *' Bread, Flour and Cereals " Orderi 3. Bread, Flour and Cereals.(a)(b) Barley (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918, ;9. 151. Barley (Kequisition) Order, 1917, j9. 93. Barley (Requisition) Order, 1918, yj. 163. Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917, />. 108. Bread Order, 191:5, p. 168. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 121. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918,;?. 159. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917,;?. 94. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917, p. 122. Cattle Feeding Stuff's (Licensing) Order, 1918,;?. 135. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 143. General Licence thereunder (Imported Millers' Offals — charge for sacks) p. 167. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918, p. 128. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 131. Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 116. Dealings in Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917, p. 102. Deer (Restriction of Feeding) Order, 191 8, p. 130. Dredge Corn Order, 1917, p. 119. Feeding of Game Order, 1917, jo. 88. Flour (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918,/?. 155. Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 109. . General Licence thereunder (Charge for Flour Bags), p. 129. Licence thereunder (Prices of loaves of bread sold in Dublin), p. 172. Flour and Bread (Registration) Order, 1918, as amended, ;;. 160. Flour Mills Order, 1917,^9. 98. Flour Mills Order No. 2, 1917, jo. 104. Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smoking) Order, 1918, p. 155. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 154. Grain (Prices) Order, 1917 (Grain of 1917), as amended, p. 105. Growing Grain Crops Order, 1918, p. 163. Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917, as amended, p. 112. General Licence thereunder (Constituents of Mixtures), p. 130. General Licence thereunder (Bags for Poultry Mixtures), ;:>. 141. Horses (Rationing) Order 1918, ja. 164. Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917,/?. 99. Manufacture 'of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917, p. 89'. Directions thereunder (Sale and use of Imported Flour), /?. 120. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3), 1917, p. 92. Oat and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, /?. 100. [See next page^ (a) Orders as to Malt and Malting. — These Orders are printed in group 4, (" Brewing, Malting and Intoxicating Liquors,") pp. 173-200. (b) Use of Grain or Rice for Manufacture of Spirits.— Regula- tion 30d of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, printed in Part YIII of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 408, prohibits the use of Grain or Rice in the Manufacture of Whiskey, &c., without a permit from the Minister of Munitions. Further restrictions on the use of Grain and Rice are imposed by the Food Controller's Orders, printed in this Group 3. 88 Feeding of Game Order, 1917. Oat and Maize Products (Retail Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 103. Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918,;?. 141. Oats Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1918,^9. 152. Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order. 1918, p, 133. Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 132. Rice (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, as amended, /?. 134. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, ;?. 172. Wheat, Barley and Oats (Prices) Order, 1917 (Grain of 1916), p. 92. Wheat (Channel Islands and Isle of Man Export) Order, 1917, p,\l2. Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917, />. 97. The Feeding of Game Order, 1917. Dated January 11, 1917, 1917. No. 66. No grain lo be fed to game birds. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Short Title and Com- mencement of Order. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulation 1914, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller orders as follows : — 1. Except under the authority of the Pood Controller, no person shall feed any game birds with any wheat, pulse or other grain or foodstuffs. 2. Any person acting in contravention of this Order is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. Por the purposes of this Order, the expression '*game birds" shall include pheasants, partridges, quail, and wild duck. 4. — (1) This Order may be cited as the Feeding of Game Order, 1917. (2) This Order shall come into force on the 15th day of January, 1917. 11th January, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. 89 Thf Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. Dated February 24, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 187. from wheat. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no All wheaten person shall manufacture any wheaten flour other than a straight ^,°"F *° ^® run flour. ' ^^'^f "" 2. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no Percentage person shall after 12th March, 1917, mill any wheat so that of flour to the percentage of the extract of flour obtained from the cleaned ^®„^*^i^_^^ wheat ground in his mill during any month or other period is less than the percentage (hereinafter called the prescribed per- centage) ascertained on the basis of the percentages set forth in the Schedule hereto, or such other percentages as the Foorl Controller may from time to time prescribe. Provided always that the following adjustments shall be made in ascertaining the prescribed percentage : — (i) The percentage applicable to any Argentine wheat shall be increased by J per cent, in respect of each J lb. by which the actual bushel weight of the Argentine wheat milled shall exceed the bushel weight specified as applicable thereto and shall be decreased by J per cent, in respect of each J lb. by which the actual bushel weight shall be less than the bushel weight so specified. (ii) In any case where the total product of the mill in question is obtained exclusively from English, Scotch and Irish wheat or any of them the percentage shall be less by one than the percentage otherwise applicable. 3. — (a) Except under the authority of the Food Controller Mixtures, there shall, after the 12th March, 1917, (b) be mixed with the wheaten flour not more than lS(b) per cent, and not less than d(b)per cent, of flour obtained from rice, barley, maize, maize semolina, oats, rye or beans or any other cereal for the time being authorised by the Food Controller. (a) Samples of Flour.— As to the power of Inspectors of Weights and Measures, to take samples of any flour m the possession of any miller or baker or seller of bread or flour, and as to piosecutiom by such Inspectors under Clause 5 of this Order, see Order of June 11, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Mixtures.— After April 10th, 1917, the mixture with the wheaten flour is to be not more than 25 and not less than 10 per cent. See The Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3), 1917, printed p. 92. 90 Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917 Imported flour. Manufacture of bread. Provision as to statutes. Penalty. Title and commence- ment of Order. (b) The mixture shall be made either by addition to the wheaten flour after it has been milled, or by milling the per- mitted cereals with wheat, or partly in one way and partly in the other way. In any case rice shall be milled to a 95 per cent, extraction, maize semolina to a 70 per cent, extraction, and maize and barley to a 60 per cent, extraction. (c) The mixture shall be made by the miller before selling or otherwise disposing of his flour. 4. Imported flour shall be dealt with only in manner pre- scribed by the Food Controllei' from time to time. (a) 5. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no person shall after the 26th March, 1917, sell or offer for sale or manu- facture bread or any other article of food for which wheaten flour is used unless the wheaten flour used therein is flour which has been manufactured and otherwise dealt with as required by this Order, (b) § 6. For the purpose of any statute, wheaten flour which has been mixed with flour obtained from rice, barley, maize, maize semolina, oats, rye, beans, in manner provided by this Order or has been otherwise mixed in manner authorised by the Food Controller, and does not contain any other ingredient, shall be deemed to be exclusively composed of wheaten flour, (b) 7. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing aiiything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a company every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a suimnary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. (o) 8. This Order may be cited as the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. 24th February, 1917. Devonporty Food Controller. (a) Sale and Use of Imported FLOUii.—See Directions, dated Nov. 27, rjl7, of the Controller, printed p. 120, which permit Imported Flour to be mixed with flour milled and mixed in the United Kingdom, subject to the following restrictions, viz. : — The proportion of imported tlour in the mixture shall not exceed 25 per cent, except (a) when sold by retail [in Scotland or (6) when used in Scotland for some purpose other than the manufacture of biscuits intended for wholesale sale, in which cases tjae proportion shall not exceed 50 per cent, 'r (b) Wheaten Flour. — The Bread Acts which are referred to in footnote (b), p. 168, to Clause 2 of the Bread Order, 1918, prohibited the admixture with wheaten flour of any ingredients, and the Sale of Food and Drug Acts impose penalties on the adulteration of flour. (c) Liability of Directors, &c., of Company.— Heg. 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (printed in Part IX, 4. " Miscellaneous Provisions as to Offences," p. 483 of the " Food (Snpply and Production) Manual "), which was added to the Code since this Order was made, provides that directors and officers shall be liable for offences by their corporation or company. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. Schedule, 91 Description of Wheat. Choice Bombay ... ... Australian Blue Stem Walla Walla (White and Eed) Chilian New Zealand English Scotch Irish No. 2 Club Calcutta ' Choice White Kurrachee Soft Eed Kurrachee ... Rosafe 62 lbs. ... Baril 61i lbs Barletta Russo 61^ lbs. No. 1 Hard Manitoba ... No. 1 Northern Manitoba No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 ditto ditto ditto. Commercial Grade ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Special Commercial Grade ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. No. 1 Hard and Montana Winter (1916) No. 2 Hard Winter (Chicago or Atlantic) Grading (1916) No 2 Hard W^inter (Gulf Inspection) (1916) No. 2 Red Winter (Western) (1916).. No. 2 ditto. (Seaboard Inspection) (1916) Steamer Grade Winters (1916) Red Winters. All other Grades (1916) Canadian Winters, Red or White No. 2 Chicago Spring (1915) Durum ... Japanese... Feed Wheat, Manitoba (1916) Percentage. 83 83 81i 80i 80 81 81 80 81 80 80 80 78 78 78 81 80 78 76 75 72 67 70 63 53 82 81 80 81 80 79 81 80 77 77 79 43 92 Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3), 1917; Wheat, Barley and Oats (Prices) Order, 1917. The Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3), 191T. Dated April 4, 191T.(a) 1917. No. 315. In exercise of the powers conferred ui)on iiim by Regulations 2f and 2j of the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2) 1917 (hereinafter called the principal order) (b) shall be varied as follows: — 1. In lieu of the mixtures mentioned in Article 3 (a) of the principal order, there shall after the 10th April 1917 be mixed with the wheaten flour therein referred to, not more than 25 per cent, and not less than 10 per cent, of flour obtained from the cereals mentioned in such article, and the principal Order shall stand varied accordingly. 2. This Order may be cited as the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 3.) 1917. Devonport, 4th April, 1917. Food Controller. The Wheat, Barley and Oats (Prices) Order, 1917, dated Afril 16, 1917, relating to Grain Harvested in 1916.(c)(d) 1917. No. 363. . In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — Maximum 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no wheat, prices. barley (other than kiln dried barley) or oats harvested in the United Kingdom in the year 1916 may be sold at prices exceeding prices at the following rates : — Wheat — 785. per quarter of 480 lbs. Barley — 65^. per quarter of 400 lbs. Oats — 555. per quarter of 312 lbs. (a) Samples of Flour.— As to the power of Inspectors of Weights and Measures to take samples of any flour in the possession of any miller or baker or seller of bread or flour, see Order of June 11, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917 —That Order is printed p. 89. (c) Application of Order.— On April 19th it was announced that the Order would not apply prior to 26th May to bond fide sales of grain (for seed purposes) to growers. On April 30th a general permit was issued entitling wholesale dealers to add a commission of Is. per quarter to the prices in the Order and retail dealers to add a further 2s. per quarter, the price with all commissions added in no event to exceed by more than 3s. the prices in the Order. This general permit also took * the opportunity of stating the terms upon which the prices in the Order were understood to be based. The Order refers only to home grown wheat, barley and oats of the 1916 crop and excludes kiln dried barley. (d) Maximum Prices for Grain Harvested in 1917.— -See Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 105. Barley {Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended. 93 2. The buyer shall be entitled to require the grain to be placed Delivery, on rail or (at the option of the seller) to be delivered to the buyer's premises, and no additional charge may be made in respect thereof. 3. Except in so far as the Food Controller may in any par- Oootracts. ticular case otherwise determine, the following provision shall have effect in the case of any contract subsisting at the date of this Order for the sale of any of the grains mentioned where the contract price exceeds the permitted maximum price : — The contract shall stand so far as concerns any such grain which has been paid for or has been delivered or which under the contract is to be delivered within one month from the date of such contract, but otherwise shall be avoided. 4. No person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any of the Offers and grain mentioned at a price exceeding the permitted maximum conditioas. price or in connection with a sale or proposed sale of any such grain enter or offer to enter into anj' fictitious or artificial transac- tion or make any unreasonable charge. 5. If any peison acts in contravention of this Order or aids or Penalty abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a com- pany every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention toolc place without his knoivledge or consent. (^) 6. This Order may be cited as the Wheat, Barley and Oats ™e of (Prices) Order, 1917. ^'''^^'• Devonport, 16th April, 1917. Food Controller. The Barley (Requisitio]n^) Order, 1917, dated April 16, 1917, AS AMENDED BY APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS OrDER, 1918(b), DATED March 11, 1918. 1917 No. 364, as amended hy 1918 No. 294. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulations 2f and 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. All persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any barley (other than home grown barley which has not been kiln dried) shall place such barley at the disposal of the Food Controller and shall deliver the same to him or such persons as may be named by him in such quantities and at such time as the Food Controller may from time to time require. 2. Pending any direction no person shall remove or otherwise dispose of any such barley (whether in pursuance of a contract (a) Liability of Directors, &c., of Company. — See footnote (c) to Manu- facture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2\ 1917, p. 90. (b) Appoiniment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. — That Order substituted a new clause for Clause 5 of the present Order. 94 Cake and Pastry Order, 191T. existing at the date of this Order or not) and all persons concerned shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to maintain the same in good condition. 3. All persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of such barley shall on or before the 30th April, 1917, furnish to the Food Controller, Grosvenor House, Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W.l, a statement on forms to be obtained from the Eood Con- troller, giving particulars of all such barley in their possession or under their control at the date of this Order, and of all their existing? contracts if any for the sale of such barley. 4. The Eood Controller will subsequently communicate to the owners of barley taken over by him the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 6. The Arbitrator to determine in default of agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Groat Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (a) 6. This Order shall not apply (a) to persons who do not own more than 25 qrs. (448 lbs. per quarter) of barley at the date of the Order ; (&) to barley in the hands of or held to the order of flour millers at the date of this Order ; (c) to barley agreed to be sold to the Royal Commission on the Wheat Supply. 7. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a company every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. ("b) 8. This Order may be cited as the Barlev (Requisition) Order, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller, leth April, 1917. The Cake and Pastry Order, 1917. Dated April 18, 1917. (c) 1917. No. 372. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other jDOwers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders (a) Amendment of Clause 5. — This clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 294). " (b) Liability of Dieectors, &c., oi Company. — See footnote (c) to Manu- facture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917, p. 90. (c) Samples of Flour. — As to the power of Inspectors of Weights and Measures to take samples of any flour in the possession of any miller or baker or seller of bread or flour, and as to prosecutions by such -Inspectors under this Order, see Order of June 11, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917. 95 that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : — 1. No person shall after the 21st April, 1917, make or attempt Making and to make for sale, or after the 24th April, 1917, sell or offer to sell sale of cakes or have in his possession for sale:— and pastnea. (a) Any crumpet, muffin, tea cake or fancy bread, or any light or fancy pastries, or any other like article. (h) Any cake, bun, scone or biscuit, which does not conform to the requirements of the two following provisions of this Order. 2. 111 the making of any cake, bun, scoue or biscuit, no edible Added fiubstance shall be added to the exterior of the cake mixture or substances, dough after it has been mixed, or to the article during the pro- cess of or after baking. 3. Cake. — No cake shall contain more than 15 per cent, of Flour and sugar or more than 30 per cent, of wheaten flour. sugar. Bun. — No bun shall contain more than 10 per cent, of sugar or more than 50 per cent, of wheaten flour. Scone. — No scone shall contain any sugar or more than 50 per cent, of wheaten flour. Biscuit. — No biscuit shall contain more than 15 per cent, of sugar. The percentage shall be determined in every cavse by reference to the weight of the baked article taken at any time. The per- centage of sugar shall be ascertained by analysis of a sample representing a fair average of the whole article, and all sugar contained in the baked article shall be taken into account, in whatsoever form it may have been introduced. 4. The foregoing provisions of this Order shall not apply to any Exceptions, cake or biscuit proved to have been made before the 23rd April, 1917. 5. The provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts relating Warranties. to warranties and invoices shall apply to any proceedings under the fore^rning provision':; of this Order in the same way as they apply to proceedings under those Acts.(o) (a) Provisions of Sale of Food and Drugs Acts as to Warranties AND Invoices.— S. 25 of the 1875 Act (38 & 39 Yict. c. 63) provides that if a defendant in any prosecution under that Act proves that he bought the article in the same state as sold and with a warranty he shall be discharged. There must be some writing connecting the particular consignment with the warranty. A series of reported cases turn on the question as to whether an invoice amounts to a warranty and it would seem that it does so amount if it contains a state- ment guaranteeing the article, provided that it can be regarded as the actual contract of sale. S. 7 of the Margarine Act, 1887 (50 & 51 Vict., c. 52), makes provision as to warranties, and s. 12 of that Act provides for proceedings thereunder being the same as are prescribed by ss. 12 to 28 of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875. S. 20 of the 1899 Act (62 & 63 Vict. c. 51) provides that a warranty or invoice shall not be available as a defence unless the defendant sends a copy thereof to the purchaser within 7 days after service of the summons and makes further provision as to wnrranties. 96 Cake and tasiry Order ^ 1917. Inspection. Clubs. Rationing of Tea Shops. {h) Interpre- tation. Penalty. Title. 6. Any person authorised by the I<'ood Controller, and any In- spector of Weights and Measures(a) may enter upon any premises where he has reason to suspect any article is being made or sold or exposed for sale in contravention of this Order, and take Famples thereof. 7. This Order shall apply to articles made or supplied in Clubs in the same way as it applies to articles made or supplied for sale. 8. — (a) The following provision shall apply to every public eating place as defined in the Public Meals Order 1917 ivhich is excepted from that Order under clause 7 (b) thereof : — No individual customer shall be served at any meal what- soever tvhich begins between the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. with more than 2 ozs. in the ivhole of bread, cake, bun, scone and biscuit. (b) This clause shall not apply to any public eating place where : — (1) No customer is ever charged more than ^d. in respect of a Tneal {including the charge for beverages) begun between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. which does not include Tueat, fish or eggs; and (2) There is exhibited on every tariff card and also in a conspicuous position in every room ivhere meals are usually served a notice to the effect that no customer tvill be so charged. (c) This clause shall not covie into force until the 2Zrd April, 1917. 9. Por the purpose of this Order the expression ** Wheaten Flour" shall mean any flour for the time being authorised to be used in the manufacture of wheaten bread, and the expression ** sugar " shall include glucose. 10. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids and abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, thnt person is guilty of a summary ofPence ngainst the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a com- pany every director and oiji.cer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. (c) 11. This Order may be cited as the Cake and Pastry Order, 191-7. Devonport, Food Controller. 18th April, 1917. (a) Inspectors of Weights and Measures. — See footnote (a) to Clause 14 of Bread Order, 1918, p. 170. (b) Rationing op Tea Shops. — Clause 8 is superseded by the Public Meals Order, 1918, printed in Group 14 ("Public Meals"), p. 513. It is also revoked as regards Great Britain by the Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522. (c) Liability of Directors, &c., of Company. — See footnote (c) to Manu- facture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917, p. 90. Wheat, Rye, and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917. The Wheat, Rye and Eice (Restriction) Ordek, 1917. Dated April 20, 1917. 1917, No. 376. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Eood Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : — 1. — (a) No person shall use any wheat or rye except for the Wheat and purpose of seed or except in the process of manufacturing flour, -ye to be used only (b) This clause shall not apply to tailings or screenings or to ^^ ^ ^^ wheat or rye which has been so damaged as to be unsaleable for milling. 2. — (a) No person shall after the 28th April, 1917, use any Use of wheaten flour, rye flour, rice or rice flour, except in the manufac- wheafcen ture of articles suitable for human food, or use any article ^°"^' ®^^' containing any wheaten flour, rye flour, rice or rice flour except as human food. (6) This clause shall not apply to wheaten flour, rye flour, rice or rice flour which on the 28th April, 1917, had been so ' treated as to be unfit for the purposes of human food, or to any article which on the 28th April, 1917, is unfit for such purposes. 3. No person shall damage or permit to be damaged or after Dair^aging the 28th April, 1917, treat or permit to be treated any wheat, wheat, etc. wheaten flour, rye, rye flour, rice or rice flour, or any article con- taining wheaten flour, rye flour, rice or rice flour so as to render the same less fit for the purposes for which under this Order it is reserved. 4. No person shall waste or permit to be wasted any flour or other Waste, article referred to in the last preceding clause. 5. Any person authorised by the Food Controller may take Samples, samples of any wheat, wheaten flour, rye, rye flour, rice or rice flour or other article which he has reason to suspect is being used, treated or damaged or is intended to be used, treated or damaged in contravention of this Order. 6. For the purposes of this Order the expression ** Wheaten Interpreta- Flour" shall include any flour of which flour obtained froi^ wheat tion. forms part. 5789 n 98 Flour Mills Order, 1917. Revocation. Penalty. Title of Order. T. The Waste of Wheat Order 1916, and the Wheat (Eestric- tion) Order 1917 are hereby revoked(a) without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 8. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and if such person is a com^ pany every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a sumrnary ofience against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. (b) 9. This Order may be cited as the Wheat, Rye and Rice (Restriction) Order, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller. 20th April, 1917. The Flour Mills Order, 1917. Dated April 20, 1917. (c) 1917. No. 377. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regula- tion 2gg of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, which is set out at the foot of this Order,(d) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as toilows : — 1. The provisions of Regulation 2gg of the Defence of the iitealm Regulations are hereby applied as from the 30th April, 1917, to all flour mills in the IJnited Kingdom which at the date of this Order use any wheat in the making of flour except mills the output capacity of which is less than 5 sacks of flour per hour.(e) 2. This Order may be cited as the Flour Mills Order, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller 20th April, 1917. (a) Revoked Okders. — The two revoked Orders are printed at pp. 210, 212 of the February, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (b) Liability OF Directors, &c., of Company. — Manual remains unaltered. Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. 107 6. — (a) The maximuin prices under this Order are fixed on the Terms of .basis oi tile loilowing terms and conditions being applicable to the trading, transaction : — (i) Payment to be net cash within seven days of completion of delivery and monies then unpaid thereafter to carry interest not exceeding the rate of 5 per cent, per annum or Bank Rate whichever be the higher, (ii) Delivery of Grain by producer to be free on rail or barge or to Mill or Store in accordance with the usual custom of the District, (iii) Freight, haulage, porterage and cartage from the point where delivery has been or is to be made by the pro- ducer to be for the Buyer's account. (iv) All sack hire up to and including' the time of delivery to rail, barge, mill or store by producer to be for the pro- ducer's account and all charges for sacks subsequent thereto to be for buyer's utccount. (Jb) Where the grain is sold on terms or conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price, and for this purpose the cost of delivery for which the pro- ducer is liable under the above terms shall be reckoned at the rate of 6d. per ton per mile. 7. If the buyer of any Home Grown Grain sold should require Treatment the Grain bought to be mechanically treated, the cost of such ^^ grain, treatment shall be the subject of a separate agreement and shall not be made a condition of the sale. 8. No person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any of the Grain mentioned at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order or in connection with a sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any such Grain enter or offer to enter into a fictitious or artificial transaction or make any un- reasonable charge, (a) 10. No person shall after the 31st August, 1917, sell any Wheat, Eye, Oats or Barley whether imported or home-grown otherwise than by weight. 11. No person shall after the 31st August, 1917, torrefy or bleach any Wheat, Rye, Oats or Barley whether imported or home grown. 12. Where any grain is sold to a Flour Miller such grain shall be deemed to be sold to him for the purpose of his Mill until the contrary be proved. 13- For the purpose of this Order: ** Quarter " shall mean in relation to Wheat and Rye a weight of 504 lbs., and in relation to Oats a weight of 336 lbs., and in relation to Barley a weight of 448 lbs. *' Sack " shall mean half a quarter. Offer and conditions. Sales to be by weight. Grain not to be torrefied or bleached. Sales to flour millers Interpreta- tion. (a) Revocation of Clause 9. — This clause which was printed p. 88 of the April (1918) Edition of this Manual, exempted grain sold for the purpose of seed from the provisions of this Order. By Order of May 6, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 516), clause 9 was revoked as from May 15, 1918, and accordingly from that date the Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, applies also to grain suitable for seed. 108 Barley {Restriction) Order, 191' Penalty. Revocation. Title. " Recognised dealer " sliall mean a person who in the ordinary way of his business deals m Grain for the purpose of his livelihood. 14. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 15. From and after the date of this Order the 1917 Crop (Restriction) Order, 1917, shall cease to be in force except as regards potatoes(a) but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 16. This. Order may be cited as the Grain (Prices) Order, 1917. Barley to be used only for seed or flour. Use of Barley Flour and articles containing Barley Flour. Damaging Barley. 14th August, 1917 By Order of the Food Controller. U. F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food, The Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917. Dated August 15, 1917. 1917. ISTo. 821. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Fopd Controller the fol- lowing regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. — (a) No person shall on or after the 1st September, 1917, use any Barley except for the purpose of seed or except in the process of manufacturing flour. (b) This clause shall not apply to tailings or screenings or Barley which has been so damaged as to be unfit for milling. 2. — (a) No person shall on or after the 1st September, 1917, use any Barley Flour, except in the manufacture of articles suit- able for human food or use any article containing any Barley Flour except" as human food. (h) This clause shall not apply to Barley Flour which on the 1st September, 1917, had been so treated as to be unsuitable for the purpose of human food, or to any Barley Flour or any article containing Barley Flour which is or may become unfit for such purpose. 3. No person shall damage or permit to be damaged on or after 1st September, 1917, treat or permit to be treated any Barley or Barley Flour or any article containing Barley Flour so as to render tbe same less fit for the purpose for which under this Order it is reserved. 4. Any person authorised by the Food Controller and any Local Authority empowered to enforce the provisions of this Order, may take samples of any Barley or Barley Flour, or other article which he has reason to suspect is being used, treated or damoged in contravention of this Order. (a) 1917 Crop (Restrtction) Order, 1917. — The remainder of that Order WRR revoked by Clause 54 (h) of the Potatoes Order, 1917, printed in Group IS (" Potatoes and other Yegetables and Roots "), p. 472. Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, 191T, as amended. 109 5. If any question shall arise whether any Barley is so damaged Determina- as to be unfit for milling or whether any Barley Flour or article ^^^^ of containing Barley Flour is unfit for the purpose of human food ^^^ ^."^ such question may he referred to and determined by any person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or in England and AVales and Scotland by a Local Authority empowered to enforce this Order as to Barley or Barley Flour or any such article within the district of such Local Authority. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. After the 31st August, 1917, the Maize, Barley and Oat? Revocation (Restriction) Order, 1917, (a) shall cease to be m force so far as the same relates to Barley but without prejudice to any pro- ceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. 8. This Order may be cited as the Barley (Restriction) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. Infringe- ments. Title. August 15th, 1917. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. The Flour and Beead (Prices) Order, 1917, dated September 6, 1917, AS amended by the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, (b)(c) dated IS'ovember 9, 1917, AND BY THE FlOUR AND BrEAD (PrICES) OrDER, 1918, (d) DATED April 16, 1918. 1917 Xo. 937, as amended by 1917 No. 1138 and by 1918 No. 440. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Regulation 2r of the Defence of the- Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : — 1. On and after the 17th September, 1917, no flour or bread Sales not to may be sold at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable ^^„t^^Tf« under the provisions of this Order or on terms involving the """"'"""" payment of higher or other charges than those permitted under this Order. N •■■ , (a) Maize, Barley and Oats (Restriction) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 99. ' (b) Amendment made by the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917.— That Order, which is printed in Part III of thi& Manual, added at the end of Clause 6 (/) a paragraph which is incorporated in this reprint. (c) Samples of Flour. — As to the power of Inspectors of Weights and Measures to take samples of any flour in the possession of any miller or baker or seller of bread or flour, see Order of June 11, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. (d) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1918.— This Order amended Clause 3. maximum prices. 110 Flour and Bread (Prices) Order ^ 1917, as amended. Sales other than retail sales of British flour not being self-raising flour. Sack charges. 2. — {a) On the occasion of a sale (other than a retail sale) of home-milled flour the maximum price shall he at the rate of 445. ^d. per 280 lbs. subject to a discount of %d. for settlement within 7 days and of 3^. for settlement within 21 days : Provided that where the flour is sold in sacks or packages as mentioned in the first column of the following table the maximum price shall be as set forth in such table: — Sack or Package Price. Discount for settle- Discount for settle- containing ment within 7 days. ment within 21 days. 240 lbs 38s. M. M. 224 „ 35s. 6d Qd. 3d. 140 „ .. 22s. nd. %d. lid. 120 „ 19s. M. Ud. 112 „ 17s. ^d. . M. Ud. 98 „ 158. M. 2d. Id. 70 „ lis. Id. Hd. %d. 56 „ 8s. lOhd. Id. hd. And provided also that where flour is sold divided into packets ready for retail sale higher wholesale prices may be charged by License of the Food Controller. (6) Where credit is given a reasonable extra charge may be made provided that the price for cash is quoted on the invoice. (c) All delivery charges after loading into a vehicle or truck standing or barge lying alongside the mill where the flour was manufactured may be added to the price and shall be shown as a separate item on the invoice relating to the sale. (d) The permitted charges for sacks and outside packages shall be added to the price and shown as a separate item on the invoice relating to the sale. Except in the case of cotton bags, the amount charged shall be repaid on the return of the sacks or other outside packages in good condition. (e) This clause shall not apply to any proprietary flour or self- raising flour until the Food Controller shall otherwise determine. (a)3. The permitted charges for sacks and outside packages are: {a) Sacks or bags (other than cotton bags), whether thick or thin, holding 56 lbs. and upwards, 2^. %d. per sack or bag; {h) Cotton bags holding more than 140 lbs., 35. M. per bag. Cotton bags holding more than 120 lbs. and up to and including 140 lbs., 2s. per bag. Cotton bags hold- ing 98 lbs. or more and up to and including 120 lbs.. Is. 6^. per bag. Cotton bags holding 56 lbs. or more and less than 98 lbs., 1^. per bag. (c) Other outside packages enclosing small bags of flour, the reasonable customary charges. (a) Amendment op Clause 3. — Clause 3 is here printed as amended by the Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 440), as from April 29th, 1918 ; for the Clause as previously operating, see p. 50 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Yolume. Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. 110« 4. — {a) On the occasion of a retail sale of flour other than pro- Retail sale prietaiy flour or self-raising flour where the quantity sold is "f flour. 140 lbs. or more the maximum price shall be at the rate of 255. per 140 lbs. and where the quantity sold is less than 140 lbs., but is not less than 7 lbs., the maximum price shall be at the rate of 25. ^d, per 14 lbs., and where the quantity sold is less than 7 lbs. the maximum price shall be, for every half-quartern of If lbs. included in the amount sold, ^\d. and, for any quantity not being a complete half quartern included in such amount, at the rate of 2^d. per lb. On the occasion of a retail sale of proprietary flour the maximum price shall, except where the Food Controller other- wise determines, be the price applicable under the foregoing provision. On the occasion -of a retail sale of self-raising flour, tie maximum price shall be at the rate of Z\d. per lb. (6) No charges may be made for packages except that, where the retail sale includes 56 lbs. of flour or more, the permitted charges for sacks and o^'side packages may, if shown as a separate item in the invoice relating to the sale, be added to the price. The amount so added shall except in the case of cotton bags be repaid on the return of the sacks or outside packages in good condition. (a) (c) A reasonable additional charge may be made for giving credit or for making delivery. 5. — {a) The maximum price for bread shall be at the rate of Bread. 2\d. per lb. provided that (i) A person may sell to a customer a loaf weighing 1 lb. at 2\d. and a roll or rolls of bread at any price if at the time of such sale he is able and willing to sell to the customer quartern or half-quartern loaves or other bread at the rate of 2\d. per lb. to the extent of the customer's requirements; and (ii) a person may sell proprietary bread to a customer at or under the price authorised by the Food Controller for such proprietary bread if at the time of such sale he is able and willing to sell to such customer other bread at the rate of 2\d. a lb. (6) A reasonable additional charge may be made for giving credit or for making delivery, (c) This clause shall not apply to bread sold for consumption on the premises of the seller, (b) 6. — {a) Where the Food Controller or a Food Control Com- Higher prices mittee is satisfied that by reason of some exceptional circum- ^^ certain stance flour or bread cannot be sold by retail at the maximum °^^^* prices provided by this Order so as to secure a reasonable profit the Food Controller may issue a licence or such Committee may issue a provisional licence authorising the sale of flour or bread at prices higher than such maximum prices. (a) Charge for Cotton Flour Bags. — rice applicable according to the foregoing table together with the addition of a sum per (a) The amending order of May 10, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 519) added the words "Provided that .... damaged -by water" to Clause 1 of this order, and also revoked as at May 20, 1918, Clause 2 (?>) as printed p. 101 of the April, 1918, edition of tl»is Manual, substituting therefor Clause 2 (b) as here printed. Damaged Gram, Seeds and Pulse (F rices) Order, 1917.- ir quarter not exceeding the customary reasonable charge for such treatment. On the occasion of a sale of any such article which has been damaged by water and which has been re-conditioned or rendered more merchantable by kiln drying or other like treat- ment, the maximum price shall be in the case of Feed Wheat 65.5-. per quarter of 480 lbs. and in every other case the price applicable according to the foregoing table. Where any article mentioned in the foregoing table has been mechanically treated by clipping, splitting, kibbling, bruising or grinding, or any other like method, the maximum price shall be the price applic- able according to the foregoing table and provisions together with the addition of a sum per quarter not exceeding the customary reasonable charge for such mechanical treatment. (c) On a sale of a mixture containing any of such articles the maximum price for the mixture shall (save in so far as the Food Controller shall have prescribed a maximum price by any Order tor the time being in force) be the maximum price of that one of the component parts which under this Order has the lowest maxi- mum price. 3. On the occasion of a purchase of any of the articles men- tioned from any person who is a recognised dealer in such articles, and who is not in the case of a home grown article the producer thereof or in the case of an imported article the importer thereof, the maximum price of the article shall be ascertained by adding 2s. per quarter to the rate otherwise applicable ; provided that where the total quantity of a particular kind of article boaght by one buyer from one seller does not in any period of seven consecutive days, including the day of sale, exceed 7J quarters, tbe maximum price in respect of each quarter so bought shall be ascertained by adding 4^. per quarter to the rate otherwise applic- able, and where such quantity does not in that period amount to J quarter, the maximum price in respect of each quarter shall be ascertained by adding a sum at the rate of 8^. per quarter to the rate otherwise applicable. Any amounts which by reason ••'f a later sale in any such period have been overpaid or over- charged on an earlier sale in such period shall be allowed as a deduction on the later sale, 4. — {a) The maximum prices applicable under this Order are fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to the transaction : — (i) Imported Articles. — Sales by importers to be ex quay, store or granary and articles shipped in bags to be sold gross weight including bags, no charge being made for bags. Other terms of sale (except as hereinafter specifically pro- vided) to be in accordance with the usual custom of the trade. All storage, transport and other charges incurred on the articles after sale by the importer to be for account of the ultimate buyer. (ii) Home Grown Articles. — Delivery by Producers to be free on rail or barge or to mill or store in accordance with the usual custom of the district. Freight, haulage, porterage or cartage from the point where delivery has been made or is to be made by the producer to be for the account of the ultimate buver. Permissible addition on purchases from recognised dealers. Terms of trading. 118 Invoice. Statement by vendois Offers and conditions. Records. Definition of quarter. Interpreta- tion, Dajnaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse {Prices) Order, 1917. All sack hire up to and including the time of delivery to rail, barge, mill or store by producer to be for the producer's account and all charges for sacks subsequent thereto to be for the account of the ultimate buyer. (iii) All Articles. — On sales by importers of imported articles, payments to be nett cash against Bill of Lading, Warrant or approved Delivery Order. On all other sales, payment to be nett cash within seven days of completion of delivery and monies then unpaid thereafter to carry interest •not exceeding the rate of 5 per cent, per annum or bank rate whichever shall be the higher. (6) Where the article is sold on* terms or conditions other than the terms and conditions stated in the foregoing part of this clause, a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price, and for this purpose the cost of delivery of home growE. articles for which the producer is liable under the above terms. shall be reckoned at the rate of ^d. per ton per mile. 5. The amount added to the maximum price in respect of charges permitted under Clause 4 of this Order shall be accurately shown as separate items on the invoice relating to the sale and shall not in any case exceed reasonable expenses actually paid or incurred. 6. Where the maximum price at which ^n article to which this Order applies may be sold by any person depends upon the amount of any sums paid or charged for transport or storage or any other matter by any former seller such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement as to the amount of such sums which may have been given to him by the person from whom he bought the article in question unless he has reason to suspect the truth of such statement. 7. No person shall sell or buy, or offer to sell or buy any article to which this Order refers at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable under this Order, or in connection with a sale or disposition of any such article, enter or offer to enter into a fictitious or artificial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 8. Any person dealing in any article to which this Order applies shall keep accurate records containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is complying with the provi- sions of this Order so far as they relate to him or to his trade, and shall make such returns as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. All such records and documents shall at all times be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller. 9. In the case of barley '* quarter " shall mean 448 lbs. weight, and in the case of oats shall mean 336 lbs. weight, and in the case of all other articles shall mean 480 lbs. weight. 10. In this Order the following expressions shall have the following meanings : — ** Seeds " shall mean Dari-seed, Millet-seed, and other Seeds (excepting seeds commonly known as Oil seeds) which are suitable for and ordinarily used for the purpose of feeding Poultry or other animals. Dredge Corn Order ^ 1917. 119 '* Damaged Oats " shall mean Oats so damaged as to be unsuitable for feeding purposes without being le-con- ditioned by kiln drying or other mechanical treatment. ^^ Damaged " shall mean, in relation to all articles to which this Order applies (other than Oats), such articles as are in the ordinary course of trade classed as damaged. " Feed Wheat " shall mean Wheat officially graded as Feed Wheat before importation into the British Islands. " Importer " shall mean the person sighting the shipper's draft, but this shall not be construed so as to limit the general interpretation of that expression. ** Recognised Dealer " siiall mean a person who in the ordi- nary way of his business deals in Grain for the purpose of his livelihood. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty. the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 12. (a) This Order may be cited as the Damaged Grain, Seeds Title and and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917. commence- (b) This Order shall come into force on the 17th December, °^®^** 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th November, 1917. The Dredge Corn Order, 1917. Dated November 17, 1917. 1917. No. 1182. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the follow- ing regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall, on or after the 21st November, 1917, use any Dredge Corn, other than damaged Dredge Corn, except in the process of manufacturing flour, or use any flour obtained from any such Dredge Corn except for the purpose of human food. 2. No person shall, on or after the 17th December, 1917, sell or buy or offeV to sell or buy any Dredge Corn at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable according to the following provisions : — (a) The maximum price as respects damaged Dredge Corn shall, where the Corn does not consist partly of Oats, be the maximum price applicable under the Grain (Prices) Order, 1917, on the occasion of a like sale of damaged Barley, and where the Com does consist partly of Oats, the maximum price applicable under such Order on the occasion of a like sale of Oats improperly cleaned. Use of dredge corn, and flour obtained therefrom Maximum prices for dredge corn. 120 Fictitious transactions. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Title. Directions under Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. (b) Tlie maximum price as respects Dredge Corn (otlier than damaged Dredge Corn) shall, where the Corn does not consist partly of Oats, be the maximum price applic- able under the said Order on the occasion of a like sale of Barley, and where the Corn does consist partly of Oats, the maximum price applicable on the occasion of a like sale of Oats. 3. No person shall, in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any Dredge Corn, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. • 4. Infringements of this Order nve suDimary offences against thf* Defence of the Realm E-egulations. 5. For the purposes of this Order, ** Dredge Corn" shall mean a mixture of cereals, whether or not grown together, containing more than one cereal as a main constituent. *' Damaged Dredge Corn " shall mean Dredge Corn which has been so damaged that the flour or meal which could be milled therefrom would not be fit for use in human food. 6. This Order may be cited as the Dredge Corn Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th November, 1917. Directions, dated November 27, 1917, relating to Imported Flour under the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. .1917. No. 1219. Pursuant to Clause 4 of the Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917, (a) the Food Controller hereby directs that the following conditions shall be observed with respect to the sale and use of imported flour : — 1. Imported flour may not be sold by retail or used for nny purpose except when mixed with flour milled and mixed in the United Kingdom in accordance with the Orders and directions of the Food Controller relating to milling and mixing of wheaten flour. 2. The proportion of imported flour in the mixture shall not exceed 25 per cent, except (a) when sold by retail in Scotland or (h) when" used in Scotland for some purpose other than the manufacture of biscuits intended for wholesale sale, in which cases the proportion shall not exceed 50 per cent. These conditions shall come into force on the 29th November, 1917, in substitution for the conditions hitherto applicable. 27th November, 1917. Rhondda, Food Controller. (a) Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (N9. 2).— That Order is printed p. 81). Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, No. 2, 1917. 121 The Beead (Use of Potatoes) Order, jN'o. 2, 1917. Dated December 8, 1917. (») 1917. :so. 1246. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Where any potatoes are sold or supplied by or through the Use of pota- agency of the Food Controller or a Food Committee to a person j^f!^"^^^^ for use in the making of bread, such potatoes shall be used only (jontroller^or in the making of bread by the person or persons for whose use a Food and at the bakery in respect of which they are so sold or supplied. Committee. 2. Every person to whom any potatoes are so sold or supplied Returns and shall keep or cause to be kept accurate records showing the Records, quantity of potatoes so sold or supplied, the quantity used by him in the making of bread and the dates of such sale supply and use and such other records relating to his trade or business as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. xill such records shall, on demand, bo produced to and be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. 3 A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the making False of any false or misleading statement in any application made or statements, other document used for the purposes of this Order. 4. In this Order: — '• Food Colnmittee " shall mean as regards Great Britain a Interpreta- Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the ^■'^^^^ Food Control Committees ^Constitution) Order, 1917, (b) and as regards Ireland the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller. (c) 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ments. r>. This Order may be cited as the Bread (Use of Potatoes) Title. Order, No. 2, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H . Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8th December, 1917. (a) Bread (Use of Potatoes) Orders.— The Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1917, of October 5, 1917 (printed p. 60 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Yolume) the first Order on this subject, was revoked by the Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, printed p. 159. (b) F(»()D Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. (c) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part IIC. of this Manual. 122 Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. Date:::: Decemebr 21, 1917. 1917. No. 1316. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Eegulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — Part I. — Port Feeding Stuffs Committees. 1. There shall be constituted a Port Feeding Stuffs Committee tor each of the five divisions mentioned in the First Schedule to this Order and bearing the name stated in such Schedule. 2. Each Port Committee shall except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine consist of either four or eight Trade Members, as the Food Controller shall from time to time decide, representing equally the interests of importers of cattle feeding stuffs, seed crushers, flour millers and distributing dealers in cattle feeding stuffs and of such other persons as may from time to time be appointed by the Food Controller as additional members. 3. — (a) If, any vacancy shall occur on a Port Committee by death, resignation or otherwise, the Committee shall at their next meeting, subject to the approval of the Food Controller, fill the vacancy by appointing another member representing the interest ^ which was represented by the member whose membership shall have ceased. (b) The provisions of this Clause shall not apply to a person appointed by the Food Controller to be an additional meml<<»r of a Port Committee. 4. A Port Committee, may, subject to the provisions of this Ordter and to any directions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller, meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn, and otherwise regulate their proceediiigs and the rights of voting at their meetings as they may think fit. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business may be fixed by the Committee and unless so fixed shall be three. 5. A Port Committee may appoint as Secretary a person approved by the Food Controller, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Committee and whose remuneration shall be such as may be determined by the Committee with the approval of the Food Controller. The Committee may also, subject to the approval of the Food Controller, provide such offices and appoint such clerks and servants as may from time to time be requisite to carry out the duties entrusted to them. Part II. — Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committees. 6. There shall be constituted a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Com- mittee for each of the areas described in the second column of the Second Schedule to this Order, and bearing the name stated in the first column of such Schedule Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Cowmiittees) Order ^ 1917. 123 7. — (a) Each Provincial Committee shall, except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine, consist of six dis- tributing dealer members, four farmer members, and an ex officio member, and of such other persons as may from time to time be appointed by the Food Controller as additional members. (b) The ex officio member shall be either the Live Stock Com- missioner within whose area the Provincial Committee is situate or a person nominated by him with the approval of the Food Controller. 8. — {a) If any vacancy shall occur on a Provincial Committee by death, resignation, or otherwise among the distributing dealer members of the Committee, the continuing distributing dealer members of the Committee shall at the next meeting of the Committee, subject to the approval of the Food Controller, fill the vacancy by appointing another distributing dealer to be a member of the Committee. ih) If any vacancy shall occur on a Provincial Committee by death, resignation or otherwise among the farmer members of the Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by another farmer farming in the area of the Committee, appointed by the Food Controller, on the nomination of the Director-General of Food Production in the case of England and Wales, and of the Area Live Stock Advisory Committee in the case of Scotland. 9. A Provincial Committee shall hold meetiijgs at least twice in every month, and at such other times as occasion may require, and all meetings of the Committee shall be held at their office, or such other places as they may from time to time determine, and mibject as aforesaid at such dates and at such times as they may think fit. 10. — {a) Subject to any directions given by the Food Controller in the case of any Provincial Committee, the Committee shall at their first meeting elect one of their members to be Chairman until the first meeting of the Committee in IS'ovember, 1918. (b) At the first meeting of the Committee in November, 1918, and in every subsequent IN'ovember, the Committee shall elect a Chairman for the ensuing 12 months. (c) Any casual vacancy occurring in the office of Chairman shall be filled at the next meeting of the Committee, and the person elected to fill the vacancy shall hold office until the time when the person whose office he has filled would have gone out of office. 11. If at any meeting of a Provincial Committee the Chairman is absent, the members present shall choose one of their number to act as Chairman at that meeting. 12. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business by a Provincial Committee shall be such number, not being less than three, as may be fixed by the Committee. 13. Every question at a meeting of a Provincial Committee shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the member? present and voting on that question, and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman or acting Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. 124 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Cominiitees) Order, 1917. k 14. A Provincial Committee may, subject to the provisions of this Order and to any directions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller, meet tog^ether for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their proceedings as they may think fit. 15. — (a) A Provincial Committee may appoint as Secretary a person approved by the Food Controller, who shall be a local auctioneer, or a local solicitor having agricultural connections or a like firm of auctioneers or solicitors or such other person as the Food Controller may approve, but no distributing dealer shall be eligible for the office of Secretary, except with the unanimous approval of the Committee. The Secretary shall hold office during the pleasure of the Committee, and his remuneration shall be such as may be determined by the Com- mittee with the approval of the Food Controller. , (6) The Committee may, subject to the approval of the Food Controller, provide such offices and appoint such clerks and servants as may from time to time be requisite for carrying out the duties entrusted to them. Part III. — General. 16. Except as otherwise specifically provided by this Order every member of a Committee shall l^e appointed by the Food Controller. 17. Any member of a Committee may resign therefrom by sending to the Secretary of the Committee notice in writing of his desire so to do, and the Secretary shall forthwith, notify the Food Controller of any resignation received by him. 18. {a) The Food Controller may at any time revoke the appointment of kny member of a Committee, and thereupon such member shall cease to be a member of the Committee, (a; (b) The Food Controller may also at any time revoke the appointment of any officer, clerk or servant of a Committee, and thereupon such, officer, clerk or servant shall cease to b<^ emiDloyed by the Committee. 19. The proceedings of a Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in their number or by any defect in the appoint- ment of any member of the Committee, or by reason of any member of the Committee not being properly qualified. If any question arises as to the qualification of any person for member- ship of a Committee in any capacity such question shall be determined by the Food Controller. (a) Disqualification for Membership.— The Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918, printed in Part III. of this Manual,', pro- vides that a person who has been summarily convicted of contravening an Order of the Food Controller shall be disqualified for appointment as a member off a Port Feeding Stuffs Committee, or a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee, and, if already a member, shall cease so to be. Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Coiwiaittees) Order, 1917. 20. Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of a Committee shall be kept in a proper minute book, and shall be signed by the Chairman of the next ensuing meeting, and when so signed shall be prima facie evidence of the proceedings at that meeting. Copies of all minutes shall, immediately after the meeting to which they relate, be forwarded to the Food Con- troller, and also, in the case of the Port Feeding Stuffs Com- mittee for Scotland, to the Chief Live Stock Commissioner for Scotland. 21. The powers and duties of a Committee shall be such as may from time to time be assigned to them by the Food Controller, and the Committee shall in the exercise of those powers and the performance of those duties comply with such directions as may from time to time be given by the Food Controller. 22. A Committee shall furnish such reports, returns, and infor- mation as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller. 23. Every Committee shall cause to be kept full and true accounts of all moneys received and paid by them. The accounts shall be open to inspection by any person authorized in that behalf by the Food Controller, and shall be audited as he may direct. 24. All expenses incurred by a Committee shall be defrayed in diich manner as the Food Controller may from time to time determine, and the Food Controller may if he thinks fit prescribe different methods for defraying the expenses of Port Committees and Provincial Committees or of any different classes of such expenses. 25. If any difficulties arise with respect to the constitution of any Committee or otherwise in relation to the foregoing provisions of this Order, the Food Controller may do anything which appears to him necessary or desirable for the establishment of such Committee or otherwise for ensuring the full operation of this Order or of any subsequent Order relating to the constitution powers and duties of a Committee. 26. The Food Controller may at any time if he thinks fit discharge any Committee constituted by virtue of this Order and appoint another Committee or body of persons or person to exercise and perform all or any of the powers and duties which may have been entrusted to the Committee so discharged. 27. (a) This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. (h) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. BeveridgCf Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food. 21st December, 1917. 5789 126 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Covvmittees) Order ^ 1917. FirH Schedule, Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Lendon Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. London. Middlesex. Surrey. Hertfordshire. Sussex. Buckinghamshire. Kent. Berkshire. Essex. Oxfordshire. Suffolk. Wiltshire. ' Cambridgeshire. Hampshire. Huntingdonshire. Isle of Wight. Bedfordshire. Bristol Channel and West of England Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. Worcestershire. Monmouthshire. Warwickshire. Glamorgan. Herefordshire. Carmarthenshire. Gloucestershire. Pembrokeshire. Somerset. Cardiganshire. Dorsetshire. Radnorshire. Devonshire. Brecknockshire. Cornwall. Liverpool Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. Cumberland. Flintshire. Westmorland. Denbighsliiie. Lancashire. Carnarvonshire. Cheshire. Anglesey. Derbyshire. Merionethshire. Nottinghamshire. Monxgomeryshire, Staffordshire. Shropshire. Hull Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. Northumberland. Norfolk. Durham. Leicestershire. Yorkshire. Rutland. Lincolnshire. Northamptonshire. Port Feeding Stuffs Committee for Scotland. Division of Committee. Scotland. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. 127 Second Schedule. Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committees. Part I. — England and Wales. Naipe of Committee. Area of Committee. Newcastle Northumberland and Durham. Carlisle Cumberland and Westmorland. York East and North Ridings of Yorkshire. Leeds West Eiding of Yorkshire. Lancashire Lancashire. Cheshire Cheshire. North Wales Flintshire, Denbighshire, Carnarvon- shire, Anglesey, Merionethshire, Mont- gomeryshire. South Wales Monmouthshire, Glamorgan, Carmarthen- shire, Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire, Eadnorshire, Brecknockshire. Birmingham Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Here- fordshire. Shrewsbury ... Staffordshire and Shropshire. Derby Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Market Harborough Leicestershire, Rutland and Northampton- shire. Peterborough Soke of Peterborough, Holland and Kesteven Divisions of Lincolnshire. Lincoln Lindsey Division of Lincolnshire. Norfolk Norfolk. Cambridge Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. Bedford Bedfordshire. Ipswich Suffolk. Chelmsford ... Essex. London (N.) Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Buckingham- shire and London north of the Thames. Heading Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Southampton Wiltshire, Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Gloucester Gloucestershire. Yeovil Somerset and Dorsetshire. Devon Devonshire. Cornwall Cornwall. London (S.), Surrey, Sussex and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Wandsworth, Battersea, Lambeth and Southwark. London (S.E.) Kent and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Bermondsey, Deptford, Camberwell, Lewisham, Greenwich and Woolwich. '89 E 2 128 Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918. Part II. — Scotland. Name and Headquarters of Committee. Area of Committee : The Counties or Islands of South-Western — Dumfries South-Eastern — Edinburgh Western — Glasgow ... North-Eastern — Aberdeen Central — Perth Northern — Inverness ... Ayrshire — Ayr Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown. Linlithgow, Midlothian, East Lothian, Peebles, Roxburgh, Berwick, Selkirk. Lanark, Renfrew, Dumbarton, Argyle, Bute. Elgin, Banff, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Orkneys, Shetlands. Perth, Fife, Forfar, Clackmannan, Kinross, Stirling. Sutherland, Caithness, Ross, Inverness, Nairn. Ayr. The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918. Dated January 4, 1918. Priority Certificates. Priority Supplies. Endorsement of Certificate. Application for Certificate. False State- ments, &c. 1918. No. 7. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. ITie Food Controller or any person authorised by him may grant to any owner of dairy cattle in milk or such other cattle as the Food Controller may from time to time determine a priority certificate entitling such owner to a priority supply of cattle feeding stuffs of such quantities and such varieties and during such periods as may be stated in the certificate. The Food Controller may revoke any certificate so granted. 2. A person shall in the disposition of any cattle feeding stuff give preference to a person seeking to obtain the same under a priority certificate issued under this Order, and shall not dispose of any cattle feeding stuff, until all orders for the like cattle feeding stuff properly demanded under any priority certificate have been fulfilled by him, 3. On the occasion of a sale of any cattle feeding stuffs under a priority certificate, the seller shall correctly enter or endorse on the certificate in a durable form the quantity and variety of feeding stuffs sold and the date of sale. 4. Every application for a priority certificate shall be made in such manner or on such form as may be prescribec' by or under the authority of the Food Controller, 5. A person shall not: — (a) make or connive at the making of any false statement with a view to .obtaining a priority certificate for him- self or any other person ; or I General Licence under Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. 129 (h) make or connive at the ma&ing of any false entry or endorsement on a priority certificate ; or {c) fail or neglect, or connive at any failure or neglect, to make any entry or endorsement on or to complete any priority certificate in manner directed thereon or required by this Order; or {d) assign or attempt to assign any priority certificate or any cattle feeding stuff obtained thereunder ; or {e) falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such certificate applies or has been issued. 6. No person having obtained cattle feeding stuff under a priority certificate shall use any part of such feeding stuff for any purpose other than feeding the dairy or other cattle in respect cf which the certificate was graruted. 7. For the purpose of this Order : — ** Cattle Feeding Stuffs '' includes cattle feeding cake and cattle feeding meal of every variety, millers' offals, barley offals, oat offals, malt culms, kiln dust, brewers' grains, distillers' grains, and maize by-products, but does not include any of such products which are suitable for human food. 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. (a) This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary of the Ministry of Food. 4th January, 1918. Duty of Owner of Certificate. Interpreta- tion. Penalties. Title and Extent. General Licence, dated January 9, 1918, under the Flour AND Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1918. No. 20. The Food Controller hereby authorises all persons selling flour by retail in cotton bags to make the following extra charges for the bag : — Where the cotton bag holds not less than a half-quartern of Flour (Ij lbs.) and less than 28 lbs. a charge per bag at a rate not exceeding one farthing for every complete half- quartern of flour contained therein; Where the cotton bag holds 28 lbs. and less than 56 lbs., a charge not exceeding id. per bag. The extra charge shall not, unless otherwise agreed, be repay- able on the return of the bag. (a) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 109. 5789 E 3 130 Deer {Restriction of Feeding) Order, 1918 ; General Licence under Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. The Licence dated the 12th October, 191T,(a) relating to the charge for cotton bags, is hereby revoked. By Order of the Food Controller. 9th January, 1918. U.F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Geasral pro- hiDition against feed- ing of deer. Penalty. Title. The Deer (Eestriction of Feeding) Order, 1918. Dated January 14, 1918. 1918. No. 22. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall after the 21st January, 1918, feed any deer or permit any deer to be fed with any cereals or other provided food except with acorns, chestnuts or salt or with hay grown within the deer forest, park or other area in which the deer are preserved. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. • 3. This Order may be cited as the Deer (Restriction of Feeding) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Fooji. 14th January, 1918. General Licence, dated January 14, 1918, under the Horse AND Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (b) 1918. No. 190. Pursuant to the above Order the Food Controller hereby authorises the use of molassed foods, cocoa shells and apple residues in the making of a Horse Mixture, and of dried meat unfit for human food in the making of a Poultry Mixture, and the sale and purchase of such mixtures in accordance with the provisions of the above Order. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th January, 1918. (a) General Licence of October 12, 1917.— That Licence was printed as St. R. & O., 1917, No. 1048. (b) Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 112. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918. 131 The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. 1918. No. 58. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of ail other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2B(a) of the Defence of the Existing Realm Regulations, the Food Controller gives notice that he Stocks, hereby takes possession of all cattle feeding stuffs which are in the United Kingdom on the 22nd January, 1918, and are not already in his possession under or by reason of any prf^virup Order. (b) This clause shall not apply to cattle feeding stuffs in the hands of a person who at the close of business on the 21st January, 1918, does not hold more than 50 tons of cattle feeding stuffs, or in the hands of a person intending to use the same solely for the feeding of cattle or other animals owned by him. 2. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2F(a) of the Defence of the Future Realm Regulations, the Food Controller requires all persons I^^ports. owning or having power to sell or disi)ose of any cattle feeding stuffs which may arrive in the United Kingdom after the 21st January, 1918, to place the same at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or to his Order. (6) Any arbitrator to act for the purposes of this clause shall be appointed by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. 3. (a) In pursuance of Regulation T(a) of the Defence of the Manu- Realm Regulations, the Food Controller hereby orders that the factured occupier of every factory or workshop in which any cattle feeding Compound stuffs are manufactured, produced or adapted for sale, shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the cattle feeding stuffs which shall be made, produced or adapted for sale by him after the 21st January, 1918, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. (b) This clause shall not apply to any Oil Cakes or Meals to which the Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917, (b) applies. 4. (a) Every person holding any cattle feeding stuffs to which Returns, clause 1 of thjs order applies, shall on or before the Slst January, L918, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I, a return showing: — (i) The amounts and varieties of the cattle feeding stuffs held by or in transit to him at the close of business on the 21st January, 1918, and (ii) The quantity sold and unsold in each case. Cakes. (a) Defence of the Realm Regulations 2b, 2f and 7. — These Regula- tions are printed pp. 5, 8, 13 of this Manual in the form which as conferring powers on the Food Controller they assume. (b) Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed ia Group 12 (" Oils and Fats"), p. 450. 5789 E 4 182 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Requisition) Order, 1918. Interpre- tation. Exception. Penalties. Title. (b) Every person to whom clause 2 of this order applies, shall on or before the 31st January, 1918, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I, a return showing: — (i) The amounts and varieties of the cattle feeding stuffs' afloat and shipped to the United Kingdom to him or to his order on the 21st January, 1918. (ii) The amounts and varieties of cattle feeding stuff.** purchased for shipment to him or to his order, and not shipped on the 21st January, 1918, and (iii) The quantity sold and unsold in each case. 5. For the purposes of this Order : '* Cattle Feeding Stuffs " includes cattle feeding cake and cattle feeding meal of every variety, millers' offals, barley offals, oat offals, malt culms, kiln dust, brewers' grains, and distillers' grains, but does not include any of such products which are suitable for human food. 6. This Order shall not apply to a flour miller in relation to millers' offals produced or to be produced at his mill, if such mill is a mill to which the Flour Mills Order, 1917, or the Flour Mills Order, Xo. 2, 1917, (a) applies. 7. Infringements of this Order are offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order (of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st January, 1918. The Public Meals Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. • [TMs Order, printed in Group 14 (" Public Meals,") (p. 513), restricts as from February 3rd, 1918, the bread and flour to be consumed at meals in public eating places. For restrictions previously in force see the now revoked Public Meals Order, 1917, printed pp. 158-161 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual."] (a) Flour Mills Orders. — Those Orders are printed, pp. 98, 104. Oats {Scotland and Ireland Restriction) OrdeVy 1918. 13;] The Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated January 28, 1918. 1918. No. 92. ,Iii exercise of the powers conferied upon liini by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Eood Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1 . On and after the 1st February, 1918, no person other than a person licenced under this Order shall move, consign or ship any oats : {a) from Scotland to any destination outside Scotland; or (6) from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland ; and no person shall buy or agree to buy or xake delivery of any oats to be moved, consigTied or shipped from Scotland* to any destination outside Scotland or from Ireland to any destina- tion outside Ireland, except from a person so licenced. 2. Any licences granted under this Order will be granted in duplicate and may be granted (a) by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland as respects oats consigned from Scotland to Ireland; (6) by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheiies as respects oats consigned from Scotland to any other destination ; and {c) by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruc- tion for Ireland as respects oats consigned from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland. 3. Where any oats are delivered to a railway company, shipping company or other carrier for carriage from Scotland to any destination outside Scotland or from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, such carrier shall before forward- ing the oats require the duplicate of the necessary licence to be lodged with him and shall retain such duplicate and otherwise deal therewith as may be directed by the Department by whom the same was issued. 4. This Order shall not apply to oats consigned or shipped to the Order of any Government Department. 5. In this Order the expression " Oats " shall include all oats whether mechanicallv treated or not, except Oatme/^1, Oatflour, Rolled Oats and Flaked Oats. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order mav be cited as the Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. Prohibition on shipment of Oats. Licences. Carriers. Exception. Interpreta- tion. Penalty, Title. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th January, 1918. 134 Rice {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. Maximum prices. Offers and fictitious transaction. Contracts. Penalty. Title and comments of Order. The Eice (Eetail Prices) Order, 1918, dated January 28, 1918, AS amended by the Rice (Retail Prices) Amendment Order, dated May 16, 1918. 1918. No. 101, as amended, by 1918. No. 544. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — l.(a) (a) 'No rice shall be sold by retail at a price exceeding the rate of 4:d. per lb. No ground rice, rice flour, flaked rice or other similar rice product shall be sold by retail at a rate exceed- ing 4:id. per lb., except that where such article is of a proprietary brand and is packed in cartons it may be sold at a rate not exceed- ing 5Jd. per lb. Provided that a person may sell any rice of the varieties mentioned m the Schedule at a rate not exceeding 6d. per lb. if at the time of such sale there is exhibited in a conspicuous position in the place of sale a notice to the effect that rice is on sale at a rate not exceeding 4:d. per lb. and if at the like time he is able and willing to sell to any customer to the extent of his reasonable requirements rice at a rate in accordance with such notice. (b) No additional charge shall be made for bags or other packages or for giving credit or making delivery. 2. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy any article to which this Order applies at prices exceeding the prices fixed by this Order or in connection with the sale or disposition of any such article enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 3. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that the price pay- able under a contract subsisting on the 1st February, 1918, for the sale of any article to which this Order applies is such that the article cannot be sold by retail at the prices permitted by this- Order he may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or may modify the terms thereof in such manner as may appear to him to be just. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. (a) This Order may be cited as the Rice (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall come into force on the 4th February. 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W\ H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th January, 1918. -a . (a) Clause \{a) first paragraph as printed on p. 119 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual was revoked as from June 1, 1918, by the Rice (Retail Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, and the paragraph as here printed substituted. Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Licensing) Order, 1918. 135 The Schedule. • • Re Milled Java. Ee Milled White Benj^al (Patna). Re Milled Siam. Garden Siam. ' Spanish. Carolina and other North American Rices. Japan. The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. Dated January 29, 1918. 1918. No. 102. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not sell by wholesale cattle feeding stuffs imported or made or produced by him : — (a) After the 9th February, 1918, unless he has applied for a license authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuffs by wholesale as a first hand seller ; or (b) After the 23rd February, 1918, unless he is the holder of a license, for the time being in force, granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuffs by wholesale as a first hand sellei. 2. A person shall not sell by wholesale cattle feeding stuffs not imported or made or produced by him: — {a) After the 9th February, 1918, unless he has applied for a license authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuffs by wholesale as a wholesale dealer; or (6) After the 23rd February, 1918, unless he is the holder of a license, for the time being in force, granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller, authorising him to sell cattle feediiig stuffs by wholesale as a wholesale dealer. 3. A person shall not sell cattle feeding stuffs as a distributing dealer for consumption or delivery within the area of any Provincial Committee as set out in the Second Schedule to this Order : — (a) After the 9th February, 1918, unless he has applied for a license authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuffs as a distributing dealer in that area ; or (6) After the 23rd February, 1918, unless he is the holder of a license for the time being in force, granted by or under the authoritv of the Food Controller, authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuff's as a distributing dealer in that area. Importers and makers to be licensed. Wholesale dealers to be licensed. Distributing dealers to be licensed. 136 Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. Application for licenses. Form of application. Issue of licenses. 4. (a) Applications for a license under this Order as a first hand seller may be made by an importer or maker, and applica- tions foi a license under this Order as a wholesale dealer may be made by any person desiring to be licensed as a wholesale dealer. All such applications shall, except in the case of Flour Millers, be made to the Port Committee within whose division, as set out in the First Schedule to this Order, the applicant's principal or only trade premises are situate, or to such other person as the Food Controller may prescribe, and shall in the case of Flour Millers be made in such manner as the Food Conti oiler may direct. (b) Applications for a license under this Order as a dis- tributing dealer may be made by any person desiring to be licensed as a distributing dealer. All such applications shall, except in the case of Flour Millers, be made to the Provincial Committee within whose area the applicant desires to sell cattle feeding stuffs for consumption or delivery, or to such other person as the Food Controller may prescribe, and shall in the case of Flour Millers be made in such manner as the Food Controller may direct. Where any person, other than a Flour Miller, desires to sell cattle feeding stuffs as a distributing dealer for consumption or delivery within the area of more than one Provincial Committee, a separate application for a license shall be made in respect of each such area. (c) A person who desires to deal in cattle feeding stuffs in more than one capacity may make applicatioii for a license in each of such capacities. 5. Every application for a license shall be made on a form prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form. Such statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 6. (a) A Port Committee shall, unless otherwise directed by the Food Controller, on receipt of an application for a first-hand seller's license or a wholesale dealer's license made in accordance with this Order from a person, who or whose predecessor in business was on the 1st January, 1917, and who at the date of the application, is carrying on a regular business in cattle feeding stuffs of such a kind as would, had this Order been then in force, have required him to hold a license to sell by wholesale as a first- hand seller, or as a wholesale dealer, issue to such person a license as a first-hand seller or as a wholesale dealer, as the case may be, and shall also issue a first-hand seller's license or a wholesale dealer's license to such other persons as the Food Con- troller may from time to time direct. (6) A Provincial Committee shall, unless otherwise directed by the Food Controller, on receipt of an application for a distributing dealer's license made in accordance with this Order from a person, who or whose predecessor in business was on the 1st Jan^iary, 1917, and who at the date of the application is carrying on a regular business in cattle feeding stuffs for con- sumption or delivery within the area of the Committee, of such a kind as would, had this Order been then in force, have required Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. 137 liim to hold a license to sell as a distributing dealer, issue to such person a license to sell cattle feeding stuffs as a distributing dealer in the area of the Committee, and shall also issue a distri- buting dealer's license to such other persons as the Food Controller may from time to time direct. (c) Where any applicant is refused any license, such refusal and the grounds therefor shall forthwith be reported to the Food Controller. 7. Any license issued under this Order may be made subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine, and may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller or with the sanction of the Food Controller by the Committee who granted the same. 8. The holder of a license shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records relating to his trade or business in cattle feeding stuffs showing the descriptions and quantities sold, the prices paid or payable, the transport charges (if any) and such other information as the Food Controller may from time to time specify, together with all relevant forms, documents, invoices, and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his trade or business in cattle feeding stuffs as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to such trade or business as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller to inspect all relevant books, documents and accounts relating thereto. 9. Any license granted under this Order shall be produced by the holder on demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee by whom the license was issued. 10. In the event of the transfer of any business in connection with which a license is held by any licensee, or in the event of the death of a licensee, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the licensee, on making application for a license of the same description as the license held by such licensee, to sell cattle feeding stuffs, from the datfe of such application until receipt of intimation from the Com- mittee to whom the application is made or from the Food Controller whether or not the license applied for will be grant-ed, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the licensee was entitled to sell the same by virtue of the license held by him. 11. Every Port Committee and every Provincial Committee shall in the exercise of the powers and performance of the duties conferred or imposed upon them by this Order comply with such directions as may from time to time be given to them by the Food Controller. 12. A person shall not: — (a) Knowingly make or connive at the making" of any false statement in any application or return made in connec- tion with or for any of the purposes of this Order ; or Revocation of licenses. Duties of licensee. Production of licenses. Transfer of business. Committees to act under direction of Food Controller. False statements. 138 Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. Definitions. Exemption of small businesses. Penalty. Title and extent. (6) Forge or alter any license or other document issued under . or for any of the purposes of this Order ; or (c) Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom a license has been issued or applies. 13. In this Order, and in any license granted under this Order, ** Cattle Feeding Stuffs'' means cattle feeding cake and cattle feeding meal of every variety, millers' offals, barley offals, oat offals, malt culms, kiln dust, brewers' grains, and distillers' grains, but does not include any of such feeding stuffs as are suitable for and sold as human food. " Maker " means and includes any seed crusher, com- pound cake maker, miller, brewer, distiller, or other person manufacturing or producing cattle feeding stuffs. ** To sell by wholesale as a first-hand seller " means to sell cattle feeding stuffs imported, produced or made by the person in question otherwise than to (a) a person buying for the purpose of feeding his own animals, or (h) a person entitled to sell cattle feeding stuffs without a license. '* To sell by wholesale as a wholesale dealer " means to sell cattle feeding stuffs bought from an importer, producer or maker by the person in question otherwise than to (a) a person buying for the purpose of feeding his own animals, or (b) a person entitled to sell cattle feeding stuffs without a license. " To sell as a distributing dealer " means to ^;ell cattle feeding stuffs otherwise than as is mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs of this clause. ** Port Committee " and '* Provincial Committee " mean a Port Feeding Stuffs Committee and a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee constituted by the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Comniittees) Order, 1917. (a) 14. Nothing in this Order shall apply to; — (a) A sale of cattle feeding stuffs by any person if the total of the amount sold on the occasion of such sale and of the amounts of cattle feeding stuffs previously sold by such person during the calendar year in which the sale takes place is not more than 50 tons ; or (b) a sale by a person, licensed in that behalf by the Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, of cattle feeding stuffs imported by the Commission or made or produced solely from any article imported by the Commission. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 16. (a) This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensinjr) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall not apply to a person who sells in Ireland cattle feeding stuffs for delivery in Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Faod. 29th January. 1918. (a) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 122. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. 139 First Schedule. PORT FEEDING STUFFS COMMITTEES. London Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. London. Middlesex. Surrey. Hertfordshire. Sussex. Buckinghamshire. Kent. Berkshire. Essex. - Oxfordshire. Suffolk. Wiltshire. Cambridgeshire. Hampshire. Hunting-donshire. Isle of Wight. Bedfordshire. t Bristol Channel and West of England Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. Worcestershire. Monmouthshire. Warwickshire. Glamorgan. Herefordshire. Carmarthenshire. Gloucestershire. ^ Pembrokeshire. Somerset. Cardiganshire. Dorsetshire. Radnorshire. Devonshire. Brecknockshire. Cornwall. Liverpool Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Committee. * Cumberland. Flintshire. ' • Westmoreland. Denbighshire. Lancashire. Carnarvonshire. » Cheshire. Anglesey. Derbyshire. Merionethshire. Nottinghamshire. Montgomeryshire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. Hull Port Feeding Stuffs Committee. Division of Com^jnittee. Northumberland. Norfolk. Durham. Leicestershire. Yorkshire. Rutland. Lincolnshire. Northamptonshire. Port Feeding Stuffs Committee for Scotland. Division of Committee. Scotland. 140 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Licensing) Order, 1918. Second Schedule. PROVINCIAL FEEDING STUFFS COMMITTEE. Part I.— England and Wales. Name of Committee. Area of Committee. Newcastle . . Carlisle York Leeds Lancasliire .. Cheshire North Wales South Wales Birmingham Shrewsbury Derby ... • ... Market Harborough Peterborough Lincoln ... .*. Norfolk Cambridge Bedford Ipswich Chelmsford London (N.) Reading Southampton Gloucester ... Yeovil Devon Cornwall London (S.) London (S.E.) Northumberland and Durham County. Cumberland and Westmoreland. East and North Ridings of Yorkshire. AVest Riding of Yorkshire. Lancashire. Cheshire. Flintshire, Denbighshire, Carnarvonshire, Anglesey, Merionethshire, Montgomery- shire. Monmouthshire, Glamorgan, Carmarthen- shire, Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire, Radnorshire, Brecknockshire. Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire. Staffordshire and Shropshire. Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.. Leicestershire, Rutland and Northampton- shire. Soke of Peterborough, Holland and Kesteven divisions of Lincolnshire. Lindsey Division of Lincolnshire. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. Bedfordshire. Suffolk. Essex. Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Buckingham- shire and London North of the Thames. Oxford vshire and Berkshire. Wiltshire, Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Gloucestershire. Somerset and Dorsetshire. Devonshire. Cornwall. Surrey, Sussex, and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Wandsworth, Battersea, Lambeth and Southwark. Kent, and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Bermondsey, Deptford, Camberwell, Lewisham, Greenwich and Woolwich. General Licence under Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917 Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918. Part II. — Scotland. 141 Name of Committee. Area of Committee : The Counties or Islands of — South-Western Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown. South-Easterii Linlithgow, Midlothian, East-Lothian, Peebles, Roxburgh, Berwick, Selkirk. Western Lanark, Renfrew, Dumbarton, Argyle, Bute. North-Eastein Elgin, Banff, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Orkneys, Shetlands. Central Perth, Fife, Forfar, Clackmannan, Kin- ross, Stirling. Northern Sutherlandshire, Caithness, Ross, Inver- ness, Nairn. Ayrshire Ayr. Genekal Licence, dated Januauy 28, 1918, under the Horse AND Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917. (a) 1918, No. 116. On a sale of a poultry mixture in cotton bags provided by the maker of the mixture, a charge may be made for the bags at the rate of 25. per cwt. of the mixture subject to such charge being shewn as a separate item on the invoice relating to the sale, and the amount thereof being repayable on the return of the bags in good condition. * By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th January, 1918. ^ The Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated February T, 1918. 1918. No. 166. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority ot the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall on or after the 10th day of February, 1918, Oatmeal use any oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats except etc., to be — — — used only for (a) Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917 - p. 112. -That Order is printed human food. 142 Oatmeal (RestHction) Order, 1918. Exception. Damaging oatmeal, etc. Samples. Determina- tion of questions. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Title. as .human food or in the manufacture of articles suitable for human food or use any article containing oi manufactured from any oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats except as human food. . 2. This Order shall not apply to any oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats which on the 10th February, 1918, had been so treated as to be unfit for human food or to any oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats or to any articles containing or manufactured from them which are or may become unfit for human food. 3. No person shall on or after the lOtb day of February, 1918, damage or permit to be damaged or treat or permit to be treated any oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats or any article containing or manufactured from oatmeal, oat flour, groats, rolled oats or flaked oats so as to render the same less fit for the purpose for which under this Order they are reserved. 4. Any person authorised by the Food Controller or any Food Committee may take samples of any article which he has reason to suspect is being used contrary to the terms of this Order. 5. If any question shall arise whether any article mentioned in this Order is unfit for the purpose of human food, such question may be referred for determination to any person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee. 6. For the purposes of this Order the expression *' Food Com- mittee '' shall mean a Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 19 17, (a) and the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland hj the Food Controller. (b) 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Eegulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Oatmeal (Restriction) Order, 1918. • By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, (^ Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 7th February, 1918. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. cWm: , (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Contro Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part [ III of this Manual. Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 143 The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated February 7, 1918. ^ 1918. No. 173. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Kealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders, that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned. Part I. — Maximum Prices. 1. Subject as hereinafter provided : — Maximum Prices for (a) No cattle feeding stuffs of any of the varieties specified Cattle in the Schedule to this Order shall after the date Feeding when this Order comes into force be sold at a price StufEs. exceeding the maximum price applicable thereto according to such Schedule or such other maximum price as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. (6) No meal produced by grinding a cake of a .variety speci- fied in the Schedule to this Order shall after the date when this Order comes into force be sold at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable to such cake • according to such Schedule, by more than 15^. per ton, or such other sum as may, either generally or in any particular case or class of cases, from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. (c) No specially prepared calf meal, pig meal, or lamb food or other specially prepared food for cattle not being of a variety specified in the Schedule to this Order shall after the date when this Order comes into force, be sold at a price exceeding by more than 30^. per ton, or such other amount as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller, the total of the cost to the maker of the ingredients used as delivered at his factory and of the cost of manufacture. 2. On a sale in the cases hereinafter mentioned of any cattle Dealer's feeding stuffs for which a maximum price is prescribed by this Commission Order, a rebate shall be allowed to the buyer off the permitted maximum price of the following amounts. (i) In the case of a sale to a licensed wholesale dealer a rebate of 7^. ^d. per ton. (ii) In the case of a sale to a licensed distributing dealer or to a maker buying for the purpose of making any compound cake or compound meal of a variety speci- fied in the Schedule to thi*^ '^rder a rebate of ^s. per ton. 144 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Small Sales. Kibbling. Transport Charges. (iii) In the case of a sale to a person, who is both a licensed wholesale dealer and a licensed distributing dealer, a rebate of 7^. 6^. jier ton if such person shall declare he is buying as a wholesale dealer, and otherwise a rebate of 55. per ton, but if on any sale he shall declaie that he is buying* as a wholesale dealer he shall not (unless he shall have refunded to his seller a sum at the rate of 25. M. per ton) sell the cattle feeding stuffs bought on such sale otherwise than to a licensed distributing dealer. 3. Where the quantity of cattle feeding stuffs of any of the following five classes, that is to say, (i) Cakes and meals, (ii) Millers' Offals, (iii) Brewers' Grains, (iv) Distillers' Grains, and (v) Malt Culms and Kiln Dust sold by any one seller at any one time to one buyer is less than 2 tons of that class, the following sums may be added to the maximum prices prescribed by this Order, for the cattle feeding stuffs of such class, that is to say : — (i) Where such quantity is more than 5 cwt. but lesa than 2 tons and the cattle feeding stuffs are delivered ex store, other than a maker's store or a first import store, a sum at the rate of 55. per ton. (ii) Where such quantity is not more than 5 cwt. and is eijiher not less than 1 cwt. or- is less than 1 cwt., but the bulk is not broken, a sum at the rate of I5. ^d. per cwt. (iii) Where such quantity is less than 1 cwt. and the bulk is broken a sum at the rate of \d. per lb. 4. Where cake is kibbled before being sold a sum at the rate of 55. per ton, or at such other rate as may either generally or in any particular case or class of cases be prescribed by the Food Con- troller, may be added to the maximum price prescribed by this Order for such cake. 5. {a) The maximum prices prescribed by this Order are fixed on the basis that all transport charges after sale by the first importer in the United Kingdom or by the maker are for the account of the ultimate buyer, and accordingly there may be added to the maximum price all transport charges after sale by such importer ex quay, free on rail or ex importer's warehouse in the case of imported cattle feeding stuffs, and all transport charges after sale by the maker ex factory or mill in the case of cattle feeding stuffs made or produced in the British Islands. Provided that the transport charges so added shall be limited to any reasonable amounts actually and properly paid or payable, and any other reasonable sums representing transport costs- properly incurred, not exceeding the custGii:)ary chargesi. Provided also that in the case of a sale of millers' offals of a quantity less than 1 cwt. and where bulk is broken, if the sum l)ermitted by paragraph (iii) of clause 3 of this Order is added to the maximum price, that sum shall be deemed to cover costs of transport and no transport charges shall be adde/l under this subclause to the maximum price payable on such sale. Cattle Feeding Stuffs {MaxzviuTrv Prices) Order, 1918. 145 (h) In tlie case of compound cakes and compound meals manu- factured in Scotland or Ireland, there may be added to the per- mitted maximum price (in addition to the transport charges allowed by paragraph {a) of this clause) a charge on account of the transport of the raw materials from any Port in England or Wales to the mill, of such amount (if any) as may be allowed by the Food Controller. {c) Any amounts added in respect of transport charges shall be shown as separate items on the invoice relating to the sale. 6. (a) Except as provided with reference to millers' offals in Sacks and paragraph (h) of this clause, all cattle feeding stuffs for which ^^g^. a maximum price is prescribed by this Order, whether imported or made or produced in the British Islands, shall if sold in sacks or bags, be sold gross weight, sacks or bags included, and in the case of cattle feeding stuffs made or produced in the British Islands the following charges in respect of sacks or bags may be added to the maximum prices prescribed by this Order, that is to say : — (i) On a sale of cake or meal a charge at the rate of 25«. per ton if sold in twenty sacks or bags to the ton, and so in proportion according to the number of sacks or bags used per ton. (ii) On a sale of millers' offals a charge at the rate of 35s. per ton if sold in sacks or bags containing 1 cwt. or less and 255. per ton if sold in sacks or bags contain- ing more than 1 cwt. (iii) On a sale of any other cattle feeding stuffs a charge at the rate of 355. per ton if sold in twenty sacks or bags to the ton and so in proportion according to the number of sacks or bags used per ton. Provided that in any of the foregoing cases the buyer may by airangement with the seller send his own sacks or bags to be iilled, in which event the cattle feeding stuffs shall be sold net weight, sacks or bags excluded, and in that event no charge shall be add'ed under this clause to the maximum price. (6) On a sale of millers' offals produced in the British Islands, and sold in sacks or bags bearing a miller's name or trade mark, the seller may at his option notwithstanding anything in para- graph {a) of this clause, sell net weiprht, sacks or bags excluded, and make a charge at the rate of 25. %d. per sack or bag, in which event the charge shall be shown as a separate item on the invoice and be repaid on the return within three months of the date of invoice of any sack or baj? which bears the same name or trade mark and is in good condition. (a) 7. (a) In the case of any cattle feeding stuffs, other than Credit, flour millers' offals, the maximum prices prescribed by this Order are on the basis of net cash within fourteen days of date of delivery, ex mill or store or on rail. Where credit is given to a buyer a reasonable extra charge may be made, provided that a (a) Imported Millers' Offals sold in Sacks. — By General Licence of May 15. 1918, printed p. 167, a charge may be made at the rate specified in par, (a) (ii) of this clause for sacks or bags in which imported millers' ofEals are sold. 146 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {MaximuTn Prices) Order, 1918. Contracts. Purchaser may rely on Vendor' Statement. Fictitious. Trans- actions. Sales to be by weight. Shipment to Channel Islands and Isle of Man. discount lor net cask witliin such fourteen days is quoted on the invoice and is suck as to bring- such net cash price within the maximum price so prescribed. (6) In the case of flour millers' ohals the maximum prices prescribed by this Order are on the basis of cash within one month from the date of transfer or earlier delivery ex mill or store or on rail, and a discount shall be allowed to the buyer (whether a wholesale dealer, a distributing dealer, or a consumer) off the i^rice for the olfals at the rate of ^d. in the £ for payment within seven days from such date, and of 2d, in the £ for pay- ment within twenty-one days from' such date. Interest at a reasonable rate may be charged in respect of any monies unpaid at the due date. 8. (a) Where any contract made after the date of this Order, and subsisting on the date when this Order comes into force, for the sale of any cattle feeding stulfs for which a maximum price is prescribed by this Order provides fo^ the payment of a price in excess of such maximum price the contract shall stand so far as concerns goods delivered before the coming into force of this Order, but shall be avoided so far as concerns goods agreed to be sold above such maximum price which have not been so delivered. (6) Nothing in this Order shall affect any contract made on or before the date of this Order. 9. Where the maximum price at which cattle feeding stuff's may be sold by any person (not being the importer or maker) depends upon the amount of any sums paid or charged for transport or upon the cost of any ingredients or of the manufac- ture of any such cattle feeding stuffs oi upon the percentage of oils or albuminoids contained in such cattle feeding stuffs, such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement with reference to such amount or cost or percentage which may have been given to him by the person from whom he bought the cattle feeding stuffs unless he has reason to disbelieve the truth of such statement. 10. No person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any cattle feeding stuffs at a price exceeding the price applicable thereto under this Order, or in connection with the sale or dis- . position or proposed sale or disposition of any cattle feeding stuffs enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial trans- action or make or demand any charges exceeding or other than those permitted by this Order. Part II. — Miscellakeous. 11. After the date when this Ordei comes into force no cattle feeding stuffs, other than wet bfewers' and distillers' grains, shall, except with the permission of the Food Controller, be sold other- wise than by weight. 12. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a license granted by the Food Controller no person shall after the date when this Order comes into force ship or consign any cattle feeding stuffs to any destination in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximium Prices) Order, 1918. 147 13. After the date when this Order comes into force no person Restrictions shall sell Linseed Cake made in the United Kingdom and con- astoLmseed taining less than 8 per cent, of oil when determined in accordance with the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (Methods of Analysis) Regulations, 1908, (ai) unless a maximum price shall have been prescribed therefor by the Food Controller. Restriction on use of Seeds, etc. 14. After the date when this Order comes into force no i>erson shall, except under a license granted by the Food Controller, make or produce any cake or meal as food for cattle with two or more varieties of oleaginous seeds, cereals, or other substances, other than a cake or meal of a variety specified in the Schedule to this Order, and no person shall sell any such cake or meal so made or produced as aforesaid until a maximum price for such cake or meal has been fixed by the Food Controller. 15. After the date when this Order comes into force, no person shall except under a license granted by the Food Controller use any cake or meal oi millers' offals of any of the varieties specified in the Schedule to this Order in the manufacture or production of any cake or meal except a meal produced by grinding one variety of cake. 16. Except with the consent of the Food Controller no person Restrictions shall after the date when this Order comes into force manufacture ©n New any calf meal, pig uLeal, lamb food, or other specially prepared Business, food for cattle not being of a variety specified in the Schedule to this Order which he did not manufacture in the ordinary course of business during the year 1917. Restrictions as to Com- pound Cakes and Meals. 17. Nothing in this Order shall apply to: — Exceptions. {a) Any mixture to which the Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917, (b) applies. (h) A sale by any person, licensed in that behalf by the Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, of cattle feeding stuffs imported by the Commission, or to the manu- facture, production or sale by any such person of any cattle feeding stuffs made or produced solely from any article imported by the Commission. (c) 18. In this Order unless the context otherwise requires: — Definitions. *' Cattle Feeding Stuffs " means any cakes, meals, millers' offals, grains, culms, and kiln dust of the varieties specified in the Schedule to this Order, and all specially prepared calf meals, and lamb foods, and other specially prepared foods for cattle, but does not include any of such feeding stuffs as are suitable for and sold as human food. *' Cattle " includes bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, sheep, goats and swine. (a) Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (Methods op Analysis) Regu- lations, 1908.— Those Regulations are printed Annual Volume of St. R. & O 1908, p. 6. (b) Horse and Poultry Mixtures Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 112. (c) Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies.— The offices of the Com- mission are Trafalgar House, Waterloo Place, S.W.l. 148 Cattle Feeding Stujfs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Penalty. Commence- ment and Repeal. S. R. and 0., 'No. 1107 of 1917. Transitory Provisions. S. R. and 0. No. 102 01 1918. Ireland, ' ' Maker ' ' means and includes any seed crusher, com- pound cake maker, miller, brewer, distiller, or other person manufacturing or producing cattle feeding stuffs. " Licensed wholesale dealer " means a person (other than an importer or maker) licensed under the Cattle Feed- ing Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, (a) to sell cattle feeding stuffs by wholesale. *' Licensed distributing dealer " means a person licensed under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, (a) to sell cattle feeding stuffs as a distributing dealer. ''Port Committee" and ''Provincial Committee'' respectively mean a Port Feeding Stuffs Committee and a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee constituted by the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917 : (b) 19. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 20. (i) Part I. of this Order so far as it relates to cattle feeding stuffs of any of the varieties specified in the schedule to the Cattle Feeding Cake and Meal and Millers' Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (c) and clauses 11 and 12 of this Order, shall come into force on the 9th February, 1918. (ii) Part I. of this Order so far as it relates to any other cattle feeding stuffs and clauses 13, 14. 15 and UB of this Order shall come into force on the 20th February, 1918. (iii) The Cattle Feeding Cake and Meal and Millers' Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (c) is hereby revoked as from the 9th February, 1918, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous infringement thereof. 21. In construing the provisions of this Order during the period between the date when this Order comes into force and th© 24th February, 1918, "a licensed wholesale dealer" shall mean a person who has made application under and in accordance with the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, (a) for a license authorising him to sell cattle feeding stuffs by wholesale as a wholesale dealer, and " a licensed distributing dealer" means a person who has made application as aforesaid for a license authorising him ih sell cattle feeding stuffs as u distributing dealer. 22. In the application of this Order to sales taking place in Ireland and to sales by persons in Great Britain to persons in Ireland the following provisions shall have effect: — The expression " licensed wholesale dealer" shall mean (i) a person who in the ordinary course of his trade is accustomed to buy cattle feeding stuffs from an importer or maker and to sell the cattle feedinjr stuffs «o boucrhf to a (a) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 135. (b) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 122. (c) Cattle Feeding Cake and Meal and Millers' Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 61 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Volume. Cattle Feeding Stujfs {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 4.9 person buying for resale, and (ii) such other person as the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller shall determine to be a licensed wholesale dealer for the purpose of this Order. llie expression " licensed distributing dealer " shall mean (i) a person who in the ordinary course of his trade is accus- tomed either to buy cattle feeding stuffs from an importer oi maker and to sell the same to any person, other than a person buying for resale, or to buy cattle feeding stuffs from a person who is a licensed wholesale dealer as above defined, and (ii) such other person as the said Food Control Committee shall determine to be a licensed distributing dealer for the purposes of this Order. 23. This Order may be cited as the Cattle Feeding Stuffs Title. (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. H. Beveridge, •Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 7th February, 1918. Schedule. Home Manufactured Cakes and Meals. Linseed Cake containing not less than eight per cent, oil Cotton Seed Cake ... Undecorticated Ground Nut Cake Semi-Decorticated Ground Nut Cake Decorticated Ground Nut Cake Palm Kernel Cake Rape Cake Copra Cake Sesame Cake Soya Cake ... ... ... Extracted Palm Kernel Meal Extracted Rape Meal Extracted Soya Meal Maximum Prices. £ s. d. 19 per ton. 14 10 17 5 18 2 6 19 13 15 14 16 5 18 10 19 13 10 14 18 15 Imported Cakes and Meals. North American Linseed Cake ... 19 5 Argentine Linseed Cake ... 19 15 Canadian Linseed Cake ... ... 19 10 Australian Linseed Cake ... 19 10 150 Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximwm Prices) Orders 1918. Spanish and Portuguese Linseed Cake Egyptian Cotton Seed Cake Decorticated Cotton Seed Meal ... Decorticated Cotton Seed Cake ... Repressed Cotton Cake ... Semi-Decorticat-ed Cotton Cake ... Copra Cake Palm Kernel Cake Rangoon Rice Meal Italian Rice Meal Canadian Rice Meal Egyptian Rice Meal Gluten Feed Maize Meal Cake d. 19 10 per ton. 15 „ 19 15 „ 19 15 „ 20 15 17 10 ,. 17 10 ;, 15 ,. 16 10 ., 14 10 .; 17 „ 17 „ 17 5 ., 17 5 ; Compound Cakes and Meals (made from two or more ingredients when no oil is expressed in the process of manufacture). Cakes and Meals containing not less than seven per cent. Oil and nof less than twenty per cent. Albuminoids 17 5 Cakes and Meals containing not less than six per cent. Oil and not less than twenty per cent. Albuminoids ... ... 17 Q Cakes and Meals containing not less than six per cent. Oil and not less than seventeen per cent. Albuminoids ... ... 16 17 Millers' Offals. Flour Millers' Offals of all kinds Fine Barley Dust Coarse Barley Dust Oat Dust ... Oat Husks ... Oat Husk Meal Miscellaneous. Malt Culms Kiln Dust Dried Distillers' Grains ... Dried Brewers' Ale Grains Dried Brewers' Porter and Mixed Grains 13 17 8 6 3 5 13 5 }) 11 >> 15 5 ;> 14 5 >> 14 it Barley {Export from Ireland) Order ^ 1918. l51 £ s, d. Wet Brewers' Ale and Distillers' Grains for October- April delivery ... ... ... ... 8 4 per usual trade quarter. Wet Brewers' Porter and Mixed Grains for October-April delivery ... ... ... ... 7 10 Wet Brewers' Ale and Distillers' Grains for May-September delivery ... ... ... ... 7 4 Wet Brewers' Porter and Mixed Grains for May-September delivery ... ... ... ... 6 10 TnE Barley (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated February 11, 1918. 1918. No. 182. In exercise of tbe powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence ProhibitioD granted fey or under the authority of the Food Controller, a of export of person shall not after the 18th February, 1918, consign or ship freland^'''''" any Barley from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ments. 3. This Order may be cited as the Barley (Export from Title. Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food 11th February, 1918. 152 Oats Products {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. The Oats Products (E/Etail Prices) Order, 1918. Dated rS)BRUARY 19, 1918. 1918. No. 210. Maximum prices f or Oat Flour, Oatmeal, c^ Bags and packages, &c. Proprietary Brands. Meaning of Oat Flour. Fictitious transactions. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall on or after the 21st February, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy by retail any Oat Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Flaked Oats or other like products of Oats at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable thereto according to the following table : — Oat Flour. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Flaked Oats or other like products of Oats. Place of Sale. For every 7 lbs. included in the sale. Rate per lb. for any quantity less than 7 lbs. in- cluded in the sale. For every 7 lbs. included in the sale. Rate per lb. for any quantity less than 7 lbs. in- cluded in the sale. England and Wales. . . Scotland and Ireland «. d. 2 10 2 6i d. 5 4J s. d. 2 6i 2 3i d. 4 Provided that as respects sales taking place in any part of Scotland other than the mainland, the Food Commissioner for that division in which such sale takes place may autliorise the addition of such sum as he thinks reasonable not exceeding a sum at the rate of ^d. per lb. (a) 2. The maximum price shall include all charges for bags and other packages, and no additional charge shall be made therefor. No extra charge may be made for giving credit or for making delivery. 3. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine this Order shall apply to proprietary brands of the articles mentioned. (b) 4. In this Order '* Oat Flour '* means only such Oat Flour as will pass through a silk or wire sieve having not less than 48 meshes to the inch. 5. No person shall in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any Oat Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Flaked Oats or other like products of Oats, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. (a) Price in Scotland. — A General Licence, dated Feb. 7, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 165), to the same effect as this paragraph, is omitted from this Manual as superseded. (b) List of Licences to Sell Proprietary Brands.— See p. 101. Barley {Requisition) Order, 1918. 153 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ment. 7. The Oats Products (Retail Prices) Order, 1917, as subse- Revocation quently amended(a,) is hereby revoked, but without prejudice to S. R. & O., any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 1200 d 1328 of 1917. 8. This Order may be cited as the Oats Products (Retail Prices) Title. Order, 1918. » By Order of the Food Controller. U . F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th February, 1918. The Barley (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated February 2G, 1918. 1918. No. 224. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulations 2f and 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controllei hereby orders as follows : — 1. All persons who on the 1st March, 1918, own or have power General to sell or dispose of any Barley whether home grown Barley in requisition. its natural condition, or home grown Barley which has been treated or kiln dried or Barley which has been imported, shall place such Barley at the disposal of the Food Controller, and shall deliver the same to him or such persons as may be named by him in such quantities and at such time as the Food Controller may from time to time direct. 2. Pending any direction no person shall on or after the 1st interim March, 1918, remove or otherwise dispose of any such Barley directions. (whether in pursuance of a contract existing at th.e date of the Order or not) and all persons concerned shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to maintain the same in good condition. 3. All persons who on the 1st March, 1918, own or have power Statements. to sell or dispose of any such Barley shall on or before 7th March, 1918, furnish to the Secretary (Home Cereals Section), Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.I, a statement on forms to be obtained from the Food Controller giving particulars of all sucli Barley in their possession (a) Oats Products (Retail Priced) Order, 1917.— This Order is printed m its amended form at p. 64 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Volume. 154 Price. ArbitraiioD, Exceptions. Infringe- ments. Title. Barley {Requisition) Order, 1918. or under their control at the date of this Order and of all contracts made by them before the 1st March, 1918, foi the sale of such Barley and of such other matters as are necessary to complete the forms. 4. The Food Controller will subsequently communicate to the owners of Barley taken over by him the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 5. The compensation to be paid for Barley requisitioned under this Order shall, in default of agreement, be determined by the arbitration of a judge of the High Court selected by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain m England, of a judge of the Court of Session selected by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland or of a judge of the High Court of Ireland selected by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. 6. This Order shall not apply — (a) to persons who do not own more than 25 quarters (448 lbs. per qr.) of Barley on the 1st March, 1918; (6) to Barley owned by the grower on the 1st March, 1918 ; (c) to Barley in the hands of or held to the Order of Flour Millers on the 1st March, 1918; {d) to Barley agreed to be sold to the Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies; (e) to Barley which is both suitable for and has been bought specifically for the purpose of seed. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Barley (Requisition) Order^ 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry cf Food. 26th February, 1918. The Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated March 8, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 7a C Foreign Holdings- of Food "), (p. 250), requires returns of cattle feeding stuffs held to foreign account.] Flour Mills {Prohibition of Smoking) Order ^ 1918; Flour {Restriction) {Ireland) Order, 1918. The Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smoking) Order, 1918. Dated March 13, 1918. 1918. No. 298. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 35a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. No person shall smoke in any Flour Mill or in any store or warehouse used foi the purposes of or in connection with a flour mill except as permitted by the persOn having the management of the Mill. 2. For the purposes of this Order, the expression *' Flour Mill " shall mean any premises to which Regulation 2gg of the Defence of the Realm Regulations has been applied by the Floui Mills Order, 1917, or the Flour Mills Order No. 2, 1917. (b) 3. Infringements of this Order aie summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. {a) This Order may be cited as the Flour Mills (Prohibition of Smoking) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall come into force on the 30th March 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. 13th March, 1918. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. The J^lour (^restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated March 20, 1918. 1918. No. 363. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. {a) No person except in the manner and to the extent Purchases of mentione(i in a Control Licence shall in any week directly or Flour by indirectly purchase or otherwise acquire a greater total quantity J^^u^^t^^ of flour than the prescribed amount : and no flour shall, except the pre- in the manner and to the extent mentioned in a Control Licence, scribed be purchased or acquired whether by one person or by several for amount per (a) Regulation 35a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations.— This Regulation is printed in Part I. (p. 16) of this Manual in the form in which it applies to the Food Controller. (b) Flour Mills Orders.— These Orders are printed pp. 98, 104. week. 156 Flour {Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Forms of application. Issue of Con- trol Licences. Form and Non-trans- ferability of Control Licences. False state- ments, etc. use and consumption in any household or establishment so that the total quantity purchased or acquired in any week is in excess of the prescribed amount. (6) Sub-Clause {a) of this Clause shall not apply to : (i) A catering business established on or before the 31st December, 1917, or an Institution established on or before the said 31st December, 191T, purchasing or acquiring flour from the usual suppliers of flour during the year 1917 of such catering business or in&titution. (ii) A miller, factor, dealer in flour, baker or other manufac- turer acquiring flour in the course of his business. (c) No person except in the manner and to the extent mentioned in a Control Licence shall knowingly sell directly or indirectly or otherwise dispose of whether directly or indirectly to any person, save to such persons as are mentioned in Sub- Clause (6) of this Clause, in any week a greater total quantity of flour than the prescribed amount and no person shall sell or dispose of flour to another person where he has reason to suspect that by such purchase sub-clause {a) of this clause would be infringed. 2. Every applicant for a Control Licence shall furnish to the Food Control Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Com- mittee) Upon such form as may be from time to time prescribed for the purpose by the Committee a true statement of the par- ticulars required for completing such form which statement shall be signed by the applicant. 3. A Control Licence shall be granted to such persons and subject to such conditions as may be determined by the Com- mittee or a Local Executive Officer of the Committee. 4. (a) Every Control Licence shall be in such form and shall contain such particulars as the Committee may from time to time direct, and all persons acting under such Control Licences shall duly comply with the terms thereof. (b) No Control Licence issued pursuant to this Order shall be transferable. (c) Any Control Licence issued pursuant to this Order may at any time be varied or revoked by the Committee. 5. A person shall not : — (a) Make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application for a Control Licence. (h) Eorge or alter any Control Licence. # (c) Fraudulently alter or attempt to alter or forge any entry upon any Control Licence. {d) Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom a Control Licence has been issued or applies. (e) Retain any Control Licence or any part of a Control Licence when he has no right to retain it or fail to comply with any directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return thereof. Flour {Restriction) {Ireland) Order, 1918. 157 (/) Make or cause to be made or without lawful excuse have in his custody or possession any card, paper or document so made as to resemble or colourably to imitate a Control Licence or any part of a Control Licence either in blank or wholly or partially com- pleted not being a Control Licence or part of a Control Licence issued under this Order. {g) Use or attempt to use for the purpose of obtaining flour for himself or for any other person any forged or altered Control Licence or part of a Control Licence or any card oi paper or document so made as to resemble or colourably to imitate any Control Licence or part of a Control Licence. {h) Knowingly retain, make use of or deal with any Control Licence or any part of a Control Licence issued upon any application made under this Order containing a statement false in any material particular or obtain or attempt to obtain flour by means of a Control Licence so issued. 6. {a) A seller shall preserve all Control Licences and all parts Preservation of Control Licences received by him for the delivery of flour, and ^?^ produc- shall produce the same to and deal therewith as directed by the p^^, j Committee or a Local Executive Officer of the Committee or any Licences and member of the Eoyal Irish Constabulary or Dublin Metropolitan Records. Police Forces authorised by a Local Executive Officer or any person authorised by the Food Controller or by the Committee. {h) In the case of any sale of floui to any person exceeding the prescribed amount the sellei; shall keep accurate records of the name and address of the person to whom any such flour was supplied, the quantity supplied the date of such supply and the price paid; and such records shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Committee a Local Executive Officer of the Committee or any member of the Royal Irish Constabulary or Dublin Metropolitan Police Forces duly authorised by a Local Executive Officer or any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. {c) Every person dealing in flour or using flour in the course of his business shall make such returns as to his trade as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or the Committee. 7. For the purposes of this Order — *' Prescribed Amount" shall mean such quantity as is from time to time prescribed by the Committee and except in so far as so prescribed, shall mean 28 lbs. *' Control Licence " shall mean a certificate issued under the authority of the Committee authorising the person named in such certificate to purchase a quantity of flour in exces«» of the prescribed amount. *' Week " shall mean the seven days ending on a Saturday midnight. Interpreta- tion. 57S9 F 158 Flour (Restriction) {Ireland) Order, 1918. "Local Executive Officer" shall mean a District In- spector of the Royal Irish Constabulary in charg'e of a Constabulary District or a Superintendent of the Dublin Metropolitan Police in charge of a Division. "Flour" shall mean any wheatmeal or wheaten flour or any flour containing flour milled from wheat. " Catering" Business " shall mean the business or under- taking of an inn, hotel, restaurant, railway buffet, club boarding house, refreshment contractor or canteen (other than inns, hotels and boarding houses in which the number of bedrooms let and available for letting does not exceed 5). ia) "Institution" shall include public or private hos- pitals, sanatoria, convalescent or nursing homes, work- houses, infirmaries, asylums, corporations or companies not established for the purpose of trading or profit, religious or charitable communities, residential schools and colleges and non-residential schools and colleges at which meals other than teas are provided for the pupils or teachers and resi- dential hostels of all kinds requiring flour for any of their purposes. {h) The catering or kitchen departments of businesses where meals other than teas are provided for the staffs of the business or their guests but not for other members of the public, and other like establishments, and establish- ments of public utility not carried on primarily for profit and requiring flour for any of their purposes. Flour 8. IN'othing contained in this Order shall entitle a person to Hoarding. acquire any flour so that the quantity of flour in his possession S. R. and 0., or under his control at any one .time e^•^oeds the quantity which 191*7^^^ ^* under the Food Hoarding Order, 1917, (a) he is entitled to acquire. Public meals. 9. Nothing contained in this Order shall entitle a person sub- ject to the provisions of the Public Meals Order, 1918, (b) to use any flour in excess of the quantity prescribed in that Order. Penalty. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title, com- n, (^) ^\{^ Order may be cited as the Flour (Restriction) SiTexTent (Iceland) Order, 1918. of Order (^) ^^i® Order shall come into force on the 12th April, 1918. (c) This Older shall extend only to Ireland. By order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th March, 1918. (a) Food Hoarding Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Group 8 (" Hoarding of Food "), p. 2i=»2. (b) Public Meals Order, 1918.— That Order is printed in Group 14 (" Public Meals "), P- 513. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918. 159 The Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918. 1918. Dated March 27, 1918. No. 371. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him under the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby ordeis, that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. It shall be lawful for any person in the manufactuie of bread to add to and to mix with the ingredients thereof such quantity of potatoes or potato products as the Food Controller may by notice under this Order from time to time authorise. Until further notice, the quantity authorised shall be such quantity as the maker of the bread shall think fit. 2. {a) The Food Controller may by notice under this Order direct that in the manufacture of any bread manufactured for sale there shall be used such quantity of potatoes or potato products as may be specified in the notice. (b) Subject to the provisions of any such notice, a Food Committee may by notice under this Order exercise the like power as respects all, or any of the bread which is, within their district or any part of their distiict, manufactured for sale, or sold, or delivered pursuant to a contract of sale. (c) All persons concerned shall comply with any direction given under this Order. 3. Any potatoes or potato products used in the manufacture of bread pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Order shall be deemed for the purposes of any statute to be wheaten flour. 4. Where any direction has been given pursuant to Clause 2 of this Order, every person concerned shall keep or cause to be kept accurate records showing the quantity of potatoes or potato products used by him in the manufacture of bread, the date of such use, and such other particulars as may be necessary to show that the provisions of such direction have been or are being complied with. Such records shall on demand be produced to and be open to the inspection of any person autho.'ised by the Food Controller or any Food Committee concerned. 5. Where in any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this Order any question arises as to the quantity of potato or potato products contained in any bread, the production of the certificate of the Principal Chemist of the Government Labora- tories, or of an analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, (a) shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated unless the Defendant require that the person who made the analysis be called as a witness. The certificate of the principal Chemist or of the analyst shall so far as circumstances permit be in the form required by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. Optional use of potatoes in bread. Compulsory use of potatoes. Wheaten flour. Records. Certificate of analyst. (a) Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. — An epitome of these Acts and of the Orders thereunder is given in Appendix YI (16) (" Sale of Food and Drugs Acts and Orders "), p. 506 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." 160 Flour and Bread (Registration) Order, 1918, as amended. Interpteta- don. Penalties. Revocation. S. R. & 0., No. 1025 of 1917. Title.5 6. In this Order the expression '' Food Committee " shall mean as regards Great Britain a Food Control Committee appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and as regards Ireland the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller, (b) 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. The Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1917, (c) is hereby revoked as on the date of this Order but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 9. This Order may be cited as the Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918. Rhondda. Food Controller. 27th March, 1918. Registration of retailers of flour. The Flour and Bread (Registration) Order, 1918, dated March 27, 1918, as amended by Order dated April 22, 1918. 1918. No. 373 as amended by No. 460. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not deal in flour by retail — (i) after the 1st May, 1918, except in, about or in con- nection * with premises in respect of which he has applied for a certificate of registration as a retailer of flour under this Order ; or (ii) after the 11th May, 1918, except in, about or in connec- tion with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retailer of flour for the time being in force granted by the Food Com- mittee for the district in which the premises are situate : But this shall not prevent a retailer of flour who has duly applied or is duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business. Upon the refusal of a certificate of Registration the applicant's title, if any, shall cease. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Com- mittee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. (c) Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1917. — That Order was printed, p. 60. of the January, 1918, Edition of this Yolume. Flour and Bread {Registration) Order, 1918, as amended. 161 (6) A retailer of flour may be registered as a hawker or 5. No restriction is placed by this Order on tlie use of hay, Hay, straw, straw or roots for the feeding of any horse. ^^• 6. Any person or persons in possession of a horse or horses fall- Records, ing within thfe classes mentioned in the second and third Schedules shall keep records of the number and classes of horses kept, in sufficient detail to show (1) the total maximum rations authorised by this Order, (2) the description and quantities of the foodstuffs fed to such horses per week, and (3) the description and quantities of all cereal foodstuffs purchased; and such records shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of an officer of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller. 7. For the purpose of this Order : — Interpreta- " Horse '' shall include mare, gelding, colt, filly, pony and *i^^- mule. " Cereal foodstuffs " shall include all grains and beans and peas and products thereof. 8. If any person owning a horse or horses, or having control or Penalty, management of a horse or horses, for the time being, acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. — (a) This Order may be cited as the Horses (Rationing) Title and Order, 1918. commence- {h) This Order shall come into force on the 15th April, 1918, OrdeV* and the Horses (Rationing) Order, No. 2, 1917, (a) is hereby ^ t> c. n revoked as from that day, without prejudice to any proceedings ^^ 954'* of in respect of any previous infringement thereof, and without pre- ]9i7. " judice to any exemptions granted thereunder. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th April, 1918. Schedule I. Horses excluded from the operation of this Order : — (a) Horses in the possession of the Army Council or the Admiralty, or exclusively used for the purposes of the Army Council or the Admiralty. (b) Horses maintained and used exclusively for agricultural purposes. (c) Stallions used exclusively for Stud purposes. (a) Horses (Rationing) Order, No. 2, 1917.— That' Order was printed p. 56 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Volume. Horses (Rationing) Order, 1918. Schedule II. Horses solely or mainly used for trade or business, purposes to be rationed : — Class of horse. (a) Heavy dray and cart horses, and trotting vanners. (&) Light draught horses, and light trotting vanners. (c) Other light horses and cobs {d) Ponies 14 hands and under Maximum Daily Ration in terms of Oats. When in hard and continuous Work. When not in hard and continuous Work. 10 lbs. 8 „ Note. — (1) The johhing out of horses is not in itself a trade or business purpose vnthin the meaning of this Order. (2) Pit horses and ponies working in the pits or at the pit mouth may be given 4 lbs. extra per day. (3) Horses regidarly engaged in work at a sloio pace -not involving heavy loads and allowing of frequent intervals of standing should be regarded as not in hard and continuous work. Schedule III. Horses not used for trade or business purposes to be rationed : — Class of horse. (a) (6) (c) id) Brood Mares ... Weaned Foals Yearlings — 1st Jan. to 31st May 1st June to 31st Aug. 1st Sept. to 31st Dec. Eaceborses registered with the Con- troller of Horse Transport, 7, Wbite- liall Gardens, S.W-1. for ^^^ purposes of the limited scheme racms: Maximum daily ration in terms of oats. T lbs. 6 „. 6 „ 3 ., 6 „ 13 lbs. General Licence under Cattle Feeding Stuffs {Maximum Prices) 16' Order, 1918. Schedule IV. Horses not to receive any cereal foodstuffs : — Horses not falling within any of the classes mentioned in schedules I., II., and III., including: — (a) Racehorses other than those specified in Schedule 3. (6) Carriage horses, hunters, hacks. Char-a-banc horses, polo ponies, including all horses let out on hire for these purposes, and horses used in entertainments. (c) Horses mainly used for other than business or trade pur- poses including all horses let out on hire for other than these purposes. Note. — Correspondence with respect to this Order should be addressed to : — The Coj^trgller of Horse Transport, T, Whitehall Gardens, 5.TF.1. General Licence, dated May 15, 1918, under the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. ^^o. 533. Where imported Millers' Offals are sold in sacks or bags, a charge may be made for such sacks or bags at the rate specified in Clause 6, paragraph (a) (ii) of the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Eood Controller. W. H. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th May, 1918. (a) The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 143. 1^8, Bread Order, 1918. The Bread Order, 1918, dated the 18th May, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 54T. New Bread prohibited. Shape of loaves. Ingredients. Proportion of imported flour. ' In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence- of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Except where delivery is made to sea-going vessels, bread which has not been made for at least 12 hours shall not be sold. 2. No loaf of bread shall be sold except in one of the following shapes : — ^a one-piece tin loaf (such as can be moulded two at a time), a one-piece coburg (pan or oven bottom loaf), a one-piece sandwich loaf, or the shape known in Scotland and Ireland as a one-pieco bottom batch loaf or one-piece pan loaf.(b) 3. No bread shall be made for sale or sold which contains (a) any dried or other fruit ; or (6) any eggs or any form of eg^ products ; or :(c) any butter, margarine or other form of fat (except fat used for batching or tin greasing purposes) ; or {d) any sugar, molasses, syrups, honey or other sweeten- ing substalices; or which is made with the addition of any milk, separated milk, skim milk, milk powder or any product of milk other than buttermilk. 4. (a) No person shall use or permit to be used any imported flour in any dough mixture prepared for bread making purposes in any one bakery on any day unless the proportion of imported flour to other ingredients in all such dough mixture is the same in that bakery throughout such day. (6) For the purposes of this clause no regard shall be had to' any dough mixture used for the making of wholemeal bread or the making of proprietary bread in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the Food Controller. (a) Samples of Flour. — As to the power of Inspectors of Weights and Measures to take samples of any flour in the possession of any miller or baker or seller of bread or flour, and as to prosecutions by Inspectors under this Order, see Order of June 26, 1918, printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Shape, Size, and Weight of Bread under Bread Acts.— The special provisions of the Statute Book as to bread are comprised in three Acts passed nearly a century ago. Of these the London Bread Act of 1822 (3 Geo. 4. c. cvi. ; local) applies to the area within 10 miles of the Royal Exchange, the Bread Act, 1836 (6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 37) to the rest of England and to Scotland, and the Bread (Ireland) Act, 1838 (1 & 2 Yict. c. 28) to Ireland. These Acts are to a great extent in identical terms : s. 3 of each of them permitted bakers to make and sell bread of any weight or size. Bread Order, 1918. 169 Flour to be used as received. 5. No person shall treat or permit to be treated any flour by any process of sieving" or otherwise so as before baking to alter in any way the character of the flour as delivered. 6. No baker or seller of bread shall exchange !or offer to exchange any bread for any other bread which he has sold. 7. All bread (other than bread sold for consumption on the premises of the seller) shall be sold by weight and not otherwise, (a) ^ 8. No loaf of bread shall be sold unless its weight be one pound Loaves. or an even number of pounds. (1>) 9. No roll of bread exceeding 2 ozs. in weight shall be sold. Rolls. Exchanging bread. Bread to be sold by weight fresh bread for later re-sftle. 10. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Order to the Licences for contrary, bread which has been made for less than 12 hours may deliveries of on and after the 1st July, 1918, be sold and delivered by the maker thereof to retail dealers in bread, provided that a licence to make such delivery has first been obtained from a Food Committee. Any licences now in force autljorising such deliveries shall, unless previously revoked, stand revoked as from the 1st July, 1918. 11. Every person making bread for sale shall keep an au- Records, thentic record of materials received and used and articles manufactured or sold in the form contained in the schedule to this Order or in such other form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Food Controller and shall produce such record to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or any Food Committee to inspect the same, together with all such invoices, vouchers or other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking such record. 12. Where a person believes or has grounds for believing that Bread used bread sold by him will be used for a purpose which is for the ^^^ i ^ j time being a precluded purpose for flour under the Flour and p^ppogg^ Bread (Prices) Order, 1917, (c) he shall at the time of such sale enter in a record kept for the purpose (i) the weight of the bread so sold ; and (ii) the date of the sale and of the delivery; and (iii) the name and address of the buyer. (a) Sale by Weight.— S. 4 of each of the Bread Acts referred to in footnote (b) p. 168, prohibited the sale of bread throughout the U.K. except by weight, but this provision did not extend to the sale of bread " usually sold as French or fancy bread " when those Acts came into force. See the proviso to s, 4 in each Act and Aerated Bread Co., v. Gregg. (1873) L.R. 8 Q.B., 355 ; the test of whether bread is " fancy bread " is a question of shape and size rather than of quality. V.Y. Bread Co. v. Stubbs (1896) 74 L.T. 704 ; Bailey v. Barsby (1909) 2 K.B 610. (b) Shape, Size, and Weight of Bread under Bread Acts. — See footnote (b) on p. 168 to Clause 2 of this Order. (c) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 109. 170 Bread Order, 1918. Penalties.' S. R. & O., No. 189 of 1917. Revocation. Commence- ment and title. Such record shall be kept on the premises where the bread is made and shall be open on demand to inspection by any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee and the summary shall be entered weekly in the record to be kept in accordance with the pixD visions of clause 11 hereof. 13. Bread which may not under the foregoing provisions of this Order be lawfully sold shall not be offered or exposed or carried for sale or delivered under a contract for sale. 14. Any person authorised by' the Food Controller, or by a Food Committee; or any Inspector of Weights and Measures(a) or of Foods and Drugs may require any person offering or exposing or carrying any bread for sale or delivering any bread under a contract for sale to weigh such bread in the presence of such person or Inspector or permit such person or Inspector to weigh such bread. Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to compel the carrying of scales in Ireland by a vanman delivering bread. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 16. The Bread Order, 1917, (b) shall be revoked as from the date when this Order comes into force, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof or to any licences granted thereunder. 17. {a) This Order may be cited as the Bread Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 1st June, 1918- By Order of the Food Controller, W . H, Beveridge. Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th May, 1918. (a) Inspectors op Weights and Measures. — These are officers of, and appointed by, the local authorities, viz. in the City, the Court of Aldermen, in certain English municipal boroughs of over 1 0,000 population, the Town Council, in Scottish burghs the Magistrates, in Dublin the Commissioners of Police, in Irish boroughs the Town Council, and elsewhere throughout the U.K. the County Councils. See s. 50 and sch. 4 of the "Weights and Measures Act, 1878 (41 & 42 Vict. c. 49) as amended by the Local Government Acts. (b) Bread Order, 1917.— That Order was printed p. 71 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. Bread Order, 1918. 171 1— H r-( <;i 1 02 ►< Q ^ P5 o <;j g <5 W « CQ I 1 1 -C! C £ 3 "5 a o o o « f-gSBsnBS "97 ,/sasod -mj papnpgjj „ J i-:i •pios puT? dn paqSiaM. anoi^ & o •Sani'Bq ui pasn sijonpoJd oi'Bioj JO A^iiutjnf) ^ •gai5['Bq ui p9sn sao^Tsaod:' JO Aii^u'Bn^ j o 'saS'Bsn'Bg '■'d'l .,'S8Sod -.mj papnpaJd,, aoj p8jn:^0Bjnu'Bai p'sajg Cwts. Lbs. '3 aoj pasn jnoij ^ o Is 0-2 •sinoi J I-caj -80 jaqio pais 'aziiBH '80ia Snipnpmi '-oy 'saii'BO Sat^i'Bui joj pasn jnoi^ 5 EC o 1 •ap'eui snoa joj pasti anot J il • 1 •ap-Bui p-Bajg 3 •p'Bajq: Sai:5i'Bni JOJ pasn anoi^ -1 •Saipua 5ia9A\. 1 CO o 1 n e3 § 1 o 3 .9 1 •5It?S s' •i^s'Bai •sionpoij oa-ci^Od: 5' •SOOJ-BIJOJ o •Oy '8ZIT3W '801^ 'sanoij IB8J80 Jaq!^0 o t-i •s^jyes JO i^qapM •S5I0^S JO -OK I •jnoi J -a'O •Tnojj paAisoaa o o 1 « 172 Licence under Flour and Bread {Prices) Order, 1917. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Dated June 17, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 15 ("Seeds and Nuts"), p. 553, regulates the sale and exposure for sale of inter alia wheat and other cereal seeds.] 1917. Licence, dated July 17, 1918, under Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1918. No. 915. The Food Controller hereby gives the following licence, applicable only on a sale by retail in the City of Dublin of loaves of bread by any person (other than a manufacturer or a baker of bread) : — 1. A 4-lb. loaf may be sold for %^d. and a 2-lb. loaf for '4|^. ; 2. A 1-lb. loaf may be sold for 2\d. free from the restrictions S. R. & O., inaposed by Clause 5 (a) (i) of the above Order ; but in no event No._937 of may it be sold at a higher price ; Provided that a copy of this licence is at the time of sale prominently displayed in the shop or premises where the bread is sold. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th July, 1918. (a) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 109. Malt {Restriction on Shipping) Order y 1917. 173 4. Brewing:, Malting- and Intoxicating- Liquors.(a) Beer (Prices and Description) Order, 1918, p. 188. Brewers Sugar Order, 1917, p. 173. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 188. Hops (Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 181. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 174. Treasury Rules under Part II. of that Order, />. 179. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 5, 1917, p. 182. Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918, /?. 191. Malt (Restriction) Order, 1918, p, 187. Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917, />. 173. Rum and Gin (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918, p. 186. Spirits (Prices and Description) Order, 1918, ^. 193. Direction thereunder (Postponing operation of Clause 7), p, 199. Direction thereunder (Further postponing operation of Clause 7), p. 200. Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended,^. 181. Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1918, j9. 200. Whiskey (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918, p, 185. The Brewers Sugar Order, 1917. Dated February 8 1917. [This Order, printed in Group 17 ( " Sugar ") (p. 565) relates to the warehousing of certain " brewers sugar " other than sugar used for brewing, and to the sale by retail of " brewers sugar."] The Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917. Dated March 21, 1917. 1917. No. 259. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2p of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller no Prohibition person shall export, ship or consign any malt, of shipping {a) from Ireland to any destination in any part of of malt. Grea*t Britain, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man; or (a) Use of Grain, Sugar, &c., for Manufacture of Spirits. — Regula- tion 30d of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, printed in Part YIII of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 408, prohibits the use of Grain (Malted or Unmalted), Rice, Sugar or Molasses in the Manufacture of Whiskey, &c., without a permit from the Minister of Munitions. Further restrictions on the use of Grain, Rice, Sugar, and Molasses are imposed by the Food Controller's Orders, printed in Groups 3, (" Bread, Flour and Cereals,") and 17, ("Sugar,") of this Manual. 174 Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, 1917 as aviended. Penalty. Title and commence ment of Order. (h) from any part of Great Britain to any destina- tion in Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. 2. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person, in doing anything in con- travention of this Order, that person is" guilty of a summary ofi^ence against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and if such, person is a company every director and officer of the cow p any is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place unthout his Icnowledge or consent. {^) '\. (a) This Order may be cited as the Malt (Restriction on Shipping) Order, 1917. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 26th March, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller. 1st March, 1917. The Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, DATED March 29, 1917, as amended by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Oriter Ko. 4, 1917, (b) and BY the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order 'No. 2, 1918. (b^ 1917. No. 270 as amended by 1917, No. 1213, and 1918, No. 600. Whereas the Food Controller is enpowered by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations to make orders regulat- ing, or giving directions with respect to the production, manu- facture, treatment, use, consumption, transport, storage, distri- bution, supply, sale or purchase of, or other dealing m, or measures to be taken in relation to, any article (including orders as to maximum or minimum price) where it appears to him necessary or expedient to make arty such order for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the food supply of the country : ''a) Liability of Directors, &c., of Company. — Regr. 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (printed in Part !X, 4 " Miscellafteous Provisions as to Offences," p. 433 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual ") which was added to the Code since this Order was made, provides that directors and officers shall be liable for offences by their corporation or company. (b) Operation of Amendments. — The Amendment made by Order No. 4, 19i7, which took effect as from November 28th, 1917, substituted what is herein printed as Sub-clause 3 of Clause 4 for the former sub-clause, and Order No. 2, 1918, revoked as from June 3, 1918, the principal order in so far as it applied to wine. The Order is also amended by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No 5. 1917 (p. 182), and by the Intoxicating Taquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918 (p. 191). Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, 175 as amended. And whereas it appears to the Food Controller to be expedient, for the purpose of encouraging and maintaining the food supply of the country, to extend the existing restrictions on the output, delivery, and distribution of beer and other intoxicating liquor, in manner appearing in this Order. (a) Now, therefore, in pursuance of his powers under the said regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders, as follows: — 7. — Beer. 1. — (1) A brewer for sale shall not brew at his brewery in Restriction any quarter more than the maximum barrelage for the quarter(b) on output as determined under this Order. ^^^' (2) The maximum barrelage shall be determined for the pur- poses of this Order in the same manner as under the Output of Beer (Tlestriction) Acts, 1916, (c) except that — (a) in ascertaining the standard barrelage under subsection (2) of Section two of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, 66§ per cent, shall be substituted as the amount of reduction where 15 per cent, is under that provision the amount of reduction, and 72 per cent, shall be substituted as the amount of reduction where 30 per cent, is under that provision the amount of reduction; and (6) ten million barrels shall be substituted for twenty-six million barrels as the rate of the total output of beer in the United Kingdom under the proviso to subsection (2) of Section two of that Act; and (c) in determining the maximum barrelage for the quarter commencing on the first day of April, 1917, or any subsequent quarter, any surplus barrelage accrued in respect of any quarter previous to that commencing on the first day of April, 1917, shall not be taken into account. (a) Relief in respect of Restriction of Business caused by Order. — As from March 31st, 1917, the holders of wholesale dealers' licences and of retailers' on-licences and off-licences for spirits, beer or wine, and of (annual) passenger vessel licences are entitled on the expiration of their licences to repay- ment of Tgth of the licence duty for every month or part of a month during the currency of both the Order and the licence. This relief is in lieu of that con- ferred by the Acts of 1914 and 1915 in cases where sale of liquor was curtailed. -See Finance Act, 1917 (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 31), s. 7. (b) Maximum Barrelage for Quarter commencing January 1st, 1918. — For that quarter the maximum barrelage is increased by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, No. 5, p. 182. Similar increase in the maximum barrelage for the last two quarters of 1917 were made by previous Orders referred to in footnote (a) to the said No. 5 Order p. 182. (c) Output of Beer Restriction Acts. — Those Acts as amended by the Food Controller (Transfer of Powers) Order, 1917, which transferred certain powers conferred by those Acts from the Board of Trade to the Food Controller, are reprodutred in consolidated form as Appendix Y to the " Food (Supply and Troduction) Manual," p. 470. 176 Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, as amended. (3) Where it appears to tlie Commissioners of Customs and Excise (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioners) (a) that^ owing to the transfer of licensed premises from one brewery to another or for the purpose of meeting any change in the amount of beer required to meet the supply of any localities, it is expedient to transfer barrelage from one brewer to another, the Commis- sioners may by order make the necessary transfer, and the maxi- mum barrelages of the respective brewers shall be increased or decreased accordingly. (4) The rights of brewers under subsection (3) of Section 2 of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, shall be suspended while this Order is in force. (5) If the Food Controller, at the request of the Army Council, grants a special certificate to any brewer authorising him to brew beer in excess of the limits prescribed by this Order, on the ground that the addition is required for the use of military canteens, (b) the amount of beer which that brewer is entitled to brew shall thereupon be increased by the number of barrels stated in the certificate; and this Order shall apply accordingly. DistributioD 2. — (1) The same provision shall be applicable in relation to of beer. jt^q effect of this Order on contracts as is applicable in relation to the effect of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, on contracts under Section 4 of that Act. (2) Licence holders, and persons having the same rights as licence holders under Section 6 of the Output of Beer (Restric- tion) Act, 1916, as amended by any subsequent Act, shall have the same rights, and brewers shall b© under the same obligations, in connection with the output of beer as limited by this Order as under the said Section 5, except that the percentage of reduction in the number of standard barrels which a licence holder is entitled to obtain under that section and the reduction from the amount stated in the certificate for the purpose of ascertaining the reduction and transfer of maximum barrelage shall be increased so as to be 66| per cent, instead of 15 per cent. (3) Any brewer who has not given to a licence holder any particulars or certificate which the licence holder is entitled to obtain from him under Section 5 of the Output of Beer (Restric- tion) Act, 1916, shall give the particulars or certificate to the licence holder within fourteen days after a request in writing therefor is made by the licence holder. (a) Commissioners of Customs and Excise.— This Department was formed as from April 1, 1909, by the Excise Transfer Order, 1909 (St. R. & 0., 1909, No. 197) which transferred the excise powers of the Commissioners of Inland Rercnue to the new Board. (b) Food Controller's Certificates authorising Brewing for Canteens. — These Certificates can be granted by the Food Controller under s. 6 of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, which as amended by the Amend- ment Act and by the Food Controller (Transfer of Powers) Order, 1917 (1917, No. 287) which transferred to the Food Controller the powers of the Board of Trade as to granting the special certificates referred to, is printed in Consolidated Form in Appendix Y to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 470. For further provisions as to these certificates, see Intoxicating Liquor (Output • and Delivery) Order, 1918, p. 191. Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order , 1917, 177 as amended. (4) A brewer shall give to a licence holder a copy of any certificate which has been obtained from him for the purpose of Section 5 of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, within fourteen days after a request in writing for the copy is made to him by the licence holder showing that the certificate originally obtained is either lost or for some other reason not available for use by the licence holder. (6) Where beer has been supplied to a licence holder through a person recognised by the brewer as his agent — (a) the agent shall be under the same obligation to give particulars and certificates of the beer as if he was the brewer; and (6) the beer shall be deemed to be beer supplied by the brewer to the licence holder and not by the brewer to the agent. 3. Expressions to which a special meaning is attached by the Interpreta- Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, have (unless the context tion- otherwise requires) the same meaning when used in this Part of this Order. (a) II. — Wine(b) and Spirits. 4. — (1) No wine or spirits, shall be delivered from ship's side Rsstrictiona or a warehouse (including a distiller's spirit store) for home ^J delivery consumption on the payment of duty to any person — -^ts^ (a) unless he is the holder of an authority for the time being in force under this provision, (b) in excess of tlie amount which is authorised to be delivered to him under that authority; and (c) unless particulars as to the warehouse or place from which the wine or spirits are delivered, and of the amount delivered and of the date of delivery are entered on the authority for delivery. (2) Authorities for the purposes of this provision shall be issued by the Commissioners in such manner and subject to such con- ditions as may be prescribed by rules made for the purpose by the Treasury, (c) and the Commissioners shall attach to any authority so issued such conditions as they think fit for ensuring the proper distribution of the wine or spirits authorised to be delivered. The rules made by the Treasury may provide for the appoint- ment of a committee for the purpose of advising and assisting the Commissioners in the performance of their duties, and the exercise of their powers under this Part of this Order. (c) (3) Authority shall (except in cases where special directions are given by the Commissioners) be granted only to the persons to (a) Meaning op Expressions. — S. 7 of the 1916 Act defines " brewer " and "quarter." See Appendix V to the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual " in which the Act is printed, p. 474. (b) Revocation as to Wine. — As from June 3, 1918, the delivery of wine for home consumption was freed from any restriction imposed by or under this Order by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery), No. 2, Order, 1918 (St. R. & O., No. 600 of 1918). (c) Treasury Rules.— These are printed p. 179. 178: Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, as amended. whom or on whose behalf wine or spirits were delivered diirins^ the year 1916, and so that the total amount of spirits delivered to a person during the year beginning on the first of April shall not exceed tho amount delivered to that person during the year 1916 reduced by 50 per cent. ; and the total amount of wine delivered to a person during the half year beginning on the first day of October, 1917, or in any subsequent half year shall not exceed half the amount delivered to that person during the year 1916. (4) This provision shall not prevent the delivery of spirits in cases where the Commissioners are satisfied that the spirits are — {a) spirits delivered to a manufacturing chemist, or to a manufacturer of perfumes, for use in tKeir manufac- tures; or {b) spirits delivered for scientific purposes; or (c) spirits supplied for the purpose of making medicines, to registered medical practitioners, to hospitals, and to persons, firms, and bodies corporate entitled to carry on the business of a chemist and druggist ; but the Commissioners may attach conditions to the delivery of any spirits for those purposes in order to ensure their use for the purposes for which they are delivered. (5) A person shall not procure, or attempt to procure, the delivery of tcine or spirits in contravention of this provision, or make any entry on an authority which is false in any material particular, or make any statement which is false in any material particular, for the purpose of obtaining any authority under this provision. Every person shall comply with any conditions attached by the Commissioners to an authority issued by them under thie> provision, or to the delivery of spirits under this provision. If it is shown to the Commissioners that any condition attached by them to the issue of an authority under this provision has not been complied with, the Commissioners may, if they think fit, withdraw the authority ; but the power of the Commissioners to withdraw the authority shall not prejudice the liability of the holder of the authority to any penalty to which he may be liable for not complying with the condition. 111. — General. Penalty. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences subject to penalties under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Short title. 6. This Order may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917. Devonport, Food Controller. 29th March, 1917. Authorities under Food Controller's Order for Delivery of Wine 179 or Spirits for HoTiie Consumption. Rules, dated March 29, 191T, made by the Treasury under Part II. of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917, as amended by Rule made in PURSUANCE OF THAT OrDER AS AMENDED,. 191T. JS'o. 375 as aw^ended by No. 1240. (1) Authorities for the delivery of Wine and Spirits from ship's side or warehouse (including a distiller's spirit store) for home consumption on the payment of duty as prescribed by section 4 (1) of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917,(8') shall be issued only to a person who has made application to the Commissioners of Customs and .Exri3e(b) on the form provided for the purpose supplied by the Commissioners, giving the particulars required thereby. (2) The authority shall be granted for a period not exceeding six months ending either 30th September, or 31st March; the quantity of wine of which it shall authorise delivery shall not exceed 50 per cent., and the quantity of spirits of which it shall authorise delivery shall not exceed 25 per cent., of the total quantity of wine and spirits, respectively, delivered to the same person or on his behalf during the year 1916. In the case of wine, where an authority for the half year ending 31st March, 1918, has been issued to any person for the delivery of 25 per cent, a supplementary authority for the delivery of an additional 25 per cent, during such period is to ])e issued to the same person. (3) Where special directions are given by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise under section 4 (3) of the Order, Rules (1) and (2) may be varied by order of the Commissioners to meet the circumstances. (4) The quantity of spirits to the delivery of which a rectifier or compounder who deposits spirits in a warehouse on drawback shall be entitled shall be determined in the following manner : — The quantity of spirits so deposited in the period corresponding to that for which an authority is granted shall be deducted from the total quantity delivered to him or on his behalf in the same period, and the authority shall be granted for the amount of the difference reduced by 50 per cent. ; but such rectifier or com- pounder shall be entitled to a special authority for delivery of a quantity of spirits equal to the quantity deposited on drawback in addition to the quantity expressed in his authority. Tlie. special authority shall be granted on an application being made to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise by the rectifier or compounder who deposited the spirits, and on production to them (a) IiNTOxiCATiNG LiQUOR (OuTPUT AND Delivsry) Order. 1917 —That Order is printed p. 174. (b) Commissioners of Customs and Excise.— 6'ee footnoto (a), p. 176 to Clause 1 (3) of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917. 180 Authorities under Food Controller's Order for Delivery of Wine or Spirits for Home Consumption, of a certificate of deposit signed by the Officer and the Surveyor of Customs and Excise by whom the warehouse of deposit is controlled. (5) In any case where a person entitled to apply for an authority is unable or unwilling to clear wine or spirits from warehouse with which to supply a dealer or retailer who purchased wine or spirits from him in 1916, that person shall on demand by the dealer or retailer furnish him with a certificate of the quantity so supplied and on production of that certificate to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, the Commissioners if satisfied as to the facts, may grant a special authority to the dealer or retailer to obtain delivery of an equivalent quantity less 50 per cent., the authority of the person giving the certificate being decreased by the amount he is unable or unwilling to supply. The special authority may at the option of the dealer or retailer be transferred to a person who is willing to supply the wine or spirits. This rule shall also apply, with the necessary modifications, where a person who has supplied wine or spirits from a warehouse in 1916 to a dealer or retailer is able or willing to supply the dealer or retailer with a portion only of the restricted quantity of wine or spirits, based upon 1916 purchases, which the dealer or retailer desires to obtain from him. (6) A Committee, to be known as the Advisory Committee (Customs and Excise), consisting of persons nominated by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, shall be appointed to advise and assist the Commissioners of Customs and Excise in ihe perform- ance of their duties and the exercise of their powers under Part 2 of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order 1917, and any action of this Committee done under the authority of the Commissioners shall have the same effect as though it were the action of the Commissioners. (a) Stanley Baldwin, James F. Hope. March 29th, 1917. (a) Advisory Committee (Customs and Excise). — The Members of this Committee are: — Mr. John Archer (Chairman of the Wine and Spirit Association) (Chairman) ; Mr. R. WilHam Byass (late Chairman of the Wine and Spirit Association) ; Mr. Henry Tait Moore (of Brook's Wharf, Upper Thames Street); and Mr. J. N. Stickland (iate Superintending Inspector of Customs and Excise). The Secretary is Mr. Percy L. Aston, and the address of the Committee is 110, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4. Hops {Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended. 181 The Hops (Eestriction) Order, 191T, dated August 31, 191T, AS AMENDED BY THE HoPS (RESTRICTION) OrDER No. 2, 1917, DATED Septembers, 1917. (a) 1917, No. 914 as amended by No. 925. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller after consultation with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries hereby orders as follows : — 1. No person shall without a permit issued under the authority Restrictioa of the Food Controller either on his own behali or on the behalf on dealings of any other person, buy or sell or agree or offer to buy or sell ^^ Hops, any Hops whether imported or home grown. A person shall not without a permit issued under the authority of the Food Con- troller make delivery of any hops contracted to be sold by him before the 4th September, 1917. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary olfences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. {a) This Order may be cited as the Hops (Restriction) Title and Order, 1917. Commence- ment of (b) This Order shall come into force on the 1st September, Order. 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U . F . Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st August, 1917. The Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1917. November 19, 1917, as amended. Dated [This Order which restricts the kind and amount of sugar which may be used by brewers is, as amended by the Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, No 2, 1917, printed in Group 17 (" Sugar,") (p. 579.)] (a) Powers as to Hops.— This Order is made under Reg. 2j (5) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (p. 13). As to the reduction of acreage under hops in England and Wales, see Regulation 2nn, as amended to Jan. 31, 1918 (p. 628 of Addenda to the '• Food (Supply and Prod»ction) Manual.") 182 Jnio.vicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order No. 5, 1917. The Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order IVTo. 5, J 917. Dated December 24, 1917. 1917. No. 1337. Increase of maximum barrelage.(a) Accepting, brewers. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. During the quarter commencing on the 1st January, 1918 (hereinafter referred to as the current quarter) the maximum barrelage which a brewer for sale is authorised to brew under the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917 (herein- after referred to as the principal Order) (b) shall be increased. (a) By twenty per cent, if he gives such notice and complies with such conditions as are hereinafter mentioned and such increase is, in this Order, referred to as the twenty per cent, increase ; and (h) By such further amount, if any, as in his case may be authorised by licence of the Food Controller if he com- plies with the conditions subject to which such a licence is granted, and the increase authorised by such licence is hereinafter called the licensed increase : Provided that the aggregate amount of the licensed increases shall not exceed such an amount as with the aggregate amount of the twenty per cent, increases will increase the aggregate barrelage to be brewed by all brewers for sale in the current quarter by more than thirty-three and one-third per cent. 2. A brewer for sale shall be authorised to brew in the current quarter the twenty per cent, increase if he gives notice to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioners) (c) on or before the 26th January, 1918, that ne accepts and will comply with the conditions subject to which the twenty per cent, increase is authorised by this Order, ajid such brewer is hereinafter referred to as an accepting brewer. (a) Increase of Maximum Barrelage. — A precisely similar increase in the maximum barrelage for the last quarter of 1917, i.e., that commencing October Isfc, 1917, was made by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 3 (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 1059), printed pp. 78-80 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual " which was in identical terms with the present Order No. 5 except as to dates. A similar increase in the maximum barrelage for the third quarter of 1917, i.e., that commencing July 1st, 1917, was made by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 2 (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 700), which was-in identical terms with the present Order No. 5 and with Order No. 3, except as to dates and except that the " original gravity " referred to in Clauses 3 (a) and 6 (c) of Orders No. 5 and No. 3 was in the No. 2 Order 1036° instead of 1042°. (b) Intoxicating Liquor (Output and DELivEi:Y) Order, 1917. — That O'-dev IS printed p. 174. (c) Commissioners op Customs and Excise. — See footnote (a), p. 176, to Clause 1 (3) of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1917. Intoxicating Liquor {Output and Delivery) Order No. 5, 1917. 183 3. The conditions subject to which the twenty per cent, increase Oonditions. is authorised are the following : — (a) One-half of the total amount of beer brewed by the accepting brewer in the current quarter {exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be brewed and delivered out of his brewery at a gravity not exceeding an original gravity of 1042^(a) : (b) The remaining half of the beer brewed {exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be brewed at an average original gravity not exceeding the average original gravity of the total beer brewed at his breiuery during the quarter comrnencing on the 1st January, 1917(a) : (c) In the month of January not more than one-third and in the months of January and February not more than two-thirds of the total amount of beer which th^ brewer is entitled to brew during the current quarter (exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be delivered out of his brewery : And it shall be the duty of every accepting brewer to comply with such conditions. 4. The additional barrelage authorised to be brewed by this Order and by licences under this Order shall not be taken into account in reckoning the ten million barrels referred to in sub- section (2) of Clause 1 of the principal Order. 5. The same provision shaE be applicable in relation to the effect of this Order on contracts as is applicable in relation to the effe,ct of the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916, on con- tracts under Section 4 of that Act.(b) 6. The following provisions shall apply with respect to certi- ficates available for the current quarter granted or to be granted to a licence holder: — {a) Except under the authority of the Food Controller n certificate granted by an accepting brewer shall not during the current quarter be used to transfer bar- relage to a person who is not an accepting brewer. {b) The number of standard barrels which a licence holder may obtain from an accepting brewer under a certificaie shall be increased by 20 per cent. (c) An accepting brewer who has undertaken to supply the licence holder with beer under a certificate shall not supply more than one-half of such beer at a gravity exceeding an original gravity of 1042°. {d) This clause shall apply to persons having the same rights as licence holders in the same way as U applies to licence holders. Computation under Clause 2(1) of the principal Order. Contracts. Supply of beer to free licensed houses. (a) Gravity op Beer. — The Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, 1918 (p. 191), provides that no beer shall be brewed at a gravity below 1010° or above an average of 1030° in Ireland and 1045° elsewhere in United Kingdom. (b) Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916 (6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 26).— That Act as amended by the Amendment Act (6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 57) and by the Food Controller (Transfer of Powers) Order, 1917, is printed as Appendix Y to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 470. 184 Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 5, 1917. Gravity of beer. Records. Surplus barrelage. Infringe- ments. Title and constructioL. 7. If any question shall arise under this Order as to the average original gravity of beer such question shall be determined by the Commissioners. 8. Every accepting brewer shall keep such records as to gravity and amount of beer brewed and delivered and other matters as are requisite to determine whether or not the -provisions of this Order are being complied with, and all such records and docu- ments connected therewith shall at all times be open to the inspection of tha Food Controller and of the Commissioners. 9. — (a) No account shall be taken of any surplus barrelage accrued since the 1st April, 1917, for the purpose of computing the increase permitted by Clause 1 of this Order. (h) In the case of a brewer who was an accepting brewer within the meaning of the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order (No. 2), 1917 or the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order, No. 3, 1917,(8') such surplus barrelage may except in such cases as the Food Controller otherwise directs, only be brewed subject to the conditions applicable under conditions (a) and (b) of clause 3 of this Order to the beer therein referred to. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary ofEences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. This Order may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order No. 3, 1917, and should be read as one with the principal Order. Rhondda, Food Controller. 15th October, 1917. (a) " Accepting Brewer within the Meaning of Orders (No, 2) or (No. 3)/' i.e., a brewer for sale who gave notice to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise on or before the 21st July, 1917, that he accepted and would comply with the three following conditions : — 1. One-half of the total amount of beer brewed by the accepting brewer in the quarter commencing on the 1st July, 1917 (exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be brewed and delivered out of his brewery at a gravity not exceeding an original gravity of 1036° : 2. The remaining half of the beer brewed (exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be brewed at an average original gravity not exceeding the average original gravity of the total beer brewed at his brewery during the quarter commencing on the 1st July, 1916 : 3. In the month of July not more than one-third and in the months of J uly and August not more than two-thirds of the total amount of beer which the brewer is entitled to brew during the quarter com- mencing on the 1st July, 1917 (exclusive of the licensed increase) shall be delivered out of his brewery : [See Clauses 1, 2, 3 of Order (No. 2) printed as St. R. & O.. 1917, No. 700 and Clause 9 (6) of Order (No. 3) printed p. 80 of the " Food (Supply and Produc- tion) Manual," both of which orders are omitted from this Manual as being, save as reproduced in this footnote, " spent."] Wliiskey {Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918. 185 The Whiskey (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918. Datliu Jandary 5, 1918. . 1918. No. 12. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Reg^ulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. No Whiskey shall be sold by auction except at an auction Sales by sale authorised to be held by the Eood Controller. auction. 2. A person shall not either on his own behalf or on behalf of Restrictions any other person- dLlTngt" {a) buy, sell or deal in ; or (6) offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in ; or (c) enter into negotiations for the sale or pui chase of or other dealing in ; any Whiskey by way of wholesale sale, wholesale purchase or wholesale dealing ; unless (i) he is the holder of an authority granted by the Food Controller authorising such sale, purchase or dealing ; or (ii) he was immediately prior to the 30th September, 1914, a person holding a licence to deal in intoxicating liquor by wholesale taken out in pursuance of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910(a) ; or (iii) he is the manufacturer of the Whiskey in question. 3. In this Order the expression " a wholesale sale " shall mean luterpreta- a sale at any one time to one person of two gallons or more of tion- Whiskey, and the expression ** wholesale purchase " and *' wholesale dealing " shall have corresponding meanings. 4. Nothing in this Order shall prevent any person buying for Exception, the purposes of retail sale or for the purposes of any club to which Section 43 of the Finance (1909-10) Act 1910,(b) applies or a pur- chase by a person who proves that he is not buying for re-sale. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Whiskey (Restriction on Title. Sales) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. U . F . Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th January, 1918. (a) Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910.— 10 Edw. 7, c. 8. (b) Club within 10 Edw. 7, c. 8, s. 48.— i.e., a club for the time being registered under the Licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910 (10 Edw. 7 & 1 Goo. 5. c. 24), or the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903 (3 Edw. 7, c. 25), or the Registra- tion of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904 (4 Edw. 7. c. 9 ) 186 Rum and Gin {Restriction on Sales) Order ^ 1918. Sales by auction. Restrictions on wholesale dealings. Exception. The Eum and Gin (Eestriction on Sales) Order, 1918. Dated- January 17, 1918. 1918. No. 48. In exercise of the powers conferred upon liim by tlie Defence of the Realm Hegulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. No rum or gin shall be sold by auction except at an auction sale authorised to be held by the Food Controller. 2. A person shall not either on his own behalf, or on behalf of any other person — (a) buy, sell or deal in ; or (h) offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in; or (c) enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in any rum or gin by way of wholesale sale, wholesale purchase or wholesale dealing, unless — (i) ^ii) he is the holder of an authority granted by the Food Controller authorising such sale, purchase or dealing ; or he was immediately prior to the 30th September, 1914, a person holding a licence to deal in intoxicating liquor by wholesale taken out in pursuance of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910(a) ; or (iii) he is the manufacturer of the rum or gin in question^ 3. For the purposes of this Order, the expression ^* wholesale sale" shall mean a sale at any one time to one person of two gallons or more of rum or gin, and the expressions ^' wholesale purchase" and ''wholesale dealing" shall have corresponding meanings, 4. Nothing in this Order shall prevent any person buying for the purposes of a retail sale or for the purposes of any club to which Section 48 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910,(b) applies, or a purchase by a person who proves that he is not buying for resale. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Rum and Gin (Restriction on Sales) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th January, 1918. (a) Finance (19')9-10) Act, 1910.— 10 Edw. 7, c. 8. (b) Club within 10 Edw. 7, c. 8, s. 48. — ie., a club for the time being registered under the Licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910 (10 Edw. 7 & 1 Geo. 5, c. 24), or the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903 (3 Edw. 7, c. 25), or the Registra- tion of Clubs ([reland> Act, 1904 (4 Edw. 7, c. 9). Malt (RestHcUon) Order, 1918. 187 The Malt (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated February 26, 1918. 1918. No. 225. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Prohibition issued by the Food Controller no person shall on or after the ^^ °^^^^^^ 1st March, 1918, manufacture any Malt or Malt Extract other ^"^""^ °^ ^*^^' than Malt or Malt Extract in process of manufacture on the 28th February, 1918. 2. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Prohibition issued by the Food Controller no person shall on or after of use or ^ 1st March, 1918, sell or buy or make or take delivery of or use ?J^^7^^^ °^ • any Malt or Malt Extract for any purpose. ^ * This Clause shall not apply to : — {a) The use of Malt or Malt Extract by a Brewer for Sale so far as is necessary to enable him t4> brew the maximum barrelage permitted to him under the Orders of the Food Controller for the time being in force relating to the brewing of beer, and the further barrelage, if any, permitted to him under any licence granted by the Food Controller ; or (5) the delivery to a brewer for sale under contracts existing at the date of this Order of such quantities of Malt or M^lt Extract as together with his existing stocks, are requisite to enable him in the ordinary course to brew such maximum and further barrelage up to and including 30th June, 1918; or (c) the purchase of Malt or Malt Extract from a person licenced l)y the Food Controller to sell Malt or Malt Extract or the use of Malt or Malt Extract by a baker for the purpose of making bread. 3. Where Malt is supplied to a Brewer for Sale by any person statements. under Clause 2 of this Order, that person shall be entitled to rely on a statement in writing signed by or on behalf of the brewer for sale as to the lawfulness of the proposed supply. 4. For the ourposes of this Order: — Interpreta- The expression '' Malt, or Malt ExT/r«?.3t," shall include all tion. such Malt, Malt Extract or substitutes for Malt as are manu. factured by the steeping, roasting or treatment of any cereal. 188 Beer {Prices and Description) Order, 1918. 'Revocation 5. The Brewers (Malt Purchases) Order, 191T,(a) Ihe Malt Nof'm^i'se (^Restriction) Order, 1917, (b) and the Malt (Restriction) ]N"o. 2 and 345 of Order 1917, (c) are revoked as from the 1st March, 1918 but with- 1917. out prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any infringement thereof. Infringe- 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against ments. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title. '^' This Order may be cited as the Malt (Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. TF. //. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th February, 1918. The Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918. March 8, 1918, as amended. Dated [This Order, which is printed in Group 7-^ (" Foreign Holdings of Food "), (p. 250), requires returns o± alcoholic beverages of all kinds held to foreign account.] Sales of cer- tain draught beer in licensed pre- mises having a public bar. Sales of mixtures. The Beer (Prices and Description) Order, 1918. March 19, 1918. 1918. No. 343. Dated In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 1st April, 1918, sell or offer to sell any beer of the gravities mentioned in Clause 3, or any beverage containing any beer of such gravities, in any part of any licensed premises having a public bar or public bars unless — (a) such beer at the time of such sale or offer for sale is on sale by imperial measure in the public bar or public bars of the licensed premises; and also (h) such beer when sold by imperial measure in the public bar or public bars is sold at prices not exceeding the maximum prices provided by this Order. 2. A person shall not on or after the 1st April, 1918, sell or offer to sell any beverage containing any beer of the gravities mentioned in Clause 3 in any public bar of any licensed premises unless beer of such gravity is on sale in that public bar. (a) Brewers (Malt Purchases) Order, 1917.^That Order is printed p. 96 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Yolume, (b) Malt (Restriction) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 97 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Volume. (c) Malt (Restriction) No. 2 Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 98 of the Januarj', 1918, Edition of this Volume. Beer {Prices and Description) Order, 1918. 189 3. Where beer is sold by imperial measure in a public bar, Amount of the maximum price for beer of an original gravity less than maximum 1030° shall be at the rate of 4^. per imperial pint, and for beer Sirbars. of an original gravity not exceeding 1034° and not less than 1030° shall be at the rate of bd, per imperial pint. 4. {a) Where beer is delivered on or after the 1st April, 1918, Original in a barrel or cask — gravity to bo (i) the brewer or dealer disposing of such beer shall state ^3^*?^^^^?, on the invoice, if such be the fact, that the original y^^ diluted, gravity of the beer exceeds 1034° and, in any other case, the maximum price at which the beer in each such barrel or cask may under this Order be sold in the public bar of licensed premises; and (ii) the brewer shall also before permitting delivery out of his brewery plainly and durably mark on the head ot any barrel or cask containing beer of an original gravity less than 1030° the mark ** 4d5. '* and on any barrel or cask containing beer of an original gravity not exceeding 1034° and not less than 1030° the mark '* 5. 209. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, jo. 209. Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 208. The Currants and Sultanas (Requisition) Order, 1917, dated October 13, 1917, as amended by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918, (a) dated March 11, 1918. 1917 IS^o. 1053 as amended hy 1918 No. 294. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulations 2f and 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. All persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any currants or sultanas which at the date of this Order are afloat and shipped to the United Kingdom shall place and hold such currants and sultanas at the disposal of the Food Controller. 2. The Food Controller will subsequently communicate to the persons from whom the currants and sultanas are requisitioned under this Order the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 3. The Arbitrator to determine in default of Agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session In Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (b) 4. All persons concerned shall before the 20th October, 1917, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Grosvenor House, W.l, a return showing : — (i) Currants and Sultanas tifloat ; (ii) Quantity sold and unsold in each case; and shall also furnish such other particulars relating thereto as may from time to time be required. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Currants and Sultanas (Requisition) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th October, 1917. (a) Appointment of Aebitrators' Order, 1918.— This Order substituted a new clause for Clause 3. (b) Amendment of Clause 3. — This clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 294). Dried Fruits (DistribuUon) Order, 1918. 20< The Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 355. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. For the purpose of this Order, Dried Fruits shall mean all interpreta- Dried Fruits which may be or may have been after the 23rd tion. March, 1918, sold by wholesale on account of the Food Controller in whatever hands such Dried Fruits may be. 2. (a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe Form of forms of application and other documents to be used for the application purpose of obtaining or for any other purpose connected with ^^J ^® Dried Fruits. Any such form or document may contain direc- P^^scnbed. tions to be observed as to the completion of the form or any other matter. (6) The Food Controller may from time to time issue direc- tions relating to the distribution, treatment, sale, disposal or use of any Dried Fruits, or as to the price and terms upon which Dried Fruits may be sold of otherwise disposed of 3. All persons concerned shall in the completion of such form Completion or document and in the distribution, treatment, sale, disposal of forms, and use of any Dried Fruits comply with the instructions and directions relative thereto for the time being in force. 4. A person dealing in Dried Fruits shall keep or cause to Records, be kept at some convenient place such records as to the Dried Fruits dealt in and such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe together with all relevant documents and accounts and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating to his dealings in Dried Fruits as the Food Controller may from time to time require, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller to inspect the records to be kept under this clause and all relevant books, docu- ments and accounts. 5. A person shall not: — F^^»& (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statements or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order, or used for the purpose of obtaining or for any other purpose connected with Dried Fruits; (b) forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document; (c) personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; 208 Prescribed form and documents. Penalty, Title. Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. id) obtain Dried Fruits where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material particular or deliver Dried Fruits under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in any material particular. 6. Any form of application or other document purporting io be prescribed or any direction purporting to be given pursuant to this Order or headed Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918, shall unless the contrary be proved be deemed to be prescribed or given pursuant to this Order. T. Infringments of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2.3rd March, 1918. The Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. * March 23, 1918. Datei> 1918. INTo. 356. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations^ shall be observed by all x^ersons conc-eined : — Retail Price. 1. The maximum price on the occasion of any retail sale of Persian Dates shall be at the rate of 6^. per lb. Delivery, packages and credit. Offers, &c. 2. Where the purchaser on the occasion of a retail sale requires Persian Dates to be delivered to his premises an additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding \d. per lb. or any sum actually paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may bc) made for packing or for packages or for giving credit. 3. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or know- ingly buy or agree to buy any Persian Dates at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order, or in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any Persian Dates enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious tran?i- action or make oi demand any unreasonable charge. Greek Ctirrants {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 209 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- tlie Defence of tlie Eealm Regulations. ments. 5. This Order may be cited as the Persian Dates (Retail Prices) Title. Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd March, 1918. The Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated April 27, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 8-^ (*' Importers' Returns ") (p. 255), lequires returns to be made oi imported canned and dried fruits.] The Greek Currants (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated THE 1st May, 1918. 1918. Xo. 491. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall buy or sell or offer to buy or sell at prices General exceeding the permitted prices any currants produced in Greece restriction, which have not at the date of this Order arrived in the United Kingdom. 2. The permitted prices shall be the prices prescribed from Maximum time to time by the Food Controller by notice under this Order prices, and shall until further notice be the prices set out in the Schedule to this Order against the varieties of currants therein named. 3. The prices permitted under this Order are fixed on the basis Terms of that the currants : — trading. (i) are packed in customary packages, (ii) are sold delivered in bond in the United Kingdom, duty paid, (iii) are of good average quality, and in sound dry condition. If any currants to which this Order applies are bought or sold on other conditions or are of inferior quality a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the price. 210 Exception. S. R. & 0., No. 355 of 1918. Penalties. Title. Dried Fruits {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. 4. Nothing in this Order shall apply to : — (i) sales of currants by retail, (ii) sales of currants by wholesale imder the Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918. (a) 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. G. {a) This Order may be cited as the Greek Currants (Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1918. (b) Ihis Order shall come into force on the 11th May, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 1st May, 1918. Schedule. per cwt. Currants produced in Greece. Gulf and Vostizza 80^. duty paid. Patras and Zante 775. ,, Amalias ... 745. „ Not otherwise specified ... 72^. ,, The Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918." Dated THE 25th June, 1918. 1918. No. 761. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Retail price. 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 1st July, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy by retail any of the varieties of Dried Fruits mentioned in the First Column of the Schedule at a price exceeding the price set out against such variety of fruit in the Second Column of the Schedule. (6) A person shall not on or after the 1st July, 1918, sell by retail any mixture of dried fruits, of which any of the varieties of dried fruits mentioned in the Schedule forms a part, at a price exceeding the price applicable under sub-clause (a) hereof, ascer- tained by reference to the proportion of such dried fruits con- tained in the mixture, and upon the basis that the maximum (a) Dried Fruits (Distribution) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 207. Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. 211 Delivery, packages, and credit. Currants and sultanas to be cleaned. price of any dried fruit contained in sncli mixture^ and not mentioned in tlie Scliediile is a price at the rate fixed in respect of Figs. 2. Where on tlie occasion of a retail sale to which this Order applies Dried Fmits are delivered at the request of the buyer other- wise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery, not exceeding a sum at the rate of id. per lb. or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may be made for packing or for packages, or for giving credit. 3. A person shall not on or after the 1st July, 1918, sell by retail any Currants or Sultanas unless they have been cleaned in the United Kingdom prior to such sale. 4. A person shall not in connection with the sale, or disposition Offers, &c. or proposed sale or disposition of any Dried Fruits, enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. Nothing in this Order shall apply: — Exception. (i) to any dried fruits supplied by a caterer in the ordinary course of his business as part of a meal ; or (ii) to plums grown in France and packed in tins or bottles outside the United Kingdom. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ™®^ ®* 7. This Order may be cited as the Dried Fruits (Retail Prices) Title. Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 25th June, 1918. • The Schedule. First Column. ' Second Column Variety. Per lb. Dried Pears ls.4:d. ,, Apricots ... ... ... ... ls.4d. Valencias . . . ... Is. 2d. . Muscatels . . . Is. 2d. Sultanas Is. 2d. Any other variety of Raisins Is. 2d. Currants ... ... ... ... Is. 2d. Dried Plums and Prunes Is. 2d. ,, Peaches or Nectarines Is. 2d. Apple Rings .. . ... ... ... Is.Od. Dried Apples ... ... ... ... Is.Od. Figs ... 0s.8d. Freshwater Fish {Ireland) Order ^ 1917, as amended. 7. Fish (a). Canned Salmon (Returns) Order, 1918,/?. 242. Fish (Distribution) Order, 1918, jo. 246. Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918, as amended, ;a 230. Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, 'p. 226. General Licence thereunder (Dealers in shell fish), -p, 239. Fish (Registration of Dealers) No. 2 Amendment Order, 1918, i?. 246. Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 242. Freshwater Fish Order, 1918, p. 238. Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918, ;?. 223. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 1, jo. 224. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 2, -p. 224. Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 212. Table of Local Orders thereunder, /?. 213. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918,;?. 238. Pickled Herring (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 218. Pickled Herrings Order, 1918, j9. 239. Pilchards Order, 1918,/?. 248. Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1918, p, 237. Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917, p. 215. Sea Fishing Order, No. 5, p. 217. Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917, p. 222. Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917, p, 219. Order thereunder, p, 221. The Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, dated April 25, 1917, AS amended by the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918, (^) dated February 26, 1918. 1917 No. 387 as amended by 1918 No. 226, In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of* the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller orders as follows: — 1. The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland(c) may by Order authorize — (a) the use of any methods or appliances for the purpose of taking freshwater fish the use of which would other- wise be unlawful : (a) Cold Storage and Carriage of Frozen Fish. — As to taking of articles out of, and into, cold store, see the Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 204. As to carriage of frozen fish, see Orders in Council referred to in footnote (b), to list of Meat and Cattle Orders, p. 295. (b) Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, Amendment Order, 1918. — This Order amended the definition of " freshwater fish " in Clause 3. (c) Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland.— As to the constitution of this Department, see Editorial Note at the commencement of Part VII (" Powers and Orders of the Department of Agri- culture and Technical Instruction for Ireland "), p. 379 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Local Orders under Freshiuater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917. •213 (b) the use of any methods and appliances for the purpose aforesaid at times and places and in circumstances at and in which the use of such methods and appliances would otherwise be unlawful ; and (c) the possession sale and purchase of any freshwater fish at times at which the possession sale and purchase thereof would otherwise be unlawful ; Any such Order may be made so as to apply to inland waters generally or to any rivers or lakes, or parts thereof specified in such Order or so as to apply generally to all persons or to any particular person or class of persons named or described in the Order, and may contain such qualifications conditions and restrictions as appear to the Department to be necessary or proper, (a) 2. Any Order of the Department may be revoked or varied as occasion requires. (b)3. For the purposes of this Order the expression " fresh- water fish " shall mean fish, other than salmon or sea trout, which live wholly or partly in fresh water. 4. — (a) This Order shall extend only to Ireland. (b) This Order may be cited as the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order 1917. Devonport, Food Controller. 25th April, 1917. Table of Local Orders made by the Department of Agricul- TURE and Technical Instruction for Ireland under the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917, and the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917. District. Subject of Order. Date and No. of Order. Whether expired. No. 3 Netting fish (other than salmon, trout July 17, 1917, or Waterford and eels) in Barrow River. No. 18. District. » Netting fish (other than salmon, trout and July 23,1917, Expired, eels) in Black River. No. 21. Oct. 1, 1917. Kot specijicd Netting of fish (other than salmon, April 30. 1918, trout and eels) in part of Black River. No. 34. ., Netting mullet, bass, shad and sea fish June 25.1918, in part of the Annestown Stream. No. S.' 8. No. 4 Trapping eels in Mr. Oliver's Mill Pond May 31, 1917, or Lismore Buttevant. No. 8. District. • V Netting bro\\^l trout, pike, perch, bream, June 6, 1917, dace, rudd, roach, mullet, bass and No. n. shad. , » Use of nets, &c., for capture of eels at Julv31,1917, 1 eel-weirs. iS"o. 24. (a) Orders made by the Department. — Under this power the Department have (July 31, 1918) made 40 Orders, and under this power and that of the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917 (p. 219), 11 further Orders. A table showing the subjects of these Orders, and which of them are still inforce will be found at the end of this Order. See also footnote (a), p. 220. (b) Amendments op Clause 3.— The clause is here printed as amended by the Amendment Order of February, 1918, which directed the omission of "pollen " from the definition of " freshwater fish." Revocation and variation. Interpre- tation. Extent and Title of Order. 214 Local Orders under Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order, 1917. District. Subject of Order. Date and No. of Order. Whether expired. No. 5 Netting grey mullet and shad in Bandon May 29, 1917, Extended h/ or Cork District Rioer. No.5. Order No. 25, Bandon Division) which expired Sept. 30,1917. n Netting grey mullet and shad in Bandon July 31, 1917, Expired, River. No. 25. Sept. 30, 1917. » Netting grey mullet and shad in Ban- April 9, 1918, don Kiver. No. S. 6. »7 Netting mullet, bass, shad, and sea fish May 15, 1918, No. S. 7. » Capture of eels at eel-weiis May 28, 1918, No. 36. No. 62 Netting mullet, bass or shad in tidal June 28, 1917, Expired, or Bantry District. portion of River Snave or Coomhala. No. 16. Sept. 15, 1917. No. 8 Cross-line Jishing in Lough Derg May 5, 1917, Expired, or Limerick No.l. June 10, 1917. District. » Netting pike, perch, bream, and rudd May 15, 1917, in Lough Derg. No. 2. >» Netting pike, perch, bream, rudd, or May 21, 1917, roach in Lough Key. No. 3. » Netting pike in River Maigue May 23, 1917, No. 4. n Netting pike, perch, bream, rudd, or May 31, 1917, roach in Lough Gara. No. 6. » Netting pike, perch, bream, rudd, or May 31, 1917, roach in Loughs Owel and Bnnel. No. 9. » Netting and trapping pike, perch. June 6, 1917, Rev. by Order bream, rudd, and roach in Lough No. 12. No. 39. Derravaragh. >j Use of " Otter " and nets for taking June 20, 1917, fish (other than salmon, trout, char, No. U. or pollen) on Knock Drin Estate. » Netting, &c., of pike, perch, bream, June 25, 1918, roach or rudd, > carp, tench, char, No. 39. pollen, eels, and retention of injured brown tiout captured, in Lough Derravaragh. No. 9' Cross-line Jishing in Loughs Mask, May 31, 1917, Rev. by Order or Gal way District. Carra, Nafooey, and Tributary Rivers. Use of " Otters " on certain Lakes No. 7. No. 31, >? June 5, 1917, No. 10. » Netting and trapping pike, perch, June 9, 1917, Rev. by Order bream, rudd, and roach in Lough No. 13. No. 37. Cor rib. ■ « Netting mullet, bass, or shad on the sea July 20, 1917, Rev. by Order coast. No. 20. No. S. 3. » Netting mullet, bass, or shad on the sea Oct. 18, 1917, coast. No. S.3. >j Netting mullet, bass, or shad on the sea July 27,1917, Rev. by Order coast. No. 23. No. S. 4. » Netting mullet, bass, or shad on the sea Oct. 18, 1917, No. ^. 4, coast. » Capture of eels at eel-weirs, etc. Aug. 20, 1917, Am. by Order No. 27. No. 29. » Capture of eels at eel- weirs, etc. Sept. 17, 1917. No. 29. >' Netting and trapping, etc., pike, perch. June 4, 1918, » bream, rudd, roach, char, pollen, eels, and retention of injured brown trout captured, in Lough Corrib. No. 37. » Use of " Otters " on certain lakes July 9, 1918, No. 41. jj Netting 1 mullet, bass, or shad on the July 16, 1918. sea coast in certain areas. No. S. 10. No. 9» Netting mullet on sea coast in cei-tain June 28, 1917, Rev. by Order or Connemara areas. No. 15. No. S. 2. District. >> Netting mullet on sea coast in certain Oct. 18, 1917, No. S. 2. areas. » Capture of eels at eel-weirs Aug. 9, 1917, No. 26. Netting mullet, bass and shad, in certain June 29, 1918. tidal waters. No.S.9. ■ bea Fishing {England and Wales) Order, 1917. 215 District. Subject of Order. Date and No. of Order. Whether expire No. 101 or Ballynakill District. No. 12 or Sligo District. No. 171 or Drogheda District. No. 172 or Dundalk District. Not specified Taking eels by fixed engine in outlet of lake in demesne of Wesport House. Netting pike, perch, bream, rudd or roach in Loughs Gill, Corrigeencor and Belhavel and Templehouse Lake. Netting eels in Gap of Ballinacrad Salmon Weir next to left bank of Eiver Poyne. Netting pike, perch, bream, dace, rudd or roach in Quoile River. Netting pike, perch, bream, roach or rudd in limited area of Upper Lough Erne and Lotver Lough Erne. Netting of pike, perch, bream, roach or rudd, pollen or char in limited area of Upper Lough Erne and Lower Lough Erne. Netting, ^c, of pike, perch, bream, rudd, or roach, carp, tench, char, and pollen by persons authorised by Depart- ment, under licence of Woods and Forests or permission of fishery oivner. Netting pike, perch, bream, roach or rudd, tench, carp, mullet, bass or shad in parts of Lagan Canal and Lagan River. Netting, etc., of pike, perch, bream, rudd or roach, carp, tench, char, pollen, eels, and retention of injured brown trout captured, by persons authorised by Department, under Licence of Woods and Forests or permission of fishery owner. Netting mullet, bass and shad in parts of the Malahide Inlet and Broad Meadow Water and Ward or Swords River. July 20, 1917. isro.i9. Sept. 6, 1917. No. 28. July 27, 1917, No. 22. June 30,1917, No. 17. Oct. 22, 1917, No. 30. Mar. 5, 1918, No. 32. April 26, 1918 No. 33. May 22, 1918, No. 35. June 26, 1918, No. 38. June 29, 1918, No. S. F. 1. Rev. by Order No. 32. Rev. hy Order No. 38. The Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917. Dated July 30, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 768. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him hy the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controler orders as follows : — 1. The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries(b) may by Order authorise : — (a) the use in tidal or territorial waters, for the purpose of taking sea fish, of any method or appliance the use of which would otherwise be unlawful; (a) Corresponding Orders for Scotland and Ireland. — The Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917 (p. 222), makes similar provisions as to the waters adjoin- ing Scotland, and the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917 (p. 219), makes similar provision as to the waters adjoining Ireland. (b) Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. — As to the constitution of this Board see Editorial Note at the commencement of Part V (" Powers and Orders of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries "), p. 257, of the " Food ( Supply and Production) Manual." Taking of Fish within Tidal and Territorial Waters of England and Wales. 216 Sea Fishing {England and Wales) Order, 1917. (6) the use in tidal or territorial waters for the purpose afore- said of any method or appliance 3t times and places and in circumstances at and m which the use of such methods or appliance would otherwise he unlawful ; and (c) the fishing for or removal of sea fish in tidal or territorial waters, or the possession, sale, exposure or consign- ment for sale or purchase of any sea fish, at times otherwise unlawful. Any such Order may be made so as to apply to tidal or to territorial waters generally, or to the parts thereof specified in such Order, or so as to apply generally lo all persons or to any particular person or class of persons named or described in the Order, or to sea fish generally or to any particular kind of sea fish, and may contain such qualifications, conditions and restrictions as appear to the Board to be necessary and proper. ^ Provided that no such order shall authorise, without the consent of the Board of Ti-ade first being obtained, any fixed net, stake net or other erection to be placed or used on tidal lands, or authorise any such erection to be placed or used on the foreshore under the control of the Commissioners of Woods and rorests(a) without the consent of those Commissioners first being obtained. (b) 2. In this Order the words and expressions hereinafter men- tioned shall have respectively the meaning hereby assigned to them, that is to say: — *' Sea Fish '' means fish of all kinds(c) found in the sea, in- cluding Crustacea and shell fish. Tidal Waters " means the sea and every creek, channel, bay, estuary and river as far up the same as the tide flows. (a) Commissioners of Woods and Forests. — /.e., " The Commissioners of H.M.'s Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues" see s. 12 (12) of Interp. Act, 1889 (52 <& 53 Vict. c. 63). For the enactments relating to those Commissioners, see the heading " Woods, Commissioners of " in the " Index to the Statutes in Force " (1916 Edit.) (b) Orders made by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. — Under the Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917, the Board have (July 31, 1918) made five "Sea Fishing Orders" : of these No. 1, dated Oct. 24, 1917, relates to fishing in Cardigan Bay, No. 2, dated Oct. 30, 1917, to fishing in Start Bay, and No. 4, dated July 18, 1918, to fishing in the North-Eastern Sea Fisheries District, and being of a local character are omitted from this Manual. Order No. 3, dated April 12, 1918, which varied the Close Season for oysters, was revoked by Order, No. 5, and this latter order being of a general character is printed at the end of this Order. (c) Salmon, &c. — Salmon, sea trout, &c., are excluded from the corresponding Scottish Order (p. 222). In Ireland they were provided for as regards 1917 by the Fisheries (Ireland) Order, but are excluded from the Irish " Freshwater " (p. 212) and Irish " Sea Fishing " (p. 219) Orders. n Oyster {Close Season) Order, 1918. 217 '' Territorial Waters" means any part of the sea adjoining the coast of England and Wales within which His Majesty's subjects have by International Law the exclusive right of fishing\(a) 3. Any Order of the Board may be revoked or varied, a8 Revocation occasion requires. Variation. 4. (a) This Order shall, except as otherwise expressly stated, Extent and extend only to England and Wales .^ OrdeV* (6) This Order may be cited as the Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917. ' By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th July, 1917. Sea Fishing Order, No. 5. The Oyster (Close Season) Order, 1918, dated the 30th July, 1918, made by the board of agriculture and fisheries, UNDER THE DEFENCE OF THE EeALM KeGULATIONS. The Board of xigriculture and Fisheries, by virtue of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations, do hereby Order as follows : — 1. (1) Any person entitled to fish for, take, or remove oysters from any oyster bank or bed, in any waters to which this Order applies, may fish for, take or remove oysters therefrom at any time not later than the 13th day June in any year while this Order is in operation, at which the fishing, taking, or removal would, but for this Order, be unlawful. (2) The sale, exposure for sale, consignment for sale or jDurchase in England and Wales of oysters during the period commencing on the 15th day of May and terminating on the 14th day of June in any year while this Order is in oj)eration is hereby authorised. , 2. No person shall take oysters in any waters to which this Order applies during the jDeriod (commencing on the fourth day of August and terminating on the thirty-first day of August in any year while this Order is in operation. (a) ExcLDSiVE Right of Fishing within Territorial Waters. — Various International Conventions make provision for the exclusive right of fishery within 3 miles from low- water mark : e.g., Art. II. of the North Sea Fisheries Convention of May 6th, 1882, which is scheduled to the Sea Fisheries Act, 1883 (46 & 47 Yict. c. 22), and was brought into operation May 15, 1884 {see Board of Trade Notice, dated March 26, 1884 St. R. & O., Revised (1904), vol. 8 " Mer- chant Shipping," p. 133), and Art. II ot the Regulations of May 24, 1843, as to fishing in the seas lying between the coasts of England and France which are scheduled to the Sea Fisheries Act, 1843 (6 & 7 Vict. c. 79). The Convention between Great Britain and France of Nov. 11th, 1867, which is scheduled to the Sea Fisheries Act, 1868 (31 & 32 Vict. c. 45) has never (Jan. 31, 1918) been brought into operation {see Board of Trade Notice, Feb. 6, 1869, St. R. & O. Revised (1904), vol. 8 " Merchant Shipping," p. 132, and s. 30 of the 1882 Act) 218 Fielded Herring {Returns) Order, 1917. Provided that this provision shall not apply to any person taking oysters for scientific purposes or for stocking or breeding purposes, or with the authority of the Board. 3. This Order shall not be deemed to authorise: — {a) the taking of any oysters of such size that the taking thereof is illegal, or (6) fishing in any area in contravention of any Order made by the ]S"aval or Military Authorities ; or (c) fishing by any person without a licence where a licence is by law required. 4. This Order applies only to England and Wales and the territorial waters thereto adjoining. 5. The Order dated the 12th April, 1918, and made by the Board of Agriculture a;id Fisheries und^r the Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917, is hereby revoked. (a) 6. This Order may be cited as the Oyster (Close Season) Order. 1918. ^ ^ Sealed by the Board of Agriculture and Fishseries this 30th day of July, 1918. (Signed) HEISTEY G. MAIJEICE, An Assistant Secretary to the I--S. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Pickled Heuring (Eeturns) Order, 1917. Dated Jult? 31, 1917. 1917. No. 770. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — Particulars 1. Every person owning or having power to sell or dispose of required. ^^^ pickled herrings of the kinds mentioned in the Schedules which were cured on or after the 1st May, 1917, shall on or before the 14th day of each month, beginning with the month of August, 1917, furnish to the Food Controller a return giving— {a) particulars of all such herrings in his possession or under his control on the last day of the month immediately preceding that in which the return falls to be made ; (b) particulars of all such herrings sold or disposed of by him during that month; and (c) such other particulars as may be required to complete the prescribed form of return. (b) (a) Order dated April 12, 1918.— This Order, Sea Fishing Order No. 3, was printed p. 193 of the April, 1918 Edition of this Manual. (b) Dealings in Pickled Herrings.— See the Pickled Herrings Order (p. 239), which prescribes maximum prices and regulates certain dealings. Sea Fishing {Ireland) Order, 1917. 219 2. The returns shall be made on forms prescribed by the Food Forms. Controller and to be obtained from and when completed to be returned to the Secretary, Cured Fish Committee, Grosvenor House, London, W.l. 3. A person who does not own or have power to sell or dispose Exceptions, of more than 25 barrels of such herrings at the end of any month shall not be required to make a return in respect of that month. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Pickled Herring (Returns) Title Order, 1917. By Order of ihe Food Controller. 31st July, 1917, U, F. WintouTy Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Schedule. Classes of Pickled Herrii^gs, Large Fulls Fulls Mat Fulls Medium Fulls Matties Large Spents Spents Tornbellies Gutted and Ungutted. Gutted only. The Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917. Dated August 31, 1917. 1917. No. 915. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland(a) may by Order authorise: — {a) the use in tidal or territorial waters, for the purpose of taking sea fish, of any method or appliance the use of ^ which would otherwise be unlawful; (6) the use in tidal or territorial waters for the purpose afore- said of any method or appliance at times and places and in circumstances at and in which the use of such methods or appliance would otherwise be unlawful ; and (a) Department op Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. — As to the constitution of this Department, see Editorial Note at the commencement of Part VII (" Powers and Orders of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland "), p. 379 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Taking of fish within Tidal and Territorial Waters of Ireland. 220 Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917. (c) the fishing for or removal of sea fish in tidal or territorial waters, or the possession, sale, exposure or consign- men for sale or purchase of any sea fish, at times other- wise unlawful. Any such Order may be made so as to apply to tidal or to territorial waters generally, or to the parts thereof specified in such Order, or so as to apply generally to all persons or to any particular person or class of perscjns named or described in the Order, or to sea fish generally or to any particular kind of sea fish, and may contain such qualifications, conditions and restric- tions as may appear to the Department to be necessary and proper. Provided that no such Order shall authorise, without the consent of the Board of Trade first being obtained, any fixed net stake net or other erection to be placed or used on tidal lands, or authorise any such erection to be placed or used on the foreshore under the control of the Commissioner of His Majesty's Woods, Forests and Land Revenues in charge of the Land Revenues and Here- ditary possessions of the Crown in Ireland without the consent of that Commissioner first being obtained. (a) (1>) (c) Interpre- 2. In this Order the words and expressions hereinafter men- tation, tioned shall have respectively the meaning hereby assigned to them, that is to say : — " Sea Fish " means fish of all kinds (except salmon and sea trout) found in the sea, including Crustacea and shell fish. ' Tidal Waters " means the sea and every creek, channel, bay, estuary and river as far up the same as the tide flows. *' Territorial Waters " means any part of the sea adjoining the coast of Ireland within which His Majesty's subjects have by International Law the exclusive right of fishing, (d) (a) Orders of the Department. — The General Order of September 18, 1917, No. S. 1, made by the Department under the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order as to Drift Net Fishing for Herring, is printed at the end of this Order. The Department under the powers of this Order made Oct. 25th, 1917, and Order (No. S. 5) as to escallop fisheries off the coast of Galway which is spent. The following orders of a local character and specified in the Table on page 213 have also been made (Nos. S. 6, S. 7, S. 8, S. 9, S. 10). The Department has also under the powers of this Order and of the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order (p. 212) made (July 31, 1918) 4 further Orders (Nos. S. 2, S. 3, S. 4, and S. F.^1) of a local character which are also specified in the Table, 213. (b) Commissioners of Woods and Forests. See footnote (a) to Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917 (p. 216). (c) Corresponding Order for England and Wales and Scotland. — The Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917 (p. 216), makes similar pro- visions as to the territorial waters of England and Wales, and the Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917 (p. 222), makes similar provision for Scottish waters. (d) Exclusive Right of Fishing within Territorial Waters. — Various International Conventions, of which instances are given in footnote (a) to the Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order (p. 217), make provision for the exclusive right of fishery within three miles from low water mark. Order as to Drift Net Fishing for Herrings in Ireland. 221 3. Any Order of the Department may be revoked or varied, as Revocation occasion requires. Yariation. 4. — (a) This Order shall, except as otherwise expressly stated, Extent and extend only to Ireland. Sder?* (h) This Order may be cited as the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 191T. ' By Order of the Food Controller. U . F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st August, 1917. Order (No. S.l) dated September 18, 1917, made by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction FOR Ireland under the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917, (a) AS TO Drift Net Fishing for Herrings. 1917. No. 999. In exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917, (a) made by the Food Controller on the 31st August, 1917, the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland do hereby suspend, during the months of January, February, March, October, November and December in each year, the operation of Section 7 of the Fisheries (Ireland) Act, 1842 (5 & 6 Victoria, Chapter 106) in so far as concerns the use between sunrise and sunset of drift nets for the capture of herrings in tidal and territorial waters off the coast of Ireland. In Witness whereof the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland have hereunto set their Official Seal this Eighteenth day of September, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen. (l.s.) H. G, Smith, On behalf of the Secretary. (a) Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed, p. 219. As to otlier Orders made by the Department under the Food Controller's Order see footnote (a) p. 220 to that Order. 5789 222 Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917. The Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order, 1917. Dated October 10, 1917. 1917. No. 1033. Taking of fish within the parts of the sea adjoining Scotland. Revocation and Yariation. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller Orders as follows : — 1. The Fishery Board for Scotland(a) with the consent of the Secretary tor Scotland may by Order authorise : — (a) the use for the purpose of taking sea fish in the parts of the sea adjoining Scotland whether within or beyond the territorial waters of any method or appli- ance the use of which would otherwise be unlawful ; (b) the use in such parts of the sea for the purpose aforesaid of any method or appliance at times and places and in circumstances at and in which the use of such methods or appliances would otherwise be unlawful ; (c) the landing and sale in Scotland of any fish which it would otherwise be unlawful to land or sell in Scot- land ; and (d) the fishing for or removal of sea fish in such parts of the sea or the possession, sale, exposure or consign- ment for sale or purchase of any sea fish, at times otherwise unlawful. Any such Order may be made so as to apply generally to all parts of the sea adjoining Scotland or to any such parts specified in such Order, or so as to apply generally to all persons or to any particular person or class of persons named and described in this Order, or to sea fish generally or to any particular kind of sea fish, and may contain such qualifications, conditions and restrictions as appear to the Board to be necessary and proper. (b)(c) 2. In this Order the expression '* sea fish '^ has the same meaning as in the Sea Fisheries Regulation (Scotland) Act, 1895. (d) 3. Any Order of the Board may be revoked or varied as occasion requires. (a) Fishery Board for Scotland. — As to the constitution of this Board see footnote (a) to Pickled Herrings Order 1918, p. 240. (b) Orders of the Fishery Board for Scotland. — Two Orders have (July 31, 1918) been made by the Board under the Sea Fishing (Scotland) Order i917, viz. : — Order No. 1, dated March 1, 1918, which applied only to a limited stretch of coast and expired April 13th, 1918, and Order No. 2, dated 9th July, 1918, to permit seine flounder net fishing in inshore waters between Red Head, Forfarshire, and Babbet Ness, Fifeshire, during the period from 1st August to 31st October, 1918. (c) Corresponding Orders for England and Wales and Ireland. — The Sea Fishing (England and Wales) Order, 1917 (p. 215) makes similar provisions as to the territorial waters of England and Wales, and the Sea Fishing (Ireland) Order, 1917 (p. 219) makes similar provision for Irish waters. (d) Sea Fisheries Regulation (Scotland) Act, 1895 (58 & 59 Vict. C. 42). — See s. 28 of that Act, which provides that " sea fish " shall not include salmon, sea trout or other migratory fish of the salmon kind. Freshivater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918. 223 4. (a) This Order shall, except as otherwise expressly stated. Extent and extend only to Scotland. Title oC (b) This Order may be cited as the Sea Fishing (Scotland) ^'''^^^' Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, 10th October, 1917. Secretary to the Ministry of Food. The Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918. Dated March 14, 1918. 1918. No. 316. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The authorise (a) Board of Agriculture and Fisheries may by Order the use of any methods or appliances for the purpose of taking freshwater fish, the use of* which would other- wise be unlawful; (b) the use of any methods and appliances for the purpose aforesaid at times and places and in circumstances at and in which the use of such methods and appliances would otherwise be unlawful; and (c) the possession sale and purchase of any freshwater fish at times at which the possession sale and purchase thereof would otherwise be unlawful. Any such Order may be made so as to apply to inland waters generally or to any rivers or lakes or parts thereof specified in such Order or so as to apply generally to all persons or to any particular person or class of persons named or described in the Order, and may contain such qualifications, conditions and restrictions as appear to the Board to be necessary or proper. 2. Any Order of the Board may be revoked or varied by the Board as occasion requires. (a) Taking of freshwater fish in England and Wales. Revocation and variation. 3. For the purposes of this Order the expression " freshwater Interpreta- fish " shall mean fish, which live wholly or partly in fresh water. *^°^' 4. (a) This Order shall extend only to England and Wales. Extent and (b) This Order may be cited as the Freshwater Fish Title of (England and Wales) Order, 1918. Order. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th March, 1918. (a) Orders op the Board op Agriculture and Fisheries. — The only two Orders made (Julj^ 31, 1918) by the Board under these powers are printed at the end of this Order. 5789 H 2 224 Orders as to Close Season for Freshwater Fish, and as to fishing for Pike, Eels and Kelts, in England and Wales. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 1, dated March 14, 1918, made by the board of agriculture and fisheries undee THE Freshwater Fish (England aj^d Wales) Order, 1918, AS TO Close Season for Freshwater Fish. Tlie Board of Agriculture and Fisheries by virtue of the power conferred upon them by the Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918,(a) made by the Food Controller on the 14th March, 1918, under the Defence of the Realm Regulations, do hereby Order as ioUows : — 1. Subject to the provisions of this Order any person entitled to fish for, catch or kill any freshwater fish in any waters may fish for, catch or kill such fish therein during the period com- mencing on the fifteenth day of March and terminating on the fourteenth day of April in any year while this Order is in operation and during such period any person may buy, sell, or expose for sale or have in his possession for sale any freshwater fish. 2. This Order shall apply to inland waters generally in England and Wales and shall come into force on the 15th March, 1918, and continue in force until it is revoked or varied by Order of the Board. 3. This Order shall not be deemed to authorize (a) fishing in any area in contravention of any Order made by the Naval or Military Authorities, or (b) fishing by any person without such licence (if any) as is by law required. 4. For the purposes of this Order the expression ^' freshwater fish " shall mean fish (other than Salmon and Trout) which live wholly or partly in fresh water. Sealed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries this 14th day of March, 1918. Henry G. Maurice, An Assistant Secretary to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Freshwater Fish Order, No. 2, dated April 12, 1918, made BY THE Board of Agriculture a^d Fisheries under the Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918, as TO Pike, Eels and Kelts. The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries by virtue of the power conferred upon them by the Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918,(a) made by the Food Controller on the 14th March, 1918, under the Defence of the Realm Regulations do hereby Order as follows : — 1. Subject to the provisions of this Order: (a) Any person entitled to fish for, catch or kill pike ir any waters, may fish for, catch or kill such fish (a) Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 223. Order as to fishing for Pike, Eels and Kelts in England and Wales. therein during any part of the year while this Order is in operation, and during such period any person may buy, sell, or expose for sale, or have in his posses- sion for sale any such fish ; Provided that no person shall use any method or appli- ance other than rod and line for the taking of pike in contravention of any regulation in force in the fishery district in which the fish shall be taken with- out the consent of the Board of Conservators of such district, and {h} Any person may angle for eels during any part of the year while this Order is in operation, in any waters in which he is entitled so to take eels. (c) Any person entitled to take and kill salmon in any waters, may take and kill kelts therein during any part of the year while this Order is in operation, except during the annual close season or the weekly close season in force in the fishery district, and any person may buy, sell, or expose for sale, or have in his possession for sale any kelt taken under the autho- rity of this provision ; ^Provided that no person shall take any kelt by any method or appliance otherwise than by rod and line without the written authority of the Board of Con- servators for the fishery district, or if and when the Local Food Control Committee for the district in which any kelt shall be taken shall have issued direc- tions as to the terms and conditions on which and the persons by and to whom kelts may be bought and sold, buy, sell, or expose for sale any kelt except in compliance with such directions. 2. This Order shall not be deemed to authorise (a) fishing in any area in contravention of any Order made by the Naval or Military Authorities, or (6) fishing by any person without such licence, if any, as is by law required. 3. This Order shall apply to England and Wales, and shall come into force on the 13th day of April, 1918, and continue in force until it is revoked or varied by Order of the Board. Sealed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries this 12th day of April, 1918. Henry G. Maurice, Assistant Secretary. 5789 H 3 226 Fish {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. The Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. Dated March 14, 1918. (a)(b) 1918. JSTo. 322. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the- Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Licensing of wholesale dealers. Mode of application for a licence. Issue and revocation of licences. Information and inspection. Part I. — Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Fish. 1. A i)erson shall not deal in fish by wholesale either on his own account or on the account of any other person : — (a) After the 10th April, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in fish; or (b) After the 1st May, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in fish by wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- tary (Fish Supplies Branch), Ministry of Food, 14, Upper Grosvenor Street, W.l, on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and 'every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 3. A licence shall be granted under this part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Con- troller may determine and any such licence may at any tim'3 be revoked by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence issued under this part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in fish together with all relevant books, documents 4 and accounts and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall* permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee to inspect all such records, books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in fish as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food "Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in fish as may from time to time be required. (a) By General Licence of May 3, 1918, printed p. 239 dealings in shell fish by other than licensed or registered dealers were authorised. (b) The Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, was revoked as regards Ireland as from July 15, 1918, by the Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 242. Fish {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, 227 5. Every licence issued under tliis part of this Order shall be Productiop produced by the bolder upon tbe demand of any person authorised of licence. by the Food Controllei or by a Food Committee. 6. This part of this Order shall not apply to a producer who deals in his own fish by wholesale, where such dealings are made only at the port or other place of landing or the nearest town containing a fish market. Part II. — Eegistration of Eetail Dealers in Fish. 7. {a) Except as provided by sub-clause (b) of this clause a person shall not at any time after the 1st May, 1918, deal in fish by retail except in, a^out or in connection with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in fish for the time being in force granted by the Food Committee for the area in which the premises are situate, but this shall not prevent a retail dealer duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business in the area in which such premises are situate. (b) A retail dealer may be registered as a hawker or coster- monger and in such case shall sell only from his cart, stall, or barrow and at such other place, if any, as may be named in the certificate. 8. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 9. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Food Committee for the area in which the premises of the applicant in respect of which a certificate of registration is sought are situate, and in the case of a hawker or costermonger to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides at the time of such application; and where the same person is applying for registration in respect of premises situated in more than one area, separate application shall be mad^ in each area in respect of the premises situated therein. 10. A person shall be entitled to receive a certificate of regis- tration as a retail dealer in fish in respect of which he or his predecessor was carrying on business as a retail dealer on 1st December, 1917. 11. A Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of regis- tration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the last preceding clause of this Order except with the consent of the Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had already been granted. 12. A Food Committee may in any case in which, in their opinion, it is desirable to do so in the interests of the public within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any other person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in fish in respect of any premises within their area. Registration of retail dealers. Form of application. Application to be addressed to Food Committee. Persons entitled to receive certificates. Grounds for refusal. Power to grant new certificates. 5789 H 4 228 Fish {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. Form of 13. (a) Every certificate of registration shall he in tlie form oertifioate. prescribed by tbe Food Controller and stall be granted and beld subject to such conditions as tbe Food Controller may from time to time determine. (6) A bawker or costermonger sball be so described in bis certificate. Revocation 14. A Food Committee may witb tbe consent of tbe Food of certificate. Controller revoke any certificate of registration issued by tbem under tbe provisions of tbis part of tbis Order if tbey are satisfied tbat any of tbe provisions of tbis Order or any regulation or direction made or given under tbe authority of tbe Food Con- troller relating to tbe trade or business^ of tbe bolder of sucA certificate bas not been observed by bim or by any of bis servants or agents; and sball revoke sucb certificate if required to do so by tbe Food Controller. Register of holders of eeriificates. Transfer of business. Inspection and inf orma- Onstody and prodnction ot certificate. 15. A Food Committee sball keep in a form prescribed by tbe Food Controller a register of tbe persons to wbom and tbe premises in respect of wbicb certificates of registration bave been granted under tbis part of tbis Order. 16. In tbe event of tbe transfer of tbe business in connection witb wbicb a certificate of registration is beld, or in tbe event of tbe deatb of tbe bolder of a certificate of registration, it sball be lawful for tbe transferee or otber person claiming under tbe bolder of sucb certificate, on making an application for a certifi- cate of registration to deal in fisb by retail from tbe date of sucb application until tbe decision tbereon is intimated by tbe Food Committee in tbe same manner and subject to tbe same condi- tions as tbe bolder of sucb certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 17. Tbe bolder of a certificate of registration sball keep or cause to be kept at tbe premises in respect of wbicb be is regis- tered accurate records as to fisb dealt in and sucb otber matters as the Food Controller. may from time to time prescribe, together witb all relevant books, documents and accounts and sball comply witb any directions give^ by or under tbe authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The bolder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in fish as may be given to bim from time to time by the Food Controller or tbe Food Committee, and shall make sucb returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Food Committee may from time to time require. 18. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at tbe premises or some one of tbe premises to which it relates, and, in the case of a bawker or costermonger shall be carried witb him whenever engaged in selling fish ; and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Fish {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. 2i 19. This part of this Order shall net apply to a producer selling his own fish by retail otherwise than at a shop. Part III. — General. 20. A person may be licensed as a wholesale dealer in fish under J*^^®^ *^ Part I. of this Order and registered as a dealer in fish by retail {j^e^J^ under Part II. of this Order. 21. (a) Nothing in this Order shall affect:— Exoeptiom {a) Sales by retail of cooked fish by a person in the ordinary course of his trade ; or (h) Sales of smoked, pickled, dried or preserved fish. 22. For the purposes of this Order : — Interpre- The expression ''Food Committee" means a Food ***^®°- Control Committee established m pursuance of the Food Control Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917. ("b) The expression '' the producer " means (i) the catcher or his employer, and (ii) the owner or tenant of the fishery on which the fish was caught. The expression '' his own fish " with reference to a producer means fish caught by him or his employer or caught in the fishery of which he is owner or tenant. 23. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ments. 24. Nothing in this Order shall apply to a person who sellp Extent ©f in Ireland fish for delivery in Ireland. Order. 25. This Order may be cited as the Fish (Registration of Title. Dealers) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th March, 1918. (a) Dealers in Frozen Fish. — The Fish (Registration of Dealers) No. 2 Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 246, applied the provisions of the principal Order to dealers in frozen fish as from August 1, 1918. (b) Food Control Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. Other sale* by wholesale. First wholesaler's reduced price on sales to second wholesaler of fish mentioned in first schedule. The Fish (Prices) Order, JSTo. 2, 1918, dated the 14th March, 1918, AS amended by ax Order, dated 14Tn May, 1918. 1918. 'No. 323 as aviended by IS'o. 529. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 27th May, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any fish at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. (6) Until further notice the maximum price for the fish specified in the first three schedules to this Order shall be at the rates applicable according to such schedules, and the subsequent provisions of this Order. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice prescribe further or other prices for fish whether or not specified in the first three schedules to this Order. 2. On a sale (other than a sale by retail) by or on behalf of the producer of his own fish of a kind specified in the first schedule, the maximum, price (a) shall, where the fish are sold packed in boxes and upon the terms that the price includes costs of packing and all charges incidental thereto and incidental to de- livery to the buyer's nearest railway station, be at the rates applicable under the provisions of clauses 3, 4, 6 and 7 of this Order, and so that Clause 4 shall apply as if the producer were a person who had bought fish direct from the producer ; and (h) shall, in all other cases, be at the rates mentioned in the first column of the first schedule. 3. On a sale (other than a sale by retail) by or on behalf of any person other than the producer of fish of a kind specified in the first schedule the maximum prices shall, subject to the pro- visions of clauses 4, 6 and 7 of this Order, be at the rates men- tioned in the second column of such schedule. 4. Where a dealer who has bought any fish of a kind specified in the first schedule direct from the producer is selling the same to another dealer (not being a dealer in the same market) who declares that he is purchasing with a view to reselling to a retail dealer or retail dealers, and, if required by the seller, under- takes to make the further payment prescribed by this clause in case he otherwise deals with the same, then and in every such case the maximum prices shall be reduced from the rates specified in the second column of the first schedule by the following amounts : — (i) Is. per stone in the case of fish for which the maximum price, without any of the additions applicable under clause 7, exceeds 205. per stone. Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. 231 (ii) 9d. per stone in the case of fish for which such maxi- mum price exceeds 75. 6d. per stone and does not exceed 205. per stone. (iii) id. per stone in the case of fish for which such maxi- mum price is 7s. Qd. or less per stone ; but if the second dealer, having made such declaration, deals with any such fish otherwise than by resale to a retail dealer or retail dealers he shall within 14 days so inform the first dealer in writing and shall pay to the first dealer a further sum equal to the amount of the reduction 5. On a sale (other than a sale by retail) of any fish of a kind Wholesale specified in the second and third schedules the maximum prices ^^^^^ of fish shall subject to the provisions of clauses 6 and 7 of this Order be j^^^g^on^ at the rates mentioned in the first columns of such schedules. ^^j^^ ^ij^p^j schedules. 6. The maximum price applicable under clause 3 or clause 5 Packing and shall include all cost of packing and all charges incidental transport, thereto and to delivery to the buyer's nearest railway station, and if the fish is sold carriage forward the maximum price shall be diminished by a sum equal to the cost of such carriage. 7. The following additions where applicable may be made to Permitted the maximum price permitted by clauses 3 and 5 of this Order : additions. (a) A sum not exceeding the cost of the boxes in which the fish is packed, provided that such sum is repaid to the purchaser on the return of the boxes ; and (b) Where a wholesale dealer in fish purchases or receives for sale on commission fish from a wholesale dealer and sells to a retail dealer, a sum equal to the cost of carriage (if any) of the fish from his premises or railway station to the retail dealer 'n nearest railway station. 8. (a) On a sale by retail of any fish of a kind specified in gales by the first three schedules to this Order, the maximum price shall retail be at the rate mentioned in the third column of the first schedule and the second column of the second and third schedules. (b) On such sale no additional charge may be made for packing, packages, credit or delivery except that any monies actually payable by the seller for transport from his premises may be added. 9. A Food Committee may from time to time by resolution Powers of a vary the maximum retail prices for fish sold fixed for the time Food being by the Food Controller but Committee. (a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Con- troller within seven days, and in the case of a resolu- tion increasing the maximum price shall not take effect until the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller; and 232 Fish (Prices) Order, No, 2, 1918. Bulos as to aales. Priority ot parchasesfor bait NoMoae. CotttfNicts. (h) Every resolution made by the Food Committee under this clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he shall direct. 10. (a) Except on a sale by retail no fish shall be sold in cuts. (6) On sales by retail the following provisions shall have effect : (i) Where a maximum price is for the time being pre- scribed for a cut, such price shall apply only to the sale of a portion of the fish not exceeding one half of the whole fish and not including any part of the head. (ii) Where a maximum price is for the time being pre- scribed for a headed fish, such price shall apply only to the sale of a headed and gutted fish. (iii) the maximum price for the time being prescribed for a whole fish shall apply to all sales of the fish headed or not, gutted or ungutted, or any part of the fish except sales to which a maximum price for a cut or for a headed fish applies. (iv) In calculating the price on the sale of a fish or a portion of a fish any broken halfpenny shall count as a halfpenny. (c) In the case of any sale a person may sell fish otherwise than by weight provided that tho maximum price is not exceeded and provided he weighs the fish if so required by the buyer. 11. (a) Where a person makes a declaration in writing to a producer that he is desirous of bujn'ng any fish for the purpose© of bait, the producer shall, against payment in cash of the maximum price, fill any order placed with him by such person before selling any such fish in favour of any other person. (h) A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement in any such declaration, or use any fish supplied thereunder except as bait. 12. Every person selling fish by retail shall keep posted in a conspicuous position so as to be visible to all customers through- out the whole time during which fish are being sold or exposed for sale, a notice showing in plain words and figures the maxi- mum price for such fish for the time being in force under this Order, and also the actual price at which fish are at such timee being sold by him. (b) This clause shall not apply to a fisherman selling his own fish to consumers otherwise than at a shop. 13. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that under any contract subsisting on the 25th March, 1918, fish cannot be sold at a reasonable profit by reason of the maximum prices fixed by this Order, the Food Controller may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or modify the terms thereof in such manner as shall appear to him to be just. , Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. 233 14. No person shall, in connection with, the sale or proposed Fictitious sale or disposition of fish, enter or offer to enter into any nn- transactions, reasonable or artificial transaction. 15. For the purposes of this Order the expression *' Producer '' Definitions, means — (i) The catcher or his employer; (ii) The owner or tenant of the fishery on which the fish was caught. The expression '' his own fish," with reference to a producer, means fish caught by him or his employer or caught in the fishery of which he is the owner or tenant. The expression ** Foorl Committee '* means a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Com- mittees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and the Food Control Com- mittee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller. 16. This Order shall not apply to sales of cooked fish by a Exceptions, person in the ordinary course of his trade. 17. The Fish (Prices) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked as on the Revocation 25th March, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in ^"^ ^'' respect of any contravention thereof. l^i^. 18. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 19. This Order may be cited as the Fish (Prices) Order, Title and No. 2, 1918. commence- ment. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th March, 1918. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Pt. III. of this Mannal. 234 Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. First Schedule. MAXIMUM PRICES. \ Fresh Fish. First Column. Second Column. Third Column. Whole Headed Whole Headed Whole Headed Fish perl Fish pei rFish perl Pish pe r Fish pel -Fish perlV.^^«P« Stone. Stone. Stone. Stone. Pound. Pound. jrouna. 8. d. &•. d. 8. d. s. d. 8. d. 8. d. ... 1. Bass ... 12 6 14 9 1 4 2. Bream, fresh and salt 8 6 11 3 1 water. 3. Brill 23 6 — 27 — 2 4 3 4. Carp 12 3 — 15 — 1 4 5. Cats 4 9 — G 5a. Cats skinned 10 6 12 9 1 2 1 4 6. Coal or Saithe gutted ... 7 6 9 9 9 12 11 1 1 1 4 6a. Coal or Saithe ungutted 6 ,9 — 8 9 10 7. Cod gutted 9 9 12 3 12 15 3 1 1 1 5 1 8 la. Cod ungutted 8 9 — 10 9 — 1 8- Char 20 — 23 6 2 9. Chub 11 3 14 1 3 10. Dabs 9 9 12 1 1 11. Dace 7 6 — 9 6 10 _ 12. Dogfish 4 — 5 6 _ 12a. Dogfish skinned — 10 — 12 6 1 _ 13. John Dory 9 9 12 1 1 14. Eels, freshwater 20 23 6 2 15. Eels, Conger 7 6 — 9 9 11 9 11 1 1 1 3 16. Flounders 9 9 12 1 1 17. Grayling 12 3 15 1 4 18. Red Gurnards or Latchets 6 9 9 11 18a. Gurnards 5 7 3 9 1 8 &. Gurnards skinned 15 1 4 19. Haddocks gutted 9 9 12 3 12 15 3 1 1 1 5 1 8 19a. Haddocks ungutted 8 9 10 9 1 1 1 5 1 8 20. Hake gutted 9 9 11 6 12 14 6 1 1 1 4 20a. Hake ungutted ... 8 9 10 9 1 21. Halibut 23 6 27 2 4 ^ t 22. Herrings, fresh sprinkled 4 6 '6 3 7 O ' or roused. 23. Ling, gutted 8 6 10 6 10 9 13 1 1 3 1 ( 23a. Ling, ungutted 7 9 10 11 24. Mackerel 5 6 7 6 8 25. Megrim 12 14 6 1 4 26. Monk or Angler 2 6 3 26a. Monk or Angler, skinned — 8 6 10 9 11 1 27. Mullet (Red) 27 6 31 6 2 9 28. Mullet (Grey) 12 3 14 6 1 3 29. Perch 8 6 11 3 1 30. Pike or Jack 12 3 15 1 4 1 If 31. Pilchards 4 6 6 3 7 J. XV 32. Plaice 16 19 1 8 2 S 33. Pollen, Powen or Vendace 12 3 15 1 4 34. Pollack or Lythe gutted^ 7 6 9 9 9 12 11 1 1 ] 4 Fish (Prices) Order, No. 2, 1918. First Schedule — continued. 235 34a. Pollock or Lythe un- gutted. 35. Roach 36. Roker 36a. Roker (Wings) .... 37. Salmon, including Grilse 38. Skate 38a. Skate (Wings) 39. Soles and Slips 40. Soles (Lemon) ... Sprats Sturgeon ... Shad Tench ... ' Trout, fresh and saltwater Turbot Tusk (gutted) „ (ungutted) Whiting and Pout (gutted). „ (ungutted) Witches ... All other fresh fish not specified above or in Fourth Schedule. — 37 First Column- Whole Headed Fish per Fish per Stone. Stone. s. d. S. d. 6 9 — 6 6 5 9 — 11 9 35 — 5 9 — — 11 9 34 — 19 — 3 9 — 21 — 14 — 12 3 — 35 — 23 6 — 8 6 10 6 7 9 — 9 9 12 3 8 9 19 — 6 Second Column. Whole Fish per Stone. Headed Fish per Stone. Third Column. Whole Fish per Pound, Headed Fish per Pound. Cuts per Pound. 8 9 8 6 8 38 22 5 3 24 6 17 15 37 6 27 10 9 10 12 10 9 22 7 6 d. 14 s. d. 10 3 14 : — — 3 2 — 1 11 — 6 ! I — 14 — 3 i — 2 4 13 1 — 11 15 1 1 1 — 1 11 8 8. d. 9 — 1 3 1 3. 1 3 1 5 8. d. 1 5 4 1 5 3 6 4 3 1 6 1 8 Second Schedule, Smoked and Cured Fish. First Column. Per Stone. Second Column. Whole Fish per Pound. 1. Smoked cod 2. Smoked haddock 3. Kippered herring 4. Bloatered herring 5. Herrings filleted (smoked or pickled). 6. Pickled, cured or spiced herrings 8. d. 20 20 10 9 $ 6 11 6 Fixed by Pickled Herrings Order. 8. d. 1 9 1 9 11 9 1 6 Cuts per Pound. 8. d. S. R. & 0., No. 964 of 1917. 236 Fish {Prices) Order, No, 2, 1918. Second Schedule — continued. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Red Herrings and smoked Her- rings other than those already mentioned. Smoked Mackerel Mackerel filleted, (smoked or pickled). Pickled, cured or spiced Mackerel Smoked Pilchards Pickled, cured or spiced Pilchards Smoked Sprats Pickled, cured or spiced Sprats... Dry Salted Fish, other than those specified above. Wet Salted Fish of all descrip- tions. Smoked Fish Fillets of all kinds, other than those specified above. All Smoked Fish not specified above or in the Fourth Sche- dule. Third Schedule, Frozen Fish. First Ooltimu. Second Column. Per Stone. Whole Pish per Pound. Cuts per Pound. 8. d. 8. d. «. d. 1. Halibut (Headed and Trimmed) 21 1 8 2 2. Salmon, including Grilse 25 6 2 2 2 9 3. „ „ „ (Headed) 2^ 2 4 2 9 4. Trout 25 6 2 2 2 9 5. „ (Headed) 28 2 4 2 9 6 Cod (Headed) ... 9 6 11 1 1 7. Haddock (Headed) 9 6 11 1 1 8. Herring 7 6 8 — 9. Flat Fish other than Halibut 11 1 1 2 (Headed). 10. All frozen fish not specified above 9 6 11 1 1 Salmon Fisheries {Ireland) Order ^ 1918. Fourth Schedule. UNCONTROLLED. Part 1. — Fresh Fish. 1. Crustacea of all kinds. 2. Eresh fish roes. 3. Shell fish of all kinds. 4. Whitebait. 5. Smelts. Part 2. — Smoked and Cured Fish. 1 Smoked or pickled fish roes. 2. Smoked, kippeied or pickled Salmon and Grilse. 3. Smoked, kippered or pickled Trout. Part 3. 1. Fish paste. 2. Preserved fish not mentioned in any of the foregoing Schedules, and Canned Fish. The Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated March 21, 1918. 1918. No. 350. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. (a) During such period of the year 1918 as may be the prescribed period in Ireland for the purposes of the Summer Time Act, 1916,(a) Section 24 of the Act 26 & 27 Victoria, Chapter 114, shall take effect in all Fishery Districts in Ireland as if the words *Hhe hours of 9.25 o'clock in the evening'* were substituted for the words '* the hours of 8 o'clock in the evening " contained in such Section. (1>) (a) Prescribed Period for purposes of Summer Time Act, 1916. — The prescribed period in Ireland under this Act (6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 14) (as applied to Ireland by the Time (Ireland) Act, 1916 (^ &1 Geo. 5, c. 45), which assimilated the time adopted for use in Ireland to -that so adopted for Great Britain) was fixed for 1918 by Order in Council, Feb. 27, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 274), as the period from 2 o'clock in the morning, Greenwich Time, on Sunday, March 24, to 2 o'clock in the morning, Greenwich Time, on Monday, Sept. 30, 1918. (b) S. 24 OF Salmon Fishery (I) Act, 1863. — This section as thus amended takes effect as follows : — " 24. It shall not be lawful for any person tq use any net except a landing net, for the capture of salmon or trout in the fresh-water portion of any river, as defined by the Commissioners under this Act, between the hours of 9.25 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock in the morning, except so far as the same may have heretofore been used within the limits of a several fishery next above the tidal flow, and held under grant or charter, or by immemorial usage ; and every person offending against the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and to the forfeiture of all boats, neti and gear used in such illegal fishing." Freshwater Fish Order, 1918. (6) This provision shall remain in force until and including the last day on which in each Fishery District in the year 1918 it shall be lawful to take salmon by means of nets. 2. This Order may be cited as the Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st March, 1918. The Freshwater Fish Order, 1918. Dated April 19, 1918. 1918. No. 455. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Any person may until and inclusive of the 15th June, 1918, buy, sell, expose for sale, or have in his possession for sale any freshwater fish certified by the Fishmongers' Company to be freshwater fish imported from abroad or from Scotland or Ireland. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression ^* freshwater fish" shall have the meaning assigned by the Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1878. (a) 3. This Order may be cited as the Freshwater Fish Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th April, 1918. The Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated April 27, 1918. [This Order, which " is printed in Group 8-^ (" Importers' Returns ") (p. 255), requires returns to be made of imported canned fish.] (a) Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1878 (41 & 42 V. c. 39).— By s. 11 (1) of this Act " freshwater jSsh " is defined as including " all kinds of fish (other than pollan, trout, and char) which live in fresh water, except those kinds which migrate to or from the open sea." General Licence under Fish {Registration of Dealers) Order, 23S 1918; Pickled Herrings Order, 1918. General Licence, dated May 3, 1918, under The Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 503. The Food Controller hereby authorises all persons concerned until further notice to deal (whether by wholesale or retail) in S. R. & O., shell fish of all kinds notwithstanding that such persons have not ^S{q^'^ ^^ applied for or obtained licences as wholesale dealers or certificates of registration as retail dealers in fish under the above mentioned Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3rd May, 1918. The Pickled Herrings Order, 1918. Dated the 3rd June, 1918.(b)(c) 1918. No. 602. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Coutroller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 17th June, 1918, sell General or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any pickled Restriction, herrings at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. (6) Until further notice the maximum prices for pickled herrings of a kind mentioned in the Schedule to this Order shall be at the rates applicable according to such schedule and the subsequent provisions of this Order. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order prescribe further or other prices for pickled herrings whether or not mentioned in the schedule to this Order. 2. (a) On the occasion of a sale by or on behalf of a fish curer Price on sale to a wholesale dealer the maximum prices shall be at the rates by Curer. mentioned in the schedule to this Order. (b) On the occasion of any other sale (except a sale by retail) the maximum prices shall be at the rates mentioned in the Schedule to this Order plus ten per cent, on such rates. (a) Fish (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 226. (b) Returns of Pickled Herrings. — The Pickled Herrings (Returns) Order, 1917, requires monthly returns as to certain kinds of pickled herrings. (c) Canned Fish, — The Food Controller is not prepared, save in very exceptional circumstances, to recommend the issue of licences for the exportation of canned fish. Importers are, therefore, warned not to import grades of canned fish that are unsuitable for home markets. {Notice appearing in the Press, Sept. 6, 1917.) Pickled Herrings Order, 1918. 3. The maximum prices applicable under this Order are fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applic- able to the contract : — (i) Payment to be net cash within 31 days of delivery and moneys then unpaid thereafter to carry interest at a rate not exceeding 5 per cent, per annum or Bank rate, whichever shall be the higher, (ii) Delivery to be made at the buyer's option free on rail or ship, in the case of British herrings at the place of curing and in the case of foreign herrings at the port of arrival in the United Kingdom, and all rates of transport subsequently incurred to be for the buyer's account, (iii) Parrels or other containers to be provided by the seller free of cost. Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than the above a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. 4. There may be added to the maximum price applicable under this Order : — (i) TTie cost of insurance against marine or war risk incurred in respect of the herrings in question ; (ii) Charges in respect of cold storage accommodation incurred in respect of the herrings not exceeding a charge at the rate of 3^. ^d. per barrel per month or 145. per barrel in all, whichever shall be the lower; (iii) Charges in respect of ordinary storage accommodation, cooperage and pickling not exceeding the rate per month of 4:d. per barrel, 3cZ. per half barrel, or 2d. per quarter barrel or under, provided that no such charges may be made in respect of a period during which tne herrings are in cold store. 5. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale herrings in selections other than those mentioned in the schedule to this Order. The selection known as Large Matjes shall not be less than fen and a quarter inches in length. The selection known as Medium Matjes shall not be less than nine and a quarter inches in length, and any other selection for which a minimum length is for the time being prescribed by the current regulations of the Fishery Board for Scotland shall be not less than the length so prescribed. (a) 6. A person shall not in connection with a sale or proposed sale of pickled herrings to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into a fictitious or artificial transaction or make or. propose any unreasonable charge. (a) Regflations op the Fishery Board for Scotland.— This Board was established by the Fishery Board (Scotland) Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Yict., c. 78), which transferred to that Board the powers and duties of the previous Board of British White Herring Fishery. The Regulations, dated April 15, 1913. made by the Board a» to con^^truction and capacity of barrels and half- barrels filled or intended to be filled with Cured White Herrings ; and quality, cure, packiag, &c., of White Herrings intended for the official crown brand are printed as St. R. & 0., 1914, No. 683. Pickled Herrings Order ^ 19] 8. 241 7. For the purposes of this Order: — Interpreta " Pickled Herrings " shall not include herrings which have tion. been in pickle for less than three days. 8. This Order does not apply to sales for immediate export where such export is authorised. 9. The Pickled Herrings Order, 1917, (*) is hereby revoked as on the 17th June, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations . 11. This Order may be cited as the Pickled Herrings Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. Exception. Revocation. S.R. & 0., No. 964 of 1917. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3rd June, 1918. Schedule above referred to. er icJiole Per half barrel. barrel. dSs. 3l5. bSs. 3l5. 535. 285. 6^ 53^. 285. Qd 465. 255. 425. 235. 42s. 235. 325. 185. 585. 3l5. 535. 28.?. Qd 405. 22s. Part 1. — Gutted Herrings. Large Fulls Fulls Matfulls Medium Fulls Matties Large Spents Spents Tornbellies Large Matjes Medium Matjes Imported Pickled Herrings Part 2. — Ungutted Herrings. Hand packed in barrels, 485. per whole barrel. 265. per half barrel. Hand packed in barrels ea; vats or tanks, 485. per whole barreL 265. per half barrel. Imported Pickled Herrings, 405. per whole barrel. 225. per half barrel. ITie above prices apply when the sale is a sale of barrels or half barrels. When the goods are sold in packages containing less than a half barrel the rate per package shall be in proportion ■according to contents) to the rate per whole barrel plus twenty- ive per cent. If the goods are packed otherwise than as above the price shall be based upon and proportionate to the price per whole barrel. In calculating the maximum price chargeable by a person other than a curer the ten per cent, addition allowed by Clause 2 is to be made only on the maximum price specified in the Schedul^i, and not on the price as altered by the addition of transport, storage and other charges permitted by the Order. (a) PiCKLvD Herrings Order, 1917. May, 1918, Edition of this Manual. That Order is printed p. 199 of the 242 Canned Salmon {Returns) Order; Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. The Canned Salmon (Eeturns) Order. Dated the 12th June, 1918. 1918. No. 634. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Every person who now or hereafter has in Great Britain in his actual custody on the last Saturday of any month 50 cases or * more of canned salmon shall furnish to the Food Controller a return giving particulars of all canned salmon in his actual custody at the close of business on such Saturday and the name of the owner of the salmon and such other particulars as may be necessary to complete the prescribed form of return. 2. The returns shall be made on forms prescribed by the Food Controller which may be obtained from and shall be completed and returned to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Statistical Branch) Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I, not later than 3 days after the Saturday to which the return relates. 3. Failure to make a return or the making of a false return is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions. 4. (a) This Order may be cited as the Canned Salmon (Returns) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 12th June, 1918. The Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, Dated the 29th June, 1918. 1918. No. 798. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Fish. Licensing of 1. A person shall not deal in fish in Ireland by wholesale wholesale either on his own account or on the account of any other dealers. person : — (a) After the 8th July, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in fish ; or Fish {Registration, of Dealers) (Ireland) Orcl&r^ 1918. ^k (6) After tlie 15tli July, 1918, unless he is the holder of a ^K licence for the time being in force granted by the ^B Committee authorising him to deal in fish by whole- ^H sale. ^H 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- ^Btary (Fish Section), Food Control Committee for Ireland, ^BXildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be prescribed by the Com- ^"mittee, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a truft statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent where the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 3. A licence shall be granted under this part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller or by the Committee. 4. The holder of any licence issued under this part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept, at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in fish, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority <>f the Food Controller or the Committee as to the form and contents of suclj records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Con- troller or by the Committee to inspect all such records, books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in fi^jL as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in fish as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or the Committee. 5. Every licence issued under this part of this Order shall be produced by the holder upon the demand of any officer or con- stable of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller or by the Committee. 6. This part of this Order shall not apply to a producer who deals in his own figh by wholesale, where such dealings are made only at the port or other place of landing or the nearest town containing a fish market. 243 Mode of application for a licence. Issue and revocation of licences. Informa- tion and inspection. Production of licence. Exception. Part II. — Eegistration of Retail Dealers in Fish. 7. A person shall not at any time after the 15th July, 1918, Registration deal in fish by retail in Ireland, except in, about or in connection ^^ ^®**^ with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate ^* ^^*' of registration as a retail dealer in fish for the time being in force granted by the Committee, but this shall not prevent a retail dealer, duly registered, from selling from his cart or other carriage in the ordinary course of business. 8. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be IMode of made to the Committee on a form to be prescribed by the Com- application, mittee, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same, "tvhich statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent when the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the' Committee. 244 Fish (Registratio7i of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Persons entitled to receive certificates. Grounds for refusal. Power to grant new certificates. Form of certificate. Revocation certificate Register of holders of oertificates. Transfer of business. Inspection and information 9. A person shall be entitled to receive a certificate of registra- tion as a retail dealer in fish in respect of the premises in, about or in connection with which he or his predecessor was carrying on business as a retail dealer in fish on 1st December, 1917. 10. The Committee shall not refuse a certificate of registration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the last preceding clause of this Order except in circum- stances in which the Committee might have revoked the certi- ficate if it had already been granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. 11. The Committee may in any case in which, in their opinion it is desirable to do so, grant to any other person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in fish. 12. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Committee and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Committee may from time to time determine. 13. The Committee may revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this part of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order, or any regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee relating to the trade o» business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents ; and shall revoke such certificate if required to do so by the Food Controller. 14. The Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom, and the premises in respect of which, certificates of registration have been granted under this part of this Order. 15. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certifi- cate of registration, to deal in fish by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Com- mittee in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 16. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is registered accurate records as to fish dealt in and such other matters as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any persoj authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealingi in fish as may be givem to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Com- mittee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require. Fish {Registration of Dealers) {Ireland) Order, 1918. 245 17. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at tlie pre- Custody and mises or some one of the premises to which it relates, and every production holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for of certificate, inspection upon the demand of any officer or constable of police or any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. 18. All forms of application and other documents, instructions Forms, &c., or directions issued, whether before or after the date of this already is- Order, by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the j^^^-,*^ ^ Committee purporting to be issued under this Order, or headed Fish (Registration of Dealers) (Ireland) Order, 1918, and all applications made upon any such form, and all acts to be done pursuant to any such instructions and directions, shall be deemed respectively to have been issued, made and done under and pursuant to this Order. 19. This part of this Order shall not apply to a producer selling Exception, his own fish by retail otherwise than at a shop, or to a person who sells fish as a hawker or costermonger only. Part III. — General. 20. A person may be licensed as a wholesale dealer in fish Power to under Part I. of this Order and registered as a dealer in fish by hold both retail under Part II. of this Order. \i. 266. Plum (Sales) Order, 1918, p, 273. Soft Fruit (Sales) Ordei-, 1918, p. 260. General Licence thereunder (Black Curranta), p, 264. General Licences thereunder (Strawberries), pp. 263, 265. Soft Fruit (Sales) Amendment Order, 1918,/?. 265. Strawberries (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 264. as Thb Apricot Pulp and Bitter Oranges Order, 1917. Dated August 21, 1917. 1917. No. 868. Prohibition on dealings in Aprioot Pulp and Bitter Oranges out- side the United Kingdom. Returns. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. Except under the authority of the^Food Controller no person shall on or after the 28th August, 1917, either on his own behalf or ©n behalf of any other person — (a) Buy, sell, or deal in; or (h) Offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell, or deal in; or (c) Enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase or other dealing in ; any Apricot Pulp or Bitter or Sour Oranges or Pulp made from such oranges outside the United Kingdom, whether or not the sale or purchase or dealing is or is to be effected in the United Kingdom. Provided that all persons are authorised to buy, sell and deal in Apricot Pulp and Bitter or Sour Oranges and Pulp made from such Oranges on passage to the United Kingdom at the date of this Order. 2. All persons concerned shall before the 28th August, 1917, furnish to the Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Grosvenor House, Upper Grosvenor Street, W.l, a statement showing the quantity of Apricot Pulp and Bitler or Sour Oranges and Pulp made from such Oranges purchased but not shipped at the date of this Order and the quantity thereof sold or unsold. (a) Cold Storage and Carriage op Refrigerated Produce. — As to taking of articles out of and into cold store, see the Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1 918, p. 204. As to carriage of refrigerated fruit see Orders in Council referred to in footnote (b) to Mst of Meat and Cattle Orders, p. 295. (b) Sugar for Domestic Preserving — See Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1917, printed in Group 17 (Sugar), Gooseberries Order, 1918. 257 3. lliis Order shall not be construed as prohibiting tbe insnr- Insurance. ance of Apricot Pulp or Bitter or Sour Oranges or Pulp made from such Oranges. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Apricot Pulp and Bitter Title. Oranges Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2l8t August, 1917. The Goosebereies Order, 1918. Dated the 11th May, 1918. 1918. jN'o. 522. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the FoodControllei hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. {a) A person shall not General (i) on or after 13th May, 1918, pick any gooseberries Restriction. before the appointed date; or (ii) on or after 14th May, 1918, sell or expose or offer for sale or buy agree to sell or buy any goose- berries which have been picked before the appointed date. (b) The appointed date shall be in England and Wales the 1st June, 1918, and in Scotland the 10th June, 1918, or such other date as the Food Controller may by notice prescribe. 2. (a) Nothing in this Order shall apply to any gooseberries Exception, picked under any Order made under the Destiuctive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 and 1907, (6) Nothing in Clause 1 {a) of this Order shall prevent the picking before the appointed date of gooseberries provided tiiat such gooseberries are not sold. 3. (a) This Order may be cited as the Gooseberries Order, 1918. Title and (6) This Older shall not apply to Ireland, ^^^^^^ of By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 11th May,* 1918. 5789 I 3 258 Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918. The Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918, DATED THE 31 ST MaY, 1918, AS AMENDED BY AMENDING Order, dated June 7, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 593 as amended by 621. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Delivery of gooseberries outside the United Kingdom. Gooseberries to be sold to Jam Manu- facturers or recognised dealers by growers. Sales by recognised dealers. Purchases by Jam Manu- facturers. Grower's price. Part I. — Restrictions. 1. Except under theauthority of the Food Controller, a person shall not take delivery in the United Kingdom of any gooseberries which are outside the United Kingdom on the 3rd June, 1918. 2. (a) A person who grows gooseberries in the United Kingdom shall not sell or deliver or olfer to sell or deliver any gooseberries so grown except to — (i) a licensed jam manufacturer; or (ii) a recognised fruit salesman who has given to the grower a dated and written undertaking signed by the sales- man that he will re-sell such fruit only to a licensed jam manufacturer. (h) This clause shall not apply to a grower whose total crop of gooseberries in the United Kingdom during the 1918 season is less than 5 cwt. 3. A recognised fruit salesman who has bought any goose- ♦berries from a grower to whom Clause 2 applies shall sell such gooseberries only to a licensed jam manufacturer. 4. (a) A licensed jam manufacturer shall not buy or take delivery of gooseberries, wherever grown, in excess of the quan- tity set out in his licence, or use any gooseberries bought by or delivered to him, for any purpose other than the purpose of manufnoturing jam for sale. (b) This clause shall not apply to gooseberries bought by retail by, and used for the household consumption of, a jam manufacturer. Part II. — Prices 5. No gooseberies grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold by the grower thereof at a price exceeding a price at the rate of £27 per ton free on rail, ship or barge at the grower's station, port or wharf, together with the additional charges permitted by this Order. Such price shall include all charges for picking and packing. (a) The Amending Order of June 7, 1918, extended the principal Order to Scotland and Ireland as from June 10, 1918, and revoked clause 9 (&) of the principal Order. Gooseberries (Sales) (England and Wales) Order, 1918. 259 G. Tlie additional charges permitted on a sale by tlie grower Permitted are: — additions on (a) Where the gooseberries are delivered by the grower to ^ the buyer's- premises or for sale in a market, the customary charges for such delivery not exceeding in any case an amount equal to the cost of transport from the grower's station, port or wharf to the buyer's premises or the market in which the fruit is sold; (b) Where packages are provided by the grower — (i) a charge not exceeding the rate of 30^. per ton of fi ait for the use of half sieves, pecks or strikes, and 255. per ton of fruit for the use of baskets or other usual packages (other than sacks) ; all half sieves, pecks, strikes, baskets or other packages to be returned to the grower carriage paid. (ii) 10^. per ton of fruit for the use of sacks pro- vided by the grower, such sacks to be returned to the grower carriage paid. (c) All market tolls actually paid in respect of the goose- berries by the grower. 7. No gooseberries grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold Sales by by any person, other than the grower of the fruit sold, at a price persons other exceeding the rate of £28 per ton, together with the additional *^^° *^® charges i)ermitted by this Order to be jfaid to the grower to the .S^°^®^- extent to which the same are payable or have been paid, and together also with the following additions where applicable : — (d) The amount of the transport charges, if any, paid or payable by such person in respect of the gooseberries and not included in the sum paid to the grower; and (b) the amount of any market tolls actually paid by euch person in respect of such gooseberries; (c) a sum at the rates and on the terms set out in clause 6 (b) hereof in respect of packages provided by such person. 8. This part of this Order shall not apply to a sale by retail Exception of where the total quantity included in the sale is not more than retail sales. 5 lbs. i Part III. — General. 9. Except in such cases as the Food" Controller may other- Contracts, wise determine all contracts subsisting on the 3rd June, 1918, for the sale of any gooseberries wherever grown shall be cancelled. 10. This Order shall not apply to canned, bottled oi preserved Application, gooseberries. 11. In any proceedings in the United Kingdom in respect of Presump- an infringement of this Order it shall be presumed until the tion. contrary be proved, that the gooseberries in question are of the 1918 crop, and .were grown in the United Kingdom. 12. A person shall not sell or buy, or offer to sell or buy, any Fictitious gooseberries to which this Order applies at a price in excess of transactions, the price permitted by this Order in connection with the sale or disposal of any such gooseberries, or enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction. 5789 1 4 260 wft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Title and commence- ment. 13. For the purposes of this Order, the expression '* licensed jam manufacturer '* shall mean a person holding a licence from the Food Controller authorising him to purchase fruit for the manufacture of jam for sale. The expression ** recognised fruit salesman *' means a person who in the ordinary course of his trade buys gooseberries in wholesale quantities for re-sale. 14. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 15. (a) This Order may be cited as the Gooseberries (Sales), England and Wales Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall come into force on the 3rd June, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st May, 1918. The Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. 1918. (a) Dated the 14th June, 1918. • No. 641. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Soft fruit only to be imported under licence. Fruit to be sold to jam manufac- turers or recognised dealers by growers. Part I. — Restrictions. 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller a person shall not take delivery in the United Kingdom of any of the varieties of fruit mentioned in the Schedule (hereinafter called Soft Fruit) or of the pulp of any soft fruit where such soft fruit or such pulp is outside the United Kingdom on the ITth June, 1918. 2. (a) On and after the 17th June, 1918, a person who grows in the United Kingdom any Soft Fruit shall not sell or deliver or oifer.to sell or deliver any Soft Fruit so grown except to(b) :. — (i) a licensed jam manufacturer; or (ii) a recognised fruit salesman who has given to the grower a dated and written undertaking signed by the sales- man that he will re-sell such fruit only to a licensed jam manufacturer. (b) This clause shall not apply to a grower in relation to any variety of Soft Fruit where his total crop of that variety grown in the United Kingdom during the 1918 Season is less than 1 cwt- (a) Amendment of Order. — This Order was amended by Soft Fruit (^ales) (Amendment) Order, 1918, printed, p. 265. (b) General Licence dated June 21, 1918. — This Licence, printed, p. 263, permits certain sales of picked strawberries. Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. 261 3. Where a recognised fruit salesman has bought from a grower any Soft Fruit to which Clause 2 applies, he shall not sell such fruit except to a licensed jam manufacturer. 4. (a) On and after the ITth June, 1918, a licensed jam manufacturer shall not buy or take delivery of any Soft Fruit wherever grown or use any fruit bought by or delivered to him for any purpose other than the purpose of manufacturing jam or pulp for sale. (6) This clause shall not apply to Soft Fi*uit bought by retail by, and used for the household consumption of a jam manufacturer. 5. No pulp made from any Soft Fruit shall on or after the 17th June, 1918, be sold or delivered to any person other than a licensed jam manufacturer or be used for any purpose except the manufacture of jam. Sales by recognised dealers. Purchases by jam manu- facturers. Sale and use of soft fruit pulp. Part II. — Prices. 6. On and after the 17th June, 1918, no Soft Fruit grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold by the grower thereof at a price exceeding a price at the rate set out against such fruit in the Schedule, free on rail, ship or barge at the grower's station, port or wharf, together with the additional charges permitted by this Order. Such price shall include all charges for picking and packing. 7. The additional charges permitted on a sale by the grower are : — (a) Where the fruit is delivered by the grower to the buyer's premises or for sale in a market, the customary charges for such delivery, not exceeding in any case an amount equal to the cost of transport from the grower's station, port or wharf, to the buyer's premises or the market in which the fruit is sold. (b) Where packages are provided by the grower: — (i) A charge not exceeding the rate of 405. per ton of fruit for the use of pecks and strikes; 305. per ton of fruit for the use of half sieves, and 255. per ton of fruit for the use of baskets or other usual packages (other than chip baskets and punnets), all pecks, strides, half sieves, baskets or other packages to be returned to the grower carriage paid. (ii) 405. per ton of fruit delivered in chip baskets or punnets, the chip baskets and punnets to be non-returnable. (c) All market tolls actually paid in respect of the fruit by the grower. (d) Where strawberries are plugged by the grower bttf^''^ delivery to the buyer, a sum at the rate of £4 per ton of fruit so plugged. 8. On and after the 17th June, 1918, no Soft Fruit grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold by any person, other than the grower of the fruit sold, at a price exceeding by more than 305. per ton the rate set out against such variety of fruit in the Grower's price. Permitted additions on sale by grower. Sales by persons other than the grower. 262 Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. Exception of retail sales. Schedule, together with the additional charges permitted by this Order to be paid to the grower to the extent to which the same are payable or have been paid, and together also with the following additions where applicable : — (a) the amount of the transport charges, if any, paid or payable by such person in respect of the fruit and not included in the sum paid to the grower ; and (h) the amount of any market tolls actually paid by such person in respect of such fruit; (c) a sum at the rates and on the terms set out in clause 7 (h) hereof in respect of packages provided by such person ; (d) a sum at the rate of £4 per ton of fruit in respect of strawberries plugged by such person. 9. This part of this Order shall not apply to a sale by retail where the total quantity included in the sale is not more than 5 lbs. of any one variety of fruit. Contracts. Exception, Presump- tion. Fictitious transactions. Interpreta- tions. Penalty. S. R. & 0. Nos. 702, 703 and 694 of 1917. Part III. General. 10. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine all contracts subsisting on the 17th June, 1918, for the sale of Soft Fruit grown or to be delivered in the United Kingdom shall be cancelled so far as the same relates to Soft Fruit not delivered before that date. 11. This Order shall not apply to fruit which has already on the 17th. June, 1918, been canned, bottled or preserved. 12. In any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this Order it shall be presumed until the contrary be proved that the fruit in question is of the 1918 crop and was grown in the United Kingdom. 13. A person shall not sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any Soft Fruit at a price in excess of the price permitted by this Order or in connection with the sale or disposal of any such fruit enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transactions. 14. For the purposes of this Order the expression '* licensed jam manufacturer " shall mean a person holding a licence from the Food Controller authorising him to purchase Sbft Fruit for the manufacture of jam for sale. The expression '* recognised fruit salesman " shall mean a person who in the ordinary course of his trade buys Soft Fruit in wholesale quantities for re-sale. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 16. The Raspberries (Jam Manufacturers' Prices) Order, 1917(a) ; the Raspberries (Scotland) Delivery Order, 1917(b) ; and the Stone Fruit (Jam Manufacturers' Prices) Order, 1917(c) ; are hereby revoked, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. (a) Ra&pberries (Jam Manufacturer's Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 224 of the April, 1918, Edition of this" Manual. (b) Raspberries (Scotland) Delivery Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 225 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. (c) Stone Fruit (Jam Manufacturer's Prices) Order, 1917,— That Order is printed p. 222 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. General Licence under Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. 263 17. This Order may be cited as the Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, Title 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food, 14th June, 1918. The Schedule. Variety of Fruit. Price. £ Black Currants(a) 60 per ton. Red Currants ... ... ... ... 32 ,, Raspberries(b) ... ... ... ... 37 ,, Strawberries (Stirling Castle and Scarlets) (c) 44 ,, Strawberries of any other variety ... ... 40 General Licence, dated June 21, 1918, undep. The Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (d) 1918. ^0. 732. The Food Controller hereby authorises all persons concerned to sell or buy free of any restrictions imposed by Clause 2 or Clause 3 of the above Order, any picked strawberries which may be offered for sale and delivered to the buyer between 8 a.m. and midnight on the 22nd June, and on any succeeding Saturday until further notice. All the other provisions of the above Order, including the provisions as to price, shall ap2)ly to all sales made under this licence. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st June, 1918. (a) See General Licence, dated July 4th, 1918, printed p. 264. Cb) See Soft Fruit (Sales) (Amendment) Order, 1918, printed p. 265. (c) See General Licence, dated July 17th, 1918, priated p. 265. (d) Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, is printed p. 260. 264 Strawberries {Retail Prices) Order ^ 1918; General Licence under Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. Retail prices for straw- berries. Exception. Penalty. Title. The Steawbereies (Retail Peices) Ordee, 1918. Dated the ,21st June, 1918. 1918. No. 733. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) On and after the 22nd June, 1918, a person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any straw- berries on the occasion of a sale by retail where the total quantity included in the sale is not more than 5 lbs., at a price exceeding the rate of 9d. per lb. (b) No addition shall be made to the price fixed by this clause in respect of packing, packages or giving credit, but where such strawberries are delivered at the request of the buyer other- wise than at the seller's premises, an addition may be made at a rate not exceeding ^d. per lb. or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. 2. Nothing in this Order shall apply in the case of strawberries supplied by a caterer in the ordinary course of his business as part of a meal. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Strawberries (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st June, 1918. General Licence, dated July 4, 1918, undee Soft Feuit (Sales) Oedee, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 805. S. R. & O., Where Black-currants are sold stemmed or strigged, the No. 641 of maximum price chargeable under the above Order shall be 1918. increased by a sum at the rate of £6 per ton. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th July, 1918. (a) Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, is printed p. 260. Soft Fruit (Sales) {Amendment) Order ^ 1918 ; General Licence 265 under Soft Fruit {Sales) Order, 1918. The Soft Fruit (Sales) (Amendment) Order, 1918, dated July 4, 1918.' 1918. No. 813. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that the Soft Finiit (Saks) Order(a) (hereinafter called the Principal Order) shall be amended as follows : — 1. On and after the 5th July, 1918, the Principal Order shall l/^gf^^y be amended by the substitution in the Schedule for the words -^gi'g *' Raspberries — £37 per ton" of the words "Plugged Rasp- berries — £44 per ton " and the words " Raspberries on stalk — • £37 per ton'* and the Principal Order shall on and after the 5th July, 1918, take effect accordingly. 2. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise ■determine, all contracts for the sale of plugged raspberries, subsisting on the 5th July, 1918, are cancelled, save in respect of raspberries delivered before that date. 3. This Order may be cited as the Soft Fruit (Kales; (Amend- ment) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th July, 191^. General Licence, dated July 17, 1918, under Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. 1^0. 882. The Food Controller hereby authorises sales of Strawberries of S. R.& 0., the varieties known as President, Garibaldi and Yicomtesse de No. 641 of Thury at the price fixed by the above Order for Strawberries of the Sterling Castle variety. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th July, 1918. (a) Soft Fruit (Sales) Order, 1918, is printed p. 260. 266 Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. Maximum Prices, Conditions on whole- Bale sale. The Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. Dated July 26, 1918. 1918. No. 930. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale, buy, or offer to buy jam or jelly (hereinafter called jam) at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. (b) Until further notice the maximum prices for jam of a kind mentioned in the Schedules to this Order shall be as follows : — (i) On the occasion of a sale by wholesale by a manufac- turer to a buyer who declares in writing that he is buying the jam for re-sale, by wholesale, the prices set out in the first schedule, less 5 per cent. (ii) On the occasion of any other sale by wholesale, the prices set out in the first schedule. (iii) On the occasion of a sale by retail, the prices set out in the second schedule; or in the cases to which the third schedule applies, the prices set out in such schedule. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order prescribe further or other prices for jam whether or not mentioned in the Schedule. 2. On the occasion of a sale by wholesale, the following provisions shall apply : — {a) the seller shall, if the buyer so requires, deliver the jam sold to the buyer's premises, or at the ot>tion of the buyer where the manufacturer is the seller to any railway station in the United Kingdom nominated by the buyer, and, save as provided in Clause 12 of this Order, no additional charge may be made therefor,, provided that a buyer shall not be entitled to require delivery otherwise than at his own premises of any parcel of jam less than 288 lbs. in weight. {h) No charge may be made for jars or other containers, or for packing or packages, except that — (i) the seller may make an additional charge for the cost of the outside package enclosing the jar or other containers; and (ii) where jam is sold in a returnable container holding more than 7 lbs., provided by the seller, an additional charge not exceeding the market value of such container may be made by the seller. Provided that in either case, the buyer shall be entitled to recover from the seller the amount so charged on returning to the seller's railway station the outside package or container in good condition. Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 267 3. On the occasion of a sale by retail the following provisions Conditions shall apply: — on retail sale. (a) the maximum price shall include the price for jars or other containers (if any) and all charges for packing • and packages ; {b) where delivery is made at the buyer's request otherwise than at the seller's premises an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery at a rate not exceeding ^d. per lb. or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. 4. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale any jam Con- unless the same complies with the following provisions: — stituents (o) the water soluble extract of jam shall not be less than fcion of jam 63 per cent, of the total weight of such jam; (6) not more than 10 per cent, of the jam measured by weight shall consist of added fruit juice ; {c) where more than one variety of fruit or vegetable is used in the making of a jam (other than in the form of added fruit juice, not exceeding the quantity specified in sub-clause (6) ), each such variety must be mentioned in the description, but so that where any fruit or fruits contained in such jam is less than 25 per cent, of the total fruit content, the name of such fruit or fruits shall be prefaced in the description by the words '* flavoured with " in such a form as to be easily readable by a buyer. 6. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale any jam "Flavoured" the description of which contains, or which under the provisions oiixtures. of Clause 4 should contain the words " flavoured with," at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order to ** Jam of any other description." 6. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale any article Marmalade, under the description of marmalade or under any description of which the word '* marmalade " forms part, unless only citrous fruits, citrous fruit juices, and sugar or other sweetening sub- stances have been used in the making thereof. 7. (a) A person shall not on or after the 1st September, 1918, Labels, sell or offer or expose for sale, or deliver pursuant to any contract of sale whether by wholesale or by retail, any jam in a container unless such container bears: — (i) the name and address of the manufacturer of the jam; and (ii) except where the jam is packed in usual containers with a net content of 1 lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs. or 7 lbs., the guaranteed net weight of the contents and the price at which it may be sold by retail. (6) A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statements as to the matters set out in sub- clause (a) or alter or deface any label or other writing regarding such matters. 268 Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. Defence. Bainplesj for analysis. Certificate of analyst. Prices to be displayed by retailer, ij^— , Delivery in remote districts. Contracts. 8. If in any proceedings against a person in respect of a sale or offer or exposure for sale of jam not made by him, it is proved that an offence has been committed, but the person charged with the offence proves : — (a) that he sold or offered or exposed for sale the jam in the container in which he received it ; (b) that he had no reason to believe that the jam did not as respects content, weight, description and labelling, comply with the provisions of this Order; (c) that he had no reason to believe at the time of sale or offer or exposure for sale that the jam was not such as permitted of its being sold at the price charged or proposed; and (d) that he has given due notice to the prosecutor that he intended to rely on the provisions of this clause ; Such person shall be entitled to be discharged from the prose- cution. 9. A person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or a Food Committee to procure for analysis samples of jam shall have all tho powers of procuring samples conferred by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, and a person selling jam shd-11, on tender of the price for the quantity which he shall reasonably require for the purpose of analysis sell the same to him accordingly. 10. In any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this Order the production of the certificate of the Principal Chemist of the Government Laboratories, or of an analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated unless the defendant shall require that the person who made the analysis shall be called as a witness. The certificate of the Principal Chemist or of the Analyst shall so far as ciTcumstances permit be in the form required by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. 11. Every person selling jam by retail shall on and after 29th July, 1918, keep posted on his premises in a conspicuous position, so as to be easily readable by all customers throughout the whole time during which the jam is being sold or exposed for sale, a notice stating in plain words and figures the maximum prices applicable under this Order for the jam for the time being on sale, and also the actual price at which such jam is at such time being sold by him. 12. An addition at the rate of ^d. per lb. may be made to the maximum price for jam delivered to any place in the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, Outer and Inner Hebrides, or in the Counties of Eoss and Cromarty, Sutherlandshire and Caithness. 13. Where any contract subsisting on the 29th July, 1918, for the sale of any jam provides for payment of a price in excess of the permitted maximum price, the contract shall stand so far as concerns jam delivered to the buyer's premises before the 29th July, 1918, but shall, unless the Food Controller otherwise directs, be avoided so far as concerns jam agreed to be sold above the permitted maximum price which has been so delivered. Jam {Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 269 14. A person shall not in connection with the sale or disposition Fictitious or proposed sale or disposition of any jam to which this Order transactions. applies, enter or oifer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 15. A person who has given the declaration mentioned in Breach of Clause 1 (b), (i), of this Order shall not, except under a licence declaration, of the Food Controller, re-sell any jam obtained under such declaration otherwise than by wholesale. 16. The provisions of thi? Order relating to prices shall not Exceptions. apply to : — , (a) jam sold for consumption on the premises of the seller. (b) jam sold without a container in a quantity of less than 4 ozs. Provided that at the time of sale the seller is able and willing, if the customer so requires, to sell the customer J lb. of jam of a like description at the price applicable under this Order. 17. For the purpose of this Order: — Interpreta- The expression '* jam " shall include jelly, conserve and tion. marmalade. The expression '* sale by wholesale " shall mean — (a) a sale of any quantity to a person buying for the pur- pose of re-sale ; and (b) a sale for other purposes of a quantity of not less than 144 lbs. of jam. The expression '* sale by retail " shall mean any sale other than a sale by wholesale. 18. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eeialm Regulations. 19. The Jam (Prices) Order, 1918, (a) is hereby revoked as on Revocation the 29th July, 1918, without prejudice to any proceedings in S. R. & O.^ respect of a contravention thereof. 515 of 1918 20. Ail licences granted under the Jam (Prices) Orders, 1918, Licences are revoked as at the 29th July, 1918. S R. & O. Nos. 68 and 515 of 1918. 21. (a) This Order may be cited as the Jam (Prices) No. 2, Title and Order, 1918. commence- (h) This Order .-^hall come into force on the 29th J'lly, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 26th July, 1918. (a) Jam Prices Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 228 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual. ment. 270 Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. The First Schedule. Sale by Wholesale. Maximum Prices*. Description of Jam or Jelly. Where Container holds : — Over , 7 lbs. lib. 2 1b. 3 1b. 7 1b. Per lb. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 8. d. Strawberry 1 Oi 1 Hi 2 Hi 6 9i lOi Blackcurrant ) Loganberry > llf 1 10 2 8i 6 4 10 Raspberry J Apricot... ... ... ) Cherry 1 Pineapple ^ Hi 1 n 2 7i 6 li 9i Pineapple and Apricot ) Peach ... 11 1 8i 2 6 5 10 9 Red Currant ] Raspberry and Red Currant j 101 1 8 2 51 5 9 9 Raspberry and Gooseberry | Strawberry and Gooseberry ) lOi 1 71 2 5i 5 8 8f Marmalade lOi 1 7i 2 4i 5 6i Si Gooseberry ... ... ) Gooseberry and Red Currant ) 10 1 7' 2 4 5 5 8i Blackberry \ Greengage J 10 1 6i 2 3 ^5 3 8 Black Currant and Apple ^ Raspberry and Apple... j Raspberry and Plum ... 1 Strawberry and Apple f 91 1 6 2 2i 5 2 8 Rhubarb and Raspberry Rhubarb and Strawberry j Rhubarb and Apple ... ^ Rhubarb and Ginger ... Rhubarb and Lemon ... y % 1 5i 2 1 4 11 7i Rhubarb and Gooseberry Rhubarb j Damson ) Plum 1 9i 1 5 2 Of 4 91 7i Blackberry and Apple 9 1 4i 2 4 8 7 Jam of any other description... 8i 1 3i 1 lOi 4 4i 6i Note. — (1) If jam or jelly is sold in a quajitity of less than 7 lbs. in a container holding a quantity not specified above, the maximum price is t« be at the rate per lb. applicable to sales in a container holding the riexr higher quantity specified. (2) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. returnable con- tainer, the buyer shall be entitled to recover from the seller the sum of 6d. for each such jar or container returned by him to the seller in good condition. (3) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. non-returnable container the maximum price shall be decreased by 3d. in respect of each such container. (4) Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger, or apple may be described as " Rhubarb aiid Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," " Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the pro- visions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Second Schedule, 271 Sale by Retail. Maximum Prices. Description of Jam or Jelly. Where Container holds :- - lib. 2 1b. 3 1b. 7 1b. s. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. Strawberry .. 1 2 2 2i 3 4 7 8 Black Currant ... ••) Loganberry ■i 1 U 2 1 3 1 7 2i Raspberry ■■) Apricot ... ••) Oherry ... Pineapple 4 1 1 2 Oi 2 lU 7 Pineapple and Apricot.. ..) Peach ,, 1 Oh 1 Hi 2 lOi 6 8i Red Currant Raspberry and Red Currant "1 1 Oi 1 11 2 10 6 7i Raspberry and Gooseberry ::} 1 1 lOi 2 in 6 6i Strawberry and Gooseberry M X\J Marmalade ., 1 1 lOi 2 9 6 5 Gooseberry Gooseberry and Red Currant ::} lU 1 10 2 Si 6 3i Blackberry Greengage ::| lU 1 9i 2 7i l6 li Black Currant and Apple Raspberry and Apple ... Raspberry and Plum ... 11 1 Q 2 7 6 Oi Strawberry and Apple... \J 11 1 V Rhubarb and Raspberry ,, Rhubarb and Strawberry ., Rhubarb and Apple •O Rhubarb and Ginger ... Rhubarb and Lemon ... ... - 11 1 8i 2 5i 5 9i Rhubarb and Gooseberry Rhubarb '*J Damson Plum ::} lOi 1 8 2 5 5 8i Blackberry and Apple ... 10^ 1 7i 2 4i 5 6i Jam of any other description •• 10 1 6i 2 3 5 3 Note. — (1) If sold in a container holding a quantity not specified above, the maximum price is to be at the rate per lb. applicable to sales in a container holding the next higher quantity specified, and if the sale is of more than 7 lbs. at the rate per lb. applicable in a sale of 7 lbs. (2) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. returnable container, the buyer shall be entitled to recover from the seller the sum of Qd. for each such jar or container returned by him to the seller in good condition. (3) Where the jam or jelly is contained in a 7 lb. non-returnable container the maximum price shall be decreased by 3d. in respect of each such container. (4) Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger, or apple may be described as " Rhubarb and Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," "Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the pro- visions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. 272 Jam {Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. The Third Schedule, Sale by Eetail without a Container subject to ConditioNvS mentioned eelow. Maximum Prices. Description of Jam or Jelly. lib. fib. ilb. ilb. s. d. 8. d. s. d. 8. d. Strawberry 1 1 lOi 7 3i Black Currant ... ... ") Loganberry •• i 1 Oi 10 7 3i Raspberry ..J Apricot ... .. "J Cherry ... .. ( 1 n 6i 3i Pineapple .. r Pineapple and Apricot . .. 3 Peach ••) Red Currant •^ lU 9i 6i H Raspberry and Red Currant .J Raspberry and Gooseberry Strawberry and Gooseberry Marmalade •• !^ 11 9 6 a Gooseberry .. 1 Gooseberry and Red Currant •J Blackberry Greengage Black Currant and Apple ■ Raspberry and Apple ... Raspberry and Plum ... r " 1 lOi 8i 6 a Strawberry and Apple ... Rhubarb and Raspberry Rhubarb and Strawberry *J Rhubarb and Apple Rhubarb and Ginger ... Rhubarb and Lemon ... •• r" 10 8 5^ a Rhubarb and Gooseberry .• 1 Rhubarb .J Damson ••) Plum '[ n 8 5i a Blackberry and Apple ... J Jam of any other description . 9 11 5 2\ This Schedule does not apply to : — (a) any sale of jam or jelly except jam or jelly sold without a con- tainer, or, (6) any sale of loose jam or jelly unless the seller is able and willing, if so required, to sell 1 lb. in a container of the like jam or jelly (as the case may be) to the customer at the price applicable under this Order. Where the quantity sold is not an even ^ lb., ^ lb. or f lb. the price is to be at the rate provided on the sale of f lb. Jam or jelly made from rhubarb and lemon, ginger, or apple may be . described as *' Rhubarb and Lemon," " Rhubarb and Ginger," " Rhubarb and Apple," as the case may be, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c) of the Order. Plums (Sales) Order, 1918. 273 The Plums (Sales) Order, 1918. Dated 27th July, 1918. 1918. ISTo. 936. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf; the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Stone fruit only to be imported under licence. Fruit to be sold to jam manufac- turers or recognised dealers by growers. Part I. — Restrictions. 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller a person shall not after the 29th July, 1918, take delivery in the United Kingdom of any plums, whether or not of a variety mentioned in the Schedule, or of any greengages, or of the pulp of any such plums or greengages where such fruit or such pulp is outside the United Kingdom on the 29th July, 1918. 2. (a) On and after the 29th July, 1918, a person who grows in the United Kingdom any plums of a variety mentioned in the Schedule (hereinafter called Scheduled Plums) shall not sell or deliver or offer to sell or deliver any Scheduled Plums so grown except to : — : (i) a licensed Jam manufacturer; or (ii) a recognised Fruit salesman who has given to the grower a dated and written undertaking signed by the sales- man that he will re-sell such fruit only to a licensed Jam manufacturer. (b) This clause shall not apply to a grower in relation to any variety of Scheduled Plums where his total crop of that variety grown in the United Kingdom during the 1918 season is less than 1 cwt. 3. Where a recognised fruit salesman has bought from a grower any Scheduled Plums to which Clause 2 applies he shall not sell the same except to a licensed Jam manufacturer. 4. (a) On and after the 29th July, 1918, a licensed Jam manufacturer shall not buy or take delivery of any Scheduled Plums wherever grown or use any Scheduled Plums bought by nr delivered to him for any purpose other than the purpose of manufacturing Jam or pulp for sale. (b) This clause shall not apply to Scheduled Plums bought by retail, and used for the household consumption of a Jam manufacturer. 5. (a) Where a person makes a declaration in writing to a Prioritylof grower of Scheduled Plums that he is desirous of buying any purchase. Scheduled Plums in the possession of such producer for the pur- pose of manufacturing Jam or pulp for sale and such fruit has not been sold or agreed to be sold by the grower, such person shall be entitled to have delivery of such Plums on tendering payment in cash of the maximum price therefor for the time being in force and such producer shall make delivery to such person accordingly. Sales by recognised dealers. Purchases by jam manu- facturers. 274 Plums (Sales) Order, 1918. Sales and' use of stone fruit pi^lp. Prohibition of retail sales. Grower's price. Permitted additions on sale by grower. Sales by persons other than the grower. (b) Nothing in the foregoing part of this clause shall apply to plums which when the declaration is made are in the possession of a licensed jam manufacturer. (c) A person shall not make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement in any* such declaration or use any plums supplied thereunder except for the purpose mentioned in his declaration. . 6. No pulp made from any Scheduled Plums shall on or after 29th July, 1918, be sold or deliyered to any person other than a licensed jam manufacturer or be used for any purpose except the manufacture of jam. T. No Scheduled Plums shall be sold or offered or exposed for sale by retail in any shop, or in or from any van, stall, cart or barrow or in or from any hotel, restaurant, club, or public eating house. Part II.— Prices. 8. On and after the 29th July, 1918, no Scheduled Plums grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold by the grower thereof at a price exceeding a price at the rate set out against such fruit in the Schedule, free on rail, ship or barge at the grower's station, port, or wharf, together with the additional charges permitted by this Order. Such price shall include all charges for picking and packing. 9. The additional charges permitted on a sale by the grower are : — (a) Where the fruit is delivered by the grower to the buyer's premises or for sale in a market, the customary charges for such delivery not exceeding in any case an amount equal to the cost of transport from the grower's station, port, or wharf, to the buyer's premises or the market in which the fruit is sold. {h) Where packages are provided by the grower : — A charge not exceeding the rate of 405. per ton of fruit for the use of pecks, strikes and half sieves, und 255. per ton of fruit for the use of other usual packages (other than bags) and IO5. per ton for the use of bags. All pecks, strikes, half sieves, bags or other packages shall be returned to the grower carriage paid. (c) All market tolls actually paid in respect of the fruit by the grower. 10. On and aft^r the 29th July, 1918, no Scheduled Plums grown in the United Kingdom shall be sold by any person other than the grower of the fruit sold, at a price exceeding by more than 305. per ton the rate set out against such variety of fruit in the Schedule, together with the additional charges per- mitted by this Order to be paid to the grower to the extent to which the same are payable or have been paid, and together also with the following additions where applicable: — (a) The amount of the transport charges, if any, paid or pay- able by such person in respect of the fruit and not included in the sum paid to the grower ; and Plums (Sales) Order, 1918. 275 (h) The amount of any market tolls actually paid by such person in respect of such fruit ; (c) A sum at the rates and on the terms set out in Clause 9 (&) hereof in respect of packages provided by such person. Part III. — General. 11. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise Contracts, determine all contracts subsisting on the 29th July, 1918, for the sale of any Scheduled Plums grown or to be delivered in the United Kingdom shall be cancelled so far as the same relates to Stone Fruit not delivered before that date. 12. This Order shall not apply to fruit which has already on ExceptioD. 29th July, 1918, been canned, bottled or preserved. 13. A person shall not sell, or buy or oifer to sell or buy any Fictitious Scheduled Plums at a price in excess of the price permitted by transactions, this Order or in connection with the sale or disposal of any * such fruit enter or offer to enter into any fictitious, or artificial * transactions. 14. For the purposes of this Order the expression '^ Licensed interpreta Jam manufacturer" shall mean a person holding a licence from tion. the Food Controller authorising him to purchase Soft Fruit for the manufacture of Jam for sale. The expression " recognised fruit salesman " shall mean a person who in the ordinary course of his trade buys Stone Fruit in wholesale quantities for resale, or sells on commission. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 16. This Order may be cited as the Plums (Sales) Order, 1918. xJtle. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridf/e, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th July, 1918. The Schedule. Variety of Fruit, Price. lltZlT ^'' ^'"^^ ::. ::. } ^^o <>- o<^-. p- ton. Blaisdon .. | £4q q, q^ ^^^ Bush or Mogul . .^ ... ... J 2"<5 Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Order, 1917. 9A. Local Distribution and Requisitioning. Authorisation (acquisition of Farmers' Butter for home pre- servation), p. 294. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, p, 276. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918,/?. 281. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918,/?. 283. . Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 1918, /3. 291. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 4, 1918,/?. 293. Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) Order, .1918 p. 278. ^ Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order 1918 p. 280. Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order 1918,/?. 291. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. Dated December 22, 1917. (a) 1917. 1325. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence Df the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A Food Committee may with the consent of the Food Con- troller by resolution adopt a scheme under this Order for con- trolling within their area the distribution and consumption of any article of food specified in the Resolution. (b) 2. Upon the adoption of a scheme under this Order, the follow- ing provisions shall apply subject to any additions, modifications or omissions set out in the scheme : — (a) No person shall sell the specified article by retail at or in connection with any premises within the area of the Committee, unless he is licensed or registered as a retailer in respect of those premises by the Food Committee either under an Order of the Food Con-- troller or, failing such Order, in accordance with any directions given by the Food Committee. (a) Amendment of Order, — This Order was amended by Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 281. (b) Adoption of Scheme.— By Order of March 21, 1918, the Food Con- troller approved the Scheme resolved upon by certain Food Control Committees. See Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, p. 283. Certain other Committees were brought under the scheme by amending Orders of April 6, 1918, printed p. 291, anl May 4, 1918, printed, p. 293. Further Amending Orders dated April 13, 19i8, and May 18, 1918, brought other Committees under the scheme. {See footnote (b) page 287.) Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Order, 1917. 277 (6) No retailer may sell tlie specified article by retail at or in connection with any premises within the area of the Committee to or for the nse of any person except a customer registered with the retailer or in excess of the quantity for the time being prescribed by the Pood Committees. (c) ISo person may be registered at the same time in respect of the same specified article with more than one retailer whether in the area or elsewhere, and no supply of the same specified article may be obtained in any one week by or for the use of any person so registered from more than one retailer registered under any scheme adopted under this Order or in excess of the quantity for the time being prescribed • by the Food Committee. {d) Every retailer shall so far as practicable divide his supplies of the specified article equitably among his registered customers in proportion to the quantities permitted to be supplied to each under any direction of the Food Committee. (e) The foregoing provisions shall not apply to the sale of food for consumption on the premises. (/) The Food Committee rnay require or direct any person who sells the specified article by retail within their area to hold at the disposal of the Co7nm,ittee such quan- tities of the specified article held by him or consigned to hirn as the CoTnmittee nnay from tim.e to time deter- mine and to' deliver the same whether in bullc or not to the Committee or to such person as they Tnay name or otherwise in such manner as the Com^mittee may from time to time determine. {^) (g) The Food Committee may give directions as to — (i) the number of customers who may be registered with any particular retailer ; , (ii> the registration of any particular customer with any particular retailer, and the transfer of customers from one retailer to another ; (iii) the manner and time of sale of the specified article ; (iv) the quantities of the specified article that may be sold to or bought by any person on behalf of any Institution, Caterer or other special class of consumer within the area of the Committee ; (v) the manner of registration and generally for the purpose of giving effect to the scheme and for prescribing anything that under the order or the scheme is to be prescribed. Provided that in prescribing the quantities of the specified article that may be sold to or (a) Revocation of Clause 2(f). — This sub-clause was revoked by Art. 6 of the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 281. 278 Food Control Committees {Requisitioning) Order, 1918. bought by or lor the use of any person or class of consumer the Food Committee shall not prescribe quantities exceeding those specified in any direction of the Food Controller. 3. A Food Oommittee may combine with any other Food Com- mittee in the exercise of all or any of the powers hereby conferred. 4. It shall be the duty of all persons to comply with the provisions of any such scheme or directions given by the Food Committee thereunder and failure to comply therewith shall be a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. A Food Committee may at any time with the consent of the Food Controller vary or revoke any scheme adopted under this Order and every such scheme shall bo subject to review by the Food Controller and shall be revoked or varied as he may direct. 6. For the purpose of this Order " Food Committee " means Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a^ 7. (i) This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. (ii) This Order shall extend only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd December, 1917. The Food Control Committees (Eequisitioning) Order, 1918. Dated January 31, 1918. 1918. No. 115. Power to direct pro- vision of foodstuffs. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulations 2f and 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. (a) A Food Committee may with a view to the proper distri- bution of foodstuffs within their area require or direct any person dealing by retail within their area to hold at the disposal of the Committee any foodstuffs,. which are for the time being held by him, or are consigned to him for the purposes of retail sale, or which may within a time prescribed by the Committee be so held or consigned, and to deliver the same whether in bulk or not to the Committee or to such persons as they may name and other- wise in such manner as the Committee may from time to time determine. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — This Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. Food Control Committees {Requisitioning) Order, 1918. 279 (h) Every person to wliom any direction is given under the power conferred by this clause shall duly comply with such direction and shall give to the Committee such information as the Committee may require for the purposes of this Order and no person shall he relieved from the necessity of complying with any such direction by reason of any contracts or arrangements made by him as to the disposal of his foodstuffs. (c) A Food Committee may dispose of foostuffs acquired by them pursuant to this Order in such manner as they shall think fit. 2. A Food Committee shall in exercise of the powers conferred Directions, upon them by this Order comply with such directions as may from time to time be given to them by the Food Controller. 3. The Arbitrator to act for the purposes of this Order shall in Arbitrator, default of agreement be in England and Wales the County Court Judge for the district within which the area of the Committee is situate or, where the Lord Chancellor so allows, a deputy appointed by such Judge and approved by the Lord Chancellor, and in Scotland a pers.on appointed by the Sheriff having jurisdic- tion in the like district. 4. This Order shall not apply to any foodstuffs held by or con- Exceptions, signed to a person for sale for consumption on premises where he carries on a catering business. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. The Food Control Committees (Margarine Requisition) Revocation. Order, 1917, (a) is hereby revoked as from the 11th February, 1918, but without prejudice to any act done thereunder. 7. For the purposes of this Order "Food Committee" means Interpreta- a Food Control Comndttee constituted in pursuance of the Food *'^°°- Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (b) 8. {a) This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committee Title. (Requisitioning) Order, 1918. (h) This Order shall extend only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. W . II. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry ol Food. 31st January, 1918. (a) Food Comrol Committees (Margarine Requisition) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 215 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. 280 Local Distribution {Misuse of Documents) Order, 1918. The Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order, Dated February 2, 1918. 1918. 1918. No. 129. Information to be confidential. In exercise of the powers conferied upon him by the Defence oi the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Where any Food Committee with the approval of the Food Controller have made or propose to make arrangements for regulating the distribution or consumption of any food within their area, (whether by means of a scheme under the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (a) or other- wise), and forms of application, cards, vouchers, authorisations or other documents are issued under the authority of the Com- mittee or the Food Controller for t]ie purpose of those arrange- ments, a person shall not (a) knowingly make or cause to be made or connive at the making of any statement which is false in any material particular with a view to obtaining any food under such arrangement or with a view to obtaining any such form of application, card, voucher, authorisa- tion or other document ; (b) forge or without lawful excuse alter any application under any such arrangement or any such card, voucher, authorisation, or other document; (c) falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application, card, voucher, authorisation or other document applies; {d) retain any application, card, voucher, authorisation oi other document when he has no right to retain it or fail to comply with any directions issued by lawful authority with regard thereto ; or (e) make or knowingly have in his possession any form of application, card, voucher, authorisation or other document marked so as to resemble or colourably imitate any such form of application, card, voucher, authorisation or other document, either in blank or wholly or partly completed, not being a form of appli- cation, card, voucher, authorisation or other document issued under lawful authority. 2. A member of or person employed by a Food Committee or any other person whose duty it is to deal with any application, card, voucher, authorisation, or other document issued for the purposes aforesaid shall not without lawful authority communi- cate to any person any information acquired by him from any such application, card, voucher, authorisation, or other document. (a) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 276. Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918. 281 3. For the purposes of this Order, the expression "Food interpreta- Control Committee'' shall mean a Committee appointed in tion. pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.(a) V . / 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Local Distribution (Misuse of. '^^*^®' Documents) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd February, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amend- ment Order, 1918. Dated February 15, 1918. 1918. No. 197. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 191T(b) (here- inafter called "the principal Order") shall be amended as follows : — 1. Where a Food Committee adopts a scheme(c) under the principal Order for controlling within their area the distribution and consumption of any article of food the scheme may, with the consent of the Food Controller, include provisions relating to or provisions empowering the Committee to give directions relating to — {a) the regulation of the sale by retail of the specified article within the district of the Committee by any persons or class of persons, whether such persons are or are not registered under the scheme as retailers in respect of any premises, or from or about any vehicle, stand or other place within the said district, not being premises in respect of which any person is registered as a retailer under the scheme ; (h) the total quantities of the specified article which may be consumed " or obtained from all sources for con- sumption by any person or class of persons or may be obtained from all sources by any manufacturer, (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 276. (c) Adoption of Scheme. — See footnote (b) to the principal Order, p. 276. Principal Order (S.R. & O. No. 1325 of 1917.) Schemes. Regulation of retail sale. Restriction on con- sumption and acquisition. 282 Food Control Cominittees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918. Information and returns. Application of scheme to other articles of food. Confirma- tion of schemes. Compliance with directions. Supplies under false documents, tc. Revocation. caterer, institution, residential establishment oi other establishment or class of establishments within the district whether such person, class, manufacturer, caterer, institution or establishment is or is not a registered customer under the scheme; ('c) the production of such information and the making of such returns by any persons as may be required for the purposes of the scheme and generally may include such other provisions and empowei the Committee to give such other directions as may be thought requisite for the purpose of controlling within the district the distribution and consumption of the specified article. Where the scheme includes any such provisions, the Committee may give all necessary directions for giving effect thereto. 2. (i) Where a Food Committee has with the consent of the Food Controller adopted a scheme for controlling the distribution and consumption of any article of food, and the Food Controller has by a general or other autliority issued for the purposes of this clause authorised the application of schemes made under the principal Order or this Order to any other article or articles of food specified in the authority, the Food Committee may by resolution apply the scheme to such other article or articles of food subject to and in accordance with the terms of such authority. (ii) Where the Committee has passed any such resolution, then, subject to any directions of the Food Controller contained in such authority; such scheme shall apply to such other article or articles in the same manner as it applies to the first-mentioned article with necessary modifications. (iii) The Food Committee shall within seven days from the date of the resolution forward a copy of the same to the Food Controller. 3. Where at the date of this Order a scheme has been jadopted by a Food Committee under the principal Order, such scheme shall be deemed to have been made under the principal Order and this Order, and shall have effect accordingly. 4. A Food Committee shall comply with any directions or instructions that may be given by the Food Controller in con- nection with or for any of the purposes of any scheme adopted under the principal Order and this Order or any directions under aiiy such scheme. 5. A person shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any supply of a specified article by virtue of any card, voucher, authoriza- tion or other document issued for the purposes of any scheme where the application upon which such document was obtained was false in any material particular or where according to such scheme, the right to obtain such article thereunder has ceased or is otherwise not properly exerciseable by him. 6. Clause 2 (/) of the principal Order is hereby revoked but without prejudice to any act or thing done thereunder. Food Control Covimittees {Local Distribution) Schevie Order, 283 1918. 7. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees Title. {Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the principal Order. Bj Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th February, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Local DistributiojS') Scheme Order, 1918. Dated March 21, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 351. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 191T,('') and the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 191 8, (c) the Food CV)ntroller hereby consents to the adoption of the Scheme set out in the first schedule hereto by the several Food Control Committees mentioned in the second schedule hereto, (d) such Scheme to control within the respective districts of the said Committees the distribution and consumption of the articles of food specified respectively in the several resolutions of the said Committees adopting the said Scheme. And further in exercise of all the powers vested in him under the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Food Controller hereby orders that the Scheme, when so adopted by any Com- mittee, shall have effect throughout the district of such Com- mittee in accordance with the terms thereof and of the resolution adopting the same, and that all persons concerned shall comply with the provisions thereof. By Order of the Food Controller. >S. G. Tallents, Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st March, 1918. First Schedule. Scheme to be adopted by a Food Control Committee under the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (b) and the Food Control Committees (Local Distribu- tion) Amendment Order, 1918. (c) 1. This Scheme shall come into operation on the date specified Date. iu the resolution of a Food Control Committee adopting the same. (a) Revocation of Okdek as kegakds Butte u, Margauine and Laki).— This Order is revoked so far as it relates to Butter, Margarine and Lard by Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522. (b) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 276. (c) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 281. (d) List of Committees authorised to adopt the Scheme.— This list was added to by the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 1918, p. 291, and by Order, No. 4, 1918, p. 293. The list was also added to by Orders Nos. 3 and 5 dated April 13, and May 18, 1918, respectively, which have not been printed. {See footnote p. 287.) 284 Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918. Ration cards. Specified 2". Tlie Scheme shall apply to such one or more of the following articles. articles of food as may be specified in the said resolution, or any subsequent resolution, that is to say : — (a) Butter and margarine (which shall be deemed to be one article) and (6) Tea, and (c) Any other article to which the Food Controller may by a general or other authority issued for the purposes of this clause authorise the application of the Scheme, The Committer shall within seven days from the date of any such resolution as is referred to in this or the preceding clause^ forward a copy of the same to the Food Controller. The appro- 3. The maximum quantity of a specified article which may be priate ration, obtained for consumption under this Scheme in any one week by or for the use of any one person within the district shall be such quantity as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe for such person. Until the Food Controller otherwise directs, the prescribed quantity of butter and margarine shall be 4 ozs., and the pre- scribed quantity of tea shall be IJ ozs. The quantity prescribed for any person for any one week is hereinafter called ''the appropriate ration." 4. The Committee shall issue ration cards to persons residing in their district upon such application (if any) as they may direct, and may require an applicant to furnish such information as may be proper for the purpose of registration. The Committee may at their discretion lefuse any application or withdraw any card, and generally do such acts and give such directions as may be proper for the purpose of such issue, refusal or withdrawal as aforesaid. 5. The Committee may at any time issue a ration card in any case in which it is in their opinion proper that such card should be issued. 6. (a) Subject to the provisions of Clause 2 (g) (ii) of the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (a) the holder of a ration card issued by the Committee mtiy be registered as a customer with any retailer in the district of the Committee, and may register with one retailer for one specified article and with another retailer for another specified article. Where any arrangement on that behalf has been made between the Com- mittee and any other Food Committee, the holder of a ration card issued by the Committee may register as a customer with any retailer in the district of such other Committee, and the holder of a ration card issued by such other Committee may register with any retailer in the district of the Committee. (b) A customer may not transfer from one retailer to another without the consent of the Committee, but such consent shall not be withheld without good reason. (c) A customer shall on the occasion of each purchase of a specified article produce his ration card to the retailer with whom (a) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 276. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Orders 285 1918. he is registered for such article unless he has previously deposited the same with such retailer. Such retailer shall upon each such occasion mark the card or detach the appropriate coupon, or other- wise record such purchase in such manner as the Committee may from time to time direct. (d) Unless the Committee otherwise direct, no part of the appropriate ration may be taken in advance, and no arrears of the appropriate ration may be made up in any subsequent week. 7. Subject as hereinafter provided the Committee shall grant Registration a certificate of registration as a retailer of a specified article to ^^ retailers. any applicant who makes an application to them on such form of application (if any) as they may direct, and who or whose pre- decessor in business was during the year 1917, dealing in the specified article by retail in the ordinary way of business in their district and who at the date of his application is so dealing in such article, and may grant such certificate to any other applicant in any case in which in their opinion it is necessary in the interests of the public that such certificate be granted. 8. The Committee may refuse to grant a certificate of registra- tion to an applicant in any case in which in their opinion it is contrary to the interests of the public that such certificate should be granted, but they shall forthwith report any such refusal to the Food Controller. The Committee may with the consent of the Food Controller at any time withdraw a certificate of registration, and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 9. The Committee shall keep a record of the persons to whom, and the premises in respect of which, certificates of registration have been granted under this Scheme. 10. A farmer or other person, not being a farmer or person registered under the Scheme as a retailer in respect of any premises, may sell by retail within the district of the Committee any supplies of a specified article which are produced by him, subject to such conditions as to the making of returns, the mark- . ing of ration cards or the detaching of coupons, and otherwise as the Committee may direct, and every such farmer or other person and every purchaser of any such supplies shall comply with any such directions of the Committee. Except as aforesaid, the Committee may regulate in such manner as they think proper the sale by retail of a specified article within the district of the Committee by any person or class of persons not being persons registered under the Scheme as retailers in respect of any premises, and may give such directions and impose such conditions as may be proper for the purpose. 11. Any person residing outside the district of the Committee Persons who has been accustomed to obtain supplies of a specified article residing out- from within the said district shall be entitled to a ration card in side district, respect of such article in the same manner and to the same extent as if he were a person residing within the said district, and any such person to whom a ration card is issued shall be subject te the provisions of this Scheme in the same manner and to the same extent as if he were a person so residing as aforesaid. Upon any 5789 K 286 Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Scheme Order. 1918. Emergency cards. Lost cards, removals, &c. Documents. Directions of Food Con- troller. Confirming previous transaction?. applicatioii under tliis clause, the Committee may direct that the applicant shall forward his application through the Food Com- mittee for the district in which he resides. 12. Subject to any directions that may be given by the Food Controller the Committee may from time to time give directions relating to the total quantities of a specified article which may be consumed or obtained from all sources for consumption by any person or class of persons within the district. 13. Subject to any directions ^that may be given by the Food Controller, the Committee shall froni time to time give directions as to the total quantity of a specified article which may be obtained from all sources by any manufacturer, caterer, institution, residential establishment, or other establishment or class of establishments within the district. The Committee may give all proper directions for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this clause. 14. The Committee may give directions as to the production of such information and the making of such returns by any persons as may be required for the purposes of this Scheme. 15. The Committee may at any time issue emergency cards or permits in such form and on such conditions as the Food Controller or the Committee may direct, to officers and men of the Naval and Military Forces of the Crown on leave, or to any other persons temporarily resident within their district, and may give all necessary directions for the purpose. 16. (a) If any ration card, registration certificate, or any other like document be defaced, lost or destroyed, the Committee may on such evidence and subject to such conditions as they think fit renew the same. (b) The Committee may give directions as to the surrender of cards, registration certificates and other like documents on the death or removal from the district of the holder, and in any other case in which such surrender is, in the opinion of the Com- mittee, proper. 17. Certificates of registration, ration cards and any other documents issued under the Scheme shall be and remain the property of the Committee. 18. Subject to any directions of the Food Controller any person may with the consent of the Committee obtain for consumption or consume such a supply of a specified article in excess of the appropriate ration as a duly qualified medical practitioner may certify to be required by such person in the interests of health. 19. The Committee shall comply with any direction of the Food Controller which may be given for the purpose of this Scheme, and any directions of the Committee given under this Scheme shall have effect subject to any such directions of the Food Controller. 20. All forms of application and othei documents, instructions and directions issued before the date when this Scheme shall come into operation by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller or the Committee for the purpose of regulating the dis- tribution and consumption of a specified article within their Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) ScJieme Order, 1918. 287 district by means of a Scheme under the Food Control Com- mittee (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (a) and all applications made upon such forms and all acts pursuant to any such instruc- tions and directions shall be deemed respectively to have been made and done under and pursuant to this Scheme, and shall have effect in the same manner and to the same extent as they would have had effect if so made or done. 21. Clause 2 (/) of the Food Control Committees (Local Dis- tribution) Order, 1917, (a) shall not apply to this Scheme. Except as aforesaid and subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained, the provisions of Clause 2 aforesaid shall apply to this Scheme. • 22. This Scheme may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme. Second Schedule. List of Food Conte.ol Committees Authorised to Adopt the ' Scheme, (b) England and Wales. County. Newcastle Division. (N.) Northumberland (with Berwick-on-Tweed) Durham Nottingham Division. (N.M.) Derby Leicester Lincoln Northampton Nottingham Rutland Cambridge Division. (E.'i Bedford Cambridge Huntingdon Norfolk Suffolk Reading Division. (S.M.) Berks Oxford Hants Wilts Bucks Committee. Any Committee, Anv Committer* Any Committee. Anv Committee. (a) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 276. Clause 2 (/) thereof was revoked by Clause 6 of the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918. p. 2n. (b) Amendment of Schedule.— This Schedule was added to by the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 191 «, p. 291, and by Order, No. 4, 1918, p. 293. The following Committees were also added to the list by (1) Order, No. 3, April 13, 1918, " Fylde Rural District, County of Lancaster," and (2) Order, No. .5, May 18, 1918,^ "Hay Urban, County of Brecknock, and Presteign Urban, County of Radnor." 5789 ^ 2 288 , Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Orde 1918. Second Schedule — continued. County. Committee. Bristol Division. (S.W.) Cornwall Devon Dorset Gloucester Somerset Any Committee. Leeds Division, (N.E.) York — Any Committee except : — Great Driffield, Norton, Pock- * lington, Diiffield Eural, Nor- ton Eural, Pocklington Rural, Kirklington-cum-TJpsland, Mal- ton, Northallerton, Pickering, Whitby, Aysgarth Rural, Bedale Rural, Croft Rural, Kirkby moor- side Rural, Leyburn Rural, Mal- ton Rural, Northallerton Rural, Pickering Rural, Reeth Rural, Startforth Rural, Stokesley Rural, Thirsk Rural, Whitby Rural, Flockton, Goole, Rish- worth, Goole Rural. Preston Division. (N.W.) Lancaster — Any Committee except : — Abram, Billinge, Bispham witlj Norbreck, Blackpool (C.B.), Clitheroe (M.B.), Colne (M.B.j, Formby, Great Harwood, Hey- sham, Hindley, Huyton-with- Roby, Kirkham, Lytham, More- cambe (M.B.), Preesal, Prescot, Radcliffe, Rainford, St. Annes- on-Sea, St. Helens (C.B.), Swinton and Pendlebury, Thorn- ton, Trawden, Burnley Rural, Clitheroe Rural, Fyle Rural, Whiston Rural. Chester — Any Committee except : — Compstall, Wilmslow. Cumberland — Any Committee except : — Carlisle (C.B.), Holme Cultram, Penrith, Wigton, Alston with Garrigill Rural, Brampton Rural, Carlisle Rural, Longtown Rural, Penrith Eural, Wilton Rural. Food Control Covijnittees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 289 1918. Second Schedule — continued. County. Committee, Birrningham Division. (M.) Salop — Any Committee except : — Bishops Castle (M.B.), Bridgnortli (M.B.), Church Stretton, EUes- mere, Market Drayton, Newport, Wem, Whitchurch, Atcham Eural, Bridgnorth Eural, Bur- , ford Eural, Chirbury Eural, Church Stretton Eural, Cleobury Mortimer Eural, Clun Eural, Drayton Eural jointly with Blore Heath, Ellesmere Eural, Newport Eural, Teme Eural, Wem Eural, Whitchurch Eural. Staf* Old — Any Committee except : — Gnosall Eural, Tutbury Eural. T^ drwick — Any Committee except : — Bulkington, Sutton Coldfield (M.B.), Brailes Eural. Worcester — Any Committee except : — Droitwich (M.B.), Droitwich Eural, Eock Eural, Shipston on Stour Eural, Tenbury Eural. Hereford — Any Committee except : — Bromyard, Hereford (M.B.), King- ston, Leominster (M.B.), Eoss, Bredwardine Eural, Bromyard Eural, Dore Eural, Hereford Eural, Kingston Eural, Leo- minster Eural, Eoss Eural, AVeobley Eural, Whitchurch Eural, Wigmore Eural. Carnarvon Division. (N. Wales.) Anglesey — Any Committee except : — Amlwch, Llangefni, Twrcelyn Eural. Carnarvon — Any Committee except : — Bethesda, Carnarvon (M.B.), Cric- cieth, Portmadoc, Pwllheli (M.B.), Glaslyn Eural, Gwyrfai Eural, Lleyn Eural. Denbigh — Any Committee except : — Llansilin Eural, St. Asaph Eural, Uwchaled Eural. Flint — Any Committee except : — St. Asaph Eural, 5789 K 3 290 Food Control Committees {Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918. Second Schedule — continued. County. Committee. Carnarvon Division. (N. Wales.) — cont. Merioneth — Any Committee except: — Bala, Mailwyd, Dendraeth Enral, Edeyrnion Eural, Penllyn E-nral. Montgomery — Any Committee except : — Llanfyllin (M.B.), Machynlletli, Montgomery (M.B.), Newtown and Llanllwchairn, Forden Hural, Llanfyllin Rural, Macliynlletli Rural, Newton and Llanidloes Rural. Cardiff Division. (S. Wales.) Brecknock — Any Committee except : — ^uilth. Wells, Hay, Llanwrtyd, Builth. Rural. Cardigan — Any Committee except : — Aberayron, Lampeter (M.B.), Aberayron Rural, Lampeter Rural, Llandyssul Rural. Carmarthen — Any Committee except : — Kidwelly (M.B.), Llandilo, New- castle Emlyn, Llandilofawr Rural, Llanbyther Rural, New- castle Emlyn Rural, Whitland Rural. Glamorgan — Any Committee except : — Aberavon (M.B.), and Margam TJ.D. Monmouth — Any Committee except : — Nantyglo and Blaina, Tredegar, Blaenavon, xibergavenny Rural, Monmouth Rural. Pembroke — Any Committee except : — Fishguard, Haverfordwest ' (M.B.), Narberth, Neyland, Narberth Rural. Radnor — Any Committee except : — Knighton, Llandrindod Wells, Presteign, Colwyn Rural, Knigh- ton Rural, Paincastle Rural, Rhayader Rural. Scotland. Any Committee in any County. Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order, 1918; 291 Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order No. 2, 1918. The Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order. Dated April 5, 1918. 1918. ' No. 403. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The expressions " Article of Food " and '' Foodstuffs " con- S.R. & 0., tained in the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, No- 1^25 of 1917, (a) the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) ^^^^{97 ^f Amendment Order, 1918, (b) the Food Control Committees 1918 and (Requisitioning) Order, 1918, (c) shall for the purposes of those No. 115 of Orders mean every article which is used for food by man and ^918. every article which ordinarily enters into or is used in the com- position or preparation of human food and shall include tea, coffee, and cocoa ; and the said Orders shall be read and take effect as if they had originally contained the foregoing interpretation of these expressions. 2. This Order may be cited as the Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5tb April, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order No. 2, 1918. Dated April 6, 1918. (d) 1918. No. 405. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the I'oed Control Committees: (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (a) and the Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, (b) the Food Controller hereby consents to the adoption of the Scheme set out in the first schedule of the Food Control Com- mittees (Local Distribution) Scheme Ordei, 1918, dated the 21st (a) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 276. (b) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 281. (c) Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) Order, 1918. — That Older is printed p. 278. ^* (d) Revocation of Order so far as it relates fco Butter, Margarine and Lard, — See Footnote (a), p. 283. 5789 K 4 292 Food Control CoTnmittees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order No. 2, 1918. March, 1918 (Statutory Rules and Orders, 1918, No. 351),(a) by the severral Food Control Committees mentioned in the schedule hereto, such Scheme to control within the respective districts of the said Committees the distribution and consumption of the articles of food specified respectively in the several resolutions of the said Committees adopting the said Scheme. And further in exercise of all the powers vested in him under the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Food Controller hereby orders that the Scheme, when so adopted by any Com- mittee, shall have effect throughout the district of such Committee in accordance with the terms thereof and of the reso- lution adopting the same, and that all persons concerned shall comply with the provisions thereof. By Order of the Food Controller. S. G. Tallents, Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 6th April, 1918. Schedule. List of Food Control Committees authorised to adopt the Scheme. County. Committee. Birmingham Division (M) — Salop Market Drayton, Wem, Whit- church, Atcham Rural, Drayton and Blore Heath Rural, Wem Rural, Whitchurch Rural. Warwick Sutton Coldfield(M.B.). Worcester Droitwich (M.B.). Hereford Bromyard, City of Hereford, Kington, Ross, Bredwardine y Rural, Bromyard Rural, Here- ford Rural, Kington Rural, Ross Rural, Weobley Rural, Wigmore Rural. (a) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order 1918.— That Order is printed p. 283. Food Control Cormnittees {Local Distribution) Scheme Order 293 No. 4, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order No. 4, 1918. Dated the 4th May, 1918. (a) 1918. ^o. 509. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the Food Control S. R. & 0., Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, (b) and the Food No. 1325 of (Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, g J' a. q 1918,(c) the Food Controller hereby consents to the adoption of the j^'o. i97 of' Scheme set out in the first schedule of the Food Control Com- 1918. mittees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, dated the 21st March, 1918 (Statutory Eules and Orders, 1918, No. 351), (d) by the several Food Control Committees mentioned in the schedule hereto, such Scheme to control within the respective districts of the said Committees the distribution and consumption of the articles of food specified respectively in the several resolutions of the said Committees adopting the said Scheme. And further in exercise of all the powers vested in him under the Defence of the Realm Eegulations the Food Controller hereby Orders that the Scheme, when so adopted by any Committee, shall have- effect throughout the district of such Committee in accord- ance with the terms thereof and of the resolution adopting the same, and that all persons concerned shall comply with the provisions thereof. By Order of the Food Controller, S. G. Tallents, Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th May, 1918. (a) Revocation of Order so far as it relates to Butter, Margarine and Lard. — See Footnote (a), p. 283 (b) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 2«6. (c) Food Control Committers (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918. -That Order is printed p. 281. (d) Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, . . 1918.— That Order is printed p. 283. 294 Authorisation under Food Hoarding Order, 1917, §' Schedule, List of Food Control Committees authorised to Adopt the Scheme. County. Committee. Leeds Division (N.E.), York ... | KirkliAgton-cum-Upsland Urban, Bedaie j Rural, Thirsk Rural, Goole Urban. Preston Division (N.W.), Lancaster Abram Urban, Billinge Urban, Hindley ! Urban, Kirkham Urban, Radcliffe Urban. Authorisation under Food Hoarding Order, 1917; Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, AND Amendment Order, 1918; and London and Home Counties (Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. Dated Mat 17, 1918. [This Authorisation, printed p. 25^, in Group "Hoarding of Food '' permits under certain conditions the acquisition of Farmers' butter for home preservation.] List of " Meat and Cattle and Eggs " Orders, 295 10. Meat and Cattle and Eggs.(a)(b) ^ Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, p. 318. Canned Meat (Nett Weights) Order, 1918, p, 347. Cattle and Meat (Keturns) Order, 1917, p. 300. Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, as. amended, p. 311. Egg (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 321. \_See next page. (a) Army Cattle Purchase.— The following Notice appeared in the Press of September 1st, 1917 : — " The arrangements made for the purchase of cattle in the United Kingdom for the feeding of the Army during the next few months have been revised in the light of a reduction in the demands of the Army, which were originally estimated at 250,000 head. The reduction in the weekly purchases will be spread over the whole area, and a smaller number of stock will be taken from England, Scotland, and Ireland. The purchases will be carried out in England by traders nominated by the Auctioneers' Institute and in Scotland by a Committee of auctioneers, but in Ireland the Army authorities will buy cattle through their own agents, as the Army has for some time been possessed of an organisation for the direct purchase of agricultural produce in Ireland. The buyers have been instructed to purchase cattle in a condition to yield good lean meat, beyond that of ' Stores ' three quarters fat but not ' prime.' The purchases will be effected at market rates, which are expected to rule below the maxima fixed by the Food Controller." (b) Frozen and other Imported Meat. — In 1915 three Orders in Council (all printed as Statutory Rules and Orders), of which the dates and scope are specified below, requisitioned for the carriage of refrigerated produce the insulated spaces in certain British steamships. Date of Order in Council. St. R. & O. : British Steamships insulated spaces in number, j which were requisitioned. April 13, 1915 i 1916-303 All steamships trading between the Common- I wealth of Australia or the Dominion of New '■ Zealand and the United Kingdom. April 29, 1915 1915-385 j Steamships owned by certain Companies trading ! between the Argentine or Uruguay Republics \ and the United Kingdom or Europe. Oct. 14, 1915 1915-999 j Certain steamships specified by name trading between the Argentine or Uruguay Republics ! i and the United Kingdom. Two further Orders in Council of Nov. 10, 1915 (1915, No. 1071), and Dec. 22, 1915 (1915, No. 1219), empowered the President of the Board of Trade to requisition — (i) any British ship registered in the United Kingdom for the carriage of food-stuffs ; (ii) the insulated spaces for the carriage of refrigerated produce in any British steamship registered in the United Kingdom or hereafter to be so registered and fitted or hereafter to be fitted with such spaces and not liable to requisition under the three first-mentioned Orders in Council. All these five Orders in Council are printed pp. 4U0-409 of Vol. I of the Annual Volume of St. R. & O. for 1915. Regulation 39bbb (3) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations empowers the Shipping Controller to requisition any ships or any cargo spaces in any ships " in order that they may be used in the manner best suited for the needs of the country." The General Regulations for the sale of frozen meat from Australia and New Zealand are printed in Appendix IV. to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Cold Storage. — As to taking of articles out of and into cold storage, see the Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 204. 296 Meat (Sales) Order, 1917. Eggfi, Authorisation under Food Hoarding Order, 1917, as to preserved eggs, p. 338. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, jo. 328. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918,;?. 338. Irish Pigs (Control) Order, 1918, p, 322. Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918, p. 339. General Licence thereunder (Calves' Heads and Feet), p. 348. London Central Markets Order, 1918,/?. 328. Meat (Control) Order, 1917, p. 305. Meat (Licensing of Export) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 345. Meat (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, j9. 317. Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended, j9. 300. Direction thereunder (Pig Meat in Ireland), p. 338. Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order No. 2, 1918, p. 3^0. General Licence thereunder (Price of Sausages), p. 345. General Licence thereunder (Price of Sausages), p. 358. Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918,;?. 349. Meat (Retailers' Restriction) Order, 1918,/?. 315. Meat (Sales) Order, 1917, p. 29(1. Pig and Pig Products (Prohibition of Export) (Ireland) Order,. 1918, j9. 329. Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 33d. Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) Order, 1918, p. 316. Ponltry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918,/?. i552. Public Meals Order, 1918, /?. 316. Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 309. Rationing Order, 1918,/?. 355. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), /?. 359. Directions thereunder (General Butchers and their Customers), /?. 359. Directions thereunder (Pork Butchers and Retailers of Miscel- laneous Meat and their Customers), /?. 359. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Bacon and Ham and their Customers), p. 359. Slaughterhouses (Licensing) Order, 1918, /?. 356. The Meat (Sales) Order, 1917. Dated May 31, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 520 In exercise of the f)owers conferred upon him by Regulation 2r of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders (a) Scope of Order. — The Meat (Sales) Order was directed to two matters (1) Sales of fat cattle, sheep, and swine for slaughter, and (2) Sales of dead meat. As to (1) it is revoked except as to Ireland by the Meat (Control) Order, p. 305. Provision as to the sale in the market for slaughter of bulls, bullocks, cows, heifers anH pigs and of sheep is made by the Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. (p. 339) which does not apply to Ireland. Meat (Sales) Order, 1917 297 that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following' provisions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — I. — Sales of Fat Cattle. (a) 1. A person who has bought any fat cattle (hereinafter called Dealer to the dealer) shall not resell the same except to a person (herein- ^f^ ^J^^^ ^^^ after called the permitted buyer) who gives a written undertaking ^^^^8l»ter. that he is buying such cattle for slaughter, and the permitted buyer shall not sell the fat cattle bought but shall cause the same to be slaughtered within 14 days of the date of his purchase. 2. When the resale was made to the permitted buyer in a Written cattle market, the written undertaking shall be made and entered undertaking by the permitted buyer in a book to be kept for the purpose by the market authority for such market, and in any other case shall be in the form set forth in the schedule and shall be sent by the dealer to the market authority of the cattle market nearest to the place where the sale was made. Slaughter.. Powers and duties of Market Authority. False statements. Duties of the Market Authorities in relation to under- takings. 3. The permitted buyer shall within seven days of the cattle being slaughtered forward particulars of the place and time of such slaughter to the market authority to whom the written undertaking was given or sent. 4. Where any cattle are sold in the market, the determination of the market authority whether such cattle are or are not fat cattle shall be conclusive for all purposes, and the market authority shall not permit any fat cattle to be moved from the market until the necessary written undertaking has been given. 5. A person shall not make any false statement in the written undertaking or particulars referred to in this part of this Order. 6. The market authority shall retain all written undertaking and particulars received by them, and shall inform the Food Controller, or, as he may direct, of any case where it appears to them that the provisions of this part of this Order have not been complied with. II. — Sales of Dead Meat. 7. This part of this Order shall apply on the occasion of any Application sale of dead meat, by or on behalf of a person (hereinafter called of *bis part, the salesman) who has bought such meat, or has received for sale on commission meat previously bought as dead meat: Provided that — (a) Nothing in this part shall apply to meat imported by the Board of Trade or to a retail sale of meat; and that (b) Clauses 8, 9 and 10 shall not apply on the occasion of :» sale of imported meat by the first importer thereof. 8. The salesman shall not sell any part of such meat except to a retail butcher buying for retail sale or to a person buying for consumption. (a) Sales of Fat Cattle.— Part I of this Order is revoked except as to Ireland by the Meat (Control) Order, 1917, p. 305. ■ Salesmen to sell to retail butchers. ' 298 Meat (Sales) Order, 1917. Price for Carcases. Price for joints. Price for joints by wholesale butchers and meat importers. Burden of proof. Statement to be given to Market Authority. 9. The salesman shall not sell any carcase, side or quarter at a price more than Sd. a stone above the cost to him of the meat sold, or in the case of meat consigned to him for sale on com- mission at more than 3d. per stone above the price at which the meat was bought by the consignor, together with cost of trans- port to the place of sale. 10. The salesman shall not sell a carcase, side or quarter cut into smaller joints at such prices as will in the aggregate make the total amount charged by him for the meat sold more than Id. a stone above the price at which the like carcases, sides or quarters are on the same day being sold or offered for sale. 11. No wholesale butcher or meat importer shall sell a carcase, side or quarter cut in smaller joints at such prices as will in ,the aggregate make the total amount charged by him for the meat sold more than Id. per stone above the price at which the like carcases, sides or quarters are on the same day being sold or offered for sale. 12. In any proceedings for a breach of the provisions of this part of this Order, the burden of proving the amount of the price at which meat was bought and cost of transport shall be upon the person charged. 13. Every person selling meat in a market shall furnish to the market authority, as and when required by the market authority, a statement showing classification and weight of meat sold by him in such market and prices realised. Offers, etc. Records. Display of Order. Interpre- tation. III. — General. 14. A person shall not buy, sell or deal in or offer to buy, sell or deal in, any cattle or meat in contravention of any of the provisions of this Order. 15. All persons concerned shall keep such records of cattle bought, sold and slaughtered, and meat bought and sold, prices paid and charged and the names of sellers and buyers as are necessary for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the pro- visions of this Order are being complied with, and such records shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Food Controller or of any local authority (a) or market authority. 16. The market authority of a market shall cause copies of this Order to be kept affixed in some conspicuous place in such market. 17. For the purpose of this Order: — '' Market " shall include a fair. *' Market authority " shall mean any person, company or corporation having the control or management of any market or in receipt of tolls in respect thereof. (a) "Local Authority." — Clause 2 of the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917 (printed in Part III of this Manual, provides that this expression includes the Food Control Committee for Ireland, as to whom see the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order. 1917, also printed in Part III. Meat (Sales) Order, 191' 299 "Cattle" shall include, in addition to cattle usually so called, ram, ewe, wether, lamb, and swine. "Meat" shall mean any meat obtained from cattle as defined, " Sale " shall include barter. " Stone " shall mean a stone of 8 lbs. 18. If .any person acts in contravention of this Order, or aids Penalty, or abets any other person, in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the E-ealm E,egula,tions, and if such person is a company every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. (&) 19. — (a) This Order may be cited as the Meat (Sales) Order, Title and 1917. commence- (b) Part I. of this Order shall come into force on the 11th Order. June, 1917, and Part II. shall come into force on the 4th June, 1917. Devonportf Food Controller. .31st May, 1917. Schedule. I declare that the animal[s] described at the foot of this under- taking was (were) bought by me for slaughter and will be slaughtered within 14 days hereof. It is intended that such animal shall be slaughtered at Signature.... Address. Date. Class of animal. Name of seller. Address of seller. Price. (a) Liability of Directors, &c., or Company. — Reg. 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (printed in Part IX, 4 " Miscellaneous Provisions as to Offences," p. 433 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual ") which was added to the Code since this Order was printed provides that directors and officers shall be liable for offences by their corporation or company. 300 Cattle and Meat {Returns) Order, 1917 ; Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. Dated July 28. The Cattle and Meat (Returns) Order, 1917. 1917. 1917. No. 767. In exercise of the powers conferred upon Mm by Regulation 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders as follows : — 1. All persons engaged in the production, purchase, sale, distribution, transport, storage or shipment of any cattle or any meat, shall furnish such particulars as to their businesses as may from time to time be specified by or on behalf of the Food Controller, and shall verify the same in such manner as he may direct. 2. For the purpose of this Order, the expression '' Cattle '' shall include in addition to cattle usually so called Ram, Ewe, Wether, Lamb, Deer, Goats and Swine; and the expression ** Meat " shall mean any meat obtained from cattle as defined. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Cattle and Meat (Returns) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. 28th July, 1917. U, F. Wintour, Secretary of the Ministry of Food. Jklaximum wholesale prices. The Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, dated August 29 1917, as amended by the Meat (Maximum Prices, Order, No. 2, 1917, dated September 11, 1917, and the AMEiNDiNG Order OF March 28, 1918. (a) 1917, No. 903, as amended by 1917, No. 943 and 1918, No. 374. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — Maximum Wholesale Prices. 1. No person shall on or after the 3rd September, 1917: — (a) Sell by way of wholesale sale any carcase of any of the kinds of dead meat specified in the Schedule (a) Effect of Amendments. — The No. 2 Order was confined to the addi- tion of words at the end of Clause 6 (6) of the Principal Order, and the Order of March 28, 1918, substituted a new Schedule of Prices. Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. 301 or any hind quarter or fore quarter of imported beef or veal at a price exceeding the maximum price therein mentioned. Provided that — (i) In th^ case of Kosher meat the maximum wholesale price shall in each case be l\d. per stone in excess of the price otherwise ai)plicable under the Schedule; and (ii) Where the carcase is cut by the seller into smaller portions a further charge not exceed- ing a charge at the rate of Id. per stone may be made for such cutting; or {h) Sell by way of wholesale sale in any area any side, quarter, joint, or cut of the kinds of dead meat so specified at a price exceeding such maximum price as the Food Controller may from time to time direct for that area. (a) 2. The maximum price applicable under the immediately pre- Price to be ceding clause (hereinafter called the Maximum Wholesale ex-market, Price) shall in each case be the price ex market, warehouse, *^*^- store, or other place of sale. 3. Nothing contained in this Part of this Order shall exempt Meat (Sales) any person from any of the obligations imposed by Part II. oi Order, 1917. the Meat (Sales) Order, 1917. (b) y P^-ET II. — Maximum Eetail Prices. (c) 4. — {a) No person shall in the fortnight ending the 15tli Limitation September, 1917, or any succeeding fortnight sell meat by <^° aggregate retail in about or from any premises except at such prices as P'^ices in each secure that the aggregate of the prices charged for meat so sold during the fortnight in question does not exceed the actual cost to him of such meat by more than the prescribed percentage of such actual cost or by more than an amount representing 2^d. for every lb. of meat so sold, whichever shall be the less. {h) The prescribed percentage shall be 20 per cent, or such other percentage as the Food Controller may from time to time direct either generally or in any particular case or class of case. 5. In ascertaining the prices charged for the purpose of Sale price, clause 4 hereof there shall be excluded such sum (not exceeding a sum at the rate of \d. per lb.) as may be charged for delivery and for giving credit. (a) Maximum Wholesale Prices for various Cuts of Pig Meat in Ireland. — These were fixed by Direction of April 27, 1918, p. 338. (b) Meat (Sales) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 29(5. (c) Revocation of Part II.— This Part of the Order was revoked as regards England and Wales by Meat Retail Prices (E. and W.) Order, 1918, which in its turn was revoked by Meat Retail Prices (E. and W.) Order No. 2, 1918, printed p. 330. This Part was also revoked as regards Scotland as from July 21, 1918, by Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918, printed p. 349. 302 Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. Actual cost. 6. In ascertaining" the actual cost for the purpose of clause 4 hereof, regard shall be had to the following rules: — {a) Where meat sold has been bought as dead meat the actual cost shall be the sum paid or payable for such meat ex Market, warehouse, store, or other place where so bought without any addition whatsoever. (b) Where the mea.t sold is obtained from cattle bought alive by the i)erson in question and slaughtered within 14 days of his purchase, the actual cost shall be taken to be the sum paid for such cattle less the value of any part thereof not sold as meat or 'the maximum wholesale price for the carcase as at the time of slaughter whichever shall be the less. (c) Where the person in question imports meat which is sold by him at any premises the actual cost of such meat shall be taken to be its value at the market price for the time being fixed by or under arrangement with, the Food Controller. {d) In all other cases the actual cost of any meat in respect of which a maximum wholesale price is provided under Part I. of this Order shall be taken to be the maximum wholesale price for the time being applicable thereto in the area' in which the premises are situate, and the actual cost of any side, quarter or other cut, in respect of which there is for the time being no such maximum price, shall be deemed to be such sum as is fair and reasonable on the basis of such maxi- mum wholesale price. 7. (a) — (fl) A Food Contiol Committee may from time to time prescribe a scale or alternative scales of maximum prices applicable to sales of meat by retail in about or from any l)remises situate within their area, and may from time to time revoke or vary any scale so prescribed and where alternative scales are prescribed may make such provisions as they shall think fit as to the application of any such scale to any premises or class of premises within their area. Any scale prescribed under the powers conferred by this clause shall be in accordance with any general directions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller. (6) Where any scale has been so prescribed then (subject to any limitations or exceptions prescribed by the Committee) no meat shall be sold by retail in or about or from any premises situate within the area of the Committee at prices exceeding the prices provided by the scale applicable to such premises. (c) Where the Food Controller so directs a Food Control Com- mittee shall in exercise of the powers and duties conferred by this clause act in combination with any other Food Control Com- mittee or Committees and in such case the scale or scale<» prescribed shall apply to the areas of all such Committees. Powers of a Food Control Committee. (a) Powers as to Offals. — These powers of Committees were as from January 21st, 1918, restricted as regards offals by Art. 10 of the Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, p. 311. Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, as amended. 303 (d) Compliance with tlie terms of a scale prescribed under tlie provisions of this clause shall not relieve any person from the necessity of complying- with the foregoing provisions of this part of this Order. (e) This clause shall not apply to Ireland. (o>) 8. In any proceedings for a breach of any of the provisions Onus of of this part of this Order, the burden of proving the actual cost proof, of the meat sold during any fortnight shall be upon the person charged. Part III. — General. 9. On and after the 3rd September, 1917, every person selling Notices, meat by retail in any shop shall keep posted in a conspicuous position so as to be clearly visible to all customers throughout the whole time during which the meat is being sold or exposed for sale, a notice stating In plain words and figures the prices for the time being of the usual cuts of meat on sale in about or from such shop and a copy of every such notice shall within 48 hours of the same being posted be^ sent by him to the Food Control Committee. 10. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy OiSers and or offer to buy any meat at prices exceeding the maximum prices conditions, provided by or under this Order, or in connection with any sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of meat enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make any unreasonable charge. 11. Every person dealing in meat shall keep accurate records Records. containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is complying with the provisions of this Order so far as they relate to him or his trade, and shall make such returns as to his trade and otherwise as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or a Food Control Committee. All such records and relevant documents shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Com- mittee. 12. Where any contract subsisting at the date of this Order for Contracts, the sale of meat provides for the payment of a price in excess of the maximum price fixed by this Order applicable on the occasion of such a sale, the contract shall stand so far as concerns meat delivered before the 17th September, 1917, but unless the Food Controller otherwise determines, shall be avoided so far as concerns meat which is to be delivered on or after that date. 13. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. °^®^<»- . (a) Application to Ireland. — Clause 7 (e) was revoked by the Food Con- trol Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, printed in Part III ot this manual. 304 Meat {Maximum Prices) Order, 191 T, as amended: Title of Order. 14. For the purpose of this Order : — '^ Food Control Committee" shall mean a Committee appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) "Premises " shall include any van, stand, cart, or other vehicle. '* Cattle " shall include in addition to cattle usually so called, ram, ewe, wether, lamb and swine. "Meat" shall except where otherwise stated mean any meat (including sausages and edible offal) obtained from eattle as defined, other than bacon, ham, preserved and potted meats, and cooked meats. "Kosher Meat" shall mean meat obtained from cattle slaughtered by butchers in accordance with the Jswish practice of slaughter. " Stone " shall mean a stone of 8 lbs. 15. This Order may be cited as the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. Rhonddaj Food Controller. 29th August, 1917. Schedule of Maximum Wholesale Meat Prices. (h) Beef and Veal, price per stone. Mutton and Lamb, price per stone. Pork, price per stone. Home killed. Imported. Home killed and Imported. Home killed and Impoi-ted. Carcase. s. d. 8 2 Hind Qtrs. Fore Qtrs. s. d. s. d. 9 3 7 1 Carcase. s. d. 8 8 Carcase. s. d. 10 8 Note. — In ascertaining weight, the offals are to be excluded. In the case of Pork other than imported Pork, the maximum rate of IO5. Sd. per stone is applicable if the offals are not included in the sale, and the maximum rate shall be 6d. higher if the offals are included in the sale. In each case the. weight of the offals shall be excluded in ascertaining the weight of the carcase. (a) Food Control Committee. — This expression now under Clause 2 of the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual, includes the Food Control Committee for Ireland, as to whom see the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, also printed in Part III. The Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917,^ is likewise printed in Part III. (b) Schedule or Maximum Prices. — The Schedule is here printed as it had effect from March 28, 1918, as provided by Order of that date. For prices as between March 4 and March 28, 1918, see Order of March 2, 1918 (St. R. & 0-, 191», No, 247), now superseded, and therefore omitted from this Manual, and for prices as between January 1 and March 4. 1918, see the Schedule as printed at p. 156 of the January, 1918, Edition of this Volume. The General Licences issued Dec. 24, 1917, and Jan. 14, 1918, and printed pp. 167 and 176 of that Edition are revoked by this amending Order. Meat {Control) Order, 191T. 305 The Meat (Control) Order, 1917. Dated November 27, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1203. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned. Part I. — Registration of Retail Meat Dealers and Keepers OF Slaughterhouses. 1. {a) A person shall not at any time after the 14th January, Registration 1918, deal in dead meat by retail either on his own account of Retail . -* or tor the account of any other person except in about or m con- ^^^^^alers nection with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a of Slaughter- certificate of registration as a retail meat dealer for the time houses, being in force issued by the Food Committee for the area in which the premises are situat-e ; but this Clause shall not prevent a retail dealer duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course* of business. (6) A Retail dealer may be registered as a hawker or coster- monger and in such case shall sell only from his cart, stall or barrow and at such other place, if any, as may be named in the certificate. ((?) A person shall not, at any time after the 31st December, 1917, keep or occupy any premises as a slaughterhouse for Cattle except premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as the keeper or occupier of a Slaughterhouse for the time being in force issued by the Food Committee for the area in which the premises are situate. 2. {a) A person who was, at the date of this Order, carrying Persons on business as a retail dealer in dead meat or as a keeper or entitled to occupier of a Slaughterhouse shall be entitled on making registration, application (in the case of a retail dealer in dead meat before the 17th December, 1917, and in the case of a keeper or occupier of a Slaughterhouse before the 3rd December, 1917) to receive a certificate of registration in respect of the premises on which such business was being carried on. {h) A hawker or costermonger shall be so described in his certificate. 3. A Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of registra- Grounds for tion applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under refusing the preceding Clause of this Order, except with the consent of registration, the Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had been already granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. (a) Revocation. — This Order as far as it relates to registration of owners, etc., of Slaughterhouses is revoked as from August 15, 1918, by Slaughterhouses (Licensing) Order, 1918 ; printed p. 356. 306 Meat (Control) Order, 191' Power lo grant new eertificateB. Mode of application for a certificate. Application to be addressed to Food Com- mittees for the appropri- ate areas. Form of certificate. Revocation of certifi- cates. Register of holders of certificates. Transfer of a business. 4. A Food Committee may, in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable to do so in the interest of the public within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any other person a certificate of Eegistration, either as a retail dealer or as the keeper or occupier of a Slaughterhouse in respect of any premises within their area or as a costermonger or a hawker as the case may be; and unless they shall see any good reason to the contrary, they shall, without any such consent, grant an appropriate -certificate to every applicant who has served in the forces of the Crown during the present War and who before so serving was carrying on business as a retail dealer in dead meat or as the keeper or occupier of a Slaughterhouse within the area of the Committee. 5. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars require^ for completing the form, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 6. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Food Committee for the area in which the premises of the applicant, in respect of which a certificate of registration is sought, are. situate. Where the same person is applying for registration in respect of premises situated in more than one area, separate application shall be made in each area in respect of the premises situated therein, and in the case of a hawker or costermonger to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides at the time of such application. 7. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form prescribed by the Food Controller. 8. A Food Committee may witb the consent of the Food Con- troller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order or any regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Con- troller. 9. The Food Committee shall keep in a form prescribed by the Food Controller a register of the persons to whom and the premises in respect of which certificates of registration have been granted under this Order. 10. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with whitjh a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee . or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certificate of registration, to deal in dead meat by retail or to Meat {Control) Order, 1917. 307 ♦ keep or occupy any premises as a Slaughterhouse from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Committee, in the same manner and subject to the .same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 11. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or Inspection cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is registered and In- accurate records as to cattle slaughtered or meat dealt in and fo^^^ation. such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records. The holder shall also observe such directions as to the trade or business in respect of which he is registered as may be given to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Food Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Con-* troller or the Committee may from time to time require, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this Clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. 12. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at the Custody of premises or some one of the premises to which it relates, and in certificates, the case of a hawker or costermonger shall be carried with him whenever engaged in selling meat ; and every holder of a certifi- cate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Part II. — Licensing of Live Stock Auctioneers and Cattle Dealers. 13. {a) A person shall not at any time after the 31st December, Licensing of 1917, sell cattle by auction unless he is the holder of a licence Livestock granted by the Food Controller authorising him to sell cattle by Auctioneers, auction. {h) Applications for a licence under this Clause shall be made before the 3rd December, 1917, to the Live Stock Com- missioner for that area in which the applicant usually resides, or to such other person as the Food Controller may prescribe. 14. {a) A person shall not at any time after the 31st December, Licensing of 1917, deal in any cattle unless he is the holder of a licence grantod cattle by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in cattle. Dealers. {h) Applications for a licence under this Clause shall be made before the 3rd December, 1917, and in the case of an appli- cant usually residing in Great Britain to the Live Stock Com- missioner for that area in which the applicant usually resides, and in any other case to the Live Stock Commissioner for the area of the port at which the applicant usually lands cattle brought by him into Great Britain for purposes of sale, or to such other person as the Food Controller may prescribe. 308 Meat (Control) Order, 191' Mode of application for a licence. Revocation of Licences. Information and inspec- tion. Custody of Licence. (c) For the purposes of this Clause a person shall he deemed to deal in cattle if as a regular and substantial part of his business he buys cattle for the purpose of re-sale and re-sells within 28 days of his purchase, or if he buys or sells cattle by commission. {d) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Clause a person who is for the time being licensed under this Order to sell cattle by auction shall be entitled to buy and sell cattle on commission. 15. Every application for a Licence shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his authorised agent. 16. Any licence issued under this Part of this Order may be made subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine and may at any time be revoked by the Food Con- »troller. 17. The holder of any licence issued under this Part of this Order, and his servants or agents shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to the trade or business in respect of which he is licensed under this Order together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such record ; and the holder shall also observe such directions as to the trade or business in respect of which he is licensed as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller, and shall make such returns and furnish such particu- lars as to his trade or business as may from time to time be required, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller to inspect all relevant books, documents and accounts. 18. Every licence issued under this Part of this Order shall be carried with him by the holder whenever engaged in selling cattle as Live Stock Auctioneer or as Cattle Dealer, as the case may be, and every licence shall be produced by the holder upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Part III. — General. 19. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 20. '' Food Committee " shall mean a Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Con- stitution) Order, 1917. (a) Live Stock Commissioner shall mean as respects any area, the Live Stock Commissioner appointed for that area by the Food Controller. " Cattle " shall include in addition to cattle usually so called, ram, ewe, wether, lamb, goat and swine. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. Rabbits {Prices) Order, 1918. 309 ''Meat" shall mean any meat including sausages and edible offal obtained from cattle as defined other than Bacon, Ham, preserved and potted meats, and cooked meats. 21. Part I. of the Meat (Sales) Order, 1917, (a) is hereby Revocation, revoked but without prejudice to any proceeding in respect of any contravention thereof. 22. {a) This Order may be cited as the Meat (Control) Order, Title and 1917. extent of (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. ^^^^er. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th November, 1917. The Babbits (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated January 4, 1918. 1918. No. 9. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. {a) No person shall after the 14th January, 1918, directly Maximum or indirectly sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy price on sales a rabbit or part thereof at a price exceeding the maximum price ^^ rabbits, provided by or in pursuance of this Order. (b) Until further notice the maximum price for a wild rabbit shall be 2s. if the pelt or skin be included in the sale, or Is. 9d. ii the pelt or skin be not included in the sale, and for part of a wild rabbit shall be at the rate of lOd. per lb. on the weight of the part sold, skinned and cleaned. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice prescribe other prices for rabbits or parts of rabbits. 2. A Food Committee may from time to time by resolution as respects sales within their area of rabbits or parts of rabbits vary the maximum price under this Order as fixed for the time being by the Food Controller but; (a) every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Controller within 7 days, and in the case of a resolu- tion increasing the maximum price shall not take effect until the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller; and (b) every resolution niade by a Food Committee under this Clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or modified as he may direct. Power of a Food Committee. (a) Meat (Sales) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 296. 310 Rabbits {Prices) Order, 1918. Terms of sale. Contracts. Notices. Fictitious transactions. Exception. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Title. 3. Subject to any directions to the contrary in any notice issued by the Food Controller under this Order, and subject also as respects the area of a Food Committee to any directions contained in any resolution of a Food Committee varying the maximum price : — (a) in calculating the price any broken half-penny shall count as a half-penny; and (6) no additional charge may be made for bags or other packages or for giving credit or making delivery. 4. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that the price payable under any contract for the sale of rabbits is such that the same cannot at the price for the time being permitted under this Order or any notice hereunder be sold by retail at a reasonable profit, he may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or modify the terms thereof in such manner as shall appear to him to be just. 5. Every, person selling rabbits by retail m any shop or from any stand, cart, barrow or other vehMe, shall keep posted in a colispicuous position so as to be clearly visible to all customers throughout the whole time during which rabbits are being sold or exposed for sale a notice showing in plain words and figures the maximum price for the time being in force under this Order as to sales in such shop or from such stand, cart, van or other vehicle. 6. No person shall -in connection with the sale or disposition or the proposed sale or disposition of any rabbit or part thereof enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 7. This Order shall not apply to a sale of a live rabbit or to a sale by retail of cooked rabbit by a person in the ordinary way of his trade. 8. For the purposes of this Order, the expression ** Food Com- mittee '' shall mean a Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland. (b) '* Wild rabbit " shall include all rabbits whether imported or not, except rabbits proved to have been bred in captivity. 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 10. This Order mav be cited as the Rabbits (Prices> Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, vSecond Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th January, 1918. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. (to) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Com mittee for Ireland (Constitution) Order 1917, printed in Part III. of this Manual. Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. m The Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, dated January 12, 1918, as amended by Amending Order dated May 1, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 29, as amended by 494. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon liini by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations, and of all other powers enabling him in tliat belialf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not after the 21st January, 1918, sell or Maximum offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any offals of the Prices, descriptions set out in the Schedule to this Order at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable thereto according to the provisions of this Order. 2. The maximum prices per lb. for home killed offals shall be Maximum as follows : — prices for (a) On the occasion of any sale by wholesale the prices set ^^°^^ ^^^^^^ out in the first column of the first schedule; (b) On the occasion of any sale by retail the prices set out in the second column of the first schedule. 3. The maximum prices per lb. for imported offals shall be as follows : — (a) On the occasion of any sale by wholesale the prices set out in the first column of the second schedule ; (6) On the occasion of any sale by retail the prices set out in the second column of the second schedule. 4. (a) The maximum prices on the occasion of any wholesale sale of oft'als are fixed on the basis that the offals are delivered on the occasion of a sale of home killed offals by the slaughterer, ex slaughterhouse, and on the occasion of any other sale, ex warehouse or store at the seller's customary place of sale and that packages are in either case provided by the seller. (b) If the offals are sold on terms other than those mentioned in the foregoing sub-clause of this clause a corresponding varia- tion shall be made in the maximum price. 5. On the occasion of a retail sale of offals no additional charge Packages, may be made for packages or for giving credit or for making etc. delivery. G. Where home killed offals are sold in sets the total price shall Home-killed not exceed the maximum price which would have been payable offals sold in if each item had been bought and paid for separately. ^^' 7. For the purpose of fixing the price of home killed offal«s Weighing of the weight of the offals shall be taken to be their weight after home-killed they have set. o^^ls. Maximum prices for imported offals. Basis of wholesale prices. (a) Effect of Amendment. — The Amending Order of May 1, 1918, sub- stitutes as from May 2, 1918, the Schedule as here printed for that previously in force. 312 Edible Offals {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Fictitious transactions. Contracts. Powers of Food Com- mittee in relation to prices for offals. Exceptions. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Title. 8. A person shall not upon the occasion of any sale of offals to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into any arti- ficial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreason- able charge. 9. Where any contract subsisting" on the 21st January, 1918, for the sale of any offals provides for the payment of a price in excess of the permitted maximum price, the contract shall stand so far as concerns offals delivered before the 21st January, 1918, but shall be avoided so far as concerns offals agreed to be sold above the permitted maximum price which has not been so delivered. 10. On and after the 21st January, 1918, a Food Committee shall not exercise in relation to offals the power conferred by Clause T of the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) except with the consent of the Food Controller, and except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine any maximum prices theretofore prescribed for offals under such powers shall cease to be in force, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. 11. This Order shall not apply to a sale of cooked Offals for consumption on the premises of the seller. 12. For the purposes of this Order '' Home-killed offals " shall mean such offals as have been obtained from beasts slaughtered in the British Islands. ''Imported offals " shall mean all other offal^. ** Food Committee " shall mean as regards Great Britain a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (l>) and as regards Ireland the Food Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller, (c) 13. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against khe Defence of the Realm Regulations. 14. This Order may be cited as the Edible Offals (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. I2th January, 1918. (a) Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. — Clause 7 of that Order, printed p. 300, confers powers on a Food Committee as to varying maximum prices. (b) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part 111 of this Manual, (c) Food Control Committee for Ireland.— See the Food Control Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed ia Part 111 of this Manual. Edible Offals {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 313 First Schedule. Maximum Prices for Edible Offal from Home Killed Stock. (These prices are per lb. except where otherwise stated.) Maximum wholesale prices. Maximum retail prices. Cattle Offal. Head (ex tongue) Tongue (fresh or pickled) Heart (whole) Heart, cut of ... Liver (whole) ... Livfr, cuts of ... Lights and melt Lights ... Melt Tripe (dressed) Tripe, reed and roll ... Feet Tail Heart and throat bread Gut breads Skirt and kidney Cheek, boneless Brains ... Manifold or fake Runners, middles, bung, weasands. Udder bladders, and Sheep Offal. Heads (ex horns) and plucks together Head>< without horns ... Tongues Brains ... Pluck Kidneys Sweetbreads Trotters Trotters (raw, cleaned and ex hoof) Runners Paunchers Heart Liver Lights ... ... ... ... ... Top (plucks ex liver) BeeJ and Mutton Fats. Class 1. Fresh large beef and mutton fat Class 2. Fresh small beef fat Class 3. Stale large beef and mutton fat Class 4. Fresh mutton mates Class 5. Stale common or shop fats Class 6. Searchings or pickings Class 7. Clean sweet rop fat... Class 8. Clean stale rop fat ... Class 9. Wet and gutty rop fat Class 10. Other raw beef or mutton fats s. d. 3 11 9 10 2 10 2 1 1 10 5 6 each 3 per set 3 6 3 9 2 1 6 10 per score li each 1 per set 6 each 1 2 4 8. d. 1 1 11 11 U 10 5 n 6 1 s. d. 4 1 1 11 1 2 1 1 2 1 6 per set 4 1 4 scalded 1 4 4 6 4 2 6 4 1 1 2 each 1 4 1 6 4 per set 314 Edible Offals {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Maximum wholesale prices. Maximum retail price?, Calves Ofal. Tripe (raw) Tripe (dressed) Head (9e to time by or under the authority of tbe Food Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particu- lars as to bis dealings in dead meat as may from time to time be required. 5. Every licence issued under this Order sball be produced by the holder upon tbe demand of any person autborised by tbe Food Controller. 6. For tbe purposes of this Order *^ Dead Meat'' sball mean any meat, includini? sausnp^es and edible offal, obtained from cattle, sheep, lamb, goats or swme, other tban bacon, bam, pre- served and potted meat and cooked meats. 7. Infringements ^of this Order are summary offences against tbe Defence of tbe Ilealm Eegulations. 8. (a) This Order may be cited as tbe Meat (Licensing of Wbolosale Dealers) Order, 1918. (h) jS"otbing in this Order vsball prevent tbe purcbase or sale by wholesale in Ireland by a person not licensed under tbis Order of dead meat for delivery in Ireland. By Order of tbe Food Controller. IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to tbe Ministry of Food. 12tb February, 1918. The Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. February 13, 1918. Dated 1918. No. 192. Maximum prices. In exercise of tbe powers conferred upon bim by tbe Defence of tbe Kealm Regulations, and of all otber powers enabling bim in that bebalf, tbe Food Controller bereby orders tbat except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions sball be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) A person sball not on or after tbe 14tb February, 1918, sell or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any canned meats at prices exceeding the maximum prices for tbe time being appli- cable under tbis Order. Canned Meat {Maximum Prices) Order j 1918. 319 (6) Until further notice the maximnm prices for canned meats of the descriptions set out in the schedule to this Order shall be as follows : — (i) On the occasion of any sale other than a retail sale by or on behalf of the importer prices at the rates set out in the first schedule; (ii) On the occasion of a wholesale sale by or on behalf of any person other thon the importer prices at the rates set out in the second schedule ; and (iii) On the occasion of a retail sale prices at the rates set out in the third schedule. 2. {a) The maximum prices applicable on the occasion of any Basis of sale other than a retail sale are fixed on the basis that : — maximum (i) containers are labelled and lacquered or painted; and P"ce. (ii) the goods are delivered ex warehouse. Where the goods are not sold on these terms a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the price. (h) On the occasion of any sale no additional charge shall be made for containers oi for cases or other packages. (c) On the occasion of a retail sale no additional charge shall be made for giving credit or making delivery. 3. A person shall not on the occasion of any sale of Canned Fictitions Meats to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into transactions, any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 4. "When any contract subsisting on the 14th February, 1918, Contracts, for the sale of any Canned bleats provides for the payment of a price exceeding the permitted maximum price, the contract shall stand so far as concerns Canned Meats delivered before the 14th Febiuary, 1918, but shall, unless the Food Controller other- wise directs, be avoided so far as concerns Canned Ments agreed to be sold above the permitted maximum price which have not been so delivered. 5. This Order shall not apply to a sale of Canned Meats for Exception. consumption on the premises of the seller. G. For the purposes of this Order:— ' Interpreta- ** Containers ** shall include tins, glasses, jars and other ^°"' vessels. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against P®°^^*y- the Defence of the Realm Eegulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Canned Meats (Maximum Title. Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, U. F. Winfonr, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th February, 1918. 5789 ^ 2 320 Canned Meat {Maxirnwrn Prices) Order, 1918. Schedule I. Importers' Maximum Prices. Ist Grade— 12 6s C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 12 6s Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 1 2 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton 2nd Grade— 12 6s C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 12 68 Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 12 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton Per case. s At the rate of 107 „ 1U7 ,, 107 „ 100 M 100 100 • Note. — The above prices are for cases containing 72 lbs. of meat nett weight. Cases containing less are to be charged at a proportionate rate. 24 28" C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton 24 2s Roast Beef, Boiled Beef 24 2s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton 48 Is C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton 48 Is Roast Beef, Boiled Beef, 48 Is Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton Rate per case. s. d. ... 62 6 if in 24 oz. tins Rate per case. s. d. 83 4 if in 32 ob. tins 62 6 62 6 66 66 66 24 24 12 12 12 83 4 83 4 88 88 88 32 32 16 16 16 Schedule II. Wholesale Distributors' Maximum Prices. Per 1st Grade— 12 6s C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 12 6s Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 12 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton 2nd Grade— 12 6s C.C. Beaf, C.C. Mutton ... 12 6s Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 12 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton At the rate of 110 „ 110 „ 110 103 103 103 Note. — The above prices are for cases containing 72 lbs. of meat net weight Cases containing less are to be charged at a proportionate rate. Rate per case. s. d. 24 2s C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton 24 2s Roast Beef. Boiled Beef 24 2s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton ... 65 6 48 Is C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 70 48 Is Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 70 48 Is Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton... 70 65 6 if in 24 oz. tins 65 6 „ 24 „ 24 „ 12 „ 12 „ 12 „ Rate per case, s. d. . 87 4 if in 32 oz. tins. 87 4 87 4 93 4 93 4 93 4 32 32 16 16 16 Egg {Restriction) Order, 1918. 321 Schedule III. Retaileks' Maximum Prices. Rate per lb. 8. d. ... 1 11 1st Grade.— 12 Gs C.C Beef, C.C. Mutton 12 6s Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... ... 1 11 12 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton ... 1 11 2nd Grade.— 12 6s C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 1 9 12 6s Roast Beef , Boiled Beef ... 1 y 12 6s Roast Mutton, Boiled Mutton ... ... 1 9 s. d. s. d. 24 28 C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 3 per tin of 24 oz. per tin of 32 0/. 24 28 Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 3 „ 24 „ 32 „ 24 2s Roast Mutton, j> >j Boiled Mutton ... 3 „ 24 „ ... „ 32 „ 48 Is C.C. Beef, C.C. Mutton ... 1 7 „ 12 „ ... 1 16 „ 48 Is Roast Motton, Boiled Mutton ... 1 7 „ 12 „ ... 1 » 16 „ 48 Is Roast Beef, Boiled Beef ... 1 7 „ 12 ,, ... - 1 16 ., The Egg (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated February 15, 1918. 1918. No. 200. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned; — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Restriction granted by or under the authority of the Food Controller no on use of person shall — (a) use any eggs or any eg\^ products for any purpose other than human consumption or for the manufacture of articles for human consumption; or (6) sell or buy or oiler to sell or buy any eggs or any such products except for human consumption or in the manufacture of such articles; or (c) damage or waste or jDermit to be damaged or wasted or otherwise treat or permit to be treated any egg or egg products So as to render the same less fit for human consumption or for the manufacture of such articles. 2. This Order shall not affect— (a) the sale, purchase, or use of eggs for breeding purposes; (6) the sale, purchase, use or treatment for any purpose of the shells of eggs or of such eggs or egg products as are unfit either for human consumption or for the manufacture of articles for human consumption. 3. For the purposes of this Order, the expression ** eggs " shall include the eggs of any bird whatsoever, and ** egg products " shall include canned eggs, dried eggs and desiccated eggs and any article containing any part of an egg other tLan the shell. Exception Interpre- tation. 5789 L 3 meut. 322 Irish Pigs (Control) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Penalty. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Healm Regulations. Title and 5. (a) This Order may be cited as the Egg (Restriction) Order, Commence- 1918. (h) This Order shall come into force on the 25th February. 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. //. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th February, 1918. The Irish Pigs (Control) (Ireland) Order, 1918. February 21, 1918. 1918. No. 20T. Dated Licensing of pig buyers. Mode of application for a licence. Issue and revocation of licen(;es. Information and inspection. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulation* shall be observed by all persons concerned. Part I. — Licensing of Pig Buyers. 1. A person shall not at any time after the 1st March 1918, buy any pigs in Ireland unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Committee authorising him to buy pigs. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Com- mittee on a form prescribed by the Committee, and every appli- cant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant, or by his duly authorised aprent, where the signature of the applicant by such duly authorised agent is permitted by the Committee. 3. A licence shall be granted under this Part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Committee or by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence issued under this Part of this Order, and his servants or agents shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records showing the prices paid for pigs and such other particulars as are necessary to show •whether or not the provisions of this Order are being complied 'with as to the trade or business in respect of which he is licensed under this Order, together with all relevant books, certificates of weight, vouchers, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of tho Food Controller or the Committee as to the form and contents of such Irish Figs {Control) {Ireland) Order, 1918. 323 records; and the bolder shall also observe such directions as to the trade or business in respect of which he is licensed under this Order as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to such trade or business as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect all relevant books, documents and accounts. 5. Every licence issued under this Part of this Order shall be Custody of carried with him by the holder whenever engaged in buj'ing pigs, licence, and every licence shall be produced by the holder upon the demand of any Officer or Constable of Police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. 6. A person shall not after the 21st February, 1918, either Limitation on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person : — on place and {a) buy, sell, or deal in, or ^^.^f °^ . {h) offer or invite an ofier or propose to buy, sell or deal J^^^^ *° in, or {c) enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase or other dealing in any pig; except in a lawfully established market or fair, and during the hours for holding such market or fair prescribed by the law- ful authority in that behalf before the making of this Order empowered, or, where no such hours have been prescribed, after the hour of 8 o'clock a.m. on the day of such market or fair. Provided always that in special circumstances the Committee may authorise the sale and purchase of pigs in such other places and at such other times as they think fit. 7. A pig buyer shall, if and when required by the Committee, Pig buyers sell any pigs in his possession to such persons being holders of to sell as Certificates of Rec^istration under Part II. of this Order as the ripP8 a vnriation in the price of certain kinds of pork sausages. (b) General Licence dated .Iuly 18, 1918. — This General Licence authorises a variation in the price of certain sausages. 332 Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order No. 2, 1918. Beef Joint. Price per lb. s. d. Sausage to contain not less than 67 per cent, of meat ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Sausage meat to contain not less than 67 per cent, of meat .' 14 Bones ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Mutton and Lamb Joint. Leg, whole Leg cut, fillet ... Do. shank Do. middle Loin, whole Do. best end ... Do. chump end Loin chops, not to be trimmed.. Saddles ... Shoulders, whole Do. cut, knuckle side . . . Do. do. blade side Do. do. middle ... Neck, whole Do. best end ... - ... Do. middle Do. scragg Best neck chops ... Breasts, whole ... Do. cut, best end .. . Do. do. fat end ... Do. do. sliced Suet 1 7 1 ^ 1 Ti 1 10 1 5 1 8 1 5 1 10 1 5 1 6 1 2 11 1 8 11 1 10 1 2 1 2 Pork Joint, Legs, whole ... ... .:. ... ... ... 18 Do. cut, knuckle end ... ... ... ... ... 1 C Do. middle 1 11 Do. fillet 1 10 Hind loin, whole ... ... ... ... ... 1 10 Do. chump end ... ... ... ... 19 Do. best end ... ... ... ... ... 1 11 Fore loin cr griskin (or spare rib, without blade bone) 1 #10 Hand with foot ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Loin, ex back fat ... ... ... ... ... 1 10 Do. best end ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 11 Neck end 1 8 Shoulder without hock ... ... ... ... 17 Blade bone 17 Belly ... ... 1 8 Do. best or rib end ... ... ..^ ... 19 Do. in slices ... ... ... . . 19 Do. thin end ... ... ... IT Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order No. 2, 1918, Flare or leaf Back fat Chops or steaks Heads, including tongue Do. ex tongue Tongues Eye-piece or face Chaps Hocks Feet Tenderloin, without bone Pork bones, excluding factory bone Sausage to contain not less than 50 per cent, pork Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 per cent, pork Pickled pork can be sold at Id. per lb. above fresh pork prices, but must not be sold as bacon. Price per lb. s. d. 1 5 1 2 2 11 10 1 6 5 1 4 10 5 2 5 1 T •k 1 5 For sausages and sausage meat containing less than 50 per cent, of meat (including pork) the price is not to exceed lO^Z. per lb. The Second Schedule. Maximum Prices in England and Wales other than Counties mentioned in clause 2. Beef Joint. Round of beef, whole Topside of round, boneless Do. best cut, boneless Silverside of round with marrow bone Do. boneless Thick flank, first cutting. Bedpiece or brail Thick flank, first cutting. Bedpiece or brail, best cut ... ... ... Thick flank, first cutting. Bedpiece or brail, knuckle end ... ' ... Tail end of rump Do. boneless .. Middle rump ... ... .... Do. boneless Shell bone, whole Do. boneless ... Do. best end . , . Do. do. boneless Do. other end ... Sirloin Do. ... • *• Price per lb s. d^ 7 8 10 6 9 6 8 3 6 8 5 8 5 8 8 9 4 t 8 ice per lb. s. d. 11 1 3 • 4 4 6 9 7 10 3 4 7 4 Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order No. 2, 1918. Sirloin, boneless Tliin flank Do. rolled, boneless ... Leg or skin, whole Do. boneless Suet Standing ribs, fore ribs, crop or best chine... Do. do. do. do. boneless Wing ribs Do. boneless Chuck, back ribs, or shoulder piece with blade bone Chuck, back ribs, or shoulder piece without blade bone Chuck, back ribs, or sboulder piece, boneless Neck of beef, boneless... Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand ... ... ... ... 1 5 Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand, best cut ... ... 1 7 Top ribs, leg-of-mutton cut, thick flat ribs, score or middle rand, boneless Point end of brisket, 5 bones ... Do. do. boneless Best end of brisket Do. boneless Tbin flat ribs Do. boneless Clod or shift or knee bone and sticking, with bone... Clod or bhift or knee bone and sticking, boneless ... Iliimp or hip or inn bone steak, boneless Fillet steak Round or buttock steak Chuck, blade bone, or shoulder steak Minced beef Sausage to contain not less than 60 per cent, of meat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 per cent. of meat ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 I Sausage to contain not less than G7 per cent, of meat ... ... ... ... ... 1 G Sausage meat to contain not less than G7 per cent. of meat 1 4 Bones 2 Mutton and Lamb Joint. Leg, whole 1 7 Leg, cut, flllet 1 7J Do. shank 1 7J Do. middle 1 10 1 7 1 1 4 1 2 1 13 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 2 2 1 10 1 8 1 G Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order No. 2, 1918. 335 Loin, whole Do. best end ... Do. cliump end ... Loin chops, not to be trimmed Saddles whole cnt, knnclxle side.. Shoulders Do. Do. do. Do. do. Neck, whole Do. best end . Do. middle Do. scrnprpr Best neck chops Brensts, whole . bl.'ide side middle Do. Do. Do. Suet cut, best end. do. fnt end . do. sliced Pork Joint. Le<3rs, whole Do. cut. knuckle end Do. middle Do. fillet Hind loin, whole Do. cluimp end Do. best end Fore loin or prriskin or spare rib, without bla Hand, with foot Loin, ex back fat Do. best end ... Neck end Shoulder, without hock Blade bone ... ... ... Belly Do. best, or rib end ... Do. in slices ... Do. thin end ... Flare, or leaf Back fat ... ... ... ... Chops or steaks ... Heads, including? tongue Do. ex tongue Tongues ... Eye-piece or face Chaps Hocks Feet ... Tenderloin, without bone Pork bones, excluding factory bone ... de bon ice per lb. 5. d. 5 8 5 10 5 5 5 5 G 2 G 2 11 8 11 10 2 2 8 6 11 10 10 9 11 10 4 10 11 8 7 7 8 9 9 7 5 2 2 11 10 1 G 5 1 4 10 5 2 5 \:^6 Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918. Maximum Price for pig live or dead. Ascertaining weight. Records. Price per lb. s. d. Sausage to contain not less than 50 per cent, pork ... 17 Sausage meat to contain not less than 50 per cent. pork 15 Pickled pork can be sold at Id. per lb. above fresh pork prices, but must not be sold as bacon. For sausages and sausage meat containing less than 50 per cent, of meat (including pork) the price is not to exceed 10^. per lb. The Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated March 2T, 1918. 1918. No. 375. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence )f the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following Regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1 (a) Where a person sells any live pig otherwise than by dead weight, the maximum price shall be at the rate of 2l5. per score of the live weight. (h) Where a person sells any live pig by dead weight or sells any dead pig, the maximum price shall, if the offals are included in the sale, be at the rate of 28.s-. per score of the dead weight, and if the offals are not included in the sale, shall be at the rate of 265. 9d. per score of the dead weight. 2. (a) Where a live pig is sold otherwise than by dead weight, its weight for the purposes of this Order shall be its weight as ascertained at the time of sale by the live stock auctioneer en- gaged in the sale or the market authority in whose market the pig is sold, or as ascertained at any time after sale by a person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or a Food Com- mittee; or if not so ascertained its weight at the place of slaughter. Any directions given by any such live stock auctioneer, market authority or other person with a view to the weighing of a pig for the purposes of this Order shall be duly complied with by all persons concerned. (h) Where a pig, live or dead, is sold by dead weight, the dead weight of the pig shall for the purposes of Clause 1 of this Order be the weight of the dressed carcase excluding the weight of the offals. 3. Every person who in the course of his business buys any pigs and slaughters or causes to be slaughtered such pigs for the purpose of his business shall keep accurate records showing the prices paid for such pigs and such other particulars as are neces- sary to show whether or not the provisions of this Order are being complied with, and ihall make such returns as to his busi- Dess as the Food Controller or a Food Committee may from time to time require. All such records and relevant documents shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Pigs {Prices) Order, 1918. 337 4. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy any pig, live or dead, at a price exceeding the price applicable under the Order, or in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any pig enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. The foregoing provisions of this Order shftll not apply to — (a) boars or pedigree sows bought and sold specifically for breeding purposes; (6) breedings sows; and (c) pigs weighing at the time of sale less than 80 lbs. live weight. 6. (a) No person shall sell or buy or offer to buy for slaughter any pig weighing at the time of sale or offer for sale less than 112 lbs. live weight. (h) Until the contrary be proved, a pig shall be deemed to have been sold and bought for slaughter if it be slaughtered within 28 days of the sale. (c) This clause shall not apply to any sale or purchase for slaughter of a pig weighing less than 112 lbs. weight, where slaughter is for any exceptional reason or purpose authorised by a Live Stock Commissioner or his representative, or by an officer of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, or the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, or the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. 7. For the purposes of this Order — '* Score " means 20 lbs. "Food Committee" means, as regards Great Britain, a Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and as regards Ireland, the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller. (b) 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Eegnlations. 9. The Pigs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917,(c) and the Licences thereunder, dated 20th November, 1917, and 10th December, 1917, (d) are hereby revoked but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 10. This Order may be cited as the Pigs (Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, Offers, ame ancj poultry, whether such meat is the whole or cnly part of the contents of the container in which the- same is sold or delivered. '* Container " includes tins, glasses, jars, and other like vessels. 5. Thi° Order shall not until further notice apply to canned meat which is proved to have been in the possession of a retail dealer before the 1st August, 1918. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order may be cited as the Canned Meat (Nett Weights) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3rd June, 1918. General Licence, dated June 10, 1918, under Live Stoojl (Sales) Order, 1918.(a) 1918. No. 624. S. R. & O., No. .^17 #f 1918. The Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice sales of calves' heads and feet free from the restrictions on the^ sale of veal imposed by Clause 2 of the above Order. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. //. BeveridgCy Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th June, 1918. (a) Live Stock (Sales) Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 339. Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. 349 The Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. Dated the 13th July, 1918. T918. No. 862. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall apply to all persons concerned : — 1. (a) On and after the 21st July, 1918, no meat may be sold Maximum by retail at a price exceeding the maximum prices for the time I'etail prices, being applicable under this Order. (b) The maximum prices applicable on a sale' by retail of meat shall be such prices as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller by notice under this Order, and shall until further notice be the prices set out in the Schedule. 2. Where on the occasion of a retail sale the meat is delivered Terms of at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises, sale. an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding Jd. per lb., or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriap^e. No charge may be made for packing or packages or for giving credit. 3. (a) Where any minced steak is sold or offered or exposed Mince, for sale, such minced steak ihall be deemed to be exclusively Minced composed of shoulder steak, and the price determined accord- Steak and ingly, unless such steak has been minced at the request of the Sausages, customer. (I) Where any person buys any kind of steak and requires the same to be minced, such steak shall be minced by the seller without charge. (c) Where any mince or minced steak or sausages are exposed for sale, the retailer shall exhibit in connection there- with a notice clearly stating the quality thereof and the maximum price chargeable therefor. 4. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or Fictitioos offer to buy any meat by retail at prices exceeding the prices transactionB. fixed by or under this Order or in connection with the sale or disposition of any meat enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. This Order shall not apply to sales of cooked meat. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. On and after the 21st July, 1918, Part 2 of the Meat s.R. & O., (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) as subsequently amended shall Nos. 903 and be revoked as respects Scotland but without prejudice to any pro- ^^^ ®^ l^Vl. ceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. (a) Meat (Maximum Friges) Order, 1917. — This Order is printed p. 300. ; 5789 If 350 Title and extent of Order. Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. S. {a) This Order may be cited as the Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall apply only to Scotland. By Order of the Food Controller, W , H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th July, 1918. Uniform Scale of Maximum Eetail Prices for Meat. Joint, Scotland. Beef. Pope's Eye Steak Heuk Bone Steak ... Rump Steak Aitch Bone Steak . . . Fillet Round Steak (Rump) Roast Steak Shoulder Steak Stewing Beef Thick or Face of Flank Sirloin Roast Rib Roast ... Boiling Cuts — Nineholes Flank (Loin) Thin Ribs Brisket with bone Do. boneless Runner or other boiling cuts with bone Hough or Skink — First or top cuts ' ... Middle cut Without bone ... Rump Rounds, Pickled ... Brisket Rounds, Pickled Do. with bone Suet Beef Bones Mince, other than Minced Steak Sausage to contain 50 per cent, or more but less than 67 per cent, of meat ... Price per lb s. d. Best Steak 2 2 f) 2 2 J) 2 2 >t 2 2 }i 2 2 ... ... 10 . .. 10 8 6 6 8 6 2 2 2 8 bone 3 9 3 6 10 8 3 3 1 4 1 3 Meat Retail Prices {Scotland) Order, 1918. Beef — cont. Joint. ' Price per lb. s. d. Sausage Meat containing 50 per cent, or more but less than 67 per cent, of meat ... ... 1 i Sausage containing not less tlian 67 per cent, of meat ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Sausage meat containing not less than 67 per cent, of meat ... ... ... ... ... 14 351 llie maximum price per \h. for minced steak is the same as the maximum price for the steak from which it is miuced. Mutton and Lamb, Joint. Price per lb» s, d. ' Gigots (Whole) ... . . - 1 6 Do. (Short Cut) 1 8 Do. (Centre Cut) 1 10 Chump 10 Loin (Whole) 1 7 Do. (Cut) 1 8 Shoulders whole or cut 1 6 Flanks 1 2 Gigot Chops 1 10 Loin Chops 1 10 Shoulder Chops ... 1 6 Breast and Shank 1 Short Necks 9 Suet 1 3 Pork. Joint. Price per lb s. d. Legs (Whole) . . . • < . 1 10 Do. cut knuckle end . . . ... 1 8 Do. cut middle ... 2 Do. sliced (boneless) 2 Loin (piece) . . . • . » 1 10 Loin Chops . . . ... 2 Back Ribs or Shoulder C 'hops, ... 1 10 Shank . . . . • • 9 Runner - .. 1 8 Brisket 14 Flank or Belly ... 1 8 Leaf Lard ... 1 5 5789 M 2 352 Poultry and Game {Prices) Order ^ 1918. Pork — cont. Joint. Heads, including tongue Heads ex tongue ... Tongue Hocks Feet Fine Ribs Pork Bones Sausage containing not less than 50 per cent. of pork ... ... •... Sausage meat containing not less than 50 per cent, of pork ... ice per lb s. d. 10 9 1 8 9 5 1 5 1 7 1 5 Pickled pork can be sold at Id. per lb. above fresh pork prices, but must not be sold as bacon. For Sausages and Sausage Meat containing less than 50 per cent, of meat (including pork) the price is not to exceed lOd. per lb. TnE Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918 July, 1918. Dated the 18th 1918. No. 886. General restriction. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned ; 1. (a) A person shall not on or after the 1st August, 1918, sell or ojffier or expose for sale, or buy or offer to buy any poultry or game alive or dead, or any part thereof, at prices exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. (h) Until further notice the maximum prices for poultry and game of a kind mentioned in the Schedule to this Order shall be at the rates applicable according to such Schedule and the subsequent provisions of this Order. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time by notice under this Order prescribe further or other prices for poultry and game whether or not mentioned in the Schedule. Maximum 2. (a) On the occasion of a sale, other than a sale by retail,, of prices on any poultry or game of a kind mentioned in the Schedule, the sales by maximum price shall be the price applicable according to the wholesale. i^^j.^^ Column of such Schedule. Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918. 353 (6) The maximum price is fixed on the basis of the following terms and conditions being applicable to the transaction: — (i) Payment to be net cash within 7 days of completion of delivery, and moneys then unpaid thereafter to carry interest not exceeding the rate of 5 per cent, per annum or Bank Rate, whichever shall be the higher. (ii) Delivery to be at the seller's expense to the buyer's nearest railway station. (iii) No charge to be made for killing, trussing, plucking, packing, or any matter incidental thereto ; except that the seller may make an additional charge for the cost of the packages in which the poultry or game is packed ; provided that such sum shall be re-paid by the seller to the buyer on return of such packages in good condition to the seller's nearest railway station. (c) Where the contract is made on terms and conditions other than the above a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the maximum price. In particular, where any poultry or game is sold carriage forward, the maximum price shall be decreased by a sum equal to the cost of such carriage. 3. (a) On the occasion of a sale by retail of any poultry or game Maximum of a kind mentioned in the Schedule the maximum price shall be prices on the price applicable according to the Second Column of such sales by Schedule. '•^*^'*- « (h) Where any poultry or game is delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at tho seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of \d. per lb., or any larger sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may be made for killing, trussing, plucking, pack- ing packages, or for giving credit. 4. Eor the purposes of this Order the following provisions shall Rules have etiiect as regards all sales namely : — applicable (i) The weight of any live poultry shall be deemed to be *"* ^" ^*'^- 10 per cent, less than the actual live weight thereof. (ii) The weight of dead poultry shall be taken to be the weight thereof, without feathers but with all offal. (iii) The weight of any cockerel, pullet, cock or hen, or domestic duck shall be deemed not to exceed 6 lbs. per bird. (iv) In estimating the maximum price of any poultry &iiy broken halfpenny shall count as a halfpenny. 5. A Food Committee may from time to time by resolution Powers of a vary the maximum price applicable on a sale of poultry or game t^'ood by retail within their area or any part of their area, but Committee. {a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Controller within 5 days and shall not take effect until 3 days after the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller; and 5789 M 3 354 Poultry and Game {Pi-ices) Order, 1918. Increased prices in certain cases. Notices. Contracts. Fictitious transactions. Definition. Exception. (b) Every resolution by a Food Committee under this Clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. 6. Where poultry or game is sold by wholesale to a person carry- ing on business in an area in which the maximum price applicable on a sale of poultry by retail has been increased by the Food Com mittee for that area, the seller may add to the maximum price applicable under this Order a sum at a rate not exceeding the rate by which the maximum price applicable on a sale of poultry or game by retail has been so increased. 7. (a) Every person selling poultry or game by retail shall keep posted in a conspicuous position so as to be easily readable by all customers throughout the whole time during which poultry or game is being sold or exposed for sale a notice showing in plain words and figures the maximum price for such poultry or game for the time being in force under this Order, and also the actual price at which poultry or game are at such times being sold by him. (b) This clause shall not apply to a person selling poultry by retail at the premises on which such poultry were reared, provided that the total stock of such person does not exceed 100 head. 8. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that under any contract for the sale of poultry or game subsisting on the 1st August, 1918, the poultry or game cannot be sold at a reasonable profit by reason of the maximum prices fixed by this Order, the Food Controller may, if he thinks fit, cancel such contract or modify the terms thereof in such manner as he shall think fit. 9. A person shall not, in connection with the sale or proposed sale or disposition of any poultry or game, enter or offer to enter into any unreasonable or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 10. For the purposes of this Order the expression ** Food Com- mittee'* means any Food Control Committee constituted in any part of the United Kingdom under the authority of the Food Controller. 11. Nothing in this Order shall apply to the sale or purchase of any poultry for breeding, laying, or rearing purposes, provided that: — (i) The purchaser declares in writing that the purchase is made for such purpose ; and (ii) No poultry which is killed within 1 month of such purchase shall be deemed to have been bought for breeding, laying, or rearing purposes; and Rationing Order ^ 1918. 3d5 (iii) In any proceedings against a person for pnrcliasing any poultry at a price exceeding the maximum price per- mitted by the Order, the burden of proving that such poultry was purchased for breeding, laying, or rearing purposes shall be on the person charged. 12. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 13. {a) This Order may be cited as the Poultry and Game Title and (Prices) Order, 1918. commence- (5) This Order shall come into force on the 1st August, 1918. Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge. Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th July, 1918. The Schedule. Maximum Prices for Poultry and Game. 1 ; First Column. Second Column. At a rate N^ot exceed- At a rate Not exceed- per lb. of, ing for any one bird. per lb. of. ing for any one bird. s. d. s. d. «. d. 8. d. Oockerels, Pullets, Cocks and 2 2 13 2 8 16 Hens. Guinea Fowls — 5 6 — 7 Turkeys 2 2 — 2 8 — Domestic Ducks 1 10 11 2 3 13 6 Oeese 1 4 — 1 8 — Grouse and Black Game — 4 3 — 5 6 (Young birds hatched in the year 1918 and sold prior to 1st November, 1918). All other Grouse and Black — 2 6 . — 3 3 Game. Rationing Order, 1918. Dated July ITth, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 14a ("Rationing Schemes"), (p. 522), prescribeB Meat to be a Rationed Food.] ')789 M4 ?y56 Slaughterhouses (Licensing) Order, 1918, The Slaughterhouses (Licensing) Order, 1918. 19th July, 1918. 1918. ]N"o. 896. Dated the Licensing of slaughter- bonaes. S. R. & O., No. 1203 of 1917. Inspection and information . Issue and rerocation. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Reg-ulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not keep or occupy any premises as a slaughterhouse for cattle — (a) after the 15th August, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence under this Order in respect of such premises; or (b) after the 31st August, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted under this Order in respect of such premises by or on behalf of the Food Controller. 2. (a) Every application for a Licence under this Order shall be made to the Live Stock Commissioner for the area in which the premises are situate on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. (b) Applicants for a licence under this Order who are the holders of Certificates of Registration as keepers of slaughter- houses issued under the Meat (Control) Order, 1917, (a) shall on making application for a licence under this Order return such Certificates for cancellation. 3. The holder of any licence under this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to cattle slaughtered by him and his dealings in the carcases thereof together with all relevant books, documents and accounts and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller to inspect all such records, books, documents and accounts and also to inspect the premises in respect of which he is licensed under this Order. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his trade or business as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to hi? trade or business as the Food Controller may from time to time require. 4. A licence shall be granted under this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may deter- mine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller, (a) Meat (Control) Order, 1917. — This Order is printed p. 305. Slaughterhouses {Licensing) Order, 1918. 357 5. Every licence under this Order shall be produced by the Production holder upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food of licences. Controller. 6. In the event of the transfer of a slaughterhouse in respect of Transfer of which a licence is granted under this Order or in the event of premises and the death of the holder of such a licence it shall be lawful for fi^ense^ the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such licence on making an application for a new licence in respect of the licensed premises to keep or occupy such premises as a slaughterhouse from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Live Stock Commissioner in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of the licence was entitled to by virtue thereof. 7. *^ Live Stock Commissioner " means in England and Wales Interpreta- a Live Stock Commissioner and in Scotland a Deputy Live Stock *^^°- Commissioner appointed by the Food Controller. '* Cattle" shall include in addition to cattle usually so called, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, and swine. 8. The provisions of this Order shall have effect in addition to Existing and shall not be in substitution for any existing statutory pro- statutory visions. provision. 9. The Meat (Control) Order, 1917, (a) so far as it relates to the Revocation^ registration of persons keeping or occupying premises as S- 1^- <^ O-i slaughterhouses for cattle, and Certificates issued under this Jmy Order to such persons, are hereby revoked as from the 15th August, 1918. 10. Infringements of ihis Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 11. {a) This Order may be cited as the Slaughterhouses Title and (Licensing) Order, 1918. ^ extent. (b) This Order shall not extend to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th July, 1918. (a) Meat (Control) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 305. 358 General Licence under Meat Retail Prices {England and Wales) Order, No, 2, 1918. General LicencE) dated July 18, 1918, under Meat Retail Prices (England and Wales) Order, No. 2, 1918. (a). 1918. No. 921. S.R. & O., The Food Controller hereby authorises, until further notice, No. 372 of sales by retail of sausages manufactured by any of the persons 1918. named in the Schedule hereto at a price not exceeding by more than Id. per lb. the maximum retail price for the time being in force which but for this licence would be applicable to such sausages provided that: — (i) The sausages so sold have been received by the retailer enclosed in a band or bearing a label which bears the name of the manufacturer of the sausages and the following words : — Special Price. By licence of the Food Controller these sausages may be sold by retail for Id. per lb. more than the ordinary maximum retail price for this kind of sausage ; and that (ii) They are enclosed in such band or bear such label as aforesaid when exposed for sale by the retailer. Provided also that the list of persons mentioned in the Schedule hereto may be varied from time to time by public notice made by the Food Controller. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th July, 1918. SCHEDULE. Annacker, Ltd., 19, William Street, Glasgow. Aplin & Barrett, Wanton Road, Yeovil. , G. G. Baxter, 52, Minories, London, E. Bowyer, Philpot & Payne, Fore Street, Trowbridge. Central Wilts Bacon Co., Ltd., Devizes. Davy & Sons, Paternoster Row, Sheffield. Oliver Dring, Brixton Road, London, S.W. Drings, Ltd., 14, Xing Street, West Smithfield. Excel Co., Ltd., Carpenter's Road, Stratford, E. Fuller & Son, Brooksby AValk, Homerton. Goodwins, Ltd., Poole, Dorset. W. Gunstane & Son, Broad Street, Sheffield. C. & T. Harris & Co., Ltd., Calne, Wilts. Hillier's Bacon Co., Nailsworth, near Stroud. Highbridge Bacon Factory, Highbridge. (a) Meat Retati Pktces (England and Wales) Order, No. 2, 1918. This Order is printed p. 330. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham^ ^c. ; under Rationing 359 Order, 1918. Marsh & Baxter, Brierly Hill, Staffs. J. Morgan, 111, Digbetli, Birminghaiii. Myerscough, Ltd., 30, Shepherd Street, Preston, Lanes. Oake, Wood & Co., Gillingham, Dorset. Palethorpes, Ltd., Dudley Port, Staffs. G. & G. Prideaux, Ltd., Motcomb, Dorset. Pullin, Thomas & Slade, Bristol. R. Seager, St. Peter Street, Ipswich. C. Shippam, Ltd., 47, East Street, Chichester. J. E. Smith & Son, Ltd., 7-19, Whitley Hill, Bradford. Spear Bros. & Clark, Broad Plain, Bristol. Victoria Provision Co., 40, Chelmer Poad, Homerton, N.E. P. D. Waddell, Ltd., 81, ISTapiershall Street, Glasgow, T. Wall & Sons, 113, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. S. Ward, Ltd., 219, Broad Street, Birmingham. G. Wilkinson, Melton Works, Leicester. Wiltshire Bacon Curing Co., Ltd., Chippenham. S. J. Wright & Co., Ltd., -Taunton. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham; and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-*-. (" Rationing Schemes ") (p. 540)]. Directions for Pork Butchers and for Retailers of Miscel- laneous Meat and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918, UNDER THE RATIONING OrDER, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-^. ("Rationing Schemes") (p. 541)]. Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, DATED THE 29tH JuLY, 1918, 'UNDER THE RATIONING QrDER, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-*-. ("Rationing Schemes") (p. 544)]. Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated THE 29th July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-^. ("Rationing Schemes ")(p 546)]. 360 List of '' Milk, Butter and Cheese *' Orders. 11. Milk, Butter and Cheese, (a) (b) British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended, p. 370. Notices thereunder (First-hand prices), pp. 421, 434. British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 425. General Licence thereunder (Sftpply to employees, 8cc.)yp. 434 Butter Order, 1918, p, 439. Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917, p. 382. Directions thereunder (Retail Prices), />. 431. Directions thereunder (Licensing of Wholesale Dealers), jo. 438. Butter (Ireland) Order, 1918, p, 394. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 363. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p, 367. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 3, 1917, ;>. 367. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 4, 1917,;?. 369. Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1^7,;?. 376. Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 5, 1917, p. 379. Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918, /?. 421. Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918,/?. 433. General Licence thereunder (Supply to employees, &c.), p, 434. Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 419. Canned Condensed Milk (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, p. 432. • [See next pag-e. (a) Caruiage OB' Kefrigerated Dairy Produce. — In 1917 three Orders in Council (all printed as Statutory Rules Hnd Orders) of which the dates and scope are specified below requisitioned for the carriage of refrigerated produce the insulated spaces in certain British steamships. Date of Order in Council. St. R. & O. number. British Steamships insulated spaces in # which were requisitioned. April 13, 1915 April 29, 1915 Oct. 14, 1915 1915—303 1915—385 1915—999 All steamships trading between the Common- wealth of Australia or the Dominion of New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Steamships owned by certain Companies trading between the Argentine or Uruguay Republics and the United Kingdom or Europe. Certain steamships specified by name trading between the Argentine or Uiuguay Republics and the United Kingdom or Europe. Two further Orders in Council of Nov. 10, 1915 (1915, No. 1071), and Dec. 22, 1915 (1915, No. 1219), empowered the President of the Board of Trade to requisition, — (i) any British ship registered in the United Kingdom for the carriage of food-stuffs ; (ii) the insulated spaces for the carriage of refrigerated produce in any British steamship registered in the United Kingdom or hereafter to be so registered and fitted or hereafter to be fitted with such spaces and not liable to requisition under the three first-mentioned Orders in Council. All these five Orders in Council are printed pp. 400-409 of Vol. I of the Annual Volume of St. R. & O. for 1915. Regulation 39bbb (3) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations empowers the Shipping Controller to requisition any ships or any cargo spaces in any ships " in order that they may be used in the manner best suited for the needs of the country." (b) Cold Storage, — As to taking of articles out of, and into, cold store^ see the Cold Storage (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 204. List of '^ Milk, Butter and Cheese Orders. '* MM Cheese (Distribution) Order, 1918, jo. 428. Directions thereunder (Retail price), /?. 437. Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, j). 362. Cocoa-Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918, p. 413 Cocoa-Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 424. Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918,/). 400. Condensed Milk (Returns) Order, 1917(a), jr?. 389. ' Cream Order, 1917, /?. 385. Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917, p, 386. Notice thereunder (First-hand Prices), p, 398. Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918,/?. 415. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, jo. 414. Food Control Committees (Milk Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, p, 383. Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917, ;?. 393. General Licence thereunder (Water Ice, &c.), />• 427. Imported Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 412. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 421. Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918, jo. 417. Marirarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 381. General Licence thereunder (Wholesale Price in Ireland)^ p. 420. Margarine (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917, p. 390. Margarine (Requisition) Order, 1918, p, 398. Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, />. 416. Notice thereunder (Date of Operation in Scotland), p. 420. Notice thereunder (Prices), p. 436. Milk (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 426. Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918, p. 401. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1918 (Power of Local Authorities under the Order), p. 403. Circular to Local Authorities, p. 404. Milk Products (Import Restriction) Order, 1918, jt?. 436, Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 394. General Licence thereunder (Exemption of Small Retailers), p. 400. General Licence thereunder (Sales by Wholesale and Accomo- dation Sales), p. 406. Milk (Keturns) Order, 1917, /?. 363. Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918,/?. 406. General Licence thereunder (Small Quantities), p. 431. Milk (Summer Price^^) Amendment Order, 1918, p, 429. Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 388. Public Meals Order, 1918, p. 399. Rationing Order, 1918, p, 436. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine and Lard, and their Customers), /?. 438. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p, 438. Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 19 1«, p. 422. General Licence thereunder (Milk Preparations), p. 430. (a) Condensed Milk (RetDvRNS) Order, 1917.— This Order also restricts dealings in imported milk. 362 Cheese {Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended. The Cheese (Eequisition) Order, 1917, dated May 29, 1917, AS AMENDED BY APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS OrDER, 1918,(a) DATED March 11, 1918. 1917 No. 610, as amended by 1918 No. 294. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2r" of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. All cheese which shall after the date of this Order arrive iu the United Kingdom from the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, or the Dominion of New Zealand shall be placed and held at the disposal of the Food Controller. 2. The cheese is taken over by the Food Controller from the original consignees, and the Food Controller will subsequently communicate to them the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 8. Except as otherwise determined by the Food Controller in any particular case, all contracts for sale of any such cheese made by the original consignees or any persons claiming under them are cancelled and sellers and/or buyers are to stand released from all liability as to brokerage. 4. The arbitrator to determine in default of agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (a) 5. Original consignees of cheese are required to furnish to the Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. 1, on or before the 9th June, 1917, full particulars of all engagements for cheese taken over whether bought, consigned, or agreed to be bought or consigned, date of shipment, invoice price and such other particulars as may from time to time be required. 6. This Order shall not apply to cheese agreed to be bought by the Board of Trade. (b) 7. This Order may be cited as the Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1917. Devonportf Food Controller. 29th May, 1917. (a) Amendment op Clause 4. — This clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., VMS, No. 294). (b) Imported Cheesk bought by Board of Trade. — The General Regu> lations for the sale and distribution of cheese imported from A ustralia, Canada, New Zealand, and United States on account of H.M.'s Government are printed in Appendix IV. 1 (" Cheese ") to the ''Food (Supply and Production) Manual,*' p. 465. Milk (Returns) Order, 1917 ; Butter {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. The Milk (Returns) Order, 1917. Dated July 31, 1917. 1917. No. 776. In exercise of the powers conferred npon him by Reg-nlation 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders as follows : — (1) All persons engaged in the production, purchase, sale, distribution, transport, storage of any milk, shall furnish particulars as to tlieir businesses as may from time to time be specified by or on behalf of the Food Controller, and shall verify the same in such manner a^ he may direct. (2) Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (3) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Returns) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food . 31st July, 1917. The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. Dated August 31, 1917.(a)(b)(c) 1917. No. 913. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f First hand of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers Price.* , enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the follow- ing regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1.— (a) On and after the 3rd September, 1917, butter shall not be sold by or on behalf of the importer or the maker thereof at a price exceeding the maximum price for the time being pre- scribed by the Food Controller as the first hand price. (a) Amendment of Order. — This Order was amended by the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917, printed p. 376, and also as to First Hnnd Prices as from various dates by the series of Orders specified in footnote (a) to p. 364. (b) Application to Ireland.— This Order ceased to apply to Ireland as from April 19, 1918. See Butter (Maximum Prices) (I ) O., 19l«, p 421. (c ) Revocation.— This Order is revoked as from August 7, 1918, by the Butter Order, 1918, printed p. 439. 26 4 Butter {MaximuTn Prices) Order, 1917. Wholesale Price. Exception from Clauses ) and 2. (6) Until further notice the first hand price shall for the several varieties of butter mentioned in the schedule to this Order be a price at the rate set forth in the Schedule as applicable thereto, (a) 2. — (a) On and after 3rd September, 1917, no person (other than an importer in respect of butter imported by him or a maker in respect of butter made by him) shall sell any butter at a price which exceeds by more than the permitted amount whichever shall be the less of the two following prices namely : — (i) the price paid by him for such butter or (ii) the first hand price fixed by this Order or where further or other first hand prices are fixed under this Order the first hand price in force at the time of his pur- chase. (&) The permitted amount shall be a sum at the rate of 75. ^d. per cwt., with the addition of — (i) all monies, if any, actually paid for transport, after sale by the importer or maker; and (ii) necessary cold storage charges or expenses (not exceed- ing the rates current in the district where stored) incurred by the seller before the 3rd September, 1917. (c) The amount of the monies paid for transport or paid or charged for cold storage shall be shown separately on the invoice. (d) In any proceedings the bnrden of proving the amount actually paid for transport shall lie upon the person charged. (^) 3. Clauses 1 and 2 of this Order shall not apply to a retail sale. 4. — (a) On and after 10th September, 1917, no person shall sell butter by retail at a rate per lb. exceeding by more than 2JJ. the actual cost to him of the butter sold. (h) An additional sum not exceeding ^d. per lb. may be charged for giving credit and for delivery otherwise than by post or rail. No additional charge may be made for packages. (c) The actual costshall in thecase of all butter (other than butter import-ed or made by the person in question) be the net price paid for such butter (not exceeding the maximum price appli- cable under Clause 2 hereof) together with all monies actually paid for transport not included in such price, and in the rnse of all butter [imported or made by the person in question](a) in respect of which there is for the time being a first hand price . (a) Alteration of First Aand Price for Butter. — By the Butter (Maximum Prices) Orders Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 the first hand prices were varied as follows : — As from Sept. 24 by Order No. 2, printed p. 367. „ „ Oct. 2 by Order No. 3, printed p. 367. „ „ Oct. 26 by Order No. 4, printed p. 369. „ „ Nov. 6 (or as regards Danish butter, Nov. 13) by Order, No. 6, printed p. 379. (b) Amendment of Order. — The Butter (Maximum Prices) Amendment Order, 1917, printed p. 376, revoked Clauses 2 (d) and 4 (d) of the present Order and directed the insertion of the words inserted within brackets in Clause 4 (c) : it also made other amendments. Clause 5 (e) was revoked by the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, printed in Part HI of this Manual. But by the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918 (p. 42 n, the whole of this O der ceased to apply to sales in Ireland of Butter made in Ireland, until the Food Controller by Notice otherwise directs. Butter {Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. 365 shall be the first hand price in force at the time of sale, together with any monies actually paid for transport in the United Kingdom. ^. (d) In any proceedinc/s the burden of proving the actual cost of the butter sold shall lie on the person charged.{^) 5. — (a) A Food Control Committeemay from time to time prescribe Powers of a scale of maximum prices applicable to sales of butter by retail a Food in their area, and may from time to time revoke or vary any scale Control so prescribed. Any scale prescribed under the powers conferred C^"^"^**®®- by this clause shall be in accordance with any general directions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller. (6) Where any scale has been so prescribed then (subject to any limitations or exceptions prescribed by the Committee) no butter shall be sold by retail within the area of the Committee at prices exceeding the prices provided by the scale. (c) Where the Food Controller so directs a Food Control Com- mittee shall in exercise of the powers and duties conferred by this clause act in combination with any other Food Control Com- mittee or Committees and in such case the scale or scales prescribed shall apply to the areas of all such Committees. {d) Compliance with the terms of a scale prescribed under the provisions of this clause shall not relieve any person from the necessity of complying with the provisions of clause 4 of this Order. (e) This clause shall not apply to Ireland.(^){^) 6. A person shall not sell or offer for sale or buy or offer to buy Offers and any butter at prices exceeding the maximum prices provided by or conditions. . under this Order, or in connection with any sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of butter enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make any unreasonable charge. 7. Every person dealing in butter shall keep accurate records Recordfl. containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or not he is complying with the provisions of this Order so far as they relate to him or his trade, and shall make such returns as to his trade in butter as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or a Food Control Committee. All such records and relevant documents shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee. 8. For the purposes of this Order the expression " importer '' Interpreta- shall include the person sighting the shipper's draft; but this ^^^^' provision shall not be construed so as to limit the general inter- pretation of that expression. The expression *' maker " shall include a blender of butter. The expression '' retail sale " shall include any sale of a quantity not exceeding 4 lbs. of butter by the maker of such butter where the total quantity of butter so sold by the maker to the buyer in any one calendar week does not exceed 8 lbs. (a) Amendment of Order. — See footnote (b), p. 364. (b) Irish Butter Trade. — This has been hitherto regulated by the Butter Trade (Ireland) Acts of 1^12 (52 Geo. 3, c. 134), 1P27 (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 61), and 1829 (10 Geo. 4, c. 41), Those Acts were repealed as to the borough of Cork which has a special Butter Market Act (47 & 48 Vict. c. cxix). 366 Butter (Maximum Prices) Order ^ 1917. * The expression ** Food Control Committee " shall mean a com- mittee appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) Penalty. • 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title of 10. This Order may be cited as the Butter (Maximum Prices) Order. Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. 31st August, 1917, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. The Schedule. First Hand Prices. (b) French Fresh Rolls (ex port) „ Paris (unsalted) (^:p port) Australian „ New Zealand „ Argentine „ Canadian „ American „ Irish Creamery, or other best, f.o.r. : — 56-lb. boxes 28-lb. boxes and casks Kegs Irish Creamery or factory, f.o.r. : — Rolls or bricks (1 or 2.-lb.) » (i-lb.) Prints (i-lb.) Blended Butter, English Factory, delivered . — Rolls and bricks (1 or 24b.) „ (i-lb.) • ... Prints (i-lb.) (All unsalted 35. per cwt. extra.) Except where the price is stated as a net price, discount shall be allowed at 2d. in the £ for cash within 7 days and at 1(/. in the £ for cash within one calendar month. (a) " Food Control Committee."— This expression now under Clause 2 of the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual, includes the Food Control Committee for Ireland, as to whom see the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, iyi7, also printed in Part III. The Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, is also printed in Part III. (b) Alteration in First Hand Prices. — By the Butter (Maximum Prices) Orders Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 the First Hand Prices were vaiied as follows : — As from Sept. 24 by Order No. 2, printed p 367. „ „ Oct. 2 by Order No. 3, printed p. 367. „ „ Oct. 26 by Order No. 4, printed p. 369. „ „ Nov. 6 (or as regards Danish butter Nov. 13) by Order No. 5, printed p. 379. Per doz. lbs. 245. Per 112 Ibe. 220.5. 2065. 2085. 2065. 2065. 2065. 2065. net. 2075. 5» 2085. »» Per doz. lbs. 255. net. 255. Sd. SJ 255. 9d. »1 25s. 25s. Sd. 25s. 9d. Butter {Maxiviujii Prices) Ordf^.rs, No. 2 and No. 3, 1917. 36' The Buttee (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917. Dated September 20, 1917. 1917. No. 965. Pursuant to Clause 1 (a) of the Butter (Maxiraum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) the Food Controller hereby prescribes maximum prices at the rates set forth in the Schedule hereto as the first-hand prices for the several varieties of butter mentioned in such Schedule upon all sales of butter by or on behalf of the importer or maker thereof for delivery on or after the 24th September, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U, F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 1^0th September, 1917. The Schedule. First Hand Prices. (b) Per doz. lbs. French Fresh Eolls (ex port) 26. 224 „ if »> 220 „ }} >} 224 „ a if net. 225 o„ ) J J J ft 226 ,, > J ft f} 238 „ > J ti f > 242 8 „ »» ti J » 220 „ j> fi ft 221 „ • li }f ft 222 „ f) ft >t 234 „ ff tt ft 238 8 „ f} ft S3 210 „ » J ft ;j 230 „ }) ft 244 „ f> •>t ft 248 8 „ J f ft ft I Butter. If unsalted, f 370 British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended. s. d. French Fresh Eolls (ex port) -28 per dozen lbs. ,, Paris un salted {ex port) 256 8 per 112 lbs. Blended Butter, English Factory delivered : — Rolls and Bricks (1 or 2 lbs.) 25 per dozen lbs. Rolls and Bricks (4 lb.) 25 3 ,, „ „ Prints (J lb.) ... 25 9 „ . „ The first hand prices for French and Blended Butters are the same whether salted or unsalted. Except where the price is stated as a net price, discount shall be allowed at 2d. in the £ for cash within seven days, and at \d, in the £ for cash within one calendar month. Extent and Interpreta- tion. First Hand Prices. ' The British Cheese Order, 1917, dated October 31, 1917 (a' AS AMENDED BY AMENDING OrDER OF M ARCH 28, 1918. (b) 1917 No. 1105 as amended by 1918 No. 386. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that bihalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. This Order applies only to Cheese made in the United Kingdom other than and except cream cheese, soft cheese and re-made cheese and the word ** Cheese " as used in this Order e'xtends only to Cheese so made and with the same except ions, (a) 2. (a) Upon any sale of cheese by or on behalf of the makei thereof (not being a sale by retail), the Maximum price shall be the price for the time being prescribed by the Food Controller as the Maximum First Hand Price for the cheese sold with the additions mentioned in Clause 7 of this Order in cases to which that clause applies. (h) Until further notice the Maximum First Hand Price for each of the varieties of Cheese specified in the Schedule hereto shall be a price at the rate mentioned in relation thereto in the second column of the same Schedule. (c) A Maximum price for the time being in force under this clause is hereinafter referred to as a ** maximum first hand price '* and the actual price at which any cheese is sold by the maker thereof (being a price not greater than the maximum first hand price) is hereinafter referred to as the ** actual first hand price " of such cheese. (a) Extension of Order to Dutch Cheese. — This Order is by tne Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917 (p. 386), applied with certain modifications to Dutch Cheese. (b) Amending Order op March 28, 1918,— This Order added new Clauses 7a and 7b and varied the Schedule of maximum prices. British Cheese Order, 191T, as amended. 371 (d) Where the cheese is carried by the maker in his own cart or van for or in the course of delivery to the purchaser the maker may charge for such carriage at a rate not exceeding G^. per ewt. if the distance in a straight line is less than lU miles or is. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds that limit. 3. (a) Upon a sale of cheese by or on behalf of any person other than the maker thereof (not being a sale by retail and except as provided by Clauses 4 and 5 of this Order) the maximum price shall be a price at the same rate per cwt. as the actual first hand price of the cheese with the addition of the following sums or such of them as may be applicable, viz. : — (i) A sum at the rate of 8s. per cwt. in the case of Caer- philly Cheese and at the rate of Qs, per cwt. in the case of any other variety of cheese. Ihe addition authorised by this sub-clause is hereinafter referred to as " The Wholesale Bulk Profit.'* (ii) A further sum at the rate of Is. 6d. per cwt. upon a sale of not exceeding 56 lbs. in weight such sum to be added once only to the price of any cheese. (iii) The amount, if any, paid or payable in respect of the carriage or transport of the cheese. (iv) Where the cheese has been or is, either on the purchase or on the sale thereof, carried by tbe seller in bis own van or cart the seller may charge for such carriage at a rate not exceeding G^. per cwt. if the distance in a straight line is less than 10 miles or 1^. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds that limit. (h) The total sum charged in respect of carriage or transport shall be separately stated in the invoice upon any sale but the details of the charge need not be stated unless required by ih.9 purchaser. (c) The sum at the rate of l.s\ i)d. per cwt. authorised by sub- section (a) (ii) of this clause shall not be added upon any sale of cheese if in the same week other cheese is sold by tbe same seller to the same buyer amounting therewith to a quantity exceeding 56 lbs. and if in any such case any part of the said sum is added upon an earlier sale the amount so added shall be allowed by way of deduction on the later sale. 4. Where a dealer in cheese who has purchased any cheese direct from the maker thereof (hereinafter called '' a first dealer ") is selling the same to a dealer in cheese (hereinafter called " a second dealer ") who is purchasing with a view to re-selling to a retail dealer or retail dealers and if required by the seller so certifies in writing and undertakes to make the further payment prescribed by this clause in case he otherwise deals with the same then and in every such case the sum which may be added by tbe first dealer in respect of the wholesale bulk profit shall be reduced to 5*. per cwt. in respect of Caerphilly cheese and 4.9. per cwt. in respect of any. other cheese. But if the second dealer deals with any such cheesQ otherwise than by resale to a retail dealer or retail dealers he shall within fourteen days so inform the first dealer in writing and shall pay to the first dealer a further sum Wholesale Dealers' Prices. First Whole- sa'iera' or Factors' re- duced profit on sales to Second Wholesalers 372 British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended. equal to the difference between the wholesale bulk profit actually- added by the first dealer in respect of the cheese so dealt with and the amount which he might have added if the second dealer had not purchased for resale to a retail dealer or retail dealers. Maximum 5. Where a dealer sells by wholesale any cheese purchased by Price on Sale \^{j^ ^t a price which included a sum in respect of the wholesale Wholesaler ^^^^ profit he may upon such resale add to the price such a further sum in respect of wholesale bulk profit (not exceeding- the sum which he might have so added if he had purchased the cheese direct from the maker) as will make up the total sum added to the price of the cheese in respect of the wholesale bulk profit to the rate of IO5. .per cwt. Sale by Retail. Additions to price for shrinkage. 6. {a) The maximum price upon a sale of Cheese by retail shall be the actual cost of the cheese sold with an addition thereto at the rate of 2^d. per pound and such price shall include all charges for making delivery or giving credit. (I) For the purpose of this clause the actual cost of cheese not made by the retailer shall be taken at the price paid or payable by him for the cheese (not exceeding the maximum price authorised by this Order) together with the amount (if any) paid or payable or deemed to have been paid by him in respect of transport and not included in such price and the actual cost of cheese made by the retailer shall be the maximum firsthand price of such cheese together with the amount, (if any) paid or deemed to have been paid by him in respect of transport. (c) Where the price paid by a retail dealer for cheese does not include delivery to his own retail premises and the cheese is carried to his retail premises in his own cart or van he shall be deemed to have made a payment for such carriage at the rate of 6^. per cwt. if the distance in a straight line is under ten miles or at'the rate of Is. per cwt. if such distance equals or exceeds ten miles. 7. (a) (a) Any maker of cheese or dealer who after the date when this Order comes into force holds a Whole Milk Cheese (other than cheese of the Caerphilly, Stilton or Wensleydale types) for a period of not less than 14 days may upon a sale of 'the cheese add to the price authorised by the preceding clauses of this Order a sum at the rate of 1^. per cwt. for every complete period of 14 days during which he has so held the same, such sum to be'calcu- lated according to the weight of the cheese when resold, provided always that : — (i) In applying this clause to any cheese the first 21 days after the making thereof shall not be taken into account ; (ii) In applying this clause to cheese held by the maker thereof no time prior to the 1st December, 1917, shall be taken into account as part of a period of 14 Javs ; and (a) Additions for Shrinkage.— Clause 7 has no application to Dutch Cheese to which other provisions of this Order are applied by the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 386. British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended. M^ (in) This clause shall not apply to any cheese made after the date when this Order comes into force unless it is indelibly marked immediately after it is made with the . date of its manufacture. (6) Except as provided by this clause no addition shall be made to the price per pound of cheese to compensate for shrinkage. (r) Where any addition is made to the price of any cheese by virtue of this clause by any person other than the maker of the cheese a corresponding addition shall be deemed to have been made to the actual and maximum first hand prices of the cheese. {d) No person shall mark any cheese with a false or misleading date. (e) The time in respect of which additions may be made to this price under this clause shall cease so soon as the cheese is cut. 7. A. The provisions of Clause 7 of this Order shall not apply in the case of cheese delivered by or on behalf of the maker thereof on or after the 1st April, 1918, and the following pro- visioQS shall have effect as regards such cheese : — {a) The maker of any such cheese (other than cheese of the Caerphilly, Wensleydale, Stilton and " Small Holder " types) shall cause the same to be indelibly marked immediately after it is made with the date of its manufacture. {h) No addition shall be made to the price of any such cheese to compensate for shrinkage. 7. B. For the purpose of Clause 7 of this Order, no time after March 31st, 1918, shall be taken into account as part of a period of 14 days. (a) 8. {a) A Food Control Committee may from time to time pre- Powers of scribe a scale of maximum prices applicable to sales of cheese by a Food jstail in their area, and may from time to time revoke or vary p°"'^®.L any scale so prescribed. Any scale prescribed under the powers °°^"^^ conferred by this clause shall be in accordance with any direc- tions which may from time to time be given by the Food Controller. (6) Where any scale has been so prescribed then (subject to any limitations or exceptions prescribed by the Committee) no cheese shall be sold by retail within the area of the Committee at prices exceeding the prices provided by the scale. (c) Where the Food Controller so directs a Food Control Com- mittee shall in exercise of the powers and duties conferred by this clause act in combination with any other Food Control Com- mittee or Committees and in such case the scale or scales prescribed shall apply fo the areas of all such Committees. {d) Compliance with the terms of a scale prescribed under the provisions of this clause shall not relieve any person from the necessity of complying with the provisions of clause 6 of thip Order. (a) Clauses 7 A and 7 B. — These new clauses were inserted by the amending Order of March 28, 1918. 374 British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended. Restriction on Sales. Discount. Wrappings included in Prices. Purchasers may rely upon Vendors' statements. Prices to be exhibited. Records. Offers and Conditions 9. No cheese other than Caerphilly cheese shall be delivered by the Makei thereof within twenty -one days after it is made, (a) 10. Where on any sale of Cheese a discount is allowed at a rate of 2d. in the £ for cash in seven days or at a rate of \d. in the £ for cash in one month the price upon such sale shall for the purpose of this Order be reckoned at the full price before deducting: the discount. 11. The Maximum Prices prescribed by this Order include in each case suitable wrappings or packages. * 12. Where the Maximum price at which cheese may be sold by any person depends upon the amount of any sum or sums paid or payable in relation thereto by any former seller such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement as to the amount of the sum or sums so paid or payable that may have been made to him by the person from whom he bought the cheese unless he has reason to suspect the truth of such statement. 13. Every retailer of cheese shall so long as he shall have any cheese on sale display prominently at the shop or other place of sale a statement or statements showing the prices at which he is selling cheese at such shop or place and when he is selling different varieties of cheese at different prices the statement or statements shall be in such form or so displayed as to show which is the price of each variety and shall on reasonable demand give to any person authorised pursuant to clause 14 of this Order all such information as may be necessary for showing which of the documents and records mentioned in that clause relate to the cheese which he has for the time being on sale. Nc retailer of cheese shall sell cheese at a price higher than that shown on any statement so displayed. 14. Every person dealing in Cheese shall keep accurate records containing such particulars as are necessary to show whether or no he is complying with the provisions of this Order, so far as they relate to him or his trade, and shall make such returns(l>) as to his trade in cheese as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or a Food Control Committee. All such records and relevant documents shall be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Com- mittee. 15. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any cheese at prices exceeding the maximum prices provided by or under this Order, or in connection with any sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of cheese enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or propose any unreasonable charge. (a) Delivery within 21 days op making. — Clause 9 has no application to Dutch Cheese to which other provisions of this Order are applied by the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 386. (b) Retuhns.— By Notice of December 21st, 1917 (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 1319), omitted from ihis Manual as now " spent," a return of all British Cheese in stock on December 31st, 1917, was required. British Cheese Order, 1917, as amended. 375 16. For the purpose of this Order the expression "Food Interpreta- Control Committee" means a committee appointed in pursuance *^ion. of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) or as respects Ireland the Committee constituted for Ireland by the Food Controller. (b) A sale of cheese by the maker thereof shall not be deemed to be a sale by retail if the quantity sold exceeds 4 lbs. or if the quantity sold together with any other cheese sold in the same calendar week by the same maker to the same purchaser exceeds a total of 8 lbs. 17. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penaltiea. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 18. This Order shall not apply to sales of cheese for immediate Exception, consumption in the ordinary course of a catering business. 19. The Cheese (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, is hereby Repeal, revoked as on the date when this Order comes into force, but without prejudice to ^ny proceedings for infringements thereof, (c) 20. («) This Order may be cited as the British Cheese Order, J^*^® ^^^ |9]^7 Commenoe- (&) This Order shall come into force on the 5th November, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U.F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st October, 1917. The Schedule. {d) Variety of Cheeses. First hand Prices for delivery until 31st March, 1918, inclusive. •s. d. Wensleydale and similar makes, ripened... ' ... 1 7 per lb. Stilton, ripened 1 7 per lb. Any Whole Milk Cheese not exceeding 2 lbs. 1 6 per lb. weight uncut. Caerphilly ... 129 Opercwt. of 112 lbs. All other Whole Milk Cheese 142 Partially skimmed (British) 125 . „ (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Com- mittee (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. (c) Cheese (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed at p. 126 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." The first hand prices under that Order were varied by the Cheese (Maximum Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, printed at p. 137 of the said Manual — such prices from November lat onwards being identical with those fixed by the present Order. (d) Variation in First hand Prices.— This Schedule was inserted by the amending Order of March 28, 1918. The First hand Prices were further varied by notices dated May 14, 1918, and July 17, 1918, priuted at pp 421 and 434 respectively. 376 Butter {Maximum Prices) {Amendment) Order, 1917. First hand Prices for Delivery— Variety of Cheeses. Between Ist April, 1918 and 30th April, 1918, inclusive. On and after 1st May, 1918, until further notice. Caerphilly Whole Milk , Partially skimmedj Wholly skimmed Is. 4 K per lb. \8.U. „ Is., IK „ Is. 2d. per lb. Is. OK „ Os. l\d. „ First hand Prices for Delivery — Variety of Cheeses. Between 1st April, 1918 and 31st May, 1918, incltisive. On and after 1st June, 1918, uniil further notice. Ripened Stilton and Wensleydale (blue) Dorset— Hand skimmed blue „ — Separated blue „ —White All other whole milk cheese „ partially skimmed cheese „ wholly skimmed cheese • Is. Id. per lb. Is. 4K „ Is. M. Is. IK „ Is. 6d. „ Is. M. „ Is. IK „ Is. 7d. per lb. Is. 2d. „ Is. Uid. „ Os. Ud. „ Is. Hd. „ Is. OK „ Os. Ud. „ In all cases prices are ex factory or ex farm. All these prices are subject to the following terms, namely : — For cash within seven days 2d. in the £ discount. For cash within one month Id. in the £ discount. The Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917. Dated October 31, 1917. (a)(b) 1917. ISTo. 1110. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders as follows: — Principal 1- The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (c) is in this Order. Order referred to as the "Principal Order." First hand 2. (a) For the purposes of the Principal Order the first hand price. price for Irish Creamery Factory or Farmers' Butter in Firkins shall be at the same rate as the first hand price for the same butter in 56 lb. boxes. (h) The first hand price for any butter in rolls bricks or prints of any greater weight than 1 lb. shall be at the same rate as for butter of the same variety in rolls bricks or prints of 1 lb. and the first hand price of any butter in rolls bricks or prints of less (a) Application to Ire i and. — This Order ceased to apply to Sales in [reland of butter made in Ireland as from April 19, 1918, until the Food Controller by Notice otherwise directs, see Butter (Maximum Prices) (I.) Order, 1918, p. 421. (b) Revocation. — This Order is revoked as from August 7, 1918, by the Butter Order, 1918, printed p. 439. (c) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, .1917.— That Order is printed p. 363. Butter {Maximum Prices) {Amendment) Order, 19J7. 377 Blended batter. weight than 1 lb. shall be at the same rate as for the butter of the same variety in rolls bricks or prints of J lb. {c) Where butter of any variety is sold in a form in respect of which no first hand price is for the time being specifically pro- vided, the lowest first hand price for the time being applicable to that variety of butter in any form shall apply. {d) Where in relation to any variety of imported butter no first hand price is for the time being prescribed, the Principal Order shall apply with the substitution of the price at which the butter is actually sold by the Importer for the first hand price. 3. (a) Butter blended in Great Britain shall in no case be sold by wholesale by the blender at a price exceeding the first hand price or the alternative maximum price specified in the following sub-clauses of this clause whichever shall be the less. (6) The Alternative Maximum price of blended butter shall be the cost price of the butter to the blender with an addition at the rate of 2\d. per lb. of the butter as blended if sold in rolls bricks or prints of 1 lb. or upwards and at the rate of Zd. per lb. if sold in rolls bricks or prints of less than 1 lb. and at the rate of IO5. per cwt. if sold in any other form. The prices fixed by this clause are on the basis that the butter is delivered to the purchaser's ordinary business premises or to the consumer's premises and if the sale is made for delivery elsewhere the price shall be correspondingly reduced. (c) The cost price of the butter to the blender shall be taken to be the first hand price for the time being of the butter or the price actually paid by the blender whichever is the less with the addition of any cost of transport or marine or war risks insurance not covered by the first hand price including a fair charge for carriage in the blender's own van or cart on the occasion of the purchase by the blender not exceeding the rate authorised by Clause (6) {a) of this Order, except that where the butter of any variety used for blending is bought by the blender in bricks, rolls or prints he shall be deemed to have purchased the same at the first hand price of bulk butter of the same variety. {d) Clause 4 of this Order shall not apply to a sale of blended butter in rolls bricks or prints. 4. Upon a sale by wholesale not exceeding 24 lbs. of butter not Small sales constituting a whole original package a charge at the rate of bywholesak. \d. per lb. may be made in addition to the maximum charge authorised by Clause 2 of the Principal Order but if two or more sales are made by a dealer to the same purchaser in the same week the said charge shall not be made in respect of any butter after the first 24 lbs. so sold in the week. 5. {a) Where a quantity of butter not exceeding 56 lbs. is sold to a retail dealer by a dealer who upon his own purchase paid a price which included the whole or part of the wholesale profit of 75. 6^. per cwt. permitted by Clause 2 of the Principal Order, the dealer may on the occasion of such sale add to the price authorised by Clause 2 of the Principal Order a further sum at the rate of 45. per cwt. ; provided that if two or more sales are made by a dealer to the same purchaser in the same week the further charge authorised by this clause shall not be made in respect of any butter after the first 56 lbs. so sold in the week. Sales by second wholesaler. 378 Butter {Maximum Prices) {Amendment) Order, 1917. Carriage of butter by wholesale dealer. Retail pri-cea. Butter Blended by a retailer. Discount. Purchasers may rely upon vendor's statements. Wrappmgs included in prices. (6) The additional charge authorised by this clause may, in cases to which Clause 4 of this Order applies, be made in addition to the charge at the rate of ^d. jier ib. authorised by that clause. 6. (a) Where butter is either on the purchase or on the sale thereof carried by a wholesale dealer in his own van or cart, he shall be deemed to have paid for carriage at the rate of 6^. per cwt. if the distance measured in a straight line is less than ten miles or at the rate of 1^. per cwt. if the distance equals or exceeds that limit, but if the dealer carries the butter in his own cart or van both upon his own purchase thereof and upon the sale thereof, the distances upon the two occasions measured separately in manner aforesaid shall be added together and the charge regulated by the total distance. (6) Where butter is transported by sea any sum paid for marine and war risk insurance shall be treated as part of the cost of transport. (c) On any wholesale dealing the part of the price which repre- sents the cost of transport or carriage shall be separately stated in the invoice but the details of the charge need not be stated unless required by the purchaser. 7. Where the price paid by a retail dealer for butter does not include delivery to his own retail premises and the butter is carried to his retail premises in his own van or cart he shall be deemed to have made a payment for such carriage at the rate of Qd. per cwt. if the distance measured in a straight line is under ten miles or at the rate of Is. per cwt. if the distance equals or exceeds ten miles. 8. Where a retailer blends butter in a blending factory registered before the date of this Order pursuant to the Butter and Margarine Act, 1907. (a) he may in respect of such blending treat the cost price of the butter as increased by a sum at the rate of 4^. per cwt. calculated according to the weight of the butter as blended. 9. Where on a sale of butter a discount is allowed at a rate not exceeding 2d. in the £ for cash within any specified period not exceeding one calendar month the price upon such sale shall for the purpose of this Order be reckoned at the full price before deducting discount. 10. Where the maximum price at which butter may be sold by any person depends upon the amount of any sum or sums paid or payable in relation thereto by any former seller such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement as to the amount of the sum or sums so paid or payable that may have been made to him by the person from whom he bought the butter, unless he has reason to suspect the truth of such statement. 11. The maximum prices prescribed by the Principal Order or this Order include in each case suitable wrappings or packages. (a) Registered Blending Factories. — As to the registration of such factories under the 1907 Act (7 Fdw. 7. c. 21), see as to England and Wales, Order of the Local Government Board of Dec. 28, 1907 (St. R. & O., 1907, No. 1021) ; as to Scotland, Order of the T-ocal Government Board for Scotland of Jan. 1, 1908 (St. R. & O., 1908, No. 12) ; and as to Ireland, Order of the Local Government Board for Ireland of Dec. 11, 1907 (St. R. & O., 1907, No. 9^5). Butter (Maximmn Price.'i) Order (No. 5), 1917. 379 12. Every retailer of butter shall so long- as he shall have any Prices to be butter on sale display prominently at the shop or other place exhibited, of sale a statement or statements showing the prices at which he is selling butter at STich shop or place and when he is selling different varieties of butter at different prices the statement or statements shall be in such form or so displayed as to show which is the price of each variety and shall on reasonable demand give to any person authorised pursuant to Clause 7 of the principal Order all such information as may be necessary for showing which of the documents and records mentioned in that clause relate to the butter which he has for the time being on sale. No retailer of butter shall sell butter at a price higher than that shown on any such statement. 13. The Principal Order and this Order shall not apply to sales Exception, of butter for immediate consumption in the ordinary course of a catering? business. 14. There shall be inserted after the word " butter "* in the sixth line of Clause 4 (c) of the Principal Order the words " im- ported or made by the person in question." 15. The Principal Order shall be read as varied so far as necessary to bring it into conformity with the provisions of this Order and shall take effect as if the provisions of this Order had been originally incorporated therein and Clauses 2 (d) and 4 (d) of the Principal Order are hereby rescinded. 16. (a) This Order may be cited as the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 5th November, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. Amendment of Clause 4 (c) of the Principal Order. Principal Order to take effect as amended. Title and Commence- ment of Order. 31st October, 1917. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food, The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order (No. 5), 1917. 1917. No. 1122. Pursuant to Clause 1 (a) of the Butter (Maximum Prices) Order 1917, (a) the Food Controller hereby prescribes maximum prices at the rates set forth in the Schedule hereto as the first hand prices for the several varieties of butter mentioned in such schedule upon all sales of butter by or on behalf of the importer or maker thereof for delivery, as to Danish Butter on or after .the 13th ]November, 1917, and as to all other varieties of butter on or after the 6th JNovember, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. 3rd November, 1917. U, F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. (a) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 363. 3«0 Butter (MaximuTti Prices) Order (No. 5), 1917. The Scliedule,' I Australian {ex port) 220 d. 0] 3er 112 lbs. New Zealand (ex port) ... 224 5? »> >» Argentine {ex port) ... 220 ?» ?? 5> Canadian {ex port) ... 224 »» i? »» American (ex port) ... . . . 220 )» ?) 5» Danish {ex port) ... ... 229 »? ?) J» Dutch {ex port) ... . . . 229 J? »> 1» Irish Creamery, F.O.R. : — 5Q lb. boxes ... 224 JJ ?5 „ net. 28 lb. boxes and casks... . . . 225 J? >? »» j» Kegs ... 226 J> J> ;» »r EoUs or Bricks (1 or 2 lbs.) ... ... 238 5? 3J ?i »>■ Rolls, Bricks, or Prints (^ lb.) ... 24>5 8 ?5 ?5 »5 J9- Irish Factory or Farmers' Butter in original packages, F.O.R. : — 56 lb. boxes ... 220 J5 i? ?) »t 28 lb. boxes and casks . . . 221 »> 55 5J >5 Kegs ... 222 S> •i 55 5» Rolls or Bricks (1 .or 2 lbs.) ... . . . 234 » 15 55 » Rolls Bricks or Prints (^ lb.) . . • 238 8 5) »v *» »» Irish Farmers' Lump Butter, F.O.R. ... 210 5? ?5 55 55 British made Butter {ex Creamery Fac- tory or Farm) ... 230 >» »» 55* 55 Rolls or Bricks (1 or 2 lbs.) ... 244 J? >J 55 55 Rolls Bricks or Prints {\ lb.) ... ... 248 8 J> J» 55 55 Note. — The above prices are all for salted butter. If unsalted. 35. per cwt. extra ir I each case. French Fresh Rolls {ex port) s. 28 per dozen lbs. „ Paris unsalted {ex port). . . ... 256 8 »> 112 „ Blended Butter, English factory delivered : — Rolls and Bricks (1 or 2 lbs.)... ... 26 per dozen lbs. Rolls and Bricks (i lb.) ... 26 3 »5 »> j» Prints (i lb.) ... 2Q 9 ?5 »j »> The first hand prices for French and Blended Butters are the same whether salted or unsalted. Except where the price is stated as a net price, discount shall be allowed at 2d, in the £ for cash within seven days, and at \d. in the £ for cash within one calendar month. Margarine {Maximuv Prices) Order ^ 1917, 381 Ihe Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. November 10, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1162. Dated In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all jjersons concerned : — 1. On and after the 26th November, 1917, no margarine may be sold at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable under the provisions of this Order. <::. (a) The maximum price applicable on the occasion of any sale of Margarine, other than a retail sale, shall be at the rate of lOd. per lb., except that "Oleo Margarine," one of the wrappers of which bears the words *'01eo Margarine" and the name and address of the maker, may be sold at the rate of 1^'. 2d. per lb. (6) The maximum prices fixed by this Clause shall include all charges for packages and for transport and handling incident to delivery to the Buyer's Railway Station or Buyer's premises and no person shall on any sale to which this clause applies sell any Margarine except upon the terms that all such charges are borne by him. 3. (a) On the occasion of a retail sale of Margarine the maximum price shall be at the rate of 1^. per lb. except that Oleo Margarine having such a wrapper as is hereinbefore men- tioned and sold in the original package may be sold at the rate of Is. 4:d. per lb. (b) The maximum prices fixed by this Clause shall include all charges for delivery, credit and suitable wrappings, and no additional charge may be made in respect thereof. 4. Where any contract for the sale of any Margarine provides for the payment of a price in excess of tlie maximum price, such contract shall be avoided except so far as concerns any Margarine delivered before the 17th November, 1917. 5. Where the maximum price at which Margarine may be sold by any person depends upon the constituents of such Margarine such person shall be entitled to rely upon a written statement as to such constituents made to him by the person from whom he has bought the Margarine unless lie lias reason to suspect the trulli of such statement. fi. No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy Margarine at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order or in connec'tion with a sale or proposed sale or dis- position of any Margarine enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction. Maximum prices for Margarine. Prices on wholesale sale.(b) Prices on retail sale. Contracts. Vendor's statements. Offers and fictitious transaction. (a) Extent of Application.— This Order was wholly revoked so far as it applies to Great Britain as from April 8, 1918, by the Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 416. (b) Increase op Price on certain Sales. — A General Licence, dated April 10, 1918, printed p. 420, authorises an increased price on sales other than retail in Ireland. 5789 N 382 Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. Meaning of " Oleo- Margarine." Penalty. Title. T. '^ Oleo Margarine " shall mean Margarine which contains not less than 55 per cent, in weight of the following fats : — Oleo Oil; Oleo Stearine; Premier Jus; and Choice and Extra Choice Neutral Lard, but does not contain any hardened Oil. 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. This Order may be cited as the Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th November, 1917. The BuTTfeR (Distribution) Order, 191' 1917. Dated November 14, Forms of application, &c., may be prescribed. Completion of forms of application, &c. False state- ments, &c. 1917. No. 1163. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. (a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with, butter proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller (hereinafter, called Government Butter). Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or any other matter. (b) The Food Controller may from time to tim<3 issue direc- tions relating to the distribution, disposal and use of Government Butter, (a) (b) 2. All persons concerned shall in the completion of any such form or document and in the distribution, disposal or use of any Government Butter comply with the instructions and directions relative thereto for the time being in force. 3. A person shall not : — (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with. Government Butter. (a) Fixing of Maximum Prices. — By directions dated June 22, 1918, printed p. 431, the Food Controller fixed Maximum prices for Government Butter as from June 24, 1918. These directions are revoked as from Aug. 7, 1918, by Butter Order, 1918, printed p. 439. (b) Licensing of Wholesale Dealers. — Under Directions, dated July 31, 1918, printed p. 438, all dealers in Government Butter must hold, as from August 17, 1918, a licence issued by the Food Controller. Food Control Covimittees (Milk Requisition) Order, 1917, as 383 amended. (b) Forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document. (c) Personate, or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies. (d) Obtain Government Butter where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material particular, or deliver Government Butter under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in a material particular. 4. Any form of application, or other document purporting to Prescribed be prescribed pursuant to this Order, or headed Butter (Distribu- forms, tion) Order, 1917, shall, unless the contrary be proved be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Butter (Distribution) Order, Title. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th November, 1917. The Food Control Committees (Milk Requisition) Order, 1917, DATED November 19, 1917, (a) as amended by Appoint- ment OF Arbitrators Order, 1918, (b) dated March 11, 1918, AND BY amending Order OF March 25, 1918. (c) 1917 No. 1186, as amended by 1918 Nos. 294 and 370. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulations 2r and 2j of the Defence ^of tEe Realm Regulations, and of all ofcnei powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby Orders as follows : — 1. (a) Where a Food Committee are of opinion that there is Power to an insufficient supply of milk available for consumption within requisition their area and that such insufficiency arises from a diversion milk, or withholding of supplies formerly retailed within their area, the Committee shall have power to require or direct any pro- ducer of milk who, in the opinion of the Committee, is diverting (a) Food Committee's General Powers of Requisitioning Foodstuffs FROM Retailers. — In addition to the power of the present Order of requisition- ing milk from producers, Committees have under the Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) Order, 1918 printed in Group 9 A ("Local Distribution and Requisitioning"), p. 278, a general power subject to the Food Controller's directions of requisitioning any foodstuffs from any retailers in Great Britain except caterers. (b) Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918. — This Order substituted a new clause for Clause 3. (c) A"mending Order of March 25, 1918. — This Order substituted a new clause for Clause 2. 5789 N 2 :84 Food Control C 0711 mittees {Milk Requisition) Order, 1917 amended. ' as Price. Arbitrator. Penalty. Meaning of " Food Committee." Title, Com- mencement, and extent of Order. or witJiliolding any milk, to liold at the disposal of the Committee such quantities of milk produced by him as the Committee may from time to time determine and to deliver the same in bulk to the Committee or such persons as they may name in the customary vessels and otherwise in such manner as the Committee may from time to time determine. (6) Every person to whom any direction is given under the power conferred by this Clause shall duly comply with such direction and no person shall be relieved from the necessity of complying with any such direction by reason of any contracts, or arrangements made by him as to the disposal of his milk. (c) A Food Committee shall exercise the powers hereby con- ferred upon them only with the previous consent of the Food Controller, and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe. (d) A Food Committee may dispose of liiilk acquired by them pursuant to this Order in such manner as they shall think fit. 2. A Food Committee shall agree to pay in respect of milk requisitioned under this Order the maximum price payable to a producer under any Order of the Food Controller for the time be'ing in force and applicable to such producer. (a) 3. The Arbitrator to determine in default of Agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland, (b) 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. For the purposes of this Order, " Food Committee " means a Food Control Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (c) 6. (a) This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Milk Requisition) Order. 1917. (h) This Order shall come into force on the 21st November If)1T. (c) This Order shall extend only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. 10/7*. Knvewher, 1917. U, F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. (a) Amendment of Clause 2. — This Clause was inserted in this form by the amending Order of March 25, 1918. (b) Amendment of Clause 3. — This Clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 294). (c) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. Cream Order, 191 T, as amended. 385 The Cream Order, 1917, dated November 20, 1917, as con- tinued BY Order of April 27, 1918. (a) 1917 JSTo. 1192, as amended by 1918 No. 480. In exercise of the powers conferred upon liim by the Defence of the Eeaim Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall after the 8th December, 1917, use any cream ^^e and sale except for the purpose of making butter or for such other pur- »f Cream, poses as the Food Controller may from time to time authoiise; and no person shall after the 8th December, 1917, sell, supply or acquire or offer to sell or supply or attempt to acquire any cream except for such purposes. 2. Clause 1 of this Order shall not affect : — Exceptions {a) Before the Ibth January, 1918, the use, sale, supply or from Order. acquisition of preserved or sterilized cream made before the 20th November, 1917. (b) The consumption of fresh cream by children under the age^ of five years, patients in hospitals and other similar institutions, and invalids or other persons needing cream in the interests of their health, or the sale, supply or acquisition of cream for the purpose 6f such consumption, or with a view to its sale or supply for such consumption : Provided that where cream is sold, supplied or acquired for the purpose of such con- sumption it shall not be sold, supplied or acquired otherwise than in accordance with such a statement as is hereinafter mentioned. 3. (i) Where cream is sold or supplied for the purpose of such Statements, consumption as is permitted under Clause 2 (b) of this Order, the person selling or supplying the same shall require to be furnished with a statement in writing signed by his customer stating : — (a) In cases where the^cream is to be supplied for consump- tion by a child, the name, age, and address of the child, the maximum amount to be supplied, and the person to whom it is supplied; (h) In case where the cream is to be supplied for consump- tion by patients in hospitals or other similar institu- tions, the name and address of the hospital or other institution and the maximum amount to be supplied ; (c) In cases where cream is to be supplied for consumption by an invalid or other person needing cream in the interests of his health, the name and address of the invalid or such other person, the maximum amount to be supplied, the period of supply, and the name and address of a duly qualified medical practitioner who nas authorised such supply, and the date of such authority. (a) Continuation of Cream Order, 1917.— By the amending Order of April 27, 1918, this Order was continued until further notice, and Clause 8(&) was revoked. o7S9 X 3 386 Dutch Cheese {Prices) Order ^ 1917. Disclosure to be required and given. False stato- ments. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Title and duration of Order. (ii) All such, statements shall be preserved by the person supplying any cream thereunder, and shall be produced and dealt with by him as directed by any person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. 4. All parties to any transaction affecting cream shall require or correctly disclose (as the case may be) all such information as may be necessary or required by such parties as aforesaid or by or under the authority of the Food Controller or any Food Committee for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been or are not being contra- vened. 5. A person shall not knowingly make or connive at the making of any false statement for the purpose of obtaining a supply of cream. 6. The expression " Food Committee " shall mean in respect of any area in Great Britain the Food Control Committee estab- lished for such area pursuant to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and in respect of Ireland the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Con- troller, (b) 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Begulations. 8. — {a) This Order may be cited as the Cream Order, 1917. (b) This Order shall cease to. he in force on the ^Oth April, 1918, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. (c) By Order of the Food Controller. U, F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1917. The Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, December 8, 1917. 1917. Dated 1917. No. 1247. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. U'j (c) Duration of Order. — By the Order of April 27, 1918, the Cream Order was continued in force until further notice, and Clause 8 {h) was revoked. Dutch Cheese (Pripes) Order, 1917. the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained the British Cheese Order, 1917, (a) shall apply to Dutch Cheese in the same way as it applies to British Cheese other than Caerphilly CJieese, with the following modifications : — (a) The word *' importer'' shall be substituted for the word ** piaker." (h) Upon any sale of Dutch Cheese by or on behalf of the importer thereof not being a sale by retail the maximum price shall be the price for the time being prescribed by the Food Controller as the maximum first hand price for such cheese. (b) (c) Until the 17th January, 1918, the maximum first hand pi ice for each of the varieties of Dutch Cheese specified in the schedule hereto shall be a price at the rate mentioned in relation thereto in such schedule. (d) Clauses 7 and 9 of the British Cheese Order, 1917, (a) shall not apply to Dutch Cheese. 2. For the purposes of this Order, the expression " importer " shall include the person sighting the shipper's draft, but this provision shall not be construed so as to limit the general interpretation of that expression. 3. (a) This Order may be cited as the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917. (b) This Order shall come into force as respects all sales other than a retail sale on the 10th December, 1917, and as respects retail sales on the 17th December, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Sth December, 1917. The Schedule. Full Cream Cheddar Shapes ... 160^. per cwt. Half Meat Cheddar Shapes ... 140*. Gouda 45 per cent. ... ... 153^. ,, 40 per cent. 146^. „ 30 per cent 1395.6^^. „ 20 per cent 129^.66^. Edams 45 per cent. 155^. ,, 40 per cent. ... ... 148^. ,, 30 per cent. 141^. „ 20 per cent. ... ... 131^. Note. — The above prices are all ea; port. All these prices are subject to the following terms, namely: — For cash within seven days, 2d. in the £ discount. For cash within one month. Id. in the £ discbunt. (a) British Cheese Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 370. (b) Maximum First Hand Prices after January 14th, 1918.— By Notice of January 14th, 1918 (p. 398) the Food Controller fixed these as those in the Schedule to the present Order. 5789 • N 4 388 Milk {Use in Chocolate) Order, No. 2, 1917. The Milk (TJse in Chocolate) Order, No. 2, 1917. December 14, 1917. (a) (b) Dated Use of milk in chocolate. Contracts, Penalty. Title. 1917. No. 1296. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall after the 17th December, 1917, use in the manufacture of chocolate any milk, condensed milk, milk powder, dried milk or any other milk preparation except — (i) milk powder, condensed milk, dried milk, or any other milk preparation which he has in stock at the close of business on the 15th December, 1917, or which is in the United Kingdom on that day and then in course of actual transit to him ; and (ii) any other milk delivered to him before the 24th Decem- ber, 1917. 2. Where the Food Controller is of opinion that a contract subsisting at the date of this Order, providing for the purchase of any milk, condensed milk, milk powder, dried milk or any other milk preparation was made for the purpose of using the article to be supplied in the manufacture of chocolate, he may, if he thinks fit, cancel or determine such contract or modify the terms thereof in such manner as he shall think fit. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order, No. 2, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th December, 1917. (a) Order as to Milk, etc., produced in Spring of 1917. — The Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order, 1917, printed p. 123 of the " Food (Supply and Pro- duction) Manual," but omitted from this Yolume as being " spent," prohibits the use in the manufacture of chocolate of (1) milk produced between January 5th and April 1st, 1917, and (2) milk powder or condensed milk manu- factured between those dates. (b) Revocation. — This Order was revoked as respects Great Britain as from June 17, 1918, by Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1918, printed p. 422. Condensed Milk (Returns) Order ^ 1917. 389 The Condensed Milk (Returns) Order, December 14, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1297. 1917. Dated In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. All persons engaged in the purchase ^ sale, distribution or storage of Condensed Milk shall on or before the 24:th December y 1917, furnish to the Food Controller a return giving particulars as to their stocks and purchases of Condensed Milk at the close of business on the 17th December, 1917, and such other particulars as may be required to complete the prescribed form of return, 2. The return shall be made on forms prescribed by the Food Controller to be obtained from and when completed to be returned to The Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I. 3. No return shall be required from (a) a Tnanufacturer in respect of Condensed Milk Tnanufac- tured by him; (b) a person whose total holding of Condensed Milk {includ- ing purchases not yet delivered to him) does not exceed 100 cases; or (c) a person who has made a return in respect of Condensed Milk to the Food Controller since the 12th December, 1917. 4. ISTo person who lias contracted to buy Condensed Milk for importation into the United Kingdom shall deal with such Condensed Milk or the benefit of such contract, so as to divert such milk from the United Kingdom. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. For the purposes of this Order, Condensed Milk shall include Full Cream Sweetened and Full Cream Unsweetened Condensed irilk, Evaporated Milk and Machine Skimmed Condensed Milk. 7. This Order mav be cited as the Condensed Milk (Returns) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. Returns of stock and purchases of Condensed Milk. Prescribed forms. Exceptions. Restrictions upon dealings in imported Condensed Milk. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Title. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th December, 1917. (a) Provisions of Order in Force. — This Order in so far as it related to returns to be made of stocks of condensed milk as on December 17th, 1917, is spent and printed in italics, but as to Clause 4 continues in force. 39(' Margarine {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. The Margarine (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. Dated December 21, 1917. 1917. No. 1315. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders, that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned. Liceusibg of wholesale dealers. Mode of application for a licence Issue and revocation of licences. Information and inspection. Production of licence. i Exception. Part I. — Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Margarine. 1. A person shall not deal in margarine by wholesale either on his own account or for the account of any other person : — {a) after the 15th January, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in margarine; or (b) after the 31st January, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in margarine by wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secre- tary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Whitehall, S.W. 1, on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every appli- cant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 3. A licence shall be granted under this part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Con- troller may determine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence under this part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in margarine together with all relevant books, documents and accounts and shall comply with any directions given by or under authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person autho- rised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee to inspect all such records, books, documents, and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in margarine a» may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in margarine as may from time to time be required. 5. Every licence issued under this pait of this Order shall l)e produced by the holder upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee. 6. This part of this Order shall^ not apply to a person who deals only in margarine made by himself. Margarine (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. 391 Part II. — Registration of Retail Dealers in Margarine. 6. (a) Aperson shall not at anytime after the 31st January, 1918, Registration deal in margarine by letail, except in about or in connection with ^^ ^®*^^f premises in respect" of which he is the holder of a certificate of marglr/ne registration as a retail dealer in margarine for the time being in force granted by the Food Committee for the area in which the premises are situate ; but this shall not prevent a letail dealer duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business. (h) A retail dealer may be registered as a hawker or coster- monger and in such case shall sell only from his cart, stall or barrow, and at such otlfer place, if any, as may be named in the certificate. 7. Every application for a certificate of registration shall Form of be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and application every applicant shall furnish on such form a tiue statement of ^^^J'n ^ the particulars required for completing the same which state- registration ment shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 8. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be Application made to the Food Committee for the area in which the premises *o be of the applicant, in respect of wliich a certificate of legistration ^ddressed to is sought, are situate, and when the same person is applying for Committees registration in respect of premises situated in more than one for the area, separate application shall be made in each area in respect appropriate of the premises situated therein. ^^^^• 9. (a) A person who or whose predecessor in business was, at Persons the date of this Older carrying on business as a retail dealer in entitled to margarine, shall, on making application before the 15th January, ^^^^}^^ ^ 1918, be entitled to receive a certificate of registration in respect registration of the premises in about or in connection with which such business was being carried on. (b) A person registered as a hawker or costermonger shall be so desciibed in his certificate. 10. A Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of regis- Grounds for tration duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same refusing a under the preceding Clause of this Order except with the consent certificate of of the Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food registration. Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had already been granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. 11. A Food Committee may, in any case in which in their Power to opinion it is desirable to do so in the interests of the pu'blic Food within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant Committees to any other person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer ^Pg^*'^^'"^ in margarine in respect of any premises within their area; and unless they shall see any good reason to the contrary, they shall, without any such consent, grant a certificate of registration to every applicant who has served during the present war in the 392 Margarine {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. Form of certificate. Revocation of certificates. Register of holder of certificates. Transfer of a business. forces of the Crown, and who before so serving, was carrying on business as a retail dealer in margarine within the area of the Committee. 12. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Food Controller and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may from time to time determine. 13. A Food Committee may with tlie consent of the Food Controller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Part of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order or any regulations or directions made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents; and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 14. A Food Committee shall keep in a form prescribed by the Food Controller a register of the persons to whom and the premises in respect of which certificates of registration have been granted under this part of this Order. 15. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a cert^ificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certi- ficate of registration to deal in margarine by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Committee in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 16. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is regis- tered accurate records as to margarine dealt in and such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts, and shall comply with any direcTions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this Clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his trade and as to his dealings in Margarine and the disposal thereof as may be given to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Food Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Com- mittee may from time to time require. Custody and 17. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at the production premises or some one of the premises to which it relates; and of certifi- every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Inspection and informa- tion. cates. Ice Cream {Restriction) Order , 1917. 393 Paet III. — General.' [nterpreta- 18. Por the piirposes of this Order, *^ Food Committee " shall tion. mean a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) '^ Premises " shall include a van, stand, cart or other vehicle. 19. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 20. Part I. of this Order shall not apply to a person who sells 5^?^^* ^* in Ireland Margarine for consumption- in Ireland. ^ ^^' Part II. of this Order shall not apply to Ireland. 21. This Order may be cited as the Margarine (Registration of Title of Dealers) Order, 1917. ^^^^'• By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st December, 1917. The Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. Dated December 29, 1917. 1917. No. 1350. In exercise of th'e powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall after the 1st January, 1918, (b) make for sale or sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any Ice Pudding, Ice Cream, Water Ice or any article in the making of which any Ice Cream, Water Ice or Ice Pudding has been used.(c) 2. Infringements of this Order are summary Offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order mav be cited as the Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. V. F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th December, 1917. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. (b) Postponement of Date. — By General Licence of January 2, 1918, omitted from this Manual as "spent," this date was altered to January 8, 1918, as regards ice cream made substantially from material manufactured for that purpose and in the hands of retailers on the Slst December, 1917. (c) General Licence dated June 3, 1918. — This General Licence, printed p. 427, authorises the sale of water ice, &c. under certain conditions. 394 Butter {Ireland) Order, 1918; Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended. The Butter (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated January 3, 19J8 1918. No. 5. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence ol the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. After the 5th January, 1918, until further notice no person, other than a person licensed by the Food Controller under this Order, shall send consign or ship any butter from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any butter to be sent or consigned from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland, except from a person so licensed. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Healm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Butter (Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W , H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. ^rd January, 1918. The Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, dated January 8, 1918, as amended by Milk (Registration of Dealers) Postponement Order, 1918, (a) dated February 7, 1918. 1918, No. 24, as amended by No. 161. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders, that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned. Part I. — Licensing of Wholesale Dealers in Milk. Licensing of 1. (b)A person shall not deal in milk by wholesale either on his wholesale q^j^ account or for the account of anv other person — dealers ^^^ ^^^^^. ^j^^ ^q^^ February, 1918, unless he has applied for a licence as a wholesale dealer in milk ; or (a) General Iicv.nces under this Order.— -See General Licences of Feb. 4 and March 8, 1918, printed pp. 400, 406. (b) PosTPONEMKNT OF Date. — Hj the Milk (Registration of Ucalers.^ Postponement Order, 1918, " Kith" in Clause 1 (a) was substituted for ''£th * and " 2nd March " in Clause 1 (b) for *' 23rd February." Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order ^ 1918, as amended. 395 (6) after the 2nd March, 1918, unless he is the holder of a licence for the time being in force granted by the Food Controller authorising him to deal in milk by- wholesale. 2. Every application for a licence shall be made to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I, on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the form, which state- ment shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent.. 3. A licence shall be granted under this Part of this Order to such persons and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine, and any such licence may at any time be revoked by the Food Controller. 4. The holder of any licence isvsued under this Part of this Order shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records as to his dealings in milk together with all relevant books, documents and accoimts and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee to inspect all such records, books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in milk as may be given to him from time to time by or under the authority of the Food Controller and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars as to his dealings in milk as may from time to time be required. 5. Every licence issued under this Part of this Order shall be produced by the holder upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee. Mode of application for a licencel Issue and revocation of licences. bjcsr Information and inspection. Production of licence. Part II. — Registration of Retail Dealers in Milk.{^) (b)6. {a) A person shall not at any time after the 2nd March, Registration 1918, deal in milk by retail, except in about or in connection with premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in milk for the time being in force granted by, the Food Committee for the area in which the premises are situate; but this shall not prevent a retail dealer duly registered from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of business in the area in which such premises are situate. (6) The holder of any such certificate shall not after the 2nd March, 1918, deliver milk to a customer in any area other than that in which the premises mentioned in his certificate are situate unless he shall have deposited a copy of the certificate with the Food Committee for such other area. of retail dealers. (a) Exemption from Part II.— By General Licence of Feb. 4, 1918, printed p. 400, the Food Controller exempted certain small retailers. (b) Postponement of Date.— By the Milk (Registration of Dealers) Postponement Order, 1918, the date 2nd March, 1918, was substituted for 23rd February, 1918, in Clauses (a) (6). 396 Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended. 7. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and every applicant shall furnish on such form a true statement of the particulars required for completing the same which statement shall be signed by the applicant or by his duly authorised agent. 8. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Food Committee for the area in which the premises* of the applicant, m respect of which a certificate of registration is sought, are situate, and when the same person is applying for registration in respect of premises situated in more than one area, separate application shall be made in each area in respect of the premises situated therein. 9. A person who or whose predecessor in business was, at the date of this Order carrying on business as a retail dealer in milk, shall, on making application before the 9th February, 1918, be entitled to receive a certificate of registration in respect of the premises in about or in connection with which such business was being carried on. 10. A Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of Registra- tion duly applied for by a person entitled to receive the same under the preceding Clause of this Order except with the consent of the Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food Committee might have revoked the certificate if it had already been granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. 11. A Food Committee may, in any case in which in their opinion it is desirable to do so in the interests of the public within their area, with the consent of the Food Controller, grant to any other person a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in milk in respect of any premises within their area ; and unless they shall see any good reason to the contrary, they shall, without any such consent, grant a certificate of registration to every applicant who has served during the present war in the forces of the Ctown, and who before so serving, was carrying on a business as a retail dealer in milk within the area of the Committee. 12. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form prescribed by the Food Controller and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine. 13. A Food Committee may with the consent of the Food Con- troller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Part of this Order if they are satisfied that any of the provisions of this Order or any regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents ; and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. Register of 14. A Food Committee shall keep in a form prescribed by the holders of Food Controller a register of the persons to whom and the premises certificates. j^ respect of which certificates of registration have been granted under this Part of this Order. Form of application for a certificate of registration. Application to be addressed to Food Com- mittees for the appro- priate area. Persons entitled to receive a certificate of registration. Grounds for refusing a certificate of registration. Power to Food Com- mittees to grant new certificates. Form of certificate. Revocation of certificates. Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended. 397 15. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection Transfer of with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of a business, the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certifi- cate of registration to deal in milk by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Committee, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 16. The holder of a certificate of registration shall keep or cause to be kept at the premises in respect of which he is regis- tered accurate records as to milk dealt in and such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, together with all relevant books, documents and accounts anl shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall permit any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee to inspect his premises and the records to be kept under this Clause and all relevant books, documents and accounts. The holder shall also observe such directions as to his dealings in milk as may be given to him from time to time by the Food Controller or the Food Committee, and shall make such returns and furnish such particulars relating thereto as the Food Controller or the Committee may from time to time require. Inspection and information. 17. Every certificate of registration shall be kept at the premises or some one of the premises to which it relates; and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon the demand of any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. Custody and production of certificates. Part III. — General. 18. Nothing in this Order shall affect: — {a) dealings in condensed milk, dried milk, or other milk preparation ; (6) sales of milk for consumption on the premises of the seller ; (c) a wholesale sale of milk by the producer of the milk sold ; {d) a sale of milk to his own employees or servants by the producer of the milk sold. 19. For the purposes of this Order — " Food Committee " shall mean a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) A sale of 17 imperial gallons or more to be delivered at any one time shall be deemed to be a dealing in milk by whole- sale ; and any other sale shall be deemed to be a dealing in milk by retail. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. Exceptions. Interpreta- tion. 398 Penalty. Title and extent of Order. Notice under Dutch Cheese {Prices) Order, 1917 ; Margarine {Requisition) Order, 1918. 20. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 21. {a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918 ; {h) This Order shall extend only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8th January, 1918. Notice, dated January 14, 1918, under the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 191T.(a) 1918. No. 33. Pursuant to Clause 1 {h) of the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917, the Food Controller hereby prescribes that on and after the 17th January, 1918, until further notice the maximum first hand prices for Dutch Cheese shall be prices at the rates mentioned in the Schedule to such Order. (b) By Order of the Food Controller. W . H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministiy of Food 14th January, 1918. The Margarine (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated January 17, 1918. 1918. No. 49. Requisition- ing of margarine factory output. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. In pursuance of Regulation 7 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Food Controller requires the occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in the (a) Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 386. (b) First Hand Prices. — On December 8, 1917, the prices for Dutch cheese were provisionally fixed by the Dutch Cheese (Prices) Order, 1917 (p. 386). The Food Controller, however, revised these prices in favour of those set out in th«» British Cheese Order, 1917, printed p. 370. {Food Journal, Jan. 9, 1918, p. 192, footnote.) This Notice prescribes that the provisional prices shall remain. Margarine (Requisition) Order, 1918. 399 manufacture of margarine to place at tlie disposal of tlie Food Controller tlie whole of the margarine which is produced after the 26th January, 1918, at such factory or workshop and to deliver the same to the Food Controller or to^ his order. 2. {a) In pursuance of Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Requisition- Realm Regulations the Food Controller requires all persons ing of owning or having power to sell or dispose of any margarine which i^aported may arrive in the United Kingdom after the 26th January, 1918, ™^^S^ to place the same at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or his order. (b) Any arbitrator to act for the purpose of this Order shall be appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. 3. All persons concerned shall when required by the Food Con- Returns, troller furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, S.W.I, a return shewing: — (a) The amount and quality of all margarine manufactured by them in any given period or periods. (b) The amount and quality of any margarine afloat and shipped to the United Kingdom to their order or 'Consigned to them in any period or periods ; and (c) The amount and quality of any margarine purchased to be shipped to the United Kingdom on any specified dates. Together with such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. . 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. Tln'<5 Order may be cited as the Margarine (Requisition) Title. Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th January, 1918. The Public Meals Oeder, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 14 (^'Public Meals ") (p. 513), as from February 3rd, 1918, prohibits the consumption in public eating places of milk as a beverage except with tea, coftee, cocoa m- chocolate, and restricts the amount of butter or margarine to be consumed at meals therein. For restrictions previously in force see the now revoked Public Meals Order, 1917, pp. 158-161, of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual."] (The Order was revoked as regards Great Britain by the Rationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) 400 General Licence under Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918; Condensed Milk {Distribution) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated February 4, 1918, under the Milk (Eegistration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 156. The Food Controller hereby excepts from the operation of Part II. of the above Order producers of milk who on the average sell by retail less than five imperial gallons of milk per day. By Order of the Food Conti oiler. W, H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 4th February, 1918. The Condensed Milk (Distribution) Order, 1918. February 8, 1918. Dated 1918. No. 174. Forms of application, &c., may be prescribed. Completion of forms, &c. False state- ments, &c. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. {a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with Condensed Milk proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller (hereinafter called Condensed Milk). Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or any other matter. (6) The Food Controller may from time to time issue instruc- tions relating to the distribution, disposal or use of Condensed Milk. 2. All persons concerned shall in the completion of any such form or document and in the distribution, disposal or use of any Condensed Milk comply with the instructions and directions relative thereto for the time being in force. 3. A person shall not — (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or use for the purpose of obtaining or for any other purpose connected with Condensed Milk ; or (a) Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917. — This Order is printed p. 394. Milh {Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. . 401 (h) forge, alter or tamper with any such application or ether document; or [c) personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; or {d) Obtain Condensed Milk where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material particular or deliver any Condensed Milk under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in any material particular. 4. Any form of application or other document purporting to Prescribed be prescribed pursuant to this Order or headed Condensed Milk forms. (Distribution) Order, 1918, shall be deemed, unless the contrary be proved, to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. 5. For the purposes of this Order Condensed Milk shall Interpreta- include Full Cream Sweetened, and Full Cream Unsweetened *^°°- Condensed Milk, Evaporated Milk and Machine Skimmed Condensed Milk. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order may be cited as the Condensed Milk (Distribu- Title, tion) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8th February, 1918. The Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. Dated February 8, 1918. 1918. No. 189. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows": — 1. Any local authority within the meaning of the Notification Supplies of of Births Act, 1907,(a.) may, and, when required by the Local food and milk to mothers or (a) Local Authorities fok purposes of Order. — These are the Common children. Council of the City of London and the Councils of Metropolitan and Municipal Boroughs, of Urban and Rural Districts and of the Isles of Scilly (i.e., the same local authorities who are concerned with the administration of food control throughout England and Wales, see Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, footnote (a), printed Part III., p. 624, which gives details as to such authorities and their districts) and in addition the County Councils of every administrative county except London. See the Notification of Births Act, 1907 (7 Edw. 7. c. 40) which as extended by the Notification of Births (Extension) Act, 1915 (5 & 6 Geo. 5 c. 64) applies to each of the above-named local authorities as if they had adopted the 1907 Act. 402 Milk {Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. Conditions. Combina tion of Local Authorities. Interpreta ■ tion. Title and extent of Order. Government Board, (*) shall arrange for the supply of food and milk for expectant mothers and nursing mothers and of milk for children under 5 years of age, subject to such conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller. 2. Until further notice, the following conditions shall be observed : — {a) The quantities of food and milk to be supplied shall not in any case exceed the amount certified to be necessary by the Medical Officer of Health, or the Medical Officer of a Maternity or Child Welfare Centre working in co-operation with the Local Authority, or by a person authorised in that behalf by either of such Medical Officers, or by some other person appointed by the Local Authority for this purpose. (6) In necessitous cases in which the Medical Officer of Health or the Medical Officer of a Maternity or Child Welfare Centre working in co-operation with the Local Authority, or any person authorised in that behalf by either of such Medical Officers or by some other person appointed by the Local Authority for this purpose, certifies that the provision of food or milk is necessary, food or milk may be supplied free or may be sold at less than cost price. 3. A Local Authority may, and, when required by the Local Government Board shall, combine with another Local Authority or with any Local Food Control Committee in the exercise of the powers hereby given to the Local Authority, or may, with the approval of the Local Government Board, delegate all or any of such powers to the Committee. 4. The expression " Milk *' for the purpose of this Order shall include any preparation of milk which may be prescribed by the Medical Officer of Health or by the Medical Officer of a Maternity or Child Welfare Centre working in co-operation with the Local Authority. 5. {a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall apply only lo England and Wales. Rhonddttf Food Controller. 8th February, 1918. (a) Order of Local Government Board. — See the Local Authorities (Food ntrol) Order (No. 1), 1918 (^p. 403), conferring power on local authorities for the purposes of this Order. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1918: — Powers 'AOS of Local Authorities under Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1918, DATED February 8, 1918, made by the Local Government Board. 1918. No. 2T7. 64,868. To the Councils of the several Administrative Counties in England and Wales, other than the London County Council ; — To th^ Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the several Rural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; — And to all all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Eegulation numbered 2j. of the Defence of the Realm Regulations it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations ; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made the Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. (a) Now, therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article I. — We hereby confer and impose upon every Local Authority within the meaning of the Notification of Births Act, 1907, (b) and upon such of their officers as they may designate or appoint for the purpose the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918 : (a) (a) Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 401. (b) Local Authorities within the 1907 Act. — See footnote (a) to Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918, specifying the same. 404 Milk {Mothers and Children) Orders : — Circular to Local Authorities. Article II. — (1) Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall be defrayed in the same manner as expenses of the Local Authority are defrayed under the Notification of Births Act, 1907. (2) "Where any Local Authorities have combined for the purposes of this Order, any expenses incurred by those Local Authorities under this Order shall be defrayed in such propor- tions as may be agreed upon, or in default of agreement as may be determined by the Local Government Board. Article III. — This Order may be cited as ** The Local Authori- ties (Food Control) Order (No. i), 1918." G iven under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Eighth day of February, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (l,s.) W. Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monro, Secretary. Note.— The Orders of February 8th, 1918, of the Food Con- troller and of the Local Government Board were accompanied by the following Circular (S. E. & 0., 1918, No. 277*) to County Councils and Sanitary Authorities : — Local Goveknment Board, Whitehall, S.W. 1, 9th February, 1918. Sir, I am directed by the President of the Local Government Board to enclose for your information copies of Orders which have been made by the Food Controller and the Local Government Board (a) with reference to the supply of food and milk for expectant and nursing mothers and of milk for infants and children under five years of age. The Orders provide that any local authority within the meaning of the Notification of Births Act, 1907, (b) may, and when required by the Local Government Board, shall, arrange for such a supply of food or milk, subject to the conditions set out in the Orders. 2. With regard to infants under nine months of age it is important that the Orders should be so administered as not to favour the abandon- ment of breast feeding whenever this is practicable. The ofiicer referred to in paragraph 4 should use every effort to secure the continuance of breast feeding for such infants. (a) Orders Referred to.— These are the Milk (Mothers and Children) Order, 1918 (p. 401) and the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1918 (p. 403). (b) Notification of Births Act, 1907.— 7 Edw. 7. c. 40. See also foot- note (a) to p. 401. Milk {Mothers and Children) Orders : — Circular to Local 405 Authorities. 3. The conditions prescribed by the Food Controller are set out in his Order, and relate to the quantity of milk which may be given in each case and the cases in which if may be supplied at less than cost price. 4. The quantity of food and milk provided may be prescribed by the Medical Officer of Health or the Medical Officer of a Maternity and Child Welfare Centre working in co-operation with the local authority, or by a person authorised by one of these officers or appointed by the local authority. The amount of milk should, in ordinary cases, be (a) For children under eighteen months, not more than one and a half pints daily. (h) For children between eighteen months and five years, not more than one pint daily. ' (c) For expectant and nursing mothers, the quantity specified by the officer referred to in this paragraph. If dried milk or preparations of milk are used the quantity should be such as would, when properly reconstituted, approximate to the quantities of fresh milk given above. 5. The cases in which food or milk may be supplied at less than cost price are those in which the officer referred to in paragraph 4, certifies that such provision is necessary and that the women supplied cannot , afford to pay the full price. The Board leave to the discretion of the local authority the direction to the officer as to what should constitute a necessitous case. In some districts a scale has been adopted based on the income of the family after taking into account the number of the children. 6. In providing dinners for expectant and nursing mothers the local authority should not supply or arrange for the supply of any food which is the subject of an Order of the Food Controller or of a scheme made by a local food committee under such an Order with regard to rationing without consultation with the local food committee. 7. In some cases the Board have already sanctioned schemes submitted to them by local authorities for the provision of food and milk for ex- pectant and nursing mothers and of milk for infants and young children in anticipation of the powers conferred by the Orders. Where no scheme has yet been submitted the Board hereby sanction the provision of food and milk by the local authority from the date of their Order on the con- ditions laid down in the circular and on the further condition that the arrangements made and an estimate of the cost up to the 31st March, 1918, are communicated to them at an early date. Where a local authority wishes to vary the conditions laid down the Board's sanction ■ should be previously obtained. The Board's grant for maternity and child welfare is available in respect of expenditure on the purposes of the Orders, and will amount to half the expenditure on the approved scheme. Application for the grant may be made after the 31st March next in connection with the general grant for maternity and child welfare. 8. It is open to the local authority to arrange for the supply of food and milk under the Orders by a voluntary agency engaged in maternity and child welfare work in their district. In such a case the Board suggest that the local authority should pay the expenditure of the voluntary agency in supplying food and milk at less than cost price, and should apply to the Board in due course for a grant in aid of the expenditure. 9. The Board trust that the local authority, if they have not already done so, will at once consider the needs of their district in respect of the ^ provision of food for expectant and nursing mothers and of milk for these mothers and for children under five, both in regard to the ability of the women concerned to pay for the necessary food and milk and to the sufficiency of the supply of milk. Where the supply is insufficient the local authority should urge the local food committee to take action under the Prioritv Scheme of the Food Controller. 4:06 General Licences under Milk {Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918; Milk {Summer Prices) Order, 1918. 10. The Board learn from the Food Controller that some of a stock of dried milk which he purchased last year is still undisposed of. As indi- cated in the enclosed letter which he circulated last autumn, this milk can be supplied to Medical Officers of Health, Infant Welfare Centres and other similar institutions at cost price. Where difficulty exists in obtain- ing an adequate supply of fresh or dried milk for mothers and young children locally, the local authority should avail themselves of the Food Controller's offer. The Orders apply to such milk, and the Board's grant is available in respect of expenditure in supplying it on the same conditions as obtain for fresh milk supplied under the Orders. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, H. C. MONRO, ^ Secretary. To the Clerk to the Council. 1918. General Licences, dated March 8, 1918, under the Milk (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 281. S. R. & 0., The Food Controller hereby authorises in addition to the deal- No-^24 of ings permitted by the above Order the following dealings in milk : — (a) A Sale in hulk by a producer who is not registered as a retail dealer under the above Order of less than 17 gallons if such sale comprises substantially the whole of the output of the producer; (6) A Sale by a person licensed to deal in milk by wholesale of any quantity of milk to a registered retail dealer in milk ; {c) An accommodation Sale by a person licenced to deal in milk by wholesale or by a registered retail dealer in milk to any other person so licensed or registered. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 811. March, 1918. The Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. Dated March 8, 1918.(b) 1918. No. 2D6. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, thd Food Controller hereby orders that, except (a) Milk (Registration op Dealers) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 394. (b) Amendment of Order. — This Order was amended by the Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 429, which among other f-rovisions increased, as from June 9, 1918, the prices of milk applicable under the principal order by Ad. per imperial gallon. Milk (SuiuTner Prices) Order, 1918. 407 under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall directly or indirectly sell or offer for sale or Maximum buy or offer to buy any milk at prices exceeding the maximum pnces. prices provided by or in pursuance of this Order. 2. Until otherwise determined pursuant to this Order the Retail maximum price applicable on the occasion of a retail sale of milk maximum shall be:— (a) ^ ^ ^ P"ces. (a) For milk delivered during the month of April, 1918, at the rate of 25. Sd. per imperial gallon, for milk delivered during the months of May, June and July, 1918, at the rate of 2^. per imperial gallon, and there- after until the end of September, 1918, at the rate of 25. 4:d. per imperial gallon. (&) Where at the request of the buyer the milk is required to be delivered in bottles, and is so delivered to the buyer's premises, an addition may be made to the foregoing prices at the rate of Id. per quart provided the Milk is bottled under proper sanitary conditions at or before reaching the seller's premises. (c) The foregoing prices shall include all charges for delivery, but it shall be permissible for a Food Com- mittee for any area, from time to time subject to the provisions of this Order, to fix for all or any of the milk sold within their area and not delivered to the purchaser's premises, a rate different from the rate for the time being applicable to milk which is so delivered. (b) (c) 3. (a) Where milk is sold wholesale by or on behalf of the Wholesale producer the maximum price chargeable for milk delivered s^l^s by during the months mentioned in the first column of the following P^o^^^^^^^- table shall be at the rate per imperial gallon set opposite the same in the second and third columns thereof, (b) Month of 1918 Rate per imperial gallon Rate per imperial gallon in which delivery for delivery m for delivery in Scotland. takes place. England and Wales. s. d. s. d. April 1 8 1 8 May 1 1 2 June 1 1 July 1 2 1 August 1 3 1 2 September ... ... ... 1 3 1 4 (a) Amendment of Order.— This Order was amended by the Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 429. which among other provisions increased, as from June 9, 1918, the prices of milk applicable under the principal Order by 4c?. per imperial gallon. (b) Variation in Frige.— See footnote (a) above. (c) Amendment of Order.— By the Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 429, as from June 9, 1918, these powers are exercisable only with the sanction of the Food Controller. 408 Milk (Suvimer Prices) Order, 1918. Wholesale sales by persons other than producers. together in each case with a sum equal to the net amount of the charges for railway transport actually inciuTed by the seller. Provided that the Food Controller may by notice under this Order fix as respects any aiea such higher prices as he may deem to be just when in his opinion it is proper so to do having regard to cost of production. (6) The rates applicable under sub-clause (a) of this clause are fixed on the basis that the milk is delivered at the seller's expense to the buyer's premises or (at the option of the seller) to the buyer's railway station and that in the latter case all charges for transport beyond the buyer's railway station are borne by the buyer. Where milk is not sold on this basis a corresponding adjustment shall be made in the rates, and for this purpose the cost of delivery to the buyer's premises or the seller's railway station shall be reckoned at a sum not less than a sum at the rate of \d. per gallon. (c) No additional charges may be made for the provision of churns or other vessels. 4. Where milk is sold wholesale by or on behalf of any person other than the producer the maximum prices chargeable shall until otherwise determined pursuant to this Order be as follows : — (a) (a) (h) In the case of milk delivered by the producer to or for the account of the buyer in accordance with the directions of the seller the rate shall until the end of Septembnr, 1918, be ^d. per imperial gallon higher than th<^ rate (not exceeding the maximum price) payable therefor to the producer by the seller. In the case of milk not so delivered, the rate shall be in acoordaiice with the following table: — Delivery in England, Wales and Scotland. Month of 1918 in which delivery takes place.i * Rate per imperial gallon Rate per imperial gallon when delivery is made when delivery is made to buyer's railway station. to buyer's premises. s. d. 8. d. April *1 10 2 Oi May *1 2 1 4i June *1 2 1 4i July •1 2 1 4i August *1 6 1 8i September *1 6 1 8i * In addition to the railway charges paid by the seller for transportation from the seller's station to the buyer's station. (c) The rates mentioned in Sub-clause (h) are fixed upon the basis that the cost of providing churns or other vessels is borne by the seller; and where milk is not sold on this basis, then the rate shall be ascertained by deduct- ing from the rate applicable under such sub-clause the sum of \d. per imperial gallon. (a) Variation in Price. — See footnote (a) p. 407. maximum prices. Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. 409 (d) Except in the cases to wliicli Sub-clause (a) of this Clause applies no milk shall be sold wholesale by or on behalf of a person other than the producer of the milk sold except upon the terms that the milk is to be delivered by or at the expense of the seller to the buyer's premises or the buyer's railway station. 5. A Food Committee may, except in the case of wholesale Power to sales by or on behalf of producers, from time to time by resolution vary vary the maximum price(a) for milk delivered within their area or any part of such area but : (a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Controller within five days and shall not take effect until three days after the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller, and (b) Every resolution of a Food Committee under this clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Con- troller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. 6. {a) Where milk is sold to an establishment as herein defined Price to by any person (whether he be the producer of the milk sold or establish- not) in a quantity of not less than 17 imperial gallons to be delivered in any one day the maximum price (including charges for delivery to the buyer's premises) shall be, whichever shall be less, namely: — (i) 2d. per imperial gallon higher than the maximum price chargeable in the district in which the establishment is situate for milk delivered to the buyer's -premises on i« sale by wholesale by a person other than a pro- ducer; or (ii) the maximum retail price for the time being in force in such district. {h) Any other sale to an establishment shall for the purposes of this Order be deemed to be a retail sale and the maximum price shall be determined accordingly. (c) "An establishment" for the purposes of this Order shall mean a public or private hospital, sanatorium, convalescent or nursing home, workhouse, infirmary, asylum, corporation or com- pany not established for purposes of trading or profit, a religious or charitable community, a residential school or college, and a canteen. (d) A Food Committee shall have power with the consent of the Food Controller: — (i) to npply the provisions of this Clause whether with or without modifications to a sale of milk to any body of persons which in the opinion of the Committee should be treated as an establishment as defined ; (ii) to vary the provisions of this Clause in its application to any establishment. (a) Variation in Price.— iSee footnote (a), p. 407. 410 Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. Small wholesale Milk to be sold retail by measure. Additions of colouring matter prohibited. Addition of water prohibited. Cans and bottles. 7. Where a person who sells milk from a retail shop sells from* such shop milk to a person buying for re-sale the maximum price shall as to the milk so sold on any day be 2d. per gallon less than the maximum price applicable to sales of milk by retail in the area in which such shop is situate, if the quantity sold on that day to s-uch person does not exceed 8 imperial gallons. 8. No milk shall be sold or offered for sale by retail otherwise^ than by imperial measure. (a) 9. No colouring matter shall be added to milk or cream intended for sale, and no milk or cream to which any colouring matter has been added shall knowingly be sold, or offered or exposed for sale. 10. No water shall be added to milk intended for sale, and no milk to which any water has been added shall knowingly be sold, or offered or exposed for sale. 11. No person may use for the purpose of his trade or business^ any milk can, milk churn or milk bottle which bears the name or trade name or the trade mark or trade device of some person other than himself or his employer, except with the consent of such person. Artificial transaction. Posters Grf Food Committees. 12. No person shall, in connection with the sale or disposition, or proposed sale or disposition of any milk enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 13. A Food Committee may subject to the consent of the Food Controller (a) buy milk from any person and sell milk so bought at a price estimated to cover at least the cost of purchasing and distributing such milk; and (6) make arrangements as to the distribution of milk in their area. 14. (a) A Food Committee may(b) (i) direct any person delivering milk in their area to- deliver such milk to any consumer or class of con- sumers in priority to any other person in their area(b) ; and (ii) direct any person selling milk by retail within their area to deliver in that area only within such parts^ thereof as the Committee may prescribe; and (a.) General Licence, dated June 22, 1918 — This General Licence,, printed p. 431, authorises the sale of small quantities of milk provided the maximum price is not exceeded. (b) Extension of Powers. — Under the Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 191«, printed p. 429, a Food Committee may, with the consent of the- Food Controller, exercise these powers in relation to condensed milk, dried milk and milk preparations, and to the retailers thereof. Milk {Summer Prices) Order, 1918. 411 (iii) with tlie consent of the Food Controller give directions in their area for securing the purity, cleanliness and wholesomeness of milk, provided that any directions so given shall not relieve Local Authorities of their powers and duties under existing statutory provisions in regard to milk or relieve cowkeepers, dairymen, purveyors of milk or occupiers of milk shops from their obligations under any such provisions. (6) Every person to whom any direction is given under the powers conferred by this clause shall comply with such directions. 15. A Food Committee shall not without the consent of the Local Authority or Authorities by whom they were appointed, -exercise the powers conferred upon them by the two immediately preceding clauses in such a manner as may involve an expense which is ultimately to be borne by such authority or authorities; provided that the validity of any direction given by a Food Com- mittee under any such powers shall not be questionable on the ground that such consent has not been obtained. 16. AVhere any contract subsisting on the 1st April, 1918, for the sale of milk provides for the payment of a price in excess of the maximum price fixed by this Order applicable on the occasion of such a sale, the contract, unless otherwise determined by the Food Controller, shall be avoided so far as concerns milk which is to be delivered on or after that date. 17. The provisions of this Order relating to prices shall not apply to (a) milk sold for consumption on the premises of the seller or (&) Condensed Milk, Dried Milk or Milk preparati.ons. 18. For the purposes of this Order: — '* Food Committee *' shall mean a Committee appointed in pursuance jof the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.(a) '* Buyer's premises " shall not include any roadside collecting place for milk or any other premises which the Food Controller shall in any particular case determine not to be buver's premises for the purposes of this Order. ** Buyer's Railway Station " shall mean the railway station to which in the ordinary course of business the milk would be consigned by the seller to the buyer. 19. The Milk Order, 1917, (b) and the Price of Milk Order, 1^0. 2, 1917, (c) and the Milk (Amendment) Order, 1917,(. 415 The Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 358. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling bim in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as folloWvS : — 1. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the food Controller requires all persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any cheese which shall on or after the 26th March, 1918, arrive in the United Kingdom from Holland to place such cheese at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or his Order. (6) The compensation payable for such cheese shall in default of agreement be determined by a single arbitrator appointed when the cheese arrives in England by the Lord High Chancellor of England, when the cheese arrives in Scotland by the Lord President of the Court of Session, and when the cheese arrives in Ireland by the Lord Cl^ief Justice of Ireland. 2. All persons concerned shall on or before the 4th April, 1918, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I, a return showing — {a) the stocks of cheese afloat or shipped from Holland to the United Kingdom to their order on the 26th March, 1918; {h) the amount of Dutch cheese agreed to be shipped to the United Kingdom to their order and not shipped on the 26th March, 1918; (c) the quantity sold and unsold in each case, and shall furnish such other particulars relating to Dutch Cheese or their dealings therein as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order mav be cited as the Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . II. Beveridge^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd March, 1918. 5789 . 2 416 Margarine {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. Retail price for margarine. Delivery, packages and credit. Excepti Special con- signments. Offers, &e. Revocation. S. R. & O., No 1162 of 1917. The Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 359. 1918. Dated In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food ControHor the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. The maximum price on the occasion of a sale by retail of Margarine shall on or after the 25th March, 1918, be at such rate or rates as the Food Controller may by notice from time to time prescribe and until further notice shall on all sales by retail be at the rate of \s. per lb. except that where margarine is sold by retail to any person at one sale in a quantity of not less than 28 Iba. to be delivered in any one week ending on a Saturday the maxi- ,mum price shall be at the rate of lid. per lb. (a) 2. Where the purchaser, on the occasion of a sale by retail, requires the margarine to be delivered to his premises an additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding ^d. i)er lb. or any sum actually paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may be made for packing, packages or wrappers or for giving credit. 3. {a) This Order shall not before the 8th April, 1918, apply to margarine which is proved to have been bought by the seller before the 25th March, 1918, and which is sold at a price not exceeding the price permitted for such margarine under the provisions of the Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) or any licence thereunder applicable to such margarine. (6) This Order shall not apply to margarine supplied on special terms and conditions authorised by the Food Controller. 4. {a) On the occasion of any sale by retail of margarine sold for special purposes, and packed in tins or otherwise specially packed, the seller may, if authorised so to do by licence granted by the Food Controller, charge in addition to the maximum prices prescribed by this Order for such margarine, such additional sum as may be allowed by the Food Controller. - (h) Any additional sum charged under this clause shall be shown as a separate item on the invoice relating to the sale. 5. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy any margarine by retail at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order, or in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any margarine enter or offer to enter into any artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 6. The Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) and all licences granted thereunder are hereby revoked as at the 25th March, 1918, so far as they apply to Great Britain except so far as such Order and licences relate to margarine excluded from (a) Variation in Price —Under Notice dated July 18, 1918, printed p. 436, these prices were varied as from July 22, 1918. (b) Makgarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 381. Margarine {Distrihution) Order, 1918. 41 the operation of this Order by Clause 3 hereof, but without pre- judice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention of such Order. 7. This Order shall in its application to Scotland have effect Scotland. with the substitution of the date 15th April, 1918, for the date 25th March, 1918, and the dat« 29th April, 1918, for the date 8th April, 1918, or in either case such later date as the Food Controller may by notice prescribe, (a) 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Penalty. Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. (a) This Order mav be cited as the Margarine (Retail Prices) Title and , Order, 1918. " extent. (h) This Order shall extend only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food . 23rd March, 1918. The Margarine CDisteibution) Order, 1918. Dated March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 360. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — - 1. (a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe Forms of forms of application and other documents to be used for the pur- Jipplication, pose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with ^^•'> ^^!^ "® margarine proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the P^®^^" course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller. Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or document or any other matter. (b) The Food Controller may from time to time issue directions relating to the distribution, disposal, sale and use of, Margarine, and as to the price and terms upon which any such margarine may be sold or otherwise disposed of. 2. All persons concerned shall in the completion of any such Completion form or document and in the distribution, disposal, sale or use of of forms of Margarine comply with the instructions and directions relative application, thereto for the time being in force. (a) Date of Opekation in Scotland. — By General Licence of April 11, 1918, printed p. 420, the date 29th April, 1918; is substituted for 25th March, 1918, and 13th May. 1918, for 8th April, 1918. • 5789 3 &c. 418 Margarine {Distrihution) Order, 1918. Records & inspection. False state* ments, &c. Prescribed forms. Penalty. Title. 3. Every maker or importer of Margarine and every dealer in- Margarine shall keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records relating to Lis trade or business in Margarine and to such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall make such returns as to his manufacture and dealings in Margarine as the Food Controller may from time to time require. Every such maker, importer and dealer shall also permit any person authorised by or under the authority of the Food Controller to enter any premises where Margarine is made, stored or dealt in, and to inspect such premises and any stocks of Margarine therein and all such records kept by him and all relevant books, documents and accounts relating to his trade or business in Margarine. 4. A person shall not : — {a) Knowingly make or connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or in connection with the purchase or sale of or for any other purpose connected with Margarine; (h) Forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document ; {o) Personate, or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; or {d) Obtain Margarine where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material particular, or deliver Margarine under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in a material particular. 5. Any form of application, direction or other document pur- porting to be prescribed pursuant to this Order, or headed Mar- garine (Distribution) Order, 1918, and any form of application, direction or other document headed *' Margarine Distribution Scheme," or otherwise issued under the authority of the Food Controller and relating to the distribution of margarine shall, unless the contrary be proved, be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order mav be cited as the Margarine (Distribution) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd March, 1918. Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918. 419 The Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 361. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. In pursuance of Regulation 2 (B) of the Defence of the Requisition Realm Regulations the Food Controller gives notice that he ^^ existing hereby takes possession of all Canned Condensed Milk which is in Great Britain and in the hands of the manufacturers thereof at the close of business on the 31st March, 1918. 2. In pursuance of Regulation 7 of the Defence of the Realm Requisition Regulations the Food Controller hereby orders that the occupier of future ^f every factory or workshop in Great Britain engaged either output, wholly or partly in the manufacture of condensed milk shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the condensed milk which shall be produced at such factory or workshop on or after the Isl April, 1918, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller, or to his order„ 3. The occupier of every such factory or workshop as is men- Returns, tioned in Clause 2 shall on or before the 5th April, 1918, furnish to the Secretary (Milk Section), Ministry of Food, Palace •Chambers, London, S.W.I, a return showing — (i) the amount of condensed milk of his manufacture held by him on the 31st March, 1918 ; and (ii) the average weekly output of the factory or workshop under his control ; and shall furnish such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 4. This Order may be cited as the Canned Condensed Milk Title. (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd March, 1918. 5789 O 4 420 General Licence under Margarine (Ma.vimum Prices) Order 1917 : Notice under Margarine {Retail Prices) Order, 1918. General Licence Applicable to Ireland, dated April 10, 1918. UNDER the Margarine (Maximum Prices) Order, 191T. 1918. No. 4D8. The Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice a charge of \d. a lb. to be made in addition to the charge of lOcZ. S. R. andO., or Is. 2d. a lb. applicable under clause 2 (a) of the Margarine No. 1162 of (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. (a) 1917. ^ ^ ^ / . \ / This licence shall apply only where all the following condi- tions are complied with, namely : — (a) The seller is selling margarine not made by himself ; (5) The sale is made in Ireland for delivery in Ireland; and {ci The sale is not a retail sale. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. . lOth April, 1918. Notice, dated April 11, 1918, under the Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (b) 1918. No. 416. S. R. & 0., Pursuant to clause 7 of the above-mentioned Order the Food No. 359 Controller hereby prescribes that the above Order in its applica- of 1918. ^Jqj^ \^q Scotland shall have effect with the substitution of the date 29th April, 1918, for the date 25th March, 1918, and of the date 13th May, 1918, for the date 8th April, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Bev Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. nth April, 1918. (a) Margarine (Maximum Pkices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 381. (b) Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 411-. Butter (Maxinnnii F rices) {Ireland) Order, 1918; Notice under 421 British Cheese Order, 1917. The Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated April 19, 1918. 1918. No. 454. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behall the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 191T,(a.) and the S.R. & 0., Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917,(b) shall as '^J^^^^ ^^^^ from the date of this Order and until the Food Controller by notice under this Order otherwise directs, cease to apply to sales in Ireland of butter made in Ireland. 2. Nothing ia this Order shall affect any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention of the said Orders. 3. This Order may be cited as the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, * W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 19th April, 1918. The Importers (Returns) Order, 1918. Dated April 27, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 8-^ ('^Importers' Returns ") (p. ), requires returns to be made of imported condensed and dried milk.] Notice, dated May 14, 1918, under British Cheese Order, 1917.(c) 1918. No. 531. Pursuant to the powers reserved to him by Clause 2 of the above-mentioned Order as amended, the Fo,od Controller hereby s. r. & o., prescribes the prices set out in the Schedule as the maximum first No. 1105 hand prices upon all sales made on and after the 18th Mav, 1918, ^^ l^^'^- ^^^ of cheese as described in the Schedule. ^ 1918 ""^ By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th May, 1918. (a) Bdtter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 363. (b) Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Ord|;r, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 376. (c) British Cheese Order, 1917.— This Order is printed p. 370. The First- hand Prices are further varied by Notice, dated July 17th, 1918, printed p. 434. 422 Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1918. The Schedule. First-hand Prices for delivery Variety of Cheeses., on and after 18th May, 1918, until further notice. Per lb. s. d. Caerphilly Whole Milk 1 2h „ Partially skimmed 1 1 „ Wholly skimmed ... 11 Any Whole Milk Cheese, not exceeding 2 lbs. 1 6 weight uncut, other than Caerphilly. First-hand Prices for Cheese manufactured— Variety of Cheeses. Before the nth May, 1918. On and after 11th May, 1918, until further notice. Ripened Stilton and Wensleydale (Blue). Dorset — Hand skimmed Blue ... „ Separated Blue ... ' „ White ... All other whole-milk cheese ... „ partially skimmed cheese. „ wholly skimmed cheese Per lb. 8. d. 1* 7 1 4i 1 3 1 li 1 6 13 1 li Per lb. 8. d. 1 7i 1 2i 1 Oi , 11 1 4 1 0^ 11 In all cases prices are ex Factory or ex Farm. All these prices are subject to the following' terms : — « For cash within seven days ... ... 2d. in the £ discount. For cash within one month ... ... Id. in the £ discount. The Use of Milk (LiceNvSing) Order, 1918. May, 1918. Dated the 21st Licensing of users of milk for manu- facturing purposes. 1918. ISTo. 552. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Heailm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the Food Controller, a person shall not on or after the 17th June, 1918, use any milk, skimmed milk, separated milk, dried milk, condensed milk, butter milk, or any milk preparation in the manufacture for sale of any chocolate. I Use of Milk {Licensing) Order, 1918. 423 sugar confectionery, or other sweetmeats, or for any other manufacturing purpose except the manufacture of articles intended for human consumption. 2. (a) Except under and in accordance with the terms of a Licensing ot licence granted by the Food Controller, a person shall not on °^3,ker of or after the 17th June, 1918, make for sale any condensed milk, ^Hk^^^^ dried milk, milk preparation, butter or cheese. (6) This clause shall not apply to the making of butter or cheese by a farmer or other producer on the farm where the milk is produced. 3. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Reconstitu- granted by the Food Controller, a person shall not after the 17th ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ June, 1918, sell or offer or expose for sale as milk, or under any fop^^^^eu description of which the word milk forms part, any liquid in the making of which dried milk or condensed milk has been used.(a') 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 5. The Milk Factories (Eestriction) Order, 1917, (b) and, as Revocation respects Great Britain, the Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order No. 2, ^- ^' ^ ^-> 1917, (c) are hereby revoked as at the 17th June, 1918, but without J^^ J^lln. prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 6. {a) This Order may be cited as the Use of Milk (Licensing) Title. Older, 1918. (h) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By (h'der of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st May, 1918. Note. — Applications for licences under this Order and correspondence with respect to this Order should be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Milk Section), County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.I. (a) General Licence dated June 22, 1918. — This General Licence printed p. 430, authorises the sale of certain milk preparations. (b) Milk Factories (Restriction) Order, 1917. — That Order was printed p. 329 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. (c) Milk (Use in Chocolate) Order, No. 2, 1917.— Printed p. 388. 424 Cocoa Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918. The Cocoa Butter (Requisition) (3iii)er. 1918. Dated the 21st May, 1918. Output of Factories. Imports. 1918. jN'o. 553. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in the crushing or extracting or otherwise in the production of Cocoa Butter from the Cocoa Bean shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the resultant Cocoa Butter which he has in stock at the close of business on the 29th June, 1918, or which is produced after that day at such factory or workshop, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his order. 2. (a) All persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any Cocoa Butter which may arrive in the United Kingdom after the 29th June, 1918, shall place the same at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or his order. (6) Ihe arbitrator to determine, in default of agreement, the price to be paid for any cocoa butter requisitioned under this clause shall be appointed as to cocoa butter arriving in England or Wales by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, as to cocoa butter arriving in Scotland by the Lord President of the Court of. Session, and as to cocoa butter aiTiTing in Ireland by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. 3. All persons concerned shall when required by the Food Controller furnish a return showing: — (a) the amount and quality of all cocoa butter manufactured by them in any specified period or periods ; (h) the amount and quality of any cocoa butter afloat and shipped to the United Kingdom to their order or con- signed to them in any period or periods ; and (c) the amount and quality of any cocoa butter purchased to be shipped to the United Kingdom on any Bp^cified date, together with such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Cocoa Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st Mav, 1918. Britisli Cheese (Requisition) Order, 19iS. 425 Britisjt Cheese (Requisitiox) Order, 1918. Dated the 29Tn May, 1918. (a) 1918. Xo. 5T8. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defenet^ of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling' him m that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned :- — 1. This Order shall apply to all British made Whole Milk Application Cheese manufactured in Great Britain on or after the 1st June, of Order. 1918, other than— (1) Caerphilly Cheese. (2) Wensleydale Cheese. (3) Stilton Cheese. (4) Soft Cheese. (5) Cheese weighing 2 lbs. or less uncut. The expression " Stilton Cheese " shall not include Loaf Cheddar. 2. {a) Every person who manufactures in Great Britain any Requisition. Cheese to which this Order applies shall place all such cheese at the disposal of the- Food Controller and shall deliver the same to such persons and in such quantities and at such times as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe by directions 'under this Order. (b) This Clause shall not, except the Food Controller in any Exception, particular case otherwise directs, apply to a person who normally while manufacturing cheese manufactures less than 56 lbs. of cheese per week. 3. Pending any such direction no person concerned shall dispose Cheese to be of any such cheese, whether in pursuance of any contract or held pending otherwise and shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary direction. lu preserve such cheese in good condition. 4. The arbitrator to determine in default of agreement the Arbitrator, compensation to be paid for any cheese requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lori Chancellor of Great Britain as respects cheese manufactured in England or Wales, and by the Lord President of the Court of Session as respects cheese manu- factured in Scotland. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (a) General Licenses, dated May 29, and July 13, 1918. — These General Licences authorise the supply of cheese to employees, etc., of every per- son from whom cheese is requisitioned under this order. The licence of May 29 is revoked by that of July 13, which is printed at p. 434. 426 Title. Milk (Ireland) Order, 1918. 6. Tliis Order may be cited as tlie British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th May, 1918. Note. — All correspondence with respect to this Order should be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Cheese Section), Palace Chambers, London, S.W.I. Makers whose cheese is requisitioned will be required to deliver their cheese to the Food Controller through a factor nominated by them and npproved by the Food Controller. The official forms o£ nomination should be in the hands of makers before the 10th June, 1918. Any maker who by that date has not received an official form or nomination should at once communicate with the Ministry of Food. Maximum prices. Power of Food Control Committee to fix maximum prices for milk. Artificial transactions. Powers of Committee. The Milk (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated the 30th May, 1918. 1918. IS'o. 582. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of this Order the expression '^ Milk " shall include Buttermilk, Separated Milk, and Skimmed Milk. 2. No iDerson shall directly or indirectly sell or offer for sale or buy or offer to buy any Milk at prices exceeding the maximum prices prescribed by or in pursuance of this Order. 3. (a) On and after the date of this Order the Food Control Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Committee) may from time to time prescribe a scale or scales of maximum prices applicable to any sale or sales of Milk in Ireland or any part thereof, and may from time to time revoke or vary any scale or scales so prescribed. (6) Provided that any scale or scales already prescribed by any Sub-Committee of the Committee after the 30th April, 1918, shall be deemed to have been prescribed under and pursuant to this Order. (c) Any scale prescribed or to be prescribed under this clause shall be subject to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or modified as he may direct. 4. No person shall in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any Milk enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transactions or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. The Committee may: — (a) buy Milk from any person and sell Milk so bought at a price estimated to cover at least the cost of purchasing and distributing such Milk ; and (6) Make arrangements as to the distribution of Milk. General Licence under the Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. 427 6. (a) The Committee may : — Further (i) direct any person or dealer selling Milk to sell Milk powers of to any consumer or class of consumers in priority to CJommittee. any other person ; and (ii) direct any producer or dealer to sell such Milk within such areas as the Committee may prescribe ; and (iii) give directions for securing the purity, cleanliness and wholesomeness of Milk, provided that any directions so given shall not relieve Local Authorities of their powers and duties under any existing statutory pro- visions in regard to Milk or relieve producers or dealers from their obligations under any such pro- visions. (b) Every pej'son to whom any direction is given under the powers conferred by this clause shall comply with such direction. 7. The provisions of this Order shall not apply to : — Exception (a) Condensed Milk, Dried Milk, or, save as in Clause 1 of this Order, to Milk preparations. (b) Milk sold for consumption on the premises of the seller. 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. {a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Ireland) Order, Title and 1918. ' extent. (h) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 30th May, 1918. General Licence, dated June 3, 1918, under The Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. (a) i 1918. No. 599. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ice Cream (Restriction) S. R. & 0., Order, 1917, there may until further notice be sold and offered No. 1350 of and exposed for sale any water ice, ice pudding or article contain- ^^1*- ing the same, provided that there has not been used in the making thereof any cream, milk or sugar, except such sugar, if any, as is contained in the cordials, mineral waters, syrups, or essences used. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3rd June, 1918. (a) Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p.fc3y3. 428 Cheese (Dufribufion) Order, 1918. The Cheese (Distributiox) Oeder. 1918. Dated the Ttii Juxe. 1918. 1918- Xo. 618. Forms of application, &c., may be prescribed. Completion of forms of application. False state- ments, &c. Prescribed forms. In exercise of the powers conferred upon liim by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. {a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with cheese jiroposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller (hereinafter called Government Cheese). (a) Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or document or any other matter. (h) The Food Controller may from time to time issue direc- tions relating to the distribution, disposal and use of Government Cheese, (b") 2. AU persons concerned shall in the completion of any such form or document and in the distribution, disposal or use of any Government Cheese comply with the instructions and directions relative thereto for the time being in force. 3. A person shall not (a) make or knowingly connive at the making of any false or misleading statement in any application or other document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose . connected with, Government Cheese; (b) forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document ; (c) personate or folsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies: {d) obtain Government Cheese where any statement made on the relative application is false in any material par- ticular, or deliver Government Cheese under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in a material particular. 4. Any form of application or other document purporting to be prescribed pursuant to this Order, or headed Cheese (Distri- bution) Order. 1918, shall unless the contra,ry be proved be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. (^a) Cheese (Rfquisitioning) Orders are. — Cheese (Requisition) Order. 1917, p. 362, Dutch Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 415, British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. ^25, and Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 433. (b) Maximum Price. — Directions, dated July 23, 1918, printed p. 437, fixed as from July 23, 1918, the maximum retail price for G-overnment Cheese. Milh {Suinmer Prices) Amendment Order, 19.18. 429 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. Ihis Order mav be cited as the Cheese (Distribution) Order, Title. j918. ^ • By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Ber; Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 7th Trine, 1918. The Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918. Dated THE 8th Juxe, 1918. 1918. JSTo. 622. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him iy; that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. On and after the 9th June,, 1918, until further notice, the maximum price for milk applicable under the Milk (Summer S. R. & 0. Prices) Order, 1918. (a) (hereinafter called the Principal Order) No. 296 shall be increased by the sum of M. per imperial gallon. ^* ^^^^• 2. Where in exercise of the powers conferred by Clause 2 or Clause 5 of the Principal Order the maximum price for milk has been duly varied by a Food Control Committee, then as from the 9th June, 1918, antii the Committee shall have otherwise determined, the maximum price as so varied shall be deemed to be increased by a sum at the rate of id. per imperial gallon. 3. The following provision shall have effect in relation to any contract for the sale of milk (excluding butter milk, skimmed milk, condensed milk, dried milk and other milk preparations) subsisting on the 9th June. 1918, so far as the same relates to milk to be delivered on or after that date : — The Contract price for any such milk shall be deemed to be increased by a sum at the rate of 4:d. per imperial gallon, the buyer having the option (to be exercised by notice in writing to the seller before the 19th June, 1918) of determining the contract as at the 19th June, 1918 : Provided that the provisions of this clause shall not apply to such contracts as may be excepted from the operation thereof by the Food Controller. 4. The Food Controller may cancel or modify in such manner as he thinks fit any contract subsisting on the 9th June, 191?<; for the sale of any milk (including butter milk, skimmed miiK, condensed milk, dried milk, or other milk preparation) so far as the same relates to milk to be delivered thereunder on or after that date. (a) Milk (Su.mmek Prices) Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 406. 430 General Licence under the Use of Milk (Licensing) Order ^ 1918, 5. A Food Control Committee may with the consent of the f'ood Controller exercise the powers conferred by clause 14 i'C) of the Principal Order in relation to Condensed Milk, Dried Milk, and milk preparations and so that directions under sub-clause (i). of that clause may be given to any retailer of any of those articles* within their area. 6. (a) On and after the 9th Junei, 1918, the powers conferred on a Food Control Committee under Clause 2 (c) of the Principal Order shall be exerciseable only with the sanction of the Food Controller. (6) As from the 9th June, 1918, any price fixed by a Food Control Committee under the provisions of Clause 2 (c) of the Principal Order shall unless the Foorl Controller has previously sanctioned the same cease to have effect. 7. {a) This Order may be cited as the Milk (Summer Prices) Amendment Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the S. R. & O., Principal Order. igV^^"^ . (6) This Order shall apply only to Great Britain. By Order of the Food Controller. W . K. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 8th June, 1918. 1918. General Licence, dated June 22, 1918, under The IIse of Milk (Licensing) Order, 19 18. (a) 1918. No. T34. S. R. & , The Food Controller hereby authorises all persons concerned ^^0-^^52 of imtil further notice to sell or offer or expose for sale any of the following' preparations, whether in liquid form or otherwise, subject always to the provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts(b): — Malted Milk. Coffee and Milk. Cocoa and Milk. Milk Cocoa. Milk and Cocoa. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd June, 1918. (a) Use of Milk (Licensing) Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 422. (b) Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. — A note as to the scope of these Acts and of the Regulations thereunder is given in Appendix \l (16) p. 506 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." General Licence under the Milk {Summer Prices) Order, 1918; 431 Directions under the Butter (Distrihution) Order, 1917. General Licence, dated June 22, 1918, under The Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. 1^0. 735. 1918. ISrotwitlistaiiding tlie provisions of Clause 8 of tlie above Order, S. R. & 0. the Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice: — ?!fi*o^^^ ^^ (a) Sales of milk by the pennyworth or two pennyworth ; and (6) Sales of any fraction of a gill, pint, quart, or gallon of milk; Provided that the maximum price is not exceeded. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd June, 1918. of 1917. Directions, dated June 22, 1918, under The Butter (Distri- bution) Order, 1917. (b)(c) 1918. No. 736. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order s. R. & o. and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food No. n63 Controller hereby directs as follows : — 1. Except on the occasion of a Sale by retail no Government Butter released for distribution under the Butter Distribution Scheme on or after the 24th June, 1918, shall, until fiirther notice, be sold at prices exceeding the following : — (a) for butter delivered in rolls, bricks, prints or pats of 1 lb. in weight or less, a price at the rate of 25. l^d. per lb. (h) for butter delivered otherwise, a price at the rate of 25. Id. per lb. 2. No Government Butter released for distribution under the Butter Distribution Scheme on or after June 24th, 1918, shall until further notice be sold by retail at a price exceeding the rate of 25. 4c?. per lb. 3. The prices fixed by these directions are fixed on the basis that the cost of packing and packages is borne by the seller and that no charge is made for giving credit or making delivery, and no Government Butter shall be sold on any other terms. 4. On the occasion of any sale of Government Butter on and after the 24th June, 1918, the seller shall deliver to the buyer an invoice stating the price charged for such butter and whether (a) Milk (Summer Prices) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 406. (b) Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 382. (c) Revocation. — These Directions are revoked as from August 7, 1918, by the Butter Order, 1918, printed p. 439. 432 Canned Condensed MUlz (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. such butter was released for distribution before or on or after the 24tb June. Provided that no such invoice need be given upon the occasion of a retail sale unless the buyer demands the buiiie. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd June, 1918. The Canned Condensed Milk (Eetail Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 27th June, 1918. 1918. ^^0. 769. Maximum retail prices. Terms of sale. Fictitious transactions. Penalty. Title and extent of Order. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Healm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall apply to all persons concerned : — 1. (a) On and after the 28th July, 1918, no canned condensed milk may be sold by retail at a price exceeding the maximum prices for the time being applicable under this Order. (6) The maximum prices applicable on a sale by retail of canned condensed milk shall be such prices as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller by notice under this Order, and shall until further notice be the prices set out in the Schedule. 2. Where on the occasion of a retail sale, canned condensed milk is delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding ^d. per tin, or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. No charge may be made for packing or packages or for giving credit. 3. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or agree to buy any canned condensed milk at prices exceeding the prices fixed by or under this Order or in connection with the sale or disposition of any canned condensed milk ent^r or ofPer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realjn Regulations. 5. (a) This Order may be cited as the Canned Condensed Milk (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. (&) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W . TI . Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th June, 1918. CaerpJiiUy Cheese {Requisition) Order, 1918. 433 The Schedule. Canned Condensed Milk. Kind. A price at the rate of Pull Cream (Sweetened) ,, (Evaporated) ... ,, (Unsweetened) ... Machine Skimmed Is. 2\d. per 14 oz. nett. ll\d. per 16 oz. nett. l\\d. per 12 oz. nett. l.s. \d. per 16 oz. gross. Caeiipiiilly Cheese (Eequisition) Order, 1918. 13th Jifly, 1918. (a) 1918. Xo. 860. Dated the Application of Order. Cheese to be held pending direction. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Healm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. This Order shall apply to all Caerphilly Cheese manufac- tured in Great Britain on and after the 29th July, 1918. 2. Every person who in Great Britain manufactures any Caer- Requisition philly Cheese to which this Order applies shall place all sucli cheese at the disposal of the Food Controller and shall deliver the same to such persons and m such quantities and at such times as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe by directions under this Order. 3. Pending any such direction no person concerned shall dis- pose of any such cheese, whether in pursuance of any contract or otherwise, and shall take such steps as may be reasonably neces- sary to preserve such cheese in good condition. 4. The arbitrator to determine in default of agreement the Arbitrator, compensation to be paid for any cheese requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain as respects cheese manufactured m England or Wales, and by the Lord President oi the Court of Session as respects cheese manufactured in Scotland. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Caerphilly Cheese (Requisi- tion^ Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. TF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th July, 1918. Note. — All correspondence with respect to this Order should be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Cheese Section), New County Hall, London, S.E.I. (a) General Licence, dated July 13, 1918. -This General Licence, printed p. 434, authorises the supply of cheese to employees, &c., of everv person from whom cheese is requisitioned under this Order. Penalty. Title. 434 General Licence under British Cheese {Requisition) Order, 1918, and Caerphilly Cheese {Requisition) Order, 1918; Notice under the British Cheese Order, 1917. Makers whose cheese is requisitioned will be required to deliver their cheese to the Food Controller through a factor nominated by them and approved by the Food Controller. The official forms of nomination should be in the hands of makers before the 19th July, 1918. Any maker who by that date has not received an official form of nomination should at once communi- cate with the Ministry of Food. General Licence, dated July 13, 1918, under British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, (a) and Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. (b) 1918. No. 861. S.R. & 0., The Food Controller hereby authorises every person from whom ^m' f^i^Q^S^ cheese is requisitioned under either of the above Orders to con- tinue until further notice to consume in his household, and to supply to his employees, and, in the case of a cheese factory, also to suppliers of milk to that factory and to the employees of such suppliers of milk, cheese for consumption in the households of recipients only, at the firsi^hand price for the time being in force; provided that fortnightly returns are made to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Cheese Section), New County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.I, showing the total quantities of cheese disposed of under this licence during the preceding fortnight and the number of persons supplied together with such further particulars as may from time to time be required. S'^^TQ^'f '^^^ General Licence, dated the 29th May, 1918, issued under 1918 *^® British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918, is hereby revoked. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th July, 1918. Notice, dated July 17, 1918, under the British Cheese Order, 191T.(c) 1918. No. 884. Pursuant to the powers reserved to him by Clause 2 of the S.R. & 0., above named Order, as amended, the Food Controller liereby 10^1*7^ ^^5 ^^ prescribes the prices set out in the Schedule as the maximum Nos 386 ard ^^^ hand prices in respect of the varieties of cheese se^ out m the 531 of 1918. • Schedule. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th July, 1918. (a) British Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 425. (b) Caerphilly Cheese (Requisition) Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 433. (c) British Cheese Order, 1917.— This Order is printed p. 370. Notice under the British Cheese Order, 1917. 435 The Schedule. Maximum first hand prices for delivery. Variety of Cheeses. Before 9th August, 1918. On and after 9th August, 1918, until further notice. Caerphilly, whole milk Caerphilly, partially skimmed, i.e., containing at least 25 per cent, of fat in the dry matter. Caerphilly, wholly skimmed, i.e., con- taining less than 25 per cent, of fat in the dry matter. Any whole milk cheese not exceeding 2 lbs. weight uncut, other than Caerphilly. Per lb. 8. d. 1 5i 1 4 11 1 9 Per lb. s. d. 1 6i 1 5 11 1 10 Maximum first hand prices for Cheese manufactured. Variety of^Cheeses. Before On and after 9th June On and after 1st July, 1918, until 3 1st July, 1918, inclusive. On and after 1st August. 9th June, until 30th 1918, until 1918. June, 1918, further ' inclusive. notice. Per lb. Per lb. Per lb. Per lb. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Ripened Stilton and Wensleydale 1 7i 1 8i 1 10 1 10 (Blue). Dorset hand skimmed (Blue) i 2i 1 3 1 4 1 4i Dorset separated (Blue) 1 Oi 1 Oi 1 Oi 1 ^ Dorset separated (White) 11 11 11 11 All other whole milk cheese 1 4 1 5 1 7 1 8 All other partially skimmed cheese 1 Oh 1 1 1 2 1 2i (i.e., cheese containing at least 25 per cent, of fat in the dry matter). All other wholly skimmed cheese 11 11 11 11 (i.e., cheese containing less than 25 per cent, of fat in the dry matter). In all cases prices are ex Factory or ex Farm. All these prices are subject to the following terms : — For cash within 7 days 2d. in the £ discount. For cash within one month Id. in the £ discount. 436 Notice under the Margarine {Retail Prices) Order, 1918; Milk Products {Import Restriction) Order, 1918. Eatioisixg Order, 1918. Dated July ITth, 1918. [This Order printed in Group 14a (" Rationing Schemes ") (p. 522), prescribes Butter and Margarine to be Rationed Food,] ]S0T1CE, DATED JuLY 18, 1918, UNDER THE MaRGARINE (ReTAIL Prices) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 899. S.R. & 0., Pursuant to the powers reserved to him by Clause 1 of the No. 359 of above Order the Food Controller hereby prescribes that on and 1918. after the 22nd July, 1918, and until further notice the maximum price on the occasion of a sale by retail of Margarine shall be at the rate of 1^. 2d. per lb., except that^ {a) where margarine is sold by retail to any person at one sale in a quantity of not less than 28 lbs. to be delivered in any one week ending on a Saturday the maximunr price shall be at the rate of Is, Id. per lb. ; and {h) in estimating the maximum price any broken halfpenny shall count as a halfpenny. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 18th July, 1918. j The Milk Products (iMroRT Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated ! . ^ ^ THE 20th July, 1918. 1918. No. 901. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — i Prohibition 1. {a) Except under a licence issued by or by the authority of I of Dealings, the Food Controller a person shall not on or after the 1st August, 1918, either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person : ' {a) buy sell or deal in; or (h) offer or invite an offer or propose to buy sell or deal in ; or (c) enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase or other dealing in any article mentioned in the Schedule to this Order for shipment to the United Kingdom. {h) Nothing in this Clause shall apply to purchases, sales or dealings in any of the articles mentioned in the Schedule which are on the 1st August, 1918, on passage to the United Kingdom. (a) Margarine (Retail Prices) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 416. Directions mider tjie Cheese {Distribution) Order, 19.18. 43 2. All persons concerned shall on or before the 15th August, Returiis. 1918, furnish to the Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Milk Section), a return showing the quantities of the articles mentioned in the Schedule which were purchased for shipment to the United Kingdom but were not shipped before the 1st August, 1918^ and the quantity thereof sold and unsold. 3. This Order shall not be construed as prohibiting the insur- ance of any article mentioned in the Schedule. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against PenaUies. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Milk Products (Import Title. Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th July, 1918. Schedule. 1. Condensed Milk other than canned condensed milk. 2. Dried Milk. ^. Suffar of Milk. Directions, dated July 23, 1918, under the Ciiee.se (Distribu- tion) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. IS^o. 920. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, S.R. & O., and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food No. 618 of Controller hereby orders and directs as follows : — ^^^^• 1. Until further notice no Government Cheese which is released for distribution on or after the 23rd July, 1918, shall be sold by retail at a price exceeding the rate of Is. 8d. per lb. 2. (a) No charge may be made for packing or packages or for giving credit. (6) Where the cheese is delivered at the buyer's request, otherwise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may- be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding the rate of ^d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd July, 1918. (a) Cheese (Distriuution) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed-p. 428. • 438 Directions under the Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. Directions for Betailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine, AND Lard and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14^. (" Rationing . Scheme ") (p. 542).] Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated the 29th July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14^. (" Rationing Scheme") (p. 546).] Directions, dated July 31, 1918, under the Butter (Distribu- tion) Order, 1917. (a) 1918. No. 975. S. R. & 0. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order ?^%^^^^ ^* and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby directs that a person shall not sell any Govern- ment Butter by wholesale on or after the 17th August, 1918, unless he is the holder of, and except in compliance with, the conditions of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, • Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3l6t July, 1918. (a) Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 382. Butter Order, 1918. 439 The Butter Order, 1918. Dated the 31st July, 1918. 1918. No. 976. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Reg-iilations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or "buy or Maximum offer to buy anv butter at prices exceeding the maximum prices Prices not to applicable under this Order. ^^ exceeded. 2. The maximum prices shall be such prices as the Food Con- Maximum troller may from time to time prescribe by notice under this Prices. Order and until further notice shall be the prices hereinafter provided. 3. {a) On the occasion of a sale (other than a sale by retail) of Maker's British made butter by or on behalf of the maker or the blender ^^!^®^^^^ thereof, the maximum price shall be as follows : — butter. (i) if the butter be sold in rolls, bricks, prints or pats of 1 lb. weight or less, at the rate of 25. l^d. per lb. ; (ii) in any other case, at the rate of 25. Id. per lb. Provided that, where the buyer declares in writing that he is buying such butter for re-sale to a retail dealer, the prices applicable under this sub-clause shall be reduced by a sum at the rate of l\d. per lb. (6) The prices fixed by this clause are prices ex creamery, factory, farm or blender's premises and include all charges for packages, packing and credit. 4. (a) On the occasion of a sale of British made butter (not being a sale by retail or a sale to which Clause 3 applies) or on the occasion of a sale of Government butter (not being a sale by retail) the maximum price shall be as follows: — (i) if the butter be sold in rolls, bricks, prints or pats of 1 lb. or less, at the rate of 2s. l\d. per lb. (ii) in any other case at the rate of 25. Id. per lb. (h) The maximum prices fixed by this clause are fixed on the basis that the cost of packing and packages and the cost of delivery to the buyer's premises is included in the price. 5. {a) On the occasion of a sale to which Clause 4 applies, the terms of sale shall be at the seller's option either ; (i) payment before delivery, with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, for two months ; (ii) payment within 7 days of date of invoice with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for two months; (iii) payment after 7 days of date of invoice with discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the unexpired portion of 2 months and 3 days from the date of invoice. Sales by wholesale of any but- ter except sales by the maker of British made butter. Terms of payment on sales governed by Clause 4. 440 Butter Order, 1918. Retail sales of any l&Htter. Powers of Food Control Committee to vary maximum Retail Price. Artificial tra^osaetion. Exception. Penalty. Interpre- tation. (5) For tKe purposes of this clause ' ' date of invoice ' ' shall mean the date of despatch of the ^ods to the buyer, or the date borne by the inA'oice whichever shall be the later, excepting in cases where butter is detained j^ending buyer's instructions, in which case it shall mean the date when the goods were ready for despatch to ihe buyer. 6. {a) On the occasion of a sate by retail of any butter, the maximum price shall be at the rate of 2s. 4:d. per lb. except that in calculating the maximum price chargeable on any sale any broken halfpenny included in the maximum price shall count as a halfpenny. (b) No charge may be made tor packing, packages or giving credit, but if the butter is delivered at the buyer's request, other- wise than at the seller's premises, an additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding a sum at the rate of ^d. per lb. or any larger sum actually and properly paid by the seller for carriage. 7. A Food Committee may from time to time by resolution vary the maximum price for butter sold by retail within their area or a^ y part of such area; but (a) Every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Con- troller within 6 days and shall not take effect until three days after the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller; and {b) Every such resolution of a Food Committee under this Clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. S. On the occasion of a sale of any butter, the seller shall deliver to the buyer an invoice stating accurately the descrip- tion of the butter as Government or British made butter, as the case may be, the price charged and the quantity sold, and the invoice shall also state whether the butter sold in prints, jiats, bricks, or rolls of 1 lb. or less or otherwise : Provided that no such invoice need be given upon the occasion of a retail sale unless the buyer demands the same. 9. A person shall not in connection with any sale or disposition or i:>roposed sale or disposition of butter, enter or offer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 10. Nothing in this Order shall apply to the sale of any butter by a caterer in the ordinary course of his business as part of a meal. 11. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 12. For the purposes of this Order " Government Butter " means — (a) all butter (whether made in the United Kingdom or imported) which is from time to time distributed, for sale in Great Britain by the Food Controller under the Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917, or under any directions or resrulations given or made or to be ffiven thereunder; and Butter Order, 1918. 441 (b) all butter made, blended or collected by any blender holding a licence as such, issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller. ''British made Butter" means all biitter other than Government Butter. 13. The Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (a) as amended 1^]^''''^*'^'' by the Butter (Maximum Prices) Amendment Order, 1917, (b) and -^'^^ 913 and the Directions, dated June 22nd, 1918, (c) under the Butter (Dis- mo of 1917 tribution) Order, 1917, are hereby revoked as from the 7th August, and 736 of 1918, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any l^l^- contravention thereof. 14. (a) This Order may be cited as the Butter Order, 1918. '^i*^^' ^^^- mencement iV) This Order shall come into force on the 7th August, and Extent. 1918. (c) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 31st July, 1918. (a) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 363 (b) Butter (Maximum Prices) Amendment Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 376. (c) Directions, dated June 22, 1918, under Butter (Distribution) Order, 1917. — Those Directions are printed p. 431. 442 National Kitchens Order, 1918. 11a. National Kitchens. National Kitchens Order, 1918, as amended,/?. 442. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1918^ (Powers of English Local Authorities under Order) p. 444. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1918 (Extension of (No. 2) Order), p. 446. Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918 (Powers of Scottish Local Authorities under Order) p. 445. The National Kitchens Order, 1918, dated February 25, 1918, AS AMENDED BY AMENDING OrDER, DATED JULY 16^ 1918.(a) 1918. No. 223, as amended by 881. Provision oi 1. A Local Authority may, subject to such conditions as may National from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller — (a) establish and maintain in their area a National Kitchen or Kitchens together with such distributing depots as may be thought proper; (6) sell (whether for consumption on or off the premises or to a person for purposes of distribution) food and drink prepared in the Kitchen or proposed to be distributed by or under the authority of the Food Controller; and (c) do such other acts and things as are necessary or inci- dental to the due exercise of the above powers. (to) Delegation 2. A Local Authority may delegate all or any of their powers of powers. under this Order to, or in the exercise of such powers associate themselves with, any Food Committee or other Committee appointed by the Authority, and may, with the consent of the Food Controller, combine with any other Local Authority or Authorities for all or any of the purposes of this Order, (b) Directions. 3. A Local Authority shall comply with any direction given by or on behalf of the Food Controller in relation to a National Kitchen or depot established or carried on pursuant to this Order and the food and drink sold or supplied therefrom or from any premises used in connection therewith, and every such kitchen and depot shall at all times be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller. (a) Amendment of Order. — The Amending Order of July 16, 1918, added the words "in such cases County," at the end of Clause 4 (a). (b) Orders Ancillary to the National Kitchens Order, 1918. — The Local Government Board, by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1918 (p. 444), and by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1918 (p. 446), and the Secretary for Scotland, by the Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918 (p. 445), conferred powers on local authorities in England and Scotland respectively for discharge of functions, and provision of expenses under the National Kitchens Order. National Kitchens Order, 1918. 443 4. For the purposes of this Order, the expression ** Local Incerpreta- Authority" shall meaii(a):_ tion. (a) As respects England and Wales, the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of Iiondon in Common Council assembled, the Council of a Metropolitan Borough, the Council of a Municipal Borough or other Urban District, the Council of a Rural District, or the Council of the Isle of Scilly ; and in such cases as the Food Controller may approve the Council of a County. (l>) (6) as respects Scotland, in a County (exclusive of any Burgh comprised therein) the County Council, -and in a Royal Parliamentary or Police Burgh, the Town Council. ** Food Committee" shall mean a Food Control Committee appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitu- tion) Order, 1917. (c) 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. {a) This Order may be cited as the National Kitchens Order, Extent and 1918. * Title of Order. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 25th February.. 1918. (a) Local Authorities for purposes of Order. — These are in England and Wales the same local authorities who are concerned with the general administration of food control, see footnote (a) p. 624, Food Control Committees (Constitution") Order. 1917, printed in Part III. of this Manual, which gives details as to such authorities and their districts. In Scotland on the other hand certain town councils are not separate local authorities for the purposes of the said Order constituting the food control committees being represented on joint committees of County and Town Councils ; but for the purposes of the National Kitchens Order every Town Council which does not combine with another county or town council is a separate local authority. (b) Amendment of Order. — The words "in such cases County" at the end of Clause 4 {a) were added by the Amending Order of July 16, 1918. (c) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. 444 Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), I^IS '.—Powers of English Local Authorities under National Kitchens Order. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1918. DATED February 25, 1918, made by the Locaj. Government Board. 1918. 'No. 388. 64,823. To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City :'f London, in Common Council assembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Muni- cipal Boroughs and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the several Eural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Eealm Regulations it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of Any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations ; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said I Regulations, made the National Kitchens Order, 1918 : (a^) Now, therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article I. — In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears : — (a) The expression " Local Authority " mgans, as the case may be, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled, the Council of a Metropolitan Borough, the Council of a Municipal Borough or other Urban District, the Council of a Rural District, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly; (h) The expression " District " means the District subject to the jurisdiction of the Local Authority for the pur- poses of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, or of the Public Health Act, 1875, as the case may be.(b) Article II. — We hereby confer and impose upon the Local Authority and upon such of their officers as they may designate or appoint for the purpose the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to (a) National Kitchens Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 442. (b) Local Authorities and their Districts for purposes of OiiDEK.— See footnote (a) to National Kitchens Order, 1918, p. 443. Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918: — 445 Potvers of Scottish Local Authorities under National Kitchens Order. Local Authorities by the National Kitchens Order, 1918(a) : Pro- vided that no Local Authority shall delegate any power to levy a rate or borrow money. Article III. — (1) Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall be defrayed in like manner as if the expenses had been incurred m the execution of the Public Health Act, 1875, or the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, as the case may be. (2) Where any Local xiuthorities have combined for any of the purposes of this Order, any expenses incurred by those Local Authorities under this Order shall be defrayed in such proportions as may be agreed upon, or in default of agreement as may be determined by the Local Government Board. Article lY. — This Order may be cited as ''The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1918.'' Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Twenty-fifth day of February, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (l.s.) W. Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monro, Secretary. The Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) OnDER, 1918, dated February 26, 1918, made by the Secretary for Scotland. 1918, No. ^^. S. 5 In pursuance of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Healm Regulations and by arrangement with the Food Controller, I hereby order as follows : — (1) In this Order— (a) the expression '^ Local Authority " shall mean in a County (exclusive of any Burgh comprised therein), the County Council and in a Royal Parliamentary or Police Burgh the Town Council(b) : (b) the expression " Food Committee " shall mean a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order^ 1917. (c) (2) I hereby confer and impose upon the Local Authority and upon such of their officers as they may designate or appoint for (a) National Kitchens Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 442. (b) I.ooAL Authorities for purposes of Order. — See footnote (a) to National Kitchens Order, 1918, p. 443. (c) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— This Order is printed in Part III. of this Manual. 5789 P ^46 Local Authorities {Food Control) Order {No. 3), 1918. the purpose the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their district, in conformity with the- Defence of the Eealm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the ]N'ational Kitchens Order, 1918. (a) (3) Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execu- tion of this Order shall be defrayed out of the public health general assessment provided that such expenses shall not be reckoned in any calculation as to the statutory limits of that assessment. (4) A District Committee, Parish Council, School Board, or other local body may make available, without charge, or on such terms as may be agreed, to a Local Authority or to any Food Committee or other Committee appointed by the Authority, any of their premises and the services of any of their officers for the purposes of the National Kitchens Order, 1918. (a) (6) This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (Scotland) Order, 1918. Robert Munro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland. (l.s.) Scottish Office, Whitehall, 26th February, 1918 The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (jSTo. 3), 1918, DATED July 16, 1918, made by the Local Government Board. 1918. No. 1013. 65,009. To the County Councils of the several Administrative Counties in England and Wales; — To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs, and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — • To the Councils of the several Rural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isle of Scilly ; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due dis- charge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations; And whereas by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (a) National Kitchens Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 442. Local AiLtliorities {Food Control) Order {I\o. 'd), 1918. 44' (Xo. 2), 1918(a) (kerem-after referred to as " the Principal Order "), made in pursuance of Regulation numbei^ed 2 J of the Defence of the Realm E-egulations, We conferred and imposed upon every Local Authority as therein defined, and upon such of their officers as they might designate or appoint for the pur- pose, the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due • discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the IN'ational Kitchens Order, 1918, made by the Food Controller; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made an Order(b) bearing even date herewith, amending the National Kitchens Order, 1918, so as to include County Councils within the scope of that Order in such cases as the Food Controller may approve : Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article I. — The expression ^^ Local x\.uthority " as defined by Article I. of the Principal Order shall be extended to include the County Council of an Administrative County, the expression "District" as defined by that Article shall be extended to include, in relation to a County Council, the area subject to the jurisdiction of the County Council as the local education authority for the purposes of Part III. of the Education Act, 1902, and a reference to the National Kitchens Order, 1918, as amended as aforesaid, shall be substituted in Article II. of the Principal Order for the reference to the National Kitchens Order, 1918, and subject to the provisions of Article II. of this Order the Principal Order shall be ccnstrued and have effect accordingly. Article II. — Any expenses incurred by a County Council in the execution of the Principal Order as amended by this Order shall be charged and defrayed in like manner as expenses incurred by a County Council as local education authority under the Education (Provisions of Meals) Acts, 1906 and 1914, are required to be charged and defrayed. Article III, — This Order mav be cited as '' the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1918." Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Sixteenth day of July, in the year One ^ thousand nine hundred and eighteen. t (l.s.) TF. Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monro, Secretary. (a) Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1918 :— That Order is printed p. 444. (b) Order of the Food Controller. — The amending order is incorporated with the principal order as printed p. 442. 5789 P 2 448 Notice in Shops (Ireland) Order, 1918. Powers of Food Control Comnaittee for Ireland as to notices in shops. Duty to comply. Penalties. Title and Extent of Order. 11b. Notice by Retailer of Prices (a). The Notice in Shops (Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated March 27, 1918. 1918. No. 400. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Conlroller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The Food Control Committee for Ireland(a) may from time to time by notice under this Order direct that a person selling by retail in any shop an article, in respect of which a maximum price is for the time fixed by any Order of the Food Controller or the Food Committee, shall keep or cause to be kept posted at sucb times and in such form and manner as may be specified by the Committee a notice showing the maximum price for such article for the time being in force as to sales in such shop and also if the Committee as respects any article so think fit, the actual price at which such article is being sold in such shop.(l>) Any such notice may be made so as to apply to all or any of such articles or so as to apply generally to all persons or to any particular person or class of persons named or described in the notice and may contain such consequential provisions as appear to the Committee to be necessary or proper. Any such notice may be revoked or varied by the Committee as occasion requires. 2. All persons concerned shall comply with the provisions of any notice issued under this Order. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. (a) This Order may be cited as the Notice in Shops (Ireland) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Bev Bridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th March, 1918. (a) Foon Control Committee for Ireland.— See the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III. of this Manual. (b) Notice of Price of Particular Article : — The exhibition by retailers at their shops of the prices at which the undermentioned articles are sold is provided for by the Orders mentioned in connection with each of such articles : — Bacon, Ham and Lard (Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917) p. 51, and (Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) Order, 1918), J!?. 69. Bread (Sale by retail in the City of Dublin), p. 172. Butter (Butter (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1917), J9. 376. Cheese (British Cheese Order, 1917), p. 370. Fish (Fish Prices) Order No, 2, 1918), ^:>. 230. Jam and Jelly (Jam (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918), J9. 266. Meat (Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917), «. 300, and (Meat Retail Prices (Scotland) Order, 1918), p. 349. Potatoes (Potatoes Order, 1917),;? 472. Poultry and Game (Poultry and Game (Prices) Order, 1918), p. 352. Rabbits (Rabbits (Prices) Order, 1918),i?. 309. Rice (Rice (Retail Prices) Order, 1918), i?. 134. Oil Splitting Order, 1917. 449 12. Oils and Fats. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917, p. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918, p. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, p. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918, p. 455. Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918, /?. 455. Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compound (Distribution) Order, 1918,^. 458.* Hardened Fat (Requisition) Order, 1917, /?. 450. Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918,;?. 462. Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918, p. 465. General Licences thereunder (Retail Butchers), /?/?.466, 467. Oil Splitting Order, 1917, p. 449. Oil and Fat Compound (Licensing of Manufacturers and Requisition) Order, 1918, j9. 457. Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 452. Oils and Fats (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 456. Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917, jo. 450. Public Meals Order, 1918, /?. 455. Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) ^ Order, 1918, jo. 461. General Licences thereunder (Retail Butchers),/?/?. 466, 467. Refined Vegetable Oils (Requisition^ Order, 1917,/?. 454. Seeds, Nuts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 451. The Oil Splitting Order, 1917. Dated November 9, 191T. 1917. No. 1134. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence Splitting of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him ^^ certain in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows:— ^j{^ and acid 1. No person shall on or after the 12th November, 1917, split hibi^. (otherwise than in the due course of manufacture into Soap) any of the Oils specified in the Schedule hereto or any of the Acid Oils arising from refining any of such Oils, into its com- ponent parts of fatty acid and Glycerine except under and in accordance with the terms of a Licence issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Oil Splitting Order, 1917. Title. The Schedule, Coconut Oil. Nigerseed Oil. Cotton Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Gingelly (Sesame) Seed Oil. Rape-seed Oil. Ground Nut Oil. Soya Oil. Kapokseed Oil. By Order of the i'ood Controller. U . F. Wintour, 9th November, 1917. Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5789 p 3 450 Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917; Hardened Fat (Requisition) Order, 1917. The Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917. Dated November 28, 1917. 1917. ]S"o. 1224. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon liim by Regulation 7 of the Defence of tlie Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the ¥pod Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in the crushing or extracting of oil from Oleaginous Seed, Nuts and Kernels, or in the produc- tion of Oils, Oil Cakes or Meals from any of such «^ubstances, shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the resultant crude oils, Oil cakes, Meal-r^ and residues which he has in stock at the close of business on the 30th November, 1917, or which are produced after that day at such factory or workshop, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. 2. This Order may be cited as the Oils, Oil Cakes and Meals (Requisition) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th November, 1917. The Hardened Fat (Eequisitiox) Order, 1917. Dated November 28, 1917. 1917. No. 1225. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 7 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller liereby orders as follows : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in the manufacture by hydrogenation of hardened fats shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the hardened fats which he has in stock at the close of business on 30th November, 1917, or which are produced after that date at such factory or work- shop and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. 2. This Order may be cited as the Hardened Fat (Requisi- tion) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th November, 1917. Seeds, Nuts and Kernels {Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended. ^^^ The SEEDSy Isvts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917, DATED J^OVEMBER 29, 1917, AS AMENDED BY APPOINTMENT OF ^Arbitrators Order, 1918, (a) dated March 11, 1918. 1917 No. 1226, as amended by 1918 No. 294. . In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of ihe Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2b of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Food Controller gives notice that he hereby takes possession of all oleaginous seeds, nuts and kernels of the varieties mentioned in the Schedule of this Order which are in the United Kingdom on the 1st December, 1917. Q)) This Clause shall not apply to seeds, nuts and kernels in the hands of a person who, at the close of business on the 30th November, 1917, does not hold more than 5 tons of any one variety. 2. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Food Controller requires all persons owning or having- power to sell or dispose of any oleaginous seeds, nuts and kernels of the varieties mentioned in the said Schedule which may arrive in the United Kingdom after the 1st December, 1917, to place the same at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or to his Order. (6) The arbitrator to determine in default of agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (a) 3. All persons concerned shall, on or before the 8th December, 1917, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, S.W.I, a return showing: — (a) the amount of seeds, nuts and kernels mentioned held by him at the close of business on the 30th November, 1917; (b) the amount of such seeds, nuts and kernels afloat and shipped to the United Kingdom to him or to his order on the 30th November, 1917; (c) the amount and quality of seeds, nuts and kernels pur- chased to be shipped to the United Kingdom and not shipped on the 30th November, 1917; and (d) the quantity sold and unsold in each case ; and shall furnish such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or imder the authority of the Food Con- troller, (b) 4. Infringements of this Order are offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (a) Amendment or Clause 2{b). — This Clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 294). (b) Returns. — The Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, printed in Group 7a (" Foreign Holdings of Food,") (p. 250), does not apply to articles in respect of which a return has been made under this present Order. 5789 P 4 452 Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended. 5. This Order may be cited as the Seeds, ]N"uts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th November, 1917. Sclied^de. Babassu Seed. Castorseed. Copra. Cotton Seed. Gingeiiy (Sesame Seed). Ground Nuts (Undecorticated). Ground Nuts (Decorticated). Hemp Seed. Illipe. Kapok Seed. Linseed. Mowrah Seed. Niger Seed. Palm Kernels. Poppy Seed. Rapeseed. Shea Nuts. Soya Beans. Sunflower Seed. The Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917, dated December 21, 1917, AS amended by Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918, (a) dated March 11, 1918. 1917 No. 1311, as amended by 1918 No. 294. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. (a) In pursuance of Regulation 2b of the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Food Controller gives notice that he hereby takes possession of all Oils and Fats of the varieties mentioned in the Schedule to this Order which are in the United Kingdom on 'the 1st January, 1918, of any description whatsoever, whether Crude, Refined, Deodorised, Pressed or Bleached, or whether in the form of Soap stocks. Acid Oils or Black Grease arising from refining or pressing, or of Fatty Acids arising from the splitting of any of the said Oils and Fats. (b) This Clause shall not apply to Oils and Fats in the hands of any person who at the close of business on the 31st December, 1917, does not hold more than 5 tons of any one variety. 2. (a) In pursuance. of Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Food Controller requires all persons own- ing any of the said Oils and Fats which may arrive in the United Kingdom after the 1st January, 1918, to place the same at the disposal of the Food Controller and deliver the same to him or to his Order. (b) The arbitral or to determine in default of agreement the compensation to be paid for any article requisitioned under this Order shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in England, by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland. (a) (a) Amendment of Clause 2(b). — This Clause was inserted in its present form by the Appointment of Arbitrators Order, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918^ No. 294). Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917, as amended. 45'-5 3. No person shall after tlie date of this Order treat or permit to be treated any of the said Oils and Eats in such manner as to render the same unfit or less fit for use in the manufacture of human or animal Food. 4. All persons concerned shall on or before the 8th January, 1918, furnish to the Secretary, Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, S.W.I, a Return showing: — (a) The amount of the said Oils and Fats held by them at the close of business on the 31st December, 1917. (6) The amount and quality of the said Oils and Fats afioat and shipped to the United Kingdom to their Order on the 31st December, 1917. {c) The amount and quality of the said Oils and Fats purchased to be shipped to the United Kingdom and not shipped on the 31st December, 1917. {d) The quantity sold and unsold in each case, and shall furnish such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. No return shall be required from any person who at the close of business on the 31st December, 1917, does not hold more than five tons of any one variety of the said Oils or Fats. (a) 5. Infringements of this Order are offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Oils and Fats (Requisition) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W . II. Beveridge, Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food. 21st December, 1917. The Schedule. Castor Oil. Coconut Oil. Cotton Seed Oil. Gingelly (Sesame) Oil. Ground Nut.. Hemp Seed Oil. Kapok-seed Oil. Linseed Oil. Maize Oil. Mowrah Seed Oil. Niger Seed Oil. Neutral Lard. Oleo Oil. Premier Jus. Imported Tallow. Stearine (Beef and Mutton). (a) Returns. — The Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, printed in Group 7'^ (p- 250), does not apply to articles in respect of which a return has been made under this present Order Olive Oil. Palm Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Poppy Seed Oil. Rape Seed Oil. Shea Butter or Oil- Soya Bean Oil. Sunflower Seed Oil, Oleine distilled. Stearine distilled. Vetjetable Tallow. 4:54 Refined Vegetable Oils {Requisition) Order ^ 191T. The Refined Vegetable Oils (Requisition) Ordeb, 1917. Dated December 21, 191T. 1917. No. 1314. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 7 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in applying to any of the oils specified in the Schedule all or any of the following processes, viz ; (a) Refining for technical purposes ; or (b) Refining and bleaching for technical purposes; or (c) Refining and finishing for common Edible purposes; or (d) Refining, deodorising and finishing for fine edible purposes; or (e) Pressing and Deodorising to produce technical pressed oil and fine edible stearine. shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the Crude Oils and the whole of the Refined and Bleached, Deodorised, Finished or Pressed Oils or Stearine and residues therefrom which he has in stock at the close of business on the ' 22nd December, 1917, or which are produced after that day at such factory or workshop, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. 2. Infringements of this Order are offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Refined Vegetable Oils (Requisition) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st December, 1917. The Schedule. Cocoanut Oil. Cotton Oik Gingelly (sesame) Oil Ground Nut Oil. Kapokseed Oil. Linseed Oil. Maise OiJ . Nigerseed Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Poppy Oil. Rapeseed Oil. Shea Oil. Soya Oil. Sunflower Oil. Orders relating to Oils hut falling under Other Groups. 455 The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917. Dated December 21, 1917. [This Order, which relates to Cereals as well as to cattle feeding cakes, &c., containing oils, is printed in Group 3 ('' Bread, Flour and Cereals "), p. 122.] The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) Order, 1918. Dated January 4, 1918. [This Order, which relates to Cereals as well as to cattle feeding cakes, &c., containing oils, is printed in Group 3 (" Bread, Flonr and Cereals "). P. 128.] The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. [This Order, which relates to Cereals as well as to cattle feeding cakes, &c., containing oils, is printed in Group 3 ('^ Bread, Flour and Cereals"), p. 131.] The Public Meals Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 14 ('' Public Meals"), P- -513, restricts as from February 3rd, 1918, the amount of fats used in or by any public eating place. For restrictions previously in force see the now revoked Public Meals Order, 1917, pp. 158-161, of the ''Food (Supply and Production) Manual."] (The Order was revoked as regards Great Britain bv the Eationing Order, 1918, p. 522.) The Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) Order, 1918. Dated January 29, 1918. [This Order, which relates to Cereals as well as to cattle f eedini^ cakes, &c., containing oils, is printed in Group 3 ('' Bread, Flour and Cereals"), p. 135.] Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated February 7, 1918. [That Order, which relates to Cereals as well as to Linseed, Soya, and other Cakes or Meals, is printed in Group 3 (''Bread, Flour and Cereals"), p. 143.] 456 Oils and Fats {Restriction) Order, 1918. The Oils and Fats (Eestriction) Order, 1918. Dated March 23, 1918. 1918. No. 357. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby oiders as follows: — 1 . Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted after the date of this Order by or under the authority of the Food Controller, no person shall after the 20th April, 1918, use any of the oils or fats mentioned in the schedule hereto or any mixtures thereof except for the purpose of, or in the manu- facture of, human or animal food or drink. 2. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued after the date of this Order by or under the authority ol the Food Controller, no person shall after the 20th April, 1918, treat or cause, or permit to be treated any oils or fats mentioned in the schedule hereto or any mixture thereof in such manner as to render the same unfit or less fit for human or animal food or drink or for the manufacture thereof. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Oils and Fats (Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd March, 1918. The Schedule. Cocoanut Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Cotton Seed Oil. Poppy Seed Oil. Gingelly (Sesame) Oil. Shea Butter or Oil. Ground Nut Oil. Soya Bean Oil. Kapok-seed Oil. Sunflower Seed Oil. Maize Oil. Neutral Lard. IMowrah Seed Oil. Oleo Oil. Niger Seed Oil. Premier Jus. Tallow. Stearine (Beef and Mutton). Dripping. Lard. Oil and Fat Compound {Licensing of Manufacturers and Requisition) Order, 1918. 45^/ The Oil and Fat Compound (Licensing of Manufacttjuers and Eequisition) Order, 1918. Dated April IT, 1918. 1918. No. 446. In exercise of the powers conferred upon kim by the Defence of the Eealm liegnlations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except tinder the authority of the Food Controller the following Regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a Licence issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller no person shall on or after the 22nd April, 1918, manufacture for sale any mixture or compound containing any one or more of the Oils or Fats mentioned in the Schedule hereto, whether hardened or not. 2. In pursuance of Regulation 7 of the Defence of the llealm Regulations, the occupier of every factory or workshop engaged either wholly or partly in the manufacture of any mixture or compound (other than Margarine) manufactured either wholly or partly from any two or more of the Oils and Fats mentioned in the Schedule hereto, whether hardened or not, shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the resulting mixture or compound which he has in stock at the close of business on the 18th April, 1918, or which shall be manufactured at such factory or workshop on or after the 18th April, 1918, and shall deliver the same to the Food Controller or to his Order. 3. The occupier of every factory or workshop to which Clause 2 of this Order applies shall on or before the 24th April, 1918, furnish to the Secretary, Oils and Fats Branch, Ministry of Food, St. Stephen's House, WestmiuvSter, S.W. 1, a Return showing the amount of all such Mixture or Compound which he has in stock at the close of business on 18th April, 1918, and shall furnish such other particulars as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Food Controller. 4. This Order shall not apply to any Mixture or Compound of the said Oils and Fats which is not manufactured for purposes of human food. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Oil and Fat Compound (Licensing of Manufacturers and Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. Oil and Fat CompouDd manufac- tured under licence. Requisition*- of certain Oil and Fat Compounds. Returns. Exceptions. Penalty. Title. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 17th April, 1918. 458 Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds {Distribution) Order, 1918. The Schedule. Vegetable Oils. Coconut Oil. Cotton Oil. Gingelly (Sesame) Oil. Ground Nut Oil. Kapokseed Oil. Linseed Oil. Maize Oil. Nigerseed Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Poppy Oil. Rapeseed Oil. Shea Oil or Butter. Soya Oil. Sunflower Oil. Animal Oils and Fats. Neutral Lard. Oleo Oil. Premier Jus. Tallow CBeef). ,, (Mutton). Stearine (Beef and Mutton). Whale Oil. Lard. Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribu- tion) Order, 1918. Dated 25th May, 1918. 1918. No. 566. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him m that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Definition. 1. For the purposes of this Order the expression '' Edible Oils and Fats" means any of the Oils and Fats mentioned m the Schedule hereto, whether crude, refined, deodorised or otherwise treated, and anv mixtures or compounds (other than Margarine) manufactured eUher wholly or partly from any two or more ol such oils or fats whether hardened or not, but does not include any of such oils, fats, mixtures or compounds which are not suitable, or intended for use, as food for human consunaption, or in connection with the manufacture or treatment of such ±ood. Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds {Distribution) Order, 1918. 459 Forms of application, etc., may be prescribed. Completion of forms of applicaxion, etc 2 {a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe forms of application and other documents to be used for the purpose of obtaining, or for any other purpose connected with, Edible Oils and Fats proposed to be distributed or for the time being in the course of distribution by or under the authority of the Food Controller. Any such form or document may contain instructions to be observed as to the completion of the form or document or any other matter. (6) The Food Controller may from time to time issue direc- tions relating to the distribution, disposal, sale or use of Edible Oils and Fats and as to the prices and terms upon which any Edible Oils and Fats may be sold or otherwise disposed of and may by such directions restrict the use of such Edible Oils and Fats to such purposes and by such persons as he may prescribe. 3. All persons, concerned shall in the completion of any such form or document and in the distribution, disposal, sale or use of Edible Oils and Fats comply with the instructions and directions relating thereto for the time being in force. 4. Every person dealing in or using for the purposes of his Records and trade or business any Edible Oils and Fats shall if required by inspection, the Food Controller keep or cause to be kept at some convenient place accurate records relating to his trade or business in Edible Oils and Fats, the purposes for which any Edible Oils and Fats are used by him and such other matters as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe, and shall comply with any directions given by or under the authority of the Food Controller as to the form and contents of such records, and shall make such returns as the Food Controller may from time to time require. Every such person shall also permit any person authorised by or under the authority of the Food Controller to enter any of his premises where Edible Oils and Fats are stored, dealt in or used, and to inspect such premises and any Edible Oils and Fats therein, and any records kept by him and all relevant books, documents and accounts relating to his trade or business. 5. A person shall not: — {a) knowingly make or connive at the making of any false False or misleading statement in any application or other statements, document prescribed pursuant to this Order or used for any purpose connected with Edible Oils and Fats ; ^h'^ forge, alter or tamper with any such application or other document ; (c) personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such application or other document applies ; {d) obtain Edible Oils and Fats where any statement made on the relative application is false in any particular ; or {e) sell or deliver Edible Oils and Fats under any such application where he has reason to believe that any statement in such application is false in a material particular. 460 Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compounds (Distribution) Order, 1918. Prescribed 6. Any form of application, direction or other document pur- Forms, porting' to be prescribed pursuant to this Order, or headed '^ Edible Oils and Fats and Oil. and Fat Compound (Distribution) Order, 1918, *' or otherwise issued under the authority of the Food Controller and relating- to the distribution, disposal, sale or use of Edible Oils and Fats shall, unless the contrary be proved, be deemed to be prescribed pursuant to this Order. Penalty. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title. 8. This Order may be cited as the Edible Oils and Fats and Oil and Fat Compound (Distribution) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 25th May, 1918. The Schedule. Vegetable Oils. Coconut Oil. Cotton Oil. Gingelly (Sesame) Oil. Ground Nut Oil. Kapokseed Oil. Linseed Oil. Maize Oil. Nigerseed Oil. Palm Kernel Oil. Poppy Oil. Rapeseed Oil. Shea Oil or Butter- Soya Oil. Sunflower Seed Oil. Animal Oils and Fats. Neutral Lard. Oleo Oil. Premier Jus. Tallow (Beef). Tallow (Mutton). Stearine (Beef and Mutton' Whale Oil. Lard. Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat {Licensing of Purchases) Order. 461 The Raw Beef and Haw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. Dated the 12th June, 1918. 1918. No. 635. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Kealm Rep^ulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Restriction issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller, a person ^° purchase shall not after the 1st July, 1918— (a) ^^ *^^^^_*^°g {a) buy or otherwise acquire any raw beef fat or raw mutton fat of any description ; or {h) for the purpose of sale render, melt or treat any such fat. 2. No licence under this Order shall be required — Exceptions. . {a) in respect of fat which is acquired and used for the purpose of human consumption by domestic consumers, caterers, residential establishments and institutions; or (h) in respect of fat acquired and used for the manufacture of meat products (other than dripping) ; or (c) as respects butchers, in respect of sales and purchases of meat in the ordinary course of their trade, provided that nothing in this clause shall exempt any butcher who desires to render, melt or treat any such fat from th^ necessity of obtaining a licence under this Order. 3. Applications for licences under this Order shall be made on Applications forms to be obtained from and returned to the Secretary, Ministry for licences, of Food (Oils and Fats Section), County Hall, London, S.E.I. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. This Order may be cited as the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Title. Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. • W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. , I2th June, 1918. (a) G-EsERAL Licences to Retail Butchers. — Printed pp. 466, 467. 462 Home Melt Tallow and Grease {Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 12tii Juxe, 1918. 1918. ISTo. 636. Maximum Prices. Manufac- turer's price for Techni- cal Tallows and Greases. Terms of sale. Manufac- turer's price for edible bone-fat and dripping. Terms of sale. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not on or after the 24th Juno, 1918, sell or ol^er or expose for sale or buy or offer to buy any Home Melt Tallow or Grease at a price exceeding the maximum price for the time being applicable under this Order. 2. — (a) Until further notice the maximum price applicable on a sale by or on behalf of the manufacturer of any Home Melt Tallow or Grease of a variety specified in the Schedule to this Order shall be at the rate specified against such variety in such schedule. (b) The Food Controller may from time to time, by notice under this Order prescribe further or other prices for any variety of Home Melt Tallow or Grease, whether or not such variety is specified in the schedule hereto. 3. The maximum price fixed under Clause 2 is fixed on the basis that: — {a) The goods are sold ex works, all transport charges there- after being for the buyer's account; and (I) the goods are packed in casks provided by the seller fre<» of cost to the buyer. 4. On and after the 24th June, 1918, until further notice, the maximum price applicable on a sale (other than a sale by retail) of any edible bone-fat or dripping, by or on behalf of the manu- facturer thereof, shall — {a) Where the sale is to a person who declares that he is buying as a wholesale dealer in the articles sold, be at the rate of 1^. Id. per lb. ; and (6) in any other case, be at the rate of 1^. 8^. per lb. 5. — (a) The maximum price fixed under Clause 4 {a) is fixed on the basis that the goods are sold ex works, all transport charges thereafter being for the buyer's account, and that the goods are packed in boxes containing 28 lb. or 56 lb. nett weight of bone- fat or dripp^'ng and provided by the seller free of cost to the buyer. (6) The maximum price fixed under Clause 4 (b) is fixed on the basis that the goods are to be delivered to the buyer at the seller's expense, and are packed in boxes containing 28 lb. or 56 lb. nett weight of bone-fat or dripping and provided by^ the seller free of cost to the buyer. Home Melt Tallotv and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. 463 Wholesale price for edible bone- fat and dripping. Retail prices for edible bone-fat and dripping. 6. — (a) On and after the 24tli June, 1918, until further notice the maximum price applicable upon the sale of any Edible Bone Fat or Dripping (other than a sale by the manufacturer or a sale by retail) shall be at the rate of Is. Sd. per lb. (6) The maximum price fixed by this clause is fixed on the basis : — (i) That the goods are to be delivered to the buyer at the seller's expense; and (ii) that the goods are packed in boxes containing 28 lb. or 56 lb. nett weight of bone-fat or dripping, and pro- vided free of cost to the buyer. 7. — (a) On and after the 24th June, 1918, until further notice the maximum price applicable upon the sale of any edible bone-fat or dripping by retail shall be a j)rice at the rate of 1^. lOd. per lb. inclusive of all costs of packing, packages or giving credit. (b) Where on a retail sale the bone-fat or dripping is delivered at the request of the buyer otherwise than at the seller's premises an additional charge may be made in respect of such delivery not exceeding any sum properly and actually paid by the seller for carriage or a sum at ibe rate of ^d. per lb., whichever shall be the higher. 8. No Sale of Home Melt Tallow or Grease in respect of which a maximum price is fixed by or under this Order shall, except under a licence granted by the Food Controller, be made upon terms other than the terms on the basis of which the maximum price is expressed to be fixed. 9. Where any contract for the sale of any Home Melt Tallow Contracts, or Grease subsisting on the 24th June, 1918, provides for the pay- ment of a price in excess of the maximum prices fixed by this •Order, the contract shall stand so far as concerns any such Tallow or Grease delivered before the 24th June, 1918, but shall, unless the Food Controller otherwise directs, be avoided so far as concerns any Tallow or Grease agreed to be sold above such maximum price which has not been so delivered. Contracts on other terms prohibited. 10. — (a) A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or knowingly buy or offer to buy as Edible bone-fat or dripping, any l)one-fat or dripping unless.it coi;. dies with the following require- ments : — (i) It shall have been manufactured in the United Kingdom from raw beef fat or raw mutton fat or beef or mutton bones : (ii) It shall have been so manufactured by a process other than the acid process ; and (iii) It shall not contain more than 1 per cent, water and impurities (taken together) or more than 2 per cent, of free fatty acids. Any bone-fat or dripping not complying with these require- ments shall be deemed to be technical tallow, and its maximum price shall be determined accordingly. Limitation on sales of articles as edible bone fat or dripping. 464 Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum, Prices) Order, 1918^ Warranty and certifi- cate. Fictitious transactions. Interpreta- tion, Penalty. Title. 11. In any proceedings for an infringement of this Order: — (i) A buyer sliall be entitled to rely upon any written warranty to the matters referred to in clause 10, whicb was given to him by the person from whom he bought the article, if he satisfies the Court that he had no reason to suspect that such warranty was untrue and has given due notice to the prosecutor of his intention to rely on such warranty ; (ii) the production of the certificate of the Principal Chemist of the Government Laboratories or of any analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts shall be sufiicient evidence of the facts therein stated unless- the Defendant requires that the person who made the analysis be called as a witness. Such certificate shall, so far as circumstances permit, be in the form required by the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. (a) 12. A person shall not on a sale of Tallow or Grease to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 13. For the purposes of this Order the expression '^ Home Melt Tallow and Grease " shall mean any tallow or grease (whether edible or inedible) which has been rendered or melted in the United Kingdom, and the expression '* sale by retail "^ shall not include any sale where the total amount of edible bone- fat and dripping sold by the same seller to the same buyer in any one calendar week exceeds 14 lbs. 14. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 15. This Order may be cited as the Home Melt Tallow anr^ Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 12th June, 1918. (a) Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. — A Note as to the scope of these Acts- and of the Regulations thereunder is given in Appendix YI (16), p. 506 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Home Melt Tallows and Greases {Requisition) Order, 19.18. The Schedule. Technical Home Melt Tallows and Greases. Industrial Mutton Fine Basis 46° Titre Mutton and Beef Tallow for Industrial use Basis 44° Titre, good Home Melt Tallow Basis 43 Jo Titre, minimum ; 43° Titre, fair to good Home Melt Tallow Basis 43° Titre, minimum; 41 J° Titre, fair to good Home Melt Tallow Basis 43 J° Titre, minimum; 43° Titre, dull to fair Home Melt Tallow Basis 43° Titre, minimum; 41 J° Titre, dull to fair No Colour Tallow Basis 43 J° Titre, minimum ; 42*° Titre Wliite Bone Fat Melted Stuff Brown Bone Fat Water Benzine Bone Fat White Skin Grease Water Brown Skin Grease Water Benzine Skin and similar Greases Horse Grease, Pale Horse Grease, Brown ... If Techn'-cal Tallows and Greases are packed in canvas headed casks, the maximum price applicable shall be reduced by £1 per ton. Except where a minimum Titre is fixed if the Titre is below the basis Titre a deduction from the maximum prices of one-fifth per cent, for every one-tenth degree Centigrade below basis shall be made. All Titres are expressed in degrees Centigrade. Per ton. £ s. 91 90 10 89 10 89 88 8T 10 86 86 82 81 80 84 80 79 83 79 The Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. Dated the 12th June, 1918. 1918. No. 637. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 7 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1 . The occupier of every factory or workshop engaged wholly or Requisition partly in the rendering, melting, and treating of Raw Beef Fat of home or Raw Mutton Fat or otherwise in the production of Home Melt ^^JV™? Tallows and Greases from such Fats shall place at the disposal of the Food Controller the whole of the resultant Home Melt Tallows and Greases which he has in stock at the close of business on the 29th June, 1918, or which is produced after that day at such and grease b. 466 Records and returns. Penalty. Title. S,R. & O., Nos. 637 and 635 of 1918. S.R. & O., No. 636 of 1918. General Licence under the Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918, and. the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat {Licensing of Purchases). Order, 1918. factory or workshop and shall deliver the same to the Food Con- troller or to his Order. (a) 2. On and after the 1st July, 1918, every person to whom the provisions of Clause 1 of this Order shall apply shall keep or cause to he kept records accurately showing the cost of manufacture of the Home Melt Tallows and Greases produced by him (including the price of all raw materials used by him in such manufacture) and shall forward to the Secretary, Ministry of Food (Oils and Fats Section) County Hall, London, S.E.I, at such times and in respect of such periods and in such form as "ihe Food Controller may from time to time prescribe a Return of the cost of such manufacture. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order may be cited as the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 12th June, 1918. Gexeral Licence, dated June 28, 1918, under The Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918, (b) and The Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918. (c) 1918. No. 785. The Fopd Controller hereby authorises until the 1st August, 1918, every retail butcher notwithstanding the provisions of the Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 19 18, (a) and the Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, (b) to render, melt or treat any raw beef fat, or raw mutton fat acquired by such person in the ordinary course of his retail trade, and to sell by retail any products obtained there- from, subject however to compliance with the provisions of the Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, (d) and to any Order of the Food Controller relating to meat rationing for the time being in force. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th June, 1918. (a) General Licences to Retail Butchers.— Printed pp. 466, 467. (b) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Requisition) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 465: (c) Raw Beef and Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 461. (d) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 462. General Licence under the Raw Beef and Baiv Mutton Fat 467 (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, and the Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. Genehal Licence, dated July 2T, 1918, uxder The Raw Beef AND Raw Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918, (a) AND The Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. (b) 1918. No. 931. General Licence. I^ot withstanding the provisions of tlie Raw Beef and Raw S. R. & 0. Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918,(a) and of the ^37'-of igig"^ Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918, (b) every retail butcher who in the ordinary course of his trade during the 6 months ending 30th June, 1914, rendered, melted or treated raw beef and mutton fats — (a) may render, melt or treat, any raw beef fat or raw mutton fat, which is acquired by him in the ordinary course of his trade, for the production of edible dripping as defined in Clause 10 of the Home Melt Tallow and S- R- & O. Grease (Maximum Prices) Order," 1918, (c) and Si'o^^^ ^^ (h) may sell by retail any such dripping subject however to compliance with the provisions of the Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918, (c) and to the Orders of the Food Controller relating to Meat Rationing for the time being in force. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2Tth July, 1918. (a) Raw Beef and Mutton Fat (Licensing of Purchases) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 461. (b) Home Melt Tallows and Greases (Requisition) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 465. (c) Home Melt Tallow and Grease (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 462. Swedes (Prices) Order ^ 1917. 13. Potatoes and other Veg-etables and Roots.(a) Bread {Use of Potatoes) Order No. 2, 1917 p. 497. Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918, p. 506. British Onions Order, 1917, p. 500. Earlj Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 510. Mangels and Swedes (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 498. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended, p. 472. General Licence thereunder (Sale by Growers at prices below Minimum), p. 494. General Licence thereunder (Sale in United Kingdom of Varie- ties Specified in CI. 10), p. 497. General Licence thereunder (Non-Reimrnable Bags outside Ireland), p. 498. General Direction thereunder (Invoice by Wholesale Dealers), /?. 499. General Licence thereunder (Sale in Midlands of Varieties specified in CI. 10), p. 505. Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917, as amended, p, 494. Potato Bags Order, 1918,;?. 502. Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918, p. 509. Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918, p, 504. Notice thereunder (Application to South-west England), p. 505. Potatoes (Distribution) Order, No. 2, 1918, p. 512. Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918, /?. 503. Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917, p. 485. Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1918, p. 508. Potatoes (Protection) Order, 1918, p. 506. Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, as amended, p. 611. Potato (Restriction) Order, 1918, p. 507. Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, as amended, p. 469. Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended, jt?. 486. Swedes (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 468. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918,/?. 512. Jwedes.j The Swedes (Prices) Order, 1917. Dated March 21, 1917. 1917. No. 260. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of thb Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. Except under the authority of the Food Controller- no person shall sell or offer to sell any Swedes or Swedish Turnips at a price (including the cost of bags or other packages) exceeding the rate of l^d. per Ib.(b) (a) Diseases of Potatoes. — An epitome of the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts and of the Orders thereunder will be found in Appendix VI. (5) to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 491. (b) Price in Ireland. — A revised price for swedes in Ireland is fixed by the Mangels and Swedes (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 498. Seed Potatoes {Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, as amended, 469 2. If any person auts in contravention of this Order or aids Penalty. or abets any other person, in doing- anything in con- travention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm E/Bgulations, and if such person is a company every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves that the contravention took, place without his knoicledge or consent. (^) 3. This Order may be cited as the Swedes (Prices) Order, Title of j Qi -^ Order. Devonport, Food Controller. 21st March, 1917. The Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, dated September 5, 1917, as amended by the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, dated November 12, 1917. 1917 No. 933 as amended by 'No. 1155. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. (a) No potatoes of the varieties '* King George V.," Restrictions '* Great Scot," ^^ Lochar," and ^'Templar" grown in Scotland °^^7^Jf7 or in England or Wales in the year 1917, may be sold or other- immune wise disposed of or moved from the premises on which they were varieties of situate on the 6th September, 1917, except under a licence issued seed pota- by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries(b) or by the Board of *^^s- Agriculture for Scotland. (c) (a) Liability of Directors, &c.', of Company. — Reg. 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (printed in Part IX, 4 " Miscellaneous Provisions as to Offences," p. 433 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual "), which was added to the Code since this Order was made, provides that directors and officers shall be liable for offences by their corporation or company. (b) Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. — As to the constitution of this Board, see Introductory Note to Part Y. of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 257. (c) Board of Agriculture for Scotland. — As to the constitution of this Board, see Introductory Note to Part VJ. of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 341. Seed Potatoes {Imwune Varieties) Order, 1917, as amended. {h) Contracts existing at the date of this Order for the sale of any such potatoes shall stand cancelled except so far as relates to potatoes which are delivered prior to the 6th September, 1917, or which may be delivered on or after that date under and in accordance with the terms of any licence that may be granted under this clause. ^s) The foregoing provisions of this Order shall not affect the use of any potatoes by the grower thereof in his own household 01 as seed for the purpose of his farm or holdings. 2. Clause (1) of this Order shall apply only to potatoes in the hands of a person who has in his hands upwards of 5 tons of potatoes of the description mentioned in Clause (1) or who has under cultivation upwards of a half acre of such potatoes. 3. (a) Every such person as is mentioned in Clause 2 shall before the 15th September, 1917, make a return on the form prescribed in the Schedule, showing the quantity m tons of potatoes of the descriptions mentioned in clause (1), in his possession on that day and the acreage which he hsts under potatoes of such description and the situation of such potatoes and acreage. (6) The returns shall be made as to potatoes in England and Wales to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and as to potatoes in Scotland to the Board of Agriculture for Scotland. 4. This Order shall not apply in Scotland to potatoes which will pass through a riddle having a mesh of one and a quarter inches, (8') or in England or Wales to potatoes which will pass through a riddle having a mesh of one and a quarter inches. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. (a) This Order may be cited as the Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th September, 1917. (a) Amendment of Clause 4. — This clause is here printed as amended by Clause 21 (a) of the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917 (p. 486), which substituted " 1^ inch " for " 1 inch." Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, as amended. 471 The Schedule. Name (of owner of potatoes) Address Nearest Railway Station PARTICULARS OF POTATOES. Variety. * Acreage. Quantity (If lifted). Place where potatoes are situ- ate. (Address of farm and name of field if growing or in pits or address of premises if stored.) King George V. Acres. Tons. Cwts. Great Scot. Lochar. Templar. ' * Where the potatoes are in the ground the acreage alone should be given. I declare that the particulars given in the Schedule regarding the potatoes of the above-mentioned varieties in my possession are to the best of my knowledge and belief accurate. ^gnature of Owner Copies of this form may be obtained on application (1) the Director-General of Food Production, Food Production Depart- ment of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 72, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I., (2) The Secretary, Board of Agricul- ture for Scotland, 29, "St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. 472 Potatoes Order, 1917, as aviended. The Potatoes Order, 1917, dated September 13, 1917, as AMENDED BY THE POTATOES (POSTPONEMENT OF DaTE) OrDER, 1917, DATED September 27, 1917, the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, dated jN'ovember 12, 1917, the Potatoes (Amendment) Order, 1918, dated April 17, 1918, AND THE Amending Order of June 12, 1918. (a) (b) 1917 No. 949 as amended by 1917 Nos. 998 and 1155, and 1918 JSTos. 445 and 639. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — Definition and Restrictions. 1. In this Order: — Definitions. A '* Wholesale Dealer " means a person for the time being authorised under this Order to sell potatoes by whole- sale. (c) A '* Retail Dealer " means a person for the time being authorised under this Order to sell potatoes by retail. The ** Food Committee " means in respect of any area in Great Britain the Food Control Committee established for the area pursuant to the Food Control Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917, (d) and in respect of Ireland the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller. (e) (a) Modifications of Potatoes Order. — The Potatoes (Postponement of Date) Order, 1917, varied the dates in Clauses 4, 11 and 12 (a) of the Potatoes Order which is here printed as thus varied. The Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917 (p. 486), makes various modifications in the present Order in its application to seed potatoes dealt in as for seed besides those specific amendments which are embodied in the Order as here printed. The Potatoes (Amendment) Order, 1918, varies the prices and charges for transport, etc. The amending Order of June 12, 1918, substituted the Second Schedule as here printed for that as printed in" the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual, The Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918 (p, 510), provides that clauses 9, 27, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41 and 46 and the First and Second Schedules of this Order shall .not apply to dealings in the 1918 crop before August 1, 1918. ' ^ (b) Government Guarantee to Grower and Control of Potato Trade. — This Order gives effect to the Government guarantee to the grower in respect of " ware potatoes" sold on and after September 1 5th, 1917, by prescribing (Art. 26) a minimum grower's price of £6 a ton. It provides also for control of the potato trade at all stages by prescribing (Art. 28) a maximum grower's prices of £6 lOs. Od. per ton, by limiting (Art. 32) the profits of wholesalers and fixing (Art. 36) a scale of maximum retail prices, and by requiring (Part II,) all dealers in potatoes whether by wholesale or by retail to be registered. This con- trol applies in general as from 8th October, 1917. A Notice by the Food Controller appearing in the Press of September *13th, 1917, states that the grower's maximum price will hold good until further notice, but will be adjusted if necessary later in the season to compensate for the wastage and expense involved in keeping back potatoes that have good lasting quality. See further as to the (iovernment guarantee the Potatoes Order (No. 2) 1917 (p. 494). (c) Sale by Wholesale Dealer. — See General Direction of December 24, 1917, as to invoices, p. 499. (d) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (e) Food Control CoMxMittee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. 473 " Seed Potatoes " means potatoes grown in Scotland or Ireland in the year 1917, or grown in England or Wales in the year 1917 from seed grown in Scotland or Ireland in the year 1916, which will pass through a riddle having a If inch mesh, and will not pass through a riddle having a IJ inch mesh. ** Ware Potatoes " means potatoes which will not pass through a riddle having a If inch mesh. The expression ** his own potatoes ^' with reference to a grower of potatoes means the potatoes grown by such grower. 2. Ware potatoes which are fit for human food shall not be sold or offered for sale or bought for any purpose except for seed or for human food. 3. Except where a grower is selling under the authority of clause 44 of this Order no person shall on or after the 15th September, 1917, sell or buy potatoes otlferwise than by weight. 4. Except a grower selling his own potatoes no person shall after the 7th October, 1917, sell potatoes by wholesale either on his own account or as agent on commission unless he is entitled to and has applied for registration as a wholesale dealer, or by retail unless he is entitled to and has applied for registration as a retail dealer under part II of this Order, and except a grower selling his own potatoes, no person shall after the 31st October, 1917, sell potatoes by wholesale either on his own account or as agent on commission unless he holds a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer under part II of this Order for the time being in force or by retail unless he holds a certificate of registration as a retail dealer under part II of this Order for the time being in force. Provided that this clause shall not prevent a wholesale dealer from selling direct to consumers in quantities of not less than 1 cwt. 5. No person other than the grower thereof shall on or after the 15th September, 1917, sell potatoes as or for seed unless he holds a certificate of registration as a dealer in potatoes for seed under part II of this Order. 6. After the 31st October, 1917, a retail dealer (unless registered as a hawker or costermonger) shall not sell potatoes by retail except at a place in respect of which he holds a certificate of registration as a retail dealer, but this shall not prevent a retail dealer from selling from his cart in the ordinary course of his business. A retail dealer registered as a hawker or costermonger shall sell only from his cart stall or barrow and' at such other place if any as may be named in his certificate. 7. A grower of potatoes shall not on or after the 15th September, 1917, sell or offer for sale his own potatoes (being sound marketable ware potatoes of the 1917 crop) at a price below the lowest or minimum price fixed by Part III. of this Order, and no person shall on or after the same date buy or offer to buy any such potatoes from the grower at a price below the Potatoes only to be sold for human food. Potatoes to be sold by weight. Potato dealers to be registered. Dealers in potatoes for seed to be specifically registered. Retail dealer only to sell at registered premises. Minimum price for growers. 474 Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. Maximum prices on all sales. Limiting of wholesale transactions. Restriction on the sale of certain varieties. Persons entitled to registration as wholesale dealers. same price ; (a) provided that this clause shall not apply to snles in quantities of less than 1 cv/t.(b) 8. A grower or retail dealer shall not on or after the I5th September, 1917, directly or indirectly sell or offer or expose for sale any potatoes of the 1917 crop (other than potatoes to which the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, applies at prices above the maximum prices authorised by Part III. of this Order in relation to sales by growers and retailers respec- tively, except for actual delivery before the 1st October, and a wholesale dealer shall not sell or offer to sell any such potatoes at such a price as to infringe the provisions of Part III. of this Order restricting the profits of wholesale dealers. 9. No potatoes shall after the 30th September, 1917, pass through the hands of more than two wholesale dealers between the grower and the retail dealer, and, accordingly, all persons concerned shall on and after the 1st October, 1917, observe the rules in relation to wholesale dealings contained in the First Schedule to this Order. 10. On and, after the \st October, 1917, and until further notice from the Food, Controller, no sound marketable ware potatoes of the folloicing varieties shall be sold or otherwise dealt until {except by the grower for his own consumption) without the licence of the Food Controller, {c) namely: — *' King Edward,'' '' Arran Chief;' '' Languwrthy," ''What's Wanted," and '' Golden Wonder," and every grower shall comply with any general or special direction that Tnay be issued by or on behalf of the Food Controller prohibiting the removal of sound marJcetable icare potatoes of any other variety from the premises of the grower. The prohibition contained in this clause shall not apply to potatoes grown by a groicer whose whole acreage of potatoes of all varieties in 1917 has not exceeded one acre.{d)(e) Part II. — Registration, (f) 11. Every person who or whose predecessor in business was on the 1st January, 1916, and now is dealing in potatoes by whole- sale as a regular part of his business shall be entitled, on making application pursuant to this Order on or before the 8th October, 1917, to receive a certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer in potatoes. (a) Sales by Growers at Prices below Minimum. — See General Licence of November 17th, 1917, p. 494. (b) Seed Potatoes " for Seed." — As to such potatoes see Clause 16 (a) of the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, p. 486. (c) Licences of Food Controller. — See General Licences of November 23rd, 1917 (p. 497), and February 11th, 1918 (p. 505), authorising sales of and dealings in these varieties. (d) Application of Clause 10 to Seed Potatoes. — This Clause ceased as from Nov. 12th to apply to seed potatoes of the varieties mentioned if sold as or for seed. See Clause 16 (r) of the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917 (p. 486). (e) Revocation. — Clause 10 was revoked as from May 15th, 1918, by the Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918, printed p. 509. (f ) Grant of Certificates of Registration as Wholesale Dealers.— Under the Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918, p. 511, the grant of such certificates by Food Control Committees was prohibited, except as regards the Irish Committee. The order also revoked existing certificates issued in Great Britain, limited dealings under Irish certificates, and made provision for the grant of new certificates. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. 475 12. {a) Every person wlio or whose predecessor in business was Persons on the 1st January, 1916, and who now is dealing in potatoes by entitled to retail as a regular part of his business shall be entitled, on making as^^etai^^" application pursuant to this Order on or before the 8th October, dealers. 1917, to receive a certificate or certificates of registration as a retail dealer in potatoes in respect of the premises at which at the date of this Order he is carrying on such business or as a hawker or costermonger as the case may be. (&) A retail dealer who carries on his business (including the selling of potatoes by retail) at more than one shop or place shall be entitled on making the projDer applications to receive a separate certificate of registration in respect of each such shop or place. Sales in quantities of 1 cwt. and upwards direct to consumers by a person whose business is substantially wholesale shall not for the purposes of this clause be deemed to be sales by retail. (c) A hawker or costermonger shall be so described in his certificate. 13. The Food Committee shall not refuse a certificate of regis- Grounds for tration applied for by a person entitled to receive the same refusing under the foregoing provisions except with the consent of the ^®^^ Food Controller and in circumstances in which the Food Com- mittee might have revoked the certificate if it had been already granted. Upon the refusal of a certificate the applicant's title (if any) shall cease. 14. Any applicant for registration whether as a wholesale or Registration as a retail dealer may include in his application an application o^^^l^rs in for registration as a dealer in seed potatoes and any application potatoes, for registration may be made in respect of seed potatoes only, but the Food Committees shall have full discretion as to granting or refusing every such application and any certificate of registra- tion granted in respect of seed potatoes may so far as it relates to seed potatoes be revoked by the Food Committee at any time at its discretion and shall be revoked if the Food Controller so directs. 15. The Food Committee for any area or the Food Committee Power to in Ireland, may in any case in which in their opinion it ^^^g^^^g is desirable so to do in the interest of the public withiil their 'area with the consent of the Food Controller grant to any other person a certificate of registration either as a wholesale dealer or as a retail dealer in respect of any premises within their area or as a costermonger or hawker and unless they see any good reason to the contrary they shall without any such consent grant an appropriate certificate to every applicant who has served in the Forces of the Crown during the present war and before so serving was carrying on business as a wholesale or retail potato dealer within their area. 16. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be Manner of made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller and ^JP ^^ ^°° every applicant shall furnish upon such form a true statement of certificate, the particulars required for completing the form which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 476 Fotatoes Order, 1917, as amended. Application to be addressed to Committees for the proper areas. Registration as wholesaler and retailer. Registration of grower as dealer. Form of certificate. Revocation of certifi- cates. Register of certificates. Transfer of business. Information and inspec- tion. • 17. Every application in Great Britain shall in the case of a wholesale dealer be made to the Food Committee for the area in which his only or principal place of business at the date of this Order is situated and in the case of a retail dealer (other than a hawker or costermonger) to the Food Committee for the area in which his premises are situated at the date of this Order (in cases where the retail dealer is applying in respect of premises situated in more than one area separate applications being made in each area in respect of the premises situated therein) and in the case of a hawker or costermonger to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides at the time of such application. In Ireland every application shall be made to the Food Committee as that Committee may direct. 18. A person duly entitled may receive certificates of registra- tion both as a wholesale dealer and as a retail dealer on making due application in both capacities, 19. A grower of potatoes shall not be entitled to receive a certificate of registration merely by reason of his having sold his own potatoes whether by wholesale or by retail but he shall be qualified to receive appropriate certificates if on the 1st January, 1916, he or his predecessor was and he now is as a regular part of his business dealing in potatoes other than those grown by him. 20. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Food Controller. 21. TTie Food Committee may with the consent of the Food Controller revoke any certificate of registration if they are satis- fied that any of the provisions of this Order or regulation or direction made or given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to potatoes has not been obs^ved by the holder of such certificate or any of his servants or agents, and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 22. The Food Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom, and the premises in respect of which certificates of registration have been granted under this Order. 23. In the event of the transfer of any business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held, or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration, it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making an application for a certifi- cate of registration, to sell and deal in potatoes from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Controller, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled to deal by virtue thereof. 24. The holder of any certificate of registration, his servants and agents, shall give to the Food Committee such information, reports and returns relating to his stocks of potatoes and dealings in potatoes as the Food Controller or Food Committee may from time to time require, and shall produce all books, documents and accounts relating thereto for inspection on lawful demand. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. 477 duction of certificates. 25. Every certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer shall Preservation be kept by the holder at his only or principal place of business, and pro- and every certificate of registration of a retail dealer shall be kept at the premises to which the same relates, or in the case of a hawker or costermonger shall be carried with him wherever engaged in selling potatoes, and every certificate shall be pro- duced by the holder on lawful demand. Part III. — Prices. 26. The lowest or minimum price at which potatoes of the 1917 crop (being sound marketable ware potatoes) may be sold by the grower thereof on or after the 15th September, 1917, shall be £6 per ton, but this provision shall not apply upon a sale of any quantities of less than 1 cwt. 27. As respects every sound crop of potatoes, the grower shall cause the ware potatoes to be dressed out so that they may be sold separately at not less than the authorised lowest price. 28. (a) Ihe highest or maximum prices at which potatoes of the 1917 crop (other than seed potatoes sold as or for seed) may be sold by the grower thereof shall be as follows : — (a) (h) 10 for potatoes delivered prior to 15th April, 1918 for potatoes delivered between 15th April, 1918, and 14th May, 1918, inclusive 7 (c) for potatoes delivered after 14th May, 1918 ..._ 7 10 Except that a grower of potatoes may sell quantities of less than 1 cwt. to consumers at a price not exceeding Id. per lb. 29. The foregoing minimum and maximum prices are fixed on the basis (i) that the potatoes are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the seller's railway station, or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or barge not less convenient to the seller than the seller's railway station, (ii) that bags (if required) are supplied by the buyer, and (iii) that no commission is paid. If the potatoes are delivered otherwise than as above, a corresponding variation shall be made in the price and in particular if bags are supplied by the grower, the above-mentioned minimum and maximum prices shall each be increased by a sum of 5j., whether the bags are returnable or not, and if any commission is paid by the grower to a wholesale dealer not exceediug the rate authorised by Clause 32 the minimum and maximum prices shall each be increased by the amount of the commission. 30. Upon a sale of his own potatoes by a grower, it may be made a condition of the sale that the buyer supplies any labour required for lifting or otherwise handling the potatoes, or under- taking the carriage of the potatoes from the seller's premises to station, ship, barge or other place of delivery. Provided that by the contract of sale a fair value is placed upon the services so agreed to be rendered by the buyer, and in any such case the value 80 agreed shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Order, to form part of the price paid by the buyer for the potatoes. (a) Amendment of Clause 28. — By the Potatoes (Amendment) Order, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 445) a new Clause 28 was substituted. 5789 Q Minimum price for growers. Separation of ware potatoes. Maximum prices for growers. Basis of prices and adjustments where the basis is varied. Purchaser may supply labour or transport. 478 Special pro- visions where grower is also dealer. Limitation on wholesale dealer's prices over each week and on com- missions. Potatoes Order, 191 < , as amended. Reckoning of cost to a wholesale dealer. Records. Branch, .,.,, businesses to observe con- ditions separately. Retailer to observe maximum prices accord- ing to schedule. 31. Tne foregoing provisions in relation to sales b^ a grower are subject to tlie special provisions contained in the First Schedule hereto in case where the grower is .also a wholesale dealer, and such provisions §hall be^obseiTed^bjy..^all persons con- cerned accordingly. rLerrfcna'^otXq'V^^^^ 32. (a) No wholesale dealer" sliallV in the week ending 6th October, 191T, or in any succeeding week sell potatoes, other than potatoes to which the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, ai^plies, except at such prices as secure that the aggregate of the prices charged for potatoes so sold during the week in question does not exceed the cost to him of such potatoes by more than an amount representing Is. Qd. for every ton of ^l+^j.^^. ^^'^}A .^ :./^;i4 '7.,I ..... ,.-c, ..i-i . .^ .... ....... potatoes so sold. f/n I (ffulr v.^jI 1() v/iiiijuKijp, v,flB lo (b) No wholesale dealer shall after the 30th September, 1917, sell potatoes other than seed potatoes as agent on commission at a commission exceeding 7,^, 64. per to^ij. ««»i .ioa J«i ^ieiiiiaqaa h 33. The cost of potatoes to a wholesale 'dealer fbV trie purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the follow- ing items and no more, vii. r'i-^^ iinda lo' Q (a) The price actually paid or payable or by virtue of clause 30 deemed to have been paid by him for the potatoes, (-} including the authorised charge for bags where the Of potatoes ^re bought b|y him, already bagge hH^ii (i&>) Ai iSUms(jioti*exceeding;5iS{.Mpetr! ton-rJor bags i where tlie .dl If; potatoes are bought by him unbagged and bags !ui bozit -r (whether returnable or not) are supplied by him; f»^<«|({r)'-A"ny i*easonable cdsts of transportation (including marine (fioitqo insurance) or cartag'e^ bdrtt^'by h*tii'-in" respect of f)di O! the potatoes; and '-''^ r-.a-if torr ^-^itiil to qida a aUii r . w' Any market charges or port dues paid or p'ay'able by him • r in respect pf the potatoer.. ; r -'v- < '■'" J^^^P'^U^i'^l^ii^kM^dmej^ con- raining such particulars as may be necessary for showing whether or hot he is comj^lying with the foregoing provisions of this Order and shall make such returns as to his wholesale trade in potatoes as may from time to time be required by the Food Controller or by the Food Committee for any area in which he has a place of business. All such records and relevant documents shall be produced by the dealer on lawful demand. , ' . ' ' \ ^1, ' " ^ r 35. Where a wholesale diealer carrieis bn'1)u¥lhes9 in different p'laces the requirements of clauses 32 and 34 of this Order shall be satisfied in respect of th^'tt^nkactibhs' at/eabh' 6f his places of business separately. ;^' ' '-'■■'' ' • '>'':'^ !" r-ni-r, -. 36'.* The 'highest or' maxitnuih ^ees-fwh-fci^nfa/' be' charged by a retail dealer on a sale of potatoes shall (except as may be other- wise determined for any area by the Food Committee) vary according to the .prices actually paid for the potatoes by the retail dealer and shall be in accordance with the scale set out in the Potatoes Order, 1917, as aviended. 479 Reckoning of retailer's cost prices. Second Schedule hereto, provided that this clause shall not apply to potatoes to which the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, applies by a dealer authorised to deal in seed potato^ iijiiv/ iiuit); 37. The cost of potatoes to a retail dealer for the purpose of ^ftie preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the following items and no more, viz. : — (a) The actual price paid for the potatoes by the retail dealer ; (6)(a) The amount actually paid or payable by the retailer for carriage and porterage to his shop except any amount included under sub-clause (a) of this clause. df8. A retail dealer if lie is treacly and willihg" to, sell potatoes Retailer's over the counter at prices not exceeding the maximum prices charge for upplicable under this Order may in addition to the foregoing ® ^^^ry. prices make such charges as may be agreed between him and the purchaser, for the delivery of potatoes ordered for delivery at the purchaser's premises, not exceeding 2d. for any quantity not exceeding one stone with a further penny for each further half stone or part of a half stone so delivered, such payment to cover any charge for giving the usual credit in respect of the sale. 39. Where potatoes of which the cost to the retailer is differ- Maximum ent are mixed for sale the scale of maximum prices for the Prices where mixture shall be the scale applicable to the potatoes the cost of ^ix^ed ^^ ^^^ which is lowest. . i:!.. .(),;;! i... . : 40. Every retail jdealj^r 'sl^£^j|; 90' long' as ne stiall have aiiy Prices to be potatoes on sale display prominently ai the shop pr other place of displayed by sale (including his cart, stall or barrow if he is a hawker or coster- ^^*^"^^- monger) a statement or statements showing the prices at which he is selling the potatoes at such shop or place, and when he is selling different potatoes at different prices the statement or statements shall be in such a form or shall be so displayed^^s to SjhOjW clearly which are the prices for each lot. 1,., ,',,!, • 41. Every retail dealer shall keep an account in which he shall Retail dealer regularly and punctually and at the earliest practicable time *° ^^^P enter the particulars of all his purchases of potatoes showing the ^^^^^ *'^''' 1 description of potatoes purchased, the quantity purchased, the i^rice paid or payable for the potatoes, and all sums {if any) paid I'or payable for the carriage of the potatoes, and he shall in the same account enter the prices pef stone, per half stone, and per lb. at which he has sold the potatoes or is offering them for sale, and he shall preserve for not less than three mojaths all invoices, bills, receipts, and other documents relating to his purchases ol potatoes, and he shall on- lawful demand produce such account and all such invoices, bills, receipts, and other documeints for inspection, and point put, which entrjes. in his account and which of the invoices, bills, receipts, or other documents relate to the potatoes which he has on sale at the time of the demand, and give such other information as to his dealings in potatoes a« 'the person making" such demand shall reasonablv reauire. '"^' '• (a) Amendment of Clause 37(6). — By the Potatoes (Amemdrnten^ OtdAr, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 445), and new Clause 37 (6) was subsituted. 5789 Q 2 480 Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. Committee mav vary prices or fix a standard maximum. Deposit on bags. Sales in the ground. 42. A Food Committee may from time to time by resolution vary the scheduled scale of maximum prices for potatoes sold by retail within their area or any part of such area or fix a standard maximum price for all kinds of potatoes or standard maximum prices for sound and damaged or undersized potatoes or for different qualities of potatoes, but — (a) every such resolution shall be reported to the Food Con- troller within seven days, and shall not take effect (i) in the case of a resolution reducing any scheduled maximum price until three days after it shall have been so reported or such later time as the Food Con- troller may direct, and (ii) in the case of a resolution increasing a scheduled maximum price or fixing any standard prices until the same has been sanctioned by the Food Controller ; and (h) every resolution of a Food Committee under this clause shall be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller, and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may direct. 43. Wherever upon any sale of potatoes the seller supplies and is entitled to charge for bags, he may, if the bags are of such quality and in such condition as to be reasonably capable of being used again, require a deposit to be paid by the buyer of not exceeding 1*. ^d. for each bag, in addition to the sum charged for, the use of the bag, which deposit shall be refunded upon the return of the bag in such condition as is reasonable having regard to its condition when supplied and to ordinary wear and tear in use. Where a buyer is a wholesale dealer he may on re-sale of t^ e potatoes require the amount, if any, of the deposit paid in relation thereto to be re-imbursed to him by the buyer of the potatoes, who shall in that event have the like right as his vendor would have had to repayment of the deposit upon a return of the bags.(a') 44. A grower may sell his potatoes in the ground by auction or otherwise to a wholesale dealer but in every such case the buyer of the potatoes so sold shall be deemed for all the purposes of this Order to be the grower thereof and the terms of this Order shall apply to any such potatoes subject to the following varia- tions namely : — (a) the minimum price upon subsequent sales by the person who is deemed to be the grower shall be £6 Is. Qd, per ton m lieu of £6 per ton(l>) ; and (6) on every sale of such potatoes by him he shall be deemed to sell as a wholesale dealer and not as grower. (a.) Non-Returnable Bags Outside Ireland. — See G-eneral Licence of December 11, 1917, p. 498. (b) Seed Potatoes " for Seed." — As to application of Clauses 44(a), 45, 46 to such potatoes, see Clause 16(a), (6), of the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917 (p. 486). Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. 481 Part IV. — Subsidiary and Miscellaneous Provisions. 46. Whenever potatoes which are not sound marketable ware Undersized potatoes are sold by or on behalf of a grower at prices less than or damaged the minimum price for sound marketable ware potatoes the \q g^ potatoes so sold shall be expressly sold and invoiced as ** under- described on sized potatoes" or as ^* 'damaged potatoes" or as '* undersized all sales, and damaged potatoes " with the addition (if the parties think proper) of any further particulars of the damage and any such potatoes shall not be sold either by a wholesale dealer or by a retail dealer except under the same description with or without any such addition as aforesaid and any retail dealer who exposes any such potatoes for sale shall show by a notice prominently displayed in connection with such potatoes the description of such potatoes as above, (a) 46. No potatoes which are not sound marketable ware potatoes ^^ other shall be mixed by any grower or v^-holesale or retail dealer with Potatoes to any potatoes which are sound marketable ware potatoes. (a) ^-^^ sound marketable ware 47. Nothing contained in this Order or either of the Schedules Accommoda- to this Order shall prevent accommodation sales from one retail tion sales. dealer to another retail dealer but the purchasing dealer shall not sell potatoes so purchased by him at prices higher than those at which the selling dealer might have sold them and the purchasing dealer shall upon every such accommodation sale take from the selling dealer a note of the transaction showing the scale of highest prices at which the selling dealer might have sold. 48. A grower of potatoes shaH not knowingly deliver to the purchaser thereof in connection with any sale of potatoes or to any other person for the use or benefit of the purchaser or by his directions, a greater quantity of potatoes than the quantity paid or agreed to be paid for by the purchaser or agree to give more than the usual credit or make or agree to make any remission or rebate, or return of purchase money or pay or offer to pay any commission or make or offer to make any gift in money or in kind unless, after deduction of the amount or value of the rebate commission or gift, the purchase price paid upon such sale amounts to or exceeds the appropriate minimum price according to the foregoing provisions; and no person shall propose to a grower of potatoes or invite him to do any act or thing which would constitute an infringement of this Clause. 48a. On every sale of potatoes, except to consumers the seller shall after the 30th April, 1918, furnish the buyer with accounts, invoices or receipts giving full particulars of the quantities sold and the prices paid or payable. (b) Minimum prices not be evaded. to (a) Seed Potatoes " for Seed." — As to application of Clauses 44(a),45, 46 to such potatoes, see Clause 16 (a), (&), of the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917 (p. 486). (b) Insertion of Clause 48a. — By the Potatoes (Amendment) Order, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 445), a new Clause 48a was added to this Order. 57^9 Q 3 482 Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. Fictitious transactions Meaning of " lawful de- mand." Penalties. Saving of existing con- tracts for the sale of early potatoes. Cooked or dried potatoes. Saving and revocation. Short Title. 49. No person shall, in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any potatoes, enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction, or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 50. Whenever in this Order or any Schedule hereto any person is required to produce any documents .or class of documents, or give any information on lawful demand, he shall produce or give the same at all reasonable times and places on demand of any of&cer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or Food Committee to make such demand either particularly or as holding any office or position, and either gene- rally or in the particular case. 51. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 52. Nothing contained in this Order shall prejudice or affect any contract entered into before the date of this Order for the sale of potatoes not being potatoes of the 1917 main crop varieties. 53. This Order shall not apply to cooked, dried or evaporated potatoes. 54. (a) This Order is without prejudice to the Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917. (a) (b) The Potatoes 1916 Main Crop (Prices) Order (No. 2), 1917, (b) and the 1917 Crop (Restriction) Order, 1917, (c) so far as not already revoked are hereby revoked without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 55. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes Order, 1917. 13th September, 1917. Rhondda, Food Controller, 0J ' ihJF. TO First Schedule. Definitions. Kules for restricting wholesale dealings and adjusting the ternis ^ of the Order to the case of wholesale dealers who are, alap ";^ ''growers or i^tail dealers. ■■■■■:' ijiuT ^;'^;^^ In this Schedule:— !:;■;':''''' !:;r7i nf« Qrower-dealer " means a grower of potatoes who.iV ^t^fi^ ^ '?] '" wholesale dealer. ''- ■^-:, '- ;"^ 'r ""^^ ""^ rfo:iJ«, ^i^oiesale and Retail' Dealer '/'m^ans a person;'W'f?'% wholesale dealer and also a retail dealer. ''''^'^" ioJiTo-w No sale to a 2. A wholesale dealer shall not re-sell to or through the agency third whole- of another wholesale dealer (whether or not such other dealer is sale dealer. _ ^^sq a retail dealer) any potatoes which he has himself bought or agreed to buy from a wholesale dealer or from a j^rower-dealer (a) Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) -Oei^er,, 1917;— 3?hat Orcipr is printed p. 469. - „. .- . ,- • , „ -,f > v. > ... • . - j (b) Potatoes 1916 Main Crop (Prices) Order (No. 2) 1917.— That Or(^er is printed at p, 74 of the May, 1917, Edit, of the " Food Supply Manual." ci (c) 1917 Crop (Restriction) .Order,, 1917,— That £)rder was .r^vojcefl except as to Potatoes by Art. 15 of Grain (Prices) Order 1917, p. 105. Potatoes Order, 1917, as amended. 483 selling either as a wholesale dealer or through a wholesale dealer on commission. 3. Every wholesale dealer shall keep the potatoe8 wHict he is Dealers to at liberty to re-sell to a wholesale dealer separate from those which keepseparate he is not at liberty so to re-sell, and shall keep separate accounts ^hich they^ in relation to the two classes of potatoes, and shall cause his may not re- accounts to be kept in such a form as to show clearly from which sell to wholes*: class the potatoes delivered upon each sale made by him have ^^1® dealers, f ' been taken. 4. A wholesale and retail dealer may as respects any potatoes Wholesale bought by him treat the purchase (and enter the same in his and retail books) as made by him for the account of his retail trade, or ^^rc^^ses transfer any part of a purchase at cost price to the account of foj. retail his retail trade. In every such case the potatoes so dealt with account, shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of clause 32 of this Order, and the transaction shall be dealt with in the account relating to the dealer's retail trade as if he had not been also a wholesale dealer. - ~ -- 6. A wholesale and retail dealer may also and in the alterna- Wholesale tive treat any potatoes as sold by his wholesale business or and retail department to his retail business or department at any price ^®^^|^ ^^^ and on any terms which would have been permissible under this Wholesale Order as between him and a retail dealer buying such potatoes to retail from him and in that case : — department.^ (a) In the application of clauses 32 and 34 of this Order the potatoes shall be treated as having been sold by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his wholesale business; and (6) in determining the maximum prices that may be charged for the potatoes on the sale thereof by retail such potatoes shall be treated as having been purchased by the dealer at that price and on those terms in the course of his retail business. 6. A grower-dealer may sell his own potatoes either as a grower Grower- or as a wholesale dealer, but he shall be deemed to sell as whole- dealer may Bale dealer unless he expressly sells as the grower. sell as grower or as dealer. 7. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as grower the gales as sale shall be subject to the provisions applicable under this Order grower, to a sale by a grower. 8. Where a grower-dealer sells his own potatoes as a whol^ Sales by a sale dealer the sale shall be subject as respects price and condi- grower- tions of sale to the provisions applicable under this Order to a dealer as sale by a grower except that the maximum price shall bo ®* ®'* increased by the sum of 7*. 6 9. JJ 5s. 4d. M JJ 5s. Sd. oh 10. JJ 5s. 8d. JJ JJ bs.Ud. iin 1 ■ 6 11. JJ 5s. Ud. JJ JJ 6s. 3d. 1 12. JJ Gs. M. JJ JJ 6s. Id. 1 Oi 1 1 6i "■ IB. JJ 6s. Id. J> JJ Qs.Ud. 14. JJ Qs.Wd. J J JJ Is. 2d. 1 u 1 2 7 , 15. ^j Is. 2d. JJ JJ Is. 6rf. 16. )j 7s. M. JJ JJ 7s. lOd. 1 21 1 3 7r 17. JJ Is. lOrf. J5 JJ 8s. Id. 18. 19. JJ JJ 8s. \d. 8s. bd. JJ J? JJ JJ 8s. hd. 8s. M. 1 3n 1 4 \ 8 y u 20. JJ 8s. 8d JJ JJ 9s. Qd. 1 4^ 1 5 8ij 21. JJ 9s. Orf. JJ JJ 9s. 4d. 22. JJ 9s. 4d. JJ JJ 9s. M. 1 5i) 1 6 ] '] 23. JJ 9s. ^d. JJ JJ 10s. Od. u 24. JJ lOs. Od. 1 6i n) (a) Amendment. — This Schedule as here printed was substituted for the Schedule as printed in the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual, as from June 14,. 1918, by the Amending Order of June 12, 1918. Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917. 485 The Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917. October 30, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1101. Dated Monthly returns as to potatoes. Completion of return. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by regulation 2g of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. All growers of potatoes shall within eight days from the first day of each month beginning with the month of November, 1917, furnish monthly returns of: — (a) Estimated quantity of potatoes in his possession on the first day of the month in which the return falls to be made; (h) Quantity of potatoes consumed or delivered in the pre- ceding month; and . • (c) Such other particiilars as may be necessary to complete the prescribed forms of return : Except that the return to be 7nade as respects Ireland m the Tnonth of November, 1917, shall state the quantity of potatoes in the possession of the grower on the Sth November, 1917, instead ■of the 1st November, 1917, and may be furnished at any time before the IQth November, 1917. The last return shall be made in respect of the month of May, 1918. 2. The returns shall be made on the forms prescribed by the iFood Controller. The appropriate forms of return may be -obtained from and when completed are to be returned to or in accordance with the directions of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London, S.W.I, as respects England and Wales, the Board. of Agriculture for Scotland, Edinburgh, as respects Scot- land, and the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruc- tion for Ireland, Dublin, as respects Ireland. (b) 3. A grower shall not be required to make a return under this Exception. Order— (a) as respects potatoes grown in Wales or Monmouthshire if his total acreage there under potatoes in the year 1917 was less than two acres ; ^r '(b) as respects potatoes grown in the rest of Great Britain if his total acreage there under potatoes in the year 1917 was less than five acres ; or (c) as respects potatoes grown in Ireland if his total acreage there under potatoes in the year 1917 was less than one acre. 4. Failure to make a return or the making of a false return is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula^ tions. (a) Duration of Order. — This Order expires in June, 1918. The Potatoes G-rowers' (Returns) Order, 1918 (p. 508), provides for a return as to potato crops in Great Britain. (b) Agricultural Departments. — As to the constitution of the three Agricultural Departments ftee the Introductory Notes to Part Y (England and Wales), p. 258, Part YT (Scotland), p. 342, and Part ^n Ireland), p. 380, of 4he " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Penalty. 86 tie SeediFotatoes (IQIT Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. 6. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F, Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 3Gth OctobBr, 1917. Application of this Order. Definitions. The Seed Potatoes (1917 Ciior) Qiider, 1917, dated jN^ovember 12, 1917, AS AMENDED BY THE SeED POTATOES ("1917 CrOP) ^ .Ordeb,, 19.18,(a)' uATin I^ebjiuai^y ,4, .1918. 1917 No. 1155, as amended by 1918 No. 138. in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of. the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula* tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — ,- 1. The provisions of this Order shall apply only to seed pota- toes dealt in as or for seed. All other dealings in potatoes shall be subject to the provisions of the Potatoes Order, 1917.(b) 2, For the purposes of this Order the following expressions shall except where the context otherwise requires have th& following meanings: — ** A Wholesale Seed Dealer " means a person for the time .1^ i-j being authorised under the Potatoes Order, 1917, to soil ; ;:f? 5 potatoes as or for seed by wholesale. i: .** A Retail Seed Dealer " means a person for the time being ^ authorised under the Potatoes Order, 1917, to sd^l potatoes as or for seed by retail. . ,ImiqI " His Own Potatoes,^" with reference to a grower of potatoes means the potatoes grown by such grower. " Seed Potatoes " means potatoes of the classes hereinafter mentioned and potatoes which under this Order are- '£i7 deemed to be seed potatoes. ** Class I." shall mean poiatoes of the variety Arran Chief grown in Scotland or Ireland 'n the year 1917 which will pass through a riddle having a 2i-inch mesh and will not pass through a riddle having a IJ-inch mesh, *^v.;:J^>ii land potatoes of any otlier variety grown in Scotland or ii6.ii ',-j' Ireland in the year 1917 which will pass through a riddle having a 2-incli mesh and will not pass through ..;...; - a, riddle having a IJ-inch- mesh. . ^iln-aJt) /Class ir." shall mean potatoes grown in England or Wales in the year 1917 from seed grown in Scotland or Ireland in the year 1916 which will pass through a riddle having a 2-inch mesh and will not pass through a riddle having a IJ-inch mesh. . ,!; '^^.(a) Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, i9lS.— This amending (5rc!qr- prescribed a new class (lY) of potatoes controlled by the principal Order, (b) Potatoes Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 472. Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. 487 ** Class III/' shall mean potatoes grown in England or Wales in the year 1917 from seed grown in England or Wales in the year 1916 (such seed having been obtained from seed grown in Scotland or Ireland in the year 1915) which will pass through a riddle having a l|-inch mesh,- and will not pass through a riddle having a IJ-inohg mesh. *' Class IV." shall mean potatoes of the varieties '' Myatt's Ashleaf Kidney," ^-' Duke of York," ^* Sharp's Ex- press, " '' Eclipse, " '' British Queen, " '' Royal Kidney," and ''King Edward" grown in England or Wales in the year 1917, other than potatoes belonging to Class III. which will pass through a riddle of 1| inch mesh, and will not pass through a riddle of \\ inch mesh, (a) 3. — («) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Potatoes Order, Certain * 1917, potatoes of the varieties named in the Eirst Schedule and varieties maf' of the first four varieties named in the Second Schedule respec- "® 5 *^' tively grown as mentioned in the definitions of Class I., Class II., aro^n. Class III. and Class IV., and potatoes of the varieties Evergood iind Queen Mary grown in Scotland or Ireland in the year 1917, may be sold '^ as grown " by the grower thereof, as or for seed : Provided that there shall be removed all large potatoes and all such potatoes as will pass through a riddle having a IJ-inch mesh. (h) Where any such potatoes are or have been sold ** as grown " as or for seed, such potatoes shall for all purposes be deemed to be seed potatoes and the class of such potatoes shall be determined in accordance with the definitions contained in Clause 2 of this Order except so far as such definitions relate to riddles. 4. Except where seed potatoes are sold as or for seed for export, Maximum a person shall 'tiot directly or indirectly sell or offer or expose for prices on sale or buy or agree to buy any seed potatoes at prices above the ^^1®^/^^ ^^^^ maximum prices permitted by this Order. orlorsee^. 5. The price which may be charged on any sale as or for seed of Maximum €eed potatoes of any of the varieties mentioned in the First P"^® *^^ Schedule shall not exceed the maximum price applicable under oofatoes^^^ -such Schedule according to the variety and class of potatoes sold, .specified in Schedule 1. 6. The price which may be charged on a sale as or for seed of Grower's seed potatoes of the varieties referred to in the Second Schedule maximum by the grower of the potatoes sold shall not exceed £6 IOj. per Pfj^® *°^ ton together with the addition of the sum (if any) mentioned in pQ^^toeT the Second Schedule applicable according to the variety and class of seed potatoes sold ; except that where a grower sells quantities of 1 cwt. or less of his own seed potatoes of these varieties to persons buying for planting the price shall not exceed 1^. 3^. per stone and such charges may be made for delivery as may under this Oyder be 'made by a retail seed dealer. (a) Amendment of Clauses 2 and 3. — The Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Prices Order, 1918, added the provisions as to potatoes of Class IV. 488 Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. Basis of prices and adjustments where the basis is varied. Wholesale seed dealer's maximum prices. Reckoning of cost to a wholesale dealer. Retail seed dealer's maximum prices. 7. The maximum prices applicable under the last clause are fixed on the basis (i) that the potatoes are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the seller's railway station, or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or barge not less convenient to the seller than the seller's railway station, (ii) that bags (if required) are sup- plied by the buyer, and (iii) that no commission is paid. If the potatoes are delivered otherwise than as above, a corresponding variation shall be made in the price and in particular, if bags are supplied by the grower, the above-mentioned maximum price shall be increased by a sum of 10^. whether the bags are returnable or not, and if any commission is paid by the grower to a wholesale dealer not exceeding a commission at the rate of 75. 66^. per ton the maximum price shall be increased by the amount of the commission. 8. (a) The maximum price which may be charged by a whole- sale dealer on a sale as or for seed of seed potatoes of the varieties referred to in the Second Schedule shall be a sum not exceeding the cost to him of the seed potatoes so sold by more than fifteen shillings per ton. (6) No wholesale dealer shall after the 12th November, 1917^ sell seed potatoes as or for seed as agent on commission at a commission exceeding 7^. Qd. per ton. 9. The cost of seed potatoes to a wholesale seed dealer for the purpose of the preceding clause shall be reckoned as including the following items and no more, viz. : — (a) The price actually paid or payable by him for the potatoes, including the authorised charge for bags where the potatoes are bought by him already bagged. (6) A sum not exceeding 10*. per ton for bags where the potatoes are bought by him unbagged and bags (whether returnable or not) are supplie(i by him. (c) Any reasonable costs of transportation (including marine insurance) or cartage borne by him in respect of the potatoes; and {d) Any market charges or port dues paid or payable by him in respect of the potatoes. 10. The maximum price which may be charged by a retail seed dealer on a sale as or for seed of seed potatoes of the varieties referred to in the Second Schedule shall^ (a) in the case of a sale of more than 1 ton of any oi)?^ variety, be a sum not exceeding the cost to him of tii\^ seed, potatoes so sold by more than £1 per ton ; and (b) in the case of a sale of 1 ton or less, but of more than 1 cwt. of any one variety, be a sum not exceeding the cost to him of the seed potatoes so sold by more than £2 5*. Od. per ton ; and (c) in the case of a sale of 1 cwt. or less of any one variety, vary according to the cost to him of the seed potatoes so sold and shall be in accordance with the scale set out in the Third Schedule hereto. Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order ^ 1917, as amended. 489 11. The cost of seed potatoes to a retail seed dealer for the purpose of the preceding Clause shall be reckoned as including the following items and no more, viz : — {a) The price actually paid or payable by him for the potatoes; and (6) sums actually paid or payable by him for the carriage of the potatoes except sums paid or payable for the carriage of the potatoes from the place at which in the ordinary course of business seed potatoes would b® delivered to him. 12. A retail seed dealer, if he is ready and willing to sell at his premises seed potatoes as or for seed at prices not exceeding the maximum prices applicable under this Order, may in addition to the foregoing prices make such charges as may be agreed between him and the purchaser for the delivery of potatoes ordered for delivery to the purchaser not exceeding (whichever shall be the greater) (i) any reasonable charges for such delivery actually paid by the retail seed dealer or (ii) 2d. for any quantity not exceeding 1 stone with a further penny for each further half stone or part of half stone so delivered. 13. Every wholesale seed dealer and every retail seed dealer shall keep an account in which he shall regularly and punctually and at the earliest practicable time enter the particulars of all his purchases of seed potatoes as or for seed showing the variety and class of potatoes purchased, the quantity purchased, the price paid or payable for such potatoes, and all sums (if any) paid or payable for the carriage thereof and he shall in the same account enter the prices at which he has sold the seed potatoes or is ojffering them for sale, and he shall preserve for not less than six months all invoices, bills, receipts and other documents relating to his purchases of seed potatoes as or for seed, and he shall on lawful demand produce such account and all such invoices, bills, receipts and other documents for inspection and point out which entries in his account and which bills, invoices, receipts and other documents relate to the seed potatoes which he has on sale as or for seed at the time of the demand, or which have been sold by him, and give such other information as to his dealings in seed potatoes as or for seed as the person making such demand shall reasonably require. 14. Where a person sells his potatoes in the ground to a whole- sale dealer, the buyer of the potatoes so sold shall be deemed for all the purposes of this Order to be the grower thereof and the terms of this Order shall apply to any seed potatoes dressed out for sale as such save that on every sale of such potatoes by him he shall be deemed to sell as a wholesale dealer and not as a grower. 15. {a) The provisions of Clause 9 of the Potatoes Order and the first Schedule thereto shall apply to dealings in seed potatoes as or for seed, references to the Potatoes Order, 1917, and the provisions thereof being for the purpose of such application deemed to be references to this Order and the corresponding provisions thereof, and the words '^the sum of 155. per ton" being substituted for the words *' the sum of Is. ^d. per ton '* in Retailer's charge for delivery. Dealers to keep records. Sales in the ground. Application of the first schedule to the Potatoes Order, 1917. 490 Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order] 1917, as amended. Modification of the Potatoes Order, 1917. clause 8 of sucli Schedule and the words " a grower of potatoes " and '^ for his own planting *' being* substituted for the words *' a public institution ur body or otherwise known to be a large con- sumer '* and ** for his own consumption" in Clause 10 of such Schedule. b«»> ;H^)<>n (5) Clauses 43 and 47 of the Potatoies Order/ 1917, relating tO''deposits on bags and Accommodation Sales shall apply to dealings in seed potatoes sold as or for seed. ' - -<' ■ 16. aVotwithstanding the provisions of thiEi''FQtatoes Order, 1917: !(rf( ot bois/ii'd. i\\\ fe/ii!^, g^o'wer shall be entitled to dre^s Out seed potatoes so ddr i^iiib'^as to separate the same from the rest of his crop and X7aTii»b iioiitbbB iishall keep seed potatoes intended for sale as seed f)f^j)'£^/{ o(f separate from other potatoes, if any, for the time being -Mohitoq idealt in by him; and no person need in relation to tevedoidwseed potatoes so dressed out and sold as or for seed ^'lavibb'dcoraply with the provisions of Clause 7 of the Potatoes v;aB io\ .Order, 1917, or in a sale of seed potatoes as or for doc3 -rnl seed comply with the provisions of Clause 44 (a) of the Potatoes Order, 1917. f (A^ ?SP' o^o^^r, wholesale seed dealer, -or retail seed dealer fr *j . .j^^ need in relation to seed potatoes sold as or for seed or rV 4 J [intended for sale as seed, comply with the provisions '/joi irv '^ilP^ Clauses 45 or 46 of the Potatoes Order 1917 ; ,; oohfA'A^ from the date of this Order Clause 10 of the Potatoes lo biru ' /^^^^^' 1917, shall cease to apply to seed potatoes of ranoooB 9fi'*^^ varieties therein mentioned, if sold as or for seed. ;17. (a) The Potatoes Order, 1917, shall be amended in the manner appearing in the Fourth Schedule to this Order. (6) Copies of the Potatoes Order, 1917, hereafter to be printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office shall be printed with the additions, omissions and substitutions directed to be made by t}ie Fourth Schedule hereto and such Order shall as from the d^t^ when this Order comes into force be construed and take effect as if it had been^Hm^ad^ with suck additions substitutions and omissions. \ ,, fo ^r,-,:.itMfi ^^A\ 1'> o.. Amendments of the Potatoes Order, 1917. Meaning of lawful demand. Fictitious transactions. Contracts. 18. Whenever in this Order any person is required to produce any documents or class of documents or give any information on lawful demand, he shall produce or give the same at all reasonable times and places on the demand of any officer or constable of police, or any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Control Committee to make such demand either particularly or as holding any Q|g.fi^,.jOrrPQs\tiftn*;a^d,^?.itj[)fir. generally or in the particular case«,toq iloaa lo elua ^^avo ao ifidi ev^e Aou> 19. No persbh shall in connection -with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any potatoes enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge; ' ■/>;;i.. * -ih .;.■.- < . w. 20. Where any contrai^l^/'^bylsting a^'tJie date oi tliis" 6rier for the sale of any seed potatoes of the varieties mentioned in the Second Schedule provides for the pa^nncjiifc of a price in excess of the permitted maximum price, the contract shall, if Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. 491 otherwise lawful, stand so far as concerns any seed potatoes <:lelivered on or before the date of this Order but shall except in such cases as the Food Controller otherwise determines be avoided so far as concerns any seed potatoes agreed to be sold above the permitted maximum prices which have not been so delivered. ' ■ 21. {a) Clause 4 of the Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, (a) shall he amended bv the silbstitution of the words *' li inch '' for the words " 1 inch.'' (6) Nothing in this Order shall so long as the Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917, remains in force authorise a sale or disposal of any potatoes to which that Order applies* ,,^^', 22. Infringements of this Order are summary offences aga'ifii^ Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. . 23. {a) This Order shall come into force on the 12th November, 1917. (6) This Order may be cited as the Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917. m>jMu^uP By Order of the Food Controller, !/ ; ^M) \ .U.F.Wintour, ^-^^^^ j I Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 12th November, 1917. ' .' < iji Vii^^Wi ... Yiijutwgni.J Schedule I. n-yfuQ linnl Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917. Commence- ment and Title. Variety of Potato. Highest authorised selling price per stone. ... o>!itO iio-ii Class T. Myatt's Ashleaf Kidney ... ... ' Edzell Blue : Early Puritan ... ... ...^ Duke of York.joq y^,,; Ho.»l/w od^-i Sharp's Express Eclipse May Queen ... Midlothian Early ..-.^i Sir John Llewelyn ... Ninetyfold ... Beauty of Hebron ... Early Rose ... Epicure El Trnrtvstn 4 'Oil 3UL Ci) «»od»io«I 3 2 6 Class II. Class III. I'jo^ i(Mbtiu I in^. jrSb fSrij a bebba ed ^r.xo mne o>5 JLJL Hivoi*i — .71 tA\.lO 'iO hAvlAuH (m) 2 9 2 3 ).Y1 88«I0 oi & l^qioiiiiq adi 2 3 2 The highest authorised selling price per stone for potatoes of the varieties " Sharps Express." " Eclipse," " Myatt's Ashleaf Kidney " and " Duke of York," belonging to Class IV. shall be 2s. (jd.(h) (a) Seed Potatoes (Immune Varieties) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 469. (b) Amendment of Schedule. — These words were added by Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Prices Order, 1918. 492 Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. Schedule II. Variety of Potato. Sums which may be added under Clause 6. Class I. Class If. Class III. («) King George Y. Great Scot ... Lochar Templar (6) Royal Kidney British Queen Pioneer Queen Mary Evergood («) {d) King Edward VII. Arran Chief... Langworthy . . . What's Wanted Golden Wonder Irish Queen Shamrock Abundance President Iron Duke Scottish Farmer (e) Any other varieties not specified in either Schedule I. or Schedule II and not sold under licence ^} £ 8. d. 2 10 1 15 10 5 £ s. d. 1 5 Nii: Nil. Nil. s. d. 10 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. No sum may be added under Clause 6 on the sale of any potatoes belonging to Class IV. (a) (a) Potatoes of Class IV. — Provisions as to these potatoes were added to the principal Order by Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Prices Order, 1918. Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) Order, 1917, as amended. 493 Schedule 111. Scale of Maximum Retail Prices for Seed Potatoes sold ih Lots of 1 Cwt. or Less of any One Variety. Retailer's buying price per cwt. for potatoes delivered at the place at which he ordinarily takes delivery. Highest retail selling price for lots of 1 cwt. or less of any one variety. (Rate per stone.) s. d. Up to and including 5s. 6ro gxo.' '^I' Tlie Food Controller hereby authorises every grower of potatoes ib sell and offer to sell his own potatoes at prices lower than the minimum prices fixed by the Potatoes Order, 1917, but otherwise subject to the provisions of such Order. By (Order of the Food Cpntroller. n ^f,il>tjbnj hn ;; I \ -W J ^ Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. <"; ■ J November irth, 1917. The PotItOes Order (No. 2);' 1917, dated November 19, 1917, AS amended by Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917, Amend- ment Order, 1918. (b) .V>0.hL'I 191^. No. 1188, as amended by 1918. Noi'siS. Whereas with a view to encouraging' the gl-owth of potatoes in the year 1917, it vras announced on behalf of His Majesty's Government that a minimum price of £6 per ton, free on rail or free on board, would be guaranteed to growers for all sound marketable ware potatoes delivered as required in lots of 4 tons or more. Now therefore for the purpose of giving effect to such announcement and in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the follow- ing regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned; — Interpreta- 1- ^OT the purposes ot this Order: .t.,!M,,-ui re The expression '' Ware Potatoes " means sound marketable potatoes of the 1917 crop (except potatoes sold as or for seed) .!,,,TYJbich ;will iiot, pass through a riddle having a mesh of If inches. ?;*;'^,'5^he',6xj^r^^ib^ any ware potatoes means such person as may be determined by or under the authoHiy of the Food Controller to be the grower of such potatoes for the ^■purposes of this Order and subject toi any such determination o vi 1 ! .. : ' ".-■-.;■ , , . : ■ ■^r i ; i . ,. . / . '\ r; I • (a) Potatoes Order, 1917^— That. Order is printed p. 472. (b) Amendment of Order.— The Amendriient Order added the 2iid para- ^Ripb'of t>lauHe' 2 and jtlso^lauses 2a and 5 (iii) to tBe principal Order. - . , Potatoes Order {No. 2), 191'T^V 495 m^ans the person who trad on' tlie 19th November, 1917, the occu- pier of the land on which such potatoes were grown or, if such potatoes hav6 been Or shall be sold in the groundy the>per80nLtO('; whom such potatoes have been or may be so sold. I'jf 'rro') [)<);'[ ,([[ The expression ''the base price" means as respects ware potatoes grown in any area, the rate per ton fixed by the Pood Controller from time to time as the base price for that area. The expression "the selling price" means in the case of a,, sale of ware potatoes, free on rail, barge or ship (grower's station, r wharf or port) the rate per ton according to the contract and ill tho case of a sale of potatoes on other terms such rate adjusted in accordance with directions given by the Food Controller to a rate free on rail, barge or ship (grower's station, wharf or port). For the purpose of ascertaining the time of delivery, potatoes shall be deemed to be delivered when they are first put on rail, barge or ship, or, if not put on rail, barge or ship, when they are removed from the grower's farm in the course of distribution. Where potatoes are delivered otherwise than by rail, barge or ship, they shall be deemed to be delivered in a lot of 4 tons or more if the quantity delivered to a single purchaser in any consecutive period of 7 days equals or exceeds 4 tons and the whole of such lot shall be deemed to be delivered on the last day on which any part of it is so delivered. ' ,'■ 2. Where pursuant to a bond fide contract for sale a grower Claims by has in any month or other period prescribed by the Food Con- grower, troller delivered in lots of 4 tons or more ware potatoes grown by him he may make application to the Food Controller for payment to him in respect of each ton so delivered during that period of a sum equal to the amount by which the average selling price of all ware potatoes so delivered by him during that period falls short of the prescribed sura; provided that for the purpose of calci^-i f,, lating the average selling price, ware potatoes delivered in lots of 4 tons or more and sold at a rate below the base price shall be deemed to have been sold at the base price. (a) hpi ;y3 ; The prescribed sum shall as respects potatoes delivered- before the 15th April, 1918, be £6, and a^ respects potatoes delivered between the 15th April, 1918, and 14th May, 1918, inclusive, be £6 10.5., and as respects potatoes delivered after the 14th May, 1918, be £7. . . ^ 2a. Where after the 31st March, 1918, a ;' gr'owlr of potatoes dresses his clamped potatoes and riddles the same ^ ^s to extract therefrom the seed potatoes and re-clamps his ware potatoes lie may make application for payment of a sum of 10*. in respect of each ton of such re-clamped potatoes ; provided that a claim shall not be made or allowed under this clause in respect of a greater quantity of ware potatoes than a quantity which bears the same proportion to the total quantity of ware potatoes extracted from the original clamp as the quantity of seed potatoes extracted and planted or sold for planting by the grower bears to the total quantity of seed potatoes so extracted. (a) Variation of Base Price.— The Base Price was varied as from May 15, 1918, by the Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918, printed p. 509. 496 Potatoes Order {No. 2), 191' Making and determina- tion of claims. False statements. Exclusion of certain persons from making claims Potatoes delivered prior to 19th Novem- ber, 1917. Contracts. Penalty. Title. 3.— (a) Claims for payment shall be lodged within such time and in such manner and shall be proved by such evidence and shall be made to and determined by such persons and bodies as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe. {h) The decision of any person or body appointed by the Food Controller to act for the purposes of this Order shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, and payments will be made on the basis of such decision accordingly ; except that any decision made by any such person or body may at any time be reviewed and if thought fit, modified or set aside by the Food Controller, not- withstanding that any monies shall have been paid thereunder. 4. A person shall not, for the purpose of obtaining a payment under this Order either for himself or any other person make any false statement or false representation. 5. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine,, no claim under this Order shall be allowed if the per- son on whose behalf such claim is made (i) shall, after the 19th November, 1917, have contravened any Order of the Food Controller for the time being in force relating to potatoes; or (ii) shall have failed to comply with any special or general direction of the Food Controller relating to the dis- posal or delivery or withholding,' of delivery ot any potatoes of which he is the grower; or (iii) shall have failed to make any return required by or under the authority of the Food Controller or shall have made any false statement in any such return. 6. This Order shall not apply to ware potatoes delivered before the 19th November, 1917. 7. Except in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine and except in respect of potatoes delivered prior to the 19th November, 1917, all contracts subsisting at the date of this Order for the sale of ware potatoes are cancelled, other than contracts for sale in the ground. 8. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 9. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917. » By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of FoocJ. 19th November, 1917. General Licence under Potatoes Order, 191T ; Bread {Use oj 497 Potatoes) Order No. 2, 1917. General Licence, dated November 23, 1917, under the Potatoes Order, 1917. (a) (lb) 1917. No. 1199. The Food Controller hereby authorises, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 10 of the Potatoes Order, 1917, sales of and dealings in potatoes of any of the varieties mentioned in such clause (''King Edward'' " Arran Chief" '' Langworthy " ** What's Wanted " and '* Golden Wonder ") except sales of and dealings in any such varieties grown in any of the Counties of York, Lincoln, Cambridge, Norfolk, Huntingdon, Hertford, Warwick, Worcester and Notts by a grower whose whole acreage of potatoes of all varieties in those counties in the year 1917 exceeds 5 acres. (c) By Order of the Food Controller. W, H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to tbe Ministry of Food. 23rd November, 1917. The Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order No. 2, 1917. Dated December 8, 1917. [This Order, which is printed in Group 3 (" Bread, Flour and Cereals ") (p. 121) relates to the use of potatoes supplied for bread making.] (a) Potatoes Order, 1917. — That Order is printed, p. 472. (b) Superseded Licences. — The Licence of November 23rd appears to supersede the Licence of October 30th, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. IIUO), as to Sale in Ireland of potatoes of the varieties specified in Clause 10 of the Order, and also the Licence of November 8, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1170), as to Sale in Scotland of the variety Arran Chief. Those two Licences are omitted from this Manual accordingly. (c) Licence as to Sales by such Growers. — A General Licence of Feb. 11, 1918, p. 505, provides for such excepted sales. 493, General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917 ; Mangels and Swedes {Prices) {Ireland) Order, 1917. General Licence, dated December 11, 1917, under the Potatoes Order, 1917. (a) 1917. No. 1257. The Food Controller hereby authorises a sum not exceeding IO5. per ton in lieu of bs. per ton to be charaged for non-returnable bags on sales of potatoes to be con^ji^neji from Ireland to a destination outside Ireland. '^' f^^w , , By Order of the Food Controller. • I f IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 11th December, 1917. Maximum Price. Power of Food Con- trol Com- mittee to fix Maximum Prices for Mangels and Swedes. Maximum Prices. The Mangels and Swedes (Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1917. Dated December 22, 1917. 1917. No. 1326. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall on or after the 1st January, 1918, directly or indirectly sell or offer for sale or buy or offer to buy any Mangels or Swedes or Swedish Turnips at prices exceeding the maximum prices prescribed by or in pursuance of this Order. 2. (a) The Food Control Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Committee) (b) may from time to time prescribe maxi- mum prices applicable on the occasion of any sales or any classes of sales in Ireland of Mangels or Swedes or Swedish Turnips and may from time to time revoke or vary maximum prices so prescribed. {b) Any Maximum prices prescribed under this Clause shall he subject to review by the Food Controller and shall be with- drawn or modified as he may direct. 3. {a) Until otherwise prescribed pursuant to Clause 2 hereof the maximum price for Mangels sliall be at the rate of 305. per ton and for Swedes or Swedish Turnips at the rate of 255. per ton. (a) Potatoes Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 472. (b) Food Control Committee fob Ireland.— See the Food Control Com- mittee for Ireland (Constitution) Order 1917, printed in Part III. of this Manual General Dij\€ictiori\iin^er Potatoes Order ^ 1917. A^^ (h) The foregoing maximum prices are fixed on the basis that the roots are either loaded by the seller into trucks at the sellers railway station, or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or port not less convenient to thte seller than the seller's railway station, and that no commission is paid. If the roots are delivered other- wise thaii- as above, a corresponding variation shall be made in the price and in particular if any commission is paid, the sum paid (not exceeding the customary amoun^t) shall be adcled iin determining the maximum ptice. ■ ' ■ ijiii, (c) The provisions of this clause shall not apply to the sale of Mangels or Swedes or Swedish Turnips, where the total quantity of the, a;rticle sold by the seller to the buyer in any period of T consecutive days including the day of sale does not exceed 1 cwt. 4. No person shall in connection with the sale or disposition or Artificial and proposed sale or disposition of any Mangels or Swedes or Swedish Fictitious Turnips enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial ^^^^^^^" transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. Where any contract subsisting at the 1st January, 1918, Contract, for the sale of any Mangels or Swedes or Swedish Turnips pro- vides for the payment of a price in excess of the maximum price fixed by this Order, such contracts shall stand so far as concerns the deliveries made before the 1st January, 1918, but unless otherwise determined by the Committee shall be avoided so far as concerns deliveries to be made on or after that date. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalties, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. (a) This Order may be cited as the Mangels and Swedes Title and (Pjices) (Ireland) Order, 1917. . ^^j^^* of (h) This .Order shall extend only to Ireland. Order. Z3 i;rj< :.;.:! By Order of the Food Controller. I'mnodinr ■■loo urtelMtl W . H . BeveriBge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd December, 1917. General Direction, dated December 24, 1917, under the , ^;,^^ ^Potatoes Order, 1917. (a) ..,^^^''!;j**'^'''l9n- 'No: 1327. The Food Obniirbller hereby directs every wholesale dealer dn the occasion of any sale of potatoes by him to furnish a proper invoice to the purchaser. Bv Order of.tl^e Food /Controller. . , , , - ' ifl io Ttiin;;; W . H. Beveridgej vrc] 7^ '^.I'lhru noiiqur. uinijq ^^^^ecotid Secretary to ihe Ministry of FooS. ' ' .^ '. 24th December, 1917.,' a/? n't Ub a'l .rdl T \o rl'iinsiup r, \o g^-jois (a.) Potatoes Orde]^, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 472. . 500 British Onions Order, 1917. The British Onions Order, 1917. Dated December 24, J 917. 1917. No. 1331. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except by the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Onions to be sold by authorised dealers only Purchases of onions for consumption limited to seven pounds per week. Part I. — Definitions and Restrictions. 1. In this Order — ** British Onions '* means onions grown in the year 1917 within the British Islands, but it does not include pickled onions or onions sold cooked in the course of a catering business. ** Regular Wholesale Dealer " means a person who at the date of this Order is carrying on a business in the ordinary course of which he sells onions by wholesale in their natural state, and the successors in business of any such person. ** Retail Dealer " means a person who is for the time being registered under the Potatoes Order, 1917, (a) as a retail dealer in potatoes. ** Grower " as respects any onions sold in the ground means the owner of them at the time when they are lifted. " A week " means the seven days ending with Saturday. 2. {a) No person shall sell British Onions by retail unless he is a retail dealer as defined by clause 1 of this Order. {h) No person shall sell British Onions by wholesale except a regular wholesale dealer or to a retail dealer, and no person shall buy British Onions by wholesale except a regular wholesale dealer or retail dealer, and no wholesale dealer or retail dealer shall sell or dispose by wholesale of British Onions purchased by him except in the ordinary course of his business as a dealer in onions. (c) A seller of onions may, if he reasonably believes the same to be true, accept the written certificate of a purchaser that he is a regular wholesale dealer or retail dealer. {d) For the purpose of this clause every sale of a quantity exceedinjr seven pounds shall be deemed to be a sale by wholesale. (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause a grower whose whole crop of British Onions does not exceed 10 cwt. may sell such onions by retail subject to the restrictions imposed by the subsequent clauses of this Order. 3. (a) No person (except a regular wholesale dealer or retail dealer purchasing for re-sale) shall in any week directly or indirectly purchase a greater total quantity of British Onions than 7 lbs. in all, and no British Onions shall be purchased whether by one person or by several for consumption in any household in excess of a quantity of 7 lbs. in all in any week. (a) Potatoes Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 472. British Onions Order, 1917. 501 (6) No retail dealer shall knowingly sell directly or indirectly tc any one person in any week a greater total quantity of British Onions than 7 lbs. in all, and no retail dealer shall sell any British Onions to a purchaser where he has reason to suspect that by such purchase sub-clause {a) of this clause would be infringed. (c) For the purposes of this clause an Institution or Catering Business within the meaning of the Sugar Order, 1917, (a) shall be deemed to be a household. 4. Every grower and regular wholesale dealer or other person Accounts, selling British Onions by wholesale shall keep a regular and punctual account showing the particulars of all British Onions bought or sold by him by wholesale, including the names and addresses of the vendor or purchaser as the case may be and the amount purchased or sold and the price charged and shall upon e\ery reasonable demand produce such account and all relevant documents to any person authorised to inspect the same by or on behalf of the Food Controller or any Food Control Committee. Part II. — Prices. 5. (a) The maximum price on the occasion of a sale of British Retail Onions by retail shall be at the rate of S^Z. per lb. maximum (6) No additional charge may be made for packages or for giving credit or for making delivery. 6. (a) The maximum price on the occasion of a sale of British Grower's Onions by the grower shall be at the rate of £15 per ton on maximum the basis (i) that the onions are either loaded by the seller into P"^®* trucks at the seller's railway station or (at the buyer's option) into a ship or barge not less convenient to the seller; (ii) that bags (if required) are supplied by the buyer and (iii) that no commission is paid. (6) If the onions are sold'on terms other than those mentioned in sub-clause (a) of this clause a corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price, and in particular if bags are provided by the seller the price per ton may be increased by a sum not exceeding 10^. whether the bags are returnable or not and if any such commission is paid as is authorised by Clause 8 tlie maximum price and terms of sale shall be varied as mentioned in that clause. 7. (a) The maximum price on the occasion of any sale of Wholesale British Onions other than a sale thereof by the grower or a sale dealer's by retail shall be at the rate of £19 per ton, on the basis that maximum the onions are delivered ex warehouse or market at the seller's P"^®* customary place of sale and that bags are provided by the seller. {h) If the onions are sold on t^rms other than those men- tioned in sub-clause (a) of this clause, a corresponding variation shall be made in the maximum price and in particular if bags are provided by the buyer the maximum price per ton shall be reduced by a sum of 10^. (a) Sugar Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Group 17 (" Sugar "), p. 568. 56^' Potato Bags Order, 1918. Commission ^;iEti^^{ii; 'WKere ^ "^dw^r'-iells^^^^ grown by him direct to a sales. retail dealer through the agency of a regular wholesale dealer at W commission, he may add the amount of the commission to tlje'price authorised by clause 6, not exceeding the amount pro- Vift^ for by sub-clause (b) of this clause. ' ''"'-' '•;^' " '^'' - (6) Where a commission is paid under kul)-clause (a) of thi? clause the seller shall be bound to deliver the onions to tho purchaser's railway station or (if more convenient to the seller) .>i)nfjov'/ to the purchaser's place of retail sale and may add to the maximum price authorised by clause 6 any railway or canal charges so incurred, but the total amount added to the price per ton under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of this clause shall not together exceed £3 10^. per ton if bags are provided by^ , the purchaser, or £4 if bags are provided by the seller, 'nrfq fnuom fto TO yrf '^rfT; Part III. GENERAliU^^T'^ff TflfJ (■ Conti-acfcs. 9. Hfixcept in such cases as the Food Controller may otherwise determine and except in respect of onions delivered prior to 31st December, 1917, all contracts subsisting at the date of this Iii;jjil Ofcder for the sale of British Onions are cancelledi '^dT (d) .6 PeEalty. .3.,|.„j 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against tb^* Defence of the Realm Regulations. Title and H. (a) This Order may be cited as the British Onions Order, ment. u„Hx.a. . r o , r^^^ rj^^ ^^ (jf tK&'Orcier^^ali i^ iSffi lorc^^bn'feS^Wrfi^ Jiii'tiary, 1918, but otherwise the Order shall come into force oii "jblie 31st pecember, 1917. , ^ h;(li an ri-^-i ■ >t ti^t^^fftevaoo ?ft9l ion a^iGO ig qii ' ^ ' ' By Order b:^ the' I^bo^^C'6ht?Gller:^-t£^^^^^ ■q.Bi noiaaifff \)'}aoini'jta ^i^.odi ui^d: ■. .^.i - W ' H. Beveridge, M.fr > f lA) . [\vA?. ffoftnhnT ^^rrih^^o^ij.gedretary to the Ministry b.f'Fbya. ''\ M'ii; >■<.>(;(! t: if;Irr:)i.i-u^'[ (ti bmi ,yM'i<:[ mr/ftiizcra grll rci sFita;! ■ n2'4(thl'Deoe]idiev^f l$l3t nat T.^q 90 hq sdi -islls? sdr -^-^ r...K; . hifi -fo ofcfr.iTirr^e't 9Tfi aiqixf s({.r Tsrftoifw .tOI ^axbd^ 8 o^unO y(f bsr'nofftrrn <'[ .u [itiitq ai HBiiaiiffTmoo rfou^ vrn; 11 f»9ff()i.tff9ffr ?.B h^rtoT '^c' {[(;([' 9[ft> lo -ffn'3+ hrff, «ki)fTq cftrrcnrTriJm The Potato Bags Order, 1918. Dated January ^,^" 1^1 B' "' sls«:.io;) /v to o[i;^ viiij lo uoi^ti'r.KL 'i/u ^C-^ '^'A'rJ'f aiLfQUiinra tuiT (b) .1 IToh'.oh 9[b8 R to 19W0T^ F4fft tJ tJ^'fP^Vf * "^R^::: "fT'if f; ff t 't-^frt-O RffOtffO A'r'.'w .9^i.„j JnjBXercise of the powers conferred upop him by the Defence of A^'R^altri Regulations and of all bther powers enabling hiin in ttiat ' Kehiiff the Food Controller hereby orders h s follows' i :^ " -^ " [Jse of ,,,^.^,]f{o bag which is or has been sold,- or supplied by, pf^' on btejialf. Potato Bags ox^ jkj^e {j^opd (^on^troUer for use Vas ^ pptato, bag ^^^\}\ , fo, ^sed for the Food ^[BFP^^<^^^^^^^^'^^^^*^^ ?^TO^^^ pi^^ Controller. wise disposed of by any person at a price exqee^iiigthe ^inm^/^if^Gfl., False 2. A person shall not make any false statement in any appiica- statements. tidn to' theVFood Controller for the sale 01 supply rto -him of any such bag. Potatoes {Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. 503 3. In any proceedings it shall be presumed unless the contrary Presumptioa he proved, that a hag marked *' M.F." is a bag which has been sold or supplied by or on behalf of the Food Controller for use as a potato bag. (a) 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations. . , ' \^' ' , , 5. Ihis Order may be cited as the Potato Bags Ordetj.MlSufl i Title. By Order of the Food Controller. TF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd January, 1918. The Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918. Dated :-::jANlMRY'.24vl918.(b) 1918.' ¥o. 93. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. After the 3rd February, 1918, until further notice no person other than a person licensed by the Food Controller shall consign or ship any Potatoes from Ireland to any destination outside Ire- land, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any Potatoes to be consigned from Ireland to any destination outside Ireland except from a person so licensed;/ 2. Infringements of this Order are sumtnaty offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. -• 3. This Order . may be cited as. the. Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order; 1918. ' "'' ' '''^'■' '-' By OtdeT of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. ,,24tk,?;a!nuar3r, ij913,,,-l .JT.-.'^.;^.> ..k. :ur. .o .^or/.roM (*) (a) Return as to IJotato Bags.— The Potato Bags (Returns) Order^'lg*!? (printed p. 156 of the " Food (Su|)p]y and Production) Manual ") {provided for retufns to the Food Controller giving particulars as to all potato bagS^ owii^'d as on October 22nd, 1917, that Order is omitted from this Manual as now " spbni." (!>) Potatoes of the 1.918 Crop.— The Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 510, provides that-this Oxder shall not apply to potatoes of the 1918 crop. ^^.- f 504 Potatoes {Distribution) Order, 1918. The Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918. Dated January 24, 1918.(a) 1918. No. 94. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. After the 3rd February, 1918, until further notice no person other than a person licensed by the Food Controller shall move or consign any Potatoes from any place outside the area to which this Order for the time being shall be applied to any place within such area, and no person shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any Potatoes to be moved or consigned to any place within such area except from a person so licensed. 2. Until further notice this Order shall apply to the area mentioned in the Schedule. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order maybe cited as the Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918. Schedule. (h) The Counties of: — Brecknock. Cardigan. Carmarthen. Glamorgan. Monmouth. Pembroke. Radnor. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 24th January, 1918. (a) Potatoes ob^ the 1918 Crop. — The Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 19i8, printed p. 510, provides that this Order shall not apply to potatoes of the 1918 crop. (b) Amendment of Schedule. — A Notice, dated February 20, 1918 (p. 505), applies this Order to the bounties of south-west England as from February 25, 1918. General Licence under Potatoes Order, 1917 ; Notice under 505 Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated February 11, 1918, under the . Potatoes Order, 1917. (a) 1918. No. 188.' llie Food Controller hereby authorises, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 10 of the Potatoes Order, 1917, sales of and dealings in potatoes of any of the varieties mentioned in such clause (''King Edward,'' '' Arran Chief,'' '' Langworthy," " What's Wanted " and ** Golden Wonder ") except sales of and dealings in potatoes of the "King Edward" variety grown on warp limestone marsh or silt lands in any of the Counties of York, Lincoln, Cambridge, Norfolk, Huntingdon, Hertford, Warwick, Worcester and Notts by a grower whose whole acreage of potatoes of all varieties in those counties in the year 1917 exceeds 5 acres. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 1th February, 1918. 'Notice, dated February 20, 1918, under the Potatoes (Distri- bution) Order, 1918. (b) 1918. No. 204. • The Food Controller hereby directs that the area to which S. R. & 0., the above Order applies shall as from the 25th February, 1918, No. 94 of include the following counties: — ^^^^• Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hampshire, Somerset — and Wiltshire, in addition to the counties mentioned in the schedule to the Order. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th February, 1918. (a) Potatoes Order, 1917.— This Order is printed p. 472. (b) Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 504. 506 Potatoes {Protection) Order, 1918. TitEi Potatoes (Foeiotection) Order^,1918. Dated February 21, 1918. 1918. No: 211. ^' In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of ijhe Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed fcy all persons concerned:^ f / ' 1^ Every person who is the owner of potatoes or who has JjpdtktOes in his possession or under his control or under the control of his employees or servants shall at all times take or cause to be taken all reasonable precautions to protect such potatoes from frost, damp or other damage whether such potatoes are gi^owing or are in transit or are in store or otherwise. 2. In particular any person who consigns potatoes for transport by railway in open trucks either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person during the months of December, January, February, March and April shall take or cause to be taken all necessary steps whether by strawing the trucks into which such potatoes are londed or otherwise, to protect such potatoes from fiost damp or other damage. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against ,the nefence of the Realm Regulation^. •^'' ' ■ ' 7HAUJJO »1 QMTAd ,M'JJi^ 4. (a) This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Protection) Order, 1918. {h) This Order shall -cotnfe into force on the 25th February, 1918. .0 * .H .rJ lifHiiv/ oj /jsifi oiiJ iiJiiJ eioyiiJ) vclyioil •loilo'jino'J boo'd eri'l Second Secretary to th^ ffimstry of Food. 21st February, 1918. .r^i<^'mn,li) TMiilpiiiV/ ,if->Jj']() 'ii\\ I)] f)lul)')iloh oili iii bouojjiiyjji p'^ii/nio) oilj oJ iioiiij^l ), i: The Bread (Use of Potatoes) Order, 1918. Dated March 27„ •ToJlo'iinoO f)ooUi9j{^Jn lohiO vH [This Orde;?^^\;^^i^h^^is A^rii^ljed in Group 3 (" Bread, Flour and Cereals,/') (p. J59), authorises, the .use of potatoes in bread. 1 .IViV. M h'- /-..,,.,...,.......,./ 1 \ ,.,....,..,.0 , ,t , '^^^otdd' itestriMbk) 'On?ey; 1918. ^ ' o07 = "■(•'■'.([; y'-'^ii .vuuiO C8'/i:jT'rrxJ£ '?.ii:a:wof£fj! gaoT/-.To^ arc i' The Potato (Restriction) OifDEa; 1918. Dated April 10, 1918. 1918. No. ^y^ In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the f pllowing iiegula- , tions shall be observed by all persons concerned: — _, 1. (G)r Except under a licence i>f the Foq^i Controller /noypierson General shall after 15th April, 1918, use or treat any potatoes or any Restriction, product obtained from potatoes or any article containing potatoes or containing auy such produot^xcfep^t fp|^.the pjurpcpies permitted by this clause. . r r r ' • , < . (6) The permitted purposes, Xt;l the, c^se of ware ,. potatoes which are fit for human food, are seed or human food, and in all other cases are seed, human and animal food, and the manufac- ture of articles of human .'and animal food, btlt do rioi f include the manufacture of spirits. ■' • " ' ■ ' ' " - '■ ' '^ (c) Nothing in this clause shall prfeyeht the us^ br freatihent for any purpose of potatoes or products of potatoes or articles containing potatoes or containing any such product:: which are unfit to be used for any of the permitted purposeSi-.')Tfr t 0i rAny person a uthoi-ised; by the Food Con frailer mayif $ie Power to suspects that any article nleutioiied in Clause K olvithi&ttQi^iQJ' 'i$ ; p^*®^' ^^d being dealt with in contravention of this Order ;T*ti it r.t^ oiiforf yrr.: ^°®P®^*' (a) enter ^ny premises oh whicli he suspects suc!h article "^to ^ •[' ■'*• _ " be; 'or'; -■ " '!•[ "rf^ ■.;! ;-:irNK t; -.'..kv or -ywlnvi .8 _ ' (6) ' ittsjiect and take Supplies of: such, afijcliB,^^ ^^ ^ftt^tua (c) demand from any person in possession or control of such' f ,T'^i' article produotioai of any licence gfantedJ ritndei' this 'ift m f! Order. ^■•;'-' i^' ^■'^:: >[ iri iVvthfpu •^l ■■jui;^ :fiffl')'( 3. Infringements of . itis &rder areVrvSumn^a^ Penalty, the Defence cft£e Realm fiegulatiJn^:'"^^ i^^|ol .^p ''^ J^'''^ ■][ 1918.'^'''' Order may ^ crtpd ps.t^^j^^p^atpifBp^tot^^n) f^^^^^^ Title. "'"""'^ '^-'''''Sy'cixye^'tlf't^yfbdd Controller. ^{if^ f ^ .8[(;[ t'r^b-iO : Second Secretary {o ike Ministry of Food. lOth April, 191^?^'-^*'*>^-^'f 508 Potatoes {Growers^ Returns) Order, 1918. I'he Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1918. Datei> April 19, 1918. 1918. No. 453. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence- of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Eood Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Every person farming one or more acres of land shall on or before the 27th April, 1918, furnish a return showing: (a) the estimated quantity of sound ware potatoes of the 1917 crop remaining on the 22nd April, 1918, on any farm or holding in his occupation ; {h) the estimated quantity of potatoes of seed size of the 1917 crop not required for planting ; (c) the number of acres on such farm or holding which have been or are to be planted with potatoes during 1918 ; {d) the number of acres on such farm or holding under potatoes in 1917 ; and (e) such other matters ^s may be necessary to complete the- prescribed form of return. 2. The return shall be made in a form prescribed by or under the authority of the Food Controller, which may be obtained from any police station in Great Britain, and is, when completed, to be posted in accordance with the directions printed thereon. 3. Failure to make a return by the prescribed date, or the making of a false return, is a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Order, na return shall be required in respect of potatoes grown in the Orkney or Shetland Islands until further directions have been issued by the Food Controller and such return shall be made by the date and in the manner provided in those directions. 5. This Order shall not apply to Ireland. fi. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Growers' Returns) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W , H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food^ 19th April, 1918. Potatoes {Base Price) Order, 1918. 509 The Potatoes (Base Price) Oedek, 1918. Dated the 15th May, 1918. 1918. No. 534. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. On and after the 15th May, 1918, the ^^ Base Price" for S.R.&O., ware potatoes, for the purposes of the Potatoes Order (No. 2), Jmy I °* 1917,(8') and any amendment thereof, shall be the rate per ton set j^^ 5^3 ^f out in the Schedule to this Order. 1918. 2. Except in cases of contracts for the sale of ware potatoes by the grower thereof at prices not less than the base price fixed by Clause 1 of this Order and in such other cases as the Food Con- troller may otherwise determine all contracts for the sale of ware potatoes subsisting on the 15th May, 1918, are hereby cancelled, except in respect of potatoes delivered before that date. 3. As from the 15th May, 1918, Clause 10 of the Potatoes Order, S. R. & 0, 1917, (b) is revoked, but without prejudice to any preceedings in No. 949 of respect of any contravention thereof. l^ll. 4. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Base Price) Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the Potatoes Order, No. 2, 1917, as amended. By Order of the Food Controller. W . 11. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 15th May, 1918. Schedule. Area. Rate per ton. England and Wales £7 The Counties of: — Renfrew, Dumbarton, Stirling, Linlithgow, Edinburgh, Haddington and all Counties in Scotland South thereof (except the County of Bute) £G 10 The Counties of : — Argyll, Perth, Forfar, Kincardine, Fife, Clackmannan and Kinross ... .. ... £6 The remainder of Scotland, including the Countv of Bute ",, £5 10 Ireland £5 (a) Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917.— That Order is printed p. 494. (b) Potatoes Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 472. 5789 R 610 Early Potatoes {Prices) Order, 1918. The Early Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918. Dated the 21st May, 1918. 1918. No. 554. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon Lim by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Ck)ntroller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall between the 20th May, 1918, and the 31st July, 1918, inclusive, sell or offer or expose for sale and no person shall buy or offer to buy any potatoes of the 1918 crop at prices exceeding the maximum prices applicable under the Schedule to this Order. 2. On the occasion of any sale of potatoes to which this Order applies the maximum prices hereby prescribed include all charges for bags barrels or other packages or the use thereof, and for delivery and for giving the usual credit in respect of the sale ; provided that a retail dealer if he is ready and willing to sell potatoes to which this Order applies over the counter at prices not exceeding the maximum prices prescribed by this Order may on sales to consumers make such additional charges as may be agreed between him and the purchaser for delivery of potatoes ordered for delivery at the purchaser's premises not exceeding 2d. for any quantity of one stone or less and Id. for each further half-stone or a part of a half-stone so delivered. 3. This Order shall not apply to cooked, dried or evaporated potatoes. 4. No person shall in connection with the sale or disposal or proposed sale or disposal of any potatoes to which this Order applies enter or offer to enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 5. {a) The provisions of Clauses 9, 27, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, S. R. & 0. 41 and 46 and the First and Second Schedules of the Potatoes No. 949 of Order, 1917, (a) shall not apply to sales of and dealings in Nos^'gTi potatoes of the 1918 crop before the 1st August, 1918. 94 o't 1918 (^) ^^^ Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918, (b) and in respect of potatoes imported by sea, the Potatoes (Distribution) Order, ]918,(c) shall not apply to potatoes of the 1918 crop. (\. This Order shall r'^t apply to Ireland. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Earlv Potatoes (Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2lst May, 1918. (a) Potatoes Ordek, 1917.— T4iat Order is printed p. 472. (b) Potatoes (Export from Ireland) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 503. (c) Potatoes (Distribution) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 504. Potatoes {Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Ordei as amended. 1918, 511 The Schedule. Period for which Maximum Price applies. For deliveries between — From 20th May, 1918, to 31st May, 1918 From 1st June, 1918, to 15th June, 1918 From 16th June, 1918, to 30th June, 1918 From 1st July, 1918, to 15th July, 1918 From IGth July, 1918, to 31st July, 1918 Maximum Price per lb. 4d. S^d. 3d. 2M. 2d, All dates inclusive. The Potatoes (Registration of AVitolesale Dealers) Order, 1918, dated the 22nd May, 1918, as amended by Amending Order, dated 6th June, 1918. (a)(b) 1918. No. 555 as amended by 623. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. All certificates of registration heretofore granted under the Potatoes Order, 1917, (c) by a Food Control Committee in Great Britain to any person as a wholesale dealer shall stand revoked as at the 1st July, 1918, so far as the same relate to eating potatoes, and as at the 1st September, 1918, so far as the same relate to seed potatoes. 2. A certificate of registration as a wholesale dealer in potatoes granted or to be granted by the Food Control Committee for Ireland shall not authorise any dealings by such dealer outside Ireland in eating potatoes on or after the 1st July, 1918, or in seed potatoes on or after the 1st September, 1918. 3. Applications for new certificates of registration in Great New Britain under the Potatoes Order, 1917, may be made by such certificates, persons and in such manner as the Food Controller may from time to time direct. All such certificates shall be subject to such conditions as may be endorsed thereon or as the Food Con- troller may from time to time prescribe, and shall be revocable by the Food Controller at any time. Revocation of wholesale dealers' certificates granted m Great Britain, S. R. &0.,No.949, of 1917. Limitation on Irish certificates. (a) Amendment of Order. — The Amending Order of June 6, 1918, sub- stitutes the dates July 1 and September 1 for June 1 and July 1 respectively, as printed in Clauses 1 and 2 of the principal Order. (b) General Licence, dated June 28, 1918,— This General Licence authorised all registered wholesale dealers to sell, until July 15, 1918, eating potatoes, notwithstanding the provisions of this Order. (c) PoTATOFS Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 472. 578? R 2 512 Dealers to comply with directions. Food Committee in Great Britain not to issue certificates. Title. Potatoes (Distribution) Order, No. 2, 1918. 4. The holder of any certificate of registration as a wholesale deaier in potatoes shall comply with such directions as to his dealings in potatoes as may from time to time be given by the Food Controller or under his authority. 5. After the date of this Order a Food Control Committee m Great Britain shall not grant to any person a certificate of regis- tration as a wholesale dealer in potatoes. 6. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Registration of Wholesale Dealers) Order, 1918. 13y Order of the Food Controller. W. H, Beveridgcj Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 22nd May, 1918. TV-E Potatoes (Distribution) Order, No. 2, 1918. Dated thb 6th June, 1918. 1918. No. 617. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Healm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. On and after the 10th June, 1918, until further notice, no person, other than a person licensed for this purpose by the Food Controller, shall move or consign any potatoes of the 1917 crop from Scotland to any part of England or Wales except the Counties of Northumberland and Durham; and no i^erson shall buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any such potatoes of the 1917 crop to be moved or consigned from Scotland to any part of England or Wales (other than the two counties named) except from a person so licensed. 2. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. This Order may be cited as the Potatoes (Distribution) Order, No. 2, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 6th June, 1918. The Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Dated June 17, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 15 (^^ Seeds ") (p. 553), regulates the sale and exposure for sale of, inter alia, seeds of mangels, swedes and turnips.]. Public Meals Order, 1918. 513 14. Public Meals. Public Meals Order, 1918,;?. 513. General Licence thereunder (Meat meals of m-mbars of H.M's. Forces), p. 519. Amending Order, p. 520. Eationing Order, 1918,;^. 520. Directions thereuaier (Amount of Rationed Food), p» 520. Public eating place. Meatjpoultry Hnd/o The Public Meals Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. (a)(b) 1918. No. 59. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Eegulatinus and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Eood Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The provisions of this Order shall apply to every inn, hotel, restaurant, refreshment house, club, boarding house and every place of refreshment open to the general public (hereinafter referred to as a public eating place). 2. (a) No meat, poultry or game may be served or consumed in any public eating place (i) between the hours of 5 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. on any day; or (ii) at any time on the days prescribed as meatless days. (b) The prescribed days shall be such days as the Food Controller may from time to time appoint either generally or as respects any particular area. Until further notice the prescribed days shall in the area of the City of Londorf and the Metropolitan Police District be Tuesday and Friday and elsewhere in the United Kingdom be Wednesday and Friday in every week.(e) 3. (a) No milk may be served or consumed in a public eating place as or as part of a beverage except with tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate as usually served. (6) This provision shall not apply to milk consumed by a child under the age of 10 years. 4. Notwithstanding Clause 2 or Clause 3, meat, poultry, game Medical or milk may be served to and consumed by a person for' the time exceptions, being residing in a public eating place during the period mentioned on a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner which states that such person for such period needs the article served in the interests of his health. (a) Operation op Order.— Clause 2 of this Order came into force January 25th, 1918, the remainder of the Order came into force February 3rd, 1918 ; as to the provisions as to public meals until then in force see the Public Meals Order, 1917, p. 158 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." (b) Revocation. — This Order was revoked as to Great Britain by Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522. (c) Amendment of Order.— Under the Amending Order, dated May 16, 1918, printed p. 520, Clause 2 ceased to apply to any public eating place in Great Britain, Milk. 5789 R 3 514 Public Meals Order, 1918. Sugar. Supply of sugar to hotel resi- dents. Meals be- tween 3 and 5.30 p.m. Rationing in bulk. 5. No sugar may be used, supplied or consumed in a public eating place except that : — (a) sugar may be used for cooking purposes ; (6) a person may consume in a public eating place sugar provided by himself or supplied to him under the provisions of the next succeeding clause. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order and of the Sugar (Registration of Dealers) Order, 1917, and the Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918, (a) sugar may be supplied by any inn, hotel, club or boarding house to any person residing therein for the major portion of any week up to an amount not exceeding 1 oz. for every complete day of his residence provided that: — (a) The total amount so supplied to any person in any week shall not exceed 6 ozs. ; (b) The person having charge of the inn, hotel, club, or boarding house is reasonably satisfied that no sugar ration for that week has been obtained in respect of such person; (c) The total of the amounts so supplied to all such persons shall be accurately entered in the Register hereinafter referred to in the column provided for that purpose; and (d) An accurate record is kept of the full names and permanent addresses of all persons to whom sugar is so supplied. T. No person shall be served with or consume at any meal whatsoever which begins between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. more than IJ ozs. in the whole of bread, cake, bun, scone and biscuit. t 8. The total quantities of meat, flour, bread and sugar (except sugar consumed or supplied pursuant to Clauses 5 and 6 of this Order) and of butter, margarine and other fats used in or by any public eating place in any week shall not exceed the gros«i quantities allowed for the meals served during the week, ascer- tained in accordance with the scale of average quantities per meal set out in the following scale, or such other scale as may for the time being be prescribed by the Eood Controller. Butter, Meat. Sugar. Bread. Flour. margarme and other fats. Breakfast Nil , Nil 3-ozs. Nil ^-oz. Luncheon, including 3-ozs. l-oz. 2-ozs. 1-oz. 1-oz. middle day dinner. Dinner, including 3-ozs. ^-oz. 3-ozs. 1-oz. i-oz. supper and meat tea. Tea Nil Nil li-ozs. Nil i-0^. (a) Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918.— That Order was printed p. 502 of the April Edition of this Manual. Revoked by Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522. Public Meals Order, 1918. * 515 In addition to tlie fats allowed under tlie foregoing scale, salad Ascertaining oil may be served at table at any meal, but separate records shall weight, &c. be kept of all salad oil so used. 9. The following provisions shall have effect: — Meat, poultry and game. (a) 2 J ozs. of poultry or game are to be reckoned as 1 oz. of meat. (6) The weight of meat is to be uncooked weight including bone as usually delivered by the butcher, and the weight of poultry and game is to be the uncooked weight as usually delivered by the poulterer without feathers or without skin as the case may be, but including offal. (c) 25 per cent, is to be added to the weight of meat delivered cooked into the public eating place and 50 per cent, when delivered cooked and without bone. Sugar, Bread, Flour and Fats. (d) 4 ozs. of bread are to be reckoned as 3 ozs. of flour. (e) Of the fats authorised, not more than one half shall consist of butter and margarine. (/) Where the flour or sugar or fat used in any articles is not otherwise brought into account, cakes and buns are to be reckoned as containing 40 per cent, of flour ; scones and biscuits as containing TO per cent. ; and macaroni and other like articles as containing 90 per cent. ; cakes and buns are to be reckoned as containing 10 per cent, of sugar and 10 per cent, of fat and biscuits as containing 5 per cent, of sugar and 10 per cent, of fat. 10. In leckoning the quantities of meat, sugar, bread, flour, Exclusion of butter, margarine and other fats that may be used in any week, certain meals no credit shall be taken for any meal which begins before 5 a.m. ^^^P^ compu- or after 9.30 p.m. unless such meal is served to a person passing *^*^*^°- the night in the inn, hotel, club, or boarding house, and in reckon- ing the quantity of meat, poultry or game that may be used in any week no credit shall be taken for any meal served on any day prescribed as a meatless day under this Order, except meals containing meat, poultry, or game served to a person pursuant to Clause 4 of this Order. 11. The provisions of Clause 8 of this Order shall not apply to Railway food served over the counter of a buffet at a railway station. Buffets. 12. The person or persons having the control or management Records, of any public eating place shall be responsible for securing that the total quantities permitted to be used therein in any week are not exceeded and shall, for the purpose of this Order, keep on the premises a register containing an authentic record of meals and quantities in the form contained in the Schedule to this Order or such other form as may be prescribed from time to time by the 5789 R 4 bM\ Public Meals Order, 1918. Powers of a Food Control Committee. Interpreta- tion. Food Controller and shall produce sucli register and every other record required to be kept under this Order to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or any Food Committee to inspect the same, together with all such invoices vouchers and other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking the entries in the register. 13. A Food Committee may give directions: — (a) Reducing the total quantities ot meat, flour, bread, sugar, butter, margarine, or other fats which may under this Order be used in or by any public eating place or class of public eating places within their area ; or (b) Limiting the quantity of any Food stuffs which may be supplied to or be used in or acquired by any such public eating places or class of public eating places : provided that any directions given by a Food Committee under this Clause shall be reported to the Food Controller within seven days and be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may determine. All persons concerned shall comply with any such directions given by a Food Committee. 14. For the purposes of this Order: The expression ** Food Committee" means as respects Great Britain a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (*) and as respects Ireland the Food Control Com- mittee appointed for Ireland by the Food Controller, (b) The expression *' meat ^' includes butcher's meat, sausages, ham, pork, bacon, venison, preserved and potted meats, offals and other meats of all kinds, and fats bought as part of the meat, but does not include soup not containing meat, poultry or game in a solid fiorm. The expression "poultry and game" includes rabbits, hares and any kind of bird killed for food. The expression ' ' fats ' ' includes all animal or vegetable fats natural or prepared which are not bought as part of the meat. The expression " flour " means any product obtained either wholly or in part from wheat, rye, maize, barley and oats except cereal products used as porridge supplied at breakfast. The expression " sugar " includes glucose and all sweeten- ing matter except honey, jam, treacle, syrup, saccharine or sweetened beverage. The expression '^ week " means seven days ending on a Saturday midnight. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III of this Manual. Public Meals Order, 1918. 517 15. (i) Clauses 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 shall not apply to:— Exceptions {a) Any public eating place where no meal is served at a price exceeding Is. 2d. (exclusive of the usual charges for beverages) and there is exhibited on every tarifi' card and also in a conspicuous position in every public room a notice to this effect and where also the maxi- mum charge for bed and attendance does not exceed I5. %d. per night; (Jb) Any boarding house or unlicensed hotel where the number of bedrooms available for letting in connection therewith whether in or outside the boarding house or hotel does not exceed 5. (ii) Clause 7 shall not apply to any public eating place where : — (i) No customer is ever charged more than bd. (including the charge for beveiages) in respect of a meal begun between 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. which does not include meat, fish or eggs; and (ii) There is exhibited on every tariff and also in a conspicuous position in every room where meals are usually served a notice to the effect that no customer will be so charged. 16. The Public Meals Order, 1917, (a) as amended is hereby Revocation, revoked as on the 3rd February, 1918. 17. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 18. {a) This Order may be cited as the Public Meals Order, Title. 1918; {h) This Order shall come into force on the 3rd February, 1918, except as to Clause 2 which shall come into force on the 25th January, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 21st January, 1918. - (a) Public Meals Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 158 of the ^' Food (Supply and Production) Manual." 518 Public Meals Order, 1918. eg o Q 13 •pssn o5 89'4i:jnT?nb it^ox "^ uranioo ut pgpapai) «; pasn antjT?3j'Btii pa-B •"' aa;?nq jo Ai^a^nb \v%oj, I .J < JO Ai^iijuBnb it'!jox ^ •pasiJOiHti'B BIJ'BJ II-B jo L%\% S -a'Bnb ranraix'Bi^ /-A ^4 a, d 32 •pssn ^ A^iiu^nb [TJ^oj, -^ o § a ni 0^ p8aj9j9J pailddns suo^ ^ -■MX a'B^ns Aiii?p IBioads JO aaqratii^ •pasrjomni? „ lanu'Bnb ranraix-Bj^ '^ 2 -pasn c,. •pasTJoq^ti'B ^ A^ijmjnb ninrafs-Bj^ ^ -pssn c S^ •pssuoq^n'B Aimu'Bnb ranraixt.j\[ °* s O 11^ JO jgqmnu \v^oj, °^ O ^ -*-» 'paAjas sTsa!^ jo aeqinn^i t- c o lit O ■" oi III [2; 0) Oh 1^ ^ ^ Its §3=5 9iP'Bj5i'B9aa JO jaqranti '•^'a^i A JO ABp^fc-Bijoea^a " • |a 11 lip >1 8M <0 «H ^ o D O 13 -^ htH XJ -*^ S DQ'^ S a 0(M a.N^ijo c3 -if -a • p^ ' -*;= «^ © 1^ -M f>> a »o-^ a -73 0) is P o -a 10 cr- C3 rQ rj tf •^ -HUN tH - oj -^^ H 55 »I3 3-S.«J:"Sa| 1^4 ■3 05 1 cc a» ,s5-asg § ^^^ a ^,:2 a O) yj 03 CD -^ .2 „ ill t^T-i >» c3 a _. ciJ ^•f^ fl «J Oh-; ^ 0-+r fH -^ I— 1 ^^1 a|w°ai^l§ .a-s a.s St- §5 w P5 1 t 1= t^-2 o 3 ^^ 'a-^ S o M 1|f fc. ^ 3a gt^-S a a ^3^:2 H .s ^ O P H 111 ,-. '^ '^ «4-< OJ -•^ ^o-- ^H ^ d «5 ^"^ Oh © © a- &^. a'^ ©^:s -S£:£^ c3 a.2 ^ rt. — . -Sco J ■+3 -^ _M rt "^ a; • cu I2J cj (y, N -«• o ^H<=^ © If^ ^J 1. cc a-^cN^ CO « u H «o'o;j a 30_et3 a a; a 5 § 8 i § _a General Licence under Public Meals Order, 1918, and London 51i) and Home Counties {Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated February 23, 1918, under the Public Meals Order, 1918,(a) and the London and Home Counties (Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918.(b) 1918 No. 217. The Food Controller hereby authorises all persons concerned to give effect to the following provision : — In any place of refreshment a meat me^l may be served to (a) A member of His Majesty's Forces travelling in uniform at any time and on any day on presentation of a meal order issued by the Admiralty or the Army Council which is chargeable to His Majesty's Government; and (h) A member of His Majesty's Forces travelling at any time and on any day on presentation of a journey meat meal card issued by the Admiralty or Army Council, and subject to detachment of the appropriate coupon in accordance with instructions on the card, or, until the 25th March, 1918, on presentation of his furlough papers. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 23rd February, 1918. (a) Public Meals Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 513. (b) London and Home Counties (Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918.— That Oyder, p. 449 of the April, 1918, Edit, of this Manual, was superseded as to Meat to which thepresent Licence exclusively relates by the Meat Rationing Order, p. 301 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. The Meat Rationing Order has since been revoked by the Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522. 520 Ordei\ amending Public Meals Order^ 1918. Order of the Food Controller, dated the 16th May, 1918, AMENDING THE PuBLIC MeALS OrDER, 1918.(8') 1918. No. 542. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations the Food Controller hereby orders that Clause 2 of the Public Meals Order, 1918,(a) shall hereafter cease to apply to any Public Eating place in Great Britain but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any previous contravention thereof. • By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th May, 1918. Rationing Order, 1918. Dated July 17, 1918. [This Order printed in Group 14^. ("Rationing Schemes" (p. 522), makes certain provisions with regard to Catering Estab- lishments, etc.] Directions relating to the Amount of Rationed Food, dateet the 29th July, 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14^. (" Rationing Schemes ") (p, 546).] (a) Public Meals Order, I918.--Tbat Order is printecVp. 513. List of Rationing Schemes Orders. 14A. Rationing: Schemes. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917, p. 521. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 522. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, p. 522. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, jNo. 2, 1918,/?. 522. Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order, 1918, p. 521. Public Meals Order, 1918 p. 521. Rationing Order, 1918,/?. '522. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p. 546. Directions thereunder (General Butchers and their Customers), p. 544. Directions thereunder (Pork Butchers and Retailers of Miscel Ifineous Meat and their Customers), p. 541. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Bacon and Ham and their Customers), p. 540. Directions thereunder (Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine and Lard and their Customers), p. 542. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Order, 1917. Dated December 22, 1917. [This Order, which is printed in Group 9-^ (** Local Distribu- tion and Requisitioning ") (p. 276), makes provision for a scheme to be adopted locally for the distribution of supplies.] The Public Meals Order, 1918. Dated January 21, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 14 (" Public Meals ") (p. 513), relates to the rationing of meat, milk, sugar, bread, butter, margarine and other fats, used in public eating places.] (This Order was revoked as to Gi eat Britain by the Kationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522.) The Local Distribution (Misuse of Documents) Order, 1918 Dated February 2, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 9-^ ('* Local Distribu- tion and Pequisitioning ") (p. 280), relates to the misuse of docu- ments and information in connection with arrangements for the distribution or consumption of food.] Rationing Order, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Amend- ment Order, 1918. Dated February 15, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 9-A- (*' Local Distribu- tion and Requisitioning- ") (p. 2^1), makes further provision for a scheme to be adopted locally for distribution of supplies.] The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918. Dated March 21, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 9-^ {^' Local Distri- bution and Requisitioning") (p. 283), i)roYides for the local distribution by certain Committees of butter, margarine, and tea.] (The Order was revoked as regards Butter, Margarine and Lard by the Rationing Order, 1918, jirinted p. 522.) The Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, No. 2, 1918. Dated April 6, 1918. [This Order, which is printed in Group 9^ (^' Local Distri- bution and Requisitioning") (p. 291), provides for the local dis- tribution of butter, margarine and tea by certain other Food Control Committees.] (The Order was revoked as regards Butter, Margarine and Lard by the Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. 522.) The Rationing Order, 1918. Dated the ITth July, 1918. 1918. No. 894. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Part I. — General Restriction. 1. Except under and in accordance with the provisions of this Order or any directions issued thereunder, a person shall not obtain or attempt to obtain, or supply or offer or attempt to supply any Rationed Food for household consumption, or any Rationed Food or edible fats for the purjwses of any establishment. Rationing Order, 1918. 523 2. {a) The Food Controller may from time to time prescribe Rationed the articles of food which shall be Eationed Foods for the pur- Foods, poses of this Order, the amount of the ration for each article and in the case of any Rationed Food the amount of any particular kind which may be obtained. (h) Until the Food Controller otherwise prescribes the Rationed Foods shall be : — (i) Sugar : (ii) Butter and Margarine: (iii) Meat: and (iv) Lard. (c) The Food Controller may from time to time direct that any Rationed Food shall, subject to any conditions and to thei extent specified in the directions, be supplied and obtained ration free, that is to say, as if such food were not rationed food. 3. This Order shall not affect: — (a) Members of the forces of His Majesty or of His Majesty's Allies or to belligerents in relation to rations supplied to them as members of such forces. (b) Seamen engaged on the work of a ship in relation to food duly supplied to them by the owner or the master of the ship. PxVRT II. — Households. 4. Rationed Food may be obtained for household consumption only up to the prescribed amount and only by means of a ration book or leaf or other ration document available for lawful use and lawfully used. 5. A person may obtain Rationed Food for household consump- tion from a retailer where the following conditions are complied with : — Rationed food to be obtained by ration doeuments. Obtaining rationed food from lefcailer. Except where the Food Controller otherwise directs, he may obtain such food only from the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose; (6) Except where the relative leaf or relative part of the leaf is for the time being deposited with the retailer in the prescribed manner, he must produce his ration book and relalive leaf or relative part or other ration document available for lawful use ; (c) The appropriate coupon or coupons representing the amount of food obtained must be detached and retained by the retailer and not more may be obtained on any coupon than the amount prescribed for that coupon ; and (d) Any directions that may be prescribed are obeyed. 6. The retailer may supply or offer to supply to any person for Supply by household consumption any Rationed Food only where the con- retailer, ditions mentioned in the foregoing clause have been complied with, and he has reasonable grounds for believing that the ration book, leaf or coupon or other ration document, under which the supply is made or is to be made, is available for lawful use by the person to whom the supply is made or offered. 524 Rationing Order, 1918. Registration with Retailers. Obtaining rationed food other than meat from a person other than retailer. Supply by person other than retailer. Saving for meat and Occasional supplies. Use of Rationed Food by Dealers for private purposes. Presump- tion. Exception. 7. A person may not be registered with a retailer for tlie supply of any Rationed Food otherwis^^ than in accordance with the directions given from time to time by the Food Controller. 8. K person may obtain Rationed Food (other than meat) for household consumption from any supplier other than a retailer where the following conditions are complied with : — (a) Except where the relative leaf or relative part of a leaf is for the time being deposited with such supplier in the prescribed manner, he must produce his ration book or relative leaf or relative part or other ration docu- ment available for lawful use; (5) The appropriate coupon or coupons representing the amount of food obtained must be detached and retained by the supplier and not more may be obtained on any coupon than the amount prescribed for that coupon ; and (c) Any directions that may be prescribed are obeyed. 9. A person other than a retailer may supply or offer to supply to any person for household consumption any Rationed Food, (other than meat) only where the conditions mentioned in the foregoing clause have been complied with, and he has reasonable grounds for believing that the ration book, leaf, or coupon or other ration document, under which the supply is made or is to be made, is available for lawful use by the person to whom the supply is made or offered. 10. Notwithstanding the two foregoing clauses, a person may obtain meat and occasional supplies of other Rationed Food for household consumption from a supplier other than a retailer, provided that he forthwith cancels, detaches, retains, and when required produces to a Food Committee, the appropriate coupon or coupons representing the amount of meat or other Rationed Food so obtained ; and the supplier may supply meat, and make such occasional supplies of other Rationed Food accordingly. It shall be the duty of the head of the household to which any such supply is made to secure that the provisions of this clause are complied with. 11. Where any Rationed Food is not otherwise obtained for the purpose of his household consumption by a dealer, he may supply such food for the purposes of his own household to the like extent and in the like manner and subject to the like con- ditions as would be applicable if he obtained such food from a retailer, but save as aforesaid no dealer shall use for his own purposes any Rationed Food for the time being held by him for the purposes of his trade or business. 12. Until the contrary be proved, it shall be presumed that Rationed Food supplied, obtained or offered or attempted to be supplied or obtained is supplied, obtained or offered or attempted to be supplie'd or obtained for household consumption. 13. This part of this Order shall not apply to — {a) the distribution of any Rationed Food among the mem- bers of a household or to guests sharing household meals ; or Rationing Order, 1918. 525 Supply tc catering establish- ments. (6) the provision of home produce for consumption by the ^ producer anid others as self-suppliers in accordance with any directions relating thereto issued under this Order. Part III. — Establishments. (a) Catering Establishments. 14. Rationed Food and edible fats may be obtained for the purposes of a catering establishment only — (a) By means of an official order form, voucher or permit issued by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller for the purposes of this Order; (b) Except to the extent to which the Food Controller other- wise directs, from the retailer or other dealer v/ith whom the establishment is registered for the purpose ; (c) Up to the amount specified in the relative preliminary demand note, voucher or permit; and (d) In accordance with any directions issued for Ijie pur- poses of this Order; and Rationed Food and edible fats may be supplied for such purposes only where the foregoing provisions are complied with. Provided that until further notice under this Order sugar shall be obtained and supplied for the purposes of any such establish- ment only in accordance with the provisions of the Sugar Order, 191T.(a) 15. No meat meal shall be supplied to any person by or on belialf of a caterer, whether for consumption on the premises of the caterer or elsewhere, except — (a) Where the person served produces a ration book with the relative leaf or the relative part of the leaf containing an appropriate coupon or half-coupon and such coupon or half-coupon is detached and retained by the caterer ; or (6) Where the person served has made the declaration pre- scribed for persons entering Great Britain; or (c) Where the person served produces some other authority available for the purpose and such authority is dealt with in the manner prescribed thereon ; and In accordance with any directions issued for the purposes of this Order. 16. The total quantity of meat (other than any meat lawfully Accounting supplied ration free) supplied bj or on behalf of any caterer for meat in a catering establishment in any week or other prescribed ^^ ' period shall not exceed the amount of meat which is repre- sented by the coupons, declarations, and other like authori- ties duly received by the catering establishment during su3h week or other period and produced by the caterer to the Food Committee. S. R. & O., No. 1049 of 1917. Serving of meat meals (a) Sugar Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 568. 526 Rationing Order, 1918. Detaching of coupons. Restriction on use of sugar. Supply of sugar in a catering establish- ment. Rationing in bulk. 17. Where a person resides in a catering establishment for any period, the caterer shall in respect of each 7 coUfcecutive nights included in that period and also in respect of any con- secutive 5 nights which is not part of any such 7 nights, forth- with detach from the relati^/e leaves of that person's ration book the appropriate coupon for each of the Rationed Foods (other than meat and such other Rationed Foods as may for the time being be excepted from this clause) and shall retain, and when required shall produce the coupons to the Food Committee, and it shall be the duty of such person to produce his ration book and relative leaves for this purpose and permit such coupons to be so detached. For the purposes of this clause the appropriate coupon shall be the coupon available for the week during which such 5 nights or 7 nights begin, or failing any such coupon being available for the purpose, the coupon available for the following week. 18. No sugar may be used, supplied or consumed in any catering establishment, except that — {a) Sugar may be used for cooking purposes to the amount allowed under the provisions of this Order ; and (h) A person may consume sugar provided by himself or supplied to him under the next succeeding clause. 19. Where a person resides in a catering establishment for more than one night in any week, the caterer shall on the request of such person sell or supply to him 6 ozs. of sugar or such other amount as may from time to time be' prescribed provided that : — {a) The person supplied produces his Ration Book* and relative leaf and the person supplying the sugar detaches and retains the appropriate coupon for that week or the next succeeding week ; and (6) The total amount so supplied to all such persons shall be accurately entered in the register hereinafter referred to in the column provided for that purpose. 20. The total quantities of sugar (except sugar consumed or supplied pursuant to the preceding clause), butter and margarine, lard and edible fats, used in or by any catering establishment in any week, shall not exceed the gross quantities allowed for the meals served during the week ascertained in accordance with the average quantities per meal, set out in the followinpr scale, or such other scale as may for the time being be prescribed by the Food Controller : — Meal. Sugar. ?,^"^^ ^'^^ ^ Margarine. Lard and Edible Fats. Breakfast Luncheon, including middle day dinner. Dinner, including supper and meat tea or fish tea. Tea Nil 1/7 oz. 1/7 „ Nil 1/5 oz. 1/5 „ 1/5 „ 1/5 „ ioz. Nil. Rationing Order, 1918. In addition to the edible fats allowed under the foregoing scale, salad oil may be served at table at any meal. Of the lard and edible fats authorised, not more than one-third maj^ consist of lard. For the purposes of the scale contained in or prescribed under this clause, sugar shall include glucose and all sweetening matter except honey, beverajre. jam, treacle, syrup, saccharine or sweetened 21. The person having the control or management of any Records, catering establishment shall be responsible for securing that the total quantities of Rationed Foods and edible fats permitted to be used therein in any week, or other prescribed period, are not exceeded, and shall keep on the premises a register containing an accurate record of meals supplied and quantities • of Rationed Foods and edible fats obtained and used in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Food Controller, and shall produce such register and every other record required to be kept under this Order to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or any Food Committee to inspect the same, together with all such invoices, vouchers, permits and other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking the entries in the register. 22. Except in so far as the Food Controller may otherwise Exemption direct, the two immediately preceding clauses of this Order shall of certain not apply to any railway buffet, or to any catering establishment ^tablish- whefe no meal is served at a price exceeding 1^. 2d. (exclusive of the usual charges for beverages) and there is exhibited on every tariff card and also in a conspicuous position in every public room a notice to this effect, and where also the maximum charge for bed and attendance where such is afforded does not exceed \s. Qd. per night. Provided that a Food Committee may and if so directed by the Food Controller shall from time to time determine the amounts of Rationed Foods and of edible fats (if any) which may be obtained for the purpose of any such railway buffet or establishment. ments. 23. A Food Committee may give instructions: — (a) Reducing the total quantities of Rationed Foods and edible fats which may under this Order be used in or by any catering establishment within their district ; or (b) Limiting the quantity of any food which may be used in any such establishment. Provided that any instructions given by a Food Committee under this clause shall be reported to the Food Controller within seven days and be subject at any time to review by the Food Controller and shall be withdrawn or varied as he may determine. All persons concerned shall comply with any such instructions given bv a Food Committee. Pawer of Food Com- mittee to give instructions. 528 Rationing Order, 191 S, Supply to Institutions. S. R. & 0., No. 1049 of )917. Delivery of Ration Books. Meals for non- residents. Limit on con- sumption. (6) Institutions. 24. Rationed Food and edible fats may be obtained for the purposes of an institution only : — ia) By means of an official order form, voucher or permit issued by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller for the purposes of this Order; (6) Except to the extent to which the Food Controller other- wise directs, from the Retailer or other dealer with whom the Institution is registered for the purpose ; (c) Up to the amount specified in the relative preliminary demand note, voucher or permit; and (d) In accordance with any directions issued for the purposes of this Order ; and such Rationed Food and edible fats may be supplied for such purposes only where the foregoing provisions are complied with. Provided that until further notice sugar may be obtained and supplied for the purposes of any such Institution only in accord- ance with the provisions of the Sugar Order, 191T.(a) 26. The person having the control or management of any institution shall collect from each person for the time being residing therein his ration book or books and other ration docu- ments (if any), complete with all the leaves, and shall retain the same so long as he so resides, and shall at the end of such resi- dence before returning the same detach, retain, and when so required by the Food Committee produce the appropriate coupons corresponding to the period of residence, and it shall be the duty of every person coming to reside in any Institution t^ deliver his ration books or documents (if any) complete with all the leaves to the person or persons having the control or management of the Institution for the purpose aforesaid. 26. Where in any institution any meals are provided for persons other than the persons residing therein, the total quanti- ties of Rationed Foods and edible fats used or supplied for such meals shall not exceed the total quantities which might be used or supplied for such meals under the provisions of this Order if the same were served in a catering establishment, and where any meat meal is so served, the provisions of this Order relating to the serving of a meat meal shall apply in the same way as they apply in a catering establishment; provided that any person who, though not residing in the institution, habitually takes all his meals there, may be deemed to be a resident in such institution for the purposes of this Order. 27. The total quantities of Rationed Foods and edible fats used in any institution in any week shall not exceed (i) the total quantities allowed for the persons residing or deemed to be residing in the institution in that week ascertained in accordance with the scale (if any)^ that may be prescribed for such institution or for an insti- tution of that class or for any persons therein, or failing any such scale the quantity which might be lawfully obtained by such persons if they were members of a household ; and (a) Sugar Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 568. Rationing Order, 1918. 529 (ii) the total quantities allovred under tlie immediately pre- ceding clause in respect of persons wlio are not residing or deemed to be residing in the institution. 28. No sugar may be supplied to or consumed by any person Restriction in any institution, other than a person residing or deemed to be on supply residing therein, except that such a person may consume sugar of sugar to provided by himself. Sents. 29. The person having the control or management of any Records, institution shall be responsible for securing that the total quan- tity of Rationed Foods and edible fats permitted to be used therein in any week or other prescribed period is not exceeded, and shall keep on the premises a register containing an accurate record of the Rationed Foods and edible fats obtained and used, in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Food Controller, and shall produce such register and every other record required to be kept under this Order to any person authorised by or on behalf of the Food Controller or a Food Committee to inspect the same together with all such invoices, vouchers, permits and other documents as may be necessary or proper for checking the entries in the register. (c) Residential Establishments. 30. (a) Rationed food may be obtained for the purposes of a residential establishment only by means of the ration books of the persons residing in such establishment, and upon the footing and subject to the conditions which would be applicable under Part II. of this Order if in the matter of obtaining such food the person having the control or management of such establish- ment were the duly authorised agent of all such residents and such residents were the registered customers of the retailer with whom he is registered either by lodging of the preliminary demand note or otherwise relating to such food,, and rationed food shall only be supplied or offered to be supplied for such purposes accordingly. Provided that where such person is at the date of this Order lawfully obtaining sugar from a whole- sale dealer in sugar who is not also a retailer, he may continue so to obtain sugar, and shall detach, retain, and when required produce to the Food Committee, the appropriate coupon or coupons from the Ration Books of the residents representing the amount of sugar so obtained. (b) Edible fats may, until further notice, be obtained for the purposes of a residential establishment without restriction. 31. Where a person having the control or management of a residential establishment obtains a supply of sugar in respect of any week by means of the ration book of any resident of the establishment, or detaches a coupon for sugar from such ration book, he shall if so requested supply to the resident 6 ozs. of sugar or such other amount as may from time to time be prescribed in respect of each such week or each coupon so detached. Supply to residential establish- ments. Supply of sugar in a residential establish- ment. 530 Rationing Order, 1918. Registration of establish- ments. {d) General. 32. In accordance with any directions of the Food Controller a Food Committee may at any time and, if so required by the Food Controller, shall — (a) register any place as an establishment, that is to say, a catering establishment, a residential establishment or an institution, as the case may be ; (h) revoke the registration of any establishment so regis- tered or deemed to be registered for the purposes of this Order; (c) transfer the registration of any such establishment from one class to another class of establishment. 33. Where any place is registered or deemed to be registered a catering establishment, a residential establishment or an Establish- ments a ?!!!??1^S ^ institution for the purposes of the Meat Rationing Order, 1918, (a) or of any Order relating to rationing other than the Sugar Order, 1917, it shall be deemed to be so registered for the purpose of this Order. registered. Home pro- duce in catering establish- ments and institutions. 34. (a) Where butter is provided by a person out of his home produce for consumption by himself or a member of his family while residing in a catering establishment, then — (i) the caterer need not, in respect of any week during which the supply is made, detach the appropriate coupon or require production of the ration book or relative leaf ; (ii) the caterer shall not for the purpose of determining the quantities of butter and margarine permitted to be used by him during that week include among the meals served by him during that week any meal served to any such person or member of his family ; and (iii) the butter shall be accounted for in accordance with any directions relating to home produce as if it were consumed in the household of that person. (6) (i) Where any Rationed Food is provided hj a person out of his home produce for consumption by himself or a member of his family while residing in an institution, such person shall not be included in the number of persons taken into account for the purpose of determining the quantity of such Rationed Food which may be consumed or supplied by the institution during that week. (ii) The Rationed Food shall be accounted for in accord- ance with any directions relating to home produce as if it were consumed in the household of that person, and the person having the control or management of the institution need not detach and retain the appropriate coupon or require production of the relative leaf. (a^ Meat Rationing Order, 1918.— That Order was printed p. 301 of the April, iyi8, Edition of this Manual. Rationing Order, 1918. 531 35. (a) No milk may be served or consumed in any catering or residential establishment as or as part of a beverage except with tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate as usually served. (b) This provision shall not apply to milk supplied to any person residing in the establishment or to milk supplied at any school to any person under 18 years of age, whether residing at the school or not, or to milk supplied to children under 10 years of age. 36. No person shall in any inn*, hotel, restaurant, refresh- ment house, club, boarding house, or place of refreshment open to the general public be served with or consume at any meal whatsoever which begins between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. more than IJ oz. in the whole of bread, cake, scone and biscuit. This clause shall not apply to any such place where : — (1) No customer is ever charged more than bd. (including the charge for beverages) in respect of a meal begun between 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. which does not include meat, fish or eggs ; and (2) There is exhibited on every tariff and also in a con- spicuous position in every room where meals are usually served a notice to the effect that no customer w^ill be so charged. Restriction on serving of milk. Restriction on serving of bread, cake, in certain hours. Part IV. — Home Produce and Self Suppliers. 37. Where under this Order directions have been given relating to the provision of home produce by the producer for consump- tion by himself and others as self-suppliers, such produce shall be accounted for in the manner prescribed by the directions. Such directions may, among other matters, relate to — (i) the slaughter of any animal and the giving of notice thereof to any person ; (ii) the rate of consumption of any home produce ; (iii) the surrender, cancellation, marking, production or other dealing with any ration book or other ration document ; (iv) the keeping of records. Home produce. Part V. — Raiion Documents. 38. The Food Controller may with a view to the distribution of Issue of any Rationed Food from time to time issue or cause to be issued documents, to such persons and subject to such conditions as may from time to time be thought fit, ration books and other ration documents to be used for the purposes of the distribution or rationing of such food. 39. (a) For the purpose of enabling ofiicers and men of the Navy, Army, Naval and Military Forces and of the Air Force and other persons, and Air who ordinarily are provided with any Rationed Food by the ^o^'^®- Naval, Military or Air Force Authorities, to obtain supplies of 532 Rationing Order, 1918. Ownership and custody of docu- ments. such food during periods in which owing- to their being on leave or for other reasons the provision of such food by those Authorities is not available, the Admiraltj^, Army Council and Air Council may, with the consent of the Food Controller, issue to such persons special leave or duty ration books or other permits with or without coupons, in a form to be approved by the Food Con- troller, authorising them to obtain such food to such an extent in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be specified thereon or on any document issued in connection therewith. (6) The Admiralty, Army Council, and Air Council, and the Governments of any of His Majesty's Allies or Co-belligerents, may, with the consent of the Food Controller, issue the like books and permits for use by the officers and men of the forces of such Governments. 40. (a) Except as otherwise provided by or directed under this Order, every ration document issued or to be issued for the pur- poses of this Order is, and will remain, the property of the Food Controller, but the person in respect of whom a ration document is issued shall be entitled to its custody. (6) The person for the time being having possession of any ration document shall deal therewith as provided by this Order or as may from time to time be directed by or under the authority of the Food Controller. Persons in 41. Where any person is in possession of a ration document unauthorised ^nd such possession is not authorised by virtue of this Order, documents. ^^^^ unless within T days of the sam.e having come into his possession he shall have returned the same to the person entitled to the custody thereof or otherwise dealt therewith as provided by or under this Order he shall forthwith deliver the same to the Food Controller or to any Food Committee or otherwise as directed on the book. Ration docu- 42. A ration document shall be inalienable and no person shall thereoTtrbe ^^^^^^ °^ attempt to assign or otherwise dispose thereof, inalienable. document" ^^- ^^ ^^^' ration document be defaced, lost or destroyed, the Food Controller, or a Food Committee in accordance with the directions of the Food Controller, may on such evidence as he or they think fit, issue a new document in place thereof. Every such document may be issued subject to such conditions as may be notified thereon or otherwise imposed, and it shall be the duty of the person to whom the same is issued to comply with all such conditions and forthwith to return to a Food Committee a lost ration document, in place of which a new rntion document has been issued, when such lost ration document has been found. 44. A ration book or leaf or other ration document shall be available for lawful use only : — (a) When used by or on behalf of the person in respect A whom it is issued ; and Availability of Ration Books, &c. Rationing Order, 1918. " 533 (b) While such person is living and is in Great Britain. Provided that where the ration book is a supplementary ration book issued to any person in respect of his work or class of work, it shall not be available for lawful use except so long as the person to whom the same was issued continues on such work or class of work for which the book is available as the case may be. 45. A leaf or part of a leaf shall be available for lawful use Availability only where it forms part of a ration book, or where it is for the time being deposited in the manner prescribed, or where having been so deposited it has been recovered and is produced with the ration book. 46. (a) Where a person dies the person registering the death Death of shall use his best endeavours to obtain possession of any ration ^ person document and every part thereof issued in respect of the person so dying, and on registering the death to deliver the same to the registrar with whom such death is registered. (b) The person having possession of any such ration document or part thereof shall deliver the same to any person who in his reasonable belief i)roposes to register the death, but, if he does not so deliver it he shall forthwith deliver the same to the registrar with whom the death is registered, or to a Food Committee. 47. {a) A person shall not embark or attempt to embark at any persons port in Great Britain as a passenger on a ship for any place leaving outside Great Britain other than Ireland, the Channel Islands, Glreat or the Isle of Man unless if so required : — Britain. (1) Where he does not intend to return to Great Britain within four weeks of his departure he delivers to the alienee officer any ration document issued in respect of him under this Order together with the prescribed declaration or delivers to the officer the declaration prescribed in default of delivery of the ration docu- ment; or (2) Where he intends to return to Great Britain within four weeks of his departure he delivers to the officer the prescribed declaration and produces any such ration document for inspection or delivers to such officer the declaration prescribed in default of production of the ration document. (b) Where any directions have been issued by the Food Controller for the purposes of this sub-clause a person shall not embark or attempt to embark at any port in Great Britain as a passenger on a ship for Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man, unless he shall have complied with those directions. (c) This clause shall not apply to any person leaving Great Britain on naval or military duties. {d) For the purposes of this clause the expression ** passenger " includes any person carried on a ship other than the master or a person employed in the work or service of the ship. 534 Rationing Order, 1918. Persons joining His Majesty's forces or the allied forces. Credit Notes for small sales. 48. Where a person to whom a ration book or other ration document was issued becomes a member of any of His Majesty's, forces, or of the Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies or Co-belligerents, or becomes entitled to receive a Government Ration in kind of any Rationed Food, in respect of which there is a leaf in any ration book or other ration document issued to him, he shall forthwith deliver the ration book or books complete with all the leaves and other ration documents to a*Food Com- mittee or otherwise deal with the same in the prescribed manner, and the Food Committee may in any such case issue to him in exchange such ration documents in such manner and on such conditions as they may think fit. 49. (a) For the purpose of facilitating the purchase of any Rationed Food by persons who are accustomed to purchase it in smaller quantities than the amount of the ration prescribed for a coupon, a Food Committee may, if they think fit, prepare and submit to the Food Controller for his approval a scheme for securing that retailers in whose business it is a practice to sell the food in such smaller quantities shall be required to issue to any customer purchasing a quantity of the Rationed Food less than the ration a credit note or other document repre- senting the difference between the amount purchased and the prescribed ration, and that any such document shall be treated by the retailer by whom it is issued as though it was an authority for the amount w^ich it represents. (h) Any scheme so prepared may contain all necessary incidental and consequential provisions and in particular may authorise the Food Committee to determine conclusively whether in any case the business of a retailer is of such a kind as to fall within the scope of the scheme. (c) Any scheme approved by the Food Controller shall have effect in the area of the Committee for the period specified in the approval subject to such amendments in or additions to the scheme, if any, as may from time to time be submitted by the Committee to the Food Controller and approved by him, and it shall be the duty of all persons to comply with the provisions of any such scheme as though such scheme was incorporated in this Order. • Issue of directions. Ir structions on Ration Documents. Paet VI. — Miscellaneous. 50. The Food Controller may fi'om time to time issue directions prescribing the matters to be prescribed under this Order or otherwise for the purpose of giving effect to any of the provi- sions of this Order or any matter connected therewith, and it shall be the duty of all persons concerned to comply with any such directions. 51. Instructions printed on any ration book or other ration document and the instructions additional to those printed on a ration book as set out in the document headed " National Rationing— July 14th, 1918, N.R.I," shall have effect as direc- tions issued under this Order. Rationing Orders 1918. 535 52. (a) A Food Committee may give instructions: — (i) limiting the number of persons who may be registered with any retailer; (ii) transferring a person so registered from one retailer to another ; (iii) requiring any retailer to accept or prohibiting a retailer from accepting any particular person or persons or class of persons as a customer or customers ; (iv) subject to the provisions of the Shops Act, 1912, and any other Statutory provisions for the time being in force, determining the manner in which and the times at which a retailer shall sell, distribute, or dispose of any Rationed Food among his customers. (6) A Food Committee may, in accordance with any direc- tions of the Food Controller, issue temporary licences exempting from the provisions of this Order any Rationed Food of a perish- able nature where in the opinion of the Committee the food would otherwise be likely to perish. 53. Every Food Committee shall in the exercise of any powers conferred upon such Committee for the purposes of this Order comply with such directions as may from time to time be given by the Food Controller, but the validity of the exercise of any such power shall not be questionable on the ground that such exercise is not in compliance with such directions. It shall be the duty of every person to comply with any instructions given by the Committee under such powers. 54. A person shall in making and completing any application or return, or other document issued or to be made in connection with this Order, follow the directions or instructions relating thereto issued by or under the authority of the' Food Controller or a Food Committee. 55. Any act required to be done by a person under this Order may in the case of a person under the age of 16 years be done on his behalf by one of his parents or by his guardian or by the person having custody of him, and in the case of a person of unsound mind by the person for the time being having charge of his affairs. 56. The total quantities of Rationed Food sold or disposed of by a retailer in any week or other prescribed period (other than Rationed Food lawfully sold ration free) shall not exceed the amount of such food which is represented by the coupons, official order forms, declarations and other authorities issued for the. pur- poses of this Order, duly received by him during such week or other prescribed period in the course of his business and produced by him to the Food Committee. 57. Every retailer and other person shall as and when so required by the Food Controller or a Food Committee : — (a) deliver to him or them all coupons, ration documents, official order forms,, vouchers, declarations and other authorities and documents delivered to him under or for the purpose of this Order ; and (h) furnish such particulars relating io his dealings in and stocks of Rationed Food as may be required. Powers of Food Com- mittee. [2 and 3 Geo.V.c.3.] Food Com- mittees to act in accord- ance with directions. Applica- tions, returns and other documents. Acts on behalf of young persons and persons of unsound mind. Accounta- bility of Retailers for supplies of Rationed Food. Duty of persons to deliver coupons, &c. 536 Rationing Order, 1918. Information to be confi- dential. Birth Certificates. Marking in lieu of detaching. False Statements, Forgeries, &c. 68. A person employed by the Food Controller or a member of or a person employed by a Food Committee or any person whose duty it is to deal with any application, return, ration book or other document made or issued for the purposes of this Order shall not without lawful authority communicate to any person any information acquired by him from any such docu- ment. 59. Where for the purposes of any application under this Order or otherwise in connection therewith the birth or age of any individual is required to be proved by the production of a certificate of birth, any person shall, on presenting a written requisition in such form and containing such particulars as may from time to time be prescribed by the Local Government Board for England(a') or by the Secretary for Scotland as the case may be, and, on payment of a fee of sixpence, be entitled to obtain a certified copy of the entry of the birth of that person in the birth register under the hand of the registrar or superintendent registrar having the custody thereof. 60. The Food Controller may direct in respect of any Rationed Food that coupons or spaces on the relative leaf shall be marked in lieu of being detached and in such case the provisions of t*his Order shall apply with the necessary modifications. 61. A person shall not: — {a) Make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement on an application or return made in connec- tion with or for any of the purposes of this Order, or make or knowingly connive at the making of any false statement for the purpose of obtaining any Eationed Food, or obtain or attempt to obtain any Rationed Food where any such false statement on the relative application or return has been made. (h) Forge, alter or without lawful authority deface or remove any leaf from any ration document or other document issued or deenied to be issued under or for any of the purposes ol this Order. (c) Personate or falsely represent himself to be the person to whom such ration document or other document has been issued or applies. (d) Retain any such ration document or other document when he has no right to retain it or fail to cxDmply with any directions issued by or under the direction of the Food Controller with regard to the return thereof. (e) IJse a ration book or other ration document issued in respect of any other person or lend or give his own ration book or other ration document issued in respect of him to any other person. iQiQ-^ ^.^^^^ ^^ Local Government Board.— An Order dated February 23, 1918, printed p. 588, prescribes form of requisition for copy of birth certificate. Rationing Order, 1918. 537 (/) Obtain or use, or attempt to obtain or use, any such ration document or other document when he has no right to obtain or use it. (g) Make or cause to be made or without lawful excuse have in his custody or possession any paper or document so made as to resemble or colourably imitate any such ration document or other document. Qi) Use or attempt to use for the purpose of obtaining any rationed food for himself or for any other person, any paper or ticket so made as to resemble or colourably to imitate any such ration document or other document or any forged or altered ration document or any other document. {i) Fraudulently alter, or attempt to alter or forge, any entry upon any such ration document or other document. (J) Without lawful authority have in his possession or use or attempt to use more than one ration document. (k) Forge any die or stamp used by or under the direction of the Food Controller in the making and marking of any such ration document or other document or other- wise for the purposes of this Order. (Z) Fraudulently print or make any impression on any material with such forged die. (m) Fraudulently jmnt or make any impression upon any material by the genuine die used by or under the authority of the Food Controller for the purposes aforesaid. (w) Without lawful excuse (the burden whereof shall lie upon the person accused) make, or cause to be made, or have in his custody or possession, any paper in the substance of which shall appear any words, letters, j&gures, threads, marks, lines, or other devices peculiar to any appearing in the substance of any paper pro- vided or used by or under the direction of the Food Controller for any such ration document or other document. Laterprets 62. In this Order, and in all authorities and other documents issued for the purpose of this Order the following expressions shall have the following meanings : — " Food Committee " shall mean, in respect of any district, the Food Control Committee constituted for such district. ** Week *' shall mean the 7 days ending at midnight on Saturday, the 20th July, 1918, and any subsequent period of 7 days ending on a Saturday night. ** Catering Establishment,'' '' Eesidential Establish- ment," and "Institution" shall severally mean the establishments registered or deemed to be registered by a Food Committee as such for the purposes of this Order. '* Caterer " shall mean the person or persons having control or management of any catering establishment. tion. ,5.38 Rationijig Order, 1918. '* Retailer " shall mean a person who has been registered as a retailer for the purposes of this Order, or who, other- wise, has been or may be registered under the authority of the Food Controller as a retailer of any Rationed Food or who in the ordinary way of his trade deals in a rationed food by retail, but shall not include a farmer or home producer who disposes only of his own produce and does not carry on trade at premises distinct from his farm or holding. '* Ration Book '' shall (except where the context other- wise requires) include the several documents headed " National Ration Book," ** Supplementary Ration Book," "Child's Ration Book," ''Traveller's Ration Book," '' Leave or Duty Ration Book," and any other book issued or to be issued for the purpose of this Order. *' Ration Document " shall mean any Ration Book, Emergency Ration Card, Overtime Meal Ticket, Weekly Seaman's Meat Card, Weekly Seaman's Provision Card,, Continuous Food Record, Invalid's Leaf, Special Fats Leaf, Special Emergency Ticket, or any other like Ration Book, document or authority issued or to be issued for the purposes of this Order, or any part of any such Ration Book, docu- ment or authority. '' Butcher's Meat " shall include Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Pork and the bones of any such meat. ** Meat " shall mean butcher's meat, suet and offal, sausages, ham, bacon, horseflesh, and venison, canned preserved and potted meats, and other meats of all kinds, rabbits and hares, and any kind of bird killed for food and the bones of any such meat. '' Meat Meal " shall mean any meal containing any meat, but shall not include soup not containing meat in a solid form. '' Home Produce " shall mean as respects any person (in this Order called the producer), any Rationed Food the pro- duce of or the result of the produce of any animal killed, caught or kept by him or for his purposes. '' Edible Fats " shall include all animal and vegetable fats, natural or prepared, other than butter, margarine and lard, which are not meat or bought ag part of the meat. *' Prescribed " shall mean prescribed by directions of the Food Controller. '* Household consumption " shall mean all consumption of food other than food consumed in or supplied by a catering establishment, residential establishment or institution or food expressly excepted under Clause 3 of this Order. Inclusion of 63. All forms of application, ration books, ration documents, Documents, instructions and directions or other documents issued whether before or after the date of this Order by or under the authority of the Food Controller purporting to be issued under or for the purposes of this Order or of the scheme to which this Order gives effect or headed ''Rationing Order, 1918," and all applications Rationing Order, 1918. 539 made upon any such form and all acts done pursuant to any such instructions or directions shall be deemed respectively to have been issued, made or done under and pursuant to this Order. 64. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penahies. the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 65. The Orders and Schemes mentioned in the first column of Revocation, the Schedule hereto are hereby revoked to the extent specified in the second column of the Schedule, provided that the revoca- tion is without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention of any such Order or Scheme. 66. {a) This Order mav be cited as the Rationing Order, 1918. '^'^^^^ (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. of Order" ^ /. R. Clynes, Food Controller. ITth July, 1918. THE SCHEDIJLE. Orders and Schemes. (a) The Sugar Order, 1917 ... (b) The Sugar (Rationing) Order,. 191T. (c) The London & Home Counties (Rationing Scheme) Order, 1918. (c) The Meat Rationing Order, 1918. (d) The Eood Control Com- mittees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918, and subsequent Orders similarly named aiul numbered 2, 3, 4 and 5, and all schemes adopted pursuant to such Orders. (e) The Public Meals Oi'der, 1918. (f) The Cake and Pastrv^ Order, 191T. Extent to which revoked. Clause 21. The whole Order. The whole Order and the direc- tions thereunder. The whole Order and the direc- tions thereunder. So far as they relate to Butter, Margarine and Lard. The whole of the Order so far as the same applies in Great Britain . Clause 8. (a) Sugar Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 5t38. (b) Sugar Rationing Order. — That Order was printed p. 502 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. (c) This Order and the directions thereunder were printed in the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. (d) These Orders are printed in Group 9a (Local Distribution and Re- quisitioning). (e) Public Meals Order, 1918. — That Order is printed p. 513. (f ) Cake and Pastry Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 94. 540 Directions for Retailers of Bacon an&IIam under the Rationing Order, 1918. Directions for Retailers of Bacon and Ham, and their Customers, dated the 29th July, 1918, under The Rationing Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 957. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the I'ood Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of uncooked bacon and ham by retailers, shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purposes of these directions : — ** Bacon and Ham" means uncooked bacon and ham. ** Emergency Customer" means a person holding and producing at the time of purchase a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book, a traveller's ration book or an emergency ration card which is not marked with the name of another retailer of bacon and ham. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form has been handed to and accepted by a retailer is deemed to be registered with that retailer during the period for which the form is valid. 2. The retailer may supply bacon and ham only : — (a) to his registered customers; or (h) to emergency custonaers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered customers). 3. A person may obtain bacon and ham only from the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. 4. Bacon and Ham may be supplied without the surrender of any meat coupon. ^l \ retailer may supply any miscellaneous meat in accordance with the Directions for Retailers of Miscellaneous Meat and their Customers for the time being in force. 6. These Directions do not aliect sales to Residential Establish- ments, Catering Establishments or Institutions in accordance with the special directions for such establishments, or sales on a seaman's card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 7. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a summary offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th July, 1918. (a) Rationing Order, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 522. Directions for Pork Butchers and for Retailers of Miscellaneous • 541 Meat under the Rationvng Order, 1918. Directions for Pork Butchers and for Retailers of Miscellaneous Meat and their Customers, dated the . 29th July, 1918, under The Rationing Order, 1918. (^) 1918. No. 958. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, and all other i^owers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Con- troller hereby orders and directs that the following* directions relating to the supply of pork and miscellaneous meat shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purpose of these directions: — " Miscellaneous Meat '' shall mean suet, offal, sausages, horseflesh, venison, cooked, canned, preserved and potted meats, rabbits, hares, poultry and game, and other meats of all kinds, and the bones of such meats, excluding only butcher's meat and uncooked bacon and ham and bones thereof. *^ Pork butcher " means a butcher who sells pork by retail but no other kind of butcher's meat. ** Retailer of Miscellaneous Meat " means a person who sells miscellaneous meat by retail but does not sell butcher's meat. *' Retailer " means a pork butcher and a retailer of miscellaneous meat. 2. A person may obtain pork or miscellaneous meat from any ,^ retailer entitled to sell such meat and the retailer may supply pork or miscellaneous meat accordingly. 3. Pork or miscellaneous meat may be so obtained or supplied only against the coupons marked '^ meat," " butcher's or other meat," or " other meat only." Whenever the retailer supplies pork or miscellaneous meat he must detach the proper number of appropriate coupons for the amount supplied from his customer's ration book or card. 4. The retailer may supply without detaching coupons — (a) such kinds of pork or miscellaneous meat as are from time to time declared by the Food Controller to be obtainable from such retailer without coupons ; and (b) any perishable stocks in respect of which a licence has been issued by his Food Committee. 5. Each coupon rejDresents the worth or weight of meat set out in the Official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force, and not more than that amount may be supplied or obtained against it. Where worth of meat is set out, such worth shall be ascertained at the maximum retail price therefor for the time being applicable under the Orders of the Food Controller. (a) Rationing Order, 1918. — This Order is printed p. 522. 5789 , S 542 Directions for Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine, and Lard under the Rationing Order, 1918. 6. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week and the coupon can only be used for supplies made in the period from the Sunday of that week up to and including- the Wednesday in the week following. Thus the coupons numbered 1 are valid from Sunday, July 14th, up to and including Wednes- day, July 24th. Those' numbered 2 are valid from Sunday, July 21st, to Wednesday, July 31st, and so on. 7. Wherever any ration book or card produced bears instruc- tions that the book or card is valid only between particular dates, a retailer shall supply only in accordance with such instructions. 8. Coupons which have not been used in the proper coupon period cannot be used later without permission of the Food Committee. 9. These directions do not affect sales to Residential Establish- ments, Catering Establishments, or Institutions in accordance with the special directions issued for such establishments or sales on a seaman's meat card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 10. The retailer must keep prominently displayed in his shop a copy of such parts of the Official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force as relate to all the kinds of meat sold by him. 11. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a / summary offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary, to the Ministry of Food. 29th July, 1918. Directions for Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine, AND Lard and their Customers, dated the 29th July, 1918, UNDER The Rationing Order^ 1918. (a) 1918. No. 959. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, jind all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of sugar, butter and margarine, and lard by retailers shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. These directions apply to sugar, butter and margarine, and lard. (a) Rationing Order, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 522. Directions for Retailers of Sugar, Butter and. Margarine, and Lard imder the Rationing Order, 1918. 2. In these directions 'Meaf " means with respect to any of these foods, the appropriate leaf of the Elation Book for such food, or other the appropriate leaf for such food. ** Retailer'' means with respect to any of these foods, a retailer thereof. '^Emergency customer" means a person holding and using a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book,' traveller's ration book or an emergency ration card which is not marked with the name of another retailer. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form has been handed to and accepted by a retailer is deemed to be registered with that retailer during the period for which the form is valid. 3. A retailer may supply sugar, butter and margarine, and lard only — (a) to his registered customers; or (6) to emergency customers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered customers). 4. A person may obtain sugar, butter and margarine, and lard only from the retailer with whom he is registered for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. 5. The customer may deposit with the retailer with whom he is registered for any food, the appropriate leaf in accordance with the instructions on the Ration Book. Unless the leaf is for the time being deposited with the retailer, the customer must produce his ration book on the occasion oi each purchase. 6. Each coupon on the leaf represents the amount of the weekly ration and not more than that amount may be obtained or supplied upon it, and the retailer must, on supplying, detach the proper number of coupons for the amount supplied. 7. A retailer may supply to any person without detaching coupons any perishable stocks in respect of which a licence has been issued to him by his Food Committee. 8. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week. The coupon numbered 1 is valid for the week ending 20th July. The coupon numbered 2 is valid for the week ending 27th July, and so on. A coupon can only be used for supplies made in the week to which it corresponds, but in the case of sugar, a retailer may also supply to a registered customer in any week any part of the sugar ration which the customer was entitled to obtain during the immediately preceding 3 weeks and which was not in fact supplied. 9. Whenever the book or card produced bears instructions that the book or card is valid only between particular dates, a retailer shall supply only in accordance with sucF instructions. 10. The retailor must divide what supplies he has as fairly as possible between his registered customers. 11. Coupons which have not been used in the proper week can- not be us-ed later without the permission of the Food Committee, even though the retailer has been unable to supply the full ration in the proper week. 5789 S 2 544 Directions for General Butchers under the Rationing Order, 1918. 12. These directions do not affect sales to Residential Estab- lishments, Catering Establishments or Institutions in accord- ance with any special directions issued for such establishments or salesmen a seaman's card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 13. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a summary offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H, Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th July, 1918. Directions for General Butchers and their Customers, DATED the 29th July, 1918, under The Rationii^g Order, 1918.(a) 1918. No. 960. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the supply of meat by a general butcher shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. For the purpose of these directions ^'general butcher" means a butcher who sells butcher's meat other than pork, whether or not he also sells pork and offal. " Emergency customer " means a person lawfully holding and using a soldier's or sailor's leave or duty ration book, traveller's ration book or an emergency ralion card which is not marked with the name of another general butcher. A person in respect of whom a visitor's declaration form has been handed to and accepted ty a general butcher is deemed to be registered with that butcher during the period for which the form is valid. 2. A general butcher may supply butcher's meat (including pork) only — (a) to his registered customers ; or (b) to emergency customers without registration (if he has more than sufficient supplies for his registered cus- tomers). 3. A person may obtain butcher's meat (including pork) from a general butcher only if he is registered with him for the purpose. This restriction does not apply to an emergency customer. (a) Rationing Order, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 522. Directions for General Butchers under the Rationing Order, 1918. 4. Butcher's meat (including pork) may be obtained or supplied only against the coupons marked *' meat," "butcher's meat or other meat " or " other meat only." 5. The customer may in accordance with the instructions on the ration book deposit with the butcher with whom he is registered the current meat leaf of a ration book (A or B). Unless the current meat leaf is for the time being deposited with the butcher, the customer must on the occasion of each purchase produce his ration book or card to the butcher. 6. Whenever a general buteher supplies any meat, he must detach the proper number of coupons for the amount supplied from his customer's ration book or card. 7. A general butcher may supply to any person without detaching coupons^ — i (a) such meat or meat articles as are from time to time declared by the Food Controller to be obtainable from a general butcher without coupons; and (&) any perishable stocks in respect of which a licence has been issued to him by his Food Committee. 8. Each coupon represents the worth or weight of meat set out in the official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force, and not more than that amount may be supplied or obtained on it. Where the worth of meat is set out, such worth shall be ascertained at the maximum retail price therefor for tTie time being applicable under the Orders of the Food Controller. 9. After the 11th August, 1918, a half coupon may be used for supplying and obtaining meat. The provisions of these directions shall apply to a half coupon in the same way as they apply to a coupon ; but the amount of meat to be supplied against a half coupon shall only be half the amount which may be supplied against a whole coupon. 10. The number on each coupon corresponds with a particular week, and the coupon can only be used for supplies made in the period from the Sunday of that week up to and including the Wednesday in the week following. Thus, the coupons numbered 1 are valid from Sunday, July 14th, up to and including Wednesday, July 24th. Those numbered 2 are valid from Sunday, July 21st, to Wednesday, July 31st; and^so on. 11. Whenever the ration -book or card produced bears instruc- tions that the book or card is valid only between particular dates, a general butcher shall supply only in accordance with such instructions. 12. Coupons which have not been used in the proper coupon period cannot be used later without permission of the Food Committee, even though the butcher has been unable to supply the full ration in the proper coupon period. 13. {a) A general butcher may supply suet, tongue, kidney and ox-skirt only to a person to whom he may supply butcher's meat and otherwise in accordance with these directions. 5789 . S3 546 Directions relating to the amount- of Rationed Food under the Rationing Order, 1918. (b) A general butclier may supply any miscellaneous meat other than suet, tongue, kidney and ox-skirt to any person, but otherwise in accordance with these directions. (c) *' Miscellaneous meat " means suet, offal, sausages, horse- flesh, venison, cooked, canned, preserved and potted meats, rabbits, hares, poultry and game, and other meats of all kinds and the bones of such meats, excluding only butcher's meat, uncooked bacon and ham, and bones thereof. 14. A general butcher must divide his supplies of butcher's meat (including pork) as fairly as possible between his regis- tered customers. He is not bound to supply the full ration to first comers unless he is certain of having enough to give full rations to all. 16. These directions do not affect sales to Residential Estab- lishments, Catering Establishments or Institutions in accordance with special directions issued to such establishments, or sales on a Seaman's meat card in accordance with any directions issued for such sales. 16. A general butcher must keep prominently displayed in his shop a copy of such parts of the official Table of Equivalent Weights of Meat for the time being in force as relate to all kinds of meat sold by him. 17. Failure to comply with any of these directions is a summary offence against the Defence of the Eealm Eegulations. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of J^'ood. • 29th July, 1918. Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated THE 29th July, 1918, under The Rationing Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 961. In exercise of the powers reserved to him by the above Order and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders and directs that the following directions relating to the amount of rationed food shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The appropriate leaves and coupons of the Ration Books (A and B) and of the Traveller's Ration Books shall be : — For sugar, the Leaf numbered 1 and coupons thereon. For Butter and Margarine, the Leaf numbered 2 and coupons thereon. For Meat, the Leaves numbered 3, 3x, 3y, and 3z and coupons thereon. For Lard, the Leaf numbered 4 and the coupons thereon. (a) Rationing Order, 1913.— This Order is printed p. 522. Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food under the 547 Rationing Order, 1918. The coupons of a special Fats Leaf are butter and margarine coupons. 2. The coupon numbered 1 on a leaf relates to the week ending on Saturday the 20th July, 1918, and the other coupons relate to the subsequent weeks in due numerical order. 3. Each coupon, except a meat coupon, is available for use only during the week to which such coupon relates. Each meat coupon is available for use during that week and also the subse- quent four days. A sugar coupon may also be used for obtaining sugar from a retailer in accordance with any directions relating to the purchase of sugar from retailers. 4. Until further notice the amount of the weekly ration of sugar shall be 8 ozs., of butter and margarine 5 ozs., and of lard 2 ozs; and not more than the prescribed amount may be obtained or supplied on the coupon. 5. Until further notice the amount of meat which may be obtained on any meat coupon shall be the amount in weight or worth of meat prescribed as the value of a coupon according to the Table of Equivalent Weights for the time being in force. Where worth of meat is prescribed, such worth shall be ascertained at the maximum retail price therefor for the time being applicable under the Orders of the Food Controller. Until further notice such Table shall be the Table set forth in the Schedtule hereto. 6. Until further notice any meat coupon may be used for obtaining any kind of meat or for obtaining a meat meal from a catering establishment, or in the case mentioned in the Hation- ing Order, 1918, for obtaining a meat meal from an institution. 7. Coupons on Leave or Duty Hation Books and Emergency Ration Cards and Invalids' leaved may be used as shown thereon. 8. Until further notice no coupon on a Supplementary Ration Book (C, D, E and F) shall be available for obtaining any kind of "meat or a meat meal. ■ 9. Where under any directions of the Food Controller or instructions of a Food Committee or under the Table of Equivalent Weights for the time being in force any kind of rationed food may be obtained without coupons, such rationed food may, unless otherwise directed, be obtained from any retailer whether he is the retailer with whom the customer is registered or not. By Order of the Food Controller, W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 29th July. 1918. >789 S 4 548 Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food under the Rationing Order, 1918. Schedule, Table of Equivaletst Weights of Meat. There may be obtained upon One Meat Coupon the amounts specified below. All meat coupons are oi the same value. Note. — This table does not apply to meals purchased from or supplied by caterers. In the case of such meals, caterers are required to account for their total consumption of meat by coupons collected from their customers in accordance with the directions in IST.R. 12. • PART I. Butcher's Meat and Miscellaneous Meats (other than Poultry and Game). Uncooked, Cooked. With the Without With the Without usual bone. bone. usual bone. bone. 1. Butcher's meat (including pork) bd. worth. 4 ozs. 3 ozs. 2. Suet, loose fat, tongues, kidneys, and ox sfcirt 5c?. worth. 4 ozs. 3. Venison 16 ozs. 12 ozs. 12 ozs. 9 ozs. 4. Horseflesh (other than thin flank and forequarters, except foreribs) 32 ozs. 32 ozs. 5. Bones of any meat bd. worth. ... 6. Any sausages not obtainable without coupons 16 ozs. 16 ozs, 7. Edible offal (other than tongues, kidneys or ox skirt), except the kinds t released from coupons ... 20d. worth. 20 ozs. 8. Canned or preserved meat (except the meat of rabbits *■ and birds), and all meat pastes containing more than 33^ per cent, of meat. according to the weight of ' the actual meat without the container ••• 3 ozs. 9. Canned or potted goods (not , being of a kind released from coupon) containing no meat except edible offal other than tongues, kidneys and ox-skirt --.« 24 ozs. 10. Meat pies, sandwiches and similar articles according to the weight of the actual meat »'• 3 ozs. 11. Any kind of brawn not obtainable without coup- ons, prepared in the usual trade manner; pickled pig's . head or haggis 32 ozs. 32 ozs. Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food under the 549 Rationing Order ^ 1918. Coupon-Free Articles. Tlie following kinds of meat or meat articles may be obtained without coupons : — 1. Bacon and liam. 2. Horseflesh: — Thin flank and forequarters (except f oreribs) . 3. Meat of goats and kids. 4. Tripe, chitterlings, lights; sheep's heads, calves' heads, eye pieces from pigs' heads; ox heels, cow heels, calves' feet, pigs' trotters, sheep's trotters. 5. The following articles, if containing no meat except edible " offal of the kinds shown under item (4): — Sausages, polonies, brawn, canned or potted goods. 6. Blood sausages, black puddings or white puddings, pro- vided they are meat articles usually so called, prepared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except blood, fat, and edible offal other than tongues, kidneys or ox skirt. 7. Faggots or savoury ducks, provided they are meat articles usually so called, prepared in the usual trade manner, and containing no meat except edible offal, other than tongues, kidneys or ox skirt, and are sold by retail at a price not exceeding \d. per oz. 8. Meat pastes containing not more than 33J per cent, of meat ; meat extract, meat essence, soup cubes, tinned soups, and canned goods containing less than 5 per cent, of meat. 9. Rissoles made from the waste trimmings of beef, pro- vided : — (a) The quantity of rissoles sold without coupons in any week shall not exceed 2 per cent, of the total value of meat or meat articles sold in the shop during that week. (h) This exemption shall only apply to such rissoles as are sold at a price not exceeding Id. per ounce. 10. Beef sausages, cooked and uncooked, including saveloys,' polonies and similar articles containing no meat other than beef. 11. Dripping. 12. With authority of Food Control Committee, meat pies not exceeding 6 ozs. in weight (cooked) of a kind usually sold in the district, may be sold without coupons, provided that the total weight of cooked meat in the pie does not exceed 20 per cent, of the whole weight of the pie, and that such authority is confined to retailers who have customarily sold meat pies of the class described. Bacon and Ham may be obtained only from the Retailer with whom the customer is registered. 550 Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food under the Rationing Order, 1918. PART II. Poultry and Game. A. In the case of Poultry, Eabbits and Hares. 1. Uncooked: — The weights given in the table are equivalent to the number of coupons shown at the head of the column. Coupons. 1 2 3 4 5 Fowls and Chickens sold as a whole Up to 3 lbs. Up to 5 lbs. Over 5 lbs. — — Domestic Ducks and Geese sold as a whole Up to 4 lbs. Up to 6 lbs. Up to 8 lbs. Up to 10 lbs. Up to 8 lbs. Up to 12 lbs.* Turkeys sold as a whole — — Up to 6 lbs. Up to 10 lbs.* Any of the above sold in parts by weight per ... H lbs. — — — — Rabbits, wild and tame (with edible offal but without skin), sold as a whole Up to 1| lbs. Over If lbs. — — — Rabbits, wild and tame, with edible offal and skin, sold as a whole Up to 2 lbs. Over 2 lbs. — — i_ Parts of Rabbit or Hare ""fl per H lbs. — — — Blue Hares and Leverets ^^1 (with all offal and skin) _ each — — — ^H Brown Leverets (with ^^^^^1 all offal and skin) ... — — each — ij^^^^H Brown Hares (with all ^^^1 offaJ and skin) — — — each —^M * And one coupon for each additional 2 lbs., or part of a lb. up to 8 coupons as a maximum. N.B. — All poultry is reckoned as containing all offal, but with no feathers. If it is sold truss without edible offal, one-third is to be added to the weight of the bird as so sold. 2. Cooked, Canned and Preserved Poultry : — Half the weights] specified above for the same number of coupons in each case. 3. Cooked Rabbit and Hare : — IJ lbs. for one coupon. 4. Tinned Rabbit : — A 1 lb. tin for two coupons. A 2 lb. ,, four ,, B. In the case of Game Birds and Wild Fowl, cooked or] UNCOOKED OR PRESERVED : One coupon for each one of the following birds ... Pheasants, wild duck, guinea-] fowl, capercailzie. „ „ two „ jj ••• Gi-rouse, partridges, black! game, widgeon. „ „ four „ „ ... Teal, ptarmigan, woodcock. „ „ six „ „ ••• Plover, pigeon. „ „ eight „ ,, ... Quail, snipe. The following may be obtained without coupons: — (1) "Wood pigeons, rooks and other birds not included in thej above table. (2) Poultry, where the price charged therefor by a letailerj does not exceed the sum of one shilling per lb. (3) Edible offal of poultry. Desiccated Cocoanut {MaxiTJium Prices) Order, 1918. 551 15. Seeds and Nuts. Beans and Peas, General Licence as to Seeds, p, 551. Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917, /?. 551. Desiccated Cocoanut (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918,/?. 551. Seeds, Nuts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917, jo. 551. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918, p. 553. The Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) Order, 1917. Dated November 17, 1917. [Tliis Order, which is printed in GronjD 3 (^^ Bread, Flour and Cereals ") (p 116), applies also to damaged seeds.] The Seeds, Nuts and Kernels (Requisition) Order, 1917. Dated November 29, 1917. [This Order, which is printed as amended in Group 12 C Oils and Fats") (p. 451), applies to oleaginous seeds.] General Licence, dated January 31, 1918, under Beans, Peas AND Pulse (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. [This Licence, which is printed in Group 2 (*' Beans, Peas and Pulse") (p. 84), relates to seed beans and peas.] The Desiccated Cocoanut (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. Dated March 2, 1918. 1918. No. 243. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or buy or Maximum offer to buy any Desiccated Cocoanut at prices exceeding the prices, maximum prices permitted by this Order. ,^ 2. The maximum price on the occasion of any sale of Desiccated Wholesale Cocoanut, other than a retail sale, shall be at the rate of £4 10^. sales. per cwt. 3. (a) The maximum prices on the occasion of any sale other Transport than a retail sale are fixed on the basis that all transport charges on charges after sale by the first importer in the United Kingdom ^^^J^^^^^ are for the account of the ultimate buyer, and accordingly there sales. 552 Desiccated Cocoanut (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. may be added to the maximum price all transport charges after sale by such importer ex quay, free on rail, or ex importers ware- house: Provided that the transport charges so added shall b& limited to any reasonable amounts actually and properly paid or payable and any other reasonable sums representing transport costs properly incurred and not exceeding the customary charges. (6) Any amounts added in respect of transport charges shall be shown as separate items on the invoice relating to the sale. Retail sales. 4. (a) The maximum price on the occasion of a retail sale shall be at the rate of Is. per lb. (b) Where on the occasion of a retail sale the buyer require* the Desiccated Cocoanut to be delivered to his premises, a reason- able additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceed- ing id. per lb. or any reasonable sum actually paxd by the seller for carriage; but no charge shall be made for giving credit. 5. The maximum price on the occasion of any salo shall include the cost of packages and packing, and no additional charge may be made therefor. 6. Where the maximum price at which Desic<*'ited Cocoanut may be sold to any person depends upon the amount of any sum paid or charged for transport, such person shall be entitled to rely upon any written statement with reference to such amount which may have been given to him by a person from whom he bought the same unless he has reason to disbelieve the truth of such statement. 7. A person shall not on the occasion of any sale or disposition of Desiccated Cocoanut enter or olfer to enter into any artificial or fictitious transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 8. Where any contract subsisting on the 4th March, 1918, for the sale of Desiccated Cocoanut provides for the payment of a price exceeding thg permitted maximum price, the contract shall stand so far as concerns Desiccated Cocoanut delivered on or before the 4th March, 1918, but shall, unless the Food Controller otherwise directs, be avoided so far as concerns Desiccated Cocoa- nut agreed to be sold above the permitted maximum price, which has not been so delivered. Peualty. 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realrp. Regulations. Title. 10, ((f) This Order may be cited as the Desiccated Cocoanut (Maximum Prices) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall come into force as respects retail sales on the 11th March, 1918, and as respects any other sale on the 4th March, 1918. Packages. Reliance on vendor's statements. Fictitious transactions. Contracts. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd March, 1918. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. ' 553 The Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Dated ITth June, 1918. 1918. No. 648. In exercise of tlie poweis conferred upon him by tlie Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller or of a Government Department nominated by him for the purpose, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : --- 1. On and after the 1st July, 1918, no person, except as herein- Regulation after provided, or under the authority of a licence issued by or of sale and under the authority of the Food Controller shall : — exposure for {a) sell or expose for sale for sowing or keep deposited in ®*^® ^^ seeds, any place for the purpose of sale for sowing, any seeds named in the First Schedule to this Order, unless a sample of the seed has previously been taken and tested in accordance with the provisions of this Order, either by or on behalf of the seller or at one of the following Government Stations : — For England and Wales at the Seed Testing Station, Board of Agricul- ture and Fisheries, Food Production Department, 72, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I; for Scotland at the Seed Testing Station, Board of Agriculture for Scotland, 29, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh; for Ireland at the Seed Testing Station, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin; or (6) sell or expose for sale for sowing any seeds named in the First Schedule to this Order unless: — (i) In the case of a sale the particulars required by this Order are correctly declared to the pur- chaser • at or before . the time of sale or delivery, in writing, either in an invoice of the seeds or in some other form; provided that it shall be sufficient for the purposes of this provision if the declaration is made by reference to a printed catalogue or to a price list containing the particulars required by this Order; (ii) In the case of seeds exposed for sale, a copy of the declaration required by this Order in the case of sale is conspicuously exposed on or in connection with the seeds. Provided that in the case of a iiacket containing Pea or Bean seed (not exceeding 2 lbs.), or Garden Turnip, Garden Cabbage, Garden Kale, Garden Kohl Rabi, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot, Parsnip, Beet, or Onion (not exceeding 8 ozs.), where the germination of the seed sold or exposed for sale is at or above that standard specified in Part (IV.) of the first Schedule, the declaration mentioned in sub-clause (b) shall not be required and where the germination is below that Standard, the declaration need only state that fact. 554 Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Particulars 2. The particulars required by Clause 1 of this Order are: — required to (^) In q\\ cases the name and address of the seller ; be declared. ^^^ j^^ ^y[ cases the kind of seeds sold or exposed for sale and, in the case of cereals, clovers and sainfoin, the name of the variety of the seeds ; (c) Except in the case of cereals, the percentage by weight of pure seed, provided that in the case of Seeds named in Parts III. or lY. of the First Schedule to this Order a statement that such percentage is not less than 97 shall be sufficient. {d) Except in the case of cereals, the total percentage by weight of injurious weed seeds present, where such total exceeds 1 per cent., provided that for the pur- poses of this Order no seeds but those of Docks or Sorrels (Rumex spp.), Cranesbills (Geranium spp.). Wild Carrot (Daucus Carota L.), Yorkshire Fog (Holcus Lanatus L.), Soft Brome grass (Bromus mollis, L. et spp.), are to be regarded as injurious weed seeds. {e) A statement that dodder is present if it is present to the extent of more than one seed thereof in 2 oz. in the case of Alsike Clover, White Clover, or Timothy or in 4 oz. of Red Clover, Crimson Clover or Lucerne. (/) In the case of sainfoin where more than 5 per cent, by weight of Burnet (Poterium spp.) is present in the sample, the percentage so present. {g) In the case of White Clover, Wild White Clover, and Alsike Clover, where more than 2 per cent, by weight of any or all of the following, taken collectively, namely. Suckling Clover (Trifolium dubium Sibth.), Hop Clover (T. procumbens L.), T. parviflorum Ehrh., T. angulatum Waldst, and T. glomeratum L. is present in the sample, the percentage so present. (h) The percentage of seeds by number of the kind of which the sample purports to consist or of the pure seed as defined in Clause 8 (6) which germinate during a germination test, provided in the case of the seeds njyned in Parts II. or lY. of the First Schedule to this Order if the percentage of germination is not less than the Standard of Germination as set out in that Schedule a statement to that effect shall be sufficient. (i) In the case of Clovers, Trefoil, Lucerne, Sainfoin the percentage by number of hard seeds ; (;') In the case of Perennial Ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass, . Meadow Fescue, Cocksfoot, Timothy, Clovers, Lucerne, and Sainfoin seed, the country of oriorin (England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland being for this purpose treated as different countries) or, if the country of orig-in is not known to the seller, a state- ment to that effect ; {k) In the case of mixtures of grasses or of clovers or of grasses and clovers, which may be sold or exposed for sale for agricultural purposes, the particulars men- tioned in paragraphs {a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (A), (i), Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. 555 (;■) shall be given in respect of eacli kind of grass or clover seed in the mixture, and the proportion by weight of each kind shall also be given, provided that in a mixture of Perennial Rye-grass and Italian Rye-grass the proportion by weig-ht of each kind need not be stated if such mixture be declared to be a mixture of Perennial Rye-grass and Italian Rye-grass. (Z) In the case of a blend of varieties of the same species having different countries of origin, the country of origin of each of the components shall be given and the other particulars required by this Order shall be given in respect of the blend as a whole and not in respect of each component part. (m) The month and year in which the test was made unless such test has been made within 6 months from the date of sale or exposure for sale. 3. The particulars of the percentage of pure seed or of the Scales of percentage of seeds which germinate during a germination test latitude as shall not for the purposes of these provisions be deemed to be f^ga^^^s incorrectly stated if they do not differ from the actual percentage ^nd as determined by a Government Station as defined in Clause 1 (a) germination, by more than the percentage pernaitted by the Scale of Latitude in the Second Schedule hereto. 4. Any person authorised for England and Wales by the Board Powers of of Agriculture and Fisheries, for Scotland by the Board of entry and Agriculture for Scotland, and for Ireland by the Department of sampling. Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (a) (hereinafter called the Official Sampler) may take without payment samples of any seeds which have been sold or are being exposed for sale or are kept deposited in any place for purposes of sale, and may enter on any premises for the purpose of taking such samples. The person on whose premises the sample is taken or his repre- sentative shall give the Official Sampler all or any of the particulars required by Clauses 1 and 2 of this Order in respect of the samples so taken, and also the name and address of the person from whom the seeds were procured. The Official Sampler shall provide the person on whose premises the sample is taken oj* his representative at the time of sampling with a duplicate sample in a sealed packet on which the particulars as so furnished shall be stated. Where a sample is taken by an Official Sampler it shall be sent by him to the Ao^ricultural Department for that part of the United Kingdom in which the sample was taken and the result «f any test there made shall be regarded as conclusive evidence ns against tlie person by whom the seeds were sold or exposed for Sile unless ^uch person or his representative shall within 14 days fnm the date of his receipt of a copy of the certificate of such re;ult by notice in writing to the Government Department con- cerned require that further portions of the sample shall be tested (t) Agricultural Departmfk^ts. — As to the constitution of the three Agrcultural Departments see the Introductory Notes to Part Y (Enoland and WaLs), p 257, Part YI (Scotland), p. 341, and Part YII (Ireland), p. 379 of the " Fo)d (Supply and Production) Manual." 556 Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. by each of the Government Stations named in Clause 1 (a) of this Order in which case the sample shall be so tested and the average result of the tests by the three Government Stations shall be regarded as conclusive evidence as against the person by whom the seeds were sold or exposed for sale. Certificate of 5. In any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this *®^*- Order the production of the certificate as to the result of a fest carried out in England or Wales given by the Board of Agricul- ture and fisheries, or as to the result of a test carried out in Scotland given by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland or as to the result of a test carried out in Ireland given by the Depart- . ment of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated unless the Defendant requires that the person who made the test shall be called as a witness. Exception of Q Samples taken in Ireland under the ''Weeds and Agricul- 'iertain sales, ^^^^j g^^^^ (Ireland) Act, 1909 " (9 Edw. 7, c. 31) shall be deemed to be samples taken for the purpose of this Order. 7. This Order shall not apply to: — (a) A sale of seeds as grown, if the seeds are not bought by the purchaser for the purpose of his own sowing ; but nothing in this exception shall affect the liability of the seller for failure to deliver seed of the variety named at the time of sale ; (b) a sale for delivery outside the United Kingdom. Definitions 8. For tne purposes of this Order— (1) ''a sample" means a sample taken in the following manner : — (a) In the case of seeds sold retail and in the case of seeds sold wholesale in quantities of 4 bushels or under, portions shall be drawn from the top, middle and bottom of the bag or bags in which the seeds are contained. All the portions so taken shall be well mixed and a representative sample of the whole shall be used. (b) In the case of seeds sold wholesale in quantities of over 1 sack (4 bushels) or bag, portions shall be drawn from each sack or bag by/ means of a sampling instrument, these por-l tions shall be thoroughly mixed and a repre-f sentative sample of the whole shall be taken' provided that when the amount sold consists of over 5 sacks or bags and not more than 1) sacks or bags portions need only be taken from one sack or bag in three ; and that if tie amount sold is over 10 sacks or bags and rot more than 50 sacks or bags portions need oilv be taken from one sack or bag in five ; and tlat if the amount sold exceeds 50 sacks or bigs portions need only be taken from one sacl or bag in ten. In the case of seeds storec in heaps or bins the sample shall be a sanple Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. 557 Not less thaD 2 oz. from representative portions taken from various parts of the heap or bin so as fairly to represent the bulk, (c) A sample shall be deemed to have been correctly taken if drawn from various parts of the seed whilst passing from a cleaning machine. (2) The sizes of samples for testing shall be as follows : — Garden -Turnip ,, Cabbage , ,, Kale ,, Kohl Rabi Brussels Sprouts Broccoli r ^o* ^^^s than J oz. Cauliflower Carrot Parsnip Onion Ryegrasses Meadow Fescue Cocksfoot Crested Dogstail Timothy Alsike White Clover Eield Turnip Swede Rape Field Cabbage ,, Kale ,, Kohl Rabi Mangel Beet Wheat Oats Barley Rye Tares or Yetches Red Clover Crimson Clover Trefoil Lucerne Sainfoin Peas ) Dwarf French Beans ] ^^^ ^^ss than 6 oz. Broad Beans I tvt i Scarlet Runner Beans \ ^^^ less than 8 oz. (3) Where a sample has been taken in the presence of and sealed and marked by the seller pr his representative, and the person drawing the sample or his representa- tive, the sample shall be deemed tc have been duly taken. (4) When a sample of seed purporting to be one of a kind mentioned in the First Schedule to this Order con- tains an amount exceeding 15 per cent, by weight of Not less than 4 oz. 558 Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Revocation. Penalty. Short title. one or more otlier kinds of seeds mentioned in the Schedulej the sample shall be deemed to be a mixture. (5) *' Impurities ^' mean all seeds or portions of seeds other than those of which the parcel purports to consist, whether they are those of Weeds, harmless plants, or other cultivated plants, and also broken seeds of the kind of which the parcel purports to consist, so far as they are incapable of germin^iting*, and also foreign matter, sand, grit, soil, fragments of roots, stems or flowers, single glumes, single flowering glumes and single pales, smut, ergot and other sclerotia, and also in the case of mangel and beet seed, all material which passes through a sieve having circular holes of 2 milli- metres diameter. (6) ** Pure seed " means the seed after the impurities, as defined above, are eliminated, but, in the case of those species, varieties, stocks or strains of plants, the seeds of which cannot be distinguished from one another by expert examination, does not imply that the seed is genuine or true to name. In the case of Rye Grass, Meadow Fescue, Cocksfoot and Crested Dogstail, the seed shall be considered to be '' pure " if it consists at least of the two united pales, regard- less of the state of development or even the entire absence of the caryopsis or kernel within the pales. 9. The Testing of Seeds Order, 1917, (a) is hereby revoked as at the 1st July, 1918, but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. This Order mav be cited as the Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Bv Order of the Food Controller, 17th June, 1918. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the. Ministry of Food. FIRST SCHEDULE. KjNDs OF Seeds or which the Sale and Exposure for Sale rs Regulated. Part I. Perennial Ryegrass. Italian Ryegrass. Meadow Fescue. Cocksfoot. Crested Dogstail! Timothv. Red Clover. Alsike Clover. White ,, Crimson ,, Trefoil. Lucerne. Sainfoin. 1 I Under [^ whatever I Trade names sold. (a) Testing of Seeds Order, 1917.— That Order was printed p. 465 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual. Testing of Seeds Order , 1918. Part II. Standard of Germination for « purposes of Clause 2 (A). Wheat 90 per cent. Barley 90 „ Oats 85 „ Eye 80 ,, Part III. Tares or Vetches. Field Cabbage. Eield Turnip. Field Kale. Swede. Field Kohl Eabi. Eape. Mangel. Part IY. Standard of Germination for purposes of Clause 2 {h). Pea 75 per cent. Dwarf and Broad Beans . . . .. 80 „ Ennner Beans .. 65. „ Garden Turnip .. 80 „ ., Cabbage .. •• 75 „ „ Kale .. 75 „ Kohl Eabi .. 75 „ Brussels Sprouts .. 75 „ Broccoli ., .. 75 „ Cauliflower . . . .. • • 70 „ Carrot .. 60 „ Parsnip .. 50 „ Beet .. 100 „ Onion .. 65 „ SECOND SCHEDULE. Scales of Latitude. GerTnination. Where the percentage of germination stated in the prescribed particulars are, except in the case of Mangel and Beet: — Allow per cent. At or between 100-95 and 1-5 +4 94-90 , 6-10 ... ... +6 89-85 ; 11-15 ... ... ±7 84-75 , 16-25 ... ... +8 74-55 , 26-45 ... ... +9 54-49 , 46-50 ... ... +10 In the case of Mangel and Beet the scale of latitude allowed shall be, where the percentage of germination does not exceed 100, ±10; where it exceeds 100, ±15. Testing of Seeds Order, 1918. Purity. Where the percentages of total pure seed stated in the pre- scribed particulars are: — Allow per cent. At or between 100-90 +2 „ „ „ 89-80 +4 Below 80 ±5 Where the percentage is stated by the seller with a range, e.g., 94-90 per cent., the percentage for the purposes of the Scale of Latitude shall be the mean, i.e., in the above case 92 per cent. Injurious Weed Seeds. Allow per cent. Where the percentage of injurious weeds does not exceed 2 per cent. ... ... + "5 Exceeds 2 per cent, but does not exceed 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... ... +1 Exceeds 5 per cent, but does not exceed 10 per cent. ... ... ... +2 Exceeds 10 per cent. ... ... ... ... +4 Notice. By arrangement with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland and the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, the Food Controller has (until further notice) nominated those Deport- ments, jointly, as the Government Department, by or under the authority of which licences under Clause 1 of the above Order are to be issued. All applications for licences should, until further notice, be addressed to : — Food Production Department, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 72, Victoria Street, S.W.I. Ships^ Stores Order, 1917. 561 16. Ships' Stores. The Ships' Stores Order, 1917. Dated December 5, 1917. 1917. No. 1233. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No food shall be delivered or supplied for consumption on a ship whether as ships' stores or otherwise except to and by a person named in an authority issued for the purposes of this Order and to the extent mentioned in such authority. 2. Authorities for the purposes of this Order shall be issued by or pursuant to the directions of the Food Controller in such form and in such manner and subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may from time to time determine. (a) 3. Any authority issued under this Order may be withdrawn by the Food Controller. 4. Every person shall comply with any condition subject to which an authority is issued under this Order. 5. A person shall not deliver or supply or offer to deliver or supply or procure or attempt to procure the delivery or supply of food in contravention of this Order, or make or connive at the making of any statement which is false in any material particular for the purpose of obtaining an authority under this Order or for any other purpose connected with any such authority, or forge, alter, or tamper with any such authority. 6. This Order shall not apply: — (a) To His Majesty's Ships flying the White Ensign(b) ; or (h) To coasting ships within the meaning of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876(c) ; or Supply for ships' stores. Issue of authorities. Authorities to be revocable. Duty of com- pliance with conditions. Attempts, false state- ments, &c. Exceptions. (a) Authorities for Purposes of Order. — By Notice of December 7th, 1917 (appearing in the Press) the Controller directed as follows : — " Authorities "to be issued for the purposes of the Order shall be in the form from time to " time prescribed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise for the purpose " of making entry and obtaining clearance before shipment as Stores under " Section 2 of the Customs (War Powers) Act, 1915." (b) White Ensign. — In accordance with Order in Council of July 9th, 1864, the white ensign is used by al] H.M.'s ships in commission. 8ee Memorandum, p. xviii, of the Admiralty " Flags of all Nations." Hitherto, under Admiralty Warrant of 1829, the white ensign has been flown by vessels of the Royal Yacht Squadron. (c) " Coasting Ships." — " Coasting ship " in the Customs Consolidation Act 1876 (39 & 40 Yict. c. 36) has the same meaning as " ship employed in the coasting trade " in the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. See " The Winstead" Law Rep., 1895, p. iro. 562 Ships' Stores Order, 1917. Disclosure. Records. Interpreta- tion. Penalty. Limits; of Order. Title and commence- ment. (c) To such other Home Trade Ships(a) or classes of Home Trade Ships or to such Hospital Ships and Troopships as may from time to time be exempted under the authority of the Food Controller from the provisions of this Order(b) ; or (d) To the delivery or supply by any person of food not exceeding IO5. in value to any one person on any day or to the procuring by any one person of food not exceeding such value on any one day from one or more suppliers. 7. All parties to any transaction to which this Order applies shall require or disclose (as the case may be) all such information as may be necessary for or required by such parties or under the aiithority of the Food Controller for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been or are not being contravened. 8. All persons engaged in supplying food as ships' stores shall keep accurate records of food supplied to any ship and the date of such supply, and such records shall at all times be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller. 9. For the purpose of this Order ** food " shall include live stock and every article used for food or drink by man, other than water, and any article which ordinarily enters into or is used in the manufacture or preparation of human food, other than flavouring matters and condiments. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. Nothing in this Order shall exempt any person from any obligation to comply with any Order of the Commissioners of Customs and Excise as to pre-entry of goods -intended for exporta- tion or shipment as stores. (c) 12. (a) This Order may be cited as the Ships' Stores Order, 1917. (b) This Order shall come into force on the 10th December, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th December, 1917. (a) " Home Trade Ship."— S. 742 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 (57& 58 Vict.c. 60) provides that this expression includes " every ship employed " in trading or going within the following limits ; that is' to say, the United •' Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, and the continent of Europe " between the Eiver Elbe and Brest inclusive." (b) Exempted Vessels.— The following Notice, dated December 7th, 1917, appeared in the Press :— " The Food Controller gives notice that the following " classes of ships shall be exempted from the provisions of the Ships" Stores " Order : — Home-trade ships clearing for the voyage to and from Brest and " ports in France north and east of Brest, hospital ships and troop-ships." (c) Order of Commissioners qf Customs and Excise.— S^ee Order dated January 26, 1917 (St. R. & O. 1917, No. 74) as to pre-entry of export or coast- wise goods and ships' stores, as amended by Order dated March 19, 1917 (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 264). List of Sugar Order's. 5Q\ 17. Sug-ar.(a) Breaa Order, 191H, p. b^Q. Brewers' Sugar Order, 1917, /?. 565. Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, p. 667. Dealings in Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1917,/?. bQQ. Ice Cream (Restriction) Order, 1917, j9. 587. General Licence thereunder (Water Ice), p. 600. Public Meals Order, 1918, jo. 589. Rationing Order, 1918,/?. 601. Directions thereunder (Amount of Rationed Food), p. 601 . Directions thereunder (Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Mar- garine and Lard and their Customers), p. 601. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, jo. 592. General Licence thereunder (Crystalised Fruits, etc.), p. 59(4. General Licence thereunder (Prisoners of War), p. 597. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 598. Sugar Order, 1917,;?. 568. General Licence thereunder (Excess deli very against Youcher) p. 578. General Licence thereunder (Period of Delivery against Youcher), p. 589. Sugar Order (Ireland), 1917,^9. 581. General Licence thereunder (Excess Delivery against Youcher), p. 590. Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1917, as amended, /?. 579. Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) Order, 1918, /?. 601. Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917, j9. 564. General Licence thereunder (Retail of Crystallized and Cxlace Fruits), p. 579. General Licence thereunder (Weight of Wrappers), p. 589. Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918,/?. 590. General Licence thereunder (Supply by Retailer), p. 600. Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918, (Rev. by Rationing Order, 1918). Notice thereunder (Weekly Ration), p. 587. Order of Local Government Board thereunder (Requisition for copy Certificate of Birth) p, 588. Sugar (Registration of Retailers) Order, 1917, jt?. 567. Sugar (Registration of Retailers) (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 577. Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918,/?. 595. Sugar (Sales for Ireland Returns) Order, 1917, /?. 575. (a) Use of Sugar for Manufacture of Spirits. — Regulation 30d of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, printed in Part YIII. of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 408, prohibits the use of Sugar or molasses in the Manufacture of Whiskey, &c., without a permit from the Minister of Munitions. Further restrictions on the use of Sugar are imposed by the Food Controller's Orders, printed in this Group 564 Sugar (Confectionery) Order, 1917 Retail price of hocolates and Sweet- meats.(a) Use of sugar and chocolate for covering cakes, etc. Restriction of use of sugar in confec- tionery.(c) Penalty. Short Title. The Sugar (Confectionery) Order, -1917. Dated January 11, 1917. 1917. No. 65. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. — {a) Except under the authority of the Food Controller no person shall after the 1st day of February, 1917, manufacture or supply or offer to supply from goods manufactured by him any chocolate for sale by retail in the United Kingdom at a price exceeding the rate of 3) for the purpose of the preserving of fruit grown by the preserver, such person shall not dispose of or deal with such sugar so as to divert the same to any other purpose or use the same except for the purpose of preserving fruit grown by him. 2. On any sale of any such sugar the vendor shall on the invoice or package clearly state that the sugar may be used only for the preserving of fruit grown by the preserver. (a) Sugar Order (Ireland), 1917.— That Order is printed p. 581. (b) Sugar Supply Commis:*ion, — For names of Commissioners, Secretary, &c., see footnote (b) to p. 565. Sugar [DoT)iestic Preserving) Order ^ 1918. 591 3. Where the invoice relating to or the package containing Sugar any sugar bears a statement to the effect that the same may be deemed to be nsed only for the preserving of fruit grown by the preserver the ^o^^estic^ sugar shall be deemed to have been issued by the Sugar Com- preserving, mission for the purpose stated. 4. (a) No retailer shall sell or dispose of any sugar issued by Disposition the Sugar Commission for the purpose of the preserving of fruit of sugar, grown by the preserver except to a person named in and to the amount authorised by a permit issued by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Sugar Commission. (b) Every retailer shall in respect of such sugar comply with such directions as the Food Controller or the Sugar Commission may give from time to time. 5. Any person who shall have acquired any such sugar and Directions as who for any cause is thereafter unable to use or fails to use the to use of same for the purpose for which it was issued shall give notice of sugar. the fact forthwith to the Food Committee for the area in which he resides and shall hold such sugar at the disposal of such Committee. 6. Every person dealing with any such sugar shall keep records Records, of the persons to whom such sugar was supplied and of the quantities supplied to them and the dates upon which supplies were made, and such records shall at all times be open to the inspection of any person authorised by the Food Controller or the Food Committee. 7. A person shall not — False state- (a) Acquire or attempt to acquire or apply foi any such ments, etc. sugar except for the purpose for which the same may be issued; (b) Make or connive at the making of any false statement on any application or declaration to be made in connec- tion with such sugar; (c) Forge or alter any permit issued for the purposes of this Order ; (d) Obtain or attempt to obtain any such sugar on a permit issued for the purposes of this Order where the application therefor contained a statement false in any material particular ; {e) Fail to comply with any conditions subject to which any permit under this Order is granted to him ; or (/) Personate or falsely represent himself to be a person to whom any such permit has been issued or applies. 8. For the purposes of this Order the expression " Food Com- Interpreta- mittee " means a Food Control Committee established in pursu- tion- ance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.(8.) 9. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Infringe- the Defence of the Realm Regulations. ments. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed in Part III. (p. 621) of this Manual. 592 Revocation, S. R. & 0., No. 537 of 1917. Title. Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. 10. The Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1917, (a) is hereby revoked but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention thereof. 11. (a) This Order may be cited as the Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th March, 1918, I'hb Sale of Sweetmeats (Eesthiction) Order, 1918, dated April 12, 1918. 1918. 'Eo. 418. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all othei powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority(b) of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Registration 1. Except where dealings in sweetmeats are made in or about of retail premises the rateable value of which does not exceed £40 a year, dealers. ^^^ which are used at the date of this Older for the purpose of such dealings, a person shall not deal in sweetmeats by retail {a) after 31st May, 1918, except in or about premises in respect of which he has applied for a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in sweetmeats in respect of those premises ; or {h) after 30th June, 1918, except in or about premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in sweetmeats for the time being in force, granted by the Food Committee for the district in which the premises are situate. Upon the refusal of a certificate of registration the applicant's title, if any, to deal in sweetmeats shall cease. Form of application 2. Every application for a certificate of registiation shall be made on a form to be prescribed by the Food Controller, and every applicant shall furnish on such form a statement of the particulars required for registration which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authoiised agent. (a) Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Orper, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 291 of the January, 1918, Edition of the Food Controller's Orders. (b) General Licences.— Two General I icences, dated May 10 and May 27, 1918, are printed at pp. 594 and 597 respectively. Sale of Sweetmeats {Restriction) Order ^ 1918. 593 3. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be Mode of made to the Food Committee for the district in which the application premises of the applicant in respect of which the certificate of registration is sought are situate, and when the same person is applying for registration in respect of premises situate in moie than one district a separate application shall be made in each, district in respect of the premises situate therein. 4. A Food Committee shall not without the consent of the Persons Food Controller grant a certificate of registration to a person in entitled to respect of any premises unless they aie satisfied that not less ^^^J?J®„^^ than 20 per cent, of the gross receipts during the year 1916 of all the trades and businesses conducted by the applicant within the district* of the Food Committee within which the premises are situate were received in respect of retail dealings in sweet- meats. Where the Food Committee are of opinion that the foregoing condition has been satisfied they shall not refuse a certificate of registration to the applicant except with the consent of the Food Controller. certificate. 5. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form prescribed by the Food Controller and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Food Controller may determine. 6. A Food Committee may with the consent of the Food Controller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Order if they are satisfied that any regulation or direction given by or under the authority of the Food Controller relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. 7. The Food Committee shall keep in a form prescribed by the Food Controller a register of the person to whom and the premises in respect of which a certificate of registration has been granted under this Order. .8. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate on making application for a certificate of registration to deal in sweetmeats by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Food Committee in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 9. Every certificate of registration shall be kept on the premises to which it relates and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce, the same for inspection upon demand by any person authorised by the Food Controller or a Food Committee. 10. Where an application in that behalf is made to them by a person desiring to deal in sweetmeats by retail, a Food. Committee shall have power conclusively to determine, the rateable value of any premises for the purposes of this Order. Form of certificate. Power to revoke certificate. Register of liolders of certificates. Transfer of a business. Custody and production of certificate. Determira- tion of rateable Value. 594 General Licence under Sale of Sweetmeats {Restriction) Order, 1918. Principle oi determina- tion. Inteipreta- tion. Application to Scotland. Exception. Penalty. Title and extent of Order. 11. In determining the rateable value of premises for the pur- poses of this Order, there shall be taken into account the rateable value of every part of the premises in which a trade or business of any description is being carried on by the applicant. 12. For the purposes of this Order — '* Sweetmeats " shall include chocolate and sugar con- fectionery. *' Food Committee " shall mean a Food Control Committee established in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) 13. In the application of this Order to Scotland the expression ** rateable value" shall mean the yearly value according to the valuation roll. 14. Nothing in this Order shall affect the sale of sweetmeats by hawkers from a cart, stall or barrow or sales by means of an automatic machine used for that purpose at the date of this Order. 15. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 16. (a) This Order may be cited as the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller. > U . F . Wintour, Secretarv to the Ministry of Food. 12th April, 1918. S. R. & O., No. 418 of 1918. General Licence, dated May 10, 1918, undee. The Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918. (b) 1918. :S"o. 520. The Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice the sale of the following articles free from any restriction contained in the above-named Order :^ Preserved Ginger, Candied Peel, Crystallised and Glace Fruits, A ngelica, Carlsbad and Elvas Plums, Crystallised Violets, Crystallised Rose Leaves. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 10th May, 1918. (a) Food Conteol Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed in Part III. (p. 621) of this Manual. (b) Sale op Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 592. . Sugar {Eestiiction) Order, 1918. 595 The Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated the 13th May, 1918. 1918. Xo. 528. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- . tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. No person shall, during any of the periods hereinafter Restriction referred to, use in the manufacture of articles which belong to on^^^se of any one of the classes mentioned in the first schedule and which ^l^^, are manufactured by him for sale more sugar than the amount facturing permitted for such period. purposes. 2. The permitted amount shall be ascertained as respect-s each ^^tum class of article by reference to the total amount of sugar used in ^^^^^ ' the year 1915 for that class of article by the person in question or, in the case where there has been a transfer of a continuing* business in or since the year 1915, by such person and his prede- cessors in business. The permitted amount for each period shall be such percentage as the Food Controller may from time to time prescribe by notice under this Order and until further notice shall be the percentage of such total amount shown for that period ill the following table: — Percentage of total. Period to which such percentage sugar used in 1915. is applicable. 6} per cent. 1st June, 1918, to 31st Aug., 1918. 12^ ,, „ „ ,, to 30th Nov., 1918. 18} ,, ,, „ ,, to 28th Feb., 1919. 25 ,, „ ,, „ to 31st May, 1919. Provided that there shall be excluded from such total amount any S.R. & 0., sugar remaining in stock on the 1st June, 1918, which might law- Nos. 252, 281 fully have been used since the 1st June, 1917, by the person in fnfj question pursuant to the provisions of the Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1917, as subsequently amended. (a) 3. This Order shall not apply to the use of sugar in the manu- Exception facture of jam or marmalade or condensed milk, or in the manu- facture of beer by a brewer for sale. 4. All persons to whom the provisions of this Order apply Register to- shall keep or cause to be kept a register correctly showing in be kept, respect of each quarter commencing with the quarter beginning on the 1st June, 1918 — (a) the quantity of sugar held in stock at the beginning of the quarter for the purposes of all classes of manu- facture to which this Order applies; (a) Sugar (Restriction) Order, 11317, as amended.— That Order was printed p. 479 of the April, 1918 Edition of this Manual, but is omitted from this Edition as spent. 596 Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918. Inspection of Register. Prohibitions under other orders. Penalty. Interpreta- tion. Title. (6) the quantity of sugar delivered to him for such purpose during the quarter in question and the date of the delivery of such sugar; (c) the quantity of sugar used for such purposes during the quarter in question, and, where more than one class of manufacture is carried on, showing the quantity of sugar used in each class of manufacture; {d) the quantity of sugar held for such purposes at the close of the quarter. Such register shall be kept in such form as may from time to time be prescribed by the Food Controller, and until further notice shall be kept in the form set out in the Second Schedule. 5. The person having the control or management of any trade or business to which this Order applies shall produce the register on demand to any person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller or by a Food Committee, together with such invoices, vouchers or other documents as may be necessary for the purpose of checking the entries made in such register. 6. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to permit the use of sugar in any manufacture prohibited by any Order made or to be made by lawful authority. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defenc«Q of the Realm Regulations. 8. The expression " Beer " and '^ Brewer for sale " have tho same meaning as in the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1885. 9. This Order may be cited as the Sugar (Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 13th May, 1918. First Schedule. Classes of Manufacture, A. Drugs and Medicinal Preparation^ B. Sugar Confectionery and Chocolate. C. Pastries. D. Biscuits. E. Candied Peel and Preserved and Crystallised Fruits. F. Mineral Waters. G. Other beverages (except beer and stout). H. Any other manufactures for human consumption (except jam, condensed milk and marmalade). K. Any manufactures not for human consumption. General Licence under Sale of Sweetmeats {Restriction) Order, 1918. Second Schedule. 59^ Sugar in stock and received during quarter. Sugar used during quarter. Date. Supplier's Name. Quantity. Date. Quantity used. Analysis of con- sumption. aIbic d EjF G H K i i: 1 i II i • i 1 i . j Total Total... 1 1 i Less quantity ] used during y ... period. J Stock at close ) • of period, j '" Notes. — 1. Sugar received from tlie Navy or Army or tlie Navy and Army Canteen Board should not be included in this register. 2. The letters A, B, C, &c., in the Analysis column refer to the Classes of Manufacture set out in the First Schedule to this Order. 3. The first entry on the ** Sugar in stock and received during the quarter '' side of the Register should be the amount of sugar in stock at the beginning of the quarter in question. General Licence, dated May 2Tth, 1918, under The Sale of Sweetmeats (Eestriction) Order, 1918. (a) 1918. No. 576. The Food Controller hereby authorises until further notice all s. R. & 0. persons who hold an authority from the Central Prisoners of No. 418 of War Committee to pack parcels for prisoners of war, to deal in ^^l^- sweetmeats purchased from them for, and despatched by them to, prisoners of war in such parcels, whether or not such persons have applied for or hold a licence to deal in sweetmeats under the above-mentioned Order. By Order of the Food Controller. W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th May, 1918. (a) Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) (Jrder, 1918.— This Order is printed p. 592. ;98 Sale of Sweetmeats {Restriction) {Ireland) Order, 1918. Registration of retail dealers. Forni of application. Persons entitled to receive a certificate. Form of certificate. Power to revoke certificate. The Sale of Sweetmeats (Restricttox) (Iiielaxd) Order, 1918. Dated the 31st May, 1918. 1918. ]S'o. 590. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned: — 1. Except where dealings in sweetmeats are made in or about premises the rateable value of which does not exceed £25 a year, and which are used at the date of this Order for the purpose of such dealings, a person shall not deal in sweetmeats by retail — (a) after 15th June, 1918, excejjt in or about premises in respect of which he has applied for a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in sweetmeats in respect of those premises; or (Jb) after 15th July, 1918, except in or about premises in respect of which he is the holder of a certificate of registration as a retail dealer in sweetmeats for the time being in force granted by the Food Control Committee for Ireland (hereinafter called the Com- mittee). Ul)on the refusal of a certificate of registration the applicant's title, if any, to deal in sweetmeats shall cease. 2. Every application for a certificate of registration shall be made to the Secretary, Food Control Committee for Ireland, Kilworth House, Kildare Street, Dublin, on a form to be pre- scribed by the Food Committee and every applicant shall furnish on such form a statement of the particulars required for registra- tion which statement shall be signed by the applicant or his duly authorised agent. 3. The Committee shall not without the consent of the Food Controller grant a certificate of registration to a person in respect of any premises unless they are satisfied that not less than 20 per cent, of the gross receipts during the year 1916 of all the trades and businesses conducted by the applicant in any County or County Borough within which the premises are situate were received in respect of retail dealings in sweetmeats. Where the Committee are of opinion that the foregoing condition has been satisfied they shall not refuse a certificate of registration to the applicant except with the consent of the Food Controller. 4. Every certificate of registration shall be in the form pre- scribed by the Committee and shall be granted and held subject to such conditions as the Committee may determine. 5. The Committee may with the consent of the Food Controller revoke any certificate of registration issued by them under the provisions of this Order if they are satisfied that any regulation or direction given by or under the authority of the Food Controller or the Committee relating to the trade or business of the holder of such certificate has not been observed by him or by any of his servants or agents and shall revoke such certificate if required so to do by the Food Controller. Sale of Siveetmeats (Restriction) {Ireland) Order ^ 1918. 599 Register of holders of certificates Transfer of a business. 6. The Committee shall keep a register of the persons to whom and the premises in respect of which a certificate of registration has been granted under this Order. 7. In the event of the transfer of the business in connection with which a certificate of registration is held or in the event of the death of the holder of a certificate of registration it shall be lawful for the transferee or other person claiming under the holder of such certificate, on making application for a certificate of registration, to deal in sweetmeats by retail from the date of such application until the decision thereon is intimated by the Committee, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the holder of such certificate was entitled by virtue thereof. 8. Every certificate of registration shall be kept on the premises to which it relates and every holder of a certificate of registration shall produce the same for inspection upon demand by any person authorised by the Committee. 9. Where an application in that behalf is made to them by a person desiring to deal in sweetmeats by retail, the Committee shall have power conclusively to determine the rateable value of any premises for the purposes of this Order. 10. In determining the rateable value of premises for the pur- poses of this Order, there shall be taken into account the rateable value of every part of the premises in which a trade or business of any description is being carried on by the applicant. 11. For the purposes of this Order — '^ Sweetmeats " shall include chocolate and sugar con- fectionery, but shall not until further notice include pre- served ginger, candied peel, crystallised and glace fruits, angelica, Carlsbad and Elvas plums, crystallised violets or crystallised rose leaves. '^ Eateable value " shall mean the annual rateable value under the Irish Yaluation Acts. 12. Nothing in this Order shall affect the sale of sweetmeats Exceptioo. by hawkers from a cart, stall or barrow or sales by means of an automatic machine used for that purpose at the date of this Order. 13. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 14. {a) This Order may be cited as the Sale of Sweetmeats Title and (Restriction; (Ireland) Order, 1918. (b) This Order shall apply only to Ireland. Custody and production of certificate. Determina- tion of rateable value. Principle of determina- tion. Interpreta- tion. extent of Order. By Order of the Food Controller. IF. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food 31st May, 1918. 600 General Licence under Sitqar {Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918, and Sugar {Rationing) Order, 1918. General Licence, dated June 3, 1918, under Ice Cream (Eestriction) Order, 191T. [This General Licence, printed p. 427 in Group 11 ("Milk' Butter and Cheese ") authorizes the sale of Water Toe under certain conditions.] General Licence, dated June 5, 1918, under The Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918, and The Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918. 1918. jN"©. 609. 1. The Food Controller hereby authorises every retailer of sugar to supply sugar for the purpose of the preserving of fruit grown by the preserver out of any sugar for the time being in his hands, subject to compliance with the following conditions : (a) The retailer shall be reasonably satisfied that the with- holding of the sugar supplied would result in fruit being wasted, and that after he has supplied such sugar, his remaining stocks will be sufficient to meet the ordinary requirements of his retail trade; (&) The sugar shall be supplied by and to the persons named, and up to the amount specified in an available permit S. R. & 0., issued under the Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, No. 387 of 19 18, (a) and shall be taken subject to the conditions ^^^^' applicable under such Order and permits issued there- under. 2. The Pood Controller also authorises any retailer who has supplied sugar under this licence to use a like amount of sugar thereafter issued to him under Clause 4 of the above-named Order for the purpose of his ordinary retail trade in accordance with S. R. & O. t^^ conditions of the Sugar (Rationing) Order, 1918. (b) No. 1352 of 1917. By Order of the Pood Controller. , W . H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 5th June, 1918. (a) Sugar (Domestic Preserving) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 590. (b) Sugar (Rationing) Orher, 1918.— That Order, printed p. 502 of the April, 1918 Edition of this Manual, was revoked by Rationing Order, 1918, printed p. Sugar (Breivers Restriction) Order, 1918. 601 The Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1918. Dated the 27th Juxxe, 1918. 1918. No. 773. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. Except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence Restriction, in writing granted by or under the authority of the Food Con- troller a person shall not on or after the 1st July, 1918, sell or ^- ^- ^,9'' offer to sell or deliver to a Brewer for sale, and a Brewer for sale ^^^^rj ^^ ^ shall not buy or offer to buy or take delivery of any article amended by mentioned in Clause 1 of the Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, No. 1312 1917. (a) ' of 1917. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression Brewer for I^^^^P^^- sale shall have the same meaning as in the Customs and Revenue Act, 1885. 3. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against Penalty, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 4. This Order mav be cited as the Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 27th June, 1918. Ratioxi^'G Order, 1918. Dated July 17th,' 1918. [This Order, printed in Group 14^ ("Rationing Schemes") (p. 522), prescribes Sugar to be a Rationed Food.] Directions for Retailers of Sugar, Butter and Margarine, AND Lard and their Customers, dated 29th July, 1918, UNDER THE RATIONING OrDER, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-^ (" Rationing Schemes") (p. 542).] Directions relating to the amount of Rationed Food, dated THE 29th July^ 1918, under the Rationing Order, 1918. [These Directions are printed in Group 14-^ (" Rationing Schemes") (p. 546).] (a) Sugar (Brewers Restriction) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 579. 602 Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917. Tea to be sold nett weight.(a) Any state- ment as to weight to be true nett weights, (a) Exceptions from Articles 1 and 2. Packers and Distributors. 18. Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. Cocoa-Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918, jd. 613. Cocoa-Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918,/?. 617. Cocoa Powder Order, 1918, j9. 610. General Licence thereunder (Sales before June 1, 1918),/?. 615. Coffee (Retail Prices) Order, 1917,/?. 604. Food Control Committees (Local Distribution) Scheme Order, 1918,/?. 614. Foreign Holdings (Returns) Order, 1918, /?. 609. Importers (Returns) Order, 1918, /?. 615. Raw Cocoa (Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 613. Tea (Distribution) Order, 1918, /?. 608. Directions thereunder (Charges for blending or packeting), /?. 617. Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917, /a 602. Tea (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, /?. 615. Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917,/?. 603. Tea (Provisional Prices) Order No. 2, 1917, /?. 606. General Licence .thereunder (Green Teas in Bond), p. 609. The Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917. Dated April 5, 1917. 1917. No. 318. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 2f of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regulations shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : — 1. — (a) On and after the 1st July 1917, all tea sold by retail, whether contained in a package or not, shall be sold by nett weight and in ounces or pounds or in multiples of ounces or pounds and not otherwise. (b) This Article shall not apply to tea sold in a quantity of less than 2 ounces. («■) 2. Where on or after the 1st July 1917 any package of tea or any wrapper, band or label on such package contains any statement as to weight, no person shall sell such package by retail or offer or haye the same in his possession for sale by retail unless such statement is a true statement of the nett weight of the tea contained in such package. (ai) 3. Articles 1 and 2 shall not apply to a package of tea proved to have been delivered to the retailer before the 15th May, 1917, and to be in the same state as it was when delivered to him. 4. On and after the 1st May 1917 no person shall place on any package of tea intended for sale or on any wrapper, band or label affixed thereto any statement as to weight which is not a true statement of the nett weight of the tea contained in such package. (a) Weighing by Retailers op Packages, — As to the powers of an Inspectors of Weights and Measures, to require the weighing of a package of tea or its contents in his presence and to prosecute offences against this Order, see Order of June 11, 1917, printed in Part UI., (p. G38), of this Manual. Tea {Provisional Prices) Order ^ 1917. 60 5. The provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts relating Warranties. to warranties and invoices shall apply to any proceedings under Articles 1 and 2 of this Order in the same way as they apply to proceedings under those Acts. (a) 6. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or Penalty. abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a company every director and officer of the company is also guilty of a summary offence against those regulations unless he proves tJiat the contravention took place ivithout his knowledge or consent. (h) 7. This Order may be cited as the Tea (IS'ett Weight) Order, Title of 1917. ' Order. Devonport, Food Controller. 5th April, 1917. The Tea (Provisional Prices) Orper, 17, 1917.(c) 1917. No. 1063: 1917. Dated October In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the llealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regulations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. The " Tea Control Scheme " shall mean the scheme interpreta- commonly known as '' The 90 per cent. Tea Control, 1917. "(d) tion. Class A Tea, Class B Tea and Class C Tea shall respectively mean such Teas as have been or may be so classified under that scheme, whether as originally framed or as amended. 2. No Class A Tea, Class B Tea, or Class C Tea shall be sold Dealings in or disposed of at prices exceeding the prices permitted under the "^^^ °^ a T5 Tea Control Scheme or except in accordance with the provisions ^^^ q ' of such scheme. (a) Provisions of Sale of Food and Drugs Acts as to Warranties and Invoices.— See footnote (a) to " Cake and Pastry Order, 1917,'' p. 95. (b) Liability of Directors, &c., of Company. — Reg. 48a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (printed in Part IX, 4 " Miscellaneous Provisions as to Offences," p. 433, of the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual"), which was added to the Code since this Order was made, provides that directors and officers shall be liable for offences by their corporation or company. (c) Revocatiom of Order. — This Order which was amended by the Tea Provisional Prices) Order No, 2, 1917 (p. 606), was revoked by the Tea (Prices) Order, 1918 (p. 525 of the April, 1918, Edition of this Manual), so far as regards National Control Tea on Feb. 18, 1918, so far as regards other teas, in England and Wales on March 18, and in Scotland on April 1 (or locally in Great Britain on such later day as Food Control Committees may fix), and in Ireland on such later day as the Food Control Committee for Ireland may fix. The Tea (Prices) Order, 1918, was revoked by the Tea (Retail Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. 615. (d) The 90% Tea Control, 1917.— By arrangement with the trade 30 per cent, of the total imports of tea from India and Ceylon is allocated to be sold to the public retail at 2s. 4d. per lb., 35 per cent, at 2s. 8d., and 25 per cent. at 3s. The balance of 10 per cent, consists of fine teas at above 3s. a lb. 604 Coffee {Retail Prices) Order, 191' Maximum Price for other Teas. Charge for Delivery. Offer and Sctitious Trans- actions. Infringe- ments. Title. 8. (a) No Tea other than Class A Tea, Class B Tea, and Class C Tea shall, after the Zlst October, 1917, he sold or he delivered -pursuant to any contract for sale made hefore that date at a price exceeding a price at the rate of 4^. per Ih. Provided that as respects sales in Ireland the Food Control Committee appointed for Ireland(b) hy the Food Controller may, subject to any directions of the Food Controller, vary such rate either generally gr in any particular case or class of cases. 4. Where the purchaser requires Tea to be delivered to his premises, a reasonable additional charge may be made for such delivery not exceeding a charge at the rate of \d. per lb. or any reasonable sum actually paid by the seller for carriage. 5. A person shall not sell or offer or expose for sale or make delivery of or knowingly buy or agree to buy or take delivery of any Tea at a price exceeding the price applicable under this Order, or in connection with a sale or disposition of Tea, enter into any fictitious or artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. 6. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 7. This Order may be cited as the Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, 1917. Rhondda, Food Controller. 17th October, 1917. The Coffee (Retail Prices) Order, 1917. Dated December 1, 1917.(c) 1917. No. 1228. Maximum prices. , in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that, except under the authority of the Food Controller, the following regula- tions shall be observed by all persons concerned : — 1. {a) No roasted or ground coffee may be sold by retail at a price exceeding the rate of Is. 6^. per lb. and no raw coffee may be sold by retail at a price exceeding the rate of Is. 4:d. per lb. ; Provided that — (i) a person may sell to a customer roasted or ground coffee at any rate not exceeding 2^. Qd. per lb., if at the (a) Revocation of Clause 3.— Clause 3 was revoked " as on December 17th, 1917 " by Clause 7 of the Tea (Provisional Prices) Order, No. 2, 1917, p. 606. .... - (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — See the Food Control Com- mittee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, printed in Part III (p. 649) of this Manual. (c) Return of Raw Coffee.— The Retail Prices Order was followed by the Raw Coffee (Returns) Order, 1917, which provided for a return to the Food Controller giving particulars of all raw coffee in bond on December ;^lst, 1917. That Order (St. R. & O., 1917, No. 13u5), is omitted from this Manual as now spent." transactions. Co§ee {Retail Prices) Order, 1917. . 605 time of sucli sale there is exhibited in a conspicuous position in the place of a sale a notice to the effect that roasted or ground coffee is on sale at a rate not exceeding I5. 6^. per lb. and if at the like time he is able and willing to sell to any customer to the extent of his reasonable requirements roasted or ground coffee at a rate in accordance with such notice ; and (ii) a person may sell to a customer raw coffee at any rate not exceeding 25. 4ther Royal, Parliamentary or Police Burghs., the Town Council. (a) 24. (a) This Order may be cited as the Food Control Com- mittees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (6) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. (b) By Order of the Food Controller. 22nd August, 1917. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1917, DATED August 22, 1917, made by the Local Government Board. 1917. No. 887. To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs, and other Urban Districts in England andWales; — To the Councils of the several Rural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(c) it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the en- forcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) Local Authorities in Scotland and their Districts. — A statement showing what parishes are within the district of each local authority forms the Pari. Paper 1915 [7992]. Since the date of that Return, Findochty has been " declared to be a burgh." (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland. — For Ireland there is^one general Food Control Committee, see the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, p. 649. (c) Defence of the JRealm Regulations. — Reg. 2j is printed in Part I of this Manual, p. 12. Functions of English Local Authorities as to Food Control CoiriTnittees. and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due dis- charge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Eood Controller under the said Regulations ; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made the Food Control Committees (Constitu- tion) Order, 1917(a) : Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article I. — In these Regulations, unless the contrary inten- tion appears : — {a) The expression "Local Authority" means, as the case may be, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled, the Council of a Metropolitan Borough, the Council of a Municipal Borough or other Urban District, the Council of a Rural District, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly(b) ; (6) The expression " District '* means the District subject to the jurisdiction of the Local Authority for the pur- poses of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, or of the Public Health Act, 1875, as the case may be. (c) The expression *' Food Control Committee" means a Food Control Committee appointed pursuant to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.(a) Article II. — We hereby confer and impose upon the Local Authority and upon such of their officers as they may designate or appoint for the purpose the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Local Authorities by the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (a) Article III. — A Local Authority may lend without charge to any Food Control Committee wholly or partly appointed by them, for the purposes of the powers and duties of the Committee, and for such period as the Local Authority may from time to time determine, any premises which the Local Authority may have available, and the services of any of the officers and servants of the Local Authority. Article IY. — (1) Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall be defrayed in like manner as if the expenses had been incurred in the execution of the (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed p. 621. ("b) Local Authority. — The definition contained in Art. I is identical with that in all the other Orders relating to England and Wales and comprised in this Part of this Manual. See footnote (a), p. 624, which gives details as to the Authorities and their Districts. Audit of Accounts of English and Scottish Food Control Committees . Public Health Act, 1875, or the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, as the case may be. (a) (2) Where two or more Local Authorities have concurred in the appointment of a Food Control Committee, any expenses incurred by those Local Authorities under this Order shall be defrayed in such proportions as may be agreed upon, or in default of agreement as may be determined by the Local Govern- ment Board. Article Y. — This Order may be cited as '' The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 2), 1917." Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Twenty-second day of Augrsf, in the year On© thousand nine hundred and seventeen. (l.s.) W. Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monroy Secretary. The Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917, DATED December 14, 1917, made by the Food Controller. 1917. No. 1298. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behgjf, the Food Controller, in pursuance of an arrangement made with the Local Government Board and the Secretary for Scotland, hereby orders as follows: — 1. (a) The accounts of the receipts and expenditure of Food Control Committees appointed by Local Authorities in England and Wales in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Consti- tution) Order, 1917, (^) (hereinafter referred to as the Order) shall be made up yearly to the thirty-first day of March, tiie first account being made up to the 31st March, 1918. (b) The said accounts shall be audited by a district auditor, and the enactments relating to audit by district auditors of accounts of urban district councils and their officers, and to all matters incidental thereto and consequential thereon, shall apply to the audit of the said accounts. (c) (a) Expenses in Execution of Okder. — For enactments referred to see official "Index to Statutes in Force" (1916 Edit.), sub voc. " District Council, England, 3 (Financial Provisions) " ; " London County ", 2 (f) (3). (b) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 621. (c) Enactments as to Audit by District Auditors. — See the District Auditors Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Yict. c. 6.), and s. 14 of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1916 (6 & 7 Geo. 5. c. 12). Disqualification for Membership of Committees by Conviction for Contravention of Orders. 2. Tlie accounts of the receipts and expenditure of Food Control Committees appointed by Local Authorities in Scotland in pursuance of the Order shall be made up yearly to the thirty- first day of March, the first account being made up to the 31st March, 1918, and the said accounts shall be audited : — {a) In the case of the accounts of a Eood Control Committee appointed by the Joint Committee of the County ' Council and the Town Councils of the Royal, Parlia- mentary and Police Burghs within the County for the purpose of the Order, by the Auditor appointed by the. Secretary for Scotland to audit the accounts of the County Council concerned(a') ; and (h) In the case of the accounts of a Food Control Committee appointed by a Town Council, by the Auditor of the accounts relating to the Public Health General Assess- ment levied by the Town Council. (b) 3. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917. By Order of the Food Controller. W. H. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 14th December, 1917. The Committees (Disqualification foe, Membership) Order, 1918, DATED January 2, 1918, made by the Food Con- troller, (c) 1918. No. 2. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders that except under the authority of the Food Controller the following regu- lations shall be observed by all persons concerned : — Disqualifica- 1. Where a person has on or before the date of this Order tion for been convicted or is after the date of this Order convicted of a membership, summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations(d) by reason of any contravention of any Order of the Food Con- troller or by reason of any act done by him in connection with any act prohibited by any such Order, he shall be disqualified to be appointed a member of any Food Committee or of any Feeding Stuft's Committee or any sub-committee appointed by (a) Audit of Scottish County Council Accounts. — See s. 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889 (62 & 63 Vict. c. 60). (b) Audit of Borough Accounts.— See s. 94 of the Town Councils (S.) Act, 1900 (63 & 64, Yict. c. 49). (c) Application of the Order to Joint Committees. — The provisions of this Order were applied to appointments to Joint Committees by the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, printed at p. 634. : (d) Summary Offence against the Regulations.— See Introductory Note to this Manual. Financial Staternent by English Food Control Committees. 629 any 8uch Committee ; and if he be a member of any such Com- mittee or sub- committee, he shall immediately after the date of ihis Order or the date of such conviction as the case may be, cease to be a member thereof, and shall be disqualified for re-appointment. 2. The Food Controller may, on cause shown, if he thinks fit, Removal of order that the disqualification attaching to any person under this disquaUfica- Order shall cease. *io^- 3. In this Order: — The expression " Food Committee " means a Food Control Interpreta- Committee constituted in pursuance of the Food Control tion. Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and the Food Control Committee for Ireland. (b) The expression '' Feeding Stuffs Committee " means a Port Feeding Stuffs Committee or a Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee appointed pursuant to the Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917.(c) 4. This Order may be cited as the Committees (Disqualification Title. for Membership) Order, 1918. By Order of the Food Controller. U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 2nd January, 1918. The Food Control Committees (Financial Statement, &c.) Order, 1918, dated March 20, 1918, made by the Local Government Board. 1918. No. 389. 64,874 To every Food Control Committee appointed by Local Authorities in England and Wales ; — To every District Auditor and Assistant District Auditor;— And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by the Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917, (d) made by the Food Controller under the Defence of (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 621. (b) Food Control Committee for Ireland.— See the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, p. 649. (c) Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Committees) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 122. (d) Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed, p. 627. Financial Statement by English Food Control Committees. the Realm Regulations, it is provided that the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of Food Control Committees appointed in pursuance of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) by Local Authorities in England and Wales, shall be made up yearly to the 31st day of March, and skall be audited by a district auditor, and the enactments relating to audit by district auditors of accounts of urban district councils and their officers, and to all matters incidental thereto and consequential thereon, shall apply to the audit of the said accounts : Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We, the Local Government Board, hereby Order and Prescribe as follows; — Article I. — (1) Subject to any departure to which We may hereafter assent, or to any direction which We may hereafter give, the Financial Statement to be prepared and submitted to the District Auditor, in accordance with Section 3 of the District Auditors Act, 1879, (b) by every Food Control Committee ap- pointed by Local Authorities in England and Wales, for the period from the date when the Food Control Committee came into office up to the 31st day of March, 1918, and for each succeeding year, shall, until We otherwise Prescribe, be in the Form in the Schedule to this Order : Provided that in the case of the Financial Statement for any period ending on the 31st day of March, 1918, such verbal alterations as may be necessary shall be made in the Form with respect to the period to which the Financial Statement relates (2) The Financial" Statement shall be made in triplicate, and shall contain the particulars specified or referred to in the said Form, so far as they are applicable, and the certificate of the District Auditor to be appended to each of the Statements shall be in the form set forth in the Schedule to this Order at the foot of the Statement; one of the Statements shall, after it has been duly certified by the District Auditor, be forwarded by him to the Food Controller, and another of the said Statements, certified as aforesaid, shall be forwarded by him to TJs. Article II. — In relation to the audit of the accounts of every Food Control Committee appointed by Local Authorities in England and Wales, We direct as follows : — (1) Subsection (10) of Section 247 of the Public Health Act, 1875, (c) shall be modified so as to require the District Auditor to send to Us, instead of to the Clerk to the Food Control Committee, the report on the accounts of the Committee in that subsection mentioned. The report shall be made in such form and within such time as We may direct. (a) Food Gontkol Committees (Constitution) Oeder, 1917.— Ttiat Order is printed, p. 621. (b) District, Auditors Act, 1S79.— i.e. 42 & 43 Vict., c. 6. (c) Public Health Act, 1875.— i.e. 38 & 3'J Vict., c. 55. Financial Statement hy English Food Control Committees. 631 (2) Subsection (10) of Section 247 of the Public Health Act, 1875, shall be further modified by the addition thereto of the following proviso : — Provided that a food control committee may, on the completion of the audit, if they think fit, in lieu of publishing an abstract of their accounts in some one or more of the local newspapers circulated in the district, cause to be advertised in some one or more of those local newspapers notice that the audit has been completed, and that the audited accounts and statutory financial ' statement will be open for inspection, without payment, by any ratepayer or owner of property, or by any parochial elector, as the case may be, in the area of jurisdiction of the food control committee, at all reasonable times within the period of fourteen days from a pros- pective date to be mentioned in the notice. Article III. — This Order may be cited as '' The Food Control Committees (Financial Statement, &c.) Order, 1918." The Schedule, Food Cojtrol Committee appointed by the Council of. Financial Statement. The District Auditors Act, 1879 (42 Vict. c. 6), and The Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917. STATEMENT of the KECEIPTS and EXPENDITUKE of the above-named Food Control Committee for the Year ended the olst day of March, 19 Name of Executive Officer or other person keeping the Accounts. Office Address_ Financial Statement by English Food Control CoTninittees. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE op the FOOD RECEIPTS. Advances by Appointing Authority or Authorities— (names and amounts should be specified separately where more than one appointing authority) Bepayment of Expenditure by the Ministry of Food Receipts in relief of general administrative expenses :— (a) Costs recovered in respect of prosecutions for offences against Orders made by the Food Controller (6) Other items, specifying them :— receipts, namely' :— £ s. d. TOTAL RECEIPTS £ BALANCE AT COMMENCEMENT OF THE YEAR £ TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE .. .. £ £ s. d. * Small items of receipts under this heading may be classed as " Miscellaneous." I hereby certify that I have compared the entries in this Financial State ^ and that the regulations with respect to this Statement have been duly I hereby further certify that I have ascertained by Audit the correctness of the year ended the 31st day of March, 19 , included in this Statement, and As witness my hand this .day t The amount to be in- Financial Statement hy English Food Control Committees. CONTROL COMMITTEE for the year ended the 31st March, 19 633 EXPENDITURE. General administrative expenses— (i) Salaries and other remuneration of ofiQcers and assistants :— (a) Staff appointed directly by the Committee (6) Extra remuneration of staff of the Appointing Autho- rity in respect of inspections and prosecutions (ii) Other extra expenses of the Appointing Authority in res- pect of inspections and prosecutions (ill) Provision of offlce accommodation :— (a) Rent, rates, taxes and insurance (6) Lighting, heating, and water (c) Office turniture and fittings {d) Other items, specifying them :— £ s. d. (iv) Travelling expenses and compensation tor loss of remu neratlve time of members of Food Control Committee . (v) Other establishment charges : — frt) Printing and stationery .. (6) Advertisements (c) Postage'^ (d) Travelling expenses of officers (e) Other items, specifying them :— Food Economy Committee : Expenses of food economy campaign Other expenses, namely :— * Repayment of advances by Appointing Authority or Authorities : - (iVames and amounts should be specified separately where more than one appointing Authority) TOTAL EXPENDITURE BALANCE AT END OF THE YEAR TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE Small. items of expenditare under this heading may be classed as " Miscellaneous." V Executive OflBce of the Committee, day of- .19- TOTAL EXPENDITURE AS SHOWN ABOVE LESS AMOUNT, IF ANY, DISALLOWED AT AUDIT AMOUNT ALLOWED AT AUDIT £ £ 8. d. D ment with the Accounts of the Food Control Committee relating thereto, complied with. this Statement, and that the expenditure of the Food Control Committee during allowed by me at the Audit, is f of- 19 . District Auditor. serted in words at length. 634 Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918. Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Twentieth day of March, in the year One thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (l.s.) W . Hayes Fisher, President. Walter T. Jerred, Assistant Secretary. • No. 869 of 1917. The Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, dated the 28th June, 1918, made by the Food Controller. 1918. IS'o. TT6. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) (hereinafter called the Principal Order), shall be amended as follows: — 1. A Local Authority may at any time with the consent of the Food Controller enter into an arrangement with any other Local Authority or Authorities for the appointment of a Joint Food Control Committee, and such arrangement shall provide — (a) for the assignment to such Committee of the whole or such parts of the districts of the Constituent Authori- ties as they may determine ; {h) for the number of members of such Joint Committee; {c) for the number of members of the Joint Committee to be appointed by the several Constituent Authorities respectively, so that so far as practicable each of the ^ Constituent Authorities shall be represented on such Joint Committee; {d) for the basis on which advances shall be made to the Joint Committee by the Constituent Authorities; and (e) generally with regard to the Constitution of the Joint Committee. Any such arrangements may be varied by the Food Controllei from time to time. The Joint Committee shall enter into office on the date fixed for that purpose by the Food Controller. 2. A person appointed to be a member of a Joint Committee need not be a member of any of the Constituent Authorities. S-R^^O., 3. The provisions of Clauses 3, 4, and 5 of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917(a) (hereinafter called the Principal Order), shall apply to a Joint Committee as they (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 621. Joint Food Control Committees {Constitution) Order, 1918. 635 apply to a Food Control Committee, provided that in the appli- cation of those clauses to any member of a Joint Committee the Appointing Authority shall mean the Authority which haa appointed such member. 4. The provisions of the Principal Order relating to the Chair- man, and the meetings and proceedings of a Food Committee appointed pursuant to the Principal Order and the appointment and powers of Officers and of sub-Committees shall apply to a Joint Committee as they apply to a Food Committee with the necessary modifications. 6. A Joint Committee shall expend only such moneys as are authorised generally or specially by the Food Controller and such further moneys as may be authorised by the Constituent Local' Authorities, and the expenses of the Joint Committee shall be payable in the first instance by such Authorities, and so far as not repaid by the Food Controller, shall be borne by them. 6. If any difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of a Joint Committee or otherwise in relation to the operation of this Order, the Food Controller may make any appointment and do anything which appears to him necessary or expedient for the establishment of such a Joint Committee or otherwise for securing the full operation of the Order, or of any subsequent Order relating to the constitution, powers, or duties of a Joint Committee. 7. A Joint Committee appointed in accordance with this Order shall in respect of any district or parts of districts assigned to them and subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained, be deemed to be a Food Control Committee appointed pursuant to the Principal Order, and shall have and may exercise and per- form in such districts or parts, all the powers and duties for the time being conferred or imposed on a Food Control Committee. 8. The provisions of Clauses 16 to 19 inclusive of the Principal Order shall appl}^ to and in relation to a Joint Committee as they apply to and in relation to a Food Control Committee appointed under the Principal Order. 9. — (a) Where pursuant to this Order any district or part of a district is assigned to a Joint Committee, the Food Control Committee (if any) appointed under the Principal Order for the district, the whole or part of which is so assigned, shall on an.l from the date fixed by the Food Controller for the entry into office of the Joint Committee — (i) where the whole district is assigned, cease to exercise or perform in or in relation to such district any of the powers or duties of a Food Control Committee, except so far as necessary for the recovery of moneys • due to them, the discharge of their liabilities, and the audit of their accounts, and shall be deemed to be dissolved so soon as the moneys have been recovered, liabilities discharged, and the accounts audited ; and 636 Joint Food Control Committees {Constitution) Order, 1918. (ii) where part only is assigned, cease to exercise or per- form in such part any of the said powers or duties, and shall on and from such date exercise and perform the powers and duties of a Food Control Committee only within and in relation to the remainder of the district, without prejudice in either case to any pro- ceedings in respect of any contravention of any order or direction of the Food Controller. (6) Any directions given by any such Food Control Committee as is referred to in this Clause pursuant to any power conferred by any Order of the Food Controller shall, as from the date aforesaid, be deemed to be the directions of the Joint Committee and shall continue in force and have effect accordingly until the Joint Committee shall otherwise direct. 10. — (a) Where at any time before the date of this Order any Local Authority has, with the consent of the Food Controller, combined with any other Local Authority or Authorities in appointing a Committee and in assigning to such Committee tha whole or parts of the districts of the Constituent Authorities, the Committee so appointed shall be deemed to be a Joint Committee appointed under this Order and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as if they were such a Joint Committee. (b) All acts done and directions given by such Committee pursuant to any Order of the Food Controller shall have effect in the same manner and to the same extent as if the Committee had been a Joint Committee appointed under this Order. (c) Where any district or part of any district has been assigned in manner aforesaid, the provisions of Clause 9 (a) hereof shall apply to the Food Control Committee appointed under the Principal Order for such district, except that the date of this Order shall be substituted for the date referred to in that clause. 11. A certificate under the hand of a person authorised in that behalf by the Food Controller shall be sufficient evidence of th? due constitution of any Joint Committee and the area of such Committee, and of any other matter relating thereto. 12. The provisions of the Committees (Disqualification for S. R. &0., Membership) Order, 1918, (a) shall apply in relation to a Joint No. 2 Committee constituted under this Order in the same way as they of 1918. apply to a Food Control Committee appointed under the Principal Order. 13. In the application of this Order to England and Wales and Scotland, respectively, the expression ** Local Authority '^ shall have the same meaning as it has in the like application under the Principal Order. (a) Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Okder, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 628. Food Control Committees {Term of Office) Order, 1918. 63.7 14. — ia) This Order shall be cited as the Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the Principal Order. (b) This Order shall not apply to Ireland. By Order of the Food Controller, TF. //. Beveridge, Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 28th June, 1918. S.R. & 0. 1918. The Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Order, 1.918, DATED the 16th JuLY, 1918, MADE BY THE FoOD CONTROLLER. 1918. No. 880. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Kealm Eegulations and of ail other powers enabling him in that behali, the Food Controller hereby orders that the Food Con- trol Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) (hereinafter called No^^'ggg^of the " Principal Order") and the Joint Food Control Committees 1917. (Constitution) Amendment Order, 1918, (b) (hereinafter called g j^ & o., *' the Joint Committees Order ") shall be amended as follows : — No. 776 of 1. Clause 4 of the Principal Order shall in- its application to any person who is at the date of this Order, or may be between the date of this Order and 9th November 1918 appointed a mem- ber of any Food Control Committee or Joint Food Control Com- mittee, have eli'ect as if the words '' until the 9th November, 1918," were substituted for the words '^ one year." 2. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 1918, and shall be read as one with the Principal Order and the Joint Committees Order. By Order of the Food Controller, W. H. Beveridge J Second Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 16th July, 1918. (a) Food Control CoMMrrTEES (Constiiution) Ordee, 1917. — That Order is printed p. G21. (b) Joint Food Control Committkes (Constitujion) Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 634. 5781) 638 Powers as to Sampling and, Weighing hy Inspectors of Weights and Measures and Prosecutions hy them in England and Ireland for breaches of certain Orders of the Food Controller. (b) Enforcement of Orders and Prosecutions in England and Wales. Enforcement (England and Wales) Ord • 1917, j). 639. Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3) 1917, p. 6 Weights and Measures, Orders as to Powers of Inspectors, pp. 638 and 640. Order, dated June 11, 1917, made by the Food Controller conferring certain powers on inspectors of weights and Measures and authorising them in England and Ireland to prosecute offences before courts of summary juris- DICTION. 1917. No. 538. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence ol the Realm Regulations the Food Controller hereby authorises every Inspector of Weights and Measures and Deputy Inspector of Weights and Measures(a) and every other person performing the duties of an Inspector of Weights and Measures : — {a) to take samples of any flour in the possession of any miller or baker or seller of flour or bread ; (I) to require any person, having in his possession for sale by retail any package of tea, to weigh such package oi its contents in his presence; and (c) in England and Ireland to prosecute any offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations occasioned by any breach of Article 5 of the. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2), 1917. the Bread Order, 1917, the Cake and .Pastry Order, 1917, and the Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917, and of any other Order hereafter to be made by the Food Controller in respect of which- any powers or duties are conferred upon an Inspector of Weights and Measures. (b) Devonport^ Food Controller, ilth June, 1917. (a) Inspectors of Weights and Measures.— These are officers of, and appointed by, the Local authorities, viz., in the City, the Court of Aldermen, in certain Enghsh municipal boroughs of over 10,000 population, the Town Council. in Scottish burghs the Magistrates, in Dublin the Commissioners of Police, in Irish boroughs the Town Council, and elsewhere throughout the U.K. the /?"p*^^fF^"°^'"'^" ^^^ ^- ^^ ^^^ ^^^- ^ ^^ ^^® Weights and Measures Act, 1878 (41 & 42 Vict, c 49), as amended by the Local Government Acts. (b) Orders, breaches of which may be Prosecuted by Inspectors of Weights and Measures in England or Ireland.— The following is a list of such of these Orders as are now (July 31, 1918) in force showing the page on which each such Order appears in this Manual :— Bread Order, 1918, p. 168 {see Authorisation dated June 26, 1918, printed Cake and Pastry Order, 1917, p. 94. Manufacture of Flour and Bread Order (No. 2) 1917 p 89 Tea (Nett Weight) Order, 1917, p. 602. Enforcement and Prosecution Powers of English Food Control 639 Commitiees. The Ej^forcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917, dated November 9, 1917, made by the Food Controller. 1917. No. 1130. In ex-ercise of the powers cod f erred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The Food Controller hereby confers upon every Food Con- trol Committee appointed in England and Wales pursuant to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917(a) (herein- after called Food Control Committee) the power of enforcing within their area all Orders heretofore made or hereafter to be made by the Food Controller under the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, other than such Orders, it any, as the Food Controller may from time to time except from this Order. 2. The Food Controller hereby authorises every Food Control Committee and such officers and other persons as they may designate or appoint for the purpose, to prosecute any summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations occasioned by any breach of any Order the power of enforcing which is conferred on the Committee by this Order. 3. Subject to the approval of the Food Controller an arrange- ment may be made between a Local Authority and the Food Control Committee for the district of that Authority whereby the power and authority conferred on the Committee by the pre- ceding clause of this Order shall to the extent specified in the arrangement be exercisable by such Local Authority either to the exclusion of or concurrently with the Committee and where any such arrangement has been made the Local Authority and such officers and other persons as they may designate or appoint for the purpose shall in accordance with the arrangement have the power and authority to prosecute summary offences occasioned by any breach of an Order of the Food Controller. 4. In any proceedings taken by a Local Authority or a Food Control Committee or an officer or other person designated or appointed by them for the purpose of prosecution in respect oi a breach of any Order of the Food Controller, it shall be presumed until the contrary is proved that the authority conferred by clause 2 or clause 3 of this Order applies in respect of such Order. n. The Order of the Food Controller, dated 8th May, 1917 (relating to prosecutions by Local Authorities) (b) shall be revoked as at the 1st January, 1918, but without prejudice to any pro- ceedings commenced before that date under the authority thereby conferred. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. — That Order is printed, p. 621. (b) Order of May 8, 1917.— That Order was printed at p. 192 of the "Food (Supply and Production^ Manual." rwso X2 640 Order conferring certain poivers on Inspectors of Weights and Measures. 6. For the purpose of this Order tlie expression " Local Authority " means the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled, the Council of a Metropolitan Borough, the Council of a Municipal Borough or other Urban District, the Council of a Eural District or the Council of the Isles of Scilly. 7. (a) Ihis Order may be cited as The Enforcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917. {h\ This Order shall extend only to England and Wales. lihondday Food Controller. 9th November, 1917. Order, dated the 26th June, 1918, made by the Food Con- troller CONFERRING CERTAIN POWERS ON INSPECTORS Oi" Weights and Measures and authorising them to Prose- cute Offences before Courts of Summary Jurisdiction. 1918. xYo. 702. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf the Food- Controller hereby authorises every Inspector of Weights and Measures and Deputy Inspector of Weights and Measures(a) and every other person performing the duties of an Inspector of Weights and Measures to prosecute any offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations occasioned bv anv xT^'.*!.^-i breach of the Bread Order, 1918.(b) No. 547 of ' \ / 1918. By Order of the Food Controller, IF. H. Beveridge, - Second Secretary to the Miiiistry of Focd. 26th June, 1918. (a) Inspectors op Weights and Measures.— >See footnote (a ) p. 638. (b) Bread Order, 1918.— That Order is printed p. 168. Functions of English Local Authorities as to Enforcement of Orders. The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1917, DATED November 9, 1917, made by the Local Government Board. 1917. No. 1176. To the Mayor, Aidermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled ; — To the Councils of the several Metropolitan Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs and other Urban Districts in England and Wales; — To the Councils of the several Rural Districts in England and Wales; — To the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; — And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Regulation numbered 2j of the Defence of the Eealm Regulations(a) it is among other things provided that We, the Local Government Board, may, by arrangement with the Food Controller, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of certain of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any Order made by the Food Controller under the said Regulations ; And whereas by the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1917, (b) made in pursuance of Regulation numbered 2j.of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, We conferred and imposed upon e\ery Local Authority as therein defined, and upon such of their officers as they might designate or appoint for the purpose, the powers and duties of enforcing within their District, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the whole or parts of certain Orders made by the Food Controller, and specified or referred to in the Order; And whereas the Order has since been applied to the whole or parts of divers other Orders made by the Food Controller ; And whereas the Food Controller has, in pursuance of the said Regulations, made the Enforcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917 : (c) . Now therefore, in pursuance of Our powers in that behalf, and by arrangement with the Food Controller, We hereby Order as follows : — Article 1. — In these Regulations, unless the contrary inten- tion appears : — {a) The expression '* Local Authority" means, as the case may be, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled, the (a) Regulation 2j.— This is printed p. 12. (b) Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1917.— That Order was printed p. 187 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." (c) Enforcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 639. 5789 X 3 642 Functions of English Local Authorities as to Enforcement of Orders. Council of a Metropolitan Borougli, tlie Council of a Municipal Borough or other Urban District, the Council of a Rural District, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly ; (a) (6) The expression ** District " means the District subject to the jurisdiction of the Local Authority for the purposes of the Public HealtE (London) Act, 1891, or of the Public Health Act, 1875, as the case may be. Article II. — From and after the 31st day of December, 191T, the Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (^o. 1), 1917,(b) shall, as respects every Local Authority, be rescinded, except so far as may be necessary in any case in relation to any proceedings commenced by the Local Authority before that date. Article III. — Where a Local Authority are, in pursuance of the Enforcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917, (c) for the time being authorised by the Food Controller to prosecute a summary offence against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations occasioned by a breach of an Order of the Food Controller, the Local Authority and such of their officers as they may designate and appoint for tKe purpose shall liave the power of enforcing such Order within their District in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and We hereby confer such power accordingly. Article IV. — Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall be defrayed in like manner as ' if the expenses had been incurred in the execution of the Public Health Act, 1875, or the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, as the case may be.(d) Article V. — This Order may be cited as ''The Local Authorities (Food Control) Order (No. 3), 1917." Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government • Board, this Ninth day of November, in the year One thousand nine hundred and seventeen. (l.s.) W . Hayes Fisher, President. H. C. Monro, Secretary. (a) Local Authority.— The definition contained in Article I is identical with that contained in all other Orders relating to England and Wales and coniprised in this Part of this Manual. See footnote (a), p. 624, which gives details as to the Authorities and their Districts. (b) Local Ai tuorities (Food Control) Order (No. 1), 1917.— That Order was printed p. 187 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." (c) Enforcement (England and Wales) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 639. (d) Expenses in Execution of Order.— For enactment? referred to see official "Index lo Statutes in Force" 1916 edit. suh. voc. "District Council England, 3 (Financial Provisions) " ; " London County 2 (f ) (3;." Fiinctions of Scottish Local Authorities as to Food Control ()4.S ComTuittees. 2. Food Control Committees in Scotland ; Enforcement of Orders, &c. (a.) Constitution^ Sfc, of Com- I (h.) Enforcement of Orders, mittees, p. 643. I p. 646. (a.) Constitution, &c., of Food Control Committees in Scotland. Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918, p. 645. Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917, p. 645. Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, p. 643. Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 1918, jo. 645. Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918, p. 64o. Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2), Order, 1917,/?. 643. The Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, DATED August 22, 1917, made by the Food Controller. [This Order which constitutes Food Control Committees for the district of every Local Authority throughout Scotland applies also to England and Wales and is printed with other Orders so relating p. 621 above.] The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (Nu. 2) Order, 1917, dated August 22, 1917, made by the Secre- tary FOR Scotland. 1917. ^^o. 864. In pursuance of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and by arrangement with the Food Controller, I hereby order as follows : — (1) In this Order: — {a) the expression '^ Local Authority " shall mean: — ■ (i) in each County a Joint Committee of the County Council and the Town Councils of the Royal, Parliamentary and Police Burghs within the County with a population, according to the 1911 Census, not exceeding 5,000, provided that the Town Council of any other Royal, Parliamentary or Police Burgh may, if it so decides, agree to join the Joint Committee ; (ii) in all other Royal, Parliamentary or Police Burghs the Town Council. (a) (a) Local Authorities in Scotland.— The definition is identical with that in Art. 2.-} of the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917 (p. 621), which see, and footnote (a), p. 625. 5789 X 4 644 Functions of Scottish Local Authorities as to Food Control ComTnittees. (h) the expression '' Food Control Commit lee " sliall mean a Food Control Committee appointed pursuant to tlie Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.(a) (2) I hereby confer and impose upon the Local Authority and upon such of their oflScers as they may designate or appoint for the purpose the powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge within their district, in conformity with the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of the functions assigned to Loral Authorities by the Food Ccntrol Committee (Constitution) Order, 1917,(a) (3) (i) Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in the execution of this Order shall be defrayed out of the public health general assessment, provided that such expenses shall not be reckoned in any calculation as to the statutory limit of that assessment, and where the local authority is a Joint Committee Sub-sections (8) and (10) of Section 76 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889, shall apply as if the Joint Committee were appointed under that Section, provided that the rate therein referred to shall mean the public health general assessment. (b) (ii) Where two or more Local Authorities have combined in the appointment of a Food Control Committee any expenses incurred by those Local Authorities under this Order shall be defrayed in such proportions as may be agreed. (4) A County or Town Council, District Committee', Parish Council, School Board, or other local body may make available, without charge, to a Food Control Committee, for the purposes of the powers and duties of the Committee any of their premises and the services of any of their officers. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. G21. (b) Section 76 (8) (10) of Local Government (S.) Act, 1889 (52 & 53 Vict. c. 50).— These subsections which provide for the costs of a joint committee are as follows : — " 76 (8). The costs of a joint committee -shall be defrayed by the councils by whom any of its members were appointed in the proportion agreed to by them. The proportion of the costs falling to be defrayed by any county council or town council shall be paid out of the county fund or burgh fund, as the case may be, and shall be provided for by a rate to be imposed and levied as nearly as may be in the same manner and subject to the same provisions as if the costs had been incurred by the county council or by a district committee, or by the town council, as the case may be. (10). For the purposes of this section town council shall include police commissioners of a burgh or police burgh." Section 8 of the Town Councils (Scotland) Act, 1900 (63 & 64 Vict. c. 49), transferred the powers of police commissioners to the town councils of burghs, including police burghs. Functions of Scottish Local Authorities as to Food Control Committees, This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order, 1917. (L.S.) Robert Munro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland Scottish Office, Whitehall. 22nd August, 1917. The Food Control Committees (Audit of Accounts) Order, 1917. Dated December 14, (917, made by the Food Controller. [This Order, which also applies to England and Wales, is printed i>. 627 .J The Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918, DATED January 2, 1918,, made by the Food Controller. [This Order, which also applies to England and Wales and Ireland, is printed p. 628.] The Joint Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1918. Dated June 28, 1918, made by the Food Con- troller. [This Order, which also applies to England and Wales, is printed p. 634.] The Food Control Committees (Term of Office) Amendment Order, 1918. Dated July 16, 1918, made by the Food Controller. [This Order, which also applies to England and Wales, is printed p. 637.] Enforcement Powers of Scottish Food Control Committees. (b) Enforcement of Orders in Scotland. Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917, p, 64d. Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 3) Order, 1917, p. 647. Weights and Measures, Orders as to Powers ot inspectors, V. 646. Obders, dated June 11, 1917, and June 26, 1918, made by the Food Controller conferring certain powers as to Sampling and Weighing on Inspectors of Weights and Measures in Scotland. [These Orders, which aj^ply also to England and Wales, are printed with other Orders so relating at pp. 638 and 640 above.] The Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917, dated jSTovember 20, 1917, made bt the Food Controller. 1917. No. 1189. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. The Food Controller hereby confers upon every Food Con- trol Committee appointed in Scotland pursuant to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) and such persons as they may designate or appoint for the purpose, the power of enforcing within their area all Orders heretofore made or hereafter to be made by the Food Controller under the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations other than such Orders as the Food Controller may from time to time CMcept from this Order. 2. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917. By order of the Food Controller, U. F. Wintour, Secretary to the Ministry of Food. 20th November, 1917, ' (a) Food Controu Committees (Constituticn) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 621. Functions of Scottish Local Authorities as to Enjorcement of 647 Orders. The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 3) Order, 1917, dated November 20, 1917, made by the Secretary foil Scotland. 1917,No.-iil!- JS. 87 Whereas the Food Controller has made an Order (the* Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917) (a) conferring upon Food Control Committees and such persons as they may designate or appoint for the purpose the power of enforcing Orders made by the Food Controller ; And whereas it is "desirable that Local Authorities in Scotland should be enabled to assist Food Control Committees in the exercise by the said Committees of the power conferred upon them by the Food Controller; And whereas when the requisite arrangements for the enforce- ment of the Food Controller's Orders have been made by Food Control Committees it will no longer be necessary for Public Health Authorities in Scotland to exercise the powers for such enforcement conferred upon them by the Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Order, 1917, made by me on the 14th May, 1917 ;(b) Now therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 2j of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and by arrangement with the Food Controller, I hereby order as follows: — (1) The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2^ Order(c) shall apply to the Food Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917, (a) in like manner as it applies to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917. (d) (2) The Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Order. 1917, (b) shall be revoked as from the 1st January, 1918. (3) This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 8) Order, 1917. (l.s.) Robert Munro, His Majesty's Secretary for Scotland. Scottish Office, Whitehall, 20th November, 1917 (a) ;b'ooD Control Committees (Scotland) Powers Order, 1917. — This Order is printed p. 646. (b) Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) Order, 1917 — This Order was printed p. 194 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." (c) Local Authorities (Food Control) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order. — This Order is printed p. 643. (d) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 621. 648 Nomination of Food Control Committee for Ireland. 3. Food Control Committee for Ireland; Enforcement and Prosecutions, (a.) Constitution, 8fc,, of Com- mittee and Sub- Committees, p. 648. (b.) Enforcement of Orders and Prosecutions, p. 651. (a.) Constitution, &c., of Committee and Sub-Committees. Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918, p. 651. Food Control Committee for Ireland : Minute Constituting, p. 648. Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, p. 649. Minute of the Food Controller, dated August 31, 1917, as to THE Food Control Committee for Ireland. The Food Controller on the recommendation of tlie Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant for Ireland, has appointed the following to be a Committee under the name of Food Control Committee for Ireland for the purposes set out below(a) : — The Rt. Hon. F. S. Wrench (Chairman). Mr. Robert A. Anderson. Mr. Harold A. Barbour. Mr, W. T. Green. Mr. E. Bourke. Mr. J. R. Campbell. Mr. Dominick J. Daly. Mr. Thos. Farren. Mr. Patrick Lynch. Mr. Matthew J. Minch. Mr. Robert Waugh. The duties of the Committee will be : — A. — To advise the Food Controller (i) as to maintenance of the food supply and its distribution in Ireland, (li) as to any modifications that may be necessary in Orders made or proposed to be made by him under the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions in view of any special requirements of Ireland, (iii) as to the steps to be taken for the administra- tion and enforcement of the Food Controller's Orders in Ireland, (iv) and generally as to any question referred to them by the Food Controller. B.— To take steps, subject to the direction of the Food Con- troller, for giving effect in Ireland to Orders issued by the Food Controller. (a) The Committee is at present constituted as follows:— The Right Hon. The Earl of Granard (Chairman) ; Mr. E. Bourke (Yice-Chairman) • Mr W T Green ; Mr. J. R. Campbell ; Mr. Dominick J. Daly ; Mr. M-atthe'w J. Minch j Mr. Martm McDonogh ; Sir James Johnston ; Sir Robert N. Anderson I Constitution and Proceedings of Food Control Committee for 649 Ireland. It is in contemplation to set up Local Committees in the Gonnty Boroughs of Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Derry, Limerick and Waterford.(a) Ministry of Food, Grosvenor House, W.l. [This Minute appeared in the Press of September 1st, 1917.] The Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917, dated November 7, 1917, made by the Food Controller. 1917. ISTo. 1160. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him m that behalf the Food Controller hereby orders as follows : — 1. The Food Control Committee for Ireland nominated by Minute of the Food Controller dated 31st August, 1917,(b) (here- inafter referred to as " the Committee ") shall be subject to the provisions and exercise the powers herein expressed. 2. The Committee shall consist of the persons nominated as above mentioned and of such other persons as may from time to time be nominated in writing for the purpose by the Food Con- troller, and every member of the Committee shall hold office until his nomination is revoked by the Food Controller. 3. The Food Controller may in writing nominate a member of the Committee as Chairman, and another member of the Committee as Vice-chairman, and may at any time revoke any such nomination. In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting, the Vice-chairman shall act as Chairman, and in the absence of both of them, the Committee may appoint some member of the Committee to act as Chairman at that meeting. 4. The Committee may subject to the provisions of this Order meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn, and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. 5. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Committee may be determined by the Committee, provided that in no case shall the quorum be less than three. 6. Every question at a meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the Com- mittee present and voting on the question, and in the case of an equal division of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. (a) Irish County Boroughs. — The 6 boroughs named are the only county boroughs in Ireland. (b) Minute op August 31, 1917.— This is printed, p. 648. Constitution and IWoceedings of Food Control Committee jor Ireland. 7. The proceecliuj^s of tlie Committee sliall not be invalidated by any vacancy in tlieir number. 8. The Committee may appoint such and so many Sub-Com- mittees whether consisting of members of the Committee or not, as the Committee may think fit, but the Chairman of the Conimittee shall ex officio be a member of every such Sub-Com- mittee. Except so far as the Food Controller may otherwise direct, the Committee may delegate, subject to such conditions as they think fit, to any such Sub-Committee any powers and duties of the Committee, and any such delegation may be for the whole or any part of Ireland. 9. The provisions of this Order relating to the proceedings of the Committee shall apply to a Sub-Committee as they apply to a Committee, with the necessary modifications. The Chairman of the Committee shall receive due notice of every meeting of the Sub-Committee and of the general nature of the business to be transacted thereat and shall be chairman of any meeting of a Sub-Committee at which he is present. A Sub-Committee shall appoint some member of their body to be their Chairman and the person so appointed shall if he so long remains a member of the Sub-Committee hold office as Chairman for such period as may be specified in the resolution of the Sub-Committee by which he is so appointed, or until he resigns the office, and shall act as Chairman of every meeting of the Sub-Committee at which the Chairman of the Committee is not present. 10. The powers and duties of the Committee shall be such as are from time to time assigned to them by the Food Controller and the powers and duties of a Sub-Committee shall be such as are from time to time assigned to them by the Food Controller ur delegated to them by the Committee. In the exercise of those powers and the performance of those duties, the Committee and every Sub-Committee shall comply with such directions as may from time to time be given by the Food Controller and also, in the case of a Sub-Committee, by the Committee. 11. The Committee may make such arrangements as they shall think fit in relation to the use for the purpose of the Committee or of any Sub-Committee of the services of any officer of police or police constable or of any officer of any local authority in Ireland. 12. The Committee shall furnish to the Food Controller, and every Sub-Committee shall furnish to the Food Controller and the Committee, such reports returns and information as may from time to time be required by him or them. 13. (i) Any direction or decision of the Committee given under any power conferred by the Food Controller and any direction or decision of any Sub-Committee given under any power conferred hy the Food Controller or delegated to them by the Committee may l>e j)roved : — (a) by the production of a newspaper purporting to eoniairi a copy of the direction or decision as an advertise- ment; or Enforcement of Orders and Prosecutions hy Food, Control 651 Committee for Ireland. {})) by the production of a copy of the direction or decision purporting to be certified as a true copy by the Chair- man of the Committee or by some person authorised by the Committee in that behalf. (ii) A direction or decision so proved shall be taken to have been duly given unless and until the contrary is proved. 14. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Constitution) Order, 1917. Rhondda, Food Controller. 7th November, 191 The Committees (Disqualification for Membership) Order, 1918. Dated January 2, 1918. [This Order, which also applies to England and Wales and 'Scotland, is printed p. 628.] (b) Enforoement of Orders and Prosecutions in Ireland. Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, p. 651. Weights and Measures, Orders as to Powers of Inspectors, p. 651. Orders, dated June 11, 1917, and June 26, 1918, made by the Food Controller conferring certain powers as to Sampling and Weighing on Inspectors of Weights and Measures in Ireland, and authorising them to prosecute before Courts of Summary Jurisdiction for breaches of certain Orders of the Food Controller. [These Orders, which apply also to England and Wales, are printed with other Orders so relating at pp. 638 and 640 above.] Tub Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917, DATED November 9, 1917, made by the Food Controller. 1917. No. 1138. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby orders as follows: — 1. The Food Controller hereby confers on the Food Control Committee for Ireland the power of enforcing in Ireland all Orders heretofore made or hereafter to be made by the Food Controller under the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations except such orders, if any, as the Food Controller may from time to time determine, and hereby autho- rises the Committee and such persons as they may designate or Enforcement of Orders and Prosecutions by. Food Control Committee for Ireland. appoint for the purpose to prosecute any oii'ence committed in Ireland against the Defence of the llealm Eegulations occasioned by any breach of such Order. In any proceedings in respect of any breach of any Order made or to be made by the Food Con- troller it shall be presumed, until the contrary be proved, that the powers and authorities hereby conferred, apply in respect of such Order. 5. Where under any Order of the Food Controller made before the date of this Order and for the time being aft'ecting Ireland any right or power is expressed to be conferred on a Food Control Committee established pursuant to the Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917, (a) or any Local Authority, the Food Control Committee for Ireland shall have as respects Ireland the same right or power and every such Order and any amendment thereof shall take efEect as respects Ireland as if the expression Food Control Committee or Local Authority as the case may be included the Food Control Committee for Ireland. 3. Sub-clause (e) of Clause 7 of the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, (to) and Suh-clause (c) of Clause o of the Butter (Maximiim Prices) Order, 1917, (c) are hereby revoked. 4. The following provisions shall be added at the end of Sub- clause (/) of Clause 6 of the Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917(d): — Such Magistrates or other persons shall forthwith send to the Food Control Committee for Ireland a copy of every licence issued by them under this clause together with a state- ment of all the relevant circumstances and shall cancel or modify such licence if so required by the Committee or the Food Controller. 5. Nothing in this Order shall prejudice or affect the powers and duties of any officer of police or any police constable or other person. 6. This Order may be cited as the Food Control Committee for Ireland (Powers) Order, 1917. Rhondda. Food Controller. 9tli November, 1917. (a) Food Control Committees (Constitution) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 621. (b) Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 300. (c) Butter (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 363. By the Butter (Maximum Prices) (Ireland) Order, 1918 (p. 421), the application of the 19l7 Order and of the Butter (Maximum Prices) Amend- ment Order, 1917 (p. 376), to Ireland was cancelled, and this reference was thereby revoked. (d) Flour and Bread (Prices) Order, 1917.— That Order is printed p. 109, as so amended. Defence of the Realm {Food Profits) Act, 1918. 653 APPENDIX chargint food. for The Defence of the Realm (Food Profits) Act, 1916 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 9). An Act to provide for the forfeiture to His Majesty of double the amount received from the sale of goods at prices in excess of those allowed by the Food Controller (16th May, 1918). Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — • 1. — (1) Where a person has, after the passing of this Act, sold Forfeiture of any goods at a price in excess of that allowed by or under any excess profits order made by the Food Controller in pursuance of the powers ^i^om over- conferred on him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) that person, in addition to any other penalty to which he may be liable, shall forfeit to His Majesty a sum equal to double the amount of such excess, and that sum shall be recoverable as a debt due to the Crown. (2) In any proceedings in England or Ireland under this Act against any jDerson in respect of any such sale as aforesaid, the court, if satisfied that there has been a breach by him of any order so made by the Food Controller, may order an account to be taken with respect to that sale, and with respect to any other sales by, that person of any goods to which any such order applies, and may, upon such account being taken, direct the pay- ment of double the amount of the excess thereby appearing to have been realised on the sales. (3) In any proceedings in Scotland under this Act against any person in respect of any such sale as aforesaid, the court, if satisfied that there has been a breach by him of any order so made by the Food Controller, may proceed in like manner as if such proceedings were an action of count reckoning and payment concluding for production of an account of the aforesaid sale, and of any other sales by that person of any goods to which any such order applies, and for payment of double the amount of the excess thereby appearing to have been realised on the sales. 2. This Act may be cited as the Defence of the Realm (Food Short title. Profits) Act, 1918. (a) Powers and Orders op the Food Controller. — Such of the Defence of the Realm Regulations as confer powers on the Food Controller form section 2 (pp. 5-1^) of Part I of this Manual. All the Controller's Orders as to maintenance of food supply in force or coming into force (July 31, 1918) are printed in full in Part II of this Manual. 664 INDEX. In this Index the following abbreviations are employed :— Bd. ... Board. Introd Introduction to this D.R. ... Defence of the Volume. Realm. Order. Dept. ... Department. Reg Defence of the Pealm E England and Wales. Regulation. H.M. ... His Majesty the S Scotland. King. Sch Schedule. I Ireland. U.K the United Kingdom. PAGE. Account by Order of Court. Of sales realising excess profits from overcharging (8 & 9 Geo. 5 c 9)... 653 Accounts of Dealers, dtc. See Records and Accounts. Accounts of Food Control Coinmitteas:. Date of making up, and audit of in E. and S 627 Acorns excepted from general prohibition on feeding of deer with provided food 130 Admiralty. Horses exclusively used for purposes of exempted from rationing 164, 165 Issue of emergency ration card 531 Meat meal, serving of to members of Naval forces travelling ... ... 519 Agrriculture. Horses used exclusively for exempted from rationing 164,165 See also Board of Agriculture and Fisheries ; Board of Agri- culture FOR Scotland ; Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. Aiding- or Abetting*. Aiding or abetting contravention of Food Controller's orders a " summary offence " (Hog. 2f (5) ) 9 ilir Council. Issue of emergency ration card 531 Alderney. See Channel Islands. \ Allies, His Majesty's. Articles destined for forces of H.M. Allies excepted from provisions of Foreign Holdings (Returns) 0. 251 Forces of H.M. Allies excepted from provisions of Rationing 0. ; issue of emergency card or permit 523,532 « Exempted from provisions of Canteens and Hostels (Licensing) 0. 202 Apple residues. Use of in horse mixture 130 Apricots. See (duo Jam. Dealings in apricot pulp outside U.K.; returns required 266 Index. 655 PAGE. Arbitrator as to Price of Articles Requisitioned. By judge as to price of requisitioned factory output (Reg. 7) ... 13 By single arbitrator (appointed by Food Controller's order) as to compensation for article of food, &c., requisitioned by Controller (Reg. 2f(2)) 8 Appointment by Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain in England, Lord President of Court of Session in Scotland, and Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Ireland, of arbitrator to determine in default of agreement compensation to be paid for articles requisitioned by or for Food Controller : — barley ... 94,154 oils and fats 452 cheesii 362,415,425,433 oleaginous seeds, nuts and cocoa butter 424 kernels 451 currants ... ... 206 sultanas ... ... ... ... 206 Appointment by Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain of arbitrator to act for purposes of Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) O. ... 131 Appointment by Lord Chief Justice of England of arbitrator to act for purposes of Beans, Pease and Pulse (Requisition) 0. ... 81 Appointment by Home Secretary of arbitrator to act for purposes of Margarine (Requisition) 399 County court judge (or deputy) in E., and person appointed by sheriff in S., to be arbitrator under Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) 279 Army Council. Horses exclusively used for purposes of excepted from rationing 164, 165 Issue of emergency ration card ... ... ... ... ... ... 531 Meat meal, serving of to members of Military Forces 519 Arrowroot. Use and treatment of for any purpose except human food prohibited 99 *<• Article of Food." Defined for purposes of Food (Conditions of Sale) 0., Food Hoarding O., Prevention of Corruption O., and Powers of Food Control Committees (Interpretation) 205,253,201,291 " Food " defined for purposes of Ships Stores 562 " Food stuff " defined by Waste of Foodstuffs O. ... 619 " Foodstuffs " defined by Powers of Food Control Committees (In- terpretation) 0. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 291 In Regs. 2f, 2g, 2h and 2 j the expression " article " includes animals, alive or dead (Reg. 2 J (4)) 13 Maintenance of Supply. Of articles of food. Returns ; inquiries ; inter-departmental arrangements (Regs. 2F-2J) 8-13 Returns required of articles of food held to foreign account 251 Auction. Restriction on sale by auction of whiskey, rum and gin ... 185, 186 Auctioneer. Licence required after Dec. 31, 1917, by live stock auctioneer in E. orS. 307 Audit of Accounts of Food Control Committees. Auditors who are to effect audit ... ... ... ... ... ... 627 Form of Financial Statement by English Committees ... ... 631 *' Authorities." For delivery of supplies see Ship's Stores ; Spikits. Automatic Blachine excepted from provisions of Sale of sweet- meats (Restriction) 0. ... ... ... ... ... ... 594 656 Index. PAGE. Defined for purposes of Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) Order and Bacon, Ham and Lard (Prices) O ... 56, 71 Included in " meat " for purposes of Public Meals O. 516 Distribution ; forms of application "i at' PQ Maximum prices fixed ^ ' '^o Authorisation of secondary wholesalers in Ireland ...• 6c5 Returns required of bacon cured during 1917 64 Export from Ireland prohibited • 329 Export from Great Britain to Ireland prohibited 06 Bagrs. See Packages. 232 Bait. Priority of purchases of fish for bait ... Bar. See Public Bar. Barley. Export from Ireland prohioited 1^1 Mixture WITH Wheaten Flour. Percentage 89,92 Price of Barley of 1916 Crop 92 Maximum price of 1917 Crop and terms of trading fixed ; sales to be by weight ; bleaching prohibited 105 Maximum price of damaged imported barley fixed 116,119 Rations. Barley flour and meal included in " flour " for public meals rationing ... ... ... ... •-. ••• ••• 516 Requisition of Barley 93,153 Testing of, under the Testing of Seeds 553 Use of barley restricted to seed and manufacture of flour ; barley flour only to be used for human food ; prohibition on damaging barley ... ... ••• •.• .•• 108 Feeding of cattle with green crops (except winter sown barley), and cutting of green crops, prohibited ... ... ... ... ... 163 Barrelag'e. See Beer. *' Base Price." Defined for purposes of Potatoes 0. (No. 2) 495 Beans. Mixture of with wheaten flour 89,92 Equivalent proportion to oats for rationing horses ... ... ... 164 Beans (except Burmah beans) imported into U.K., requisitioned by Food Controller 81 Burmah beans requisitioned ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Maximum prices of " large butter " and " haricot " fixed ; to be sold by weight and for human food only ... ... ... ... 82 Testing of seed beans ... ... ... ... ... 553 Authorisation of sale and purchase of beans for seed purposes ... 84 " Beast " defined for purposes of Live Stock (Sales) Order, as includ- ing bulls, bullocks, cows, and heifers 343 Bed. Rationing provisions of Public Meals O. and Rationing O. not to apply where maximum charge for bed and breakfast does not exceed Is. 6cZ 517 (I.), 527 Beef. See Meat. Beehive Section. Maximum prices fixed ... ... ... ... ... 85 Beer Defined for purposes of Beer (Prices and Descriptions) O., and Sugar i^Brewers Restriction) 190,580 Restriction on output of 175, 191 Increase of maximum barrelage ... 182 Sale of draught beer of a certain gravity, in licensed premises having a public bar, to be by imperial measure and at a fixed maximum price 188 Exempted from the provisions as to prescribed amount of sugar to be used in manufacture ... ... 595 Index. ^^'7 PAGE. Beet. Testing of beet seeds 553 Beveragres and see Intoxicating Liquors ; Mineral Waters Charge for excluded from Is. 2d. meal maximum 517, 527 „ „ included in 5r/. tea maximum ... 517,531 Birds. Any kind of bird killed for food included in : — " Poultry and game," and reckoned as § quantity of meat for purposes of Public Meals O. ... 515,516 •' Meat," for purposes of Rationing 538 Birth Certifier* te. Form of requisition of birth certificate prescribed by Local Govern- ment Beard under Sugar (Rationing) 588 Biscuit. No biscuit to contain more than 5 per cent, of sugar, 70 per cent, of flour and 10 per cent, of fat ; amount rationed in public eating place ... 514,515,531 Registration of manufacturers of biscuits ... ... ... ... 161 Bitter Orangres. See Fruit. Bleaching: or Torrefying- of wheat, rye, oats, or barley prohibited ... ... ... ... 107 Board of Ag-riculture and Fisheries. As to the Constitution and General Powers of this Board see Introd. Xote to Pt. V. (p. 258) of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Certificate of testing to be given by Board ... ... ... ... 553 Entry. Power to authorise for purposes of Testing of Seeds 0. ... 555 Fish. Power to authorise taking of fish within territorial waters of E.andW 215 Order varying close season for oysters ... ... ... 217 Power to authorise taking of freshwater fish in E. and W. by means otherwise unlawful ... ... ... ... 223 Order as to dose season for freshwater fish ... ... ... 224 Order as to pike, eels and kelt ... ... ... ... 224 Meat. Board's officers authorised to grant licences for slaughter of animals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 340 Oats. Grant of licences for shipment of oats from Scotland except to I. 133 Potatoes. Power for Board to issue licences for delivery of potatoes ; returns as to potatoes to be made in E. to Board 469, 470 Sampling. Power to authorise for purposes of Testing of Seeds O. 555 Seed Testing Station appointed for E. and W ... '. 553 Board of Ag'riculture for Scotland. As to the Constitution and General Powers of this Board (Introd. Note to Pt. VI. (p. 342) of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Certificate of testing to be given by Board 553 Entry. Power to authorise for purposes of Testing of Seeds O. ... 555 Meat. Board's officers authorised to grant licences for slaughter of animals... ... ... ... ... ... ... 340 Oats. Grant of licences for shipment of oats from S. to Ireland ... 133 Potatoes. Power for Board to issue licences for delivery of pota- toes ; returns as to potatoes to be made in S. to Board ... 469, 470 Sampling. Power to authorise for purposes of Testing of Seeds 0. 555 Seed Testing Sta'i ion appointed for S 553 Board of Customs and Bxcise. See Customs and Excise Department. ()5H Index. PAGE Board ot Trade. , , t^ , CuEESE. Particulars to be furnished to Bd. ; cheese bought by Bd. excepted from provisions of Cheese (Requisition) 0. ... ... 362 Fisu. Permission of Bd. required for placing nets, etc., on tidal lands in E. and 1 216,220 [The General Regulations of the Board for the sale of Government imported cheese and meat are printed in Appendix IV. to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual," pp. 4G5, 468.] Boarding: KouBes. Rationing of by bulk ; exception o£ houses with 5 or less bedrooms ; ascertainment of gross quantities of meat, flour, bread and sugar to be used therein ... ... ... ... ... 517 Boroug-h Councils, Bng'land. Appointment by of food control committees 621 Bottle. Defined by Spirits (Prices and Description) 0. 195 Milk Bottle. See Milk Cans and Bottles. " Bottled Beer." Extent of application .to of Beer (Prices and Description) 0. ... 190 Bran. Restriction on use of for feeding horses 164 Brandy- Rest Bread. mdy. Restriction on sale of British brandy in licensed premises; maximum prices fixed 19.S Maximum Pkices fixed ; provisions as to contracts ; shipment, to Channel Islands or Isle of Man prohibited ; returns of stocks and dealings required 109,169,172 Ration. Compulsory at public eating places 515,516,531 Registration of bakers . 161 Sale or Manufacture of bread made of pure wheaten flour pro- hibited ; flour to be mixed as prescribed : — Mixture to be used after March 20, 1917 89 Mixture to be used after April 10, 1917 92 Manufacture of bread and wheaten flour under Bread Acts... ... 168 Sale of new, currant, and milk bread, and use of sugar in manufac- ture prohibited ; sale by weight, and power to weigh bread ... 168 Sale of loaves of certain shapes and rolls up to 2 oz. permitted 168, 169 Licences for deliveries of fresh bread for later re-sale ... ... 169 Shape, size and weight of bread under Bread Acts of 1822, 1836 and 1838 168 Upe of potatoes in making bread 121,159 Inspectors of Weights and Measures 170 Waste of article containing flour. See Waste. Breakfast, no meat to be supplied 514 Breeding- Sows excepted from provisions of Pigs (Prices) 0. ... 337 Prohibition on slaughter of ... ... ... ... ... ... 339 Brewer. Defined for purposes of Part I. of Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) O. and of Sugar (Brewers' Restriction) 0. ... 177, 601 And see Beer ; Sugar. ^' Brewer for Sale.'' iji,--;. Defined for purposes of Sugar (Brewers Restriction) 580 Brewer's G-ralns. Restriction on use of dried brewer's grains for fe3ding horses ... 164 ■ And see Cattle Feeding Stuffs, Index, 659 PAQB. Brewer's Sugrar. See Sugar. Defined for purposes of Brewer's Sugar 565 Brewingr- Restriction on output of beer 175,182,191 Prohibition on manufacture and use of " malt and malt extract " ... 187 Bribes. Acceptance of and giving of rewards to obtain preference in food di-- tribution prohibited ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 201 " British Brandy " and " British G-in " defined by Spirits (Prices and Description) 196 British made Butter. Defined for purpose of Butter O. 441 " British Onions " defined by British Onions O. 500 Buffet. See Railway Buffet. Bun. No bun to contain more than 10% of sugar or more than 50% of wheaten flour ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Burmah Beans and Peas. Certain Burmah beans and peas requisitioned ... ... ... ... 80 And see Beans, Peas. Businesses. Supply of sugar to businesses ... ... ... 570,582 ■ Butcher. See Meat. Butter. Authorization as to preserving butter ... ... ... ... ... 254 Maximum prices for sale by retail and wholesale fixed 364, 421, 431, 439 Wholesale dealers to be licensed ... ... ... ... ... ... 438 First hand prices for certain kinds varied (Batter (Maximum Prices) 0^""B Orders (Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5), 1917) 367,369,379 Calculation of wholesale and retail prices ... ... ... ... 376 Distribution, and application for supply of Government butter ... 382 Use of cream (except for children, &c.), restricted to butter-making 385 Prohibition on export from Ireland ... ... ... ... ... 394 Rations of butter in public eating place ; percentage to be used in cakes, etc 514,515(1.) Weekly ration of butter 522,542,546- Supply of butter on coupons ... ... ... ... ... 522,547 Prohibition on consumer dealing with retailer except as provided by butter card ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 523 Licence required to make for sale ... ... ... ... ... 423 Buyer's Railway Station. See Railway Station. Cabbag-es. Testing of seed of field and garden cabbages 553^ Ca]£e and Pastry. Use of sugar or chocolate for covering cakes, &c., prohibited ... 564 Making and sale of cakes and pastry controlled and restricted ; per- centage of sugar and flour ; rationing 95,514-517,531 Registration of bakers and manufacturers 161 Cakes for Cattle. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. Calf. Defined by Live Stock (Sales) O ... ... 343 Sale of calves' heads and feet free from restrictions on sale of veal ... 348 Live. See Cattle. Dead. See Meat. Calf Meal. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. 660 Index. PAQB. Canned DCeat. See Meat. Canned Salmon. Returns required ^^^ Cans, »Xilk. See Milk Cans and Bottles. Canteens. Effect of Certificate by Food Controller authorising excess brewing for - 176,192 Excepted from provisions of Beer (Prices and Description) 0. ... 191 Included in provisions of Spirits (Prices and Description) 0. ... 196 Canteens and Hostels. Licensing of , required 202 Cards, sugar registration, issue of 585,522 Issue of emergency cards, etc. to H.M.'s and allied forces ... 286, 531, 519 Prohibition on dealing by consumer with retailer except as provided by ration books 522 Misuse of documents issued under local distribution scheme 280 Carrots. Testing of carrot seed 553 Casein. Returns required of casein held to foreign account 251 " Catering* business " defined for purposes of Sugar 0., Sugar O. (I.), and Flour (Restriction) (I.) 0., oG9, 581, 158 " Catering establishment, residential establishment, and institution " defined by Rationing 0. ... ... ... ... ... ... 537 Caterers excepted from certain provisions as to local distribution and requisitioning by Food Control Committees 279 Cattle. Defined by Meat (Sales) and Meat (Maximum Prices) Orders as including ram, ewe, wether, lamb and swine 299, 304 Defined by Meat (Control) 0. as including ram, ewe, wether, lamb, goat and swine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 308 Defined by Cattle and Meat (Returns) 0. as including ram, ewe, wether, lamb, deer, goats, and swine ... ... ... ... 300 Defined by Meat (Retailers' Restriction) 0. as including ram, ewe, wether and lamb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 315 Defined by Cattle Feeding Staffs (Maximum Prices) 0., as including bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, sheep, goats and swine 147 Defined by Growing Grain Crops O. as including horses, sheep, goats, deer and swine ... ... ... ... ... 164 Defined by Slaughterhouses (Licensing) O. as including calves, sheep, lambs, goats and swine ... ... ... ... ... ... 357 " Beast " defined by Live Stock (Sales) O. as including bulls, bullocks, cows and heifers .., ... ... ... ... 343 Purchase of cattle for feeding of Army... ... ... ... ... 295 Particulars required from persons engaged in purchase, sale, ship- ment, &c 300 Actual cost of meat obtained from cattle bought alive to be calcu- lated in accordance with Art. 6 of Meat (Maximum Prices) 0. as amended by 0. No. 2 302 Licensing of cattle dealers 307 Issue of priority certificates to owners of cattle for supply of feeding stuffs 128 Prohibition on slaughter of in-calf cows, heifers, or breeding e\^es or sows, and restriction on slaughter of calves ... ... ... 339 Sale of cattle for slaughter 339 Restrictions on slaughter of sheep, and regulations as to sales 340, 341 Feeding of " cattle " with growing grain prohibited ... 163 And see Pigs. [The Maintenance of Live S took Act, 1915, and the Orders thereunder are printed as Appendix III. to the "Food (Supply and Production) Manual," p. 453.] Index . 661 Cattle Feeding- Stuffs. Defined by Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Priority Supply) (Requisition) (Licensing), and (Maximum Prices) Orders ... 129, 132, 138, 147 Maximum prices for various home-manufactured and imported cakes and meals fixed ; prohibition on shipment to Channel Islands or Isle of Man ; prohibition on new businesses ... ... ... 143 Constitution of Port, and Provincial, Feeding Stuffs Committees ... 122 Reg<«. as to priority supply of cattle feeding stuffs ... ... ... 128 Requisition of existing stocks, future imports, and output of factori(^s ... ... ... ...^ ... ... ... ... 131 Regs, as to licensing of importers, dealers, and makers ... ... 135 Returns required as to cattle feeding stuffs held to foreign account... 251 " Cereal Foodstufi.'' Defined for purpose of rationing ot horses ... ... ... ... 165 Cerealine. Maximum retail price for ... ... ... ... ... ... 100, 103 Cereals. See Barley ; Bread ; Cattle Feeding Stuffs ; Dredge Corn ; Flour ; Maize ; Malt ; Oats ; Rice ; Rye ; Wueat ; &c. Certificates. See Birth Certificate ; Canteens ; Medical Ex- ception ; Priority' Supply ; Register ; Sale op Food and Drugs Acts. Chaff. Horse chaff mixture to be composed of 2/3rds weight of chaff ... 113 Channel Islands. Prohibition on export from U.K. to of : — cattle feeding stuffs 146 flour or bread ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 110c? malt 173 wheat ... 112 Cheese. Possession taken by Food Controller of all cheese arrivine in U.K. from America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand ... ... 362 Possession taken of all cheese arriving in U.K. from Holland ... 415 Possession taken by Food Controller of all Whole Milk Cheese manufactured in Great Britain, other than Caerphilly, Wensley- dale, Stilton and Soft Cheese ... ... ... ... ... 425 Possession taken by Food Controller of all Caerphilly Cheese ... 433 Distribution, forms of application, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 428 Licence for supply of cheese by a cheese factor to his employees and for consumption in his household 434 Maximum prices fixed for sale by wholesale and by retail ; prices to be exhibited ; restrictions on sale 370,421,434,437 Maximum first-hand prices fixed for Dutch cheese 387,398 Returns to be made of cheese by importers ... ... ... ... 255 Licence required to make for sale ... ... ... ... ... 423 Chemist. Certificate of principal chemist of Government Laboratories as to : — beer 189 spirits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 194 Chestnuts excepted from general prohibition on feeding deer with provided food ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 Children. Use or sale of cream for children under 5 permitted ... ... ... 385 Provision of milk for children ... ... ... ... ... 402,404 Chocolate. Milk not to be used in manufacturing 388,422 Retail price of, fixed ; use of, for covering cakes, &c., prohibited ... 564 Returns required of chocolate held to foreign account 251 Included in definition of " Sweetmeats ". for purposes of Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) O. "... ... ... ... ... 594 6()2 Index. Close Season for Freshwater Fish. See Fish. PAGE. Clover Seeds. Testing of red, white and crimson clover, alsike and trefoil seed ... 553 Returns of clover seeds held to foreign account 251 Clubs. " Public Eating Places" within Public Meals 0. ... 513 Cake and Pastry O. applied to articles made or supplied in 96 Excepted from provisions of Beer (Prices and Descriptions) 0., Whiskey (Restriction on Sales) O., and Rum and Gin (Restric- tion of Sales) O. ... 191,185,186 Included in provisions of Spirits (Prices and Description) O. ... 196 ^'Coasting* Ships'' excepted from provisions of Ships' Stores 0.; meaning of expression ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 561 Cocoa. Included in definition of "article of food" and " f oodsljjiffs " for purposes of various Orders ... ... ... ... ... 291,253 Manufacture and sale of cocoa powder ; maximum prices fixed ... 610 Restriction on dealings in raw cocoa ... ... ... ... ... 613 Returns required of cocoa and cocoa preparations held to foreign account ... ... ... ... 251 Returns to be made of cocoa by importers 255 Cocoa Butter. Provisional prices fixed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 413 Requisitioned by Food Controller 424 Cocoanut. Maximum prices fixed for dessicated cocoanut : terms of trading fixed 551 Cocoanut oil. See Oils and Fats. Cocoa Shells. Use of in horse mixture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 Coffee. Included in definition of " article of food " and " foodstuffs " for purposes of various Orders 291, '253 Defined by Coffee (Retail Prices) 605 Maximum retail prices fixed 604 Returns required of coffee held to foreign account 251 Returns to be made of coffee by importers 255 " Cold Store " defined by Poultry and Game (Cold Storage) O. ... 316 Restriction on taking poultry or game out of cold storage 316 Restriction on delivery of articles into or out of cold storage ... 204 Colouring- matter. Prohibitions on adding colouring matter to milk or cream 410 Commission. Commission regulated on sale of onions 502 Certain commission on sale of cattle feeding stuffs 143 Commissioners of Customs and Excise. See Customs and Excise Dkpartment. Commissioners of Woods and Forests. Permission of Commissioners required for placing nets, &c., on fore- shore under their control 216,220 Committees. See Food Control Committees ; Port Feeding Stuffs Committees ; Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committees. Company. Director of company to ob«^y directions of Food Controller as to factory, etc., taken possession of ( Reg. 2g (2) (5)) 9, 10 LKeg. 48a of the D.R. Regulations p. 433 of the " Food (feupply and Produc- tion| Manual " provides that directors and officers are liable for offences by tneir company.] Index. ^63 PAGE. Compensation for Commodities Requisitioned. Royal Commission as to direct loss or damage to property and business through exercise of D.R. powers ... footnote (a) to p. ^> for Goods taken under Reg. 2b (Reg, 2b) ^ for use of Patent ... ... ... ... Jootnote (b) %o ^. 15 Provision as to compensation for commodities requisitioned generally by Food Control Committees 279' Provisions as to determination of compensation for specific com- modities requisitioned by or for the Controller : — Barley 94,154 Flour : application to be made to Beans, Peas and Pulse 81 ^7^^ Controller by person ' holding stocks of riour on Cattle feeding stuffs... 131 Sept. 15, 1917 llOrf Cheese ... 362,415 Margarine 399 p, , nn/^ Oils and fats ... ... ... 452 '""^^^^^^ ^^^ Oleaginous seeds, nuts, and ker- • nels 451 Sultanas 206 Condensed BXilk. Maximum retail prices of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 432 Defined by Condensed Milk (Returns), Condensed Milk (Distribu- tion), and Imported Canned Condensed Milk (Requisition) Orders 389,401,41S Excepted from Milk (Summer Prices) ... ... ... ... ... 411 ,. „ provisions as to prescribed amount of sugar to be used in manufactures for sale 59& Dealings in imported condensed milk restricted ... ... ... 389 Restriction on importation of condensed milk other than canned con- densed milk, etc. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 437 Not to be used in manufacture of chocolate ... ... ... 388, 422 Power to prescribe forms of application, &c., for distiibution of con- densed milk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 Requisition of imported and home-manufactured canned condensed milk 412,419 Returns to be made of condensed and dried milk by importers 255, 437 Licence required to make for sale ... ... ... ... ... 423- Conditions of Sale. No condition relating to the purchase of any other article to be imposed on sale of any article of food ... ... ... ... 205 Prohibition on fictitious transaction or unreasonable charge as to sale, &c. of :— Bacon, ham and lard 55, 71 Home melt tallow and grease... 464 Beans, peas and pulse 82 Horse mixtures ... 115 Butter ... 365,440 Maize meal, &c 100 Cattle feeding stuffs 146 Mangels, in Ireland 499 Cheese 374 Margarine 381,418 Cocoa butter 414 Meat ... 303, 319, 330, 349(S.) Cocoa ... 612,614 Milk ... 410,426(1.) Cocoanut 552 Oat meal, &c. ... 152 Coffee 605 Pickled herrings 240 Condensed milk ... 432 Pigs 337 Damaged grain, seeds Plums 275 and pulse 118 Potatoes ... ... 482,490,510 Dates 208 Poultry and game 354 Dessicated cocoanut 552 Poultry mixtures 115 Dredge corn 120 Rabbits 310 Dried fruits 211 Rice 134 Edible offals 312 Spirits ... ■ ... 195 Edible oils and fats 459 Swedes, in Ireland 499 Flour and bread . . . 110^^ Tea ... 604,607,616 Fruit and jam 262 !,269 Wheat, rye, barley or oats ...93, 107 Gooseberries 259 664 Index. PAGE. Confectionery. Price (retail) of confectionery fixed 564,579,589 Use op Milk restricted 422 Use of Sugar in confectionery restricted ... ... ... ... 595 Restriction on sale of sweetmeats ... ... ... ... 592,598 Sale of certain aweeetmeats free from the restrictions of the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) 0. 594,597 Confidential Information. Set Information. <',ConBideratlon " defined by Prevention of Corruption 201 Consideration for use of patent 15 Container. Charge for included in maximum retail prices of jam or jelly ... 267 Traders' not to use cans, bottles, etc. for milk bearing others' trade mark ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 410 Defined by Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) 0. ; charge for included in prices ... ... ... ... 319 And see Packages. Contract Subsisting contract abrogated or annulled by Food Controller's Orders as to : — Beans, peas and pulse 81 Mangels (in Ireland, after Jan. 1, Beer 190 1918) ... 499 Burmah beans and peas 89 Margarine ... 381 Cattle Feeding stufPs 146 Meat 303,319 Cheese (imported) 362 Milk 388,411 Cocoa Butter 414 Onions ... 502 Coffee 605 Plums ... 275 Dessicated Cocoanut 552 Potatoes ... 496 Edible ofPals (after Poultry and Game ... 354 Jan. 21, 1918) ... 312 Rabbits ... ... 310 Fish 232 Rice ... 134 Gooseberries 259 Seed Potatoes ... 470, 490 Grain 93 Soft Fruit 262, 265 Home-melt Tallow Swedes (in Ireland, after Jan. and Grease 463 1,1918) ... 499 Jam or jelly (after June 29, 1918) ... 268 [The general enactments relating to relief from liability under con- tracts affected by requirements or restrictions of the Food Controller form Part XI, p. 443, of the '' Food (Supply and Production) Manual."] "Control Licences "for flour in Ireland 155 Corn. See Barley ; Oats ; Wheat. Corruption. Prohibition on acceptance and giving of bribes to obtain preference in food distribution 201 Cotton Oil. See Oils and Fats. County Council, Scotland. Appointment by joint committee of county and town councils of food control committee 621 County Court Judgre, Bng>land. Judge, or deputy, arbitrator under Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) O, 1918 279 Coupon. See Rations, Cows. Prohibition on slaughter of in-calf cows or heifers ... 339 And see Cattle. Index. Cream. Use or sale of except for butter making or for young children, hospital patients, or invalids prohibited ... "... ... ... 385 Prohibition on adding colouring matter 410 Manufacture of ice cream. See Ice Cream. Crumpet. Making and sale of prohibited 95 Crystallised and G-lac^ Fruits. See Sweetmeats. Curers. Returns required by curers of bacon and ham ... ... ... ... 64 Currant Bread. Sale of prohibited ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 168 urrants. Maximum prices fixed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 209 Requisitioning of currants afloat and shipped to U.K. ; returns required ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 206 And see Fruit. Customs and Excise Department. And see Export. Power of Commissioners to control maximum barrelage and to permit delivery of wine and spirits ... ... ... ... ... ... 174 Appointment of Advisory Committee to advise and assist Dept. in duties under Part II, of Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) O. ; members, secretary, and address of committee ... 180 Notice to be given to Commissioners by accepting brewers ; power for Commissioners to inspect records 182, 184 Compliance with orders of Commissioners as to pre-entry of goods for export or shipment as stores ; orders of Commissioners . . . 562 Dairy. Issue of priority certificate to keeper of for supply of cattle feeding stuffs ^ 128 Damag-ed G-rain, 3 Ziinseed. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs ; Oils and Fats. Iiive Stock. And see Cattle. Licences required after Dec, 31, 1917, to in E. & S. sell by auction or deal in " cattle"; application for licence to Live Stock Commis- sioner ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 307 Prohibition on slaughter of pregnant animals, and restriction on slaughter of calves ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 339 Returns of live stock held to foreign account ... ... ... ... 251 "** Xiive Stock Commissioner " defined for purposes of Meat (Con- trol) 0., Live Stock (Sales) 0. and Slaughterhouses (Licensing) 308,343,357 Xoaf of Breads shape of. See Bread. 680 Index. PAGE. Aocal Authority. Conferment on, of powers as to enforcing Food Controller's orders (Reg. 2J (1) ) 12 Denned as regards England and Wales by : — Food Control Committees (Constitution) O. 1917 (Art. 22) ... 62'4 Local Authorities (Food Control) 0. (No. 2), 1917 626 Enforcement (England and Wales) 640 Local Authorities (Food Control) 0. (No. 3), 1917 ... 641,642 Local Authorities (Food Control) 0. (No. 1), 1918 403 Local Authorities ( Food Control) O. (No. 2), 1918 444 Details as to authorities and their districts (footnote (a)) ... 624 Defined as regards Scotland by : — Food Control Committees (Constitution) O., 1917 (Art. 23) ... 625 Local Authorities (National Kitchens) (S.) 0., 1918 444 Local Authorities (Food Control) (S.) (No. 2) O., 1917 ... 643 Arrangement by for supply of food or milk to mothers or children in E 401-406 Arrangements by, as to National Kitchens in E. and S. ... 442-447 Powers and duties as to Food Control Committees. See Local Government Board ; Secretary for Scotland. '^ Ziocal Executive Officer" defined by Flour (Restriction) (I) O. 158 Ziocal Government Board. Conferment by Board on local authorities of powers as to enforcing Food Controller's orders (Reg. 2J (1) ) 12 Powers and duties conferred and imposed by the Board on local authorities as to : — Food Control Committees ... ... ... ... ... 625 Enforcement of Food Controller's Orders 641 Milk for children and nursing and expectant mothers 401, 403,404 Expenses for establishment of National Kitchens ... 442, 444 0., Feb. 23, r.> 1 8, as to form of requisition for copy of birth certi- ficate, for purposes of Sugar (Rationing) 0. 588 Ziocust Beans. Locust beans and products thereof, after mechanical treatment, a permitted constituent of horse, horse chaff or poultry mixtures... 112 Ziodgringr Kouses. See Boarding Souses. Ziondon Central XHarket. See Market. Ziondon. City of. Food control committee for ... ... ... ... ... ... 624 Ziord Chief Justice of Bng-land. Appointment by, of arbitrator to determine in default of agreement compensation to be paid for beans, peas and pulse requisitioned by or for Food Controller ... ... ... ... ... ... 81 Selection by, of High Court Judge to arbitrate as to price of requisitioned output of factory (Reg. 7) 13- Ziord Chief Justice of Zreland. Appointment by, of arbitrator to determine in default of agreement compensation to be paid for articles requisitioned by or for Food Controller in Ireland : — Barley 94,154 Oils and fats 452 Cheese 362, 415 Oleaainoiis seeds, nuts, and ker- Cocoa Butter ... 424 nels 451 Currants ... ... 206 Sultanas 206 Selection by, of High Court Judge to arbitrate as to requisitioned output of factory 1^ Index. Ziord Klg-h Chancellor of Great Britain. page. App' .intment by, of arbitrator to determine in default of agreement c« »mpensation to be paid for articles requisitioned by or for Food Controller in England : — Barley 94, 154 Currants 206 Cattle feeding stuffs Oils and fats 452 (in E. and S.) ... 131 Oleaginous seeds, nuts, and ker- Cheese... 362,415,425,433 nels 451 Cocoa Butter 424 Sultanas ... 206 Approval by of deputy of county court judge in E., as arbitrator under Food Control Committees (Requisitioning) 279 Xiucerne. Testing of Lucerne seed ... ... ... ... ... ... .-• 553 Zttacaroni. Reckoning of weight of flour in, under Public Meals 515 I^aize. Mixture of maize flour, &c., with wheaten flour 89,92 Use of. restricted to seed or human or animal consumption ; manu- facture of glucose from maize prohibited ... ... ... 99 Maximum retail price for maize meal, &c. ... ... ... 100, 103 Equivalent proportion to oats for rationing horses ... ... ... 164 Maize flour included in " flour " for rationing under Public Meals 0. 516 Zdalze Oil. See Oils and Fats. " maker " defined as including blender for purposes of Butter ... 365 Defined by Lattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) and (Maximum Prices) Orders 138,148 Malt. " Malt, or malt extract " defined by Malt (Restriction) 187 Manufacture of, from any cereals, for brewing prohibited ... ... 187 Shipping of from I. to Great Britain or vice versa, or from any part of U.K. either to Channel Islands or Isle of Man, prohibited ... 173 Z^an, Isle of. See Isle of Man. IHartg'els. Testing of mangel seeds ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 553 Maximum price of mangels in Ireland ... ... ... ... ... 498^ manioc. . Use and treatment of for any purpose except for human food prohibited 99 '- manufacturingr business.'' Defined for purposes of Sugar O. and Sugar O. (I.) ... ... 569, 581 Margrarine. Maximum retail prices of margarine in Great Britain ... ... 416, 420 Maximum prices of margarine and " oleo margarine " in Ireland ... 381, 420 Licensmg of wholesale, and registration of retail, dealers in margarine 390 Requisitioning of margarine factory output and imported margarine 398 Rations of margarine in public eating places (I.) ... ... ... 514 Weekly ration of margarine ... ... ... ... ... ... 547 Supply of margarine on coupons... ... ... ... ... 522,547 ProhilDition on consumer dealing with retailer except as provided on margarine card ... ... ... ...' ... ... ... 523 Provision as to distribution of margarine ... ... ... ... 417 * Market " defined by Meat (Sales) O. and Live Stock (Sales) 0. as incbiding fair 298,343 Restriction on sale of meat in London Central Markets ... ... 328 XHarket Authority. Powers and duties of " Market authority '-' as defined by Meat (Sales) 0. in relation to sales of lat cattle ; written undertaking of dealer to be retained by : statement as to classification and weight of sales of dead meat to be given to ... ... ... 297 Marking* of calves for purpos- s of Live Stock (Sales) 0. 339 nXarmalade. See also Jam ; Oranges. Excepted from provisions as to prescribed amount of sugar to be used in manufacture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 596 Maximum price and constituents... ... ... ... ... ... 266 682 Index. P\OE. Maximum Prices. For public meals to which rationing by bulk provisions do not apply 517, 531 Maximum "importers' prices" for canned meat 318 Wholesale Prices. Bacon Barley, 1916 Crop „ 1917 Crop Beehive Section Butter (E. and S.) 51, 67, 69 92 ... 105 85 363, 376, [431, 439 ... 421 ... 339 „ (I.) ... Cattle (E. and S.) .. Cattle Feeding Stuffs 143 Cheese 387,370,421,434 Cocoa ... ... 611, 613 Cocoa Butter 413 Currants 209 Damaged grain, seeds and pulse 116 Desiccated Cocoanut... 551 Dredge Corn 119 Edible offals 311 Fish (c)(d) 230 Flour, at mill-door ... 106 Fruit 201,264,265 Gooseberries 258 Ham 51,67,69 Home Melt Tallow and Grease 462 Retail Prices. Bacon 51,67,69 Beans 82,83,84 Beehive Section ... 85 Beer of a certain gravi- ty, in public bars ... 188 Bread (c) 109, 110a, 172 (I.) Butter(c) (E. and S.) 364, [370,431,439 seeds 421 100, 103 370, 4;:;7 564, 589 611,613 .. 413 .. 604 432 „ (I.) ... Cerealine .Cheese (c) Chocolate (in U.K.) Cocoa Cocoa Butter... Coffee Condensed Milk Damaged grain and pulse ... Dates Desiccated Cocoanut Dried Fruits ... Edible offals ... Fi8h(c)(d) ... Flour(c) ... 110a, 109 Ham 51,67,69 Home Melt Tallow and Grease 463 116 208 552 210 311 230 Horse Mixture 113 Jam and Jelly 266 Lard 51,64,65,67,69 Mangels, in Ireland (c) ... 498 Margarine, in Ireland ... 381,420 Meat ... 300, 318, 338 (I.), 341 Milk (a) ... 407, 426 (I.), 429 Oats, 1916 Crop 92 „ 1917 Crop 105 Onions ... ... 501 Pickled Herrings 239 Pigs 336 Plums 274 Pork 336,338(1.) Potatoes ... 477, 509, 510 (E. & S.) Potato bags Poultry and Game (c)... Poultry mixture %e Seed Potatoes Spirits Swedes, in Ireland (c) ... Tea Wheat, 1916 Crop .'!.* „ 1917 Crop Hominy ... Horse Mixture Jam and Jelly (b) Lard Maize meal, &c.... «... Margarine, in E. and S. „ in L Meat 301 (L), 318, 330, Milk (a) (c) (E. and S.) Oatmeal ... Onions ... Potatoes (c) .'.'.* 477,' Poultry and Game (c)... Poultry Mixture Pulse Rabbits (c) Rice ... Seed Potatoes Spirits (E. and S.) Strawberries Swedes (E. and S.) Sweetmeats Crystallized and glacd Tea 502 .. 352 .. 113 .. 105 .. 487 .. 193 .. 498 606, 609 92 .. 105 100, 103 ... 114 ... 266 51, 67, 69 100, 103 416, 436 381, 420 338 (L), 345, [349 (S.), 358 407, 426 (I.) ... 152 ... 501 82, 83, 84 510 (E. & S.) ... 352 ... 114 ... 82,83 ... 309 ... 134 ... 487 ... 193 ... 264 ... 468 564, 589 fruits 579 (a) Except condensed, &c., milk and milk sold for consumption on seller's premises, small quaSes''*"' °'' '^^^ *''' consumption on seller's premises, or in certain loialiy!^ """^ ^''''^'^^ Committees have power to alter the scale of prices for these articles (a) Except live fish and cooked fish. Index. 683 PAGS Meadow rescue Seed. See Grass Seeds. ZHeal for Cattle. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. meals, Public. See Public Meals. Measures. See Weights and Measures. Meat. Definition of " Meat." Meat includes beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork for purposes of : — Meat (Sales) Order 299 Cattle and Meat (Returns) Order (goat's flesh and venison are also included) 300 Meat (Licensing of Export) (I.) O, (sausages and edible offal are included but preserved or potted meat excluded) ... 346 Meat (Maximum Prices) and Meat (Control) Orders (sausages and edible offal are included, but bacon, ham, preserved and potted meats and cooked meals are excluded) ... 304, 309 Public Meals Order, 1918 (sausages, bacon, ham, pork, venison, preserved and potted meats, offals, etc., and fats bought as part of the meat, are included, but soup not containing meat, poultry or game in solid form is excluded) ... 516(1.) Meat (Retailers' Restriction) Order (offals are included, but pork, preserved and potted meat and cooked meat are excluded) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 315 Meat (Licensing Wholesale Dealers) Order (sausages, edible offal and goat's tiesh are included, but bacon, ham, and preserved and potted meats are excluded) 318 Rationing Order (suet, offal, sausages, ham, bacon, horse- flesh, venison, canned, preserved and potted meats, rabbits, hares, any kind of bird killed for food, and bones of such meat are included) 538 " Butchers meat " and " meat meal " defined by Rationing O. ... 538 Definition of Canned Meat for purpose of Canned Meat (Nett Weights) 348 Dealings. Restriction on sale of veal ... ... ... ... ... ... 340 Particulars required from persons engaged in production, purchase, sale, distribution, transport, storage,- or shipment 300 Restriction on retail sales of meat ... ... ... ... ... 315 Sale of mutton ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 341 Cold storage of poultry and game ... ... ... ... ... 316 Restrictions on sale of meat in London Central Markets ... 328 Use of dried meat unfit for human food in poultry mixture per- mitted 130 Canned Meat to be sold only in containers labelled as to nett weight therein ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 347 Licensing. Licensing of live stock auctioneers and cattle dealers ... ... 307 Licensing of Slaughterhouse Keepers ... ... ... ... 356 Licensing of wholesale dealers in dead meat ... ... 317, 345 Prices. Prices of dead meat controlled ; statement of classification and weight of meat to be given to Market Authority ; record to be kept of all dealings in ... ... ... ... ... 296 Maximum prices fixed for meat sold wholesale and by retail 300, 330, 336, 338 Maximum price of rabbits 309 Maximum price of edible offals ... ... ... ... ... 311 Maximum prices of canned meat 318 Rations. Meat not to be eaten in public eating places between 5 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. or on meatless days (Wednesday and Friday) ...513(1.) General restrictions on use and supply of meat in Great Britain 522,546 Directions to butchers and retailers 541,544,546 Index. Meat — continued. Registration. Registration of retail meat dealers ... 305 Retprns of canned meat, canned poultry, game and rabbits to be made by impor^^ers ... ... ... ... ;•• Returns required by persons engaged in sale, distributions, etc., of meat Meatless Days. See Public Meals. 255 300 BSedlcal Sxception. Certificate of medical practitioner allows consumption of meat, poultry, game, or milk in public eating place notwithstanding rationing provisions ... ... 513 (I.) Authorisation by medical practitioner allows supply of cream to invalid 385 Supply of food or mi^k to mothers or children on certificate of Medical Officer of Health or Medical Officer of a Maternity or Child Welfare Centre 401,403 Melah. See Oats. Military Forces See His Majesty's Forces. Milk. Defined by Milk (Mothers and Children) 402 Use of milk in manufacture of chocolate prohibited ... ... 388, 422 Maximum prices retail and wholesale during the summer months 407, 429 Power of Food Control Committee (I.) to fix maximum prices and to arrange for purchase and distribution of ... ... ... 426 Particulars to be furnished to Food Controller from time to time ... 363 Condensed and dried milk or milk preparations and milk sold for consumption on seller's premises excepted from provisions as to prices ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 411 Milk to be sold retail by imperial measure ; prohibition on adding colouring matter or water ; provisions as to containers ... ... 410 Authority to sell malted milk, coffee and milk, cocoa and milk, milk cocoa, milk and cocoa ... ... ... ... ... ... 430 Authority for sale of small quantities of, other than by Imperial measure ... ... ... ... ... 431 No milk to be served as a beverage except with tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate ... ... ... ... ... 531 Registration of wholesale and retail dealers in Great Britain 394, 400, 406 Requisition of certain milk by food control committees 383 Supplies of milk to children or to nursing or expectant mothers 401, 403, 404, [.^31 Import of milk products restricted 437 And see Condensed Milk. Milk Bread. Sale of prohibited 168 Milk Cans and Bottles. Bearing trade marks of other firms, &c., not to be used 410 Millers' 0£fals. Maximum prices fixed ; prohibition on shipment to Channel Islands or Isle of Man 143 Certain millers' offals excluded from provisions of Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Requisition) 132 See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. MlUet-seed. See Seeds. Index. PAGE. Blilllng- of Flour. See Flour. mills. Certain fiour mills taken possession of under Reg. 2gg ... ... 98 All other flour mills in U.K. takea possession of ; particulars and returns required, and records to be kept ... ... ... ... 104 Maximum price of grain purchased by miller ... ... ... 106 Prohibition on smoking in flour mills ... ... ... ... ... 155 Blinlmuin Prices. For potatoes (wholesale) fixed at £6 per ton ... ... ... 477 Payment to growers of difference between receipts and minimum 494 Sale by growers at prices be ow minimum allowed ... ... 494 [ Minim uin prices for wheat and oats are fixed by ss. 1-3 of the Corn Production Act, 1917, printed as Part IV. (1), p. 210, of the Food (Sui:)ply and Production) Manual."] ministry of Food. Sm Food Controller. mixture. Of cereals &c. with wheaten flour. See Flour. Horse mixture. See Horse Mixture. Poultry mixture. See PouL'iRr Mixture. Prohibition on mixing National Control tea with other teas ... ... 616 molasses. See Sugar. mothers. Provision of milk for expectant and nursing mothers ... ... 402, 404 Muffin. Making and sale of prohibited 95 Blules. Rationing of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 165 music Kails. , Excepted from provisions of Beer (Prices and Description) 0. ... 191 mutton. See Meat. " National Control Tea," defined by Tea (Retail Prices) 0. ... 615 National XLitchens. Provisions of, by local authority ; power for local authority to delegate powers to Food Control Committees, &c. 442 Functions as to expenses assigned to local authorities : — in England 444 in Scotland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 445 Naval Forces. See His Majesty's Forces. Neutral Xiard. See Lard ; Oils and Fats. New Bread. Sale of prohibited ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 168 Kig'erseed Oil. See Oils and Fats. Notice by Retailer of Prices. Notice of prices to be displayed on premises of retailer of : — Bacon, ham and lard ... 64, 71 Bread (I.) 172 Butter ... 379 Cheese 374 Fish 232 Jam and Jelly 268 Notice as to retail prices in Irish shops 448 It Notice to be displayed at public eating place where no meal is served at a price exceeding Is. 2c?., and where t le maximum charge for bed and attendance does not exceed 1 s. 6c?. 517 527 [eat . 303,349(S.) otatoes ... 479 oultry and game .. 354 .abbits 310 ice 134 686 * Indeac. PAGE. Nuts, Oleag-inous. Requisitioned by Food Controller 451 Oats. Defined for purposes of Oats (Scotland and Ireland Restriction) 0. ... 133^ Dealings in oats outside U.K. prohibited 102 Maximum puice for 1916 Crop fixed by Food Controller 92 for 1917 Crop and terms of trading fixed ; sales to be by weight ; bleaching prohibited ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 for damaged imported oats fixed ... ... ... ... ... 116 retail prices for oatmeal 152 Mixture of oat flour with wheaten flour 89,92 Oat flour included in definition of " flour " by Public Meals O.... 516 Shipment of oata from Scotland or Ireland prohibited 133 Testing of oats under the Testing of Seeds Order, 1918 553 Use of oats restricted to seed or human or animal consumption ; manufacture of glucose from oats prohibited 99 Restriction on use of oats for feeding horses 164 Restriction on use of oatmeal 141 Feeding of " cattle " with, and cutting of, growing oats prohibited ... 16S Offals. Meat. See Meat. Miller's offals. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. Offences. Conviction for summary offence disqualifies for membership of Committee 623 Oils and Fats. Splitting, otherwise than in manufacture into soap, of certain oils prohibited 449 All oils, oilcakes, meals, and residues produced from crushed oleagin- ous seeds, nuts, and kernels requisitioned ... ... ... ... 450 Hardened fats requisitioned ... ... ... ... ... ... 450 Certain oleaginous seeds, nuts and kernels requisitioned 451 Oil-seeds excluded from definition of seeds in Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulso (Prices) 0. 118 Requisitioning of home melt tallows and greases ; returns required 465 Maximum prices of home melt tallow and grease ... ... ... 462 Requisitioning of oils and fats, and returns required 452 Requisitioning of refined vegetable oils .. . ... ... ... ... 454 Rations of fats used in public eating places ; provision as to salad oil 514,515,526,527 Certain oils and fats to be used only for human or animal food or drink ... 456 Manufacturers of oil and fat compounds licensed and certain com- pounds requisitioned ; returns required 457 Distribution of certain edible oils and fats and fat compounds ; forms of application ... ... ... ... 458 Restrictions on dealings in and treating of raw beef and raw mutton fat 461 Authorities for treatment and sale by retail of products obtained thereby of raw beef and raw mutton fat acquired by butchers in the ordinary course of trade 467 Oil cakes and meals. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. " Oleo Marg-arlne " defined for purposes of Margarine (Maximum Prices) 382 Oleo Oil. See Oils and Fats. « Olive Oil. See Oils and Fats. . Index. Onions. Testing of onion seeds Onions to be sold by authorised dealers only ; purchases limited ; maximum prices fixed... Orangres. Dealings in bitter oranges outside U.K. prohibited : returns required fc« Orlgrinal Consigrnees" defined by Order requisitioning Burmah beans and peas Overcharg'lng' for Food. Additional penalty of double excess profits resulting from (8 & 9 Geo. 5. C.9) Oysters. See Fish. Packagres. Charge for included in all nlaximum prices for canned meats Charge for included in maximum retail prices for PAGE. 553 500 256 81 653 319 Bacon, ham, and lard 54, 71 Beans Butter ... Cheese ... Chocolate and sweetmeats Condensed Milk Crystallised and fruits Dates Desiccated Cocoanut Dried Fruits Edible offals ... Fish 82 378, 431 374, 437 other ... 589 ... 432 579 208 552 211 311 231 Home Melt Tallow and Grease Jam and Jelly ... Maize products ... Meat Oats products ... Peas Poultry and Game Pulse ' Rabbits Rice Strawberries Swedes Tea 463 267 100 ... 330, 349 (S.) .,. 152 82, 83 353 82 310 134 264 468 607,616 Seller entitled to charge a deposit on bags sold with : — Cattle feeding stuffs 145, 167 Onions ... Damaged grain, seeds and • Potatoes... pulse ... ... ... 118 Poultry mixture Flour and bread 110, 129 Use and price of potato bags supplied by Food Controller Returns of sacks, bags (other than paper bags), casks, barrels and baskets capable of coatainiag any agricultural produce, or foreign holdings of certain articles Bacon, Ham and Lard, permitted charge for wrappers on certain sales of Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil. See Oils and Fats. Parsnips. Testing of parsnip seed Partridg-es. Feeding of grain to prohibited ... ^' Passengrer " defined by (Rationing) O ... 501 480, 498, 502 ... 141 ... 502 251 70 553 533 Passeng'er Vessels. Excepted from provisions of Beer (Prices and Description) and Spirits ( Prices and Description) Orders 191,196 Pastry. See Cake and Pastry. Patent. Consideration for use of ... 15 688 Index. PAGE, Peas. Equivalent proportion to oats for rationing horses ••• _ ; 164 Peas (except Burmah peas) imported iuto UK. requisitioned by Food Controller 81 Burmah Peas requisitioped • 80 Maximum prices of blue and green (whole and split) and yellow split fixed : to be sold by weight and for human food only ... 82 Authorisation of sale and purchase by retail in packages 8.8 Testing of seed peas 55.3 Authorisation of sale and purchase for seed purposes 84 Penalty. Additional, on over-charging for food (7 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 9) 653 Personation. Prohibition on personation of person to whom : — form of application for distribution of — bacon, ham, or lard applies ... ... ... ... ... 63 butter applies ... ... ... ... 382 condensed milk applies ... ... ... ... 400 dried fruit applies ... ... ' ... ... ... ... 207 margarine applies ... ... ... ... ... ... 418 . 'ea applies 608 cattle feeding stuffs priority certificate or licence has been issued 1 28, 1 .37 flour licence, authority, etc., has been issued 1 1 1, 156 licence, etc., for dealinffs in Irish pigs has been issued ... 326 ration paper, &c., has been granted ... ... ... ... 536 any document applies under local distribution scheme ... ... 280 Pheasants. Feeding of grain to prohibited ... ... ... ... 88 Pickled Herring's. Defined for purpose of Pickled Herrings O. ... ... ... ... 241 Particulars required by Food Controller monthly of dealings in ... 218 Maximum prices fixed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 239 Pig" Meal. See Cattle Feeding Stuffs. Plgrs. Swine included in definition of cattle for purpose of Meat (Sales) 0., Meat (Maximum Prices) O., Meat (Control) O., Cattle and Meat (Returns) O., and Urowing Gram Crops 0. 2i<9, 3')4, 308, 300, 164 " Pig " and " Pig buyers " defined by Irish Pigs (Control) (I.) O. ... .H26 Maximum prices fixed ... ... ... ... ... 33(3 Breediui? sows and small pigs excepted from provisions of Pigs (Prices; 337 Prohibition on slaughter of breeding sows ... ... ... ... 339 Licensing of Irish pig buyers ; registration of Irish bacon curers and pork butchers, and British importers of Irish pigs ; allocation of supplies 322 Prohibition on export from Ireland of live or dead pigs and pig products 329 Prohibition on export to Ireland from Great Britain of carcases of pigs and pig products 66 See also Bacon ; Ham ; Pork. Pike. See Fish. Pilchards. Dealings in for home markets 248 Pit Ponies. . Extra ration for 166 Plums. See also Fruit. Maximum price and restrictions on sales of, fixed 274 Judex. Police. Inspection by, of horse rationing records ... ... ... ... 165 lusitection by, of certificates of registration as retail fish dealers (I.) 245 Inspection by, of licences to expori meat from (I.) ... ... ... 346 Ponies. Rationing of grains and beans to ... ... ... ... ... 165 Poppy Oil. See Oils and Fats, Pork. See Bacon ; Ham ; Meat. Maximum prices ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 336,338 Rations of pork fixed ... ... ... ... ... ... 541,546 Export from Ireland prohibited 329 Export to Ireland from Great Britain prohibited 66 Porrldse cereal products used as at breakfast, excepted from definition of flour by Public Meals 516 (I.) Port Peedl^^g" Stuffs Committees. Constitution, staff, proceed mgs and expenses of ... ... ... 122 Application to for, and issue by, of licences to importers and makers of and wholesale dealers in cattle feeding stuffs ... ... ... 136 Disqualification for membership ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 Possession taken by Food Controller of certain Com- modities, „ „ Barley (Requisition) Orders 94, 154 ;> » „ Grain (Prices) 107 n ,, „ Damaged Grain, Seeds and Pulse (Prices) 118 Powers of Inspectors of Weights and Measures as to sampling and weighing, and as to summary prosecutions in- E. and I. ... 638 List of Orders breaches of which can be prosecuted by inspectors of weights and measures 638 Index. • 7©1 PAGE. Whale Oil. See Oils and Fats. [The Orders as to whale oil! for munitions, etc., purposes, as in force May 31, 1918, are printed pp. 88-90 of the 2nd Edit, of the "War Material Supplies Manual. '] Wheat. Dealings.- Terms cf trading fixed ; sales to be by weight ; bleaching prohibited 105 Export of wheat to ChanneLIslands or Isle of Man prohibited ... 112 Flour. See Flour. Mills. Flour mills used in making flour from wheat taken posses- sion of 98,104 Maximum Price of Wheat : — Harvested in U.K. in 1916 92 1917 105 Damaged imported wheat 116 Imported feed wheat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 Dredge corn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 119 Royal Commission on wheat supplies, address, etc. ... footnote (b) 1106 Particulars of beans, peas and pulse requisitioned to be furnished to. . . 81 Power to license sale of imported cattle feeding stuffs ... ... 1.38 Straw. -'5ee Straw. Testing of Wheat under Testing of Seeds 553 Use. Feeding of game birds with wheat prohibited ... ... ... 88 Wheat to be used only for seed or flour ; wheaten flour to be used for human food only ; damage or waste of wheat or wheaten flour prohibited ... ... ... ... ... 97 Feeding -of cattle with, or cutting of, growing wheat prohibited 163 Whiskey. Restriction on sales by auction and wholesale dealings 185 Restriction on sales in licensed premises-; maximum prices for certain whiskey«fixed... ... ... ... ... , ... ... 193 " Wholesale,'' " Wholesale Dealer " and '* Secondary Wholesaler,'' etc. Meaning of these expressions in various Orders : — " Wholesaler " in Sugar O. and Sugar 0, (I.) 569, 581 " Wholesale Dealer " in Potatoes 0. ... 472 Invoice to be furnished by wholesale dealer in potatoes ... ... 499 "Wholesale Seed Dealer " in Seed Potatoes (1917 Crop) O. ... 486 " Secondary Wholesaler " in Bacon, Ham and Lard (Provisional Prices) 0. 55 Authority to Food Control Committee for Ireland to licence persons as secondary wholesalers of bacon, ham or lard ... 63 " Wholesale sale," " wholesale purchase " and " wholesale dealing " in whiskey (Restriction on Sales) O. and Rum and Gin (Restriction of Sales) O., and Beehive Section (Maximum Prices) O. 185,186,85 " Sale by wholesale " in Jam (Prices) (No. 2) 269 Dealings in milk by wholesale in Milk (Registration of Dealers) 397 " To sell by wholesale " in Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Licensing) O. 138 " Regular wholesale dealer" in British Onions 0. 500 " Licensed ?^^ wholesale 'dealer " in Cattle Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Prices) O. ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 "Wholesale dealer," " sale^by wholesale," and " sold in bulk," defined by Spirits (Prices and Description) 0. ... 195, 196 "Appointed Wholesaler" in Bacon, Ham;[and Lard (Prices) O. 71 Wild Duck. Feeding of "grain to, prohibited ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 *' Wild Rabbit" defined by Rabbits (Prices) 310 Woods and Forests. See Commissioners op Woods and Forests. Wrapper. See also Packages. On package of tea. See Tea. 5789 Z Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office By Darlina & Son, Ltd., Bacon Street, E.2. 1918. 1 yC 35187 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY { LIQUOR CONTROL REGULATIONS, 1915. ; Fourth Eeport of the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) pointed under the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) (No 3) Act 19 Development of the General Work of the Board j Effects of the Restrict Orders; Industrial Canteens ; Direct Control; Compensation and Finrn Appenuices .-—Tables of Convictions for Djcunker.oess ; Cases cf Deliri Iremens treated in Poor Law Infirmarie . and Deaths from Excess Drinking, in Liverpool, 1913-17; Deaths certified as due to cr connec with Alcoholism (excludin- Cirrhosis of the Liver), Deaths certified as due Cirrhosis of the Liver, Cases of Attempted Sui^jide, anH Deaths fr. buflocation of Infants under 1 year, in EnglanJ r-ad Wale^ in each of i years 1913-17. With Charts, and a Sketch Map showing Distribution Licensed Premises in Carlisle. [Cd. 9055] of Session 1918. Price Sd., post lee 4^ , STATE PURCHASE AND CONTROL OF LIQUOR TRADE. Report of the Advisory Committee. Terms of Tran fe • ; N^ature (government Security; Other Interests; ProLiLjition of Si ^r ::g • '^in- . Aspects. [Cd. 8283] of Session 1916. Price Id., post free 2d. Reports of English, Scotch and Irish Committees. narisc , Keports; Abstracts of Reports; Reports; Tabular Comparison ^^epor [Cd. 9042] of Session 1918. Price 9d., post free U^d. INSURANCE OF BRITISH SHIPPING IN TIME OF WAR. Report April 30, 1914, of a. Sub-Committee of the Committee Imperial Defence to devise a scheme to ensure that, in case of war, Briti^ steamships should not be generally laid up and that Oversea Commerce shou not be mterrupted by reason of inability to cover War Risks of Ships at Cargoes by Insurance, and which would also secure that -the insurance rat< should not be so high as to -ause an exr -^Av/vise in prices. [Cd. 7560] of Session 1914. 1 ice 2id., v^st free 3ft GOVERNMENT WAR RIBKS INSURANCE SCHEME. Re-insurance Agreement between the Liverpool and London \Vi Risks Insurance Association, Limited, and His Majesty's Government Forms of Policy for Insurance of Hulls ; Policy for ReTinsurance ;• Policy cover New Voyages after outbreak of War; Supplemental Re-insuran Agreement, with Forms of Policy ; Supplemental Agreement for the Payme' of Allowances to the Dependents of Officers and Seamen Interned in Enem Countries. ^^^m [Cd. 7838] of Session 1914-16. Price 3rf., post free Aid. PRIZE DROITS. Droits of the Crown and of Admiralty in Time of War Hi.h"^r^^f''?L*''-^-5- ?L'r'"''-^ ^^ ^' ^- ^^*^^^-^' C-^- Registrar of 'th High Court of Admiralty, 1853-1878. lievised '^n^ annotated by E. S. Rosco Admiralty Registrar. (1915.) Price 5.., po-. free 5^. 6rf. • ^- ^^^sco^ PRIZE COURT RULES, 1914. ->xo Court in P?izi: X'roceeding.. icil, Aug. 5, 1914. Price 1^., post free Is, 2id. RIGHTS OF BELLIGERENTS. n A ^?^^^^^?s oxo Court in P •-.ize T'roceedings. Prescribed Order m Council. Auo-. .^. 1Q14 ^^n^ i» ^-.„4. i- i . ^^ j ^«»^^i"eu StatP^ rT/''''''''f ''''^ ^'^^'\^ ^'' Majesty's Cxovernment and the Un btates Government respectmg the Rights of Belligerents. r^* Itit] ""l t''^'''' ^^^^-^^- ^^'""^ ^^'^ P°«* f^e« 4K \nA III A ""l o'''^''''' ^^^^- ^^ice 2id, post free 4ri. LCd. 8234] of .Session 1916. Price 3^., post free 4^