UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: WAH DEPARTMENT. John \JL .^ , INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FN THE STATES, FROM THE EARLIEST RECORDS TO JANUARY, 1890. COMPILED IN THE RECORDS DIVISION OF THE SIGNAL OFFICE, THE DIRECTION O Brigadier General A.. *W. CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, U. S. ARMY. PUBUSHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. WASHINGTON CITY: SIGNAL OFFICE, 1891. r ; ^ The extension of the scope of the Signal Service since its organization in November, 1870, has naturally made ifc a bureau of record for the mass of meteorological observations which have been made in the United States. But while much diligence has been shown in the accumulation of records, little effort appears to have been made until the organization of a division of records by the present Chief Signal Officer, in 1887, for their preservation. Indeed, to such an extent was the care and examination of these important records subordinated to the general work of storm and weather forecasting, that the exercise of even ordinary business methods of indexing and filing was neglected. The gummed stub flies in which the records were originally pasted were, moreover, of such unsubstantial structure as to endanger their own preserva- tion, as well as that of their contents, in case of any considerable handling. The Chief Signal Officer's attention was therefore first directed to the system- atic arrangement of the records under consideration in properly indexed volumes, and their subsequent binding in a more substantial manner. This duty was satisfactorily performed by the Records Division in 1888, under the supervision of Mr. A. J. Henry, whose industry and intelligence have contributed in a great measure to the orderly arrangement of the files of that division. It was found, however, that in many cases the accumulated records for a single state, when indexed and bound, filled from 15 to 18 large volumes, and that while it was an easy matter to refer to any given report, it became a some- what laborious proceeding to ascertain the character of data, length of record, location of stations of observation, etc., for the state as a whole. It was also found that with some records of observations in manuscript, some as mean values in printed reports and manuscript, and still others embodied in various forms and reports, there was great danger of overlooking some portion of the records when making a hasty aud exhaustive review of the climatic features of any region. Accordingly, the preparation of the following preliminary index of meteorological observations in the United States was undertaken, with a view oi presenting in condensed form the essential features in regard to each station of observation of which the Signal Office has cognizance. In a work of this character, it is, of course, impossible to put forth a compilation free from error, or one that shall be complete in all respects. Indeed, an index which might cover the field of observations at the present writing would be imperfect six months hence, because of the new series of observa- tions which are constantly being brought to the attention of the Signal Office. It was therefore considered advisable to complete the index to January 1, 1890, and to reserve one side of each page for interlineations and explanatory notes. There will be found in the index a reference to (1) the published results of observations made under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, the Patent Office, the Medical Department of the Army, State Weather Services and meteorological societies; (2) the manuscript records of observations in the files of the Signal Office, received from sill sources prior to January 1, 1890. The manuscript records of observations from voluntary and other co-operating observers generally begin with December, 1873, those prior to that year being still in the possession of the Smithsonian Institution.* The kind and hearty co-operation of the Surgeon General of the Army has afforded the Signal Office a complete file of the valuable reports of obser- vations which for nearly three-quarters of a century have been maintained by that corps of the Army. This pioneer system of meteorological record, beginning in 1819, has continued to the present time, practically without interruption, and is still maintained at a high degree of efficiency. The only abbreviations used which may need explanation are as follows: "S. S." indicates a regular station of the Signal Service; the class, as 1st, 3d, or 3d order, being given in the column " Remarks." " Riv.," " Rfl.," " C. R." indicate, respectively, special river stations, special rainfall stations, and special cotton-region stations. " V. O.," " W. S.," "R. R." indicate, respectively, (I), voluntary observers reporting direct to the central office in Washington; (2), voluntary observers reporting through the State central office, and (3), stations of the Central aud Southern Pacific Railway companies reporting through their headquarters in San Francisco. "M. D." indicates stations of the Medical Department of the Army reporting monthly through the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. In the column " Remarks" the significance of the abbreviations " Bar.," " Hyg.," etc., will be understood without explanation. Whenever abbre- viations of the above character are given, the manuscript records, are, as a rule, on file in the Signal Office. The words " max." and " min." indicate extremes of temperature from self-registering instruments, in addition to the usual mean values. The stations of observation have been arranged with reference to their geographical position in each state or territory. Beginning with the northern tier of counties, all stations in that tier have been listed in order from west to east, then the stations in the tier of counties immediately under- neath, and in like manner until all stations in the state have been listed. The states and territories have been arranged alphabetically, and the pages in each numbered consecutively; thus the pages in Alabama are numbered 1 to 6, inclusive, California 1 to 18, inclusive, etc. The names of stations having less than a year's observations will be found at the end of the tabulated record for each state or territory. In the preparation of this index, and in the making of the stencils, there has been room for clerical errors, but the number will be found, compara- tively, very small in proportion to the large number of entries. Furthermore, a considerable portion of the index was prepared aud in use several months before the remainder, and during this interval some alterations have become necessary. To present the corrections arising from these sources there has been prepared a table of errata which will be found at the end of the volume. In the preparation of this table full use has been made of the first and second bulletins of the U. S. Board on Geographic Names, and in all cases not yet passed upon by this board, the Official Postal Guide, as corrected to April, 18!1, has been accepted as standard. The form in which the table of errata is presented will be found to facilitate the work of correction, for the correct reading may readily be cut out and pasted over the error as found in the body of the index. While the central office will derive the greatest benefit from such an index, it will also greatly aid observers in charge of the more important Signal Service stations in their current work, and in the matter of furnishing information to the general public as to character and extent of observations ot * Since writing the foregoing, the custody of the complete manuscript records of meteorological observations in the United States collected by the Smithsonian Institution from 1840 to 187 has been placed for safe storage in the hands of the Chief Signal Officer through the generous and co-operative spirit of the Secretary of that Institution, Professor S. P. Langley. By this action, practically all of the meteorological records pertaining to the United States have been brought together in one establishment, a result which must seem eminently satisfactory to all stu- dents of meteorology and its allied branches. One important point should be remembered in this connection, viz.: That a majority of the series of observations throughout the index bearing the abbreviation "Sm. Col." to which rain- fall and temperature only are credited, contains in addition thereto observations of pressure, wind, weather, and miscellaneous phenomena. Lack of time, however, prevents any attempt at classification for the present. ,1 for all sections oi the country, etc., etc. It is still further aimed to complete, at an early date, a brief card history of each meteorological station, which shall contain much valuable matter not susceptible of being tabulated in a report of this character. Individual research and investigation in the past have no doubt been greatly hindered by a lack of some convenient and reliable record of observations already made. The additional fact that information of this character could be obtained only by application to the Chief Signal Officer has also been an obstacle in the way of those who might have been inclined to devote some time to the elucidation of the many interesting problems connected with the climatology of the country. It should be the aim of local observers to acquaint those persons likely to become interested in such matters with the work that has been done in their localities arid thus stimulate renewed activity on the part of public-spirited citizens, upon whose efforts the Weather Bureau must ever depend for what- ever degree of excellence it may attain in the matter of collecting meteorological statistics. Observers or others receiving this volume are requested to notify the Chief Signal Officer of the omission of any series of observations, reporting at the same time of whom such series can be obtained, whether published or in manuscript, etc.. etc. It remains to acknowledge the services of Mr. George W. Smith and Mr. George A. Warren, clerks of the Records Division, for the industry and intelligence with which they have labored to complete this work. A. W. GREELY, Chief inSTITEl) STATES SIGISTAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state o/; L A u A 1.1 A from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. Coun '5 r and 8tatlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ! Remarks. Length. From To inc 2 lusive. EH' S LAUDERDALE. V Florence \7 S Florence O ' O ' 34 43 37 45 34 48 37 37 1 Jan 7 49 Dec 5 0::Jun ? 84 7 49 Schott Tc:.ip roeord brolcen LII.IEISTOIIE W S Elloat V Hurt :-":. lie T5 Ii 1 1?\T 2 V ^ Is V :!ev/r;ci ke-'- 34 52 3 G 53 11 Feb'39 34 * 34 * i5 34 54 36 40 36 44 35 27 690 809 12 3 1 C R BoottsborottQh COLBERT C R Tusauttbia W S Tti--:c:ar.VDia LAnRSTCB. v o ;.:ovj.ton V ..oulto::, 34 45 35 53 Riv Decatav C R Dcc^J..:r M S Trinity iwisnALi*. V Gunt err Vj.il e DZ 1LALB V Valley Head Y/XilSTOtl. V Double Springs 34 34 Jul vX- T. inoonpletc to June 7 8C X Record broken. A !1 A A J A -i; c aft 1* '^."H r $0 T J.>/. II wciV ol .T ,T ... cfdi/oa Q^ L . t c acfO .i .T CM oc CI to o *n/L::0 V5 TC O doneTton 8 W - 3 cc Mel II ( Cd OC S? ^>* i3 8 it 1 Xo C nalx0 21 CC8 0^ oc I V 91 au ce 03" C I 608 72 cc *a V 2C S C8 3C * rfC^otodsJ.^oofi H 2C r IqA 1 S> 0* >T H D ->G 'rali OS Tt S> f-o- -.AT TJ3. -.'Ji ;>c as rj 5T *iiJ8l; L , :v ^'ol v Q w *rn uk \ O *c 'Tfi! 50 1 cc r IJjL t) ': 21 l^v 'JJ/C1 so r nt r ' L 03 8C , s j V r ^DC a o v . OTI II ?C 00 K V OC 20 *S V UNITED STATES BIG-NAIL, SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. AL. Record. \umber Elevation *.s . County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Length From To inclusive. E-T| 0] KHSOn v Birminshaa 55 52 86 57 coo l s Sep'8< f JurrC Complete obs. except pr-ssnrc C R Eir;ainfjhCi 33 52 86 3V 2 2 1 ' : P Scp : . / V Elyton 33 30 88 54 1 2 Jaii'VCJ Feb-7l Schott . SI CL/.IR . V Ashville 53 52 8S 20 1 j, ( ._ | 1 rr,. ( ; DenT;7 Schott V Ashville 3 Jan' 81 '82 '83 Temp\ only CAl-KOUN W S Jacksonville 33 50 85 42 '353 1 11 Jun'84 i May? 8 6 A.pt.& Sep'85 missing: CLEBUBNE W S Edwardsville 55 44 85 4ft 1 4 Jun'84 Oct'85 Sop '85 oiaoins PICKETS W S Carrollton 33 14 3 Co 3 4 Jul'84 Wov'88 E, ;:.c,x & f;.i:i T only TUSCAL003A V C Tu^caloosa 33 ' &7 23 245 2 2 < Ear ' 8' !" :. u ' ; ' ;-* Pf>% -v- ~ ,^ f- p, ;~' 1 n -icOT > T >{ '' r ~~\ ^ i iO/y V , ' WvailAjJ J. C ( .' v. C- L/O C-X v ', 1 . UiiO V Tuscaloosa 53 ' 42 -J 11 Jan 7 54 .I?.r"J5 Schott ; C R Tnscaloosa 33 12 87 42 11 A-J- } C Cat > 83 W S Tusoaloosa 55 12 87 42 240 3- J\il J 86 i Coinplete ob- orv,. lions SHELBY C R Ca'iera 33 OP 83 31 502 2 3 Apl'8;: Jul-V V Col-,:iibiar}a 33 15 36 36 2x Apl'Vii Ap:.'7G R V ColuiabiaiM 33 15 p n x ", O w O i^. 9 Api'ga R, :;.--::, = rain, T V V/ilsonviIle 33 02 56 02 350 1 9x Nov'74 Sep'79 C onip 1 c t e obs ervat i ons TALLADEC3A C R Talladarrri 33 27 SO 04 11 Apl'82 Dot '83 i S Tallado^a Go 2 / 8Q 04 I 9 Nov'37 Aufj'39 T (dry bulb) & R RAI:DO",PH W S Roanc!:e 32 12 Co 2.:f 1. 7 Au^'34 Liar '8-1 Ii c': 'T oril y FIALE V Erie V/~\ -) 32 48 8? ol - 1 o -*. _- Lfey>24 JC21*g* Schcl i . T only dr.ie 52 4-8 87 31 :f a Kfay'49 ^2 Sch; d,. T :>r.ly V C Greensboro ". ""< ''.'^ O 17 i'o 2.20 5 4 Jan*5C Jan* 70 Sohott. R. c ELMORE looUjpz evj.uuu bur. uiu.i\. ci x Vv S Wetumplia 32 33 86 02 1 5 Jun'84 Mov'85 R nx. min. T(Apl'85 raissinc) LEE V Auburn 32 40 85 30 826 3 Jan' 55 Jan' 58 Schott T.& R. broken V/ S Auburn Jan' 81 Dec '87 T&R (Jun' 87 missing) S S Auburn (3d Ord) Feb'87 bar. hyg. soil temp. radiation E V Opelika(near) 3k2 38 85 25 3 Jan' 67 Dec '59 R Schott T & R C R Opelika 4 1 Apl'82 R. Max. - Min T (broken) Record broken. oerlotd .H JUoa fl a . :;-: erf-fnoa t/t-1 fl 4 T lqooD fl 4 T T H A T -; c* .ol -md Jrcoxo.scfo I 7 ^ ; -At cwoiv9tq f c 8ia 38*1^1)1 .nin .xri no i33 .qfns H i T T flii - ,:;*M .H 108 n e'naL S 005 f od 57*^00 5 05* 6C 78'JoO *8 4 rI* 8 5 OS* 12 58'JoO8'IqA II 05 SS'SJ/A * I 57S Oo i xo i ies ec ee T A 88* IqA *8i XII i 035 31 II S 081 91 * 8* iis- B 50 rs 23 78 85 85 G5 78 81 78 82 C8 38 83 88 04* 88 35 08 *5 25 25 25 S5 a J A H m C) *OVH V Y a a ? noJtlfl'J V nv ,U 2 W aottu ^AHO '": aJ >f **n QQ< i JCU JSO XII Se 78 15 OS'flflt* 08* CC' 88 c vo!I > '-a^. 5 31 00* ! C3 f r.aL :.OI C 852 28'IqA * S 2 I 2 OOS 00 I 2 031 8S 31 20 5 328 05 78 01 78 OS 7C 32 08 62 V 25 noJesfliviJ fl 23 no^s^nrviJ V ') D I! a a 3 5 ai -1 H OA T T * /T SS sIIiV.-oIijQD V SS jonisS V ->z b v So j3iTiXf)3 V ADUATUA 08 5S C5 38 Oi- SC 5 S8 c IqA 32 38 80 2* LL . n*.. o v cO n o UNITED STATES SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ALAT from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. CHOCTAW O ' O ' \V S Butler 32 05 33 12 1 Jan '39 R. Max. & nin. T \7ILCOX C II Pine Apple 31 52 87 05 4 4x Apl ' 82 Max. nin. T and R. V Prairie Eluff 32 08 37 32 10 Jan 1 67 Dec '67 R Schott LOUNBCS C P. Fort Deposit 31 59 36 36 2 5x May ' 84 R. Max. & nin. T V Mt. Willing 32 07 36 44 5 Sep'84 Complete to Aug87 iCRTGQtcrar V Montgomery 32. 25 86 18 187 1 7x Mar '49 Apl ' 61 Schott SS Montaonory 32 23 06 18 17 17 6 Sep'72 2d orc:or-;iov.& Dec70 also BULLOCK V Union Springs 32 03 35 39 516 20 Jan' 68 Dec '87 T V, T G Union Springs 31 12 80 39 513 5 Mar '34 R & T (dry-bulb) OOSSEUi V Ft. Mitchell 32 30 05 00 1 3 Jul'SO Sep'37 T Schott \V S Osv-ichie 32 15 85 00 1 11 Jun'36 Dec'87 R & T (dry-bulb) I.IOIIROE V ivlouroevilltf 31 32 37 23 150 5 5 Mar '49 llov'55 Schott (mean rainfall) "V I.Ionroeville 1 5x Jan' 54 llov'55 T Schott V Monroevi"Me 3 llx 49 '53 Schott (no detailed record) V Bemuda 31 43 37 12 3 Feb'86 R & T dry to Jan '30 then ~x.-i :.i C01IECUI! .' C ? Evergreen 31 25 06 57 2 7x May '34 R- I.Iax. & min. PTJTLEIl C R Greenville 51 50 36 33 450 3 Ix Apl '82 Oct'87 R- lia:;. - nin.T W S Greenville 31 50 83 36 450 1 7x Apl '84 llov' 85 R & T CREMSH/W \V S Luverne 31 45 33 20 7 Jun'39 R & T (na:;. & rain. ) PIKE V Troy 51 43 06 02 450 1 8x Apl '72 Nov'73 Schott T & R V Troy 31 33 83 16 250 2 4 Mar'74 Jun'73 T-R- Wind and c'.ouds V Troy 51 50 35 5C 450 4 11 Jun'84 ..lay ' 30 R cc T (uax. 1 rd:i. ) LARBOUR C R Eufaula 31 55 35 03 300 5 Or. Kay '84 R & T (max. & ran. ) W S Eufaula 3 5 Mar '84 Jan '87 R & T (max. ft min.) ::ov.Dec'34 Record broken. c.r.d Jan. Feb'35 f .ilia* .it baa T .ate . J^rfoS H Vfttstd T ./;., ,: 78'' $ : S i XCOvi do -2 le */ S3 V8 80 25 nvLT 9irixr: VI bi T i H .clr -i .xac) T =5 fl ,- ' . | Tiufc ' to os eo oa* so o B* S 03S CI 58 C8 1$ ca 3c o tIIiYC99fO !.' ' :T o y V , (.nin A .xiw) T 4 ft ,- Affc ' UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest recoj^ds to January 1, 1890. Number md class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Becord. jj Length. From To inclusive. frTg ' ' COVIIIGT01I V Y/iggins 31 OC 37 45 10 Mar '89 R & T (max. & min) COFFfiE, W S Clint onville I IOBILE V Citronclle v; S Citronellc V Motile V Mobile I.! D Mobile S S Mobile 31 26 85 54 1 lOx Jun'84 Apl'86 R <". T (dry-bulb) 7,9 AC> Ol 30 30 08 07 80 41 38 42 83 41 88 .05 12 02 01 02 150 150 15 1 5 Jul ' 88 1 Jan' 39 I Z Jan' 43 Bee '42 Aug'59 Feb'70 42 1 4x Apr 7 2 Sep'73 55 19 1 Nov'70 V Mt.Vernon Elcs. 31 12 38 02 200 19 7x Aurr'40 Dec 'GO M,D Mt.Vernon Bks. M D lat. Vernon Bhs. M D Ht. Vernon Bks. BALDWIN V Bolivar V Bolivar V Ft. Morgan 30 23 37 51 17 9x Jan '30 Nov'60 3 2 Oct'73 Nov'7G 7 10 Liar '82 lOx Jan'G7 Sep'GS 2 6x Jan' 67 Fsb'71 2 8x Jan' 35 i Jul ' 43 R T R T (on 2 ob 3. at? 5 p.m.) R & T (max. & nin) Schott Schott 2d order. Office burned in Nov'80j no record that month Schott 3 full obs. except, barometer Schott Schott Schott X Record broken. CU.r- *B i/ T - f ' .H o -no) T r % a : oo-tll 10 on .Ed- j 1 TJDTOIOT 68 ( ; von I 20. 8( I 051 8 TO oca w*- ox 08 f >;6 S S 01 V VJ JO > SO 88 I* Oi V i-jV .j-i; ffl a oc'froa r 'o'aL xoi T IV'd*.''! ^O'/ifiL xS S X8 S S V Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file fron the Following Stations ALABAMA tat ion Count v Station County Station r - Ashland Clay Newbern Hal e Suj.inerville Lee Bluff Springs Clay Mewton Dal o S'irxiervillc- Lse Bon Sec our i Baldwin Orville Dallas Boiling Butler Cahaba Dallas Springhill Col .Mobile Huntsville Madison Eutav; , Greene Tuskeces Mac on Russellville Franklin ^ort Gaines Mobile Vernon Lamar Brundridge Pike Edwardsville Cleburne Yorkville Pickens Springville Clebume Menlo Jackson Dadaville Tallapoosa Grove Hill Clark Monroe i\It. Airy Tuscaloosa Dallas Wewokaville i i Eden Talladega St, Clair Lineville Clay nl Tv\' cat I ': ru^n niv auoO o: snivfonu 1 ' I r r^ji m ^45 10 '>n j/H si hi'^rfc . ii' 2llQ Civile sei/ . 8030^8^ . , or. I c-m elliviioY . >ID . IliH &v. ooqan*T eiiiv.^a ::;: a ;: -0200X.QC: UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. tfDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ALASKA. Elevati( Record. tf g d cl-iss County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above 1 Remarks. ( sea-leve ' Length. From To inclusive. E- H O ' Z S 00 cla^de 71 17 153 40 17 1 9 Oct'81 Aufj'83 2d Order S G Au'89 3d Order S r.. Petrop3.uloviski53 01 201 07 4 2 Jul'32 Auc'36 3d Order (2 obs. daily) C G Omilak 55 00 1G2 57 1 Jan 7 84 Apl } 85 3d Order (one obs. daily) G S lluduehayet 65 10 150 00 3 3 Auc'32 May '86 3d Order (2 obs, daily) G G 7^hatrv;:klin 65 30 143 33 2 2 Oct'02 I.Iay'06 3d Order S S Fort Rel.'.aiiue G-': 55 141 00 1 6 Sep v 82 Hay -86 3d Order (one obs. daily) S S Ft. St. J.IiohaelsSS 23 131 40 50 12 Jun'74 Jun'86 2d Order Full reports S S I fission 62 55 161 05 2 3 Auc'83 i lay '86 3d Order (one obs. daily) S S Anvik 62 37 160 08 2 3 Scp'82 May '85 n S S Anvik Gep'87 3r Order (2 obs daily) After Aug. 18, 1839 only one obs daily S S Koskokvim 61 34 150 37 2 9 Jul'82 May "36 (Kolr.ial-offsky)3d Ord.2 obs. S S Bethel 60 46 161 34 :Iov'85 2d~OrderFrom llov'35 to Mar '86 only one report reed and that is unreliable S S Kenai 30 32 151 19 3 8 Gep'82 Maji'86 3d Order (2 obs daily) aneriod S S FortStches GO 18 143 30 1 4 Hay '83 Auc'84 3d Order S S Ft. Alexander 58 57 158 18 38 3 Auc'31 Jun'85 3d Order (2 obs. daily) S S u " 11 Jul'85 Jun'86 2d Order (mercurial Bar. ) S Chi Ik ah t 50 00 136 6 2 Sep'81 Dec'87 (Chilcoot, Pyramid Harbor) 3d Order 2 obs daily ; aneriod Bar S S Hati is burr; 58 19 134 23 2 2 Jun'81 Oct'84 (Juneau City)3d Order. 2 oos. and one obs. at various inter's S S SUFauI ? s I si. 57 10 170 01 7 7 Jun'72 Deo '82 2d Order. Full observations S S T/.g^shik 57 46 157 45 2 3 Aug'83 Jan '86 3d Order (one obs. daily) S b Hcoo^nahoo 57 22 154 29 6 11 May '81 Mar '88 (Killisnoo) 3d Order ;2 obs S S Sitka 57 03 135 19 63 6 5 Mar '81 Sep'87 2d Ovder Full observations S S B eh vine Island 55 12 104 05 20 5 May '82 May '86 2d Order. Full observations S S Marzovia 55 05 163 10 1 5 Nov'81 May '83 3d Order (one obs. daily) S S Unalashka 53 53 166 32 13 6 2 Aug'78 May '86 2d Order Full observations except from Jun'31 to Mar* 82 when 3d Ord. of 2 obs. daily ~X. Record broken. Y**tO 68 ,tdo 900) -xsbio JbS .itfo S) leb-iO b sac) XXrfJ 6S .ecfo SI ado ano .ado S.MO b*f*imoi*iX0i) OO r< Mll oj- 38* voH ai I*iTi;oi9ia) f tMO faS io tdo iD ta.atfo no sao) wtrcO b3 b^0 bg cx)-it Jqwo .89 fiftr I i 58'rM C 3 28*. U^ VI tc'wt s * 'IqA M'OAt X S -' SX 05 I'lsC 8 8 I'vtl! * X 8'fliA XD f 3*A S 85 XX a 8 88*0*4 t*Aiii t f 88'Mt, 58'arti S XX 8 S 88 S8*sH 3 OS 8 X & 8 ftX MX rx IT ' T8 StX 00 00 021 OX G5 CM 00 m 82 8^ XCJ 80 X3X d3 80 OOX TS 02X xox a* X8X 2S CM 81 81 83X V5 oe If v*i6'l93 at: HOiE TDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ALASKA, amber Elevation Record. MS? i class. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 5 H'S ' ' S S Petropaulovski 53 01 201 17 S S Atka 5* 15 185 45 o o q q n o o S S Xyska 51 59 182 23 4 2 Jul'82 Aug'86 4 May ' 79 Aug'79 3 7 Oct. '81 May '85 May '86 Auq?86 1 May '85 May '86 3d Or-.'.er (2 obs. daily) old barometer & c. 2d Order (no barometer) 3d Order (2 obs. daily) aner- oid barometer & c. 3d Order (2 obs. daily) 3d Order (2 obs. daj-ry) aner. oid barometer & c. Fragmentary records of less than a year in length are on file from the following Stations: Qniilak 65 Nulato 6-:- Noonyah 59 St. George I si d. 56 Fort Wrangel 56 Cordova Bay or Hov/kan 54 Chernofsky 53 Attou 52 00 162 57 41 158 13 45 140 00 37 169 37 30 132 28 45 132 30 25 167 14 58 187 34 X Record broken. S) W tO bS .0 J rg^tootiKf ofl) ,tdo D .o i>S i>S J>lo S) 19MO S) in 18'JoO V S U * a I 108 XO 33 iievofi/qci^9l 2 C eel ax 22 CS SCI 03 Id I 3 2 T2 Sfcl 00 53 5: 831 I* 00 OM.'S^ 88 S5I 05 83 ISIMJC.TW ^. 05 231 5* *I ?qi SS 3 781 83 S i/c List of A L A S K A Stations to be found in Appendix I, "Pacific Coast Pilot, Alaska, 1879" and "Pacific Coast Pilot, Alaska, Part I, 1883" AMERICA!! STATIONS, 1379 ASIATIC STATIONS, 1879 Burnaby Island Fort Tonsass Fort Wrangell Sitl:a Fort Kenai St. Paul, Kadiak Iliiiliuit, Unalashka St. Paul Island Hollers Island St. Michaels UnalaKlil: Port Clarence Choris Peninsula Point Barrow Kolmc-koff P.edoubt Ifulato Fort Yukon Fort Franklin (Hudson Bay Territory) 1085 Queen Charlotte Islands Port Providence Anadyr Petropavlovsk Port of Okhotsk Port Aian Udsk Ala River Nikolai effsk Due Lighthouse Zusunai Muravieff Hakodadi 1883 Pitlekai ,1 xibaaqqft. ni frnmt 9d oJ tao*J*& A H P. A J A **c S86I ,1 t 8JlOITAT3 T8I ia^orUO ateftU 5881 WOT: UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. AK.~: "ddts County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. MOHAVE o O ' Rfl Chloride V Fort Mohave 5 Jul ' 89 35 02 114 36 604 9 Ox Ju..'59 Dec '74 V Signal M D Cap Seal's Spc.35 20 YA7APAI H D Whipple Bar'lcs H S .Pi'.e.-cott 34 o V Win V Flagstaff Rfl Sirrraons V C Volunteer Spcs V G Press oit June, V Po.i"ao,rts Rfi Cur.tonvrood M D Fort Verde S' S For>. Verde V Stravibcrry V Antelope Val. V V'ai'u.l Gvove Rfl v - ays on V T.'.p Ton Rfl Gr:.ilett Rfl : n -ab^. City 8 May '89 05 2500 I Apl'73 Mar '74 18 x Jan' 65 .2 23 5339 14 I Dec'75 1 Gjol. Survey station Schott- Much broken previous to '68 complete thereafter T & R Temp, wind elds, & rain T v/ind elds ": rain 2d order. Changed to Whipple Barracks 34 34 1 7 //:ay ' 83 1 2x Jul '38 3 iAu-'SG 5 Apl'89 6x Auc'89 6x Jul '33 5 Jul '39 34 111 54 31GO 14 4x Nov'GG 52 111 47 3500 13.11 Dec'75 8 5 7 3 6 6 2 May '89 Jul ' 83 May '89 Jul '89 Aug'30 Jul 89 T T T T T & R Geol. Survey station T & R T & R T & R Geol,, Survey station T wind elds & R 2d order- Changed to 3d order Oct'33 Geol, Survey station Gcol. Survey station Geol, Survey station H I) L;np Me r her son 34 45 112 13 3726 1 G May "57 llov'63 T tind & rain V 3 8 May '67 Dec '70 Schott AFACHE . V Winslow 1 6 Jun'88 T & R V Holbrook 3 Jan '87 T from Jan '89 Rfl Woodruff 4 Autr'89 T Geol; Survey station Rfl St. John's 5 Jul ' 39 Gool. Survey station Rfl Shov; Lev 3 Anr'p.o, -i GeoiUr Survey station X Record broken. if nsiotd rici&I - -elcptoc 80 f H i8 T :aMo bniw : a o *. I ct&t 'j ablo brxiw T slqqirfW of bsijnBrfO.isb'fo bS 78 f v R i.T fl A T a * T. H S T '-v?if3 . loeO t H ?\fclo bniw T bS T , ido'o t T :icop . loop T fllfil jS t/Tt* T 8 o (3 I 003S 30 CO* It't. x2 I 06'Sttft CG'/iA k8 d CO'vc M 0015 II .51 0035 e G I 5 a cc r 20 35 OS - OV: ' B Q V silq III III 2S . cl -5 01 C I 3ST5 81 SI1 8* I-'.' 8 5 61 ' noatc;' i ,.-. fl'j; f C .109.0 t .loeo o 2 i 8 \ zlr UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ,A County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or E. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. APACHE O ' O ' /" T_ . 1 1 t Cooley' s Spg J-I D Fort Apache S S Fort Apache YUMA 1,1 D Crap. Colorado S S Stanwix S S Yuma R R Yuma R R Texas Kill i-IARICQPA V New River V Ash Creek V Peoria M D Fort McDowell S S Fort McDowell V Buckeye S S Phoenix 34 00 109 45 5600 12 33 48 109 57 5050 11 6 Jul'89 3x Nov'71 5 Jun'78 32 10 114 1! 57 113 2: 32 44 114 36 33 41 111 36 1800 23 33 38 111 38- 6 2 1 Jan' 69 Feb'71 1 11 Nov'7$ Nov'77 141 14 2 Oct'75 11 6 Nov'77 10 1 Aug'79 6x Mar '89 Oct'89 5 Sep'89 4x Jan '89 Sep'66x 1 Dec'8s Dec'89 T-W & R. After Jan '89 T & Ronly 2d order-Made 3d ord.Apl'88 complete reports T-W & R 2d order. Full report except anemometer. Moved to Burks 2d order. Full reports R & T , T & R V Phoenix. Rfl Mesa City S S Burkes V Gil a Bend S Wickenburr; 33 28 112 00 32 58 11 o 18 33 56 112 42 4 13 Aug'89 F^b'76 Dec'89 Oct'88 Jul'89 6 ' Dep'77 Nov'SO 6 Jul'89 8 Ix Nov'75 Jan' 86 Temp, wind & rain 3d order Max. min temp & Rain wind & character of weather 2d order, Full reports but bro- ken Changed to 3d order Jan 1 32 reporting max. min T rain wind & woather. Made a repair sta- tion Apl'83 T & R Geol. Survey station 2d order T-W-Clds R & weather T & R 2d order. Changed to 5d order Rfl Arz. Canal Go's V ' .'-, Jul'83 Damfnoar Me Dow Rfl Tempo i 511) 5 2 Aug'89 Oct'89 Geol. Survey Station Geol. Survey station "X. Record broken. .woxxiw bS a w- XV vojf b$ ntofl ' 1 1 -J v .'-.' -crcd : :iy ' .xM T fcS T nicn > a * T bi SJbIO-W-T ait borojrfO.tobio bS XC SI 0082 3 a XX 0303 X S XX X 00 2X OX S XX X OX xs sxx ve ss 85 MX ** Sv 38 008X 88 XXI I 58 X 8 85 XXX 38 5o I* 0. 00 SXX 88 CB'/ML SV'voT! xX 8 81 JXI 83 SS six'ca 55' C8 f l]l/A ab **** .lotd I 3BDA 1 T -9H--- :0 A-rt. ! III!! 3X9T wn V V io T9T UNITED STATES SIGKNAJL SERVICE. STDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. amber d cl si County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or B. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. GILA V Globe M D CSJUD Reno V vl D San Carlos S S San Carlos Rfl Dripping Spr PIliAL 53 26 34 45 35 16 55 12 110 45 112 18 372o 110 27 5456 110 27 3456 110 33 3800 1 4 Jul88 7x May '67' Hov'68 1 5;t F:b'68 Feb"70 1 Ix Doc '88 8 6 Jun'81 1 i!ov'-89 Previous to Aug'89 R only T Wind & R Schctt 3d order (no record for Nov'87) Gcol. Survey station 5 Doc ' 60 , Jun' 31 R Schott v_/ i J . w -~f .li. -J A A -I- V-i ^j '*s (Old Cmp. Grant) WP * -^ , 'M D I 32 45 110 30 7 x Dec '66 llov'72 T R wind & clouds *"") T~* j. J> -I - (-v-pi ^^ OR 112 02 9 9x Jun'79 I S S 55 05 112 00 1190 Oct'75 Jul '87 2d order ; full reports except bar. Hade 3d order Nov'83 Rfl Silver King 6 Geol,. Survey station S S Florence 33 03 111 20 1553 6 6 Nov : 75 Apl'82 2d order, full reports V Florence 1 Jan' 89 T il R Casa Grande 8 3x Oct'80 Rfl Dudley ville 4 Jul 89 T Geol, Survey station Rfl Red Roc!: 6 Jul'C9 Geol* Survey station V Willow Springs 1 1 Jul ' 88 T GRAIiAiM M D Camp Thomas 53 52 109 51 4 2 Jan' 66 Oct'70 Also knov.-n as Camp Goodwin S G Fort Thoaas 33 04 109 51 2700 9 9 Apl'80 2d order-Changea tc 3d order Apl'37-.Hlso knovm as J-iaxie Rfl Ore 4 T Gcol, Survey station Rfl Clifton 2 Scp'39 T Geol , Survey station V Cedar Springs 1 4 Hay ' 88 T Rfl Duncan Q Jul ' 89 T Geolo Survey station V Curt i s 4 Mar '89 Jun '89 V Eagle Pass i i 1 lay '03 Observer moved to Curtis and . back again during *3S X Record broken. 0.4? lp.tjtft Oft) riitf T faS - f l> * "-1 3* 01 X t xV bSV5 xJ X 83*5; ?S :o aolr-.O ^.iXV 58 f rl T *yl U.is - : ,; e-:> x f. OS Oj QV^rui^ x 0? 00 ?8 f ii/u. SV'.: I 00 SIX 30 i>S T T T .' 9 ft , X 08 'JoO: x5 08 ' lt& * 8 , X X; ; ' I ; 02 XA . ij-so S2 ^ ^ . i Xo-D v Y- ttvoc i .v*r | -vjic: 0V s: -^ e * 83 f '.- :8 f Ta!! * . i >r. I UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. jtfDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. M 5P County and station. Eleva Latitude. Longitude. abo tion UH c ^'m RfTTlflrkfi. ve .2 i class. sea-le Tel - Length. From- To inclusive. E-i g , GRAHAM 1 o - o - IvI D Fort Grant 8 9x Dec'72 May'82 T w$.nd, elds & rain S S Fort Grant 32 36 109 53 4860 12 4 Jul '77 2d order Full report-No record for June c : Jul '36 Knftvrci at one 'tins as Stewart's Ranch YAVAPAI Cmp.Date Creek 34 18 112 40 3726 6 2x Hay '67 Jul '73 Schott H D 5 8 Jan' 63 Augr'73 T, wind & rain ATACHE I V Fort Defiance 35 43 109 10 6500 8 9x Dec '51 Nov'65 Schott ' YAVAPAI M D Cnp.Hualpai 35 10 113 50 3 2x Jan'70 Jun'73 t, wind & rain (also knovm as Camp Toll Gate) H D Ccap Willow G'veSS 10 113 50 1 7 Feb'63 Sep'69 T, wind & rain PIMA . Rfl American Flag 6 Jul ' 89 T Geol. Survey station 1 1-.I D Camp Lowell 32 13 110 53 18 9x Jul ' 67 T,v/ir.d & rain S S " 32 16 110 47 1 7 Nov'75 I lay '77 2d order (Known as Gorilla Stn V Ft. Buchanan 51 40 110 55 5330 3 11 Auc'57 Juri'61 Schott R only to Dee '59 Rfl Calabasas 5 Jul '89 T Geol. Survey station Rfl Crittenden 5 Jul ' 8C T Geol. Survey station M D Crap. Crittenden 31 34 110 39 2000 4 7 Apl'GS Jan' 73 T, wind elds & rain V Lochiel 1 2x Jun'88 T & R R R Pantano 31 47 110 41 3538 8 8x Get '80 T. begins Mar '83 Rfl Total Wreck 2 Auc'89 T Geol. Survey station S S Tucson 32 14 110 54 2404 7 7 Nov'75 Jun'83 2d order Rill reports R R Tucson 32 14 110 53 2392 9 Oct'80 V Tucson 5 8 Apl'84 T & R (T began Hov'88) COCHISE R R Wile ox 32 18 109 45 4136 8 8x Oct'80 S S ^2 20 109 42 -1-1 G4 5 10 Nov'83 3d order X Record broken. 4 blo,lxillr t ||i/? Tsfctd fcfc TO! sis* ( r 9 ,T vino X ^v-:w2 .loaO t vvir/3 .lodO T & eftie fciii* ,t ft*T .t <68 c voK M T) A T *9b?0 i>fc - l^*ftfit, 88 fc t M5*i T I 81 ;- 90i a;. 08 811 811 3iison 32 00 110 22 3500 9 2 Oct'80 V Bisbea 5 Auc'r.9 T M T: Camp Dcv;ie 32 08 109 23 4781 17 3x Aug'67 iT v;ind, elds & rain S C Fort Bov/ie V DCS Cabezas 32 12 109 20 4781 6 3 4 Oet'35 Scp'DO 1 3d order (Knov.n as Apache Pass T V rra^oon 3 Sep'89 T V Fair bank 5:: Jul'39 T Rfl PairbarJ: (near) 1 Jul ' 8S Obs at Grand Central Mill Mr Fort Huachuoa 31 20 10G 20 4735 3 11 Jan '36 T, v/ind, elds o : rain V -lu&slinca 31 25 110 10 1 7 Jun'03 T, broken RR San Sinion 32 13 103 10 3311 G 6x Deo '01 T' Begins Jan' 03 V Sachets Ranoh 1 Nov'89 T near VYilcox V P rue's Ranch 1 Tec '89 T V Te vis ton 1 7 Jun '38 T V Tombstone 5x Apl'89 T & R V Chiri Calma lit 4 Sep'39 T Rfl Tres Ale:..- os 5 Jul'39 T Geolv Survey station ' Rfl Wood Canyon 4 Sept '01 T Geol. Survey station X Record broken. CO' II C Oil r.c .; V0'rA 3C fo ^ '*>w a o + . h ; : ij r """ ' r r-!ISS3 ; ' TJIsriTED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. 2 IDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ^-.. from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. limber . County and station. 1 Elevation Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Record. t Remarks. 1 Length. From o To inclusive. EH" SEBASTIAN V Fort Smith 35 23 94 29 460 20 5x :y " " 1 2x May ' 37 Jun'70 Feb'61 Jul'71 T & R Schott T & R Schott illiv " " 35 22 94 24 32 Apl'79 ' it ) OO i^ici/y odi T iS S 35 22 94 24 77 Jun' 82 2d order Full reports PAIJLKHER W S Convj-ay 2 Ox J?,n'83 T & R WHITE V Judsonia 35 12 91 30 10 Jan '78 i3ec' r ' ; & T & R C R Xens^lt 2 8x Apl J S2 Get ''87 ~j'T?~ T Riv Dardanelle 3 5 13 93 09 3 I'-". Jun ? 86 T St FRANCIS V Forrest. City 35 03 90 51 1 8 Apl'72 llov'75 T & R 1 C R " " 2 Ox Kay '86 T &-. R W S " " 1 2 Nov'&S T fc. R 'C R Madison 35 03 90 39 1 7x Apl :< 32 Oct'85 Station moved to Forrest City Riv 1 7 Oct-87 Apl'SC T PCLS j\V S Dallas 1 7 Jan '33 f & R MONTGOMERY SG not. L V Mount .Ida 34 34 C3 33 2 6x Feb'72 HOV'74 T t; R ; V ", ' 34 45 93 45 10 3x Feb'75 Feb'86 S&KuAHD V Hoi S-or:.nss 34 05 93 01 1540 1 Auc'75 Jul'76 T, R, elds. & v/ind M D " 2 lOx Feb'87 T, R, elds. & wind W S Alexander 1 5 Jan '38 May '89 T & R V Little Reck 34 40 92 12 1 Jan '40 Dec '40 R Schott V '' 11 Dec ' 66 Dec'67 Sonott Riv " 34 45 92 06 5 Apl'73 Chanced to 2d order Signal Service station Jul'79.BMll r$ M D Little Rock Bks 1 Jan '89 T & R L01TOKE W S Lonoke _ 1 9 Feb'88 Feb. & Mar '83 missing X Record broken. W. IS R & T fC'cfel TS 1 ^; x3 OS '00* '^S *-C L I 21 Si8 0* * ioo^t ?G f csC oQ II , C-* *>*: IqA 08 80 2C 3* *S ooJtv^ . C8*nci> -ra *oc nj d > ' .cJ6l 8C'd01 6 .{ * UNITED STATES SERVICE. TDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. "SAS Record. Q w . Elevation , , County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. -,"g O ' ' 1 PRAIRIE C 51 Devall's Bluff 3 8x Apl'82 MOliPOE C R Brinhley 3 4x Apl'82 HOWARD V Mineral SpringsSS 44 94 01 3 2x Auc'70 Dec '73 Schott HOT SPRIilGS C R L'alvern 3 9x Apl'32 T & R Jh'FFERSON C R Pine Bluff 2 5;: May'8'1- ARKANSAS V, S Stuttgart 1 8:c Apl'88 T & R PHILLIPS V Helena 34 56 90 38 4 llx Dec '65 Jun'73 Schott Riv 54 33 90 36 8 10 Feb'74 Liar 'So T Riv 5 11 Feb'84 T C R 9 C i lay '84 T & R broken DESHA C R Arkansas City 33 53 91 08 3 4x Apl'82 Hay '33 T & R >Riv " 3 llx Oct'85 T HEMP STEAD Riv Fulton 33 57 93 42 3 11 IIov'35 T V Washington 33 34 93 41 660 21 5x Jan' 40 Apl 7 72 Schott W S 2 Jan' 83 T & R NEVADA C R Prescott 3 8x Apl'82 T & R OUACHITA V Carnden 33 32 92 43 2 Oct'55 ilov'55 Riv " 4 Jan' 86 T W S BREW llx Sep'88 T & R V Ivlohti cello 33 45 92 00 t" ^tt 1 3 Jan'76 Apl'77 T, R, elds, & vind R 3 3x Apl J 82 T & R , X Record broken. \ x8 5 28'IqA x* 8 ot'ru/A xs $ fl A f y ~ -' T T si:- t' ^ T t >8 f tiJM ^ S BS^IcjA st8 f xll * 01 8 n 3 88 xXI 5 il j5 T HAT HAT :v A ,3blo ( H ,T *t w 1 38 'vo;; u 0-> f fi6L ,\d JS 030 68 r naL 2 x8 5 J S * C8'qS xll V f IqA8tflL 51 S8I /". . A ,-, n loo ~-LA FAYETTE S Galveston COLUMBIA R Mci-GiiolIiJ. UNION S El Dorado 3 Gx Apl'82 1 P Apl'OO 1 Ox Dsr. ''89 1 5x i.i'ay'04 1 5x R Temp. & Rain Tonip. & Rain Temp. t. Rain ^rarjmentary Records of less tro.n one year in the folJov/inrr Stations are on file fro.i STATIONS. COUNTIES , Stone horn, '--Stone Cl ear Lake . L Mississippi Cliathaxa, Ind ep end 3nc e o ao I; c onp art, J&c k c on I.Iel bourne, Izard Paraclif ta. - Sevi er Parac'culd, : Greene Pocahoncas (near) , Randolph Spr inrjf i el d , Conway Sprinc Hill,-- [Iei;,psteod yiippen'i: 1 Barrens or Yell vill e, k r ar ion X Record broken. .T fl c !qA f. I . T 1 no OTS .lJ^r.91 r ' : T 331 - --- io- taaiaz/!! ...... - *oq nc it -------- UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 1 OALIFOIT Elevation Record. d y d County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above Remarks. c SP;l-lfVrl. Length. From To inclusive, f- a DEL NORTE O ' O ' :: D Capp Lincoln / 41 OG 124 12 2 9x Feb'G3 May ' 69 T, Hyijrom. ,v;ind & rainfall V Crescent City 41 45 124 12 50 2 Dec'59 Jan' 60 Smithsonian Collection V n u 5 3 Jul'81 Jun'86 Pacific Rainfall V 3 10 Mar '86 Wind, elds . rainfall V Fort Tsr Waw 41 30 124 10 150 9 Apl'59 Dec '59 Sr.iithsonian Collection ;: D II U U V 1 6x Jan 'GO Oct'Gl T. Hyrr-"or;i. rind, rainfall SISKIYOU. S S Yreka 41 44 122 37 3 2 Anc'77 Sep'80 Sunset stat-lo;-i.Bar.T.hyrj,& c V 41 45 122 32 2635 14 8 Sep'71 Apl'76 T Pacific Rainfall Scott Valley , 41 45 123 02 2570 23 6 Auc'59 Jan '88 T Pacific Rainfall prior to '87 V Fort Jones 41 3G 122 52 2570 5 Jo.n'53 Jun'53 Smithsonian Collection. V ii i. 2 7 Jul'35 Jan '89 T V Walla V.'alla C!:'41 42 122 55 2 10 Mar '36 Hear Fort Jones R R Berry vale 41 12 122 15 3500 1 4x Oct'31 Ap.1'85 Max . Min . T . , wind & r ainf al 1 R R Coles 1 5 Feb'88 Jun'89 do R R fixmsrjuir 1 4x Jul ' 88 do R R Ed~e'tfood 1 2x Sep'i>8 do R R Hornbrook 41 50 122 50 2154 2 Ox Auc'87 do R R 1 tontagut 1 7x Feb'83 do R R Sisson 1 3x Mar '83 do ..lODOC . : < C *-' O ''ort Bidwell 41 53 120 11 4640 4 7 Feb'34 3d Order ;made 2d Order Jun'35 V II U 8 3x llov'63 Dec '74 Smithsonian Collection M D U u 23 8 Hov' 63 Bar. from i.;ay'32 KUMBOLDT. :.l D Fort Gaston 41 05 123 15 397 I 27 7x Sep'61 T ( max . mi n ) ay g . c 1 ond 3 . wind , r a i , V Christinas Prai 40 55 134 , PO 3000 2 11 Jun'84 Apl'87 T, wind. elds. & rain. V ,\rcata 40 53 123 05 3 3x Jan'8G T M D t it.HumbOldt 40 46 124 10 50 : -1 2 Jan' 54 Dee '66 M.D. report 2 from Jan '30 of T. hys.v/ind C; R.Priot to Jan' GO Pacific Rainfall V lydosville 40 32 123 58 400 6 Ox Nov'83 Max.fi: Min.T from !Iov'38 ! S Cape k-eiidoeino 40 26 124 24 637 4 4 Auc'82 Dec '86 2d Order v Orleans 420 1 3x Oct'35 Oct'87 T i R v o " 2 \ Iov'84 Pec'SG ] i Pacific Rainfall. X Record broken. 3 oe ( e I I- d 08 1 T COL 7 T ob ob ob ' . T irn2 ft 5< 7 1 1 I 2 68'":^' I 5; lc { i>niw .'. . bS fl .-, 0.0: T ,' G I r 03 ss ':!!/. < os .* *c: &s UNITED STATES SIGKNTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALIFORNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 2 County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. w Remarks. Length. From 2 To inclusive. f"g O ' ' HUMBOLDT S S Eureka 40 43 124 11 34 3 Jan '87 2d Order V Ferndale 3 Oct'39 T & R V Upper Kattole 2 8 Hov'33j T & ft SHASTA ^ D Fort Crook V R R Delta V Anderson V Fort Reading R R Reddinrr R R Sims LASSE!!. V fvis anvil le TElTAr-'A. S S Red Bluff R R " " R R Tehama R R Corning V R R Vina PLIB/AS 40 10 121 20 5500 3 4:: Jan' 30 Apl'39 10 5x Jan'58;Apl'G9 41 00 122 25 1150 5 1 Sep'S'rj 41 00 123 45 432 3 9 Fcb'86 40 28 122 13 574 3 11 Apl ' 52 ,xfar ' 5G 40 30 122 27 535 14 9 Jan' 75 40 23 120 35 4195 1 10 Kav'88 3 Oct'35 40 10 122 15 342 12 5 Jul'77 40 03 122 13 332 17 11 Feb'72 40 02 122 07 220 17 7 Au'71 39 58 122 12 4 11 ;Deo'OI 8 11 Jul'79 Dec'36 1 2x Sep'83 T Ilyr;. wir.d c R Suithscnian Collection Pacific Rainfall has fror;:^ep32 Bar. T. wine rainfall fTr.iithsonian Collection T R. Fror/i Mov'77 max. f T.ir. tenp. also, Pacific Ruir.x'a;.! has R record from ~:ov'77 T, max. & min. T v/ind " R. R 2d Order T v s -. R . -'ax & niin.T from :iov"77 Pacific Rainfall has fror.: SopX 1 T 2c R .i-.iax. Sc min. T u ow o.co^-' 39 56 121 02 4000 4 OA 3x i)U V 1 J Jcin'GO OiIJ.c!.ll VvUi.ri. 1 Ut J. i Iii>i>. ilov'^7 Smithsonian Collection 1:1 D Ccanp V, ; vi.-,ht 59 45 123 00 1CQO 10 4 Jul ' 64 j!ay'75 T. na:: & min. hyc- wind. elds & rain.-^acif ic Rainfall has V f\ p.... x ;vi-i r-rl- J. ^ W CwJ. >|j & 1 . to _L ,llu I 9 11 record to Aug' 35 S: J-thsonian Collection X Record broken. is; .* T sa Oc' .n av : .>:xjr ' [ , T >lc ( T rosl li. SI VI OC: ; us/( .J6. . 8 . ;o:> i.-.i H SV'n^l- C'Vvoi VS ' L ' av UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. .. N her Elevation County and station. and class. Latitude. Longitude. above eea-level. S .5 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ' o ' MEHDOCrJO v Westport 39 40 123 42 31 Oct'85 Oct'83 T.max.^ min. hyr;. wind & R. i 2 5 Jan' 85 I lay '87 Pacific Rainfall V . 'er.aocir.o V V V '' Cahto I Ukiha V " | ' R Fort Brajr V " " COI.USA R R Or^.-nd V R I: Willows V V Princeton V J S Colusi. v o V >,' 1'outs Springs 50 18 125 43 1 P Jul'ae Jan ; 33 4 Sep ' 39 8 Sep '711 Apl'72 15 125 17 1500 1 3x Dee'GOJ Fee '72 33? 08 123 44 G44 1 5x Apl'86 Jul'33 T 14 123 14 S Jan' 77 Jun'86 T SS 51 123 50 50 3 4x Dec "'60 Sep '64 4 7x Dec'cO Apl'72 R 39 39 45 122 12 254 V Colic;-;: City V " BHTTE V Chico I R Chico o S Droville s s V 39 50 59 39 39 39 39 31 122 12 35 122 18 ?-3 122 02 13 122 01 25 122 01 2C 122 05 20 i;;2 40 10 122 1C 52 121 4'7 5fc 121 50 43 121 48 44 121 4 r J 30 121 35 *9 121 27 152 134 100 7 9 10 2 8 12 4 1 7 14 2 45 89 110 150 5 11' 2f!S ** \_y o > 166 5 4 Jan S3 5 Jul '78 8 Dec ; 73 8x May'87 8x Jul'78 4 Jan ''7 5 Ox Feb'79 9 Peb'71| 3x| Jill V P1 G Jan '72 C r;oc'7S 4x. Jari''84 3 1 L<0, 10 :iov'sj Ox| llov'70 Sx Pco'78 Jan 5 85 9 ; Jul'80 Mov '87 T i Apl'87 Apl'87 T Deo '87 Oct' J 72 T Fet v 83 Jua'88 T Mai ''37 Feo'8S T Sep '73 A P 1'P7 Mar '37 Ear.T. r.iax. mill. T.hyc- and wind from Sep '37 R coi.ipl.-te Bar. T. max. rain.T wind S-. R Smithsonian Collection Smith csonia.n Collection Pacific Rainfall T. hyg. wind *~ rain. Smithsonian Collection R.from Jan '07 T of max. & *iin Pacific Rainfall T. (max. mini wind & rain. E^r. jaax.Eiin.T wind ^c rain, Pacific Rainfall Rain & riv?r record ne.x. niin. T. wind & rain Po.ci.7ic R,-infc,ll From iiov'77 max.nin temp. Bar, T. v/inci & rain Pacific Rainfall Smithsonian Col. R.rocord hro> From Ilov'77 max &. i.ar: T, River station. R ^ ste^je of riv Pacific Rainfall. X Record broken. 5s '.too r s i 0^ es JJL : j s - * *** u. :3 ce c qo3 I , : xc i o-'.-ci T CC f I;.', r. I ,. o c v '8*1 T I M .T 03 aoarfJj IqA Ot f o^a >;V ^ ' . . 1 '^H oili n';/>l V i>3S QI C^I ( 1 .1 - e r is 3 S ^ f '-.!! CqA 8' - fc- i . - " ' ' '-ry . i ' 3* is/ ;j 1 21 ^ ~DVJ:;I ^^'JI^A STSs^ ; dS Iijf (V oS ?s IA'UIX, .aT * UNITED STATES SIGKNTAJL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALTFORNI from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or B. missing. 1 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. BUTTE O - ' V , : Union Ranche 39 25 121 30 5 7;: Liar '53 Jan' 63 Smithsonian Col. R one year s s YUEA Karysville 39 09 121 4-3 3 Dec '73 Apl'87 River station. Rainfall & stage of water Dec. to Apl.each year -T T-J 39 09 121 35 18 9 Fab' 70 Llax.Min.T & wind from Mov'77 i '. ' ' V 2 10 Hay'57 Aurj'63 R. broken. Hmithsonian Col. V V V,T, eat land CnprFar \Vest 59 07 121 13 175 3 1 Dec '86 Bar.max.nin.T & rain. 2 3 Jan' 50 l.Tar'52 R.lyr 9 nos, Smithsonian Col. UEVADA V Bov uO . T.nin *2, /?t~ > n^t \ T :. iiofcT OT f 0?' jr ? C8t - niojsi T OO'fWU _ , C& os-i DO'Iirtj ?;Q 1 II Hii't :r* T 2^ i '-^ ci v; 021. QJ 0? II ob UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALIFORNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 1 . Elevation Record. cj County and station. and class. Latitude. Longitude. above Length. From To inclu sive. M g , o PLACER. V Strawberry Flat X Jan '79 Iov;a Kill V Feb'83 T T < T I cjOT'r .T.nin.x ^ 2 aoTi ; fl.n/ Ils ./? eilir ( IuL coil btooofi Hal. . 0? f c: :i :.:; 01 : iio- . .aca) T \ .rio ' oi . II.: 7?' ni ,07'oel I G o II S S? : r 06 ' 1^1,1 ;;8 T G8 C I;A 9V f ^oO G f ?uA 2 88 '' SI II si a* VJ .0, I COI2 8 f r I3 r InA 08 ( TJDSTITED STATES SIG-N-AJL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALIFORNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number iml class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. R R V R R V R R V V i. O V R R S S R R II D V V R R R R V V V R R R R V V SO;IOMA Glen Eihlen Fort Ross NAFA Calistofja lit.St Helena Ilapa Ilapa SACRAt lEITTO Folscm City Elevation above sea-level. Record. .i O BO f'E Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. 33 35 123 05 38 58 122 34 331 2100 38 18 122 17 20 33 40 121 10 11 Jan' 89 4 Jan' 37 Dec '40 17 6 Jan' 72 1 5x May '79 Nov'81 12 11 Dec'7G 1 Jul'78 Jun'79 8 Har'61 Oct'61 2 3* Dec '78 Apl'87 7 Fob '88 Sep'38 1 3x Sep'88 Dec'89 Sacrani.mto u Brighton Gait A.IADOR lone Suiter Creek II U SOLA?] Winters Winters Elr:dra 35 121 30 64 38 35 121 28 121 24 53 3 16 121 17 49 38 33 38 21 120 5G 287 33 20 120 50 12 6 Jul'77 19 3x G 9 Jan' 63 Sep'65 7 Ox Dec '82 41 4x Sep'49 12 6 Jul'77 12 5 Jul'77 12 5 Jul'77 \ Lk-r'87 Feb'88 12 7 Oct'74 Apl'77 T (max. lain) v/ind & rain R Smithsonian Collection Max. min.T v/ind from llov'77 ?v',* "./?, wind R. (Calistojja) I-uLx.min To \vind and rain from Mov'77 Pacific Rain from Sop"5G Insane Asylum (Board Health) Smithsonian Collection River station Rain & river . record Dec. to Apl.each year T T (max. ruin) v/ind & rain .A R record from Sap' 7 ! to Jurr'SG in Pacific 'Rainfall ' * 2d Order Max.iain T. v/ind from IIov'77 T Hygrom. v/ind & rain Max. Min.T v/ind & rain T &. R from various sources T from llov'77 do T (uax.min.) from Nov'77 Bar. i.Iax. min.T rain T Pacific Rainfall X Record broken. VNO -s (near) 33 30 122 00 -s 33 51 121 59 125 8 1 5 llov'85 Auc'33 Jul'SC I.Iax. min.T wind rain R record from Jul'85 Pacific R i 33 27 121 57 75 4 1 IIov'85 T (niax.min.) wind rain lie 1 Feb'69 Apl'70 Sr_dthsonian Collection 9 10 Jan '30 T 2y 2 m from Sep'87 ?>r\ 21 121 58 175 1 4 Sep'83 T fiuax.ndn) v/ind rain 'ton ZQ 14 121 54 10 2 4 Jun'86 Sep'38 Max. ir.in T and rain. A rain, record from July >75 to Dec '89 U ! ' ' ' 1 in Pacific Rainfall nt*i A batv ' V'voIl moil bniw T. ooil nic? bra fcrrtw .T ate'.. CF'qoS mri.rw T.nij. i,'? es'Iirl, eoTl i)'*oo3i fl ni.r. fanivr f.nkm.xca) T noi^e* r IoO nulno^i^i, VG r qc3 iar.il a 2 ^S T nisi I-ctiv; (-r > 7 A .ni^r fcna T nta . Ur 20 SSI 65 85 SSI 85 83 8 VI 155 I8voH e?'v;jBM x3 I OOIS OV'ood II SSI OS VI SSI 81 85 V'flirt VS'IqA o I 8 01 ISI 0* 88 r q->3 x5 I e si X5 01 50 r nl> Q 28* oca :;0 V 05 121 35 OS 8S ISI 3o 85 8 SI 52 VV'Iirf, 3 SI p-,HyG;.> wiv "--i'Cldo.P.a:'.-n R. record from Dec '88 in Paeif- Max.liin.T. Wind. Rru-.n fron !Tov73 Smiths ojicih Coll action Smithsonian Col,T. 2 yrs.3 m Max, !v!in.T & Rain T e Hyg. Vi'iiid, Fcaia, A ra^n rec- ord Ja.:i'c5 to Jul'67 in Pacif- ic Rainfall Max. Mill. To-np. Wind, Rain 3d Order par.l&ix.Min.T.vand.Rain A rain reooro iron Jui '83 Pacific nai T. broken. Rain record froir, Jui '81 In Pacific RaJnfall T. iiyG'* lDu v>-o.i. :>--.n T .nip . Ily g .Wind .Rain 2d Order Bar.T. (iriax.min. ';H;; t: r 3 P.ain.A rain record from j % al'40 in Faciiic Rainfall To Hyg. Vii-od. Cldi. Kail. T. (max. bai'.v ( .nii:.xcoj) .T ol 0? r "!OC9r./{ S TS ,afcIO,>flJfcW.$XH '.T S6 f voi: fi IX JdS 'I 01 II C AM 22 S2I 8 75*1.3 10 c.' ; ( 7 a M 32 221 i: AT'JOD A; 8* 121 00 \ fl GO 221 20 85 OV'voK S 01 06 !SI 83 73 oi 55 2* icx r.> nL xOI 2 o si in 10 isi oa rs OV'cfsl xOI CI 02 31 121 X8 I V5 88 f ^oO x5 M 121 73 77 ( IcL 3 21 32 SI ISI 0-:- 75 01 V 0V 72 . r 2I '.-!> 75 DAOL ; no ar :iBi-.T).T C7'voII S II 87 82 :.GJnc2.;- >o r ni naeM >I ? 31 I'iclsfl (.nJta.xaoKT 8G'ni/L ,08 c csa 7 I 36 T CGIqA,C3 c JoO; I 75 r.oi.toiJ'C) ija^oW ,3 ,q:.roT :^r^->'i,J-ii ecola rr*5^ao\7 or 38'fl*l, 8 I OOSa 31 Oil 33 V5?.*H i ,;/. cJ-'r q;r:oV .1. o-r'* L:L { .aiii.xac) . D8 c voi: 2 5 025 SI 221 23 75 57 'cod 01 51 I^S 31 221 8* 75 57 c JoO S x5 21 22 71 221 0*> 7S STATES SIGNAL INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. QALIFOB1S Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *$ sj f'i Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. AT A ? am A o R R Liverraore R R Pleasant on R R Till 63 R R Midvray V Centreville R R Newark R R Hayv/c,rcls STANISLAUS V La Grange V R R l.Iodesto R R Turlock R R ;IcvvTian R R Westley- SAN MATED R R San iiatoo R R ; [enlo Park R R UolLi&nt SANTA CLARA V ;.M. Hamilton V Murphy's V San Jose R R " V Canto, Clara V " " 37 40 121 45 485 19 10 Liar '70 37 41 121 47 380 12 2 Au^'77 37 42 122 06 87 13 7 Feb'71 "1 S 17 ] Tl TO ^^1^ 1 O / O -L " * J> O ^"-j O * * O J- 4 1 37 42 120 28 250 Jill '77 Jan' 79 Jan'SG 5 Alls' 88 Dcc'89 9 i:ar'73 Nov'73 2 Aup'86 T. fmax.min. ) Wind, Rain,Nov' 77 do do R. record from Sep'70 Pacific R To f:::a::..T;in. ) Wind. Rain f"om Nov'77. Rain record iron Aug, '79 Pacific Rainfall Rain--Ten:p.& Wind f or 3 y 1 m . T. (niax.iain. ) Rain & Wind do R 37 33 120 53 90 13 10 .Iar'71 37 30 120 T. from Jan' 88. A rain record from Jul'G7 Pacific Rainfall 52 106 10 1 1 11 Feb'79 3x Sep'83 5 Aus'33 37 34 122 19 30 12 1 Nov'77 11 72 11 10 37 27 122 l'ar'78 37 20 121 30 38 08 120 37 20 121 37 21 121 52 94 ,1J 28 2200 1 52 1 37 20 121 80 3 5 Oct'80 6 Jul ' 38 Mar'GS'Mar'GG 6x|Aug'74,Oct'8G 1 ! Nov'77 7x Sep'59'Mar'Gl 2 iOct'85 fall has additional rain record T. foax.min, ) V/ind from Nov'7 R. record from Sep'7C Pac.Rain Rain from Sep'78 Pacific Rain, T. (max..min. ) VJind & Rain do T. (nia::.Ein.)Vfind.R. A rain record from Sep'73 Pacific Rain T. (rna;:.iain. ) Wind. Rain do (Lick Observatory; Fall report- Rain from Jan' 31 Pacific Rain, Smithsonian Collection T. taa;:.min. ) Wind & Rain. Rain record from Cep"'73 Pa.cific R. Smithsonian Collection Bar. Temp. Rain. Pacific Rain- X Record broken. .icSlttt. .-4- ( cb or .T I- ~0fi7 ? 5 191 anil. fiijG/I {.i. cb filet A .33 ( n.it> .no-rl .T aSl oiltc^I V0 r lirt* xiiorl r (.nl }.T e?'qs2 rao- bniJ (.n ).T . A w A. A i V no- KT ? ,ni 01 IV f nxjl ID r -rjD A 8 I i 8 IV 01 81 OQ 88 OSI f CV'do 1 ?' II QI DOI j OS 6B f q92 xJ I 6f 31 1 O 81 8V 1 OS ISI OS o i oc oc; eo vV^uA'^e i os vv i 21 $e 08 121 02 75 UNITED STATES SIGISTA^L SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALIFORNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. i* County and station. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. O ' o - SA1ITA CLARA V R R R R :; R R R V R R R R Los Gatos 37 14 121 59 600 3 lOx Fb'85 " Tennant Gilroy Al:;;adia E'/or^recn MERCED . Li vines ton r.ierced "7 1 2x Sep'33 L;7 04 121 38 335 7 8 Fcb'78 Oct'85 3G 50 121 33 261 11 11 lTov'77 37 10 121 51 3 1 Doc'86 3 3 Oct'86 37 23 120 42 4 1 llov'35 37 19 120 30 171 17 5 Fab '74 From May '37 Ear.T. (ma;c.min) R Rain from Feb'34 Pacific Rain. T. (max. ruin. ) Wind & Rain do Rain iron Sop '77 Pacific Rain T. (ma::. rain. )Wind. Rain. A rain record from Sop '73 Pacific R. T. (r.ia;-:.miri. ) wind Rain T(r.a:c.nun. ) Wind fro;;: Jan' 36 T. (rna;:.r.iiri. ) Wind from ilov'77 Rain from Sep'71 Pacific Rain R At hi one 37 15 120 25 4 Dec'85 j. T. (max.min. ) Wind & Rr.infc.14 Los Banos 37 04 120 46 I 3 5 Jul '30 Bar. Temp. Rain. Rain from Jan' 75, in Pacific Rainfall SA1ITA CRUZ i t Aptos 33 58 121 54 5 6 Jul '34 T. (max.min. ) Wind -. Rain o , ,.. + , /-'v,,,, tft***vub w i UM 33 53 122 02 11 Jan' 73 Nov'73 Smithsonian Col. Rain 1 month U 1 o 7x Feb'74 Scp'73 Bar.T. Ilyc. Wind, Rain R II U 25 12 Doc '77' T. (max.min. ) Wind & Rain o Watsonvill j 36 53 121 43 4? 2 8 Jan '39 Feb'72 Smithsonian Collection o U 1 Jul '81 Jul '81 Ear. Temp. (max.min. ) fj i'v So quell 33 5C 121 53 5 Jan '85 T. (max.min. ) Wind & Rain J> CoMldc-r Cve?k 1 5x Sep'88 do R Fulton 1 5 A\ifj'33 do R Laurel 1 4x Axi[r'83 do FRESIIO o Fort l-Iilljr 37 00 119 40 402 G 11 Jul '51 Jun'50 Smithsonian Collection D ., i, 9 Dec 'S3' Aus'64 Temp . Hy a . Wind , Rai n . T^ Bore en 33 53 120 04 274 14 3x May '75 Ttex.nin.) Wind frora llov'77 m-r T _ _ _ . _1 i i ' 11 !lov'85 Apl ' 37 'T l iios moil r. UQfiT) .T ) ( *voU rsc-:i fcrii (. 4 -u . filafl ortiwrt IVqa i >a jb;:rw (. *1 iH :5 fc.niiV C ,ni > .T VV'v i ..jwsr) .T .GifiocrlJx ;.:.>jt. . .x-^3 ( . ,- xT j) .T ob ob Ot) no i .ni tf (.r^T..-^)T xO| 5 008 : GC'qcrJ xC I ev*j\i e v II oo a : fte'^oo s 5 to'? I8 f lx^ I . * 3 VI I B : ; ; II S SI 8 e S I o d C8 f c^3 xt CC<- I I 83 HT 'ca c 13 i-I c I 21 I 31 i i>Q ? ^ SO 221 C< f A3 toJ _; ^n. J SUi .. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number . Elevation Record. Bi* and class. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. <= H'S TTDFOiin O ' O ' R R F-CS.IO City V " " SS" " R R Kingsburg R R Selraa R R Fruto R R Aleade R R Eerenda R R Sanger June. SAN BENITO R R Ilollister V San Bcnito Monterey R R Pa jc.ro V Salinas P. R V Monterey Bl:s, M D S S Monterey R R R R R R Chu,..lar R R Solcdad V Jolon 36 44 119 48 12 5 Jul'77 36 42 119 47 202 1 10 Jan' 77 Oct'73 3G 43 119 49 328 2 4 Sep'87 36 39 119 53 301 10 10 Fob' 79 36 41 119 45 295 llx Dec '85 36 44 119 51 295 1 4 Scp'88 1 5 Aug'88 10 Har'09 1 5 Aug'88 36 51 121 37 392 12 1 llov'77 36 08 121 02 36 53 121 44 35 41 121 36 36 42 12137 3G 36 121 52 140 1 9x Hay '61 Jul63 31 12 1 !!ov'77 45 17 5x May '72 75 12 1 Nov'77 40 14 Ox May '47 Sep'72 5 I.'c.y'65 Sep'65 3 2 Auc'77 S-p'80 36 33 121 53 36 35 121 51 36 36 121 30 30 26 121 17 183 12 llov'77 36 00 121 15 7 74 Sep'82 '<->< 42 9 10 Mar '80 C 5 Jul'8o R 111 5 2x Jan '82 i.Iay'87 T. (rnax.r.iin. ) Wind from ilov'77 2d Order T. (max. rain. u) Wind Ran A Rain record fron Sop '78 ir. Pacific Rainfall. T. (max.min. ) Wind Rain. do do do do do Rain from Sop '73 Pacific Rain Smithsonian Collection T. (nax.min. ) Wind & Rr.in.Rain fron Sep'75 Pacific Rr,ir.fall Bar. T:-np. Wind ^ Rain T. (max.nin. ) Wind ft Rainfall Smithsonian Collection Temp . Hyg. Wind. Rv.in Sunset stationT. Wind "Ids.^V Rain. Bar. ft Hyg. fron Pjc'79 T. (max. nin. ) Wind & Rain (Hotel Del Ho;- to) T. (nax.r.an. V>.'ind ft Rain. Rain from !Iov'7o Pacific Rainfall T. (.Jax.iuin. ) Wind ft Rcin.Ili.in from Sep'73 Pacific ?.&infall i\ l\ .ajLii^js vj.uy o o ucT/'ijD i. in.a::.n:in. } wina c* i;c.in. R R San Ardo 36 09 121 10 3 3 Oct'36 do R R C^Gtroville 1 Jan' 89 do X Record broken. 77'vcJi inotl bniW ( .ute.xsRi) .T bS ,T 87'qoB 010007 bniW ofc ob ot ob OS nJts.'I.fiJt-Jl -4 bnrV/ f .nira.xaa) .T ir.c'irri.^ oiliccl S7! x3 71 8> 7T'voi: I Si 37 75 XSJ SO I2X ISX 30 r qo3 I 01 d S 3 ob t7von o si eei S 5 I S5 IS! 75X21 S3 X2X S3 XSI' is xsi 05 XSI VX XSI ax xsx OX X2X IS 80 53 X* S 85 85 as ftS 8S oo 60 9Z 8C S5 C Ow 05 as 85 ox.ao-*! H J H sbioXA SI iLfioiciJ fi ,ofu/T> Tognca H OTHC-IH MA2 ru>8 \ H f noX obfA JI ; fl t fl \ fl fl TJISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. CALIFORNIA Elevation Record. and class. ' J sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. E-"g MONTEREY V-0 Delmonte TULARE. V Visalia V S S 1 Aua'80 Jul '81 R Report of Board of Health- 1.1 D Fort Babbitt R R Gosh en R R Livj-rmorc R R V R R R R R R R R V R R M D V R R S S R R V R R S S Tulare Lewis Creel: U H Traver Esperanza Fortersville Tipton INTO Bishop Creek 30 36 36 35 36 1 4x Jan '70 Jul '71 5 Jari'75 : ,'ay'75 20 119 17 348 5 11 Jul '77 Hay '33 30 119 30 1 21 119 24 286 12 17 119 51 227 10 13 119 19 12 118 58 36 14 119 27 289 15 456 2 10 3 1 1 1 37 8x ITov'GSjFsb'GG 4- May '75; 8x F b'79 4x Har'74 5x Oct'86 4x Jan' 79 8x Dec'35 4 Sep'88 4 Aac'38 4 Mar '88 Smithsonian Collection 2d Ord^r. Rain rjcord fror.: May '36 Pacific Rainfall Bar. T ornp . Hyg Rain T. (max. min. ) V, 7 ind from llov'77 T. (nax.nin.) V/ind & Rain A rec- ord of Rain from Sep'78 in Ft . Indep c-ndenc e35 U II Koelcr 36 21 118 22 5 7x llov'83 50 117 30 4598 11 6 llov'62 Jun'77 8 2x llov'65 Dec '74 5 4 Apl'84 4 10 Liar '85 SAN LUIS OEISPO San Miguel 35 Paso Robles 35 San Luis Obispo55 35 117 50 3622 45 120 43 616 34 120 40 18 120 39 270 'Zf''. 3 1 Ilov'86 3 Oct'36 Dec'86 3 1 Nov'86 1 Jun'35 ,lvlay '86 fromilov'77 also known as Tuohy's Rai^cj?'. Par. Temp. V/ind, Clds. Rain T. (nx.nin.)VJind & Rain do do do do Bar. Tenp.Hy.Wind,Clds. Rain Smithsonian Collection T. (nax.min. ) Wind & IU.in . 2d Order T. (max.ioin. ) V^ind & Rain Bar. Teqp. Wind Rain T (ir.ax.njin) & wind frcca Jan '88 2d Or del- Full report Rain from Jul 1 GO u OU J J. ^ JL *' * k_-^p ^ i in Pacific Rainfall R Templet on 35 30 120 41 3 1 Dec '86 T. (max. rain. ) Wind & Rain R Santa Harcarita. 11 Fcb'89 do Steel es 2 11 llov'80 From Jul'87 Max.c; i/Iin. Record broken. . 38;vo;: 15 QSX f8 35 08*^*1^ i3C l rtoo X OVS 85 OSX 81 o5 ^ " "^'"'^^ ^f ^ '* CT \ TT l^n * kri^TM fl i 1-f L v ft ^ ' "^**+ * ^ J A il /""i Il^Ji *I~.i Sft'tf*-.' ITtrm. rr X our tor / r r /-\o SP OS CC * 8 ^ % -ig'vo8 i oe oxx os oc; mddwa >io^ a (.aicr.xa>.T 3V\- si a 8S ^S XX XC A n,^i * oniw ( ,nl*3*xt7KT OVM cr ^-o nr roo r ^rr .r 8t*q-s8 fflOTl nt^nc"'" - - -5 _-.o. . ttWV **/*' 'ir *r* **WJJ :IJ* I'^^r JT'-ttHx* 31 68S CX6XX3X 65 5 Xiff H mro4 osX* 88*^00 xS S 83* 83 811 SI 85 otO atw^J TOST X* OX CT 38'osH XO 5 TS 3XX *I 8S v*iT ! 88'q>8 ^ X **3ircc Of>*\-^r.A K f Ow u^v ^ ^ f r ^\fw*<% ^^rtii Q ' T 88 f< MM * X nolqiT y. 5s ; vo " ** 3 SS 8XX XS T5 iariO qorfaW H , ;S voi: ii seaiN os vxx os eoowiobn*,qbni.^3 ai xS 8 x*'.~n . -".^ -if ^ 3 220 C 03 vJI 35 85 "rolso^f 51 ^efc-:0 b2 3C r ':5.I 01 * 95'voi; I 5 818 5* OSX 8* 3 *.A-J/J ,4a.if ,|j.i 4~i.xl 88 otQ 38*^oO o i' 88*/2it, COT^ I),-:iW j& (;lic.XJt^l) T nA'voI-' r X Ak r\ raoi^[ DS'voIl II S UNITED STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. CALIFORNIA Knmber County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. I Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. KERN ' ' R R Delano R R Sumner R R Caliente R R Tehachapi R R Keene R R Mojave 35 57 35 24 35 17 35 03 35 12 35 03 119 26 319 119 00 422 118 41 1290 113 26 3034 110 40 2705 118 11 2751 V Fort Tejon M D R R Girard R R Bakersfield SAN BERNARDINO M D Fort Cady 34 58 14 6 Hay '75 13 9 Jan' 75 Oct'38 13 9 Feb'7G 12 10:-: :iov'76 12 5 Jul'77| 12 6x Dec '76, 4 7x Mar '55 Dec '59 1 7x Jan'60 Aur;''G4 1 Jan 1 89 1 2 Nov'88 116 40 3000 3 1 Jan' 68 Jan'71 110 53 6824 1 1 Auj'33 Aug'84 34 55 118 44 5422 R R Dagcett 34 51 R R Fenner 34 48 115 12 R K lleedles 34 41 114 28 V V SanEernardino 34 OG 117 18 V Lugonia 34 00 117 15 1300 1 5 Oct'36 Apl'38 I 2 Aurj'83 Sep'84 II Sep'85 Sep'84 7 Jul'03 13 llx Jul'70, V Ontario R R R R Golton 34 04 113 40 54 8x 10 117 22 965 12 10 ITov'SS Jul'37 ilov'76 V Ranch de Jump a 34 02 V Riverside 34 00 10 R San Gorrjonia R R VO 117 27 1000 1 7 Sep'52 liar '54 117 20 350 4 11 Sep'CO 1 Jul'85 T 5 | Jsn'82| Dec'86 5 3x Feb'OSj 33 54 117 02 2560 2 2 ; Oct '78 llov'80 1 11 Jan' 36 Nov'37 Dec '87 Mar '89 T. (isax.nin. ) v;ind fron IIov'77 T (ma::, nin.) V.'ind from IIov'77. Rain fron Sep' 74, Pacific Rain T. f max. rain. ) Wind fron llov'77 do do do Rain from Sep'73 Pacific Rain T. Hyg. Clds. Rain T. (max.nin. ) Wind & Rain do T.,Wind,Hy(j. Rain. A rainfall record to Jun'76 i,: Pacific R. T. (aax.niin. ) VJind : Rain do do ' . do Rain from Jan' 89 only T. (max.nin. ) Ilyc. V/ind. Rain Rain from llov'33 Pacific P.aia. Rain frora Uec'Go Pacific Rain. T. (ma;:,nin. ) V.'ina L Rain T. (max.niin. ) Wind frora Nov'77 Rain from Sep'73 Pacific Rain. Table of max c min.TeKp. Bar., Temp, Rain Alr.o kno is /n as Banrincr. T. (v.ax. min. )V/ind,Rain. A rain record from Oct'74 Pacific Rainfall T. (max. rain. )\Vind & Rain do X Record broken. d SI :-L r jwrZ ft J! I .':nu H J ,f ^ ' ' O 1 1 " A t UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CALIFORNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number iind (.-Kiss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *f Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' SAM RERMARDI1IO O ' V San Gorconia, P. 34 00 117 00 5500 V Rancho.d Chimo 55 1.50 117 44 1000 7 Bfcrstcw R R Beaumont SAilTA BARBARA 58 1^0 29 44 120 33 25 119 40 R R Zc.'.iB. M: V Gucidalupe M D Santa Barbara S S "" 34 30 20 R R V 34 24 119 40 20 VENTURA V Ventura 7 5 Oo.t'74 Der'31 1 2x Jul'51 Auj'52 1 8 I\:c-.y'83 2 Jan -38 4 Jan' 86 2 Oct'85 ( Sep'87 7 Feb'64 /.v:v:'C4 5 2 Auj'77 Sep'80 6 4:c Oof 80 1 11 Jan '38 ,0 Jan'CS Dec '37 34 27 119 08 1200 1 llx Jun'86 Feb'89 i ... V S Buenventura 34 I' 7 110 13 50 5 5 Hay '78 Jun'86 1 5 Auc'38 R R Santa Paula LOS AlIGEL.iS. V Los Anceles V " " V R R S S " R It Ravenna 03 118 12 457 Jun'47 Mar '48 5 R lie wh all R San Fornandc Colecrove 7 C- El Monte 34 04 118 05 1 2 Dec'72 Dec'74 3 5x Dec'75 Jun'77 54 03 117 46 705 13 3 Jul'76 1 Oct'v4 Se})'75 Feb'72 D.^c'37 T 3V1 15 1 Dec'74 34 03 118 15 530 12 6 Jul'77 34 26 113 17 2358 10 5 Jul'YS 34 25 118 33 1258 12 Sep ! 76 34 13 118 26 106G 12 2 :Sep'77 34 05 113 14 500 5 7 : May '84 'fenp JlyGT.Wind, Clds. Rain P.ain broken . T. Orax.nin.) Rain T. (iriax,:Jn. ) v, ! ir.d & Rain Bar.o: Teiiip.frcr.1 llov'86 Tci.p. w Rain Sunset station. T.Vn'ir.-i Clds.R. T. 'r.ia.c.ndn. ) Wind Rain do Table of Rai::f all (Tonp. also -or 10 mos.Apl'76 Jan' 77) Temp. Wind. Rain. Rain frcn Dec. '81 to May '87 Pacific Rainf a n . 3 'JcinpJIyc. Clds. Rain. Rain froui Jul'75 in Pacific Rainfall T. (jnax.nin. ) Wind & Rain Fmithsonian Collection RepcrtState Board Health I lax. I -in. Temp frcn IIov'77 2d Ordor T. fr.ax.min. ) Wind ?-. Rain. ^ From Jun'83 observations are fron Southpide T. (na> .min) Wind fvor- :iov'77 T. (na::.nin. ) Wind & Rain Record from Jan'83 Pacific R. Rain broken ;T one year only Temp .Wind . Clds . Rain . T, (rax. ran. ) Wind from llov'77 Rain from Sep' ) 74 Pacific Rain. X Record broken. /(i^n ntzTi x 06'voll r 1 .T .51 .fl ( .n s. Ilol:;J:i^j 10 o Cds u OV'IqA.coa 01 :<> . n ni ST' ttf (.r;ta.. q- Lf - r i>niW ( 53*n,I* rjoil VT'vo. i . ebio . bnlw. (.ni- .T xc ? g v I L '+oO ii 03 v f-S*f vo' l nc c nJtu.--!.ual'j. :0 T cnii/ ' o.T MijBfl OjtllrsT fcnit il .v ofc oi> 01) Of) - s n^ osI ob ofc ob ob ofa ::am) ,T o* ", brritf ( . .T ? r o.a ( ^L'A o* tti^l ac^I.B^H.q bru .uxcr;) .T .: :F I ^ ,$ bniW (,.t ; 'i!.x4sax).T.ix5a I 8S 811 00 T8 ( njt 38 r iTt> I S 88 f ood 08 f 09d I S SII 70 811 33 IV'voi: > I <8 S5 2 K o f . io JL u & CS'acL 8 OS si act OS Oil 03 o; oo I! 8T*vofi iO V: 38 c 'C-nU OG'/lcL * S 'Sod xS 02 C TfiM 00 *-> T^ X - ^Ck .SI-LI. * . Q 1 GL r II: all sn< J8^i l9iTCf0 fifiS H . .. JB, 00 J INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. Wg County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sl Remarks. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. * SAN DIEGO S S San Diego 52 45 117 08 93 18 2 Nov'71 2d Order V tt " 32 42 117 14 150 22 7x Jul'49 Aug'72 Smithsonian Collection M D "(Barks) 1 Jan' 89 T. (r.ax.min. ) Rain. TJIsriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. CALIFOR] S S Carnpo 32 V "* V Paradise Valley32 V VOLaguna Mts. 32 37 116 50 253 7 San Luis Rey V Vallecitas 1.1 D Hew San Diego V El Cajon V Murietta R R Catcus V Elismore V national City R R Sal ton R R Seven Palms 33 32 32 33 35 116 50 94 50 116 51 5440 31 117 21 500 41 117 13 10 46 116 57 475 32 117 10 1090 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 Oct'75 Sep'02 11 Feb'80 i.Iay'72 Dec '73 Ox May '05 :iov'86 Sx Jan' 76 Sep'73 Apl'71 Apl' 77 Auc'05 9 Jul'50 liar '51 9x Jan' 30 Ix Nov'75 2 Jul'85 Jan '89 2x Dec 'CO Feb'89 6 Jul'89 11 Feb'89 Jan '09 2d Order Ter.p. & Raift Smithsonian Col. R. only 6 n;os T.Kyg.Clds.R. also knov/n as Twin Oaks. Smithsonian Collection T. Hyg. Vand. Rain T. Hyg. Wind. Clds. Rain T. (max. min.) Wind, Rain do Bar.Te.mp. Wind, Rain Obs. at Sv::-etv. r ater dam T. (nax.nin. ) V.ind 6 Rain do R R Volcano Spring s 1 1 Dec'80 Dec'89 do V Dog Creek 2 5 Jan '82 ! Jan' 8! > T County not known - 4 1 X Record broken. 8.6 ixvoai ( .nxci,;.,e. ') .X i fti^I * .IcD . r ,3&0 flivT rxincari .!>. ,^H .T .7 OJb ^ific) ,T ob IV'voH S 81 S 80 SS 021 *I VII S3 ooaia HAS 1 CO'qsS SV'JgO V CC r II cO I ^ US 7$fl) 911 V5 05 Oil 35 15 Oil OS 2 003 IS VII 15 SS .i a i 8 01 1 VII tl I 3'> V3 811 0* S3 I 0301 01 VII 25 I xS S CO*Iirf, 8 oo'ooa 08* wa i 25 ogeifl JY 1^ IJE. no^It rraroflof Ion The following additional Stations having rainfall records only, can be found in Senate Executive Document l-Io. 91, 50th Congress, 1st Session. CALIFORNIA Station County Station County j Station Conn", T ' i'.It o Diablo Contra Costa Conn Creel: j I lap a E.'ie San Benito Laytonville luiddletovm Wrights Humboldx Light Reeds Canp Cant el ope Val. Smart ville Kono Tayee BJrds Landing loint Bonita l Mendooino Lake Santa Clara i Humboldt j Shasta I Colusa lYuba ' Sol ano 1 jar in Calaveras ValleyAlameda Crystal Springs' San Mateo Ano lleuvo Id. Point Montara How Idria Hanford Rings Station Ft. Conception San Mateo San Mateo Frer.no Fresno Tularo San Bcrnardint. Santa Barbara Lt.Kot Springs Ctay Mesa Lo'.ver Soda Madison K'jraford Hill Cherohee lI.Elociafield Knoxville Point Reyes Far all on Ids Gray con V/oodsido San /jidreas Central Point Bid Dry Creel: Gonzalez Fort Harford aVrroyo Alosta 1'odoc San Rafael Placer Yolo Plumas Eatte "levada Nap a Llarin San Francisco Stanislaus San ilateo San i'ateo I'ercccl Fresno Monterey San L.OMnpo Little Stony Colusa Potter Valley llendocino Firebau~h Ferrj'Fresno V/eaverville Point Arenas Cherohee Res, ilevacla City Jackson San I Trinity : Hondo cino . Butte j Nevada ' Araador ; A .Ia .*in E. Brother T-ld Corvtar Ccsta Hills Por-.'y 1 Stanislaus Pigeon Point iSan.'ateo Filarcitos Buchanan Kings "liver Kingsbv.rgh ^'icCl'-pig ^ i.c,ncl T f) r* f "\ ^"^OC ij \J ^f 4 ^ J_ ^ ^ ,H J Sai; Ilateo Fresno Fresno TSilcrc Los Anr;cles t Escondido 1 ?an Eiego cf nftp < IXlnifii cnivsrf .on voifol rfT >br 0.12 9 . . .*/J >0 tat Jnic'I 80fl 00:1071 cu o$J.s:; .j r. OOi) ru oloY SJ ^ 1 2 ' [ill | aaoltlnaia ^*X ool^li fieri Ov J3 ilfa ; i;o fr ni O 1 20. ; ^ J ! B-: '(\ T COJ iostD rrnoO SJI v To 99.10 S0j t o OOt a hi rioXIjBtr noa'^'itrO j Cbl O*j 0a aaoqi ^V ^imt 3*1 .3. ; oY .3 .us. *8 rf^ioir rlr: UNITED STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state o/ COLORADO. from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ber , County iincl station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above soa-level. Recoi-d. "*jf 6" Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. r~; LARIMER. Fort Collins 40 55 105 02 5000 V V V V w s V w s V \Y S V w s V W S M D \V S Elkhorn 40 La Porte 40 Livemore 40 Loveland 40 Mid 1 !. Box Elder40 Mor.vine 40 Uppsr Pine Y/aldcn 3S Greeley 40 Hardin 40 LOGAII. Le Roy (near) SEDCY/ICK. Julesbi.irr; 40 Ft. Sedgwicl: 41 Sedswiclc 40 PHILLIPS. Ann erst 40 Paoli 40 GRAND. Fraser 39 Hot Sulphur Sp.40 BOULDER. Boulder Canon Longmont 40 Magnolia 39 MORGAN. Brush 40 Fort Morgan 40 45 48 23 49 21 30 2 2 Hov'72 Dec '74 6 I0x Jan' 74 5 Aug'89 6 Jul'89 7 Jun'89 6x llov'87 3 Oct'89 6 Jul'89 107 09 8050 1 6x Aug'87 Feb'89 105 23 105 06 105 14 105 00 5000 105 05 105 34 26 104 42 4750 25 104 30 40 34 102 56 59 102 15 3475 00 102 2V 3380 56 102 23 59 102 04 36 102 28 57 105 49 05 106 10 7600 10 105 06 5000 58 105 22 18 103 37 18 103 42 4500 Vf S 4x T T T 2 1;: Hov'07 3 Oct'89 2x Oct'89 1 5x May '88 3 lOx A?! 67 Apl'7l 3 Oct'39 T 2 Hov'89 T 1 Ix Aug'88 llov'89 8x Apl'99 1 9x Jun'74 Mar '76 1 3 Oct'89 T 3 2x Sep'86 7x Mar '39 3 Oct'39 1 4 Jan' 67 Apl*63 Jan '88 Smithsonian Collection. Bar. Tfnax.min. )Hyg.V 7 \nd, Clds...R. (Experiment Station) (Experiment Station). T eup . (max . min . ) Rain* Temp, (nax.riiin.) Rain. Terap. Ilyc. Y/ind, Rain* Temp. Wind, Clds.Raizu Teinp.(nax.rairu) do. Teup.Hye.Y/ind, Uccoril hrokon. 4*M*99ilrt '. (GO*** f t t - f T OIK* * an is o 99*31* 99 901 * o^ morals OTIi* Q09018* c tJijo ? vij o iaalQ vo J 3 t8* JfrO 9 06 M>X it o* sJ ***** t 14 aoj is i coot ae 96*\fiiMxS Jt 9tM 9; SOX 99 09 ft tai 00 * 9S 86* 98 09 j^fc a ,oUfl,cbr0 4 < 99vott : - e " - 9f^tf99tfl*i9 I 99 901 99 09 c OA nj .s\:h. I -iA jar? J . . : ', jf - . .'ijiwt ( .iiA.-. .; .t rw rlj m': .: & s ( . n lit: . x arr ' . u. . :o T ,niT j-Jtiior' 1 2 .cjnc.'f .ir;-, r f-)'^ ^r"a-;o r. .o ^- ' nx,T. . .- ! . X f -, v.'rf' II ' . :I) !.:- 1"-' ./; ,: rr .xjtm ) ,7 .i r a. De'^fiM x 0875 61 VOX 25 65 ,B- q2 Jboowriolt) S I 3C 801 ^5 85 O^t'r;oj3';/Jl 2 1 GB'ruBl, 01 701 So 6S ztlsft sXliH R I TJM1UG 86 r . toO x<> I *S36 00 COI 05 GS s^Jbiifisaiosia 3 i CdO li 1 301 S^ 05 xJ v 05 goi 25 08 r ( rt f r v r o rub u x > r 88 c cfo r I xl ' ffS' j " T A xV r^j do i 3S iOI 10 ^f)I Po .I [ni<1 or, 31 f a* 65 Q5 er f v^i , .\v cT'ool C3 '::-!, xV 6;" f :r-l> ^ ee i TA xt CC^oO o 8P r jA 33'1-;A x-, c,* 1 - 80 i 01 tf OOrl-> gf! 801 SO 85 si cor oo os x. a oooc 02 ad ax xc 2 3L;oil3f x? i oo:..uvr ao j 3, 1 ortobl 3 1 1 1 ^nnon 2 V aio^ 8 'i icol fc 1 TO WIG a c < o i 1 ^to'3 G 1 2 V TO 2 v 8 \i 2 UNITED STATES SIG-NA.L SERVICE. DEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number tnd class. V7 S V W S County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *f E-5 Remarks. Length. Prom To inclusive. PARK. Alma, Dudley Como (near) 39 18 106 0410320 2 llx 39 30 106 0010500 1 4x 39 18 105 53 9500 2 Ix Apl'86 Jan '77 Oct'37 1 May '78 R Temp. (max.min. ) Rain. Temp, (nax.min. )Rain. V V W S Dolly Varden lline ELBERT. S Agate S River Bend 3 Thon LINCOLN. S Aroya S Hugo DELTA. Delta GUNNI"ON. Gunnison 39 20 106 00 39 39 30 39 28 105 55 18 103 46 5795 53 103 09 07 103 25 ;~0 33 4-5 108 06 4950 34 106 52 7558 S EL PASO. S Colorado Spg's.38 51 104 47 6052 1 Ox Auc'88 Oct'i 6x Mar '89 6x I.tar'89 1 9x Mar '88 4x Apl'89 1 Ix Jun'86 1 4 Sep'83 4 Jan' 34 Apl'34 1 2x Jul'88 5 2 Dec'73 Temp. one nonth of Rain. R Terp. (nax.rain. ) Rain. . V.'ind Clds. Rain. V V V V V/ 3 W S S S Colorado Spg's. Fountain i Husted Paliuer Lake Pikes Peak 38 38 59 39 38 551 104 46 60GO -1-0 I0o 40 5-1-20 00 104 49 6540 07 104 51 O LJ 1 Dec'7l 4j: Nov'77 9x Apl'74 Cx llov'71 9 1 Apl'86 Jan '89 llov'73 LIay'87 Fab'75 Peb'75 50 105 0214134 14 11 Nov'73 2d Order. pull obc.witii tue ception of no Bar. or Anemocu after Uov'GV. Station closed Auc'76 to JuiiG7 incl. Sr-ithconian Collectio;;. Bar. T. (:..a.:.i;:irJIIyc'"ind.Cld.r;. Ter:f> . Wind , Cl ds . Rain. Smithsonian Collection, Tenp. (nax.nin. ) Rain. Teir.p. (rr.ax.niin. )Rain. 2d Order. W S II U 3 Aug'39 Oct'39 R W S Vicwaa 33 32 104 56 llx Nov'33 T CIIEYEmiE. \v s Cheyenne V.'ells 38 43 102 22 7x Mar '89 v; r, .'First View 53 49 102 50 7x i.Iar'SO S S ws = Kit Carson 33 45 102 47 i 2 Cx Aug'77 6x mw't'r A^ig'SC i /Sunset station. (rar.Terp.r.yrr. vVV ind , Cl d 2 . Rain. X Record broken. 80'IqA XXI 2 OS50IK) 901 81 A Tm 1 r'atl, x* I 0050100 001 08 T8*J0 xl S 0089 88 801 81 to sro ul Ui^.uoo oora&nA -ro .'Mil on lo ; J'JoO 88'sijA xO X WiM x3 88iaU xt X SC?3 00 801 OS 83 301 8S 8* SOI 8X SOI 88 xl I loco. 8S 801 TO 68 68 28 as as G8 * X 036* 30 801 8 CS * 888V 23 001 xg X & 8 800 V;> I-OX 13 i-OX ST'tfo^ 88Xq,\ 6 8 f q93 ST'voW IX M H f8 ( ioO GO'^uA 8 T eC'vott xXI foil x& 2 0000 8v I xc oc:-2 < a * c-ox oo es xc :ox TO as ss Ov 83 301 08 88 Co *OX S5 83 (it xT xO S 52 -OX 0i- SS 02 JOI 0- 85 G to 1 3 fi a enill THaOXQ norfT S .ujoomj ogwH 3 M V .ur.rouD noainni/O V .Oli/il OS V a v o v V a KT 3 tf a 3 8Li/ : n - UNITED STATES SIGKN".AJL SERVICE. fDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of , : t,OB fr'om the earliest records to January 1, 1890. , Number Elevation Record. caS? and class. in y an s a ion. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. E-"i MONTRQSE . O ' M D Fort Crawford S S Mont rose FREMONT. V Canon City Yf S SAN MIGUEL. W S Pandora SAGUACHJS V S Saruaehe W S Villa Grove CUSTER. W S Westcliffe PU2LLO. V Earjle Farm G S Pueblo V " VI S Puablo V * U D Ft. Reynolds OTERO. V Rooky Ford BENT. S S Las Aninas W S M D Fort Lyon D " " 30 26 107 55 10 Jan' 09 33 30 107 56 5795 4 11 Feb'35 38 30 105 00 4700 1 Tec '69 Dec '69 T 38 27 105 14 5230 3 3x Jul'86 38 05 107 40 3700 1 llx Jun'36 Jul'38 38 05 106 15 7740 2 9x Cep'86 Oct'39 33 14 105 52 4x May '89 T 33 07 105 26 7800 1 4x Apl'86 38 07 104 35 9x Mar '89 T 33 18 104 36 4753 1 6 Jul83 7 llx Feb'74 1 5x Apl'86 Jun'38 1 3 Ccp'72 Nov'73 3G 15 104 12 4300 4 May '63 Apl'72 33 00 103 40 4100 1 3 Oct'38 33 04 103 12 3899 3 8 Oct'81 May '88 4 Sep'89 ' 06 103 30 4000 1 6 Dec '60 May '62 21 7x May '61 Oct'89 nip'. (nax.nin. ) Rain. 2d Order. Terap. (nax.nin.) Rain. Teirp. (nan. ) Rain. Acl.Exper. Station 12 rr.iles C. of Pueblo. Position appro;; 1 d. 2d Order. Bar. T cnp . (ciax.ruin, )/! id, CIds Rain. Pueblo & G. Pueblo com- bined Sratlisonian Collection. 2d Order. Formerly Vfsst Las A. Smithsonian Collection. Bar.T. (r.:ax.rr;in. )IIyr.v:iiKl > Cl:1c Rain.Prior to Jun'32,rt.\;ise. i X Record broken. f .nirt.x/iCT).qGioT .xeMO tS cpasT . sol;.-* f*oi JaSZ .is qx2. I^A T -:.:oc .r. 3 olJ&ir*! .A s T 8t>sG OX 33 II * 6073 05 701 05 8c, X 007* 00 301 05 8S ics s oesa *i aoi TS SB 63 r t 'cl I x^ Se'Itrf, D8nirt, xXX X 007S 0* TO! SO 35 S 0*77 3X SOX 30 85 33 301 *X 85 X 0087 8S SOX 70 85 70 88 si ec 8 X 537* 95 xIX 7 27 c voTf X X 003* SI 2l Go c x 001* o* oox oo es XS'^oO 8 C 6985 SI 501 K> 32 * 8 X 000* 05 SOX &0 x7 IS a .': 2 ruftO 8 IIAE 8 'i 2 svo-xO alliV 2 .HHT2UD 2 :}fl3 C oXcIoi/1 2 * , I OtfCilO f .XI a UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Btamber County and station, and class. J Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. PROWERS. W S Laniar SAN JUAN. V Silverton W S RIO GRANDE. W S Monte Vista V Summit 38 05 102 54 37 46 107 4-6 9400 lOx Jan '89 11 Sep'75 Jul'76 6 Sep'86 Feb'37 37 35 106 05 7365 3 2x Aug'86 37 28 106 3511300 3 7x Au>XO < I>ruW | cjn?T n t>xo> ,oe ( . .ntcfl xS ad6V 30 xt 8 OOBXI3S 01 tS xfi 3 05 75 qnoT OX I 03 TOX 8X T OOV8 Od VOX *S e ooae W rox ax .MAUL ftft& OM .OHAftflSUH ;ufloaaH. .ATAJ1 AJ 03 M< alwsJ 58XqA OO'qsa 7 2 00X7 08 OX lo xS ox oa xOX XX 08'ioO 3 88 f IA -: 00- ,-I ^ ftfcCj '20^ r UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of QO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. '$zfSsS& and cHss County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From- | To inclusive. Remarks. V V .( V V V If V V V V V . , V, V V V V w V V LITCKFTEI.J Ccl ebrocli n Falls Vil Litehiield 42 00 73 05 1210 liew Hartford Norfolk :::rth Colebr.:-cl; Plymouth Alisbury o o kj s s s s s .Yavren Centre V.est C:-r-.T,v^ll HARTFORD Avon Canton i Collinsville Farminrjton ( 6 iui,S of ) i Hartford New Britain Sou thing ten 41 41 42 42 42 41 9 41 41 -1-1 41 41 57 45 02 00 03 40 l^O 50 44 50 43 52 43 75 22 75 12 75 04 75 10 75 OG 75 04 73 20 73 21 72 50 55 300 300 17-00 1300 m 100 242 12 4x i,:ay : 4G llQV*7S 4 lOx Dee'73 ;Teb'7C 3 Lav ' 80 3 Jan' 50 Dec '52 3 2x Aun'36 -^ , 2 3 Doc '34 felf^ 3 Ox Oct'34:;icv'S7 2 Jan- c2 fciay*34 Sb. Col Tsp. rain. T e:?:p c \f i ncl . c U s c r a i n , T Pain.-, R Average te.v.p. Ter.-;p , wind, el as . rain. bar 43 72 51 204 il 45 72 40 33 Spilth Manches- ter Suf field 41 41 41 41 West Hartford 41 i 40 72 46 17S 35 72 51 294 45 72 51 53 72 40 45 72 45 uest Si^sbury 41 53 72 ,52 157 1 Jar. '49 Dec '40 1 Jan' 54 Dec '54 4 6 Jul'60 D'3c'C4 1(5 Ja:i'53 Dec '73 15 Gx Jari'74 4 dan '36 2 2x Fob '85 Apl'87 3 10 May '38 Apl'41 3 "0 Jan '37 19 ?,:< Oct''0o !Iev73 13 '/ x D c 'i ' 7 /5 lOx Aug'83 4 Jar : 70 Dec '73 8 K:y T9 10 Fab '7? Hov'73 5 .J,.-n'7'i' May 74 2 Jan-7j Deo '71 8 Apl-83, FoV88 Ox A-us'88 Teirp, v/iu. .. olds.rall Sn.- Col g t cr.:p , rain., S: .:., Co'J.., f. err . r ain R S^oCoicte:r.p, Sr.o Col o Te^p,, v/inda rain. bar, C:;,., Col o t eiv.p , rain. To^p^rain, Tor.ip./rairu R 8b,Cl. monthly average R Toiiip. Sir-. Co 1 o t snp , rain. Tei-ipoV/ind^cldSo rain. htm. HI T^ ,-_ ^ yb Sa u Col. t erjp r a in, Temp , wind. elds, r ain, T Rain. RCV- r^* *% T 4 ttn^^t-v O1.Q w \J J. o w OiiL) o 5'cap o wind - c 1 ds a rain. T Srri. Col. Rain. T Rain. 1 1 X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. D County and station. and class. Elev Latitude. Longitude. ab< sea-1 Moo Record. oj Remarks. evel - Length. From To inclusive. O ' ' TOLLAI:D V Columbia 11 40 72 42 16 5;c Ceo '-3 ;Tov'75 Su.Col.temp.raip,. V 2 3x Dec'73 Fob '7 3 Temp ,v;ind. elds. rain. v. 3 Mansfield 41 45 72 14 1 7 Jan '83 Temp. rain. YvINDHAM V Gosh en 41 43 72 07 561 22 Jan'29 P>eo'50 R Sn. Col. tamp. W S llorth Wood- stock 42 00 72 00 Dx Ssp'83 T Rain. V Fonfret 41 54 71 53 15 3 Jan'5-i i,"ar'69 ST.!. C c 1 . t amp . r ain . W S 8x Aus'88 Aun'39 T Rain. V Thompson 41 53 71 52 433 19 8x Jan '52 Nov'73 R Sn.Col.Tenp, V 9 Ox Dec'73 Sep'83 R Tenp. o Vll i 3 lOx Jan' 86 R Temp. V C V V V s W S V M D S S V v; s v o V S FAIRFIELD B 2th el (Elunrood) 41 Brookfield 41 Greenwich 41 ? Shelton KEV-; H/;VEN Eirminghaia Hew Haven (Knishts) V^allingford Waterbury IvIIDDLESEX Middle to-sn 41 41 **1 41 2273 22 43 Jan' 33 ^ar 1 37 T 27 73 24 100 2 3 Oct'68 Dec '70 04 73 40 300 2 llx Dec '70 Nov'73 8 Jan 7 74 Sep'74 5 Ix llov'84 19 73 05 1 Ix Aug'33 18 72 56 45 73 6x Jull773Apl' 63 40 9 May 63 Jan' 64 107 17 I Doc '72 16 Ix Apl'TG Doc '73 V Jsji'G3 27 72 4S 3373 02 333 o 8 Jan'CG; AvG" CO 41 33 72 39 v/ s V Saybvook(Lyndo Feint L.H, ) 41 20 r 3 17 G-, Jen' 49 llov'73 9 1 DC'7ft .Occ'82 5 2 Hov T 34 7.? 20 10 6 11 X.Jan '54 6 \Vind. olds. rain. Sm. Col , t omp . rain. SGI. Col. temp. rain. (Quaker Ridge, Round' Hill) T-3Dp. wind. elds. rain. Teup.rain. Tenp. rain. Sci. Col . Temp . rain, Ter.;p,rain. Full observations. Sra. Col . t eisp . rain. Rain. Sm. Col . temp , rain. Temp. rain. Sm, Col . Ter.p . rain. Tenp. wind, olds .rain. Bar. Tcrap. rai'icbar hyg. ffcic Col o Tenp . rain. X Record broken. . oteJZ T CS'r-rA 1 83 17 7S K llli/I B^stO 1 3 fl 7C f C I OS ST d j 8 ^ 78'^n SC'r-t xS 2 02 -0 27 IS !> T IS'VOI! XS OO^OflOX 93(- T 08 f ll/t DO M S7 85 If oj 2 18 ^14 C7'voi' xS ^ C 81 27 C2 & it*&\ 'OiL xll I OS 80 27 IS li .fc-oJ v. 17'r^l, 91 :8 f 7Jl S 03 CO 27 S II- rfc; TS'ofct xO 55 82 80 2T 02 II- IIixfcttrtT fS^rf I 88 y^i; x7 3 70 S7 7S 3d 05 IT 33 ^.: i>.ciruii ?cxtfaiw IIoT ai^n&O ..&i7*Y . loi^: x- r i Ij ItUi .^otca\ TJISnTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. )EX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. 2 ~' and class sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. S HS JT"^, 'P ' STTj v V Delav;are City V V Ft, Delaware ;i ID V Kir Ir.ro od V !!ev;arl: V V Viilnincton KI:.;T V Cover V V ,:ilford(near) V SUSSEX S S C~pe Her.lopen S S Del^-.r^re 54 7. 55 2 0. 10 10 C: 3 2; 55 75 41 1 5 53 75 47 120 2 3: 7 5S 44 75 55 115 1 10: 5C 55 75 54 5C 52 . : ar ' 6 o Jan '74 Jan '25 Jan '32 Oct'03 Jul ' 47 Oct'33 J Jan '34 V * ^^ ) "^ ^ i .cli O / liov'73 x!av 5C Sep'70 Peb ' 53 Apl'SS Get' 35 V Georcetov.-a 59 10 75 50 53 45 75 25 53 43 75 05 58 43 75 10 53 43 75 22 40 3 6 Jul'70 Dee'73 7 I- Jan'74 Jun'31 20 5 Ox Dec '57 Deo '75 4 5 Jan'74 .lay 73 1 9:: Jun'35 Jun'C7 20 5 1 Fe'o'30 Feb'85 2 6 Jul '57 Dec'5S R Sr. Col . Teup . rain. Temp r.y.g e r;ind. rain. R Ter;.p. Ter.:p (nia;c-rain) . rain. n. Col Ter.;p , rain. Sn. Col . Terr.p . rain. T ecip . v/in d . e 1 d s . r ain . n. Col . Temp. rain. Ter.:p.Trind. elds. rain. Ter^p v/ind. dir. rain. Full observations, Sm.Col.Teiap.rain. List of Stations vhieh h^.ve less th_n one yev.r's record .id '.:hich are not no - .; in ope- ration. Station St, Georges Viol.-. County i:ev Castle Kent X Record broken. - .cl, ::-: . . . . : - . '.IoD.. 5? r csd xe' -ST. I- . .-. . I . ". .r.,';. .-.jeT.icO.xn2 6d - SERVICE. UNITED STATES INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of DISTRICT I A from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number County and station. un class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation 'above sea-level. Record. rf| s'i HE Remarks. Length. Prom- To inclusive. O ' , DISTRICT OF rrr.Tr TT* V Receiving Reservoir V Distributive Reservoir V Rod: Creek iridje V Georgetown V or West Wash ins: ton 33 55 77 04 11 C;c ..lay 77 Feb'GC 11 10;c . lay 77 |Feb'8C j 11 11:: .lay 77 Feb'3G 3 2x Dec'59 ,Feb' 35 "3 55 77 02 117 3 5x I lay 82 Dec '35 V Washington City 30 52 77 05 110 57 lx Jan' 20 Oct'70 i-.I D Washington T^ ' ***-* ', -% V -^ f-iT />- TT l > " T -iT'-T Oh <:'!-> O._i% O X vUSl o w - i en^p j. ij<3.n. Full observations. Tenp.rain. V northeast of 7 :r.iles from Capitol 33 57 70 5G 275 1 Sep > 57 Aug'53 T &i^ Col. Rain. V Kendall Green Deaf ..lute College) 33 54 77 00 112 3 llx Apl'73 ,.:ay 83 Lar.ter.ip.hyG:.vrinci.rain, X Record broken. . . . ' " T *r . T > - I S 3SD r ^e as S :i -I .. , 31 : J T ^e& X dV. 82 -D UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of FLORIDA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Bomber and class. Count y and 9tatlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. g *! H'g Remarks. - Length. Prom To inclusive. ESCAwBIA. V Pensaoole. S S II D Ft. Barrancas M D M D * v o Harrington v o 3ANTA ROSA. V Hilton V ".VASHINGTON. V Oronjje Kill JACKSON. V Springfield V OABSDBb V Caattahoochce LEON. V Tallahassee V V lie lair VvAlIULLA. S S St.Marks V ITevport JEFFERSON. Fort Gaubls Fort Pleasant MADISON. iUadi 25 87 13 SO 21 37 13 56 3 5 Au'4S Bee '52 T 11 Oct'79 20 22 4x Jan '22 Jun'74 1 Jan' 30 Deo '60 7x J.in'75 50 21 37 17 12 4 3x Jan' 54 Eos' 59 T 5 3 Oct'49 Dec '54 R 30 56 87 03 50 '6 lx Pcb'73 Jill 1 79 R 2 7 Feb'76 A\ig J 78 Average Rail-fall. 2d Ordsr. : Tci:^.-Rain from July '42.Sni.Col. Tirjp. , "y~. , v/iad, W jather, Rain. Ba". , Tei;.p. Cuax.niin. ) ,V.'ir*d, Clds. Raindlyg. froc J:ai'7c to Hay '75). fllavi' Yard). S-. Col. Av3va?e monthly Tecip. Srn.Ccl. Smithsonian Co?.l action. T enp . , Cl ds , Vvind, Rain. 30 30 85 30 148 2 8 May'53 Dec '55 Also knoTtti as Knox Hill.Sro.Col. 30 48 85 16 1 2x May '72 Jan' 74 71 8 Jan '74 Aug74 R 50 42 84 50 1 lx Hay'G9 Sap '70 Also kn.-:vm as Cedar Hill. Cm. C. leap . , Cl cuds t Wind. (Arsenal).Tcs~ip. for only : months. Sm. Col. 30 27 34 16 200 1 Hay '72 T Snithsonian Collection. 5 5x ilar '83 Bar. , Temp. , Wind, Cl cuds, Rain. 30 24 84 20 70 3 lOx Ncv'53 May '61 R Smithsonian Collection. 30 10 84 12 15 5 Nov'74 Oct'79 30 1084 15 18 2 lOx Ivlc.y'70 Dec'75 4 6x Jan' 74 Mar '85 2d Order. Smithsonian Coll action* T enp . , V; iad , Cl oiids , Rain* 50 05 84 00 50 2 5x Jan' 40 Dae '42 R SnathaGiiian Collection, 1 7 Jal '41 D2c'42 R 30 05 84 00 30 50 85 25 5 Get '39 i'3sp. ^ Rain. Record broken. i. atar . '.;?;: "u XoD ^L ,(*? vvj&m , xooS 56 tol * XcD XO , oIA , . 3 03 SX 73 eS CT+oO IX x* ss os ex re xs o x act C X5 ^ SX tl ?8 X& s a xx JO T3 0^: Of 8 S &!-X OS 38 03 OS oa 05. Of X 00 81 3 xOX 5 0V OS i-0 N 05 * T ^ * kjt^ SX 61 OX OX T X 05 00 '0 oO 00 AS fiL 58 05 * T a XIJtH iO ' 6X 58 05 &lrt- ! 8 o ceejBdaXXfiT 8 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of FLORIDA from the earliest record* to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation HeCOrd ' ; and class. Count y snd 3t aon. Latitude. Longitude. above S'S r> i Remarks. SUWA1IEE. sea-level. Length Froip _ To inclusive. H g : C R Liva Oak 50 10 82- 59 4 0:: Sep'31 V Houston 30 12 82 58 4: Nov'77 Oof 81 ?. Bar. :: TdKp. V \Yelborn 50 11 82 53 200 3 4x Apl'71 D is ' 7 i Sfcilhs'Miia.i Coll ?3 ti on. V 3 3;: Jan '7 4 Oct'77 7^,i Rain; Bar.foti Jar*'??. COLUMBIA. V Lake City 30 12 82 7 174 -i Ox Jan '57 Jan' GO Rair. for:: Dec'57. Sta.C;l. S S 30 lo 82 40 121-3 4 Nov'70 Oot'7-i 2d Ord^r. V 8 r.Iar'89 tri . ^ . *i ^ { , _ A'JDp. -V. iiftlSlg I-tASSAU. M D Fcvr.andina 30 40 31 23 25 1 Ox Jun'65 Jill '34 Ta^.jHz.'^^lacijIwiia. V E l,ic,-'<37 Jnl'07 Smithsonian Collation. C R 2 3 Apl'32 Dot '33 D U V A L. V Fort George Id.0 26 81 27 10 2 10;: Jan' 74 Ho '77 Taap. & iUin. V il 2 Jan'72 D:o'7 2:aithscnian Cc?.l;-ction. V Mavport 30 24 81 25 15 1 Deo'73 Deo'7'1- (Jan*7't- nassia;;) SLI.CO!. V 11 Pe'o'7-: * * J V Jacksonville 30 20 31 c?9 14 16 lOx J^n'38 Fj"b72 T^ap. i airly eo^rlotD frou Jon. ' ^previous to ^ ti-.it iato, y-rr. .-,-1 ',,,-.?, J^ 7y ^ POl S 3 Jacksonville ^3 1C 4 Sjp'71 Ld ^Td'.r bt^tior.* RiYArvrpfnp. Fort il.^i ALACIflJA. Gordon ?. v;aldo Ft.Paminrj Gainesville Archer Liiaaiiopy or. /'ooo Ac; *~*tZ TV T-%T I^O ' r . ^- > / 1 7> vi ? +V.f/-^ % (~*/>1 ** - S r.w Jo -*d o uc 4-^'*O T**. T^'i!'^ "^ ^T^-* ^^"-*<2i**^>'^*^ ^rtl^.^***^*?! t<.' , Oi CO OO ti '- UJL _,/ Oclii 'i*.- -v -(.-. o'Jiiivii. w'.'iJ.'- * ^ .--^ .M* >(. -i-K o^. -i /> ^ ^r ,1 <>.. 7-i..-_|s/ rp^ % | -.1 tv- -' *V r-.^r i 1** P' ^ 1 ^> * ^ rtt^ tic. .'. Ovj JL U 1 Ov '^ c-.i i vC < 'v i -w OJL L%A9 /i.o.vii. *-/...A.J >. vJii. OO ^"O QC ' O -7 7 T"r>>ov T'vr^ /~ftV --.?- ^ '<* ^ ?>>* ., L. ; t,'.' Ou wv ' ' o i.:i '.ju* i Jl...^ V.--u^* -^~*- / j "*%* .^'^...i 2G ^C 32 15 78 1 10 Jun53 Itar'oS XptO Pecj3C. S^, Col. 4 5 JMl>58 Dos 1 '1-2 R v. iu^T* iiiavtii'vp y V Fairview -** ** ^ -^* w JL ** C. w X i' '^C' Ov * ."^ C It- '-'' \ ' * *. V iPort Shannon 2t ;..: 31 cD 25 ^ ^x Jan'oS Jan' 50 R fF: :i-^ T'alatl:a). fPalatlra). 5ci. Col, '. :, rjB I -0 7rvo t * a 1 r. * 3 rxlir c^-* - tc 28 8X 08 93 88 81 08 002 05 88 XX OS re'flfiL *0 i- f-7X 73 S8 X OS 0?vcJf ;x oc xo x as es xe 3 C S KOX S 01 os o x ax Jj'i C XX xox 73 Z3 Qi Ofi.^I I 52 X8 i-fi 05 Qc XS Co .SBWWVU2 svlJ H o e o A v u a Q ox V r^i SC XV 50 28 s2 x 'teO S^Xaft, - * s oe ox <> N ocx 01 ce -5..- 22 2 ( r5 O- ox s cr ax .ri ' , -* . . : f >o V t6'i: o 1 1 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of FLORIDA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. and class. St. JOHNS. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. <= f"i V St. Augustine 29 54 81 13 25 25 llx Oct'24 Ncv'71 M D M D V Picc-iata V Matanzas V Duke 29 40 81 30 29 37 81 15 29 27 81 10 LEVY V Ft.Wacassassa 29 V Cedar Keys 29 S S V Gulf Hammock 29 MARIOH V Ocala 29 V V Port Russell V Port King VOLUSA. V Seville V Daytonia V 29 29 29 29 30 82 45 08 83 02 15 82 44 11 82 09 15 82 15 10 82 10 17 81 28 12 81 01 2S 09 31 00 29 01 80 58 V Port Orange V !lew Smyrna V B " V V Fort Mellon 29 01 81 00 V Mosquito Inlet 29 12 31 02 LAK, V Ok o,h\ V Villa Cit: 1 2x Jan 1 64 May '66 13 7 Jun'76 2 4x Sep'40 Dec* 72 1 7 Aug'88 i 1 8 Hov'SG Jun'83 45 2 3 Oct'40 Dec'42 R 22 8 9 Jul'40 Mar '31 10 2 Nov'79 40 2 3 Apl'78 Jun'80 2 2x Jan'G9 Nov'71 R 2 Nov.' 89 50 1 lOx Jul'38 Jun'42 R 50 Ix Oct'32 Feb'45 R 1 Jan' 59 Dec '59 R 10 2 3 Oct7l Dec'73 7 Jan' 74 Feb'81 2 lOx Jan' 67' Apl'70 R 20 4 8x Jan '40 Mar '41 R 1 9x Jan'53,Nov'73 2 lOx Apl'74 Nov'77 11 May '41 Mar '42 R 1 5 Jul'TO'Sep 1 ?! (Ft.Marion) Rainfall from ':-: Sr;dthsonian Collection. Temp, , Hyg. , Wind, Rain. ( St. Franc is Barracks). Bar., Teir,p . , Wind, Clds . , Rain. My j. f roia Jan'SG. Rain for 1872 only. Sa.Ccl. Temp. , Hygr. , Yind, Rain , fAlso knov/n as Mala Conipra) . . Temp, (max.min. )Hyg,"..'ind, Clds.R. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. conpl et e, Rain broken. Sv-. C. 2d Order Station. Ten53.,V/eather, Clds., Rain. Snithsonian Collection. Temp. & Rain. Combined with records fron Forts Harley & Wheelock.Srii.Col. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp.,Vi'ind,Clouds,?.ain. Juno Oct'80 missing, Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp.dcain for 7 months), (Near Nevr Smyrna) Sa, Col, (Ots.12 miles 1I.V/. ) Sm.Col. 28 41 81 53 3 9 Oct'73 Jun'80 R Tetp. , Wind, Clouds. ity 23 2c 01 50 1 Jan'C9 1 X Record broken. ' -^ -. . > w . . ., t U3*r. ;:: ~f ( fj ; T> e f.'T'voi' e \ T. -iH -,,tT i ', If rv 3 UNITED STATES SIGKNTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of P LO Ri DA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Nnmber and class. County and station. Latitude. Elevation Longitude. above sea-level. Record. f Remarks. Length. C From- To inclusive. EH OilANGK. S S Sanforcl 23 48 O ' 01 2o 25 <: G Jan'Sc: Jun'o? 2d Orcle- Station. V Altaoicnte Spg's23 40 31 17 1 11 Jan' 83 Teup. (aax.nin. ) Humidity, Rain. BRE7AHD. S S Titusvillo 23 S4 80 Cl 4-1- 2 7 Jvin'87 2d Order Station. > Morrit's Island 28 18 80 -M 22 4 7 Jun'85 Also !:nov;n as Georgians. Terp. (i.-ax. irdn. )V,'ind, Clds . , Rain. In a err eat man; 1 instances, only monthly summaries rendered . S S i.Iioco O" S V i, 1 VO 80 oo 1 4 Sep'38 3d Order Station. V Tort Pierce 27 30 30 20 c'O 3 4x Jan 1 40. May* 53 Also kncv/n as Fort Caprov/. Rain from March '52. Sn. Col. Ui:,L3BOROUGK. V Fort Lrooh. 28 00 32 28 20 2G llx Jan' 25 Jul'GO R Smithsonian Collsction. V " " 10 Qx. Jan' 4-0 Dec '73 t U V " " 1 Jun'81 Hov'32 Bar. , Temp. (u;xc.:)fiys. , V>ind, Clds. Rain.l lin. Tenp . from Oc t ' 31 . V V Tamp Li 27 57 C2 27 5 2 Gx iiay'GO Jxil'GO Apl'7i Dec '75 Bar. , Teinp . , My g. , V.'ind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. V C Linona 27 r7 32 1G 5 o" Apl'Sc Jun'33 Ter^p . (niax.niiii. )Vind, Clds , :tain. POLK. V Home land 27 43 81 00 120 S Jan' 37 Ttanp.f, Rain. V Fort I.ieaJ^ 27 -1-3 31 50 o" 7 I'ay'ei i:ov'54 Ssithsoaian Collection. V 4 '6 Oct'3:- Bar. } Tsnp. , '..ind, Clds/..eathcr,R, OSCrlOLA. V ICissiisruee 23 13 01 25 I 2 Hov88 Ter^. (nia;:.;ran. )Rain. j i.'i* 1-1. ^.-11;^ V ; Tanat e ? 27 L.7 \r* >r ^ T ^ T f7 J 1 / Jan'G9 Jul'70 Sniithsonian Coliectica. V 5 5 AtiHG-^ Tenp. ,ttind, Weather, Clds. Rain. L 1 E . | V C Fort ::ycr 2" '.- r. v u'C si ;: fo 7 3 Smiths vHian Coll eo tion. V Alva ("ana) . V Ft. P ev nand 2 3 ! Cl So lr 5 7 ->1 T.-l CT ., i^l Ot| .. ^ .'. *m*83 Fet'5[ Api'T'C Teu.p. (::;a::.r.iin. ) , .VindjAVeati e-, 1^ Sr..i t h s o r. i an C c- 1 1 20 1 i or. . T^^ i *. J- ." T^ '"100 ~i <"^ i^ FT "^ > u ^ or. -i .! -i OLlv J. -- J. * 11 11 Anr71 Jnn'3: 2d Ord:r Station. X Record broken. -M ,- -' Bairjcfinus VlrfJflOffl >a*3 fvIriO fA - .b x -, v 8S/Ii:L ? 8f a ^ Cr^Iirl, L rl T S? - O^'ntl, xC ,.r^ 'voll I .nri; j ^in^s.^t l sil0 c lyzx'.< . .7 fl . iT i O . : t z : f ? f ini -: T , . -.- L> -.>i.i C? r . x c CL< a 30 flii/!C2TW: zb& t 'X.:!i& W'.tr;: t . ivc.-!^.'. .r.c:~ x:: 7 08'voll 07 f iifL CO'.i^I, ? i It L: UNITED STATES BIG-NAIL, SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of FLORIDA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. hmber id class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. as If 1 HS Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. O ' O ' BADE. S S Jupiter V Hypoluxo V Biscay ne V V Fort Dall:-.: V I^idi^;.: Koy 26 57 30 07 2G 50 30 01 25 53 30 07 24 55 30 -1-1 V Ft. Jefferson 24 53 3< LI D V JIB if/est a 2* " Q "1 M jttfl J-^'-'Q'" 23 2 1 Dec '39 12 1 lOx Oct'70 ilov'74 5 8x liar 1 74 ilar '30 25 4, oath Dr , Ilain. i-.la;c.o: :ui:i.Tcr.^.,froKi Jcji'70. Smiths oiii^ii Coll cction. TCL? . , Hy fj. , v.'ind, Vi cather, Rain. Max. o: Liin. Tor.ip. from Jan'7i. 2a Order Station. ^ position as ^iven X Record broken. iS C'fu:t> TO OG V ~/'T, ftC'o^a I 10 ex; ix.'.-ino3rf/i.- l-7 r vo$; Gr'JcO jtOI I Si TO ^cfcXO,. * OG*Ti. *T C -;j^I X8 6 - L 85'^ri Cu f ' ' TS'osQ OcJ'n^l, I it'voH SV r a.L IX X II 2? SC I'.t, ,f5 c IV'o-.d X r o'c^ XIJ 01 OC^acI* XX ^.cpoT SV'cca OO^ict* T OX , I ;-; ** * OT'voIf 2 91 S2 j:C I SO 23 I." 6 Fragmentary records of less than a year- in length are on file fron the Following Stations: FLORIDA. Fort Gat 1 in, ............ Orange County . Fort Hamer, .............. Manatee County Foi-t Holmes, ............. Putnam County Fort Pickens, ............ Eseambia County. Hiternia, ................ Clay County . Orlundo, ................. Orange County. Orange Grove, ............ Manatee County. Sebastian, ............... Brevarci County. v/hite Springs, ........... Hamilton County. Note:-Cotton Region Stations of the Signal Service make observations of a.: ana niininum temperature and rainfall daily from April to October inclusive Of ach year, :.t1 slil no ei* j 4 fl/fj ae* >i 'cu; Ji'I cn .A a I H J .l .^ ^* *TT arloU r? .... ,Ain *:0. S\ -itO lo 9Vi8trloci -xodojoO o^ IJ:TTA '' 1 . IUA; . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Mid class. County and statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. rf* 1 fs Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. \*i AT TTT"*T^ ' ' Y Lafayette YiKITFILD. V Dal ton V C R * V Dionond UNI OU. V D-ick RABU1I. V Flabun Gap. GOIIDOII. C R Calhonn T T T 7" > J-ilj* J. V D ah 1 one V Y.TIITE. V Mossy Creek KABERSKAU. V i,lount Airy V Toceoa c n FLOYD. V Rome BARTOW. C li Cartersville 5<1- 45 85 23 1112 1 6 Sep'71 Feb'75 47 84 50 775 5 Jan' 61 Mar '81 1 o Apl'78 Sep'79 2 3x Apl'32 Oct'35 '1-5 84 15 55 85 s; , .pT ec'e^a t 01 S8 ' .'- J" ' -. - CXX>S 0* 58 '. ::X 3 . , >c? -: R'ast* xd X lA xO 6 " . i 0e*^-'A ST'XqA fi OX TSO 60 J8 r I::jA *8 tJCV >X3A '10 .1 'sioD ,^10 X 6J JJ .T3iT ' OX UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of EJORGIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. rf* HALL. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. HH V Gainesville V V C R M V Gillsville COLE . V Marietta V CLARK. V Athens V " V " C R V OGLETHORPE. V Point Peter FULTON. V Atlanta V M D :.i B s s WILKES , C R Washington CARROLL. V Carrollton NEWTON. V Oxford C R Covington MORGAN. C II Madison 34 1G 85 47 1227 llx Feb'72 Nov'73 3 lOx :iar'71 Dec'80 4 6x Jan '33 Apl '83 4 6x Apl'82 54 15 85 56 1052 3 Jul'39 33 58 84 30 1135 1 9x Jan' 85 May '87 1 10- Jan '33 33 58 83 23 G94 4 Jan'45 Jun'49 2 llx Mar '57 Oct'73 4 lOx Apl'78 Dec '84 4 7x Apl'82 5 9 Apl '84 33 57 82 8 May ' 89 33 4? 84 23 1050 7 Ix Jan' 59 Nov'73 1090 3 4 Nov'73 Feb'77 10 10 Jan' 71 Oct;81 7 Jun'39 4 Auc'35 Nov' 83 33 42 32 44 33 56 35 04 1139 11 4 Sep'78 4 Ox May '34 8 Ix Apl'78 Feb'88 33 3835 50 6 5x Apl '78 Apl' 85 55 37 33 49 748 1 4x Apl '32 Sep'84 34 35 27 681 1 4:: Staithsonian Collection. T ei:.p . , V/ind , Cl ds . , Rain. Report, Con' r. of Agl. Rain. Report, Cora' r. of Teisp. (max.udn. )Vind,Rain. T Blodget's Climatology. Smithsonian Collection. Report, Coin' r. of Agl. Bar. , Temp. (max. min. ) , Hygrometer Wind, Clouds, Weather, Rain. Temp.& Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. , Temp . , Hy g, Wind, Clds . , Rain. (McPherson Barracks) .Temp. (max. min. ), Hygrometer, Wind, Clds.R. (McPherson Barracks). I- lax, & min. Tenp., & Rain. ( C amp Mi t eh el 1 ) . Bar. , Temp . (max. min. ) Wind, Clds., Weather, Rain. 2d Order Station. ReportjCom'r.of Agl. Rep or t, Com' r. of Agl. AD! '82 May '85 X Record broken. ,/ioiic^IIoO iicinoarttinfi SV'voM 2? f cf'/'I xJI 7SSI 7-:- 36 Of *I3A "io f i c ;.:o0^70q&^I 68' 3*ncl SC'lciA x8 . . l&.l*200,* r . D * I " DO :0 o .1 noj- .JJ rrr\ 4 i .TV . r UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 3 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of 3ORGIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. sea-level. Length. From - To inclusive. o Remarks. r-r IT t* /-*- f\f\ r\ /-\ A t . . . t o Penfield C R Union Point COWETA. SPALDING. V Griffin 7 C R JASPER. V Hcntiojello HANCOCK. V Sparta V(A"*iiSi! . V 33 38 85- 09 2 Jan'G9 Dec '70 Smithsonian Collection. V Thompson V " ! RICILI01JD. V A-^ista J. D S S V Ilephsibah TROUP . V La Grange V u C R West Point PIKE. V "cbulon V The Rock V Thoiuaston V V R 33 3E 33 OS 353 4 Ox Apl '82 33 23 34 45 95S 4 Gx Apl '32 33 15 34 15 97 C- 1 Apl ' 51 1 2x Apl' 73 A:cr'79 I- 3:<: Apl '82 33 16 83 40 3 Oct'33 c-3 1582 54 537 3 Ox Mar' 52 Apl' 31 33 27 32 3G 592 3 x Jun'84 33 2982 25 517 G Dec' 53 May ' 59 T 9 9x Apl '78 Hay '88 R 35 28 81 54 13-1- 22 Ox Jan' 23 Jul'63 7 11 Jan' 69 Hov'7-3 183 19 2 Nov'70 o3 IS 32 00 1 4 Sep'33 02 35 01 742 1 Jan' 55 10 2x Apl '73 Aug'88 32 54 35 10 C84 4 3x Apl '82 33 07 84 20 2 9x Jan' 5G Mar' 59 R 32 533-1- 14 333 5 5x ilay ' 39 Oct '42 R 52 53 34 19 750 5 4x Jan' 54 Dec '59 th Th Th a -= -i^r-* IT ^ SS -== -1 "at ' - -'72 D.x^'Vn Smithsonian Collection. R?po-t , Coin' r. of A?l . Tsr.in.r. Rain. Te*_-p.f roii; Jan' 54. Report. Coni.A3?. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian. Collection. Report, Con' r. of A~i. ( Ar s ena 1 ) . 1'lai n f r on. 1 lay ' 4 1- bu t badly broken. Su. Col. (Arsenal ) . Temp. , ttincl, Clouds, Rain. -Ilax. S; miii.Tenp.fron Jcin7 2d Order Station. Teinp. , Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collc-ction. Report, Coin' r. of Suithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Rain from June '5G (Bur ins 1357 the observations were made at The Rock atout 7 miles N.E, of Th cir^s t on. ) Sm. Col. :i t h so ni an Co 1 1 :X t i on, 4 Sep'75 Temp., Wind, Clds., Rain. w ' .a:: ^07 I GO :e e qA PT'Iqf/L- x -00 5 o-;- it r lo3 r. rjfc : T 6 ' 88 * ^.jiai 1134 l o ,^ CS'n^T* xO 2S vsi oK WacV II 7 07voH S 61 681 Jtfw A is s CJA Xv '-'X S i- ^83 01 38 tB f : ^A efcc.2 STOW z^ .a.H zolia " d* rfoOJ- eJT -,0 I UlSTITED STATES SIGKN'-AL SEUVTCE. EOEGIA INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County ftnd statlon - MONROE- con, Latitude. Elevation Longitude. above sea-level. Record. oil kl Remarks. Length. From- o 3 To inclusive. EH V Forsyth (near) 33 00 85 55 735 10 Jan* 74 ' Tenp. , Wind, Clouds, Rain. Ear. from Jan' 31 and rnax.St min.Terr.p from Jan '84. V Cuiloden 32 51 84 03 696 1 9 Got '52 Jun' 54 Temp. for only 6 month s.Sb. Col. BIBB. V Mac on 32 50 35 33 334 3 lOx Sop '35 Dec '74 Tenp.from Dec '68 but broken. Siuithsonian Collection. V " 2 7x Oct'74 F3b'73 Ten-p " ,'wincl, Clouds, Rain.--For Nov'77,Bar.k Hygrometer. V 4 2x Apl'78 Jun' 82 Report, Con' r. of Agl. C R 4 2x Apl'82 BALDWIN. 7 Llilledscville Z-Z 05 83 14 310 3 Oct'43 Dec '43 Smithsonian Collection. V " 6 Apl'78 Sep'78 Report, Con' r. of A&l. V 5 11 Feb84 Temp, (max.rr.in. ) ,V,'eather,Rain. WASHIIIGTCli. , V Sandevsville 32 r-3 32 43 495 1 3 Jan'72 Mar '73 Smithsonian Collection. V 3 2x Apl'78 Nov'86 Report, Com' r. of Al. IJURKE. V vrayr.DSbbrouch 33 10 31 55 1 Apl 78 Report, Com' r. of Agl. C R 3 Ix Jun' 84 KARRIS. V Ellerslie 32 37 34 47 5 lOx May ' 73 Feb'86 (Lookout l-Iov.ntain).Ccm'r.of Agl iMSCOGEE, V Coiumb-s 32 L9 34 59 262 1 Apl '70 R Smithsonian Colleotioru V u lOx Apl '73 Jun '35 Report,Com'r.of A^l. C R 4 Ox Apl ' 82 HOUSTON. V Fort Valley 52 34 85 53 530 2 2x Jan' 85 Nov'87 Report, Com' r. of Agl. RO Perry 32 28 33 43 2 3 Apl '51 Jul'53 Smithsonian Collection. 'EMANUEL. u ** * Oct '*? - "" m* ~ Sv.'ainsborough 32 53 go o*J 5 9 May '73 Feb'82 Report, Con' r. of Agl. T SCREEN 2 Oct'ac HOT* 89 Teirp.k Ilain. C R Mi 11 en 52 45 31 53 153 4 2x Apl'82 V 0-o;-ch2 32 33 31 oC 106 2 llx Apl '73 Apl'82 Report, Coin' r. of A^l. X Record broken. ,cpT ^V'n-l. 01 06 IS roT r.' f m/l 2^*toO I 608 .n sccl 88 ' os 3 no-f'i. f-?*o^ "rol-.-^a;. , q.usl 'OV'tfs/I ^V^oO xV 2 *v .*\ ---I rrrtO + *** Cl C?ftfrtf?T O^^r/vA v(? ZC? * * .liw v/ f J x v ZJ s^ * i otJ Xii U O * i fl/\ Xo S8 ( f^i ^J^r O%5 v* O*^ i-.' O O O T^ C ' rs'i II 5 $V f iaM SV T rseL i I 3Gi- t 88 voW 8VIqA x2 S 3H OTflqA 18 01 xl 5 1 ^trorfcoJ) ;08 f cfr'1 8T f 'iflU.xOl 3 I xOI . TS'voH 'ce'CfiT. x2 SJ IqA i * - B 28*dc f -I C7 { orz i^n 10,7'csDO ^*rorr,fl UNTTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of GEORGIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation CS c d lass County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above o Remarks. SUIvITER. V Anciersonville Length. From To inclusive. E-S 32 12 34 03 396 2 8x Sep'83 Temp . , Wind, Weather , Rain. V Ainericus 52 03 34 14 362 5 May '76 Sep'76 T V 7 4-x Apl '78 Jul'SG Report, Com' r. of Agl. DODGE. C R Eastman 32 10 32 03 3G2 4 5x Apl'82 V Chavinc ey 32 05 33 03 303 2 9x Sep'80 Hay '88 Report, Com' r. of Agl. TSLFAIR. V MoRiS 32 03 32 55 143 1 7x Apl '73 Jul'30 Report, Con' r. of Agl. CHATHAM. V Savannah 32 05 81 05 71 10 Jan' 19 Oct'19 R Smithsonian Collection. V 2 Jun' 32 Hay '34 R " V " 13 C- Auj'oG Oct'oG i S S 37 19 Jan' 71 2d Ovier Station. J.I D 40 8 Ix Jan' 32 Dec '50 (Ojjlethorpe Larracks.) . SK. Co.1. H D 11 G Sep'GG Liar '79 T er^p . , Ily z , Wind, Weath er , Rain. Hax..5e inin.Terp.xroni Jan' 7 4. V \Vhit eniarsh Id. 32 03 81 02 20 11 5x Sep'49 Apl '61 Smithsonian Collection. S S Tybee Island 32 00 80 52 29 4 7 Jul'74 Jan '79 2d Order Station. RA1IDOLFK. V Cuthbert 31 44 34 50 448 5 Jun' GO Aug'GO Smithsonian Collection. V C " 5 Gx Mar '79 Nov'35 Report , CoEi 1 r . of Agl . L ^ '. C R 3:::ithville 31 c3 84 Ic C u'~- 4 Ix A?1'82 Y :,a::ley 31 44 32 25 210 1~-, u& Apl '78 S3p7S Report,Coa'r.of Agl. LIBERTY. 7 ',;altl:curvill3 31 44 31 33 3 ox Apl '73 A-ig'SG Report, Com' r. of A(jl. III Fort Gaines 31 37 33 01 ICG 4 Ix Apl'82 DOUGIIJRTY. Albany 31 6 34 1C 232 7x Arl '78 ;;ay'7G Report, Com' r. of Agl. R 4 3.: Apl 82 V * ^^- r-'t niAxiJL* , C P. Jess'-p 31 32 31 53 100 4 3x Apl '32 IHTCHELL. V Camilla cl 15 34 15 3 Oct'8S Ten?).:- Rain. X Record broken. a! sV t S .- ;T < t O': ; 'io.-: f ..jJ,j XIJ xV I CIJ ;T, 01 ;;t, 1 E ~t xl 8 XI ?-: y.8 V I- O.J i't 5 es'voH 8? ( -:6ii > 20 If HI a a IgA '10.'; "Vn *- ' - -.'.' . 8^* 28 Xq t -, . Hi UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and chiss. County and station. Latitude. Elevation Longitude. above sea-level. Record. ^ f Remarks. i Length. Prom o To inclusive. g4 ' ' C R All-puh^ 31 27 33 13 4 2x Apl'32 V Hash vil 1-3 51 16 33 IS 3 llx Apl'78 Jun'33 Report, Com' r. of Agl. Y/ARE. C R vVay Cross 31 15 32 22 100 4 Ox Apl'82 V Bl ack shear 31 18 32 18 3 4x Apl'78 Dsc'31 Report, Cora' r. of A{jl. QLYHN. V Drunswiak 31 10 81 27 14 1 Jun'33 May '39 R Smithsor.ian Collection. 7 i: 8 6x Apl'73 Oct'86 Report, Con' r. of Agl. DECATVR. V Hainb^idge 30 55 84 38 9x Hay '78 Sep'79 Report, Con' r. of Agl. C R R 4 Ix Apl'32 THOMAS. V Thonasville 30 55 8-1- 01 3 lOx Apl'73 Apl'82 Report, Com' r. of Agl. C R i 4 6x Apl'82 V i 2 llx Ang'78 Feb'32 Bar. , Kyg. , Tenp. , Clds. ,Wind,R. V i 1 2x Jun'38 Tenp. (max.riin. ) , Rain. BROOKS. V Qui tman ( near ) 30 45 8r? *? Q O t v 5 Dec '70 Dec '73 Smithsonian Collection. V i 15 5 Jan' 7 4 Observations confined to Temp. and Rainfall (Temp. broken), oc- casionally gives clouds & \Vea- ther. 1 c ?. Quitnian 30 OS 35 55 4 Ix Apl'82 CLinCII. V DuPont 31 01 82 53 1 5 Apl'78 Aug'79 Report, Com' r. of Agl. CHARLTOM. | V South Bend CAMDEN. Berne 30 20 30 50 82 05 81 50 25 1 lOx Dec '71 Dec '73 4 6 Jur.'oO No*/' 73 Smithsonian Collection. 1 Rain broken. Sm. Col, V St.ivlary's 30 44 81 34 15 4 6x May '70 Dec '74 Smithsonian Collection. V u 25 5 5 Dts'73 Apl'79 Terjp. , Wind, Clouds, Rain. Barom- eter from Jan. 1877. X Record broken. -**! -rcO^-; xrA ic,7 no roo ^ooD^ -c lo*"t*aoO,. ,.MO,.in?T t . .(jT o* Jbsnitfioo anoi.hu v-rosfO ,XoO SC*. 8 S8 f XC'asG 87* :jrt> ft X r XqA X& 3 *2 8 x6 xOX 5 zXX 2 xS X o 3 S? 1 IiA S I xoi x ^ OT*vj|| mC it cV'c.a 5 5 Sf r r* 8S 8 10 50 18 t 3 ** i 9 IX . :0 1 HO' \ Fragmentary records of loss than a year in length ar:- on file from thj Following Stations: GEORGIA. Station. County Station County Station. County A r aericus Suitor Dal ton '^itefield Jointer's Id. Glynn Antioch Troup Erastus Danlcs Lal:o Poll; Blakcly Early Factory Hills Douglas Louisvillo Jefferson Blairsvillo Unior-. Fairburn Canpbell Harshallvillo Mac on Butler Taylor Ft. PulJiski Chatham Oak Grovo Ctiitnan Boston Thor.i.. s Fegin Houston P ov/ol ton Hancock B-addock's Point ? Greensborough GreenS Richmond Hill Rianrucnd Catatfba ? Greenville Herirrsther Scansborough ? Catoosa SpringaCatoosa i Harmony Grova Jeff erson Succerville Richmond Cochran Pulaslci Herndor* Burlce Trenton Bade Clarksvills Maversham Hav,'kinsvillc Pulaski Trader's Hill Charleton Dublin * ""*" Lauvens Hillsbo^oush Jasp er '^""^ ""**" Talbotton Woodbury : -: -:-:- :-: -J-: - Talbot ivsriivether :-:-:- :-;-:-:-:- lIoto:Cotton-re;jior. .v tat ions of tr.e Si^al Service take observations of iiia::i;.run and nir- i'^turv; uxiu raiiiiall iron. April to October i:;cl -sive of eacl: ~< oav. in Oi js r 10*3 A I Si Lx S r~. tl e'Tt^niol* -ilc-Jj iic^i. auoi" I Ei-'^..'.Ti qi' tivnii;oj gjclgiroa 3ll^ II^cfcp^D rr;:- J 'vi';i ovctO IcO iife. it -T .^ -oi 470^IC 1 ?Ot rt0^3I/Ol! Hill iiCOfjtioia fnsorrO -50 l5!L^>TC.lafi^o3 I^ri *i.- no>r.o':T ' IliJI z*~$b*Ti: iiz;: -aaii^ at t -.-aoou f ft&Sv XiO*S i'. ji :i3 .tfsri' flBuci.7i.*T in.)* ." . 'i*.V*T* SxlO 'X. 10 CVit V.QOltO 0^ X1"*CU ^X : UISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of , from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber 4 i nac County and station. Latitude. Loniritudp Elevation Record. rff sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. = ^S Remarks. ' ' S Y S S V S V KOOTK :AI D FqrtCoeu-. a'Alena S Fort SI-.err;.an / Kootenai S D FtcLapv/ai S v 3 Lev/is ton / BHOSHONB .Milan - ADA E Loiso_City ^ D Fort i>oiso ALTURAS ;:ra S BX1IGHA& S Eagle Rock S Soda Springs / OKYHEE 42 11G 53 2108 4 2x Jail' 30 47 4n O 42 no 113 33 2103 5 113 50 '. 9 Sop '01 Jun'37 4 Aus ' 39 10 113 54 2000 13 117 05 730 G 3 7 Jo;: J 34 Deo '83 LIi.r'31 Oot'So 10 Oot'7S Deo'35 Jan '37 47 10 116 1 liov'GS Te-..r.' (-.:.ax-:::in) rain. (Fort Coeur d'Alene chanced to Sl:err_an . .'ay ' 37 ) Tev.:p (viax-vjin) . rain. Tenp rain. Bar. teup (uax-uin)wind. r Tenp (r.:ax-r.an ) rain. wind Full obsorvatio/.s, Tcqp.raln, To-:.:p.rain. Fort 45 45 43 47 42 37 34 "r 50 35 113 2750 12 113 03 2330 18 G Jul ' 77 5x Fob '34 U- < Jul'39 113 05 4733 2 111 30 5779 6 Doc '80 1 lay '33 7 Jun'39 Forks D Gang Lyon / Albion OLIZXDA P Fort Hall/ 42 43 42 43 of Stations h^yi: Station Ca:..p Connor ^ lj-3ta Dopot jr.;bi Agjncy 51 113 54 ? 2 07 113 55 ? 1 27 113 35 1-1-52 1 05 112 00 4370 3 -\Q loss than one ye. County OneicU ? Ltt&i observations., Teup (v.iax-nin) .rain. To'.v.p.rain. Full observations, Tor-.p.rain. Torjp. rain. wind. nax-nin) . rain Jan '33 Dec 'GO Oct'G7 Sop '33 4 Sep'34 Doc '35 T Ox Jan'' 71 Doc '30 .s record and v/hich are not now in operation, Rain.v/indo Ter:^) (uaxV.Yini. elds. hyCT X Record broken. Ifc* , ' oT - OC? IrL - ^ V 6.' 'JcO C I t : T S8otl 4-; > I ; 95 <: )$L?tT oe'oca xf'n^t, xa c cm :n 30 UNITED STATES SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ILLINOIS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. oj ti Length. From- To inclusive. c-Tc STEPHESON . ' ' W S Cedarville WIN1IEBAGO. W S Da rand V Rockford V V Y'innebago W S EOONE . V Eelvidere V W S " MC HENRY. V Marengo V " 42 24 39 56 3 9x Jan' 86 Sep'89 42 26 89 19 2 5x Oct'78 Mar '81 42 15 89 05 732 1 2 Nov'72 Dec'73 IS Jan 1 74, 42 17 89 12 900 13 7xMar'57 Dec'70 1 9 Apl'83 ; 42 16 88 44 810 3 9x Jan' 68 Mar '72 4 2x Jan' 7 5 Mar '81 4 3x Apl'79 42 15 88 37 16 lOx Apl'56 Dec '74 16 Jan' 74 1 Ox Sep'59 Apl'51 R 1 7x Dec'86 1 Dec'89 V Woodstock 42 16 88 26 ;v s V T f T * 17" MnAJRi * ' Fremont Centre 42 18 88 06 736 I 3 Jr,n'C7 Mar '53 R v; S Lake Forest 42 21 87 50 593 3 8 May '861 I-.' D Fort Sheridan V Waukegan W S C/-PROLL. v* ; S Lanark 42 21 87 55 G45 1 1 5 1 4x Dec ] 83 Mar'<9 Jan' 36 rp May ' 49 R S: May v 37 E 42 07 09 51 2 7;c May ' 87 m i . Temp. (max. rain. )Wind & Rain. Temp, Wind & Rain, Smithsonian Collection. Ear , Temp , V.'ind , Cl ds . , & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp., Wind & Rain, Smithsonian Collection. Temp. /Wind, Clr.3.,& Rain. Temp, (irax.min. ) & Rain. (Table of tenp,& Ruin Ja..i' C3 to Dec. '78- -11 ys. in Data Book). Sm. Col. Temp ..Wind, Clds , , Rain (Obseva- tions at M:,-e;igo combined with those made at R:.ley making a table of Rain 1350 to 1837 and Temp. 1856 to H37 Jnol.). Smithsonian Collection. Temp* (max,., min, ) Wind & Rain. ii Smithsonian Collection. Tempo ( max., rain o ) vi:id & Rain Temp , (mc;:.min ) Rain. Sinit.Lconian Collection. Ear o Temp Wir:d,& Rain, Temp. (max. iniru ) Wind & Raii. t X Record broken. ; 84 9B tt s x 98 es sf svvoit s x S5T ao *e ax s* .isd *T'nL 8JC ov'osa td'ijBiixT si ooe sx ee vx 2* C8*XqA X SV'ifilt $8ntl> X0 ii- -qaoT ;X8 XX--2V* .WIHIiH .IoD .dB *T { csa 88*XqA xOI 8X tS 88 31 S* CW92JO) rji^n, abID t b; :oT ^V'fWl* 8X ittiw Jbonid^soo o^4*9***M ^o snoM fi ! K' ^ Slxftn 980, 'I j 1 3X oJ 0381 nijt^l "Jo 9Xcfl .(,!' U OJ OC8X.qpoT B H tt'IqA CK2't93 xO X 8S 88 0X S* CS'ocfl xT I * iiiM-rJV-** S I 8V 80 08 8X S^ hi P i^ ^*t '** n^ 5 f ft r^ rt A f o o - (S*S o O O^ O**-i ^^r .no.^osXtoO /i : Jl vo IS ^ fl )i t arsT.^fi'J 1 GS ? nsl> x^ X H >S bniw ( .fliauxAa) .<; UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ILLINOIS Number ,nd class. County and station. OGLE. W S Mt. Morris V " * " v; s Polo v o DE KALB. V Sandwich V V Sononauk V Sycamore V " KANE. V Aurora v; s " V V Batavia V El Nursety . . . .J41 15 V " V V/yanct (near) 41 3 LA S/iLE. V Farm rddge V Ottawa \V S '0 q o 41 13 41 22 89 50 89 36 89 45 88 53 33 43 1 7x Jan'SG Sep'87 550 10 4x Aug'Go Dec '74 llx Jan' 74 Dec '74 750 10 Ox Aug'64 Dec '74 2 Jan' 74 Dec '75 GOO 1 Jan' CO Dec 'GO 500 1G 8x Jan '54 Dec '70 5 4x Sep'8 G ' 2 T Table 01 Rainfall. Tenp. V^ind & "lain. feithsonian Collection. -. Te:r.p. (nax.min. ) i.'ind ^ Rain. Ear.T. (ma::. rain. )V.'ir.d, Clcl.ilain. (Sdington) . Sm. Col. Direction of w'ind & Vveather. R Smithsonian Collection. Bar, Temp, (ir.ax.min. )V*ind, Clds. & Rain. Also, starje of \vater in river. Temp. (max. min. )Wind, Clds and Rain. Tablo of T oc R co;uposed of VO & Vi'S reports to Jan'C3, 11 years G months. Tonp. (nax.niin. ) Rain u (Post-office Tiskilv/a.Terp. o^ a^-oqsT GVf A 0V l it . 100 cool wit* xo a, oo oe .aU ?C*ood tt'ftftt XC 6 SCT i TO'cad 10 elrfsT 7 73* volt a oro II V S CS 05 88 I* <9ll9rfoor)oJlA I* ellivsi ioit 2 .. , ^. 88 28 I* ee'^oo jde'osa n i 58<|2 WJ'Ir I 008 ?3 V8 OS I* 83 f I<|A 88 XOI II 880 2 S X8 II 822 X8 II 623 Oe 52 I* 06 06 i^ 09 SS I^IansatA.fcl iooH 2 . J J I ^oiloL no+IiW *83*naL x8 01 002 8* 8C US I* i&tp& "r 2 o AJ cr;^ cf j i i STATES SIGKN^VL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. i> sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. <= H"B ' ' MERCER. Yil S Aledo 41 12 90 45 PUTNAM. V Hennepin 41 22 89 21 V " Yf S " V Magnolia 41 15 89 15 KANKAKEE. W S Kankakee 41 07 87 05 HENDERSON. V Oquawka 40 57 90 58 V w s WARREN. V/ S Monmouth V KNOX. V Elmore 40 56 90 04 V Galesburg 40 45 90 10 V U S 40 54 90 39 784 10 5x Jun'74 May '89 3 11 Jan' 70 Nov'75 5 3x Pec'73 : Nov'89 2 llx Dec'86i 1 4x llov'66 Auc'68 2 5x Jan' 86 Jul'89 3 Jul'70 Jun'73 4 Jan' 75 Apl'75 2 8x Jan' 75 Feb'89 4 6x Jan' 81 Feb'89 3x Jul'85 Nov'87 Tenp. V,ind "-. I-lain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp , Y/ind, Cld s. Rain. Teinp. (niax.nin. )vVind Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp . (ma;:.niin. ) \Vind, Rain. Smithsonian. Collection. Temp. V, ! ind,Clds. Rain. Ternp. Wind, Rain. Temp. (max. nin. )V/ind & Rain. Bav.T. (nax.Eiin. )HygWind,Cid*R 612 4 9x Sep'64 Dec '71 786 11 3x Jan' 61 Jun'72 1 4 Feb'74 May '75 2 May '78 J\m'78 W S Oneida 41 02 90 15 4 10 Mar '85 V il 5x Jul' 89 STARK. V Elmira 41 10 89 49 505 7 9x May ' 62 Dec '73 V u 9 5x Jan' 74 Jul '83 W S U 2x Dec' 33 Dec '83 V Osceola 41 12 89 46 1 5 Jan' 60 May '61 ;: Toulon MARSHALL. Lacon ?E0RTA. Orchard Farm 41 41 40 05 01 56 89 89 09 52 26 45 1 1 2 1 8 '3 Dec' Apl' Jan 1 86 87 60 Dec Ifer '87 64 I ~X- Record broken. T Defective record. Sm. Col. Smithsonian Collection. R Tenp . (nax.ran, ) . T Temp. Wind, Rain. Temp. Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp . Wind , Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) , Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection* .XoO .cfi T ' ox ni .nj-a.xacr} . sviJwled T , b/ii'./ , ( .nirn.xja) 01 T0 09 08 0* X5 XX 08V OX 00 8* 0* 2 01 . C ee'ooa xs W 08nat 5 X 8e c ooa x x VS'lqA 8 8X 00 20 X* soa e* as ox x* 88 2X X- S3 80 20 T> C8 . .T4MIT .3CIAT2 fl 8 0X03330 ..UAU AC ,A1 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ILLINOIS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Plumber Elevation Record. *3 and class. * sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. o H'S PEORIA. TV S\ *r^ -,rt fc nijcn A fcni'.',qraoT SS'tjirA 18'njBV 8 X X80 22 OS TS SC'qoS OS c 3tfA 2 C 008 20 02 6C c iU OG r osG xX X OX 02 80 sitov.1 v V iiron: . 1 no^ V nivXeli . IOTIDO \ \ ^ .HDUOIlOa 014 :D siiijB-: .l^OTiW? rs JCVT UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ILLINOIS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Elevation Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Record. ^ l Remarks. i o Length. From To inclusive. &H TAZEWELL. Vi S Brush Hill 1-0 36 89 35 1 7x Feb'88 Sep'89 T eiip. Wind & Rain. \7 S Hilton 40 40 89 34 3 Oct'39 V Pekin 40 55 89 39 4G5 5 lOx Jan' 55 Oct'65 Smithsonian Collection, V 3 6x Feb'36 Bar.T. (max.niin. ):iyg.v;ind, Clcl.R MC LEAN. V Bloomington 40 50 89 00 353 1 3x Mov'35 Mar' 87 Bar. Temp. Wind, Clds .Rain. W S Normal 40 '60 89 00 1 Ox Jun' 82 1 Scp'33 T enp . V ind , Rain . MASON. V Havana 40 18 90 005 475 3 3x Sep'70 Dec'73 Smithsonian Collection, V " 4 3 Jan' 74 Mar '78 Tc.4> .\Vind, Clds . Rain. W S 1 Dec'87 R ADAMS. W S Pay son 39 50 91 15 2 Ox Jan' 86 Mar '88 T37iip.Y : ind & Rain. V Gtaincy 59 57 91 25 650 1 11 May '70 Mar '72 Smithsonian Collection. W S 1 6x Oct'85 Oct'89 Temp, with 8 months of Rain, V York Neck 40 05 91 33 20 Jan' 64 Dec '35 Smithsonian Collection. SCHUYLER. W S Rushville 40 08 90 36 5x Jan '89 BROV/N. V Mt. Sterling 39 58 90 47 525 7 8x Jan'66 Nov'73 Smithsonian Collection. V " " 6 5x Mar '74 Oct'80 Temp. "Wind, Clds.Rain. CASS. W S Beards town 40 01 90 29 5 Mar '83 Jul'36 R Riv 4 2x May '85 River and Rainfall observation V 1 Mar '85 Temp . Winced ds . Rain. MENARD . V Athens 39 57 89 45 800 15 llx Jan' 43 Dec '58 Smithsonian Collection. W S Petersburg 40 02 89 52 2 4xJul > 82 Apl'89 Bar. T. (max.inin. )Wir.d, Rc.i::.. W S Atlanta 40 17 89 16 2 5x Jun'82 Dec '84 Temp. Wind, Rain. W S Beason 40 10 89 14 2 9x Dec '86 Temp. (max. rain. ) Wind, Rain, DE WITT. V Wavnesville 40 16 30 07 1 3 Jan' 53 Mar '59 Smithsonian Collection. X Record broken. HFf fl.MO ,ir:rjr.tvK( .ai ruxazr) .T.i z 8 IIoO t rt.tV*. ID ,fcniV/.<|.. cjDT 00 'do? xt I CC'JoC C 53rL xOI 3 OK ^3 S5 es'voH x5 I C3C 00 S8 f uA xO X 00 08 ft* CO 0* 68 35 oe 0> 0*. 300 09 81 0* s i xO S 3X OVS i-V'voM *7 iVV^I. '. ce 5$ 15 AH- aini- fto^sc fiX vl I UNITED STATER SIGISTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of I from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 8 Number County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation Record. g> sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. o tn'S Remarks. V Loami V Sprincfield CHRISTIAN, V Pana V " W S " EDGAR* V Paris \'l S " GREENE. W S Bluff dale V; S v.hite Hall JERSET. V Jerseyville W S " IttCOUPXN. Brighton V V Bunker Hill MONTGOMERY V Hillsboro \V S " SHELBY. V Windsor W S COLES. V Charleston V V Mattoon V 39 40 89 51 675 5 2x Jan' GO Dec '69 Smithsonian Collection. 30 4389 -9 G44 5 7x Jan' 35- Aug'70 R Hut on: n-.nth nisGinrj,Apl'70. Smithsonian Collection. 10 C Jul'7G 2d Order station. 39 25 89 07 730 2 3 Jun' 39 Aurj'71 Smithsonian Cell action. 24 '64 '87 ll Annual max. ^ tiiii. 7 5 Aug'S2 Ten?), V-ind, Rain. 39 38 87 42 1 Sep'08 R Smithsonian Collection. 2 Z> Dec '86 Feb'39 Temp, Wind, Rain. 39 22 90 31 593 1 1 Jan' 80 Jan' 87 39 27 90 25 430 4 6x Dec '84 o9 OG 90 20 650 1 4 Jan' 72 Apl'73 1 Dec'86 59 00 90 13 3 11 Apl'55 Feb'59 39 02 90 06 700 4 0;-: Aug'32 Aug'86 39 12 80 26 39 35 90 59 29 80 39 29 83 15 2 Feb'58 Mar '58 lOx May '73 JuH'89 3 9x Axis ' 85 No v' 39 1 3 Oct'87 Dec'88 22 700 7 Ox Jul'81 1 4 Jan' 70 Apl'7l 24 724 3 2x Aurj' C9 Dec '73 8 8x! Terrp. Wind, Rain, Smithrsonian Collection. (Piasa Farm). Temp. Rain rec- ord broken, Srn.Col. Bar. Temp* (max.nin. )iiyc.\Vind, Clds.Rain. CMay'SG only missive) R Smithsonian Collection. Bar.TdnaXcmin. )Hyg.Vind,Cld,R. Temp, (max.min. )V/ind.Rain* Temp . fmax.min., )Hyg Wind, Cia.3 R Smithsonian Collection, Smithsonian Coll eo^. ion. , kJ \J ^k. -y, j ' , X Record broken. loo mjinosr es't t xfe S - r - r: 0' , r .v | . "IoO nfiJfcr. r 'ff.SW.n T IB ( Int. xO ? OOT S 3 >fiV 8 01 .HA 2 OCT W> 33 S :>T : I i sea is oc aa ex *8 f 6(I x8 * 08* dS 08 ^S eviqA. ST*nL > X OSO OS 88*eQE - n-Ufl ,tpjo7.(orr*1 Aaj&il) 6r 33'XqA XX 5 ) 00 .&icn<3 bio ,bna {.( iaM 0S 08 T.Ta CS'vol! A x 5 51 Ofi 5 Jl . . q!T 88 f OD ff VC * * oO ? I UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 9 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of iLLINO is from the earliest records to January 1, IS 90. Number j , County and station. Elevation Record. !? j sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. HS Remarks. O ' o ' CLARK. V Martinsville W S " FAYETTS. V Vandalia V7 S EFFINGHAM. W S Eberle JASPER. H S St. Marie CRAWFORD. V Palestine MADISON. V Alton V Collinsville V Highland V V Upper Alton V W S BOND. W S Greenville CLAY. W S Flora V Louisville V RICHLAND. V Olney W S LAWRENCE. 59 21 87 54 610 1 G Feb'77 Jul'7 5 Ix Mar '36 58 58 89 07 88 50 87 57 58 53 ZB 58 59 05 58 55 58 57 58 45 58 57 90 04 2 Jun' 65 Jul'65 5 7x Apl'85 Mar '89 2 2x Jul'85,Nov'88 3 7x Jul'78 Aug'32 37 45 500 ' 7 7 Jun 1 90 14 650 1 6x May '49 Dec '51 90 00 600 G llx Jan' 85 89 40 15 3x Jan'41 Mar '64 4 Mar '79 Jun' 79 5 3x Jan '54 Apl'64 7 Ox May '49 Oct'63 53 55 89 25 38 39 88 30 33 4G 88 50 38 45 88 07 4 5x Jul'78 Dec '82 7 2x Jan '82 3 lOx Feb'86 4 9x Jan'GS Nov'75 7 llx Deo'73 2 Sep'60 Oct'GO 3 Ix Sep'73 Bar. Temp .Wind, Clds .Rain. Temp. Wind & Rain. R Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Wind, Rain. Temp. (max. rain. ) Wind, Rain. Temp. Wind, Rain. Temp. (raax.min. )Wind, Clds. Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. rain. )Wind, Clds. Rain. Snuthsonian Collection. R Temp. & Wind. Smithsonian Collection. Also a tattle of average Rain and mean Temp. for 4y.4- raes.S.C, Bar. Temp. (max. rain. ) Wind, Rain! Temp. (max. rain. )Wind, Rain. Temp. (max. min. )Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. VJind, Clouds, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Wind, Rain. Sumner 38 45 83 52 i 3 5 Jan' 36 May '39 Temp. Wind, Rain. - v;, r :ioO . fl-f . . . B ni/. s. lo ,qr ^. 02 XA ,qar T D J 018 xl 5 SO'Irt, rft'flirti S XV 86'voH 58 f Xtrt XS T ? ooe *e V8 XS W VO 68 C2 83 os ee es 65 V3 VO 8? 3% e^ vo 30 es D I5cfa 9^'^aM x8 I 028 fl 00 Id 85 8 c rual, xll OOc 00 08 ?S &fi XS ai 0* 68 3*- 85 ; 5:8 2 xO V xd > x& ? 1 xOX 5 K> ', aa es 05 88 06 88 8fi OO'qsS S CV f q3 XX S VO 88 6i- 6S. 25 S8 2* .aM .^8 8 .a. ai^39X<7 o no^XA sXliveaiXic ba nolXA .awoa "livnsotD 8 .YAJO o UNITED STATES BIG-NAIL, SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ILLINOIS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 10 Sntnber tul class. County and station. ST.CLAIR. V Belleville V Lebanon V " "W S Mascoutah W S Hew Athens CLINTON. \i S Carlyle W S Irish town MARION. V Centralia W S " MONROE. V Waterloo V WASHINGTON, V Coloma V V Hoyleton W S Rich view V JEFFERSON, W S Mt. Vernon WAYNE. W S Fairfield EDWARDS. V Albion Yf S V West Salem WABASH. Riv Mt. Camel Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From - To inclusive. oil? Remarks. 38 29 89 58 600 2 Ox May '60 Dec '62 R Smithsonian Collection. 33 37 89 49 500 1 8xNov'9 Jun' 62 Smithsonian Collec" ,ion. 4 Jc.n'75 Apl'75 Temp, ,V/ind,Clds. , Rain. 38 3089 50 7 9xJun'81 Temp, (max.nin. ) ,V, T ind,;iain. 38 16 89 55 12 IIov'87 Dec'88 Temp, ,Wind, Rain. 38 34 89 27 38 31 89 38 20 90 38 14 89 58 26 89 38 20 39 38 20 88 38 20 88 38 24 88 53 30 88 38 27 37 08 10 1 8 Apl'85 Nov'86 4 3x Apl'85 2 Jan '65 Feb'65 10 llx Jul'78 5 6x Mar '65 Oct'74 1 Oct'74 16 405 10 Jan' 64 Dec '73 1 5 Jan' 74 Jun' 75 17 480 1 4x Jan' 64 Jun' 66 10 580 4 5 Jun' 85 Oct'89 1 Feb'88 57 1 3x May '78 Aug'86 20 530 4 6x Feb'85 Sep'89 04 1 Apl'57 1 7x Jan' 87 Nov'88 00 4 6x Jan' 56 Oct'60 49 5 7 Jun' 84 Temp, (max, nan. ) , a Rain, (II ear C arl y 1 3 ) . T . ( ma;-: . min . ) Wind and Rain. R Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (max, min. ) ,V/ind,Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp., Wind, Clds., Rain. (Near Dii Bois) .Rr.in. T. broken. Temp, ,V/ind,Clds, ,Riin. Smithsonian Collection. Ear. T. (max. min. ) , Y/ind, Rain. Bar. Temp. (max. min. ) , Hyg. , Wind, Clouds, Rain. Temp. , Wind, Rain. Temp, (max.inin. ) , Wind, Rain. R Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. min,. ) Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection, T River & Rainfall observations* i X Record broken. iXoD r .ebi: ,(.nlj.xxaa). .oH,bn , ( . fcn*i .r :icO . at**? bni' .* , ( .n im . aainoz ttia ( J . 5I. .not.^j !IoD X 003 C8 T .HIAJ3.T3 88*000 TO'voK S I 88'veN 28* I< *8 ae c ir s xll 01 03 8 OS 3d 68 OX 85 8* 80 68 1C 8f 01 OS 81 68 fx ee 8 wI! tY'w*;M'fi 0| ST'ixi*, ***, e x WnL x* X 08* rx ee as 8* 58'nnL 3 * 085 OX 88 OS 89 X TO S80K M oca os at os 86 tO 88 tS 8S 00 88 05 85 ooli^*w ' JdoIoO noms V r/U 2 ** 88'vol! noicJXA 8 las* UNITED STATES SIGKNTAJL . SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of JLLINOIS from the earliest recor.ds to January 1, 1890. 11 Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. * as 1 ss EH'H Remarks. Length. i ^rom To inclusive. ' ' RANDOLPH. W S Jordan's Grove PERRY. \V S Old du Quoin V Swairtfick FRANKLIN. W S Bent on ilAMILTOlI, VY S Me Leans bo ro WHITE. W S Gruyviile JAOC30U. V Carbondale Riv Grand Tower VJ S5Ii\o,nda ' Jill ON. V Anna V South fass POPE. V Golcjonda W ? ALEXANDER. S C Cairo 58 14 89 48 37 58 58 10 58 02 38 07 38 17 89 15 89 31 88 56 88 35 88 01 2 llx Jan 7 87 1 2 Jan' 88 4 9x AD! '81 Feb'89 May ' 86 1 11 Apl'87 Fob '89 7 llx Jan' 82 4 Ox Jan' 79 Mar '85 Sep'77 Feb'89 37 30 89 18 625 ] 1 8 May '75 Dec '86 Temp,, Wind, Rain. Tenip, ,V.'ind,Rain. Tej2p.,V, r ind,Clds. ,Rain. Rain c e^pl et e ; Temp . , brolc en. t Teiiip i (max r min . ) , VJir.d } Rain , Tesip fi:-iay,-.:iv.i ) , \Vind, Rair.,.. 37 46 57 59 37 40 89 14 488 1 10 Dec '75 89 30 4 Ix Mar '85 39 15 765 1 5x Jan' 86 37 28 89 14 650 4 9x Dec '57 Feb'70 . 37 23 33 50 5 Jan' 66 Dec '70 11 6 Jul'78 37 00 89 10 359 18 6 Jul'71 T R:> e :r <"- P.--/'.:i^all observations Et.r . , T&np .. , 'nax.nin. ) , V'ind, R . Ter:ip , (max, niin, } ,Wind, CJ ds. , Also a table of Rain for 12 yrs.,Jan'75 to Dec '88, R Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp.> , (max. rain. ) , V/ind,Rain. 2d Order station. River obs. X Record broken. ,alJ! ( . , ,_ . XJLBV tf, ( .nte.rjer': t ::i TOI tU&l lo .80* ood o v/,r : re 'not xxi s 83< eTOiO B I xc * n i SS'oet, xXI r XO * f icM xX OJ f 88* 2X OS 89 78 X5 98 OX 85 89 88 SO 85 35 88 TO 85 10 88 TX ae Aft f^A V* 68 65 7 038 M 68 82 75 d 03 88 SS 7c 81 865 OX 68 00 tS OT(*)9(I erxut niowD i/fo bXO B it .IIOTJIW v'^^O 8 A'O ijctoodusD v. .Mt , e 01 tr lentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the 12 Following Stations: ILLINOIS. Station County Station County Station County Abingdon Knox Houston Randolph N.Caledonia Pulashi Ashland Cass Hugo Douglas ITv.nda l.'oKcnry Brace Tw'p* La Salle Kompville Calhoiin Paxton Ford Gaidar go Douglas Keithsville Merc er Piatt Piatt Ccraden Schuyler King's Mills Kane Pulley's Mill \Villiamson Carlinville Macoupin Lake Viev/ Cook Ilidgc Farm Veruillion Channahon Will ' Larchland Warren Ridott Stephens or Clinton De Witt Lavm Marshall Rig'gston Ecott Danville Vemillion Lee Centre Lee Roberts Fcrd SW. corner of Edgar Lincoln Logan Seneca La Salle Effingham Effinghan Litchf ield Montgomery Shawneetown Gal latin Elisabethtown Hardin Manlius La Salle Sweetv/ater Menard EAving Franklin Masp^i City Mason Three Mile P crry Frankford Pike Meeker' s Store Union Urbana Chanipaign Friendsville Wabash Merritt Scott Vermont Fulton Fulton Whiteside Mound City Pulaslci Vienna Johnson Gal ena Jo Daviess Mt. Carroll Carroll Virden Macoupin Granville Futman Murray ville Morgan \Vapella De Witt Harris burg Saline Nachusa Nurser /Lee Warr en Jo Daviess Henry Marshall Naperville Du Page VJataga Knox Hinsdale Du Page New Windsor Merc er Wheeling Cook Vvillov/ Creek Lee , Willow Hill Jasper, West Jersey Stark no :x ' j 10*5 3IOHIJJI rurcO - noi^J-3 Mi co 10. M< ixzjM Li/i on* bi till no + li/5 noanrioL sesivsd ol> XOCOt wolli-v IliH vouiW afooD : Oils'- BJ 5141 Si 6lJ : Meilrfo^iJ .f^i-; isruroM ilo-n sllivrso aO . bfl6li!sA .cl'WT II Ilii lo To/n JUT n.cm. llBrfa-MM, B?!Kf8iTXJ>H elabaaiH UNITED STATES SIONAJL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of r from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Numljer and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *% s'i f'l Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. V Michigan City V La Porte V " " V \v s ST. JOSEPH, V South Bend V " " V 11, Liberty V S " " LA GRANGE. V La Grange V/ S " " C" 41 43 86 51 603 5 Ox Jan' o7 Sep'CO Smithsonian Collection. 41 37 86 43 650 2 Gx '49 " '70 R Average Temp, Sin. Col. 11 Mar '49 Jan' 50 T Smithsonian Collection. 3 Ox Jan '51 Jan '71 1 5 Jul'82 Oct'83 T 41 39 86 15 736 3 2x May ' 02 Jun' 65 Smithsonian Collection. 1 6x Jan ? 74 Jan 1 7 6 Tei-p, ,'Vir.d, Clds, ,Rain. 41 5236 21 4 Jun'72Sep'72 T Smith sonicr. Collection. 1 6 Apl'85 Oct'86 41 37 25 JTEUBEH. vV S Ango_i 30SC1USKO. V Jyiiford V Milford HSWTOil, V Kent land JASPER. V Rensselaer WKITHEY. V Colu-.bii- City v; s ALLEN. V Fort V.'ayne 41 36 85 00 41 25 85 56 2 Ix Jan' 35 May '88 3 Ix Nov'82 Jan '89 4 llx Dec'84 Temp. jWind/v.'eather, Clds.Rc.in. Temp. (ma::,.min* ) Clouds, Rain. 2 Ox Feb'75 Dec '78 T (Observations made 5 miles SW) P re v i ev. s to Av.g ' 7 6 , s tat ion knov/n as Leesburg. Sm.Col. 3 4x Jan' 75 Dec '73 T \Vind, Clouds, Rain. 40 47 87 22 725 1 Ox Feb'69 Jan 7 71 Smithsonian Collection. 40 56 87 05 725 4 3x Jul'64 Jul'7l 41 09 85 30 363 5 Ox Sep'65 Jun' 73 841 4 6x Apl'85 1 41 05 85 07 815 12 2x Dec '74; Apl '87 Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (rnax.min. ) Clouds, Rain, U II U Bar. , Ter^p , , Wind, Clouds, Rain ; max. &ni:i, Tc:.;p . , from Jan : 04, 2 May '49 Jun' 4-9 R Smithsonian Collectioa. 5 i Dec'70 : Dec '73 ll * II 3x Jan '83 Apl '88 , 1 P SI 08 85 87'f; :. :;3 I 1C CG 05 I sn. 25ID ,- g: . >:I S 02 36 TS 08 r rtJ3L xl S . ^ .37:10? /. C: rust, xO 13 98 3* I* <7 fit* f ** r T 11 ^ rk. *1 'VI A-O % wt*O Ott* CO i O iir .no nait: II I? 'rait, j.2 f :n*t, xO T ca'^oo M , tO'toa XII * 00 3805 I* .0; 3 sfcjsrs snoi.V.^ T 8V f osa 6?*cfo^ xO S i* C2 38 62 J- .os:iirrd2 JT'rwI* C0 f ?8 7^ 0> x-5 ^ 5QV 30 7c 83 Of 3V ; 3 38 60 I* v A xO > I. :cH ( 2Li'OlO f b;ii/, 70 3C cO l> ^o noo inoi 1 1 oi^ooIIoD n :irl C^ ' 5 08 f f _ju ,u_ j^ _*~ _E_UK, ^ j A v ji _^_ -^ ^..^_j j k_/_i_ij j_ v V l V 7 'j^. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made wz, tae state of [ '.. . >T A rrit from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. \ Number Ele Record, ration 1 and class. County and station. Latitude. , Longitude. at g Remarks. ove sea- Ievel - Length. From- To inclusive, fr,' 1 WHITE. CD ' W Monti cello 42 40 86 49 675 3 3x Jul'32 Apl'87 Temp. (max. min. ) Clouds, Rain. V 7x May '86 Dec '86 Also one full report in Jan' 83. CASS. V Logansport 40 45 86 22 625 5 2x Jul'54 Jun'63 Smithsonian Collection. V 3 Ix May '70 Nov'88 Temp. ,V. T ind, Clouds , Yveathe" , Rain. Y; s 23 Jan' GO Bee '82 T Table of moan temperature. W S 4 Ix Aiicr'84 Temp. (3T.ax.min. ) Rain. s s 2 5 Aug'GV T Rainfall station. MIAMI . VI S Miami 40 39 86 07 1 4x Aug'82 Dec '83 T W S 1 2x Jan' 85 Apl'35 Temp. (max. min. ) Rain. HAEASH, V Y/abash 40 48 85 49 693 8x Mar '76 Dec '75 Ear. , Temp. ,V/ind, Clouds, Rain. V 6 Ag'79 Jul'85 Bar. , Temp. ,".Vind, Clouds, Rain. HUMTINOTOH. W S Huntington 40 52 85 30 8x Oct'82 Jul'83 T (Temp. only fo- Jan. & Feb. '85) . S S 2 5 Axig' 87 T Rainfall station. CARROLL. Y< S Delphi 40 36 86 41 4 4x Jul'85 Temp. (max. min. ) Clouds, Rain, V Burlington 40 31 86 28 741 7 Jan '74 Jul'74 Observations made 2 miles SW . HO'.VARB. V Kakomo 40 30 86 09 7 Jan' 75 Jul'75 Temp., Wind, Clouds, Rain. Obss er- j vations made 1 mile East, W ? KoKosao 40 30 86 10 6 Feb'C'J Jul'83 T GRANT. V Jalapa 40 40 35 40 llx Jun'63 Jun'69 Smithsonian Collection^ V Point Isabel V Independence JAY, IT ev; Cory don Fennville 40 47 85 40 4-0 30 35 35 1 Jan' 39 '61 '63 T 3 Apl'54 Jun'64 T 3 40 46 34 44 340 4 10 , Oct '77' Jul'82 Temp, (rnax.min. ) ,Rain. Annual Rainfall. Sin. Col. Smithsonian Collection. Ear. , Temp. ,Hyg. ,Wind, Clds. ,R. J Dunliirk 1 40 BV <-> 23 8 CC -I -7 <-> JLO J. 1 J. A 5x tuc^y Jun' wr 82 ^\ati Dec uu '83 n T IWMMI W uiiij u l^iWU*ua o;iic ^ui. 3TZHV V8*IqA SC'Iul; x2 S 878 Of 86 0* S at Jroqpt IIi/l eno otIA 88*000 QS'^cll x7 *3 c Ii/L xS 3 JSO SS 08 3* 0* iioqan^oJ 88 f voll C7'^4M xl 8 . ilo'tlrfjCT T 28'oea OO'r^t, SS T 7Cs^A 3 S T 68'osa S8 f DuA x* 1 70 08 QS 0> x2 I < w, v w c JbniV/ ( .qiraTj (143 OV'twCI 87**xjril x8 Cff8 G^ 38 81^ 0^, rfsccfs jaJbtroIO^IjciV.' ^cjjsT. ijBQ 68*li/t G7 r ^.' i ;A 00 JJC' .TJH T S8*IiA 28 f /oO x8 08 38 23 0* nc T VS's.vA 8 2 * I* 08 .CD 90 08 OS 0* Oao;I^X cite I 9ba snoi^Av T CS'Iut -O'cfol 8 01 08 03 OK cctttoa ^ . aoil&sIloD iiciaoa.'!^; CS f ru/I> 60 f ni; T J xll 0$ 3C 0^ 0* jcqslcti (|i. 3CvoM x6 5 12 38 *S Oi noiTi.' cpT 6C f n^t 01 0^ 8C 7i 0> IocfB2l Miol loO n IlAlcxiaH LiiiariA T SO C 10* 03 38 05 0* sc, T Wfn>'b ^C'JqA S r A u SC'IifL ?7 f ^oO 01 *> 0:-8 Qtf. nc .1 5 ^cl/io iol ni^I H eo'^t'A ^8 r< ^a!i-xl I 90 38 BS 10 T UNITED STATES SIGKN'.AJL, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MO I AN A Itnmber County and station, and class. * Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. OJQ Remarks. Length. (from To inclusive. ' TIPPECANOI:. V La Fayette V " * W S " S S " CLINTON. Yf S Frankfort DELAWARE. V Muncie W G RANDOLPH. W S Farmland FOUNT.MM. V Harvey sburg MDNTGOJMERY. V Crawfordville V/ S VERMILLION. V,' S Dana V PARKE. V Roclcville V PUTNAM. V Greene as tie W S S S W S Fillmore HENDRICKS. W S Danville MARION. S S Indianapolis V W S 40 28 86 54 40 15 86 51 40 12 85 25 40 11 85 10 59 59 87 10 40 05 86 49 59 46 87 30 59 46 87 10 59 39 86 51 39 40 36 47 39 45 86 51 59 46 86 10 ><>J lOx May '54 Jan' 70 5 9 Jan '82 Sep'87 9 Ox Jan '80 2 5 Aag'87 T I 1 lOx Jul'82 Dec '84 W I 960 4 7x Oct'63 May '70 3 9x Jul'85 7 5x Jun'82 1 6x Mar '69 Sep'70 4 Jan' 76 Apl'76 2 llx Jan' 85 Jan' 39 lOx Sep'84 Jun'86 1 2x Feb'88 1 6x Jan' 60 Jan' 64 T 1 5x Jan' 60 Dec '64 R 2 Jan '54 Feb'54 9x Aug'82 Oct'85 T 897 2 1 Oct'84 Oct'86 1 llx Sep'84 Sep' 36 1 Ix Jun'82 Jul'85 766 18 11 Feb'71 8 Ox Jan' 61 Nov'71 10 Jan' 72 Dae '81 Smithsonian Collection. Bar. T. (max.nin. )Hyfr.V/ind, Cld. l\ Rainfall Station. (Temp. for only 5 noc.). Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. rran. ) , Clo-cds,Rain. Temp, iron Sep. '84. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. Temp., V/ir;d,V.'cat her, Rain. Max. & ran. Temp . , Clouds , Rain. Temp, (inax.inin, ) ,Rain. Teiq:.. (:..a;:.inin. ) , Wind, Clds. ,R. Smithsonian Collection. Also a mean temp. for May '43. Cm. Col. 2d Order station. Terap.only for 4 months. 2d Order Station. Smithsonian Collection. Table of monthly mean Terp, X Record broken. ^OtL' rainoa ,>&&) fc no. :Xno <(. . xox 03 : .r { OV'qsB .aij5-'i,(. ^CT) .q. W t (. xD X xOl xS I 09 f njat, 5:8 'vsli ^ol.TaaJ aaoa oefA r rt > TO'i 'cLi 8 82 01 OX G* 01 X3 ,n riJ-iraS X X (fA ; V Q ^oO I S r qo3 *-8'q98 xXX X xX X XX 3X 00V OX XO'aeL xO 08 dX ac sx IX V8 f 08 oO rs c:- ?8 8^ sc 0* 06 C-J HO ^IClllXIS'i .& f L >< HQIJT 8 ail' I 3 .t.'ioa 1C eXc T XO'oeC SV ( nt OX TJISnTED STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest recoras to January 1, 1890. INDIANA Knmber and cluss. County and 9tatlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. I Remarks. Length. Prom To inclusive. IT AMr'nr'tr 39 55 85 50 39 45 85 45 1 Aug'87 Jul'88 Cx Apl'83 Feb'84 2 6x Au 84. (II ear Richmond) Bar.Temp.Hyg. Wind, Clds. , Rain. Also one rep- ort in Oct'75. Temp., Wind, CldSc , Rain. Also one report in May '75. 3d Order station. Electrical obs.Aug.26'87 to Aug. 31 '880 1 9x Aug'32 Oct'84 T Temp. for 3 months only. X Record broken. c . L'c ID , tni W t . . loD 9-teI I f 001' . 07 f xicl> j. c P f vo5I ,/. . j z :. IJtrn 8 loD 100 ^22 .(? S4T5VA) T <5aBTiS*&J (.nia.xaa).^iT rttiv osIA IAS if) l l)niW ni iio .Ylno edJnoiH 5 lol.tjasT 88'Ii/L ?8 r T5i/A J e8 c rqA xO *8 r ?i.'A xS 2 08 38 3* 38 .XDOOHAH bl >iO 8 WoeCI xOl 8 0801 0* 38 33 6S(8 clia I)sib0 I O8'rnrf> xO 2 88 f voK xO II 3201 81 38 Si* 65 . o bnclsoiq Of 18 R 3? t xS 2 038 S3 8 13 es xX 8 8 81 1 V G 8 no^Ifll " a & I OV8 S* S3 e$esIIoO raflrHtaa 98'osa 38<<|3 * T6'arf 3s vs es eg .0 I V QTT6T *8'^oO xQ I 88 2 v UlSTITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. INTDIANA Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. A$ OS &B Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. JOHNSON. S Franklin SHELLY. \V S ohelbyville RUSH. V Mount Hope V I V Beech Grove V "" V Arlington 3 S Rushville V Mauzy 59 30 83 15 7-1-0 59 35 85 CO 774 59 47 85 55 800 750 39 42 85 24 941 39 53 35 35 941 39 37 35 29 3D 37 85 23 Vi" 3 Mauzy FAYETTE. V? S Connorsville 39 40 80 03 8--14 V FRANKLIN. ~ O v T' - 1 > o " O fUt 7x May* 39 I 6 2 llov'68 Dec '74 5 5 Feb'68 ! Ncv'75 1 Ix Jan' 74 Apl'75 2 llx Jun'71 Jul' 74 6 Jan' 74 Jun'74 1 7x Apl'78 Dec '79 1 5 Aus l 87 S 3 Fcb'83 1 7 Aus'82 Feb'84 V Lrooiiville S Jun'82 2x Jun'OS Au{j'8G 59 5 85 01 W S V Mount Cartel 39 25 84 52 900 MONROE, V Bloo;:;ineton 59 12 33 55 771 V V/ S BARTHOLOMEW. W S Columbus 39 13 05 53 052 SULLIVAN. V Merom 39 05 87 40 560 V 1 Jan 7 83 3 4 Oof 84 Jul'88 4 3 Jun'SC !lov'73 4 llx Jan' 88 Dec '74 3 5 Jan' 74 May '77 1 6x' Sep'82 Jan' 88 6 Jan' 84 7 Ix Jun'66 Nov'75 1 Ix Mov' 76 Jan' 78 Rai-f all , -v? th T --o . f-ua;: ,ni:i T Smithsonian Collection. R u i Bar. , Tomp. , Wind, Clrls . , Rain. T Staithsoniar. Collection. R (;. 1-2 niles GVV. ) T.Y/ind, Cld.R. T Rainfall Gtation. (Also knovui as Glen^ood, and as Griffin otation;TGmp. (:r.ax. min. ) ,Wind, Clouds, Rain. T Teiip . (iiia:-:. r.i i . . ) Cl oucls , Rain . K Teap.,Wind, Clouds. Tenro. (max.niin. )Clds.Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Snithsonian Collection. Bar. , Tenp. , Hyg. , V/ind, Clds .Rain. Record badly broken. Teinp. (nax.min. ) , Clouds, Rain Snathsonian Collection. Tenp. , Wind, Clouds, Rain ~X. Record broken. ', x S T :< .' 2L'-> 13 1 bniV; t . qntoT , ^Cl .ncito ; T 4 r (,wn e*iia S-: 'vott :? si z& os 8^ TV Oj 58 * 85 008 3 38 7^ QS 6 XI I 05V xiX 2 X-:- ;8 S> 8fi 9T'or,a 8?8 32 65 XIX I- IVV So' C8 2X 5 3 q I 3 fcc ,0 51 5 xx v oas Of re eo oe arvojf xl I s. y 01 .* C 7A 4 II. .HIJ3CIA' . 2 ^niroli . UISTITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. INDIANA Number Elevation Record. rif and class. sea-level. Length. F.rom To inclusive. 1 ' GREEIIE, V G Worth ing: ton JENIIHIGS. V Butler ville V/ S W S Vernon RIFLE?. V Euruiian D2AREOEH. V Gull-ford. V/ G l.av/rencebur^ V, 7 S " V Aurora V OHIO. V Rising: Sun V XNOX. v< S Vincennes Riv " LA*RENCE . W S Mitchell V JACKSON. W S Seyraov.r JEFFERSON, M S Hanover V Madison SWITZERLAND, V Vevay V 39 09 G7 00 540 7 6 Jul'8 39 03 85 00 85 30 737 3 lOx Kar'86 4 Jan '88 1 Ox Jux'C.2 1 Jul'33 SO 14 05 OG 1018 G 5 39 39 39 38 10 84 5c 820 1 2 Feb'85 Mar '83 07 3^ 51 5 Jan'G7 Doc '71 Q:- Mar '87 Avisj'89 04 84 55 C09 7 10 Jan'GG Dec 5 75 9x Fcb'50 Dec '50 58 84 46 550 5 llx Dec '73 llov'84 2 6 Jun'71 Nov'73 , V/3ather,].lain. Tc:.ip u fnax.rain. ) , Clouds, Rain. Tirnp^ ,Y;ir:c:, Clouds, Weather, Rain. Tonp, ,V/ir.d, Clouds,V.'eatlier,Rain. R Td,blc of monthly moan Tenp. 38 43 87 31 38 46 8G 25 9x Oct'82 Aug'83 2 3x Feb'37 1 3x Jul'82 Apl'85 1 Feb'83 38 45 33 31 648 2 1 Dec': 33 38 40 85 30 1 4 Dec '82 Mar '84 41 85 20 450 2 I0x!lov'54 Jul'36 58 46 84 59 ^45" 8 Ix Aug'64 Dec '72 17 Jan' 73 T (Juiv72 -issin-). Sn; c Col. R S^i ohsoniaii Collection. T3np,Y/ind, Clouds, Rain. Smithsonian Coll action* T River & Rainfall observations. Record b:.dly brolcen. T 2np . , v.l nd , Cl ouds , Rain. Bar. Tesnp . (max, rnin. ) , V.'ind, Record badly broken. Smithsonian Collection. Ear. , Temp. , daax.iain. )Hyg.Wind. a Cl ouds , V/eath er , Rain. X Record broken. . .01 ci r r Of .nij: -iir^C.'ni. .(- I ii. jitefl,' iT'ooa t o ;S ,IoO . 01 -nosrt. . r ;' 02 'oca 02*cfo'5 xC .01 >yoID < isci\V < .fj6T r vo!f SV'ocn xll 9 020 0^ v-8 3d 35 CU& iyi: ntfiinoarf^iaS BV'voIf IV f nM 8 S " r cado IJxlni..r! ^ Tsvi.T T 'tfsTxB S vl T ^8 f tJ3^ ss'ooa * i oe; 36 o^ es, 6100G/I " OC*IxA *5'voU xOI S 05> OS ci8, J- 05 3*IqH i^I.abyolD.bai.j.fpi SS'tfd 1 ? J re'eaO I 2 8^8 15 06 2^ U T5 d^0 W . ZbLM ID UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of INDIANA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. a so '_ sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. i 1 1 V W S V/ S W S V V V WASHINGTON, Salem Livonia GIBSON. Prince-ton DUBOIS. Hunt ing burg i CRA1VFORB. Mar engo HARRISON. Co -.-yd on Laconia i 58 38 86 10 650 4 lOx Jul'82 Jan' 88 3x Aug'83 Aug'SG 1 5x Feb'88 May '89 38 35 86 15 733 1 llov'71 Oct'72 38 23 87 35 481 6 lOx Aug'82 38 21 86 59 4-30 1 Apl'83 6 6x Aug'82 38 24 86 24 363 7 Ox Oct'32 33 13 86 08 2 2x Aug'82 Jun'85 38 05 86 07 550 8 Jan'GG Dec '73 4 6 Jul'69 Dec '73 15 4x Jan' 74 FLOYD . V Ncv; Albany 33 17 85 50 353 4 4x Apl ' 53' Mar ' 69 M D " 1 2x Jan'64 Apl'65 W S " " 9 Jul'82 Mar '35 CLARK. W S Blue Lick 33 '62 85 50 1000 4 9x Jun'82 V N3-tf Providence 53 27 85 54 llx Feb'88 V Jeffersonville 33 18 35 42 427 1 Jan'19 Dec'19 POSZY. V New Harmony 08 10 87 54 V " V Temp . , Wind, Clouds , Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Tenp. (max.min.) from Aug'84. Temp. , Clouds, Weather, Rain. Temp. (max.min.) from Sept'84. i Tenp. (nax.TT'in. ) from Aug'84. Temp., from Sep'34. T Smithsonian Collection. R Smithsonian Collection. Bar. , Temp., Weather, Clouds, Rain Rainfall nearly complete,bal-r^2 ance of observations very much broken previous to 1880. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. , Temp. ,Hyg. , Wind, Weather, R. T Also one report for Jul'85. Temp. from Aug'84 Temp. , Wind, Rain. T Smithsonian Collection. 350 2 5 V '23 '28 19 5 '50 '70 18 9 Jun'53 Apl'73 R 9 Jan '74 Mar '33 Monthly averages. Sm. Col. U R II I Record complete except for Feb.oc Apl'G3.Sm.Col. Bar. , Temp. , Hyg. , Vind, Clouds, & Rain. Record complete excoot Jan.c ?ec'75 ^ Sep'77. X Record broken. 8 01 88 86 ~ ee'^* e xs i Sf'JoO j r . I 7 31 88 35 8C ai/ioviJ 'tyAflf :iT S8'3uA xOI 3 18* 5 V8 5^ 82 ;A 1 05t 5 08 Ii 3 x8 8 S8 f *oO xO V $2 rtotl , ,<|faT ee'fiul. C8 { ^L'A xS S SO f.8 T C f 08 035 TO 93 .- 3V f o&a :, * IO t 9 ^s I? 1 } ' T Xwa I f nal i .IoD jjii ^-i^vjE vlrf'aoM n ov f lol >eoK9 0^9lao9 btocs^ 3V'lqA G SI TJISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 8 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of INDIANA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 1 Knmlx-r Elevation , . County and station. Latitude. Longitude. nliove sea-level. Record. f 3 *s Remarks. Length. ffrom- To inclusive. TOSEY Con, v; 3 Lit. Vernon W S Mt. Vernon Riv YAJIDERBURG. V Evansville 37 53 87 52 410 2 10 Feb'87 58 02 87 29 V WARRICK. V Scalesville 38 14 87 14 V. S Dec'onia SpringsSB 06 87 12 SPENCER. V, : S Dale 38 13 87 00 - i c* 1 1 \i ^ V r-t.Meinrad 08 13 SO '1-5 V " " 7 O U VJ O PERHY. V Cannelton Y; 3 3x Aug'88 Dec '88 1 3 Oct'88 T 390 2 4 Jan '57 May '59 12 9x Mar '73 T 1 Jan' 85 Jan' 83 1 6 Jul ' 88 7 4 Augr'82 5 10:; Jan'7G Dec '81 R 1 Ix Jun'32 Oct'83 T GOO 7 Ix Oct'75 Nov'82 1 5 May '74 Sep'75 T 1 Aug'87 Bar. , Ternp. , (max.min. ) , Wind, Velocity, Clds., Rain. April, '89 missing. Suranary . & Rainfall observations. 37 58 80 45 450 4 2x Jan' 57 Jan '73 1 2 Nov'88 Temp. broken. Sm. Col. River & Rainfall observations. Bar. , Temp. ,V/ind,Clds. ,Rain. Ternp . (max.min. ) , Rain. Temp., from Sep'8.4. Table of monthly mean Temp. Ear. , Temp . , Wind, \Veath ar, Clds.R Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (max.min. )Rain. X Record broken. ,aoD Y320*t OX S 01* VS TO 88 75 no/rrsV .*? its * 02* e* 68 8a 8 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of IKPJAN TERRITORY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. . Elevation above sea-level. Record. rf$ S'S n'i Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. CHEROKEE M D Fort Reno 3 S il E Camp Supply S S S S 'Woodward CHSYEmiE AND ARAPAHOES S S Cantonment S S CHEROKEE V Fort Gibson S S : D OKLAHOMA V Guthrie CREEK NATION S Eufaula S S Tulsa KIOV.'A etc. i.I D Fort Sill S S CHICKASAW V Fort Arbu.ckle rl D V Fort Y/ashita CKOCTAW V Armstrong Academy V Caney V Caddc Creek 35 35 93 01 1300 5 Jan' 33 Dec '37 Bar . t crap (nia;:-r,in ) hyg . r ai: wind. Temp (max-inin) .rain. wind. 33 35 99 52 1901 3 11 Jul'73 May '70 Temp fmax-min)rean.hy^.v;i: Jan' 31 Temp (max-min) rain, v/ind. 35 33 98 01 1300 7 Jan'33 36 20 99 13 1 5;c Afckf'/l fe* /? T RainCSpoc. rainfall) 33 OG 93 38 10 Jan' 34 Oct'8-1- 1 7 Mar '33 35 35 35 33 50 95 5c 97 22 95 OC 95 20 540 29 9x Jul'27 Jun'57 9 1 Apl'73 Apl'32 3 3 I'.Iay 30 25 9x Apl'39 3't 40 93 97 14 93 34 07 93 34 20 96 35 317 2 5 Aug37 ** ? 5 Aurr'O? 25 1200 10 7x Apl'7( 14 5 Oct'7i 22 1000 11 3 Oof 50 Auc'70 5 9x Jail 'GO Aufj'69 53 645 13 3x Jun'45 Mar'Gl Temp (nax-iain) . rain. wind. T RainCSp GO. rainfall) Sn. Cc 1 . t amp . rain. Full Observations.. Temp. rain. Temp. rain. T RainC Spec. Cotton region) T Rain(Spec. rainfall) Bar. temp (nax-uin)rain. \/ind. Full observations. Sni. Col . t einp . rain. Temp . hyrj . rain. wind. Sni. Col . t enp . rain. 12 4 Jan 7 50 Dec '53 R Average temp T Sm. 05 530 1 Jan 1 30 Dec '30 R Mean temp. 34 05 93 10 705 1 1 llov'33 R Ten?>, wind. . / ii. &# t j run iuw^uii O 4 -- UU v/0 IL& OUU -LU ^;< UUX Od ApX v<* iGi-^J. 1 tiJ.ii. J&"> r *t-'-^ I.T. 1 i 1 X Record broken. STATES * 2 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of 'DIAK TORY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Count) ' allli statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. 05 g> s| E-'S Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. List of Stations less than one year's record and v, r hieh are not p.c'-f in operation, Station Countly Baptist iiission Cj.icl:asavr Gocdv/ater . ission Choctav/ He al cl t on Ch i c !: as av: Jiut o\-Ti Ch i 2 1: a s av; Lee's Creel: ^ Lehi.jh Cho^tav; Chojtatr Choctav/ r.j. X Record broken. UlNTTEID STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. ilNDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of IOWA Number Record. and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above 3 J Remarks. Length. Prom- To inclusive, j -S Yf S Sibley 43 24 95 43 5 5x Oct'75 Dec'86 DICKINSON. VY S Spirit Lake 43 25 95 06 1 Ix Jan' 79 Jan' 81 T KUSSUTH. V Algona 43 15 94 05 1 10 Dec'73 Oct'75 Temp. Wind,Clds. Rain. V u 11 Zx. Jun'61 Dec'73 Smithsonian Collection. W S 9 ox Oct 7r7 5 Mar '07 V Bancroft 43 20 94 15 1170 3 10 Dec'05 Bar.T. (nax.inin. ) Wind .Clds. Rain, \V S Wesley 43 07 94 10 8 9 Apl'79 Doc '07 V " 2 Jan 'GO Temp, (rnax.inin. ) V/.ind, Rain^ W 3 Wesley Town'sp. 4 7x Apl^79 Dec 7 86 MITCIIELL. V Osage 43 17 92 49 ^x May '66 Jan '67 Smithsonian Collection. W S 5 4-x Dec ? 75 Mar '05 T V " 2 Jan '83 T W S St. Ansgar 43 22 92 55 4 Ox Jan '01 Dec '36 HOWARD . - V Cresco 43 32 92 10 1055 3 3 Nov'71 Dec '74 Smithsonian Collection^ V " 15 8x Jan '74 Bar. Temp, v;inU, Clouds, Rain, WlilNESHEIK. V Port At:::>.nson 43 09 92 00 700 4 Ex Jaii'42 May '46 Snithsonian Col, (Rain brot^i). W S Decorah 43 17 91 47 4 4x Sep'70 Dec'83 V Ilesper 43 30 91 46 720 9 Jul'60 Mar '61 Smithsonian Collection^ W S 2 Jan 1 73 Dec '79 T V Rossville 43 10 91 21 1400 2 2 llov'57 Dec '59 Sraithsonian Collection* V V.'aukon 43 16 91 29 1 3x Apl'GD Dec' 70 R W S 8 3x Oct'75 Dec'36 O'BRIEN. W S Sanoorn 43 10 95 58 1 2x Feb'82 Oct'Oo P/>\0 ALTA, V West Bend (near) 43 00 94 26 2 Ix Apl ' 35 Car , Terr.pWina, Clouds, Rain^ W S " " 7 Apl'79 Oct'79 HANCOCK, 1 S Concord 4 ~ 6 93 56 5 7x Jan' r 'G Dec'SG X Itecord broken. :.5 a 5* ae *,; ^ f 13 'flat, CT'ruiL xl I Oi*flUt6IO t fcniUqEaT tT^0 sr'oad 01 I || ;i > aoOBlA TO*tB!I fl" f JoO xC 8 2 tO'o.a CV'fq^V 08 02 it tD & yplZ9\l 8 OS o ^ .qs'rrwoT VJ 5> -cO T GC ( i4li 8 T GB'a-jL S . o IC^nc!, xO * T ,J8 2 K f oa IT'voK WQI 01 $8 85 5* '9lD 81 00 SC 80 5* osr T* 18 71 8* ilcioooa 3 10' rrl, 08T ** 19 06 8* iasoH T ? l o9fl SV'nfil. S . 8 Woo 2 S OO^f 12 i 01 5* $IIiveec ' 1 , no:I:/.o^ cal ^r r *oO xo 8 28'dol xS 83 W 01 S* Ai'IA 0, l 2 8S M 00 S*(i6sa)Jbnoa T 00 f t '/wt, T 5 WWW 2* fctooooa UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of IOWA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record . Q Number nd class. Count y and 8tatlon - Elev Latitude. Longitude. abc ition o'jjj Remarks. Byel> Length. From - To inclusive. ^ = CERRO GORDO. ' o W S Clear Lake 43 00 93 30 870 lOx Apl'73 Feb'81 IV 1 5 Jan '38 Mar '89 T. (max. nun. ) Wind, Clds. Rain. FLOYD, W S Charles City 43 05 92 43 6 lOx Oct'75 Dec'83 V Marble Rock 42 53 92 52 2 Ix Jan' 67 Dec '73 Sr. . Col. (The Woodlands). V Mora Springs 43 09 93 00 600 8 7 Jul'75 Feb'34 B:i.r . Tenp .Wind, Clouds, Rain. V Rockford 43 05 92 56 5 3x Jan' 63 Dec '73 S: . Col. (The Woodlands). V Rockford 43 00 93 00 962 3 8x Jan' 74 Aufj'77 Tei.ip . Wind, Cl ouds , Rain. CHICKASAW. W S Nashua 42 56 92 50 4 8x Apl'78 Dec '36 V 9 9 Apl'78 Dec '87 Temp. Wind, Clouds, Rain. PLYMOUTH. W S Le Mars 42 47 96 09 4 4x Jun'76 Dec'83 T CHEROKEE. W S Cherokee 42 40 95 32 2 4 Oct'75 Jan' 78 T V Larabee 2 Nov'89 Temp, (nax.ir.in. ) Rain. BUENA VISTA. W S Storm Lake 42 52 95 31 2 10 Nov'76 Au-'79 T V 6 Jul ' 39 POCAHONTAS. V Rolfe 42 50 94 28 2 Feb'63 Jan '70 Smithsonian Collection. W S 2 4x Oct'75 Dec'79 T IIUMBOLDT. V Corinth Tov/n'p 42 '10 94 20 10 50 2 6x Sep'32 Liar '85 Tenp. Wind, Clouds, Rain. V Humboldt 42 40 94 08 1100 4 Ix Jan' 35 Tenp. Wind, Clouds, Rain. WRIGHT. V Eaale Grove * 2 39 93 54 3 May '89 TeruP . (max . lain . ) Rain . KlAtlKLIII. V.' S Haniplon 42 30 93 20 2 8x Feb'77 Jun'31 ' V 1200 1 9 Apl'83 T. (raax.r.in. ) Wind, Clds. Rain. BUTLER. W S Greene 4 2 54 92 47 1 1 Dec'75 Dec'76 T EREMER. V Franklin 42 45 92 11 4 3x May '56 Apl'62 1 1 "* Smithsonian Collection. X Record broken. t i>niW erx<* xox C81JM BO'rusL o 1 .009100 QHH30 ore o* at oo ju>J TBS ID ; . 58'osa ST'^oO xOX d 5 SQ 30 S* Xl fit S8 S V 008 00 5 x8 S 83 S 50 ST'IqA X8 * e * s 01 S e . OS S 80 00 50 00 5f 05 S 55 S* go ss of 13 8 S3 8> SS * OS 2* esXTaiQ 8 1 < I 2 ; crto>8 2 8lMXO t fcnJtf .(HOT f t*U 8C*qo3 XS 2 0301 OS MJ 0> 2^ q'trroT rflniioO .2*>i'OlO t bfliW .oO x 01 x xf aa xt ae OOOX Id Xf 18 sa 12 ** - \:>i - > i ritirtC 1. * rl t *fl* ,T-*XoO . ft 4 *IW f < ,*XO ;*tf gf I r?iu/t o a t ax x* s 98 16 08 Xt8 3* ' * II t xOI II 8 xx xf oo a* I s S3 re e s* wsx n ataa dt 3 e 8 a o C c ,flJfc*H to , 1 ,***. x> a * ro'o9 60 Axx>j '70 42 30 S2 20 lOx Apl > 74 Mar '75 T 8 5x Oct t 75 Dec '86 N. 42 25 9S 00 11 82 Apl > oo Oi_ Dec '74 42 29 91 50 4 llx Dec t 73 Feb '79 nee 42 29 91 57 850 10 4x Hov i 61 Hov '73 7 10;-: Oct > 75 Dec '86 16 Dec >73 n 42 23 91 21 838 2 7 Dec ) 53 Jxm'56 Tenp.Wind Clds.Rain (Formerly Grant City). Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Wind, Clds. Rain. Ten-.p.V/ind, Clds. Rain. Smithsonian Collectic.fi. Also called Ft. Clarke (Sm.Col. Temp.V/ind, Clds.Rain. Rain for 5 nios. (2n> . Col.) Temp. \Vind, Clds. Rain. Near Spring Grove (Srv. Col,) Smithsonian Collection, Smithsonian Collection- Sane us Byrod Township. Smithscrian Collection^ Bar.T. (max.nin. )V/ind.Clds,^. Rain hrohcn. $.. , Col. ai*ff*6J3 osIA l.aWOJ (.100 , dB) .BOH 3 *ol .T C* .*. s ie S OOSX 58 81 31 rrr i/tfirA ft SV'Jirt, os'osa .';' re d xo s ooo oo eo as s> xxx e ox 0*3 ' S SS S 0021 15 C8'Zi* 8 00 * oee sx X 8 81 C* 05 3* S* enil1 tjii f ic 3 1! 8 V 01 1 o ^ /i 1 .- .MOTJEAH & I OOSX ft* & 009 XO 8 OOCJ U $8 S* 06 2* 08 2* i JIIOHAH av n* * 8X SO IS 30 IS OS S3 Ov S* .1- I i 8 8 :2 IX 00 33 roa xxi * oc x cs s* ST'voJ! lO'volI x* OJ 030 t5 XO'OS C- DO' 093 3r f ^oO :;OI V *T*oftd 31 'ooO * S BC8 tS Xf 88 S> obicio 1 o 1 '.' UNITED STATES SIGMSTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. rf| and class. Otagth, From - To inclusive. *1 vo DELAWARE. ForeErtville O ' O ' 42 40 91 32 3 4x Jun'59 Apl '63 R (Richland) Smitnsorian Col. V Hopki:iton W S V I-.Ianchester M S " V V Poultney 42 22 91 20 42 29 91 58 925 V Dubuque W S S G W S Farley UQNOKA. V Onav/a W S CRAWFORD . V Eenison V T S " V Vail CARROLL W S Carroll V 42 50 91 32 42 40 91 21 42 50 90 40 42 30 90 44 42 27 91 00 950 7 Nov'72 May '73 6 2x Jun'77 Lee '86 1 4 Sep'65 Dec 'CO 2 Ix Get '75 Aurj'83 3 Ox Av.rj'83 Cct'86 3 9x Apl'53 Jun'59 680 17 3x Jan' 53 Dec '71 8 3x Oct'75 Deo'86 651 16 6 Jul'73 1 lOx Nov'79 Aufj'32 42 02 96 09 1000 41 57 95 18 41 50 95 10 42 55 94 05 8 F3b'64 Sep'64 6 9>: Oct'75 Dec '36 1 2x Jan' 74 Aug'76 1 7:: Oct'75 Jul'79 6 4 Jan' 7 5 May '81 Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Colletion. Rain & 2 months of femp. Bar.TCraax.min. )V/ind, Clds.Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. 2d Order. R Smithsonian Collection. T 944 1 8 Jan' 70 Aug'77 T V G Dana V/ S Or end Junction W S Jef."e:. son T'sp. EOOITE. V 3oonesboiouh 7 STOREY , V ,> rr.es i Guiles II) V An.es V, r S u MARSHAtL. S Albion V 42 07 94 04 42 02 94 15 42 01 94 23 5 AUG'89 1600 1 Ix Jun'31 Oct 7 82 4 3x Oct'75 Dec'31 3 9x Apl'79 Dec '35 Temp. Wind, Clds. Rain. Temp. (raa;;.nin. ) Rain 42 04 93 55 1160 5 5x Nov'67 Dec'74 4 9x Apl'74 Jan' 81 42 07 93 35 42 00 95 33 42 08 93 00 790 7x Sop '69 Oct'71 1000 9 8 Sep'75 7 2x Oct'75 Dec'86 T Wind, Clds. & Rain. T Smithsonian Collection. T cup. Wind, Clds, Rain. Sraithsonian Collection. Ear . i&jp . Ky g. V/ind, Clds . Rain . 9 1 D .' 75 Dec '84 6x Feb'87 Feb'89 T emp . W ind , Cl a s , Ra i n . , n f IcrA 5V dB'osJ - -T S A nii t bn: TAG ru 4U)4ootJfMB \ w os 18 r 83 16 t S C* \ x< iui T S volt > B SI M'XO t f>nlW T I & 50 >C 3:: I ^0 i 35 00 50 GO UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of IOWA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 6 , Record. ,J ui Number Elevi County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abo and class. , i ition a Remarks. ve o sea-l ' Vl ' L Length. From- To inclusive. H i O ' Q ' MARSHALL (con). W 3 Marshal It own 42 00 93 10 5 lOx Oct'75 Dec '86 TAIvIA. \7 3 Dysart 42 10 92 20 11 5x May '76 Dec '87 V " 42 02 92 25 1 3 Jan' 83 Aug'83 Temp. Wind, Clds. Rain. BEHTCN. V Belle Plain 41 54 92 17 5 Axis' 39 T einp . (max . irdn . ) Rain . W S Blairs town 41 54 92 05 6 4x Oct'75 Hay '85 W S Florence 41 55 91 54 2 5x Dec '75 Jan' 79 T V* S Van Horn 42 00 92 04 1 Jan' 36 Dec '86 V Vint or. 42 10 92 02 607 8 J.:ay'69 Dec '59 Smithsonian Collation. V 42 00 C2 00 8 50 1 10 Mar '83 Ter.ip.Wind, Clds. Rain. W S 4x Oct'79 Jan' 31 T LEW, V Cedar Rapids 41 58 91 40 763 7 5x Jan' 82 Ear.T. (ir.ax.rain. )Hyg.\Vind.Cld.R 3 S " " 41 57 91 39 2 6 Jul ' 87 T Rainfall station. V Mt. Vernon 41 58 Sl 28 059 15 2x Oct'51 Dec '73 Smithsonian Colletion. \Y S " 1 9x Oct'75 Dec'79 T V " 11 4x Jan '74 Car.T.& R. (irregularly kept). JONES. W S Anamosa 42 00 91 17 6 Cx Oct'75 May '83 T V Bovfen's Frairie42 16 01 09 800 3 7 May '63 Ncv'7l Smithsonian Collection V Mcntieello 42 15 91 15 880 6 Ix Jul'o4 Feb'72 Smithsonian Collection. V " 21 7x Jan' 54 Sep'75 (M.M.IIoulton) Tenp. & Rain. V 42 15 91 15 000 14 3 Oct'75 Tenp. (max.min. )Yind, Clds. Rain. W S 6 ox Oct ? 75 Feb'83 JACKSON. V Bellevue 42 15 90 25 4 6x Jan '56 Aug'60 Smithsonian Collection. y/ s 4 Oct'75 Jan'76 T V Maquoketa 42 04 90 41 3x Feb'57 Nov'57 Smithsonian Collection^ VJ S 5 6x Dec'75 Dec'83 T V 42 05 90 45 ' 6 00 2 Jan' S3 Temp .Wind, Clds . Rain. X l.ri.kcn. .nJtn.JULTi) .T .-rj XJtalniafl T T T qj.7oT " 8 3 8 OX : a xx a 2 i .Ccoo) 01 SG 00 S* os st or 2*. 2S SO SO S* vx so *e i* 30 se ->s x* 1C 33 X* S 00 G* TO8 20 SO OX S* 080 00 S3 00 . 88'ajct, x3 T e s 8*6 X :; XX es X 83 If XO V3 X* X<* 8 X> 10 00 S 58 'del 08' T T SS'osd r 5 008 oo xo ax XI 8 088 3X 18 81 xT J2 S M 000 3X XO SJ 8 3s oo ex s* I* 09 *0 S*- 000 3* 00 80 2* xD * I x5 X8 3 S s lisa iiJsXS ioX 1 * OtoH ncV i 8 \ 8 \ .MttlJ .. nomeV *i i. i ' . C S ' 8 o UNITED STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of I OWA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. rf* s'i ^i Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. HARRTSOH. - ' V Harris Grove V Lo^an W S Logan V Whiteborouch V Woodbine f AUDUBON. w 3 Hamlm V DALLAS. V/ Z Adcl POLK. V Des Koines V " V C S " S S " " JASPER. V Uev-'ton POSSESHEIK. >V !> Gr inn ell V IOWA. W S Anana V V Homestead V/.I-- So-jth Anana W G CLcilapolis T-~\T T - ' "> '"V* T UUiU4wWN V Iowa Citv W E V 41 3G 95 47 900 7 4:c Mc,y ' 63 Nov'73 Smithsonian Collection. 41 95 928 16 Jan' 74 7 4 Oct'77 Dec'G3 T (Temp. for one year only) ] Doc'67 Nov'68 R Smithsonian Collection. Ix Jan'C9 Sep'7l 6 2x Jnl'77:Dec'86 7 Jan' 31 Doc '37 Temp. Wind", Clds.Rain. 41 40 95 44 41 45 95 42 41 45 94 O 41 37 94 02 2 Sx 1)63 'Toi Scp'70 T 41 36 93 41 35 93 41 35 93 41 42 93 41 44 92 41 47 01 41 45 01 41 45 01 41 40 91 41 37 91 41 40 01 38 3 2x Cot '45 Nov'74 9 Feb'74 Nov'74 40 849 8 4:- Apl'81 37 869 1 Av.7'77 Jul'73 ni ATT r^f ' T Q o f\ u n ' o 03 1400 6 Aus'09 Jan'70 5 4 Jan'73 Apl'83 4 Ix Apl'7G Nov'83 44 1045 1 3 May '83 53 55 50 11 3 Oct'7o Dec'33 1 10 Mir '83 4 Ox Jan' 81' Dec '86 2 4x .VaE'73 L'ar'82 1 4 Dec'VC, Liar 'CO Cmithsoiiian Collection. Ear.T. (niax.nin. )Cldc,r.ain.Ofcs. nc.de 5 1-2 milc-s SE.D-es Moines Sunset. fT.vVir.rl, Clds.Rain. ). ?i Order station. Smithsonian Collection Temp. Wind, Rain. Bar.T. (max.min. Klyjj.Y/ind.Cld.] Ear. (].:ax.:nin. Tc-np. )V;ind,Rain. 30 621 15 2x May '56 Dec '74 21 6x Jan' 60 Dec '36 52 621 3 7:: Dec '72 T leap, for 3 mcs. only. (Now Williams burg) T.R. & Y,'ind, Snr'.thsonian Collection, Terr.p.to Apl'74 only 1 Record broken. ' OOC 71^ S9 88 X^ ?voiD a lit*.. ^ *? f *t:! OX 8S6 SS X* Based sno tol^qpoT) T Sc r osG 77 c Jc3 V m. a ac'vcM T3*o a o c ;^ sc o* n- Tccfe^i/fi/ o i .1 a S> 3C 3* Xt- a -. -?';;rt. x2 8 -Q ^ X* ^ XT +f*> t T f\ t* f 1 .SAJOAvI '- I x3 SO $9 VC X> LA T V xS 8 05 5ft WS X* -M 2*1 3on r .oM u^a.2S c.fim S-X 3 ah.-3.-a I.aJbJO .MiW.D.^arwS 87* X^ 77r::A I ft98 VC 59 3E X* _ * -, ^ * it 3 XX nolJosXXoO n*inocrf^ici^ OT'naU 8& c ^'/ 8 00*X 50 56 8 no. 6 MlA, C7flt * 3 .0*1 88'voH OT'IcjA JtX * XXon.i. ,T.t*G eC'vJfi C X Si-OX *> C9 ** X> p * -~ ^ ^* -v ^. 0*901 SV'^oO 5 r l Xi- X8 r Gt> xO ^ 53 X2 X^ fcno^c S 32 J X> ifLsml 03 X3 0> I> t2 3X XS8 05 X9 75 X* vJiD BV/O! SV'cea K? C XS3 5 XC 0> X> UlsriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of IOWA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 8 Number and class. Count y and statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. A* s'i *e Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. CEDAR. Durant 41 36 CO 57 W S W S V V W S V V W S S S S S V V V W S W S V V W S W S Tipton West Branch CLINTON. Clinton 41 46 35 91 07 91 21 710 SCOTT. Davenport Le Claire McCausland POTTAV/ATTAMIE. Carson Council Bluffs 41 50 00 10 630 591 41 30 90 39 700 CASS. Atlantic ADAIR. Vanter's Grove * H ivIADISOU. Earlhain WARREN. Hartford 41 30 41 35 41 39 41 14 41 16 41 16 90 38 615 90 18 90 19 9* 27 1329 50" 41 23 41 18 41 SO 41 27 95 01 24 34 1500 94 06 S3 24 1 1 FPeb'71 Mar '72 7 Oct'75 Apl'76 T 4 3 Oct'75 Dec 7 79 T 1 4 Ails' -71 Ndv'72 12 3x Apl'53 Jun'71 6 5x Dec'75 Dec'86 11 Ix Cep'76 9 2x Apl'58 Jul'72 8 3x Oct'75 Dec'86 18 7 Jv.n'7l 10 5x Kov'77 5 Aug'89 5 Aug'89 9 lOx Jan' 20 Dec '74 5 8x Jan' 74 Apl'81 7 llx Oct'75 Dec'86 1 lOx Jun'76 Aug'81 8 1 May '66 May '74 5 Jan' 74 May '74 4 1 Dec'75 Dec'79 1 1 Oep'81 Oct'82 Snithsonian Collectiori. (Hear Cedar Bluff s) .Sm. Col. (Lyon's City or Comache)Sm.Col. Bar.T. (niax.min. ) '..ind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. 2d Order. Rainfall & Stage of River, Temp . (max . min . ) Rain . Temp, f max. rain. ) Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Tenp. Wind, Clds. Rain, fFontanello).Sn. Col. Temp. Y/ind,Clds. Rain. n o iiiuJ.ii.iUj. a, V 41 22 03 33 6 1UX UCT, I O 3 5 Jun'82 UCT, f i Oct'85 T. (max.rnin. ) V.'ind, Clds. Rain, LLARION W S Xnoxville 41 19 93 03 2 7x Dec'75 Mar '82 Rainfall and 6 months of Teirp. V Pella 1 41 30 92 55 730 1 11 May ' 54 Mar '53 R X Record broken. 1 JT V3 03 W X* T ft* ot SO I o^ ru.'J! >6.2bIO MMUflflff ^' v ' '""' '^ v '-' ^ I UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ^ from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. .Longitude, Elevation above sea-level. Record. QJ t-' i J Remarks. i Length. From To inclusive. fT O ' O ' CLARKE. w s Osceola 1 5x Apl'82 Dec '83 V 1 41 02 93 45 1104 1 4 Jan' 88 Arl'89 Bar. Temp. Wind & Rain. LUCAS. w s Char it on 41 01 93 19 1 Jan79 Dec '79 T WAPELLO. w s Ottunwra. 41 00 92 00 730 2 5x May '76 Dec '79 T V it i a Feb'84 Sep'85 T. (max.min. ) Wind, Clds. Rain. JEFFERSON. V Brookville 41 04 92 05 11 5x Jan' 76 Dec'87 Temp. Wind ,Clds. Rain. w s H 7 Ix Feb'76 Nov'86 V Fairfield 41 01 91 57 940 4 7x Joh'55 Doc '59 Smithsonian Collection. w s 10 Ox Nov'75 Cct'86 V l 6 Jan '83 Jun'38 Temp. Wind, Clds.Rain. w s Llbertyville 40 57 92 02 3 Ox Aug'Cl Dec T 86 T V Pleasant Plain 41 07 91 55 950 9 7 Jan' 56 Sep'65 Rain broken. Sm. Col. HENRY. V Mt. Pleasant 40 59 91 57 1 6x Dec '63 Dec'71 Smithsonian Collection. w s 7 4x Oct'75 Dec'86 V * u 40 53 91 57 730 11 3x Mar '73 Bar . T emp . Wind , Cl d s . Rein . w s Ke\v London 40 55 91 24 5 lOx Oct'75 Dec'86 T DL3 JvlOIlIES. V Curl inert on 40 49 91 07 GOO 1 3x Jan '59 May ' 68 Smithsonian Collection. w s I 5 7x Oct'75 Jul'82 FREM01TT. W Sidney 40 44 95 ZB 1 lOr. Jan '79 Oct'81 w s Tabor 40 50 95 4-0 1200 4 3 Oct'75 Eec'79 T V H 4 2x l.Iar'7G Jer.'30 Bar. Temp .Wind, Clds.Rain, PAGE. V Clarir.da 40 4o 05 18 1044 2 8x Jan '74 Tenp.Wind Clds.Ro.in, 'and bar. from Dec '87. V 40 44 95 02 2 5x Jan '65 Jun'74 Smithsonian Collection* \v r H 2 6x Dec'75 Nov'79 T X Record broken. ..a T 0' x3 * | | 1 e 8 It 10 I* 01 I 91 I* / 009 fO It t* Ofr T 6' .***.! t&^V.yft.l* ; > umber and class County and station. Latitude. Longitude. O ' O ' Elevation above sea-level. Record. S| Remarks. Length. Kfrom - To inclusive. UISTITED STATES SIGUSTAX, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of I OWA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 11 DECATUR. W S Garden C-rove W S Leon WAYNE. W 3 Cory den V W S Harvard ATPANOOSE. V Centerville \V 3 DAVIS. Y 3 Bloonfield VA1I BUREN. V,' 3 Xeosanqua LEE. V. C Derjr.ark V V Fort Madison V " V 7 Eookuk 40 50 03 34 40 44 95 44 40 45 93 20 1100 40 4-5 02 55 1000 40 45 92 2G 4- 1:: llov'73 Mar '83 T 1 3x J-il'Va Jan '31 T 1 6x Jan' 73 Dec '79 T 5 I.Iay'86 Sep'83 Tenp. (nax.nin. ) \Vind, Clds.Uain. 2 Ox Jan' 83 Dec '86 2x .;'74 May'7o 5 ox Tec '78 Mar '83 .Vkind, Clds,Rain. 2 2x Oof 75 Nov'81 40 44 91 57 40 44 91 19 40 37 91 28 GOO 503 40 25 91 21 GOO 40 22 01 LG 618 18 Oct'75 Dec'33 11 llx Oct'75 Dec'87 1 7 Jan' 83 Jul'39 23 5 Mar '43 Nov'73 16 Jan' 74 Temp. Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Coll action. . (Obs.made 4 miles HW.of )Temp. nax.min.V.'ir.d, Clds.Rain. Sx Jan' 54 Feb'67 R Smithsonian Collection. 3 Jul'7l Pd n-v.-vr (River ?-. fv.ll ir.ot.ots} '< S East Lucas Tov;nship V, r C Hornodalo IV S Lucas Tov/nship V r S Nov/ Hope Township V/ Poi:n College \/ 3 Sherman T&v.T.ch:p W C Union Tov.T.ship 2 lOx Jan 7 01 Deo 25 2 5x Get '81 Auj'SG 2 7x Jan'73 Aug'Cl T 4 S Oct'75 Dec '79 T 1 3x Jr.n'73 Jul' r; 9 T C 9x Jr.r.'77 Dec'33 1 3 Jan '73 Aur'79 T i 1 X Record broken. IF c r! ** .or/. 33 a * -t ,:,IVAa ..1 i. ll .V h q.. c 1,:-. q:. T r . "** J 'J Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Folloving Stations: IOWA Station. i County Station __ _ -- - County Station _ _ . _ - County Albia f " 1 Monroe Estherville Eonet Pacl^-ccd Jefferson Anita Cass Floris Bo, vis P erry Tall as Atalissa Muscatine Forest City V/innebago Plvxi Springs ? Danger Marshall Fort Crcgan Pottav/attanie Rippey Groan 3 Baxt er Jasper Fredericksburg Chickasaw Round Grove Scott Bonaparte Van Bur en Gillett Clay St. Joseph Kossu-'-h Brighton Washington j Grainville Wayne St. Mary's Warren Brooklyn Poweshiek Grand View Louisa : Shelby Shelby Cast ana Monona Horace Audubon ' Spaul dings Union Cedar Bluffs Cedar Jefferson Greene Steamboat Rock Hardin Ccd^r Falls Black Hawk Liszard Po^Rl.outar: S^ran..- Lake Eimet Ccal Creek Keokuk Marshall Tiffin Johnson Punk cr ton Black llav;k Mi Hers burg Iov:a Urbana Benton Dakota Huniboiat ("Mineral Ridge. - aonrft Vernon Sprints Hov/arcl Pallas Centre Dallas X or Ridgeport Villisca Montgomery Powille Crav.-ford Alt. Ayr Ringgold \Vaukee Dallfts .Cldora Harclinl Nor. Liberty Johnson \Vinterset Madison EiiEiet Bnaot Otley Marion Wolf Creek Township ? Eugene Ringgold Panora Guthri e WoodlavTi ? i OOtl HO 91* ni ?e?--I 1: A W nail ' ntJ S VflftdS a 4Ofttf~U **.-. oH z jaii<|3 noni&V aoailliY itrsW 81 JOJ AV/O+ i JTtO sW < STATES SIQNAJL- SERVICE. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation almve sea-level. Record. If Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. r< .-. r;-.T7T I j.'j.. 1 ^^ '. J.U.'. >, V All is or, <-. r- fiv :.! ? y- p'i 'TT "P'jp 1 liJ.iii.iii O 2 ,' I' ir .;!;. "C -"%' i on "i 7 '"'^1 c '? S (")->*''">" Ot OC JL -/.' _ / ^Civ J O UC5 w ou ^p.T/ina. ol is.rain. o 2' 43 100 3 n :.'. iov.rr Oak V ;^;>:>tc C^ntv., ; ? .r:..d) 2 4 Sep'37 Z 40 Cc Oj 2 : 3e;: '37 3 --13 93 13 1795 3 C'ot'St X f*> ("1*7 *' ^ T ft r,' '3 T '\- T" 1 -.;- ) *^O " * - ^ J *? V *J'J *s t ^ i X^VW J- ^.'-'*". 1 CL * i-j J-* *-"\J * w' 3 ax Jan' 74 Jun'37 i 7x Jnl'87 * /**i i*^ f~* ' O 1 T O " *^ T *i WJ v J "'<^ iiOo O l.i T "' ! -i (" ' r - -> " '- i - . -" . 1 "i *' 1 iVUr^K -,. . v*~.i.. .'..V~ .- P.ain c noon tc i ::ip. Temp. rain, Bar. ter:p. wind elds .rain V, > H or ten :.':: Jai'i > 33 Hcv'So Ti '~1 O-^ A*", 1 T ^ ' 1 ,T T--1 ' ^1 J.^ ^'1 JO IA3 Xiv>-.- 1 'J o l^^y -.-./ <.. ,,'.. I_^ ! J li.I C^Ai- VJO BONIPK/VU * r /". ' V ^ast :'.orT-c'.y 7 r ' -i o -r i . WV' '*'- > w s- j. ' 1 3 Oat '33 1 C Ar~37 Jnl'38 ' ^- V w CI J. ii.:Ci t *- -- *J v -^- O O *J *^ r -* JLvrJL O^ ^. fc i. ! w* 5?SJ *'.*-. Cfii '.''"."'O'' * * '^ 39 20 101 33 3502 1 1 Jnl'f:.; J;il3? T :-=}' f r.ii::-Tr.in) . rain. .-T- .TI -, f AtLir.) / 'J 39 21 100 0-3 30 00 93 25 *_);j /' i 1^ i *> 1 30 GS 51 May 39 J-a ; 73 :;ov 7 7c c;.:p Cir;ix-r.:in) . ra T R:,in. Tenqp.rain. A C* . . Record broken. .- f .; * . * < . r f^ > i UNITE!) STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 2 Number . |. U8 County and station. Latitude. ; Longitude .-C:;:L:, cc*.- * " - "*i i i** * j. o *"* V - ' ^ C"-, / 1C T Lit .>' <- ^ ^ f-^T r^T *7~, Longitude, Elevfition atove sea-level. Record. *% 1 E-E Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. 03 ol v; s CLAY "V T A "'! V f' "-+ " V - V./..*..^- l v -v...W . -^ V " "." -,V '.-"' --1 r ' lvU.v - -i L J.O. V "" i r -nV -.4 (-', V -. i'-^- ,A .i- w U w --- * "> II 1.' -.' t_. '-- v.- * iO C7 D7 ..- i i - cr .-. Z3 12 C3 o7 1125 13 5x iiaT*57 loo'Tl* 15 llx Jan*7'l 7T.,.., } 7 <7 T- - . > "7 -.7 i-'Ji I - i .!. _j V '" -/.-jicTf-i 1 I (' V V- * hjb V WA!O v X X X w V Yostuor ^Iviiid JACiCSOlI V !1 ATCIIISOi: V "j ' * - ? - "i C ~.TI o SO -OS s'- rv ori ').'. -,--, i_JW vw t_j - .n -.-o r.^ . ^lv- ^. - 1 7 J L Ox A -<- -. . L. J T .--, J ri - ' _, J -r; O, (.-,-! + ., <-,-: i_3:** O'v -I. ^ .... v . - . T JMP (i.ia,;-u-in) vrir.a . c 1 - -/ >-x r- - nv r T'' " ' . .. .. ?c T > .-.^^*7'J! 59 o-i bu i^o fc* / 5 - <--- A-ufe^ oo i>x-c 10 .- ; S v c EA/IS V fort lUl-y V V Junction City IT - ,' ':~i ' SlAlii! iLji I - <-. A "\ O o P. "O Co JvJ w pi ~^ ^ - . X j_ i. ~. -, .. -*S w ' * i c, *- '. : * i.- *- 20 000 1 llx Aur;>70 A:>1'75 S-. Col. tour. rain. Jjii-iv j2 .tfOlVrH V C i'''" 1 "" t L>. i,V'"il- --crth oO 12 G : 57 G--2 cO Jan'50, Dcc'?9 SLI. Col. tcn:.p. rain. ;. :: u r- .1 ~,- . , T^ .^ ? r*r\ \\ .. ,* 4. ,,.,-/---, ir r .-> \ * , < rr ITT ~n '^ t_'i- O.C Oi-Ul -J-' iJubi T. Oi..;.' u_n.-.i.-L-. i a.iu i-.y b " -u.^ n r (viU.Frisonl T i r^ ^ ^ l > j i i ^ c o j Teac.paia, v C " 7 10;: ::ov'57 i:^,y 71 aa.Col.tenjur^.in. *-.' .* 13 7 Jvtn'71 Full observations & river. V ') ;.-3it Ijoav-";"- v\-*V "^ "! '"' T-- 1 . > O'l'i ' '- v "'-.Tf'T'T 1. -.1- ) '"> ' " i -- 4 1 .'. -r^ 7-. : '"! . i ,",""'V WO ,>'l_' -i <-'A 1 . v. / '-KJ -J^.i . It\rt-iff*llju9 ...'-^-..L.i u-tii. WY^liDOTXfii T " ' I';"r2 ' 2 Cit" ; {icr:."..rly vVyoji- i>tte) c-G 03 G^ ': i I 7r i i r 7 ""< ^i-^r' l ~^O ' ' -. -o ) '"VO 'vl^- r* ^ 1 -f *TiT-^T"i T* JTi "i 'n f'J /'..,'! O iVv.J O^. i -..-.^.i UU iw^T.i.. \jv_ i . T_ k. 2 3 J-ii'07 T RiinCSpeo. rainfall) U' L T ;js!can 3 51 101 50 3 I-.Iay 3G T.-ptox-niiiKrain. W r .iO.All^^tor oD 00 101 2-4 1 llx Jan 7 30 Tcnp.rain. '.; C i :cnv.-..iir.t 30 OG 101 01 5180 -i 10- J.^i'SS Tc-;r.p(r.^x-uin) .rjlu. v OcJclfiy v'C OC li. ;; ; C!i S 2x J;m'33 Teop.raia* V; Shorid^. 30 01 10: 22 310o 2 2x J_::'3S 0:t'07 Tinrp(v^::-:..iiO or.:-..'.". IW S \anona 09 03 10; i T ' O O-r "p r." 1 -. ^ '-"* rr Tesp(Eia;-r5iri).rciin. .'{a-;- ~X~ Record broken. > A f, '** A ' . . .-.- r ' UNITED STATER SIGOSTA.L SERVICE. 4 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Beoord - | Jri'clMS. C Un ' y " nd Station - l.utifiiMf. Ijongi tudo. dbovo K6m&rks. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. E-"g GOVZ , S Lviii^lo Ij,rl: Z (. .'>" i . i--, -. r r- r K ,"i-, T ) '"^^ r ; '>">% -5 n c- - i 1UU (r^t-iBin)wind di-%vain. : ~" : ' r 2.11 -d": 2 3 53 2^~ l-o 5 7x iT&i^ 35 1 cv.ip.'i'ciii'i. 7v i.'ukV;:.. :" ! C 01 G~ '2 26^3 3 3;c Jan '05 Tr.;?(v:a:;-v:.i:.) .""rir.. V* ^f -." " ^/.: J..; i i ' -.11 -. .: - -> rr t <- r. ; '7 -M i " ? o - r T^-.- ' O^ 7 .> /- n t^T"'i ""^"*") <> o -..Iil3. i,o ^u J-'^' v:-' t'lj.' j. 1 J^i JO... J? x v...ip t ^.d.^.-._iJ.i* - a..i. ii D i"ort Ka.yn i ^ 1099 21 1J? D;c Axig'37 0>t'8C Bar. ts^(!uftx--ai:0hy3.-i-d. . ; r r , go re fcn ^'%on - S- I Qfi Te^nteiiiu-ainV TjUn. .> J Vijtcvid Z 51 CC 03 1C20 4 Cx J^'35 T'iir:p(v 1 a::--..J.ii).?iir.. ~"*~, "OO -^T T , * - * O^.^J J : ir-iiih-jr i-Iill C ^' <^.Q /.I "!<.' -^ .*. f. *?' jr>-i''''^ T ^ '^ (' i,c '"i^".) r&.ii'' . .- 7 ^-,~, ..^ _ ... ' T n -_ i- -G. i cWiC'-. >, 3 01 33 c'-l 1720 OT*- v 0, t- J c / U.-l ..J.-JI., ciL i ;\ai*4 "-'-- ^-j- - '" ^' 1 " r.,-. r - F-J^ "! '"*?' 2 '- Z-" Ji," ' 30 TSU":"- (r.2,^-I-i_.) Vc^i.l. ^ < ^ 01 000 C 3 -:-3 C 3 2-i o 2x :-!ov'GG Ter:.*;ri.r.d uir.rai.-.. V L^.:rer.cc ^ 3 305 14 3-:0 5 3;; Jul'57 lOav' 77 S-.Gol.t:?np.rair.. . J u r .-. A T .. } *- " 7^ -* 4 "---> /v"-i v S x * **/ .* **<*.?- ^j^.. V tittX*"*.**** / fi --**vA * C-J.*- ( printed, reports.) "v ; .' " 1 o.. . r,.,. 70 ;-. +'---^/'-,-, '_T- i -\^-'}' r "fir>-- " 1 T' Ji'f __ i j, _ / 1_ :W*A . t j. ; i..t*j. . ix Ji v .. . A-.A.. - vj-*-. V L:-c;;.ptcn ^, /-\,~ { s OT o t C.. ' *,,! } .t f, T..-; ) .- o -V- Pnl T vp -"-.}:- ifi y^ i, w t.C' C-'i-^ x O-. u'J.i ' v. i r ; u L ^ -J yV-yOJl Vv3i.p Ai*M * - V Gu,roi:jr 2 n .' o o - c;r. -.00 1 " *-,"' ' T;" 1 . T n -' . ' -"! C! ' 1 ' Pp 1 t " l ~' T> Til" i. "-.-L ^_- Dw- o'.--' I o^ Apl - H ..- . i v. ^ w-i iO.:iVUiV p.id.ll V Morse ? '0 -1 C-i -i-i 1035 3 J-.".1'72 "'?^'70 0\..Col. tenp.Taii'.. u - 7 0:: J;^'7-; Vcnp.vrir.d.rr.i;:. i 3i c.,n,> '1 X Record broken. .-:i..'.. - J5C f v*c r<*. w ' . . "'_ . I tT.r .!' i.-li:' . ?:. f ,^' ~f t -'c^.^^xc-:^: *) r ^,-rrG . . ;.T { * - 2- . ( fiJL. -. . i *>*<*+ 'f -. &+ J ' , _ . .r --fr: ^ r *i r -. . . ^^. ^,"ii,d -"{ ) . - ' -t: f - r . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of KANSAS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and cluss. Elevation ReC rd ' =f| sea-level. Lcngth Prom _ O i vniiii ]\>. To inclusive. t"g T, - TT- . :> 'VT - "I -^ . - V Oldtha 33 c2 B-i 53 1050 3 Ox Ji.n'G-: Oct'72 Sr.i,Col. t,or.p>,r;.in. GR22LEY V Tricv-.cU2 ci S30 1^ ; 1^1 -1-5 2 Jv.l'CiJ Tenp(i::o,-:--;.d:::)^ind dir.rain. V/ICKITA V Lecti c3 20 1C! 21 1 3x J^ii'33 Te-p(tiCix-u.ir:)v!:iiid dir.r2.in. uo U i i '' i t. Scott City ta &0 1C,: 5^ 102c ^rX J-:1'OC Teup.rain. r ' . i O p. p S .^1 / ' T *7 " T O ^ 1^1 S^^ ' ? " N %- T o -^ 7 "> tr Te*'^ ( ; ;ci:<- T ;ir ) . rain i-I D Fort Ilirker (rt.Ellsv:ovtv.) o: v, 3 15 1353 3 ^;: Sep'30 Apl'72 Ter:.p(T;;a;>i..in)l;y-. wind. elds. '- IkJW -i- 4. 1 *'* *N i -*. '" *** i "> *"* .*> """.'* ^~. ' 'ft O * " : ^ "^ i ,* T * " ' > ^ *^ ^ ">* >~i ^ ""*_"' ^ ' "i \ **** c* S ^~> . -; ' * ~- " f T\ ^ ~] "? ^ *? '".' * *". C"- ') ' ''* T r^*.'" 1 . "*. O '"" T * T^ ^ ! "^ P 7 rn -%*, /-. * -n -.- N --*.-?.. co -.-^ tvj \j i j- . , o* u&n -- / i GniT> ( T;uix nun i - j,.-::. "i \' v. : il7Ci; i.".j 1-r- Co 20 1 70C -1- 10;: Ja:\'05 T^r.nfnn.x-^ :ir.^ ^air*. " 1 O*r ; Tnr- ~-" i - . 1-j.^ ^' '*/ Aac'33 Bar^avioaaB-alnlhys.wtod. SALEJE * a4SJi '.: ;" Urcohville 2C -1-C C7 FI 1543 3 5;c J^n'35 ^v.:p(m::-;::i;:) .rain. ?." L Stlina cO 60 C7 5: 1225 2 illov'73 Oot'73 Ter.:p.rain. V n 7 5 Auj'S2 ZaEp(t!2gc*-nin)'oiiidelds*rain. S S 2 '1 Sep'87 T Rala{Specrainf all) J.33RRI5 V J Council Grov3 IZ -'I-O So 23 12L^3 3 2;c Jon' 35 liOv 1 ?^ Si:;.Col.te:i:p.re.iii. V u -. ,-,, ;-. -->r ' 7'-- -^ T> ) '*.?'' r !" 1 ~T *" " TT ***\ " ^ T I C* " -. i -- - * ^* ^*. 4. w W ' C T ^ -/ - *>fc_j J, w (.._(. v/ .x A'-fc w -i. v^. k> *- w~ .* .1 1 RTCL' 1 V f- Atu.r,t:> 33 20 93 15 1350 C Jul'7o Dec '73 Gr.. Col . ter-p . rain. V " 2 4"-c Jv'"^ ' <7i - Avp"'?' 7 Tei" ri '"i'pf' "Tr 1 ? ~"ili V J - - -- C'O li 1 vbG 2 ti' tj'.il 84IOot 83 TGv.vp ">''' i"-c' r^iii. '/-...-- " ' ^ ''"'"' '' ~* "' ' X Record broken. I -i > . J - V , . _ j? f ' UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. ii ^ ' V v " w s V ConxTay MARION Cresv/ell CHASS Strong LYON Eleo Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *% s'i E-"E Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. 33 22 33 17 r- O O '< <_>w t-iO 53 13 58 24 t**rj * rr nCo 1 "? T r* ' _ T } G t 'x5 lo 7 r '* 1 / ~ -~> '". C -vr p -5 ^ > V* ' ^" ^ 'J*^> J J ^^ ^ ^ - ^, \,J 4 May 97 14 1375 G 7x J:v^'7o ,lar'3c 9G 311172 2 2x Jan'85 Apl'37 96 19 9G 12 113 V V '' V V w s V V 7 V V OS AGE Eur 1 ing ar:;5 ( ne ar 5 3 43 53 37 33 29 1 Ix J-al'83 Oct'89 ^ 1 May 62 1 o Apl'79 Sap '80 9 -x Deo80 95 45 1045 5 8x Jan' 58 Ncv'73 3 Ox Jan '74 Axrr'77 Ottava 3x Uov'85 Feb'37 8x ;.Iay 88 Sep'39 1 10 iiay 71 Fa.; '73 raolad:3ur) 33 34- COFFIN Avoii L-. Eurliiig- tcn 33 12 Lebo 58 22 (Llarydals Farr,:V Lc Hoy^'/i ^ > 53 (.4 S5 17 390 95 27 94 53 1130 4 3 *xy 69 Jul'73 95 35 775 2 Ox Apl'66 I.^y 71 95 51 3 Jin '37 95 So 904 4 9x Jan '-37 Dec '75 Tenip.rain. T Rain. T Rain. Teuip.v.'ind. elds. rain. Ter,p (laax-min) .rain. Temp. rain. R Su.Col.teinp. Bat*, t er.p .hvg.vind. elds. (Sunset Station) i3ar. teinp (max-mirjhyg. v/i rain. Sir.. Cc 1 . t einp . rain. Ter.ip.rain. T ecrp . wind . r ain . T Rain. Sta. Co 1 . t emp . rain . Su. Co 1 . t emp .rain. Sin. C o 1 , t enp . r ain . Bar . t e~;$ (ir.ax-nin ) hy a . vir.d rain. Sr;;. Col . t snp . rain . V 2 11 Jan '74 i;ov'7G Tc-...p.v/ind.rain. KEAI^IIEY VT 3 La!: in 37 57 101 13 2939 5 AuT ' 39 Ternp.rain. V Sherlock 37 59 100 53 2925 1 10 Hay 34 Dec'35 T-ra.vai-^.rain. FAuliEE r! D Fort Larnod 33 11 90 14 1D32 10 6x S ep ' GO Jun ' 7 a Temp (ir.ax-ir.in ) hy c . v.'ir.d . o 1 cl s .. ! i rain. X Record broken. J37.(r. if GG f >o n . SI o 2511 i.,qna . T . .n .51 . ^22 ; 77 o IT y^i SB f 5 .r.-. . xQ i UNITED STATES SIOINTAJL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Count i r and statlon ' L. i'AF i' ' TU. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. osM* = z fr-'S Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. V "' T-"..- -r - v r> r -i V - JL '*, v ^ / i. '- w/J- * J-1'GC Ltf o7 L L j 1-^ i ; ~ : -* Coo 3o i . i.L,x;i. o7 409: 021730 1 3 Bep'^&lKiV^ x Kind.' t^ ,- -i -. iO LLcoJ j. ^.' Jl^'i JL-J.J v . ;:i rcr..uo v f B hold.n(: ---v) (Mu:.. Jrove) V lloosho'palls -.1 *- 31 B C Bop'72 2 Cx .V^'70 Juii'7'J rp ^...,. -, -. 4 .- X O..i; ' . - i. i.CV.1 ;'"; lIi'U !TC.J.li< r-l ... _ ... .. .; ., S" Co 1 t wT "T. . T 3," ]; 3-....Ool.toi:ip. ' or;> T -'v^ 'r.!'- '_-- j." ) ,'i n.l . '* :,ir. "D 07 S3 01 CC CC oc: -i 4;: Ja^'59 Api'70 Sr.uCol.tcnp.rai: ii, 'J r: .V C or*.c,to;j- F;;rt Soctt .." S bui! lir ; . "1-,-X r.4. ,V j ^p, _ - w A k V wl- 3 Wj 1 6 Cat'SQ ;. _T >or-. 1 Q< .O -1 o J x- i7 S3 C2 5 B7 -i7 100 1-L - --. 1 3;: J-in'30 00 Os- Jul3 S 2 aov'60 Doo'Sfc Sa.Col.tomp.riln. c; ' n -,-'-- - r-? *" ' J O .1^ vj U.^ . O -. u y o / .*.* 100 01 2526 15 t f ^t'7-i P.iil obs^rvitions. r, ^-,r>+ ">,"'-- - j i i' X' w 4 l> XJUUfi ' i7 ;-.- 9 5-1- 5 -i :;ov'37 Feb'71 Tjrip.hyi.vi;.d.c;lds,r;di-,. '; :: " i o |:rov'7o Dot '77 T. - ,r> " T v w,.*j-> . - . ^ J... *J~:\\ * ' V.^3 | V 'J KiiiSii-V U7 53 DO 2-1- 21 G2 i Feb'7-1- Tcca.raia. I 3 2 IIcv'7o 4 'i^i 7*7^ H 1 :.- -s "*-11""' v'C U ' O A ^Ul^J * C-Xi- " --^ ,-,1 - v > i_ .. -x j. wi 1 T r; c '/ 1^-4 Ot_/ no ? ? ~ O X 2200 10 ?.lar89 lenp.rain. - Kcui,7 . Kecord broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 8 Euius. Connt y nd 8tation - PRATT V Cairo V Cunningham V;' { " V i > f~- -- SEDGWICK S S Wirhit.;. CRAWFORD n o Ivle-i-t Cartel MORTON !' IUchfielc_ Latitude. \ Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From- To inclusive. Remarks. 37 40 ^3 53 7 51 24 37 33 93 07 "7 n i"' 1 "* r> , i -ii .- i iiv C I ?H C4 53 CO:,iAuOMi] Ccld'-vater V V V .. V V, V J Kciue G Viellii-cton 'r >"!" v P-i + * A lA i*. U4AM ^ . O V/ -1. O y IZellc^j 37 17 101 47 57 05 C9 5;) 57 17 90 20 V7 AC T7 C ' , / v_'7 J ! "r 57 1G 07 2o 57 05 97 02 11 10 S7 04 ut i:il: Falls irsnola CIIAUTAUJUA Cedar Vale -J f. A e> ri -' *.(.C .1 11 : !DHTGa- ^PlY n r , r 7 9O C". -5 1 t- 1 ' ^>*- *-J ^^. <7 OT c A; ^-7 C. t fi / 1^ . / 37 00 93 51 o7 03 &o 1.1 57 15 05 4 f Doe'GO 1700 G Ox Jan' 34 1 Dcj'83 1354 1 3 J-1'88 2 Jxil'76 Jun'73 5 Axij'39 1 7 J"I:'83 1 Ox Jul'33 Sep'SS 1-;I3 5 llx J^,n'33 3x Sep'37 J".1'30 1013 11 Jan'70 10G4 3 lux A\irf'74 biar'7U 5 Au ' 39 G 9x Mar '33 1112 2 Sx :;ay 07 1000 2 4 Mar '78 Jun'SO 2 C;c Jun'79 2 G:: Apl'35 ,r2c'37 7C4 2 Jan' 72 Eoc'73 1G Jan' 74 ' Tc-.^)(nax:-n:in)v;ina.raii T Rain. Full observations. ? TeTT.p. Terap<,rain. Tamp, rain, Terap, (nax-ndn) .rain. Tenip (:nax-ain ) v;ind d ir Ter^p (uax-r.in ) . rain Teri^.T/r-nd. olds. rain, Teirp ^max-min) . rain. vu.ii., Temp C":ax-tiin) wind dir Tei.:p fi;.ax-nin) . ral n. Temp o rain,. T e^.p , v-'ind c 1 d s r c in -, Temp. rain. Sn. C o 1 o t ernp . r a^ n o Tei.ip.77ind,clds,, t'ain. V 3 V fil G 4x tTul'67 Hov'73 Sn.CoI.t<2vup,rc-J.r, -' '^ u i o -j. \\JLfj o d. CIT..O f. J.*iO. c C C' .T - ..' otxXl Top ire City i 7 . '.: 900 1 O-' J- 1 i - ;Iov'77 pan 7 79 '"emp^'ind rain. i K-1,3 ' X Record broken. . . ..* J i/ * 38 f l I ni-ei . nii7afclc. iT .fii.i,{:. .j -""r.(nin- .reT .Q&&1 .^.Ic' . C 2 CC VI ? j 7 f 39E .<, C II C j. ^ A 3 > oo . S - ;1. H Number nd class. County nnd stntlon - Elevation Latitude. ; Longitude. above sea-level. i 1 Record. ^1 ,. Length. From To inclusive. List of StatuO.-S ha viitT ' : ess "than one yearns record and v/hioh are not new in operation. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of A o from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 9 Station -.-Alton Abilene Atwcod Blue Rapids Buffalo Creek Carthage Cayuga Centre villa Chanute Cleveland Council City Crav/fordsville Cedar Feint Do\7ner's Station 1. 1< iji-t Eureka Gay lord 4 Girard Greenv.'ood Go^'nac Hull Ci:y Hilton Haven Iloxie Hugo ton Hut chin son Hyner Jaeksonia County Licl'insoi Rav/lins ; co as on 9 Linn Osagc Crav/f ord Chase Trego r-iorris Greenwood Sr:.ith Cravrf ord Grahar; Chase Reno Stevens Rono se Cha G*^ A .-il .ir* C w JL W jr Station I.Iapleton ivlarquette l;Iedicir:e Valley Lodge Ivlonelca Mountain City Morton Minneapolis Horth Topeha Ness City Oak'-vood Os avotcrr.is Oiwefto P enc e Perry City Fecvbcdy Raffo Rural Smith Centre Santa Fe Sto.kton Sho^:ey Stolzcntach Ulysses ftalnut Grovi Vi nfi County Dourbon y.c.Pherson E arbor l.Iorton Ottawa Shavmes Hess Linn i "i ai^i Labette Scott Jefferson Marion Kinrn:;an Jeff or soil Smith Butler HaskGll Rcol-s I-ir shall Lcaverr.. -"JT-I Gv -at i.iitchell Ellis Cov;l ey Kan. 9 X Record broken. ' t TJINTTED STATES SIGOSTAJl, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of KENTUCKY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. l\ Length. From- To inclusive. ' ' CAMPBELL. M D Newport Bar'ks.39 06 84 28 588 27 Ox Jul'47 Dec '74 1,1 D 17 Ox J^n' 50 V Caddo Riv Falnioiith V LEV/IS. V Prospect Hill OLDHAI.I. V Ball ards villa ONTO. V Ov/enton BOYD. V Ashland Riv Catlettsburg JEFFERSON. V Louisville S S V Springdale SHELBY. V u Shelby ville FRALIKLIN. V Frankfort 53 33 42 84 13 40 84 18 2 liov'SG 2 Ox Sep'87 1 3 Oct'33 38 40 33 35 700 1 Sx '49 51 58 38 S3 33 58 33 38 23 85 31 31 84 51 50 82 59 24 82 27 15 35 45 07 3 c 34 12 8c 15 12 34 55 Riv BOURBOli. V ili Hers burgh V V Paris iuOlITGOiviERY. V I1U Sterling 58 40 84 2 7 53 25 34 17 33 10 34 55 431 3 7 May '55 F:-b'S2 1 5 Oct'38 1 5x Jul88 2 S Jul'37 551 5 6x Apl'53 Feb'70 18 4 Sep 1 ?! 570 30 2x Jui 41' Eec'72 1 Sx .-ar'33 5-30 7 Sx Jun'81 2 4 Sep'87 804 4 lOx Jun'53 Apl'32 1 4;: Jun'83 810 4 6x Jan' 55 Dec '59 1 Jan '89 Smithsonian Collection. T 1 il*""**~\ f f\**t ^^ T^"^ ^^ ^ ^ T" * f~T* 1 Ci-ip l*HBHaHlM*i Jro^ Clouds, Rain. r.ia.im.I^UIu o Jl-.p . v-i i.Qi-Lil. T River and Rainfall observation;. Te^p. I-. Rainfall. Average nonthly Terap. & Rain. Smiths onion Collection. Srjdthsonian Collection. Toqp., V/ind, Rain. Terp. -5: Rain. T River and Rainfall observation; Smithsonian Collection. 2d Order. (River observations). (II ear Louisville ).Sn. Col. u"a;:. ^ Hin. Terrp., Rain. Bar. , Tenp . (nax.rriin. ) , Hygromet s; "v/ind, Cl cuds , Rain. T Rivor cc Rainfall observations. Sr.-i th's ?ni on Co 1 1 ec t ion . Ter:ip. I-. Rain. Srithsonian Collection. X Record broken. > ( ..~ia.:c ii- -r&vifl .II*/. -S . . .oc "IoO ;ifci .50 /Joe XI oO r si g o -rsvifl) .rrsJbiO d3.(:IXiv3ii r oJ ratl! o. Ilfltfii^ . T S 2 s i 668 S3 : 8 *0 5X ^ ei ^ ss 8S a a o vi c X8 I 00? S5 oC (& 85 Hill JssqBorl C 88'Xtfc X8 X e a '' V 5 It* IS 88 es o I 12 :>G 18 85 ; 28 o?, e S6 ^2 85 38 51 OS ?0 S3 ~o ;"* r - 1 " iii \o i"* r * .*o S4 oo ,8 C 6 135 8* xri*a > ei 05 OT3 SI VHOMO el II- :XaG vi 9XXiV8lW)J .0*08 'r^K aco I .YGJEH3 3 xe v oes 35 * s vi C 33' rict. 0X3 TI ,Trrji.iOOT ox . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of KENTUCKY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. LAWRENCE. Latitude. Elevation Longitude. above sea-level. Record. i| Length. From - To incln o ^ Remarks. sive. E-! 'g Riv Louisa 38 10 82- 37 1 11 x Jul 7 87 T River & Rainfall observations. FAYETTE. V Lexington 33 02 84 33 005 1 Ox Aug'59 Jul 7 30 Rain. Temp. for 6 months. Sin. COL S S 5 llx Oct'72 2d Order (Closed from Aug 7 73 to Oct'37). CLARK. V Chilesburg 33 04 84 05 13 Jan 7 53 Dec 7 73 (Pine Grove, 12 miles East of L exinc'ton) . Rain brok en.> S:_.. Col . V 1 2;: Jan' 7 4 Jun 7 75 Bar . , T -::v^ . , V/i nd , Cl ds , Rai n . > Winchester 38 04 84 13 875 1 Dec '72 llov 7 75 (3 miles' S. of), Eb. Ccl. V 1 4x Apl'74 Nov' 75 tt Td.ip.V \'ind, Cl cuds , Rain. LINCOLN. V Arcadia 37 34 84 4-2 3 Ix Jul 7 40 Jun 7 72 Smithsonian Collection. OwSLEY. V South Fork 57 28 33 45 1 5 Oct 7 3i i.Iax.Min, TGL?). , 2e Rain. HOPKI:;S. V Earlington 37 13 87 28 G Jul 7 80 L!ax,iIin.T.3mp. ^ Rain. V Lladisonville 57 10 37 25 1 1 Jul 7 83 Jul 7 30 Tcap. 5: Rain. LYON. Riv Eddyville 37 01 38 01 2 5 An- 7 37 T River c-. Rainfall observations. CALDY.'ELL . V Princeton 37 07 37 53; n Nov33 Temp, (max.min. ) , Rain. Record broken. yl xll I . . ir^T mo-It fcec:>XD) vc-J r i- rO XO I 30C SB xll 8 75 S8 01 83 ^8 SO 8S lo J: - 21,: .IcD. 'cf fiiji ^^ixsJ : t 3f>0 .100 .d3 .do .3 c i: a I x-> f ,r:btfl, :o,< ,r. ."lo'J n.cirr-crlJ- ; 5? < .ii"L XC'ri-cL xi S 5v * 4 \ \ 88^90 XX X X ~iAj: t ni.: t (niin. . . < fl - l c ^-o 73 ; ;H t ( . xcn) . <^.v I , ,-; J ift :cad.*i 80 i^S 85 SX :-8 ^0 82 VI 3G 1 ^8 c 0^ 08 C OL- C8 OS 81 28 S3 75 to s oooi ex -o c:- vs :X B Sv -:-8 i F , - p po w*.- ,ni:. ee'xi/t, x i tt 02 V8 OX ?S I ?-3 ic se 10 no JO 3 HAJD TO^E ;IAH eXXiv SXXJ .HD3J o .woe i a .^.^ UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of KENTUCKY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. , i County and station. Latitude. Longitude. t O ' O ' Elevation above sea-level. Uecord. T. or E. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. T*7 T T* ""* r^, i T *~ ( J. O O w w O 53 53 89 03 57 (K- 88 53 V BoY/lins Green 50 53 83 25 V " u S S Gr sons burgh BALLARD. V Blandville V McCRACKSI. Riv Paducah 2 2 IJt Nov'71 Dec '75 11 Jan' 74 Nov' 7-1- I 15 6 Jui'7-1-, T Special Rainfall Station. Smithsonian Collection. Te:.p., Wind, Clcrids, 'lain. T River !; Rainfall observations, Riv " PULASKI . Iliv ISurnside TRIGG. V Canton SliiPSOlI. V Franklin 2 Sep'55 Oct'55 R Smithsonian Coll octi 0:1. GOO 7 9x Mar'78 Wind, Cl ouds , Rain. 57 00 0-1- 57 53 50 87 57 S 3 HICEI.IAN. V Clinton GALLOWAY. i. a UO '- 53 -IB 3-1- 10 5-3 -1-0 S9 07 2 G Jul ' 87 5 8x Dec '84 3 Jul '89 1 1 Dec J 33 2 2x Oct'07 1 5 uay'GS Jul '69 F. A'JirrJpO T River Rainfall observations, T River & Rainfall observations, Terf), ^ Rain. Tenp. & Rain. T Special Rainfall Station. Smithsonian Collectior.. V W l.iU... i. Oi,;,' OJ iiO OO 6V V 1 Record broken. ail I* ' \oJL . V - - c I|o0 { nijixc;.T 7voK -:T*06U Mf! 000 re's- I L : A v c C ) Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file? from th< Following Stations: KENTUCKY. Station. County, Station. County Station County. L -. ____. i- 3eeh Fork "Washington Harrodsburg Merc er Mud Riv.iline Muhlenbers Bernstadt Laurel Kings Mountain Lincoln Nolin Hftrdin Bethel Bonnie ville Bath Lebanon Hart Loudon Marion Laurel Ohio River Q m from Cine in* a Ov;ensboro Caropbell Eaviess Carlisle Cloverport Nicholas Breckenridge ^Manmoth Cave Maysville Edmonson Mason Fleas ant Valle Mine Somerset 'Fleming Pul^ski Crab Orchard: Snrin-s / ilk in Lincoln Clark Me Henri' Midway Ohio \Ycodford Taylor^ Bar'kJ (Louisville) Taylorsville 5 Jefferson Spencer &eore*twa Scott l-.Iilledgevillo Lincoln VJhitesburg Letoher - -" i "^ T** fSi*^ r* ^"1 ,* -^ J ' ( j ' nckFp c S i - t A y i Henry Mcrciaiiiield Union c4l nc nt s **! T 31 U T V - - .-- - _ _ ^ . otiott --wUO AOltlli - it *ncq- UNITED STA.TES SIGIST^L SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the, state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. Q ws lumber Elevation Old class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above O m t -IVClllitl tk.O. sea-level. Length. Prom- To inclusive. &H g ' O ' S S (7- f\ CADDO Shrevcport 32 30 11 93 40 249 18 5 Scp'71 Dec '30 2d Order 6 Jan 1 75 Jan' 75 Bar. T. (nax.fciin) HyrrVand-R 7 7 1 Cx Jan' 69 !Iov'73 Smithsonian Collection V C BOSSIER Bent on 32 30 93 45 2 9x I.'av 37 llov'70 T Smithsonian Collection i C P VJF38TSR 32 47 93 14 3 3x Apl'88 1 liov'89 T. (max. ndn. ) Rain W S u 1 1 Dec '30 UNION . v/ s Famerville 32 47 92 22 1 8 Apl'88 EAST CARROLL w s L!c s Providence 52 46 91 03 2 2x Aug'84 Auc'39 7 C BiaiVXLLE LibJ.vcv Hill 32 23 92 46 6 2 JJov'83 Dec '89 T. Wind, R^in C R Ri v OUACHITA Monroe g 32 29 92 02 4 4x Apl'32 1-Iax. l.Iir Tenp. & Rain 4 4x Jun'34 T R ^ Stacjc of Watjr 1 w*L V \v s 7 V u 32 31 32 26 02 07 92 13 200 2 Jan' 08 Tar.-. & Rain 12 1G08 1319 Fnitliconian Collection Average 2 Ox Apl'77 Aue'OO Terap.V.inrLClds. Rain Riv Delhi 32 28 91 26 4 Ix May '85 T Rain & Starje of Water 7 i c Jun'74 Got '74 T 7 2 4x Apl'vi Oct. '74 T Smithsonian Collection Piv C-irard 52 21 91 44 3 11 Feb'86 T Rain & Stace of V.'ater v; s i 5 Aur'SC T sdMJwai 3 Oct'89 MADISON w s Delta 32 19 90 51 3 Ox Jun'CA Apl'80 DS SOTO w s Craud Ore 1 1 Hov'88 RLD RIVER C , Couchatta Chut* 232 00 93 14 4 2x May ' 82 _ Riv u u 3 7x Oct'35 Rain & Sta^e of V.'ater w s 1 II 1 6x Apl'34 , , , . X Record broken. a XT'rpS 2 81 C*S 0* 59 O fl brUrv^H (ru .-Lefl n :>iaC ( .ni^^xem) .T usi c\ nai, U 5?'vo{! eS'tfi.1 . xO X V 0V H- o . ^^, W t_j 08 *\ v v y Xj O X 56 V* 8C 88t'.t90 r.'iqA.x s W lo s^i*3 nisH T 98^9^ /i 3 >* 1C IS 6- T ce'.-i/A s 5 :3: Apl'C4 80 1 6 Jul'44 Jan' 45 R 63 4 Jun'60 Oct'60 T 1 ?x Dec '56 Oct'60 R 7 Mov '88 May ''89 1 8x Jan' 84 4 Ox Apl'82 l T ov'89 4 11 Feb'35 10 Feb'39 4 4x Apl'82 Nov'39 2 Ox Apl'84 llov'89 7 Mar '70 Sep'70 R 76 30 '48 '50 1 8 May '88 Dec '89 1 2 Nov '88 Smithsonian Col.T for 10 raos Bar . T emp . Hy g . Wind , C 1 dc . Rain Soithsonian Collection T. (max.min. ) Rainfall Snithsonip.ii Collection Hear Trinity. Smithsonian Col. T, (nax.ir.in. ) \Vind & Rain T. (iitax.mn. ) Rain. Rain & Stage of V/ater Smithsonian Collection Smithsonian Col .Averages T. (raax.uin.) V/ind & Rain W S '* 1 Jan' 8 ( J WEST FE3/iCIAI!A Riv Bayou "ara W S 30 46 91 20 1 j 3 1 Feb'36 Dec'89 Rainfall (River record broken) ( , . v co v o* ic f '.too i i9 - !! 5 I . vyji 1 T j.'! - 'rfo'-I x? I OSI 05 1C CO JL 2 I xv r . .. H S{ T 3v 80 1C 32 rigs; ( g gS08 25 36 S5 W qfi.fi JI.sln.tjan . H T -7 ( .7 CO ' -n ) .? iaos' H > flsx^ ). f GO X i>8 P.JJL x' SS'fqA xO * lol 01 s> A c ltA ::0 2 S 07 '-x *s r i S I SO 56 C '^**IjjI 8 J 08 81 SG v^ re 18 5S 5 32 26 fll 18 M :o is 02 20 00 00 CP VO riLefcrtJBV 2 iI c 7Jl 16 05 i TJNTTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of LOUIP ' from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Count y 8nd statlon - Elevation Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Record. ^ a Remarks. Length. From . To inclusive. f"| WEST FELICIAWA V St.FrancisvilleSO 49 91 22 80 5 ? ? T monthly aver ages. Smith. Col. V " Dec'56 Jan '57 Smithsonian Collection. V West Polioiana 30 40 91 20 96 13 1820 1820 Averages. Smithsonian Col. W S m^ 1 "** 50 5290 54 2 2x Jul ' 84 Dec'89 V Jackson 3 1839 1840 R Averages. Smithsonian Col. W S 1 AuQ-'OG Aug'39 TALIGIPAHOA C R Anite City 4 3x Apl'32 Nov'89 T. (max.min. ) Rain \l S " 11 Dec '88 V Collins 30 30 90 20 20 1 9x Nov'70 Apl'73 Smithsonian Collection W S Hammond 30 51 90 24 1 Dec'83 Temp.': Rain WASHINGTON V Frank lint on 30 52 90 07 6 llov'88 Apl'89 T. (max.min.) Wind & Rain V- S 12 Au-'8C Sep'89 Temp. & Rain St. TAMMA'iY V Ilandeville 30 21 90 01 1 4 Jan '88 May ' 89 T. (max.min. ) Wind & Rain \V S " 2 5x Hov'84 Dec '87 E.BAT01I ROUGE V Baton Rouge 30 26 91 11 29 Ix Jan '22 Jun'74 R Smithsonian Collection y 15 8x Jan '43 D c'60 T Smithsonian Collection M D 6 Jan '60 Dec '60 Tenip.IIyg.V/ind, Rain M D 5 4 Jun'73 Apl'79 Temp.Hyg.'-indjClds. Rain V,' S " " 1 9x Jun'34 Nov'8D Temp & Rain LIVIIICSTOIT W S Maurepas 30 18 90 42 19 1 f o T *) OO i-idi. OO Temp. & Rain CALCASIE1I V Lake Charles 50 12 93 07 3 Dec'73 Feb'74 T V 1 6x Jul '76 Dec '80 R W S 1 6 Aug'84 St. LAIIDRY V," S Chataignicr 2 Nov'39 V Grand Coteau 50 27 91 58 93 7 1 Nov'82 Bar.T. (max.min. )Kyg.Wind,Cld,R 1 Vi S Melville 1 8 Apl'83 Also kno-wn as West Melville =U=L= _ \ Record broken. .XoD ,rf*lfl.adr.jrrv ylritec* T oAJtoot I o a oe f coa OS8X 31 8* .IoD xS S II K 858X d 5 f I I X OS I ft!** 4 faniW (.1 ft I bfllW ( .nicuxjcr) .T CS'IqA 8C*vol! 9 ac f -'i/A s i flJtaorf*idB g T'tt& SS'aeL X X es T OG'c d * ( OL x8 81 8 XXxvioli >iW SB flwoni oalA e i SG'voH X V Z0 C8 f lqA 8 X ss xo ^ 08 i 0^ OC AOAJtftj Of fifi Of ^^^ t OS Of OS OS *c oe xo os TO S 'OS xo ot a 3 anil Co: i;noo&. aouofl TTOTAa.a XX xe s oe LTOH no^n o . a a 2 fit oe 8i 02 vo 50 sx os ftd it ts oe vntr.^j .^2 - UNITED STATES SERVICE. 4 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of LOUISA NA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. - i Number G l\ W 1 County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Keoord. ^ w Remarks. Length. From - To inclusive-! EH ' 1 St* LA1IDRY 6'pelousas o C R Whit evil le W S ARCADIA Crov/1 ey IBERVILLE Haquemine V W S V W S C II V W S W S V W S C R V Vf 3 V V V ASCENSION Dcaaldsonville LA FAYETTE La Fayette CAIIEkOlI Canevon VEPu 'ILL 1 01 1 Abbeville Shell Beach IBERIA Jeanerette llev; Iberia 30 32 92 02 30 43 92 05 30 15 92 14 I 30 16 91 15 30 30 06 90 58 30 14 91 56 29 59 92 03 29 52 89 36 30 01 91 45 30 01 91 4-7 St. MARY C R Franklin W f, " C R Morgan City W S V v "- ~X. Record broken. "(near) 29 55 91 32 15 30 00 91 48 15 29 46 91 25 29 48 91 03 8 2 2x Apl'84 Oct'87 C;c Jun'84 I.iay'85 1 10 Apl'82 May '85 11 Apl'84 Apl'85 1 3 Oct'88 1 2 Nov'88 6 1845 1850 2 6x Jul'84 3 5 Apl'84 11 Feb'89 1 10 Fob '83 1 4 Sep'38 3 Mar '39 May '89 9 Apl " J G9 1 Ix May '02 Sep'83 7 Dec'SG Jul'89 4 7x Aus'84 V Dec '73 May '74 1 4x Apl '72 Oct'73 R 2 10 Apl '72 May '74 1 2x Apl'82 Oct'83 10 Aug'84 May '85 1 2x Apl'82 Oct'33 9x Aus'84 Feb'89 3 Dec '85 Jan' 87 T. (max.nin. ) Rain T. (ma::. rain. ) Rain T. (nax.nin. ) Wind & Rain AverarreG. Smithsonian Collec. T. ' max. rain. ) Rain T. (max. rain = ) Rain Terrip. & Rain T. (max.ndn. ) Rain T. (max.ndn. ) Wind & Rain T. Wind. Cldc. Rain Smithsonian Collection Obser- vations at Rosedalc Plantation T. (ir.ax.inin. )R' T. (ciax.min. ) Rain T. (raajc.nin. ) Rain .091X03 .T TO'JoO 8'XqA xS 2 T 8S'*aU SS'IqA OX X .T ( . (,nira.x*.-i).T <.a*a.x*a).T 5 I 88 f vol! S X OS 0681 3*81 8 X6 2 d 8 68 80 'do 1 ? 01 I * I 5 38'(j2 ^0 Q8 c Xirt OO xl I V a * ci fl*iflC2rfli:j2 H 3V'JoO SV'IqA :.* I ->t*Y4>M 2V c IqA OX S 8X l ( . .T .T xS X 01 S8'X ft 8T*t9* 8C'&,t 5 Tf f^r^^ v 4*^F 8^lP C *^ft ' jA ^fedb V I ft fit'Iqa tS'JoO 81 ft Jt'ltyk Of *WV OX ndineaoow o Q o +-/ j < i3ft 9X 8C 80 ab3 ^TD*! 8 8 6 Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Fol levying Stations LOUISIANA Station County 1 Station County Arcadia Bienville Breau Bridge Saint Martins Calhoun 1 Ouachita Carrol It on Jefferson Edgar Jennings :St. Joh Bapti i ;Calcasien stHahnville Keatchie 1 St. Charles De Soto Mans Ti eld 1 ;De Soto ! Many Sabine Camp Lawrence E. Baton Rouge Petit Coquille i Red River LandPointe Coupie Huston Fort Sabine Cameron Vandal i a Plantation Winnfield Winn St.I.Iartinville Vernon Floyd Lincoln Jackson West Carroll ni AI1AI2IUOJ 0044048 rfot . t nloonlJ .3 nolsxtfl aiquoO s I Xivni ^71 .1. 13 ; notm0 IIoTxaO las>v 6^0 n nniw isvlfl bsH UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. a 1 n( j c i s= i County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above Remarks. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. EH i O'J ' " AR^STOOK 1 V Ft.F^irfield 46 43 37 49 415 1 3 Jr-. > *O ATI~T' ''2. ID Q-- Pnl T-.T r> ^ -li '--^ JV'J.^ *"O *\ O; *. v^vJi. X "-/. i^> . OXFORD V Ljth.l 44 20 70 51 350 1 2 Jar. '31 F-v 1 OO ^ o (MI S-,.. Col. Tor.p. rain. V Fry_c-:r~ 41 00 71 04 420 5 Ox F-. I ' 49 .... c; -^ i iolj *> '-> Su.Col.Tenp.r^in. V Har*e03k Barr,: c!:s 1-3 07 37 49 320 13 4x Jan'2 Aug'71 S-... Col. Tor.p. rain. V Kirau 4o 51 70 52 -1-00 34 Jan '51 D 03 ' 34 R Siu. Col . Te:_.p . Houlton so3 H^ncoclc Ba rr^ok s V : Oxfcrd 4-1 00 70 ' 33 13L 3 11 Feb ' 30 Dec '73 Su. Col. Totip. rain. V 1 3 Jui'74 .Iar'75 Tcnp. elds, rain. '..'iiidc, V Ruuford Point 44 30 70 37 300 1 2.: Oct'33 Apl '79 S:.:. Col . t oTip . rain. FilAliXLIH V East Hilton 44 33 70 14 2 1 lfcV'7l l-ov'73 oi_i w o j . w o\_p . ram . '~~ SQuJERSET ,t 3 i\!ayfield 45 04 39 -1-0 3 9x Jun'35 T- - . /"--' ^-S*^\ T*--Tr> 01.4) \ 4^ A i^m / . r <_ Lii. w S Solon 41- 53 39 52 1 11 May 35 i-.iar ' 37 R Tenp (i..a;;-r::in) "W S F-irfi^ld 4-1- 35 30 35 3 11 Fob '33 Tor;.p ('..;?.x-uin) . rain. T~ T f T* " rn n OTTT r* i 1 .-'O. '. CAUU i - V ' i 1 1 i a_iSbu2*o 15 21 32 03 4- 3 Au^'35 Aug'7l S;.. Col . t o:_p . rain. PKIODSCOT V Bar.rjor i . n ^f\ ' -j -.-- j-_ -.-O 40 1 Ix Jul'4-1- Jun'30 ST.;. Col . t oup . rain. V Carr..ol 11- 47 39 00 175 2 lOx Jan '54 Jan' 57 Sra. Col . t or.ip . rain. V Doyter 45 02 39 1C 350 3 2x Jun'53 Jur.' 33 S-.i. Col. temp . rain. V 1 9 Aug'31 Apl'33 Tcr..p. r j.in. olds . v;ind. V Hanpdon 44 1-3 33 50 130 1 Aus'-l-3 Jul' 1-1 S* i.Col o t enp . rain. V Lo;- -C tit" jo lo 2 11 Jun'34 Sop '37 Sr... Col . t or-.p . rain. V Orono 44 53 33 4i 137 1- Jar. '70 Doc '73 S:... Col . t or.p . rain. V 13 Jan '74 B:.r.tor.p.r:,in.v/ind.clds.hyf]ri A1IDROSCOGGHJ V LcT/iston 200 3 9 Apl'33 Ter.:p (nax-nin) . rain. V Lisbon 44 04 70 07 150 12 llx Apl'59 Fob '72 Sr... Co 1 . t crap . r ain . V .'loehanie Falls 4-1- 03 70 03 500? 1 7 Sep'77 i.Iar'79 Toup.r.dn.clds.v;ind. KEIIEBEC Y August a 4-1- 19 70 12 450 1 7x May 57 Jul '74 S-.v, Col . temp . rain. il D Komi oboe Arsen~ JL ( Augusta) 1 1 Doc '83 Tor.p (ua:c-nin) . rain, v/ind. V China 4-1- 30 33 30 COO C;: Apl'73 Fob '75 S-.M . C o 1 . t er.p .rain. X Record broken. r Of - ~.% ^T ^ 3 . -t^k tJ.J'> V T i a:-riA e ?Iv & SC-'.^I Jt'riet, t C3 'flu* fc-'.'-'l xO It'l-i* Weed X 09C 8 OS4- ci osc 19 or 4-0 It 64- tt 25 or OS oo :r 18 &* v OC'tfc? XX 70* f *co . X I OOC s: xt'voi: I ft vJC XV'A XO XX 11 i xl r.- 9 " f [Ca e o 11 m QfT > AA 8 X 8 1 04- s erx i I s 55 or T8 0? -x or 04' 81 S8 CC OCX T5X 00 Ct CX 8C 03 U fit tc r x Cv IS & 8 v^ 90 ?i* ci TO 07 t-0 i- 50 OT tO Ci T3 x-- xV 1 03: 2X OT CI I i :jtH jH u >e^ no lo& ilttt _1. 7cr-'^3 c tt*re/3 .i-bq^JiH J J nocfai.l 9333! 24 ) UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. A INS Record. ^ A County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above B4 = Remarks. j sea-level. Length-. From To inclusive. E-i 1 KEli:-;riLEC Co; - > V G^rdi^r 4-4 14 CS 43 7G 34- Ox J~n ' 57 Dcc'73 S-.u Co 1 . 1 3r:p . r j.in. V 15 10 J.^.'74 B^,r.tairip.hyj. elds, rain. V X'jivt's Hill -,4 25 30 00 500 4 2 ..I^r'75 To-.."p (i^x-v-in) .r^.in."./ind. V. S 3 11 Oct'35 LT^ + ri- TN ^* l V' *! *"\ V 7* ' 1 ** kv w wAv i lteMvV4Ul /;** WHMA4 V V:.ss_ltoro 44 27 GS 42 3 5x Aurr'59 Jul ' 33 Sr... Col . t aip . r iirj. V .,'-. st Vi-Urvill^-M 35 6 43 250 10 5 AUG ' 33 Dcc'75 S:-. Col. t ^-.^ . rain. y o 3 11 J^i'7i Oct'7g Tcr:.p.rair..clds.'.7i:- l d. V I^liV.st 44 2u -30 00 4 3;: Jul'59 T_ _ fc _ J /^ rt Jxir. GJ Sri. Col . t onp .rain. \v 3 4 Apl'35 R T onp ("..i :;- nir. ) V Fort Kent 47 15 33 35 575 3 0;c J:.n ' 4-2 Auj ' 45 S?.i. Col . t?rr.rr. rain. HAIICOCK v n i;- H..rtor 23 33 12 50 3 2 ilov' J5 To:-:^ . hy 7 . r.. i r; . -ri:: d . V liuohsnort ! 3i 63 53 132 G 4x J^:'49 Doc'73 a... Col. te-.:D. rain. V o Cclsti;-'.3 I- 23 C3 47 50 40 J-nl^K 5Doo' 40 ^ Sr...Col.tor.r. V -.fount D:sjrt 4- 21 33 22 75 'i 3x Sop 1 70 D..Q ' 7.*. S:.:. Col . t ^r..p . rain. V d 5 11 J.n'75 Oct'79* T 3r.p . r ain., c 1 d s . '.rind. V -.iorth HV/on i-i Cj 53 52 22 4 3 .lay 70 Dec '74 S:;:. Col . t ot;.p . r ain . V 3 7x J^n'75 Jul'73 Tenp.rc.ino V Or laid 44 35 53 -. 130 1 11 :iov'72 Fcj'73 Tc-..p , r ^i:i . o 1 i s . vind. V Surroy 44 50 33 30 50 4 5:c Jur. '70 Dc*74 Su. C o 1 t enp . r air. , V 5 Sx J^n'75 riov'OO Torip.rain. kttSHXlIGTQU v, S C-l_.is 45 11 37 15 1 3 Aur;' J..; Oot'30 R Te::.p, V E.vstport :; 54 35 59 30 2 J.^n'33 Dss'34 T Su.Col.Ra.in. 2 S 13 D Apl ' 73 Full observations. V Ft. Sullivan 44 54 33 59 73 26 4:; J-i-n ' 22 S-p'79 S;... Col . t or.:p . r _in. V Perry 45 00 37 05 100 9 4:c /Vc- > 54 Jul ' 35 Si... Co 1 . t e:.;p . rain. W S Fit it ,-Un_n 44 22 37 52 't L' X .-.^y 35 T ' < "" T 3 fr x r'ii" ) r' i*^ V J Stjuben 44 31 37 50 50 12 2x *.iy 50 Hov'GG T 3-.. 4n Col.Avjr^"e r^in. V 10 Ix M-r'51- ;.i_y 70 SL., Col . t cr..p , r^in. YORK V Biddcford 43 30 70 27 45 4 Ix Jul'4-3 Fjb'54 Si-. Col . t er.-.p . rain. , V Cornish 43 44 70 51 704 17 3 Apl '53 D 00*73 O-" r* /^ T -t \- ^^ ^i *. *i tx.i, LO.l .ii..p . A J.J Qa i~ A V . ' C, 'J Jan ? 74 ,'3,v,L' B ton:-): r^in^c] -.-^v'-'in.:. 1 .* V S;.co 43 31 70 33 : -' 5 3.0x (_.-.- - ^ ' ' ' '- - ":, Co : . x '. 'D ra.in X! Record broken. *.* w .1 1*1 " XX JH ' :; s >;3 5 Si X 7S i>> otccJX.zr , -3 37 r c,a Sc'iiTA 3 <"'X 03 Oo 35 * -L IX t aJtrs-Taol- 103.^8 CB'.rjtp e'l 00 C 3 tni;- -r?cT a 3t c5 * c? t?,2ilc . -ii.c-"-T C7*c,'o1 SV'voir XX X OCX 5v <-C 38 [ IoD.^8 ^r'eoC 07*.jt.'t x3 v Od oc'voi: 87 f .^i 3 s SC-'ff.-^ xO 5 573 55 ;t 21 t:^'A ^rcl "'3 31 Tt ^ 10 ^*. . ^ / *\ '^ V f ^* 3* P"l ^ T ^* ^ ;""***" f f" * ^ <^* .-^ ^- *<* - ^- - w ^vA -Cf OO % w * 'J/v 4hMfe "^ f A *A * A . _ ^f A ^ . _.-.^ || f/**S O T<^> rt AT 1 <-T ^ ^O <*K r ^ i T i \*j J-I *fi* r Q'" *^3 \J\ ^li. . > Mb iJV ir*J X ' r/A xs :; :3 07 Vi.i.1 ;3 << r_!', xl 01 xl i- 3i 72 07 "g 5;. i)-: , r, 7r -'-C^ r^ ;. c; intoO ( oe.. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of M A TNE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number md class. County and station. CUMBERLAND Elevation Latitude. Longitude, j above sea-level. Record. Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. ^^ - LJ "V '> ' Li "**\1 """i S "V/ " L Ix "O 0~ O*> D / * V o north Bridge ton-i-1- 02 70 -1-3 500 V Portland -1-3 39 70 15 50 S C ~ 5 v 95 3 39 70 15 53 3 -1-5 70 30 230 3 -1-5 70 57 230 f CK . T, c; < ^o ^7 :?;", i:O 9'4 vv *-* ' W V O port Preblo (Portland) :; r us' V Stv-idish SAOAEAI10C V Bath V J Topsh^c; List of Stations h_vi;v r >' loss th..n 0:1 : Station CO-IT, ty 1 11 Apl'35,F3b\37 51 3 J,.n'07 15 03 '59 1 Jan. to TJC' 31 19 J^.n'71 1 3 Sjp'72 ; nov'73 29 7:c Jan' 2-1- Doc '75 -i 7 O T -- \ } '7 1C ti 0>^1 / - 1 1 tiay 35 Aus'30 6 I0x i-.:^y 35 Doo'7-i Tc:.-n f r.^:c-r:.in) . w.in Sr;. ., C c 1 c t er.p . r .; in. & . Col,, tor..por:.ii:. Pall ob sorv.it ions. Sr;,. Co 1 . t -"np rc.i::. Toup . hyg o rain. wind. . T IL.in. 1C I-A Jan' 32 1 3x Oct'59 Jul'Gl St.Aioi. St.. Col . t cr.ip . rain. S:... Col . t cup . rain. ;h ar. i.ct no-./ ii: or. oration. County Acton York ilorth Buffalo 1 Blue Kill Hai.cocl: north P^lonao W; -Ido Brov/;r Village Por.obscot Duckfiold Oxford Ilozvoy OJd Tov.-n Oxford Ponobssot Cushiiaj Xi.ox Palorofl Waldo Povor Pi sea'!". ti Quis Pattpn Foaobscot Sctst Ex.ctvT Poi'jObscot C.::bodon Somerset Prospest V/^ldo Foxcraf t I 3 :: Soat&.quis Scbeb Piscahaquis Linocli.ville ' Vi'a_; w io Sk o .'.TI ocran SOIPOI s e t Linncus; Ar Retook South Thouaiston Kno.x Miiibridjc V^asnincrton V.'at or vi 1 1 o K onn ob cc Howitvillo Waldo Wcaster A idroscogrjin I.Ionson Pisoalcquis V/indhara C 1 onborlar.d !Io-7 Shoron F"arO: J in '.Vest Jonosport V.'ashir.^ton l^v/castlo LinoolD . t ! X! Record broken. ... ,r. I UNITED STATES SIGKN"AX, SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MA RYLAND from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. J umber nd class. County and station. V Curobevland Y SIT? V Mt. Savage WASHINGTON Y Green Spring Furnace V LeislertcY/n (near) FREDERICK V Emittsburrj V V Frederick V Y Nevr Market V Y Hew Midway CARROLL Y Ht.Airy V V San's Creek V V Schel loan's Hill BALTIMORE V Baltimore S S V Catonsville 1.1 E Ft. 1-,'c. Henry i.i D Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From- Remarks. 59 59 73 45 700 15 5 Jan* 59 i;ay'7C Sr.-i.Col.Ter.ip. rain. 17 7 Jun'72 Tenp(na:-:-:::iri).rain. 6 Jul'SS T Rain. 59 42 73 52 1313 1 Jan' 43 Dec '46 P. SD. Col. Tenp. (Erie House) 39 30 77 39 42 77 5 43 77 39 24 77 39 10 77 59 34 77 39 22 77 59 23 77 55 500 30 20 493 "20 / 24 400 15 500 15 435 05 813 03 1100 1 11 Jan' 72 Hov'73 j 4 1 Jun '58 Jun'62 7 Ox Hov'SS Nov'73 11 lOx Sep'75 11 llx Jan 7 54 Apl'72 1 1 Dec'38 5 Aug'73 Dec '73 5 6x Jan '74 Sep'73 1 5;: Sep'8o Feb'33 1 11 Jan 7 72 i, T ov'73 11 Jan' 74 Nov' 74 1 9x Jun'71 Ilov 7 73 4 May 74 Aug'74 59 25 77 00 700 20 Jan' 43 Dec '55 59 17 75 37 30 19 lOx Jan 1 17 Aug'59 19 Jan' 71! 39 17 76 42 500 2 3 Dec' 35, Feb' GO 3S 16 73 35 35 23 3 Jan' 51 Jun'59 Su.Col.Ter;p,rain. Sn. Col. Tenip. rain. Sa.Col.TGn;p.rain. (lit. St.Lia- ry's Collece) Bar. t enp Cna;:-niin) hys. rain. Sin.Col. Temp. rain. Terr.p (niax-niin) a rain. Sm Col . Ter.p. rain. Ear. temp. wind. elds. rain. Tei^p (r:a;:~nin)T;ir_d. rain. Snu Col. Tenp. rain. (Hanesville) Tenp. vind. clds.r,in. Sm. Col . Terip . rain. Teep."ind. elds. rain. Su. Col .Tenp.br ok en rain, fnear Sykesville) Su. Col. Temp. rain. Pall observations R Sn.Col.Tenp. Sr.i Col, Tenp rain. I! 26 bx Apl'Gl Tei:ip (max-nin)T7ii;d. c 1 as o rain. Me.Donogh School 59 25 70 46 545 14 Jan' 73 Bar, t er:p (r.iax, rain)hy -; rain (Ovrin^'s Mills) Reistfrtov.'n 39 50 73 40 1100 1 1 Nov'7C Mcv' 7o Crii. Ccl , Ter.p. rain. Record broken. 2.\ . &Z T (sairoH i , W t 3 L 7 71 i jT .^S^ii)^jJk. , T* r:ijB-: i-*>,-. >T.XO! ni T.I r ~ ' ' , r , K -ff j-r-> , . - ' , .ioCrjO ' } *r:i^T qj3T XoO ai2 t - at .cJblo.bni- . no r,IoO~i8 (dlliva^jl^ i^a.i) . .IoC o i eicx JT'TOH 27'ndt II I 003 32 7T OS S 20'r^ 03 f nrT, x > 05 77 S> 88 37'voK 80 f voll xO T 8* 02 7V 3* 33 xOl II 027 :A *.-is^ xii ix oo* ^*s TV >s as I I 003 81 TV OX 83 >7S ^V x 3 SI I I CI 30 7^ II 37:OI 01 05 73 C7 71 G5 JQ^ SC^oaa, 5 2 003 2x 6771 03 Cftrt ft i? il 'fi* **\ ^ ^\ f &TF lf-^ t & t j Co v \ O i wG s3 6S UT'ncl, 3i-3 H 07 ^ (tfif V^ T '-**" *lw 4^ U^^lviJ4% a o o )jtii wi: o jj ^^t- II1H a 10 UNITED STATES SIGKN^AJL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MARYLAND from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 2 Number and class. County and 8tatlon - Latitude. Longitude. i Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Length. From To inclusive. 1 Remarks. LALTI: :OPJ: Con- V Reistertovn HARFORD V Fallston V CZCIL V Woodla'.r"! V 5 50 73 -1-0 1100 1 5 Tec'75 Feb'7c 52 50 73 21 500 5 5 Sep'70 '.To*/ 7 75 1-50 15 5;: Dec '75 :. . 5C 5C 73 0-i- 3 11 Dec '35 '.'.ov^o 2 1 Cec'75!Dec'7c V Gaithevsburg 5? 03 77 03 513 1 3 *? 03 R V Great Falls 8 3;: Apl'73 Fec'3C V Sandy Spring 50 03 77 00 500 7 7 Dec '73 Jun'3-1- HOWARD V Sllicott City 1 0:: L.ov'71 Apl'75 V Y/oodstoci: College 3C 1C 73 51 400 3 1 Dec '70 Dec '75 V 15 2:: Jan' 7-1- Scp'38 ::ar'31 Jul ' 32 V Chest srtov/n 59 15 73 0-1- 85 G 0:c V Galena PRI::CE GJORG V Agricultural 53 09 73 57 i -: 1 lx 35 V Elad^nsburg 53 57 73 53 105 C Cx Deo'64 ..; B Fort Foote 53 -1-8 77 02 05 7 -1- Jul'71 Oct } 73 V Fort Washing- ton :: D 1-2 77 0-1- 30 1-^ -I-:: Jan'22i D JG' 55 *r r .. " '-I-' ^Q O ^ ^k. * -OlJ ^O V Annapolis V 53 53 73 20 13 11;: ; Jan 1 57 Dec '75 i Tenn . v:ir.d. olds. vain. ..-.. Col . Tsiup . rain* ( Oal:l and School) Ear. ter.~p.'7ind. elds. rair;. Sr.;. Col. Tep , rain. i,^r.te:.:p,'.7ii:d olds. rain. Teup. (G^jiit Hall) TeuD . rain. Bar.t8L.p.vind.rain(The Cedars 2r; ; . Col . Tenrp . rainfSt. Cle- rient's iUl'l) ;.;. Col, Tei.^p . rain. Ear. tev-ip (nia:t-ni;i)l;y3v;ind. cldsrain So. Col . Tcinp* rain. To::.p.r>-in Su, Col . Tonp 4 rain. &:i* C o 1 T cnp . r ;. in . TorpCna::-nin)hyj.' i:;d. aids. rain* Sn. Col . Torr.p . r air . Ter.p (r.a::-i:iin)hyj.v;ind. olds. rain, e-% Col. Ten.p. rain. Bar, tecy.hy^.vind* olds, rain f".Ta-/y Hccpital) X Record broken. " . . T).: -J * Is . 5V<( i ..IcD,. . ::(.' I iv { : Era. sc; G5 7 r UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MAi : from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber Elevation Record. S-'S and chiss. County and station. sea-level. Length. Prom - To inclusive. .1 1 Con* V Ft o Severn V Gar-i>rills V Jevell V V V V V V V V Queenstovn qrp . r. r>v7o - i. V.i(*Ki O Leonardto-Tn i St..:arys Ridsre St.Iaigoes i WICOxHCO f T*T jari r* * JV1, ' * Cil V Sprinc WORCESTER Ocean City 20 33 S 7G 5C 01- 7G -1-0 ZB -1-5 73 S7 7 3:c Jan '22 Jul'-l-5 10:: Sep'83 1 -I Sep'83 Su:. Col . Terjp . rail: Teup.ro.iri. 33 53 73 10 53 17 76 45 TS Dec'81 R ; 3 A.i.I,teap.only. 1 2x Jan 7 c8 Dec '50 R S:.i. Col. Temp. 2 Hov'aO Tenp(~ia::-ai:i).rain. 33 10 7G 23 -1-5 7 10:: Dec '52 Feb'71 Su. Col. Tenp. rain. 1 Ix i.Iuy 53 Jim' 57 R Sr..Col.Terr.p. Su. Col . Temp . rain. Tei_p. wind. elds. rain. 33 05 73 13 33 10 7.3 20 10 2 3;c Feb'71 *Iov'7 5 2 Jan' 7-1- Feb'79 33 30 75 59 33 18 75 05 1 7 Jun'C3 5 8;: Aug'82 Temp (nax-min) wind. rain. Tenp(nia:;-niin) wind. dir. rain. List of Stations having less than one year's record and v-t.ich are not no?/ in operation, Station County Garrett Cecil Baltimore Caroline Deer Park Elk ton Enory Grove Feajralsburrj Glyndon Ka < 1^rsto^vn Linuood Hew Yandsor HottiRfjhair. Oakland Port Deposit Union L B. Baltimore TalbOt Carroll Carroll Prince George Garret t Cecil Carroll X Record broken. V C3as3 i i I8*oa fl won six- rfcJt.tr xS os'vai: 2 ::OX V S 01 2 3 ^8 3 7JJ1A es o? 23 es o;- o? :c GS rs cr 3v e<: 01 IT 83 C &T t| 8 88 C7 01 85 81 tT 20 8S os &r 01 S3 S3 t G 30 37 81 8-3 licsD . C- r - OfTiXd -;T -^OTS XiceD 3<,.* ei 3 f '10 aoJ nc Tt, , boov .-ir^t^ioii TJISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MAS-- from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ad class County and station. BERKSHIRE V Bear lit. '.. 8 Dal ton V Florida V V Hinsdale V " V Lenox V North Adams V V Pittsfield V Richmond V Williamsto-wTi V W S FRANKLIN V Deerfield S Keath Rov;e S Warv/ick S V Wendell WORCESTER Latitude. 1 Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From - To inclusive. Remarks. 42 15 75 15 2000 2 3x I lar' 80 1 :5ov' 82 42 23 75 10 1193 5 Ix Uov'84 Dec'87 42 59 75 00 1350 2 Ox Ja::' 57, ilov'73 72 42 42 42 42 75 j r>. 1-7 '-* ici I O 25 75 42 75 5 o Dec' 75 Apl'77 07 1260 5 5x Jul'63 Jan'75 1 11:: ivlay 74 Dec '76 13 1000 2 Jan' 57 Dec '53 05 710 1 4x Aug ' 71 i Fob '75 1 Ox Jan'74iApl'74 15 1034 1 5x 1351 1853 22 1100 15 2x Jan' 54 Dec'72 15 690 33 4x'jan'15ii.;ar'72 14 9x Feb'74 3 9x Doc '84 Temp.Y, T ind. elds. rain. Temp. rain. Sm. C o 1 . t emp . rain . Temp, .rind, elds , rain. Sm n C o 1 . t emp .rain. Temp* wind, elds. rain, bar. R Temp. (Rpt. Brit. Assn. 1847) Sin. Col. temp rain. Temp (niax-min) wind, elds, rain bar. r; / Q~-. p o 1 4- p-nrn, i\ O.w^o \s *J X . w WUJ.*i . Sm. Col . temp. rain. Sm, Col , t emp . rain. Temp.v/ind. el us. rain. bar. hyc. Temp . rain, bar .hyCT . 42 51 72 57 175 1 7x .Apl'06 Nov'07 R SEI. Col. temp. 42 42 40 72 42 72 41 72 30 72 50 54 00 1500 3 1GOO 3 2 300 2 1 Doe ' 84 10x : Feb'Cl 7 Jun'77 5 : i :Tcv'34 5x Jun'OG Apl'39 Sop '07 Fob '89 Jul'74, Jul'73 Temp fmax-miii ) v;ind , rain. R Temp. elds. v;ind. T omp , v;i nd , c 1 d s . r a i n . b ar R SGI. Col. temp. R Temp. Temp , v:ind , c 1 ds , rain . V Baldvrinsvill-3 42 57 72 04 34-7 r; 7x i.rar'33 Dec'65 Sru Col. t~mp. rain, V Clinton 42 25 71 **tj 303 9x ,vlay 60 'ar'Gl Srn Col.tcrap,rairu V ii 1 11 Mov '73 Sep'30 Temp. v;ii;d. elds, rain. bar. \v p( o N 5 Ox Dec '36 T Rain. V Dudley 42 02 71 55 800 7 Ox Feb'32 Temp (-a;ox-min)T.'ind elds . rain bar.hyrj. (Conant Observatory ) Vl 3 u 5 1 :iov'34 Temp. rain. w s Fis/idale \o 05 72 09 2 5 Oct'37 T Rain. V r\ u Fitchburg 1-2 56 71 50 700 50 llx Jan '57 Dee '37 Temp. rain. w s u 5 2 Nov'84 Temp.rfiin. 1 i i i- r ass.l X Record broken. UNITED STATES SiaiSTAI, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of M/> from, the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. ^ Number 1 Elevat on m !? and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. nbov g Remarks. sea-le? el - Length. From hy inclosive. ^ I \06 ; Apl 'OS R ' / / Sm. Co 1 . t emp . r ain<, Rain Optical & Elec.phenon. Temp e rain. Rain, Temp. rain. Temp (max-min) . rain. Sm, Col. temp. Mas s a 2 X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 3 [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. cif ., and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. 1 HI Remarks. MIDDLESEX Con- ' ' j W S Concord 42 27 71 21 126 3 4 Jan'85 Ltor'38* "Tenip.rain. V FraminKham 42 17 71 27 160 5 10 1843 1852 Stn.Col. temp. rain. W S Grot on 42 36 71 34 303 4 6 Jul'35 Tenp.rain. Y\' S Hopkinton 42 14 71 32 1 3x May 85 Oct'3o T Rain. W S Kendall Green 42 22 71 17 1 Dec'39 T Rain. V Laks Cochituate42 17 71 25 140 22 Jan '52 Dec'73 T Sn. Col. temp. V " 10 11 Jan '74 Nov'84 T Rain. W S " 5 1 Dec '34 Temp. rain. V Lowell 42 39 71 17 226 7 Jan '46 Dec'52 R Sm. Col.tenp. W S 5 2 Hoy '34 Temp. rain. V (Merriniac Co) 61 Jan '26 Dec'86 T Rain. V "(Locks & Canals) 35 Jan '55 T Rain. W S Medford 42 25 71 07 3 5 I;c Mov '84 T Rain. W S Melrose 42 28 71 04 62 1 5 Mar '35 Jul'86 T Rain.' V Mystic Lake 42 2-3 71 09 12 8 Jan' 7 3 Dec'33 T Rain Cy ear ly suras ) W S 5 Ox Dec '34 T Rain* W Mystic Station 42 25 71 03 10 5 1 Dec '34 TeiLp.rain.- V JIatick 42 17 71 22 170 1 Jan '89 Temp. rain. V north Bilierica42 35 71 1G 135 7 11 Feb'56 Dec'73 R Sm. Col. tsr.ip.- V 3 Jul72 Sep'73 T Su. Col. rain. V 7 5 Jan '74 l.lay 81 R Temp. "wind. elds. bar. V 1 Jan '39 Temp. rain. V< S Roberts Darn 1 Dec '39 T Rain. V Stov/e .10 t^- - 'ftL 71 50 10 Ox Janl792I)ecl304 T Rain. V Sudb'iry '12 24 7 25 127 1 Jan' 89 T Rain. V Ytolthcc: 42 25 71 1G 130 4G lOx Apl ' 24 Dec '72 T Sm. Col. rain. V 6 9x Jan' 73 Feb ' 30 Teuip (max-min) wind. elds. rain. V,' S 4 lOx Fob '35 T Rain, M D "iV-i* ^Y + r>vn x-J. i.-' I ci w w ww'-il 42 21 71 10 : R **o 7 *? v I oX Jun'oG Mov' 44 Temp. rain. V 4 Jan '73 Sep'73 Tecip.v.'ind. elds. rain. V V;sst Newton 42 21 71 13 55 3 Ox Mar '67 Hay 71 Srn. Col . t emp . rain. vV S West vale 42 27 71 25 -] -1 X *r C- -,_ 5 r~ C. oep oo Dec'85 Tenip.rain. W S Winchester 42 27 71 08 27 5 1 Dec '84 T Rain. ESSEX V Andover 42 33 71 06 29 6 11 Janl79 3Dec'03 R SbuCol.tenjp, Mass. 3 X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of M ASS AC from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Coun 'y and 8tatlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above Record. a i Remarks. C sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. - ' ESSEX Con- o V Andover 42 38 71 06 296 2 10 Jan '74 Oet'75 Temp. wind, elds. rain. bar. W S Beverly Farms 42 30 70 50 73 3 3x Jun'85 Sep'39 Temp. rain. V Bradford 1-2 46 71 05 2 Janl772Decl773 Sm. Co 1 . t emp . rain. V Georgetov/n 42 45 71 00 225 5 4x Fob '65 May 72 Srn. Col . t emp .rain. V Ipsv/ich 42 41 70 50 50 3 R Temp (Rep t. Brit. Assn. 1347) V Lawrence 42 42 71 10 143 16 llx Jan' 56 Dec'73 Sm. Col . temp. rain. V 7 4 Jan '74 Apl'81 Temp. wind. elds. rain. bar. hyc. W S 42 42 71 13 51 5 Jan '85 Temp. rain. V Lynn 42 23 70 53 40 4 Jan '4-9 Dec '53 Sm. C o 1 . t emp .rain. V 4 6 Jul ' 72 Dec'76 T Rain. V 1 Dec'78 R Temp. W S 4 3 Oct'85 Temp. rain. W S Manchester 42 35 70 45 1 7x May 35 Dec '37 Temp . rain (May - Oc t ) rw s Ry Nahant 42 26 70 54 llx Jun'88 Temp (max-min) wind. rain. hyg . V Newbury 42 48 70 59 25 6 8x May 64 Dec'73 Sm. Co 1 . t emp . rain. V Newbury port 42 48 70 49 60 6 Ix Mar '06 Jun'52 . Sm. Col . t emp . rain. V 2 7x Jan '74 Aug'^S" Temp , wind. elds . rain. V 10 3 May 79 Temp (max-min) rain. bar. hyg. V Salem 42 30 70 54 43 Janl786Dec'23 R Sm.Col.temp. V 5x Apl'73 Nov'75 T Sm.Col.rain. W S " 5 2 Nov'84 Temp. rain. i W S Swanip scott 42 27 70 53 1 4x Jul '36 Temp . rain ( June- Oc t ) S S Thatcherslsld. 43 38 70 34 48 7 5 Jan '76 May 83 Full observations. S S 1 3 Jun'33 Feb'35 Temp (max-min) wind. rain. V Topsfield 42 Z9 70 46 10 Ox Apl'OO Feb'71 Sm. Col . t emp . rain. HAMPSHIRE V Amherst 42 22 72 32 207 33 4 Aus'35 Nov'73 Sm. Col . t enp . rain. V 267 13 1 Dec'74 Temp, wind. elds. rain. bar. hyrj. IV 260 5 Jan '85 Pall observations. I w s 5 Ix Nov'84 Temp.rain.hys. W S Mt.NonGtuck 42 16 72 37 870 3 8x Feb'86 T Rain. V Northampton 42 19 72 38 115 3x 1344 1345 R Cm. Col. temp. V lOx Jun'74 Jun'75 T smp . wind . c 1 d s . r ain . ; W S u 5 2 Nov'84 Temp. rain. X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MASSACHUSETTS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 1 1 Record. Elevation d c? nd cl-iso County and station. Latitu tg | Remarks. do. Longitude. above o sea-level. Length From _ To inclusive. g4 i SUFFOLK f O ' Los ton 42 21 71 04 125 V "(Kale) 23 Ox Jan' 13 Oct'43 T Rain. V "(Hail) 37 Jan '20 Dec '53 R Ter.p. V C "(Hall) 44 Jan '23 Dec '63 T Rain. V "(Paine) 27 Gx Jan '25 Apl'53 R Temp, V 1 4x Fob '06 Nov'07 R Su. Col. temp. V 3x Apl'57 Sep'57 T Sr.-i.Col.rair. V "(V/ater Works) 20 Ox 1333 1337 T RainCyearly s:im) W S " 5 Jan '85 I fay 35 R Tenip. W S " 4 Ix Dec '84 n T-) .- ,' .- i. IWkX^i. V "(Supt. Sewers) 20 Jan'C3 D^^'35 Wv W 71 *^ * XT G S 7 CiiCiTlestovrc 42 1C 1 l!ov'70 Pall observations. 22 71 03 42 11 Jar.l792Dec '02 T Rain. j&ni./&4 : NORFOLK O ' 1 Blue Hill V ( Siir.ir.it) 42 13 71 07 635 4 11 Fob '35 Full observations. V "fr.ii.so) 200 3 G J-.il ' 33 i ' , _ ij.. x o'j -L i A V "(Valley) 42 14 71 07 50 1 3 Jul'33 Teup.rain. V I.jdfield 42 15 71 13 2 Jan' 31 Dec '32 R Sn. Col. temp. V Hilton 42 15 71 OG 115 3 7x Jan '37 Doc'73 S'..!. Col . t onp . rain. V 12 lx.Jj.n'74 Tor.-p . v;ind. elds . rain. W S 4 7x Liay 35 TOED, rain. V i.dlton Contro 40 J'"' v "' ' -fG' Doc '38 R Tcr.:p. v/ S Randolph 42 03 71 05 200 1 3x ivlar'87 Dec'87 Temp. rain. W S 1 Ja:i'3Q T Rcd.i. "w C W_-llesley- 42 17 71 20 14-0 4 7x Apl J 05 TOE?), rain. 7 Woyraouth 42 12 70 5G 150 1 9x I 'ay 53 Jan'cG D..I. Col . t ov.ip . rain. BRISTOL V Pall River '-"l 42 71 09 220 2 Hov'Gl Ds^ ' Gl Sn. Co 1 . t c:.ip . rain. V " 15 5 Auo~'74 Toapdnax-jain) wind, elds. rain. bar.anonon. v; s i: 4x i,J~y 37 T5r-p.rain. W 3 Lone; Plain 41 44 70 55 55 5 Jan' 85 Rain.brcher. tenip. .' S Mansfield 42 01 71 15 150 2 11 : F:;b'37 Temp. rain. V Jlew Bedford 41 39 70 53 100 61 Ox Oct'12 Doc'73 Sm. Col . temp. rain. V 16 Jan '74 Tc T .-p.v;ind. elds. rain. bar. hyrr. V/ S 5 2 !Tov J 34 Tcnp.rain, V North Attl:;boro41 52 71 23 175 1 Sep'52 Aus '53 T Sm. Col . rain . V 3 3 Jar, '54 i:ar'57 ] 1 Sn.Col.tenp. V Souorsot 4-1 47 71 03 40 1 7 Jul'72 Doc'73 St.:. Col . t ei-p . rain. V 1G Jan '74 Tonp.>vind. elds. rain. V Taunt on 41 54 71 05 So lOx May '54 Mar' 53 R Sn. Col. t crap. V 12 4 Fob '71 L'ay 33 Tcup.rain. V 0. - " 6 5x Jun'33 T enp . wind . c 1 d s . rain . b ar . hy g-. - v/ S 5 2 llcv'34 Tcnp.rain. PLYMOUTH V 5rid~eTi'ater 42 00 71 00 142 3 lx ! Apl'5G r n _ ) r*-\ O Co* 1 O J. Sra. C o 1 . t er.p .rain. V Kins s ton 42 00 70 45 G5 7 5 Jul'OG TIov'73 Sn. Co 1 . t enp . r ain . V 5 Dec '73 Apl '7 4 T enp. rain. W S 4 Nov'84 Feb ' 35 Ten:p.rain. T. f *, ^ r-. " ___ = L_ X Record broken. U JN JL'JL'IUJJ '.LVA. JL'JLB _L(orJN ^YJ_j _tjJrC V J_(JJil. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MA.SAC TTTT S I Ov'80 Eec'GG Tenp (niax-nin) . vrind. rain. 5 S 4 J 'an '87 Apl'37 Full Observations. DUKES 2 7 l.fay 37 Tenp fmax-rain)wind. rain. i S Cottage City .;- 1 29 70 37 7 Apl'30 Oct'G3 Tenip fmax-t-in) vand. rain. Vineyard Haven 4 ! S " 2o 70 30 "J *~; /^ ry |*v / rr 25 1 10 /^ifr'33 ..lay C^ 1 5 A-;,rr'72 Dec '75 2 3 Jlan'74 ^ar'7G Ter.jp (nox-niriTwind.rain. jSr... C o 1 . t eiup . rain . Tenp . v;ind. rain. JIANTQCKET 521, ov'80 Terap (ua;:-uin) . wind, rain. ITant-acIiet 4 1 17 7J 03 - -. ' ? 1 TJ v^il ,'J. L\ 3a. Col. tenp. u X u i~j.i <-> i J Q u lo ox o an '4-7 .. ar'Gl Gu. Col . t e:.;p . rain. 45 4 5 A j i rv 7 '" C teqp.rain. 14 5 5 C 2"t 03 " i?\ill otservaticns. X Record broken. 1 _C,G C , 7 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 8 NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MASS A'' from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nil class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ? l Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. List of Stations havirfg 'less "than one year's record and which are not no\7 in operation. Station Bird Island Byfi Id Canton Con as set Danvers DuKbury East Douglass Falnouth Graf ten Harwich Hinghan Marion fliddleton x.Iinots Ledge Herri on Ilorth Beverly Horthfield Petersham Piedmont Ploinfield Ciuinoy P k oxcury Fort Scv/j,ll Southboro West Dennis "West Stoekbridge Wiltraiiar.-* County Plymouth Essex llorfolk Norfolk Essex Plymouth 'vVoreester Y'or tester Barn stable Plymouth Plymouth Essex llorfolk x Middles ex Essex Fr^nkli.- V/ ore ester Berkshire Honp shire Norfolk Suffolk Essex Worcester Barnstable Berk shir:; Ka^;pden : r -s, <-. <-, o -: J,o !j> O Record broken. . i UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Vumber ,wi class. County and station. Latitude. i Elevation Longitude, i above sea-level. Record. Length. From vV V; Vi IISVEEITAW. Central Mine S " " Copper FS,lls- To inclusive. Remarks. 47 24 83 12 1250 4 G May'G7 Dot '71 9x May '87 Feb'08 Smithsonian Collection. Bar. , T'ii;;p. (max.min. ) , Wind, Rain, Vv o - ; Eagle River- iline ....... Eur ;., Valley Fort V-'ili;ins CUTOIIAGOW. Ontai.ajjon IIOUGHTON. S Atlantic Mine S Calumet IP.ON. o Crystal Falls 1.IARQ.UETTE. Marquette S " CKIFPEWA. Brady Fort D " ' " Sault de Ste- Marie ..... 47 25 80 1G 1250 1 9 Dec '55 Aug'57 (Near Eagle Harbor), Sin. Col. 47 25 80 2G 1020 1 1 Deo' 55' Dec' 53 47 OG 83 1 800 1 4x Mar' 62 i Fob' G4 47 50 83 00 GSO 2 1 Jun'44 Jun'4C 40 55 8G 31 GSO 15 9x Aug'50 Apl'73 47 04 88 48 1 4x Aug'G3 47 24 80 12 1250 2 G Jul'87 46 OC 88 19 2 Nov'89 3 2 3 V Sugar Island V SCHOOLCRAFT. V/ S Gulliver Lake V Lianistique 4G 32 87 35 710 10 4 Sep'57 Dec '67 46 34 87 24 735 18 8 May '71 4G 31 84 43 GOO 35 9x Jan' 22 Dec '74 16 6x Jan' 67 46 23 84 22 642 1 10 Sep'23 Jun'25 3 Oct'87 Dec '07 3 2 Aus'77 Sep'BO 1 6 Jul'83 4G 29 84 15 574 3 llxllov'63 D.rc'73 1 3 Jan' 74 Mar '76 4G 00 8G 10 1 Ix Oct'88 45 58 8G 15 511 2 3 Jan'84Mar'8C Jun'36 Smithsonian Collection. Rain for 4 months only. Sm. Co] (Keneewa Point) . Sm. Col . Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. niin. ) aiid. Rain. Bar. , Temp, (max.niin. ) ,V. 7 ind,Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) \Vind, Rain. Rainfall broken. Sm. Col. 2d Order Station. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (nax.min. )Vi?ind, Clds .Rain. R Smithsonian Collection Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Sunset station. Temp. ,Wind, Clouds and Rain. 2d Order Station. Temp., Rain for only 6 mos.Sm.C, Temp., Wind, Clouds, Rain. Bar. Temp, (max.min. ), Wind, Rain* Bar. , Temp. (max.min.) ,Hyg. Wind, and Rain. Temp. (max. rain. ) , Wind, Rain. Record broken. r. fc AaJ TcrviXj S XX8 81 08 8a 8> ei vl ' TJNTTED STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MICHIGAN Somber Elevation Record. AH nd class. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. 1 fr-B O ' O ' MACKINAC . V Fort Maokinae 45 51 84 40 M D W S St* Iginc DELTA. S S Escanaba S S W S Lathrop MAilTTOU-. V St James EMJET. W S Fetoskey 728 27 o H 46 00 84 40 650 1 45 48 87 05 40 00 87 13 45 44 85 00 G03 16 1 1 596 3 45 22 C-4 57 637 V CESBCYGAN. S S Ma-.^inaw City 45 47 84 39 CHABLEVOIX. V Eovne 45 10 85 05 305 592 1 1 5 6x Sep'25 Apl'61 7x Jan' 60 2x Jul'87 10 Jun'71 Mar '83 9 Apl'88 11 Fob '83 4x Sep'52 May '56 4x Jan' 78 Apl'83 5 Jan' 79 May '80 7 Sep'82 Mar '38 9x llov'84 Nov'85 45 13 85 20 45 03 G5 40 v; s W S Crr/.levoix LE2LANAW, V Northport V OTSEGO. \V S Gay lord 45 02 84 39 LlCtTTMOEEHCY. W S Hill-man 45 04 83 47 W S Vieiinr. 44 59 34 20 610 2 4x 592 7 11 6 lOx Jan' 8 5 Jan '87 May '87 Jun'66 T Jov'73 Dec '73 Peb'86 1 lOx May '87 2 S S Alpena 45 Co 83 30 V Thunder Bay Id. 45 02 83 17 009 17 575 13 2x Oct'87 1 Jan '39 3 Oct'72 Ox Aug'53'Dec'73 Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. iran. )Hy!J. ,Wind,ClcL.& Bar. , Temp, (nax.min. )V/ind,Rain. 2d Order Station. 3d Order Station. Temp. (max,rrdr.. } ,Vani,Rain. (Bear Island). S^n. Col. Temp . (max.min. ) , Rnmidi ty , Wind and Rain. Terrp. ,Hyg. ,V/ind, Clouds, Rain. 2d Order Station. Ear. , Temp . (max.min. ) , Hyg. , V/ind, Clouds and Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) , Wind, Rain. Bar. Temp, (max.min. ) , Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Tenp . (max.min. ) ,v;ind 6: Rain, Bar. , Temp. , (max.min. )Vind, Rain, Temp, (max.min. ) ,Y;ind,Rain. 2d Order Station. Snaths onian Collection. X Record broken. .,'1 t HOITAV 33 ftf SVlKf .nirs.x. at ::flJtV/(.nin.> .ifl bS b-3 , . bniV f ^ibioifrt! t ( .nJrm.xcra) ,qpn9T .fiijan bns [ f ab.uolO,l TSbtO >S .bxiiW, .qoneT, .tea baa 3bi/oIO,bniW t ( >nQxAai) .qa&T .XiU) .( ^ tni..', f .nia.s ..'f .nii.i. bS xD VS 8SV 0^ f-8 13 0&8 SO o> .OAWIXOAM 'I IV'm/L 01 01 600 80 V8 8* 3> 88 f IqA- C I 83* Jo 1 * II I SI ?8 80 0> SS'qeS xi> S OG3 00 28 *> 3* x^ I V50 72 SS 3-> a i 7 3 SO& GC; 8 t* 3* xC 5Q3 30 63 01 3* x S 0X0 OS 38 51 3* 00 f _i - . - vr><*,. = i/7 .-rt r ff . v OS'JL J-Ui ii CC'; ^ 53 oa -:-c ( 08 50 ;:0 oI ! ''^V3 TI '58 : -SjO qcv 8 3.0 xio-. ;D s >I ' .0: b" rn r; UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MI - H [GAN from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. . Elevation above sea-level. Record. 3 4 f-'a Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' o ' B'ENZIE. V Benzonia W S V Homestead 44 36 GR/1ID TRAVERSE. W S Fyfo Lake 44 35 V Traverse City 44 45 V " " KALKASKA. VJ S Fletcher W S Ivan CRAY/FORD. W S Grayling OSCODA. V; S Mio ALCONA. W S Karri sville V 43 37 86 10 818 3 6x Jan 7 70 Dec '73 1 11 Sep'87 Jul'89 86 02 2 9x Jan 1 , 6 5 Feb'70 MANISTEE. W S Bear Lake S S Man! s tee V Pleas ant on RO "* ""^ f '0^1 W S Iloscornr.on. OGQJAW, \V S West Branch V " IOSCO, V East Tav/as V/ 3 " V Tav/as City MAS011. M 3 Weld 85 20 10 Jan' 77 Dec '77 85 40 598 1 1 Deo'72 Dec'73 10 3x Jan '74 44 34 44 36 44 40 44 39 44 40 84 56 85 09 1 4x Nov'87 Mar '89 8 May ' 89 84 48 1 Ix Apl'87 84 06 1000 1 4x Aug'87 83 15 616 1 6 Jan' 81 Jun'82 6 8x Jul' 82 44 26 86 05 781 2 1 Dec '87 44 13 86 16 615 1 6 Jul '88 44 29 86 10 750 1 9 Dec '68 Aug'70 44 30 04 34 44 17 84 13 1 Jan '89 2 Ox Oct'87 1 Dec'87 44 17 83 27 600 7x Jan' 83 Aug'83 1 8x Jul '87 44 16 83 31 583 9 4 Sep'58 Dec '67 Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Rain for 2 months. Em. Col. Temp, (max.rnin. ) Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Ear. , Temp . , Hyg. , Wind, Rain. Temp, (max min.) Wind, Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Temp, (max.min. )Wind, Rain Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Bar. , Temp, (max.min. )Hyg. ,V. T ind and Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. 2d Order Station. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (max.min. )Wind, Rain. Bar. , Temp, (max.min. )Vfind,Rain Temp . (max. rain. ) Hyg. Wind, Rain . Bar, , Temp ,. (max. min. )Hyj,W.indvR. Terrp , (max, min) , Rain. (Ottawa Point) ,Sm, Col, X Record broken. Creek 43 53 3G 08 1 Jan' 89 Temp (max. min. )for only 1 month. ittOITA bniW( . S 70 1 .x .cjs*?T , .T xrt) .grasT r .niia.xam) . boo ^H t loD .xde in) .q: ?)? , .t*a xj sT e ?8 c qo8 XX X S 8X0 OX 98 VS 80 06 85 OX OS 38 x x see o* as x5 OX 8 03 80 38 OS ** es xX X 8* x> x ooox DO 8 X 0X8 0X 88 0* f* S8 r Xtf x8 ft V8 f 06d X 2 X8T 30 08 OS ** ss'xtrt, e x sxo ox os sx i^ eo'ostr e x 037 ox 88 es K- o x 5X 88 r 3uA 58 f fU8L xV 003 VS 58 VX Ve^Xi/L X8 X * 6 583 XS <5C 81 co cc ce C8 ( HJsL X ainosnaS 8 crJtsmoH 8 -T o -I 8 2 OHO'iWA.lO Bfiil .AGOD30 oiM 8 .AHODJ& 8 fl ^ rfc .00801 UNITED STATES BIG-INT AL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MTC HIOAN from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elev Record. Mg 1 nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abc o g Remarks. sea-1 BTel - Length. From To inclusive. ^1 ' LAKE-. [ . I w s Chase 43 53 85 57 2 Ox Nov'87 Tenp. (max.min. )Wind,Rain. w s Deer Lake 15 C2 85 35 1 5 Aug'33 Temp, (max.min. )Rain. w s Nirvana 43 54 85 40 980 3 4 Jan' 77 Apl'80 Bar. , Temp, (max.min. )H\anid'y.R. V i 7 Jan' 79 Jul'79 Bar. , Temp.IIyg. x v. r ind, Clds.P.ain. OSCEOLA. Yf S Evart 43 55 85 13 1 Gx Axis' 87 Teiiip. (max.rran. )Rain. W S Reed City 43 44 85 28 1016 6 4 May '80 Sep'36 Temp. (max. Kiin. )Rain.' V U II 2 7x May '80 Jan '84 Bar. , Temp. ,Hyg. ,V, r ind, Clds.P.ain GLADWIN. W-S Gladv/in 44 00 84 28 9x Jan '89 Temp, (max.mrn. )Rain. ARENAC. . * w s Omer 44 03 83 49 1 Ox Jan '88 Feb'89 Tenp. (max.min. )Wind,R&in. VI S Standish 43 58 83 57 9 Apl'89' T-emp. (max.min. ) \Vind, Rairi OCEANA. W Hart 43 40 8G 20 670 2 8 May ' 87 Bar. ; Temp. (max. mine )V/ind,Raih. V Pentwater 43 45 80 35 1 4 Sep'85 Dec '86 Temp, (naic.min. )Hyg. , \7ind, Rain. NEWAGO. w s Fremont 43 48 85 25 1 4x May '88 Temp, (max.min. ) \Vind, Rain. MECOSTA, w s Big Rapids 45 45 85 20 930 2 8x Apl'87 Bar. , Temp, (max.min. )\Vind,Rair%. ISABEL. W G Caldv/ell 43 42 84 45 3 Oct'89 ' Temp., (max,rnin. )Rain. v; s Crawford 43 34 84 47 3 Oct'89 Wind and Rainfall. HURON. i w s Hay es 43 56 83 13 6x Jan '89 R Bar. ,-Tenp . fmax,min. )Wind. w s Port Austin 44 01 82 58 474 4 3x May 7 82. Oct'8G Temp, (max.min.) --Rain for only w S Sand Teach - MUGXEG01I, Vv S Montague V Ivlu3kogon \7 S 45 51 82 51 630 2 4x May '87 43 25 86 20 604 1 3 Oct'88 43 15 06 13 1 11 .Oct'68 Jan' 71 1 7x Jun'85 Jan' 87 5 months. Bar, , Tenp, (inax.min. ) Wind, Rain'. BC.I-O , Tenp. (max a inin. ) Wind, Rain. Smithsonian "Collection, Tempo (max.min. Rain. i i .fli.o.-l(,rtjfcti, ,tfcJO,l>nfw { .s^H c H t H t <|nt>T T8 f voM xO f V3 88 53 99 M U 06 ( IqA Vr f niiL * 5 068 0* r 08 x3 I * 9 9JOI as ** ftS ^8 00 *0 1 o s ova 9 28 SO *+ ve sa se si 3 o* u> as os s* 5* z* I 22 58 8> s Ooe os 58 a* 5* - 5* *8 S* G Wort x I *Cd OS ts^eo ii x ax eo i SS 83 8d IS S8 13 3843/13 2 a 3 2 j 8 . A H-, + rfr- Ttt-rTT Si > - - is7 * 3k w pi ; Y . ifl ni, 4 -soTS UNITED STATES SIGKNTAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of , T - , . . /> , 7 7 . , ML' from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. MONTCALM. W G Greenville Y<" S Stanton GRATIOT. W S Alma W S St. Louis SAGINAY/. W S East Sao"Lna\7 V V Saginaw TUSCOLA. Y< SArbsla W S May OTTAWA. V Grand Haven S S V Holland V Mill Point KENT. V C Grand Rapids VO- WS" V Laphamville IONIA. W S Ionia V CLINTON. V/ S Ovid v; C St. Johns S&'iAWASSEE. Latitude. ' Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. From To inclusive. SB E-'I Remarks. 45 12 85 12 45 17 85 05 1 Mar '67 Feb'88 11 Feb'89 Bar. , Terapc, (max. rain. )Wind, Rain. Bar. Temp, (max. rain, ) Wind, Rain. Temp, , (mn,x.iriin. ), Wind, Rain Bar, , Ten;p, (rcaxtinin. )V;ind,Rain. 45 24 84 57 2 Px Mar '87 45 24 84 36 750 1 8xMar'37 Feb'89 45 2535 57 604 2 9x Sep'35; Apl' 03 Bar, , Terrp. (r.iax.min. )Wind, Rain. 8x Oc;t ' 85 May ' 87 Tenp. (max.min. )Hyg. , Wind, Rain. 45 27 85 58 625 4 Mar '49 Jun'49 R Smithsonian Collection. 43 20 84 00 43 23 8S; 13 45 05 86 18 42 49 86 43 06 86 08 10 llx Jan' 89 1 lOx Jan' 88 620 5 11 Sep'59 Jul'63 18 7 Jun'71 8 4x Jun'56 Dec '70 1 9x Jul'60 Jun'62 42 57 05 40 760 15 9x Apl' 54 Dec '75 7 6x Jul'73 Jun'84 2 2xMar'3 v!ar'37 Temp, (max.min. )Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. 2r Order Station. Smithsonian Collection. Rain for 5 months only. Sm.Col. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. , Temp, (max.min. )Hyg. ,Wind, Clouds, Rain. Bar. , Temp, (max.min. V#ind,Rain. 43 00 85 30 650' 1 1 Dec'50 Dec'51 R Smithsonian Collection. 42 5P 85 04 688 5 2x May '79 3 Ix Feb'80 May '85 Bar . , Tenp. (max.min. )Humidity, V/ind and Rain. Bar. , Temp, (max.nin. )Hyg.Wind, and Rain. 45 10 84 20 760 2 ?x Mar'87/ 45 00 84 30 755 2 10 Mar '8 Bar. , Temp. (max,min, )VVind,Rain. Temp, (max.min. )Rain. 2 Covunna X Record broken. 42 59 84 07 i 1 1 7j : Aug' Q r r Mar' 09 Bar. ,Temp. (max-min. 1 )Wind, Rain, 73'IJM X re&f.-j Toa ee'doi t x s x oev ,n mj CS'I k c A^T f?> v, \ ; ^s s -* re ^i iioo fl^inoednae K ' 8S S8 t xlX 00 88 f ait xOl X Gi SD'Xtri; 8'q-.;: XT S 0^ P 18 ' >a4^*rf*2 .ar>a W'A x* 8 ao 38 c a adJaoffl 5 101 m** s^.n^ OB*XI/L x I OX D8 BO 00V q : ^ vc'isM xS iox^odXXoO MJto r ' M cS f s 08f A t Ox ? 05 ^ T. v x vo 2* UNITED STATES SIGUSTAJl, SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 6 iumber , . County and station. Latitude. Longitude. I Elevation above sea-level. Record. # s; Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. V "Flint W S Yf S Mount Llorris W S Otisville V " V Swartz Creek LAPEER. W S C o Inert) iaville v . S Thornville V ST. GLAIR. 7 Berlin 42 53 33 42 737 2 Jan' 54 Dec '55 1 1 43 09 05 58 737 1 1 Jul ' 37 Jul ' 33 43 13 33 31 820 5 10xMay'77 EGG '33 9 Aug'32,^1'85 42 57 So .'.-9 800 4- 7 Fob '83 Aus'37 2 Jan '30 Feb'09 43 07 83 23 6x Oct'88 42 5G 35 14 075 2 Jan'77 Dec '78 42 55 82 54 11 Jan' 79 1 Cx Jul '33 w .LJ \^- _L j-ii -xtj <~>w ij^-j *J r JL vA *J '-A-t. oo V Fort Gratiot 42 59 82 25 503 17 5x Apl'SO Auc'59 .. S Jeddo V Port Huron G S 43 09 32 50 755 1 2x Sep'38 43 00 32 23 GOO 2 4xMay'57 Dec '74 639 15 5 Aus'74' : ALLEGATI. vv S Alicrjan V Otseco -,Y 2 " V C Oaujatuck BARKY. V Hastings 42 32 85 52 42 23 35 42 42 30 85 50 42 3835 17 790 Gx May '32 Jan' 33 1 Jan '39 T 3 Gx Apl'57,Sep'70 7x Jan' 37 2 Ox Feb'54'Mar l 5S Smithsonian Collection. (Scientific Institute)3ar. , - Toinp. , (iriax.niin. ) Wind, Rain. Bar. , Tcri:p. (rr.ax.min. )V. r ind,r,ain. Ear. , Teir.p. (max.min. )!r-.rddity , VVini and Rain. Ear. , Terp. (i;iax.niin. )IIy promoter, Wind, Clouds, Rain. Bar. , Ter.p. (nax.rain. )Hy[;ron-8ter, V.'ind, Clouds, Rain. Bar. , Tenp. (max.min. )V/ind,Rain. Temp. (nax.min. )Rain. Bar. , Ter.p. (max. rain. ) Humidity , VJind and Rain. Ear . , T-2i::p . (:uax . rrdn. ) Ky grronet er, V.ind,Clo--ds and Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) ,Rain. (West bank of St.Clair River). Smithsonian Collection. Ternn. (:nax.min. ) ,V/ind,Rain. Rain for only 3 month s.Cfc. Col. 2d Order Station. Rain for only 2 months. SE. Col. Teirp. (max.min. )Vvind,Rain. Rain for only 7 months. Sm. Col. Ear. , Temp. ,Kyg. ,\Vind, Clds.Rain. rt 1 6 5x Oct'79 Ear. , Temp, (jnax.min. )^ind, Rain. 1 X Record broken. I I 8; CG ; I f 707 CO E; . .nictff.i C 56' cfr? 7 : 00$ o s ev S Jt.3 .ataa t ( n rf.+ ia aH bS OC'IqA. Xci : .JoD.ar -TO tol nltH .ni* r , .(fast VC x? t3 e -TM i xO S i ;o TO 5* 3* 20 32 . .flti/I ,bniW( .n cr't.x^- ) .qpeT , . UNITED STATES SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. lumber . , County and station. Ele-s Latitude. Longitude. ab sea- Record, ation GSS evel - Length. From- To in elusive. H S O ' ' I " ! EATON. V Olivet 42 2G 34 53 C >38 2 9x Dec '70 Do< j'73 Smith coniciii Collection. V u W S INGilAii. 2 5 Jan' 7 4 I.Iay'73 Ear. , Ter.2: . , My3'. ,V*li:d,Clds. ,Rai: 2 4x Jun'87 R Bar. ,T?ap. (::,ax.nin. ),V.'ind W S Eden 42 51 84 25 1 lOx Jan' 83 .'< S Fitchburc 42 23 34 12 833 1 Jan '89 T V Lansing 4 V S 2 " S 44 84 32 833 10 3x Dec '58 De< 14 4x Jan '74 X 5 Jan '87 3*73 Smithsonian Collsction. Bar. , TeLip. (;;.o,x.r.;in. ) ,IIyc:, Wind, Clouds and Rain. 2d Order Station. W S North Aurolius 42 35 34 32 lOx Jan '39 T V7 3 Stockbridse 42 17 84 10 \V S Y/illiamstown 42 41 84 15 .: f, V/-ini~-i.vlrt AS OP, o/. -.] lOx Jan'89 2 Ox Dec '37 r< in .TO-, 'AT n^-i T Temp . (r.iax.min. ) , Wind, Rain. \ ' PA Tsirrvn fr^ft-f mi T- ^ V'Sn/- 1 7?sii-i V OAKLAND. Ball Mountain 42 3c 33 16 42 SO 33 10 3 May ' 39 5x Mar '35 Vi S Highland St'n. 42 30 83 34 1 7x Dec '37 V Pcntiac v; 3 MACOMB. V ROEICO V ^ : vV S was Line ton VAM T1 TT"'K^ v /\* 4 ,UU Mitf v 3 }>.n^or H S Pav: Paw 42 38 33 14 990 1 5 Mar '34 2 Jan '33 Rain. (Tenp. (ma::. ran.) Wind aid Rain for 2 months K Ear. , Temp, (max.nin. ) ,Hygroniet ^ f v . . . \fciJ i-i -'\ :'i^O TO^i^u >; T vO r r eo t nr T A r r*1* JiCfiQ O A <^ ** r -"/ { A + r Cl" 1^ O |26vl U i. ^ ^. .. VJi T i C OKI ur ^i^ocIIoO r.. SV'osC C^'oed xC 01 oSS So *-8 ! 21- ,*. . .Xi..ij.-5-jcT,.'^ T O t _-,T A Oa ^43U U o T OC f r:L xOI ^5 -IT-IL-A rl^rrol! 3 T 38*ncL ;;OI OJ I--8 T .rr.^ ,(.niii . T8 c oiC xO 2 -51 I 2v nv.'c,t^acill,' r.' ( f ,iiir..>;j3^) .qmsT ->S*.foO IC-'rxt* 01 iJ Jb! In.: ( ..-i.':.;^e:) - } ,n.ti,. r l 8 OX 8 55 gi- ve i ni^s-1 \.7fl2 Se fl rfili x2 01 S8 OS 2*- r? iJ! 3"- rro ID ^niVJ t (,ni0,xjsc:) .cpeT VG f oa(I yS I r> 5, r f^i..:3 n 5C ( 1 092 -M SC G.- j.'rjsd S8 f n^I 2 100AM 2.xaa) .q.T3T,.r^kI TG f OJl> x8 I 038 f * I / i r. -f v : *'l / f- ^ "i 1 *f rt<"T *7 ^ -^ r, <* "sr V T- ri ' . C fW*> J.i { I l.^-,_i.---'... / I*- 1 * i iJUvl B 1 JtiW.il <* , u'i- n. r ^s ".rir> .-- r afT "-irrr./ / , rv~ f-T i.--J*>i j*j^i--<> t t i--._i./.A..-. > tr.ij A . ui ^*' , r rri - p J ., -.- i trCl .-. A UNITED STATER SIOISTAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of M from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 8 Number I Elevat on Record. rf| md class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abov t-'j Remarks. sea-le* el - Length. From To inclusive. H ' KALAMAZOO. V Cooper 42 25 85 33 690 3 4x Jun'54 Dec '62 onithsonian Collection. V Kalamazoo 42 20 85 38 5:: Sep'GC Mar 07 R Smithsonian Collection. W_S 3 Jan'73 Dec'73 Tsrp. (nii;:.L:in. ) ,'.'ind,Rain. V 732 10 11 Feb'79 Bar. , TODP. (inax.nin. ) jHy^romet^" v'/ind, Clouds , Rain. CALHOUN. \Y S Albion 42 14 34 45 9G5 lOx Oct'33 Tenp. (rAJC.min. ) , Wind, Rain. 70"" - 3 May ' 39 Bar. , Tor.ip. (::-.a:;.i:dn. ) , llygroset-s: V/ind, Cl ouds , Rain. V Battle Creek 42 22 85 15 750 9 2x Mar '49 Dec' 59 T Averacre monthly Rain. Sra.Col. V G Jan' 54 Dec '59 Sniithsonian Collection. W 10 2x Jan' 77 Aug'88 T ei^p . ( r^ax . i. in . ) Hunii di ty } \i"ind and Rain. V 4 Cx Jan' 79 Fob '84 Bar. , Tenp.Hy. ,^'ind, Cl .'.s . , RaJ-i- V Marshall 1-2 17 34 50 385 3 4x Hay '80 Bar. , Tanp. , Ilys. , Vand, Rain. V.' S 1 3x Apl'81 Dec'84 Terip. (;:.ax.inin. ) , Wind, Rain. YV S 1 4:: Feb'83 Bar. , Ternp. (i.ia;-:.r.iin. Vwir.d and Rain. (North Marshall). W S South Albion i2 12 34 43 2 !!ov'S9 T* Q** v ">^ / ^'"* *i "*' T** T T"\ ^ ' J ^ 1^ ^** T^ *"> T *"\ i S.T.p. (_:c.o.Hiin. J , iilZIUj lUULu JACKSOW. Y< S Concord 42 14- 34 38 1140 2 0:: Dec'87 T?!^. (;;:a:c.Min.),.ind,Rain. 7 Brooklyn 42 OG 85 36 1020 ? Sep'52 Mar '54 T AVC "a^je *I.O; '..till";- .-.>_!. 111. c-Hi. 001. 7 3x Mar '53 Mar '54 ?>uiths:-::ian Collection. 17 S Hanover 42 09 34 13 1141 2 5 Aus'87 Ba,-. , Tor; t p. (nc.::.- -.in. ) /i.incIjRr.in. V S Fulislci 1-2 12 34 41 2 Jan '83 Teip. (ir^.x.iidn. ) , uind, Rain. 7 Ami Arbor 42 13 35 41 350 3 !;: Apl'49 j!.il'7 (5 1-2 nil'-s ESE. of)3n.Ccl. ,' * * 4 2x Jan' 31 Tcsup. fr.ii'.::.i^in. )V.ind,Rain. 7 u " 2 7x Jan '83 Jnl35 R S Chelssa 42 19 34 02 934 2 2x May '37 Bl, 'V-xr-^ ,'T-I*-- r C*,*^'.~ -_ *.* M w -/ --*' Irt \^ i, w \^ wija4 w tory 42 13 33 05 500 5 11:: Jan' 7-1- Pet 1 30 5 Ox JMT.'SO Fob* 37 5 7:; Jan 1 79 83 17 1 lOx Fin:': 83 13 30 Apl'cC Dco'SS 83 03 59731 5x Jul'SS. B.-c75 6G2 19 2 Hov'70 33 Jil 9 32 55 530 7 7.- rvi R;;in. R Tatl: of nontM? noor. (10 nil 01 '.i of 5ct~cit)&uCGl. S^i-U-.sonicc. Coll motion. 2i Ordor St iticu. ). Ci:.i.::.\;in. , Rain. TO T-.il -c -r**"-. p f-"-"i* \ V * -n i-ij I-U-Jl-S 1 - w'^.i it *\,- * i w I 1 ;.^J. (iu;:.r.oir.. illycrcsu , ind, Clds .11. BKRRXBI-. '.. S Beaton Harbor -1-2 08 Clear D 2troit } . Lar . I* Wind, Clouds xicl liain. r>.- .!" c^<"> r. c oo Jo Coii o 70 V Berrien Spring V Biaohanan \i S V He-// Buffalo '.. i3 Ililes V C CASb. '..' : Ad-ansvillo V. C Cassopolis Rain. C-l 50 30 -1-6 -351 c 6>; Jul'37 M^-'GS Sbltli^aiia Coll^tioa. -11 51 ii5 1C 305 1 7 Jua'77 roo7G Bar.,T-3^. (ruix.iiin.'IIurddity, C 7;; Jan 1 ?:* A^'32 Jjar. , I^r.Iys., inCjClds.Rain. '11 i3 33 00 10 liar* 39 T :i ci: 32 01 2 10 iitv'37 Bar. jT^ip.fruxiuuin.I'vind, Rain, 11 50 nr c7 30 1 Jan ? 3S Bar.jTr^.'-^^.Trin.)"..!^,.^.:';-:. i v*'-.teE <. "" V -? f *-ej'pt8ft8 0*7 SC :i ! m.fieqYO > p^'4 . |Tu 34 osl X C 3 d.:'i Ifx :IA&T i! 78'rfc'I OG r 1, xO C . .2I1YAW x 7: so t -.g 3c- ^o: IXOO ^ifiOE^ii Sr f Da^i^ fi * CI >SS ? o ^ -"^inotf^a 4,.-,^ t " " O f v<> , f * 2 0XS8a 6 58 2 2 *' " 0. . ( ^.:X>- * t- --*. -.'i.^i c Tct; UC f 3i ' Remarks. id class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. ^a ST. JOSEPH. O ' O ' / S Colon W S Mendon V O V Mottville U S Park vi lie BRANCH. W S Bronson V V a S liable HILLSDALE. v; S Hills dale V V S Jones ville v; S north Ad. us V Lit3hfislu V " V Adrian V v: s u V Clinton n S Hudson 7 W S Teeiunsch i S .ladi 41 58 85 20 Jan '83 42 02 85 29 872 G 2 J;,n'77 Feb'85 llx Apl'85 Sep > 84 i-2 6 G* Jul'33 41 45 85 42 03 85 32 6 9x May '80 41 -1-1 85 00 970 1 9 Apl'88! -1-1 58 85 00 998 5 1 Jul J C8 Jul'71 o 9x Dec '75 llov '89 -17 35 15 00 34 39 '1- Gx Jan' 79 Jan' llx Jan' 89 3 5x Feb'80 2 6 Ans'82 Jan' 8 5 1-1 59 8-1- 58 3: 05 84 1-1 12 1120 1 3 .fcr'87 I' lay '88 oO S:; Apl'SC 1-6 10-1-0 7 5 Jul'GG llov'75 10 Bcc'73 llov'83 58 34 11 1240 1 4;c J-n'70 Apl l 74 4 8x Jan '72 Jul'81 11 10;: Jan' 78 1-2 05 34 00 750 11 '50 52 ,2 54 34 22 932 8 Auc'81 Apl'32 9 8:: 3ep'74 01 33 57 321 9 llx i.^r73 Feb'83 T3i.$) . (r:;ax.ii:in. ) , Viind, Rain Ter.!p. (iaax.r.iin. ) ,vVind,Rain. Bar. , T3r;ip. (:.:a:c.uin. iHyj.V.'lnd.R Bar. , T:r.ip. (nax.nan. )IIyrj^ oneter V/ind and Rain. Temp. , Viind, Hiunidit;-' , Rain. Teirp. , (rriax.nin. ) wind, Rain. Slid th s onian Collection. Bar. , T^np. (nax.ran. )Wind. (Rain for 183S only). Tamp., Wind, Clouds, Rain. d and Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) Wind, Rain. Bar. , Temp. (max. ran. )Hyjroinet ?r Viind and Rain. Bar. , Te::-ip. Cnax.r:.in. )'UX-J) , wluoa.- ) .ini( - - { .^ ..(\XfiO C81 701 JT8^ utcH boc fcaJtW ,nic. : ' t .ni.-..xx:.. ,nx,c. : t ai)iroIO , fcniV t . qpoT , . ab 10 t &:i . e .r " t ' ..ii^-1 t .IoO ,tiUit(,u-' .)<5T 2 3 8< ?V r n.:t, 26 OS 38 SO 2^ SS'IqA xXI S 08 l ^i v.e u 08IqA Q I 070 00 58 K- iT'IyL 8C'Iirl> I S S6 00 38 83 i: ees-oii avo9a 08 38 38 <\ xO > XII Jt6 5 S 31 Co 00 V8 * .51' 3 veil eo'itfc v o-r-oi S8voti 5V'&ca 01 I OI-SI la I. X8 8V 'act xOl i: oa' ii oev oc 18 c T 6* 051 I 28'IqA 18'^ -A 8 see CL: :-6 sc f^ 87^^.' xll Q Xj. ii- ve'Joo s s ic SB !> .HO bloD IIH Si : c UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 11 NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. lumber Elevation Record. s> sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. o &s O ' O ' MONROE, Y< 3 Grape V Monroe City V ilonroo Piers V; Pc-t3rsourg 58 85 51 llx Jan'89 2x Jcn'5-i IIcv'72 Rain (Ter:;p. inax.iiin. and Wind for one month). Snitrscnian Ccllscticn. .'1 ^ft P" 7 , t "' T J fe.j 1 -1 - O OO c^ I ifiV -1-1 56 35 27 col 7 6 Jul J 59 060*36 T Smithsonian Collection. 1-1 ?8 f 3 S Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Following Stations: M I C H I G A N 12 Station County Station Cov.nty Athens Calhoun Mac on Lonr.voo Bad Ax Huron Mai lory Lake Hillsdale Baraga Bay City Baraga Bay Maple Hill Menoninee 1-Icntcalin Menominee Bay Port Huron Minong Isle Roy ale Bellaire Antrim Mcorestown Missaukee Brest Monroe Mt. Pleas ant Mac omb Columbia Jackson Newark Gratiot Court land Kent Old Mission Grand Traverse Decetur Van Bur en Pennsylvania Mine K ev/e enaw Forestville Sanilac Portage Lake Kalauazoo Ganges All scan Redford Centre Wayne Garlick Ontonagcn Rip ley Houghton Hartford Van Bur en St. Mary's River Chippewa Fought on Hough ton Saranac Ionia Ir.J.ay City Lap cor. Snov/flake Antrim Jackson Jiokson South Haven Van Bv.ren Kenookec Lako George St.Clair Chippcwa Thres Oaks Valley Centre Berrien Sanilao Lexington Sanilac ~f& . . HAD I .11 r :jtH ' iM 0431-4 sn J3'-V nc it-; i IliH "^1 . O ' IJBV no ox- o. xA t r A UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MINNESOTA. from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. inmber id class. County and station. KITTSON. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ' 2> Length. From- To inc usive. E-l'g S S St. Vincent 43 56 97 14 804 9 4 Sep'80 2d Order. POLK. V Crooks ton 47 55 96 30 6 Nov'85 Apl'86 R V u 5 Aug'89 Temp. (max. min.i 3 mos. Rain. W S ITASCA. Pokegama Falls 47 10 93 39 1 6x May '87 Teisp. (max. rain. ) Rain. St. LOUIS. S S Duluth 46 48 92 06 672 '9 2 llov'70 2d Order. LAKE. V v a Beaver Day u u 47 12 91 13 657 14 lx 1 lx Nov'53 Nov'73 Smithsonian Coil eat ion. Dec '73 Feb'75 Temp, Wind, Clds. Rain. V Burl ingt on 47 01 91 42 645 2 9 Jan' 58 Oct'60 Smithsonian Collection. 46 54 46 52 46 50 CLAY. V Moorhead S S BECKER. V OSyval Park V Yihile Earth Res47 40 HUBEARD. W S Park Rapids 46 57 C A S S . W S Llc.Winnibigos- hish 47 21 W S Leech Lake Dan 47 10 W S Pine River Dan 46 38 A T K I N. V Sandy Lake WILKIN. S S Ereckenridge W S OTTER TAIL. 96 55 96 45 926 95 45 1800 96 20 1670 95 10 94 08 94 16 94 08 4 9x Jul'73 Mar 7 78 R 9 Jan' 81 1 9x Jan' 71 Apl'73 T 2 7x Sep'69 Dec '73 2 5x Fet'85 Hov'87 Terap. & \Vind. 2d Order. Smithsonian Collection. 2 4x Jun'87 2 Ox Jun'87 2 10 Mar '87 45 46 93 01 1300 3? 46 16 '50 96 32 968 8 7 May '72 Nov'80 5 llov'77 Oct'80 T. (max. inin, ) wind & Rain. '51 R Monthly averages of Tetip. 2d Order. S 3 Fergus Falls 46 16 96 06 2 5 Jul' 37 T Rainfall station. MADENA. 3 Madena 46 25 95 12 7x Apl' 85 May '86 3 46 26 95 13 3 1 Auc' 77 Sep '30 Sunset station, (bar. anercici, 1 1 1 X Record broken. Aei.'p.Hvg.vMna, Lias. Kai:;. .SOB |.ateux*BU tiC OC'qpS * K* *X Vt *0 St * 88'IqA 28'rott 8 06 84 8 .WKTTIX .18 8 U0V A 6rJ to x8 X or*vo$f s r t 3f 01 .3IUOJ .12 -3SAJ r xl ST'cTd'tl iiT'oea xX I S H t 5?Xflt Jrtl o X0 JO d 88 ese t 00818* 38 08 xt S OTftJ 06 80 0* X 01 W te 8* e a ot3a*ti V .YAJD tosdiooM - ; a .JODPM T V i?dH t 8 * OG'JoO T7'vol| $ 008X XO 9 8t 8JUJ rloss J 8 itvxH 901^ 2 jl j V T A si*J YfcnaB f .TflXJIW Wbrtnsiwia S 2 .JIAT ^STTO 80 8t ! 8* ii^ il^Ydl 8 C , . . ". *y 21 SO S V UNITED STATES SIGNAT, SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MINNESOTA: Number Elevation Record. <*$ sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 1 HE DOUGLAS. V Alexandria S S W S u CRCW WING. M B Fort Rip ley M D " S S " " MILLS LACS. V Princeton Vf S STEVENS. W S Morris V V \Y S STEARNS. St. Cloud u BIG STONE. S S Ortonville MEEKER. V Forest City V Litchfield W S WRIGHT. W S Delano HENNEPIN. V 0(No name) V Excelsior \V S M D Fort Snelling M D V Minneapolis V 45 52 95 22 1225 1 Dec '68 2 5 Aufj'87 6x Sep'86 Dec'87 45 10 94- 24 1130 22 Ox Jul'49 Dec '74 46 10 94 19 1100 15 llx Jan' 60 Jul'77 46 10 94 25 25 Axis '87 45 34 93 38 45 30 95 58 45 39 94 13 45 50 94 13 45 18 96 31 45 11 94 30 45 12 94 45 45 03 93 51 44 57 93 35 44 53 93 10 44 r? 93 15 3 llx Jan' 56 Aujj'60 3x Aurj'37 Feb'83 4 5 Dec '89 lOx May '60 Feb'69 7 Ox Nov'77 Mar '89 2 5 Aug'87 6 Ox Jun'58 May '66 2 1 Jul'70 Jul'72 6x Jun'87 May '88 1 6x Apl'87 Feb'89 1 1 Dec '64 Dec '65 2 Mar'73 Apl'75 1 4x Sep'86 Mar '88 820 44 8;: Oct'19 Jun'74 22 9 Apl ' 67 856 9 1 Nov'64 Nov'73 R Smithsonian Collection. T Rainfall station. (Ft.Gaines) Smithsonian Col. " Bar. T. (max. rain. ) vvind.C.R. T Rainfall station Smithsonian Collection. Bar.T. (max.min. ) Wind & Rain. do Smithsonian Collection. Bar . Temp . Wind . 4nio s . Rain. T Rainfall station. Smithsonian Collection. u u Ear.T. (max.iain, ) Wind u ^. do. R Smithsonian Collection, oLiin. ) \Vind 6c Rain. Smithsonian Collection-* Bar a froia Oct'7l, Tenp(raax.: niin. ) i:yc" Wind, C'.ds, Rain, Smithsonian Collection, 1 15 11 Dec '73 Bar. Tdnwxcinin. UlycJNi ndjClds.R X Record broken. .109 .* ,nojfcl oslloD "- H Woea T TO^jitfL 3 Oft'fltft iA x T*14 VV 'voH xO rJt XQ OT'Xirt, I 2 xu |**: Jan' 74 Nov'78 1 10 Jan 1 53 Nov'54 44 56 95 05 300 14 9x Jan '59 I.Iay'74 44 50 93 05 830 "1 Jan' 74 44 53 95 05 851 Nov'70 44 53 92 05 950 4 4x Apl'65 Mar '72 45 04 92 45 756 1 Nov58 5 7 Nov 7 77 May '35 45 44 45 44 45 94 00 95 52 94 58 C4 10 04 57 2 1 Fob '85 Mar* 87 50 946 7 Ox Feb'44 Jul'G2 22 llx Nov'74 Mar '76 25 1050 1 8x Je.n'72 llov'73 10 2 llx Feb'S9 Mar'73 30 94 12 9 Ox I.fc.yG5 Nov'73 Smithsonian Collection. Ter.ip.V/ind, Clds. ,Rain. Snathe snian Coll ection. Record broken. * lOx Mar '74 Sep'7C T?r:ip . on '14 35 03 10 1 9x Mar '83 c-4 44 92 54 1 3x 7 Jun'61 Jan ' 84 Jan '34 1-^ay ' 52 llay'35 Jul ' 34 Ter^j 44 14 95 21 6 Jul > 37 T Rair. T) 9x Jul 87 !/'ay83 R i-1 Fills -1-4 31 95 07 o 5 Aur;*S7 T Rain 1 Ter.ip .Wind, Clds.Rain. 2d Order false River obs.) Smithsonian Collection. R R x.r.-.in. ) Rain. (Oniahoo j or Lao - qui-Part c ) fe. C4? Smithsonian Collection, (Ls!-e Hook) Gr.itlisonian Col. Smithsonian Collection, a T sr.jp. Win-1, Cli^.Rain, T 01.55 . br ol: en. Suith son ' n. Col , Te:,^p . V/in J , Cl dc . Rain og Ic) ^Jb.'tiW. .aisJT f.nh.i.::j . . I-UT-CJB-I 10 V oc.i^-j0) 2;^i;:L ') 'Tjarf - CB'qsS 8V voW se'nl fl eavoK ; H 56'wM VV'voH 7 3 Ll 83*^01 I C J*cfel xO V SO f-?vol! CT'volI STn*t> M Ce c cf9'5 XXX fl xc x Se'^M XD'nt'l* X ae r s* a* 3 ff ex :e Qc 038 X3S SO 050 an' at 08 ce sc 30 o 2e 2G 75 sr; as ox 2X as oo S3 83 03 73 : OX SC W 2C />- ^ 39 TO dO 063BO ?nA.*8 C . o .1C C 8 .AIV3TIIHO re*noL niifi '; .aou on o jjji'nrnol .73.2118 2 .ATOXAd no J",;.ii jrjtrt E iijr.: * Q TJOYJ I - UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MINNESOTA. and station - BROWN. VC Hew Ulm V W S " NICOLLET. W S St. Peter LE SUEUR. W S Le Sueur V " " RICE. V Northfield W 3 GGODHUE. V Red Win- V/ S " " WABASIIA. V Wabasha S S Y.'ATOIIWAN. V Q Madelia BLUE EAT.TH, Y Mankatc ;itude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ? s'i H'S Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. 3 ' ' 44 19 94 30 821 9 11 Fob '64 Eec'73 4 lOx Jan '74 Liar '82 1 Sep'C7 5 10 Mov '77 Jul'84 44 23 93 52 9 Oct'37 Jun'88 44 30 93 52. 900 1 6 Jul'83 i 44 28 93 08 932 4 3 Auc'31 Apl'06 1 8 May '36 44 33 92 30 800 1 Ox llov'5.5 Jan'73 Smithsonian Collection. Bar ' T e:.p . W incl , C 1 d s . Pvaa. n . T. Criiax.nin. ) V.ind, Rain. 35 92 35 2x 44 30 02 15 850 3x Dec '57 Av.s'58 44 24 S2 06 2 8x Apl'85 Sep'88 V/ S Medf ord W S Owatonna DODGE. W S Dodce Centre OLMGTC/J). V Chester 44 00 94 30 44 08 94 02 44 10 93 13 44 03 92 57 2 Jan' 39 Dec 7 70 3x Jur.'GE 1 4 May '88 Aur; J 39 4 8x Hov'77 1 4x Hay '85 Fob '37 44 01 92 25 1000 1 5 Jun'8-i, Jun' 85 Bar. 1 ! 1 . Bar.T. (niax.iuin. ) Rain. Smithsonian Coll3etion, Bar. Temp. f:.ia;:.iiiin. )VVind,Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Rain & River observations. fiaithsonian Collection. Bar.T top. fL.ax.niin, )Wind,Rain. Bar.T. friax.nin. )V/ind & Rain. Tenp. & 5 months of Rain-- Tenp.Wind Se Rain. V Rochester 44 02 92 35 3 Jan' 69 Mar' 69 T Smithsonian Collection. W S H 44 01 92 55 7 3x Aug'79 Jun'89 Bar. T. ( ma::.sr.in. ) ^ : inU & Rain. V i 3 Jul'85 Sep*8C T . i. X Record broken. tf- .X x'v,. uxta)l a A aiott cii. v IS8 * * \i 01 , Q a *+ .23 ce 05 8& ** 8 a HO COS 06 S :J T. >X* HCOOO OC8 61 s' 2 2 S K. at I ,HT. -tT'vcH X8 88<-0g! xi SO CX 56 78 C* : so 3o 20 10 )1 a mod 8 T BC'qsC fiS* S *3 ' 12 i UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. I INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. and cl as County and station. Latitude. Longitude. ' Elevation above sea-level. Length. Record. *$ oS f'a Remarks. From - To inclusive. WI1IONA. V St. Charles V Whits Water 44 10 92 00 2000 V " " W S Winona 44 31 91 40 MARTIN. V/ S Rolling Green 43 45 94 35 W -S Sherburne 43 40 94 43 FRZCEORiu V S Albert Lea 43 35 93 12 MOWER. Y; S Grand Meadow 43 42 92 37 FTLLMDPE. V Chatfield 43 50 92 14 900 W S Spring Valley 43 42 92 25 HOUSTOH. V Sheldon 3 Oct'89 2 4x Jun'71 Jul'74 2 Jun'74 Jul'74 5 Gx Nov'77 Feb'89 2 9 Apl'87, 3 2 Feb'85 Mar'88 R 2 8 J.fer'85 Oct'37 2 4x 1 8x May ' 59 May ' 61 2 8 Jan'SG Aug'88 4 Sep'89 Smithsonian Collection. Tenp.Wind, Clds. Rain. Bar.T. Cmax.nin,) V ? ind S-. Rain. Bar.T, (max.min. ) Wind & Raiji. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. T. (max.min. )Wind, Rain. Teo- perature broken. Temp, and 1 month Rain. X Record broken. .AHOtrrw fl*laojd>Jte *TJuk IV'nirt> xl^ S OOOS 00 2801 ** J*W. eJirfflM ,bartr.qnT frT'iirt, M 1 'flirt, S QO'tfel VV'voK xO 8 0> K 18 W^ 6AOfliW 2 .MITflAI.! ^ iniW (.aicuxscj).TijBa TS'IqA C 2 86 *6 8* H 88'tjBM de'cfs*? 2 8 5* *C 0* 5f *r9r r ? crf^t5 r 7*l* CITT w rt/T\ M." i'jjhr 1 ti fi SI 89 62 S^ sod ^iSwl/. * * ^ ,'A* I 2 78 S6 S> SI- vobudi 2 _ I 009 M S OS S*. bJoi^srfO 8 S 5S S S* S> vallBV ^nx'xqS E .IIOT2UOH ^noffl I ba* '89 4 4x Apl ; 3 2 Cx JuI'S4 1 3x Sep'54 Jun'56 1 ?:< Apl '84 Mc^.y'87 10 Jtm-e'/'lifdr'sa 1 3 Apl ; 08 1 ,Tr.i'8S 4 Jan '86 4 7x Apl '32 4 5:c Apl '82 3 7x Jan : G3 Nov'75 R !vIa;c.min.Teinp. c.- Rain. Max. mi n. Tenp. S: Rain. Max, nr.n., Temp. & Rain. Smith Collection. d Order static i Tu:.." 1 tions except Btr. & vv 3d Order station * :. Rain. Rainfall sad 1 year of Tccp Max r nin,Temp 4 Rain. c Rc.in. Smithsonian Collection. ^ " "X. Record broken. ?tfU(T .no Woe I .r.i. 05'JoO 5 & 3VS 35 C8 8. 88*198 TOswA xlf xO *v f : . ^ . II E I Ci I 8? I I ; > 10 r /\ /\a vr\ Ad/-. .Y UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MISSISSIPPI Number md class. County and station. WARREN. V Vickoburg ** to S G HI1IES. C R Edwards v; s V Jackson V M B C R \V S V C R Lake LAUEERDALE, V r.iarion C R Meridian s a CLAIBORNE. ' S Heravxnville V Port Gibson I R CO.'IAU. V vYeskon V JAoi ERr V Gavl uncivil le CLARKE, Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Lcngth from - To inclusive. g> 88 H6 Remarks. 32 22 00 53 32 10 90 55 32 23 90 08 222 18 4r; Jar. '40 May -70 3 llx Sep'66 May '70 18 4 Sep'71 4 7x Apl'82 lOx Jul '84 4 2;: Jun'49 ; 8x Jan- 34 Eec'55 3 3 May ''73 Deo '76 4 6x Apl'82 1 7v Jul'S'l Oct'88 6x Feb'83 Oct'88 32 20 89 17 52 25 88 38 32 21 88 -iO 31 55 90 46 51 59 1 00 51 50 90 21 51 GO 10 30 32 23 09 20 52 03 C9 03 4 7x Apl'82 168 33G 500 215 3 4x 4 3x 4 1 2x llx 2 9r 3 3x 1 3x 3 1 4x 2 ICx Mar '68 Mar '73 Apl'82 Aug'89 Sop '89 ApI'C4 Jar. '72 No/ '73 Jan"/ 4 Mar'-74 Jan'54 ( May'55 Feb''58 Sep'G9 Smithsonian Collection. Temp . Hy g. V/ind, Rain. 2d Order station with Riv.Obs. Max. ; min. Temp. & Rain. T Average monthly rain, Sm.Col. Smithsonian Collection. Br,r a T. (max.min. )Hy[j, Wind, Rain. Max. *-. min. Temp. & Rain. Temp. (max. min. ) Rain. Max. & min. Temp. & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Max. min. Temp. & Rain. 2d Order Station. (Elliott Academy) Sin. Col, Ivlax. & nun. Temp. Rain. Max. & rJ.n. Temp. !x Rain, Smithsonr'.an Collection. Ter.ip.Wind Clds a Rain. R Smithsonian Collection* (Fellowship) Sm. Col. Elite ipriro Ch-nx.: Mill 32 12 51 42 83 GO 285 91 15 250 ! 1 3x 5 7 Jan 70 Jan '50 Mar '73 Jul ' 55 T Terap.Sc 5 mos. Rain. Sto* Col. Smithsonian Collection, X Record broken. .EdO.vJtH rf*iw , JbflJtV* .3 vH . qaoT .Xot).d2 .n/ /A T rxoo n^iaoz .nia.XBir. , ntt^ >& .rT .nim * .. A .7-0! .nifli r . . .10 bjiA JJoiXl T ,r*.'2 A T .a.tn J C r. iMiW.qc r XoO ,c& (qlrfawoXI&^r) XoO 06 .fii&fl .:: 'S Bd OC 22 25 x C C / * XV*tje3 * 8X mni 23* XqA 06 81 S5 8: ; Xirt* xOX a 393 J * f /u/l o o* is fie no z 3*1* xS 09 Q 5V '^.aU 8 5 x9 > - * IS xll s TX 08 02 85 88 5S S5 LS Ot 88 IS S> - c. oo n e I nc * S?'voU SV'^LfXc; X 002 OS !'V l fi*L CO ' ;< IXlVi. 83 'ds^ xOX S CJ/.2 80 GO 50 25 (*: U xS X 28G 05; CO 2X ^ UISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MISSISSIPPI from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 4 Latitude. Longitude. amber Old class. Count y and 8tatlon - JEFFERSON. V ray ette (near) 31 45 91 07 V V ADA3. W S Loch Leven V Hatches :-: D C R Elevation above sea-level. fcecord. Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. V V V C R C R V DTGGkU&Vefi 31 11 91 53 51 34 91 27 31 34 90 23 V/ATNE. Waynesboro 51 41 QQ 33 u WTUCISOtt. Artonirh Plan- tation FIK. 31 17 90 25 31 23 33 27 V C R V V Lost 07.71 State Line HANCOCK, Lay of Saint- Louis, 30 20 39 18 50 20 89 28 224 9 3 Jan '74 Mar '35 1 llx llov'66 Dec '73 7x Jv.n'89 1 6" Nov'3 234 30 Ox * 'June '70 1 2 May 39 Jun'70 3 4x Apl'84 10 Mar '68 Dec '68 R 500 2 Jan'ca Dec '70 G 4 Dec '73 Mar '80 4 ox Apl'82 191 4 5x Apl'82 1 Jan '9 7 Jan' 82 Dec '38 lOx Jan' 89 (8 miles SE. )T.Wind v Clds.Ruir . Smithsonian Collection. Max. Sc nin. Temp, t- Rain. * Feb. 1799 --Sn. Col. Temp .Hy~. Wind, Clds , Rain. Max. & min. Temp. & Rain. (2 miles SW. ) Sn, Col. (5 miles E. ) .R. broken. Sn. Col. T. Wind, Clds. Rain, Max. & min. Temp. & Rain Max. & min. Ter; ; p. & Rain. i * Temp. for 1 yr.k 7 mos. only. Max. & min. Tenip. & Rain. 1 2x Apl'82 Oct'85 Max. & miri. Teqp. & Rain. M S Fearlinrjtcn SO 17 89 55 24 1 Ox Jul'33 1 Sep'55 R 13 7x Jfj?.'75 7x May '83 Gm. Col. (near Pearlincton)Temp. (nax.nin and Rain. Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGHSTAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. dumber Elevation Rfecord. 052 id class. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. * 8 Hfi . ' ' HARRISON. Vv S Biloxi 30 24 83 V V Pasz Christian 30 20 89 C R JACKSOIT. V E.Pascagoula V Moss Point C R Sc rant on 53 10 2 12 20 1 Jan' 87 Dec '80 4 Oct'88 Jan' 83 7x Jul'43 Jul'60 9x Sep'82 Oct'83 30 20 88 53 30 25 88 37 30 27 88 52 20 1 llx Aucr'48; Sep'55 2 Nov'89 1 2x Apl'82 Oct'83 Bar. Temp. (max. nil:,. )Wind, ClcI.R, Smithsonian Collcction Max. ?. rain. Temp. & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Max. 2: sin. Tenp. & Raiii. Max. ?: nin. Temp. & Rain. Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Following Stations: Academus, ? Bald-Yin, Lee Co. Clinton, Hinds Co. Col einan, Marshall Co. Eagle Grove, Marshall Co. Kingston, Adams Co Lake \Vashington, . . . .Washington Co. Long Beach, Ilarriion Co. Monticcllo, Lav/rence Co. Prairie Line, Jasper Co. Ripley , Tippah Co. Ship Island, Harrison Co. Tupelo, Lee Co. Utica, Kinds Co. V/estville, Simpson Co. V/inona, Montgomery Co. X Record broken. 8 OX 58 83 2 05 oeiaa 01071: eXll.no 01* ffJ^rrsX nl tv *T*rf^|22oi lo . X r .'do XIA^S^S- ..... oO *:ijA ..... 03 co^cniilB^ cria^vir ..po aoctif^li ......... ,rit ,'oD oo.TsjiwtJ ..... : .oO relqaxrt* ...... . t 9niJ .00 ifclqqlT.... . lqjt.1 ooI ........ .... , .00 tbtitH, ..... ........ ..Jt^U .oO coigalB..... ........ 00* \r +f;oM.. ----- ........ t x,. 2 .'(.-1C.J ^XoO rwitioz fitted C8*Xtrt Si'Xitf* xT X 02 SX 8& 02 05 j .XiM 58 f JoO SS'qoS x At, H60 r^Binoed* S2 c q3 8^'*T!^A xIX X OS 52 88 02 |l ^Xx/c^jBoajT. ?- .'lariT .nlcr :- .>:. 8'voH S ?5 8B'!3il -.tol ?aoti ."-!9T.*fite -5 .x, 58 e *oO S8*X<|A. X2 X "50 Tg flOto'-rog fl UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. MISSOURI Dd'clius. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. rij 9 H8 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' O ' \v s V w s w s V w s V V V v; s w s V w s \v s V w s V w s V V V v; s ATC I30N Langdcn Phelp's City 40 HCRDWAY Conception 40 WORTH Grant City 40 MERCER Princeton 40 PUTNAM Unionville 40 CLARK Athens 40 HOLT. Corning 40 1 i Craig Mound City 40 Oregon Z9 ANDREW Savannah SULLIVAN Harris 23 95 Z7 22 94 40 29 94 27 i 24 93 34 29 93 03 30 91 45 17 95 32 40 15 95 00 09 95 17 59 S5 09 1 Ox Nov'88 915 5 4 Apl'78 Jul'85 975 5 9x Nov'83 1 5x Jan' 78 Apl'81 2 2 Nov'87 1 6 Jul ' 88 1 9x Jan' 78 482 2 7x Mar '63 779 4 4x Apl'70 9 2x Jc.n'74 5 May '33 GOO 1 4x Oct : 36 2 Lec'79 1 lOx Apl'86 1100 34 2 Jul'55 5 5x Jun'76 Jan '01 Jul 7 66 Dec'74 Apl'83 Nov'83 Jan '80 Apl'89 40 40 ADAIIl. Kirks ville KNOX Edina LEWIS Wyoconda Prairi^O BUCHANAN Easton R broken. Temp,,l year only T. (max.min. ) Hyg. V/ind, Clc^s.R T. (max.min.m) Rain Smithsonian Collection i Smithsonian Collection" Temp. Wind, Clds. Rain T. fmax.min. ) Rain . (max.min. )Wind. Clds. Rain 39 56 94 55 1145 7 4 Nov'79 Aug'89 T 2 Nov'89 12 92 34 1000 11 4x Jan' 78 10 92 12 78 May* 59 Dec '66 12 91 37 54 Mar '62 Dec '68 Smithsonian Collection Sjnithsonian Collection 1 39 46 94 i 12 1 llx Sep"M Nov'66 i 3x;Fcb'GO May 'CO . Record broken. I..IqA xOl I WvoH C8 f voH 75 36 5S to 0> C SS 0* VS M 6S 56 ^S Of i 50 56 6S XT S S8 3* 1605 VI 0* 0* X 006 00 ** 61 0* TI 30 60 S tt OOII 60 3C 63 3 3 0* Q* 33 83 9: x* II 0001 *5 SC SI f, V ^ a xll 1 SI S6 01 vs ic si SI 8> M021 DTA 2 :1 2 YAWCD. v*aoonoD row .TJOH 91 cnU 3 a 8 3 VAVIJ. JIIAOA B t . Z 3 UNITED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. A INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of , from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd clvn County and station. Elevat Latitude. Longitude. abov Record. J g> ion Remarks. sea-le^ e1 ' Length. From- To inclusive. Hg BUCHANAN. " V St. Joseph 39 45, 9^ .5,3 930 3 4x May '57 Apl'73 Smithsonian Collection. Riv " 13 7x Jul '73 T Stage of river & rainfall. CALDYJELL. ,W S Hamilton 39 46 94 02 }PO 3 Ox Jan' 78 Dec '80 Tenrp. broken. W S Kidder 4x Feb'88 May '89 ,V 2 Oct'89 T LIVIMQSTOII. W S Chillicothe 39 48 93 36 775 2 5x Jan' 78 Jun'82 MACON. W S Mac on City 39 45 92 30 880 6 lOx Jan' 78 Mar 1 89 V Palmyra' 39 47 91 37 1 Ix Jun'56 Nov'57 Smithsonian Collection. W S 1 April '80 SHELBY . W S Shelbina 39 40 92 05 795 9 6 Nov'79 Jun'89 T V 6 Jul ' 89 T MARION. V Hannibal (near) 39 40 91 29 1 7x Liar '53 Jan' 56 Smithsonian Collection. vV 3 Hannibal 6 6 Sep'78 Apl'86 T V 1 Dec'89 T v; s " 8 Nov'88 Jun'89 T V " 6 Jul' 89 T CLAY. V Excelsior Spgs. 39 23 94 27 1 4 Sep'88 CARROLL . V Carrollton 39 20 93 28 2 Mar '60 Apl'60 R Smithsonian Collection, Vf *""* a "i O v 30 21 S3 13 1 8 Aug'70 I'lar'Ol T CHARITON. 1 V Brunswick 39 24 95 05 1 Jan' 45 Dec '45 R Smithsonian Collection. Riv 39 26 93 08 10 4x May '73 Dec '85 Stage of river & rainfall* V 3 Oct'39 V Keytesville 39 57 93 03 1 2x ,;Iay'69 Jul '75 Smithsonian Collection, \Y S " 5 Feb'79 Jun'79 T MONROE. V Paris (near) 39 30 92 00 700 2 Ox Aurj'59 Jan' 62 Temp, broken. W S Paris 9x Dec '79 Dec '80 T i i lil i X Record broken. 8T"X S8 f i*U xV I T 88'lqA. 8VqB 8 t 88*o(I X T 88*nwl> 88'voW 8 T 88'Xirt, S 8 Q MV 80 90 0* 85 a 8s xe o* es .YAJD S 8 x o x c* ox 5 St'XxA 80^fi2.. x2 X T GV'nr^ CV'cfo 1 ? 3 xO VS *8 8S 85.8^q2 7oi 8S 58 02 88 3J SO XS 08 30 38 f 2 98 80 86 82 68 50 58: ^8 00? 00 S8 OS 88 .SOHMC?^ lit ziif. TJISriTED STATES SIGMSTAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest reco7*ds to January 1, 1890. Record lumber Elevatior 03 * id chis** County tind station. latitude. Longitude. above a i Length. From To inclusive. EH' j : AUDRIAN W S Mexico 39 10 91 52 812 5 11 10 Jan'78 Rain, T. (max.min. ). PIKE. V Ashley 39 20 91 12 85C ) 2 6x Sep'78 Apl'81 Temp. Wind. Clds. Rain. V Curry ville 39 00 92 25 2 Ox Feb'82 Mar '85 V Frankford 39 30 91 25 7 9* Oct'74 Bar. Temp. Wind oClds. Rain. No. bar. after Jan '88. ' W S Louisiana 39 28 91 05 9 lOx Jan'78 Jun'88 1 I Riv 39 27 91 02 4 Ox Apl'85 Stage of River and Rc.infc-.ll. JACKSON V Independence 39 03 94 37 832 ; i 2x Aug'79 Got '85 Bar. Temp. Rain. V 'laiisas City 39 05 94 40 71C I 3 2x Feb'70 Dec'73 Smithsonian Collection V 3 6x Deo'73 Feb'80 T. (max.min. ) Rain. V 6 Jul'89 Max.Min.Ternp. & Rain. Riv " 39 05 94 37 13 10 May ; 73 Jun'88 Stage of River & Rainfall. W S " 11 8x Jan'78 T S S 1 6 Jul'38 2d Order (also river record';. LA F/YFTTE. Riv Lexington 39 10 9?. 53 9 9x May '73 Mar '85 Stage of River & Rainfall. W S 111 Jan'78 Sep'87 SALXIIE . V ..Irani Pass 39 12 93 4? 1 3 Oof 88 Max. & Mil . Temp. & Rain. V ? ..liami 39 18 93 15 43 Jan 47 Dec ' 89 T Table of rainfall. iV L- 10 7x Jan'78 V 2 Nov'83 V Hew Frank ford 1 3 Oct'88 1 HOWARD. ' V Fayette 39 16 92 45 3 4 Feb'86 Bar, T. (max.min. ) Wind Clds/R. W S 1 lOx Aug'87 W S Glasgow 39 15 92 52 11 9;< Oct'77 Jul ' 89 Tesrp. broken. V 5 A\ig'89 M?,x.Min.Teidp. & Rain. CASS. * V Harrisonville 38 S3 94 25 7 7x Jun'G3 Dec '70 Smithsonian Collection W S 9 Ox Jun'78 (V 6 Jul'39 ;W'3 Pleasant Hill 38 49 94 15 a55 - _.-:r=^_ J ._ ~."~.z^=.: -- 7 11 Jan'78 Aug'87 - X Record broken. OX XJ SX8 S8 X 01 X8 ( IqA 8V'qb3 x8 S Od8 SX X6 OS 6S seme's xO s 82 se oo es xe HAIHOUA H Jbna lo T 88rttrl, SV'frA, xOX fi 38 f XqA xO *- ,89 \f 6 Jul'89 COOPER Riv Boonville 38 59 92 53 IS 6x Nov'73 T Stage of River & Rainfall. W S 6 Ix Jun'78 Sep'35 BOOHE. W S Columbia 33 53 92 14 7x Jan' 79 Aug'87 S S 5 Aug'89 3d Order. LINCOLN W S Bic Creek 58 56 91 00 5 C Jan'78 Jul J 83 T Near Troy. W S Troy 38 56 91 00 2 6x Jan'78 Oct'89 wArcum. V Warrenton 33 50 91 15 825 3 10 Oct'59 Jul'63 R Smithsonian Collection. V 3 3x Nov'80 R Bar. & Temp. ST CHARLES. W S 0' Fall on 38 45 00 40 2 3x Jun'81 Dec '85 T W S St. C: arles 33 45 90 27 11 6 Jan'78 Jun'39 Temp. from llov'87 only. V 6 Jul ' 89 ST. LOUIS. V Alientown 53 29 CO 45 482 7 Ox Jan' 64 Jul'7l VJ S Fox Creek 38 34 90 41 2 2x Sep ' 87 V St. Louis 38 28 90 15 472 33 6x Jan' 27 Jul'62 Obs. at Jefferson Barrael:c, ! M D " 3 7 Jan' 82 Obs. at Jefferson Barruekc.Full I report previous to Jan'SOjOfta" that date I.Iax.liin. Tei ip & 3a^.n. V 33 38 00 12 ^71 44 Ox Jan '33 Jun'76 Smithsonian Collection. S S * i 19 2 Nov'70 2d Order. X Record broken. .i\~i'.v :js;I & A S'.' ( voU xO - - 8S H02HHOL /c'ar^Vfj&i; 3 "0 .2ITT31 jcinoJauoH 2 2 ollivnooS VI -ji-A ev ( n.6o xV M Hi? 8-3 .awooc 2 BV f /i 00 IG To 00 ^G 8^ IUOOMIJ LrG JG'^oi' 0. OS Soil x^ 1'v'i.ub >o-fil xO '-? Co G- 0; C:; e nr^iSTTftW O- ] T ; 'i-\ ff> , I .J.i-Wi, l^tl'J 1 & n:II^I r C 8 89 1'^ '^ *& 1 " .cIUOJ .T2 rr-volnoilA .:i-&iO xo r ^ 8 Ii/Oj .*' * * Q .4JO , vc il 3 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERWCEs o u R i 5 CNDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number ' ^ : ,-- ? W S St. Louis V V " V " Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. cni Record. -| *l HS Remarks. Length. From 11 C .-r**~, ? rin To inclusive. 38. 58 90 o 12 571 11 2 Jan '74 Feb'74 1 7x Jan' 81 Jan' 83 44 4 Jan -57 May '81 V Tov/er Grove 38 COLE. V Jefferson 38 Riv - OSAGE. W S Chamois GASCONADE, Riv Hermann V FIIANKLIN. W S Moselle W 3 He-.v Haven V V Union 58 26 JO 35 92 34 92 40 91 41 91 20 500 2 5x Jan '61 Jan'G4 16 650 3 9x Feb'68i Jun'72 10 10 7 May '73 Jan' 85 44 13 8x Jan' 75 Eoc'86 27 15 5x May '73 6 Jul ' 89 1 3:: Dec'7G Dec'88 4 Bar. T. (max.min. )Hyg< VVlnd, Rain, Bar. T. Hyc.Wind, Clds. Rain. Dr.Geo. Enrjlerns.nn. Monthly Sum- maries of Bar. Temp. Win:!, Clds. Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection.Raiii for 2 months only. T Stage of River. Rain for 8y.10.rn T Stage of River. Rain broken- T V Hematite KEIIRY . V Clinton \V S ST GLAIR. V Appleton City CAI-DEN. V G tout land V " (ncarj V Wet Glaize V " CRAWFORD . W S Cuba W S Steer/me -JL.O " 38 38 38 25 91 11 90 22 93 Sep'81 Jul ' 89 07 616 1 5x Jc,n'3ti Jun'6" 37 40 Apl'GO Mar'72 41 903 1 00 8x Apl'8 3 5x Jan' 78 Dec'89 Jan 7 83 Feb'85 Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. Temp. Wind. Clds. Rain, T T 37 33 37 48 92 57 02 03 91 57 91 34 1500 1 10 Mar'72 Dec 7 74 1 8 Jan' 74< 35 1450 1 lOx Jan'72 4 6x Jan '74 Gcp'75 Deo' 75 Dec J 78 Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Wind. Clds. Raiu 22 925 2 7xi Jun'78 21 49 Oct'84 6 Jul '80 Axic'81 Jun'89 X Record broken. U 8ITJOJ .T8 II Xta 8X Oa 88 82 aii;o4 .18 8 .1*8 M-'cfa? *?'/*rt, s .T .'/a g& f o0L je'aeL xT I aa/S '{IrfJaoM .an .o*0.ta 18 '^sM TC'ast, * ** liW.qBwT ,lz;a lo 'sdiuaa aH te s ooa os oc os as vi T XB'q^S CT'ooa n5 s rjoD cMiaoK^taB SVaiA 88'8 10 1 nifiH.lovifl *o t^ft^S T 8*n*L CV*^cli T OX OX 28 W 85 vji ,0 o. OLtf x8 3X I* XQ 0<5 ,/JO g oicT itUfl.wvi* lo 93**2 T TwM x8 31 VS 10 KN 85 1 68 f lz^ 8 , I 8X8 TO 10 3S 35 C0'lq\ * TO' 00 XX 85 S8 f lWl 28'Xq/l x8 80 X* Sfi 85 T ^e* a ,86X3 .botll .q.aH 3T ( oa T X83tfA cV^nwl, a? S 38 ^S 10 50 85 ^ *eO o * re xo re ?g xiXvw 3 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 6 Dumber and class. County and station. * VERNOH. V !!e T "rc.a V Yi S CSD/R, V Stockton HICKORY. V Hermitage POL!!. V Bolivar. W S LACLEDE . V Lebanon Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Record. Length. Prom To inclusive. 1! E-'B Remarks. 37 50 94 23 850 2 5x Sep'71 May '74 7x Jan' 74 4 Feb'80 May '80 37 43 93 43 000 1 Ox Auc'59 Feb'61 37 53 P3 15 2 4 Sep'67 Dec '69 I 37 35 93 30 1000 1 2 Dec '68 Jan' 70 6 3 Jan '78 i V Ri V PHELPS. Riv Jerome W S V Rolla (near) V W S " . BART01I, W ? Larc/ir S S " BADE. W S Greenfield Gi^EN. V Cave Spring V V H Springfield V '' * V Springfield V 37 42 92 41 1262 2 Ix Jan' 78 Feb'84 37 51 92 24 1154 2 Jun'72 Jun'74 5 Dec '73 Apl'74 35 57 91 03 3 llx May '85 37 llx Jan' 88 Dec '38 58 91 44 ?50 6 8 Kay '67 Dec '73 2 Sx Jan '74 Mar '77 9x Feb'32 Apl'83 37 32 94 15 1 7 26 93 45 6 2x Dec '77 Jun'84 T 1028 3 10 l.lar'35 Dec '88 8 I0x Jan' 73 Nov'86 37 20 93 30 1300 1 3 Jan' 74 Mar '75 2 dx Jan '71 I.fcr'75 37 15 93 20 1460 1 5 May '71 Jul'72 5 Nov'80 Mar '81 10 Jul'57 Apl'58 37 16 93 10 1452 5 7x Feb'77 Jun'8? Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, broken. Temp. Wind, Rain. Much broken. Smithsonian Collection. Te::ip. Wind & Rain. T Also knov/n as Arlington. Stage of River and Rainfall. T Smithsonian Collection. Temp, V/ind, Clds. Rain. 2d Order. Temp. Wind. Clds. Rain. Siuithsoi)i^n Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Wind. Clds. Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Bar. T. fmax.min. ) Kyg.Wind / Clouds & Rain. -.-.= L- X Record broken. .1 U 8 8 1 XV xO I OC3 8 58 $* TS * S 31 51 r B i , v , o s sasx i* sc s* o s K; V'o* 8 3ft*8 .iioJaniliA e* atrooi osIA T t8'dl ft XI 8 .I-UloUH boa isv jfl lo I 88'oa 88*061, xll ?7're'i *7'nj&t xd t SS'rftl x 80 It ** IB ' M'TOff I I - 01 01 8 8SOI t 8" I 008 f Cc; 50 OS T5 OS 89 81 OS'vol \ / ( .aiin.xaw) .T . .. I .'i .:uo I B - *0 ' TJNTTED STATES SIGNAL u R i. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber _, .. Record. Elevation rfjj sea-level. Le ngth. From- To inclusive. H GREENE(Con) S S Sprincfield 37 12 93 18 1356 4 Jan' 82 2d Order. No record fro:.-. June '83 to Jun'87. Office closed. W S 3 6 Apl'84 Jun'89 WEBSTER. / V Marshf ield 1 Nov'89 T DENT. \V S Salem 37 38 91 31 2 Ox Jun'78 May '82 T REYNOLDS. W S Centreville 9 2x Apl'78 May '87 IRON. \V S Ironton 37 38 90 37 935 11 7 Jan 7 78 Jul '89 Temperature broken. V " 5 Auc'89 W S Pilot Knob 1 Ox Sep'78 Oct'79 T MADISON. W S Mine La Motte BOLLINGTOil. W S Marble Hill 10 6 Jun 7 77 1 1 Ix May '78 Dec'87 Rainfall Report, 1887 Prof.F.E. Nipher,St. Louis. Jul '80 T - A T- T\ T~ A 1> T \ V Cape Girardean 37 20 89 W S Jackson 37 20 89 V " 30 1 3x Oct'56 46 10 Jan' 78 1 Sep'86 Jan' 53 Smithsonian Collection. Jan' 79 T R Max. &Min. Temp. W S Oak Ridge 7 Nov'88 Jun'89 V 5 Jul 7 89 i JASPER. V Carthage 37 11 94 15 1100 2 10 Oct'84 R fclax. & Min. Temp. Vfind. W S 10 lOx Jan' 78 V Ut. Vernon 37 04 93 55 1420 2 9x Jul 71 Jul '74 T Smithsonian Collection, V " " 1 2x Jan' 74 Oct'75 T vr o u u 6x Jan' 78 Aug'78 T \'i o V Pierce City 37 07 93 50 1350 10 Ix Jul'7S Feb'89 Bar. Tenp. Wind, Clds. ROOIU NEWTOII . W Neosho 36 52 94 21 3 10 Jan' 73 Oet'81 CIIRISTIA1I. \1 S Ozark 37 03 92 V 12 1 lOx Dec'87 1 4 Sep'83 X Record broken. .i n u 02 off ,- $oinO,7e'/urt, ol 50* 7 T t T T *0II SCOT. \! G Gayoso 56 20 89 58 5 Jan' 63 Dec 70 1 5:c Jan' 78 Nov'79 T Hear Charleston. Smithsonian Collection. 56 4193 563000 110 Aug'59 Jun'Gl Smithsonian Collection. 41 93 07 3 Ix Oct'78 Aug'82 T 5 Feb'89 Jun'89 T 5 Jul'89 1 3 Jan' 60 Mar '61 R Smithsonian Collection, I 3 7 Jan' 73 Jul'81 T X Record broken. , X ft U 3 8 X h U HI 09*90* ox x 0005 es co x> e. 8? f 1*0 *X 8 VO CQ X* . 8* OT'MQ Wflat, T t T T 00* Lu\f C A n|t^gg| OO'iMrf^ T XS'IiA CT'nst, t 8 OS GG 68 'cfsl ; - .JJ3HOH vrolXi 9 Fragmentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Following Stations: ;.! I ? S U R I. Station. County. Station Coimty Station. County. Archie Cass Bedford Livingston Billings ' Christian Butler Bates Canton Lewis Charleston : Mississippi Claries Fork Cooper Cotton Plant Dunk 1 in Crystal City . Jefferson Dauphine Osage Dexter City Stoddard Dresden Pettis Dundee Frankl in Edinburg Grundy Fanainjjton St. Francois Forest City Holt Gal latin Daviess Graham liodaway Harlem Clay Highland ilontgoiaery Hopkins Nodaway Laborvillc St. Louis Laflin Bullinjer Lakenan Shelby Lee's Summit Jackson Le Roy Dodge Linnos Linn J-/W-ZT.Y (near) Clark Mary vi lie Nodaway Mayviov; LaFayette Milan Sullivan Moberly Randolph Mew Cambria Mo,o on Oakwood Liar ion Piedmont Wayne Poplar Bluffs Butler Rhinel and (near' Montgomery P.ockport Atchison Round Kill CooDtr Shelbyville Shelby Shc-rrill Texas Sikcston Scott Vc-rona Lawrence V/estport Jackson noil 9X11 no rfJgnsX ni 1*9* a ae*X lo abioaoH noi.ffi.ta ^ me: sniicH wol! .1 51 U no a i do J A 1. i^aJS rxiv IXoH ^ ai-i/o J . aic ii ^coio 1 ? tafi TZVI SOOWrffiO lumber md class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. g> S'5 H'S Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. UNITED STATES SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. TANA V S S I\i D V M D S S V M D S S V M B V S S V So o S S S 2 V V S S l.Iissoula V 46 45 Fort r.Iissoula -' 43 54 H y Sheldon/ 43 20 CHOTEA1/ Ft. Ass into o in e 48 33 u " Fort Bent on ' 47 50 u / Blaokfeet / Agency . 43 30 Camp Cook y 47 40 DAWSON Carroll / 47 35 Galpin / 48 05 Gl endive^ 47 10 II V Kin tyre 48 03 Toplar River y 48 03 Fort Sheridan /47 25 115 45 114 04 114 20 10S 45 110 40 113 40 100 30 107 45 106 52 104 45 103 12 105 10 103 10 43 23 46 112 45 115 15 F.T?V*"D T "Yn'~'I? X-'ollX-ii t iJ W ' J ' - T Jj Deer Lodge / Nev; Chieaco LV/IS AND CLARKE Cart ersvi lie 7 46 58 112 03 5300 3 i- 43 35 112 04 410 2 Oxi Jan' 3d Oof 30 4039 9 10 | Apl'3( 111 43 3550 21 6 o i Sm. Col . t enp . rain. F-all observations. Teinp.rain.vand. Teuip.rain.v/ind. Temp (nmx-min)hyu. rain, v/ind Full observations. Sni. Col. Rain. Temp fr.iax-nin) , hycr , rain. van Full observations. Temp . rain.^rind, elds. Temp (nax-nin ) hyg . rain . 1 .: a Temp. vain. elds. vind. Rain. Tcv^p Cr.:a::-r:iin) . rain. Temp (niax-nin) rain, \vind. Rain f Sp ec . rainfall ) Pall observations. Stn. Col .temp . rain. Su. Col . t emp . rain. Te;;.p (i:.ax-nin) .rain. ./ind. Teir.p fna:c-uin) ruin, vrind. (Sunset ctation) Sr:.. C o 1 . t e:.-p .rain. Pall observations. nip (r.:ax-rrdn ) hyg . rain. wind. C " / 5 Sep'77l Jan'78 Tenp.rain. elds. (Sunset S G 3 3 Apl80 Sep'83 Stationl pi.ll observations. ! ' r O''- f 1 i -Ui- 1 - * J. X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. '.NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of MONTANA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd chiss. County and station. Latitude. ; Longitude. Elevation fiVwve sea-level. Record. a!? 61 &' Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. FERGUS D Ft.Lia-innis^ 47 12. 100 10 43-10 3 lOx Cec'30; MAD I SOI! V Virginia City 45 17 111 ?3 5430 4 Jan'71 Arl'71 S S" 3 11 Oot'7l ; !Icv'30 V * J Jan '83 M E Cat.i73 2akcr " 43 41 111 11 4553 7 11 Sep'70 iBoc '73 MD Fort Lo-": 1 O"- ^ ^**m + "i r-*n c? _ ,- _^ j. l -' L* -> ^ wi/ w JL W4i0tt Tonp Cr.a:-:-nin) .rain. wind To:;^ (uinj .rain.v/ind. o^ -iOO 45 40 111 00 300 17 5x Aug'03 Aufj'SG ' Tenp (na::-rin) .rain. Tor..p . hy. r ain. wind, PJL 11 ot c ir va t ions. T C-;I:D . r ain. v;ind . V Bozsr- I.-I D Fort OUSTER M D Ft . C . F . Smith 45 20 1 07 53 110 Sop ' 50 [ Auc ' 33 S S Fort Cxistcr 45 42 107 34 3100 10 4 Sep'73 M D " J. 4 Sap '88 S S Custer Station ( lorry's Land- in-j) . -i6 07 107 39 2725 2 3 Apl'81 Jun'83 S S 1 10 i.Iar'30 T M D Fort Kc-ouh^ 43 22 105 50 2430 10 3 Jan'7G S S */ ; 5 J^n'79 i.Iay 33 V Powder River/ 4G 30 105 50 08 ilay OS j sp (Tiiax-ndn) . r ain o . rcd:.f c, Le,r , t ^up (max-nJ.n) rai Pall observations. Tonp (tc-x-min) . rain. List'-of Stations having less than one year' s record' and v/hich are not nov; in operation* Station County Eaton City Chotiau Billir-^SiX" Yell cv;s t or. c Cant orient at Toiv^xie River C'.i s til- Pol ey -^ Cn.stfr Rock Creek ^ L2V/is ^ ClafJ:> Trout Crcol: i-Ieacio? Fort Union Dav;s' >n i 1 i Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEBRASKA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber Elevat County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abov Record. | - ion " t Remarks. e o sea-lei re)- Length. From To inclusive. EH" i DAWES ' M D Ft.Rebinsen 42 50 103 24 S 6 Jul ' 83 Bar . t enp (niax-niin ) hyg . wind . elds. rain. S S Ix Feb'83 Sep'88 Temp (inax~ir.in) wind. dir. rain. BOX BUTTS V Alliance 42 05 102 50 4 Sep'89 Teinp fmax-min) . rain. SHERIDAN V Binghoa 42 00 102 01 6x Jun'89 Temp (max-min) . rain. [D Ft.Shsridan 42 51 102 39 4000 4 9 Jul'76 l.!ar'81 Tenp Cmax-min) wind. rain. V Hay Springs 42 40 102 33 3C43 4 Jan' 36 Tcop (max-min) , wind. rain. CHERRY 1 M D Ft.I-Tiobrara 42 55 100 25 7 Ox Aug'30 Te^p (ir:a::-min)hyg.wind. elds. rain. ; V Kennedy 42 30 100 50 11 Fob '89 Temp. wind. dir. rain. S S Valentine 42 50 100 32 2613 4 4 Sep'85 Full ebser vat ions. HOLT |V Richmond 42 36 99 09 1 6 Apl'75 Sep'76 Temp . vrind. elds. rain. KNOX W S Creightsn 42 27 97 43 1 Ox Dec '33 Jan'89 R Temp. V 11 Fob'39 Temp. wind. dir. rain. V Santee Indian Agency 42 49 97 43 2 8 May 71 Dec '73 SLI. Col . temp . rain. y n 11 Jan'74 Sep'75 Temp. wind. rain. DAKOTA V Dakota City 42 25 95 25 1090 1 7x Oct'67 Aug'39 Sn. C1 . t snip . rain. A1IT2LOPE W S llelieh 42 07 97 59 " -2 Ox Aug'85 Mar '83 Temp. rain. W S Oak dale 42 04 97 57 1722 2 Jan' 33 Tenp.rain. SCOTTS BLUFF V Geringr 41 50 103 50 6 Jul ' 89 Temp (max-min) wind. dir. rain* KIMBALL V Kimball 41 13 103 40 4500 2 Ox Nev'37 Temp (max-min) .rain. CHEYENNE U D Fort Sidney 41 09 102 59 4095 11 9x Jun'72 Temp (max-min) wind. olds. rain S S Sidney 1 2x Jan' 73 Sep'80 Temp. wind. elds. rain. (Sunset Station) X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. ri t ind class. county ana station. J-j;iu tulle. ijOngl tu'lG. above sea-level. Length. From To inclusive, ;-.' \ O ' ' MADISON V Mad is en -1-1 43 97 27 1500 1 1 Dec'34 Dec'35 Terip.rain. V Nerfolk 41 59 97 23 1532 6x Fob '73 Sep'73 SKI. C o 1 . t emp .rain. V 4 9x Mar 74 Feb'79 Temp. wind. elds. rain. W S 1 8x Sep'83 Aug ' 87 T Rain. CUMING V West Peint 41 50 96 42 1326 3 Apl'73 Jun'73 T Sm. Col. Rain. W S 5 2 Apl'74 Temp. rain. 3URT W S Craig 41 48 95 18 1185 7 Apl'89 Oct'89 Temp. rain. V 2 Nev'89 Temp. hyg. wind. rain. V Omaha Agency 42 06 98 21 5 11 Jan J 63 N0v'73 Sm. Col . temp . rain. CUSTER V Anslcy 11 15 99 22 1 2 Hov' 38 Temp (max-rain) .rain. W S Sargent 41 33 99 22 4 9x Fob ' 82 Hov '89 Temp. rain. VALLEY M D Ft.Hartsuff 41 43 99 00 5 9 Sep'75 May 81 Temp (max-min) wind, rain. V llorth Leup 41 30 98 46 1961 1 1 Dec'88 Temp. wind. dir. rain. FLATTE V Genoa (near) 41 26 97 43 1584 14 1 Dec '75 Temp (max-min) "wind. elds. rain. W S West Hill 41 33 97 49 10 8 May 79 Temp. rain. DODGE V Fremont 41 25 96 27 1203 7 Apl'32 Temp (max-min) wind. rain. W S Purple Cane 41 06 96 09 4 8 May 85 R Temp. WASHINGTON V Ft.Calhoun 41 28 96 00 1327 7 Jan '20 Dec'26 R Sm. Col. temp. V De Soto 41 28 96 03 1100 6 11 Jan '67 Nev'73 Sm. C o 1 . t emp . r ain . V 15 9x Jan '74 Ear. temp (max-min) hyg. wind. elds. rain. V Fontonelle 41 33 96 28 1000 1 llx Jan '59 Nov'69 Sin. Co 1 . t emp . rain . KEITH W S Ogalalla 41 07 101 42 3216 2 llx Feb'85 Feb'33 . R Temp. SHERMAN V Austin 41 12 98 55 1 2 Deo'79 Jan '81 : R Tor-vp. S S Central City 41 04 98 00 1703 2 10 Aug'77 May 80 Baa . t sr.-ip . hyg ; '.vinci , r ain . Record broken. Neb. 2 UISriTED STATES SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEKRAS from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number j i, <. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. &b Remarks. Length. From i .2 To inclusive.; E-> g w V, V w V w V i'.i V S V M2RRICK Con- 3 Central City S Falser POLK S Stromsburg SUTLER David City SAUNDER3 o Ashland Clear Creak Western Yutan DOUGLAS D Omaha Bar'lcs S Richland (Elkhorn) SARFY Bellevuo PERKI1IS Grunt LKJCOLH D Ft.Lic.rLsrson S llorth riatte DAY/SON Lexington BUFFALO 3 Ravenna (B -2 aver Crssk) HAMILTOH S Aurora G ;.!arquette 04 03 00 1703 4 17 98 14 5x Auc'77 E-c'35 Jan ' 8 5 41 1-1 A1 03 07 . 55 1033 3 llx Aug'35 A\ij'87 15 97 06 1019 1 3x S-:-p'G3 -x 41 yi 02 93 16 93 12 95 19 93 il 41 41 41 4-0 41 40 41 15 05 16 95 26 93 08 95 20 1101 4 11 1185 9 43 1261 23 1200 1 5G 1500 5 56 1113 2 19 9x C-p'aS lOx Jun'7-1- May 34 9 Apl'89 10 J'an 7 3'l Jo.n'37 8x Fo'c'Gi Ox Jun'57 Fcb'Gl 2 Nav'70 11 1550 11 3x Jill '53 Gop'71 52 950 15 i 51 101 42 02 100 51 23G5 12 03 100 45 2841 15 45 & 15 02 03 5-^ 11 7x J-.ui '57 Deo'73 Ja:; 5 7-: Dec '74 3 Oct'SO Ox i'ov'GG Apl'80 3 Oot'74 4x Apl'SO 40 51 93 00 1803 1 Ox Pcb'aO Bea'Sl T 4O 53 93 00 1325 2 lOx Xpl'GO Jjji'33 T G lOx Fob '35 1 ! I Tenp.rain. Tenp.rain. Tcinp.rain. Tonp.rain. Tenp.rain. Tr.ip . vand. elds. rain. Tsr.p.rain. Tcv.;p.v/ind. elds. rain. Tonp . hy~. 'tfind. r :.in. Sri. Col . tenp. rain. Fall ebsjrvations & river Sn. Col. toi:.p. rain. Teirrp.v/ind. elds. rain. Rain. Bar. t cup fui,x-uin)hy2r.wind. elds. rain. Full observations. Rain ^ o r,os.t'3uip. Rain. Rain. Rain .;< no en t.jr.:p. X Record broken. Hob. 3 U1NTTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. [ limber Elevn ion Record. ^ t ~ , , ss County and station. Latitude. Longitude. aho\ i. ^ Remarks. 6 .] o sea-le vel - Length. From To inclusive, t^ E r -r t ' r-r T rf *"*. ^ /*t ,W S Stockhan 40 43 95 57 G 4x Jan '30 Aol'37 Tenp.rain, V 4 3 Feb '33 Apl '37 Ter..p.rain. YORK |W S York 40 53 C- 7 34 1342 2 7x May 34 May 37 T Rain. ..'.-.-.,, O'GT' .*. pt> YJ S Carol en 4-0 42 Co 59 1 2x Jan '80 Mar '81 T Rain. W S Milford 4-0 43 07 01 141 410 Anl '31 Sep '82 Tenp.rain. V B 4 r.iar'33 Jun'83 T emp . wind. r ain . 7 Utica(7 ni.") 40 57 97 IS 1530 1 Ox Sep '32 :Dec'33 Teir.p.?'ind* elds. rain. CASS ,Y Glendale 40 55 S3 05 1010 4 3x Aus'31 Dec 'GO Sm e Col . temp .rain. V ?lattcr.:outh 41 vOO 05 50 10.1 3 5x Jul '73 Dec '73 Sric Col . t enp .rain. 'V 6 2x Jan '74 Mar '30 Bar .ternpohyfT. wind. elds. rain. w ^-* S S 14 Ox Jan'73 T Rain(Spec. river; VJ ^ VJoom't-.^ ''.;-, + i^r* M O VICCtJj-iA r , 1 Cb V V if Q ' 40 53 OS 08 G Ox 1 3 ,.,._,) 70 VM^* r?Q HS'al -' Teno.rain. Tenp.vand. dir . rain. KZABIIEY V Fort Kearnev M D 40 53 03 57 23 GO G 3 3x Jan '40 Dec '54 Jan' 55 Jan 'S3 Sm, Col , terap .rain. Bar, t enip. hyc. wind, c 1 ds , rain. Jv, s Ox Jan '82 Oct>3?, T Rain. iW S Keene 40 25 SO 04 1 lOx Fe'c'34 Dec '35 7er.ipoi"ain. W S i.iindsn 40 2C C8 57 12 Jan'73 Tenp.rain. CLAY ; S Folriield 40 L4 C3 05 1730 2 itov'OS Tenp.rain. V Harvard 40 o? C3 02 1012 1 3x Dec '3-1- 33p87 Tetip.raiii. W S Sutton 40 57 C7 50 103 C 3 Ox Apl'30:Aug'33 Tei:.p.rain. V 3 Mar '33 May 83 T ev^p . wind , c 1 d s . r ain . V Caronville 40 53 C7 53 3 Oct'3C Teirip.rain. SALIiiE >i S Crjto 40 33 CG 55 1-I20 2 10 Apl '30 Jan '33 Tenp.ru.in. ;v o G 11 Fob ' 35 B ;.r 1 eup (ruax-nin ) hy 5 . v; j nd elds, rain. s s 40 33 03 50 2 3 Jul ' 37 Fell obscrvationSo >\i B D2 ".Vitt 40 23 03 54 1200 G Ix Jar. '30 Lay S3 Tetrip.rain. Neb . fey- i 1 i X Record broken. .r.tfe-s E . 7C ; ;nic T IC**:JBM 08 f /it, x2 I 2*^ .nta*.T3T **3 * c n 2 ie f 10 . ni$ 1 tbr.iv; . cprsT 58 r 5C { ifi7.8tfOvfcr:lr.'~ SC 'odd So' w .ni*7.qflJ.!oO,"5 -0 *&93 1C' XS | nJifii 'pTTS ^ loD 37'osa SV'IcL x3 05 '''"\frf- -TfiS OO'ttfl i^V^ncIj x2 Q i v*9vi~*i, &# T 5V f ril i 1 ! IX^.TX. . 88' 8 80 nJtBT*q,-.-?5^. foO .briiw.'jvfl, -r r/ a r eoa 'fifit C 03 32 V3 . ntbH 7 '-f 'JoO BClr, xO i i'i.qi. 8C f xOl 1 rO :fil, SI VOJJ . 'qsS o&a XO ( L: Vo . . r'ii.q Jf ; I w C i U .. . .. o L i_L _ j. V a. 7 iiriorcon V " V Hebraska Cit: V v: s v,' 3 Palmyra v '" HITCHCOCK Culbertscn C- I t^> R-d Vvillcv: C II n-, T. ... t or) T_. )~i-i rri --).J r . O.N. ^a.i ^>'J u^.n oi i i,a.i.ii. '-'31 Eur.to;-p(:::a:;-n.inH:yC'.^ind. /j.^i /t ,-i n^ O "4 1 r-^A O "^v T,,-, ) T1 '""->+ '7'" <> Pol + (*r\ TT' 1 P i- T ' i/O UU IcU'J ii t/X Jil - .iCj^-i-v. 4 Ix Jan'74 ::ar'73 Tonp.-dnd.rain. 40 40 05 43 1005 Z Ox ;:ay KM Jill 1 71 Cu. Col. temp. rain. 1 Gx Jul'74 ;,'ar'34 Tenp.wind. c Id s. rain. 911 F cb ' 30 , Ter.:p .rain. 4.0 / *s c ^ <~. p T T ^i o ] i -r T*".-*"!' T > ' P." 7 . T ^ 5 .i T "> 40 SO 03 02 1053 4 11:: Jai: '32 Eoc'07 2 Jan ' 33 40 15 100 43 2572 1 Apl'38 2 3 Jul ' 37 Tc:v.p . wind clir . rain. Tenip fe;:.x--r ; ;in)?;ind air. rain. T Rain (Speo.rairu all) 40 14 100 30 rr-c*pt(F3rest o <_. x Tcb '33 Arl'35 Tev^p (-nax-uin) .rain. 'Z "7 *r T? .-% ) OO T- 1 1 ' *^O T 1~> n -, -* o 'X wun tsia o.ii '->;> i iiaxn* 40 04 00 43 FRAIUXIH Vi 3 Franklin WEBSTER Red Clo-ud C Inaval: S Sup oricr o 1 13G1 3 Jan 40 03 93 53 1320 1 E-x 40 05 03 31 1050 llx 40 3x 7x '82 Oet'37 T Annual rain. T Rain. Teir.p.raiii. i.;ar'72 ( Apl'73 J\il'74 Av^T'7-i liar '73 85 Toup ,,v,'ind. elds. rain. Tonip.rain. Tenp.v/ind.rain, (Valley Horr.^) i 40 02 03 02 1000 5 3x Oc;.., -.^. Ji:n'79 Jan '33 Aug*85 Jul ' 30 Temp. rain. X Record broken. 13 tt . . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of jfE -o. from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record . Cnmher Elevation 03 ! , County and station. u* | Remarks. L&tituue. Longitude. above O sea-level. Length From To inclusive. &H" T r T \ V ~ ""^ " ' :; "y: 1 ;^.,., ' : " r ' c? 3 ' : 1 ' :r21 * J ' Q3 Ianp*rafc* W 8 Fuirb'-iry 40 03 07 00 1113 1 3x Av/j 7 25 Jc.n'35 ? Rc.in. V " .' o-' .'. " ' PR Tl T -> - i i jj-~ A -^,- o X i. Li J-ii. ! v; C- Ced-ir U-;r.d 40 13 03 30 1023 3 -Lz Jan '80 Jun'33 T Rain, jomisON W o St^rlins 40 27 03 20 1135 i 10x Jan80 Deo '31 T naii:. W 2 Ter..v.:;s/.i 40 21 03 11 1130 5 x Apl'73 '^- n.i i .^^- u'i I Rain. O/ 5 7 Jvii'34 i-. . V1 ., r) / r - n - r ^^^\ rr ^_,^ -,-;.. i 1 : -' j_ c- vi 'i". i '- , '- 40 02 03 22 3 10;; Ja;i'3G C!- >o,* *- *. ' r j <^j ^ 1 3'"- ^ ""C i'"i i.' s r j ''('/ "i '.? ci'tv 40 03 00 00 1130 5 Gx Jar. '73 >:'<- 34 Td3Drain * 3 Tabio Reek" 40 10 90 04 1023 o 3x Aol'73 Av.o:'3;3 Ton:p.rain. jV 10 ;fir'B3 D2o'03 Torr^. wind. rain. TV5 r T.T , A * - " "i. Ii"k V lircY.TiYilla 40 24 5 40 1000 1 2;c Mv 53 Oct'59 i '1 ; Si:;. Col. t :.;:.:-.'. V r- - T, , .. I -> r ^r-i. o--^. o " ^ ''i") '.'(" r c c; ^> /% T p, J iU.. ^v^i..^.!. J -r 1 -' i_ I- c- >j >. w' O iv'A !I-v'74 Oof 81 Tvjr..ip.v;iiid. elds. rain. ,V Kov/s 4C! 32 05 43 4 Sop '39 t^I ^.. . -^ T ^^ 1 Ji..p. .1. a,-ii. W 3 Jcluiscn 40 24 03 3 1230 2 r-rr J C2 Apl'32 T Rain. V 1 3 Fsb ' 33 Apl'84 Tern, wind* raln V Peru 40 23 05 43 1000 4x Ja-'CO Jun'-39 II Sii.Col.t32a?. W S O T -r V V- T T\ i- -L- Falls Citv 40 03 05 35 004 3 4x Au-'OS i:.y 33 i cr.ip . T"s,iii. X T o 1 7 J:An'33 Ter.:.p f max- -nin ) hyr . wind dir . i rain. | . X Record broken. . I UII7SRSITT NEBRASKA List of Stations havinc Station Auburn Avoca Avon Blackbird Hills Blair Brock Fort Childs Columbus Decatur Geneva Gibbon Homesville Ionia Magnolia Marysville Meads Mull an liov/castle less than one County Neman a Cass ? Burt Washington Nenaha Phelps Platte Burt Fillmore Buffalo Gage Dixen ? Sevrard Saunders Heeker Dixcn year's record and Station Nursery Kill Ord Pioneer Grove Plymouth Ponca Plum Creek Pur dun Rock Bluffs Rock Falls Rush Schuyler Section 14 Seward Stanton Stella Stratton Stuart Tamora vshich are not now in operation. County Otoe Valley Douglas Jefferson Dixon Dawson Blaine Cass Phelps Franklin Celfax Washington Stanton Richardson Hitchcock Holt Seward *0fl JOfI 91t * KI* : f TSY 9O9 &m 0*0 1MO ^iia oi'Jfl tqit at fl/.*40C-J s:r Jtves;-. XX0^2 i/T**2 rH n. UNITED STATES SIGMSTAL SERVICE. CNDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. -' ... Ember , , County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. TIT * r* T f r\T! O ' ' w s R R W S W S R R R R R R R R R R M D M D W 3 M D R R S S W S W S R R R R W S R R R R R R M I' R R R R R R \v VI kj R R WASHOE. Lexer's Ranch e 39 Reno 39 Verdi 39 Wadsv/orth 39 HUMBOLDT. Browns 40 Golconda 40 Humboldt 40 Iron Point 40 Camp McDermit 41 Camp Me Garry 41 Mill City 40 Carnp W. Scott 41 Winnemucca 40 40 Leonard Creek ELKO. Burner's Ranchc40 Carl in Cedar Pass Craned Ranche Elko Fcnelon Hal leek Camp Hal leek Otefjo Tecona Toano Tuscarora Wells 40 41 40 40 41 40 40 41 41 41 41 '1-1 16 119 48 5200 1 33 119 47 4497 19 4484 1 30 119 58 4895 1 38 119 19 4077 19 01 118 57 117 38 118 58 117 58 117 30 119 40 118 34- 117 59 117 58 117 06 115 43 113 03 114 43 115 50 115 11 114 53 115 47 115 09 114 13 114 07 114 15 116 07 IK- 41 3929 34 4392 14 4236 21 4375 1-5 4700 05 GOOO 03 4226 27 45 4358 43 4340 07 4897 19 50 7 46 1 46 5065 19 40 1 50 5229 19 20 5671 13 33 9 07 4812 12 26 5975 19 15 61-00 1 53 5G28 19 5x Feb'88 5x Feb'70 5x Feb'88 8x Feb'88 Ox Feb'70 18 8x Feb'70 11 Ox iv'ay'78 1 19 3x Feb'70' 3 Ox Fob '70 Apl'78 22 Ix Dec '65 I lay '89 2 lOx Kov'65 ITov'GO 1 7x Feb'83 5 7x Tec '36 Jul'70 19 4x Feb'70 10 llx Jul'77 Oct'39 5x !.:ar'33 7x Feb'70 4x Mar '70 Apl'78 4x Mar '88 9;: Feb'70 llx Jan '88 5x Feb'70 7;: Oct'C2 Get* 86 4x Oct'77 Auq'87 5x Jul'77 53d Fob '70 5x Auc'33 5x Feb'70 Temp. (max. rain, ) Rain. Rain '-.(Temp from Hov'77). State University (Bar. T.R. Temp. (nax.min. ) Rain. Rain (Temp. from Nov'77jL Rain (Temp, from Nov'77/. Temp. (max.min. ) Rain. Rain (Temp, from llov'77). Rain (Temp, from llov 1 ??^ T. (max.min. )Hy(j.Wins, Clds.Rc-in. Ter.::p. Wind & Rain. Tenp. (max.min. ) Rain. Temp. Wind & Rain. Rain. (Toop. from Nov*77J . 2d Order. Station closed froc. J-an'33 to Uov'84 inclusive, Temp, (max.min. ) Rain. Hear Elko. Rain. (Temp. from !Iov'77). do. Rain. (Teup.froru Nov'77), Tenp. (nax.min. ) Rain. Rain. (Temp.fr on Nov*77K T. (max.min. ) Wind, Clds, Rain* Temp . (:nax.r.iin. ") Rain. do. Rain. (TCL^). froia !Iov*7?U Tenp. (tiax.nan. ) Rain. Rain. (Tersp. from X Record broken. ( ocrrt ? xO 68 f ^BlI 38 r oo(I xX 31 205 II SfiSf CI 832* 2 007> 8X1 10 rix ro f X 8XX 80 ~I1 85 r/x ee . $7T I 8f :;S 91 8303 8f xll I Of x3 SI 0C23 OS SO'JeO r.T SX ir83 OS 3C* w Co xe 21 sis* ro Or 'dot xS Ql 5rC3 88 xg X 00** 8 8X OX 8C03 85 3 xx 8XX 3X1 3XX ^xx 2X1 3XX MX MX MI Oil 8C*do1 xd X 0088 8f fXl 81 xe ax reff r^ en w e xS X *8ff x8 X 88f 83 CXX 05 08 5 no ex rrof ex en oc 08 Of Of If If Of If Of Of 8* Of 03 Of IX If 63 Of rf of 90 If 81 If ro if 31 If ro x* f! j tl a i 1} J .TOM08MUH H I Into*! noil j qoaD a 1 cpuiO d 1 IXiM C \ . .w cpiD a i aoouc&naiW A i E J i9tO Znuwoo J <2 II 8'i*/n;w 8 1 304? Ib93 H I a'ri7D 8 1 nol&nol JI il jIot,II*.H ioXiH qnysO 1 H oofioT fl juT allow fl fl UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. CNDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NE YADA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. I Number md class. County and station. LANDER. S S Austin M R R Battle Mount ain40 38 EUREKA,. R R Beovrawe V Eureka W S R R Palisade vrHITE PINE. W S Ely S S Hamilton M D Fort Ruby' CHURCHILL . W S Ferguson's Rch.39 23 Latitude. Longitude. ' Elevation above sea-level. Record. sf HS Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. o , , 39 29 117 05 31 Sep'77 Sep'80 6594 1 4x Feb'88 116 52 5S11 19 6x Apl '70 40 36 39 29 40 39 116 32 4695 19 6x Mar '70 115 56 6569 2x Jan'80 Apl'80 1 9 Apl ' 38 116 12 4840 11 8x liar '73 9 10 114 57 1 9x Feb'38 115 28 3 2x Aug'77 Sep'30 115 35 6153 5 3x Jan' 63 Oct'68 39 15 40 04 39 29 39 20 39 13 38 43 R R Hot Springs W S St. Clair LYON. Ft. Churchill M D " W S Dayton W S Wellington STOREY. W S Virginia City 39 13 ORMSEY V Carson City S3" * NYE. W S Eelmont W S Downeyville W S Yo\ts Ranche DOUGLAS. W S Genoa I m 113 48 4000 9 Apl '39 39 49 119 02 4072 19 Gx Feb'70 113 51 4000 7x Apl'89 119 05 4284 7 5x Oct'GO Feb'69 7 lOx Oct'xTO May '69 1 Ix Feb'83 May '89 1 Ox Apl '38 May '89 119 57 4369 119 33 6500 119 38 6242 8x 39 08 119 47 4628 12 lOx Jan'75 2 Ix Dec'87 116 54 8092 117 48 116 35 8 May ' 89 8 May '89 3x Aug'89 38 50 56 43 38 59 119 51 4824 1 7x Feb'08 Kecord broken. Sunset station. T. (max.min. ) Rain. Rain, and Temp, from lTov'77. do. T. (r.ax.iran. ) Rain. T. (max.min. ) Rain. T. (max.min. )Rain. Sunset station(T.Vi'ind.Cld.P ) Snithson'n.Col. & orig.repc -ts. T. (max.min. ) Rain. Rain, and Temp. from Hov'77. T. (max.min. )Rain. Temp . Hy g. Y.'ind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, (max.min. )Rain. T. (max.min. ) Rain. T. (mc,x.min. ) Rain Bar . T. (max.min. )HyGr.Wind. Cld.R. 2d Order(full obs, except bar.) T. (max,nin. ) Rain* do. Position approximated. T. (max.min. ) Rain. *jmr,8it 4 XX ( it O'tftl x* X tf oorii ttt tt **** *!<* Wftfr S6 8X1 : - fit'** i x xi o>8 si en ee f '..'ov xe | tB *li I 8 WX8 90 81| i tro so n - oo en e TS xi ill 01 91 H o* 5S OJ 8X1 iO ft exxw 69 til L'' .1 .A . ! 8 . ( noairrit .MOYJ ! 2 .Y3J10T3 noai*0 : ..ie^ T . . UNITED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. [NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number md class. Countv and statlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. .MS *J f'i Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ESMERALDA. ' ' W S Candelaria R R Hawthorne W Sociaville 38 09 118 06 6180 9 Apl'89 38 33 118 36 5 9x Jan' 84 38 20 118 10 4730 6x Jun'89 W S Gold Mountain 37 16 117 12 6100 3 Oct'89 LINCOLN. W S Eldorado Canyon35 ' 45 114 42 900 1 7xMar'88 S S Pioche 37 56 114 26 6110 5 10 Aug'77 :May'83 W S 1 lOx Feb'88 W S Rioville 36 08 114 18 1065 7x Jul'88 Max. & Min. Tenp. & Rain. T. (max.min. ) Rain. do. do. do . jo &* O rd >' . Max. temp. & Rain. Fragmentary records of less than a year in lencth are on file from the Following Stations: Cherry Creek Mont cllo Pyramid Agency Rye Patch Star City White Pine Co. Elko Co. V/ashoe Co. Huinboldt Co. K-umboldt Co. Lovelocks Punch Eov/1 Ruby Hill Secret Valley Stillwater Kumboldt Co. Nye Co. Eureka Co. Elko Co. Churchill Co. X Record broken. 0*** . 3G i i 1- 35 71 13 990 3 '1-X Aug 5 33 ii 20 71 15 1332 -1- 1 Jun 1 39 Jun' / <- 1 1C Jan 1 71- Sep' *7 "~- 1-5 40 71 33 11 3x Jul 7 73 Jul' 33 1-5 35 71 1-5 555 13 o Jul 5 73 1-3 52 71 55 917 7. llx Sep 5 79 .' lar ' 33 A o -C* 72 _ 5-15 33 1-x ilov ) 27 Dee' 75 10 Jan > 7-1 i ' j -r 20 71 1-9 975 2 2 l.Iar 1 Go Apl' 6'2 1 1:: /,ol 5 C7 i JOI Jun' 33 13 I- 1- 71 1-2 1-73 2 3 Oct 5 37 1-3 .-* 71 '-5 1 5 :iay 83 Sep' 37 -1-3 33 72 07 738 O 5;: Sep 1 53 Dee' 58 1-3 57 71 11 7-19 7 2x Jan ) 80 Dee' 87 R Tev:p, Te-...p .rain, elds . v;ind. S; ... C o 1 . t e:;.p . rail i . Fall observations In '33^'S9 Station open June -^ Sept. only Sv_ Col t ev vo . rain, Te:;.p , vii.d, rain. elds. Teux.rain. S:..o Col . t eup -, rain. Te-..:,-)rain. Teup.rain. S".. s C o 1 t ei-.p r a in > Te-...p.v.'ind. elds .rain. bar. 03 71 07 513 2 Ix Oet'87 1-5 51 71 19 *XO f) v -p vu ) -"/ U A C u O i 3-1 71 07 390 5 Jon'-:-" Dee '50 R 35 71 12 57-1- 13 Ix Jul '73 T T eup, rain. Rain. Te:..p , viiicU elds,, rain, bar . S- .; ,, C o 1 c t err.p o r ain . Te- ..p . vrind, elds , rain. S;.:.. Col. tev.p. rain, Terp.rain. Ter.-.p.rain. Teiv.p.rain. &.., Col. ter.p. rain. Rain. Ter.-.p.rain, S\.\, Col e t er..p , rain. Sr.i. Col. Ter;.p , r..onth ly averag e s Rain. I o Clarenont i3 30 72 30 533 9 lOx Jan 7 57 Feb 'G9 &.:;. Col. ter.p. rain. v a 2:c Jan' 7 7 Feb ?77 Teup . "v/ind, elds, rain. V Hill Village 1 (Gosh en) 13 17 72 05 1 -1-x Jul 77 r " p '73 Tj:...p.raino X Record broken. . . . JU** . . I .7.1 tl 1X2 M at Co UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. H :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of 1 IN E W from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record < Knmber Elevation C5 c .nd class. County and station. o j! KemarKs. sea-level. Length From _ T o inclusive. EH g -R'il ' ""' * - i r-> fT i *r - ~> <~ /~ <~\ v * T T T - - . 1 '' ' '"* --o 12 71 6<_: ^C^ t-^- 11.: Jaa- J3 Dec '73 &.., Col, tor^p. rain. V Cc.ioorci 7 " 15 llx J^i'7-1- T j- ..p r iii: . i- u;;.. .."i. id. c 1 cis . b :ir . V '.' CcntCOCCOkvill 3 ' r \ i c 7i " o * r n o v ".---r'7r) r-.T' r7 9 ^i- foi i ^ i * -s-- -fO lo (X ~r -oU . w- ii. a V " 11 o:: V ' Lcv.dci". Riciso *"' I s -^^"^ f f *r ( ^ /~ ^ 1^ f"v .^n 1 ^ T 1 C" 1 /^* x^ T *^ A ^ ^ -o 20 * JL ^c '*75 i Ox Jon j2 Fee '38 .". Col, tcrnp, rain* V north Sntton 1-3 20 71 5G llx Fob'OC Tanp,7ain * " *"* -~" T -I r1 -io 23 71 -15 1 Ox F-b'32 Oct'70 G-^Ccl. t oup.r^ir*. ' ' ajaj^VilliEf: 1-3 20 71 2G 13 O-t'33 T,-. p. rain. V " il..'"r.sto::d 1-2 22 71 15 527 5 5x i.^r'S^ ^2t'3C T Sr.\. ColRj.ir;, -- .", T.-.-.I,, r -, . - r *?Xv*W^l V 1-3 23 71 30 12 llx J^n'73 Tj-.:.p.r.an. ". r ~* T "i /^ ' T -. i-3 3>71 30 -1- Ox J:^'57 Doc ' '3 3 T ST.-.. Col ,Rj.in V ' L^I:c Yillagj i5 5271 23 : Ox J_::'57 D; 3 ' 33 T S^Col.Rc.in V '"' 13 Ix J'il'73 T R^in. V: . * ' C'' "** "t" T"^ ' "^" '' C "f . W .- v* &v_*...oV><~'-,.' 11-3 21 71 15 5L7 3 ox Fcb'30 Oof 39 R TcTriO. * ' "' . / i i -v* r * ^ i . . -r W ' .-' J 1 *, o i> fc 1 C*r^ \- :-3 35 71 29 13 Ix Jul'73 T Rain. V ' ' DCV~T it- 13 70 5-i 150 11 lOx Ja.^'33 Jan' 57 Su. Col. t cup, rain. \. s 1 7x ^av' 83 Deo* 87 R TJTAP. V Gr.at Falls .5 lc 70 55 250 1 9x...ar'53 Jan '57 Grr..Ccl. t. -up. rain. v : ) ^ ' 1 *" C"*^ "^*' ^ " S "^ " ' *7P K'- 1 ' X i r 7 1 ^ A-,4- J t^ 1 "/ .v, j. - / '-' DC Ivf i J vOfc Ow - .^.r ' 55 Sr.;. Col . t er.,p . rain. CHESHIRE ii S C1.2st jrfi.-ld O t>C"7O '." 1 T? , . A T J o o t 9v\ fti .. j 1 6JO X^PA ovi D j 3 ' 3 ' T er;ip > r j. in . V Dublin 2 r - ' 7'- A 17 1 mQ o ' *O J-.- ! IL, U *- ^ . -* j. i. V Fran3w-stoY.Ti "T^i ' y .'A "*(3 -- J- -' <\ A.-wA Ou| j lay GJ Sv.: n Coloteup.r>in. V i'.aiich'jstcr -i2 53 71 23 2-i7 l-V 1] x! Ja:,\'5C Doe ' ul Sr.i. Col . t enp , rain. ':, Z 5 2 nov'a-; Tocp.r^ia* \< ? ilino F^Ils O " C 1 -,,-. .' r> n .'.: "f kj J |J O 1 T oca, rain* v; f TJ-. .-,-!-: 1 l^- 1 i * -I . _ V.- -* 1-2 43 71 Sfl 120 4 ;! Scp'OE T er:.p , v; i n d , c 1 d s . r ^ in . hTir?. , IB il//^" X Record broken. I UlsriTEr) STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. NnmlT Elevation Record. nd class. county ana station. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. <=j O ' O ' HI1LSEOHOUGH Con- 's; C Fo.ira chuck Station ROCKIliGHA.1 V Aubxr:n 2 4 Sop 1 37 1-2 53 71 27 332 12 4-x Jun'74 Jc^' ii D Fort Constitu- tion 'i3 0-, 70 -1-2 V Ep-ing -1-5 OS 71 05 V C teeter -i2 5C 71 00 V Londonderry 02 c-c 71 20 T 3:i.p o vdnd j 3 1 ci s . * - in '31 ii;d Jxi'-2 fro besic* ) : bir/(13ec, -iO 25 5 5-i 2 R .-, IF,. 25 5 11.: J_n ' ~i " ^ T 1 - , --' ,'J.J o .MA - .^. 30 1 E.c FJ . r ^ " + v i~ -i <- j._.e t/Q J. - \> e,..p i w-J-i 2 :,cv'3o V ilo".. : i.iurli et -.) ^2 Vo co -. xr ' r\ n m -\-\ i o -^ i"i c '-1 >oO Tv^' ^TN r *' , ii o Newton -i2 L! 71 01 123 I pl ^J Aw~53**iA*. V n^:ctow -i2 50 71 05 DO S llx J.,n'7-l- Jun'77 T ttinj . tr^j2/ioO te. 53' *s 32 M C3'._t, S IT ^.4 5 SStr V." -a o j W . C W WM* C< C ^,. l. :i,JiJ rtf~ -cffeli* s^cais UNITED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *l o % Remarks, fri S Length. From To inclusive. . O T T ""^ **"i * ~^ ". ^ O \.' ^ ^ Jl* iA 'L V ilevton V ^ u '.i O TASSAIC V rater son V Y, C rEiici:.: ,. C Tenafly KARRCi ? S Lelvidere V V Phillipsburrr W S i'OpRis V Dod^e V Dover Y Y, ! S Gillette \ S Hanover V i.adison v: c; V BlooLtfield V. S Belleville V Caldvell V :;ev/ark V V v; s V Orange V C V Roseland 41 04 74 45 420 11:: Jan' 45 JMi'30 1 1,83*73 3 2:: Jul'73 Dec'37 -1-0 53 40 55 74 10 30 7 0:: llov'35 Apl'7l 7 10 ..ar> 75 Tec '37 1 3 Jan'33, Jv.n'3C 75 57 2 11:: Jan T 37 40 50 75 05 271 2 4x Jan' 79 Au(j'84 1 Sep'84 40 42 75 13 130 4 11:: Jul'80 Aug'33 1 Ilov'33 41 01 40 54 40 41 40 4-3 -X) -.-3 X) 43 1-0 4-7 - f O 50 40 4-5 40 4(1 40 40 74 74 74 74 71 71 74 74- 74- 54 1100 1 7 Jan' 80 Jul'31 G19 2 4 Oct'33 Jan'G9 580 Z Jan' 35 Dec'37 5 Jan '37 2 10 .Iar'37 25 500 5 Jan '74 'i,:ar > 74 Sep'33 54 22 12 18 1G 10 120 10 10;: ..ar'49 Dec '62 23 415 5 Oct'32 . 7 Feb'85 55 50 7 I.Iiy -^ Dec 5 5;; Jan' 7-, Apl 12 10 Jc.n'74 Got 5 2 llov'83 1 '75 '8-, '33 74 10 74 13 2 Jan' Dec '75 1 Jan )r 74 Dec '74 1 6 llay 83 Oct'37 T T Su. Col To:.^> . rain. S:... Col . Tenp. r ain. Tenp.v/ind.rain. Tcirtvn (** Ti v,Tr*l T* ^ ^ "" - *i "^ ^ A V -;-J \ .-iC- -.*. -*-. / v^--*-i fS-nset Station) T3r.-.p.v;inc. elds. rain. Tenp.rain, Tenp.rain. Ter.p.rain. Sra. Col. Teup . rain. T ' > ^* ^ ar^T> /T' ^'tai~^T *"* ^ H^ T P" T ""i "" * ' T* ^ "1 " LyO*- o w C^uLv V *^^.^ fc *.i*-LAi. J *I^ |5 Xj.-v_*i * s-i. rp .*-*- ^--i -. - *-^ i - \ T^ " T *^ 1 CA_.J^' V .-*O*'*.*-*_JL i _ J * i- UJ.4.J.9 T sr.:p (eiax-uin ) . r ain. Ter.i'D . v;ind. elds. rain. Teup (na;:-r.un) .rain. Sr... Col. Ter.p. rain. Rain. VJina.direc.rain. Sia. Col . Ter.ip rain. Bar. Teirp (Liax-rainV .find. rain. Table of temp.& vain. Teup (r.ia::-min) .rain. Sr*. Col . Ter:.p . rain. v/indodirrain^ kin* . Record broken. ...- . .TT.XoD,. .* ,r:3 . r ' . . . 9 -.Ts- 3T . . ^Sto9dl8 ' I oO ^fi cs^ ." niw i f . :lr:<. ,: ) q (.liUj-. ..-jsT . .i".-*ei;ici.: - . ^T ...li': .(.-.. .-sT -:&T .r^tju-:. ,r.ii/r*-ri CC'It* 3-> f .-^l C7*^ lc f . r, f i 55' OJ ^ J J ot ox -:-v - IV'A :c r Vfc 08'ait ! TA.. v-G ( JV f I "x V ox sOX T ? xvs 0f ooxx CIO C83 003 80 ol 5t 33 2T 08 0* xo r* v-5 Oi- T2 ft OX 021 iX 81 .^ ^< X 8 31-;- 8C ?; 03 v? 3. :'V { ' i ox 2 8 o r I r f Ov 0^ Oi- Oi Ov a: TO i OIAS2A1 02 i - r , T iIZid1 8XH2C:; 1 1 8 I coal: XSS23 ! 1 Xlivs 1X9*1 lie i M , 1 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number , r i. ) ^ s County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. BSg 1 S| Hg Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. o V 45 V-* 15 JiOo 3 Apl" 54 :.:ar'57 R Torrip. (Saith. centric, to II^CY;- 2r., Col = Tcr.:po rain. Tenp CTi".aX"i.iin)". r i:id. olds o rain. 3 1>: Sep'70 ;:ov'73 13 1 Dea-73 HODS 'i-I tier--.: City BU1ITERDON S ?le:-.r Litton 40 43 74 01 55 3 JaV'7l re 3 '75 4 Ox Jan '74 40 31 74 51 7G 4 4;c Bee '73 Cat '83 V, V V V \' ' < Vi V v V V V S Jane t:\on L.-iai -.:-.:: cville S S llev: G a Sergoantsville V V V V s w V Tov, j ah i p Burnt. i.Iills O T ' -* S Son.e :'<-:.. lie 40 43 74 5G 40 2'5 74 57 40 20 74 53 40 41 74 45 40 35 74 45 40 29 75 03 40 35 74 43 40 ZP- 1'".- 38 40 ?o 74 55 40 34 74 36 2 llov'39 72 5 :!.353 1842 13 4x .Ap'i ^3 ; Dec -73 S 1:1110:1 S S Elizabeth Vv S V Linden 2 11 3 Jon '37 5 1 N,'vV,3 MovJ73 2 Px Ja~.'>':9 iJov'73 1 3 Jan '57 :.:ar"'58 5 :iov'30 ilar'37 1 MX Jar ; 7-: to ! 73 30 2 1.x Sep'78 Au,T'81 30 3x Bee ; 73 Eeo } 79 2 5 Dor,- 3-3' Apl '30 5 4 Sep-30 Bee 7 85 40 39 74 13 2C 3 Dec'73 1 IIov'81 P 1 5 J.^'37 .lay 33 40 33:74 15 40 -i G lKrv'73 Apl '31 Su Co], o Ter.vp rain. La 1 :- > t ei:ip (r.ia:c~irdn ) hyj. \vindo eld rain, Lar tenpohy'j<>vn.:\do olds. rain. (Sunset Station) Rain o Su-. Col o .Avii.ual rain Sr.u Col Temp 3 rain B Te^p , v;inrl c 1 cl s r ai", Tenp (::-.a;-;-irin) .rain Tor.p (ua-.i-'Uin) rain. Lar -, t e/^p ,. ',v j.nd, 3 1 c'^s rain, Te^p ,, r ran , / Te:.iporain (Sand Lrooi:)-- T:-r;,p< rain, Teray. , Car.-, terapo Bar ,. t einp o hyc - ".vindo r ai:: (Stir set Station) onp (;-.':^:c- -rd.n) o ra^.n , Eav u T enip fuax-nin)v:ind. elds, -i "f v Mb A 4 . Car ,- 1 enp , hy T > '.- r irLd r aiii. fS-onset Station) Teu-.p (v..avr..-.nin) rain a L.ir 1 srip.'vindt, cldSo raino X Record broken. 07 * C5"x ^ ft* i V c 50 c oc S 1C OS STATES SIO-ISTA!, SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEW JERSEY from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Eleva tion Kecord - M j ind class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abo ',_ Remarks. vel Length. From- To inclusive. ^ E 2 S Linden O o 40 53 74 15 10 i v ; \ Sep'31 Bar 1 er.p , hy: ; v;i::.d. side. r^in. VV S Plainfield 40 33 74 2-:- 1- 15 1 5 Auc'33 Tev..p, (uax-uin) .rain. VV S Union 40 4-1 71- 13 1 1-5 3 1 Dec '33 Tenp (T.a^:-riin) . rai":. Y, C IHrhiancTpark 40 30 71- 27 1 7 Jun'33 Te'-.r; (r.ax-r.in) .rain. V !Tev: Lrvinsv/iek 40 30 74 21 3 8;: Jan' 35 l-.'ay 70 ^ Col. Te-p. rain. V 52 10 Jan' 51 dot '33 T ev:.p . rain (data book) V * 7 5 Jan' 7 3 ;;ay 33 Tenp t wind. rain. n S 7 2 Dec'Sl Tenp (na:;-r.in) . rain. S S " 2 lOx Dec '73 Full observations. UE3CEB W Hop swell 40 23 74 4-5 1 10 L'ar'33 Terr.p (r:.a::-v;.in) .rai.io V Princeton 40 21 44 39 213 4 llx /.pi '73 i.Iay 33 Lar . t er.p (ua::-v..i:i) . vi:.d. rain. YV S 2 3x Uov'SG Teup (r..ax-r.:in) . rain. V Trenton 40 14 74 45 60 14 2x Jan' 40 l.ov'73 Su, C o 1 o T eup .rain. V 7 2x Dec '73 Feb'31 Ear 6 tenir'^ind. elds, rain. Yv S 2 4 Sep'37 Ter.-p (v..a.-:--...in) . rain. Vi S Asburv Fark 40 12 74 00 1 Ja.,'30 ijc^fcA^ctinl.rAiaf \V S Allaire 40 03 74 OG 11 Feb'39 Ter..p (uax--Liii) . rain. V Freehold 40 15 74 15 1G8 5 2 Jan '57 Fob '02 R Su Col Ter..p. V a 40 15 7-1- 16 200 S 9 Feb'74 Oct ; 33 Baroteinpoivyg.vind. elds. rain. S S 5 1 Feb'73 Feb'35 Tcup . hyg a wind. 3 1 ds, r ain. i (Sunset Station) o Yi S 2 Jan '33 Teuv: (L.a.:-uin) .r^in. V S Inlays*, own -iO 10 7-i 30 5 1 Dec'33 T ..-T.;p (ua--:_in) . rain. S S Little Egg H-.rbor 39 30 71 17 3 9 Apl'SL Dec '35 Te:.:p (v.:a::-nin ) . wind, dir . rain. V Lor^r branch 40 13 73 59 29 2 l.ov'31 Dcc''Gl Su, Col , Te.v.io rain. S S 2 7 Dec'75 Ju:. 7 7G Pall observations. V iliddlstovn 40 24 74 07 50 5 2x Jun'ol ;.!ar'49 Sr.., Col. Rain e av;.rac;e ter..p. V 3 G Jul'70 Doc' 82 R TJI..O. (u^ta book) W S i.Iatawaa 40 24- 74 14 43 1 Jan'G^ Dec '37 Te;.j5(":a;;-uin) .rain. V Ocean Grove 40 12 74- 01 1 2r. Jul'7-1- . ar'73 R Ter;^. VI S Oceanic 40 21 74 00 2 11 Feb'37 Tev:-; (-..ax-r ;in) . rain, S S Sandy Hock 40 23 71- 00 2 i :3 13 Dec'73 ;;cv'33 i Full cbservatioi's. X Record broken. - =r^=^= - . k ... . *::oi 3cfo J r oea 2 V 'e*a xOI 2 oi I & I? 52 0* . ?is e (w. i t Io, 743 I 08 .^.TtS. T*et)I; .oi^^. , J 00 ^' OB'^i? II CO v? - 3 881 ai *? ai ft 002 ei : ' i 3 ct'c'vo; i s T iCf<^ C S T 2 S I s vi ;T os . a* oa st ci a: o ^ ;7.*T vt, i*IIA .s~< :Ib < UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 5EY Record. ^ SP ind chiss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above Remarks. o >T j.r^rj. H Length. From To inclusive. E-,' 6 ^ * o . , V Ljv.rly * O C\*? *7 - 1 P O *'w \/ <_ ' i _: o */ 30 4- 3 Jul '35 Ear. to-.. .p (~a::-ir.in) .hyrj. vino . rain. Y L,ordento-..7i 40 30 74 43 30 10:: Sep'32 Aug 'as Bar. t einp . hyfT . wind. elds. rain. W S " 1 3 D~-c'33 Jul '33 T JUT? (ma::-nin) . rain. V Lurlington 40 04 75 10 30 3 3.: Juri5.-i ..ar'38 Su.Col.Tenp.r^in. V Chester 40 00 74 57 10 0:: , -..,, .?* .iviy ww Oct'73 Sn, Col . Tenp . rain. V Rancocas 40 00 74 52 S 13C3 1835 Av j T afj' e t eLip . t .i . .8i.0.t,h. V ^ i TJ^STITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. -j a> Length. From To inclusive. f"g V W S V V V s s W S \V S i> h: V V V ATLANTIC Con l-iiw/cou. CTJtlBEKLAND Groe.TnrJ.3h Vin^land CAPS iiA?: Oc^-i.n 0:1 ty Pack's Bcdc Ric Gr.;:.ado " S,.,villo 1 Ix Ho v 3 67 ! D oc ' 68 R Sn,, Col Temp, 39 56 7b 14 33 24 75 2.0 30 29 75 01 30 119 33 bG 7-1 58 27 59 17 74 ?4 59 16 7-1 -12 20 50 11 7-1- -i of Stations having leis th Station County Bl airstc/v.ii Varrcn HJ^3.^i/.d3 of 10 ono 1 Jan '87 Doc '87 Apl"83 9 2 o.in'G-i Feb'73 G *'* A\lg J 6V|Nov73 15 3 Doo'73 I'eb'89 14 5 Jan'71 Cot '85 1 6 Jv.l : 03 o Jan '87 2 3 Uoc'755 Fob'76 4 ox Apl'68 Liar '73 11:: Doc'7-': !Tov' ; 75 2 2x Jan 7 33 Apl J C3 Tor?.p (-.iax-nin) r2.ina Sn c Cc 1 u Ter..p re iru S;ru Col-. Tcrap & -' ain B.ar c t cap Csaa^-nir^ olds.ralni Totrp ;m2:;.-niirO rain, Ter-p (r.a::-r.iin) rain. F ; i 11 ob .-: cr v.i 1 1 o:is Si.iv Colo 'i orcp a ^*<2kii iio Tcup, vand-, clds.rj.in Sv.u Col o Toiup o rain. year's rooord and which arc not nov; in opji'j Station County C:j.it '.on CuT-uIcn aot Orange (ioan HOT; Stuno Hunt -j.'ci ^q^ancc Al'orr-is cy^ciield/nea'iO Somerset eho-;j.y ; s IIouii.ta.in i!orris Essex Esex /\ i Somerset Jauc sb urnr Mi d dl e s ox Lesser Crosy Roads Sonertjet No*:/ Lisbon Bu.:'lingtori P e-.ining t on Merc cr Pleasant Run Rod Eanl: South Aoboy Middlesex Yal I c y Hunt cr don Hunicrdon Wooastorra Salea i X Record broken. -:L I ,r.i~,(n 3V I D / / f / J D .1 D 3 S 3 S 1 / T I SAN MIGUEL. Fort Bascom Gallinas Spgs Las Vegas 35 55 35 Puerto de Luna 34 Fort Suraner 34 BERNALILLO . Albuquerque 35 35 Cebolleta Coolidge 5 Aug' 39 5 Aug'89 2 5 Aug'87 3 Oct'89 4 Sep'89 3 Jan '89 Mar' 5 Aug'09 5 Aug'89 5 Aug'89 89 35 54 104 57 6750 21 27 3x Aug'51 Dec'?4- 7x Jan' 60 35 23 103 27 4000 5 lOx Feb'64 Oct'70 14 104 48 35 105 13 6413 36 105 12 45 104 4-2 19 10-1 09 06 106 40 5032 02 106 40 5026 35 20 107 20 6200 4 10 Mar '85 1 7 Jan' 50 Jul'51 3 4x Mar '75 2 7 Mar '84 Cep'86 5 Ox Apl'64 Jul'69 5 8x Jan' 60 Jul'67 9x Oct'78 Oct'79 1 Mar '81 War* 81 llx May '88 14 8x Sep'49 Jul'67 2 1 Dec' 49 Dec '51 1 8 May ' 88 Smithsonian Collection Temp. Kyrr. Wind & Rain. T Geol. Survey statin T Rainfall station. T. (nax.nin. ) & Rain. T Geol. Survey station. Temp. & Rain. T Geol. Survey Station. Smithsonian Collection. \ Bar. Temp, (max.min. ) Hyg. Y/ind Clouds & Rain. Temp. Ilyc. Y/ind & Rain. T. (max. rain. ) Wind & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. T. (max.min. )Hyg.v;jrid.Clds.Rain Temp. Wind & Rain. Temp. Hyg. Wind & Rain. Tenip. Hyg. Wind & Rain. T Telg. & Repair station. 3d Order T. (max.nin. ) Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. Max. & Min. temp. & Rain. X Record broken. bniW "- .JooO T T < . ^ aJtH t i ( .flira.x^tn) .OEJQT niH 4 A fcniW { . .T ,T baltf . T T T T 08'wU xIX 8 OOcr o* 30X a 0039 88 80X S3 - 8 8 5 8 CS'roA 5 xs oe?e TS xOX 3 000^ tS COX 5C 38'ifi.M OX * oefuL v x .8 A T . .X sx*o ex eoc 3is SX 30f 9S CIS V !i *0 8 90 K! 01 *i a c .OJJIJAMH38 8 S03 0* DOI 80 8808 80X SO 85 xXX x6 X ft OM8 OS T01 OS 32 8 1 .1 < UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. :NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. NEW MEXICO. Record Elevation 1 sea-level. Length. From To inclusive, f. a DER1IALILLO. O ' . M D Fort Lyon 35 30 108 40 8000 i ix Oct'60 ilov'61 (Ft . Fauntl eroy ) T. My g. vVind, Rain V Wallace z C T7 OO tio 103 18 5 Auc'89 T Geol. Survey station SA1ITA FE. V Santa Fe 35 42 106 01 6846 20 7x Jan '49 Jul'73 ( Ft. ilarcy) Smithsonian Col. M D " 11 llx Jan' 60 " " ( T . (max. min. ) Ky r;. 'Wind , R S S u " 35 41 105 57 7028 16 7x Dec'71 2d Orde"(closed Jun'85 to Dec' V Pojuaque 35 51 105 56 4 Sep'39 T Geol. Survey station. VALENCIA. V Antelope Gpgs. 34 47 105 45 5 Auc'39 T Geol. Survey station. V Los Lunas 34 49 106 45 9 Apl'89 Temp, (max.iiiin. ) Rain. I. B Los Pinos 34 50 106 40 5000 2 3x Jan '63 May '66 Temp. Hyg. Wind, 2: Rain. i D Fort Wingate 7K OO 00 do 108 32 6822 9 4x Dec'64 Dec'74 Smithsonian Collection. L D " " 26 2x :iov'52 T. (max. rain. )II r 'f:. Wind, Clds.R. SOCORRO . i.! D Fort Conrad 33 47 106 48 4576 3 9 Oct'5l Jun'55 Temp. to !.Iar'5o after v/hich obs. tahen at Fort Craig, 8 miles south. Smithsonian Collection. I.I D Fort Craig 33 53 107 01 4619 5 9 Apl'54 Dec '59 Smithsonian Collection. 1,1 D " 15 Ox Jan' 50 Jul'78 T. (imax.min. ) Wind, Clds. Rain. a s 33 29 107 02 4622 1 3x Jun'77 Jun'79 2d Order 3 S 1 Ox Feb'31 Dec'84 3d Order. S S Lava 33 35 106 59 6 Jan '85 3d Order. V Estalena Spgs. 5 Auc'89 T Geol. Survey station. V Magdalena 34 00 107 09 5 Auc'89 T do. V Red Canon 33 43 106 12 7 Jun'89 R Maximum & minimum tenp. V San 1-rarcial 33 41 106 58 3x Auc'89 T Geol. Survey station. V o Can l r arcial(nec: r) 3x Auc'89 T do. LI D Fort McRac 33 02 107 05 4500 o ox Mar '64 Dec'74 Smithsonian Collection. :-,; D 6 2x Feb'64 Jan' 7 6 T.( max. rain. ) Wind I. Rain. U D Socorro 34 08 106 55 45 3C I 1 9 Mov '49 Auc'51 Smithsonian Collection. S S " 34 05 103 55 4565 1 11 Jul'79 Way ' 81 2d Order. H D Ft. Tulerosa 33 57 103 15 1 7 May '73 Mov '74 T. (max.min. ) Wind Clds, Rain. ~X. Record broken. JoO cfo fioi.tr C t s T XooO T .XoeO T .ol> f auB&Ua & nrrUrtl A ,Io0 T T ( nia.ruac) ,2^10 baiw IB'voU 00 xX 1 0006 0* 801 05 W 5 8X COX 59 88 ft? OS 8*83 XO 80X xXX XX xt x esof te ox f 86 COX 89 89 dOX T^ 80X * xe 2 0003 0* SOX 08 x* C2C9 SS 80X 82 85 se'tor xs s 3 X SC9* 20 VOX I 55 XO TOX D8 59 59 I VOX 00 sx aox 88 x5 x3 8 ( xs d 8 X Of 8* 83 00X 80 xx x eed* 85 cox so 49 V X 8X SOX TO 55 C> 80 VOX SO 5S .OJJIJAJMDU .si 9*3 a o o a e o o aoxixl 20 J a a . a ,OJW0002 i <1 a 8 { 10^ . fl fi STATES SIGKN^L SERVICE. NEW V NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. M Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ' V V 7 M D S S S S V V :\: D S S V V A D V M D S S LINCOLN. No gal Ro swell (near) Fort Stanton II U 33 29 105 31 30 30 105 26 SIERRA, iiillsborough DOHA ANA. Fort Fillmore H H La Mesilla La Luz Fort Selden U I'. Fort Thorn GRANT. Fort Bayard 32 13 106 42 32 17 106 48 32 27 100 55 32 40 107 10 32 47 103 09 32 48 108 17 6x Jun'89 3 Oct'89 G150 11 lOx Aug'55 Oct'72 7500 3 ex Jan '50 6154 1 10 Jan' 84 Oct'85 4 2 Nov'83 7 Jun'89 ! 3^37 8 3x Sep'51 Dec '59 1 5 Jan '60 May '61 5 Auc'77 uul'82 2 Nov'89 4250 8 8x Nov'eS Dec '74 a 4 8x Dec'G5 4500 5 Ox Jan '54 Jan' 59 6022 14 8x Feb'67 6000 8 Aug'77 Apl'78 2 7z Fee : 81 Oct'83 H D Pert Cummincs Y " S S R R n 32 52 .2 27 107 40 4750 4 2*.: Mar 1 69 Jul'73 4 5 ifc.r'60 Jul'73 R R Lorclcfcurg S S Silver City V Fort V/ebster 18 107 32 13 107 ',8 20 :tOf 40 1 Feb'bl Feb'81 b Cr. ITov ' 87 7 2 Nov : 81 32 46 IOC- 14 iQJB 4 11 May '73 Mar '83 32 48 103 04 6350 1 11 Feb'52 Dec '53 T. (max.min. ) Rain, Smithsonian Collection. Bar.T. (max.min. )Hyg.Wind,Rain, 3d Order. 2d Order. T. (max.min. ) & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. Hyg. Wind c Rain. 2d Order. T, (mai;-,min. ) & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. T, (niax.min.)Hyg. Wind & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. T. (max.min. ) Hyg. Wind & Rain. 2d Order. 3d Order (Wind from Jan' 82 and Rain from July, 1833. T. Ilyg. Wind & Rain. Smithsonian Collection. 3d Order. Max, & Min. Temp. & Rain. do. 2d Order. Smithsonian Collection. X Record broken. .T bS (.nJta.;:ffl>.T 4 ( .fiin ^jen) "* .ni*fl d hniv/.BYHr .nim^xjaa) .T nolloelloO A bn*W .a^H ( .aia.xjMB) .T SS'ru^ noil .2681, \cIuL raoT't Li .nJtH A baiW .3^11 . .nil* iS . 18 xd 8 xox ii oaio is aoi x9 G 003T 01 I *eia 8S 301 s * GO '/art, 8 OS c nel ? I OS 2 x8 >C 8 3 x9 M SSOO 8 OOOd 58'JoO 18 asV tt 3 8A 01 00 VI DOI &OI 001 COI 801 SV'.O/!, 08 ''.!/; -S * 03 V 0* VOI Vii IlJ'cfeV Xo ; rfoT I SS !C * voT! ;s3 a 8v I3 r voJl S V 0-> DV'^V Ii > CbSJ: 1 00 A 23'cf3*5 II I 0258 V0. r VOI 8J CI S* CS SI SS vi ge vs SS sc sc .MJOOWTJ ^ro'i Z 8 /oiccfsll: a J9JIX29M *> . sJblaci ^TO' a morTT ^ro^ ' ^ a - I . . znt-Tj* r S^ITf^sAlC 19 i ttol Frar-Tnentary records of less than a year in length are on file from the Following Statiors: N E W LI E X I C o Station County Station , County Abique : Rio Arriba Bel en Valencia i i Fort Bennet ? Bernalillo Bernalillo Fort Breckenridge ? Cabejon Bernalillo Fort Canby Bernalillo Canon de Cham* ? Camp Cimarron Colfax Clayton Colfax Cuba Bernalillo Dona Ana Dona Ana i Eddy Lincoln Fort Floyd ? 1 Good Hope ? Lacuna Valencia La Polvadero i Rio Arriba Laury ' 1 Fort Me Lane Ojo Caliente f Taos Camp Pluramer Rio Arriba Ray ado Colfax Rio Hondo ? Camp Rio MinbresGrant San Pedro Santa Fe Shakespeare Grant Spaders Bernalillo ' Fort West acre! $Xi* no B9\ 3 I : : a u wan lo ollilsirtoa flA finoQ T BOAT XJBlloD IttriD r-A sb no.oeO cnA ariod oc oi5T xalloD nloonlJ ot/pidA acfwO olflj oioMvIo'I srwJ cM oiH vaocB/X'I qou>D i oi/I UNITED STATES SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 1 Number Latitude Elevation Record. *SP - . sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 0% E^'g orri T TJT-- *r*tr* 1 C;-i Ui-.t>HiiUa V C,.nton V1 33 V 'I-:- 30 V GouYjrn-jur -1--1- 25 V V ...adrid :: -I- 3 V :-: -i3 Y l^orth Hot:ir..ond 44 25 V V Ogd-i.sburg -I- rO i' o j ... 00*4 -> -P J.0X J n ' Dvi 1- -'0 o '7 ." - R O 1 H - r T -. - ' 7 C\ ' - 1 r- ) i '" /^ ; J.D i^ L-JA. dci. . /C AkUQ ijv> "7^ TC "O^ ^T c ~l-' > T -'' 7 T Fixo'7*-" O OO '.v^VJ OX -*. U ^..i wJ. tVO ' *-' . 1 2 Jan 7 71 Fob '75 75 03 3 lOx IG-iG 1852 T 75 33 230 1 lOx Jan' 5 -i' Jan '53 75 -15 7 10;< J..n' 33 IIov 7 73 75 3-: 230 3 3x J^n'c3 J:in'30 -;.., Col eto-.ip. rain. L;..r.t?L.p.vind.elds.r^in. Su. Col. tcnp.rj.in. Re-port of Roa'-jnts Bar. to: .p.v-'ind. Dlds.~:an. S:.;. Col. Av jr jg j r ;-.ir. . Sr:.. Col . t onp . rain. Si... Col . t JL;P . rairu Ear. tor..p (v.-;:-i::ir:)-.. r i:\d. elds, S.... Col . t~c. p . rain (Rc-r; jr.t s Report) V rotsd..r,i V V Sor^rvillo V 1-0 75 01 3G-1- 21 Jan '20 Dec' -1-3 I 1 2 llov'03 10 75 00 -1-12 2 7x .^y -ii. 0^3*51 T 3 1 13 --iC Report) Toiiip . '.vind. dir 9 r ain. i cr-. ;<-'i_ V /c.:p-- (S^r V ll^loi Lake) 1000 1 50 7-1- 25 703 3 0;; J^'39 Doc'-i2 Aug CLIHTOII V Clinton Prison V PL.ttsburg a:vl ; r\ i 1200 -1- Jan 7 30 Dec '33 1573 331-^7 1 Ox .^r'30 Jun'3: I -1-2 7G 73 153 10 lx Jan'SC 1 Apl'52 21 -I-;: Oct'30 V Rouses Point -1-5 01 T\ iT" ; 117 " "? I O 'Jo 1 < o J " 1 JEFFERSOIT AU.C-.S 1-3 -iC 75 07 0,0 G 1 11 ..pi '32 Ja.-.'72 ::ov'7Z GO: Tov..p (u-ax-r..!:^^^;-^. ci^s.rain. S: ..Col. to- ,p.r.-.in(Pwj-;j.:t3 Report) Pull ocsorv^tic^s, T^ -*N ^* ", S *- - - .-' - U--L.A* Teiup a rc.in. (Adirondacl: State Land Survey) Tcun fr.a;:-;:.in) ,hyj.\/ind.rairi. S: .-.. C o 1 . t or.p r air. . Tc:..p (-a:c-r .in) , hyg. v:ind. olds. rain. S- ..Col. ter.p. rain. M Col.tc: ."i,rai..('?ina-"fo"d Coll :.j:i 1^2 tnst.^ X Record broken. * r:i ... > *"- . .-.IcO. ' . . . SI ../oD...:8 T C o f- .IoD. S2 c ;.^t, i3 f .-^.L xOI I OCS I. .v^.joO.. SV VO : i V -.i-J -:V { n..L :;OI fi -- J.foD L GJ { : u.* - >f -- J.ico. c:- f osa os'r^i, c 12 ;-w5 xo 37 ,v *o*i o (^TOC ,ai^7*-rzi3.i :^T . r voli C I . :v^l.lo3 e ..;2 T I3T 1 .H 87 y&. tS'aot x? IS Sell " SO Sv jiLi'i-xic 1 * 1 88'vo., S 1 00; i-0 C? 20 5C noill ' Jl i>*1ftlt 00flirl, K5 d 3S: .10 3V 00 S;- ^ 20881 01 .> 5- 9l6br--t^^OfJ UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Bomber ad class. County and station. Latitude. Long tude. EleTation above sea-level. Record. *| A Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. o ' V Eduoi.ds Ponds 43 -1-9 73 58 3 1S79 1833 T Annual rain(data book) V Elizabt-thtcvo !:- 12 75 3^ er > c Ot^li u 2x Jv.1'79 Dec '32 T Rain (Adirondack State Land V Kc.jue Valley V Schroon OSUSGO V ;.Ie;;ico V iiorth Yol:iDv V V Fort Ontario II D V Os./oco S S V ?:,lor:..G ( V ci*ui Hi oi> "'. villo) V ARTJEII V Pottorsvillj V 0:aj-_asbury NIAGARA V H-ss Ho ad Station V L v.ristor. V Lookport 7 7 Ft. IJi :!:>. ;I D 7 rcndl.-.ton Contro V Suspension Eridrro 12 73 51 1000 5 Jaii'79 Tec'83 ! COO 2 Juii78 t; 7-r 3 -'5 7 -.-3 27 73 l--i i5 25 73 20 1-3 3-1- 73 12 1-3 28 73 32 531 21 0* 350 5 -I-x i.Iur'38 Doc '73 1-i 9 Jon'?., Mar '39 300 10 -1-x Jan' 1-3 Doc '53 1- 3 J^n'70 Juu'7-1- 250 11- 7x J^n5-i Doc '70 1G 2 llov'70 327 20 Jon' 5-i Dec '73 13 J^ii'7-:- Survsy) Te:::p.r:dn. (Adirondack State Land Survey) Toup.7;ind. elds. rain. Su.Col.tcnp.rain(Regents Kept, S:.:. Col . t CT..P . rain. Tenp.vind. elds. rain. &.;. Col . t oup . rain . T oup ( nax- uin ) hy g . \/i nd . c 1 d s . r^in. Si... Col . 1 3up . r^in. Fall observations. Si.;. Col . t aup .rain. Tcnp (r.:ax-T..in ) wind. elds, rain. -i3 -10 7i -.-5 T ^ cr 7 -,- -!_ <1|7t. -'-> 7/7 L- ..>. 'o O*^O OO 7" T-. ^-lOO T^x>^^.'^ r 7 (_i ^ tJ i^ *_ r .( Ov* c*v jJwCJ ^( 17 2x ;.;ar'52 1 3 Oct'38 R Ter.:p . ,3 03 73 53 530 1 llx Sop'OT May 71 T Su.Col.Rain, X Record broken. [H (iood c*fr)al* ItoixirJ. T BG8I C7 83 SV C "^ & sf ax :: nv.-oJ.iJv3 Ct C< ^70;r;Ioo ;t xS S iXji.qrro/iou.- ^'coa 2C' ?i -a q:.isT f ^oO S X T: C" flf> CiG T IT -. 7 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. lumber id class. County and station. KIAGARA Co.i- V V.ilson ORLEANS V Albion V Carlton V V Gaines V Kendall V tlillville M01IROE V Charlotte V Henrietta V Rochester S 3 a V Spencerport VA7UE V Clydo(r.cir) V Lyons 7 IT Palr..yra / CAYUGA 7 Auburn f f Flcr-iiig V Ledyard ONOHDAGA 'V BaldY/insvillo V OnondaCi, V Foupcy Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. Length. HS From To inclusive. Remarks. 1-3 17 7; 50 7x 9 Dee'61- i3 1-i 73 I-?. 5Qc G 3x 18-iB 1353 R i3 20 73 16 250 3 Jan' 71 Dec '73 1 -i Jc;.:'7-i Apl'75 13 17 73 15 192 -1 J^n'39 Dec '12 C-3 20 73 04 2 llov'39 43 03 73 20 300 3 i3 15 77 37 273 3 3 Jul'59 Dee '60 1-5 -03 77 51 300 5 Ox Jan '55 Jiir.'32 13 03 77 *z2 503 37 10 Jar. '30 Oct'70 18 lOx TIov'70 S r .;, Co 1 1 cr.p , rain. Sn,Col,Avc-rajjo 1-3 09 77 -13 515 5 Oct'39 13 05 7.3 5-1- 400 l 3 Jan'Cl Jun'C2 R 1-3 '"'I- 77 02 -:07 2 3 Jan '30 Auc'32 R 77 1-3 05 77 13 1 3 ,V,y 33 2 lOx Jan'55 Dec '35 7-10 -1-2 55 73 35 350 27 9x Jan' 27 Apl'31 5 llx Oct'33 42 50 73 33 1000 1 Jan' 09 i2 43 73 37 '1-17 13 Ox Jan '7 Dec '50 -i3 09 73 20 390 11 Gx Jc,n'5^ ilay 37 42 59 73 OG 12JO 13 Jan' 23 Dec'-i-i 2 53 73 05 IT'CO 13 Gx Jan'23 Mar'53 S;.; Col teup.: Teup , wind, elds , rain. Sr.i,,Cclo tor.p s ro,in( Regents Rapt) Tecp (na:c->:in)hyg Y/ind, olds. rain. Su. Col . t eiup . rain (Regent s Rep t .) Sr.-io Col . t eir.p . rain. S::.. Col 1 cr.ip , rain. Su, Col. tenp. rain, CRerrents Rept) Full observations. E^r . tcr:r> (r.?-x-r.in)hyor. rain. Sr..Col.terp. Sn.Col.teTnp. Su. Col o t D- .p . r'i,in (Re;;-3nt s Report) Tcrap.T/ind dif. Sn. C o 1 . t er.ip . r ain ( Rcf? en t s Report) Bar. t eup (::.ax-r.in)hyc . v/ind. T cusp. wind. dir. rain, Sr;.Col.ter,p.r.D,in(7 ? .osents Report) S:;. . C o 1 . t cup .rain. S:^ a Col . t enp . r ain f i wgont s Report) : ">r.i. Col. , t T_p o rain (R^ent s XI Record broken. c: ei 8; njL/> of* e^a , o i oes 01 c fi\ G ; i s st'sca ' 3i > C c vo".. f l c t o svs T ?v si ^ o St f r.;t I TT t OT'loO 0? f voi: j, 06*^tO 5 ei3 C' Tt Jr .1^0. a - OJ S 05;- 81 V7 50 ^ ,1 . 7 Ur f.IoO^JB 1C x '2 CV 53 S% . .^8 (J -Ul*q ?C -.lit,.' + UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEW from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ' fcmber County and station. ad class. 01IONDAGA Con- Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. if g Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. O ' o ' r~ V Skaneateles 42 55 73 26 932 3 2x Jan '61 May 67 S^..Col.terr.p.rain. V Syracuse 43 02 73 14 407 3 3x Jan '43 Dec '52 Sri. Co l.tenp. rain (Regents V 01IEIDA V V Clinton V Rene V South Trenton V V Utica 42 55 43 03 43 12 43 13 75 17 75 20 75 2S 75 15 1 9x Feb'34 Apl'88 1183 4 Ox Jc^'35 Dec '37 1127 8 lOx Get '50 h'ar' 65 43 06 75 13 V V V Walervills V vVhitestov.'n MADISON Y Cazenovia V V Hamilton V Onoida (Wacpiville) 'V V FULTON 7 -Johns tewn V SARATOGA V Saratoga V Saratoga Sp'gs 1-5 Oi 42 54 43 03 42 55 42 49 75 15 75 25 75 14 75 43 75 34 506 3 JrJay 89 835 10 9x Jar.' 33 Hov'73 2 5x Jj.n'74 Oct'73 473 29 5x Jan' 23 Dec '70 7 J^n30 Doc '30 533 3 J_r.'87 1223 1 7x 1049 1851 324 7 Jan'o-i Dec '-10 260 12 4x Jan' 30 llov'73 3 8x Jan '74 ^'78 1127 23 2x Jan'27 Dec '30 Report) Teqp.rain. Su. Col. tonp. rain. (Regents Report) Sr.i. Col . t onp . rain (Regent s Report) Terap.rain. Sni. Co 1 . t er;.;p . r j,in . Temp. rain. ST.J. Col. toup. r^in(Rc'c Report) R rain. S-^.Col.AvoroCG tonp. SLI. Col . t owp . rain. 43 04 75 58 500 -3 1040 185^ T 19 2 Jan ' 5. - Ho v' 73 5 lOx Doc'73 Dec '77 43 00 74 23 G33 13 Ox Jan' 28 Dec '45 3 3x Doc'OO Dec'33 I 43 0373 50 900 1 3x Deo'50 Sep'59 43 06 73 52 2C5 7 Sap '87 liar '80 Sr.i. Col . t enp . rain. Bar. tcr.p.v/ind. elds. rain. Sn. Ct>l . t e:.:p . rain(Reccnt s Report) Sri. Col. Averse rain. Sn. Co 1 . t amp . r ain . Bar . t er.ip .T/ind.clds. rain, Stri.Col . tcnp . rain. (Recent s Bar. ter-p. rai::. Sis. Col . temp . rain. Bar . teap. vd.nd. rain. X Record broken. loO Jfilj Qf . OS S* 2 Ujt oo r f 7" r - T f 1'Mi A I .1 " 3^oO JtOX 6 tSj 2T S< oa tg at si 3? fl -i 3V 51 ;j 1881 8, x sssx SI tv 8 8 c 2 6U TS1I >C 8 Oi I s 00* G? 3* ota oe ( I 00 03 19 o ft . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 6 NDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. Mg" o" Remarks. nd cluss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. HE V V V V V V V V V V. V V V V V V / 3 S f f o ,1 D r o V / / T SARATOGA Con- Waterferd West Day WASHINGTON Fort Ann Argyle Car..brid3e Fort Edwards Granville Lake Sal en South Hartford * GEUESEE Le Roy ERIE Buffalo and Barracks Eden Centre Fort Porter Springville WYOMING Hertaitage iiiddlobury LIVINGSTON Dansville Mt J.iorris 42 47 73 43 43 20 74 03 70 3 4x Jan'5G r.Iay -35 1200 2 2x iviar'53 ;,lar'73 Ox Jan' 74 Sep'74 1430 2 Ox Nov'GS May GG 290 3 4x Apl ' G4 illov'73 T 3 3x Dec '73 |Aug'39 3 01 73 23 500 15 Cx Jin' 27 Dec '43 43 22 73 23 43 11 73 30 13 73 33 20 75 17 z A 7 r -? -i n O w i O O w 15 73 30 15 75 21 42 59 73 00 /o CV-: 7'-> tt-7 ,-^j <~c I _/ OO 12 30 70 07 12 50 73 55 ? 30 73 50 175 2 3x IIov'57 Lay 70 250 14 Ox Jan'oS Dec '49 T 542 1 llx D.'c'5G ilov'53 T 10 Ox Jan '23 Dec '47 5 Jan '39 i lay 39 500 10 4 A\:g'OS ::ov'73 - - .f. , , 1 7 p T t .. i 7 o o _< ^i'iL) ' *- u** ' "^ 370 4 Avl '54 Jul'54 R 4 S:c May 34 May 39 390 21 5x Jan '31 Oct'70 19 2 ilov'70 700 1 3x Hc-r'53 Dec '57 R 1 10 l.Iar'GO SCO 17 7x Dec' 35 500 3 Ox Jan' 34 Dec '50 42 45 73 13 1500 5 10 Oct ' 30 Aug' 34 42 48 73 10 SCO 19 Ox Jan '23 Dec '49 4: 2 35 77 'ind. clos. rain. Sr.i. Col. temp. raintttegcnts Report) Sn. Col . t ijr.p . rain. Sn. Col . t si M Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. SCHOIIARIS nHfi^e^uvg Albany Llensrd Station rncer Albany) Wa\,ervleit Ar ser^,al (near Troy) V V S S V V M D V V V V V V V V V V Ki 8-S. one CA'i r/ii< v *.u.'. V H'JT.-phrav ALUSGAHZ 42 55 74 22 2 7x Feb'7l Ncv'73 1 5 Auc'38 RSNSSHSAHR Lo.n3J.n2b-.irg 3 ni.W of Troy New Nassau Troy " CI!AI?TAUQUA 42 40 75 45 1S5 50 Ox Jrvnl?~5Dec'7l 17 Ja:r73 42 39 73 45 125 5 11 Juiv82 Apl'83 42 45 73 43 50 31 Jan' 24 Dec '54 42 47 73 40 30 20 Ox Jan' 23 DecMG 42 32 42 44 73 73 33 37 42 20 79 79 42 OQ 4? 14 73 79 12 3 4 lijy 2G May G7 1 A X 10 SO 1351 50 59 Ex Jan '26 Bee '36 8 1:: Jan '5 4 I 'ay 73 8 3x Jan '74 Jun ? 82 7G5 21 3x Jan '29 Feb-64 1?C5 8 5x Cct'oO Deo '73 1 Q Jan '74 A;.ir/'-75 1 0.x tic-.i'-SS ,0ct : 34 6 7 Jun'8'5 Suo Col e t er.p , rain. Teup (nax-uin) vindo dir a rain, Sue Cc 1 . t er.ip . r o.in. Full ob s ir vat ion s 8 Bar , t enp . wind rain. Sr;i. Col t ecp rain. Tenp . hyg v;ind . rain. Sin. Col o t enp . rain, (Regents Report) T Rainffor i. : j,y for -1-0 ys.) R ScoColo Ten?. T Table of no. rain (Troy Water V/orkr) S\Ho Co 1 t eir.p rain . Bar , t fc^vp . hyfi wind. elds. rain. Sn, Col , tonp . rain(Regent s Report) Sivio Col o t erp o rain. 13ar o t er.-o '.vind , o 1 c. s r ain . Bar, tocp* wind* raia Bo,r i,s:^ip,t!lnQo elds. rain. V Alfved -t2 IT) 7'j 08 17 CO o 11:: Jan'52 Uar'Cl .^.Gol, teirp.rcin, V Alfred Centre 42 13 7W 07 u /h. :. v ;?:' Bar, teu*p(^aax..Qin>hyGr. 'wind* olds rairu V Ar.gfjj..ii:.i 42 18 78 03 'i"80 ;j 1;: '.icy 54 Oc;t : 73 SfeaCol.tjS33orain. 1! 1 .'0:- pc,t*74 Ba*temp(vir&:l.n e r |C;.-r33 |l-2 03 73 00 ! ' 1 - .V7-; ^ar : 75j ' 3r-. Colo 'I enp, rain. X Record broken. 3 r til UNITED STATES SIG^STAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEW YD from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 9 Number V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Elevation Record. s> ^'5) sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. H"i AT .T.IT: .'Try rot-.- ' O ' Ceres 42 08 rtfta 42 12 Friendship (1111042 12 Little Gene see 42 00 1-2 07 1-2 54 South Canisteo 12 12 Wellsville STEU3E1I Pratt sburg 73 00 73 18 1502 78 10 1553 73 15 1500 73 00 1-180 4x Jan '7 4 Mar '75 2 131-0 18-11 1 2x lIov'TS Dec '37 3 llx Sep'GG Aug'89 8 Jan 1 GO Dec 7 73 11 Fob '74 Dec '74 1 4 Jan' 57 Apl'53 77 20 1.194 10 Ox Jan' 29 Dee '-1C 77 40 1G31 12 14 77 SCHUYLER Hector 42 30 Perry City(near42 27 7G 55 350 70 47 300 Wedcev/ood 20 77 00 1347 1 2 Nov'88 1 5 Jul'83 llov'89 8 9x Deer '74 Fob '84 1 Sep*G9 1 2 llov'88 1 2 !Iov'33 42 35 IQUPKIN3 Groton Ithjt.ca(Cornell University) 42 27 7G 22 1000 1 1 i.Iay 72 i May 73 7G 30 417 21 9x Jan '28 /oog'53 Ear. tenp. wind. elds. rain, Sn. Col. Average t2ir.p.& rain. Sn. Col . t e:::p , rain. Bar, tenp. wind, elds. rain. Sn. Col . t enp . rain. Bar, temp. wind. elds. rain. Sn. Col . tonp . rain. Sm.Col.tenp.rainERegents Report) Temp (nax-nin) hyg. wind. dir. rain. Tenp (n:.:c--.;ir.)T;ir,d. dir. rain. T Wind. elds. rain. R Sn. Col, Temp. Tenp dnax-Trdn)wind. dir. rain. Tcnp (nax-niin)hyg.wind. dir. rain. Sn. Col . t cnp . rain. Sn. Co 1 . t cnp . rain (Regent s Report) V 1 15 4x May 74 Bar. terjp (nax-nin)hyg. wind. c Ids. rain. s s 1 Sep' 87 Aug'33 Electrical Station V Jacksonville 42 30 73 53 950 8 i.iay 73 Dec'73 Sn, Col . t cnp. rain. V 5 3 Jan' 74 Aug'77 Taup.vd.nd. olds. ruin. V Yat^rbury 42 50 70 25 300 4 A - GJ: Apl' 39 Dec '73 Sni. Col t onp . rain. V R 8 9 Jan' 74 Sep'32 Toqp.windo clds rain. CHDUKGO V Oxford 42 23 75 32 9G1 23 2x Jan' 23 Dec'5'3 Sr.i Co 1 . t er..p . rain. (Regent s Report) V El:.:ir_ 42 05 73 L ; 3:0 1 11:-: J..:.' r. r* <- .-. D,e'52 3:.. e Col.t,::.p.r..i:i. i i - . 4. -'- - ~ : ~ _^ X Record broken. 2Jb X o t.iiw . qpe ^ .153 ' ,IoO . & iv(r/ -9T .tit .bniwfnl-r-xc qroT lit JMttV.'Sttf (fll^XJKl) 103T 57' XiOI OC 00 i S 2031 OX C TI x2 X OX E f 3 xIX 8 LOO 0031 1 XI * X OEM 00 07 VO xO OX vCM 03 77 8C- 88*VOK S X ISCX OC 77 SI vou so* rut 8 I r ; i T JI 8 036 98 07 05 D f -o Brfi Uu / U * 'O 1 7 ,' ; Vf'7A AuQ r> 79 f5:\r. t^rmi. hvrr,v/' ! r"l , n.1 rls-r.xin V B TIOGA V Piiotoryvillo 1 J.in'89 42 00 70 31 830 7 9x l!ov ? 31 (ounsct rj-i.ciVlon'} Temp c v/ina, dir r o.:ln Bar, teup (na::-nin; vir.do elds. V Marshland (Apalaohin P,0 ,,42 OT w<5 73 12 1 Doc } 09 TcDr Jc ro,in, V Ncv^uri: Valley *2 20 70 RO 9 Go 4 3 Jc in'Oa Mc,r'7s Eta- Co I. tanr>, rain. V Nichols 42 00 76 o2 17 Jcm-r?V Dno-7? R Sa.Col.Tecip. V a 3 10 Doc ? 73 Sc-p } 77 Tcnp v/ind. olds. rain. BROOMS V *S?yj 42 10 75 58 1032 1 2 llov-33 Tcasp, wind, dir. rain. V Coin:!. ** i < 13 74 53 1331- 3 3x J. ..u-20 Dcc'52 Sr-. Col. tcv.:p. rain. V S ?,^:; : } KcrtriBh 142 13 74 45 1 0': ,n : o9 Tec9rain. V Greenville 42 20 73 57 10 J;in ? 23 Doo'2G R S^cCcl.TC.:p. CQLIEffllA V GcrnantG\7n 42 05 73 02 1 3.0x Aog'GG M_v7 G3 SQ,Col, tc'^ c rain, V Hudson 42 15 73 47 150 22 Ox J3AV27 J.a:-, : ' 7 Sm c Col. tei^.rai-i* V c 2 C:.'. Sc ; ;-?o Api*?? Bar* t crap. v/ind. olds* rain V Kir.drhoofe 42 22 73 IS 12o 17 C Jfe Ti ' ^^H> Ip *G tO oin i v J J- 3 "0\.- r .p o - Cl-^rid w s Leban.ro. Sp : gs 4-2 2-3 7:5 Kb* 2 2x A. -.ii^^ C'>, '<-.'} r t i_,- -.-.,:-, , J'i r.-Cr; c f J. ^up.- U-'-.-l- V Spencer town 42 IP 73 '"-I 7 -50 S *"-v 0'.' .I 7 o4 -Juiii-Gl &m C&l t (>. I'oilJ* SOLLXV^K y o Bfic.vor Lrocit ** T 31 20 74 ?0 7CO 1 Ja- ? 54 3^c ! 54 S-) ft Col.tcvT)vain. V c Hberiy 4-5 74 1G 1474 12 ox Oc - ; - ? ^O r ''1 \ '"' * {A X ^*~'i rr ("^ " V if -p '" V 1 --, * ^ / T "5 r^r.- ATS -f C U < -C* !.!.>.. ':/ 'J -'..i, ,' --' ^. r> I* '''*^*i-* * w * *- *- k J-V\- ^, O*^ lj t> V w Yovinpsvillo i 4-7 74 55 3.000 5 ? ? R S^l.Avcrage trcp. V Grlasco 42 00 74 00 1'JO 2 C?. s Ja n0& Jtti73 Sm.Col,teai5>.rain. V i! OA V'C v ? 7 ^ ; ^";j.T ? ? ."' ' " To~-n -ri/ ; n, V Kiru?ton Al 36 1-7 f " 02 IC-n 19 3x Sc p- 30 &op 3 09 Sr;i.iC-:-"J n x^ip.^ainiRegent^ V, ORondciity / / * ,., c-c Rcr.ort> ''j i , / / ^ i y^-/^u ^^^ . ;7x, ^ /tt^-n/ Record broken. i ' ', .n-trT. -T >tf 01 5 .n : :cr.. .:ir.q *.Jtr.D. c.: .r : I, r .- UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 11 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. csff fe'S Remarks. County and station, and cluss. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. HS V V V DUTCHESS Aneni.:, 41 Fishkill Konoy:i.:ad-l)roolc P ouch keep si e 1-1 Ru-d Hook 42 S S E Reservoir 41 Wapp jngar 1 s Falls 41 OILMIGI: K ought on lY.rr.; Exp or. Station (i-.iount ainvi lie)-*! Gosh on (Fan..,Ts Kail) -11 i.Iontcoiaery 41 Ne\vbursr 41 Port Jcrvis 41 40 73 3-3 640 1 lx J,M.'49 Jul'50 31 73 59 42 10 9x Jan' 54 Doo'GG 57 440 7 Jun'G9 41 73 55 17G 13 2x Jar. '20 Apl'70 2 Mov 09 02 73 5G 12 Ox Jan' 30 Deo' 42 23 75 33 1 Jui'09 30 73 50 4 3x Doc '74 A-.is7S 23 7-i 00 218 3 7x Jin 1 8 3 Aug3S R. Sn. Col. temp, Sn. Col . t erap . rain. Bar.tcnp. wind. rain. Sn. Col. tonp. rain (Regents Report) Tcnp (r.iax , r.un ) rain. Si.^. Col , t cj :.p . rain (Recent s Report) TT > c- ' -)... ; .. I <. . Aain. T^ % T 4 ^* -T^ Vi < ' cf \y^ >J wJLttCi* O J.Q!>* J k 20 7-:- 11 32 74 00 31 7'i 00 20 74 43 3 West Point B 41 24 73 57 425 11 Ox Jin 1 35 Dec* 49 300 13 Ox Jan '23 Doc '42 150 29 2 J^n'28 F3b'7l 523 5 4 Jan' 80 Apl'85 1 Dec '09 l.?7 35 0;c J..n'24 Doc '59 27 7x Jan 1 30 Bar . t onptnax-r;in) hy?j wind, elds. rain* Sru Col. Tenp. rain (Rerents Report) Ter.p. rain (Recent s Report) Sr i. Co 1 . t oup . rain ( Recent s V Ardoiiia (Phil- lip dovn Garrison Bevorly) 41 23 73 50 33 Ox Get '51 V Boyd's Corners 41 29 73 4 : 513 5 9 Jui\6C- Fob 72 V fCin.iol) 5 6x Jul'70 Tcup . v/ind. olds, rain. Sju.Col. t cup, rain. Bar. torup (nax-LiirJhyc.win elds. rain. Tet;.p. wind, clds rain. T Si.:, Col, Rain, X Record broken. 05* fi* Of* Jtf* Sf'cod . *.* 3 T St'c'o'S SI I xi 1 Oi-i CS 5? C-- I* tt 01 t G3 T i* # t o>* 88 if iO 1> e 8tM OB * r.is H 3^ II 008 00 00 (I I) fetfl I :: ? f< r^fli<|fa <*>**. , o it es . [ BI . *i-;ol.i ft IT *2 |M o oV SS 1* 6 c;^ 3 : v OS i J2TOT nvroixjii f fc STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. rDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 12 Knmber Elevation Record. af Remarks. Hkl class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 1^1 V;T , OTC ,,., CT .^ o V Crotcv? Ban 41 12 73 54 133 12 O LJ 1 ,-, :-A vw** V.' / rv-vK ' 7^ r - O > i-' T *->~'-'j Col o i vain. V Fordhar.: 40 54 73 50 142 12 I Ox pcb50 Fcb'72 3":, Co 1 1 er :p . rain. T * Konsico 41 10 73 50 GOO 5;: jMl-,'73 Oct'73 Sr:.. Col , t cr:p , rain. V o u * 3x Dec '73 Oct'73 TonpoVvind. olds. rain. V Wt.Ploasant 41 00 7** !' 1-7 125 12 0:: Jaii '31 Bac'44 Sn. Co 1 . t er;ip . r ain ( Roc -nt s Report ) V North Salon 41 20 73 31 331 23 1JC ,T-r. > "Q U Wb^A k.* w- Dec 'GO Sn;. Col . t enp .rain (Recent s Report) T r * B Ft.Schuylor 1-0 -1C 73 43 1 3x J;,n'70 Bar. t ciip (r..ax-r..in) wind, cl :is . V Sir.c Sins 41 09 75 52 153 11 2x Sop '32 Jan '75 Sn, Col.ton.p.xid nuch brok-.vn rain 8 V T.arrytcv/n 41 05 73 51 152 12 4 Jxi'GO A^1'72 T Sv:i. Col e Rain. V Throes s iiock 40 43 * T Ol 73 7*? 47 19 1f\f\ %j 1 0:: D_o' 35 .tiy 72 Si ;.Coi. tc"..p.raiii. 2C* f\ 1 4- .- i^ "> - ? Vy s 1I2W YORK .1 01 z i-5 00 ., Lx Sii 1 ^ fOv'7o ... \J Jl ll J.-ip A wJ.li. \'syrf.j-\s . ft- dds'V 1 *' V Ho-:/ York City 40 -1-3 73 53 159 2G Ox j^n ':: Dec '73 So* Cw 1 , t oT.ip rc-iiis V 1C Jaii'74 Bar. toup.hyc . vir.d. clis. rain s O" o 135 19 2 llov'70 jj \1 J.J. Ij o O * V vj, ** 1 o * 1 S * V Ft.Colui..b\:3 1-0 41 7-, 01 25 53 3 Oct'21 Toe 1 59 Si.:. Col t jr:.p raiiii Li D * 29 Ox Jan 'GO Car. t^up (r.:ax-r.i.:) hyr;. wind. 1-: D David's Island c .r (H.Y.H) 40 52 75 34 4 llx Auc'39 Tor::p (v'.j.K-uin)'vir.d. clds.ra.iri. V Liorrj.sj.nia 40 55 74 01 150 1 7x Jan 5 3 Jan'5G R Sr.uCol tcnp. V Fort Wood (Bodice's Isl'd40 42 74 11 22 1 1337 1333 R Sr.-.oColoAvoraco tc:..p. M D 1 3:: Apl'31 Feb'32 Tor-p . hyc vand. rain. KINGS V Brooklyn 40 41 73 53 54 32 11;: Jan '41 Doc '73 Si:.Cel.tOT.p,rain. V 11 Add phi Ae:-.d er::y ) 3 lOx Jan '74 Bar . t enp (r.ici x-nin ) hyrr e v.'irid. elds. rain. V Flat bush 40 37 73 53 40 47 lie Jan : 20 !Iev'73 Sn.. Cel B t cr.;p.. rain (Recent s 1 Report) X Record broken. I . .f. Jr. oc -.$ oa'r-t. xC I rtt-M3 J>;X.^!E>> .IcO.JS 3? f ;^L : .7 T Sf'XcA < * . V 0* <* k * f ' '"> f f P K* ..i^ W 31 . Ww vCl :^fc S CI 8LX 10 -? uowL'Oc:.:..*,'. j xO CJ C3C1 fM X %lt(.lirH UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NEW from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 13 County and station. Mid class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. X* S| ^1 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. 1 KINGS Con- v Ft.IItr-ilton ii D 3 GUEE1TS V Flushing V 40 3-3 74 02 25 13 3x Jan' 59 Deo '59 2G Ix Jj.n'OO 40 46 73 52 6 Jul'55 Deo '55 8 llx : lay 75 Fob '04 V Hoop stead V "(Parsonage Creole Reservoir) V Jauaiea 40 V Cyst or Bay 40 II ? Vtillctt's rcii\t40 SUFFOLK V Ecllpcrt 40 V Mar iches (Brook Haven) 40 V V East Hampton 40 40 -il 73 40 49 1 Gx Jun'72 Doc'73 V RuniimtOQ V Sag Harbor W S Sctaukct V RICMJCND V Staploton V V M D Ft.Yividsworth 40 41 40 50 -1-3 4-i 43 50 52 00 53 5 Jan 1 74 May 74 73 48 30 39 Jan' 25 Dec '04 73 49 50 2 Ox Jan'3-i Doc '37 73 43 405 11 llx Jon* 70 Sia. Col. tsnp. rain. Terq? (na:<-rain)hy3.wind. elds. rain. R Sir.,, Col. Temp. Bar o t cnp (nux-i-iin) hyp . wind. elds. rain. R Sn.Col.Teup. Bar. t cnp. hyg. \vind. c Ids . rain, Sn. Col. t cnp. rain (Regents Rcipcrt) Sn.Col.tenp.rain(Refjents Report) Tamp (na;c-nin ) hyc . wind. elds. 72 52 72 39 72 23 73 27 72 19 73 05 "* 11 Auer'57 Jun'62 Sa. Col. tenp. rain. 40 39 74 04 40 30 74 03 39 10 Jan* 64 Dec '73 7 8 Jan '74 Kay 32 1C 17 3x Jan'27 Aug'52 50 1 Sop'21 Aucr'22 40 5 Jari'5-1- Dec '53 40 2 May C5 JuL'85 -i 5x Ausr'35 50 5 Oct'G7 Feb'GQ 1 1374 1 10>: Fob '75 Aug'79 35 4 2x Jun'73 Sn. Col. tcnp. rain. Tonp. wind. elds. rain. Sn.C9lotenp.rain. (Regents Report) R Sn.Col.tonp. Sn. Co 1 . t cup . rain . Tccip.rain. Bar. t enp (nax-tain) nyc wind. elds. rail:. Sn. Col otenp. rain. Svrr.Kary (ui scellonccus) Bar. tcnp. winds olds=> rc-in Tcup (uax-nan ) hy g wind, c 1 ds e ! ! * A ut,J-ii X Record broken. .bniw, t .ax cr . ablo .-Jb , 2 b I a *faai v . ^.1 ( t8'oa 6.^r, xi; a 3s sa ST'flrf, fc I o* 5t iv 0* ot Woo -' tj. UAA V. * L. v. , 4 ^ C AO W Sojnorsot Niagara Tannersville Greene Union Springs Cayuga Upper St.Regts Lake Franklin Virgil Cortland Wales Brio Warrensburg Warren Warsav/ Wyening Waverly Cattaraugas West Concord Erie Waddingt^n St.Lavrrcnoe Reso Wayne peration. Martinsburg Lev.'is Verncn Centre Oneida v.:a fttfcsg.tc.o fil :.-, 3 J : -A amtr f c JO ^ita99 oofcct-a 1J ItttflUUJ'IiM UISTITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of w CAROLINA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Nmnf'i'r And class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. SURTIY. r., x. Record. Elevation above sea-level. Len g th . Prom- To-inc oif o J Remarks. Insive. s-Tg IlO'ont Airy 53 30 80 - 40 i ROCKIT1GHAM. 9 Apl '89 '72 Smithsonian Collection. 33 25 70 53 Reidsvill-:- 53 23 79 40 GRA7TVILLH. V Oxford V " V War rent on V HALIFAX* V \; el dor. 32 22 78 25 33 23 73 09 2 !Iov'89 2 3 Apl'85 7 l;c Jul33 ? k ain. Sep'87 ln>,Weather,Cld., Wind, Rain. 10 Jan' 74 Oct '74 1 Apl ' 57 Jan '70 llov Dec '57 '70 c ;i KO V Gas ton V Jj,oi:30~ 31 1 11 Feb'72 Bec'73 13 Jan' 74 4 4.x Apl '32 V 3C 23 77 3C 7 25 kO 77 21 8;: Au<5 elij EJS "to 8tf0.noxteJ3 . :0.2Ci*^2 rrsi^O fcS nc *:cj~0 fcS 68* IT?\ 28 r -'jQll X 0-:- 08 Go o2 &5. 0*. 0? 52 32 87 22 SO 35 77 .TTi.TJS . JDinaoo;: Ej Tn ^. -V .:0 C * r ' i W + S* ~ ^ fl.v CO - w o5 j7 Ck. C5sX.-iX ^cir^ ,.--..: ;: ::.' . 31 8 : ; 00 ,X Oi- f . .i u UNITED STATES SIO SERVICE. 2 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of '.ji. from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. and class. tr r\ T County and station. CALDY;ELL. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ^ M Remarks. sonian Collection. Length. Prom - 01 To inclusive, ^'z *=; n =^o QI ?,r\ 1 1 P.fi 2 Sx /oifr'71 Dec'73 V B IREDELL. V Statesville 55 45 80 (near) V 1C Jan' 74 V V V V V V V V V V GUILFORD. Ne.v Garden 36 05 79 Gre.nsborouch 36 04 79 KILLS30ROUGH. G Chapel Hill 35 54 79 "^ 55 955 6 May '06 Apl'73 9 5 Feb'74May'89 7 Jun 7 80 53 8 GO 1 5x Jul'72 Dec '75 1 Jc.n'74 Deo '74 49 f#3 2 Ix Auc'71 Dec'73 8 8 Jan' 74 Aug'82 04 V7AKE. Anandale "i.c.::c Forest ::aleich Ox Jan' 20 May '70 S llx Apl'56 Apl'61 G 6 Jan' 85 3c 43 73 35 54 73 55 45 78 40 335 1 3x Dec '70 Jun'72 2.0 409 2 Ox Oct ? 35 May '89 57 37? 4 I0x Aii'C3 Dsc'74 17 2 10 Jul'74 Apl'77 v o S 5 2x Jail' 84 375 3 Jan' 87 V TaVoor : A U 1 Jan'75 , 7x Jan' 30 A".g'38 Txrp. ,Vvind, Clouds, Rain.Hiinddiij from Jan' 79 and max. ": nan. Temp, from Jan' 84. Record com- plete except for Aug.-! Sep J 7G Smithsonian Collection. Ter t p . , V.'ind, Cl ouds , Rain. Max. & rain. Temp. from Jan' 84. Temp. (max.r.in. ) , Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Teir^p. ,v;eather, Clouds, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. , Weather, Cl ouds, Rain, R Smithsonian Collection. rp I Bar. , Tei^p. (max.niin. ) ,Hygroaete Wind, Weather, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Uar. , Teirp. (max.nin. ") ,Rain. Smithsonian Collection. , Hy j. , Wind, Clds. ,Rain. ,Rualdity,;ind, Clds.Rain, 2d Order Station. Smithsonian Collection, one report in V ?c-:pperno:: V c o r: L'O 3 - >52 Charleston 8 Fsb'53 Sep'53 55 7 3. 2 5 R Average monthly Terr.?. Sn.Col R Smithsonian Collection. T Special rainfall Station. char.c^d to Bryson City_ X Record broken. .noi*os!IcD l: . sE < ai:oI .n>. -osoc i>*:: 3 f ;ial o .. ;A ro'i i: !.f f . . .^-:'j , oe 1 1 oO n i/r o 2 rf t i ."! , eJbvc ID , -i ri^-jee i / ( .Q.U&T oiJoSIIoD njainoa/i^i t abyc ID ^sri^f At t/ , S GGII 03 IE f CJ &$*vjOA 3d9 55 08 3* 35 : SV'l.rrl, x3 I 008 83 67 SO I 9 QV i-0 M> 87 SV'oeu IT^irA xl S 8 G nssitioz[ijiz fi OV ( ^ ?cu,l, xO 02 T 10 f IqA '&SIqA xIX 3 58 'n^l* D n^: - ] :0 C UJIH i;: Je c J:: .T t .at 10 , i-niv, t .: T '!! f , r. 10 07*09(1 xS X S8o 0^ GV I ec r -/c:i cs^oo xO 2 eo^ o-s sv'^s fr7 f osa CO'-^-A xOj .?S Vo 87 c-i- 53 :/L 01 2 VIS S o 9 > rf-c- I .1 S C ^T sno c IV - x ^3 1 -~" o* - : oa 8 f f> C UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. amber Elevation . Record. and class. ounty and station. sea-level. Length. From - To inclusive. \ fr^'i TT ft T^' ' ' O^T^ O " o ' 1 HAYY.'OOD. V \Vhite Sulphur Springs . . Y; s BUNCOMBE. V Ashville V u V V ,35 30 83 00 271G 2 2x Feb'79 Mar '82 2x Dec' 35 Feb'37 35 37 82 30 2250 7 4x Aurr pij lu i_ J^ V-'l J 1 i . V C Soj-pston^ i.It. 35 46 79 37 10 iviar'89 R Teii:p.and is summaries. CHATHAM. W 3 PittsborouG'h 35 42 79 12 7 Jun'89 Terrp. (::;ax. PITT. 7 Greenville 35 33 77 23 75 1 4 Apl'77 Oct'73 Bar., Temp. V v-ashin-ton" 35 32 77 04 7x Feb'89 Bar.,Tei.p. D A R H. s ? Hatteras 35 15 75 40 11 9 1 Dec '30 2d Order S s i: Cape Hat t eras 55 14 75 50 363 Sep'74 :iov'GO 2d Order i i i i l moved to K (Way nesvill e) Teqp . i-. Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Ear. , Temp. , Hy , v.ind, Rain. Monthly met'l. si^maries. Table of monthly noan, max. 5: rain. Temp, end Rainfall. X Record broken. .OOOiVTAH v eVcfs 1 ? xS 2 OXT2 00 58 eso*a V 03SS i fit* vftvtrr r*w ^r 1 "* i GO S^JlA 23HOOK SB 73 35 e!Iiv4aA i .nisr. . t .c /H , 20 .8:. 10 ,fcaiW t .a^ !, ( 8 01 8 xO I X 86'tf^ II I 18'voM OS'lqA. 8 X Sc'IuL 70 'vol.' IX i 02 28 M S3 M. X8 di- .o 08? CS 08 xO S S V ia ' . i OtattJTOU ' ' B ox -: 08 .: jsqiO OS'vol! a I XI 288 SI 67 2* 3 s 7? BO as *0 77 25 CC 0* 3T 5X 3; ^.v/ -scca.^ ^ 2B.. 1 UISTITED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NO, CAROLINA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number ud class. and statlon - CHEROKEE. V Lfurphy Y u S .S LIACO:T. V Fra;iklin V " V Highlands V JACKC01I. V Forest Hill Latitude. Longitude. 35 03 34 00 Elevation above sea-level. Length. Record. From- To inclusive. Remarks. 1 10 May '72 Dec'73 Smithsonian Collection. 5 Jan' 74 May '83 Ear, , Te:;p. Wind, Clouds, Rain, 2 Jan' 83 T Special Rainfall Station 35 12 85 27 1 2x Apl'72 Jan' 74 5 5x Jan' 74 Ssp'31 35 05 85 25 5670 7 8x Jan' 77 Peb'Co 7 Jun'89 35 20 85 14 2217 4 7x Oct'74 Aurj'32 TRANSYLVANIA. V Brevard HENDERSON. V Flat Rock 55 15 32 45 2 2 Feb'33 Mar '85 35 15 82 25 2214 1 9x Sep'84 J\in'C7 LINCOL1I. V Linoolntcn GASTON, Riv i.Iour.t Holly 35 21 31 03 Smithsonian Colles ticn. Te- .- 5 , V/ind , Cl ouds , Rain. Te;..p , , Wind, Clluds , Rain. I^y eter from January, 1879. Terr.p. & Rain. Temp. ,Vv'3ather, Clouds, Rain, Hygrometer frcm 1377. Wind, Clouds, Rain v- r ith maxiai^n and rrdr.irr^un Temperature from January ,1334. Barometer, Tenperature, Hygrom- eter /.Vind, Clouds, Rain. 35 00 81 12 944 3 7 Jun'84 Dec '87 Tenp., wind, Weather, Rain, 3 llx Sep'85 T Rivar and Rainfall observa* i tions. i X Record broken. ILotaicfl IloO r. SV'esCZ 2?'^!! 01 I 00 8 80 25 8879qpT rr: t b/ie *V 7 38'ijsM XIAO i&viH T taoil I VS 58 SI 33 3 L x8 V 0705 35 58 30 3S t S 2 V 3 Xlf 5 32 S8 SI 18 CO 35 50 18 IS tliS M SB OS CS Hi S8 31 HDBfiSOH ' .IlJOOIiU STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of NORTH CAROLINA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Dumber and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. MSCKLaffiURGH, Elevation above sea-level. Length. Record. as f ! Q Remarks. 5H5 From- To inclusive. V Davidson Co lege, \V S " V Charlotte V llount Pleasant 35 23 30 28 .,' S i W S Clear Creole 35 14 30 30 STAJILET, V Attavay Hill 55 25 80 12 850 55 3030 53 850 1 Ox Jan* 53 Eec '59 6;: Feb*37 Hay '88 35 13 30 51 803 3 3 llov'71 , Jun'75 11 3 Oct'78 1 3 Apl'74 Jun'75 3 Jan '37 6 Jul ' 89 7 Apl'Gl Oct'Ol Smithsonian College. Tei:iperaturs,Vvina, Clouds, P^-in. Baroraetar uid Hydrometer iron; Fctruary t 1875 2d Order Station. Temp, ,Vind, Clouds, Rain. Temperature & Rain. (Hear Albeiaarle). Smithsonian Collection, V 8 Jan' 37 VWA J W VfcV**a Dec '73 Smithsonian Collection. v o 3 7 Jan' 74 Jul'77 Temperature, Wind, Clouds, Rain. MOQRf, V Southern Tinss 9x Pet '89 Temperature, (maximum and .r&in- inu::.), Hydrometer, V.'ind, Vieatha* and Pwain. i X Record broken. -IoO .as: ."ic, :08&& ca'osCI ES'njjL ;<0 I 038 o3 0; SS^sM VC':fe r : ::8 . . ST'.n/t, IV'voil G -i SOS 13 Oe 51 c-J-^o: J^af^O':-. . , ; 2 -5^';0 ^i ST^cO II h 3TT :*>{,: ,qjeT 5V*xurl> ^7 f IjA o I 8 OS S2 3S >ti"ii..v^ 05 6 OS M 22 , . ,10 Minoa^ida .Csr.v^e^IA T-oIO ID'^oO XO'IrjA V 028 21 08 2S IJJtK \ 'r.mz? SV^&u ' : f iwl> 8 r. r >: " r* r /* */ *v^ ^ v 4> *** \ r > ''-4.'**i i*i.- .->. / t *. - v .; -l '-*'' c' : UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of DLINA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 6 and'clTss. Coun 'y and station - Latitude. , Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. CUI.!L'JRLA!!D . V Fayetteville 35 06 V " V KAiaiETT. Yi S V/inslov.' 78 53 170 3-5 30 73 -1-5 2 2 Feb'7l Mar '72 2 5x Feb'73 Mar '82 7 Apl '89 Ssp'39 5 Auc'89 - H'ITt T~~> V Goldsborough V C R 55 23 34 533 54 53 77 55 60 UiriOlI. V/ S Monroe A!ISOH. C R Wadesboro-ugh 35 00 30 04 DUPLIH, V Kenans ville ONSLOff. S S New in v or Inlet 34 32 CAHTATLET. V G Fort >:acon 54 42 76 40 20 S3" L! D Be:-AU ort 34 43 70 41 u 78 00 102 7 2x Jan'56 pec'73 4 4 Jan '74 Jur.'73 4 Ix Apl '32 3 3x Apl '84 | 2 Jan '33 Smithsonian Collection. Temp . , Hy s. , Wind, Clouds , Rain. Temp, (max.min. ) , Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp. /.Vir.d, Clouds, Rain. 35 07 77 05 12 34 58 4 Ox Apl '32 Ox Mar '68 May '70 Tenp. fmax.ir.in. ) , Rain Srrdthsonian Collection. 77 18 4 5 Auc'82 Dec '36 3d Order Station. 11 ,/ Portsuouth 35 02 76 04 5 5x Oct'35 A.us'40 2 10 Jul'74 Apl '77 6 Jan 1 31 Dec '30 1 2x Jmi'3o Deo'G4 11 Feb'72 Dec '72 3 10;: May '76 Aur;'35 Rain from Jan '79. Sm.Col. Tenp. (max. ) ,Wind, Clds. ,Rain 2d Order Station. S Cape Lookout 34 36 73 36 ROBE30N. R Lumber ton 54 53 73 59 15 4 7 M;.y'7G Dec '80 7 Feb'85 Jul'85 4 1 Apl '32 143. , Hyg. , Wind, Weather, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. 2d Order; changed to ou Order, Aucrist,13S5. 2d Order Station. 3d Order Station. S Scott's Hill i 34 20 77 44 1 2 5x Sep'82 May '85 3d Order Station. (Sloop PoJ -nt). X! Record broken. On 53 87 CO -- s s g v soi oo or ro f tJesiioO'r; 07' 55 D< r! * 81 V? ,STsflt, ^071 .11. :cO xc 3 OS D? S*'> . -T o II , oIIo tx t te j oj- r*X3nArfo;i8l5': 01 8- 2 OCl^c isfciO fcS t V if 51 tol^O i V ^A I * x3 S 7: UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of CAROLINA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' ' | N2W HANOVER. S S Wilmington V - BRUNSWICK. 1-.I B Fort Johnson M D V SLiithville S Southport 54 14 77 57 55 55 73 01 55 55 78 01 53 55 70 01 52 19 Jan' 71 5 9x Dec '75 May 1 81 2d Order Station. Ear. , Temp. , Hyr. > \Vina, Clds.Rain, 20 1 7 Jan '41- Jul'45 T Smithsonian Collection. 6 3 Jan' 71 Mar ' 77 Tei

xS CI OS 2 78 10 10 10 i ^1- 4 ** *-.** *.* * * * * * " * * *" ~*#"*""" - ****"".^."*^^ - * .^ * :*oIIoD rr/:/no- 06'rtcL I r ?3-3 Fra^r.entary re-ords of less than a yoc,r in length are en file from the Follov:inr; St at ions ; N R T H C A R L I II A . 8 Station. Cc'inty. "i" "i" "1 Station. ' County. Station. County. L-akersville Mitchell Harming Po^ Cherokee Oak Ridge Guilford j Bel-wood Cleveland Kingston L-onoir Ogreeto. Cherokee '""--< r^i /~,T U i j. 3 * 1 ? Kelley's Bladen Rutherford Rutherford Clark ton Bladen Louisburjj Franlclin Roan Mountain Mitchell 11: Park Mitchell Marl bo rough Pitt Rock Springs Hillobcrough lk Knob V.'alasa r-Iaxton llobeson Salem Forsyth Srover Cleveland llt.lrlitchell Yanc ey Saluda Poll: Greenwood Moore Ivlarion Llcrowell Saithfield Johnston tIOL.0 Bladen Mount Olive Y/ayne Trinity Colleo eRandolph rficl-i Point Guilford Ore Knob Ashe Vn'ilson : .Vilson V/estminster Guilford. J """**""**"*. ".""*, """*""*""" llote: -Cotton Region Stations of the Si-::ut Service tal^j. tenperat-rre and rainfall daily from April to October ins observations o:" naxiinxtn. ar/i ninii: of each year. , TiOA3J m iffl?.* flSOH 1X f. A-" .'il flK CT^itqS ;(oofl ; i >T> ^ -1 ,._' (ma::-r.iin ) r ain , v/ind . 10 11 Feb'79 Full observations. q p. r; -i O v- O .i. < "l 4 F3l'32Kay 33 Tamp (rr.a::-min)rain. wind. : S S 1.1 D S S V V S S V 1,1 D 'ii S V V I.I D Fort Pembina OATLtR'^Y IwU ,.O^j j. Fort Tot ten u STEVSI3 Ft. Stephen son u GRIGG3 Gal latin STAR1I Richardton EURLEIGII Bismarck KIDDER Stcelc STUTSMAN Fort Seward CASS Davenport Lcoch Farm KETTINGER City LOCAN Hap olson r rA-^TPl^T i'.lUiklUli Ft Abraham Lincoln Fort Rice 43 53 07 10 7C1 3 10 !','cv'72 Av.^j' i IT rrr r." r> r i T^D ") '7 ,Y A" ^'71 io o / o ; Lo ' >- J J. / oX nu(j I J. 47 5S 03 57 47 53 101 29 47 21 93 01 4G 55 102 16 45 47 100 58 4-G 55 90 53 4G 55 93 49 43 4-5 97 05 46 50 96 45 1430 20 lx AMg'69 6 Jan' 34 l'33 1754 14 4 Jtog'6i AJ 4 5x Jan '79 Kay 33 1 8 Fob 7 88 Dec '89 24G4 4 Ox Feb'84 Jul'88 1631 15 4 Sop '74 9 Apl'39 4 9 Jan' 73 Sep'77 1 Jan' 89 975 1 9 Apl'83 46 34 102 57 2400 1 6 Jul'83 4G 03 99 00 08 L'ay 09 43 45 100 52 1314 14 4x Jul'73 ! 4G 30 100 53 2200 10 4x ! Jul'G3 Oct'73 Rill ob3erv2.ticns(niov2d to St. Vincent) Temp (rr.ax-Triin) rain.Trind. Tor.:p (max-min) rain, wind. Full observations. Pall observations. Temp. rain. Hind. Temp . rain. wind. Full observations. Tonp (max-min ) . r ain. v/ind. Temp (max-min) .rain. wind. Temp. rain. Teinp (.max-min) , rain. wind Temp (min) . rain. wind. T Rain.v/ind. Temp (max-min ) . r ain . v/ind Temp (max-n;in)hys:. rain, wind, i N. 1 1 Dak. 1 X Record broken. Lfl - ' UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. rf* t. - ~ and class. sea-level. Length. From - To inclusive. H'B ~ ^ .-,-. ~ . , f 1 40 11 100 S4 1G70 3 Ox Jan' 82. Bar. temp (nax-tain) .rain. 7 lOx Sep'32 Tinpdaax-min) .rain. wind. 43 50 97 55 1433 3 7 Dec' 68 Jul'72 Terap.hye.rain.wind. Temp (max-min ) hyg . rain, wind . Teirp (max-rr.in) .rain. EG?, M D Port Yates q C u RANSOM !,; D' Fort -Ranscm HIGHLAND LID Ft.Abercrontie 43 24 96 43 15 Sx Aug'60 Oct'77 V YJahpcton 46 20 97 00 975 6 Jul'39 List of Stations having less than one year's record' and chich are now not in operation, Station County Fort Berthold Garfield Devil's Lake, City of Ramsey Carrin^ ten Foster Farco Cass Farmingt on Ri chl and Grand Forks Grand Forks Mandan Msr t on Medora .Billings Spiritwood Stutsman . Record broken. .W./UA. . 'aia*x,ear fl-' . Qi 1 2 ( 1C - 7C> UNITED STATES SIGMSTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. FULTON V Vv an se on LUCAS V Toioao Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. asj sj sa Length. From- To inclusive. 41 56 84 7 800 16 Ox Jan' 70 41 40 35. 34 675 OTTATfA north ".ass Isld-1-1 LAKE Arc ola 41 kittle . ." o ASHtAL-ULA Austinsburg 41 Jefferson 41 O u :- ay brook 41 Napoleon 41 ,.OOD .owl ing- Green 41 Q u u Perry sburc 40 SAHDUSKY Clyde Lerlin II eights 1 41 ilelleys Island 41 42 82 4G 587 48 81 G 620 38 81 16 1180 48 80 54 816 44 80 52 51 30 53 650 22 84 7 682 25 83 40 675 35 33 36 5 32 00 700 19 32 37 06 32 43 587 10 6 Jan '60 Jun'70 19 2 i:ov'70 3 5 Jr.n'39|0ct'73 7 10xDec'54 Feb'65 5 Gx Jan'G7 Dec '73 7 8:c Jan '74 Oct'81 3 2;; I'Iov'62 Feb'GO 2 6;: i tar' 53 Deo '53 lOxApr'G-:- Jul'35 2 11 Feb'87 2 5x Feb'02 Apr' 33 11 4x Jxil '57 May '72 1 5 Jan' 75 ..lay '74 4 l;c i.lar'54- Apr '53 x ivlay'35' 1 Jan7S, Dec75 1 8x Jan' 74 Oof 75 Remarks. i,ar.Ter.:p. fnax.rJ..-;) JIys. Rain. Jan' 70 to Apl'3o ir.ol. Su-.T..e.ries of Ter.p. & p.air.. ST.. Col. 2d Order station. SEU Col. Sa. Col. (i-Iadiscn & Unionville) Str.. Col. (Fainesville}. Sm. Col. Sm. Col. Te&p. 11 r.os. S.cJ r .ar . T etr.p . \Yind , Rain . Lar. Ten?. (rnax.tr.in. ) Httt-id.Wir.ci, Rain. Sm. Col. Lar.Temp. (ufix.rr. Rain. i. Col. T er;$ . ( r_a;t . mi n . ) Rain . Srr;. Col. . ) Y< : ind,Raiiu Sru. Col. Temp. Wind, Clouds, Rain. Sm. Col. f ...arraretta Twp* V " " L. andMsky 41 27 32 46 850 14 11 '1 25 32 40 G2C 12 11 Jan 'OS 2 Dec '73 1 A'Jg'77 JOV'/i oU. UOI, T ~. *^ * . '* ^** *' ^^ "^ rti* Tl^ / ^* ^ V T* ^ *^ 1 ; J ^ '^^ i'k 1 ^""' rt (_, Y^. Y ^ ' 4^ O** i W*.-i| A \ LkiOw ^X .-"* f * *j J * * *"* AVi 2d Order station. I Record broken. T.li^. t -} r.v'r^i, . . 1C 391T >;0 81 008 . . .l i .fen. .nJ^? .SO.-7 II w . ..~j;: ^ ,L;i/K ( . ;:i;;j .XJB;.J) . C.-.TS I .TX, : f .. . i /. . . ( . rr i.;7 . x i. j } . rrr* T . 16-. i .r: .' 57* J 50 '^ 3 IG' V CO'JSI L ;;S 5 3C'L"L ''2'7.a.'j:OI TC'^s'i II 2 i'A 3 wT D ir . r v> 0811 01 018 :-:5 S 08 8 ::iJ! ( ,;;i. . q^ . . n- IO,Jbni. .qr ,IoO . .Ti-t-T.t "a'lirL xv- I v'su SV'r^t, 2 S?- > I ST'.TfiL I *V f rjBl x8 I i eataA i si 00? 00 &. V3 ^fi CI z* 058 ie ' r ">->n UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the eai^liest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. if Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' O ' LOMAI1I V Avon 41 27 32 4 1 3x Oct'rS Peo'SC Sir.. Col. ' Elyria 41 23 82 7 3 Hov'74 Jan '75 Sr.i. Col. V 3 7 Kay '30 T^vr-v, (*~*-r .-i -. \ Yiir-ifl T;. O ^., V Ote'.'lin 40 20 02 12 800 7 7x Jen '54 Jul'73 Srri. Col. V 3 0;: liar '49 J^n'52 T Sa. Col. :xvo"a;re monthly r;..ii: V Ox Jan '74 Oct'79 Lar.Ter^.IIys. V.iiid, Glus.hain. ,, S 7 Nov'32 I'ar.Ter.p. fxoax.aiiu V^eaidWin; o Junction 1-1 15 G4 20 722 1 3:-: Toe '33 Fct'So Teip. vVind, Rain. ..' S Paul dins :-i 9 34 35 724 2 7 x S ep ' 35 Aur; ' SG '^ar.Ter^p, (nia^.T;:in, )Kuuid.Vtindj f * - . -i /*i Rain. o ilrfi < -i_* V_>*'A V Fostoria 1-1 10 35 20 770 a llov'bS Juii'BO T eup . V< ind , C 1 d s . , Tic.ii;, S " 1 Ix Oct'88 L'er.Teqp. Cruax.tuin. ):iuciid.V*ir.d, rkiri. V Tifiin 11 10 33 a 7C5 7 /:pr'73 Oof 75 3n. Col. V " 1 7 3:c g^*-^- "-" * X Record broken. x-3 : ft ^o **** ' *.j^ * xv 7' VO:T s t ."% < - * r * ".C ^ - I** f V V -N9 ( X* 7 OC8 21 " * i " A A K -* \^^ 3v ( :;0 3 II ;-7 ( : n^li >:0 1 r !. r> ._;- >? c c5 ,IoO . . - ;-..... (.:~ir:. :-.rr). q.fc-7 .Io' . .IcD ,;ce 7 S3 ,Qu?,1 .oi '2/,-A a .loO . ST'voi-I ^'TCH xl I I' 7 Sd 18 r; .It? . 07'JoC (te'iicl, :.a 12 870 ^ II : Tec-sO i 07 f voM S 31 v7 GJ .Io? .. 3 o -36 {J 1^ 3c f qi'. ( I : .100 ,a2 t-O'lL-L O-M/.^.Ci 30 x'C . s osio ,io:- . 5C'c. cs'riib ii -i- ae: ^ C^' CJ- i-w f . . ^<*:~ d :- is t CC't^.. 7 : ; f -;_ Q .IcD .V^ ?*C f -rr- ' "T S"* O >T Wl tfV I >-i S* / ' L'/lii'.r./'^r 'iii/1* c*t>*voM t- 077 3).qgsf .: .-- iO*.- '> i 70v O VT.". i 8 :).-: 7.1 v-7'7 7 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest .records to January 1, 1890. jril*s. County and station ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. 052 J t-'s Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. HURON \. .'.eilevue 41 15 82 50 V l;o. Fairfield 41 10 32 56 G30 ' lid Walk 41 1G 32 50 V 1 Q i V Ripley Tv/p. 41 5 32 36 965 135DX!L\ r o ' -." .,! n I*. -3 i iW-LAiid 1-1 7 31 42 120G V n V_- Seville 41 81 4 r^ '_ * 1075 . 1 1.1 V;ey-;o-uth 41 12 81 43 .1 S Akron 41 o 31 20 1030 1 ?1 " '"* 3 0"^ 41 15 81 26 1137 u ij e 11 1 10 War' 33 ! G 2 Jan' 07 r.'ar'7 8 Ox Got '54 Dec '33 2 0;: Aufj'73 Sep'80 4 Ox Jan '07 i.Iay'73 1 G Jo.n'57 Sop '53 1 4;-: Jan'Gl' Dec '02 Teup . , Viind, Rain. S:u. Col, 3v.i Col. L^r. TeTOT.V/ind, Clds.llain. fe. Col. Sc. Col. STT.. Col. Ten^. Wind, Rain. V Edinburgh 41 G 31 10 520 Freedom 41 16 81 12 1100 Garrottsville 41 18 31 .5 1020 u 41 19 81 9 7G5 41 9 81 23 41 10 31 5 41 10 80 52 1000 I Kent .. Lordstovm V 2 8 I.'ay'37 11 2x ..Iar'33 HOY' 73 3 ox Jan' 74 Hay '82 5 Ox Oct'34 1 10 war '57 Dec '53 1 ll;iviay'59 LIay'G2 1 5x' Aug'Gl i lay '63 G 0;: Oct'73 3 9:c Sep'55 Oof GO 3 9x Feb'34| Apr '83 1 8 ivlay'88 Feb'39 2 10 ,Iar'57 Dec '50 2 2x Jan'85 ; Apr'37 2 Ix way '87 :",ar,Ter.;p. r.iax.rran. Sir.. Col. Ear, Tenp. V, ! ind, CTi3. Rain. Sni. Col. SKI. Col. R S^. Col. Liai-.Tenp. (max.uin. )*Iy. 7. V, ; iiid, Hii. Sa. Col. Lar . Temp, (nox.r.-.in. ) !Iy 3. ClcLs. . Wind & Rain. Lar.Tsr.:. (r.-.i,x.r.iin. )K'iu. "Wind, Rain Te:up. (uax.rain. ) Ra^n. R Sn. Col. a;c.v-;in. )Rain. ; Oransevilie 41 2030 35 10 Liar '39 Teup.( * ^ - \ Rain. V Vieiii.d 41 15 80 40 10 i-Iar'GO Tetjp. ( \ '*ind,Itain. V. S .i^rven 41 15 3 47 901 3 G >Iov'82 Jul'36 leap. V ~^ " * " i r* \ v i ~ "^ CL iwwJ* rUTIIA^ *. S Ottawa 41 2 81 4 15 Aug'88 T 1 i 1 Record broken. ec'-itii oi i d ai ,IoO . 8c'ci 8 . .100 . 'O'njaL .IoO , ..':.. 'T . sr - 4 bni' . .n UNITED STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of OHIO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. rf| and chiss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. o 2 tvernarKS. sea-ltvel. Length. Prom - To inclu sire, f^'g HANCOCK O j Vr S Final ay 41 3Z 35 1200 1 6x ivIar'SG liar. Tea. (max. rii.;)IIuci.V*ind, Rain. V Hassan 40 51 Q'6 48 1 Deo '89 R Y.YAilDOT A S Upper Saniusky40 44 83 1G 380 7 2 Mov '82 bar.Tcni. (max. nan. )'.TuTr..vind,RaJii CRAWFORD V yucyrus 40 48 35 1 Dec' 39 Ter.:p. (ir.a;c.ruin. ) Rain. HIGHLAND Y, S .anrjcrville 40 SO 82 30 1250 3 Jan '87 T .ar.Ter.. (iria.c.r.in. )Kum.1Hind } Rn V ft ilansfield 40 43 32 3G 900 9x Jun'51 l.Iar'52 R Sm. Col. 3 S i 2 5 Aug'37 Special Rainfall station. V a ii oh 40 57 82 36 3 May '89 Tersp. , Wind, Rain. ASRLA1ID v S Ashland 40 53 82 20 1 5 Aurr'83 Terrp. (broken) , Rain. V Rubles 41 1 82 30 1 5 Auc'72 Tec '73 ST.. Col. V 15 2 Jan' 7-1- Apr '39 Teqp. Wind, Rain. V Savannah 41 2 82 24 1093 10 7x Jan '54 Jul'72 Sn. Col. WAYNE V Smith ville 40 52 31 50 934 1 Ix Oct'G4 Sep' G9 Su. Col. 7 ''CNJoter 40 49 31 5G 872 G 4x Jnl'49 Tec' 72 Stn. Col. Tffr.r.l yr.3:-os. Rain. V u 5 7x Fet'74 iiay' 32 lar.Te:-...ind,Clds.:laiii. 'A; s 1 2 9x Jan'33 J.ar.Tein. (Gax.ir.ii.. )iTum.V(.R. G C u 2 a J^al'37 facial Rainfall station. STARK i i ' ' C 1 40 48 31 25 1070 4 7x lie v* 32 Lar . Tem. (isax. rrar. . ) ' "-m. . R. O O u 2 5x Jul ' 37 Special Rainfall station. . :Aj"Oi4IIIG f ' > .. Ellsworth 41 Z 30 5-1- 4 7x Jan' 35 T V Poland 1-1 2 30 58 10 uor*o9 . i; 41 G 30 39 855 46 Jul'35 l.-ar. Tera. (max. ruin. )Ii\ui.'..F;. COLUID.i.I!A * V East Fairiield-1-0 47 30 -l-o lic 7 j.. .-vuc^O ;-.Iay J G7 S:... Col. (i.11: i^n). V !Ie-.v Lisbon 40 -1-5 80 50 901 Ic C.< J-. _ } r^t; T.-T ) <^n <-;^ u-ij. 71 u. Col. v o.. T ^-> OU.J. ^ -_i 1-0 5-1 30 51- 950 4 Ja:;'7C Dec' 75 u. Col. V g J..;i'77 Fob' 77 TeL^.,..iiid,Raiii. Record broken. HOOOII/J1 1 W * +* 4* V ** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ _ 8'C9'I I * WWAA I>Q u 56 13 J ^23fi|- ( : Ji.-'. ,>*:./ .:.!'' ( .riia.:a~") ...197 ,Tat! 28 { voll 2 V 086 TX 50 {* ii'w'.r.v : .nijj! ( ,al^.ij^i).7J9T 8*oa I o'8 8*- Of- 3i ( '.(.f;i.7.'..ajr) ..Jt-T.Ti, ' V8*O6t> 5 05SJt 05 r r t v 0^ J - .IcD .rrr2 H 23*Tii:. I8 c *wl x9 00 G 05 Ca- 0-'- jol^ilsn ( ./IDX^>2 lit;. i;: Ici&sqS VC'tr-/. S 2 < riii^.bnl'V^Tc^T 8 r '^li e 0-3 23 V3 11* ( Cia, (09^07tf ) qa)T 88 c ^rA 3 I 02 28 3^ XoD ,r;'3 5? c csT 2? f ^r' 3 <^ " V + * hrf C'~ ' * I ii8 I .r;ii*Jl,bnJ:Vi.MJ S8 S / iliiiinc- 3HV ,IoO .;.'3 3&*qsS ^'^oO xl I *i3 03 1C S3 .;:iiii .20.\v.7v I.-rr^T .JoD .cfi 2V { cs1 Qv'J;/L :.* .0 C8 0-> 0^ T- .r:ijj-' 2bID l i.nJt...>.'9T.T I SC f \:^- vV'-^s'-l x^ 3 i . #.CH&(,^i0X4fc3)fi*Tt SL'.l^li X6 .-.oi^^? f.^'inii^ r i &e TC f I;.-L C ^ .'i . 4 ( ...i. .;.-) .ir&T.li;/. SC'v^.: xT t 5S rp -L C Ji^c-*2 IJ^lniA/: lilo* ?C'I:'l xo o M -*L. Iij.o X i be i. f... /< - v ,>:>. Uj: .{ .i.ii.:.v.i>.i. x ) ,j cT.~ S^'^'.'L . * .(: ,.) ,1^ ..Z 70' -.>\ 03^ .-.-. .... r > i? 1 !!"^ 3-3 '(^,0 2V ' C"r ' _, . i, - - .> UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. OHIO INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elev Record, ttion and cl;iss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. abc o J Remarks. ve j sea-1 BTel - Length. From- To inclasive. Hi COLUMblANA o * o 1 W -S Sal eia 40 54 80 54 950 1 4x Jan' 85 Sep'87 T V Salineville 40 40 80 50 6x Mar '89 R ALLEN V Lima 40 45 84 6 25 Jan' 65 Dec '87 Teop., Rain (broken). MERCER T -o Carthagena 40 23 84 55 5 4 Sep'70 Dec '75 Sm. Col. V w 5 7 Jan'74 Jul'77 Lar. Tern. Ilyjj.Clds. Wind, Rain. (Theolorrical Seminary.) Yf S Celina 40 55 34 55 890 2 4 Sep'87 I", ar. Ten. (ma:c.nin)IIum,W.R. AUGLAIZE W S Nev; Bremen 40 51 '84 25 981 2 llxAus'84 Jan'8C > Lar. Tern. (max. rain. )Hura.W.R. w s Wapakoneta 40 59 84 15 900 2 lOxAug'83 I3ar. Tern, (max.inin. )Hum.W. R. irARDIN V Kent on 40 59 85 55 1562 7 4x Apr '62 Oct'75 Srr.. Col. V u 4 5x Nov'75 Temp . , Wind, Clouds , Rain. s s u 2 5 Axis' 87 Special Rainfall station. i'.IARION s s Caledonia 40 58 85 5 2 5 Aus'87 Special Rainfall station. V Marion 40 57 85 7 1077 8 11 Feb'65 Dec '75 Sm. Col. V 5 8x Jan'74 Nov'85 Temp. ,Ulind, Clouds, Rain. TUSCARA'vVAS V Canal Dover 40 54 81 29 1 8 Oct'82 i.tay'84 Tetg3. , Wind, Rain. V Gilraore 40 18 81 20 1180 1 5x Jan' 69 Auc'70 Sm. Col. \v s H ev/c oner s t own 40 25 81 55 798 5 S Apr'86 Lar. Tern, (nax.min. iiluci.Y.'. R V Shanes ville 40 51 81 59 9 Apr '88 R CARROLL ' V C Carrol It on 40 53 81 6 10 Mar '89 SHELLY V Sidney 40 18 84 10 1 2x Sep'56 Dec '57 So. Col. vV S u 6 8x Jail' 80 Lar. Tera. (siax.niin. )Hum.Y.'. R. 3 S 1 2 5 Aug'87 Special Rainfall station. LOGLMI V Lftllefontaine 40 2c> 85 40 1257 6 7x Dec '55 Dec '73 Sn. Col. V i 8 7 Jan'74 Jul'82 leap. Wind, Clouds, Rain. V Korthwood 40 50 85 45 1170 2 4x Fet>'54 Mar^l Sta. Col. (Lelle Centre) i (Geneva Mall). X Record broken. AK/MdMUJOD ( . ... .uo;J!( XO , .XcO .08 ,f js J aTt*J wroT.ia ,XoD ,: .XoO , .XoD , xft i oae *a 08 *5 o* Sl^iaM .\C 05 08 Oft 78'oed 8Bnjjt, 2 5 5 S S so'iqA xft v 57*voH x5 * 'A 3 S <*M SS'JeO 8 X x5 X 3 5 H 86'lqA 8 :.< ox 05qo2 Ki X j *O ' 'f ft A "^ 3 S c: .IoD ,n2 vV'wl 33'osl x7 8 3.qi:&1 28'XiflL. i?*nxl. 7 C ::* 2 8 55 O88 35 X86 5S 006 5X 0* 6S 35 Oft X5 Oft OS Oft 35 SC 5 Oft V 3 S o 58 85 0* XX 8 770X 7 58 75 0* S X8 ft5 Oft OCX X OS 18 8X Oft 807 55 8 5S Oft 65 X8 XS 0* 6 XC 5 Oft OX ft8 8X Oft * ') '.' f' 07XX ft .03 mm p z < z o r> T9V0C! XI.HBD c.efii.12 G OJ OfiXXs. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of 6 from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. OHIO Number .nd class. Count y and 9tatlon - iu-lOX Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. c! ci s'| Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. *r\ -Z.T nO "ZK i OKA A Ov Mrtwfl!> K.TflV ' Q7 Terrin. ^aax.min. Mlua , .Y/ind, Rain. S Levering V Gabbier v; s COSHOCT01I V Keene 40 24 82 23 1000 40 25 81 53 HARRISON V Mev; Athens 40 V " JEFFERSOII V: S ITev/ Ale>:andria40 V St3\ib3nvillo -10 BARKE V, 1 ' S Greenville 40 V Troy 40 W 3 V West Milter. 39 16 81 4 15 80 45 1050 25 80 41 670 7 84 50 976 3 84 11 1103 59 84 10 1 6x Jun'GS iuay'73 2 Ox 3lay'S5 Aus'87 3 Jun'49 Jul'52 :-x Jul ' 43 Jti Ji' i4 2x Doo'Ol Oct'3C Sru. Col. . S 38 'T' OX S ::X J ?7 3 ,\\ * - -. ( 'A.' 03SI 35 S8 15 0001 SS 28 2 0* 33 10 S CI IT9VS ieicf;.iG-L I 0301 2*- 08 5 X 0->iiri.-n 3 SJ 07S 02 *Q V 50XX XX A6 OX 8 33 SS r:o + 030X 3S 58 XX OX ill 2 OX cXOX 08 c S8 05 V-4 J. " -I D iX - 2 UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of OHIO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Nunlhrr and class. County and station. V V V TRffiJKtrlTI Con. Elmwood Elevation Record. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. ^'i cv, r*,o TI Remarks. 05 \,esterville 40 04 Ohio State - University 40 00 85 03 900 1 3x Jun'70 Dec '71 82 55 360 14 7x Jan 1 53 'Dee ' 75 1-5 lOx Jan" 7 * 33 01 757 7 2 Nov'82 V Crctcn V Granville 40 15 82 33 30 Mar ' GO \i >ar' 03 40 05 32 30 995 18 7x Jan 1 57 Feb'52 4 7x NOV*82 V V V V Riv V V Gratiot ilewari MUSKIKGUM lie'/ Concord Zanesville u C-UERNSSY 1'ilnersville Oualrer City DELMOOT D euo s 39 59 40 07 40 03 .39 56 82 14 4 iSep'SS 32 23 C25 :j , Ox Jail' 55 Airj'63 1 :, ; ay'4-9 Ap-1'50 82 07 700 3 Ox Apl'43 Nov'58 1 lOx Au'T '87 10 7x May '32 Dec '73 Jan' 74 I. T ay'74 iiar tin's Ferry 40 10 St.Clairsville V V V V Dayton Y< L' 40 10 81 37 ' 39 38 a 13 1200 6 3x : !Icv'32 01 80 59 80 45 1 5 1 7;c V l:^ 1 ..' Yellow Sprii ;s 40 03 30 55 300 2 39 44 34 03 900 2 Ox 7 2 59 33 84 20 720 6 5 .* ^ oo " Jan '57 Feb'72 liov'49 Oct'51 n. Col. Temp. ,rain. Sm. Col . Temp . , rain. Bar . t emp . (max-min ) hyj . v/ind and rain. Uar . t emp (max-min ) h^n.wind dir e c . r a in ( n e ar Co liombu s ) Sm. Col . Temp . rain. (Halcyon Academy) (Hartford) Sm. Co i. Temp. rain. Bar. temp (max-min Hram. wind dir ec. rain. Temp. ,rain. Sm. Col. Temp. rain. Sm. Col. Temp. rain . Sm. Col . Temp . rain . Rain Temp. rain. Bar. temp. wind elds rain ( I] ev; L irminjjh cm ) Ear . tenp (max-min) hum. wind. dir ec. rain. Temp (max-min) rain Temp. rain. Sm. Col. Average monthly temp and rain. Jan '45 Mar '75 Stov'82 Sm. Col . Temp . rain. Ear. temp ( max-min )hiim. wind, direc.rain(Cooper' s Female Seminary and City) Dec '50 Dec '56 T Averace monthly rainfall n'54 Dec' 53 : vi. Col . Temp. rain. 43! R Sm. Col. Temp. X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 8 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of OHIO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Iiumber County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. i missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. FAYETTE - . V/asiiin^ton riCKAYvAY / Cirolevillc . J-.Y Holland V T Briton FAIRFIELD V Lancaster 59 51 83 34 900 5 8x Dee ' 32 I Jul ' 03 59 59 59 39 '., :' ;'c. Cornell s- ville ; Pennsville V RinG'SOld CUTLER V Jacksonborcuch Oxford 59 39 39 59 57 82 37 05 57 02 42 82 50 81 35 81 56 82 ^ C\ <_>U 06 45 2 4. Sop '37 1 9x Oof 57 LIay'72 1 Dec '50 llov'51 Bar . Temp (nax-ninlivj':.. ./i:id direc .rain. T Rain. L:V..Col.Teu;p.raind 1-2 rales S.V/.of \Villiansport) R Sn.Col.Tenp. 34 923 2 Ix Apl'43 Jan' 59 Sn. Col. Temp. rain. 04 704 5 9 Apl'84 eO 555 1 llx Jun'70 Sei)'72 00 370 5 G;c Jan' 75 Aucr'30 30 J :ay ' 03 44 950 9 9x Jan' 64 Dec '73 Ear . temp (max-min ) hum. wind dir ee. rain (Pee '85 V Rept) Sm. Col . Temp . rain . ( Quaker Temp.v/ind.elds. rain. 1 Tempfmax-nin) vnnd.rain. ;' u Col. Temp, rain. V Lebanon- 39 28 34 10 2 2x Jul ' 43 i May '43 V< S Sprirctorough 39 37 04 14 I S '.iv.yivesville 39 32 34 OS 2 2: lux GLUT Deo '02 Apl '35 Jul '84 Jan '35 S Clarksville 39 25 3^ -12 1010 3 4 iSep'SG 'i- . iiil-.-ingtcn ROSS V ; :;,:iili-.:the 9 23 35 43 59 22 82 52 2 6x Su. Col. Temp. rain. (2 miles S.E. of) (Jul '43 to i\-L:r'50 3 yrs. 5 raos. average monthly rainfall Tenp . (max-niii ) hum. wind . dir ee . : rain. T Rain. T Rain Bar. temp uax-;..in)hun.vrind direc . rain. T Rain 1 Jan' 19 JDec'19 1 8 Feb'74 Sep'75 R , 2ra . C o 1 . T enp . ( Rep t v br i t \ Assn v of 1 3-1-7 v ) i n v T cr.p . v,i nd % o 1 d 3 . r ai n Record broken. TUSTITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 9 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of OHTO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Uid class. Count y and statlon ' Elevation Latitude. Longitude, i above sea-level. Record. osM* S| Remarks- Length. Prom- To inclusive. ROSS Con. V Kingston HOCKING V* 1' LOST an ATHENS V Athens It "WASHINGTON V Haruar V 7 Vi iy V ; V V : Marietta v " "c u HAMILTON Cheviot o p Cincinnati -' " College I!" 5 ^ 1 Cvj.::iinsvill5 horth Bend Prospect Hill 50 25 82 49 892 3 8x :iov' 65 Pec '07 59 55 82 19 750 6 2 Oct'35 59 20 32 02 755 1 llx Feb'43 Dec 1 52 1 9 Apl'83 59 27 81 27 351 1 Ix Feb' GO Mar ' 61 59 50 81 26 580 50 llx Hovjl? Dec '70 1 7 2 :;ov'02 Sa.CQl.Teiap.rain. Bar . temp (nax-min)hurr.. \vind. direc.rain. R . Ear . t emp (nax-inin ) hun. wind . direc.rain. 59 50 39 07 84 06 84 19 84 06 34 07 84 03 84 07 34 54 30 1 7 3 Oct'55 Dec'50 5x Jan '74 May 1 81 1SQC \ Jar y oS Oct Ox Jan '74 Apl'83 R Su.Col.Cl 1-2 ndles \V of iuarietta) Sr;;.Col. Temp. rain. BarVt enip (raax-min ) hum. v/ind direc.rain. Su. Col . Ternp . or ok en rain. T Rain. + V> T \? i P r "'"n 1 vli JL_Y j w CiA*iJ -*-" ";**'* ~] T\ - w^J- ii 528 19 2 Hov'70 55 800 49 5x Jan '14 Dec '75 15 lOx Jan' 74 27 31 42 940 1 ox Jun'71 Aus'72 47 7 1 x Jar, '61 T, c c ' 7 5 7 5x' Jan'74 I/ay'Sl 800 3 8x Mov' 59 Jan' 69 700 1 9x ! r :ir'49 Jan '51 li'sthol V 59 008-1- 00 55512 4x Jan' 60 ! IIov'Vo 9 7 Pec '73 Jv.n'35 l.ar. te r:p .win d dir ec . rain (V/oodyard High School) Full Obs.and river. Sr;:. Col. "Sep. rain. Bar . t emp fc: ax-- iin ) hyc . wind . elds. rain. Sn.Col.Te:-p .rain. Sn.Col.Ta:.p.rain. E ar . t emp . h y ^ . ' ; ''i -d c 1 d s . r a in , Sa, Col. Tenp. rain. S-:. Col. Average monthly rain* fall)(r:,3ar Cincinnati) Sm.Col.Tecip.rain. Tenp. wind, elds. rain. X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of OHIO from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 10 Kan) be r and eluss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ti Remarks. Length. From 2 To inclusive. -1 5 BROWN O ' V S Gecrfietovm V Iliploy HICrHLAIID V Hill store V PIKE W S V/av^rly JACKSO:I V Jackson MEIGS vV . S Poaoroy G/iLIA V Gallipolis Riv SCIOTO v Portsmouth V v o Pdv LAWRENCE V< S Ironton W S Hans ire I^ook V Olive Furnace -> .'i_> o O 53 05 SO 57-:.- 5 Gx Get '57 Eec'37 CV- C* ^ "i T 1 ~i* ~-**\ """' ". "i " ol*: uO .1. 1 wi..-p j. Orlx. 30 59 2-8 33 I'l 83 10 82 10 82 13 81 50 82 30 1120 35 3;: Jan' 53 ;,cv'7 1- Gx Tec '75. Jun'73 57 612 5 5x ,:ay'35i I 32 353 5 7:c Jan' 51 Pec '59 diroc.rain. Sn. Col. Temp. rain. 50 565 5 05 500 9 Jun'84 33 43 83 } i~. 4 '+*+} rj *' C 1 >- f /> 1 T -M*IT-\ Q _X^ A , ^"t* ^ - -^ ~ O Oir^ w w X i ;< - 1**^ * ^ 1 Aujj'07 Avg'30 T Rain. 03 463 5 11 Fob '24 Tec '29 R Sm. Col. Temp. 43 1 Ox Jan ' 30 Oc t ' 30 T sr.:p . r a in . C 2 !lov : 33 33 3a 32 82 32 82 4C 32 2 6 Jul'37 I 38 540 2 lOx IIov'82 I lay '36 33 543 4 7 Jun'85 39 750 1 2x Apl'75 Au"'76 elds. rain. T Rain Dar . t xip (:;.ax-L:in ) huu. \r ind . Lar . t enip (max-niin) him. v.'ind . dirsc.rain. Ear. teir.p.hys .v?ind. elds. rai X Record broken. I . 3 218 -jit 3 sAL ' gij xt, 25 ?*C\ fl T 0^ c* S 0*3 8S V 5 N - ij -8 8S OHIO 11 li" follov/in i - v. jtVv jLV^J. -. J. _ v- ~-v," 1. t_v V ".--!''->f>T' r> ^-i "vr- -ot -o"-'' Jr W Uv t O iL W w V * V^*. _*/ .1 ^t w^ IV i W U ii W ' Air/jsr lvilli_ns Co. .Mli r - Star!: Co. .V.vcsvillo At:i:ns Co. ;^hvill.; riokuv-.;i.y Co. Ivjallsvill : ;.J:-nroe Co. : -.\:c':svillc Cuyj'.hoga Co. l/ry^n Vvilli.i-ins Co. uch.::n,.n Pike Co. Chester Hill LMG^^I Cc. Clifton Groonj Co. Clint onvillc Franklin Co. CosLooton Coahoeton Co. Cuv-hoc'J: PW.HS Surx.it Co. E~tor* Problc Co. Jd.[7--""to. Y. ; illi_x:.s Co. I 1 ,.".". icr I; efiw.no 3 Cc. I : ost..r's Crossing. . .vV^rren Co. Pino Valley iall3 . . Jjff orco/. Jo. Republic. Senoca Co. Scioto o 310 to Co. O*-,rr -. ^* r"*"/-i--a ^f 1 -i -v* P T i"! '^ Pn - --.[^ ^.. u* ovc .. i 1 ^.iri i v J. u L-o. Trirr.'cl :... ^:tn Lns Co. T^.-ri i-ich-iT^T ^iT-n-iit C d i ' A410V t*^ _,....... Ov......*^. , WW . "i.'ollinaton Lor:: in Co. West Kirr Rilton Go. vvest L;-:dfcrd Coshcoton Co. v;est Million Prcbla Co. u>st Lit?rty Loj.:,n Co. v.inf i?ld l^iGOAr^'./is Co. \Ycst Union Adonis Co. V,illi:x:sport i'cnrof Co. Y.-.r.Irc'otov.ii \Vashinjton Co. Fort V;:.shinrjton 1 ColuTT>jia,ni Co. "v,'^shi:i^tor: Co. .:ood ColxaJDi^na, Co. Grovjport Fr .mi:l in Co. I^rcn ^rij Co. It^rij. i;or-ro'. : ; Co. Isl-.- St.G::ov7-. Otta-,:a Cc. La Payctt2 Allen Cc. .V-ipsio Put nun Co. T ,i- icvill? l.ioiivoc Cc. -cunt T^JCT T^assi-r^/t-s Co . c\::-.t Union St^rl: Co. r .,,- : x -- ,*-, p^.-, -n-^ ,, p * -'w'-*v -'. *iv--i_ * * . Xwiw* -^/w* ' ' - 73 .-i .! <^.->- -,o- fV, -<- v i..k.j'..J- . * . h~.* A *^ww.. Vs W II*. 7 V, :3t/icld \Vooci Co. "7-i -vV r "I .. c- v i } 1 .> pi . a -^ T , n -^4 p,. *i J. vl*\ J kH .otfX^.juv .v->_*-* L^U*A ^ \^ w . ''<>.-+ p^'. Qiri r-i4 r" f - t O .* U U- ...............I.. .1...,!..^ J. t w V.' . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. FDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. : Number ami class. County and station. Latitude. Loi Elevation Record. - !f gitude. above sea-level. Lcngth From- To incl 3 * Remarks, usive. f+ 'g O ' D ' I'. D V Astoria s 43 11 12; "* -* O TO ^ *.:.J 1 ^ 20 3;c A,,rv 1 IT/-) ( Q ^^ 7 C,.-j n T> -.T-- , ll*.^;_j o '-' OWJ *-' JL J '* J. _'.;:- v n r: v 'v o *- O Cj O 58 2 : T,.. 1 7 .1 A"' T 1 uC41 ' - --; :;ov'33 Fob 1 37 To:np(rr;a:c-TViin).v;ind.rain. 1 7 ;;ar'37 SOD 88 Full observations. S S n 1 5 Oct'83 Tcnp (^ax-r.dn) ~ir.d. rain . n r Fort Slovens*- 43 12 125 57 12 14 9x !Iov'G5 Hay 33 Toirrp(nj,::-nin)v/ind.rain.h:-';. S 002 Oct'83 Nov'83 Tc:.rp(r:ax-nin) .v.'ir. .rain. ' "; * 4 ' r\l ' P,' ( i ,Tf1 1 . i j / X OO U -*. ^. OQ rp . ... .^ !*--. '.- i -i ". \ r-i-ir' " - T -\ ^J 3 i wi .'.' \ -WiCt^"" l.'i-l- i I . ' J-ilLt - U'J-i-i COLUMBIA v, r s St. Helen 45 51 122 45 23 3 Oct'89 R Tcr-p(na:c-n;.n) V Virnonia s 45 49 123 10 1228 G Jan '33 Ssp ^ O ^"i rr: . . 8J R u 1 ..^.. v; s u ^ 4 Sop '39 R rr i- ",-i i u.-p . TILJ,AI.IOOI: V vV L' Tillaiiiook - 45 23 125 51 10 1 Jan '09 To:.:p. wind. elds. rain. bar. WASIIIriGTO:.! w s Forest Grove 45 50 123 07 211 1 Deo '39 Tanp(:aa:;-TJLn) rain. bar. KJJLTNQtiAH V rv o 1},' S V vr .. ,_, A T) >-, *- j. i -. - ,: . * c; *z n 1 O r . '-?*? "7 ^ ^\ 1 -LjciuT, t Ox UicJlU " rj?O OJ lijL.* O/ ^w O i 09 Tort land 45 52 122 45 30 4 Gx ^ 10 2 Aar'34 ^iar Apl '30 Acl'50 Ucv liov'70 '30 Tor.(n>ax-r:iin).rain. To:r.p(-.::a::-uiii) .rain. '75 Su. Col . t cr.ip . rain. Full observations. VASCO V Cascade Locl:s 45 40 121 50 150 10 7:: :.:ay 79 T Rain. 'vv s u 7 Jun'89 Terrp. rain. bar. V. D Fort Dallas 45 55 121 14 50 13 Sx Jxil'50 l,:ar '63 Teup.v-ind.rain.hyg. v< s Grass Valley -1-5 55 120 53 05 Oct'39 T^r.-DC^iax--..!!,) .rain. w s Hood River ^ 45 40 3.21 27 4 S^p'89 Tor.-p (niax-'.:irj . rain. V The Dalles 45 oG 121 12 113 9 Jan '75 Doe 83 Tjup.rain. Vv S u 6 Jan '34 Ten;?, rain. GILLIAK \i p Lono Reck 45 05 11! 3 50 2000 7x Apl39 Tj;i.p(r.ax-nin).rain. ] V' J. c J- X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGKN^JL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ' -\J ii from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. osS" s'i E-"S Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ".- o U- : - H*:-'-5:. Pciidl-tor. / union V La G-roi-nio V .3 T::looas:;t V/ALLOWA fv o r.v S Joseph^ Y/ulIILT. i-; i) rort noslcins ' -X f ". -.-:- '.'^ -, r. K:\ n <7 fju w' J.J.; i_'-L iwc. J . / [i5 -1-0 111; OC 7 co 3 S-o-p'30 ' |i5 -iO 11G >'-: 1070 Gx Fob'QG A'Jg'S 11L2 . 2 i.lcv'ofc 50 118 2--1- 1SOO ? 5.: Jun8S ,/c; i r->. -i--, p. 7 070.'. f ,-j "T,-.-'O,r! O-i-t-'H _*.. ** <-* 1.-J \. / <_j i _J r Ct O - u.- -> U w W w O'-' 9 A-3l'OC ,>r? i- r WW J. i. * O t- V4^Wv ' i ^w y 'O 0j 117 -1-9 5-:- 1-9 ! iSjn'OD 1 -;'-." ( :>..ax-:iin ) , r aiii. bar -? ,"* f. T 1 ^? T '* ' * i~\ ^ '-^* -;! 1^-V 10 .-.-OU c; f\~* -so"? o - .O WO AuO i-j -' *!*>*' T~x ^'" *'" *' ' "1 " ^ "* "i "1 " 4 w3UJ % l****\' M L.*Aii J i-X*t O . ^ r\ir ' "^' w -.OV u.- J I'o.iliimvilla^ -1-5 13 12'6 12 101 1 3 V '! r^ -->,~-.i ^ r - x -?T^ .^ it: ii lo*^ i^ in LI i'Oi u i annul ^ -i-o ^i 1^^ j.o CL/- CI ( " ' J- IAS ": Crojon Citv -^ r5 26 122 25 V V V 'J Fob '03 API rv o I V r ' L:' - o ^ o o POLK o u 4-1 47 125 07 500 4 15 '6 TC r ilp ( i..^ I. '.."ill": ) '. r 2.i.iC-. wl'U.3. - ~- Full ob s or vat ions. Tcr.ip . 1 11:: Jan v i9 Doc '50 R S-.Ccl.ten-p. 1 Jun'51 iEoo'51 Sv... Col. tov..p. rain. 2 Apl'57 liar 'CO T Su. Col. vain. 4 T. ;-r ' 89 Gx ;.'ot 7 5o Aol'3G Jan '70 1-i 45 12S 11 Jan' 7 -i 9 JApl'CC D-\ % ' ^ r - Ov-s i"*r\ * + v- > ^". S ;^ w-J ' O O 4 .i* wWJ> w 1 t -i|,' - Cv-Lii* i 1 Temp . 7'ir.d. olas .rain. oct'89 T r.ainCR^pair Station) X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. B5S 1 n *1 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. Lj.Ul O ' 1 y o ; cv..;t .'a:::...: p" : : - / LV 2 7 n ?.- ~; r " v- " -i - ., >. '..-, so r ..'-- ^ '^ * A - V.' -- ; - _/ ^ 7 " Cory:.ilis ? * ;iev.pc"t '"' * O ' ' Ci O' '* 1 ** --. -C - - T * Albany ^ VJ U "^ ^22 1-3 l-"-0 1 r^c'CC 1 Q r, A m -i 1 .y- 1 Ix O^t 1 ^:! Cot 1 03 R .: <7 - ..... , f - -. * -S - \ -! -! " " ~ ~ r? j. . . .j. \ ...... .-...i.. J j..i- . 3 .. v.-o -4- -- 1 ri. . {" ^ i Sv..*C01 Tov.p .'.vind.rc.i.':. . hy-rr. . 4J Vj J. .:. - " ^ n r - T" ^ .j JLUIi yvC o ^I.^.L o-> i Hiij.il *-'p vJi3ii-i. * ^ . ::: 5c 122 50 300 1 7:: J. 7 ^ * wVJ i O V^ n i^^ w ij- < u> C .1 k. O O i-up I-ojir. no 1 1 o r ^ ^nft i o '. ,' ^.'O i J. J '- 1 % 1--,1 ' -V' \nl ' -^^ b W SOIi '.*. t-j **v *A"C i-* i **t ( JL -i-i\v/l. v*-* , , jrvr^ &*d\M r, T " i _ x^ / C^ TTr^ "T /"* '~r"O/* ("\ ** T'-l J^iC,:7 Civy ^ ':'- t>0 11 / &U OO^O U O J'-.l y f r- i T 17 ->r: < n i n ,~) o ,' ^, ) c - wij i_' -i."--' 6iiU U - iOV v.. Pall c'cscrvvitio.is. T.^-y {"^x-rrjLri) . rcan. p-.-. -. -.- -, -, -! ! -/l _ i ii Ji J. ; , , ,., .., , - J J. , - i, V, ~-.~-' ul i^j* coos 'io 5-i 123 oo -;oo o o Aoi'ss Iaap(r^xtain)raiii :5 15 Sop'77 1 Nov'73 T Rain. wind. cl 2-3. (Gvi)"^ 50-. r\ -,-,! 7'- A-ii 'on T 1 V^i-i <^^' V w V w *-*--* OO 1 j.wJ,-. vi 05 12 Statioa( i j V fv L 5 ?. 5 ^ 5 5 i ' 7 "V T > i 'O U- - s -vr> -5 "> ^J. i l-VJ-iJ t Record broken. . . , v'./V . . .vC ) . . , UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. amber County and station. and class. J Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. M* J tS Con.- V npir-3 City DOUilLAS V Cardincr "^ ',; C il !"' Fort U:. '': c\\ii. (V I T-'".Oi2 "V c -'.. 1 oO 1 .<. i_ .- i r: /i ? . -: ) o ?! r .. .!.<- U o .iipi oJ <^.,. 1 o .- T v -. o" '";" c. .-,'<' i*"' <^-.,- ^1-1 -'77 _'t- ! i'-. J.4_.<_' !_'./ O t _t,' JLij t?j'. ^ V .1. ;. < I I 5 10 Aurr'53 y C2 -i H i -/' " ' V ll* . liiU. ulii fr.iax-r.iiii) .rail:. observations. . v/ind. rain. hyfj. . 1.' Geld Beach (Zlionscurg)^ -12 17 12-1 20 30 3 H D Fort Orford- -12 4-i 12-1- 29 50 3 Ix 7 Pert Orf ^rd < 42 -10 12'i 2G cO 1 vct'30 T Rain. '.-ind. olds. Jan 1 2' Jul'53 To:p.raii-. Jul'75 ( J--i:-:73 R T^^.-ind, V [\V S Grants Passi^ -i2.. 27 125 A3 95-t 10 njxr'OC Tet^p Cuiax-Tnin) v;i:.d. roain, V; S tX /,pl 7 G3 Tor p 1 cv. ." r r2 12 122 rO 10-10 4 c 'Pe'o'5-l C Apl89 o * n T o : * ' r ^ i ^? J o r* r. '^^ 10-"* - j Xv} J- *-*i- W ' J i 'v^ * -^ "^ ^ ^ i.;.' JL \J w -1-2 2-1- 122 55 2000 I Cx Jan' 55 Oct'53 P. Tjr.^ *12 2C 123 11 100 1 Oct'37 ^op'3G Tor-^j i.: r-Fert Klarx^th' i s 3 Link vi lie / 3 S Lakc-viov: / ; 3 Silver I,&h3 5 Ox Too '03, Oot'39 12 1-v 121 -15 4250 5 10- HOY '82 Oet'GC ("l"* r ^ .^, /r*-' r ' --^--NTr4- ^ -^(^--J-, "^->* j. :-.,;. { r.i.?v-.-t L.; ; n - 'j.. ^ i.-.. . . ji.;- j. 12 II 120 20 50GO -1 03 121 04 0300 ' <~> p r. -.-. ".'-.-. .-.- .. ! .'. ; o 1 1 r AO C: lOO Dec '33 :!ov'SO 7 Jaii 1 33 A - -f ? r> :^p Harney -13 00 119 OC -iOOO 11 3x Dec '37 Jul'7-1 Kla oo To-up. wind, r air Qr^-i Record broken. ' TJISriTEr> STATES SERVICE. 5 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber County and station. and class. * Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. tf Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ' a. .* Ju*ijw\ r~ T r- fc r,.:uiuh 44 00 113 00 44CO 4 , Sop' SO Jordan Vail oy 43 00 117 07 2450 5 Cct'SS To::;pC- Ccjr.p Lyoi-s 4-5 00 500 1 Oct'67 ! C3p'G3 R TOT.,^. ''IT T> T"--.-." :V- 2 Jar.'CS Doo'GO R Ter.:p. f otaticns haviiif: less tlniii one year's rcccrd and wM.?h are not no Station Hrmn-K-y I iJ Cor^p Lyons C^r.;p Throe n- -v ~ r ^ * K o Station A *& >.'' - A J. J. ^ Corinty Bkker Illan-atr. Klarath Aercncy Klanath Mt.Kcod Station v Wasco V''ili arottc I Jr-iV'" A "i.'*"i J ""' rnr *icr Or, B X Record broken. TJINTTED STATES INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of ANIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. Number Elevation 0! | : and class. County and 8tation - Latitude. Longitude. above Remarks. o i sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. f"j I ERIE " ' 7 Ccrry (Columbus) 41 55 79 57 1410 5 3:: Jun'aO Bar . t c r ;.p . hyc" . vine . rain. V i]rie 42 03 30 12 640 1 Ix Jo." 1 - ' A Toe 'GO S::;. Col . Tar.p . rail . C G 42 07 80 05 714 15 3 Juii ' 7 5 Full observations. V Edinboro 41 55 30 10 1212 1 J^n'SC Ter.p.l month of rain. 1 ilc.Kcv.n 41 55 73 23 1500 1 6 1840 1341 Sn. Ccl . Jour . Fr ark . Inst . CRAWFORD V Mcadville 41 30 30 OQ 1083 5 2x Jan '59 Dec '53 Su . C o 1 . T -5Qp . ra i i . V "AllcGt.aro? College 3 lOx Jun'81 Oct'39 Bar. t erap.hyr.wind. dirsc . rain. l,o cs Grove 41 40 7 51 1400 5 4x Jan '52 Fee '57 Sra.Col.'Ibnp.r ain. V Randolph RAHREH 41 53 80 00 1720 1 2x Jun'54 Peb'56 S:- . C o 1 . T eup . r a i n . V Warren 41 57 79 14 1200 5x i^iay 40 Apl'41 T Sra.Col.Rain. "..-' -i TT U v A V .* r, ,r *I J .A. Jan '85 T Rain. MC.KEAII V Ceres 42 00 73 25 1440 10 oX Jan '55 Mar '54 Su. Col . Teap . rain. ; Suethpert 41 54 78 55 1405 2 4.: Fob ' 59 Axig ' 41 , Su. Col . Teup . rain . C? 11 J lOx Jul ' 33 Jun'39 Teup (r;iax-r.iin) . rain. POTTER >'; C Condercport r--.-^ . ,. 41 43 78 05 1G31 ax Jan '89 Tenp. (r.-a::-uin) .rain. V Tio:;a 41 54 77 11 1000 9 8 Jan '64 Sep'73 Su. Col . Teup . rain. V u 4 llx Jan '74 Alar '79 Teup . wind . c 1 d s . r ain . V v.ellsbcro 41 46 77 20 1250 10 9 Apl'79 Bar. temp, (uax-rnin) .hyg. vrind.rain. BRADFORD V Lc Roy 41 42 73 51 13 9 Apl'71 Temp . (r.ax-uin ) . rain . V Litchfisld 42 00 7 G 2G 1 4 :. '-,-' 70 ^ _^^ >. 1 \3 Jun'30 Teup . : ;:ind .elds, ra in . V Trey and -i- T! -i '- *~r - V 1 - V i- - - ~- " , ^ - 1 41 24 73 54 1143 4 ?;: Dec'85 Lar . t en-p . rrind . ra in . V Y/YSGX 41 47 73 23 7 1C 2 3 Apl'35 Jun'87 Teup . "ind . rain . >; s 1 3 Jul'38 Teup. (uax-uin).rain. SUSQUEHAIJTIA V Silver La!:e 41 G5 73 01 2 6x .,:ar ' 50 Dr3c'41 Su. Col . Average t eup . and uonthly rain. :. ;1 i.ili V Dyl:o-rry(0regon) 41 53 75 13 1100 3 8x T - . ,, 1 .<; K fi .^ ) r7 r - U J... ; <-' Li C / c.' Su.Ccl.T^up.rain. V 14 llx '.j 0,n ' "r Te^.(ua;-uin).-.rind.ad^r.in, I i [ Record broken. I* - . 3 I* - ' M CV ?{J I& <3 8 ' : B L> " * HA32UQN I^ r 2 - ;OX Cl r.O 3 0001 il V [ ^ . GV IV r . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. LN1A Number nd class. Count y and statlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. 1 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. o - O ' W.'YRZ Con. 75 20 1000 2x 1C 30 1 340 T S:;:. C o 1 . Ra in . V " 7 Jan } 32 Deo '83 T Rain " * 1 Jar.' 30 iCi.ip (...a.x-L.-in) .1 ai.i. V Pleasant i.Iount 41 45 75 29 11 Feb ' 80 Teup.rain. V Saleu Corners ( JKiv.il ton) 41 25 75 25 1GOO '* O v t_' O -iv /.pi 'GO .;.; -.7 3 S::.. Col. Ter;.p. rain. V ^ " * 1 lOx Jun'74 \f '*' -.. - v . T ^ . . * > T /' ^* *** "! "^ '" i J .*]) < J--- -i. C J-V^O . 1. M.-Lxi. MERCER V Greenville 40 24 30 30 935 2 3x ,;ar'71 ; I G v ' 7 3 ^v;. . C o 1 . T e:r.p . r ain . - r~t U llx Jan '30 Tonp (v..ax-r.in) . r: 1 . in. YEN/: I GO Y Fra.^:lin 41 24 70 50 930 7 lOx Feb ' 40 Bee ' 73 G-:.. Col . t eup . rain . v n u 1G Jan '74 Ter.:? . v:i:id. elds. rain. V 5 Oil Citv Riv 41 2G 70 43 1010 4 11 2x Oet'G3 Jun'73 Jan ' G 4 R Sn . C o 1 . T 3v.:p . T Stace of v:ater & rain. FOREST W G Ticnesta 41 50 70 51 1000 Ox Au3 ' 38 Temp (max- din) , ra in. CAiSROU :.. S Enr-criun 41 30 73 13 1024 1 Jan '30 Temp (rr-ax-min) . rain. V Four ill Is Run Cllorth Shipper,*! 35 73 17 030 1 5x Dee '74 Jan '77 Te-inp.'.virvi.c las. rain. LYCOl-ZCIG V 3 ;;icbet 41 15 77 10 11 Feb 'CO Tour? .rain. V Williasisport 41 15 77 04 550 1 Gx May ' G4 Dee '73 Sn. Col . Ter^p . rain. V u 3 llx Jan 7 74 Feb ' 78 Ear. tenp.v/ini. elds. rain. U 1 5 Jan '32 ,"ay 83 Ful 1 ob s ervat i on s . g u 1 5 Jan '32 ;'ay 83 Pa 1 1 ob z e r v a t i o n s . o o SULLIV/^I V 7. rO r\ ^ " ',-^'^ : ^ A-J *.,' j j.*w-j ***W A h' 41 25 7 G 30 llx Jan '30 Terap (r;.a::-r..in) . ra in. 0' o u '.;YO. ING i.ieshoppen South Eaton 41 3G 7G OG G44 41 28 75 58 Ox 4 Feb '80 Scij'aO To:r.p.rain. Tonp (r;iax~r:in) . rain o G CL.\RIOII Clarion i 41 32 77 15 1530 1 Ox Jo.n'30 Oet'83 Xccp(nox-nin).raio, v u 5 Ox Doe '34 T Rain R^nersburc 1 5 Aun'33 P V Tcnp(ir.ax-r.iin) X Record broken. . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. and class. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. s *B JEFFERSON ' o ' V j rcckville 41 12 79 03 1255 2 Apl'79 ilay 79 Tecqp.wind.clds.rain 2 10 Rain 41 07 77 52 COLU1.IB1A Berwick Catav/issa LDZERilE Drifton 41 05 40 53 15 76 7G 30 41 01 75 5G 55G 1 535 G 470 1 11 1653 5 Ix ox lOx O v bX Jul'83 Jan' 56 , Jan '85 T,._ > 7fi -Of,!-, t T? O -I- W J\. iL' W kJ k-J W 41 75 12 320 5 1 184G Dec '9 3 Jan' 35 Temp, (max-nin) .v/ind.rain, Ear . t er;:p (siax-min ) hyg . v/ind. rain Sr.i. Col . Temp. rain. Temp (i?.ax-r.iin) . rain. Temp teax-min ) . rain. Tempfuax-rain) wind. elds. rain. Sra. Col . Temp . rain. Sin. Col . Tenp . rain. Tenp.rain. Temp (niax-min) . rain. Sm. Col .Average temp . Rain. Ear. temp (max-minHiyfj.v/ind.raiR. Temp. rain. Sm. Col. Temp. average rainfall, Temp. vand.direc. rain. Bethlehem) 40 43 75 21 V South Eethlehem-1-0 33 75 22 530 13 2x i 1737 : Pec'G3 520 1 7 iJun'37 Dec'GS Sm. Col . Temp . rain. Sm. Col . Tern? . ra in. V 1 Ox Jv-n ' S 5 Feb ' 8 G L;ar t emp (max-min ) hy g . wind . * elds. rain. iTOUROE ' Stroudsfcnrg 'W 53 75 13 405 1 4x /vrl'oG Dec '41 T Sm. Col. Rain. W S " 2 Jun ' 33 Jul ' 33 Temp (max-min) . rain. y C.^oavo" > 'C-"-"irArv- " i~\ * *?. O O C ^ * ^' *T O O v-/ i_ C 333 5 4x . M>1'40 .Iar'72 Sm. C o 1 . T emp .rain. V ?r 3 sport rO 41 79 41 1000 5x T - I ) c; Js* V^ ** fov'54 R Temp. " LI lOx , ,pl ,3 T Rain. "X. Record broken. 9V 5 OC* 19 8t t* k jl s J* bn*lT 5 5 c r >r P e* 0* **3 5 C 005 I . . f 37 I> 0* (s: UNITED STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. .NIA Number and class. . '. 1 V .. . ttiv P: County and station. TV 'Orn > r\-< T /- f* _ ^ UV' OXxwVitw wwil. rkers Landing Lt 40 41 titude. ' 57 03 Longitude. 70 24 79 41 Elevation above sea-level. 739 833 Record. =? o| Remarks. Length. Prom To inclusive. 5 Ox 4 3 :.ov'34 Jan'35 T T Rain Rain .orthinr.'to (near) 40 ALL^GH::-- ; Y Allegheny 52 70 57 1050 5 7 Jan '59 Sr.i. C o 1 , T or.p . rain Arsenal 40 29 7Q nQ 7(V, r -7 n T-'-'O^ n,->-,)RO. / *> w *J / v- J X _j / W O Cv* * i-i w Jj _ ^ Vf J Su. Col . Temp . ra in. PH i v o- - TO-- ^ ori / s^> u"b. O Ci * U w Bar. temp (niax-i:iin)hys:.v;ind. rain V Allegheny City 40 23 80 05 753 1 3x Dec '71 A^'75 Sn. Col . Ter..r . rain. V Leetsdale 40 20 30 15 715 2 2 Aar'83 A-1'35 Tecip (ma.c-nin)hy^. rain. V P-l + * cv.-,~.-r - .'. v V o U -* o 40 22 70 50 754 11 2x Sep'40 Oct'70 Si;:. Col . Terap . rain . GS u 10 2 Ilov'70 Pall observaticnG&river. y o 1 3 llx Jan' 74 Jan' 30 Ter.p.wind.cids.r.an. v :> Se..'iekleyville 40 57 80 10 35G 1 4x Oof 50 Jan' 62 1 .,. v> O X * J. C-,j ' * A ^.. J. - , % V V Tarentun u 10 37 70 43 050 5 5x Sep'66 Nov'73 6 4-c Doo'75 i lay '30 Cm. Co 1 . Tenp . rain. Temp . wind. c 1 dc . rain. IHDIAilA 1 V Blairsville 40 27 70 15 1010 5 Ix Oot'ol Jan '65 R S:.i. Col. Temp. V Indiai:^ 40 40 70 ,")'' ~! '"^1 "^ 1 -.' .v.-) r .-n T-- -^ 7 "O / V Wo J.<_^i O X^.^ kUij <-!^' o . i o W Cm. Col . Ten.;: . rain. V u 40 45 70 11 1550 1 53p'37 Aia'OC R Temp.lr-:;. /- ' O u nv I.T-V' ' ^ r -- O el- 1 o o Temp fniax-min ) . rain . Aiv q -.} 4 r,v -n o- O J,i T< O tvUi .^_j 40 51 70 20 39"! 5 "* x Jar*3-'- T Rain r* " i '> T . V Ebensburs 40 51 73 452022 1 5x Tsb'io' Doc' 41 T Cm.Col.R_in. V V ,-1 Riv Johns torn i u II 1-0 20 73 55 1200 4 Ox 1134 Z 4 3:: Jv.1'33 J-al'33 Jan' 3 - ^jp 7 33 m i or.;]? (~.~iaM~ ".m ) i ."' J i ./-.: i cr 1 .'_m. -i -,.,..:-, /j-, ., ..^^j^--, \ ^ ./,,. , ., ^ Rain. ELAIR - - ,-1 Altoona 1-0 52 73 24 1203 1 4x Oct'5C Apl'SO Cv.i.Col.Tsnp.r^in. - ~. Blu-2 I'nob 5 4 ^ o p 8' ! T ' -^ ^ v~, /..,V ;-nir ^ r "> ~" /- >\v ^ r 1 -" - \ ( . -G_ o O- C Ji; ) 40 22 73 55 2100 AT)1*39 TstiD.rain. T- ,-. Kollidaysb-rs: 40 23 73 25 1200 1 J:,n'55 Dec'C5 - v r > '"'Ol ".-.V"-- > ^1 -, - T- k^:*i. wWX x u ...,)e .%.<. *. Yi 3 u 1 Jan'3C Tonp(ma.:-nin),ri,in X Record broken. TJISriTED STATES SIGKN.AJL, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 6 Elevation n n and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. HS Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. 7 T ' TT\ r* r.- V ' : Tipton 3 Lev;istov;n 40 33 s 21 40 55 77 37 40 43 73 13 u U *.!. C/---T7\rT 7-T- T OoiiU I -Ji^i^jij ";/ 3 Girardville V Lancaster Colliery 40 43 76 35 V Kahancy Plane 40 50 73 15 ) "ort Carbon 40 43 70 00 V Pcttsvill-3 40 41 73 12 Schnylkill Haven 40 53 73 11 V Ton^qua 40 49 75 00 V LSHIGH u P Centre Vt.lley 40 52 70 23 '.:,' C Ccopersburr; 60 50 73 23 v c; DiliinsersvillefW 23 75 29 T Zgyr-t 40 44 75 23 . u Lynnport 40 40 75 47 7 llorth YihiteliAllftO 40 75 32 920 408 i "-- 7 O ^ _i_ f_, ,_' .^j ij 1330 Jan '30 Jan '33 l.ar'70 Jan '34 Oct'39 Dec'39 'T )^/i T ) o r* vl* i w r U U^i O O J.,n'71 : lev' 7 1: De2'75 Apl'81 llov'39 [ Jan'5G iDec'50 Cot'33 1341 Jul'53 Dec '33 Oct'70 Tcrr-pfnax-nin) .rain. R Sn.Col.Tenp, Tenp (inax-ni; : ) .rain. Tenip f nax-niin ) . ra in . TO T ,. p n i r> -; r -, OU.. UU1 . lvi*-Lil Tenp. rain. Sn.Col.Averace terap.uo.raii Sni. Col . Tenp. rain. T Rainf.Yater rept. series) G-Q. Col . Terip . rain. Terap.vind.airec.rain. Teup (inax-niin) . rain. Temp fnax-uin) . rain. Tcr.ip.rain. Gr.:. Ccl . Temp . rain. Tevap. \vind. slds.r^in. V ,, 'hi ton all t-0 40 75 52 250 1 Ix Fob '30 ec*70 Apl'33 Sra. Col. T3^p. rain. T Sr.. Col. Rain. v ; Q- syi i i r> ..'. ' ^n 75 f.'} i i :\:b'CO Fco'37 r i : oi;p(v..a.:--Qin) . v/ii.d.rain. '..- 511 .OTOil Canonsburir 10 17 30 11 350 17 -:.: Jan '50 Do -'73 S:.i.Col.To;.:-.rain. C' " 4 Ox J.:n'74 Jan '79 Lar. tonp. v;inc. cldc.r,,in. E . " 5 .va\'39 H 1 :.*--" "V* *-. -i T- 1 - uip * t... j.i . Siv Lock Ro.4 4-0 11 79 54 4 1 - > -i "> o ^ ^- vj w O --' m Rain. 7 Grocncbn: r* 40 13 o j- -L 1 o o o r . Jun'71 OH '75 Su. Col. Toi::p. rain. T u 7;c Fob '74 l'Tov'74 Tonvp.v/ind.clac.rain, ^ C 1 I lev '39 Toup fua,:;-i2in) .rain. * "' ..-."irY"-" E vi 1 1 c 40 23 79 41 930 2 3x Jan '57 ..lar'CO S:::. Co 1 . To;_:p , r^in. X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. liamber , , County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. oj Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. YGSil DRFJLAND ' ' , fCon) V St. Vincents Cclls.TC HU1-ITBKS)OL1 V Huntingdon W 3 u V Petersburg JURIATA V KifflintcviTi V Tu scar or a PERRY V Aqueduct f Lo : ~^-,ia P.O, V Avondalo vv S ilav; uloora iclcl riAiiPtiTM MnUi iijul V Harrisbur^- S S T." S A:;. Yillo V Lebanon B S V. 3 Uyorstov/n 40 14 7G 29 40 51 73 01 40 55 73 OG 40 32 77 23 40 52 77 21 922 1 a Jan '31 Jun'G2 734 5 5x Apl'40 Feb'GO i n !- -\ i on -L V_/ O .^w, i O ** G73 11 F3b'Sl v:-,. Col. Tenvp. rain. Temp (r^ax-nin) .rain. Temp fuax-r.i:i) .wind, dir . r li: 5G5 2 10 Jul'59 iviay 45 Sin. Col. Average ter.:p.& i.:o.r..ir AOO T7.*o.- I pQ TC"" ' "-"'-. 40 40 27 77 20 77 03 25 77 577 11 F3b'39 515 1 11 Jun'G7 Aol'CG 1 G Jtil'33 40 1G 7G 55 575 30 11;: Jul'40 Jan '73 40 20 73 55 40 21 7G 27 T ^ T- , T > O ' i d u J. o j 442 5;-: ;iay 89 46 G 4 Jan '83 DC; R T 40 22 7G 20 474 9 Jul 1 88 J:ar'89 7x May 89 40 15 r, V Rcadinr iO 20 75 55 I V Seisholtzvillo 40 27 75 LUCKS v 3 Doylosto-:.Ti 40 17 75 0^ A T-< -> ' P '' T T> ' O .7 T 1 'r U 7 7 * _i. j_ ** OL*_- / *^ *7 *7-r T. I --)^T: W / v. 1 _i._ Ci W 347 2 llx Oct'83 i 30 14 Jan' GO Dee '73 T T T :,,,., fr- -. ir l" -< ^ ~ -. "' T-> ' 1:. I -i.l^^i'-l-.J-ii V .X _,-l.l. o"i u o i . j. ji up . rain. S-::. Col. T2Eir>. rain. Pul 1 cb 3 jr vj'.t i on s . T " O T I"*, ^ ^ ' ' ~l ^ """ "** "^k '"\ T^s 4" C* ' "'** T '"^ C* \ 1 i, Cw -i- A i 1 *' '"'-' ^ ' -i-"' ^ [-^ J 31 W 1 ^ W fi / Temp f ::;a:c-niin ) . rain . Toup fr.;ax-iv.ir.) . ra in. P <~\ T - f -. 4- ---. T" 1 - ^-r\ -I- rt --4 ~% *- N 1 w^J. J.ii I **d V W4 */ WW 1*0 5 w A i W S J o.,, r* ^ T rp -^, . ^_ . _ 4 T .. *J;-i 'w J^. * 1 -w.-ilJ * X d-L* i 1 *-L * 4- , ^-\ !> t * ("^ "' r "i"^r^ /*T /*3 f* *** " ^ - ijU-I o J,..p . ily o .- -U -la C-l US ~ -,..,.% ""'.I*-* / " * ^^ T"\ 'i--\ -f r- ""! - e? \ i .^-- -L* i I w v V A .L-w^'uo > v --Lw/ i VW.' J J. | i WCTJ O W ^, A_, L 4 "- JL C A *. W / SLLCol.Tn.^.rain. u nrtV ,T-." ' V. . _ - - O -*_ . If Oct ' 37 Lar . t o:.:p (r fflX-iain] ,hy^.v;ind. elds. rain. 2 Fcrl:3 of !'., sl:ar::ny 10 07 7-'- 53 3 Sx Sen '3-1- To;:.o (-.:a;;-n:in) .rain. Ilulceville '5 C" Jul '77 Auc 84 Bar.tasp Coa;:-aih) .hyrr^ind*r X Record broken. . I i fg 8* (ni 57 C .' trt, , r.:. r . 01 0*. : G: iiS t r^. kWv* UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 8 Dumber County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. 11 Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. BUCKS Con. o - 7 ;-:orrisville ( T\ ^ r - V T7 - T 1 c T "* o- l*4V6wi * C-j. JL O -Lio.^ ' ton) 7 ) i;-3\7t OV.T1 V- 3 Ottsville V/ S Point Pleasant 7 CoAakertovm V S Smith's Corner v; S T oh i el: on V V V Carlisle ' : a""r ' "* PR " 40 13 74 52 30 Janl78$Deo*89 40 15 74 57 145 3 6 Jan' 37 J-:i'4c 40 27 75 00 42 Get 'Go 40 25 75 04 1 Jan '30 40 30 75 o2 522 3 2 J^ 7 72 Ja-ii'33 3 3 JMl'35j j 40 21 75 13 531 1 7 J-n'84 Dec'35 ;40 25 75 03 10 Jan' 39 40 23 75 12 20 Oof 35 Sep'35 40 12 77 11 300 33 7x Jm.'3S !Iov'75 5 Iec'73 IIov'73 10;c Jan'SG 11 Zx. Jan'43 Dec '50 1G J-n'30 ;:ov'73 " "! > -ilJ A C.J i* T Rain (See. Int. Affairs Re^t 7 1 T -, -i T T T Rain. r <-, i " i ^ c> J- 1 .. Lar. t enp fna;;-niin) .hy". v/in:: . o Ids. rain. RainfGeo. Int. affairs P. opt. 'CO P.ain. Rc,in(Seo. Int. affairs Kept. 'CO S:.;. Col . t er.p .rain. Bar. terip.hy:;. \vincl. elds. rain. Tenp (nax-iain) .rain. V V w vv i, II V V V W V V Plainfield i.IONTGOl.IERY S Frederick S Green Lane S Lansdale ^ ii _ Llorelanci fKorshanO ;.orristcv;n Plyr.o-uth 40 10 77 10 1 3 J.:ay 72 ,Dec'75 1 3 Jan '74 liar '75 40 13 7 40 20 75 23 * JL3C i 'Ai,^, o o o K -,^, lo 1 * V .=>,->' ^ *=; o o jr u.i_, o o ij e c o o iO 14 75 17 333 1 Jan'32 2 3 Hay '84 Dec '33 T T W 00 75 11 250 9 5:: Jun'34 ilov'75 fO 03 75 09 155 9 llx Feb'5C Jul'33 4 4 Pot ' C; 1 3 Jul'3; '' 11-' 'T- ^ ' 7 o A1X cJiiii / v 40 03 75 15 535 4 4 Fcb ' C3 i.: 15 75 33 150 1 3 L _ 1 r-f . . O (r ' s ">.r* PS -i 1 n \ ****** - -i- ^-** / 03 75 10 " T4 3 Bar. tscip dnax-min) .hyp;. v;incl. olds. rain. Siu.Col.Terap.rain. Temp . v/ind. olds. rain. Rain. Rain(Seo. Int. affairs Rept. I 33' Rain. RainfCeo. Int. affairs Re^t. *OS' -.;. Col. Tcnp .rain. S-.U. Col. T^Lip. rain. Gn. Col, Ter.p. rain. T e.'.i.p (Ti'.aM-T-iin ) . r air. . Table of monthly rainfall X Kecord broken. . A * . . . UlSTITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. [DEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber ind class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. -- ? Remarks. Length. From To inclusive, f" o - G: JHElTi] ^, "~ ! Riv Gr e ehb o r o lo > L 39 43 79 54 llx Oct'33 T Rain. V, C Waynesburg* 59 54 30 14 723 1 dT'^c.' x --J 1 Ten:p. FAYZTTE i V U Lro-vvnsville 40 02 79 52 736 2 Ix !Iov'G9 l.:ay'75 C'v.. C o 1 o T e:.ip s r a in <, V u 4 5x Apl'74 Apl'79 Temp . \;indo c 1 ds rain. :->_ -i y 11 7*^ - r T- - ~* } ^ ''" ^ T /^ ^ r ) ^ *-. T 1 ^"J -. S '"" oX TO T,::^.r.in.,->-.x&^. V Gettysburg ^.^ S Q 77 15 ri t~ _ r -5 2x Jan '59 Feb ' 65 3:.:. C o 1 o T er ip . r a, in, Rr.f u r. Au"'G9 I Rain. '.-. ^ * " k ' It U Oct'33 Taopftia-nia).rJb. V ' ' Springs 40 00 77 11 2 11 *=m Uov'78 Sn.-Coi.Tecrp.rain, X Record broken. STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. FDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and chiss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. S? S'l f'a t Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' O ' ADAAS- Con. V V V V V 7 V V V \l z V V V V V V V Y V j V York Sulphur Springs YORK T- T 7 -n P V !~* T i i \^4. JL^. V v X Manchester York i 40 00 77 11 2 G ilar'74 Au-'7G Union Canal LANCASTER Sphratah u Lancaster u Mount Joy 50 40 59 ' r\ iU J40 ko 40 45 77 52 80 53 70 20 70 11 70 03 70 06 7G 00 054 1 4x Jan'75 Sep'7G R 03. 750 2 2 i.:ar'49 ,Apl'52 4-0 570 5x Jun'39 llov'30 T 6 Sep'SG 'Fen'87 1 3x J'T_'33 50 430 14 1355 . 1343 R 11 21 51 7 2x Ox Mar '57 Dee'73 Temp . v;ind. elds. rain. Tenp.v;ind. elds. Gn. Col. Tenp. rain. Sni. Col. Rain. Ear. t einp (max-ir.in) . rind, rain. Tcr.ip Cuax-nin) . rain. Annual av:raje 't&.r.i^ \ Sr_i. C o 1 . T orup .rain. Ear . t enp . v;ind. elds, rain . Gn;. Col . hazards Reg. tenvp. rain. Tenr~. (r:.ax~r;.in) .rain. Gn. C o 1 . T erap .rain. 1 1 Feb'30 Tonp.rain. Paradise 40 00 70 03 1521 24 Jan' 35 Pec '53 R Gn:.Col.Ter.:p. Silver Spring 40 05 7 40 4 lOx Apl'03 May GO R Grr..Col.Ter;ip. CIIZSTER Coatsvillo 59 53 75 50 515 1 Jan'30 T enp (uax-rdn ) , rain. Kennett Square 39 50 7 5 45 ooA c; v ; ,'^'; ^^ ^o-J v-'Jv i.icujy vj >- T Rain. Pocopson (r irksvill e) <_' _. *_/ "i 1 30 53 75 40 75 55 pi o in r v U JL O i W ft* <. 473 10 25 5x Jan' 54 Dec '73 1317 1327 Jan' 22 Dee '73 Su. C o 1 . T er.p . r a in . rn Oi r^ i- T * T r ** --i r f i ^ -. > - ** . 1 1 u Gre. Col . Tenp . rain. u 10 Jan '74 Ear . t e^p (nax-nin) .hyc". "' i--d. ranio Vvest Marlboro 59 55 75 42 15 00 Jan'45 Eec'57 T RainfSeo. Int. affairs Ropt.'C-J-) ~ .' , /-. 4- 4- /IT-, f - , *7 O rr rr Vi^ouoUttj.1 ow' 4^1 75 34 550 1 9 Jul'57 - ^ ^, 7 r r Sn, Col Tccg> rain. 1 Ox Au:;'G7 Lar. tei^p(r:.ax-F.in) '.rind. rain. DEL/.W.'olE i?Gf ^/LiDal 50 53 rjr. on / W l^ 100 lOx Eec'-l-3 Feb'59 G.U., Col . Teup. rain. Bar', y 59 55 75 17 1 20 : o Jan* 49 Dec '52 T S:e?.. Col. Average rainfall. X Record broken. TJNTTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 11 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number County and station. Haver for a Latitude. Longitude. leration Record. ts sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 3 -"i Remarks. 40 00 75 21 400 10 Ox Jan' 39 ' Jun' G3 2 llx Feb'HS Fort Mifilin 39 53 75 13 20 11 2x Jan'22 Oct'53 ararthnore 39 54 75 23 125 1 C Jul'33 1 PHILADELPHIA 40 OG 74 53 70 4 4-x Jan '54 Dec '63 Byberry Frankford Arsenal 39 59 75 11 IT V S 3 30 G Jan'36 ! Dec'43 1 Jan' 89 40 01 75 10 35 20 Gx Jun' 19 Dec '73 15 7x Jan '74 Philadelphia 50 53 75 10 75 05 Ox Janl743Dec'70 Ix Dec '73 Deo '81 19 Jan '71 3nu Col . Temp . rain. Bar. tenp(nax~mir.)*,7ind.r Sn. Col . Temp. rain. Tenp.rain, Sv... Col . Temp . rain . Teup. S-yyi. Col Temp (uax-i-iin)v;ind. dir. rain Sn, Col . Temp. rain. Teir.p (Eaaxnin)v;ir:G. elds. rain, S:.i. Col . Temp rain Co opined records) Bar. tenp.hyg.vind. elds e r^in Pall observations. List of Static Station ^s having l^ss than County one y e ar ' s record and Station not nor; in operation County 5tcctu^_ Al 1 erjh eny Tunn e 1 Blair l.larshall's Creek Ilonroe . Ashland Schuylkill ivioatrose Su s qu eh aim a wpfab Danville Columbia Salrlsysburg Huntingdon *> East Brook Lavnrence S|t evens Ville Bradfora yf-f.^^ ' %//^t&u~/**-e(< ^ Fact cry ville V/yomin Slugar Grove 1'.*'^ ^^-^ r^"^ // Kingston Schuylkill ousquehanna Depo- : Euscpaehanna yiM /l/Cff^JL^A^^L Latrobe V/estmoreland Scrantod Lackavanna (Y/ -. (?/ Linden Mil ford Pike Scenery Hill Tidioute V/a shine to ii // v;arren v Millville Depot r i!:e To-./anda "T" 1 "V* /-, .^3 ^ -N-- 1 * *1 i-i aci Oi u 1 1*',,"-- "'"' ( -. ' -} '"-- N i -j-O ip r 3 . Troy :-lill noar /; y ^H plbtt>^b*( CU^ql^u-^/ X Record broken. TJISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Numlx-r and cktss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. s'i Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. PROVIDENCE V Chopo.2hot Yv' 3 Lo:isd;:le -'orth Scituito : .v S Olnoyville W S Pr-vtuckct V Providoncc V V Svltr.fi -Id i, : S Vocnsnr>l: .vt BRISTOL Yv S Bristol V.'ASHI'.IGTOll V Kincston Pi or S S Point Judith ..I D Fort W-laott M P Fort Ad^.s S S Blosk Island V Newport V S S W S List of ct..tic.'.s h Station 42 00 72 30 1-1 55 71 2-1- 1-1 50 71 34 -11 -I-3 71 20 1-1 50 71 25 -1-1 50 71 25 1-1 57 71 23 1-1 59 71 32 il vO 71 13 41 29 71 32 -il 25 71 29 .' 1 9 7" 1 CO 't-L t-.*-, I . ftO -i-1 30 71 20 1-1 29 71 20 1-1 10 71 33 -11 29 71 19 130 1 3 Sop '73 Api'73 TirjpoV;ind. olds, 234 4 2 :iov'35 T Riin, 30 3 1 3 J^n'55 J'irJ54 75 5 1 ro3'3-l- 135 45 Jo.n'29 : Doo'73 1G J:.n'?-l Tcc.raia. S-.::. Col i '?r:p . r j,in . T-i-,r\ "^ . S WUft/f -A- v_-l..4<* 232 1 2x Jul'03 Oat '07 R S-.Col, tor.p. 159 4 lOx F.b'G5 Teuprai:ic 53 3 3 :.Iay'33 111 1 5 Aus83 Tor.ip.rain. 22 7 3 5 Ix Oof 82 Dot '85 To-p(; 20 14 JLn'22 Dec '35 R Tor.p. 40 32 7x Oot'-'l-l 23 9 4 Sop 'SO Full observations. 25 43 7,c 0,-it'lo Dec'7o S-.^Ccl, t jup.ruia. 70 1 5 ikir'74 J^o.1'75 To::.p.wir.d, olJs.r^in.hyfj.bj.r, 7-0 y S Auc'75 ,.;ar'33 Full observations. i ox Jjii'35 R To; .p. ",r4-~rr 1 ^ r o -f K -' rt * "^ ^7 1 . V J-.^i * MU>iii UlG JT wl ^*^" u. 0,1.0 U ' I v 1 1 P Dutch Is Bittlo C Ros-o I si Kont Dint Bristol Drvpton 3-^ort "* "^ *1 -A " 'ov/povt X Record broken. n St'c- SCI CO' 30* 17 T.3 I-: IT G3 JU XII I*- T S2 IT flS I*- :0 xl S QS IT 22 Iv t M OS OS IT Xi- ;0 xT S C;- DS IT 03 L ^ ' .LrVJ >' a i a T c-r -5 IT 01 i XT es i; I I . K >rl 410 STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of < from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevati Record. -i on * J Md'clTss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above Remarks. sea-lev 3l - Length. From To inclusive, f' GCOi-IEE W S Walhalla 54 45 85 02 5x Jul '39 GREEHVILLE V Greenville 54 47 82 25 2 Ox Anl' 59 Oct'45 R Sm.Col. r- v> n n n 3 3x Anl '84, V Hacienda Saluda34 47 82 25 1500 2 Ox Sep'71 Sep'75 Sm.Col. V " " u 4 Jan '74 AD! '76 T emp , c 1 d 3 . , v/ind , rain . V Simpsonville 54 40 SPARTA^ BURGH V Cedar Springs o4 55 V Spartan-burgh 34 54 32 10 5x Jul'39 81 58 346 2 3 Oct '87 Oct '89 81 54 745 2 Jun' 74 j Jul ' 73 Temp. (-.. ax. ,min. , )rain. Temp v/ind v/eath er , rain . T emp wind , c 1 d s , r a in . V " 2 NOV J 89 n n ii n C R u 5 Ox Apl'32 V " 31 52 2 5 Jnn'85 Auc'87 (3 miles East) Temp, v/ind, weather rain. V Facolet 34 52 31 49 2 2 Dec'34.Jan'87 Temp, wind, weather, elds, rain; W S " r-f O Feb'37 Apl'37 V Wilkinsville 7 A K o 0' a.' . _ V .'.' ORAUGEEUHG r : . St.:~it thews " C R jhvillc 4 16 80 53 34 17 30 55 252 10 Jan 1 S3 Doc'oS 3 '2 ; jl-y'49 Doc '57 S l.ov'Vo; Jan' 74 3 '50' '52 5-i 09 79 54 10 79 22 55 45 01 55 35 55 31 30 25 Jan'GGl Doc'SS 1 8 May '83 4 lOx Apl'82' 1 9xi Jc.n'87, Get '83 1 0,c Jan '75 Jan' 76 R Srn.Col. Tamp, fron Jan' 54-Sn.Col. D rr , + 7 A ' J. X. ' JL w v .. *.j^J * A U JT. j. . * T (near Carnden) . Av-rarje nonth- . ly raii.f all. Sn. Col. Tenp . wind .elds. rain . R Table of monthly rainfall. Temp. (max-min) , rain. T::n. rain. : 34 00 81 03 515 2 8x 5 7 3 Ox Jun'84 Jan '50 Sop '59 Apl'81 Jun'82 1 3 Sop '3 53 55 80 32 500: 3 11 I Fob '81 55 53 79 00 35 52 31 54 5G5 i 50 80 42 55 50 80 4-3 U I. 55 13 80 45 I 1 Cx 15 7;: 1 1 4x 4 4:-: Fcb ' G3 Jan' 56 i Dec '75 Jan '74 Apl'82 Aug'49 '83 Apl - -, -.- ' RI .uai oi Jun'83 R Temp . v/ind .elds. v, r cath or ; One report Jan '57 Badly broken-Sn.Col. Temp . hyc . v/ind .elds, rain . Bar . t crap . \vind .elds. rain. Cotton r:-^ion station to : T ay'37.Chancrod to 2nd. order Jun'37 and to Srd.ordor Jan 1 1,1889 Teup . v:ind . elds. rain . uax and nin.ter.ip.frou Jun'85 Terp. (inax-r::in)rain Sin.Col. Uo.r . t jr.p . hy d . v;ind rain . R Monthly X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. )EX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of SOUT1 from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Rfinnrd M ' b Elevation 05 ! r &nil plftS 1 * County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above i Remarks. o ! aea-level. Length. From To inclusive. f<"j = V CLARENDON Pa It on 33 40 O ' 80 31 150 7 Jan' 18 Dec '24 T Sir.. Col. WILLIAMSBURG C R Kiagstree 35 59 79 50 4 3/: Apl'32 V GEORGETOWN Ail Saints 33 40 79 17 20 9 4:c Ja;,'5l Apl'Gl Also knov/n as YYaceavj-av. Ter:.p . from ;iov' 54. BARLIY.'ELL Yi S Blackville Belfast 33 02 81 1 29 G 3 fx Junjqi pi IT i i **J , ' kar'83 Teiv.p. (i-.ax-nin) , rain. C R Allendale 55 04 01 16 4 7x Apl'82 COLLETOH C R St. George' s 33 11 80 35 4 6x Apl'82 C R Jaeksonborough 32 44 80 23 4 Gx Apl'82 BERKELEY w s Trial 35 25 80 15 13 iuay'88 Temp, (rnax-nun) , rain V Black Oak 53 IS 80 00 1 8 '44 '45 R Su.Col. V St. John' s 32 42 80 11 50 15 2x Jan' 43 Mar' 61 Sn.Col. V CHARLESTON Charleston 32 47 79 56 25 24 9x Jan' Oct'61 Rain complete frorr. 1758 to 1738 1750 and from 1841 to 1359 Sm.Col. M D Fort ivloultrie 32 46 79 51 25 32 Ox Jan '23 Dec '59 (near Char lest on) Rain frovn / /' n u('' IIov'42 .Sn.Col. HAITTOH ivco Robert sville 32 33 81 12 50 1 Jan '43 Dec' 13 S-u.Col. (near) BEAUFORT C R Yenassee 32 38 80 49 3 4- Apl'82 ilov'37 V Beaufort 32 20 80 40 1 5x Jul ' 63 liar '65 S:.;. Col. M D ,i " 2x Oct'63 Sep'64 Tenp . Ilyc . v/ind .elds. raii:. . V - * i it 1 .. 89 Ten.p.and rain. V Port Royal 32 19 80 40 7 Jun'89 T .:-up . and rai.. V Edisto Island llx Feb'56 Jan '57 SQ.Col. C R Hardeeville 32 15 81 05 5 Ox Apl'82 V Bluffton 52 14 30 54 1 Jan '70 Dec'70 Sti.Col. M D Hilton Head 32 14- 80 40 5 2x ; Apl'G2 Dsc'G? Tor.:n . Hyr; . v;inu . v/eath er vain i / L ar . f r ov . Jan u o < X Record broken. SOUTH CAROLINA Fragmentary Records of less til an a year in length are follovrinrj stations. Slack's York Co. bnrnharavillc- Richland Co. U^nnettsville !!arlborou:-rnin)rain.hyrr. S 5 5 i:ay 72 Oct'77 Fall observations. :.I I; Z 9 ::sv'77 Jul '31 Temp(oax-'min)rain.Trind.clds. 3 3 Auc'31 tr*nl ~\ !>'" C^T-T-,\ -\ ' - f i-uiJ. 3..-s>ir tiui-. ..^. V n tT-i r-V^ n ->. i -i r?n o V v r, X.-ji^^iOx c "r'i- Ov .' 9 30 1395 1 2x Fsb'37 Feb'39 Tenp.rain.-.vind. I j.il( ll,,' LJ^J 2 S Huron *4 21 93 09 ] 07 3 6 Jul '31 Full cbscrvatiii'is. V \Vslscy 44 24 9 3 7,0 1 Jc.n'39 . TeiTip. rain. rind. i SDakl X Kecord broken. 7(f!iCJ-X.C .anoJt,f.e. 1.158 n-tvr.ni . - - .isi,' 2 t . C37! . . . I UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of e / from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 2 'A amber and cH*s County and station. KIUGSBuRY V De Snot I Latitude. ! Longitude. 41. n 97 so Elevation above sea-level. ivr.c Record. rij = S 61 Remarks. TVl-^TS *.-! f r-.fi ri/-l Length. From -^i , i_ ^ m ri To inclusive. O ...,. i V-^l >>> i ... -,p .1 <_: J-H >' -LJ. l' e . BROOXING3 V Brock ir'js FENNI1IGTON S Rapid City LYMAN 1,1 D Fort Hale II D Lover Eriile Agency 44 42 93 <-9 1G33 1 G J-un'83 44 04 103 17 52CO 2 4 Fee '31 Mr.y 03 44 02 90 26 1400 5 5 Jc.n'79 May 34 43 43 99 27 1400 3 4 Sep'75, Dec '78 I 44 02 98 12 1 9 Apl'83 43 43 98 59 39 Apl'86 Bar. temp (nax-min^rain.T/ind, Temp (max- rain) .rain* wind* .*# Temp (max-min) .rain.'ffind* Temp fmax-min, rain. wind. Temp ( ma.x-min ) . rain , wind .- .'. - Temp, rain. -clnd. 43 40 97 53 1500 9 43 33 97 47 4 Feb'75 Jul'84 T Rain. wind. Temp . rain. wind. elds. 2 3x Mar '82 V..O \Yconsooket BPOJLS V Kiraball AURORA V Firesteel or Morriston HAiJSON V Alexandria TOED H D Fort Randall KUTCHINSON V 01 ivc^, V Parks ton LINCOLN V Canton M D Fort Dakata YANKTON V Yank ton S S CLAY V Vermillicn 42 27 93 53 1255 Z Ix Dec '85 R Bar.temp.hyg.Trind. List of Stations v.'hich have lers than one year's record and v:hich arc; not nov/- in operation. Station County ' otc.ticn County Station County Aruiour Eouclas Long Cre3k Lincoln Roscoe Moody Bon Homr:c> Ben Ilor.-rr.c Ivlrjjimuth 3ps 7 s pennington Spring Lake Kingsbury Dakota City Hutr', ;...--, ,;n l.!outh Cherry Sta.nl ey Wcntvrorth Lake 43 04 93 42 1245 31 3x Nov'56 43 14 97 41 1270 5 7x I.!ar'77 Nov' 82 43 25 93 00 1500 2 8;; Feb'87 43 1C 93 30 1291 6x Jul'89 45 45 96 50 1 6x Jul'63 Jun'69 42 56 98 25 1196 1 9x Jan' 60 Tec '62 1223 16 3 Apl'VI 3 Bar. temp (Eax-tain)hygrain. vind. Temp. rain. wind. Terr.p(max-min) .rain. wind. Temp (max-rain) . Temp.vrind.rain. Temp. rain. observations. Grand ._Yiew Ipink Wioklew Lak La^rrence Vunlrtr:-- Inclinn "A^-sncry CFt.G..: ecnV?6cdT r^.ttfl ^ * >Jk ^ s^g SV'qsS > I CO*- t : : ^ ?' e w r * * * 3 IS *CI S* f S8 ' v *? 2 ^ M aMt4M to .nifit.6nlw.qodT C3*nyt, IDV won *on si* tf> X^ TJISTITED STATES SIGKNTAX, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of r j, : v FSSEB from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. , , County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. WEAICLEY V/ S Dresden C R Pa-is V " Length. From- To inclusive. Remarks. 30 20 83 -1-5 35 40 30 23 1 Ox Avj'34 Angr'35 Tera. (na;:.-in. )Wind Rain. 3 !-;: Apl '82 Oct'37 Jan' 8 3 Jun'83 2 0;: IIav'35 Oct'07 STEWART. 7 Dover 33 20 87 55 MONTGOMERY . C R Clarksvilie 3G 23 87 20 Y Clarksville (near) -i 5 43 '50 V Clarksville W S Clarksville Y: 3 Sailors Rest O /l r\ r? 7 ft ^*- o * Oo SU&3ER. V Castalina Spcs.33 25 03 10 V 481 1 2x Apl'32 Oct'83 19 11 Jan' 54 Dec '73 6 2x Jan' 74 liar '81 1 1 ' Dec '88 3 7;: Feb'33 Fob '87 | 500 1 11 Jan' 72 rlov'73 2 10 Jan' 74 Get '73 I'a;c.;:r n.tcr.p. & Rain. (West Sandy ) Temp. Wind, Clds.R. T ".,? . (r; ; a.::.r.i:O Wind "-. Rain. Average T-^p. Sr.i. Col. i-Iax.nin. Toirip. 5= Rain. Glenv/cod Cottajc-.Tenp. for 3 months only. Sr. Col. Ear. T3nrp.iTy[j.V/ind,Clds. Rain. T. (rr;a::.nun. )vv::nd, Rain. Rain broken. 2m. Ccl. Tornp . Wind, Cl vis . Rain . 15 34 10 ' C* ' ^ O j >0 -. o u ; 03 V/ S Car-yville V.' G Jackscoro o CLAIBORNE . V CuL-b^rlaiid Gap 5.3 3-i 85 30 n o Sp T i ncd a 1 c i 4-x Apl '83 Oct'07 Teir.p. (raax.min. )Wind, Rain. U^Ui IJTAVJITTl o x '" n o o o J \V 3 Rorjersville S G 53 25 85 00 1 5 5x Apl '80 1 5x Sep'33 5 Ox May '83 9 ^ Ai'fr' Q7 i ^ A'->.rf O / T 01:55 (r.:a.':. min. ) Rain. Te:^c (:;.a;:,r.ain. )V.'ind,Rain. T Special Rainfall station, Rotharvood 33 50 32 43 2000 1 4 Jan' 72 Apl '75 Sr.iithsonian Coll ection. HOUSTON. R Erin 36 10 37 45 1 Ix May '32 Oct'83 Max.inin.Tc-rap. &. Rain. T>TrrrortM i^lUi^owi! . S Dickson 30 15 87 30 2 2x Jun'84 Mar '87 T o """""P ( T-n Cvi r **i*i ^* } Vi i 37 ci ^** risd. n CHATO/ttl. S Kingston Spcs. 1 33 10 37 04 500 i 5 llx Mar '33 y n X Record broken. . 81 . i&n,i- ' 3G< 5S C J- xl X .K.et. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of TENNESSEE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. liumber Elevation Record. and class. sea-level. Length. Prom - To inclusive. o H"! DAVIDSON. V Nashville :-,! D 3 S V/ S Watkins GRS1KE. V Greonevill? Y/ S V Tusculuzi vVASHIITGTOlI , \v S Jonesboro CARTER, DYER. W S Dyer s burg C R GIBS01I. M D Ft.Hunboldt C R Milan V V Trenton W S CARROLL. 30 10 80 47 553 3 4;; Jan' 5'.' Feb'67 1 Av.c'52 10 2 HOV'70 30 10 80 57 600 1 11 Feb'83 30 10 82 40 4 ox Jul'43 May '73 1581 7x Apl'33 36 05 82 50 3 3x Jan'77 ' Mar '81 30 13 82 23 2000 1 9x Mov'85 Apl'83 36 13 82 12 1500 5 4x Jan '08 May '73 Smithsonian Coll oc tion. 30 00 89 20 2 llx May '35 Oct'87 5 4x Apl'34 4C 83 50 383 3x Dec '69 May'7S 35 55 8 46 440 4 4x Apl'82 G Jul ' 83 30 58 C8 58 450 3 9x Feb' 091 Jan'73 G May ' 33 2d Ord.r station. River Obc. Ba".Te-.p. Or.ax.nin. )V, : ind,Rain. ( x M C C 11 JL. 'JU** L/C^.J-w^O ) ol Jl U C J. Tcnp. dr.ax.ir.in. ) Wind, Rain. Tcrnp . Yiind, Clds . Rain. Tcrip. (i^a;:.:nin. )Wind, Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Temp, fnax.min. ) Wind, Rain. Max. rain. Tenp. &: Rain. Temp. (ma::.min. ) \7ind, Rain. Max.min. Tenp. & Rain. T. (nax.inin. ):iys.Wind,Clds ; Rc.in. r Smithsonian Coll action. Tenp. (nax.niin. K/ind, Rain. W S Kuntincdon 30 05 V,' S McKenzie 50 10 S3 23 620 1 2x 83 30 515 4 7x May '33 May '36 Fsb'83 V/ S Waverly WILSON. 3G 07 30 00 87 59 5;: 87 45 525 2 9x Oct'75 Feb'85 T Rain for 4 yrs. 3 ncs. Jan' 83 Temp. (nax.Liin. )V.'ind Cc Rein, V Austin V V Lebanon 30 12 30 15 87 10 5G8 3G 15 15 ix 5 7x 2 Gx Apl ' 74 Jan '01 Hov'80 i Dec 7 73 C:.uthconian Collection. L'ar' 55 (C^.terland U-.iivc-rsity)Aveva^c W S Leerille i 30 10 30 22 i 1 5 Oct'33 Ter.p..-. 4 nos. Rain. &n. Col. Terp. tnair.nin. ) C: Rain. Record broken. II oD .iri.ioc. . JJI.noii;. "sfl , ' .1 .ra^ . -*T . si: .> i rrJtcJI -i <|a>T.iLtir: rf v. .r. *ii' ( .cucMiaa) D Z Ii/o8T . :oT* 8 ....ill .im /a a c aaro 8 ! Soil S ' oil l Vt A J J 2 UNITED STATER SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of TENNESSEE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. nd el-Lin County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. 'Record. *3 z E-'g Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. ' ' SMITH. v Riv V \1 S V C Alexandria 35 50 35 56 " (near) Carthace 36 1-1 35 56 Dixon Sprin-js 56 20 80 08 Riddloton 56 19 86 07 PUTNAM. Cookville MORGAN. 5 '51 '52 1 5 Mar 7 83 I Jay '8 4 3 4x Feb'85 I Feb'52 Jan' 55 5 2 IvIay'SS Jun'89 1 S Jul ' 88 R Ciratasonian Ccllcction. Tcrip.V/indjRain. T River fi: Rainfall observations R Smithsonian Collection. Bar. T. (r;a;c. rain. )V/ind & Rain. V r.uby w :; 1 s Riv V s s Sunbrisht ANDERSON. Andersonville 56 50 83 58 Clinton 36 05 84 08 KKOK, Knoxville 35 56 83 58 35 10 85 50 550 5 8x Jun'84 Sep'83 Tenp. (oax.rnin. ) 'Wind ?-. Rain. 84 42 1500 1 Jan '81 lOx Jon' 3 84 40 1550 1 Ox Apl'84 Feb'33 36 21 15 fr-ov r-ri n MVi". -H T,) -. -' ~\ . |IuCUt4X*fcLUfl i *M* ~- -^^---A U H 35 45 89 00 5 33 39 58 JEFFERSON . Riv Strav/berry PI. 36 04 83 40 CROCKETT. v; S Gad s den TIP TON. v/ y Covington R " FJVYvVOOD. C R Provrnsville MADISON. V Jackson IIICiaiAN. v; S lh:nnelly 6 3x Apl'83 2 2x Dec '84 S80 4 Ox Jan '54 Jan '72 18 11 Peb'71 1 llx Feb'85 1 6x Feb'33 Oct'84 35 53 55 4 ) 10 47 83 48 500 3 2x Jun'84 4 5x Apl'82 9 Mar '72 Nov'72 33 00 37 30 525 2 3 Oct'87 Tenp . (max.m? n. ) Rain. T River & Rainfall Observations Smithsonian Collection. 26 Order station. River record rnuch broken. T River & Rainfc.ll observations. Tersp. (max. rain. )Viinci & Rain, iviax.ir.in.Ter.ip. C* Rain. Smithsonian Collccition. 'V.O Jan'77 ; J--n'77 T.Vand,Cld3.R. Tenp. (max. min. )'Vind &: Rain. X Record broken. a ~ e ' - .n^n.br. 1 .';,^ *8*<;*Li 56 '-. I '^1 T Gd'nfiL I I > br. -).T.T. C8'a;/L 86 ' -3 " " Sf g I 93 ai 35 j ao (i^r.) 3 i -35 80 TO Off Cl 65 . ftfUW (.ftto*xio>.<|aT 88 r qo fS'm/u x8 3 02; 01 DS n ni. .. . ..TT V^T, r 'do 1 ? C8 f T ;lr '.i 77 . OOJ5I 33 I 0351 0> ^8 91 85 xS S 83 50 (X5 83 *3 80 8g OS 82 w 85 XI 81 xll X x8 X 2 5 00 OG 31 55 80 01 003 8* C8 35 5 2 S3 0$ 00 ^aO v coaa G 3 .H -JA A3 .xorix 'ivxonS vJ J'OSKIAli * nc JX .,,. UNITED STATES SIG^STAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of TENNESSEE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number Elevation Record. ? and class. sea-level. Length. Prom- To inclusive. H'S I O ' ' WILLIAMSON. V Franklin v; s RUTHERFORD, W S Florence Stn. V Murfreesboro W S DE KALB. V Sviiithville V Sinithville W S 35 50 86 48 G Jul'37 Dec '67 R 1 5 May '83 Sep'84 V/ S Grassy Cove V Pomona ROANE. R:lv Kingston W S " V Rockv/ood KAlQtttf. V Cleamioiit V McMJ.nrwille V V BLEDSOE, Y/ S Farmingda'.ie RHEA. V,' S Grand View LOULOrL Riv Loudon BLOU1TT. V/ S Ma:^yville LEWIS, W S Hohenwald 35 56 80 24 500 3 10 Liar '83 35 50 86 25 1 Gx Feb'82 IIov'83 I 2 May'8'i tan* 04 35 50 85 40 1200 1 7x Apl'72 Hoy' 75 2 3x Jan' 74 Dee '76 1 5 Mar '33 Jul'84 35 50 84 51 1200 1 7x Feb'83 Feb'85 35 56 85 03 1 7x Oof 59 Mar' 61 . 35 51 84 29 2 2x Dec '84 T 5x May '89 35 53 84 57 931 6 May '76 Oct'76 1 9x Deo'E-i T Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. rain. )Wind, Rain. Tenp. (i?ax.,inin. ) vVind oc Rain. Teijp.IIyg, V/ind,Clds. Rain, Temp, fmax.min. )Winci & Rain, (G niles S\V., ) Snu Coi, Te:rpV/ind,Clds.Rain. Tcir^o (max.niin. )V/ind,Rain. 35 44 8C 02 1000 2 9 Jun'70 Feb'73 35 45 85 43 1000 1 6x Jan' 70 Dec '73 7 3 Jan' 74 Apl'81 2 5 May '83 lfov'89 35 40 35 10 2000 3 2x Jun'84 Aus'87 | 35 45 84 05 1535 1 Mar '83 Feb'84 55 44 84 18 2 2x Dec '84 3 months rain only. Cm. Col. River w Rainfall Observations Teaip. (rnax.nin. ) - Rain. Bar,, Te;;p .\Vind, Cl as c Rain. River & Rainfall Observations, Rain broken. Sm. Col. Smi t h s o n i a :a Collection. From "Data Eooks". Tenp. feax.iainrVind "= Rain. Tenp. (inax.r-- : :; c ) Wind. -R. brohcn. r River & Rainfall Observation.--, 35 4534 00 960 2 llx Mar' 83' Jun' 89 Temp, (max.min. )V/ind e Rain. 35 30 G7 50 925 5 5xMay'8o linikc ' f r , */;;!* vJ UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of TENNESSEE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number , , County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. h Remarks. i Length. From- O To inclusive. g-I MAURY. ' O ' 1 V" Ashwood 35 36 87 00 725 10 10 Mar '79 Temp,, Wind & Rc.ln. Riv Colun'. i a 35 37 87 01 3 Jan '87 T River & PainfaLl obt-erv* t.^on :- ty S Hardison's Mill35 40 83 52 300 2 6x Mar ? 83 Jul'86 Tenp a (naxcrr.in. )Wind & Rain, W S Hurricane- > Switch-* -- 35 33 33 58 324 3 4-x Jan '84 May '67 I U 1 1.IARSHALL. W S Lewisburs ^ ft OO oO do 83 45 1 3x Feb'88 Terp., (."naxoniiii. ) Rain. BEDFORD. V.' S Flat Creek 35 30 S3 40 1040 2 o Feb"'33 Jul'85 Tenipc v'mx.nin, ] V'ind & Rain. COFFEE. W S Beech Grove 35 30 83 06 1000 5 Ix Mar '83 Sep'33 V/ S Manchester 35 24 86 04 1050 4 5 Feb'83 Jun'87 11 U 1 W S Tullahoma 55 21 35 58 7x Apl 39 Terp., (max. m.ii:. ) & Rain. SEOIJATC1IIE. YrS Dunlap 35 23 05 24 8x Apl '89 HAMILTOi:. Riv. Chattanooga 35 04 05 15 735 2 Jan' 7 6 Dec '78 TR River cbstryaticns only^ S S 11 Jan '79 2d Order station with Riv.obs. V . 1 Apl' 64 R Smithsonian Collection. V 5 Dec ? 75 Apl '76 Bar. Temp. Wind, CIds. & Rain. V Lookout Mt. 35 00 :>r r.r- O - i-, 1 1323 5 Ox Jan '36 Apl '72 Tenp. 8 months of Rain,,Sn\,Ccl. W S 35 02 85 18 2500 1 Nov'88 Oct'89 Temp. (max .nine ) Wind & Rain. SHELEY. C R Arlington 35 18 80 40 4 3x Apl '82 Max. niin. Temp. & Rain. Station knov,Ti as Withe to Feb. 24' 86. V Memphis 35 09 DO 05 349 15 5 Axis* 49 Jun'76 T Average monthly Rain. Snu, Col. V I 7 4x Mar '50 Mar '70 Smithsonian Collection. S S 18 10 Mar '71 2d Order station with Riv,,0bs. W S Woodstock " C T / uw i. o 90 05 2 9x Mar '35 Sep'89 Temp. (nax.nin. ) & Rain. FAYETTE. V LaGrancje 35 04 89 12 350 4 Ix Apl '58 Dec'75 Smithsonian Collection,, V 2 6x Jan' 74 Aug'73 Ten-ip ..Wind, Cl ds . Rain. V* 3 Somerville 35 10 39 20 1 H rfjxw -0 . . ,b.-:iWqr3GT.i,a io 3 bniw (,nL;.:;.on).< . ^ . * .n .t(J ; rfJiw noi^n noJLtc^IXoO nai JCat).q 01 01 3S? OS SC' 3 S 00 S C 00 10 3 I xl 8 0001 CO Co 35 OcOI H> 88 ^l dfi 65 x8 2 XX : i-s 31 es - ^ _ ' 88 ( veil X OOe.l 51 58 20 3S .: QO . e* ( : 31 XT' XX .imuu fcoov-!eA &i 3 Vj r.'noaiLw ; . - YH e 3 S i UNITED STATES SIGTN^L SERVICE. 6 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of TENNESSEE from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. C R C I; V V W S v; G \l S V \v s v; s V HARDEMAN. Lolivar Grand Junction Me HAIRY. Bethel Sprivcs HARBIN. Favannah WAYNE, \Yaynssboro LAV/REi-iCE. Lavrrenceburg GILES. Pulaiki LUICOLN. Fayettevillo Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. 4 Length. From- To inclusive. O ' Remarks. 35 18 89 00 430 55 05 89 10 35 10 89 05 620 4 lOx Mar '83 3 3x *:ay'S4 4 4x Apl'CE 1 9 1 Tar '72 110 v' 7 3 3 1 nec'73 ! Dec'76 35 20 88 25 450 5 10;: Mar '83 Tc:;.p. (r-a.c.nin. ) Wind & Rain. Max. r.in. Tempo ; Rain. Tc-:p.F.ax.inin. 5- Rain. Smithsonian Collection. (Near Fur dy ) T. Wind, Clds.Rain. Temp. (max. niin. ) "Wind & Rain. Kov/ell 35 25 87 40 35 20 87 20 1200 35 15 87 00 650 i5 09 86 44 55 15 86 ZQ 5 Ox Got '84 1 9,: Sep'87 Sep'89 1 Ix May 'So Jun'85 [ , 2 Mar '45 Fob '51 2 11 Feb'87 3 10 Mar '03 Jan '87 R Smithsonian Collection. Temp. (max. rain. )Vind & Rain. I.It. 35 12 85 00 2000 1 3 Jan' 60 ; Mar' 61 (University Plaeo) Srn. Col. 35 10 G5 50 1200 5 3x Feb'84 Ssp'89 1 Nov'83 Tenip. (iriax.niin. )Wind & Rain, Temp. (max. rain.) & Rain. Y, ; S Fostoria V r ) DRA3LEY, Riv Charleston 35 18 34 42 2 2x Dec '84 T River & Rainfall Observations, V Cleveland(near)35 06 84 40 1000 lOx Fefc'73 ! Dec'73 (Spring Garden) Sia. Col, V 3 Ox Jan'74'Aus'73 Temp. Wind & Rain. V C Grief 35 1184 42 825 5 2x liar' 35 Temp. (max. min. ) Y/ind & Rain, POLK, v/ S Parksville 35 10 34 40 900 5 3x Sop '33 X Record broken. aS .T(v&rt -raeH) &w 78) . . 28 V?,! xOI * 05* 00 68 GJ *8 01 I I 028 SO H8 OX T I 88 S8*Tlt ;.OI 2 *8JeO xO 3 35 T8* ; f COSI OS TO OS 38 flS'it f I 05 II S 01 8 -8'cfei Efl'voM C 80 *r f nfit, xO s S8*r!l xG 3 3 II 52 .UEOKAH WAJ lentary Records of less than a year in length are on file from the Following Stations: TENNESSEE . Station . County Station County - Station County liarren Plains 1 Robertson Gal latin Sumner Quarter Clai borne Bethpagc Suinnsr Henderson Chester Ruthledge Grainger Scat on Polk Hillham Overton Sevrance Franklin Canipbcllsvilla Giles TJ ~\ \*/ f) PCJO^ fOI O" Oi i O T^\ ~~^ O P* liiMrCtooCC V/WJL ^j *J.iVi\J . i - V C Springville Kenry Cedar Ridge Bled so e Kollo\v Rocks Carroll S\veetv/ater Monroe Centroville Hickman La Fayettc Mac on Tibbs Haywood Chuckaluck Me L'inn Leadville Jefferson Troy Obion Clemonts villa Clay Lexington Henderson Union City Obion Cog Hill lie Minn Linden Perry Vernon Hicknan Darnall Lake Ltttle Sev/ee Me Minn Walnut Grove Kardin Becatur i.Ioigs Livingston Overton Warner Hicluiian Enory Gap P.oane Lyiinville Giles Wart burgh Morgan Estill Springs Franklin Me Nairy Me llaii-y West Point Lav/rencc Flipp.n Lauderdale j Newport Cocke White Bluff Dickson Friendship Crockett Paradise ValloyDavid^on Winchester Franklin Xenophon Hancock o -- awl tin as ei* R: *o ofnoM . aomtV evorrd *&* . .3 if if 3 T rrsnat/S . wclfoK T n HI >IO oalii tii CVS 1 1 xorluic. . Xlxil 303 o.ato/I STATES SIGKN'.AX, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. County and station, and class. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. tf ^S Remark's. Length. From To inclusive. O ' o ' OCHILTRE2 V Ochiltree 33 19 100 45 5 l'Tov'39 Temp (r^.x-nin)v;ind. dir. r,-.in HARTLEY V Hartley 55 53 102 10 120 b ;/U2/S<7 Ter.T(sax-n.in)rain. ROBERTS CS CA3SQH V Poni-andle S S Fort Elliott T H V Chil dress I L'lLZI V Zpv;orta CUOSbY V Silver Fills (llt.Ll^nco) CLAY S S Henrietta UOUIAGUS v o i' or c s u o'u.rrj CtlATSOiT S S Denis on 7 Kc-76 L^IT.R C H Paris V Clarksville i-.I T C:J:^P Cooper YOttTG TK f O T ri'1 W?T 7 o-^ -_-ti XU'J U / 1 5x i.Iar'3G 55 21 101 19 5 Aug'OC 55 35 100 25 2350 10 Dec '79 2 11;: Oct'7G 54 50 100 13 33 59 101 47 3 Odt'G9 4 Sep'39 T Rain (Repair station) TennCniwX-ir.in) rain. Full observations. Teiur 1 (uiax)hyr;.V7ind. elds, ' .>.i.v) Ter.p (:i:a,x-:nin) ,r..in. To::p f inax-nin) ,rain. rain 35 48 101 10 2G05 5 llx 33 44 93 09 915 3 llx.Iar'78 iuar'35 Full observations. 33 7 97 51 11 Feb',;9 Ter/.p.rair.. "<'.''. ,"~. f~,-r\ "zr\ 1 ~"1 V A T-iT ' 7^ r ^ >> c Cw -i-j >- O >>-> I *J I I 3 Ou.i /O-.C-ioO 1- 27 93 34 10 i'ia,r 7 o9 33 33 95 32 5G2 4 3x Apl'02 3 33 G5 02 300 12 4x Iiov'71 Au'w5 31 02 C9 15 Pall observations. Ter.;p, vd:\d. dir ec . rain. Tent) (nic,::-i;-iin ) . rain. rain fist. 4 no.c.t Hepose near Clarhsville) 1 5x Jan '57 Oct '59 Ter.-D.rain. 03 93 59 1300 i 7 lx J-il 5-3 X Record broken. or IT.- UIxriTED STATES SIGh^STAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 2 Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ^ so b' T. , _ Length. o nemarKS. From To inclusive. EH YOUY;G Con. 3 Grahau 55 05 90 51 1040 5 lOx Jul'77 Apl'35 Pull obs-rvationc. y 3 r..'ay 20 Tsrrp(::.a;c-nin).rain. JACK D Fort ZU3hardson35 03 CG OC 3 IxAar'GO llay 73 To:.:pCa:ax-r.}in}I;yr.^ind.olcl:;. rain. 2 J**4 -*V T'SnTi '''" O'^ lo m **., ^ - O _' U w w c. u. 1 /o v O Vj* O *' "r f- i Dooat-.vr Co 11 07 55 11 GO 5t^ -. ' '^-, -^ ) I 7 r 7 > ^- 7 o*"' 1 IT 1 ) "i "* n"*-! ^* *i?^*'i * "' ^" <^ ox . ia^ it i\u3j Of* j. ,-_j. uot>ji v j, j j.>-..i_>. i 5 0" p t'^7 '16'"^" c 1 . " *"" P. V,'rinci olclsr aii* L> o Pilot Point " '-" '"> O C "> C C Cc ^-: Au^'71 D82'75 S^.Coi.T2'.p.rain. BORDEJ V r n .ir::arii 52 53 101 22 5 A'd.T o> T ivain. JC!;Z3 - i d Phanton: Hill 52 24 OS 57 2500 o 1 ^.,3'>' ir: 1 :-.--.}!^<. T.-i--.~ v-^ r , 1 - = ,", )->.,-;-. t 1 *T ti *i.- ^JCC ^A j iw.*. ^"S: lo;-.j;.O' Ui.v... t ^,J-.-_ -^^ % t^.CX^irO 7 ;!- " * r*. -* *^ Port Griffin 52 1 90 09 10 Ox .V^;'G9 Jan '80 Toi:rp(^a:c-n:in)hy;r.\/ind.olc:s. rain* 3 5 1270 4 11 Jun'77 Arl'02 i\ill observations. F/iTuUll C It Weatherford E2 41 7 4-i 8G4 2;: Apl'32 Tai-p(u.,v-v_in) .r. in. lARZlAITT D .crt ..o-t:. L^ -:5 G7 15 1100 5 10 ;.ov'-:Q /^;'55 : ..Col. To-.ur. rain. V i 1 1 ";ov'3c5 Tc'^^rain. 7, '.^L/'S V Cedar Hill 52 5L 96 55 1000 1 ::: J-n'OJ Jui'CC Tov.:v.. .:i..d.direc.r,.in. T*> "* 1 <- A rr " " ? , r~ (^--^... \ .-,. m - -' -t u-*' wi J. .i. ^ *5 '*^/ 'i / il I ^W 1^*T J - -V-*.4.1 V v> "5 nilas 2 of ^ f * ,-\ r- * r\ Oi^ --J iJ'J --..' 1 c:: - .j" "* ' r r -"' G * ^l '"'o ^ TO* "^i ** " il"" V :,l2S quite 52 45 C5 55 540 " <^-. j L'.. J *, 5 *T * ~" . --J -.- y-~ *\ T f " t-i - - i ('4 i<2Ep ijLiiCi Cil.3iil*i JTP 'J-"' r ~- V "" ":" ('" ":ar) r'o - c* r~ ~ <.. <_. 'L-u ^ - 05 12 !-;; Ju] 'ciC Ja- '70 TJ~ .'." "i" '". o"' ds. ra^n* UNITED STATES SIGOSTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Elevation Latitude. Longitude. above sea-level. Record. ^ t-'E Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. t<"g "'. f , \ V 1 T O* ~ ' o ' Ii-.I 13. Jsffarcon 52 05 00 20 221 1 llx Jul'OC i iay 71 Tenp. v /ind. oldc.brol'.on r_,ir. HALT. L*:: V ,T ..., - -I A ^ _. W L Jb 52 -1-2 &3 Id- 555 1 2x L'ar'70 AD! '70 Te-.ip.^ind. elds. rain. G&JGG C Iv r / V :j Lo:i~viev 52 50 0-1- 02 5co o-,- ,-p 7 22 Tarr: fna:c-nin).rain TT''"*'. 7 "T " V S 3 Colorado T "'" 0V' 52 20 100 1-2 52 Li; C 00 17-'-3 5 Oat'S5 V"Sil T nl" " ^""Tr- -^ "i r,~ c ^.-L_^. UUk>wA tf Ut v J. U** Abilene V ;IerI;el 5' 2-- r ' 57 O % O^i. r- T ? ri O T 1 o-' .-^\ * '/"t " -| (" r \"\ " "* "* *** -" "i T* _ ijj Jb W V 1. V-._- ^ '? J.^iV^0 ij.-i-*- W <_>*.- VV ^.A W CALL J T .-'T V - Caddo Teal: 52 11 CC 12 ^-. Xov'3C ToMp.rain. HOOD 7 Fanter 5'- 1 25 07 05 1C 1 Lt^rf J ?5f5 *- -i i ^j O w T3;""i.rai'~. ("*:oj'5 d'aii^^d fTc^ Gr anbury) JOKH5011 V Clsburne ".'- 7 o ^.7 -.'0 7<~o t. -- M ^' *-^ I _^ \J f V ">J 7 -I-x Jul'30 Fov'SO :^i$Q:^(-.:^:^:i.^)-.;i^.^^. aura S* T} Tyler 70 i^oc: -i -? C-TT u^ ^.^ v'D xu Qo-l 7 j* : ' ^"> ' 52 Te:q) Cnax-min ) rain. EL lA^SO :.: r El raso 51 05 103 50 5350 1 Ox Avc'CO Au51 Tsr.p.rain. .'.. S 11 5703 11 7 J\in'77 i^ill observations. T1 7^ ^ .. 1. * 5SOO 5 C;: Mov '01 Dec' 37 T i Rain. I. D r, Fort Lliss 51 03 103 25 5300 51 1C 105 1 51 05 105 5G 5710 20 11:; A^r'50 1 Jan' 30 5x Jan '50 Tenp, rain. wind, weather, TI _.,.^_ /^,. - T- ^^ J -^ \ i "..^ r t*r-i -^t -^ "*^ - " jtcSjp ( .^j.. fc -i_.ii. j nys winc -. -^ - T . . } rj m _^,,.^ TT/ *-? *-!* T -* r -*---i > . D Fort^ csiitean v n Idland 51 57 102 03 277C 2 !-;: llov'35 * iT) _L o w i 6CjTj o -L ct-i-ii *- j." o * ; "' "* ^-*-** * ^ ^* *- - *- f T\ ... i.- ;: D Fort Concho -,1 c;o i T") D < ~" 1 *" ' A O j- O i/ .. ' 1 k/O ^- -- -' T.-\ f. . -i r\'~\ rn T r c;^ ^.' a. ^j ' - -L .-> - i_^ *_j -L i^ -.' -^ il 1 3 3x |- C|T7 CO '.. ,, } ^-! ri.) -,,- T -^ _ . .C-/-1. '*>-L X '^'-j ' * * ' L -- i^cij. '--^ -.vj,- i, .--..,. p ( .,_c.L^ _-.-.. )tiyc " -- - 3lcls.r:;.ii\. 1 X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Elevat Latitude. Longitude. abov sea-lei ion Record. >l| 3 rel - Length. Prom- To inolu 3ive. f"g O ' O ' TOM GRSE1T Con- S 2 Fort Ccneho 51 2-i- 100 22 1000 3 5 Ar I 7 77 Au~' 35 Pall observations t.. 1 fc- Grierson Sp'ss 31 50 101 10 1 3 Fob '31 Eep'G2 R Teup. (Station 3rd. order) , COLKI/u-I ~ T T> J 1 i . Car..p Colorado 31 51 09 11 4 3 !Iov'53 Jan' Gl Tenp.hyj.^rind.direrain. S S Cole-an City 51 43 00 20 1710 5 10 Jul'77 Au.?> *7 TV i T ~\ r\^,-\ <-< .^*rir -"; + ^ AT*, f ^o j. .'.J_i UtJ-^-j-V^'w.j.v**oi EROHN V 1 LroT.vood 51 41 CO 53 1 1 D e 2 ' 3 3 T 1 , - ir*- s ~' '*,'"' i ^ /^T'y.Ta'n ^*PTT^ i \jl.i^.' it J.I1U. U.J-I C?!JA Ct*J.i* T 'TT T .: D Grahan 31 57 97 20 900 3 3 Jan '50 A-i-' 5*? rp -,.-,- ^t - ^ / * ) f T} 7 ^ ". ^ c- 1 Clap. - J,in ( ^\*-ii\ Cw J -lAVARRO s s Cor si e ana So n.' ^ T *~>7 ' " r 7 1 i_i V'j.- ^/ O u / -i'i- / L Oct 7 74 Oct'31 Pall observations. ;'c R IV H G -I-:-: Apl'32 m , r ,^ /-.-, ^ ,,,, j_, . \ 7 rj_v, ^ ^ J_T% -c, j^-, ;:c CULLOCH V Brady (near) 31 03 90 13 1500 2 L" " TV -' Q ,* O Jan '33 Tei:;p (max-min) v;ind. dir.rain. V ^*a' it .* v&fijj Larapasas 31 03 93 09 1 9 Apl'83 T er.p (rr.a;:-r. in ) wind . rain. CORYALL ,: D Fort Gates 51 25 97 40 1000 2 4 Got '40 Jan '52 R Tenp.fSchott) *f~+ j- ""T T ' " T .' 'O -i-J i-jl J-.^J. *A i V Waco 31 31 97 04 2 2:: ::ar'G7 Apl' GO Sr:.. Col . Teup . rain. V 11 1 3x ..lay 74 Ssp'3D Ter.;p.raiii. (C R 1 |V 1 4 11;-; Apl '82 Tenp(r..a::-r^in) v/ind.rain. ANDERSOM V Ft. Houston 51 40 05 42 1 Jan'42 Dec'42 R Te^CReptoLrit.Assn. 1347) V Palestine 31 44 05 35 lOx Oct'CC Dec'70 Sr:..Ccl.Ter:.p.rain. " O O i 511 7 lOx Feb'82 Full observations. CHZROESS V T . rv ? 1 j c- i -^ iMk -L O t_l L 52 03 05 13 2 Jan '53 Dec' 59 S:.... Col . Te-p .broken rainfall. JT.'TT 1 Tl ""TO ^ri' J.. lo . D Fort Davis 30 35 103 53 5234 15 G Nov'54 Temp (max~min)hyc* wind* olds rain. Q i 402 C 10 7;-: Apl '73 res' JO F^ill observations* p^*COS I! r ^Bfcrz rrr Car.:p Stcelcton 30 55 102 47 1 S 7;c Jul'50 Oet' 77 Tenp, ( :ax-in)hy-,v/ind elds. . Record broken. UNITE!) STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Coant * and statlon ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. ^ ej> t.-= Remarks. Length. From - m To inclusive. tn"g PllCOS Con. ' - S Cx.v Stockton 30 55 102 47 5050 9 3x Feb'77 ' Jun'36 Full Observations. CROCKUTT :,' D Ft. Lancaster 50 45 101 44 2050 4 11:: ..'ay 56 Jan' 62 Tovrip.nycr.wind. olds. rain. i! B Fort Tcrrett 50 25 100 07 1520 2 Jan' 52 Dec '55 S-. Col. Ter.:p. rain. .: D Ft..Ic,Kav3tt J 30 45 100 02 2060 15 5x Jan '52 Apl'OO Tenpfr^ax-rain) hya.^ind.rain. S S 2240 5 8 Jill '77 Fob '35 Full obssrvations. V Monardville 39 52 GO 43 3 -"ay 89 Tora.rain. i- aeon i.' D Fort Olason 30 4 9 16 1200, 5 4x Jan'52 Feo'31 Tc-^p.vind.nyg.rain. s : 30 44 ec 12 1300 4 10 iJavi'77 ilar'32 P.: 11 observations. LLAIIO ;,' D Ft.Cro.ghan 30 40 S3 20 1000 4 3 Jun'40 Aug'55 Tenip.rain. LUH1 T 1]T V Llihoaet 30 43 90 02 2 Jan' 85 Doc '86 T Rain. EiiL f \ C R ' ly Lei ton 31 02 r." fin 41 d ( 620 4 ox Apl'82 Tc^p(uax-nin).r^in 7 Fann(3reraond) 30 03 o^ v-j JU t>o 451 1 lx Apl'G9 i,lay'70 T Su. Col. Rain. CCB ly H earns 50 50 DG 52 305 4 5x Apl'32 Toirip Craax-vain) .rain. WILLI..V.:S(X-: V Cross ?>,oado 30 21 97 51 372 1 2 llov'59 Doc '60 Su;. Co l.Tcup. broken rainfall* V Round Rock 50 50 97 59 720 4 Scp'39 qi .,.-,.-. -o -. -,' -, LRA20S Y Colle-o Station 50 35 95 13 330 2 lx Hay 02 I,ar.torap.hy^.v;ind.dir.rain% YiALICR V Uuntsville 50 42 05 51 400 1 2x Feb'54 I) jc' 59 S.- r*/\"' n 1 v --^ '^ - n r^ ,. V> U j. . J. s.^..^.' . . UMku . (c :; ly o 5 5x Apl'C2 E 1 __ /.-^ /- n - \ *-*! .-^ " ii.L u CtJ-J C'.V."-v- a- i-.-i.-l } ^ li-U. ,..,, -i %, ., -0 li ^-d. L.H - j. l<^-Tn* TO". I V I^rl:villo I >I 00 33 32 1 3 :ov>59 Apl'6l So* Col. T^Lip. broken raini all X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number gnd class. Count3r and statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or B. missing. 1 Remarks. Length. Prom To inclusive. GILL ^znz O ' O ' f ' '"? I-" 1 -" .-> n ,-^ -"* -i /i 1 C " i V _ *_ -; J. t*U?* J- ^ -- O L-' U. V *5 1-2 Liile S E of TRAVIS i: D Austin V C " C ?. V Dyval V \Yebbsrville &GKL2SGN V ri-ie Lranch FRSCino il D Car.;p near Presidio T TT/^T7T~*T _ -^ Vj \_J A I ' ' I L i-i D Cair.p Pena Colorado KEi^a i.I B Cui^p Verde l.r D Fort i.Iartin Scott 82IDALL V Convfovt V Gist^rdale LASTROP V Pin Oal: KASHH.'GTCEI /- ^i '--V : : Lrenhsc V D Uhici: Kill o: Loi-3 Point V v;^s!iinc'tcn rr 50 17 93 51 1742 5 11 Apl'77 Peb ? 85 Apl'3G O 1C 07 42 650 21 Jen '54 Au r j'75 14 7x Jan 5 74 2 4;: Apl'32! Oct'07 50 25 97 4C 7 Jun'SSJ 50 15 07 cO 3S4 1 3;c Jan' 50 Apl'Gl i/ull obsarvati'ons -.:i. Col. Tciup. rain. 20 54 104 24 2779 1 3x Apl'Gl A\ir : 32 Tenp(;;:a;:-r:.in)v;ind.r;,in 50 12 105 25 11; Dec '33 . 29 55 99 00 1400 3x i;ov'53 Feb'CO 30 15 CO OG 1500 2 7x Aur^'id i-Iar'52 r* 1 1 p. o * ..; 'ij i.-c3 -i-.- 9:; Apl 7 72 Jan' 75 It 1555 3 7;q Sep'7G Jun'30 20 53 93 57 1450 9 10;s JanWG A^c'37 2 53 93 52 1000 1 07 1 30 15 03 50 542 3 50 20 03 10 530 2 C;: Jaii'50, L Jan' 57 Dec '5'. Tei^p Ci':.ax-nin)wind. dir. T emp . hy 3 . van d . c 1 d s . r ai Tsv.p.rain. O , fol rn :a'--~-, ol.. oO _ j. Cuip F"-:l 1 o > 2 er vat ion . Toinp.rainCcnr.v -3 nos.O >73) Sr;.. Col. Temp . rain. S:... Col . To:..p . rain. Ter.:p Cua::-n:in) .rain.. Sfc*ColTss^pra2 Su. Col. T3i..p. rain. i Tou X Record broken. X r STATES SIGKN^L DEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Count y and station - I Elevation Latitude. Longitude. | above sea-level. Record. Length. From To inclusive. C R Sour La::o 50 12 94 17 47 5 10;c Apl'32 ,0-t '33 CCMAL 7 He liraunfels 2S 40 S3 03 720 3 9x Jan'54 Remarks. Tei:.?. ("a:c~r:;in).rain. CALDW2LL 29 41 97 33 413 4 5;; Apl'82 Lulinc P/JTETTS V Lluf f Settlement 30 00 97 00 130 4 3x Jua70|Deo>74 Tenp (-.;a;c-ii.in La Grange CO 55 93 52 V Round Top (near 30 04 90 42 AUSTIN V Mev/ ULLi - VtALLSB C ?. Iteripstead RABJUS V Hov.ston 10 Jan'39 24 Jan'50 ' Apl' 31 Gr... Col . Ter;.p .\vind.rain. Te:.rp. wind, dir, rain. S:.;. Col. Tc:.:p. rain. G, :- "i T 7 /I - ' Ti 1 1 7 "? ^ J . 1 / K JUj. I L. "f . ^ /-k T r^ (^ "^ '-. T -- vi j-._G ij J.U.U . j. cl^- . 50 03 C 3 05 245 1 3x,Apl'32 Sep'34 Te:qo(::.a;:-min) .rain. 7 net on err f O-- ; -T',-" ""7 "_ I ^/O t-iw Oo O CA &K^ - ' 4 10:: Apl'C2 50 06 S4 03 23 1 4:: Apl'82 Jul'35 50 07 S5 45 10 5 9:c Apl'G2 V " JEFFERS01I C R lieauir.ont ORAIIGU C R Orange Knaisy S S Brackettsvilie ,29 13 100 24 lOcO 3 1 Hay 77 Llay 83 T "i*---*-^ / , "i "^r - - n ** \ "** r . "i T\ i'J^.^J lHuUMLi^ZIj -< *--^ilo n. ' T. Ti/^- i i i. ! i- o . 2C 14 100 23 1000 13 0,: Au ITvViLrE U D Fort lies II r Fort Lincoln 2C 20, CO 30 SOO 2 S Uvaldo OC Jul'c2 SB I A G T Castrovillc 29 20 &3 55 333, 4 3 ;aic:'77: }.;ar '32 Full ocservationc. rain, Toup.liyt:.-.-;irid.rairi, Full oo 3 vi-rvations. Full observations. EEXAR V Callings ->i ^-.' Ci_c*^ .i"Lonn.o r< r\ r\f* o, -3 T7 ^w U j bd oo lA.n _j ^' <^ - w -^/ t^ ^ O w - 4 11 12 4:: Jan'CS Jan'4G To::p.--;ind.dir.r..in. Tcup (uia:c-:;iin)l'-:'";'-"ind. olds, ru.in. X Record broken. 71 f- ' . -3 BXv ,<5 V - . . - *< ' ' I AjiL I, :.S 71 Ja^ *^T^ Ht V _. ( '% . - -'- . I C2 CO i-3 E itAft 7- I C riva^j .0 81 u*| . -CT _, , , :;II V 1 UNITED STATES SIGOSTAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. .j ei Number County and station. Latitude, and class. J Elevation .s Longitude. above sea-level. Leng th. From- To-inclusi re. E-I'g LZ^IAR Con- O ' C C Dan Antonio 2C 24 .<->, o o 7^1 1 1 *> - J """ ' 7 7 Fall obsorvations. COLOIUTO V Oakland 2C 35 9G 50 3 2x Jan '70 Au?'7 3 Sir,. C o 1 . T cr.ip .rain. C R v;..:i^ar 20 41 O **? ..^ /* r% O *^ TV "" ^ 1 ' ^* o T'll'*-" 7 Tcnip (-.r.a;:-v:.in) .rain. FORT LFI-rD V SuG'ar Land 2C 30 05 30 5 Oct'OC Tcr^p (na:c-nin) .rain. GO' T Z ' V^S * V GonzjJes 2C 29 <7iO T C Q O 1 1 */" T" 1 ^^! ' *-^? T^ r. -> ^ ^ S::. Col. Tcr.p . rain. GALVESTON V Golvoston 2D 17 C " ^ ^ d Pi O ^ -^ r 1 .-> , 7 K n rp -V - ) rr lr*v -~v \J iv>t o-vp ol J* 3D c 3 R Sn.Col.T;r.:p. :.'. D o t\ j ~ - > ,^o *. -^ i 7 n Tor.:p(rria::-'uin) hy^.v/ind.rain. S 44 13 C Apl'71 Full obsorvations. V lir-zoria, 2C 05 C5 35 11 Djo'SG Toi^p. -.rind. dir. rain. V Columbia 30 2 2x . lar ' G7 ..lay GO S-i.Col.T2r;.p.r.,in (Codar Grove Plantation) fC R 1 T^ n r* i'- r*s- t \ V U ^v V-'.j * i L'JVERI CII C5 37 5 7;; ;;,.y 34- nvfe^tabhfeti: P. Q ? .~i -. p. ^0 o- -p) C-> _ .LJ ^j iwl^vOiJ *-*_> *v 100 27 300 5 11 Jul'77 .;ay 33 Pall observations. i-I ^"' C ""~ V D '' :r ""' ~ : P'^ r< 1 Jan 7 30 To:..p (t.ax-:::in)'7ind. dir. r.,in. ..I .D Fort Durban 23 33 100 25 1430 17 Ix Oct'4G Oct'70 Tc^.hyc.vrind. elds. rain. rz IVITT C R CUJTO 2C 04 1,1 13 177 3 0:: Aurj > S2 T-^*---r\ t\- -, t'^.r :T ',> ^ - -. T U*j.J V &*&* L-J. / * ^-- -- V Clinton or \r^v-^7-j. ^,.-*-. <:' r\ ." 1 O-. i-^Cwj.;. ^^ U-- 17 23 5 I0;c J^n' CC Jxin'7 G S-....Col.Toi.:p.rain, M T Fort LV311 23 07 CC 03 200 2 4 Se^'52'Deo'E -1- Teiup.rain. ;I D Fort Aorrill 23 20 *~ ~' '"\ * l^O O *7 -* ' 1 7 r" i VT /-i-r) c:; V '^ w~r j. ^ J t~i i ~* ^ i.jJ U. O J. , i i U v i- 5 Te^.rain. GOlI.'Jj V Goliad 23 3C C-7 25 50 1 2;-: Bec'57 Oct'C S Em.Col.T-3r?.p.rain. CALHOU1T M D Indianola 23 30 CG 30 03 Jul'G'J Sep'G3 Ter.-.p.hyrj.Y/ind. L3 Z O f* T ! ? ''-.-. "7"^ Tii^ 7 " ^j i'l o ii-a.y /^ uui. u Full observations. V Lavaca ' 3c i ' "? '' > 1*7 1 T -. - ) * "~' ' , ^ f r J 7 v-o o_ I/ i 3 J^ > 77 VO TTi/ OOWitJ /-V O\-vi* I 3 S Rio Grande City23 23 HIDALGO S 3 Eciinbiircr 20 00 03 12 422 5 2;: Jul'77 C T fri--i <-r T At.ifiitvUiI S 3 ^ro-.^isville i-I D Fort 2ro-.:n 25 5o 97 20 57 15 1:: J-^l'TG 25 2 7 23 135 27 5;: llov'43 S 3 Santa , 'aria 20 00 97 o Till Uar . t ei:.p (:ua::-uin ) Ly;; . v: elds. rain. Pall observations. y Teup . rain (Rain only (HidaloO P.O.) Pall observations. d* C rain. T Rain (Repair station) List of Stations vhieh have less in ope- ration. Station County Static )n County ^ Anahuac Charri>ers t ^ T ii*~" ">V"\Ti o w w ^ J_iiii ' LI O Colorado . Aransas Canal llueees Conanch e Conianor. e Arlington rp -, - ~> -* -, . + Content ("e :r) Colorado . j/ Daird Cillahan Platonia Payette ft' j~ ' . X "^^"'""esvil"' e Johnson Kno:c Port Pol!: Pranklin C^r;:eron Robert son- *4> ,^ Eenjaniin Lonhan Pannin Gainesville Cock e . -, Buffalo Sp'rrs Clay Gatesville Coryell . Buraet Gurnet Gid Junction 9 . / Cambridge ClL.y Helen., Karnes Cji-.D .loors ? Honey Grove Pannin Chapel Hill v i a s i". i n 'j ton Iersoll ov;i e P-. ^ T -.1-0 OAC^^- ij v ^y Galveston Loci:ha;rt Caldvrell Co"* d. v .'^ t "^* GT-iena^n, i Mcxia I iLi:.-.C3tono "X. Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. UTAH INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. mh er , County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. | Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. 1 BOX ELDER R R Blue Creek R R Corinne S S R R R R R R R R V V V V V V V S S Kelt on Promontory Terrac e WEBER. Ogden s SUMMIT. Coalville / St. Mary's Wanship^ Park City TOOELE. Deep Creek 41 39 112 28 4379 12 5x Jul'77 41 30 112 18 4232 19 9x Feb'70 4249 2 9x Feb'71 l^eb'74 41 45 113 08 4222 11 10 Mar '78 41 35 112 55 19 Ix Feb'70 41 30 113 30 4548 17 lOx Feb'70 41 12 111 57 4540 19 7x Feb'70 5 Aug'89 2 lOx May '69 Jun'72 2 lOx Mar '69 Jul'74 40 56 111 28 5630 7 7x Dec '74 Jun'83 40 42 111 00 6200 2 Ox Jun'65 Aug'67 40 49 111 24 6200 3 7xMar'G5 Dcc'74 40 39 111 51 40 32 112 18 V Stockton U TAH. S S Ft, Duchesne^ 40 M D " _ SALT LAKE. V Alta S 40 V S V B ingh en Canyon^O M D C?,i?.p Douglas ^40 V Salt La!:e City,' 40 S S u " " ^ UTAH. D Camp Floyd V 40 40 55 112 23 5 Aug'89 2 lOx Sep'77 Sep'80 5 Aug'89 35 109 50 4900 2 1 D.ec'87 1 Jan' 89 36 111 38 5 Aug'89 5 Aug'OO 32 112 08 5 Aug'89 46 111 50 4800 20 8x Dec '62 46 111 54 4354 11 8x Jan' 50 Dec '74 4348 16 10 Apl'74 16 112 08 4725 1 5x Jan' 60 Jul'61 T. (r.iax.min. ) Wind & Rain. Rain and from Nov'77 Temp (max, min. ) & Wind. 2d Order. T. (max. min. ) Y.'ind & Rain. Rain, and from Hov77.T. & Wind do. do. Rain & 1 obs. of Temp, daily. R Smithsonian Collection. R Temperature table. Temp. Wind, Clds. & Rain. R Smithsonian Colleetiono Snithsonian Collection. Rain Sc 1 obs. of Temp, daily, Sunset station. Aneroid tar. Temp.Hyg. Wind, Clds. & Rain. Rain and 1 obs of Teup. daily. i 2d Order. Max, i.iin. Terap. & Rain* Rain and 1 ots. of Temp, daily. Tenp - Rain. Rain and 1 obs. daily of Terjp* T, (max, min<- )Hyg. Wind Clds,R. From '50 to '55 terp.only.Sm.C' 2d Order. (Ft.Crittenden) T.IIygV/in(iR ! i "X. Record broken. .JBEU3 X but a.>.Ju).T tt8 SI STSf 8S SIX * Xf is XS K I TT f voM atoll fine ntfl 0Ttfo l 3 x SI SSSf 81 SXX 02 Xf 8X SXX S Of ^ .ad ID .i.-utf , .qpf lo tfo I lias nxcH 8si/A 5 SS SIX 3 Of TVo.C X & 006f Od COX 95 Of I *fifc .qr-ot lo ,io I : HiAg te'rwA 2 65 XXX S Of *~ i xe s {nJt.x* 80 8IX df I* a { f?j^ I i dS SII C 11^ txo^f HI b Otd& ri 6M OS 5X1 OS I* a j] *J **> 0V cfs-j xt 61 0*^* V3 III SJt ir'A 8 S t; o \ & .8510 SB f m/ ? >Va xV t OSdS US XIX 9$ 0* IIoD T^ H T8 r ^'A r fl^l, jiO S OOS8 00 XII S* Of a'iCt** .^3 ^ 3 rtfiinoarifx ? r oa S f Tjtf< xT S OOS8 I^S ill C* Of qi .cjjr- .scTc X aiaSi OS^^uA 8 X XXX 6$ Of Jifcl lo YXii. ,HJ rUAfl Ce'-a/A 8 $0 SXX S Of no^asO tariff .s^H(xm.S4Ui>.T S f oC <0 OS 000f Od XXX 0*- Of Of -^ .11' ; I SSVf so SXi 3X UNITED STATER SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of UTAH from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number nd class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or B. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. ' UTAH. Provo City ' JUAB. V Levan V Nephi- SAN FETE. C Mt. Pleasant x EMERY. S S Brock/ V Moab / S S Price ' MILLARD. S S Fillmore SEVIER. V Richfield / BEAVER. V Beaver ^ S S Frisco GARFIELD. V Losee/ WASHINGTON. V Harrisburgv/ S S St. Georcre * V " " / V / KANE. V Kanab / V V Mt. Carmel/ 40 14 111 42 39 54 111 53 39 42 111 49 5550 39 33 111 30 39 34 110 49 38 36 109 29 59 38 110 42 38 58 112 18 38 47 112 08 38 18 112 38 38 25 113 16 6400 37 40 112 02 37 16 113 23 2575 37 09 113 35 2800 37 03 112 32 5500 37 17 112 41 5215 5 Aug'89 8 Apl'89 3 2 Mar '83 6 Jul ' 89 1 4 Mar '88 Jun'80 5 Aug'89 1 10 Liar '88 I 3 2 Aucr'77 Sep'30 5 Aug'89 8 May '09 2 6 Jul '85 Dec '87 8 May ' 8 Rain & 1 obs of Tenp daily. Rain. Temp. beginning in Dec '89 T.WindjClds. & Rain and from May '39, Max. & min. Temp also. julax. k i.iin. Tenp k Rain. od Order. Tei-.jp. & Rain. Also J.Iin. Temp. T Rainfall only. Sunset stationfT. Yvind & Rain). Max. & win. Tenp. & Rain. do. 2d Order. Max. Min. Temp. & Rain. 2 2x Feb'69 Feb'72 T Smithsonian Collection. 3 2 Aufr'77 Sep'80 Sunset stn(T. V/ind, Clds.Eaini 3 Ox Jan' 61 May '69 Heberville & Tonaquint combing ed "v/ith this station. 8x Oct'80 Ma;:. Min. Tenp. & Rain. 5x May '72 Feb'73 T Smithsonian Collection. 5 Ix Jul '74 Oct'79 T. winu, Clcic. Rain. 3 lOx Jan'74 Closed from Aug'70 tc Jul'SG Tomp. V/ind. Clds. & Rain. Lake Park ' Lo^an Spring Lake s Davis Co. Fragmentary record of less than a year in length. Cache Co. " Utah Co. " X Record broken. qcT lo ttfo X A 88*09(1 ai snxnrirgsd. sJ qtroT .alii A .fiJS-l 02 IA .nx*fl 4 . "no 4 bflxtf T)flOx4l*8 ^93.11*8 .Of) A a, =8 .T JbaolD .abJO . III 0* s 2 o9 III NT *ft in s* 08 IXf 58 6C V8 f ta 88*144 * I 8 01 I 8 8 t* OIX 01 K 88 OIX 85 OS 81 SIX 8d 89 80 SIX T* 88 82 SIX 81 88 8 S 00*8 81 8X1 32 88 8 SO 211 0* xi *VnfiI, xOl 5 lo Mows S 3VoS ,"*, from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. La itude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. dl I Remarks. 1 Length. From To inclusive. :- ER/J1KLI11 > " O ' E-St Berkshire -.-:- 55 72 -1-2 441 1 'i Sop '33 Tcrap, rain. v:ir.a. (CLEANS C'-'-vftsbury -1-1 1-0 72 30 1150 li' 5x Jan ' 5-1- llov'73 S:: Col.to-;p r,.in V 10 Jan'7-1- Oct'7-i To;: .p rain. elds. Wind. V o :ij-;port l-l- 1 55 72 30 700 1 1 ? ~>-r Ic u.* Doe'39 J. ls~/ * 1 W Jul ' 39 &;.. Co 1 <> Terap . rein. Tor.p . vind elds., rain. V r ' South Trey -1 . 55 72 25 300 1 11;; J. ,_ } ^7 ^ >_ _ - I *- Doc '72 So, Col t cr.p . rain. 71 1-1 1210 23 23 11 J..r'-:3 1 Doc '75 llcv'73 Su. Col . Tcnp .'.'ind. olds, rain . b a CHITTKTDEK V Uurlingtcn '1-i 23 73 12 "7 1 u---o 30 Ox Jan '23 '.Tov' 3 1 S:.,. Col. t:-.". rain. f " s 2.^0 JCJ 12 I 'ay 71 Jun' 85 r>:ll obsorv^tions. f V 200 .^ 1 ; lev '33 Ter..poV''ind. cld5orain. V Criarlotto -11- 20 73 15 90 5 7 ,iay G3 Ncv'75 Sr... Col . Tor;.p . -.vind. cl ds . rain. * f V 13 lOx Eoc'73 Dec '37 To"..p.v;ind,,clds.rai::. V - 3^olbournj >>; 25 T 7 // 150 1 10 .;_r'53 Poe'57 ^3- Pil Ti-"~i T i'n w W ^J X . X W !.../ o * L J.*l . v;.st Charlotte s ec Cfc r.rlotto CALKDONXA V li^rnot vl 18 72 05 952 1 2x Apl'33 . .^r ' 39 Sr... Co 1 ., t er.ip . r iiin . V St , Jchnsbury -.- '. 25 72 02 5-1-0 5 Ix Jan '53 Jan- 31 Sra. Col . t cr.p rain. V 10 i.Iar ' 83 Tonp. \vind. rai:.. ADDISOU * Cornwall 3 Gx JkL.y 8G T R:,in(V'oath:r service) V Q Forrisburg -1 . 11 73 !: 131 2 lOx .'-y 60 i.L.r'72 Sii.. Co 1 . t er.p . r ,:,in. V .addl-jbnry -i-.- 02 73 10 503 Q 4 ia'ar ' 3 :- Ju-'70 Si.i. Co 1 o t e!.ip rain. V 1 i.L.r ' 33 Fob '30 Toiap.vind. rain. bar . i-O i i 1 i 1 vjr J. Oi i V LL.st .aontp cl i or i i- 17 72 15 5 2 o J^ii 7 35 Fob '37 Toup . v/indo rain. V 1 57 , 72 33 1437 f. 2 :-v'35 llov*75 T Sr.. Col. Rain elds.vrind. X Record broken. i ni~': :3 8?\v" C-a'/^L :. 1 1 03 1 1 03 2V i-V'JsO i.T'ni.t 01 -i-^.r;. -2 0<. f ccC I i,07 C3 ST S3 "'T ! SI 2V f c;l IV '.;;... l, ::u I .. .:.lo.; :: . O...-3 ^t, II C2 0121 K IV SV f I DS -^^ .IL! xC 03 t. 3 SI St 8S no*2;:i; 58 c ia'U IV Y-'i 21 c.bn^'.q. 5e r vo: f I ^' .."3 oV ^ -. V 3 09 91 2T OS iv .0 t: VC'owd 5V c c-3 x"I 21 ?ecca c-5 f T-. oi i c5i sr e i ,D.... t^ { 'ic# x g i se eo ST si ;v .ac..~ :^,IoO..*? Ic';::L S3*.i^L xl 3 0-: 3 ST 52 ^ryc'z^rlr.L. * T C8 \c-ii ^C 5 T.q-t^.IoO.. SV'T-h OC ^;. X OI S 151 ,1 5t II -q.- O.o3 OV'..uT, .C'"*-^.* ": GC2 01 5V SO .i i-i.ti:iv.a 01 r.IoO.i.,2 H 35'&' .-C! 35 r ri.l, I 0^3 51 St Tl VC*7.^. 01 o IV8 Iv 2? LI-,. 2 fl 3S \j_Ji xS SI ^- V CO zlli.. >fi :c .ti^.q.ioO^-2 T ^'v:::x 27 T.i UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. Nnm Elevation 22 a i l->Vc County and station. Latitude. Longitude. above o'| Remarks. sea-level. Length. From- To inclasive. Hg ORANGE Ccn- O ' O V Rar.dclph 15 57 72 3G 1437 1 UE Feb'33 i,!ar'C-r T Rain, c las. r/ind. bar. V Straffcrd 1-3 52 72 2<-- 500 dar'73 Tev..p . rain, c 1 ds . wind. V West Fairlie iB 55 72 15 4M 1 i Dec '53 Dec'57 R S-.., Cjl.Ter.p. V "kYiliiar-iStivrii -i-1- 03 72 54 1000 12 9;: Jan '29 Dec' -.-1 R S-u.Col.tenp. RUTLAND Y Brandon > *z * o | 7 P " rC 'x> 1 O 05 150 10 Ex Jan ' 5-1- Jxin' G9 2u. Col . te-;,p . rain. V Cast let on IS 33 73 09 190 IB 5x Jan'5-1- Jul'74 Sr^. Col . t eup . rain. V i 7 Jan'7-1- Jul7-i Full observations. V Pcultney -i3 S-i 73 15 350 1 4 Dec '35 . ij,r ' 37 Te:..p .. v-ir.d. c Ids . rain. V Rutland io 05 72 57 500 1 Janl73Deel733 T Rain (William' s History of Verr:.cnt) V o Aug'33 Apl'31- R S._.Col.Teup. V " 5 Aug'7.1- Oct'7-;- Ter.T'. v.'ind. elds. rain. WC2D80B V Hart land ^~ *^A *7O -O OU / c* 21 3G5 _ Sep'OG Teiup . rain. V Nervioh -1-5 -1-5 72 28 720 c 9:: lfov'53 .^ar'77 Temp. rain.clds.v 2x 15cv'C5 Feb'33 T Rain (Weather Service) V Vjrner. o n rjr\ -ti -*O I lit i 30 231 7 Jun'35 T R_in (\Veather Service) i Record broken. i\"rivr, rl 05 5 *^S a V3c0a rj oooi . .1.9*. . ir*e 1 v -'2i'. > f raU . CO i-V'ltfc 15'jjrt, x$ C< :ritt .T f i^t r Tfc*^. 5c r tr 31 JJ 1 CcTltvQ&Tjtatflt I OO& 3 fl U'ldA ^C'so^ 3 vT St C8 CT 2T 50 Si cj TT 1 30C IS 3 OST H Iwt OC'IqA oe ST ST 3 ST V t S 06TI 2 S C 02^ II tftfUcotf)aif; 'fl*l a s H \tua tod^ >! T U.*G*f * )Cl^ T 5 i ac *e SC'tfof |I i- ol 52 ^^ C 03 tC & o ' * 6. S CS ; ics o Cl 01 51 2T 15 3T T8 2T 03 ST -1 3 5T i>8 ST 50 ST Cr K- Si. i T*?*8 ell " 7 C 1 i rwJJv^ 3 / .' li'l '."." -I'. ~~'_ ul'J.i. ._> o w fc X'., F. s - ^ - -. ^ J. - x- f--r.-.T^+~"- O rf -^A* W ' w -' j . ^ . . ~ ',-. i 3 -i. lei. * ;it.v-.-stor ." .1 i - x/.-J.^ J.O "<--. .' ? -,-'n j w.^^j. ^* 9 3" Irficld Cl.-'lsca , t .KHilLcri PiUafcrd Hart i era Orlaana Ebitl^nd Rutland Windsor Graftcn Guilf-vrd Cjr.tr. ^'s Rivjr 'iir.j-itl-nd C-ntre UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of VIKuiNIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. Q ti Elevntion and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. 1 above sea-level. J Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. _-..-. ..,- ,. .... _'i _-!.- *-J L -../x ' V Middle tcv/n 50 04 73 14 GGO 5 Au3>39 T-;.p,rain. V '.'.inches ter 3G 10 73 09 717 7 0;: Jan>54 Apl'61 Sr:.. Col. Ter-. rain. V KNF V V V V V V V V V M D Lerryville <-~:T.TW ^'. -^ A TT Oi ij.j* j L. t J.v '-vj U i '\Voodsiock PAUQ1IIEI? x A i.v UUw ^.-j Linv/ood ivlechaniosville PiedL.ont (near Rap p ah ann o o k Station 39 03 77 53 575 5 lix Jan'5G Dec '53 33 55 73 27 820 4 Sep'89 S-::.. Col. Tenp. rain. T 1 T 5 ni *i J. iM&J A 33 50 77 50 5^2 1 4x Feb'71j Sep'72 33 5073 00 42 llov' GC Dec' 75 53 40 73 00 SOO 2 4x llov' GO Fob '75 53 30 77 45 152 2 2 Jul 7 3G Au-j 7 83 S-r;,Col.Te~.p.rr.in S~:. Col . Ter;:^ .rain. 7rir.ci.riir., Ay re Hill near Vienna Falls Church Vienna ViToodlav.Ti (Aeotinh) ALEXAIODRIA Alexandria a Fort i-Iyer 33 54 77 .11 400 1 3;: Jul'71 Jan'73 SfcuCOlYecprain 33 5277 03 3G414 7 /,uc'70Feb'35 R Taap. (Highland Viev;) 33 55 77 15 400 2 4x A'jfj'GS Feb'72 Sr:.. Col. Temp, rain. 53 40 77 5G 150 1G lx :iov'70 Tec'SG 33 43 77 01 56 5 6 Jan' 53 Jun'53 80 1 Ox Feb ' G3^ Feb ' G4 58 51 77 02 1 lx Dec '83 Dortecffind*clds*rain. Ternp. rain.. (Sub- station to V Dale Enterprise53 -1-0 73 -1-5 850 10 Jan 7 30 STAFFORD V Fal-iouth 38 19 77 27 550 5 5 Jan' 58, Mar' Gl 33 25 79 55 22 J^n'57 1 Feb' 59 Sir..Ccl.Te:;.p.rain (Peach L:. or Hartwood) Su. Col . T3r;p . rain. HIGHLAIID V Meado->/ Dale AUGUSTA V C ;,;ossy Creek 33 25 79 02 _ w m9nm .^ .^ _ V Mount Solon 38 17 79 02 15GO 12 2x Apl'5G Apl31 S-.Col.TGi^p.vind. elds. rain. V Stu.ur.ton 33 09 7C 04 13-1-0 ' 3 OxSep'03 Su.Col.Tonp(rr.a:>Kin) .rain. SFOTTSYLV. ; :;IA 1 3x Apl'53 i.ciy 53 T 33 12 77 ^5 200 j 5 C Jv,l ' '34 R T eup (rna;:-nin ) X Record broken. ) V VIV C r. ' c? r . i r ; ng vv oa *- -J3011 ' _ " - ' : , ;\ rr 415 ... _ U C 4C1 J' I 1 issn 1^ ST'/l^l* XV'Iirl, ;;5 I 00* II 7? -1-5 V *I *C5 . 80 7V i-3 ... 2V c ... OS' r CI -JA ." . :, 33 f /.._L 3 SC 10 TV & -~- a j. -T I TV I is ^-i *:. I w < -,T . '.T8 T.IoD. 85 rliirocJ (% L DIK .IcO. 83 'G A V3:^L 22 5 - i .* 3' J? VI 85 noioL ^ ^ ::0 UNITED STATES SIGOSTAJL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number n^ i DC County and station. Elevation Record. as g> sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. H'S Remarks. - pt T-^ r t T t r\"~) <^~T< kHiU ULU.rtui O ' O ' TO Kin~ George C.II53 13 77 10 50 1 Jan' 51 ; Dec '51 T V Lev/ins ville (near) 53 15 77 00 ISO 1 llx Jun'53 Feb'75 $T Fcv;hatan Mill 33 15 77 1C 100 25 0:c Jan'50 ; Oet>75 ALLSMARLE W Alt OL Vista (Keswick Station) 53 0473 23 500 3 4x Jan '71 | Jun'Sl 7/0 Chariot tsville 33 01 73 23 150 4 1:: Jul>57 '52 WO University 33 02 78 20 535 4 Jan'86 Saw Col. Rain r.i. Col . Tenp . v/ind, cl ds . rai: S.u. Col o Tesp . wind. clir. r ain, (Cedar Hill) 33 05 73 21 450 5 7:: Jul'54 Apl'ul 53 00 73 30 521 2 2x Feb'59 Apl'Gl ~& Llontcalm or Pougeniont W Ivlount V i ev.- LoUlSA TTO Hewar-k(n3d.r) 33 00 73 10 VEST. lOriELAlTE 'EOMontrose S3 07 7G 46 200 2 5;: Bec'53 Oct'59 5 y ears Bar. t enp (ma::-niin ) hyge vind clds.rain Sir i . C o 1 T sr.ip .rain. Sr.i.Col. Teup. rain. .ATH ' 53 12 70 42 10 "\~0 Eolar ROCKDRIDGE ^0 Goshen Bridge i 53 05 79 25 1410 1 2x I?eb'75 ; Aug' T' Lexington near j Tribrook Farm 57 44 79 24 1000 4 Ix Jan'ol IIELSOIT 3T Variety l-Iills 37 5573 50 G50 G Ix Apl'82i A-JC'33 (River dale Fara GOOCHLA1ID T Dover : lines CPovell's Tavern) T Eruinrrton 1323 1323 R Su. Col. (mean annual te-p. ) Sni. Col. Teinp. rain. Terr.p.rain, Teip.v/ind. elds, rain, Sr.i. C o 1 . T er;;p (r. ax-min ) . r ain . Bar. t enp (^ax-nin)v-ind. rain. iy r?<- <-,rj ^r> "^10 A f)" T-il'7 1 ^ P^r.'on C^^ frtT VA'-rn "f\-^r* <->~\ r <- ~'. i i / O'L^ / i ocj O-Ii^ ^r U^-^i ULll fu L-t;C u^ O_.. wUi . i Ui-lp ./.LJ.J.U. o vj.o. A ^ . : 37 43 73 59 2 7 Feb'35 AMI '37 T tin, X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. rf* *f H Remarks. Length. From - To inclusive. O ' O ' 7 V Antr.ony'sC-eel: 37 ? 57 A ^ ^iTT"* en 1 GlasccNf Station37 V 7 Geaito .."ills 57 KZiIRICO bell one. Arsenal 37 West'.voou 37 ... r v o 50 7 45 30 53 73 27 77 35 77 52 77 53 77 02 57 47 2000 4 2 200 4 52 120 7 2-3 T-. -IK ' <_i i. >- Sep'47 Aw' 51 C Sep'47 Fet'72 Oof 33 ep'33 4 ..:^y 4S ;^rr'53 Ox Jo.., 7 24 Sep 7 35 2.: Oct J 50 7:: T R >.>':... L>0 1 c IVJMttl Su. Col. Averse nor.tM:? rain. Tev:;j (".ax-:.J.r.) r j.in Lirds l;est(rrcs peet Hill Farm 37 C/**_ . __ j.pe u&dTjLSI Lt, House 37 Capevills 37 ECDi 'CPU Liberty Ruthvcn JAIES CITY S S v o V V V "I v o V V V RI:F V Lynchburtf ( -3 uiles Yf S S C7 5 75 25 13 7 2 Apl'SO I lay 37 Fill observations. 25 75 52 40 21 09 Apl'53 03 75 20 75 53 55 7 37 37 tmUCollflge 37 Cr.ristiansburc: 37 1C 79 3o 1 77 15 73 1G 80 05 30 40 2S 23 20 1 15 6 959 2 100 9 ;!ar'G7 Fc-b'G3 7x Feb'71 Deo' 73 3 Sop'SC n., Col. Tarp. rain. 5x 2x '5G ilay 59 2200 1 lOx Jun7S Apl'35 t 2100 3 8x 1350 Sn. Col . Tor.r> . rain. S:... Col. T3en r ain. rt ^~ TJ tr^ ^T^ I LL v^* 2 G Jul'07 37 22 79 12 300 11 lOx Feb'5-1- Jan' 79 18 6 Jun'71 a^. Col , Lar , t er::p (r, "-.yiiid , o 1 ds . r ain ., Rain Sr..Colo Ter..p rain. Full cbservations. X Record broken. .1 tf. oa -.~* ? 2T* 3 6C* us t as OS C3 3f CO ? 81 83 3T OS T* I-UIi o 8 CM S a C7 01 TT 12 t rt 9i :; 08C1 7 iOx i : cs oe ci S OCJ6 2 0$ 30 2 nT.le! t I? 1 CS (W I V -R]j -) STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS rao^e iw, tae state o/ from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. bb CC c Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. PRIiICZ ZDWAKD ' o - 37 57 36 V Trine e Edv;ard Court House !'OTTAWAY V llottavray C.H. PRIITCS GEORGE V Garysville 37 TAZETCCLL VO Walnut Grove ( Tazev/ell) 37 PULASKI V Sno-wille V Allisonia CHARLOTTE V ivlissins Ford DETV.IDDUS V Petersturrj SURRY V Cottage Kone V Spottsville ELIZALETH CITY Hampton oc Ra- by Loclce 37 Fort Monroe 37 S-IYTH 37 10 73 21 70 07 77 13 02 421 13 10 31 02 54 30 33 80 52 35 53 73 33 2400 1800 360 2 9 134C 1052 R S:i:.Col.Av2"aae tet^. 3x Jun'73 Bar. tenp(uax-uin ):-:; 2:. '.vir.d, 1 Jan' 5 3 Dec '5 3 R Sr...Ccl.Temp. \ :,Iar'70 Jul'30 37 37 37 14 10 77 23 73 50 73 52 O rj -. T il C V C ivlarion 21 3x Sep'G7 Deo '33 1 &x Jan '74 Sep'75 G Jul'SG 3 0:c 4 2x May 37 Deo 7 75 1 3 Oof 32 R 05 00 73 23 10 11 Ox Jan'GG Jun'34 73 12 8 G4 5;c Jan '25 33 43 31 23 2135 3 6:: May 73 Ter.p.rain. Bar . t ei;.p . v/ir.d. 3 1 ds. rain, Su. Col. Tempo rain. Tenp (ir.ax-rain) .rain. Snu Col. Ter:.p.'.?i::do3lds. rain, Ear. t enp (na::~:-in):.ys: .Trind. Sv:^. Col . Ear t ei^ (na:c-iaii:) v;i: cldsrain V V/ytheville 33 55 31 00 2255 25 4-:; Jan' 30 Sep'SG S Z V C ISLH OF WIGHT Ifulberr-/ Hill ?3 3 3 Fob '73 Jul'73 vriiid. di v e 3 . r ain. Full observations. r Q 73 50 100 1 rf :~. Jan' 32 Jan'71 &::. Col. T3.*r^. rain. V Snitl: field 33 57 73 3C 100 7 C:t J'il'C-1- Si: Col . Tsnp, rainc LEE V Rose Hill 33 OC 73 57 250 2 5; : Jan '57 Dec' 50 i Si - ieC " 1 -?---'- . . - senx 2N) i I5ca t< e 01 20H01 . 4T.ai)ic .i::ir. 2X C7 00 TS YT: 8 S i ' .iJ ' TKD xiii: 931. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of VIRGINIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. ; Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. TJ A OTTT- T/Tn/V.- O ' nuunAiivrUft R1-".F Abiiigton BRDNSWICK V Critchen's Store NORFOLK S S Norfolk V Portsmouth filavy Hosp.) 36 50 73 17 18 14 7x Apl'43 ! Sep'72 FRIIICESS AliliE S S Cape Henry 33 56 7G 00 16 1G 1 Dec '73 35 43 82 02 2039 2 5 Aug'37 36 40 77 46 500 7 2x Jan'54 i.Iar' 61 33 51 7G 17 69 19 Jan'7l T Rain. Sro,Col, Temp. rain-, Full observations* Temp. rain. Full observations. List of Stations having- less than one year's record and which are not now in operation, Station Alun Springs Ashland County Rockb ridge Hanover Culpeper Culpeper Fairfax C.H. (near) Fairfax Fancy G^p Fredericksburg Heathville Hewlett's Stati Carroll Spott sylvan is . Nor thumb erlar on Hanover , id Hillsville 'Carroll . Looust Grove Longv/ood Orange Rookbridga i.Iadison :.it. Bethel Carroll Rendezvous Distribution Fairfax Strib-ling Sprin The Plains The Shades Witerford CS Augusta Fauquicr Fauquic-r Loudon Wolf Trap r tr (no^r vicnij ., \ -rt-.^^f, i~ ) r-.-.in.'-x 1 i Record broken. Bi SV I 01 SI 00 oo J UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of i NGTON from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. M aTetss. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. o'i Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. o , O ' * V C FtaBsir-Lishar: 10 45 L'.J2 : ; .0 33 2. 5 j .'ar'r.7 Jvl'5C S:.. Col toup,rain S 3 Point Roberts v 43 59 122 47 11. Apl'31 Apl r 82 * Bar etoiup.hyr-j,, (Sunset Station) V Caiv.p S'-^iahooo v 49 STEVENS i.I D Fort Cclvillov 43 SA1-I JUAIl M D San Juan Islancl43 ( Also knoY.-n as Ca?: CLALLAM V Noah Bay > 43 V S S 43 V Port Ansolos - 43 S S S S Pysht 43 V Tatoosh I:; land 43 S3* JEFESRSOII i.f B Fort To-.vnsond^ 43 i,I B Port Tov.T.send 43 KITSAF V Bainbrids:c s Island 01 ?.22 47 11 42 113 02 1CC3 23 3.2:5 01 150 p Picl:ott,Cai^p 37 40 rain '.vind , c 1 d s Jun'co v TdOf>.rain.hyg. oldie 8.CoXl . 3 Jul'57 13 Ix Doc'59 Mar'30 Toup (uax.^iin) 23 124 33 5 07 123 06 14 12 124 04 23 124 44 90 13 7x Fob 'GO Stoolc, and For 4 5x Jun 7 G2 3 lOx Jan' 74 4 Bo^'33 7 Jun'31 G ?.-!C Mov'C3 G Ox Doe 'Go 2 9 Apl ' G'J pCO?4 t Tov/nsond) Mar '67 Jul'31 llov'37 Dcc'31 ilov'39 Jan' 72 Torr.p , rairio v/indo c Ids Tcr:.p (r,:ax-riin) rain windo Tcqp.rain(Sanc as Ediz Rock) Full observations Tcr:p (riax-nin ') rain c v, r ind ., ter.p,rain, 5 G Oct'33 ~niaM.'fQ Full observations, 05 122 43 135 07 122 45 3 15 3x Jan '30 4 4x Nov'G7 Tsr.:p rain.hyCe">Tind elds- i.Iar'77 T Rain 47 32 122 40 50 10 Ox Fob '73 Ter.p fnax-nin) . rain. V V KING Seattle / 47 Vaahon Island^ 47 XITTITAS3 EllencburgX (Pleasant Grove47 BTQKAUE S Spokane Falls^ 47 D Ft, Spokane 47 S " 32 122 32 20 2 Ox Jun'77 Oct : 33 23 1?,2 23 30J 2 G Jul'37 00 117 32 1500 2 3 Feb'34 Sep'3G 40 117 20 1COO 11 Feb'31 30 11 j 30 1GCO 3 J.I Feb'31 3 11 Oct''33 T or.p ( uax- -uin ) r ain , rri nd , e 1 d s < Toiap (Eiax-nin) rain* Full observat-.ons. o O THUnSTOil S Oly-vpia / 47 03 IP, 2 f ' '" >Z : \ i .2 6 < Jul'77 Pa". 1 ob 2 er vat i on s , 1 ! 1 X Record broken. 0; i xl ' II d It c 8 a s 00 IIr/5 *V*d 2CI CV oT LG : ^cO *: : STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of WASHINGTON from the earliest records to January 1, IS 90. Record. . Elevation C5 5 County and station. id class. Latitude. Longitude. . above Remarks. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. H" PIERCE V lie"' Tacona 47 16 122 SO 20G 5 Ox Jun'31 Doc -33 Bar , t enp , rain . \vind V Pt.StoilasoonV 1-7 10 122 34 500 17 7x IIov- 40 Ivlar ' 03 Sr.cCol,.T;.3aii ter:.p = ai':il rain. V T^coua V 47 15 122 25 207 4 Gx Aar'34 Jan 1 88 Me^n ton?, and rain, S S Aluotu 43 41 117 27 2 4 :Jar'31 Jun'33 Tsnp (uax-.-inrain. ^ind, S 3 Coif ax / i3 52 117 17 2000 2 4 Fob '31 :.ay 5 33 Tenp (ua:c-nin) O rainv;ir.d. PACIFIC A D Fort Canby y (Capo risap-y pointuent) 43 17 124 03 30 15 4x Jul J G4 AiifT^oO A W. J \ - At^VW**!. *-L X J i \A- -'-AO'^V P >^ ** "4 *L* Q / *- * /^ o * o , 3 0-7 OCp O'J T_i ^ T ' f~'^"< c 1 "i"'^^ f i T T rf* c* i'lcli uu h J* VcT>.<- --iib LEV* IS V Kcoskooi-koe 43 30 122 57 2 . R i.:eaa ter.p. YAXIf-iA V Kennev/iok 7 43 15 110 15 rrc-7 UJW 3 1 Hov > 34 jjcv'37 Toi:.p (L.ax-!;.in) .rain.v/ind. V Fort i'i-...3o. 1 " 43 30 120 40 2 1 Apl'57 Apl'SC Rail: ,:..- an tov..p. WAIiJI.i Jill i v o catfcijL.jt/ 43 15 123 12 40 C 0;: *:-r'70 OT..-V J 7 rt AUtj ' O TJT..P t rain. v:indo c ids <, COWLITZ V Fort Goers 3 43 3.3 125 00 100 2 Ju A n 7 21 k r -, * 2 o ' T l.-^l A*' I I i ^COJl t'^^B <7y - - : T ' " T", T~l <-. ^ J. /""* - r "* r _/ j - .iJ AT w ^ v v> ... o^^vu.OS 45 30 121 50 S 1 .;.:y 53 * .j,y 31 To: .ip . hyc o '.. ind. rain. Vr'ALLA Y/ALLA V V^llj. Wall- / 4G 05 113 54 030 11 3:-: Liov'OC Deo '32 Tcr'p o raiiio f - B u^ L; o 4G 02 11 3 20 1013 4 1 Dco'35 Fall obsorvatior.s. ,' P Ft- Wall \Val.la ^1-3 03 11 : 20 1303 17 4:: J.:n'57 Tonporain, 3 3 !\.ytcn " 43 1C 117 53 1333 3 Doc '70 !iov ? 35 Full observations. ( '-/ "1I ; 'T -Tj^ 1 3 3 Pctircy" 43 30 117 30 2 2 j-.Iav 31 Ju:-'33 T JT.p (nax- -r..irO . rein. CL/JlIffi ^ >rep V Union Ridcc *^ ;.i D C T 1 O *~ '7 'fi- '^ !.,_ '.> 45 :-0 122 W 100 50 1 3 11;: 10 7x ;^y 71 roc'-::C Jan ' 30 T ^ T f ^ jun i o Doc 7 3 C:r,o Col o, t or.r> , ran n, <. Crl t ....^ rai _ nTTffTXTT i , v.- -y\ T* "' T "^ O Vff ~'"l T~I n CAlsc i-n- .:n as C'jlar;.bi^ Rive r, Columbia E^raehs) \^/j? * E tf List of 3t..:tions having TC-.TS than cno ircir's record and which arc not nor; in operation* Station County St-> O U j tion r . . County Station C:.unty ' _ xl y*. .: ^> l.Tr. v-~ /-s-tj T~> -i-\r-. 4. l^ r?A .--c - -v.Q_a "'^''R^cor^troien V i'A^nivl-,- B*JTC (l^.^iali.,;, V,0.i > - ' * "/" Pt. . P.V' [Vh."Li ~\ "< \/ (- -.K-.l -; n Q T T^ 17 -~ J-1 -s + .-, -J-- T: .-* r\ .' r f -"* ->T/ r -i-p v -' VvTiatcJCVl i^^ \uiatcC!3 '.'I OS ol n~ ?S UNITED STATES SIGKJSrAX, SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of WEST VIRGINIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Jinmber Elevation a and class. sea- level. Length. UFrom- To inclusive. 5J o ' o BROOKE, V Cross Creel: 40 19 80 37 1 lOx Sep ? 53 Jun'GO (Ilolliday's Cove). Sn. Col. V Wells bur j 40 41 80 37 1300 6 3x .-jb'78 Dot '35 Rain. Temp, for 2 months. K I 0. V '.Wheeling Riv u MARSHALL, 40 03 30 43 G Nov'59 6 9y T. Apl'60 i an f:oi lection. Rainfall observations, V Ella 39 .1-5 80 50 8 May 'OS I To~p.--P,ain for 4 months. v Liors^ntown ' I 3G VO 59 9 Hay '72 Jai'73 Smithsonian Collection. S S "" 9G3 10 2 Feb'73 Liar : 83 2d Order Station. Riv B 4 lOx Jan'3 > T River & Rainfall observations IIARIOII, V Seven Pinos 35 34 GO 29 > LIay'85 R FRZ.TTON , V Kinrr-'/ood 39 30 79 42 G Koy'89 R V Pleasant Hill 30 32 79 40 3 May '39 Ten?). Rain for one month. Hi.- ROTV] esburj 39 ID 79 42 o Bee '34 T River & Rainfall observations. 7 r y. _ ^ .-s / 1 T OC'vcl-t C 01^ 27 23 OiT i'ii.- 1 ^njii.sl r x a o ; a-:- a? ci C.,.r i -i. o i fl C&3t, V OS'r3i r- t co oo : nets fi&'cfe'J ?C'r.^I> it I 0V JLS ;'I OT r (j53 Cf-'YJPl^ xi S "j J.:- CV Oi: CJ 1 T 80'esC OS'afit* 1J C C3 OR 01 "IIf..i :*! Lu sovifl T C'JU^ e ^> V7 CI 3.i -c .ata *3^ua,*8 f 6C .3or2-.cpsT 08*^14 18* wl * 8 Gi-0 05 1C SI 35 2-^Al Tojito &s ee'iut o i UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of WEST VIRGINIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. ! Elev Eecord. oi and class. Count y and station - Latitude. Longitude. abc > Kcinurks. T i 1 O sea-1 ** Length. From - To inclusive. EH' i o - ' ! HARRISON. V Clarksburg SO 40 30 20 .3 Ox llov'85 Sop '39 Bar.ir.a;:.r.- ; in. Te:.;p. , V,'ind, Rain. V Salem 30 15 80 36 1100 Jul '57 Mar '58 Smithsonian Coll action. V 1 4 Oct75 Feb'77 Teqp. , v'rinci, Clouds, Rain. HARDY. V Crack Whip zr* Ao C* v \J t 73 35 1720 2 3x Jan' 56 May ' 61 (Trout Run Yalloy) Sn. Col. LI A S N V Point Pleasant 33 54 32 15 -1-80 8 llov'58 Jun'59 oi^ithsor.iaii Colleetior.. Riv 5 Aua'30 T River 6-. Rainfall Observations. M I R T. V Yart C.II, i r (i c O <*f Vy O 81 23 2 3 May '53 Dec '58 Rain brohen. Sn:. Col. GIU2R. S S Glonvillo 58 53 80 56 2 5 Aiis' 87 T Special Rainfall Station. L2KiXS V West on 50 01 30 27 1000 1 7x Jan' 38 Dec'75 Ton?), --Rain for 4 nonths. Srathsonian Collection. V 2 2x Jan '74 O -\y^ 7 *7 *"* O Wp ' ' T-onn.--Ra.in for one no nth. Riv 4 !:: Oct'35 T River : Rainfall observations. UPSHUR. O O * 1 - o c ii\ic *Ci* ^l"lTiOn CABStL. V AGhlo,nd V Tyler Creek KAIIAWHA, V Kana\rha V Poplar Grove R/ttlDOLPH, V Middlebrcok oo 30 15 '-'- 82 10 COO 2 32 12 2 5 A'ic'87 3 5x Jan '54 1 5 A '33 53 31 40 31 25 81 50 21 20 51 30 2 3 Jul '37 C lOx Jwi'gC 4 4x Jun'55 May '72 Jul ' 5C Jan'Gl T Special Rainfall Station. (Near Buffalo) Sb. Col. T River ''; R.?. iiif all ocscrvations. TcG:p.-I:i.ir. for 5 years .3r..Col. na-vha L-alir.o) Su. Col. V Lerisburr; 57 50 30 25 2000 V " V C .Vhitj Sulphur- Springs, 37 50 30 25 2000 s s 2 5 llov'30 *Iar'3C C Ox Sip '52. 7 Ox Jan' 54 5 G | Sop '47 Feb'53 1 4;: I.Iay'33 T Averse iriOr.thly Rain. St.-.. Col, Sjr.ithsCT:ian Collection. | T Smithsonian Collection. Special TL infall Station. X Record broken. 66'qoa dS'votl xO 5. OS OC 0* 3 CM 88' ? iv M 1 .^U 82*voJI 8 08 SS >3 65 JI ^ T-via T C8 f ":-A d * i, - r .nvrloTcf flififl 83*^303*^1 C CS ^ T 7F. 2 fi OD ^ 1 .qoo? CT'ooa oe f nil> :;? I OOOX TS o fl*tooar:*J: -10 ~y : nJLsfl.cyxT n"sc2 C'V*; .io- v 3^0 n,:'u:iiJi : 73 vi^ T l*0;>$2 T TS loo ,c (craiu-a -Horn ST or cT T -iiO'c 5 ': . 'j r r, ..T^ f ,2C C T. rj o; I . T 1C' f; .T ;oa;iirtS r :5 f c*01 ^ 8 0002 32 OC 08 IfaioS 6C X UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of VIRGINIA from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Elevntion Latitude. Longitude. above sea-lovel. Record. Length. From To inclusive. Remarks. \YYOLIING, V Oceana GUI1IERS, V Helvetia Riv. Hint on 57 40 31 47 S3 SO GO 00 o7 4-1 31 27 2 Nov'30 rp.k Ro,ir... -i .'i' -i- 1 /I - 1 v i ( ' 7 'T7 T eu.p .. . YJind j c~ r. a, i n ?.i , v.*- 1 Rj,i;;fu.li ** .-.._.." -.-'-.*' *-**"-***-*-* Fragmentary records of less than a year i:i length are on file from the Fo 1 1 ov/ing Gt at i or.s : Buffalo, Upshur Co. Burning Springs, ... .VoJkv OJUAf aiG. .nrtH.it> 10 , nifl xO OX 080 SO S9 S* 8S'qo3 x* 8 05 03 C* Ct'volf 0X9 00 Xe x8 7 033 00 1C 8 G T 78 C BA d S T 78 qd3 ^ S T 98'lll te'81/A 7 X ox I T 82 06 00 o* se e * s oe o* SS XO 63 es GO 86 SI C8 SS GO se 7* 22 oe eo 0^ a* 0* 9* S* e 95 oe $* xx xx osa os oe os XXX C S X xo * I xe x Oav 95 68 8^ o* ee ee OCSX 62 68 XO oooi os oe oo 78 1 .OII^JHSA t-naXricA ^ i 1 8 { fiffsqqirfO 2 < .HJOD'r! 8 < J .01 eoa 1 f>iol5oU E " HAJO IioovnssiO ^ eXIiv 'A ^ .KOKIAHAM jM \ \ \ o ; o \ \ \ UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of WISCONSIN from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation feecord. aig 1 ' County and station. Latitude, and class. Longitude. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. o f"i TRSMPEALEAU. Glasgow JACK SOU, Ncv: Doncnicra W/JUFACA. Hev; London Y/aupaca V V V V V V V V V V V s s V v o p.-i\ v *r V C :*w Lisbon OUTAGAMIE. App2 eton BROHM. Green Bay ii II U KEWAIEIEE. T.incoln LA CROS33. V V.'autoiue, V \VI1HIEIL\GO . V Oshkosh KAHZTOWOC. V Xonitovoa V MARCIJETTE. V Green Lake 44 00 91 05 14 17 90 38 lOx Jan' 33 1 G Jan' 53 Jun'C9 R 44 44 2530 38 11 7x Oct'SC |0ct'73 31 08 SO 1C :*ov>73 21 80 00 1 17. Ocit ? 56 ! Aug'58 21 89 : 10 900 10 Dec'G3 Nov'73 2 2 Jfi xO f 00? OS 88 f /I lil C33 C; 01 f . X--, / 4 . ~4 i* '+'l*rt*f1t',*3 C\ \ ' > noiinoJ weTl \ f.t . \ \ .21 no^s Cq^ \ .I": ^ 8 e nicer "OHO AJ \ z'H \ * .oc. rfs . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of WISCONSIN from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Coun 'y and Cation. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Jjecord. s| H'S Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. FOND-DU-LAC. V Fond-du-Lac 43 44 V Ripon (College) 43 48 V 43 44 V V Waucousta 43 39 SHEDOYGAN. V Franklin 45 51 V Holland 4G 46 V Plymouth 43 45 VERHON. f-r. V Prairie du Chi- '3 05 V 5 02 88 26 SO 33 89 S3 11' 37 55 87 58 83 03 91 00 91 01 V Wauzeka HIGHLAND. V Richland Cent. 43 21 SACK. V Baraboo 43 04 90 55 DO 23 43 29 89 54 754 3 10 Mar'36 10 Hov'65 96-. 1 4x May '80 Jun'S4 1 3x Aufj'80 Aug'34 2 Ox Apl'37 713 6 .2x Apl'81 Jan'CS 670 5 lx Oct'63 Dec '73 870 4 lOx Jan' 65 Feb'70 624 13 5x Jan' 22 Aujj'45 4 2 May '84 Jun'83 5 Aug'89 10 Mar '89 920 8 6x Jan' 52 Jan' 72 Tenp. (max. rain. )Y/ind,Rain. R Smithsonian Collection. T Data Book. T Obs. mads c.t 7 a.ni. only. Ear. Teirp.Y/ind, Clouds and Ilain. Obs. made at Mission House. Smithsonian Collection. Obs. at Ft.Crav/ford. Smo.Col. Te:vp.V,'ind,Clds.Rain. Obs. made at Sacred Heart College. V S S V V V V V V V V COLUMBIA. Eellefontaine 43 Portage Rocky Run U H Ft. Y'inn^ DODGL 1 . Horicon Le Roy 43 43 43 43 43 Lov/ell OZAUICEE. Fredonia 43 43 40 39 32 89 53 89 33 89 27 88 35 83 20 83 20 88 15 10 Jan' 54 Dec '54 23 25 Aug'37 19 15 lx Aug'59 Dec '74 755 4 lx Jan'74 Aug'78 28 770 13 ox Jan' 29 Aug'45 37 3 Oct'89 54 1000 1 3 May '72 Dec '73 2 llx Jan'74 Dec '76 54 1 Jan' 57 Dec '57 00 540 1 5 Jan' 88 Mav'89 Temp, (max.ain. )V/irid, Clds.Rain. Cfable of average monthly rain Jan' 52 to Jun'55 in addition). Smithsonian Col. - * - R Smithsonian Collection. T Rainfall station. Smithsonian Collection, Temp. Wind, Clds.Rain. Smithsonian Collection. Sir.ithsonian Collection. Teinp.Wind, Clds.Rain. Smithsonian Collection, Teinp.Wind, Clds.Rain, X Record broken. 8C f ~.sM OX 5 2? 0S 88 *t Ct oj.J-irb-tno'5 ^ 38'TttA 50'voK ' : 88 8* *(*ssXXoD) aoqia 1 T l3'fli;U Oe'v&M x- / 08 *$ 8* 1 V 1 .'{Ino .n.* T *j sbjBffl .a ( rjsL X8 f XqA x2. GIT 33 | w .> J^YI .. c 3 G CD'^oO xX 3 OTO 83 V3 Ol> U* fcosXXoH ntM^rj >al-r r,r ^ OV g CQ gg g^ g, JUuCST/X* ) .1: -*.cc/( f ^A ! ! x3 8X *SD 00 XO 80 S'-irfO irb dillat*! .22 *ai. < 7.li>XO l bflii, fit jr .A /%.-. *3'o9d >3 f njsL OX 51 CC 0> S> ftfliaJ-nolsXXaa \ T , T8*guA 8 S C C8 S5 C* ^jB^io9 .no > G^irfogrftiaC *T l ^ff C3'^A xX oX 61 66 CC *' ^-fi XX t 33V 8 5X 077 8S 68 35 C* oyj> ?S 88 ' 35 nooJt-roH V 6 X OOOX *3 88 35 St vo^I flJ V XXX S 07 ->9a 73 f nJrt, OX *3 C8 OS XfowoJ V 3S2UASO 2 X C>3 00 88 02 5> ctr. V UNITED STATES SIGKN^VL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. *s? 4 SH'S Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. GRANT. ' O - V Lancaster V :-'.:. I it /ill e D A N E. V " A / U 42 50 DO 04 1080 5 lOx A.uj'OS iJua'Of 42 58 CO 30 800 6 Jan 1 54 Dec '59 43 05 89 24 10G3 12 5x Feb'53 Dec '73 949 4 G Oct'79 Mar '35 11 5;c Jan' 74 ' V Utioa (I mils E42 50 89 50 900 2 5x Ncv'74 Sep'77 JE^VERSON. 45 03 88 54 1 11 V AztcJon WAUKESKA. V Delafield 43 04 88 34 900 10 6x Jan' 45 Jun' C3 >50 51 V ''.; Sasse'c V Waulcerka V Milrar.kee 43 03 03 112 950 2 Apl'33 Jul'85 43 01 83 14 312 3 1 Mar '53 Mar '59 S S 43 B 43 GREEK, V Cadiz ROCK. V Boloit (Ccllege42 V 42 V Ed-ertcn 42 V " 42 V liberal d Grove 42 V Jc.nosville 42 V Milton 42 YIALY/ORTH. V El ooir.fi eld 42 V V Elkhorn V 04 83 00 593 28 2x Jan' 37 Dec '71 02 87 54 C97 19 2 JIcv'70 42 32 39 43 1 4 Sep'83 30 89 30 89 38 89 45 39 c9 33 41 G9 ,4-939 30 33 42 40 33 11 750 22 7x Jan'50 Dec'73 02 800 14 9 Jai)'74 Sep'88 00 1700 G 4:: Jul ? C7 Nov'73 00 900 1 10:: Aug'80 ,May '83 54 1005 4 3 '49 '53 00 730 9 4x Apl ' 53 ' Jul ' 62 05 873 1 DGC '72 ( Nov'73 20 900 9 llx May ' G3 .Dec 1 73 7 4 Jan' 74 Apl '81 40 450 1 3 FeV73 Aug'74 10 x Jan' 74 Dsc'74 Tcr.p. (.v^ax.niiR. ) Rain. Rain.br chen. Also a table of aver acre rain, C yr.10 mos. AV.Q. 51 to llov'59. Smo. Col. Obs.at 'Wisconsin Univer.Sn.Col. 2d Order station-, Bar.T. (;ua:c,min )I'yg:.\, 1 ind, Clds. and R. Obs. at the University. Vand, Clds. Rain. Table of r.ean monthly teaip.S.C. Temp.& 2 yrs.rain 2m. Col. Bar.T. (max.min. )Hyg. 1 Vind.Cld.R. Ternp.& 3 raos.Rain. Sir.. Col. Smithsonian Collection. d Order station. Rain broken* Smithsonian Collection. Ear. T (rr.a^.niin. )Hy{j."Wind.Cld.R. Smithsonian Collection. (EYansvillc)T.Y.'ind,Cld.R.Sm.Cca M?ar monthly Tcr:p. Sm.Col. Smithsonian Collection. Smithsonian Collection. (Geneva) T. Wind, CldG. Rain. Tcirp. broken. Sm, Col. Temp . Vv ind, Clds, Rain., X Record broken. C3IA .sac 01. T; 0,nljrt .XoO . rO sTa Xts^i TtO ci-zv S :*. 3.6niv;.g\tRf -4-ata.xsa) ,T XoD ufi .nJUfl.eor. C *< 19 5*0 bZ .. .?(',:; 86*033 't:^/ xox 5 osox *o oa 05 8 008 05 02 85 > .TKAHO 3C 21 SCOJt XX 03 SO oe OC 02 08 03 5 83 CO 2>S I) js \ ix xO OX 003 *3 88 * s 03c c:x eo eo X 3 SIC *X 88 XO VS'rtsVxS 8S 303 00 CS *0 o?vv>rf s ox vc3 *e ve so 8* s> C> 5* * C V oo ill V 68 I CT'ooQ 03'riit, x? GC, OC? XX CO 03 83 f 007X 00 CS C JS jCO.cS . 'I ST'ocC X t?8 SO C8 &> XoD ..-fl .nr^--r-/.c . n i of! , 3 b XD t in tv: qpsT 30*^fiW xXX 8 000 OS 83 03 C X OC 0> C8 o v V V : V V 9VC-. XX2v .:r .v; V o v o v C V V UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state o/WISCONSIN from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Knmber Elevation Record. al? and class. sea-level. Length. From - To inclusive. 'i ta ' O ' W \LWORTH (Con.) V Dclitvui 42 50 83 42 957 3 4 Sep'64 Dec '67 V " V Kcney Creek V Ko7\vc;y V Racine V KEIIOSHA. V Kenosha 42 45 80 50 310 5 3x Jun'86 1 42 56 38 5 Avig'83 Smithsonian Collection. Bar. Tcri.p. Cniax.:Lin)Vind. Cld.R. Tcr;.p. (ir.ax.niin. ) Rain. 42 5083 10 753 1 4x Liar' 56 Ho v 7 61 Caldv/ell Prairie. Sa. Col, 42 45 87 49 600 1 llxlIov'C-5 Jan'Gl R Smithsonian Ccll-:cticn, 1 Jan' 85 Dec '85 R 42 35 5S 600 6 8x Jc.n'50 Jun'63 Smithsonian Collection. i X Heciird lirtiki-u. ( .. TEOWJ. T3i S> 68 05 S CUM na . JI , x5 5 CX 2^ cr a 03 es 85 s> 16'voH ' I ic? OX $8 02 2> II 008 fi* T ^ I fk|"h^ AA Vtt JbV f tL. S KJ A %n^ Fragmentary Records of less than a yea" in length are on file fron the Following Stations: Vi I S C II S I N. Station Station County Columbus Columbia Hew Richmond St Croix Ore soo Fond-du-Lac Ca> field Fond-dn-Lac Ij&7. v-'ord Green Lake Pardeeville Columbia Friendship Adams Parfroyville Waupaca Ga/.es-'ille (Univ.) Trerapealeau Prosoctt Pierce Hayvrard Sawy er St.Crcix Falls Polk Lake Mills Jefferson . Bouthport Kenosha Lebanon Wuxnaca Sprinevalfc Columbia AlCi .2 Sh?. Winnebago V/aVv/orth Yfel worth Mo-.-nt Morris V.'aushara Waterford Racine Ne^.v Hoi stein Columbia Watertown Jefferson V V/h i t ev/at er ( near ) V/alv. r orth .00*-} no rJt " lo ,If I T ft *\ O I ar i xloiD JZ M9. .Hi ztlen. Aidou/IoD w vinU) E/ . air UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Record. QJ w dumber County and station. Latitude. Eleva Longitude. aboi too e 2 ana class. sea-le * el - Length. Prom- To inclusiTe. H YELLOWSTONE O ' o ' NAT. PARK V Mammoth Ket Springs 45 00 110 55 G5G5 1 2 Nov'86 Dec '87 R Temp, M D Cajap &heridc.n 44 53 110 41 3200 3 2x Nc v ? GG Tenp (rnax-min) . rain. -wind. CROOK ' V Sundance 44 26 104 21 O '~^ M o v ' 3 T cnip . r a i n JOHNSON 1 i M D Ft,!.Ie,i~inney 44 25 ]OG 4G 51 75' 1 11 Jan'SG' Nov'37 Bar c tcnip (raax-min) rain. wind. S S 2 1 Dec '87 Full observations, M D Ft.Philvp Kearney 44 50 10G 50 6000 1 3i: Jan'G7 Jul*68 Tcrnp.hysr.rainovvind. MINTA X V Fort Briefer 41 23 110 30 GG 43 3 2x Jul'50 Jun'Go Teiiipcrain M D 16 5x Jul ' 65i Temp (rr.ax~rai:a ) hyg c rain . wind . S S 4 2 Jul'84 Sop 1 38 Full observations after A-ac'85 V Carter 41 23 110 27 1 3 Mar '83 T Rain V Evans ton" 41 15 110 55 8G 35 2x Go t r ' 35 T . Rain t cop (ma;:-niin) F3EUQST - M D Car.Tp Brovn 42 53 103 55 50 00 5 IT;: Jan '72 May 78 Tenpdnax-uin) rain. wind. V Lander - 42 50 1C 8 45 1 Dee 1 89 Ten,pc.'rain, M- D C TOP S t ami) au^'h 42 30 108 49 80] 2 4 2x Dec" 70 r,:ay 73 Bar, tenip, rain-. wind, M jj Ft.Vv'ashakie 45 01 103 54 55 GO 1 G Aac : 30 Feb ' 32 Tunp (ir.ax-T.in) * rain. v;irxi. S S 1 3 Mar 7 82 tf&y 33 Full observations. il D 1 Ix AuLT 7 33 Dec ' 37 Temp frjax-ivdn) , rain. wind. S S 2 : Jan ' 83 Full ob s ervat ions . CONVERSE V Lusk- 42 42 104 29 5051 11 Feb '30 Terap,rain= SWEETWATER V '& - asp P i 1 o t ^ Butte 41 54 109 oO rj GO 1 5 Oc t '33 rp 6" T iP o raj n e vinrt. CARBON , V Carbon 41 54 106 20 3 Get '89 Temp rain, M D Fort Fred Steele 41 48 IOC 57 76 1-0 113 &x Feb ' 68 Dec ' 86 Temp (max-min)hyg. rain. wind, T>TT^ X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. and"class. County and station. Lat it in I*-. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. 1 Record. .j i c Remarks. Length. Prom S To inclusive. E-i'g CARBON Con- V Fort Hal lee 1 / 41 M D " 50 106 50 7300 1 11 1 2x Sep'62 Jan' 65 R Temp. Feb'G5 Apl'6G R Tenp.vrind. Z S Ravvlins 41 45 107 24 6755 1 4 Sep'83 Temp. rain, vfind. S S St.IIary's(cal~ led dson after May '80) 41 50 V Saratoga ALBANY Ft.Fettermn 42 50 105 41 3772 5 1 Sap' 77 t Aug' 80 41 29 106 47 4 ?3p'89i Terap.rain.wind.clds. (Sunset Station) eTi^p (max-min) , rain. S M LARAMIE S Cheyenne D Ft, 13. A. Russell 41 03 41 12 S S Hat Creek 42 57 V O I?+ T -, ~> . r -.S M '/ '-' i 1 L.XJC*1- CUii J. O 1 1 .1 r. :- ^r 1 -i T - i * Ci* i *V J. J. A 1 CALJFORNIA Page 3 R R Fruto Page 4 Page 5 For 39 21 122 27 For For V Winters (near) 53 50 122 00 R R 33 51 121 59 Page 3 Page 7 Page 3 Pag-e 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 For For For For For For For For X Record broken. Ukiha read Ukiah R R Or land, oir.it of. Under Colusa Co. insert. 2C5 1 4 Sep'33 Teisp. (na:c,uiin) .vii^d.rain. Bowman 1 s Car;: read Bowman Dan. V V Placerville read V Placerville. Under Yolo : Co* insert 125 8 Nov'85 Jul'83 Temp (uiax-min) wind, rain. 1 5 Aug'33 T Rain reeora from Jul'SSPac. Rf 1. Or.;it V Y, inters (near) and R R Winters. In Rio Vistu remarks for '3$ read '73 Lenecia read Benicia Copperapolis read Copperopolis Sansalito read Sau^alito l.Iarin read San Franoisco eon. Berkley read Berkeley i.furphy's rsad Murphy s Alr-.adia read, i^ew Ajlraaden KingSLurr^ read Kingsburgh Omit Fruto 1 in fulj.. Alcade read Alcalde Deln^nte read Tel ilonte For Liverinore r^ read ij 14 re 52 21 re iad Lerr.i S3 27 pore i^7 119 : IB >7 ---' .( i'^ ! 50 .19 Robleg For 55 54 read ^ 30. for ,20 CO z - A ,.. , V p*i *? i . UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Elevation Record. 02 t? *-' nd cl,s. County and statlon ' sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. 09 ^"s P z."~ 2 13 14 PuCu 15 I ac - 13 p - r , . T7 I k - * Sar. Ontario Aoahdia C/\LIFO!5:iA Goii.- For i-.;ojav3 rea.i L'ohavc i For Rarch d:- Jump a r^ai Hanoi: o de Jurupa For 3S 55 road 3-fe 54, for 117 02 read 11G 54,fcr 1J5 For 34 04 rea.: 54 QSjfOT 116 40 roaci 117 -kJ, ol;vat For Ranch c ,i Chii^o Tv-aJ. Ka.-j.cjho cie Chir.o 30 io:i acid 001 Fcr 112 08 r-ad 11U Ic For Pujr.ta r^l Pn^iyt; - . . ., r . , -, v li^o County) 17 i' For To 4 read Cep'35 .r.a ;.'ts. Fcr V V r.-ad V0;for 1 Ox rc;ad 1 5;;;frcu Apl'85 tc For Vullecitas read Valijoitcs For Marietta r;ad w-irriotta For Catcus road Cactus For i]li snore read Elsinore Ou;it Dog Creals entirely For Ario "i^uvD read Anc Iluovo For Fr^s.;o r^-d San Isoriito Fcr Sail Ri^.:-l read T-^r. Birjo !;.-.>' I -aria Otay i.-'.sa ForZ! 7 aviord r^ad Tort Harfori Point Arenas rjad Point Ar^.a . Brother Isld.For Contar Costa read Contra Costa. For Arroyo read Arroyo Grand? r-a^: 13 C-.:yar.a Fcr 3aata Barcara road Saa Luis OMspc- For V,"au.gh's Fo~ry ?rsad Wa-r^h L-hasta For Rod:-s d'Las Ar^iis read Hodc-O ~z -c.s . Larjuna Ranoho For Lcs Angeles rjc.d San r-iono For Tov/er House read Tower Hall. " ' ^ t a C " t 1 i "~ -i T ri -i ^** T rf~ C -* *~*.*^' ^T ci ** JL i KitfU {J w S -L> i S o iar Ih ac: ( Or ang e ) For Los Aic ^_e s ^rs a ^yr arc e For Grand Vi e^,r'e^cl' woindvi av; Viestmir.ster Clay ten -Tulare For Los Angles ~ead Orange Fcr Ccntar Costa read Contra Cost.-. Paradise City Fcr Center Costa re-d Centra C aad Sta.il slav.3 - X Record broken. 35 - *Jt;j3rrc- 01 :i,K " i.-. 72 i- ' 1 *fiV i'-. 4 : 08 'oca Ov 88 ISA ,~-3 I fc*ei >.u i -roliOV 2^0*0 Cicala I. -^ rol . TO sod ^iiiO ov iJ ^ f l; '2~" '"'CJT *J .-' z^J *.-"! -A fcj C^-^' * )o-.11' ettlf? t>fl ^j::^a .fj.n sgr % . 'T UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Coun 'y and statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. L/.; J-. -L Record. d% 8s f's Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. . . JL : - ii.. . i A cwrr* 13 eon.- V Dc[i' Creek ;v i: Peyton Vi S Aroya P o. ; ; j ii Add Cedarville -!<: doc Add to Page 13 this note: Records of rainfall of greater or less extent have bee:; re- n r - i 5*"' Dn COLORADO Como For 2 Ix road 5 0,for Cot '37 rear! Jan 1 85 Aroya emit the lir.e entirely aer Lahe Ir.sc-t this lino innvedicitely fcllowinfi 59 00 104 So 1 Ox Jul'37 T Under Cheyenne Co. insert; 53 5c 103 09 4x Apl'89 For PC.GTOG Springs ro.-d P-a/;oa Springs Tor Plater.:, read Platarc For Los ATiiniis Tj^/i Lis /iiiiinas Tor Contcnnent vead C;Uitonr.:unt Add Caritou Dc-ilder On.it ^^.stonville-- 1 Paso For Poneha Springs rcc.d Ponel^o Springs On.it Springfield- + --:.;c,3a For Sun View read Sv.nviev: For Lei air r._ad For Sovanee rea For Y-elborn rea l.jllbor.i For Fort Heilon:^ rc^.d Fo"t li For VoluSvi r^ad Volusia For For Daytc >nii res ts I si.: ,r.d ?m I :!orri - t^- Isl and UNITED STATES SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Count 5' and stat ' on ' Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. y Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. P^ 3 4 Con.Ft.P ier- "For For For I'ljOiUi-Vv uu.i.- CjLprov; read Cs-pron Tort Erook -"cad Fort Brooke Fort :!yer road Fort Livers Fort l;'eyr.:.r.d read Fort Deynaud se 5 ge 6 Fort Pick ens .. For Punt;. Rassa read TMnta Rasa Omit Fort Kcr.djrson entirely For Fort Homer reai Fort Harcer For Essara^ia raad Santa Rosa Page 2 3 Page 4 Tage 5 e 3 GEORGIA For Lafayette read La Fayette For Yi'olley^ Ford read Woolleys Ford For Clark read Clarke For Thoopsoa read Thonison Aft^r Zebulon add as a County naci3 U?20>i For Ogeeche read Ogeechee For Jessup read Jesup Under Charlton. insert; X vW> v V *^i iw* w* v* i- * ^- w x* j-A*fc* w ^ i-f 15 Port Henderson 50 51 82 OS 25 1 Ox Oct'53 Dec* 59 R Filed as Florida Clarkesville Dalton Page 1 T% % f t a;J^> i>91 DTD j'ttSI 9 r ,-s htST 8 st UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. Counf y and 9tatlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. **$ a ^s Remarks. Length. From To inclusive. O ' O ' rrvA f'-rr-j ' * ^" A ';_A ^ *^ Face 4 Faa--- o '// 3 r^ast I-i'Jsa :s 9 Pacro 11 T O AA Vv S " '"* O For vniniic- sheik read VJinnc chick Fcr Pc-lo Alt, a read Pc.lo ^J.to For Larabae rea-i La-ra'jea For Guttenl'urc read Guttenberg For Eord-^n Plains rsaci BcrtU-v Plains For Dyrcd read IJryan. Fcr Bolio Flair, read Belle Plainc Fcr Whito^oro-jfrh read ".vhites'ccrovch. Fcr ?owesh;-ik road Pow-shi-=k West Branch Clinton Per VVilliuas^r.r^ "?a Und-r,- Jol.-scn insert; 2 lOx Jan '31 Ecc'83 2 7x Jan 1 73 Aus'Sl T Per Cedar Bluffs read Cedar Eluff Fcr CorrAohe read Cflpanahe s Grove For Fontansllo road Foritanells Und-.T Unicn i:-.s^vt; 4 5 Oct'75 Dec '73 T ( Jr.:it entirolyjZoLst Lu^as ,Lu3as Township, and i;.-j\7 For Cedar 2luff s| road Cfedar Uluff For Dakota roai Dakotah Fcr Fort Grog an r^-id Fort Crc ; :;han For Frodc-ricksburg road Frod. ! ricksbnr7h For Li 2 sard Paoahcivtas read Lizard Calhour., For re paul dins' For Volf Croek Township--? rsad Wolf Creek Tv/p.--V** 4 1 \>' Q f pi I 1T"Vh S *\ > i . vi w A w*wL WtW ^^ J i*iOO-v W ' J -'V^_ ti i*_ W.4 ^r*" *.* j- 1 / . ,1 '" "o *j T . -> * , j r-. *'"i 1 1 _L ** ^ ^ r ^"t ~* V "''A* Fcr Font Je33i:o road Fort Jesup. West Felioinna Fcr 1020 road 1033 ii D I-atcn Rou'voFor Ja^'GO road JIT:,' GO For Calcasien rsod Calb '-.-^-.^ T 1 .-'-" oci "^ Tt.--.o-* OO r )" t -C* X Ji. T ^ w v^ I J 1 . X ' * O / V *J -* -J wv *^ V/ fcj '. / ^ j ijwr OrloaiisFor 27 3 road 2^ 3x| For Lc Fonrcr:0 road La Foi:roh^ ** , T ''. -,--* ri-.4- , r ^ 4- T~>?- -i "! -i % *- -+ '- r, "" "T^-^4. Q+ "PT^. i 1 "i r\ x w *. i 1 W * V J^ i*|fc.LJlpS t wttu x' V i L oT - i ! . _i .-P t XI Record broken. IS 1 UNITED STATES SIGKNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 9 Number and class. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Record. T. or R. missing. Remarks. Length. SIAITA C From- To inclusive. O ' O ' LOUI ;cn.- r-- r .71 "} w>, ^ ' VJ W J- Pacje 2 T* ;C GORGu: r,-ac. PRINCE GZO-lG^f read Lladensbur;-;h| For plauieost X Record broken. - 3*2* V ;-' **>. n? >': ?. -: * - liuJ t/XiH n&: 3 1)401 B -:. ^*J*AW iwioT rrvj^tc^Bi zltH fc*^Y /T telt-JT - . i - UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. i^arvo 11 T> -. .1- i T '~ i ^.-. _ ^ t - p-r;^ 3 Pafjo 4 3 7>-r- 1 *-_> Porre 4 <. Trav^rs do s Sionx - '^-T-.-r T .^-T> /-> r .-. ...ICIIlGA'l For For Fitahinrrr For '.iiliiui^st ""^ - *^ ^~; ~. A % -. e^" 1 , ^.*~*-^" _ v. - I w v vi 5C -i- t oici Fit^Lburrh For Syval Fari: Hdad Sylvc.:; Parh For ATIIi:: r,;^i AITKi:: T1 -- , ': ' > TT " . - , _ 1 ! T- '>.? ^, i- . : --a.'JL: :^ i i wU llUu-^ii/l Fc" ; ; ad^nu, r.-^d '-Varlo-na E3,fors Maslr.voc-.:; insovt L.\r, GUI FA Fo-r Oii-stcad rai OLI.I-TE.T For Lciks vci.,i Cod; For Kandotta r:.d l^ndota. For T^j^ara^k r^^d Tor^arao For ilcvjfcop rjo.d St.Lo-.-.is ,4-1 VH -, C 1 1 ,-.+ kluL .* 4 ^ V v A wb *- j v For It^sci Aiialra reed Itaska ;ao!ca For L c --? road Lanha^i --Otter Tail. For Hatches read ::; For V/ay;iesl;oro r: For Lay of St. Lot i^ r:-a,d bay t. Louis. 10 Number Elevation Record. * and class. sea-level. Length. From- To inclusive. fir.10 X Record broken. UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 11 Iimber Elevation Record. 05 g> t'S and class. sea-level. Length. From - To inclusive. o M ' Pago 1 Page Page 5 Page 4 Pu r ;e 5 Pace 6 Page 7 P^JC 8 Pafje 9 t w> ' -, Page 7 Avon MISSISSIPPI Con.- i For I>ald7/in read Balden For Ea.^lc Grovo road Ear Grove i,;ISSOURI For Atcison road ATCHISOH For "iordr/ay road NODAV: Oct ' 60 'way 69 Temp, wind. rain.hyg. After rlawthorne insert; 40 456a 2 Jan' 38 Temp f max-min) , rain. Quit Ruby Hill--r;Ui':Z,vA Co. S S Pago 5 'Pago 4 Little Pago 5 llr. 39 30 74 V o 1 Ojo llerjro Pace 4 Pace G Tace 7 Pace 9 Omit Little CF; Harbor, Under BURLINGTON insert; 17 39 Apl'82 Bee '85 For E.lmv;ood read Elwood For H.i.rjh lands of l-Iavesinl: read llavesink For Royeefield read Roysfield. IIEVV MEXICO Under SAN HlGrUEL insert; 2 7 i:ar'84 Sep'86 For Abiqxio read Atiquiu For Cab e 3 on read Cabozon Canon de Ghana Add Rio Arriba For La Polvadero read La Polvadera YOPJ{ For Fort ^dv/ards read Fort Edward. For i.Io.Gr anvil Ic read Mc.Gra'-vville. For V'edcev;cod read vVcdC'.vood For Y/uter'oury read V/at crburr;h . Befora ilTnira insert CJH&iUtlG Ternp (max-min) wind. rain. - Record broken. Er.l?. ;r -37(:.: 85' II I J- - . jr . .ij C8 :3 llr 5T,(nlnr-.. S 611 ( : .0: .--I UK \{_ v K.*; 5 i I:.".* ;*'- i3f>nU ^ oii 63 f oo;l S8'Iq/\ fe "I *? 03 C . . i^JiJ fcc e i,r-T i .-ifPiv.yfj 1o air otiay ;v*^s:!i .TiU qc3 i-P f T^; V S Or r f. .-rx.-lO b o*:--. T id - XflC s ; ^ J7o'i t f ollivoja-r 7 c; t' . , 'V i)i.OT y^i;.?s& - UNITED STATES SIGNAL 13 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and station. PC--- 10 Pago 12 Page 14 Elevation Record. -J M yj '. sea-level. Length. From To inclusive. O - ' HEW YOIUv Con*- Constantia Waverly Fcr CHENATGO re. id. CHH.UIIG Con.- Insort Fordham under HEW YORK For Alexandria read Alexander For Barnesvill*; read P.arnerville For Orar '' V \-' *~l \S W-,_J ) & O* W W At. V L3^. V Seotland Nee:- 53 C7 So V CcC'.njccl: VO Pcplor Lranoh 36 14 Y/ATAUGA V Sugar Grove 36 16 V Doone 23 14 Before SORRY insert; 36 20 31 c-S 3000 2 1 Under ROCKIilGHAM insert; 56 30 79 47 49 G 2 2x J-an'73 B'eb'VS Under Hz\LIF.;\>: insert: 77 24 50 3 IGx D.iC : 72 Dec '82 II. C. For Murfrcecborough read lurfrcesboro Under Kitty Hc/v/k in^ k rt; 75 52 20 G 2x Jan : "/ 5 Dec '81 75 52 1C 2 5 N. C, Geological Survey . II. C. Geological Survey Survey. lI.Cc Geological Survey. N.C. Geological Survey 81 4 r 1 1 ^.fcr'78 Mar 1 79 Page 3 V O/vvcyivesviile V 35 29 81 4-i 3250 3 1 For HILLSBOAOUGH read,ORAJJG Under Kay wood jjnsert; 82 53 2736 For Ashville read Asheville For MOi'ganto-vn read Mprganton, Under Greenville insert; 55 6 Aar v 75 ilov'81 l-J.-C. Geological Survsy 11. C, Geological Survey. N C c Geological Survey N. Co Geological Survey,. . Record broken. Or 07/30 : ~r- . 4 . -nifc3 rftr/on I xc i.'wJ-.c'.) t W3 I D t O.f ;*? I4oi3clco0*0*li GT f GO oi - od - is'oc e? c /s^2 I cj oi '30JocOO.J! e7 f -:^.l ET'ii. I I O.il oD:-'\HO fc;^7 tuZ I- 23 G ci. . . 18 ' TJNTTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. rDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. County and station. Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-levei. Record. Length. From i . "fvn rpTT To inclusive. si t-'S Remarks. i ' CT *-' CisMsrs i;ut;:ericr il-^ry ;y-.-. ..-- -,*-- ~ -. 4- "i ^ * 1 *- & *J * v 3 w - .-..- v:>i'- 7 r. - <- i_wl X .-i l T ..u:v Lrevar-i i 1 T f - - -. 1 - r- -; i - 1 r ;i >--/ v ...'-/ V- --_>., V A ij W J. - - - ' > - J tcr. w-o oc L'aviusc. L-l- 31 iv. Gl Coll = 65 10 80 -iS 30^: 1 1 9x Jv.;-; -I-G Apl'Va li.C.Ccolo^iaal S LV.der Linccintcn iiiS3tt; 21 13 Apl*30|iIOV*81 P. N.C.G^olojjical Survey .7 3 r^,r Sc.ithsc;;;ia,n Coller:a r;^,d Suiii:ss::i::ii Collection. For T.-:':LLT re^d STALKY ^eicre Attc;v^y Hill inssvt; 11 C50 -^ ".; C.uc-.l^-;io^l ^M'Viy - V C: C.-ti. ;/.- T'jrjo 7 Par^ 3 -c t. w' 03 77 02 12 10 F^'/.L. Becs'.22 i r cr Fc-*t Johnson -:ad I'ort J-^'r- I'cr Kij-cstrn ?iad I'ir.stor,. To- Kjilev's read Kelly s Iv . C . u e o 1 o/.; i 2 al 3- ir vey :;.C.Go:;lor-i3nl Survey VUM j i .* v i . .- * i ' J * Vi "" *~'*Wti^*^^ A V '. Z For *^^-\*' Os -*. ^ .- ^ tJ-i^, .*,. ,^> -*..-,,-; *;-*T C*-^.*^^*^/ O*^OY^'**'/ra itC 3. o>. . x*i._j o ---iill-oCOi-O -iijti J. wZU LW0J> i-*j>, li\ - - f 'A ttiV, O M t -4^; ad P 4 sjev^n OHIO Tacj 1 Tor /--30la r^ad Araolos. For /.vtstinsb-urc r^ad JastinbtiT^h For ITc'v Ruijol rjad '.I^w ;lij~;l For ilioholasvillo r^ad I.'iehclsvillj. For ITorto.-. road llortor. C or.tr o Yank j.:tov.i". For 'vVj.shi-ir;ton roaci Dark- I-'ort Yi^3i.i:rrtcn Ad i II.IILT^I Co. i I 1 II 1 i v r 14 X Record broken. *.* 64 . - - _ f r J '*? t '' r t f f ''% t . f* r V*:!. ^C I ;/7ca.^ riiJn^oeniJ 79J: 1 C* V lOiw.Q,;' i _j ^i; .iioilc&lioo iA -riioO otiiscaii*.' * r r ^"^ ^f * **o ^fci"! ii**TU- w;/T I fffi -' . 4 ' , "** 10.*.. -' J - V -I -/ ^ t ; .'--r"? "i" 3U F ' ' f r w I . .,i y;."^.' - I/iei~oI;s4> ^r ' ^"A - T'2- TC'I ! - ncz.-:rfcb ,* - :i?^e^ I 2'-:iI;-:{ ofior 6*-;>Ii ftirl* ?>" *^<~ ~ w OTocfcliJLK erui'^i- ico> A i5,f: iloef. -ro . I -,367 .. t^.,-; 2i:itz&. i T : tc-.T i'. - -: ollivofiJcifcilf : c^rivO no^ToI! ii-.rr .cJ-rc -^TLa :- :-... -: :4i v .i.;... TJISriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. 15 INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. Number and class. County and statlon - Latitude. Longitude. Elevation above sea-level. Eecord. g> 3| t'i Remarks. Length. Prom To inclusive. ' ' r.:-~ 71TOVT T- '-. -T UlI|k>Xu*4i>i A "~ ~. J \ f" ^ . .-. w w i Q WU vU *-< J. U U A * . _ *j ^ - *- f i 11 cl 75 -V7 .1135 11 f O Jar.' G-l- Dj-c'74 For Avondalo road Avondoll SQ.Ccl.tcn.p.rair.. RHODE I CLAUD Pa 1 Fort V.'aloctt should r. mt^Jl wkar I:^ORT qATTi~T.T r " 'O T r "; ' O>-WAfl Wi ki V.-/-UJL -!..> Pa-o For D/uvL 1 1 ; G T07 i r j a ci P a j o 3 Yora; i~2gQ S^CVlld T31" J 3 ode LEAUFORT SOUTH UAIIOTA P " ' ' 1 Fort Sissctoi'i shcul v x --i-^> * -u ' "; T 1 - r* f ^ -** ' . ~ ** 'j ^*7 T ' T T V - "^ f* r- **** , r 1 w p " + *h u o J on , . v u lu t-u c i. *.u --\ wi *. j_ijj r.' w i w i v * u- i ^ - - 1 1 Fort .r.:^ ado ^..d Suithvillo should follcv: Opoarfish ^ndor tl-.o For CL;CU:E and Clari;o roac. CLAI-uS, Clark i'or Fort Picr^o rja r ^rrr' 1 ^ T""* A-*-V~- VA f VA v i Vf* * v r.rio 2 For Oliv-j road Oliv ot Pa- - For P -. n + s, 1 -i r> '. 9^ " i ' ~ VW4V VQ*A AA.W Wji/6 k4l r- r. 4 - , , -1 P r, c 4- r." ,'-,O A v^U VvC^Owbv- .ian Springs. For Carovville road Caryvill<2 T'cr CIIATHAr.! rood C1I FATIIAri Pa:;o 3 For Coohvilli road Cockoville pa/ra 7 ^.^> - For Earr?^ Plaice r c^.^ BarriTi ri.,i:;. For Fiippsn read Flippin. For Hollow RQ&kj read jlollcw Rock. For Loadvillo r^ad LemlVRlf For '),.4.v 1 rtJr- > - . -, .' tlU ui-.L ^^, - i 1 Rv.tiLc-d;e i i K 1 Jli C- . J. X Record broken. -* J-'OqeV^r.OD '.' . a . ua- iU tM '.j .:^-:-r -UrelO *T. -i 1 " ^. :..!! .ttJ.1: . *V<&,1 : -, p rr e - - . Ifiir.ov:. Lvt-i cljcJb; r , J uOO la - 4 * I c; . . ju: 10'-; 2-7 \*U^; -q Mrori* wacacK,? 3 r ;:i\a r. .JJlrfa ':.;0*C2i3 .*' ^qG - :a -:xivrui3a . : : nsil**;-.. .i-;r2 ^illc.O ' tXIlvv^faO ^.CST t :-riO 7o'J . . omvuu^o ;^-i t:: .;:!.. I '; .ICT- ^^-* * .i.i-jqii';; ij..'. ^o'l .yC-3J: wollori LiCT cicOT * ^ - J- Ljwinsvill, . 2 TV ., .-. ^ * i a;., c '.- j 5 Su.Col. tenp.rain. logo 2 V I!clv-jt:U Pago 2 Pago 3 vi:icn;iA i read A3 sot ink 58 5G 77 Ifc ' 190 1^5 Jun'53 Oot'58 0;.a t L *. ,vi n s v i 1 1 e For Ciu-.rlottsville read Charlottesvilie For i-.Iontrose read Hontross For ACC\j\Ci; read ACCOLIAC For r.OTTAV,'AY a:vl llcttaway read 1TCTTOWAY and ?!ottcv:ay For Abincton road Abincdcn. For IIOo.thvillc read Heathsville Add Lewisville Kiiv? Gecrgc For Critehen's Stor^ read Cri chtcn's Store Vi^ST VIHGI1IIA For 5S 10 80 30 read 59 25 73 --lO For Y/irt C.H. read Elizabeth(V.'irt C.H.) Under RANDOLPH insert; S3 30 80 20 1-1-00 12 i Jan'77 Jan'39 Temp. ^ind. rain, Omit Helvetia Buffalo For UPSIIUR Co.r:ad TUTIiAi! Co. For Ilattonsville read Huttonsville. V;ISCO:ISIN For LIKCOLII read OlIEIDA For Hay '89 read i.Tar'89 For Mosine read I-'osine3 For New Borieniora read New Danemore. i-'or MAIIOIKTTZ read GllErll LAKE For VZTCIOII read CR.\V/FORD For Bellerciitj,ir.e read, Bellfountain. For Astalcn rea,d Aztalan For Viaukeska read V/aukesha For Cresoo read CerescO A^fter Lebanon re_d ivlenasha Ne\v Holstein For Coliiijbia read Calurr.et Record broken. tut*. ;i^ot. X . -. jjT-asi toiiiU - XoD*7S 35 ' ^&0 t>3 OPI t^T rv rffTi-Trvr. T * V V, * *JA WV* WW ^U.J.Xvdi^fflwW>'' s 0*1 ,.-,, D/JJODD ^ ^ : JTTOfi UCT ^v/ii^olf Irx v ao^i^ii-Jk 701 6 '.3^*? Ilxvsiwt J x lo'J ;v xe.. c-: at gs as t-ji o os o; as tixr- s^-;^ i ,,7 (H.O ^li'tV)rf^ocfi,aiia j&cc^r HD >7lW toT[ 3 -VSL 7 X SI OOi CG OS ?3 ii*-.vlj!l C V oO 701 lo 1 ? :; 6toi cAisoli r r CC* O *N T^ "T 1&3JS) t^,oi ^TTlUtJL ; iU - I-t^iai^V : 5 cSil or: iClIC-S 70"? '. i>407 liOXo^S/* 1Ol ecrteiV -. OC8i>70 70^ flOfliCfoJ 10 }1t\ iitriiO fixai *icf:.if/IoO io1 nisJeloH wIl TJlSriTED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. INDEX OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made in the state of from the earliest records to January 1, 1890. 17 County and station. Latitude. Longitude. ,, Elevation above sea-level. Record. asg S'S E-' Remarks. Length. From- To inclusive. . ffiCv. 2 r-c-j i l'0-t IV r. ri . O "O ' " ro-t Cho.dbo-ivn- should pr^codo TO,. Gl^E 1 .! '.incl.-r the head ""OT85 1 For^Fo^t Trfrretk rjad Iport Tjr-r-n and ii-sr-t iborj it headiirr 1-Ii.LLE For 3LTiSGi-I rj^d 1,^ On.it BASTIlOr ^a Fi:i Oak After i:cund Top insert; -i5 S7 02 1 ' Jin '53 Toc'50 Sn ^llinas si.oul-i pruasdc B^C^{ u;-.=. .r ti.j Readie UTAII Per UIl'TAH rwoU Uli *.i'oiib shov.ld. fellow >*> "T "r" -*- ^ TTT"'T 1 A rO- ^.lii.i^i A, J-Q UiiJl^; UiidjT COirViJJ.L^l insert ; 50 105 10 250 13 Ox llov'63 J...:'32 5 1 Aus>77 Oat'SC 7 10-1 50 3 Ox Oct'77 ?jT- J 30 cott Cane fV--j 4- -^p-. + -pi ,4. A -.-~^,- )T , v- T..i b i'Ot w 1' > ol< v i ;..'.: vi.'v T 1 /^ "^ '. ->**-. "- 1 . -. ^ TT-i " J- i't,'". ^ JLi,!.. 1 . . . 1>U w T-..T-:.v/i:id. olds. r^in. Su Station) T^r'-T^ V r l " rl r* T /- r? "*n T n f ^. v, l.*|J t*O.4..^i^J..l^*~C^J..i V *- Static-) JLx JL / < X Record broken. - . ~.: ~*^~ . iS"*zal QQ? c:jL.-8Jl 7c,JV. 2 V. 2 r.aV^lr i*U . ,-; ii'.v I . M -oi-rl vci:^^ LI:-crfi . . - -T ! - f - -W " - V * .^X< - .(IUSK CO 1 . .1. &0*VOl.' X( ; S* ifi , Oc r :pa-; 4 i 5" (noi^ '4-itI 1 ?T f j ; 73 ^