THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE STRUCTURE THE HUMAN BODY Hn Elementary Htlas of Hnatom& ADAPTED FROM THE GERMAN DR. P. EBENHOECH BY F. J. WARWICK, B.A. AND M.B. (CANTAB.). LONDON : ALLMAN & SON, LTD., 67, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.C. Ibt)~ yc- PREFACE APAKT from actual dissections and practical work, the best method of acquiring a knowledge of the fundamental facts of Anatomy is furnished by coloured and somewhat diagrammatic plates. No Elementary Atlas, so far as the writer is aware, shows so clearly the Structure of the Human Body as the one by Dr. P. EBENHOECH. An English Edition of this Atlas has therefore been prepared in the hope that it will be useful to students of Anatomy, and as the plates can be used with any book dealing with Human Anatomy and Physiology, it has not been thought necessary to furnish a special text. F. J. WAKWICK. October, 1897. 91, Columbia Road, London, E. M363335 The Sk A. Skull of a Mongolian side view. E. Prehistoric cave of P\irf< G. Skull of a seven year old child show- ing the milk teeth and in the upper jaw the permanent teeth developed. 1. Milk teeth. 2. Permanent teeth. 3. Process of teeth formation. B. Skull of a Mongolian front view. F. Skull of a new born child. i. Anterior fontanelle. 2. Posterior fontanelle. 3. 4. Lateral fontanelles. ileton. in. ull from the in Belgium. C Skull of a Negro side view. H. Skeleton of gorilla for comparison with human skeleton. D. Skull of a Negro - - front view. The Muscul A The muscles of the body J front view. Frontal portion of the occipito frontalis. 3. Temporal. Orbital portion of the orbicularis palpebrarum. Orbicularis oris. Platysma. Thyro-hyoid. Sterno-mastotd. Pectoralis major. Pectpralis minor. Subclavius. External intercostals. Serratus magnus. Rectus abdominis. Internal oblique. Deltoid. Biceps. Brachialis anticus. Pronator radii teres. Supinator longus. Flexor carpi radialis. Flexor carpi ulnaris. Flexor sublimis digitorum. Anterior annular ligament. Opponens pollicis. Palmaris brevis. Extensor carpi radialis longior. Extensor indicis. Extensor minimi digiti. Pectineus. Sartorius. Rectus femoris. Tendon of the quadriceps extensor. Vastus internus. Vastus externus. Tibialis anticus. Tensor fasciae femoris. Extensor proprius pollicis. Extensor longus digijorum. Peroneus longus. Gastrocnemius. Inner part of the soleus. System. IV. ir 12 10 14 13 21 B. Muscles of the head and face. 1. Aponeurosis of the occipito frontalis. 2. Frontal part of the occipito frontalis. 3. Temporal. 4. Orbicularis palpebrarum. 5. Zygomaticus major. 6. Zygomaticus minor. 7. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. 8. Compressor naris. 9. Buccinator. 10. Orbicularis oris. n. Masseter. 12. Sterno-mastoid. 13. Trapezius. 14. Splenius capitis. 15. Levator labii superioris. 16. Levator anguli oris. 17. Risorius. 1 8. Depressor alae nasi. 19. Depressor anguli oris. 20. Depressor labii inferioris. 21. Levator menti. 22. Pyramidalis nasi. 23. Upper Eyelid. 24. Lower Eyelid. 25. Attrahens aurem. 26. Retrahens aurem. 27. Attolens aurem. 28. Occipital part of the occipito frontalis. The Muscu A A. Muscles of the back. a g. Cervical vertebrae. I - XII. Dorsal vertebrae. 1. Sterno-mastoid. 2. Splenius capitis. 3. Trapezius. 4. Levator anguli scapulae. 5. Latissimus dorsi. 6. Deltoid. 7. Rhomboideus major. 8. Infra Spinatus. 9. Teres major. 10. Rhomboideus minor. 11. Intercostal muscles. 12. Serratus posticus inferior. 13. Ilio costalis(sacro lumbalis). 14. Longissimus dorsi. 15. Spinalis dorsi. 1 6. Supra spinatus. F. Smooth muscular fibre. Highly magnified. 1. Embryonic stage. 2. Muscular fibre cell. G G. Striped muscular fibre after treatment with weak acid. Highly magnified. 1. Muscular fibrillae. 2. Transverse striation. 3. Longitudinal striation. 4. Sarcolemma cells. 5. Transverse cleavage. r System. Muscles and ligaments of the hand, (palmar surface). 3. Showing the arrangement of the sheath of the flexor tendons. Anterior annular ligament. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. Tendon of the flexor sublimis. Lumbricales. Palmaris brevis. Adductor pollicis. Flexor brevis pollicis Abductor pollicis. Opponens pollicis. Flexor sublimis digitorum. Pisiform bone. D. Muscles and ligaments of the sole of the foot. . Flexor brevis digitorum. i. Tendon of the flexor longus digitorum. 5. Tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. j. Abductor pollicis. v Abductor minimi digiti. i. Plantar interossei. . Lumbricales. . Tendinous ligament. . Os calcis. H C. C Muscles and ligaments of the hand - dorsal surface. 1. Tendon of extensor minimi digiti. 2. Tendons of extensor com- munis digitorum. 3. Bands uniting the tendons of the common Extensor on the back of the hand. 4. Dorsal interossei. 5. Abductor minimi digiti. 6. Extensor primi internodii pollicis. 7. Extensor secundi internodii. pollicis-. 8. Adductor pollicis. 9. Posterior annular ligament. 10. Radius. 11. Ulna. E. Muscles and ligaments of the dorsum of the foot. 1. Tendons of the extensor longus digitorum. 2. Extensor brevis digitorum. 3. Tendon of the extensor pro- prius pollicis. 4. Tendon of the tibialis anticus. 5. Dorsal interossei. 6. Abductor pollicis. 7. Abductor minimi digiti. 8. Annular ligament. H. Striped muscular fibre showing nerve ending. v. Striped muscle at rest. Striped muscle during contraction. Motor nerve. Nerve end plate. Nuclei in end plate. 6. Sarcolemma cells. The Circulatior A A. The circulation of the blood - - diagrammatic. 1. Aorta. 2. Innominate artery. 3. Subclavian artery. 4. Arch of the Aorta. 5. Pulmonary artery. 6. Thoracic Aorta. 7 & 10. Abdominal Aorta. 8. Hepatic artery. 9. Splenic artery. 11. Superior mesenteric artery 12. Renal artery. 13. Superior vena cava. 14. Right innominate vein. 15. Subclavian vein. 16. Internal jugular vein. 17. Pulmonary veins. 1 8. Inferior vena cava. 19. Hepatic vein. 20. Gastric veins. 21. Splenic veins. 22. Superior mesenteric veins. 23. Portal vein. 24. Renal vein. 25. Right auricle. 26. Left auricle. 27. Right ventricle. 28. Left ventricle. 29. Thoracic duct. 30. Stomach. 31. Spleen. 32. Liver. 33- Kidney. 34. Duodenum. 35. Ascending colon. 36. Descending colon. 37. Abdominal glands. of the Blood, VI. B B.The external muscular sub- stance of the heart. (seen from in front.) 1. Muscular substance of right ventricle. 2. Muscular substance of left ventricle. 3. Muscular substance of right auricle. 4. Muscular substance of left auricle. 5. Left auricular appendix. 6. Pulmonary veins. 7. Superior vena cava. 8. Inferior vena cava. 9. Pulmonary artery with the semilunar valves. C Longitudinal section through the heart. 1. Left ventricle showing co- lumnae carneae. 2. Segments of the mitral valve. 3. Left auricle. 4. Left auricular appendix. 5. Opennigs of the pulmonary D. Longitudinal section through a vein. 1. Direction of the blood current. 2. Situation of the valves within the wall. E. The blood corpuscules (magnified;. . Blood corpuscule after treat- ment with water. >. Blood corpuscule seen flat. \. Blood corpuscules profile view. ^ 7. Blood clot. 4. Blood corpuscules (normal). 5. Fibrin fibrils. 6. Dried up corpuscules. 7. Corpuscules in rouleaux. F. Transverse section through the ventricles of the heart. 6.Coronary vessels anil adi- pose tissue in the anterior longitudinal fissure. 7-Coronary vessels and adi- pose tissue in the poste- rior longitudinal fissure. 1. Left ventricle. 2. Right ventricle. 3. Septum. 4. Wall of right ventricle. 5. Wall of left ventricle. The Circulatior r Y '* A Blood vessels of face and scalp. 1. External carotid artery. 2. Internal carotid artery. 3. Posterior auricular artery. 4. Occipital artery. 5. Temporal artery. 6. Anterior temporal artery. 7. Posterior temporal artery. 8. Internal maxillary artery. 9. Facial artery. 10. Inferior labial branch of the facial artery. 11. Coronary branches of the facial artery. 12. Angular artery. 13. Frontal artery. 14. Facial vein. 15. Temporal vein. 16. Posterior branch of the temporal vein. 17 Anterior branch of the temporal vein. 18. External jugular vein. 19. Internal jugular vein. 20. Posterior auricular vein. 21. Vertebral vein. of the Blood. vn. B 21. B. Thoracic organs of a child one year old. 1. Thyroid cartilage. 2. Cricoid cartilage. 3. Thyroid gland. 4. Trachea. 5. Thymus gland. 6. Bronchi. 7. Upper. i 8. Middle. > lobes of right lung. 9. Lower. > I 'J Jpper } lobes of left lung. it. Lower ) 12. Right ventricle. 13. Left ventricle. 14. Right auricle. 15. Left auricle. 16. Superior vena cava. 17. Inferior vena cava. 18. Pulmonary artery. 19. Pulmonary veins. 20. Aorta. 21. Branches of superior vena cava. (the subclavian and internal jugular veins.) 22. Diaphragm. 23. Thoracic duct. 24. Right lymphatic duct. The I A A Lower end of the trachea with its divisions and the blood vessels of the lungs. (diagrammatic). :o. Left auricle. 1. Larynx. 2. Trachea. 3. Right bronchus and its divisions. 4. Superior vena cava. 5. Inferior vena cava. 6. Right auricle. 7. Right ventricle. 8. Pulmonary artery. 9. Left pulmonary vein. n. Left ventricle. 12. Aorta. 13. Right subclavian artery. 1 4. Right common carotid artery. 15. Left common carotid artery. 1 6. Left subclavian artery. 17. Liver. 1 8. Stomach. 19. Peritoneum. 20. Diaphragm. 21 27. True ribs. 2 29. False ribs. 30. Cartilages of the true ribs. 31. Cartilages of the false ribs. 32. Part of the pleura. ings. VIII. C. Cross section through the lung substance showing the capillary network. (diagrammatic). 1. Blood vcs 2. Its ramifications. 3. Lung alveoli. B. Termination of a bronchial tube. (magnified.) 1. Infundibula. 2. Alveoli. D. Air vesicle (alveolus) with its capillary network. (Highly magnified.) 1. Wall of the air vesicle. 2. Loops of capillary bloodves- sels surrounding the vesicles. 3. Capillaries distributed to the wall of the air vesicle in which the exchange of impure into pure blood takes place. The Abdomi A. Abdominal viscera. (diagrammatic). 1. Diaphragm. 2. (Esophagus. 3. Stomach. a. Cardiac end. b. Fundus. c. Pyloric end. 4. Duodenum. d. Opening of the pan- creatic and the com- nom bile duct. 5. Jejunum and ileum. 6. Large intestine. e. Ccecum. /. Coecal appendix. g. Ascending colon. h. Transverse colon. i. Descending colon. k. Sigmoid flexure. /. Rectum. 7. Spleen. 8. Liver showing the under surface. m. Gall bladder. . Hepatic duct. 9. Pancreas. 10. Right kidney. 11. Left kidney. D. Structure of the kidney. 1. Branch of the renal artery. 2. Glomeruli. 3. Branch of the renal vein. 4. Convoluted tubules. 5. Looped tubule of. Henle. 6. 7. Collecting tubules. 8. Capsule of kidney. al Organs. IX. C. B. B. Right kidney and right supra renal capsule. A'//. Twelfth dorsal vertebra and twelfth rib. /. //. /// First second and third lumbar vertebrae. 1. External border of kidney. 2. Capsule of the kidney. 3. Adipose tissure surrounding the kidney Suprarenal capsule. Ureter. Abdominal Aorta. Renal artery. Suprarenal artery. Inferior vena cava. Renal vein. C. Longitudinal section through the left kidney. 12. Sinus. 13. Papillae opening into the calices. 14. Pyramids of Malpighi. 15. Cortical substance. 16. Subcapsular layer of the cortical substance 17. Pelvis, D. E E. Tubule of kidney. (Highly magnified.) 1. Renal artery. 2. Malpighian bodies. 3. Renal vein. 4. Capillaries in Malpighian body and epithelium lining the convoluted tubule. The Abdomi v A.The arrangement of fibres in the muscular coat of the stomach. (diagrammatic.) 1. (Esophagus. 2. Cardiac end of the stomach. 3. 4. Fundus. 5. Pylorus. 6. Duodenum. E E. The ccecum show- ing the ileo-ccecal valve. 1. Ileum. 2. Caecum. 3. Caecal appendix. 4. Ascending colon. 5. Ileo-ccecal valve. B. B. Longitudinal section taken through the middle line of the stomach and the duodenum. i. Cardiac orifice. i 5. Mucous membrane of the 2. Pyloric orifice. 3. Mucous membrane of stomach. 4. Reflections of the peritoneum. duodenum. 6. Common bile duct. 7. Pancreatic duct. 6. C Transverse section through the wall of the stomach. 5. Peptic glands showing the arrangements of the blood vessels. 6. Openings of the peptic glands upon the inner surface of the 1. Longitudinal plain muscular fibres. 2. Transverse plain muscular fibres. 3. Peptic glands. 4. Peptic glands showing the central cells. gastric mucous membrane organs. x. D. Transverse section through the small intestine. (diagrammatic.) 8. Arrangements of the blood vessels of the villi. 9. Network of lymphatics in the submucosa. Villi with central chyle vessels. Nerves of the submucous and muscular coats. 12. Crypts of Lieberkuhn. 13. Lymph follicle. 14. Lymphatic vessel. 1. Serous or peritoneal coat. 2. Inner longitudinal coat. Inner circular coat. 5. Muscularis mucosae. Submucous coat. Intestinal villi with the epithelial lining. 10. u. F. F. Parotid gland dissected showing the cells. (somewhat enlarged.) 1. Parotid gland. 2. Socia parotidis. 3. Stenson's duct. 4. Opening of Stenson's duct upon the inner surface of cheek. 5. Gland substance. 6. Masseter muscle. 7. Buccinator muscle. 8. Sterno-mastoid muscle. 9. Trapezius muscle. 10. Facial nerve and its branches. 1. Tail of the Pancreas. 2. Head 3. Pancreatic duct (canal of Wirsung. 4. Supplementary pancreatic duct. 5. Opening of pancreatic duct. 6. Opening of common bile duct. The position of the Thor A The thoracic & abdominal viscera seen in situ. (from in front.) 8. Diaphragm 9. Liver jo. Gall bladder, n. Spleen. 12 Stomach. a. cardiac end. b. pyloric end 1. Heart. a. left ventricle. b. right ventricle. c. right auricle 2. Left lung. 3. Right lung. 4. Pulmonary artery. 5. Aorta. 6. Superior vena cava. 7. Thyroid gland. C. Transverse sectic (Taken just abc 1. Right lung seen from abo\ 2. Left lung seen from above 3. Diaphragm. 4. Right ventricle. 5. Pericardium. 6. Inferior vena cava. 7. Aorta. 8. GEsophagus. 9. Pneumogastric nerve. ' ". * .'. 13. Small intestine. 14. Colon. D Transverse sectic (Taken just 1. Liver. 2. Vena portae. 3. Inferior vena cava. 4. Aorta. 5. Thoracic duct. 6. Stomach. 7. Spleen. 8. Supra renal capsule. cic & Abdominal Viscera, XL through the thorax, the diaphragm.) to. Thoracic duct. 1. Sympathetic nerve 2. Ninth dorsal vertebra & ninth rib. 3. Eighth rib (a) & spinous process (b) of the eight dor- sal vertebra. 14 16. Seventh to tenth ribs. 17 20. Thoracic muscles. o the diaphragm.) ''- -ii "U^YrrjLUjiii "'""MWVMMMMP^i ). Sympathetic nerve. 3. Diaphragm. P.. The thoracic & abdominal viscera seen in situ. i. Eleventh dorsal vertebra & eleventh rib. (from behind.) z. Tenth rib (a) & spinous process (b) of the tenth dorsal vertebr a. I. Abdominal muscles. i. Left lung. 2. Right lung. 3. CEsophagus. 4. Descending aorta 5. Thoracic duct. 6. Inferior vena 7. Diaphragm. 8. Kidneys. 9. Peritoneum. 10. Rectum. cava. The Nervois 1. Cerebrum. 2. Cerebellum. 3. Medulla. 4. Cervical nerves. 5. Spinal cord. 6. Dorsal nerves. 7. Phrenic nerve. 8. Brachial plexus. 9. Nerves to the palmar surface of the hand. 10. Nerves to the dorsal surface of the hand. 11. Intercostal nerves. 12. Lumbar plexus. 13. Great sciatic nerve. 14. Cauda Equina. 15. Nerves to the lower extremity. The Brain. The Spinal lore A. C. Transverse sections at differ i Cervical region. 2. Dorsal giw a. Central canal b. Anterior hori c. Posterior hor d. White matte System. XII. and the Spinal Nerves. B. A. Cervical nerves. The Cervical plexus The Brachial plexus 1. First cervical nerve 2. Second > 3. Third 4. Fourth } B. Nerves to the upper extremity & thorax. 5. Fifth cervical nerve 6. Sixth 7. Seventh 8. Eighth 9. First dorsal nerve 10. Second n. Third a. Phrenic nerve. b. Posterior thoracic nerve. C. The lumbar nerves. 12. First lumbar nerve \ 13. Second 14. Third 15. Fourth ' J D. The sacral nerves. 1 6. Fifth lumbar nerve 17. First sacral nerve 18. Second 19. Third 20. Fourth 21. Fifth 22. Sixth The Lumbar p , exub The Sacral Plexus. ie spinal cord taken ivels. b 3. Lumbar region ;rey matter. The Nervois A. The brain seen from above after removal of the skull cap. a. & b. Left & right cerebral hemispheres, c. Great longitudinal fissure. 1. Frontal lobe. 2. Parietal lobe. 3. Occipital lobe. B Vertical section through the brain. C. The brain a. & b. Right & left frontal lobes, c & d. Right & left sphenoidal lobes, e. Pons Varolii. f & g. Cerebellum, h. Crus cerehri. a. Skull. b. Dura mater. c. Right & left hemispheres. d. Parietal lobes. e. Corpus callosum. seen from below. i. Crus cerebelli. k. Medulla. 1. Spinal cord, m. Tuber cinereum. n. Optic chiasma. o. Olfactory nerve. System. XIII. D Longitudinal section through the head & neck. a g. Cervical vertebrae. I. II. III. Dorsal vertebrae. I. The Brain. 1. Frontal lobes. 2. Parietal lobes. 3. Occipital lobes. 4. Corpus callosum. 5. Fornix. 6. Tuber cinereum. 7. Pons. 8. Medulla. 9. Arbor vitae. 10. Cerebellum M. Canal for the spinal cord. 12. Internal openings of the canals for the spinal nerves. II. Nasal Cavity. 13. Nasal bone. 14. Superior meatus. 1 5. Middle meatus 16. Inferior meatus. III. Buccai Cavity. 17. Hard palate. 18. Soft palate. 19. Inferior maxilla. 20. Muscular substance of the tongue. 21. Hyoid bone. 22. Frasnum linguae. 23. Tonsil. IV. Pharynx & Larynx. 24. Pharynx. 27. Trachea. 29. Pharynx. 25. Epiglottis. 28. Thyroid body. 30. CEsophagus. 26. Rima glottidis. The Nervois B. The cranial nerves & the sympathetic nervous system. I. The cranial nerves. I. Olfactory nerve. II. Optic nerve. III. Occulo -motor nerve. IV. Fourth or trochlear nerve. V. Fifth or trigemina! nerve. a. Opthalmic nerve. b. Superior maxillary nerve. c. Inferior maxillary nerve. d. & e. Anterior & posterior dental nerves. f. Frontal nerve (terminal branches). VI. Sixth nerve. VII. Facial nerve. h. Auditory nerve. VIII. Lighth nerve. i. Glossophryngeal nerve, k. Pneumogastric nerve. 1. Spinal accessory. IX. Hypogastric nerve. g. Descendens noni. 2. The sympathetic nervous system. I. Cervical ganglia i 3. II. Thoracic ganglia i 12. III. Lumbar ganglia i 5. IV. Sacral ganglia. V. Coccygeal ganglion or ganglion impar. VI. Plexuses. a. Pharyngeal plexus. b. Cardiac plexus. c. Epigastric or solar plexus. d. Aortic plexus. e. Hypogastric plexus. System. XIV. A. Vertical section through the brain showing the origin of the cranial nerves. a & b. Cerebrum. c. Cerebellum. d. Medulla. e. Corpus callosum. f. Optic thalamus. g. Olfactory nerve, h. Optic nerve. i Occulo-motor nerve k. Superior maxillary nerve. 1. Inferior maxillary nerve, m. Facial nerve, n. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve. o. Pneumogastric nerve, p. Hypo-glossal nerve. C Isolated nerve fibres & nerve cells I. Two fresh nerve fibres. a. Sheath of Schwann. b. Nuclei. c. Axis cylinder. Between a & c. medullary sheath. 2. Nerve fibre showing medullary sheath broken up. Axis cylinder is not visible. 3. Brain cell. Isolated & highly magnified showing nerve connection. 4. Two nerve cells with neuroglia. a & c. Nerve cells, c. Neuroglia & nuclei. d. Connecting nerve fibres. Thi A. The trigeminal nerve (fifth nerve) & its distribution. I. The first division the opthalmic nerve (sensory) 1. Frontal nerve. 2. Supra orbital nerve. 3. Lachrymal nerve. 4. Orbital branch. II. The second division the superior maxillary (sensory). 5. & 6. Buccal branches. 7. Palpebral branches. 8. Nasal branches. 9. Anterior dental. 10. Posterior dental. n. Twig to the wisdom tooth. III. Third division the inferior maxillary (sensory taste & motion). 12. Small or upper portion of the inferior maxillary, supplying branches to the temporal , masseter, buc- cinator & pterygoid mus- cles. 13. Lingual or gustatory nerve 14. Submaxillary ganglion 15. Superior dental nerve. 16. Incisor branch of the superior dental. 17. Labial branches. 18. Optic nerve. B. Vertical section through the orbit & its contents. 1. Upper eyelid. 2. Lower eyelid. 3. Levator palpebras superjoris muscle. 4. Superior rectus muscle. 5. Inferior rectus muscle. 6. Inferior oblique muscle. 7. Bone forming upper wall of orbit. 8. Bone forming lower wall of orbit. Orbital fat. Optic nerve. 1 1. Crystalline lens.. 12. Vitreous body. o 10 -ye. XV. C. The two eyeballs from above showing the muscles and blood vessels. 1. Optic chiasma. 2. Superior rectus muscle. V Inferior rectus muscle. 4. External rectus muscle. 5. Internal rectus muscle. 6. Superior oblique muscle. 7 Inferior oblique muscle. 8. Lachrymal gland. 9. Eyelid in cross section. 10. Eyelid inner surface. 11. Opthalmic artery. 12. Lachrymal artery 13. Central artery of retina. 14. Ciliary arteries. 15. Supra orbital artery. 1 6. Frontal artery. 17 Nasal artery. D D. Vertical section through the upper eyelid. (magnified.) 1. Fibres of orbicularis muscle. 2. Adipose tissue. j. Tarsal cartilage showing Meibomian glands. 4. Conjunctiva. 5. Sweat glands. 6. Eyelashes. 7. Sebaceous glands. E. The eyelids & the lachrymal apparatus. 1. Upper eyelid with eyelashes. 2. Lower eyelid (skin & muscle removed) showing the Mei- bomian glands opening with their ducts along the margin. 3. Lachrymal gland &. ducts. 4. Puncta lachrymalia. 5. Caruncula lachrymalis. 6 & 7. Upper A lower lachrymal canals. 8. Lachrymal sac. 9. Lachrymal ducts. The A Horizontal section through the eyeball. (diagrammatic.") Sclerotic. Cornea. Choroid. Iris. Retina. Anterior chamber. Posterior chamber. 8. Pupil. 9. Crystalline lens. 10. Vitreous body. 11. Ciliary muscle. 12. Canal of Petit. 13. Optic nerve. 14- Macula lutea. 15. Dural sheath of optic nerve 16. Tunica vaginalis occuli (capsule of Tenon). 17. Conjunctiva. 1 8. Membrane of Dcscemet. 19. Canal of Schlemm. 20. Capillary bloodvessels of the choroid. 21. External rectus muscle. B. Opthalmoscopic view of the healthy fundus. i. Entrance of optic nerve. (Blind spot.) 2. Macula lutea 3. Central artery of retina. 4 Central vein. D. Se i. Optic : 5. Scleroi c Inner XVI. C Transverse section showing the connections of the cornea sclerotic iris, ciliary muscle, ciliary processes & lens. Av^ 1. Anterior chamber. 2. Posterior chamber. 3. Crystalline lens. 4. Vitreous body. 5. Ciliary processes. 6. Ciliary muscle. 7. Spaces of Fontana. 8. Canal of Schlemm 9. Sclerotic. 10. Cornea. 11. Iris. 12. Conjunctiva. 13. Conjunct! val epithe- lium. n through the middle of the optic nerve & tunics ot the at the place of entrance of the nerve through them. e. 2. Central artery of retina. 3. Colliculus. 4. Dural sheath of optic nerve. 6. Choroid. 7. Retina, a. Layer of nerve fibres, b. Layer of nerve cells, lecular layer d. Inner nuclear layer, e. Outer molecular layer, f. Outer nuclear layer, g. Layer of rods ,V: cones. E. Section through the retina. (highly magnified). 1. Membrana limitans interna. 2. Layer of nerve fibres. 3. Layer of nerve cells. 4. Inner molecular layer. 5. Inner nuclear layer. 6. Outer molecular layer. 7. Outer nuclear layer. 8. Membrana limitans externa. 9. Layer of rods & cones. 10. Layer of pigment cells The A. Parts composing the organ of hearing of the right side. 1. Concha. 2. Lobule. 3. External auditory meatus. 4. Membrana tympani. 5. Cavity of tympanum. 6. Bony labyrinth (the vestibule the semicircular canals 0 , ' ' . " * * i* ' ij G. The under surface J^.';.'/.', Q .V;';': the tongue. " ' '. r-. '. ' ' O * .' . ' -..-.. 8.. :;. ;: \.;- .::.:;: ..V'Vo. .'.., i. Hyoid bone. 2 5. Muscles of tongue. 6. Submaxillary gland. 7. Sublingual gland. 8. Wharton's duct. 9. Opening of Wharton's duct. 10. Mucous glands at point of tongue. of / 11. Kanine branch of lingual artery. 12. Hypoglossal nerve. 13. Lingual or gustatory nerve. 14. Glossopharyngeal nerve. 15. Fra:num lingua' H. Vertical section taken antero posteriorly through the tactile & taste papilte of tongue (highly magnified). i. Fungiform papillae. 2. Filiform papillae. 3. Circumvallate papillae. 4. Nerve endings in the papillae. 5. Serous glands. 6. Taste buds. 7. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve. 8. Branches of lingual nerve. 1 I. Taste buds and taste cells (highly magnified). i. Taste bud seen in situ in the wall of a Circumvallate papilla. 2. An isolated taste bud 3 9. Cells isolated from a taste bud showing various forms. The Larynx. A. The Larynx, the hyoid bone & the trachea. 1 . Body of hyoid hone. 2. Lesser cornu of hyoid hone. 3. Great cornu of hyoid bone. 4. Epiglottis. 5. Thyroid cartilage. 6. Superior cornu of thyroid cartilage. 7. Cricoid cartilage. 8. Crico-thyroid membrane. 9. Tracheal cartilages, to. Trachea. 11. Position for tracheotomy. 12. Bifurcaiion of trachea. 13. Left bronchus. 14. Right bronchus. C. The larynx with its muscles seen from behind. 1. Epiglottis. 2. Superior cornu of thyroid cartilage. 3. Inferior cornu of thyroid cartilage. 4. Cricoid cartilage. 5. Cartilages of Wrisberg (cuneiform cartilages ) 6. Cartilages of Santorini. 7. Oblique fibre's of the arytenoid muscle. 8. Transverse fibres of the arytenoid muscle. 9. Posterior crico-aryte- noid muscle. 10. Trachea. B. B. The larynx from in front, showing the ligaments muscular attachments. 1. Thyroid cartilage. 2. Cricoid cartilage. 3. Trachea. 4. Body of hyoid bone. Thyro-hyoid membrane. 6. Crico-thyroid membrane. 7. Crico-thyroid muscle. 8. Intrinsic muscles of larynx. 10. D. Laryngoscopic view of the- superic aperture ot the larynx showing the glottis during the emission of a' high note. i. Root of tongue. 2. Frajnum epiglottidis. 3. Epi- glottis. 4. Tubercle or cushion of epiglottis 5. Posterior wall of pharynx. 6. Posterior com- missure of glottis. 7. Rima glottidis. 8. True vocal cords. 9. False vocal cords. to. Cartilages- of Santorini. n. Cartilages of Wrisberg. E. Section through the mucous membrane (if a vocal cord. i. Columnar squamous epithelium. 2. Fibrous tissue. 2. F. Section through the mucous membrane of a false vocal cor i. Columnar ciliated epithelium. 2. Fibrous tissue. The Human Skin. XIX. i. Vertical section of the lUtnan skin, (diagrammatic). Epidermis. Corium Papillae showing bloodvessels, (vascular papillae). 4. Papillae showing nerve end- ings (tactile papillae 1 ). Nerve fibres. 6. Sweat glands. 7. Openings of excretory ducts of sweat glands. Sebaceous glands. Openings of excretory ducts of sebaceous glands. Muscles of hair follicles. Longitudinal connective tissue fibres. Transverse connective tissue fibres. Hair follicles. Outer root sheath. Inner root sheath. 6. Fibrous substance of hair. 7. Medulla of hair. 8. Hair bulb. 9. Papillae of hair bulb. 0. Shaft of hair. 1. Adipose tissue 2. Artery. 3. Vein. I H. Tactile corpuscules. (highly magnified). 1 Oblong vertical epithelium. ' 4. Touch corpuscule of Meissner 2 Connective tissue of showing matrix. corpuscule. i 5. Nerve winding round touch 3 Papilla. corpuscule. I. A single hair, (highly magnified, diagrammatic) 1. Fibrous coat of hair 3. Inner root sheath, sac. 4. Hair cuticle. 2. Outer root sheath. 5. Medulla. K. Transverse section of a terminal phalanx. (magnified.) 1. Bone. I 5- Papillae of nail bed. 2. Nail bed (fibrous stroma | 6. Malpighian layer. * bloodvessels.) i 7 Corium. 3. Nail wall. ! 8. Horny layer. 4. Nail groove. L. Longitudinal section of a terminal phalanx. (magnified.) i. Bone of last phalanx. 2. Root of nail. 3. The Nail. 4. Horny layer of skin. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED BIOLOGY LIBRARY TEL. NO. 642-2532 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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