MS THE COLLECTED AVORKS JAMES MAC CULLAGH, LL.D DUBLIN UNIVERSITY PRESS SERIES THE COLLECTED WORKS OF JAMES MAC CULLAGH, LLD,, FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, AND PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. EDITED BY JOHN H. JELLETT, B. D., AND SAMUEL HAUGHTON, CLK., M.D. DUBLIN: HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO., GRAFTON-STREET. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW. l88o. . DUBLIN : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THE present volume contains a complete collection of the scientific works of the late Professor Mac Cullagh. They have been reprinted for the most part from the Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Irish Aca- demy, in which they originally appeared. Some few have been taken from the Philosophical Magazine. Prof. Mac Cullagh' s most important contributions to Science were made in the departments of Physical Optics and Geometry the first class being very much the larger. The discrepancy is not, however, as great as might at first sight appear. A considerable part of his Optical researches, more especially those of earlier date, really belong to the domain of Geometry ; and, if they were so classed, the inequality between the classes would be much reduced. Such a classifica- tion, however, involving the separation of the purely geometrical propositions from their physical applica- tions, would be exceedingly inconvenient, and these propositions have been allowed to remain in the con- nexion in which the author placed them. b iv Preface. In his earlier Optical Memoirs, Prof. Mac Cullagh aimed chiefly at elucidating, by means of geometrical theorems, the physical theory of Fresnel. This is the principal object of the Memoirs I. -IV. in the present volume. In V. occurs the first notice of a problem which subsequently occupied so large a space in Prof. Mac Cullagh' s researches, namely, the investigation of the laws according to which polarized light is re- flected and refracted at the surface of a crystalline medium. This problem is discussed at length in XI. and XIV. In the former of these memoirs he deduces a solution of the problem from certain assumed phy- sical principles. In the second he seeks to establish the theory upon a strictly mechanical basis by means of the general dynamical equation of Lagrange. These, which are the principal memoirs treating of the general question, are supplemented by Memoirs XVI. XIX., in which the same problem is discussed. Two other important questions, namely, metallic reflexion and the double refraction of quartz, which required a peculiar mode of treatment, are considered in Memoirs VI., VII., XV., XVII., XXI. Prof. Mac Cullagh' s contributions to pure Geo- metry, excluding, as has been said, all those theorems which have been introduced by the author as auxiliary to his Optical researches, form the second Part of the present volume. The first of these is a Memoir on Preface. v the Rectification of the Conic Sections, which (with his first Optical Memoir) was communicated to the Royal Irish Academy shortly after he obtained his B. A. degree. This was followed, many years after- wards, by an elaborate memoir, which may, indeed, be fairly called a treatise: " On Surfaces of the Second Order." In this memoir a new definition is given for this class of surfaces analogous to the well-known mode of defining curves of the second order by means of a focus and directrix. The articles contained in the third and fourth parts of the present volume were not published during the lifetime of the author. They are records of Courses of Lectures on the subjects of Rotation and Attrac- tion, given by Prof. Mac Cullagh. These records were preserved by Professors Haughton and Allman, and communicated by them to the Royal Irish Aca- demy. Two short Papers on Egyptian Chronology, which, like most of Prof. Mac Cullagh' s writings, were origi- nally communicated to the Royal Irish Academy, have been printed at the end of this volume. CONTENTS, PAET I. PHYSICAL OPTICS. PAGE I. On the Double Refraction of Light in a Crystallized Medium, according to the principles of Fresnel, .... 1 II. On the Intensity of Light when the Vibrations are Elliptical, . 14 III. Note on the subject of Conical Refraction, . . . .17 IV. Geometrical Propositions applied to the Wave Theory of Light, 20 Y. A Short Account of some Recent Investigations Concerning the Laws of Reflexion and Refraction at the Surface of Crystals, 55 VI. Laws of Reflexion from Metals, ...... 58 VII. On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz, . . .63 VIII. On the Laws of Reflexion from Crystallized Surfaces, . . 75 IX. On the Probable Nature of the Light Transmitted by the Dia- mond and by Gold Leaf, 82 X. On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion, 83 XI. On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction, . . 37 XII. On a new Optical Instrument, intended chiefly for the purpose of making Experiments on the Light Reflected from Metals, 138 XIII. Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. Question of priority, . .140 XIV. An Essay towards a Dynamical Theory of Reflexion and Refrac- y ^ tion, 415 XV. On the Optical Laws of Rock-Crystals, 185 XVI. On a Dynamical Theory of Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction : ^^ (Supplement), . viii Contents. XVII. Notes on Some Points in the Theory of Light, . . 7 43?- XVIII. On the Prohlem of Total Reflexion, ..... 218 XIX. On the Dispersion of the Optic Axes, and of the Axes of Elasticity in Biaxal Crystals, ..... 221 XX. On the Law of Double Refraction, ..... 227 XXI. On the Laws of Metallic Reflexion, and on the Mode of making Experiments upon Elliptic Polarization, . . 230 XXII. On the attempt lately made by M. Laurent to explain, on mechanical principles, the Phenomenon of Circular Pola- rization in Liquids, ..... . . 249 XXIII. On Total Reflexion, ..... 250 PAET II. GEOMETRY. I. Geometrical Theorems on the Rectification of the Conic Sec- tions, 255 II. On the Surfaces of the Second Order, 260 III. Note relative to the comparison of the Arcs of Curves, particu- larly of Plane and Spherical Conies, 318 IV. Note on Surfaces of the Second Order, . 321 PAET III. ROTATION. I. On the Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point; being an account of the late Professor Mac Cullagh's Lectures on that subject. Compiled by the Rev. Samuel Haughton, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, 329 Contents. ix PAET IV. ATTRACTION. PAGE I. On a Difficulty in the Theory of the Attraction of Spheroids, . 349 II. On the Attraction of Ellipsoids, with a new demonstration of Clairaut's Theorem, being an account of the late Professor Mac Cullagh's Lectures on those subjects. Compiled by George ' Johnston Allman, LL.D., of Trinity College, Dublin, . . 352 SUPPLEMENT. EGYPTIAN CHEONOLOGY. I. On the Chronology of Egypt, 373 II. On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings, which is usually known by the name of the Laterculum of Eratosthenes, .... 376 I. ON THE DOUBLE REFRACTION OF LIGHT IN A CRYS- TALLIZED MEDIUM, ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF FRESNEL. [ Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvi. Read June 21, 1830.] THE mathematical difficulties under which the beautiful and interesting theory of Fresnel has hitherto laboured are well known, and have been regarded as almost insuperable. He tells us, in his Memoir (see the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, torn. vii. p. 136), that the calculations, by which he assured himself of the truth of his construction for finding the surface of the wave, were so tedious and embarrass- ing, that he was obliged to omit them altogether. A direct de- monstration has since been supplied by M. Ampere (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, torn, xxxix. p. 113) ; but his solution is excessively complicated and difficult. Judging from the simplicity and elegance of the results that there must be some simple method of arriving at them, I have been led to consider the subject with the attention which it merits, and have succeeded in discovering a method by which the whole may be explained with that simplicity which is cha- racteristic of every theory that is founded in nature. In the following Paper I shall give a brief view of this method, sufficient to enable those who are acquainted with the mechanical principles laid down in the original memoir of Fresnel, to trace, at a glance, the connexion between the several 2 The Double Refraction of Light in a Crystallized parts of his theory. For this purpose it will be convenient to premise the following Geometrical Lemmas : 1. If a, b, c, be the semiaxes of an ellipsoid, and a, |3, 7, the angles which they make with a perpendicular from the centre on a tangent plane, the square of the perpendicular will be equal to a 2 cos 2 o + b 2 cos 2 13 + c 2 cos 2 y. Let a plane through the point of contact Q, and one of the semiaxes OA, intersect the ellipsoid in the ellipse AON, and the tangent plane in the tangent QL, and draw QM per- pendicular to OA ; then OA is a semi- axis of the ellipse AON, and therefore is a mean proportional between OH and OL ; whence #_ = -, denoting OM by Fig. i. x x. But if p denote the length of the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent plane at Q, the cosine of the angle i) which it makes with OA will be equal to =., and therefore Similarly, Hence px . px cos a = r-, ana a cos a = . b cos |3 = -j-, and c cos y = . cos 2 j3 + r cos 2 y = p 2 + + = p\ . Cor. Since #, /, s, are as the cosines of the angles which OQ makes with the semiaxes, it appears from the demonstration that the cosines of the angles which the perpendicular to a tangent plane makes with the semiaxes are, with respect to each other, directly as the cosines of the angles which the semidiameter through the point of contact makes with the semiaxes, and in- versely as the squares of the semiaxes themselves. 2. If the semiaxes a, b, c, and a', b', c\ of two concentric Medium, according to the Principles of Fresnel. 3 ellipsoids coincide in direction, and be reciprocally proportional, so that aa = W = cc = k z ; and if a semidiameter OR of the one be cut perpendicularly in P by a plane which touches the other, then will OR be inversely as OP, so that OP x OR will be always equal to k 2 . Let OR be a semidiameter of the ellipsoid whose semiaxes are #', b', c f ; and let a, |3, 7, be the angles which it makes with them ; then if #, y> s, be the co-ordinates of R, ye have 7* * &" * where the last internal ray M smerges from the second surface of the crystal, a perpendicular El be let fall upon 08, meeting 08 in /, the time of describing 11 with the velocity V would (43) be (SP" - Sm" + SM" - 8p" + SM"}. 3ut (41) the actual time of describing the broken path PmMpM s OS (PP' + mm" + MM" + pp" + MM") ; .nd, on inspecting the figure, this time is seen to be greater han the time of describing O/, by (SP + Sm + SM + Sp + 8M), Fx 08 r by the time in which the line -^ (8P + Sm + SM + Sp + SM) rould be described with the velocity V. Consequently, at the loment when the light in the ray SPmMpMS emerges at the oint E from the second surface of the crystal, the light in the aiaginary uninterrupted ray OS will have passed the point / y an interval equal to the line just mentioned ; and as the two ays afterwards have the same velocity and parallel directions, tiis interval is the retardation of the emergent ray. 46. The rays emerging from the first surface after any odd umber of internal reflections are to be compared with the 44 Geometrical Propositions applied ordinarily reflected ray Os to which they are parallel, the lig in Os, which moves with the velocity F", being supposed to lea at the moment when the refracted light enters the crystal 0. The mode of proceeding in this case is exactly similar that in the last, and the interval is determined in the same WE using s in place of 8 ; the retardation of the ray SPmMps, j example, of which the part PmMp is contained within t crystal, being equal to r\ (sP + sm + sM + sp)* OS 47. It is remarkable that the preceding demonstration in r wise depends upon the supposition that the planes perpendicul to the rays P, M, p, m, are tangent planes to the surface refraction at the points P, M, p, m. If we had supposed a: planes different from the plane of the figure to pass throui the points P, M, p, m, and the rays to coincide in the directi with perpendiculars let fall from upon these planes, and have velocities inversely proportional to the lengths of t perpendiculars, the intervals of retardation would have remain unchanged. Hence the retardations are the same as if the lir OP, OM, Op, Om, were the directions of the rays in passi: through the crystal, as will appear by conceiving the plar that we have spoken of to be perpendicular to these lines. If the incident ray S'O were refracted in the ordinary w OP with an index equal to 7^, it would take the direction OP : (/o it were refracted, in like manner, with the index -^, it won Oo take the direction OM ; and if the two rays, thus ordinari refracted, were to emerge from the second surface of the crysl in directions parallel to OS, it is evident, from what has be said, that they would be in complete accordance, respective] with the rays SPS and SMS. * The change of phase, which may take place at a surface of the crystal, is i here considered as affecting the intervals. to the Wave Theory of Light. 45 If the surface of refraction should happen to have a node V, which is a point of intersection where it admits an infinite lumber of tangent planes (3), let the direction of the incident ay S'OS be chosen, so that the right line US perpendicular o the face of the crystal, being produced below 8, may pass hrough JV, and we shall have a cone of refracted rays formed >y the perpendiculars let fall from upon the tangent planes ^ N ; all of which rays, on emerging parallel to OS from the econd surface of the crystal, will be in complete accordance rith one another. For we have just seen that if the ray S'OS vere supposed to emerge after being refracted in the ordinary ON ray with an index equal to -y^, it would be in complete Accordance with any ray of the cone. 48. The interval between any two rays emerging at the ame side of the crystal is the difference of their retardations. n taking the difference, the letters that are common to the tames of the two rays may be left out. Thus the ray SPmMS s behind the ray 8P8 by the interval r\ Che line - Pp is the interval between the rays SMS and , or between the reflected ray Os and the ray SPps, Jid so on. 49. The retardations of the two refracted rays SPS and Q 3MS, emerging without internal reflection, are ^ SP and ^ SM respectively. The difference of these is 6 -^ . Con- yo Oo equently, when the two refracted rays have emerged from the econd surface in directions parallel to the incident ray, the ight in the plus emergent ray is behind the light in the minus smergent ray by an interval equal to -^ . Or, in other C/o vords, the incident plane wave, perpendicular to OS, produces 46 Geometrical Propositions applied two emergent waves parallel to each other and to the incid( wave, moving along the emergent rays with equal velocities and preserving the distance - between their planes, 1 minus wave being foremost. If 08, the radius of the sphere, taken for unity, PM will be a number generally a very sm fraction and the interval will be the thickness of the crys multiplied by this number. 50. Suppose the right line PMR, remaining always perpe dicular to the face of the crystal, to describe a cylindrical si face, with the condition that the part PM, intercepted betwe the two sheets of the surface of refraction, shall remain of a cc stant length ; the point R will then describe, on the surface the crystal, a curve whose radii OR are the sines (to the radi 08} of the angles of incidence of a cone of rays ; and every r S'O of this cone, when refracted by the crystal, will afford t 1 emergent rays, or two waves, having the same given inters between them. Lines drawn from the eye parallel to the sic of this cone are the emergent rays belonging to a ring, wh rings are made to appear, in any of the usual ways, on trai mitting polarized light through the plate of crystal. In nomii conformity to this, we see that the line PM describes a ring constant breadth between the two sheets of the surface of refre tion. The ring described by supposing pm to remain consta corresponds to the interval between two rays p and m reflect at the same point of the second surface of the crystal, and th emerging at the first. The other intercepts Pp, Mm, Pm, Bi are proportional (48) to intervals like those in Newton's rings to the intervals, namely, between the reflected ray Os and t rays 8Pps, SMms, SPms, SMps, emerging at the first surfa after one reflection within the crystal ; or to the intervals betwei rays that are twice reflected in the crystal and the rays tran mitted without reflection. 51. The general investigation of the figure of a geometric ring does not distinguish between the different intercepts, ai will therefore include all the rings PM, pm, Pp, Mm, Pm, Mj to the Wave Theory of Light. 47 so that it will be sufficient to contemplate any one of them, as PM, of which the breadth PM is equal to a given line /. The points P and M describe, in general, similar and equal curves of double curvature, which may be called ring-edges, as being the edges of the ring ; and if we imagine the surface of refraction, carrying these curves along with it, to be shifted either way, in a direction parallel to PJf, through a distance equal to 7, it is clear that the new position of one of the ring-edges will exactly coincide with the first position of the other, and that therefore the curve of the latter ring-edge will be given by the intersection of the two equal surfaces in these two positions. Let U = where V is a function of x, y, z, and given quanti- ties be the equation of the surface of refraction in its original position ; and, the axes of co-ordinates being fixed, suppose that by the shifting of the surface the co-ordinates of a point assumed on it are diminished by the given lines/, g, h, which are the projections of the given line / on the axes of x, y, z, respectively. Then the equation of the surface in its new position will be had by substituting x +/, y + g, z + h, for x, y, z, in the equation U= 0, which will thus become U + V= 0, where V is the increment of U produced by the substitution. These two equations com- bined are equivalent to the equations U = 0, V = 0, which are therefore the equations of one of the ring- edges. If the surface had been shifted the opposite way, in a direction- parallel to PM, the intersection would have been the other ring-edge, whose equations are therefore deducible from those already found, by changing the signs of/, g, h. 52. If the equation of the surface of refraction be trans- formed, so that the plane of xy may coincide with the face of the crystal, and the axis of z be perpendicular to it, the origin of co-ordinates being at the centre 0, no change will be produced in x or in y by the motion of the surface, because PM, the direc- tion of the motion, is now parallel to the axis of z ; but z will be diminished or increased by J; and, accordingly, if U' = Q be the equation of the surface in its first position, when the centre is at 0, and if U' become U' + V when z becomes z + 7, the 48 Geometrical Propositions applied equation of the surface in its second position, when the centre has moved through a distance equal to / along the axis of s, will be U f + V = ; and these two equations combined will give U' = 0, V' = 0, for the equations of one of the ring-edges. The equations of the other ring-edge are deduced from these by changing the sign of I. The projection of each of the ring-edges on the plane xy is the curve traced by the point R on the surface of the crystal (50). This curve may be called a ring-trace. Its equation is obtained by eliminating z between the equations of a ring-edge ; and as the result must be the same whether / be taken posi- tive or negative, the equation of the ring-trace, when found by this general method, will contain only even powers of /. The radii drawn from to the points R of the ring-trace are (50) the sines (to the radius 08) of the angles of incidence or emer- gence of the rays that form an optical ring, the rays that come from this ring to the eye being parallel to the sides of the cone described by the right line S'OS, while the point R describes the ring-trace. 53. It is evident that tangents to the ring-edges, at the points P and M, are parallel to each other, and therefore parallel to the intersection of two planes touching the surface of refrac- tion at P and M, because these tangent planes pass through the tangents. But the directions OP', OM f , are perpendicular to the tangent planes, and therefore the plane P'OJLT, containing the two rays, is perpendicular to the intersection of the tangent planes, and of course perpendicular to the parallel tangents. Hence the plane P^OM' intersects the face of the crystal in a right line perpendicular to the projection of the parallel tangents on the face of the crystal. As this projection is a tangent to the curve described by jR, it follows that the normal to the ring-trace at the point R is parallel to the line joining the points in widen the two refracted rays cut the second surface of the crystal. In like manner, taking any two consecutive rays (P and m), having a common extremity on one surface of the crystal, the line joining the points where these rays cut the other surface is to the Wave Theory of Light. 49 parallel to the normal at the point R of the ring-trace which is described when the intercept (Pni) between the letters that mark the rays is supposed to remain constant. 54. In all that precedes we have made no supposition about the surface of refraction except that it is a surface of two sheets ; and if we supposed it to have three sheets, the conclusions would be easily extended to this hypothesis. In the theory of FRESNEL, the wave surface is* a biaxal whose generating ellipsoid has its centre at the point 0, and its semiaxes parallel to the three principal directions of the crystal, the length of each semiaxis being equal to OS divided by one of the principal indices of refraction. The surface of refraction is reciprocal to the wave surface, and is (11) therefore another biaxal generated by an ellipsoid reciprocal to the former, having its centre at the same point 0, and the directions of its semiaxes the same as before, the rectangle under each coincident pair of semiaxes being equal to k z or OS*. Hence the semiaxes of the ellipsoid which generates the biaxal surface of refraction are equal in length to OS multiplied by each of the three principal indices. This biaxal surface is of course to be substituted for the surface of refraction in the preceding observations. 55. When the line RS, produced below S, passes through a node N of the biaxal surface of refraction, the points P, Jf, coincide in the point N, and the interval PM vanishes. At the point N there are an infinite number of tangent planes, and the perpendiculars from on these tangent planes give a cone of refracted rays whose sections we have already shown how to determine (20). All the rays in this cone, on arriving at the second surface of the crystal, emerge parallel to the incident ray OS ; and if the rays in the emergent cylinder be cut by a plane perpendicular to their common direction, they will all arrive at this plane at the same instant, because the interval PM vanishes. See Art. 47. 56. Suppose fig. 12 to be a section of the wave surface. The * Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvi., p. 76 (supra, p. 11). E 50 Geometrical Propositions applied right line Od will pass through N\ and the circle of contact, described on the diameter di in a plane perpendicular to the right line OdN, will be a section of the refracted cone. Now it will be recollected* that, in general, the vibrations of a ray OT, which goes to any point T of the wave surface, are parallel to the line which joins the point Twith the foot of the perpendi- cular let fall from on the tangent plane at T. In the present case, the perpendicular is the same for all the rays of the re- fracted cone, and its extremity coincides with the point d : so that the line dT, drawn from d to any point T of the circle of contact, is parallel to the vibrations of the ray T which passes through T. Conceive, therefore, a plane perpendicular to ON at the nodal point N. This plane will cut the refracted cone in a circle whose circumference will pass through N\ and a line NT', drawn from the node to any other point T f of the circum- ference, will be the direction of the vibrations in a ray OT f which crosses the circle at this point. The plane of polarization is perpendicular to the direction of the vibrations. 57. The transverse section of the emergent cylinder is always a very small ellipse, affording a hollow pencil of parallel rays in complete accordance (55). If the crystal be thin, this ellipse will be of evanescent magnitude. Hence the line OS will be the direction of a line drawn from the eye to the centre of the rings commonly observed (50) with polarized light ; or it will be what is called the apparent direction of one of the optic axes. The diameter passing through N will be the direction of the optic axis within the crystal. There are therefore two optic axes, parallel to the two nodal diameters (19) of the surface of refraction. As ON is equal to the mean semiaxis of the generating ellipsoid, or to the mean index of refraction, when OS is unity, it follows that the apparent direction of an optic axis is the direction of an incident ray, which, if refracted in the ordinary way, with an index equal to the mean index of refraction, would pass along a nodal diameter of the surface of refraction. * Transactions of the Koyal Irish Academy, VOL. xvi., p. 76 (supra, p. 12). to the Wave Theory of Light. 51 58. We have seen (15) that there is a circle of contact on the biaxal surface of refraction. If an incident ray S'OS be taken, cutting the sphere in .8, so that the line US produced may pass through the circumference of this circle, it is manifest that the direction of the refracted ray will be the same through whatever point II of the circumference the line US may pass, because that direction is perpendicular to the tangent plane at II, which is in fact the plane of the circle itself. If, therefore, the line US move parallel to itself along the circumference of the circle, cutting the sphere in a series of points 8 9 every inci- dent ray S'OS which passes through a point S so determined will be refracted into two rays, of which one will have a fixed direction in the crystal, being perpendicular to the plane of the circle of contact, and therefore coinciding (16) with nOn, one of the nodal diameters of the wave surface. But though the direc- tion On of the refracted ray is fixed, its polarization changes with the incident ray from which it is derived ; for if n be the point in which the line ES, corresponding to any position of the incident ray, crosses the circle of contact, the vibrations of the refracted ray On will be contained in the plane of the lines On, OH, and will be perpendicular to On. Conceive a circle described on the diameter nf in a plane perpendicular to the figure (Fig. 12). This circle, and the circle of contact on the surface of refraction, are (20) sections of the same cone. Let FT therefore be the point at which On, in any position of the inci- dent ray, crosses the circumference of the circle nf\ and the line ttn, drawn to the node of the wave surface, will be the corre- sponding direction of the vibrations in the ray On. 59. With regard to the general law of polarization in the theory of FRESNEL, it may be observed, that if the ellipsoid abc which generates the biaxal surface of refraction be cut by a plane perpendicular to OP, the vibrations of the ray P will be parallel to the greater axis of the section, and therefore the plane of polarization will pass through OP and the less axis ; whence it is easy to show that the plane of polarization of a ray P bisects one of the angles made by two planes intersecting in OP and E2 5 2 . Geometrical Propositions applied passing through the nodal diameters of the surface of refraction ; the bisected angle being that which contains the least semiaxis c of the generating ellipsoid. The plane of polarization of the ray p is found in like manner. But for the rays Jf, m, the angle to be bisected is that which contains within it the greatest semiaxis a. If OP" be perpendicular to a tangent plane at P, the vibra- tions of the ray P will be perpendicular to OP, and will lie in the plane POP'. A similar remark applies to the rays M,p, m. 60. When two semiaxes #, b, of the ellipsoid abc become equal, it changes into a spheroid aac described by the revolution of the ellipse ac about the semiaxis c ; and the biaxal aac, gene- rated by this spheroid, is* composed of a sphere whose radius is a, and a concentric spheroid ace described by the revolution of the ellipse ac about the semiaxis a ; so that, the diameter of the sphere being equal to the axis of revolution of the spheroid, the two surfaces touch at the extremities of the axis. This combina- tion of a sphere and a spheroid is the surface of refraction for uniaxal crystals. In these crystals, therefore, the refracted ray whose direction is determined by the intersection of the right line US with the surface of the sphere follows the ordinary law of a constant ratio of the sines, and is called the ordinary ray ; whilst the other, whose variable refraction is regulated by the intersec- tion of ftS with the spheroid, is called the extraordinary ray. And hence uniaxal crystals are usually divided into the two classes of positive and negative, according to the character of the extra- ordinary ray ; being called positive when it is the plus ray, and negative when it is the minus ray. The first case evidently happens when the spheroid is oblate, and therefore lies without the sphere described on its axis ; the second, when the spheroid is prolate, and therefore lies within the sphere. The second case (which is that of Iceland spar) may be supposed to be repre- sented in the figure (Fig. 15), where the elliptic section of the spheroid, made by a plane of incidence oblique to the axis, lies * Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, YOL. xvi., p. 77 (supra, p. 12). to the Wave Theory of Light. 53 within the circular section of the sphere, and the minus raj is of course the extraordinary one. 61. Let PJf, preserving a constant length J, move parallel to itself between the surfaces of the uniaxal sphere and spheroid, so as to form a ring (50). Then supposing the spheroid, with the ring-edge described on it by the point _3f, to remain fixed, imagine the sphere, carrying the ring edge P along with it, to move parallel to PJf, from P towards Jf, through a distance equal to J, and the two ring-edges will exactly coincide. Hence the uniaxal ring-edge is the intersection of a sphere and a spheroid, the diameter of the sphere being equal to the axis of revolution of the spheroid, and the line joining their centres being perpendicular to the faces of the crystal and equal to the breadth / of the ring. And the projection of this inter- section, on a plane perpendicular to the line joining the centres of the sphere and the spheroid, is the uniaxal ring-trace. 62. The biaxal ring-edge is (51) the intersection of two equal biaxal surfaces similarly posited, the line joining their centres being perpendicular to the faces of the crystal and equal to the breadth of the ring. And the projection of this intersection, on a plane perpendicular to the line joining the centres of the sur- faces, is the biaxal ring-trace* * In applying the general theory (51, 52) to biaxal rings, it is necessary to know the equation of a biaxal surface, which may be found in the following manner : Let r, r', r", be three rectangular radii of the generating ellipsoid abc, the two latter being the semiaxes of the section made by a plane passing through them; so that if from the centre two distances OT, 0V, equal to /, r", be taken on the direction of r, the points T and V will belong (9) to the biaxal surface ; and let a plane parallel to the plane of r', r", and touching the ellipsoid, cut the direc- tion of r at the distance p from the centre. Then if r make the angles a, ft, 7, with the semiaxes a, b, c, we shall have, by the nature of the ellipsoid, 1 cos 2 a cos 2 cos 2 y ^ = ~tf~ ~V r ~ + ~^~ ' p* = # 2 cos 2 a + i 2 cos 2 b + c 2 cos* -y. Now, since the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of three rectangular radii of 54 Geometrical Propositions, &c. an ellipsoid is constant, as well as the parallelepiped described on three conjugate semidiameters, we have the equations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _a i cos 2 a + 2 cos j8 + c 2 cos 2 7 _ r' 2 r" = * i 2 c 2 Whence it appears that /, /', are the values of p in the equation in which p denotes indifferently either semidiameter, OT or OF, of the biaxal sur- face. Therefore putting for M and N their values, and writing -, -, -, instead of P P P cos a, cos j8, cos 7, and # 2 + y z + z 3 instead of p 2 , we obtain, for the equation of the biaxal surface, This is the equation of the surface of refraction for a biaxal crystal in which a, b, c, are (54) the three principal indices of refraction, taking OS the radius of the sphere to be unity. The left-hand member of the equation is therefore the ex- pression supplied by FRESNEL for the function 7 in Art. 51. "When the faces of the crystal are parallel to any of the principal planes of the ellipsoid to the plane of xy for example the nature of the ring -trace may be found very easily. For if the difference of the two values of z, deduced from the preceding equation of the surface of refraction, be put equal to a constant quantity J, the result, when cleared of radicals, will be an equation of the fourth degree in x and y, which will be the equation of the corresponding ring-trace. This is a case that occurs frequently in practice ; the crystal being often cut with its faces per- pendicular to the axis of x or of z, because these lines bisect the angles made by the optic axes. 55 ) V. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF SOME EECENT INVESTIGA- TIONS CONCERNING THE LAWS OF REFLEXION AND REFRACTION AT THE SURFACE OF CRYSTALS. [fifth Report of the British Association, 1835.] To understand the nature of the general problem which a com- plete theory of double refraction requires to be solved, let it be supposed that a ray of light is reflected and refracted at the separating surface of an ordinary medium and a doubly refract- ing crystal, the light passing out of the former medium into the latter. This limited view of the subject is taken merely for the sake of clearness of conception ; since we might suppose that both media are crystallized, without increasing the difficulty of the problem. The question, it is obvious, naturally divides into two distinct heads. The first relates to the laws of the propa- gation of light in the interior of either of the two media, before or after it has passed their separating surface ; and this part of the subject has been fully treated, according to their different methods, by MM. Fresnel and Cauchy. The second division of the subject had been left completely untouched. It relates to the more complex consideration of what takes place at the sepa- rating surface of the media, the laws according to which the light is there divided between the reflected and refracted rays, including a determination of the attendant circumstances indi- cated by the wave theory, with regard to the vibrations in the reflected and refracted rays. In the case above mentioned, when the incident light is polarized, there are four things to be deter- 56 Laws of Reflexion and Refraction mined, namely, the magnitude and direction of the reflected vi- bration, with the magnitudes of the two refracted vibrations. The four conditions necessary for this determination are furnished by two new laws, which could not be easily stated without en- tering too much into detail. The results applied to determine the polarizing angle of a crystal, in different azimuths of the plane of reflexion, agree very closely with the admirable experi- ments of Sir David Brewster on Iceland spar. In the course of these experiments it was observed that the polarizing angle re- mained the same when the crystal was turned half round (through an angle of 180) ; although the inclination of the refracted rays to the axis of the crystal was thereby greatly changed. This remarkable fact is a consequence of theory. After some complicated substitutions in the primary equations, the value of the polarizing angle is found to contain only even powers of the sine or cosine of the azimuth of the plane of reflexion, and there- fore a change of 180 in the azimuth produces no change in the polarizing angle. The two new laws above mentioned, on which the theory depends, occurred to the author in the beginning of last Decem- ber ; but, owing to an oversight in forming one of the equations, they were not fully verified until the beginning of June. In this theory it is supposed that the vibrations are parallel to the plane of polarization, according to the opinion of M. Cau- chy. This is contrary to the views of Fresnel, whose theory of double refraction obliged him to adopt the hypothesis that the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of polarization. It is further supposed that the density of the vibrating ether is the same in both media ; and the hypothesis of a constant den- sity in different media, which was found necessary for the theory, seems to accord, better than the supposition of a varying density, with the phenomena of astronomical aberration. If we conceive the three principal indices of refraction for the crystal to become equal, we shall obtain the solution of a very simple case of the general problem with which we have been occupied the case of an ordinary refracting medium such at the Surface of Crystals. 5 7 as glass. This simple case, it is well known, was solved by Fresnel. The foregoing theory leads to a simple law, expressing all the particulars of the case, but differing with regard to the magnitude of the refracted vibration from the formulae of Fresnel. The law may be stated by saying that the refracted vibration is the resultant of the incident and reflected vibrations ; the first vibration being the diagonal of a parallelogram, of which the other two vibrations are the sides, just as in the com- position of forces. The plane of the parallelogram is the plane of polarization of the refracted ray. It is to be remembered, that the vibrations in each ray are perpendicular to the ray itself, and parallel to its plane of polarization. This simple case has been considered by M. Cauchy in a short Paper inserted in the Bulletin Universal, torn. xiv. ; but it does not seem to have been observed by anyone that his solu- tion is erroneous. His formula for light polarized parallel to the plane of reflexion is that which belongs to light polarized perpendicular to the plane of reflexion, and vice versa. VI. LAWS OF REFLEXION FEOM METALS. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. i., p. 2. Read Oct. 24, 1836.] THE author observes that the theory of the action of metals upon light is among the desiderata of physical optics, whatever information we possess upon this subject being derived from the experiments of Sir David Brewster. But, in the absence of a real theory, it is important that we should be able to represent the phenomena by means of empirical formulae ; and, accord- ingly, the author has endeavoured to obtain such formulae by a method analogous to that which Fresnel employed in the case of total reflexion at the surface of a rarer medium, and which, as is well known, depends on a peculiar interpretation of the sign \/ - 1. For the case of metallic reflexion, the author assumes that the velocity of propagation in the metal, or the re- ciprocal of the refractive index, is of the form m (cos x + \/ ~ 1 s i n x) ' without attaching to this form any physical signification, but using it rather as a means of introducing two constants (for there must be two constants, m and %, for each metal) into Fresnel's formulas for ordinary reflexion, which contain only one constant, namely, the refractive index. Then if i be the angle of incidence on the metal, and i' the angle of refraction, we have sin i' = m (cos x + \/ ~ 1 sin x) sin *> (1) Laws of Reflexion from Metals. 59 and therefore we may put cos i f = m' (cos \ - y - 1 sin x ') cos , (2) if m* cos 4 / = 1 - 2m* cos2 x sin 2 / + m* sin 4 /, (3) and m 2 sin2v sin 2 / tan 2 X = 1 5 4 (4) 1 - m 2 cos 2 X sm 2 Now, first, if the incident light be polarized in the plane of reflexion, and if the preceding values of sin /', cos /', be substi- tuted in Fresnel's expression sin (*' - sin (/ + /')' for the amplitude of the reflected vibration, the result may be reduced to the form a (cos 8 - */ - 1 sin ), if we put tan i// = (6) tan 8 = tan 2i// sin ( x + x '), (7) a 2 = 1 ~ sin 2$ cos ( x + \) , g , 1 + sin 2t// cos ( x + x ')" Then, according to the interpretation, before alluded to, of -t/~i, the angle 8 will denote the change of phase, or the retar- dation of the reflected light ; and a will be the amplitude of the reflected vibration, that of the incident vibration being unity. The values of m' 9 x ', for any angle of incidence, are found by formulae (3), (4), the quantities m 9 x , being given for each metal. The angle x ' is very small, and may in general be neglected. 60 Laws of Reflexion from Metals. Secondly, when the incident light is polarized perpendicu- larly to the plane of reflexion, the expression tan (i- - i') tan (t + 0' treated in the same manner, will become a' (cos V - v/" 1 "! sin S'), (9) if we make tan i//' = mm', (10) tan X = tan 2^' sin ( x - x ') , (11) /a = 1 ~ sin W cos ( x - x) . 1 + sin 2f cos ( x - x ') ' and here, as before, & will be the retardation of the reflected light, and a' the amplitude of its vibration. The number M= may be called the modulus, and the m angle x the characteristic of the metal. The modulus is some- thing less than the tangent of the angle which Sir David Brewster has called the maximum polarizing angle. After two reflexions at this angle a ray originally polarized in a plane in- clined 45 to that of reflexion will again be plane-polarized in a plane inclined at a certain angle (which is 17 for steel) to the plane of reflexion ; and we must have tan - ^. (13) a" Also, at the maximum polarizing angle we must have S' - S = 90. (14) And these two conditions will enable us to determine the con- stants H and x for any metal, when we know its maximum polarizing angle and the value of ; both of which have been Laws of Reflexion from Metals. 61 found for a great number of metals by Sir David Brewster. The following Table is computed for steel, taking M = 3|, X = 54. t S 8' or a' 2 i (a 2 i a' 2 ) 27 27 0-526 0-526 0-526 30 23 31 0-575 0-475 0-525 45 19 38 0-638 0-407 0-522 60 13 54 0-729 0-308 0-518 75 7 98 0-850 0-240 0-545 85 2 152 0-947 0-491 0-719 90 180 1-000 1-000 1-000 The most remarkable thing in this Table is the last column, which gives the intensity of the light reflected when common light is incident. The intensity decreases very slowly up to a large angle of incidence (less than 75), and then increases up to 90, where there is total reflexion. This singular fact, that the intensity decreases with the obliquity of incidence, was dis- covered by Mr. Potter, whose experiments extend as far as an incidence of 70. Whether the subsequent increase which ap- pears from the Table indicates a real phenomenon, or arises from an error in the empirical formulae, cannot be determined without more experiments. It should be observed, however, that in these very oblique incidences Fresnel's formulae for transparent media do not represent the actual phenomena for such media, a great quantity of the light being stopped, when the formulae give a reflexion very nearly total. The value ' - S, or the difference of phase, increases from to 180. When a plane-polarized ray is twice reflected from a metal, it will still be plane-polarized if the sum of the values of & - B for the two angles of incidence be equal to 180. It appears from the formulae that when the characteristic x is very small, the value of ' will continue very small up to the 62 Laws of Reflexion from Metals. neighbourhood of the polarizing angle. It will pass through 90, when mm' = 1 ; after which the change will be very rapid, and the value of & will soon rise to nearly 180. This is exactly the phenomenon which Mr. Airy observed in the diamond. Another set of phenomena to which the author has applied his formulae are those of the coloured rings formed between a glass lens and a metallic reflector ; and he has thus been enabled to account for the singular appearances described by M. Arago in the Memoires d'Arctieil, torn, iii., particularly the succession of changes which are observed when common light is incident, the intrusion of a new ring, &c. But there is one curious appearance which he does not find described by any former author. It is this. Through the last twenty or thirty degrees of incidence the first dark ring, surrounding the central spot, which is comparatively bright, remains constantly of the same magnitude ; although the other rings, like Newton's rings formed between two glass lenses, dilate greatly with the obli- quity of incidence. This appearance was observed at the same time by Professor Lloyd. The explanation is easy. It depends simply on this circumstance (which is evident from the Table), that the angle 180 - S', at these oblique incidences, is nearly proportional to'cos i. As to the index of refraction in metals, the author conjec- tures that it is equal to . cos x .VII. ON THE LAWS OP THE DOUBLE REFRACTION OF QUARTZ. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvn. Read Feb. 22, 1836.] THE singular laws of the double refraction of quartz, which have been discovered by the successive researches of Arago, Biot, Fresnel, and Airy, are known merely as so many independent facts ; they have not been connected by a theory of any kind. I propose, therefore, to show how these laws may be explained hypothetically, by introducing differential coefficients of the third order into the equations of vibratory motion. Suppose a plane wave of light to be propagated within a crys- tal of quartz. Let the co-ordinates #, y, s, of a vibrating mole- cule be rectangular, and take the axis of z perpendicular to the plane of the wave, and the axis of y perpendicular to the axis of the crystal. Let us admit that the vibrations are accurately in the plane of the wave, and of course parallel to the plane of xy. Then, using and TJ to denote, at any time t y the displacements parallel to the axes of x and y respectively, we shall assume the two following equations for explaining the laws of quartz : The peculiar properties of this crystal depend on the con- stant (7. When (7=0, the third differentials disappear, and 64 On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. the equations are reduced to the ordinary form, in which state they ought to agree with the common equations for uniaxal crystals. Hence, putting a for the reciprocal of the ordinary index, b for the reciprocal of the extraordinary, and for the angle made by the axis of z with the axis of the crystal, we must have A = a\ B = a z - (a* - b 2 ) sin 2 0, (3) supposing the velocity of propagation in air to be unity. Now, from the nature of equations (1) and (2), the vibra- tions must be elliptical. In fact, if we put -=- (st - 2) , r] = q sin \-f (st - s) (4) = cos where p, q, s, I are constant quantities, the differential equations will be satisfied by assigning proper values to s and to the ratio -. For, after substituting in equations (1) and (2) the values of the partial differential coefficients obtained by differentiat- ing formulae (4), we shall find that every term of each equa- tion will have the same sine or cosine for a factor : omitting therefore, the common factors, and making - = A*, we shall get the following equations of condition : s 2 = A - Ck, (5) Subtracting these, we have which, by formulae (3), becomes (8) Let us now interpret these results. It is obvious, from for- On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. 65 mulse (4) , that s is the velocity of propagation for a wave whose length is /, and that each vibrating molecule describes a little ellipse whose semiaxes p and q are parallel to the directions of x and y. But the number k, expressing the ratio of the semiaxes, has two values, one of which is the negative reciprocal of the other, as appears by equation (8) ; and each value of k has a cor- responding value of s determined by equation (5) or (6) . Hence there will be two waves elliptically polarized, and moving with different velocities, the ratio of the axes being the same in both ellipses ; but the greater axis of the one will coincide with the less axis of the other. The difference of sign in the two values of k shows that if the vibration be from left to right in one wave, it will be from right to left in the other. These laws were dis- covered by Mr. Airy. The law by which the ellipticity of the vibrations depends on the inclination 0, and on the colour of the light, is contained in equation (8). The value of the constant will be determined presently. In the mean time we may observe, that C denotes a line, whose length is very small, compared with the length of a wave. When = 0, the light passes along the axis of the crystal. In this case we have k z = 1, and k = 1 ; which shows that there are two rays, circularly polarized in opposite directions. The value of s for each ray may be had from equation (5) or (6), by putting + 1 and - 1 successively for k. Calling these values s' and s", we find (9) *'" = 2 + 27T , s" = a 1 + (10) I \ d II Suppose a plate of quartz to have two parallel faces perpen- dicular to the axis, and conceive a ray of light, polarized in a given plane, to fall perpendicularly on it. The incident rectilinear vibration may be resolved into two opposite circular vibrations, 66 On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. which will pass through the crystal with different velocities ; and which, after their emergence into air, will again compound a rectilinear vibration, whose direction will make a certain angle p with that of the incident vibration : so that the plane of polariza- tion will appear to have been turned round through an angle equal to /o, called the angle of rotation. This angle may be de- termined by means of the preceding formulae. Putting for the thickness of the crystalline plate, the circularly polarized wave whose velocity is ' will pass through it in the time 0_0f 7rC\ 7 " a \ tfl) ; and the wave whose velocity is s" in the time 0_ / 7rC\ s"~a\ a* I/ Therefore, if S be the difference of the times, we have But, since the velocity of propagation in air is supposed to be unity, the time and the space described are represented by the same quantity ; and therefore 8, which is evidently a line, de- notes the distance between the fronts of the two circularly pola- rized waves, when they emerge into air. The waves being at this distance from each other, if we conceive, at the same depth in each of them, a molecule performing its circular vibration, and carrying a radius of its circle along with it, the two radii will revolve in contrary directions, and will always cross each other in a position parallel to the incident rectilinear vibration. Now let two series of such waves be superposed, so as to agitate every molecule by their compound effect, and it is evident that, when the radius vector of one component vibration attains the position just mentioned, the radius vector of the other will be se- parated from it by an angle equal to , where X is the length of On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. 67 a wave in air. The resultant rectilinear vibration will bisect this angle ; and therefore ^, the angle of rotation, will be equal to y-. Hence, substituting for S its value, and observing that /, the length of a wave in quartz, is equal to #A, we find 2- 2 C6 p " a*\* ; which gives the experimental law of M. Biot, that the angle of rotation is directly as the thickness of the crystal, and inversely as the square of the length of a wave for any particular colour. By changing the sign of (7, we should have an equal rotation in the opposite direction. And here we may remark, that C may be made negative in all the preceding equations, its magnitude remaining. There are two kinds of quartz, the right-handed and left-handed, distinguished by the sign of C. The angle of rotation, 'for a given colour and thickness, is known from M. Biot's experiments. We can therefore find the value of C by means of the last formula ; and substituting this value in equation (8), we shall be able to compute k when and / are given. Now it happens that Mr. Airy,* by a very inge- nious method of observation, has determined the values of k in red light for two different values of ; and of course we must compare these observed values of k with the independent results of theory. As Mr. Airy's experiments were made upon red light, we shall select, for the object of our calculations, the red ray which is marked by the letter C in the spectrum of Fraun- hofer. For this ray, Fraunhofer has given the length A, which, expressed in parts of an English inch, is equal to '0000258 ; and M. Eudberg has found a = '64859, b = 64481. Moreover, from the experiments of M. Biot, we may collect that the arc of rota- tion, produced by the thickness of a millimetre, is something more than 19 degrees for the ray we have chosen ; so that the fraction % may be taken to express nearly the length of that * Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. iv., p. 205. 68 On the JLaivs of the Double Refraction of Quartz. arc in a circle whose radius is unity. We have, therefore, = -03937 inch, and P = '333. Substituting these values in the formula I 7T0 derived from (12), we find from which it appears that C is about twenty thousand times less than the millionth part of an inch. Again, since a 2 - b* = '00489, we have so that equation (8) becomes n 2 0. = l. (13) The results of this formula are compared with Mr. Airy's experiments in the following Table, in which the less root is taken for k, and its sign is neglected. Values of -S). 4^ ^, (14) which expresses the nature of the surface, * being a perpendi- cular from the origin on a tangent plane. From this equation it follows that the two values of s can never become equal in quartz, as they do in other crystals ; for if we solve the equation for s 2 , and put the radical equal to zero, we shall get the condi- tion (A - BY + 167T 2 ^ = 0, which cannot be fulfilled, since the quantity which ought to vanish is the sum of two squares. The two sheets, or nappes, of the wave surface are therefore absolutely separated. It is commonly assumed that one of the rays is refracted according to the ordinary law ; but this is not the case, since neither of the values of s is constant. However, the fay which has the greater velocity (a being greater than b) may still, for convenience, be called the ordinary ray. Of the two roots of equation (8) , the one, k 09 whose numerical value (supposing not to vanish) is less than unity, corresponds to this ray. When C is positive, k is negative ; and when C is negative, k is positive : therefore in both kinds of quartz, by formulse (5) and (6), we have s 2 > A, and s e 2 < B ; denoting by s and s e the respective velocities of propagation of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. Hence, if we conceive a sphere of the radius a, with its centre at the origin, and a concentric prolate spheroid, whose semiaxis of 7O On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. revolution is also equal to , and parallel to the axis of the crystal, while the radius of its equator is equal to &, the ordi- nary nappe of the wave surface will fall entirely without the sphere, and the extraordinary nappe entirely within the spheroid, whether the crystal be right-handed or left-handed. With re- spect to the little ellipse in which the vibrations are performed, and of which the semiaxes parallel to x and y are represented by p and q respectively, it is evident that p > q f or the ordinary wave, since & < 1 ; and that p < q for the extraordinary wave. When (7 vanishes, the minor axis of each ellipse also vanishes, and the rays become plane-polarized, the ordinary vibrations being then parallel to the direction of #, and the extraordinary parallel to that of y. This is exactly what ought to happen on the supposition that the vibrations of a plane-polarized ray* are parallel to its plane of polarization a supposition which was kept in view in framing the fundamental equations (1) and (2). To show, with precision, how the two kinds of quartz are to be distinguished by the sign of (7, we must give definite direc- tions to the axes of co-ordinates. To this end, let us imagine the plane of xy to be horizontal, and a circle to be described in it with the origin for its centre ; and let the north, east, and south points of this circle be marked respectively with the letters N, E, S. Let the direction of + x be eastward, from to E ; that of + y northward, from to JV; and that of -t- 2 vertically downwards ; the progress of the light through the crystal being * On this point there are two very different opinions. Fresnel supposed, as is well known, that the vibrations of a plane -polarized ray are perpendicular to its plane of polarization ; whereas, according to M. Cauchy, whom I have followed, they are parallel to that plane. I am induced to adopt the latter supposition, be- cause I have succeeded, by means of hypotheses which are grounded on it, in dis- covering the laws of reflexion from crystallized surfaces ; laws which include, as a particular case, those discovered by Fresnel for ordinary media. The hypotheses alluded to, along with some of their results, are published in the London and Edin- burgh Philosophical Magazine, Vol. vin., p. 103, in a letter to Sir David Brewster (supra, pp. 75, et seq.} See also Vol. vn., p. 295, of the same Journal (supra, pp. 55, et seq.} I hope soon to offer the Academy a detailed account of my researches on this subject. On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. 7 i also downwards, and the plane of the wave moving parallel, as before, to the plane of xy. Then the crystal will be right-handed or left-handed, according as C is positive or negative. For, if C be positive, will be negative, and formulae (4) will become, by exhibiting the sign of , 5 = jp cos (st -a ) , 17 = - k p sin ~ (*tf - 2) , (15) I ; If- ; for the ordinary vibration ; and rt = q sin - (s - z) , (16) I * ; for the extraordinary vibration. Now if we suppose the arc (st - 2) either to vanish, or to be a multiple of the circum- t ference, the molecule will be at the east point of its vibration ; and upon increasing the time a little, the value of i? will become negative in (15), and positive in (16), so that the movement will be towards the south in the first case, and towards the north in the second. Therefore, when C is positive, the ordinary vibra- tion takes place in the direction NES, or from left to right, and the extraordinary in the direction SEN, or from right to left, supposing a spectator to look in the direction of the progress of the light. It may be shown, in like manner, that when C is ne- gative, the ordinary and extraordinary vibrations are in the directions SEN and NES, or from right to left and from left to right respectively. Now if a plane-polarized ray be transmitted along the axis of the crystal, the plane of polarization will be turned in the direction of the ordinary vibration, because this vibration, being propagated more quickly, will be in advance of the other, upon emerging from the crystal. Hence, the rotation is from left to right when C is positive, and from right to left when C is negative ; and the crystal is called right-handed in the first case, and left-handed in the second. We have all along supposed that C is a constant quantity, and the agreement of our results with experiment proves that 72 On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. this supposition is at least very nearly true in the neighbourhood of the axis. It is probable, however, not only that (7 varies with 0, but that it becomes different in equations (1) and (2) ; that is to say, it is probable that the following equations (17) _ 7? _ r" d? ~ dz* d**' in which C f is a little different from (7, would be more correct than those which we have assumed. Indeed Mr. Airy's experi- ments seem to indicate that C' is greater than C ; for he found, as we have already said, that the ratio of the axes of the little ellipse described by a vibrating molecule is somewhat different for the two rays, being more nearly a ratio of equality for the ordinary than for the extraordinary ray. Now if we set out from equations (17), instead of (1) and (2), and proceed in all respects as before, we shall arrive at the formula -) sin $.* = (I 8 ) C' instead of formula (8). The quantity -^- will be greater than unity, if C' be greater than C, and the value of A* will be greater than before. This seems to be the explanation of the -difference between the ratios observed by Mr. Airy. It may be proper to state briefly the considerations which led to the foregoing theory. Beginning with the simple case of a ray passing along the axis, the first thing to be explained was the law of M. Biot, that the angle of rotation varies inversely as the square of / or of A. Now it was remarked by Fresnel, who first resolved the phenomena of rotation into the interference of two circularly polarized waves, that the interval 8 between these waves, at their emergence from the crystal, must be inversely as /, if the angle of rotation be inversely as the square of I. This re- On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz. 73 mark suggested* to me the idea of adding, to the equations of the common theory, terms containing the third differential coefficients of the displacements ; for it was evident that such additional terms would give, in the value of s 2 , a part inversely proportional to /. It was also evident that the third differential coefficient of should be combined with the second differential coefficients of j, and the third of rj with the second of , in order that, after substitutions such as we have indicated in deducing formulae (5) and (6), the sines or cosines might disappear by division, and that thus the value of s 2 might be independent of the time, as it ought to be. This kind of reasoning led me to assume the equations for the case of a ray passing along the axis of quartz ; and then, substituting in these equations the values of the differential co- efficients obtained by differentiating the formulae = p cos -8t-z , rj = p sn -=- if ; which express a circular vibration (from right to left, or from left to right, according to the sign of the second p) , the result was S * = a' + ^ C I from (19), and S > = ' D * " The singular relation between the interval of retardation [S] and the length of the wave [7] seems to afford the only clue to the unravelling of this difficulty." " Eeport on Physical Optics," by Professor Lloyd (" Fourth Report of the British Association," p. 409). It was in reading this Report that Fresnel's remark, about the relation between 8 and I, first came to my knowledge. 74 On the Laivs of the Double Refraction of Quartz. from (20) ; which showed that D = - (7, since the values of s, corresponding to the same circular vibration, ought to be equal. The transition from this simple case to that of a ray inclined at a given angle to the axis was easily made, by taking into ac- count the doubly refracting structure of the crystal. This was done by supposing 5 and jj parallel to the principal directions in the plane of the wave, arid by changing # 2 , in equation (20), into a* - (a? - b 2 ) sin 2 < ; and thus the fundamental equations (1) and (2) were obtained. ( 75 ) VIII. OK THE LAWS OF REFLEXION FROM CRYSTAL- LIZED SURFACES. [From the Philosophical Magazine, VOL. VIH., 1835.] To SIR DAVID BREWSTER. DEAR SIR I have great pleasure in sending you an account of the laws by which I conceive that the vibrations of light are regulated when a ray is reflected and refracted at the separating surface of two media ; especially as the only guide which I had, in my inquiry after these laws, was your Paper on the action of crystallized surfaces upon light, published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1819. The observation which I found there, that the polarizing angle was the same for a given plane of incidence, " whether the obtuse angle of the rhomb [of Iceland spar] was nearest or furthest from the eye, or whether it was to the right or left hand of the observer," disappointed me at first, being contrary to what I had anticipated from principles ana- logous to those which had been employed by Fresnel in the problem of reflexion from ordinary media. I then sought other principles, and the observation is now a result of theory. Assuming, as a basis for calculation, that Fresnel's law of double refraction is rigorously true, I have been obliged to make an essential change in his physical ideas. Conceive an ellipsoid whose semiaxes are parallel to the three principal direc- tions of the crystal, and equal respectively to its three principal indices of refraction, and let a central section of the ellipsoid be made by a plane parallel to the plane of a wave passing 7 6 On the Laws of Reflexion through the crystal. The section will be an ellipse, and the wave will be polarized by the crystal in a plane parallel to either semiaxis of this ellipse, the index of refraction for the wave being equal to the other semiaxis. This is Fresnel's law of double refraction ; and the theory which led him to it makes it necessary to admit that the vibrations of the wave are perpendi- cular to its plane of polarization ; whereas, according to the views which I have adopted, the vibrations of the wave are pa- rallel to its plane of polarization, and to one semiaxis of the elliptic section, while its index of refraction is equal to the other semiaxis. These views nearly agree with the theory of M. Cauchy, according to whom the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to its plane of polarization, but inclined at small angles to the plane of the wave in crystallized media, instead of being exactly parallel to the latter plane, as I have supposed them to be. Be- sides, the theory of M. Cauchy, founded on the six equations of pressure in a crystallized medium, implies the existence of a third ray of feeble intensity, and for the other two rays gives a law somewhat different from that of Fresnel. Being obliged, in order to account for your experiments, to abandon the physical ideas of Fresnel, and to approximate towards those of M. Cauchy, I was embarrassed by this .third ray ; and wishing to get rid of it, as well as of the slight deviations from the symmetrical law of Fresnel, I adopted the expedient of altering the equations of pressure, in such a way as to make them afford only two rays, and give a law of refraction exactly the same as Fresnel's. The equations which I found to answer this purpose are the follow- ing : 0- 8jF dx dy from Crystallized Surfaces. 77 + I** dy) In these equations, the axes of co-ordinates are perpendicular to each other, and parallel to the principal directions of the crys- tal ; x, y, z are the co-ordinates of a vibrating molecule at the time t ; , 17, are the components of the displacement of the same molecule at the same time ; a, 6, c are the three principal indices of refraction out of the crystal into an ordinary medium in which the velocity of light is equal to F"; and p is the density of the ether, which density I suppose to be the same in all media. The quantities A, F, E are the components, parallel to the axes of x, y, 2, respectively, of the pressure upon a plane perpendi- cular to the axis of x ; F, B, D are the components of the pres- sure upon a plane perpendicular to the axis of y ; and E, Z), C the components of the pressure upon a plane perpendicular to the axis of z. The values of D, E, .Fare the same as those given by M. Cauchy ; but the values of A, B, C are different from his, and much simpler. By introducing into the equations of M. Cauchy the condition that the vibrations shall be performed without any change of density, the resulting values of A, B, C might be shown to agree nearly with those given above. The six pressures, A, B, (7, D, E, F, being known, it is easy to find the pressure upon a plane making any given angles with the axes of co-ordinates. These things being premised, it is time to mention the laws, or rather hypotheses, which I have imagined for discovering the relations that exist, as to direction and magnitude, among the vibrations in each ray, when reflexion and refraction take place at the separating surface of two media, whether crystallized or not. In stating the two very simple laws that have occurred to me 78 On the Laws of Reflexion for this purpose, it will be convenient, when the first medium is an ordinary one, to suppose that the incident light is polarized. Then, by the first law, the vibrations in one medium are equivalent to those in the other ; that is to say, if the incident and reflected vibrations be compounded, like forces acting at a point, their resultant will be the same, both in length and direction, as the resultant of the refracted vibrations similarly compounded. By the second law, the lateral pressure upon the separating surface is the same in both media ; the lateral pressure being understood to mean the pressure in a direction perpendicular to the plane of incidence. As it would engage us too long to follow these laws into detail, I shall merely state some of the results which I have ob- tained from them, for the case of a uniaxal crystal into which the light passes out of an ordinary medium. Imagine the surface of the crystal to be horizontal, and call the point of incidence /. With the centre /and any radius, con- ceive a sphere to be described, cutting in the point Z a vertical line IZ drawn through the centre, z. and let a radius ZP, parallel to the axis of the crystal, meet the surface of the sphere 'in P. Let the great circle ZOEloe the plane of incidence, containing both the direction 10 of the ordinary refracted ray produced backwards, and the direction IE of a normal to the extraordinary wave ; and draw the great circles PZ, PO, PE. The angle Zwill be the azimuth of the plane of incidence. Let ZO = 0, ZE = 0', P0= */>, PE = i/,', the angle ZOP = 0, and the angle ZEP = 0'. CaU the angle of incidence i, and suppose b to be the reciprocal of the ordi- nary refractive index and a the reciprocal of the extraordinary. Each of the refracted rays, in turn, may be made to disappear, by polarizing the incident ray in a certain direction assigned by theory. When the extraordinary ray disappears, the reflected ray is polarized in a plane inclined to the plane of incidence at from Crystallized Surfaces. 79 an angle /3 determined by the formula Q-I y| 2 * tan j3 = cos (e 4 0) tan + 2 (# 2 - 2 ) sin sin ^ cos ^ - p - r . (2) When the ordinary ray disappears, the plane of polarization of the reflected ray is inclined to the plane of incidence at an angle )3 determined by the formula - tan j3' = cos (i + 0') cotan & ,_ cos 20' . , sin 2 ?' sin cos . r r< . sin 9 sm( . -0 ) And when the angles /3, j3 r , become equal, the plane of polariza- tion of the reflected ray becomes independent of the plane of po- larization of the incident ray ; and the angle of incidence i, at which this equality takes place, is the polarizing angle of the crystal. Hence we have the equation of condition cos (i + 0) tan 9 + 2 (a 2 - 2 ) sin 9 sin i// cos sin (i

= y + S, and 8 will be a small quantity. Draw PR an arc of a great circle perpendicular to ZOE, and let ZR = p, PR - q. Then we shall find from equation (4), after various substitutions and reductions, JTcos 2 q (cos 2 - cos ; where K= In deducing this value of S, the approximations were made with a tacit reference to the case of reflexion in air from a com- mon rhomb of Iceland spar. The coefficient K, in this case, is equal to about nine degrees, and the resulting numerical values of 8o On the Laws of Reflexion the polarizing angles in various azimuths agree very well with your experiments. You will perceive that the value of 8 is the same in supplementary azimuths, which explains the observation, cited in the beginning of my letter, relative to the equality of the polarizing angles at opposite sides of the perpendicular IZ in a given plane of incidence. When the point JR falls upon 0, we have 8 = 0, and i + equal to a right angle. Hence, when the cotangent of ZR is equal to the ordinary index, the tangent of the polarizing angle is equal to the same index. This theorem, though deduced from an approximate equation, might be shown to be exact. When the axis of the crystal lies in the plane of incidence, we may obtain an exact expression for the polarizing angle. The condition of polarization then becomes cos ( + f) - (< - V) sin f cos f . '* - ; (6) bill \^i ({) J from which, by the proper substitutions, we obtain the following expression : . ' . 1 - a 2 cos 2 A - b 2 sin 2 A sm 2 * = -- - ; (7) i - a 2 b 2 where A denotes the complement of ZP, or the inclination of the axis to the face of the crystal, and i is the polarizing angle. This formula, in a shape somewhat different, was communicated, above a year ago, to Professor Lloyd, who has noticed it, in con- nexion with your Paper, in his " Eeport on Physical Optics." When a and b become equal, the formula gives your law of the tangent for ordinary media. The foregoing results show that, when a ray is polarized by reflexion from a crystal, the plane of polarization deviates from the plane of incidence, except when the axis lies in the latter plane ; and that the deviation may be made very great by placing the crystal in contact with a medium whose refractive power is nearly equal to that of the crystal itself ; for when i is nearly equal to or to $', the divisor sin (i - ) or sin (i - $') is Laws of Reflexion from Crystallized Surfaces. 81 very small, and therefore tan |3 or tan |3' is very great. But this remark is of no value whatever in explaining the very sin- gular phenomena which you have observed in the extreme case just mentioned ; nor can I imagine any reason why there should be a deviation, as there was in some of your experiments, when the axis lies in the plane of incidence, since everything is then alike on both sides of this plane. Indeed the whole of this subject, which occupies the latter part of your Paper of 1819, is very extraordinary and interesting ; and I was glad to hear that you had resumed the investigation of it, and made many experi- ments which have not been published. I wish you would publish them. They seem to be of great importance in the present state of optical science. I am, dear Sir, ever truly yours, J. MAC CTTLLAGH. TBIN. COLL., DUBLIN, Dec. 22, 1835. IX. ON THE PEOBABLE NATURE OF THE LIGHT TRANS- MITTED BY THE DIAMOND AND BY GOLD LEAP. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academtj, VOL. I. p. 27- Read Jan. 9, 1837-] PROFESSOR MAC CTJLLAGH made a verbal communication on the probable nature of the light transmitted by the diamond and by gold leaf. He conceives that as there is a change of phase caused by reflexion from these bodies, so there is also a change of phase produced by refraction ; the change being different according as the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, or in the perpendicular plane. Consequently, if the incident ray be po- larized in any intermediate plane, the refracted ray should be elliptieally polarized ; and on examining the light transmitted by gold leaf, this was found to be the case. Of course the same thing is true of the light which enters the other metals, and which is subsequently absorbed. The same remark explains the appearance of double refraction in specimens of the diamond which give only a single image ; and it is likely that other precious stones will be found to possess similar properties. Mr. Mac Cullagh has obtained a general formula for the difference of phase between the two component portions of the refracted light one polarized in the plane of incidence, and the other perpendicular to it. He finds from this formula, that the dif- ference of phase, which is nothing at a perpendicular incidence, increases until it becomes equal to the characteristic at an inci- dence of 90; and when the light emerges into air, the difference of phase is doubled. The formula has not yet been submitted to the test of experiment. 83 X. ON THE LAWS OF CRYSTALLINE REFLEXION. [From the Philosophical Magazine, VOL. x., 1837.] IN a Number of PoggendorfFs Annalen (No. 6, for 1836), which reached Dublin late in November, there are some remarks by M. Seebeck on a Paper of mine which appeared in the last February Number of this Journal (vol. viii. p. 103). That Paper contains a general theory of reflexion at the surfaces of crystallized media ; and M. Seebeck, in comparing the results with his own experiments, has fully confirmed some of my formulae, while he has shown that others are defective. I have therefore been obliged to revise my theory, and I have ascer- tained that it was vitiated by the introduction of a certain re- lation among the quantities denominated pressures, which, following the example of M. Cauchy, I had supposed to be concerned in the problem. This relation I had observed to hold in the case of singly refracting media, and I concluded, without any other reason, that it would hold good generally. But though it led to the correct formula for the polarizing angles in different azimuths, it was nevertheless arbitrary and unfounded ; and therefore it is now banished entirely from the investigation, the place which it occupied being supplied by the natural and simple law of the preservation of vis viva, while everything else remains as before. I hope the imperfection of my first essay will be excused, when it is considered that the erroneous proposition bears but a small proportion to the whole theory; and, moreover, that the general problem, which I under- took to resolve, is one that has not been attempted by any other 84 On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. person, although the want of a solution has long been felt. The difficulties which we have to deal with, in entering upon this problem, are not mere mathematical difficulties, but difficulties arising from the want of first principles; and, in physical questions of this kind, where we must, at the outset, have re- course to conjecture, in order to supply the very principles of our reasoning, it can hardly be expected that the whole truth should be divined at once. I think, however, that I have now obtained a true mechanical theory; and if so, it will help to decide, not only the question immediately before us, but also the other much-disputed, though more elementary, questions concerning the density of the ether in different media, and the direction of the vibrations in polarized light. In fact, a particular supposition respecting each of the latter questions is included in my theory, the several principles of which, making the single alteration that has been mentioned, I shall here enumerate : 1. The density of the ether is the same in all media. 2. The vibrations of plane-polarized light are parallel to the plane of polarization. 3. The vis viva is preserved. 4. The vibrations are equivalent at the common surface of two media. To these may be added the definition of the polarizing angle of a crystal; namely, the angle of incidence at which the plane of polarization of the reflected ray becomes indepen- dent of the plane of polarization of the incident ray. At the polarizing angle, the former plane does not, in general, coincide with the plane of reflexion, but makes with it a small angle which may be called the deviation. It is curious that, about a year and a half ago, I employed these four principles, precisely as I have now enumerated them, in deducing Fresnel's well-known laws of reflexion for ordinary media ; but I did not then apply the law of vis viva to crystals, because my mind was preoccupied by the notion that there ex- isted some relation among the pressures. This notion I had On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. 85 taken up from reading a little Paper, by M. Cauchy, in the Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques for July 1830 ; and by combining such a relation with the three conditions afforded by my own law of equivalent vibrations, I had actually obtained, for the polarizing angles in different azimuths, a formula (that marked (5) in my former Paper), which I found to agree very well with Sir David Brewster's experiments, and which M. Seebeck has found to agree still better with his own. The formula for the polarizing angle is obtained by equat- ing two values of the deviation ; and it is remarkable that the very same formula comes out in my present theory, although the values of the deviation are entirely different. Referring, for brevity, to the notation of my former Paper, I find, for the case of a uniaxal crystal, tan |3 = cos (i + 0) tan 0, ...................... (a) - * - - ** + , - * = These equations (a) and (b) are to be substituted for equa- tions (2) and (3),* which are the equations that M. Seebeck found to be at variance with his experiments. By means of formula (5), equation (a) becomes from which the deviation in any azimuth may be readily calcu- lated. The azimuth (as M. Seebeck reckons it) begins when = 0, and p is then positive. This formula (c) perfectly represents the experiments of M. Seebeck on Iceland spar. The corre- sponding expressions for biaxal crystals may be easily deduced, and will be given in a Paper which I am preparing to lay before the Royal Irish Academy. At the time of my last communication I was not aware that the case in which the plane of incidence is a principal section of the crystal (or the azimuth = 0) had been solved by M. Seebeck, and that formula (7),f which I regarded as my own, had been obtained by him long before. * Supra, p. 79. t Supra, p. 80. 86 On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. It remains to say a word respecting the new principle of equivalent vibrations, the most important, perhaps, of all, as it is certainly the simplest that can be imagned. If we conceive an ethereal molecule situated at the common surface of two media, it would seem that its motion ought to be the same, whether we regard the molecule as belonging to the first me- dium or to the second. Now the incident and reflected vibra- tions are superposed in the first medium, and the refracted vibrations in the second; and therefore we may infer (when the phase is not changed by reflexion or refraction), that if the incident and reflected vibrations be compounded, like forces acting at a point, their resultant will be the same, both in length and direc- tion, as the resultant of the refracted vibrations similarly com- pounded. This is the law of equivalent vibrations, and it gives, at once, three equations. A fourth equation is afforded by Fresnel's law of the vis viva; and thus we have the four conditions necessary for a general solution of the problem. From the principle of equivalent vibrations, as we have stated it, it follows that the vibrations resolved parallel to the separating surface are equivalent in the two media; and, in fact, this part of the general principle was assumed by Fresnel ; but the other part, namely, that the vibrations perpendicular to the separating surface are equivalent, was not assumed by him, nor is it by any means true in his theory. It appears then that three conditions only are afforded by the hypotheses which Fresnel successfully employed in solving the problem of reflexion from ordinary media. These hypotheses, therefore, are not sufficient when applied to crystals; except, indeed, in the case before alluded to, where the azimuth = 0,. which has been solved by M. Seebeck. It should be observed, that though the reasons which I have assigned for the principle of equivalent vibrations are extremely simple, yet it was not by such simple reasoning that I was led to it originally. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, December 13, 1836. 87 XI. ON THE LAWS OF CRYSTALLINE REFLEXION AND REFRACTION. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL, xvm. Read Jan. 9, 1837.] WHEN a ray of light, which has been polarized in a given plane, suffers reflexion and refraction at the surface of a transparent medium, the rays into which it is divided are found to be po- larized in certain other planes ; and it becomes a question to determine the positions of these planes, as well as the relative intensities of the different rays ; or, in theoretical language, to find the direction and magnitude of the reflected and refracted vibrations, supposing those of the incident vibration to be given. The transparent medium may be either a singly-refracting sub- stance, such as glass, or a doubly-refracting crystal, like Iceland spar. When the medium is of the first kind, the problem is comparatively simple, being, in fact, nothing more than a par- ticular case of the problem which we have to consider when the medium is supposed to be of the second kind. In the progress of knowledge it was natural that the simpler question should be first attended to ; and accordingly Fresnel, during his brief and brilliant career, found time to solve it. But the general problem, relative to doubly-refracting media, had not been attempted by anyone, when, in the year 1834, my thoughts were turned to the subject. I then recollected a conclusion to which I had been led some years before, and which, on this occasion, proved of essential service to me. Being fond of geometrical construe- 88 On the Laws of Crystalline tions, I amused myself, when I first became acquainted with Fresnel's theories, by throwing his algebraical expressions, when- ever I could, into a geometrical form ; and treating in this way the well-known formulae in which he has embodied his solution of the problem just alluded to, I obtained a remarkable result, which gave me the first view of the principle that I have since employed under the name of the principle of the equivalence of vibrations. In order to state this result briefly, I will take leave to introduce a new term for expressing a right line drawn parallel to the plane of polarization of a ray, and perpendicular to the direction of the ray itself. Calling such a right line the transversal of the polarized ray, I found, from the formulae of Fresnel, that when polarized light falls upon a singly- refracting medium, the transversals of the incident, of the re- flected, and of the refracted rays are all parallel to the same plane, which is the plane of polarization of the refracted ray ; and that the magnitudes of the vibrations, or the greatest ex- cursions of the ethereal molecules, in the incident and the reflected rays, are to each other inversely as the sines of the angles which the respective transversals of those rays make with the transversal of the refracted ray. I was struck by the strong analogy which these relations among the transversals bore to the composition of forces or of small vibrations in mechanics ; but it happened unfortunately that, in the theory of Fresnel, the vibrations of light were supposed to take place, not in the direction of the transversals, but perpendicular to them, so that there was no physical circumstance to support the analogy, there being no motion in the direction of the transversals ; while, on the other hand, no such analogy existed among the vibrations themselves in the directions which Fresnel had assigned to them. It was therefore with some interest that I afterwards learned, upon the publication of the tenth volume of the Memoirs of the Institute, that M. Cauchy* had actually inferred, from mecha- nical principles, that the vibrations of polarized light are in the * Memoir es de Plmtitut, tome x. p. 304. Reflexion and Refraction. 89 direction of the transversals ; but this inference was to be re- ceived with caution, as being contrary to the hypothesis of Fresnel ; and besides, I had in the meantime contrived a way of adapting my analogy, in some degree, to that hypothesis, by supposing areas to be compounded instead of vibrations ; so that I hesitated which of the two opinions to prefer. Taking, how- ever, the opinion of M. Cauchy as that which fell in more na- turally with the aforesaid analogy, I was led to the conclusion, that the vibration in the refracted ray is probably the resultant of the incident and reflected vibrations ; and I saw that if this principle were true for singly-refracting media, it should also, from its very nature, be true, when properly generalized, for doubly -refracting crystals ; so that in such crystals the resultant of the two refracted vibrations would be the same, both in length and direction, as the resultant of the incident and reflected vibrations. This was the principle of equivalent vibrations. But I had no sooner begun to regard it as probable, than an objection started up against it. In the case of a ray ordinarily refracted out of a rarer into a denser medium, the magnitude of the refracted vibration, as deduced from this principle, was greater than that which came out from the theory of Fresnel, in the proportion of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction. Consequently, assuming with Fresnel that the ether is more dense in the denser medium, the law of the preservation of vis viva was violated. There was another embarrassment which I felt in my early efforts to find out the laws of crystalline reflexion. Taking for granted the hypothesis of Fresnel, that the density of the ether in an ordinary medium is inversely as the square of its refractive index, I was at a loss what hypothesis to make, in this respect, for doubly-refracting crystals, wherein the refrac- tive index changes with the direction of the ray. For the density, being independent of direction, could not be con- ceived to vary with the refractive index. About two years ago I got over this difficulty, by supposing the density of the 90 On the Laws of Crystalline ether to be the same in all media.* At the same time I was compelled to employ the principle of equivalent vibrations, in order to have a sufficient number of conditions, though for a while I overlooked the perfect agreement which now subsisted between this principle and the law of vis viva : it happened, in fact, that the new hypothesis of a constant density made the vis viva of the refracted ray exactly the same as in the theory of Fresnel.f But to see why it was necessary to assume the principle of equivalent vibrations, we must observe, that when a polarized ray is incident on a crystal there are four things to be deter- mined, namely, the direction and magnitude of the reflected vibration, and the magnitudes of the two refracted vibrations. Hence we must have four conditions, or we must have relations affording so many equations. But the hypotheses of Fresnel, by which he solved the problem of reflexion for ordinary media, afford only three conditions. We will state his hypotheses at length : 1st. The vibrations of polarized light are in the plane of the wave, and perpendicular to the plane of polarization. 2nd. The density of the ether is inversely as the square of the refractive index of the medium. 3rd. The vis viva is preserved. 4th. The vibrations parallel to the separating surface of two media are equivalent; that is, the refracted vibration parallel to the surface is the resultant of the incident and reflected vibra- tions parallel to the same. We see that the fourth hypothesis gives two conditions, and the law of vis viva gives a third. Let us now take the more general principle of equivalent vibrations, in place of the fourth hypothesis of Fresnel, altering * This hypothesis is maintained by Mr. Challis ; and certainly it falls in ex- tremely well with the astronomical phenomenon of the aberration of light. See, on this subject, Professor Lloyd's Report on Physical Optics, " Fourth Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science," pp. 311, 313. t Supra, p. 100, note. Reflexion and Refraction. 9 1 the first hypothesis in the way that we have shown to be neces- sary in order to suit that principle, and making the ethereal density constant. Then, if we retain the law of vis viva, our new hypotheses will be these : 1st. The vibrations of polarized light are in the plane of the wave, and parallel to the plane of polarization ; which may be expressed in a word, by saying that the vibrations are transver- sal, according to the peculiar sense in which I use the term. 2nd. The density of the ether is the same in all bodies as in vacuo. 3rd. The vis viva is preserved. 4th. The vibrations in two contiguous media are equivalent ; that is, the resultant of the incident and reflected vibrations is the same, both in length and direction, as the resultant of the refracted vibrations. It is evident that the last hypothesis affords three equations, by resolving the vibrations parallel to three axes of co-ordinates ; and the law of vis viva supplies a fourth equation. Thus we have the requisite number of conditions. The hypotheses that we have last enumerated are those which will be employed in the present Paper. They have been made to include the law of vis viva, because I lately found that this law must necessarily accompany the rest ; but at first I neglected it, and even made considerable progress without it; for, by the help of another hypothesis, I obtained formulae which represented such experiments as I was aware of at the time. This other hypothesis I took up from reading an article by M. Cauchy in the Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques* in which he arrives, by a peculiar process, at the formulae of Fresnel for the case of ordinary reflexion. The hypotheses * " Sur la Refraction et la Beflexion de la Lumiere," Bulletin des Sci. Math., Juillet, 1830. In this Paper the vibrations of polarized light must be supposed perpendicular to the plane of polarization, though the Paper was published im- mediately after the author had promulged the contrary opinion. The latter opinion, which I adopted from him because it harmonized with my analogy before mentioned, he has formally renounced of late, and has returned to the 92 On the Laws of Crystalline which he chiefly employs are relations among certain quanti- ties called pressures ; and it was such a relation that I adopted instead of the law of vis viva. I supposed that, at the confines of two media, the pressure on the separating surface, in a direc- tion perpendicular to the plane of incidence, ought to be the same, whether it he considered as resulting from the vibrations in the first medium or in the second. This hypothesis I con- ceived to be true in general, because I found it to be true for ordinary media ; but I could never assign any better reason for it. Combining it, however, with the principle of equivalent vibrations, I deduced several expressions for uniaxal crystals, and among others a formula for the polarizing angles in diffe- rent azimuths of the plane of reflexion. When this formula was compared with the experiments of Sir David Brewster* on the polarizing angles of Iceland spar, the accordance was so satis- factory as to leave no doubt upon my mind that I had arrived at the true formula for these angles ; and though the truth of the conclusion did not allow me to argue that the premises hypothesis of Fresnel. M. Cauchy supposed too, in the above Paper, that the ethereal density is the same in different media ; but he has found cause to abandon this hypothesis also. See his notes addressed to M, Libri, in the Comptes rendus des Seances de VAcademie des Sciences, Seance du 4 Avril, 1836, where he gives the reasons for his present opinions. He says, "Ainsi Fresnel a eu raison de dire, non-seulement que les vibrations des molecules etherees sont generalement com- prises dans les plans des ondes, mais encore que les plans de polarisation sont perpendiculaires aux directions des vitesses ou des deplacements moleculaires. J'arrive au reste a cette derniere conclusion d'une autre maniere, en etablissant les lois de la reflexion et de la refraction a 1'aide d'une nouvelle methode qui sera developpee dans mon memorie [cette methode] ne m' oblige plus a supposer, comme je 1'avais fait dans un article du Bulletin des Sciences, que la densite de 1' ether est la meme dans tous les milieux. Mes nouvelles recherches donnent lieu de croire que cette densite varie en general quand on passe d'un milieu a un autre." More lately, in his Nouveaux Exercices de Mathematiques, 7 e Livraison, M. Cauchy states positively that his principles do not permit him to adopt the hypothesis that the density of the ether is the same in all media. He also gives the differential equations which, as he has found by his new method, ought to siibsist at the separating surface of two media, and from which he has obtained the formulae of Fresnel for ordinary reflexion. But these eqtiations do not include the laws of crystalline reflexion. * Phil. Trans., 1819, p. 150. Reflexion and Refraction. 93 were true, yet the presumption in their favour was very strong, insomuch that, upon remarking, as I did soon after, that the law of vis viva harmonized with my other hypotheses, I did not think it worth while* to try what would be the consequence of using this law, instead of the relation which I had put in its place. In this state of my theory, I gave an account of it at the meeting of the British Associationf in Dublin, in August, 1835 ; and the leading steps and results were afterwards pub- lished in a letter to Sir David Brewster.J Now we are to observe, that when common light is polarized by reflexion at the surface of a doubly-refracting crystal, the polarization does not, in general, coincide with the plane of reflexion, as in the case of ordinary media, but is inclined to it at a certain angle, which may be called the deviation; and it was by equating two values of the deviation that I obtained the formula above mentioned for the polarizing angle. This formula, as we have seen, was correct ; but it happened, singu- larly enough, that the expressions for the deviation, which were * I had, besides, an objection to the law of vis viva, on the ground that it would give an equation of the second degree ; and I wished to have all my equations linear, lest, in the seemingly complicated question of crystalline reflexion, they should give two answers when the nature of the question required but one. This has actually happened, since the present Paper was read, in applying my hypothe- ses to the case of internal reflexion at the second surface of a uniaxal crystal. Supposing an ordinary ray to emerge after double reflexion, and putting for the angle which the emergent transversal makes with the plane of incidence, I found, for determining 0, an equation of the form A + B tan + G tan 2 = 0, wherein A is very small, but does not vanish ; so that the equation gives two roots, one very small, the other about the proper value. It is clear, therefore, that there is a want of adjustment somewhere : but I am now inclined to think that the fault is not in the principle of vis viva. Possibly our laws of the propagation of light in doubly refracting media are not quite accurate. "Whatever supplementary law shall be found to remedy this untoward result will probably, at the same time, account for the extraordinary phenomena observed by Brewster, in reflexion at the first surface when the crystal is in contact with a medium of nearly equal refractive power. t London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, Vol. vn. p. 295. Ibid., Vol. vni. p. 103; February, 1836. (Supra, p. 75.) 94 On the Laws of Crystalline used in obtaining the formula, were erroneous. It is to M. Seebeck that I am obliged for pointing out this curious circumstance. In Poggendorff's Annals* he gave an abstract of my letter to Sir David Brewster, and compared my results with his own numerous and accurate experiments, both on the polarizing angles of Iceland spar and on the angles of deviation. He found that my formula represented the former class of ex- periments as well as could be wished ; but the theoretical values of the deviations did not at all agree with his experi- mental measures. These measures of the deviation he pub- lished on this occasion ; and, with their assistance, I traced the error to its source, which was the relation among the press- ures. The principle of vis vica was therefore introduced, instead of that relation, and the theory became much simpler by the change. I now obtained, for the deviation, a new expression, which agreed with the experiments of M. Seebeck; but the formula for the polarizing angle came out the very same as before. This correction was made on the 6th of December, and was published in the Philosophical Magazine-^ on the first of the present month. In the interval I have arrived at very elegant geometrical laws, which can be easily remembered, and which embrace the whole theory of crystalline reflexion. In enunciating these, it will be convenient to draw our transversals always through the same origin 0, which we shall suppose to be the point of inci- dence, as this point is common to all the rays, whether incident, reflected, or refracted ; and we may imagine wave planes to be drawn through the origin, parallel to the plane of 'each wave, so that every transversal will lie in its own wave plane. The incident and reflected wave planes will be perpendicular to the incident and reflected rays, but the two refracted wave planes will in general be oblique to their respective rays. In the latter case, a right line drawn through the origin perpendicular to * Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Vol. xxxvur. p. 276. 1" London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, Vol. x. p. 43. (Supra, p. 84.) Reflexion and Refraction. 95 the wave plane is called the wave normal. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that all the four wave planes intersect the surface of the crystal in the same right line which is per- pendicular to the plane of incidence; and that the angles of refraction are the angles which the refracted wave normals make with a perpendicular to that surface. The index of refraction is the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction, just as in ordinary media; but here it is a variable ratio, and has different values for the same angle of incidence. I have elsewhere* shown how to find the refracted rays and waves when the incident ray is given. As we suppose the ethereal molecules to vibrate parallel to the transversals, we may take the lengths of the transversals proportional to the magnitudes or amplitudes of the vibrations ; these lengths being always measured from the common origin 0. Then, in virtue of our fourth hypothesis, the transversals will be compounded and resolved exactly by the same rules as if they were forces acting at the point 0. "We must now conceive a wave surface of the crystal, with its centre at 0, the point of incidence. As the veloci- / ties of rays which traverse the crystal in directions n f. parallel to the radii of its wave surface are repre- sented by those radii, so let a concentric sphere be described with a radius OS, which shall represent, on the same scale, the constant velocity of light in the medium external to the crystal. At any point T on the wave surface apply a tangent plane, on which let fall, from 0, a perpendicular OG, meeting the plane in G. On this perpendicular take the length Fig. 17. OP from towards G, so that OP shall be a third proportional to OG and the constant line 08. Then, while the point T describes the wave surface, the point P will describe another surface reciprocal! to the wave surface. This other surface may * Irish Academy Transactions, Vol. xvn. p. 252. f For the general theory of reciprocal surfaces, see Irish Academy Transactions, Vol. xvn. p. 241. g6 On the Laws of Crystalline very properly be called the index surface* because its radius OP is the refractive index of the ray whose velocity is OT, or rather of the wave TG, which belongs to that ray; for if we conceive an incident wave, touching the sphere, to be refracted into the wave TG, touching the wave surface in T, the sine of the angle of incidence will be to the sine of the angle of refraction as OS to OG, or as OP to OS ; so that, taking the constant OS for unity, the index of refraction will be repre- sented by OP. The wave surface and the index surface will thus be reciprocal to each other, every point T on the one having a point P reciprocally corresponding to it on the other. It is remarkable that the transversal of the ray OT is per- pendicular to the plane OPT; for in the theory of Fresnel, as I formerly proved, f the direction of the vibrations is the right line TG', and as I suppose the transversal to be perpendicular to the vibrations of that theory, and to be, at the same time, in the wave plane, which is perpendicular to OP, it follows that the transversal must be perpendicular to both the right lines TG and OP, and therefore perpendicular to their plane OPT. Therefore conceiving the transversal to be drawn through at right angles to the plane OPT, the plane of polarization of the ray OT must needs pass through it. But there is nothing else to fix the position of this last plane. We may make it pass through the ray itself OT, as an ordinary media, or we may draw it through the wave normal OP with Fresnel. Or, instead of drawing it through either of these two sides of the triangle OPT, we may make it parallel to the third side PT. The last is what I should prefer, because the plane so determined possesses important properties. I shall call it, how- ever, the polar plane, because the name, plane of polarization, is a long one ; and the signification of the latter may, if any one * This is the surface which I formerly called (Trans., p. 252) the surface of refraction; a name not sufficiently descriptive. Sir W. Hamilton has called it the surface of wave slowness, and sometimes the surface of components. But the name index surface seems to recommend itself, as both short and expressive. t Ibid. Vol. xvi. p. 76. (Supra, p. 12.) Reflexion and Refraction. 97 chooses, be kept distinct, though in an ordinary medium both terms must mean the same thing. The polar plane then of the ray OT is a plane passing through its transversal and parallel to the right line PT\ so that if OK be drawn parallel to PT 9 the polar plane will pass through OK. In general, to find the transversals and the polar plane of any ray, we take the point where the ray meets its own nappe of the wave surface, and join it with the corresponding point on the index surface, drawing a plane through the origin and the joining line. Then a right line perpendicular to this plane at the origin will be the trans- versal, and a plane drawn through the transversal parallel to the joining line will be the polar plane. Now let a polarized ray be incident at upon the crystal. It will in general be divided into two rays. But each of these rays in turn may be made to disappear by polarizing the inci- dent ray in a certain plane. Let us suppose then that there is only one refracted ray OT. In what direction must the incident ray be polarised, or, in other words, what must be the position of its transversal, in order that this may be the case ? and what will be the corresponding transversal of the reflected ray ? The answer is simple both transversals mil lie in the polar plane of the refracted ray. Let us pursue this remark a little. The refracted ray OT being given, we can find its polar plane, and thence the intersections of this plane with the inci- dent and reflected wave planes. These intersections will be the positions of the incident and reflected transversals when OT is the sole refracted ray. The refracted transversal lies also in the polar plane ; and this transversal is, by our fourth hypo- thesis, the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose sides are the other two transversals, which determines the relative lengths of the three transversals, or the relative amplitudes of the vibrations. The intensities of the reflected and incident rays are, of course, proportional to the squares of their transversals. When the ray OT dissappears, we must take the polar plane of the other ray, and proceed as before. Thus there are, in the incident wave plane, two transversal H 9 8 On tJie Laws of Crystalline directions which give only a single refracted ray. These, as well as the corresponding ones in the reflected wave plane, may be called uniradial transversals. They are the intersections of the two refracted polar planes with the incident and reflected wave planes. "When the incident transversal does not coincide with either of the uniradial directions, it is to be resolved parallel to them, and then each component transversal will supply a refracted ray, according to the foregoing rules. The reflected transver- sals, arising from the component incident ones, are to be found separately by the same rules, and then to be compounded. In ordinary reflexion, if the incident transversal be in the plane of incidence, or perpendicular to it, the reflected trans- versal will be so likewise. But this does not hold in crystalline reflexion. The general method just given will, however, enable us to determine the positions and magnitudes of the reflected transversals in these two remarkable cases ; and then, if we choose, we can reduce any other case to these two, by resolving the incident transversal in directions parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. If we conceive a pair of incident transversals, at right angles to each other, to revolve about the origin, it is evident that there will be a position in which the reflected transversals correspond- ing to them will also be at right angles to each other. There is no difficulty in finding this position, and there will be an advantage in using it when common unpolarized light is in- cident on the crystal. For, the incident transversals being rectangular, we may suppose the light to be equally divided between them, and then the intensities of the corresponding reflected portions can be found by the preceding rules. As the reflected transversals are also rectangular, the sum of these intensities will be the whole intensity of the reflected light, and their difference will be the intensity of the polarized part of it. This part will be polarized in a plane passing through the greater of the two reflected transversals. Common light will be completely polarized by reflexion when Reflexion and Refraction. 99 the two uniradial directions in the reflected wave plane coincide with each other ; that is, when this plane and the two refracted polar planes have a common intersection. For then, if the inci- dent light he polarized, it is manifest that the reflected transver- sal will lie in that intersection, whatever be the position of the incident transversal ; and therefore if common light be incident, with its transversals in every possible direction, the reflected transversals will have but one direction. Thus the reflected light will be completely polarized in a plane passing through the above intersection. Hence, as the reflected ray is perpendicular to its wave plane, it follows that, at the polarizing angle of a crystal, the reflected ray is perpendicular to the intersection of the polar planes of the two re- fracted rays. The reflected transversal, as we have seen, is this very intersection. This transversal is inclined, in general, to the plane of incidence, and we have had occassion to speak of its in- clination under the name of the deviation. If we now suppose the double refraction to diminish until it disappears, the intersection of the polar planes will at last coincide* with the refracted ray. There will then be no deviation, and the reflected and refracted rays will be at right angles to each other, agreeably to the law of Brewster, which prevails at the polarizing angle of an ordi- nary medium. There is a case in which the construction that we have given for determining the polar plane of a ray becomes useless. It is when the ray T is a normal to the wave surface ; for then OP coincides with T, and we cannot fix the transversal by our con- struction. But it is precisely in such a case that the polar plane is most easily ascertained, for it is then nothing more than the plane of polarization of the common theory. For example, if we take the ordinary ray of a uniaxal crystal, its polar plane will pass through the ray itself and the axis of the crystal. Of course in an ordinary medium the polar plane and the plane of polari- zation are synonymous. * For the polar planes will become two planes of polarization at right angles to each other. H2 ioo On the Laws of Crystalline It may not be amiss to apply our general ' rules to the case of ordinary reflexion and refraction. Suppose then a polarized ray to fall on the surface of an ordinary medium. Draw a plane through the incident transversal and the refracted ray ; this will be the plane of polarization of the refracted ray, and it will intersect the reflected wave plane in the reflected transversal. The refracted transversal will be the diagonal of a parallelo- gram, whose sides are the other two transversals; hence we have the relative lengths of the transversals, and thus every- thing is determined.* * This construction was mentioned at the meeting of the British Association in Dublin. See the Keports of the Association, or London and Edinburgh Phil. Mag. vol. vii. p. 295. The following is an extract from the Paper which I read at that meeting : " The formulae given by Fresnel for the same purpose will be found to agree exactly with this rule, in determining the positions of the planes of polarization ; and his expression for the amplitude of the reflected vibration is also in accordance with our construction. But the coincidence does not hold with regard to the am- plitude of the refracted vibration, though the vis viva of the refracted ray is the same in both theories. " Now it is very remarkable that if we alter the hypotheses of Fresnel where they are at variance with the preceding principles, we shall, from his own equa- tions of condition, deduce formulae agreeing in every respect, even as to the ampli- tude of the refracted wave, with the construction which we have accounted for in a different way (i. e. by using the relation among the pressures instead of the law of vis viva}. The requisite alterations are two in number. First, the vibrations are to be supposed parallel to the plane of polarization, and not perpendicular to it, as Fresnel conceived ; and secondly, the density of the ether is to be considered the same in both media, from which it follows, that the corresponding ethereal masses, imagined by Fresnel, are to each other as the sine of twice the angle of incidence to the sine of twice the angle of refraction. Substituting in Fresnel's equations of condition this value of the ratio of the masses, we obtain the formulas which I am inclined to regard as correct." The equations spoken of in this extract are those which arise from the prin- ciple of vis viva, and from the equivalence of vibrations parallel to the separating surface of the two media. But it is worth while to observe, that when the vibra- tions are all in the same direction, that is, when the light is polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence, the very same formulae will come out from Young's re- markable analogy of the two elastic balls, one of which impinges directly on the other, supposed previously at rest, the masses of the balls being to each other in the ratio of the ethereal masses mentioned above. And, perhaps, this consideration affords the simplest possible explanation of Brewster's law relative to the pola- Reflexion and Refraction . I o I The reason of this construction will be evident, if we con- sider that, in an ordinary medium, the polar plane is the same as the plane of polarization ; and that, when there is only one refracted ray, the three transversals lie in the polar plane of that ray, according to the general remark with which we set out. We now proceed to show that the theorem asserted in this remark is a consequence of our hypotheses, and we shaU afterwards deduce a few results which may be readily compared with experiments. Let us suppose then that the direction of the incident trans- rizing angle ; for, as there is no reflected motion when the balls are equal, the whole velocity of impact being communicated to the ball that was at first quiescent, so there is no reflected vibration when the ethereal masses are equal ; that is, when the sine of twice the angle of incidence is equal to the sine of twice the angle of refraction, or when the angles of incidence and refraction are together equal to a right angle. The whole of the incident vibration then passes into the refracted ray. In general, if t 1} t a denote the angles of incidence and refraction, the masses of the imaginary balls will be as sin 2t 1? to sin 2t a ; and, if the velocity of the ori- ginal impact be taken for unity, the common theory of the collision of elastic bodies will give 6^2^-8^2*2 tan(i x -i 2 ) sin 2t x + sin 2t 3 tan (^+0* for the velocity retained by the impinging ball after the impact ; and 2 sin 2t sin 2t, ^ . ^ 1 QJ. *-_ , /JT \ sin 2t x + sin 2i a sin (i x + tj cos ( tl - t 2 ) ' for the velocity communicated to the other ball. These expressions (i.) and (n.), are the same as the values of T 3 and r 2 , which we should deduce from equations (1) and (2), on the next page, by supposing T X to be unity, and the angles 0i, 2 , 03 to be right angles. The general construction given in the text will lead to the same results, if we find from it the limiting ratios of the transversals, on the supposition that their directions approach each other indefinitely, and ultimately coincide in a. right line perpendicular to the plane of incidence. When the transversals are all in the plane of incidence, or when the light is polarized in that plane, the incident, the reflected, and the refracted transversals are to each other as sin (t^^ + tj, sin^-t,), and sin 2t 2 respectively; because each transversal is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two; and, in the present case, the angle between any two transversals is equal to the angle between the corresponding rays. Hence, taking the incident transversal for unity, the reflected transversal is IO2 On the Laws of Crystalline versal is such that there is only one refracted ray. It is evi- dent that, in this case, the three transversals must lie in the same plane, since, by the fourth hypothesis, the refracted vibra- tion is the resultant of the other two vibrations ; and, therefore, we have only to prove that the plane of the transversals is the same as the polar plane of the refracted ray. Let TI, r 2 , r 3 be the respective lengths of the incident, refracted, and reflected transversals ; let ft, ft, ft be the angles which they make with the plane of incidence, the angle ft being known from the theory of Fresnel; put d, 2 , t 3 for the angles made by the respective wave planes with the surface of the crystal, and m^ m 2 , m z for the relative quantities of ether set in motion by each wave. Then our hypotheses will give us the four following equations : m 3 r 3 2 , TI sin ft + r 3 sin ft = r 2 sin ft, (2) TI COS ft COS ti + T 3 COS ft COS 3 = T 2 COS 2 COS 2 , (3) TI cos ft sin l V (6) mAoa-fti-n) I which values if we substitute in equations (1) and (2), observing that m 3 = m h as is evident, we shall get sin 2 ( A tan 2 ""i tan 0! = cos (i!- ta) tan 2 + -, . , + > (13) tan 3 = - cos (i ! + i z ) tan 2 + -. -. 2 . sm (/! - / 2 ) J These equations give the positions of the incident and reflected transversals when h is known. Now let the directions in which the transversals have been resolved in equations (2), (3), (4), be taken for the axes of ,#, y respectively ; so that, the origin being at 0, fhe plane of xy may be the plane of incidence, and the axis of x may lie in the sur- face of the crystal. And, the reflected ray being conceived to lie within the angle made by the positive directions of x and y, let the initial condition that we have assumed for the angles 0i, 2 , 3 be satisfied by supposing that, when these angles begin, the Reflexion and Refraction. 105 transversals r ly r a lie between the negative directions of x and ?/, and the transversal r 3 between the directions of + x and - y. Then if ft, ft, ft be reckoned towards the positive axis of 2, so that each angle may be 90 when the corresponding transversal points in the direction of 2 positive, the equations of the trans- versal TI will be tan ft cos ti sin i! and those of r 3 will be _JL_ = __ = _-_, (15) tan ft cos ii sin ii Let 2 + Ax + By = (16) be the equation of a plane passing through the directions of r 1? r 2 and r 3 . To determine A and I?, let the variables be eliminated from this equation by means of (14) and (15) successively, and we shall get the two equations of condition, tan ft - A cos i\ B sin ti = 0, (17) tan ft + A cos t - B sin 1 1 = ; which, by addition and subtraction, give _ tan ft + tan ft 2 sin tl tan ft - tan ft < 2 cos i, ' (18) substituting, in these values, the expressions (13) for tan ft, tan ft, we have cos* 2 B = tan ft sint 2 + - sm 2 *i - sm*i 2 , (19) A = tan ft I cos* 2 - .** 2 j; whence, by making tan K = . 8 A . 2 , (20) io6 On the Laws of Crystalline we find B tam 2 + tan K - = tan-(c 8 + K). (21) A 1-tan/otanfc But if s = in (16), we have for the equation of the right line in which the plane of the trans- versals intersects the plane of incidence. This right line, lying, like the refracted wave normal, between the directions of + x and - ?/, makes with the direction of - y an angle v which ob- Tt viously has ^ for its tangent; and therefore, by (21), v = < 2 + K ; (23) which shows that the intersection of the two planes is inclined to the refracted wave normal at an angle equal to K. We must now find the value of /?, which depends on the rela- tive ethereal masses put in motion by the incident and refracted waves. Conceiving the incident and refracted rays to be cylin- drical pencils, having of course a common section in the plane of xz, which is the surface of the crystal, let each pencil be cut by a pair of planes parallel to its wave plane, and distant a wave's length from each other ; then the cylindrical volumes so cut out will represent the corresponding masses, since, by our second hypothesis, the densities are equal. These volumes are to each other in the compound ratio of their altitudes, whieh are the wave lengths, and of the areas of their bases. The altitudes are evidently as sin *i to sin t a . The first base is a perpendicular section of the incident pencil ; the second base an oblique section of the refracted one, the obliquity being equal to the angle c at which the wave normal is inclined to the ray. The perpendi- cular sections are to each other as the cosines of the angles which they make with the common section of the cylinders, or as cos i } to cos t( 2 ); putting ( 2 ) for the angle which the refracted ray makes with the negative direction of y. The second base is greater than the perpendicular section of the refracted pencil in the pro- Reflexion and Refraction . 107 portion of unity to cos e. Therefore, compounding all these ratios, we find m<> sin t 2 cos IM = -: LL -. (24) nil sin ti cos ti cose The same result may be otherwise obtained by observing that, in a system of waves, the corresponding masses are proportional to the ordinates y of the points where the rays meet their wave surfaces. By a system of waves, I mean an incident wave with all that are derived from it by reflexion or refraction at the same surface of the crystal, or at parallel surfaces. If, at the point where the incident ray intersects its spherical wave surface, we apply a tangent plane intersecting the plane of xz in a right line parallel to s, through which right line other planes are drawn touching the wave surface of the crystal in four points, these tangent planes will be the waves derived from the inci- dent wave which touches the sphere ; and the points of contact, including that on the sphere, will be the points where the rays meet the wave surfaces. Then the corresponding masses will be represented by prisms having a common rectangular base in the plane a?s, one side of this rectangle being the distance, on the axis of x, between the origin and the common intersec- tion of the tangent planes; and the triangular face of each prism having the same distance for one side, and a point of con- tact for the opposite angle. These prisms, as they have a com- mon base, will be proportional to their altitudes, which are the ordinates y of the points of contact, The expression (24) may be easily deduced from this relation. Let OT, OP, and the negative direction of y meet the sur- face of the wave sphere (described with the radius 08) in the points T,, P,, Y, ; and let the right line, in which the plane of the trans- versals intersects the plane of incidence, meet the sphere in L,. Then the points Y^ P^ L,, Fi g- 18 being all in the plane of incidence, will be on the same great circle Yf^L/, and drawing the great circles TP /? Y,T /9 we io8 On the Laivs of Crystalline shall have F / P / = <,, Y,T, = ( < 2) TP, = , T / Z / = v = t 2 + *, by (23); whence P,,= K . As the transversal r 2 is perpendicular to the plane OTP, or to the plane of the great circle Tf^ the cosine of the spherical angle Tf,Y f is the sine of 2 ; and therefore, from the triangle Tf f Yfi we have cos 1(2) = cos ( 2 cos + sin 2 sin sin 2? (25) which being substituted in (24), gives nh sin 2t 2 + 2 sin 2 < 2 sin 2 tan e #h sin 2ti and comparing this result with (10), we find sin 2 * 2 tan (26) h = ^ ; (27) sm0 2 whence, and from (20), it follows that sin 2 < 2 tan e tan K = J-T-Z - ~ 2 \ /i- 28 2 Draw the great circle Z^ff^ at right angles to Tf^ and meet- ing it in K, ; then the plane of L,K, will be the plane of the transversals, since the latter plane passes through L^ and is per- pendicular to Tf r But the tangent of P,E, is equal to the tangent of P^L, multiplied by the cosine of the angle P / or by the sine of 2 ; therefore, denoting P,K, by 1, and recollecting that P, = fc, we find, by (28), tan sin 2 ii - sm 2 t 2 (29 ) Now we have seen that the ratio of OP to OS, or OS to OG (Fig. 17), is the index of refraction ; so that shrt, is to sin 2 t 2 as OP to OG. Therefore, by (29), tan fl OG OG tan OP-OG 6P' (-30) Reflexion and Refraction. 109 but OG is to GP as the tangent of the angle GPT is to the tan- gent of the angle GOT', and since 6 is the angle GOT, it follows that fi is equal to the angle GPT or KOP. Consequently, OK will meet the surface of the sphere in the point J5T,. Thus we have proved our assertion, that, when there is only one refracted ray, the plane of the transversals is the polar plane of that ray. The sign of the quantity h is always the same as that of the cosine of the spherical angle T^P^Y^ But to remove all ambi- guity respecting signs, we must make a few additional conven- tions. Supposing, as we have hitherto done, that the refracted light moves from to T, and conceiving a right line to be drawn from the origin parallel to GT, and directed from G towards T, let the angle 2 , which this right line makes with the plane of incidence, be reckoned, like 0,, 2 , from an initial posi- tion comprised between the negative directions of x and y ; and let S 2 , like the angles Lt 2 , 3 , increase on the side of z positive, and range from to 360. Then Sr z will always be equal either to the angle P / of the spherical triangle Tf 4 F,, or to the re- entrant angle, which is the difference between P 4 and 360. In either case, the cosine of 3" 2 will be the same, both in magnitude and sign, as the cosine of the angle Tf,Y,. Consequently, if, instead of (25), we use the direct trigonometrical formula cos t( 2 ) = cos 't z cos e + sin i 2 sin e cos 2 , (31) we shall find sin 2 i 2 tane ~stfO~~ showing that the sign h is always the same as the sign of cos 3v Now as 2 differs from S 2 by a right angle, we will suppose 2 = S 2 + 90, (33) and then we shall have sin 2 = cos S 2 , algebraically as well as numerically. Thus we see that, by adopting these conventions, the value of h in (27) will have the proper sign. Therefore, substituting this value of h in formulae (13), we obtain i io On the Laws of Crystalline sin 2 ( 2 tan tan ft = cos (ii - 2 ) tan ft -r- j. ; , . , , t (34) a fl sin 2 ti tan E tan ft = - cos (ii + i a ] tan ft + : , cos ft sin (d- t 2 ) J These formulae give the uniradial directions, or the positions of the incident and reflected transversals, when the sole refracted ray is that with which we have been occupied. The like direc- tions, when the other ray exists alone, will be given by the formulae n, / , N , & sinY 2 tan * tan i = cos Ui - 1 2 ) tan 6 2 + 7^7 --;, N ' cos 2 sin (u + 1 2 ) > (35) * O / 1 / BIT*** TQTI c . frf s / \ J_ /!/ O1JJL t 2 tCtU. c tan = - cos ftj + 1 2 ) tan 2 + f . cos 2 sm (ti - t l ) J where all the quantities, except i l9 which remains the same, are marked with accents, to show that they belong to the second refracted ray. The uniradial directions having been found by these equa- tions, the relative magnitudes of the uniradial transversals are determined by equations (6). When the incident transversal is not uniradial, it is evident, as we said before, that it may be resolved* in the two uniradial directions ; that each component * That, if an incident transversal be resolved in any two directions, the reflected and refracted transversals arising from it will be the resultants of those which would arise from each of its components separately, is a principle which appears very evident, insomuch that we can hardly suppose it to be untrue, without doing violence to our physical conceptions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to prove that this principle is not contrary to the law of vis viva ; for though the vis viva may be preserved by each set of components (as it is when these are uniradial), yet we cannot therefore conclude that it will be preserved by their resultants. Here then is a test of the consistency of our theory ; for we are bound to show that the law of vis viva is not infringed by the adoption of the principle in question. Now it is easy to see that, whatever be the two directions in which the incident transversal is resolved, the final results will always be the same ; because, taking the compo- nent in each of these directions separately, the reflected and refracted transversals belonging to it must be obtained, in the first place, by the help of a resolution per- Reflexion and Refraction. 1 1 1 transversal, as if the other component did not exist, will furnish a refracted ray and a partial reflected transversal uniradial in its direction; and that the total (or actual) reflected transversal will be the resultant of the two partial ones. When B 3 = 0' 3 , the partial reflected transversals will coin- cide, and their resultant will have a fixed direction, independent of the direction of the incident transversal. The angle of inci- dence at which this takes place is the polarizing angle, and the common value of 3 and 0' 3 is the deviation. If, at the polarizing angle, the partial reflected transversals be equal in magnitude, and opposite in direction, their resultant will vanish, and the reflected ray will disappear. This will happen when the inci- dent transversal is in the plane of the two refracted transversals, and therefore in the intersection of this plane with the incident wave plane; for, when there is no reflected ray, the incident transversal alone must be equivalent to the two refracted trans- versals. Since the reflected transversal can be made to vanish at the polarizing angle, this angle might be found directly by putting the vis viva of the incident ray equal to the sum of the vires vivce of the two refracted rays, and by making the incident trans- versal the resultant of the two refracted transversals. Eesolv- ing the transversals parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, these conditions would give four equations, from which we could formed in the uniradial directions. "We need not, therefore, consider any case but that in which the resolution is uniradial throughout. The incident transversal being denoted by T\, let T 3 be the reflected transversal determined by the rules given in the text ; and let the uniradial components of the former be n, T'I, while those of the latter are TS, r'a. Then will 2V = Ti 2 + r'i 2 + 2-riT'i cos (0! - 0'i), T 3 2 = T 3 2 -f r' 3 2 + 2T 3 T' 3 cos (03 - 0' 3 ) ; where the signification of 0i, 0'i, 3 , 0' 3 is the same as in the text. The vis- viva of one refracted ray is m\ (n 2 - r 3 2 ), and that of the other is m\ (TV - r' 3 2 ) ; there- fore the vis viva of both refracted rays is 1 1 2 On the Laws of Crystalline eliminate the two ratios of the three transversals, together with the angle at which the incident transversal is inclined to the plane of incidence. In the equation produced by this elimina- tion, the angle of incidence would be the polarizing angle, and the other quantities would be known functions of that angle ; whence the angle itself would be known. a quantity which ought to be equal to mi (2V - TV) ; and consequently the equation TIT'I cos (0i - 0'i) = TST'S cos (63 - 0' 3 ) (v.] ought to be true, This equation, by help of the expressions (6) for n, ra, and the like expressions for T'I, r'z, becomes sin (t 1 + i a ) sin (t 1 + t' 2 ) (1 + tan 5 tan 0'J = sin (t x - 1 2 ) sin (t x - t' 2 ) (1 + tan 3 tan 9' 3 ) ; (vi.) which again, by substituting the values (13) and the other similar values, is changed into sin (i a + i' 2 ) {cos (t 2 - i' a ) + cotan 2 cotan 0' a } + A i h' = 0. (vn.) where h 1 denotes for one refracted ray what h denotes for the other, the value of h being given by formula (27), and that of h' by the same formula with accented letters. The angle of incidence, we may observe, has disappeared from the equation. If, therefore, the laws of reflexion, which we have endeavoured to establish, are consistent with each other, this last equation must be satisfied by means of the rela- tions which the laws of propagation afford ; or rather, the equation must express a property of the wave surface of the crystal, however strange it may be thought that such a property should be derived from the laws of reflexion laws which would seem, at first sight, to have no connexion at all with the form of the wave surface. Now I have found that the equation (vn.) really does express a rigorous pro- perty of the biaxal wave surface of Fresnel ; a very curious fact, which not only shows that the laws of reflexion and the laws of propagation are perfectly adapted to each other, but also indicates that both sets of laws have a common source in other and more intimate laws not yet discovered. Indeed the laws of reflexion are not independent even among themselves ; for the expressions (in.) and (iv.) in the note on ordinary reflexion (page 101) have been deduced solely from the principle of equivalent vibrations, and yet they satisfy the law of vis viva. Perhaps the next step in physical optics will lead us to those higher and more elementary principles by which the laws of reflexion and the laws of propagation are linked together as parts of the same system. Reflexion and Refraction. It deserves to be remarked, that, at any angle of incidence, if the incident and reflected wave planes be intersected by a plane drawn through the two refracted transversals, the inter- sections will be corresponding transversal directions ; that is to say, if the incident transversal coincide with one intersection, the reflected transversal will coincide with the other. For it is evident, from our fourth hypothesis, that if three of the trans- versals be in one plane, the fourth transversal must be in the same plane. We come now to apply our theory to the case of uniaxal crystals ; and, in doing so, we shall take the crystal to be of the negative kind, like Iceland spar, so that the ordinary refraction will be more powerful than the extraordinary. On the sphere described with the centre and radius OS, let XY be a great circle in the plane of incidence, the radii OX, OY being the po- sitive directions of the co-ordinate axes of x and y. Suppose the right lines iO and Oi', intersecting the sphere in i and /, to be the incident and reflected rays; let the ordinary refracted ray and the extraordinary wave normal be produced backwards from to meet the sphere, at the side of the incident light, in the points o and e respectively ; let the right line OA, cutting the sphere in A, be the direction of the axis of the crystal ; and draw the great circles Ao, Ae, A Y. The points i, e, o, i' are all on the circle XY. The point E, where the extraordinary ray OE produced backwards meets the sphere, will be on the circle Ae ; and if, as in the figure, the arc Ae be less than a quadrant, the point e will lie between A and E. The polar plane of the ordinary ray is ob- viously the plane of the circle Ao ; but the polar plane of the other ray must be found by a construction. On the arc AeE take the portion ef, so that the point e may lie between the points E and/, and so that the tangent of tf/may be to the tan- gent of Ee as the square of the sine of the arc eYis to the dif- i Fig. 19. 1 1 4 On the Laws of Crystalline ference between the squares of the sines of ^Fand eY. Through /draw the great circle ft perpendicular to the circle AcE\ and it is manifest from (29) that the plane of ft is the polar plane of the extraordinary ray. On each circumference Ao and ft, the points which are distant 90 from i and i' 9 the distances being measured by arcs of great circles, are the points where the unira- dial transversals, prolonged from the centre, intersect the sphere. Let Ao and ft intersect each other in t, and let ti f be an arc of a great circle connecting the point t with the point i'. When the connecting arc t% is a quadrant, the two uniradial transversals, belonging to the reflected ray, coincide with each other and with the right line Ot ; the angle of incidence is then the polarizing angle ; the plane of ti' is the plane of polarization of the reflected ray ; and the angle ti'Yis the deviation. To find the equations appropriate to uniaxal crystals, we may suppose formulae (34) to belong to the ordinary, and formulae (35) to the extraordinary ray. Then will e = 0, and c' = the arc Ee. Putting and 0' for the spherical angles Aoi and Aei, we shall easily see that 2 = + 180, and 0' 2 = & + 90, if we con- ceive the point A and the positive axis of z to be both on the upper side of the plane XOY. And if a/ denote the arc Ae, while b and a respectively express the reciprocals of the prin- cipal indices, ordinary and extraordinary, the law of Huyghens, for the double refraction of uniaxal crystals, will give us tan '= - sin a/ cos a/, (36) w. here sinV 2 sin t\ Observing these relations, we have, from (34), tan 0! = cos (t! - i 2 ) tan 0, ) / (oo) tan 3 = - cos (i l + i t ) tan 0, j for the ordinary ray ; and from (35) we get Reflexion and Refraction. 115 f\f I r \ 4. & I z i2\ S i n w ' COS W ' Sm2 1 \ tan V i = - cos Ui - / 2 ) cotan - (a z - cr) . -f^. - t J-T-, } sm v sm (ii + LZ) / > (39) A/ / r\ /I//-. 7 9\ sin w' cos w' sin 2 *! ( tan 9 3 = cos [4 + 1 2 ) cotan - ( 2 - 5 2 ) : -^. rr-, i sin 6r sm (t| - 1 2 ) / for the extraordinary ray. The four preceding equations determine the uniradial direc- tions ; and the following equation, , / r\ n , 70N sn(icos(sn ,. M cos (f i + 1 2 ) tan + cos (i l + 1 2 ) cotan -(a 2 - b z ) - ^= 0, (40) sin v sin ( cotan / QII cos (/! + 2 ) (tan 9 + cotan 0) - ( 2 - & 2 ) sin 2 ^ sin wf - sin 2/2 + ^2^--> ^ if, denoting the arc Ao by w, we confound 2fta-V)- ; (51) this value of JT being found by assuming tan 2 = cotan f! = b, which is accurate enough for the purpose. Thus we have obtained ii + i 2 , or the sum of the polarizing angle and the angle of ordinary refraction. The former angle itself may be inferred from formula (50) by help of the relation sin i 2 = b sin i r . In this way, if we use zs l instead of ci to dis- tinguish the polarizing angle from other angles of incidence, and if we put *-r^'w^j' ( 52 > Reflexion and Refraction. 117 we shall find wi = -& - k cos 2 ^(sin 2 p - sin 2 2 ), (53) in which us is the angle whose cotangent is equal to b ; in other words, 73 is the polarizing angle of an ordinary medium whose refractive index is equal to the ordinary index of the crystal. This result accounts for a remarkable fact observed by Sir David Brewster, who, in the year 1819, led the way in the ex- perimental investigation of the laws of crystalline reflexion. He found that the polarizing angle remains the same when the crystal is turned round through 180, though one of the angles of refrac- tion is changed, and though the situation of the refracted rays, with respect to the axis of the crystal, becomes quite different from what it was. This circumstance, which surprised me when 1 first met with it, is an immediate consequence of formula (53) ; for the effect of a semi-revolution of the crystal is to change the signs of p and q ; but the nature of the formula is such that these changes of sign do not alter the value of CTL Neither is that value altered by turning the crystal until the azimuth, as the spherical angle A Yi is usually called, is changed into its supplement ; for then the sign of p alone is affected. Another remark, made by the same distinguished observer, is also a consequence of formula (53). From his experiments it appears that, on a given surface of the crystal, the polarizing angle differs from a constant angle by a quantity proportional to the square of the sine of the azimuth AYi. Now, calling this azimuth a, and putting A for the acute angle at which the axis of the crystal is inclined to its surface, so that A may be the complement of the arc A Y, we have sin q = cos A sin a, tan^? = cotan A cos a ; (54) and by making these substitutions in formula (53), after having changed sin < 2 into cos w, that formula becomes CTI = 73 - k (sin 2 ?? - sin 2 A) + k sin 2 w cos 2 A sin 2 a, (55) which agrees with the remark of Brewster. 1 1 8 On the Laws of Crystalline The deviation 3 or 0' 3 is found from the second of equations (38), by putting . - r for tan 0, and by substituting for sin {p tz) cos (i + < 2 ) the value (49) or (50) which it has at the polarizing angle. The result is 3 = O f z = -~ sin 2g sin (p + i a ), (56) m since the small arc 3 may be taken for its tangent. This result is easily transformed into 3 = 0' 3 = - K sin q cos 0, (57) where $ denotes the arc At, or the angle which the incident ray makes with the axis of the crystal ; and this last expression is equivalent to the following, 3 = 0' 3 = - jfiT'cos X sin a (sin X cos OT + cos X sin & cos a), (58) which gives the deviation in terms of X and a. As an example of the application of our formulae, we shall make some computations relative to Iceland spar. According to M. Rudberg, the ordinary index of that crystal, for a ray situated in the brightest part of the spectrum, at the boundary of the orange and yellow, is 1'66 ; and the least extraordinary index for the same ray is 1*487. Dividing unity by each of these numbers, we get a = *6725, b = "6024 ; whence OT = 58 56' ; k = -1164 = 6 40' ; K= '1587 = 9 5'. Having thus determined the constants, we can readily calculate the polarizing angle and the deviation, for any given values of X and a. First, let us see how the polarizing angle varies on different faces of the crystal. 1. "When X = 90, the face of the crystal is perpendicular to its axis, and OT X is independent of a. In this case the formula (55) gives which is the maximun value of the polarizing angle. Reflexion and Refraction . 119 2. When X = 0, the axis lies in the face of the crystal, and formula (55) becomes wj = ia - k sin 2 CT cos 2 a, showing that w l = zr j when a is either 90 or 270. But when a is or 180, we have which is the minimum value of the polarizing angle. 3. For the natural fracture-faces of the crystal the value of A is 45 23'. Hence, when a = or 180, w^ty-k (sin 2 w - sin 2 A) = 57 26' ; and when a = 90 or 270, zs^w + k cos 2 -57 sin 2 A = 59 50'. These values of the polarizing angles agree very well with the experiments of Sir David Brewster, and still better with those of M. Seebeck. If we wish to know in what azimuths OTI is equal to w, on a given surface of the crystal, it is obvious from (55) that we must make sin 2 sr - sin 2 A = sin 2 ^ cos 2 A sin 2 a, whence we have, simply, tan A (59) which shows that the thing is impossible when A is greater than OT ; and that, when A is less than r, there are four such azimuths ; as indeed there are, generally speaking, four values of a corresponding to any other particular value of the polariz- ing angle. If a' be the least of these azimuths, the others will be 180- a', 180+ a', and 360- a'. On a natural face of the crystal, the value of a, answering to the supposition ts l = w, is found to be 52 22'. Next, let us trace the changes which the deviation under- goes in some remarkable cases. 1 20 On the Laws of Crystalline 1. When the face of the crystal is perpendicular to its axis there is evidently no deviation. 2. When the axis lies in the face of the crystal the devia- tion vanishes in the azimuths 0, 90, 180, 270. In the inter- mediate azimuths, differing 45 from each of these, the deviation is a maximum ; for if we put X= in formula (55) the result will be 3 = - ^r- sin ZT sin 2a ; and this quantity (neglecting its sign) is a maximum when sin 2a = + 1. The coefficient of sin 2a is equal to 3 54', which is consequently the greatest value of the deviation. According to the experiments of M. Seebeck, the value is 3 57'. 3. On the fracture-faces of the crystal the deviation va- nishes in the azimuths and 180, as also in two other azi- muths for which tanX cos a = - , and in which, therefore, ns l is equal to -&. In the azimuth 45 C the deviation is -3 35'; in the azimuth 90 it is -2 32'; and in the azimuth 127 38' it vanishes ; after which it attains a small maximum with a positive sign, and vanishes again ir azimuth 180. The calculated values of the deviation agree pretty well with the values observed by M. Seebeck. , The sign of the deviation shows at what side of the plane of incidence the plane of polarization lies. But the position oJ the latter plane is best indicated by that of the transversal oJ the reflected ray. If this transversal and the axis of the crys- tal be produced from the origin, towards the same side of the plane of xz, until they intersect the sphere in the points t anc A respectively, these points will be on the same side of the great circle XY when the deviation and the sine of the azi- muth have unlike algebraic signs ; and they will be on opposite sides of that circle when those quantities have like signs. There- fore if the crystal be supposed to revolve in its own plane, be- Reflexion and Refraction. 1 2 1 ginning at the azimuth 0, the points t and A will lie on the same side of XY until A reaches the position A', where the angle ATi is equal to 127 38' ; the point t will then pass over to the side opposite A y at which side it will remain until A arrives at the azimuth 232 22'. Thenceforward, to the end of the revo- lution, both points will be found on the same side of the circle XY. We have seen that the deviation always vanishes when the axis of the crystal lies in the plane of incidence. The reason is, because the crystal is then symmetrical on opposite sides of that plane. In this case the problem of reflexion offers peculiar faci- lities for solution, since the uniradial directions are obviously parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Let us, therefore, consider the case at length. 1. In the first place, when the only refracted ray is the ordinary one, the three transversals are in the plane of incidence, and the transversal of each ray is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two rays. Hence the proportions are Tl = Tz = T * _ (60) sin (ii + 1 2 ) sin 2ii sin (^ - 1 2 )' the same as in ordinary media. 2. In the second place, when the sole refracted ray is the extraordinary one, the three transversals are perpendicular to the plane of incidence ; and, if we use accents to mark the quan- tities connected with this ray, we have the equations T+miT, which give the proportions r / r r * = _L 2 _ = Tz (62) mi + m'z 2nii nh - m'J wherein m\ _ sin 2/2 2 sin Y 2 tan e' ( . mi sin 2ii by (26) ; the upper or lower sign being taken, in the numera- 122 On the Laws of Crystalline tor of (63), according as the refracted ray or its wave normal makes the smaller angle with a perpendicular to the face of the crystal. To find the polarizing angle, we have only to make m\ = / 2 , for then r x 3 will vanish by (62) ; and therefore, if common light be incident, the whole reflected pencil will be polarized in the plane of incidence. Supposing the crystal to be a negative one, let us conceive the refracted ray to lie within the acute angle made by the axis of the crystal with a perpendicular to its surface. We shall then have to take the positive sign in the numerator of (63), and the polarizing angle will be given by the condition sin 2h = sin 2/ 2 + 2 sinY 2 tan t'. (64) But from (36) we have, in general, sinY 2 tan / = ( 2 - b z ) sin a/ cos a/ sin 2 *!, (65) and in the present instance it is evident that (t/ = 90 A t' 2 , where \ denotes, as before, the angle which the axis of the crystal makes with its surface. Substituting these values in (64), and multiplying all the terms by tan ' 2 , we get sinY 2 = sin ^ cos /i tan i' 2 - (# 2 - b 2 ) sin (A + / 2 ) cos (X + 1 2 ) tan Again, from (37) we have sinY 2 = b* sin 2 *, + (a 2 - b z ) cos 2 (A + ' 8 ) sin 2 /! ; (66) and by equating these two expressions for sinY 2 , we find , a 2 cos 2 A + b 2 sin 2 A tant 2 = - - 7-5 : T - r-. (o/j cotan 1 1 + (a* - b~) sin A cos A Then, if this value of tan t' 2 be substituted in equation (66), after all its terms have been divided by cosY 2 , we shall obtain the simple and rigorous formula l- 2 cos 2 A- 2 sin 2 A 1 = " ~ 2 -- = sm " OT| ' (68) Reflexion and Refraction. 123 for determining the polarizing angle s^, when the axis of the crystal lies in the plane of incidence. It is manifest, from the nature of the formula, that this angle is the same, whether the azimuth is or 180; that is, whether the light is incident at the right or left side of the perpendicular to the surface of the crystal. This formula might be deduced more briefly by recollecting what we have already proved, that the corresponding masses m^ and m\ are proportional to the ordinates y of the points where the incident ray and the extraordinary refracted ray meet their respective wave surfaces ; whence it follows that these ordinates must be equal at the polarizing angle ; and thus the question is reduced at once to a geometrical problem. For as both rays are in the plane of incidence, the axis of x will be intersected in one and the same point by right lines touching the wave surfaces, or their sections, at the extremities of the ordiuates. Now the sections in the plane of xy are a circle and ellipse with their common centre at the origin, the radius of the circle being unity, and the semiaxes of the ellipse being a and 6, of which b is in- clined at the angle A to the axis of #; and therefore it is re- quired to draw, parallel to the axis of a?, a right line intersecting the circle and ellipse, so that if tangents be applied to them at two points of intersection which lie on the same side of the axis of y, these tangents, when produced, may cut each other on the axis of x. The angle which the tangent to the circle makes with the axis of x is then the polarizing angle ^1 ; and the solution of the problem just stated leads directly and easily to the for- mula (68). From this way of viewing the matter we see the reason why the polarizing angle is the same in the azimuths and 180 ; for if tangents be applied at the two remaining points where the parallel that we have spoken of intersects the circle and ellipse, it is evident that these tangents also will cut each other on the axis of x\ since tangents drawn at the ex- tremities of any chord, either of a circle or an ellipse, intersect the parallel diameter at equal distances from the centre. Let the reflecting surface of the crystal be in contact with 124 On the Laws of Crystalline a fluid medium whose index of refraction out of vacuo is repre- sented by N, and let B and A respectively denote the ordinary and the principal extraordinary indices of refraction out of vacuo N N into the crystal. Then putting -j- for a, and for b, in the pre- A Jj ceding formula, and making 2 = ^ 2 sin 2 X we readily deduce Hence we perceive that if L~ = AB, that is, if 7) tan A = / - (in which case X will never be much above or below 45), the value of t?! will be always possible ; for then we shall have -;..; (70) Bat if X be different from this, and of course L? not equal to A B, the value of ^i may become impossible for certain values of N. For it is clear that if N lie beticeen the limits L and JT-, the numerator and denominator of the fraction (69) will Jj have unlike signs, and the tangent of CT! will be the square root of a negative quantity. In this case, therefore, if common light be incident, it will " refuse to be polarized," as Brewster ex- presses it ; in other words, it will be impossible to find an angle of incidence at which the reflected pencil will cease to contain light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, or at which the reflected transversal r' 3 will vanish. With all values of N, except those which are included between the narrow limits L and =r-, the polarizing angle is possible. It is zero at the -L/ latter limit, and 90 at the former. Outside these limits it Reflexion and Refraction. 125 changes rapidly at first, until N has passed either of them by a quantity considerable in proportion to the interval between them. From (68) we find w^A, when = 1, or N-A\ and also W! = 90-A, when 5 = 1, or N=B. In the latter case it is re- markable that no light is reflected when common light is inci- dent at the angle 90 -A. For then we have r' 3 =0; and because *i = <2, we have likewise r 3 = 0. Therefore no light can enter the reflected pencil. But this case deserves that we should consider it more at large, without restricting ourselves to the supposition that the axis of the crystal lies in the plane of incidence. Assuming then that N=B, or that the refractive index of the fluid, which covers the reflecting surface, is equal to the ordinary index of the crystal itself, we may observe that, in this case, every angle of incidence, in every azimuth, has a right to be regarded as a polarizing angle. In fact, common light cannot suffer reflexion at the separating surface of the crystal and the fluid, without becoming completely polarized. For if polarized light be incident, and if r 3 and r' 3 be the uni- radial reflected transversals, respectively belonging to the ordi- nary and to the extraordinary ray, the former transversal must necessarily vanish, for the same reason that no reflexion can take place at the separating surface of two ordinary media whose refractive indices are equal; and thus the actual re- flected transversal will always coincide in direction with / 3 , whatever be the direction of the incident transversal. Conse- quently, if common light be incident, the whole reflected pencil will be polarized in a plane passing through r' 3 , and making with the plane of incidence an angle 0' 3 determined by the second of formulae (39). By putting t z = *i in that formula, and employing the expression (44), we first obtain n , cos (/i + ' 2 ) cos 0' tan a/ + sin (i t + t' 2 ) tan V 3 = : TjTT- 7 sin u tan w _ cos (ii + i' 2 ) tan (p - i' a ) + sin (^ + 1' 2 ) sin 6T tan a/ 126 On the Laws of Crystalline and thence sin (p + ii) sin (p + *i) cos a/ x^ . ^ / v , \ > sm tan w cos (p - 1 2 ) sm # cos (p - 1 2 ) and finally, = sin (p + i\) cotan g; (71) a result which shows that the plane of polarization of the re- flected ray is perpendicular to a plane drawn through the ray itself and the axis of the crystal. Moreover, we find, from the first of formulae (39), by proceeding as above, tan 0'i = - sin (p - ij cotan q = - cotan 9 ; (72) and from (38) it is evident that Q l = 0. Therefore all that re- lates to the case under our consideration may be summed up in the following statement : When N= B, and the incident light is polarized in a plane passing through the axis, the course of the light is unaltered, and there is neither reflexion nor refraction. When it is pola- rized in the perpendicular plane, all the light which enters the crystal undergoes extraordinary refraction. Whatever light is reflected is always polarized in a plane at right angles to that which passes through the reflected ray and the axis of the crystal; and this is true, whether the incident light is pola- rized or not. Here, for the present, we must terminate our deductions from the general theory propounded in this Paper. Several other questions remain to be discussed, such as the reflexion of common light* at the first surface, and the internal f reflexion * The mode of treating the case in which common light is incident has heen pointed out at the bottom of p. 100. 1 1 have since found that the problem of reflexion at the second surface may be reduced to that of reflexion at the first surface by means of a very simple rule. Let us suppose the two surfaces of the crystal to be parallel ; and let a ray JJi, uniradially polarized, and incident on the first surface, give the ray J?s by reflexion, and the single ray Hz by refraction. Let Hz be the ray which suffers internal reflex- ion at the second surface, thereby giving the two reflected rays R tl , ' , and the Reflexion and Refraction. 127 at the second surface of a crystal ; but these must be reserved for a future communication. It would be easy, indeed, to write down the algebraical solutions resulting from our theory; but this we are not content to do, because the expressions are rather complicated, and, when rightly treated, will probably contract themselves into a simpler form. It is the character of all true single refracted ray E(\} emerging from the crystal in a direction parallel to R\. Put TI, TS, Tg, and T,,, T',,, T(I) for the transversals of the rays in the order in which they have been named. As the transversal TZ is supposed to be given4n magnitude, the lengths as well as the directions of r\ and TS can be found by the, construction in page 97. Now, the direction of TS being changed, and its magnitude retained, let the ray -Z?3 be turned directly back, so as to be incident again on the crystal, and to suffer reflexion and refraction at the first surface. Then the two refracted rays which it gives will be parallel to R tl , JR' ti , and their transversals will be equal and parallel to T,,, T',,. The reflected ray which it gives will coincide with Hi ; and the re- flected transversal, when compounded with TI, will furnish a resultant equal and parallel to the emergent transversal T(i). Thus the constructions, which have been given for the first surface, may be made available for the second surface, and every question relative to crystalline reflexion may be solved geometrically by means of the polar planes. The foregoing rule was not, properly speaking, deduced from theory. I first formed a clear conception of what the rule ought to be, and then verified it for the simple case of singly-refracting media, and finally proved it for doubly-refracting crystals. The truth of the rule, in crystals, depends upon the truth of the three following equations : sin (i tl -f t'J { cos (i,,-i',,) + cotan 0,, cotan 0',, } +h ll + h' it = Q, ^ sin(i 3 - t j { cos (i' a ' -M J ~ cotan #2 cotan 0,, } + ^ 2 - A^O, (vin.) sin (t 2 - i' J {cos (t a + /) - cotan 62 cotan 8' tt } + h z - h' = 0, in which the notation is intelligible without any explanation. The first equation is the same as equation (vn.) already noticed ; and the other two differ from it only in appearance, the change in the signs being occasioned by a change in the relative position of the rays. "When the reflexion is total, I suppose we may follow the example which Fresnel has set us in the case of ordinary media. The general algebraic expres- sion for each reflected transversal will then become imaginary ; and by putting it under the form - 1 sin*), we shall have T for the reflected transversal, and * for the change of phase. 128 On the Laws of Crystalline theories that the more they are studied, the more simple they appear to be. And we may add, that a close examination of such theories always meets with its reward, in the unexpected* consequences which present themselves to view. Nothing can be simpler than the laws of double refraction, as they were deli- vered by Fresnel; yet the properties of his wave surface still continue to furnish the geometer with beautiful and curious re- lations. So we may hope that a little more time, devoted to the laws of reflexion, will not be spent in vain. They promise to supply many other theorems, not undeserving of attention, though perhaps not as simple and comprehensive as those that have already been made known. From the nature of the rules which we have given for treating the question of reflexion at either surface of the crystal, it follows that the final equation, for determining the position of a transversal, is always linear, though the equation of vis viva is of the second degree. This result very strongly confirms the theory ; but it shows, at the same time, that the law of the preservation of vis viva is not to be regarded as an ultimate principle, but rather as a consequence of some elemen- tary law not yet discovered. It now appears that the conjectures put forward in the note, p. 93, were hasty, and that there was some mistake in the calculations which gave rise to them. It js scarcely necessary to mention, that the sheet in which that note is found was printed off before I had obtained the result announced in the subsequent note, p. 111. Various delays occurred while my Paper was going through the press; and I took advantage of them to increase its value, by appending notes on some of the questions which I had overlooked or omitted in the first consideration of the subject. * As an instance of this, it may be mentioned, that the conclusion arrived at in the note, p. Ill, was wholly unexpected. And in verifying the equation (viz.), an unexpected and useful theorem was obtained ; for it became necessary to find a manageable expression for the tangent of the angle c which the wave normal makes with the ray. This expression is wanted in applying the formulae (34) and (35) to biaxal crystals, and therefore I shall make no apology for introducing it here. Having described a sphere concentric with the wave surface, let the wave normal OP and the two optic axes (which are the nodal diameters of the index surface) be produced from the centre to meet the sphere in the points P t , A, A t , respectively, thus marking out the angles of a spherical triangle PAA t . The same wave normal may belong to two different rays ; and if we select one of these rays, its transversal must lie in a plane drawn through the wave normal, and bisecting either the internal angle APA t of the spherical triangle, or the ex- Reflexion and Refraction. 129 If we are asked what reasons can be assigned for the hypo- theses on which the preceding theory is founded, we are far from being able to give a satisfactory answer. We are obliged to confess that, with the exception of the law of vis viva, the hypotheses are nothing more than fortunate conjectures. These conjectures are very probably right, since they have led to elegant laws which are fully borne out by experiments ; but this is all that we can assert respecting them. We cannot attempt to deduce them from first principles; because, in the theory of light, such principles are still to be sought for. It ternal supplementary angle. By producing the optic axes in the proper direc- tions, we may always make the above plane (which Fresnel calls the plane of polarization) bisect the internal angle. Supposing this to have been done for the ray which was selected, put w and ,) sin ty. (ix.) . 2 And it is now manifest that if e, be the angle which the other ray makes with the same wave normal, and *, the length of the wave normal intercepted between the centre and the tangent plane at the extremity of this ray, we shall also have a*-c z tan e, = g- sin (o> + ,) cos i ^. (x.) If a ray is given in direction it will have two wave normals ; and then the angles e, e,, which it makes with each normal, may be found from the formulae r 2 / 1 1 \ tan e = - ( - - ^ 1 sin ( - w/ ) sin \ i|/, where r and r t are the two radii of the wave surface which are in the direction of the ray ; the spherical triangle P t AA 4 , of which the sides and contained angle are expressed by the same letters as before, being now formed by producing the ray and the two nodal diameters of the wave surface, until they intersect the sphere in the points P t , A, A t . K 130 On tJie Laws of Crystalline is certain, indeed, that light is produced by undulations, pro- pagated, with transversal vibrations, through a highly elastic ether; but the constitution of this ether, and the laws of its connexion (if it has any connexion) with the particles of bodies, are utterly unknown. The peculiar mechanism of light is a secret that we have not yet been able to penetrate. As a proof of this, we might observe, that some of the simplest and most familar phenomena have never been explained. Not to mention dispersion, about which so much has been fruitlessly written, we may remark, that the very cause of ordinary refraction, or of the retardation which light undergoes upon entering a trans- parent medium, is not at all understood. Much less can it be said that double refraction has been rigorously explained ; its laws alone have been clearly developed by Fresnel. In short, the whole amount of our knowledge, with regard to the propa- gation of light, is confined to the laws of phenomena : scarcely any approach has been made to a mechanical theory of those laws. And if the case of uninterrupted propagation through a continuous medium presents such difficulties, it would be use- less to think of accounting for the laws which subsist at the confines of two media, where the continuity is broken. But perhaps something might be done by pursuing a con- trary course ; by taking those laws for granted, and endeavour- ing to proceed upwards from them to higher principles. In this point of view, our second law, or hypothesis, is .extremely remarkable ; for it seems to be opposed, in some degree, to* the notion that the ethereal molecules are strongly attracted or repelled by the particles of bodies. However that may be, it would appear that a true theory must be in accordance with this hypothesis ; and that any mechanical ideas, which would make the mean density of the ether vary from one medium to another,* cannot be admitted to represent the real state of * Those who maintain that the density of the ether is different in different media, ought to consider the following question : "What function of the three principal indices of a doubly-refracting crystal represents the density of the ether within the crystal ? Reflexion and Refraction. 131 things in nature. It is no objection to the hypothesis in question, to say that it increases the difficulty of accounting for refraction ; for, as there is positive evidence in favour of the hypothesis, we ought rather to conclude that the common opinion, which attributes refraction to a change of density in the ether, is altogether erroneous. In the next place we may remark, that our first hypothesis,* concerning the direction of vibrations in polarized light, will be useful in testing any proposed theory ; for as it now seems to be certain that the vibrations are parallel to the plane of polariza- tion, and not perpendicular to it, as Fresnel supposed, such a direction of the vibrations ought to be a consequence of the theory which we adopt. The third hypothesis, or the principle of the preservation of vis viva, is the most natural that can be imagined, inasmuch as it implies only this, that the incident light is equal to the sum of the reflected and refracted lights. Yet it is probable that even this principle, like the law of vis viva in ordinary mechanics, is a result of simpler laws, and will be shown to be so as soon as the true mechanism of light shall be discovered. The fourth hypothesis is a very important one, because the whole theory turns upon it ; and therefore, in the beginning of this Paper, a particular account has been given of the manner in which it was originally suggested. If we wish to give a reason for this hypothesis, we might say that the motion of a particle of ether, at the common surface of two media, ought to be the same, to whichsoever medium the particle is conceived to belong ; and as the incident and reflected vibrations are super- posed in one medium, and the refracted vibrations in the other, we might infer that the resultant of the former vibrations ought to be the same, both in length and direction, as the resultant of the latter. At first sight this reasoning appears sufficiently plausible; but it will not bear a close examination. For as the argument is general, it would prove that the principle of * This hypothesis properly belongs to the laws of propagation, as it relates only to what passes within a given medium. K2 132 On tJie Laws of Crystalline the equivalence of vibrations is true for metals,* as well as for crystals, which it certainly is not. It is not easy to see why the principle should hold in the one case and not in the other ; but it is probably prevented from holding, in the case of metals, * A few days after this Paper was read, I found reason to persuade myself that in metals the vibrations parallel to the surface are equivalent, but not those perpendicular to it ; and that in metals, as well as in crystals, the vis viva is preserved. This persuasion was founded on a system of formulae -which I had invented for expressing the laws of metallic reflexion and refraction ; and which seem to represent very satisfactorily the experiments of Brewster, Phil. Trans. , 1830. As metallic and crystalline reflexion are kindred subjects, and will one day be brought under the same theory, however distinct they may now appear, it will not be out of place to insert the formulas for metals here. These formulae are not proposed as true, but as likely to be true ; and they will be found to express, at least with general correctness, all the circumstances that have hitherto been regarded as anomalies in the action of metals upon light. I suppose that for every metal there are two constants, M and x> of which the first is a number greater than unity, and the second is an angle included between and 90. The number M I call the modulus, and the angle x tne characteristic of the metal. Both M and x varv witl1 tlie colour of the light, and the ratio - is probably the index of refraction. From Brewster' s ex- cosx periments it appears that M diminishes from the red to the violet ; and therefore I should suppose that cos x diminishes in a greater ratio, in order that the index of refraction may increase as in transparent substances. Put t x for the angle of incidence, and i 2 for the angle of refraction, so that sin t. M - i- = - ; (xn.) sin t a cos x and let p. be a variable determined by the condition cost fJL = - -. (XIII.) COSi 2 These two relations combined will give which shows that p. is equal to unity at a perpendicular incidence, and that it vanishes at an incidence 90, decreasing always during the internal. Now if plane polarized light be incident on the metal, we must distinguish two principal cases, according as the light is polarized in the plane of incidence, or in the perpendicular plane. In the first case, denoting the reflected and refracted transversals by r 3 and r z respectively, let us put As for the change of phase in Reflexion and Refraction. 133 by the same cause, whatever it is, which produces a change of phase in metallic reflexion. It will be proper to conclude this Essay with a brief sketch of the researches of Sir David Brewster and M. Seebeck, the the reflected ray, and As for the change of phase in the refracted ray. Let the same symbols, marked with accents, be used in the second case with similar signi- fications. Then if the incident transversal be taken for unity, we shall have the following formulae : 1. "When the incident transversal is in the plane of incidence, , = M 2 + /t 2 - 2Jf /> cos X 1 ~ M 2 + /* 2 + 2M fji cos x ^ = M* + ^ + 2#> coT? 2Jf u. sin Y tanA 2 = Mu ^-M Trr^ o > *** Ttir ' M * p. A M. + p. COS X ^ 2. When the incident transversal is perpendicular to the plane of incidence, 1 + M 2 p? + 2M p cos x' ~ 1 + Jf V a + 2Jf A* cos 2Jf u sin Y sin Y tan A' 3 = W^ *> tan A'z = -^ - = - . M 2 /i2 - 1 Jf^t + cos x J "When x = 0, there is no change of phase, and the formulae become identical with those given in the note, p. 101. When x = 90, there is total reflexion at all incidences. The case of pure silver approximates to this. For good speculum metal, x is about 70. The value of M ranges from 2 to 5 in different metals. When the incident transversal is inclined to the plane of incidence, its compo- nents, parallel and perpendicular to that plane, will give two reflected transversals with a difference of phase equal to A'a - As. The reflected vibration will then be performed in an ellipse ; and the position and magnitude of the axes of the ellipse may be deduced from the preceding formulae. The consequences of these formulae are very simple and elegant, but I cannot dwell upon them here. Suffice it to observe, that every angle of incidence has another angle corresponding to it, which I call its conjugate angle of incidence ; and that the value of A'a - AS at one of these angles is the supplement of its value at the other, while the ratio 3 is the same at both angles ; whence it follows that, ceteris paribus, the elliptic vibrations, reflected at conjugate angles, are similar to each other, and have their homologous 134 On the Laws of Crystalline only other writers who have treated of the subject of crystalline reflexion. So early as the year 1819, Sir David Brewster published, in the Philosophical Transactions, a Paper " On the Action of Crystallized Surfaces upon Light." * In this Paper the Author details a great variety of experiments on the polarizing effects of Iceland spar. He gives the measures of the polarizing angles in different azimuths, when the reflexion takes place in air; but he does not notice the accompanying deviations, which were pro- bably too small to attract his attention. In another instance, however, he obtained very large deviations. He conceived the idea of pushing his experiments into an extreme case, by mask- ing, as it were, the ordinary reflecting action of the crystal, and leaving the extraordinary energy at full liberty to display itself. This was done by dropping on the reflecting surface a little oil of cassia, a fluid whose refractive index is nearly equal to the ordinary index of Iceland spar. When common light, incident at 45, was reflected at the separating surface of the oil and the spar, the reflected pencil was found to be partially, and some- times completely, polarized in planes variously inclined to the plane of incidence, the inclination going through all magnitudes from to 180, as the crystal was turned round in azimuth. This general result is no more than what theory would lead us to expect, when the angle of incidence is nearly equal to one of the angles of refraction ; but to institute a minute comparison of theory with experiment would require troublesome calcula- axes equally inclined to the plane of incidence, but on opposite sides of it. "When A'a - AS = 90, the conjugate incidences are equal, the ratio is a minimum, and T3 the axes of the elliptic vibration are parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. When A'a = 90, or Mp. = 1, the value of T'S is a minimum, and equal to tan x- The foregoing formulae differ slightly from those which I have given in No. I. of the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. The small quantity x', which occurs in the latter, has been purposely neglected, as its presence interferes with the simplicity of the expressions. * Phil. Trans. 1819, p. 145. Reflexion an d Refraction . 135 tions, which I have not had time to make. With the view, however, of showing clearly, from theory, that the range of the deviation is unlimited, I have considered the simple case in which N = B, or in which the refractive index of the fluid is exactly equal to the ordinary index of the crystal. This case, moreover, is remarkable on its own account ; and it might be worth while to try whether it could not be verified by direct experiment. If a fluid could be procured whose refractive index, for some definite ray of the spectrum, should be equal to the ordinary index of the crystal for the same ray, and if common light, incident at any angle and in any azimuth, were reflected at the confines of the fluid and the crystal, then, supposing the theory to be exact, the definite ray aforesaid would, as we have seen, be completely polarized by reflexion, and the plane of polarization would always be perpendicular to a plane drawn through the direction of the reflected ray and the axis of the crystal. This experiment would be an elegant test of the theory in its application to these extreme and trying cases; and if it were successful, no doubt could be entertained* as to the rigorous accuracy of the geome- trical laws of reflexion. * I was at this time in doubt whether the phenomena observed with oil of cassia could bo reconciled to theory ; and when the note in page 93 was written, I was almost certain that they could not. But I have since, I think, found out the cause of this perplexity. Some of Brewster's experiments were made with natural surfaces of Iceland spar; others with surfaces artificially polished. I believe (though I have made very few calculations relative to the point) that the former class of experiments will be perfectly explained by the theory ; the latter I am certain cannot be so explained, nor ought we to expect that they should. For the process of artificial polishing must necessarily occasion small inequalities, by exposing little elementary rhombs with their faces inclined to the general surface ; and the action of these faces may produce the unsymmetrical effects which Brewster notices as so extraordinary (Sixth Eeport of the British Asso- ciation, Transactions of the Sections, p. 16). If this will not account for such effects, I do not know what will. From an old observation of Brewster (Phil. Trans., 1819), it would appear that imperfect polish does actually produce a want of symmetry in the phenomena; for when common light was reflected between oil of cassia and a badly polished surface perpendicular to the axis, he found that the reflected ray was polarized neither in the plane of incidence, nor perpendicular 136 On the Laws of Crystalline The experiments with oil of cassia must be very difficult on account of the great feebleness of the reflected light. Sir David Brewster, however, resumed them at different times; and he laid an extensive series of his results before the Physi- cal Section of the British Association at its late meeting in Bristol. It was not until the latter end of November, 1836, that I became acquainted with the investigation of M. Seebeck, who has contributed greatly to the advancement of the subject. He made very acurate experiments on the light reflected in air from Iceland spar. He detected the deviation, notwithstanding its smallness, and measured it with great care. He also made the first step in the theory of crystalline reflexion ; and the remark- able formula (68), which gives the polarizing angle when the axis lies in the plane of incidence, is due to him. The hypo- theses which he employed were similar to those of Fresnel, and they enabled him to solve the problem of reflexion in the case just mentioned, but not to attempt it generally. The date of his first Papers* is the year 1831 ; but he did not publish his experiments on the deviation until a 'recent occasion, when he was led to compare them f with the theory which I had origi- nally given in my letter to Sir David Brewster. I have already stated the correction which the theory underwent in conse- to it, but 75 out of it. The same surface, when the light was reflected in air, gave the polarizing angle more than two degrees below its proper value. To show that, in other respects, the general character of the phenomena is in accordance with theory, we may observe that when N= B, and A = or 90, if common light be incident at 45 in the plane of the principal section of the crystal, the whole of the reflected light will be polarized perpendicularly to that plane ; and therefore if N be nearly equal to B, while every thing else remains the same, the reflected pencil will contain some unpolarized light, and will be only partially pola- rized in a plane perpendicular to the plane of incidence ; so that (as Brewster has found by experiment) the crystal will then produce by reflexion the same effect which is produced by ordinary refraction. This (as he also found) will not happen when A. and the angle of incidence are each equal to 45, because the light is then incident at the polarizing angle. * Poggendorff s Annals, Vol. xxi. p. 290 ; Vol. xxn. p. 126. <, Vol. xxxvin. p. 280. Reflexion and Refraction. 137 quence of those experiments, and by which it was brought to its present simple form.* * Two or three months after this correction had been published in the Philoso- phical Magazine, a notice of it was inserted in Poggendorff's Annals, vol. xl. p. 462. Up to that time, I believe, nothing had been published in Germany on the general theory of crystalline reflexion ; at least the writer of the notice (whom I take to be M. Seebeck) does not seem to have heard of any other theory, or any other principles than mine. But in the next number of Poggendorff, vol. xl. p. 497, there appeared a letter from M. Neumann, in which the writer speaks of a theory of his own, founded on principles exactly the same as those which I had already announced, and refers to a Paper which he had communicated on the subject to the Academy of Berlin. The Paper has been printed in the Transactions of that Academy for the year 1835 ; and through the kindness of the author I have received a copy of it, just in time to acknowledge it here. On casting my eye over it, I recognize several equations which are familiar to me in particular, the equa- tions (vii.), (viu.), (ix.), (x.), which I discovered independently in November last. M. Neumann's Paper is very elaborate, and supersedes, in a great measure, the design which I had formed of treating the subject more fully at my leisure ; nor can I do better than recommend it to those who wish to pursue the investigations through all their details. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, March, 1838. NIVERSITY ( 138 ) XII. ON A NEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENT, INTENDED CHIEFLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING EXPERI- MENTS ON THE LIGHT REFLECTED FROM METALS. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, April 9, 1838.] THE instrument consists of two hollow arms or tubes, moveable about the centre, and in the plane, of a large divided circle, each arm being provided with a Nicol's eye-piece, or some equivalent contrivance for polarizing light in a single plane ; while in one arm, which is of course crooked, a Fresnel's rhomb is interposed between the eye-piece and the centre of the circle. At this centre is placed a stage for carrying the reflector, with its plane perpen- dicular to the plane of the circle, and having a motion to and fro for adjustment. Each eye-piece, as well as the Fresnel's rhomb, turns freely about the axis of the arm to which it belongs, and is provided with a small circle for measuring its angle of rota- tion. When the two arms are set at equal angles with the re- flector, and the observer looks through the crooked arm, he will see a light admitted through the straight one; and then, by turning the Fresnel's rhomb, and the eye-piece next his eye, he will be able, by means of their combined movements, to find a position in which the light will entirely disappear. An obser- vation will then have been made ; for the light, before its inci- dence on the metal, is polarized in a given plane by the first eye-piece; but after reflexion from the metal (as we know from Sir David Brewster's experiments) it is elliptically polarized ; and our object is to determine the position and species of the On a New Optical Instrument, &c. 139 little ellipse in which the reflected vibration is supposed to be performed. Now, the axes of this ellipse are parallel and per- pendicular to the principal plane of the rhomb, when it is in the situation above described, where the light completely dis- appears ; and the ratio of the axes is the tangent of the angle which that plane makes with the principal section of the eye- piece next the eye. The angles are read off from the divided circles ; and thus, for any angle of incidence, and any plane of primitive polarization, we can at once ascertain the nature of the reflected elliptic vibration. Professor Mac Cullagh men- tioned that the instrument was made last year with the view of testing certain formulae which he has proposed for the case of metallic reflexion, and which have been printed in Yol. xvm. pp. 70, t 71, of the Transactions of the Academy*; but that he had not yet found leisure to make the various adjustments which are necessary in order to obtain satisfactory results with it. The instrument is beautifully executed by Mr. Grubb, who himself contrived the subordinate mechanism, by which the requisite movements are effected with perfect ease to the ob- server. * Supra, pp. 132, 133. XIII. LAWS OF CRYSTALLINE REFLEXION. QUESTION OF PRIORITY. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Nov. 30, 1838.] THE President, Sir William E. Hamilton, read the following letter which had been addressed to him by M. Neumann of Konigsberg, on some points connected with the history of the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion : MONSIEUR, Le haut prix que j' attache a votre suffrage et a celui de Pillustre Academic, a laquelle vous presidez, et 1'honorable mention, que vous avez voulu faire de mon memoire sur la theorie de la lumiere dans la seance de cette Academie du 25 Juin, m'engagent a vous dresser la lettre suivante. Vous avez donne dans cette seance un jugement dans la question de priorite, qui pouvait s' clever entre Mr. Mac Cullagh et moi par rapport a la decouverte des lois suivant lesquelles la lumiere est reflechie et refractee par des milieux crystallins j'ai 1'honneur de vous com- muniquer dans ce qui suit quelques faits et quelques reflexions fondees sur ces faits, et qui auraient ete peut-etre de quelque influence sur ce jugement. Au commencement de 1'annee 1833 j'ai communique a M. Seebeck de Berlin non seulement I'ensemble des principes de ma theorie tels qu'ils se trouvent imprimes dans le 2 de mon memoire, mais j'avais illustre encore ces principes par leur application aux milieux non crystallins. En meme terns j'ai annonce a M. Seebeck, que les resultats tires de ces principes par rapport aux milieux crystallins etaient parfaitement d' accord avec ses observations sur Tangle de polarisation du kalkspath, et je lui fis part de la formule meme, qui exprime 1'inclinaison du plan de polarisation du rayon polarise par reflexion vers le plan de reflexion. Sous la date du 11 Mai, 1833, M. Seebeck m'ecrivit, que cette formule aussi s'accordait parfaitement avec ses observations, qu' il n'avait pas encore publiees et qu' il avait la complaisance de me communiquer en manuscrit. Dans le printems de 1834 le manuscrit de mon memoire tel qu'il a paru depuis allait etre acheve ; mais un voyage que je fis dans ce terns et qui m'eloigna Question of Priority. 141 assez long-terns de Konigsberg, m'empecha de la publier incessamment. Cepen- dant j'avais pris soin d'en faire un abrege dans lequel je developpai completemen^ les principes de ma tneorie et les resultats auxquels elle m'avait conduit par rapport aux crystaux a un axe. J'envoyai cet extrait en Mai ou Juin, 1834, par la librairie de M. Schropp de Berlin a M. Arago, en le priant de le faire imprimer dans les Annales de Chimie et de Physique, ce savant ayant dans une note publiee dans ce terns marque un grand interet pour 1' investigation des lois des intensites du rayon ordinaire et extraordinaire, lois qui se trouvaient parmi les resultats mentionnes. II n'y a pas de doute que cet extrait ne soit parvenu dans les mains de M. Arago, entre lesquelles il doit se trouver encore a present. Du reste, M. Jacobi en avait pris une connaissance detaillee, et a Berlin il a ete entre les mains de MM. Weiss et Poggendorf . En passant par Vienne dans Pete de 1834, j'avais le plaisir d'entretenir de mes resultats et de ma methode M. Ettinghausen, savant tres distingue et tres verse dans les parties les plus epineuses de 1'optique. Anterieurement j'avais enseigne mes doctrines a M. Senff, maintenant professeur a 1'Universite de Dorpat, pendant le sejour que fit a Koenigsberg ce jeune et habile physicien, qui vient de- publier un excellent travail sur les proprietes optiques et crystallographiques du fer sulfate. II suit de tout ce qui precede, que deja en 1834, mes resultats trouves par rapport aux lois de reflexion et de refraction des crystaux n'etaient guere inconnus aux physiciens de 1'Allemagne, qui s'occupent de 1'optique, et si des lors ils n'ont pas re9u une plus grande publicite, vous voyez, Monsieur, cela tenait aux Annales de Chimie. La publication de mon memoire a ete retardee par 1'espoir que j'avais con9u de pouvoir lui a j outer une partie experimentale. Mais 1' execution des appareils me faisant attendre trop long terns, j'ai presente vers la fin de 1835 a P Academie de Berlin mon ouvrage tel qu'il a ete imprime depuis parmi les memoires de cette Academie. La partie experimentale a et^ publiee en 1837 dans le volume 42 des Annales de M. Poggendorf. Je vois du discours que vous avez tenu, Monsieur, dans la Seance de votre Academie du 25 Juin passe, et qui vient de m'etre communique, que c'est deja en Aout, 1835, que Mr. Mac Cullagh a fait a 1'Association Britannique une communication sur les lois de reflexion et refraction par les crystaux, et qui a ete imprimee dans le Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., Fevrier, 1836. Je crois tres volontiers, que Mr. Mac Cullagh est parvenu aux resultats qui se trouvent dans cette publication, par ses propres efforts et sans avoir eu connaisance de mes travaux sur ce meme sujet. Toutefois ce ne sont pas ces resultats qui.pourraient etre 1'objet d'une question de priorite. En effet dans une note publiee dans les Annales de M. Poggendorf (vol. xxxviii. 1836), M. Seebeck a montre que les formules auxquelles est parvenu Mr. Mac Cullagh ne sont pas justes, et qu'elles ne representent pas les lois de reflexion et de refraction par les crystaux. Dans la meme note M. Seebeck a expose', comment les lois de reflexion et de refraction des milieux non crystallins conformes a cette definition du plan de polarisation, a laquelle on est conduit dans la theorie de la double refraction, peuvent etre deduites des suppositions faites par Fresnel, avec la seule modification de 1'homogeneite 142 L aws of Crystalline Reflexion . de 1' ether dans tous les milieux. Mais les suppositions de Fresnel ainsi modifiees forment la base principale de ma methode, dont j'avais deja fait part a M. Seebeck depuis plusieurs annees. II est vrai, que dans les deux milieux Fresnel ne suppose que 1'egalite de deux composantes paralleles au plan de separation, mais 1'egalite de la troisieme n' est qu'une simple consequence de celle des deux autres et des autres suppositions. Ce sont les suppositions de Fresnel modifiees de la dite maniere, qu'a adoptees Mr. Mac Cullagh, apres s'etre convaincu par la note de M. Seebeck de la faussete des resultats qu'il avait jusque-la obtenus, conviction qui 1'engagea a rejeter tout ce qui n'etait pas confovme a ces suppositions, et des lors seulement en 1837, dans le Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., Mr. Mac Cullagh est parvenu aux memes lois de reflexion et de refraction que j'avais eues 1'honneur de presenter a 1' Academie des Sciences de Berlin en 1835. Vous voyez par tout ceci, Monsieur, que des 1833 j'ai etc en pleine possession de la methode, et que des le commencement de 1834 j'ai ete en pleine possession des resultats qu'elle fournit, que dans ce meme terns j'ai envoye un abrege con- tenant ces resultats et lu en manuscrit par plusieurs savans bien connus a M. le redacteur des Annales de Physique et Chimie pour le publier dans ce recueil, et qu'a la fin de 1835, j'ai presente 1'ouvrage complet a present imprime a 1'Academie de Berlin ; vous voyez en meme terns, que Mr. Mac Cullagh ayant communique' a 1'Association Britanique en 1835 des lois de reflexion et de refrac- tion crystallin, ces lois ont ete demontrees etre fautives par M. Seebeck in 1836, et que Mr. Mac Cullagh n'est parvenu en 1837 aux vraies lois qu' apres avoir pris connaissance du fondement de ma methode, et s'en etre servi. De tout cela resulte, Monsieur, que la priorite de la decouverte des lois de reflexion et refraction par des crystaux n'est pas douteuse, et" qu'il n'y a pas de simultaneite entre mes travaux et ceux de Mr. Mac Cullagh, dont du reste personue ne peut estimer plus que moi le talent distingue. Daignez, Monsieur, agreer les assurances de la plus haute consideration avec laquelle je suis, &c., F. E. NEUMANN. KONIGSBEBG, 5 Octobre, 1838. When this letter was read, Professor Mac Cullagh requested permission to make a few remarks. After expressing much regret that his researches in the theory of light should have clashed with those of any other person (though in the present state of science such collisions were perhaps inevitable), he proceeded to say, that he did not think it necessary to detain the Academy with a formal reply to the communication which had just been read ; it would be sufficient for him to observe, in general, that the facts brought forward by the writer, with reference to the history of his own investigations, were all, without exception, of a private nature, not one of them being Question of Priority. 143 taken from any published document ; that the first document of the kind, which professed to give any account of M. Neu- mann's "method," or any statement of the principles employed in it, appeared in the Annals of Poggendorf (Yol. XL. p. 497), some months after Mr. Mac Cullagh had published his last Paper on the subject in the Philosophical Magazine (Yol. x. p. 43), and even after that Paper had been noticed in the aforesaid Annals (Yol. XL. p. 462) ; that M. Neumann's Memoir in the Berlin Transactions was not published until a later period ; that, therefore, there could be no question about prio- rity of publication ; and that, consequently, if it were to be imagined for a moment that either author had borrowed from the other, the presumption must necessarily be against M. Neu- mann. With respect to M. Seebeck's note, it would be enough to state, that M. Neumann is not mentioned there at all ; that the principles there given by M. Seebeck are not adequate to the general solution of the problem ; and that such of them as differ from those of Fresnel had been previously published by Mr. Mac Cullagh. It was clear, therefore, that Mr. Mac Cullagh owed nothing on the score of theory to anyone but Fresnel. He had, indeed, made one alteration in his theory as it originally stood; for he had at first rejected Fresnel's law of the vis viva, and had been obliged to restore it afterwards, in order to account for certain experiments of M. Seebeck, which M. Seebeck himself, from want of sufficient principles, had not attempted to account for; but the real service which M. Seebeck had rendered him, and for which he had frequently acknowledged his obligations, was the communication of these experiments, and not any suggestion of the law of vis viva, which he knew well enough before. In all this, however, it was plain that M. Neumann had no concern, unless he chose to say that he had appropriated to himself Fresnel's law of the vis viva, that he had determined to regard it as the foun- dation of his method (le fondement de sa methode), and that thenceforward no one else (however ignorant of such appro- priation) could have any right to use it. 144 Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. Having thus endeavoured to prove his claim to priority of publication, and to establish the independence of his own re- searches, which was all that was necessary for self defence, Mr. Mac Cullagh concluded by saying, that he would there drop the argument, without discussing his claim to priority in the abstract, as he had an objection to disputes of such a kind, and did not wish to pursue them any farther than he was compelled to do. But if anyone thought it worth while to examine the merits of this second question, he would find the circumstances relating to it very fully and clearly stated in the last number of the Proceedings of the Academy,* and would thence be enabled to form a judgment for himself. * Vol. i. p. 217. XIV. AN ESSAY TOWARDS A DYNAMICAL THEORY OF CRYSTALLINE REFLEXION AND REFRACTION. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xxi. Read December 9, 1839.] SECT. I. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. EQUATION or MOTION. NEARLY three years ago I communicated to this Academy* the laws by which the vibrations of light appear to be governed in their reflexion and refraction at the surfaces of crystals. These laws remarkable for their simplicity and elegance, as well as for their agreement with exact experiments I obtained from a system of hypotheses which were opposed, in some respects, to notions previously received, and were not bound together by any known principles of mechanics, the only evidence of their truth being the truth of the results to which they led. On that occa- sion, however, I observed that the hypotheses were not indepen- dent of each other ; and soon afterwards I proved that the laws of reflexion at the surface of a crystal are connected, in a very singular way, with the laws of double refraction, or of propaga- tion in its interior ; from which I was led to infer that "all these laws and hypotheses have a common source in other and more intimate laws which remain to be discovered ;" and that " the next step in physical optics would probably lead to those higher and more elementary principles by which the laws of reflexion * In a Paper "On the Laws of Crystalline Eeflexion and Refraction." Trans- actions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvm. p. 31. (Supra, p. 87.) 146 On a Dynamical Theory of and the laws of propagation are linked together as parts of the same system."* This step has since been made, and these anti- cipations have been realised. In the present Paper I propose to supply the link between the two sets of laws by means of a very simple theory, depending on certain special assumptions, and employing the usual methods of analytical dynamics. In this theory, the two kinds of laws, being traced from a common origin, are at once connected with each other and severally explained ; and it may be observed, that the explana- tion of each, as well as the source of their connexion, is now made known for the first time. For though the laws of crys- talline propagation have attracted much attention during the period which has elapsed since they were discovered by Fresnel,f they have hitherto resisted every attempt that has been made to account for them by dynamical reasonings ; and the laws of re- flexion, when recently discovered, were apparently still more difficult to reach by such considerations. Nothing can be easier, however, than the process by which both systems of laws are now deduced from the same principles. The assumptions on which the theory rests are these : First ^ that the density of the luminiferous ether is a constant quantity ; in which it is implied that this density is unchanged either by the motions which produce light or by the presence of material particles, so that it is the same within all bodies as in free space, and remains the same during the most intense- vibrations. Second, that the vibrations in a plane-wave are rectilinear, and that, while the plane of the wave moves parallel to itself, the vibrations continue parallel to a fixed right line, the direction of this right line and the direction of a normal to the wave being functions of each other. This supposition holds in all known crystals, except quartz, in which the vibrations are elliptical. Concerning the peculiar constitution of the ether we know * Ibid, p. 53, note. (Supra, p. 112.) The note here referred to was added some time after the Paper itself was read. f These laws were published in his Memoir on Double Refraction Memoir es de V Institiit, torn. vii. p. 45. Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 147 nothing, and shall suppose nothing, except what is involved in the foregoing assumptions. But with respect to its physical condition generally, we shall admit, as is most natural, that a vast number of ethereal particles are contained in the differen- tial element of volume ; and, for the present, we shall consider the mutual action of these particles to be sensible only at dis- tances which are insensible when compared with the length of a wave. By putting together the assumptions we have made, it will appear that when a system of plane waves disturbs the ether, the vibrations are transversal, or parallel to the plane of the waves. For all the particles situated in a plane parallel to the waves are displaced, from their positions of rest, through equal spaces in parallel directions ; and therefore if we conceive a closed surface of any form, including any volume great or small, to be de- scribed in the quiescent ether, and then all its points to partake of the motion imparted by the waves, any slice cut out of that volume, by a pair of planes parallel to the wave-plane and inde- finitely near each other, can have nothing but its thickness altered by the displacements ; and since the assumed preserva- tion of density requires that the volume of the slice should not be altered, nor consequently its thickness, it follows that the displacements must be in the plane of the slice, that is to say, they must be parallel to the wave-plane. And conversely, when this condition is fulfilled, it is obvious that the entire volume, bounded by the arbitrary surface above described, will remain constant during the motion, while the surface itself will always contain within it the very same ethereal particles which it en- closed in the state of rest ; and all this will be accurately true, no matter how great may be the magnitude of the displace- ments. Let x, y, z be the rectangular co-ordinates of a particle before it is disturbed, and x + 5, y + rj, z + its co-ordinates at the time t, the displacements , TJ, being functions of #, y, * and t. Let the ethereal density, which is the same in all media, be regarded as unity, so that dxdydz may, at any instant, represent indif- 148 On a Dynamical Theory of ferently either the element of volume or of mass. Then the equation of motion will be of the form JJJ dxdydz ( S5 + -^ Srj + ? d% } = JjJ dxdydzSV, (1) where Y is some function depending on the mutual actions of the particles. The integrals are to be extended over the whole volume of the vibrating medium, or over all the media, if there be more than one. Setting out from this equation, which is the general formula of dynamics applied to the case that we are considering, we per- ceive that our chief difficulty will consist in the right determina- tion of the function Y ; for if that function were known, little more would be necessary, in order to arrive at all the laws which we are in search of, than to follow the rules of analytical me- chanics, as they have been given by Lagrange. The determina- tion of Y will, of course, depend on the assumptions above stated respecting the nature of the ethereal vibrations ; but, before we proceed further, it seems advisable to introduce certain lemmas, for the purpose of abridging this and the subsequent investiga- tions. SECT. II. LEMMAS. Lemma I. Let a right line making with three' rectangular axes the angles a, /3, 7, be perpendicular to two other right lines which make with the same axes the angles a', /3', 7' and a", /3", 7" respectively, and which are inclined to each other at an angle denoted by ; then it is easy to prove that sin cos a = cos ft' cos 7" - cos ft" cos 7', sin 6 cos j3 = cos 7' cos a" - cos 7" cos a', (A) sin cos 7 = cos a' cos j3" - cos a" cos ft' ; supposing the first right line to be prolonged in the proper direc- tion from the origin, in order that the opposite members of any Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 149 one of these equations may have the same sign, as well as the same magnitude. If the last two right lines be perpendicular to each other, we have sin = 1, and the formulae become cos a =. cos |3' cos 7" - cos ft" cos 7', cos /3 = cos 7' cos a" - cos y" cos a', (B) cos 7 = cos a' cos |3 r/ - cos a" cos )3' ; but in this case the three right lines are perpendicular to each other, and therefore we have, in like manner, cos a' = cos |3" cos 7 - cos j3 cos 7", cos ]3' = cos 7" cos a - cos 7 cos a", (B') cos 7' = cos a" cos/3 - cos a cosjS"; and also cos a" = cos /3 cos 7' - cos j3' cos 7, cos ]3" = cos 7 cos a' - cos 7' cos a, (B") cos 7" = cos a cos ]3' - cos a' cos /3. The last three groups of formulas will still be true, if we suppose the first right line to make with the axes the angles a, a', a", the second the angles ]3, /3', /3", and the third the angles 7, 7', 7" Lemma II. Let , 17, denote, as before, the displacements of a particle whose initial co-ordinates are #, y, 2 ; and after putting rfi, 4i M ~te~dy> -Tx~te> ~ dy dx* suppose the axes of co-ordinates, still remaining rectangular, to have their directions changed in space, whereby the quantities X, F, Z will be changed into X', Y', Z' ', answering to the new co-ordinates x' 9 /, a', and to the new displacements ', ?', 2' ; then will the quantities X', Y', Z' be connected with X, F, Z by 150 On a Dynamical Theory of the very same relations which connect the co-ordinates x ', ?/', z with z, y, z, or the displacements ', r/, ' with , r?, 2. That is to say, if the axes of #, ?/, s make with the axis of x the angles a, /3, 7, with the axis of y the angles a', |3', 7', and with the axis of s' the angles a", j3'', 7" respectively, we shall have X = X' COS a + T' COS a' + Z' cos a", Y= X' cos /3 + F' cos /3' + Z' cos /3", (D) Z' = J' cos 7 + F' cos 7' + Z' cos 7", and X' = X cos a + Y cos )3 + Z cos 7, F' = X cos a' + F cos j3 r + Z cos 7', (D') just as we have, for example, % = % COS a + i/ COS a' + ?' COS a", n = ' cos )3 + / cos j3' + T cos )3", (d) = ' cos 7 + r! cos 7' + y cos 7", and #' = x cos a + y cos ]3 + 2 cos 7, ?/ = # cos a' + ?/ cos j3' + s cos 7', (d') 2' = # cos a" + y cos /3" + s cos 7". For, the change of the independent variables #, y, 2 into of, y', z' gives us the equations di\ dr\ dx drt dy drj dz' = __ _ dy ~ fa' ~dy dy' dy dz' dy 9 in the right-hand members of which we have to substitute the Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 151 values of the differential coefficients obtained from (d) and (). Thus we get dn (dg dj ., d? D ,A ~ = , cos /3 + -j-, cos j3 + ~ cos /3 cos 7 dz \dx dx dx J cos j3 + -~ cos 8' + - cos i3" ) cos ?' ,, = , COS 7 + -7-7 COS 7 + -7-7 COS 7 COS 3 dy \dx dx dx + -j-7 COS 7 + -T-? COS 7' + , COS 7" COS 8' y dy dy "- cos 7 + -^7 cos 7' + -3-7 cos 7" ] cos 3" ; 3 <& fl&^ / and when we subtract these equations, attending to the formulae in Lemma I., we find = I -7-7 - -7-7 ) cos a + I -7-7 - -r-7 ) cos a' 3 dy \dz dy J \dx dz J 'd% dn \ ~T7 T~7 cos a > ,C?^ ^/ or simply, X = X' COS a + y COS a' + /T COS a", which is the first of formulae (D) . And in like manner the others may be proved. The same things will obviously hold with respect to quanti- ties derived from X, F, Z in the same way that these are derived from > 17, 2- That is, if we put ____ --~ -- ' ~ Hz " ~dy' ' " dx ~ ~dz* ' ~ dy dx' and then suppose the axes of co-ordinates to be changed, the 152 On a Dynamical Theory of formulae for the transformation of the quantities X# F y , Z^ will be similar to those for the transformation of the co-ordinates themselves. The like will be true of the quantities X //5 F^, ^ /y , if we put _ V = - -' 7 = .< - dz dy' " dx dz' " dy dx and so on successively. It is to be observed that, in this Lemma, the displacement is not limited by any restriction whatever. Each of its com- ponents may be any function of the co-ordinates. But the displacements produced by a system of plane waves are re- stricted by our definition of such waves ; they must be the same for all particles situated in the same wave plane. If the waves be parallel, for instance, to the plane of x ', ^', the quantities ', i/, % will be independent of the co-ordinates x ', y ', and will be functions of z' only. This consideration reduces formulae (D) to the following : dri d% X = -7-7 COS a - , COS a , dz dz F-J'eosp-gooBp', :() dr,' in which it is remarkable that the normal displacement ?' does not appear. If ' = 0, these formulae become -r- dr{ ~ dr\ , . or if r\ = 0, then we have (F') Lemma III. If, in an ellipsoid whose semiaxes are equal to a, by c, there be two rectangular diameters, one making with Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 153 the semiaxes the angles a, |3, y, and the other the angles a', /3', y', such as to satisfy the condition cos a cos a cos cos these diameters will be the axes of the ellipse in which their plane intersects the ellipsoid. For, the above condition expresses that either diameter is parallel to the tangent plane at the extremity of the other ; they are therefore conjugate diameters of the elliptic section ; and hence, as they are at right angles to each other, they must be its axes. If the semiaxes of the ellipsoid be represented by -, =-, -, cioc the equation of condition will become a? cos a cos a' + b* cos j3 cos ]3' + c 2 cos y cos y' = 0. (G') Lemma TV. Let s, *' be the lengths of perpendiculars let fall from the centre of an ellipsoid upon any two tangent planes, and r, / the lengths of radii drawn to the respective points of contact. Then putting w for the angle between the directions of r and s', and a/ for the angle between the directions of r and s, we shall have rs cos a) = rs' cos a/. For if the semiaxes of the ellipsoid, having their lengths denoted by a, b, c, make with the direction of s the angles a, /3, 7, and with that of s' the angles a', j3', y'; with the direction of r the angles a , j3 , yo, and with that of / the angles ai, ]3i, yi, there will exist the relations a 1 ' cos o = rs cos a , b z cos /3 = rs cos /3 , c* cos y = rs cos y , a 2 cos a' = rV cos ai, b z cos j3 r = rV cos )3i, c 2 cos y' = rV cos yi, by one set of which the quantity tf COR a cos a' + b 2 cos ]3 cos /3' + c z cos y cos y' 154 On a Dynamical Theory of will be converted into rs (cos a c cos a' + cos /3 cos |3' + cos 70 cos 7') = rs cos w, and by the other set into r' s' (cos ai cos a + cos /3i cos j3 + cos ji cos 7) = r f s' cos to' ; so that we shall get rs cos co = r' s' cos to' = a 2 cos a cos a' + b z cos /3 cos /3' + c 2 cos 7 cos 7'. (H ) Corollary. When the condition a 2 cos a cos a' 4- b 2 cos ]3 cos j3' + c 2 cos 7 cos 7' = (i) is satisfied, each of the angles T~ = ~J~f cos P 9 ~T = T> cos 7 9 dx dz dx dz dy dz dz dz so that the equations (5) may be written _ _ -- / = a- d& dz' dz' and when we combine these with the following, Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction . 159 attending to the relations (B), (B'), we find dX , . dY _ = _ ^ r) ** 0- rf? = ' from which it appears that there is no accelerating force in the direction of a normal* to the wave, and consequently no vibra- tion in that direction. Introducing now the values of Jf, F, Z from formulae (E), the first two of these equations become - (a 2 cos a cos a' + b z cos )3 cos )3' + 2 cos /3 cos /3' + c 2 cos 7 cos 7') -r-n. fife But as the axes of /, y' are arbitrarily taken in the plane of x' y' we may subject their directions to the condition a 2 cos a cos a + b* cos |3 cos j3' + c 2 cos 7 cos 7' = ; (7) * In the ingenious, but altogether unsatisfactory theory, by which Fresnel has endeavoured to account for his beautiful laws, the direction of the elastic fojrce brought into play by the displacement of the ethereal molecules is, in general, in- clined to the plane of the wave. He supposes, however, that the force normal to that plane does not produce any appreciable effect, by reason of the great resistance which the ether offers to compression. Memoires de V Institut, torn. vii. p. 78. 160 On a Dynamical Theory of and then, if we put s 2 = a 2 cos 2 a + >' cos 2 13 + c z cos 2 y, (8) s' 2 = a* cos 2 a' + # cos 8 j3> c 2 cos 2 y', the equations (6) will be reduced to the well-known form This result shows that, when the directions of x f and y' fulfil the condition (7), the vibrations ' and r[ are propagated inde- pendently of each other, the former with the velocity of s', the latter with the velocity s. The vibrations must therefore be parallel exclusively to one or other of these directions, else the system of waves will split into two systems, one vibrating pa- rallel to #', the other parallel to ?/. "When the plane of the wave is parallel to one of the prin- cipal axes, it is easy to infer that the vibrations must be either parallel or perpendicular to that axis ; and that, in the latter case, the velocity of propagation is constant, being equal to a, b, or c, according as the wave is parallel to the axis of #, y, or z. These constants are therefore called the principal velo- cities of propagation ; and we now perceive the reason of the negative sign in equation (2) ; for if any of the terms in the right-hand member of that equation were positive, the corre- sponding velocity would be imaginary. According to Fresnel, the wave which is propagated with the velocity a has its vibrations not perpendicular to the axis of x, but parallel to it ; and it is to be observed that a difference of the same character distinguishes his views, throughout, from the results of the present theory. It will appear in fact, by what immediately follows, that the equations (7), (8), (9), ex- press exactly the laws of Fresnel, provided the quantities ' and ij', in the equations (9), be interchanged. To make these laws agree with our theory, it is therefore necessary to alter them in one particular, and in one only ; it is necessary to suppose that Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 161 the direction of the vibrations is always perpendicular to that assigned by Fresnel. And since, in order to make his views agree with the phenomena, Fresnel was obliged to say that, in an ordinary medium, the vibrations of a ray polarized in a cer- tain plane are perpendicular to that plane, it is clear that, on the present principles, we must come to a different conclusion, and say that the vibrations of a polarized ray are parallel to its plane of polarization. Conceive an ellipsoid with its centre at 0, the common origin of the co-ordinates a?, y, z, #', /, z' ; and let its semiaxes be pa- rallel to a, y, z, their lengths being equal M to -, T , - respectively. From the iden- a b c tity of the condition (7) with that marked (G') in Lemma III., it is evi- dent that the directions of x f and y f , when they are the two directions of vibration, coincide with the axes of the ellipse in which the plane of x'y' intersects the el- lipsoid ; and if the right line OR, meet- Q Fig. 20. ing the ellipsoid in R, be the direction of x, we have 1 or, by (8), (OR)'' a? cos 2 a + b z cos 2 /3 + c z eos 2 y, 1 OR~ S ' so that OR is the reciprocal of the velocity with which the vi- brations parallel to y' are propagated. Thus we see that the vibrations parallel to either semiaxis of the elliptic section are propagated with a velocity which is measured by the reciprocal of the other semiaxis. Again, conceive an ellipsoid with its centre at 0, and its semiaxes parallel to #, y, z, as before, but equal to a, b, c re- spectively. Let this ellipsoid be touched in the point Q by a plane which cuts OR perpendicularly in P, and draw the right lines OP, PQ. Then as the condition (7) is identical with that ivr 1 62 On a Dynamical Theory of marked (i) in the corollary to Lemma IV., it follows that Oy' (if we so call the direction of y'} is perpendicular to OQ, and also that Oy' and OQ coincide with the axes of the elliptic sec- tion made in this ellipsoid by the plane Q,0y', just as Oy' and OR coincide with the axes of the section ROy' in the first ellip- soid. The plane QOR is therefore perpendicular to Oy and to the plane of the wave. Moreover, we have (OP) 2 = a? cos 2 a + b 2 cos 2 /3 + c* cos 2 ? = s 2 , so that OP is the reciprocal of OR, and is equal to the velocity s with which the wave is propagated when its vibrations are parallel to Oy' . Now let the figure TOSH be equal in all respects to QOPR, but in a position perpendicular to it, so that if QOPR were turned round in its own plane through a right angle, the point being fixed, the points Q, P, R would fall upon T, 8, M re- spectively ; and supposing the wave-plane ROy' to take various positions passing through 0, imagine a construction similar to the preceding one to be always made by means of the two ellip- soids. Then while the points R and Q describe the ellipsoids, the points M and T describe two biaxal* surfaces reciprocal to each other, the latter surface being touchedf in the point T by a plane which cuts OM perpendicularly in 8. But this plane is parallel to the central wave-plane ROy' , and distant from it by an interval OS (= OP) which represents the velocity of the wave ; and as the surface whose tangent planes possess this property is, by definition, the wave-surface of the crystal, it is obvious that the point T describes the wave-surface. The radius OT, drawn to the point of contact, is then, by the theory of waves, the direction of the ray which belongs to the wave ROy', and the length OT represents the velocity of light along the ray. As to the surface described by the point M 9 it is that * See Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvii. p. 244 (supra, p. 24). f Ibid. VOL. xvi. p. 6 (supra, p. 4). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 163 which I have called the surface of indices, or the index-surface* because its radius ON, being the reciprocal of OS, represents the index of refraction, or the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction, when the wave ROy', to which OM is perpendicular, is supposed to have passed into the crystal out of an ordinary medium in which the velocity of propagation is unity. The angles of incidence and refrac- tion are understood to be the angles which the incident and refracted waves respectively make with the refracting surface of the crystal. The wave-surface and the index-surface have the same geo- metrical properties since they are both biaxal surfaces. Let us consider the former, which is generated by the ellipsoid whose semiaxes are a, b, c ; and let us conceive this ellipsoid to be in- tersected by a concentric sphere of which the radius is r. Then the equations of the ellipsoid and the sphere being respectively x z + y z + z z L ' ~~ we get, by subtracting the one from the other, for the equation of the cone A which has its vertex at 0, and passes through the curve of intersection. If OQ be equal to r, it will be a side of this cone ; and a plane touching the cone along OQ will make in the ellipsoid a section of which OQ will be a semiaxis ; so that OT will be perpendicular to that plane, and equal in length to r. Therefore, as OQ describes the cone A, the right line OT describes another cone B reciprocal to A, and the point T describes the curve in which the wave-surface is intersected by the sphere above mentioned ; this curve being a spherical ellipse, reciprocal to that which the point Q describes on * See Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvui. p. 38 (supra, p. 96). I had previously called it the surface of refraction, YOL. xvu. p. 252 (supra, p. 36). 164 On a Dynamical Theory of the surface of the ellipsoid. The equation of the cone B is found from that of A, by changing the coefficients of the squares of the variables into their reciprocals, and is therefore which, of course, is also the equation of the wave-surface, if r be supposed to be the radius drawn from to the point whose co-ordinates are #, y, z. Combining this equation with that of the sphere, we have /v* 0y* #2 2_^2 + IT~T2 + 12 J = 1> (12) which represents a hyperboloid passing through the common intersection of the sphere, the cone J5, and the wave-surface. Since the differences between the coefficients of the squares of the variables in the equation (10) are the same as the corre- sponding differences in the equation of the ellipsoid, the cone A has its planes of circular section coincident with those of the ellipsoid. The cone .#, being reciprocal to A, has therefore its focal lines perpendicular to the circular sections of the ellipsoid. These focal lines are consequently the nodal diameters* of the wave-surface, that is, the diameters which pass through the points where the two sheets of that surface intersect each other. If the direction of OT cut the other sheet of the wave- surface in T', and if two radii of constant lengths, equal to OT and OT' respectively, revolve within the surface, the cones B and B' described by these radii will intersect each other at right angles, since they have the same focal lines. And supposing the axis of y to be the mean axis of the ellipsoid, so that the nodal diameters lie in the plane of a?s, the axis of x will lie within one of the cones, as B, and the axis of z within the other cone B'. Now the angle contained by the two sides of either * See Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvn. p. 247 (supra, p. 29). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 165 cone, which lie in the plane of #s, is given by the angles 6 and 6' which the direction of the right line OTT' makes with the nodal diameters ; because the angles which any side of a cone makes with its focal lines have a constant sum, or a constant difference, according to the way in which they are reckoned. But if the angles and 6' be reckoned (as they may be) so that their sum shall be equal to the angle contained by the two sides of the cone B which are in the plane of #s, their difference will be equal to the angle contained by the two sides of the cone B' which are in the same plane ; the contained angle, in, being that which is bisected by the axis of x. Therefore, the lengths OTand OT', which we denote by r and /, are equal to two radii of the ellipse whose equation is - + -T = 1, a 2 c 2 these radii making with the axis of z the angles i (0 + 0') and % (9 - 6') respectively. Hence !_ = sin 2 j- (0 + 0') cos 2 j- (0 + 0') _ n 1 = ~~ ~~ ~ (13) _! _ sin 2 j- (0-0') cos 2 i(0-0') _ r'*~ a* c* * These formulae give the two velocities of propagation along a ray which makes the angles 0, / with the nodal diameters. Subtracting them, we have - = - 8in e sin ff - All the preceding equations, relative to the wave-surface, 1 66 On a Dynamical Theory of may be transferred to the index-surface, by changing the quan- tities a, b, c into their reciprocals. For example, if the normal to a wave make the angles , 0i with the nodal diameters of the index-surface, the formulae (13) give s 2 = I- (a 2 + c 2 ) - i (a* - c 2 ) cos (0o + ft), (15) <*) - ( - c 2 ) cos (0 - ft) ; observing that s and /, the two normal velocities of propaga- tion^ are the reciprocals of the radii of this surface which coin- cide with the wave-normal. Subtracting these expressions, we get s 2 - s ' 2 = (a* - c 2 ) sin sin ft. (16) As the position of the tangent plane, at any point T of a biaxal surface, depends on the position of the axes of the section QOy' made in the generating ellipsoid by a plane perpendicular to OT, it is obvious that when this section is a circle, that is, when the point Tis a node of the surface, the position of the tangent plane is indeterminate, like that of the axes of the section ; and it is easy to show that the cone which that plane touches in all its positions is of the second order. Again, when the section ROy' of the reciprocal ellipsoid is a circle, the right line OS is given both in position and length ; and the tangent plane, which cuts OS in S, is fixed ; but the point of contact T is not fixed, since the semiaxis OR, to which the right line ST is parallel, may be any radius of the circle ROtf. In this case, the point T describes a curve e in the tangent plane, and this curve is found to be a circle. But both these cases have been fully discussed elsewhere.* * See Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvn. pp. 245, 260 (supra, pp. 25-7, 49-51). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 167 SECT. V. CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED WHEN LIGHT PASSES OUT OF ONE MEDIUM INTO ANOTHER. EEMARKABLE CIRCUM- STANCES CONNECTED WITH THEM. RELATIONS AMONG THE TRANSVERSALS OF THE INCIDENT, REFLECTED, AND RE- FRACTED RAYS. Now let light pass out of one medium into another sup- pose out of an ordinary into a doubly-refracting medium ; and taking the origin of rectangular co-ordinates # fl , y n , z at a point on the surface which separates the two media, let this surface be the plane of # y*> Then if the components of the displace- ment of a particle whose initial co-ordinates are # , ^o, %o be denoted by ' , TJ' O , ?'o when the particle is in the first medium, and by ", rj " 5 o" when it is in the second, the equation (1), adapted to the present case, will be ?' /7 2 */ AW * Z' , a ^ $ ' , a * s> S + - 8.1. + - 8 = Iff dx Q dy dz Q 8V + Iff dx, dy, dz SV" ; (17) wherein 8V and 8 V are the respective values of SV for the two media, which are conceived to extend indefinitely on each side of the plane of X Q y Q ; that plane being an upper limit of the integrations relative to one medium, and a lower limit of the integrations relative to the other. Each medium is conceived to be occupied by systems of plane waves the first by incident and reflected waves, the second by refracted waves ; and, except where they are bounded by the plane of X Q y , these waves are regarded as unlimited in extent. For the ordinary medium, if we put dz dy^ dx Q dz^ r/// dx Q J 1 68 On a Dynamical Theory of and suppose the velocity of propagation to be unity, we have z dy Q ) \ dx Q dz For the crystallized medium, if its principal axes be those of a?, y, a, the value of 8V" will be the same as that of 8V in for- mula (3) ; but instead of the variations of ?, rj, , we must use those of " , ij" , " . Denoting the cosines of the angles which the principal axes respectively make with the axis of X Q by /, m, n ; with the axis of y by f , m', ri ; with the axis of Z Q by T, m", n" ; and putting Yf, _ dvi"o d%" _ dZ" d" _ d" Q dr{' 9 "**- ~ ~~j i > * o~ ; ; > " o j j > azo dy Q dx Q az dy dx Q we have = These expressions for SX, 8 F, SZ" having been written in formula (3), the resulting value of 8 V", as well as the above value of 8V', is to be substituted in the equation (17), and then the right-hand member of that equation is to be integrated by parts, in order to get rid of the differential coefficients of the varia- tions. When this operation is performed, the triple integrals on one side of the equation will be equal to those on the other ; and by equating the coefficients of the corresponding variations * It is assumed here, and in what follows, that when there are two or more coexisting waves in a given medium, the form of the function V is the same as for a single wave, provided the displacements which enter into the function be the re- sultants of the displacements due to each wave separately. This, however, ought evidently to be the case, in order that the principle of the superposition of vibrations may hold good. Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 169 in each medium, we should get the laws of propagation in each. But we are not now considering these laws, and we need only attend to the double integrals produced by the operation afore- said. The double integrals are together equal to zero ; but we are concerned only with that part of them which relates to the common limit of the media, the plane of x Q y^\ and this part must be separately equal to zero, since the conditions to be ful- filled at the plane of X Q y Q are independent of anything that might take place at other limiting surfaces, if such were sup- posed to exist. Collecting therefore the terms produced by in- tegrating with respect to s , and observing that a negative sign must be interposed between those which belong to different media, we get y Q (F' S' - *' &i'o) - If dx, dy Q (Q$?' - P^o) = 0, (18) where P = a 2 lX + WmY + c z nZ, Q = a*?X + b*m'Y + c*n'Z. (19) In each of these equations it is understood that s = 0. But when z = 0, we have obviously r, - r, * - ," and therefore Sc, Q = o? o) 017 = Sj o ; so that the equation (18) becomes which, as the variations rf' and dif Q are arbitrary and indepen- dent, is equivalent to the two equations X\ = P, Y\ = Q. (21) Thus, to find the relations which subsist among the vibra- tions' incident, reflected, and refracted, at the common surface of two media, we have four conditions, expressed by the equa- tions (20) and (21) ; and these conditions are sufficient to deter- mine the reflected and refracted vibrations, when the incident 170 On a Dynamical Theory of vibration is given. But though, by the nature of the question, four conditions only are required for its solution, there remains another condition which ought to be satisfied; for we ought evidently to have = 0. (22) This condition is apparently independent of the rest ; but it cannot really be so, if the preceding theory is consistent with itself. We shall accordingly see, in what follows, that the last condition is included in the other four ; which is a remarkable circumstance, and a singular confirmation of the theory.* As the incident and reflected waves coexist in the first me- dium, and two sets of refracted waves in the second, the resolved displacements, and all the quantities which depend upon them, are composed of two parts, due to the coexisting waves. Let the point be, for each set of waves, the origin of a system of rectangular co-ordinates, which we shall call x^ y^ z l for the in- cident, and o/i, /'i, s'i for the reflected wave, the axes of z l and z\ being perpendicular to the respective waves, and their positive directions being those of propagation. Let the displacements in these waves be parallel to y\, y\, and be denoted by iji, 1/1, re- spectively. Then if the axes of # , / , z make with the axis of #! the angles ai, |3i, 71, and with the axis of x\ the angles a'i, /3'i, y'i, we have, by the formulae (F), J'. = P cos , + C ^ cos ' r o = pi cos ft + J < /3',. (23) azi az i uZi az i Again, let the co-ordinates #2,2/2, s 2 have reference to one set of refracted waves, and #' 2 , y' 2 , s' 2 to the other, the axes of z 2 and z' z being perpendicular to the respective waves, and their positive directions being those in which the waves are propa- * In considering the question of reflexion at the common surface of two ordi- nary media (Memoires de VInstitut, torn. ix. p. 396), Fresnel assumes the conditions (20) ; but his other suppositions violate the condition (22). In fact, this last con- dition is inconsistent with the supposition that, in a polarized ray, the direction of the vibrations is perpendicular to the plane of polarization. See the Transactions of the Eoyal Irish Academy, VOL. xvui. p. 32 (supra, p. 88). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 1 7 1 gated. Suppose the displacements to be parallel to y^ y'^ and to be denoted by 172, *A respectively. Then if the axes of x y y, z make with the axis of x z the angles ct( 2 ), j3( 2 ), 7(2), and with the axis of x\ the angles a'( 2 ), j3'( 2 ), 7(2), we have, by the formulae^), driz din?, ^=-cos 7(2) + 5? - and thence, by the relations (19), P = -^ (a 2 1 cos a (2) + b*m cos/3( 2 ) + c*n 0087(2)) 6f 2 7 / + -^- (al z cos a' ( 2 ) + b*m cos j3( 2 ) + c 2 n cos y'w), az 2 Q = ~ (a?l f cos a ( 2 ) + b*m' cos )3( 2 ) + cV cos 7(2)) uZ'z + -^rlW' cos o'(2) + b z m' cos j3 r ( 2 ) + cV cos y'(a)). 2 2 Suppose the ellipsoid which generates the wave-surface of the second medium to have its centre at 0, and to be touched in the points Q and Q' by two planes which cut the axes of a? 2 and x\ perpendicularly in the points P and P f ; the lengths OP and OP' being expressed by s, s', and the lengths OQ and OQ' by r, /. Let the axes of a? , / , s make with the direction of OQ the angles a 2 , /3 2 , 72, and with the direction of OQ! the angles a' 2 , j3' 2 , 7^2- Then, from the equation (H) in Lemma IV., it is manifest that a 2 1 cos a ( 2 ) + b z m cos/3(2) + c z n cos 7(2) = rs cosa 2 , a z l cos a' ( 2 ) + b z m cos j3'( 2 ) + c z n cos 7%) = rV cos a^, cfl' cos a ( 2 ) + ^ 2 ^ cos j3( 2 ) 4 cV cos 7(2) = rs cos j3 2 , a 2 / r cos a' (2) + b~m cos /3'( 2 ) + c 2 ^' cos 7^2) = rs cos jS^. 172 On a Dynamical Theory of Hence, n i / / / P = rs cos a 2 + r s cos a 2 , az 2 dz z (24) The quantities s, s' are, as appears by the last section, the normal velocities with which the two sets of refracted waves are propagated. The velocity with which the incident and reflected waves are propagated is taken as unity. Therefore, if TI, T\ be the transversals, or amplitudes of vibration in the incident and reflected waves, and r 2 , r' 2 the transversals of the refracted waves, the lengths of the latter waves being denoted by A 2 , A' 2) and the length of an incident or reflected wave by AI, and if we put fr=??L (t-z l + Vl ) ^ l= ,^L( t - z \ + v \\ A 2 A 2 where vi, 1/1, v 2 , v' 2 are constants, and IT is the ratio of the cir- cumference to the diameter of a circle, we may write rii = TI COS 0i, t/i = T'I COS 0'i, IJ 2 = T 2 COS 2 , i/ 2 = / 2 COS 0' 2 . (26) By means of these values the formulse (23) and (24) become X' = Y~ (TI cos ai sin 0i + T'I cos a\ sin 0'J, F 7 ^,:: (TI cos/3i sin 0i + /i cos|3'i sin^'i), P = 2ir (r- TZ co&az sin 2 + -p- r\ cos a\ sin r 2 ), \A 2 A 2 J Q = 2ir ( ^ T 2 cos /3 3 sin 2 + TT- r' a cos^ r 2 sin 0' 2 ]. \A 2 A 2 / The angles 0i, 0'i, 2 , 0' 2 are the phases of vibration in the (27) Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 173 different waves at the time t. To see how they depend on the co-ordinates x w y m 2 , conceive the axis of z to be directed from towards the interior of the second medium, and the axis of X Q to lie in the plane of incidence, so that the positive directions of 21, 2 2 > s'a may lie within the angle made by the positive direc- tions of X Q and 2 , while the positive direction of z\ lies within the angle made by the positive direction of X Q and the negative direction of s . Let ^ be the angle of incidence, and i z , i\ the angles of refraction ; then 21 = x<> sin n + s cos ii t z\ = # sin h - Z Q cos i it (28) z z = X Q sin iz + s cos i z , z 2 = X Q sin i 2 + z cos i . These values are to be written in the expressions (25). They show that the phases, and therefore the displacements, are in- dependent of y Q . Since the conditions relative to the plane of # ?/o must hold at. every instant of time, and for every point of that plane, the co-efficients of t, as well as those of a? > in the values of the different phases, must be identical; so that we must have 1 _ s s' sin ii _ sin i t _ sin i' z AI A2 A 2 AI \z A 2 Therefore, when Z Q = 0, the supposition Vi = l/i = V Z = l/ 2 (30) renders the phases identical, independently of t and X Q . And, from the form of the equations of condition, it is easy to see that this supposition is necessary; because the equations (20), when the values (26) are substituted in them, contain only the cosines of the phases ; and the equations (21), when the values (27) are substituted in them, contain only the sines of the 174 On a Dynamical Theory of phases. Making the latter substitution, and attending to the relations just mentioned, we find TI COS QI + T\ COS a'i = rr 2 COS a 2 + /r' 2 COS a' 2 , (31) TI cos ]3i + T\ cos )3'i = rr 2 cos j3 2 + // 2 cos /3' 2 . In these equations, the angles by whose cosines each trans- versal is multiplied are the angles which a plane, passing through the directions of that transversal and of the corre- sponding ray, makes with the planes of y Q z and X Q z . This is evident with regard to the incident and reflected rays. And if we refer to the diagram in the preceding section, it will also be evident with regard to the refracted rays ; for OQ is perpen- dicular to the transversal r 2 , and to the right line OI 7 , which is the direction of the corresponding ray. Taking for the point of incidence, let right lines proceed- ing from it represent the different rays ; and let the length of each ray, measured from in the direction of propagation, be assumed proportional to the velocity with which the light is propagated along it. Through the extremity of each ray con- ceive its transversal to be drawn, and let the transversals so drawn have their moments taken, with respect to the point 0, as if they represented forces applied to a rigid body. The length of the incident or reflected ray being considered as unity, the lengths of the refracted rays (as appears by the last Section) are r and r f respectively. Hence, as each trans- versal is perpendicular to its ray, the moments of the incident and reflected transversals are proportional to TI, r'i, and the moments of the refracted transversals to rr 2 , /r' 2 respectively. The equations (31) therefore signify that when the moments are projected, either upon the plane of y Q s , or upon the plane of #o So, the total projected moments are the same for the two media ; or that, if the transversals themselves be projected on either of these planes, the moments of the projections of the incident and reflected transversals are together equal to the moments of the projections of the refracted transversals. Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 175 But the second of the equations (31) has another signifi- cation. For if the transversals applied at the extremities of the refracted rays be projected on the plane of # s< which is the plane of incidence, and contains the axes of z z and s' 2 , the projections will be perpendicular to these axes, since the trans- versals themselves are perpendicular to them ; and the distances of the projections from the point will be proportional to 8 and s', or, by the relations (29), to sin i 2 and sin / 2 ; so that if 2 and 0' 2 be the angles which the transversals make with the plane of incidence, the moments of the projections will be represented by r 2 cos 3 sin 4 and / 2 cos 0' 2 sin / 2 . At the same time, if 0i and 9\ be the angles which the incident and re- flected transversals make with the plane of incidence, the mo- ments of the corresponding projections of these transversals will evidently be represented by TI cos 0i sin i l9 and - T\ cos 0\ sin ii ; the latter quantity being taken with a negative sign, because the extremity of the reflected ray, where the transversal T\ is applied, lies in the first medium, while the extremities of the incident and refracted rays lie in the second, and it is supposed that when any of the angles O l9 0\, 2 , 0' 2 is zero, the direction of the corresponding transversal makes an acute angle with the axis of o? . Hence we have TI cos 0i sin h - T\ cos 9\ sin ^ = r 2 cos 2 sin i z + r' 2 cos 0' 2 sin i\ ; an equation which expresses that if each transversal be pro- jected upon the axis of s 0) the sum of the projections of the incident and reflected transversals will be equal to the sum of the projections of the refracted transversals. Therefore, since the phases of the different vibrations are identical when Z Q = 0, the condition (22) is fulfilled, as it ought to be. On account of this identity of phases, it follows from the conditions (20) and (22), that if the transversals be drawn through the point 0, and those which belong to each medium be compounded like forces acting at a point, their resultants will be the same ; that is, the resultant of the incident and 176 On a Dynamical Theory of reflected transversals will be the same as the resultant of the refracted transversals. Hence, recollecting what has heen proved respecting the moments of the transversals applied at the extremities of the rays, we have the following theorem : Supposing the length of each ray, measured from the point of incidence and in the direction of propagation, to be taken proportional to the velocity with which the light is propagated along it, and its transversal to be drawn through the extremity of this length, the incident and reflected transversals having their proper directions, but the refracted transversals having their directions reversed ; if all the transversals so drawn be compounded like forces applied to a rigid body, their resultant will be a couple, lying in a plane parallel to the plane which separates the two media. This theorem affords a complete solution of the question of reflexion and refraction.* Expressed analytically it gives five equations, of which four are independent. To apply the preceding results to a simple case, suppose the second medium, as well as the first, to be an ordinary one. We have then only one refracted ray, and one refracted trans- versal T Z . 1. When the incident ray is polarized in the plane of inci- dence, the transversals are all in that plane ; and as they are perpendicular to the rays, and the refracted transversal is the resultant of the other two, we have evidently , sin fe - 2 ) sin r 2 = i I - j-. , 2 I -p . sin (^ + * a ; sin (f| + H) 2. When the incident ray is polarized perpendicularly to * The same theorem applies to the other case of reflexion and refraction, when a ray which has entered the crystal emerges from it into an ordinary medium, undergoing double reflexion at the surface where it emerges. In fact, the con- ditions (20) and (21) hold good whether the ordinary medium is the first or the second; and in the latter" case, as well as in the former, it may be shown that the condition (22) is fulfilled, and that the theorem above mentioned is true. Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 177 the plane of incidence, the transversals are all perpendicular to that plane. Taking 2 sin *\ to represent the length of the incident or reflected ray, the proportional length of the re- fracted ray is 2 sin fl' 2 , and the projections of these lengths on the plane of y So are 2 sin e\ cos ^ and 2 sin i* cos * 2 , or sin 2^ and sin 2 i 2 . The transversals applied at the extremities of the rays are not altered by being projected on the plane of y s ; therefore the moments of the incident, reflected, and refracted transversals, projected on this plane, are represented by the quantities TI sin 2^ - T\ sin 2&i, and r z sin 2i 2 respectively. Equating the last moment to the sum of the other two, and the refracted transversal to the sum of the other two trans- versals, we get (TI - T'I) sin 2ii = T Z sin 2/ 2 , TI + r\ = r 2 ; and thence tan (! - 4) sin 2\ i I . -/-, . Z i . . tan fyi + 4) sm (*i + h) cos (^ - 4) This case has been considered by JPresnel. The relative magnitudes of the incident and reflected transversals, as given by him, are in accordance* with the formulae (32) and (33) ; but with respect to the refracted transversals, his results do not agree with the formulae. SECT. VI. PRESERVATION OF Vis VIVA THEOREM OF THE POLAR PLANE CONCLUSION. Eeturning to the general question, if we resolve the trans- versals parallel to the axes of # , 2/ 0> *o, and equate the sums of the parallel components in one medium to the corresponding * There is, however, a difference as to the relative directions of the incident and reflected transversals. "When the second medium is the denser, and the inci- dence is perpendicular, these transversals, according to the present theory, have the same direction, but according to Fresnel they have opposite directions. TV 1 78 On a Dynamical Theory of sums in the other, we get the three conditions (T! COS 0! + r'i COS S\) COS \ = T 2 COS 2 COS l a + r' 2 COS 0' 2 COS / 2 , TI sin 0! + T'I sin / 1 = r 2 sin 2 + r' 2 sin 0' 2 , (34) (TI cos 0, - r'i cos / i) sin e\ =r 2 cos 2 sin ^ + r' 2 cos 0' 2 sin i\. A fourth condition is supplied by the first of the equations (31), in which equation we have to write cos H! = sin 0! cos i, cos a\ - - sin 9\ cos i i9 and to substitute similar expressions for cos a 2 , cos a' 2 . The right line OQ is perpendicular to the transversal r 2 and to the ray OT. The cosines of the angles a 2 , ]3 2 , y 2 may therefore be found by means of the cosines of the angles which the trans- versal and the ray make with the axes of a? > y^ *o The cosines of the angles which the transversal r 2 makes with these axes are respectively cos 2 cos iz, sin 2 , - cos 2 sin i 2 . As the plane which passes through the ray and the wave- normal OS is perpendicular to the transversal T 2 , this plane makes with the plane of incidence an angle equal to 90 + 2 or 90 - 2 . Let a sphere, having its centre at 0, be intersected in the points $ , T Q by the right lines OS, OT, and in the points X 09 Fo, ZQ by the axes of ar , ^o, s ; and conceive the points T Q and YQ to be at the same side of the plane # 0} * > ^ ne spherical angle T S X being 90 + 2 , and the spherical angle T S Z being 90 - 2 . Let e be the angle which the ray makes with the wave-normal. Then, the angles which the ray makes with the axes of co-ordinates being measured by the arcs T X Q , T Y , T Z , the cosines of these angles respectively are sin it cos c - sin 2 cos 4 sin e, cos 2 sin c, cos iz cos c + sin 2 sin i z sin t. Hence, as the transversal is at right angles to the ray, we Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 179 have, by Lemma I., cos a 2 = sin & 2 sin + sin 2 cos 2 cos c, cos j3 2 = - cos 2 cos c, cos y 2 = cos 2 sin * - sin 2 sin i z cos f. (35) In like manner, putting c' for the angle which the other re- fracted ray makes with its wave-normal, we have cos a' 2 = sin *" 2 sin c' + sin 0' 2 cos i\ cos c', cos /3' 2 = - cos 0' 2 cos E ', cos 7' 2 = cos i\ sin t' sin 0' 2 sin ' 2 cos c'. (36) If we substitute, in the first of the equations (31), the values just given for cos a 2 , cos a' 2 , along with the above values of cos ai, cos o'i, and attend to the relations T COS = S. / COS e = /, (37) sin 4 = * sin e'i, sin i\ = s' sin i iy we find, after multiplying all the terms of the equation by sin t\, (TI sin 0i - r'i sin 0'i) sin t'i cos e\ = r 2 (sin 2 sin ea cos 2 (38) + sin^ 2 tan a) + r' 2 (sin ^ 2 sin i' t cos / 2 + sin 2 / 2 tan e). Joining this equation to the equations (34) we have all the con- ditions that are necessary for the solution of the question. Multiplying the first of the equations (34) by the third, also the second of these equations by the equation (38) , adding the products together, and then dividing by sin i^ we obtain ^ (n 2 - r?) = JI,T,' + /,rV + Mr z r^ (39) where we have put /ui = cos e\, fji z = s (cos 4 + sin 2 sin h tan ), ju r 2 = s' (cos e' z + sin 0' 2 sin ^ 2 tan '), M sin i\ = sin (i z + ?*) {cos 2 cos 0' 2 + sin 2 sin 0' 2 cos ( 2 - i\) } + sin ^jj sin 2 i t tan e + sin 2 sin 2 i\ tan s'. 1 80 On a Dynamical Theory of The last expression may be put under the form M sin fc\ sin (i z - i') = sin 2 2 {cos 2 cos 0' 2 + sin 2 sin 0' 2 cos (i z - ') (40) + sin 0' 2 sin ( 2 - ' 2 ) tan e) - sinVajoos 2 cos 0' 2 + sin 2 sin 0' 2 cos (e a - / 2 ) - sin 2 sin (i z - ^2) tan c'} . Let the axes of x m y , s make with the direction of OP the angles a y/ , /3 //? 7,,, and with the direction of OP' the angles a '//> /3',/j 7'//- The cosines of these angles may be found from the expressions (35) and (36) by supposing e and e' to vanish. Therefore cos er /y = sin 2 cos i z , cos /3 7/ = - cos 2 , cos y f/ = - sin 3 sin 2 , (41) cos a' y/ = sin 0' 2 cos ^2 / , cos jS'^ = - cos r 2 , cos 7'^ = - sin 0' 2 sin i\. If w be the angle which OQ makes with OP', and w' the angle which OQ' makes with OP, so that cos u> = cos a 2 cos a' /y + cos j3 2 cos j3' /y + cos 72 cos 7' /y , COS O)' = COS a' 2 COS a /7 + COS )3' 2 COS /3 /y + COS y' 9 COS 7 /x , we find, by the formulae (35), (36), (41), cos w = cos efcos 2 cos 0' 2 + sin 2 sin 0' 2 cos (i z - i' z ) + sin 0' 2 sin (i 2 - i' z ] tan cj, cos w' = cos s { cos 2 cos 0' 2 + sin 2 sin 0' 2 cos (i z - i' z ) - sin 2 sin (i 2 - i' z ) tan c'J. Hence, observing the relations (37), we see that the right-hand member of the equation (40) is equal to the quantity sin 2 ^ (rs cos w - r's' cos a/). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 1 8 1 But, by the property of the ellipsoid (Lemma IV.), this quantity is zero ;* therefore M = 0, and the equation (39) becomes /Ui n 2 = m rV + ,W + /x'.rV. (42) On each ray let a length, representing the velocity with which the light is propagated along it, be measured, as before, from the point 0. The distances of the plane of # 2A> from the extremities of these lengths will be proportional to the coeffi- cients of the squares of the transversals in the preceding equa- tion. For if we take, on the incident or reflected ray, a length equal to unity, its projection on the axis of s will be cos i { or p\\ and if, on the refracted ray OT, we take a length equal to r, its projection on the same axis will be r (cos i-i cos e + sin 2 sin ? 2 sin e), which is equal to ju 2 . Similarly, the length /, assumed on the other refracted ray, will have its projection equal to juV The quantities by which the squares of the transversals are multi- plied, in the equation (42), are therefore the corresponding ethe- real volumesf which we may conceive to be put in motion by the different waves ; and as we suppose the density of the ether to be the same in both media, the equation expresses a principle analogous to that of the preservation of vis viva.% By giving a certain direction to the incident transversal, that is, by polarizing the incident ray in a certain plane, we may make one of the refracted rays disappear. If OT be the ray which remains, we have r' 2 = 0, and the equations (34) and (38) become * The equation M = is the same as the equation (vn.) in my former Paper. Transactions, R.I. A., VOL. xvm. p. 52 (supra, p. 112). t Ibid., p. 48 (supra, p. 106). J A similar equation of v is viva holds when the light passes out of a crystal into an ordinary medium. 1 82 On a Dynamical Theory of (ri cos 0i + r'i cos 0^) cos e'i ~ r 2 cos 2 cos 4, TI sin 0! + r'i sin 0\ = r 2 sin 2 , (TI cos 0i - r'i cos 0^) sin e\ = r 2 cos 2 sin e,, (43) (ri sin 0i - T'I sin 0\) sin ^ cos ^ = r 2 (sin 2 sin 2 cos e a + sin 2 ' 2 tan e). In this case, the three transversals are in the same plane, the refracted transversal being the resultant of the other two. Therefore if we find this plane, everything will be determined. The axes of # , y w Z Q make, with the incident transversal, angles whose cosines are cos 0i cos f'i, sin X , - cos 0! sin *!, and, with the reflected transversal, angles whose cosines are cos 0^ cos i, sin 0\ 9 cos 9\ sin ^ ; therefore, by Lemma I., the cosines of the angles which these axes make with a right line perpendicular to the plane of the transversals are proportional to the quantities sin (0i + 0'i) sin \, - cos : cos 9\ sin 2*i, sin (B\ - 0i) cos i^ Now from the product of the first and second of the equations (43), combined with the product of the third and fourth, we find, by the help of the relations (37), 2ri/i sin (0! + 0^1) sin e\ = r 2 2 tan \ cos 2 {sin 2 cos i z - s 2 (sin 2 cos iz + sin 2 tan e) } . From the squares of the first and third of those equations we find - Sri/i cos 0i cos 0' t sin 2&\ = r 2 2 tan ^ cos 2 2 (s 2 - 1), and from the product of the first and fourth, combined with the product of the second and third, 2ri r'i sin (0'i - : ) cos \ = T 2 2 tan ^ cos 3 {- sin 2 sin i z + s* (sin 2 sin i 2 - cos / 2 tan c ) J . Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 183 In the three equations just found, the left-hand members are proportional, as we have seen, to the cosines of the angles which a right line perpendicular to the plane of the transversals makes with the axes of co-ordinates ; and the right-hand members, as appears by the formulae (35) and (41), are proportional to the quantities cos a,, cos ft cos -v . - r cos a 2 , - r COS p, - r cos y 2 , s s s which are obviously the differences between the corresponding co-ordinates of the points R and Q. The plane of the transver- sals is therefore perpendicular to the right line QR, which joins those points. A plane parallel to the right line TM, and passing through the transversal of the ray OT, is that which I have called the polar plane of the ray;* and this plane is perpendicular to QH. Therefore, when there is only one refracted ray, the incident and reflected transversals lie in the polar plane of that ray ; and their directions being thus determined, the relative magnitudes of the three transversals are known. In this case the incident and reflected transversals are called uniradial ; and as each re- fracted ray in turn may be made to disappear, there are two uniradial directions in the plane of the incident wave, and two in that of the reflected wave. When the incident transversal is not uniradial, it may be considered as the resultant of two uniradial transversals, each of which will supply a refracted ray, and will produce a uniradial component of the reflected transversal. It is needless to extend these deductions further. They have been carried far enough to show that the results of the foregoing theory are in perfect accordance with the laws estab- lished in my former Paper on the subject of crystalline reflexion. The theory itself suggests much matter for consideration ; but at present we shall confine ourselves to one remark, which may * Transactions, Koyal Irish Academy, VOL. xvm. p. 39 (supra, p. 96). 1 84 On Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. be necessary to prevent any misconception as to the nature of the foundation on which it stands. In this theory, everything depends on the form of the function Y ; and we have seen that, when that form is properly assigned, the laws by which crystals act upon light are included in the general equation of dynamics. This fact is fully proved by the preceding investigations. But the reasoning which has been used to account for the form of the function* is indirect, and cannot be regarded as sufficient, in a mechanical point of view. It is, however, the only kind of reasoning which we are able to employ, as the constitution of the luminiferous medium is entirely unknown. * Since this Paper was read to the Academy, I have found that the form of the function V is more general than it would seem to be from the mode in which it is here deduced ; and I have obtained from it a theory of the Total Reflexion of Light. For a sketch of this theory, see the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. n. p. 96 (supra, p. 187). XY. ON THE OPTICAL LAWS OP BOCK- CRYSTALS. [Proceedings of the Royallrish Academy, VOL. i. p. 385. Read Jan. 13, 1840.] PROFESSOR MAC CULLAGH made a communication respecting the optical Laws of Bock-crystal (Quartz). In a Paper read to the Academy in February 1836, and published in the Transactions (YoL. xvn. p. 461),* he had shown how the peculiar properties of that crystal might be explained, by adding to the usual equations of vibratory motion certain terms depending on differential co-efficients of the third order, and containing only one new constant C. This hypothesis, which was very simple in itself, not only involved as conse- quences all the laws that were previously known, but led to the discovery of a new one the law, namely, by which the ellipticity of the vibrations depends on the direction of the ray within the crystal. He was not able, however, to account for his hypothesis, nor has it since been accounted for by anyone. But the theory developed in the Paper which he read at the last meeting of the Academy now enables him to assign, with a high degree of probability, the origin of the additional terms above mentioned, and, if not to account for them mecha- nically, at least to advance a step higher in the inquiry. In that theory it was supposed (and the supposition holds good in all known crystals, except quartz), that the molecules of the ether vibrate in right lines, the displacements remaining always parallel to each other as the wave is propagated; and it was shown that the function Y, by which the motion is determined, * Supra, p. 63. 1 86 On the Optical Laws of Rock- Crystals. then depends only on the relative displacements of the molecules. But when this is not the case when, as in quartz, each mole- cule is supposed to vihrate in a curve then it is natural to con- ceive that the function Y may depend, not only on the relative displacements, but also on the relative areas which each mole- cule describes about every other more or less advanced in its vibration. This idea, analytically expressed, introduces a new term v into the value of the function 2V ; and, if the plane of the wave be taken for the plane of xy 9 it is easy to show that v = T~ T~2 ~ T~ -> 2 / V 1) == ~~J 7~~ 9 ^> = ~~7 ~~ 7 > \ / dz dy dx dz dy dx * See Proceedings, 9th December, 1839 (supra, p. 157). Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 1 89 they will take the following simple form : in which it is remarkable that the auxiliary quantities i> rji, &, are exactly, for an ordinary medium, the components of the dis- placement in the theory of Fresnel. In a doubly-refracting crystal, the resultant of &, j!, ?i is perpendicular to the ray, and comprised in a plane passing through the ray and the wave-nor- mal. Its amplitude, or greatest magnitude, is proportional to the amplitude of the vibration itself, multiplied by the velocity of the ray. The conditions to be fulfilled at the separating surface of two media were given in the abstract already referred to. From these it follows, that the resultant of the quantities &, 171, , projected on that surface, is the same in both media ; but the part perpendicular to the surface is not the same ; whereas the quantities , TJ, ?, are identical in both. These assertions, analy- tically expressed, would give five equations, though four are sufficient ; but it can be shown that any one of the equations is implied in the other four, not only in the case of common, but of total reflexion ; which is a very remarkable circumstance, and a very strong confirmation of the theory. The laws of double refraction, discovered by Fresnel, but not legitimately deduced from a consistent hypothesis, either by him- self or any intermediate writer, may be very easily obtained, as the author has already shown, from equations (2), by assuming =p cos a sin 0, rj = p cos ]8 sin 0, =p cos 7 sin 0, (5) where 27r, 7 N = -^- (Ix + my + nz - sf) ; A but the new laws, which are the object of the present supple- ment, are to be obtained from the same equations by making g = [p cos a sin + q cos a' cos 0), ij = e (p cos ]3 sin + q cos ]3' cos 0), ^ (6) ^ = c (p cos y sin + q cos A' cos 0), 190 On a Dynamical Theory of where has the same signification as before, and e = e the vibrations being now elliptical, whereas in the former case they were rectilinear. In these elliptic vibrations the motion depends not only on the distance of the vibrating particle from the plane whose equation is Ix + my + nz = 0, (7) but also on its distance from the plane expressed by the equation and if the constants in the equation of each plane denote the cosines of the angles which it makes with the co-ordinate planes, we shall have A for the length of the wave, and s for the velocity of propagation ; while the rapidity with which the motion is ex- tinguished, in receding from the second plane, will depend upon the constant r. The constants p and q may be any two conju- gate semi- diameters of the ellipse in which the vibration is per- formed ; the former making, with the axes of co-ordinates, the angles a, /3, 7, the latter the angles a', j3', 7'. As vibrations of this kind cannot exist in any medium, unless they are maintained by total reflexion at its surface, we shall suppose, in order to contemplate their laws in their, utmost generality, that a crystal is in contact with a fluid of greater re- fractive power than itself, and that a ray is incident at their common surface, at such an angle as to produce total reflexion. The question then is, the angle of incidence being given, to de- termine the laws of the disturbance within the crystal. The author finds that the refraction is still double, and that two distinct and separable systems of vibration are transmitted into the crystal. He shows that the surface of the crystal itself (the origin of co-ordinates being upon it at the point of inci- dence) must coincide with the plane expressed by equation (8), a circumstance which determines the three constants /, g, h. The plane expressed by (7) is parallel to the plane of the re- Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 191 fracted wave ; and a normal, drawn to it through the origin, lies in the plane of incidence, making with a perpendicular to the face of the crystal an angle o>, which may be called the angle of refraction ; so that, if i be the angle of incidence, we have sin o> = s sin i, the velocity of propagation in the fluid being regarded as unity. To each refracted wave, or system of vibration, corresponds a particular system of values for r, s, o>. These the author shows how to determine by means of the index-surface (the reciprocal of Fresnel's wave-surface), which he has employed on other occa- sions,* and the rule which he gives for this purpose affords a remarkable example of the use of the imaginary roots of equa- tions, without the theory of which, indeed, it would have been difficult to prove, in the present instance, that there are two, and only two, refracted waves. Taking a new system of co-ordi- nates #', i/ ', s', of which z' is perpendicular to the surface of the crystal, and y' to the plane of incidence, while of lies in the in- tersection of these two planes ; put tf = in the equation of the index-surface referred to those co-ordinates, the origin being at its centre ; we shall then have an equation of the fourth degree between x' and z', which will be the equation of the section made in the index-surface by the plane of incidence. In this equation put x f = sin i, and then solve it for z'. "When i exceeds a certain angle /, the four values of z' will be imaginary ; and if they be denoted by u v <, u f each pair will correspond to a refracted system, and we shall have, for the first, sin i sin w tan o> = - , s = r, r = sv ; (9) u smz and for the second, , sinz sin a/ , , , tan u/ = -, s' = r , r = s'v . (10) u sin i * Transactions of the Academy, VOLS. xvn. and XYIII. (supra, pp. 36, 96). On a Dynamical Theory of When i lies between i and a certain smaller angle i"> two of the roots will be real, and two imaginary. The real roots correspond to waves which follow the law of Fresnel ; the imaginary roots give a single wave, following the other laws just mentioned. Lastly, when i is less than i" 9 all the roots are real, the re- fraction is entirely regulated by Fresnel's law, and the reflexion by the laws already discovered and published by the author. If the crystal be uniaxal, and all the values of z imaginary, the ordinary wave-normal will coincide with the axis of x ; whilst the extraordinary wave-normal and the axis of z' will be conjugate diameters of the ellipse in which the index surface is cut by the plane of incidence. When a = b = c, the crystal becomes an ordinary medium ; there is then only single refraction, and the refracted wave is always perpendicular to the axis of of. With regard to the ellipse in which the vibrations are per- formed, it may be worth while to observe, that if it be projected perpendicularly on the plane of incidence, the projected diameters which are parallel to the surface of the crystal and to the wave- plane will, in all cases, be conjugate to each other, and their re- spective lengths will be in the proportion of r to unity. The vibrations, it is obvious, are not performed in the plane of the wave, though they take place without changing the density of the ether. The new laws here announced are, properly spealdng, laws of double refraction, and are necessary to complete our know- ledge of that subject. Between them and the laws of Fresnel a curious analogy exists, founded on the change of real into imaginary constants. The laws of the total reflexion, which accompanies the new kind of refraction, need not be dwelt upon in this abstract, as nothing is now more easy than to form the equations which con- tain them. In fact, the difficulties which formerly surrounded the problem of reflexion, even in the simplest cases, have com- pletely disappeared, since the author made known the conditions which must be fulfilled at the separating surface of two media. Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction. 1 93 In what precedes, it has been supposed that the reflexion and refraction take place at the first surface of the crystal, because this is the more difficult and complicated of the two cases into which the question resolves itself. But it will usually happen in practice that a ray which has entered the crystal will suffer total reflexion at the second surface, while the new kind of vibra- tion is propagated into the air without. The refracted wave will then be always perpendicular to the axis of x' ; the two reflected rays, within the crystal, will be plane-polarized, according to the common law, but they will each undergo a change of phase ; and the vis viva of the two rays together will be equal to that of the incident ray, the vis viva being measured by the square of the amplitude multiplied by the proportional mass. In conclusion, the author states a mathematical hypothesis by which both the laws of dispersion, and those of the elliptic polarization of rock crystal, may be connected with the laws already developed. ( 194 ) XVIL NOTES ON SOME POINTS IN THE THEORY OF LIGHT. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. n. p. 139. Bead Nov. 8, 1841.] I. On a Mechanical Theory which has been proposed for the Explana- tion of the Phenomena of Circular Polarization in Liquids, and of Circular and Elliptic Polarization in Quartz or Rock-crystal; with Remarks on the corresponding Theory of Rectilinear Pola- rization. THE theory of elliptic polarization, which I feel myself called upon to notice, was first stated by M. Cauchy, and has been made the subject of elaborate investigation by other writers. That celebrated analyst, conceiving (though without sufficient reason, as will presently appear) that he had fully explained the known laws of the propagation of rectilinear vibrations by the hypothesis that the luminiferous ether, in media transmitting such vibrations, consists of separate mole- cules symmetrically arranged with respect to each of three rectangular planes, and acting on each other by forces which are some function of the distance, was led very naturally to imagine that he would find the laws of circular and elliptic vibrations, in other media, to be included in the more general hypothesis of an unsymmetrical arrangement. Accordingly, in a letter read to the French Academy on the 22nd of February, 1836 a letter to which he attached so much im- portance that he desired it might not only be published in Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 195 the Proceedings, but also " deposited in the Archives " of that body* he gave a precise statement of his more extended views, informing the Academy that he had submitted his new theory to calculation, and that, among other remarkable results, he had obtained (with a slight variation or correction) the laws of cir- cular polarization, discovered by Arago, Biot, and Fresnel. Re- ferring to his Memoir on Dispersion, published at Prague, under the title of Nouveaux Exercices de Mathematiques, he observes, that the results therein contained may be generalized, by " ceasing to neglect " in the equations of motion [the equations marked (24) in 2 of that memoir] certain terms which vanish in the case of a symmetrical distribution of the ether. He then goes on to say "Nos formules ainsi generalisees representent les phe- nomenes de 1'absorption de la lumiere ou de certains rayons, produite par les verres colores, la tourmaline, &c., le phe- nomene de la polarisation circulaire produite par le cristal de roche, 1'huile de terebenthine, &c. (Voir les experiences de MM. Arago, Biot, Fresnel). Elles servent meme a de- terminer les conditions et les lois de ces phenomenes; elles montrent que generalement, dans un rayon de lumiere po- larisee, une molecule d' ether decrit une ellipse. Mais dans certains cas particuliers, cette ellipse se change en une droite, et alors on obtient la polarisation reetiligne." " Enfin le cal- cul prouve que, dans le cristal de roche, 1'huile de tereben- thine, &c., la polarisation, des rayons transmis parallelement a 1'axe (s'il s'agit du cristal de roche) n'est pas rigoureusement circulaire, mais qu' alors 1'ellipse differe tres peu du cercle." Thus, fco say nothing for the present of the questions of dispersion and absorption, it appears that M. Cauchy conceived he had completely accounted for the facts of circular and elliptic polarization, and that he had deduced the formulas "which serve to determine the conditions and laws of these phenomena." But neither in this letter, nor in any subse- See the Comptes Rcndus des Seances de V Academic des Sciences, torn. ii. p. 182. o2 196 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. quent version* of his theory, has he given the formulas them- selves. Nor has he told us the nature of the calculations by which he was enabled to correct the received opinion, and to prove that the vibrations in a ray transmitted along the axis of quartz, or through oil of turpentine, are not rigorously circular, as Fresnel and others have supposed, but slightly elliptical. Now to take the case of quartz if we consider that the vibrations of a ray passing along the axis are in a plane perpendicular to it, and if we admit, as M. Cauchy always does in the case of other uniaxal crystals, that there is a perfect optical symmetry all round the axis, we shall find it hard to conceive on what grounds he could have come to the conclusion that the vibrations of such a ray are performed in an ellipse. For if all planes passing through the axis of the crystal be alike in their optical properties, there will be absolutely nothing to determine the position and ratio of the axes of the ellipse ; there will be no reason why its major axis, for example, should lie in one of these planes, rather than in any other. But, whatever may be thought of this case inde- pendently of observation, it is manifestly absurd to suppose that the vibrations are elliptical in the case of a ray passing through oil of turpentine, or any other liquid possessing the property of rotatory polarization; for, in a liquid, all planes drawn through the ray itself are circumstanced alike. From these simple considerations it is evident that the theory of M. Cauchy is unsound; but a closer examination will show that it is entirely without foundation, and that it is directly opposed to the very phenomena which it professes to explain. To make this appear, however, in the easiest way that the abstruseness of the subject will allow, it will be necessary to * From some statements that have been made within the last few days by Professor Powell (Phil. Mag. VOL. xix. p. 374), at the request of M. Cauchy himself, it appears that the latter republished his views about circular and elliptic polarization, in a lithographed memoir of the date of August, 1836; but I do not find that he published, either then or since, the detailed calcula- tions which he seems to have made. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 197 advert to some former researches of my own, which have a direct bearing on the question. The same day on which M. Cauchy's letter was read to the French Academy, I had the honour of reading to the Eoyal Irish Academy a Paper " On the Laws of Double Eefraction in Quartz"* wherein I showed that everything which we know respecting the action of that crystal upon light is comprised mathematically in the following equations: (1) dt* " dz which differ from the common equations of vibratory motion by the two additional terms containing third differential co- efficients multiplied by the same constant (7, this constant having opposite signs in the two equations. The quantities % and r] are, at any time , the displacements parallel to the axes of x and y, which are supposed to be the principal di- rections in the plane of the wave, one of them being there- fore perpendicular to the axis of the crystal. The constants A and B are given by the expressions where a and b are the principal velocities of propagation, ordinary and extraordinary, and i/< is the angle made by the wave-normal (or the direction of z) with the axis of the crys- tal. The only new constant introduced is (7, which, though the peculiar phenomena of quartz depend entirely on its ex- istence, is almost inconceivably small : its value is determined in the Paper just referred to. The equations are there proved to afford a strict geometrical representation of the facts; not only connecting together all the laws discovered by the dis- tinguished observers to whom M. Cauchy refers, and includ- * See Transactions, R. I. A., VOL. xvn. p. 461 (supra, p. 63). 198 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. ing the subsequent additions for which we are indebted to Mr. Airy, but leading to new results, one of which establishes a relation between two different classes of phenomena, and is verified by the experiments of M. Biot and Mr. Airy. Having, therefore, such conclusive proofs of the truth of these equations, we are entitled to assume them as a standard whereby to judge of any theory ; so that any mechanical hypothesis which leads to results inconsistent with them may be at once rejected. Now I assert that the mechanical hypothesis of M. Cauchy contradicts these equations, and therefore contradicts all the phenomena and experiments which he supposed it to repre- sent. But before we proceed to the proof of this assertion, it may perhaps be proper to remark, that previously to the date of M. Cauchy's communication, and of my own Paper, I had actually tried and rejected this identical hypothesis, and had even gone so far as to reject along with it the whole of M. Cauchy's views about the mechanism of light. For though, in my Paper, I have said nothing of any mechanical investiga- tions, yet, as a matter of course, before it was read to the Aca- demy, I made every effort to connect my equations in some way with mechanical principles; and it was because I had failed in doing so to my own satisfaction, that I chose to publish the equations without comment,* as bare geometrical assumptions, and contented myself with stating orally to the Academy, as I did some months after to the Physical Section of the British Association in Bristolf that a mechanical account of the phenomena still remained a desideratum which no attempts of mine had been able to supply. I am not sure that on the first occasion I stated the precise nature of these attempts, though I * The circumstances here related will account for what Mr. Whewell (History of the Inductive Sciences, VOL. n. p. 449) calls the "obscure and oracular form " in which those equations were published. Having, at that time, no good explanation of them to give, I thought it better to attempt none. But in the general view which I have since taken (see p. 224 of this volume), they do not offer any peculiar diffi- culty. f See " Transactions of the Sections," p. 18. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 199 incline to think I did ; but I have a distinct recollection of having done so on the second occasion, in reply to questions that were asked me by some Members of the Association.* Now, my first attempt to explain those equations, which was made almost as soon as I discovered them, actually turned upon the very idea which about the same time found entrance into the mind of M. Cauchy I mean the idea of an unsymmetrical arrangement of the ether. For as it was generally believed, at that period, that the hypothe- sis of ethereal molecules symmetrically distributed had led, in the hands of M. Cauchy, to a complete theory of rectilinear polari- zation in crystals,f the notion of endeavouring to account for the phenomena of elliptic polarization, by freeing the hypothesis from any restriction as to the distribution of the ether, would natu- rally occur to anyone who was thinking on the subject, no less than to M. Cauchy himself. And though, for my own part, I never was satisfied with that theory, which seemed to me to possess no other merit than that of following out in detail the extremely curious, but (as I thought) very imperfect, analogy which had been perceived to exist between the vibrations of the luminif erous medium and those of a common elastic J solid (for * At the period of this meeting, M. Cauchy 's letter on Elliptic Polarization had been published for some months ; but I was not then aware of its existence. Indeed the letter appears not to have attracted any general notice ; for the theory which it contains was afterwards advanced in England as a new one, and M. Cauchy has been lately obliged to assert his prior claim to it, through the medium of Professor Powell. See notes, pp. 196, 202-3. f See his Exercices de Mathematiques, Cinquieme Annee, Paris, 1830, and the Memoires de I'Institut, torn. x. p. 293. J The analogy was suggested by the hypothesis of transversal vibrations, which, when viewed in its physical bearing, was considered by Dr. Young to be "perfectly appalling in its consequences," as it was only to solids that a "lateral resistance" tending to produce such vibrations had ever been attributed. (Supplement to the Encyclopaedia JBritannica, VOL. vi. p. 862, Edinburgh, 1824.) He admits, how- ever, that the question, whether fluids may not "transmit impressions by lateral adhesion, remains completely open for discussion, notwithstanding the apparent difficulties attending it." As far as I am aware, Fresnel always regarded the ether as a, fluid. M. Poisson affirms that it must be so regarded, and attributes its apparent peculiarities to the immense rapidity of its vibrations, which does not 2OO Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. it is usual to regard such a solid as a rigid system of attracting or repelling molecules, and M. Cauchy has really done nothing more than transfer to the luminiferous ether both the constitu- tion of the solid and differential formulas of its vibration), still I should have been glad, in the absence of anything better, to find my equations supported by a similar theory, and their form at least countenanced by the like mechanical analogy. Besides, I recollected that Fresnel himself, in his Memoir on Double Re- fraction, had indicated a "helicoidal arrangement," or something of that sort, as a probable cause of circular polarization* and as this was an hypothesis of the same kind as the other, only not so general, I was prepared to find that the supposition of an arbitrary arrangement, whatever might be thought of its physical reality, would lead to equations of the same form as those which I had assumed. Upon trial, however, the very contrary proved to be the case ; for though it was possible to obtain additional terms, con- taining differential co-efficients of the third order, multiplied by the same constant (7, yet this constant always came out with the same sign in both equations, whereas a difference of sign was essential for the expression of the phenomena. I had no sooner arrived at this result than I perceived it to be fatal to the theory of M. Cauchy, and to afford a demonstration of its insufficiency, not only in the particular application which I had made of it, but in all its applications. For the hypothesis allow the law of equal pressure to hold good in the state of motion (Annales de Chimie, torn. xliv. p. 432). M. Cauchy calls the ether a fluid, though he treats it as a solid. My own impression is, that the ether is a medium of a peculiar kind, differing from all ponderable hodies, whether solid or fluid, in this respect, that it absolutely refuses, in any case, to change its density, and therefore propagates to a distance transversal vibrations only ; while ordinary elastic fluids transmit only normal vibrations, and ordinary solids admit vibrations of both kinds. This hypo- thesis also includes the supposition that the density of the ether is unchanged by the presence of ponderable matter. As to M. Cauchy's third ray, with vibrations nearly normal to the wave, there is no reason to believe that it has even the faintest existence; but it is necessarily introduced by his identification of the vibrations of light with those of an indefinitely extended elastic solid. * Memoires de V Institut, torn. vii. p. 73. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 201 which I used was, in fact, identical with that theory, in the most general form of which it is susceptible, when unrestricted by any particular supposition as to the arrangement of the ethereal molecules; and therefore the fundamental conception of the theory could not be true, as it not merely failed to ex- plain a large and most remarkable class of phenomena those of circular and elliptical polarization but absolutely excluded them, and left no room for their existence. It followed from this, that the mechanical explanation, which the same theory was supposed to have given, of the phenomena of rectilinear polarization and double refraction in crystals, could not be well founded : indeed, as I have said, I had always distrusted it, and that for various reasons, of which one has been already men- tioned, and another was suggested by the forced relations which M. Cauchy had found it necessary to establish among the con- stants of his theory, and by which he had compelled, as it were, his complicated formulas to assume the appearance of an agree- , ment (though, after all, a very imperfect one) with the simple laws of Fresnel. Such were the conclusions at which I arrived, and the re- flections which they forced upon me, nearly six years ago. They have been frequently mentioned in conversation to those who took an interest in such matters, and their general tenor may be gathered from what I have elsewhere written ;* but I did not think it worth while to publish them in detail, because it seemed probable that juster notions would prevail in the course of a few years, and that the ingenious speculations to which I have alluded would gradually come to be estimated at their proper value. But from whatever cause it has arisen whether from the real difficulties of the subject, or the extreme vagueness of the ideas that most persons are content to form of it, or from deference to the authority of a distinguished mathe- matician certain it is that the doctrines in question have not only been received without any expression of dissent, but have been eagerly adopted, both in this country and abroad, by * Transactions, R. I. A., VOL. xvm. p. 68 (supra, p. 129). 202 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. a host of followers ; and even the extraordinary error, which it is my more immediate object to expose, has been continually gaining ground up to the very moment at which I write, and has at last begun to be ranked among the elementary truths of the undulatory theory of light. Notwithstanding my un- willingness, therefore, to be at all concerned in such discus- sions, I do not think myself at liberty to remain silent any longer. There are occasions on which every consideration of this kind must give way to a regard for the interests of science. To show that the principles of M. Cauchy contradict, in- stead of explaining, the phenomenon of elliptic polarization, let us take the axes of co-ordinates as before ; and let us sup- pose, for the sake of simplicity, and to avoid his third ray, that the normal displacements vanish. Then his fundamental equations take the form r/ 2 = S/A? + where /, g, h are quantities depending on the law of force and the mutual distances of the molecules.* If, therefore, * I have not thought it necessary to transcribe the original equations of M. Cauchy, which are rather long. He has presented them in different forms ; but the system marked (16) at the end of 1 of his Memoir on Dispersion, already quoted, is the most convenient, and it is the one which I have here used. The directions of the co-ordinates being arbitrary, I have supposed the axis of z to be perpendicular to the wave-plane. Then, on putting = 0, A = 0, in order to get rid of the normal vibration, the last equation of the system becomes useless, and the other two are reduced to the equations (2), given above; the letters /, g, h, being written in place of certain functions depending on the mutual actions of the molecules. It will be proved, further on, that this simplification does not at all affect the argument. As the directions of x and y still remain arbitrary, I have made them parallel to the axes of the supposed elliptic vibration. It may be right to observe, for the sake of clearness, that, when the medium is arranged symmetrically, it is always possible to take the directions of x and y such that the two sums depending on the quantity h may disappear from the equations (2), and then the vibrations are rectilinear. But when the arrangement is unsym- metrical, this is no longer possible. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 203 we assume that each molecule describes an ellipse, the axes of which are parallel to those of x and y\ that is to say, if we make 5 = p cos 0, r\ = q sin 0, (3) and consequently, A =p (sin 20 sin - 2 sin 2 cos 0), Arj = - q (sin 20 cos + 2 sin 2 sin ), where = , we shall find, by substituting these values in the A equations (2), which must hold good independently of 0, s 2 = A + C'k, s 2 = B' - ^, (4) K S/sin 20 - 2k Zh sin 2 = 0, S# sin 20 + \ SA sin 2 = 0, K The equations (2) are precisely the same as those which have been employed by Mr. Tovey and by Professor Powell, the latter of whom, in his lately published work, entitled, "A General and Elementary View of the Undulatory Theory, as ap- plied to the Dispersion of Light, and other Subjects" has dwelt at great length on the theory of elliptic polarization which they have been supposed to afford, and M r hich he regards as a most important accession to the Science of Light. Professor Powell has also made some communications on the subject to the British Asso- ciation, and has written two Papers about it in the Philosophical Transactions (1838, p. 253 : and 1840, p. 157), besides several others in the Philosophical Ma- gazine. He, however, always attributed this theory of elliptic polarization to Mr. Tovey, until his attention was directed, by a letter from M. Cauchy, to some investigations of the latter which he had not previously seen (Phil. Mag. VOL. xix. p. 374). Mr. Tovey set out with the principles of M. Cauchy, and therefore naturally struck into the same track, in pursuit of the same object, apparently quite unconscious that anyone had preceded him. It was, indeed, an obvious reflection, that these principles, when generalized to the utmost, ought to include, not only the laws of elliptic polarization, but (as really has been thought by M. Cauchy and his followers) of dispersion and absorption, and, in short, of all the phenomena of optics. 2O4 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. wherein k = - expresses the ratio of the semiaxes of the elliptic P vibration, and A' = ^ Vf sin 2 0, V = ^ ^g sin'0, C f = - SA sin 20. 4ir z Equating the two values of s 2 , we get, for the determination of k, the following quadratic : F + A ~ B + 1 = 0. (5) G Now making the substitutions (3) in equations (1), page 197, we have o _ A ^ Tlf Q 2 - 7? ^ (K\ s -A-^Ck, s --B-yp and thence A-B)k-l = 0, (7) a result which is perfectly inconsistent with the former, since the two roots of (5) have the same sign, if they are not imagi- nary, while those of (7) have opposite signs, and cannot be imaginary. If, therefore, one equation agrees with the phe- nomena, the other must contradict them. The last equation indicates that, in the double refraction of quartz, the two elliptic vibrations are always possible, and performed in oppo- site directions, which is in accordance with the facts ; whereas the equation (5), deduced from M. Cauchy's theory, would inform us that the vibrations of the two rays are either im- possible or in the same direction.* To apply the results to a particular instance, let us con- ceive a circularly polarized ray passing along the axis of quartz, or through one of the rotatory liquids, such as oil of * This conclusion, which shows that M. Cauchy's Theory is in direct opposition to the phenomena, might have been obtained without any reference to the equa- tions (1). But these equations are necessary in what follows. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 205 turpentine ; the position of the co-ordinates x and y, in the plane of the wave, being now, of course, arbitrary. In each of these cases we have k = 1, and A = B = a 2 , so that the value of s 2 in equation (6) is expressed by the constant a 2 , plus or minus a term which is inversely proportional to the wave-length A ; the sign of this term depending on the direc- tion of the circular vibration. Now it will not be possible to obtain a similar value of s 2 from the formulas (4), unless we suppose A' = B' = a?, since it is only in the expansion of (7 that a term inversely proportional to A can be found ; but on this supposition the formulas are inconsistent with each other, nor can they be reconciled by any value of k. Indeed, when A' = B', the equation (5) give k = */ - 1. Thus it appears that circular vibrations, such as are known to be propa- gated along the axis of quartz, and through certain fluids, can- not possibly exist on the hypothesis of M. Cauchy. It was probably some partial perception of this fact that caused M. Cauchy to assert that the vibrations, in these cases, are not ex- actly circular, but in some degree elliptical a supposition which, if it were at all conceivable, which we have seen it is not (p. 196), would be at once set aside by what has just been proved; for no assumed value of #, whether small or great, will in any way help to remove the difficulty. But this is not all. Eectilinear vibrations are excluded as well as circular ; for we cannot suppose k = in the equations (4), so long as the quantity C', resulting from the hypothesis of unsymmetrical arrangement, has any existence. Thus the in- consistency of that hypothesis is complete, and the equations to which it leads are utterly devoid of meaning. The foregoing investigation does not differ materially from that which I had recourse to in the beginning of the year 1836. To render the proof more easily intelligible, and to get rid of M. Cauchy's " third ray," which has no existence in the nature of things, I have suppressed the normal vibrations ; a procedure which is not, in general, allowable on the principles of M. Cauchy. It will readily appear, however, that this simplifica- 206 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. tion still leaves the demonstration perfectly rigorous in the case of circular vibrations, and does not affect its force when the vibrations are elliptical. For in the rotatory fluids it is obvious that the normal vibrations, supposing such to exist, must, by reason of the symmetry which the fluid constitution requires, be independent of the transversal vibrations, and separable from them, so that the one kind of vibrations may be supposed to vanish when we wish merely to determine the laws of the other. The equations (2) are, therefore, quite exact in this case; and they are also exact in the case of a ray passing along the axis of quartz, since such a ray is not experimentally distinguishable from one transmitted by a rotatory fluid, and its vibrations must consequently be subject to the same kind of symmetry. In these two cases, therefore, it is rigorously proved that the values of A*, which ought to be equal to plus and minus unity, are imaginary, and equal to f - 1. And if we now take the most general case with regard to quartz, and suppose that the ray, which was at first coincident with the axis of the crystal, becomes gradually inclined to it, the values of k must evidently continue to be ima- ginary, until such an inclination has been attained that the two roots of equation (5) become possible and equal, in consequence of the increased magnitude of the co-efficient of the second term. Supposing the last term of that equation to remain unchanged, this would take place when the co- efficient of k (without regard- ing its sign) became equal to the number 2, and the values of k each equal to unity, both values being positive or both negative. The vibrations which before were impossible would, at this in- clination, suddenly become possible ; they would be circular, which is the exclusive property of vibrations transmitted along the axis ; and they would have the same direction in both rays, which is not a property of any vibrations that are known to exist. At greater inclinations the vibrations would be ellip- tical, but they would still have the same direction in the two rays. These results would not be sensibly altered by regard- ing the equation (5) as only approximate in the case of rays inclined to the axis ; for the last term of that equation, if it Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 207 does not remain the same, can never differ much from unity ; since it must become exactly equal to unity, ivhatever be the direction of the ray, when the crystalline structure is sup- posed to disappear, and the medium to become a rotatory fluid. That a theory involving so many inconsistencies should have been advanced by a person of M. Cauchy's reputation would, perhaps, appear very extraordinary, if we did not re- collect that it was unavoidably suggested by the general prin- ciplas which he had previously adopted, and which were supposed, not merely by himself, but by the scientific world generally, to have already afforded the only satisfactory ex- planation of the laws of double refraction in the common and well-known case where the vibrations are rectilinear. This supposed explanation was obtained, as has been said, by restricting the application of M. Cauchy's principles to the hypothesis of a vibrating medium arranged symmetrically, in which case it was shown that the vibrations were neces- sarily rectilinear; and of course the removal of this restric- tion was the only way in which it was possible, on those principles, to account for the existence of circular and ellip- tical vibrations. Accordingly, when M. Cauchy perceived that, on the hypothesis of unsymmetrical arrangement, the existence of rectilinear vibrations became impossible, and that of elliptic vibrations, generally speaking, possible, he found it very easy to persuade himself that he had obtained a new proof of the correctness of his views, and a new and most im- portant application of the fundamental equations by which his general principles were analytically expressed. To have supposed otherwise would have been to admit that his general principles were false. If the elliptical or qitasi-circula,? vibra- tions which he was now contemplating were not capable of being identified with those which had been recognized in the phenomena presented by quartz and the rotatory fluids if their laws were essentially or very considerably different his theory would be inconsistent with a wide range of well-known 208 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. facts, and, notwithstanding its so-called explanations of other laws, should be finally abandoned. Under these circumstances, therefore, he very naturally supposed that his new results must be in complete harmony with the phenomena discovered by M. Arago, and analyzed so successfully by MM. Biot and Fresnel ; although, had he taken the precaution of acquiring such a clear notion of the phenomena as would have enabled him to translate them into analytical language, he must have perceived that they were entirely opposite to his results, and that this opposition furnished an argument which swept away the very foundations of his theory. For, if the constitution of the luminiferous medium were such as M. Cauchy sup- poses, the well-known phenomena of circular and elliptic polarization would, as we have seen, be absolutely impossible. Thus the argument which overturns the particular theory of elliptical polarization destroys at the same time all the other optical theories of M. Cauchy, because they are all built on the principles which we have now demonstrated to be false. But though the principles of M. Cauchy are now, for the first time, formally refuted, they were objected to, on general grounds, so long ago as the year 1830, by a person whose opinion, on a question of mechanics, ought to have had considerable weight. This was M. Poisson, who, having de- duced from the equations of motion of an elastic solid the con- sequence that such a body admitted vibrations perpendicular to the direction of their propagation, thought it right to re- mark that this conclusion could not be supposed to account for transversal vibrations in the theory of light, because (as he expressed himself) "the same equations of motion could not possibly apply to two systems [of molecules] so essen- tially different from each other" as the ethereal fluid and an elastic solid.* (See the Annales de Chimie^ torn. xliv. * As the theory of M. Cauchy (Mem. de Vlnstitut, torn, x.) had been communi- cated to the Academy of Sciences some months before the period (October, 1830) at which M. Poisson wrote, there can be no doubt that M. Poisson' s remark was di- rected against that theory, though he did not expressly mention it. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 209 p. 432). The remark, however, did not meet with much at- tention from mathematicians, who were, perhaps, not dis- posed to scrutinize too closely any hypothesis which gave transversal vibrations as a result. Besides, the hypothesis appeared to go much further, as it offered prima facie expla- nations of a great variety of phenomena ; it was one to which calculation could be readily applied, and therefore it naturally found favour with the calculator ; and as to M. Poisson's objec- tion, it was easily removed by a change of terms, for wlien the elastic solid was called an " elastic system" there was no longer anything startling in the announcement that the motions of the ether are those of such a system. The hypothesis was there- fore embraced by a great number of writers in every part of Europe, who reproduced, each in his own way, the results of M. Cauchy, though sometimes with considerable modifications. Every day saw some new investigation purely analytical some new mathematical research uncontrolled by a single physical conception put forward as a "mechanical theory" of double refraction, of circular polarization, of dispersion, of absorption ; until at length the Journals of Science and Transactions of Societies were filled with a great mass of unmeaning formulas. This state of things was partly occasioned by the great number of " disposable " constants entering into the differential equa- tions of M. Cauchy and their integrals ; for it was easy to in- troduce, among the constants, such relations as would lead to any desired conclusion; and this method was frequently adopted by M. Cauchy himself. Thus, in his theory of double (or rather triple) refraction, given in the works already cited (p. 145), he supposes three out of his nine constants to vanish, and assumes, among the other six, three very strange and im- probable relations, by means of which each of the principal sections of his wave-surface (considering only two out of its three sheets) is reduced to the circle and ellipse of Fresnel's law; and the three principal sections being thus forced to coin- cide, it would not be very surprising if the two sheets were found to coincide in every part with the wave-surface of Fres- 2io Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. nel. The coincidence, however, is only approximate ; but M. Cauchy is so far from being embarrassed by this circum- stance, that he does not hesitate to regard his own theory as rigorously true, and that of Fresnel as bearing to it, in point of accuracy, the same relation which the elliptical theory of the planets, in the system of the world, bears to that of gravita- tion.* Nor is he at all embarrassed by the supernumerary ray belonging to the third sheet of his wave-surface ; he assumes at once that such a ray exists, though it was never seen, and promises, for the satisfaction of philosophers, to make known the means of ascertaining its existence. f But he afterwards contented himself with observing that as its vibrations are in the direction of propagation they probably make no impression on the eye, and he then gave it the name of the "invisible ray."J In these investigations, the suppositions which M. Cauchy had made respecting the constants led to the result that the vibrations of a polarized ray are parallel to its plane of pola- rization ; but in the year 1836 he changed his opinion on this point, and then, by reinstating the constants that he had be- fore supposed to vanish, and establishing proper relations amongst them and the rest, he arrived at the conclusion that the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of polarization. All his other results, of course, underwent some correspond- ing change ; and it is this new theory which must now be regarded as rigorous, while that of Fresnel is to be looked on as approximate. But it is needless to say, that if the accuracy of Fresnel's law of double refraction is to be disputed, it must be on much better grounds than these ; and the results of M. Cauchy are certainly too far removed from that law to have any chance of being consonant with truth. Although, for example, his new views respecting the direction of the vibra- * Memoires de VInstitut, torn. x. p. 313. t Ibid. p. 305. % Nouveaux Exercices, p. 40. Comptes Rendus, torn. ii. p. 342. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 2 1 1 tions agree, in a general way, with those of Fresnel, there is yet, in one particular, an important difference between them ; for, according to Fresnel, the vibrations are always exactly in the surface of the wave, while, according to M. Cauchy (in his old theory as well as the new), they are only so in ordinary media. In a biaxal crystal he finds and this is one of the ways in which the "invisible ray" manifests its influence that the direction of vibration, in each of the two rays that are visible, is inclined at a certain angle to the wave-plane ; but this angle, though small, is by no means inconsiderable, as M. Cauchy seems to intimate, overlookiug the fact, which ap- pears from his own equations, that it is of the same order of magnitude as the quantities on which the double refraction depends. It is true, the deviation measured by this angle can- not, if it exists, be directly observed in the refracted light ; but its indirect effects on reflected light ought to be very great, since the action of the crystal on a ray reflected at its surface differs from that of an ordinary medium by a quantity of the same order merely as the aforesaid angle ; and as the problem of crystalline reflexion has been already solved * on the suppo- sition (which is an essential one in the solution) that the vibrations are exactly in the plane of the wave, it is highly improbable, considering the complex nature of the question, that it will be solved, in any satisfactory way, on a supposition so different as that which is required by the theory of M. Cauchy. However, as the laws of such reflexion are now well known, by means of the solution alluded to, it is possible that M. Cauchy may, as in the case of double refraction, succeed in deducing the same laws, or, if not the same, what may seem to be more exact laws, from certain principles t of his own, helped out, if need be, 212 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. by proper relations among his constants ; especially if, to allow greater scope for such relations, the number of constants be in- creased by the hypothesis of two coexisting systems of mole- cules, an hypothesis which M. Cauchy has already considered with his usual generality, but without making any precise ap- plication of it.* Perhaps one cause why M. Cauchy 's views on the subject of double refraction have met with such general acceptance may be found in the fact, that a theory setting out from the total reflexion for the substance of which it is composed, a ray incident perpendi- cularly on one of the faces will emerge, making a very small angle with the other face ; and as the reflexion at the latter face is nearly total, it is self-evident that the intensity of the emergent light, as compared with that of the incident, must he very small. M. Cauchy, however, finds by an elaborate analysis that a prodigious multiplication of light \_"tme prodigieuse multiplication de a lumiere"~\ takes place, the emergent ray being nearly six times more intense than the incident when the prism is made of glass, and nearly nine times when the prism is of diamond. This result was, in a general way, actually verified experimentally by himself and ano- ther person ; so easy it is, in some cases, to see anything that we expect to see. Had the result been true, it would have been a very brilliant discovery indeed ; for then we should have been able, by a simple series of refractions, to convert the feeblest light into one of any intensity we pleased ; but the very absurdity of such a supposition should have taught M. Cauchy to distrust both his theory and his ex- periment. Far from doing so, however, he considers the fact to be perfectly esta- blished, and to afford a new argument against the system of emission, " Ici," says he, " un rayon, reflechi en totalite, est de plus transmis avec accroissement de lumiere; ce qui est un nouvel argument contre le systeme d'emission." The sys- tem of emission has at least this advantage, that by no possible error could such a conclusion be deduced from it. For if all the particles of light be reflected, cer- tainly none of them can be refracted. The truth is, that M. Cauchy mistook the measure of intensity in the hypothe- sis of undulations, supposing it to be proportional simply to the square of the amplitude of vibration ; whereas it is really measured by the vis viva, or by that square multiplied by the quantity of ether put in motion, a quantity which in the present case is evanescent, since the corresponding volumes of ether, moved by the ray within in the prism and by the emergent ray, are to each other as the sine of twice the angle of the prism to the sine of twice the very small angle which the emergent ray makes with the second face of the prism. The intensity of the emer- gent light is therefore very small, as it ought to be, though the amplitude of its vibrations is considerable. * Exercices d* Analyse et de Physique Mathenwtique, torn. i. p. 33. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 213 same principles, and leading, by the same relations among con- stants, to formulas identical in every respect with his earlier results, was advanced independently, and nearly at the same time, by M. Neumann of Konigsberg.* A coincidence so re- markable would be looked upon, not unreasonably, as a strong argument in favour of the theory ; though it must be allowed that, in the effort to extend the knowledge of any subject, there is a tendency in different minds to adopt the same errors respecting it, as well as the same truths ; a fact of which we have seen other examples in the course of the present article. According to M. Neumann,f the " third ray," not being perceived as light, must manifest its existence as radiant heat, or as a chemical power, or as some other agent [" als strahlende Wdrme, oder chemisch wirkend, oderals irgend ein anderes Agem"~\ and he thinks that the nature of this ray will be more easily investigated, if the laws of reflexion shall be deduced from the aforesaid theory. But we have seen that the laws of reflexion are, to all appearance, at variance with the theory, and they take no account whatever of the third ray. Besides, the dis- coveries which have been made of late years respecting the po- larization of radiant heat, and the strong analogies that have been traced between it and light, amount to a demonstration that its vibrations are transversal, and of course essentially dif- ferent from those of the supposed third ray, which are normal, or nearly so. There is every reason to believe that the vibrations of the chemical rays are also transversal ; and we may confi- dently assert, that the three species of rays those of light and heat, and the chemical rays are produced not only by vibra- tions of the same medium, but by the same kind of vibrations, propagated with nearly the same velocities. If, therefore, the third ray of MM. Cauchy and Neumann has any existence, it must be referred to " some other agent," the nature of which it is impossible to conjecture. Enough has now been said to show that the optical theory * Poggendorff's Annals, Vol. xxv. p. 418. f Ibid. p. 454. 214 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. which we have examined, and which has passed current in the scientific world for a considerable period, is quite inadequate to explain the leading phenomena of light, and that it is based upon principles which are altogether inapplicable to the subject. M. Cauchy states, in the memoir so often quoted,* that the first application which he had made of his principles was to the theory of sound, and that the formulas which he had deduced from them agreed remarkably well with the experiments of Savart and others on the vibrations of elastic solids. As I have already intimated, it is in the solution of such questions (which, however, have long been familiar to mathematicians) that the fundamental equations of M. Cauchy may be most advanta- geously employed ; and had he pursued his researches in this direction, his labours would doubtless have been attended with more success, and with greater benefit to science. II. On Fresnel's Formula for the Intensity of Reflected Light, with Remarks on Metallic Reflexion. When Mr. Potter discovered, by experiment, 'that more light is reflected by a metal at a perpendicular incidence than at any oblique incidence (at least as far as 70), the fact was looked upon, by himself and others, as contrary to all received theories ; and certainly the universal opinion, up to that time, was, that the intensity of reflexion always increases with the incidence. It may therefore be worth while to remark, that the formula given by Fresnel for reflexion at the surface of a trans- parent body, though not of course applicable, except in a very rude way, to the case of metals, would yet lead us to expect, for highly refracting bodies, as the metals are supposed to be, pre- cisely such a result as that obtained by Mr. Potter. For when the index of refraction exceeds the number 2 + v/3, or the tan- gent of 75, the expression for the intensity of reflected light will be found to have a minimum value at a certain angle of in- * Mem. de I'lnstitut, torn. x. p. 294.. Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 215 cidence ; while for all less values of the refractive index the in- tensity will be least at the perpendicular incidence. Let i and i' be the angles of incidence and refraction, and put" , _ sin i cos i M = r,, a = r, J sm ^ cos i then if / be the intensity of the reflected light, when common light is incident, FresnePs expression = JL I sin2 (* " tan 2 (t - Q J ? ( sm^ + + tan 2 (t + f) )' in which the intensity of the incident light is taken for unity, may be put under the form 1 V /I ^ (---Ml + i?--^ J _y j u ^y yjf y \ 2 ' which has a minimum value when + l = M+ 8 ^ + u ~ + M 1 ; the value of I being in that case I vi and the corresponding angle of incidence being given by the formula H , !/.. 1\ sin z = x , where = J Jt 4 ^ . , t V?-i V ^/ Since ju + - cannot be less than 2, it is easy to see that, when 216 Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. there is a minimum, M + -==. cannot be less than 4, and therefore M cannot be less than 2 + \/3, or 3732. As an example, let M + = 6. Then, at a perpendicular incidence, one-half the incident light will be reflected. The minirilum will be when i = 65 36', and at this angle only -j^- of the incident light will be reflected. The value here assumed for the refractive index is that which Sir J. Herschel* assigns to mercury ; but if my ideas be correct, it is far too low for that metal. The only person who supposes that the refractive index of a metal is not a large number is M. Cauchy, It has always been held as a maxim in optics, that the higher the reflective power of any substance, the higher also is its refractive index. But M. Cauchy completely reverses this maxim ; for, as I have elsewhere shown, f it follows from his theory that the most re- flective metals are the least refractive, and even that the index of refraction, which for transparent bodies is always greater than unity, may for metals descend far below unity. Thus, according to his formula, the index of refraction for pure silver is the fraction J, so that the dense body of the silver actually plays the part of a very rare medium with respect to a vacuum. It appears to me that such a result as this is quite sufficient to overturn the theory from which it is derived. The formulas, however, which he gives for the intensity of the reflected light, are identical with the empirical expressions which I had given long before, and are at least approximately true. In framing my own empirical theory,* two suppositions re- lative to the value of the refractive index presented themselves. Putting M for the modulus, and x f or ^ ne characteristic, I had to choose between the values M cos Y and . The latter value GO-SX is that which I adopted ; the former, which is M. Cauchy's, was * Treatise on Light, Art, 594. t Comptes Eendus, torn. viii. p. 964 ; vid. note at the end of this volume. See Proceedings, VOL. i. p. 2 (supra, p. 58). Notes on some Points in the Theory of Light. 217 rejected, because I saw that it would lead to the result above mentioned. Another result of M. Cauchy's, which he has given twice in the Oomptes Rendus* requires to be noticed. When a polarized ray is reflected by a metal, the phase of its vibration is altered ; and if the incidence be oblique, the change of phase is different according as the light is polarized in the plane of incidence, or in the perpendicular plane. But when the ray is reflected at a perpendicular incidence, it is manifest that the change is a con- stant quantity, whatever be the plane of polarization. In fact, the distinction between the plane of incidence and the perpen- dicular plane no longer exists, and the phenomena must be the same in all planes passing through the ray. Yet M. Cauchy, in the two places above quoted, asserts it to be a consequence of his theory, that in this case the alterations of phase are different for two planes of polarization at right angles to each other, and that the difference of the alterations amounts to half an undula- tion. The same singular hypothesis had been previously made by M. Neumann,f whom M. Cauchy appears to have followed ; but M. Neumann has since admitted it to be erroneous. $ * Tom. ii. p. 428, and torn. viii. p. 965. t Poggendorff s Annals, Vol. xxvi. p. 90. J Ibid. VOL. XL. p. 513. ( 218 ) XYIIL ON THE PROBLEM OF TOTAL REFLEXION. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. n. Read November 30, 1841.] PROFESSOR MAC CULLAGH communicated to the Academy a very simple geometrical rule, which gives the solution of the problem of total reflexion, for ordinary media, or for uniaxal crystals. First, let the total reflexion take place at the common sur- face of two ordinary media, as between glass and air, and let it be proposed to determine the incident and reflected vibrations, when the refracted vibration is known. It is to be observed, that the refracted vibration (which is in general elliptical) can- not be arbitrarily assumed ; for, as may be inferred from what has been already stated,* it must be always similar to the sec- tion of a certain cylinder, the sides of which are perpendicular to the plane of incidence, and the base of which is an ellipse lying in that plane, and having its major axis perpendicular to the reflecting surface, the ratio of the major to the minor axis being that of unity to the constant r. The value of r, as deter- mined by the general rule in p. 191, is < " J 1 o- \ n* si sin 1 where i is the angle of incidence, and n the index of refraction out of the rarer into the denser medium. The ellipse is greatest * Proceedings of the Academy, VOL. n. p. 102 (supra, p. 192). On the Problem of Total Reflexion. 219 for a particle at the common surface of the media ; and for a particle situated in the rarer medium, at the distance z from that surface, its linear 'dimensions are proportional to the quantity 2-rrz e K ; so that for a very small value of z the refracted vibra- tion becomes insensible. Now, taking any plane section of the aforesaid cylinder to represent the refracted vibration for a particle situated at the common surface of the two media, let OP and OQ be the semi- axes of the section, and let them be drawn, with their proper lengths and directions, from the point of incidence ; through which point also let two planes be drawn to represent the inci- dent and reflected waves. Then conceive a plane passing through the semiaxis OP, and intersecting the two wave- planes, to revolve until it comes into the position where the semiaxis makes equal angles with the two intersections ; and in this position let the intersections be made the sides of a parallel- ogram, of which the semiaxis OP is the diagonal. Let OA and OA', which are of course equal in length, denote these two sides. Make a similar construction for the other semiaxis OQ, and let OB, OB', which are also equal, denote the two sides of the corresponding parallelogram. Then will the incident vi- bration be represented by the ellipse of which OA and OB are conjugate semidiameters, and the reflected vibration by the ellipse of which OA and OB' are conjugate semidiameters. And the correspondence of phase in describing the three ellipses will be such that the points A, A, P will be simultaneous posi- tions, as also the points B, B', Q. The same construction precisely will answer for the case of total reflexion at the surface of a uniaxal crystal, which is covered with a fluid of greater refractive power than itself. It is to be applied successively to the ordinary and extraordinary refracted vibrations, and we thus get the uniradial incident and reflected vibrations, or rather the ellipses which are similar to them. And as any incident vibration may be resolved into two which shall be similar to the uniradial ones, we can find the re- 220 On the Problem of Total Reflexion. fleeted vibration which corresponds to it, by compounding the uniradial reflected vibrations. It may be well to mention that, in a uniaxal crystal, the plane of the extraordinary refracted vibration is always perpen- dicular to the axis, and therefore the ellipse in which the vibra- tion is performed may be easily determined by the remark in p. 192. The plane of the ordinary vibration has no fixed po- sition in the crystal; but if we conceive the auxiliary quantities i, TJI, 1 (p. 188), to be compounded into an ellipse (as if they were displacements), the plane of this auxiliary ellipse will be perpendicular to the axis of the crystal. Whether the preceding very simple construction, for finding the incident and reflected vibrations by means of the refracted vibration, extends also to the case of liaxal crystals, is a point which has not yet been determined, on account of the compli- cated operations to which the investigation leads, at least when attempted in any way that obviously suggests itself. ( 221 ) XIX. 01$ THE DISPERSION OF THE OPTIC AXES, AND OF THE AXES OF ELASTICITY, IN BIAXAL CEYSTALS. [From the Philosophical Magazine, VOL. xxi., October, 1842.] IN the last number of the Philosophical Magazine (p. 228), there appeared an extract from the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, containing a notice of a memoir which I had the honour of reading to that body on the 24th of May, 1841 ; and in the concluding paragraph of the notice a brief allusion is made to a "mathematical hypothesis" by which I had con- nected the laws of dispersion and those of the elliptic polari- zation of rock-crystal with the other laws that were there announced. My present object is to indicate the development of that hypothesis, with reference more particularly to the sub- ject of dispersion in crystals, and to communicate a very simple result which I have lately had occasion to obtain from it. The result is remarkable as embracing and explaining a class of in- tricate phenomena which hitherto have not been connected with any theory, or rather have stood in opposition to all theories ; I mean the phenomena of the dispersion of the optic axes, and of the axes of elasticity (as they are called) in biaxal crystals. The name of axes of elasticity was given by Fresnel to three rectangular directions, which, according to his theory, exist in every crystallized medium, and which are distinguished by the property, that if a particle of the medium be slightly displaced in the direction of any one of them, the elastic force thereby called into play will act precisely in the line of the dis- 222 On the Dispersion of the Optic Axes, and placement. These directions coincide with the axes of the ellipsoid by which he constructs his wave-surface ; and the po- sition of the axes being thus fixed, it is only their lengths that can be supposed to vary for the differently coloured rays. Such is the view taken by Fresnel with regard to crystalline dispersion, and it is obviously the only view that his theory admits. Succeeding theorists, in their numerous attempts to deduce Fresnel's beautiful laws from dynamical principles, have always been obliged to assume that the medium is symmetri- cally arranged with respect to three rectangular planes ; and as, in this hypothesis, the axes of elasticity, or of optical sym- metry, necessarily coincide with those of symmetrical arrange- ment, their directions are fixed, as before, independently of colour. From these principles it follows that the optic axes for dif- ferent colours all lie in the same plane, namely, the plane of the greatest and least axes of the ellipsoid, and that they are equally inclined to each of the latter axes, so that the angle made by any pair, to whatever colour they belong, is always bisected by the same right line. This was accordingly, for a long time, believed to be the case ; and the earlier experiments of Sir J. Herschel,* which are appealed to by Fresnel, as well as the observations of Sir David Brewster, seemed to establish it as a general law. But it was afterwards discovered by Sir J". Herschel that, in borax, the optic axes for different colours lie in different planes inclined at very sensible angles to each other ; and the same discovery was made about the same time (1832) by M. Norrenberg. The latter observer further ascer- tained, that even when the optic axes all lie in the same plane there are cases, as in sulphate of lime, wherein their angles are not bisected by the same right line. These facts, and others of a like nature that have been since observed, show the falsehood of the supposition that the lines called the axes of elasticity have always the same directions whatever be the colour of the * Phil. Trans. 1820. of the Axes of Elasticity, in Biaxal Crystals. 223 light ; they are inconsistent with all received notions, and con- tradict every theory that has been hitherto proposed. No person, as far as I am aware, has even attempted to explain them. But in the theory which I have constructed to represent the laws of the action of crystallized bodies upon light, and which has already brought so much within its grasp, the phenomena in question do not offer any difficulty whatever: on the con- trary, they are of a kind that would naturally be looked for, antecedently to experiment. For, in this theory, I make no hypothesis as to the constitution of the ether, or the arrange- ment of its molecules ; nor any hypothesis, like that of Fresnel, respecting the mechanical signification of the axes of elasticity. The existence of three rectangular axes possessing peculiar pro- perties is not a principle, but a result, of theory : their direc- tions are determined by conditions perfectly analogous to those which determine the principal axes of an ellipsoid from its ge- neral equation ; and these directions are functions of certain quantities which are constant when differentials of the second and subsequent orders are neglected, but which vary when these are taken into account. The differentials of higher orders in- troduce terms depending on the wave-length ; and thus the directions, as well as the lengths, of the principal lines depend on the colour of the light, or, to speak more accurately, on the length of the wave. All this will be easily understood if we recur to the first principles of the theory. According to these, everything de- pends on the form assigned to the function Y in the general dynamical equation JJJ dxdydz 8$ + &, + dt = f dxdydzW, from which the motion of the ether is deduced. In my first memoir on the subject (read to the Academy on the 9th of De- cember, 1839), I showed that when differentials of the first order only are preserved, the function Y which may perhaps 224 On the Dispersion of the Optic Axes, and with propriety be called the potential, since the motion of the system is potentially, or virtually, included in it is a function of the second degree, composed of the three quantities X, Y, Z, which are connected with the/ displacements , rj, , by the fol- lowing relations : = _ _ - dz dy* dx dz 9 dy dx To show this, I make use simply of the consideration that the motion must be such as to satisfy the condition T+T+f--> dx dy dz which seems to be characteristic of the vibrations of light. But the same condition allows us to suppose that the potential con- tains not only the quantities X, F, Z, but their differential co- efficients of any order with respect to the co-ordinates. This supposition, however, is too general, and requires to be limited by other considerations. Now the most natural restriction which can be imposed consists in the assumption that the quanti- ties of all orders are formed on the same type, those of any order being derived from the preceding in the same way that the quantities X, Y, Z are derived from , 17, : there are par- ticular reasons also which go to strengthen this hypothesis, and have led me to adopt it. Putting therefore d_Y_dZ V _<^_Z 7 _^_ Al ~ dz dy 9 * " dx dz 9 ' ~ dy dx '* dYi d& v _ dZi dX l 7 _ dX, dT\ ^~~dz~~dy 9 **~ dx dz' ^-dy"dx> and so on, I suppose the potential to be a function of the second degree, composed of all the quantities X, Y, Z, Xi, Pi, Z^ X 3t P 2 , Z-i, &c. ; and this is the " mathematical hypothesis" alluded to in the beginning of this article. The hypothesis occcurred to me more than three years ago (June, 1839), but I did not ven- of the Axes of Elasticity, in Biaxal Crystals. 225 ture to communicate it to the Academy until the date of my second memoir (May, 1841) ; and even then I had not studied it with the attention which I now conceive it merits. It was only very lately, in fact, in some conversations which I had with M. Babinet during a short visit to Paris, that my attention was strongly drawn to the subject of dispersion in crystals, par- ticularly the dispersion of the axes of elasticity. My thoughts then naturally reverted to the hypothesis which I have men- tioned, and since my return I have found that it affords a com- plete explanation of all the phenomena.* I have also found that it gives the general law, extended to biaxal crystals, of that elliptic and circular polarization which has hitherto been detected only in quartz and in certain fluids ; while for the case of rectilinear polarization it gives a law (very possibly a true one) more general than that of Fresnel, but quite as elegant, and differing very slightly from it. The hy- pothesis, therefore, is still too general for our present purpose. To make it include only those crystals to which the law of Fresnel is rigorously applicable, the alternate derivatives Xi, Fi, ZD X 3 , F 3 , Z z , &c., must be supposed to vanish in the func- tion which represents the potential. Then, the axes of co- ordinates having any fixed directions within the crystal, the axes of elasticity will be the principal axes of an ellipsoid re- presented by an equation of the form Ax* + By* + <7s 2 + 2Dyz + ZExz + 2Fxy = 1, in which each of the six coefficients the first, for example ex- presses a series of the form A -&-\ AI AS p ^ + v + * + v + *" where X denotes the wave-length, and all the other quantities * I am indebted, for my information on the subject, to a short article, drawn up by MM. Quetelet and Babinet, in the Bulletin of the Royal Academy of Brussels, VOL. n. p: 150 ; as also to Poggendorff' s Annals, YOL. xxvi. p. 309 ; VOL. xxxv. p. 81. Q 226 On the Dispersion of the Optic Axes, &c. are constant. The ellipsoid itself is the reciprocal of that ellip- soid by which the wave-surface is constructed, and its semiaxes are the three principal indices of refraction. As X is supposed to vary, not only the lengths but the directions of the principal axes vary, and thus we have a different wave-surface for every different wave-length within the crystal. The optic axes are perpendicular to the circular sections of the above ellipsoid, and describe, in general, two fragments of a cone, the equation of which may be found by supposing X to be variable in the equation of the ellipsoid. But only very par- ticular cases have been hitherto observed, and I shall not stop to discuss them. J. MACCULLAGH. THIN. COLL., PUBLIN, September, 1842. XX. ON THE LAW OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. [From the Philosophical Magazine, VOL. xxi., 1842]. HAVING mentioned, in an article * which I sent a few days ago for insertion in the Philosophical Magazine, that I had been led, in following out an hypothesis, to a law of double refraction more general than that of Fresnel, I think it may be well to state very briefly the nature of that law, and to point out the difference between it and the law of Fresnel, especially as I have since observed that the difference is one of a very extra- ordinary kind, and one which, if it has a real existence (a question which experiment only can decide), may serve to account for phenomena that have seemed hitherto inexpli- cable. I have said, in the article referred to, that when the poten- tial Y, which is a function of the second degree, is supposed to contain only the squares and products of the derivatives X, Y 9 Z, X. z , Y 2 , Z^ 3T 4 , &c., we get the law of Fresnel, as well as the law of crystalline dispersion ; but if we make the more general, and apparently the more natural supposition, that it contains also the squares and products of the alternate deriv- atives Xi, Fi, Zi, X 9 , F 3 , Z 3 , &c., then we get, of course, a dif- ferent law. Now I find that there will still be two optic axes for each colour, and that the two directions of vibration in a given wave-plane will have the same relation to them as be- * " On the Dispersion of the Optic Axes, and of the Axes of Elasticity, in Biaxal Crystals" (supra, p. 221). Q2 228 On the Law of Double Refraction. fore ; while the difference of the squares of the two velocities of propagation will continue proportional to the product of the sines of the angles which the wave normal makes with the optic axes ; but the sum of the squares of these velocities will be in- creased or diminished by a quantity proportional to the square of a perpendicular let fall from the centre on the tangent plane of a certain very small ellipsoid, this tangent plane being sup- posed parallel to the wave. Such is the general result for biaxal crystals ; but its bearing will be best perceived by taking the case of a uniaxal crystal, wherein the law of Fresnel reduces itself to that of Huyghens. In this case the wave-surface will, instead of the sphere and spheroid of Huyghens, consist of two ellipsoids touching each other at the extremities of a common diameter, which coincides with the axis of the crystal; one ellipsoid differing slightly from a sphere, the other slightly from a spheroid. Neither of the rays will be refracted according to the ordinary law, nor will the wave-surface be symmetrical round the axis. As the law of refraction is unsymmetrical, that of reflexion will be so likewise, and thus we may perhaps obtain an explanation of the extraordinary phenomena observed by Sir David Brewster in reflexion at the common surface of oil of cassia and Iceland spar. It will no doubt appear strange to call in question the ac- curacy of the Huyghenian law, which is generally, considered to be established beyond dispute by the experiments of Wol- laston and Malus. But the fact is, that no exact experiments have ever been made on the refraction of the ordinary ray. Neither of those philosophers seems to have entertained any suspicion that the ordinary law might be inapplicable to it; they both took for granted that it followed the law of Snellius. But their results seem to be quite consistent with the suppo- sition that the ordinary index, for rays passing in different directions through Iceland spar, may vary in the third place of decimals, perhaps even in the second. The experiments of Eudberg throw no light upon the question, for it happens, On the L aw of Double Refraction. 229 oddly enough, that though he had two prisms in every other case, he used only one of Iceland spar : he could not there- fore compare the velocities of rays passing in different direc- tions. On comparing his numbers, however, with those of Wollaston and Malus, there is, as Sir David Brewster has observed,* a " surprising discrepancy," so great indeed as to be quite "alarming." After remarking the difficulty of find- ing any explanation of it, Sir David concludes that it must arise from the different refractive powers possessed by different specimens. But though this cause must operate in some degree, we cannot tell to what extent it is effective, and the discrepancy may notwithstanding be occasioned, in a great measure, by a deviation from the Huyghenian law. The whole question must therefore be reopened, and the ordinary in- dices for the fixed lines of the spectrum must be determined by means of different prisms cut out of the same piece of Iceland spar. Whatever the result may be whether it shall confirm the law of Huyghens, or show that another must be substituted for it it will at least be useful for science, by removing the uncer- tainty in which the subject is at present involved. * Phil Mag., S. 3, VOL. i. p. 8. TEIN. COLL., DUBLIN, Sept. 24, 1842. XXI. OK THE LAWS OF METALLIC BEFLEXION, AM) ON THE MODE OF MAKING EXPEBIMENTS UPON ELLIPTIC POLARIZATION. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. n. p. 376. Read, May 8, 1843.] SEVERAL years ago, as the Academy are aware, I made an at- tempt to investigate the laws according to which light is re- flected at the surface of metals, and I then proposed certain formulae which represented, with sufficient accuracy, all the facts and experiments which I was able to collect upon the sub- ject.* But in order to test these formulas satisfactorily, it was necessary to obtain measurements far more exact than any that had previously been made ; and for this end I devised an in- strument, which was constructed for me by Mr. Grubb, and of which a brief description has been given in the Proceedings.-^ I regret to say, however, that nothing of much consequence has yet been done with the instrument. Some preliminary trials of its performance were indeed made in the summer of 1837, and the results of one of these shall presently be given ; but an ac- cidental strain which it suffered, while I was preparing to un- dertake a series of experiments, caused me to discontinue the observations at the time ; and being then obliged to superintend the printing of my essay on the " Laws of Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction,":}: my attention was drawn afresh to this latter * See the Proceedings of the Academy, VOL. i. p. 2, October, 1836 (supra, p. 58) ; Transactions, VOL. xvm. p- 71, note (supra, p. 133). + VOL. i. p. 159 (supra, p. 138). % Transactions R. I. A. (supra, p. 87). Laws of Metallic Reflexion. 231 subject, respecting which some new questions suggested them- selves, which I thought it right to discuss in notes appended to the essay. I was not afterwards at leisure to take up the ex- perimental inquiry, until the beginning of the year 1839, when I began to think of putting the instrument in order for that purpose. The strain which it had suffered rendered some slight alterations necessary ; and I now resolved to make additions to it also, with the view of operating upon the fixed lines of the spectrum, as a few trials had convinced me that measures suffi- ciently precise could not be obtained without employing light of definite refrangibility. I wished, moreover, to take the oppor- tunity which the nature of the proposed experiments presented, of verifying the theory of Fresnel's rhomb, or rather of verify- ing, by means of the rhomb, the formulae which Fresnel has given for computing the effects of total reflexion, when it takes place at the common surface of two ordinary media. I wrote therefore to Munich for several articles which I wanted ; among others, for a set of rhombs cut at different angles, out of dif- ferent kinds of glass. But while I was waiting for these some months elapsed, and in the meantime I got sight of a new theory, which, from its connexion with my former researches, possessed more immediate interest, and the pursuit of which, in conjunction with other studies and various engagements, caused me again to suspend the inquiry respecting the laws of metallic reflexion. I allude to the " Dynamical Theory of Crystalline Reflexion and Befraction," communicated to the Academy in December, 1839.* This was followed soon after by a general " Theory of Total Beflexion,"f founded on the same principles. The latter theory, forming a new department of physical optics, and involving the solution of questions not previously attempted, was analytically complete when it was communicated to the Academy in May, 1841 ; but its geometrical development has since required my attention from time to time, and has not yet been brought to that degree of simplicity of which it appears to * Proceedings, VOL. i. p. 374, (supra, p. 145), f Ibid. VOL. n. p. 96 (sitpra, p. 187). 232 Laws of Metallic Reflexion, and Mode of be susceptible.* Indeed I have found that, in this instance, the geometrical laws of the phenomena are by no means obvious interpretations of the equations resulting from the analytical solution of the problem ; and in endeavouring to verify such supposed laws I have often been led to algebraical calculations of so complicated a nature that it has been impracticable to bring them to any conclusion, and I have been obliged, from mere weariness, to abandon them altogether. On returning, however, to the investigation, after perhaps a long interval of time, I have usually perceived some mode of eluding the calcu- lations, or of directly deducing the geometrical law ; and, when the theory comes to be published in its final form, no trace of these difficulties will probably appear. From the causes above mentioned, combined with frequent absence from Dublin, the researches which I had entered upon, respecting the action of metals upon light, have been hitherto interrupted ; and as it may still be some time before they are resumed, I venture, in the meanwhile, to submit to the Aca- demy the results already spoken of, which were obtained on the first trial of the instrument, and which afford the best data that can yet be had for comparison with theory. The results, it must be confessed, are those of very rough experiments, made one evening (about the month of July, 1837) in company with Mr. Grrubb, before I had received the instru- ment from his hands, and merely with the view of showing him, when it was finished, the kind of phenomena that I proposed to observe with it, and the mode of observing them. But the in- strument was so far superior (in workmanship at least) to any apparatus previously employed for this sort of experiments, that it was impossible, without great negligence in using it, not to obtain measures of considerable accuracy. I did not, how- ever, at the time, set much value on these measures, because I expected shortly to possess a series of observations made with every possible precaution ; but having chanced to preserve the paper on which they were noted down, I was tempted, a few * Proceedings, VOL- n. p. 174 (supra, p. 218). making Experiments upon Elliptic Polarization. 233 days ago, to try how far they agreed with my formulae ; and the agreement turns out to be so close, that I think myself justified in publishing them. Besides, it will be curious hereafter to compare them with more careful measurements. Before we proceed, however, to the details of the experi- ments, it may be well to give the formulae in a state fitted for immediate application. The light incident on the metal being polarized in a certain plane, let a denote the azimuth of this plane, or the angle which it makes with the plane of incidence ; and as the reflected light will be elliptically polarized, or, in other words, will perform its vibrations in ellipses all similar and equal to each other, as well as similarly placed, put for the angle which either axis of any one of these ellipses makes with the plane of incidence, and let ]3 be another angle, such that its tangent may represent the ratio of one axis of the ellipse to the other. Then when the optical constants M and x (of which I suppose the first to be a number greater than unity, and the second an angle less than 90) are known for the par- ticular metal, the angles 9 and ]3 may be computed for any value of a, at any given angle of incidence, by the following formulas : (i/ - v) sin 2a tan 20 sin 2/+ (v' + v) cos2a' 2g sin 2a v' + v < + 2/cos2a' in which /and g are constant quantities given by the expres- sions - -^J cos x , ff = (^ f+ jj\ sin X> ( B ) and v, i/ are quantities depending on the angle of incidence *, in the following way. Let i' be an angle such that sin i M ~, = 9 ( C ) sin \ cos 234 Laws of Metallic Reflexion, and Mode of and put cos i c^ then will The angles and |3 are given by immediate observation with the instrument ; and from their values at any incidence, and for any azimuth a of the plane of primitive polarization, we can find the constants M and x> which we may afterwards use to calculate the values of 6 and /3 for all other incidences and azimuths, in order to compare them with the observed values. It is indifferent, in the formulae, whether be referred to the major or the minor axis of the elliptic vibration, as also whether tan /3 be the ratio of the minor to the major axis, or the reci- procal of that ratio ; but in what follows we shall suppose to be the inclination of the plane of incidence to that axis, which, when a is 45 or less, is always the major axis ; and ]3 shall be supposed less than 45, in order that its tangent may represent the ratio of the minor axis to the major. When the azimuth a is equal to 45, the formulae (A) become n/i \>' - v . ~~ 2g . tan 20 = - , sm 2/3 = , ; (F) 2/ v + v from which we may deduce the remarkable relation tan 2/3 = g cos 20 f showing that, in the case supposed, the ratio of tan 2/3 to cos 20 is independent of the angle of incidence. In the experi- ments which I made with Mr. Grrubb this azimuth was always 45 ; and the following Table contains the results of observation compared with those obtained by calculation from formulae (F). The experiments were made upon a small disk of speculum metal ; and in the calculations I have taken M = 2-94, x - 64 25'. making Experiments upon Elliptic Polarization 235 Value of 0. Value of ft. Angle of Incidence. Observed. Calculated. Observed. Calculated. 65 27 55' 27 53' 28 0' 28 0' 70 15 41 15 44 33 7 33 1 75 - 8 46 - 9 16 34 10 34 6 80 _ 30 15 -29 25 27 26 53 84 - 37 22 -37 25 16 47 17 17 The light used in these observations was that of a candle placed at a short distance, and was admitted through small apertures at the ends of the tubes.* The Nicol's prism in the first tube having been secured in a position in which its princi- pal plane was inclined 45 to the plane of incidence, and the two arms having been set at the proper angle with the surface of the metal, the Fresnel's rhomb and the Nicol's prism in the second tube were moved simultaneously, until the image of the candle became as faint as possible. Had light perfectly homo- geneous been employed, the image could have been made to vanish altogether ; but instead of vanishing, it became highly coloured ; and our rule in observing was to make the blue at one side of it, and the red at the other, equally vivid, so as to get results which should belong, as nearly as possible, to the mean ray of the spectrum. When this was done, the angles and |3 (subject, however, to certain corrections which will be hereafter explained) were respectively read off from the divided circles belonging to the rhomb and the prism. The observations were made at large incidences, because it is within the last thirty de- grees of incidence that the phenomena go through their most rapid changes. If we now cast our eyes on the above Table, making due allowance for the uncertainty arising from the dispersion of the metal, we shall be struck with the agreement between the cal- culated and observed numbers. The differences are greatest in * See the description of the instrument in the Proceedings, VOL. i. p. 159 p. 138). 2 3 6 Laws of Metallic Reflexion, and Mode of the last two observations, which, however, were really the first ; for the observations were made in the inverse order of the inci- dences, and their accuracy may have improved as they went on. However that may be, the differences are quite within the limits of the errors of observation ; and they are actually less than those which Fresnel found to exist between calculation and experiment in the much simpler case of reflexion at the surface of a transparent ordinary medium, when he proceeded to verify the formula which he had discovered for computing the effect of such reflexion.* It may seem extraordinary that these experiments should have been in my possession for nearly six years before I became aware of their close agreement with my formulae ; but the fact is, that I did not regard them with much interest, because, from the circumstances in which they were made, I did not ex- pect more than a general accordance with theory. And even now I am in no haste to infer the absolute exactitude of the formulae, though they are found to represent the phenomena so well. It was far more allowable to infer that the formula oi Fresnel was exact in the case just mentioned, though it appeared to represent the phenomena less perfectly. For, to say nothing of the small number of our experiments, the present is a much more complicated case, and the phenomena depend on two con- stants instead of one, so that the formulse might be slightly altered, and yet perhaps continue to agree very well with rough experiments. Where there is only one constant this is not so probable. Again, there is one of the quantities in the preceding formulas which may be greatly altered without producing more than a slight effect on the values of 9 and ]3. This quantity is the ratio of sin i to sin i', which, according to the value in for- mula (c), is a number so large as to make the angle i' always small, so that its cosine never differs much from unity; and therefore if the above ratio were taken equal to any other large number, the value of ju in formula (D) would remain nearly the * See the Table which he has given in the Annales de Chimie, torn, xviii. p. 3H. making Experiments upon Elliptic Polarization. 237 same, and consequently the values of 6 and |3 would be but slightly changed. It is with regard to the value of /u. as a function of the inci- dence that I entertain the greatest doubts, and if any defect shall be found in the formulae I think it will be here. The re- lations (c) and (D), from which ju may be deduced in terms of ', were not indeed adopted without strong reasons ; but I am not entirely satisfied with them ; because, when we reverse the prob- lem, and seek to determine the constants M and x from the ob- served values of 6 and ft at a given incidence, the results are rather complicated and involved, though the approximate deter- mination is easy enough. As the formulae are in a great mea- sure built upon conjecture, we must not be disposed to receive them without the strongest experimental proofs ; and it will certainly require experiments of no ordinary accuracy to decide some of the questions which may be raised respecting them. When plane-polarized light is incident on a metal, if its vi- brations be resolved in directions parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, the effect of the reflexion is to change unequally the phases of the resolved vibrations ; and it may be useful to have the formulae which express the difference of phase after reflexion, and the ratio of the amplitudes of vibra- tion. Put

= -r^, cos 2 = sin 2i// cos x> cos a/ = sin 2$' cos x> (*) we shall have T = tan iw, r = tan ^o/, (Q) where T is the amplitude of the reflected rectilinear vibration, when the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, and T is the amplitude of the reflected vibration when the incident light is polarized perpendicularly to that plane ; the amplitude of the incident vibration being in each case supposed to be unity. Hence when common light is incident, if its in- tensity be taken for unity, the intensity I of the reflected light will be given by the formula I=\ (tan 2 u + tan 2 >') . (R) If with the values of M and x determined by my experi- making Experiments upon Elliptic Polarization. 247 inents we compute, by the last formula, the intensity of re- flexion for speculum metal at a perpendicular incidence, in which case /j. = 1, we shall find I = *583. This is considerably lower than the estimate of Sir William Herschel, who, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1800 (p. 65), gives "673 as the measure of the reflective power of his specula. The same num- ber, very nearly, results from taking the mean of Mr. Potter's observations.* It might seem therefore that the formula is in fault ; but I am inclined to think that the metal which I em- ployed had really a low reflective power. Its angle of maxi- mum polarization was certainly much less than that of the specu- lum metal used by Sir David Brewster,f who states the angle to be 76, whereas in my experiments it was only about 73^- ; and |any increase in this angle, by increasing the value of M, raises the reflective power. On the other hand, the maximum value of ]3 (when a = 45) was greater than that given by Sir David Brewster, namely, 32 ; and any increase in |3 tends also to increase the reflective power. Now it is not unreasonable to suppose that the highest values of both angles may be most nearly those which belong to the best specula ; and accordingly, if we take 76 for the incidence of maximum polarization, and retain the maximum value of ]3, namely, 34 37', which results from my experiments, we shall get M = 3 '68, x = 66 16', and the value of I at the perpendicular incidence will come out equal to 662, which scarcely differs from the number given by Herschel. It is clear from what precedes that the optical constants are different for different specimens of speculum metal, and this is no more than we should expect, from the circumstance that the metal is a compound, and therefore liable to vary in its optical properties from variations in the proportion of its constituents ; but I am disposed to believe that the same thing is generally true, though of course in a less degree, of the simple metals ; so that in order to render the comparison satisfactory, the measures of intensity should always be made on the same spe- * Edinburgh Journal of Science, New Series, VOL. in. p. 280. t Philosophical Transactions, 1830, p. 324. 248 Laws of Metallic Reflexion, &c. cimen which has furnished the values of M and x- There is one metal, however, with respect to which there can be no doubt that the experiments of different observers are strictly comparable, when it is pure, and at ordinary temperatures I mean mercury. For this metal Sir David Brewster states the angle of maximum polarization to be 78 27', and the maximum value of /3, when a = 45, to be 35 ; from which I find M = 4*616, X = 68 13', and, at the perpendicular incidence, J = *734. Now Bouguer observed the quantity of light reflected by mer- cury, but not at a perpendicular incidence. His measures were taken at the incidences of 69 and 78, for the first of which he gives, by two different observations, '637 and -666 ; for the second, by two observations, *754 and *703, as the intensity of reflexion.* If we make the computation from the formula, with the above values of M and x> we fi n( i ^ ne quantities of light reflected at these two incidences to be, as nearly as pos- sible, equal to each other, and to seven-tenths of the incident light, the intensity of reflexion being a minimum at an inter- mediate incidence ; and if we suppose these quantities to be really equal at the incidences observed by Bouguer, we must take the mean of all his numbers, which is *69, as the most pro- bable result of observation. This result differs but little from one of the two numbers given by him at each incidence, and scarcely at all from the result of calculation. The angle at which the intensity of reflexion is a minimum, when common light is incident, may be found from the formula which gives the values of ju, and thence that of i. This inci- dence for mercury is, by calculation, 75 15', and the minimum value of /is '693, which is less than its value at a perpendicular incidence by about one-eighteenth of the latter. According to the formulae, the reflexion is always total at an incidence of 90. * See his Traite d'Optique sur la Gradation de la Lumiere : Paris, 1760 ; pp. 124, 126. 249 XXII, -ON THE ATTEMPT LATELY MADE BY M. LAURENT TO EXPLAIN, ON MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES, THE PHENOMENON OF CIRCULAR POLARIZATION IN LIQUIDS. [Abstract of a Communication addressed to the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, in the year 1843. Report, p. 7.] THE Author showed that this attempt had not succeeded. M. Laurent supposes the particles of the luminiferous ether not to be simply material points, but to have dimensions which are not insensible when compared with their distances; and on this hypothesis he deduces a system of differential equations, the integrals of which he conceives to represent the phenome- non in question. The integrals given by M. Laurent are, however, altogether erroneous, though this circumstance was not noticed by M. Cauchy in the remarks and comments which he made on M. Laurent's Memoir. The true integrals of these equations (supposing the equations to be correctly deduced) were shown by Professor Mac Cullagh to indicate motions of the ether which do not correspond to the observec phenomenon. The account of M. Laurent's theory, with M. Cauchy's remarks upon it, will be found in the eighteenth volume of the Comptes Eendus of the Academy of Science of Paris. ( 250 ) XXIII. OK TOTAL BEFLEXION. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. in. p. 49. Read, January 13, 1845. PROFESSOR MAC CULLAGH made a communication on the subject of Total Eeflexion. In the case of total reflexion the vibrations which take place in the rarer medium are in general elliptical, and when this medium is a crystal, the equations by which the ellipse of vi- bration is determined are very complicated. The projection of this ellipse upon the plane of incidence may, however, be easily found by the remark in p. 12 of the present volume ; the projecting cylinder is therefore known, and as the ellipse of vibration is a section of this cylinder, the question of deter- mining the ellipse is reduced to that of determining its plane. For this purpose Mr. Mac Cullagh gave the following rule. Having constructed the ellipsoid of indices (that whose axes are parallel to the axes of elasticity, and inversely proportional to the three principal velocities of propagation in the crystal), let its two planes of circular section intersect the aforesaid cylinder. The curves of intersection will be ellipses, which shall be supposed to have a common centre in the axis of the cylinder. Let OP, OP' be the greater semiaxes of these ellipses, and OQ, OQf the less semiaxes; the lengths of the two former being denoted by p, p', and the lengths of the two latter by q, q'. Join the extremities P, P' of the greater semiaxes, and the extremities Q, Q! of the less semiaxes; and On Total Reflexion. 251 divide each of the right lines PP, QQ', in the ratio of ^p* _ *> be the extremities of conjugate diameter. Then the imaginary quantities y + are constant for every system of conjugate diameters.] PART II. GEOMETRY. I. GEOMETEICAL THEOEEMS ON THE EECTIFICATION OP THE CONIC SECTIONS. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. XTI. p. 79. Read, June 21, 1830.] Lemma 1. Let T and t be two points indefinitely near each other on any given curve AT, and let tangents at Tand t meet in the points P and p any other given line MN, straight or curved, and draw Pq perpendicular to tp\ then the difference between the arc AT and the tangent TP will ex- ceed or fall short of the Fig> L difference between the arc At and the tangent tp by a quantity which is ultimately to pq in a ratio of equality. For the increment of TP, or the difference of TP and tp, is ultimately equal to the sum of pq, VT, and Vt ( V being the intersection of pt and PT produced) ; and Tt, or the increment of the arc AT, is ultimately equal to the sum of FT and Vt', therefore the difference of the increments is ultimately equal to pq. Whence the proposition is manifest. PROBLEM. To find the Length of the Arc of a Parabola. Let F be the focus and A the vertex of a parabola AT: draw AK perpendicular to AF, and let a tangent at the point T meet it in P; take p indefinitely near to P, and let Fp 256 Geometrical- Theorems on the intersect PT in q : then since FP and Fp are perpendicular to the tangents PT and^tf, it follows (by the preceding lemma) that Pq is ultimately equal to the increment "of the difference between the arc AT and the tangent TP. With the centre F and semiaxis FA describe the equi- lateral hyperbola GAH, and bisect the angles AFP, AFp by the straight lines FL, Fl. Then (since the square of the radius vector of an equilateral hyperbola is inversely as the cosine of twice the angle which it makes with the axis) the square of LF will be equal to AF x PF; and because the angle LFl is half the angle PFq, there- Fig. 2. fore the area LFl will be equal to one-fourth of the rectangle under AF and Pq. Hence the hyperbolic sector AFL is equal to one-fourth of the rectangle under AF and the difference between the para- bolic arc AT and the tangent TP. Lemma 2. If on either axis of an ellipse a semicircle be described, of which CD and CH are two radii at right angles to each other, and if DN and HM be drawn perpendicular to the axis aA, and meeting the ellipse in E and L ; then CE and CL will be conjugate semidiameters. For tangents at H and L will meet in a point T in Aa pro- duced ; the triangles HM. T and DNC will be similar, and DN and HM will be similarly divided in E and L] therefore CE and TL will be parallel, and consequently CE and CL will be conjugate semidiameters. Lemma 3. Take in the ellipse a point I indefinitely near to L, and draw through it mh parallel to MH\ join (7A, and with the centre C and a radius equal to CE describe the arc Kk Fig. 3. Rectification of the Conic Sections. 257 meeting OH and Ch in K and k : then Kk will be ultimately equal to LI For LI: Hh : : LT: HT:: CE : CD : : CK : CH : : Kk : Eh. Therefore LI = Kk. Lemma 4. If the semiaxes A C and BC of an ellipse be equal to the sum and difference of the sides PQ, QR, of a triangle PQJR, and if the angle BCD be equal to half the contained / ~ \ s angle PQR (ADa being the semicircle on Aa) ; then, DEN being drawn perpen- dicular to Aa, CE will be Fig. 4. equal to the base PR. Take Q^and QS equal to QR-, then PS and PU will be equal to AC and (7J5, and the angle CDN to T&P ; therefore drawing PT perpendicular to T8, DN and NC will be equal to TS and TJP. But Z72&S being a right angle, 7.ft is parallel to PT, and therefore TS : TR : : PS : PU : : AC :BC \iDN\EN\ but TS = DN, therefore TR = EN', and since PT = CN, it foUows that PR = CE. THEOREM. Let ^Tand AT' be an ellipse and hyperbola, the semiaxis (CA or C'A) of either being equal to (C'F' or CF) the distance between the focus and centre of the other; and let tangents at the points T and T f meet in P and P f the circles described on the axes, so that FP = FP\ let Fig. 5. also a" B" A" be another ellipse whose semiaxes (A" C" and B" C") are equal to ^and .E4, and take in its circumference a point L so that the semidiameter conjugate to that passing through L may be equal to FP or F'P' ; then will the excess of the ellip- tic arc A T above its tangent TP be greater than the excess of 258 Geometrical Theorems on the the hyperbolic arc A'T' above its tangent T'P', by twice the elliptic arc A"L. Take the point L so that when the ordinate MLH is drawn to meet in H the semicircle described on the axis, the angle HC"M may be equal to half the angle PCF (or P'C'F', for the triangles PCF and P'C'F' have all their sides and angles equal); draw C"D per- pendicular to C"H, and DE to A"a", meeting the Fig. 7. ellipse in E ; then, by km. 2, C"E will be conjugate to C"L, and by km. 4 it will be equal to FP, since the angle B"C"D is equal to HC"M, and is therefore half of PCF, whilst the semi- axes C"A", C"B", are the sum and difference of PC and CF. Hence the point L thus found is that required by the enuncia- tion. Take p, p f , h, indefinitely near to P, P', H, and similarly related to each other ; let Fp and Fp f intersect TP and T'P' in q and q', and with the centre C" and a radius equal to C"E de- scribe the evanescent arc Kk. Then .FP, F'P' are always per- pendicular to TP, T'P', and therefore Pq is ultimately the increment of the difference between the arc AT and the tangent TP (km. 1.) and P' -a?!, y l = y 2 cos 2 0, (17) # 2 2 + y 2 2 cos 2 0-0 1 2 -y l 2 = 0; the equation of the surface being 0, (18) which shows that the paraboloid is elliptic, having its axis in the direction of #, and the plane of xy for that of its greater prin- cipal section. From the relations (17) we obtain the following : = 0, both A and B vanish, and the surface is the parabolic cylinder. If, as is allowable, we sup* 276 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. pose G and K to vanish, the equation of the cylinder becomes s 2 + %Hy = 0, (27) and we have H=y z - y l9 x l = x-t, (28) x? + y?. - x? - y? = ; whence (29) The focal and dirigent are each a right line parallel to the axis of #, the former passing through the focus, the latter meeting the directrix of the parabolic section made by the plane of i/z. The plane of ocy is the directive plane. 7. We learn from this discussion that, among the surfaces of the second class, the hyperbolic paraboloid is the only one which admits a twofold modular generation ; the modulus, however, being the same for both its focals. In the elliptic paraboloid the modular focal is restricted to the plane of that principal section which has the greater parameter ; we shall therefore suppose a parabola to be described in the plane of the other principal section, according to the law of the modular focals ; the law being, that the focus of the parabola shall be the focus of the principal section in the plane of which the parabola lies, and its vertex the focus of the principal section in the per- pendicular plane. The parabola so described will have its concavity opposed to that of the surface ; it will- cut the sur- face in the umbilics, and will be its umbilicar focal, the only such focal to be found among the surfaces of the second class. We shall of course suppose further, that this focal has a dirigent parabola connected with it by the same law as in the other cases, the vertices of the focal and dirigent being equi- distant from that of the surface and at opposite sides of it, while the parameter of the dirigent is a third proportional to the para- meters of the focal and of the principal section in the plane of which the curve lies. The two focals of a paraboloid are so re- lated, that the focus of the one is the vertex of the other. The cylinders have no other focals than those which occur above. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 277 8. In this, as in the first class of surfaces, the right line FA, joining a focus F with the foot of its corresponding direc- trix, is perpendicular to the focal line ; and the focal and diri- gent are reciprocal polars with respect to the section xy of the surface. These properties are easily inferred from the preced- ing results ; but, as they are general, it may be well to prove them generally for both classes of surfaces. Supposing, there- fore, the origin of co-ordinates to be anywhere in the plane of xy, and writing the equation of the surface in the form (* - *i) 2 + (y - y$ + z* = L(x- x,}* + M(y- y,}*, (30) which, when identified with (3), gives the relations A = 1-L, B = l-M, G = Lx,- x^ H=My,- y l9 (31) K = LxJ + My? - x? - y? y we find, by differentiating the values of the constants 6r, H, and K, Ldx, = d%i 9 Mdy, = dy^ Lx, dx, + My, dy, - #1 dxi - y\ dy = 0. (32) Hence we obtain (# a - #1) dsK 1 + (y* - yi) dy l = ; (33) an equation which expresses that the right line joining the points F and A is perpendicular to the line which is the locus of the point F. Again, the equation of the section xy of the surface^being Ax 2 + By* + 2Gx + %Hy = K, (34) the equation of the right line which is, with respect to this section, the polar of a point A whose co-ordinates are o? 3 , y 3 , is (Ax, + G)x+ (By, + H)y = K- Gx 2 - Hy,; (35) but the relations (31) give Ax, + G = x, - #!, By, + H= y, - y l9 (36) K- Gx, - Hy, = ^ (x, - a?,) + y (y, - y^ ; 278 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. and hence the equation (35) becomes (a? a - *i) (x - 0i) + (y 2 - yi) (y - yO = 0, (37) which, as is evident from (33), is the equation of a tangent applied to the focal at the point F corresponding to A. This shows that the focal and dirigent are reciprocal polars with respect to the section #y, and that in this relation, as well as in the other, the points F and A are corresponding points. Supposing F' and A' to be two other corresponding points on the focal and dirigent, if tangents applied to the focal at F and F' intersect each other in T, the point T will be the pole of the right line A A' with respect to the section a?y, as well as the pole of the right line FF' with respect to the focal ; and hence if any right line be drawn through T, and if P be the pole of this right line with respect to the section, and N its pole with respect to the focal, the points P and N will be on the right lines A A' and FF' respectively. Now it is useful to observe that the distances A A' and FF' are always similarly divided (both of them internally or both of them externally) by the points P and N, so that we have AP to AT as FN to F'N. This property may be proved directly by means of the fore- going equations ; or it may be regarded as a consequence of the following theorem : If through a fixed point in the plane of two given conies having the same centre, or of two given para- bolas having their axes parallel, any pair of right lines be drawn, and their poles be taken with respect to each curve, the distance between the poles relative to one curve will be in a constant ratio to the distance between the poles relative to the other curve.* In fact, the poles of the right lines TF, TF', with respect to the focal, are F, F' ; and their poles with respect to the section xy are A, A'; therefore, since the focal and the section xy may be taken for the given curves, and the point T * There is an analogous theorem for two surfaces of the second order which have the same centre, or two paraboloids which have their axes parallel. If through a fixed right line any two planes be drawn, and their poles be taken with respect to each surface, the distance between the poles relative to the one surface will be in a constant ratio to the distance between the poles relative to the other. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 279 for the fixed point, the ratio of FF' to A A' is the same as the ratio of FN to AP, or of F'N to AT ; and consequently the distances FF' and AA' are similarly divided in the points N, and P. 9. In the equation (30), considered as equivalent to the equation (1), the constants L and M are both positive; but the properties which have been deduced from the former equation are independent of this circumstance, and equally subsist when one of these constants is supposed to be negative (for they can- not both be negative). This leads us to inquire what surfaces the equation (30) is capable of representing when the constants L and M have different signs; as also, for a given surface, what lines are traced in the plane of xy by points F and A, of which #!, yu and # 2 , 11* are the respective co-ordinates. After the ex- amples already given, this question is easily discussed, and the result is, that the only surfaces which can be so represented are the ellipsoid, the hyperboloid of two sheets, the cone, and the elliptic paraboloid that is to say, the umbilicar surfaces to- gether with the cone ; and that, for an umbilicar surface, the locus of F is the umbilicar focal, and therefore the locus of A is the corresponding dirigent; while for the cone the points F and A are unique, coinciding with each other and with the vertex of the cone. A geometrical interpretation of this case is readily found ; for as L and M have different signs, the right-hand member of the equation (30), if M be the negative quantity, is the product of two factors of the form f(x - a*) + g(y - y*), /(* -**)-g(y- y a ), in which /and g are constant; and these factors are evidently proportional to the distances of a point whose co-ordinates are a?,'y, s, from two planes whose equations are f(x - x z ] +g(y - y) = 0, f(x - a,) -g(y - y 8 ) = 0, which planes always pass through a directrix, and are inclined at equal and constant angles to the axis of x or of y. There- fore, if F be the focus which belongs to this directrix, the square 280 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. of the distance of F from any point of this surface is in a con- stant ratio to the rectangle under the distances of the latter point from the two planes. And these planes are directive planes ; because, if a section parallel to one of them be made in the surface, the distance of any point of the section from the other plane will be proportional to the square of the distance of the same point from the focus ; and, as the locus of a point, whose distance from a given plane is proportional to the square of its distance from a given point, is obviously a sphere, it follows that the section aforesaid is the section of a sphere, and consequently a circle ; which shows that the plane to which the section is parallel is a directive plane. Thus,* the square of the r * In attempting to find a geometrical generation for the surfaces of the second order, one of the first things which I thought of, before I fell upon the modular method, was to try the locus of a point such that the square of its distance from a given point should he in a constant ratio to the rectangle under its distances from two given planes; but when I saw that this locus would not represent all the species of surfaces, I laid aside the discussion of it. Some time since, however, Mr. Salmon, Fellow of Trinity College, was led independently, in studying the modular method, to consider the same locus ; and he remarked to me, what I had not previously observed, that it offers a property supplementary, in a certain sense, to the modular property; that when the surface is an ellipsoid, for example, the given point or focus is on the focal hyperbola, which the modular property leaves empty. This remark of Mr. Salmon served to complete the theory of the focals, by indicating a simple geometrical relation between a non-modular focal and any point on the surface to which it belongs. In a memoir " On a new method of Generation and Discussion of .the Surfaces of the second Order," presented by M. Amyot to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, on the 26th December, 1842, the author investigates this same locus, conceiving it to involve that property in surfaces which is analogous to the property of the focus and directrix in the conic sections ; and the importance attached to the discovery of such analogous properties induced M. Cauchy to write a very detailed report on M. Amyot' s memoir, accompanied with notes and additions of his own (Comptes rendus des Seances de V Academic des Sciences, torn. xvi. pp. 783-828, 885-890 ; April, 1843) ; and also occasioned several discussions, principally between M. Poncelet and M. Chasles, relative to that Memoir (Comptes rendus, torn. xvi. pp. 829, 938, 947, 1105, 1110). But the property involved in this locus cannot be said to afford a method of generation of the surfaces of the second order, since it applies only to some of the surfaces, and gives an ambiguous result even where it does apply. It is therefore not at all analogous to the aforesaid general property of the conic sections, and moreover it was not new when M. Amyot brought it On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 281 distance of any point of the surface from an umbilicar focus bears a constant ratio to the rectangle under the perpendicular distances of the same point from two directive planes drawn through the directrix corresponding to that focus; and it is easy to see that this ratio, the square root of which we shall denote by //, is equal to L - M, or, neglecting signs, to the. sum of the numerical values of L and M. Of course, if the distances from the directive planes, instead of being perpendi- cular, be measured parallel to any fixed right line, the ratio will still be constant, though different. For example, if the fixed right line for each plane be that which joins the corre- sponding umbilic with either focus of the section xy, the ratio forward. Mr. Salmon had in fact proposed it for investigation to the students of the University of Dublin, at the ordinary Examinations in October, 1842 ; and it was published, towards the end of that year, in the University Calendar for 1843, some months before the date of M. Cauchy's report, by which the contents of M. Amy of s memoir were first made known. The parallelism of the two given planes to the circular sections of the surface is also stated in the Calendar ; but this remarkable relation is not noticed by M. Amyot, nor by M. Cauchy (see the " Exa- mination Papers" of the year 1842, p. xlv., quest. 17, 18 ; in the Calendar for 1843). It is scarcely necessary to add, that the analogue which M. Amyot and other mathematicians have been seeking for, and which was long felt to be wanting in the theory of surfaces of the second order, is no other than the modular property of these surfaces, which appears to be not yet known abroad. M. Poncelet insists much on the importance of extending the signification of the terms focus and direc- trix, so as to make them applicable to surfaces ; and he supposes this to have been effected, for the first time, by M. Amyot. These terms, however, applied in their true general sense to surfaces, had been in use, several years before, among the mathematical students of Dublin, as may be seen by referring to the Calendar ("Examination Papers" of the year 1838, p. c. 1839, p. xxxi.). The locus above mentioned, being co-extensive with the umbilicar property, does not represent any surface which can be generated by the right line, except the cone. To remedy this want of generality, M. Cauchy proposes to consider a surface of the second order as described by a point, the square of whose distance from a given point bears a constant ratio either to the rectangle under its distances from two given planes, or to the sum of the squares of these distances. This enun- ciation, no doubt, takes in both kinds of focals, and all the species of surfaces ; but the additional conception is not of the kind required by the analogy in question, nor has it any of the characters of an elementary principle. For the given planes, according to M. Cauchy's idea, do not stand in any simple or natural relation to the surface ; and besides there is no reason why, instead of the sum of the squares 282 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. of the square to the rectangle will be the square of the number m sec $, where m is the modulus, and the angle which the primary axis makes with a directive plane. When the umbilicar property is applied to the cone, the vertex of which is, as we have seen, to be regarded as an umbi- licar focus, having the directive axis for its directrix, it indi- cates that the product of the sines of the angles which any side of the cone makes with its two directive planes is a constant quantity. It is remarkable that the vertex of the cone affords the only instance of a focal point which is at once modular and umbi- licar, as well as the only instance of a focal point which is doubly modular. This union of properties it may be con- ceived to owe to the circumstance that the cone is the asymp- totic limit of the two kinds of hyperboloids. For if a series of hyperboloids have the same asymptotic cone, and their primary axes be indefinitely diminished, they will approach indefinitely to the cone; and, in the limit, the focal ellipse and hyperbola of the hyperboloid of one sheet will pass into the vertex and the focal lines of the cone, thus making the vertex doubly modular ; while the focal ellipse of the hyperbo- loid of two sheets will also be contracted into the vertex, and will make that point umbilicar. of the distances from the given planes, we should not take the sum after multi- plying the one square by any given positive number, and the other square by another given positive number ; nor is there any reason why we should not take other homogeneous functions of these distances. This conception would therefore be found of little use in geometrical applications ; while the modular principle, on the contrary, by employing a simple ratio between two right lines, both of which have a natural connexion with the surface, lends itself with the greatest ease to the reasonings of geometry. Indeed the whole difficulty, in extending the property of the directrix to surfaces of the second order, consisted in the discovery of such a ratio^inherent in all of them a ratio having nothing arbitrary in its nature, and for which no other of equal simplicity can be substituted. It may be proper to mention that the term modulus, which I have used for the first time in the present Paper, with reference to surfaces of the second order, has been borrowed from M. Cauchy, by whom it is employed, however, in a significa- tion entirely different. Several other new terms are also now introduced, from the necessity of the case. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 283 When the two directive planes coincide, and become one directive plane, the umbilicar property is reduced to this, that the distances of any point in the surface from the point F and from the directive plane are in a constant ratio to each other ; and therefore the surface becomes one of revolution round an axis passing through F at right angles to that plane ; the point F being a focus of the meridional section, or the vertex if the surface be a cone. When the directive planes are supposed to be parallel, but separated by a finite interval, we get the same class of surfaces of revolution, with the addition of the surface produced by the revolution of an ellipse round its minor axis ; the point F being still on the axis of revolution, but not having any fixed relation to the surface. 10. If in the equation (30) we supposed the right-hand member to have an additional term containing the product of the quantities x - x z and y - y^ with a constant coefficient, all the foregoing conclusions regarding the geometrical meaning of that equation would remain unchanged, because the addi- tionarterm could always be taken away by assigning proper directions to the axes of x and y. If, after the removal of this term, the coefficients of the squares of the aforesaid quantities were both positive, the locus of F would be a modular focal of the surface expressed by the equation ; but if one coefficient were positive and the other negative, the locus of F would be an umbilicar focal. The equation in its more general form is evidently that which we should obtain for the locus of a point S, such that the square of its distance SF from a given point F should be a given homogeneous function of the second degree of its distances from two given planes ; the plane of xy being drawn through F perpendicular to the intersection of these planes, and x^ y* being the co-ordinates of any point on this intersection, while #1, y\ are the co-ordinates of F. The point F might be any point on one of the focals of the surface de- scribed by S; the intersection of the two planes (supposing them always parallel to fixed planes) being the corresponding directrix. 284 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. These considerations may be further generalized, if we remark that the equation of any given surface of the second order may be put under the form -y), (38) where Z, M, N, L', M', N f are constants, and #1, y^ Si are con- ceived to be the co-ordinates of a certain point F, and # 2 , y*> s 2 the co-ordinates of another point A. The constants L', M' 9 N f may, if we please, be made to vanish by changing the directions of the axes of co-ordinates ; and when this is done, the new co- ordinate planes will be parallel to the principal planes of the surface. Then, by proceeding as before, it may be shown that, without changing the surface, we are at liberty, under certain conditions, to make the points F and A move in space. The conditions are expressed geometrically by saying that the two surfaces, upon which these points must be always found, are reciprocal polars with respect to the given surface, the points F and A being, in this polar relation, corresponding points ; and that the surface which is the locus of F is a surface of the second order, confocal with the given one, it being understood that confocal surfaces are those which have the same focal lines. The surface on which A lies is therefore also of the second order, and the right line AF is a normal at F to the surface which is the locus of this point. Moreover, if through the point A three or more planes be drawn parallel to fixed planes, and perpendiculars be dropped upon them from any point S whose co-ordinates are #, y, 2, the right-hand member of the equation (38) may be conceived to represent a given homogeneous function of the second degree of these perpendi- culars ; and the given surface may therefore be regarded as the locus of a point S, such that the square of the distance SF is always equal to that function. 11. In the enumeration of the surfaces capable of being generated by the modular method, we miss the five following On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 285 varieties, which are contained in the general equation of the second degree, but are excluded from that method of genera- tion by reason of the simplicity of their forms namely, the sphere, the right cylinder on a circular base, and the three surfaces which may be produced by the revolution of a conic section (not a circle) round its primary axis.* These three surfaces are the prolate spheroid, the hyperboloid of two sheets, and the paraboloid of revolution ; and the circumstance, that the foci of the generating curves are also foci of the surfaces, renders it easy to investigate their focal properties.! In point of simplicity, the excepted surfaces are to the other surfaces of the second order what the circle is to the other conic sections, the circle being, in like manner, excepted from the curves which can be generated by the analogous method in piano; and the geometry of the five excepted surfaces may therefore be regarded as comparatively elementary. These five surfaces were, in fact, studied by the Greek geometers, J and, along with the oblate spheroid and the cone, they make up all the surfaces of the second order with which the ancients were acquainted. Except the cone, the surfaces considered by them are all of revolution; and there is only one surface of revolution, the hyperboloid of one sheet, which was not noticed until modern times. This surface is mentioned (under the name of the hyperbolic cylindroid) by Wren, who remarks that it can be generated by the revolution of a right line round another right line not in the same plane. As to the general conception of surfaces of the second order, the suggestion of it was reserved for the algebraic geometry of Descartes. In that geometry the * The case of two parallel planes is also excluded, but it is not here taken into account. The case of two parallel right lines is in like manner excluded from the corresponding generation of lines of the second order. t A Paper by M. Chasles, on these surfaces of revolution, will be found in the " Memoirs/' of the Academy of Brussels, torn. v. (An. 1829). J The hyperboloid of two sheets, and the paraboloid of revolution, were known by the name of conoids. Archimedes has left a treatise on Conoids and Spheroids, as well as a treatise on the Sphere and Cylinder. In the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1669, p. 961. 286 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. curves previously known as sections of the cone are all expressed by the general equation of the second degree between two co- ordinates ; and hence it occurred to Euler* about a century ago, to examine and classify the different kinds of surfaces comprised in the general equation of the second degree among three co- ordinates. The new and more general forms thus brought to light have since engaged a large share of the attention of geo- meters ; but the want of some other than an algebraic principle of connexion has prevented any great progress from being made in the investigation of such of their properties as do not im- mediately depend on transformations of co-ordinates. This want the modular method of generation perfectly supplies, by evolving the different forms from a simple geometrical concep- tion, at the same time that it brings them within the range of ideas familiar to the ancient geometry, and places their relation to the conic sections in a striking point of view. It may be well to remark that the excepted surfaces are limits of surfaces which can be generated modularly, as the circle is the limit of the ellipse in the analogous generation of the conic sections. Thus the sphere is the limit of an oblate spheroid, one of whose axes remains constant, while its focal circle is indefinitely diminished ; and the right circular cylinder is the limit of an elliptic cylinder, whose focal lines are con- ceived to approach indefinitely to coincidence with each other and with the axis of the cylinder, while one of the axes of the principal elliptic section remains constant. In these cases the dirigent lines, along with the directrices, move off to infinity. The other three excepted surfaces correspond to the supposition = 90, which was excluded in the discussion of the general equation (1). For if we make m sec = n, the quantity which constitutes the right-hand member of that equation may be written n*(x - x z y + n z (y - ytf cos 2 ; and if we suppose n to remain finite and constant, while * See his Introduetio in Analysin Infinitorum, p. 373. Lausanne, 1748. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 287 approaches to 90, and m indefinitely diminishes, this quantity will approach indefinitely to n* (x - # 2 ) 2 , which will be its limit- ing value when = 90. But x - x z is the distance of the point S from a fixed plane intersecting the axis of x perpendicularly at the distance x from the origin of co-ordinates ; and there- fore, in the limit, the equation expresses that the distances of any point S of the surface, from the focus F and from this fixed plane, are to each other as n to unity, that is, in a constant ratio, which is a common property of the three surfaces in question. This property also belongs to the right cone, but the right cone does not rank among the excepted surfaces. 12. We have seen that, when the modulus is unity, any plane parallel to either of the directive planes intersects the surface in a right line; whence it follows, that through any point on the surface of a hyperbolic paraboloid two right lines may be drawn which shall lie entirely in the surface. The plane of these right lines is of course the tangent plane at that point, and therefore every tangent plane intersects the surface in two right lines. This is otherwise evident from considering that the sections parallel to a given tangent plane are similar hyperbolas, whose centres are ranged on a diameter passing through the point of contact, and whose asymptotes, having always the same directions, are parallel to two fixed right lines which we may suppose to be drawn through that point. For as the distance between the plane of section and the tangent plane diminishes, the axes of the hyperbola diminish ; and they vanish when that distance vanishes, the hyperbola being then reduced to its asymptotes. The tangent plane therefore inter- sects the surface in the two fixed right lines aforesaid. The same reasoning, it is manifest, will apply to any other surface of the second order which has hyperbolic sections parallel to its tangent planes; and therefore the hyperboloid of one sheet, which is the only other such surface,* is also intersected in two * The double generation of these two surfaces by the motion of a right line has been long known. It appears to have been discovered and fully discussed by some of the first pupils of the Polytechnic School of Paris. This mode of generation had, 288 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. right lines by any of its tangent planes. These right lines are usually called the generatrices of the surface. From what has been said, it appears that the generatrices of the hyperbolic paraboloid, and the asymptotes of its sections (all its sections, except those made by planes parallel to the axis, being hyperbolas), are parallel to the directive planes. The generatrices of the hyperboloid of one sheet, and the asymp- totes of its hyperbolic sections, are parallel to the sides of the asymptotic cone; because any section of the hyperboloid is similar to a parallel section of the asymptotic cone ; and when the latter section is a hyperbola its asymptotes are parallel to two sides of the cone. PART II. PROPERTIES OF SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 1. In the preceding part of this Paper it has been neces- sary to enter into details for the purpose of communicating fun- damental notions clearly. In the following part, which will contain certain properties of surfaces of the second order, we shall be as brief as possible ; giving demonstrations of the more elementary theorems, but confining ourselves to a short state- ment of the rest. Many consequences follow from the principles already laid down. Through any directrix of a surface of the second order let a fixed plane be drawn cutting the surface, and let S be any point of the section. If the directrix and its focus F be modular, and if a plane always parallel to the same directive plane be con- ceived to pass through S and to cut the directrix in D, the direc- tive distance SD will be always parallel to a given right line, and will therefore be in a constant ratio to the perpendicular dis- tance of S from the directrix. This perpendicular distance will however, been remarked by Wren, with regard to the hyperboloid of revolution. It does not seem to have been observed, that the existence of rectilinear genera- trices is included in the idea of hyperbolic sections parallel to a tangent plane. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 289 consequently bear a given ratio to SF, the distance of the point S from the focus. And the same thing will be true when the directrix and focus are umbilicar, because the perpendicular dis- tance of the point S from the directrix will be in a constant ratio to its distance from each directive plane drawn through the directrix. The fixed plane of section will in general contain another directrix parallel to the former, and belonging to the same focal ; and it is evident that the perpendicular distance of S from this other directrix will be in a given ratio to its distance SF' from the corresponding focus F', the ratio being the same as in the former case. Hence, according as the point S lies between the two directrices, or at the same side of both, the sum or dif- ference of the distances SF and SF' will be constant. If the plane of section pass through either of the foci, as F, this focus and its directrix will manifestly be the focus and di- rectrix of the section. In this case the plane of section will be perpendicular to the focal at F. And if the surface be a cone, the point F being anywhere on one of its focal lines, the distance of the point S from the directrix will be in a constant ratio to its perpendicular distance from the dirigent plane which con- tains the directrix, and therefore this perpendicular distance will be in a given ratio to the distance SF. Now, calling Y the vertex of the cone, and taking SV for radius, the perpendicular distance aforesaid is the sine of the angle which the side SY of the cone makes with the dirigent plane ; and SF, which is per- pendicular to YF, is the sine of the angle SYF. Consequently the sines of the angles which any side of a cone makes with a dirigent plane and the corresponding focal line are in a given ratio to each other.] 2. Conceive a surface of the second order to be intersected in two points S, S' by a right line which cuts two parallel direc- trices in the points E, E', and let F, F' be the foci correspond- ing respectively to these directrices. The perpendicular dis- tances of the points S, S' from the first directrix and from the second are to each other as the lengths SE, S'E, SK, S'E' 2 go On the Surfaces of the Second Order. respectively, and therefore the ratios of FS to SE, of FS' to S'E, of F'S to SE', and of F'S' to S'E', are all equal. Hence, the right line FE bisects one of the angles made by the right lines FS and FS' ; and the right line F'E' bisects one of the angles made by F'S and F'S'. When the points S, S' are at the same side of E, the angle supplemental to SFS' is that which is bisected by the right line FE. Now if the point S be fixed, and S' approach to it inde- finitely, the angle SFE will approach indefinitely to a right angle. Therefore if a right line touching the surface meet a directrix in a certain point, the distance between this point and the point of contact will subtend a right angle at the focus which corresponds to the directrix. And if a cone circumscrib- ing the surface have its vertex in a directrix, the curve of contact will be in a plane drawn through the corresponding focus at right angles to the right line which joins that focus with the vertex. When the surface intersected by the right line SS' is a cone, suppose this line to lie in the plane of the focus F and its direc- trix, that is, in the plane which is perpendicular at F to the focal line YF (the vertex of the cone being denoted, as before, by Y) : the angles made by the right lines FE, FS, FS', are then the same as the angles made by planes drawn through YF and eact of the right lines YE, YS, YS' ; and the last three right lines are the intersections of a plane YSS' with the dirigent plane on which the point E lies, and with the surface of the cone. ' Therefore iJ a plane passing through the vertex of a cone intersect its sur- face in two right lines, and one of its dirigent planes in anothei right line, and if a plane be drawn through each of these right lines respectively and the focal line which belongs to the dirigent plane, the last of the three planes so drawn will bisect one oJ the angles made by the other two. And hence, if a plane touch- ing a cone along one of its sides intersect a dirigent plane in . certain right line, and if through this right line and the side oJ contact, respectively, two planes be drawn intersecting each othei in the focal line which corresponds to the dirigent plane, the twc planes so drawn will be at right angles to each other. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 291 Let a right line touching a surface of the second order in S meet two parallel directrices in the points E, E', and let F, F' be the corresponding foci. Then the triangles FSE and F'SE' are similar, because the angles at F and F' are right angles, and the ratio of FS to SE is the same as the ratio of FS to SE'. Therefore the tangent EE' makes equal angles with the right lines drawn from the point of contact S to the foci F, F'. When the surface is a cone, let the tangent be perpendicular to the side YS which passes through the point of contact ; the angles FSE and F'SE' are then the angles which the tangent plane VEE' makes with the planes YSF and YSF', because the right line FE is perpendicular to the plane YSF, and the right line F'E' is perpendicular to the plane YSF'. Therefore the tangent plane of a cone makes equal angles with the planes drawn through the side of contact and each of the focal lines. Supposing a section to be made in a surface of the second order by a plane which cuts any directrix in the point E, if the focus F belonging to this directrix be the vertex of a cone having the section for its base, the right line FE will be an axis of the cone. For if through FE any plane be drawn cutting the base of the cone in the points S, S', one of the angles made by the sides FS, FS' which pass through these points will always be bisected by the right line FE ; and this is the characteristic property of an axis. 3. Two surfaces of the second order being supposed to have the same focus, directrix, and directive planes, so that they differ only in the value of the modulus m, or of the umbilicar ratio fj. (see Part I. 9) : let a right line passing through any point E of the directrix cut one surface in the points S, S', and the other in the points S , Si, and conceive right lines to be drawn from all these points to the common focus F. Since, if ratios be expressed by numbers, the ratio of FS to SE (or of FS' to S'E) is to the ratio of FS to*S E (or of F& to S X E) as the value of m for the one surface is to its value for the other, when the fociis is modular, or as the value of ju for the one sur- face is to its value for the other when the focus is umbilicar, the 292 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. sines of the angles EFS and EFS (or of the angles EF&! anc EFS') are in a constant proportion to each other, because thes( sines are proportional to those ratios. And since the right lin* FE bisects the angles SFS' and S FSi, both internally or botl externally, in which case the angles SFS and S'FSi are equal or else one internally and the other externally, in which case th< angles SFS and S'FSi are supplemental, it is easy to infer from the constant ratio of the aforesaid sines, that in the firs case the. product, in the second case the ratio of the tangents o: the halves of the angles SFS and S'FS (or of the halves of th( angles SFSi and S'FSi) is a consequent quantity. If the point S' approximate indefinitely to S, the right lin< passing through these points will approach indefinitely to a tan- gent. Therefore when two surfaces are related as above, if i right line passing through any point E of their common direc- trix intersect one surface in the points S , Si, and touch the othei in the point S, the chord SoSi will subtend a constant angle al the common focus F, and this angle will be bisected, either in- ternally or externally, by the right line FS drawn from the f ocuj to the point of contact. And the angle EFS being then a righl angle, the cosine of the angle SFS or SFSi will be equal to the ratio of the less value of m or p to the greater.* 4. Among the surfaces of the second order, the only one which has a point upon itself for a modular focus is the cone, the vertex of which is such a focus, related either to the internal or to the mean axis as directrix. In the latter relation the vertex belongs to the series of foci which are ranged on the focal lines. To see the consequence of this, let Y be the vertex oi the cone, and YW its mean axis perpendicular to the plane oi the focal lines. On one of the focal lines and its dirigent assume any corresponding points F and A, and let AD be the directrix passing through A. Then if a directive plane, drawn through any point S of the surface,' cut this directrix in D and the mean * See Exam. Papers, An. 1839, p. xxxi., questions 9, 10. These and some oi the preceding theorems were originally stated with reference to modular foci only. They are now extended to umbilicar foci. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 293 axis in W, the ratio of SF to SD will be expressed by the linear modulus, as will also the ratio of YF to WD, since Y is a point of the surface, and WD is equal to the directive distance of Y from AD. But since Y is a focus to which the mean axis is directrix, the ratio of SY to SW is expressed by the same mo- dulus. Thus the triangles SYF and SWD are similar, the sides of the one being proportional to those of the other. Therefore the angle SYF is equal to the angle SWD ; that is to say, the angle which the side YS of the cone makes with the focal line YF is equal to the angle contained by two right lines WD and WS, of which one is the intersection of the directive plane with the dirigent plane YWD corresponding to YF, and the other is the intersection of the directive plane with the plane YWS passing through the mean axis and the side YS of the cone. Hence it appears that the sum of the angles (pispperly reckoned) which any side of the cone makes with its two focal lines is constant. For if F' be a point on the other focal line, and D' the point where the directrix corresponding to F' is in- tersected by the same directive plane SWD, it may be shown, as above, that the angle SYF' is equal to the angle SWD', that is, to the angle made by the right line WS with the right line WD', in which the directive plane intersects the dirigent plane corresponding to YF'. Conceiving therefore the points F, F', S, and with them the points D, D', to lie all on the same side of the principal plane which is perpendicular to the internal axis, the right line WS will lie between the right lines WD and WD', and the grim of the angles SYF and SYF' will be equal to the angle DWD', which is a constant angle, being contained by the right lines in which a directive plane intersects the two diri- gent planes of the cone. This constant angle will be found to be equal, as it ought to be, to one of the angles made by the two sides of the cone which are in the plane of the focal lines, namely, to the angle within which the internal axis lies. If we conceive the cone to have its vertex at the centre of a sphere, and the points F, F', S to be on the surface of this sphere, the arcs of great circles connecting the point S with each of the 294 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. fixed points F, F' will have a constant sum. The curve formed by the intersection of the sphere and the cone may therefore, from analogy, be called a spherical ellipse, or, more generally, a spherical conic, because, by removing one of its foci F, F' to the opposite extremity of the diameter of the sphere, the difference of the arcs SF and SF' will be constant, which shows that the spherical curve is analogous to the hyperbola as well as to the ellipse. Either of these plane curves may, in fact, be obtained as a limit of the spherical curve when the sphere is indefinitely enlarged, according as the diameter along which the enlarge- ment takes place, and of which one extremity may be conceived to be fixed while the other recedes indefinitely, coincides with the internal or with the directive axis of the cone. The fixed extremity becomes the centre of the limiting curve, which is an ellipse in the first case, and a hyperbola in the second. The great circle touching a spherical conic at any point makes equal angles with the two arcs of great circles which join that point with the foci, because the sum of these arcs is con- stant. This is identical with a property already demonstrated relative to the tangent planes of the cone. Indeed it is obvious that the properties of the cone may also be stated as properties of the spherical conic, and this is frequently the more convenient way of stating them. 5. If the sides of one cone be perpendicular to the tan- gent planes of another, the tangent planes of the former will be perpendicular to the sides of the latter. For the plane of two sides of the first cone is perpendicular to the intersection of the two corresponding tangent planes of the second cone ; and as these two sides approach indefinitely to each other, their plane approaches to a tangent plane, while the intersection of the two corresponding tangent planes of the second cone approaches in- definitely to a side of the cone. Thus any given side of the one cone corresponds to a certain side of the other ; and any side of either cone is perpendicular to the plane which touches the other along the corresponding side. This reasoning applies to cones of any kind. On the Stirfaces of the Second Order. 295 Two cones so related may be called reciprocal cones. When one is of the second order, it will be found that the other is also of the second order, and that, in their equations relative to their axes, which are obviously parallel or coincident, the coefficients of the squares of the corresponding variables are reciprocally proportional, so that the equations (1) express two such cones which have a common vertex. These cones have the same internal axis, but the directive axis of the one coincides with the mean axis of the other, and it may be shown from the equations that the directive planes of the one -are per- pendicular to the focal lines of the other. The two curves in which these cones are intersected by a sphere, having its centre at their common vertex, are reciprocal spherical conies. In general, two curves traced on the surface of a sphere may be said to be reciprocal to each other, when the cones passing through them, and having a common vertex at the centre of the sphere, are reciprocal cones. Any given point of the one curve corre- sponds to a certain point of the other, and the great circle which touches either curve at any point is distant by a quadrant from the corresponding point of the other curve. By means of these relations any property of a cone of the second order, or of a spherical conic, may be made to produce a reciprocal property. Thus, we have seen that the tangent plane of a cone makes equal angles with two planes passing through the side of contact and through each of the focal lines ; there- fore, drawing right lines perpendicular to the planes, and planes perpendicular to the right lines here mentioned, we have, in the reciprocal cone, a side making equal angles with the right lines in which the directive planes of this cone are intersected by a plane touching it along that side. It is therefore a property of the cone, that the intersections of a tangent plane with the two directive planes make equal angles with the side of contact ; a 296 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. property which it is easy to prove without the aid of the reci- procal cone. The two directive sections drawn through any point S of a given surface of the second order may, when they are circles, be made the directive sections of a cone, and this may obviously be done in two ways. Each of the two cones so determined will be touched by the plane which touches the given surface at the point S, because the right lines which are tangents to the two circular sections at that point are tangents to each cone as well as to the given surface ; therefore the side of contact of each cone bisects one of the angles made by these two tangents ; and hence the two sides of contact are the principal directions in the tangent plane at the point S, that is, they are the directions of the greatest and least curvature of the given surface at that point ; for these directions are parallel to the axes of a section made in the surface by a plane parallel to the tangent plane, and the axes of any section bisect the angles contained by the right lines in which the plane of section cuts the two directive planes. 6. It has been shown that the sum of the angles which any side of a cone makes with its focal lines is constant. Hence we obtain the reciprocal property,* that the sum of the angles (properly reckoned) which any tangent plane of a cone makes with its two directive planes is constant. This property may be otherwise proved as follows : Through a point assumed anywhere in the side of contact * This property, and that to which it is reciprocal, as well as some other pro- perties of the cone, were, together with the idea of reciprocal cones and of spherical conies, suggested by my earliest researches connected -with the mechanical theory of rotation and the laws of double refraction. I was not then aware that the focal lines of the cone had been previously discovered, nor that the spherical conic had been introduced into geometry. Indeed all the properties of the cone which are given in this Paper were first presented to me in my own investigations. Its double modular property, related to the vertex as focus, was one of the propositions in the theory of the rotation of a solid body, and was used in finding the position of the axis of rotation within the body at a given time. 5 ut the modular property common to all the surfaces of the second order was not discovered until some years later. On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 297 let two directive planes be drawn. As the circles in which the cone is cut by these planes have a common chord, they are circles of the same sphere ; and a tangent plane applied to this sphere, at the aforesaid point, coincides with the tangent plane of the cone, because each tangent plane contains the tangents drawn to the two circles at that point. The common chord of the circles is bisected at right angles by the principal plane which is perpen- dicular to the directive axis, and therefore that principal plane contains the centres of the two circles and the centre of the sphere. Now the acute angle made by a tangent plane of a sphere with the plane of any small circle passing through the point of contact is evidently half the angle subtended at the centre of the sphere by a diameter of that circle ; therefore the acute angles, which the common tangent plane of the cone and of the sphere above mentioned ma^es with the planes of the directive sections, are the halves of the angles subtended at the centre of the sphere by the diameters of the sections. But the diameters which lie in the principal plane already spoken of, and are terminated by two sides of the cone, are chords of the great circle in which that plane intersects the sphere ; and the halves of the angles which they subtend at its centre are equal to the angles in the greater segments of which they are the chords, and consequently equal to the two adjacent acute angles of the quadrilateral which has these chords for its diagonals. Hence, as two opposite angles of the quadrilateral are together equal to two right angles, it follows that the four angles of the quadrilateral represent the four angles, the obtuse as well as.the acute angles, which the tangent plane of the cone makes with the planes of the directive sections ; the two angles of the quadrila- teral which lie opposite to the same diagonal being equal to the acute and obtuse angles made by the tangent plane with the plane of the section of which that diagonal is the diameter. Thus any two adjacent angles of the quadrilateral may be taken for the angles which the tangent plane of the cone makes with the directive planes. If we take the two adjacent angles which lie in the same triangle with the angle K contained by the 298 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. two sides of the cone that help to form the quadrilateral, the sum of these two angles will be equal to two right angles diminished by K ; and if we take the two remaining angles of the quadrilateral, their sum will be equal to two right angles increased by K ; both which sums are constant. But if we take either of the other pairs of adjacent angles, the difference of the pair will be constant, and equal to K. The same conclusion may be deduced as a property of the spherical conic. Let a great circle touching this curve be inter- sected in two points, one on each side of the point of contact, by the two directive circles, that is, by two great circles whose planes are directive planes of the cone which passes through the conic and has its vertex at the centre of the sphere. Since the right lines in which the tangent plane of a cone intersects the directive planes are equally inclined to the side of contact, the arc intercepted between the points where the tangent circle of the conic intersects the directive circles is bisected in the point of contact ; therefore, either of the spherical triangles whose base is the tangent arc so intercepted, and whose other two sides are the directive circles, has a constant area ; because, if we suppose the tangent arc to change its position through an indefinitely small angle, and to be always terminated by the directive circles, the two little triangles bounded by its two positions and by the two indefinitely small directive arcs which lie between these posi- tions, will have their nascent ratio one of equality, so that the area of either of the spherical triangles mentioned above will not* be changed by the change in the position of its base. But in each of these triangles the angle opposite the base is constant ; therefore the sum of the angles at the base is constant. From this reasoning it appears that if a spherical triangle have a given area, and two of its sides be fixed, the third side will always touch a spherical conic having the fixed sides for its directive arcs, and will be always bisected in the point of contact. 7. The intersection of any given central surface of the second order with a concentric sphere is a spherical conic, since the cone which passes through the curve of intersection, and has On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 299 its vertex at the common centre, is of the second order. The cylinder also, which passes through the same curve and has its side parallel to any of the axes of the given surface, is of the second order ; and the cone, the cylinder, and the given sur- face are condirective, that is, the directive planes of one of them are also the directive planes of each of the other two. This may be seen from the equations of the different surfaces ; for, in ge- neral, two surfaces whose principal planes are parallel will he condirective, if, when their equations are expressed by co-ordi- nates perpendicular to these planes, the differences of the coeffi- cients of the squares of the variables in the equation of the one be proportional to the corresponding differences in the equation of the other. If any given surface of the second order be intersected by a sphere whose centre is any point in one of the principal planes, the cylinder passing through the curve of intersection, and hav- ing its side perpendicular to that principal plane, will be of the second order, and will be condirective with the given surface. This cylinder, when its side is parallel to the directive axis, is hyperbolic ; otherwise it is elliptic. If a paraboloid be cut by any plane, the cylinder which passes through the curve of sec- tion, and has its side parallel to the axis of the paraboloid, will be condirective with that surface ; and it will be elliptic or hy- perbolic, according as the paraboloid is elliptic or hyperbolic.* If two concentric surfaces of the second order be reciprocal polars with respect to a concentric sphere, the directive axis of the one surface will coincide with the mean axis of the other, and the directive planes of the one will be perpendicular to the asymptotes of the focal hyperbola of the other. When one of the surfaces is a hyperboloid, the other is a hyperboloid of the same kind ; the asymptotes of the focal hyperbola of each sur- * I have introduced the terms directive and condirective, as more general than the terms cyclic and biconcyclic employed by M. Chasles. The latter terms suggest the idea of circular sections, and therefore could not properly he used with refe- rence to the hyperbolic paraboloid, or to the hyperbolic or parabolic cylinder, in each of which surfaces a directive section is a right line. 3OO On the Surfaces of the Second Order. face are the focal lines of its asymptotic cone ; and the two asymptotic cones are reciprocal. When any number of central surfaces of the second order are confocal, or, more generally, when their focal hyperbolas have the same asymptotes, it is obvious that their reciprocal sur- faces, taken with respect to any sphere concentric with them, are all condirective. 8. If a diameter of constant length, revolving within a given central surface, describe a cone having its vertex at the centre, the extremities of the diameter will lie in a spherical conic. And if I the cone be touched by any plane, the side of contact will evidently be normal to the section which that plane makes in the given surface, and will therefore be an axis of the section. As the axes of a section always bisect the angles made by the two right lines in which its plane intersects the directive planes of the surface, and as the cone aforesaid has the same directive planes with the given surface, it follows that the right lines in which a tangent plane of a cone cuts its directive planes are equally inclined to the side of contact a theorem which has been already obtained in another way. If a section be made in a given central surface by any plane passing through the centre, the cone described by a constant semidiameter equal to either semiaxis of the section will touch the plane of section ; for if it could cut that plane, a semiaxis would be equal to another radius of the section. Denoting by r, / the semiaxes of the section, conceive two cones to be de- scribed by the revolution of two constant semidiameters equal to r and / respectively. These cones are condirective with the given surface, and have the plane of section for their common tangent plane. Supposing that surface to be expressed by the equation and the directive axis to be that of y, the axis of x will be the internal axis of one cone, say of that described by r, and the axis On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 301 of z will be the internal axis of the other cone. Let K be the angle made by the two sides of the first cone which lie in the plane xz, and K the angle made by the two sides of the second cone which lie in the same plane ; the former angle being taken so as to contain the axis of x within it, and the latter so as to con-, tain within it the axis of is. Then, considering r, / as radii of the section xz of the surface, we have obviously 1 _ cos 2 Jic sin 2 K _ j_ /" 1 1\ j /I 1\ (3) 1 cos 2 |K' sin 2 |K'_., /I IVifi.l / 2 ~ $ P ~*\p + ii)~*\p~ii observing that when these formulae give a negative value for r 2 or r' 2 , in which case the surface expressed by the equation (2) must be a hyperboloid, the direction of r or / meets, not that surface, but the surface of the conjugate hyperboloid expressed by the equation Now calling 9 and 0' the angles made by the tangent plane of the cones with the directive planes of the given surface, which are also the directive planes of each cone, the angles /c, K depend on the sum or difference of and 0'. If the latter angles be taken so that their sum may be equal to the supplement of K, their difference will be equal to K', and the f ormulse (3) will become . (5) by which the semiaxes of any central section are expressed in terms of the non- directive semiaxes of the surface, and of the 3O2 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. angles which the plane of section makes with the directive planes.* 9. From the centre of the surface expressed by equa- tion (2) let a right line OS be drawn cutting perpendicularly in S the plane which touches the surface at S. Let a denote the length of the perpendicular OS, and a, j3, y the angles which it makes with #, y, z. Then a 2 = P COS 2 a + Q COS 2 ]3 + R COS 2 y. (6) From this formula it is manifest that, if three planes touching the surface be at right angles to each other, the sum of the squares of their perpendicular distances from the centre will be equal to the constant quantity P + Q + R, and therefore the point of intersection of the planes will lie in the surface of a given sphere. If another surface represented by the equation be touched by a plane cutting OS perpendicularly in S () , and if (T be the length of OS , then do 2 = Po cos 2 a + Qo cos 2 j3 + -Ro cos 2 7 ; and therefore when the two surfaces are confocal, that is, when P - Po = Q - Qo = R - R, = k, we have a 2 - cr 2 = k, which is a constant quantity. Hence, if three confocal surfaces be touched by three rectangular planes, the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars dropped on these planes from the centre will be constant, and the locus of the intersection of the planes will be a sphere. The focal curves of a given surface are the limits of surfaces confocal with it,f when these surfaces are conceived, by the pro- * See Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xxi., as before cited. The formulae (5) were first given, for the case of the ellipsoid, by Fresnel, in his Theory of Double Refraction, Memoir es de VInstitut, torn, vii., p. 155. f It was by this consideration, arising out of the theorems given in this and the next section about confocal surfaces, that I was led to perceive the nature of the On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 303 gressive diminution of their mean or secondary axes, to become flattened, and to approach more and more nearly to *a^ plane passing through the primary axis. And it will appear here- after, that if a bifocal right line, that is, a right line passing through both focal curves, be the intersection of two planes touching these curves, those two planes will be at right angles to each other. Therefore the locus of the .point where a tangent plane of a given central surface is intersected perpendicularly by a bifocal right line is a sphere. The primary axis of the sur- face is evidently the diameter of this sphere. Hence we conclude that the locus of the point where a tan- gent plane of a paraboloid is intersected perpendicularly by a bifocal right line is a plane touching the paraboloid at its vertex. For a paraboloid is the limit of a central surface whose primary axis is prolonged indefinitely in one direction, and a plane is the corresponding limit of the sphere described on that axis as diameter. As this consideration is frequently of use in deduc- ing properties of paraboloids from those of central surfaces, it may be well to state it more particularly. It is to be observed, then, that the indefinite extension of the primary axis at one extremity may take place according to any law which leaves the other extremity always at a finite distance from a given point, andj gives a finite limiting parameter to each of the principal sections of the surface which pass through that axis. The simplest supposition is, that one extremity of the axis and the adjacent foci of those two principal sections remain fixed, while the other extremity and the other foci move off, with the centre, to distances which are conceived to increase without limit. Then, at any finite distances from the fixed points, the focal curves approach indefinitely to parabolas, as do also all sections of the surface which pass through the primary axis, while the surface itself approaches indefinitely to a paraboloid ; so that the limit focal curves, and the analogy between their points and the foci of conies. And I regarded that analogy as fully established when I found (in March or April, 1832) that the normal at any point of a surface of the second order is an axis of the cone which has that point for its vertex and a focal for its base. 304 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. of the central surface is a "paraboloid having parabolas for its focal curves. The limit of an ellipsoid, or of a hyperboloid of two sheets, is an elliptic paraboloid, having one of its focals modular and the other umbilicar, like each of the central sur- faces from which it may be derived ; and the limit of a hyper- boloid of one sheet is a hyperbolic paraboloid, having, like that hyperboloid, both its focals modular. 10. Let the plane touching at S the surface expressed by equation (2) intersect the axis of x in the point X, and let the normal applied at S intersect the planes yz 9 xz, xy y in the points L, M, N respectively. Since the section made in the surface by a plane passing through OX and the point S has one of its axes in the direction of OX, it appears, by an elementary property of conies, that the rectangle under OX and the co-ordinate x of the point S is equal to the quantity P ; but that co-ordinate is to LS as OS or a is to OX, and therefore the rectangle under er and LS is equal to P. Similarly the rectangle under ?o, So for the co-ordinates of its centre, the surface B will be represented by the equation (P-P )V + (P' - Po) r) 2 + (P" - Po) V (22) = 2 j o 2 (? ? + ^ + 2oS)- / oS but if A be a paraboloid expressed by the equation (18), the equation of B will be (p-p Q ) + (p'-p}r? + (p"-p Q }? (23) = p4 2 (? cos a + rj cos ]3 + 2 cos y), 3 1 6 On the Surfaces of the Second Order. where a, j3, y are the angles which the axis of x makes with the axes of ?, TJ, ? respectively. In the first case, the equation (22) shows that the directive planes of B are perpendicular to the right lines expressed by the equation (13) ; in the second case, the equation (23) shows that the directive planes of B are per- pendicular to the right lines expressed by the equation (20). When the surface A is a paraboloid, and the distance of the point E from its vertex is indefinitely increased, the plane touching the surface at E approaches indefinitely to parallel- ism with its axis, and the right line SK, perpendicular to that plane, increases without limit. Therefore the surface B passes through the point S, and is touched in that point by a plane perpendicular to the axis of A. When the point S lies upon the surface A, the co-efficient of the square of one of the variables, in the equation (22) or (23), is reduced to zero, and the surface B is a paraboloid having its axis parallel to the normal applied at S to the surface A. This also appears from considering that when S is a point of the surface A, the normal at that point is the only right line passing through S, which meets the surface B at an infinite distance. If a series of surf aces -be confocal, their reciprocal surfaces, taken with respect to any given sphere, will be condirective. When the equations of any two condirective surfaces are ex- pressed by co-ordinates perpendicular to their principal planes, the constants in the equations may be always so taken that the differences of the co- efficients of the squares of the variables in one equation shall be equal to the corresponding differences in the other. Then, by subtracting the one equation from the other, we get the equation of a sphere. Therefore when two condirective surfaces intersect each other, their intersection is, in general, a spherical curve. But when the surfaces are two paraboloids of the same species, their intersection is a plane curve. 18. Through any point S of a given surface four bifocal right lines may in general be drawn. Supposing the surface On the Surfaces of the Second Order. 3 1 7 to be central, let a plane drawn through the centre, parallel to the plane which touches the surface at S, intersect any one of these right lines. Then the distance of the point of intersec- tion from the point S will always be equal to the primary semi- axis of the surface.* If through any point S of a given central surface a right line be drawn touching two other given surfaces confocal with it, and if this right line be intersected by a plane drawn through the centre parallel to the plane which touches the first surface at S, the distance of the point of intersection from the point S will be constant, wherever the point S is taken on the first surface. If this constant distance be called /, and the other denominations be the same as in the formula (7), the wilue of I will be given by that formula, f * " Examination Papers," An. 1838, p. xlvii., question 9. f In the notes to the last-mentioned work of M. Chasles, on the History of 'Methods in Geometry^ will be found many theorems relative to surfaces of the second order. Among them are some of the theorems which are given in the present Paper ; but it is needless to specify these, as M. Chasles's work is so well known. III. JSTOTE RELATIVE TO THE COMPARISON OF ARCS OF CURVES; PARTICULARLY OF PLANE AND SPHERI- CAL CONICS. [Proceedings of the Royallrish Academy, VOL. n. p. 446. Read Nov. 30, 1843.] THE first Lemma given in my Paper on the rectification of the conic sections* is obviously true for curves described on any given surface, provided the tangents drawn to these curves be shortest lines on the surface. The demonstration remains exactly the same ; and the Lemma, in this general form, may be stated as follows : Understanding a tangent to be a shortest line, and sup- posing two given curves E and F to be described on a given surface, let tangents drawn to the first curve at two points T, t, indefinitely near each other, meet the second curve in the points P, p. Then taking a fixed point A on the curve E, if we put s to denote (according to the position of this point with respect to T) the sum (or difference) of the arc AT and the tangent TP, and s + ds to denote the sum (or difference) of the arc A^ and the tangent tp, we shall have ds equal to the projection of the infinitesimal arc P the equation of the surface A, referred to the new co-ordinates, will be where 5 , no, So are the co-ordinates of its centre. From the form of this equation it is evident that, if the sur- face be intersected by the plane whose equation is 322 Note on Surfaces of the Second Order. it will be touched along tlie curve of intersection by the cone whose equation is This mode of deducing, in its simplest form, the equation of a cone circumscribing a surface of the second order, is much easier than the direct investigation by which the equation (c) was originally obtained. Let a right line passing through 8 intersect the plane ex- pressed by the equation (#), in a point whose distance from 8 is equal to or, while it intersects the surface A in two points, P and P', the distance of either of which from 8 is denoted by p. Let the surface It, represented by the equation be intersected by the same right line in a point whose distance from 8 is equal to r, the distance r being, of course, a semidia- meter of this surface. Then it is obvious that the equation (a) may be written T 1\ 2 so that, if p and p represent the distances SP and 8P / respec- tively, we have 1 1 1 j. _ 1 _1 n p "w * P p' ~ v r ; and therefore This result is useful in questions relating to attraction. For if A be an ellipsoid, every point of which attracts an external point 8 with a force varying inversely as the fourth power of the distance, and if the point 8 be the vertex of a pyramid, one Note on Surfaces of the Second Order. 323 of whose sides is the right line SPP', and whose transverse sec- tion, at the distance unity from its vertex, is the indefinitely small area o>, the portion PP of the pyramid will attract the point S, in the direction of its length, with a force expressed by the quantity 1 IN 2u> and putting 6 for the angle which the right line SP makes with the axis of , the attraction in the direction of will be cos Now, supposing the axis of to be normal to the confocal ellip- soid described through S, it will be the primary axis of the surface B, which will be a hyperboloid of two sheets ; and the surface being symmetrical round this axis, it is easy to see, from the expression for the elementary attraction, that the whole attraction of the ellipsoid will be in the direction of . There- fore when the force is inversely as the fourth power of the dis- tance, the attraction of an ellipsoid on an external point is normal to the confocal ellipsoid passing through that point. Hence we infer, that if U be the sum of the quotients found by dividing every element of the volume of an ellipsoid by the cube of its distance from an external point, the value of U will remain the same, wherever that point is taken on the surface of an ellipsoid confocal with the given one. The question of the attraction of an ellipsoid, when the law of force is that of the inverse square of the distance, has been treated by Poisson, in an elegant but very elaborate memoir, presented to the Academy of Sciences in 1833.* In the preced- ing year I had obtained the theorems just mentioned, by con- sidering the law of the inverse fourth power ; and, as well as I remember, they were deduced exactly as above, by setting out from the equation (a). But I did not then succeed in applying * Memoires de Vlnstitut, torn. xiii. Y2 324 Note on Surfaces of the Second Order. the same method to the case where the law of force is that oi nature, probably from not perceiving that, in this case, the ellip- soid ought to be divided (as Poisson has divided it) into concen- tric and similar shells. This application requires the following theorem, which is easily proved : Supposing A to be another ellipsoid, concentric, similar, and similarly placed with A\ let the right line SPP' intersect it in the points p and p' ', respectively, adjacent to P and P ; then if the direction of that right line be conceived to vary, the rectangle under Pp and P'p (or under Pp f and P'p') will be to the rectangle under SP and SP* in a constant ratio. Denoting the constant ratio by m y and combining this theo- rem with the formula (/), we have mr l h \ 2' Now let the two surfaces A and A be supposed to approach in- definitely near each other, so as to form a very thin shell, then ultimately P'p will be equal to PP', and we shall have where m is indefinitely small. Therefore if the point S, external to the shell, be the vertex of a pyramid whose side is the right line SP, and whose section, at the unit of distance, from the vertex, is w, the attraction of the two portions Pp and P'p' of this pyramid, which form part of the shell, will be equal to mrw. Hence it appears, as before, on account of the symmetry of the surface B round the axis of ?, that the whole attraction of the shell on the point 8 is in the direction of that axis, and conse- quently (as was found by Poisson) in the direction of the inter- nal axis of the cone whose vertex is S, and which circumscribes the shell. To find the whole attraction of the shell, the expression mr< cos 9 (0 Note on Surfaces of the Second Order. 325 must be integrated. Let be the angle which a plane, passing through SP and the axis of , makes with the plane j, then to = sin 1 //cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 sin 2 8 sin- ' -T + ,7 r + ,T, When these values are substituted in (t), that expression may be readily integrated, first with respect to 0, and then with respect to 0. It is evident that, by the same substitutions, the expression (g) may be twice integrated. An investigation similar to the preceding has been given by M. Chasles, for the case in which the force varies inversely as the square of the distance.* He uses a theorem equivalent to the formula (/), but deduces it in a different way. From what has been proved it follows that, if V be the sum of the quotients found by dividing every element of the shell by its distance from an external point 8, the value of V will be the same wherever that point is taken on the surface S of an ellip- soid confocal with the surface A of the shell. Let S' be another ellipsoid confocal with A, and indefinitely near the surface S. The normal interval between the two sur- faces S and S', at any point 8 on the former, will be inversely as the perpendicular dropped from the common centre of the ellipsoids on the plane which touches S at 8. Hence, supposing the point 8 to move over the surface S, that perpendicular will vary as the attraction exerted by the shell on the point 8 9 when the force is inversely as the square of the distance, or as the at- traction exerted by the whole ellipsoid A on the point 8, when the force is inversely as the fourth power of the distance. When the point S is on the focal hyperbola, the integrations, by which the actual attraction is found in either case, are sim- plified, for the surface B is then one of revolution round the axis of ?, and its semidiameter r is independent of the angle 0. * Memoires des Savants Etr angers, torn. ix. 326 Note on Surfaces of the Second Order. From the expression for the attraction of a shell we can find, by another integration, the attraction of the entire ellipsoid when the law of force is that of nature. And thus the well-known problem of the integral calculus, in which it is proposed to deter- mine directly the attraction of an ellipsoid on an external point, without employing the theorem of Ivory to evade the difficulty, is solved in what appears to be the simplest manner. PART III. ROTATION. I. ON THE ROTATION OP A SOLID BODY ROUND A FIXED POINT; BEING AN ACCOUNT OP THE LATE PROPESSOR MAC CULLAGH'S LECTURES ON THAT SUBJECT.* COMPILED BY THE REV. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, FELLOW OP TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xxn. p. 139. Read April 23, 1849.] I. COMPOSITION or EOTATIONS. LET be the intersection of two axes of rotation, OB,, OR' ; and let the magnitudes of the rotations be represented by w, <*/; then the motion impressed upon the body by these two rotations will be the same as the motion produced by a single rotation round an axis, which is represented in magnitude and position by the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by w, a/. For, draw, through any point I of the body a plane perpendicular to the line 01, and project upon this plane the parallelogram formed by w, a/ ; the sides of this parallelogram will be & sin EOT and a/ sin R'OI. Now the velocities impressed upon the * This Essay" On the Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point," has been compiled from my notes of Professor Mac Cullagh's Lectures, delivered in the Hilary Term of the year 1844, in Trinity College. A short account of some of the results contained in it was published by Professor Mac Cullagh himself, in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. f As it has appeared to many of Mr. Mac Cullagh's friends desirable that a somewhat more detailed account of his re- searches in this subject should be published, I have, in accordance with this desire, drawn up and presented to the Academy an account of his Lectures on Rotation. I have endeavoured to arrange the subject in a systematic order, and to give the results proved by Mm during the course of the Lectures, carefully ex- cluding all theorems and proofs of theorems, which were not originally given by him, as here stated. SAMUEL HAUGHTON. t Vol. 11. pp. 520, 542. 33 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. point I by the rotations w and a/ are 01. w sin EOI and 01. u/ sin K'OI ; and the directions of these velocities are per- pendicular to the sides of the projected parallelogram. Hence, if this parallelogram be turned in its plane through 90, its sides will represent in magnitude and direction the actual velocities: the resultant of these velocities is perpendicular to the projection of the diagonal of the parallelogram (o>, a/) : this projection, turned round through 90, will represent the actual velocity, which is therefore the same in magnitude and direction as would be produced by a single rotation represented by the diagonal of (w, a/). Hence rotations may be resolved along three rectangular axes by the same laws as couples, and they must be counted positive when the motion produced is from zto x, x to y, y to s, and vice versa. II. LINEAR VELOCITIES PRODUCED BY A GIVEN EOTATION. Let the origin of co-ordinates be assumed on the axis of rotation, and let the magnitude of the rotation and of its com- ponents be represented by (w, p, q, r) : the velocity of any point (x, y, z) is in a direction perpendicular to the plane con- taining the axis of rotation and the point (a?, y, 2) ; and its magnitude is represented by the area of the triangle whose angles are situated at the origin, the point (a?, y, s), and the point (p, q, r). Hence, the components of the linear velocity are represented by the projections of this triangle on the co- ordinate planes. These projections are u = 'qz-ry\ v = rx-pz; (1) w = py qx. Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 331 III. To REPRESENT GEOMETRICALLY THE MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF A BODY WITH RESPECT TO AXES DRAWN THROUGH A FIXED POINT. The moment of inertia of a body with respect to any axis (, ft 7) is M = A' COS 2 a + B COS 2 /3 + 0' COS 2 y - 2L' COS /3 COS y - 2 M' cos a cos y - 2JV" cos a cos ]3 ; where A' = / 2 + s 2 dw Z' C f = J(a? 2 + y 2 ) dm, N' Assume M = ^; ^t being the mass of the body, and r a distance measured on the line (a, )3, y), and construct the ellipsoid whose equation is C'z z - ZL'yz - 2M'xz - 2N'xy = n ; (2) then it is evident that the moments of inertia of the body with respect to axes passing through the fixed point are represented by the squares of the reciprocals of the radii vectores of this ellipsoid. Assume A = ^u 2 , B = ^ C = pc 2 , and let the axes of co-ordinates be the axes of the ellipsoid ; its equation will thus become 2 M' ; L ', M' being coefficients in the equation of the ellipsoid A'# + BY + C'z z - ZL'yz - ZM'xz - Wxy = p. The tangent plane to this ellipsoid, applied at the point (x, y, z), will be (Ax- M'z - N'y] x f + (B'y - N'x - L'z) y' + (C'z - L'y - M'x] z' = p. At the point B' the tangent plane will be perpendicular to the plane XOZ, and will be found by making x = 0, y = 0, and de- stroying the coefficient of y' in the preceding equation. These conditions give us L' = 0, which proves that the statical couple produced by centrifugal force lies altogether in the plane XOZ. The equation of the tangent plane is the same as the equation of the line B'P', and is Hence we obtain M' tan = - _. The value of the centrifugal couple is u> W, which is found Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 335 from the preceding equation by replacing C' and tan by their values /iP 2 , and -= ; Q being the line EP. We thus obtain finally the centrifugal couple lying in the plane XOZ, and expressed by the equation w*lxzdm = - ^PQ. (8) It thus appears that the centrifugal couple lies in the plane of radius vector and perpendicular, is proportional to the area of the triangle EOF, and has a direction opposite to the direction of rotation. V. To FIND THE EELATION BETWEEN THE PLANE OF PRINCIPAL MOMENTS AND THE Axis OF EOTATION AT ANY INSTANT. The motion of the body at any instant consists of a rotation of a certain magnitude round a certain axis ; this rotation might be produced by an impulsive couple of a determinate magnitude and direction. The ^statical impulsive couple thus conceived is the couple of principal moments. Let this couple be represented by 6r, and act round the axis OE (fig. 1, p. 334) ; then the cor- responding axis of rotation will be the perpendicular OP, and the relation between 6r and w may be thus found : Let the axes of co-ordinates be the axes of the ellipsoid (4), the radius vector being determined by the angles (A, n, v), and the axes of rota- tion by the angles (a, |3, 7). From mechanical considerations we obtain the equations G cos X = Ap = juw a z cos a ; G cos fj. = Bq = jua; b z cos/3 ; G cos v = Cr = IULW c 2 cos 7. Hence we obtain cos A _ a? cos a cos.^i _ b* cos/3 cos v c 2 cos 7' cos v c 2 cos 7* (9) G 3 3 6 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. The first two of these equations prove that the axis of rota- tion is the perpendicular on tangent plane of the ellipsoid, and the last equation gives the magnitude of the rotation in terms of the impressed couple and quantities determined by the nature of the body itself. Equations (9) are true, whatever be the forces acting on the body ; if no forces act, G will be fixed in magnitude and position in space, by the principle of conserva- tion of areas, but will change its position in the body, the axis of rotation accompanying it, and changing its position both in the body and in space. VI. BOTATION PRODUCED BY CENTRIFUGAL FORCE ; PARTICU- LAR PROPERTIES OF THE MOTION WHEN NO FORCES ACT. The axis of rotation produced by the centrifugal couple always lies in the plane of principal moments. This theorem may be thus proved : Let the radius vector and perpendicular be drawn, which coincide with the axis of principal moment and axis of ro- tation at any instant ; a line perpendicular to the plane of radius vector and perpendicular is the axis of centrifugal couple ; this line and the original radius vector are axes of the section of the ellipsoid made by their plane : at the point where the axis of the centrifugal couple pierces the ellipsoid let a tangent plane be applied ; the perpendicular let fall on this tangent plane is the axis of rotation produced by centrifugal forces. From the construction it is evident that the plane of the second radius vector and perpendicular is perpendicular to the axis of G ; hence the axis of the centrifugal couple and the axis of rotation pro- duced by it always lie in the plane of principal moment. Two important corollaries follow from the theorem just demonstrated, in the case where no forces act : First, the component of an- gular velocity round the axis of primitive impulse is constant during the motion. Secondly, the radius vector which coincides with the axis of G is of constant length during the motion. The first theorem is obvious ; for as the axis of rotation produced by centrifugal force is always perpendicular to the axis of 6r, it Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 337 cannot alter the rotation round that axis. The second theorem follows from equation (9), from which we deduce w cos = . (10) The left-hand member of this equation is constant by 'the pre- ceding theorem ; and G is constant, since there is no external force ; therefore R is constant. As the axis of G is fixed in space, and the line R is constant, it is evident that the axis of G will describe in the body the cone of the second degree, determined by the intersection of the ellip- soid (4) with the sphere whose radius is R. The equation of this cone is R*-a* , R*-V . R*-c* , - - x* + - y 2 + - 2 2 = 0, (11) 2 z * As the axis of principal moments describes this cone in the body, it is accompanied by the axis of rotation, which is always the corresponding perpendicular on tangent plane of the ellipsoid. The cone described by the axis of rotation might be found thus. Let tangent planes be applied to the ellipsoid along the sphe- rical conic in which the cone (11) cuts the ellipsoid. From the centre let fall perpendiculars on these tangent planes ; the locus of these perpendiculars is the required cone. VII. THE Axis OF PRINCIPAL MOMENTS is FIXED IN SPACE. This is evident from D'Alembert's principle, but may be shown by geometrical considerations in the particular case under consideration. The axis varies in position in the body, in con- sequence of the centrifugal couple, which must be compounded with the impressed couple at each instant. Eeferring to equa- tion (8), the value of the centrifugal couple is - fivfPQdt, the principal moment being G = pwPjR, (vid. (9)). Hence the angle 338 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. through which the axis of principal moments shifts in an element of time is - C : this angle, multiplied by the constant radius R vector, will give the elementary motion on the spherical conic traced by the axis of principal moment on the surface of the ellipsoid : this motion is therefore - wQdt ; but in the same time the point of the body which coincides with the point where the axis of moments pierces the spherical conic will describe the angle + wQdt in consequence of the angular rotation. Hence the axis of moments will remain fixed in space, and will move in the body with a velocity proportional to the tangent of the angle between the radius vector . and perpendicular, the motion being in a direction opposite to the direction of the rotation. This is evident from the consideration that Qw = Pw tan <, Po> f3 being constant and equal to = (rid. (9)). x VIII. TO FIND THE MOTION OF THE PRINCIPAL AXIS IN THE BODY. First Method. The point of the principal axis of moments, which is situated at the distance R from the centre, moves on the spherical conic which has been determined. Let this point be projected on the three co-ordinate planes ; then, since the spherical conic is pro- jected into a conic section, the movement of the axis of moments is reduced to the movement of a point on a conic section, accord- ing to a law which must be determined. The radius vector describes an elementary triangle in the surface of the cone (11) : let the projections of this triangle on the co-ordinate planes be (dA l9 dAi, dAj) ; we obtain easily dA l dz dy dA z _ dx d* dA, = dy d_x ~dr= y jr*di' ~dT dt x dt dt ~ dt' J df Substituting in these equations the values of the velocities given by (1), we obtain Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 339 (12) dt p = Pw These equations prove that the areolar velocity of the projection on a co-ordinate plane varies as the ordinate to that plane. By means of the method of quadratures, we may determine from equations (12) the position of the projections of the principal axis at any instant, and hence deduce the position of the axis itself. / Second Method. If the spherical conic be projected on a cyclic plane of the ellipsoid of gyration, by lines parallel to x and s, the projections will be two concentric circles, and the corresponding projections will lie on the same ordinate SII' (fig. 2). The inner circle will belong to the projec- tion parallel to a?, if R be greater than - b, and will belong to the projection parallel to z if R be less than b ; and if R be equal to b, the two circles will coincide with each other and with the Fi g- 2 - spherical conic, which in this case becomes the circular section of the ellipsoid. The projected point will revolve round the cir- cumference of the inner circle, and will vibrate on the circum- ference of the outer circle between the dotted lines. It is evi- dent that the mean axis of the ellipsoid OY lies in the plane of the figure. Let SI and SI' be equal to />, p, and let (7, = -^>, we obtain finally _TL t/ (14) dil, Kdt The motion of the principal axis of moments is, therefore, ex- pressed by an elliptic function of the first kind. The motion of the axis of moments is determined by the magnitude of the radius vector of the ellipsoid, which is the axis of the original couple impressed upon the body ; if this radius vector be greater than the mean axis of the ellipsoid, the cor- responding spherical conic will have the axis of x for its internal axis ; and if the radius be less than the mean axis, the axis of z will be the internal axis of the conic ; in no case will the mean axis be the internal axis of the spherical conic. If the radius R be nearly equal to either the greatest or least semi-axis, the ex- pression (14) for the time may be integrated. Let R be nearly equal to the greatest semi-axis. The first of the equations (14) belongs to the interior circle, which is of small dimensions in the case supposed ; the second equation expresses the vibratory motion of the projection, through a small arc of the outer circle, which will have a radius much greater than the inner circle ; we may, therefore, suppose the angle $ to be equal to its sine. C' Multiplying both sides of the equation by -^ we obtain. C' ri f if -77 d\L -K* 1/V s- Hence -7T=sin (K't + A). (15) If To denote the time of a complete oscillation or revolution of 34 2 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. the axis of moments about the axis of x, and T r the time of a re- volution of the body round the axis of x, the following relation between these two periods may be readily deduced from (15) : be r ' r V.( (*-*) (-*)' If the axis of moments, and consequently the axis of revolution, be situated near the axis of greatest or least inertia, it will always continue near this axis ; if, however, it be situated near the mean axis, the movement of the body will be determined by the following construction : Let the two cyclic planes of the ellipsoid be drawn through the mean axis*; they will divide the ellipsoid into two regions, in one of which is situated the axis of maximum inertia, and in the other the axis of minimum inertia. The spherical conic described by the axis of principal moments will have the first or second of these axes for its internal axis, according as R is greater or less than the mean axis. If the axis of principal moments lie in one of the cyclic planes, the spherical conic becomes a circle, and its two projections become identical with itself (fig. 2, p. 339) ; the expressions (14) -are reduced to the form COS which when integrated gives or, . 7T , cot - ~ 2 $o being the value of corresponding to t = 0, and K being ex pressed by the following quantity : t ILL b*ac It is evident from the equation (17) that the axis of moments will coincide with the mean axis of inertia at the end of an in- finite time. Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 343 IX. To FIND THE POSITION OF THE BODY IN SPACE AT THE END OF ANY GIVEN TlME. First Method. The radius vector of the ellipsoid of gyration, which is per- pendicular to the plane containing the axes of principal moment and of rotation, always lies in the plane of principal moment, and describes in that plane areas proportional to the time. Let OGr, Oil be the axes of principal moment and of rota- tion ; OR', OO', the axes of centrifugal couple and of corresponding rotation ; the plane CtOQ' will contain the two successive positions of the axis of rota- tion. Let 01 be the position of the axis of rotation at the end of the time $t ; then $u will be equal to the angle described in the fixed plane by the line OR'. Let R' and P f be the radius vector and perpendicular correspond- ing to the centrifugal couple and its Fig. 3. axis of rotation. The following relations are evident from the figure : w sin Q'OI cos 0' because sinliOI ^,r\-r sin O 01 = , sm0 sin sn but, from mechanical considerations, PR' G PRu sin ; because sn tP'# Hence, by equating the geometrical and mechanical expression, we obtain 8*. (18) 344 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. The position of the body in space is thus reduced to quadra- tures ; but the problem may be solved more readily in the fol- lowing manner. Second Method. The axis of principal moments, appearing to move in a direction opposite to the rotation, describes in the body the cone whose equation has been given (11). If the cone reciprocal to this cone be described, one of its sides will lie in the fixed plane, and the whole motion of the body in space will be the same as the motion of this cone, which partly slides and partly rolls on the fixed plane, the sliding motion being uniform. This theorem is evident by resolving the angular velocity o> into two components, one round the axis of principal moments, and the other in a direction perpendicular to this, round the side of the reciprocal cone, which is in contact with the fixed plane. These components are o> cos and w sin ; w cos $ being constant and producing the sliding motion, while u> sin represents the an- gular velocity round the side of the cone in contact with the fixed plane. The angle described by the side of the reciprocal cone in the fixed plane at the end of a given time is, therefore, the algebraic sum of two angles, one of which is proportional to the time, and the other is the angle described in the cone in con- sequence of the rotation w sin 0, and is, therefore, measured by the arc of a spherical conic. The position of the body at the end of the time t is thus found : determine by equation (14) the position of the axis of principal moments in the cone (11) ; the corresponding position of the component axis of rotation in the reciprocal cone is therefore known. Hence the angle de- scribed in the time t in the fixed plane is 9 = J(u COS0^ = w C08(f).t . (19) The equation of the reciprocal cone is _**_ + jv_ + _ + + * Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. 345 In (19) the positive or negative sign must be used according as E is less or greater than the mean axis of the ellipsoid ; this is evident from the composition of rotations, and from the con- sideration that in the former case the axis of rotation falls inside the cone (11), while in the latter case it falls outside. X. To FIND A POINT, IF ANY, IN A GIVEN Axis OF EOTATION, WHICH BEING FIXED, THE AxiS WILL BE PERMANENT. Let B'B" (fig. 4) be the given axis, round which the body revolves with a rotation expressed by w ; describe the ellipsoid of gyration round the centre of gra- vity 0, and draw OP' parallel to B'B". The centrifugal force uPrdm at any point (#, y, z) may be resolved into two components, u?pdm and 2 . B'P' . dm ; r and p denoting the distances of the point from the axes B'B" and OP' re- spectively ; the effect of the rotation round B'B" is therefore the same as an equal rotation round OP', together with a number of parallel and equal forces applied to each point of the body. The rotation round OP' produces a centrifugal couple represented by - juw 2 . OP . PB (md. (8)); or, determining the point B' by the condition OP . PB = OP' . P'B', the centrifugal couple is - /W . OP' . P'B'. The resultant of the parallel forces is a force applied at the centre of gravity, acting in the direction parallel to B'P', and equal to juo> 2 . B'P'. Comparing this with the cen- trifugal couple, it is evident that the forces at destroy each other, and, therefore, the total result of the rotation round B'B" is to produce a force acting at the point B', which has been just determined. If this point be fixed, the axis B'B" will be a per- manent axis of rotation. The condition by which the point B' is found is, that the triangle OB'P' is equal to and in the same plane with the triangle OBP : hence, if an ellipsoid confocal to 346 Rotation of a Solid Body round a Fixed Point. the ellipsoid of gyration be described through the point B', it will be perpendicular to the line R'B". The general construc- tion for permanent axes is, therefore, the following : Let the ellipsoid of gyration be described, and confocal ellipsoids : any line which pierces one of these ellipsoids at right angles is a per- manent axis of rotation for the point of intersection. PART IV. A T T R A C T.I O N ( 349 ) I. ON A DIFFICULTY IN THE THEORY OF THE ATTRAC- TION OF SPHEROIDS. [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. xvi. p. 237. Read May 28, 1832.] AN approximate theorem, discovered by Laplace, and relating to the attraction of a solid slightly differing from a sphere, on a point placed at its surface, has given rise to many disputes among mathematicians.* I hope the question will be set in a clear light by the following remarks. Let us consider the function which expresses the sum of every element of a solid divided by its distance from a fixed point, and let us denote it, as Laplace has done, by the letter Y. It is necessary to find the value of Y for a pyramid of inde- finitely small angle, the fixed point being at its vertex. Calling the small solid angle of the pyramid (or the area which it intercepts on the surface of a sphere whose radius is unity and centre at the vertex), it is manifest that the element of the pyramid at the distance r from the vertex is 0rVr; dividing therefore by r, and integrating, we have -J^r 2 , or multiplied into half the square of the length, for the value of Y. Again, supposing the force to vary inversely as the square of the distance the only hypothesis that can be of use in the present inquiry the attraction of the same pyramid on a point at its vertex, and in the direction of its length, is manifestly equal to $r. Let us now consider a solid of any shape, regular or irregu- lar, terminated at one end by a plane to which the straight line PQ is perpendicular at the point P; and let there be a sphere of any magnitude, whose diameter P'Q' is parallel to PQ. Let P" be a fixed point, and from the points P, P / , P", draw three parallel straight lines Pp, P'p, P"p" 9 the first two * See Pontecoulant, Theorie analytique du systeme du monde, tome ii. p. 380 ; with the references there given. 350 Difficulty in Theory of Attraction of Spheroids. terminated by the surfaces of the solid and of the sphere, the third, Py, i n ^ ne same direction with them and equal to their difference, without regarding which of them is the greater, and suppose all the points p" 9 taken according to the same law, to trace the surface of a third solid. Let Pp, P'p'> P"p" > be edges of three small pyramids with their other edges proceeding from P, P', P", parallel, and having of course the same solid angle, which we shall call $, and denote by r, r', r", their respective lengths, and by F, F', F", the values of the function Y for each of them. Drawing pR perpendicular to PQ, the attraction of the pyramid Pp in the direction of PQ will be equal to x PR. Call this attraction A, and let a be the radius of the sphere. Since /' is the difference of r and r', we have r 2 + r' 2 - r" 2 = 2rr' = 2PM x P'Q', and multiplying by 1 we find 0r + r ' _ !0 r "2 = 2a x PR, that is F+ V - V" = 2aA. The same thing is true for any other three pyramids similarly related to each other, throughout the whole extent of the three solids which are exhausted by them at the same time ; and hence, if we now denote by F, F', F", the whole values of the function Y for the three solids, and by A the whole attraction, of the first of them parallel to PQ on a point at P, we shall still have F+ V - V" = 2aA. To express this general theorem in the notation of Laplace, we have merely to observe that the attraction A is synonymous with - ( ), and that the quantity V for the sphere is equal \U')" J 4 to ira z . Substituting these values, we find an exact equation, differing from the approximate one of Laplace only in containing the quantity V ', and totally independent of Difficulty in Theory of Attraction of Spheroids. 351 the nature of the surface or of the magnitude of the sphere ; the only things supposed being that all the lines drawn from P meet the surface again but once, and that no part of it passes beyond a plane through P at right angles to PQ. With respect to the limit of the quantity V", it is obvious that if a hemisphere be described from P" as a centre, with a radius equal to the greatest difference 8 between the lines Pp, jPjp', the solid P"p" will lie wholly within this hemisphere, and consequently V" will be less than the value of V for the hemi- sphere, that is, less than ?rS 2 ; for here all the little pyramids from the centre have the same length 8, and their bases are spread over the hemispherical surface ; wherefore V" = 2ir x ig 2 = TrS 2 . All this is independent of anything but the suppo- sition just mentioned. If now PQ be supposed to be a spheroid of any sort, slightly differing from the sphere P'Q', and such that the line PQ, perpendicular to the surface at P, passes nearly through the centre, then all the differences, of which 8 is the greatest, being of the first order, the quantity V' ', which is less than TrS 2 , will be of the second order ; and therefore neglecting, as Laplace has done, the quantities of that order, we get the theorem in question. It may be well to apply the general theorem to the simple case in which the first solid is a sphere of the radius of, because both Lagrange and Ivory have used this case to show that the reasonings of Laplace are incorrect. In this instance, then, the surface described by the point p" is that of a sphere whose radius is the difference between a and a' ; and the values of 444 4 F, F', F", and A, are ~ ?ra' 2 , ^7ra 2 } - ?r (a' - of and -iraf respec- o o o o tively. Substituting these values in the equation F+ V - V" = 2aA, 4 and omitting the common factor ^TT, the resulting equation a' + # - (a? - a)* = 2aa ought to be identical ; and so it manifestly is. November, 1831. ( 352 ) II. ON THE ATTRACTION OF ELLIPSOIDS, WITH A NEW DEMONSTRATION OF CLAIRAUT'S THEOREM, BEING AN ACCOUNT OF THE LATE PROFESSOR MAC CULLAGH'S LECTURES ON THOSE SUBJECTS. COMPILED EY GEORGE JOHNSTON ALLMAN, LL.D., OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. [Transactions of the Royallrish Academy, VOL. xxn. p. 379. Read June 13, 1853.] PROPOSITION I. If P be any point on the surface of an ellipsoid, and PCi be drawn perpendicular to an axis 00, and an ellipsoid be described through Ci concentric, similar, and similarly placed to the given ellipsoid ; then the component of the attraction of the given ellipsoid on P in a direction parallel to 00 is equal to the attraction of the inner ellipsoid on the point Ci. This theorem is an extension of that given by Mac Laurin* relating to the attraction of a spheroid on a point placed on its surface. It may, moreover, be established by means of the same geometrical proposition from which Mac Laurin deduced his theorem. Through the point P let a chord PP' of the given ellipsoid be drawn parallel to the axis 00. Now, suppose both ellipsoids to be divided into wedges by planes parallel to each . other, and passing respectively through this chord and the parallel axis of the inner ; and suppose the wedges to be divided into pyramids, the common vertex of one set "being at P, and of the other at d. * De caus. Phys. Flux, et Eefl. Mar is, sect. 3 ; or see Airy's Tract on the Figure of the Earth, Prop. 8. On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. 353 Observing that any two of these parallel planes cut the two surfaces in similar ellipses, such that the semi-axis of one is equal to the parallel ordinate of the other, it is easy to see that Fig. 1. the reasoning employed by Mac Laurin may be used to esta- blish the truth of the theorem stated above. PROPOSITION II. To calculate the Attraction of an Ellipsoid on a Point placed at the extremity of an A.XIS* Let the semi-axes of the ellipsoid be a, b, c, where a > b > c, and let the point on which it is required to find the attraction be (Fig. 1), the extremity of the least axis. Suppose the ellipsoid to be divided by a series of cones of revo- lution which have a common vertex C and a common axis CO', C' being the vertex of the ellipsoid opposite to ; it will be sufficient to find an expression for the attraction of the part of the ellipsoid contained between two consecutive conical surfaces, whose semi- angles are and -f dO respectively. Suppose now the part of the ellipsoid between two consecutive cones to be divided into * Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, YOL. in. p. 367. 2A 354 On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. elementary pyramids with a common vertex C, Let CP be one of these elementary pyramids, whose solid angle is w ; let PQ, be drawn perpendicular to CO' ; from the centre draw a radius Fig. 2. vector OE parallel to CP, and from the extremity E let fall a perpendicular ES on the axis CO'. Now the attraction of the elementary pyramid CP on the material point ju, placed at its vertex = ^t/pw.CP ; and the com- ponent of this attraction in the direction of the axis is /U/JOO).CQ, = 2///J30). OE 2 cos 2 Now suppose the radius vector OE to revolve around the axis OC', then the attraction on the point C of the portion of the ellipsoid bounded by the two cones of revolution, whose semi- On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. 355 angles are 9 and 9 + d9 respectively, since it is made up of the components in the direction CC' of the attractions of all the elementary pyramids CP, is .S(OE 2 w) = - ^cos 2 0t/0.S(OE 2 6fy), i/ C dQ being the angle between two consecutive sides of the cone generated by the revolution of OE. But S (OE 2 d(f>) is equal to twice the superficial area of the part of this cone which is enclosed within the ellipsoid. More- over, the projection on the plane ab of this portion of the sur- face of the cone is an ellipse, whose semi-axes are n sin 0, r z sin 0, and whose area is TTT^TZ sin 2 0, r l and r 2 being the maximum and minimum values of OE : the superficial area o4ke portion of the cone within the ellipsoid is therefore 7rnj', A^", to be drawn from A, making each with the other two very small angles, and so forming a pyramid with a very small vertical solid angle o> ; and from B and C let two systems of chords Bg, B/, Br sm c 2 -^ 2 COS 71 = -- r COS 7 . jt?r sm Substituting these values of cosai, cosjS,, 0087!, and observing that cos a cos d! + cos ]3' cos ]3i + cos 7' cos 71 = 0, 364 On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. we have P = -- TT r 4 pr sin or, SxST. (11) The negative sign indicates* that the force P acts in the direction TS, i. e. from the radius vector towards the perpendicular of the ellipsoid of gyration. If the force P be resolved into three others in the direction of the axes, it is evident from the values given in Proposition V. for X, Y, Z> that these components are 3 (A -I) , 3(5-7) Q/ 3(0-7) 4 cos a', ~7 - cos -I cos 7 -t (12) * The direction of the force P, which Professor Mac Cullagh determines by the interpretation of the negative sign, may be very clearly seen from the following considerations. This force exists in every case where the three principal moments of inertia of the system at are not all equal, that is, when the ellipsoid of gyra- tion is not a sphere. The greatest axis of that ellipsoid is manifestly towards that part of the body in which there is a deficiency of attracting matter. If we now con- sider the position of a perpendicular on a tangent plane of an ellipsoid with rela- tion to the corresponding radius vector, we shall find that it always lies away from the greatest axis. But the transverse force has been shown to be in the plane of radius vector and perpendicular. Therefore, the direction of the transverse force, being towards the preponderating matter, must be from T to S. f The results given by Professor Mac Cullagh in Propositions V. and VI. may be otherwise obtained, and, perhaps, with greater facility, by introducing the con- sideration of the statical moment of the attracting force. * If the three principal moments of inertia were equal to each other, then the whole attraction would be in the direction of the centre of gravity, and its mag- nitude would be M rft In general, however, the attracting mass will be of an irregular shape ; there will exist then, in addition to the principal part of the attraction, which will be central, a transverse force which will tend to cause a motion of rotation about the centre of gravity. The components of the moment of this transverse force in the three principal planes are x'Y-y'X, y'Z-z'Y, z'X-x'2; * See Rev. R. Townsend, in the " Dublin University Examination Papers," 1849, p. 51. On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. 365 PROPOSITION YIL An Ellipsoid is composed of ellipsoidal strata of different densities and of variable but small ellipticities ; to find the Components, cen- tral and transverse, of its Attraction on an external point. The values found in the last Proposition for the components of the attraction of any mass on a very distant point will be found to hold in the present case, whatever be the position of the attracted point. In order to show this, we shall first prove it for a homogeneous ellipsoid of small ellipticities. Such an ellipsoid being given, another confocal with it can be con- structed so small, that the distance to the attracted point may be but from (7), x'Y- y'X = -- - cos a cos ft' = -- - (a 2 - i 4 ) cos a" cos ft', q / T> _ f~1\ "\M y' Z z'Y = -- - - - cos ft' cos 7' = -- - (b* - c 2 ) cos ft' cos 7', 3(0 -A) 3M.. z X - x Z = -- - cos 7 cos a = -- TJJ- (o 2 a 2 ) cos 7 cos a . Now it is well known, that ( 2 - 2 ) cos o' cos ft', | (i 2 - c 2 ) cos ft' cos 7', i ( 2 r cos 2 A) cos 9 = (P + w 2 r cos A sin A) sin 9. (16) On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. 369 But, from the property of the elliptic section made by the plane of the meridian, we have , Q e* sin X cos A rt . x cot = - = 2e sm A cos A, q. p.. 1 - e 2 cos 2 A where e is the excentricity and f the ellipticity of this ellipse. Substituting in (16) this value of cot 9, and the values of R and P from (13) and (14), the equation of equilibrium becomes \M 3C-A + ~ (1-3 sin 2 A) - w z r cos 2 A J 2e sin A cos A C- A 3 - + w 2 r ) sin A cos A, r* 2 r 4 or, approximately, j + o ^r^ (1-3 sin 2 A) -rfa cos 2 AJ 2 = 3^^+^M. \ Ct> & (I (i If we neglect quantities of the second order, this equation becomes &M 0-A , r- = o + or#. (17) a 2 a 4 We have thus arrived at a relation which enables us to ex- press the unknown quantity C-A, in terms of quantities which are all known, and, therefore, to eliminate the former from any other equation in which it may occur. Now let R e and R p denote the equatorial and polar attrac- tions respectively ; we have from the general value of R (13), M 3 C-A but M "' _M ~ ~~*~~' 370 On the Attraction of Ellipsoids. But G p = E p and G e R e - <*> 2 ; Eliminating ^ by means of equation (17), we get G p - G e _ 5 o^ ~6T~ f 2"^" ; or SUPPLEMENT. EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGY ( 373 ) I. ON THE CHKONOLOGY OF EGYPT. {Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. i., p. 66. Read April 24, 1837.] IN this Paper the author endeavours to ascertain the names of the Egyptian sovereigns who were contemporary with Moses. For this purpose he finds it necessary to determine the interval between two celebrated epochs the reign of Menes and the Exodus of the Israelites. He conceives that the former epoch is fixed by the " old chronicle " at the distance of 443 years from the beginning of a cynic (or canicular) cycle ; and he thinks it strange that this simple meaning should not have occurred to chronologists, who have universally supposed the " cynic cycle " of the old chronicle to be a series of demi-god kings who derived that appellation from the dog-headed Anubis. The canicular cycle is a well-known period of 1460 years, which the Egyptians seemed to have used for computing time, as we sometimes use the Julian period. One of these cycles commenced in the year 2782 before the Christian era ; and if we reckon 443 years in advance, we shall have the year B. c. 2339 for the commence- ment of the reign of Menes. This date agrees well with the com- putation of Josephus, who says that the interval from Menes to Solomon was upwards of 1300 years. Again, we are told by Clemens of Alexandria, that the Exodus of the Israelites took place 345 years before the beginning of a canicular cycle. This is evidently the cycle which commenced B. c. 1322 ; and hence we have B. c. 1667 for the date of the Exodus. The interval between Menes and the Exodus was, therefore, about 670 years. 374 On the Chronology of Egypt. If, now, we take the catalogue of Eratosthenes, which com- mences with Menes, we shall find, at the distance of 670 years from Menes, a king named Achescus Ocaras, who reigned only one year ; preceded by a king named Apappus, who reigned a hundred years, and succeeded by queen Nitocris, who reigned six years. Mr. Mac Cullagh thinks that Apappus is the king in whose reign Moses was born ; that Ocaras is he who pursued the Israelites to the Red Sea ; and that Nitocris is the famous queen mentioned by Herodotus. It may be objected that Eratosthenes gives us the succession of Theban kings, whereas the Pharaohs of the Mosaic history reigned in Lower Egypt ; but it is remarkable that the three sovereigns mentioned above are found in Manetho's dynasties among those who reigned at Memphis ; and it is singular that these are the only sovereigns (except Menes and his immediate successor) in which the dynas- ties of Manetho and the catalogue of Eratosthenes agree. All the other names are different. Of course the predecessors of Apappus, at Thebes and at Memphis, were different ; and thus we can easily understand how there arose up at Memphis " a new king who knew not Joseph." It would appear, in fact, that Apappus was of a Theban family, and that he succeeded, for some reason or another, to the throne of Lower Egypt. He was only six years old (as we learn from Manetho) when he came to the throne ; and it is natural to suppose that his chief advisers, as he grew up, were the courtiers who accompanied the young king from his own country to Memphis, and who knew nothing of Joseph, and cared nothing for his people. Accordingly, when Apappus arrived at manhood he issued an order that every male child of the Hebrews should be destroyed, lest they should grow too numerous for the Egyptians ; and, under these circum- stances, Moses was born in the twenty-first year of his reign, and was saved by the king's young daughter, a girl about ten years old. About the sixtieth year of Apappus, Moses was obliged to fly to the land of Midian, for having killed an Egyptian ; and when at length the king of Egypt died " after many days," as it is in the original Moses returned in On the Chronology of Egypt. 375 the beginning of the reign of Ocaras, before whom were per- formed those signs and wonders which prepared the way for the departure of the Israelites. On the night of the Passover, the king lost his first-born, perhaps his only son ; and this may be the reason that he was succeeded by his sister Nitocris. The short reign of Ocaras (a single year) might be explained by supposing he was drowned in the Eed Sea ; but as there is nothing in the sacred narrative which obliges us to admit that the king perished in this manner, we may adopt the account of Herodotus, that he was murdered by his subjects. "We may imagine that some of his nobles remained with Pharaoh on the shore ; and that when they saw the sea return and swallow up all that had gone in after the Israelites, they murdered the king, whose obstinacy had brought such calamities on his people, and then placed his sister Nitocris on the throne. As Nitocris was the daughter of Apappus, there is nothing to prevent us from sup- posing that the queen, now ninety years old, was the princess who had saved the infant Moses. Weary of her life, she lived only to avenge her brother. For this purpose, says Herodotus, she constructed a large subterranean chamber, to which, when it was finished, she invited the principal agents in her brother's death ; and there, by the waters of the Nile admitted through a secret canal, they were drowned in the midst of the banquet. The queen then threw herself into a room filled with ashes, where she perished. ( 376 ) II. ON THE CATALOGUE OP EGYPTIAN KINGS, WHICH IS USUALLY KNOWN BY THE NAME OF THE LATERCTTLUM OF ERATOSTHENES. [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, VOL. n. p. 366. Read January 9, 1843.] THIS Catalogue, which the distinguished mathematician and philosopher whose name it bears drew up by command of Ptolemy Euergetes, contains a long series of kings who reigned at Thebes in Upper Egypt, and has been preserved to us in the Chronographia of Greorgius Syncellus, a Greek monk of the eighth century. It is a document which has been made much use of by chronologers ; by some of whom (as by Sir John Mar- sham for example, who calls it " venerandimmum antiquitatis monumentum") , it has been reckoned of the very highest autho- rity ; but it is extremely corrupt in the latter part, owing to the carelessness with which it was transcribed either by Syncellus himself or his immediate copyists. The writers on Egyptian antiquities have in consequence been much perplexed in settling the chronology of the reigns in which the errors exist, and the attempts that have been made to remove the confusion have only served to increase it. It was the object of the author to restore the document to its original state, and he showed that this might be effected, with complete certainty, by a proper at- tention to the manuscripts of Syncellus. Of these only two are On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. 377 known : one has been used by Father Q-oar, the first editor of the Chronogr aphia (Paris, 1652) ; the other, which is a much better one, has been collated by Dindorf, the second and latest editor. Dindorf 's edition was published at Bonn, in the year 1829, as part of the Corpus Scriptorum Historic^ Byzantince, and on its first appearance Mr. Mac Cullagh had satisfied himself as to the original readings of the Catalogue, and had seen how to account for the errors which, probably from Syncellus's own negligence, had crept into it ; but he did not publish his conclu- sions at the time, thinking that similar considerations could not fail to occur to some of the numerous writers who were then giving their especial attention to such subjects. This, however, has not been the case. Chronologers have continued to follow in the footsteps of Groar, a man of little learning, and of no critical sagacity, who corrected the Catalogue most injudiciously, and whose corrections, strange to say, are left without any remark by Dindorf. Thus Mr. Cory, in his Ancient Fragments, a work much referred to, merely transcribes Groar's list ; and Mr. Culli- more, in attempting to reconcile ancient authors with each other and with the monuments, has adopted an hypothesis respecting the identity of two sovereigns which is not tenable when the true version of the Catalogue is known. Even in Groar's edition, however, there was quite enough to have led a person of ordi- nary judgment to the correct readings of the Catalogue, though perhaps they could not be said to be absolutely certain without the additional light obtained from that of Dindorf. The Catalogue in question professes to contain the names of thirty-eight sovereigns, with the years of their reigns ; the whole succession occupying, as is stated, a period of 1076 years ; but it is only in the last eight reigns that the errors and inconsist- encies occur. The thirty-second prince is called Stamenemes |3, that is, Stamenemes the Second, though there is, at present, no other of that name in the list ; and the beginning of his reign as appears from the years of the world, which Syncellus has annexed according to the Constantinopolitan reckoning follows 37$ On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. the termination of the preceding one by an interval of twenty- six years. Jackson, in his Chronological Antiquities y is positive that this prince is called the Second by a mistake, and adds the years that are wanting to the reign of his predecessor, as Groar had previously done. In the first part of this view all authors, with- out exception, are agreed, though they do not explain how a mistake, so very odd, could have originated ; but the learned Marsham who, having adopted the short chronology of the Hebrew Bible, is so hard pressed to find room for the Egyptian dynasties that he is obliged to begin the reign of Menes the very year after the Deluge is glad to omit the twenty-six years altogether, thus reducing the sum of all the reigns to 1050 years, contrary to what is expressly stated by Syncellus. The natural inference from the state of the MSS. is, however, simply this : that the thirty-second king was Stamenemes I., that he reigned twenty-six years, and was succeeded by Stame- nemes II. "We may easily conceive that the eye of the tran- scriber, deceived by the identity of names, passed over the first, and rested on the second, thus occasioning the error. Indeed there can now be no doubt that this was the fact ; because, in the MS. marked (B) by Dindorf, the next king is numbered as the thirty-fourth, the next but one as the thirty-fifth, and so on ; which shows that a name had dropped out, and this name could be no other than that of Stamenemes I., who must have filled the vacant interval, and must consequently have reigned the number of years that has been assigned to him. As neither Gk>ar nor any other writer perceived this omission, the successor of Stamenemes II. has always been reckoned as the thirty-third in the list, and the next following as the thirty- fourth, &c. But as one error begets another, the omission was compensated by the insertion of an anonymous king, who is placed thirty-sixth in the list, with a reign of fourteen years ; the insertion being necessary to complete the number (thirty- eight) which the Catalogue ought to contain. And, by a fur- ther error, these fourteen years are taken out of the reign of the On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. 379 thirty-seventh sovereign, who ought to have nineteen years instead of the five that have been hitherto assigned to him. This last error was occasioned by an ignorant correction of a mistake which is found in both the MSS., and which therefore probably arose from the carelessness of Syncellus himself. The thirty- seventh king and his predecessor are stated to have begun to reign in the same year of the world, and to have reigned the same number of years (five). Now from what goes before it is plain that both these numbers belong to the thirty-sixth king ; and from the year of the world in which the thirty-eighth and last king began to reign, it is clear that the thirty-seventh reigned nineteen years. The mistake in the MSS. is one which might easily be made by a thoughtless writer ; for the Catalogue is given in detached portions a few reigns at a time separated by a great quantity of other matter, and the name of the thirty- sixth king ends one of these portions, while that of the thirty- seventh begins another ; so that, not having both before his eyes at the same moment, a person so careless as Syncellus might, without being conscious of it, attach the same reign and date to the two names, by transcribing twice over the same line of num- bers in the Catalogue which he was copying ; the whole of which Catalogue, in all likelihood, he had previously drawn up in a tabular form, with the years of the world annexed according to his own chronology, that it might be ready, as any portion of it was wanted, for immediate transference to his pages. Such seems to be the natural account of the matter ; but, as usual, it does not occur to Groar, who takes the opportunity, which the confusion affords him, of foisting in his supplementary king between the two last mentioned, giving each of these five years, as in the MS., by which means he obtains room for him ; while on the other hand he alters the year of the world attached to the thirty-seventh king, so as to make it suit his hypothesis. The following is a view of the last eight reigns, as they ap- pear to have stood in the original document, compared with the erroneous list of Groar. The years of the world are omitted, as 380 On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. being of no importance, except so far as they are useful in the preceding argument. I. ,GOAE'S LIST. Years. 31. Peteathyres reigned 42 32. Stamenemes ,, 23 33. Sistosichermes ,, 55 34. Maris 43 35. Siphoas 5 36. Anonymous 14 37. Phruoro 5 38. Amuthartcsus 63 II. CORRECTED LIST. Years. 31. Peteathyres reigned 16 32. Stamenemes I. 26 33. Stamenemes II. ,, 23 34. Sistosichermes ,, 55 35. Maris 43 36. Siphoas ,, 5 37. Phruoro 19 38. Amuthartceus 63 The interval of time which has been shown to belong to the first Stamenenes, and which was added by Groar to the reign of Peteathyres, is differently disposed of by Mr. Cullimore, in a chronological table which he has given in the second volume of the Transactions of the Eoyal Society of Literature. His object being to compare the lists of Eratosthenes, Manetho, &c., with the supposed hieroglyphical series, he makes Saophis, the fifteenth in Eratosthenes' Catalogue, the same as a king whose name is read Phrathek Osirtesen ; but the forty-third year of the latter is mentioned on the monuments, whereas Saophis has only twenty-nine years in the Catalogue. To escape from this difficulty, therefore, Mr. Cullimore adds the unappropriated in- terval to the reign of Saophis, thus giving him fifty-five years instead of twenty-nine. But it now appears that such a suppo- sition is altogether inadmissible, and consequently the two per- sonages in question cannot be identified a circumstance which proves that there is some fault in Mr. Cullimore's assumptions, and that his other conclusions, at least in this part of his Table, cannot be relied on. The corrections here given do not interfere with the infe- rences drawn by Professor Mac Cullagh from the Catalogue of Eratosthenes in a former Paper on Egyptian Chronology (Pro- ceedings of the Koyal Irish Academy, vol. i., p. 66),* because the * Supra, p. 373. On the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. 381 portion of the Catalogue with which he was there concerned ter- minates with the reign of Queen Nitocris, the twenty-second in the list. The corrections, indeed, though not hitherto published, were made long before the date (April, 1837) of that Paper, but not before he had adopted the hypothesis therein proposed, as an answer to the old and ever-recurring question Who were the Egyptian sovereigns that were contemporary with Moses ? For it was in consequence of this hypothesis, which had sug- gested itself to him at a very early period, that he was led to examine the Catalogue minutely, in order to discover whether his chronology was affected by its errors. Having been led to refer to his hypothesis, Mr. Mac Cullagh took occasion to observe that, in the interval which had elapsed since it was published, he had not met with any facts that were opposed to it : on the contrary, the more he considered it, the more he was inclined to believe in its reality ; though it was entirely different from every other that had been proposed, either by modern chronologers or by the early Fathers of the Church, in their manifold attempts to connect the narrative of Moses with the remaining fragments of Egyptian history. The hypothesis, indeed, is the only one which, while it gives a pro- bable date for the Exodus, also satisfies what Mr. Mac Cullagh conceives to be the necessary conditions of the question ; namely, a very long reign of at least eighty years during which the Israelites were persecuted, succeeded by a very short one apparently not more than a year during which their deliver- ance was wrought ; and it is interesting in itself, on account of the remarkable connexion which it establishes between sacred and profane history, and the highly dramatic character of the events which are thus, for the first time, brought into view. THE END. LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED Th THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW LIBRARY USE NOV261971 10 SANTA RA INTERilBRAR CIRCULAflbN D6P7 General Library University of California Berkeley LD62-10m-2,'71 (P2003slO)9412-A-32 GENERAL LIBRARY -U.C. BERKELEY B0008428U THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY