BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE *<* BOOKS "*"' DUPLICATES FROM THE Library of MR. HUBERT HOWE BANCROFT COMPRISING COLLECTIONS RELATING TO .... California, Mexico and other States of Central America; the Pacific Coast, etc*, etc* To be Sold at Auction Wednesday and Thursday February 7th and 8th, 1900 BY BANGS & Co. 91 and 93 Fifth Avenue New York Sale to begin at 3 o'clock HE AUCTIONEERS will carefully execute orders from buyers who can not attend the sale. N. B. All bids to be made at a price per volume, per pamphlet, or per part, as catalogued ** Please preserve this Catalogue for use at the Sale. CATALOGUE. 1 7TBAD, D. Jos. (Mexicanus). De Deo, Deoque Homine /I Heroica. Portrait, and Life of Author. i2mo, half roan. Csesenae (in Italy), 1780 2 ACEVEDO, R. A. Comercio en las Indias Occid. 8vo, sheep. Madrid, 1797 3 ACOSTA, Jos. De Natura Novi Orbis libri duo; et de Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros. Post 8vo, sheep. Rare. Salmanticse, 1589 4 AGASSIZ, L. Poissons Fossiles (Old Red Sandstone), col ored plates (plates 19 and 24 lacking), oblong paper, 1844; also Cataloguo Ectyporum Echinodermatum Fossil, 1840. As one lot. 5 ALBERTO (Archbishop of La Plata), Cartas Pastorales, Madrid, 1793; Trata de la Logica, par T. de Almeida, 1787. 2 vols. sheep. 6 ALASKA AND SIBERIA, by H. L. Aldrich. i2mo. 1889 7 Oration by Wm. S. Dodge, 1868; Address by Rev. G. H. Atkinson, 1868, N. Y. ; Bombardment of Wran- gel, 1870; Alaska Coal Co. ; Wrongs of Alaska, 1870; June Days in Alaska Waters, n pamphlets, with duplicates. 8 ALVAREZ, ANT. Jos. Discurso Juridico-Hist. -Politico sobre las Vacantes de Indias. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1726 9 AMERICA. Recopilacion de .Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias. Imprimir y publicar por la Magestad de Rey Don Carlos II. 3 vols. folio, sheep. Madrid, 1781 10 Voyages from Asia to America. Discoveries of the N.W. Coast, and Summary of Voyages made by the Russians. Translated from the High Dutch of S. Muller, with the addition of three new maps. By Thomas Jefferys. 4to, half calf (worn). Lond. 1761 11 Do. Another. The Second Edition, 1764. Paper,, uncut. 12 AMERICA. Capt. Don Ant. del Rio und Dr. P. F. Cabrera's Teatro critico Amer. oder Lb'sung des grossen histor. Problems der Bevolkerung Amerika's, von J. H. von Minutoli. 8vo, paper. Berlin, 1832 13 Carta Crit. sobre la Hist, de America del Senor J. B. Munoz, por el P. Fr. Iturri. 8vo, paper. Puebla, 1820; Impresa en Madrid 14 - Relation de 1'Exp. partie d'Angleterre en 1817; pour joindre les Patriotes de Venezuela, Paris, 1889; De la Liberte Religieuse au Perou, par R. M. Taurel, 1851; Question Anglo-Amer., Paris, 1856; La Guerre aux Etats-Unis, par L. Daniel, 1862. 8vo, half roan. 15 - Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, par A. Z. Helms, 1812; El Sistema Colombiano, 1823; Viage a los Est.-Unidos, por L. de Zavala, 1834. 3 vols. 8vo. 16 _ Annales Historiques de la Revolution de 1'Amerique Latine, par C. Calvo. 3 vols. 8vo, paper. Paris, 1864 17 American Ethnological Society Transactions. Vol. i. Calf (broken). 1845 18 American Antiquarian Society Proceedings, 1862; Article on Name of California; Peabody Museum i2th and i3th Reports on Archaeology and Ethnology, 1880; Chief Justice Daly on Geographical Work of 1874; Annuaire du Comite D'Arch. Americain, 1866-7; Co- lomb et Vespucci; Antiquities of America, by A. Davis, 1847; Journeys of David Thompson in N.W. America; etc. 12 pieces. Paper covers. 19 Congres International des Americanistes Compte- Rendu de la Premiere Session, Nancy, 1875. 2 v l s - 8vo, paper, uncut. (5 copies.) 20 International American Conference Reports and Discussions. 3 vols. 4to, paper. Wash. 1890 2*1 Almanac, 1853, '60, '61; Bureau of American Re publics, 1891. 5 vols. 22 El Repertorio Americano. Literary and Historical pieces. 3 portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, paper. Lond. 1826 23 - - American Educational Monthly, 4 vols, 1864-7; Normal School Convention, 1859. 5 vols. 8vo. 24 AMERICA. Anderson. The Silver Country ; or, Great South West. 1 2 mo. 25 ANDERSON. The Origin of Commerce, and a History of Commercial Interests of the British Empire, revised and continued. 4 vols. 4to, russia (worn). 1787 26 ARIZONA AND SONORA, by S. Mowry, 1863; Hamilton's Resources of Arizona, 1 88 1 (3); Business Directory of Phcenix. 5 pamphlets. 27 T) ANCROFT, H. H. The Native Races of the Pacific JLJ States. With maps. 5 vols. 8vo, half russia, marbled edges. 1890 2js Do. Another copy. 5 vols. sheep, marbled edges. 28 ; History of Central America, 1501-1887. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1890 2%s Do. 3 vols. sheep, marbled edges. 29 Do. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. 297;; Do. 3 vols. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. 30 History of Mexico, 1516-1887. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. 30^ Do. 6 vols. 8vo, sheep, marbled edges. 31 Do. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. 317/2 Do. 6 vols. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. 32 History of North Mexican States and Texas, 1531-1889. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 32 hm Do. 2 vols. half morocco, marbled edges. 32772 Do. 2 vols. full morocco, gilt edges. 33 History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. 8vo, cloth. 34 History of California, 1542-1890. 7 vols. 8vo, cloth. Do. 7 vols. 8vo, sheep, marbled edges. Do. 7 vols. half morocco, marbled edges. History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. 8vo, sheep, marbled edges. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. ( Do. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. (3) History of Utah. 8vo, red cloth. Do. Half imit. morocco and full imit. (2) 37 BANCROFT, H. H. History of North West Coast, 1543- 1846. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. < 37^ Do. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep, marbled edges. Do. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. - Do. 2 vols. Svo, morocco, gilt edges. 3 8 History of Oregon, 1834-1 888. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. jg//;;/ DO. 2 vols. half morocco, marbled edges. j8w Do. 2 vols. full morocco, gilt edges. 39 History of Washington, Idaho and Montana. Svo, cloth. 39.$- Do. Svo, sheep, marbled edges. 40 History of Alaska. Svo, sheep, marbled edges. 40;;; Do. Svo, full morocco, gilt. 41 - California Inter Pocula. Svo, sheep, marbled edges. (2) 410 - Popular Tribunals. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 415 - Do. 2 vols. Svo, sheep. 42 - Literary Industries. Svo, red cloth, gilt. 420 - Historia de Mexico, cloth, gilt; Recursos de Mexico. 2 vols. cloth. 42^ - Popular History of the American People. 3 copies, cloth gilt, sheep, and half morocco gilt. 43 - Vida de Porfirio Diaz, de Mexico. Svo, gilt. San Francisco, 1887 44 - Henry Failing: a Character Study. Svo. 1889 45 - The Early American Chroniclers (2) ; Hist. Biog raphy; Railway Guide, 1889. 4 pamphlets. 46 - Guide for the Pacific States. i2mo, paper. (12) 47 - Golden Wedding of A. A. Bancroft and Lucy D. Howe, 1872. i2mo, cloth. (4) 48 (BATES, G. W.) Sandwich Island Notes by A. Hitole. i2mo. N. Y. 1854 49 BERCY, D. DE. L'Europe et L'Amerique Comparees. 6 planches coloriees. 2 vols. Svo, sheep. 1821 50 BlBLIOTHEQUE UtflVERSELLE DES VOYAGES, par G. B. de la Richarderie. 6 vols. Svo, uncut, paper. 1808 51 BINGHAM, H. Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands. Svo. Canandaigua, 1855 52 BOSSUET. Las Variaciones de las Iglesias Protestantes, 5 vols. 1786; Politica Sagrada, Vols. i and 3, 1789; Ser mons, Vol. 5, 1775. 8 vols. 8vo. 53 BOUILLET. Diet, des Sciences, etc. 8vo, half morocco. 54 BOURNE, B. F. Captive in Patagonia. i2mo. ^53 55 BOWERS, MRS. J. M. The Dance of Life. i6mo. (2) 56 BRADFORD, A. W. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo. N.Y. 1841 57 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG. Histoire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de L'Amerique-Centrale. 4 vols. 8vo, uncut, paper (soiled). 58 BRINTON, D. G. {Editor). The Maya Chronicles. 8vo, un cut, paper. Phil. 1882 Library of Aboriginal American Literature, No. i. 59 The Books of Chilan Balam of Yucatan. 19 pp. 8vo, paper. Phil. 60 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province, 1859, '60, '65, '66 (2), '67, '69 and '77, and Further Papers, 3 vols. 1860. 9 vols. folio, cloth. 61 Further Papers, 1860; Ordinances of Legislative Council, 1866 and 1868; Reports on Lands and Works, 1872, '4, '77; Report on Mines, 1876; Schools, 1876-7; Messages on Terms of Union, 1875 ( 2 )- I2 vols. paper. 62 Sessional Papers, 1875-6-7. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half sheep. 63 Information for Immigrants; Geographical Notes, Addresses, etc., on the Retirement of Gov. Douglas; etc., etc. 1 8 pamphlets. 64 Guide to the Province, 1877-8. 8vo, boards. 65 A Ramble in British Columbia, by J. A. Lees and W. J. Clutterbuck. Illustrated from photographs. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1888 66 Map of New Westminster District. Mounted. 67 Prayer Book in the Neklakapamuk Tongue. 8vo, paper. 1878 68 BROOKS, C. W. Japanese Wrecks in the North Pacific Ocean, ethnologically considered. 8vo, paper. (2) 1876 6 6g BROOKS, N. The Boy Settlers: a Story of Early Times in Kansas. Illustrated. i2mo. N. Y. 1891 70 BUNDLE OF LETTERS (a love story), 1882-84. i2mo, paper. CALIFORNIA. 71 PALOU, FR. Vida y Apostolicas Tareas del Fray Junipero Serra y de las Missiones que fundo en la California. With map (loose) and portrait. Crown 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1787 72 Another copy. Half roan. 1787 The author's dedicatory letter is dated San Francisco, Feb. 28, 1785, and on the prologue he writes: " As the soul of history is simple truth, thou canst have the assur ance that almost all I relate I have witnessed, and the rest has been told me by other padres worthy of faith." 73 POMPOSO-FERNANDEZ DE SAN SALVADOR, A. Historia de la Antigua California. 2 copies, i6mo, sheep and paper. Mexico, 1816 74 LASSEPAS, U. U. De la Colonizacion de la Baja Califor nia. 8vo, boards (title and first leaf torn). Mexico, 1859 75 VENEGAS, M. (a Mexican Jesuit). A Natural and Civil History of California. With map and plates (frontispieces only). 2 vols. 8vo, calf (worn). Lond. 1759 76 GREENHOW, R. History of Oregon and California. 8vo, half morocco (water-stained). 1845 77 THORNTON, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. Illus trations and map. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1849 78 CALIFORNIA: Past, Present and Future; a history; account of Discovery of the Gold Region ; a history of the Mor mon Settlement, etc. frontispiece and title picture and map, all colored. 8vo. Lond. 1850 79 FROST, J. Pictorial History. i2mo. Auburn, 1853 80 ROYCE, J. California: a Study of American Character. i2mo. Bost. 1886 81 DAVIS, WM. H. Sixty Years in California: a History of Events and Life personal, political and military. 8vo. San Francisco, 1889 82 BELL, MAJOR H. Reminiscences of a Ranger; or, Early Times in Southern California. 8vo. Los Angeles, 1881 83 SCHLAGINTWEIT, R. VON. California: Land und Lente. i2mo. 1871 84 BROOKS' Four Months in Alta, California, Lond. 1849; Woods' Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings, N. Y. 1851 ; Player-Frowd's Six Months in California, Lond. 1872; Comstock's History of Precious Metals and Mineral Wealth of California, Hartford, 1849; Helper's Land of Gold, Bait. 1855 ; Johnson's Sights in the Gold Region, N. Y. 1849. 6 vols. i2mo. 85 COLTON'S Three Years in California, illustrated, N. Y. 1852 ; Cooke's The Conquest of New Mexico and Cali fornia, N. Y. 1878; Grace Greenwood's New Life in New Lands, N. Y. 1873; Palmer's The New and the Old, N. Y. 1859. 4 vols. i2mo. 86 BIGLY'S Adventures in the Gold Region, N. Y. 1849; Notes of Travel, Dublin, 1849; Powell's The Golden State and its Resources, San Francisco, 1874; Cali fornia and its Gold Mines, by R. Alsop, Lond. 1853. 4 vols. 87 BURNETT, P. H. Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. i2mo. N. Y. 1880 88 MUNROE, KIRK. The Golden Days of '49: a Tale of the California Diggins. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. N. Y. 89 MENEFEE, C. A. Historical and Descriptive Sketch Book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Napa City, 1873 90 ANNALS of San Francisco and History of California. 150 engravings. 8vo (soiled). J 855 91 HUTCHINGS' CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE, Vols. i and 2, 1857-8. 2 vols. half roan (soiled). 92 STATE REGISTER AND YEAR BOOK OF FACTS, 1857 (3), and 1859 (2). 5 vols. i2mo, half roan. 93 DEBATES DE LA CONVENCION/N. Y. 1851; Leyes del Estado de Cal., 1867-8, Sacramento, 1868. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. 94 PRACTICE ACT, 1834 (2); Another, 1856; and Fourth Edi tion, 1861; Belknap's Probate Practice, 1858; and Probate Law, 1873; Civil and Political Codes, 1871-2. 9 vols. 8vo. 8 95 LAWS, 1850-53; Labatt's Digest, 1861; Parker's Digest of Reports and Statutes, 1869. 4 vols. 96 SHUCK, O. T. Bench and Bar of California: History, Anecdotes, Reminiscences. 303 pp., 8vo. San Francisco, 1888 97 - Do., Part 2, pp. 142-303. 8vo. 98 Representative and Leading Men of the Pacific. With steel portraits. 8vo, sheep. 1870 99 California Anthology. 8vo. 1880 100 HAMILTON, W. The New Empire and her Representa tive Men. 8vo. Oakland, 1886 101 APPONYI, FLORA H. The Libraries of California. 8vo. San Francisco, 1878 102 RINGGOLD, C. Maps of California. Royal 8vo. (2 copies.) Wash. i85i-(and 52) 103 Cox, PALMER. (See Donim.) Squibs of California. Illustrated. 12 mo. Hartford, 1874 104 FITZGERALD'S California Sketches, Nashville, 1884; Pow ell's Wonders of the Sierra Nevada, etc., 1881; Buf- fum's Six Months in Gold Mines, 1850; Allsop's California and Its Gold Mines, Lond. 1853; Mining Laws and Forms, by Congdon, 1863. 5 vols. 105 HISTORY OF MENDOCINO COUNTY, also Historical Sketch of the State. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep. 1880 106 GAZLAY'S California Mercantile Journal for 1860. Vol. i 4to. 107 PHELPS, A. Contemporary Biography of California's Representative Men. Steel-plate portraits. 4to, mo rocco (binding loose). 1881 108 ROBINSON, F. California and its Gold Regions, etc. Folded map. 8vo, uncut, paper. N. Y. 1849 109 WIERZBICKI, F. P. California As It Is and As It May Be. 8vo, stitched. San Francisco, 1849 no WERTH, J. J. Dissertation on the Resources and Policy of California. 8vo, paper. Benicia, Cal., 1851 in FESTIVAL of Arrival of Steamer "California," Feb. 28, 1849. 8vo, paper. 1874 ii2 WILLEY, S. H. Thirty Years in California. 8vo, paper. (2) San Francisco, 1879 113 FOUR MONTHS AMONG THE GOLD FINDERS, by J. T. Brooks ; What I Saw, by Ed. Bryant. With map. 8vo, paper. Paris, 1849 114 REPORT of Hon. T. Butler King, Wash. 1850; Missions of, a Translation of Gov. Figuerra's Manifesto, 1855. 2 pamphlets. 115 CALIFORNIA OF THE PADRES, by Mrs. Eliz. Hughes. 8vo, paper. (4) 1875 116 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE, in English and Spanish, 1849; Speech of Mr. Dickinson on Government for California, 1849. 7 pamphlets. 117 PLAN OF A JUDICIAL SYSTEM, by S. Heydenfeldt. (5 copies.) ir8 THOMSON'S Golden Resources of, 1856; Taylor on the First Voyage to the Coasts in 1542-43; Wealth of Cali fornia; All About California, with Supplement. 9 pamphlets. 119 ALL ABOUT CALIFORNIA, 1870. 8vo, paper. (4) 120 CALIFORNIA THE WONDER OF THE AGE, 1850 (2); Willey's Historical Paper on Santa Cruz, 1876; Historical Sketch of Los Angeles County, 1876 ; Nordhoff's Penin sular California, 1888. 5 pieces. 121 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution, Anni versary, etc. 9 pieces. 122 FREMONT. Geo. Memoir upon Upper California, 1848. (8 copies.) 12 3 4- Notes of Travel and Narrative. Map. 8vo. (No cover.) 1849 124 Notes of Travel, 1849. 82 pp. (3) 125 LAND TITLES; Speech of Mr. Gwin, 1851; The Leinau- tour Claim, 1857; Addresses of Governors; etc. ; etc. 31 pieces. 126 MARIPOSA ESTATE; Guide to California, by Creugbar, 1849; California As It Is, 1874; etc. 5 vols. 127 AGRICULTURAL LANDS; Common Sense applied to the Immigrant Question; Logan Report on Medical To pography, etc. ; Cooke on Insects; Foster on the Gold Mines. 23 pieces. 128 THE CITY OF STOCKTON and The Great San Joaquin Basin, 1874. (6 copies.) 10 129 STATEMENT OF CONTROVERSY between Judge W. R. Tur ner and Members of the Marysville Bar, 1850; Docu ments in relation to Charges against W. R. Turner, 1853 (5)- 6 pieces. 130 HOMES AND HAPPINESS IN THE GOLDEN STATE; Illustrated Tourist Guide; Rhymes of the Rockies; California Illustrated; etc. 1 1 pieces. 131 BANCROFT'S Christmas Messenger; Flamant's Treatise on Olive Culture; The Julian Mines; The " Pueblo Ques tion " solved, by W, C. Jones, 1860; Resources of Val leys; etc. 12 pieces. 132 COUNTIES AND TOWNS: Descriptions, etc. 40 pieces. 133 with duplicates. A lot. 134 LECTURES; Memorials; Reports; etc. 25 pieces. 135 REVIEW of the Late State Encampment at the Encinal : de Alameda, by an Officer, 1863. (15 copies.) 136 MINING AND RAIL ROAD PAMPHLETS. 54 pieces. 137 EDUCATION; Schools; University; etc. 46 pieces. 138 SAN FRANCISCO. Annals of, and Summary of History of California, by Soule, Eihon and Nisbet. 150 engrav ings. 8vo. N. Y. 1853 *39 Industries of, 1884 (2); Kalendar, 1877. 3 vols. paper. 140 Directory for 1854. With Appendix. 8vo, half roan. 141 Do. 1867. 8vo, half morocco (loose). 142 Directory and Gazetteer, 1856-57. (3 copies.) 143 - - Business and Mercantile Guide, 1864-5. Cloth. 144 Do. 1872-3; 77-8; Bancroft's Guide; etc. 7 vols. i2mo and i6mo. 145 - - Blue Book, 1888-9. 2 v l s - cloth. 146 - - Vigilance Committee; Metcalf vs. Argenti et al., 1852. (2) 147 Do. Trial of David S. Terry. 1856 148 - Narrative of Ed. McGowan, his Adventures and Perils while persecuted by the Vigilance Committee of 1856. i2mo, paper. (2) 1857 149 - Mechanics' Institute, and other Reports. 1 6 pieces. 150 Addresses, Orations, Sermons, etc. 31 pieces. 11 151 SAN FRANCISCO. Miscellaneous Reports, Addresses, etc. 37 pieces. 152 Sermons, by Chas. Wadsworth of Calvary Church. i2tno. 1869 153 The Buyer's Manual, with Selections from Cali fornia Writers. 8vo. 1872 154 TOLAND, M. B. M. Legend Laymone: a Poem. With photogravures. 8vo, white cloth, gilt. Phil. 1890 155 VARIOUS WRITINGS, by California Authors. 22 pieces, cloth and paper. 156 THE OCCIDENT. (A Weekly Paper.) Vols. i and 2, 1868. 2 vols. 4to, half roan. (2 sets.) 157 The two vols. in i. (2 copies.) 158 Vol. i. Jan. -June. 159 OFFICIAL AND HISTORICAL ATLAS of Alameda County. With full-page lithographs, colored maps. 4to, half roan. 1878 160 SACRAMENTO DIRECTORY, 1868. 8vo. 161 PACIFIC COAST BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1867. 8vo. (2) 162 GUIDE BOOK OF THE PACIFIC. Square i2mo, half mo rocco. 1865 163 FRIGUET, E. La Californie. 8vo, paper. 1867 164 STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Transactions, 1866-67. 8vo. 165 f/^AMPBELL, JOHN. ) The Spanish Empire in America. \\^ 8vo, old calf. (Name rubbed from title.) Lond.i746 166 CANADA. Geographical Survey, 1871-77; Public Works, 1876; Fisheries, 1876, '7, '80; The Militia, 1876; Re ciprocity with United States, 1862. With duplicates. 19 vols. 8vo, paper. 167 Pacific Railway Explorations and Surveys; Re ports on the Line and Western Harbor; Engineer's Report, 1877. 14 vols. paper and cloth. 168 Quebec, by Willis Russell, 1860; Canada and the Empire, by G. M. Sproal; etc. 5 pieces. 169 CARMANY, J. H., The Interests of the Pacific States, 1866 (5); The Patrons of Husbandry, by Carr. 6 pieces. 12 170 CENTRAL- AMERICA. Commercial and Agricultural Co. Grants of Guatemala, map, 1839; The Clayton and Bulwer Conventions, 1856. 2 pieces. 171 CHINESE IMMIGRATION AND LABOR. 18 pieces. 172 CHINOOK JARGON, or Indian Trade Language: a Diction ary. 8vo, paper. (2) Victoria, B. C. 173 COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. The Book of the Fair; an His torical and Descriptive Presentation, designed to set forth the Display made by the Congress of Nations. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Chicago and San Francisco, 1893 174 - Do. 2 vols. cloth, gilt. 2 sets. 178 CLADERA, C. Descubrimientos de los Espanoles en el Mar Oceans en el Siglo XV. y XVI. Crown 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1794 179 COLORADO. Report on Development of its Resources, 1883; Hand Books; Descriptions of Counties; etc. 19 pieces. 1 80 COOK, GEN. D. G. Hands Up! Detective Life in the Mountains and on the Plains. Illustrated. 8vo, paper. 181 CONSTITUCION de las Provincias Unidas en Sud America, 1819. A manuscript. Buenos Ayres. Small 8vo, half sheep. 182 COSTA-RICA. Coleccion tfe Documentospara la Historia de Costa-Rica publicados par el Tic. Don Leon Fer nandez. 2 vols. square 8vo, paper. San Jose, 1881 183 Informe del Sec. de Estado Memoria Presentada al Congreso Constitucional, etc. A bundle of paper vols. 184 Bosquejo de la Republica, par F. Molina. Maps, views, portraits. 8vo. N. Y. 1851 185 CRAWFORD, J. B. The Credit Mobilier of America: its Origin, etc. 8vo. Bost. 1880 186 COVARRUBIAS, F. D. Elementosde Analisis Trascendente. Royal 8vo, paper. Mexico, 1890 187 COWDERY, J. F. The Pacific Law Encyclopedia. 8vo sheep. 1877 13 188 COXE, WM. Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. Maps. 8vo, calf (rubbed). Book-plate of Thos. Meynell. Lond. 1787 189 CUBA. Nueva Division de la Isla de Cuba, 1829; Real Cedula de Ereccion del Consulado de la Habana, 1820; Acta de las Juntas, la Real Soc. Economia, 1857-8. etc., etc. 10 pieces. l g O Diccionario Cubano, Etimologico, Critico, Ra- zonado y Comprensiro. J. M. Macias. 8vo, half sheep. Vera Cruz, 1885; Reimpreso en Coatepec, 1,888 191 CURRENCY, Labor, Communism. 33 pieces. 192 CURTIS, WM. E. Trade and Transportation between the United States and Spanish America. 8vo, paper. (2) 1889 193 y^vARIEN. A Just and Modest Vindication of the \J Scots Design. Colony at Darien. Small 8vo (no cover). Printed in the Year 1699 194 Journal of an Expedition of Inquiry for the Junc tion of the Oceans, by Lionel Gisborne, with 4 maps; Isthmus Ship Canal, a full History of the Scotch Col ony, maps and documents, by Dr. Cullen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 ig$ Reports of Explorations and Surveys for a Ship- Canal, by T. O. Selfridge. Maps. 4to (ink-stained). Wash. 1874 196 DALD, C. H. My First Holiday; or, Letters from Col orado, Utah and California. i2mo. Bost. 1881 197 DAVITA, G. Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales. Folded map. Vol. i. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1649 198 DEERING, J. H. The Law of Negligence. i6mo, sheep. San Francisco, 1886 199 DENISON, C. Rocky Mountain Health Resorts. 8vo, paper. 200 DESSALINES. Vida de J. J. Dessalines, Gefe de los Negros de Santo Domingo, traducida del Frances, 1805, reimprimese por Don Juan Lopez Cancelada. 10 copper-plates, portraits, etc. 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1806 14 201 DICCIONARIO Universal de Historia y de Geografia, con Noticias sobre las Americas en general y sobre La Re- publica Mexicana. 10 vols. 410, half roan. Mexico, 1853 202 DE LA VEGA. M. Historia del Descubrimiento de la America Septentrional por Cr. Colon ; dala a luz con varias notas, C. Maria de Bustamente. 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1826 203 DUVALLON (Editeur). Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi. 8vo, paper. 1808. One map (should be ' two). 204 "pCHARRI, FR. FRAN. Directorio Moral. 2 vols. 8vo, J_-< sheep. Madrid, 1788 205 ELHUYAR, F. DE. Amonedacion en Neuva Espana. 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1818 206 ELORZA Y RADA, FRAN. Nobiliario de el Valle de la Valdorba, illust. con los Escudos de Armas, de sus Palacios y Casas Nobles. 8vo, vellum. En Pamplona, 1714. Numerous copper-plates of crests, coats-of-arms. (Margins wormed.) 207 EMORY, W. H. The United States and Mexican Bound ary Survey, Vol. i. Illustrated. 4to. 1857 208 - A Military Reconnoissance in New Mexico and California. Plates. 8vo. 1848 209 ENGLISH-ESKIMO and Eskimo-English Vocabularies. Paper. Wash. 1890 210 ENGRAVINGS. A Collection of 80 Prints. 33 small Eng lish portraits " engraved for the Senator," and 47 other pictures, one by Bartolozzi, after Cipriani. Mounted on blue paper> folio, paper cover. Sold as one lot. 211 - Another lot. 39 portraits and 18 " dessins an- ciens." Mounted as above lot. 212 Do. 103 prints, many artistic studies of the human form and parts of it. Mounted as above. 213 - - Do. 63 portraits, ancient and modern. 214 Do. 72 miscellaneous prints. 15 215 1CABIAN, FRAN. Coleccion de Providencias Dioces- 1 anas del Obispado de la Puebla de Los Angeles hechas y ordenadas. Folio, vellum. 1770 216 FASTI Novi Orbis et Ordinationum Apostolicarum ad Indias pertinentium breviarium cum annotationibus. Opera D. Cyriaci Morelli. Calf (broken). Venetiis, 1776 217 FASHIONS. Journal des Tailleurs. Colored plates of dandies, 8 patterns. 410. 1857 218 FLORENCIA, *FR. DE. Zodiaco Mariano cultos de fu SS. Madre por medio de las mas celebres y miligrosas Imagines. Small 410, half roan. Mexico, 1755 219 FLORIDA. Coleccion de varies documentos para la His- toria de la Florida y tierras adyacentes, Vol. i. 208 pp. 410, no cover (soiled). Scarce, and full of docu ments relating to California and Pacific Coast. 520 FOWLER, H. (Col. Sec.). Narrative of a Journey Across the Unexplored Region of British Honduras, with a short Sketch of History, etc. 8vo, paper. Belize, 1879 221 FREE MASONRY. Report on Anti-Masonry, by M. Patter son, Harrisburg, 1834; Free Masonry in N. Y. 1856; Exoteric Duties of Free Masons, by T. J. Corson, Trenton, 1859; Nevada Grand Lodge, 1866; Yates' California Digest of Masonic Law, 1867. 8 pieces. 222 FREMONT, J. C. First and Second Expeditions, 1842-4, Wash. 1845; Fremont's Life, etc., by Upham, i2mo, 1856 ; etc. 3 vols. 223 FRENCH, 'B. F. Historical Collection of Louisiana and Florida. Second Series. (Water-stained.) 224 FREZIER. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chily et du Perou, 1712-14. j>/ planches 4to, calf. I7I 6 225 FRY, F. Guide Across the Plains, Cinn. 1865; Apple- ton's Northern Travel, 1867. 2 vols. 226 /^ALLO PITAGORICO (E L ). A Satirical Work. VI With ip lithograph plates, humorous designs and carica tures. 8vo, sheep. (Mexico?) 1845 16 227 GARCIA, FR. Jos. Historia Bethlehemitica, vida exam- plar y admirable del venerable siervo de Dios y Padre Pedro de San Joseph Batancur Fundator de el Regular Instituto de Bethlehem en las Indias Occidentals. Folio, vellum (wormed). (2) Sevilla, 1723 228 GARCILASO DE LA VEGA. Primera Parte de los Commen taries Reales, que tratan de el Origen de los Incas, Reies, que fusion del Peru, de su Idolatria, Leies, y Govierno, etc., etc., segunda edition, 1723; also His toria General del Peru; El Descubrimiento; las Guer- ras Civiles que huvo entre Pizarros y Almagros, etc., 1722. 2 vols. folio, vellum. Madrid The Origin of the Incas, their Laws, Idolatries, Government, etc., and the Discovery and Conquest by the Spaniards. 229 GEORGE, HENRY. Our Land and Land Policy, San Francisco, 1871 (3); Protection or Free Trade; The American Republic (2). 6 pamphlets. 230 GILES, PEARCE. The True Source of the Mississippi. Maps. Pamphlet. (2) 231 GILPIN, WM. Mission of the North American People geographical, social and political. With 6 charts. 8vo. (2) Phil. 1873 232 GONZALEZ, TOMAS. Noticia Historica, documentada de las Celebres minas de Guadalcanal, 1555-1700. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Madrid, 1831 233 TTASKELL, DR. J. S. Autobiography: 25 Years with 11 a Circus and on the Stage. Pamphlet. San Francisco, 1874 234 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Ke Kumu Kanawai a me Nu Kanawai o ku Hawaii Pas Ania. Kamehameha III. i2mo, half sheep. (2) Honolulu, 1841 235 Kanawai I Kauia e Kamoi, E, Kamehameha III., 1845-6, '47, '51, '52, '53. 5 vols. 8vo, half sheep. 236 Duplicates. 7 vols. 2 37 - ~ Statute Laws, 1845-46. Vol. i. Sheep. 1846 238 - - Gregg's Oration, July 4, 1854; Transactions of Agricultural Society, No. i, 1850 (2); Allardyce on Society, etc., 1881 (2). 5 pieces. 17 239 HAYES, A. A. New Colorado, and The Santa Fe Trail. Illustrated. 8vo. 1880 240 HITTELL, J. S. A Brief History of Culture. i2mo. N. Y. 241 HOCHSTETTER, F. VON. New Zealand: its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History. 2 maps, colored plates and woodcuts. Royal 8vo. Stuttgart, 1867 242 HORSFORD, EBEN N. The Problem of the Northmen. Maps and frontispiece. 4to, paper. Cambridge (Mass.), 1889 243 HOUSTON, MRS. Hesperos; Travels in the West. Frontis pieces. 2 vols. in i. i2mo, calf (broken). Lond. 1850 244 HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. Report ordered by House of Commons, 1857. Folio, paper. 245 Puget Sound Agricultural Company; British and American Joint Commission. 2 pamphlets. 246 HUGO (CARDINAL). Sacrorum Bibliorum. Vulgatae Edi tion. Concordantiae, recensitae atque emendatas a Fr. Luca. Folio, vellum. Venetiis, 1754 247 IDAHO. Descriptions, etc. 8 pieces. 248 1 INDIANS. M'Culloch, J. H. Researches on America: Points relative to the Aborigines. (Title ink-stained.) 8vo, boards. Bait. 1817 249 Jarvis, S. F. Religion of the Tribes. Paper. To S. L. Mitchell, M.D., from the author. N. Y. 1820 25 o _ - Garrard, L. H. Wah-To-Yah and the Taos Trail. i2mo. Cinn. 1850 251 Kip, Lieut. L. Army Life on the Pacific: Against the Northern Indians. i2mo. (2) N. Y. 1859 252 Cremony, J. C. Life Among the Apaches. i2mo. San Francisco, 1868 253 Stratton, R. B. Captivity of the Oatman Girls among the Apache and Mohave Indians. 121110. San Francisco, 1857 254 The Journey of Moneacht-Ape; etc.; etc. 17 pamphlets. 255 Howard's Campaign; and The Modoc War. 4 duplicates. 256 INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN CONFERENCE. Minutes. 4to, paper. 1890 257 IVES, LIEUT. J. C. Colorado River. Illustrated. 4to. 1861 18 258 TESUITS. Crisis de la Compania de Jesus. Latina por And. Mendo y traducida en Castellano. i6mo, sheep. ^S 259 Coleccion General de las Providencias hasta aqui tomadas por el Gobierno --de los Regulares de la Compania de Espana; Indias, e Islas Filipinas. 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1767 260 Historia de la Provincia de la Compania de Jesus de Nueva-Espana. Tomo Primero. Frontispiece. Folio, vellum. En Mexico, 1694 2 61 Relacion de la Vida y Virtudes del P. Antonio Herdonano. 8vo, vellum. Mexico, 1758 262 _ _ Reiacion del Restablecimiento de la Sagr. Comp. de Jesus en el Reyno de Nueva Espana. 8vo, paper. ( 2 ) 1816. 263 Importancia del Restablecimiento de los Jesuita paralaPublicaEducacion. 8vo, stitched. Mexico, 1845 264 Los Jesuitas y la Constitucion. 8vo, stitched. Mexico, 1850 265 Instruccion formada en vertud de Real Orden de g M - para gobierno y puntual observancia de este Superior Gefe y de sus immediatos Subalternos. 4to, boards. n. p., n. d. 266 JOHNSON, OSMUN. Journey Around the World; Twice Across the Alps; etc. Illustrated. i2mo. Chicago, 1887 267 JONES (JR.), C. C. The Dead Towns of Georgia. 8vo. Savannah, 1878 268 JONES, JULIA C. Valhalla: a Saga. i2mo. San Francisco, 1878 269 JUARROS, D. History of Guatemala. Translated by J. Baily. 2 maps. 8vo, boards (broken). Lond. 1823 270 - Another (the large map missing). 1824 271 T7ERCHEVAL, ALBERT F. Dolores, and other Poems. JL\ 8vo, gilt. San Francisco, 1883 272 KERHALLET, C. P: DE. Considerations Generates sur POcean Pacifique. 8vo, paper. Paris, 1856 273 KIEME, H. G. Sennacherib's Campaign, according to His Own Annals. Paper. San Francisco, 1875 274 KIP, RT. REV. WM. I. The Church of the Apostles. i2mo. N. Y. 19 275 FLAS CASAS, B. DE. Breve Relacion de la Destruccion JA de las Indias Occid. Presentada a Felipe II. i6mo, boards. Mexico, 1822 276 LINAGE. Jos. de Veitia. Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentale. Folio, vellum. Sevilla, 1672 277 LIBRARY of American Literature, by Stedman and Hutch- inson. Vol. i. Royal 8vo. 278 ft/TARTYROLOGIUM ROMANUM Greg. XIII., Urbani 1 X VIII. et Clementis X. Auctoritate recognitum, necnon a Benedicto XIV. auctum. 8vo, sheep, gilt, brass clasps. Matriti, 1773 279 MONTUFAR, LOR. Resena Historica de Centro-America. 5 vols. royal 8vo, uncut, paper. Guatemala. 1878-81 280 MORA, JOSE MARIA L. Obras Sueltas. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Paris, 1837 MEXICO. 281 ADORNO, J. N. Analisis de los Males de Mexico. i6mo, half roan. 1858 282 ALAMAN, D. L. Adiciones, etc., a la Historia. (No cover, title imperfect.) 283 ALBUM MEXICANO PERIODICO (EL), por Ign. Cumplido. Tom. i. 8vo, paper. 1849 284 ALBUM DE HIDALGO. Obra Monumental de la Indepen- dencia. Portraits. 8vo, paper. 285 ALMANAQUE DE LA CARTE, 1866. 8vo, cloth. 286 ALMANAQUE del Padre Cobos para 1882, por Ireneo Paz. Humorous woodcuts. 8vo, paper. 287 ALVAREZ, IGN. Estudios sobre la Historia General de Mexico. 6 vols. in 3. 8vo, half roan. Zacatecas, 1875 288 ALVAREZ, JOSE J. Itineraries y Derroteros. 8vo. 1856 289 ANAHUAC. Memoria Politico-Instruc. enviada desde Filadelfia, 1821, a los Gefes Independientes del Ana- huac, i6mo, 1822; El Anahuac Ensayo Epico, por Jose M. Rodriguez, i2mo, 1853. 2 vols. half roan. 290 ANALES del Ministerio de Fomento. Industria, Agricola, etc. 14 parts. 8vo, paper. 1854-81 (incomplete) 291 ANALISIS ESTADISTICO de la Provincia de Michuacan en 1822. 8vo, half roan. 20 2Q2 APPLETON'S Guide to Mexico. With map and illustrations. 1886 293 ARIAS, JUAN DE D. Resena Historica de Ejercito del Norte, durante la Intervencion Francesca. Portraits. 8vo, half roan. Mex - l86 7 294 ARCE. Memoria de la Conducta de Manuel Jose Arce, durante el periodo de su Presidencia. 8vo, paper. 1830 295 ARCHIVO MEXICANO. Documentos, Sumario de la Res- idencia tomada Ad. Fernando Cortes. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. (2 copies.) l8 5 2 29 6 Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos, Circulares y otros Documentos. Numeros 1-40 (lacking No. 14). 39 Nos. 8vo. 1856-61 297 ARCHIVES de la Commission Scientifique du Mexique. Vols. i, 2 and 3 in Nos. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-7 298 ARRONIZ, M. Manuel de Hist, y Cronologia; y de Bio- grafia. 2 vols. i6mo. Paris, 1857-8 299 ARISTA, M. Resena Historica de la Revolucion, 1833^ a favor del Sistema Central. 8vo, half roan. (2) 1835 300 ARLEGUI, Jos. Chronica de la Provincia den S. P. S. Francisco de Zacatecas. 8vo, half roan. 1737 301 ARRILLAGA, B. J. Recopilacion de Leyes, Decretos y Circulares de 1839. 8vo, paper. 1850 302 - - Do., 1861; Enero-Mayo, 1862; y Entregas i to 4, y 7, 8, 9, 1863. 21 Nos. 8vo, paper. 303 ATROCIDADES cometidas por el Malvado Gobierno de Ayutta, en la persona del Str. Administrados General de caminos. 8vq, paper. 1858 304 AZPIROZ, M. Codigo de Extranjeria. 8vo. (2) 1876 305 BANDA, L. Estadistica de Jalisco. Folio, paper. (3) 1873 306 BARCENA, M. Exposicion de "las Clases Productoros," y descripcion de la Ciudad de Guadalajara. 8vo, paper. 1880 307 BARCENA, JOSE M. R. Historia Anecdotica de Mexico. i6mo, half roan. 1862 308 BELENA, Eus. BENTURA. Recopilacion Sumaria de todos los autos Acordados de la Real Audiencia y Sala del Crimen de Esta Nueva Espana, y Providencias de su Superior Gobierno. 2 vols. folio, vellum. 1787 309 BELLO, D. AND. La Araucana. 121110, half roan. 1862 310 BELLIDO, P. Jos. Vida de la Madre Maria Anna de San Ignacio. Small 4to, half morocco. 1758 311 BLAZQUEZ, P. El Cazador Mexicano. Illuminated title, 5 lithographs. i2mo, half roan. 1868 3 1 2 BOLETIN du La Sociedad Mexicana de Geog. y Estadistica. Tomo X. Royal 8vo. 1863 313 BUENROSTRO, FELIPE. Historia del Primer Congreso Constitucional de la Republica Mexicana. Entrega 1 to 87. Stitched and sold as 27 parts. Royal 8vo. 1874-81 314 25 duplicate Nos., 1-26. 315 BUSSIERRE, TH. DE. L'Empire Mexicain deTolteques; des Chichimeques, des Azteques et de la Conquete Es- pagnole. 8vo, paper. 1863 316 BUSTAMENTE, ANASTASiA. Proceso Instruido por la Seccion del Gran Jurado a los ministros. Crown 8vo, paper. (2) 1833 317 BUSTAMENTE, CARLOS MARIA. El Cabinete Mexicano, 2 vols. in i, 1812, half, roan; Cuadro Historico de la Revolucion, sheep, 1821; Tezcoco en los Ultimos Tiempos de sus Antiquos Reyes, half roan, 1826; Cam- panas del General D. Felix Maria Callija, half roan, 1828; Manifesto de la Junta Guadalupana, etc., 1831, half roan; Descripcion de las dos Piedras, etc., etc., 1790, paper, 1832; Mananas de la Alameda de Mexico, 2 vols. 1835-6, paper; -Hist, del Emp. D. Aug. de Iturbide, paper, 1846. 9 vols. 8vo. 317^ Cabinete Mex., half roan; Hist, del Iturbide, half roan ; Necesidad de la Union de todos los Mexi cano, paper, 1826; Elogio del Gen. Morelos, 1822, pamphlet. As 4 vols.' 317$ CANCELADA, J. S. Ruina de la Nueva Espana si se de- clara el Comercio Libre. Portrait. Crown 8vo, sheep. Cadiz, 1811 317^ CARLOS IIII. Obras de Eloquencia y Poesia Exaltacion al Trono et S r - D. Carlos IIII. Crown 8vo, half sheep. Mex. 1791 22 317^ CASTILLO, F. M. DEL. Hermana de los Angeles, i2mo, half roan, 1854; Viage de America a Roma, Fr. Jos. De Castro, i6mo, 1745- 2 vols - 318 CAVO, EL PADRE AND. Los Tres Siglos de Mejico durante el Gobierno Espanol; con notas y suplemento por C. Maria De Bustamente. . Narrow 4to, half roan. (2) 1852 319 CERTAMEN Cientifico que el Nacional Colegio dedica a su antique alumno el Ciudadano Gudalupe Victoria. Crown 8vo, sheep. 1825 320 CHIHUAHUA. Noticias Estadisticas del, por J. A. De Escudero, 1834. 6 copies, 2 in sheep, others in paper. 321 CIUDAD DE MEXICO. Memorial de lo Sucedido, Nov. de X 6 2 3 Enero, 1624. 25 leaves (no title-leaf). 8vo, ' boards. 222 - Celestial Proteccion de esta nobilissima ciudad, de la Nueva-Espana y de casi todo el Nuevo Mondo, etc., describila D. Cayetan de Cabrera. Frontispiece. Folio, vellum. 1746 323 - - Do. Another. Folio, sheep. 324 - - Noticias de la. Folio, sheep. 1855 325 Memoria Municipal, 1864. Folio, half roan. 326 Directorio de Policia, 1878; Memoria de los Ramos, 1866 ; Inauguracion de la Biblioteca Nacs. 1884 ; etc. 6 pieces, paper covers. 327 CLUSERET, GEN. G. Mexico and the Solidarity of Nations. 8vo, paper. (2) N. Y. 1866 328 CODIGO DE EXTRANGERA, 1876; CodigO Postal, 1884 (3); Convention Postal con Est.-Unidas del Norte, 1888. 5 vols. paper. 329 COLECCION DE ORDENES y DECRETOS de la Soberano Junta Provisional, Tom. 3 and 4, 1829; Leyes y Decretes publicados, 1839, '41, '47, '48 y 1850-51 y '53, Tom. 3-4. 9 vols. half roan and paper. 33 - - l8 39, '4i 5 '44, '47- 4 vols. paper. 331 - - que comprende la Const. General de la Repub- lica. 2 vols. paper. 1884 332 COLECCION ECLESIASTICA MEJICANA. 4 vols. i6mo, sheep. 1834 23 333 COMISSION, Cedulas Reales, y Arancel para la Fundacion- y cobranza del derecho de la Media Aneta, etc. Folio. 1766 334 COMISION MIXTA de Reclamaciones entre Mexico y las Estados-Unidos Synopsis Hist. Folio, paper. 1877 335 CONCILIOS PROVINCIALES primero y segundo 1855 y 1565 ; Concilium Mex. Prov. III. 1589. 2 vols. folio, vellum (worn). 1769-70 336 CONSTITUCION FEDERAL. Codigo Fundamental, 1847; Federal, 1857. Duplicates, etc. 4 vols. i2mo. 337 CONTRATOS HECHOS EN LOS ESTADOS-UNIDOS. 8vO, half roan. 1868 338 CORDERO. Resena sobre el Cultivo de Algunas Plantas Industriales. 8vo, paper. 1884 339 CORRESPONDENCIA DiPLOMATiCA, 1878-1881. Ed. official. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. 1882 340 COUTO, J. F. DE. Comentarios sobre la Cuestion de Mejico. Crown 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1861 341 CRONICA de la Provincia de los Santos Apostoles S. Pedro y S. Pablo de Michoacan. 5 vols. i2mo, paper. 1873 342 CUBAS, ANT. G. Cuadro Geografico., Estadis., Descrip. e Hist, de los Est. Unidos. Mex., 1884; Atlas Meto- dico, 1874 (2). 3 vols. 8vo, paper. 243 The Republic, translated by G. E. Henderson. 8 colored plates of costumes, etc. , map, and 8 pp. of music. 8vo, paper. 1876 344 CUMPLIDO, I. La Ilustracion Mexicana. Lithograph plates, portraits, views, caricatures. 2. vols. tall 8vo, half morocco (worn). 1851 345 CUEVAS, Jos. FR. Extracto de los Autos de diligencias, y reconocimientos de los Rios, Lagunas, Vertientes y Desagues de la Capital, y su Valle, etc. Folio, vellum (lower corners damaged). 1748 346 CUEVAS, L. G. Porvenir de Mexico, o Juicio sobre su Estado Politico en 1821 y 1851. 8vo, half roan. 1851 347 CURIA FILIPICA MEJICANA. Qbra Completa de Practica Forense. 8vo, half morocco. 1858 24 348 DAVALOS. Vida, y irtudes del Siervo de Dios D. Alonso de Cuevas Davalos, su autor Ant. De Robles. 8vo. 3 copies, vellum, sheep and half roan. 1757 349 DILLMANN, C. Manual del Ganadero Mexicano. 8vo, paper. 1883 350 DIRECTORIO DE CoRREOS. 2 copies, 8vo, half roan and paper. 1876 351 DEL VALLE, J. N. El Viajero en Mexico. Completa Guia de Forasteros para 1864. 8vo, half roan. 1864 352 DIAZ COVARRUBIAS, FR. Viaje de la Comision Astro- nomica Mex. al Japon. Illustrated. 410, paper. 1876 353 DOCUMENTOS: Representacion de Varies Electores a la Junta General. 8vo, boards. 1826 354 DUNBAR, ED. E. Mexican Papers, with Personal Remi niscences. No. i. 42 pp. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1860 355 EDWARDS, J. N. Shelby's Ex. to Mexico. 8vo, paper. Kansas City, 1872 356 EL MEXICANO, Periodico bisemanal, 1866. Some num bers missing. Folio, half morocco. 357 EGUIA, J. J. DE. Memoria sobre la Mineria. 8vo, sheep. 1819 358 EGUIARA, J. J. DE. Bibliotheca Mexicana, Tomus Pri mus exhibens litteras A. B. C. Folio, half roan. 1755 859 ESCOSURA, P. DE LA. La Conjuracion de Mexico 6 los hijos de Hernan Cortes, novela historica. Full-page plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan. 1850 360 ESCUDERO, J. A. DE. Noticias Estadisticas de Sonora y Sinaloa. 8vo, half roan. 1849 361 y Estado de Durango. 2 vols. paper. 362 ESPINOSA, ISIDRO F. DE. Chronica Apostolica y Ser- aphica de todos los Colegios de Propaganda Fide de Esta. Nueva-Espana, de Missioneros Franciscanos observantes, Lib. V. i vol. folio, half roan. 1746 363 EXPOSICION al Congreso de la Union, 1872. Folio, half roan and paper. (2) 364 FACIO, J. A., Memoria que sobre los Sucesos del tiempo de su ministerio, 1835; Fabry, Precio del Azogue (quicksilver), 1743; Representacion per V. Filisola, 1836. 3 vols. half roan. 25 365 FOSSEY, M. DE, Viage a Mejico, i2mo, sheep, 1844; Le Mexique, 8vo, half morocco, 1857. 2 vols. 366 FREJES, FR. Historia Breve de la Conquista. i6mo, sheep. 1839 367 Do. Edicion del " Estado de Jalisco." Crown 8vo, paper. 1878 368 GACETA IMPERIAL DE MEXICO. Nos. i Nos. 16 to 29, 31 to 40. No. 46, and several of Tom II, 1821-22. i2mo, half roan (cut close). 369 GALLO, ED. L. Hombres Ilustres Mexicanos Tenoch- Cuahutime. Lithographs. 30 parts, 8vo. As they are. 370 GIL, FR. P. Memoria del Gobierno de Michoacan de Ocampo. Folio, paper. 1889 371 GONZALEZ, A. R. Historia del Estado de Aguascali- ente. i2mo, paper. 1881 372 GONZALEZ, M. Manifesto Relaciones Exteriores. Folio, paper. 1884 373 GRACIDA Y VAZQUEZ. Cudro Estadistico de la Mineria de Oaxaca. Oblong folio, paper. 1884 374 GUADALAJARA. Noticias de Nueva Galicia intendencia de Guadalajara. 8vo, uncut, paper. 1878 375 GUADALUPE. Defensa Guadalupana escrita por M. G. Marin. 8vo, half sheep. 1819 376 La Imagen de Maria Santisima aparecida en la Corte de la Septentr. America Mexico, 1893. 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1797 377 Apologia de la Aparicion de Nuestra Senora, Autor J. M. Guridi, 8vo, half roan, 1820; Disertacion Historica sobre la Aparicion, por Fr. Xavier Conde, 2 vols. 1852; La Aparicion comprobada con documen- tos historicos, Autor J. Tornel y Mendivil, 2 vols., 1849. 5 v ls. 378 GUATEMALA. Relacion Hist, a la Junta Pub. Gen., 1852; Chiapas y Soconusco, por M. Sarrainzar, 1875; Refutacion -del J. N. De Pereda, 1875; Question de Limites entre Mexico y Guatemala, 1875 (2); Question entre Mexico y Guatemala por M. Martinez, 1882; Question de Limites, 1883, i6mo. 7 vols. paper. 26 379 GUATEMALA. Voyage Gqologique dans les Republiques de Guatemala et de Salvador par Dollfus et Mont-Serrat. 4to, paper, uncut. Paris, 1868 380 GUEVARA, B. L. DE. Manifesto que el Real Convento de Religiosas de Jesus Maria de Mexico, de el Real Patronato, sujeto a el Orden de la Purissima e Imma_ culada Concepcion, hace a el Sagrado Concilio Provin cial; etc., etc. Folio, half sheep. 1771 381 GUIA DE MEXICO EN INGLES, Franc, y Castele, 1882 (2 copies, sheep and boards); De Mexico a N. Y., por Ad. De Cardona, 1890, paper. 3 vols. 382 HACIENDA. Historia General de Real Hacienda, escrita por F. de -Fonseca y C. de Urrutia. 6 vols. 8vo, uncut, paper. (2 copies.) i8.S3 383 - Guia de Hacienda, 1825 y 1827. 2 vols. i6mo, paper. 384 Exposicion sobre el Estado de la Hacienda, 18236 1825, 1828. 3 vols. folio, paper. 385 Memqria de Hacienda, 1832, 1836-7; 2d parte, l8 37; ^38, ist parte; 1839, ist parte. 5 vols. paper. 386 - Do. 1840, ist parte; 1841, ist parte; 1844, 1846, 1848, 1851, 1852, 1857. 10 vols. paper. 387 Do. 1868, 1869. 2 vols. folio, paper. 388 Duplicate, 1869. Half morocco. 389 Lejes, Decretos, Circulares, Acverdos, Iniciati- vas, Observacions y expedientes importantes de la Sec. de Hacienda, 1870. Folio, paper. (2) 390 Cuente Generel del Erario de la Federacion. 2 parts. 1870 391 - Memoria, 1870, 1871, 1872-3, 1873-4, 1874-5, 1877, 1^78-9, 1880-81, y Documentos de la Baja-CaL, 1871-78. 12 vols. 3 in half morocco. 392 Memoria, 1884; Primer Cuaderno (4); Noticias de la Export, y Importacion, v. y. 16 parts, paper. 393 Do. Various duplicates. 20 vols. paper (i in half morocco). 394 - Estadistica de la Repub. Mex. por E. Busto. 3 vols. folio, paper. 1880 27 395 HERNANDEZ, J. M. P. Estadistica de la Repub. 8vo. (3) half roan and paper. Guadalajara, 1862 396 IMPUGNACION de algunos impios, blasfemos, sacrileges, y sediciosos articulos del Codigo de Anarquia De- creto Const, para la Libertad de la America Oct. 22, 1814. 8vo, paper. 1816 397 INFORME de la Com. Pesquisidora al Ejecutivo, 1872 and '74. 5 vols. folio, paper. 398 INSTRUCTION de Revilla Gigedo. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. 1831 399 IRIARTE, F. S. Defensa ante el Gran Juado, 1848. 8vo, half vellum. 400 JALISCO. Patriotica Iniciativa y otros documentos, Guda- lajara, 1844 (3); La Comision Permanente del Con- greso, 1867; Memoria que el Ejecutivo Presento a la Legislatura, 1879; Memoria de los Sucesos mas Nota bles de la Conquista Particular de Jalisco por los Espagnoles, 1879. 6 vols. paper. 401 JUAREZ AND CESAR CANTU: a refutation of the Charges by the Italian Historian against the American Patriot. 8vo, paper. (5) 1855 402 LEFRAGUA, J. M. Memoria de Relaciones Esteriores. Folio, half roan. 1847 403 LAGRYMAZ DE LA PAZ, vertidas en las Exequias del Senor Fernando VI. celebrados on Metropolitano Templo. Folded plate the altar and ji emblems engraved. 8vo, vellum. 1762 404 LANDIVAR, RALPH. Rusticatio Mexicana (poema). 121110, half roan. Bononiae, 1783 405 LANGUAGE. Arte y Dictionario; con otras obras en langua Michuana. Copuesto por el muy R. P. Fray luan Baptista de Lagunas, 1574. i6mo, half roan, red edges. A rare book the title-page is a reprint and pages 103-104 are missing; also all after page 93 of religious instructions at end of volume. 406 Arte de el Idioma Mexicano, por el P. Fr. Man uel Perez. 8vo, half roan. Scarce. 1713 28 407 LANGUAGE. Arte de Lengua Mexicana, por el Bachillor D. Ant. Vasquez Gastelu. 47 folios with a finis, folios to 53 of correcciones (lacking folios after 53). 8vo, vellum. J 7i6 408 Arte de Lengua Mexicana. Another copy (title, following leaf and last leaf of volume all or in part imperfect, missing parts replaced with manuscript). 8vo, vellum. *7 l6 4 9 Arte Novissima de Lengua Mexicana, quedicto D. Carlos De Topia Zentino; etc., etc. 8vo, half roan. Scarce. J 753 410 - - Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana del P. Horacio Carochi. Frontispiece. 8vo, half roan. (2) 1759 411 Do. (One lacking frontispiece.) 412 Reglas de Orthographia, Diccionario y Arte del Idioma Othomi. L. de Neve y Molina. i6mo, vel lum. i7 6 7 413 Arte de la Lengua Mex., por D. Rafael Sandoval. i6mo. (2) 1810 414 Clara y Sucinta Exposicion del Pequeno Cate- cismo impreso en el Idioma Mex. i6mo, half roan. Puebla, 1819 415 Compendio Gramatical para la Inteligencia del Idioma Tarahumar, por Fr. Miguel Tellechea. 8vo, half roan. 1826 416 - Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Chris tiana en Lengua Otomi con un vocabulario, por J. L. Yepes. 8vo. 1826. (2 copies, vellum and half roan.) 417 Catecismo en Leng. Otomi, por Fr. Perez, 8vo, half roan and paper (2), 1834; Doctrina de los Cate cismo Mex. en Idioma Mex., i6mo, paper, 1840. 3 vols. 418 Disertacion sobre La Lengua Othomi leida en Latin traducida por su autor M. C. Maxera. Royal 8vo, half roan. 1845 419 Epitome o Modo Facil de aprender el Idioma Nahuatl, por F. Chimalpopoca. i6mo, half roan (2) 1869 420 Lenguas Indigenas, por Fr. Pimental. Tomo Primero. 8vo, half morocco. 1862 29 421 LANGUAGE. Coleccion Polidiomeca Mex. que contiene La Oracion Dominical. Folio, paper. 1860 422 Geografia de las Lenguas y Carta Etnografica de Mexico, por M. Orozco y Berra. 410, uncut, paper. 1864. (2, one lacking map.) 423 LARRAINZAR, M. Noticia Historicade Soconusco, i2mo, 1843; Estudios sobre la Hist. Amer., Parts 5 to 22 (as i vol.); Chiapas y Soconusco, 1882. 3 vols. paper. 424 LEFEVRE, E. Le Mexique et L'Intervention Europienne, 1862. 2 copies, half roan and paper. 425 LICEO MEXICANO (EL). Illustrated with many lithograph plates, portraits and views, etc. 2 vols. royal Svo, roan. 1844 426 Another copy of Vol. i. 427 LIVERMORE, A. A. The War Reviewed. i2mo. 1850 428 MANTEROLA, R. Ensayo sobre una Clasificacion de las Ciencias. Crown Svo, paper. 1884 429 MANUALE Formarum Juramentorum ab his qui in Rec- tores, etc. ; Mex. Academia Eliguntur, etc. 4to, vel lum. I 759 430 MARIN, M. G. Defensa Guadalupana. Crown Svo, sheep, gilt. 1819 431 Do. Half roan. 432 MARURE, A. Bosquejo Historico de las Revoluciones de Cent. -Amer. Tomo Primero. Paper. 1837 433 MARISCAL, IG. Memoria al Decimo y duodec. Congreso. 7 vols. paper. 1881-5 434 MAXIMILIAN. Expedition du Mex., 1861-67; Recit Poli- tique & Militaire, par G. Niox. Svo, half morocco. Paris, 1874 435 Historia de la Intervencion Francesa, por E. Lefevre. 2 vols. in i. Svo, half roan. Bruselas, 1869 436 Viaje del Emp. Max. y de la Emper. Carlota. Svo, half roan. Orizaba, 1864 437 Various .Government Reports, Decrees, Pam phlets, etc. 27 pieces, paper covers. 438 MEMORIA. Negociones entre Espana y las Est.-Unido de America, 1819. Svo, stitched. 1826 439 Justicia y Negocios Eclesiasticos, 1829-30 (2), '31 (2) ; Memoria del Sec. del Despacho de Hacienda, 1833. 6 vols. folio, stitched. 30 440 MEMORIA que el Ayuntamiento Constitucional Presenta, 1868-72 & '79. 6 vols. paper. 441 Sobrele Ereccion Const, del Estado de Campeche. Royal 8vo, half roan (broken). 1861 442 de los Ministerios de la Republica en 1849. Royal 8vo, half roan. 443 de Gobernacion, 1871-75, '81 & '84. 7 vols., 2 in half roan. 443 _ . Do., 1871, '81, '84. Duplicates. 7 vols. paper. 444 de Fomento, Colonizacion ; Industria, &c. 410, half roan. 1877 445 de Guerra, 1825. i2mo, paper. 446 - de Guerra y Marina, 1830-31, '33, '34-35, '39, '4, '41, '44, '45, '46, '49, 'So, '5i, '52, '57, y 1876-77. 17 vols. folio, paper. 447 Do., 1881, con Appendice. 3 vols. folio, paper. 2 sets. 448 - Do., 1882-3. Tomo I. Paper. 449 - Various years. Duplicates. 29 pieces. 450 Relaciones Interiores y Esteriores, 1823, 1826- 7-8-9, 1830-1-2-3, '35 y '38, 1844, '45, '47, '49, '50, '54, '57. 19 vols. paper. 451 - - Do., 1873, '75, '78 (C. E. Avila y I. L. Vallarta). 4 vols. in half roan. 452 Do. Duplicates. 8 vols. 453 - Ministerio de Justicia, 1832-3-5, '44, '45, '49, '50- 51-68-69, '70, '71-73, half roan; 1876-7-1882. 14 vols. 454 - Do. Duplicates. 10 vols. 455 de los Ministerios, 1826. 4to, green roan. 456 Por la Com. Cientifica de Pachuca, 1864; de Nacionalizacion, 1862; Para la Carta Hidrografica del Valle de Mexico, 1864; Desamortizacion, 1862; Instruc- cion de la Gimnastica, 1850. 5 vols. 457 - Presentada a la Legis. del Est. de Guerrero por Gen. F. O. Arce. Folio, paper. Chilpancingo, 1872 458 - del Minest. del Interior, 1833; Imprenta Chuqui- saquena. 4to, boards. 459 Miscellaneous Reports. A large bundle. 31 460 MENDIBIL, P. DE. Resumen Histor. de la Revolucion. Portrait. 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1828 461 MICHUACAN. Analisis Estadis. de la Provincea en 1822 por J. J. L. (Ejarza). 8vo, roan. 1824 462 MIGUEL, J. R. de S. La Republica en 1846, printed 1845; Guia Judical, y segunda y tercera guia. 2 vols. half roan and paper. 463 La Republica. 4 copies in half roan. 464 MISCELLANEOUS. Governmental; Personal; etc. 6 1 pieces. 465 Do. 66 pieces. 466 Do. 50 pieces. 467 ^ Governmental. 62 pieces. 468 in English. 12 pieces. 469 MORELOS. La Abispa de Chilpancingo, escrita para perpetuar la Memoria del Primer Congreso instalada por El Senor D. Jose Maria Morelos. 1813. 8vo, half roan. (2) 470 MORA, J. M. Memoria-Desagiie de las Lagunas del Valle de Mexico, 1823; De la Libertad del Comercio par J. J. de Mora, 1853; etc. 5 vols. half roan. 471 MOSAICO MEXICANO (EL). Lithograph plates. Vol. 2. 8vo. 1837 472 OBER, F. A. Travels in Mexico and Life Among the Mexicans. 190 illustrations* 8vo. San Francisco, 1884 473 Young Folk's History, 1883; Montezuma's Gold Mines. 2 vols. i6mo. 474 OBRAS DE ELOQUENCIA Y POESIA. Exaltacion de El S r . D. Carlos IIII. 8vo, sheep. 1791 475 OROZCO Y BERRA, M. Noticia Historica de la Conjura- cion del Marques Del Valle, 1565-1568. 8vo, half roan. () '853 476 Memoria para la Carta Hidrografica del Valle de Mex. 8vo, half roan. 1864 477 Historia Antiqua y de la Conquista de Mexico. 4 vols. 8vo, paper. , 1880 478 OLARTE. Declaracion Legal de la Inocencia del Ciudad- ano Ant. Olarte. 8vo, boards. 1826 479 ORRIO, FR. X. A. DE. Solucion del Gran Problema acerca de la Poblacion de las Americas. 8vo, half roan. 1763 32 480 ORTIZ, TADEO. Mexico considerado como Nacion Inde- pendiente y Libre. 8vo, sheep. (2) Burdeos, 1832 481 PACHECO, GEN. C. Memoria pres. al Congreso por el Sec. de Estado, etc., 1877-82. 3 vols. 4to, paper. 1885 482 - - Do. 1883-85. 5 vols. (lacking Vol. 3). 4 vols, 4to. 483 PAVIA, L. Los Estados y sus Gobernantes. Portrait. 8vo, paper. 1890 484 PAYN, C. M. Mexico y sus Cuestiones Financieras con la Inglaterra, la Espana, y la Francia. Folio, half roan. (2) 1862 485 PAZ, LEY. Justicia y Verdad resplandecen per la In- cencia del Regidor Paz. 8vo, roan. 1828 486 PERIQUILLO SARMIENTO por el Pensador Mexicano. Litho graph plates. Vols. 2-3-4 in 2. i2mo, sheep. 1830-42 487 PENAFIEL, ANT. Nombres Geograficos de Mexico, estu- dio jeroglifico. Woodcuts. Folio, paper. . 1885. 488 PIQUERO, Y. Breve Instruccion sobre las Contribuciones Directas establecidas des deel Ano de 1836; Pierson, ed., Datos para la Geografia, 1866; Pementel, Fr., La Situacion Actual de la Raza Indigena, 1864; La Econ- omia Politica, 1866. 4 vols. half roan and paper. 489 POESIAS de Juan M. De Losada (title mended), 1850; Musa American, Poema-Don Diego Bringas, 1783; Disenganos que a los insurgentes se ducidos por los Fracmazones agentes de Napoleon, por A. Pomposo, 1812; etc. 4 vols. i2mo, half roan. 490 POLEMICA entre El Diario Oficial y la Colonia Espanola. Parts i to 33 and 37 to 46. As a lot. 1875 491 PORTILLA, A. DE LA. Mejico en 1856 y 1857, Gobierno del Gen. Comonfort. 8vo. N. Y. 1858 492 PRESCOTT, W. H. Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols. (Plates out.) 493 PRIETO, G. Las Rentas Generales de la Federacion, Mex. 1850. 8vo, paper. (2) 494 PRIETO, A. Historia del Estado de Tamaulipas. 8vo, paper. ^73 495 PUBLICA VINDICACION del Ilustre Ayuntamientp de Santa Fe de Guanaxuato. 8vo, sheep. 1811 33 496 PUEBLA SAGRADA Y PROFANA . . . lo publica con algunas notas Fr. Javier de la Pena. 8vo, half roan. Puebla, 1835 497 PUENTE, P. Reflexiones sobre el Bando de 25 de Junio ultimo. 8vo, sheep. 1812 498 RAMIREZ, J. F. Proceso de Residencia contra Padro de Alvarado, illustrada con estampas sacadas de los an- tiguos codices Mexicanos. 4 colored plates. 8vo. 1847. 2 (one in paper). 499 - Curso de Geodesia, 1853; Riqueza Minera de Mex., por S. Ramirez, etc. 4 vols. paper. 500 RAMIREZ APARICIO, M. Los Conventos Suprimidos estu- dios biog. hist, y arqueologicos. Illuminated title and jo lithograph plates. 8vo, half roan. 1862 501 REGLAS para conocer los pecados de los Ministros de lusticia, 1637 (lacks title leaf), vellum; Another, 1732, half roan ; Reglamento e Instruccion para los Presidios, en la iinea de Frontera, 1773, half roan. 3 vols. 502 REGLAMENTO Y ORDENANZAS. Administracion del Rama de Reales Tributos, 1770; Mayor General, 1823, etc. 5 vols. 4to, paper. 503 RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL. Concilio Provincial Mexicano III., 1585 (no title leaf), y Statuta Ordinata a Concilio. i vol. 4to, half roan (a little water-stained). Scarce. 504 Conciliun Mex. Provinciale, 1585. i6mo, half morocco. (Lower part a little damaged by water.) Paris, 1725 505 Promptuario Manual Mexicano, Platicas con sus Exemplos y morales exhortaciones y seis Sermones morales, etc. 8vo, half roan. J 759 506 Another copy. Vellum (loose). 507 Concilios Provinciales primero y segundo, 1555 y 1565, dalos a luz el Fr. Ant. Lorenzana, Arzobispo. (Inner margin wormed.) 4to, sheep. I 7^9 508 Niernberg,. De la Devocion y Patrocinio de San Miguel Principe de los Angeles (1643) ; Vida Exemplar y Virtudes Heroicas del Ven. Padre Juan Antonio De Oviedo, 1760; Vida Admirable y Penitente de la V. M.- 34 Ser Sebastiana, 1765 (2); Carta Apologetica a faver del Titulo de Madre Santisima de La Luz, 1790; Diserta- cion Critico-Theo-Filosofica sobre la Conservacion de la Sancta Imagen de Neustra Senora de los Angeles, 1801, and others, n vols. 8vo, half roan. 509 RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL. Vida de la V ble Madre Isabel de la Encarnacion, Ano de 1675; La Milagrosa Invencion Imagen de Nuestra Senora de los Remedies, 1745; Vida y Virtudes de el Yen. y Apostol. Padre Juan De Ugarte, 1752; Fragmentos de la Vida y Vir tudes del Vasco De Quiroga Primer Obispo de Micho- acan, 1766; Vida Prodigiosa del V. Siervo de Dios Fray Sebastian de Aparicio, 1769. 5 vols. 8vo, vellum. 510 Funeral de el Senor Bermudez, 1731 ; Vida, Mar- ' tyrio y Beatificacion del invicto Proto-Martyr de el Japon San Felipe, 1751; Vida de la Ven. Madre Michaela Josepha de la Purificacion, 1755; Vida del Ven. Padre Ant. Baldinucci Missionero, 1760; Rela- cion de la Portentosa Imagen de N. Ser. Jesu Cristo Crucificado de S. Miguel De Chalma, 1810; etc. 7 vols. 8vo, half roan. 511 Relacion de las Iglesias y Conventos de Mexico. 8vo, half roan. 1863 512 La Nobleza y Piedad de los Nontaneses demon- strada por el C. de Burgos. 4to, silk. (!775) 513 Sermon que con ocasion de dar a Dios Gracias por la Sup. Junta, 1809 ; Solemnes Exequias por Doctro Don Marcos Moriana, Obispo, 1810; Solemne Accion de Gracias quela Academia da por la Constitucion Politica 1813; La Aparicion Guadalupana de Mexico vindicada, portrait of Obispo A. M. Morales, 1843, etc. 7 vols. Svo. 514 Vida de la V. M. Francisco de S. Joseph (lacks title) (1729); Reglas de las Monjas de la Concepcion, 1815; Noticia de la portentosa conversion y admirable Vida del Martin De S. Cayetano, 1760; Instruccion Pastoral del Arzbispo de Paris, 1822; etc.; etc. 10 vols. i6mo. 515 A Collection of Miscellaneous Controversies, Sermons, Funerals, Instructions, etc. 73 pamphlets. 35 516 REVISTA CIENTIFICA y Literaria de Mejico. Lithographed plates scenery, buildings, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half red roan. 1845-46 517 RINCON. General Manuel Rincon justificado, 1831; Vindicacion del General, 1840; Compendio de la His- toria de Mexico, por J. De Los Rios; Die Ausseren und Inneren Politis. Zustande der Rep. Mex. von E. K. H. F. von Richthofen, 1854; etc. 7 vols. paper and roan. 518 SAN DIEGO. Chronica de la Santa Provincia de San Diego, por Balthassar de Medina. Full-page chart. Folio, vellum. 1682 Title missing, replaced with MS. copy; last 6 leaves of index re placed with MS. copy. A number of other leaves repaired. 519 SANTA- ANNA. Hist, de Mexico y del Gen. Ant. Lopez de Santa-Anna, por Juan Suarez, 1850; Hist, de la Revolucion contra, Santa Anna, 1853-55; Apuentes para la Hist, del Gobierno del S.-A., 1845; La Guerra entre Mex. y los Estados-Unidos, 1848; Informe del S.-A., 1849; Coleccion de Leyes, etc., 1853 and 1854; Causa Criminal, S.-A., 1846. 9 vols. 8vo, half roan, etc. 520 Hist, de Mex. y Hist, de la Revolucion. 2 vols. Duplicates of above. 521 Various. 9 pamphlets. 522 SCHMIDT, G. The Civil Law of Spain and Mexico, with a historical Introduction. 8vo, sheep. (2) N. O. 1851 523 SHEPARD, A. K. The Land of the Aztecs, Albany, 1859; Travels on Western Slope of the Mexican Cordillera, 1857; To Mexico in a Palace Car, 1884. 3 vols. 524 SINALOA. Map of the State of, 1882. With Notes by F. G. Weidner. Map folded and mounted. 8vo. San Francisco, 1882 525 SONORA. Rudo Ensayo; Prevenconal Descripcion Geog. de la Provincia. Edited by Buckingham Smith. 4to, LARGE PAPER, paper. San Augustin de la Florida, 1863. Printed by Munsell. (2) 526 Do. 6 pamphlets. 527 Informe General que instruyo y entrego El Mar quis de Sonora, al Verrj D. Antonio Bucarely. . Royal 8vo, paper. 1867 36 528 SIGUENZA, CARLOS DE. Parayso Occidental Plantado y Cultivado, por la liberal benefica mano de los muy Catholicos, etc., en su magnifico Real Convento de Jesus Maria de Mexico. 4to, vellum. 1684 529 SOSA, FR. Biografias de Mexicanos Distinguidos. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. 1884 530 SOTO, M. F. El Nuevo Estado de Tuxpau, Tampico, Tancanhuitz, etc. Half roan. 1856 531 TEATRO MEXICANO, Descripcion Breve de los Sucessos Exemplares, historicos, politicos, militares y religiosos del nuevo mundo, por Aug. De Vetancurt (title and dedication leaves a little imperfect and mended), folio, vellum, 1698, three parts in i vol : also, Tratado de la Ciudad de Mexico in 56 pages at end of volume; also, Chronica de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio de Mexico quarta parte del Teatro Mex. ; also, Men- olagio Franciscano, on 156 pp. folio, limp leather, 1697. Together 2 vols. 532 TEJADA, M. LERDO DE. Comercio Esterior de Mexico. 4to. 1853. (4 copies, 2 on paper). 533 - - Memoria de Hacienda, 1857. (4 copies.) i half roa.n, 3 on paper. 534 THEATRO AMERICANO. Descripcion General Jos. Ant. De Villa-Senor, y Sanchez. Frontispiece. Folio, vellum. 1746 535 THOVEL, R. Diario de Viage de la Comision de Limites. 8vo, half calf. ^50 536 TEZOZOMAC, H. A. Cronica Mex. Parts i to 12. Folio. 1878 537 TOVAR, PANTALEON. Historia Parlamentaria del Cuarto Congreso Constitucional. 4 vols. (in Nos., uncut) folio. 1872-74 538 - - Do. Vol. i. (2 copies.) 539 VARIEDADESDE JURISPRUDENCE. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. 1850 540 VARIOUS BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 45 pieces. 541 - - odd or imperfect. 14 vols. folio and 8vo, paper. 542 - - Compendis Hist, del Concilio III. Mexicano pub- licadapor F. H.Vera, 1879; Tratados y Convenciones, 1878; Respuesta de Villa-Senor y Sanchez, half roan, 1742 ; Estadistica de Vera Cruz, 1831 ; etc. ; etc. 8 vols. 37 543 VICTORIA, GUAD. Derrotero de las Islas Antillas de las Costas de Tierra Firme. 8vo, paper. (2) 1825 544 WARD, H. G. Mexico in 1827. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut, boards. (Stained.) Lond. 1828 545 WISLIZENUS, A. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico with Col. Doniphan's Expedition, 1846-7. 8vo, paper, uncut. Wash. 1848 546 ZARCO, FR. Historia del Congreso Estraordinario Con- stituyente de 1856-57. 2 vols. tall 8vo, half morocco. 547 MISSALE ROMANUM. 4to, sheep (clasps broken). Venetii, 1764 548 MORMO.NISM. Series of Pamphlets by Orson Pratt. Por trait. 8vo, half calf (worn). Liverpool, [851 549 - Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt, one of the Twelve Apostles. Illustrated. 8vo, roan. N. Y. 1874 550 - Pratt's Voice of Warning; The Doctrine and Covenants given to Jos. Smith; Spencer's Letters; Key to Theology; Hymns; etc. 8 vols. 551 - Robinson's Saints and Sinners; Tucker's Origin and Progress; Waite's The Mormon Prophet. 3 vols. I2IT1O. 552 - Pamphlets. 19 pieces. 553 MULLAN, CAPT. J. Report on a Military Road from Fort Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. Illustrated. 1863. 2 copies, half morocco and cloth. 554 MUNOZ, J. B. Hist, del Nuevo-Mundo. Tomo i. Royal 8vo, sheep. Madrid, 1793 555 MOSQUITO TERRITORY. Correspondence respecting it, presented to the House of Commons. 1848. Folio, paper. 556 TV\GLE, BRIG. -GEN. HENRY M. The Love Life of. LL Portrait. 12 mo. (3) 1867 557 NICARAGUA. Carte d'Etude de Canal par Thome De Gamond, Documents par F. Belly. Small 4to, boards. 1858 558 - Do. Also Nevada, etc. 13 pamphlets. 38 559 NEW MEXICO. Doniphan's Expedition, by J. T. Hughes of the ist Regt. of Mo. Cavalry. Portrait. i2mo. Cinn. 1848 560 - Do. 8vo, paper. Illustrated. 1849 561 - El Gringo, or New Mexico and Her People, by W. W. H. Davis. i2mo. N. Y. 1857 562 - A Collection of Pamphlets and Paper Books con cerning the Territory. 29 pieces. r6 3 - Revista Catolica, Vol. i. 4to, paper. Las Vegas, 1878 564 NEW SOUTH WALES. Industrial Progress of. 8vo, boards. 1871 565 pVAKES AMES. A Memoir and Dedication of Memo- \J rial Hall, at North Easton, Mass. Portrait. Small paper. 1883 566 OREGON. A History of Oregon, 1792-1849, drawn from personal observation and authentic information, by W. H. Gray of Astoria. Published for subscribers. 8vo. (4) 1870 567 -- The Oregon Question Examined in respect to Facts and the Law of Nations, by Travers Twiss. Map. 8vo. Lond. 1846 568 - - Do. i2mo. N. Y. and Phil. 1846 569 - - Our Right and Title, etc., etc., with a map, by Wyndham Robertson, Jr., of Virginia. 8vo, paper. Wash. 1846 570 -- et les Coles de 1'Ocean Pacifique, avec une carte, par M r Fedix. 8vo, paper, uncut. Paris, 1846 571 -- --- Farnham's History, with map, N. Y. 1844; The Claim of the United States, by R. Pakenham, with map, Lond. 1846; History of and Prospect fora National R.R., by Geo. Wilkes, map, N. Y. 1845; Th e Oregon Question, by T. Falconer, Lond. 1845; etc. 8 pam phlets. 572 - - Authentic Account of the Murder of Dr. Whitman and others by the Cayuse Indians in 1847. By J. B. A. Brouillet. i2mo, paper. Portland, 1869 573 - - Historical Sketches of the Catholic Church in Oregon during the past Forty Years. 12 mo, paper. 1878 39 574 OREGON. Descriptions of the State; Pen Pictures of Men ; City of Portland; Manual of the Oregon Expedition, 1831; Resources of Coos County; etc., etc. 41 pam phlets. 575 TVACKARD, S. S. My Recollections of Ohio. Crown 1 8vo. (4) N. Y. 1890 576 PACIFIC COAST PILOT: Coasts and Islands of Alaska. 4 to. Wash. 1879 577 PACIFIC RAIL ROAD EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS. Beauti fully illustrated. Vols. i-n and Part i of Vol. 12. 12 vols. 4to. 578 Vols. 8 (2 copies) and 9. 3 vols. 4to. 579 PALAFOX. Obras del Ilustrissimo, Excelentissimo y Venerable Sievo De Dios Don Juan De Palafox y Mendoza, de los Supremos Consejos de Indias y Aragon, Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles, etc. Frontispiece and portrait. 15 vols. folio, old red morocco gilt (rubbed). Madrid, 1762 Palafox was a second Las Casas in exposing the unhappy condition of the Americans. 580 PAMPHLETS. The Pacific; Puget's Sound Agricultural Co. Case, 1867; Forty-fifth Anniversary of Battle of Lake Erie; Paraguay and the Alliance against Fr. S. Lopez; Notes sur le Fleuve du Darien, par J. Flachat;. etc., etc. 27 pieces. Good. French, Spanish, etc. 27 pieces. Political, Territorial, etc. 48 pieces. Religious, etc. 26 pieces. Education, etc. 31 pieces. Hygiene, Medicine, etc. 19 pieces. Jubilee Sermon, containing a History of the First Baptist Church in N. Y. City. i2mo. N. Y. 1846 587 PHILIPPINES. Extracto Historial del Expediente que pende en el Consejo Real, y Supremo de las Indias a instancia de la Ciudad De Manila, y demas de las Islas Philipinas, sobre la Forma en que se ha de Hacer, y continuar el Comercio, y Contratacion de los Texidos de China en Nueva-Espana. Folio, sheep (loose). Madrid, 1736 40 588 PHILLIPS (JR.), H - Worship of the Sun: the Story Told by a Coin of Constantine the Great. 8 pp. 410. Phil. : Privately printed, 1880 589 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Eskimo; Iroquorian (2); Muskhogean; and Siouan Languages. 5 vols. 8vo, paper. 590 PINART, ALPH. L. Voyages a la Cote Nord-Ouest de 1'Amerique, 1870-72. Vol. r, Partie i (Hist. Nat- urelle). 5 lithograph plates. 4to, paper. (2) 1875 591 La Caverne d'Aknanh, He d'Ounga (Alaska). / plates of colored figures of articles found. 4to, paper. 1875 592 - - Arte de la Lengua Chiapaneca, y Doctrina Cris- tiana en Lengua Chiapaneca. 4to, paper. 1875 ^93 Noticias de los Indios del Departamento de Vera- gua; etc. 4to, paper. (2) San Francisco, 1882 594 Exploration de 1'Ile de Paques, et Voyage dans 1'Arizona. 3 pamphlets, 8vo. (A lot of 100 or more.) 595 PINELO. Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental y Occi dental Nautica y Geografica de Don Ant. De Leon Pinelo. 3 vols. folio, sheep. Madrid, 1737 596 POEMS of Anna M. Morrison, portrait ; and another. 2 vols. San Francisco 597 POSTON, C. D. The Sun Worshipers of Asia, i6mo; Apache-Land, a Poem, portraits and illustrations, camo, 1878. 2 vols. San Francisco 598 POWELL, J. W. Exploration of the Colorado River of the West. Illustrated. 4to. 1875 599 First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Colored plates, etc. Imp. 8vo. 1881 600 Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages. Second Edition. With charts. 4to. (3) 1880 601 PUERTO-RICO. Memorias de la Isla, por P. T. de Cor dova, tomos i, 2 y 6, 3 vols. paper (wormed); Asuntos de P. C., Madrid, 1869; etc. As 6 pieces. 02 r^UARITCH, B. A General Catalogue of Books. 8vo. 1 % l868 41 603 TJAFFLES, SIR. THOS. S. Memoir of. 4to. 1830 604 -*-\ RAU, C. Ancient Aboriginal Trade in North Amer ica; The Stock-in-Trade of an Aboriginal Lapidary. 2 pamphlets. 605 RAIL-ROADS. History of the Northern Pacific, by Eug. V. Smalley, 1883; History of the Baltimore & Ohio, illustrated, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. 606 Reports, Descriptions and Other Information in Regard to Trans-Continental and Other Roads. 70 pamphlets. 607 RANKING, JOHN. Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants. With 2 maps and portraits of the Incas. 8vo, uncut, boards. Lond. 1827 608 REAL ORDENANZA para el Establecimiento e Instruccion de Intendentes de Exercito y Provincia en el Reino de la Nueva-Espana. Frontispiece. 4to, half roan. (2) Madrid, 1786 609 REBELLION. Army and Navy Journal, and Gazette of the Regular and Volunteer Forces, 1863-65. 2 vols. 4to, half roan. N. Y. 610 Putnam's Rebellion Record. Vols. 4 and 5. Half morocco. 611 Herr, Corporal Geo, W. Nine Campaigns in Nine States. Tall 8vo. San Francisco, 1890 612 The Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division, by a Private Soldier. 8vo. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1875 613 Benet's Military Law, 1863; National Almanac, 1864; Speeches in the California Legislature, 1861. 3 vols. 614 - Tracts, Speeches, etc. 75 pamphlets. 615 Tracts, etc., on Slavery. 23 pamphlets. 616 RIBADENEYRA, ANT. J. DE. Manual Compendio de el Regio Patronato Indiano. Frontispiece. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1755 617 Another, half roan. (Lacking plate.) 42 618 RICHARDS on the Law of Wages (2); Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; Resuscitated, a Dream of the Existence after Death; A Cursory View of Span ish-America, by W. D. Robinson, 1815. 5 pieces. 619 ROSNY, LEON DE. Les Ecritures Figuratives et Hiero- glyphiques. Illustrated. 4to, paper. 1870 620 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal, icvols. bound in 9 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1832-41 621 Ruiz DE LEON. Hernandia, poema heroyco (lacks title) (Madrid, 1754); Breve Noticea de la prodigioca imagen de nuestra Senora, Mex. 1781 ; Memorias para la His- toria de la Rev. de Centro-America, Jalapa, 1832; etc. 5 vols. i2mo and i6mo. 622 REALES ORDENANZAS para la Direccion, Regimen y Gobierno del importante cuerpo de la Mineria de nueva- Es'pana. Frontispiece. 4to, half roan. Madrid, 1783 623 Another (without cover). Scarce. 624 RAVAGE, THOS. Spanish-American Manual. i2mo. j San Francisco, 1889 625 SCHOOL BOOKS, English and French. 9 vols. 626 Spanish. 36 vols. 627 SHAFER, D. R., Foundations of Success and Laws of Trade, 1876; Esther, by W. A. Scott of San Francisco; etc. 3 vols. 628 SHORT, JOHN T. The North Americans of Antiquity. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. 1880 629 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Brantz Mayer's Observations on Mexican History and Archae ology. 4 lithograph plates. 4to. (No cover.) 1856 630 The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala, by S. Habel. 7 plates. 4to, paper. 1879 631 Researches on the Venom of the Rattlesnake, by S. Weir Mitchell. 4to, paper. (2) 1861 632 Ellet's Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley, 1849; Girard's Monograph of the Cottoids, 1851; Occultations, 1852; Hitchcock's Illustration of Surface Geology, 1857; Le Conte's Coleoptera of 43 Kansas, 1859; Sonntag's Terrestrial Magnetism, 1860; Barnard's Problems of Rotary Motion, 1871 ; Hilgard's Geology of Lower Louisiana, 1872; Auroral Pheno mena, by Peter Force. 8 vols. 4to, paper. 633 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Duplicates of Le Conte; Sonntag and Girard. 4 vols. 634 Reports, 1854 (8th Annual Report) '59, 1862 66, '68, '73-'8i. 22 vols. 8vo. 635 Duplicates of 1856, '63 and '68. 3 vols. 636 SPANISH BOOKS. Derectio Maritime Internacional por J. Sierra, 1834; Reflexiones Militares por J. Senen ; etc. 5 vols. 637 CEdenanzas de la Armada Naval, Tomo II, 1783; Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico por Pemeulet, Tomo I (incomplete); etc. 6 vols. 638 Economia Domestica; Die. Gen. de Agricultura; La Educacion ; Estadistica de la Repub. Mex., por E. Busto; etc., etc., etc. A bundle. 639 SQUIER, E. G. Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mos quito Shore, by Samuel A. Bard. 60 illustrations. i2mo. N. Y. 1855 640 Notes on Cental America and the proposed Honduras Inter-Oceanic Railway. Original maps and illustrations. 8vo. N. Y. 1855 641 Do. 8vo, sheep (rubbed). 1858 642 (STONE, J. L.) A Reply to Bishop Colenso, by a Hebrew Wood Chopper. 8vo, paper. San Francisco, 1863 643 SUEDE. Expose des Formations Quaternaires de la Suede. Atlas. 4to, half morocco. 644 SEEMAN, B. History of the Isthmus of Panama, 1 21110, paper, Panama, 1867; also The Panama Massacre of American Citizens at R.R. Station, i5th of April, 1856, Printed in Panama, 1857, 8vo. 2 pieces. 645 PEHUANTEPEC. Memorias para servir a la His- JL toria de la Comunicacion Inter-Oceanica por el Istmo de Tehuantepec por Jose F. Ramirez. Royal 8vo, half roan. (2) Mex. 1853 646 The same. Paper. (3) 44 647 TEHUANTEPEC. Ellstmo,resultado delReconocimientoJJ. Williams, 1852; Documentos, 1852; Reglamento, 1857; Dictamen por Comision Especial, 1851 ; Analises de la Comision, 1852; La Cuestion, 1852. 6 pieces. Paper. 648 - Duplicates. 6 "pieces. 649 The Isthmus, by Major Barnard. Maps and en gravings. 8vo. (2) J 852 650 Memorial of P. E. Trastour concerning his claim against the Tehuantepec R.R. Co. of N. O., 1853; Report by Signer G. Moro. 2 pamphlets. 651 TEXAS. The Rise, Progress and Prospects of the Re public, by Wm. Kennedy. (First map torn out.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 652 Memoranda and Official Correspondence relating to its History and Annexation, by Anson Jones, late Governor. Portrait. 8vo. N. Y. 1859 653 Pictorial History of, by Rev. Homer S. Thrall. Second Edition. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879 654 Braman's Information, 1858; Parker's Notes Taken, 1856; Five Years in Texas, by T. North, 1871 ; Her Resources, etc., by J. De Cordova, 1858; Brief History, by D. W. C. Baker, 1873; Gone to Texas, edited by Thomas Hughes, 1884. 6 vols. 121110. 655 Reports of Mexican Border Commission sent in 1873 to the Frontier of Texas. 8vo, boards, cloth back. (2) N. Y. 1875 656 Resources, Soil and Climate. Report of A. W. Spaight, 1882. 8vo, paper. (4) 657 Ambrosio De Letinez; or, The First Texian Novel. With Incidents of the War of Independence. By A. T. Myrthe. 2 vols in i. i2mo (broken). Scarce. N. Y. 1842 658 - - Glimpses of, by W. Brady, 1871 ; Hemford's State Register, 1876; Almanac, 1860; The Battle of San Jacinto; The Mercer Colony Case, 1882; Barrow's Facts of N. E. Texas, 1849; etc - II pieces. 659 - - Guerra de Tajas, por V. Filisola, 1849; etc - 6 pieces, in Spanish. 45 660 THEODORITI Episcopi Cyri Dialog! tres contra quas dam Haeresses. In Greek. Small 4to, vellum (worn). Romae, 1547 661 TORRENTE, M. Historia de la Revolucion Hispano- Americana. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Madrid, 1830 662 TRACY, WM. A Hand Book of Law for Business Men. New edition. 8vo, half roan. N. Y. 1872 663 TRIAL of Prof. J. W. Webster for the Murder of Dr. Geo. Parkman (lacking all after page 286) ; Argument of P. R. Kendall, U. S. Attorney, on Trial of G. A. Gardiner for False Swearing, Wash. 1853; Trial of Matt. F. Ward for Murder of Prof. W. H. G. Butler, Louisville, Ky. , 1854. - 3 vols. paper. 664 Laura De Fair for Murder of Alex P. Crittenden, royal 8vo, sheep, San Francisco, 1871; with pamphlet lecture by Laura. As one. 665 TROUT, P. L. Prospectors' Manual, for Mines on Granite Creek; The Similkameen County, 8vo, paper, 1886. 23 copies. 666 7 FNITED STATES. Laws, Vols. i, 2 copies of Vol. v_L 2 and Vol. 4. 4 vols. old sheep. 1776-1816 667 Messages and Documents, 1849-50, 1850-51; Statutes at Large, Vol. 7 ; Benton's Abridgement of Debates, Vol. 2. 8 vols. 668 Mineral Resources, 1867; Law Office Report, 1866; Osbon's Hand Book of Navy; etc. 12 vols. 669 Geographical Surveys West of looth Meridian, Vol. 2 ; Astronomy and Barometric Hypsometry. 4to. 1877 670 Do. Vol 3. Geology. 4to. J ^75 671 Do. Vol. 4. Paleontology. 83 plates. 4to. 1877 672 Do. Vol. 5. Zoology. 45 plates, some colored. (Binding loose.) J 875 673 Do. Vol. 6. Botany. 30 plates. 4to. 1878 674 Do. Vol. 7. Archaeology; Art of the Abo rigines. 19 plates, several colored. 4to. 1879 675 Do. Tables of Geographic Positions, etc. ; Ap pendices, JJ. and NN., and maps. 7 vols. 8vo. 676 Beecher's Atlas to accompany the Geology of the Comstock Lode, etc. Royal 4to. 46 677 T7 AN HEUVEL, J. A. El Dorado: a Rich and V Splendid City in South America. Map. 8vo, half roan. N. Y. (1844) 678 VARIOUS BOOKS. Hunt's Magazine, Vol. 2; Hickey on the United States Constitution; Vida del P. Mergil de Jesus, por Vilaplana, 17755 etc - ; etc - I0 vols - 679 VERNE, JULES. The Exploration of the World. Illus trated. 8vo. N. Y. 1880 680 VOYAGES EN SCANDINAVIE, en Laponie, etc. ; Atlas Geolo- gique par Durocher. Folio, half morocco. Paris 681 T TASHINGTON TERRITORY ; Puget Sound ; jRl Wilamet; etc. 27 pamphlets. 682 WELCKER, ADAIR. Romer, King of Norway, and other Dramas. i6mo. Sacramento, 1885 683 WELLS, WM. V. Explorations and Adventures in Hon duras. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. 1857 684 WEST INDISCHE SPIEGHEL, waer inne meu sien kau, Alle de Eylanden, Provintien, Lautschappen, etc., door Athanasium Inga, Peruaen, van Cusco. (1624). En graved title, 8 engravings 'and J maps ; descriptions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc. Small 4to,vellum(waterstained). 685 - The Island of Nevis, by J. A. B. lies. Map. 4to, paper. 686 WHATELY, R. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon. i2mo. Andover, 1870 687 WHITE, AND. D. Paper-Money Inflation in France. Pamphlet. . N. Y. 1876 688 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY CATALOGUE, 1873. Vol 2. 689 WYOMING. Winchell's Adamites and Pre-Adamites; St. Louis; etc. 14 pamphlets. 690 VENEZUELA. Statistical Annuary, 1889; Oajaca Ex- posicion de la Constitucion, 1848. 2 pamphlets, folio. 691 T7UCATAN. Historia de, por Eligio Ancona. Por- oJ trait. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Merida, 1878 692 Do. 6 pamphlets. 693 YARAGOZA, J. Noticias Historicas de la Nueva Es- h pana. Tall 8vo, half roan. Madrid, 1878 694 ZACATECAS. Memoria por el Ejecutivo, 1870-71; Comu- nicaciones Oficiales entre el Supremo Gobierno y el Superia Ecclesiastico, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. & IRos, 91 an& 93 ififtb avenue IWear Seventeentb Street 1ba\>e almost 2>ail$ auction Salee of OLfbraries, CoUecttons ot Boofts, Hutograpbs, Coins, , anb otbet %tterav^ property SollciteD Correspondence UnvtteO Catalo0ue0 /iRaileD upon Application Doucjlas Easier d Co. flew H?orfc