P S 1000 A8 M3 1852 MAIN Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, by HARPER & BROTHERS, in the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. M.4//J PREFACE. THE design of the series of volumes, entitled MARCO PAUL S ADVENTURES IN THE PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE, is not merely to entertain the reader with a narrative of juvenile adventures, but also to communicate, in connection with them, as extensive and varied information as possible, in respect to the geography, the scenery, the customs and the institutions of this country, as they present them selves to the observation of the little traveler, who makes his excursions under the guidance of an intelligent and well-informed companion, qualified <o assist him in the acquisition of knowledge and in he formation of character. The author has en deavored to enliven Kis narrative, and to infuse into H elements of a salutary moral influence, by means of personal incidents befalling the actors in the story. These incidents are, of course, imaginary PREFACE. but the reader may rely upon the strict and exact truth and fidelity of all the descriptions of places, institutions and scenes, which are brought before his mind in the progress of the narrative. Thus, though the author hopes that the readers who may honor these volumes with their perusal, will be amused and interested by them, his design through out will be to instruct rather than to entertain. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PA or I. THE WRONG BOAT, .... . 11 II. THE FLOOD 28 III. THE WATER SHOPS. 42 IV. FORGING. . . . . 52 V. IRON, ....... fiS VI. ARCHER r. ...... 82 VII. TURNING AND BORING. . 100 VIII. INSPECTION, 116 IX. THE ARSENAL, ..... . 128 X. THE DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 139 XI. ORDNANCE. ...... . 156 XII. THE BREAKING Ur, 177 ENGRAVINGS. PAGE THE WRONG BOAT, 22 THE FLOOD, 39 STAGE IN THE WATER, 41 THE WATER SHOPS, 49 THE FORGING ROOM, 58 CASTING, 74 THE STOOP, ........ 85 THE STREAM, 90 TESTING THE BAYONETS, 118 FARMER S WORK, 124 MAKING UP THE LOCKS, 131 THE RAILWAY STATION, 141 MARCO S MORTAR, . .... 176 THE RAFT, . . 189 ORDER OF TEE VOLUMES. f an I, I __IN NEW YORK. II ON THE ERIE CANAL. III. IN MAINE. IV. IN VERMONT. V. IN BOSTON. VI. AT THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. PRINCIPAL PERSONS. ME. BAROV, a merchant of New York. MARCO, his son, a boy about twelve years old. JOHN" FORESTER, Marco s cousin, about nineteen years ol.L Marco is traveling and studying under Forester s care. MARCO PAUL AT THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. CHAPTER I. THE WRONG BOAT. Visit to Vermont. Marco takes charge. IT was by a somewhat singular accident that Marco Paul had an opportunity to pay a visit to the great armory at Springfield. The circumstances were these. On one occasion, while he was under his cousin Forester s care, they were going from New York city to Forester s residence in Ver mont. Marco proposed that his cousin Fores ter should allow him to choose the route. " Very well," said Forester, " I have no ob jection to that. You may not only choose the route, but take the charge and direction of the whole journey." " How do you mean ?" asked Marco. " Why, we will suppose," said Forester, 12 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester s explanation. Tlie two routes. " that I am an infirm old gentleman, and that you undertake to conduct me safely to Ver mont. You may choose the route, and make all the arrangements, only letting me know when I must be ready. Then you shall call the car riage, and take me to the boat, and engage our berths, and do every thing in a word, which a gentleman usually does for a lady in such a case." " Well," said Marco, " I should like that very- much." In fact, Marco was very much pleased with the idea of exercising a little power. So he got a traveling map of New England, spread it upon a table, and began to study the features of the country, with reference to the different routes. There were two routes, which princi pally attracted his attention. These the reader will understand very distinctly by consulting a map. The first was, to go up the North river in the Troy boat, thence by railroad to the southern end of Lake George, thence by steamboat along the lakes George and Champlain, to Burlington, and from Burlington by stage, across the coun try, to the town where Forester s father lived. The other route was bv the wav of Boston. THE WRONG BOAT. 13 Marco chooses the North river route. The day lino. Marco liked to be in Boston very much. He thought that he should like very well to go and spend a week at Boston, and then to go across the country by railroad and stage. He hesita ted a little, however, whether it would come within the limits of the power which Forester had intrusted him with, to spend a week in Bos ton. While doubting on this subject, it oc curred to him that after all there would be the greatest variety to be seen in traveling on the North river route. He therefore finally deci ded upon that. Then came another question to be decided, and that was, whether to take the day or the night boat up the North river. There is one steamboat which leaves New York for Albany and Troy every morning, and another every evening, so that one goes through by day, and the other by night. Marco decided in favor of the day boat, in order that he might see the scenery. This was not, however, in fact, a very wise decision, for the whole of a long summer s day is too long a time to spend in looking at scene ry, however beautiful it may be, and the pas sengers who take the day boats on the North river for this purpose, generally become very 14 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Night line preferable. tired of the pleasure before night. Whereas, in taking one of the night boats, some of which leave New York an hour or two before sunset, there are four or five hours before bed-time, du ring which the river scenery can be enjoyed, varied too, as it is at this time, by the changing light of sunset and evening, and perhaps, at last, clothed in the wild and solemn beauty which is shed over such a scene by moonlight, or the still fainter illumination of the stars. Thus a night passage is far more favorable for really enjoying the scenery of the Hudson, than a long and monotonous voyage, made under the full glare of the sun. Besides, at the time that Forester and Marco were making this journey, it was too early in the season to enjoy the scenery much. It was early in April, and though the grass was quite green at the Park at New York, yet the High lands and Green Mountains were still covered with snow. Marco, however, did not reflect on these things, and he decided upon the day passage. The boat was to go at seven o clock. Marco learned this by a printed handbill, in large let ters, which he saw posted up in the office of the Atlantic Hotel, where his cousin always THE WRONG BOAT. 15 The handbills. Arrangements. took a room when he came into New York. There were several of these handbills hanging in the office, but, instead of being placarded on the walls, each by itself, they were hung all together upon a sort of hook which was sus pended against a pillar. These various bills were the advertisements of different boats, go ing in various directions, and as they were all hung together upon the same hook, the travel ers who came to consult them were obliged to lift up the outer ones when they wished to see those that were beneath. It happened, howev er, that when Marco went to look, the bill which advertised the Albany boat was itself the outer one ; so that he had nothing to do but to stand there and read it, without lifting up the handbills at all. " Now, cousin Forester," said Marco, the day before they were to go, " I will order a cab to come to our house at six o clock, and will come down in it to the Atlantic Hotel, and call for you." " Very well," said Forester. " I will be ready at six." Forester was ready at six, but it was nearly half-past six when Marco arrived. Forester s trunks and baggage were in the hall, and as the 16 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Cabman. Cleopatra. Mistake, cabman was carrying out one of the last arti cles, he turned to Forester and said, " What boat is it, sir, that you wish to go to?" " I don t know," said Forester, turning to Marco. " Marco, he wants to know what boat we are going to." " The boat ?" said Marco, stopping to think. " O, I ll tell you in a moment." So Marco ran back to the office, and went to the pillar where the notice was put up. The cabman and Forester followed him. Marco looked hastily upon the outer handbill, and his eye caught the name " CLEOPATRA." " The Cleopatra, " said Marco. O ay," said the cabman, " the Cleo patra." " Stop a moment," said Marco, " and I will see where she lays." " I know where she lays," said the cabman, " she lays at Peck Slip." Now it happened that since Marco had read the outer handbill the evening before, and found that it described a boat going to Albany, a man had come in and hung up another handbill, ad vertising a boat to go to New Haven, which was the destination of the Cleopatra. Marco THE WRONG BOAT. 17 Forester s suspicions. Murco. Mystery. turned away immediately when the cabman said that he knew where the boat lay, and thus did not discover his mistake. Forester said nothing. He had an impression that Peck Slip was the place of departure for the Connecticut boats, and not for the North river boats ; but as there was a route to Vermont through New Haven and Hartford, which he thought would be nearly as convenient for them as any other, he concluded to say nothing, but to let Marco manage the business which he had undertaken, in his own way. Marco thought, from the expression of his cousin s countenance when they got into the cab, that there was something the matter, or, at least, it appeared to him that Forestti looked as if he had some secret in his thoughts, and he questioned him about it. " You ve got some secret, cousin Forester, I know you have," said he. " Some secret ?" repeated Forester ; (< what makes you suppose so ?" " Why, you look very queer, you ve got some present for me, I expect, from my mother, that you are going to give me when we get aboard the boat." Forester made no answer, and they rode on B 18 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Marco rambles about the boat. A boy. in silence. When they reached the slip where the boat lay, Marco was very busy in paying the cabman, and in seeing that the baggage was put safely on board. The first bell was rung. Many persons were coming and going over the plank which led from the pier to the boat. As soon as Marco had the baggage secured, he went up to the promenade deck, where he could be a little out of the bustle, and took a seat with Forester there. There were many ladies and gentlemen standing near, or seated on chairs and settees, under a large awning. It was a pleasant morning, and Forester anticipa ted a very pleasant voyage up the river. Marco took his seat upon a settee, and watched the movements of the crowd upon the pier, and of the sailors on the guards of the boat, who were making preparations for cast ing off the lines. There was seated near him a boy somewhat older than he, who also seemed to be watching the movements which were go ing on around him with great interest. Marco was just going toward him, with a design to enter into conversation with him, when a young man appeared at the top of the stairs, leading up from the deck below, and beckoned to the boy to come to him, at the same time making THE WRONG BOAT. 19 Marco accosts the boy. No answer. some other sign which he did not understand. The boy immediately rose and went away. In a short time, however, the boy returned and took his seat again. Marco had some hesi tation about addressing him, but as the expres sion of the young stranger s face was intelligent and good-humored, he at length moved gradu ally toward him, and said, " Do you know what time we shall get to Albany ?" The boy looked at Marco steadily when he spoke, with a pleasant expression of counte nance, but instead of making any reply, he first put. his finger to his ear, and then to his lips, and shook his head. " What do you mean by that ?" said Marco. The boy said nothing, but gazed a moment longer in Marco s face, and then took out a very small slate from a breast pocket in his jacket, and began to write upon it. When he had fin ished writing, he handed the slate to Marco. It contained the words, " I can not speak ; I am deaf and dumb." " O," said Marco, " I did not know that." Then, instantly reflecting that it was vain to speak to the boy if he could not hear, Marco took the slate from his hands, and wrote upon it, 20 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. A correspondence. Marco perplexed. His inquiry. " I only asked you if you knew what time we should get to Albany." The boy read Marco s writing very slowly and carefully, and then shook his head and looked perplexed. He then took the pencil and wrote, " I do not know." By the same mode of communication, Marco then asked him what his name was. He wrote in reply, " Erskine." " Do you live at Albany ?" wrote Marco next. Erskine looked at the question a moment or two, apparently somewhat at a loss, and then he wrote, " I do not know of Albany ; I shall go to Hartford." It was now Marco s turn to be a little per plexed, through the singularity of Ersldne s phraseology. After studying it a moment, he concluded that Erskine meant that he was going to Hartford, and the idea flashed across his mind that he might possibly have made some mistake, and have got into the wrong boat. So he turned suddenly to one of the hands that be longed on board the boat, who happened to be passing by just at that moment, and asked him " Isn t this boat going to Albany ?" THE WRONG BOAT. 21 Murco alarmed. He finds Forester. " No, " replied the man, without stopping, " she is going to New Haven." " Then we ve got into the wrong boat," ex claimed Marco, in great trepidation. " Where s cousin Forester ?" He began to run about this way and that, in pursuit of his cousin Forester. Forester had disappeared. He went down stairs to find him, and when he reached the lower deck, he found that the boat was just gliding away from the pier. The plank had been taken in, and the cable by which she had been made fast to the pier, had been cast off, and the hands were drawing it in. Marco might have jumped across to the pier, but by so doing he would only have separated himself from Forester and the trunks, which would have made matters worse instead of better. Just then Marco saw his cousin Forester leaning against a sort of pillar which supported the upper deck. His countenance wore a very quiet and composed expression. Marco ran up to him and exclaimed, " Cousin Forester, we ve got into the wrong boat." I know it," said Forester, coolly. 22 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester s composure. His reasoning. " Well, what shall we do ?" said Marco, in the greatest perturbation. " Don t you know what it is best to do ?" asked Forester. " No," said Marco, " I am sure I don t." " Then I advise you not to be in such a hurry and flurry," said Forester. " The time to be in a hurry, is when we know exactly what to do, and have but a short time to do it. When we don t know what to do, we ought to cairn THE WRONG BOAT. 23 Various plans. Forester is amused ; Marco displeased. and compose ourselves, and take time to think." " Why, if we were only ashore," said Marco, " we would go back, and find the right boat to go to Albany." " But we are not on shore," said Forester, " and we can t get on shore ; so that supposition does not help us any." " Why, the captain would put us back," said Marco, " I ve no doubt, if you would only ask him." " Perhaps he would," replied Forester, " but I m only a feeble old man, you know, traveling under your care. You must go and ask him, if you want him to put us ashore." Here For- ester laughed aloud, at the ludicrous predica ment which Marco had got into. As for Marco, he tried to look grave, but he could not entirely suppress a smile which struggled to appear upon his countenance. " I don t think it is any laughing occasion, myself," said Marco, after a pause. " Besides, I supposed that if we got into any serious diffi culty, you would help me out of it." " So I would," said Forester, " but I don t conceive that you have got into any serious difficulty yet. We may as well go to Vermont 24 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester speaks of the armory. Manufacturing muskets. by the way of New Haven and Hartford, as any other way. You see we can go up from Hart ford to Springfield, and there we can take the railroad to Boston. There will be one greal advantage in taking this route, for we can visit the great national armory at Springfield." " What is that ?" asked Marco. " Why, at Springfield/ said Forester, " the government of the United States have a great establishment for manufacturing muskets for the national troops, and it is a very curious and interesting place to visit." " What can we see there ?" asked Marco. " O, all the processes in manufacturing mus kets," said Forester. " The first is the work of the great trip-hammer, which goes by water, and forges out the iron plates, which the mus kets are made from. These plates are bent round over a long iron rod, and welded, and thus the barrels are made. Then these barrels are bored by various machinery, and the out side surfaces turned. Then the forging and grinding of the bayonets is very interesting." " I shouldn t think there would be any thing very interesting in grinding," said Marco. " There is," said Forester. " Grinding an axe on a hand grind-stone is not a very wonderful THE WRONG BOAT. 25 Forester s descriptions. The deaf and dumb boy. process, to be sure, but in these large estab lishments, where they grind on such a great scale, the enormous stones, and the speed with which they revolve, and the streams of sparks which fly out, strike you with wonder." " Yes," said Marco, " I should like to see them." " Then there is a great deal that is curious in the making of the locks," said Forester ; " the forging out all the small parts, and filing and polishing them, and then the putting of them together. You will be very much interested, I ve no doubt." " Well," said Marco, " I don t care much about our getting in to the wrong boat." So he went away from Forester, intending to go up upon the upper deck again. He came back, however, a moment, to tell Forester that there was a deaf and dumb boy on the deck above. " Where is he going ?" said Forester. " To Hartford," said Marco. " Very likely he is going to the asylum," said Forester. " What asylum ?" asked Marco. " Why, there is an asylum," replied Forester, " in Hartford, where the deaf and dumb go from 26 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The manual alphabet. Marco learns it. all parts of the country, to learn to read and write." " Yes/ said Marco, " he can write. He has a slate." " Then I have no doubt," said Forester, " that he is a pupil of the asylum at Hartford. You had better get him to tell you about that establishment, and ask him to teach you the manual alphabet." " What is the manual alphabet ?" asked Marco. So Forester explained to Marco that the manual alphabet was a mode of representing the letters of the alphabet by the fingers of the hand, and that those who understood that al phabet could talk, by means of it, with the edu cated deaf and dumb. Marco was very much interested in this idea, and he returned to the upper deck, and sat an hour with Erskine, learning the manual alpha bet, and writing in dialogue with him, on his slate. They were once interrupted in their occu pations, by a colored man, who went about the decks, ringing a great bell, and calling out to all who had not paid their fare, to call at the captain s office and settle. Whereupon Marco left Erskine for a short time, while he went to THE WRONG BOAT. 27 Summons to pay the fare. Two tickets. the window of the captain s office, on the lower deck, and after waiting there some minutes among the crowd, until his turn came, he took two tickets for Hartford, one for himself, and one for Forester. 28 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Situation of Hartford and Springfield. Great freshet. CHAPTER II. THE FLOOD. THE two travelers arrived safely at New Haven, where, on leaving the steamboat, they entered a train of cars, and proceeded im mediately to Hartford. Hartford is on the Connecticut river, and Springfield is on the same river, about twenty-three miles above. The travelers expected to have gone up the river that afternoon, by a small steamboat, which Forester told Marco was accustomed to ply between Hartford and Springfield, but when they reached Hartford, they were told that there was no boat. Marco went to the bar of the United States Hotel the house to which he had taken Forester on his arrival, in order to inquire the reason. The clerk told him that there was a great freshet on the river, and that the boat had not been able to get down. Marco went with this intelligence to Forester, who was reading the Boston newspp pers in the gentlemen s parlor. " I don t see why a flood on the river should THE FLOOD. 29 Effects of the freshet. Boat kept back. How. keep the steamboat from coming down," said Forester. " That is the reason, I know," said Marco, " for they told me so at the bar. Perhaps it is because the water runs too swiftly." " That might prevent the boat from going up/ said Forester, " but I don t see how it could keep it from coming down. I should think it would come down all the faster." " Perhaps the flood brings down ice and logs, so that the boat can t get along," rejoined Marco. " I don t think that is a very probable expla nation," said Forester. " It is much more likely that there is some mistake in your informa tion." Marco felt a little piqued at having his infor mation thus called in question, and he went back to the bar to inquire how a freshet could keep the boat from coming down. They told him that there was a bridge across the river, some distance above, and that the boat could not get under it when the water was high. This seemed very satisfactory, and Marco went back with the explanation to Forester, who seemed satis fied with it too. It was late in the afternoon when they ar- 30 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The cupola of the state-house. The inundation. rived at Hartford, and although it was very pleasant when they left New York, yet the sky had become overcast during the day, and now it began to rain. Marco, however, was very eager to go out after dinner, to see the flood, and Forester concluded to go with him. It was so late when they arrived, and the evening came on so early, that it was not until just be fore dark that they got ready to go out. They first went to the state-house, in order to ascend to the cupola, to take a view of the flood from that elevation. The state-house at Hartford is in the midst of the city, and a broad street de scends from it to the river. Forester and Mar co went up by various flights of stairs, until, at last, they reached the summit, where they had a grand view of the city, and also of the river, which seemed expanded into a vast sea, that spread over the whole valley, with groves, farm-houses, orchards, and even the buildings of the city itself rising out of the water. After looking upon this scene for some time, they descended again, and followed the street down toward the bank of the river. But long before they reached the bank, they found the streets filled with water. Barrels and boxes were floating about, piles of merchandise, which THE FLOOD. 31 Goods afloat. The coach. Streets overflowed. had been taken out of submerged cellars, were arranged along on the sidewalks, where they were out of the reach of the water, and men were busily at work, getting other goods into places of safety. By this time, however, it be came dark, and the wind and rain seemed to be increasing ; so Forester and Marco returned to the hotel, anticipating much pleasure in taking a walk in the morning, when they could exam ine the effects of the flood to better advantage. They were called the next morning at six o clock, and were told that the boat had come, and was going to start at seven for Springfield. So they dressed themselves with all speed, and hastened down to breakfast. They had hardly time to finish their breakfast, when the coach was at the door to take them to the boat. They got in, and after riding through several streets, descending continually toward the water, Mar co, who had his head out of the window all the time, looking forward, said, " Cousin Forester, look here, the street is all full of water. We can t go but a very little farther." Marco expected that as soon as the carriage had gone as far as it could go on the firm pave ment, it would stop at the brink of the water, 32 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The skiff. Marco perplexed. Deep water. and that some other plan would be adopted for conveying them to the steamboat. What that plan would be, he could not at first imagine ; but in a moment there suddenly glided into view a little skiff, that came down the street that crossed the one in which they were riding, at right angles to it, at some distance before them. The skiff came into view from behind a block of brick buildings, which formed a corner of the street, and passing across the street which Marco was in, kept on, and soon disap peared. There was a man in it, rowing. " He ought to come," said Marco, " with his skiff, and take us along." By this time the horses had reached the brink of the water ; but, to Marco s surprise, they did not stop, but advanced slowly into it, drawing the coach after them. The water grew deeper and deeper, until, at length, the horses were up to their knees. At some distance before him, at the extremity of the street, Marco could see the end of the bridge which led across the riv er; but he saw no steamboat. However, it was some relief to Marco to see the bridge, as that promised to be, at least, the termination of their ride ; for he did not at all like navigating such deep water in a carriage. The water, THE FLOOD. 33 The embarkation. Paddle-wheels. The boat. however, did not grow any deeper, and pres ently, just, before they had reached the bridge, it began to grow shallower, and soon the car riage stopped at a place where there was a small piece of dry land, big enough for them to stand upon. Here the little steamboat came in sight too, which was to take them up the river. By scrambling along through a store, and over planks, and along the edges of piers, they suc ceeded, at length, in getting on board. There were some ladies in the coach, and they, with the gentlemen who had charge of them, when they had got on board of the boat, went down into the ladies cabin. The steam boat was very small. It had a great paddle- wheel at the stern, and two small ones at the sides, one at each side. " These last/ Forester said, " he supposed must be to aid in steering." The boat reminded Marco of the canal-boats, which he had seen on Erie canal. It was simi lar in construction to those boats, though larger. It had, like a canal-boat, a small forecastle, which was below the level of the main decks, and very near the water. From this forecastle. Forester and Marco went down into a little cabin, which was, of course, near the bows. The ladies cabin was toward the stern. In the 34 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. I l " clelugj of waters. Forester s explanations, cabin, they were sheltered from the wind and rain, but they did not remain there long, as they wished to look about, and observe the eii eets oi" the flood, and the strange aspect which was given to the whole surrounding scenery, by such a deluge of waters. " All this," said Forester, " comes from the melting of the snows, away up among the mountains. I should think that Hartford might be about at the place where the height of the waters would be a maximum." " I don t understand what you mean by that," said Marco. " Why, you will see, by reflection," said For ester, " that up near the sources of a river, there never can be a very high flood, for the streams are all small, and they descend rapidly down the sides of the mountains, and thus the water runs oft fast, making a torrent rather than a flood. These small streams join together, and other branches come in from each side, and thus the river is formed ; and when it gels upon lower land, where it is more level, so that the water can not run off* so quick, it rises higher, and spreads over the meadows on each side. The great body of water moves on slowly now, and is increased by every branch which comes T HE F L U u D. 3rt General movc-muiii oi a d..v.:ge of water. in from each side, until the height of the water reaches the maximum, that is, the greatest." " Why does it not keep on increasing all the way to the sea ?" said Marco. Because." replied Forester, " when it gets within the influence of the sea, the water flows out freely into the sea, and spreads off over the ocean. A flood in a river is sometimes twenty or thirty feet above the common level of the water ; now if it were to be so near the sea, there would be a steep descent from the river to the sea, of twenty or thirty feet, which you see could not be. For the water, when it gets near the sea, presses down from the river by its weight, and spreads out into the sea so rapidly as to keep the water down for many miles back from the mouth of the river. Thus, if ar bird were to begin in the mountains, when a great fall of rain was taking place, and follow the flood down, she would find it increasing, and be coming higher and higher as it advanced, until it reached the level plains, and it would go on, inundating them more and more, and spreading out over intervales and meadows ; until at last, like a great wave which had begun to spend it self, it would appear not to rise quite so high, though it would still keep advancing ; and thus, 36 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. A freshet near the mouth of a river. if she was a reasonable bird, she would know that the water was coming under the influence of the sea. After this, the freshet would seem less and less high as it advanced, until it reached the mouth of the river, where it would scarcely produce any perceptible effect at all." " Then there can not be any freshet at the mouth of the river," said Marco. " No," replied Forester, " there can be none caused by floods coming down the river. Some times, however, a storm at sea, when the wind blows in toward the shore, raises the water several feet, and makes a sort of inundation, in that way, though it seldom rises more than four or five feet above high tide." By this time the men began to push off the boat from the pier, and the great paddle-wheel at the stern of the boat began to revolve, and they swept out into the stream. They were just above the great wooden bridge, which stretches across the Connecticut, at Hartford. Marco saw that the water was up to within a foot or two of the floor of the bridge, and some <>f the men said that it was very fortunate that there was no ice running. " Why ?" asked Marco. " Because," replied the man, " it would soon THE FLOOD. 37 The forecastle. Marco nearly loses his umbrella. make a jam above the bridge, and carry it away." Marco observed that the water was turbid, and its surface was strongly agitated by whirl pools and eddies. Marco went forward, and took his place upon the forecastle. The wind was north-east, and thus was almost against them, and it blew the cold rain into Marco s face. He attempted to hoist his umbrella, but a sudden gust of wind caught it out of his hands, and swept it along the upper deck. Marco scrambled up the steps, and ran after it. It lodged, very fortunately, under the bows of a little skiff which had been placed upon the deck in order to be taken up the river. If it had gone over into the water, it would have been irrecoverably lost, as it would not have been worth while to detain the boat for it. When Marco got his umbrella, he went back to his station again, but when he opened it this time, he was careful to hold it in such a manner that the wind could not get under it again. He then peeped out from beneath it. to survey the wide waste of waters, which extended as far as he could see, on either hand. The ordinary course of the river itself was entirely undistin- guishable, and instead of it, there was a broad . ty T H E S P R I X <"i F I E L D A 11 M Oil V. Melancholy spectacle. Whole country under we,te> j . sea of turbid water, agitated by the wind and by whirling eddies, and spreading over fields, farms, villages, orchards, extending, at the extremity of the view, far in, under the trees of the forests. It was a melancholy sight to see the farm houses, some with the water up above the floor or even to the windows ; and others standing on- a little spot of ground, which the water seemed just ready to cover, with the family at the door, gazing at the unexpected spectacle of a steamboat going across their mowing-fields ; for the water being deep enough everywhere, the boat was not required to confine itself to the ordinary channel of the river, but made a straight course, over fields, fences, yards, and gardens. Once or twice, Marco perceived that they were flroing through an orchard. The tops of the apple-trees were about half out of the water. Marco thought that if it were only the right season, they could get some apples ; but, as it was, the trees were leafless and bare. At some of the farm-houses, men were busy, securing their goods and furniture ; at others, they were gliding about in skiffs ; and in one case, Marco saw a man and his boy going out to the barn, T il E FLO O D. The raft made of barn doors. Rapids. to take care of the cattle, on a raft made of the barn doors. About half-way between Hartford and Spring- field there is a fall, or rather a rapid, through which boats can not go either up or down. They can not go up, because, even when the water is deep enough, they can not stem the current ; and they can not come down, because the current would sweep them along too swiftly, and dash them against the rocks on the shore. 40 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. A village under water. A canal had accordingly been made around this fall, in order to take the boats up, or let them gently down, by means of locks, in the manner explained in " Marco Paul on the Erie Canal.* This canal was, however, now submerged, and the steamboat had to stop below it, at a little village called the Point, from whence the pas sengers were to be taken the rest of the way by stage. When they arrived at this village, the ooat sailed along in front of the principal street, and then turned into another at right angles to it, in which the tavern was situated. The helmsman brought the boat up to the piazza of the hotel, as if it were a wharf. The passen gers stepped out upon the piazza. It was cov ered with people of the village, who had col lected there, to witness the spectacle of a steamboat corning up to a tavern door. The tavern was entirely surrounded by water, and from the piazza, there was a view of a large part of the village, with the streets, yards, and gardens entirely submerged. Barrels, boxes, and planks were floating about. The people that had assembled stood upon the steps of the platform, observing the scene. First, a wheel barrow came slowly drifting into the tavern yard ; then a boy on a raft made of two planks. T ii E FLO o 41 Various spectacles. Then a little boat glided by, full of children, going home from school. There was a bridge, made of a line of planks, leading across from the platform to the land behind the tavern. The ends of the planks were supported by horseblocks, for piers. Marco ran back and forth across this bridge several times, until, at length, the stage coaches which were to take the travelers to Spring field were ready. These stage coach es were backed down through theEj water, to the steps * of the piazza, and the baggage was put on. The stages were then driven out to dry land, the passengers went, one by one, over tne long plank bridge, took their seats, and thus they all proceeded to Springfield. STAGE IX I 42 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Arrival at Springfield. Buildings of the armory. CHAPTER III. THE WATER SHOPS. ON the morning after Forester and Marco arrived at Springfield, they sallied forth from their hotel, to see the works of the armory. The village of Springfield is one of the most beautiful villages of New England. The busi ness part of it lays along the bank of the Con necticut, on a sort of plain ; and from this plain streets ascend to a tract of more elevated land behind it, which is covered in every direction with handsome villas overlooking the village and the river, and the broad and beautiful val ley of the Connecticut. The principal buildings of the armory are situated upon another plain, which extends back from this elevated land, at the distance of per haps half a mile from the river. The buildings are very large and handsome, and are arranged around the sides of a spacious square, which is ornamented with walks and rows of trees. Marco thought that the whole looked like a col lege. There was one edifice in the center of THE WATER SHOPS. 43 Residences. Water shops. the principal front of the square, which had a cupola upon it, as if it were a chapel. Forester told Marco that that was the office and count ing-house. The other buildings were shops and storehouses, though Marco thought that they were very splendid buildings to be used for such purposes. On one side was a long row of houses, which were used for the residences of officers and others connected with the ar mory. From this central square, streets di verged in every direction over the plain. These streets were bordered with smal], but very neat and pleasant houses built for the workmen. The houses were ornamented with trees and shrubbery, and surrounded with pleasant yards and gardens. The whole scene presented, on every side, a very pleasant prospect to the view. After looking at it for some time, Marco pro posed going into some of the buildings, but Forester said that he thought it would be better to go first to the water shops. " What are the water shops ?" asked Marco. " Why, you must understand," said Forester, " that in making a musket, there is a great deal of light work to be done, and also a great deal of heavv work, and this last can be done best 44 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The mill stream. Forging the barrels. by the help of machinery. Now there is a little stream, south of Springfield, which runs into the Connecticut, just below the town. So they have built three dams across this stream, and built shops near the dams, with water-wheels under them to be carried by the water. Here they do all the rough and heavy work which is required." " What is the rough and heavy work ?" asked Marco. "Forging the barrels is one thing," said For ester ; " that is very heavy work." " I don t see how they can forge the barrels," said Marco. " They couldn t make them round, nor hollow ; if they were to strike upon them when they are hot, it would flatten them in. So I think they must make them in some other way." "No," said Forester ; " they forge them with heavy trip-hammers, as you will see. They have peculiar contrivances to keep them hol low, and to make them round." " Well," said Marco, " and what other heavy work is there ?" " The grinding and polishing is heavy work/ said Forester. " The grinding," said Marco, " but not the THE WATER SHOPS. 45 The wheels. Rapid revolutions. Milling. polishing. The polishing must be very nice work." " It may be nice work, but still it requires heavy machinery to do it," rejoined Forester. " For polishing is done by means of wheels, which are made to revolve with prodigious ve locity, and then the things to be polished are held against the circumference of them. Now it is not heavy work to hold the article against the wheel, but to make the wheel revolve so very rapidly, requires heavy power in the ma chinery." " How fast do the wheels revolve ?" asked Marco. " I don t know," said Forester, " we can ask the workmen, when we come to the polishing rooms. At any rate, it is a great many times in a second, and it requires a water power and machinery, to turn wheels so fast. Then there is the boring, and the turning, and" the milling." " What is the milling ?" asked Marco. " Why, in some cases," said Forester, " in stead of finishing the work with files, they cut it down to its proper form by wheels of steel, with teeth like those of a file, cut upon them. These wheels are made to revolve very swiftly, and the iron or brass is made to bear against 40 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Finishing. Marco and Forester cross the plain. them, and also to move along at the same time, and so it is cut down to the exact shape re quired." " Why don t they hammer it into the right shape in the first place ?" asked Marco. " They can t hammer it into precisely the right shape," said Forester ; " and, besides, the surface which is left by the hammer is not per fectly sound. There are small flaws and scales in it, so that the metal must be cut away a little, to come down to where it is sound. So they forge it to pretty nearly the proper shape, leav ing it a little too large, and then mill it clown to the precise form, or else file it, if the shape is so irregular that it can t be milled." While Forester and Marco had been engaged o o in this conversation, they had been slowly walk ing along in the direction which Forester said led to the water shops. The road which they took was straight, and it traversed the plain, which has already been spoken of, in a southerly direction. It was bordered, for a part of the way, with the neat and pleasant-looking houses of the armory workmen, and beyond these there were extensive fields, traversed by various roads, the view being terminated in the distance by occasional glimpses of the great valley of the THE WATER SHOPS. 47 Mt. Holyoke. Valley of the Connecticut. Ascending. Connecticut, with the mountains beyond. There was one round summit off at the north, which Forester told Marco was the famous Mount Holyoke, near Northampton. " What is it famed for ?" asked Marco. " For the prospect which you can have from the top of it," said Forester. " The mountain is close to the Connecticut river, and rises ab ruptly from the valley, so that, from the sum mit, you look down upon one of the most rich, and verdant, and populous regions of the land, covered with farms, fields, villages, and verdant meadows, and with the Connecticut winding beautifully through the whole. It is very dif ferent from most mountains in this respect." " Why, how is it with other mountains ?" asked Marco. " They are surrounded generally," said For ester, "by lower mountains and hills, or, at least, they rise out of a rough or mountainous country ; so that the transition is gradual from the level a-nd fertile land to the high elevations. But Mt. Holyoke rises abruptly from the midst of one of the richest scenes in the land ; you can ride in your carriage so near to it that the remaining ascent is only going up stairs." " Have they really got stairs ?" said Marco. 48 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Descent into the valley. " Yes/ replied Forester ; " a kind of rude stairs, made of stones or of logs, placed across the way." " I should like very much to go to Mt. Holy- oke," said Marco. " I have a great mind to go that way." " It is not the right season of the year," said Forester, " to enjoy the excursion. We want the month of June." By this time they had arrived at the end of the plain, and they began to descend, by a wind ing road, into the valley where the water shops were situated. It was a beautiful glen, shaded by trees, with the mill stream flowing through the center of it. There was a road, leading up and down the valley, on each side of the stream, and, at the point where they came to it, there was a bridge across it, connecting one of these roads with the other. Above the bridge was a dam of handsome mason work, with various flumes for conveying the water. There were also some large and handsome shops, on each side of the stream, with torrents of water pouring out from be neath them, indicating that they contained ma chinery which was carried by water. Marco was much pleased with the view. T [J K \V A T EK Sit Ol ri. 49 THE TVATT.P., SHOPS. Forester told Marco that there were three water shops on the stream, about half a mile apart, and that this was the middle one. ; I shouldn t think that they would wish to have them so far apart," said Marco. " It is probably on account of the stream," said Forester. " They have to put their shops where they can get a good fall of water, and it happens, I suppose, that the falls on this stream are at that distance from each other. They 50 THE SPRING r 1 1<: L u A it vi u i; v. Minimum power. Forester s illustration. build a dam on each fall, and construct works to employ the whole power that they obtain there, that is, the whole minimam power/ "What is the minimum power?" asked Forester. " All the power which they can have con stantly in use, all the year round," replied For ester. " A stream of water is not constant, you know. After rains, it is much greater than af ter a drought. Now suppose there was a brook with water enough, in midsummer, to turn a large grindstone, and no more ; of course, the brook could turn that grindstone all the year, and that would be all it could do, unless there was a basin above the dam, which would retain the water after a rain, and deliver it out after ward, in drought, so as to give a greater power than the stream alone would give. Perhaps, in this way, with the help of a reservoir of water, the brook would carry two such grindstones all the year round. This would, then, be its min imum power. But for onehalf the year, that is, all through the spring and fall months, there would probably be twice as much water ; so that, during that time, it would carry four grind stones. Thus, when people speak of the mini mum power of a stream being all employed, T H K W A T E R SlfOP S. 5 1 S;i\v-miils. Marco s ideas. they mean all the power which it can exert, steadily and constantly, all the year round. Then, above that, there is a considerable power which may be used at certain seasons, if it is worth while to construct the machinery to em ploy it." " And is it worth while, generally ?" said Marco. "Yes, "said Forester, "though that depends somewhat on the nature of the business. For instance, in saw-mills, they can run one saw during the summer months, using the minimum power ; and then, when the stream swells, in the spring and fall, they can set more saws a- going. thus employing the surplus power. Still it is a disadvantage to have a great surplus pow er. It is much better to have the stream steady all the year round." " Yes," said Marco, " that is plain enough." "True," replied Forester, " but all the rea sons for it are not very plain." " Why, they can keep their works a-going all the time," said Marco. " Yes ; but why wouldn t it do as well," said Forester. " to keep twice as many works going half the time ?" 52 T II K S P KING F I K L L) A R M O (< V, Forester s reasoning. Drought. Torrents. " Why , I don t know," said Marco, hes itatingly. " Because," replied Forester, " it would take twice as great an investment of money to con struct the works. Two saws, running six months each, would saw as many logs as one running a year ; but then it would cost twice as much to put them up with all the necessa ry machinery ; and then it would take twice as many men to work them, and these men would have to be dismissed for six months in the year, and go away, and seek other employments. This would be inconvenient, and attended with increased expense. " There is a very great difference in different streams," continued Forester, "in respect to their steadiness. Some streams are pretty nearly the same all the year. They are not much increased by rains, or diminished by droughts. Others are very small in mid summer, and then, in the spring, or after long rains, they are torrents, capable of carrying ten, or even a hundred times as much machinery as their minimum power would carry. Though it sometimes happens that, in such streams, the water-wheels, which must be adapted in their construction and position to the ordinary flow THE WATER SHOPS. 53 Freshets. Sources of streams. Pouds. of the water, are all submerged and over whelmed when the water is very high, and so stopped entirely ; or the dams are undermined, or torn up, and the mills themselves carried away." " I don t see why there should be any such difference in the streams," said Marco ; " I should think they would all have freshets after the rains." There is a vast difference," said Forester. " It depends upon the source of the water which supplies the stream. There are three kinds of streams, in respect to the source of their waters; or, rather, there are three different sources from which the water of brooks and streams is sup plied, ponds, springs, and rain. A brook may flow out of a pond, or it may arise from springs, or it may proceed from rains, which fall upon a valley, and run down through the lowest part of it. Now a stream that comes from a pond does not rise and fall very much, because the pond keeps, at almost all times, near the same level. The water which falls upon it, in rain, spreads over so great a surface, that it does not raise it more than a few inches, generally, and, of course, the stream flowing from it rises only in proportion. It is <o with streams which come M THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The valley. from springs, or great swamps, which are full of springs. But where a stream comes from a great valley, extending many miles, so as to catch and drain off all the water which falls on the valley, you see it must necessarily become a furious torrent in the spring, when the snow is melting over the whole valley, or after a pow erful rain. It is the same with streams that descend in ravines and glens down the declivi ties of the mountains." ." Yes," said Marco. " I never thought of that difference in the brooks before." While this conversation had been going for ward, Marco and Forester had come down into the valley, arid had been walking up and down under rows of trees, which had been planted on the banks of the stream, admiring the beauty of the prospect. They now turned their steps to ward one of the great shops, where they heard a loud sound, as of heavy machinery in motion, and Forester opening the door, they both went in. FORGING. 55 Forges. Arrangement of the machinery. CHAPTER IV, FORGING. THE room which Forester and Marco had entered was a very large apartment on the ground floor, and not well lighted, except by the blazing fires of the forges. There were rows of forges extending through the whole length of the room, all glowing with the intense heat of anthracite fires, urged by bellows which were carried by water. Connected with each forge was a great trip-hammer. A trip-hammer is an enormous hammer, worked by water. The handle is a beam of wood, perhaps ten feet long. This handle moves on an axle near the end of it. The end of the handle projects a short dis tance beyond the axle on which it turns, and is armed at the extremity with iron, and beyond it is a wheel with projecting cogs or pins of iron, which strike against the end of the handle, as the wheel turns round, and drive it down, and this makes the head of the hammer rise up. Then, when the cog in the wheel, which had struck against the end of the handle, slips by, it 56 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Cogs. Trip-hammers. lets the end of the handle up, and the head of the hammer of course falls down upon the an vil, or rather upon the work placed upon the anvil to be forged. There is one thing more, which it is very im portant to observe, in respect to the operation of the trip-hammer, and that is, that when the wheel containing the cogs, revolves fast, it throws the hammer up so violently as to spring the beam of wood which forms the handle, and the head is then brought back again to the an vil, by the elastic return of the handle to its position, with great force. Persons that do not understand the operation of the trip-hammer, are often surprised to see the head of it not so large, in proportion to the other parts, as they had expected to see it. They think that if the head w,ere heavier it would descend with more force, and do more work. This would be the case, no doubt, if it were by the simple weight of the head that the work was done. But it is riot. It is by the elastic force of the handle, which brings down the head to the anvil with great power, after being violently thrown up by the cog behind, just as the effect of the common hand hammer, in a blacksmith s shop, is due not so much to the weight of the iron in the head PURGING. 57 Operation oi tiio machinery. Red-hot gun-barrel. of the hammer, as to the force of the arm which wields it. Each of the trip-hammers, connected with the forges, were so connected with machinery, that they could be made to go very swiftly, or be entirely stopped. While the iron to be forged was in the furnace, heating, the trip-hammer remained at rest, but when the men wanted to use it, they could set it in motion, fast or slow, according to the work which they wished to do. Now when Marco and Forester came into the building, the workmen at some of the forges were heating the irons ; at others, they were hammering quickly, and at others slowly ; and every moment Marco observed a long, red-hot gun-barrel, drawn out of a furnace, and pushed under a trip-hammer, and then, by some move ment of the workmen, the hammer would sud denly begin its blows, with the greatest rapidity and force, throwing the sparks about in every direction, and filling the whole place with a deafening din. Then, after a few minutes-, by some other movement of the workmen, the hammer would be made to cease its rapid movements, and to strike more slowly. Pres ently, it would cease altogether, and the iron would then be drawn out from under it, and put 58 T HE S I R I N G F I E L D A R .M O R V. Noise of the (rip-hammers. back into the fire to be heated again. Every time one of the trip-hammers was thus set in motion, it produced a rapid succession of loud reports, like a discharge of musketry ; and these volleys of sound were continually breaking out over the great apartment, as the men happened to get the barrels heated at the several forges. After standing a few minutes, and looking at the general scene, Forester and Marco drew up to one of the forges, to examine the process in detail. iHE FOUGrJ.M FORGING. 59 Observations. The anvils. Talking loud. They found that the barrels were made of flat bars of iron, bent over lengthwise around a rod, which kept them hollow. When one of these bars had been thus bent, so that the two edges would lap over each other, it was put into the furnace, and heated very hot, and when all ready, it was drawn suddenly out, and slipped under the trip-hammer. The anvil had a groove in it of a cylindrical form, and the hammer had another one corresponding to it, so that it a finished barrel were placed between them, it would just fit into the space -left by the two grooves when the head of the hammer and the anvil came together. There was such a continual succession of loud sounds made by the trip-hammers all around them, that Forester had to put his mouth close to Marco s ear, and talk very loud, in order to be heard. Speaking in this manner, he said, " Now you see, Marco, how they avoid the two difficulties which you apprehended. They keep the barrel hollow, by having a rod inside, and they keep the outside round, by having a crroove in the anvil and in the hammer." O Yes, said Marco, ;< I see. I did not think of those plans. 00 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Process of forging a barrel. Just then, one of the men at the forge nearest them, was drawing out a barrel from the fur nace, which was of a very intense heat. It was almost white. Forester called Marco to stand back a little, lest the sparks should fly upon his clothes. The man pushed the barrel back again, to heat it hotter still. It was, however, only the half which was in the furnace, which was hot. The other end the man kept cool, by wetting it constantly with cold water. He wished to keep that end cool, in order that he might take hold of it, without burning himself. The end which was hot was the biggest end of the barrel. In a moment more, he drew the barrel out again, and then struck it down upon an iron plate upon the floor, with great force, two or three times, to square the end. He then run it under the trip-hammer, slipping the rod into it at the same time. The rod thus entering into the hollow of the barrel, kept the hammer from closing up the bore. There was a sort of pole hanging down as a handle from one part of the frame of the trip-hammer, and another man was standing near it. When the hot bar was in its place under the hammer, this man pulled down the pole, and immediately the trip-hammer began I 1 o it (i I \ T ( .. 01 Command of the trip-hammer. Working of it. its blows upon the iron, while the workman who held it turned it round and round continually, that it might be struck successively on all sides. Thus he worked the iron into a very round and smooth form, and then the pole was pushed up, and the trip-hammer stopped. As the other end of the barrel had been served in the same man ner before, the whole was now finished, and the man put it upon a rack, with a great many others which had been made before. By this time there was another barrel ready at the next forge, which was in a different stage of its progress, from the one last described. One half of it had been nearly finished, but at the other end the edges of the barrel had not o oeen welded together. They had been brought round over the rod, but had not been joined. Marco looked on while the workman heated the unfinished end and then placed it under the hammer. The heavy blows soon brought the edges together, and joined them around the rod, so as to give the work the form of a gun-barrel throughout. Marco saw that when the work man wanted the hammer to strike slowly, he could regulate its motion, in some way, by put ting his foot upon a projecting bar of wood, close T H i: S [> i; i x c r i i: i. u A n AT < > u v. View of the strouni. to the floor, upon one side of the anvil ; or, if he wished, he could stop it entirely. After this, Forester and Marco sauntered slowly through the room, looking at the various forges. There were great heaps of coal near them, and men were wheeling in fresh supplies over the stone floor. There were troughs of water at each forge, with a little stream from the mouth of a lead pipe running into each, which kept them constantly full. The fires in the forges were very hot, being kept up by a steady blast of wind from some unseen bellows. After spending as much time as they wished in this building, Forester and Marco came out, and went across the stream by a bridge. They stopped upon the bridge, and looked over into the stream. The water was pouring along, in a tumultuous manner, between the walls of masonry which formed the buildings or the banks on each side. " Now," here is a stream," said Forester, which I should think was pretty uniform and steady." " Why," said Marco, " how can you tell ?" " I can tell by the looks of the water." " It seems to me very strange," said Marco, "that vou can tell by the looks of the water in FORG ING. 63 Discussion between Marco and Forester. a brook, whether it comes from a pond, or springs, or a great valley." " I could not tell," rejoined Forester, " except at such a time as this, that is, just after a fresh et in every stream capable of a freshet. Now, look for yourself into this water," continued Forester, " and see if you observe any differ ence between -this and the water of the Con necticut." " Only that the water of the Connecticut is muddy now," said Marco. " And how is this ?" said Forester. " This is clear," said Marco ; " only it is of a dark color." Very well, and what do you suppose is the reason why the Connecticut is so turbid now ?" asked Forester. " Because of the freshet," said Marco. "But why should the freshet make it tur bid?" > " Why, I don t know exactly," said Marco. "The reason is," said Forester, "that the freshet is produced by rains and melting snows, from a vast surface of ground, and from sucR a surface the water washes all the loose soil and light particles which come in its way, into the river. So that the water of a flood, produced ! T n i; S ! ii i N <; ] i K j, D A K M o K v iviiins. Clear water. Dark water. Turbid water. by rains falling over an extensive valley, is al ways turbid. When, therefore, I see such a mass of turbid water as is now flowing through the Connecticut, I judge it is water which has come from the rains and snows of an extensive valley. But when I see a stream bring down only clear water like this, after such rains and thaws as we have had, I conclude that it does not come from the draining of an extensive sur face of land, but from a pond, or else from springs." " And can you tell from the looks of the wa ter, whether it comes from a pond or from springs ?" asked Marco. " Why, the water is pretty dark," said For ester. " And what does that indicate ?" asked Marco. " It indicates," replied Forester, " that the stream comes from springs, and swamps which are fed by springs. The way in which swamps are formed, is this. When springs arise in flat land, or in any places where the water can not run off as fast as it issues from the ground, it spreads over the surface, and keeps it wet. Then all the plants which grow on dry land arc- killed, and none but aquatic plants will grow. FORGING. 65 Formation of swamps. Cause of the color. And these aquatic plants, when they die, do not decay. The water preserves them, and other plants grow above them. The leaves, too, and branches, and trunks of trees, which fall in, are covered with moss, and aquatic plants, and wa ter, and are thus preserved ; and in this manner a great depth of vegetable substances is formed in process of time, the water ^ssuing continu ally from the ground, of a dark color as you see it in this stream." " Yes," replied Marco, " I see it is, and I have often observed it so in other brooks." " But the water which comes from ponds has generally but little color," said Forester. " What makes it so dark when it comes from swamps ?" asked Marco. " I do not know," replied Forester, " unless it be that the plants and the various vegetables remains, half decayed, which lie soaking in the swamp, color it." Just at this moment, a man appeared, com ing out of a shop on one side of the stream, with some curious-looking piece of machinery in his hand, and he advanced toward the bridge, as if he were going to cross it. "Ask him," said Marco, "if this stream rises much, in times of freshet." 66 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The workman. Back water. Explanation, Forester said that he would, and according ly, when the man had come opposite to them, Forester accosted him, by saying, " The freshet does not appear to affect your works much on this stream." " No, sir/ replied the workman, " it never does." " What is the reason ?" asked Forester. " Why, the stream is fed," replied the man, " almost entirely by large springs, a short dis tance from here, and the rain does not raise it much." " So, then, you are never troubled much with back water," said Forester. " No, sir," replied the man, " not at all." So saying, he passed on. " What do you mean by back water ?" asked Marco. " When the water below the dam," replied Forester, " does not run off fast enough, but flows back against the water-wheel, so as to prevent its being turned round by the current above, it is called back water by millmen. Sometimes, when there is another dam a short distance below, it obstructs the water, so that, in times of freshet, it can not escape fast enough,, and so the upper mill is troubled with back wa FoRG [ NG. 67 forging the plates. The trip-hammers. ter. And even when there is not any other dam, if the natural bed of the stream offers ob struction, or if the descent is not great enough to carry off the water easily, then, when any unusual quantity comes, it makes difficulty. But come, let us go into the next shop/* So Marco and Forester went over into an other shop. Here the workmen were forging out the plates of iron, and flattening down the edges, and then bending the edges over toward one another, ready to be lapped and welded. There were several trip-hammers here, and Marco had a better opportunity to observe the construction of them than in the great forge room. He was surprised to see how perfectly they could regulate the blows, and thus strike slowly and carefully, or quick and strong, at their pleasure. The workmen were exceed ingly accommodating in answering all the ques tions that Marco and Forester asked, and in ex plaining every thing which was going on. They seemed, in fact, to take a pleasure in do ing it. 68 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Brass and cast iron. Gold. CHAPTER V. IRON. ON the walk from the middle water shop to the upper one, Marco asked Forester why they did not make gun-barrels of brass, instead of iron ; he said that they would be handsomer. "I don t know," replied Forester. "They make cannon for field-pieces, of brass, but that is not on account of their beauty, I believe ; perhaps because they can be made lighter and yet of the same strength, when of that materi al ; but iron is always used for musket and pis tol barrels, I believe. I rather think this may be it : iron cannon are always made of cast iron. Now brass may be stronger than cast iron, and yet wrought iron may be stronger than brass. Still this may not be all the rea son. The various metals have so many vari ous properties, that it would require a great deal of study to be acquainted with them all." " I read in a book once/ said Marco, " that iron is really more valuable than gold." " Yes," said Forester, " that is true." IRON. 69 Meaning of valuable. Value of gold. " And that all which makes gold valuable," continued Marco, " was its scarcity." " No," said Forester, " that is not exactly true, All that makes gold more valuable than iron, may be its scarcity." " Yes," said Marco, " perhaps that was it." " There is a great difference between these two statements," said Forester. " And then, besides, there is an ambiguity in the meaning of the word valuable." " Valuable !" repeated Marco ; " I didn t know that there was more than one meaning to that." " What does it mean ?" asked Forester. " It means worth something," replied Marco. " Is water valuable ?" asked Forester. " Why, I don t know," said Marco ; " we couldn t do without it, very well." " No," rejoined Forester, " but still people will not pay any thing for it, generally, for it is so plentiful that they can get it without paying. Thus it has a great value for its intrinsic qual ities, but no market or money value. Now if gold was as plenty as stones in the street, it would be very valuable in the former sense, for it has some qualities which no other metals have, and which are very important." 70 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Steel. Gold, and iron compared. " What are they ?" asked Marco. " Perhaps the most important," replied For ester, " is, that it will not rust, or tarnish, by being exposed to air or water, and it will not be corroded by any common acids. If a drop of vinegar falls upon a knife-blade, it makes a black spot ; and if you cut an apple with a common knife, it blackens it. The acid of the vinegar, or of the apple juice, corrodes the iron." " I thought that knife-blades were made of steel," said Marco. " Yes," replied Forester, " but steel is a prep aration of iron. So if iron is exposed to the air, and especially to water, it rusts, and is soon spoiled ; but gold might remain half a centu ry buried in the ground, without changing, Therefore, if gold were as plentiful as iron, it would be used for a great many things which iron is used for now, simply because iron is so common and cheap." " What are some of the things it would be used for ?" asked Marco. " Why, for every thing," replied Forester, " which did not require any great hardness, such as spoons, fruit knives, handles of doors, knobs, kevs, and all kinds of vessels for use in a IRON. 71 Effect of heat. family, as plates, cups, &c.; also for all kinds of cooking utensils, as kettles, skillets, &c. I presume, too, it would be used for sheathing of ships, or for covering roofs of houses ; and, in fact, for almost all purposes, where particular hardness is not required. Still, on the whole, iron is more useful to men than gold would be, for it has several qualities of a very curious na ture, which admirably fit it for our use. It has, in fact, two sets of useful qualities, which are very distinct from each other. One set relates to the facility of manufacturing it, and the other set to its usefulness when manufactured/ " I believe I know what one of them is," said Marco. " You can hammer it when it is hot." " It undergoes three changes by heat," said Forester, " which are all of great service in manufacturing it. First, it becomes more mal leable and flexible. This is when it is red-hot, If it was as malleable and flexible when cold, as it is when it is red-hot, it would be unfit for most of its present uses. It would bend down, at once, under any load laid upon it, like lead. But, by becoming more malleable and flexible when hot, it can be formed into its proper shape, and the>i. on becoming cold, it resumes all its hardness mid toughness again. It seems as if 72 THE SPRCNGFIELD ARMORY. BritUeness. WeldingT these qualities were given to it expressly for the advantage of man, as we know of no reason why heat should make it flexible and soft, rather than brittle, as it does brass and lead." " Does heat make brass and lead brittle ?" asked Marco. " Yes," replied Forester ; " if you drop a piece of hot brass upon the hearth, it will break to pieces. And didn t you ever observe, when you are casting little anchors of lead, that if you attempt to take the anchor out before the lead is cool, it will break to pieces ?" " No," said Marco, " I never cast any an chors of lead." " That is the way it does work," said Fores ter ; " but iron becomes very malleable and pli able as it grows hot, until, at last, when it is at a white heat, a remarkable effect takes place, which is of great importance. That is, the sur face softens. It does not melt, that is, become liquid, as lead does ; but it softens in a peculiar way, so that, if you put two surfaces together, while they are in this state, and hammer them together, they join perfectly, and make one ho mogeneous mass." " What does homogeneous mean ?" asked Marco. IRON. 73 Importance of the welding property. Steel welded to iron. " All alike," replied Forester, " through the whole substance. The place where the junc tion is formed is just like all the rest of it. This is welding. I believe there is no other metal but iron, that softens in this manner upon the surface, at a great heat, so that two pieces can be joined together. This, you see, is of im mense importance in manufacturing iron, for it is very often necessary to join parts together. They could not make the gun-barrels in the manner they do, if it were not for this welding property of the iron. As it is, they can take a flat bar, wide enough to make a gun-barrel when it is rolled up, and then, by rolling it up so as to have one edge lap well over the other, they can weld it and make it one solid mass. If you look at the barrel when it is ground and polished, you can not find the least indication of any joint where one edge lapped over the other." " And nothing else but iron can be welded, then," said Marco. " Iron and steel," said Forester. " Steel can be welded to steel, or to iron. That is the way they make nearly all cutting tools. The cutting part is made of steel, but the rest of the instru ment is generally made of iron the two parts 74: THE SPRINGFIELD AKMOKY. Fusibility of iron. being made separately, and welded together. Where steel is welded to iron, you can gene rally see a joint, for the two metals are of a lit tle different color. In a common table knife, you can almost always see this mark near the handle, where the steel blade was joined to the iron part, which goes into the handle." "I ll look next time I see one," said Marco. " So in axes, chisels, plane irons, and all such tools," continued Forester, " we can generally see where the steel-cutting part was welded to the iron shank. Then the fusibility of iron is another property of great importance. In a certain state, iron can be melted. They melt it in great furnaces. They mix the iron with wood in putitng it into the furnace, and then blow the fire with monstrous bel lows driven by machinery. When the iron is melted, and has become sufficient ly hot, they draw it off through an open ing in the bottom of the furnace the opening being kept stopped up till the iron is melted. IRON. 75 Casting. Cast iron. When it is ready, they punch the hole open, and the melted iron comes out like a stream of liquid fire." " Where does it run to ?" asked Marco. " Oh, they hold a great ladle under it to catch it. The ladle is supported between two long bars for handles, and is carried by two men. When the ladle is full, they carry away the liquid iron, and pour it into the mold, made ready for it beforehand. When one ladle full is carried away, two men are all ready with another, to put directly under, when the first is taken away, to catch the stream of iron, which keeps running all the time." " Where did you see them cast iron so ?" said Marco. " Oh, I ve often been in foundries," said For ester, " where I ve seen the process." " Why don t they cast gun-barrels ?" said Marco. They would not be strong enough. Cast iron is of a different nature from wrought iron, more brittle ; and, besides, it is apt to have flaws. So that cast iron will not answer where great strength and toughness are required, unless it is in cases where weight is no objection, as, for instance, where the article is not to be much 76 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Cannons of forts. Form of the cannons. moved. Thus, the cannons of forts, which are always stationary, are of cast iron, but, in order to be strong, they have to be made enormously thick and heavy. But muskets, which the sol dier has to carry upon his shoulder, must be made as light as possible. So they use the best wrought iron, and thus the barrels can be made much thinner than if they were of cast iron. You see that a soldier, besides his gun, has to carry his knapsack of clothes, and his powder and ball, and sometimes several days provision ; so that often, when on a march, he is loaded down with almost as great a burden as he can carry. With this, he has to travel through mud and snow, and sometimes through woods and swamps, and thus it becomes necessary to make the musket, and all his equipments, in fact, as light as possible." " What makes them have it bigger at one end than it is at the other ?" said Marco. " So as to have the iron thicker at one end. The bigness at that end is occasioned by the greater thickness of the iron there. The bore is of the same diameter throughout. You see that the chief force of the explosion of the gun powder, is at the breech, where the charge lies. As the ball advances through the barrel, the IRON. 77 Gaaea. Philosophy of explosion. gases expand, sfcd their force diminishes, so that so great strength is not required at the muzzle. Cannon are always cast in the same manner, so as to have the greatest strength and thickness at the part which has to resist the greatest force of the explosion. There are, in fact, two rea sons, why the force of the gunpowder diminishes as the ball moves on toward the muzzle. The first is that the gases expand, and the second is that they cool." " What gases ?" asked Marco. " The gases/ replied Forester, " which are produced by the combustion of the gunpowder. When gunpowder burns, the solid parts, which it is composed of, suddenly combine, and change into gases. Now as the solid gunpowder occu pied much less room than the gases which are formed from it, these gases expand with great force, to get their proper place, and that is what gives the explosive force." " Is that the philosophy of it ?" said Marco. " Yes," said Forester, " in part ; but that does not account for the whole explosive force of gunpowder. For if gunpowder is exploded in a confined space, so that they can collect all the gases which result" 78 THE S P K i N o p i E L D ARMORY. Chemical experiments. Contrivances, " I should think it would blow the confined place all to pieces," interrupted Marco. " Oh, the chemists have a mode of arranging apparatus to prevent that, and to keep the gases from escaping." " How do they do it ?" asked Marco. " They drop the gunpowder, by degrees, that is, a few grains at a time, upon hot iron, per haps the end of a gun-barrel, and then have the other end of the barrel bent, so as to pass under water. Then, as the powder is inflamed and explodes, the gases pass out through the muzzle of the gun-barrel and come up in bubbles through the water." " Yes," said Marco, " but they would get away into the air and be lost." " Not at all," said Forester, " for it would be very easy to have a vessel upside down over the place, to catch all the bubbles, or rather the gases that are in them. The chemists have very ingenious modes contrived for doing all such things." " I don t see how they contrive to keep the gunpowder from all flashing off at once." " I don t know precisely how they do it," said Forester, "but it would be easy to have a tube screwed into the end of the barrel, directly over IRON. 79 Results. the heated part, and then have a contrivance for dropping the gunpowder, a few grains at a time, down through this tube. Then if the part which contained the gunpowder, at the top of the tube, was closed over, so that the gases could not escape that way, they would all pass off through the barrel, and come up in bubbles through the water. " Now, by some such contrivance as this," continued Forester, " the chemists have col lected the gases which result from burning a certain quantity of gunpowder, and then, by pressing those gases into as small a space as the powder itself occupied before, they can tell what the expansive force is." " Yes," said Marco, " I understand it, I be lieve." " The object," continued Forester, " of all this is, to measure the expansive power of the gases, and ascertain whether that power is enough to account for the explosive force of gunpowder." " And is it enough ?" said Marco. " No," replied Forester ; " the result of the experiment is, that the expansive force of the gases, which result from the burning of the gunpowder, when they are collected and artifi- 80 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester s explanations. Effect of heat. cially compressed, is not great enough to pro duce such powerful effects as are caused by the explosion of the powder." " Perhaps some of the gases escape," said Marco. " They have tried the experiment very care fully," said Forester. " But there is one cir cumstance which makes the case very different, when the gases are collected in this manner, from the natural explosion." " What is it ?" asked Marco. " The gases," replied Forester, " are in a very different condition, when they are first produced, from what they are when they are collected and compressed afterward. When they are first formed by the burning of the gunpowder, they are intensely hot ; but when they are after ward collected and condensed slowly, they are cold. This must make a considerable difference in the force which they exert." " Why ?" asked Marco. " Because," said Forester, " any gas, when hot, expands with greater force than when cold. A bladder filled with air, will burst if you put it down before a hot fire. Steam, too, expands with vastly greater force when it is heated to a high degree, than when it remains at the same IKOX. 81 Gunpowder. Conclusion. temperature at which it was generated. So the gases resulting from the burning of gunpowder, when hot, will expand with much greater force than when cold. And when they are first formed by the burning of the powder, they must be intensely hot, from the heat produced by the combustion. So that, perhaps, that is the ex planation of the force of gunpowder. Stated in general terms, it would be thus. The explosive force of gunpowder is owing to the sudden for mation of a large quantity of elastic and expan sive gases, at a very high temperature. Therefore," continued Forester, "the great thickness of the gun must be at the place where the gunpowder is lodged, as there the gases are first formed and most compressed. As the bul let moves along the barrel, the gases expand and fill the space, and so their force is dimin ished ; but they still continue to act, though more and more feebly, pushing the bullet along until it leaves the muzzle of the gun." F 82 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMOR Y. Marco hungry. Tho sign. Tha pleasant front yard. CHAPTER VI. ARCHERY. IN passing along the road from one water shop to another, Marco saw something which made him hungry, namely a sign put up over the door of a small house, saying that cakes and beer were for sale within. " Ah !" said Marco, as soon as his eyes fell upon this sign, " let us go in and get some cakes and beer." " Why ! are you hungry ?" asked Forester. " Yes," replied Marco, " and thirsty too." " Well," said Forester, " let us go in then and see what they have got that is good." There was a little yard in front of the house, with a gate leading into it. On each side of the path leading from the gate to the door of the house there \vas a little parterre, planted with shrubs and flowers. The flowers were just coming up out of the ground. The beds looked very neat and nice, having been spaded up and raked over only the day before. At the time when Forester and Marco turned A R C H E R Y. 83 Girl afraid. Marco and Forester go into the house. Hot cakes. to go into the house there was a little girl in the pathway, employed in sowing some flower seeds. When she saw Forester and Marco coming, however, she jumped up and ran into the house. " i don t see what she is afraid of," said Marco. Forester and Marco walked into the yard and advanced to the step of the door. The door opened into a small entry, and the entry into a very neat and pleasant-looking room. There was a woman just coming forward into the entry from the room. " We wanted to get some of your cakes," said Forester. " Walk in," said the woman. So Forester and Marco walked in. The woman conducted them into the room, and gave them seats by a little table. " I am just baking," said the woman, " and I can give you some cakes right from the oven." " That will be good," said Marco. " Have you got milk as well as beer ?" asked Forester. " Yes," said the woman, " I can let you have some milk." " Would not you like milk as well as beer Marco ?" said Forester. 84 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The platform. The cakes and milk brought in. " Yes," replied Marco, " better." The woman then went out to get the cakes and milk, while Marco and Forester remained, and began to look about the room. There was a door on the side opposite to the one where they had come in, which seemed to lead out into a pleasant-looking yard. Marco went to this side door to see. He found a little platform outside, covered with a roof, and having a seat on each side of it. He sat down upon the seat, and then called to Forester. " Forester," said he, " come here." " No," said Forester, " not yet." In a moment more the woman came in with a waiter in her hands, containing a plate of hearts and rounds, hot from the oven, and a pitcher of milk. There were two tumblers on the waiter also. The woman placed the waiter down upon the table. " Have you any objection to our going out upon the stoop ?" said Forester. " Not at all," said the woman. " I will move the little table right out there." So she took up the table, which was very small, and carried it, with the waiter upon it, out to the stoop. Forester followed her. She ARCHERY. The luncheon eating. 85 Rich milk. THS STOOP, put the table down in the stoop be tween the two benches.and Marco and Forester took seats on the bench es, one on each side. " This is a good place," said Marco. " Yes," said For ester, " and a good luncheon." Forester poured out some of the milk. It looked very rich indeed. In fact, the woman having been much pleased with the ap pearance and manners of her guests, had con trived in pouring out the milk from the pan into the pitcher, to mix with it an unusual por tion of the cream, so that the milk as she brought it to the table was very rich indeed. While eating their cakes and drinking their milk, Forester and Marco were much interested in viewing the scene around them. The stoop where they were sitting was on the back side of the house, and there were steps leading from it down to a neat little garden, all laid out care- 86 THE SPRINGFIELD A n M o R Y. Gate leading into the garden. Path beyond. fully in beds. At the end of the garden was a gate, and a path beyond it. The path led appa rently down to the mill stream, which flowed through .the grounds in that direction. Marco could not see the stream very well, on account of the trees and shrubbery that were in the way. He could hear it, however, and he said that after he had finished his luncheon he meant to go down and see it. Forester did not pay much attention to this remark of Marco s, for he was busy at the time in reading a newspaper which he had found in the room while the woman was gone after the cakes, and which he had brought out with him to the stoop. He held the newspaper in one hand, and the cake which he was eating in the other. "I ve a great mind to go down now," said Marco. " Would you, cousin Forester ?" " Would you what ?" asked Forester, still reading. " Go down and see the brok," said Marco. " That path there beyond the garden leads down to the stream, I suppose." " And you want to go down ?" said Forester. t: Yes," replied Marco. " I shall have to go with you then," said A R C H E R Y. 87 Marco s two cakes. Scenery on the bunks of the stream. Forester, " to see that you don t get into any difficulty." " There is no danger of any difficulty," said Marco. " But still I should like to have you g" " Well, " said Forester, " go on. I ll follow you." So Forester and Marco rose from their seats and prepared to go. Forester held his news paper in one hand, keeping his eyes still fixed upon it, so as to continue his reading, and he took another cake in the other hand, so as to go on with his luncheon by the way. As for Marco, he took two cakes, so as to be sure of an abundant supply. Thus provided, Marco ran down through the garden, while Forester slowly followed, reading by the way.. A winding pathway led down from the lower garden gate through a wild scene of rocks and trees, down to the banks of the stream. The scenery was so wild and picturesque, that For ester s attention was, for a time, wholly taken off from his reading by it. He looked at the water which came roaring and foaming along over its rocky bed. He looked at the precipices which overhung the stream, and at the mosses and lichens which enriched the rocks, and the 88 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Marco s remarks. Robbing birds -uests. Forester s story. climbing plants which hung suspended from them in beautiful festoons. He stood a few minutes admiring all this beauty and neglecting his newspaper, when Marco interrupted his reverie by saying, " I wish I could get over to the other side." 11 Why ?" asked Forester. " To run about in the woods over there," re plied Marco. " I don t believe but that there are birds -nests in those woods." " And what should you do with the birds - nests," said Forester, " if you should find them ?" " Oh, nothing," said Marco ; " only climb up and look in to see the eggs. I would not rob the nests on any account. It is wicked to rob birds -nests ; don t you think it is ?" " I think it is generally wrong." " Generally ?" repeated Marco. " It is al ways wrong, I am sure." " That depends upon what you mean by rob bing the nests." " Why, taking the eggs," said Marco, " and carrying them away." " Well," said Forester, " I know a farmer s boy in Vermont and a very excellent boy he was, too, who used to go out every morning ARCHERY. 89 Surprise of Marco. Forester s explanation. and get the eggs out of ever so many birds - nests." " And what did he do with them ?" asked Marco. " Why, he would carry them home, and af terward the girls in the house used to break them up." " Hoh ! what girls !" said Marco. " And I think they did perfectly right," said Forester. So saying, Forester turned away and walked toward some large square stones which lay near the bank of the stream, and sitting down upon them, began to read his paper, leaving Marco overwhelmed with astonishment. " Perhaps I ought to mention, however," con tinued Forester, raising his eyes from the paper a moment as he spoke, " that the birds were hens, and the nests that this boy went to were all in his father s barn. The girls broke the eggs up to make puddings and pies." Marco laughed aloud at this termination of the story, and at first he insisted that hens were not birds. He was, however, soon obliged to relinquish this point, and he went down to the shore of the stream, and began to pick up small stones, and try to see if he could throw them 90 T H E S P R [ \ G FIELD ARM O R Y . Projectiles. across the stream. He found that he could. The stones that he threw struck against the precipice on the other side with great force, and rebounded into the water. " I can throw stones very swift," said Marco, talking to himself. " I wonder if a bullet goes swifter out of a gun. "Forester," said Marco, "just look here a minute. Do you suppose that a bullet out of a gun goes a great deal swifter than that ? ARCHERY. 91 Marco s questions. A lecture promised. As Marco pronounced the word that, he lanched the stone through the air with all its force. It flew across the stream and went far in among the trees on the opposite bank. " I don t know," said Forester, still reading. " Or an arrow," continued Marco. " I wonder how much swifter a bullet goes than an arrow." " Cousin Forester," said Marco. Forester did not answer. " Cousin Forester," repeated Marco. "What?" said Forester. " How swift does an arrow go ?" said Marco. Forester did not answer, but went on with his reading. " Does not an arrow go as swift as a bullet, nearly ?" continued Marco. " An arrow !" repeated Forester. " I am busy now, reading, Marco. If you will leave me in peace until I have finished this article, I will tell you all about arrows and archery. I will deliver you a regular lecture." " Well," said Marco. Marco had laid his two cakes down upon a flat stone while he had been throwing pebbles across the brook ; but now he took them up again, and began to eat them. After a short time Forester finished his reading, and then 92 THE SPUING FIELD ARMORY. Forester commences his lecture. Archery ; definition of it. gave notice to Marco that he was ready to at tend to him. So Marco walked along toward Forester, saying, " Now, cousin Forester, for the lecture on ar chery that you promised me." " Well," said Forester, " take your seat on that stone, and be the audience, and I will de liver you a lecture." So Marco sat down upon the stone that For ester pointed out, which was nearly opposite to where Forester himself was sitting; and be- O gan to compose himself to listen. " Ladies and gentlemen !" said Forester. Here Marco smiled. " The audience is expected to keep sober/ said Forester. At this Marco laughed outright, but in a mo ment more he recovered his gravity, and For ester proceeded as follows : " Ladies and gentlemen ; The subject of this lecture is Archery. Archery is the art of using the bow and arrow. Before the in vention of gunpowder, the bow and arrow were used as instruments of war. Since that invention, archery is no longer em ployed in the warfare of civilized nations. ARCHERY. 93 Missiles. Philosophical explanations. The North American Indians, and savage na tions, still use the bow and arrow in their wars, and in the pursuit of game. These instruments were of very ancient use, and are mentioned *n the Bible. The principles on which the bow and arrow are made, will be seen from their structure and design. An arrow is a kind of missile. Missiles are those weapons which are designed to be thrown through the air, by the strength of the combatant who uses them. The dart, the lance, and the arrow, are missiles, but the sword and the dagger are not. Stones are often used as missiles. A spear, when it is thrown, is a missile, but when retained in the hands and used only to give thrusts, it is not. The harpoon thrown at a whale is a missile." Forester said all this in a very grave and se rious way, as if he were really delivering a lec ture. Marco was at first inclined to laugh, but he gradually became interested in what Fores ter was saying, and at length began to listen quite attentively. " A man, with his naked strength," contin ued Forester, " can give a missile a greater or less velocity, according to its weight. If he takes up a ball of iron, weighing ten pounds, apd throws it with all his strength, he can only 94 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The lecturer interrupted. The lecture suddenly terminated. give it a slow motion, and this motion will car ry it but a very little way. If now he takes a five-pound ball and makes an effort as great as before, he will give it a quicker motion. The velocity of his arm through the air with a five- pound ball, may be about twice as great as when it is loaded with a ten-pound ball. The rnan produces the same amount of motion in the two cases. In the first, he gives a great quantity of matter a small motion. In the lat ter, he gives a small quantity of matter a great motion. The whole amount of the moving effect is the same." "I don t understand that very well," said Marco. " The audience are requested not to interrupt the lecture," said Forester. Marco smiled, and Forester went on. " If a boy," he continued, "throws a great stone, as far as he can, perhaps it would only go a single rod. If he makes the same effort to throw a small stone, it will go eight or ten rods; that is, if the small stone were only one eighth or one tenth as large as the other." Just at this point Forester interrupted him self to say that it was time for them to go back, or the woman at the house would wonder what A R C II E R Y. 95 Essential difference between a gun and a bow. Power. had become of them. She might imagine, he said, that they had eaten her cakes, and drank her milk, and had now gone away without pay ing for them. If Forester had not thus felt obliged to go back to the house, and if he had found that Marco had been able to understand his lecture, he would have gone on to state some very cu rious principles in respect to the operation of the bow and arrow. There is an essential dif ference between a gun and a bow in this re spect, that a gun is an instrument for creating power by means of the explosion of the powder contained within it ; while a bow is only an in strument for changing power, already existing, into speed. The force with which a man pulls a trigger has nothing to do with the velocity of the bullet ; but the force with which a man draws the bow, is the sole cause that determines the velocity of the arrow. What Forester had been intending to say to Marco, when speaking of the power which a man has to throw a small stone faster and far ther than a large one, was this : that by di minishing the weight of the ball or stone, he would be able to increase the velocity with which he could throw it up. to a certain limit. 96 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Limit of velocity in throwing with the arm. The limit would be the utmost degree of swift ness that he could give to the motion of his arm. Suppose, for example, that a man could throw a missile weighing three ounces, one hun dred yards. That would be equivalent to throwing one of one ounce, three hundred yards. If now he has power to do the former, he will have power enough to do the latter, but he can not make this power available, inasmuch as he can not give his arm swiftness of motion enough ; for the missile will pass through the air, only with the same velocity that it is mov ing in, when leaving his hand. But with the bow he may accomplish it. For the bow, if it is perfectly elastic, may be drawn up with a slow motion, but it will straighten itself with a quick motion, according to the lightness of the arrow with which it is loaded. Thus the bow and arrow is not a contrivance to increase a man s power of throwing a missile, but only to enable him to expend the power which he has, in giving a greater velocity to missiles of small weight. There is as much motion given in throwing a three ounce missile one hundred yards, which the man could do by his own strength, as in throwing the one ounce missile three hundred yards, which he does by bow and ARCHERY. 97 The bow creates no power. Materials of which bows are made. arrow. But the latter is much more useful in hunting and in war, for the marksmen wish to reach the object at the greatest possible dis tance. A bow, therefore, must not be consid ered as exercising any force of its own, but only as expending in a peculiar manner, the force which the archer applies to it, in drawing it. There is, besides this, one other advantage in using a bow rather than in throwing the missile direct from the hand, and that is, that it can be aimed better. Practiced archers acquire great skill in hitting the object at which they aim. The bow is usually made of some kind of tough and elastic wood. The best strings are made from the skins of wild animals. The ar row consists of three parts the shaft, the head, and the barb. The shaft in the best Indian ar row, is about three feet long, slender, light, and perfectly straight. The head is made of heavi er wood, or is armed with a rudely carved stone. The savage inhabitants of islands em ploy for this purpose, the sharp teeth of some kinds of fish. The barb consists of pieces of feather, so attached to the end of the arrow which is applied to the string, as to cause it to pursue a steady and straight course in its flight through the air. The feather end being more 98 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMOUY. Fiery arrows. Cross bows. Advantages of thgm. resisted by the atmosphere, is kept back, and the head being heavier, moves with greater momen tum and is always forward. The arrow has been found a very deadly weapon in war. Warlike nations in ancient times, acquired great dexterity and power in its use. Scarcely any armor was sufficient pro tection against it. Sometimes arrows were poisoned. And not unfrequently the arrow was employed as the Congreve Rocket now is, to fire distant buildings by loading the head with tow, or with some other combustible substance that would communicate a spark or a flame. They were accustomed, too, in former times, to make a kind of arrow with holes through the head of it, so as to produce a whistling sound when they were discharged. These were called whistling arrows. The Cross-Bow, often spoken of in the histories of former times, was substantially the same instrument with the common bow. It had in addition a kind of stock, attached to the bow, by which the arrow was made to pass along a groove, which served to give more steadiness and certainty to the aim. The most experienced archers, however, always preferred the simple bow. In accounts of an- ARCHERY. 99 Forester and Marco go back to the house. The bill. cient battles, frequent mention is made of arch ers, as the most efficient part of the forces em ployed in a war. Bullets, however, as dis charged from guns, in modern warfare, are infi nitely more deadly. It is very probable that Forester would have explained all these things to Marco, had he not felt in haste to return and pay for the cakes and milk that he and Marco had eaten. He need not have been uneasy on this account, as the woman at the house would not have suspected that they had dishonestly gone away, if they had remained playing about the stream an hour so confident was she of the respectability and trust-worthiness of her guests, from their ap pearance and manners. Forester and Marco, however, went back to the house, and after sitting in the stoop a little while longer, and drinking some more of the milk, they went in and asked what there was to pay. The woman said ninepence ; which For ester said meant a New York shilling. They paid her the money and then went away. 100 THE SPRIN G-F-I E -L b .A R M DRY. Rolling machinery. Turning. The lathe. CHAPTER VII. TURNING AND BORING. MARCO and Forester spent two or three hours in rambling through the water shops, and examining the various processes which were going on in them. They saw the place where the iron bars were rolled out, and cut into lengths suitable for forming the barrels ; and Marco was astonished to observe with what facility the metal was worked, by the help of the ponderous machinery. This was done at the lowest of the three dams. Here was also the " stocking shop," as the workmen called it, where the stocks of the guns were turned. Marco was very much interested in this pro cess, as, in fact, all visitors are. Turning is performed in an instrument called a Lithe. The work to be turned is put into the lathe, and, by means of wheels and machinery, is made to revolve rapidly. While it is thus revolving, the cutting tool is held against it, which cuts away the wood, or other material, all around the work. There is a part of the machine, made to steady 101 iii^br#?3 and iron. Tlia Ciittmg^ tool. Engine lathes. the toof upon, which "is called the rest. All kinds of work, which are round in one direction, such as round boxes, knobs, handles, &c., can be fashioned in this manner much more easily, and much more correctly, than they can be by hand. Not only wood, but brass, iron, and steel, can be turned in a lathe. The tools with which the harder substances are turned, are ground to a more obtuse angle, though equally sharp at the edge ; and they are, of course, so adjusted, as to cut off only a small shaving at a time. Where the iron or brass work, which is to be turned, is very heavy, not only must the material be made to revolve by machinery, but the tool must be screwed firmly into the rest, as the strength of a man would not be sufficient to hold it. The rest, with the tool screwed into it, is made to move slowly along, so as to cut the metal away regularly, from one end of the work toward the other. Such a lathe as this, is called an engine lathe. Marco saw several engine lathes. There were three or four in one room, for turning the gun-barrels. Marco watched the tool, as it moved slowly along the barrel, with a small shaving of iron running out continually from its edge, as the barrel turned over constantly 102 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Cooling tho tool. Necessity for this. against it. There was a little stream of cold water, which fell all the time upon the point of the tool. It came from a little pipe, suspended over the work. The pipe was connected with a small flexible tube, about three feet long, which came down from a long metal pipe, which passed across the room overhead, and contained a constant supply of water. The water in this pipe was raised, as Forester supposed, by a pump from the mill-stream. The end of the little pipe over the work was attached to the machinery, so that it moved along with the rest, and thus always delivered its little stream of water directly upon the edge of the tool, and upon the part of the iron which the tool was cutting. The flexible tube, or hose, as the workmen called it, allowed the pipe to be car ried in this manner, along the barrel, from one end to the other, so as to pour the water con tinually upon the point where it was needed. Marco wanted to know what the stream of water was for ; and Forester told him that it was to keep the edge of the tool cool. The force of friction, produced by cutting so hard a material as iron, would soon heat the tool, and t?ke the temper out of the steel and then, the edge, being softened, would be immediately TURNING AND BORING. 103 The iron shavings. Called turnings. worn away. In fact, Marco observed, in many other instances, that such streams of water were made to fall upon the work, where the cutting tool \vas exposed to heavy friction, in order to keep it cool. The shavings cut off at each of the lathes where the barrels were turned, fell into a box beneath. The workmen told Forester that these turnings were all worked up into solid iron again, and used for making more barrels. " I shouldn t think that would be worth while," said Marco. " Why not ?" asked Forester. " Because," said Marco, " they can only make a very little iron, such thin shavings." " We call them turnings," said the workman. " They amount to a great quantity. In fact, in finishing a gun-barrel, we take off more than we leave ; so that if the trimmings and scraps were thrown away, more than one half the iron would be wasted." Forester, as well as Marco, was surprised to hear this statement^but, on more particular in quiry, they were told that the barrel, in the rough form, weighed about ten pounds and a half, and that, when finished, it weighed only four pounds ; so that considerably more than 104 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Grinding the barrels. Monstrous grindstone. one half the quantity of material was cut away in the process of finishing. One of the most interesting processes which Marco saw, was the grinding of the barrels after shey had been turned. It seems that although the tool by which the barrel is turned, is held and moved by machinery, which machinery remains precisely the same for a great many different barrels still the barrels are not pre cisely alike when they come from the lathe. Some will be a very little thicker or thinner in some parts than others. Then, besides, the tool does not leave the iron perfectly smooth, for, as it moves slowly along at the same time that the iron revolves, it cuts in a spiral direction, lound and round the iron, and leaves the work marked with a sort of spiral depression, left by the form of the edge of the tool This has to be ground away, in order to make the surface of the barrel smooth and uniform throughout. Now the manner in which it is effected, is this. An enormous grindstone, five or six feet in diameter, is made to revolve with great ve locity, and a stream of water pours constantly upon it from a pipe above. This water would fly in all directions from the stone, on account of what is called the centrifugal force, produced TURNING AND BORING. 105 Contrivances. Mode of holding the barrel on the stone. by the rapid revolution of the stone, were it not prevented by inclosing the stone in a box, which confines the water. In front of the stone, and opposite the middle of it, there is a small open ing through the box, large enough to admit the gun-barrel, and when it is in, there is a lever which may be pressed against it, to crowd it hard against the stone. The end of this lever, which is a smooth iron bar, passes out in such a direction, as to come behind the workman, as he stands in the proper position for holding the barrel ; and thus, while he holds the barrel in his hands, he can lean against this lever, and press the barrel with great force against the stone. It is very evident, however, that if the barrel was held at rest in this position, while the stone was rapidly revolving, that it would only grind off a portion of it from one side, thus spoiling, instead of improving its form. In order to pre vent this, and to grind it on all sides alike, the workman has an iron rod, with a crank handle upon one end of it. This rod he runs into the barrel before he applies it to the stone, and drives it in hard ; and as the rod is made to fit the barrel, it holds it firmly by the friction. Then, by means of the crank at the end, he can 106 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Velocity of the stone. Sparks. turn the rod, and with it the barrel, and thus bring all parts of the barrel, in rapid succession, in contact with the stone. Thus, while the grinder was crowding back upon the lever, in order to press the barrel against the stone, he was at the same time turning the barrel con stantly, by means of the crank, and thus the superfluous metal was ground off equally from all sides of the barrel. So great was the velocity of the wheel, and the force with which the barrel was pressed against it, that Marco could see, by looking in at the place where the bar was inserted, that long sparks and streams of fire, struck out by the violence of the friction, were continually darting down among the streams of water, which were descending all the time from the stone. It required but a very few minutes to grind the barrel to its proper shape. The workman had a gage, or instrument for measuring the size of the barrel, at short distances, along its whole length. While grinding it he frequently drew it out to apply his gage, until he had reduced it to the proper size at every part. In the same room with this machinery, there was another grindstone, with grooves in the circumference. This was used for grinding TURNING AND BORING. 107 Grinding bayonets. bayonets. The edges of the bayonets fitted into these grooves. The man who ground them, sat on a seat at one end, and held the bayonet which he was grinding against the stone. It appeared to be hard and disagree able work. The stone revolved with great velocity, and so great was the friction, that a long stream of sparks flew out from the bayo net, wherever it was applied to the stone, al though a stream of cold water from above was kept constantly pouring upon the place. The workman said that these monstrous stones, were very dangerous. In the first place, the stones themselves, in their original structure, are not very strong, and in order to fasten them securely upon their axles, they are wedg ed up very tightly. The effect of this is to strain them a great deal, so as to make them almost ready to burst before they are put in motion. Then when the water comes to be poured on, the stone is softened and weak ened still more by the action of it, for the stone must be kept deluged with water, while they are grinding with it, in order to pre vent the friction from heating the steel, and taking the temper out. Thus it happened, they said, that the stones not 108 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Bursting of the stoues. Mode of preventing this. Polishing. unfrequently flew in pieces, on account of the swiftness of the rotary motion, and, in that case, some of the fragments would be sometimes driven through the roof of the building, or, per haps, kill the workman seated at it. He said, however, that they had now an improved mode of securing the grindstone to the axle, by which this danger was very much lessened. In for mer times, they would put the stone upon the axle, and then secure it in its place, by driving wedges in between the axle and the stone, which, of course, tended to split the stone, or, at least, to aid the centrifugal force in splitting it. But now the stone was secured by large plates of iron on each side, which were forced, by means of wedges, against the sides of the stone, thus securing the stone in a manner rath er calculated to bind it together, than to force it open. From the grinding room, they went into the boring and polishing room, though they found that the boring of the barrels, in fact, preceded the turning ; and in order, therefore, to have seen the processes in their regular order, they should have seen the boring first, then the turn ing, and, finally, the polishing. When Marco TURNING AND BORING. 109 Boring. Machinery for boring. saw the boring machinery, and was told what it was for, he said, " But I thought that the barrels were made hollow at the forge." " Yes," said Forester, "they are hollow, but they are necessarily left in a rough state, at the forge. The interior has to be bored out and polished, so as to make it smooth and true throughout." Marco advanced with Forester to the ma chinery by which the barrels were bored. They found that there was a solid iron frame, like a bedstead, a little more than twice as long as the barrel, on which were bars, and wheels, and rods, and systems of rack-work, too complica ted for Marco to understand. In the -midst of all the machinery, there were one or two bar rels, writhing, as if in pain, but neither revolv ing nor advancing. A long rod issued from each, and these rods were attached to wheels at the top of the frame. Marco perceived that these rods were revolving, and that the same machinery which caused them to revolve, was drawing them forward out of the barrel. He watched one of them until it came out, when he perceived that there was a sort of auger upon the end of it, by which it had bored its way 110 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The auger. Forester and Marco look throxigh a barrel. through. The man then took another similar o rod, with an auger upon the end of it, like the first, only it was a little larger ; and, running it through the barrel, he attached the end of it to the proper machinery, at the head of the frame, and then set the works in motion again, by which the auger was drawn through slowly, but with great force, turning round and round all the time, so as to bore its way through, -the barrel writhing under the operation as before. On another frame, at a little distance from this, other barrels were placed, and a different instrument, being of the form of a square steel rod, with sharp edges, was drawn through it, revolving swiftly all the time. This smoothed the interior, and removed all the marks left by the auger. Near these works there were some of the barrels that were finished, that is, so far as the bore was concerned, and the workman held up one of them for Forester to look through. Forester seemed much pleased with the appear ance of it, and held it for Marco. Marco found, to his astonishment, that the interior was highly polished, reflecting a high luster, and ex hibiting a curious succession of concentric rings of great brightness. This resulted from some optical illusion, which even Forester said TURNING AND BORING. Ill Appearance. They work from within out. he could not explain. The workman said he did not know what caused the appearance of rings, as there was nothing, in reality, corresponding to them in the barrels the bore being perfectly uniform and smooth throughout the interior. The outsides of these barrels were black and rough, just as they came from the forge. They had not yet been turned and ground. Marco wished to know why they finished the inside first. " That is a general principle, in turning," said Forester, " I believe, to work from the inside outward. If they should first turn and polish the outside, and then undertake to bore it out, it would be very difficult to get the bore exactly in the center." " Well," said Marco, " and suppose it were not exactly in the center ?" " Then," said Forester, " the barrel would be of greater thickness on one side than on the other, and it would be in danger of bursting on the thinnest side." " But," said Marco, " they might make it so thick, that even the thinnest side would be strong enough." " True," replied Forester, " but then all the extra thickness on the other side would he of no THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Guns thicker at the breech. Explanation. use. It would only add to the weight of the gun, without being of any service ; for the gun could riot be charged any more heavily than the strength of the thinnest part would bear. Therefore, to combine lightness with strength, in the greatest degree, it is necessary to have the thickness of the barrel the same all around, and to have this thickness diminish toward the muzzle, exactly in proportion to the diminution in the force of the gunpowder, as the ball moves along from one end to the other. Then the barrel would be equally strong throughout, and not more likely to burst in one place than in another." " Very well," said Marco, " I admit that ; but I don t see why they can not finish the outside first, and then make the bore to correspond with that, as well as to finish the bore first, and then turn the outside to correspond with the bore." "It is because," said Forester, " they can t control the boring as well as they can the turn ing. The boring tool must be long and slen der, in order to be passed through the barrel, and of course it will easily spring, and yield somewhat. If the outside of a cylinder were to be turned true, and fixed precisely in the center TURNING AND BORING. The drill. Forester s recoiling. of the motion of the lathe, and then if a drill could be made absolutely inflexible, it would run through the center. But it is impossible to realize these conditions." " I don t know what you mean by realizing conditions," said Marco. " Why, making the circumstances such as I have supposed. The drill will yield and spring a little, especially if the cylinder is al ready hollow, and is only to be bored out more, and made true. The inequalities in the interi or will force the drill or auger to one side or the other, and thus render it impossible to con trol the boring. But after the boring is fin ished, then the barrel may be set in the lathe, and chocked by the bore." " Chocked by the bore ?" asked Marco. " Yes," said Forester, "that is, the pivots on which it turns may pass into the bore, and as the pivots are precisely in the center of the motion of the lathe, the bore will be so too, and then the outside can be turned to correspond. Because you see that on the outside there is plenty of room, and the tool can be made very massive and solid, so as to have no sensible spring. The reason why the boring tool can not. be made inflexible, is, that it must be long 114 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMOKY. Curious machinery. Curious and complicated motion, and slender in order to pass into the bore. There is not room for metal enough to make it firm and unyielding. Therefore, in turning, it is generally best to finish the hollow part first, and then to make the exterior to conform to it." At this moment Marco s attention was at tracted by a curious appearance at one end of t he room, and he advanced with Forester to see what it was. It proved to be the machinery for polishing the outsides of the barrels after they were ground. It appeared that the barrels af ter being bored, as Marco had seen, were carried into the other shop to be turned and ground on the outside, and were then brought back to be polished in this shop again. There were two machines for polishing, and each had four gun- barrels in it. The form of the machine was an upright iron frame, and the barrels were placed in it in a perpendicular position. The upper ends were attached to wheels, by which they were kept in constant revolution, and these wheels were also attached to a beam which as cended and descended continually, like the beam over the piston rod of a steam-engine, or that which carries the saw in a saw-mill. Thus the barrels were alternately drawn up and pushed down, continually revolving at the same TURNING AND BORING. 115 Polishing the screws. time. They passed in this manner between a set of leather cushions, covered with oil and emery, a fine powder used for polishing. These cushions were pressed together by springs, with the barrels between them, and thus all the roughness of the iron, left by the grindstone, was gradually worn away, and the barrels came out at last highly polished. The smaller parts of the musket, such as the screws, bands, and parts of the lock, were pol ished in a different manner, by holding them one by one against wheels, revolving with great velocity, as Forester had said. There were a great many of these wheels in one of the rooms, with workmen seated before them polishing small pieces of steel work. One of the work men said that the wheels revolved from twelve to fifteen hundred times per minute. This would be about twenty times in a second. Marco tried to whirl his hand around in the air as swiftly as he could, but he thought that he did not succeed in making more than two or three in a second. Long streams of sparks issued from the emery wheels when the steel was brought in contact with them. 116 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Testing the work. Taking a sui. CHAPTER VIII. INSPECTION. IN an apartment connected with one of the water shops, Marco and Forester saw an operation going on which was different, in its very nature, from all which they had seen be fore. It was the operation of testing the work after it was finished. The testing which they saw, was that of the bayonet. A pile of bay onets lay before a workman on a bench, and he was trying them, to see whether they were of the proper temper and strength. The manner in which he tested the bayonets, was this. He put them, one by one, upon a gun, and then, striking the point a little into the floor, he would spring it forcibly one way and the other, to see if it would bear the necessary strain. By this operation, the bayonet was bent a little to one side or to the other. This was called taJnng a set. A piece of steel, or iron, or brass, or any similar metal, may be bent a little out of its natural position, and it will spring back again, so as to take precisely the NSPECTION. 117 Elasticity. Tempering saws. form which it had before. If it is bent, how ever, a little too far, it will not come entirely back, but will remain bent. This is called taking a set. Steel, highly tempered, may be bent much more, without taking a set, than brass or iron. This makes it suitable for springs. Its elasticity is so great, that it will restore itself entirely from a very considerable flexion. The more highly tempered steel is, the less easy it is to make it set, but then, the more brittle it becomes. A file is very highly tem pered, and it can not be set at all. If sprung a very little from its proper position, it will spring back again entirely. If sprung more, it will break, but it can not be bent so as to remain bent. A saw, on the other hand, is not tempered so highly, and it may accordingly be bent so as to take a set. Saws often get so bent, by being carelessly used, and thus they become crooked. But by being thus tempered not so high, they can not be so easily broken. A saw will not snap off suddenly like a file, but, bent beyond the point from which the steel is capable of re storing itself, the particles will yield a little, and thus it will take a set. Now, though it is an 118 THE SPKINGPIELD ARMORY. The proper temper for a bayonet. evil for a saw to take a set, since it makes it crooked, it is a greater evil for it to break in two, and therefore it is tempered in such a manner as to bend a little, rather than break. It is the same with the bayonet. It is desir able to have it elastic, but then it must not be brittle. The workman tested the strength of the bayonet, by springing it forcibly with the point upon the floor, in the manner which has been already explained. He tested its elasticity in another way, which seemed to Marco very ingenious. There was a place fitted at the end of the bench, where he could rest the neck of the bayonet up- ft^riLLll on a solid support, which was used as a sort of fulcrum. The point of the bayonet was then inserted into a loop formed at the upper end of a wire, which had attached to the lower end of it a heavy weight of lead. Then, by bearing down upon TESTING. THE BAYONETS. INSPECTION. 119 The test. A fracture. Flaw in the iron. the end of the gun, the lead was lifted, the whole weight of it resting upon the point of the bay onet. This weight was so heavy that it bent the bayonet down an inch or two, and when it was let down again, the bayonet would spring back nearly into its place, but not quite. It set about a quarter of an inch. The man who was examining the bayonets, said, that if they did not set more than a quarter of an inch in lifting such a weight, they were considered as passing a satisfactory trial in respect to their elasticity. After watching the process of testing the bayonets in this manner, for some time, the workman opened a box which was under the bench, and showed them some which had been condemned. One was broken in two in the middle, not having had strength sufficient to bear the violent strain which the workman had given it, with the point upon the floor. Marco took up the fragments and examined the frac tured surface, to see if he could discover the cause of its breaking. There was a small dis colored spot, visible near one edge, which was caused by a flaw in the iron. Another bayonet was whole, and Marco could not see why it was condemned. The workman, however, pointed out to him an imperfection in the cor- 120 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Work by the piece. Paying by the time, ner, where the blade of the bayonet joins the neck. " Whose loss is it," said Forester, " if the blade is condemned ?" " If it is owing to the workmanship/ 3 said the man, "it is the loss of the man who made it. But if it arises from any flaw in the iron, he does not lose it." "And is most of the work done by the piece ?" said Forester. " Yes," replied the man ; " and if it does not stand inspection, the man loses it." Marco did not understand this conversation very well, and he asked an explanation of For ester after they had left the shop. Forester told him that paying by the piece, was paying in proportion to the work done. " For instance, if a man is forging bayonets," said he, "paying him by the piece, is giving him a certain sum for every bayonet he makes." " And what other way is there ?" said Marco. " Why, they can be paid by the time," said Forester, " so much for a day s work, for ex ample, whether they accomplish more or less." " I think it is better to pay by the piece," said Marco. " Certainly," replied Forester, " when the INSPECTION. 121 Measurement of work. Mode of paying workmen. work is of such a kind that it can be accurately measured." " Well," said Marco, " and can not all work be accurately measured ?" " No," replied Forester ; " for instance, mending the roads in the spring, after they have been washed by the rains, can not be measured. There will be much more injury done in some places than in others, and the facilities for get ting materials and repairing the injuries, will vary much in different parts of the road. Then, besides, there would be no way of deciding when the work was properly done. A very accurate test of the elasticity of a bayonet can be applied, by requiring that it should lift a cer tain weight, without setting more than a quarter of an inch. But there would be no mode of ascertaining precisely how much should be done to the road. Therefore, persons employed in mending the roads, must always be paid by time. " In almost all kinds of manufacturing estab lishments, however," continued Forester, " they can estimate most of the work exactly, and, ac cordingly, they contract with the laborers to pay in proportion to the work done. This is altogether the best mode, and they always en- 122 THE SPRENGFIELD ARMORY. Government works. deavor to adopt it, especially in all great estab lishments, where the men would be very likely to be idle if they were paid by the time. It would be so more particularly in a government establishment, like the Springfield armory." " Is the Springfield armory a government establishment ?" asked Marco. " Yes," replied Forester, " it all belongs to the government of the United States. It is in tended solely for manufacturing muskets for their armies. The government have built the shops, and put in the machinery, and they em ploy the workmen to do the work, and pay them all according to the work they do, provided it is done so well as to pass inspection." " Why is it more important," asked Marco, " for a government to employ its men to work in this way, than for a private individual ?" " Because," replied Forester, " if a private individual employs persons to work for him, and is going to pay them by the time, he can over see them himself, and know whether they are industrious or not. But a government can not do this. It can not be present itself, but must act through agents ; and agents are never so faithful as principals. Therefore, governments and corporations always avoid paying men by INSPECTJON. 123 Corporations. Irregular work. time, if it is possible to systematize the work so as to measure it, and to pay in proportion to the work done." " What are corporations ?" asked Marco. " Where a large number of men combine to carry on any great enterprise in common, they form an association, called a corporation. Now a corporation, like a government, can not be present to oversee its work. They must depend upon agents, and they, therefore, are very re luctant to employ men and pay them by the time. Railroads are commonly made by cor porations, and the directors are very unwilling to pay laborers by the time that they are em ployed. A great deal of the work which the laborers do, is grading the road, which is a very difficult kind of work to measure, because it consists of digging away, or filling up very irregular pieces of ground ; still they take pains to measure it, and employ men to do it, by pay ing them so much per square yard for all that they remove." " Is there any other kind of work," said Mar co, " which can not be estimated, so that people have to pay by the time, as they do for mending the roads ?" " Yes," said Forester, " all kinds of farm 124 THE SPRINGFIELD AKMOKY. Farmers work. Irregularity of i arming work. work. If a farmer hires men to work upon his farm, he pays them by the time they labor, by the day, the month, or the year. He can not pay by the work done, for the work is so ir regular and variable, that it can not be measured or estimated. " Why, he might pay them so much," said Marco, " for hoeing so many rows of corn, or for plowing so much land." " No," said Forester, " for the work of hoeing and plowing will vary exceedingly, according as the ground is hard or mellow, or more or less encumbered with stones and weeds. Then a great proportion of the other work on a farm, it would be still more difficult to meas ure ; for instance, digging out great stones to clear a field. A farmer might set his hands at work to dig out a stone without knowing at all whether it would take an hour or three to accom- FARMER S WORK. INSPECTION. Farmer^ management. Cost of machinery. plish it. Therefore, a farmer, if he hires a la borer, must pay by the time. This is one rea son why men can not well carry on a farm to advantage by hired labor. They can not meas ure the labor, and pay for it, according to the amount of work which is done. Still, the far mer has one great advantage, which the corpo ration has not. He can work with his men and oversee them all the time ; and when working with him, in his presence, they are much more industrious and faithful. But if a man under takes to manage a farm by hired laborers, with out laboring with them himself, the difficulty becomes very great. He almost always fails in his experiment." " I saw one man," said Marco, " in one of the shops, who was making little screws. They were the little screws used in making the lock. He said there were seven different operations to be performed on each screw, and that each one had a separate machine for performing it ; so that it took seven engines to make one little screw." " Yes," said Forester, " and not unlikely each engine may have cost a hundred dollars." " And there was the forging, besides," said Marco. 126 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Advantage of uniformity. " Yes," said Forester ; so that, perhaps, five hundred or a thousand dollars may be invested in machinery, all of which is necessary to make one screw. This would be an expensive way if only one screw was required, but when they have so many to make, it is the cheapest way, because, by means of all this machinery, they can make them very fast. And that is not the only advantage. They can not only make them fast, but by being made in machines, they are all precisely alike. This is a great advan tage ; for they can send some spare screws with muskets when they go into the army, and then, if one gets lost or broken in any lock, they can at once replace it. Any one of the spare screws will exactly fit the place of the lost one." " Or if two locks get broken," said Marco, " in different places, they can put the parts of one with those of the other, and so get one good lock out of the two." " Yes," said Forester. " There is, however, one inconvenience in having machinery to make all these parts of the musket, and that is, that they can not make any change in the pattern of the musket, without a great expense ; for all machinery which was adapted to making the parts according to the old pattern, becomes INSPECTION. The finishing shops. useless, and they must construct new and ex pensive engines to correspond with the new pattern. So it becomes a great work to intro duce any new and improved modes of construc tion." During this conversation, Marco and Fores ter had been walking slowly along toward the high land, where the finishing shops of the ar mory and the storehouses were, around the great square, on the plain above Springfield, as explained in the third chapter. By this time these buildings appeared in sight, and our two travelers advanced toward them, much inter ested to know what new objects of curiosity they were to find in this part of the establish- ment. TIM: SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The forging shops. Curious anvils. CHAPTER IX. THE ARSENAL. THE first building to which Forester con ducted Marco, at this part of the works, was near the north-west corner of the square. On entering it, they found a very long, spacious apartment, with a double row of forges extend ing through the middle of it. The floor was paved with flat stones. The walls and ceiling were neatly whitewashed. Over each forge was a pair of blacksmith s bellows. There were men working at several of the forges, and For ester and Marco advanced to see what they were doing. Instead of the simple anvil and hammer, used by blacksmiths for common work, they found that much more complicated apparatus was used here. There was at each forge a large anvil, but the surface, instead of being flat and level, as usual with anvils, had upon it a varie ty of depressions and perforations ; and there were also by the side of each, what Marco was disposed to call little anvils, but which the THE ARSE N A K. 1 V J ( J Ht;ikes. Operations. The jumper. workmen told him were called stakes. These stakes had excavations and depressions sunk in them, of various irregular forms, the use of which Marco did not at first understand. At the first forge to which Marco approached, a workman was heating the end of a long iron rod. When it was heated, he put it over one of these stakes, in such a manner that the hot iron would lie in one of the depressions. There was another piece of steel placed over the stake, and supported in a peculiar manner, which could be struck with a hammer from above, and driven down upon the stake. This was called a jumper ; for it would jump up in a cu rious way after it was driven down. Now there was a depression in the under side of the jumper, corresponding to the one on the upper side of the stake, in such a manner that when the two were brought together, a cavity was left between them, of such a form as that the piece which they were going to forge would exactly fit into. By this contrivance, it was easy to forge the most irregular parts of the gun-lock. They had only to heat the end of the iron rod, and insert it while hot, between the stake and the jumper. Then by striking repeated blows upon the jumper with the ham- I 130 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Various forgings. Other shops. Gun-stocks. mer, the hot metal would be forced into the cavity between them, in such a manner as to take its exact form. In some cases it was necessary to perform more than one operation upon the same piece. One part would be formed between one stake and jumper, and then it would be heated again, and the other part fashioned by another. The stakes, and jumpers, and other similar appara tus, were, of course, all different at the different forges ; each forge being designed for some par ticular part of the lock. At some forges the work to be performed was making screws ; at others springs ; at another, what was called the tumbler, which is a part of the lock, of a very irregular shape. Marco was very much inter ested to see how easily all these various forms were produced by means of this contrivance of a stake and jumper. From this forging shop Marco and Forester went to other large buildings where various ope rations, connected with finishing the locks and guns were going on. In one room men were employed in smoothing over the gun-stocks, tak ing them as they came from the lathes in the stocking-shop. Others were fitting the locks to the stocks, or rather cutting away the wood in THE ARSENAL. 131 Pnttarus. Making the locks. such a manner as that the locks would fit. They went into one long chamber which had benches all around it, where workmen were employed in filing and finishing the small parts of the lock which they had seen forged in the forging shop. In this apartment, Marco observed that each bench seemed to be fitted for one particular branch of work ; and it had its vice, its tools, and its patterns, adapted to that, and to that alone. The patterns were made of steel, and the workmen filed the wojk to correspond with them exactly. Here each man was employed in finishing a great many pieces of the same kind, and he made them all as exactly alike as possible. In one part of this room a man was engaged in putting these pieces together, to make the locks complete. He had a long box before him, divided into many com partments. These MAKING UP TEE :. 1 32 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Division of labor. Advantage of it. compartments had the several parts of the lock in them, a great many of one kind being in each part. The workman would take up one piece of each kind, and put them together, to make a lock. In doing this, he had to file them down a little sometimes, to fit them exactly to their places. If the holes which the screws were to go into, w r ere not quite large enough, he would bore them out larger, and Marco was astonished to see how easi ly he would cut and bore the solid brass and iron. It took but a very short time to put one set of the parts together to make a lock. As they walked away from this place. Fores ter said that it afforded a very fine example of what was called division of labor. " What is meant by that ?" said Marco. " Why, you see," replied Forester, " that in making a lock, they divide the work into a great many parts, and give each man only one small part to do. They construct tools and instru ments expressly for that part, and as the man has nothing else to do, he acquires great expert- ness in doing the particular thing assigned to him. The other plan would be to let each man be employed in making a whole lock. In that case the work would be done to great disad- THE A R s E N A L. 133 Natural talent. Forester s explanations. vantage ; for, in the first place, each man must have a complete set of fixtures and tools for all the different kinds of work, and then he must constantly change from one kind of work to another, and thus lose time. Besides, by having to learn a great many different kinds of work, he could not be so skillful in any. But, on this plan, each man has only to learn one or two operations, and these he learns perfectly, and he naturally falls into such operations as he has the most natural talent for." " I never heard of natural talent for work," said Marco. " There is talent for work," said Forester. " Men have different talents or capacities for different kinds of mechanical works. One man has excellent success, for example, in tempering edge tools. He has a certain nice power of perception, which enables him to regulate the process exactly, and temper the steel at precisely the right heat. Another has not that peculiar quickness of eye for this, but has a good capa city for judging of form ; and so he makes a good filer. He will file a piece into the true shape, in a much shorter time, perhaps, than the one who is so skillful in tempering. There is as much variety in the bodily system as there 134 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Compos! lora. Mode of composing. is in the mental, and it makes as great a differ ence in the powers and capacities of men, in regard to their fitness for different mechanical pursuits, as the difference in intellectual genius makes in their fitness for the professions, or other mental employments. I have heard it said, by printers, that some men can never make rapid compositors." " What are compositors ?" asked M -i-rco. " Those that set up the types," said Forester, " Composing, is setting types. The compositor has the copy before him, and a box inclined toward him, like a desk, with small partitions in it, and each compartment has one kind of type. Now the compositor looks at a word, notices the letters, and then takes the types up one by one from the various compartments. The philosophy of it is this. The image of a letter in his eye produces an effect on the nerve, which is communicated to the brain, and thence to his mind. Then there arises in his mind an idea of the compartment where that letter be longs, and the nerve leading to the arm pro duces the proper motion to carry the hand to the proper compartment. You see it is, in fact, quite a complicated process. partly bodily and partly mental. Now this process is completed THE ARSENAL. 135 "vitural differences among men. The central building. much quickei with some persons than with others. It is owing to some peculiar and hid den difference in the nerves, or brain, or mus cles, by which the mechanism in some cases acts quickly, and in others more slowly. But those persons in whom these nervous commu nications are made more slowly, are not neces sarily inferior to the others, for they may have the advantage in some other power of body or mind, which more than counterbalances this. For instance, one person may hear or see quicker than another ; but the second may hear more correctly than the first. One may have such a bodily ^constitution, that his sense of touch is very nice another has correct ideas of form, another of sounds, and thus all vary. Thus, different workmen are fitted to different processes and employments ; and by adopting the system of division of labor, each after a time falls into the one which is most adapted to his powers ; and so he works to the greatest ad vantage in doing always what he can do easiest and best/ Not long after this, Forester and Marco went into the central building, on the main front of the square, which Forester said was the office and counting-house, and asked a gentleman, 136 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The arsenal. Interior of the room. who was there at a desk, if they could go into the arsenal. The arsenal was one of the large buildings where the muskets were stored after they were finished. They had been told by some of the workmen that the arsenal was locked, but that if they went to the office, a gentleman would go with them, and let them see it. As there was nobody at work in the arsenal, it was customary to keep it locked. The gentleman in the office said he would go with them ; so taking a key, and putting on his hat, he followed them out. He conducted them along a gravel walk, which led between two rows of trees, toward the center of the square, and after advancing for some distance in that direction, he turned at right angles into another walk, which conducted them across that part of the square, toward the front door of the arsenal. He unlocked the door, and ushered Forester and Marco into the apartment. They were both struck with astonishment at the imposing spectacle which was presented to their view. Except the necessary space for passages, the room was entirely filled with muskets. The muskets were arranged, with the most perfect precision and svrnmefrv, in an uDriVht position, THE ARSENAL 137 The guns and bayonets. Symmetrical arrangement. the butts resting in frames made for the pur pose, and raised at a little distance from the floor. The tops of the bayonets reached nearly to the ceiling. The dark and glossy brown color of the stocks, with the highly polished luster of the bayonets, and other metallic parts, gave to each individual gun a very beautiful appearance ; but, in addition to this, there was a most surprising effect produced by the im mense numbers and admirable arrangement of the whole. The rows of bayonets glittered in a long perspective. Even the locks, and the ram rods, and the sights upon the barrels, and, in fact, every single part of the gun, were pre sented to the eye, in long ranges, extending up and down the room. The guns were placed on the frames only about half an inch apart, and yet so precise was the arrangement, that, by standing at one end of the room, and looking through, Marco could see the window at the other end, through any one of these crevices, at a hundred and twenty feet distance, which was the length of the room. The room was a hun dred and twenty feet long, and forty feet wide ; and there was another in the second story, of the same dimensions, and filled in the same manner. 138 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. A hundred thousand muskets. To the hotel. Forester asked the gentleman who conducted them to the arsenal, how many muskets there were in the building ; he said, nearly a hundred thousand. These were all ready for use. They had to be taken down and oiled, he said, every few years, to keep the bright parts from rusting. They could be very easily taken out of their places, as they were not fastened in in any way. The gentleman took one of them out, to show how easily it could be removed. After admiring this beautiful spectacle a few minutes, Forester and Marco thanked the gen tleman for his kindness, and went away. As they had now completed their survey of all the shops and buildings, they left the grounds, and went down into the village of Springfield to their hotel. DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 139 Going to Boston. The carriage. They reach tho station. CHAPTER X. THE DANGER OF BEING ARMED. T"THEN Forester and Marco had finished their examination of the armory, Mar co began to consider, in pursuance of the plan which Forester had adopted of allowing him to have the whole direction of the journey, what arrangements he should make for going to Bos ton. He decided, at once, to go by the western railroad. He knew very well that the great western railroad from Boston to Albany, passed through Springfield ; and he very naturally in ferred, that he could take that railroad, and go directly to Boston. He asked what time the cars came in, and they told him about noon. He accordingly made arrangements to have a carriage take them to the depot at that time. There was one thing very excellent in Mar co s traveling arrangements, and that was, the principle of always being in ample season. On this occasion, they reached the depot about twenty minutes before the usual time for the cars to arrive, arid while they were waiting 140 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Marco talks. Forester is silent. there, seated upon a settee in the gentlemen s room, they spent the time in conversation. Marco had been very much interested in the admirable system and order which prevailed in all parts of the armory ; and he had been as tonished at the vast accumulation of arms, which he saw must exist in the arsenals. After con versing with Forester on various other topics, he began to talk about this ; but Forester did not appear to take much notice of what he said. " It must cost a great deal of money," said he, " to make such an immense number of muskets." Forester did not answer. " And it must take a great deal of time and trouble to keep them all safe and in order." Forester said, " Yes," faintly ; but yet he seemed to be thinking of something else. " But I think it is an excellent plan," said Marco, " notwithstanding ; don t you, cousin Forester ?" " Cousin Forester !" repeated Marco, when he found that his cousin did not answer ; "don t you think it is a good plan to make all these muskets ? and then when the enemy comes to fight us, we shall be ready for them." " Why, to tell the truth," said Forester, " I DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 141 The railway station. was thinking of something else. Let me see your tickets." Marco had gone, when they first got to the office, and bought two Boston tickets, one for himself, and one for Forester. Marco handed these tickets to Forester. In the mean time, the bustle in the great house, close adjoining the office, had been for some minutes rapidly increasing. Heavy trains of cars moved slowly one way or the other ; some times pushed by men, and sometimes drawn by a locomotive. Passengers were coining and RAILWAY STATI THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Mystery. Marco has made a mistake. going in considerable numbers, and at this mo ment a bell was heard to ring. A conductor also came to them, and asked them which way they were going. "On the western railroad," said Marco, promptly. " The western cars are ready/ said the con ductor. So Marco and Forester rose, and Marco led the way toward the cars Forester and the con ductor following. Marco heard them talking together about something, on the way, but he could not tell what, on account of the noise and bustle which surrounded them ; and presently they took their seats comfortably in the cars. Now Marco unfortunately forgot, that, though the railroad between Boston and Albany is all called the western railroad, at Boston, yet at Springfield, a part of it extends toward the east ward, and it was this eastern part which he ought to have taken, in order to be conducted to Boston. But as Marco said that he was go ing on the western railroad, the conductor sup posed that they were going to Albany, and he put them into the western cars accordingly ; so that as soon as the train began to get fairly un der way, Marco was carrying the party under DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 143 Con versation resumed. Going armed. his charge, at the rate of twenty miles an hour, in a direction exactly contrary to the one in which they wanted to go. Forester understood all this, but made no ex planation, and so they went on. After a few minutes pause, he said, " You were asking me, Marco, about the wis dom of manufacturing all these muskets." " Yes," said Marco, " so as to have them ready." " I don t know myself," replied Forester, whether it is a good plan or not. It takes a statesman to judge safely about measures for the defense of nations. But as far as I can see into the subject, I should think there was some doubt about it." " Why ?" asked Marco. " It generally makes men quarrelsome to go armed," said Forester ; " and I did not know but that it might possibly have the same effect among nations. In some countries it is the cus tom for almost every gentleman to carry some deadly weapon about him as a little dirk or dagger, or a pistol ; and in such countries, quar rels, and murders, and assassinations, are gene rally very frequent." " What countries are they ? asked Marco. 144 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Effect of the practice of going armed. A supposition, " Why, this was the practice in almost all countries, a century or two ago, I believe," re plied Forester ; " and the custom continues to this day, in some places ; and wherever it does continue, a great many quarrels, duels, and murders, take place. Where persons wear dirks, or bowie-knives, or pistols, ready to pull out at a moment s warning, it is apt to make them fierce in spirit, boastful and revengeful." " But then," said Marco, " they know that every body else is armed, and I should think that that would make them keep civil." " No," replied Forester, " it does not have that effect. Each one has an exaggerated idea of his own skill and power, and thinks that, in a fight, he should come off conqueror ; and so he is always ready to give provocation and to re sent provocation. But where nobody goes armed, serious quarrels are very rare. " You can easily see how it must be," con tinued Forester, " by the case of boys. Sup pose fifty boys were amusing themselves upon a green ; and while they were engaged in play ing ball, or some other peaceable sport, suppose that a pedler should come along with a bundle of little whips, fifty in the bundle, and the boys should each buy one, and then go back to their DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 145 Whips in the hands of boys. Pistols. play ; it is very easy to see that there would probably soon be difficulty." " Yes," said Marco, "I suppose there would." " The boys," continued Forester, " would run about, snapping and brandishing their whips at one another, in a threatening manner. In fact, the very possession of a whip would produce a sort of instinctive desire to use it, and it would be very likely that although they might all have been very peaceable and harmonious be fore, there would several serious quarrels arise out of this unlucky arming of themselves with whips." Yes," said Marco ; " whips are very apt to make difficulty among boys." " Now it is somewhat so with men," rejoined Forester. " When a man gets a new patent revolving pistol, which will discharge six bul lets in as many seconds, the possession of it awakens a sort of desire to try it. There/ says he to himself, I should like to see a robber attack me now ; or if any body wishes to in sult me now, let him come on. Thus his mind assumes a belligerent attitude, ready to take of fense at any provocation." " What is belligerent ?" asked Marco. " Warlike," replied Forester. K 146 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY, The arming of nations. The argument in favor of it, " Now I think it probable/ continued Fores ter, " that it is somewhat so with nations. If a government has just finished some very superi or ships of war, or has got an immense army all finely organized and armed, I should think it likely it would not be quite so patient and for bearing as if it were unarmed. At any rate, I am quite sure that if all the nations would dis band their armies, and destroy their stores of arms and ammunition, reserving only an amount of physical power sufficient to preserve internal order, the peace of the world would be much more secure than it is now. Every body ad mits this ; but then they say that the nations generally will not do this, and that it is not safe for any one to go defenseless while the rest are armed." " So I should think," said Marco. I am not certain about that myself," said Forester. " If a peaceful traveler goes to a country where people are generally armed, he does not arm himself, but passes to and fro among the dirks and bowie-knives, as safe as any of those that are armed. He is not as safe as he is at home, but he is safe as any man can be in a community where he is so surrounded with deadly weapons. DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 147 Marco s opinion. Objections to shooting at robbers. " If I were going to travel among robbers," said Marco, " I should certainly get some pis tols." " Why, even that would be doubtful," said Forester. " If you were attacked, it is very likely that pistols would do you more harm than good." " How ?" asked Marco. " Why, not being used to fights and firings, you would feel a kind of excitement and trepi dation, and would not act coolly enough. Per haps you would fire too quick before you had proper aim ; or else you would wait so long, that, while you were aiming, the robber, seeing that you were going to try to shoot him, would shoot you, or cut you down with a sword ; whereas, if you had offered no resistance, he would probably only have robbed you, without taking your life. To shoot a defenseless man, is very easy, but to shoot a robber, who comes up to attack you, completely armed himself, and on the alert, is very difficult. It requires great coolness, steadiness, and precision, to act in such a case exactly right, and exactly at the right instant. And then, if you exercise all this coolness and firmness, and act exactly right, and shoot one robber, ten to one there will be 148 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Marco s argument. The killing a man always dreadful another, or a gang of them, who will immedi ately kill you in revenge ; whereas, if you had been unarmed, they would probably have only taken your money, and let you go." " No," said Marco ; " I think they would kill me." " I think not," said Forester. " Robbers sel dom murder those whom they rob, unless they think they are compelled to do it on account of the resistance they make, or for some other cause." " Well," said Marco, " I suppose if there was a gang of them, it wouldn t be of any use ; but if there was only one, I think I could shoot him." " You might possibly," said Forester ; " but even that would injure you more than it would him ; for if you should succeed in wounding him badly, it would be a horrid sight to see a wretched man writhing in convulsions on the ground, and biting the dust in agony ; and it would be a great many years before you could get it out of your mind. It would make you gloomy and miserable while aw r ake, and visions of it would terrify you in your dreams. The indignation and anger which you felt when you shot at him, would be changed into pity and DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 149 Painful thoughts. Marco convinced. compassion for him when you saw him in misery. Perhaps he would linger several days in extreme suffering, and you would watch him and inquire after "him day after day, and wish that death would come and put an end to his pain. You would begin to imagine excuses for him. You would think that perhaps he had been neglected when a boy, and had never been taught to be honest and true, or that he had a wife and children perishing for food, and that he had no way of earning a supply for them. These thoughts would add to your anguish ; and you would perhaps wish that you had given up double the sum that he would have taken from you, rather than to have shot him. Even if your sense of his guilt remained unchanged, and you were satisfied that he deserved to die, you would wish that you had left it to somebody else to be his executioner." Marco said nothing in reply to these remarks. The view of the subject, which Forester thus presented, was new and unexpected to him. He saw, however, very plainly, that it was a correct one, and he was rather inclined to come to the conclusion, that if a traveler was so un fortunate as to be compelled to choose between the two evils of suffering a robbery or commit- 150 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Case of a nation. Important difference. ting a homicide, it would be best, on the whole, to submit to the former. At any rate, he saw very clearly that Forester would rather be rob bed than shoot a robber. " However," said Forester, at length, " to re turn to the subject ; I think it is best for an individual to go unarmed, whether other people do or not. But in regard to a nation, the case is very different, in one respect, at least ; and so I don t decide that question." " In what respect is it different ?" asked Marco. " Why, when an unarmed individual is among others that are armed," said Forester, " he has the laws of the country to protect him. There are courts and officers of justice, which have all the individuals in the community under their control, whether armed or unarmed ; and these powers of government preserve the peace and protect the defenseless. If a defenseless man is attacked in the street in such a country, he has only to call out watch/ and there are plenty of men ready to run to his rescue, fully empowered to protect him, if it is possible to do it. But nations have no such system of general law and government over them. There is a general system of law, commonly recognized DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 151 Immense expense of public armaments. and acknowledged, called the law of nations ; but there is no government to execute it. Every nation has to execute the law of nations for itself. If a man in a country where people generally go armed, concludes no longer to go armed, and throws his pistol away, he does not, by any means, throw away all the physical pro tection he has. He still reserves his claim to the force of the police and the officers of justice, who stand always ready. But if a nation were to disband its armies, and destroy its arms and ammunition, it would give up the whole for there is no power above it to afford protection. This makes the case of nations essentially dif ferent ; and I don t know enough about it to judge what the effect would be of a nation giv ing up its defenses in time of peace. One thing I know, and that is, it would save an enormous expense by doing so, and it seems to me that what it would save in time of peace, would be of more use in money, in case a war should break out, than what was left of the preparations they had been making ; for a great deal of the amount expended is lost and consumed year by year, and does no good. Then the way of con structing arms, and ships, and forts, changes from time to time, and thus many expensive 152 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester in doubt. Marco alarmed. Distance to Worcester. preparations become useless, by being super seded, before they can be used. If I could meet with some intelligent politician, I would ask him what amount our government has expended for warlike preparations, since the last war, and what it is all worth now." Marco said that he should like to know very much, and then asked Forester what time he thought that they should get to Worcester. He knew that Worcester was between Springfield and Boston, as any of our readers can see by looking upon a map. " I don t know," said Forester. " I think it is very doubtful when we shall see Worcester again." " Why, how far is it to Worcester ?" said Marco. " From here," said Forester, (i arid in the way we are going ?" " Yes," said Marco. " If we keep on always in the same course by the compass, it may be about fifteen thousand miles ; but if we go in a straight line, about twenty-four thousand. It would be just once round the world, minus fifty miles !" " Round the world !" exclaimed Marco, in astonishment. DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 153 The explanation. Corporations. Irregular work. " Yes/ said Forester, coolly. " Worcester is east from here, and we are going west. These cars are going to Albany/ Marco started up in amazement, and was going to run to the conductor, to get him to stop the train, but Forester advised him to sit down, and keep quiet. He then explained to him the cause of his mistake. " And why did not you tell me before ?" asked Marco. " Because/ said Forester, " I thought it would be a good joke, and that you wouldn t care much. We can go to Vermont through Albany, as well as through Boston. It was only by mistake that we got into Massachusetts at all, and now, by this second accident, we shall get back again upon our original route." " Yes," said Marco, " only my tickets won t do ; 1 bought Boston tickets." So he began to feel in his pockets for his tickets, but Forester told him that he need not trouble himself about them. " When I saw," said he, " that you were coming into these cars, I handed the tickets to the conductor, before we got in, and he ex changed them for me, and gave me checks, and here they are." 154 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Navigation mysteries. After Marco had in some measure recovered from his surprise, he asked Forester what he meant by saying, " that if they went round the world by the compass it would be fifteen thou sand miles ; but if they went in a straight line, it would be twenty-four thousand. I should think," said he, " that going in the same course by the compass, would be going in a straight line." " No," said Forester ; " going by the com pass, is not going straight, except in some par ticular cases. If we set out to go exactly west from here, we should go round the world on a parallel of latitude, keeping always at the same distance from the pole. But if we keep on in the same absolute direction, we should go round upon a great circle, and thus pass entirely round the world." " I don t understand it very well," said Marco. " I can make it very plain," said Forester, " with a globe. I will show you, when we have an opportunity to see a globe." Just then the cars began to go slower, and presently they stopped at a little village, where an orange girl came in with a basket of oranges for sale. Forester bought two. one for Marco and one for himself; and he made Marco s DANGER OF BEING ARMED. 1 55 Forester buys a model of the world. which was the biggest, answer very \vell for a globe, so far as was necessary to explain to him the difference between going round the world on the forty-second parallel of north latitude, which is about the parallel that they were then on, and going on a great circle. The one would keep them on the north side of the equator, all the way, about equi-distant from the equator and the pole, while the other would carry them to the antipodes. After this, the cars were soon in motion again, and they went on their way. Marco met with no farther mishaps till they reached the end of their journey. 156 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Various kinds of fire-arms. P orester s enumeration. CHAPTER XL ORDNANCE. IN the course of their travels in going to Ver mont, Marco and Forester fell into con versation one day on the general subject of arms and military engines. " They don t seem to make any thing but muskets at Springfield," said Marco, " but there are a great many other kinds of weapons and things used in war, are there not ?" " Oh yes," said Forester, " a great many kinds." " What are they ?" asked Marco. " Oh," replied Forester, " they are almost in numerable. There are cannons, and mortars, and howitzers, and carronades, and bomb-shells, and petards, and grenades, and Congreve rock ets, and pistols, and crackers, and torpedos, and squibs." Marco laughed at this long enumeration of the means of war, beginning so terribly and yet ending with squibs. He asked Forester to ex- ORDNANCE. 157 Squibs. A mortar. The shell. The explosion. plain the things to him, all except the squibs. He knew what squibs were already, he said. " And you know what cannon are ?" said Forester. " Yes," said Marco ; " but I don t know what a mortar is." " A mortar is something like a cannon," re plied Forester, " only it is made to throw bomb shells instead of solid balls." " And what are bomb-shells ?" asked Marco ; " you had better tell me what they are first." " They are large iron balls," said Forester, " some of them a great deal bigger than your head, and hollow. The inside is rilled with gunpowder, so as to explode and burst the ball all to pieces. There is a hole through the iron, where they put the powder in. When the shell is filled with powder they stop up the hole, put ting into it what they call a fuse, which com municates with the powder within." " That is to set the powder on fire, I sup pose," said Marco. " Yes," said Forester. " And the fuse is regulated to burn a certain number of seconds. They fire the bomb-shell into the air, and it falls down upon the town or fort that they are bom barding. By the time that it comes down the 158 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Blowing up houses. Women and children. fuse has burned out, and the powder in the bomb-shell explodes and bursts the shell all to pieces. The pieces sometimes kill a great many men/ " Yes," said Marco, " I should think they would." " If the bomb-shell falls upon a house," added Forester, " it breaks through the roof and all the floors, and goes down into the cellar, where it bursts and tears the house all to pieces." "Hi yi!" said Marco. "I should like to see it." " Perhaps the house belonged to some man," said Forester, " who had been working all his life to earn it, for a home for himself and his children ; and perhaps he and his wife and children were all in it when it was blown to pieces." " But why did he not go away ?" asked Mar co, " before the bomb-shell came." " Perhaps they would not allow him to go away," replied Forester. " When an army comes up to a town and summons the authorities to surrender, the authorities sometimes refuse, determining to defend themselves, and they ask permission of the enemy to remove their wives ORDNANCE. 159 Women and children not allowed to go away. and children before the attack begins. But the enemy will not allow them to do so." " Why not ?" asked Marco. He was much surprised at this statement, for he could not conceive that any generous enemy could wish to murder helpless women and children. " The reason why they will not allow the w T omen and children to go away," replied For ester, " is because they think that the men would make a more obstinate resistance if their families were in safety. So they refuse per mission, and compel every body to remain, in order that the inhabitants may be forced to sur render by being unable to endure such a dread ful destruction of their wives and children." " / would not make them stay," said Marco. " They should all go away wherever they pleased, if the men did fight more obstinately for it." " Then you would be a very poor soldier," said Forester. " A good soldier must have no mercy, in such cases as that. If you should lose an opportunity to take a town, out of your pity for women and children, very likely you would be cashiered." " Cashiered," said Marco ; " what is that ?" 160 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Murco does not wish to be a soldier. Music. " Degraded from office," replied Forester, " as unfit for a soldier." " Then I would not be a soldier at all," said Marco. " Nor I," said Forester. " And yet there are some things about military life that I like very well." " What ?" asked Marco. " I like the regular and systematic manner in which every thing is done," said Forester. " I like to see a body of troops marshaled in order, and all acting together like one man." " So do I," said Marco. " And I like the music," said Forester. " Yes," said Marco, " and I too." " The drum and fife make very animating music," said Forester. " Yes," said Marco ; " and in New York the companies generally have a band." " There is one thing that I should particularly dislike, if I were an officer in the army," said Forester. " What is that ?" asked Marco. " The system that they go upon in engaging the men. They do not pay the men wages enough to make them contented with their work, and desirous of retaining their places ; ORDNANCE. 101 Officers. Pay for officers. Pay for men. but they defraud them into enlisting by offering them bounties, or getting them intoxicated, and afterward compel them to remain in the army and do their duty by whipping them, or by threatening to shoot them if they run away. 3 " Is that the plan ?" asked Marco. " Yes," replied Forester, " in all regular ar mies, and in the navy too. The officers are all paid well, both in the army and navy, so that they are all desirous of keeping their places ; so much so, in fact, that whenever, for any reason, a government desires to diminish the number of officers in the army it is always very hard to get rid of those whom they do not need. They always cling to their places in a very resolute and determined manner." " That is a sign that they pay them too much," said Marco. " It is a sign that they pay them enough," replied Forester, " at any rate. And so when ever there is a plan for increasing the army, there is always a great multitude of applications for the new offices that are to be created. There are a great many more than can possibly be received. The country seems to be full of men who want to be colonels, and captains, and generals." L 162 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Artifices in enlisting the men. " And no soldiers ?" said Marco. " No," replied Forester. " That is to say, there would generally be very few if the gov ernment adopted a fair and honest mode of enlisting them. In any other business of life if men want laborers they advertise for them and engage those that apply, letting them understand honestly beforehand what the work is to be that they will have to do, and paying them when the work is done. But in engaging men to serve as soldiers in an army, they have to resort to a great many artifices and much dexterous man agement, in order to entrap the men and get them to enlist. They conceal the nature of the service as much as possible, and exhibit such appearances before the recruits as to lead them to expect that they are going to have a life of ease and comfort in the army, instead of one of hardship, exposure, and cruelty. Then they tempt them by paying them a considerable sum in advance, which they call bounty money. The bounty is a sort of bait that they put upon the hook to catch them with." " Ho !" said Marco, " what a plan !" " They justify this plan," said Forester, " by pretending that the men need some money in advance to pay their debts with, and wind up ORDNANCE. 163 Operation of it. Punishments. Forester s supposition. their affairs, before they go away to serve in the army. But the actual operation of it is, that the men spend the bounty money in drinking and dissipation, and then when it is all gone they find themselves entrapped into an enlist ment, and made miserable prisoners and slaves for many years. The officers then keep them by means of a system of coercion and punish ment which would be thought intolerable in any other employment." <: What kind of punishments ?" asked Marco. " Why, scourging them dreadfully upon the bare back," said Forester, " chaining them to heavy weights, putting collars upon their necks with sharp points inside, and making them wear them for months. And then if the men, find ing their misery intolerable, attempt to run away, they are liable to be shot for desertion. " Now one of the greatest objections I should have to being a soldier," continued Forester, " is that I should not like to have the responsi bility of executing such a system as this." " Nor I," said Marco. " Suppose," continued Forester, " that such a plan were adopted in any other business. Sup pose that a man who had a large tract of wild land to clear up should come into a city and tell 164 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Clearing land. Supposition continued. A parallel , all the poor miserable wretches that he could find there, that if they would agree to work for him three years, he would give them twenty dollars apiece at once to spend as they liked, and afterward that he would pay them wages, naming, however, only about half what the wages of laborers usually were. And suppose that the men were tempted by the twenty dol lars to agree to it. Perhaps he would get them half intoxicated at first, and induce them to sign the papers while they were in that state. Then after they had spent their -money in dissipation and carousing, he takes them off into the forests, and sets them to work in the hardest and most unhealthy labors. He exposes them to wet, and cold, and hunger, and to every possible hard ship, and if any of them, feeling dissatisfied with their wages, neglect their work, he ties them up to a tree and scourges them almost to death, or chains them to a heavy weight, or fastens a col lar upon their necks, with sharp points inside to lacerate the flesh ; and then if any of them run away, he catches them if he can, and shoots them What a monster we should think such a man was !" " Yes," replied Marco. " We should, truly." " And yet," added Forester, " that is pretty ORDNANCE. 165 Compulsion. Conscripts. Grand spectacles. much the way that modern governments deal with soldiers and sailors." " Well," said Marco, " I am sorry for them. But they had no business to enlist." " In time of war," said Forester, " when great numbers of soldiers and sailors are required, they can not generally get enough to enlist, with all their artifices. Then they compel the men to go. In France they have all the young men that are of a suitable age to become sol diers, registered, and then they draw lots to see who shall go. Those to whom the lot falls have to go, unless they can get a substitute." " Well," said Marco, " and can t they get a substitute ?" "The rich can, but the poor can not," re plied Forester, " and so the poor are compelled to go. It is often very hard for them, but they are compelled to submit. " However," continued Forester, after a short pause, " there are some things about war that I like." " What, besides the order and system ?" asked Marco. " The grand spectacles," replied Forester. " It must be a grand spectacle to see a fourteen inch shell taking its flight in the night, soaring 166 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Flight of a bomb-shell. T he fuse. The fuse must come behind. into the air in a magnificent curve of two or three miles extent, and then coming down upon a town and tearing the houses to pieces with a tremendous explosion." " Yes/ said Marco, " but can they see the shell when it is going through the air." " They can not see the shell itself," replied Forester, " for it is only a great black ball ; but the fuse is burning all the way, and they can see that. It makes a bright line of light in the air." " I should think that the wind would blow the fuse out," said Marco. " But there might not, be any wind," replied Forester. " Yes," said Marco, " the shell would make a wind, going so swift." " That is true," replied Forester, " but I presume that the fuse is made in such a way that no wind whatever could put it out. Be sides the fuse always keeps behind, while the shell is going through the air, and so it is shel tered." " What makes it always keep behind ?" asked Marco. " Because the other end is the heaviest," re plied Forester " And whenever any thing is ORDNANCE 167 Forester s illustrations and explanations. thrown through the air, the heaviest end always keeps foremost." " What is the cause of that ?" asked Marco. "Why, suppose," said Forester, " that you throw a bullet, and a cork ball just as large as the bullet, through the air, with all your force, which would go the swiftest ?" " The bullet would go the farthest, said Marco. " Yes, and it would go the swiftest," said For ester. " It would go the farthest, because it would go the swiftest. The reason would be that the bullet would be less resisted and re tarded by the air than the cork ball. " Now," continued Furester, " suppose that you should fasten a bullet and a cork ball to gether, and throw them through the air." "How could you fasten them together?" asked Marco. " Oh that is of no consequence," said Fores ter ; " we can suppose it to be done. You might fasten them together with sealing-wax. Or you might bore a hole through them both and pass a wire through, and then bend over the ends of the wire. But no matter how it is done. Suppose them to be fastened together in any way, and thrown through the air. The 168 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Ball with a hole in it. Momeutum. bullet would tend to go faster than the cork, and would keep ahead, pulling the cork along ; while the cork would tend to go slower, and would keep behind, holding the bullet back." " Yes," said Marco. " I see that it would." " In the same manner," continued Forester, "if you were to make a wooden ball to be fired out of a cannon, and were to bore a small hole in at one side, and pour lead in and leave it there, and then fire it from the cannon, the loaded side of the ball, that is the side which had the lead in it, would keep foremost all the time, and would strike first ; or rather the ball would strike the object with that side of it fore most. " Then again," continued Forester, " suppose we were to take a second wooden ball, just like the first, and bore a hole in it as before, only instead of pouring lead into it, leave it empty ; and then fire it from the cannon. Now the side of the ball that was not bored will be the heaviest, for that side is solid wood ; whereas the other side has a hole in it, which makes it lighter. Of course the solid part of the ball will keep ahead, and bring the other along after it." " That is very curious," said Marco. " Yes," replied Forester. " Now it is very ORDNANCE. 169 Original mode of making shells. important in firing a bomb-shell that the fuse should be kept behind, especially when the shell strikes ; because although the fuse might not have been put out by the wind while it was passing through the air, it would be very likely to be put out on striking the ground, if the shell were to strike fuse foremost. When shells were first made it was the custom to have the iron cast thicker on the side opposite to the fuse, so as to make that end the heaviest. This was to make it sure that the shell would fall with the fuse uppermost. It was found, however, at last, that this was not necessary ; for the shell would always go with the solid part foremost, even if that part was not any thicker than the other. The reason was, that the hole left for the fuse made that side of the shell so much lighter than the other, that it would go right without any difference of thickness in the sides of the shell. " It is very important, you see," continued Forester, " that the fuse should be uppermost, for when the shell falls, it comes down with prodigious force. If it strikes the ground it buries itself in the earth, out of sight. Some times it goes down several feet, and when it bursts there, it throws up the earth and makes 170 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Hand grenades. Objection to them. an enormous hole, big enough sometimes to swallow up a cart and oxen." " I should like to see it," said Marco. " You could not be near enough," replied For ester, " to see it well without being in great dan ger. In old times they used to have very small shells, such as a man could hold in his hand, and throw among the enemy upon the field of battle ; but they found that this plan did not work very well." " Why not ?" asked Marco. " Why, the men could not throw them very far," said Forester ; " and then, besides, acci dents would often happen. You see the men were obliged to light the fuse with a match, and then throw the shell quick, so as to be sure to get it off before it should explode." Well," said Marco, " there is no difficulty in that. That is the way we fire India crack ers." " Yes," rejoined Forester ; " and does not the cracker sometimes go off suddenly in the boy s hands ?" " No," replied Marco, " not unless he is care- " True," replied Forester ; " but boys will be careless sometimes, and so will soldiers. Then ORDNANCE. 171 What a, mortar is. Shot and shells. Aim. besides, the fuse might burn too quick, or the man who held the grenade might be shot down after he had lighted it, and before he had time to throw it. 3 " Grenade ? 3 repeated Marco. " Do they call these small shells grenades ?" " Yes," said Forester ; " and the men that throw them were called grenadiers. But they don t use grenades now." There was a short pause in the conversation after this, when at length Marco remembered that Forester had not explained to him exactly what a mortar was. " You told me/ 3 said he, " that a mortar was to fire bomb-shells with. Why don t they fire them out of cannons ?" " One reason is, 33 replied Forester, " that they wish to throw shells in a different direction from balls. Balls are aimed directly at the object which the gunner wishes to strike, or rather a little above it ; and they wish to have them go through the air in as straight a line as possible ; so they point the guns a little above the mark." " What is that for ?" asked Marco. " Why, the weight of the ball, 33 said Forester, " keeps it falling all the time while it is passing through the air ; and so if they were to aim 172 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Gunnery. Calculations. Mortars ; large but short. directly at the object, the ball would have fallen below it, before it came to strike. So they point it above. But it requires a nice calcula tion or a great deal of practice, to know how far above to point it." " I don t see how they can make any calcu lation," said Marco. " They can," replied Forester. " They can make a very exact calculation. They know exactly the curve that a ball or any thing else thrown in the air, makes in moving. Then they know how far off the object is which they mean to strike, and how much gunpowder they put in, and how strong it is ; and they have rules by which they can determine how high the gun must be elevated to throw the ball to the right point. It is quite a science." " I should think it was," said Marco. " Yes," replied Forester ; " to be a good gun ner, a man must be a good mathematician. Schools of artillery are schools of mathematics." " Well," said Marco, " and now about mor tars ?" " Mortars," said Forester, " must be larger than cannon, because the shells which they are intended to throw are larger than the balls ORDNANCE. 173 Direction of shells. Origin of the name. which the cannon are intended to throw ; but they need not be so long." " Why not ?" asked Marco. " Because it is not necessary that the shells should be thrown with so much force. They are to be thrown up into the air in order that they may fall down upon the object which they are intended to destroy, and lodge there before they explode. If they were to be thrown straight through the air, like a ball, they would perhaps pass entirely by the object before ex ploding, and so do no harm." " Oh yes," said Marco, " they would do a great deal of harm, by tearing through it." " That is true," replied Forester, " though they would do much less harm than they would do by lodging and exploding on the spot. " The mortar, accordingly," continued For ester, " is made short and large, and it stands in almost an upright position ; so that instead of looking like a common cannon, it resembles somewhat an apothecary s mortar. That is the way it gets its name." " Yes," said Marco ; " I recollect now that I have seen them in the Navy Yard at Brooklyn." " There is another thing peculiar about a mortar/ said Forester. 174 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMOR Y. The recoil of guns. The recoil of mortars. The mortar-bod. " What is that ?" asked Marco. The mortar bed," said Forester. " When a gun is fired or a cannon, there is a recoil ; that is, the gun is thrown back at the same instant that the ball is thrown forward. Now all heavy guns are mounted upon very strong carriages, and the force of the recoil is expended in trundling the carriages back a little way. But as the mortar is pointed up into the air, the re coil tends to drive the mortar itself down into the ground ; and consequently, if the frame that it rested upon was not very heavy and strong, it would be broken all to pieces by the force of the explosion." " They need not have any frame at all," said Marco. " They might put the mortar directly upon the ground." " Then," said Forester, " they could not move it so as to point it in different directions." " Oh no," said Marco. " You see," continued Forester, " it is neces sary sometimes to elevate or depress the mortar more or less, and also to move it a little to the right or left, according to the position of the object which they wish to strike. Therefore it must be regularly mounted, and the frame which it is mounted upon must be very heavy and ORDNANCE. 175 Mortars at sea. Bomb-ketches. Marco s plan. solid, so as to resist the recoil. And it must be made so as to turn round upon a pivot. " Sometimes," continued Forester, " they use mortars at sea. In this case they place them upon vessels of a peculiar kind called bomb- ketches. These vessels are made very strong. The builders use very heavy timbers in the construction of them, and strengthen them with a great many braces. If they were not to do this, the vessels would be soon shattered to pieces by the force of the explosions." After Forester had said this, there was quite a pause. Marco seemed to be musing upon what he had heard. At last he said, " Cousin Forester, when I get to Vermont I mean to borrow an iron mortar and fire it." " Oh, you can not fire a common mortar," said Forester. " Yes," said Marco, " I can tie up the gun powder in a paper, for a cartridge, and put it in the bottom of the mortar, and then put in a round stone, as big as will go in, for a bomb shell." " And then," said Forester, " how can you fire it ? there is no touch-hole." " I know that," said Marco, " but I could make a fuse and pass it into the mortar along 176 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. He contrives a mortar. by the side of the stone, and so light the outer end of it." " Well," said Forester, " perhaps you would succeed in getting it off, but it would be a very dangerous experiment ; for the stone would be as likely to come down upon your head, as upon any thing else of the same bigness." THE BREAKING UP 177 State of the roads in Vermont. Drifts. CHAPTER XII. THE BREAKING UP. A LTHOUGH the snow had nearly disap- ~t*- peared from Connecticut, and even Mas sachusetts, when Forester and Marco Paul passed through those states on their visit to the armory, yet they found, when they reached Vermont, vast stores of it still remained. The route which they took required them to make a day s journey by land, at last, to reach Mr. Forester s. This day s ride, which they took in the stage, would have carried them home if the traveling had been tolerable; but the state of the roads, caused by the breaking up of the winter, was such that they went on very slowly. In some places the wheels of the coach ran along very easily upon the thin stratum of ice which remained upon the road and kept it hard. At other times they plowed their way along through deep patches of snow, extending for miles, the remains of the great drifts of the winter ; and sometimes these drifts were so deep M 178 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The snow. Long hill. Speculations. that the wheels of the coach would set fast in them. In such cases the passengers would have to get out, and then the driver would urge the horses to draw out the empty carriage to the land beyond,-. At other places still, the sur face of the ground seemed broken, containing patches of a hard crust, with deep holes filled with soft mud between them. The horses hoofs would break through in such cases, and some- limes the wheels would sink in up to the hubs, making it almost impossible to get along at all. In one such place as this, at the foot of a long hill, the passengers had to get out, in order to make it possible for the horses to go on ; and after they were out, and the horses had drawn the coach out of the worst of the slough, they called out to the driver to drive along, saying, that they would walk up the hill. There was a bank at the side of the road, where they could walk on the grass all the way up ; and, though it rained, they all had umbrellas. They walked two and two, and Marco and Forester walked together. " Marco," said Forester, after they had com menced making this ascent, " I don t believe you know what makes it so muddy." " Yes," said Marco ; " the rain." THE BREAKING UP. 179 Operation of the frost. Freezing of the ground. " No," said Forester. " Then it is the melting of the snow," said Marco. " No," said Forester. " What is it, then ?" said Marco. " It is the frost," said Forester. " The frost operates very curiously, in a manner that few persons fully understand. I will explain it to you. " What water there is in the ground, in the fall of the year," continued Forester, "freezes and swells. It of course swells the ground up with it." " I never knew that before," said Marco. " Yes," said Forester, " that is the case. You knew that water always expanded in freezing, didn t you ?" " Yes," said Marco. " And, of course," said Forester, " it causes the ground to swell, unless the ground is com posed of sand or some porous material which enables the water to swell into the pores, with out raising the ground itself. In all common soils it swells the land, and raises it." " How much ?" said Marco. " O, an inch or two," replied Forester ; " sometimes more. Did you never observe, 180 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Frost the great tiller of the ground. where a large stone peeps out of the ground, that when the ground freezes there is an inden tation all around the stone, as if it had set tled ?" " Yes," said Marco, " I ve seen the stones so in the pasture. I thought they really set tled." " No," said Forester, " they remain as they are ; but the land rises, being swollen by the frozen water that is in it. The whole surface of the ground is raised in this way every win ter, and then, in the spring, when the ground thaws, it lays up light, all ready for roots to ex tend themselves in every direction into it. Thus the frost is the great natural pulverizer of the fields. All summer, in the fields and in the woods, the roots are pushing themselves forth in every direction, and filling up the earth, and the loose particles are washed into the in terstices, and men and animals tread it down so that it becomes quite hard ; and then the frost comes in the fall and winter, and swells it all up again, so as to separate the particles of earth from each other a little ; and then, when the water thaws in the spring, it leaves them so, all ready for the roots to take a fresh growth." THE BREAKING UP. 181 Effects of the expansion. " What an excellent plan," said Marco. " Yes," said Forester, " it saves the farmer a vast deal of labor ; but there are some inconve niences that arise from it." " What are they ?" asked Marco. Why, there are two principal ones," said Forester. " First, when the ground rises in this manner it lifts up every thing upon it ; buildings, fences, and every thing else." " Not the houses," said Marco. " Yes," said Forester, " if they rest upon it ; that is, upon the upper part of the ground, which is the part lifted. To prevent this, men dig down and lay the foundations upon the lower part of the ground, which remains at rest because it is so far below the cold air, that the water in it doesn t get frozen. But fences can not well be protected ; for the sur face of the earth will freeze around the posts, and thus when it rises, it heaves them up a lit tle way. The next year they get hove up a little^ higher, and so, finally, sometimes out of the ground." " Entirely ?" asked Marco. " Why, so far that they fall over," said For ester. " But the greatest of the inconveniences produced by the swelling of the land, is on the 182 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The roads spoiled. The top of the hill. Forester concludes to stop. roads. In the spring of the year, when the roads thaw, the water which is in the gravel shrinks in thawing, and leaves the gravel not only wet, but lying loosely as if it had been plowed and harrowed. This is what makes the road so soft. It isn t the rain, or the melting snow ; for you know, in summer, after a long rain, though the road is as wet as it can be, it is not so soft as it is now." Forester would have explained the subject more fully to Marco, but they now arrived at the top of the hill, and got into the coach again. They rode on until nearly night, and were then more than twenty miles from home. Now For ester had an uncle who lived in the part of the country where they were passing ; and as they were tired, and Forester thought there would be some danger of upsetting in riding in the night, they concluded to stop there and to take the next stage home. " When will the next stage come along ?" asked Marco. " Day after to-morrow," said Forester. " The stage goes one day and comes the next." Marco anticipated some pleasure in calling to see this uncle. He lived in a solitary place among the Green Mountains, upon his farm. THE BREAKING UP. 183 Forester s uncle sick. Marco is to go for Mr. Forester. The letter. Their pleasure was, however, very much marred on their arrival, at learning that their uncle was sick. Forester watched with him that night, and the next morning he was worse. They wanted to send to Mr. Forester to come and see him, as the physician considered him in danger. There was nobody to send but Marco ; for Forester was unwilling to leave his uncle, and the family were also very unwilling that he should go. Marco volunteered to take a wagon, and go for his uncle Forester. It was only twenty miles, he said, and he could drive twenty miles very easily. Forester was very much at a loss to know what to do. He was unwilling to send Marco alone, on such an ex pedition, but there seemed to be no alternative. So the horse was harnessed into a light wagon, the next morning, and Marco took his seat in it. Forester wrote a letter to his father, describ ing the circumstances of his uncle s sickness, and he gave Marco many charges to drive slowly, to walk the horse nearly all the way, and to keep well up on the highest side of the wagon in going over the drifts of snow ; and, finally, if he got into any difficulty, or found that he could not get along, to stop at any 184 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Land overflowed. Marco s difficulties. The traveler,, house, and hire a man to go the rest of the way with him. Marco was very much pleased at being in trusted with so important an enterprise. He went on ten miles without any special hin drance. The road was lonely, conducting him through glens and forests, and among swamps and streams swelled to overflowing with the rains and the melted snows. These streams, however, had all bridges, and there were cause ways across the swamps, so that Marco found no difficulty with them until, at last, when he was within about ten miles of home, he came to a place where he saw the water standing in the road, apparently quite deep, for a long dis tance before him. There were great swamps on each side, which were also full to overflow ing with water, and about at the middle of the inundated part of the road a strong current was setting across the road, with a large cake of ice floating down upon it, exactly in his way. Marco judged that the water was not very deep, however, in the road, from the height at which it stood at an old brush fence which ex tended along on one side of the road. While he was hesitating, however, what to do, he saw a pedestrian traveler advancing along the road, THE BREAKING UP. 185 Marco perplexed. The traveler s proposal. on the other side of the water. He had a bundle on his back. He stopped, like Marco, as soon as he reached the water. Marco called out to him, in a loud voice, " Can I come along through this water ?" " I don t know," said the man ; " I suppose so." Marco hesitated a moment in doubt. He perceived, however, that the water could not be very deep ; so that if he should fall in, he would only get a wetting. Then that man was there, ready to come to his aid if any accident should happen. Besides, he could not turn round very well, where he was, to get back again, even if he had wished to turn hack ; so he boldly pushed on. The horse waded along the road, the wagon following him, and tipping to one side or to the other, according to the in equalities of the snow and ice which yet re mained under the water on the track. When Marco got to the middle, he had to wait a min ute or two for a cake of ice to float by ; then he went on, and the horse soon came out upon the firm ground his limbs dripping with the water. The traveler then wanted Marco to turn round and carry him across the water, and of- 186 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. The pond. Bridge goiio. fered to pay him well for it if he would. But Marco did not see how he could turn safely ; so he declined this proposition, advising the man to clamber along as well as he could on the brush fence. Marco sat in the wagon looking back for a few minutes, laughing at the comical figure which the man made, with his bundle on his back, clambering along on this unusual sort of bridge. He said to himself that the man looked like a hump-backed monkey climbing trees. After he saw that the man got safely over, he rode on. He however soon encountered a more serious difficulty than this. He came to a large pond. The road passed around the end of it. A large stream issued from the pond at this place, and the road had crossed this stream just by the edge of the pond, on a bridge. The water was, however, so high, that the bridge was not in sight ; but Marco supposed it was there, and that he could ride over it, through the water. There was a small house near the edge of the woods, a short distance back, and just as Marco was going to drive forward, a man came out from behind some piles of lumber near it, and called out to Marco, telling him that the bridge had been carried away. THE BREAKING UP. 187 Marco and the farmer. Marco s plan. " Then how shall I get across ?" said Marco. " You can t get across at all," said the man. " But I must go," said Marco. " Well," said the man, " if you must go, and can t go, I don t know how you ll settle it." So saying, he turned around and disappeared. Marco got out of the wagon, fastened the horse, and went back to the house. The man was at work under a shed, making a cart-body. He kept on with his work, but in answer to Marco s questions, he told him that it was im possible to get across there till the water went down, and the bridge was repaired ; and that there was no road by which he could go around the difficulty, except by a circuit of fifteen miles. Marco sat down upon a log lying in the yard, in a state of great perplexity. After some min utes, he looked up, and said, " Could you work for me, sir ?" " Work for you ?" repeated the man. " Yes," said Marco. " I will pay you for it at the rate of a dollar a day." Marco had heard that this was pretty high wages for that part of the country at that time. " I don t believe you have got any money," said the man. " Yes," said Marco ; and so saying he took 188 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Negotiations. Plan for a raft. The raft began, out one half a dollar from his pocket, and showed it to the man. t{ What do you want me to do ? To help me "build a raft, to raft my horse and wagon over this water." " O, you can t raft them over," said the man. " Yes," said Marco ; " you must fell me some small trees, and cut them into lengths, and roll them into the water. Then I shall want to buy some of your boards to cover it with." " O, no," said the man ; " we could not make a raft in that way big enough to float your horse and wagon." " No," said Marco, " but we could raft the horse over first, and then the wagon." " Well," said the man, " I ll try it for half a dollar." " No," said Marco ; " I ll pay you at the rate of a dollar a day for the time it takes." " Very well," said the man, " any way to suit you. I don t know but that you will get over." So the man went with Marco down to the shore of the pond, and began to cut down some trees. He told Marco which were the lightest and most suitable, and when about twelve of the lengths had been prepared, he and Marco rolled them into the water, and placed a board THE BREAKING UP. 189 Plans. across them to hold them together. The man then walked out upon the board, and with an auger bored holes down through it into the logs, and pinned it down. There was one pin driven into each log. Several other boards were placed alongside of the first, until the raft was floored over. The man then cut a long pole to push with. They were going to push the raft across at the end of the pond, just above where the outlet issued from it. They led the horse carefully on to the raft, and Marco held him 190 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Success of the plans. Marco offers his raft for sale. while the man pushed over. They accomplished the passage safely, and then came back for the wagon. The transportation of the wagon was effected without difficulty, and the horse har nessed into it again, and Marco was once more able to proceed. The man estimated his work at one fourth of a day, and the boards and logs he considered to be worth twenty-five cents. So Marco paid him half a dollar, and was just going to get into his wagon, when the stage appeared in sight, coming toward him. " Now," said Marco, " I ll sell my raft to the driver of this stage." When the driver saw the condition of the road, he exclaimed, " What ! is this bridge carried away ?" " Yes," said the man, "it went off last night. " And how then am I to get over ?" " I don t know," said Marco, " unless you buy my raft." " Your raft ?" said the driver ; " is that your raft ?" " Yes," said Marco ; " I ve just paid for it, labor and materials. It has cost me half a dol lar, besides all the planning of it. You may have it for the same." The driver looked at the raft a moment, with THE BREAKING UP. 191 The driver buys it. a smile on his countenance, and then said, " But I need not pay you for it. There the raft is. I ve only to take it and use it, if I ve a mind to." " But I forbid you to use it," said Marco, " unless you pay me for it." " What good will your forbidding do?" said the driver. " I happen to be the strongest." " O, yes," said Marco ; " you can rob me of it, I know. If I am so unlucky as to get rob bed here in this solitary place, I suppose I must submit to it ; that s all." The driver did not quite like this aspect of the subject, and besides, his passengers began to put their heads out of the windows of the coach, and told him that he had better buy the raft. So he gave Marco half a dollar, saying, at the same time, that it would cost him one quarter of a dollar more to make it big enough to float his stage-coach ; but even that he ad mitted would be better than to go fifteen miles around. Thus Marco got across the water without any other inconvenience than the de lay. He arrived home safely. His uncle For ester returned next day in the wagon to see his sick brother. He crossed on the raft. He found his brother better, and on the third day 192 THE SPRINGFIELD ARMORY. Forester gets home. he and Forester returned in the stage, but by this time the bridge had been repaired. Marco remained at Forester s father s a long time, and had various adventures there, but they can not be described in this volume. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWE1 LOAN DEPT. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall " ~" 7 64 -i RECEIVED BY JUL11 198: CIRCULATION DBPJ. General Library UniveRity of Cahforr Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 052731,151