rV'}-:^-! /• * *'? '^ ■ ;■. ^- i •r- <^CcV ■JV-^^ 2^ i'r -o TV, ' f /?.V>.';-;»j. .... >J-^. kf-i K If ^ 3l^r.'1i\ V CATALOGUE LIBRARY INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. NOVEMBER, 1880. LONDON : |)i-intcb for tlic Institute of ,^ctu:n-ics of 6r£at §vit;un anb litlanb, Bv CHARLES AND EDWIX LAYTOX, 150, FLEET STREET. ft^iHtnAL ^\5 The arrangement of tlie Catalogue is alphabetical^ — by tlip name of tbe Author, — and a classified Index is given at the end. Members of the Institute, therefore, knowing the Author of the work they require, will turn to the body of the Catalogue and will there see if the Libraiy contains it; while Members in search of books on a particular subject, but ignorant of the writer^s name, will, by turning to the end, find there a Classified Index, also alphabetically arranged, and with many cross references, which will, it is believed, enable them at once to ascertain what works on any particular subject the Library contains. « \ 19650 CATALOGUE UN/VER! ifararp cf t\jt '^nstitntt of ^ttnaxus. About (Edmond). L'Assurance. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo 2me edit. 12mo. Paris, 1866 AcABEMiE. — Histoire de I'Academie Eoyale des Sciences, 1666 a 1698. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1777 1699-1734.. 2nde. edit. 57 vols. 12mo. Amsf. 1734-38 _ . table generale des matieres. 1699-1734. 3 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1741 _ 1735-51. 39 vols. 12mo. Hid. 1739-58 — — table generale des matiei'es. 1735-51. [tome 4 of 1751.] 12tno. ibid. 1760 Centie'me ou dernier volume de la premiere centurie, contenant un abrege historique de chaque science avec une liste generale des Memoires jusqu' a 1751. 12mo. ibid. 1760 ■ — nouvelle centurie 1752-78. 62 vols. 12mo. Amst. ^ Paris, 1761-82 table generale des matieres 1751-70. [tome 5 & 6.] 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 111',) AcTiJAEiES, Institute of. — Origin of the Institute of Actuaries ; rules, &c., 1848 (Jis.) Papers read before the Institute of Actuaries, Oct. 1849-Apnl 1852. (3 copies) 8vo. Lotid. 1849-52 see also in Assuex^ce Magazine. 2 ACT— ALM AcTrATJiES, Institute of. — Discussions at the Institute of Actuaries, .Ses.5. 18(55, G. COXTENTS : — Makeham (W. M.), construction of mortality tables. Adler (M. N.), memoir of Bonj. Gompertz. .Sprague (T. B.), limitation of risks. Pattison (W. P.), organisation and its application to life assurance. Gray (Peter), transformation of functions. ^\^oolhouse (VV. S. B.), construction of mortality tables. [Tracts, vol. 4-.] Svo. Lond. 1866 Life tables deduced from the mortalit}^ experience of life assur- ance companies ; with an ajjpendix containing a complete system of notation for life contingencies. (2 copies) Svo. ibid. 1872 see also Kules. Journal of the, see Assurance Magazine. Actuaries, Faculty of, Scotland, lioyal Charter incorporating the. 8vo. Edi7ib. 1868 Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scot- land. Svo. 1873 Actuaries, France. — Journal des Actuaires Francais. 1872-1879. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1872-79 Adams (John), the mathematician's companion: a table of logarithms from 1 to 10,860, &c. Svo. Lond. 1787 Adan (H. J. G.) les caisses de veuves et orphelins et la necessite de leur reforme. Svo. Brux. 187-1 notice sur I'histoire des assurances sur la vie. Svo. ihid. 1871 etude sur la nature du contrat d'assurance sur la vie. 2me ed. Svo. ihid. 1880 Addison (Joseph). Miscellaneous works in verse and prose ; ■with some account of the life and writings of the author, by Mr. Tickell. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1769 Agar Town, St. Pancras, Report on the sanitary condition of, by E. D. Grainger. Svo. Lond. 1851 Airy (Sir G. B.) see Astronomical Observations. Albert Life Assurance Company Arbitration: — A^vards by the arbitrator [Lord Cairns.] folio. 1872-7-4 Alembert (J. le liond d'). see Enctclopedte. Alison (Archibald). History of Europe from the commeucement of the French revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. 7th edit. 20 vols. Svo. ZonJ. 1847, 8 Alison (Dr. W. P.) Observations on the generation of fever, and re- marks by Neil B. Arnott. [Tracts, vol. 8.] Svo. Lond. 1840 Almanac. — Lady's and gentleman's diary for 1860, designed principally for students in uuithenuitics. 107th annual number. 12mo AM E— ASS J} Ametitca. — Portraits of Xorth American Indians, with sketches of scenery, &c., painted by J. M. Stanley ; deposited with the Smith- sonian Institution. 8vo. Washington, 1852 — see also Uxited States. Amertcax National Life and Trust Company ; proceedings to wind up the company's affairs ; petition for a trustee ; special report of tlie Insurance commissioner, and answer of the directors, &c. 8vo. Neiv Haven, 187-1, 5 A^rsTERDAAf. — -Feest-Gave van het Wlskundig Genootschap te Amster- dam onder de Zlnspreuk : " Een onvermoeide Arbeld Komt alles te Bovcn " ter gelegeuheid der vierlng van zijn Honderdiarig Bestaan. folio. Haarlem, 1871) ANALYTICAL Society. — Memoirs of the Analytical Society, 1813. Ito.' Camh. 1813 Annuities. — Outline of an essay on the principle of annuities for single and joint lives, with an appendix on the Bengal military fund, by a military fund director. 8vo. Calcutta, \\'$,1'd'i^^ [Article from the "Encyclopaedia Brlttanlca," 7th edit. 1S31.] 4to Ansell (Charles). On the rate of mortality at early periods of life, the age at marriage, the number of children to a marriage, &c.. In the upper and professional classes. 8vo. Loncl. 187-1 ARcn.T.OLO(acAL Society. — see Eules. Arkansas. — Second report of a geological reconnaissance of the midland and southern counties of Arkansas, made during 1859, 60, by D. D. Owen. Svo. Philad. 1860 Art Union of Loxbon ; 12nd annual report. [Tracts, vol. 20.] Svo. Loncl. 1878 Asiiworth (Henry). The Preston strike; an enquiry into Its causes, &c. [Tracts, vol. 10.] 8vo. Manchester, 1851 Assurance. — Allgemelne Verslcherungs-Zeltung herausg. und redlfirt von E. A. Maslus, 1845-48. '4to. Leipzig, 1845-48 Allgemeiner prospectus fur das gesammte Sparkassen-u Yer- slcherungswesen, kc. : Lebensversleherungs-und Yersorgungs- Unstalten. 8vo. Weimar, 18^48 Assurance Associations ; report from the select committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and Inde.x. folio. 1853 Assurance Coaipanies. — Eeturn to the House of Commons of the names, places of business, and object of all assurance companies, and a copy of every account registered by such companies, from the passing of 7 & 8 Ylct., c. 110. (4 parts) folio. 1849, 52, 56, 63 see also Life Assurance Cos. Assurance Magazine, The, and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. 1851-79. (3 sets) 21 vols. Svo. Land. 1851-79 — general index to the first ten volumes. Svo. Loud. 1864 4 ASS— BAG AssuRA>XE Eegister, The, [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo AsTEOivoMiCAL and magnetical and meteorological observations made at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1873, under the direction of Sir G. B. Airy. ' 4to. Lond. 1875 Atkixs (Richard) . Hints on the settlement of claims for losses by fire under mercantile policies. 8vo. Lond. 1853 another edit. (2 copies) Svo. ibid. 1866 AusTEALASiAN statistics for the year 1878, with a report by the govern- ment statist of Victoria. folio see also Victoria. Australian Alliance Assurance Company. — Returns to Registrar- o-eneral. 4to. Melbourne, 1879 Mutual Provident Society ; directors' report ; revised bye-laws ; case for opinion of actuaries ; joint and separate opinions, &c. (4 copies) 8vo. 1873 B Babbage (Charles). Comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives. Svo. Lond. 1826 Table of logarithms of the natural ntunbers from 1 to 108000. 8vo. ibid. 1829 4th impression. Svo, ibid. 1844 Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causes, (another copy bomid up wdth South's charges). Svo. ibid. 1830 Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax, and its exceptions. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 2nd ed. Svo. ibid. 1851 Observations at the Royal Society after the delivery of the medals (on Scheutz's Swedish tabulating machine.) [Tracts, vol. 10.] Svo. ibid. 1856 Statistics of the clearing house, with app. [Tracts, vol. 13.] Svo. ibid. 1856 Observations on peerage for life. [Tracts, vol. 10.] Svo. ibid. 1856 Bacon (Francis, Lord) . — Life of Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England. The two books of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human. 4to. n.d. BAG— BAN 5 Bagat (V.) Nouvelles tables astronomiques et hydrograpliiques. Svo. Paris, 1829 Bailt (Francis). Tables for the purchasing and renewing of leases for terms of years certain, and for lives, &c., with appendix. 2nd edit. 8vo. Loiid. 1807 (the original 3Is.) folio Table of annuities, interest, &c. (Jis.) 4to [Note by Prof. De Morgan as to the application for an injunction against the publisher of Inwood's tables, and as to the originality of the Ms.'] The doctrine of life annuities and assurances analytically investi- gated and explained {Ms.) 4to. ibid. 1810 On interest, annuities, reversions, renewal of leases, &c., &c., with tables {Ms.) 4to. 1808 [See account of the above 31ns., with letter of A. De Morgan, presenting the three Mss. to the Institute of Actuaries, in Assurance Magazine, vol 4, pp. 185 and 275.] The rights of the stockbrokers defended against the attacks of the City of London ; meaning of the word broker, &c. [Tracts, vol. 12.] Svo. Lond. 1806 Account of the several life assurance companies established in London. [Tracts, vol. 16.] Svo. ihid. 1810, 11 • Theorie des annuites viageres et des assurances sur la vie. Traduit de 1' Anglais par Alfred de Courcy. "2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1836 see Baeeett (George). Bailey (A. H.) The expenses of life assurance companies. [Tracts, vol. 20.] Svo. Lond. 1875 see also Atjstealian Mutual Protident Society. Bain (Alex.) Petition against the electric telegraph company bill, with minutes of evidence taken before the select committee, House of Lords, &c., Sess. 1846. Svo. Lond. 1846 see also Finlaiso>' (Alex.) Baied (S. F.) Review of American birds in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1. [Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vol. 12.] Svo. Washington, 1874 Balbi (Adi'iano). see Geogeaphy. Baleoue (Maj.-Gen.) On the budgets and accounts of England and France. [Tracts, vol. 14.] Svo. Lond. 1866 Bank (The) Charter Act of 1844, and report and resolution presented to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 1856. [Tracts, vol. IS.] Svo. Lond. [1867?] Bankke's Magazine, The, journal of the money market and commer- cial digest. Jan. 1852 to 1877. [vols. 12-37.] 26 vols. Svo. Lond. 1852-77 I) I}AX— IJEN BAMCiNCr Institute, rejxjrt uf the proceedings, lind Sess. Oct. Is52-A])ril 1853. [Tracts, vol. 7.) ' 8vo. LonJ. l8o3 Ba-Nkruptct. — Eeport of the committee of merchants. &c., in Dundee, for the improvement of the bankruptcy and insolvency laws of Scot- land, on the bill presented in Parliament by Lord Brougham in March, 1S53. [Tracts, vol. S.] 8vo. Dundee, 1851 Bakj.OW (Peter). Tables of square cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. [edit, bv A. De Morgan.] Svo. Lokd. 1810 Baerett (George). Correspondence with Francis Baily, March 10, ISll-Feb. 25, 1819 (Ms.) ; with an account prefixed by Prof, de Morgan [from the "Assurance Magazine."] folio Barrow (Is.) see Euclid. Barrv (Sir D.) Statistics of epidemic cholera. [Statist. Soc. trans, vol. 1. pt. 1.] 4to. Loud. 1837 Bastiat (Fred.) Economic sophisms, trans, by P. J. Stirling. 8vo. Edlii. 1873 Bastixe (L.) et E. Yanhoorebeke — Observations sur le systeme des assurances par Tetat. 8vo. Brux. 1817 Battve (R. F.) Important matters in relation to the areas of circles and squares. [Tracts, vol. 18 ] 8vo. Lond. 1869 Bayley (Sir John). Summary of the law of bills of exchange, cash bills, and promissorv notes. 5th edit, bv Francis Bavlev. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Batlts (Edward). The arithmetic of annuities and life assurance, or compound interest simplified, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Beamish (llichard). see Quetelet (M.A.) Becher (.1. F.) The constitiition of friendly societies. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. 1824 1th ed. 8vo. ibid. 1828 Begbie (James). On the causes of death in the Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Edin. 18G0 Belgium. — Statistique de la Belgique — Agriculture — Keeensement general, 1850. Ito. Brux. 1862 Documents statistiques publie.s par le depart, dc rinterieur. Tome 6 & 7 in 1 vol. llo. ibid. 1S62, (53 ■ Annuaire statistique de la Belgique, 1875. 8vo. ibid. 1875 Bkltdou (Bern.) Nouveau covirs de mathematique a Tu-sage de I'artillerie et du genie ou Ton applique, &c. (plates). 4to. Paris, 1725 Bknevolext Institutions, Committee on. [Tracts, vol. 10.] 8vo. 1856 BEN— BOO 7 Bextham (Jeremy). Defence of usury, showing the impolicy of the present legal restraints ; and a letter to Adam Smith on the restraints to the progi'ess of inventive industry. 12mo. Loncl. 1787 BsNWELL (J. B ) New formulae in the valuation of annuities on lives, ^.Q, 8vo. Lo7id. 1830 Bernoulli (Jac.) Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum ; accedit ejusdem tractatus de seriebus intinitis, 'crcLOPEDiE. Boucher (John). Treatise on rifle projectiles, &c. 8vo. Lond.l^TiQ BouLT (Swinton). Observations on a bill to amend the law relating to life assurance companies. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. 1S70 BouRGET (J.) Theorie elementaire des approximations nmneriques. 8vo. Paris, 1860 Boyd v. the Corporation of the Eoyal p]xchanq;e Assurance, tried before Lord Denman and a special jury at Guildhall, July, 18-16: from the shorthand writer's notes. 8vo Boyle (llobert). New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air and its effects, &c. Defence of the doctrine toviching the spring and weight of the air against the objections of IVancis Linus. An examen of T. Hobbs, his Dialogus Physicus de natura aeris, &c. 3 in 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1682 Bradley (Thomas). Practical geometry, linear perspective, and projection ; including isometrical perspective, &c. &c. 8vo. Lond. I834i Brady (Rob.) An historical treatise of cities and boroughs, shewing their original, and whence and from whom they received their liberties, privileges, and immunities, &c. 2nd edit. folio. Lond. 1704 Bremiker (C.) Logarithmisch Trigonometrische Tafeln mit sechs Decimalstelleu. 8vo. Berlin, 1869 Brewster (Sir David), see Philosophical Magazine. Bridge (Rev. B.) Algebra, [wants title page.] 2nd edit. 8vo. Broxhourn, 1811? Briggs (Henricus). Arithmetica logai-ithmica, sive logarithmorum chiliades centum, pro numeris naturali serie crescentibus ab unitare ad 100000, &c. Hos numeros primus invenit Johannes Ncperus Baro Merchistonii : cos autem ex ejusdem sententia mutavit, illus. Henricus Brigr/s, ed secunda aucta per Ad. Vlacq, &c. folio. Goudae, 1628 see also Sherwin (Hen.) Brixton (William). On the medical selection of lives for assurance. 3rd edit. l2mo. Lond. 1861 1*)RTTTSH Almanac, The, with the companion or year boot of general information. 1831-71. 44 vols. 8vo. io/«/. 1831-74 ' The companion to the almanac or year book, 1828, 29, 30. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1828-30 (Companion to the almanac, 1850, 51, 53, 55. [Papers by Aug. de Morgan.] British Life Lnsurance Chart, 1873-79. 8vo Bill -BUD 9 British Mtseum. — see Egyptian Antiquitiks ; Elgin Marbles. BROtJGnTON (Charles). Memoir respecting a new theory of numbers. Part I. 4to. Ellin. 1814 Browx (J.) Mathematical tables : containing the logarithms of num- bers, logarithmic sines, tangents, and secants, &c., &c. 5th edit, by Eev. J. Wallace. 8vo. Edin. 1830 Brown (Samiiel). A few thoughts on commission, divisions of profit, selection of lives, the mortality in India, and other subjects relating to life assurance. (2 copies) 8vo. Load. 1819 On a general method of approximation to the values of annuities and assurances, and for long terms of years. [Trans. Inst, of Actuaries.] 8vo. ibid. 1850 Sketch of the recent progress on the assurance of life and property on the Continent. [Trans. Inst, of Actuaries.] Svo. 1851 Is the present competition in life assurance companies advan- tageous to the public ? [Tracts, vol. 2.] Svo. 1853 Report on the Bengal medical retiring fund. 8vo. Calcutta, 1865 Report on the Bengal military fund, with valuations on December 31, 1860 and December 31, 1865. (2 copies) Svo. Lond. 1869 Report on the Bengal military orphan society and valuation, April, 1866. ' 8vo. ibid. 1873 Report on the Bombay medical retiring fund. Svo. zi/CE CuMi'AM. CAl— CHA 11 Caisses d'Assukance. — Instruction generale sur la service des caisscs d'assurance en cas de deces et en cas d'accidents. folio. Paris, 186S Caisse de KEinAiTEs et pensions viageres pour la vieillesse — circulaire aux prefets — IS Juin, 1850. Svo Caisse de retrattes pour la vieillesse sous la garantie de 1' etat — tarif des retraites ou rentes viageres. 8vo. Paris, 1851 Callet (Francois). Tables portatives de logarithmes, &.Q. rev. et corrigees par M. Saigey. 8vo. Paris, 1804 see also Ctakdi>'EK (Will.) Cambridge Problems : being a collection of the printed questions ]n'o- posed for the degree of B.A. at the general examinations, 1801-20. 8vo. Cambridge, 1821 Caxada. — A few words on the subject of Canada, by a barrister. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. Lond. 1837 Statement made by insurance companies, 1870-7-1, and abstracts, 1876, 77. 8vo. Ottawa, 1871-78 Keports of the superintendent of insurance, 1875-79. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1876-80 Caexot (L. H. M.) Keflexions on the metaphysical principles of the infinitesimal analvsis. Translated by Kev. K. W. Browell. 8vo. Oxford, 1832 Cakpexteb, (P. B.) The mollusksof Western North America. [Smith- sonian Misc. Coll. vol. 10. J 8vo. Washington, 1872 Carrera (D. Pietro). Treatise on the game of chess, containing games of odds, openings, &c., &c.. with the art of playing without seeing the board, translated by W. Lewis. 8vo. Lond. 1822 [Castel (Le Pere Louis Bertrand).] Mathematique universelle abrege 'e a I'usage de tout le monde, etc. [with 21s. note on the author, bv W. B. Hodge.] Ito. Paris, 1728 Caswall (Alfred). A treatise on copyholds and copyhold enfranchise- ment, 3rd edit., and the Copyhold Act, 4 ct 5 Yict., c. 35. Observations on the sixth report of the Copvhold Commissioners. In 1 vol. 12mo. Lond. 1841, 1848 Catalan (Eugene). Traite elementaire des series. Svo. Paris,lS'60 Catalogue of books and single papers relating to the subjects of the rate of mortality, annuities, and life assurance, itc. 8vo. Lond. 1836 CiiAMPXESS (W. S.) An insurance dictionary : being a practical ex- planation of the terms used in the transaction of insurance business. (2 copies) 8vo. Lond. 1879 Chaxmxg (W. E.) The importance and means of a national literature. [Tracts, vol. 15.] 12mo. Edinh. 1835 Charles (J. A. C.) sec E^cxCLorEDiE. 12 CHA— CHU Charlox (Hippolyte). Theorie mathematique cles operations finaueieres, (2 copies) 8vo. Paris, 1869 2me ed. Svo. ihicl. 1878 Chase (C. L.) Address to the national board of fire underwriters, Sept. 187G. 8vo Cheshire (Edward). Residts of the census of Grreat Britain in 1851, &c., and appendix. [Tracts, vol. 9.] 8vo. LonJ. 1853 Chess. — An easy introduction to the game of chess, containing one himdred examples, &c., &e. ; to which are added Caissa, a iJoem by Sir William Jones; the morals of chess, by Dr. [Benj.] Franklin, &e. New edit. 12mo. Lond. 1820 Chisholm (David). On a new method of constructing a table o£ the probabilities of survivorship, &c. [Trans. Inst, of Actuaries.] 8vo. Lond. 1852 Commutation tables for joint annuities and survivorship assur- ances, based on the Carlisle mortalitv, &c., &e. '(2 copies) 2 vols. ihid. 1858 Cholera. — Keport of the General Board of Health on the epidemic cholera of 18-1S-49, with apps. 8vo. Lond. 1850 ■ Report on the mortality of cholera in England, 1848, 9. [By the Registrar- General.] 8vo. ibid. 1852 — Report to the General Board of Health on the results of the different methods of treatment of epidemic cholera. 8vo. Hid. 1855 Letter of the President of the General Board of Health to the Home Secretary accompanying a report from Dr. Sutherland on epidemic cholera in the metropolis in 1854. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Christie (Robert). Annuity societies : an exposure of the unsoundness of the Western Annuity Society, established at Exeter, and of cer- tain kindred societies. [Tracts, vol. 1.] 8vo. Ldinb. 1840 Letter on life assurance institutions, with the accounts registered bv London life association companies, Sept. 1844-reb. 1852. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. ibid. 1852 Letter regarding life assurance institutions. [Tracts, vol. 17.] Svo. ibid. 1852 see also Neison (F. G. P.) Church Inquiry Commission. — Reports [1835, G, 7,] from the Com- missionei's appointed to consider the state of the Established Church, with reference to ecclesiastical duties and revenues ; with a synopsis. 8vo. Loud. 1848 Church Leases. — Report from the select committee, with minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. folio. 1838 CLA— coo IS Clark (Samuel). The laws of chance : a mathematical investigation of the probabilities arising from any proposed circumstance of phvy. &c. Svo. Loud. 1758 Claeke (F. W.) The constants of nature — specific gravities ; boiling and melting points ; and chemical formulae. [Smithsonian Misc. CoU. vol. 12.] Svo. Washington, 187J. Clayell (Eoger). Tables for the forbearance and discompt of money; likewise tables of annuities. 2nd edit. Svo. Lond. 1669 CiiEGHOBN (James). Treatise on widows' schemes. 12mo. Edinl. 183J. Cleland (James). Statistical tables relative to Glasgow, &c. 3rd edit. Svo. Glasgoio, 1823 Clergy Mutual Assurance Society, report on the bonus of 1866. [Tracts, vol. IS.] Svo Cocker (Edward). Arithmetick : being a plain and familiar method perused, &c., by John Hawkins. 12mo. Lond. 1697 [Collier (Gr. F.)] The philosopher's mite to the Great Exhibition of 1851. [Tracts, vol. 9.] Svo. Lond. The health of the metropolis during the year of the Great Exhibition. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. [1852 ?] — ■ The code for safety ; or, the laws of epidemics : embracing causes, effects, &c., &c. 2nd edit. Svo. ihid. 1853 Eegina v. Palmer. The paradoxology of poisoning and pudding in a lantern. 12mo. ibid. [1856] CoLSOX (Nathaniel). The mariner's new kalendar, containing the principles of arithmetick and geometry, &c., &c. ; whereunto is added sailing by Mercator's chart, by John Colson. Svo. Lend. 1706 COLVIN (Alexander) . Actuarial figments exploded ; letter in defence of the life assurance offices registered under 7 & 8 Vict., c. 110. [Tracts, vol. 2.] Svo. Lond. 1852 Companies (1860) Bill [as amended in committee and on re-commit- ment.] folio CoJfDORCET (Le Marquis de). Essai sur I'application de I'analyse a la probabilite des decisions rendues a la pluralite des voix. 4to. Paris, 1785 see also Encyclopedie. Conic Sections. — The elements of the conic sections, with the sections of the conoids. 3rd edit. [With Vince — conic sections.] Svo. Camh. 1826 Cooper (Samuel). Dictionary o£ practical surgery, &c.; the etymology and signification of the principal terms. 7th edit. Svo. Lond. 1838 11 rOR— CIV CORBAUX (Francis). The doctrine of compound interest illustrated and applied to perpetual annuities, &c., with tables. 8vo. Lond. lS25 On the natural and mathematical laws concerning population, vitalit}', and mortality, &c., with tables of mortality, and interest tables. " 8vo. ibid. 1S33 Tables solving the questions that depend on compound interest accruing either annually, half-yearly, or quarterly. Svo Cory (J. P.) Practical treatise on accounts, mercantile partnerships, &c. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1889 CouRCT (Alfred de). see Reboil (Eugene). Courtney (Leonard). Direct taxation : an incpiiry. [Tracts, vol. 14.] 8vo. Lond. 18G0 Craik (G. L.) Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, illustrated with anecdotes. [Biographies, with portraits.] 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830 English causes celebres ; or, reports of remarkable trials [Vol. 1.] 12mo. ibid. 1840 Cr.\avford (R.) Letter to the directors of the European Assurance Society, with appendix. 8vo. 18(59 Crelle (A. L.) Tables de calcul ou se trouvent les multiplications et divisions toutes faites de tons les nombres au dessous de mille. 4me edit., par C. Bremiker. 4to. Berlin, 1875 Crime. — Tables showing the number of criminal offenders, 1843, 1845-51. ' folio. 1S44-52 in England and Wales in 1851. [from Journal of Statistical Society, June, 1853.] [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo ■ England and Wales. Tables showing the number of criminal offenders, 1852-55, and the results of the j)roceediugs. folio. T^ond. 1853-56 Ireland. Tables showing the number of criminal offenders. 1851, and the result of the proceedings. folio. Dublin, 1852 Criminal returns ; number of persons taken into custody by the Metropolitan police, and the results, l851-t). 8vo. 1852-7 Crookshank (William). The causes and effects, &c., of Earthquakes: a sermon. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. Lond. 1750 CuRNiK (John). Documents connected with the Army retiring fund. [Witb tables in Ms., and note at heginniiipf of volume as to Mr. Cuniin'.s sclieme, by Aug. De Morgan.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1835 Curtis (F. A.) Scheme of graphic notation applicable to life assurance companies. 8vo. I^ond. 1869 CuvTER (Baron Georges). The animal kingdoni arranged according to its organization. Translated. New edit., bv W. B. Carpenter and J. 0. Westwood. [coloured plates, etc.] " 8vo. L.ond. 1849 ])AL— DEM D [Dale (M.)] Calculations deduced from first principles, by plain arithmetic, for the use of the societies instituted for the benefit of old age : intended as an introduction to the study and doctrine of annuities. 8vo. Loud. 111"! Dalrtmple (John). Considerations on the polity of entails, [with Lee's Annuities.] Svo. Edin. 17(J5 D.YLTOX (John), see Smith (R. A.) [Davies (Ginffith).] On life assurances, the rate of mortality, annuities, &c., with tables. [Title in Ms.~\ Svo. [Loud. 1S48] A paper on the construction of logarithms (Ms.) folio. 1849 Dealtry (William). The principles of fluxions. 2nd edit. 8vo. Cavib. 1816 Decimal Coinage. — Keport from the select committee ; minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. folio. 1853 what it ought and what it ought not to be, by one of the million. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Lond. 1854 Decimal association — proceedings, with an introduction by Prof. De Morgan, &c. [Tracts, vol. 12.] 8vo. ibid. 1854 — Decimal accounts and the coinage. [Tracts, a^oI. 12.] 8vo. ibid. 1854? — Debate in the House of Commons, June 12, 1855. [Tracts, vol. 12.] Svo. ibid. 1855 — Decimal Coinage Commissioners' preliminary and final reports, with minutes of evidence, appendices, &c. Report from the Royal Commission on international coinage, with minutes of evidence and app. folio, tbid. 1857, 59, 1868 Answers to the questions communicated by Lord Overstone to the Decimal Coinage Commissioners, by Prof. De Morgan, Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Dr. Peacock, G. B.' Airy, &c. [Tracts, vol. 13.] Svo. ibid. 1857 Decimal System. — International association for obtaining a uniform decimal system of measures, weights, and coins : report of the council, Feb. 1856, &c. [Tracts, vol. 13.] Svo. Lond. 1857 De la Rue (Warren). On the solar eclipse, Aug. 1868. [Tracts, vol. 18.] Svo. Lond. 1869 De Moivre (A.) The doctrine of chances : a method of calculating the probabilities of events in play. 4to. Lond. 171S 3rd edit. (2 copies) 4to. ibid. 1756 It; DEM De Moivee (A.) Annuities on lives, witli several tables. 3rd. edit, 8vo. Lond. 1750 4tli edit. 8vo. ibid. 1752 De Moegak (Augustus). Elements of algebra preliminary to the ditferential calculus. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1837 — — ■ — - Essay on probabilities, and on their application to life contin- gencies and insurance offices. 8vo. ihid. 1838 Remarks on an accusation made by the proprietors of the Ency. Metropolitana against the author of an essay on probabilities, &c. [Tracts, vol. 6.] 8vo. ibid. 1838 The differential and integral calculus, &c. ; also elementary illustrations. Svo. ibid. 1842 Formal logic ; or the calculus of inference, necessary and probable. Svo. ibid. 1847 — Arithmetical books, from the invention of printing to the present time. 8vo. ihid. 1847 Study and difficulties of mathematics. [Library of Useful Knowledge, vol. 1.] Sa'O. ibid. 1847 Examples of the processes of arithmetic and algebra. [Library of Useful Knowledge, vol. 1.] Svo. ibid. 1847 - The elements of ai'ithmetic. Svo. ibid. 1851 Application of combinations to the explanation of Abrogast's method. [Tracts, vol 6.] Svo. 1851 On the mode of using the signs + and — in plane geometry, and on the interpretation of the equation of a curve. [Tracts, a'oI. 6.] Svo. 1851, 2 On the connexion of involute and evolute in space. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1851 On indirect demonstrations. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1852 On the authorshipof theaccountof the Commercium Epistollcum. [Keill or Newton ?] [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1852 On ancient and modern usage In reckoning. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1850 — On some points In the bistory of arithmetic. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1851 — On the difficulty of correct description of books. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo. 1853 — Progress of the doctrine of the earth's motion between the times of Copernicus and Galileo. [Tracts, vol. 6.] 1855 Remark on Horner's method of solving equations. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo — • On the early history of infinitesimals in England. [Tracts, vol. 6.] Svo DEM— DEP 17 De Moug.vn (Augustus). A proposed system of logic. [Tracts, vol. 7.] 8vo. Lo7id. 1860 On some points of the integral calculus. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. Camb. 1851 On some points in the theory of differential equations. [Misc. Tracts, vol 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1855 On the question, what is the solution of a differential equation ? [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1856 Proof of the existence of a root in every algebraic equation. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1858 — On the general principles of which the composition or aggrega- tion of forces is a consequence. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1859 — On the theory of eri'ors in observation. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1862 — A theorem relating to neutral series. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1865 On infinity ; and on the sign of equality. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1865 — On the root of any function, and on neutral series, No. II. [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. ibid. 1867 — On the syllogism, No. II T., and on logic in general. [From the Trans. Camb. Philosophical Society.] 4to. ibid. 1858 see also Barrett (George) ; Barlow (Peter) ; British Almanac (Companion to) ; EAivrcHUNDRA (Y.) Denmark. — Livsforsikkrings-Anstalten i Kjobenhavn, &c. (Several papers) 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1842-66 Skandinavisk Forsikkrings-Tidende for alle grene af Assurance- vsesenet redigeret af W. J. Karup. No. 1-10. Oct. 1862-April 1863. 4to. ibid. Tarif for en livsvarig Overlevelsesrente paa 100 Rdlr. aarlig for Kvinde efter Mand. 8vo. ibid. 1871 Livsforsikkrings-og Forsorgelses-Anstalten af 1871. 4to. ibid. 1871 Grundtavler for Livsforsikkring's-oo' Forsororelses-Anstalten af 1871. folio Depaecieux (M.) Essai sur les probabilites de la duree de la vie humaine. [With tables and additional essay.] 4to. Paris, 1746, 60 18 DER— DUV Derham (W.) see Miscellanea Curiosa. Deuchar (David). On the fifth and sixth schedules of the Life Assur- ance Companies Act, 1870. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. EcUnh. 1879 De Witt (Johan). Waerdye van Lyf-renten naer proportie van Los- renten. [With Amsterdam — Feest-Gave, &c.] folio. 1671 see also Hendriks (Fredk.) DiCTioisrARiES — Commercial, see M'Culloch (J. R.) Geographical, see M'Culloch (J. R.) Insurance terms, see Champness (W. S.) ; Waleord (C.) Mathematical, see HuTTOisr (Charles) ; Walter (Thomas). Medical, see Hooper (Robert). Sax.-Lat.-Angl. see Somner (Gul.) Surgical, see Cooper (Samuel). see also Enctclopedie. DoDSON (James). The calculator : being tables for computation. 8vo. Lond. 1747 The mathematical repository, containing : Vol. 1, analytical solutions of questions ; Vol. 2, algebraical solutions ; Vol. 3, analytical solutions of problems relating to annuities, &c., &c. [Vol. 1, 2nd edit.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1775, 53, 55 Doubled AT (Thomas). The true lavsr of population shewn to be connected with the food of the people. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Dove (P. M.) Valuation of the life liabilities of the Royal Insurance Company, 1859-64, &c. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Liverpool, 1865 Dowdeswell (G. M.) The law of life and fire insurance ; with an app. of tables. 8vo. Lond. 1846 DRUNKE]WfESS. — Report from the select committee, with minutes of evidence and appendix. folio. 1834 DucPETiAUX (Ed.) Budgets economiques des classes ouvrieres en Belgique,— subsistance, salaires, population. 4to. Srucc. 1855 Duncan (J. J.) Tables of the probability of male and female life in Glasgow, and of the value of annuities, &c. 8vo. Glasgow, 1829 Dunn (Thomas). Tables of simple interest computed decimally, &c., and supplemental table, by tbe aid of which the interest of sums to any amount may be obtained. folio. Glasgow, 1821 DuviLLARD (E. E.) Analyse et tableaux de I'influence de la petite verole sur la mortalite a chaqiie age et de celle qu'un preservatif tel que la vaccine pent avoir sur la population et la longevite. 4to. Paris, 1806 ECC— ELG 19 E EccLERTASTiCAL CoMMissioxERS for England ; Orders in Council [Oct. 1836-Oct. 1848], with general index. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843-48 Acts relating to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, with appendix, &c. 4th edit. 8vo. Hid. 1846 Supplement to the edit. o£ 1844. 8vo. ihid. 1846 First and second general reports, with apps. 1845 and 1847. 8vo. ihid. 1848 Third general report, with appendix. folio, ihid. 1^51 Echo (L') des assurances terrestres et maritimes, recueil des decisions legislatives, &c.. concernant les assurances, 1860-62. 8vo. Paris, 1860-62 Economic Life Assurance Society. — Experience of mortality from June, 1823 to Dec. 1855. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo Account of the processes employed in getting out the mortality experience. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Loud. 1862 Edikbuegh Astronomical Observations. — Smyth (Piazzi). Astrono- mical observations made at the Eoyal Observatory, Edinburgh, vol. 14 for 1870-77. 4to. Edin. 1877 Edinburgh Life Assurance Company. — Report by the directors, 1842—49. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo Edinburgh Keview, or critical journal, Jan. 1849-Oct. 1854. Vols. 89-100. 11 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1849-54 Edmonds (T. R.) Life tables founded upon the discovery of a numerical law regulating the existence of every human being: illustrated by a new theory of the causes producing health and longevity. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Education. — Minutes of the committee of council on education, with apps. and plans of school-houses. 1839-58. [1852-53 wanting.] 19 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-58. Reports by the inspectors of schools of parochial unions, England and Wales, 1847-50. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1849-50 Egyptian Antiquities. — British Museum. [Lib. Ent. Know.] 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832-36 Elementary illustrations of the differential and integral calculus [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. — British Museum. [Lib. Ent. Know.] 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 c 2 20 ELL— ENC Ellesmeee (Earl of). Address to the Eoyal Geographical Society of London, May, 1854. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Elliott (E. B.) On the military statistics of the United States. 4to. Berlin, 1863 Vital statistics. [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo On the law of human mortality that appears to obtain in Massachusetts, with tables. [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo Ellis (Charles). Law of fire and life insurance and annuities. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Emebigon" (Balthazard-Marie) . Traite des assurances et des contrats a la grosse. 2 vols. 4to. Marseille, 1783 Emerson (W.) The method of increments. 4to. Lond. 1763 Short comment on Sir I. Newton's principia. 8vo. Hid. 1770 Emmens (S. H.) a treatise on logic, pure and applied. 8vo. Lond. 1865 Encyclopedia of Geography, see Mukbat (Hugh) . Encyclopedia Meteopolitana, or universal dictionary of knowledge; comprising a philosophical and an alphabetical arrangement, edited by Rev. Edward Smedley, Kev. Hugh J. Rose, and Rev. Henry J. Rose. 30 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815-45 DIVISION Z.— Pure Sciences, 2 Vols. Vol. 1. General introduction — Preliminary treatise on method — Grammar — Logic — Rhetoric — Geometry — Arithmetic — Algebra — Geometrical Analysis — Theory of Numbers — Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry — Conic Sections — Differential Calculus — Integral Calculus {con- tinued in Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Calculus of Variations — Calculus of Finite Differences — Calculus of Functions — Theory of Probabilities — Definite Integrals — ^ Meta- physics — Law — Theology. DIVISION II. — Mixed and Applied Sciences, 2 Vols. Vol. 3. Mechanics — Hydronamics — Pneumatics — Optics — Astronomy — Nautical Astronomy — Physical Astronomy — Magnetism. Vol. 4. Electro-Magnetism — Electricity — Galvanism — Heat — Light — Chemistry — Sound. Vol. 5. Meteorology — Figure of the Earth — Tides and Waves — Architecture — Sculpture — Painting — Heraldry — Numismatics — Poetry — Music — Engi'aving. Vol. 6. Agriculture — Horticulture — Commerce — Political Economy — Car- pentry — Fortification — Naval Architecture — Crystallography — Mineralogy — Geology. Vol. 7. Botany — Zoology — Anatomy — Materia Medica — Medicine — Surgery — Veterinary Art. Vol. 8. Preface — Introductory View of Principles of Manufactures — Manu- factures. ENC— ETI 21 Enctclop-edia Metkopolitana — continued. DIVISION III. — HiSTOEY AND BIOGRAPHY, 5 Vols. Vol. 9. History as a Study : — On the Separation of the Early Facts of History from Fable. Ancient History : — Greece — Carthage — Biography of the Ancients. Vol. 10. Ancient History : — Rome — Jews — Apostolic Age — Biography of the Ancients. Vol. 11. Roman Empire, from A.D. 193, Christian Church, to 13th Century — Europe in the Feudal Ages — Scholastic Philosophy — The Moham- medan Power from its Rise to the Crusades, Vol. 12. Europe from 1100 to 1688— The Last Four Crusades— The Ottoman Empire from its Rise to the Death of Selim I. — Mohammedan Power in India — Persia. Vol. 13. Europe from 1600 to 1815 — Ecclesiastical History, from 16th Century — ^Helvetia, from A.D. 418 — India, &c., from the Birth of Nadir Shah — United States of North America. DIVISION IV. — Miscellaneous and LEXicoaEAPHicAL, 13 Vols. Vol. 14-26, A-Z. Vol. 27, Index. Vol. 28-30, Plates. Enctclopedie Methodique : Mathematiques, par D'Alembert, Bossut, de La Lande, Marq. de Condoreet, Charles, &c. [Pt. 6. — planches.] 3 vols, in 6. 4to. Faris, 1784-89 ENGLISH Cyclopsedia, (the) conducted by Charles Knight. — Arts and Sciences. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. Zond. 1859-61 Equitable Assurance Society. — A short account of the Society for Equitable Assurances on lives and survivorships, (various editions.) 8vo. Lond. 1763-1825 Deed of settlement with the bye-laws, and addresses by Mr. Morgan, the actuary. 8vo. ibid. 1820 Tables showing the total number of persons assured in the Equitable society from its commencement in Sept. 1762, to Jan. 1, 1829, distinguishing their ages and the time of admission into the society, and exhibiting the number of years which they have continued members of it ; the period of life at which their assurances have terminated, &c. ; to which are added tables of the probabilities and expectations of the duration of human life deduced from these documents, &c. folio, ibid. 1834 see also Morgan (William). Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States : A statement and opinions thereon, by leading actuaries in London, 8vo. Lo7id. 1873 Essat on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, &c., begun in the year 1739. 4to. Lond. 1744 Ethnological Society. — see Rules. Etienne ( ). Table de racines carrees contenant les racines carrees de nombres 1 a 750. [with Gossart.] 12mo. Versailles, 1852 22 EUC— FAR Euclid. — Euclidis eleinentorum libri xv. breviter demonstrati, opera Is. Barrow. 12mo. Lond. 16o9 ■ Euclid's elements of geometrj', chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson, with explanatory notes ; with a selection of geometrical exercises, and an outline of the history of geometry, by Kobert Potts. * 8vo. Camh. 1845 The first six books of the elements of Euclid, in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters ; by Oliver Byrne. 4to. Lond. 1847 EuLER (Leonard). Letters to a German Princess on different subjects in physics and philosophy ; translated by Henry Hunter, with original notes and a glossary of foreign and scientific terms. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond. 1795 ■ elemens d'algebre trad, de I'aUemand. — nouvelle ed. par J. G. Garnier. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807 see also Taylor (Charles). EuEOPEAX Assurance Society, in re, opinions of the press and actuaries, &c. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. Lond. 1872 see also Crawford (R.) Everest (Rev. R.) Statistical details respecting the republic of Lubeck, &c. [Tracts, vol. 10.] Svo Everett (Edwai'd). Discourse on the importance to practical men of scientific knowledge, and on the encouragements to its pursuit. [Tracts, vol. 15.] 8vo. Edin. 1837 Exhibition op 1851. — Reports by the juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the exhibition was divided. Svo. Lond. 1852 3rd report of the Commissioners. Svo. ihid. 1856 Examination Questions. — see Cambridge Problems. Faraday (Michael). Experimental researches in electricity. (Vol. 1, 2nd edit.) 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S49, 44 Farr (William). Report to the Registrar-General on the Liternational Statistical Congress at Yiemia. [Tracts, vol. 10.] Svo. 1S57 • see also Registrar-General (life tables. 12th report, app.) Farren (E. J.) Historical essay on the doctrine of life contingencies in England. Svo. Lond. 1844 Life contingency tables. Part I. — The chances of premature death, and the value of selection among assured lives. 4to. ihid. 1S50 ./ FAR— FLE 23 FAEKElsr (Greoro'e). Treatise on life assurance, with an app. of cases, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Observations on the laws of mortality and disease, and on the principles of life insurance. Bvo. ihid. 1829 Observations on the mortalities among the members of the British peerage. Svo. ihid. 1832 Fawcett (Henry). Manual of political economy. 5th edit. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Fenn" (Charles). Compendium o£ the English and foreign funds, debts, and revenues, &c., &c. 9th edit, by R. L. Nash. 8vo. Lond. 1867 Festing (A. M.) Tables for the conversion of sterling into dollars and cents, and vice versa. 2 pts. in 1. folio. Ottawa, 1867 FiCHTE (Job. Grottlieb). Popular works translated from the German, by William Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 FiLlPOWSKi (H. K.) A table of anti-logarithms: containing, to seven places of decimals, natural numbers answering to all logarithms from -00001 to -99999, and an improved table of Gauss' logarithms, &c., &c. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1851 see also Napier (John). Finance. — Reports (1-22) from the select committee, 1797. 2 vols. foho. Lond. 1797 Finance Chronicle and Insurance Circular. Vol. 8, May, 1878 to April, 1879. folio. Lond. 1879 FiNLAisoN (John). Report on the evidence and elementary facts on which the tables of life annuities are founded. folio. 1829 Account of some remarkable applications of the electric fluid to the useful arts, by Mr. Alexander Bain ; with a vindication of his claim to be the inventor of the electro-magnetic printing telegraph, and of the electro-magnetic clock. 8vo. Lond. 1843 FiNLAisoN (John and A. G.) Tables for the use of friendly societies. 8vo. Lond. 1847 see also Fbiendly Societies. Fire Claims. — Legal opinions obtained by the Adjusters' Association at Boston, on the liability of insurance companies for property destroyed or damaged by explosions to prevent the spread of fire. 8vo. Boston, 1872 Underweiters. — Proceedings of the National Board, Dec. 1869. Annual report, 1877, 78. 8vo. Neio York, 1869-78 Bulletin of the executive committee of the [United States] National Board of Fire Underwriters, Nov. 1873-Oct. 1874, Jan. April, May, 1875. 1 vol. 8vo New York. — Annual report of the Superintendent. 8vo. ihid. 1875 Fleming (J. G.) Medical statistics of life assurance: being an enquiry into the causes of death among the members of the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, 1826-60. 8vo. Glasgow, 1862 24 FOU— FRI [FouRTER (J-)] Recherclies statistiques sur la ville de Paris et le department de la Seine. 8vo. Paris, 1821 [see notes as to authorship at beginning of the vol.] reeueil de tableaux dresses et reunis d'apres les ordres de M. le ComLe de Chabrol, prefet du departement. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1823-9 Fowler (J. A.) The Fire account — physical, personal, moral. 8vo. Chicago, 1878 Francis (William), see Philosophical Magazine. Francceur (L. B.) a complete course of pure mathematics, translated by R. Blake'.ock. 2 vols. 8vo. Camh. 1829, 30 Franklin Institute. — Journal of the Frankhn Institute of the state of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the mechanic arts. Edited by J. F. Frazer, Henry Morton, &c. Third series, vol. xxiv.-lvii. ; July, 1852-Jmie, 1869. 28 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1852-69 Report on the 25th Exhibition of American Manufactures, held in the city of Philadelphia, Nov. 1856, by the Franklin Institute ; with catalogue and adcb'ess by H. D. Gilpin. [Tracts, vol. 7.] 8vo. ibid. 1857 Franklin (Benjamin), see Chess. Frederic II. (King of Prussia). Posthumous works, translated from the French by Thomas Holcroft. 13 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1789 Contexts. Vol. 1. History of my own times. Vols. 2 & 3. History of the Seven Years' War. Vol. 4. Memoirs from the peace of Hubertsburg to the partition of Poland, &c. Vol. 5. Political, Philosophical, and Satyrical miscellanies. Vol. 6 to 13. Correspondence with Voltaire, M. Jordan, the Marquis D'Argens, M. D'Alembert, De Condorcet, Grimm, D'Arget, and General Fouquet. — Miscellanies. Free Trade versus Life Assurance, by " Investigator." [Tracts, vol. 3.] 8vo. Lond. 1855 Frend (William). The principles of algebra. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Friendly Societies. — Instructions for the establishment of friendly societies, with a form of rules, Ac. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. Lond. 1835 Report from the select committee on the Friendly Societies' Bill, with minutes of evidence and index. iblio. 1849 Report from select committee on friendly societies ; minutes of evidence and index. folio. 1852 Abstract of returns respecting friendly societies in England and Wales, 1846-50. folio, ibid. 1852 Report (second part with tables) on friendly societies, Eng- land, by A. G. Finlaison, Actuary Nat. Debt Office. folio. 1854 Reports and tables, by the actuary of the Nat. Debt Office (A. G. Finlaison), on the subject of sickness and mortality among the members of friendlj'' societies. folio. 1853, 54 FRI— GAL 25 Friendly Societies. — Reports of the Registrar, 1859-66. 2 vols. 8vo. 1860-67 Reports of the Chief Registrar, 1875-78, with appendices. 4 vols, folio. 1876-79 Rejjorts of the Chief Registrar, 1878. Part 1, app. D. folio. 1879 Regulations made by the Governor [of New Zealand] in terms of the " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." folio. Wellington, 1878 First annual report of the Registrar of, New Zealand, 1878. folio Victoria. — Statistics for 1876, with introductory report. folio. 1877 Fbiendlt and Benefit Building Societies. — Reports (1-4) of the Commissioners, with minutes of evidence, appendix, &e. 4 vols. foho. Lond. 1871-74 Friendly and Benefit Building Societies Commission. — Reports of the Assistant Commissioners : — Southern and Eastern counties of England. — Scotland, with Cumberland, Dui'ham, Northumberland, and Westmoreland. 2 vols, in 1, folio. 1874 Ireland and Wales (Avith Monmouth and Hereford). — Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, London, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire ; with special report on the Prudential assurance company. 2 vols, in 1, folio. 1874 Fuller (J. E.) Improvement to Palmer's endless self-computing scale and key, with a time telegraph, &c. 12mo. Neio York, 1846 FuRNiVALL (Thomas) . Taxation revised, and national progress. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Loud. 1847 Taxing made easy, or the art of valuing and taxing incomes, &c. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. ibid. 1850 G Gairdner (W. T.) On the registration of causes of death in public institutions, and in private practice, [from Monthly Journal of Medical Science, April, 1852.] [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo Galbraith (J. A.) and Samuel Haughton. — Manual of mathematical tables, new edit. 8vo. Lond. 1863 Gale (Samuel). Essay on contingent and eventual losses, and on insurance as the means for their indemnity. 8vo. Lond. 1836 2G GAL— GLA Galloway (Thomas). A treatise on probability, [from Encv. Brit., 7th edit.] Svo. Ecfin. 1839 Tables of mortality deduced from the experience of the Amicable society for a perpetual assurance office, during a jjeriod of 33 years, ending April 5, 18J)1. 4to. Lond. 1841 Garduvter (William). Tables of logarithms for all numbers from 1 to 102100, and for sines and tangents, with tables. (2 copies) 4to. Lond. 1742 Tables de logarithmes. [a French translation.] 4to. Avignon, 1770 Tables portatives de logarithmes, publiees a Londres par Gardiner augmentees, &c.; par [Francois] Callet, &c. Svo. Paris, 1783 see also Sherwin (Hen.) Garniek (J. G.) Elemens d'Algebre. 3me edit. Svo. Paris, 1811 see also Euler (Leonard). Gauss (Ch. Fr.) Tables, see Filipowski (H. E.) Geography. — System of universal geography, founded on the works of Malte-Brun and Balbi ; with indices of 13,500 names. 8vo. JEdin. 1849 Geological Society of Londox. — Quarterly journal. Vols. 8-16, 1852-60. 9 vols. Svo. Lond. 1852-60 see also Rules. Germaint. — ZustandundFortschrittederDeutschenLebensversicherungs- Anstalten ini Jahre, 1864. [Tracts, vol. 4.] Svo. Ootlia, 1865 Rechenschaftsbericht der Lebensversicherungsbank fiir Deutsch- land, 1855-70. [1859 and 1861 wanting.] 4to. ihid Gill (Theodore). Arrangement of the families of mollusks. (Smith- sonian Misc. Coll., vol. 10.) Svo. Wasliington, 1871 mammals. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 11.) ■ Svo. ihid. 1872 [Gieso:n^ ( )] Plan of a new stock or fund for the benefit and better security of the suitors of the High Court of Chancery and other Courts of Justice in England ; with notes on subjects in connection therewith. Copy of a private M.s. (2 copies) folio Giffen (Robert). American railways as investments. Svo. Lond. 1872 Gill (C.) Applications of the angular analysis to the solution of indeterminate problems of the second degree. Svo. Lond. 1848 G la IS her (James). On the determination of the mean temperature of every day in the year, from all the thermometrical observations taken at the Royal Observatory, 1814-56. [Tracts, vol. 7.] Svo. Lond. 1858 On the meteorological and physical effects of the solar eclipse of March 15, 1858. [Tracts No. 2, vol. 7.] Svo. 1858 GLA— GRA 27 Glaisher (James). On the meteorology of England during the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1S56. " 8vo. Lond. 1857 Scotland during the quarter ending Sept. 30; ]S56. 8vo Glasgow. — Glasgow mortality bill for 1835 and 1836, and letter by Henry Paul, [with Trans. Statist. Soc, vol. 1, part 1.] 4to Gm)vkb (T. E.) Compilation of fire insurance statistics upon the best and most expeditious methods explained, with insti'uctions for keeping books, &c. -Ito. Lioerpool, 1878 Gold Panic. — -Investigation into the causes of the gold panic, lleport of Committee, March, 1870. 8vo. Washingtoii, 1870 GoMPERTZ (Benjamin). Sketch of an analysis, and notation applicable to the value of life contingencies. On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of life contingencies. 4:to. Lond. 1820, 1825 1. Sketch of an analysis, and notation applicable to the value of life contingencies. 2. On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of life contingencies. 8. The principles and application of imaginary quantities. Books 1 and 2 ; with some observations on Porisms. 1 vol. 4to. ibid. 1817, 18, 20, 25 A supplement to two papers on the science connected with human mortality, &c.; with hints on human invalidity. (2 copies) lid. 1871 see also Denmark. Kelly (P.) Tbe universal cambist and commercial instructor ; a treatise on tbe excbanges, monies, weigbts, and measures of all trading nations and tbeir colonies. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821 Kelly (J. B.) Summary of tbe bistory and law of usury. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Kentucky. — Sixtb annual report relating to birtbs, marriages, and deatbs, 1857. 8vo. Franlcfort, 1858 Kebsseboom (W.) Eenige aanmerkingen op de Gissingen over den staat van bet menscbelyk geslagt, intreekening van de Lyfi-enten en't aanbangsel op beide, begreepen in bet bosk, genaamt Inleiding tot de Algemeene geograpbie, door Nicolaas Struyck. 4to. s' Gravenhage, 1740 Observatien, waar in voornamentlyk getoont word wat is Gelyk- tydigbeid, dewelke vereiscbt word in alle calculatien die tot voor- werp bebben de probable Leevenskracbt van persoonen van eeningen voorgestelden ouderdom. 4to. iJjid. 1740 Proeven van Politique Eekenkunde, vervat in drie verbande- lingen over de meenigte des Volks in de provintie A^an Hollandt en Westvrieslandt. 4to. ihid. 1740-48 KiRBT (William) and William Spence. An introduction to entomology, or elements of tbe natural bistory of insects, &c. Witb plates. 6tb edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Knapp (G. P.) iiber die ermittlung der sterblicbkeit aus den aufzeicb- nungen der Bevolkerungs-statistik. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868 Knight (James). Public guarantee and private surotysbip. [Tracts, vol. 1.] 8vo. Lond. 1849 • Tbe London joint-stock banks : tbeir progress, resources, and constitution. [Tracts, vol. 3.] 8vo. ihid. 1857 KNO— LAN 37 Knott (G. W.) Solvent life offices, and others. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. Lond. 1874 Knight (Charles), see En&lish Cyclopaedia. KoEALEK (Philippe). Methode nouvelle pour calculer rapidement les logarithmes des nombres, &c. [with Etienne and Gossart.] 8vo. Paris, 1851 Laboueinq- Classes. — Reports on the sanitary condition of the labour- ing classes in various towns and populous districts in England and Scotland. 1 vol. 8vo. 1841 Keport by the Poor Law Commissioners on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Uritain. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Supplementary report on the practice of interments in town, by Edwin Chadwiek. 8vo. ibid. 1843 Local reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of England, by the Assistant Poor Law Commissioners. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Scotland. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Lacroix (S. F.) Traite elementaire d'arithmetique. 14me. edit, [with Walker's Arithmetic] 8vo. JParis, 1818 traite elementaire du calcul des probabilites. 2me edit. 8vo. ibid. 1822 Essais de geometric sur les plans et les surfaces courbes. 5me edit. 8vo. ibid. 1822 Lafond de Lurct (Gabriel). Guide de I'assurance et de 1' assure en matiere d'assurances maritimes, &c.: suivis tableaux comparatifs. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Quinze ans de A^oyages autour du monde. [portrait.] 2 vols, in 1 8vo. ibid. 1840 Guide general des assurances maritimes et fluviales, &c. 8vo. ibid. [1855] Notice sur le golfe Dulce dans I'etat de Costa-Rica et sur un nouveau passage entre les deux oceans. [Tracts, vol. 7.] 8vo. ibid. 1856 Lairet (L. p.) Aper^u des conditions de la police d'assurances maritimes et des usages d'Anvers. 8vo. Anvers, 1868 Lalande (J. J. L. de). see Encyclopedie. Montucla (J. F.) Lance (William) of Lloyd's. Paper upon marine insurance, presented to the Institute of Actuaries. (Ms.) folio. May, 1852 :J8 LAX— LAZ Lakden (Jolin). Matliematical lucubrations, c^c. 4to. Lon(l.\7^6 The residual analysis: a new branch of the algebraic art. Book 1. An explanation of fluxions in a short essay on the theor\'. in 1 vol. 4to. ibid. 176i, 1711 Laplace (Pierre Simon cle, Le Comte). Theorie analytique des pro- babilites. 4to. Paris, I8l2 Essai philosophique sur les probabilites. 2nde. edit. Svo. ibid. iHlJr Treatise upon analytical mechanics. Translated &c., by ]iev. John Toplis. 8vo. Nottinc/ham, 1814 Exposition du systeme du monde. 6me ed. 4to. Paris, 1835 Latham (H.) Geometrical problems in the properties of the conic sections. 8vo. Cajiib. 1848 Laubence (William). Dissertation on estates upon lives and years, \vhether in lay or church hands ; with tables, &c. 8vo. Loud. 1730 Laundy (S. L.) Tables of quarter-squares of all integer numbers, from 1 to 100,OUO, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1856 A table of products bv the factors 1 to 9 of all numbers from 1 to 100,000. " 4to. ibid. 1865 Laurie (James). Tables of exchange between Madeira and London; or Portuguese money reduced to English, and English money reduced to Portuguese, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Tables of exchange between Bordeaux, Marseilles, Havre, Lyons, Brussels, &c., &c., and London, — being French money reduced into English, and Enghsh money reduced into French, »tc. 2nd edit. 8vo. ibid. 1845 Universal exchange tables, showing the value of the coins of every country, interchanged with each other, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Laurie (John). Tables of simple and compound interest to ascertain the amount and present worth of principal sums and annuities. 8vo. Edinb. 1776 Lateleye (G. de). Du caractere de la crise economique actuclle. 8vo. Brux. 1877 Law. — The principles of law reform. From the " London Keview," No. 3. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Law Society'. — see Hules. Lawsox (W. J.) History of banking in Scotland, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1845 History of banking. [Portrait of Abraham Newland.] 8vo. ibi,il. 1850 Lazakus (Wilhelm). Die Grundlagen fiir die Bilanzen der Pensions — Casse fur die Wittwen und Waisen der angesteilten des Hanibur- gischcn Staats. 8vo. llaiitbury, 1874 LEA— LIF 39 Leasehold Estates. — True estimate of the value of leasehold estates, and of annuities and reversions. [With Lee's annuities.] 8vo. Lond. 1731 Lee ( Weyman) . An essay to ascertain the value of leases and annuities for years and lives, and to estimate the chances of the duration of lives, &c. (2 copies) 8vo. Lond. 1738 Valuation of annuities and leases certain for a single life ; with tables. 8vo. ibid. 1751 Lee (William). Summary of experience on disease, and comparative rates of mortality. [Keport to the General Board of Health.] 8vo. Lond. 1851 Lege]s^dee (A. M.) Elements de Geometric avec des notes. 12me ed. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Leicester. — The improvement of Leicester: a report. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo Leslie (John) . Elements of geometry, geometrical analysis, and plane trigonometry. 2nd edit. 8vo. Edinh. 1811 Letter, A, recommending the necessity of frugality. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. Lond. 1751 Levi (Leone). Introductory lecture on the law of shipping and marine insurance. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. Lond. 1853 Lewis (W.) Chess problems: a selection of original positions, &c. 12mo. Lond. 1827 The games of the match at chess, played by the London and Edinburgh chess clubs, 1824-28. " 8vo. ihid. 1828 Fifty games at chess, which have actually been played, &c. ; to which is added some account of the village of Stroebeck, Germany, with three games played according to the method practised there. 8vo. Hid. 1832 LiAGRE (J. B. J.) Calcul des probabilites et theorie des erreurs, &c. 2me ed. par Camille Peny. 8vo. Brux. 1879 Libraries. — Report from the select committee on public libraries, minutes of evidence, and appendix. fol. 1849 Life Assfraxce. — Versichere dein Leben ! Worte der Mahnung an treue Familienvater. [Tracts, vol. 3.] 8vo. Gotha, 1857 [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo Article in the North British Eeview, Nov. 1849. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo its schemes, difficulties, and abuses. [Tracts, vol. 2.] Svo. Lond. 1852 - — — - [Tracts, vol. 17.] Svo. ibid. 1852 40 LIF— LOM Life Assurance Companies: their financial condition discussed. By an Actuary. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Lond. 1869 Statements and abstract of reports deposited Avith the Board of Trade, under " The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870." 1871-78 3 vols, folio. 1872-74 Statement and abstracts of reports deposited with the Board of Trade, for each quarter, October to December 1874. folio. 1874 Statements and abstracts of reports, &c., 1875-79. 5 vols, folio. 1876-1880 Bill of Stephen Cave, M.P. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. Lond. 1870 — ■ Reports of the examination of, by the Insurance Department of the State of New York, 1877. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. Albany, 1878 Prospectuses and pamphlets of the various life assurance offices in Great Britain, established or having agencies in London. Col- lected principally, January 1838. 1 vol. 4to Life Tables. {Ms.) 18 vols. 4to. (no date) LiNCEi (Acead. dei).— Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, anno cclxxiv. 1876-80. Serie terza — transunti. (Vol. 1 to vol. 4, fasc. 2.) 4to. Eoma, 1877-80 Liverpool and London Insurance Company. — Repoi-t of the committee of investigation, 1859. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Lond. 1860 LoBB (H. W.) Hygiene, or the hand-book of health. 12mo. Lond. 1855 Local Taxation. Report of the Poor Law Commissioners. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Locke (John). Ireland's recovery, or excessive emigration and its reparative agencies in Ireland. [Tracts, vol. 9.] (3rd and 4tli edits.) 8vo. Lond. 1854, 55 Selections from Locke's essay on the human understanding ; with introduction and notes by S. H. Emmens. 12mo. ihid. 1866 LoEW (H.) Monographs of the diptera of N. America, (part 3.) Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 11.] 8vo. Washington, 1873 Logarithms. — Tables of logarithms. [Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge.] 12mo. Lond. 1839 Anti-Logarithms. — Tables published by the Institute of Actuaries. 2 cards 4to. Jan. 1877 LoAlHARD (H. C.) De I'inflnence des professions sur la dun'e de la vie (avee tableau, 1776-1830.) 4to LON— LYO 41 London. — Metropolitan Sanitary Commission ; first report, with minutes of evidence. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Report by the General Board of Health on the supply of water to the Metropolis, with apps. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1850 Keport and suggestions on the proposed supply of water to the Metropolis from the soft-water springs of the Surrey sands, by the Hon. Wm. Napier. 8vo. ibid. 1851 London Assurance Corporation. — Charters 1720, 1721, with extracts from subsequent Acts of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1870 London Library, Catalogue. 3rd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1865 London Mathematical Society. — Proceedings, Jan. 16, 1865-79 ; with list of members. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1866-79 Lonsdale (Henry). Life of John Heysham, M.D., and his corres- pondence with Mr. Joshua Milne relative to the Carlisle bills of mortality. 8vo. Lond. 1870 LoRRAiN (Paul). Sermon on the fast day (Sept. 2, 1707), for the fire of London. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. 1707 Lubbock (^Sir J. W., Barf.) On the comparison of various tables of annuities. 4to. Camb. 1829 Elementary treatise on the tides. [Tracts, vol. 6.] 8vo. Lond. 1839 Account of the discussions of observations of the tides. [Tracts, vol. 6.] 8vo. ibid. 1838 ■ — see also Jones (David). LuDLAM (Rev. W.) Two mathematical essays : 1, ultimate ratios ; 2, the power of the wedge. 8vo. Camb. 1770 — The rudiments of mathematics. 5th edit., by M. Fryer. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Lunacy. — Report of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Statistical appendix to the report of the Metropolitan Com- missioners in Lunacy, 1844 ; containing tabular returns from asylums in the United Kingdom. folio. 1844 Supplemental report of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy relative to the general condition of the insane in Wales ; containicg a statement of facts by certain members of the Board specially appointed. (2 copies) 8vo. ibid. 1844 Reports (1-3) of the Commissioners, 1846-1848. foKo. ibid. 1847-9 Further report of the Commissioners. 8vo. ibid. 1847 Annual reports of the Commissioners. 4th-28th, 1849-74. (2oth report missing.) 9 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1850-74 Lyons (Israel), see Seally (John). 42 MAA— MAK M Maas (M.) Annuites viageres et des assurances sur la vie. 2me. ed. 8vo. Paris, 1868 Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord). Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Ileview [portrait]. New edit. 8vo. Lond. 1850 History of England from the accession of James the Second [to 1701]. (Vols. 1 and 2, 7th edit., and vol. 5, edited by Lady Trevelyan.) 5 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1850-61 McClintock (E.) Proposition for ascertaining the real cost of life insurance. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. 1874 McCandlish (J. M.) On the principles to be observed in life office valuations made with a view to distribution of profits. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. Lond. 1877 McCuLLOCH (J. R.) Dictionary — geographical, statistical, and his- torical — of the various countries, places, &c., in the world ; with maps. New edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ■ A dictionary — practical, theoretical, and historical — of com- merce and commercial navigation ; maps and plans. 5th edit. 8vo. ihid. 1850 new edition, bv H. Gr. Reid. 8vo. ibid. 1880 Macdonalb (W. R.) On some problems in the calculus of finite differences. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. Edinh. 1876 Mack AY (Andrew). A collection of mathematical tables. 8vo. Lond. 1804 Mackay v. Stephensoin'. Report of the trial, Mackay v. Stephenson, on a £5000 policy in the Economic Life Assurance Society, August 1857. [Tracts, vol. 3.] 8vo. Lond. 1857 Mackintosh (Sir James). A discoui'se on the study of the law of nature and nations. 12mo. Lond. 1828 Macleod (H. D.) The theory and jiractice of banking. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855, 56 MACiNtSJi (Robert). The philoso2:)liy of sleep. 12mo. Glasgow, 1840 ■ The anatomy of drunkenness ; with a sketch of the author's life. 12mo. ibid. 1840 Makeham (W. M.) see Actuaries (Inst, of) Discussions. Makgill (George). Remarks on crime in Scotland ; with tables. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. Edinb. 1853 MAL— MAS 43 Mala^uce (A. (le). Notice liistorique et luamiel ties eaisses d'epargne scolaires en France. Hvo. Jfaris, 1870 Malte-Brun. — see Geography. Malthus (T. 11.) An essay on the principle of population : a view of its past and present effects on human happiness, &c. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 MAXcnESTER. — Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 3rd series, vols. 4 and 5. 8vo. Lond. 1871, 76 Catalogue of the books in the library of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 8vo. Mancheater^ 1875 Manly (Henry). The principles of book-keeping by double entry. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1868 3rd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1872 ■ 4th edit., by H. W. Manly. 8vo. ihid. 1875 Mansfield (Ralph). Analytical view of the census of New South Wales, 1841 ; with tables\ [Tracts, vol. 9.] 8vo. Sydney, 1841 Marine Insurances. — Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to consider the state and means of effecting marine insurances, with minutes of evidence and appendix. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Marine Assurance. — A letter by a subscriber to Lloyd's. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 2nd edit. Lond. 1810 Marine Insurance. — [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo Marr (Thomas). Terminable annuity tables. (2 copies) 8vo. Glasgow, [1874] Marshall (J.) Mortality of the Metropolis. — Statistical view of the number of persons reported to have died, of each, of more than 100 kinds of disease and casualties, within the bills of mortahty, 1629-1831, with statistics of the plague, cholera, &c., &c, 4to. Lo72d. 1832 Digest relating to the population, productions, revenues, financial operations, naanufactures, shipping, colonies, commerce, &c., of the United Kingdom. 2 pts. in 1 4to. ibid. 1834 Martin (Benj.) Logarithmologia : the whole doctrine of logarithms, common and logistical, in theory and practice. 8vo. Lond. 1740 Martin (W.) The social crisis in England. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. Birmingham, 1873 Maseres (Francis). Principles of the doctrine of life annuities; explained in a familiar manner, &c., with tables. (2 copies) 4to. Lond. 1783 see also Bernoulli (Jac.) Masius (E. a.) Rundschau der Versicherungen. — Jahrgang XVI. 8vo. I^cipzig, 1866 44 MAS— ME I Massachusetts. — Annual reports (1st to 9th) of the Insurance Commis- sioners, 1855-63. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1856-64 (13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th,) 1868-70, 1872, 1874. 5 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1868-74 (20th and 21st) of the Insurance Commissioners, 1875, 76. Part 2, life and accident insurance. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1875, 76 Annual reports (lst-4th, and 8th) upon loan and fund associa- tions, by the Insurance Commissioners, 1857-1861, 1864. 8vo. ihid. 1857-64 — 4th annual report of the State Board of Health, Jan. 1873. 8vo. ihid. 1873 • 32nd report, relating to the registry, &c., of births, marriages, and deaths, in the Commonwealth. 8vo. ihid. 1875 Mathematician, The. Vol. 3, No. 5, March, 1849. 8vo Mathematics. — Papers by Aug. De Morgan, Mr. Parker, J. D. Bethune, Rev. R. Murphy. [Library of Useful Knowledge.] vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Maurt (M. F.) Explanations and sailing directions to accompany the wind and current charts, published by authority of the Secretary of the Navy. 7th edit. 4to. Fhilad. 1855 Mat (Thomas Erskine). A treatise on the law, j)rivileges, proceedings, and usage of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Mechanics', The, Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette, edit, by J. C. Robertson and R. A. Brooman, Jan. 5, 1850-June 30, 1855. [vols. 52-62.] 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850-55 Medical combinations against life insurance companies. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. Lond. 1851 Meikle (James). On the formulae for obtaining values of policies at an intermediate period of the year. {Ms.) [Misc. Tracts, vol. 1, 4to.] 4to. Nov. 1852 The rationale of life assurance premiums. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. Edinh. 1861 An analysis of the profits of life assurance. 8vo. Lond. 1865 (another copy). [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. Edinh. 1865 The relation of tables of mortality to values of policies. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. Lond. 1871 Observations on the rate of mortality of assured lives, as experienced by ten assurance companies in Scotland, 1815-1863. foho. Edinh. 1872 ■ On the additional premium required for residence in foreign climates. [Ti-aets, vol. 20.] 8vo. Lond. 1876 The rationale of life assurance premiums. 8vo. Edinh. 1879 MER— MOR 45 Mekgeb (C. B.) Des assurances terrestres. — Tome ler. Assurances sur la vie. 8vo. Paris, 1858 Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. — Deed of settlement. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Mortality experience, 1835-64. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo Meunieb (E.) Traite des causes des sinistres dans les usines, &c. 8vo. Lille, 1864 Microscopical Society. — see Rifles. Miles (W. A.) Suggestions for the formation of a general police. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. Lond. 1836 Mill (J. S.) Principles of political economy. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Millar (Thos. H.) Practical introduction to life and fire assurance, method of calculating annuities, &c., and a description of fire risks, with the rates of premium. [Tracts, vol. 1.] 8vo. Edin. 1841 Milne (Joshua). Treatise on the valuation of annuities, and assurances on lives and survivorships ; on the construction of tables of mortality, and on the probabilities and expectations of life, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815 MiLWARD (A.) The decimal coinage: a letter. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Lond. 1853 Minasi (F. J.) Decimal coinage : a word on behalf of the poor man's penny. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Lond. 1854 Mining Districts. Report of the commissioner on the population, 1859. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Miscellanea Curiosa. — Cootaining a collection of some of the principal phenomena in nature accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age: discourses read to the Royal Society. Edited byW. Derham. Vol. 1. On vapours — theory of the tides — variation of the compass — Halley on the mortality of Breslaw, &c. &c. 3rd edit. Vol. 2. Credibility of human testimony — geometrical demonstrations, &c., — and laws of stereographic projection by James Hodgson. Vol. 3. Travels, voyages, and natural history of countries. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1726, 7 Moniteur, Le, des Assurances, fondee par Eugene Reboul continuee par Alfred Thomereau. tome 7 and 8. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875, 76 Montluc (Leon-Adrien de). Des assurances sur la vie dans leur rapport avec les principes du droit civil, du droit commercial, &c. (3 copies) 8vo. Paris, 1870 MoNTUCLA (J. F.) Histoire des mathematiques nouvelle ed. augmentee et publie par Jerome De La Lande. [portraits and plates.] 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1802 MoNTTON. — Prix de statistique, rapport sur le concours de 1853. 4to MooRE (Arthur). Registration of births, deaths, and marriages in Ireland, and the Government Bill of 1859. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Buhlin, 1860 MoREAU DE JoNNEs (Alcx.) Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande. (maps) 2 vols, in 1 8vo. Paris, 1837, 38 46 MOR Morgan (William). The doctrine of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships, and an essay on the present state of population in England and Wales, by Kev. Richard Price. 8vo. Loud. 1779 On the probabilities of survivorships between two persons of any given ages, and the method of determining the values of reversions depending on those survivorships, [from Philosophical Transactions, with Ms. additions.] 4to. 1788 Address to the members of the Society of Equitable assurances on lives and survivorships. [Tracts, vol. 10.] 8vo. Lond. 1800 (another copy). 8vo. ibid. Address delivered by Mr. Morgan, the actuary, to the members of the Society for Equitable assurances on lives and survivorships, April 24, 1800. Address delivered by the Actuary to the members of the Society for Equitable assurances on lives and survivorships, March, 1798. Short account of the Society for Equitable assurances on lives and survivorships. 3 in one vol. 8vo. ihid. 1800, 1793, 1797 Memoirs of the life of the Rev. Richard Price. (2 copies) 8vo. ihid. 1815 another copy [with Parliamentary portraits]. 8vo. ibid. 1815 The principles and doctrine of assurances, annuities on lives, and contingent reversions, [auto, inscript.] 8vo. ibid. 1821 8vo. ibid. 1821 Morris (Corbyn). An essay towards deciding whether it be a national advantage to Britain to insure the ships of her enemies ? [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. Lond. 1747 Mortality. — A collection of the yearly bills of mortality, 1657-1758, with several other bills of an earlier date ; to which are subjoined : Observations, by Capt. John Graunt ; Essay in political arithmetic, concerning the growth of London, by Sir Wm. Petty ; The past growth and present state of London, by Corbyn Morris ; A com- parative view of the diseases and ages, and a table of the probabilities of life, by J. P. (2 copies) 4to. Lond. \7 59 Tables exhibiting the law of mortality, deduced from the com- bined experience of seventeen life assurance offices, embracing 83,905 policies, of which 40,616 are distinguished by denoting the sex of the assured, &c. 4to. ibid. 1843 Human. [Article from the Ency. Brit. 7th edit. 1837.] Mortality Experience of life assurance companies, collected by the Institute of Actuaries. 8vo. Lond. IHG9 Tables of the mortality experience of the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society from 1826-1860. folio. Glasgow of the Scottish life assurance companies to Pec. 1863 : report of the joint committee appointed to collect the statistics. (3 copies) folio May, I8(i9 MOS-MUT 17 MoscHELL (J ) Examen critique de rassurance niutuelle dc pensions viageres de Geneve. [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo. Geneve, 1868 Quelques mots sur les nouveaux projets de statuts de I'assurance mutuelle de pensions viageres de Geneve. [Tracts, vol. 5.] Svo. ibid. 1864 — Observations critiques sur les modifications proposees aux statuts de I'assurance mutuelle de pensions viageres, &c. [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo. ibid. 186J< Observations sur ure pretendue reponse aux attaques de M. Moschell contre I'assurance mutuelle de pensions viageres. [Tracts, vol. 5.] Svo. Fevei/, 1864 Examen des moyens propres a faciliter I'assurance sur la vie aux classes laborieuses. [in Bulletin I'utilite publique, tome 2, p. 46] [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo Rapport sur la caisse de prevoyance des fonctionnaires de I'enseignment primaire du canton de Geneve- [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo. Geneve, 1865 Moss V. Smith. — [case of marine insurance] tried before Lord Chief Justice Wilde and a special jury at Guildhall, July, 1848. Printed from the shorthand writer's notes. 8vo Mtjbpht (Rev. Robert). Theory of algebraical equations. [Library of Useful Knowledge, vol. 1.] Svo. Lond. 1847 MuRKAT (Hugh), W. Wallace, R. Jamieson, Sir W. J. Hooker, and William Swainson. — Encyclopaedia of Geography, comprising a description of the earth, &c., &c., with maps. 2nd edit. Svo. Lond. 1844 MuTiTAL Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark, New Jersey. — Actuary's report on mortality experience, 1845-73. Svo. J^ewark, 1874 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. — Actuarv's report, Feb. 1851. [Tracts, vol. 17.] Svo. Neiv York, lSz>l Report on the affairs of, July, 1856. [Tracts, vol. 3.] Svo. ibid. 1856 Report exhibiting the experience of the, for 15 vears, ending Feb. 1, 1858. 4to. ibid. 1859 experience for 15 years, ending Feb. 1858. (2 copies) 4to. Nov. 1858 Mortuary experience, 1843-74 : reports [coloured plates.] 4to. ibid. 1875 Mutual Insurance. — On the application of mutual insurance to education. [Tracts, vol. 17.] Svo. Lond. 1842 48 ^^AP— NEl N Napier (John, Baron of Merchistoun) . — A description of the admirahle table of logarithms, &c., invented and published in Latine by Lord John Nepair, Baron of Marchiston, and translated into English by Edward Wright, with an addition of the instrumental table by Henrie Brigs. [Bookplate and auto. Peter Hardv.] 12mo. Loncl. 1618 The wonderful canon of logarithms, or the first table of logarithms, &c., invented and pubUshed by John Napier, and retranslated from the Latin text by Herschell Filipowski. 12mo. Edin. 1857 The wonderful canon of logarithms, &c., retranslated by H. FiHpowski. Square 16mo. ihid. 1857 see also Briggs (Henricus). Nationale, La, compagnie d'assurances sur la vie — compte rendu a I'assemblee generale — annee 1877. 4to Nautical Almanack, The, and astronomical ephemeris, 1876-82 ; with appendix. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1872-78 Neave (W. B.) Juvenile delinquency in Manchester: its causes and history, &c. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. Manchester, 1840 Neckee (Jacques). De I'administration des finances de la France. 3 vols. 8vo. 1784 Neison (F. G. p.) Contributions to vital statistics, being a develop- ment of the rate of mortality and the laws of sickness. 2nd edit. 4to. Lond. 1847 Observations on Odd-fellow and friendly societies. 4th edit. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 12mo. ihid. 1846 13th edit. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. ihid. 1851 Mr. Christie and the Law Property Assurance Society. 8vo. 1852 Reply to Mr. Christie's attack on the Law Property Assurance Society. [Tracts, vol. 17.] Svo." ihid. 1852 Analytical view of railway accidents. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. 1853 The Manchester Unity of Odd-fellows. 8vo. ihid. 1869 Legislation on friendly societies : the principles on which it should be based, &c, 8vo. ihid. 1870 Present knowledge of the mortality and sickness of members of friendly societies, &c. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. ihid. 1871 The affiliated orders : their constitution and management. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. ihid. 1871 NET—XEW 49 Netherlands. — Algemeene statistik van Nederlaucl. vierde aflevering. 8vo. Leiden, 1870 Bijdvagen tot de Algemeene statistiek van Nederland, 187(5. (part 1.) 8vo. s Gravenhage, 1877 Statistische Bescheiden voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden — Sterfte naar de oorzaken van den Dood in 1871, 72. 2 vols. 4to. 1874, 76 vijde deel — derde stuk. 8vo. 1874 New South Wales. — Financial statement o£ tbe colonial treasurer, Feb. 1879. folio New York. — Annual reports, 1st to IGth, of the superintendent of the insurance department of the State of New York. [1870, 71, missing.] 14 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1860-75 Insurance reports [1830-63], condensed edition, by William Barnes. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1873 Report of the commissioners appointed to revise the laws for the assessment and collection of taxes in New York, 1871. [Cobden Club, pub.] 8vo. Manchester, 1871 Eeport of the Fire Patrol Committee. 8vo. New Tork, 1870 An Act for the prevention of fires in the City of New York, and an Act relating to combustible materials, passed April 1871. 8vo. ibid. 1871 - Building laws of the City of New York, 1871. 8vo. ibid. New York State. — Life insurance. 9th annual report superintendent. 8vo. Albany, 1868 Insurance department ; valuation tables ; life insurance. (2 copies of part 1.) 2 vols, folio, ibid. 1868-1870 Insurance companies ; list. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. ibid. 1878 Reply of the superintendent of Insurance to resolution of the Senate, Jan. 1872. [Tracts, vol. 19.] Svo Insurance laws passed in 1878. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. ibid. 1878 New Zealand.— Statistics, 1868, 69. folio. Wellington, 1868, 69 Reports of the Government Annuities' Commissioner, 1874, 73, 70, 71, 72. Statistics, 1872, pt. 1, population and vital statistics, [bound at end of a volume lettered " Victoria.''] 1 vol. folio, ibid. — — Statistics, 1874-76. 3 vols, in 1, folio, ibid. 1875-77 Statistics for 1877. folio, ibid. 1878 Newenham (Thomas). A statistical and historical inquiry into the progress of the population of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1805 50 NEW— OLD Newmaech (William). The new supplies of gold, &c. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Lond. 1853 On the loans raised by Mr. Pitt during the first French war, 1793-1801, &c. [Tracts, vol. 12.] 8vo. ihid. 1855 Newton (Dr.) see SHEUwiif (Hen.) Newton (H. A.) On the law of mortality that has prevailed among the former members of the divinity school of Yale College. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. 1873 Newtok (Sir Isaac). The first three sections of Newton's principia, with an appendix ; and the ninth and eleventh sections, edited by J. H. Evans. 2nd edit. 8vo. Camh. 1837 Commentaries on the principia of Sir Isaac Newton respecting his theory of the gravitation of the planets, by the author of a new theory of gravitation. 8vo. Lond. 1846 see also Emerson (W.), Gravesande (W. J.), Jones (W.), Pembeeton (Henry.) Nicholson (William). A dictionary of chemistry, with tables and engravings. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1795 Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance : full exposure of the plan, principle, and management. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. Lond. 1818 Eeport of the London Committee, appointed to investigate the late charges, &c. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. ihid. 1818 Notes and Qtjeeies. Nov. 1849 to June, 1855. 11 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850-55 o Oakes (Lieut. -Col. W. H.) Table of the reciprocals of numbers from 1 to 100,000, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1865 Loans payable by drawings, and debenfcui'e interest tables. (2 copies) 8vo. ihid. 1870 Tables of compovmd interest, for each rate between f and 10 per cent, per annum proceeding by intervals of one-eighth, and from 1 year to 100 years. 8vo. ibid. 1877 Oddy (J. J.) European commerce, showing new and secure channels of trade with the continent of Europe, &c., &c., with a canal and. river map of Europe. 4to. Lond. 1805 Oke (Gr. C.) Friendly societies' accounts ; a practical exemplification of the "instructions in book-keeping for friendly societies," issued by the Registrar, with directions for checking. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Oldendorfp (A.) Beitrage zur forderung der offentlichen Gesund- heitspflege. 8vo. Berlin, 1877, 78 ORG— PAU 51 Orchard (William). Single and annual insurance premiums for every value of annuity, adapted to any table of mortality, &c. Svo. Loncl. 1850 A general annuity theorem. (Ms.) folio. 1850 see also Gray (Peter). OuGHTEED (Guil.) Clavis mathematicsB denuo uniata, sive potius fabricata, &c. 3rd edit. 12mo. Oxon. 1652 • Elementi decimi Euclidis declaratio. 12mo. ihid. 1652 ■ Theorematum in libris Archimedis de sphoera & cylindro declaratio. 12mo. ihid. Horologiorum Sciotericoruni in piano, geometrici solum, sine calculo trigononietrico, delineandorum, modus facillimus, &c. 12mo. ihid. 1652 Oterstoxe (Lord). Questions drawn up on decimal coinage. folio. April 1857 Packard (A. S.) Directions for collecting and preserving insects. [Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 11.] Svo. WasJiington, 1873 Pallauio (Andrea). — The edifices of Andrea Palladio, forming a selec- tion from his most admired buildings, from drawings and measure- ments taken at Yicenza by F. Arundale. folio. Lond. 1832 Palmer (William). Eegiua «;. (s^e Collier) (G. F.) Paper-credit considered, particularly relative to the late failures of bankers, &c., in Ireland. [With Lee's annuities.] Svo. Lond. 1760 Parker ( — ). Arithmetic and algebra. [Library of Useful Know- ledge, vol. 1.] Svo. Lond. 1847 Parliament. — Our future ^parliaments. [Tracts, vol. 10.] Svo. Lond. 1854 Parliamentary Portraits. Sketches of the public character of some of the most distinguished speakers in the House of Commons, by Criticus. [with Morgan's life of Price.] Svo. Lond. 1815 Parsons (C. W.) Notice of the history of population in the State of llhode Island. [Tracts, vol. 5.] Svo Pathological Society, see Rules. Pattison (W. p.) see Actuaries (Inst, of.) — Discussions. Pauper Children. — Report by the Poor Law Commissioners on the training of pauper children ; with apjDendices. Svo. Lond. 1841 £ 2 52 PAW— POL Pawnerokixg. — Apology for the business of pawnbroking. 2nd edit. [Tracts, vol. 16.] 8vo. Land. 1741 Pembeeton (Henry). View of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. 4to. Lo7id. 1728 PENisrsTLVAifiA. — Sixth annual report of the Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Pennsylvania, &c., 1876. 8vo. Sarrishurg, 1876 Petty (Sir William) . see Mortality. Phae:maceittical Journal and transactions, vol. 11, 1851-2, to vol. 11, second series, 1869-70. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-70 Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. — Calendar, 1876, 77, 78, 79. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876-9 Catalogue of the collections in the museum. 8vo. ihid. 1878 Philadelphia. — Centennial Meeting of the Philadelphia contribution- ship for the insurance of houses from loss by fire. — April 1852. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852 Phillipps (S. M.) and Andrew Amos. A treatise on the law of evidence. 8th edit. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Phillips (John). A treatise on geology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Phillips (Willard). Treatise on the laws of insurance. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853 Philological Society. — see Eijles. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, conducted by Sir D. Brewster, Richard Taylor, Sir Eobert Kane, William Francis, and John Tyndall. Jan. 1852-June, 1855. [4th series, vol. 3-9.] 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-55 PiCAETE (R.) La division reduite a une addition, augmente d'une table de logarithmes, &c., &c. 4to. Paris (1861?) PixcKAED (Gr. H.) The practice and experience of the Clerical, &c., Life Assurance Society in reference to invalid lives. [Ti-ans. Inst, of Actuaries.] 8vo. Lond. 1851 Observations relating to the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. ihid. 1851 PiTCATRN (David). On the winding-up of life insurance companies. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. Lond. 1871 [Plakche (J. R.)] History of British costume. 12mo. Lond. 1834 PoissoN' (S. D.) Recherches sur la probabilite des jugements en matiere criminelle et en matiere civile, precedees des regies generales du calcul des probabilites. 8vo. Paris, 1837 POLIGNAC (A. de). Recherches nouvelles sur les nombres premiers. 4to. Paris, 1851 POL— POP 53 Political Economy CLrs. — !N"ames of members, 1821-GO. Eules of the club and list of questions discussed, 1S33-G0. 8vo. Lond. 1860 PooE (H. y.) Manual of the railroads of the United States for 1872-73, showing their mileage, stocks, bonds, cost, &c., ttc. ; with an appendix containing an analysis of the debts of the United States, and of the several States. 5th series. 8to. Neio York, 1872 PooE La"w CoirMissio>T:ES for England and Wales. Reports 1-14, 1835^8. 14 vols. 8vo. Lotid. 1835^8 Report on the continuance of the Poor La\v Commission, and on the relief of the poor. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Report of the Commissioners for administering the laws for the relief of the poor in England, 1848. folio. Lond. 1849 PooE Law Boaed. Reports 1-8, 1848-55. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-56 PooE Laws. Ireland. Three repoi-ts by Geo. Nicholls to the Home Secretary. 8vo. Lotid. 1838 Extracts from the three reports of George Xicholls on the establishment of a poor law for Ireland. 12mo. Dublin, 1840 Population, Boston. — Report of the joint special committee on the census of Boston, May, 1855, &c.; with analytical and sanitary observations, by Jos. Curtis. 8vo. Boston, 1856 ■ Europe. — Statistique Internationale, etat de la population. 1 tableaux. Recueillis conformement aux voeux du Congres inter- national de statistique par le bureau central de statistique de la Suede. 4to. Stockholm, 1875, 6 — France. — Statistique de la France, 1871. Resultats generaux du denombrement de 1872. 2 vols. 4to. Faris, 1873, 4 • Census of Great Britain, 1801. — Abstract of the answers- and returns made pursuant to an Act of 41st Geo. III. Enumeration ; parish registers. folio. 1801 1811. — Abstract of answers and returns pursuant to 41 Geo. III. — Preliminary observations, enumeration and parish register abstracts, increase of population, &c. (2 copies) folio. 1812 1821. — Abstract of answers and returns, pre- liminary observations, enumeration abstract, parish register abstract. folio. 1822 — Account of the number of marriages, and of baptisms and burials, &c., in each county in England and Wales, 1821-30, and of the number of illegitimate children born in each county in the latter year ; also an account of the total number of each sex that died within each of thirteen grades of ages in each county, in the metropolis, and eleven other of the principal cities, 1813-30, &c., &c. [bound up with Trans, of the Statist. Soc, vol. 1, pt. 1.] 4to 54 POP PoPULA.Tio?T. — Census of Great Britain, 1831. — Abstract of the answers and returns, preliminary observations, enumeration abstract, parish register, abstract, &c. (maps) 3 vols, folio. 1833 Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 11, 21, and 1831, with the annual value of real property in 1815 ; also a statement of progi'ess in the inquiry regarding the duration of life, &c. folio. 1831 1841. — Abstract of answers and returns, (part 1, England and Wales ; part 2, Scotland.) folio. 1843 Account of the total population according to the census, 1841, of each country in Great Britain : distinguishing males and females, and showing the rate, increase, or decrease in each county, &c., &c. (ParL return). folio. 1841 Tables of the revenue, population, commerce, &c., of the United Kingdom and its dependencies, (part 19, sect. A, 1849). folio. Lond. 1851 Census of Great Britain, 1851. — Tables of the population and houses, &c. folio, ihid. 1851 Po]mlation tables : — I. Numbers of the inhabi- tants, 1801, 11, 21, 31, 41, and 51. II. Ages, condition, occupa- tion, and birth-place, &c,. — Inde.x; to the names of the parishes, townships, and places in the population tables. 5 vols, folio. Hid. 1852, 54 Eeligious worship and education, England and Wales, report and tables. Eeligious worship and education, Scot- land, report and tables. 3 vols, in 1. 8vo. ihid. 1853, 4 Census of England and Wales, 1861. — Population tables. Vol. 1. — Numbers and distribution of the pe()])le. Vol. 2. — Ages, civil condition, occupations, and birth-places, &c. Vol. 3. — General report. 3 vols, folio. iUd. 1863 Census of 1861. — Index to the names of places sejiarately re- turned in the population tables of England and Wales. folio Census of England and Wales, 1871 ; general report, vol. 4. folio, ihid. 1873 Digest of the English census, 1871, by James Lewis. 8vo. ihid. 1873 see also Cheshire (Edward). of Ireland, 1821. — Abstract of answers and returns made pur- suant to an Act of 55 Geo. III. folio. 1823 1831. — Abstract of answers and returns under the Population Acts. folio. 1833 1841. — lleport of the Connnissioners appointed to take the census of Ireland, 1H41 ; with a])])endix of tables of ages, married persons, expectancy of life, mortality, kc, &c. (plates) folio. Diihlin, 1843 POP— POS 55 Population. — Census of Ireland for 1851. Part 1. — Ages, population, and houses. Part 2. — Agricultural produce. Part 3. — Status of disease. Part 4. — Ages and education. Part 5.— Tables of deaths. (2 vols.) Part 6. — General report. 6 parts in 7 vols, folio. Bullin, 1852-56 New South Wales, see Mansfield (Ralph). New York State. — Census for 1855. folio. Albany, 1857 1865. foHo. iUd. 1867 United States. — Seventh census, 1850, emhracing a statistical view of each of the states and territories, arranged hy counties, towns, &c., under divisions ; with an introduction and an appendix hy J. D. B. De Bow. 4to. Washington, 1853 Report of the superintendent of the census for Dec. 1, 1852 ; with the report of 1851. (2 copies) 8vo. ibid. 1853 Victoria ; census, 1861. — Population tahles, inhabitants and houses, occupation, birth-places, religions, ages, conjugal condition, education and health of the people. 8 parts in 1 vol. folio 1871 ; general report and appendices. Statistics of friendly societies, 1873, 75. Statistical register, 1875, — part 2, population. Statistical register, 1874, — part 3, population. Statistical register, 1876, — part 1, blue book; part 2, population. Statistical register, 1873, — part 3, population. Statistical register, 1876, — part 3, finance, &c. ; Part 4, vital statistics ; part 5, production ; part 6, accumulation. Statistics, 1872, — part 8, vital statistics, &c. Statistical register, 1874, — part 8, vital statistics. Statistical register, 1875, — part 8, vital statistics, &c. Statistics, 1873, — part 9, vital statistics. In 1 vol. folio PoETEE (H. W.) Essay on life assurance. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edits. 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1860 PoETER ( — ) On some considerations suggested by the annual report of the Registrar-General : being an enquiry into the question as to how far the inordinate mortality in this country, exhibited by those reports, is controllable by human agency. {Ms.) folio. 1824 Post Magazine, The ; chiefly devoted to the discussion of topics connected with the principles and practice of life assurance. Vol. 10, 1849 to vol. 40, 1879. (1874-76, missing.) 27 vols. 4to. Lond. 1849-79 56 rOS— PliU Post Magazine Almanack, The; court and parliamentary register, and insurance directory, 1849-77. (1871 and 1874 missing.) 26 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1849-77 1842-57. 2 vols. Svo. ihid. PcTTS (Robert). An appendix to the larger editions of Euclid's elements of geometry, &c. 8vo. Camh. 1847 see also Euclid. PouGET (Louis). Dictionnaire des assurances terrestres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855 see also Journal des Assurances. Pratt (J. H.) The mathematical princi])les of mechanical philosophy, and their application to the theory of universal gravitation. Svo. Ca7nb.lSSQ Pratt (W. Tidd). The law relating to friendly societies, 13 and 14 Vict., c. 115, &c. 12mo. Lond. 1850 PRESENTATiONS.^On the true value of the next presentation to a living. [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo Price (Richard). Observations on reversionary payments; on schemes for providing annuities for widows, &c.; on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives, &c., &c. 8vo. Lond. 1771 2nd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1772 3rd edit. Svo. ihid. 1773 4th edit., with new tables, &c. 2 vols. Svo. ihid. 1783 ., 5th edit., with introduction by Wm. Morgan. (2 copies) 2 vols. ihid. 1792 6th edit., with introduction by Wm. Morgan. 2 vols. Svo. ihid. 1803 7th edit., with introduction by Wm. Morgan. (2 copies) 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1812 see also Morgan (William) . Profaneness. — Scotch Acts against profanity, immorality, and vice, 1694-1715. 12mo Providence City. Annual reports (third and fourth, 1857, .58) on the births, marriages, and deaths, by E. M. Snow. Svo. Providence, 185S, 9 Prudential Assurance Company.— Appendix to the ISth annual report of the Prudential Assurance Com]iany, 1S67, containing the experience of the company in the industrial branch, 1864-66. oblong 4to Mortality experience in the industrial branch, 1867-70, with observations by Henry Harben. Svo. Lond. 1871 • see also Friendly Societies' Commission. PRU— QUA 57 pRirssiA. — Tabellen und amtliclie Nachrichten uber den Preussiclien Staat, 1858. folio. Berlin, 18G0 Zeitschriffc des Koniglicli Preussischen statistisclien bureaus redigirt von Dr. Ernst Engel, 1861-70. 3 vols. 4to. ihid. 18G1-70 1873. Heft 1 2. folio. Hid. 1873 Public Health. — First report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Report on the state of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and other towns, by D. B. Reid. Maps and plans. 8vo. ihid. 1845 ■ Report by the General Board of Health on the measures adopted for the execution of the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, and the Public Health Act, ujd to July 1849. 8vo. ihid. 1849 ■ — • Reports to the General Board of Health on the sewerage, drainage, water supply, &c., of Birmingham, Cheltenham, Derby, Holbeach, Knighton, Loughborough, Mitcham, Rugby, Wolver- hampton, Bilstou, Willeuhall, and Weduesfield. in 1 vol. 8vo. ihid. 1849 Reports on the sanitary condition, &c., of Bodmin, Bristol, Calne, Cheshunt, Darlington, Doncaster, Exmouth, Great Yarmouth, Hastings, MacclesBeld, Margate, Newport, Northallerton, Padstow, Portsmouth, Southampton, Stockton-on-Tees, Witham, Wrexham, Dewsbury, Halifax, Hoddesdon and Broxbourne, Huddersfield, Maidenhead, March, Norwich, Rotherham and Kimberworth, Tiver- ton, Wolverhampton, Woolwich. 4 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1850, 1 — ■ see also Labouring Classes. Pulling (Alexander) . Practical compendium of the law and usage of mercantile accounts. 8vo. Lond. 1846 PuRKis (H. W.) The student's guide to Chitt}^ on contracts, Williams on real property, and Smith's manual of equity; with questions and answers. 2nd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1872 Q Quadrupeds described and drawn from living subjects — the menageries. 2nd edit. [Lib. Enter. Know.] 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829-31 QuARiTCH (Bernard). Catalogue of books, arranged in classes. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Quarterly Review, The. Dec. 1848 to March, 1855. Vols. 84-96. 13 vols. Svo. Lond. 1849-54 58 QUE— EAT Qfetelet (L. a. J.) Sur I'homme et le developpement de ses facultes ou essai de physique sociale [contains population and mortality tables]. 2 vols. Svo. Faris, 1835 ■ Sur le climat de la Belgique, temperatures de I'air et du sol et de la terre. 4to. Brux. 1845 Lettres sur la theorie des proLabilites. 8vo. ihid. 1846 Letters on the theory of probabilities as applied to the moral and and political sciences. Translated by 0. Gr. Downes. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Popular instructions on the calculation of probabilities. Trans- lated, with notes by Richd. Beamish. 12mo. ibid. 1S49 Nouvelles tables de mortalite pour la Belgique. 2 parts. 4to. Brux. 1849, 50 Sur les tables de mortalite et specialement de la Belgique. [Tracts, vol 9.] 8vo. 1854 Sur le congres international de statistique tenu a Londres, Juillet, 18C0. 4to E Kailwats. — Report of the Committee of Privy Council for trade and foreign plantations of the proceedings of the department relating to railways, for the year 1855. folio. Lond. 1856 Raleigh (Samuel). On some leading points in the practical finance of life assurance. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. Edinh. 1863 Address at opening meeting of the Actuarial Society of Edin- burgh, session 1863-64. [Tracts, vol. 4.] Svo Remarks on Mr. Cave's Bill " to amend the law relating to life assurance companies." [Tracts, vol. 19.] 8vo. lEdinh. 1870 Ramciiundra (Y.) a treatise on problems of maxima and minima, solved by algebra; reprinted and edited by Augustus De Morgan. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Ran^ce (T. G.) Tables of compound interest, for every \ per cent., from i to 10 per cent, and for every year from 1 to 100 years. Svo. Lond. 1852 Rankin (Robert). Treatise on life assurances and annuities, etc., Avith oi-iginal tables of the probabilities, &c., of life in Bristol. [Tracts, vol. 2.] Svo. Lond. 1830 Ratcliffe (Henry). Observations on the rate of mortality and sickness existing amongst Friendly Societies; ])articularised for various trades, occupations, and localities, with a series of tables, shewing the value of annuities, *tc. Svo. Manclieisier, 1850 RAT— EEG 59 Rathbone (T. W.) Examination of the report of the Committee of the House of Commons on decimal coinage. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 3rd edit. 8vo. JLond. 1851< Comparative statement of the different plans of decimal accounts and coinage proposed by the witnesses examined before the Com- mittee of the House of Commons, &c. [Tracts, vol. 12.] 8vo. iUd. 1854 E.AWLINSOK (Robert). Statements on railway contracts and railway labourers. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. Manchester [Rattstal (Guill. Th. I'Abbe).] Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissemens et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. nouvelle ed. 8 vols. 12mo. Avic/non, 1786 Analyse de I'histoire philosophique et politique des etablissemens et du commerce des Euro2:»eens dans les deux Indes. 8vo. Leyde, 1775 Reboul (Eugene) . Assurances sur la vie avec une preface par Alfred de Courcy. ome. ed. 12mo. Paris, 1865 Etudes sur les assurances. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo Qui s'assure s'enrichit. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. ihid. 1866 La morale de I'assurance. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. ihid. 1867 Le nouvel impot sur les assurances. 8vo. ihid. 1871 see also Moniteur des Assurances. Records of British colonies and enterprise beyond sea. — Introduction. [Tracts, vol. 9.] 8vo. Loud. 1852 Recoveries. — Treatise on the law of common recoveries; by a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Register, The, a family and economic journal of provident institiitions. vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Lond. 1853-55 see Weekly Chronicle and Register. Registrar-General's IcEPORTS. — Births, deaths, and marriages : an- nual reports of the Registrar-General for England. First (1839) to Forty-first (1S79). 41 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-80 Births, marriages, and deaths : annual reports (1-11) of the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and marriages in England. 7 vols, folio, ihid. 1839-50 ■ Births and deaths, and causes of death : weekly returns of the Registrar-General, 1852-58. 7 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1852-59 ■ English life-table. — Tables of lifetimes, annuities, and premiums [calculated at the Registrar-General's Office], with an introduction by William Farr. 8vo. ihid. 1864 Supplement to the 35th annual report of the Registrar-General. [Presentation copy, with autograph letter from Dr. Farr.] 8vo. ihid. 1875 Supplement to the Registrar-General's reports of births, mar- riages, and deaths in Scotland, 1861-70. folio. Edinh. 1874 GO EEG— EOY Eegisteatton Repobts — Births, marriages and deaths. — Reports to the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1848, 49, 1851-59, and 1871. [Reports, 8, 10-18, and 30th.] vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851-73 Rhode Island : reports (5th and 6th, 1857, 58) relating to births, marriages, and deaths. 2 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1858, 59 Rennie (Jame.s). Insect miscellanies. 12mo. Land. 1831 '-- The architecture of birds. 12mo. ihid. 1831 The domestic habits of birds. 12mo. Lond. 1833 ■ The faculties of birds. 12mo. ihid. 1835 Review, The, 1870-77. 7 vols, folio. Lond. 1870-77 Revue des Assurances sur la vie, 1874-79. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874-76 ■ [No title page] 8vo. 1851 ? Retnabd (Francis) . Geometria legitima ; or, an elementary system of theoretical geometry, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1813 EiCHABDS (John). The gentleman's steward and tenants of manors instructed ; rules and tables for finding the value of estates of free- hold, copyhold, or leasehold, &c., &c., with appendix. 8vo. Lond. 1730 RoBERTON (John). Return of the fatal accidents, &c., sustained by workmen engaged on the summit level tunnel of the Sheffield and Manchester railway, &c., with observations. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. jSLancliester Robertson" (Alex.) Periodical savings applied to provident purposes, with remarks on friendly and other societies. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. Lond. 1852 Defects in the practice of life assurance, and suggestions for their remedy, &c. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 4th edit. 8vo. ihid Robertson (William) . Report on the causes of death — Scottish Equit- able Society— from 1831-64. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. 1865 Sui^plementary report. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 8vo. 1866 Romanet (Le V'^ de). Des pensions viageres pour les vieillards des classes ouvrieres et des diverses institutions de prevoyance qui existent deja en France et en Angleterre. 12me. Paris, 1846 Rotterdam. — Algemeene sterftetafel der Nationale Levensverzekering- liank te Rotterdam. 8vo. 1875 Royal Asiatic Society. — see Rules. Royal Astronomical Society. — Memoirs, vol. 39, part 2, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1872-79 ■ see also Rules. ROY— SAN 61 RoTAL BoTA>-ic Society. — see Rules. Royal College of Physicians. — List of the fellows, members, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1879 Royal Geogeaphical Society of London. — Proceedings, 1855-59. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857-59 see also Rules. Royal Institute of British Architects. — see Rules. Royal Institution of Great Britain. — Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members, with abstract of the discourses at evening meetings, 1855-66. [vols 2, 3, and 4.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858-69 see also Rules. Royal Literary Fund. — A summary of facts drawn from the records of the society, and issued in answer to a pamphlet "by C. W. Dilke, Charles Dickens, and John Forster," with a report of the annual meeting, March 1858. [Tracts, vol. 14.] 8vo. Lond. Royal Scottish Society of Arts. — Transactions, vols. 1-5. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1841-61 Royal Society. — Science vrithout a head ; or, the Royal Society dis- sected by one of the 687 F.R.S.'s. [Bound up with Babbage and South.] 8vo. Lond. 1830 Royal Society of Literature. — see Rules. Rules and regulations of various scientific societies, &c. [1844-51.] 8vo Ryley (E.) Decimal coinage. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. Lond. 1853 s Saint-Cyran (M. de). Calcul des rentes vlageres, sur une et sur plusieurs tetes. 4to. Paris, 1779 St. Leonards ([E. B. Sugden] Lord). Handy book of property law. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Salmon (George). A treatise on conic sections. 4th edit. 8vo. Lond. 1863 Samot (D. J. A.) Het vraagstuk van de Pensioenen voor Rijksamb- tenaren. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1878 De beginselen der Levensverzek-eringwetenschap. 8vo. 1878 Sang (Edward). Life assurance and annuity tables, with a copious collection of I'ules and examples. (2 copies) 2 vols, folio. Edinh. 1841-59 — (large paper) . Yol. 1. folio. «'iiV. 1841 62 SAN— SEA Saxg (Edward). Essays on life assurance. [Tracts, vol. 2, and vol. 19.] (2 copies) 8vo. Lond. 1852 Address to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. 1868 Valuation of life contingencies, by help of analytic functions. 8vo. ihid. 1869 Saunders (Edwin). The teeth a test of age considered with reference to the factory children. [Tracts, vol. 8.] 8vo. Lond. 1837 Sauxdersoi^' (Prof.) Select parts of Saunderson's elements of algebra. 5th edit., by Kev. Jobn Hellins. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Saxont. — Statistische mittheilungen aus dem Konigreich Sachsen heraus- gegeben von statistischen Bureau des Ministeriums des Innern. — ■ Bewegung der Bevolkerung oder die Geburten, Sterbefalle, Trauun- gen, und Ehescheiduugen, zu-und Wegziige im Konigreich Sachsen, 1834-50. 4to. Dresden, 1852 Schwartz (L. W.) La verite aux femmes [as to life assurance]. 8vo. Bale, 1878 Scott (D. G.) History of the rise and progress of joint-stock hanks in England. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Scott (E. E.) The property and income tax, the best tax for the com- munity. [Tracts, vol. 11.] 8vo. Lond. 1851 tables of logarithms and anti-logarithms to five places. 8vo. ihid. 1870 ScRATCHLET (Arthur). A treatise on benefit building societies, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Practical treatise on savings banks, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1860 • Treatise on benefit building societies and tontines, and on asso- ciations for land investment and colonization. 2nd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1857 3rd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1857 Suggestions for the enfranchisement and improvement of co])y- hold, life-leasehold, and church property, &c., &c. ; and a mathe- inatical appendix. 2nd edit. 12mo. ihid. 1854 Remarks on the valuation of post-obits and contingent reversions or legacies. [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. ihid. 1856 Treatise on friendly societies, containing an exposition of the true law of sickness, with rules and tables, and remarks on industrial life assurance, post-obits, and liabilities of friendly, &c., societies. 10th edit, [with " Treatise on benefit building societies. 3rd edit."] 8vo. ihid. 1859 ■ Life assurance bill ; Avith an introduction. [Tracts, vol. 18.] 8vo. ihid. 1867 Seallt (John) and Israel Lyons. A complete geographical dictionary, or universal gazetteer of ancient and modern geography ; illus- trated with maps and views of the principal cities, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. SEL— SIM G3 Selpe (H. S.) The United Kingdom mutual annuity society and benevolent annuity fund: a narrative. [Tracts, vol. 4.] Svo. Lond. 1S60 Setmoub. (F. H.) Fire prevention and extinction. Svo. Detroit, 1S75 An address to the Michigan State firemen's association, May, 1877. Svo Shaemais' (H. R.) The duty on fire insurances erroneous in principle and injurious in practice. [Tracts, vol. 4.] Svo. Lond. n.d. [Tracts, vol. 17] Svo. ibid. n.d. [Sharp (Abraham).] Geometry improved: (1) by a large and accurate table of segments of circles, &c.; (2) a concise treatise of Polyedra, or solid bodies of many bases, &c. 4to. Lond. YiYI see also Shebwin (Hen.) Shaw (E. M.) Fire protection: a complete manual of the organization, machinery, discipline, and general working of the fire brigade of London. Svo. Lond. 1S76 Sheppaed (George). Life assurance, in theory and practice. [Tracts, vol. 4.] 12mo. Hamilton, 1855 Sheewin (Hen.) Mathematical tables, containing Dr. Wallis' account of logarithms. Dr. Halley's and Mr. [Abr.] Sharp's ways of con- structing them; with Dr. Newton's contractions of Brigg's logarithms, &c. 4th edit., by Will. Gardiner. Svo. Lond. 1761 Shoet (Thomas). New observations on city, town, and country bills of mortality, &c., with appendix on the weather and meteors. Svo. Lond. 1750 ■ A comparative history of the increase and decrease of mankind in England, and several countries abroad, according to the different soils, situations, business of life, &c. ; with syllabus of the general states of health, air, seasons, and food for the last three hundred years, and a meteorological discourse. (2 copies) 4to. ihid. 1767 Shoeteede (Robert). Logarithmic tables to seven places of decimals, &c. Svo. Edin. 1858 SiEVEKiNa (E. H.) The medical adviser in life assurance. Svo. Lond. 1874 Simpson (Thomas). The nature and laws of chance. Svo. Lond. 1740 . J^ew edit. Svo. ihid. 1792 Essays on several curious and useful subjects in speculative and mixed mathematicks. 4to. ihid. 1740 Doctrine of annuities and reversions, with tables, &c. Svo. ihid. 1742 with tables showing the values of single and joint lives, &c. 2nd edit. (2 copies) Svo. ibid. 1775 Select exercises for young proficients in the mathematicks. Svo. ibid. 1752 64 SIM— SOP Simpson (Thomas). Miscellaneous tracts on some curious subjects in mechanics, physical astronomy, and speculative mathematics, &c. 4to. Lond. 1757 A treatise of algehra. 3rd edit. 8vo. ihid. 1767 4th edit. 8vo. ihid. 1775 The doctrine and application of fluxions. 2 vols. 8vo. ioid. 1S23 SiMsoN (Dr.) see Euclid. SiiART (John). Tables of interest, discount, annuities, &c. (2 copies) 4to. Lond. 1726 -— • abridged. 8vo. Hid. 1735 Smith (Adam). Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 3rd edit. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1784 Smith (H. A.) see Gray (Peter). Smith (J. S.) Treatise on the principles of equity. 8vo. Lond. 1^5G Smith (Col. J. T.) Remarks on a gold currency for India, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1868 • — Silver, and the Indian exchanges : a remedy for its depreciation. 8vo. ihid. 1876 Smith (R. A.) Memoir o£ John Dalton, and history of the atomic theory up to his time. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vols. 10-15. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1873-78 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vols. IS, 19. 2 vols. 4to. Washiiigton, 1873, 74 Institution : annual reports of the board of Regents for the years 1871-1877. 7 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1873-7S Catalogue of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution, corrected to June, 1862. 8vo. ibid. 1862 Smyth (Piazzi) . see Ebinbuegh Astronomical Observations. Snoee. (M. G.) Lijfrente en Levensverzekering. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1875 Snow (E. M.) Report on the small-pox in the City of Providence. Jan.-June, 1859. [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo. Frovidence, 1859 Societes de secours mutuels ; instruction generale pour I'execution du decret, &c. 1850 rapport a I'empereur par la commission superieure, &c. 4to. 1852, 3 SoMNER (Gul.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum-Anglicum, &c. folio. Oxon. 1659 SoPER (G. J.) Life assurance offices: their national and social advan- tages. [Tracts, vol. 1.] 8vo. Lond. UNiVERSilY SOU— STA 05 South (Sir James) . Cbarp^es against the president and councils of tlic lloyal Society. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1830 The knighthood of Sir J. South a deathblow to science, [with "Babbage's reflections."] Hvo. ihid.VS'iO South Austkalia; statistical register, 18G3-G9. 7 vols, folio. Adelaide, 1865-70 Spence (William). Mathematical essays, edited by J. F. W. Herschel; with a brief memoir of the author. 4to. Lond. 1820 see also Kiubt (Wm.) Speits (William). Papers on life and health assurance. [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. Glasg. 1844 Is there a materially greater risk in the assurance of a select life of from 40 to 45, than of a select life of from 20 to 25 for one year? [Tracts, vol. 2.] 8vo. ibid. 1S53 Sprague (T. B.) Life insurance in 1872 : being a summary and analysis of the accounts of the life insurance companies. [Tracts, vol. 19.] Part 1. 8vo. Lond. 1872 A treatise on life insurance accounts ; showing how the annual revenue accoimt and balance-sheet of a company should be drawn up, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1874 Annuities, [from Ency. Brit. 9th edit.] 4to. 1875 see also Actuaeies (Inst, of) Discussions. ST,i;irLiN (J. von). An account of the new northern archipelago lately discovered by the llussians in the seas of Kamschatka and Anadir. Translated from the German. [Map]. 12mo. Lond. 1774! Staeudlin (C. F.) History of theological knowledge and literature from the beginning of the eighteenth century to 1810. [Tracts, vol. 15.] 12mo. LJdinb. 1835 Statistical Cojj^gress. — Compte rendu des travaux du congres general de statistique reuni a Bruxelles, 19-22 Sept. 1853. 4to. Brux. 1853 tenues a Brux. 1853, Paris 1855, Vienne 1857, et Londres 18G0, public sous la direction de M. le Dr. Engel. 4to. Berlin, 1803 Die fiinfte sitzungsperiode des internationalen Statistischen Congresses in Berlin vom 4 bis 12 Sept. 1803. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. ibid. 1805 — - Der international Statisti.sche Congress in Berlin, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1863 — Congres internationale de statistique a La Have, Sept. session, 1S09. ler pte. — programme. 4to. La Haye, 1809 — Vienna, see Faee (Wm.) 66 STA— SYL Statistical Society of London, Journal of the, May 183S-79 42 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-79 Indexes, vols. 1-35 (1838-72). 3 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1854, 63, 74 Catalogue of the library of the Statistical Society of London. 8vo. ihid. 1859 see also Rules. Statistical tables of Europe [by John Stockdale?]. (no title page.) 4to. 1800 Statutes, regulations, &c., of assurance societies, foreign. 8vo. 1847-51 Stevens (Robert). Essay on average and ou other subjects connected with marine insurance. 3rd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Stevenson (R.) Treatise on the nature and properties of algebraic equations. 2nd edit. 8vo. Camh. 1835 SiiBLiNa (Jac.) Methodus differentialis: sive tractatus de summatione et interpolatione serierum infinitarum. 4to. Lond. 1764 Stout (Joseph) . Discourses ; — 1-3, the progress of science and litera- ture; 4, the science of government. [Tracts, vol. 15.] 12mo. Edinh. 1836 Steachan (T. Y.) Protection, reciprocity, free trade. [Tracts, vol. 20.] 8vo. Newcastle, 1880 Steateord (W. S.) On the elements of the orbit of Halley's comet, 1835, 36. [Tracts, vol. 6.] 8vo. Lond. 1837 Sturmius (J. C) Mathesis juvenilis ; or, a course of mathematics for young students, &c., made English from the Latin, by George Vaux. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1709, 8 Sturrock (John, jun.) Principles and practice of life assurance. [Tracts, vol. 1.] 8vo. iJundee, 1846 [Tracts, vol. 17.] 8vo. ihid. 1846 SussMiLCH (J. P.) Die gottliche Ordnung in den veriinderungen des menschlicheu Geschlects, ans der Geburt, dem Tode, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1775 Sweden. — Notices sur la Suede a I'occasion du congres international des sciences geographiques de 1875 a Paris. 8vo Sylvester (J. J.) On a remarkable discovery in the theory of canonical forms and of hyperdetermiuauts. [from Philos. Mag., Nov. 1851.] 8vo Essay on canonical forms. 8vo. Lond. 1851 On a theory of the syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, &c. [From Philos. trans., part 3, of 1853.] 8vo. ihid. 1S53 Nuga3 mathematica). [Tracts, vol. 5.] 8vo. ihid. 1866 TAB— THO 67 Table of the circles arising from the division of Bombay Military Fund. Bi-own. Bonus. Bunyon. Clergy Mutual Ass. Soc. Jellicoe. Book-keeping. See also Meecantile Ac- counts. Cory. Jackson. Jones. Manly. Okc. Pulling. Fire insurance. Glover. Friendly societies. Oke. Life assurance offices. Tait. Boroughs. Brady. Boston, Population of, &c. Population. Bread, Price of. James. Breslaw Mortality Tables. Halley. Bristol, Peobabilities of Life in. Rankin. British Colonies. Records. Brokers. Baily. Budget Accounts — England and France. Balfour. Building Laws, New York. New York. Building Societies. Friendly societies. Scratchley. Burials. Burials. Calculation Tables. ^e Logarithms, Tables of. Calculus. Differential. De Morgan. Elementary. Integral. Do Morgan. Elemeutaryj Ilymers. Literal. Hirsch. INDEX. 77 Calcttltts ov Finite Diffeeences. Boole. Herscliel. Calculus of Inference. De Morgan. Calcutta — ropuLAxiON, &c. Tait. Cambridge Problems. Wright. Canada. Canada. Canonical Forms. Sylvester. Capital and Labour. Smith. Carlisle Actuarial Tables. Gray. Thom- son. Wiglesworth. Carlisle Bills of Mortality. Lonsdale. , Catalogues. Actuaries, Faculty of. London Library. Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Soc. Library. Quaritch. Smith- sonian Institution. Statistical Society. Causes CifiLfeBRES. Craik. Census of Great Britain and other Countries. Population. Census of Great Britain, 1851. Cheshire. Chances, Doctrine of. See also Proba- bilities. Bemioulli. Clark. De Moivre. Ham. Simpson. Chances of the Duration of Life. See Annuities, Mortality, Probabilities. Chances of Premature Death. Farren. Chancery Funds. Gibson. Chemistry. Clarke. PharmaceuticalJournal. Turner. Dictionary. Nicholson. Chess. Carrera. Chess. Lewis. Cholera. Cholera. Statistics. Barry. Statistics, London. Marshall. Chronology, Royal Houses of Europe. Hartland. Church of England. Church Inquiry Com- mission. Ecclesiastical Commisioners. Church Leases. Church leases. Grey. Church Property. Scratchley. Circles. Batty e. Table. Cities and Boroughs. Brady. Clearing House Statistics. Babbage. Clergy Mutual Ass. Soc. Hodgson. Clergy — Duration of Life. Hodgson. Coal Mines, Explosions in. Blackwell. Coinage. See also Decimal Coinage. Ncwmarch. Colonies. Records. Combinations. Bernoulli. De Morgan. Commerce. Banker's Magazine. Essay. Honians. Dictionartf. McCulloch. Europe. Oddy. Of the U.K. Marshall. Of the U.S. United States. COMMERCIUM EpISTOLICUM, AUTHORSHIP OF the Account of the. De Morgan. Commission. Brown. Common Recoveries, Law of. Recoveries. Commutation Tables. Chisholm. Compass. Miscellanea Curiosa. Competition of Life Ass. Cos. Brown. Compound Interest. See Interest. Computation. Fuller. Computation Tables. Dodson. Conic Sections. Conic Sections. Latham. Salmon. Vince. Constants of Nature. Clarke. Continental Assurance, Progress of. Brown. Contingencies. See Probabilities. Contingent Reversions. Morgan. Contingent Reversions, Valuation of. Scratcliley. Conveyancing. Coventry. Copernicus. De Morgan. Copyholds. Caswall. Copyholds, Enfranchisement of. Scratchley. Costume, British. Planche. Crime in Scotland. Makgill. Criminal Statistics. Crime. Cube Roots. Barlow. Currency. See also Banking. Huskisson. Jevons. Smith. Tooke. Curve, Equation of a. De Morgan. Curves. Hymers. Davy Safety Lamp. Blackwell. Death, Causes of. See Mortality Ex- perience. Deaths. See also Mortality. Mortality. Population. Registration reports. Deaths, Registration of. Gairdner. 78 INDEX. Decimal Coittaoe. Brown. Decimal Coin- ago. Milvvard. Minasi. Overstonc. Ilathbone. Rylcy. Taylor. Walford. Decimal System. Jessop. Denmark. Assurance companies. Denmai'k. Life assurance. Karup. Provident institutions. Denmark. Dictionaries. Chemistry. Nicholson. Commerce. McCuUoch. English language. Ency. Motropolitana, biv. 4. Geography. McCulloch. Murray. Seally and Lyons. History. McCulloch. Insurance. Champness. Walfortl. Mathematics. Hutton. Walter. Medicine. Hooper. Surgery. Cooper. Dipferential Equations. Boole. De Morgan. Differential and Integral Calculus. De Morgan. Elementary. DiPTERA OF N. America. Locw. Discount Tables, See also Interest. Clavell. Disease, Laws of. Farren. Lee. Divisions of Profit. Brown. Divisors, Table of. Burckhardt. Doctors and Life Ass. Cos. Medical. Drunkenness. Macnish. Dudley Observatory. Gould. Duration of Life. See also Mortality, Probabilities. Clergy. Hodgson. Professions. Ansell. Lombard. Glasgow. Duncan. Duration of Life as affected by Climate, &c. Short. Earth's Motion. De Morgan. Ency. Metrop., vol. 5. Earthquakes. Crookshank. Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Eccle- siastical Commissioners. Ecclesiastical Revenues. Church Inquiry Commission. Eclipses. Woolhouse. Eclipse of the Sun. 1858, Glashier. 1868, De la Hue. Economic Sophisms. Bastiat. Education, Committee of Council on. Education. Population (Census, 1851). Education and Mutual Insurance. Mu- tual Insurance. Electricity. Faraday. Finlaison. Electric Telegraph Co. Bain. Electro- Magnetic Clock. Finlaison. EmigratiOxV from Ireland. Locke. Encyclopaedias. See also Dictionaries. Ency. Methodique. Ency. Metropulitana. English. Geography. Murray. Encyclopedia Metropolitana and Mr. De Morgan. De Morgan. Enfranchisement of Copyholds. Caswall. Scratchley. England, History of, 1685-1702. Macaulay. Entails. Dalrymple. Entomology. Kirby and Spence. Eennie. Epidemic Cholera. Statistics. Barry. Epidemics. Collier. Equation of a Curve. De Morgan. Equations, Differential. See also Al- gebra. Boole. De Morgan. Equations, Solution of. De Morgan. Equitable Assurance Society. Equitable. Equitable Societt's Bonus, 1859. Bunyon. Equitable Life Assurance Society, U.S. Equitaljle. Equity, Principles of. Smith. Errors in Observation. De Morgan. Estates upon Lives, &c. Benwell. Law- rence. Estates, Tables for Purchasing. Inwood. Euclid. See also Geometry. Euclid. Ougbtred. Europe. Population Tables. Statistical Tables. Europe, Commerce of. Oddy. Europe, History of, 1792-1815. Alison. European Assurance Society. Crawford. European. Evidence, Law of. Pliillipps and Amos. Examination Questions. Cambridge. Exchange Tables. Kelly. Laurie. English and American Currency. Festing. France. Laurie. Portugal. Laurie. INDEX. 79 Exhibition of 1851. Collier. Exhibition. Expenses of Life Ass. Cos. Bailey. Explosions in Coal Mines. BlackwcU. ExTEMPOEANEOUS Peeacuino. Ware. ExTEAMUEAL Sepultuee. Bui'ials. Factory Accidents. Meunier. Factoey Question. Greg. Faculty of Actuaeies, Scotland. Ac- tuaries. Ralegh. Sang. Thompson. Fevee, Generation of. Alison. Finance. Budget. Finance. See also Banking, Cueeency. Charlon. Finance. Gold Panic. England and France. Balfour. France. Necker. Finite Diffeeences. Herschel. Macdonald. Fire Insurance. Fire Underwriters. In- surance. James. Millar. Philadelphia. Compilation of Statistics. Glover. Ditfi/ on. Sharman. Law of. Bunyon. Dowdeswell. Ellis. Settlement of Claims. Atkins. Fire Claims. Fire Prevention and Extinction. Sey- mour. Shaw. Fiee Prevention Act, New Yore. New York. Fire Proof Construction. John. Fire Risks. Millar. Fire Statistics, London. Hoe. Fire Underwriters, U.S. Chase. Fire. Fire of London, The. Lorrain. Fleet Marriages and Registers. Burn. Fluxions. See also Algebra. Dealtry. Hales. Jones. Landen. Simpson. Viuce. Food, as it affects Population. Doubleday. Food, Price of. Jenyns. Foreign Climates and Additional Pre- miums. Meikle. Foreign Debts. Fenn. Foreign Exchange Tables. See Exchange Tables. Foreign Stocks, Tables of Drawings. Imrall. Foreign Terms. Eulcr. France. Poiiulation. Exchange Tables. Laurie. Government Ass. Caisse do rctraites. Ristorii, 1789-1815. Alison. Insurance companies. Nationale (la). Financial administration. Necker. Free Trade. Strachan. Friendly Societies. Finlaison. Friendly Societies. Hatton. Industrial Soc. Nelson. Robertson. Scratchley. Societes do seconrs mutuels. Accounts. Oke. Constitution. Becher. Laiv of. Pratt. Legislation. Neison. Mortality. Ratcliff. Functions. Actuaries, Inst, of, discussions. De Morgan. Tate. Funds. Fenn. Gauss' Tables. Filipowski. Geneva — Assurance, Annuities, &c. Moschell. Geography. EUesmere. Geography. McCulloch. Murray. Stfehlin. Sweden. Geographical Dictionary. McCulloch. Murray. Seally and Lyons. Geology. Arkansas. Geological Society. Phillips. Geometry. And see also Conic Sections, Mathematics, Trigonometry. Battye. Bounycastle. Bradley. Colson. Euclid. Gregory. Hirsch. Hymers. Lacroix. Legendre. Leslie. Potts. Reynard. Sharp. Tacquet. Young. Geometrical Problems. Latham. Glasgow, Mortality of. Cleland. Duncan. Glasgow. Glossary of Foreign and Scientific Terms. Euler. Gompertz (Benjamin). Actuaries, Inst, of, discussions. Government, Science of. Story. Government Annuities, Tables, &c. Henry. New Zealand. Tontines, &c. Government Assurance. Bastine. Gravitation. Laplace. Newton. Greenwich Observations. Astronomical. 80 INDEX. GtJAR.VNTEED SeCUBITIES AS INVESTMENTS. VVhiteliead. GuNPOWDEE Plot. Jardine. H. alley's Comet. Stratford. Hamburg — Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Lazarus. Haversinbs. Hannyngton. Hazards op Game. See also Chance. Ham. Health. Lobb. Health, Causes producing. Edmonds. Health of Towns, &c. Public health. Health, Public Bills of. Oldendorff. Health, and Duration of Life, as af- fected BY Climate, &c. Short. History. Historical Register. Ency. Me- tropolitana Uiv. 3. England, 1685-1702. Macaulay. Euro2)e, 1792-1815. Alison. Prussia. Frederic II. Holland — Vital Statistics. Holland. Kersseboom. Netherlands. Human Life, Increase of. Jarvis. Human Understanding. Locke. Human Will. Brown. Hydrooraphic Tables. Bagay. Hydrostatics. Vince. Illegitimacy. Population. Imaginary Quantities. Gompertz. Income Tax. Fumivall. Income Tax. Jellicoe. Scott. Increments. Emerson. India. See also Bengal, Bombay, Madras. Army, Mortality. Woodhouse. Army, Retiring Fund. Cumin. Currency. Smith. Mortality of. Brown. Revenue and Taxation. Hendriks. Vital Statistics. Tait. Indies, East and West. Ilaynal. Industrial Classes. Assurance and Annuities. Romanet. Mortality. Prudential Assurance Co. Infant Mortality. Jarvis. Infinitesimal x\nalysis. Carnot. Infinitesimals, History of. De Morgan. Infinity. De Morgan. Insanity. Lunacy. Tuke. Insects. Loew. Kirby and Spence. Packard. Insolvency of Life Assurance Offices. Bunyon. Tucker. Institute of Actuaries. Actuaries. As- surance Mag. Insurance. See Fire, Life, Marine. Insurance Companies. See also Life Ass. Companies. James. Insurance of Enemies' Ships. Morris. Insurance Laws, U.S. United States. Insurance Register. White. Integral Calculus. De Morgan. Hymers. Intemperance. Drunkenness. Macnisli. Interest. Baily. Corbaux. Hardy. Interest Commutation Tables. Willicli. Interest, Compound. Baylis. Corbaux. Thoman. Interest on Landed Securities. Thomson. Interest, Rates of, in Scotland. Thomson. Interest Tables. Dunn. Hannyngton. Interest. Inwood. Laurie. Oakes. Ranee. Smart. TurnbuU. Violeine. Interest, Theory of. Wilkie. Interments. Burials. International Law. Mackintosh. Interpolation. Hermite. Invalid Lives. Pinckard. Investments. Ward. Involute and Evolute in Space. Dc Morgan. Ireland, Population of. Population. Progress of the Population. Newenham. Irish Emigration. Locke. Italy. Anmnties. Besso. Provident Societies. Besso. Joint-Stock Banks. History of. Scott. Law of. Wordsworth. Journals, &c. See Periodicals. Jurors' Reports, Exhibition of 1851. E.vhibit'on. INDEX. SI KamschatkA. Staelilin. Knowledge, Pursuit of. Craik. LABOURIN& Classes, Assurance for. Mos- chell. Labouring Classes, Mortality. Prudential Assurance Co. Labouring Classes, Isle of Thanet, Du- ration OF Life. Hodgson. Land Investment Associations. Scratchloy. Law. Purkis. Law of Nature and Nations. Mackintosh. Law Property Assurance Society. Neison. Law Reform. Law. Learning, Adtancejient of. Bacon. Leases for Teem, &c. James. Leases, Church. Church leases. Leases, Tables. Baily. Leases, Valuation of. Leasehold Estates. Lee. Life Annuities. See Annuities. Life Assurance. See also Annuities, Periodicals. About. Adan. Baily. Baylis. Brown. Christie. Davies. Farren. Guilmin. Hare. Hutchison. Insurance. James. Jones. Journal de I'assureur. Karup. Knott. Life Assurance. Maas. M'Clin- tock. Meikle. Merger. Millar. Mont- luc. Morgan. Porter. Rankin. Reboul. Revue des Assur. Robertson. Sang. Schwartz. Sheppard. Spans. Sturrock. Walford. Zillmer. Clerical. Hodgson. Competition of Cos. Brown. Continental. Brown. Denmark. Life assurance. Laxv of. Boult. Bunyon. Dowdeswell. Ellis. Medical advisers. Sieveking. Medical combinations. Medical. Medical selection. Brinton. Policies valuation. Hardy. Hillman. Fremiums. Meikle. Orchard. Registrar- Gen, rejjort. Wood. Meports of lata cases. Jones. Mackay v. Stephenson. United States. Massachusetts. New York. Valuatioti tables. Actuaries. Hardy. Hill- man. New York. Price. Satis-. Todd. Life Assurance Companies. General works. Babbage. B;iily. Samot. Soper. Accounts. Christie. Sprague. Tait. Arbitration. Albert Life Ass. Jiibliography. Catalogue. Karup. Bonuses. Bunyon. Jellicoe. Canadian. Canada. Division of surplus. Hopf. Jellicoe. McCandlish. Expenses. Bailey. Financial piosition. Life assurance. Raleigh. Foreign countries. Denmark. Germany. Life assurance. Germanif. Germany. Hopf. Legislation. Boult. Companies' Bill. Raleigh. Scratchley. Thomson. Liquidation. Bunyon. Mortalitji experience. Australian Alliance. Begbie. Economic. Equitable. Fleming. Gresham. Meikle. Metropolitan. Mor- tality. Pinckard. Prudential. Robert- son. Official reports. Australian Mutual Provi- dent. Canada. Edinburgh. Equitable. Equitable U.S. Friendly Societies (Pru- dential). Galloway (Amicable). Liver- pool and London Ins. Co. Mutual. Nationale (la). New York. Spragui'. United States Life Ins. Organization. Actuaries (Discussions). Profits. Meikle. Prospectuses, Sfc. Life assurance. Reports of trials. Boyd v. R. Exchange Ass. Co. Echo (1'). Of the United Kingdom. Black. British. Valuation of risks. Jellicoe. Winding up. American National Life. European. Pitcairn. Life Assurance Cos'. Act, 1870, §§ 5, fi. Deuchar. Life Assurance Offices registered under 7 & 8 Vict., c. 110. Colvin. Life Contingencies. See also Annuities, Mortality', Probabilities. De Morgan. Farren. Gray. Gompertz. Hardy. Hendriks. Life Contingencies Valuation. See also Annuities. Sang. Life Tables. See Annuities, Life Assur- ance, Mortality (Tables of). Life Peerages. Babbage. Limitation of Risks. Actuaries (Inst, of) Discussions. Liquidation of an Insolvent Life Office. Bnnvon. 82 INDEX. LiTEEATUEE. Chaiiiiing. LiTEEATUEE, PeOGEESS OF. Story. Loan and Fund Associations. Massa- chusetts. Loans payable bt Dea wings, &c. Oakes. Loans eaised by Pitt. Newmarch. LoGAEiTHM Tables. Adams. Bagay. Bab- bage. Bremiker. Briggs. Brown. Callet. Filipowski. Galbraith and Haughton. Gardiner. Gray. Hill. Logarithms. Martin. Napier. Picarte. Scott. Sherwin. Shortrede. Thoman. Voisiu. LoGAEiTHMS, Calculation and Consteuc- TION of. Davies. Gray. Koralek. Logic. Boole. Cairnes. De Morgan. Em- mens. Jevons. London. Burials. Mortality. Population. Health of, 1851. CoUier. Mortality. Marshall. Sanitary reports. London. London Aet Union. Art Union. London Fiee Beigade. Shaw. London Joint Stock Banks. Knight. London Life Ass. Cos. Baily (1810, 11). Longevity, Causes peoducing. Edmonds. Lotteeies. See Chances. Peobabilities. Lubeck. Everest. Lunacy Commissionees. Lunacy. Lunatic Asylums in Wales. Lunacy. Madeas Civil Fund. Brown. Madeas Militaey Fund. Brown. Madeas Medical Fund. Brown. Magnetical Obseevations. Astronomical. Manuals. See Natueal History. Man. Quetelet. Manchestee, Juvenile Delinquency in. Neave. Manchestee Unity of Oddfellows. Neison. Manufactuees. American. Franklin Institute. Marine Insurance. £merigon. Insurance. Journal de I'assureur. Lafond de Lurcy. Lairet. Lance. Levi. Marine insurance. Morris. Stevens. Law of. Phillips. Law Cases. Moss r. Smith. Wallace. Maeine Insurance Companies' Accounts. Black. Massachusetts, Moetality in. Elliott. Massachusetts. Registration reports. Maeriages. Registration reports. Population. Materia Medica. Pharmaceutical Journal. Mathematics. And see also Algebra. Arithmetic. Geometry. Academic. Adams. Almanac. Belidor. Castel. De Morgan. Dodson. En- cyclopedic Methodique. Encyclopaedia Metrop. Francoeur. Horsley. Landen. London Mathematical Society. Ludlam. Mathematics. Pratt. Simpson. Spence. Sturmius. Sylvester. Tait. Vince. Wilson. Wittstein. Young. Zeuner. Dictionaries. Hutton. Walter. History. Montucla. Tables. See also Logarithms. Ci-elle. Galbraith and Haughton. Hutton. Mackay. Sherwin. Mathematical Instruments. Bion. Measurements. Haviland. Measures, Weights, &c., in France. Yates. Mechanics. Gregory. Laplace. Mechanic's Magazine. Simpson. Medical Dictionary. Cooper. Hooper. Medical Selection of Lives. Brinton. Medical Statistics of Life Ass. Cos. See Mortality Experience. Mensuration. See also Geometey. Bonny- castle. Mercantile Accounts. See also Book- keeping. Cory. Jackson. Pulling. Mercator's Sailing. Colson. Meteorology. Astronomical Observations. Glaisher. Maury. Short. Metropolis. See London. Migration and Local Rates of Mortality. Wei ton. Military Pensions. Hannyngton. Military Statistics, U.S. Elliott. Mining Banking Insurance Joint St. Cos. Law. Wordsworth. Mollusks. Gill. MoLLUSKS OF W.N. America. Carpenter. Money. Jevons. Money Market. Bankers' Magazine. Monies, &c., of Foreign Nations. See Exchange Tables. INDEX. 83 MoETALixr. Davies. Farren. Oompertz. Lee. Milne. Neisoii. Population. Porter. Sussmilch. Anglo-Indian. Tait. Bengal Civil Service. Hannyngton. Sombag, 1859. Bombay. Calcutta. Tait. Children. Ansell. Wiglesworth. Friendly societies. Finlaison. Neison. Ratciiff. Indian armg. Woolhouse. Industrial classes. Prudential. Ratciiff. Infants. Jarvis. Local rates as affected hg migration. Wel- ton. Madras. Brown. Massachusetts. Elliott. Peerage. Farren. Professions. Ansell. Lombard. Upper classes. Ansell. War. Karup. Yale College. Newton. Mortality as affected bt Small-pox. Duvillard. MoETALiTr Experience of taeiotjs Life Ass. Cos. Begbie. Economic. Equitable. Fleming (Scott. Amicable). Galloway (Amicable). Gresham. Meikle (Scotch). Metropolitan. Mortality. Mutual. Pinckard. Prudential. Ro- bertson. Rotterdam. Mortality Experience, Processes in GETTING. Economic Life Ass. Soc. Mortality Tables. Davies. Farren. Gal- loway. Graunt. Kersseboom. Mortality. Quetelet. Registrar- General's reports. Short. Selgium. Quetelet. Breslaw. Miscellanea Curiosa. Bristol. Rankin. Germang. Knapp. Glasgow. Cleland. Duncan. Glasgow. Government life annuitants. Henry. India. Brown. London. Graunt. Hodgson. Marshall. Mortality. Netherlands. Netherlands. Mortality Tables and Values of Policies. Hardy. Hillman. Meikle. Mortality Tables Construction. Actuaries' (Inst, of) discussions. Milne. Natfbal History. Cuvier. Miscellanea Curiosa. Quadrupeds. Of Birds. Rennie. Natural Phenomena. Hunt. Miscellanea Curiosa. Natural Philosophy. Gravesande. Navigation. Colson. Homans. Maury. McCuUoeh. Navigation Laws. Smith. New South Wales. Census of 1841. Mansfield. New York Insurance Cos. Life insurance. New Yore Insurance Laws. New York. New York Insurance Reports. New York. New York, Taxes, &c. New York. New York State Census. Population. New Zealand. Friendly societies. Government annuities. New Zealand. Statistics. New Zealand. North American Indians. America. Notation. See also Algebra. Actuaries [Life tables]. Curtis. Gom- pertz. Hardy. Numbers. See also Arithmetic. Broughton. Bi'own. Poliguac. Observation, Errors in. De Morgan (1862). Odd-Fellows. Neison. Organization applied to Life Ass. Cos. Actuaries (Inst, of) discussions. Ornithology. Rennie. America. Baird. Orphans. See also Widows. Widows. Bengal militarg. Brown. Hannyngton. Palmer Poisoning Case. Collier. Paris, Statistics of. Fourier. Parish Registers. Burn. Parishes, Names of. Population. Parliament. Parliament. Laio and practice. May. Partnership Accounts. See also Book- keeping, Mercantile Accounts. Cory. Peerage, Mortality amongst the. Farren. Peerages for Life. Babbage. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pensions to Crown Officials. Samot. Pensions ViAuiiRES. Caisse de retraitcs. 84 INDEX. Peeiodicals, Journals, Magazines, Re- views, &c. Assurance. Assurance Magazine. Assur- ance Register. Banker's Magazine. Echo (L'). Edinburgh Review. Finance Chronicle. Franklin Inst. Journal. Jour- nal des Actuaries Francjais. Insurance Record. Insurance Review. Insurance Register. Insurance Times. Journal of the Inst, of Act. Joiu-nal of the Society of Arts. Journal des Assurances. Moni- teur des Assm-ance. Quarterly Review. Register (The). Review (The). Weekly Chronicle and Register. Permutations. Bernoulli. De Morgan. Personal Peopertt, Law of. Williams. Perspective. Bradley. Philosophy. Euler. Physics. Euler. Plague Statistics, London. Marshall. Planets, Gravitation of the. Xewton. Poisons. Pharmaceutical Journal. Police, Formation of a. Miles. Policies, Allowance on Surrender of. Jellicoe. Policies, Tables of Values of. Hardy. Hillman. Policies, Valuation of. Meikle. Political Arithmetic. Mortality — (Petty). Political Economy. Caimes. Fawcett. Jevous. Mill. Whewell. Poor. Pauper children. Poor Law Commissioners. Labouring classes. Population in England and Wales. Mor- gan. Population. Population of Mining Districts. Miuing. Population, Principle of. Malthua. Population, as affected by Food. Double- day. Population and Production. Weyland. PoiiiSMS. Gompertz. Portugese Exchange Tables. Laurie. Post-Obits, Valuation of. Scratchley. Preaching, Extempore. Ware. Premiums for Residence Abroad. Meiklo. Preston Strike. Ashworth. Prices, History of. Tooke. Price (Rev. Richard). Morgan. Probabilities. Bernoulli. Boole. Clark. De Moivre. De Morgan. Deparcieux. Galloway. Lacrois. Laplace. Liagre. Morgan. Mortality. Poisson. Quet«let. Todhunter. Probabilities of Survivorship. Gray. Probabilities of Survivorship, On the Construction of a Table. Chisholin. Problems, Solution of. Gill. Professions, Duration of Life amongst DIFFERENT. AnscU. Lombard. Progression. Catalan. De Morgan (1865). Projectiles. Boucher. Promissory Notes, Law of. Bayley. Property Destroyed to prevent the SPREAD OF Fire. Fire Claims, Property, Law of. Purkis. St. Leonards. Williams. Property Tax. Babbage. Protection. Strachan. Provident Institutions. See also Friendly Societies. Denmark. Italy. Besso. Prudential Assurance Co, Friendly So- cieties. Prussia. Vital statistics. Hoffman. Prussia. Public Debts. Gould. Smith. Public Health. Agar-town. Labouring- classes. London. Massachusetts. Public Health. Public Libraries. Libraries. Public Revenue, Sources of. Smith. Quarternions. Hamilton. Railways. Railways. Accidents, Neison. American. Giffen. Poor. Contracts and labourers. Rawlinson. Real Property. Law of. Williams. Value of. Population. Reciprocals, Table of. Oakes. Reciprocity. Strachan. Reckoning, Ancient and Modern Usage IN. Dc Morgan. INDEX. s; Reoistees. Burn. Registration Reports. Massaclmsetts. Oldendorff. Registration. Saxony. Registration in Ireland. Moore. Registration op Deaths. Gairdner. Religion op the People. Population (Cen- sus of 1851). Renewal of Leases. Baily. Residual Analysis. Landen. Revenue, &c., U.K. Tables. Revenue, &c., United States. United States. Reversionary Payments. Jones. Reversions. See also Annuities, Survivor- ship. Price. Simpson. Valuation of. Bailey. Morgan. Rhode Island. Pai'sons. Registration re- ports. Rifle Projectiles. Boucher. Risks, Limitation of. Actuaries (Inst, of) discussions. Roots. Etienne. Gossart. Royal Genealogies. Hartland. Royal Insurance Co. Dove. Royal Society. South. Royal Society, Discourses head to the. Miscellanea Curiosa. Sailing Directions. See also Navigation. Maury. Sanitary Condition of Towns. Agar-town. Labouring classes. London. Public Health. Savings' Banks. Scratchlcy. France. Malarce. ScHEUTz Tabulating Machine. Babbage. Schools. Education. Science. Academic, Babbage. Ency. Metro- politana Div. 1 & 2. English Cyclopasdia. Everett. Philosophical Magazine. Science, Progress of. Story, Scientific Terms. Euler. Scotland. See also Actuaries, Banking, Bankruptcy. Widows' Fund. Crime. Makgill. Mortalify ^Experience Life Ass. Cos. Meikle. Mortality experience. Pu/jlic health. Labouring classes. Scottish Amicable Life Ass. Soc. Fleming. Scottish Widows' Fund. Causes of Death. Begbie. Secants. Brown. Selection among Assured Lives. Brinton. Brown. Farren. Highani. Series. iS'ee Progression. Settlement of Fire Claims. Atkins. Fire claims. Seven Years' War. Frederic II. Shipping. Leir. Shipping Statistics, U.K. Marshall. Sickness, Laws of. Neison. Signals. United States. Signs + and — in Geometry. De Morgan. Sines. Brown. Tables of. Gardiner. Sleep. Macnish. Small Pox. Duvillard. Snow. Social Crisis, England. Martin. Societies for the Benefit of Old Age, Dale, Soci^Tfis DE Secot'rs Mutuels. Caisse de retraites. Hubbard. Societies, Mathematical, &c. Amsterdam. Analytical. Solar Eclipses. See Eclipses. Squares. Battye. Bienayme. Gossart, Square Cubes. Barlow. Square Roots. Barlow. Etienne. State Assurance. Bastine. Government insurance. Statistics. See also Australia, Europe, Holland, India, Mortality, New South Wales, New Zealand, Prussia, United States, Victoria. Statistical congress. Congress, I860. Quetelet. Congress, Vienna. Farr. Fire Insurance, Compilation, of. Glover. Of the U. K. Marshall. Moreau de Jonnes. Tables. Statistical Prize. Montyon. Steam Engine. Tredgold. Stock-Brokers and the City of London, Baily. Stocks, Tables of Foreign. Fenn. Ingall. Strikes. Ashworth. Stroebeck, Germany. Lewis. Suicidal Statistics. Jopling. 86 INDEX. SUEETYSHIP. Knight. SUEGICAL DiCTIONAET. Cooper. SUEEENDER OF POLICIES, ALLOWANCE TO BE MADE ON. Jellicoe. SuEVivoESHiP. See also Keveesions. Gray. Milne. Morgan. Tetens. Commutation tables. Chisholra. On constructing a table of the jorobabilities of. Chisholm. SwiTZEELAND. Bulletin. Syllogisms. De Morgan. Tables. See Annuity, Exchange, Inteeest, Life, Leases, IjOgaeithms, Mathe- matical, MoETALiTY, Statistics. Tabulating Machine. Babbage. Tangents. Brown. Tangents, Tables of. Gardiner. Taxation. See also Income Tax. Babbage. Courtney. Furnivall. Local Taxation. Scott. Taxation. New York. Teeth, a test of age in Factory Children. Saunders. Telegeaphy. Bain. Tempeeatuee. Glaislier. Finlaison. Theology, Histoey of. Staeudlin. Thought, Laws of. Boole. Tides. See also Navigation. Lubbock. Miscellanea Curiosa. Timbee, Preseevation of. Haviland. Tontines. Scratchley. Tornados. Hare. Towns, Improvement of. Leicester. Towns, Sanitary condition of, &c. Public health. Teavels, Voyages, &c. Miscellanea Curiosa. Teees, Geowth of, &c. Haviland. Teials. Craik. Trigonometry. See also Geometry. Bonnycastle. Leslie. Vince. Wilson. Woodhouse. Tables. Bi'cmiker. Ultimate Ratios. Ludlam. United Kingdom Mutual Annuity Society, «tc. Selfc. United States. See also Massachusetts, Rhode Island. Arkansas. Franklin Institute. Popula- tion. Providence City. Vermont. Census. Population. Currency. Gold Panic. Insurance Laivs. Massachusetts. United States. Militari) Statistics. Elliott. Ornithologij. Baird. Vital Statistics, Population. "Wynne. Railways. Giffen. Poor. Upper Classes, Mortality, &c. Ansell. Usury. Bentham. Kelly. Vaccination. Duvillard. Valuation of Estates. Richards. Valuation of Policies. Meikle. Valuation of Reversions. Baily. Valuation Tables. Hardy. Hillman. Inwood. Willich. Value of Next Presentations. Presen- tations. Victoria. Friendly Societies. Census of. Population. Statistics of. Victoria. Vital Statistics. See Mortality. Voyages. Lafond de Lurcy. Miscellanea Curiosa. Wages, &c. Smith. Watee Supply, London. London. Wae. Sanitary Aspects. Guy. Mortality in, Karup. Wae, United States. United States. Wedge, The, Ludlam. Weights and Measuees. Decimal system. Foreign. Kelley. Westeen Annuity Society. Christie. W^iDOWs' AND Oephans' Fund. Adau. Cleghorn. Huie. Widows' and Orphans' Fund, Hambueq. Lazarus. Wind and Currknt Charts. Maury. Working Classes, Belgium. Ducpetiaux. Yale College, Mortality. 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