LlU5b — s 1§ ^KJf. A. it V ^, s^ % ^ >- '^smy # % ^ %]l% do > ;Vjjv % ^ -< -"ur:i?*:..3!TY OF CAl.lFORNlAs LOS ANGELES, CALf'f^. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS IN LABOR DISPUTES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING 0FFIC3E 1911 llZH2i p PREFATORY NOTE The list here presented was originally intended to indicate litera- ture on the use and abuse of injunctions in labor disputes, but the subject was found to be so interwoven with the boycott that the scope of the list was extended to include that question also. The injunction proved to be so powerful a weapon in labor dis- putes and its abuse under certain circumstances so easy, that, almost from the start, it aroused the greatest interest and has been widely discussed in popular magazines, and the publications of labor organ- izations. These two classes of publications consequently have furnished a large part of the references; and special pains have been taken to present, as completely as possible, those writings in which labor leaders have expressed their attitude toward the question. The other main source of information has proved to be the legal literature of the past twenty years; this has been freely drawn upon, though without citation of particular cases. To have included such would have been to duplicate work already well done in the "American digest." Those, therefore, who desire references to particular cases should consult that work, which extends down to 1896, and its sup- plements the "Decennial edition of the American digest," 1897-1906, and the "American digest annotated" which extends from 1906 to 1910. Complete bibliographical descriptions of these works with special page references are given on page 4 of this list. Certain cases have aroused so much interest that they have been widely discussed outside of the legal profession. References to these discussions have been included and they will be found brought together under appropriate headings in the index at the end of the list. Two new features have been introduced into this list which will prove of special interest to librarians. When jn-inted catalogue cards exist for any work entered in the list, the Library of Congress card number is printed immediately after the entry at the left. On the same line to the right the class mark, where determined in the new classification, is printed in heavier type. II. H. B. Mkver Chief BihUogmpher Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, March 23, 1911 ni SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES OX BOYCOTTS AND INJUNC- TIONS IN LABOR DISPUTES Adams, Thomas S. Strikes and boycotts. (In Adams, Thomas S., and Helen L. Sumner. Labor problems, pp. 175-212. New York, 1905. 8°.) References: pp. 212-213. HD8072.A25 Allen, Charles Clafiin. Injunction and organized labor. A paper read at the seventeenth annual meeting of the American bar association held at Saratoga, August 22, 1894. [n. p., 1894?] 36 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Association, v. 17, pp. 299- 331. Published also in American law review, Nov.-Dec, 1894, v. 28, pp. 828-859; in Albany law journal, Sept. 1, 1894, v. 50, pp. 140-151; in Western law times, Aug.-Nov., 1894, v. 5, pp. 81-92, 103-110, 119-135; in American lawyer, v. 2, p. 434, and in Ohio legal news, V. 1, p. 513. 8-11232 HD7819.U5A7 American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia. A(hiiinist ration of justice in the I'nited States. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, 1910. v, (2), 3-253 pp. 4°. {The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. xxxvi, no. 1.) The scope and limits of the injunction, pp. 85-141. Contents.— Introductory address, by C. P. Neill; Use and abuse of injunc- tions in trade disputes, by J. H. Ralston, ('. E. Littlcfield, J. A. Emery, and A. Furuseth. 10-15614 Hl.A4,v.36 HV7405.A6 American and English decisions in equity. Bcin-: select cases dccickul in the appclhite courls of America and England. With notes. Annual. First series. Philadelphia: M. Murphy, lS9r)-1905. W vols. 8°. No more published. Contents relating to injunctions and boycotts in labor cases: Vol. 2 (189G), pp. 3G4-414. Injunction— strikes— iulerstale com- merce—obstruction of the mails— contempt . In n- Debs, peti- tioner. (Supreme court of the United States. May 27, 1895: 158 U. S., 564; 15 Sup. ct. rep., 900.) 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS American and English decisions in equity — Continued. \\)1. 3 (1897), pp. 5o0-546. Injunction — criminal acts — labor unions — conspiracy to injure business. Vegelahn v. Guntner et al. (Supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. Oct. 27, 1896; 44N.E. rep., 1077.) Vol. 7 (1901), pp. 557-566. Flaccus v. Smith et al. (Supreme court of Pennsylvania. Apr. 15, 1901; 199 Pa., 128; 48 Atl. rep., 894. Affirming 30 Pitts. L. J., N. S. (Pa.), 129.) Vol. 7 (1901), pp. 567-599. Injunction — trades unions — conspiracy to deprive non-union workmen of employment. Plant et al. v. Woods et al. (Supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. Sept. 6, 1900; 176 Mass., 492; 57 N. E. rep., 1011.) Vol. 9 (1903), pp. 285-288. Injunctions against libelous publica- tions in reference to strikes, boycotts, and other labor matters. Vol. 10 (1905), pp. 548-576. Injunction — interference with employ- ment — labor unions — rival organizations — compelling discharge of employ^ — constitutional rights. Erdman v. Mitchell. (Supreme court of Pennsylvania. Oct. 12, 1903; 207 Pa., 79; 56 Atl. rep., 327. Affirming 10 D. R., 701.) American digest ; a complete digest of all reported American cases from the earliest times to 1896. [Century ed.] St. Paul: West publishing co., 1897-1904. 50 vols. 4°. [ "Conspiracy" : v. 10, col. 1095-1200. See sect. 10, relating to boycotts. "Injunction": v. 27, col. 1415-2391. See sect. 174 (Boycotts, strikes and other combinations); 175 (Interference with employes); 177 (Criminal conspiracies and combinations). See also under heading Monopolies. Nov. 9, 98-1* — Decennial edition of the American digest ; a complete digest of all reported cases from 1897 to 1906. vol. 1-19. St. Paul: West publishing CO., 1908-10. 19 vols. 4°- (Amer- ican digest system.) "Injunction": v. 10, pp. 1765-2044. See sect. 101 (Boycotts and other combinations), pp. 1881-1889. See also under heading Monopolies. 8-17767 AmLerican digest annotated; key-number series, vol. 1-8. Con- tinuing without omission or dupUcation the Century edition of the American digest, 1658 to 1896, and the Decennial edition, 1897 to 1906. A digest of all current decisions of all the American courts, as reported in the National reporter system, the official reports, and else- where, from Oct. 1, 1906, to Mar. 31, 1910. Prepared and ed. by the editorial staff of the American digest system. St. Paul, Minn.: West publishing co., 1907-10. 8 vols. 4°. See entries under Conspiracy and Injunction. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 5 American federation of labor. Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. No. 190. The Buck's stove & range company, vs. the American federation of labor, et al., appellee. No. 372 (or old no. 685). Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, petitioners, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, respondent. Brief in reply to appellant's brief in no. 372 (or okl no. 685). New Yorl: William R. Ficke co., [1910]. 35 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Ralston, Siddons & Richardson, solicitors for appellees in no. 190; for appellants in no. 394; for petitioners in no. 372 (or old no. 685). Alton B. Parker, Jackson H. Ralston, F. L. Siddons, W. E. Rich- ardson, John T. Walker, of counsel. In the Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. No. 190. The Buck's stove & range company, appellant, vs. the American federation of labor et al., appellees. No. 394. The American federation of labor et al., appellants, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, appellee. Brief on behalf of the American federation of labor et al., appellees in no. 190 and appellants in no. 394. [ Washington, D. C: Judd cfc Detweiler, inc., printers, 1910.] 54 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Jackson H. Ralston, Frederick L. Siddons, William E. Richardson, appellants' solicitors. Alton B. Parker, John T. Walker, of counsel. Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. No. 190. The Buck's stove & range company, appellant, vs. the American federation of labor, et al., appellee. No. 394. The American federation of labor, et al., appellants, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, appellee. No. 372. Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, petitioners, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, respondent. Brief for appellants in no. 394 and for petitioner in no. 372. New Yorl: William R. FicJce co., [1910]. 171 pp. 8°, Cover-title. Old no. 685 changed to no. 372 on cover. Ralston, Siddons & Richardson, solicitors for appellees in no. 190; for appellants in no. 394; for petitioners in no. 685. Alton B. Parker, Jackson H. Ralston, F. L. Siddons, W. E. Richardson, John T. Walker, of counsel. Buck's stove and range company injunction suit and con- tempt proceedings. Washington, D. C: [American federation of labor], 1910. 37, (1) pp. 8°. Bibliography: p. 13. 10-6187 HD7819.U5A7 6 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS American federation of labor. Memorial of international and national trade and labor unions, remonstrating against the inaction of Congress in the matter of legislation in the interest of organized labor and urging the necessity for im- mediate action for relief from the results to come from the literal enforcement of the Sherman antitrust law. [ Washington, Government printing office, 1908.] 8 pp. 8°. {60th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. 4OO.) 5265 Signed by the officers of the American federation of labor and of numerous other labor organizations. Reprinted in American federationist, Apr., 1908, v. 15, pp. 261-266. 8-35313 HD8072.A5 Report of proceedings of the annual convention, 1881-date. Cincinnati [etc.], 1882-date. The reports since 1893 include much material bearing on the ques- tions of boycotts and injunctions. 8-23471t HD8055.A5A3 Beach, Charles Fisk. Commentaries on the law of injunctions as determined by the courts and statutes of England and the United States. Albany: H. B. Parsons, 1895. 2 vols. 8°. "Relating to strikes, boycotts and monopolies": v. 1, pp. 505-528. Bell, Richard. Trade unionism. London and Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. JacJc, 1907. U), 108 pp. 12°. {The social problems series, ed. by Oliphant Smeaton, [no. iii].) Includes a history of the "Taff-Vale case." 8-34738 HD6664.B4 Benton, Josiah Henry, jr. What is ''government by injunction?" Does it exist in the United States? Annual address before the Grafton and Coos bar association, January 28, 1898. Concord, N. H.: The Rumford press, 1898. 110 pp. 8°. 8-11233 HD7819.TJ5B3 Bishop, James, jr. Government by injunction. {In Georgia bar association. Report of the nineteenth annual ses- sion, July 3-5, 1902, pp. 283-288. Atlanta, 1902. 8°.) Bolen, George Lewis. Getting a living; the problem of. wealth and poverty — of profits, wages and trade unionism. New Yorlc, London: The Macmillan company, 1903. xii, 769 pp. 8°. "The injunction in labor disputes": pp. 548-580. 3-28542 HD8072.B62 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 7 Bryan, James Wallace. The development of the English law of conspiracy. Baltimore: The Johns Hoplcins press, 1909. 161 pp. 8°. (Johns Hoplcins university studies in historical and political science. Series xxvii, nos. 3-Jf.-5.) "Abbreviations for authorities cited": pp. 159-161. " Combinations of labor " : pp. 115-158. 9-11161 H31.J6,ser.27 Bryan, William Jennings. Speeches, revised and arranged by liim- self. With a biographical introduction b}^ ^lary Baird Bryan, his ^\^fe. New YorTc and London: Funk cfc }Yagnalls company, 1909. 2 vols. Frontispieces {portraits). 16°. Speech discussing injunctions, delivered in Chicago, Sept. 7, 1908: V. 2, pp. 164-180. 9-30038 Buck's stove and range company, St. Louis, Mo. In the Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. Xo. 190. The Buck's stove and range company, appellant, vs. American federation of labor, appellees. No. 394. American federation of labor, et al., appellants, vs. the Buck's stove and range company, appellee. Brief for the Buck's stove and range company. Washington, D. C: Press of B. S. Adams, [1910]. 96 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Daniel Davenport, J. J. Darlington, solicitors. In the Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. No. 372. Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell, and Frank Morrison, petitioners, vs. Buck's stove & range company, respondent. Brief for respondent. Washington, D. C: Press ofB. S. Adams, [1910]. 74 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Dani(4 Davenport, J. J. Darlington, attorneys. In the Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. 190. The Buck's stove & range company, appel- lant, vs. the American federation of labor, et al., appellees. 372. Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell, and Frank Morri- son, petitioners, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, respondent. 394. The American federation of labor, et al., appellants, vs. the Buck's stove & range company, appellee. Supplemental and reply brief for appellant in no. 190, reKi)()ii(lcnt in no. 372, and appellee in no. 394. Washington, I). C: Press ofB. S. Adams, [1910]. 25 pp. 8°. Cover-tillo. Daniel Davenport, J.J. Darlington, .solicitors. 8 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS Buck's stove and range company. In the Supreme court of the District of CoUimbia. Tlie Buck's stove & range co. plaintiff vs. the American federation of labor, et al. defendants. In equity, no. 27,305. Copies of pleadings, preliminary injunction order, opinion of Justice Gould, and testimony on hearing for permanent injunction. J. J. Darlington, solicitor for plaintiff. James M. Beck, Daniel Davenport, of counsel. [ Washington, 1908.] ii, 862 pp. 8°. Cover-title. 8-25859 ■ Transcript of record. Supreme court of the United States, October term, 1910. No. 190. The Buck's stove & range company, appellant, vs. the American federation of labor, Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, et al. Filed April 10, 1909. No. 394. The American federation of labor, Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, et al., appel- lants, vs. the Buck's stove & range company. Filed December 30, 1909. Appeals from the Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. (21,593 and 21,946.) [Washington, D. C: Judd cfc Detweiler, (inc.), printers, 1909.] {2), vi, 677 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Title read originally: October term, 1909. No. 414 ... no. 720. Record of proceedings in the Supreme court and Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. The opinion of the court in the appeal case (pp. 635-667) will be found also in "Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of appeals of the District of Columbia," v. 33 (1910), pp. 83-132. Transcript of record. Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. No. 372. Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell, and Frank Morrison, petitioners, vs. the Buck's stove & range company. On writ of certiorari to the Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. Petition for certiorari filed November 27, 1909. Certiorari and return filed February 18, 1910. (21,911). [Washington, D. C: Judd & Detweiler, (inc.), printers, 1910.] Hi, 687 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Title read originally: October term, 1909. No. 685. Record of proceedings in the Supreme court and Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. Burns, W. F. The Pullman boycott. A complete history of the great R. R. strike. St. Paul: The McGill printing co., 1894. ^h '^-318 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). 12°. 7-29955.t HD5325.R12.1894.C53 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 9 Garland, John E. "Government by injunction." {In South Dakota bar association. Report of the proceedings of the meeting held for the purpose of organizing the association, Dec. 7, 1897, pp. 23-31. Sioux Falls, [1897?]. 8°.) Charnock, Singleton, Injunctions in labor disputes and the rem- edy. Reno: Nevada press co., [1910]. 20 pp. Portrait. 8°. 10-11555 HD7819.U6C6 Clark, John Bates. Essentials of economic theory as apphed to modern problems of industry and public pohcy. New Yorlc: The Macmillan company, 1907. xiv, (2), 566 pp. Diagrams. 8°. "Boycotts and the limitiBg of products": pp. 503-516. 7-36896 HB171.C57 Clayton, Henry D. The President and injunctions. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 30, 1908. (In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, v. 42, pt. 8, Appendix, pp. 573-587. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.8 Cogley, Thomas Sydenham. The law of strikes, lockouts and labor organizations. Washington, D. C: W. H. Lowdermilk cfc co., 1894. xiv, (2), 377 pp. 8°. Reviewed in American law review, July-Aug., 1894, v. 28, pp. 629-638. "Strikes as conspiracies — boycotts, picketing, blacklisting": pp. 247-295; "Civil remedies — inequity: by injunction" : pp. 342-346. 2-20181 HD5317.TJ4C7 Cohen, Hermann Joseph, and George Howell. Trade union law and cases, a text book relating to ti'ade unions and to labour. London: Sweet & Maxwell, limited; [etc., etc.], 1901. xiii, a-d, 250 pp. 12°. "The conspiracy and protection of property act, 1875 " : pp. 123-171. 3-1928 HD6495.G8C7 Trade union law. 2d ed. London: Sweet d- Maxwell, limited, 1907. xiv, 198 pp. 12°. "Table of cases": pp. vii-xiv. 7-26448 HD6496.G8C68 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Commons, John Rogers, ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. Boston, New York [etc.]: Ginn ct company, ['^WOo]. (4), iii-xiv, 628 pp. 8°. (Selections and documents in eco- nomics, ed. by W. Z. Ripley.) Reprinted from various reports and periodicals. "Derisions of courts in labor disputes": pp. 156-194. I. Injunc- tions and trial by jury: pp. 15G-163; JI. Picketing: pp. 163-169; III. Boycott — Irreparable damage: pp. 170-177; IV. Boycott — Free speech: pp. 178-181; V. Blacklist: pp. 181-183; VI. Em- ployment of nonunionists: pp. 183-194. 5-34201 HD6483.C7 V Cooke, Frederick Hale. The law of trade and labor combinations as applicable to boycotts, strikes, trade conspiracies, monopolies, pools, trusts, and kindred topics, Chicago: CallagJian c& co., 1898. xxv, 214 1>V' 8°. Nov. 23, 98-39 The law of combinations, monopolies and labor unions. 2d ed. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1909. Ixix, 466 pp. 8°. "The present treatise is based upon, rather than a new edition of 'The law of trade and labor combinations,' published in 1898." — Pref. 9-25995 Crosby, Oscar T. Strikes: when to strike, how to strike. A book of suggestion for the buyers and sellers of labour. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. vi, (2), 202 pp. 12°. (Questions of the day.) "The boycott and the picket " : pp. 152-173. 10-12323 HD5306.C8 Darlington, Joseph James. Buck's stove & range co., plaintiff, vs. the American federation of labor et al., defendants. Arguments in support of petition to have Samuel Gom- pers, Frank Morrison and John Mitchell, defendants, adjudged guilty of contempt. W. C. Sullivan, Daniel Davenport, J. J. Darlington, James M. Beck, sohcitors for plaintiff. New York city: American anti-boycott association, [1910]. 68 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Contains the opening argument of J. J. Darlington and closing argu- ment of James M. Beck in part only. "In the Supreme court of the District of Columbia, no. 27,305 equity." 10-7505 HD7819.U5Da BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS H Dunbar, William II. Government by injunction. New York: Pub. for the American economic association by tJie Macmillan company; London, S. Sonnenschein & co., 1898. 43 pj). 8°. {American economic association. Economic studies, v. 3, no. 1.) Originally published in the Law quarterly review (London), for Octo- ber, 1897, V. 13, pp. 347-367. 4-415 HBl.A55,v.3 JF721.D8 Eaves, Lucile. A history of California labor legislation, with an introductory sketch of the San Francisco labor movement. Berkeley: The University press, [1910]. xiv, 4^1 pp. 4°- ( University of California publications in ecoTwmics, v. 2.) Bibliography: pp. 444-448. "Judicial restraint of the action of trade-unions:" pp. 394-438. 10-21328 H31.C2,v.2 HD7835.C2E2 Eddy, Arthur Jerome. The law of combinations embracing monopo- lies, trusts, and combinations of labor and capital; con- spiracy, and contracts in restraint of trade. Chicago: Callaghan & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8°. "Injunction": v. 2, pp. 1151-1219. Feb. 7, 1901-26 Edwards, Alba M. The labor legislation of Connecticut. [New York: Puh. for the American economic association by the Macmillan company; etc., etc., 1907]. viii, 322 pp. 8°. {Publications of the American economic association. Third series, v. 8, no. 3.) "Boycotting and blacklisting": pp. 135-169. 7-30620 HBl.A5,3dser., V.8 HD7835.C8E2 Ely, Richard Theodore. The labor movement in America. New ed., rev. and enl. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1905. {8), [v]-xvi, {2), 399 pp. 12°. {The citizen's library of eco- nomics, politics, and sociology.) The boycott: pp. 296-303. 5-20422 HD8072.E6 Fisher, S. B. Strikes and boycotts. {In McKinney, William M., comp. Encyclopaedia of pleading and practice, v. 20, pp. 981-985. Northport, N. Y., 1901. 4°.) See also supplemental articles in Supplement to the Encyclopedia of pleading and practice, v. 3 (1905), p. 931; and v. 4 (1909), p. 1368. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Frey, Erich Max. Strike und Strafrecht. Heidelberg: C. Winter's Universitdtshuchhandlung , 1906. Inaug.-diss. — Heidelberg. "Literatur": pp. 108-114. "Schwarze Listen — Sperre — Boykott": pp. 90-97. 6-46063 HD5317.G3F8 George, Henry, ;/>. The menace of privilege ; a study of the dangers to the repubhc from the existence of a favored class. New YorJc, London: The Macmillan company, 1905. xii, "Use of the coxirts by privilege": pp. 175-185; "Government by injunction": pp. 186-200. 5-37149 HN64.G3 Ghent, William James. Our benevolent feudalism.. New Yorlc: The Macmillan company; London: Macmillan & CO., ltd., 1902. vii, 202 pp. 12°. "Our interpreters of law": pp. 102-121. 2-26876 HN64.G415 Gompers, Samuel. Injunction data filed by Samuel Gompers. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 211pp. 8°. 8-35537 HD7819.G63 Meaning of the word "conspiracy", etc. Paper relative to amendments to the bill to limit the meaning of the word "conspiracy" and the use of ''restraining orders and in- junctions" in certain cases. March 21, 1902. [Washington: Government printing office, 1902.] 3 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 266.) 4235 Great Britain. Royal commission on trade disputes and trade com- binations. Report of the Royal commission on trade disputes and trade combinations [with Minutes of evi- dence, together with index and appendices]. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Wyman & sons, limited, 1906. 2 vols, in 1. F°. {Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 2825-2826.) Report signed: Dunedin, Arthur Cohen, Sidney Webb. Hartley B. N. Mothersole, secretary. Branches of the subjects treated: a. The liability of trade union funds to be taken in execution for the wrongful acts of agents of the union, b. The statute law relating to picketing and other incidents of strikes, c. The law of conspiracy as affecting trade unions. 6-14815 HD661.B4 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 13 Groat, George Gorham. Trade unions and the law in New York; a study of some legal phases of labor organizations. New York: The Columbia university press, the Macmillan company, agents; [etc., etc.], 1905. 134 VV- ^°- (Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science of Columbia university, vol. xix, no. 3.) 5-21578 H31.C7,v.l9 HD6495.U5N55 Hackney, Thomas. [Revision and codification of the penal laws of the United States — Criminal conspiracy — Shall it be a crime to strike? Speech, in the House of Representa- tives, January 11, 1908]. {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, let session, v. 42, pt. 1, pp. 612-613. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt. 1 Hallett, Allen P. Labor combinations. (In American and English encyclopaedia of law, 2d ed., v. 18, pp. 80-94. Northport, N. Y., 1901. 4°.) "Boycott": p. 87; "Injunctions against unlawful acts": pp. 91-93. Heckel, Max von. Boykott. (In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 1. Supplement- band, pp. 252-257. Jena, 1895. 4°.) "Litteratur": p. 257. H45.H19,sup., v. 1 Henry, Robert Lee. Injunctions by federal courts. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 26, 1908. (In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, v. 42, pt. 8, Appendix, pp. 245-254. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.8 ■'■High, James Lambert. A treatise on the law of injunctions. 4th ed., rev. and greatly enl., by Shirley T. High. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1905. 2 vols. S°. "Of injunctions against strikes and boycotts": v. 2, pp. 1409-1423. 5-39527 Howell, George. A handy-book of the labour laws: being a popular guide to the Employers and workmen act, 1875; Con- spiracy and protection of property act, 1875; Trade union acts, 1871, 1876, and 1893 ... etc., etc. With introduc- tions, notes, and the authorised rules and forms for the use of workmen. 3d ed. rev. London and New YorJc: Macmillan and co., 1S95. xii, 338 pp. 12°. 9_627 HD6495.G8H8 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Howell, George. Labour legislation, labour movements, and labour leaders. 2d etl. London: T. F. TJnwin, 1905. 2 vols. Frontispiece (por- trait). 8°. Legal position of trade unions, etc.: v. 2, pp. 478^91. 5-10469 HD8388.H77 Huebner, Grover Gerhard. Blacklisting. Prepared with the co-op- eration of the Political science department of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Jree library commission, Legis- lative reference department, 1906. 22 pp. 12°. {Wis- consin Jree library commission. Legislative rejerence depart- ment. Comparative legislation bulletin no. 10.) "References": p. 3. 7-12494 HD5466.H88 Boycotting. Prepared with the cooperation of the PoHtical science department of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin free library commission. Legis- lative reference department, 1906. 26 pp. 12°. ( W^isconsin free library commission. Legislative reference department. Comparative legislation bulletin no. 9.) "References": pp. 3-4. 7-10303 HD5461.H88 Hughes, WiUiam. Speech in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1908. {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, Mar. 14, 1908, V. 42, pt. 4, pp. 3349-3352. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.4 Appended are the preamble and resolutions of the special committee on injunctions reported to the nineteenth annual convention of the United mine workers of America. *Hunter, Wiles Robert. The crisis: the unions and the courts, the tyranny of injunctions, the power of unity. Chicago: S. A. Block, 1909. 32 pp. 16°. Injunction. {In New international encyclopaedia, v. 10, pp. 630-631. New York, 1909. 4°.) AE6.N55,v. 10 Jevons, Thomas Seton. The law of trade unions; being a text book concerning trade unions and labour. London: E. Wilson, 1907. vii, lU PP- i^°- "Table of cases": pp. v-vii. 7^2085 HD6496.G8J5 *Not in the Library of Congress. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 15 Jewett, John N. The writ of injunction as a governmental agency. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings at the twenty-sixth annual meeting, July 17-18, 1902, pp. 43-76. Springfield, 1902. 8°.) Reprinted in American lawyer, May-June. 1903, v. 11, pp. 197-200, 247-251. Joyce, Howard C. A treatise on the law relating to injunctions. Albany, N. Y.: M. Bender & company, 1909. 3 vols. 8°. "Chapter xvii. Relating to strikes, boycotts, and monopolies": V. ], pp. 758-801. 9-9297 Judson, Frederick Newton. The labor decisions of Judge Taft. Reprinted from the Review of re^news, for August, 1907. Columbus, 0., [1907]. 16 pp. 8°. 8-1470 HD7834.J9 Kerr, William Williamson. A treatise on the law and practice of injunctions. 4th ed. By Edgar Percy Hewitt, assisted by Sydney E.Williams and John Melvin Paterson. London: Sweet and Maxwell, limited, 1903. xlviii, 656 pp, "Nuisances connected with trade disputes": pp. 241-244. 4-32027 [Knaus, Henry.] Judicial usurpation. An open letter to Congress showing tliis in the injunctions in labor disputes. Chicago, <^1908. {16) pp. 8°. 8-9022 HD7819.I75K6 Lawyers' reports annotated. Digest of the Lawyers rci)()rts anno- tated, volumes 1-70 (cited "L. R. A."); with full index to annotation. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers co-operative publishing com- pany, 1907. 3 vols. 8°. ' See entries under Conspiracy, Injunction, etc. 7-13008 Digest of the Lawyers reports annotated, New series, vol- umes 1-24. Cited "L. R. A. (N. S.)" With full index to annotation, vols. 1-24. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers co-operative publishinij com- pany, 1910. U), 1818 pp. 8°. See entries under Conspiracy, Injunction, Labor organizations, etc. 7-23620 67382°— 11 2 16 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Leavitt, John Brooks. Injunctions. (In Bliss, William D. P., ed. New encyclopedia of social reform; new ed., pp. 624-627. New York, 1908. 4°.) H41.B62 Trusts and labor unions from a legal aspect. Rights of property and rights of men. (In Peters, John P., cd. Labor and capital, pp. 110-118. New York, 1902. 12°.) HD8072.P386 Liechti, Eugen. Die Verrufserklarungen im modernen Erwerbsle- ben, speciell Boykott und Arbeitersperre. Zurich: Art. Institut 0. Fussli, 1897. 149, (1) fp. 8°. Inaug.-diss. — Zurich. "Verzeichnis der Speciallitteratur " : 1 page at end. l-G-2766 HD5461.L5 Littlefield, Charles E. Injunctions. Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, May 30, 1908. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, Ist session, v. 42, pt. 8^ Appendix, pp. 512-564. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.8 Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Men, the workers. New York: DouUeday, Page cfc company, 1909. viii, 280 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). 8°. "Strikes and injunctions": pp. 156-171. 9-35791 HD8072.L65 Low, Alfred Maurice. The British conspiracy and protection of property act and its operation. (In United States. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, v. 6, no. 33, pp. 305-322. Washington, 1901. 8°.) HD8051.A5,v.6 Reprinted in Senate document no. 190, 57th Congress, 1st session, pp. 87-104. MacDonald, James Ramsay. The law and trade union funds. A pleafor ''ante-Taff Vale." London: Independent labour party; [etc., etc., 1903]. 16 pp. 8°. 7_37202 HD6495.G8M2 Mantoux, Paul, and Maurice Alfassa. La crise du trade-union- isme. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903. (4), 338 pp. 8°. (Bihliotheque du Musee social.) "L'affaire du 'Taff Vale railway'. Situation juridique et histoire judiciaire des trade-unions": pp. 5-84. " T6moignages et documents " : pp. 263-327. 3-27130 HD6664.M2 BOYCOTTS AND IXJUXCTIONS 17 Martin, William Alexander, and S. B. Fisher. Injunctions. {In American and English encyclopaedia of law, 2d ed., v. 16, pp. 337-470. Northport, N. Y., 1900. 4°.) See also supplemental article by E. C. EUsbree in Supplement to the American and English encyclopaedia of law (2d ed.), v. 3 (1906), pp. 580-603; and article in v. 5 (1908), pp. 930-940. A treatise on the law of labor unions, containing a consider- ation of the law relating to trade disputes in all its phases, internal administration of unions, union labels, and a col- lection of approved forms of pleadings, injunctions and restraining orders. Washington, D. C: J. Byrne cC- co., 1910. xxv, 649 pp. 8°. "Table of cases": pp. 578-595. For sections on boycott, injunctions, etc., see index. 10-13174 _, HD6495.U4M3 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. I>abor injunctions in Massa- chusetts. Boston: Wright and Potter printing company, state printers, 1909. 168 pp. 8°. (Its Labor bulletin, vol. 14, no. 9; whole no. 70.) Cover-title. Contents. — Prefatory note; General introduction; The court of equity: its origin and jurisdiction; The law relative to labor dis- putes; Typical cases and forms of injunctions; Cases relating to labor disputes in Massachusetts, 1898-1908; Cases of contempt of court; Subject index; Table of cases; Appendix. HC107.M4A3,v.l4 Bureau of statistics of labor. Injunctions against strikes and boycotts. {In its Labor bulletin, Sept., 1906, no. 43, pp. 358-363. Boston, 1906. 8°.) HC107.M4A3,no.43 Recent British legislation affecting workmen... Forming part ii of the Annual report for 1907 of the Bu- reau of statistics of labor. Boston: Wright dc Potter printing co., state printers, 1907. 49-250 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Embracing the Report of the British commission on trade disputes and combinations; Chronological survey of legislation affecting the legal status of trade unions (1824-1900) and text of principal acts (including the Trade disjjutes act of 1906, in effect July 1, 1907); The Workmens compensation act of 1906 (in effect July ], 1907). 7-37949 HD7875.M3 18 LIBRAE!' OF CONGRESS Merritt, Walter Gordon. The neglected side of trade-umonism. The boycott. [Danhury, Conn.: Danlury medical 'printing co., 1902.] (13) pp. 5°. CA 7-6873 HD5461.M3 Milburn, B. A. Injunctions. {In Encyclopaedia of pleading and practice, v. 10, jjp. 869-1129. Northport, N. Y., 1898. 4°.) See also supplementary articles in Supplement to the Encyclopaedia of pleading and practice, v. 2 (1904), pp. 707-738; v. 4 (1909), pp. 798-812. Mitchell, John. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals, and the present and future of American wage earners. Philadelphia, Pa.: American hook and Bihle house, [1903], xii, 436 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. 8°. 3-27926/4 HD6503.M6 Moses, Jacob M. The law apphcable to strikes. Prize thesis, 1895, University of ^laryland. Baltimore: Printed hy King bros., 1895. (6), [5]-62 pp. 8°. "Boycotts": pp. 18-20; "Injunction": pp. 31-53. 2-19703 HD5317.TJ4M7 Murphy, Walter. The use of the writ of injunction to prevent strikes. {In Territorial bar association of Utah. Report of the first annual meeting, June 4, 1894, pp. 30-54. Salt Lake City, 1894. 8°.) The new international year book; a compendium of the world's progress for the years 1907-1909. Editor, Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead and company, 1908-10. 3 vols. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 4°- See articles on Boycotts and Injunctions in volumes for 1908 and 1909. 8-19149 AE5.I64 Nicholls, Thomas David. [Injunctions in labor disputes. Remarks in the House of Representatives, Apr. 18, 1908.1 {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, v. 42, pt. 5, pp. 4918-4919. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.5 Parker, Alton Brooks, ed. Labor unions. {In Mack, William, ed. Cyclopedia of law and procedure, v. 24, pp. 815-839. New York, 1907. 4°.) " This article as submitted to Mr. Parker for editing was prepared by Peter B. McKenzie and John Warren Edgerton." "Injunctions against [labor unions]": pp. 830-839. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 19 Pearson, Paul Martin, ed. Intercollegiate debates; being briefs and reports of many intercollegiate debates: Ilarvard- Yale-Princeton, Brown-Dartmouth-Williams, Michiiran- Northwestern-Chicago, Indiana-Illinois-Ohio, and many others. New York city: Hinds, Nolle c& Eldredge, [1909]. {2),xxix, (2), 507 pp. 12°. "References" at end of each chapter. "Injunction and the federal courts": pp. 129-137. 10-765 H35.P4 Public policy, Chicago. Labor, capital and the public; a discussion of the relations between employes, employers and the public. Chicago: Public policy publishing co., 1905. viii, 220, (2) pp. 12°. "Boycott against employer perpetually enjoined. Decision by Judge John Hunt of the Superior court of San Francisco": pp. 119-138. 6-9674 HD8072.P95 v/Ralston, Jackson H. Use and abuse of injunctions in trade disputes. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, [1910]. 89-103 pp. 4°. (Publications of the American academy of political and social science, no. 597.) Reprinted from Annals of the American academy of political and social science, July, 1910, v. 36, no. 1. HD7819.U5R3 vRay, Charles A. Contractual limitations, including trade strikes and conspiracies and corporate trusts and combinations. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers' co-operative publishing co., 1892. liv, 514 pp. 8°. "Present condition of the law concerning trade or labor combina- tions, "picketing," "boycotting": pp. 406-411. Regulation of injunctions. Debate in the Senate of the United States, April 17, 1908. > {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, Apr. 17, 1908, V. 42, pt. 5, pp. 4846-4859. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.6 Ripley, William Z. Strikes and boycotts. {In Harvard university. A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects, pp. 186-187. Cambridge, Miuss., 1910. 8°.) Z7164.S66H3 Rogers, Henry Wade, ed. Injunctions. {In Mack, William, ed. Cyclopedia of law and ]>r()(('dun', v. 22, pp. 724-1062. New York, 1906. 4°.) "This article as submitted to Mr. Rogers for editing was prepared by Arthur Linton Corbin and John Warren Edgerton." 20 LIBRAE!' OF CONGRESS Rogers, W. P. Government by injunction. {In State bar association of Indiana. Report of the second annual meeting, held at Indianapolis, June 29, 1898, pp. 103-116. Indi- anapolis, 1898. 8°.) Roosevelt, Theodore, The Roosevelt pohcy; speeches, letters and state papers, relating to corporate wealth and closely alhed topics; with introduction by Andrew Carnegie. New York: The Current literature publishing company, 1908. 2 vols. Frontispieces (portraits). Facsimiles. 12°. "Injunctions in labor disputes" (from the President's message at the opening of the first session of the Fifty-ninth Congress, Dec. 5, 1905): V. 1, pp. 340-341; "Use of injunctions in labor cases" (from message of Dec. 3, 1906): v. 2, pp. 444-449; "Abuse of injunctions in labor disputes" (from message of Dec. 3, 1907): V. 2, pp. 676-678; "The writ of injunction in labor cases" (from message of Jan. 31, 1908): v. 2, pp. 703-705; "Injunctions in labor disputes" (from message of Mar. 25, 1908): v. 2, pp. 738-739. 8-17977 HC106.R78 Sartorius von Waltershausen, Johann Georg August, freiherr. Die nordamerikanischen Gewerkschaften unter dem Ein- fluss der fortschreitenden Productionstechnik. Berlin: H. Bahr, 1886. xv, 352 pp. 8°. ' ' Boycotten " : pp. 237-262. "Literatur iiber die nordamerikanischen gewerblichen Arbeiter- verhaltnisse " : pp. 341-344. 7-1805 HD8072.S27 V Schaflfner, Margaret Anna. Effect of the recent boycott decisions. Philadelphia: The American academy of political and social science, [1910]. [23]-33 pp. 8°. {Publications of the American academy of political and social science, no. 599.) Cover-title. Reprinted from the Annals of the American academy of political and social science, Sept., 1910. 10-20335 HD7819.TJ5S4 ^ Shartel, John W. So-called government by injunction. {In Oklahoma bar association. Proceedings at its annual meeting, Jan. 9-10, 1902, pp. 54-64. Guthrie, 1902. 8°.) Discussion: pp. 64-68. Reprinted in American lawyer, Jan., 1903, v. 11, pp. 5-7. Sherwood, Isaac R. Against increasing the salaries of federal judges. Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan- uary 25, 1911. {In Congressional record, Jan. 30, 1911, 61st Congress, 3d session, v. 46, no. 39 (current file): 1690-1692. Washington, 1911. 4°.) Chiefly a criticism of the use of injunctions by the federal judiciary in labor cases. Advocates popular election of judges. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 21 Simpson, John. Labor combinations. [In American and English encyclopaedia of law. 2d ed. Supple- ment, V. 3, pp. 916-919. Northport, N. Y., 1906. 4°.) See also supplementary article in v. 5 (1908), pp. 1085-1086. Smith, Charles Manley. A treatise on the law of master and servant, including therein masters and workmen in every descrip- tion of trade and occupation ; with an appendix of statutes. The 6th ed. By Ernest ]\Ianley Smith. With notes on the Canadian law, by A. C. Forster Boulton. London: Sweet & Maxwell, limited; Toronto: The CarsweU CO., ltd., 1906. xcvi, 823 pp. J^°. "Combinations amongst masters and workmen": pp. 451^58. 6-23064 Social reform club, New York. Injunctions in labor disputes. A report read May 22, 1900. {In United States. 57th Congress, 1st session, 1901-1902. Senate. A compilation of documents relating to injunctions in conspiracy cases, pp. 105-112. Washington, 1902. 8°.) 4234 Spelling, Thomas Carl. Argument on Pearre anti-injunction bill before the Judiciary committee of the House of Kepre- sentatives, February 5, 1908. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1908.] 13 pp. 8°. (60th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 525.) 6266 CA 8-3518 HD7819.XJ5S8 A treatise on injunctions and other extraordinary remedies, y covering habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and certiorari or review; containing an exposi- tion of principles governing these several forms of relief, and their practical use; with citations of all the authorities to date. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Boston: Little, Brown, and co., 1901. 2 vols. 8°. "Boycotting": v. 1, pp. 780-781. 1-25600— M 3 A treatise on trusts and monopolies, containing an exposition of the rule of public policy against contracts and combinations in restraint of trade, and a review of cases, ancient and modern. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1893. xxvii, 274 PP- 8°. "'Boycotting' illegal": pp. 106-109. 10-11418 HD2761.S72 22 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Stimson, Frederic Jesup. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1896. (4), [vii]-xxii, (2), 385 pp. 12°. "Strikes and boycotts"': pp. 194-309; "Equity process and injunc- tions — the anti-trust law, and the interstate commerce law ": pp. 310-347. 2-19690 HD7834.S8 Labor in its relations to law; four lectures delivered at the Plymouth school of ethics, July 1895. New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1895. (6), 1^5 pp. 16°. "Strikes and boycotts": pp. 78-117. 2-19691 HD7809.S8 Swan, Charles Herbert. Quelques decisions recentes de la Cour supreme des Etats-Unis en matiere de travail. Bruxelles: Offi.ce de la Revue, [1909]. 23 pp. 8°. "Extrait de la Revue &onomique internationale, novembre, 1909." "L'affaire de boycottage en matifere de commerce entre les 4tats": pp. 14-18. 10-2949 HD7834.S85 Taft, William Howard. Answers of Secretary Taft to questions addressed to him by the audience at the conclusion of his address on "Labor and capital" before Cooper's institute, New York city, Friday, January 10, 1908. Columbus, 0., [1908]. 8 pp. 8°. 8-11457 HD8072.T22 Hon. William H. Taft discusses issuance of injunctions in labor disputes, his position clearly defined in correspond- ence with President Llewelyn Lewis of the Ohio federa- tion of labor. Columbus, 0., [1908]. 4 pp. 8°. 8-11459 HD7819.U5T2 Labor and capital, their common interest, their necessary- controversies, their lawful acts, and the legal remedies for their abuses; address before Cooper's institute. New York city, Friday, January 10th, 1908. Columhus, 0., [1908]. 16 pp. 8°. 8-11458 HD8072.T2 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 23 Taft, William Howard. Political issues and outlooks; speeches delivered between August, 1908, and February, 1909. New Yorl\- Douhleday, Page c£- company, 1909. vi, 299 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). 8°. "Labor and the writ of injunction; Topeka, Kansas, Oct. 3, 1908": pp. 161-165; "Mr. Gompers, the courts and labor; New York, Oct. 28, 1908" : pp. 203-224. 9-28960 E756.T12 Present day problems; a collection of addresses deliverod on various occasions. New Yorlc: Dodd, Mead cfc company, 1908. (6), 355 j>p. Frontispiece {portrait). 12°. Labor and capital; New York city, Jan. 10, 1908: pp. 241-272; Recent criticism of the federal judiciary; delivered before the American bar association, Detroit, Aug. 28, 1895: pp. 290-332. 8-19618 JK246.T2 Presidential addresses and state papers, from March 4, 1909, to March 4, 1910. Vol. 1. New York: Douhleday, Page cfc company, 1910. xii, 612 pp. 12°. Judicial decisions as an issue in politics; reprinted from McClure's magazine for June, 1909: pp. 142-163; Labor and the writ of injunction; Chicago, Sept. 16, 1909: pp. 191-200. 10-23512 E761.T12 Recent criticism of the federal judiciary. (In American bar association. Report of the eighteenth annual meeting, Detroit, Aug. 27-30, 1895, pp. 237-273. Philadelphia, 1895. 8°.) Reprinted in American law register, Sept., 1895, v. 33, pp. 576-610; in National corporation reporter, Sept. 26-Oct. 17, 1895, v. 11, pp. 86-87, 107-111, 135-137, 159-161, and, in part, in Railway review, Nov. 16, 1895, v. 35, pp. 636-637. Thomas, Robert Young, jr. Canal Zone at Panama. Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 5, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45, Appendix, pp. 3-4. Washington, 1910. 4°.) Introducing an amendment to the bill (If. R. 12316) for the govern- ment of the Canal Zone, providing for jury trial in contempt cases. J 11 .US ,v.46 , appendix 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tiedeman, Christopher Gustavus. A treatise on state and federal control of persons and property in the United States considered from both a civil and criminal standpoint. St. Louis: The F. H. Thomas law hooTc co., 1900. 2 vols. 8°. "Strikes and boycotts": v. 1, pp. 432-465. Dec. 6, 1900-64 United States. Bureau of labor. Decisions of courts and laws relating to strikes, combinations, conspiracies, boycotts, etc. tin its Sixteenth annual report, 1901, pp. 871-1036. Washington, 1901. 8°.) HD8051.A3 16th Labor laws of the United States with decisions of courts relating thereto. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 1562 pp. 8°. ( Twenty-second annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 1907.) 60th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 982. 5325 For later laws and court decisions relating to injunctions, boycotts, etc., see the Bulletin of the Bureau of labor, issued bi-monthly 9-35301 HD8051.A3 22 — Injunctions in labor disputes; report read at meeting of the Social reform club. New York, May 22, 1900. — The modern use of injunctions, by F. J. Stimson — Receivership of the Northern Pacific railroad company. Report from the Committee on the judiciary, June 8, 1894. House report no. 1049, 53d Congress, 2d session. — Report of case, arguments, and decision of the court in Commonwealth [of Massachusetts] v. Hunt (4 Mete). 3-7052 57th Congress, 2d session, 1902-1903. Senate. Petitions and remonstrances for and against the passage of the bills (S. 1118, S. 4553, and 11. R. 11060) ''To limit the meaning of the word 'conspiracy' and the use of 'restraining orders and injunctions' in certain cases," with a list of organiza- tions so petitioning. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. I4I PP- S°. (57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 115.) 4424 ■ 60th Congress, 1st session, 1907-1908. Senate. Certain injunction and labor cases. Papers. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1908.] 42 PP- S°- (60th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 504.) 5266 8-35503 HD7819.U5A5 1908 Paper relating to case of Ilitchmun coal and coke company v. John Mitchell et al. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1908.] 6 pp. 8°. (60th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 502.) 5269 3_35480 HD7819.U5A5 1908a 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. 60tli Congress, 1st session, 1907-1908. Senate. Regulation of injunctions. [Debate on Senate bill 3732, regulating injunctions and the practice of the district and circuit courts of the United States. Apr. 17, 1908.] {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, Ist session, v. 42, pt. 5, pp. 4846-4859. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt. 5 Senate resolution 81. {In Congressional record, 60th Congress, 1st session, Jan. 23, 1908, V. 42, pt. 2, pp. 1009-1016. Washington, 1908. 4°.) Directs the Committee on the judiciary of the Senate or any subcom- mittee thereof "to speedily investigate and inquire into all of the circumstances connected with the issuance of a restraining order in the case of Hitchman coal and coke company, plaintiff, against John Mitchell and other defendants in the United States circuit court for the northern district of West Virginia, on October 24, 1907," and "to report to the Senate whether any additional legis- lation is necessary for the protection of the rights and privileges of workingmen; and if so, to report such legislation without delay." Various papers relating to the case are included. Jll.R5,v.42,pt.2 William H. Weber and John Haddow. Papers on the imprisonment of William II. Weber and Jolm. Had- dow for alleged contempt of court, and their pardon by the President. [WasTiington: Government 'printing office, 1908.] 11pp. 8°. (jSOtJi Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 52 Jf..) 5266 Weber and Haddow were sent to prison by a federal court in Virginia for alleged violation of an injunction. 8-35484 HD7819.U6A5 1908b Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. An act to regulate commerce, etc. Plearings on House bill 19745 before subcommittee no. 3 of the Committee on the judi- ciary, House of Representatives. 60th Congress, 1st ses- sion, [April 4-May 1, 1908]. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 7^9 pp. 8°. The Hepburn amendment to the Sherman anti-trust act of 1890. Charles E. Littlefield, chairman of subcommittee. 8-35497 HD2773 1908 Argument of ]\Ir. Samuel Gompers. Printed by order of the Committee. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. !34 pp. 8°. Regarding the use of injunctions in labor disputes. &-35229 HD7819.U5A4 1908 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 27 United States. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Argument of Mr. T. C. Spelling in favor of the so-called anti-injunction bills and all labor bills. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 89 pp. 8°. Includes arguir Tit of Samuel Gompers, pp. 39-62. Mr. Spelling's argument was also printed as Senate document no. 525, 60th Congress, 1st session 8-35391 HD7819.U5A4 1908a Anti-injunction bill. Complete hearings before the Committee on the judiciary of the House of Representa- tives on the bill (IT. R. 89) entitled "A bill to limit the meaning of the word 'conspiracy ' and the use of 'restrain- ing orders and injunctions' in certain cases." January 13-March 22, 1904. Washington: Government printing office, 1904- {2), 71/i. pp. 8°. John J. Jenkins, chairman. "House report no. 1522, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session. Lim- iting the meaning of the word conspiracy " : pp. 354-391 . 9-30480 HD7819.U5A4 1904 Contempts of court. Report from the Committee on the judiciary, Jan. 8, 1897. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1897.] 4 PP- ^°- {54th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2471.) 3555 Views of the minority. Jan. 11, 1897. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1897.] 2 pp. 8°. (54th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2471, pt. 2.) 3566 Reprinted in Senate document no. 190, 57th Congress, 1st session, pp. 5-10. Hearings on the so-called anti-injunction bills and all labor bills. Printed by order of the Committee. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 151 pp. 8°. John J. Jenkins, chairman. Includes arguments of T. C. Spelling and Samuel Gompers, and statement of Daniel Davenport. 9-31054 HD7819.U6A4 1908b Limiting the meaning of the word conspiracy. Report, to accompany H. R. 11000. Apr. 10, 1902. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1902.] 22 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1522.) 4404 Submitted by Mr. Ray, 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Views of the minority. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1902.] 16 pp. 8°. (57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1522, pt. 2.) 4404 Submitted by Mr. Littlefield. Meaning of the word "conspiracy," etc. Report, to accompany H. R. 8917. June 5, 1900. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1900.] 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1987.) 4027 Submitted by Mr. Littlefield. Meaning of the word "conspiracy," etc. Report, to accompany H. R. 8917. Dec. 3, 1900. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1900.] 3 pp. 8°. (56th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2007.) 4212 Submitted by Mr. Littlefield. Limit of meaning of the word "conspiracy." Feb. 4, 1901. Views of the minority. [Washington: Government printing office, 1901.] 2 pp. 8°. (56th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2007, pt. 2.) 4212 Submitted by Mr. Fleming. Receivership of the Northern Pacific railroad com- pany. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. June 8, 1894. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1894.] ^^ PP- ^°- (53d Congress, 2d session. House report no. lOJf.9.) 3271 An investigation and inquiry "into all the circumstances connected with the issuance of writs of injunction in the case of the Farmers' loan and trust company, complainant, against the Northern Pacific railroad company." Reprinted in Senate document no. 190, 57th Congress, Ist session, pp. 122-143. Report of a hearing before the Committee, March 23, 1900, on the bill "To limit the meaning of the word 'conspiracy,' and also the use of 'restraining orders and injunctions,' as applied to disputes between employers and employees in the District of Columbia and territories, or engaged in commerce between the several states, Dis- trict of Columbia, and territories, and with foreign na- tions." December 20, 1900. — Ordered to be printed, to accompany S. 4233. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. (2), 73 pp. 8°. (56th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 58.) 4033 Reprinted in Senate document no. 190, 57th Congress, 1st session, pp. 11-85. 2-24775 HD7819.U5A4 1900 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 29 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the judiciary. Federal injunctions. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate, on tlie bill, S. 3724, a bill regulatinj]; injunctions and the practice of the district and circuit courts of the United States, [January 27 to February 3,1910]. Washington: Government printing office, 1910. 63 pp. S°. 10-35202 JX1542.A5 1910 Report, to accompany S. 2984, on the subject of "contempts of court," as enforced by the federal courts. Apr. 30, 1896. [Washington: Government printing office, 1896.] 2 pp. 8°. (54th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 827.) 3365 Submitted by Mr. Hill. Reprinted in Senate document no. 190, 57th Congress, Ist session, pp. 3-4. Courts. Federal anti-trust decisions. Cases decided in the United States courts arising under, involving, or growing out of the enforcement of the anti-trust act of July 2, 1890 (26 Stat., 209), including a few somewhat similar decisions not based upon that act, 1890-1899. Prepared and edited by James A. Finch, by direction of the attorney- general. Washington: Government printing office, 1907. 2 vols. 8°. See indexes under Combinations, conspiracies, etc., and under Labor organizations. 7-35252 HD2780.A2 Industrial commission. Final report. Prepared in accord- ance with an act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. xi, 1259 pp. Maps. Diagrams. 8°. {The commission's Reports, vol. xix.) "Injunctions in labor disputes": pp. 885-890. 4-18105/2 HC101.A3,v.l9 Report on labor legislation. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. (2), 808 pp. 8°. {The commission's Reports, vol. v.) Includes digests of existing statutes of the states and territoriot?, aa follows: General labor, by Frederic Jesup Stimson. — Convict labor, by Victor II. Olmsted and William M. Steuart. — Mine labor, by Edward Dana Durand in collaboration with Eugene Willison. "As to enforcement of the labor contract by iiijunrtion or ollierwise " : pp. G7-G8; "Strikes, boycotts, pickcta, etc.": pp. 129-140. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Industrial commission — Continued. For a later record of legislation relating to injunctions, boycotts, etc., see the 22d annual report (for 1907) of the United States Bureau of labor, and the Bulletin, issued bi-monthly by the same Bureau. 4-18095/7 HC101.A3,v.5 Reports on labor organizations, labor disputes, and arbitration [by Charles E. Edgerton and E. Dana Durand] and on railway labor [by Samuel McCune Lindsay]. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. cxxxvii, 1172 pp. Map. Tables. 8°. {The commission's Reports, vol. xvii.) "Laws and court decisions as to labor combinations " (pp. cxiv-cxxv, 547-629) including: Table of citations; General considerations; English law as to strikes and labor combinations; Legality of strikes in themselves; Enticement of employees; Combinations to procure discharge or prevent employment; Intimidation and picketing; Boycotts; Railway strikes and boycotts: (a) General principles laid down by courts; (b) Specific acts and methods of strikers held illegal by the courts; (c) Legislation as to strikes on railways; The injunction in labor disputes: (a) Court decisions as to injunctions; (b) Legal criticisms on extended use of injunc- tion; Legal position of trade unions 4-18103/8 HC101.A3,v. 17 Report on the condition of foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor. [Prepared by Frederic Jesup Stimson]. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. Hi, 2Ji.2 pp. 8°. (The commission's Reports, vol. xvi.) Strikes, boycotts, etc.: pp. 166-171 4-18102/3 HC101.A3,v.l6 Strike commission, 1894-. Report on the Chicago strike of June-July, 1894, with appendices containing testimony, proceedings, and recommendations. Washington: Governmentprinting office, 1895. liv,681 pp. 8°. Pub. also as Senate exec. doc. no. 7, 53d Congress, 3d session. Commissioners: Carroll D. Wright, John D. Kernan, Nicholas E. Worthington. 8-32032 HD5325.I112.C582 Voorhees, Daniel W. Resolution [in regard to the injunction issued by Judge Jenkins of the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Wisconsin in the case of the Farmers' loan and trust company, complainant, against the North- ern Pacific railroad company]. In the Senate of the United States. Feb. 8, 1894. [Washington: Government printing office, 1894-] 3 pp. 8°. {53d Congress, 2d session. Senate inisc. doc. no. 78.) 3167 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS 31 Waring, Luther Hess. The law and the gospel of labor. New York and Washington: The Neale puhlishing company, 1907. UO pp. 12°. "The law as to boycotts": pp. 49-59; "The law as to injunctions": pp. 61-70. 7-29710 HD6495.U4W2 Watson, Samuel. The Ann Arbor cases. {In Tennessee bar association. Proceedings of the twelfth annual meeting, July 13-14, 1893, pp. 205-209. Nashville, 1894. 8°.) Willingham, Wright. Labor unions and kindred organizations from the lawyer's standpoint. {In Georgia bar association. Report of the 25th annual session. May 28-29, 1908, pp. 178-194. Macon, [1908]. 8°.) Reprinted in American legal news, Jan. 1909, v. 20, pp. 5-11. 67382°— 11 3 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1884. Thompson, Seymour D. Injunctions against criminal acts. American law review, July-Aug., 188 If., v. 18: 599-617. 1885. Sartorius von Waltershausen, A. Boycotten, ein neues Kampfmittel der amerikanischen Gewerkvereine. JaJirhilcJier fiir Nationaldkonomie und Statistih, 1885, v. J^5: 1-18. HB5.J3,v.46 1885. Interdicts against dealing with particular traders. Irish law times, Jan. 21^., 1885, v. 19: 4^-45. 1885. Actionable boycotting. Irish law times, Aug. 22, 1885, v. 19: 448-444. Reprinted in Weekly law bulletin, Oct. 12, 1885, v. 14, pp. 232-234; and in Washington law reporter, Oct. 24, 1885, v. 13, pp. 669-671. 1885. Boycotting. Justice of the peace, Oct. 31, 1885, v. 49: 689-691. 1886. Hammond, William A. The evolution of the boycott. Forum, June, 1886, v. 1: 369-376. ^ AP2.F8,v.l 1886. Mason, James M. The legal aspect of the strike and boycott. Kansas law journal, June 12, 1886, v. 3: 273-279. 1886. Thacher, Sherman D. Boycotting, New Englander, Dec, 1886, v. 45: 1038-1042. AP2.N5,v.45 1886. Stephen, James Fitzjames. On the suppression of boycotting. Nineteenth century, Dec, 1886, v. 20: 765-784. ap4.n7,v.20 1886. Atkins, Thomas S. The criminahty of boycotting; [charge delivered to the grand jury of the Hustings court of Richmond, Va., Sept. 28, 1886]. Virginia law journal, Dec, 1886, v. 10: 707-709. Reprinted in Irish law times, Jan. 8, 1887, v. 21, pp. 17-18. 1887. Brigham, Chfford. Strikes and boycotts as indictable con- spiracies at common law. American law review, Jan.-Feb., 1887 , v. 21: 4^-^9- Reprinted in Irish law times, Feb. 26, Mar. 5, 12, 1887, v. 21, pp. 115-118, 131-134, 146-147. 32 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 33 1887. Dorman, Lester M. The boycott and its methods. Criminal law magazine, Jan., 1887, v. 9: 1-15. The criminality of boycotting; charge of Judge Atkins of the Rich- mond (Va.) Hustings court, Sept. 28, 1886: pp. 15-17. 1887. An American view of boycotting. Irish law times, Apr. 23, 1887, v. 21: 228-229. Reprinted from the New York chronicle. 1887. Wellford, B. R., jr. The legaUty of boycotting; [opinion dehvered in the circuit court of Richmond, Va., Feb. 7, 1887]. Virginia law journal, Apr., 1887, v. 11: 196-202. 1887. Atkins, Thomas S. The hiw of conspiracy: boycotting; [opinion dehvered in the Hustings court of Richmond, Va., Feb. 7, 1887]. Virginia law journal, June, 1887, v. 11: 324-331. 1887. Wigmore, John H. The boycott and kmdred practices as ground for damages. American law review, July-August, 1887, v. 21: 509-532. 1888. Selfridge, Arthur James. American law of strikes and boy- cotts as crimes. American law review, Mar.-Apr., 1888, v. 22: 233-250. Reprinted in Irish law times, May 5, 19, 1888, v. 22, pp. 218-220, 242-244. 1888. Actionable boycotting. Irisli law times, Sept. 8, 15, 1888, v. 22: ^51-^52, 465-^66. 1889. Cheyney, E. P. Decisions of the courts in conspiracy and boycott cases. Political science quarterly, June, 1889, v. 4- 261-278. Hl.P8,v.4 1891. Burnett, John. The boycott as an element in trade disputes. Economic journal. Mar., 1891, v. 1: 163-173. HBl.E3,v.l 1892. McMurtrie, Richard C. Equity jurisdiction apphod to crimes and misdemeanors. American law register and review, Jan., 1892, v. 31: 1-17. 1892. Courts of equity and intimidation by hibor unions. National corporation reporter, Oct. 8, 15, 1892, v. 5: 99-100, 124. 1892. Lewis, William Draper. Injunctions to restrain Hbels, aiul courts of criminal equity. [EcHtorial]. American law register and review, Nov., 1892, v. 31: 782-797. 34 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1893. Federal injunctions against boycotts. [Notes]. American law review, May-June, 1893, v. 21: Ifi5-I^10. 1893. Lewis, William Draper. The courts and striking raUroad employees. The Ann Arbor cases, p^ditorial note]. American law register and review, May, 1893, v. 32: 481-4-89. 1893. Walker, Aldace F. Recent labor rulings by federal courts. Forum, May, 1893, v. 15: 311-322. ^ AP2.r8,v.l5 1893. Actionable boycotting. Law times. May 6, 1893, v. 95: 5-6. 1893. Gunton, George. Economics of strikes and boycotts. Social economist. May, 1893, v. 4: 257-266. Hl.G9,v.4 1893. [Comment on recent court decisions relating to labor unions]. Yale review, May, 1893, v. 2: 8-12. Hl.Y2,v.2 1893. Mason, Norman T. Organized labor and the law. American journal of j^olitics, Aug., 1893, v. 3: 188-196. Hl.A5,v.3 1893. Dickson, Charles A. Boycotting. Central law journal, Sept. 1, 1893, v. 37: 166-169. Reprinted in Albany law journal, Sept. 30, 1893, v. 48, pp. 269-271. 1894. [Lewis, William Draper.] Injunction to keep men at work. [Editorial]. American law register and review, Jan., 1894, 'V- 33: 81-82. 1894. Lewis, William Draper. Injunctions to restrain strikes again. [Notes and comments on recent decisions]. American law register and review, Feb., 1894, "f^- 33: 147-150. 1894. Enjoining a threatened railway strike. American law review, Mar.-Apr., 1894, '^- ^8: 269-272. 1894. Pingrey, D. H. Boycotting, its legal phase. Central law journal, May 18, 1894, v. 38: 427-430. 1894. Bullard, Herbert S. The injunction as a remedy for the boycott. Yale law journal, June, 1894, v. 3: 211-217. 1894. The law of strikes. [Notes]. American law review, July-Aug., 1894, '^' ^8- 587-591. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 35 1894. Reed, Chester A. Peaceable boycotting. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1894, V. 5: 28-47. Hl.A4,v6. A defence of the boycott and an argument against the U!?e of the injunction as a means of suppressing it. 1894. Selover, George II. Boycotts as conspiracies. Minnesota law journal, July, 1894, "V- ^' 167-173. 1894. Stewart, Ardemus. Tiie legal side of the strike question. American law register and review, Sept., 1894, v. 33: 609-622. 1894. Bateman, Warner M. Injunctions against labor unions. [Letter]. Central law journal, Sept. 28, 1894, 'V- ^9: 265-266. 1894. The Debs case. [Editorial]. Nation, Sept. 13, 1894, 'V- 59: 190-191. ap2.N2,v.59 "The issue is briefly the determination of the quesliou whether courts shall assume the function of inflicting summary punij^h- ment without jury trial for acts punishable by ordinary criminal proceeding." 1894. Aiken, William P. Legal restraint of labor strikes. Yale law journal, Oct., 1894, '^'- 4- 13-26. 1894. Gregory, S. S. The Debs case. Chicago legal news, Nov. 3, 1894, '^- ^'^- 82. On the question of the constitutionality of the issuance of an injunction in this case. 1894. Lewis, W. D. A protest against administering criminal law by injunction — the Debs case. American latv register and review, Dec, 1894, v. 33: 879-883. 1895. Philips, John F. Strikes and injunctions. American lawyer, 1895, v. 3: 18. 1895. Heckel, IVIax von. Der Boykott. JaJirhucher fiir National'dkonomie und Statistic, 1895, v. 65: 481-510. HB5.J3.V.65 "Benutzte Quellen und Litteratur: "' p. 481. 1895. Erwin, James S. Are strikes preventable by judicial action? Criminal law magazine, Jan., 1895, v. 17: 1-10. 1895. Stanton, Stephen B. Tlie mandamus as a moans of settling strikes. American law register and review, Feb., 1895, v. 34: 102-119. 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1895. Government by injunction. [Note], American law review, Mar -Apr., 1895, v. 29: 1895. Stimson, F. J. The modern use of injunctions. Political science quarterly, June, 1895, v. 10: 189-202. Hl.P8,v.lO Reprinted in Senate document, no. 190, 57th Congress, 1st session, pp. 114-121. 4234 1895. Upson, William H. Injunctions and strikes. BihliotJieca sacra, July, 1895, v. 52: 549-552. 1895. Strikes and boycotting. Irish law times, July 13, 1895, v. 29: 339-340. 1896. Lorimer, J. C. Trade union — freedom of contract — malice- picketing. Juridical review, 1896, v. 8: 319-321. Reprinted in American law review, Sept.-Oct., 1896, v. 30, pp. 763-765. 1896. Injunction — strikes. Hamilton-Brown shoe co. v. Saxey etal. Supreme court of Missouri, Division no. 1, Nov. 26, 1895. [Annotated case]. Central law journal, Jan. 24, 1896, v. 42: 74-78. 1896. Woollen, Evans. Labor and the injunction. Yale review. May, 1896, v. 5: 39-50. Hl.Y2,v.5 1896. Government by injunction. Gunton's magazine, Oct., 1896, v. 11: 242-248. Hl.G9,v.ll 1896. Yarros, Victor. Labor's rights in the courts. American federationist, Nov., 1896, v. 3: 181-183. HD8055.A5A2,v.3 1896. Injunction — conspiracy to injure business. Vegelahn v. Guntner. Supreme judicial court of- Massachusetts, Oct. 27, 1896. [Annotated case]. Central law journal, Dec. 4, 1896, v. 43: 4^4~4^^ 1896. Curtis, Leonard E. Labor riots and so-called "government by injunction." Engineering magazine, Dec, 1896, v. 12: 381-394- TAl.E59,v.l2 1896. "Picketing." Injunctions against strikers. Harvard law review, Dec. 26, 1896, v. 10: 301. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 37 1897. Labor combinations and the law. Albany law journal, Apr. 17, 1897, v. 55: 250-251. Reprinted from the Boston herald. 1897. Government by injunction. American federationist, June, 1897, v. li.: 82. An interview with Samuel Gompers, from the ^^■ashington post. HD8055.A5A2,v.4 1897. Barker, Wliarton. Are the rights of capital superior to the rights of man ? American (Philadelpliia) , Aug. 21, 1897, v. 27: 117-119. AP2.A317,v.27 A criticism of the action of certain courts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia in enjoining striking coal miners from commimicating with miners continuing at work. 1897. Sedgwick, A. G. The strike injunctions. Nation, Aug. 26, 1897, v. 65: 160-161. AP2.N2,v.65 1897. Federal injunction against strikes and lockouts in West \iv- ginia. American law review, Sept.-Oct., 1897, v. 31: 761-76^. 1897. Gompers, Samuel. Injunctions unrespected. As a factor in strikes they must go. [Editorial]. American federationist, Sept., 1897, v. I^: 159-160. HD8055.A5A2,v.4 1897. Injunctions in labor disputes. Chicago times-herald, Sept. 19, 1897, v. 44, pt. 3: 25-28. The following questions were submitted by the Sunday times-herald to eminent juribts and prominent laymen: 1. What are your views on the power and practice of courts in issuing injunctions in labor disputes? 2. How is such power derived, and is it misused? 3. Do injunctions interfere with the constitutional guarantee of trial by jury? 4. Should Congress specifically define and limit the power of courts in issuing injunctions? Among others, replies were received from P. S. Grosscup, Murray F. Tuley, James McCabe, Edward F. Dunne, and Henry M. Shepard. 1897. Sedgwick, A, G. An injunction symposium. Nation, Sept.. 30, 1897, v. 65: 256-257. ap2.N2.v.65 1897. "Government by injunction" in America. Saturday review, Sept. 25, 1897, v. 84: 335. AP4.S3,v.84 1897. Hargis, Thomas F. Government by injunction. American federationist, Dec, 1897, v. 4- 227-228. HD8056.A5A2,v.4 1 I2S2I 38 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 1897. Dean, Ben S. Government by injunction. Green lag, Dec, 1897, v. 9: 540-5U. 1897. Peterkin, W. G. Government by injunction. Virginia law register, Dec, 1897, v. 3: 549-563. 1898. Injunctions against boycotts: injunction against allowing a city council to readvertise a bid which it had refused to let to the lowest bidder at the dictation of labor leaders. American law review, Jan.- Feb., 1898, v. 32: 117-119. 1898. Injunctions against boycotting; labor association interfering with the business and freedom of action of third persons. American law review, Jan.-Feb., 1898, v. 32: 124-127. 1898. Edwards, Percy L. Government by injunction. Albany law journal, Jan., 1898, v. 57: 8-12. 1898. Lewis, William Draper. Strikes and courts of equity. American law register, Jan., 1898, v. 46: 1-12. References: pp. 1-2. 1898. Peterkin, William G. Government by injunction, American lawyer, Jan., 1898, v. 6: 5-8. A paper read at the twelfth annual meeting of the West Virginia bar association. 1898. Patteson, S. S. P. Government by injunction. Virginia law register, Jan., 1898, v. 3: 625-635. 1898. Stimson, Frederic J. The true attitude of courts and legis- latures upon labor questions. Green hag, Mar., 1898, v. 10: 103-107. 1898. Gregory, Charles Noble. Government by injunction. Harvard law review, Mar. 25, 1898, v. 11: 4^7-511. 1898. Stillman, James W. The misuse of injunctions. Arerm, Aug., 1898, v. 20: 194-206. AP2.A6,v.20 1898. The injunction against the striking laborers of the American steel and wire company. American law review, Nov. -Dec, 1898, v. 32: 894-896. 1898. Gompers, Samuel. Injunctions and strikes. [Editoriall. American federationist, Nov., 1898, v. 5: 183-184- HD8055.A5A2,v.5 1899. Yarros, Victor. Labor and "government by injunction.' American federationist, Feh., 1899, v. 5: 231-233. HD8055.A5A2,v.6 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 39 1899. Gompers, Samuel. The boycott as a legitimate weapon. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1899, v. 6: 192-195. HD8055.A5A2,v.6 1899. Thompson, Seymour D. Injunction against boycotting. American law review, Nov. -Dec, 1899, v. 33: 885-888. 1900. Tandy, Francis D. Strikes, trusts, boycotts, and blacklists. Arena, Feb., 1900, v. 23: 194-203. ap2.A6,v.23 1900. Thompson, Seymour D. Injunctions against boycotting. American law review, Mar.-Apr., 1900, v. 34: 161-185. 1900. Gompers, Samuel. The right of picketing. [Editorial]. American federationist, Mar., 1900, v. 7: 68-69. HD8055.A5A2,v.7 1900. Morancy, Frank W. Injunctions against boycotting. American law review, May- June, 1900, v. 34: 4^^-469. 1900. Gompers, Samuel. The right of picketing. [Editorial]. American federationist. May, 1900, v. 7: 136-147. HD8055.A5A2,v.7 1900. Gompers, Samuel. Judge Freedman's notorious injunction. [Editorial]. American federationist,^ June, 1900, v. 7: 162-164. HD8055.A5A2,v.7 1900. Gompers, Samuel. The happiness not to know. [Editorial]. American federationist, July, 1900, v. 7: 212-214- On injunctions against "picketing"; reply to an article by Ambrose Bierce in the New York journal for June 3, 1000. HD8055.A6A2,v.7 1900. Right of picketing judicially sustained. American federationist, Aug., 1900, v. 7: 240-242. HD8055.A5A2,v.7 1900. Gompers, Samuel. English hostility to injunctions. [Edi- torial]. American federationist, Nov., 1900, v. 7: 350-351. HD8055.A5A2,v.7 1901. Gompers, Samuel. Conflicting decisions on labor's rights. [Editorial]. American federationist, Mar., 1901, v. 8: 80-82. HD8055.A5A2.V.8 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1901. Gompers, Samuel. Injunctions to prevent strikes. [Edi- torial]. American federationist, May, 1901, v. 8: 164-166. HD8055.A5A2,v.8 1901. Gompers, Samuel. More abuse of the injunction. [Editorial.]. American federationist, June, 1901, v. 8: 216-218. HD8055.A5A2,v.8 1901. Wilson, W. B. The blanket injunction. American federationist, Sept., 1901, v. 8: 340-341- HD8055.A5A2,v.8 1901. Gompers, Samuel. Rights achieved must be maintained. Judicial usurpation of legislative functions. It even nau- seates the press. [Editorials]. American federationist, Sept., 1901, v. 8: 359-360. On "the recent injunction epidemic." HD8055.A5A2,v.8 1901. Gompers, Samuel. The right of "persuasion." [Editorial]. American federationist, Nov., 1901, v. 8: 4'^4-4'^^- HD8055.A5A2,v.8 1902. Gompers, Samuel. A worthy judicial exception. [Editorial]. American federationist. Mar., 1902, v. 9: 123-124. Favorable comment on a court decision in an injunction case in Chicago. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Gompers, Samuel. Anti-injunction legislation. [Editorial]. American federationist, Apr., 1902, v. 9: 180-181. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Gompers, Samuel. Conflicting judicial decisions. [Editorial]. American federationist. May, 1902, v. 9: 234-236. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Gompers, Samuel. Injunctions can't restrain free speech. [Editorial]. American federationist, June, 1902, v. 9: 299-301. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Gompers, Samuel. Cincinnati brewery bosses enjoin A. F. of L. [Editorial]. American federationist, June, 1902, v. 9: 302-304- HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Protest against injunction abuse. American federationist, June, 1902, v. 9: 305-306. Address by the executive council, American federation of labor, to the wage workers of America. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 41 1902. Gompers, Samuel. An "anti," changed to a " pro "-injunc- tion bill. [Editorial]. American federationist, July, 1902, v. 9: 370-372. On bill H. R. 11060, 57th Congress, 1st session. HD8055.A6A2,v.9 1902. The misuse of injunctions. Gunton's magazine, Sept., 1902, v. 23: 226-233. hi.g9,v.23 1902. Post, Louis F. The abuse of injunctions. American federationist, Oct., 1902, v, 9: 685-687. HI>8055.A5A2,v.9 1902. Flower, B. O. Promoters of anarchy and social disorder. Arena, Oct., 1902, v. 28: 42^-428. ap2.A6,v.28 On injunctions against strikes. 1902. Gompers, Samuel. The A. F. of L. and the "boycott." [Editorial]. American federationist, Nov., 1902, v. 9: 808-810. HD8055.A5A2,v.9 1903. Notes of recent decisions. Injunctions against intimidation. Am^erican law review, Jan.-Feb., 1903, v. 37: 148-149. 1903. Notes of recent decisions. Injunction against persuading railway employes to strike. American law review. Mar. -Apr., 1903, v. 37: 285-289. Discussion of an injunction issued by Judge Adams of the United States circuit court at St. Louis against the officers of the Brother- hood of railway trainmen and the Brotherhood of locomotive fire- men. 1903. Haldane, R. B. The labourer and the law. Contemporary review, Mar., 1903, v. S3: 362-372. AP4.C7,v.33 1903. Miller, James A. The courts on organized labor. Iron age, Mar. 5, 1903, v. 71: 19-22. Tl.i7,v.71 "Reprint from volume II, No. 1, Bulletin Corporation.'< auxiliary company, Cleveland." 1903. White, Henry. Remedies for the boycott. Nation, Mar. 19, 1903, v. 76: 222-223. AP2.N2,v.76 1903. The Waterbury injunction. Gunton's magazine, Apr., 1903, v. 24: 283-288. Hl.G9,v.24 1903. Labor injunctions. Gunton's magazine, Apr., 1903, v. 24: 348-351. hi.G9,v.24 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Steffee, John G. The Taff Vale case. American law review, May- June, 1903, v. 37: 385-39 Jf.. 1903. Notes of recent decisions. Injunction against persuading railwa}^ employes to strike: dissolution of injunction by Judge Adams. American law review, May-June, 1903, v. 37: 461-462. 1903. Gompers, Samuel. New judicial usurpation through injunc- tions. [Editorial]. American federationist, May, 1903, v. 10: 362-36 4. HD8065.A5A2,v.lO 1903. Wyman, Bruce. The law as to the boycott. Green lag, May, 1903, v. 15: 208-215. 1903. Seabury, Samuel. The abuses of injunction. Arena, June, 1903, v. 29: 561-567. AP2.A6,v.29 1903. Crosby, Ernest H. The abuses of injunctions. Arena, July, 1903, v. 30: 48-51. AP2.A6,v.30 1903. Davenport, Daniel. The anti-boycott movement. Iron age, July 16, 1903, v. 72: 2. Tl.i7,v.72 1903. Davenport, Daniel. The boycott and how it can be de- stroyed. Iron age, July 23, 1903, v. 72: 54-55. tii7,v.72 1903. Gompers, Samuel. A damage suit or prosecution to scare or intimidate us — well! [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1903, v. 10: 1038-1039. A defense of boycotting as practiced by the American federation of labor. HD8055.A5A2,v.lO 1903. Gompers, Samuel. Some more judge-made law and labor. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1903, v. 10: 1039-1042. HD8055.A5A2,v.lO 1903. The legal status of the boycott. Iron age, Oct. 1, 1903, v. 72: 22-23. Tll7,v.72 1903. Notes of recent decisions. Injunction to protect labor unions. American law review, Nov. -Dec, 1903, v. 37: 932-934. Comment on the decision of the United States circuit court at St. Louis in the case of Boyer vs. the Western union telegraph com- pany. \y BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 43 1904. Kleeberg, August. Ein Beitrag zur Revision der Begriffe Strike, Lockout und Boycott. Jakrhuch fiir Gesetzgehung, Verwaltung und VollsvArtscliaft, 1904, V. 28: 1053-1090. H5J2,v.28 Bibliographical foot-notes. 1904. Gompers, Samuel. Invading labor's rights. [Editorial]. American federationist, Feb., 1904, v. 11: 129-130. A defense of the use of the boycott by labor organizations. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Darling, Charles R. The law of strikes and boycotts. American law register, Feb., 1904, "i'- ^2: 73-117. 1904. Gompers, Samuel. Misrepresenting the anti-injunction bill. [Editorial]. American federationist, Mar., 1904, v. 11: 218-220. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Bayne, Howard R. To prevent injunctions in trade-union disputes. Railroad gazette, Mar. 18, 1904, v. 36: 212-213. TFl.R2,v.36 1904. President Gompers' argument on anti-injunction bill, IT. R. 89, before Committee on judiciary, House of Representa- tives, Feb. 8, 1904. American federationist, Apr., 1904, v. 11, 309-312. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Restraming injunctions. Gunton's rnagazine, Apr., 1904, 'V- 26: 291-299. Hl.G9,v.26 1904. Rooker, William Velpau. A thesis on injunctions. American federationist, May, 1904, v. 11: 381-385. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Furuseth, Andrew. The essence of injunctions. American federationist, May, 1904, v. 11: 386-391. Argument in favor of the anti-injunction bill delivered before the Committee on labor of the House of Representatives, Mar. 24, 1!)04. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Gompers, Samuel. The injunction mania. [Editorial]. American federationist, May, 1904, v. 11: 397-399. IED8055.A5A2,v.ll 1904. Livernash, Edward J. Why injunctions should not apply. American federationist, July, 1904, v. 11: 602. Addressed to the Committee on the judiciary of tlie House of Rep- resentatives. HD8056.A6A2,v.ll 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Edwards, P. L, Labor strikes and injunctions. Central law journal, July 8, 1904, v. 59: 23-28. 1904. Boycotting — injunction — strikes. American architect {International ed.), Aug. 27, 1904, v. 85: 70-71. NAl.A32,v.85 Case of Gray et al. v. Building trades council, et al., Supreme court of Minnesota, 97 Northwestern reporter, p. 663. 1904. Torrey, James H. Labor and the law. American lawyer, Oct., 1904, v. 12: 427-430. "The boycott": pp. 427-428. 1905. Elm, Adolph von. Der Boykott als Waffc im wirtschaft- liclien Kampf. SozialistiscJie Monatshefte, Jan., 1905, v. 11: 37-43. HX6.S6,v.ll 1905. Gompers, Samuel, A just court decision. [Editorial]. American federationist, Feb., 1905, v. 12: 76-78. HD8055.A5A2,v.l2 1905. Tempering ''government by injunction." Literary digest, Feh. 18, 1905, v. 30: 232-233. AP2.L58,v.30 1905. Gompers, Samuel. Some notions on injunction legislation. [Editorial]. American federationist. Mar., 1905, v. 12: 141-144- HD8055.A5A2,v.l2 1905. Clark, Lindley D. The present legal status of organized labor in the United States. Journal of political economy. Mar., 1905, v. 13: 173-200. HBl.J7,v.l3 Injunctions: pp. 180-199. 1905. Beveridge, W. H. The reform of trade union law. Economic review, April 15, 1905, v. 15: 129-149. HBl.E4,v.l5 1905. rieise, Stephan. Schlimmer als Streikbruch. Neue Zeit, May 27, 1905, v. 23: 290-292. HX6.N6,v.23 1905. Edwards, P. L. Labor strikes and injunctions, Albany law journal, July, 1905, v. 67: 209-214. 1905. Gompers, Samuel. Jenkins on injunctions and strikes, [Edi- torial], American federationist, July, 1905, v. 12: 44^-44^- HD8055.A5A2,v.l2 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 45 1905. Gompers, Samuel. No property right in labor. [Editorial]. American federationist, Nov., 1905, v. 12: SSo-SSO. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Gompers, Samuel. Two courts on picketing. [Editorial]. American federationist, Jan., 1906, v. 13: 28-31. "The position taken is that picketing is an invasion of property rights and as such may — nay, should — be enjoined by courts of equity." HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Freund, Ernst. Recent Illinois decisions regarding injunc- tions in the course of strikes. Journal of political economy, Jan., 1906, v. I4: 43-46. HBl.J7,v.l4 1906. Bryan, James Wallace. Injunctions against strikes. American law review, J an.- Feb., 1906, v. 4O: 42-57. 1906. Gompers, Samuel. Developments in injunction fight. [Edi- torial]. American federationist, Feb., 1906, v. 13: 89-92. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Bryan, James Wallace. Injunctions against boycotts and similar unlawful acts. American law review. Mar. -Apr., 1906, v. 4O: 196-211. 1906. Gompers, Samuel, Judge Holdom's injunction frenz}^. [Edi- torial]. American federationist. Mar., 1906, v. 13: 156-158. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Ashley, W. J. Trade unions and the law. National review. Mar., 1906, v. >^7; 56-67. AP4.N25,v.47 An examination of the purport of recent judicial decit^ion^ in regard to trade unions. Finds evidence that "our judges [English] are now seeking to set limits to the combination of labor." 1906. Gompers, Samuel. The injunction in labor disputes must go. American federationist, Apr., 1906, v. 13: 228-230. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Furuseth, Andrew. No property rights in man: the essen- tial principle of protest against injunctions in labor disputes. American federationist. May, 1906, v. 13: 310-316. HD8065.A6A2,v.l3 "Argument before Judiciary committee on anti-injuiKtion bill, Mar. 14, 1906." 46 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1906. Gompers, Samuel. Labor legislation here and in England. [Editoriall. American federationist, May, 1906, v. 13: 320-S22. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Gompers, Samuel. A letter to President Roosevelt. American federationist, June, 1906, v. 13: 377-380. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 In support of the Pearre anti-injunction bill (II. R. 18752). 1906. Joel, J. Edmondson, Trade disputes and the law of molesta- tion, and conspiracy. Westminster review,- June, 1906, v. 165: 605-615. AP4.W5,v.l65 1906. Gompers, Samuel. Injunction extended. Where next? [Editorial!. American federationist, July, 1906, v. 13: J^67-469. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Die Rechtsprechung gegeniiber den gewerkschaftlichen Boy- kottkampfen und Verrufserklarungen. Soziale Praxis, Aug. 23, 1906, v..l5: 1221-1223. H5.S7,v.l5 1906. Gompers, Samuel. A fair injunction decision — labor aims to make it the law of the land. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1906, v. 13: 816-818. HD8055.A5A2,v.l3 1906. Edwards, Clement. The government trade disputes bill. Nineteenth century and after, Oct., 1906, v. 60: 587 -59 If.. AP4.N7,v.60 Criticises the clause of the bill entitled "Prohibition of actions of tort against trade unions." Argues that injunctions should be prohibited. "The injunction is used early in the fray. In a properly laid case upon a carefully drawn series of affidavits a union may find itself prohibited by injunction from providing the sinews of war to carry on a strike perfectly lawful in itself, but in connection with which certain unlawful acts may have been committed by individuals, over whom they have no control. An injunction under such cir- cumstances may cause the collapse of a strike, with the result that the men, angry at such a collapse, will leave the union in large numbers. This has been the experience in American strikes over and over again. There the injunction in a strike has been devel- oped as a weapon of great art and power. And unless it is pro- hibited against the unions here, it needs no wisdom to predict that its far-reaching possibilities will be exploited to the utmost under the pressure of the feelings engendered by, and the great interests often involved in, our great industrial conflicts." BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 47 1906. Freund, Ernst. On the legality of a boycott in Germany. Journal of 'political economy, Nov., 1906, v. 14: 573-574. HBl.J7,v.l4 1906. Grant, Luke. Effects of labor injunctions. Times magazine, Bee, 1906, v. 1: 68-72. AP2.T48,v.l 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Judicial perversion of law against labor. [Editorial]. American federationist, Jan., 1907, v. 14-' 36-38. A discussion of certain court decisions in wliicli sympathetic strikes were held to l)e boycotts. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Littleiield, Charles E. Most revolutionary of all class labor propositions, and the hottest of all campaigns over it. American industries, Jan. 1, 1907, v. 5: 1-4- HD4802.A6,v.6 1907. Allen, Andrew J. Anti-injunction legislation. Open shop, Mar., 1907, v. 6: 140-144- HD6500.O5,v.6 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Congressional juggling and sophistry with the injunction issue. [Editorial]. American federationist, Apr., 1907, v. 14-' 256-258. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. McWilhams, Robert L. Evolution of the law relating to boycotts. American law review, May-June, 1907, v. 41' 336-342. National corporation reporter, Nov. 28, 1907, v. 35: 4^0-491. 1907. Labor htigation — strikes and boycotts — right to a "free market." American law review, May-June, 1907, v. 4i' 44'^~4^1- 1907. Spelhng, T. C. "The point" in injunctions. Al)uso of the injunction process in its application to personal as well as to property rights. American federationist, June, 1907, v. 14- 4^^-4'^^- HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Huebncr, Grover G. Definitions, laws and judicial decisions regarding boycotting. Government, June, 1907, v. 1: 36-47. Hi.G7,v.l 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Van Cleave seeks injunction against A. F. of L. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1907, v. 14-' 784-785. Case of the boycott against the Buck's etove and raiiLr-- coniiiniiy of St. Louis. HD8055.A6A2,v.l4 67382°— 11 4 48 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Taft, the injunction standard-bearer. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1907. v. 14-' 785-790. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Federal injunctions jolted — labor's con- tention justified. [Editorial]. American federationist, Oct., 1907, v. 14-' 790-791. Comment on the use of the injunction by federal courts in railroad rate cases in certain southern states. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Van Cleave, James W. The boycott and the blacklist. American industries, Oct. 15, 1907, v. 6: 12-14- HD4802.A6,v.6 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Taft, the injunction candidate. [Edi- torial]. American federationist, Nov., 1907, v. 14'- 872-875. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Is the boycott un-American ? [Editorial]. American federationist, Nov., 1907, v. 14-' 875-880. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 1907. Labor's attitude toward the writ of injunction. Charities and The Commons, Nov. 2, 1907, v. 19: 1016. HVl.C4,v.l9 1907. The boycott by labor declared illegal: Justice Gould's decision summarized. American industries, Dec. 15, 1907, v. 6: 22-23. HD4802.A6,v.6 1907. Seager, Henry R. The legal status of trade unions in the United Kingdom, with conclusions applicable to the United States. Political science quarterly, Dec, 1907, v. 22: 611-629. HlP8,v.22 1908. Justice Gould's decision on the boycott. Albany law journal, Jan., 1908, v. 70: 8-13. 1908. Justice Gould's decision on the boycott. American industries, Jan. 1, 1908, v. 6: 5-9. Text in full. HD4802.A6,v.6 1908. Labor's responsibility in the boycott. American industries, Jan. 15, 1908, v. 6: 5-6. HD4802. A6,v. 6 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 49 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Free press and free speech invaded by injunction against the A. F. of L.— a review and protest [Editorial]. American federationist, Feb., 1908, v. 15: 98-105, HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Gould, Ashley M. Order granting injunction. Buck's stove and range co. vs. American federation of labor, American federationist, Feb., 1908, v. 15: 114-115. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Injunction in labor cases: from an argument by James M. Beck before the Senate Judiciary committee. American industries, Feb. 15, 1908, v. 7: 20. HD4802.A6,v.7 1908. Kennedy, John C. An important labor injunction. Journal of political economy, Feb., 1908, v. 16: 102-105. HBl.J7,v.l6 Decision of Judge Gould, enjoining the American federation of labor from further boycotting the Buck's stove and range company, of St. Louis. 1908. Darling, Charles R. Recent American decisions and English legislation affecting labor unions. American law review, Mar.-Apr., 1908, v. J^2: 200-228. 1908. Supreme court decision in the hatters' case. Affects all or- ganized labor — a symposium giving opinion and comment by men of affairs. American federationist, Mar., 1908, v. 15: 161-178. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Labor organizations must not be out- lawed — the Supreme court's decision in the hatters' case. [Editorial]. American federationist, Mar., 1908, v. 15: 180-192. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Supreme court decision. Dietrich Loewe et al. vs. Martin Lawlor et al. Feb. 3, 1908. American federationist, Mar., 1908, v. 15: 195-199. Text of the decision. HD8055.A6A2,v.l6 1908. Injunctions. By a member of the New Jersey bar. Exponent, St. Louis, Mar., 1908, v. 5: 13-14- HD6500.E8,v.5 "A clear analysis of the principles of injunction law." 60 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1908. The boycott perpetually enjoined. Justice Clabaugh's deci- sion. American industries, Apr. 1, 1908, v. 7: 17. Text of the decision. HD4802.A6,v.7 1908. Littlefield, Charles E. "Class legislation." Exponent, St. Louis, Apr., 1908, v. 5: 6-9, 15. HD6500.E8,v.5 A discussion chiefly of the subject of injunctions in labor disputes. 1908. Amend the Sherman anti-trust law — labor must exercise its political power. A symposium by men of affairs. American fed erationist, May, 1908, v. 15: 35Jf.~36Jf.. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Labor and the anti-trust law. [Editorial]. American federationist, May, 1908, v. 15: 366-388. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Speer, AVilliam H. Anti-injunction legislation. American industries, Junel, 1908, v. 7: 12-13. HD4802.A6,v.7 1908. Leipart, Theodor. Der Boykott als gewerkschaftliches Kampfmittel. SozialistiscJie MonatsTiefte , June, 1908, v. 14-' 7 2 4-7 29. HX6.S6,v.l4 1908. Mahon, John. Labor and the judiciary. American law review, July-Aug., 1908, v. 4^' 598-601. 1908. Silverstein, David. Injunctions in labor cases. American federationist, July, 1908, v. 15: 517-519. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Judge upholds labor's injunction conten- tion. [Editorial]. American federationist, July, 1908, v. 15: 529-531. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1908. Amendment to Sherman law. Argument presented by Presi- dent Samuel Gompers, of the A. F. of L., before Judiciary committee of the House, April 6, 1908, on amendment to the Sherman anti-trust law. American federationist, July, 1908, v. 15: 538-541- HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Mine workers on injunctions. American federationist, July, 1908, v. 15: 54^-543. Resolutions adopted by United mine workers of America. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 51 1908. Littlefield, Charles E. The President and the courts. American industries, July 1, 1908, v. 7: 11-1 4. HD4802.A6,v.7 1908. Emery, James A. The truth about injunctions. American industries, July 15, 1908, v. 7: 25-26. HD4802.A6,v.7 "A review of the records bearing on the question of alleged abuses of the power of injunction." 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Both parties have spoken — choose be- tween them. [Editorial]. American federationist, Aug., 1908, v. 15: 598-606. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 On the injunction planks in the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties. 1908. Gompers, Samuel. The essence of labor's contention on injunctions. [Editorial]. American federationist, Aug., 1908, v. 15: 611-613. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908, Burdick, Francis M. Injunctions in labor disputes. North American review, Aug., 1908, v. 188: 273-284. V AP2.N7,v.l88 1908. Concerning injunctions. OutlooJc, Aug. 8, 1908, v. 89: 786-789. ap2.08,v.89 1908. Dwight, Frederick. The origin and use of injunctions. Independent, Aug. 13, 1908, v. 65: 348-351. ap2.I53,v.65 1908. Trieber, Jacob. Injunctions and the judiciary. Independent, Aug. 13, 1908, v. 65: 352-354- AP2.l53,v.65 1908. Gompers, Samuel. The abuse of injunctions. Independent, Aug. 27, 1908, v. 65: 460-463. AP2.l53,v.65 1908. Trickett, W. The rationale of the injunction. American law review, Sept.-Oct., 1908, v. 42: 687-705. 1908. Brown, Arthur March. Labor ([uestions in the courts of Massachusetts. American law review, Sept.-Od., 1908, v. 42- 706-734- 1908. Petition of Buck's stove and range co. to the Supreme court of the District of Columbia for an order against Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, and John Mitcholl. "to show cause " why they should not be punished for the court's in- junction of Dec. 18, 1907. American federationist, Sept., 1908, v. 15: 674, ^^*^«'>'. 0^^'^, 682, 684, 686, 688, 690, 692. hd8055.A5A2,v.15 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1908. Gompers, Samuel. The cry for more (in)equity. American federationist, SejJt., 1908, v. 15: llfi-lI^S. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Alger, George W. Taft and labor. McClures magazine, Sept., 1908, v. 31: 597-602. AP2.M2,v.31 1908. \\Tiite, Henry. The labor unions in the presidential cam- paign. North American review, Sept., 1908, v. 188: 372-382. AP2.N7,v.l88 1908. Groat, George Gorham. The courts' view of injunction in labor disputes. Political science quarterly, Sept., 1908, v. 23: Jf.08-J^39. Hl.P8,v.23 1908. Gompers, Samuel. Injunction contempt proceedings. American Jederationist, Oct., 1908, v. 15: 852-858. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Low, Seth. The writ of injunction as a party issue. A com- parison of the Republican and Democratic platforms in their treatment of the labor question. Century magazine, Oct., 1908, v. 76: 911-916. ap2.C4,v.76 1908. Chandler, William E. The labor union, the injunction, and the trust. Collier s, Oct. 10, 1908, v. 4^: 21^. AP2.C65,v.42 1908. Hendrick, Burton J. The battle against the Sherman law. How capital and labor combine to safeguard the trust and legalize the boycott. McGlure's magazine, Oct., 1908, v. 31: 665-680. AP2.M2,v.31 1908. Hourwich, Isaac A. Injunctions. Moody's magazine, Oct., 1908, v. 6: 270-273. hgi.M85,v.6 1908. Lewis, Henry Harrison. The peril of anti-injunction legisla- tion. North American review, Oct., 1908, v. 188: 577-583. AP2.N7,v.188 1908. Baldwin, E. F. Government by injunction. American Jederationist, Nov., 1908, v. 15: 953-955. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1908. Gompers, Samuel. President Roosevelt's attack on labor answered. [Editorial]. American federationist, Nov., 1908, v. 15: 973-980. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 53 1908. Stevens, Frederick W. Proper use of the writ of injunction — ^ from the standpoint of legal history. Columbia law review, Nov., 1908, v. 8: 561-566. Reprinted in Virginia law register, Dec, 1908, v. 14, pp. 577-583; and in New Jersey law journal, Dec, 1908, v. 31, pp. 357-359. 1908. Turner, George Kibbe. What organized labor wants. An interview with Samuel Gompers. McClures magazine, Nov., 1908, v. 32: 25-31. aP2.M2,v.32 Reprinted in part in American federationist, Dec, 1908, v. 15, pp. 1057-1063. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 A statement of Mr. Gompers' position in regard to injunctions, boy- cotts, etc. 1908. Wissell, Rudolf. Schadenersatzanspriiche aus Boykott und Sperren. Neue Zeit, Dec. 11, 18, 1908, v. 27: 4O6-413, 437-443. HX6.N6,v.27 1909. Judge [Alton B.] Parker's argument. In connection with the Buck's stove and range company's contempt proceedings. American Jederationist, Jan., 1909, v. 16: 17-30. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1909. Gompers, Samuel. President Roosevelt's message on labor. [Editorial]. American jederationist, Jan., 1909, v. 16: 4^~4'^ • HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 Relates principally to the President's attitude on the injunction question. 1909. The contempt decision of Justice Wright. American industries, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 8: 8-18. HD4802.A6,v.8 Text of the decision in the case of Buck's stove and range company vs. American federation of labor. 1909. History of the Buck's stove and range company boycott case. American industries, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 8: 23-33. HD4802.A6,v.8 1909. Taylor, Graham. From the judges to the law makers. Charities and The Commons, Jan. 16, 1909, v. 21: 693-694. HVl.C4,v.21 1909. Cook, E. Wake. King Boycott: a new potentate. East and West, Jan., 1909, v. 8: 53-56. AP8.E2,v.8 1909. Portenar, A. J. Nemo me impune lacessit. Independent, Jan. 28, 1909, v. 66: 182-185. AP2.I63,v.66 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1909. Injunction law: boycotts: labor unions. National corporation reporter, Jan. 21, 28, 1909, v. 37: 710- 715, 746-750. "The Buck stove and range co. v. The American federation of labor, et al." 1909. The conviction of labor leaders: the principles involved. Outloolc, Jan. 2, 1909, v. 91: 3-6. AP2.08,v.91 1909. Justice Wright's decision. American federationist, Feb., 1909, v. 16: 101-128. HD8055.A5.A2,v.l6 In the case of the Buck's stove and range company vs. the American federation of labor, et al. 1909. Gompers, Samuel. Justice Wright's denial of free speech and free press. [Editorial]. American jederationist, Feb., 1909, v. 16: 130-132. HD8055.A5.A2,v.l6 1909. Famous boycott case. American review oj reviews, Feb., 1909, v. 39: 145-146. AP2.Il4,v.39 1909. The "unfair list" and the freedom of the press. Chicago legal news, Feb. 20, 1909, v. 4I: 233. 1909. The contempt of Samuel Gompers; labor unions ablaze; the boycott and the blacklist. Current literature, Feb., 1909, v. 46: 127-132. ap2.C95,v.46 1909. Speer, William H. Recent labor decisions. Exponent, St. Louis, Feb., 1909, v. 6: 6-8. HD6500.E8,v.6 An address delivered before the Citizens' industrial association of St. Louis, Jan. 19, 1909. 1909. Hale, Richard W. Injunctions and pardons. 7w re Gompers. American law review, Mar. -Apr., 1909, v. 43: 192-204- 1909. Gompers, Samuel. [Editorial comment on Justice Wright's decision]. American federationist, Mar., 1909, v. 16: 216-229. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1909. Right to restrain the right of free speech or a free press when necessary to make effective the terms of an injunction restraining a boycott. Central law journal, Mar. 19, 1909, v. 68: 207-208. BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 55 1909. Martin, John. Labor unions and the boycott. Charities and The Commons, Mar. 6, 1909, v. 21: IO46-IO48. HVl.C4,v.21 1909. Schaffner, Margaret A. Injunctions in labor disputes. Charities and The Commons, Mar. 21, 1909, v. 21: 1236. HVl.C4,v.21 1909. Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. No. 1916. De- cided Mar. 11, 1909. The American federation of labor et al., appellants, v. the Buck's stove and range com- pany. Chicago legal news, Mar. 20, 1909, v. 4I: 265-268, 270-272. Text of court decision. 1909. Thomas, David Y. A year of bench labor law. Political science quarterly, Mar., 1909, v. 24.: 80-94- Hl.P8,v.24 1909. Court of appeals of the District of Columbia, The American federation of labor et al., appellants, v. the Buck's stove and range company. Decided March 11, 1909. American federationist, Apr., 1909, v. 16: 313-335. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1909. Gompers, Samuel. Buck's stove and range company injunc- tion modified. [Editoriall. American federationist, Apr., 1909, v. 16: 336-345. HD8065.A5A2,v.l6 1909. MacDonald, Edward A. The right of a trade union to enforce a boycott. Michigan law review, Apr., 1909, v. 7: 4^9-502. 1909. Gompers, Samuel. Justice Wright's decision and sentence in the Gompers, Mitchell, and Morrison case. [Editorial]. The appeal and Judge Parker's magnificent argument. American federationist, May, 1909, v. 16: 4'^^-4-''>^- HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 Includes extended extracts from the argument of the attorney for the defendants. 1909. Abridging freedom of speech or of press by injunction. Law notes, May, 1909, v. 13: 21-22. 1909. Is the "black list" unlawful? Law notes, May, 1909, v. 13: 22-23. 1909. Stote, Amos. What boycotts cost the nation. Moody's magazine. May, 1909, v. 7: 370-373. hgi.M85,v.7 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1909. Veeder, Van Vechten. Absolute immunity in defamation: judicial proceedings. Columbia law review, June, 1909, v. 9: 4^3-491. 1909. Taft, William Howard. Judicial decisions as an issue in politics. McCIure's magazine, June, 1909, v. 33: 201-209. AP2.M2,v.33 1909. Bope, George W. Wrongs to be righted. American federationist, July, 1909, v. 16: 593-596. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 Chiefly on the question of injunctions in labor disputes . 1909. Lennon, John B. Unjust injunctions work for personal free- dom. [Editoriall. American federationist, Aug., 1909, v. 16: 671-672. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1909. Fauntleroy, Cornelius H. Government by injunction. Central law journal, Aug. 20, 1909, v. 69: 129-135. 1909. Drew, Walter. A legal discussion of the boycott. Square deal, Sept., 1909, v. 5: 100-108. HD6500.S7,v.5 1909. Kirby, John, jr. Where does President Taft stand ? American industries, Oct., 1909, v. 10: 10-12. HD4802.A6,v.lO A criticism of the President's speech delivered at Chicago, Sept. 16, 1909, discussing labor unions, the question of injunctions, etc. 1909. Enjoining argument by persuasion to induce one to join a labor union. Central law journal, Oct. 29, 1909, v. 69: 315-316. 1909. The boycott and free speech. Outloolc, Nov. 13, 20, 1909, v. 93: 562, 607-608. AP2.08,v.93 1909. Court of appeals of the District of Columbia. Samuel Gom- pers, Frank Morrison, and John Mitchell, appellants, v. the Buck's stove and range company, appellee. No. 1990. Decided Nov. 2, 1909. American federationist, Dec, 1909, v. 16: 1037-1059. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 Text of the decision of the court. ^ 1909. Boyle, James. Organized labor and court decisions. Forum, Dec, 1909, v. 1^.2: 535-551. AP2.F8,v.42 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS: PERIODICALS 57 1909. The Gompers-Mitchell-Morrison sentence affirmed. Court of appeals of the District of Cohimbia. Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, and John Mitchell, ai)pellants, v. the Buck's stove and range company, appellee. Square deal, Dec, 1909, v. 5: 389-434. HD6500.S7,v.5 Text of the decision. 1910. Our test case in the U. S. Supreme court. Petition and brief [in the case of the Buck's stove and range company]. American federationist, Jan., 1910, v. 17: 17-32. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Gompers, Samuel. The President on injunctions. [Editorial]. American federationist, Jan., 1910, v. 17: 4-^-48- HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 Comment on the President's annual message to Congress. 1910. Bettman, Gilbert. Contempt procedure in equity. American federationist, Feb., 1910, v. 17: 116-118. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Primm, C. J. Labor unions and the anti-trust law: a review, of decisions. Journal of political economy, Feb., 1910, v. 18: 129-1S8. HBl.J7,v.l8 1910. Illegal boycott : the Danbury hatters. Outlool, Feb. 19, 1910, v. 94: 370-371. AP2.08,v.94 1910. Union rule or ruin. Story of the Danbury boycott as told in court. Square deal, Feb., 1910, v. 6: 38-48. hd6500.S7,v.6 From the New York Sun. 1910. Gompers, Samuel. The hatters' case. The Sherman law — amend it or end it. American federationist, Mar. 1910, v. 17: 197-204- HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Bennett, A. W. Unions may boycott; so tlio court docick'^s in the case of the first injunction in a labor dispute in the new state of Oklahoma. American federationist. Mar., 1910, v. 17: 228-230. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Emery, James A. The administration injunction bill. American industries, Mar., 1910, i\ 10: 28-29. HD4802.A6,v.l0 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1910. Merritt, Walter Gordon. The significance of the Loewe decision. American industries, 1910, Mar., v. 10: 22-23; Apr., v. 10: 25-27; May, v. 10: 28-29, 46. hd4802.A6,v.10 Reprinted in Square deal, Apr.-June, 1910, v. 6, pp. 227-231, 353- 359, 433-437. 1910. Gompers, Samuel. Judicial invasion of guaranteed rights. . American federationist, Apr., 1910, v. 17: 297-301. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Gompers, Samuel. A protest against legaUzing the injunc- tion abuse. American federationist, Apr., 1910, v. 17: 318-320. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Civic federation on black and white lists. Survey, Apr. 10, 1910, v. 22: 88-89. HVl.C4,v.23 1910. Caldwell, Henry Clay. Trial by judge and jury. American federationist, May, 1910, v. 17: 385-399. HD8056.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Bottger, Hugo. Der Boykott. Preussische JaJirhuclier, June, 1910, v. I4O: 444~4^^- AP30.P8,v.l40 1910. Emery, James A. Injunctions practically considered. Square deal, June, 1910, v. 6: 385-394- HD6500.S7,v.6 Reprinted from Annals of the American academy of political and social science, v. 36, no. 1. 1910. Gompers, Samuel. Injunctions: human rights and property rights confused. [Editorial]. American federationist, July, 1910, v. 17: 590-593. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. The Buck's stove and range case. The proof of conspiracy as given in Justice Wright's decision (no. 27305, equity, Dis- trict of Columbia, Dec. 23, 1908.) American industries, Aug., 1910, v. 11: 5-8. HD4802.A6,v.ll Reprinted in Square deal, Sept., 1910, v. 7, pp. 108-llG. 1910. Gompers, Samuel. Free speech and the injunction order. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept., 1910, V. 36: 255-264. Hi.A4,v.36 1910. Merritt, Walter G. Law of the Danbury hatters' case. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept., 1910, V. 36: 265-276. Hl.A4,v.36 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS : PERIODICALS 59 1910. SchafFner, Margaret A. Effect of the recent boycott de- cisions. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept., 1910, V. 36: 277-287. Hl.A4,v.36 1910. Bryan, James Wallace. Proper bounds of the use of the injunction in labor disputes. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept., 1910, V. 86: 288-301. Hl.A4,v.36 1910. Gompers, Samuel. Buck's stove and range company's agree- ment with organized labor. [Editorial]. American federationist, Sept., 1910, v. 17: S07-S12. HD8065.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Origin of the ^vTit of injunction. Terrester. Central law journal, Sept. 9, 1910, v. 71: 168-172. 1910. Use and abuse of injunctions. Outlook, Sept., 3, 1910, v. 96: 1^-17. AP2.08,v.96 1910. Frazier, Walter S. Injunctions. Outlook, Oct. 1, 1910, V. 96: 288-289. AP2.08,v.96 1910. Shepard, Almond G. Principles applicable in determining the lawfulness of a boycott by a labor union. American federationist, Nov., 1910, v. 17: 976-981. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 1910. Interference by combinations of labor with employer's business. Columbia law review, Nov., 1910, v. 10: 652-654. 1910. The secondary boycott. [Editorial]. Outlook, Nov. 26, 1910, v. 96: 661. AP2.08,v.96 1911. Gompers, Samuel. A specimen of wobbly thinking. American federationist, Jan. 1911, v. IS: 29-31. Reply to an editorial in the Outlook, for Nov. 26, 1910, entitled "The secondary boycott." HD8055.A5A2,v.l8 1911. Gompers, Samuel. The President's habit of mind on injunc- tions. [Editorial]. American federationist, Jan., 1911, v. 18: 32-34- HD8055.A6A2,v.l8 ■J ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Becker, Tracy C. Boycotting : is it criminal ? {In New York state bar association. Reports, 1887, v. 10, pp. 148 and following. Albany, 1887. 8°.) Debs, Eugene Victor. Debs : his life, writings and speeches, with a department of appreciations. Girard, Kan.: The Appeal to reason, 1908. (4), n, {2), 515 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrated. Plates. Portraits. 8°. "Life of Eugene V. Debs, by Stephen Marion Reynolds": p. 1-76; "The federal government and the Chicago strike": pp. 181-205; "Growth of the injunction": pp. 313-318. 8—28429 Devine, Thomas H. Government by injunction. (/«. Colorado bar association. Report, 1905, pp. 187-204. [Denver, 1905]. 8°.) Littlefield, Charles E. The Sherman anti-trust law and the proposed amendments thereto. (In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 32d annual meeting, 1908, pp. 23-65. Springfield, 1908. 8°.) Also printed in Chicago legal news, July 4, 1908, v. 40, pp. 373-376, 378-379. Massachusetts. Committee on relations hetween employer and em- ployee. Report. Submitted in accordance with resolve approved June 5, 1903. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1904. 118 pp. 8°. "Blacklisting; intimidation; boycotts; injunction in labor disputes": pp. 56-72. Appendix no. 11. Liability in case of a boycott: pp. 103-104; App. no. 12. Correspondence concerning injunctions in Massachusetts: pp. 104-107; App. no. 13. An act to give trial by jury and appeal in certain cases of contempt of court: pp. 107-109; App. no. 15. Judicial opinions on industrial disputes. HD8053.M4A6 1904 n— 1817 Stern, Samuel R. The law and the laborer. {In Washington state bar association. Proceedings, 1894, pp. 107-129. [n. p.], 1894. 8°.) Stoll, R. C. Power to enjoin organized interference with property. {In Kentucky bar association. Proceedings, 1907, pp. 196-226. Louisville, [1907]. 8°.) Swayne, Wager. The legal aspect of railroad strikes — the Ann Arbor decision. {In Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 121-128. Washing- ton, 1893. 8°.) HE1031.C73 Temple, M. L. How far are labor unions liable for the acts of their members. {In Iowa state bar association. Proceedings, 1904, pp. 48-57. Tipton, 1904. 8°.) 60 ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 1897. Greenbaum, Milton D. The power of the United States courts to enjoin persons from obstructing interstate commerce and the transportation of the mails. CUcag^egal news, 1897, Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, V. 30r-4-3; 13-14; ^7; 34; 39-40; 46-47. Reprinted from the Baltimore Daily record. 1907. Smith, Jeremiah. Crucial issues in labor litigation. Harvard law review, Feb. -Apr., 1907, v. 20: 253-279; 345- 362; 429-455. 1907. Government by injunction in its various aspects. Repre- sentatives of labor and of capital discuss the conflicting issues of the day. National civic federation review. Mar. -Apr., 1907, v. 2: 2-4. Discussion by Aucjust Belmont, Seth Low, T. C. Spelling, Walter Drew, and John Mitchell. HD4802.N2,v.2 1907. Meier, W. F. The attitude of equity toward the strike and boycott — use of the injunction. Law notes, May, 1907, v. 11: 27-31. 1907. Conspiracy — labor unions, Jetton-Dekle lumber co. v. Ma- ther. Supreme court of Florida, Feb. 26, 1907. Central law journal, Oct. 4, 1907, v. 65: 258-261. "Labor unions as monopolies imposing illegal restraints upon trade and commerce [editorial note]": pp. 261-262. 1907. Donnell, F. C. Injunctions against strikes, boycotts and similar unlawful acts. Central law journal, Oct. 11, 1907, v. 65: 273-282. 1908. Injunctions. [Editorial.] Green hag, Jan., 1908, v. 20: 34-35. 1908. The anti-trust act and the boycott. [Editorial]. Legal intelligencer, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 65: 88. 1908. Regulation of contempt proceedings in injunction cases. C. C. M. Law notes. Mar., 1908, v. 11: 225. 1908. Boycotting interstate commerce. Case and comment, Apr., 1908, v. 14: 154-155. Editorial comment on the decision of the United States vSuprcme court in the case Loewe v. Lawler (28 Supreme court rejwrt.s, 301). 61 62 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1908. Shall the anti-trust act be amended? Effort to amend the Sherman act — hearings before the House Committee on the judiciary on the Civic federation's bill — the measure explained and defended. National civic federation review, May, 190S, v. 3: 1-5, 19-24. HD4802.N2,v.3 1908. Knowlton, Jerome C. Labor organizations in legislation. Michigan law review, June, 1908, v. 6: 609-623. Comment on the decisions of the United States Supreme court in the cases Howard v. Illinois Central railway (207 U. S., 463); Adair v. United States (208 U. S., 161); and Loewe v. Lawlor (208 U. S., 274). 1908. Boycott as combination in restraint of trade under the anti- trust act. [Editorial comment]. Yale law journal, June, 1908, v. 17: 616-618. 1908. Stevens, F, W. Judge Taft's decisions affecting labor organizations. OUo law reporter, July, 27, 1908, v. 6: 2^7-262. Address delivered before the Kalamazoo County (Mich.) bar asso- ciation, June 30, 1908. 1908. A comparison of the "injunction planks" in the present party platforms. Bencl and bar, Sept., 1908, v. 14: 83-89. 1908. Amendment of the anti-trust act. Further hearings before the House Committee on the judiciary on the Civic federa- tion's bill — the argument of the opposition — the Commis- sioner of corporations defends the general plan. National civic federation review, Sept., 1908, v. 3: 2-4- HD4802.N2,v.3 1908. Dwight, F. The origin and use of injunctions. New Jersey law journal, Sept., 1908, v. 31: 261-265. 1908. Trieber, Jacob. Injunctions and the judiciary. New Jersey law journal, Sept., 1908, v. 31: 266-269. 1909. Littlefield, Charles E. Legislative invasion of judicial power. Brief (Phi delta phi quarterly), Jan., 1909, v. 8: 221-247. Part of a speech upon the general subject of injunctions, delivered in the House of Representatives on May 30, 1908. 1909. Low, Seth. The contempt cases of Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison. National civic federation review, Mar., 1909, v. 3: 13. HD4802.N2,v.3 BOYCOTTS AND INJUNCTIONS : PERIODICALS 63 1909. Amending the Sherman anti-trust law. Committee to draft bill^'ital interests involved — President Low's views — modilications must apply equally to labor and capital. National civic federation review, Mar., 1909, v. 3: Lj.-!'). HD4802.N2,v.3 1909. Sweet, Ada C. A great plea for free speech and a free press. The Court of appeals decision modifying Justice Gould's injunction in the Gompers-Mitc hell-Morrison case. National civic federation review, July, 1909, v. 3: 15, 27. HD4802.N2,v.3 1910. Labor unions and contempt proceedings. [Editorial]. Law notes, Jan., 1910, v. 13: 185. 1910. Noble, Herbert. The Sherman anti-trust act and industrial combinations. American law review, Mar.-Apr., 1910, v. 44- 177-199. 1910. Furuseth, Andrew. Government by injunction — the misuse of the equity powder. Central latv journal, July 8, 1910, v. 71: 5-7. 1910. Shepard, Almond G. Boycotts. Principles applicable in de- termining the lawfulness of a boycott by a labor union. Case and comment, Sept., 1910, v. 17: 159-166. 1910. Littlefield, Charles E. The use and abuse of injunctions in labor controversies. Ca^e and comment, Sept., 1910, v. 17: 173-178. 67382°— 11 5 INDEX rage Adams, Thomas S 3 Aiken, William P 35 Alfassa, Maurice 16 Alger, George W 52 Allen, Andrew J 47 Allen, Charles Claflin 3 American academy of political and social science 3, 19, 20 American and English decisions in equity 3, 4 American and English encyclo- paedia of law 13, 21 American antiboycott association. . 10 American bar association 3, 23 American digest 4 American economic association 11 American federation of labor 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 40, 41, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, 57 Ann Arbor cases 31, 34, 60 Ashley, W.J 45 Atkins, Thomas S 32, 33 Baldwin, E. F 52 Barker, Wharton 37 Bateman, Warner M 35 Bayne, Howard R 43 Beach, Charles Fisk 6 Beck, James M 8, 10, 49 Becker, Tracy C 60 Bell, Richard 6 Belmont, August 61 Bennett, A. W 57 Benton, Josiah Ilonry, jr 6 Bettman, Gilbert 57 Beveridge, W. H 44 Bibliography 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 35, 38 See also Cases, Tables of Biblioth^que du Mus^e social 16 Bishoj), James, jV ' 6 Blacklisting 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 24, 39, 48, 54, 55, 58, 60 Bliss, William D. P 16 Bottgor, Hugo 58 Bolen, George Lewis 6 Page Bope, George W 56 Boulton, A. C. Forster 21 Boycotting, definitions of 47 Boyle, James 56 Brigham, Clifford 32 Brown, Arthur March 51 Bryan, James Wallace 7, 45, 59 Bryan, Mary Baird 7 Bryan, William Jennings 7 Buck's stove and range company, St. Louis 5,7,8,10, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 Bullard, Herbert S 34 Burdick, Francis M 51 Burnett, John 33 Burns, W. F 8 Caldwell, Henry Clay 58 California. University 11 Carland, John E 9 Carnegie, Andrew 20 Cases, Tables of 9, 14, 17, 30 Chandler, William E 52 Charnock, Singleton 9 Cheyney, E. P 33 Chicago railway strike, 1894. 3,8, 30, 35, 60 Citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology 11 Clabaugh, Harry M 50 Clark, John Bates 9 Clark, Lindley D 44 Clayton, Henry D 9 Cogley , Thomas Sydenham 9 Cohen, Arthur 12 Cohen, Hermann Joseph 9 Colby, Frank Moore 18 Columbia university 13 Commons, John Rogers 10 Compendium of transportation t heories 60 Conspiracy 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 20, 32, 33, 35, 46, 58, 61 Constitutional rights of working- men 4 65 66 INDEX Page Constitutionality of use of injunc- tions in labor cases 35, 37, 58 Contempts of court 3, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 52, 53, 54,57,60,61,62,63 Cook, E.Wake 53 Cooke, Frederick Hale 10 Corbin, Arthur Linton 19 Courts: Attitude toward labor 12, 14, 20, 23, 38, 50 Decisions 10, 24, 30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 51, 56, 57, 60 Courts of equity 17, 38 Crosby, Ernest II 42 Crosby, Oscar T 10 Curtis, Leonard E 36 Cyclopedia of law and procedme.. 18, 19 Danbury hatters' case: See Loewe vs. Lawlor Darling, Charles R 43, 49 Darlington, Joseph James 7, 8, 10 Davenport, Daniel 7, 10, 27, 42 Dean, Ben S 38 Debs, Eugene Victor 60 Debs case: See Chicago railway strike, 1894 Democratic party 51, 52, 62 Devine, Thomas II 60 Dickson, Charles A 34 District of Columbia. Court of ap- peals 8, 55, 56, 57, 63 Supreme court 8, 50, 53, 54 Donnell, F. C 61 Dorman, Lester M 33 Drew, Walter 56, 61 Dunbar, William II 11 Dunedin, Andrew Graham Murray, 1st haron 12 Dunne, Edward F 37 Durand, Edward Dana 29, 30 Dwight, Frederick 51, 62 Eaves, Lucile 11 Eddy, Arthur Jerome 11 Edgerton, Charles E 30 Edgerton, John Warren 18, 19 Edwards, Alba M 11 Edwards, Clement 46 Edwards, Percy L 38, 44 EUsbree, E. C 17 Elm, Adolph von 44 Ely, Richard Theodore 11 Page Emery, James A 3, 51, 57, 58 Encyclopaedia of pleading and practice 11, 18 Erwin, James S 35 Farmers' loan and trust company. . 28, 30 Fauntleroy, Cornelius H 56 Finch, James A 29 Fisher, S. B 11,17 Fleming, W^illiam Henry 28 Florida. Supreme court 61 Flower, Benjamin Orange 41 Frazier, Walter S 59 Freedom of speech: See Libel and slander Freedom of the press: See Liberty of the press Freund, Ernst 45, 47 Frey, Erich Max 12 Furuseth, Andrew 3, 43, 45, 63 George, Henry, jr 12 Georgia bar association 6, 31 Ghent, William James 12 Gompers, Samuel 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 23, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63 Gould, Ashley M 8, 48, 49, 63 Grafton and Coos bar association.. 6 Grant, Luke 47 Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. 9, 13, 17, 30 Parliament 12 Royal commission on trade dis- putes 12, 17 Greenbaum, Milton D 61 Gregory, Charles Noble 38 Gregory, Stephen Strong 35 Groat, George Gorham 13, 52 Grosscup, Peter Stenger 37 Guide to reading in social ethics. . . 19 Gunton, George 34 Hackney, Thomas 13 Haddow, John 26 Haldane, R. B 41 Hale, Richard W 54 Hallett, Allen P 13 Hammond, William A 32 Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissen- schaften 13 Hargis, Thomas F 37 Harvard university 19 Hatters' case: See Loewe vs. Lawlor INDEX 67 Page Heckel, Max von 13, 35 Heidelberg. Universitat 12 Heise, Stephan . ." 44 Hendrick, Burton J 52 Henry, Robert Lee 13 Hewitt, Edgar Percy 15 High, James Lambert 13 High, Shirley T 13 Hill, David Bennett 29 History of boycotting and injunc- tions 11, 16, 32, 53,62 Hitchman coal and coke company . 25, 26 Hoar anti-injunction bill 24 Holdom, Jesse 45 Hourwich, Isaac A 52 Howell, George 9, 13, 14 Huebner, Grover Gerhard 14, 47 Hughes, William 14 Hunt, John 19 Hunter, Wiles Robert 14 Illinois state bar association 15, 60 Independent labour party 16 Indiana. State bar association: See State bar association of In- diana Interference with employees 4 Intimidation 30, 4 1 , 60 Iowa state bar association 60 Jenkins, John J 27 Jevons, Thomas Seton 14 Jewett, John N 15 Joel, J. Edmondson 46 Johns Hopkins university 13 Joyce, Howard C 15 Judson, Frederick Newton 15 Jury trial 10, 23, 35, 37, 58, 60 Kennedy, John C 49 Kentucky bar association 60 Kernan, John D 30 Kerr, William Williamson 15 Kirby, John, jr 56 Kleeberg, August 43 Knaus, Henry 15 Knowlton, Jerome C 62 Labor contract 29 Labor union funds 12, 16 Labor unions as monopolies 61 Lawlor vs. Loewe: See Loewe vs. Lawlor Laws and legislation 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30, 31, 42, 47, 49 California 1 1 I'age Laws and legislation— Continued Canada 21 Connecticut u Germany 47 Great Britain 7,9^ 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 25, 30, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 MassachusetUs 17 New York 13 United States 22, 24,29,30,33,44,46 Lawyers' reports annotated 15 Leavitt, John Brooks 16 Leipart, Theodor 50 Lennon, John B 56 Lewis, Henry Harrison 52 Le^vis, Llewelyn 22 Lewis, William Draper 33,34,35,38 Libel and slander 4, 10, 33,54,55,56.58,63 Liberty of speech: See Libel and slander Liberty of the press 4, 54, 55, 56, 63 Liechti, Eugen 16 Lindsay, Samuel McCune 30 Littlefield, Charles E 3, 16, 26,28,47,50,51,60,62,63 Livernash, Edward J 43 Lloyd, Henry Demarest 16 Lockouts 9, 12, 16, 37, 43, 53 Loewe vs. Lawlor (the hatters' case ) 49, 57,58,61,62 Lorimer, J . C 36 Low, Alfred Maurice 16, 25 Low, Seth 52, 61, 62, 63 McCabe, James 37 MacDonald, Edward A 55 Mac Donald, James Ramsay 16 Mack, William 18. 19 McKenzie, IVter H 18 McKinney, William M 11 McMurlrie, Richard C 33 McWilliams, Robert 1 47 Mahou, John 50 Mails.Obstruction of United States. 3,61 Mandamus 21, 35 Mantoux, Paul 16 Martin, John 55 Martin, William Alexander 17 Maryland. Univerxity . . . 18 Mason, Jann's M 32 Mason, Norman T... •<4 68 INDEX Page Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics 17 Bureau of statistics of labor 17 Committee on relations hetxveen employer and employee 60 Supreme judicial court 4, 36 Meier, W. F 61 Merritt, Walter Gordon 18, 58 Milburn, B. A 18 Miller, James A 41 Missouri. Supreme court 36 Mitchell, John 5, 7, 10, 18, 25, 26, 51, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63 Morancy, Frank W 39 Morrison, Frank 5, 7, 8, 10, 51, 55, 56, 57, 62, 63 Moses, Jacob M 18 Mothersole, Hartley B.N 12 Murphy, Walter 18 National civic federation 58, 62, 63 Neill, CharlesP 3 New encyclopedia of social reform . 16 New international encyclopaedia . . 14 New international year book 18 Nicholls, Thomas David 18 Noble, Herbert 63 Northern Pacific railroad com- pany 25, 28, 30 Oklahoma bar association 20 Olmsted, Victor H 29 Parker, Alton Brooks 5, 18, 53, 55 Paterson, John Melvin 15 Patteson, Seargent Smith Prentice. 38 Pearre anti-injunction bill 21, 46 Pearson, Paul Martin 19 Pennsylvania. Supreme court 4 Peterkin, William G 38 Peters, John P 16 Philips, John F 35 Picketing 9, 10, 12, 19, 29, 36, 39, 45 Pingrey, D. H 34 Portenar, A.J 53 Post, Louis F 41 Press, Liberty of: See Liberty of the press Primm, C.J 57 Public policy, Chicago 19 Pullman strike, 1894: See Chicago strike, 1894 Questions of the day 10 Ralston, Jackson H 3, 5, 19 Ralston, Siddons & Richardson ... 5 Ray, Charles A 19 Page Ray, George Washington 27 Reed, Chester A 35 Republican party 51, 52, 62 Reynolds, Stephen Marion 60 Richardson, William E 5 Richmond, Va. Circuit court 33 Richmond, Va. Hustings court... 32,33 Ricks, Augustus J 24 Ripley, William Z 10, 19 Rogers, Henry Wade 19 Rogers, W. P 20 Rooker, William Velpau 43 Roosevelt, Theodore 20, 51, 52, 53 Sartorius von Waltershausen, Jo- hann Georg August, freiherr 20, 32 Schaffner, Margaret Anna 20, 55, 59 Seabury, Samuel 42 Seager, Henry R 48 Sedgwick, Arthur George 37 Selections and documents in eco- nomics 10 Selfridge, Arthur James 33 Selover, George H 35 Shartel, John W 20 Shepard, Almond G 59,63 Shepard, Henry M 37 Sherman antitrust act, 1890. . . 6, 22, 24, 26, 29, 50, 52, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63 Sherwood, Isaac R 20 Siddons, Frederick L 5 Silverstein, David 50 Simpson, John 21 Smeaton, Oliphant 6 Smith, Charles Manley 21 Smith, Ernest Manley 21 Smith, Jeremiah 61 Social problems series 6 Social reform club 21, 25 South Dakota bar association 9 Speech, Freedom of: See Libel and slander Speer, Emory 24 Speer," WiUiam H 50, 54 Spelling, Thomas Carl 21, 27, 47, 61 Stanton, Stephen B 35 State bar association of Indiana 20 Steffee, John G 42 Stephen, James Fitzjames 32 Stern, Samuel R 60 Steuart, William M 29 Stevens, Frederick W 53 Stewart, Ardemus 35 INDEX 69 Page Stillman, James W 38 Stimson, Frederick Jesup 22, 25, 29, 30, 36, 38 Stoll, R. C 60 Stote, Amos 55 Strikes, Sympathetic, as boycotts. 47 Sullivan, W. C 10 Sumner, Helen L 3 Swan, Charles Herbert 22 Swayne, Wager 60 Sweet, Ada C 63 Taff-Vale case 6, 16, 42 Taft, William Howard 15, 22, 23, 24, 48, 52, 56, 57, 59, 62 Tandy, Francis D 39 Taylor, Graham 53 Temple, M. L 60 Tennessee bar association 31 Terrester 59 Territorial bar association of Utah. . 18 Thacher, Sherman D 32 Thomas, David Y 55 Thomas, Robert Young, jr 23 Thompson, Seymour D 32, 38 Tiedeman, Christopher Gustavus.. 24 Torrey, James H 44 Trickett, W 51 Trieber, Jacob 51, 62 Tuley, Murray F 37 Turner, George Kibbe ^ 53 United mine workers of America. . 14, 50 United States. Bureau of labor. . . 16, 24, 25, 30 Circuit courts 24 Congress 12, 21,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 Courts 29 Industrial commission 29, 30 Page United States— Continued. Laws, statutes, etc 24, 30 President (Roosevelt) 20 Strike commission, 1894 30 Supreme court 3, 8, 49 Upson, William H 36 Utah. Territorial bar association: See Territorial bar association of Utah Van Cleave, James W 48 Veeder, Van Vechten 56 Voorhees, Daniel W 30 Walker, Aldace F 34 Walker, John T 5 Waring, Luther Hess 31 Washington state bar association ... 60 Watson, Samuel 31 Webb, Sidney 12 Weber, William H 26 Wellford, B. R., ;V 33 West Virginia bar association 38 White, Henry 41,52 Wigmore, John H 33 Williams, Sydney E 15 Willingham, Wright 31 Willison, Eugene 29 Wilson, W. B 40 Wisconsin. Free library commis- sion 14 University 14 Wissell, Rudolf 53 Woollen, Evans 36 Worthington, Nicholas E 30 Wright, Carroll D 30 Wright, Daniel Thew 53,54,58 Wyman, Bruce 42 Yarros, Victor 36, 38 Zurich. Universitat 16 o SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVEHSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, 1LX)S ANGELES. CALIF. ^ a ■' ^ 55 ^"•"^ so .a«^AA» lOJ.^jnii JO*- MYO/:. 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