UC-NRLF JX 19L3 ff/3 /S>c 2 B 3 bMB 552 GIFT OF . . ... & ' / General Orders, ) HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, [• Adjutant-General's Office, No. 4. ) Washington, January 15, 1902. By direction of the Secretary of War, the following acts of The Hague Peace Conference which were proclaimed by the President on November 1, 1901, are published for the informa- tion and government of all concerned : 1. Convention between the United States and certain powers for the pacific settlement of international disputes. .'. Convention between the United States of America and certain powers for the adaptation to maritime icarfare of the principles of the Geneva Convention of August 22, I864. 3. Declaration to prohibit for the term of five years the launching of projectiles and explosives from balloons, and other new methods of a similar nature. -CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND CERTAIN POW- ERS FOR THE PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES. Signed at The Hague July 20, 1899. Ratification advised by the Senate February 5, 1900. Ratified by the President of the United States April 7, 1900. Ratification deposited with the Netherlands Govt i ntnt >it Septembt r U, 1900. Proclaimed November 1, 1901. By the President of the United Si a its of America. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes was concluded and signed on July 29, 1899, hy the Plenipotentiaries of the United States "f America, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium. China. Denmark, Spain, the United Mexican States, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Italy. Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Etoumania, Russia, G673J2 - r^lo,, Bjam, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of \*0i«li V"iiv ■.: > ^i \ : PA( I- • • w<< Nii'-'v^Wri'-MMiiiwr-v aslation.1 Sa Majeste 1 rEmpereur" *d* Allfemtgne, His Majestj the Emperor of Germany, Boi de l'i i.- 3 i ijeste* l'Empt reur d'Autriche, Boi de Bohfime etc. et Boi ilique de Hongrie; Sa Majeste* le Boi dea 1'" Igea ; Ba Majesty I'Empereur de Chine; Sa Majeste* le Boi de Dane- mark : Sa Majr-t.' le Boi d'Espagne el en Son Nom Ba Majeste* la Beine- dn B iyaume : le President d( - Etate-1 "nis d'Amerique ; le i'u si- dent dea Etats-Unis Mexicains; Le President de la Bepublique Erancaise; Ba Majesty la Beine dn Boyaume-1 ni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, Imperatrice des Indes; Ba Majesty le Boi des Hellenes; Sa Majeste le Boi d'ltalie; Sa Majeste I'Empereur du Japon; Son Altesse Boyale le Grand- Due de Luxembourg, Due de Nassau ; Bon Altesse le Prince de Montenegro; Sa .Majeste la Beine des Pays- Bas ; Sa Majeste* Imperials le Schah de Perse; Sa Majeste le Boi de Portugal et des Algarvea etc. ; Sa Majeste le Boi de Boumanie ; Sa Majeste I'Empereur de Toutes les Bussies ; Sa Majeste le Boi de Serbie ; Sa Majeste le Boi de Siam ; Sa Majeste* le Boi de Suede et de Nbr- vege ; le Conseil Federal Suisse ; Sa Majeste* I'Empereur des Ottomans et Son Altesse Boyale le Prince de Bul- garie Animes de la ferine volonte de con- courir au maintien de la paix generale ; Besolus a favoriser de tous leurs efforts le ri'glement aimable des conflits inter- nationaux ; Becounaisaant la solidarity qui unit lea membrea de la societe* des nations civi- lisees ; Voulant etendre I'empire dn droit at fortifier le sentimi-ut de la justice Inter- nationale j King of Prussia; Hi< Majesty tin- Em- peror of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. and Apostolic King of Hungary; His Majesty tie- King of the Belgians; His M:iji rtj ih>' Emperor of China; His Majesty the King of Denmark ; Hie Majesty the King of Spain and in Hie Name Her Majesty the Queen Begent of the Kingdom; the President of the United States of America; the Presi- dent of the United Mexican States ; the President of the French Bepublic; Her Majesty the Queen of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, Em- press of India; His Majesty the King of the Hellenes; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan ; His Boyal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau ; His Highness the Prince of Monte- negro ; Her Majesty the Queer of the Netherlands ; His Imperial Majestj the Shah of Persia; His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves etc. ; His Majesty the King of Koumania : His Majesty the Emperor of all the Kussias ; His Majesty the King of Servia ; His Majesty the King of Siam ; His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway; the Swiss Federal Council; His Majesty the Emperor of the otto- mans and His Boyal Highness the Prince of Bulgaria Animated by a strong desire to concert for the maintenance of the general peace; Kesolved to second by their best efforts the friendly settlement of international disputes ; Kecognizing the solidarity which unites the members of the society of civilized nations ; Desirous of extending the empire of law, and of strengthening the apprecia- tion of international justice ; Convaincus que l'institution perrua- n. ute d'une juridiction arbitrale, accessi- ble a tons, an sein des Puissances inde- pendantes peut contribuer efficacement a ce ivsultat ; ConBiderant les avantages d'une orga- nisation generale et reguliere de la pro- cedure arbitrale ; Estimant avec l'Auguste Initiateur de la Conference Internationale de la Paix qu'il importe de consacrer dans un accord international les principes d'equite et de droit sur lesquels reposent la securite des Etats et le bien-etre des Peuples ; Desirant conclure une Convention a cet effet out nomine pour Leurs plenipoten- tiaires, savoir : Sa Majeste l'Empereur d'Alle- HAGNE, Eoi de Prusse : Son Excellence le Comte pe Munster, Prince de Derneburg, Son Ambassadeur a Paris. Sa Majesty l'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi de Boheme etc., et Roi Apostolique de hongrie : Son Excellence le Comte R. de Wel- sersheimb, Son Ambassadeur extraordi- naire et plenipotentiaire. M. Alexandre Okolicsanyi d'Okoli- csxa, Son Envoys extraordinaire et Minis- tre plenipotentiaire a la Haye. Sa Majeste le Roi des Belges : Son Excellence M. Augusts Beer- naert. Son Ministre d'£tat, President de la Chambre des Representants. M. le Comte De Grelle Rogier, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pleni- potentiaire a la Have. M. le Chevalier Descamps, Senateur. Sa Majeste l'Empereur de Chine: 31. Yam; Yi\ Son Envoye extraordi- naire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Petersbourg. Sa Majeste le Roi de Danemark : Son Cbambellan Fr. E. de Bille, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pleni- potentiaire a Londres. Convinced that the permanent institu- tion of a Court of Arbitration, accessible to all, in the midst of the independent Powers, will contribute effectively to this result : Having regard to the advantages at- tending the general and regular organiza- tion of arbitral procedure : Sharing the opinion of the august Initiator of the International Peace Con- ference that it is expedient to record in an international Agreement the princi- ples of equity and right on which are based the security of States and welfare of peoples ; Being desirous of concluding a Conven- tion to this effect, have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, to-wit : — His Majesty the Emperor of Ger- many, King of Prussia: His Excellency Couxt de Munster, Prince of Derneburg, His Ambassador at Paris. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia etc., and Apostolic Kixg of Hungary : His Excellency Count R. de Welser- sheimb, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Mr. Alexander Okolicsanyi d'Oko- licsna, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the King of the Bel- giaxs : His Excellency Mr. Auguste Beer- xaert, His Minister of State, President of the Chamber of Representatives. Count De Grelle Rogier. His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at The Hague. The Chevalier Descamps, Senator. His Majesty the Emperor of China : Mr. Yang Yi\ His Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg. His Majesty the King of Denmark : II is Chamberlain Fr. E. de Bills, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary at London. SaMajbstbli Roi d'Ebi ione ft en - s N ■,8aMajbst£laBein] . i a i mi : Excellence le 1" o di Tin w. Vncien Ministre des Affaires Btrangerea. M. W. B LMIRSl Dl Vn i.\ UBBUTIA, Son Kiivi'N.- extraordinaire el Ministre plenipotentiaire , : i Brnxellee. M. A 1:1 in it Dl BaGUXB, Son Envoy.'- i straordinaire el Ministre plenipotenti- aire a la Haye. Lb Pb bidbmi dbs Etats-Uhis a-me- riqub: Bon Excellent e M. Andbew 1>. Whitb, Ambassadeur des Etats-Unia . : i Berlin. M. skim Low, President de I'Univer- site "Columbia" h New-York. M. Stanford Newel, Envoys' extraor- dinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a la Hay.'. M. Alfred T. Maiian. Capitaine de \ aisseau. M. William Cbozieb, Capitaine d'Ar- tillerie. LE President I'KS Etats-Unib MeXI- cainb: M. de MiF.u, Envoye" extraordinaire el Ministre plenipotentiaire a Paris. M. Zenil, Ministre-Besidenl a Bru- xelles. I.I PbBSIDBH i DE I \ Ui'l'l BLIQUE Fl;.\\- \ i > i: : M. I.'"N Boubgeois, Ancien Tresi- dent .'-]> 1 1 1 i-s. 6a Ma.ieste I. a RxiNE in Botaume Chi I'F i.a Grande Bbetaqne et d'Ib- LAHDB, IhpIbATRICE DES iM'F.s: Bon Excellence le Tree HonorableBABON Pauncifote dx Pbbbton, MembrednCon- -••il Prive" de Ba Majeste, Sun Ambassa- deur extraordinaire el plenipotentiaire a Washington. Hi- Majesty thi Kim; of Spain and in His Name, Her Majesty tiif Queen RXOEHT 01 i HE KlHGDOM : Hi- Excellency the Duke of Ibtcah, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. W. Bahirez de Villa Cbbutia, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Brussels. Mb. Abthtjb di Bagver, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at The Hague. Tiif President of the United States i America : HlsExcellency Mb. Andrew I>. White, Ainbassador of the United states at Ber- lin. Mb. Beth Low, President of Columbia University, New York. Mb. BtahfoRD NEWEL, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. i ' m'tain Alfred T. Mahah. Captain William Cbozieb. tlle pbe8ideht of the united mex- ICAN States : Mb. de MlEB, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris. Mb. Zbnil, Minister Besident at Brus- sels. The President of the French Re- public: Mb. Leon Bourgeois, formerly Presi- dent of the Council, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Mb. Georges Bihoubd, Envoy Extraor- dinary an f Minister Plenipoteniary at The Hague. The Baron d'Estournelles de Con- si \vr, Minister Plenipotentiary, Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and I i;i i and, Empress of India : His Excellency the Bight Honorable Baron Pauncjefote of Preston, Member of Her Majesty's Privy Council, Her Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- tentiary at Washington. Sir Henry Howard, Son EnvoyS ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a la Have. Sa Majeste le Roi des Hellenes : M. N. Delyanni, Ancien President du Conseil, Ancien Ministre des Affaires £trangeres, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire & Paris. Sa Majeste le Roi d'Italie: Son Excellence le Comte Nigra, Son Ambassadeur k Vienne, Senateur du Royaume. M. le Comte A. Zannini, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a la Haye. M. le COMMANDEUR Grino Pompilj, Depute au Parlement Italien. Sa Majeste l'Empereur du Japon : M. I. Motono, Son Envoye extraordi- naire et Ministre plenipotentiaire k Bruxelles. Son Altesse Royale le Grand Due de Luxembourg, Due de Nassau : Son Excellence M. Eyschen, Son Minis- tre d'etat, President du Gouvernement Grand-Ducal. Son Altesse le Prince de Monte- negro : Son Excellence M. le Conseiller Prive Actuel de Staal, Ambassadeur de Russie a Londres. Sa Majeste la Reine des Pays-Bas : M. le JONKHEER A. P. C. VAN KAR- nebef.k, Ancien Ministre des Affaires FJrangeres, Membre de la Seconde Chambre des tftats-Generaux. M. le General J. C. C. den Beer Poortugael, Ancien Ministre de la Guerre, Membre du Conseil d'Etat. M. T. M. C. Asser, Membre du Conseil d'etat. M. E. N. Rahusen, Membre de la Pre- miere Chambre des Etats-Gt'neraux. Sa Majesty Imperiale le Schah de Perse : Son Aide de Camp General Mirza Riza Kuan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh, Son Envoy6 extraordinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a St. Petersbourg et a Stockholm. Sir Henrt Howard, Her Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the King of the Hel- lenes: Mr. N. Delyanni, formerly President of the Council, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris. His Majesty the King of Italy: His Excellency Count Nigra, His Ambassador at Vienna, Senator of the Kingdom. Count A. Zannini, His Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. Commander Guido Pompilj, Deputy in the Italian Parliament. His Majesty the Emperor of Japan : Mr. I. Motono, His Envoy Extraor- dinary and Plenipotentiary at Brussels. His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau: His Excellency Mr. Eyschen, His Minister of State, President of the Grand Ducal Government. His Highness the Prince of Mon- tenegro : His Excellency the present Privy Cottn- cillor De Staal, Ambassador of Russia at London. Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: jonkheer a. p. c van karnebeek, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Second Chamber of the States-General. General J. C. C. den Beer Poor- tugael, formerly Minister of War, Mem- ber of the Council of State. Mr. T. M. C. Asser, Member of the Council of State. Mr. E. N. Rahusen, Member of the First Chamber of the States-General. His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia : His Aid-de-Camp General Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at St. Petersburg and at Stockholm. 6 8a U I ROI l>K PORTUGAL KI lLGABVES, in.: M. le Ooxti db Macedo, Pair du Boyaume, Ancien Ministre de la Marine i lolonies, Son Envoys' • straor- dinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Madrid. M. d'Obhexlas r Vasconcellos, Pair du Boyaume, Son Envoys extraor- dinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Petersbourg. M < -mi i: de Ski.ii:. S..11 Knv.a,- ex- traordinaire el Ministre plenipotentiaire ii la Haye. '■] \ I i -i t LI Boi DB BOUMANIE : M. Ai.KXANMlK BELDIMAN, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a Berlin. M. JEAN N. Papimt, Son Envoys' ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire i la Hay.-. Ba Majeste l'Empbreub DE Toutes i r- Busbies: Bon Excellence M. le Cokbeilz.ee Prive Actcel de Staal, Sim Ambassa- denr a Londres. M. DeMaB! ENS, Membre Permanent du Conseil du Ministere Imperial des Affaires Etraugeres, Son Conseiller Prive. Sun CONSEILLEB D'ETAT ACTUEL DE Basily, Chambellan, Directeur du Pre- Diier Departement du Ministere Imperial des Affaires Etrangeres. Ba Majeste lb Hoi de Sebbie: M. MlYATOViTCH, Bon Envoye extraor- dinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Londrea el 1 la Haye. Ba Majeste le R01 de Siam: M. I'ir, \ BUBIYA NrvATit, Son Envoye extraordinaire el Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a St. Petersbourg et a Paris. M. I'iiva Visuddha StRivASAKTi, Son Rnvoye* extraordinaire et Ministre pleni- potentiaire a la Baye el a Londres. Ba Majeste le Boi de Suede et de N'mIi\ 1 M. le Babom db Bildt, Son Envoye - extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Borne. His Majesty the King of Portugal ASP OF THE ALOABVES, ETC. : Count de Macedo, Peer of the King- dom, formerly Minister of the Navy and of the 1 '( denies. His Envoy Extraordinary ami Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid. Mb. d'Obnellas et Vasconcellos, Peer <>f the Kingdom, His Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg. COUNT DE Sklir, His Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the King of Rou.mania : Mb. Alexander Beldihan, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at Berlin. Mr. Jean N. PAPINIU, His Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the Ehpebob of All the Russias: His Excellency the present Privy Councillor de Staal, His Ambassador at London. Mu. De Martens. Permanent Member of the Council of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, His Privy Councillor. His present Councillor of State he BASILY, Chamberlain, Director of the First Department of the Imperial Minis- try of Foreign Affairs. His Majesty the King of Servia : Mu. MlYATOViTCH, His Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London and at The Hague. His Majesty the King of Siam : Phya Suriya Nuvatr, His Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg and at Paris. Phya Visuddha Suriyasakti, His En- voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary at The Hapue and at London. His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway : Baron de Pildt, His Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Rome. Le Conseil Federal Suisse : M. le Dr. Arnold Both, Envoys ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Berlin. Sa Majeste l'Emferedr des Otto- mans : Son Excellence Turkhan Pacha, Ancien Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, Membre de Son Conseil d'Etat. NOURY Bey, Secretaire-General au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. Son Altesse Koyale if. Prince de Bulgarie : ML le Dr. Dimitri Stancioff, Agent Diplomatique a St. Petersbourg. M. le Major Christo Hessaptchieff, Attache Militaire a Belgrade. Lesquels, apres s'etre communique leurs pleins pouvoirs. trouves en bonne el due forme, sout convenus des disposi- tions suivantes : The Swiss Federal Council: Dr. ARNOLD Both, Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin. His Majesty the Emperor of the < ittomans : His Excellency Turkman Pacha, for- merly minister of Foreign Affairs. Mem- ber of His Council of State. Nodry Bey, Secretary-General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His Royal Highness the Prince of Bulgaria : Du. Dimitri Stancioff, Diplomatic Agent at St. Petersburg. Major Christo Hessapichiepf, Mili- tary Attache at Belgrade. Who, after communication of their full powers, found in good and due form have agreed on the following provisions: Titre I.— Du Maintien de la Paix Title I.— On the Maintenance of the Generale. General Peace. Article 1. En vue de prevenir autant que possible le recours a la force dans les rapports entre les Etats, les Puissances siguataires conviennent d'employer tons leurs efforts pour assurer le reglement pacifique des differeuds internationaux. Article I. "With a view to obviating, as far as possible, recourse to force in the relations between States, the Signatory Powers agree to use their best efforts to insure the pacific settlement of international dif- ferences. Titre II. — Des Boxs Offices et de la Title II. — On Good Offices and Medi Mediation. ation. Article 2. En cas de dissentiment grave ou de con- flit, avant d'en appeler aux amies, les Puissances signataires conviennent I 'avoir recours, en tant que les circon- stances le permettront, aux bons officej in a la mediation d'une ou de plusieurs Puissances amies. Article 3. Article II. In case of serious disagreement or con- flict, before an appeal to arms, the Sig tory Powers agree to have recourse, as far as circumstances allow, to the good offices or mediation of one or more friendly Powers. Article III. Independamment de ce recours, les Independently of this recourse, the Puissances Bignatairesjugent utile qu'une Signatory Powers recommend that < il ou plusieurs Puissances etrangeres au more Powers, strangers to the dispute, conflit off rent de leur propre initiative, should, on their own initiative, and as far en t.iiit que lea circonstances a'y prdtt ut, li-u r~ i >c »n - offices on leu r nictitation an x n con flit. Le • 1 r. • i t d'offrir lea bona "Hires on I* 1 1 1 « • • 1 i j 1 1 i < > 1 1 appartient rux Puissancea - ;iu oonflit, memo pendant Ic - dea hoetllites. I '( \. i. Ice de ce « 1 1-« » i t ne pen! Jamaia .tic considere par I'nne on I'antre dee Parties en litige comme un acte peu amical. A i;i I'll I be rClede inediateurconsiste a i onciliet retentions opposees et a apaiser lea atimenta qni peuvent B'Stre prodnita lea Etata en conflit. Aim nit: ". Lea fonctiona dn mddiatenr cessent dn moment <>u il eat constate, suit par I'nne dea Parties en litige, Boil par If m€diateur lui-mSme, que lea moyena de conciliation proposes par lul ne - ■ >i 1 1 paa accepted. A IM'li'l.K 6. I . - bona offices el la mediation, soit sur le reconrs des Parties en conflit, soit sur 1'initiativo des Puissances §trangeres au < onflit, "nt exclnsivement le caractere de conseil el n'ont Jamaia force obligatoire. cumstancea may allow, <>ffi-r their good offices or mediation to the Btai - variant e. Powers, atrangera to the dispute, have 1 1 1 « • tiirlit to offer good offices or im-iii Hon, even during the course of hostili- ties. The exercise of this right can never be regarded i>y one or the other of the parties in conflict as an unfriendly act. Article IV. The part of the mediator consists in reconciling the opposing claims and ap- peasing the feelings of resentment which may bare arisen between the States at variance. Article V. The functions of the mediator are at an end when once it is declared, either by one of the parties to the dispute, or hy the mediator himself, that the means of reconciliation proposed by him are not accepted. Article VI. Good offices and mediation, either at the request of the parties at variance, or en the initiative of Powers strangers to the dispute, have exclusively the charac- ter of advice and never having binding force. Article 7. [/acceptation de la mediation ne pent avoir pour effet, sauf convention con- traire, d'interrompre, de retarder on d'entraver la mobilisation et autres me- preparatoires a la guerre. Si elle Intervient apres I'ouverture des hostilites, elle n'interrompt pas, sauf con- vention contraire, les operations mili- tairea en cours. Ai;i n • i - Lea l'u,-- ii Ignatairea -"'it d'ac- cord pour recommander I 'application, Article VII. The acceptance of mediation can not, unless there be an agreement to the con- trary, have the effect of interrupting, delaying, or hindering mobilization or other measures of preparation for war. If mediation occurs after the commence- ment of hostilities it causes no interrup- tion to the military operations in prog- ress, unless there be an agreement to the contrary. Aim [CLE VIII. Tin- Signatory Powers are agreed in recommending the application, when cir- dans les circonstances qui le permettent, d'une Mediation speciale sous la forme suivante. Ed caa de differend grave compromet- tant la Paix, les Etats en conflit choisis- sent respectivement une Puissance a laquelle ils confient la mission d'entrer en rapport direct avec la Puissance choisie d'autre part, a I'effet de preveuir la rupture des relations pacifiques. Pendant la duree de ce mandat dont le terme, sauf stipulation contraire, ne peut exceder trente jours, les Etats en litige cessent tout rapport direct an sujet du conflit, lequel est considere comme defere exclusivement aux Puissances media- trices. Celles-ci doivent appliquer tous leurs efforts a regler le differend. En cas de rupture effective des relations pacifiques, ces Puissances demeurent chargees de la mission commune de profiter de toute occasion pour retablir la paix. Titre III. — Des Commissions Interna- tionales d'Enquete. Article 9. Dans les litiges d'ordre international n'engageant ni rhouneur ni des interets essentiels et provenant d'une divergence d'appreciation sur des points de fait, les Puissances signataires jugent utile que les Parties qui n'auraient pu se mettre d'accord par les voies diploniatiques ins- titnent, en tant que les circonstances le permettront, une Commission Interna- tionale d'enquete chargee de faciliter la solution de ces litiges en eclaircissant, par un examen impartial et consciencieux, les questions de fait. Article 10. cumstances allow, of special mediation in the following form : — In case of a serious difference endan- gering the peace, the States at variance choose respectively a Power, to whom they intrust the mission of entering into direct communication with the Power chosen on the other side, with the objei t of preventing the rupture of pacific rela- tions. For the period of this mandate, tin term of which, unless otherwise stipu- lated, cannot exceed thirty days, tie- States in conflict cease from all direcl communication on the subject of the dis- pute, which is regarded as referred exclu- sively to the mediating Powers, who must use their best efforts to settle it. In case of a definite rupture of pacifi. relations, these Powers are charged with the joint task of taking advantage of any opportunity to restore peace. Title III. — On International Com- missions of Inquiry. Article IX. In differences of an international na- ture involving neither honour nor vital interests, and arising from a difference of opinion on points of fact, the Signatory Powers recommend that the parties, win. have not been able to comr to an agree- ment by means of diplomacy, should as far as circumstances allow, institute an International Commission of Inquiry, to facilitate a solution of these differ- by elucidating the facts by means of an impartial and conscientious investigation. Article X. Les Commissions internationales d'en- The International Commissions of In- quete sont constitutes par convention quiry are constituted by special agree- speciale entre les Parties en litige. ruent between the parties in conflict. La convention d'enquete precis.- lea The Convention for an inquiry defines faits a examiner etl'etendue des pouvoirs 1 1 1 « - facts to be examined and the extent des commissaires. of the Commissioners' powers . 10 Bile regie la procedure, ii settles the procedure. L'enqufite .1 lieu oontradictoirement. <»n the Inquiry both ehlee must be beard. 1 1 I : .... ■; let delaifl a observer, en The form and the periods to be ob- lant qu'ila oe -nt pas fixes par la con- served, if not Btated in tin- inquiry Con- \i iitn.ii d'enqudte, ton! deti rmines par vention, are decided by the Coniniission mmission elle-meme. itself. Ami' 1 b 11. Article XI. Lea Commissions Internationales d'en- The International Commissions of In- qudte -« >r»t fonneea, aaul stipulation con- quiry are formed, unless otherwise stipu- traire, de la maniere d6termin6e par lated, In the manner fixed by Article 1'article 32 de le presents Uonvention. XXXII of the present convention. \K1K1.E 12. Lea Puissances en liti^e B'engagent a. fournir a la Commission Internationale d'enquete, dans la plus large meeure qu'Elles jugeront possible, t..us lee moy- ens < t Urates les facilites aecessairee pour la connaissanoe complete et I'apprecia- tion exacte 'les faite en question. Article 13. I. a 1 '<>nimission intcrnationaled'enquete presi nte aux Puissances en liti^e son rap- port si^ne par to us les membres dela Com- mission. Article h. La rapport de la Commission Interna- tionale d'enqufite, limits' a la constatation des fait-, n'a nullement le caractere il'une sentence arbitrate. 11 laisse aux Puis- - en litige one entiere liberty pour Is suite a donner a cette constatation. Titlk IV. — De [.'Arbitrage Interna- tional. Chapitre I.—Ih In Justice Arbitrate. Article 15. Article XII. The powers in dispute engage to supply the International Commission of Inquiry, as fully as they may think possible, with all means and facilities necessary to ena- ble it to be completely acquainted with and to accurately understand the facts in question. Article XIII. The International Commission of In- quiry communicates its Keport to the conflicting Powers, signed by all the members of the Commission. Article XIV. The report of the International Commis- sion of Inquiry is limited to a statement of facts, and has in no way the character of an Arbitral Award. It leaves the con- flicting Powers entire freedom as to the effect to he given to this statement. Title IV. — On International Arbi- tration. Chapter I. — On the System of Arbitration. Article XV. L'arbitrage Internationa] a pour objet International arbitration has for its ob- le reglement de litiges entre les (Stats par ject the settlement of differences between des Jugesde leurchoix el snrla basedu states by judges of their own choice, and • 'lu droit. on the basis of respect for law. Article 16. Article XVI. Dans les questions d'ordre Juridique, et In questions of a legal nature, and •n premier lieu dans les (|nestionsd"inter- especially in the interpretation or appli- pretation on d'application des conventions cation of International Conventions, axbi- 11 interuationalcs, l'arbitrage est reconnu tration is recognized by the Signatory par les Puissances signataires comme le Powers as the most effective, and at the moyen le plus efficace et en meme temps same time the most equitable, means of le plus equitable de regler les litiges qui settling disputes which diplomacy has n'ont pas ete resolus par les voies diplo- failed to settle. matiques. Article 17. Article XVII. La convention d'arbitrage est conclue The Arbitration Convention is con- pour des contestations dejk nees ou pour eluded for questions already existing or des contestations eventuelles. for questions which may arise eventually. Elle peut concerner tout litige ou seule- It may embrace any dispute or only dis- ment les litiges d'une categoric deter- putes of a certain category, minee. Article 18. Article XVIII. La convention d'arbitrage implique The Arbitration Convention implies l'engagement de se soumettre de bonne the engagement to submit loyally to the foi a la sentence arbitrate. Award. Article 19. Independamment des traites generaux ou particuliers qui stipulent actuellement r obligation du recours a l'arbitrage polit- ies Puissances signataires, ces Puissances se reservent de conclure, soit avant la rati- fication du present Acte, soit posterieure- ment, des accords uouveaux, generaux ou particuliers, en vue d'etendre l'arbitrage obligatoire a tous les cas qu'Elles jugeront possible de lui soumettre. Article XIX. Independently of general or private Treatise expressly stipulating recourse to arbitration as obligatory on the Signatory Powers, these Powers reserve to them- selves the right of concluding, either be- fore the ratification of the present Act or later, new Agreements, general or private, with a view to extending obligatory arbi- tration to all cases which they may con- sider it possible to submit to it. CHAPITBB II.— De la Cour Permanente Chapter II. — On the Permanent Court of (/' Arbitrage. Arbitration. Article XX. Article 20. Dans le but de faciliter le recours im- mediat a l'arbitrage pour les diffe rends internationaux qui n'ont pu etre regies par la voie diplomatique, les Puissances signataires s'engagent a organizer une Cour permanente d'arbitrage, accessible en tout temps et fonctionnant, sauf stipu- lation contrairedes Parties, conformement aux Regies de procedure inserees dans la presente Convention. AllTKI.K 21. With the object of facilitating an im- mediate recourse to arbitration for inter- national differences, which it has not been possible to settle by diplomacy, the Sig- natory Powers undertake to organize a permanent Court of Arbitration, accessi- ble at all times and operating, unless otherwise stipulated by the parties, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure inserted in the present Convention. Article xxi. La Cour permanente sera competente The Permanent Court shall be compe- pour tous leg ca~ d'arbitrage, a moins tent for all arbitration cases, unless the v: qu'il n'y ait entente entre les Parties poui parties agree to Institute a Bpecial Tri- I'etablisseiuent d'une Juridictiou speciale. bnnal. A 1:1 i< i I in Bureau Internationa] 6tabll k la Hays serf de greffe a la Cour. i !e Bnrean eat rintermfidiaire di municatlons relativea aux reunions de celle-ci. II ;i la garde dee archives et la gestion de tontea lea affaire* administratives. I i - Puissances signataires s'engagent k conunnniqner - qui sera notifies a tontea hs Puissances signataires par les soius du Bureau. Toute modification a la listc dee arbitres • -i portee, par les Boins du Bureau, a la connaissance des Puissances signataires. Dens mi plnsieurs Puissances pcuvent s'entendre pour la designation en com- mon dun on de plusieurs membres. Lamdme personne peul >'tre designee par des Puissant be difffin at b. Les membres de la Cour sont nommes poururj tonne de six ana. Leur mandal peut §tre renouvi 18. Article XXII. An International Bureau, established at The Hague, serves as record office for the Court. This Bureau is the channel for commu- nications relative to the meetings of 1 1 1 • • Court. It has the custody of the archives ami conducts all the administrative business. The Signatory Powers undertake to communicate to the Internationa] Bureau at The Hague a duly certified copy of any conditions of arbitration arrived at be- tween them, and of any award concerning them delivered by special Tribunals. They undertake also to communicate to the Bureau the Laws, Regulations, and documents eventually showing the exe- cution of the awards given by the Court. Article XXIII. Within the three months following its ratification of the present Act, each Signatory Power shall select four persons at the most, of known competency in questions of international law, of tin- highest moral reputation, and disposed to accept the duties of Arbitrators. The persons thus selected shall be Inscribed, as members of the Court, in a list which shall be notified by the Bureau to all the Signatory Powers. Any alteration in the list of Arbitrators is brought by the Bureau to the knowl- edge of the Signatory Powers. Two or more Powers may agree on the selection in common of one or more members. The same person can be selected by different Powers. The Members of the Court are ap- pointed for a term of six years. Their appointments can be renewed. 13 En cas de deces ou de retraite d'un In case of the death or retirement of a meinbre de la Cour, il est pourvu a son member of the Court, his place shall be remplacement selon le mode fixe pour sa filled in accordance with the method of nomination. his appointment. Article 24. Lorsque les Puissances signataires veulent s'adresser a la Cour permanente pour le reglement d'un differend survenu ntre elles, le choix des arbitres appeles a former le Tribunal competent pour statuer sur ce differend, doit etrc fait dans la liste geuerale des membres de la Cour. A defaut de constitution du Tribunal arbitral parPaccord immediat des Parties, il est procede de la mauiere suivante : Chaque Partie nomine deux arbitres et ceux-ci choisissent ensemble un sur- arbitre. En cas de partage des voix, le choix de surarbitre est confie a une Puissance tierce, designee de commun accord par les Parties. Si l'accord lie s*etablit pas a ce sujet, chaque Partie designe une Puissance differente et le choix du surarbitre est fait de concert par les Puissances ainsi designees. Le Tribunal etant ainsi compose, les parties notifient au Bureau leur decision de s'adresser a la Cour et les noms des arbitres. Le Tribunal arbitral se reunit a la date fixee par les Parties. Les membres de la Cour, dans Fexercice de leurs fonctions et en dehors de leur Pays, jouissent des privileges et immu- nites diplomatiques. Article 25. Le Tribunal arbitral siege d'ordinaire a la Have. Le siege ne peut, sauf le cas de force majeure, etre change par le Tribunal que de l'assentiment des Parties. Auticle 26. Le Bureau international de la Haye est autorise il mettre ses locaux et son orga- Aeticle XXIV. When the Signatory Powers desire to have recourse to the Permanent Court for the settlement of a difference that has arisen between them, the Arbitrators called upon to form the competent Tri- bunal to decide this difference, must be chosen from the general list of members of the Court. Failing the direct agreement of the parties on the composition of the Arbi- tration Tribunal, the following course shall be pursued : — Each party appoints two Arbitrators, and these together choose an Umpire. If the votes are equal, the choice of the Umpire is intrusted to a third Power, selected by the parties by common accord. If an agreement is not arrived at on this subject, each party selects a different Power, and the choice of the Umpire is made in concert by the Powers thus selected. The Tribunal being thus composed, the parties notify to the Bureau their deter- mination to have recourse to the Court and the names of the Arbitrators. The Tribunal of Arbitration assembles on the date fixed by the parties. The Members of the Court, in the dis- charge of their duties and out of their own country, enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. Article XXV. The Tribunal of Arbitration lias its or- dinary seat at The Hague. Except in cases of necessity, the place of session can only be altered by the Tri- bunal with the assent of the partio. Article XXVI. The Internationa] Bureau at The Eagne i< authorized to place it- premises 14 ttion a la disposition dea Puiseancee signatairea pour l> fonctionnemenl de Urate jaridiction speciale d'ai bil • La juridiction de la Com permanente peal 8tre 6tendue, dans lea conditions ritea par lee Eteglementa, aux Utigea existant entre dea Poisaancee non - - on antra dea Puissani ea Bignal et dea Puissancea non BignataJres, aJ l< - Parties Bonl oonvenuea de reconrir a <■' tte juridiction. v 11 1- 1 « 1 1 27. Lee Pniaaancea algnatalree conaiderent comme on devoir, dana le caa on on con- flit aign menacerait d'eclater entre deux on plnaienra d'entre Elles, de rappeler a »-cl qne la Conr permanente lenr eat tie. oaeqnence, Ellea declarent que le fait de rappeler aux Partiee en confiil lea diapoaitiona de la preaente Convention, at le conaeil donn6, dana I'interdt Bupfirieur de la palx, de a'adreaser a la Conr perma- nente ne penvent £tre considerea qne comme actea 'it- Bons Offices. Aktici.k 28. I n c.>nv,ii administratif permanent < • •iii|k>s6 des represeutitnts diiilomatiqnea - Pniaaancea Bignatairea accreditee a la Baye et dn Miniatre dea Affaires Etran- geres dea Paya-Baa i r i - . Oe Conaeil sera charge d'dtablir et d'organiaer le Bureau International, le- open to them. Consequently, they declare that the fact of reminding the conflicting parties of the provisions of the present Convention, and the advice given to them, in the highest interests of peace, to have recourse to the Permanent Court, can only be regarded as friendly actions. Article XXVIII. A Permanent Administrative Council, composed of the Diplomatic Representa- tives of the Signatory Powers accredited to The Hague and of the Netherland .Minister for Foreign Affairs, who will act as President, shall be instituted in this town as soon as possible after the ratifi- cation of the present Act by at least nine Powers. This Council will be charged with the establishment and organization of the International Bureau, which will be under its direction and control. It will notify to the Powers the con- stitution of the Court and will provide for its installation. It will settle its Rules of Procedure and all other necessary Herniations. It will decide all questions of adminis- tration which may arise with regard to the operations of the Court. 15 II aura tout pouvoir quant a la nomi- nation, la suspension ou la revocation des fonctionnaires et employes du Bureau. II fixers lea traitementa et salaires et contrOlera la depense generate. La presence de cinq membres dans les reunions dument convoquees suffit pour perrnettre au Conseil de deliberer valable- ment. Les decisions sout prises a la ma- jority dea voix. Le Conseil communique sans delai aux Puissances signataires les regtements adoptes par lui. II leur adresse chaque annee un rapport sur les travaux de la Cour, sur le fonctionnement des services administratifs et sur lea depenses. Article 29. It will have entire control over the appointment, suspension or dismissal of the officials and employes of the Bureau. It will fix the payments and salaries, and control the general expenditure. At meetings duly summoned the pres- ence of five members is sufficient to render valid the discussions of the Council. The decisions are taken by a majority of rotes. The Council communicates to the Sig- natory Powers without delay the Regula- tions adopted by it. It furnishes them with an annual Beport on the labours of the Court, the working of the administra- tion, and the expenses. Article XXIX. Les frais du Bureau aeront supported The expenses of the Bureau shall be par les Puissances signataires dans la borne by the Signatory Powers in the proportion etablie pour le Bureau inter- proportion fixed for the International national de 1' Union postale uuiverselle. Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. ChapitreIII. — Dela Procedure Arbitrate. Chapter III. — On Arbitral Procedure. Article 30. Article XXX. En vue de favoriser le developpement de l'arbitrage, les Puissances signataires ont arrete les l'egles suivantes qui seront applicables a la procedure arbitrate, en tant que les Parties ne sont pas conve- nues d'autres regies. Article 31. Les Puissances qui recourent a l'arbi- trage siguent un acte special (compromis) dans lequel sont nettement determines l'objet du litige ainsi que l'etendue des pouvoirs des arbitres. Cet acte implique l'engagement des Parties de se soumettre de bonne foi a la sentence arbitrale. Article 32. Les fonctious arbitrates peuvent 6tre conferees k un arbitre unique ou k plu- sieurs arbitres designes par les Parties a leur gr6, ou choisis par Elles parmi les membres de la Cour permanente d'arbi- trage etablie par le present Acte. With a view to encourage the develop- ment of arbitration, the Signatory Powers have agreed on the following Bules which shall be applicable to arbitral procedure, unless other rules have been agreed on by the parties. Article XXXI. The Powers who have recourse to ar- bitration sign a special Act ("Com- promis"), in which the subject of the difference is clearly defined, as well as the extent of the Arbitrators' powers. This Act implies the undertaking of the parties to submit loyally to the award. Article XXXII. The duties of Arbitrator may be con- ferred on one Arbitrator alone or ou sev- eral Arbitrators selected by the parties as they please, or chosen by them from the members of the Permanent Court of Ar- bitration established by the present Act. 16 \ ik'faul de < . >i i -i 1 1 n t i ■ >ii 'in Tribunal par I'acoord Immedial dea Parties, il esl le* de la msniere Buivante: Chaque Partle Domme deux arbitrea M\-i'i choialBsent ensemble an snr- nrbltre. En caa de partage dea \"i\. le choix de Burarbitre eel confle* h one Puissance tierce, designee de common accord par - Pai ii' i. Bi l'accord De B'etablM pas a cesujet, cbaqne Partle designe one Puissance dif- ferente < t )■■ choix du rararbitre est fait de conceri par lea Pulssancea ainsi ARTICLE S3. Lorsqn'un Souverain ou an Chefd'Etat i -t choisi pour arbitre, la procedure arbi- tral est regl6e par Lui. A Kl ICLK 34. Failing the constitution of the Tri- bunal by direct agreement between tin- parties, the following course shall be pursued : Eacb party appoints two arbitrators, and these latter together choose an Um- pire. In case of equal voting, the choice "f the Umpire is intrusted to a third Power, minted by the parties l>y common ac- cord. If no agreement is arrived at on this subject, each party selects a different Power, and the choice of the Umpire is made in concert by the Powers thus se- lected. Amicus XXXIII. When a Sovereign or the Chief of a state is chosen as Arbitrator, the arbitral procedure is settled by him. Article XXXIV. Le Burarbitre est de droit President du The Umpire is by right President of the Tribunal. Tribunal. Lorsque le Tribunal ne comprend paa When the Tribunal does not include an de Burarbitre il nomme lui-mSme son Umpire, it appoints its own President. president. Article 35. Article XXXV. En cas de d6ces, de demission ou d'em- in case of the death, retirement, or 1 1 n-ii t , pour quelque cause que ce disability from any cause of one of the -iiit.de Pun des arbitres, il est pourvu a Arbitrators, his place shall be rilled in -on i emplacement selou le mode fixe pour accordance with the method of his ap- -i Domination. pointment. Article 36. Article XXXVI. Le siege du Tribunal est designs par The Tribunal's place of session is se- • - Partes. A defaut de cette designa- tion ]c Tribunal siege a la Have. be si. -tre ainsi fixe ne pent, sauf le caa de force majeure, ttre change par le Tribunal que de l'assentiment des Parties. Am [cle '■'>'. lected by the parties. Failing this selec- tion the Tribunal sits at The Hague. The place thus fixed cannot, except in case of necessity, be changed by the Tri- bunal without the assent of the parties. Article XXXVII. Lea Parties ont le droit de nommer an- The parties have the right to appoint pros du Tribunal desdelegues ou agenta delegates or special agents to attend the ipecianx. a\.. la mission de servir d'in- Tribunal, for the purpose of serving as term6diaires entre Elles et le Tribunal, intermediaries between them and the Tribunal. 1 Kilo s(/nt en outre autoris£es a charger de la defense de leurs droits et interets levant le Tribunal, des conseils ou avo- cats nommes par Elles a cet effet. Article 38. I.e tribunal decide du ehoix lies iangues dont il fera usage et dont l'emploi sera autorise devant lui. Article 39. La procedure arbitrale comprend en regie generate deux phases distinctes : 1 instruction et les debats. L'instruction consiste dans la coinmu- nication faite par les agents respectifs, aux membres du Tribunal et a la Partie adverse, de tous actes imprirues ou ecrits et de tous documents coutenant les moy- ena invoques dans la cause. Cette cora- munication aura lieu dans la forme et dans les delais determines par le Tri- bunal en vertu de 1'article 49. Les debats consistent dans le develop- pement oral des moyens des Parties de- v,mt le Tribunal. Article 40. Toute piece produite par l'une des Par- ties doit etre communiquee a l'autre Partie. Article 41. Les debats sont diriges par le President. lis ne sont publics qu'en vertu d'une decision du Tribunal, prise avec l'assen- timent des Parties. lis sont consignee dans des proces- verbaux rediges par des secretaires que nomme le President. Cesproces-verbaux ont seuls caractere authentique. \l;l ni.K 42. L'instruction etant close, le Tribunal :i !<■ droit d'eearterdu debat tous actes OU documents nouveaux qu'une des Parties voudrait lui soumettre >ans le consente- ment de l'autre. They are further authorized to retain, for the defense of their riirhts ami inter- ests before the Tribunal, counsel or advo- cates appointed by them for this purpose. Article XXXVIII. The Tribunal decides on the choice of languages to be used by itself, and to be authorized for use before it. Article XXXIX. As a general rule the arbitral procedure comprises two distinct phases ; prelimi- nary examination and discussion. Preliminary examination consists in the communication by the respective agents to the members of the Tribunal and to the opposite party of all printed or writ- ten Acts and of all documents containing the arguments invoked in the case. This communication shall be made in the form and within the periods fixed by the Tri- bunal in accordance with Article XLIX. Discussion consists in the oral develop- ment before the Tribunal of the argu- ments of the parties. Article XL. Every document produced by one party must be communicated to the other party. Article XLI. The discussions are under the direction of the President. They are only public if it be s< > decided by the Tribunal, with the assent of the parties. They are recorded in the proct8~verbaux drawn up by the Secretaries appointed bj the President. These proci&verbaux alone have an authentic character. Article XLII. When the preliminary examination Is concluded, the Tribunal has the tight t. refuse discussion of all fresh Acts or doc- uments which one party may desire t" submit to it without the consent of the other party. 13210- 18 i . I'i [banal demeare Ubre de prendre en consideration lea actee ou documents nouveanx sur lesquels lee agents oucon- Bella dea Partiea appelleraienl son atten- tion. Km ce t as, ). Trlbnnal a le droit de requ6rir la production de cea actea ou documents, Bauf ['obligation d'en donner connaissance a la Partie adi \ I. I li IK 1 I. Aim hi.)-. XLIII. The Tribunal is free to take into con- sideration fresb Acts or documents t" which its attention may be drawn by the agents or counsel of the parties. In this case, tin- Tribunal has the right to require the production of these Acts or documents, bul is obliged to make them known to the opposite party. Article XLIV. Le Tribunal pent, en outre, requfirir The Tribunal can, besides, require from gents dea Parties la production de the agents of the parties the production toua actea el demander toutes explications of all Acts, and can demand all necessary necessaires. En cas de refus le Tribunal explanations. In case of refusal, the en prend acte. Tribunal takes note of it. AiiThi.i: 46. gents el lea conseils dea Parties -•■lit autorises a presenter oralement au Tribunal toua lea moyens qu'ils jugent utiles a la defense de leur cause Article 46. lis ont le droit de soulever dea excep- tions el incidents. Lea decisions i"'' les autrea traitea rm£e. Article 56. I . sentence arbitrale n'est obligatoire que pour lea Parties qui ont conclu le compromis. Li>rsi|u"ii >'a^it de l1nterpre*tation d'une convention a laquelle ont participe' dnutree Puissances que les Parties en litige, celles-ci notifient aux premieres le compromis qu'eilee ont conclu. Chacune de ces Puissances a le droit d'intervenir ku proces. Si une on plusieurs d'entre • Hi- i. nt profits de cette faculty, Inter- pretation contenue dans la sentence est egalement obligatoire a leuregard. ARTICLE 57. in tin- case, and unless there be ttn agreement to the contrary, the demand must be addressed ti> the Tribunal which pronounced the award. It can only I" made on the ground of the discovery >>f some new fact calculated to exercise a decisive influence on the award, and which, at the time the discussion was closed, was unknown to the Tribunal and t<> tin- party demanding the revision. Proceedings for revision can only In- instituted by a decision of the Tribunal expressly recording the existence of the new fact, recognizing in it the character described in the foregoing paragraph, and declaring the demand admissible on this ground. The "Compromis" fixes the period within which the demand for revision must be made. Article LVI. The award is only binding on the par- ties who concluded the "Compromis." When there is a question of interpret- ing a Convention to which Powers other than those concerned in the dispute are parties, the latter notify to the former the "Compromis" they have concluded. Each of these Powers has the right to intervene in the case. If one or more of them avail themselves of this right, the interpretation contained in the award is equally biudiug on them. Article LVII. Chaque Partie supporte see propresfrals Each party pays its own expenses and . t une pari egale dee fraia du Tribunal. an equal share of those of the Tribunal. Disposition* [/• in'rales. Article 58. I. a presente Convention sera ratifies le I'lo- i>n f delai possible. Les ratifications seronl deposes k la II aye. II sera dresse du depot de cheque rati- fication mi proces-verbal, donl unecopie, ertiflee confonne, - ra remise par la role General provisions. Article LVIII. The present Convention shall be rati- fied as Bpeedilv as possible. Tin- ratifications shall be deposited at The Hague. A proofs-verbal shall be drawn up re- cording the receipt of each ratification, and a copy duly certified shall be sent. 21 diplomatiqrc k toutes les Puissances, qui through the diplomatic channel, to all ont ete representees a la Conference In- the Powers who were represented at the ternationale de La Paix de la Have. International Peace Conference at The Hague, Article 59. Abticxb lix. Les Puissances non signataires qui ont ete representees a la Conference Interna- tionale de la Paix pourront adherer a la presente Convention. Elles auront a cet eflet a faire connaitre leur adhesion aux Puissances contractantes, an moyeo d'une notification ecrite, adressee an Gouvenie- ment des Pays-Bas et communique^ par celui-ci a toutes les autres Puissances contractantes. Article 60. Les conditiones auxquelles les Puis- sances qui n'ont pas ete representee a la Conference Internationale de la Paix, pourront adherer a la presente Conven- tion, formeront 1'objet d'une entente ul- terieure entre les Puissances contrac- tantes. Article 61. S'il arrivait qu'une dea Hautes Parties contractantes denoncat la presente Con- vention, cette denonciation ne produirait Bes effeta qu'un an apres la notification faite par ecrit an Gouvernement des Pays- Bas el communique^ immediatement par celui-ci a toutes les autres Puissances con- tractantes. Cette denonciation ne produira sea effete qu'a I'egard de la Puissance qui l'aura notifiee. En foide qnoi, les P16nipotentiaires ont signe" la pr§sente Convention et Pont re- venue de leurs sceaux. Fait k la Hay.-, le \ iugt-neuf juillel mil huit cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf, en un seul exemplaire qui restera depose dans les ar- chives du Gouvernement des Pays-lias ,-t dont dea copies, certifies conformes, ront remises par la voie diplomatique aux Puissances contractantes. Pour I'Allemagne : i i . B. ) Min-i EB DEBNBBUBG. The non-Signatory Powera who were represented at the International Peace Conference can adhere to the present Convention. For this purpose they musl make known their adhesion to the Con- tracting Powers by a written notification addressed to the Netherlands Govern- ment, and communicated by it to all the other Contracting Powera. Article LX. The conditions on which the Powers who were not represented at the Interna- tional Peace Conference can adhere to the present Convention shall form the subject of a subsequent Agreement among the Contracting Powers. Article LXI. In the event of one of the High Con- tracting Parties denouncing the present Convention, this denunciation would not take effect until a year after its notifica- tion made in writing to the Netherlands Government, and by it communicated at once to all the other Contracting Powers. This denunciation shall only affect the notifying Power. In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention and affixed their seals to it. Done at The Hague, the 29th July, L899, in a single copy, which shall remain in the archives of the Netherlands Govern- ment, and copies of it. duly certified, be Bent through the diplomatic channel to the Contracting Powers. For Germany : (L. S. ) Mi N6TEB DEBN] I 22 Pour I'Autriche-Hongrie : i . - w i l 9BBBHBIMB. - i >Ki>i H BAMTI. Poor la Belgique : (L. 8.) A. BEEBNAEBT. I . - III DE ( J HKI.I.K R0GIER. (L. S. ) ('111! Dbscamps. Tour la <'liiiic : (l. 8.) Yang Yu. Pour le Dam-mark: [L. S.) F. BlLLE. Pour l'Espagne: (l. 8.) El Duque De Tetuan. (l. s.) W. R. De Yilla Urrutia. (l. s.) Arturo de Baguer. Pour les Etats-TJnis d'Amerique : (l. s.) Andrew D. White. (l. 8.) Seth LiiW. (l. s.) Stanford Newel. (l. s.) A. T. Mahan. (l. 8.) William Crozier. Sous reserve de la declaration faite dans la seance pleniere de la Conference de 25 juillet 1899. Pour les Etats-Unia Siexlcains: (l. s.) A. de Mier. (l. s.) J. Zenil. Pour la France : (l. 8.) Leon Bourgeois. (l. s.) G. Bihourd. (l. s.) D'Estournelles de Constant. Pour la Grande Bretagne et l'lrlande : (l. s.) Pauncefote. (l. s. I II knrv Howard. Pour la <■' i . - i N. Delyanni. Pour I'ltalie : i . >.i NiQBA. i .8. A. Zannixi. I I., s. i G. POMPILJ. Pour le Japon : i B.) I. MOTONO. Pour le Luxembourg: (l. b. i Eyb< hen. Pour le Montenegro: L. 8 M A.M.. POU] I'-'- : (L. 8.) \ ■ K IRNEBEEK. i . B. i'i N Hi i B POOB1 i 'JAEL. i , e i m. C. \-i r. i . - I n i; \in -i \. Tot Austria-Hungary : (L. s. I W u BEB8HBIMB. (l. s. 1 ! Okolicsaxyi. For Belgium : (l. 8.) A. Beerxaert. (l. b.) Ctb. i>e Grelle Rogier. (l. s.) Chb. Descamps. For China : (l. s.) Yang Yu. For Denmark : (l. s.) F. Bille. For Spain : (l. 6.) El Duque de Tetvan. (l. s.) W. R. de Yilla Urrutia. (l. s.) Arturo de Bagver. For the United States of America : (l. s.) Andrew D. White, (l. s.) Seth Low. (l. s.) Stanford Newel. (l. s.) A. T. Mahan. (l. s.) William Crozier. Under reserve of the declaration made at the plenary sitting of the Conference on the 25th of July, 1899. For the United Mexican States : (l. 6.) A. de Mier. (l. s.) J. Zenil. For France : (l. s.) Leon Bourgeois, (l. 8.) G. Bihourd. (l. s.) d'Estournelles de Constant. For Great Britain and Ireland : (l. s.) Pauncefote. (l. s.) Henry Howard. For Greece : (l. s.) N. Delyaxni. For Italy: (l. s.) Nigra. (l. s. ) A. Zanmni. (l. s.) G. Pompilj. For Japan : (l. s.) I. Motono. For Luxemburg: (l. b. i Eyschbn. For Montenegro : (l. s.) Staal. For the Netherlands : (l. s. i \ . Karnebeek. i .8. DEM BSBB I'i'ORTUGAEL. ii . B.) '• M. C. Assf.u. [h. 8.) E. N. Kami Bl N. 23 Pour la Perse : (l. s.) Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud- Dovleh. Pour le Portugal : (l. 8.) conde de macedo. (l. 8.) Agostinho d'Ornellas de Vas- concellos. (l. s.) Conde de Selir. Pour le Roumanie : (l. s.) A. Beldiman. (l. s.) J. N. Papiniu. Sous les reserves, formulees aux articles 16, 17 et 19 de la presente Convention (15, 16 et 18 du projet presente par le Comite d'Examen) et consignees au proces-verbal de la seance de la Troi- sieme Commission du 20 juillet 1899. Pour la Russie : (l. s.) Staal. (l. s.) Martens. (l. s.) A. Basily. Pour la Serbie : (l. s.) Chedo Miyatovitch. Sous les reserves, consignees au proces- verbal de la Troisieme Commission du 20 juillet 1899. Pour le Siam : (l. s.) Phya Suriva Nuvatr. (l. s.] Yisuddha. Pour les Royaumes Unis de Suede et de Norvege : (l. s.) Bildt. Pour la Suisse : (l. s.) Roth. Pour la Turquie : (l. s.) Turkman. (l. s.) Mehehed Nouby. Sous reserve de la declaration faite dans la si'ance pleniere de la Conference du 25 juill.t 1899. Pour la Bulgarie : (l. s.) D. Stancioff. (l. b.) BfAJOB HEBSAPTCHIEFF. Certifie pour copie conforme, Le Secre- taire General duD6partementdea Affaires Etrangeres. (l. s.i L. H. Rui SBE.li \kus. ',\ Hai i:. le SI Janvier I ■ For Persia . (l. 6.) Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud- Dovleh. For Portugal : (l. s.) Conde de Macedo. (l. s.) Agostinho d'Ornellas de Vas- iiiNCELLOS. (l. s.) Conde de Selir. For Roumania : (l. s.) A. Beldiman. (l. s.) J. N. Papiniu. Under the reserves formulated in Articles 16, 17 and 19 of the present < invention (15, 16 and 18 of the project presented by the Committee on Examination) and recorded in the proces-verbal of the sitting of the Third Commission of July 20, 1899. For Russia : (l. s.) Staal. (l. s.) Martens. (l. s.) A. Basily. For Servia : (l. s.) Chedo Miyatovitch. Under the reserves recorded in the proces- verbal of the Third Commission of July 20, 1899. For Siam : (l. s.) Phya Suriva Nuvatr. (l. s.) Visuddha. For the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway : (l. s.) Bildt. For Switzerland : (l. s.) Roth. For Turkey : (l. s.) Turkhan. (l. s.) Mehemed Noury. Under reserve of the declaration made in the plenary sitting of the Conference of July 25, 1899. For Bulgaria : (l. s.) D. Stancioff. (l. s. i Major Besbaptchieff. Certified as a true copy, The Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs. I L. s. I U II. BUYBBl M IEE8 Tin: Hal' i . January SI, 24 And whereas the said Convention was signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the i 11 ii< .1 Btates <>f America under reservation of the following declaration : ■ Nothing contained in this convention shall be bo construed as to require the United states of America to depart from Its traditional policy of oof intruding upon. Interfering with, or entangling itself in the political questions of policy or internal administration of any foreign state; nor shall anything contained in the said con- vention be construed to Imply a relinquishment by the United state- of America of it- traditional attitude toward purely American questions;" And whereas the said Convention was duly ratified by the Government of the United State- of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof. ami by the Governments of the other Powers aforesaid with the exception of China and Turkey ; And whereas, in pursuance of the stipulations of Article LVIII of the said Con- \ ention the ratifications of the said < lonvention were deposited at The Hague on the 1th. day of September, 1900, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the United States of America. Germany, Austria-Hungary. Belgium, Denmark, Spain. I i ante, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Boumania, Russia. Siam, Sweden and Norway and Bulgaria; on the 6th. day of October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Japan ; on the 16th. day of October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Montenegro; on the 29th. day of Decem- ber, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Switzerland ; on the 4th. day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Greece ; on the 17th. day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Mexico; on the 11th. day of May, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Servia ; and on the 12th. day of July, 1901 , by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Luxembourg. Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof, subject to the reserve made in the aforesaid declaration of the Plenipotentiaries of the United States. In witness w hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to he allixed. Done at the ( 'ity of Washington this first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, and of the Independence of the I T g 1 ' United State-, the one hundred and twenty-sixth. Theodore Roosevelt By the President : John Hay, Secretary of State. 35 2.— CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES 01 AMERICA AND CERTAIN POWERS FOB THE ADAPTATION TO MARITIME WARFARE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION OF \i Q\ 81 1864. Signed at The Hague July 2'K 1899. Ratification advised by the Senate May ',. 2 ■ Ratified !•;/ the President of the United StaU - August 5, lf>00. Ratification deposited with the Netherlands Government September •',, 1900. Proclaimed November 1, 1901. By no: President or the United States oi America. \ PRO( LAMATION Whereas a Convention for the adaptation to Maritime Warfari i I the princi] the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864, was concluded and signed on Julj 29, 1899, by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, China, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, Franc-. Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, P< Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway. Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of which Convention, in the French language, is word for word as follows : [Translation.] CONVENTION FOB l 11 K ADAPTATION MARITIME WABFABE OF THE PBINCI- PLE8 01 l ill. GENEVA I ONI BN AUGU81 22, 1864. CONVENTION l'ol'R L ADAPTATION A LA GUERRE MARITIME DES PRINCIPES DE LA CONVENTION DE GENEVE DU 22 AOfjT 1864. Sa Majeste l'Empereur d'Allemagne, Roi de Prusse ; Sa Majeste l'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi de Boheme etc. et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie ; Sa Majeste le Roi des Beiges; Sa Majeste l'Empereur de Chine; Sa Majeste le Roi de Dane- mark ; Sa Majeste le Roi d'Espagne et en Son Nom Sa Majeste' la Reine-Regente du Royaume; le President des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique; le President des Etats-Unis Mexieains ; le President dela Rdpublique Francaise; Sa Majesty la Reine du Roy- aume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, Imp6ratrice des Indes; Sa Ma- ieste le Roi des Hellenes; Sa Majeste 1. Roi d'ltalie ; Sa Majesty l'Empereur du Japon ; Sou Altesse Royale le Grand-Due de Luxembourg, Due d< S Son Altesse le Prince de Montenegro; Sa Ma- jeste la Reine des Pays-Bas; 8a Majesty His Majesty the Emperor ol Germany, King of Prussia; His Majesty the Em- peror of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. and Apostolic King of Hungary; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; I! - Majesty the Emperor ol China ; His Maj- esty the King of Denmark; His Majestj the King of Spain and in His Nam. 11 i Majesty the Queen Regent ol the King- dom; the President of the United States of America ; the President ol tie- l ■ Mexican state-; the President of the French Republic ; Her Majesty the Qu of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ami Ireland, Empress ■•! India; His stj tie- Km.' ..f the Hellem - . His Majesty the King • i [talj ; Hi- M the Emperor ol Japan; Hie Royal High* ueaa tie' Grand Duke of Lux< ml Duke of Nassau ; lli~ Highness tie Pi I [jnperiale le Schah de Per» ; 8a Majeste le Roi ili- Portugal i-t lies Algarves etc.; Majeste* le BoJ de Roumanie; Sa Majeste' I'Empereur de Tontea lee Hus- sies; Sa Majeste le Roi de Serb! e ; 8a Ma- le Roi de Slam : Ba Majeste 1 le Roi de Suede el deNorvege; le Consei] Federal Baisse; Ba Majeste I'Emperenr des Otto- mans rt Son Altesse Royale le Princi- de Bulgaria Egalement animes du desir de diminuer autant qu'il depend d'eux les maux in- separables de la guerre et voulant dans ce but adapter a la guerre maritime Les principes de la Convention de Geneve du 22 aout 1864, ont resolu de conclure une Convention a cet effet ; lis ont en consequence nomme pour Leurs Plenipotentiaires, savoir: Sa Majesty I'Empereur d'Allemagne, Roi de Prusse : Sun Exec Hence le Comte de Miinster, Prince de Derneburg, Son Lmbassadeur ii Paris. Sa Majeste I'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi de Boheme etc., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie: Sim Excellence le Comte R. de Welsersbeimb, Son Ambassadeur extraor- dinaire et plenipotentiaire. M. Alexan- dre Okolicsanyi d'Okolicsna, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a la Have. Sa Majesty le Roi des Beiges: Sou Ex- cellence M. Auguste Beernaert, Son Mini-tie d'Etat, President de la Chambre des Representants. M. le Comte De Grellf Bogier, Son Envoys' extraordinaire et Mini-tie plenipotentiaire a la Haye. M. le Chevalier Descamps, Senateur. Sa Maje.-te I ' Klllpe le Ul' de Chine : M. ITang Vii, BOO Envoyfi extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Peters- bourg. Sa Maje-te le Etoi df Danemark : Son I oambellan Fr. E, uke of Tetnan. lormerlj M Affaire ; M. \\ . Kamirac de \ ilia Urrutia, His Envoj Extraordinary aad Mioiater Plenipotentiary ;it Brussels; M. Arthur de Baguer, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary al The Hague. The l'l'e-idelit of the I'nited 81 America: Mr. Stanford Newel, Bnvoj Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at The Hague. Tie- President of the i'nited m states: Mr. de Mier, En vo j Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at P Mr. Zenil, Minister Resident at Bi The President of the French Etepublic: M. I. eon Bourgeois, formerly President of the Council, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs. Member of the < fhamber of Depu- ties; M. Georges Bihourd, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary The Hague; Baron d'Estournellet Constant, Minister Plenipotentiary, Mem- ber of the Chamber of Deputies. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India: sir Henry Howard, Her Envoy Extraordinary and Hinistei Plenipotentiary at The Hague. Hi- Majesty the King of the Hellenes Mr. N. Delyanni, formerly President of the Council, ex-Minister for Foreign Af- fairs, His Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary at Paris. His Majesty the Kim: of [taly: His Excellency Count Nigra, HisAmbaat at Vienna, Senator of the Kingdom ; Count A. Zannini. His Envoy El I nary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague; Commander Guido Pompilj uty in the Italian Parliament. in- Majesty the Emperor of Mr. I. Motono. His Envoy Extraord and Minister Plenlpotenti lli- Royal Highness the Grand ' Luxemburg, Duke of Nnsaau HU 28 cellenee M. Eyachen, Bon Ministre d'Etat, pit isidentduGouvernement Qrand-Ducal. Bon Aiti'ssc le Prince de Montenegro: Boa Excellence M. le Oonseiller Prlve" Actuel de staal. Ambassadeur de Bussle a Londree. - Majeste lit Ki'ini' ilrs Pays-Has: M. le Jonkheer A. P. C. van Karnebeek, Ancien Ministre dea Affaires Etrangeres, Blembre de laSecondeOhambredesEtats- Generaux. Df. le General J. C. C. deu Beer Poortngael, Ancien Ministre de la (Juerre, Membre ilu Conseil d'Etat. M. T. M. C. Asser, Membre du Conseil d'Etat. M. E. N. Rahusen, Membre de l;t Premiere Chambredes £tats-Generaux. Sa Majeste Imperiale le Scbab de Perse : Son Aide de Camp General Mirza Biza Khan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh, Son Envoye ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Petersbourg et a Stockholm. Sa Majeste le Roi de Portugal et des Algarves, etc.: M. le Conite de Macedo, Pair du Royaume, Ancien Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, Son Envoye ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Madrid. M. d'Ornellas et Vasconcellos, Pair du Royaume, Son Envoye extraor- dinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Petersbourg. M. le Comte de Selir, Son Envoye" extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a la Haye. Sit Majeste le Roi de Boumanie: M. Alexandre Beldiman, Son Envoye ex- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Berlin. M. Jean 2s. Papinin, Son Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pleni- potentiaire h la Haye. S;t Majeste" PEmpereur de Toutes les Bussies: Son Excellence M. le Conseiller I'rive Actuel de staid, Son Ambassadeur a Londres. M. de Martens, Membre Per- manent du Conseil du Ministers Imperial des Aflitires Etrangeres, Bon Oonseiller Prive. Son Conseillei d'Etat Actuel de Basily, Chambellan, Directeur du Pre- mier Depai temenl du Minisl si e Impel i . • l Lffairea I i rang res, ri lleiii y Mr. Eyscben, His Minister of State, President of the Grand Ducal Gov- ernment. His Higbness the Prince of Montene- gro: His Excellency Mr. de Staal, Privy Councillor, Ambassador of Russia at Lon- don. Her Majesty the Queen of the Nether- lands: Jonkheer A. P. C. van Karnebeek, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Second Chamber of the States General; General J. C. C. den Heer Poortugael, formerly Minister of War, Member of the Council of State ; Mr. T. M. C. Asser, Member of the Coun- cil of State; Mr. E. N. Rahusen, Mem- ber of the First Chamber of the States General. His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Per- sia : His Aide-de-camp General Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at St. Petersburg and Stockholm. His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves, etc.: Count Macedo, Peer of the Kingdom, formerly Minister of the Navy and of the Colonies, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at Madrid; Mr. d'Ornellas and Vasconcellos, Peer of the Kingdom, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary ;it St. Petersburg"; Count de Selir, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the King of Roumaniit : Mr. Alexander Beldiman, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at Berlin; Mr. Jean N. Papiniu, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the Emperor of all the Bussias: His Excellency Mr. de Staal, Privy Councillor, His Ambassador at London; Mr. de Martens, Permanent Member of the Council of the Imperial .■Ministry of Foreign Affairs, His Privy Councillor; Mr.de Basily, His Councillor of Stitte, Chamberlain, Director of the Firsl Depart ntofthe Imperial Minis- try of Foreign Affairs. Sa Majeste le Roi de Serbie : M. Miya- tovitch, Sod Envoys extraordinain Ministre plenipotentiaire a Londree et a la Haye. Sa Majeste le Roi de Siam : M. Phya SuriyaNuvatr, Son En voye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a St. Peters- bourg et a Paris. M. Phya Yi.-uddha Suriyasakti, Son Envoye* extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a la Haye et a Londres. Sa Majeste le Roi de Suede e( de Nor- vege: M. le Baron de Bildt, Son Envoye* extraordinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire a Rome. Le Conseil Federal Sniase: M. le Dr. Arnold Roth, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire a Berlin. Sa Majeste l'Empereur dee Ottomans: Son Excellence Tnrkhan Pacha, Ancien Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, Mem- bre de Son Conseil d'Etat. Nonry Bey, Secretaire- General an Ministers ties Affairs Etrangeres. Son Altesse Royale le Prince de Br.l- garie: M. le Dr. Dimitri Standoff. Agent Diplomatique a St. Peterebourg. M. le Major Christo Hessaptchieff, Attach*! .Militaire a Belgrade. Lesquels, apres s'etre communique leurs pleins pou voirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des disposi- tions suivantes : Article l. Les batiments-hGpitaux militaires, ■ jt-a-dire les batiments construits on amenages par les Etate specialement et uuiquement en vue de porter set ours aux blesses inabu Its et naufraires, et tlont lee ii' 'ins auront ete communiques, a l'ouver- ture nil au cours des hostilites. en tout cas avant toute mise en asage, aux Puis- sancee bellig6rantes, sont respectes et ne penvent 8tre captures pendant la duree des hostilites. Ces batiments ne sont pas non pins awrimiles aux oavires de gnerre an point de vue tie leur ae jour dans on port nentre. Hi- Majesty the Km. - , ^I Miyatovitch, Hi- Bnvoj Exta and Minister Plenipotentiarj at London and at The Hague. His M ij< Btj the King of Biai Phya Surly a Nuvati . Hi- Envoj Exl dinary and Ministei Plenipotentlai St. Petersburg and at Paris; M Phya Visuddha Suriyasakti, His Envoj Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotenl at The Hague and al London. Hit Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway: Baron de Bildt, His Envoj Extraordinary and Minister Plenip tiary at Bome. The Swiss federal Conncil: Dr. \i- nold Both, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin. His Majesty the Emperor oi the Otto- mans: His Excellency Tnrkhan Pasha, formerly Minister for Foreign Affair-. Member of His Council ol 81 b Nburj Hey. Secretary-Genera] in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. His Royal Highness the Prince of Bul- garia: Dr. Dimitri Standoff, Diplomatic Agent at St. Petersburg; Major Christo Hessaptchieff, Military Attache* at Bel- grade ; Who. after communication of their full powers, found In g I and due form. have agreed on the following provisions: Abtici e 1 . Military hospital .-hips, that is to say, ships constructed or assigned by States specially and solely for the pnrposi assisting the wounded, sick or ship- wrecked, and the names of which - have been t'oniniunieated to the belliger- ent Powers al the beginning or during the course of hostilities, and in anj before the) are emploj ed, -hail i- -petted and cannol be captured whili hostilities last. These Bhipe, moreover, ire nol on the same footing as men-of-wai \e theil -lay in a neutral port. 30 Ami' i r 2. Lea batimenta hospitallers, equipGsen totality on en panic- aux frais dea par- ticuliersou dessocigttsdesecoursofncielle- menl reconnues, son* egalement respi itempte de capture, m it Puissance belligerante dont ils dependent, lenr a donn6 une commission offlcielle et en a notine 1 les in 'ins a la Puissance adverse a I'ouverture ou au coursdea hostilites, en tout cas avanl toute mise en usa - - navirea doivent Stre portenra d'un document de I'autorite' competent* decla- rant qu'ila ont 6tt soumiB a son controle pendant leur armement et ii Leur depart final. Article 3. U - batimenta hospitallers, equipes en totality on en partie aux fraia dea particu- liera ou d officiellement reeon- nin's de paya neutres, sont respectes et exempte de capture, si la Puissance neu- tre dont i N dependenl Leuradonn£ une commission officielle et en a notifie les noma aux Puissances belligerantea it l'ou- verture i>u au coursdea hostilites, en tout cas avant toute mise en usage. Article 4. Lea batiments qui sont mentionn6e dans h-> art. 1, 2 el '■'>. porteront secoura et assistance aux blesses, maladea et nau- - dea belligSranta sans distinction de nationality. I.. - Gk)uvern«iiu'iits sVngagent a n'uti- lisercea batimenta pour aucun but mili- taire. itimente ne devronl gSner en aucune maniere les mouvements dee combattants. Pendant et aprea le combat, ils agiront a leurs risquea et perils. Lea belligSrants auronl sureux le droit de contrdle et de visite; lie pourront refuser leur concours, leur enjoindre de igner, leur imposer one direction determinee et mettreabord an commis- saire, m&me les detenir, si la graviti circonstances I'exigeait. A in toil II. Bospital ships, equipped wholly or in part at the cost of private individuals "or official!} recognized relief Bocietioa, shall likewise be respected and exempt from capture, provided the belligerent Power t" whom they belong lias given them an official commission and haa notified thi Ir names to the bostile Power at the com- mencement of or during hostilities, and in any cas.- before they are employed. Tins,' ships should lie furnished with a certificate from the competent authorities, declaring that they had been under their control while fitting out and on final de- parture. Article III. Hospital-ships, equipped wholly or in part at the cost of private individuals or officially recognized Societies of neu- tral countries, -hall he respected and exempt from capture, if the neutral Power to whom they belong lias given them an official commission and notified their names to the belligerent powers at the commencement of or during hostili- ties, and in any case before thej are employed. Article IV. The ships mentioned in Articles I. II. and III shall afford relief and assistance tu the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked of the belligerents independently of their nationality. The Governments engage net to use these ships for any military purpose. These ships must not in any way ham- per the movements of the combatants. During and after an engagement they will act at their own risk and peril. The belligerents will have the right to control and visit them ; thej can refuse to help them, order them off, make them take a certain course, ami put a Commissioner on board : they can even detain them, if important circumstances require it. 31 Autant que possible, Lea belligerents \- ^ble the belligerents shall inscriront Bur le journal de bord dea bati- inscribe in the sailing ments hospitallers lea ordrea qu'ils leur pital-ships the 01 give them. donneront. Ami. le 5. .\ km. i i \ Lea batiments-hGpitaux militairee rout distinguea par one peintnre ezte- rieure blanche avec une bande horizon- tale verte d'un metre et demi de largeur environ. Lea batiments qui sontmentionnds dans les articles 2 et 3, seront distinguea par niu- peinture exterieure blanche avec one bande horizontale rouge d'un metre el demi de largeur environ. Les embarcationa dea batiments qui vienuent d'etre mentionnes, comme lea petite batiments qui pourront etreaffi an service hospitalier, Be distingueront par une peinture analogue. Tous lea batimenta hospital* feront reconnaitre en hissant, avec leur pavilion national, le pavilion blanc a croix rouge pre\ u par la i lonvention de < ■• □ Article 6. Les batiments de commerce, yachts ou embarcationa neutres, portant ou recueil- lant des blesses, des maladea ou dea nau- frages dea belligeranta, ne peuvent §tre captures pour le fait de ce transport, made ils restent exposes a la capture pour les violations tie neutralite qu'ils pourraient avoir commise8. A RTICLE 7. Le personnel religieux, medical et hos- pitalier de tout batiment capture est in- violable et ie- i >.-u t etre fait prisonnier de guerre. II emporte, en quittant le oavire, les objets >-t les instruments de chirurgie qui Bont sa propriety parti- culiere. Ce personnel continuera a remplirsea fonctious taut que cela sera necessaire et il pourra ensuite Be retirer lorsque le commandant en chef le jugera possible. Les belligeranta doivent assurer a <■•■ personnel tomb6 entre leura mains la jouissance integrate de bod traitement. Tie' military bospital-shipa shall be dis- tinguished bj l»iiikc painted white oin- side with a horizontal band about i neir. .iu.1 a half in breadth. Tie- ahips mentioned in A.r1 1 1 1 shall i»' distinguished bj ' painted white outside with a horizontal band of red about a meter and .i half In breadth. The boats ol tin ships above mentioned, ao small craft which may i hospital work, shall be distinguish! similar painting. All hospital ships -hall make them- Belves known by hou her with their national dag, the white flag with a red cross provided by the Geneva Con- vention. A.BTIC1 E V I . Neutral merchantmen, yachts, sels, having, or taking on board. Bick, wounded, or shipwrecked of the bell i-nt-. cannot be captured for bo doing, but they are liable to capture for any viola- tion of neutrality they maj have com- mitted. Article VII. The religious, medical, or hospital Btaff of any captured ship is inviolable, and its members cannot be made prii war. On leaving the ship thej take with them the objects and surgical instru- ments which are their own private prop- erty. This staff -ball continue to dig its dutiea while Qecessarj . and can wards leave when the Command ( fhief considers it possible. The belligerents m the Btaff that bas fallen into their b the enjoj ment of theii :V2 Am n ii B, ARTICLE VIII. I.. - marina el let milium- embarquea Bailors and Boldiers who an' taken on blesses on maladee, a qnelqne nation qu'ila board when sick or wounded, to whatever appartiennent, seronl proteges el Boignea nation they belong, shall be protected par Irs capteurs, anil looked after by the captors. ARTICLE '.». Bonl priaonniera de guerre lea nan- fragcs. blesses on malades. (run belligi- rant qui tombent an pouvoir de I'autre. II ajipai tinit a celui-ci de decider. Buivant lea circonetances, s'il convient de lea gar- der, de les diriger sur nn port de -a na- tion, sur mi port neutre on mSme Bur un port de I'adversaire. Dans ce dernier cas, lea priaonniera ainsi rendns a leur paya ne ponrront Bervir pendant la dur£e de guerre. Article 10. i Exclu.) Article 11. Lea regies contenues dans les articles > i-dessus ne sont obligatoires que pour lea Puissances contractantes, en cas de guerre entre deux on plusieura d'entre elles. I. ••- dites regies cesseront d'etre obliga- toirea do moment oil, dans une guerre ■ •litre d«'s Puissances contractantes. une Puissance non contractante se joindrait a inn dea belligerents. ARTICLE 12. La presente Convention sera ratifiee dans le plus bref delai possible. Les ratifications seront deposees a la Have. II sera dresse' dn depot dechaque ratifi- cation un proces-verbal, dont une copie, certiflee conforme, sera remise par la voie diplomatique a toutes les Puissances con- i ractantea. A in i cle 13. Al;l i< !LB IX. The Bhipwrecked, wounded, or sick of one of the belligerents who fall into the hands of the other, are prisoners of war. The captor must decide, according to cir- cumstances, if it is best to keep them or send them to a port of his own country, to a neutral port, or even to a hostile port. In the last rase, prisoners thus re- patriated cannot Berve as long as the war lasts. Ahticle X. (Excluded) Article XI. The rules contained in the above Arti- cles are binding only on the Contracting Powers, in case of War between two or more of them. The said rules shall cease to be binding from the time when, in a war between the Contracting Powers, one of the bel- ligerents is joined by a non-Contracting Power. Article XII. The present Convention Bhall be rati- fied as soon as possible. The ratifications shall be deposited at The Hague. On the receipt of each ratification a }ir<>crs-r>Tht(l shall be drawn up, a copy of which, duly certified, shall be sent through the diplomatic channel to all the Con- tracting Powers. Article XIII. I. .s Puissances non signatain-s, qui The non-Signatory Powers who accepted iiinnit accepts la Convention de Geneve the Geneva Convention of the lilind An- ■ hi 22 aofit 186 1. -"lit ailmises .-; adherer -11-1. 1864, are allowed to adhere to the i la presente Convention. present Convention. Biles auront, a cet effet a faire connaitre For this purpose they most make their leur adhesion mix Puissances ...una.- adhesion known to the Contracting P tantes, au moyen d'une notificati icrite, by means of a written notification ad- a.lressee au Gouvernement des Pays-Bas dressed t.. the Netherland Government, et communique^ parcelui-cia toutes lea and by it communicated to all the autres Puissances contractantes. Contracting !'.• Alill.i.K 14. S'il arrivait qu'une .1.- Eautes Parties contractantes denoncat la pr^Bente Con- vention, cette .ItMn niciati. m oe produirail sea eflets qu'un an apreg la notification faitr par en-it au Gouvernement des Paj -- Bas ft communiquee immediatement par celui-ci a toutes Its autres Puissances con- tractantes. Cette .It'll. iiu'iati. hi in- produira Bes effete qu'a l'e'gard .!.■ la Puissance qui l'aura notifiee. Kn foi do quoi, lea Plenipotentiaires on1 signe la present* Convention et I'onl reve- tue de leurs cachets. Fait a la Ilayc. le \ ingt-neuf juill.-t mil lmit cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf, .mi nn -■•ill exemplaire qui restera depose" dans les archives du Gouvernement des Pays- Bays ei dont des copies, certifiers >'>ni- f.irnies. sennit remises par la voie . liplo- matique mix Puissances contractantes. Pour I'Allemagne : (l. s.) Mtjnbter Debnebubo. (Sous reserve de Particle X.) Pour I'Autriche-Hongrie : (l. b.) Welserbheimb. (l. s.) Okoi.ksanyi. Pour la Belgique : i . B. \. BEERNAERT. (l. s.) Ctk. de Gbexli Booieb. (L. *.) <'MK Descamps. Pour la < Ihine : I . -. rANOTl Pour le Danemark (l. 8.) F. I'l i.i.f.. Alii !• I 1 \ I \ In the event >-f oi f the lliirh < !on- tracting Parties denouncing tli>- i nt Convention, such denunciation shall not take effect until a yeai after the notifica- tion made in writing to the Netherlands Government, and forthwith communi- cated by it tu all tl th. r Contra Powers. This denunciation shall only affect the notifying Power. In testimony whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the presenl i Convention and affixed their seals thereto. I at The Hague the 29th July, 189 I in single copy, which shall be kept in tin archives of the Government of the Neth- erlands, and copies of which duly i fied, shall be >.'iit through the diplomats channel t.. the Contracting Powers. For Germany : Signed (L. 8. MUNSTER lMl;\ l BUBO. i Under reserve of Article S For Austria-Hungary : Signed - 11.. s. \\ I I SER8H EIMB. i . s. Okoi ICBANTI. l -I Belgium : 3 . aed | i . -. A. i'.i m;n wait. i . - E i. Kill E ROOIXB, i . -. CHH I'l B( LMP8. For < hina : aed i i . s.) \ \ \ ■ . Vi . br Denmark : aed i . - i 13210 34 Pour IKsprtgne: (l. b.) Bz DUQUB DB Teh ax. ( I.. B.) W. B. I>E YlI.I.A I'HKl TIA. (I. B.) Amino DB BAQ1 i.k. Pour lea Etats-Unls d'Amerique : (l. s.) Stanford Newel. (Sous reserve de Particle X.) Pour lea Etats-Unia Mexicains: (l. s.) A. de Mier. (l. s.) J. Zenil. Pour la France: (l. s.) Leon Bourgeois. (l. b.) G. Bihoubd. (t. a.) d'Estotjbnelleb de Constant. Pour la Grande Bretagne et I'Irlande : (l. b.) Henry Howard. >.ius reserve de Particle X.) Pour la Gri 1 1 . b.) N. Delyanni. Pour PItalie : (l. b.) Nigra. i . b.) A. Zannini. (l. s.) G. Pompilj. Pour le Jajion: (l. s.) I. Motono. Pour le Luxembourg: (l. b. I ETBCHEN. Pour le Montenegro: (l. s.) Staal. Pour lea Pays-Baa : (l. b.) v. Karxebeek. (i,. B. I DEN B] ii; I'.h'KI i G ml. (l. s.) T. M. C. Asser. (l. e E. N. Rahtjsbn. Pour la P( (i.. b.) Mieza Biza Khan, Arfa-ud- Dovleh. For Bpaio (Signed) I i.. B.) Eli Duque DI Titian. (l. b.) W. B. de Villa Qkktjtia. (l. b.) Abtubo de Baot/bb. For the United Btatea "f America: (Signed) (l. s.) Staneobd New ii . (Under reserve of Article \ , | For the United Mexican Btatea i (Signed) (L. S.) A. DE Ml EH. (L. S.) J. Zenix. For France : (Signed) (l. s.) Leon Bourgeois. i i.. s.) 6. Bihoubd. (l. s.) d'Estoubnrlles de Constant. For Great Britain and Ireland : (Signed) (l. s.) Henry Howabd. (Under reserve of Article X.) For Greece : (Signed) (l. s.) N. Delyanni. For Italy : (Signed) (l. b.) Nig ha. (l. s.) A. Zannini. (l. s.) G. Pompilj. For Japan : (Signed) (l. s.) I. Motono. For Luxemburg : (Signed) (l. b.) Eybchen. For Montenegro: (Signed) (l. s.) Staal. For the Netherlands: (Signed) (l. s.) v. Kabnebeee. (i.. b.) den beeb poobtugaei (l. s.) T. M. C. Asser. (l. s.) E. N. Baht/ben. For Persia : (Signed i (l. s.) Mirza Biza Kuan, Arfa-ud- Dovleh. 35 Pour le Portugal : (ii. S.) CONDE DE MACEDO. (l. s.) Agostixho d'Ohnellas DE V 16- concellos. (l. s.) Conde he Selir. Pour la Eoumanie : (l. s.) A. Beldikan. (L. s.) J. N. Papiniu. Pour la Bussie : (l. s.) Staal. (l. s.) Martens. (l. s.) A. Basii.v. Pour la Serbie : (l. s.) Chedo Mtyatovitch. Pour le Siani : (l. s.) Phya Subiya Nuvai r. (L. S.) VlSUDDHA. Pour les Boyaumes Unifl de Suede et de Xorvege : (l. s.) Bildt. Pour la Suisse : (l. s.) Both. Pour la Turquie : (l. s.) Tvrkhax. (l. s.) Meiiemed Noury. (Sous reserve de Particle X.) Pour la Bulgarie : (l. s.) D. Stancioff. (l. s.) Major Hessaptchieff. Certifie pour copie con forme, Le Secre- taire General du Departementdes Affaires Ftrangeres. L. II. BlYSSENAERS. La Haye, le 31 Janvier 1900. For Portugal : aed) (l. 8 j Condi di m i ~i [WHO D'< >EHB] LAI Dl V \- • i . - Condi m Selxe, Etoumania : - jned) (l. 8.) A. Beldiman. (l. > .i N. Papiniu. i "i Russia : (Signed] - Staal, (l. >. | M\i:i i KB. (l. b.) A. Babily. For Bervia : (Signed) i . -. | Chzdo Miyatovttch. For Siam : (Signed | (l. b.) Phya Si rita Nutate. i . S.) VlSUDDHA, For the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway : (Signed) (l. s.) Bii.pt. For Switzerland : (Signed) (l. s.) Both. Fur Turkey : (Signed) (l. s.) Turkman. (l. s.) Mehemed Nouey. (Under reserve of Article \ For Bulgaria : (Signed) (l. s.) D. Stancioef. (l. s.) Major Hessaptchieff. Certified as a true copy, the Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs, L. H. BUY88ENAEB8. The Hague, January SI, 1900. And whereas on an understanding reached by the Government of the Netherlands with the signatory powers it was agreed to exclude from the ratifications of said ( 'onvention its Article X ; And whereas the said ('(invention, with its Article X excluded, was ratified by the Government of the Fnited States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof , and by the Governments of the other Powers aforesaid, with the exception of tlmse of China and Turkey ; And whereas, in pursuance of the stipulations of Article XII of the said Conven- tion the ratifications of the said Convention were deposited at the Hague on the 1th. day of September, 1900, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the United States of America, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, 8] I • inee, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugul, Ronmania, B Siam, Sweden and Norway and Bulgaria ; on the 8th. day "f d tober, 1900, bj ti ■ P tentiary of the Government of Japan ; on the 16th. day of Plen- 36 Ipotentiary of the Government <>f Montenegro; on the 29th. da; "f December, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary <>f the Government of Switaerland ; on the 4th. day <>f April. 1901 . by tli>- Plenipotentiary <>f the Government "f Greece ; on the 17th. day <>f April. l:ml . by the Plenipotentiary <>f the Government of Mexico ; on the 1 ltli. day of Maj . 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government >>f Bervia, and <>n the 12th. day of July, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Governmenl <>f Luxembourg: Ni>\\. therefore, !»<• it known that T, Theodore Boosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention, with its Article X excluded, to !"• made public, to the end that the same and every clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof, In witness whereof, I have hereunto sel my hand and caused the seal of th>- United States to be affixed. Done at the City <>f Washington, this first da} of November En the year of our Lord [l. s.] one thousand nine hundred and one, and <>f the Independence "f the United States, the one hundred and twenty-sixth. Theodorr Boost \ ii i By the President : John Hay Secrt tary of StaU :;: 3.— DECLARATION TO PROHIBIT FOR Till. II. KM OF FIVF TEARS Till LAUNCHING OP PROJECTILES AND EXPLOSIVES FBOM BALLOONS AND OTHER NEW METHODS OF A SIMILAB NATURE. Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899. Ratification advised by the Senate February 5, 1900. Ratified by the President of the United Stati i April 7, WOO. Ratification deposited with th> Netherlands Government September ',. 1900. Proclaimed November 1, 1901. P.V THE PBESIDEN1 OF lilt: QhitBD STATXS 01 AMERICA. A I'Kix LAM \TM»N. Whereas, a Declaration prohibiting tor a term of live yean the launching of" pro- jectiles or explosives from balloons, nr by any other new methods of similar nature, was signed at the Hague on July 29th., 1899, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United states of America, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, China, Den- mark, Spain. Mexico, Fiance, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Rouinania, Russia. Servia, Siam, Sweden and Nor- way, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of which Declaration in the French language is word for word as follows: [Translation.] DECLARATION. DECLARATION. Les soussignes, Plenipotentiaires des The Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of Puissances representees a la Conference the Powers represented at the Interna- Internationale de la Paix a La Haye, tional Peace Conference at The Hague, d anient autorises a cet effet par leurs duly authorized to that effect by their Gouveruements, s'inspirant des senti- Governments, inspired by the sentiment- inents qui out trouve leur expression which found expression in the Declara- dans la Declaration de St. Petersbourg tion of St. Petersburg of the 2!»th Novem- du 29 novembre her (11th December), 1868, I M.S. 11 decern bre Declarent : Les Puissances contractantes consen- tent, pour une duree de cinq ans, it l'in- terdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons ou par d'au- tres modes analogues nouveaux. La presente Declaration n'est obliga- toire 'i 11 ' - pour les Puissances contrac- tantes, en cas de guerre entre deux ou plusieurs d'entre Biles. Kile cessera d'etre obllgatoire ilu mo- ment ou dans une guerre entre des Puis- sancea contractantes, une puissance mm contractaute se joindrait .i I'un des bel- ligerents. I.. i l'r.-- Hi' Declaration iera ratiflee dans le plus bref delai possible, Declare that : The Contracting Powers agree to pro- hibit, fur a term of live years, the launch- ing of projectiles and explosives from bal- loons, or by other new methods of similar nature. The present Declaration is only binding on the Contracting Rowers in case of wr b tw sen tw ■ more of them. li -hall cease t" be binding from tie tine- when, in .i war between tie- Con- tracting Powers, one of the belligei i- joined bj :i non-4 Sontracth I'le' present Dei laration shall I tie. i a- « i a- possible. 38 l.i-s ratifications mtmiiI depoxes a La Haye. II sera dreas£ de depot de cheque ratifi- cation mi proces- verbal, dont une copic, certitice coiiforme, sera remise par la voie l< >riuit i«jut- a toutes les Puissances con- tractantes. ! - Puissances non signataires pour- ront adherer a la presents Declaration. Files auront, a cet effet, a faire connaitre leor adhesion mix Puissances contrac- tantes, an moyen d'une notification ecrite, adressee au Gouvernement des Pays-Bas et communiquee par celui-ci a toutes les antrea Puissances contractantes. S"il arrivait qu'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes denonciit la pitsente Declaration, cette denonciation ne pro- duirait Bes effete qu'un an apres la notifi- cation faite par ecrit an Gouvernement des Pays-Bas et coinmuniqude immediate- iiniit par celui-ci a toutes les autres Puis- sances contractantes. Cette denonciation ne produira ses effets qn'a l'egard de la Puissance qui Paura notifiee. En foi de quoi, les Plenipotentiaires ont signe la presence Declaration et Pont revetue de leurs cachets. Fait a T.a Have, le vingt neuf juillet mil huit cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf, en un Ben! exemplaire qui restera depose dans les archives du Gouvernement des Pays-Bas et dont des copies, certifiees con- formes, seront remises par la voie diplo- matique aux Puissances contractantes. Pour 1'Allemagne: (l. b.) Minster Dkrxeburg. Pour l'Autriche-Hongrie : (l. s.) "Welsersheimb. (l. s. ) Okolicsanyi. Ponr la Belgiqne : (l. s.) A. Beeknaekt. (i . s. i Cte. de Grelle Booibb. | I . S. ) ('In- Dkscamps. Pour la Chine : (l. b.) YANG Yr. Pour le Danemark: (l. b. i F. Bulb. Pour PFspagne : 1 1.. b. i Kl Duque de Tbtdan. i - i W. EL i>e Villa UbBUTIA. i L. B.) ABTUBO 1>k BAOUSB. The ratifications shall be deposited at The Hague. V proc&$*vi rbal shall he drawn up on the receipt of each ratification, of which BCOpy, duly certified, shall be sent through the diplomatic channel to all the Con- tracting Powers. The non-Signatory Powers may adhere to the present Declaration. For this pur- pose they must make their adhesion known to the Contracting Powers by means of a written notification addressed to the Netherland Government, and com- municated by it to all the other Contract- ing Powers. In the event of one of the High Con- tracting Parties denouncing the present Declaration, such denunciation shall not take effect until a year after the notifica- tion made in writing to the Netherlands Government, and by it forthwith commu- nicated to all the other Contracting Powers. This denunciation shall only affect the notifying Power. In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Declaration, and affixed their seals thereto. Done at The Hague the 29th July, 18!>9, in a single copy, which shall be kept in the archives of the Netherlands Govern- ment, and of which copies, duly certified, shall be sent through the diplomatic channel to the Contracting Powers. For Germany : (l. s.) Minster Dernebimk;. For Austria-Hungary : (l. s.) Welsersheimb. (l. s.) Okolicsanyi. For Belgium : (l. s.) A. Beerxaert. (l. b.) I !te. de Gbbllb Rosier. (l. s.) Chr. Descamps. For China : (l. s.) Yam; Yr. For Denmark : (l. s.) F. BlLLB. For Spain : ( L. S. I Kl PllqUe DE TeTIAN. (l. s.) \V. It. de Villa Urrutia. (l. s.) Abtubo de Baovbb. 39 Pour les Etats-Unis d'Am6rique : (l. s.) Andrew D. White. (l. s.) Seth Low. (l. s.) Stanford Newel. (l. s.) A. T. Mai-ax. (l. s.) William Crozier. Pour les Etats-Unia Mexicains: (l. s.) A. de Mier. (l. s.) J. Zenil. Pou v la France : (l. s.) Leon* Bourgeois. (l. s.) G. Bihourd. (l. s.) D'Estournelles de Constant. Pour la Grece : (l. s.) N. Delyanni. Pour l'ltalie : (l. s.) Nigra. (l. s.) A. Zannini. (l. s.) G. Pompilj. Pour le Japon : (L. S.) I. MOTONO. Pour le Luxembourg: I l.. s. | Eyschen. Pour le Montenegro : (l. s.) Staal. Pour les Pays-Bas : (l. s.) y. Karnebeek. (l. s.) den Beer Poortugael. (l. s.) T. M. C. Asser. (l. s.) E. N. Kaiiusen. Pour la Perse : (l. 6.) Mirza Kiza Khan. Arfa-ud- Dovleh. Pour le Portugal : is.) Conde de Macedo. (l. s.) Agostinho d'Orneli as ok Vav concellos. (l. s.) Conde de Selib. Pour la Boumanie : i I . >. A. I '. r. 1.0 I MAN. (L. B.) .' N. Papiniu. Pout la Busaie : (l. 8.) Staal. (l. - (l. B. A B L81L1 . Pour 1 - [ED( MlTATOA ITCH. Le Siam : B, l'n ^ A Si km a Ni \ ai u. . [81 OOIIA. Fur the United States of An (l. s.) Andrew D, White. (l. b.) Setii Low. (l. s.) Stanfobd Newei (L. S.) A. T. M All AN. (l. s.) William Cbozieb. For the l"nit»-. i BlLDT. Pour )a Bait i . b. Both. Pour la Turquie : i . B.) Tl KhllAN. I B.) M. NOUHT. i . B.) Aimn .i.aii. i I.. B.) B. Mehemmeo. Pour 1:*. Bnlgarie : l. a D. Br lnciotf. i .8. I Major HSSSAPTCHIEFI . Certifi6 pour copie conforms, Le Secre- taire General du Departenieut des Affaires Etrangerea, I.. II. BUJ B8ENAER8 La Hate, le SI Janvier, 1900. For the United Kingdom "f Bweden and Norwaj : (i. s.) Bum . For Switzerland : (l. b.) Both. For Turkey: (L. 8.) TVKKHAN. (l. b.) m. noubt. (l. s.) Abdullah. (L. 8.) B. MKHEMlltD For Bulgaria : i . -. i D. Stahcioet. i i . s.) Major Hessaptchieff. Certified as a true copy, Secretary Gen- eral of the Department of Foreign Af- fairs, L. II. BUT88ENAEB8. The Hague, January 31, 1900. And Whereas, the said Declaration was duly ratified by the Government of th<- United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Governments of the other Powers aforesaid, with the exception of those of China and Turkey. And Win reas, in pursuance of a stipulation of the said Declaration, the ratifications thereof were deposited at the Hague on the 4th. day of September, 1900, by the Plenipotentiaries <>f the Governments of the United states of America, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Fiance, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portu- _.il. Boumania, Russia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, and Bulgaria: on the 6th. day of i October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Japan ; OH the 16th. day l October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Montenegro; on the 29th. day of December, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Switzer- land : on the 1th. day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Greece; on the 17th. day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Mexico; on the 11th. day of May, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Servia, and on the 12th. day of July, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Govern- ment of Luxembourg; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Declaration to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set m\ hand and caused the seal of the I'nited Mates to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, and of the Independence Of the [L. 8.] I'nited States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. TlIEOOOHE BOOSEVELT By the President : John h w . tary of Statt . By command of Lieutenant General Miles: H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant General, Major General, U. S. Army. Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 CG73i2 ft UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES II