CM in >- $. TEbe tlubor jfacsimile ^eyts lark Ittg^ler Date of only known Copy . . . c. 1553-61 Reproduced in Facsimile . . . (i) 1876 „ „ ... (2) 1912 ^hi ^nhax facsimik fiesta Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Jath Jttggkr [c. 1553-61] Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII lark |«00Ur [c. 1553-61] For bibliographical details students may refer to the introduction to the facsimile reprint of " Thersytes " in this Series. The author is unkno'^n and the date given cannot be said to be more than conjectural. The reproduction is good and^ being what it is, '^ery satisfactory. JOHN S. FARMER. 252473 i^Atieto^ntertueDfo^ m^uvUtt :^ounsvace 3 galane 3©ame lope 31 (^entelftjoman 3lac&e3|uBler •ClieDpce jenfein carcatoa? H Jtac&ey* Itle^ trppe anD go ^ mart). 3lacbe3[ufiler* J8f erpone tm$ inttvmm gaulita cuxig tEt poin^ animo quemu^is fufferre labo^em 5©oo atip of poa fenotoe toljat latine tjs t^i'jl €)^cn0tx)OlDpou baueiSn e^poCito^tem (Co Declare tt(n (Snglj5l||e,per fenfumplamo^em acij9fbfn:3lfpea&e(0nglrffie,o;en0tDitl&inatotene 3 mappcwace mrnr otone felfe,tx)itt mp lattn begtle^ Cfie ftJDO becfe^'jtDM* 3 rtberriD before 31 Rnue tD?ttten>tl}pU)ptte;9f b^ei^ o^ nope» dfoj t^e mpntCfartb ^e)m frrtoug( mattery oceupieO YfU^aue not rum quiet mtrtbe^anDrecceacion Snterebaungeable 8bm^jt;eD>muQ ntt)be^ be fone toerieD 3lnr)(ajEftDbo (boulDrape)tiJ«D,tb?ougb continual opera €)f labour anb bufint j2f>tx)t(bout relajcacion (aon ^ Cbertb^e tntermijc ftonelt mir tb^,in fuc^e botfe iQD^ati'our Srf gt^t map be refreQ)ib,^ to labour^ ruGRfc f 0? aiS meat anb b^in^e^natitrall refl anb aepe df o| tt?e conreruacton,anb ^eit(3 of tbe bobpe flipua nibbed be bab,roo tfce mpnb anb toitteief to feepc p^egnant,freqi)e inbuHruijsr^qoiKe anb Inate ?oneft mirt<)e,anb paaime,t'jBf eequifite anbncceffarfc o^j^uob caret alternarequie burabile non eO iJotljingmap enbuteCfait^; fl>upb)bjit^ outfumreff. ^: :. . . :fj ef^mpUlpmf^Wt^tinmw teen fouitie i^antfe(lopmandterfe .eumttt^e}$ pleaftit^ & tbH be topneb t^ boneftte,^ lieapt U in Due meaCur^ 4lnD tbe Came toell allotioeb not onipe tbe faiD Cato 23ut al(o f ]^pin tbat bi? n^^d bolie ll]!)t}commenDet& t olficomebfe Cbe Rearing of i»bmap boo tl^e mpnb cumfo^t :JFo^ tbep be replenilbeb toitb precept*; of l^btlofopl^ie C^e conteme mutcl) bJiCoome 9 teacbe piiubct pollecic anb tbougb tbei be a! tojite of mattteriS ofnon lpo.ztatice Ytt t^e a^iis) great toft,anb mntc{) pjetic conueiaiince* anb (n tW maner of ma Wn2,isiaut«^ bib eycell m 3(<^mo^t)etl) tbe fame "^ulUni tommUns \)im hi name W\ittio}£ tW mahec Delttetl) paOtnglpe tcell Coo folotoe ^t;er argumentej9^,anD Di^atne ont rbe fame jf oit to mahe at rta(un0 coutti^et paOf m<9^ mirtb 9- game 30 notD t e W^ ^0 tUa matter not too^tl^ an oj^aer Q) el l^rept petcacc it Qiall fnrtune too malie vou laug^ txieU aint) fo; tbat ptirpofe onlre tW maker DfD tt txi^if e (ecaktngt^e grounD tt^erof out of ^aiautu^ftrdcametite ainti tbe ftra fcentence of ^ Tame fo^ ^igl^er tl^^ng^ enDire 3n no toiTe l^e tDOlt)>fo^2)f t t^e time tiS Co qttefte Cbat ^e tbar (^eaketb bed^te led t^aniie too^tbte Cbetfo;e>ntb noting but trifled mare be bab rouQalbeteatbfogf cnUe(§almaHepoamer(e ^glatr. ainb racbe a trtfWng matter ai tob^nft Qalbe bone Ye may report ann {apt ye baue bearDe notbtog at all ttberfo?e J tell you aIl,befo3te ©erg noto to Rnb all tbfe cumpante ffi) W£b itt mp mpnbe J topfteb fo? ^artpHe :foi 3 baue labo^eb aU bape tvU 3 am toette ^nh noto am fcifpofeb too paffe t^e ttme,anb be metfc ^no 31 t^mke noon ofpou,but 1)1 toolbebotftefame TO} mo ujo! be raD,anb nebitbe not,i;8( lotile to blame £nD a? fo^ mee,of mp motbec 3 Ijaue bpn tougtit ffo bee mf rte bol^en J map.anbtafeeno t^ottgW cat^icb Iearone,3i bate fo toell atoape ^bat 3 bfe to mafte merpe oonjB^abape 4ittb notu 2 ellesj leat melec^mp namefoi euer mo:e I baue It Dr«t^at fell btmim b^ a late anD Wtfterto of btm 31 coulD neuet ceu^ngeD be JPo^ bi;8? maifltec mantainct^ ^l,a^ louctb not me 3lbe it t^e tcrp trut!) to tell 0ot\itv of t^ebot^,bnotoet6 menot UtU toell 3Bttt againtt al of ftcr bole0,tlje CapD gentle man fl^apntepnet^ btm,all tliat be can 25ttt a fljall ftt iptle bp mp twptc 3lf J Donot jjenbtne tbts nig]&t teqolt^ Cce J UepellenHme f^all bee mete 3nD 5 tettft to cume partlpe out of W tJete 3lnt) to^an tjoe mete aga(ne,if tlfi^ Donot fuSLfe 3 ©allpape 3lenbanD gatl^eriD bp tl)e applejs fall mt> pu t tbem in ftt^ drnt^tU came be l^fe toape. 75V an otbet lane,a;5 faft a? be mape tpU be came at a co2ncr,bp a HoopgJ (fall IDber e bopesj toere at 5^tce,farpng at all ffl)ben carcatrate toitb tbat gooD ctimpan? m tt i^e fell to farpng,toitboottn let J^o^gcttpng bW mea:age,anb fo toell bib be fate tbat toban il came bpe^b^ S^n Ctjocte anb Hare 2(fnb full bitter Ij^cbegan to fucfe Mis oone tbat bab loa>almoa all tn W purfe fo^ S anotoe bi^ olde gifr^anbronbicion ^euccto leaue,tpU all biiff monp bee goon fo^ be batb noo monp,b«t tobat be botb fltell 3Inb tbat tooll be plape^atjoape euerp Dell 3 paireb bp.anb tben calleb tnto mv mpnb §)arcaFbe olb reheantnge)e(,tbaeb3ere bebpnb j&imm Jenuine ^me,lDbopartlieto recopencc 3f ttuft bp gobj8^ gcace,ere 3 goo beme to|)etbet too goo ^i^ ^di(!en0 ] hm\x>M tooU t^im blame Znh W ^nvH^t airo,t]opll T)oo t^e fame :0ecaure t^at (DejOf bet Cupper Decetuet) t^ dfo; 3( am fure t^ep baue all fuppet) bp tbi)9f 23cit anDtoolDbttberre(o^t 3 trad be anD 3,Q)oult) ma&e (lum Ciiojit Yf H bab fooner fpobtne^be toolb bane (boner been b^^^ ;f o; mv ftmitb^^jil Do bt0 borce bearr* CCareatoape. 31 (vi t map ra^e,3I bauie been at a fc8 abaueloft*it.^«anbfp]rpenceattbe led #arp fpit,of tbW gapne^ef a npbe ma&eno bott l&VLt tbe bpuelC goo toitb aU>mo;te baue | loft ^p name tst Careatoate>If t all fo^oto paflfe 3 txjoU ere too mo^oto nigbt be a^ rlcb a$ euer a m at g f oiJtbeft toftbm a bap o^ ttoatne (toa^ef j^e flpapfter^ purfe,tballpape me agapne Cberfb^ bogb careatoaie,noto tool 3 fig^bef bef a3ut bi p lojbe noto J rememb^e a notber tbing 25p mp feitb Hettkfne xfxg S^aifterfe anb tbou ^c Ipfee to 8ree,gob fenotoetb boa Cbat tbou comefl ttot,fo? ber (nronttoent ^0 b^png btr to fupper,tDben tbon Uj ere tent anonototbep baue all f«pp8t),tbotttoolt(burlieabpe Jcrcept tbou imagtae,aimp;etie anD craftpe Ire 5fo2 (be i$i n$ all otber toecmen bee liberie cucfeb Cbjeto,bp tbe bleflRb %tiniUt ^0 fp%f)t,oi c^pDcin a toefee ftc tool not Ipne anD a steat pleaOtte C^e l)atl^>tp(C!>aUr noto of latt (Q:ogeCtepooKme,notD anDt^en b^ ti)epate JTo^ ® e W an ang? pe pece of flefte>ant) Cone MfpleafpO muiUlv mouthfiutnot Irsljtlpe appefeD IDe t)fe to call ^ee at ^ome^name Cope 3(( p;tetie stngecUe pfce^goti faue l^et ant) Taint %m Z^ hmtv anD nCce,a;er an tjalpenp tx)o;tt^ of Dilntt fpoonj^ J5ut t^engable melancolte,^n t^e after noon;s ^^ebfet^fo^J^ftbotpUej^eUlbianDrafegavt) Co c^pD DapUe oone ftte»too(ttppertx)atD ^nD mp #ap(l(r bimmfe>tjStoo^(e t^en die 3I|E l^e on0 tb^ougi^lpe angerpD bte ant) a mapD toe ^aue at^ome^Xuiroon tr(pe anD goo il^ot all TLonDon can ((etucfuciie ot^ t ttooo Sb^t fimperttb^l^e p;(anbftt; and getterb t»ftb oatfaplU 3ida pecocbe tbat batb rpjcD^anb Cbetoefl^ bft gape catlc ^emincetb,Qieb^iDeIetb,(&cftX)immceb toonb Iro fy\)t trcDitb not one bece a tD?pe,qie trpppetb lifee a Do ai b?oDe in tbe fttete,golng o? cumming ^omtoarD i&be i)Uduerttti,anD toatbeUt^^f tbe one tn a galiarD euerpeiopnt tni^erbobpeanb eueciepact ;©b it isi a topHe twenctje to mpnie? anb r^tu^x^ a fart i&be taiaetb^Cbe cbattetb Ube a lape all bape ^nbfptauetbli&eaparat i^oppagape ^aUnb tbat a0 fine^a;^ a fmall amen t^^eebe Ye anb ^^ btg^ a0 an £agle can fie fo; a neabe 2&ut tt i$ a ftjitfuU Iptng girte,anb neuec tuell 28ut to^an fbe map torn pll tael bp me tel >&De t»oU 31 tnarrantpou^a non at t^e fix ft iDfmt immagtne^anb fm tl^e tx)o;(t aittD toliat focaet (8e to mv mMtti^ Dof b fape Jt isi twjtiten in ti^e goilpeUof tbefameDare mmfo^t 31 tooll bere tjoi'tb mp felfe Deuife Wat a map teafap,anD itito^at toiCe 3 map f jccufc t^ijJ mp long tarpeng cfjat 0)? of mp negligence map fufpecf not^pns dJ'oit if the faulf e of t Mj; be founO in mee 31 map giue mp lifefo? balpenis^tljiee i9f c cojrtabunbo fimfUid feUeaN )tec me KoDfe tljiisr mon€tl},anD Jf ©all not ftenb 3 b:tttc liem'Ce tljen nolo isJ cumt to mp mpnD ^aiftrif^ tDoll 3 tape J am bounn bp mp mtit "do fee tbat r our luomanljoD baueno minrie fox 1 beare anb ree,mo?e tben pou noto anb tften ^ribpouc telfe partite fenoto tftc toanfin topletf of tfien Wlitn toee came pent)er,tl)ere tipD 3[ Cee j^p mapftcr feilTe gentitoomcn toto ojt tfecc 3lnD to come emongje?otbcrj5 mp tljoug^t bptpe ^t ball amp^uaplltt^ great p^antafpe :a( nonbe commaunbpbmeto run tben^Bf fo? pou Co cume fupe tljete if vou toolD but J b30t not bote ^P bart gruOgib mWcuafnglell tbat J being atJoape fl^p matfter toolDfum Itgbt call plape Bb^r bponmaiSrieje^/oretbe enbe 31 tarrxeb balfe Cupper time fo gob me menbe ainb beCpbe0 tbat tbere toa^ facb otber compainpe 3^ 31 fenoto pour matftriffbip fett etb notbing bv (Bo^ge^bameis of tbe co^te anb galaunt^ alfo fiXiitl) boctoarj9f,anb otber ruff ler;8^ mo Ittlaft twban 3 tbougbt it tpme anb feafune 3 cam too certifie pou aiai it toa^s reafune anb \)V t\}t toap U^ljome ftoulb J mm 23nt Bue tliut moa l)ont(t d^enttlman ititht dret D^ic^ (tie laa tx)i&e U)aig| tottti 2>ou I^ere 3^D maDe pou a danbetydnti bounctncj; create a?b 3l^nfei" 5P ^c gooU fpfD ftoto fareft tl^ou ^nvv t»el got) f ID It pou mdttet gp I ^oto Ho pou 1|oto t)ot|)etbr maiderig; ii$ Q)e at ^ome Yc ft'^ gj I ant) Cappetl^ all a lone 3nt) Dut (i^e l^atb noo manet goot) cl^ete 31 am aire Qe tooin glatilpe baue i^ou t^ci;e 3 cannot turn not» fapd ^e 1 ^aue bufcneis a5ttt t^ou DSialt tatit a tofeine ft om me to t^v maitlrei^ dE^oo toitft me too mp c^atmib^e at poue lane ent) 3lnt) 31 tooU a Difte of coCcct);^ tnto 6p^ fenb 3 folotxjt'D timpani) toajef bolDe bp pour leaue Co ccm'ueanD b;^ingtbemberein mp fleue 5B«t3| l»olD not fo^ all englontibp 3^^^bp tl^e arme^of Eobfot^ooD W)o\ not tbf0 (jccufe be refonable gooD €o mufe fo^ anp bcctet,gteat folp ^t fie; f 0^ 31 map tnal^e fure nbrnning of rt^i0 ^Ibat anDiO to olDfit acting t^f0«bU.Fete 3 (ball not eiu finb ^oto to faue me all dtre :3IInb ajsl r ou fee fo^ t^etnoQ part out Mttt be beS UDticn toee be talipnemott bnretieft 23ut| bDOlnot gfoefo^ tbatbope aflpe ^bat t)aeb not al tpmciaf (n So^e one goob l^t Znt cannot Cct a goob face bpon tl^e fame %l;tthi,t faint an buntctiD pounbe tc^atlumbaubectemlgbtnotD txjit^in btfounbe Site except fiim of tbtmcome tbe foner a jjjaU btioc&e Wrl^c apeaie,ttiat al englonb ftaltoobcr 9MU ja^e cla&etugler Rnol^e at ti^egate i^attieipe a^apnt if t^oti Dare mt reins tljott IxioU not bpe fatre \xiofii0 betnare ilioh) Rftefttnc tMtifeet^ peflerDape^tU^pet? paa ^Ijat font men a flccpe at mv fete j'ou caft ainD t^iies fame tap rou DpD no maner gooH iSt^o^ toete not toad) en in txiarmc bloD A|en&inCateat»aie HD^at bobo^on ijs t^ist tbat ix)aibtt^ in boanne bIo& S)um Diiiell bi^oken loofe^oat of bell fb; tpoon :f our batb t^e (laFne,anb no\ii tsell i fee Cbat it muQ be mp ct^aunce tbe ftft to bee l&ut ratber tben tbu^af (l^amfullpe too be Oapne toolD €Mttmv ftttxm bab bangebme being but ^er^^it ^tlnti vtttf% t$tkt goob bart anbbe bolbe t^ercace \^t toolbe tnoze fob^f anb conlDe Cjlabiugler 0ote tianbei^ beitur pou about ^i^ Ivpvt^ anb face arnb (ireabe out all (iib tetb tx)itboat anp grace tbUi bap set tt^ep baue bour nogoob at all AlenHtneCareatDape tSu 9 affa^e t^e on meej pjaic mt lame tlbe on f toai »at fpeafee j^ou all tWiS in catneft,o^ m game Yei>oti be angtie toity mc trulpe rou ate to oiamc foi l&aue you anj? toft quarell to mee Cfaketuglet; eer t^ou ant> 3 parte tftat toolj ©> ^jaue 3 Doone rou anp maner titrpUafiite (CJatietoglec ere t^m anb J parte tfiou i^alt fenotxj,? matll oerure ^JenWnCareatoapt 23vmpfai't]&p{tt)oub0an0netDftl)Otttacaure You aall baue a mcntjejaf mabe tottft a cople of arau? 59p tbec 31 fette to^iat foeuer tftou arte 73ut fo^ tbr bifpleafure 3 care not a fatte iS!9a? aman bemaunb bolofe feruantpoubec CH^cfeeittglec flpp maffier^feruattnt 3 am fo;t bermc *ienfe(nCareaU)afC tol^at bufpne^ Jaue pen at tbFJ2J place note 3achcCti!jler ^ap marp tellme tobat burpne$|ja(ltboii iPo? 31 am commaunbeb fo? to toatcbe gf gim bflfgenee 1 €^at in mv joob maiaer iSoungrace^ abfencc I j^oomfCfo^tune map happen to bi^boufeferfaync i ftJenfefnCareatoape f t»eU note J am c«me,pou map go km» agapnc > ainbtbanl^etfeemf'fomucbfo^mpmaifter^atbbcone Vetoing tl^em ^ t^e (etuantisf of ^ ^ouCe be cume t}ome i jfo^3|amoft^e^ouCe,anbnotointooll3goo 1 ciachetuglet f % cannot tell bobeti^er tt^ou be of t|}e l^ouCe o?noo Sut goo no ntre.kd 3 t^anMe t^ee K&e Aarafnger «^dni^enomanbttttbprelfe,fft^oube(n an^ Dauitset Clenbt'ne Careatxia^ ^atFe 31 ttcfpe tbc^ant) platilp tnto t^ce tell tr^atjl amafetuauntoft^iis^oure^anl^^ete 31 Dbiell 3lacKeittgler ^otn (00 got^ tne rnact)c,tttt tijoa goo tt)ee toafci^ IDI^iUe tbou mapcGt^fo^ tbi!!^ fo^tie Dape^ 3 t^sU m^i^e ti)ee not able togoono^rpbe 23ut to a i^tingcatt o^ a b^bilberoU) Upng on on (pbe denbencareatoaie 3 am a remaunt of iW boafe bp tl^ej]i.j:«boni$ ^lacbefugUr ^00 molt plating but geat tbee bmjS at toton^ 3|enitmCareab}ape W%V m? mapaer batb rent me borne in f^iis; melTage ^HaciictagUt latke snl^ ijoalbe a bndtte,bere a loathe in no palTagc C^^nbtnCateatoate UD^at MU t\)ou let me from m^ notone maiftfrisl \^outt aJiUktiiiiltv 36e tt^ebging,o; inmt}) pou bete me a foufc i^ere mpmapaetanb 3 baue ont baMtadon ^ob batb conttnuallp btxKlleb in t^tfi mantpon 31c tbe leaa tbti$ boofen petjs anb CD 3inb bete boot boe enb out Iptte^sl bp t\^t graee of gob c]en&inCareab)ape W\n t^en tol^ete (ball mp matftet anb 3 DtoeU )V3acbeiuglec :$t tbe J^puell pf pou iu% S ean not tell Clenbencateaboape 3n nomine patti^,nou» tW geave bot)) palTe jrofalftelfccfojeffippet^eteotitliottfetoajS aittDtWj25W^to?mp|mtt8llt)oolonaboj^Ctoee Cjafeefuslec ll^boljStb?mapfterteUmct»it^auti?e aiaD tWne otone name alfoUt me ftnotiie mm dpo^ mp ma^aetjS all,let me ^aue tbe blame Tf tbW fcnaae Kno bfjeJmadcc o^ i&i^ otonenamc ftiCaetatoarc 4®r tnai(ler;e^ name (j8^maiftec©oungrace 31 ftaaetitoeUctj toft^ blmatongefpace Inb 3 m ieni^tnCdteatoase Wv^& c||abe!uBlev» ijIDjatreb^miMn fenauebcstnyoufo rage Cafeet5at,arttbottmailler;i30ttngt?dcii3f page ^Cateaboaie Yf 1 be tiot,3f l&aue maDe a beer e goob Wage Ciacheiuglet* jDateS tW too mv tace fare tbott art 31 ti^careaboape 3 boolbe it toeee ttue anb no ipe i'o? tben tboo (bolbea fmart,anb 3 tboulb bci SDbere a/of nob:) 31 be all tbe blotoe^get C3iael^eutglet 3nb (jai mailfor Bomigtacet^p maiaer boeft ft^en Tape it Caee8b:)ape 31 toollftoere on aboo^e^be toaieionis^tl^i^bate CE^aclieiuglei; Snbf o^z t^at tl^ou (j^alt fumboi^at l)atte 23ecaafe tbou p^e'fi»mea,Kke a faucpe Ipfng fenatie 'Co rape mv maittec ^^^ *»^« Pa^ ^W«J place Bbo atttftounoto tell me plaine 4a«^u.x .. *CareatDape mo bonv^Mt toijome pleaft pou fertapnc ttpottfapDcfl euennoto tbpnametoa^CarcatDafe ^ ^VCarcatoare an t(.Mi8t,r(. iliooHiiriwrtSSSXuft* jLifee d fole ftS 3 am atitj aSjonfeeit umt TdutinUitl^ivmt feallt^ctDFtte Hftaue (Bfterfoje 31 befec^e rou Do me no moje blame 25tit giuemc a neto ma(fter,an^ an otftetname ;ffo? (ttxjolti st^^we mp l^art foo Ijeipe mc goD ^0 runne a bou t tje fttetcjj like a maiftetUiSf no5 OakeiugUc 3 am ^e tbat tbou fapbea t^iou toetc atiD maiaec boungrace i^ mv maiaec ^ btoelctft beare tbou art nopopnt careatwape ti^i toitwbo tijccfaplle ^V Carcataapc Yc matp fp^ j)ou bauc bette t^em Doune into mv tapUe a5utci>^mpgbtl be bolbe to Ca^e on tbrng jpitboat an? blbueje(,anb twitibout anp bcatrnge CUabctttgUr (Truce fo^ a b)]^j)le rsj> one tol[)at ttip luCt Caccaboape fi^ar aman too j>ouc bonerte b^ ^our tooo^b tmft 3 piap i>ott fcoe'Ce b^ tbe malTe pon tx)oU bo meno 01 ctacke tugUt 2Sp mp fait^ 3 p^onuCe pacbone t\)tt J tooU Cateatoape mW anb pou &cpe nop^omlfet 3a (^en bpo carl 3Pjaie gob Kgl^t si0 mucb o^ mo^e a^s ^atb on f to bare Carcabjape iliobo bare 3 fpeafee fo mote 3[ tbce i9^aiftet boungcace ii mp maia:cr,anb tbe name of mee t^tenKencaceab^ap^facke tugler«i2Dl)atraie(t t^ou Coo careaboape Znt^ pf t|jou toilt ftrfee me ,anD b^eake tbp p?omf Moo Btit beate on mce,tpU 3 G{nke,anb tpll J bpe 3nb v^t to oil 3 Wil rape t bat 3 am a Cfac&eitigler €yi^ beWem knaue toit^iout t)OUg|;t iH ntaft lECateatoape 00 b? go!3 fo? all tiiatj am atiorfciaD atnt) can cale to cemjmberamiceewp!Ttiji?nge ^ftat 31 DrD tWJ^ tiare,ftt^e m? bpnTjmge f o SInb tbece ] tmoto H Q)al tbee a It^ec fpno VirSlac^eiuglet 3t ran tbence bometxiarb a contrarpe toapc anb tobe tbet 3 ftopeb t^ere 0^ nape 3 coulb tell if me luftetl? a goob toben 2^ut it map not berp toell be fpoben ^enWncateatoape i0oo map 3 P^P^ ^l^te let no man t|iat liere 25ut tell it mep^iuelpe in mine ere ;lir3Iacbeiugler 3 tl^onloft all ttip monp at bice cfijiO geue itW tm{t toel anb truelpeppckeb before out of an ot^er ma^ pojfc €3|enbenCaredtx)aie felfe Icaue iflD; tDbo t)tt) me of mi? name b^ tlje toape beteue Jf oi J am fur e of t ^i?; in mp mpnbe tiDftat 3 t)pb in no place leue mp felfe bpWnbe Y( ji tidOmp namepla? el) a ix)ape at Orce jdoibftb roiiim;> feife fo mv mmntmvct ^p baD maDe a frap m\^\imoftittnfvi^tvns ^^ it b^D b^ne dolite (tamme aeapftt? 3t ftaD brne a matter anb H toolb bauefeeptpaa'e iice T^ut it (pi tetb mp (jatt to baue lolf it bp (Ucl^e open ne?^ H^ tbou ^o^efone D^ouCte D^unHen fote (Usenet Yt toere an alme^ DpDe to toal be tt»p cote ainti 3 Ce^eto 6tm tfiat txiollifo^ ttjee be fti^pe *Coo fee ttjee bjell cnrtpelj bp anb bp 3Ini3 bp Cbpft if anpmin toolb it boo 3 mp lelfe toolb beipe tbete too i^o^amaiimapfeetbou^o^cCone goofe Cbou toolbeft Ipfe tbime arfe if it toere loofe Mlbzit 31 txjoIDe nenec tbe bpbe beleae J3ut tbat tbe tbing it (elfe botb ft^toe anb vmt 'QDbere toasf neuer 3b)e fo Ipfee tmto an ape 30 be is! to me in featate,anb (bape 23ut tobat tooll mp maifter fap tcoto pe C^ben be (]^aU tt)le( geare bete anb fee HDpl be fenotome ttjinfeepou,t»tjenfte ttaUeme Yf be bo not a notbec tocU a;8; goob a^ be 23nt UJbetci0 tbat otber If tw^et^eci^ bt son ^3 mp mapftet bp mhifi p^cut$ paOlon eptber to put me out of mp place 5S)it too accuCe me to mp ma^fter ^ottngcace 35at J boGll after a^^ fed as I can flee 31 cniato be tberea^foone diS^ee Cbat pf mp mapftee be nottebpe bome to come 3 txjoU be bete agapneajjfaa aul canrone Jn anp topfetoftjeafee toitb mp mapttett^ ^i cii0 a fbM mmv efcape (^ansingbubtlcjar Sdamecope ymi noe ftippt m tdiWnMm Ifee Slot ^^ V^^ ^^^ ^0^^ catnfttie (o} to fet met 75ut gooti pnous^ let me alone a tooU tiee tiitti t»f t^ tftcim eaerr c^one 1 ra^e not4ing)bttt 3 f^itibeftnn to^at K tDf;8^ &um tl^et bee t^at (liall|»ere of tWis j^f al!)nMnD9e^urUQebufbatit)0t^tia( Hf'j^M tCo let t^et topue^erret at borne afiH fait IDbile tbe? bee fo^cb anb mabe soob cbeate ^actimeianb rpo^te^a^sf noto be both tbece 23atFf3ltoereatDpO:U)oman,aiS3l|dma mome 3 (bolbma^empfelfeais goobebete at borne J5ut if be baue tbtiiSf lonHinblpe ferueb mee 3 bjoll not f oiget it tW monetbijB^ tb^ee 3lnD if 3 tocft f fault toece tnbim, J p^a^ gob 3 Be beb 23ut be (Doulbe bauefucbe a l^r^ie,ere be toent too bet "SUg be netiec bab before m all W Ipfe 00} anp man elte baue bab of btiS torf e a toolbe rate bim anb (baKe bim after fucb a fo^te M9 Qiolbe be to bim a co^rarfoe,fall little to bt^ cumfo;te 3U;9:tctppeaubgoo Yf 3t map be Co bolbe bp pour matderflbpjS [pcenrf ai2l too fpeafec anb ftexo mp mvuDt anb fentencc 3[ tbinhe of tbi^ ^ou map tbe bope tbanl^e if 0^ 3 ^»oto tbat be plapctb pou manp a Ipfte p;tan fee anb tbat bjolDe pou fape,pf pou bneU) a$ mutcb a^e^ bjec Cbat W baplpc conuerfacfon anb bpbaufo^e fte df o^pf pou commtnnb bim to goo fpeafee toltb fum one Yt 10 an boure ere Ije toolbe gone ^ben tooll be runefo^tb»anD plape in tbe (iret e anb cume a game anb Cap t^at be cannot U)tt& b^ tti mete J^amecope 3^d. IJaf ■ire5^.*?Mai8P?"P .;*iega««3f?«T'7*'*»fir««3»^S(5WBiBK«i»«««SSSBS8!»Vi^^ ^^^m^^^^m^mmm^ ^t^tmitht me foo almoft cucrpe tWb Daj>e 23ut J tDolbe cucn twitb Ijim a^ gon geue me f o j anD pet t!)e fault ma?? bee in tfte bo^e 3je( t)ngrac(ouj2J a graft fo mot 31 tb^siue 35^ anp goetb on goDl^e^ gtounD a Ipue Carealnape j®p toittefiBf b^ecbcD infucbe a b^al^e anO gob before ?cp|icn t|;p maiiler cumitjj ^ome t^ou (Halt Ijum mo^e «J)8t tftoulBottlneB; cume bafee a gaine (nconf fnmtt ^obipngemetofuppettw^creftenoU) W anil tftoti tiaft plait bv t\)t mm,^ tW ftauc Don bf tW t3ttt no fo^ce J ©all tbou maj>a trua mec Ceacl^e allnaug^tt'e fenaucjs to betware br t^iec :V Cateatoate fai (otfte ma(fter(0 pf pou feneto ai^ mucb ajs^a re tDOUlDc not be tottb me ^alfe Co angtic jFo? tl[ie fatilte ie ntxt\)tv in mi maidet no? (n me no? pou ffiut (n an otber fenaue tbat toa?? bete cnen noto anD ]}ig name toajst ienMn Careatoate 9©amecope WW 31 fee mp man tj0? bifpoBb to plar e a totne be be b?on feen o? mab J ma&c gob a tiou ccarealxjaie Ji^ap 1 l^aue bpn mabe Cob?e anb tame 3 notxi 31 tJ3a;e? neuec fo banbelib before in all mp Ipfe || \j3oulb euecp man m CnglanD bab Co beat me ^ig toffe g ^aue h^gotten toitb toufing bp tbe Ijerc aaD^atJ beuiCebtofapalpcleere ?^amc cope l^aueSlloftmp fuppectbt^ntgi^tl^joagb t^i negUgecc CCactatoape iliap t!)en toer | afenaue mtO-eri^/aaingpoupreiictcce 5^ame cope BDbP 31 am tore t^at bp tbi^ time it ii boone * Caceatwape ye tftatft (;0f mo?e tben an our agone Bamccope Snb toa^not t^ou Cent to feaclje mee tticptl;c>t? Cateatoapc ye0 antJ Ijalj mme tf giit quifeU'e {jtt!;er ffiut ttjat bp t\)t toape 3 ftaU a gcctfall 3lnD mp name,boDp ftape Uggr ;b? and all anD meat tiottb one,tl)at from me DCD it Oelle i&nt be gob t}e anb J Rim blonee bi^b beale 31 toolbe tje toere noto before your gate f 01 rou toolb poumile tjt'm t opUIe a bout t|iepate feamecope Crutlpe iW tk^ageoaaie ijs tit^tt t?tm&en o^mab ^ CareatX)dpc lieuermanfofFrebfomutcbe to^onga^ J ban Itnt mai^tti$ Jl Qoulb tape a tl^foge to pou ^arp (ttjDolcumtomprememb^cnceeamtiobj 31 mud nibbcs; tfe afubaanr^all p;eemebftaaoti Jo^ tbe matter Ipetb gtetpMe mc a pon 3 bettcbe pour muittttifbipt of parbonanb fo^g&eneie^ 33efpermgpou to impute it to mp ftmplefl^ntbe bultncier 31 baue fo^^gotten lobat J ^aue tbougfit to ^aut fap^ii ainb am tberof full ill a paieb 25ut tabatt 31 loll mv felfe 3I ftneto t ed e tpell 39 loQ; alfo t^at 3 (boulbpou tell ^amecope li9bp tl^ou to^ecbib btilen mtttiou mefco^e anb mobt elpbbpmafterasoobro?e gab it not bpne pptie to bane loft tbf? fpoitc ^ none btisr matfter on bij8^ bebalpbe You t^all fee Qo to be tooll banble tbe calpbe pf be tbjougblpe angeceb bee i|e t»oU make bimCmart fo mot J tbee Jb30lt)notfo?tbep?iceofaneiDpap^e of (bone Kbat anp parte of tbi^ bab bvnmhnhme 23ut notD 3i baue ceuengeb mv quacell 3f Uioll go bo oftbi^mpne apparell 3nt)noto letcaceaboape beCateatoapeaitafne 3 baue bone toitb tbat name noto cectapne £;:ccpt pera«enture j (ball taiie tbe felfc tame toebe @um otper tpme agapne fo?a lifee cawfc ano nebc ?6otingtacc |&%Stbmbdrfftti;qutop}e{ume(ootcnmec Wmssa* ?■• %W 3 ftnoto f£J no io^tt poffible foj to bee f/Careatoape iB oto bp mp tctttb matter 3 baue tolD r ou no It'e 20tiD all tl^efe fol^ejs ¬x)itb a$$ txjell a^ % 3It)ar)noCoonec fenolicliattbegate 25ut fttaigbt tuaj^e^ ijc tiat) me Dp tbe paf e Cberfo^^e pf pou bet mc cpll 3 Cart 9^ ©pt againe pou CEiall not caule mt fo^ anppapne 55ut 3! tooll alR'cme a^ | faiD before 'vIDljat toben J came ncce a not'ijer floDe at^ bo2C . . a3oungtace MDbp f naugbtpe billainc Daceft f afftcme to me tbat tDbicb tDa^ef neuer (em no? [^tttnftn (balbt tIDbat one man map b^ue too boDtejj ^ ttoo facejs 2BnD ^ one man at on time map be in too plad^ tCell me D^anheft tbou anp tob ere bp tbe toape sVCareatJoate 3! (b^eue me if 31 czafce anp mo;e tbe tbocre to tap '^V'^i Jl met enen notx) t»:tb t^at otbtc 31 3tiD tDitb bim 31 Cuppeb anti bjanbe trttelpc :3ut ag{ f 0? pou pf pou gau e m c ti^iin ke anb meat :2fi!3 oftentrme^agpouDo me beat 3 toere tftebeft feb page tn all tbi^ Cptie 23ut a^toucbpng t bar, pou baue on me no pitpe 3nOnotonIpe3lbtttallti)atUopoufarue dfo^ meat anOD^puae map ratbet ftame :23oungrac$ l®batpoufaucp^malppett fenane 75i^inz poutoitb pour maiftec to p.iat anbraue pour tonge i^ Ipberall ann all out of frame 3 mutt niDOe^coungcritanDmabett tame XDberi^lfotberCareatoai^ tbouraibt»a;3^bere care ^oio bv mp e^?paenl»ome Cp? 3 toot nete W^V canft t^iott fpnDe no man to mofee bat mee C Careatware a mofeefiou not mailfef too mot J t^ee Cuerpetoo^iDtoa^trctx) tbat^youtolne i&oungtact iBap 31 toioto topeis ant) p^anikc of oltje 2lnt) noto tbou act not Catiff^cti noj content ^ ^[fieftboutccsacDf ofmp btDDingejg mt commauDiment %o l}aae plaxeD bp tbe t»aie as( a Icutie fenaue gt negUget Dben 3i tbec on mr meaagc l^ome Cent ©utairo tooll)e(Jt)oilhngl|>emet)tlttl)e ^ moke aint) maue me to all torfc men a laug^i'tts Hoke ^ ©etoing mc fucft e tljtnge^f ajs; Q«botl^ ttwatne ^auc mv Ipfe anti let me not be (lapne 3 l^auc !ja^ beting pnoug^ fo^ one na|>e (g:]^at a mifcWfe tafee tl)t otljc t me Carratnapnc rr ^at if euer ijc came to wr ^anbeis asapne a \xii^ it f&albc to W^ pa^ne 2But M maruapU s^^^atlpe bv out lo^^tie l^^efu? J|ot3o fte a€fcapib,3I me beat tac tt)u;6f 2lnt) fe not b^ 3 an bn&inD fctnaiie iCbat looU no mou pj>tte onmp felfe \^mz ^ ere maj? pou fee,emtien£lpe v^i0 e goob bebf eloboj toere tbcn mutcb bnMnbc ^f r ou lit an^' tpme (Jjoulb be out of mr m^nbe J^amecorc &Viulvt% baueof pou agireattreafure f 0? l?ott ho all tbf ngc^ bPbteb map b« to mp pleafure t3ottngrace 3 am tojjj tjiat ^our cbawnce ^atj notxj bgne fo rU 31 toolDe glaWp bpne t}nfuppet>,foo ^ou batJ pottcfpll 23ut goo toe in pigcfnte t^at you map fuppc : j^ou bane caufe noto to tfjanhe tlji^ l^mc i^ange ftppe f 0,1 ^aD not te bpne pou tjaD fatpD tierp ix)dl gi b^quetb Wmt6 aljot bengaunceto tfie Wuell of^ell ^nt) jbarteipe J beftcfje Iftfm ttiat fiangeD on t^e roDe Cbat fte neuec cateno^ t)?pnfee,t^at map Do ^(m gool) aSnD tl^at ^e Dp^ a (ftamefull Detlie fautng mp c^ierptc CCareatoate 3 P^SP 80^ fc"^ fittn fucbe p^ofptcirte ^bat ^atb cauFeD me to batie all tW buftne^S 55utpetr?^0poureettjecl)autpe of mpmafdriiJ ^beliuet^ after a toonDetfiiU charitable fadon f o.i 31 alTure pou Ije is; atoapes; in tbt^a: palTton I 3i]D fcacelpe on Dape tljjougbout tbe l)Ole pere ! &be taDoU toptbe anp raanbetter cbcce ^ asnb fum tpme pf Cbc toell angt^b bee gip^apgobO»onffiefape3?bottfemap ffnke bnbetmee aButmapftecjEipf pou bappen tofcetbat ot^etj m tbat pou tball it fe not berpe H feelpe ^0^3 bjollnotbefp^cpoufo^^bimpurpofclpeto loofee if 01, it fe an bncomperable bnbapppe booke afnb (fit bc3,pou migbt bappin to feel^e aittb not fpnb me out in m bole toeefec Jf 0? toban J bja;& tnonte to rune a tx)8pe I bfeb not to cum a gapne in If Ofe tba a monetljoi ttwap f oabeit fo^ all tbiis: J tbinKeit be not J dro^tto fteto t be matter tn bpDetrulpe 3 neuer bfe to mne a toape in twpnter no? in ber e ©at all toape^ tn cncbe tpme anbXeafon of tfce pere Sb1^ all manec frute MeHj from tl)e ttct0 %si aipplejaf, Butted ,^^cte6,atttipluttim€« alfo HlD^etb^ a bope ma^e Itue a b)ot) a monetj^ o^ ttoo C^t> caSbo 1 t)re % booU not tx)ttb pou fapne Cfterf ojtc J txjouDec ff l)e be H fertame 23at anil tf ^e be,anli j)Ou tnctc me a bjtob bp c^aunce >&enT) me bome to mp bQaiaet toitb a bmgaunce 3Inb (beb3 bim if be cume not ere to mo^otx)e nfgl)t a tooUneuerteceyuebimagaj'netfJmpBW 3nD tn tbe meane tirnelH txjoll B<«e 5im a grote tr^at isoll toell anb tb^rftelpe toalke \/i^ rote df 0^ a mo^e bngtartou? knaue x$ not euen nota 55pttoene tbfe place anb Cal?coto ^0^ a moje franttfee mab ifenaue t'n bebelcm i&o? a mo^ folle bence to 3Iberuralem -Cbadf to cume afiaFne,patcace Ije Q)aU refute 3 tooU contineto a;8f J am anb let bpm r^oofe anb but l^e cum tl^e Coner bp onr labp bii^^t i^c ©all Ipe toittiottt tbe bo?e^ all np g^t #b^ 3 tooU (Jf t ijp tbe gate,anb get m^ to bebe f 0^ 3 paomttfe pou | baue a berp grbte tjebc 3 nebeno fnpperfo^ tbtenpgbt ^ojtoolbe eatenomeattbougft3mpgl)t ainb f 0? rou alCo matfter 3 tbfnbe 3[bea pou go to bebe^anb ta&e pour red dpojt t»t;o of rott bab bpn banbeUb aiS i ^ane ben tDolbnotbelongoutofbij^bebelf Ijoeen ^omojetooH J Wt fteleoutoffpgbt 3 PW^ 80b gene pou all goob npgl^t ainb (enbpou better bape,anb fortune mfi to leflTe four felfe i^ometvarb a^ 3 lE^aue bon ^nmt^Saf ^umhWitio^iSfmt^ t^epjouccbeolDe fCtiat the Cattc totnfeeti tojen (?ere Ipe toa^ out ^^ac 10 to rape no taU can be tolDc 23titt!)atfamCnglp©emaj'ebepffeetitftet:ofotit yf fo to ferc^e tlje Isten ^ gtounD of it men toil go abOKte ai0 tWiS? trfflfoj entecluD f before pou ^atft Mne re^ecfeD i^apftgnffie ftim fattier meaninsff itbe toetl fecc^^b fi)uc^ ig tftefaffipon of ti)f too^lOe noto a Dajc^S ^^at tl^cCpmpIetnnofatnte^ac DeluHeti ainD an tiunD?€t> tl^oufano Diuefe toapeiS 25p Cuttle anO ccaftpe meancs; (JamefulUe abwfetJ 3nObp (irengtbfo^ce,anO Violence oft tpmc^ compelletj Co beltue aut) fart t^e moune i^ maDe of a grcne cM^ ^} ell? ^laue great ljarme,ant) paieace ttietr life lefe ant) ati olDe facing tt if^Mt molt tvmtS mvgljt dfo?ce,arEngttj,potoet,^ colorable Cttbtlete feoti^e opp jeCre,t)ebace,ouercttm anD Defeate tpglftt ^bougbf caufeftantjneuecfo greatlpeagatnft equftc anD ^ trut^ tbecof be knotoe fo j neuer to gSt cectantpc pe ^ tbe po^t femple tnnocent ^ Ijatb bab xo^ong ^ iniun ^ua cal § otfter bi? soob matftet; f o j {beUn'n^ brtniucb (matcpt) 3nb a^ it i$J bapUt f?ne fo?. fere of fctttier bifpjiofttc ^z mua tbat man W^ beft frenbe anbmataer call iSDf tobome be neuer recetueb anp maner benefice 3lnb attobofe batibbe neuer ban anp goob at all m\i mn^ graunt,aeRrme,oa. beme,b3bat foeuer be (bail 1^ e mud f ape tbe Croue i^ t»bigbt,pf be be Co comaubeD re anb tjiat i^t |)tm Celfc if into a mtJ^tv bobp cbaungeD *i 19c mttft affee fo^geutnej5,lDbere ije ntu no trefpace £)? cllja; be tn trobU^catc anD mcferpc twitlj out entic anD be caft in fum atrieraBe^txjitbout anr grace 3nD tijat f bingfte fatoe bone before W ot»ne face §|c muabp compulfion^ftifelie benre ainb foj feace tu^etl^ec ^e tooU o^ not ape tonge poii Ipe aeb fn twcrpe faeulte^ft feting feputin ^;e 3(nb i£^f bntuetfall tbat J nrbe no one to name 3no a0 1 fere i^ Hfee eutrmo^e to enburt jf 0? ft ti8f in all facttltie^ a common fpo jte anb game firbeU)e6ertoraieaj6r$ ar5gerbibbetb,o^ tol^aaeblam s$r a cunning foptiiftbooU bv argnmim b^tng to pafTe Cl^at tlje rube 9nl conf efle^anb graunt fjim felfe an affe ttib tW a f ba^He tpctJMt aftb p;racttfe of tbetr UcUa ainbnot emong0 tbtm onfie^but alfo emong all otber^ nbt ft^onget to compeil anb malve poo^e Trmpte fole^or ^0 fai» ai3 tbep commaunb tl^em in ail maner mattery 3[ tool! name none particular^but fet rt^em all togiri^erjS toft^ out anp e:cceptton)fb; 3f P^ape pou ffietoe me one (fmonge^al in tl^etpo^lbett^acdf^t^enottttc^efafion l^e that ifg Sronger anb mo^e of pofeer anb migl^t Yf ^e be bifpofeb to reuenge ^i^ tmU ioolKonepibe aquareU be it tojonge o^tiibt q9ircrpt,anbb30full grcuatince ynb tbu^ 1 mahe an enb,cdmitttng pou to W gtbafi -\! />* i 14AV77 14 DAY USE ^ RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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