QjV uc-nrlf 1215 o o Singing Games and Dances For Schools and Playgrounds f Compiled and Arranged by Cari Ziegler, M. D.; B. S. G. Supervisor of Physical Trainings and Hyefiene Cincinnati Public Schools PRICE GO CENTS THE WILLIS MUSIC COMPANY CINCINN/VTI O. Singing Games and Dances For Schools and Playgrounds Compiled and Arranged by Carl Ziegler, M. D.; B. S. G. Supervisor of Physical Training" and Hyg"iene Cincinnati Public Schools PRICE 60 CENTS THE WILLIS MUSIC COMPANY CINCINNATI O. 'S»^'' 1/ Introduction The educational value of singing games and simple dances was recognized long ago; in fact the Kindergarten has made use of them from its very inception as a means of mental and physical training. It is only within recent years, however, that such.games and dances have been adapted for use in the primary grades. To bring to our children these traditional games, many of which have been handed down to us thru the ages, and have been played so long that their orig- in is unknown, and also. some that are of more recent date, together with a few of the simpler folk dances, is the object of this collection. The original intention was to put this collection into the regular Physical Training Manual. This beinj; found impractical it is published in this form, so as to make available for the teacher the descriptions and music of these Games and Dances, with the hope that they will use them in their classes. From the mass of material at hand only that has been chosen which expe- rience has proven to be valuable and also usable in our schools. There is enough variety to meet the needs and conditions of most of our schools. Each teacher must select that which is best adapted to her pupils and envirenment. She should not attempt to teach all, or even a large part of what is presented. Children like to do that which they can do well, there- fore, it will be better to teach a few games thoroughly, than to attempt many. The classification and grading is merely suggestive. No doubt the pu- pils of the Second and Third Grade will enjoy some of those games des- signated for the First Grade, and conversely, some classes of the lower grades will be able to do some'Of;*t|iose'^^Si^nip^i"or the higher grades. The teacher should be careful, however, qot.to attempt anything that is be- yond the pupils' ability. .{. ". t • ; ': * .' '*. "• •-' * ' In the collection and preparation of the material I have had the kindly advice and assistance of Mr. Waiter Aiken, Miss Albertina Bechmann, Mr. Ernst Thoma, Mr. K. D. Hofer and Miss Edith Grebner^ to all of whom I hereby express my gratitude. Carl Ziegler Copyright MCMXIV by The Willis Music Company !?757 List of Gaines and Dances Grade i Page Awake, ye sleeping Shepherds . . 4 Carrousel .5 Cat and Mouse ...... 6 Cobbler 6 Dancing Song 7 Girl within the Circle. ... 8 Happy Children 8 I see you 9 King of France 10 When I was a Shoemaker . . .10 Marching Song. , . - . . .11 Sandman 12 Shoemaker's Dance. . . . . 13 Sister dance with me . . . .14 Snow Man , 15 See Saw 16 Grade il Boat Song 17 Draw a bucket of water . . .17 Now with my hands , , . .18 Go leave me . . . . . . .19 Hot Cross Buns. . . . . .20 In Summer ....... 21 Hunting 22 Jolly Miller 23 Muffin Man 24 Page Mulberry Bush 25 Oats, peas, beans 26 Round and round the village . . 27 Sailor Boy 28 Snail 30 Trees and the wind .... 31 Young Musicians 32 Grade 111 Clapdance- Danish Danish Dance of Greeting, Did you ever see a Lassie First of May . Knots in. May . John Swift . Kinderpolka Seeking my partner 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 40 Grade IV Clapdance. Swedish . . . .41 Happy life for me 42 Awake, ye sleeping Shepherds . . 43 Broom Dance 44 How do you do? 45 Hopping Dance .46 Seven Steps 47 Lassie Dance 48 362158 2757 Grade I Awake ye sleeping: shepherds fe ^^ i w • A - wake ye sleep- ing shep- herds, the cuck-oo's song I f '"i'^ rJ m • d hear, From yon-der wood - ed hill - tops the ris - ing sun ap ^m m m ^ ■ ■ pears. A - wak - en, a - wak - en, the cuck - oo's song I «- !> rJ I m ZTL m m r ^ r r hear, A - wak - en, a - wak - en, his notes sound sweet and i !> , \ i P clear. Cuck- oo, cuck- oo, Cuck- oo, cuck- oo, cuck I ^H ^ ri j. r js ^^ 00, Cuck- 00, cuck - oo, Cuck - oo, cuck- oo, cuck- oo, Formation: A large circle, hands grasped, a smaller circle within. The children of the smaller circle squat down (or sit on the floor) rest the head on the hand and "are asleep." Those forming the outer circle sing while moving around to the right or left. When they sing "Awaken, awaken," the second time, those sleeping, rise, take hold of hands and with gallop step move around to the left or right, while those in outer circle stop and clap their hands in time with the music. 2767 The Carrousel h j^ h h j^ r 1^ > ^ ^ Pret - ty chil- dren, sweet and gay, Car-rou-sel is run - ning. ) h h I i -j^ J^ ^ ■#- ^ • It will run till eve- ning. Lit- tie ones a nick- le, * h h i j J) ;^ ^ J J m ^ r f F « big ones a dime, Hur - ry up, get a mate, or you'll * ^ M y F ^3 sure- ly be too late. Ha, ha, ha, 'hap-py are we. * m ^ 1^ 7 y-f-pi^ ^ ^' r M f Ma - ry, John and Fred- rick, with Nel- lie, Jane and me. Ha, ha, ha. ^^ M? M '^J ^' Hf F M r ^ i f J' J ; hap-py are we. All the lit -tie chil-dren are hap-py as can be. Formation: Two concentric circles, facing inward. Players of inner circle grasp hands, those in outer circle placing their hands on the shoulders of those in front. 1. Both circles march sidewise to the left, stamping three times on?*^ nieas- ure, 2. 3. Skip sidewise to the left. 4. To the right. 2757 Cat and Mouse p ^ g « i j « i . g ^ Lit - tie mous - ie run. way, For h }\ J^ ^^ I f. ^^ If. *- ^here's the kit - ty watch- ing her prey. Run, run, run, * £ ^m r p i -J' ii J^ ^ ^^ run, run, run, Mous - ie, mous - ie, run, run, run Formation: A large circle with hands grasped. Children about arm's length a- part. Ore child (the mouse) is in the circle. Another (the cat) is outside. While singing, the circle moves around to the left or right, the cat walking in the opposite direction. While singing the final ''run, run, run," the players stamp three times, whereupon the mouse runs away, passing in and out of the cir- cle under the arms of the other players and the cat runs after the mouse and tries to catch it, as in the usual cat and mouse game. Note:- In the school room the children remain seated and the cat and mouse run back and forth in the aisles. The Cobbler i ^5 I h I J ' h i^ i f*^ Draw, draw, draw, the thread a- cross the knee! And ^5 ^ ^ ^^P P 9 when the sole is tight- ly sewn, we'll turn the shoe as I n Ji ;: /' ip j^ p p I P' m here is shown. The heel must al - so be nailed on. Ere Z767 ^ ^ S=i« h I h . ^^^ av that It ^ ♦-^ # we can sav is — done. Then nice - ly pol - ishjd ^ p- j^ 3 ^' 1^' ^' •^' ^' I P ^ P ^'"i' it must be, be - fore the cob - bier gets his fee, The children imitate the sewing of the Cobblfr by drawing the hands out hori- zontally, from in front of chest, at the words: ' %Te'll turn the shoe ," bring the back of both hands together, and turn the hands outward till the palms are toward each other. At the words "nailed" and "polished',' execute the movements that cor- respond to the words. Dancing Song: 4 m 4: Place your right foot side - ways so, Now your left foot side - ways place, I ^^ To the right we all must Zo. And go skip - ping back to place La la la la la la la la la, # ^ f P P P La la la la la la la la la. Formation: A large circle^ hands grasped. Suit the action to the words. Skip- ping to the left while singing chorus, to the right with repetition of chorus. 2757 The girl within the circle i fcg= ^ 5 g p P IP' p ^^ F ^ T;;« gj'-l with -in The boy the cir- cle is walk- ing with light 1 pJLi' ji i J^ ->'p p i r . p p I P" ^ ^ *=*: Steps al-wav And look-ing for a part-rier who'll dance with her to-day. ■^ him B^ p Ipp-^^^' pl p^'i' p i PP J'^'pl ^^ She's He's Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la la la la la, tra la la la la. ^ n^ir p p IP" ^ j; j^ n ^' H 'or a part - ner who'll -dance with , • to - day. look-ing for a part -ner who'll -dance with ,• Formation: Large circle facing inward, hands grasped. One or more girls or boys within the circle. The circle moves to the left. The girls within skip to the right. l.Each girl stops in front of a boy who then steps into the circle. 2. They run in place raising the legs obliquely forward, two steps to each beat, 3. They clap hands once, take hold of hands and circle around with short running steps. When repeating chorus circle left. At the conclusion the girls return to their place in line and the boys remain for the rew game. Happy Children * ^ 24: Now we will. Now we will, Tra la la la, # ^1 r r r 1^ ^ Hap - py be, Mer - ry be, Hei - ra - sa - sa! Formation: Large circle facing inward, hands grasped. One or more boys with- in the circle. Those inside of the circle choose a partner and link left arms, raising right arm sideways. 1. All dance with short running steps in a circle to the left. 2. Stop and stamp once. 3. Link right arms and with running steps circle to the left, stopping and stamping during last measure. In order to mark the beginning of the game those forming the circle clap haftds at 1. At the conclusion the boys return to the circle and the girls choose partner. The circle moves slowly to the left while the others dance within. 2767 ,\> w ri I see you 4- "^ IJ ^=^ Jm^ i i. ^ I see you, I see you, Ti - ral - la - ral - la - ^ ^ # lal - la - la! I see you, I see you, Ti ;N^ i' J^ J^ ^ ^ ral- la- lal- la - la! You see me, and I see you, Then \> h i' J' ^^ ^ ^ you take me, and I take you, You see me, and * SS \r^' J' i' U ^^ ^ I see you, Then you take me, and take you. Formation: Four lines facing toward center, the inner lines about four steps a- part,the outer lines close behind the inner and resting their hands on the shoul- ders of the front. The latter have hands on hips. 1. The pupils in the rear lines bend sideways left and right and play '"Peek-a- boo" with those opposite, twice slowly, then four times quickly. 2. Repeat one. 3. All clap hands once and those in the rear skip forward, passing to the right of their partners, grasp hands with those from the other side and circle left. 4. Clap hands once, grasp hands of original partner and circle left. At the finish stand as in the first formation, but those who were in front stand be- hind, the others in front. Repeat from the beginning. 27B7 ^1 10 King of France i¥i. } |J J J V ; |J' Js J^ J' J y ; The King of France with for- ty- thou- sand men Marched vii,ii, , i r f M ^ IeW i £ fe r r r ^ ^ up the hill and then marched down a - gain. m^^i } } } i j } T ^ Formation: Two lines facing each other some distance apart. In front of each a leader, the "King." The song is sung alterately by one "King" and then the other as they march forward and back to their places, illustrating the action that is to be taken. The verse is then sung by all while advancing and retreating and performing the action indicated by the leaders. The actions may be anything martMl_ Shooting, Drawing sword. Beating Drums, etc. and the words indicating this action are then substituted for the words: "Marched up the hill." When I was a Shoemaker i ?=^p p g ^2 f M ir p When I was a shoe-mak-er. And a shoe-mak-er was m \-f^ ^"Y^-H J' 1 '^^ Ij A this- a -way, and a that- a -way, And a this- a -way went I Formation: A large circle facing in line of direction, one child within. All march in a circle singing and imitating the actions of the song. The one within the circle suggests the different movements of the shoemaker sewing, hammering etc., or of some other trade, such as carpenter,tailor, blaclk- smith, larmer, etc. 2767 11 Marching Song:^ * =5= _J J I J. J' J' J' J ± Left, right, left, right, step so firm and light, b%1-^ * ^^ f-i~} Ij J J g ^ i g We are al-ways read- y, Watch-ing for the Cap-tain's or-der, m i^-"* f p J J J p — »■ i^ r If M r i E March-ing straight and stead-y. Learn-ing to march with- out a fault, a^ r r If P i=j *» — # 4*11 J J' J' J j ^ # — ^ £ Keep - ing in step un - til we halt. March-ing a - long m ^^ m J J' j^j p p r I I g^^-M^ so brave and strong, Keep-ing in step to our march-ing song:. m 3 i ^ # 5^ To be sung while marching around the room. 2757 12 The Sandman ^5 g r ^ P If ^ The sand -man is here. The sand- mar? is here! He has such pret - ty snow-white sand, for all good peo - pie JSnd of game y F r P ••" ^ 'r ■^' ^' in the land. The sand - man is here! Formation: Two lines facing each other, three steps distance. Those at the head of each line take hold of hands and skip down between the two lines and take their places at the end, the other children clap hands as accompa- niment to the singing. With the repetitions the others follow in order until the last couple has reached its original place at the end of the line. Finish by singing the last line. Instead of two long lines, the class may be divided into a number of small groups all singing at the same time. The couples then skip down the line to th J iJ' J^ ^' }\^sj3 Sews and taps and sings al - way. Mer- ri - ly, mer- ri - ly he i ^ F= 5 P i' ^' r ir F • -d works all day. Sews and taps and sings al - way. Formation: Double circle. Partners facing each other. 1. With arms shoulder high and hands clinched, circle one arm over the other three times. Reverse three timps. "Winding the thread." 3. Pull arms apart and jerk elbows backward twice, "Pulling thread tight." 4. Clap hands three times or hammer the fists three times, "Driving the peg." Face in line of direction. Grasp inside hands, outside hands on hips and skip around the ring. 2757 14 Sister dance with me h J^ J^ I |i J' ^ ^5 ^m nr ■ w -w 1. Dear- est sis- ter dance with me, Both my hands I give to thee. 2. Oh that was so nice-ly done, Oh this real-ly is such fun. 3. Once a gain now let us play, For it sure-ly was so gay. I -^ i J \\ J' J' ^ ^^ )=S For- ward here, back-ward there, round and round with - out a care. Formation: Any number of lines with couples facing each other. Or a long double circle with couples facing each other. 1. All bow or courtesy. 2. Grasp partners hands. 3. Closing step toward the front. 4. Same in opposite direction. 5. All turn about. 6. All stamp three times. Repeat the same movements for each verse. In the schoolroom the pupils stand in the aisles, couples facing each other. With small children it is advisable to have them reach one hand across the desk and face front at 2, walking forward two steps, face about, take other hand and return to place. «767 15 The Snow Man ^ J \n- Jl I E Snow - man white, Snow -man white, stand- ing there from * m ^ g ^m morn till night, Snow - man white, Snow - man white. h i^ I? r ^ m m You're a pret - ty sight. We will dance a - * I. h } ^ # ^ round you here, Your big — stick we will not fear. L .. i J' J^ 1 ^ i i Ij y F F ^ Tra la la, la la la la la, ha ha ha ha ha. Formation: A large circle, in the center a *< snowman" A pupil with a table cloth, or something similar, wrapped about his body and legs. A mask of white paper and a paper cap complete the costume. A stick (pointer, ruler,) is stuck into the folds of the cloth. The children in the circle skip around to the rhythm of the music, first to the left, then to the right. 2757 16 ^ See Saiv ^m See - saw, see - saw, Up and down we go,. ^ ^ i^r F T F See - saw, see - saw, Swing- ing high and low,. E f I r' If I H I ^— L^ ^ See - saw, see - saw, Gai - ly now we P^'-^y,- $ i E f ' r T See - saw, see - saw, Hap- py all the day.. Formation: In school room. Pupils in 2^, 5*.^ and 8th ijne sit on desks. Those on either side stand and face towards those on the desks, forming groups of three. Those sitting raise their arms sideways, the others take hold of the hand nearest them, grasping it with both hands. When the song begins Nos. One bend knees and Nos.Three riss on toes and both move up and down in time with the music in imitation of the see-saw board. When the song is finished, those sitting exchange places with one of the other two, the next time the third one sits. If played in the yard or gymnasium those in the middle stand. 2767 Grade il 17 Boat Song: fn. I y I J ;, J. I J Ji J J'' ^ Row, row, row the boat, Gent-ly down the stream, th p pp JO0mJW^J^J^>j, | J J'J /ilJ.T-y Mer-ri -ly, mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly, life is but a dream. The children sit on the desks with feet under the chairs. Each pretends to grasp a pair of oars. They bend forward and back pretending to pull on their oars as in rowing. DraTV a bucket of water fe h > i ^ i^ ^ ^^ 5 «=* #v — • Draw a buck-et of wa - ter, For my la- dy's daugh-ter. n f M 1 ] f p < E Wi > J^ I h I II ^_j — ff — ■ ■ — — ^ — t-j^ »■ One in a rush, Two in a rush, Please lit- tie girl, bob un-der the bush. Sb ^^ ■if r f . 1^ Formation: Groups of four forming a square, two players facing each other, opposites grasping both hands. The arms cross at right angles. The couples sway backward and forward in time with the music, while singing. At the words "bob under the bush" the players raise their arms, stoop and step in side, so as to form a circle with arms around each other's waist. Repeat the song and dance around in a ring. 2757 18 Now with my hands 4*ih/i I J J i i i Now with my hands I 11 3, 4 clap, clap, clap! And 1111' ^5 "• * W 9- with my feet go tap, tap, tap! Oh wait for me. Oh * i ^ ■ p # 3E ^ wait for me, And I will glad- ly dance with thee, # m i J' i J' i Tra la la la la la la la la la, Tra la la la la la — la # m J 'i J' i J' i ^ la la la la la la la la la la la, Tra la la la Formation: A large circle. Boys and girls alternating, all facing inward. About two steps between the pupils. 1. Boys face right, girls left and all place hands on hips. 2. All clap three times. 3. Stand still. 4. All stamp three times. 5. Two short steps forward and beckon with right index finger. 6. Two steps backward and beckon with the left index finger. 7 and 8. Partners grasp hands and turn once around. 9. All face-fibout and take the hand of the new partner whom they now face. All turn "in line of direction, boys on the left of the girls, inner hands grasped, the outer "hand on hip and with polka step all move in line of direction be- ginning with the outer foot and swinging the inner arm backward on the first step and forward on the second, at the same time slightly turning the body toward partner with first step, and away from partner with second step. •2767 Go leave me 19 te ^ r r ^ 1 ^ ^^ 4 J' J J 1} Ji J; J)^ E hand in the hop -per and the oth- er in the sack, The hand in the hop - per and the oth - er in the bag, As the rr-f f f ^ i ? * ^=^ t E ^ right goes for - ward and the wheel goes round he left turns back, calls out "grab," I'M f f r ij m Formation: A circle of couples, girls on the right, inner hands grasped. One boy (the miller) in the center. March in line of direction swinging the inner arms^ while singing the first verse. "With the words: "the left turns back'/ the boys face about and march in the oppo- site direction; the "Miller" joins the other boys and marches with them. Girls continue as before. When the last word: "Grab'' is sung every boy tries to get a partner; the one left without a partner becomes the "Miller" and the game proceeds as before. 2 757 il Muffin Man nJ^ ^^i M r r r ! ^^ Oh, have you seen the muf - fin man, the Oh, yes, I've seen the muf - fin man, the 'H^v. D s Ed^ r r r' ^ muf- fin muf- fin man, man. the the m muf- fin man? Oh, have you seen the muf - fin man. Oh, yes, I've seen the :t: <: fe=t i fcfet I ^^ ^ muf - fin muf - fin man man that that lives lives in in m I Dru Dru ± ry Lane? Lane. 0! 0! i Formation: A large circle facing inward, hands grasped; one pupil within. The players walk or skip around singing the first part of the song. At the words: "lives in DruryLane," all stop, the one in the center chooses a partner and the two skip around inside the circle singing the last part of the song. These two then remain in the circle and at the proper time they each choose a part- ner. The game continues until all have been chosen. Or the one chosen re- mains in the circle while the other takes his place with the others. In the school room the game may be played by having one or more pupils stand in front of the class and at the proper time choosing a partner with whom they skip around the room, taking their seats after they have finished. Others are then selected. The rest of the class remains seated. They may clap hands in time to the singing during the second part. 2757 The Mulberry Bush 25 r-i u I h — ^ — ^ ^ I h ^ iE Here we go round the mul - ber - ry bush, the t t ^^ t mul- ber -ry bush, the mul- ber -ry bush. Here we go round the ^ $ t f f ■iL j. M^ l^- i i ^ ^^ W ' • * mul- ber - ry bush So ear- ly in the morn- ing. I p i r j> ^ I I w f other Verses This is the way we wash our clothes. This is the way we iron our clothes. This is the way we scrub the floor. This is the way we mend our clothes. This is the way we sweep the house. Thus we play when the work is done. Formation: A large circle facing inward with hands grasped. The players move around while singing the first verse. In the other verses all children imitate the action indicated. While singing the last line of each verse, all the players spin around in their places. ^or older children this game may be varied by singing the first line, then going thru the motions indicated in pantomine and at the proper time singing the last line, thus: singing:- This is the way we wash our clothes, next two lines the movements in pantomine, singing:- So early in the morning. 2757 ZH Oats, peas, beans ^ r p r ^ £ Oats, peas, beans and bar - ley grows, Oats, peas, beans and s £ r"p r -rtp * bar - ley grows, Nor you, nor I, nor no - bod- y knows, How Fine 2 . s m P^ Thus the fa: oats, peas, beans and bar - ly grows. far - mer * s i ^ * • sows his seed. Thus he stands and takes his ease, rTT"ir-if^ ^ ^ * Stamps his foot and claps his hands And turns a - round to 3 S ^ s p^^ * view his lands. A - wait - ing for a part - ner, A - I | (S) ■ ^P^ p=r p r -fi * wait- ing for a part - ner, So o - pen the ring and , w /?. C. al Fine t ^~ J y ^ ^ f. W^- •^ choose one in, Make haste and choose your part - ner. Fourth Verse Now you're married, you must obey. You must be true to all you say. You must be kind, you must be good, And keep your wife in kindling wood. Formation: A large circle facing inward, hands grasped. One child is in the center. 1. Skip around to the left or right. 2. Go thru the motions indicated by the words, the one in the center showing them. 3. Clap hands and skip, as in 1, to the next line (S) and stop. While siqging the last two lines the one in the center chooses a partner and both stand in the center. 4. Those forming the circle walk forward four steps and threaten with the in- dex finger of the right hand; grasp hands and walk back four steps; repeat the four steps forward and back ending with a deep courtesy. The game starts anew with the one who was chosen in the center, the other taking her place in circle. 2757 Bound and round the village 27 i^fe ^ r^T-^ Go round and round the vil - lage, gg^^T Go r T . ^^^^^^ fM. I 5 m round and round the vil - lage , Go round and round the '>:^ . r r-^ p^^ #==^±^ ^ €f-'' vil - lage, As you have done be - ^ ^ fore, fen I m L^ Other Verses Go in and out the windows. Now stand and face your partner. Now follow me to London. Formation: \ large circle facing inwards, grasping hands,* one player outside of the circle. The circle stands still. The player outside runs around the outside while all sing the first verse. When beginning the second verse all raise their arms (open the win- dows) and the outside player passes under the arches, formed by the arms. During the third verse the player selects a partner by standing in front of one of the play- ers in the circle. The two then run, hand in hand, around the outside of the circle, returning inside at the beginning of the last line. They then bow to each other and the first player returns to his partner's place in the circle. The second player then starts the game anew. In the school room the pupils remain seated. One or more players are chosen to go ''Round and Round the village.'' The players run up and down the aisle and touch one or more players who follow them. When singing the second verse, those seated stand on their seats and grasp hands with their neighbors to form "windows." 2757 as The Sailor Boy ' p ^ fe i^ IJl ^ ^P=^ Hur Hur Hur [^ rah! rah! rah! for for for the the the sail sail sail or or or boy, A - boy, A - boy, When th J-' J> Ji M J. J^ iJi i i }\ i^ sail - ing on the sea; He pulls a rope, he row - ing on the sea; He grasps an oar, he he comes a - shore We wel - come him, we Ss ^ iM tfeM •i l Jj J^ J^ i^: I\ *}\ I J fix - es it As pulls an oar, A hon - or him. We tight strong love him as boy more can is and m be. he. more. ^P ^ftEf J) >^ I J J:~rT^ ^ fe ^ «' w Well done the sail - or boy, Well done the sail - or boy^ ^ti4- i P^ 2757 29 IrH* r"i M p- }\ sr^\^^ >i ji JTte Ti i n* — ^# Well done the sail - or boy, A - sail - ing on the sea ^^^ ^ P Tf-t^ i Formation: A large circle. Boys and girls alternating, facing in line of direc- tion. Hands on hips. 1. March in line of direction. Raise right hand as if to grasp a rope, and pull it down. 2. Same with the left hand. 3 and 4. Same as 1 and 2. Chorus: 5. Boys turn and face girls. All hop, place the right foot forward on the heel and hold up the right index finger. 6. Repeat left. 7. Repeat the foot movements of 5 and 6 in double time, with the hands on hips. Second verse: 1. Step forward with the right foot and bend the right knefc. Lower the body for- ward, extend the armsand grasp imaginary oa: -- 2. Straighten the body and the knee, bend the arms so that the hands will be in front of the shoulders (pulling the oars). Continue "rowing" to the end of the verse. On last beat face partner. Third verse: 1. Form couples, the boys stepping to the right of the girls. All march in line of direction waving the right hand overhead (waving a flag). ;^o Snail te ^^^^^^ p Hand in hand you see us well, b'^i-ij r^ r-.^ ! ^ ^ \ n -^- ? k*!. J J^ J-^ ^ Creep like a snail in to his shell; ni. n nij^ ^ # — • * ^^ ^^ i ■ ■ Ev - er near - ev - er near- er, Ev - er NiTc j [^ i j^ n i cj* c-lf i r J ic _r Cj ^ lE^ i i i s ^^ clos - er, ev - er clos - er, Ver - y. m n. J T n lf=¥- snug m - ^ S deed you dwell,. Snail with - in your tin- y shell. [h\. rpn i p^-usni^r^^ J I f ' ■ Formation: A long line, hands grasped. Marching in line of direction, all fol- low the leader who marches forward to a circle formation. Then he goes in- side of the circle in a spiral bringing the players closer and closer together until the class is "all wound up." The leader then turns and retraces his steps until all are back in one line. The song is repeated until all are back in their places. 2757 81 The Trees and the Wind m ^ \ ^ ^^ ^ J' J' — w W-' w- In the mead - ows and the for - est Trees are I £ ^1 trees stand straight as they were be - fore. Forma/ion: Pupils stand promiscuously with their arms raised and the fin- gers spread. 1. The fingers and hands are moved, the arms sway slightly. 2. Children imitate the blowing wind, the movements of the arms become larger and quicker. 3. Add swaying of the body forward and backward or sideways. 4. The swaying is increased. 5. The movements become slower and gradually stop. 6. All stand still, with arms at sides. ^757 iZ The Young Musicians !^ h h J^ J J) }\ IJ^. }\ h ^ ^ i J^ g3 We are the young mu - si - cians Wlio go from door to door, fal-la-ra, ^\e are the young mu-si- cians Who go from door to door, J^ ^ J^ J^' J' J^ r r r r h'^'^'^' * j' j if^ ES^ I can play my vi - o - vi - o vi - o - lin. I can pi; play my » J ^\ }\h y I, i | :}r7r?N^ J' >iA>^ Bass-vi- ol and flute. And I can al- so dance fal-le-ral - la, d — aH-d — ■H-' ^ -—-. T~r bum fal-le-ral - la, bum fal-le-ral -la, I can al - so dance fal-le-ral -la, bum fal - le . ral - la - la. And bum fal- le - ral - la - la. Formation: A large circle facing inward, hands grasped, several boys (the musi- cians) within. Circle moves slowly to the left. Musicians in pairs, move to the right, at 1,2, and 3 each plays the designated instrument. At 4 each musician chooses a part- ner (girl) and they grasp both hands and skip toward the right (opposite to the circle). With the repetition skip to the left. Instead of the last part: Four pupils form a star by grasping right hand of partner across the right arms of the other couple, the left hand curved overhead, and skip in a circle to the right. With the repetition change hands and skip in circle to the left. At the finish the boys return to the circle and the girls become the musicians. Or all return and new musicians are chosen. 2757 Grade III 38 i ^ Clapdance- Danish y~~: ~y m s ^^ s * » i ^ i m Wi^ P |^"trnr f^^.^ m 1>^H«- ^ ^ ^ # ^ ^ M fe ^ ^ ^ :li P # i ^ ff^ Formation: Double circle, partners facing each other, the boys inside. Hands on hips. 1. Follow-ste{> sideways, left, with rising on toes, and turn the body slightly to- ward the right. 2. The same to tight. 3 and 4. Repeat 1 and 2. On the last beat all turn in line of direction(girls on the right) and grasp the inner hands. 5. Four step hops forward and stop, facing each other. 6. Clap hands three times. 7. With three stamps all turn once around. 8. Grasp right hands. Change places with partner with four steps. Release partner's right hand and grasp neighbor's left hand and with four steps return to original side facing a new partner. •:757 Si Danish Dance of Greeting t^ u h ji J^ h hi .h J Wel - come, wel - come, You are wel - come, Come and m (^'i Jt i \ Ji Ji J ' I H' p p H'-J^-^ join" us in our play^ Hap - py we'll be to - day While f :||;f V t ^ *i i i' Ji J -, j> J J I J'' p pp i^i>J^i|i^>i)^ we all sing and play, Hap-py we'll be to-day While we all singandplay. V'^tf ^ f pnf y t m Formation: A large circle, partners side by side, facing inward. 1. Clap hands twice, face partner, bow and face center. Repeat, but bow to neighbor on the other side. 2. Stamp twice and turn completely around with three running steps. Repeat from the beginning. 3. Grasp hands, shoulder high, and skip sideways in line of direction, sixteen counts, then right sixteen counts while the music is repeated. Note:- Glide or galop sideways, or running forward may be substituted for the skipping. 2757 .-^5 Did You ever see a Lassie ^ ^^ ^^^ W IT las - sie, a Did you ev - er see a las - sie, a m^ F f IJ f f r=r w ^ ^ J) ^'ip- p^^ las -sie, Did you ev - er see a las- sie do /Ats way and ^^ N-tH-Mj f f Lf f i ^ 5^3 ^ V — w- thatl Do this way and /Afl/ way, and this way and /Atf/ way; Did you ^^m ^-M-^ i «=S3 ^ ev - er las - sie do this way and ^m f: »^^ tha/? Bz Formation: A large circle facing inward, hands grasped, one child within. When the one in center is a girl sing Lassie and when a boy Laddie. Those forming the circle sing and move around to right or left while sing- ing the first half of the song. During the second half they stand still and imitate the movements of the one in the center. The child may execute any movement it chooses. Gymnastic exercises, skipping, farmer mow- ing, carpenter hammering, dancing, '\\\ fact anything he can think of. The success of the game depends upon the child in the circle, therefore the teacher must choose a lively, imaginative and quick thinking pupil for this part. 2757 3() The First of May I'Ki ^,IJ^ J^ J'' ^ J^ I J' J^ J^ This is the first of May, This is the first of ^ p p ~^^ '' U' p P ^F^ ^ May, of May, This is the first of May, This * h i) J^ i^ I i> J' J' J^ Ji ^ the first of May. Good - bye, good - bye dear h I I i> I i' 1 ^ ^ ± friend, We'll meet a - gain some day, some day, We'll Ih J> p P p i p T J^' i l J' J^ i' ij ^ I I meet a - gain some day Be - foye the first of May. Formation: A circle of couples. Boys on the inside, girls on their right, the inner hands grasped, outer hands on hips. 1. Beginning with the inner foot, polka-hop in line of direction. Turn back to back and face to face as the inner and outer feet are moved , at the same time swing the inner arms forward ajid backward. 2. Partners face each other, grasp right hands and shake three times. 3. All turn right (facing in opposite directions), clap hands, stamp and skip around in opposite directions until each has passed their former partner,stop- ping when they meet the next behind. Then all face in the original di- rection, grasp hands and begin anew. Beginning with the fir4t "Good-bye" the song is repeated until all have arrived at their proper places. Variation: This may be simplified by substituting marching for polka-hop. The arms are then raised so as to form an arch. In the last part skip to the same partner that each had before. Other words may be substituted, as: This is a happy day; or, Today is May's birthday, etc. ' 'llTil Knots in May 37 E ^ ^ P TTT 1. Here we come gath - 'ring . knots in May, 2. Who have you come to gather a - way, ^ ^ f^ r^ ^ ^ m Knots in May, knots in May, Here we come gath -'ring gather a way, gather a way? Who have you come to i 1^ i j^ ^5 I ^ knots in May, On a cold and frost - y morn - ing. gather a - way. On a cold and frost - y morn - ing? 3. WeV'e come to gather Mary (or any othername) away, Maryaway,Mary away, Wev'e come to gather Mary away, On a cold and frosty morning. ■4. And who will you send to fetch her away, etc, 5. Oh, we'll send Joseph (or any other name) to fetch her away, etc. Formation: Two lines facing each other, same distance apart, a boundary line between . One side sings first verse, advances to boundary line and retreats. Then the other side sings second verse, advancing and retreating like the first. The first players then sing third verse, which is followed by the other side with the fourth verse, both advancing and retreating as before. While singing the fifth verse all advance and retreat w^hile the two pupils named remain at the boundary line. With the right foot touching the line, they grasp right hands and "John'^ at- temps to pull ''Mary" over. The one pulled across the line then joins the other side. The class may also be divided into smaller groups, six or eight, and one from each group may be called out. 2757 38 John Swift ^m ^ 3 P ^ izzzift # John Swift, John Swift, what will be Ro - sa's 4 5 ««. 6 Mf V J s r^nr-p gift? John Swift, John Swift, what will be Ho- sa's gift? 7 f i h^ i p^hn^ r r -?^ir -^'p r ^^ A veil and feather for her hat, How pret-ty she will look in that. 8 9. 10 ^5 ^ J^ I J^ J' ii ^ John Swift, John Swift, what will be Ro - sa's gift? Formation: A large circle, facing inward. Several boys within. Each boy in the circle chooses a girl and the two grasp both hands. 1. Both hop lightly and place the right foot forward, the left backward. 2. Reverse the position of the feet. 3. Repeat three times, 4. Left foot forward. 5. Right foot. 6. Same as three. 7. Eight gallop hops toward the boys left, then turn half way around and repeat. 8,9 and 10. Same as 1,2 and 3. Pupils then return to place in circle. Different boys are chosen and the game begins anew. The circle moves slowly to the left while the game is going on. Kinderpolka ^m m mw ^km ^pm- < < W^ ^^^ m-rf'tm p ^ i^ i 2757 39 ^ji^f ^frr ^ g ^ m t I Formation: Double circle. Partners facing each other, grasp hands,arms shoul- dei high. 1. Two glides in line of directioii and three running steps in place. Turn back to partner and repeat with the other foot leading (the inner hand swings down and forward to shoulder high) . Repeat from beginning and stop facing partner. 2. Strike thighs with hands; clap own hands; clap partners hands three times and repeat. 3. Point with the right foot forward, place right elbow in left hand and shake index finger at partner three times. Repeat with the left foot and hand. 4. Clap partner's right hand and a complete turn left facing partner. 5. Stamp three times. Repeat from beginning. Note:- After the dance is well learned the pupils may change partners while doing the three stamps the second time by moving to the left. This dance may be done in the school room by having the pupils stand in the aisles and grasping hands across the desks. The glide is then executed toward the front of the room with a return movement toward the rear. 2757 40 Seeking my Partner 1 s S ^ w^ ^ $ All a - lone I here am seek-ing for my dear - est 2 rur p tru - est friend. It will be hap - py day # f. When to me ?:^A] wend ^ ^ way, shell her ■' ' When ?® comes to she ^^ ^ ^S ¥ ■ « dance with me Oh how mer - ry we will be 5 6 |u - ^ J) }\ J ij ^'^ p r TTp ^- p 'r' '^^ ^-^ ^ Tra la la la, tra la la la, tra la la la la, tra la la la la, i !> I J ^ J S m f r i r p P Ji i f * m tra la la la, tra la la la, tra la la la la la la. Formation: A large circle. Boys and girls alternating. Partners facing each other. 1. Grand right and left:- Grasp right hand of partner, walk two steps forward and take left hand of the next, then the right of the third and the left hand of the fourth, and continue while repeating the music, 2. Take the right hand of the next, all stop and swing the arms while singing the next two lines. 3. Take both hands and swing both arms while moving four steps sideways in line of direction. 4. The couples turn completely around with four steps. 5. All face in line of direction with the inner hands grasped (boy's right to girl's left) and take two waltz-balance steps forward. 6. Partners face each other and grasp both hands, arms shoulder high. With two waltz steps the couples turn completely around and repeat to the end. 2757 Grade iV Clapdance- Swedish 41 Oi^ ^ 1 r*1 > y# -^ — } L — — — -s— iaa . — - — (r)^4jrjJ|IJIjrjJIJ zJzJ Tra la la la la la la la la la li la la la ^ii" n J 'iiJiii J iJ ^^ la la la. tra la la la la la la la la la la ^n niiij H ^ m ' la la la la la la la, Tra la la la la tra la la la la la i,i 6 ^ ^ fgT' r i[j r 1^ ^TJ] iH J I I la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. Formation: Circle of couples, girls on the right. Inner hands grasped,outer o/i hips. 1. Eight polka-hops in line of direction,beginning with the outer feet. _ The grasped hands swing backward and forward. Then, while the music is repeat- ed, grasp both hands, arms shoulder high, and the couples turn around four times with eight polka steps and stop facing each other, boys inside. The boys fold arms and the girls place hands on hips. 2. Boys bow, girls courtesy. 3. All clap hands three times. , 4 and 5. Repeat 2 and 3. 6. Raise right hand and threaten with the index finger extended. 7. Repeat with left hand. 8. Clap the right hands and turn with three running steps. 9. Stamp three times. In the repetition clap with the right hands on six and with left on seven in- stead of threatening with the finger. 2757 42 A Happy Life for me i •J 1 4 w ^ J • ^ ^ 5 i- n J Hap - py your life should be When light- dis pels the gloom Pluck all the ros es Whilst they're in I'lne 3 5 ? S ^ J^ i ^ bloom, • i i We of - ten seek- for woe and strife And g E ^^ fr-H— \\ r ^ choose a thorn - y path through life, and pass the mod - est S^ 5 *5=? i>. 6'. «/ ^///e ^ vio - let by that at our way - side bloom- eth. Formation: Two groups of three stand opposite each other, about six steps a- part. Each group is composed of a boy with a girl at either side. The boy grasps the nearest hand of each girl, the latter place the free hand on their hip. 1. All advance three steps, courtesy and return. 2. Repeat from the beginning. 3. Boy tiu-ns to girl on the right, they link right arms and circle right with two step-hops. He then turns to the girl on the left, they link left arms and circle left. Thus alternately circling the girl on the right and left, he continues to the end. While the one girl is circling, the other does two step-hops alone, advancing slightly to meet the boy when it is her ^urn to link arms. 4. While repeating the first part of the song repeat the movements of 1. but the boys change places as they come forward the second time. 8757 li ATvake ye sleeping^ shepherds 'J IJ *! J "^ I J J ^ U ^ A - wake ye sleep-ing shep- herds, the cuck-oo's song I ^ J rj ^ • hear. From yon- der wood- ed hill- tops the ris - ing sun ap - 4 ^ P ^ 5 i pears. A-wak- en, a - wak - en, the cuck-oo's song I hear, A- ♦ m m ^3^^ ^ wak - en, a- wak- en, his notes sound sweet and clear, Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, Cuck- J f r iJ - 1 ^ ^ p ^^^^ ^ 00, cuck-oo, cuck-oo, Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, cuck-oo. Formation: Any number of lines in open order. Double distance. The move- ments are all in the form of a cross. Each part has 32 counts. 1. Four steps forward and return facing left on the eighth count. Repeat three times. 2. Two steps sideways left (4 counts) and return facing left on the eighth count. Repeat three times. 3. Step-turn sideways left with closing step on four; the same right with facing left on the eighth count. Repeat three times. T/ie same in the form of a ''CANON ROUNDEL" Format ion: Three rows of couples. Four steps distance. 1. Execute the three parts as above. 2. The first row begins and goes thru the three parts. 3. The second row begins at the beginning when the first row starts the second part 4. The third row begins at the beginning when the first row starts the third and the second row the second part. Each row stops when the song is finished. 2 757 44 Broom Dance J lj J *" ^ Q ■ ■ One two three four five Oh! say! Where does ray dear ^ J .=^=^ S part- ner stay. In this room, ver - y soon, ^ « » =::g t I will sure - ly find him. Tra la la U ^ ■:=:i=« la la la la la Tra la li^ la la la la la la ^ # — P- r ' T r ^ ^ ^ ^>— 1^ tra la la, tra la la la, tra la la la la la la la la. Formation: A line of boys facing a line of an equal number of girls. The lines are several steps apart. An extra boy or girl holding a broom (ruler, pointer) stands in the space between the lines. 1. All four steps forward and backward and repeat. The extra one walks back and forth looking for a partner. 2. All run forward and as they meet every one tries to get a partner. The ex- tra one drops the broom and also takes a partner. The couples grasp the inner hands and with polka-hop dance around the room. The one who fails to get a partner dances with the broom. 2757 How do you do? 45 §- t ^ m ^s ♦ .1^ ^ ^ ^^ -m~w P e m m^ ^ ■==► ^ s ^ ^^ i'Uft'd L d hi d h ^^^P ^ I IE [J cJ ' LJ LJ ' CJ cJ Forma/ion: A large double circle. Groups of four. Two couples facing each other. 1. Glide sideward left three times and close and return. 2. Grasp hands and "eight hands around" to the left. 3. Three steps forward and point right, three steps backward and point left. 4. Three steps forward and point right, grasp right hands of opposite and say: "How do you do?^' 6. Also grasp left hand of opposite and glide toward the center and return. 7. Partner* grasp inner hands and execute four step hyps in place, then "pass thru" opposite couples to the new set. Note:- If the dance is to be done but once repeat 1 and 2. But if it is to be con- tinued then start at the beginning and go thru as before when the new couples meet. 2757 H) 1& 3 i j^ liifg Hopping Dance m m 2(!ir 4 t^^r gp2 «:«: ^^ ^ ^ m^ ^^ 5&7 a ^-^^5i^ m ^ ^ F? **^ *# ys ¥1! g=g 6(Sr8 ^ s IA*J i pf pf :^^ KZE ^^ ffi ^ ti^ Formation: Double circle, partners facing. Boys on the inside, Hands grasped and arms shoulder high. 1. Glide four times in line of direction. Finish by lowering the arm that is lead- ing, swing the other arm down and forward and at the same time turn back to partner, then four more glides with the other foot leading. 2. Face partner again and repeat from beginning. 3. Glide sideways left four times and hop four times. Then right and hop four times. 4. Glide sideways right and hop four times with a complete turn outward. Finish in a circle facing inward, girls on the right and all grasp hands. 5 and 6. Skip sideways left eight times, then right eight times and finish facing partner, hands grasped. 7. Glide inward four times and hop four times. 8. Glide outward four times and hop four times with a turn as in four. Fin- ish by taking the same formation as at the beginning. 2757 • .;. :: ..•:•.:•.;•.., 47 In the School Room Formation: Stand in the aisles. Two lines face each other. Partners grasp hands across the desks. 1. Glide four times toward the front and return. 2. Then four times toward the rear and return. 3. Glide four times toward the front and hop four times. 4. Return and hop four times while turning completely around. 5. Face front and run four steps forward. About face and return. 6. Glide toward the rear four times and return. 7 and 8. Repeat three and four. The Seven Steps ^^^^ ^ ^ Do you know the sev-en- steps and the way to dance them? Lit~tle maid-en wait for me, Ver-y soon I'll call for thee. I know them. Formation: A large circle, boys and girls alternating, facing inward. The circle moves to the left with either short running steps, or with skipping, during four measures. On the last beat (l) all stamp and immediately move in the opposite direction, again stopping with a stamp on the third beat of the eighth measure. While singing the last three words: "I know •■hem',' the boys do the ''Seven Steps." These three words are repeated one more time with each repeti- tion of the song, and each time another step is added, until they are sung seven times, when all seven steps are done in succession. The seven steps are: 1. Step-hop left: Step forward left, hop on the left foot and swing the right leg forward, close the right foot to the left, 2. Step-hop right. 3. Courtesy left: Step sideways left, cross right foot behind left and bend knees, close right foot to the left. 4. Courtesy right. 5. Leap-turn left: Step sideways left, with a complete turn left leap onto the right foot and close the left foot to the right. 6. Leap-turn right. 7. Jump and cross the legs, jump to straddle position sideways, jump and with complete turn left bring feet together. Note:- These movements were substituted for the original "Seven Jumps." Others may be taken instead. 2757 48 Lassie Dance ih^l J' l p-ir^r^ l l .h J, I IJ^ Ji^ ^^ I bow to thee, My pret-ty lass.PIease dance with me My dear-est g4-f+P f-^ S=^ m \ r r : Ih^ J vi'lp-g J, J' l Ji j^ j. II JU ^^ las-sie. To dar.cewiththee,So dear to me, Is pleas-ure rare My pret-ty *li.ilii ■ J ^ n . f nf ^i \f }t if^ pf ir r ^ * h J^ h i h J^ l l. ^ A \ ? las- sie. La-s - sie, las-sie, las-sie, las-sie, las-sie, lass, ^)t^u "^ J ■Ml J ' i lip ^ ift-;r^jJ' . l iJ^|l'JH'.]iJ i rJ'- JWi.Mj J vB Las-sie, las-sie, las-sie, las-sie, las-sie, las8,lVe danced with pret-ty las-sie. m p c F I f n r ^ ^ Formation: A large circle. Partners facing each other. Hands at the waist. 1. Greet partners: Boys bow, girls courtesy. Cslowly) Finish with giving right hand to partner. 2. Mazurka balance left: Step obliquely forward left, cross right in front of left and rise on toes, lower heels. 3. Mazurka balance right. Grasp left hand as you step out with the right foot. 4. Grasp right hand and with three steps change places, close right,rise on toes and lower heels, raise the right arms and look at partner. 5. Again change places and finish with a bow and courtesy. 6. Hop and place the right foot forward on the heel. Hop and place the left foot forward. Continue thru four measures, twelve times in all. 7. Clap and stamp once (with the right foot), gfasp right hand of partner and pass on to the next one behind for a new partner and forward on fourth count. XJNTxncw CTT''t7 /^TT" *"> * LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This MAIN LIBRARY CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TUT«i nnoK IS DUE BEFORE CXOSING TIME ™^ ^^ST DATE STAMPED BELOW ^■■QWlar'4 Lltj i *'^'' - iiuaz^ %*f4 MAR 3 If. 23Apr'56TW ^ REC'D I MAR 1 3 1' LD 21-100m-9,'48