HE 612 Uss UC-NRLF *C El 577 '/^, fix" JUN \M ()}> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY ' ;< LIST OF REFERENCES ON ' INLAND Y/ATERWAYS OF THE UNITED SPATES. Chief Bibliogra BIBLIOGRAPHIES Hafeknrn, H. E. Filitary value of internal waterways. ( In Professional memoirs. Corps of engineers, United States army, and the Engineer department at large, Nov. -Dec., 1916, v. 8: 790-794.) . TA1.P85, v. 8 Moult on, H. G. Waterways versus railways The Riverside press, 1914. 468 p. Bibliography: p. 459-465. Cambridge, Mass . , HE1C49.M7 1914 Permanent international associaticn of navigation congresses. Rivers, canals and ports; bibliographic notes giving the list of the principal works which have appeared in periodicals between 1892 and 1906... Brussels, Impr. des travaux publics (See. anon.) 1908. 729 p. Z58p.H9p3 Permanent international association of navigation congresses. Rivers, canals and ports; bibliographic notes giving the list of prin- cipal works which have appeared end of the articles published in periodicals of all countries from January 1, to December 31, 1910... corap by Jean Pradelle... Brussels, Societe anonyme beige d'imprimerie, 1912. 710 p. Z5853.H9P3 1912 Public affairs information service. Bulletin of the Public affairs information service, a cooperative clearing house of public affairs information. lst-3d. annual cumulation. White Plains, N. Y. and New York city, The H. W. Wilson company, 1915-17. 3 v. "Waterways": v. 1 , p . 330; v .2 , p. 33 0; 27163.P9 v. 3, p. 473-474/ See also Bi-monthly cumulation, Dec. 1917, v. 4, no. 1, p. 117-118. February 15, 1918. M197H8 #i 6 0. s. Library ef Congress. Division of Bib] . o ^aoby . List of refw'^uc es on tHs value of internal waterways especially in war (Supplementary to Henry E„ Hafekora's Military value ef internal waterways in Professional aiemoirs, Corps of engineers, Uiiited States army, and the Engineer department at large, Nov. -Dec, 1916, v. 8: p. 790-794.) [Washington] 1917. 2 p. Typewritten. 7 U. S. L ibrary of Congr ess. Division of bibliog raphy. List of works relating to deep waterways from the Great Bakes tothe Atlantic Ocean, with some other related works. Books, articles in periodicals, Unit'ed States documents. Comp. under the direction of Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin, chief bibliographer, Wash- ington, Govt, print, off., 1908,. 59 p, Z881.U5 BOOKS 8 Atlantic deeper v/aterways association. Annual convention. Report of the proceedings. Pub. by the Atlantic deeper waterways association. Philadelphia, The Book print, 19 09-17. 9 v. KS393.A4A-6 9 Atlantic deeper waterways association. Bulletin 1911-16. Philadelphia, 1911-16. 4 v. HE393.A3A8 10 The Atlantic intra-coastal waterway. The project advocated by the Atlantic deeper waterways associate on. Official survey lines and present status of the work in its various sections, Philadelphia, Atlantic deeper waterways association, 1914. 36 p. TC623.4.A8 11 Austin, 0. P. Our commercial highways to the ocean, (in National rivers and harbors congress. Proceedings. 1909. Cincinnati, 1910. 179-192 p.) HE393.A4N3 1909 12 Benson, f, S„ The relation of inland waterways to naval efficiency; an address delivered before the thirteenth annual convention of the National rivers and harbors congress, Washington, D. C., December 6, 1916.. Washington, D. C. 1917. 7 p. VA50.B4 13 Black, W. M, Some observations on water transportation; an address delivered before the thirteenth annual convention of the National rivers and harbors congress, Washington ; D . C. December 7, 1916. Washington, D 0, 1916. 18 p. HE629.B6 14 Bliss, T. H. Strategical value of inland canal navigation: a thesis required in the Department, of military art, United States artillery school., Fort Monroe, Virginia, L884; 'Washington; Govt, print off,, 1916, 14 (p, (U. S. 54th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 354.) Ua973.B6 -3- 1 5 Brown, R. G. Improvement of mavigable ■ ivers . An address delivered before the National rivers and harbors congress at the tenth annual convention held at Washington, D. C. December 3-5, 1913,, 21 p. (u. S. 63d Cong., 2d sess . Senate. Doc. 332) H3S393.Z7B8 16 Central states conference on rail and water transportation . Official proceedings of Central states conference on rail and water transportation, held under the auspices of the Evansc? ville C'h amber of commerce, B vans vi lie, Indiana. December 14 and 15, 1916. Evansville, Ind . 1917. 128 p. HE209.C4 17 Chicago ( Sanitary district ) C ommitt e e on engi neering;. Calumet- Sag canal a vital necessity, Report of the committee on engineering of the oanitary district of Chicago, recommending the immediate construction of a channel to protect the water supply of the Calumet district. Adopted ■ay 25, 1910. Chicago/ 1910. 16 p. m D525.C5A5 1910 18 *Connor, W« D. Report en the works undertaken and the measures adopted or proposed for the improvement and development of lines of inland navigation, as well as for the protection of the banks of navigable highways. Brussels, Executive committee, Office of the general secretary, 1912. 23 p. 19 Cooley, L. E. ^he diversion of the waters of the Great Lakes by way of the Sanitary and ship canal of Chicago.. A brief of the facts and issues. February, 1913. Chicago, Clohesey & co., printers, 1913. 216 p. TC625.C6A2 1913 The Illinois river: physical relations and the removal of the navigation dams, with supoiement on the waterway relations of the Sanitary and ship canal of Chicago. Chicago, Clohesey & Co., printers, 1914. 121 p. TC425.I5C6 21 Curwood, J, o. -he Great Lakes, the vessels that plough them: tneir oarers , their sailors, and their cargoes; together with a brief history of our inland seas. Mew York and London, k- P. Putnam's sons, 1909. 227 p. HE398.C8 ld hp?;-^- + -* * 75?. war against waterways; an address delivered .before the twelfth annual convention of the National rivers 23 and harbors congress, December 8, 1915. Washington, D. Q, National capital press, inc., 1916. 15 n, HE393.Z7D3 Deneen, C. S. Sl^Land waterways. (in Governors 1 conference Proceedings 1912, Madison, Wis., [ n '.d.] p. 134-144.) JK2403.G8 -4- 24 Dixon, F. H. A traffic history of the "ississippi ~iver system. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 70 p^ (U.S. national waterways commission. Document no. 11) HE393.A27 25 Fenton, \7. D. Relation of the railways to our- fully improved rivers and harbors. An address delivered April 14, 1314, at the fifth annual convention of the golurbia and Snake river waterways association, at Portland, r rep;on. Portland, 1914. 54 p. HS1049.F4 26 Foss, S. N. The development of inland waterways. (in Governors' conference Proceedings, 1912. Padison, Wis . , [n.d.] p. 115** 133.) JK2403.G8 27 Gephart, .7. F. Transportation and industrial development in the middle "Test. Pew York, Columbia university, Pongmans, Green S co., agents, 1909. 273 p. (Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the faculty of political science of- Columbia university, vol. XXXIV, no. l) HE2 09.G4 H31.C7 28 Parts, W. W* Improvement of inland rivers.. (in Professional memoirs, Engineer bureau, United states army. Washington, 1909. v. 1," p. 75-139.) TA1.P85, v.l. 29 Hepburn, A. 3. Artificial waterways and commercial development (with a history of the .Erie canal) Pew York, The Pacini 11 an company , 19 09 . 115 p . KE381 ,H5 30 Hill, J. J. Highways of progress. Pew York, Doubleday, Page ?-.. company, 1910. 353 p. "Waterways" p. 2GC-233. HC106.H57 S@e (also World's work, Apr. 1910, v. 19: 12779-12791. AP2.W8,v.l9 31 International join+ commission (n.S. and Canada) Application of the crovernment of the United States for the approval of certain c on tempi at ed improvements in the St. Olair river at Port Huron, T "ich. Filed December, 29, 1916. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1917. 5 p. HD1694.A4 1916 32 International joint commission (U, S. and Canada) Application of the government of the United States for approval of certain c onterap latScf Trf i ¥ n t t . s Clair Rive r at P ert Hur on , ! r i ch . Order and opinion, together with application* response, and hearing. Application filed December 29, 1916; decided Pay 18, 1917. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1917. 52 p. KD1694.A2 1917 33 International waterways commission ( U>3 > | and Canada). Compiled reports of the International waterways commission, 1905-1913. Submitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36, section 37, of the rev'sed statutes of Canada. Ottawa, Printed by C. H. Parme- lee, 1913. 1224 p. (Canada. Parliament. Sessional paper no. 19a, A. 1913) KP398.A28 1913 34 intomiA-tional waterways commission ( U. S. and Canada ) International waterways commission. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the final report of the International waterways commission upon the proposed dam at the outlet of Lake Erie. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 15 p. (U. 3. 63d Cong. 1st sess, Senate. Doc. 118) TC622.I7 1913 35 International joint commission ( U. S and Canada) Report on the Livingston channel, Apri TL 8, 1913. Recommendations in reply to questions submitted by the governments of the United States and Canada, October 16, 1912. "reaty of Kay 5, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 18 p. TC425.D4I5 36 International joint commission (U. S. and Canada) Testimony in re the Livingston Channel, on the reference of the governments of the United States 3.nd the Dominion of Canada, under article IX of the treaty of Kay 5, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 225 p. TC425.D4I6 37 Jackman, W. J, Express service and water transportation. Minneapolis, Minn., University extension society, 1912. 4-32 p. (interstate commerce course, vol. IV) KE5896.J2 38 Modern railway and steamship lines. Minneapolis, Minn., University extension society, 1912. 400 p. (interstate commerce course, vol. i) PE203.J4 39 Johnson, E. R. Ocean and inland water transportation. New York, EL Appleton and company, 1909. 395 p- (Appleton's business series) KE571.J66 1909 TC623.J66 1909 40 Jones, 3. A. Address to the Senate committee on federal relations and senators and members of the General assembly of Ohio, by Col. S. A. Jones... bearing commission from North 'Carolina, Tennessee and Florida, asking the adoption of a Joint resolution to Congress, requesting that Congress in connection 'with the con- struction of Panama canal and the Illinois canal... construct a sea level canal through Florida, and.. . establish a port of entry and South Atlantic, united States naval corps station and South American nail line from Wilmington and Southport, N.C. Waynesville, C. 1910. 12 p. HIC393.Z7J62 M 41 Lakes-*to-the-Gulf deep waterway association. Annual convention, 1910- 1911. Saint Louis, Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway association, 1910-1911. 2 v. in 1. TC623. 2.L3 -6- 4^ Lakes' -to-the Gulf deep waterway association. The deep waterway between the r-reat T^akes and the Rulf of Mexico. Development , of the deef) waterway in relation to conservation. Saint Linbipjgo. 1912. 49 p. HE393.A4L4 43 Lyman, W. D. Deep waterways for the inland empire. ( in National irrigation congress. Proceedings, 1909.) Spokane, ./ash., 1909, p. 385-392. KD1726.N2 1909 44 McElherne , J. C. Rebuilding lock gates, Milan section of Illinois and Mississippi canal, during seasons oof 1910-1911. (in Pro- fessional memoirs, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, and Engineer department at large. Y/ashington, 1911. v. 3, p. 392-395.) TA1.P85, v.3 45 Massachusetts. Connec t icut Valley waterway bo ard, Report of Connecticut Valley waterway board on an investigation of the Connecticut River. March, 1913. Boston, Wright & Potter print- ing co., state printers, 1913. 58 p. TC425.C8M3 46 Mathews, J. L. Deep waterways for the interior empire, (in National irrigation congress. Proceedings, 1909. Spokane, Wash., 1909. p. 393-401.) HD1726.N2 1909 47 Mathews, J. L. Remaking the Mississippi. Boston and Mew York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1909. 264 p. TC425.M6M3 48 Merchant, E. 0. A comparison of American European waterways, with special reference to the factors influencing the development of water transportation. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 471 p. HE381.M5 49 Miller, J. W. ^he history and economic value of canals, with special reference to the Cape Cod canal. (in Society of naval architects and marine engineers, transactions, 1910. New York, [1910]'. v. 18, p. 37-46.) VM1.S6, 1910 Discussion: p, 46-48. 50 Kills, J. C. Our inland seas, their shipping * commerce for three centuries. Chicago, A. C. McClurg ft co,, 1910, 380 p. HE398.M6 51 Moore, J. H. Canals for defense. Speeches of Hon. J. Hampton Moore, of Pennsylvania, in the House of repi-esentatives , June 13, 1916. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916. 20 p. UA973.M7 52 Moore, J. H. Common sense preparedness. Remarks delivered before the National rivers and harbors congress, Washington, D. C, December 9, 1915. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916. 14 p. UA23.M6 -7- 53 Moore, J. H. Inland waterways progress; fifth annual address. New London, Conn., September 4, 1912. Philadelphia, 1912. 14 P . HB395.A3l*7 54 T 'oulton, H. G. V/aterways versus railways. Cambridge, Mass., The riverside press, 1914. 468 p. r 'ub. also as no. XIII of Hart, bchaffner 4 Harx prize essays. HE10449IT7 1914 55 National Rivers and harbors congress. Proceedings. Annual con- vention. 1901-14. Baltimore, 1901-14. 10 v. HE393.A4N3 56 National waterways; a magazine of transportation, v. 1, no. 1-6; Nov. 1912-Oct. 1913. Washington, D. C., the National rivers and harbors congress, 1912-13. 594 p. KE381.A2H2 57 Mew Jersey state federatio n of women's clubs. Dent, of conservation. Hand-book inland waterways and conservation, comp. from official documents by the Department of conservation. April, 1912. n.p, 1912, 12 p. • KS393.Z9N5 58 New York (_3tate) Commis s ion to in v esti gate port con diti ons and pier extensions i n New York har bor. The commerce and other business of the v/aterways of the state of New York, their relation xo the port of New York and the ports of the world. A tabulation of facts e.bout waterborne trade, prepared as a reference for the officials of the nation, the city of New " r ork, and ... the governor, H. H. Glynn, and the Legislature, by R. A. C. Smith, chairman New York state commission. New York, 1914. 118 p. HE554.N7A5 1916 59 Philadelphia commercial museum, pub . Project of the Atlantic deeper v/aterways association; a summary of papers on the subject with statistics of coastwise commerce. Comp. by A. P. Purk, Secretary Atlantic deeper waterways association and .7. H. ochoff, Sec'y commercial museum. Philadelphia, ^he Philadelphia commercial museum, 1909. 32 p. TC6.23.pTF5 60 Plumb, R. G. History of the navigation of the Great Lakes. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 33 p. H6398.P7 61 Quick, Herbert. American inland v/aterways; their relation to railway transportation and to the national welfare; their creation, restoration and maintenance. Hew York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. 241 p. HE393.Q6 62 Randall, p. A. The hope of the West. (in National rivers and barbers congress. Proceedings, 1910. Cincinnati, 1911. p. 148-155.) Discusses two v/aterways possible from the T 'iddle West to the Atlantic, one by the '"ississippi to the "ulf of Mexico, the other by the I'ohawk Valley and the Hudson r iver to the Atlantic. HR393.A4H3 1910 63 P«Hf *«?<*„ 1 . C. Waterways and commerce, an address delivered before the twelfth annual convention of the National rivers anU haruors congress ; December 8, 19iS, Washington, D. C. National capitol press, inc., 1916. 8 p. HE393.Z7R37 64^ Saulsbury, Willard. ^he strategic value of inland waterways: an address delivered at the eighth annual convention of the Atlantic deeper waterways association, held at Savannah, Ga, , November, 9-12, 1915, Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916, 14 p. ( U. S. 64th Cong,, 1st sess. Senaie Doc. 249) TC523.S3 5 Scherzer, A. H. Great money energy for individual and public welfare. Chicago, 1913, 32 p. HE393.Z7S3 66 Shelton, W. A. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway: a study of the proposed channel, terminals, water c:-aft, freight movement, and rail and boat rates. Chicago, 111., ^he University of Chicago press, 1912. 133 p. HE394.M4S5 67 Sherman, C. E. The Ohio water problem. Columbus, 0., The University, 1915. 135 p. ^he Ohio stat e university bulletin, vol. XX, no. 10. Nov. 1915) GB705.03S 5 68 Teal, J. N, Deep waterv/ays for the Pacific coast. (in National irrigation congress. Proceedings, 1909. opokane, Wash., 1909. p. 134-140*) HD1726..N2 1909 69 Thompson, S. A. The relation of improved waterways to foreign trade; an address before the third National foreign trade convention, ?Jew Orleans, Louisiana, January 29, 1916. Washington, D. C. National capital press, inc., 1916. 12 p., HE393.Z7^5 70 Townsend,C. H. Decline of water transportation on western rivers. (in Professional memoirs, Corps of Engineers $ U. 3. army, and engineer department at large. Washington, 1910, v. 2, p. 20-29) TA1.P85, v.2 71 Tripp, Bartlett. Address before the Hissou-si pRlvsr navigation congress, at Omaha, December 15, 19 C9. Yankton, S. D., Yankton printing company, 1910. 14 p. HE394.M6T8 U. S. B ur e a u o f c or p or at i o n s . Report on transportation by water in the United States. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 2 v. 6 FE523.A5 1909 ^* ^* Cong ress . House. Commit tee on agriculture . Conservation of navigable rivers. Report To accompany H 8, 11798. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 17 p. (61st Cong., 2d sess. House P-spt. 1036) KE629.A6 1910 -9- 74 ur. s. Congress. House, remittee on 'frrei^n affairs, Coffin aTirr^iuTati"olToT waters to Niagara River above the falls . . Report.: To accompany H. R. 28674. Washington, Govt, print. off., 1913. 14 p. (62d Cong;., 3d sess. House Kept 1438 ) 75 76 77 78 .._. Committee on rivers and harbors. Improvement of the St. Lawrence River. Report,. To accompany H. R. 32219. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 10 p. I™ 6 Cong., 3d sess. House. Rept. 2032) TC425.S14U6 Saint Lawrence River near Long Sault Island, New York. Hearings on the subject of H. R. 32219, 61st Cong., 3d session (H. R. 14531, 61st Cong. 2d session; re- lating to the improvement of navigation of the St. Lawrence river at drtd near Long Sault Island, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. p. 625 " 914 ' mc425 ^ s Uu6 Tennessee River at r'uscle Shoals, Alabama. Statements of Hon. John Rankhead and others, Feb. 3-4, 1910, June 14, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 497-535 p. t C 425.T2 1910 Senat e Committee on commerce . Lakes to the Gulf deep waterway^ Hearings before the Committee on commerce, U. S. Senate, April 16-17. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 8CP. ^93^17 Report on the river and harbor bill. 17 p. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate? Rept. 527) ^Ko 8 q St. Lawrence Piver near Long Sault Island, M. Y. Hearings on the subject of S. 10558, to provide for the improvement of navigation in the St, Lawrence river, and for the construction of dams, locks, canals, and other appurtenant structures therein at and near Long Sault, Barnharfc. and Sheek islands, 61st Congress, 3d session, r eb. 8, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 36 p. ^C42 5.314TJ6 8i Engineer dept . Arkansas river between Little Rock and Ozark, ^ Ark"" Letter from the Acting secretary of war, transmitting Wit* a letter from the chief of engineers, report cf examination, with plans and estimates of cost of improvement, of Arkansas river Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 35 p. (61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 510) TC425.A7A5 79 -10- 82 U. S. Engineer d ent. Channel from Orange and Beaumont, on Sabine and Heches rivers -,- to Port Arthur snip canal, Tex. Letter from the secretary of war , transmitting, with a letter from the chief of engineers, report of a Board of engineers on f channel from Orange and Beaumont, on Sabine reexamination 01 cnannei uvw ui cuigc wiu d B bmiuvm»j «« -»*«.-..— and Heches rivers, to Port Arthur ship canal, Tex. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 83 p. (61st Cong., 3d sess, House Doc. 129n^ -C624.-4A5 1911 Delaware river, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting reports on preliminary examination and survey of Delaware river, from Allegheny avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., to Trenton, M. J. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 26 p. (61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 702) ^0425. D3A5 1910 84 Inland waterway between Humboldt Bay and Eel River, California, Letter from the acting secretary of wa&er transmitting with a letter from the chief of engineers report of survey for the construction of a continuous inland waterway in the state of California., between suitable points on Humbo&dt Bay and Eel River. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 8 p, (61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc, 683) TC624.C2A5 1910 Board of engineers for rivers and harbors , I nl and waterway from New York Bay to Gulf of Mexico. Letter from the acting secretary of war transmitting a report as to the estimated time, work and expenditures necessary to the completion of an inland waterway beginning with Mew York Bay and comprising Hudson River, Erie Canal, the Great Lakes, the Illinois River, and the Mississippi river from St. Paul to the Gulf of Mexico, together with the extent and location of such work, the amount of expenditures devolving upon the states of Hew York and Illinois, and the provisions heretofore made for the samp , Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916. 7 p. (64th Cong. 1st. sess. Senate, Doc. 23c) HE393.A2 1916 86 87 Intracoastal waterway across Florida section. Letter from the seci'etary of war transmitting, with a letter from the chief of engineers, report on survey of the across -Florida secti en of the proposed continuous inland waterway from Boston Mass., to. the Rio Grande. Washington Govt, print, off., 48 p. (63d Cong., 1st sess, House. Doc» 233) 0623. A5 1913 a Intracoastal waterway, Beaufort, N. C«, to Key West, Fla. section. Letter from the acting secretary of war, trans- mitting with a letter from the chief of engineers, report on the survey of the Beaufort, N. C. to Key West, Fla. section of the proposed continuous inland waterway from Boston, Mass., to the Rio Grande. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 74 p. (63d Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 229) TC623.A5 1913 -11- R8 (J. S. E ngine er dept. Intracoastal wateiway, Boston, Mass. to Beaufort, N. C. section. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting with a letter from the chief of engineers, report on survey of the Boston, Mass., to Beaufort, N.C. section of the proposed continuous inland waterway from Boston, Mass., to the Rio Grande, Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 278 p. (62d Cong., 2d 8688. House. Doc. 391) TC623.A6 1912 Intracoastal waterway, St. Georges Sound to the Rio Grande section. Letter from the secretary of war transmitting with a letter from the chief of engineers, report on survey of the St. Georges Sound ,Fla., to the Rio GraafaiQ section of the proposed continuous inland waterway from Boston, Mass., to the Rio Grande. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. 64 p. (63d Cong., 2d 8688. House. Doc. 610) TC623.A5 1914 0ki o River, Ohio and '//est Virginia. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting with a letter from the acting chief of engineers, report on survey of Ohio River, Ohio and West Virginia, with a view to the selection of sites for the additional locks and dams between lock no, 8 and lock no. 29, including the last named lock, and for the preparation of plans and estimates. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 260 p. (62d Cong., 3d sess. House. Doc 1159) TC425.04 1913 91 Reports of army engineers upon the proposed canals connecting Lake Erie with the Ohio river and with Lake -Michigan. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 54 p. (National waterways commissi o/i. Document no, 21) HE393.A27 no. 21 Reports of preliminary examination and survey of Columbia and lower Willamette rivers, below Portland, Oreg. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 27 p. (61st Cong., 3d sess., House. Doc. 1278) T425.C7A5 19ii Water-borne commerce of the United States. Letter before the Committee on Commerce, U . 3. Senate. Sixty-third Congress, third session, on H.R. 20189, an act making approp- riations forvthe construction, repair and preservation of certain public works on river and harbors and for other purposes. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1915. 10 numb. 1. HE393.A2 1915 Water terminal and transfer facilities. Letter from the acting secretary of war transmitting, with a letter from the chief df engineers, reports on an. investigation and examin- ation of all water terminal and tranter facilities contiguous of harbors, rivers, and other wateiS under improvement by the United States. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 1528 p. HE393.A2 1913 -12- 95 U. s. En gineer d ect. Waterway from Lf.ke Superior to the Mississippi Ri^sr. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting with a letter from the chief of engineers report on preliminary ex- amination for waterway from Lake Superior to the Mississippi River by way of Alloues Pay. .. and the Amnio on. Loose, and St. Croix rivers, Minn, and Wis., with a report by the Board of engineers for rivers and harbors, reviewing said report and also submitting its views in compliance with a resolution of the Committee on rivers and harbors of the House requesting the Board to reexamine report printed in House doc, 304, Sixty- first Congress, second session. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916, 223 p, (64th Cong. 1st sees. House. Doc. IOCS} TC623.2.A5 1916 Waterway from Lockport, 111., to the mouth of the Illinois River. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting with a letter from the chief of engineers, report by a special board of engineers upon a waterway from Lockport, 111., by way of the Des plaines and Illinois rivers, to tne mouth of said Illinois River, and certain related subjects. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 22 p. (61st Cong., 3d sess . House. Doc. 1374) TC6247I3A3 1911 9? La ws, statutes, etc .Laws for the protection and preservation of the navigable waters of the United States. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1915. 12 p. HE393.A2 1915a 98 Nation al waterways commiss ion. Document no. 1-22. Washington, Govt, print, off.", 1909-1911. 22 pamp. in 3 v. HE393.A27 99 Final report. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 579 p. (62d Cong., 2d sess., Senate, Doc. 469) HE393.A25 100 tabulated statement relating to internal waterways improved by the United States government. Rev. and ccr. to January 1, 1910, and reprinted. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 29 p. (Document no. 10) HE393.A27 101 Waterways and commerce, devoted to the development of our rivers and harbors and to the restoration of the American merchant marine. A monthly magazine. Oct. 1310-Dec. 1916. New York, R. M. WcCann, 1910-1916. HB381.A2W4 102. Weber, A. H. The waterways of the United States: actual expendi- tures and results to navigation and commerce. Washington, 1910. 18p . ( U. S. National waterways commission. Document no. 15) 115393. A27 103 Zinn, G. A. m he advisability of a waterway improvement, ( in Professional memoirs, Corps of engineers, U. 5. army, and Engine er-department-at-large . Washington, 1910. v. 2, p. 285-325) ^Al.PSS, v.2 -13- 104 Zinn, G. A, Terminal facilities in their relation to waterway improvement. (in Professional memoirs, Corps of Engineers, U. S. army, and engineer department-at-large . Washington, 1911. v. 3, p. 236-248. ) TA1.P85, v. 3 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 105 1908 Kavanaugh, W. K. Inland waterways. Independent, May 21, 1908, v. 64: 1144-1145. AP2.I53, v,64 106 Edwords, C. B. Waterways in the Unl ;ed States, Forestry and irrigation, May, 1908, v. 14: 281-283. SD1.F7, v. 14 107 \ Forbes-Lindsay, Charles H. The revival of the waterway. World to-day, May, 1908, v. 14: 493-499. AP2.W75, v. 14 108 Newlands, 5. G. Development of American waterways . North n American review, June, 19C8, v. 187: 873-879. AP2.N7, v. 187 109 Chamberlain, George E, The national importance of Oregon's waterways. Pacific monthly , June, 1908, v. 19: 659-666. AP2.£>15, v.19 110 Hennig, R. American canal schemes. International, July, 1908. v. 2: 269-272. AP2.I72, v. 2 111 Tower, W. 3. The Mississippi River problem. Popular science monthly, July, 1908, v. 73: 13-27. AP2.P8, v. 73 Hungerford, Edward. Digging a trench across Ne* 'tort, axa&d;. Harpetf £ ' weekly, Aug. 2, 1908", v. 52: 10-11. AP2.H32, v. 52 113 Madden, M. B. Chicago and the deep waterway. Voter, Aug. 1908, v. 6: 43-48. JK1.V6, v. 6 114 Edwords, C. T. California's inland waterways. World to-day, Sept. 1908, v. 15: 963-966.. AP2.W75, v. 15 115 Conway, E. S, and L. E. Cooley. Proposed twenty million dollar bond issue for deep waterv/ay. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Oct. 28, 1908, v. 2: 181-185. JS701.C57, v. 2 116 Kowe, C. S. Function of the engineer in the conservation of the natural resources of the country. Science Oct. 23, 1908, n.s.v. 28; 546-547. Q1.S35, n.s.v.28 117 Thompson, S. A. Will it pay ? Independent, Nov. 26, 1908, v. 65:1232-1239. AP2.I53, v. 65 On the development of the inland waterv/ay s of the United States. -14- lia 1906 aoodvear C P "he transportation problem. Manufacturers' r-cord! Nov. 18, 19C8 , V. 54: 59-60. TS1.M3, v. 54 119 Quick, Herbert. The great cross of waterways. Cosmopolitan magazine, Dec. 19C8,v. 46: 36-47. AP2.C8, v. 46 On the development of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. 120 1909 Poe, W J Atlantic deep waterways. \rena, Jan. 1909, v. 41:30-38. - AP2.A6, v. 41 121 Hays, John, Hope for inland waterways. Van Morden magazine, Jan. 1909, v. 4: 531-532. HC1.V3, v. 4 122 Scherzer, A. H. Dutv of Congress as to national waterways. Manufacturers' record, Feb. 25, 1909, v. 55: 43-44, S1.M3, v.55 133 Johnson, E. R. Factors affecting the future of water trans- portation in the United States. American economic association. Publications, Apr. 1909, 3d ser . v. 10: 277-283. Discussion: p. 284-286. HBl.AS^d ser. 124 Ewen, John M. and F. A. Delano. The investigations and con- clusions" of the Chicago Harbor commission. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Apr. 7, 1909, v. 2: 353-363 JS701.C57, v. 2 125 Schmitt, F. P. and others . On seeking federal cooperation for deep waterways. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, Apr. 28, 1909, v, 2: 395-403. JS701.C.7, v. 2 126 Putnam, J. 77. An economic history of the Illinois and Michigan canal. Journal of political economy, May-July, 19Q9, v. 17. 272-295; 337-353; 413-433. HB1.J7, v.i7 127 Federal cooperation for deep waterways. Steam shovei and dredge .May 1909, v. 13: 370-375. HD6350. SJ7S8 , 128 Thompson, S. A, The nation's need of waterways. ■***"*• *..-!.. ■>* iQnQ v Q2: 746-756. AP2.08, v.y r crdamerika, Zeitschrift fur Binnen-Sch&ff ahrt , Sept, 15, 1909, v. 16: 408-412; Ocx. 1, 1909, v. 16: 435-444. HE.669.A3, v. 15 132 From the Lakes-to-the-Gulf . Voter, v. 7, Dec. 1909: 31-41. JK1.V6, v. 7 133 1910 Ellison, J. F. Inland waterways of the South. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1910, v. 35: 114-119. H1.A4, v. 35 3-34 Saunders, W. F. The waterways campaign. American review of reviews, Jan. 19]L0, v. 41: 87-88. AP2.R4, v. 41 135 "aft, 1. H. Improvement of American waterways. Outlook, Jan. 1, 1910, v. 94: 17-20. AF2.C8, v. 94 136 Ockers on, J. A. From Chicago to the Gulf. Outlook j Jan. 8, 1910, v. 94: 94-95. AP2.C8,v.94 137 V/ard , F. J. Another phase of the deep waterway problem, world to-day, Jan. 1910, v. 16: 102-105. AP2.W75, v. 18 138 Oawcroft, Frnest. "he fight for commercial supremacy. Canadian magazine, Far. 1910, v. 34: 465-473. AP5.C2, v. 34 139 Hungerford, Edward. On inland water paths. (Trenton to Washington) Outing magazine, " r ar. 1910, v. 35: 712- 722. GY1.09, v.35 1^0 Dong, T. K. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway. World ,i to-day, Har. 1910, v. 18:281-285. AP2.W75, v. 13 See also issue for December, 19Q9, v . 17: 1265-1268. l&l Hunt, H. E. How the Great Lakes became high seas, and their status viewed from the standpoint of 'international law. American journal of international law. Apr. 1910', v. 4: 265-313. 13:2 Mathews, John L. Earred gateway. Everybody'! s magazine, Hay, 1910, v. 22: 577-590. ' AP2..E9, v. 22 143 Schultze, Frnst. Die reform der ''/asserstrassen in ,T ord££fer- ika. Zeitschrift flir Finnan- Schiffahrt, *'av 1, 191G, v. 17: 245-247. ^E669.A3, v. 17 -16- 144 1910 Cawcroft, Ernest. New York vs. Canadian waterways. Editorial review, June, 1910, v, 2: 591-602. AP2.E26, v. 2 1*5 Dunn, S. 0. The proposed development i)£ inland waterways. Scribner's magazine, June, 1910, v. 47: 750-758. AP2.34, v. 47 146 Fuller, H. B. Crime of the pork-barrel. World's work, Aug. 1910, v. 20: 13259-13273. AP2 .W8 , v. 20 147 Ransdell , J. E. Shall the government issue bonds to improve its waterways ? Waterways and commerce, Oct. -Nov. 1910, v. 1: 31:25-26. HE381.A2W2, v.l 148 Y/oermann, J . W, ^he deep waterway from St.. Louis to Cairo: a review of seven proposed plans for securing a fourteen- foot waterway. Association of engineering societies. Journal, ftov'. 1910, v. 45: 135-155. £A1.A83, v. 45 1^9 . Scherzer,A. H. Government's responsibility for the river highways. Chicago banker, !T ov. 19, 1910, v. 29:5-6. HG501.C5, v.29 15 Halsey, Edward. 'Tie possibilities of the La!:es-to-the--ulf deep waterway. World today, Nov. 1910, v. 19: 1249- 1253. AP2.W75, v. 19 151 Thompson, S. A. V/aterways and the nation's growth. Waterways and commerce, Dec. 1910, v. 1: 11-14. HE381.A2V72, v.l SR2 1911 Delano, F. A. V/aterways: Their possibilities and limitations. Railway age gazette, Jan. 6, 1311, v. 50: 12-16. TF1.R2, v.50 153 . Burton, m . £. Improving our rivers and harbors. Independent; Feb. 23, 1911, v. 70:384-337. AP2.I53,v.70 154 Rooney, L. J. F. Waterways of Oklahoma. An argument for their development with particular reference to the Arkansas river. 'Vaterways and commerce, Feb. 1911, v. 2: 27-28. HE381.A2W2 , v. 2 155 Clapp, E. J. Rhine and j'ississippi river terminals, Yale review, Feb. 1911, v. 19: 392-397. H1.Y2, v. 19 156 Harts, W, W. Some desirable government policies for river improvement. American economic association. Bulletin, Apr. 1911, 4th ser. v. 1: 154-165. HB1.A5, 4th ser. v.l -17- 57 1911 Johnson, E. R. Inland waterway policy. American economic association. Bulletin, Apr. 1911, 4th set*., v. 1:166- 174. HB1.A5, 4th ser v.l. .59 162 .65 Gephart , \7. F. The place of the canal in a national system of transportation. American economic association. Pulletin, Apr. 1911, 4th ser. v. 1: 188-196. HBl.A5,4th ser. v - 1. Shepherd, S. R, New deep water-way ports from the Gulf Coast. I'amfacturers' record, Apr. 20, 1911, v. 59:55-56. m 31.M3, v.59 Talbot, F. A. Big ships and deep waterways. ^he contest between the ship designer and the harbour builder - The vogue of the "Passenger freighter"- How port authorities have been caught napping- Hurried activity on both sides of the Atlantic to cater for the monster liner - The coming of the 1000 ft* ship and the 100,000 tonner, World's work (Lend on) Apr. 1911, v. 17: 473-484. AP4.W85, v.17 Laird, F. L. The value of the artificial deep waterways, Market world and chronicle, July 22, 1911, v. 88: 101- 103. HG8011.H3, v. 88 Prudhcmme , Henri. Projet d'un canal interoceanique entre 1'Atlantique et le Pacifique. - Le canal de l'Atrato. Revue generale de droit international public, July-Aug, 1911, 18. annee: 449-455, Jfc3 % R56, 18 annlc Brown, R. M. Review of the waterway problem. American geo- graphical society. Bulletin, Aug. 1911, v. 43: 573-586. G3.A5, v.43 "oore, J. H, Inland waterways. Editorial review, Aug. 1911, v. 5: 737-739. AP2.E26, \.5 Parrish, Edward. The proposed Atlantic intra-coastal waterways. New England v/ater works association. Journal, Sept. 1911, v. 25: 285-298. m D201.H53, v. 25 Discussion: p. 299-300. Whit ford, N. E. Progress of New York's state barge canal. Scientific American, Sept. 23, 1911, v. 105: 277,286, T1.S5, v. 105 Mills, J. C. m he gateway of the inland seas; ^he Sault Ste : T arie canal and its importance to the water-born commerce of Canada, Canadian magazine , Nov. 1911, v. 38: 27-35. AP5.C2, v,38 -18- 1511 Kills, J. C. The new ship canal and locks at oault Sainte Karie. Cassier's magazine, Dec. 1911, v. 40: 675-686, TAl.Cdft, v.4-j Willey, D. A. The Panama and Erie canal locks - A contrast. Gassier* s magazine, Dec. 1911, v. 40: 693-704. TA1/C34, v.40 Thompson, S, A, Waterways as creators of prosperity. Editorial review, Dec. 1911, v. 5: 1096-1103. AP2.E26, v.5 '1 1912 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 Randall, Perry. Waterways the people's protectors. Their development necessary that the nation* s business may be transacted with despatch. V/aterways and commerce, Feb. 1512, v. 3, no. 2: 1-5. HE381.A2?/2, V ,3 Whitelaw, R. H, Plans for the St. Louis-Gulf steel barge line. Development of river transportation expected to be a boon to shippers and to pay a fair return on investment. m rade and transportation, : 'ar, 1912, v. 13; 43-44. HE2122.F8, v. 13 Zinn, 0. A, Chicago's waterways in their relation to transportation. Western society of engineers, Journal, Apr, 1912, v. 17: 285-296. discussion: p. 296-330. ^1,^52, v. 17 Pawlowski, Auguste. La navigation interieure aux £tats-l"nis. France-Amerique, May, 1912: 285-291. Shelton, W. E. Eakes-t o-the-Gulf deep waterway. Journal of political economy, June-Oct., 1912, v. 20: 541-573; 653-675; 765-806. HP1.J7, v. 20 Kills, J. C. The new canalized channels in the Detroit Piver. Gassier' s magazine, July, 1912, v. 42:34-48. TA1.C34, v.42 Haupt, E . M, Waterway improvements. Franklin institute. Journal, Oct. 1912, v. 174: 435-4<*5. T1.E8, v. 174 Scherzer, A. H, Congress' opportunity for improvement of waterways. Manufacturers' record, Oct. 24, 1912, v. 62:54. ^51. K3, v. 62 •'ills, J. C. Canalising the Detroit "iver, Canadian magazine, Kov. 1912, v. 40:49-58. AP5.C2, v. 40 -19- 180 1912 Sparkman.S, M. Waterway legislation - °ast and present. National waterways, Nov. 1912, v. 1: 51-55. HE381.A2IJ2, v.l 181 Ball, T. H. m he Houston ship channel. National waterways, Nov. 1912, v.l: 71-73. HE381.A2N2, v.l 182 Frazer, R. Blazing the way to the Gulf. Technical world magazine, Nov. 1912, v. 18: 356-357. T1.T2, v. 18 18° 1913 Fuller, H. B. American waterways and the '''pork-barrel-'-' . Kow politics has kept us behind other countries in river transportation - with practical suggestions for a new policy. Century magazine, Jan. 1913, v. 85: 386-396. AP2.C4, v. 85 184 Henderson, L. J. The Mississippi to Atlantic indland waterway. Kow the southern states are altering the map. Pan- American magazine , Jan. 1913, v. 15: 33-40. . F1401.P18, v. 15 185 Tiffany, W, C, Preparing the upper Mississippi for modern commerce. American review of reviews, Feb. 1913, v. 47: 179-185. AP2.R4, v. 47 186 Holland, C. S. E. Waterway development in the South. Pan- American magazine , Feb. 1913, v. 15: 49-50. F1401.P18, v. 15 187 Newlands , F. G. The control of waterways. Well-tried methods, intelligently and thoroly applied would lessen flood loss s.n.4 enrich the nation. Independent, Apr, 10, 1913, v. 74: 809-814. AP2.I53, v. 74 -^ Coulby, Harry. transportation on the Great Lakes, Iron age, May 5, 1913, v. 91: 1404-1405. T1.I7, fe.91 189 Scherzer, A. H. Conservation of water resources for inland navigation. Municipal engineering, May, 1913, v, 44: 429-430. TD1.M9, v. 44 190 Baker, C* W. Floods and the problems of river regulation. Scientific American, May 3, 1913, v. 108: 398-401. T1.S5, V.1C8 191 Woolley, Monroe. Canal work in Washington. Technical world magazine, May, 1913, v. 19: 413-416, T1.T2, v. 19 192 Coyle, C. C, Texas' new waterway. The Intracoastal canal. What it means to the Southwest. Texas magazine, July, 1913, v. 8: 226-229, " F381.T35, v,8 193 Snyder, E. G. Floods are federal concern. Waterways and commerce. July, 1912, v. 3: 13. KS381.A2W2, v. 3 194 A dream come true. The Intra-coastal canal gives Texas and Louisiana new commercial strength. Gassier' s magazine, Sept. 1913, v. 44: 139-141. TA1.C34, v,44 .95 -20- 1913 • Commercial and military value of the intra-coastal waterway. Scientific American, Sept. 6, 1913, v. 109: 176. Tl.35, v. 109 Plummer , H. C. St. Lawrence ship channel improvements. Scientific American, Sept. 6, 1913, v. 109: 182-183. T1.S5, v.109 .99 200 1914 201 2 02 2 03 2 04 205 2 08 209 Intra-coastal canal system for the Atlantic seaboard. Scientific American, Sept. 6, 1913, v. 109:185, ?1.S5, v. 109 Kuhn, J. Aspects of transportation: inland waterways. Scientific American supplement i Sept. 6, 1913, v. 76: 3-50- 151. T1.S52, v. 76 Hungerford, Edward, New fork's own Panama. Single-handed, the empire state is building a three -hundred mile canal from the Hudson to the Vr eat Lakes. Munsey's magazine. > T ov. 1913, v. 50: 228-241. AP2.Ma, v. 50 The Lakes to the Gulf route, via the ""win Cities. Commercial west, Jan. 3, 1914, v. 25: 11. Suoted letter written by F. N. Stacy. HFl.C3,v25 Shclton, ':/. A. -Waterway between Chicago and St. Louis, Journal of political economy, Jan. 1914, v. 22: 64-78. KB1,J7, v. 22 Crowe, J R", Curbing the Mississippi. Scientific American supplement, Kar. 1Q? 1^14, v. 77: 204. T1.S52, v. 77 Wilmot, I. H. Lake Washington canal locks. Stone & 'Jebster public served g oayhaa , June, 1914, v. 14: 407-411, TK1.S8, v.14 Crotty, Charles. Houston ship canal. Engineering news, July 23, 1914, v. 72: 183-189. TA1.S5, v. 72 Oardner, G. Axes to grind. Harper's weekly, July 18, 1914, v. 59:52-54. AP2.H32, v. 59 Liepincott, I. History of river improvement. Journal of political economy, July, 1914, v. 22: 630-660. HB1.J7, v. 22 Attacking the pork barrel. Literary digest, July 18, 1914, v, 49: 91-92. AP2.L58, v .49 Barnes, J. H. "id-continental ocean ports. American review of reviews, Aug. 1914, v. 50: 217-218. A P2.R4, v f 50 Atlantic coastal waterways, "atidtt, Oct. 1, 1914, v. 99: 397- 398> AP2.II2, v.99 -21- 210 1914 Morgan, A. E. Why rivers overflow: how floods may be prevented. Scientific American supolement, Dec. 19; 1914, v, 78: 392-394. T1.S52, v. 78 211 Cur natural waterways and the La Follette seamen's bill. Survey, Dec. 12, 1914, v. 33: 282-283, HV1.C4, v. 33 212 1915 Hess, R. K, './aterways and commercial evolution. American academy of political and social s ience. Annals, May-g 1915, v. 59: 259-282. H1.A4, v. 59 213 Ward, CD. Plan for the improvement of Hell Gate, East River. Scientific American, Hay 8, 1915, v. 112: 432. Tl t S5, v.112 2 14 Marvin, George. Great river [Mississippi], World's work, Kay-June, Aug. -Sept., 1915, v. 30: 49-65; 213-237; 469- 485; 584-604. AP2.W8, v. 30 215 Aylward , W., J. waterway to Dixie. Harper's magazine, July, 1915, v. 131 j 185-196. AP2.H3, v. 131 216 Fisher, \7. L. Waterways; their place in our transportation system. Journal of political economy, July, 1915, v. 23: 641-662. HB1.J7, v. 23 217 Case against the levee. Literary digest, Aug. 7, 1915, v. 51: 246-247. AP2.L58, v. 51 218 223 Dabney, T, G. and Lavis, F. Inland water transportation. Engineering record, Oct. 23, 1915, v. 72: 519-520, TA1.F62, v.72 219 Foulion, K._G. Setback for the waterways movement. Journal of political economy, Dec. 1915, v. 23: 961-970. H*1,J7, v.23 220 1916 Farkham, E. If, Father of waters in flood, [Mississippi] Engineering news, Feb. 10, 1916, v. 75: 286-287. TA1.E6, v. 75 221 Clark, C. iff, Navigation on the JUssissippi, Kation f r"eb. 24, 1916, v. 102: 221-222. AP2.N2, v. 102 222 Foulton* H. G. Analysis of the waterway movement. Railway review, Feb, 12, 1916, v. 58: 243-247, TF1.F4, v. 58 Geyer, 0. R. Coming restoration of the Mississippi a;r; an important artery si commerce. Scientific American, Feb, 26, 1916, v. 114: 215, ?i,S5, v. 114 -22- 224 1916 Modernising Mississippi River transportation. Scientific American, May 2Q, 1916, v. 114: 531. T1.S5, v. 114 225 K ore grease for waterways. Sunset, Pay, 1916, v, 36: 34. F851.S95, v. 36 Dohm, 0. c. The completion of Lake Washington canal, Inter- national marine engineering, Sept. 1916, v. 21:416-420. VM1.M3, v.21 227 Foulton, H. G, Economic aspects of inland water transportation. Journal of geography, Nov. -Dec, 1916, v. 15: 73-78; H2-116 , G1.J87, v.15 228 Fitzgerald, E. W. Ocean being made secure against floods. Amei&can city, Dec. 1916, v. 15: 689-690. HT101.A5, v. 15 229 1917 Hills, G. B. Co-ordinated development of waterways. Engineering contracting, ieb. 14, 1917, v, 47: 143. TA.201.E5, v. 47 230 Knowles, ?■:. Bridling the Mississippi. Survey, Liar. 24, 1917, v. 37: 721. HV1JC4, v. 37 231 Eddy, H. P. and others, Report on sanitary control of water- ways. American journal of public health, Apr. 1917, v. 7: 407-411. R421.A41, v. 7 232 Proposed $1,000,000 coal-carrying canal for Illinois. Engineering" , . exacting, June 2 0, 1917, v. 47: 564. TA2 01.E5, v. 47 ,;> 33 Need for the use of our interior waterways. Railway review, June 23, 1917, v. 60: 882-884. TF1.R4, v. 60 234 Bernhard, J. J. Development of inland waterway transportation. International marine engineering, Aug, 1917, v. 22: 332-333. V10..M3, v. 22 23 5 Ryan, K. R. Rivers and harbors bill. Catholic world, Sepi, 1917, v. 105: 816-821. AF2.C3, v!l05 236 "ewell, F. H. Federal waterways commission. Municipal engineer- ing. Sept. 1917, v. 53: 112, TD1.H9, v,53 2"7 Parker, '.'/alter. Greater use of inland waterways urged. Railway review, Sept. 29, 1917, v, ^ 1:373-379. TF1.R4, v. 61 238 Trouble with our waterways. Literary digest, Oct. 20, 1917, v. 55:22. AP2.L58, v. 55 239 "transportation needs demand waterways improvements. Manufacturers record, Dec. 6, 1917, v , 72: ^5 t ^S1»M3, v. 72 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. OCT 311947 LD 21-100m-12,'46(A2012sl6)4120 M197118 /ffc>/£ YE 14544 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY