OF , RULE?, EPISTOLARY University of California Berkeley From the papers of CROWN ZELLERBACH CORPORATION HILL'S MANUAL. HILL'S MANUAL SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS GUIDE TO CORRECT WRITING ify JTjtjirimth f|^?0fr$ * n ^ptakmg mifr Jt^Jtttg in H$ Yatftons l^lattons uf Jftfy EMBRACING INSTRUCTION AND EXAMPLES IN PENMANSHIP, SPELLING, USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS, PUNCTUATION, COMPOSITION, WRITING FOR THE PRESS, PROOF-READING, EPISTOLARY CORRESPONDENCE, NOTES OF INVITATION, CARDS, COMMERCIAL FORMS, LEGAL BUSINESS FORMS, FAMILY RECORDS, SYNONYMS, SHORT-HAND WRITING, DUTIES OF SECRETARIES, PARLIA- MENTARY RULES, SIGN-WRITING, EPITAPHS, THE LAWS OF ETIQUETTE, BOOK-KEEPING, VALUABLE TABLES OF REFERENCE, WRITING POETRY, ETC., ETC. GREATLY ENLARGED AND PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED SINCE THE EARLY EDITIONS, THE WHOLE REVISED AND CORRECTED TO THE LATEST DATES. IB1T THIOS. IE. IK ILL, AUTHOR OF " HIIX'S ALBUM OK BIOGRAPHY AND ART." " MORALS AND MANNERS, ILLUSTRATED. 1 CHICAGO: HILL STANDARD BOOK CO., PUBLISHERS. 1888. COPYRIGHT, 1886, BY THOS. E. HILL. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, by THOMAS. E. HILL. In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, by THOMAS. E. HILL, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, by THOMAS E. HILL, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one, by THOMAS E. HILL, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty, by MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy eight, by MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy- seven, by MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, by MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-foil.', Oy MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy -three, by MOSES WARREN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. (B9oed by subscription only, and not for sale in the bookstores. Residents of any State desiring a copy should address the Publishers, and %v Agent will o&U upon tten , THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH THOUSAND. All portions of this book are protected by copyright, and infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 45 PREFACE Written Ten Years after the First Issue of This Work, Giving an Outline Sketch of the Causes Which Produced Hill's Manual. I HE purpose of this book is to teach how to write the document correctly, and do the right thing at the right time in various important positions in life. Born in a retired part of New England, where school advantages in childhood were few, and possessed of extreme sensitiveness as to his lack of needed education, the author of this volume early realized the want of a work that would serve as a teacher and guide to those who desire an education, but have little opportunity for obtaining it. When quite young, he resolved to acquire not only a knowledge of practical life himself, but to embody in a volume, for the use of others, such information as he, in his own experience, had real- ized that the people required. Twenty years went by, during which time, with an ample experience as student, teacher, traveler, editor, publisher and business-man, he was selecting, arranging, and waiting that which he designed some day to publish in permanent form. At last, with time and means at command, he sat down to finish that labor which he had resolved in early years to execute, and at the end of two years and two months, from the time his close attention was given to the work, with the aid of skilled workmen in every department of book-making, at an expense of many thousands of dol- lars, HILL'S MANUAL was issued to the world. Its success was immediate and permanent; and its influence as an educator has been immense, over a quarter of a million of copies having been sold; while imitations of the work, under various names, have had, in the aggregate, also, a large circulation. Notwithstanding the great sale of this book, its author and publishers are not content to allow it to rest on its past success. With a full realization of the advancing spirit and demand of the age, coupled with superior opportunity and knowledge gathered from large experience, additions and im- provements are continually being made, and no expense or effort is spared to maintain the rep- utation that this work has sustained from the first, as a reliable and Standard Form-Book. CHICAGO, 1884. HILL'S MANUAL, first issued in 1873, though very complete at first, has been from time to time enlarged. The following are now the principal divisions of the work, each being quite fully treated, and several of them appropriately illustrated with instructive engravings. DIVISION 1. PAGE. I'KXM A \SIIII' VM PKX-FI.OIKISIIIX;. Containing Directions, with Illustrations, for Business Penman- ship, Off-Hand Flourishing, and Lithographic Plates, with Suggestions on Management of Writing Classes 17 DIVISION 2. HIIOK I -II A M WRITING. Giving Position for Holding Hand and Pen when Writing Short- Hand, with the Necessary Copies and Directions for En- abling Students to Write Short-Hand 44 DIVISION 3. SI'KI.I.I Nl Kit II A . Descriptions of the Principal Places Where Rest and Recreation may be Obtained Objects of Interest at Each Historical Notes, Etc 332 DIVISION 38. I.A KKis IN THE UNITED STATES. A List of the Most Important Bodies of Fresh Water in Each State and Territory, Suitable for Summer Resorts, Etc. Location and Dimensions.. . ...338 DIVISION 39. MODERN KANIIIOX A KI,K CARRIAGES. A Complete and Illustrated Collection of Modern Vehicles for Pleasure Riding and Business Purposes in Use in the United States 346 DIVISION 40. 1. 1ST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Giving a Very Full and Complete List of All Abbreviations in General Use, the Whole being Corrected and Brought Down to a Very Late Date 352 DIVISION 41. BATTLES OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. Describing all the Battles in the Late War ; Who Commanded on Each Side ; How Many were Killed, Wounded, and Taken Prisoners ; History and Results 357 DIVISION 42. HOW THE UNITED STATES ARE GOVERNED. Giving a Condensed History of the United States; the Declara- tion of Independence and the Constitution; the First Con- gress and the First Presidential Election 3(59 DIVISION 43. DUTIES OF FEDERAL. OFFICERS. Explaining the Work of the President, Vice-President, Each of the Cabinet Officers, and all the Principal Departments of the General Government . . .374 THE UNITED DIVISION 44. STATES ELECTION LAWS. Presenting the Naturalization Laws of Each State ; the Time of Residence Required in Each State, in County, Town and Precinct, in order to Vote, Etc 412 DIVISION 45. FORMS OF PUBLIC MEETINGS. Giving Constitutions, By-Laws, Calls for Public Meetings, Res- olutions, and Petitions to Public Bodies, with Particular Directions for Conducting Public Entertainments, Etc 414 DIVISION 46. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. Containing Forms of Calling Meetings to Order; Procedure in Legislative Assemblies; Appointment of Committees, and Laws for the Correct Government of Public Meetings 427 DIVISION 47. SPEECHES FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. Presenting Numerous Illustrations showing Personal Qualities that Lead to Success in Public Speaking; Necessary Arrange- ments in Halls ; Lighting, Location of Audiences, Etc 444 DIVISION 48. PAGE. FACIAL EXPRESSION AND GESTURE. Giving a Large Number of Illustrations from Life, Representing Expression of Face, Gesture and Posture, in order to give Words their Best Effect 452 DIVISION 49. WHERE TO SPEAK. AND WHAT TO SAT. Containing a Large Number of Forms of Speeches Suitable for Almost any Occasion, whether Patriotic, Humorous, Sedate, or Logical, Accompanied by Spirited Illustrations 460 DIVISION 50. "WRITING FOR THE PRESS. Giving General Directions for Local Reporting and Gathering News of General Interest; Subjects About which to Write, and Names of Different Kinds of Type 490 DIVISION 51. DIRECTIONS FOR READING PROOF. Containing Examples of the Method of Making Corrections in Proof -Sheets, and Showing an Article when Corrected ; Rules for Proof -Reading, and a List of Proof-Marks 496 DIVISION 52. LETTERING AND FLOURISHING. Showing a Large Number of Flourished Designs, Initial-Letters and Monograms ; Together with Alphabets of Marking-Let- ters, and Plain Lettering for the Use of Sign-Painters 498 DIVISION 53. SIGN PUNCTUATION. Containing a Very Full List of Rightly Punctuated Signs, Sign- Wording and Inscriptions, the Most of which Many Sign- Painters Cannot Properly Punctuate 509 DIVISION 54. INSCRIPTIONS FOR ENGRAVERS. Showing a Variety of those Sentences which Engravers Require when Lettering Silver-Plate, Cane-Heads, Coffin-Plates, Presentation-Gifts, and Other Articles 513 DIVISION 55. TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. Giving Epitaphs, Sentiments, Suitable Wording and Punctuation, with Those Form s which People Require in Perpetuating the Memory of Friends upon Monuments and Tombstones 515 DIVISION 56. RULES FOR WRITING POETRY. Containing a Definition of Poetry, Examples of Rhyme and Blank Verse, and Illustrations of the Various Kinds of Verse, in Long, Short and Common Meters, and Different Syllables. . .520 DIVISION 57. VOCABULARY OF RHYMES. Giving an Explanation and Example of the Beauty which is Added to a Sentiment when Told in Rhyme ; Followed by a Complete List of Those Words that Rhyme 527 DIVISION 58. SELECTIONS FROM THE POETS. Containing Many of the Most Beautiful Poems in the Language Poems that will Live in the Ages to Come, Each Teaching a Moral, and Every One a Gem ... 535 Abbreviations, Modern List of 352 Accidents in Carriage Riding, Precautions Against Illustrated 171 Acknowledgment, Forms of 204 Before Justice of the Peace 221 of Husband and Wife Before Notary 204 Administration of Justice Illustrated. . . .402-404 Admonition, Letter of 100 Advice, Letters of 99 Advertisements, Brief Forms for 89 Affidavits, General Forms of 205 to a Will, Form of 256 Agreements, Law and Forms of 202 for Building a House 203 for Sale and Delivery of Personal Property 204 to Convey Land by Deed 203 with Clerk for Services.. 203 Agricultural, Mechanical and Statistical Tables 295 Aids to Composition Illustrated 58 Albums, Selections for 139 Alcohol, Amount of in Different Liquors 303 Allusion in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Allegory, as Used in Writing and Speaking, Definition of 62 Alloys used in Preparing Metals 308 Alphabet of Brush Letters for Marking Purposes Illustrated 500 Doric Letter 501 Mediaeval Letters 502 Ornamental Initial Letters Illustrated 505 Ornamental Capitals 506 Ornamental Initial Script 507 Old English Text 502 Old English Fancy Text Illustrated 502 of Plain Roman Letters 500 of Antique Pointed Letters 501 One Hand, Used by Deaf and Dumb Illustrated 501 Pointed Condensed Letter 501 Amendments to Questions, Suggestions Concerning 434 Animals, Fruits, Etc., Native to the Four Continents 316-317 Animals, Age to Which Various Kinds Live 290 Animals, Size of Different Kinds of 345 Antithesis in Writing and Speaking, Example of 62 Anniversaries of Marriage, What They are Called 130 Annual Salaries of United States Officers 350 Apology, Letters of 101 Apostrophe in Writing and Speaking 63 Appeal to Higher Courts in Collection of Debts 283 Application, Form foi Writing 89 Apprentice Forms 205 Arbitration, Suggestions Relating to 206 Bond for Submission to 207 Special Forms for 207 Arbitrators, Forms of Notices to 208 Award, Form of 208 Settlement of Difficulties Relating to Wills 256 Area and Population of the Earth 292 Area in Square Miles of Different Countries 291 In Square Miles of Each of the United States 291 Army, Soldiers in from Each State During the Late Civil War 294 of the United States, Military Equipment, etc Illustrated 380 Armies of the World Number of Men 295 Arrest, Who are Exempt from 283 Assignment, Suggestions Relating to 208 for Benefit of Creditors 211 of Wages 2O9 of a Mortgage 209 of a Lease 210 of an Insurance Policy 210 of Railroad Stock 210 of a Patent 210 of a Copyright 210 Assisting a Lady to Alight from a Carriage Illustrated 171 Astronomical Tables, Giving Facts Concerning the Planets 303 Attorney-General, Duties of 401 Attachment, Legal Form of in Attaching Goods 283 Attractive Personal Appearance Illustrated 176 Ayes and Nays in Public Meetings, Calling the 432 B Bail, Suggestions Relating to 211 Bait for Different Game 304 Balls, How to Conduct Them Illustrated 154 Conduct to be Avoided 155 Evils of 154 Invitations to, Forms of 154 Baldness, How to Prevent 178 Banking, Suggestions and Forms 194 Bills of Exchange 196 Deposit Tickets 194 Forms in the Check-Book Illustrated 195 Forms of Drafts Illustrated 197 Laws of Grace on Sight Drafts 197 Sight and Time Drafts, Forms of 197 the Pass-Book 194 Banquet, The Illustrated 481 Baptismal Service Illustrated 480 Bathing, Directions for 177 Directions for in Letter of Advice 100 Battles of the Civil War Illustrated 357 Bays, Length and Breadth of Largest 292 Beauty, Personal Habits Which Make It 177 Bible, Summary of 301 Bills of Lading, Form of Illustrated 213 Bills of Exchange Illustrated 196 Bills of Purchase, Forms of Illustrated 201 Bills of Sale, Forms of - 212 Birds, Age Attained by 295 Birds, Speed at Which They Fly 290 Blank Verse, Description and Illustrations of 521 Blondes, Colors They Should Wear 179 Board, Table Giving Price of per Day 299 Bonds, Common Form of 214 of the Cashier of a Bank 214 of a Corporation 214 Bonnets, Colors with which to Trim Them 179 Bookkeeping, Directions for Keeping Books of Account 198 the Day Book, the Ledger, Forms of Account Illustrated 198-199 Book and Newspaper Type 494 Books, Names of Different Sizes Illustrated 493 the Folio, Quarto, Octavo and Duodecimo Illustrated 493 Boxes, Capacity of Different Sizes 303 Brevity in Composition, Examples of 60 Bricks, Number Required in Walls of Different Thicknesses 303-309 Brook, Artist's Illustrated 520 Buildings, Highest on Earth Illustrated. . . 314-315 Brunettes, Colors They Should Wear 179 Business Letters Illustrated 85 Bushel, Legal Weight of in Different States 299 Business Man, Complimentary Address to 79 By-La ws for the Government of Meetings 415 Builders' Table of Brick for Walls 309 Cabinet Officers, Their Duties 376 Cabinet Officers in Each Administration 330 Calling Cards, Forms of, When to Use Them 149 Calls for Public Meetings, Forms of Wording Illustrated 416 for Old Settlers' Reunion, Democratic Rally, School Meeting 416 for Firemen's Review, Woman-Suffrage Convention, Railroad Meeting 416 for Fourth of July Celebration, Temperance Convention, Eight-Hour Meeting 417 When, Where and How to Call 148 on New Year's Day 150 10 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. Cambridge Literary Club Illustrated 445 Canada, an Outline of Early History Illustrated 26<> Area, Population and Capitals of Provinces 266 Birthplace of Inhabitants 266 Constitution for the Government of 261 Copyright in Canada 275 Customs Tariff of Great Britain 270 Legal Forms in General Use 271 Number of Members of Different Religious Denominations 266 Population of Principal Cities 266 PosWDffice Savings-Bank 270 Seasons in Which Game and Fish Must Not be Taken or Killed 266 Sketch of Queen and Royal Family 275 Tariff Duties Between Canada and the United States 267 Canals, American, Their Length and Cost 304 Capacity of Large Rooms 292 Capacity of Freight Cars 292 Capital Letters, Ornamental Illustrated 5O6 Capital Letters Illustrated 23-26-27-31 Capital Letters, Rules for the Use of 52 Capitol at Washington Illustrated 405 Cards, Address Illustrated 135 Carriages, Modern, and Other Vehicles ; . . . Illustrated. . .346-347 Carriage Riding, How to Make it Agreeable Illustrated 171 How to Assist a Lady into a Carriage Illustrated 171 How to Assist the Lady from the Carriage Illustrated 171 Precaution Against Accidents 171 Cards, Visiting and Business, Forms of Illustrated 135 Cattle, Horses and Hogs Running at Will in Streets, Evil of 184 Caution in Love Letters, Necessity of 1 10 Celebrations and Festivals Illustrated 422 Celebrations, Suggestions Concerning Arrangements. .Illustrated 422 First Steps, Fourth of July 422 Necessary Officers and Committees 422 Public Dinners, Picnics and Festivals 422 Ceremony of Marriage, Forms of 125 Certificate of Marriage, Form of 125 Charming Homes, How to Make Them Illustrated 185 Division Fence Between Houses Illustrated 184 Pleasant and Agreeable Neighbors Illustrated ...185 Troublesome, Disagreeable Neighbors Illustrated 184 Check-Book, Forms of Checks Illustrated 195 Children, Importance of Biography of in Record 128 China Weddings, Form of Invitation to 131 Church Towers, Highest in the World Illustrated. .314-315 Churches, Their Capacity ,...292 Church Etiquette, What is Proper Illustrated 172 Chronological Tables of Important Events 348-349 Cisterns, Capacity of Different Sizes 394 Cities at Last Census, Population of ... .296 Civil War, Number of Men in United States Service 294 Civil War, Number of Men Called to Serve 308 Classification of Words in Spelling 49 Cleanliness, Directions for in Letters of Advice 100 Climax in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Codicil, Form of 255 Coins, Value of the Gold and Silver Coins of the World 308 Colleges Where Presidents were Educated 294 Collectors of Customs, Duties of 387 Collection of Debts, Precautions and General Directions 280 Attachment of Goods and Attachment of Body 283 Cost of Serving Summons 284 First Efforts at Collection by Letters 281 First Legal Steps and Form of Summons 281 Form of Writ for Summoning Jurors 282 Form of Execution Against Goods and Chattels 282 Forms of Capias and Special Bail 283 Forms of Power of Attorney 285 How Soon the Debt may be Collected 284 Levying Upon Real Estate, and Appeal to Higher Courts 283 Limit of Justices' Jurisdiction 281 Expense Incident Upon Collection 281 Who are Competent, and Who Exempt, as Jurors 282 Who are Exempt from Arrest 283 Colossal Wonders of the World in Ancient Times 234 Colors, Combinations of Shades that Make Different Kinds of 304 Suitable for Different Complexions 179 Colors, in Dress Most Beautiful at Night 180 in Dress Most Beautiful by Daylight 180 Suitable to Wear at Different Seasons 180 that Contrast, yet Harmonize , 180 Committee Reports, Suggestions About 429 Common Christian Names, List of 1 38 Complaint, Form for Writing 87 Complimentary Address, Forms of 79 Compound Interest. How it Doubles : 290 Committees Necessary in the Management of Celebrations 422 Company, Bad, Letter of Advice to Beware of 100 Complexion, Colors Suitable for the 179 Composition and Declamation Illustrated 58 Commercial Forms Illustrated 187 Congressmen, Duties of Illustrated. . . 406-407 Consumptives, Healthiest Regions for 302 Conversation, How, When and Where to Speak 152 Congress, Number of Representatives in from Each State 294 Conducting Public Meetings, Official Form 431 Congratulation, Form for Writing 95 Conduct to Avoid in the Dining-Room 157 Condolence, Letter of 93 Constitution of the United States 371 Constitution and By-Laws, Eorms of Illustrated 414 for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 414 of a Village Lyceum 415 Contrast in Penmanship, Principles of Illustrated 27 Construction of Sentences, Rules for 64 Conditions, Favorable for Public Speaking Illustrated 449 Copies Suitable for the Writing Lesson 41 Copyright, Law of in the United States 287 Coroner, Duties of 286 Verdict in Case of Murder, Form of 286 Verdict in Case of Suicide, Form of 286 Verdict in Case of Drowning, Form of 286 Verdict in Case of Natural Death, Form of 286 Corporate Associations, Suggestions Relating to 215 Correct Position for the Hand in Writing Illustrated 24 Correct and Incorrect Positions in Writing Illustrated 29 Cotton, Sugar and General Reckoning Tables 298 Cotton Wedding, when it Occurs 130 Countries of the World, Population, Size and Government 291 Name of Capital and Prevailing Religion 291 Number of Inhabitants to Square Mile 291 Courtship and Marriage, Conditions that Promote Happiness 164 Conduct of the Engagement 166 Etiquette of the Wedding 166 How to Court and Ho w to Propose 165 Peculiarities Suitable for Each Other 165 Providing for a Home ] 65 the Wedding Dress 166 the Wife's Duty After Marriage ...167 the Husband's Duty After Marriage 167 Whom to Marry, " Mismated" 164 Criminals, Effects of Kindness to 186 Crystal Wedding, Form of Invitation to 131 Curved Lines in Penmanship, Beauty of 26 Custody of Children Provided by Will 256 Cubic Feet of Various Commodities, Weight of 290 Dates of Important Events 348-349 Days of Grace on Drafts, Notes, etc., in Different States 197 Debts of Principal Countries 304 Deeds, Form of Warranty Deed' with Covenants 220 Quit-Claim, Forms of 220-221 Declaration of Independence Illustrated 370 Degrees at which Substances Melt, Boil, Freeze, etc 290 of Heat at which Eggs Hatch 290 Deposit Tickets Used by Bankers Illustrated 194 Description, Letters of 109 Diamond Wedding, when it Occurs 130 Dictionary of Synonyms, Giving Several Thousand Words 65 of Words that Rhyme 527 Diet, Direction for in Letter of Advice 100 Digestion, Periods of 309 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. 11 Dinner Parties, How to Conduct Them Illustrated 159 Disadvantages in Public Speaking Illustrated 448 Distances from Principal Cities to other Cities* 320-323 Distances to the Principal Cities from New York City by Water 350 Distances Around the World 303 Dower, Table Showing Value of Widow's Dower 350 Drafts, Forms of Bank, Sight and Time Drafts Illustrated 197 Dresses, Trailing on the Street, Suggestions About 182 Dress, Directions for in Letter of Advice 100 Dress, Means by Which it is Made Beautiful 176 Due-Bills, Form, Payable in Money 190 Payable in Flour, in Merchandise 190 Dunning Letters, Forms of 28] Duodecimo (12mo), Shape of Books Called Illustrated 493 Duties of a Congressman Illustrated... .406-407 Duties of the Vice-President ...Illustrated 376 Earth, Different Divisions of the 292 Eclipses of the Sun and Moon Before 1900 295 Eight-Hour Meeting, Form of Call for 417 Election Laws of the United States 412 Elements of Small Letters in Writing Illustrated 22 Elements of the Beautiful 176 Elementary Sounds in the English Language 48 Employes, Relations Between Employer and Employe 172 Employment, Letters of Application for 90 Engravers' Inscriptions, Suitable for Use of Jewelers. . .Illustrated 513 for Use on Cases, Watches, Coffin-Plates Illustrated 514 Suitable for Birthday, Christmas and Wedding Presents 514 Engagement of Marriage, Suggestions About 166 Envelopes, How to Address Illustrated 82-83 Epitaphs, Form, Wording, etc Illustrated 515 Epistolary Penmanship, Copies for Illustrated 43 Essay, Reading the Illustrated 58 Etiquette in the Church Illustrated 172 Etiquette, Laws of Illustrated 143 Etiquette, What to Say and How to Do Illustrated 152 Assisting the Lady into and from the Carriage. ..Illustrated 171 at Sociables, Tea-Parties, Picnics, etc 160 Bad Manners at the Table Illustrated 158 Colors Suitable for Different Complexions Illustrated 179 Conduct When Shopping Illustrated 151 Conditions that Make Happiness in Married Life 167-168 Conduct Proper for the Street Illustrated 182 Forms and Observances at the Funeral 170 In the School Illustrated 173 Hints on Traveling Illustrated 168 Hints on Fashions Illustrated 181 Horseback Riding Illustrated 169 How to Please in Conversation Illustrated 152 How Neighbors may have Happy Surroundings. . Illustrated 185 Introductions, How to Make Them Illustrated 145 Important General Rules of Conduct Illustrated 183 Kind Treatment of Employes 172 Kindness to the Erring and Unfortunate 186 New Year's Calling Illustrated 150 of Parties, Balls and Invitations to Illustrated 154 Personal Habits which are Essential to Beauty. . .Illustrated 177 Politeness and Gentility in the Dining-Room Illustrated 159 Salutations, the Bow, Nicknames, etc Illustrated. ...146-147 Suggestions about Visiting .162 the Toilet, How to Dress Beautifully Illustrated 177 the Use of Cards 149 the Table, How to Set and Arrange It Illustrated 157 Ungraceful Positions Sometimes Assumed Illustrated 148 What to Observe and Avoid When Calling Illustrated 149 What Makes Happy Home-Life Illustrated 174 Euphemism in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Events, Leading, on Every Day of the Year 348-349 Exchange, Bills of Illustrated 196 Exclamation in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Excuse, Letters of 101 Exercise, Directions for in Letter of Advice 100 Exemptions from Forced Sale in Different States '...Illustrated 276 Real Estate and Personal Property Exempt from Sale ... ... .276 Execution Against Goods and Chattels, Form of 282 Expression in Letter-Writing, Purity of , 78 Expense Incident Upon Collection, of Debts 284 Exports of Various Countries 292 Extempore Speaking, Directions for 59 Extradition, Forms in Use for .' 222 Facial Expression Lady .13 Illustrations. . .456-459 Facial Expression Gentleman 14 Illustrations. . .452-455 Facts for Builders Superficies 309 Family Records, Forms of Illustrated 129 Fashion, Hints to Ladies and Gentlemen 181 Faults in Large and Small Letters Illustrated 30-31 Faults in Writing and Speaking 56 Favors, Letters Asking 102 Feet, How to Care for Them 178 Fences Between Houses Illustrated 184 Fencing, Lumber Required for 1 Mile 295 Figures, Arabic and Roman Numerals 295 Figures of Rhetoric, Examples of 62 Financial History of the United States 305 Fires, Greatest of Modern Times 309 Flowers, Language and Sentiment of 136 Flourishing with Pen and Pencil Illustrated 498 Folio, Shape of Books Called Illustrated 493 Food, Time Required to Digest Different Kinds 309 Foods, Best for Sheep 301 Foods, Relative Worth of Many 295 Foods, Various, Nutriment in 295 Foods, Relative Value of Different Kinds 302 Solidity of Different Kinds 303 Foreign Coins, Value of 308 Foreign Words and Phrases, with Pronunciation 351 Foreigners, Number of in the United States 294-301 Form of a Letter Illustrated 79 Fourth of July Oration Illustrated 444 Fourth of July Celebration Illustrated 472 Fourth of July Celebration, Call for 417 Freight Car, its Capacity 292 French Words and Phrases 351 Friendship, Letters of 105 Friendship, an Acrostic '. . . . 526 Fruit, Time Required in Boiling for Canning 302 Fuel, Value of Different Woods for '. 290 Funeral Notice, Form of Illustrated 134 Funerals, How to Conduct Them 17O Funerals, Public and Private Illustrated . . .473-515 Garnishee, Suggestions About Suing 283 Gentility in the Dining-Room Illustrated 159 Gentility in the Parlor Illustrated 149 Gentleman's Position When Writing Illustrated 20 Gifts, Letters Accompanying 103 Gold and Silver Coins, Value of 308 Gold, Where it Comes From 293 Golden Wedding, Form of Invitation to 131 Government of the Patent Office 393 Governors, Senators and Representatives, Terms, Etc 288 Government in Different Countries, Forms of 291 Government Land, Where and How to Get It 386 Grace on Sight-Drafts, Laws of 197 Grammar, Parts of Speech 55 Grain, Natural Shrinkage 295 Great Cities of the World, Population of : 297 Green and Dry Wood, Difference in Weight of 290 Guaranty for Payment of Note : 224 of Performance of Contract 224 of Father for Son's Fidelity 224 Guarantee for Payment of Money, Form of 190 Guardian and Minor Children 223 Form of Bond for 223 Petition to Have Appointed 223 Guests, What is Expected of Them when Visiting 162 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. H Hair, How to Make it Abundant and Beautiful 178 Hand, How to Make it Handsome 1 78 Handshaking, Various Modes of Illustrated 147 Happiness in Married Life, What Makes It 164 Hay, Cost of Small Quantities 300 Heat, Degrees at Which Substances Melt, Freeze, etc 290 Height and Weight of Human Beings at Different Ages 304 Historical Facts Relating to the United States 292 Holidays, Where Legal in the United States .345 Home Relations Between Parents and Children 174 Home Made Beautiful, Views of Illustrated 185 Homesteads, How to Secure Illustrated 386 Honesty in Courtship, Importance of 110 Horseback Riding, Cautions and Suggestions Illustrated 169 Horses, Weight of Different Breeds 300 Host and Hostess, Duties of Each when Receiving Visits 163 House of Representatives Illustrated 4O7 Husbands and Wives, Duty to Each Other 167 Hyperbole in Writing and Speaking, Erainple of 62 I Ice, Strength of Different Thicknesses 294 Illiteracy in Different Countries 302 Important Events, When They Occurred 348 Incorporation, Form of Application for 216 Charter for a Company, Form of 217 Cost of Organizing a Company 218 Form of State License for 217 Form of Incorporators' Report 217 for Social and Benevolent Purposes 219 for Religious Purposes 219 Independence, Declaration of 370 Indorsements of Promissory Notes, Form of 188 Indian Meal, Value of 295 Initial Letters, Ornamental Illustrated 505 Initial Script, Ornamental Illustrated. . .507-508 Initial Capital Letters Illustrated 505 Ink Suitable to Use when Writing 19 Inscriptions for Engravers 513 Suitable for Tombstones 515 Insurance Table of Expectation of Life 350 Insurance, Form of Fire Policy Illustrated 225 Form of Life Policy Illustrated 226 Tables of Rates 299 Interest, Short Rules for Finding Rate of 303 How Rapidly it Doubles when Compounded 290 Rates of Each State 191 Tables, How to Compute Interest 193 Intemperate Men, Danger to Women of Marrying Ill Interrogation in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Interior, Duties of Secretary of 391 Introduction, Letters of ". 97 Introductions, Directions for Illustrated 145 Invitations to Parties Illustrated. . . 132-133 Invitations to Wedding Anniversaries Illustrated... 130-131 Invitations to Receptions, Forms of Illustrated 127 to Weddings Illustrated... 120-121 Irony in Writing and Speaking, Example of 62 Italian Words and Phrases 351 Joint Note of Two or More Persons, Form of 189 Judgment Note, Form of 190 Jurors, Who are Competent to Serve on Juries 282 Juries, Who are Exempt from Serving on 282 Justice's Jurisdiction in Collecting Debts, Limit of 281 Kindness, Its Importance with the Erring and Criminal Classes 186 Kissing, Suggestions About : 147 Knife, Fork, Teacup, How to Hold when Eating Illustrated 160 Lading, Bills of Illustrated 213 Lady's Position When Writing Illustrated 21 Land Surveyors of the United States 392 PAGE. Lakes of the United States, Location and Size 338-344 Lakes, their Length and Breadth t 292 Landholders in Great Britain, Number of 301 Land, Rules for Measuring It 289 Language, Rules for Construction of 64 Landlord's Notice to Tenant 228 Landlord and Tenant, the Law of Different States 227 Large Rooms, Capacity of 292 Latin Words and Phrases 351 Laws of Etiquette Illustrated 143 Laws of Language 64 Lease of a Farm and Buildings .228 Lease of House for Term of Years 228 Lease, Short Form 227 Notice to Quit, Tenant's Notice 228 Leather Wedding, when it Occurs 130 Legal Business Forms Illustrated 202 Legal Holidays in the United States 345 Legal Steps to be Taken in Collection of Debts 281 Lessons in Penmanship, Programme of 36 Letter of Credit, Form of 229 of Credit, a Guarantee 229 Letter Writing; Originality and General Style Illustrated 77 Forms of Superscriptions on Envelopes Illustrated 82 Parts of a Letter, Form of Illustrated 78 Positions of Various Parts Illustrated 79 Titles of Address Used in Writing 80 Letters of Business; Suggestions Concerning them 85 Complaining of Error in Bill . 87 Forms of Resignation 87 Forms of Letters Ordering Books and Dry Goods 86 Form a Young Man Commencing Business 86 Notice of Having Forwarded Goods 87 Reply from Wholesale House, with Invoice 86 Requesting Information 86 Recommending a Successor 87 Requesting a Friend to Make Purchases 87 Requesting a Settlement of Account < 88 to Pioneer Settler with Reply 88 Urging Payment of Rent 88 Letters of Application, Forms of Advertising 89 Answering Advertisement for a Bookkeeper 90 for a Situation as Cook, Chambermaid, Gardener 90 for Situation as Coachman, Governess 91 for Situation as Dressmaker, Music Teacher, Printer 91 from Persons Applying for Clerkships 90 Letters of Recommendation, for Salesman, Schoolmistress 92 for Bookkeeper, Waiter, Cook 92 for Washerwoman, Port er 92 Letters of Sympathy; to a Friend on the Death of a Husband 93 on Death of Wife, Sister, Daughter, Infant 94 to a Friend on the Death of a Mother 93 to a Friend on the Death of a Brother 93 to a Friend on Reverse of Fortune , 94 Letters of Congratulation, to a Friend on Election to Office 95 on Receiving a Legacy 96 on Passing a Successful School Examination 96 on Obtaining a Business Situation 96 to a Gentleman upon His Marriage 96 to a Friend upon the Birth of a Son 96 to a Friend on a Wedding Anniversary 96 to an Author on the Success of his Book 96 Letters of Introduction, Introducing one Gentleman to Another 97 Introducing one Lady to Another 97 Introducing a Young Musician to a Lady Friend 97 Introducing an Officer to a Brother Officer 97 Introducing a Gentleman Seeking a Clerkship 98 Introducing a Sister to a Schoolmate 98 Introducing a Clerk to a Fellow Clerk 98 Introducing a Student to the Writer's Mother 98 Introducing a Friend to a Member of Congress 98 Introducing a Literary Lady to a Publisher 98 Introducing a Daughter About to Make a Visit 98 Letters of Advice; Advising a Young Lady to Refuse Gifts from a Gentle- man 99 Advising a Young Man to Beware of Bad Company 100 Advising a Young Man against a Hurried Marriage 100 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. 13 Letters to a Gentleman on the Subject of Health 100 to an Orphan Boy on How to Succeed 100 Letters of Excuse ; Apologizing for a Broken Engagement 101 Apologizing for Failure to Pay Money Promptly 101 for Breaking a Business Engagement 101 for Delay in Returning a Book 101 to a Teacher from a Parent 101 Letters Asking Favors ; Requesting the Loan of a Book 102 Requesting the Loan of Money 102 Requesting a Letter of Introduction 102 Requesting the Loan of an Opera-Glass 102 Requesting the Loan of a Pistol 102 Letters Accompanying Gifts ; Accompanying Photographs 103 Accompanying a Betrothal Gift or Ring 103 Accompanying a Book 104 Accompanying a Bouquet 104 Accompanying a Birthday Gift 104 Accompanying a Donation to a Clergyman 104 Accompanying a Gift to a Superintendent 104 Replies to Letters Accompanying Gifts 104 Letters of Friendship ; From a Young Lady to a Schoolmate 106 to a Friend About to Marry 108 Letters to Relatives; From a Husband to his Wife 106 from a Young Man at College to his Parents f 108 from a Girl at School to her Mother 106 from Absent Wife to Husband 107 from a Daughter to her Parents 107 from a Mother to Daughter in the City 107 from a Father, Remonstrating with his Son 107 Answer of Mother to the Daughter 107 Answer of Husband to the Wife 107 Reply of the Son to his Father 108 Letters of Description ; From a Gentleman Visiting the Old Home 108 from a Lady Visiting in Chicago 109 Letters of Love: Cautions and Suggestions 110 A Lover's Good-bye, and the Reply 113 Asking for a Letter of Introduction 113 A Gentleman Makes a Frank Acknowledgment 116 An Offer of Marriage, with Favorable Reply 1 18 Favorable and Unfavorable Replies 112 Favorable and Unfavorable Replies to the Stranger 114 from a Gentleman Confessing a Change of Sentiment 117 from a Lover Going West, Favorable Reply 118 How to Reply to the Personal Advertisement 115 Invitation to a Place of Amusement 112 With no Previous Acquaintance 114 To an Entire Stranger 114 One Way of Breaking the Ice 118 Personal Advertisement in a Morning Paper 115 Reply Accepting, Reply Refusing 112 Reply to a Young Man Addicted to Intemperance 117 Reply to a Young Man who Uses Tobacco 1 14 Reply Accompanied by the Letter 113 to the Father of the Lady 113 The Father's Reply, Favorable and Unfavorable 114 Unfavorable Reply, Favorable Reply .114 Letters, No. in Various Alphabets 344 License to Marry, Form of Illustrated 124 to Peddle, Form of 230 to Sell Ardent Spirits, Form of 230 to Sell Tobacco and Cigars, Form of 230 Limitation of Action in Different States 191 Lincoln and His Cabinet Illustrated 377 Losses in Battles, Ancient and Modern 344 Losses in the American Civil War 344 Love, Letters of 110 Lungs, Directions for Inflation of 100 Lumber Measure, Table for 293 Lumber, Weight of 295 M Man in Oratory Illustrated 452 Marks of Punctuation 52 Marking Letters Illustrated 500 Married Woman's Note in New York, Form of 189 Marriage Anniversaries, When to Celebrate Them 130 Ceremonies, How to Conduct Them 166 Marriage Certificate, Form of Illustrated.. License, Form of Illustrated. . Notices, Forms of Illustrated. . Measuring Land, Rules for Measures, Long, Square and Cubic Mechanics' Lien, Form of Meetings, Directions for Conducting Them Metals and Their Alloys Metals, Most Valuable Metonymy in Writing and Speaking, Example of Metaphor, as Used in Writing and Speaking, Definition Meter, Definition, Examples of Metric System of Weights and Measures Military and Naval Rank, How Designated Milk, of What Composed Ministers to Foreign Countries, Duties of Mind, Directions for Condition of , Mining and Miners' Forms Affidavit of Labor Performed to Hold Claim Agreement for Prospecting, Form of Certificate of Having Located a Claim Diagram of Miner's Claim Forfeiture of Claim, Notice of How to Purchase a Mine from Government Important Facts for Miners Incorporating a Company for Mining, Form of Lease of Mine, Form of Miner's Lien for Labor Performed Relocating a Mine, Form of Selling a Mine, Form of Quit-Claim Deed PAGE. 125 124 126 289 289 231 ....424 . 62 . 62 .522 .279 Mistakes Common in Writing and Speaking Monograms of Two, Three, Four and Nine Letters Illustrated. Mortgages, Form of Chattel Mortgage Auctioneer's Affidavit that the Property was Sold Caution to Persons Loaning Money Form of Note Secured by Mortgage Foreclosing Mortgage, Mode of Procedure Notice of Sale of Mortgaged Property , Real Estate Mortgage to Secure Payment of Note Release of Mortgage, Forms of Moon, its Influence on Growth of Plants Money, When it Doubles at Interest Money, Amount in Circulation in Different Countries Mountains, Highest on the Face of the Earth Illustrated.. Mountains, Highest in Asia and Africa Illustrated. Mountains, Highest in North America Illustrated . Mountains, Highest in Europe Illustrated. Mountains, Highest in South America Illustrated Multiplication Table N Names of Men and Women Alphabetically Arranged Nations, Names of their People and the Language Nature's Rules as Applied in Penmanship Naturalization, General Forms of Navy, Duties of Secretary of Illustrated. Negotiable Note, Form of Neighbors, How They may be Improved Newspaper and Book Type Newspaper Reporting, Suggestions About New Year's Calling, Etiquette of Nicknames, Importance of Avoiding " No," Importance of Saying it Politely Nobility, Titles of Used in Writing Notice of Marriage, Form of Notes of Invitation, Etiquette of, General Suggestions Answers Accepting and Declining Invitations for Dinner to an Intimate Friend to a Lawn Soiree to an Evening Party to a Dinner Party to a Hallowe'en Party to a Dancing Party to Balls to a Silk Wedding to a Crystal, China, Silver and Golden Wedding . . . . 295 411 100 232 233 234 232 232 233 233 235 235 234 233 234 234 56 504 239 239 237 237 238 238 237 238 350 308 293 .316-319 316 317 318 319 ....345 138 345 26 240 394 188 .184-185 494 490 150 147 151 80 126 132 133 159 ...... 132 J33 133 133 133 133 154 130 ...131 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. to a Wedding, Picnic, Festival, Funeral, Ball 134 Nuncupative Will, Form of 256 Number of Plants, Hills or Trees Contained on an Acre 300 Oceans, Seas and Bays, Their Area, Length and Breadth 292 Octavo (8vo), Shape of Books Called Illustrated 493 Occupation of the People in the United States 306-307 Officers in the Army 380-381 Officers of the Army, Prominent in the Civil War 368 Officers of Societies, Duties of Presiding Officer 427 Oil, Amount of in Different Seeds 302 Old English Text 502 Onomatopoeia in Writing and Speaking, Example of 64 Orders for Goods, Forms of 86 Orders, Forms of Illustrated 200 Originality in Letter-Writing, Suggestions About 77 Ornamental Lettering Illustrated 503 Paper Wedding; When It Occurs 130 Parliamentary Rules, for the Use of Public Meetings 427 An Amendment to an Amendment 435 Committees Select, Standing, of the .Whole 428 Decision as to Order, a Tie Vote 437 Duties of Presiding Officer 427 Duties of Secretary; of Treasurer 428 Duties of Members of the Meeting 430 Losing the Right to the Floor 438 Means by which to Secure Passage of a Question 433 Official Form of Conducting a Meeting 431 Presenting Petitions, Calling Ayes and Nays 432 Previous Question, Suppression of Question 433 Privileged Questions .. 436 Proper Time for Speaking to a Question 438 Putting the Question, Taking up the Question 434 Referring to a Committee, Amendments 434 Reports of Committees 429 Speaking to the Question 431 Suspension of Rules, Taking a Vote 438 The Member Entitled to Speak First 438 Titles of Women who Act as Officers 439 What Amendments are in Order 436 Who has the Right to the Floor 430 Paper, Different Sizes for Different Purposes 289 Paper Money in Circulation 293 Parks, Public in the United States 31O-312 Parks, Public in Canada 312 Parks, Public in Europe 313 Parts of a Letter Illustrated 78 Paralipsis in Writing and Speaking, Example of 62 Parents, Approval of in Courtship 119 Parental Government, Rules for 174-175 Partnership, Form of Agreement 243 Notice of Dissolution of 243 Partners for Life, Whom to Marry 164 Passports when Traveling Abroad, Form of Illustrated 244 Pass-Books Used in Banking, Form of 194 Patent. Form of Application for 245 Agreement to Use Patent and Pay Royalty, Form of 246 Agreements to Use and Sell Patents, Forms of 247 for Design, Form of 246 for Registration of Trade-Mark, Form of 246 for Transfer of Trade-Mark, Form of 246 Important Facts for Patentees 247 Inventor's Oath, Form of 246 Petition for Caveat, Form of 246 Pavement, Cost of Different Kinds 303 Pearl Wedding, when it Occurs 130 Peculiarities Suitable Among Each Other of Those Who Marry 165 Pen, Suitable to Use when Writing 18 Pen and Pencil Flourishing 498 Pensions, Monthly Pension to which Pensioners are Entitled 248 Form of Application for 249 Penmanship 17 Blackboard Flourishing, Teaching Penmanship. Illustrated 33 PAGE. Blackboard Flourishing, Chalk and Pencil Drawing Ills 40 Business Penmanship, Showing Letter of Introduction. . . Ills 35 Contrast, Position of Hand in Flourishing Illustrated 27 Copies for the Writing School Illustrated 41 Copies of Ladies' Epistolary Penmanship Illustrated 43 Correct Position for Standing While Writing Illustrated 28 Correct and Incorrect Positions for Sitting Illustrated 29 Correct Position for Holding Pen while Writing. Illustrated 24 Description of the Plates 32 How to Organize the Writing Class 34 How to Arrange Copies, Commencement of the Writing School 35 Incorrect Position for Pen while Writing Illustrated 25 Introductory Remarks Illustrated 17 Legibility, Elements of Small Letters Illustrated 22 Lithographic Copies of Alphabets, Figures, Words and Sentences... 32 Lithographic Copies Representing Ladies' Penmanship 34 Lithographic Copies Comprising Off-hand Capitals, Round-hand and Flourishing 36 Lithographic Copies, Representing Pen-pictures of Birds, etc 38 Nature's Rules, Curved Lines, Proportion Illustrated 26 Paper Ink How to Practice 19 Position while Writing Illustrated 20 Position for Sitting and Holding the Pen Illustrated 21 Principles of Capital Letters, Capital Letters Illustrated 23 Programme of Exercises for Each Lesson 36 Reasons Why We Should Write Well 40 System of Copies Principles Hens 18 Small Letters Contrasted, Showing Probable Faults 30 Suggestions to Teachers 39 Personal Property and Real Estate Exempt from Forced Sale 276 Personification in Writing and Speaking, Example of 62 Petitions to Public Bodies, Suggestions and Directions 421 Asking for a Policeman 421 for Opening a Street 421 from Farmers to the State Legislature 421 Remonstrating Against a Nuisance 421 to the Governor, Asking for a Pardon ."^ 421 Piano Playing at Parties, Etiquette of 161 Picnics, Festivals and Public Dinners, How to Conduct 422 Plants, How the Moon Influences their Growth 350 Planets, Their Size, Periods of Revolution, etc 303 Pleasure Resorts in the United States 332-337 Poetry i What is Poetry ! The Old Church ' 520 Canzonets, Epitaphs, Satires, Parodies, Acrostics. 526 Dactylic Verse, Poetical Pauses 524 Epigrams, Sonnets, Cantatas, Charades 526 Kinds of Poetic Feet, Meter, Iambic Verse 522 Meter, Long, Short and Common, Trochaic and Anapaestic Verse.. .523 Names of the Different Kinds of Poems 525 Prologues, Epilogues, Impromptus 526 Versification, Illustration of Blank Verse 521 Poems; Choice Selections from the Poets 535 Absence Frances Anne Kemble. 546 A Deathbed James Aldrich. 564 Ambition Lord Byron. 575 Autumn 526 A Message Eben E. Rexford A Musical Box Illustrated W. W. Story. 554 561 556 A Snow-Storm Illustrated Charles G. Eastman. A Wish for Thee Illustrated John G. C. Brainard. 548 Betsey and I are Out Will M. Carletnn. 542 Bingen on the Rhine Illustrated Caroline E. Norton. 558 Black Eyes and Blue 526 Blessed are They that Mourn Wm. C. Bryant. 575 Changes 551 Cleon and I Charles Mackay. 570 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Thomas Gray. 562 Eternal Justice Charles Mackay. 536 Extract from ' ' The Battle-Field " Wm. C. Bryant. 578 Extract from ' 'A Psalin of Life " Henry W. Longfellow. 578 Hannah Jane Petroleum V. Nasby. 538 Hannah Binding Shoes. . . Illustrated. Lucy Larcom. 552 Hereafter 537 Heaven by Littles J. G. Holland. 579 How Betsey and I Made Up Will M. Carleton. 543 If I Should Die To-Night Belle E. Smith. 570 Jenny Kissed Me Illustrated Leigh Hunt. 572 Judge Not 568 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. 15 PAGE. Keep Pushing 578 Little and Great Illustrated Charles Mackay. 549 Little Feet Illustrated Florence Percy. 557 Little Boy Blue Abby Sage Richardson . 578 Love Lightens Labor. 571 Lullaby Illustrated Alfred Tennyson. 553 Maud Muller Illustrated John G. Whittier. 544 Mignonette Illustrated Mary Bradley. 560 Mismated Luna S. Peck. 164 Never Again 537 Oh, Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud? Wm. Knox. 573 On the Other Side 575 Over the Hill to the Poor-House Will M. Carleton. 566 Over the Hill from the Poor-House Will M. Carleton. 567 Over the River Illustrated Nancy Amelia Priest . 581 RockMe to Sleep, Mother Florence Percy . 553 Roll Call 572 Rain on the Roof Coates Kinney. 575 Scatter the Germs of the Beautiful 578 Some Mother's Child 186 Sometime 574 Song of the Brook Illustrated Alfred Tennyson. 576 The Motherless Turkeys Marian Douglass. 539 The Planting of the Apple-Tree Wm. C. Bryant. 540 The Old Oaken Bucket Illustrated Samuel Woodworth. 541 The Covered Bridge. . 94 The Crooked Footpath.... Illustrated Oliver Wendell Holmes . 565 The Future Life Wm. C.Bryant. 494 The Lost Steamship Fitz-James O'Brien. 547 The First Snow-Fail Illustrated James Russell Lowell. 564 The Sculptor Boy 548 The Old Love 565 The Little Boy That Died , Illustrated Joshua D. Robinson . 569 The Vagabonds J- T. Trowbridge. 550 The Doorstep Illustrated. Edmund Clarence Stedman. 577 The Evening Bells Thomas Moore. 554 The Closing Scene T. Buchanan Read. 559 There is No Such Thing as Death 549 There's But One Pair of Stockings to Mend To-night ...555 Two Little Pairs Mrs. Susan Teall Perry. 563 Up-Hill Illustrated Christina G. Rossetti. 573 Until Death 574 Weeds 580 Weighing the Baby Illustrated Ethel Lynn. 568 We Parted in Silence Mrs. Crawford. 551 Which Shall it Be? Ethel Lynn Beers. 580 Words for Parting Mary Clemmer. 571 You and I v 555 You Had a Smooth Path '..Millie C. Pomeroy. 186 Pope's Essay on Man, in Short-Hand 47 Population, Center of Gravity of 304 Population, Area, etc., of Each of the United States 291 Different Divisions of the Earth 291 Different Countries of the World 291 of Cities at Last Census in the United States 296 of Provinces and Cities in Canadian Dominion 266 Pork, Cost of Producing It 300 Portraits on Postage Stamps 344 on United States Currency 344 Positions When Standing and Sitting Illustrated 148-149 for Sitting and Holding Pen While Writing Illustrated 20-21 Postmaster-General, Duties of 397 Postage Stamp, Where to Place it on Envelopes Illustrated 82 Poultry, Different Breeds, Number of Eggs They will Lay, etc 301 Poverty Should be no Hindrance to Marriage Ill Power of Attorney, Forms of 285 Precious Metals of the Earth, Total Production 293 Presidential Elections and Their Results 324-330 President's Mansion Illustrated 375 Presidents of the United States, Duties of Illustrated 375 Presidents of the U. S., Where From, Age, Length of Term in Office 288 and Vice-Presidents During Various Administrations 305 Where Educated 294 Principles from which Letters are Made in Penmanship..'. 23 Proclamations, Buchanan's Proclamation in I860 250 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 251 Relating to Chicago Fire 251 Relating to Thanksgiving and Mad Dogs 252 Promissory Notes, Commercial Terms 187 Form for Pennsylvania 189 Guarantee Note 190 Negotiable Notes, Indorsements 188 Note for Two or More Persons, Note on Demand 189 Note not Negotiable, Married Woman's Note in New York 189 Note in Missouri 190 Payable in Merchandise, Joint Note, Form for Indiana 190 Payable in Installments, Judgment Note 190 Pronunciation of French Words in Common Use 351 Pronunciation, Marks of 54 Proportion in Penmanship, Principles of 26 Proof-Reading, Typographical Marks 496-497 Proposal of Marriage, Suggestions Concerning it 165 by Letter of Correspondence 1 18 Public Speaking, Means by Which to Win Success Illustrated 59 Public Meetings Illustrated 424 Public Speaking Illustrated 444 Public Speakers Contrasted Illustrated . . . .446-447-450 Pulse, Number of Beats Per Minute in Health 304 Punctuation, Rules of 52 Directions for the Use of Sign-Painters 509 Pupils, Their Duty in the School 173 Q Quantity which an Acre will Produce..... 290 Quarto (4to), Shape of Books Called Illustrated 493 Questions of Privilege in Public Meetings 436 Question in Public Meetings, Consideration of 434 Quitclaim Deed. Form of 220 Railways in the United States, Miles of 291 Railway Signals by which Trains are Started, Stopped, etc 289 Railway Traveling Illustrated 168 Rainfall, Annual Average Amount in Different States 301 Rates of Interest Illustrated.. 192 Receipts, Various Illustrated 200 Receipts; For Money on Account, In Full of all Demands '. 200 in Full, For Money Advanced on Contract 200 For Rent, For a Note, For a Note of Another Person 200 Receptions, Invitations to 122 Recommendation, Form for Writing 92 Record of a Family, Containing Births, Marriages and Deaths 1 29 Relatives, Forms of Letters to 106 Release Deeds, Forms of 238 Religions of All Nations 291 Religions that Prevail in Different Countries 292 Representatives in Congress, Number from Each State 294 Request, Form for Writing 86 Resignation, Form for Writing 87 Resolutions, Ornamental Illustrated 419 Resolutions; Complimenting a Teacher, On the Death of a Free-Mason. .417 at a Temperance Meeting 420 Complimenting a Public Officer, Captain of a Steamer 418 Engrossed with a Pen Illustrated 419 Instructing Representatives, Thanks to Officers 421 of Remonstrance and Favorable to Forming an Association 420 on the Departure of a Clergyman, a Sunday-school Teacher 420 on the Death of a Clergyman and Member of an Association 418 Thanking a Conductor and Commending a Railway 418 Revenue. Collectors of 388 Rhyming Dictionary 527 Riding on Horseback, Conduct for Ladies and Gentlemen. Illustrated 169 Rights of Others, How they Should be Observed 185 Right to the Floor in Public Meetings, Suggestions About 430 Rivers, their Length. Where they Rise and Empty 292 Royalty, Titles of Used in Writing 80 Rules in Public Meetings, Suspension of .'. .438 Ruby Wedding, When it Occurs 1 30 Salaries of the United States Civil, Military and Naval Officers 350 Salaries of Kings, Queens, Emperors, Presidents, etc 302 Savings, How they Accumulate 292 School Etiquette, Duty of Teacher and Pupil 173 16 ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Seas and Oceans, Dimensions 292 Secretary of the Navy Illustrated 394 Secretary of the Treasury Illustrated . . . .384-385 Secretary of War Illustrated 379 Seeds, Number of Various Kinds in a Pound 295 Seeds, Time of Sprouting 295 Seed, Length of Time it Retains its Vitality 300 Number of Plants Produced by Certain Quantities 292 Quantity Necessary to the Acre 300 Secretary of State, Duties of 378 Secretaries and Treasurers of Societies, Duties of 428 Self-Instruction in Short-Hand Writing 44 Senators and Representatives, Number from Each State 294 Settlement of the United States, When, Where, by Whom 292 Seven Wonders of the World 294 Shaking Hands Illustrated 147 Sheep, Food for 301 Sheep, Increase of Weight by Different Foods 301 Weight and Yield of Wool at Maturity 300 Shopping, Suggestions Concerning the Etiquette of 151 ShortHand Writing, Rules and Copies for Illustrated 45 Signals Used in the Management of Railway Trains 289 Sign- Writing, Wording and Punctuation Illustrated 509 Silk Wedding, Form of Invitation to 130 Silver, Where it Comes From 293 Silver Wedding, Form of Invitation to 131 Simile, a Rhetorical Figure as used in Writing and Speaking 62 Sitting while Writing, Position for Illustrated 29 Situation, Letters Applying for 90 Skin, How to Make it Pure and Clear 177 Sleep, Directions for in Letters of Advice 10O Slope, of Letter when Writing, Diagram of Illustrated 19 Smoking in the Parlor Illustrated 163 Snobbery in Shaking Hands, Illustration of 147 Sociables, Picnics and Tea Parties, Etiquette of 160 Soldiers, Number Called for in the Late Civil War 294 Sounds, the Distance that Different Kinds of are Audible 304 Sound, Spelling by 51 Spanish Words and Phrases 351 Speaking in Public, Rules for Success in 59 Speakers of the XI. S. House of Representatives 331 Specie, Amount in Circulation 293 Speed, Fastest in going One Mile 344 Speed at which Birds Fly 290 Spelling, Rules and Directions for 48 Speeches for Various Occasions Illustrated 444 Standing while Writing, Position for Illustrated 28 Street Cars, Etiquette in Illustrated 183 Strength of Rope Hemp 295 Strength of Ice 294 Stumps, When They Decay 295 Subscription Papers, How to Draft Them Illustrated 252 Success, How to Win it; Letter to an Orphan Boy 100 Sugar Plants, Amount of Sweetness in Each 295 Summons, Legal Form of 281 Superscriptions on Envelopes, Directions for Writing 82 Synecdoche in Writing and Speaking, Example of 62 Synonyms, Dictionary of 65 Sympathy, Letters Expressing ... 93 Table, How to Set and Arrange It Illustrated 157 Tachygraphy, Alphabet of 45 Teachers of Penmanship, Suggestions to 39 Teaching Penmanship, Rules for 33 Teeth, How to Make them Clean and White 179 Telegrams, Long and Short Forms of 61 Temperaments that Should go Together in Marriage 165 Temperance Convention, Form of Call for 417 Temperature, Average of in Different States. . 301 Tenant's Notice to Landlord 228 Territories, Duties of Officers in 410 Territorial Laws Illustrated 410 Testimonials and Recommendations 92 Theatricals, Private Parlor 161 Time at Various Parts of the World, Difference in 289 Titles, His Excellency, Hon., Rev., Dr., Prof., Esq., etc ... 80 PAGE. Toasts and Sentiments Suitable for Public Occasions 423 Tobacco, its Debasing Influence 114 Toilet, Rules and Directions for 176 Tombstone Inscriptions, Forms of 515 Towers, Highest in the World .Illustrated... .314-315 I Town, County, State, Where to Write the Same on Envelope 82 | Training of Children, Directions for Illustrated. . . . 173-175 Traveling, Hints About Illustrated 168 | Treasury, Duties of Secretary of Illustrated 384-385 Trees, Growth of Various Ones in 12 years 295 Trotting, Fastest Time Made by Different Trotters 294 Tunnels, Greatest in the World 344 Type, Names of Different Sizes Used For Books and Newspapers 494 u Unclassified Laws of Etiquette Illustrated 183 United States Army, its Strength 308 United States, Early History and Government Illustrated 369 United States, When, Where and by Whom Settled 292 United States Supreme Court Illustrated 402 United States, Area and Population 291 Uses of Cards in Visiting, Business, etc 149 Vegetables, Pounds Produced to the Acre 295 Vegetables, Nutrition in 295 Value of Foreign Coins in United States Money 308 Velocity with which Different Objects Move 303 Versification, Definition of 521 Verdict of Coroner's Jury, Form of 286 Vice Presidents of the United States, List of 305 Vision, in Writing and Speaking, Example of 63 Visiting, Duties of Guest and Hostess 162-163 Vote of Chairman in Case of a Tie 437 Voters, Native-born and Foreigners ; When They May Vote 412-413 Vice-President, Duties of Illustrated 376 Visiting Cards Illustrated 135 w Wages Table, Showing Earnings per Hour, Day, etc 290 War, Duties of Secreta ry of Illustrated 379 the Civil, Number of Men in United States Service 294 Wars, American, Cost and Number of Troops 344 Warrantee Deed, Form of 220 Wealth, Effect of Marrying Ill Weather, Herschel's Table for Foretelling 309 Wedding Ceremonies, Etiquette of Illustrated 123 Weights, Measures, Variations of Time, etc 289 Weights of a Cubic Foot'of Metals, Liquids, etc 290 Weights and Measures for Cooks 303 Weights of Different Articles as Allowed by Railroads 301 Wheat Flour, Nutrition in 295 Wills, the Law of 253 Administrator's Advertisement Calling for Settlement 258 Bond Required of Administrator. 257 Duties of Administrators in Settling Estates 257 General Form of Will, Codicil 254 Inventory of Property in Settling Estates 258 Keeping Account in Settling Estate, Form of 258 Nuncupative Will, with Affidavit 256 Providing for the Settling of Difficulties by Arbitrators 256 Providing for the Custody of Children 256 Short Form of Will 256 Shorter Form of Will, Where Property is Left to Wife 255 Summary of State Law Relating to Wills 259 Wills, Where Property is Left to Wife During Widowhood 255 Wooden Wedding, When it Occurs 130 Woolen Wedding, When it Occurs 130 Woman, Complimentary Address to 79 Woman in Oratory Illustrated. . . . 456-459 Women, Titles of Female Officers 439 Wood, Value of Different Kind? for Fuel 290 Wood, Weights of Various Kinds, Green or Dry 290 Wood, Weight per Cord 295 Words and Phrases from Foreign Languages 351 World, Different Countries of the 291 Writing Class, Directions for Organization of 34 Writing for the Press, Rules and Directions for Illustrated 490 WRITING. KITING is the art of placing thought, by means of written characters, upon any object capable of receiving the same. The origin of this art is com- pletely veiled in obscurity, no history giving authentic account of its first introduc- tion and use. Its first recorded mention is in the Bible, wherein it is said, referring to the prep- aration of the Ten Commandments by Moses on Mount Sinai, that " The Tables were written on both their sides." Fifteen hundred years before Christ, Cadmus, the Phoenician, had introduced letters into Greece, being sixteen in number, to which several were afterwards added. It is certain that the Greeks were among the very earliest of the nations of the earth to invent and make use of written characters for the record of ideas, which could be clearly interpreted by succeed- ing generations; though the invention of the art came from the advancing civilization of man- kind, and had its origin with various nations' at first in the form of hieroglyphics, or picture writing, which characters have, as mankind progressed, been simplified, systematized, and arranged in alphabets, giving us the various alphabetical characters now in use. Writing and penmanship, though nearly synonymous terms, are quite different in mean- ing. Writing is the expression of thought by certain characters, and embraces penmanship, spelling, grammar and composition. ENMANSHIP is the combina- tion of peculiar characters used to represent the record of thought ; and having, since its first invention, continued to change its form down to the present time, so it is probable the style of penmanship will continue to change in the future., The great defect existing in the present system of pen- manship is the superabundance of surplus marks, that really mean nothing. This fault, along with our defective alphabet, consumes in writing, at present, a great amount of unneces- sary time and labor. Thus, in writing the word Though, we make twenty-seven motions, whereas, being but two sounds in the word, we actually require but two simple marks. That style of writing whereby we use a character to represent each sound, is known as phonography, which system of penmanship enables the penman to write with the rapidity of speech. The phonetic or phonographic system of spelling, wherein each sound is represented by a character, gives us the nearest approach to a perfect alphabet in existence, and is the method of spelling and the style of writing to which we will, beyond question, ultimately attain. It has been found extremely difficult, how- ever, to suddenly change a style of alphabet in general use in a living language; and the mass of the American and English people will, with- out doubt, use the present style of penmanship, 18 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. with various modifications, many decades in the future. To the perfection of that system in general use, in the English and American method of writing, which the present genera- tion will be most likely to have occasion to use throughout their lifetime, this work is directed, as having thus the most practical value ; though Short-hand is illustrated elsewhere. System of Penmanship. Two styles of penmanship have been in use, and each in turn has been popular with Americans in the past fifty years ; one known as the round hand, the other as the angular writing. The objection attaching to each is, that the round hand, while having the merit of legibility, requires too much time in its exe- cution ; and the angular, though rapidly written, is wanting in legibility. The best teachers of penmanship, of late, have obviated the objec- tions attaching to these different styles, by com- bining the virtues of both in one, producing a semi-angular penmanship, possessing the legi- bility of the round hand along with the rapid execution of the angular. To the Duntons, of Boston, and the late P. R. Spencer, as the founders of the semi-angular penmanship, are the people indebted for the beautiful system of writing now in general use in the schools throughout the country. Copies. The copies, accompanied by directions in this book, will be found ample in number and sufficiently explicit in detail to give the student a knowledge of writing and flourishing. In acquiring a correct penmanship it is not the practice of many different copies that makes the proficient penman, but rather a proper understanding of a few select ones, for a few copies embrace the whole art. As will be seen by an examination of the copy plates, each letter of the alphabet is made in a variety of styles, both large and small, suc- ceeded by words alphabetically arranged in fine and coarse penmanship, which are excellently adapted to the wants of both ladies and gentle- men, according to the dictates of fancy in the selection of coarse and fine hand. As a rule, however, the bold penmanship, indicating force of character, will be naturally adopted by gentlemen, while the finer hand, exhibiting delicacy and refinement, will be chosen by the ladies. Principles. The principles of penmanship, also repre- sented, give the complete analysis of each letter, while the proper and improperly made letters, representing good and bad placed side by side, will have a tendency to involuntarily improve the penmanship, even of the person who makes a casual examination of the letters of the alphabet thus made in contrast. The illustrations of curves, proportions and shades that accompany these directions should also be carefully studied, as a knowledge of these scientific principles in penmanship will be found of great service to the student in giving a correct understanding of the formation of letters. Importance of Practice. It is not sufficient, however, that the student merely study the theory of writing. To be pro- ficient there must be actual practice. To con- duct this exercise to advantage it is necessary to have the facilities for writing well. Essen- tial to a successful practice are good tools with which to write. These comprise the following writing materials : Pens. Metallic pens have generally superseded the quill. They are of all styles and quality of metal, gold and steel, however, being the best. In consequence of its flexibility and great dur- ability, many prefer the gold pen ; though in point of fine execution, the best penmen prefer the steel pen, a much sharper and finer hair line being cut with it than with the gold pen. SELF -INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 19 Paper. For practice in penmanship, obtain of the stationer five sheets of good foolscap paper. Midway from top to bottom of the sheet, cut the paper in two, placing one half inside the other. Use a strong paper for the cover, and sew the whole together, making a writing-book. Use a piece of blotting paper to rest the hand on. The oily perspiration constantly passing from the hand unfits the surface of the paper for receiving good penmanship. The hand should never touch the paper upon which it is designed, afterwards, to write. Ink. Black ink is best. That which flows freely, and is nearest black when first used, gives the most satisfaction. The inkstand should be heavy and flat, with a large opening, from which to take ink, and not liable to tip over. The best inkstand is made of thick cut glass, enabling the writer to see the amount of ink in the same, and shows always how deep to set the pen when taking ink from the stand. Care should be observed not to take too much ink on the pen ; and the surplus ink should be thrown back into the bottle, and never upon the carpet or floor. Close the bottle when done using it, thus preventing rapid evaporation of the ink, causing it soon to become too thick. Other Writing Materials. An important requisite that should accom- pany the other writing materials is the pen wiper, used always to clean the pen when the writing exercise is finished, when the ink does not flow readily to the point of the pen, or when lint has caught upon the point. A small piece of buckskin or chamois skin, obtained at the drug store, makes much the best wiper. The student should be provided with various sizes of paper, for different exercises to be written, such as commercial forms, letters, notes of invitation, etc., with envelopes to correspond in size ; together with lead-pencil, rubber, ruler, and mucilage. Thus provided with all the materials necessary, the writing exercise, which otherwise would be an unpleasant task, becomes a pleasure. How to Practice. Having the necessary materials in readiness for writing, the student should set apart a cer- tain hour or two each day for practice in pen- manship, for at least one month, carefully observing the following directions : See Plate 1. Carefully examine each copy on this plate. Devote one page in the writing book to the practice of each copy. Commence with copy No. 1. The practice of this copy is an important exercise for two reasons, being : first, to give sufficient angularity for rapidity in writing; and second, to give freedom of move- ment. The student who carries a heavy, cramped hand, will find great benefit result from practic- ing this copy always at the commencement of the writing exercise. Rest the hand on the two lower fingers never on the wrist, and rest the body and arm lightly upon the fore- arm. Assume thus a position whereby the pen can take in the entire sweep of the page, writing this exercise, in copy No. 1, from the left to the right side of the page, without removing the pen from the paper while making the same. The student may write both with pen and lead -pencil, and should continue the practice of this exercise until perfect command is obtained of the fingers, hand and arm ; and all evidence of a stiff, cramped penmanship dis- appears. Copy No. 2 is a contraction of copy No. 1, making the letter Great care should be use'd in writing this letter to make the several / 5a parts of the same, uniform in height, size, and slope ; the downward slope of all the letters being at an angle of 52 degrees. See diagram illustrating slope of letters. 20 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. object early to be attained, is to acquire an easy, graceful and healthful position of body while sitting or standing, when writing. To obtain this, the writer should sit with the right side to the desk, using a table so high as to compel the body to sit erect. Rest the arm lightly upon the elbow and fore- arm, and the hand upon the two lower fingers, the wrist being free from the desk. Allow the body and head to incline sufficiently to see the writing, but no more. Maintain a position such as will give a free expansion of the lungs, as such posture is absolutely indispensable to the preservation of health. A desk or table, with a perfectly level surface, is best for writing. Where a decided preference is manifested for sitting with the left side, or square, to the desk, such position may be taken. If the desk slopes considerably, the left side is preferable. Avoid dropping the body down into an awkward, tiresome position. If wearied with continued sitting, cease writing. Lay down the pen, step forth into the fresh air, throw back the arms, expand the chest, inflate the lungs, and take exercise. When work is again resumed, maintain the same erect position, until the habit becomes thoroughly fixed of sitting gracefully and easily, while engaged in this exercise. SELF-INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 21 and d. The dot of the - should be at a point twice the height of the letter. Beware of making the extended letters crooked. The left hand mark of the loop letters should be straight, from the center of the loop to the line, sloping at an angle of 52 degrees. See diagram of slope. Figures are twice the height of the ^n. Principles of Capital Letters. No. i. No. 2. No. 3. The capital stem (see No. 1) can be terminated at the bottom, as shown in the first character. Observe in Nos. 2 and 3 the disposition of shades, curves and parallel lines. Their application in capitals will be seen in the next column. CAPITAL LETTERS. THREE standard principles are used in the formation of Capital Letters, viz: The 1st principle, (@/ called the capital stem, is found in The 2nd principle, The 3rd principle, upper part of is found in the and forms the first of Capital letters, in a bold penmanship, are three times the height of the small letter 24 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. No. I. No. 2. VIEWS OF THE CORRECT POSITION FOR HOLDING HAND AND PEN WHILE WRITING. No. I Represents the first position to be taken, when placing the hand in correct position for writing. As will be seen, the hand is squarely on the palm, and not rolled to one side. The wrist is free from the desk, and the two lower fingers are bent under, resting upon the nails. No. 2 Exhibits the hand elevated upon the two lower fingers, with the pen placed in correct position. The end of the large finger drops slightly beneath the penholder, giving a much greater command of the fingers than when it rests at the side or slightly on top of the holder. No. 3 Shows another view of correct position. It will be seen that no space is shown between the pen and finger, the holder crossing the forefinger in front of the knuckle-joint. The thumb is sufficiently bent to come opposite the forefinger-joint, supporting the holder on the end of the thumb. The end of the large finger should be about three-quarters of an inch from the point of the pen. No. 4 Represents the correct position when t^e pen is at the bottom of an extended letter below the line, the pen being, as shown, nearly perpendicular. With the holder held snugly beneath the forefinger and supported on the end of the thumb, the greatest command is thus given to the fingers. No. 5 Exhibits the front view of the hand showing the position of the forefinger, which should rest squarely on the top of the holder. The large finger drops beneath the holder, which crosses the corner of the nail. The .hand is held, as shown, squarely on the palm and not dropped to one side. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. SELF- INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 25 VIEWS REPRESENTING INCORRECT POSITIONS FOR HAND AND PEN WHILE WRITING. No. 6 Represents the evil effect of rolling the hand too much to one side, and holding all of the fingers so straight as to com- pletely lose command of them. The result is a stiff, heavy, cramped penmanship, and rough marks, resulting from one point of the pen dragging more heavily than the other. No. 6. No. 7 Exhibits the pen " held so tightly that the hand is wearied and the letters look frightfully." The large finger should be straightened, and the end caused to drop lightly beneath the holder. The forefinger should be brought down snugly upon the holder, and the end of the thumb brought back opposite the fore- finger joint. Loosen the fingers , grasping the holder therein just firm enough to guide the pen and no more. No. 7, No. 8 Shows the result of dropping the hand too heavily upon the -wrist and allowing it to roll to one side. The writer has thus lost command of the hand and arm, and the pen scratches, result- ing from one point dragging more heavily than the other. The large finger should drop beneath the holder, and the hand should be brought up squarely upon the palm. No. 9 Represents another bad position, with pen held too tightly. The writer loses a command of the fingers, in this case, by allowing the holder to fall below the knuckle-joint between the forefinger and thumb. All the fingers are likewise out of position. The student should institute a rigid comparison between the correct and incorrect positions herewith shown, with an earnest resolve to reject the wrong and to hold fast that which is good. No. 8. No. 9. 26 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. NATURE'S RULES. HERE are a few general prin- ciples in Nature that are appli- cable to penmanship. These principles are eternal, and will never change. Curved Lines. The first is that of curved lines. Those objects in Nature that we most admire possess a grace and fullness of curve which elicit our admiration. The edge of the flower curves. The trunk of the tree, the leaf, the bud, the dewdrop, the rainbow, all that is beautiful in Nature, in fact, is made up of curved lines. The human counte- nance, rounded and flushed with the rosy hue of health, is beautiful. Wasted by disease and full of angles, it is less attractive. The wind- ing pathway in the park, the graceful bending of the willow, the rounded form of every object that we admire, are among the many illustra- tions of this principle. This is finely shown in the engraving of birds and flowers at the head of this chapter. The same applied to the making of capital letters is shown in the following, representing in contrast letters made of curves and straight lines : As is exhibited in the above, those letters composed of curved lines pre- sent a grace and beauty not shown in those having straight lines and angles. As a rule, never make a straight line in a capital letter when it can be avoided. Proportion. Another important principle is that of pro- portion. Any object, to present a pleasing appearance to the eye, should have a base of sufficient size and breadth to support the same. Nature is full of examples. The mountain is broadest at the base ; and the trunk of every tree and shrub that grows upon its sides, is largest near the earth, the roots spreading broader than the branches. The good mechanic builds accordingly. The monument is broadest at the base. The house has a foundation large enough for its support, and the smallest article of household use or ornament, constructed to stand upright, is made with reference to this principle of proportion, with base broader than the top. This principle, applied in capital letters, is shown by contrast of various letters made in good and bad pro- portion, as follows : Letters should be constructed self supporting in appearance, with a foundation sufficiently broad to support that which is above. SELF- INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 27 Contrast. A very important principle, also, is that of contrast. Nature is again the teacher, and affords an endless variety of lessons. Scenery is beautiful that is most greatly diversified by contrast. That is more beautiful which is broken by mountain, hill, valley, stream, and woodland, than the level prairie, where nothing meets the eye but brown grass. The bouquet of flowers is beautiful in proportion to the many colors that adorn it, and the strong contrast of those colors. Oratory is pleasing when accompanied by changes in the tone of voice. Music is beautiful from the variety of tone. The city is attractive from contrast in the style of buildings ; and the architecture of the edifice that is broken by striking projections, tall columns, bold cornice, etc., is beautiful from that contrast. Thus in penmanship. Made with graceful curves, and in good proportion, the letter is still more beautiful by the contrast of light and shaded lines, the heavy line giving life to the appearance of the penmanship. If desirous of observing this principle, care should be taken not to bring two shades together, as the principle of contrast is thus destroyed. The effect of shade is shown by the following letters in contrast. J& & Q Q Q In capitals, where one line comes inside another, it is important for beauty that the lines should run parallel to each other. The equi-distant lines of the rainbow, and the circles around the planets, are among Nature's illustrations. A uniformity of slope and height, in all letters should also carefully be observed. Again, as the well-trimmed lawn and the cleanly kept park, with no unsightly weeds or piles of rubbish to meet the gaze, are objects of admiration, so the neatly-kept page of writing, marred by no blots or stains, is beautiful to the eye. Position of the Hand in Flourishing. In executing broad sweeps with the pen, and assuming a position that will give greatest com- mand of the hand in flourishing, the position of the pen in the hand should be reversed ; the end of the penholder pointing from the left shoulder, the pen pointing towards the body, the holder being held between the thumb and two first fingers, as shown above. Plain Penmanship and Flourishing. The chief merit of business penmanship is legibility and rapidity of execution. Without sacrificing these qualities, the student may add as much beauty as possible. The business pen- man should beware, however, of giving much attention to flourishing, its practice, aside from giving freedom with the pen, being rather to distract the mind from the completion of a good style of business writing. Especially in plain penmanship should all flourishing be avoided. Nothing is in worse taste, in a business letter, than various attempts at extra ornamentation. To the professional penman, however, in the preparation of different kinds of pen work, a knowledge of scientific flourishing is essential to the highest development of the art. The principles of curves, shades and propor- tion that govern the making of capital letters apply as well also in flourishing. 28 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. CORRECT POSITION FOR ^Position of" tine 'HE desk at which the individual stands when writing, should slightly incline from the front upward. It should so project as to give ample room for the feet beneath, which should be so placed as to be at nearly right angles with each other, the right foot forward, the principal weight of the body resting upon the left. Incline the left side to the desk, resting the body upon the left elbow, as shown in the above engraving, thus leaving the right arm free to use the muscular or whole arm movement, as may be desired. The desk should be so high as to cause the writer to stand erect, upon which the paper should be placed with the edge parallel with the desk. Rest the body lightly on the forearm, and the hand upon the two lower fingers, the end of the penholder pointing towards the right shoulder. Practice in the position herewith shown, either with lead pencil or pen, upon waste paper, entirely regardless of the form of letters, until the pen can be held easily and correctly, and writing can be executed rapidly. Strike off- hand exercises, and the whole arm capitals, making each letter as perfectly as may be, the practice, however, being with special reference to acquiring the correct position, and freedom of movement. Steady the paper firmly with the left hand, holding it near the top of the sheet, as shown in the illustration. Beware of soiling the paper with perspiration from the left hand. SELF- INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 29 CORRECT I INCORRECT POSITION SITTING and HOLDING TIKIS 'EREWITH are shown, in con- trast, the correct and incor- rect position s for sitting while writing ; the upright figure representing the youth who sits erect, graceful and easy, holding the paper at right angles with the arm, steadying the same with the left hand. As will be perceived, the correct position, here represented is at once conducive to health and comfort, being free from labored effort and weariness. On the opposite side of the table sits a youth whose legs are tired, whose hands are wearied, and whose head and back ache from his struggles at writing. This boy will be liable to become, ere long, near-sighted, from keeping his eyes so close to his work. He will be round- shouldered, will have weak lungs, and will probably early die of consumption, caused from sitting in a cramped, contracted and unhealthy posture. The bad positions liable to be assumed in writing, are, first, the one here shown ; second, lying down and sprawling both elbows on the table ; third, rolling the body upon one side, turning the eyes, and swinging the head, at the same time protruding and twisting the tongue every time a letter is made. An earnest, determined effort should be made, when writing, to bring the body into an easy, graceful attitude, until the habit becomes thoroughly established. This illustration should be carefully studied by youth when learning to write ; and all writers should give the matter attention. 30 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. SMALL LETTERS CONTRASTED, SHOWING PROBABLE FAULTS. RIGHT AND WRONG. Wrong. Right. 1st a is not closed at the top. It resembles a u. 2nd a contains a loop and resembles an e. Wrong. / Right. 1st j is crooked and contains too much loop at the bottom. 2nd/, loop too short. Wrong. Right. 1st ^ is too short. 2nd ^ contains a loop, top and )Ottom. Wrong. Right. 1st b is crooked. 2nd b has a loop too long. Wrong. Right. 1st c has the connecting line too high. 2nd c has a loop too large, causing it to resemble the e. er- / Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st k resembles an h and is crooked. 2nd /, loop too long ; lower part spreads too much. 1st /, not crossed, is too round at the bottom, with bad connecting line. 2nd t slopes too much. Wrong. Right. XV roil". Right. 1st / is crooked. 2nd /, loop too broad and too long. 1st resembles an n. 2nd u is irregular in lieight. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st (/contains a loop at the bottom. 2nd d 1st m lacks uniformity of slope and appearance, slopes too much. 2nd m lacks uniformity of height, and too angular. 1st i> is too angular at the top and bottom. 2nd v spreads too much. J2, Wrong. Right. 1st e, loop too small. 2nd e, loop too large. Wrong. Right. 1st lacks uniformity of slope. 2nd n resembles a u with first part too high. Wrong. Right. 1st w is too angular. 2nd iu is irregular in height. Wrong. Bight. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st f is crooked. 2nd f has a loop too long, top and bottom. 1st o is left open at the top and resembles a v. 2nd o contains a loop. 1st x is spread too much. 2nd _r is too angular. Wrong. Right. 1st g is left open at the top. It resembles a y. 2nd contains a loop at the top. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st /is crooked. 2nd/ has been patched and i badly shaded. 1st y is too high in the first part. 2nd y slopes too much. Wrong. Right. 1st h is crooked. 2nd h has a loop too long. "Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st g is left open at the top. 2nd q contains a loop in the top. 1st z has a loop at the top. 2nd z slopes too much. Wrong. Right. 1st has no dot, and the lines unite too low. 2nd has the dot too near the letter ; the lines are not sufficiently united. "Wrong. Right. Wrong, Right. 1st r contains a loop. 2nd r U too flat. The dollar mark should have parallel lines being crossed* by a character similar to the letter -S". SELF -INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 31 CAPITALS CONTRASTED, SHOWING PROBABLE FAULTS. RIGHT AND WRONG. Wrong. Right. 1st A is too broad at the top. 2nd too much resembles the small a. Wrong. Right. 1st J is crooked. 2nd J is too broad at the top, and contains a bad loop at the bottom. Wrong. Right. 1st .S 1 has the loop too small at the top. 2nd S has the loop too large at the top. Wrong. Right. 1st B has a bad capital stem. 2nd B, like the first, Is too large at the top. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st K has a bad capital stem. 2nd K has an angular capital stem, and spreads too much. 1st T has a bad capital stem. 2nd T has a bad top. Wrong. Right. 1st C has the loop too large, with base too small. 2nd C contains an angle. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st L loop too large in upper part. 2nd L has the loop in the top too small. 1st U contains angles in the upper part. 2nd U spreads too much at the top. Wrong. Right. 1st D contains several angles. 2nd D is out of proportion. Wrong. Right. 1st M spreads too much at the top and has a bad capital stem. 2nd M is too close at the top, has a bad capital stem, the last O part spreading too much. Wrong. Right. 1st K contains angles. 2nd K spreads too much at the top. Wrong. Right. 1st E contains angles. 2nd E^ out of proportion by beinf too large at the top. Wrong. Right. 1st N has a bad capital stem, being too long and angular. 2nd N is out of proportion by spreading too much at the top. Wrong. Right. 1st W contains angles in the upper portion of the first of the letter. 2nd W is out of proportion by having too much slope. 1T7 Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st F has the top too far to the left. 2nd ^"con- tains both a bad top and capital stem. 1st O is too slim. 2nd O contains an angle at both top and bottom. 1st X contains several angles where there should be none. 2nd X is spread too much. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st G is too small at the top. 2nd G is too large at the top 1st P is too small at the top. 2nd /"has the top too large. Wrong. 1st Y has the top too long. 2nd Y is too small at the top. /*/ Wrong. Right. 1st H has a bad capital stem. 2nd H resembles "Wrong. Wrong. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st Q contains angles. 2nd Q is too large at the top. 1st Z resembles a small letter y. 2nd Z is also illegible. Right. Wrong. Right. 1st 7 is too broad, and has the loop too large. 2nd / has a bad capital stem. 1st R is too large at the top. 2nd R contains angles. Wrong. Right. 1st character & is too slim. 2nd character spreads too much. Both slope badly. 32 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. VERY Copy on Plates Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 should be written with eare by all students desirous of improving their penmanship. Ladies can, if they wish, ter- minate with the finer hand, while gentlemen will end with the bolder penmanship. Plate I. Copy I is a free, off-hand exercise, calculated to give freedom and ease in writing. Observe to make an angle, top and bottom. A sufficient amount of practice on this copy, with pen or pencil, will break up all stiffness in the writing. Copy 2 is the contraction of copy No. 1 into the letter Wl^ giving a free, open, bold, business hand. Copy 3 is composed of words of greater length, which should be written, if possible, by the student, from the beginning to the end of the word, without removing the pen from the paper until the word is finished. The words are composed principally of the letter . X- .>=- ) // SELF -INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 33 Blackboard Flourishing. The plates, representing flourishing in white lines on dark groundwork, though designed to represent off-hand work upon the blackboard, will be found equally useful for practice with the pen. The figure of the Swan from Packard and Williams' " Gems of Penmanship " is a beautiful piece of flourishing, which finely illustrates how true to nature an object may be made with but very few strokes of the pen. As will be seen, the figures on these plates are composed wholly of curved lines. TEACHING PENMANSHIP. URING the past twenty years great improvement has been wrought in the penmanship of our youth, by the general intro- duction of writing books into our common schools, containing engraved copy lines ; and yet statistics show that vast num- bers of people in every State in the Union are unable to write ; and some of these are to be found in nearly every locality. A majority of these persons have passed their school days, but the necessity is none the less urgent with them for improvement in penmanship ; and they would gladly avail themselves of the opportu- nity for receiving instruction, if a competent teacher were to open a Writing School in their vicinity. There exists a general demand for good in- structors in Writing throughout the country, and teachers who will properly prepare them- selves for the profession, can have excellent remuneration for their services. It is true that many persons attempt to teach writing as a pro- fession, who, through bad management and want of moral principle, deservedly fail ; but the earnest, faithful, competent teacher is wanted, and will be well rewarded for his labor. The " 12 Lesson " System. There are but twenty-six letters in the alpha- bet to write ; fifty-two in all, capital and small letters. The principles from which these letters are formed are, in reality, very few ; and to obtain a mastery of these principles is the object of giving instruction. Therefore, to ac- quire a knowledge of how to write, a large number of lessons is not absolutely necessary. The course of instruction may be so arranged as to very completely include all the principles pertaining to penmanship in twelve lessons ; and the class may have such practice, each lesson being two hours in length, as will, with many pupils, completely change their penman- ship in that time. It is not pretended that any one can perfect their writing in twelve lessons. Real ease and grace in penmanship is the result of months and years of practice ; but a knowl- edge of how to practice, to impart which is the mission of the teacher, may be learned in a short time. In fact, most people are surprised to see how much may be accomplished in few lessons when the class is properly instructed. Should, however, the teacher wish to give a more extended term of instruction, it is only necessary to drill longer upon each principle, with elaborate blackboard illustration to corre- spond. If the time and means of the student prevent the taking of the longer course, the shorter term may be made proportionately ben- eficial. Should the Twelve - lesson term be adopted by the traveling teacher, the following suggestions may be of service in the organiza- tion and management of a Writing class. Having acquired proficiency in penmanship, and having good specimens of writing to exhibit, let the young teacher, desirous of establishing a Writing school, visit any locality where live a civilized pe6ple. While it is true that the more ignorant most greatly need the advantage of such instruction, it is nevertheless a fact that the more intelligent and educated the people of a community, the better will be the teacher's patronage. 34 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. How to Organize the Class. Secure, if possible, a school -room provided with desks and a blackboard. It is no more than justice to present the directors and the teacher of the school, upon whom the respon- sibility of management of the school building rests, each with a scholarship in the writing class. Having obtained a school-room, the next thing to be done to secure success, is to thoroughly advertise the nature and character of the school, and the time of commencement. The teacher may do this in the following ways : First, By having editorial mention made in all newspapers published in the vicinity. Second, By posters, announcing the school, liberally distributed about the town. . Third, By circulars, giving full description of the school, sent to each house. Fourth, By visiting each school-room, sup- posing the day schools to be in session, in the vicinity, and, having obtained permission to do so, addressing the pupils of the school, accom- panied by blackboard illustrations, showing method of teaching, announcing terms, time of commencing school, etc., and Fifth, By personally calling at every public business place, and as many private houses as possible, in the neighborhood, exhibiting speci- mens and executing samples of writing when practicable. A lady or gentleman well qualified as a teacher, pursuing this plan will seldom fail of obtaining a large class. Having secured an established reputation as a good teacher, per- sonal canvass afterwards is not so necessary. Personal acquaintance with the patrons of the school, however, is always one of the surest elements of success with any teacher. If the school is held in a rural district, news- paper and printed advertising can be dispensed with. In the village or city it is indispensable. It is unwise to circulate a subscription paper, the establishment of the school being made contingent upon the number of subscribers to the class. A better way is to announce the school positively to commence at a certain time and certainly to continue through the course, which announcement inspires confidence and secures a much larger class. Ask no one to sign a subscription paper, or to pay tuition in advance. The fact of doing so argues that the teacher lacks confidence in the people, who, in turn, suspect the stranger that seeks advanced pay, and thus withhold their patronage. The better way is to announce that no subscription is required to any paper, and no tuition is expected in advance ; that all are invited to attend the school, and payment of tuition may be made when students are satis- fied of the worth of the school. The fairness of these terms will secure a larger attendance than could otherwise be obtained, and will induce the teacher to put forth the very best efforts to please the patrons of the school. Commencing about the middle of the term to make collection, by good management on the part of the teacher, if the school has been really meritorious, all the tuition will be paid by the time the last lesson is reached. How to Maintain Interest. To secure the best attendance, and the most interest on the part of pupils, the school should be in session every evening or every day, Sun- days excepted, until the close of the term. It is a mistaken idea that students do best receiv- ing but one or two lessons per week. During the intervening time between lessons pupils lose their interest, and the probability is that the class will grow smaller from the beginning to the close, if the mind of the student is allowed to become pre-occupied, as it will be, with other matters that occur between les- sons so far apart. On the contrary, a writing class that meets every day or evening, under the management of an enthusiastic, skillful master, will grow from the beginning in size and interest, and the student, like the daily attendant at the public school, will exhibit a good improvement, resulting from undivided PLATE III / y / stts sf sp* /?/ s>s s / ;j cf ^cT / r^ 0. fc / / / ^y . . & ^/^^z^^^ / X / / / / / l^^g^^^.^'ZJZ'^Z'^Z!^ 7 / / / / PLATE IV X x-^T w *ifo&6&44' x^^-^c^. '-J^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^-/^^^ 2 ^ > -^i^^z^ir^u^^^^^^^ ^7 '/zi/^ W^^/Z^^Z^^?/t?dS^ /ez> / X^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^/^^^C '/t4MFW&???^44<2 to $5 per pupil. Teachers should furnish paper for students, and care for the books when not in use by the pupils. Students may take charge of the other materials required. The strictest order should be maintained. No whispering ought to be allowed. Such still- ness should reign in the school that every scratching pen may be distinctly heard. To secure order the teacher will notice when the first evidence of restlessness begins to mani- fest itself in the class ; certain students becom- ing tired of writing. If this uneasiness is allowed to continue twenty minutes, the school will be oftentimes a scene of confusion, but upon the first appearance of weariness, the attention of the class should be directed for a short time to the blackboard, or the time may be occupied for a little while by some story, humorous or other- wise, having a bearing upon writing ; listening to which the students become rested, and proceed with their practice afterwards with pleasure. Having invited the leading citizens of the town to visit the school, call upon them fre- quently for remarks to the class on the subject of writing. From the business and professional men who may thus address the class, the teacher and pupils may oftentimes gain many valuable ideas, the class will be encouraged, and better discipline will be secured. The great secret of preserving good order in school is to keep the mind of the students constantly employed with the work in hand. The subjects pertaining to writing are abun- dant, and it becomes the teacher to study and present them to the class in familiar lectures as occasion demands. Many of the succeeding chapters of this book afford subject matter, from which the teacher of penmanship can obtain topics to discuss, that will entertain and instruct the class, while the instructor should, at the same time, be on the alert for practical subjects to illustrate his work, from whatever source they may be obtained. For example, how character can be told from penmanship ; what faculties of mind are employed in the 40 PENMANSHIP ILLUSTRATED. execution of writing ; why some pupils are naturally handsome penmen and others not; why Edward Everett should write elegantly and Horace Greeley with a scrawl ; why gentle- men naturally write a large hand, and ladies fine, etc. The effect of temperament on penmanship, and the result of using stimulants, should be thoroughly considered, and presented to the class. Students should be urged to avoid the u^e of tobacco as a noxious habit that lays the foundation for intemperance, and the use of strong drink as the destroyer of the soul ; both tobacco and stimulants being also destructive to that steadiness of nerve essential to the exe- cution of beautiful penmanship. Many a boy may be deterred from an evil habit by the good example and advice of the teacher, admonishing him that superiority in penmanship and great excellence in life will come from being strictly temperate. CONCLUDING SUGGESTIONS ON PENMANSHIP TO LEARNERS. (HIS book, as is designed, will fall into the hands of many who will never have an oppor- tunity of receiving instruction from a professional teacher. To practice penmanship to advantage, unaided by the teacher, students should pro- vide themselves with necessary materials, as detailed elsewhere. For the purpose of making steady progress in the acquisition of an elegant,plain penman- ship, the student will be assisted by copying choice gems of poetry or prose, first writing each exercise on a separate slip of paper and afterwards transcribing the same in a book kept for the purpose. In the writing of original compositions and letters, each exercise should be copied as long as the student is desirous of improving in penmanship; the copy being always a great improvement upon the original, not only in penmanship, but in- spelling, grammar, use of capital letters, and composition. Writers should not rest satisfied until they have absolutely mastered a plain, rapid, and elegant penmanship. The art, being almost purely mechanical, is more easily acquired by some than others; but every person from eight years of age upwards, until the body becomes tremulous with age, having ordinary command of the hand, who will persevere in the attempt, can write a legible, easy penmanship. Among the benefits arising from a good handwriting, some are shown in the following Reasons why we should write well. Because, 1st. Good penmanship of itself adds greatly to our happiness. The conscious- ness to the lady or gentleman of being able to write a letter that shall win the admiration and praise of the friend to whom it is written is a source of unspeakable pleasure to the writer, and to possess this ability throughout our life- time is to be proficient in an accomplishment which adds to our happiness, as does excellence in oratory, painting or music. Good writing is a fine art, and is to the eye what good language is to the ear. 2nd. Good writing is of great benefit to us pecuniarily. The person who may apply for a situation as teacher, clerk, or any position where intellectual ability is required, finds a beauti- fully written letter the best recommendation that can be sent when applying for that position. Hundreds of instances are on record, many doubtless within the knowledge of the reader, where lucrative situations have been obtained through good penmanship, that could never have been secured had the applicant not had a good handwriting. And, 3rd. A mastery of the art of writing is of great service to us intellectually. Persons who can write well, taking pleasure in the practice, will write more than they other- wise would. Every time they write a word SELF -INSTRUCTOR IN PENMANSHIP. 41 they spell it, and thus improve in spelling. Every time a sentence is written, an application is made of grammar; and thus knowledge is obtained of how to speak correctly. The sub- ject they write about, they become familiar with ; and thus, in the act of writing, they are intel- lectually improved. The most intelligent and influential in any community are those who can express thought most easily and correctly on paper. COPIES FOR WRITING-SCHOOL TANDAKD copies for the twelve lessons may consist of the following script lines, though it is important that they be as perfectly prepared as the copies shown on Plates I, II, III and IY. The extra practice, beyond the two copies assigned at each lesson, may be on a separate slip of paper, and should comprise the writing of the elements of letters, commercial forms, off- hand capitals, letter writing, etc. Students may join the class at any time, up to the last half of the term. Whatever may be the time of commencement, however, each pupil should begin with the first copies, and write as many of them as time will permit. The occasional review of the principles, by the teacher, will enable the students that join last to understand them ; though it is desirable, for the sake of practice, that each pupil commence, if possible, with the first lesson. As will be seen by examination, the style of penmanship, for ladies and gentlemen, is equally large up to the 17th copy. Beyond that, the size for ladies is decidedly finer. Though important that ladies should be able to write a bold penmanship for business and other writing, the lady involuntarily chooses a more delicate handwriting, by which she thus expresses her natural delicacy and refinement of character. First Lesson. <& -> J. Second Lesson. - -t/t> -1^2^2*2' Z Z Third Lesson. , -% r 3c 42 COPIES FOR THE WRITING SCHOOL. Fourth Lesson.- 4, 4- < 1* Fifth Lesson. Sixth Lesson. / -Seventh Lesson. - / / / / / Eighth Lesson, Ninth Lesson. / Tenth Lesson. COPIES FOR THE WRITING SCHOOL. 43 -d / .-fid -a-t -a-t^i / y d.'Z.-u-czstt.. Twelfth Lesson. S 44 SELF-INSTRUCTOR IN SHORT-HAND WRITING. Short-Hand Writing. Short-Hand for Business Purposes. 'VERY year adds proof, by the constantly increasing demand for it, how indispensable in a modern education is a knowledge of rap- id writing. The young, by all means, should acquhje it. It may be used by the author in his study, the editor in his " sanctum," the clergyman in his library, the lawyer in his office in fact, everywhere that writing is needed, the simplicity and dispatch of Short-hand make its value apparent. The beginner should determine, at the out- set, whether or not he will, for a time at least, do verbatim writing. If he wishes to do this, he must expect to give much time and close at- tention to it. The man or system that promises to give verbatim speed in a few weeks' time, is unworthy of confidence. It is useless to expect to be. a good reporter and follow some other business at the same time. Reporting is a pro- fession of itself, and requires the undivided at- tention of the person following it. If, however, the beginner, simply wishing relief from long- hand in his daily writing, is content with a rate of speed that gives a fully written and abso- lutely legible manuscript, a style that is easy to learn, write, read, and remember, let him take up the simplest style, master it thoroughly, and depend for speed upon perfect familiarity with the word-forms used, and the greatest facility in their execution, as in long-hand, and he will gain his object more easily and quickly than if he seeks it through shorter word-forms, which must necessarily be more difficult to learn and read. Very few people need to become verba- tim reporters ; every one, however, having much writing to do, can use a simple style of short- hand to advantage. The grand principle upon which a system of short-hand should be built is that of phonetics. Every sound in the language should be repre- sented by its individual sign, used for that sound and no other. As a simple sound is ut- tered by one impulse of the voice, so should the sign representing it be made by one movement of the hand; resulting in a single, simple sound being represented by a single, simple line. These lines should be of such a form that they may be easily joined, one to another, so that a word may be completely written without rais- ing the pen. The most frequently occurring sounds should be represented by the most easily written signs; and all the sounds should be represented by such signs as will give a free, flowing, forward direction to the writing, with- out running either too far above or below the line upon which it is written. There should be a distinct line drawn between the simplest style for general use which should contain no con- SELF -INSTRUCTOR IN SHORT-HAND WRITING. 45 tracted, irregular, or exceptional word-forms In writing Tachygraphy the pen should be and the more brief and complicated styles for held between the first and second fingers, and the reporter's use. steadied by the thumb as shown in the cut at Of the various systems of Short-hand, that the beginning of this chapter so that such called Tachygraphy ( Ta-lcig-ra-Je}, a system invented and elaborated by D. P. Lindsley, of signs as | \ - may be easily made, without changing the position of the pen. Andover, Mass., probably more nearly meets The alphabet should be thoroughly mastered the requirements of the public than any now in use ; the advantage of this system of Short- hand being, that it combines rapidity with by taking up the signs in pairs, and writing them many times, repeating the sound represented as the sign is made, so as^to get the sound allied completeness of detail in a very large degree. with the sign, and both well fixed in the mind. By permission of Mr. Lindsley we are enabled It will be noticed that all heavy signs represent to present the following synopsis and illustra- vocal sounds, while nearly all the light signs tions from his work, " Elements of Tachygra- represent whispered sounds. phy," published by Otis Clapp, No. 3 Beacon St., Boston. The signs, | \ \ ) ) ( ( ~V\ are always written downward ; . .xv .^ - * s <= <= , from left THE ALPHABET OF TACHYGRAPHY. to right ; /^~ J / > either upward or down- CONSONANTAL SIGNS. ward, a,nd. are varied in their direction to facilitate this. Examples : ^ v ^^ goat, knowing, | X^ up, cut. Either the first or second, or both strokes of the vowel diphthongs may be made straight or curved to facilitate joining, thus : v^ ^^~^ ^^/ /* Nine, size, noise, now, hew. The other vowel signs do not vary from the alphabetic position, arid must be disjoined when they will not form a proper angle. Disjoined vowels should be written to the left of upright and inclined, and above horizontal consonants, when the vowel sound precedes the consonant sound, and to the right of upright and inclined, and below horizontal consonants, when the vowel sound follows the consonantal. CONSONANTAL DIPHTHONGS. 1 Br, as in brow. c_Dl, as in meddle. Tl, as in settle. VI, as in evil. Fl, as in fly. , as in ambrosial. , as in special. Nl, as in kennel. J 1 Pr, as in prow. *\ Gr, as in grow. % Cr, as in crow, e Dr, as in draw. <= Tr, as in try. ) Vr, as in over. y Fr, as in free. p f Zhr, as in measure. I Sp, as in spy. / Shr, as in shred. \ Sk, as in sky. ^ Thr, as in other. St, as in stay. ="\ Thr, as in three. ) Sf, as in sphere. ^ Nr, as in owner. ^~Sm, as in smith. f Bl, as in blow. c Sn, as in snow. PI, as in plow. Gl, as in glow. Cl, as in clay. ^/ SI, as in slat. ^^ Sw, as in sweet. Bz, as in hubs. Ps, as in hopes. also Gz, Ks, Dz, Ts, etc/ Vz, as in loaves. Fs, as in roofs. Zz, as in mazes. Sz, as in masses. also Thz, Ths, etc. Mz, as in hems. Nz, Ns, as in hens, hence. Ngz, as in brings. Lz, Ls, as in owls, else. Rz, Rs, as in wars, norse. Wh, as in when. These signs, it will be observed, are not new ones, but modifications of those already learned. They should be used only where no vowel sound occurs between the consonant sounds. A few examples will explain their use quite fully. c Blow, glow, meddle, evil, brow, upper, gray, meeker, draw, utter, over, free, measure, shred, other, owner, spy, stay, sphere, smith, snow, sleep, sweet, when, special, kennel. Where the final consonant of a word is either s or z, preceded by a consonant, a circle is used for the s or z, thus : Hope, hopes, lad, lads, owl, owls, war, wars. When preceded by a vowel, use the alphabetic form for s and z. The circle is also used between two conso- nants, and is then written on the outside of the angle formed by the consonants when both are straight lines, as I ; on the inside of the curve, where one is a curve and the other a straight line, as ^ f ; and on the inside of both curves, when possible, as in It is sometimes necessary to write the circle on the inside of one curve and outside of the other, as in J SELF- INSTRUCTOR IN SHORT-HAND WRITING. 47 Two or more words, closely allied in sense, may be joined into a phrase, where the signs composing the words unite readily, thus adding to both the speed and legibility of the writing. Example ; Of the, with it, it is, in such a way, I will be, I have. The first inclined or perpendicular consonant sign should rest upon the line the other signs following in their proper direction. Example : Seek always to form a free, flowing, graceful outline. The most easily written forms are the most beautiful, and vice versa. We have given, of this system, only a synop- sis of the fully written Common Style, but suf- ficient, however, to explain the merits and prin- ciples of Tachygraphy. Those who wish to fit themselves for verbatim writing ave referred to the work entitled, " The Note Taker. A Trea- tise on the Second Style of Lindsley's Brief Writing, for the use of Lawyers, Editors, Re- porters, Students, and all persons desirous of taking full notes in Courts of Record, Profes- sional Schools, Seminaries, and Public Assem- blies." Published by the firm to which we have before alluded. The following Extracts are from Pope's Essay on Man. Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, ^ , ~1 ^ - ,^-n-* l_ 1 ^ ; K - h o As, to be hated, needs but to be seen ; - _ .' Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace. Pope's Essay on Man. Second Epistle. 48 RULES FOR SPELLING. SPELLING. IEAUTIFUL penmanship should be accompanied by correct spelling. If the person can possess but one ac- complishment, it is, in fact, better to spell correctly than to write well. Nothing so mars the effect of beau- tiful chirography as bad spelling, which is the more conspicuous when set on by good penmanship. True, there are over a hundred thousand words in the English language, and we cannot reasonably be expected to remember the correct orthography of them all; and not until the phonetic system is re- ceived, by which every word is represented by a recognized sign, can we spell all words cor- rectly without reference to the dictionary; but the few hundred words in general use are not so difficult to master. At any rate, the writer should have at hand a reliable dictionary, and no word should go from his hand without being correctly spelled. The following will aid students somewhat in their knowledge of spelling: Names of Elementary Sounds. An elementary sound is the simplest sound of the English language, as a, e, b, k. The English language contains about forty elementary sounds. These sounds are divided into three classes vocals, sub-vocals, and aspirates. The vocals consist of a pure tone only, as a, e, i, o, u. The sub-vocals consist of tone united with breath ; as b, d, 1, m, n, r. The aspirates consist of pure breath only ; as p, t, k, f. The following words contain the different elementary sounds of the language : VOCALS. N-a-me, b-a-11, a-t, m-e, m-e-t, f-z-ne, p-i'-n, s-0-ld, m-o-ve, n-o-t, m-w-te, p-w-11, c-w-p, f-ow-nd. SUB-VOCALS. .B-at, c?-og, g-o, /-oy, Z-ife, w-an, w-o, so-w<7, ba-r, tfA-ose, v-oice, w-ise, y-es, z-one, a-2-ure. ASPIRATES. J^-aith, A-at, ar-&, p-ine, -un, -ake, th-ink, sA-one, cA-ur-c/t, wh-en. Letters. A letter is a character used to represent an elementary sound. The English Alphabet contains twenty-six letters: A, a; B, b ; C, c ; D, d ; E, e ; F, f ; G, g ; H, h ; I, i ; J, j ; K, k ; L, 1 ; M, m ; N, n ; O, o ; P, p ; Q, q ; R, r S, s ; T, t ; U, u ; V, v ; W, w ; X, x ; Y, y ; Z, z. As will be seen, there are more elementary sounds than letters. It therefore follows that some letters must represent more than one sound each. Those letters which represent vocals are called vowels. They are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes w and y. Those letters which represent sub-vocals and aspirates are called consonants. The sub-vocals and consonants are J, d, g, I, m, n, r, v, z. The aspirates and consonants are /, A, k, c, q, P, ^ s. Rules for Spelling. 1. Words of one syllable ending in p, L, or s, preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant ; as STAFF, MILL, PASS ; except IF, OF, AS, GAS, HAS, WAS, YES, IS, HIS, THIS, US, THUS. 2. Words ending in any other consonant except F, L, and s, do not double the final letter; except ADD, ODD, EGG, EBB, INN, EBB, PUBB, BUTT, BUZZ, and some proper names. 3. Words of one syllable, and words accented on the last syllable, when they end with a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant before an additional syllable beginning with a vowel ; as BOB, BOBBEB ; PEBMIT, PEBMITTING ; but x final, be- ing equivalent to KS, is an exception, and is never doubled. 4. A final consonant, when not preceded by a single vowel, or when the accent is not on the last syllable, should remain single before an additional syllable; as TOIL, TOILING; VISIT, VISITED. L and s are often doubled, in violation of this rule, when the accent is not on the last syllable: as TBAVEL, TBAVELLEB; BIAS, BIASSED. It is better to write TBAVELEB and BIASED. 5. Primitive words ending in LL reject one i before LESS and LT; as SKILL, SKILLESS ? FULL, FULLY : but words ending in any other double letter, preserve it double before these terminations ; as FBEE, FBEELY ; ODD, ODDLY. 6. The final E of a primitive word is generally omitted before an additional termination beginning with a vowel ; as BATE, BATABLE ; FOBCE, FOBCIBLE ; but words ending in CE and GE retain the E before ABLE and ous ; as PEACE, PEACEABLE ; OUTBAGE, OUTBAGEOUS. 7. The final E of a primitive word is generally retained before an additional termination beginning with a consonant ; as PALE, PALK- NESS ; but when the E is preceded by a vowel it is sometimes omitted ; as TBUB, TBULY : and sometimes retained ; as SHOE, SHOELESS. CLASSIFICATION OF WORDS IN SPELLING. 49 8. The final T of a primitive word, when preceded by a consonant, is changed into i before an additional termination; as MEBRY, MEB- BII/Y: but with a vowel before, the T is not changed; as VALLEY, VALLEYS, and not VALLIBS, as frequently written ; and before ING the Y is retained to prevent the doubling of the i ; as PITY, PITYING. 9. Compounds generally retain the orthography of Uie simple words of which they are composed ; as ALL-WISE, BLUE-EYED. 10. Words ending in F or FE have v substituted for the F in f ormiug the plurals: as WIFE, WIVES ; KNIFE, KNIVES, etc., except when ending inrF. 11. Some words are spelt the same in both the singular and plural ; as DEEB, SHEEP, etc., in which instance, by placing A before the word, one is meant, and by using THE, more than one. 12. Some words are spelt altogether differently in the singular and plural; as MOUSE, MICE; GOOSE, GEESE. 13. In spelling words it is necessary to consider well the different Bounds of each part of the word. Every separate sound in a word must have in it one of the following letters, A, E, i, o, or u. Take for instance, CONTEMPLATE, which consists of three different sounds, CON-TEM-PLATE ; there are the letters o, E, and A, respectively, in each sound or syllable, as it is called, and each one gives the sound to its syllable. In dividing such words at the end of a line, you must not let the last letter be any one of the above-mentioned five vowels, but must divide according to the syllable. Another rule to be observed in the spelling of words which have ING added to them, when such words end in E, the E must always be left out ; as COME, COMING ; DIVIDE, DIVIDING. It is also found difficult when the letters i and E come together in a word, to know which is to be placed first. The following simple rule will obviate such difficulty: When i and E follow c in a word, the E is usually placed first ; as BECEIVE, DECEIVE, CONCEIVE, etc. ; in other instances the i comes before the E ; as BELIEVE, BELIEVE, etc. Words of Similar Pronunciation that are Spelled Differently. Ail, Ale. Ail, unwell ; Ale, a liquor. All, Awl. All, everyone ; Awl, shoemaker's tool. Bear, Bare. Bear, wild animal ; Bare, naked. Bier, Beer. Bier, frame for carrying corpse ; Beer, a malt liquor. Bore, Boar. Bore, carried, or to make a hole ; Boar, the male swine. Birth, Berth. Birth, to be born ; Berth, sleeping place. Bee, Be. Bee, an insect ; Be, is used in every other instance. Call, Caul. Call, to visit, or shout after ; Caul, the covering on the heads of some children when born. Currant, Current. Currant, a fruit ; Current, a stream. Draft, Draught. Draft, commercial form, or current of air ; Draught, to draw a load, or a drink. Dear, Deer. Dear, not cheap, term of affection ; Deer, an animal. Fourth, Forth. Fourth, next after third ; Forth, forward. Four, Fore. Four, the number after three ; Fore, the front. Great, Grate. Great, large ; Grate, fire support in the stove. Hail, Hale. Hail, to shout after, frozen rain ; Hale, vigorous. Hear, Here. Hear, to understand ; Here, in this place. Hole, Whole. Hole, an opening ; Whole, entire, complete. I, Eye. I, myself, used thus it should always be a capital ; Eye, organ of sight. Know, No. Know, to understand ; No, a denial. Lief, Leaf. Lief, willingly ; Leaf, part of a tree. More, Moor, Moore. More, in addition ; Moor, a piece of waste land ; Moore, a man's name. None, Nun. None, not any; Nun, a female who secludes herself from all worldly affairs. Piece, Peace. Piece, a bit ; Peace, quietness. Pare, Pear, Pair. Pare, to peel ; Pear, a fruit ; Pair, two. Rain, Rein, Reign. Rain, water falling from clouds ; Rein, a strap for guiding a horse ; Reign, to rule. Reed, Read. Reed, a kind of tall grass ; Read, the act of reading. Red, Read. Red, a color; Read, past tense of read. Sign, Sine. Sign, a token ; Sine, a mathematical term. There, Their. There, in that place ; Their, apersonalpronoun. Tow, Toe. Tow, rope material ; Toe, a part of the foot. Vain, Vane. Vain, conceited ; Vane, a weathercock. Vice, Vise. Vice, wickedness ; Vise, a blacksmith's tool. Ware, Wear. Ware, goods, or earthen-ware ; Wear, to make use of clothing. Write, Wright, Rite, Right. Write, to use a pen ; Wright, a man's name ; Rite, a ceremony ; Right, not wrong. Wrote, Rote. Wrote, having written ; Rote, to repeat from memory. YOU, Yew, Ewe. You, yourself; Yew, a tree; Ewe, female sheep. Blew, Blue. Blew, having blown ; Blue, a color. Made, Maid. Made, formed ; Maid, female servant. Pail, Pale. Pail, a vessel; Pale, white. Words having prefixes and suffixes of different spelling, while having each the same or nearly the same pronunciation. ible and able. The following words end in ible. Most other words of sim- ilar pronunciation end in able. Accessible, Decoctible, Fallible, Admissible, Deducible, Feasible, Appetible, Defeasible, Fencible, Apprehensible, Defectible, Flexible, Audible, Defensible, Forcible, Coercible, Depectible, Frangible, Collectible, Deprehensible, Fusible, Comminuible, Descendible, Horrible, Compatible, Destructible, Ignoscible, Competible, Digestible, ' Illegible, Comprehensible, Discernible, Immarcessible, Compressible, Discerptible, Immiscible, Conceptible, Distractible, Intelligible, Conclusible, Distensible, Irascible, Congestible, Divisible, Legible, Contemptible, Docible, Miscible, Contractible, Edible, Partible, Controvertible, Effectible, Perceptible, Convertible, Eligible, Permissible, Convincible, Eludible, Persuasible, Corrigible, Expansible, Pervertible, Corrosible, Enforcible, Plausible, Corruptible, Evincible, Possible, Credible, Expressible, Producible, Deceptible, Extendible, Quadrible, Decerptible, Extensible, Reducible, 50 CLASSIFICATION OF WORDS IN SPELLING. Referrible, Resistible, Sensible, Impulsion, Recension, Revulsion, Reflexible, Responsible, Tangible, Incursion, Recursion, Tension, Refrangible, Reversible, Terrible, Intrusion, Remission, Transcursion, Regible, Revertible, Transmissible, Propulsion, Revision, Version. Remissible, Risible, Visible. Exceptional words. Coercion, Suspicion, Crucifixion. Reprehensible, Seducible, AAr~..*4~ !* F Words in in. The following words end in able : Encage, Enfranchise, Ensure, Approvable, Manifestable, Solvable, Enchant, Engender, Entail, Blamable, Movable. Tamable, Enchase, Engorge, Entangle, Conversable, Probable, Tenable, Encircle, Entrance, Enthrone, Dilatable, Retable, Transferable, Enclose, Enhance, Entice, Dissolvable, Referable, Unsalable, Encroach, Enjoin, Entire, Incondensable, Reprovable, Untamable, Encumber, Enlard, Entitle, Inferable, Salable, Untenable. Endamage, Enlarge, Entomb, Endear, Enlighten, Entrap, The following words in spelling begin with Im. Other Endow, Enlist, Entreat, words of similar pronunciation begin with Em. Enfeeble, Enroll, Enure, Imbibe, Immingle, Implant, Words in In. Imboil, Immit, Implead, Imbound, Immix, Impart, Imbrue, Immure, Impose, Imbrute, Impact, Impound, Imbue, Impale, Impregnate, Imburse, Impassioned, Impress, Immanuel, Impawn, Imprint, Immaculate, Impeach. Impromptu, Immense , Impearl, Impugn, Inclasp, Incrust, Indict, . Indite, Indorse, Indue, Infold, Ingraft, Ingrain, Ingulf, Inquire, Insnare, Insure, Interlace, Interplead, Inthrall, Intrust, Intwine, Inure, Inveigle, Inwheel, Inwrap, Inwreathe. Imminent, Impel, Impulse, Words ending in eive. Immigrant, Impen, Impunity, Conceive, Deceive, Perceive, Immerge, Imperil, Imputable, Receive, Immerse, Impinge, Impute. Words ending in ieve. Immigrate, Achieve, Relieve, Sieve, ise and ize. Aggrieve, Reprieve, Thieve. Believe, Retrieve, The following words terminate with ise. Other words of like pronunciation terminate with ize. Nouns which change f or fe into ves in the plural. Advertise, Criticise, Exercise, Beeves, Leaves, Shelves, Advise, Demise, Exorcise. Calves, Lives, Thieves, Affranchise, Despise, Merchandise, Elves, Loaves, Wharves, / Apprise, Devise, Misprise, Halves, Selves, Wives, Catechise, Disfranchise, Recognise, Knives, Sheaves, Wolves. Chastise, Disguise, Reprise, Nouns ending in f or fe in which S is only used in the plural. Circumcise, Divertise, Supervise, Briefs, Turfs, Woofs, Comprise, Emprise, Surmise, Chiefs, Kerfs, Hoofs, Compromise, Enfranchise, Surprise. Fiefs, Surfs, Roofs, Words ending in d, de, ge, mit, rt, 86, or 88, take sion in Griefs, Fifes, Proofs, derivatives. Other words of similar pronunciation in their Mischiefs, Strifes, Beliefs, ending are usually spelled with tion. Kerchiefs, Safes, Reliefs, Scarfs, Gulfs. Abscission, Confession, Divulsion, Dwarfs. Abscersion, Confusion, Emersion, Adhesion, Conversion, Evasion, Nouns ending in eau, ieu, and ou, terminate the plural in x. Admission, Declension, Evulsion, Beaux, Flambeaux, Morceaux, Cohesion, Decursion, Exesion, Bureaux, Rondeaux, Rouleaux, Compulsion, Depulsion, Expulsion, Chapeaux, Plateaux, Tableaux, Condescension, Dissension, Impression, Chateaux, Bijoux, ILLUSTRATIONS OP SPELLING BY SOUND. 51 SPELLING BY SOUND. SYSTEM OF ORTHOGRAPHY, whereby superfluous letters could be dispensed with, educational reformers have long sought to introduce. Of these, the following method of Spelling by Sound was published some time since by the Hon. Joseph Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune, its advantage over the strictly phonetic system being that the same alphabet is employed as that in general use, which makes it much easier to introduce. It is at the same time more agreeable to the eye. By this system the student can spell any word after learning the sounds, and the reader can readily pronounce any word when reading. The great advantages gained are less space used in writing, less time, correct pronunciation, and correct spelling. The application of this system of spelling is shown as follows : A Specimen of His System. The extreme iregularities ov our orthografy hav long ben a sours ov inconve'niens and anoians. Men eminent az skolars and statsmen hav often pointed out theze absurdities ov speling. Yet the eVil remanes. It encumbers our primary educasion and robs our yuth ov yeres ov time that shild be devoted tu the acquizision ov nolej. It impozes a burden upon the literary man thru life in the Use ov stiperfliius leters, and compels meny persons tu study speling from the cradle tu the grave or fale tu spel corectly. It iz a fereful barier tu formers hu wish to lern our langwaje ; and wors than aul, it hinders thousands ov persons from lerning tu rede and rite, and thus largly augments the ranks ov ign6rans and depravity. Theze e"vils ar so e'normus in theagre"gate that we fele competed tu en- dors the words ov the distinguished President ov the American Fil61ojical Asosiasion, Prof. F. A. March, uzed in hiz opening adres at the last anual mating ov the S6siety : " It iz no Use tu try tu caracterize with filing epithets the monstrous speling ov the English langwaje. The time lost by it is a larj part ov the hole skule time pv the most ov men. Count the ours which e'en person wasts at skule in lerning tu rede and spel, the ours spent thru life in keying up and perfecting hiz nolej ov speling, in consulting dicshunaries a work that never ends the ours that we spend in rfting silent leters ; and multiplying this time by the number ov persons hu speak English, and we hav a t6tal ov milyuns ov yeres wasted by e'en jenerdsion. The cost pv printing the silent leters ov the English langwaje iz tu be counted by milyuns ov dolors for e"ch jenerasion." " Suner or liter English orthografy must be simplified and reformed." BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. " I fele very hopeful that a begining wil be made before long in reform- ing, not indede everything but at test sumthing in the unhistorical, unsis- tematic, unintelijible, unte'chable, but by no menes unamendable speling now curent in England.'' PROF. MAX MULLER. In spe'king ov the disgrasful state ov English orthografy and the best mode ov reforming it. the grate American lexicografer, Dr. N6ah Webster, in the intr6ducsion tu hiz Quarto Dicshunary, says : " Nothing can be more disreputable tu the literary caracter ov a nasion than the history ov English orthografy, unles it is that ov our or- th6epy." * * * cu prosecute hiz dezine. This ofer I declined tu acsept ; fQr I wos then, and am stil, convinsed that the skeme ov introducing nu caracters intu the langwaje is ne'ther practicable nor expedient. Eny atempt ov this kind must sertenly fale of sucses." "1 he mode ov asertaning the pronunsiasion ov words by marks, points or trifling olterasions ov the present caracters, semes tu be the 6nly won which can be refused tu practis." " Delitful task ! to rere the tender thaut, Tu te"ch the yung fde"a hou tu shutCj Tu pore fresh instruction o'er the mind, Tu brethe the enlivening spirit, and tu fix The jenerus purpos in the g!6ing brest." "O, thautles mortals ! ever blind tu fate, Tu sune dejected and tu sune e"late." " Worth makes the man and want ov it the felo ; The rest is aul but lether or pninela." Where there iz a wil there iz a wa ; and while the evil continues the ne- sesity for orth6grafic reform wil never cese. If there ar eny among us hu hav tu litle regard for there 6ne children tu smuthe for them the path on which there infant fete must stumble, we conjure them in the name ov God and humanity tu beware ov the grater sin ov crushing by op6zing influens the rising hopes ov milyuns les fortunate, hu hav ne'ther mony nor time tu squonder, but hu nede aul the ades posible tu endble them tu take a pozi- sion among the intelijent, vertUus and hapy sitizens ov our grate and gldrius cuntry. The foregoing will suffice to represent Mr. Medill's idea of simplified orthography. It is almost phonetic and yet pre- serves most of the analogies and peculiarities of the English language. He retains the general rule that e ending a word and preceding a consonant indicates that the vowel is "long." Thus he spells such words as belzVve, beleve, recve, reseve, release, relese, fierce, fdrse, repeal, repele, feel, fele, sleeve, sieve, league, lege, guide, course, pique, chaise, paid, repair, gauge, pear, gide, corse, peke, shaze, pade, repare, gage, pare, prove, pruve, proof, prufe, through, thru, school, skule, door, dore, four, fore, boar, bore, blow, bio. Where the e sound does not indicate the long vowel sound, he proposes to use accented vowels, viz. : a, 6, i, 6, d, and for the sound of u in full, should, etc., he uses u : thus, ful, shud. For the broad sound of a heard in ought, faught, awful, all, broad, he employs au and spells them out ; caut, auful, aul, braud, etc. For the terminals tion, sion, cian, scion, etc., he uses sion. He retains ed as the sign of the past tense, and s as that of the plural of nouns and singular of verbs. Ble as a terminal is also retained. K is written for ch in all words in which ch has the sound of/5. Ex.: arkitect, monark, skule, etc. All double consonants are reduced to single ones, as only one of them is heard in pronunciation. In all words now spelled with ck, as back, beck, lick, rock, luck, he drops the c as being wholly superfluous. In words ending in ous, he omits the o, as in curius, spurius, and when ou has the sound u he also drops the o, as in duble, jurny. He retains y at the end of nouns in the singular, as copy, foly. He writes f for ph. in alfabet, fonetics, flosofy, etc. He omits all silent vowels in digraphs, and writes head, hed ? a 'd, ? e ^> tongue, tung, earth, though, erth tho, phthisic, tizic, said, heifer, leopard, cleanse, sed, hefer, lepard, clens, sieve, siv, built, bilt, myrrh, mer. The proposed system is very easily written. After an hour's practice the pen runs naturally into it. The plan is one which would cost adults scarcely an effort to learn to write, and no effort at all to learn to read it. He thinks it is the simplest and most rational compromise with existing usage, prejudice, and etymologies, which can probably be devised with any hope of acceptance, and if accepted and adopted it would secure to the Anglo-American race throughout the world one of the simplest and best orthographies in existence. 62 CAPITAL LETTERS AND PUNCTUATION. CAPITAL LETTERS. [ANY people greatly disfigure their writing, and stamp them- selves as illiterate, by the omission or improper use of capital letters. What do we think of the man who, wishing to place his son in the care of a teacher, wrote a letter, introducing his boy, thus? " deer sur yeW Bein a man of noleg i Wish tu Put Mi son in yure skull." Or, of the mother who sends a line by her child to the boot and shoe merchant as follows ? " mister Grean Wunt you let mi Boay hev a Pare ov Esy toad shuz." Fortunately the rules for using capitals are few, and once acquired, are easily remembered. Rules for the Use of Capitals. Begin every paragraph with a capital letter. Begin every sentence following a period with a capital letter. Begin each proper name with a capital letter. Begin the names of places, as Boston, Newport, Niagara, with capital letters. Begin the words, North, South, East, West, and their com- pounds and abbreviations, as North-east, S. W., with capital letters, when geographically applied. Begin the names of the Deity and Heaven, or the pronoun used for the former, as, in His mercy Thou, Father, etc., with capital letters. Begin all adjectives formed from the names of places or points of the compass as English, Northern, each with a capital letter. Begin each line of poetry with a capital letter. Begin all quotations with a capital letter. Begin all titles of books, and usually each important word of the title, as Hume's History of England, with capital letters. Begin the name of any historical event, as the French Revolution, with capital letters. The pronoun I and the interjection O must invariably be capital letters. Begin names of the month, as June, April, with capital let- ters. Also the days of the week, as Monday, Tuesday, etc. Begin all addresses, as Dear Sir Dear Madam, with capital letters. Capital letters must never be placed in the middle of a word. PUNCTUATION. HILE the omission of punctu- ation may not mar the appear- ance of writing, as do bad spelling and improper use of capitals, its correct use is, nevertheless, essential to the proper construction of a sen- tence. Very ludicrous, and sometimes serious mis- takes result from improper punctuation. In the following sentence, the meaning is entirely changed by the location of the semicolon. " He is an old and experienced hand ; in vice and wicked- ness he is never found ; opposing the works of iniquity he takes delight." " He is an old and experienced hand in vice and wickedness ; he is never found opposing the works of iniquity ; he takes delight." Punctuation Marks. The following are the principal characters or points used in punctuation : Comma , Semicolon, ; Colon : Period Parenthesis ( ) Exclamation ! Interrogation ? Dash Ellipsis The Caret A Hyphen Apostrophe Quotation Marks " " Brackets [ ] Rules for Punctuation. The Comma (,). Wherever occurs a distinct natural division of a sentence; or where two or more words are connected, without the con- necting word being expressed, the comma is used i as "Dealer in hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc." " Hedges, trees, groves, houses, and people, all went rushing by." " Towering far above us stood the pines, silent, majestic, and grand." " Verily, verily, I say unto you." The Semicolon (;) is used where a sentence consists of several members each constituting a distinct proposition, and yet having dependence upon each other; as RULES FOR PUNCTUATION. 53 " Some men are born great ; some acquire greatness ; some have greatness thrust upon them." "Contributors: Will. M. Carleton ; Wm. C. Bryant ; B. F. Taylor ; John G. Saxe." " Contents : Riches ; Poverty ; Religion." The Colon (:) is used to divide a sentence into two or more parts, which, although the sense is complete in each, are not wholly inde- pendent ; as '^Temperance begets virtue : virtue begets happiness." " Two questions grow out of the subject : 1st : What is the necessity of a classical education ? 2d : How far can a classical education be made applicable to the ordinary business affairs of life ? " The Period (.) is placed at the end of every complete and independent sentence ; before decimals ; between pounds and shillings ; after initial letters, and for abbreviations; as "Man, know thyself." "Chas. Williams, M.D." "J. Q. Adams." " GenL Supt. of C., B., and Q. R. R." " 25. 8s. 4d." " 4.24 miles." The Exclamation Point (!) denotes sudden or violent emotion ; as " O blissful days ! Ah me ! How soon ye passed ! " " Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, on! " " Great bargains! Clothing sold at forty per cent, below cost ! " " Rejoice ! Rejoice ! the summer months are coming." The Note of Interrogation (?) is used after every sentence in which a question is asked ; as " What season of the year do you enjoy most ? " It is also used to denote sneeringly the unbelief of the speaker ; as " His wise counsels (?) failed to accomplish their end." Brackets [ ] and Parentheses ( ) are employed to enclose words thrown into a sentence by way of explanation, which could be omitted without injury to its construction ; as " I have met (and who has not) with many disappointments." " Eight (8) miles and one hundred (100) yards." " In con- clusion, gentlemen, I am for the constitution, the whole consti- tution, and nothing but the constitution." [Great applause.] The Dash ( ) is used when the subject breaks off suddenly, and to show the omission of words, letters and figures ; thus : "I would but ah! I fear it is impossible I would I will reform." " The pulse fluttered stopped went on stopped again moved stopped." " This agreement entered into this day of , 18 , between o f the first part, and of the second part, witnesseth, etc." The Hyphen (-) is employed as a character between two words to show that they are con- nected together as a compound word ; thus : Thirty -fold, super-heated, four-leaved, etc. It is also used at the end of a syllable when the remainder of the word follows on the next line. Also in dividing a word to show its pro- nunciation ; as Pro-cras-ti-nate ; val-e-tud-i-na-ri-an ; co-op-e-rate. The Ellipsis (....) is used to represent the omission of words, syllables, and letters, and is sometimes represented by a dash ; thus, k g for king : occasionally by stars ; thus, * * * * : and sometimes by periods ; like these The following examples illustrate its use. " Mrs. W , of C , is said to be the for- tunate individual." " This was in 1850. * * * * Twenty years later, in 1870, we gather up, again, the thread of our dis- course." "If he had married .... Ah, well! it was not so to be." The Apostrophe (') is employed to distinguish the possessive case ; thus : " John's Book." " Superintendent's Office." " Wells' Grammar : " And the omission of letters in the beginning or middle of a word , thus , " I'll, " for " I will." " Thou'lt," for " Thou wilt." " Prop'r," for " Proprietor." " In'st," for " Interest," etc. See rules for punctuation, in the chapter relating to " Sign Painting." The Caret ( A ) is employed, in writing, to show where a word, or several words have been omitted in the sentence, and have been placed above the line ; as handmaid of e " Temperance is the virtue." " Improvment." A A Quotation Marks (" ") are used by the writer to designate a word or sentence quoted or copied from another author ; as " Three things bear mighty sway with men, The Sword, the Sceptre, and the Pen." The Marks of Reference (* t $ II IF) are used to call attention to notes of explanation at the bottom of the page. If many notes are used and these are all exhausted, they can be MARKS DIRECTING ATTENTION. doubled. Some writers use letters, and some figures, for reference. Marks of Pronunciation. For the purpose of giving inflection to cer- tain words, or to designate the prolongation of occasional syllables in a word, the author frequently finds it convenient to use certain characters to denote such accents. To illus- trate : The Acute (a) gives the rising inflection ; as "Will you ride?" The G-rave Ccf) the falling ; as " Will you wilk or ride." The Circumflex (;V) indicates the rising and falling inflection in the same syllable ; as, " Machine," Montreal," etc. The Macron (-) placed above a letter desig- nates a full, long vowel sound ; as " Fate." " Home." " Note." " Eve," etc. A Breve ( w ) denotes a short sound, when placed above a vowel ; as " A-dore." " Glo-n-ous." The Diceresis (a) is used for the purpose of dividing a diphthong, or syllable into two dis- tinct syllables ; as " AvengSd." " Beloved." Also when two vowels come together, this character is sometimes used to show that they are not contracted into a diphthong ; as "Cooperate." "Reiterate." "Reappear." The Cedilla (f) is a mark placed under the c to denote that its sound is the same as the letter s; as " C/haise." " Fasade." The Tilde (n) placed over an n gives it the sound of ny ; as " Mifion." " Senor." Marks Directing Attention. The Index (5@ Q> ) is used to call special attention to an important line or clause in the writing or printing , as : Five per cent discount for cash." The Asterism or /Stars ( # * # ) is used to desig- nate a general reference ; as " **# The teacher should make frequent use of the black- board." The Brace ] is employed to unite two or more parts of speech or names that are brought into juxtaposition ac Wm. Smith. i Marculiiio. Gender < Feminine, ( Neuter. Committee John Brown. A Paragraph (^[) is used by the author fre- quently to designate, in the middle of a sen- tence, when he re-reads his manuscript, those words that he wishes to have commence a para- graph. It shows where something new begins. A Section () usually designates the smaller distinct parts of a book. As references they are frequently used with numbers ; thus : " *|f 87. Wedding Ceremonies in Different Countries." " 172. The Law of Usury in Different States." Leaders ( ) are employed to lead the eye from one portion of the page to another across blank space ; as London 123 Paris ..- -- 84 New York 304 Underscoring. Words and sentences that the writer desires should be emphatic, are designated by lines drawn beneath the words that are to be empha- sized. Thus one line indicates italics; two lines, SMALL CAPITALS ; three lines, LARGE CAPITALS ; four lines, ITALIC CAPITALS. The words " To arms ! to arms ! ! to arms ! ! ! they cry," Underscored will appear in print thus " To arms ! TO ARMS ! ! TO ARMS ! ! ! they cry." " Upward and upward we went! gradually the scene grew more and more entrancing! until at length, faster, RICHER, WILDER, GRANDER the weird objects came and went, fading away at last in the long dim distance." SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING GRAMMAR. DO The Parts of Speech. IMPROPER USE OF WORDS. RAMMAR is the art of writing or speak- ing a language correctly. There are eight distinct parts of speech, named as follows: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection. The NOUN is the name of an object or some quality of the same; as, knife, horse, house, sharpness, speed, beauty. Nouns are of two classes, proper and common. A proper noun is the name of an individual object; as, England, William, Washington; and should always be capitalized. Names given to whole classes are common nouns; as, sea, land, army, tree, etc. A PRONOUN is a word that takes the place of a noun; as, "He reads," "She studies," "ft falls." An ADJECTIVE is a word used to describe a noun; as, "sweet cider," " educated people," "fast horse." The VERB is a word that expresses action; as, "He runs," "She sleeps," "It falls." The ADVERB tells how the action is performed, and modi- fies the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs; as, " He walks rapidly," "Very soon," "More pleasing," "Directly under," etc. A PREPOSITION is a word that connects other words, and shows the relation between them; as, "The snow lies on the ground," "He went to Europe." A CONJUNCTION is a part of speech used to connect words and sentences together; as, " Houses and lands;" " I walked in the meadows and in the groves, but I saw no birds nor animals of any kind, because of the darkness." An INTERJECTION is a word used to express sudden or strong emotion; as, O! Alas! Ah! As a full consideration of the subject of grammar requires a volume of itself, it is not, therefore, the purpose of this book to enter into a detailed explanation of the use of the various parts of speech, along with the rules for applying the same. Fuller instruction relating to the proper construction of lan- guage may be obtained in any of the various text-books on grammar, which may be procured at the bookstores. Mistakes Corrected. The object in introducing the subject of grammar here is to call attention to the faults liable to be made by the writer and speaker unacquainted with a knowledge of the correct use of language. To illustrate: special care shonld be taken to use the plural verb when the plural nominative is used; as, "Trees grows" should be "Trees grow" "Birds flies" should be " Birds fly" " Some flowers is more fragrant than others" should be " Some flowers are more fragrant than others." Care should be exercised in the use of the adjective pronoun; as, " Them men " should be " Those men." The past tense of the word do is frequently improperly used; as, " I done the example " should be " I did the example." Care should be taken with words terminating with ly; as, " Birds fly swift " should be " Birds fly swiftly; " " She sang beautiful " should be " She sang beautifully ; " " He walks rapid" should be "rapidly;" "He talks eloquent" should be " eloquently. " The word got is frequently unnecessarily used; as, "I have got the book" should be " I have the book." The word learn is often wrongly used in place of teach; as, "Will you learn me to write?" should be " Will you teach me to write? " The verbs lay and lie are frequently misused. The following examples illustrate the distinctions to be ob- served in their use: Thus, "I lie down; you lie down; he lies down." But, "I lay down the book; you lay down the carpet; he lays down the rules." The verbs sit and set are often used improperly. The fol- lowing sentences illustrate the difference between them: Thus, "I sit down; you sit down; he sits down." "I set the table; you set the trap; and he sets the saw." Care should be used not to have two negatives in a sentence when affirmation is meant; thus, "Don't never tell a lie" should be "Never tell a lie; " "I can't see nothing" should be "I can see nothing," or, "I cannot see anything." Slang Phrases, and Profanity. A man is known by the company he keeps. He is also known by his language. No amount of good clothes or outside polish can prevent a man from being regarded as vulgar and low-bred who is addicted to the use of profane words. The use of profanity plainly indicates that the person employing it has such a limited knowledge of words suitable to express ideas, that he is compelled to use vulgar language in order to convey his thought. And the same measurably is true of slang phrases. Such terms as " Level Best " " Right Smart," "Played out," " You Bet," " Bottom dollar" etc., while sometimes allowed among familiar acquaintances, are vulgarisms, and in all graver speaking and writing should be avoided. The uniform use of a chaste, refined and beautiful language is not only an index to a pure, clear and cultivated intellect, but is always, to the lady or gentleman, one of the surest elements of success in any business where language is required. MISTAKES IN CONVERSATION GOERECTED. FREQUENT > IN CONVERSATION. ( GRAMMAR WHICH ARE OFTEN HEARD. Superfluous Words, Improper Phrases, and Errors of Grammar. ANY of the following expressions may be heard in the ordinary conversation of every day life. They indicate a lack of knowledge or want of care in the use of words which those who have been trained to the use of correct language immediately observe. In this connection it may be said that one of the most important studies is that of Grammar, which should be vigorously pursued until the student can properly construct sentences. On that qualification, in many positions of life, hangs success. Without this training the individual is liable at any time to use those expressions which indicate deficiency iii this branch of a primary education. These phrases are especially common in the language of those who are unskilled in knowledge of grammar. The corrections will aid the student somewhat in the acquisition of a better method of expression, but while they do this it is not pretended that they teach this art. They simply direct attention to the importance of this subject as a branch of education, and point out by example those phrases which are often used incorrectly. " It is me, " should be "It is I." "I done that," should be ' ' I did that. " " I seen him," should be " I saw him." "We enter in," should be ' ' We enter. " " This 'ere one," should be ' ' This one. " ' ' Is that Mm! " should be ' ' Is that hel " ' Call upon him, " should be ' ' Call on him. " "Do like I do," should be " Do as I do." ' Onec't or twice," should be ' ' Once or twice. " " If I was him, " should be " If I were he." " In case I win," should be "If I win." ' ' Let you and /, " should be ' Let you and me. " " That there one," should be "That one." " Be you cold!" should be ' ' Are you cold! " ' ' Better than me, " should be " Better than /." " How/r is it," should be " How far is it. " "Hove beefsteak, " should be " I like beef steak." " Was you there!" should be " Were you there!" " Who done that!" should be " Who did that!" ' ' I don't think so, " should be " I think not." " How do you dot" should be ' ' How are you!" ' ' Give me me hat, " should be " Give me my hat. " " A summer's day," should be ' ' A summer day. " "I have got back," should be ' ' I have returned. " ' ' Not as I know of, " should be ' ' Not that I know. " " I am very dry," should be ' I am very thirsty. " ' ' I have saw him," should be " I have seen him." ' Both of these men, should be ' ' Both these men. " ' ' Who do you wish!" should be 'Whom do you wish?" ' ' He was_ to Henry's, " sho'uld be ' ' He was at Henry's. " ' ' Between you and I," should be ' Between you and me." ' ' I had rather do it, " should be ' I would rather do it." " He travels rapid," should be " He travels rapidly." " It is three foot long," should be " It is three feet long. " ' ' He had Jat'd down , " should be " He had lain down." " As soon as ever I can," should be ' ' As soon as I can. " " She sings beautiful," should be "She sings beautifully." ' What are the news!" should be "What is the news!" " The crops look finely," should be " The crops look fine. " ' ' He won't never do it, " should be ' ' He will never do it. " " Set down and rest," should be ' ' Sit down and rest. " "Don't never do that," should be ' ' Never do that. " ' ' He made a dicker, " should be " He made a bargain. " ' ' See that 'ere bird," should be "See that bird." " Can you learn me! " should be "Can you teach me!" ' ' He fell on the floor," should be "He fell to the floor." " I had ought to go," should be " I ought to go." " I have got the book, " should be "I have the book." ' ' Cover over the well, " should be "Cover the well." " They was talking," should be " They were talking." " I enjoy good health," should be " I have good health. " " If I am not mistaken," should be " If I mistake not." ' Me and John saw it," should be ' ' John and / saw it. " " I'll bet you'll go," should be " I think you will go." " He is up on the house," should be ' ' He is on the house. " " Who did you say!" should be " Whom did you say!" ' ' Let me dress me, " should be ' ' Let me dress myself. " ' ' I cannot by no means," should be ' I cannot by any means. " ' ' I swapped horses, " should be ' ' I traded horses." " The man was beat," should be ' ' The man was beaten." ' ' The stone sinks down, " should be ' ' The stone sinks. " ' Are you uns going! " should be " Are you going! " " He is as good as him," should be " He is as good as he. " " It was her who called," should be ' ' It was she who called. " ' Such another error, " should be ' Another such error. " "They returned back," should be ' ' They returned. " " There was some men," should be 1 ' There were some men. " " I can't stand it," should be " I cannot endure it." ' ' The cloth was wove, " should be "The cloth was woven. " ' ' He must stay to home, " should be ' ' He must stay at home. " GRAMMATICAL ERRORS OFTEN HEARD IN CONVERSATION. 57 1 ' First of all let me say, " ' ' You hadn't ought to go. " ' ' When I get off from a car, " "He is down in the base- ' ' He dropped down into the should be should be should be ment," water, " ' ' First, let me say. " " You ought not to go. " ' ' When I get off a car. " should be should be " He is in the basement. " ' ' He dropped into the water. " ' ' New furnished rooms, " ' ' There's lots of them," " Do you mean to do that!" should be should be should be "His manner admits of no "They differ among one an- ' ' Newly furnished rooms. " ' ' There are many of them. " "Do you intend to do that?" excuse," other, " should be should be ' ' Do you see them men? " should be "I have rode with him," should be ' ' Either of them are rich," should be ' ' His manner admits no ex- cuse. " "They differ among them- selves. " "Do you see those men?" ' ' I have ridden with him." ' ' Each of them is rich. " ' ' Received of John Brown five "Take three-fourths; give ' ' Is your hands cold? " should be " I saw the Miss Browns," should be ' ' I have a couple of dollars," should be dollars," should be me the the balance," should be ' 'Are your hands cold? " ' ' I saw the Misses Brown. " " I have two dollars." "Received from John Brown five dollars. " "Take three-fourths; give me the remainder. " " Above a year since," should be ' ' Peaches were plenty, " should be ' ' It spread all over the town, " should be 4 ' No other means but this was "I see him every now and ' ' Jfore than a year since. " " Peaches were plentiful." ' ' It spread over all the town. " left," then," should be should be "These kind of apples," " Continue on in this way," " If I was him I would do it, " ' ' No other means than this ' ' I see him occasionally." should be should be was left. " "These kinds of apples," " Continue in this way. " " If I were he I would do it. " ' ' I never play if I can help it, " or ' ' They will go from thence should be ' ' This kind of apples. " " Don't give him no more," "I'll be blamed if I can tell," next week," ' ' I never play if I can avoid should be it. " " He is in under the wall, " ' ' Give him no more. " " I cannot tell." "They will go thence next should be " He is under the wall. " ' ' I toted him across," should be ' ' Walter and me went down," should be ' ' Walter and / went down. " " Who is there?" "It is me," should be " Who is there I" " It is I. " week." " From now till Christmas," should be " From this time till Christ- ' ' Look out or you'll get hurt, " should be ' ' Be careful or you'll get hurt." "I carried him across." ' I came from over yer," should be ' ' Who does this belong to, " should be ' ' Whom does this belong to. " ' ' I took you for another, " should be ' ' I mistook you for another. " mas. " "He has got over his trouble, " should be "Should have gloves like Henry has." should be ' ' Should have gloves like ' ' I came from yonder. " ' 'As far as I am concerned, " ' ' His faith has been shook," ' ' He has recovered from his trouble. " Henry's. " ' ' Lay down or set down , " should be should be ' ' So far as I am concerned. " should be ' ' His faith has been shaken. " " I know better; that ain't " I'd like/or you to go," should be " Lie down or sit down. " " Two spoonsful of tea," should be " He had near ten dollars," should be ' ' He had nearly ten dollars. " " He died with consumption," should be ' ' He died of consumption. " so," should be "Pardon me, I understand differently. " "I would be pleased to have you go. " " Two spoonfuls of tea." ' 'We had an awful nice time," " You are stronger than me," ' ' I know little or nothing of moughtn't," should be "I'll give you fits," should be ' I will attend to you. " ' ' A new pair of boots, " should be should be " We had a delightful time." ' ' He rose up from his seat, " should be ' ' He rose from his seat. " should be ' ' You are stronger than I. " " I reckon I'll go to-morrow," should be ' ' I intend to go to-morrow. " it," should be " I know little, if anything, of "He has four brother-in- laws," ' ' I may or I may not. " ' ' I never see such a slew of people before, " should be ' ' I never saw such a large ' ' A pair of new boots. " should be number of people before. " ' ' He came ladened with ' ' I guess I'll go to-morrow, " ' ' He has four brothers-in- ' ' The best of the two, " honor, " should be law. " ' ' His works are approved of should be ' ' The better of the two. " should be " He came laden with honor. " " I think of going to-morrow." "I know Mr. and Mrs. Dr. by many," should be "I have lit the fire," ' ' I expected to have seen him, " ' ' He has a tarnal lot of pota- toes, " Brown," should be ' ' His works are approved by many. " should be should be should be ' ' I know Dr. and Mrs. ' ' I have lighted the fire. " "I expected to see him. " ' ' He hag a large quantity of Brown." ' ' I don't know nothing about "I belong to the church," should Be ' ' I am a churchmember. " ' ' Give me a little bit of piece, " should be ' ' Give me a small piece. " potatoes. " " Make haste and dress you," should be ' ' It's funny how long she stays sick," should be it," should be ' ' I know nothing about it. " "He climbed up the hill," ' ' They despised one another," ' ' Make haste and dress your- self." "It is singular that she should remain sick so " He has a heap of cattle," should be should be should be long. " "He has a large number of ' ' He climbed the hill." ' ' They despised each other. " ' ' The two first men are the cattle. " "What beautiful sauce," " I was tickled to see him " strongest." should be "You lie; he got tight," should be ' ' He had a right smart crop should be ' ' What excellent sauce. " should be ' ' I was pleased to see him. " "The first two men are the strongest. " ' ' You are mistaken; he was drunk. " of corn last year, " should be ' ' He had a large crop of corn ' ' I had rather ride, " "He is heavier than I be," ' ' She sang to the Baptist ' ' I'll be goll darned if I know last year. " should be should be church," where it is," " I would rather ride. " "He is heavier than I am. " should be should be ' ' He has a good bit of money," ' ' She sang at the Baptist " I do not know where it is. " should be ' ' Very warmish weather," " When we was living here," church. " ' ' He has a good deal of should be ' ' Very warm weather. " should be ' ' When we were living here. " " Them is large enough for "Somehow or another I'm a failure," money. " you, should be " I went to New York, you ' ' There is a great many, " should be " He is better than you be, " should be ' ' Those are large enough for you. " " For some reason I am always a failure. " know, and when I came back, you see, I commenced attend- ' ' There are & great many. " " He is better than you are. " ing, school," "We won't say one single ' ' Henry and John is coining," should be " I only want five dollars," " Similarity with each other," word," should be " I went to New York, and should be should be should be "Henry and John are com- when I returned I com- ' ' I want only five dollars. " ' ' Similarity to each other." " We will not say one word." ing. " menced attending school." 58 THE MEANS BY WHICH EXCELLENCE MAY BE ATTAINED IN WRITING. AIDS TO COMPOSITION. A SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS. I HAT is said elsewhere in this book in relation to the formation and expres- sion of language is of general interest to all who desire to speak and write correctly, and without these instruc- tions it is simply impossible to acquire proper methods of communicating ideas, either by tongue or pen. While with some persons it is very easy to convey elaborate intelligence distinctly, concisely and in a pleasing manner with the voice, others again find it extremely difficult to frame a sentence of ten words and utter it in company, with any degree of comfort to themselves or benefit to others. On the other hand, the most fluent speaker who can face a large audience and instruct and amuse his hearers in an hour's dis- course, without notes, may not be able to sit down and write an essay on some other topic than that em- braced in his se,rmon or lec- ture, that would interest a reader or be accepted for a magazine article. The art of writing corn- It is a public occasion. Coming to the front, upon the stage, confident, easy and natural, with manuscript held in the left hand, that the right may be free for ges- ture if required, the lady reads her essay; positions, like that of pub- lic speaking, may be ac- quired by diligent study and practice, but with some persons it is a gift so nat- ural that their ideas and sentences easily flow to- gether and combine with such rapidity that the pen cannot give expression to them as fast as the mind Conceives them. Where the ideas are brilliant with deep thought or beauty of expression, the possession of this faculty is called "genius," and fame and for- tune are usually at its command. But without genius a writer for the press or the forum may attain to such excellence of expression and methods of thought, by proper training of the natural faculties, as to rival the works of genius in positive value and interest. Unless, however, the habit of thinking is duly cultivated by read- The Reading of the Essay. ing the works of the best authors, living and dead, and meditating upon them carefully and patiently, superior effort can scarcely be ex- pected in a composition, either for the pulpit, the platform or the press. For thought begets thought, even in slow thinkers, and the suggestion of one author here, and of another there, will often lead to a train of thought in which few, if any, have ever before indulged. One of two things, therefore, is requisite in the construction of a suc- cessful composition the possession of a genius, (which is no com- mon gift), or habits of study, combined with observation in certain directions, which serve to evolve ideas from the writer's own brain and pen. Practice is a great per- fecter of the art of writing compositions. At first, the work may be irksome, but in due time, as it becomes easier, it unlocks the cham- bers of thought, the ideas begin to form and flow, and the task becomes a lasting pleasure. In the schools it is a most important feature in the list of studies, and its daily exercise tends to indelibly fix upon the memory the proper spelling of words, the principles of penman- ship, punctuation, gram- mar, sentence-building and the use of capital letters. Even if a literar}' or jour- nalistic profession is not to be subsequently followed by the pupil, the art of writ- ing a composition, learned under the guidance of an experienced teacher, may the exercise being effective by originality of composition, fitting words, new and important thoughts, appropriateness, ease, and clearness of enunciation. Self-posses- sion is manifest in every tone and gesture. be of infinite service to the future man or woman, by inducing systematic methods of thinking. Out of school, in leisure moments, as a recreation, the pupil will find it profitable to plan the outline of a story, or frame a description of something seen or heard, the appearance or character of some peculiar individual in the neighborhood, the natural scenery of that locality, or some remembered incident of other days or climes. This practice fits one for a sudden call to prepare an address or petition, or to draft a letter of public interest, or it might lead to the produc- tion of an elaborate literary work that would prove both valuable and fai.ous. Many books have achieved accidental popularity. THE PUBLIC READEK SHOULD AVOID A DISPLAY OF MANUSCRIPT. 59 The use of compositions in village lyceums, or debating clubs, is productive not only of much genuine recreation, but is really a beneficial practice, especially if each paper is submitted to honest criticism as to its construction, after it has been read. Errors are thus corrected, and suggestions are made that tend greatly to im- provement in all future productions. Those who desire to excel in the composition of an essay, which is one of the noblest forms of literary production, will find the works of Joseph Addison, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith and Lord Macaulay excellent models to study. Their clear-cut sentences, breathing wit, humor, sentiment and elevated thought, are delightful reading, and in beauty of construction cannot be surpassed. Probably, for discipline in forming a series of connected thoughts, all tending to the establishment of some important truth, the best is the sermon. This species of composition may be as systematically constructed as a house, which has abasement, first floor, chambers, attic and cupola. The foundation of the sermon is a well-chosen text, indicating the principal topic to be discussed. Following this is the exordium, or intro- duction, the object of which is to interest the hearer or reader in the subject by a few choice sentences and happy allusions to matters more or less intimately connected with the topical discussion. A good begin- ningisagreat point gained. The next step is the divis- ion of the subject into two or more heads, suggested by the text, each affording a fine field for the exercise of the intellect in creating and gathering pleasing and appropriate sentiments,and advancing arguments lead- ing to the one great truth to be impressed upon the mind of the reader. This portion of the composition requires skill in placing the arguments properly, and clinching them with logical force and appropriate drafts upon the writings of em- inent authors. The argu- ments finished, their strong points are briefly recounted and accom- panied by a direct appeal to the feelings of the reader, so that not only his intellect is convinced, but his better nature is affected. Fi- nally comes the peroration, or closing summing-up of the whole; and here is afforded one of the finest opportunities possible for a skillful and touching display of literary ability. Next to the sermon, the platform lecture demands great care and skill, and thus affords a profitable discipline for a youthful writer. The selection of the subject is all-important, for it should be one of general interest not a trivial one, even if the object is simply to amuse. "Artemus Ward's " best effort was named "The Babes in the Wood," but this title was only a fictitious one, on which to string choice bits of humor for two hours. In that connection any other title would have been as relevant, but, perhaps not so "taking." The subject having been chosen, the next object is to obtain, from sources at hand, all the information possible concerning it. From the mass of matter thus gathered, literary talent is taxed to make Apparently Extemporaneous. Two speakers are seen above. One makes no show of written notes, and speaks so in- dependently as to create the favorable impression which comes from a power- ful, extemporaneous address. The other such selections as seem best suited in every way to form attractive features, and exhibit them in the most fascinating manner possible. There should be an exordium and a peroration to each lecture, and if the subject is argumentative, or explanatory, it should be systematic- ally and logically presented. The newspaper article differs from most examples of composition. It is usually written under the pressure of business and in haste, relates to some current topic or event, and should be brief, concise and pointed. A long, dry, argumentative essay, however learned and valuable as a literary effort, would not be suitable for an editor's column in a daily journal. The paragraph style is most commonly esteemed. For instance: "Garfieldis dead; but as he once said, upon another important occasion, 'God reigns, and the republic still lives.' " " Chicago may have all the national conventions, but she can't fill all the offices. " "The price of this paper is two dollars a year, but this sum does not include the editor." " We are in favor of the constitution as it is, until it shall be constitutionally amended. " A few suggestions as to the composition of fiction by which is meant nov- els, tales, sketches and in- cidents originating in the writer's own brain, and having no foundation ex- cept in his imagination, may be appropriate here. Such reading-matter is more sought for, and more abundant, than any other. The tendency to write it is a common one, and when the laws of language, the purity of morals, and the probabilities of real exis- tence are not outraged in such works, as too fre- quently they are, fiction can be made the pleasing vehi- cle of valuable instruction. It is, perhaps, the easiest to write of all literature, and, too often, is made to bring the largest profits to author and publisher. Poetry is a peculiar gift, and unless it flows naturally and brilliantly from the mind and heart, should seldom be attempted. The engraving on this page is significant, and carries with it a powerful lesson. The gentleman on the right may be in every re- spect the equal of the one on the left may be quite as learned, quite as witty, quite as strong in real argument but he is a slave to his manuscript. He dare not lift up his head to speak two consecu- tive sentences without its aid, and if he takes his eyes from it, he is almost sure to skip words and stumble in his discourse. The speaker on the' left hand, standing firmly on his feet, erect in form, graceful in gesture, and with his well-balanced mind filled with the import- ance of his subject, overflows with spontaneous expressions that in- struct and delight his audience. Perhaps he has never written a single paragraph of the splendid discourse that falls from his lips, but every word is weighed, every sentence abounds with earnest argument and sentiment, and the impressions that he makes as his eloquence reaches throughout the hall will be felt for years. Confined to Manuscript. handles his papers and makes such a dis- play of his manuscript, and is so closely confined to its reading, as to greatly weaken the power of the discourse, and thus much of his influence is lost. 60 SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING COMPOSITION. Topics Suitable for Composition. A Visit to Chicago. Opportunity for Work. The Bachelor's Home. Discoveries of Galileo. Visit to a Poor-House. Thanksgiving Thoughts. People whom we Meet. Memory and Reflection. The Fate of Joan of Arc. Visit to a Printing Ofllce. My First School-Teacher. How we Spent Christmas. Pleasures of Suburban Life. As we Sow, we shall Reap. The Changes in Twenty Years. Night Scenes on the Battle-Field. The School -Ma' am' s Noonday Dream. The First Jewish High Priest. Honesty, the Poor Man's Riches. Real Life and Ideal Aspirations. Charity Toward All. A Trip on a Railroad. Some Business Signs. Benefits of Fine- Art. Talk in a Sewing- Circle. To be Hanged To-morrow. Love Conquers Selfishness. Things in a Country Store. Preparing for the Wedding. The Books we Ought to Read. A Bar-Tender's Fearful Dream. The Skeleton in the Household. My Last Visit to the Old Home. Home Amusements Considered. The Man in a Drunkard's Skin. My Garden, and What was In It. Old School-House by the Wayside. Going to Visit Mother Next Week. Life, Rightly Passed, Worth Living. New Inventions Discovered by Accident What is Worship? A Drunkard's Fate. Happiness in a Palace. The Last Day of School. Beauty at Seventy-Five. Bad Habits, Hard Masters. What Might have been, Was. Adventures in a Snow-storm. Description of a Spelling- Bee. A Man' s Lament at Growing Old. Description of a Writing- School. Description of a Singing-School. Mathematics a Finished Science. Description of a Church Choir. A Boy's Lament at being Young. Education Gained by Observation. An Instance of Presence of Mind. Lost in the Darkness City Sketch. Why Some People are Always Poor. Description of a Jail and its Inmates. "*^2> IDEAS EXPRESSED IN FEW WORDS. BREVITY IN COMPOSITION. ,O be able to talk correctly, the stu- dent should first be able to write H2 properly. Not only should penman- ship be plain and easy, words rightly spelled, capitals correctly used, and sen- tences grammatically constructed and punctuated, but much depends, also, beyond that, upon the style of composition, mode of ex- pression, and language used, whether it be ac- ceptable to readers and hearers or not. As a rule, with the great sea of literature about us, the writer of to-day who is original and con- denses ideas into the smallest space, whether in the sermon, book, business-letter, or newspaper article, is much the most likely to have readers or hearers. The aim of the writer- should there- fore be, first, to say something new, presenting a subject fraught with original ideas; and, second, to give those ideas in the fewest possible words consistent with agreeable expression. "Why did you not make that article more brief?" said an editor to his correspondent. " Because, " said the writer, "I did not have time." The idea sought to be conveyed, concerning brevity, is clearly shown in that answer of the cor- respondent. It is an easy matter to dress ideas in many words. It requires much more care, how- ever, to clearly state the same idea in fewer words. The chief merit of Shakespeare is the thought conveyed in few words; the meaning that we catch beyond the words expressed. Those poets that will live in immortality have SUGGESTIONS ON COMPOSITION. 61 written thus. The reader cannot fail to recog- nize the truth and thought conveyed in this stanza of Cowper's, beyond the words them- selves : "Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face." The idea expressed in these few lines brings up in long review the trials of a past life, and the recollection of sorrows and afflictions which we afterwards, not infrequently, discovered to be blessings in disguise, and in reality seemingly designed for our best good. There is much food for reflection in the follow- ing stanza from Gray's "Elegy": Full many a gem, of purest ray serene, The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air." "With this reading comes up the thought of those of our fellow-men whom we know to be good, noble, and worthy, but whose names will go down to the grave unhonored and unknown. Very plainly we see the meaning beyond the words in the following, also from Gray : Perhaps, in this neglected spot, is laid Some heart, once pregnant with celestial fire Hand, that the rod of empire might have swayed, Or waked to ecstacy the living lyre." A similar idea is expressed by Whittier, though in fewer words : Of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been.' " Both stanzas are deeply freighted with thought beyond what is expressed. Those extracts, whether in prose or poetry, that are destined to go down to coming genera- tions, are so laden with ideas and suggestions that in listening, or reading, the scenes they suggest seem to move before us, and we forget words in contemplating that which the words describe. Prose writings often contain gems of thought told very briefly, especially in the works of our best authors. In the following, from Irving' s description of the grave, the reader becomes so absorbed in the picture portrayed that the words themselves are lost in the emotions they enkin- dle: " O the grave ! the grave ! It buries every error, covers every de- fect, extinguishes every resentment. From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections. Who can look down upon the grave even of an enemy, and not feel a compunctious throb, that he should ever have warred with the poor handful of earth that lies mouldering before him. " But the grave of those we loved what a place for meditation! There it is that we call up in long review the whole history of virtue and gentleness, and the thousand endearments lavished upon us, al- most unheeded, in the daily intercourse of intimacy; there it is that we dwell upon the tenderness, the solemn, awful tenderness of the parting scene the bed of death, with all its stifled griefs, its noise- less attendants, its mute, watchful assiduities the last testimonies of expiring love the feeble, fluttering, thrilling O how thrilling! pressure of the hand the last fond look of the glazing eye, turned upon us even from the threshold of existence the faint, faltering accents struggling in death to give one more assurance of affection. "Ay, go to the grave of buried love, and meditate.' There settle the -account with thy conscience for every past benefit unrequited, every past endearment unregarded, of that departed being who can never never never return to be soothed by thy contrition." The Bible abounds in beautiful and expressive sayings, that reveal much in few words, as shown in the following : " The wicked flee when no man pursueth. " ' Boast not thyself of to-morrow. Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. " " A soft answer turneth away wrath. " " Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. " Care should be taken to prune out the unnec- essary words with an unsparing hand. Thus, in the sentence, "I have got back, having re- turned yesterday," it is better to say, "I re- turned yesterday." Two young men, upon going into the army during the late civil war, were requested by their friends to telegraph at the close of any battle they might take part in, concerning their condition. At the close of the battle of Perry- ville, one telegraphed the following : PERRYVILLE, KT., Oct. 9, 1862. DEAR FRIENDS: As requested, I take the first opportunity after the late severe battle, fought at this place, to inform you that I came from the engagement uninjured. HENRY MOSELY. The other telegraphed as follows : PERRYVILLE, KY. , Oct. 9, 1862. Uninjured. HIRAM MAYNARD. Hiram well knew that his friends would hear immediately of the battle from the newspapers, and would learn from the same source that his regiment participated in the engagement. Their 62 RHETORICAL FIGURES. next question would then be "How is Hiram ? " To answer that, he had simply to telegraph one word. In a letter, afterwards, he gave the par- ticulars. The following rules should be observed in writing : First. Never use a word that does not add some new thought, or modify some idea already expressed. Second. Beware of introducing so many sub- jects into one sentence as to confuse the sense. Third. Long and short sentences should be properly intermixed, in order to give a pleasing sound in reading. There is generally a rounded harmony in the long sentence, not found in the short, though as a rule, in order to express meaning plainly, it is better to use short sen- tences. Fourth. Make choice of such words and phra- ses as people will readily understand. Rhetorical Figures, HE beauty, force, clearness, and brevity of language are frequently greatly enhanced by the judicious use of rhetorical figures, which are named and explained as follows : A Simile is an expressed comparison. EXAMPLE "Charity, like the sun, brightens every object on which it shines. '" The Metaphor is an implied comparison, indica- ting the resemblance of two objects by apply- ing the name, quality or conduct of one directly to the other. EXAMPLES " Thy word is a lamp to my feet. " " Life is an isthmus between two eternities. " "The morning of life. '' " The storms of life." An Allegory is the recital of a story under which is a meaning different from what is ex- pressed in words, the analogy and comparison being so plainly made that the designed con- clusions are correctly drawn. EXAMPLE Thou hast brought a vine (the Jewish nation) out of Egypt; thou hast cast out the heathen and planted it. Thou prepar- edst room before it and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. BIBLE. In Hyperbole, through the effect of imagination or passion, we greatly exaggerate what is found- ed in truth, by magnifying the good qualities of objects we love, and diminish and degrade the objects that we dislike or envy. EXAMPLES "That fellow is so tall that he does not know when his feet are cold. " " Brougham is a thunderbolt. " Personification consists in attributing life to things inanimate. EXAMPLE "Hatred stirreth up strife; but love covereth all sins." A Metonymy (me-ton-y-my} substitutes the name of one object for that of another that sustains some relation to it, either by some de- gree of mutual dependence, or otherwise so connected as to be capable of suggesting it ; thus cause is used for effect, or the effect for the cause, the attribute for the subject, or the sub- ject for the attribute. EXAMPLES 1. Cause and effect; as "Extravagance is the ruin of many," that is, the cause of ruin. 2. Attribute and that to which it belongs; as ''Pride shall be brought low," that is, the proud. A Synecdoche ( sin-ek-do-ke ) is a form of speech wherein something more or something less is substituted for the precise object meant, as when the whole is put for a part, or a part for the whole ; the singular for the plural or the plural for the singular. EXAMPLES " His head is grey," that is, his hair. "The world considers him a man of talent," that is, the people. Antithesis is the contrasting of opposites. EXAMPLES " Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and heart to this vote. " " Though deep yet clear. " Irony is a form of speech in which the writer or speaker sneeringly means the reverse of what is literally said, the words being usually mock- ery uttered for the sake of ridicule or sarcasm. Irony is a very effective weapon of attack, the form of language being such as scarcely to admit of a reply. EXAMPLE "Have not the Indians been kindly and justly treated? Have not the temporal things, the vain baubles and filthy lucre of this world, which are too apt to engage their worldly and selfish thoughts, been benevolently taken from them; and have they not, instead thereof, been taught to set their affections on things above?" Paralipsis pretends expressed. to conceal what is really EXAMPLE "Iiuill not call him villain, because it would be unpar- liamentary. I will not call him fool, because he happens to be chan- cellor of the exchequer. " RHETORICAL FIGURES. 63 Climax is the gradual ascending in the expres- sion of thought, from things lower to a higher and better. Reversed, it is called anticlimax. EXAMPLES "A Scotch mist becomes a shower; and a shower, a storm; and a storm, a tempest: and a tempest, thunder and lightning; and thunder and lightning, heavenquake and earthquake." "Then virtue became silent, heartsick, pined away, and died." Allusion is that use of language whereby in a word or words we recall some interesting inci- dent or condition by resemblance or contrast. EXAMPLES " Give them the Amazon in South America, and we'll give them the Mississippi in the United States. " After the signing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, Hancock remarked to his fellow- signers that they must all lumg together. "Yes," said Franklin, "or we shall all hang separately" The allusion in this case turns to a pun. which is a play upon words. EXAMPLE '' And the Doctor told the Sexton, And the Sexton tolled the bell. '' A continued allusion and resemblance in style becomes a parody. EXAMPLE " 'Tis the last rose of summer, left blooming alone; All her lovely companions are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes, and give sigh for sigh. I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, to pine on thy stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, go, sleep thou with them. Thus kindly I scatter thy leaves o'er the bed Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead. " PARODY "'Tis the last golden dollar, left shining alone; All its brilliant companions are squandered and gone; No coin of its mintage reflects back its hue. They went in mint juleps, and this will go too! I'll not keep thee, thou lone one, too long in suspense; Thy brothers were melted, and melt thou, to pence ! I'll ask for no quarter, I'll spend and not spare, Till my old tattered pocket hangs centless and bare. " Pun " Ancient maiden lady anxiously remarks, That there must be peril 'mong so many sparks: Roguish-looking fellow, turning to the stranger, Says it's his opinion she is out of danger. " Saxe. Exclamation is a figure of speech used to ex- press more strongly the emotions of the speaker. EXAMPLES "Oh ! the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God ! " " How poor, how rich, how abject, how august, How complicate, how wonderful is man ! Distinguished link in being's endless chain! Midway from nothing to the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorbed ! Though sullied and dishonored, still divine! An heir of glory ! a frail child of dust: A worm ! a god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost. " Interrogation is a rhetorical figure by which the speaker puts opinions in the form of questions, for the purpose of expressing thought more pos- itively and vehemently, without expectation of the questions being answered. EXAMPLES " He that planned the ear, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall He not see?" "O Death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory? " "But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a Brit- ish guard shall be stationed in every house? * * * Is life so dear, or place so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" " Can storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can Honor's voice provoke the silent dust, Or Flattery soothe the dull, cold ear of death?" Euphemism (u-fe-mis^em ) is a word or sentence so chosen and expressed as to make a disagree- able fact sound more pleasantly than if told in plain language. EXAMPLES '-Deceased" for "dead;" "stopping payment," in- stead of " becoming bankrupt;" " falling asleep," instead of "dying;" " you labor under amistake," for "you lie;" " he does not keep very correct accounts," instead of " he cheats when he can;" " she cer- tainly displays as liitle vanity in her personal appearance as any young lady I ever saw;" for " she is an intolerable slattern." " I see Anacreon laugh and sing; His silver tresses breathe perfume; His cheeks display a second spring Of roses taught by wine to bloom. " Apostrophe, like the exclamation, is the sudden turning away, in the fullness of emotion, to ad- dress some other person or object. In this we address the absent or dead as if present or alive, and the inanimate as if living. This figure of speech usually indicates a high degree of excitement. EXAMPLES " O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down. And steep my senses in forgetfulness?" Thus King David, on hearing of the death of Absalom, exclaims, ' ' O my son Absalom, my son, my son ! " Ossian's Address to the Moon is one of the most beautiful illustrations of the apostrophe: "Daughter of heaven, fair art thou ! The silence of thy face is pleasant. Thou comest forth in loveliness. The stars attend thy blue steps in the East. The clouds rejoice in thy presence, O Moon ! brighten their dark-brown sides. Who is like thee in heaven, daugh- ter of the night? The star's are ashamed in thy presence, and turn aside their sparkling eyes. Whither dost thou retire from thy course, when the darkness of thy countenance grows? Hast thou thy hall like Ossian? Dwellest thou in the shadow of grief? Have thy sisters fallen from heaven? and are they who rejoiced with thee at night no more? Yes, they have fallen, fair light ! and often dost thou retire to mourn. But thou thyself shall one night fail, and leave thy blue path in heaven. The stars will then lift their heads; they who in thy presence were astonished will rejoice. " " Thou lingering star with less'ning ray, That lov'st to greet the early morn, Again thou usher'st in the day My Mary from my soul was torn. O Mary ! dear departed shade ! " Vision is a figure of rhetoric by which the speaker represents the objects of his imagina- tion as actually before his eyes and present to his senses. LAWS OF LANGUAGE. EXAMPLES " Soldiers ! from tops of yonder pyramids forty cen- turies look down upon you! " "We behold houses and public edifices wrapt in flames; we hear the crash of roofs falling in, and one general uproar proceeding from a thousand different voices; we see some flying they know not whither, others hanging over the last embraces of their wives and friends; we see the mother tearing from the ruffian's grasp her helpless babe, and the victors cutting each others' throats wherever the plunder is most inviting." Onomatopoeia is the use of such word or words as by their sound will suggest the sense, as crash, buzz, roar, etc. Motion is thus easily im- itated, as is also sound, and even the reflections and emotions. EXAMPLES "Away they went pell mell, hurry skurry, wild buffalo, wild horse, wild huntsmen, with clang and clatter, and whoop and halloo that made the forest ring." "The ball went whizzing past." "While I nodded nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. " General Summary. Dr. Blair's system of rhetoric sums up the most important qualities of style in the six fol- lowing terms, being thus condensed by Kerl : " Purity, propriety, and precision chiefly in regard to words and phrases; and perspicuity, unity, and strength, in regard to sentences. He who writes with purity, avoids all phraseology that is foreign, un- couth, or ill-derived; he who writes with propriety, selects the most appropriate, the very best expressions, and generally displays sound judgment and good taste; he who writes with precision, is careful to state exactly what he means all that he means, or that is necessary, and nothing more; he who writes with perspicuity, aims to present his meaning so clearly and obviously, that no one can fail to understand him at once; he who observes unity, follows carefully the most agree- able order of nature, and does not jumble together incongruous things, nor throw out his thoughts in a confused or chaotic mass; and he who writes with strength, so disposes or marshals all the parts of each sentence, and all the parts of the discourse, as to make the strongest impression. A person's style, according as it is influenced by taste and imagination,, may be' dry, plain, neat, elegant, ornamental, florid, or turgid. The most common faulty style is that which may be de- scribed as being stiff, cramped, labored, heavy and tiresome ; its oppo- site is the easy, flowing, graceful, sprightly, and interesting style. One of the greatest beauties of style, one too little regarded, is sim- plicity or naturalness; that easy, unaffected, earnest, and highly im- pressive language which indicates a total ignorance, or rather inno- cence, of all the trickery of art. It seems to consist of the pure promptings of nature; though, in most instances, it is not so much a natural gift as it is the perfection of art. " Laws of Language. The following rules by Dr. Campbell, in refer- ence to the construction of sentences and choice of words, will be found of service : 1. When the usage is divided as to any particular words or phrases, and when one of the expressions is susceptible of different meanings, while the other admits of only one signification, the expression which is strictly of one meaning should be preferred. 2. In doubtful cases, analogy should be regarded. 3. When expressions are in other respects equal, that should be preferred which is most agreeable to the ear. 4. When none of the preceding rules takes place, regard should be had to simplicity. 5. All words and phrases, particularly harsh and not absolutely necessary, should be dismissed. 6 . When the etymology pjainly points to a different signification from what the word bears, propriety and simplicity require its dis- mission. 7. When words become obsolete,or are never used but in particular phrases, they should be repudiated, as they give the style an air of vul- garity and cant, when this general disuse renders them obscure. 8. All words and phrases which analyzed grammatically, include an imperfection of speech, should be dismissed. 9. All expressions which, according to the established rules of lan- guage, either have no meaning, or involve a contradiction, or accord- ing to the fair construction of the words, convey a meaning different from the intention of the speaker, should be dismissed. Specific Directions. PARAGRAPHS. One or more sentences form a paragraph. When a deviation or change is made in the subject, a new paragraph is com- menced. The first line of each paragraph in writing should commence about one inch from the left side of the sheet. Preserve a space half an inch in width between the left of the writing and the edge of the sheet. Write as close to the right edge of the sheet as possible. When lack of space prevents the completion of a word on the line, place the hyphen (-) at the end of the line and follow with the remain- ing syllables on the next line. Words may be divided, but never divide syllables. Rules of Construction. 1. The principal words in a sentence should be placed where they will make the most strik- ing impression. 2. A weaker assertion or argument should not follow a stronger one. 3. The separation of the preposition from the noun which it governs, should be avoided. 4. Concluding the sentence with an adverb, preposition, or other insignificant words, lessens the strength of the sentence. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT. Young writers will find it well to prepare a memorandum of the sub- jects they wish to treat on a separate slip of paper, and the points they wish to make relating to each subject. Having the subjects clearly fixed in the mind, they should commence with the least im- portant and follow through to the end, consider- ing the most important at the close. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS WORDS. 65 |Dictionary of ^Synonyms, SEVERAL THOUSAND SYNONYMOUS WORDS, UITE a common fault is that of using, when writing, the same word several times in a sen- tence. To avoid this inelegant repetition, the writer should give careful attention to the selection of different words having a similar meaning. Observe the following : Example. He is accurate in figures, accurate in grammar, accurate in spelling, accurate in writing. IMPROVED. He is accurate in figxires, correct in grammar, exact in spell- ing, precise in writing. For the use of Writers and Speakers. See the word accurate in the dictionary, ac- companied by synonymous words. Example. He made an excellent address in the morning, and his col- league made an excellent address in the evening. IMPROVED. He made an excellent address in the morning, and his col- league entertained the assemblage with an eloquent speech in the evening. Example. The patient suffered untold agony for years ; during which time he suffered not only agony of body, but agony of mind. IMPROVED. The patient suffered untold agony for years ; during which time he endured not only torture of body, but anguish of mind. Abase humble, lower, degrade, depress, disgrace. Abate lessen, reduce, subside, de- crease, diminish. Abbreviate abridge, curtail, condense, compress, empitoinize, lessen, reduce, shorten. Abhor abominate, detest, hate, loathe. Ability capacity, power, skill, means, talent. Able capable, competent. Abode dwelling, habitation, resi- dence. Abonilnate- loathe. abhor, detest, hate, Abridge contract, diminish, les- sen, shorten. Absent abstracted, inattentive, heedless. Absorb engross, engulf, imbibe, swallow. Abstain forbear, refrain, with- hold. Abstruse hidden, obscure, diffi- cult. Absurd foolish, unreasonable, preposterous, ridiculous, silly. Abundant ample, copious, plen- Abuslve insolent, offensive, scur- rilous, disgraceful. Accede acquiesce, agree, con- sent, assent, comply, yield. Accept admit, receive, take. Acceptable agreeable, grateful, welcome. Accession addition, augmenta- tion, increase. Accommodate adjust, adapt, serve, suit, flt. Accomplice abettor, ally, assist- ant, accessory, associate. Accomplish complete, effect, achieve, fulfill, execute, realize, finish. Account explanation, narration, description, recital. Accumulate heap, collect, gath- er, amass. Accurate precise, exact, correct. Accuse asperse, arraign, censure, impeach, defame, calumniate, de- tract, vilify. Achieve execute, complete, ful- fill, realize, accomplish, effect. Acknowledgment confession, concession. Acknowledge confess, own, avow, grant. Acquaint inform, communicate, disclose, make known. Acquiesce comply, yield, con- sent, agree, assent. Acquire gain, attain, procure, win, obtain. Acquirement attainment, gain. Acquit free, pardon, forgive, discharge, clear. Active quick, nimble, agile, alert, prompt, industrious, busy, brisk, vigorous. Actual real, certain, positive. Actuate impel, induce, move. Acute sharp, keen, subtle, pierc- ing, shrewd, pointed, penetrating. Adapt suit, fit, adjust, accommo- date. Add join to, put to, increase. Address speech, utterance, abil- ity, courtship, skill, direction. Addition augmentation, acces- sion, increase. Adhere stick, cleave, hold, at- tach. Adept apt, quick, skillful, expert. Adherent disciple, follower, par- tisan. Adhesion sticking, attachment, adherence. Adjacent close, near, adjoining, contiguous. Adjourn postpone, defer, delay. Adjust settle, fix, suit, adapt, ac- commodate. Administer give, execute, dis- pense, manage, supply, serve. Admiration regard, esteem, wonder, surprise, amazement. Admlsslon- mittance. entrance, access, ad- Admit allow, permit, tolerate, concede, grant. Admonition warning, advice, counsel, reproof. Adorn deck, embellish, beautify. Adroit agile, dexterous, clever, skillful. Adulterate corrupt, pollute, de- base, defile. Advancement progression, im- provement. Advantage profit, benefit, use, good. Adventure chance, casualty, contingency, incident, occur- rence. Adversary opponent, antago- nist, enemy. Adverse unfortunate, hostile, contrary, repugnant, opposed. Advert notice, turn, regard, al- lude. Advise consult, consider, delib- erate, admonish. Advocate plead, argue, defend, support. Affability civility, courteous- ness, urbanity. Affable civil, courteous, urbane, pleasing. Affair business, concern, matter, transaction. 66 DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Affect aim, assume, move, pre- tend, arrogate Affecting: feeling, touching, pa- thetic. Affection love, fondness, attach- ment, kindness, tenderness. Affiliate adopt, receive, initiate, associate. Affinity relationship, kindred, alliance, conformity, attraction. Affirm assure, assert, aver, de- clare, protest. Affliction pain, trouble, distress, grief, sadness, sorrow, tribula- tion, bereavement, calamity. Affluence plenty, abundance, riches, opulence, wealth, con- course, influx. Afford yield, grant, give, impart, spare. Affright alarm, dismay, shock, terrify, appall, frighten, dis- hearten, intimidate. Affront provoke, outrage, insult, offend. Afraid fearful, terrified, timid, timorous. A iced elderly, old, senile, ad- vanced in years. Agent representative, deputy. Aggregate mass, collect, ac- cumulate. Agile alert, active, lively, quick, sprightly, nimble, brisk. Agitate shake, disturb, move, discuss. Agitation disturbance, trepida- tion, tremor. Agony pain, distress, torture, anguish, suffering. Agree accede, acquiesce, assent, consent, concur, comply. Agreeable suitable, acceptable, pleasing, grateful. Agreement harmony, accord- ance, covenant, concurrence, con- tract, bargain. Aid assist, help, succor, relieve. Aim aspire, eudeavor, level, point. Air aspect, manner, appearance, look, mien. Alarm fear, consternation, dread, apprehension, fright, terror, sum- mons, surprise. Alienate transfer, withdraw, estrange. Allege adduce, affirm, advance, assert. Alleviate ease, abate, lessen, mitigate, relieve, diminish, soothe, lighten. Alliance coalition, union, com- bination, league, confederacy. Allot distribute, apportion, as- sign, appoint. Allowance wages, pay, stipend, salary, permission, concession, grant. Allude refer, suggest, hint, inti- mate. Allure tempt, entice, seduce, de- coy, attract. Alter change, vary, modify, re- arrange. Always ever, perpetually, con- stantly, continually, incessantly. Amass gather, heap, collect, ac- cumulate. Amuzement astonishment, sur- prise, wonder, admiration. Ambiguous obscure, doubtful, equivocal, uncertain. Amenable answerable, respon- sible, accountable. Amend correct, improve, better, rectify, reform, mend. Amends recompense, restoration, reparation, restitution. Amiable lovely, kind, charming, delightful, obliging. Ample large, extended, spacious, copious, abundant, plenteous. Amusement entertainment, di- version, sport, pastime, recrea- tion. Angry passionate, hot, irascible, hasty. Anguish pain, distress, suffering, agony. Animate cheer, enliven, exhilar- ate, impel, incite, inspire, urge, encourage. Animation life, spirits, liveli- ness, buoyancy, gayety, vivacity. Animosity hatred, enmity, mal- ignity, hostility. Annex attach, affix, add, sub- join. Announce proclaim, declare, ad- vertise, publish. Annul destroy, revoke, abolish, cancel, repeal, annihilate. Answer reply, response, rejoin- der. Answerable amenable, account- able, responsible. Antagonist enemy, foe,, oppo- nent, adversary. Antecedent previous, former, anterior, preceding, prior, fore- going. Antipathy aversion, abhor- rence, dislike, detestation, hatred. Anxiety caution, care, perplex- ity, solicitude, uneasiness, dis- quietude. Apathy unfeeiingness, indiffer- ence, insensibility, unconcern. Aperture cavity, opening. Apology defense, plea, excuse. Apparent-evident, clear, plain, visible, distinct. Appeal invoke, refer, call upon. Appearance aspect, look, air, manner, mien, semblance. Appease calm, soothe, pacify, allay, assuage, tranquilize. Applaud praise, approve, extol, commend. Applause acclamation, shout- ing, approval. Appoint allot, fix, provide, or- der, prescribe, ordain, depute, constitute. Appraise value, estimate. Appreciate value, esteem, esti- mate, prize. Apprehension terror, alarm, fear, seizure, dread, suspicion, fright. Apprise inform, acquaint, dis- close. Approach admittance, access, avenue, passage. Approbation approval, concur- rence, consent, sanction, confirm- ation. Appropriate assume, usurp, set apart. Appropriate peculiar, exclus- ive, adapted. Approve allow, like, applaud, esteem, commend. Arbitrator judge, umpire, ar- biter. Archives annals, records. Ardent hot, eager, passionate, fervent, fiery, vehement. Arduous hard, difficult, labori- ous. Argument proof, reason, dis- pute. Arise mount, ascend, rise, stand up. Arraign charge, accuse, im- peach. Arrange place, dispose, class, range. Arrogance assumption, pride, self-conceit, haughtiness, pre- sumption. Artful crafty, artificial, deceit- ful, cunning, dexterous. Articulate speak, pronounce, utter. Artifice deception, imposition, stratagem, cheat, deceit, finesse. Attitude posture, gesture. Attract charm, captivate, win, allure, draw, entice. Attractions charms, allure- ments, enticements. Audacity impudence, boldness, hardihood, effrontery. Auspicious favorable, propi- tious, prosperous, lucky, fortu- nate. Authentic genuine, authorized, true. Authority power, dominion, force, sway, influence, ascend- ency. Avarice greed, covetousness, cu- pidity. Averse loth, unwilling, reluct- ant, repugnant, unfortunate, un- favorable. Aversion dislike, repugnan-je, antipathy, abhorrence, detesta- tion. Avidity eagerness, greediness. Avocation calling, trade, pro- fession, office, business, employ- ment, occupation. Avoid shun, elude, eschew. Avow own, confess, recognize, acknowledge. Awake rouse.provoke, excite. Awe fear, dread, reverence. Babbling idle talk, loquacity, chattering, prattling. Hack ward loth, unwilling, re- luctant, averse. Baffle confound, defeat, discon- cert, elude, confuse. Balance settle, adjust, regulate, equalize. Banter taunt, ridicule, deride, rally, joke, jest. Bare stripped, naked, destitute, uncovered, unadorned. Bargain purchase, cheapen, contract, buy. Base mean, low, vile. Bashful shy, modest, diffident, timid. Basis foundation, pedestal, base, ground. Bastard spurious, illegitimate. Battle combat, fight, engage- ment. Bear carry, bring forth, support, suffer, endure, sustain, undergo. Beat hit, strike, defeat, over- throw. Bean sweetheart, gallant, dandy, fop. Beautiful handsome, fine. Beautify embellish, decorate, adorn, deck, ornament. Becoming suitable, graceful, comely, decent, befitting, meet, fit. Beg crave, beseech, entreat, ask, request, implore, solicit, suppli- cate. Begin originate, enter upon, commence. Beguile delude, mislead, amuse, deceive, impose upon. Behavior conduct, carriage, de- portment, manner, demeanor, address. Behold see, look, observe, view. Beholder spectator, looker on, observer. Belief credit, faith, trust, cer- tainty, confidence, reliance, con- viction, opinion, assent. Below under, beneath. Bend lean, incline, distort, bow, subdue. Beneath under, below. Bequeath devise, give by will. Beseech solicit, crave, implore, beg, entreat, request, urge, suppli- cate. Bestow grant, confer, give, pre- sent. Better improve, mend, reform, ameliorate. Blame reprove, reproach, con- demn, censure, reprehend, incul- pate, upbraid. Blameless unblemished, fault- less, innocent, guiltless, spotless, irreproachable. Blast desolate, destroy, wither up, split. Blemish flaw, spot, defect, fault, speck. Blunt dull, uncouth, insentient, abrupt. Blunder error, mistake. Boaster braggard, braggart, braggadocio, vaunter, blusterer. Boasting parade, ostentation, vaunting. Boisterous violent, furious, im- petuous. Bold courageous, daring, fear- less, impudent, insolent, auda- cious. Bondage servitude, slavery, con- finement, imprisonment. Border edge, verge, rim, brim, margin, brink, side. Bore pierce, penetrate, perfor- ate. Bound define, confine, restrict, terminate, limit, circumscribe. Bounty liberality, benevolence, generosity, beneficence. Brave bold, daring, heroic, un- daunted, courageous, intrepid, fearless. Breach gap, chasm, break, open- ing. Break destroy, batter, dissolve, rend, tame, demolish, shatter. Breaker surge, billow, wave, sand-bank, covered rock. Brief short, concise, succinct, compendious, summary, epitom- ized. Bright clear, shining, sparkling, brilliant, glistening, glittering, lucid, resplendent. Brilliancy-brightness, radiance, splendor, luster. Broad far-reaching, ample, ex- tensive, large, wide. Broil fight, quarrel, altercation, affray. Bruise break, crush, squeeze, pound, compress. Build erect, establish, construct, found. Bulk greatness, largeness, size, extent, magnitude, dimensions. Burden load, freight, weight, cargo. Burning ardent, fiery, scorch- ing, hot. Burst break, rend, crack, split. Business trade, occupation, call- ing, work, avocation, profession, employment. Bustle disorder, hurry, tumult, confusion. But except, still, however, save, nevertheless, yet, notwithstand- ing. Butchery havoc, slaughter, car- nage, massacre. Buy procure, bargain, obtain, purchase. Cabal coalition, league, combin- ation, conspiracy, intrigue, plot. Calamity mishap, disaster, mis- fortune. Calculate count, number, com- pute, reckon, estimate. Call exclaim, cry, invite, name, summon, subpoena. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. 67 Calling trade, occupation, pro- fession, business, employment, avocation. Calm soothe, compose, tranquil- ize, pacify, appease, assuage, al- lay. Cancel erase, destroy, abolish, repeal, annul, revoke. Candid frank, open, artless, hon- est, ingenuous. Capable able, fitted, competent, qualified, skillful. Capacity capability, faculty, ability, genius, talent. Caprice fancy, humor, freak, whim, notion. Capricious notional, variable, fickle, changeable, fantastical, whimsical. Captivate charm, enslave, at- tract, enchant, enrapture, take prisoner, fascinate. Captivity servitude, bondage, confinement, imprisonment. Capture prize, seizure. Care anxiety, solicitude, regard, attention, management, concern, disquietude, worry. Careful cautious, solicitous, at- tentive, provident, guarded, pru- dent, circumspect. Careless heedless, thoughtless, remiss, inattentive, negligent, unconcerned. Caress fondle, endear, embrace, stroke, soothe. Carnage massacre, butchery, slaughter. Carriage manner, behavior, de- portment, mien, demeanor, walk, bearing. Carry transport, convey, bear. Cast throw, hurl, turn, direct, fling. Catch snatch, seize, lay hold of, grasp, capture, grip. Cause origin, source, reason, in- ducement. Caution advice, warning, notice, admonition, care, solicitude, cir- cumspection. Cautious careful, wary, watch- ful, prudent, circumspect. Cease leave off, desist, stop, dis- continue. Celebrated honored, illustrious, famous, renowned. Celebrate praise, extol, com- mend, perpetuate. Censure rebuke, reprimand, con- demnation, reproach, stricture, blame. Ceremony form, rite, observ- ance. Certain manifest, actual, real, sure, constant. Chagrin vexation, mortification, fretfulness. Challenge demand, defy, claim, call, accuse, object, except. Chance hazard, casual, fortui- tous. Change alteration, variety, mu- tation, conversion, vicissitude. Changeable uncertain, variable, fickle, mutable, inconstant, un- steady. Character manner, reputation, description, letter, mark, quality. Charity kindness, benevolence, good-will, liberality, beneficence, generosity. Charm attract, bewitch, delight, enrapture, captivate, fascinate. Chasten correct, punish, afflict, chastise. Chasteness purity, continence, simplicity, chastity. Chastise correct, afflict, punish. Chattels effects, movable goods. Cheat fraud, deception, deceit, stratagem, imposition. Cheer incite, comfort, gladden, encourage, exhilarate. Cheerfulness mirth, gladness, liveliness, sprightliness, gayety, jollity, comfort. Cherish help, shelter, nurture, warm, foster. Chide scold, rebuke, reprove, rep- rimand. Chiefly mainly, principally, par- ticularly, especially. Childish simple, puerile, trifling. Childhood infancy, minority. Children offspring, issue, pro- geny. Choke stifle, smother, suffocate. Choice selection, election, op- tion. Choose prefer, select, pick, elect. Circulate spread, pass, diffuse, propagate. Circumscribe limit, confine, enclose, bound. Circumstance event, incident, state, situation, condition. Circumspect watchful, wary, cautious, particular, vigilant, pru- dent. Circumstantial minute, partic- ular, incidental, accidental. Civil obliging, polite, affable, courteous, complaisant, polished, well-bred. Civilization refinement, cul- ture. Claim demand, pretension, right. Clandestine secret, hidden, pri- vate. Class division, order, degree, rank. Cleansing purifying, purging, cleaning. Clear free, pure, acquit, absolve, discharge, satisfy, vindicate, ap- parent, evident, obvious. Clearly distinctly, lucidly, plain- ly, manifestly, obviously, visibly. Clemency mercy, mildness, len- ity, kindness. Clever adroit, skillful, ready, ex- pert. Climb mount, scale, ascend. Cling stick, hold, cleave, clasp, hang. Close shut, firm, compact, con- cise, confined, near. Clothes raiment, garments, cov- ering, attire, habiliments, ap- parel. Clouded obscured, variegated, dark, gloomy, overcast, sullen. Clumsy awkward, unhandy, un- couth, bungling. Coadjutor assistant, colleague, ally. Coalition conspiracy, league, union, combination. Coarse gross, inelegant, rough, rude, vulgar, unrefined. Coax flatter, wheedle, fawn, ca- jole. Coerce force, compel, restrain. Cognomen name, appellation, denomination. Coherent consistent, adhesive, tenacious. Coincide harmonize, agree, con- cur. Cold reserved, chill, frigid, shy, unaffecting. Colleague ally, associate, part- ner, coadjutor. Collected calm, placid, unruffled, composed, gathered. Collection gathering, contribu- tion, assemblage, group. Colloquy dialogue, conference, talk. Color dye, hue, tint, paint, tinge. Combination union, league, coalition, conspiracy, alliance, confederacy. Comely graceful, handsome, agreeable. Comfort solace, console, encour- age, enliven. Comfortless wretched, desolate, forlorn. Comic funny, ludicrous, ridicu- lous, laughable. Command direction, behest, pre- cept, order, injunction. Commanding dictatorial, im- perative, authoritative, imperious. Commence undertake, originate, begin. Commend praise, recommend, extol, applaud, approve, laud. Commensurate --sufficient, ade- quate, equal, proportionate. Comment utterance, explana- tion, exposition, annotation, note, observation, elucidation, remark. Commiseration feeling for, pity, compassion, sympathy, con- dolence. Commission authorize, enable, empower. Commodious fit, suitable, con- venient. Commodity goods, merchandise, wares. Common mean, vulgar, frequent, low. general, ordinary, usual. Commotion perturbation, dis- turbance, tumult. Communicate tell, report, dis- close, make known, impart, re- veal. Communication commerce, in- tercourse, conference. Communion fellowship, union, converse, intercourse. Commute exchange, barter. Compact contract, agreement, covenant, firm, solid, close. Companion ally, accomplice, associate, comrade, friend, confed- erate, partner. Company assembly, band, crew, corporation, congregation, associ- ation. Compass attain, enclose, invest, besiege, environ, encircle, con- summate. Compassion tenderness, pity, sympathy, commiseration. Compensation pay, amends, re- ward, remuneration, requital. Competent suitable, fitted, able, qualified, capable, efficient, skill- ful, effective. Competition rivalry, contest, emulation. Complaining lamenting, mur- muring, bemoaning, bewailing, regretting, repining. Complaisant agreeable, affable, courteous, civil. Complete conclude, fulfill, termi- nate, effect, accomplish, finish, consummate, execute. Complex intricate, complicate, compound. Compliment extol, flatter, con- gratulate, praise. Comply agree, accord, accede, assent, yield, acquiesce, consent. Compose put together, form, set- tle, soothe, calm, quiet, com- pound. Comprehend appreciate, em- brace, include, understand, com- prise, conceive. Compress condense, squeeze, bind. Compulsion constraint, force, restraint, coercion. Compunction regret, penitence, remorse, repentance, contrition. Compute count, number, rate, estimate, calculate. Concede yield, grant, allow, de- liver, admit, surrender. Conceal hide, disguise, cover, secrete. Conceit imagination, fancy, no- tion, freak. Conceited vain, proud, egotis- tical, opinionated. Conception perception, knowl- edge, fancy, idea, imagination, notion. Concern care, interest, business, affair, regard, matter. Concert contrive, manage, ad- just, consult. Conciliate win, reconcile, pro- pitiate. Conclude finish, terminate, close. Conclusion termination, infer- ence, end. Conclusive convincing, decisive. Concord harmony, agreement, unity, amity, peace. Concur agree, coincide, approve, acquiesce. Condemn sentence, doom, blame, reproach, reprove. Condense abbreviate, shorten, contract. Condescension humility, sub- mission, deference. Condition rank, state, compact, bond, case, situation, stipulation. Condolence compassion, com- miseration, sympathy. Conduce conduct, tend, lead, con- tribute. Conduct management, behavior, guidance, deportment. Confederate ally, accomplice, associate. Confer give, bestow, discourse, grant. Confess acknowledge, grant, own, admit, avow, recognize, disclose. Confide rely, trust, repose, de- pend. Confident impudent, bold, posi- tive, dogmatical, absolute, assured. Confined limited, shut up, cir- cumscribed, restrained, contracted, imprisoned. Confirm corroborate, establish, strengthen. Conflict contest, contention, fight, agony, combat, struggle, warfare, pang. Conform submit, yield, comply. Confuse stupefy, embarrass, con- found, abash, disorder, perplex. Congrulty agreement, consist- ency. Conjecture guess, think, belief, surmise. Connected joined, united, re- lated. Connection intercourse, union, commerce, association, commun- ion. Conquer subdue, vanquish, over- come, surmount. Conscious aware, sensible, ap- prised. Consent yield, agree, assent, com- ply, acquiesce, accede. Consequence result, inference, effect. Consequently hence, according- ly, therefore, wherefore. Consider ponder, dehoeratc, re- gard, reflect. Consign entrust, commit, trans- fer, make over. Consistent agreeing, consonant, accordant, firm. Console comfort, soothe, cheer. Conspicuous prominent, noted, distinguished, illustrious. Constancy perseverance, firm- ness, steadiness, stability. Constantly ever, continually, perpetually, unchangeably, inces- santly. Construct make, build, erect, form. Consult consider, deliberate, ad- vise. Consume waste, destroy, absorb, complete. 68 DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Consummation perfection, com- pletion. Con tuitions epidemic, infectious. Contain hold, include, embrace, comprehend. Contaminate pollute, taint, de- file, corrupt, poison. Contemn scorn, despise, disdain. Contemplate consider, meditate, muse. Contemptible paltry, vile, dis- dainful, mean, despicable, disrep- utable, low. Contend quarrel, debate, contest, argue, vie, strive. Contention strife, conflict, con- test, combat, dispute, dissension. Contentment acquiescence, hap- piness, satisfaction, gratification. Contiguous near, approximat- ing, adjacent. Continual perpetual, constant, incessant, unceasing, continuous. Continuation continuance, dura- tion. Contract arrangement, bargain, agreement, compact, covenant. Contract curtail, abridge, con- dense, abbreviate, reduce, shorten. Contradict gainsay, deny, op- pose. Contrary opposite, adverse, in- imical. Contribute assist, administer, aid, share. Contrition remorse, penitence, repentance, compunction, regret. Contrivance device, means, in- vention, plan, scheme. Control subdue, restrain, check, govern, curb. Controversy argument, debate, disputation, contest. Convene call together, assemble, convoke. Convenient handy, adapted, suitable. Conversation dialogue, discus- sion, conference, colloquy. Converse commune, speak, talk, discourse. Convey take, carry, bear, trans- port. Conviction persuasion, detec- tion, satisfaction. Convivial agreeable, festal, so- cial, sociable. Convoke gather, assemble, con- vene, call together. Copious ample, full, abundant, exuberant, plenteous, bountiful. Cordial hearty, warm, sincere. Correct mend, amend, reform, better, improve, rectify. Corroborate establish, confirm, strengthen. Corruption depravity, pollution, defilement, adulteration, contami- nation, infection, putridity. Costly expensive, precious, valu- able. Counsel advice, instruction, ex- hortation. Counteract change, defeat, op- pose, hinder, frustrate, prevent. Countenance uphold, favor, en- courage, support, sanction. Counterfeit forged, feigned, false, spurious, imposture, imita- tion. Couple brace, pair, two, join, connect. Courage heroism, valor, brav- ery, firmness, intrepidity, fearless- ness. Course mode, way, track, line, career, progress, method, passage, road, route, series, succession. Courteous kind, civil, affable, polished, respectful, polite, well- bred. Covenant arrangement, agree- ment, contract, pledge, stipula- tion. Covering concealing, screening, sheltering, hiding, overspreading. Covetoiisness greed, avarice, cupidity, inordinate desire. Coward sneak, dastard, pol- troon. Cowardice fear, timidity, cow- ardliness. Crafty underhanded, cunning, artful, wily, deceitful, sly, subtle. Crave beg, pray, beseech, entreat, implore, request, solicit, suppli- cate. Create build, form, make, cause, invent, originate, shape, produce. Crime evil, guilt, wickedness, sin, vice. Crisis juncture, critical point. Criticism stricture, censure, re- view, remark, judgment. Crooked bowed, turned, curved, awry, bent, disfigured, deformed. Cross ill-tempered, fretful, peev- ish, spleeny, petulant, splenetic. Cruel barbarous, brutal, pitiless, inhuman, inexorable, unmerciful, harsh. Cultivation advancement, civil- ization, improvement, refinement, tillage. Cure heal, restore, remedy. Curious prying, inquisitive. Curse imprecation, malediction, anathema, execration. Cursory hasty, careless, slight, desultory, superficial. Curtail shorten, contract, abbre- viate, abridge. Custom habit, manner, usage, prescription, practice. Damage injury, hurt, loss, detri- ment. Dampness wet, moisture, hu- midity. Danger hazard, peril, risk, ven- ture. Daring bold, fearless, valorous, courageous, intrepid, brave. Dark dismal, obscure, gloomy, dim. ' Date time, period, epoch, era, age. Dead still, lifeless, inanimate, deceased. Deadly fatal, mortal, destruc- tive. Dealing trade, practice, traffic, commerce. Dearth famine, need, scarcity, want. Debar deter, hinder, prevent, exclude, preclude. Debase lower, degrade, humble, disgrace. Debate argue, wrangle, dispute, controvert, contest. Debilitate impair, weaken, en- ervate, enfeeble. Debility infirmity, weakness, in- capacity, imbecility, feebleness. Decay decline, consumption. Decease demise, death, depart- ure of life. Deceit fraud, duplicity, decep- tion, cunning, artifice, trickery, guilt. Decent comely, fit, seemly, be- coming. Decide settle, resolve, fix, deter- mine. Decision sentence, determina- tion, judgment, resolution, conclu- sion. Decisive conclusive, convincing, ending. Declare announce, pronounce, testify, proclaim, assure, assert, affirm. Decline droop, decay, shun, re- ject, repel, sink, refuse. Decorate embellish, ornament, beautify, adorn. Decoy allure, tempt, seduce, en- tice, inveigle. Decrease lessen, diminish, sub- side, lower, abate. Dedicate devote, consecrate, set apart. Deduction abatement, inference, conclusion. Deed action, exploit, achieve- ment, feat. Deface mar, disfigure, destroy, mutilate. Defame slander, vilify, scandal- ize, calumniate. Defeat beat, baffle, conquer, overcome, overthrow, vanquish, frustrate. Defect want, flaw, blemish, im- perfection. Defective wanting, imperfect, deficient. Defender protector, advocate, pleader, vindicator. Defense apology, excuse, justifi- cation, protection, vindication. Defer delay, hinder, prolong, re- tard, postpone, protract, procras- tinate. Deference respect, regard, con- descension, submission, venera- tion. Deficient lacking, wanting, im- perfect. Defile taint, poison, vitiate, cor- rupt, contaminate, pollute. Definite exact, precise, positive, certain, bounded, limited. Defraud swindle, cheat, rob, de- ceive, trick. Degrade lower, disgrace, lessen, reduce, decry, depreciate, dispar- age. Degree rank, position, station, class, order. Dejection depression, lowliness, melancholy. Delay hinder, defer, detain, pro- long, protract, postpone. Deliberate slow, hesitating, considerate, thoughtful, cautious. Delicate frail, fine, nice, weak, tender, beautiful, elegant, dainty. Delighted pleased, glad, grate- ful, joyful. Delineate-^describe, draw, paint, sketch, depict, represent. Delinquent criminal, offender. Deliver give up, save, yield, utter, surrender, concede, rescue, transmit. Delude mislead, deceive, cheat, beguile. Delusion cheat, illusion, decep- tion, fallacy. Demand claim, require, ask. Demolish overthrow, destroy. Demonstrate illustrate, show, prove, manifest. Denominate name, title, style, designate. Denote imply, signify, mark, be- token. Deny refuse, disown, contradict, oppose. Departure leaving, forsaking, going away, abandoning, exit. Dependence trust, reliance, con- fidence, connection. Deplore bemoan, bewail, mourn, lament. Deportment behavior, conduct, character, carriage, demeanor. Depraved degraded, corrupt, abandoned, profligate, wicked, vicious. Deprecate underrate, disparage, detract, undervalue, degrade, tra- duce, lower. Deprive prevent, hinder, depose, divest, strip, abridge. Depute authorize, appoint, con- stitute. Deputy agent, substitute, repre- sentative, delegate. Derange disarrange, discompose, disorder, confuse, disconcert. Deride mock, ridicule, make fun of, banter, laugh at. Describe illustrate, narrate, de- lineate, recount, relate, represent. Description account, illustra- tion, narration, explanation, re- cital, relation, detail. Design intend, plan, scheme, pur- pose, project, sketch. Designate name, show, point out, indicate, choose, distinguish, style. Desist stop, leave off, cease, dis- continue. Desperate desponding, hopeless, mad, careless, furious, regardless. Despicable mean, vile, pitiful, worthless, outrageous, contempt- ible. Despise hate, scorn, loathe. Despotic arbitrary, self-willed, absolute. Destination point, location, lot, design, fate, purpose, appoint- ment. Destitute bare, forlorn, poor, scanty, forsaken, needy. Destroy ruin, waste, demolish, consume, annihilate, dismantle. Desultory hasty, slight, loose, roving. Detach sever, separate, disjoin, divide. Detail account, tale, description, narration, recital. Detain keep, restrain, confine, hold. Detect find, discover, convict. Determine fix, decide, bound, limit, settle, resolve, adjust. Determined firm, resolute, de- cided, fixed, concluded, ended, im- movable. Detest hate, loathe, abominate, abhor. Detestable hateful, loathsome, abominable, execrable. Detract defame, degrade, vilify, slander, calumniate, scandalize, derogate. Detriment inconvenience, loss, injury, disadvantage, damage, hurt, prejudice. Develop grow, unravel, clear, unfold, disclose, exhibit. Deviate stray, wander, err, di- gress, swerve. Device design, scheme, show, plan, contrivance, stratagem, in- vention. Devote give, apply, consecrate, set apart, dedicate. Devout pious, holy, religious, prayerful. Dexterity adroitness, ability, expertness, aptness, skillfulness, skill, tact. Dialect language, speech, tongue. Dictate propose, direct, order. prescribe, instruct, suggest. Die expire, depart, perish, lan- guish, wither. Differ dispute, dissent, contend, vary, disagree. Different unlike, various, di- verse. Difficult trying, arduous, hard, troublesome. Difficulty obstacle, obstruction, embarrassment, trouble, perplex- ity, trial, impediment. Diffident retiring, fearful, bash- ful, distrustful, modest, hesitat- ing. Dignified exalted, elevated, honored, stately. Diligent industrious, assiduous, laborious, active, persevering, at- tentive. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. 69 Diminish shorten, curtail, abate, decrease, lessen, subside. Direct show, guide, conduct, manage, regulate, sway. Direction command, order, ad- dress, superscription. Directly at once, quickly, im- mediately, instantly, promptly, instantaneously. Disagree dispute, dissent, differ, quarrel, vary. Disappoint foil, defeat. Disaster misfortune, calamity, mischance, mishap. Disavow disown, deny, disclaim, repudiate. Discard cast off, dismiss, dis- charge. Discern distinguish. discrimi- nate, penetrate, behold, discover. Discernible plain, evident, per- ceptible, manifest, apparent. Disclose reveal, discover, di- vulge. Disconcert disorder, confuse, defeat, ruffle, fret, vex, unsettle, interrupt, derange. Discord contention, dissension, inharmony. Discover make known, detect, communicate, reveal, impart, tell, disclose. Discredit dishonor, scandal, dis- grace, disrepute, ignominy, re- proach. Discretion prudence, judgment. Disdain scorn, contempt, pride, arrogance, haughtiness. Disease sickness, distemper, mal- ady, disorder. Disgrace degrade, debase, dis- honor, abase. Disguise cover, disfigure, con- ceal, dissemble. Disgust loathing, nausea, dislike, aversion. Dishonor shame, disgrace. Dislike antipathy, aversion, re- pugnance, hatred, contempt, ab- horrence. Dismiss discharge, divest, dis- card. Disorder confusion, bustle, dis- ease, tumult, malady, distemper, irregularity. Disparage lower, undervalue, degrade, detract, decry, depre- ciate. Disperse scatter, dissipate, deal out, spread, distribute. Display parade, exhibit, show, ostentation. Displease offend, anger, vex. Dispose regulate, place, arrange, order, adapt. Dispute contest, debate, quarrel, altercation, difference, contro- versy. Disseminate spread^ circulate, scatter, propagate. Dissertation discourse, essay, treatise, disquisition. Dissipate disperse, squander, waste, expend, consume, dispel. Distaste aversion, disgust, con- tempt, dislike, dissatisfaction, loathing. Distinct clear, obvious, different, separate, unlike, dissimilar. Distinguish discriminate, know, see, perceive, discern. Distinguished noted, eminent, conspicuous, celebrated, illustri- ous. Distress grief, sorrow, sadness, suffering, affliction, agony, pain, anguish, misery. Distribute deal put, scatter, as- sign, allot, apportion, divide. District locality, section, tract, region, territory, province, cir- cuit, county. Diversion enjoyment, pastime, recreation, amusement, deviation, sport. Divide separate, part, share, dis- tribute. Divine suppose, conjecture, fore- tell, guess. Dlvulge-^-disclose, impart, reveal, communicate, publish. Docile gentle, tractable, pliant, teachable, yielding, quiet. Doctrine belief , wisdom, dogma, principle, precept. Dogmatical positive, authorita- tive, arrogant, magisterial, confi- dent. Doleful awful, dismal, sorrow- ful, woeful, piteous, rueful. Doubt suspense, hesitation, per- plexity, scruple, uncertainty. Doubtful unstable uncertain, dubious, precarious, equivocal. Drag pull, bring, haul, draw. Dread fear, apprehension. Dreadful fearful, frightful, ter- rible, awful, horrible. Dress array, apparel, vestments, garments, attire. Droop pine, sink, fade, decline, languish. Dumb mute, still, silent, inartic- ulate. Durable lasting, constant, per- manent, continuing. Dutiful submissive, obedient, respectful. Dwelling home, house, abode, habitation, residence, domicile. E Eager earnest, excited, ardent, impetuous, quick, vehement. Earn acquire, win, make, gain, obtain. Earth globe, world, planet. Ease rest, quiet, repose, facility, lightness. Economical careful, close, sav- ing, frugal, thrifty, sparing. Ecstasy happiness, joy, rapture, transport, delight, enthusiasm, elevation. Edifice building, fabric, struct- ure. Education culture, cultivation, breeding, refinement, instruction, nurture, tuition. Efface destroy, obliterate, erase, expunge, eradicate. Effect consequence, result, pur- pose, event, issue, reality, mean- ing. Effects things, goods, chattels, furniture, movables, property. Efficient competent, capable, able, effectual, effective. Effort endeavor, essay, attempt, exertion, trial. Elegant graceful, lovely, beauti- ful, handsome. Eligible suitable, fit, worthy, capable. Embarrass trouble, entangle, puzzle, perplex, distress. Embellish ornament, decorate, adorn, illustrate, deck, beautify. Emblem symbol, figure, type. Embrace hold, clasp, hug, com- prehend, comprise. Emergency necessity, exigency, casualty. Emolument reward, profit, gain, advantage, lucre. Emotion feeling, tremor, excite- ment, agitation. Employment occupation, trade, profession, business, avocation. Empower enable, delegate, com- mission, authorize. Empty untenanted, vacant, void, evacuated, unfurnished, unfilled. Enchant beguile, charm, capti- vate, bewitch, fascinate, enrap- ture. Encomium eulogy, praise. Encounter quarrel, assault, at- tack, combat, engagement, meet- ing. Encourage cheer, stimulate, animate, incite, sanction, support, countenance, instigate. Encroach intrude, trespass, in- fringe. End finish, close, stop, extremity, termination, sequel, consequence, cessation, death, purpose. Endeavor aim, exertion, effort, attempt. Endless unending, everlasting, perpetual, interminable, infinite, incessant, eternal. Endurance submission, forti- tude, patience, resignation. Enemy adversary, opponent, foe, antagonist. Energy determination, efficacy, force, vigor, strength, potency, power. Enervate weaken, enfeeble, un- nerve, debilitate, deteriorate. Engage employ, enlist, fight, induce, pledge, promise, attract, win. Enjoyment happiness, pleasure, joy, gratification. Enlarge extend, widen, length- en, increase. Enmity spite, hatred, hostility, malignity, animosity. Enough ample, sufficient, plenty, abundance. Enrage excite, irritate, inflame, incense, aggravate, exasperate. Enrapture charm, attract, cap- tivate, fascinate, enchant. Enterprise business, adventure, attempt, undertaking. Entertainment pastime, sport, amusement, recreation, diversion, performance, banquet, feast. Entice tempt, decoy, seduce, at- tract, allure. Entire full, whole, perfect, com- plete, total, integral. Entirely perfectly, completely, wholly. Entitle style, designate, name, characterize, denominate. Entreat-^ask, solicit, crave, beg, beseech, implore, petition, suppli- cate. Envy suspicion, jealousy, grudg- ing. Epitomize lessen, abridge, cur- tail, reduce, condense. Equal commensurate, adequate, uniform. Equitable just, right, honest, satisfactory, impartial, reason- able, fair. Eradicate exterminate, root out, extirpate. Erase expunge, efface, cancel, obliterate. Erect build, raise, found, set up, construct, elevate, establish, in- stitute. Error blunder, mistake, fault. Escape elope, evade, elude, fly, avoid, pass. Essential important, necessary, requisite, indispensable. Esteem respect, regard, value, appreciate, prize, love. Estimate rate, compute, value, calculate, appraise, appreciate, esteem. Eternal perpetual, forever, end- less, infinite, immortal, continual, everlasting. Evade escape, elude, avoid, pre- varicate, shun. Even smooth, level, plain, equal, uniform. Event incident, adventure, issue, occurrence, result, consequence. Ever always, constantly, forever, unceasingly, continually, inces- santly. Evidence proof, deposition, wit- ness, testimony. Evil sinful, wicked, bad. Exact enjoin, demand, extract, extort. Exact sure, strict, punctual, pre- cise, accurate. Exalted high, elevated, refined, dignified, raised, sublime, mag- nificent. Examination search, scrutiny, investigation, inquiry, research. Example copy, precedent, pat- tern. Exasperate excite, irritate, en- rage, vex, provoke, aggravate. Exceed improve, outdo, excel, surpass, transcend. Excellence goodness, purity, superiority, perfection, eminence. Except but, besides, unless, ob- ject. Exchange barter, trade, traffic. Excite provoke, arouse, incite, stimulate, awaken, irritate. Exculpate forgive, exonerate, acquit, absolve, justify. Excuse pretense, pretext, plea, subterfuge, apology, evasion. Execrable hateful, detestable, contemptible, abominable. Exemption freedom, privilege, immunity. Exercise practice, exert, carry on. Exhaust empty, drain, spend. Exigency necessity, emergency. Exonerate clear, relieve, excul- pate, justify, acquit, absolve, forgive. Expectation belief, trust, hope, confidence, anticipation. Expedient fit, suitable, neces- sary, requisite. Expedite hurry, hasten, accel- erate, quicken. Expeditious speedy, diligent, quick, prompt. Expel exile, banish, cast out. Expensive dear, costly, valu- able. Experience knowledge, trial, experiment, proof, test. Expert handy, ready, skillful, adroit, dexterous. Explain show, elucidate, unfold. Explanation detail, account, description, relation, explication, recital. Explicit clear, definite, express, plain. Exploit feat, accomplishment, achievement, deed, performance. Explore search, examine. Extend spread out, stretch out, enlarge, increase, distend, diffuse. Extensive wide, comprehensive, large. Extenuate palliate, diminish, lessen, excuse. Exterior outward, outside, ex- ternal. Exterminate eradicate, extir- pate, destroy. External outward, exterior. Extol commend, praise, admire, laud, eulogize, applaud. Fac-etioiiK amusing, jocular, comic, jocose. Fact incident, circumstance. Faculty ability, gift, talent, power. Fulling weakness, imperfection, frailty, misfortune, miscarriage, foible, fault. Falr-^-clear, consistent, right, im- partial, straight, honest, just, equitable. Faith trust, belief, credit, fidel- ity. 70 DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Fallacious illusive, visionary, deceitful, delusive, fraudulent. Falsehood falsity, falsification, fabrication, fiction, lie, untruth. Familiar free, intimate, uncere- monious. Famous celebrated. eminent, renowned, distinguished, illustri- ous. Fanciful ideal, imaginative, capricious, fantastical, whimsical, hypochondriac. Fancy imagination, taste, whim, caprice, inclination, liking, con- ceit, notion, conception, humor, ideality. Fascinate charm, attract, capti- vate, bewitch, enchant, enrapture. Fashion style, mode, custom, manner, way, practice, form, sort. Fasten fix, hold, stick, annex, attach, affix. Fastidious particular, disdain- ful, squeamish. Fate destiny, chance, fortune, luck, doom, lot. Favor civility, support, benefit, grace. Favorable auspicious, suitable, propitious. Fault failing, error, shortcoming, blemish, imperfection, offense. Faultless guiltless, blameless, spotless, innocent. Fear alarm, dread, timidity, ter- ror, fright, trepidation, appre- hension. Fearful dreadful, horrible, ter- rible, awful, afraid, timorous, timid. Fearless daring, brave, intrepid, undaunted, courageous. Feasible reasonable, plausible, practicable. Feat exploit, trick, achievement, act, deed. Feeble frail, infirm, weak. Feeling sensation, 'sympathy, generosity, sensibility. Felicity joy, delight, happiness, prosperity, bliss, blessedness. Fertile fruitful, prolific, abund- ant, productive. Fervor warmth, heat, ardor, vehemence, zeal. Festivity joyfulness, happiness, gayety, festival. Fickle unstable, changeable, in- constant, variable, capricious, impulsive. Fiction invention, lie, untruth, falsehood, fabrication. Fidelity faith, honesty, loyalty. Fiery hot, fervent, impulsive, ardent, passionate, vehement. Figure shape, semblance, form, representation, statue. Fine delicate, nice, pretty, lovely, showy, beautiful, elegant. Finish conclude, end, terminate, close, complete, perfect. Firm ready, strong, immovable, solid, steady, sturdy, partnership, resolute. First highest, chief, earliest, pri- mary, primitive, pristine, com- mencement, original. Fitted suited, competent, quali- fied, adapted. Flag droop, languish, decline, pine, faint. Flagitious wicked, atrocious, flagrant, heinous. Flavor taste, odor, fragrance. Flaw spot, stain, speck, crack, blemish, defect. Fleeting transient, transitory, swift, temporary. Fleetness swiftness, rapidity, quickness, velocity, celerity. Fluctuate vary, waver, change, hesitate, vacillate. Follower adherent, successor, believer, disciple, partisan, pur- suer. Fondness affection, love, attach- ment, tenderness. Foolish simple, stupid, silly, ab- surd, preposterous, irrational. Forbear refrain, spare, abstain, pause. Forbid deny, prohibit, interdict, oppose. Force oblige, compel, restrain. Forcible powerful, strong, irre- sistible, mighty, potent, cogent. Forebode foretell, presage, be- token, prognosticate, augur. Forego quit, give up, resign. Foregoing before, former, pre- vious, prior, preceding, anterior, antecedent. Forethought expectation, fore- sight, anticipation, premedita- tion. Forfeiture penalty, fine. Forge counterfeit, frame, invent, fabricate. Forgive absolve, pardon, remit, acquit, excuse. Forlorn forsaken, lost, lonely, destitute, deserted. Form -ceremony, observance, rite. Form al cermonious. particular, methodical, exact, stiff, precise. Forsake desert, abandon, leave, abdicate, relinquish, quit. Fortunate successful, lucky, prosperous. Fortune estate, portion, success, fate. Forward confident, eager, bold, ardent, immodest, presumptuous, ready, progressive. Foster keep, harbor, nourish, cherish, nurse. Fragile brittle, weak, tender, frail. Frailty weakness, unsteadiness, instability, failing, foible. Frame fabricate, compose, plan, contrive, invent, form, adjust. Fraternity society, brother- hood. Fraud cheat, imposition, deceit, deception, guile. Freak whim, caprice, humor, fancy. Free generous, liberal, candid, open, frank, familiar, unconfined, unconstrained, unreserved, mu- nificent, bounteous. Free deliver, liberate, rescue, clear, affranchise, enfranchise. Freedom liberty, independence, exemption, privilege, familiarity, unrestraint. Freely spontaneously, frankly, unreservedly, cheerfully, unhesi- tatingly, liberally. Frequently often, repeatedly, commonly, generally, usually. Fresh new, recent, cool, modern, novel. Fret chafe, anger, gall, corrode, agitate, vex. Fretful captious, peevish, angry, petulant. Friendly pleasant, kind, agree- able, sociable, amicable. Fright panic, consternation, ter- ror, alarm. Frighten terrify, scare, alarm, intimidate, affright, daunt. Frightful horrid, horrible, terri- ble, terrific, dreadful, fearful. Frugal careful, saving, prudent, economical. Fruitful abundant, plentiful, fertile, productive, prolific. Frustrate defeat, hinder, foil, nullify, disappoint. Fully-largely, amply, completely, copiously, abundantly. Futile useless, frivolous, trifling. G Gain obtain, get, win, acquire, attain, profit. Gait bearing, mien, walk, car- riage. Gale breeze, storm, hurricane, tempest. Gather collect, muster, infer, assemble, compress, fold. Gay dashing, showy, merry, fine, cheerful. Generally usually, commonly, frequently. Generous liberal, bounteous, beneficent, munificent, noble. Genius talent, intellect, wisdom, ingenuity, capacity, ability, taste. Genteel polished, refined, man- nerly, cultured, polite. Gentle tame, meek, mild, quiet, peaceable. Genuine real, actual, authentic, unalloyed, unadulterated, true, natural. Germinate sprout, shoot, grow, bud, vegetate. Gesture action, motion, posture, attitude. Get ;gain, attain, obtain, procure, realize, acquire, possess. Gift donation, present, gratuity, benefaction, endowment, ability, talent. Give impart, confer, grant, be- stow, consign, yield. Glad happy, gay, cheerful, joy- ful, joyous, delighted, gratified. Glance sight, look, glimpse. Glitter glisten, sparkle, shine, glare, radiate. Glittering glistening, sparkling, shining, bright, brilliant. Gloom dark, sad, dim, cloudy, dull, sullen, morose, melancholy. Glory fame, renown, splendor, praise, honor, reputation, bright- ness. Graceful comely, genteel, be- coming, elegant, neat. Grand dignified, lofty, exalted, great, elevated, magnificent, sub- lime, majestic, glorious, superb, splendid. Grant give, bestow, cede, confer, concede, sell, yield. Grasp grip, seize, catch. Grateful thankful, agreeable, delicious, pleasing. Gratification indulgence, hap- piness, enjoyment, fruition, pleas- ure. Grave slow, solemn, thoughtful, serious, important, sedate. Greatness size, bulk, grandeur, magnitude, immensity, dignity, power. Greediness ravenous, rapacity, voracity, covetousness, eagerness. Grief sadness, sorrow, distress, regret, melancholy, affliction, an- guish. Grieve bemoan, bewail, afflict, lament, hurt, mourn, sorrow. Group cluster, collection, assem- blage. Grow sprout, vegetate, proceed, increase. Guarantee warrant, vouch for, secure. Guard protect, defend, shield, watch. Guess suppose, conjecture, think, surmise, divine. Guest stranger, visitor, visitant. Guide lead, direct, conduct, con- trol, instruct, regulate. Guilty depraved, wicked, sinful, criminal, debauched. Hale strong, sound, hearty, ro- bust. Handsome fine, fair, beautiful, pretty, graceful, lovely, elegant, noble. Happiness contentment, luck, Xapplness felicity, bliss. Harass tire, molest, weary, dis- turb, perplex, vex, torment. Harbinger messenger* fore- runner, precursor. Hard near, close, unfeeling, in- exorable, arduous, difficult, firm, hardy, solid. Hardened unfeeling, obdurate, insensible, callous. Hardihood boldness, presump- tion, audacity, effrontery, daring, bravery. Hardly barely, scarcely, with difficulty. Hardship affliction, oppression, grievance, injury. Harm evil, injury, damage, mis- fortune, hurt, ill, mishap. Harmless gentle, unoffending, inoffensive, innocent. Harmony unison, concord, ac- cordance, melody, agreement. Harsh rough, stern, severe, rig- orous, austere, morose. Hasten hurry, expedite, acceler- ate, quicken. Hastiness dispatch, speed, pre- cipitancy, hurry, rashness. Hasty rash, angry, quick, pas- sionate, cursory. Hate dislike, abjure, detest, ab- hor, loathe, abominate. Hateful odious, contemptible, execrable, detestable, abominable, loathsome. Haughtiness vanity, self-con- ceit, arrogance, pride, disdain. Hazard trial, venture, chance, risk, danger, peril. Headstrong self-willed, stub- born, forward, violent, obstinate, venturesome. Heal restore, cure, remedy. Healthy well, sound, wholesome, salutary, salubrious. Hear harken, listen, watch, at- tend, overhear. Hearty sincere, zealous, warm, strong, cordial, ardent, healthy. Heaviness sorrow, gloom, de- jection, weight, gravity. Heedless dilatory, thoughtless, negligent, remiss, careless, inat- tentive. Heighten raise, advance, im- prove, aggravate. Heinous wicked, sinful, flagrant, atrocious. Help provide, serve, assist, aid, relieve, support, succor. Hence from, thence, so, accord- ingly, therefore, wherefore, con- sequently. Heroic bold, noble, brave, fear- less, valiant, courageous, intrepid. Heroism valor, boldness, cour- age, bravery, gallantry, fortitude. Hesitate pause, falter, wait, de- lay, doubt, demur, stammer. Hidden obscure, mysterious, secret, covert, concealed. Hideous awful, frightful, horri- ble, ghastly, grim, grisly. Hilarity-jollity, joviality, mirth, merriment, cheerfulness, gayety. Hinder interfere, impede, em- barrass, retard, prevent, oppose, stop, thwart, obstruct. Hold keep, occupy, maintain, retain, detain, grasp, possess. Honesty honor, fidelity, frank- ness, integrity, probity, purity, justice, sincerity, rectitude, up- rightness, truthfulness. Honor exalt t dignify, respect, adorn, revere, esteem, venerate, reverence. Hope desire, belief, trust, confi- dence, expectation, anticipation. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. 71 Hopeless desponding, dejected, despairing. Horrible dreadful, terrible, ter- rific, fearful, frightful, awful. Hostile unfriendly, contrary, op- posite, repugnant. Hostility enmity, opposition, animosity, illwill, unfriendliness. House domicile, dwelling, home, habitation, family, race, quorum. However notwithstanding, but, nevertheless, yet, still. Humble meek, lowly, subdued, submissive, modest, unpretend- ing, unassuming. Hurry hasten, expedite, precip- itate. Hurtful annoying, injurious, detrimental, mischievous, perni- cious, prejudicial. Hypocrisy dissimulation, pre- tence, deceit. U ea _notion, thought, conception, imagination, perception. Idle unoccupied, unemployed, in- active, indolent, still, lazy, sloth- ful. Ignorant untaught, unskilled, uninformed, unlettered, illiterate, unlearned. Illness sickness, disorder, dis- ease, malady. Illusion falsity, mockery, decep- tion. Imagine think, suppose, fancy, conceive, deem, contrive, appre- hend. Imbecility weakness, languor, feebleness, infirmity, debility, im- potence. Imitate follow, copy, mimic. Immaterial unimportant, insig- nificant, inconsiderable, inconse- quential, uncorporeal, spiritual, unsubstantial, unconditioned. Immediately instantly, directly. Immense vast huge, enormous, prodigious, unlimited. Immodest impudent, bold, indel- icate, shameless, indecent, un- chaste. Impair lessen, weaken, injure, decrease. Impart gn..nt, bestow, disclose, communicate, reveal, divulge. Impatient uneasy, eager, rest- less, hasty. Impeach censure, reproach, ar- raign, accuse. Impede hinder, delay, obstruct, retard. Impediment obstruction, ob- stacle, hinderance. Impel urge, force, incite, induce, instigate, animate, encourage. Impending imminent, threaten- ing. Imperative commanding, im- perious, authoritative, despotic. Imperfection wanting, blemish, fault, defect, failing, frailty, foible, weakness. Imperious commanding, domi- neering, haughty, imperative, proud, lordly, overbearing, tyran- nical. Impertinent rude, quarrelsome, intrusive, insolent, meddling, ir- relevant, troublesome. Impetuous hasty, rough, vehe- ment, violent, forcible, boisterous. Implicate involve, embarrass, entangle. Implore beg, beseech, ask, en- treat, supplicate, solicit, request. Imply mean, signify, denote, in- fer, involve. Importance weight, moment, signification, consequence. Imposture deceit, cheat, fraud, deception, imposition , counterfeit, artifice. Imprecation execration, curse, malediction, anathema. Improve cultivate, correct, re- form, rectify, amend, advance. Impudent insolent, bold, rude, saucy, impertinent, uncouth, im- modest, shameless. Impute charge, ascribe, attrib- ute. Inability disability, weakness, impotence. Inactive sluggish, lazy, idle, slothful, inert, drowsy. Inadequate insufficient, incom- petent, unable, incapable. Inattentive negligent, heedless, careless, inadvertent, thoughtless, dilatory, remiss. Incessantly constantly, contin- ually, unremitingly, unceasingly. Incident contingency, circum- stance, event. Incite provoke, excite, stimulate, arouse, encourage, animate, ag- gravate. Include contain, enclose, com- prise, embrace, comprehend. Incommode molest, disturb, in- convenience, trouble, annoy. Incompetent inapt, insufficient, incapable, inadequate, unsuitable. Inconsistent incongruous, con- trary, ridiculous, absurd. Inconstant unstable, uncertain, fickle, variable, changeable, ver- satile. Indecent unbecoming, impudent, immodest, indelicate. Indicate show, mark, point out, reveal. Indifferent passive, neutral, re- gardless, unconcerned, impartial. Indigence poverty, need, want, penury. Indigenous native. Indignation temper, anger, dis- pleasure, contempt, resentment, wrath. Indiscretion imprudence, folly, injudiciousness. Indispensable important, nec- essary, essential. Indisputable undeniable, in- dubitable, unquestionable, incon- trovertible, conclusive, settled. Indistinct confused, ambiguous, doubtful, dark. Induce persuade, lead, influence, urge, instigate, actuate. Industrious diligent, persever- ing, laborious, assiduous, active. Inevitable unavoidable, certain. Inexorable immovable, relent- less, unyielding, implacable. Inexpedient unsuitable, unfit, inconvenient. Infect taint, corrupt, defile, con- taminate, pollute. Inference deduction, conclusion. Inferior less, lower, secondary, subservient, subordinate. Infested disturbed, troubled, an- noyed, plagued. Infinite boundless, unbounded, illimitable, unlimited, immense, eternal. Infirm weak, sickly, decrepit, feeble, debilitated, imbecile. Influence authority, power, per- suasion, credit, favor, sway. Information notice, counsel, intelligence, advice, instruction. Ingenious inventive, talented, skillful. Ingenuity capacity, invention, genius, skill, talent. Inhabit dwell, occupy, reside, stay, abide, sojourn. Inherent innate, inborn, inbred. Inhuman cruel, savage, barbar- ous, brutal. Iniquitous unjust, evil, wicked, nefarious. Injunction order, mandate, pre- cept, command. Injure harm, hurt, impair, dam- age, deteriorate. Innate natural, inherent, inbred, inborn. Innocent pure, blameless, guilt- less, faultless, inoffensive, harm- less, spotless. Inordinate immoderate, intem- perate, irregular, excessive. Inquisitive curious, inquiring, anxious, prying. Insanity derangement, madness, craziness, lunacy, mania. Insensibility dullness, apathy, indifference, stupidity, torpor, imperceptibility. Insidious deceitful, sly, crafty, cunning, subtle, treacherous. Insignificant worthless, mean- ingless, inconsiderable, trivial, unimportant. Insinuate hint, suggest, inti- mate. Insolent insulting, abusive, rude, haughty, saucy, offensive, imper- tinent. Inspire animate, invigorate, en- liven, cheer, exhilarate, suggest. Instigate tempt, incite, urge, encourage, impel, move, stimu- late. Instill infuse, implant, sow. Instruction education, precept, teaching, suggestion, counsel, ad- vice. Insufficient inadequate, incap- able, incompetent, unfit, unable, unsuitable. Insult abuse, affront, outrage, contempt, insolence, indignity. Integrity purity, probity, truth- fulness, uprightness, honesty. Intellect understanding, genius, ability, capacity, talent. Intelligence intimation, under- standing, information, notice, knowledge, intellect. Intemperate excessive, immod- erate, inordinate. Intend purpose, mean, design. Intercede mediate, interpose, interfere. Interline insert, alter, correct, add. Intermission cessation, stop, rest, vacation, interruption. Intermit abate, suspend, sub- side, forbear. Interpose mediate, interfere, intermeddle. Interpret explain, demonstrate, elucidate, expound, decipher. Interrogate examine, question, inquire. Interval space, interstice, time. Intervening coming between, interposing, intermediate. Intimidate frighten, alarm, daunt, scare. Intoxication infatuation, ine- briety, drunkenness. Intractable perverse, obstinate, stubborn, ungovernable, uncon- trollable, unmanageable. Intrepid fearless, undaunted, bold, daring, valiant, courageous, brave. Intrinsic real, true, inherent, in- ward, essential, genuine. Introductory preliminary, pre- vious, prefatory. Intrude invade, infringe, en- croach, obtrude, entrench. Intrust confide, commit. Invade enter, attack, intrude, encroach, infringe. Invalid weak, sick, infirm, null, feeble, void. Invalidate weaken, injure, des- troy, overthrow. Invective censure, abuse, rail- ing, reproach, satire. Invent feign, fabricate, frame, conceive, discover, devise. Invest enclose, surround, confer, adorn, array, endow, endue. Investigation search, inquiry, examination, scrutiny, research. Inveterate obstinate, confirmed, constant, fixed. Invigorate restore, strengthen, fortify. Invincible unyielding, uncon- querable. Involve envelop, enwrap, en- tangle, implicate. Irascible irritable, hasty, fiery, hot, angry. Ire anger, temper, wrath, pas- sion, resentment. Irony ridicule, sarcasm, satire, burlesque. Irrational unreasonable, fool- ish, absurd, silly. Irrefragable undeniable, indis- putable, incontrovertible, unques- tionable. Irritate plague, anger, tease, excite, provoke, aggravate, exas- perate. Irruption opening, invasion, in- road, bursting forth. Issue offspring, progeny, result, end, sequel, egress, evacuation, effect, consequence. Jade harass, weary, tire, dis- pirit. Jealousy suspicion, envy. Jest fun, joke, sport. Jocose funny, witty, merry, joc- ular, pleasant, facetious, wag- gish. Jocund joyful, lively, merry, gay, sprightly, sportive, light- hearted, vivacious, mirthful. Join unite, add, combine, close, adhere, confederate league. Joke rally, sport. Jollity hilarity, mirth, gayety, merriment, festivity, joviality. Journey travel, trip, voyage, tour. Joy happiness, delight, gladness, charm, rapture, ecstasy, felicity, exultation, pleasure, transport. Judgment sentence, decision, doom, opinion, discernment, dis- crimination, penetration, intelli- gence, sagacity. Just exact, accurate, correct, honest, barely, upright, righteous, equitable, incorrupt. Justify defend, excuse, clear, absolve, maintain. Justness exactness, correctness, accuracy, equity, propriety. Keen sharp, penetrating, acute, cutting, piercing, shrewd. Keep hold, detain, support, re- tain, maintain, guard, reserve, sustain. Kind indulgent, compassionate, tender, lenient, gentle, affable, courteous, benignant, bland. Kind sort, manner, class, race, species, way, genus. Knowledge understanding, per- ception, learning, erudition, skill, acquaintance. Labor toil, work, strive, exert, drudge. Lament sorrow, mourn, deplore, complain, bewail, grieve, regret. Language tongue, speech, dia- lect, idiom. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Languid weary, weak, faint, exhausted, dull, drooping. Larger-comprehensive, capacious, extensive, big, great, huge. Lassitude prostration, languor, weariness, enervation, fatigue. Last latest, hindmost, ultimate, final, end. roasting durable, continuous, for- ever, continual, permanent, per- petual, eternal. Latent unseen, hidden, secret. Laudable praiseworthy, com- mendable. Laughable droll, ridiculous, comical, mirthful. Lavish profuse, wasteful, extrav- agant. Lazy indolent, idle, slothful, in- active. Lean bend, incline, totter, waver. Learning intelligence, knowl- edge, erudition, science, litera- ture, information. Leave abandon, desert, resign, relinquish, bequeath. Legitimate real, legal, lawful, genuine. Lengthen protract, extend, con- tinue, draw out. Lessen diminish, decrease, abate, reduce, subside, shrink, degrade. Let allow, permit, suffer, leave, hire. Lethargic dull, tired, weary, heavy, drowsy, sleepy. Level even, smooth, plain, flat. Levity giddiness, gayety, fickle- ness, vanity, lightness. Liable exposed, responsible, sub- ject. Liberal benevolent, generous, munificent, charitable. Liberate free, set free, deliver, release. Liberty freedom, permission, license, leave, exemption, privilege. He deception, untruth, fiction, fabrication, falsehood. Life being, energy, vitality, vi- vacity, briskness. Lifeless deceased, dead, inani- mate, inactive, stale, flat, dull. 1,1ft raise, elevate, exalt, hoist. Light illuminate, enlighten, nim- ble, kindle. Like probable, similar, uniform, resembling. Likeness resemblance, picture, portrait. Liking inclination, attachment, fondness, affection. Linger wait, delay, loiter, hesi- tate, saunter, tarry, lag. Liquid fluid, liquor. Listen hearken, attend, hear, overhear. Little small, diminutive. Live exist, subsist, dwell, abide, reside. Lively active, energetic, brisk, nimble, jocund, merry, sprightly, vigorous. Lodge accommodate, entertain, shelter, harbor. Loftiness height, haughtiness, stateliness, elevation, dignity, pride. Loiter lag, saunter, linger. Lonely dreary, lonesome, retired, solitary. Look see, behold, view, inspect, appearance. Loose unconnected, open, unre- strained, dissolute, licentious, un- jointed. Loss injury, damage, detriment, waste. Lot share, portion, fate, fortune, destiny. Loud noisy, vociferous, clamor- ous, turbulent, vehement. Love liking, affection, fondness, kindness, attachment, adoration, esteem. Lovely attractive, amiable, ele- gant, charming, handsome, fine, delightful, beautiful. Lover beau, wooer, suitor. Loving kind, affectionate, atten- tive, tender, amorous. Low humble, mean, base, abject, debased, dejected, despicable. Lower humble, humiliate, de- base, degrade. Lucky successful, fortunate, prosperous. Ludicrous amusing, comical, droll, laughable. Lunacy mania, derangement, in- sanity, madness. Luxuriant excessive, voluptu- ous, abundant, exuberant. Luxury profusion, abundance, excess. M Magnificent noble, grand, sub- lime, glorious, splendid, superb. Magnitude size, greatness, bulk. Maintain sustain, keep, support, help, continue, assert, defend, vindicate. Malady evil, disease, affliction, disorder, distemper. Manage control, direct, conduct. Mandate command, charge, in- junction, order. Mangle-^cut, lacerate, mutilate, tear, maim. Manifest evident, clear, open, apparent, obvious, plain. Margin edge, verge, rim, brim, brink, border. Mark stamp, impress, imprint, brand, show, observe. Marriage matrimony, wedlock, nuptials. Marvel wonder, prodigy, mir- acle. Massive large, heavy, bulky, ponderous. Master achieve, overcome, sur- mount, conquer. Mature perfect, complete, ripe. Maxim saying, adage, proverb. Mean abject, low, despicable, miserly, sordid, penurious, nig- gardly. Meaning sense, import, signifi- cation, intention, purpose, design. Meanwhile meantime, interim, intervening. Mechanic artisan, artificer. Meddle interpose, interfere, in- terrupt. Mediate intercede, interpose. Meek mild, soft, gentle, humble. Meet assemble, join, fit, becom- ing. Meeting assembly, company, auditory, congregation. Melancholy sadness, distress, depression, gloom, grief, dejec- tion. Melody harmony, unison, happi- ness, concord. Melt dissolve, soften, liquefy. Memory remembrance, reminis- cence, recollection. Mend improve, repair, rectify, correct. Merciful mild, tender, gracious, benignant, compassionate, forgiv- ing. Merciless hard-hearted, pitiless, cruel, unmerciful. Mercy pity, clemency, compas- sion, lenity. Merry happy, joyous, cheerful, gay, lively, mirthful, sportive, sprightly, vivacious. Messenger bearer, carrier, har- binger, forerunner, precursor. Metaphor similitude, trope, em- blem, allegory, symbol. Method order, manner, system, mode, rule, plan, regularity. Mighty strong, powerful, -great, potent. Mild meek, gentle, kind, easy, sweet, tender, mellow. Mindful heedful, observant, at- tentive. Minister contribute, supply, ad- minister. Mirth merriment, joy, hilarity, cheerfulness, vivacity, jollity. Mischief damage, harm, hurt, misfortune, injury. Miserly stingy, covetous, nig- gardly, penurious, avaricious. Misfortune calamity, harm, dis- aster, mishap, ill-luck. Mistake error, blunder, miscon- ception. Misuse ill-treat, pervert, abuse, misapply. Mitigate lessen, alleviate, ap- pease, ameliorate, abate, assuage, soothe, mollify. Model pattern, copy, sample, mould, specimen. Moderation temperance, sobri- ety, frugality, forbearance, mod- esty. Modern recent, late, new, novel. Modest quiet, retiring, reserved, diffident, bashful, unassuming. Modify re-arrange, change, ex- tenuate, alter, moderate. Molest annoy, vex, tease, incom- mode, trouble, disturb. Mollify ease, appease, moderate, mitigate, assuage, soften. Morose sour, rillen, gloomy, peevish, forbidding. Motive incentive, reason, cause, principle. Mourn grieve, lament, sorrow, bewail, bemoan. Move change, pars, stir, incite, influence, persuade, actuate, in- stigate, impel. Munificent bounteous, bounti- ful, generous, beneficent, liberal, plentiful. Muse study, ponder, wonder, re- flect, think, meditate, contem- plate. Mutable changeable, unsteady, inconstant, fickle, wavering, un- stable, variable, alterable, irreso- lute. Mutilate deface, injure, destroy, deprive, mangle, maim. Mutinous turbulent, seditious, insubordinate. Mysterious hidden, dim, dark obscure, mystic, latent. N Naked exposed, nude, unclothed, uncovered, simple, plain. Name cognomen, appellation, title, reputation, credit, denomin- ation. N arrow contracted, confined, limited, curtailed, close. Native indigenous, genuine, in- trinsic. Near adjoining, adjacent, close, contiguous. Necessary needful, expedient, indispensable, essential, import- ant, requisite. Need poverty, want, penury, in- digence. Nefarious evil, wicked, unjust, wrong, iniquitous. Negligent careless, heedless, re- miss, neglectful, inattentive. New fresh, late, modern, novel. Nigh close, adjoining, contiguous, near, adjacent. Noble distinguished, elevated, exalted, illustrious, great, grand. Noisy boisterous, turbulent, high, clamorous, loud sounding. Noted renowned, distinguished, conspicuous, celebrated, eminent, notorious, illustrious. Notice warning, information, in- telligence, advice. Notion thought, opinion, senti- ment, whim, idea, conception, perception. Notorious celebrated, renowned, distinguished, noted, public, con- spicuous. Notwithstanding nevertheless, however, in spite of, yet. Nourish feed, uphold, maintain, cherish, nurture, support. Obdu rate inflexible, unfeeling, callous, impenitent, hardened, in- sensible, obstinate. Obedient submissive, compliant, yielding, dutiful, obsequious, res- pectful. Object end, subject, aim. Object oppose, against, except to. Oblige compel, coerce, bind, en- gage, force, favor, please, gratify. Obnoxious offensive, liable, dis- agreeable, unpleasant, exposed. Obscure hidden, concealed, in- distinct, difficult, dark, abstruse. Observance ceremony, rite, at- tention, form, respect. Observant watchful, attentive, mindful, regardful. Observe see, notice, watch, fol- low, remark, keep. Obsolete disused, old, worn-out, antiquated, ancient, old-fashioned. Obstacle impediment, obstruc- tion, difficulty, hinderance. Obstinate stubborn, resolute, headstrong. Obstruct impedb, hinder, stop, prevent. Obtain gain, secure, get, win, acquire, procure, earn. Obvious plain, apparent, open, clear, evident, visible, manifest. Occupation work, profession, calling, trade, business, avoca- tion, employment. Occupy keep, hold, use, possess. Occurrence event, contingency, adventure, incident. Odor smell, fragrance, perfume, scent. Offense trespass, crime, injury, sin, outrage, insult, misdeed, wrong, transgression. Offensive mean, abusive, insult- ing, impertinent, insolent, rude, scurrilous, obnoxious, opprobri- ous. Officious busy, active, forward, obtrusive, intrusive. Only solely, singly, alone, simply, merely. Open unravel, reveal, disclose, unlock. Opening fissure, aperture, hole, cavity. Operation performance, action, agency. Opinion belief, idea, sentiment, notion. Opinionated obstinate, stub- born, stiff, egotistical, conceited, self-willed. Opponent opposer, adversary, roe, enemy, antagonist. Opposite contrary, repugnant, adverse. Opprobrious reproachful, inso- lent, abusive, offensive, insulting, scandalous, scurrilous. Opprobrium shame, disgrace, reproach, infamy, ignominy. Oration speech, sermon, lecture, discourse, address, harangue. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. 73 Ordain appoint, invest, order, prescribe. Order brotherhood, fraternity, rank, method, succession, series, degree, genus. Ordei mandate, injunction, pre- cept, command. Orderly precise, regular, system- atic, methodical. Ordinary usual, common. Origin rise, cause, source, foun- dation, beginning, descent, foun- tain. Original primitive, flrst, pris- tine, primary. Ornament decorate, beautify, adorn, deck, embellish. Ornate decorated, adorned, em- bellished, bedecked, garnished. Ostentation parade, show, dis- play, boast. Outrage insult, injure, affront, violence. Outward extraneous, apparent, intrinsic. Overbearing repressive, imper- tinent, haughty, lordly. Overcome vanquish, conquer, surmount, subdue. Overflow fill, inundate, deluge, abound. Oversight ; mistake, error, mis- apprehension, inattention. Overwhelm overpower, crush, upturn, overthrow, subdue. Owner holder, proprietor, mas- ter, possessor. Pacify calm, still, quiet, soothe, conciliate. Pain distress, afflict, torture, tor- ment, suffer, hurt. Paint portray, represent, depict, sketch, color, describe, delineate. Pair join, two, couple, brace. Pale fade, wan, white, pallid, fair. Palpable gross, plain, apparent, discernible, perceptible. Palpitate tremble, throb, beat, flutter, gasp, pant. Pant; torture, torment, distress, agony, anguish, sorrow. Pardon acquit, forgive, clear, free, discharge, release, remit. Parsimonious mean, frugal, miserly, avaricious, penurious, niggardly. Part share, portion, division, piece, action. Particular individual, specific, exact, appropriate, circumstan- tial, peculiar, exclusive, punctual, distinct. Particularly chiefly, mainly, principally, especially, distinctly, specifically. Partisan disciple, adherent, fol- lower. Partner associate, accomplice, colleague, coadjutor. Passion desire, feeling, love, anger, excitement. Passionate hot, angry, irasci- ble, hasty, excitable. Passive submissive, unresisting, patient, resigned. Pathetic affecting, touching, moving. Patience endurance, fortitude, resignation. Patient resigned, composed, en- during, calm, passive, an invalid. Peaceable quiet, calm, serene, tranquil, mild, gentle. Peevish fretful, disagreeable, petulant, cross, captious, irri- table. Penalty punishment, pain, fine, forfeiture, chastisement. Penitence contrition, remorse, compunction, repentance. Penurious parsimonious, spar- ing, miserly, niggardly, beggarly. Penury want, poverty, distress, indigence, need. Perceive observe, discern, dis- tinguish. Perception belief, conception, sentiment, idea, sensation, notion. Peremptory positive, despotic, arbitrary, dogmatical, absolute. Perfect done, complete, finished. Perfidious false, treacherous, faithless. Perforate pierce, bore, pene- trate. Perform execute, accomplish, effect, produce, achieve, fulfill. Perfume odor, smell, scent, ex- halation, fragrance. Period circuit, date, age, epoch, era. Permit allow, suffer, consent, admit, tolerate, yield. Pernicious noisome, ruinous, destructive, mischievous, hurtful, noxious. Perpetual uninterrupted, inces- sant, unceasing, constant, con- tinual. Perplex bewilder, annoy, con- fuse, involve, molest, puzzle, em- barrass, harass, entangle. Persevere endure, continue, persist, insist, pursue,, prosecute. Perspicuity clearness, transpar- ency, brilliancy. Persuade urge, induce, exhort, influence, entice, prevail upon. Perverse stubborn, un tractable, unmanageable, crooked, cross. Pestilential destructive, mis- chievous, epidemical, infectious, contagious. Petition prayer, supplication, request, suit, entreaty. Picture likeness, image, effigy, representation. Pious spiritual, devout, godly, religious. Pique offense, grudge, dislike, malice, spite, rancor. Pity sympathy, commiseration, compassion, condolence, mercy. Place site, ground, post, posi- tion. Placid still, calm, gentle, quiet, tranquil, serene. Plague perplex, embarrass, tan- talize, annoy, importune, vex, torment. Plain perceptible, discernible, manifest, obvious, clear, appar- ent, evident, distinct. Plan design, contrivance, device, scheme, arrangement, project, stratagem. Pleasant cheerful, jocular, gay, vivacious, agreeable, facetious, witty. Please gratify, satisfy, humor, delight. Pleasure satisfaction, delight, happiness, enjoyment, joy. Pledge pawn, deposit, security, hostage, earnest. Plentiful bounteous, abundant, copious, exuberant, ample, plen- teous. Pliant lithe, limber, yielding, bending, supple, flexible, pliable. Plight predicament, state, case, situation, condition, conjuncture. Plot plan, arrangement, project, conspiracy, combination, scheme, intrigue. Polite courteous, well-bred, civil, polished, refined, genteel, affable. Politeness good manners, civil- ity, courtesy, suavity, good breed- ing. Politic wise, careful, artful, cun- ning, civil, prudent. Pollute corrupt, taint, defile, in- fect, contaminate. Pompons lofty, stately, ostenta- tious, showy, dignified, magnitt- cent. Ponder study, reflect, think, muse, consider. Portion piece, part, quantity, share, division, dower, fortune. Positive confident, certain, real, dogmatic, sure, absolute. Possess keep, hold, have, enjoy, occupy. Postpone retard, delay, prolong, protract, defer, procrastinate. Posture figure, gesture, action, position, attitude. Potent -~- powerful, strong, vigor- ous, mighty, forcible. Poverty want, need, indigence, penury , suffering. Practicable possible, feasible, available. Practice custom, style, manner, form, use, habit. Praise eulogize, applaud, laud, admire, commend. Prayer application, petition, re- quest, suit, entreaty, supplication. Precarious uncertain, dubious, doubtful, equivocal, unreliable. Precedence priority, superior- ity, preference. Preceding anterior, previous, prior, antecedent, former, fore- going. Precept maxim, rule, principle., injunction, law, doctrine, man- date, command. Precious choice, costly, valu- able, expensive, uncommon, rare. Precise careful, particular, ex- act, accurate, correct, nice. Preclude intercept, prevent, ob- viate, hinder. Predicament condition, plight, position, situation. Predict prophesy, foretell. Predominant prevalent, over- ruling, controlling, supreme, pre- vailing. Predominate prevail, rule over. Preference advancement, pri- ority, choice. Prejudice bias, injury, hurt, disadvantage. Preliminary previous, prepar- atory, introductory, antecedent. Prepare arrange, qualify, flt, equip, make ready. Preposterous impossible, ridic- ulous, absurd, foolish. Prerogative immunity, privi- lege. Prescribe dictate, ordain, ap- point. Preserve uphold, maintain, pro- tecti spare, save. Pressing urgent, emergent, im- portunate, crowding, squeezing, forcing. Presume guess, suppose, think, surmise, conjecture, believe. Presuming forward, arrogant, presumptuous. Pretext excuse, pretense, pre- tension. Pretty lovely, beautiful, fine, agreeable. Prevailing dominant, ruling, overcoming, prevalent, predom- inating. Prevent impede, obstruct, hin- der, obviate, preclude. Previous before, prior, anterior, preliminary, introductory. Price value, worth, expense, cost. Pride self-esteem, arrogance, haughtiness, conceit, ostentation, loftiness, vanity. Primary elemental, flrst, orig- inal, pristine. Principal main, chief, capital, head, leading, important. Principle motive, tenet, constit- uent part, doctrine, element. Print impress, stamp, mark. Prior before, previous, former, antecedent, preceding, anterior. Priority preference, precedence, pre-eminence. Pristine original, flrst, primi- tive. Privacy seclusion, solitude, re- tirement, loneliness. Privilege prerogative, right, advantage, immunity, exemption. Probability supposition, likeli- hood, chance. Probity reliability, uprightness, honesty, integrity, veracity. Proceed progress, arise, issue, advance, emanate. Proceeding transaction, course, progression, work. Proclaim declare, publish, an- nounce, tell, advertise, promul- gate. Proclivity liking, tendency, in- clination, proneness. Procure obtain, acquire, gain. Prodigal lavish, extravagant, wasteful. Prodigious great, astonishing, vast, large, amazing, monstrous. Profane secular, irreverent, im- pious, irreligious. Profession calling, employment, business, vocation, work, labor. Proficiency advancement, im- provement, progress. Profit gain, advantage, benefit, emolument. Profligate depraved, wicked, corrupt, sinful, vicious, aban- doned. Profuse lavish, wasteful, prodi- gal, extravagant. Progeny descendants, offspring, race, issue. Project invent, design, scheme, plan. Prolific productive, fruitful, fer- tile. Prol I x tiresome, diffuse. long, Prolong extend, delay, protim-t, postpone, retard, procrastinate. Prominent eminent, conspicu- ous, distinguished. Promise agreement, assurance, engagement, declaration, pledge, word, obligation. Promote raise, encourage, for- ward, advance. Prompt quick, active, ready, assiduous. Pronounce say, speak, utter, declare, affirm, articulate, enun- ciate. Proof evidence, testimony, argu- ment. Propagate multiply, increase, disseminate, diffuse, circulate, spread, extend. Propensity liking, inclination, proneness, tendency, bias. Proper fit, right, suitable, just, appropriate. Propitious favorable, auspi- cious. Propitiate conciliate, appease, reconcile. Proportionate equal, adequate, commensurate. Propose offer, apply, tender, in- tend, purpose, bid. Prospect view, landscape, sur- vey. Prospective future, foreseeing, hereafter, forward. Prosperous fortunate, lucky, flourishing, successful. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Protect uphold, guard, shield, maintain, defend, cherish, foster, patronize. Protract withhold, retard, pro- long, delay, defer, postpone. Proud haughty, assuming, arro- gant, lofty, vain, conceited. Proverb maxim, saying, adage. Provide procure, furnish, sup- ply, prepare. Provident cautious, prudent, economical, careful. Proviso requirement, condition, stipulation. Provoke excite, irritate, enrage, aggravate, exasperate, tantalize. Prudence forethought, careful- ness, wisdom, discretion, judg- ment. Publish announce, promulgate, proclaim, advertise, declare. Puerile infantile, boyish, child- ish, juvenile. Pull bring, haul, draw, drag. Punctual prompt, particular, exact. Punish whip, chastise, correct, discipline. Pursue follow, prosecute, chase, persist, continue, persevere. Puzzle confound, perplex, em- barrass, bewilder, entangle. Q Quack imposter, pretender, em- piric, charlatan. Qualified capable, fit, adapted, competent. Quarrel fight, affray, riot, con- test, battle, contention, alterca- tion, dispute, tumult. Query question, interrogatory, inquiry. Question ask, examine, doubt, dispute, consider, inquire, inter- rogate. Questionable suspicious, doubt- ful. Quick rapid, active, lively, swift, prompt, expeditious, brisk. Quiet calm, repose, tranquillity, rest, ease, peaceable, placid, still. Quit depart, leave, resign, aban- don, forsake, relinquish. Quota rate, share, proportion. Quote copy, relate, cite, addiice. Race lineage, family, breed, gen eration, course. Radiance light, glory, bright ness, brilliancy. Rage indignation, anger, fury. Raise heighten, elevate, exalt, erect, collect, propagate. Rank class, degree, place, posi- tion. Ransom purchase, free, redeem. Rapacious voracious, greedy, ravenous. Rapidity swiftness, fleetness, celerity, speed, agility, velocity. Rapture joy, delight, transport, ecstasy. Rare scarce, uncommon, excel- lent, singular, unusual, incompar- able, raw. Rash impulsive, hasty, violent, thoughtless, headstrong. Rate price, quota, proportion, ratio, value, degree, assessment. Ravenous voracious, rapacious, greedy. Ray dawn, beam, gleam, streak, glimmer. Real certain, true, genuine, pos- itive, actual. Realize reach, procure, achieve, consummate, accomplish, effect. Reason purpose, proof, motive, argument, origin, understanding. Reasonable fair, probable, just, moderate, equitable, honest, ra- tional. Rebuke reprimand, reproach, reproof, censure. Recant revoke, recall, renounce, withdraw, retract, abjure. Recede retire, retrograde, fall back, retreat. Recite repeat, rehearse. Reckon count, number, esti- mate, calculate", compute. Reclaim reform, recover, cor- rect. Recollection memory, remem- brance, reminiscence. Recompense satisfaction, pay, price, reward, equivalent, remun- eration. Reconcile propitiate, conciliate. Recruit-repair, retrieve, replace, recover. Rectify mend, improve, correct, amend, reform. Redeem restore, rescue, recover, ransom. Redress relief, remedy. Refer propose, suggest, allude, intimate, hint. Refined graceful, genteel, pol- ished, polite, elegant. Reform correct, amend, rectify, improve, better. Refractory unmanageable, un- ruly, contumacious, perverse. Refrain forego, forbear, spare, abstain. Regale refresh, entertain, feast, gratify, Regard respect, esteem, value, reverence, mind, heed. Regardless careless, negligent, indifferent, unconcerned, unob- servant, heedless. Region section, quarter, district, country. Regret sorrow, complaint, grief, lament. Regulate control, rule, direct, govern, dispose, adjust. Rehearse detail, repeat, recite, recapitulate. Reject refuse, deny, decline, re- pel. Rejoinder response, answer, re- ply. Reliance trust, belief, repose, confidence, dependence. Relieve assist, help, succor, aid, alleviate, mitigate, support. Religious pious, devout, holy. Remain continue, stay, abide, tarry, sojourn. Remainder rest, residue, rem- nant. Remark comment, observation, note. Reminiscence recollection, re- membrance. Remiss heedless, negligent, inat- tentive, careless, thoughtless. Remit send, transmit, liberate, abate, forgive, pardon, relax. Remorse penitence, contrition, distress. Renew revive, refresh, renovate. Renounce leave, resign, abdi- cate, abandon, forego, relinquish, quit. Renown reputation, celebrity, fame. Repair improve, retrieve, re- cover, restore. Reparation restitution, restor- ation, amends. Repeal cancel, annul, revoke, abolish, abrogate, destroy. Repeat detail, rehearse, recite. Repetition-tautology, prolixity, iteration, reiteration. Replenish supply, fill, refill. Repose ease, sleep, rest, quiet. Reproach blame, reprove, cen- sure, condemn, upbraid, repri mand. Repugnance aversion, abhor- rence, antipathy, dislike, hatred. Repugnant hostile, adverse, op- posite, contrary. Reputation repute, fame, char- acter, honor, renown, credit. Request solicit, ask, demand, entreat, beg, beseech, implore. Requisite important, necessary, essential, expedient. Research investigation, study, examination, inquiry. Resemblance similarity, sem- blance, similitude, likeness. Residence home, abode, house, dwelling, domicile. Residue leavings, remainder, rest. Resign yield, abdicate, renounce, relinquish, forego. Resignation patience, endur- ance, submission, acquiescence. Resist endure, oppose, with stand. Resolution firmness, determina- tion, fortitude, courage, decision. Resort visit, frequent, haunt. Respect esteem, regard, defer- ence, attention, consideration, good -will, estimation. Respectful deferential, dutiful, obedient, civil. Respite delay, suspension, in- terval, reprieve. Response reply, answer, re- joinder. Responsible amenable, answer- able, accountable. Rest quiet, ease, repose, inter- mission, stop, cessation, others, remainder. Restore cure, renew, return, repay, rebuild. Restrain confine, repress, re- strict, coerce, limit, constrain. Restrict limit, circumscribe, hold, bind. Result effect, issue, ultimate, consequence, event. Retain hold, detain, keep, re- serve. Retard hinder, defer, protract, postpone, delay, procrastinate, prolong, prevent, impede. Retire recede, withdraw, re- treat, secede. Retract annul, take back, re- voke, recant, recall. Retrieve renew, recover, re- gain. Reveal impart, divulge, commu- nicate, disclose, expose. Revenge vindicate, avenge. Revere adore, worship, rever- ence, venerate. Review examine, survey, no- tice, revision. Revive enliven, renew, reani- mate, refresh, renovate. Revoke cancel, annul, abolish, repeal, abrogate, efface, retract. Reward recompense, remunera- tion, compensation, satisfaction. Riches wealth, opulence, afflu- ence. Ridicule deride, banter, laugh at. Ridiculous droll, absurd, ludic- rous, preposterous, unreasonable, improbable. Right correct, just, honest, proper, privilege, claim, direct, straight, immunity. Righteous just, godly, upright, honest, incorrupt, virtuous. Rite form, custom, ceremony, observance. Road path, way, course, route. Roam wander, ramble, stroll, range, rove. Room chamber, space, place, apartment. Rough harsh, uncivil, rude, un- couth, unmannerly, unpolished, rugged, severe, stormy. Round globular, spherical, orb, circuit, tour. Route path, course, way. road. Rude rough, impertinent, coarse, impudent, unpolished, saucy, dis- greeable, bold. Rule authority, law, regulation, government, custom, maxim, habit, precept, guide. Sacred holy, divine, devoted. Sad sorrowful, mournful, de- jected, gloomy, melancholy. Sagacity perception, penetra- tion, acuteness, discernment. Salary wages, pay, stipend, hire, reward, remuneration. Sanction maintain, sustain, up- hold, countenance, ratify, sup- port. Sapient discreet, wise, sage, sagacious. Sarcasm satire, irony, ridicule. Satisfaction compensation, re- muneration, contentment, atone- ment, reward. Saving prudent, thrifty, frugal, economical, close, sparing, stingy, penurious. Saying adage, maxim, proverb, by-word, relating, speaking, utter- ing, communicating. Scandal disgrace, reproach, dis- credit, baseness, infamy. Scarce uncommon, unusual, singular, rare. Scatter disseminate, dissipate, spread, disperse. Scent odor, smell, perfume, fra- grance. Scoff ridicule, sneer, jeer, jibe, belittle. Scope object, tendency, aim, drift. Scruple hesitate, doubt, fluc- tuate. Scrupulous truthful, upright, correct, careful, conscientious, cautious. Scrutinize search, examine, in- vestigate. Scurrilous disgusting, abusive, offensive, insulting, insolent. Search inquiry, examination, scrutiny, pursuit, investigation. Secede withdraw, retire, recede. Seclusion quietude, privacy, solitude, retirement, loneliness. Secondary subordinate, infe- rior. Secret hidden, quiet, still, con- cealed, latent, mysterious, clan- destine. Secular temporal, wordly. Secure safe, certain, confident, sure, procure, warrant. Security pledge, warranty, de- fense, guard, protection. Sedate serene, calm, unruffled, unconcerned, still, quiet, com- posed. Seduce decoy, betray, attract, allure. See examine, look, behold, ob- serve, perceive, view. Sense idea, feeling, meaning, judgment, import, reason. Sensitive keen, susceptible, ap- preciative. Sentence mandate, judgment, decision, period, phrase, proposi- tion. Sentiment expression, opinion, notion, feeling. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Separate dissociate, detach, disengage. Settle determine, fix, establish, arrange, adjust, regulate. Settled conclusive, decided, con- firmed, established. Sever separate, disjoin, divide, detach. Several sundry, different, va- rious, diverse. Severe cold, stern, harsh, sharp, rigid, cruel, heartless, rough, strict, unyielding, austere, rig- orous. Shake shiver, quiver, shudder, quake, agitate, totter. Shame dishonor, disgrace, igno- miny. Shameless insolent, impudent, immodest, indelicate, indecent. Shape form, fashion, mould. Share divide, distribute, appor- tion, participate, partake. Sharpness shrewdness, penetra- tion, keenness, acnteness, saga- city, cunning. Shelter shield, defend, screen, harbor, protect, cover. Shine illumine, glisten, gleam, glitter, glare. Shining bright, glittering, ra- diant, glistening, brilliant. Shocking: disgusting, terrible, dreadful, horrible. Short brief, concise, scanty, de- fective, brittle. Shorten lessen, contract, reduce, abridge, curtail. Show display, exhibition, pomp, parade, representation, spectacle, sight. Showy grand, ostentatious, gay, gaudy, fine, sumptuous. Shrewd sharp, acute, keen, pre- cise. Shan evade, avoid, elude. Sickly unwell, sick, ill, diseased, indisposed. Sign indication, omen, symptom, signal, note, mark, token. Signify imply, express, betoken, denote, declare, utter, intimate, testify. Silence quietude, stillness, mute- ness. Silent dumb, mute, speechless, still. Silly ridiculous, foolish, absurd, stupid, dull, weak, simple. Similarity resemblance, like- ness, similitude. Simple weak, silly, artless, fool- ish, unwise, stupid, plain, single. Simply solely, merely, only. Since for, as, inasmuch, after. Sincere true, honest, frank, up- right, incorrupt, plain. Singular particular, eccentric, odd, strange, remarkable, rare, scarce. Situation place, position, em- ployment, site, locality, case, Condition, plight. Skillful expert, adroit, adept, dexterous, accomplished. Slander defame, vilify, calum- niate, detract. Slavery servitude, bondage, captivity. Slender slight, slim, fragile, thin. Slow tardy, dilatory, tedious, dull. Small little, minute, diminutive, narrow, infinitesimal. Smooth easy, mild, bland, even, level. Smother suffocate, stifle, sup- press, conceal. Snarling snappish, waspish, surly. Sober grave, moderate, tem- perate, abstemious. Social sociable, companionable, convivial, familiar. Society fellowship, company, congregation, association, com- munity. Soft flexible, ductile, yielding, pliant, mild, compliant. Solicit request, ask, entreat, im- plore, beg, beseech, supplicate, importune. Solicitation entreaty, invita- tion, importunity. Solicitude care, earnestness, anxiety. Solid-7-enduring, firm, hard, sub- stantial. Solitary sole, alone, desolate, only, lonely, remote, retired. Soothe quiet, compose, appease, calm, pacify, assuage, tranquil- ize. Sorrow trouble, grief, affliction. Sort order, kind, species. Sound tone, firm, whole, hearty, healthy, sane. Sour tart, acid, acrimonious, sharp. Source head, origin, fountain, cause, spring, reason. Spacious capacious, ample, large. Sparkle glitter, glisten, shine, glare, radiate, corruscate. Speak utter, talk, articulate, pronounce, converse, say, tell, recite, relate. Species order, kind, class, sort. Specific definite, particular, spe- cial. Specimen sample, model, pat- tern. Spectator beholder, observer, auditor. Speech oration, address, lecture, harangue, sermon. Speechless dumb, silent, mute. Spend expend, exhaust, dissi- pate, squander, waste. Sphere orb, circle, globe. Spirited quick, animated, ar- dent, vivacious, active. Spiritual ethereal, immaterial, unearthly, incorporeal. Spite pique, malice, grudge, ma- lignity, hate. Splendid superb, magnificent, grand, sublime, heavenly. Splendor magnificence, luster, brightness, brilliancy. Splenetic peevish, melancholy, morose, sullen, gloomy, fretful. Sport play, game, amusement, pastime, diversion, recreation. Spotless faultless, unblemished, blameless, unsullied, clear, untar- nished, pure, innocent, stainless. Spread distribute, diffuse, circu- late, expand, disperse, dissemi- nate, propagate, scatter, dis- pense, sow. Spring leap, arise, start, flow, proceed, emanate, jump, issue. Sprinkle bedew, water, scatter, besprinkle. Sprout vegetate, germinate, bud. Stability fixedness, continuity, steadiness, firmness. Stain mar, soil, tarnish, blemish, blot, flaw, spot, speck, tinge, color, discolor. Stammer hesitate, stutter, fal- ter. Stamp mark, print, impress. Standard test, rule, criterion. State situation, condition, posi- tion, plight, predicament. Station place, situation, post, position. Stay dependence, reliance, staff, prop, abide, remain, continue, delay, hinder, support. Sterility barrenness, unfruitful- ness. Stern unfeeling, severe, austere, strict, cold, rigid, rigorous. Still quiet, calm, silent, appease, assuage, lull, pacify. Stimulate arouse, excite, incite, urge, impel, encourage, instigate. Stock supply, collection, fund, accumulation, store, provision, cattle. Stop rest, intermission, vacation, cessation, delay, hinder, impede, check. Story tale, anecdote, incident, memoir. Straight direct, immediate. Strange unusual, curious, odd, singular, surprising, eccentric. Stratagem deception, cheat, ar- tiflce, fraud, trick, imposture, delusion. Strength potency, authority, power, force, might. Strict precise, exact, particular, accurate, nice, severe, harsh, rigorous, stern. Strife disagreement, dissension, discord, contest. Strong able, powerful, robust, stout, vigorous, firm, muscular, hardy. Style custom, mode, manner, pnraseology, diction. Subdue vanquish, conquer, over- come, subjugate, subject, sur- mount. Subject control, liable, exposed, object, matter, material. Subjoin attach, connect, annex, affix. Sublime lofty, elevated, great, exalted, grand, magnificent. Submissive obedient, yielding, humble, compliant. Subordinate subject, subserv- ient, inferior. Subsistence livelihood, living, sustenance, maintenance, support. Substantial reliable, strong, solid, stout, real, responsible. Substitute agent, representa- tive, exchange, change. Subtle sly, artful, cunning, de- ceitful, crafty, wily, perfidious, insidious, arch, acute, fine. Subtract withdraw, deduct, take from. Subvert ruin, overthrow, re- verse, controvert, invert, reverse. Successful prosperous, lucky, winning, fortunate. Succession series, order, con- tinuance. Succor defend, help, aid, assist, relieve. Sudden unexpected, unlocked for, unanticipated, hasty. Suffer endure, tolerate, permit, bear, allow. Suffocate smother, choke, stifle. Sufficient plenty, abundance, enough, competent, adequate. Suffrage vote, ballot, aid, voice. Suggest propose, insinuate, hint, allude, intimate. Suitable appropriate, fit, be- coming, agreeable, expedient. Suitor beau, wooer, lover, peti- tioner. Summon cite, call, invite, bid, convoke. Sundry several, various, diverse, different. Superficial flimsy, slight, shal- low. Supersede supplant, overrule, displace. Supplicate solicit, entreat, beg, beseech, ask, implore. Support maintain, uphold, sus- tain, defend, encourage, second, prop, protect, favor, forward, cherish, assist, endure. Sure reliable, confident, certain, infallible. Surmise presume, think, guess, suppose, believe, conjecture. Surmount subdue, overcome, vanquish, conquer. Surpass beat, outdo, outstrip, excel, exceed. Surprise astonishment, admira- tion, wonder, amazement. Surrender yield, resign, give up, deliver. Surround encompass, enclose, encircle, environ. Survey review, prospect, retro- spect. Suspense hesitation, doubt, un- certainty. Suspicion distrust, jealousy, apprehension. Sustain carry, bear, support, uphold, maintain. Sustenance livelihood, living, maintenance, support. Swiftness speed, rapidity, velo- city, fleetness, quickness, celerity. Symbol illustration, type, figure, emblem, metaphor. Symmetry harmony, propor- tion. Sympathy compassion, condol- ence, agreement, commisera- tion. Symptom evidence, indication, token, sign, mark, note. System order, method. Talent faculty, ability, gift, endowment, capability, intellec- tuality. Talk conference, discourse, chat, conversation, sermon, communi- cation, lecture, dialogue, col- loquy. Tantalize plague, tease, taunt, provoke, irritate, torment, aggra- vate. Taste perception, discernment, judgment, flavor, savor, relish. Tax duty, assessment, rate, toll, tribute, contribution, custom. Tedious wearisome, slow, tire- some, tardy. Tell inform, communicate, re- veal, disclose, acquaint, impart, mention, state, talk, report. Temper mood, humor, tempera- ment, disposition. Temperate moderate, sober, abstemious, abstinent. Temporal worldly, mundane, sublunary, secular. Temporary uncertain, fleeting, transitory, transient. Tempt allure, induce, entice, at- tract, decoy, seduce. Tender propose, offer, bid. Tenderness fondness, love, hu- manity, affection, benignity. Tenet belief, dogma, doctrine, principle, position, opinion. Terms conditions, words, expres- sions, language. Terminate close, finish, end, complete. Terrible awful, frightful, fear- ful, shocking, terrific, horrible. Terror alarm, fear, dread, con- sternation, apprehension, fright. Test experiment, proof, experi- ence, trial, standard, criterion. Testify prove, declare, swear, signify, witness, affirm. Testimony proof, evidence. Therefore wherefore, accord- ingly, then, hence, so, conse- quently. 76 DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS. Think consider, deliberate, me- diate, ponder, conceive, contem- plate, imagine, surmise. Though allow, while, although. Thought contemplation, medita- tion, fancy, idea, supposition, re- flection, conception, conceit. Thoughtful anxious, consider- ate, careful, attentive, discreet, contemplative. Thoughtless inconsiderate, in- discreet, careless, foolish, hasty, unthinking. Throw heave, cast, hurl, fling. Time period, season, age, date, duration, era, epoch. Timely opportune, seasonable, early. Tired wearied, fatigued, har- assed. Title name, appellation, claim. Token emblem, sign, indication, symptom, mark, note. Tolerate permit, allow, suffer. Tortuous tormenting, crooked, twisted, winding. Total complete, whole, entire, gross, sum. Touching moving, pathetic, af- fecting. Tour round, circuit, jaunt, trip, journey, ramble, excursion. Trace clue, track, mark, vestige. Trade vocation, business, call- ing, labor, occupation, dealing, traffic. Traduce injure, condemn, cen- sure, depreciate, degrade, decry, calumniate, detract. Tranquillity stillness, peace, quiet, calm. Transact manage, conduct, ne- gotiate. Transcend surpass, excel, ex- ceed, outdo. Transparent clear, pellucid, pervious, translucent. Transient brief, fleeting, short. Transport delight, rapture, ecstasy. Treacherous insidious, faith- less, dishonest, perfidious, hearc- less. Trepidation palpitation, emo- tion, trembling, tremor, agita- tion. Trespass violation, transgres- sion, offense, misdemeanor. Trial endeavor, attempt, effort, experiment, test, proof, tempta- tion. Trick cheat, fraud, deception, artifice, imposture, stratagem, jugglery. Trifling: insignificant, inconsider- able, unimportant, light, futile, petty, frivolous. Trip journey, jaunt, excursion, tour, ramble, voyage. Trouble anxiety, vexation, ad- versity, affliction, sorrow, dis- tress. Troublesome annoying, dis- turbing, vexing, perplexing, irk- some, teasing, harassing, impor- tunate. True honest, candid, sincere, re- liable, plain, upright. Truth fidelity, veracity, candor, faithfulness, honesty. Try endeavor, attempt. Turbulent raging, tumultuous, seditious, mutinous, riotous. Turn revolve, whirl, twist, cir- culate, wind, gyrate, contort, bend, distort, wheel. , Type illustration, symbol, figure, emblem, mark. Ultimate latest, last, final, end. Umpire judge, arbitrator, arbi- ter. Unbelief incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, infidelity. Unblemished faultless, blame- less, spotless, irreproachable, un- tarnished, stainless. Unceasingly eternally, perpetu- ally, always, constantly, continu- ally. Unchangeable unalterable, Im- mutable. Uncommon singular, unusual, rare, unique, infrequent, choice, scarce. Unconcerned careless, regard- less, uninterested, indifferent. Uncover reveal, expose, strip, discover. Undaunted courageous, bold, fearless, intrepid. Undeniable indisputable, in- controvertible, unquestionable. Under subordinate, lower, be- neath, below, inferior, subject, subjacent. Understanding conception, in- telligence, comprehension, sense, perception, faculty, reason, intel- lect. Undetermined uncertain, irre- solute, hesitating, wavering, un- steady, doubtful, vacillating, fluc- tuating. Unfaithful untruthful, faith- less, dishonest, disloyal, treacher- ous, perfidious. Unfold explain, divulge, reveal, unravel, develop, expand, open, display. Unhandy ungainly, awkward, uncouth, clumsy. Unhappy distressed, miserable, unfortunate, afflicted, wretched. Uniform even, alike, equal, same. Unimportant trivial, trifling, immaterial, insignificant, petty, inconsiderable. Unlearned uninformed, unlet- tered, ignorant, illiterate. Unlike distinct, dissimilar, dif- ferent. Unlimited infinite, boundless, unbounded, illimitable. Unquestionable indubitable, undeniable, indisputable, incon- trovertible. Unravel unfold, disentangle, extricate, reveal. Unrelenting unforgiving, hard- hearted, inexorable, relentless. Unruly unmanageable, uncon- trollable, refractory, ungovern- able. Unseasonable ill-timed, unfit, untimely, unsuitable, late. Unsettled doubtful, wavering, undetermined, unsteady, vacillat- ing. Unspeakable unutterable, in- expressible. Unstable inconstant, mutable, vacillating, changeable, waver- ing. Untimely inopportune, prema- ture, unseasonable, unsuitable. Unwilling loth, backward, dis- inclined, disliking, averse, reluct- ant. Upbraid reprove, censure, re- proach, blame. Uproar noise, confusion, bustle, tumult,' disturbance. Urbanity courtesy, affability, suavity, civility. Urge press, incite, impel, insti- gate, stimulate, encourage, ani- mate. Urgent importunate, pressing, earnest. Usage habit, fashion, custom , treatment, prescription. Use practice, custom, habit, ser- vice, usage, advantage, utility. Usually generally, commonly. Utility use, service, benefit, ad- vantage, convenience, usefulness. Utterly perfectly, completely, fully. Vacant void, empty, devoid, un- used. "Vague unsettled, indefinite. Vatn-^conceited, useless, fruitless, idle, ineffectual. Valedictory farewell, taking leave. Valuable expensive, costly, pre- cious, useful, worthy, estimable. Value price, worth, rate, appre- ciation, estimation, account, ap- praise, assess, compute, regard, respect. Vanity pride, haughtiness, con- ceit, arrogance. Vanquish subdue, overcome, slay, conquer, confute, subjugate. Variable transitory, capricious, fickle, unsteady, changeable, ver- satile, wavering. Variation deviation, change, variety, vicissitude. Variety diversion, change, dif- ference. Various sundry, different, di- verse. Vehement hot, eager, ardent, fiery, passionate, violent, impetu- ous. Velocity speed, celerity, swift- ness, fleetness, rapidity, quick- ness. Venerate worship, reverence, respect, adore. Veracity honesty, truth, integ- rity. Verbal oral, vocal. Vestige evidence, mark, trace, track. Vexation chagrin, uneasiness, trouble, sorrow, mortification. Vicinity locality, neighborhood, nearness, section. View picture, prospect, survey, landscape, see, look, behold. Vigorous robust, active, ener- getic, powerful, agile, forcible, potent. Violent turbulent, boisterous, impetuous, furious. Virtue chastity, purity, efficacy, goodness. Visible apparent, discernible, evident, plain, distinct, manifest, doubtless, obvious. Visionary fanatic, enthusiast, dreamer, imaginary, fanatical. Volatility lightness, flightiness, levity, giddiness, sprightliness, liveliness. Vouch assure, warrant, affirm, aver, protest, attest. Vulgar ordinary, common, low, mean. w "Wages stipulation, hire, salary, pay, allowance. "Wakeful vigilant, attentive, ob- servant, watchful. "Wander roam, stroll, ramble, rove, range, journey. Want indigence, need, poverty, lack. "Ware goods, merchandise, com- modity. "Warlike military, martial. "Warmth fervor, ardor, cordi- ality, animation, heat, fervency, vigor, glow, zeal, vehemence. Warning notice, advice, moni- tion, caution. "Wary discreet, guarded, watch- ful, cautious, circumspect. Waste loose, dissipate, spend, expend, consume, lavish, squan- der. "Wasteful profuse, extravagant, lavish, prodigal. Watchful cautious, observant, vigilant, careful, circumspect, at- tentive, wakeful. "Waver hesitate, vacillate, fluc- tuate, scruple, to be undeter- mined. "Way plan, method, course, man ner, system, means, fashion, road, route. "Weak infirm, feeble, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated. "Wealth opulence, riches, afflu- ence. "Weakness debility, feebleness, frailty, infirmity, languor, fail- ing, imbecility, silliness, folly. Weariness languor, lassitude, tediousness, fatigue. W eary annoy , distress, harass, jade, tire, vex, perplex, subdue. Wedding: marriage, nuptials. "Weight load, burden, heaviness, gravity, importance, significa- tion. Welcome desirable, agreeable, grateful, acceptable. Wherefore consequently, ac- cordingly, so, then, therefore, thence, hence. "Whiten blanch, fade, bleach. "Whole undivided, complete, en- tire, perfect, total, uninjured, sum. Wicked sinful, guilty, unjust, flagrant, impious, atrocious, vil- lainous, criminal, depraved, out- rageous. "Wily cunning, artful, subtle, crafty. "Wisdom foresight, prudence, knowledge, understanding. Withdraw retreat, recede, go back, retire, take back, retro- grade. Withhold forbear, refrain, re- fuse, hinder, keep back. "Wonder astonishment, marvel, surprise, admiration, amazement. "Wonderful strange, curious, astonishing, surprising, marvel- ous, admirable. "Worthy estimable, deserving, meritorious. Wretched unhappy, miserable. "Writer author, scribe. Y Yearly annually. Yet but, however, notwithstand- ing, still, nevertheless. Yield comply, conform, concede, allow, produce, permit, resign, surrender. Zeal warmth, ardor, fervor, en- thusiasm. Zealous concerned, earnest, ar- dent, fervent, anxious, warm, enthusiastic. LETTERS OF CORRESPONDENCE. 77 OU have thoughts that you wish to communicate to another through the medium of a letter. Possibly you have a favor to bestow. Quite as likely you have a favor to ask. In either case you wish to write that letter in a manner such as to secure the respect and consideration of the person with whom you correspond. The rules for the mechanical execution of a letter are few ; understanding and observing the rules already considered for composition, the writer has only to study perfect naturalness of expression, to write a letter well. Style and Manner. The expression of language should, as nearly as possible, be the same as the writer would speak. A letter is but a talk on paper. The style of writing will depend upon the terms of intimacy existing between the parties. If to a superior, it should be respectful : to inferiors, courteous ; to friends, familiar ; to relatives, affectionate. Originality. Do not be guilty of using that stereotyped phrase, Dear Friend : I now take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well, and hope you are enjoying the same great blessing. Be original. You are not exactly like any one else. Your letter should be a representative of yourself, not of anybody else. The world is full of imitators in literature, who pass on, leaving no reputation behind them. Occasionally origi- nals come up, and fame and fortune are ready to do them service. The distinguished writers of the past and present have gone aside from the beaten paths. Letter writing affords a fine opportunity for the display of originality. In your letter be yourself ; write as you would talk. * In the preparation of this chapter the author gathered many valuable suggestions from " Frost's Original Letter-Wriu ml other works on epistolary correspondence, published bj Dick & Fitzgerald, New York. 78 OUTLINES OF A LETTER. PARTS OF A LETTER. Date. Complimentary address. Body of the Letter. Complimentary closing. Signature. Name. Address. Purity of Expression. Bear in mind the importance, in your corre- spondence, of using always the most chaste and beautiful language it is possible to command, consistent with ease and naturalness of expres- sion. Especially in the long letters of friend- ship and love those missives that reveal the heart the language should show that the heart is pure. Let your letter be the record of the fancies and mood of the hour ; the reflex of your aspira- tions, your joys, your disappointments ; the faithful daguerreotype of your intellectuality and your moral worth. You little dream how much that letter may influence your future. How much it may give of hope and happiness to the one receiving it. How much it may be examined, thought of, laugh- ed over and commented on ; and when you suppose it has long since been destroyed, it may be brought forth, placed in type, and published broadcast to mil- lions of readers. When, in after years, the letter you now write is given to the world, will there be a word, an expression, in the same that you would blush to see in print ? Write in the spirit of cheer- fulness. It is unkind to the correspondent to fill the sheet with petty complainings, though there are occasions when the heart filled with grief may con- fide all its troubles and sorrows to the near friend, and receive in return a letter of sympathy and condolence, containing all the consolation it is possible for the written missive to convey. The length of letters will depend upon circumstances. As a rule, however, business letters should be short, containing just what is necessary to be said, and no more. Form. To be written correctly according to general usage, a letter will embrace the following parts : 1st, the date ; 2nd, complimentary address ; 3rd, body of the letter ; 4th, complimentary closing ; 5th signature ; 6th, superscription. The above shows the position of the several parts of an ordinary letter. LETTER WRITING ILLUSTRATED. 79 Position of the Various Parts. The following position of the several parts of a letter should be observed : 1. Write the date near the upper right hand corner of the sheet. 2. Commence the complimentary address on the line next beneath one inch from the left eide of the sheet. 3. The body of the letter should be com- menced nearly under the last letter of the com- plimentary address. 4. Begin the complimentary closing on the line next beneath the body of the letter, one half of the distance from the left to the right side of the page. 5. The center of the signature may be under the last letter of the complimentary closing. 6. The name and address of the person writ- ten to should come on the line beneath the signature, at the left of the sheet. The Complimentary Address. Of late years it has become common, in business letters, in- stead of giving name and ad- dress at the close, to write the same at the commencement; thus, To the Business Man. MB. WILLIAM B. ASHTON, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir : Your note of the 1st inst. received, etc. To the Married Woman. MBS. HELEN E. KING, Baltimore, Md. Dear Madam : Enclosed find check for, etc. To the Unmarried Woman. Miss HARRIET A. KENDALL, Lowell, Mass. In reply to your favor of the 4th ult., etc. NoT.-It ia cu.tom.rj to address the married woman by i H T U8e " On her cards - II ia oPonal with the lady whether she uses her own name, Mrs. Helen K King,' or that of her husband, Mr.. Chas. H. King" Kinds of Paper to Use. Be particular to use a sheet appropriate in shape to the purpose for which it is employed. Paper is now manufactured of every size adapted to the wants of any article written. The names of the various kinds of paper in general use are Legal-cap, Bill-paper, Foolscap, Letter-paper, Commercial-note, Note-paper and Billet. In the writing of all Legal Documents, such as wills, taking of testimony, articles of agreement, FORM OF A LETTER. (Date.) (Complimentary Address.) (Body of the Letter.) yV- / / &sfcC4*p&CZ. <> - v. ^ t> ' Honorable Richard Roe, "Rev. Richard Roe, D.D. " " Richard Roe, LL.D. " Richard Roe." "Dr. Richard Roe. " "Prof. Richard Roe." ' ' Richard Roe, Esq. " "Mr. Richard Roe. " " Richard Roe. " hi:-. Richard X Roe." Unable to write his own name. TITLES IN ETJKOPE AND AMERICA. 81 Titles of the Dignitaries, Prelates, Clergy, and Other Officers Brigade-inspector. Drum-Major. of the Roman Catholic Church. Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel. Fife-Major. Hospital-Stewa-rds. Of the Pope His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. Major. Of a Cardinal His Eminence John, Cardinal McCloskey. Titles and Names of Naval Officers. Of an Archbishop Most Rev. T. J . Burroughs, D.D. The only titles generally used among naval officers are those of Of a. Bishop Rt. Rev. Thomas Foley, D. D. Of a Vicar-General Very Rev. J. D. Halbert, D.D. Admiral, Commodore, Captain and Lieutenant. Of a Priest Re v. Patrick Kelly, P. P. Rear-Admiral. Second Assistant-Engineer. Of Directors of Parish Schools Rev. Provincial James Rice. Rev. Bro. Director Henry Baker. Vice-Admiral. Commodore. Third Assistant-Engineer. Naval Constructor. Of a Directress of a Seminary Madame De Vincent. Captain. Navy Agent. Of a Teacher of a Seminary Sister Le Clerc. Commander. Purser, or Storekeeper. Of a Lady Superintendent of a Convent Sister Superior Laflange. Lieutenant-Commander. Secretary to Commander. Of a Lady Superintendent of a . Catholic Orphan Asylum Mother First Lieutenant. Navy-yard Clerks. Superior St. Agnes. Second Lieutenant. Bandmaster. Military Titles in the United States. Master. Musicians. The following are addressed as General, Colonel, Major, Captain, Ensign. Midshipman. Mate First, Second, and Third. Quartermaster. Lieutenant, Corporal, or Sergeant, according to their rank : Fleet Surgeon. Master-at-Arms. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain. Ship's Surgeon. Ship's Corporal. General of the Army. Chaplain. Passed Surgeon. Section Captain. Lieutenant-General of the Army. Adjutant. Asssistant Surgeon. Boatswain. Major-General. First Lieutenant. Retired Surgeon. Coxswain. Adjutant-General. Second Lieutenant. Paymaster. Carpenter. Inspector-General. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Assistant Paymaster. Sailmaker. Quartermaster-General. Sergeant-Major. Chaplain. Gunner. Commissary-General. Quartermaster-Sergeant. Professor of Mathematics. Armorer. Paymaster-General. Sergeant. Engineer-in-Chief on shore. Quarter-Gunner. Surgeon-General. Corporal. Chief Engineer on ship. Seamen. Brigadier-General. Company Clerks. First Assistant-Engineer. Marines. Superscriptions. NVELOPES that are perfectly Care should be taken to write upon the plain, for ordinary letter writing, envelope very plainly, giving the full name and are regarded as in much the title of the person addressed, with place of best taste. Ladies do well to use residence written out fully, including town, white. Buff, light straw color, county, State, and country if it goes abroad. or manila answer 'for business The designation of the street, number, drawer, purposes, though it is always in etc., when written upon the letter, is explained good taste to use white. elsewhere. The upper side of the envelope is that con- For light colored envelopes, a piece of paper taining the flap. Care should be observed, in a little smaller than the envelope may be ruled writing the superscription on the letter, to have with black ink over the blue lines, thus, and the same right side up. placed inside. Extensive practice enables business men to write corn- paratively straight upon the A scra P of paper, ruled like this, when placed envelope, without the aid of a line. The inexperienced inside a light - colored envelope, will enable the penman may be aided in writing on the buff colored person writing on the same to trace distinctly which should never be used, these lines, and thus write the superscription however, unless comp erased by rubber after the straight. ink is dry. 82 FORMS FOR WRITING SUPERSCRIPTIONS. In writing the superscription, commence the name a little to the left of the center of the envelope. The town, on a line beneath, should extend a little to the right of the name. The State, next below, should stand by itself still further to the right. The county may be on the same line with the State, towards the left side of the envelope; thus* FORM OF SUPERSCRIPTION ON ENVELOPES. / For the convenience of the mailing clerk in handling the letter, the postage stamp should be placed at the upper right hand corner of the envelope. If the town is a large metropolis, the county may be omitted. In that event the street and number are usually given, or the post office box. Each should be written very conspicuously upon the envelope, for the convenience of the post office clerk and the mail carrier; thus, i 5TIMP. VARIOUS FORMS OF SUPERSCRIPTION. 83 If written in the care of any one, the follow- ing may be the form : It is usua the county, ially safest, in nearly all cases, to give , even if the town is well known ; thus, If, after remaining in the office at its destina- tion a certain length of time uncalled for, the writer is desirous of having the letter forwarded or returned, the same may be indicated upon the outside of the envelope ; thus, Tourists, when receiving letters abroad, fre- quently have their letters directed in the care of the bankers with whom they deal when on the continent, the form of superscription being thus: If not called for in 10 days, P. M. please forward to Hotel de Ville^ Paris, France. r If not called for in fifteen days^ please forward to Royal Bank of Scotland^ Glasgow. Letter Sent by a Private Party, acknowledging on the envelope obligation to the person carrying the same. Letter to a Person In the Immediate Vicinity Sent by carrier, but not through the mafi / o 84 VARIOUS FORMS OF SUPERSCRIPTION. SUPERSCRIPTIONS. A letter to Germany will be superscribed somewhat as follows : JOHN KOEN1G, Esq., SPAN DA U, Near Berlin, Prussia. PK USS1A . Letter from Germany : Mr. KARL SCHULZE, .* BLOOM1NGTON, MCLEAN co., United States of America. ILLINOIS. The county, town, etc., on a letter to Ireland, is shown on the envelope as follows : SUmp. Mr. PATRICK McGUIRE, ENN1SK1LLEN, County of Fermanagh. IRELAND. When it is desired to have the letter returned, if not called for, sooner than it otherwise would be, the direction may be so specified upon the upper left hand corner, similar to the following : If not called for in 10 dan, return JANSEN.McCLURG k CO., Booksellers, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. GEN. H. B. COOKE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK. Where it is desired to express the title of the husband, on a letter or note of invitation to the husband and wife, the following form may be used : His Excellency and Mrs. U. S. Grant. Governor and Mrs. Wm. H. Brown. Hon. and Mrs. I). B. Henderson. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. H. Smith. Professor and Mrs. K. A. Benson. Where a letter is addressed to a husband and wife, each of whom have a title, the address may read as follows : Drs. John E. and Jane H. Brown. To a man and woman, engaged as part- ners in business, but unmarried, the ad- dress may read : ' Mr. Wm. H. Smith and Miss Mary H. Boone. Or, Wm. B. Smith and Mary H. Boone. To a husband and wife, where the wife, alone, has the title, the superscription will read : Mr. J. B. and Mrs. Dr. E. L. King. To a husband and wife, each of whom have a title, the address may be as follows : Rev. W H. and Mrs. Dr. A. B. Smith. Where the wife has a title, and is, alone, addressed, the form may be Rev. Mrs. Chas. D. King. Or, Rev. Mrs. Jane E. King. Or, Rev. Jane E. King. If the lady's husband, alone, has the title, the address will properly read : Mrs. Rev. Chas. D. King. If the lady is unmarried, and is a minis- ter of the gospel or physician, her address may read : Rev. Miss Mary Williams. Or, Rev. Mary Williams. Miss Dr. Helen E. Snow. Or, Dr. Helen E. Snow. Suggestions. If people wish to have their letters perfectly secure from observation it is better to seal them with wax, which cannot be broken without ex- posure. The ordinary envelope is easily opened, and sealed again, leaving no trace of the fact ; though a very heavy fine is imposed as a pen- alty on any one convicted of opening a letter, that is not authorized to do so. In the United States, a letter not called for within a certain length of time is then adver- tised, after which it is held thirty days, when, no owner being found, the letter is forwarded to the Dead-Letter Office at Washington, where it is opened. If the address of the person who wrote the letter can there be learned, the letter is then returned to the writer. If the name or address be written or printed upon the envelope, instead of going to the Dead-Letter Office, the letter will be returned to the writer at the expiration of thirty days. If desirous of having it sooner returned, the writer should add, " Return in 5 days," or " 10 days," etc., as seen in the letter of Jansen, McClurg & Co., shown above. It is safest for persons sending letters to place stamps upon the envelopes themselves, and not depend upon postmasters or their clerks to do so, as, in their haste, they sometimes for- get directions. It has been suggested that the State be writ- ten first upon the envelope ; thus, MISSOURI, CORNING, JOHN SMITH. As the State to which the letter is directed, is, however, no more conspicuous at the top of the superscription than at the bottom, there is no advantage gained in this mode of address, on the score of legibility. DIRECTIONS FOR WRITING BUSINESS LETTERS. 85 Business -ILottersJ letters of business, use as few words as possible. 2. Business letters should be promptly answered. 3. Use a clear, distinct writing, avoiding all flourish of penmanship or language. 4. Come at once to your subject, and state it so clearly that it will not be necessary to guess your meaning. 5. Give town, county, State and date ex- plicitly. It is frequently of great importance to know when a letter was written. 6. Head your letter carefully when finished, to see that you have made no omissions and no mistakes. Also carefully examine your envelope, to see that it is rightly directed, with postage-stamp affixed. 7. Copy all business letters, of your own, by hand, or with the copying-press made for the purpose. 8. Send money by Draft, P. O. Money-Order, or Express, taking a receipt therefor; thus you have something to show for money, guarantying you against loss. Always state in your letter the amount of money you send, and by what means sent. 9. Write date, and by whom sent, across the end of each letter received, and file for future reference, fastening the letters together with rubber bands, or binding in a letter-file adapted to the purpose. The possession of a letter sometimes prevents litigation and serious mis- understanding. Ordering Goods. In ordering goods, state very explicitly the amount, kind, quality, color, shape, size, etc., and on what terms wanted. Whether you wish the same sent by freight or express, and -what express. Much inconvenience is experienced among business men because of a neglect to designate explicitly what is wanted. Should the writer wish to make suggestions, ask questions, or add other matter to the letter, which is foreign to the subject, such words should be placed entirely separate from the order. Of fifty or a hundred letters received to-day by the merchant, that one which is mixed up with complaints, enquiries, etc., will probably be laid over till to-morrow, or until time can be spared to read it through. Had the order been explicitly stated, and the suggestions placed elsewhere, the goods would have been forwarded immediately. It is, in fact, better to write the order on a separate sheet from the other matter. Send your order, also, early enough to give yourself plenty of time in which to receive the goods before they are needed. Books, being a common article ordered, may be taken as an example showing the importance of giving a careful description of the goods wanted. To illustrate: be explicit in giving name of book, name of author, by whom pub- 86 FORMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS. lished, style of binding, price at which it is advertised, etc. Thus, a careless person, order- ing of Harper & Brothers a United States History, will say, " Send me a United States History." Of course the lirst query of the shipping-clerk is, " Whose history?" There are many histories of the United States, pub- lished by as many different authors, and the* clerk is liable to send the one not wanted; in which case the person ordering is very likely to unjustly blame Harper & Brothers. If the writer should say, " Send me a copy of Willard's History of the United States, by Emma Willard, published by A. S. Barnes & Co., bound in cloth," there would be no liability to mistake. The following will serve as sample forms : Form of Letter Ordering Books. ROCKFORD, ILL., March 1, 18. MESSRS. JANSEN, McCujRo & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs : Enclosed find draft for $48.75, for which please send, by American Express, 10 Tennyson's Poems. Published by Harper & Bros. $1.25 $12.50 10 Thirty Years in the Harem. " " " " 1.50 15.00 10 Literature and Art, by M. Fuller. " Fowler & Wells. 1.00 10.00 5 Getting on in the World, Mathews. S. C. Griggs & Co. 2.25 11.25 $48.75 Thanking yon for the promptitude with which you have filled my orders heretofore, I am, Very Respectfully, CASH DOWN. Form of an Order to a Dry-Goods Merchant. April 5, 18. MESSRS. A. T. STEWART & Co., New York. Dear Sirs : Enclosed find Post Office Order for $25, for which please send, by American Express, the following goods : 2 Lancaster Table Spreads ($3.50), $ 7.00 4 prs. Alexandre Kid Gloves ($2.50), No. 6y z , Brown, Green, Yellow, Black, 10.00 8 yds. Calico, Brown, with small figure (25c.), 2.00 12 " " White, " " pink dot " 3.00 2 Linen Handkerchiefs (50c.), 1.00 4 prs. Ladies 1 Cotton Hose (50c.), No. 9, 2.00 Direct to $25.00 MRS-. MARY WILSON, ELKHABT, IND. From a Young Man Commencing Business, to a Wholesale House, with Order. RACINE, Wis., Aug. 10, 18. MESSRS. FIELD, LEITER & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs : Having recently commenced business for myself, with fair prospects of success, I shall be pleased to open an account with your house, and trust it will be to our mutual advantage. Should you think favorably of the matter, you will please fill the accompany- ing order with the least possible delay, and on your best terms. For testimonials, I refer you to Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., of your city, by whom I have been, until recently, employed; but, as this is my first transaction with your house, upon forwarding me an invoice of goods, and deducting your usual discount for cash, I will remit a sight draft on the First National Bank of your city, for the amount, by return mail. Expecting your usual prompt attention, I am, Yours Respectfully, HENRY MAYNARD. Reply from Wholesale House, with Invoice. CHICAGO, Aug. 12, 18 . MR. HENRY MAYNARD, Racine, Wis. Dear Sir : We take pleasure in sending this day, by your order, the enclosed invoice of goods, amounting to $1,400, subject to 5 per cent discount for prompt cash. Your references being entirely satisfactory, we have no hesitation in opening an account and allowing you our best terms. Trusting that the goods, which are shipped by express, will arrive safely and meet your favor, we are, Yours Truly, FIELD, LEITER & CO. Requesting Information Concerning the Opening of a Store. BOSTON, MASS., Sept. 18, 18. CHAS. H. WILLIAMS, ESQ., Bennington, Vt. Dear Sir : My partner and myself being desirous of establish- ing a branch store in the clothing trade, I take the privilege of a friend in asking you to send me the number of clothing stores already in your village, and such other information as may be necessary, con- cerning the feasibility of establishing our business in your place. An early reply will greatly oblige, Yours, Very Truly, WM. B. HOPKINS. Answer to the Foregoing. BENNINGTON, VT., Sept. 20, 18. MR. WM. B. HOPKINS, Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: I have taken occasion to enquire in relation to the extent and number of clothing stores in this place, and am happy to inform you that, while that department of trade is very fairly repre- sented, there seems to be a good opening for a first-class store, such as your house would undoubtedly establish. There is also a large store just vacated, in the center of the village, one of the best locations in the town, which can be had at reasonable rent. Hoping that you may carry out your design of locating here, and trusting that you may realize your expectations, I am, Yours Truly, CHAS. H. WILLIAMS. FORMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS. 87 Enquiry Concerning Real Estate. SPKINGLAKE, MICH., Sept. 4, 18 . MESSRS. S. TOWN & SON, Aurora, 111., Dear Sirs: Having heard much said in praise of your beauti- ful city, particularly concerning railroad privileges, church and educa- tional advantages, I have concluded to make your town my permanent place of abode, if I can locate myself aright, inasmuch as I have a large family of children to educate, and the numerous lines of railway radi- ating from your city will afford me the desired accommodations in my traveling agency. My object in writing you at present is to learn your best terms for a residence containing not less than ten rooms, having from six to ten acres of land attached, situated not over a mile from the postoffice. An immediate answer will oblige, Your Obedient Servant, HARVEY B. WILCOX. Superintendent's Resignation. GALESBURG, ILL., Sept. i, 1878. To THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT OF THE C., B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 111., Dear Sir : I herewith tender my resignation as local superin- tendent of the railroad repair works in this city, my labors in behalf of your company to cease October i, 1878. Respectfully Yours, D. B. LAWSON. Short Form of Resignation. PITTSBURGH, PA., Dec. 2, 1879. To THE DIRECTORS OF THE PITTSBURGH GLASS WORKS, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dear Sirs : Please accept my immediate resignation as business manager of your manufactory. Yours Respectfully, WM. D. WEBSTER. Clergyman's Resignation. To THE TRUSTEES OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Pittsfield, Mass., Gentlemen : It has now been seven years since the commence- ment of my pastoral connection with the First Baptist Church of this city. During this time the church society has grown in numbers, the sabbath school has been continually blessed by a large attendance, and the relations between pastor and congregation have always been of a most pleasant character. For these and other reasons it would be agreeable to continue my connection with the society longer; but other fields of labor affording wider and better opportunities, I feel it but just that I accept the privileges offered. Thanking the congregation to whom I have ministered for their kind and unwavering support, and praying for your continued prosperity, I desire you to accept my resignation as pastor of your society, to take effect January 15, 1878. Yours Very Respectfully, CHAS. B. HANFORD. Letter Complaining of Error in a Bill. % TROY, N. Y., June 10, 18 . MESSRS. H. B. CLAFLIN & Co., New York, Dear Sirs : Upon examining bill accompanying your last lot of goods, I find that I am charged with four dozen pairs of cotton hose which I never ordered nor received. I enclose the bill and copy of the invoice of goods, that the error may be corrected. I am, gentlemen, Yours Very Respectfully, H. B. MOORE. Answer to the Foregoing. NEW YORK, June u, 18 . MR. H. B. MOORE, Troy, N. Y., Dear Sir : We regret that you were put to any trouble by the carelessness of a clerk, who, having proved himself incompetent, has left our service. We enclose the correct bill to you, and offer apologies for the error. Truly Yours, H. B. CLAFLIN & CO. An Application for a Situation on a Railway. DAVENPORT, IA., Jan. 15, 18 . HON. B. C. SMITH, Dear Sir : Understanding that you are a shareholder in some of the principal railways, and on intimate terms with several of the directors, I venture to solicit your kind interest in behalf of my eldest son, William, now in his twentieth year. His education has been varied and useful, and his character, so far as I know, is above reproach. For several years he has expressed a desire to enter the employ of a railroad company, and under the circumstances I venture to write to you, in the hope that, should you have it in your power to oblige me, you will kindly intercede in his favor. By doing so you will confer a lasting obligation both on him and me. I remain, sir, Your Ob'd't Servant, Recommending a Successor in Business. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dec. 24, 18 . MESSRS. BELL & HARDY, Dear Sirs : We flatter ourselves that there are many friends among our connection who will regret that we are on the point of relin- quishing business. In doing so our premises and stock of goods will be transferred to the hands of Messrs. Williams & Co., who will in future carry on the business on the same approved system and extensive scale as ourselves, provided they can rely upon receiving the patronage of our connection; in the hope of which, it is our pleasure and duty to present these gentlemen to your notice. We cannot speak too highly of the confidence we feel in their liberal mode of conducting mercantile transactions; and, in the hope that they may be honored with the same countenance received by ourselves from your respected firm, we beg to sign ourselves Your Most Obedient Servants, HOPE, GOOD & CO. Notice of Having Forwarded Goods. SOUTH HAVEN, MICH., Sept. i, 18 . MESSRS. HAGER, SPIES & Co., Chicago, 111., Dear Sirs : According to your order, I have shipped you this day, per Steamer Morning Star, 200 baskets Peaches, (Marked H., S. & Co.) 10 bbls. Sweet Potatoes, " " " 12 " Apples, Trusting that these will prove as satisfactory as those heretofore sent, and bring as good a price, I am Respectfully Yours, A. M. GOODFELLOW. Requesting a Friend to Make Purchases. KANKAKEE, ILL., Jan. i, 18 . DEAR MARY : I am going to trespass on your kindness by asking you to make a few purchases for me. Enclosed find twenty dollars and a memorandum of what I want. My household duties, combined with the objection I have to leaving my children at this season of the year in the care of servants, very closely confine me to my home, and are my excuse for troubling you. FORMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS. We are in usual health, and I hope this note will find your family all well. With kind regards to Mr. Webster and love to children, I remain, Your Sincere Friend, HELEN D. WELLS. To MBS. MAT BENSON, Michigan Ave., Chicago.- Requesting Settlement of Account. MEMPHIS, TENN., Oct. 9, 18 HIRAM BAXTER, ESQ., Nashville, Tenn. Sir: I enclose your account. I shall feel obliged by your settlement at an early date, as I have several heavy payments to make. Trusting that you will excuse my troubling you, I am, Yours Respectfully, DELOS HARTWELL. Reply to the Preceding. NASHVILLE, TENN., Oct. 12, 18. DELOS HAHTWELL, ESQ., Memphis, Tenn. Sir: As I am unable to send you the money for settlement of our account, without inconvenience, I enclose my acceptance for thirty days, which I trust you will be able to use. Yours Truly, HIRAM BAXTER. Urging Payment of Rent. COLUMBUS, O., March 11, 18 . MR. D. P. HOYT. Dear Sir: I have waited patiently for your convenience in the payment of rent for the house you are at present occupying. As, however, you have now been my tenant for four months without meet- ing any of the payments, which were to be made monthly, I feel obliged to remind you of the fact that there are now $80 due to me. Trnsting that you will give the subject your immediate attention, I am, Yours Truly, WEBSTER GREEN. Letter to a Pioneer Settler in the West. TOLEDO, OHIO, July 9, 18. MR. MARTIN FULLER. Dear Sir: I take the liberty, though a stranger, of addressing you a few lines relative to the inducements for new settlers in your section of the country, having been recommended to do so through our mutual friend, Artemas Carter. As I have sold out my business in this city for ten thousand dol- lars, I am anxious to invest the proceeds in a large farm in a young State, feeling satisfied that a new country, like that you are now in, offers attractions for young and energetic men not found in the old cities. You will much oblige me by giving information concerning climate, soil, water, timber, and other inducements for settling in your vicinity. Trusting that doing so will not seriously trouble you, and that I may hear from you soon, I remain, Yours, Very Respectfully, CHAS. W. CANFIELD. Answer to the Foregoing. BIG STRANGER, KANSAS, Aug. 15, 18. MR. CHAS. W. CANFIELD, Toledo, Ohio. Dear Sir: Your welcome letter was received yesterday. I can assure you that I will be only too happy to furnish you all the information you desire relative to the prospects in this portion of Uncle Sam's domains. I have now been two years in this place, and I can truly say that these years have been the happiest of my life. True, we have endured some hardships incident to pioneer life; but the glorious freedom from the frivolities of fashion and the formalities of aristo- cratic life, common to the old towns in the East, together with the pleasure one takes in making new improvements, all have combined to render our family perfectly delighted with the country. For a quarter of the money in your possession, you can purchase all the land you will desire to cultivate; the remainder you can loan hereabouts, on bond and mortgage, at good interest. The climate here is healthy and invigorating; the soil good, with running streams in sufficient abundance to water most of the farms. Plenty of building material and fuel can be had in the timber skirting the streams ; and the prospect for the ultimate opening of the land in this section to a ready market, through several lines of railway now in contemplation, is very flattering. At present, however, the nearest station to my farm, on the stage route, is Chesterfield, thirty-four miles distant, at which place I will take great pleasure in meeting you, with my team, at any time you may appoint. A very excellent farm, adjoining mine, can be bought for five dollars ($5) per acre. One corner of the land is crossed by a never-failing stream, with considerable timber along the same. You will have to rough it for a little while after you arrive ; but the neighbors will all turn out to aid in getting up your log house, after which yon will be at home "under your own vine and fig-tree." We have two rooms in our house, and, till your house is completed, we will give one of them to your family. It will seem a little odd, at first, for a fashionable family of six or eight persons to occupy one room, with wolf and deer skins for quilts and coverlets ; but, by-and- by, when the young ladies find they are in just as good style as any- body else, they will dismiss their fastidiousness, and think it jolly fun. These privations that we at first endure are necessary, perhaps, to enable us to appreciate the fine homes which we all expect to have in the good time coming. Hoping to have the pleasure of welcoming yourself and family as neighbors, I am, Yours, Very Truly, MARTIN FULLER. LETTERS APPLYING FOR EMPLOYMENT. 89 Applications for Situations, Letters Answering Advertisements. HE following advertisements, taken from metropolitan papers, are but samples of hundreds of such to be seen every day in the ad- vertising columns of the leading daily newspapers in the great cities; showing that abundant opportunities constantly offer for obtaining employment, the positions to be secured, however, by letters making application for them. WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED AN EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ON A literary paper. A thoroughly competent lady pre- ferred. Address D 71, Herald office, New York. WANTED IN A GRAIN COMMISSION HOUSE, a smart lad for office work ; must be a good pen- man. Address.^in own handwriting, stating age and salary expected,- W 32, Ledger office. WANTED A YOUNG LADY CLERK IN A DRY goods store. Must be accustomed to the business. Address, with reference, B 80, Picayune office. WANTED AN ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, one who writes neatly and rapidly; willing to work for a moderate salary, and who can bring A No. 1 recommendations. Address, stating experience and particulars, X. Y. Z., Bulletin office. WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER in a bank. Address, with reference, Z 61, Journal office. WANTED LADY COPYIST, ABLE TO WRITE A bold, distinct hand. Salary good. Address, in applicant's own handwriting, COPY, Republican office. WANTED A COMPETENT SALESMAN TO sell pianos one who has experience and good references. Address, stating salary expected, PIANOS, Tribune office. WANTED AN ACCOMPLISHED, EDUCATED young lady as a companion, to travel for six months in Europe, with a gentleman, wife, and daugh- ter. Must be a ready writer, a good conversationalist, and possess vivacity and pleasing manners. Wardrobe furnished, and money to pay all expenses. Address Z. B M., Commercial office, stating wnere an interview can be had. As a hundred different persons will sometimes make application for one position, which will be given to the individual writing the best letter, everything else being equal, this illustrates in a striking manner the importance of being able to write a letter elegantly and correctly. Answer to an Advertisement for an Assistant Editor. /L 4 -/ r ~a MT" C "Tr^Tr*!" _ f- Letters of Introduction. BETTERS of Introduction should be written very plainly, and should be brief, as the person introduced is com- pelled to wait while the letter is being read. In introducing a person in a business capacity, state distinctly what is his business; if a pro- fessional man, his profession, and your knowl- edge or information of his ability. The letter of introduction should be left unsealed. It would be a great discourtesy to prevent the bearer from seeing what you have written. As in letters of recommendation, the person giving a letter of introduction is, in a measure, responsible for the character and ability of the person introduced. Hence, such letters should be guardedly written, or given with full knowl- edge of the person they introduce. That the person receiving such a letter may know at a glance its character, the letter should, on the envelope, be addressed thus: P^ v Presenting the letter of introduction at the private house, send it by the servant to the per- son addressed, accompanied with your card. At the business house, send the letter to the counting-room, accompanied by your card. Introducing one Gentleman to Another. NORWAY, MAINE, July 9, 18. FRIEND WILLIAM. The bearer of this, Mr. Sterling Hepworth, is a dry-goods merchant in our town, who visits your city for the pur- pose of making purchases for his fall trade. Mr. H. is a heavy dealer in his line, pays cash for all he buys, and expects the discount accompanying cash payment. Any favor you can render him by intro- duction to your leading wholesale houses, or otherwise, will be appreciated by Mr. Hepwortb, and acknowledged by, Your Friend, WALTER KIMBALL. WILLIAM DARLING. Introducing one Lady to Another. ROME, GA., Aug. 10, 18. DEAR ANNABEL: I take this occasion to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Mrs. Pemberton, who is on a visit to her relatives in your city. Mrs. P. is my very dear friend, of whom you have often heard me speak. Believing that your acquaintance with each other would be mutually agreeable, I have urged her to call upon you during her stay. Any attention you may bestow upon her, during her visit, will be highly appreciated by, Your Friend, DELIA MAYBORNE. Introducing a Young Musician to a Lady Friend. SALEM, MASS., Sept. 12, 18. MRS. STEPHEN HAWKINS. Dear Friend: The bearer, Miss Serena Snow, visits your city for the purpose of pursuing a musical education, being ae yet undeter- mined whom she will choose as an instructor. Any advice and assist- ance you may render will be highly appreciated by her, and duly acknowledged by her parents, who have great confidence in your judg- ment in matters pertaining to music. Trusting that you will find it agreeable to aid my young friend, I remain, Yours Sincerely, MARY A. BARNET. Introducing an Officer to a Brother-Officer. HOLYOKE, MASS., Sept. 17, 18 . DEAR CAPTAIN: My old-time comrade, Capt. H. M. Benson, visits your town for the purpose of attending the Army Reunion on the 27th. As he will remain some little time, I commend him to your brotherly care. Believing that your acquaintance will be mutually agreeable, I remain, Fraternally Yours, T. M. SEYMOUR. CAPT. A. M. BELLOWS. 98 LETTERS OF INTRODUCTION. Introducing a Gentleman Seeking a Clerkship. DENVER, COL., Oct. 13, 18. FRIEND PATTERSON: This letter will introduce to you my young friend, Morgan Hatfield, who has been in my employ as a clerk for the past eighteen months, and whom I would still retain, had not the dis- posing of a portion of my business rendered his services, with those of others of my clerks, unnecessary. Believing that your wide influence would very materially aid him in securing a good position in the dry-goods trade in your city, I presume upon the acquaintance of an old friend in thus writing you. For reference you can use my name. Believing that you will not afterwards regret any assistance you ren- der the young man, I am, Your Friend, HERBERT HOPKINS. A. B. PATTERSON, ESQ. Introducing a Sister to a Schoolmate. SALEM, OREGON, Nov. 14, 18 . DEAR FRIEND: This will be brought you by my sister Callie, of whom you have heard me talk so much. No words of mine are neces- sary in introducing yon. I have told you both so much of each other that you are already acquainted. I bid you love each other as well as I love yon both. Affectionately Yours, JENNIE. Miss LIZZIE BRAYTON. Introducing a Clerk to an Old Fellow-Clerk. SILVER CITY, NEW MEXICO, Dec. 18, 18 . DEAR HAL.: My friend and fellow-clerk, Wm. Bell, will spend a week in your city, and wants to look at the desk where you and I stood, side by side, so long. You will find him a genial, friendly fellow, and will most assuredly not regret my sending him to you. Ever Your Friend, CON. BALDWIN. HAUNT STKBBIHS. Introducing a Student to the Writer's Mother. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Feb. 2, 18 . DEAR MOTHER: The bearer of this is my college chum, Harry Worthington. Being about to visit his parents at San Jose, I have per- suaded him to stop over one train to see you and sister Kate. Harry is in the same class with myself, and is, I can assure you, a splendid fellow. Of course, you and Kate will treat him so finely as to make him, perhaps, stay longer than one day. He will tell you all the news. Your Ever Affectionate Son, SAMMY DOBBIN. Introducing a Friend to a Member of Congress. DOVER, DEL., Mar. 3, 18 . HON. D. B. GRAHAM. Respected Sir: The bearer, Mr. D. H. Harmon, is the son of Mrs. Lieut. W. H. Harmon, of this town, whose husband was killed at the battle of luka, bravely defending the flag. This young man has just graduated from one of our best schools, and at my suggestion visits Washington, thinking to acquaint himself with the condition of things at the Capitol, and, if the same could be obtained, would gladly occupy a clerkship for a time. Should it be in your power to grant him such a favor, it will be warmly appreciated by his mother and myself. I remain, Yours Respectfully, V. H. MARTIN. MK. Introducing a Literary Lady to a Publisher. BATON ROUGE, LA., March 4, 18 . WARREN H. WEBSTER. Dear Sir: The bearer, Mrs. Lydia Hnntington, visits New York for the purpose of conferring with some publisher relative to introducing her first book to the public. She is a lady of well- known reputation and acknowledged talent throughout the South, and will, I feel sure, assume prominent rank ere long in the literary world. I take the liberty of an old friend to ask of you a consideration of her claims. Yours, Very Respectfully, B. H. CAMPBELL. Introducing a Daughter About to Make a Visit. CHARLESTON, S. C., May 6, 18 . MY DEAR MRS. HAMILTON: In compliance with your oft-repeated request, I send my daughter to spend a few weeks of her vacation in your delightful country home, trusting that her visit may be as delight- ful for her and yourself as mine was a year ago. Anticipating a visit from you all, ere the close of the present summer, I remain, AB Ever, Your Devoted Friend, MARY DAVENPORT. LETTERS OF ADMONITION. 99 OUK life has been a suc- cess," said an individual to t6w.- prosperous business man. "To what do you attribute your success? " " To an admonition given me by my father, when a boy, which was this: " First, to attend strictly to my own business. Second, to let other people's business alone. Observing this, I incurred no ill will by inter- meddling with others, and I saved my time for the development and improvement of my own business." Be very sparing of letters of advice. As a rule, you will have enough to do to attend to your own affairs; and, as a general thing, advice even when solicited is liable to give offence. If, however, you are asked to give an opinion, you may plainly state it. Do not give it, however, as a law, nor feel offended if your ad- vice is disregarded. Beware of giving advice from selfishness. Sooner or later your motive will be discovered. Let your admonition be alone for the interest and welfare of your friend. If you expect, however, to be benefited by the course Advising a Young Lady to Refuse Gifts from Gentlemen. & i! (j/ 't & S s & -Tit s/> / tf.-att'tdse'Lf. -U4ttAsu,. 104 LETTERS ACCOMPANYING GIFTS. Answer to the Foregoing. JACKSON, Miss., Oct. 25, 18 . DEAR EMILY: I regret that we are not to have the anticipated visit from you thfe spring. We are very thankful for the photographs, however, if we can do no better. We regard them very life-like in expression, and truthful in representation. When baby is a few weeks older, we will group ourselves together, and you shall see us as we are. Our love to all your family, and remember me as, Your Constant Friend, HELEN STANFORD. Accompanying a Book Sent by the Author. SPRINGDALE, N. J., June 1, 18 . Miss Harmon will please accept the accompanying volume as a token of the high esteem and regard of the Author, ARTHUR WELLS. Miss MARTHA HARMON. Answer to the Foregoing. No. 9 ST., Aug. 2, 18. Miss Harmon presents her regards to Mr. Wells, and accepts with much gratification his highly esteemed and valuable gift. ARTHUR WELLS, ESQ. Accompanying a Bouquet to a Lady. Will Miss Beveridge honor Mr. Haines by carrying the accompany- ing flowers to the concert this evening? Answer to the Foregoing. Miss Beveridge's compliments and thanks to Mr. Haines. His beau- tiful and fragrant gift will be a welcome addition to her toilet for this evening. Accompanying a Birthday Gift. BELVIDERE, ILL., Dec. 10, 18 . FRIEND DAVID: Sixty years ago, to-day, you and I exchanged birthday greetings, then in our twentieth year. How the years have flown by since then, sprinkling our heads with snow, and finally cover- ing them with white ! You will please accept this staff as an evidence that time cannot dim the unchanging friendship of, Your Friend, JOSEPH BARLOW. Answer to the Foregoing. FREEPORT, ILL., Dec. 10, 18 . MY FRIEND JOSEPH: Your very valuable and welcome gift came to-day. I lean on it, and look back. The noonday of our life has passed. Gradually we are descending the slope towards the going-down of our life's sun. It is appointed for all to reach life's meridian, stand there for a little while, and go down on the other side. Youth may not be recovered here, but I doubt not that we may be young again, in that bourne towards which we are fast passing. During my remaining years I will cherish your gift. Accept my warmest thanks, and remem- ber me as, Your Constant Friend, DAVID BINNINGER. Accompanying a Donation to a Clergyman. To THE REV. WASHINGTON SMITH, Pastor of the th St. M. E. Church. Dear Sir : Will you confer upon us the great pleasure of appropriating to your own use the accompanying check ? It is pre- sented by your many friends in your congregation, as a slight token of the very high esteem in which you are held by the people, as a Christian gentleman and a most eloquent and instructive preacher. Trusting that its acceptance will afford you as much pleasure as is given us in the presentation, we are, Very Respectfully, MARTIN FULLER, "j WM. B. Ki v.. !- Com. of Presentation. CHAS. H. SNOW. Answer to the Foregoing. ST. Louis, Mo., Jan. 1, 18 . MESSRS. MARTIN FULLER, WM. B. KING, AND CHAS. H. SNOW. Gentlemen : Your very kind and courteous letter, accompanied by your valuable testimonial, is received, for which please accept my grateful acknowledgments. The gift itself, however, is not more valued than the golden words of sympathy and encouragement that accompany its presentation. Trusting that, through God's blessing, I may be able to serve the generous donors as acceptably in the future as your testimonial leads me to suppose I have in the past, I am, Your Very Obedient Servant, WASHINGTON SMITH. Accompanying a Gift to a Superintendent upon Retirement. CHICAGO, ILL., Feb. 2, 18~. MR. ARTHUR P. STEPHENS. Dear Sir: The undersigned, employes of the Northwestern Sheet Lead and Zinc Works, deeply regretting your departure from among us, desire your acceptance of the accompanying memorial, in testimony of our affection and respect for you as a gentleman and a mechanic, and as a faint expression of our appeciation of your kindly efforts to render our connection with this manufactory not only pleasant and agreeable to ourselves, but profitable to the company. Deeply regretting that our connection must be severed, we shall gratefully remember our association in the past, and hope always to be held in pleasurable remembrance by you. (SIGNED BY THE EMPLOYES.) Answer to the Foregoing. CHICAGO, ILL., Feb. 3, 18 . To THE EMPLOYES or THE NORTHWESTERN SHEET LEAD AND ZINC WORKS. Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your kind letter and testimonial. Wherever fortune may cast my lot, I shall never cease to remember the pleasant associations of the past few years, and the many kind attentions I have received at your hands. If our relations and labors have been pleasant, I do not forget that they were largely made so by your always generous efforts and willing cooperation. I will ever cherish your beautiful gift as a memorial of our pleasant years together, and can only wish that each of you, when occupying positions of trust, maybe as warmly supported and as ably assisted by those in your charge as I have been since my connection with your- selves. Thanking you for this testimonial and your generous words of approval, I remain, Your Friend, ARTHUR P. STEPHENS. LETTERS TO RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. 105 BITE letters to friends and relatives very often. As a rule, the more frequent such letters, the more minute they are in giving particulars; and the longer you make them, the better. The absent husband should write a letter at least once a week. Some husbands make it a rule to write a brief letter home at the close of every day. The absent child need not ask, " Do they miss me at home ? " Be sure that they do. Write those relatives a long letter, often, descriptive of your jour- neys and the scenes with which you are becoming familiar. And, if the missive from the absent one is dearly cherished, let the relatives at home remember that doubly dear is the letter from the hallowed hearthstone of the home fireside, where the dearest recollections of the heart lie garnered. Do not fail to write very promptly to the one that is away. Give all the news. Go into all the little particulars, just as you would talk. After you have written up matters of general moment, come down to little personal gossip that is of particular interest. Give the details fully about Sallie Williams marrying John Hunt, and her parents being opposed to the match. Be explicit about the new minister, how many sociables you have a month, and the general condition of affairs among your intimate acquaintances. Don't forget to be very minute about things at home. Be particular to tell of "bub," and " sis," and the baby. Even " Major," the dog, should have a mention. The little tid-bits that 106 LETTERS TO RELATIVES. are tucked in around, on the edge of the letter, are all devoured, and are often the sweetest morsels of the feast. Let the young, more especially, keep up a continual correspondence with their friends. The ties of friendship are thus riveted the stronger, and the fires of love and kind feeling, on the altar of the heart, are thus kept contin- ually burning bright. will drop away into happy homes, which, If they do not make them, they will at leaet adorn. And BO you are married. Well, I had some intimation, months ago, that such an event might sometime take place, but really I did not think yon would change your name BO soon. Mrs. Charles Blackwell ! well, that does sound a little odd, I confess, but then it is a pretty name, nevertheless. I assure you I am impatient to meet you, and witness how you dignify the name. Accept my most sincere good wishes for your future happiness, and tell your husband that he must be prepared to feel an interest in the welfare of all your old friends, especially, Your Friend, CALLIE BROWN. From a Husband, Absent on Business, to his Wife. DETROIT, MICH., Feb. 1, 18 . MY DEAR HENRIETTA : I have been to the end of my journey, and am now homeward bound. Another week, and I hope to kiss my wife and babies, and tell them that this is my last journey of the winter. One or two journeys next spring, and then I am done traveling away from home. What better news can I write you than this ? Yes, perhaps I have better news yet, which is, that I have com- pleted such arrangements, during my absence from yon this time, as will greatly increase my income without it being necessary for me to travel. Isn't that pleasant? How I long to get home and tell you all about it. At present, when not closely engaged in business, I am busy thinking of many improvements that we will make around our home next summer, being the very changes that you have so long desired, but which our means hitherto have not permitted us to make. Kiss Sammie and Tillie for me, and accept many kisses for yourself. I will write you from Cleve- land, if not before. Good night. Your Loving Husband, WM. TILDEN. From a Young Cirl, at Boarding-School, to her Mother. From a Young Lady to a Schoolmate just Married. GALVA, ILL., DEC. 26, 18. DEAR MINNIE: I have just heard, through our mutual friend and former schoolmate, Nellie Crandall, that you are the first of our school-girl circle who has taken upon herself the cares and duties of married life. Thus, one by one, I expect, our little band of joyous, happy girls, so short a time ago together, /" c/ if LETTERS OF FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. 107 Answer of the Mother. NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 18. MY DEAR CHILD : I am sorry that you should urge me to grant you such an unreasonable request. Of course, nothing could please me better than to have my darling little Ella sitting on my lap at this very moment; but think how seriously the absence from your school, now, would derange all your recitations for this term. You must not think of it; recollect that all your brothers and sisters have been away at school, and always remained until the vacations. It is true that you, being the youngest, have been petted more than the rest, but it would be very unfortunate to have my indulgence interfere with your studies. You know that you are the idol of our hearts ; for that very reason you should endeavor to become proficient in those branches of study that will render you an accomplished lady. Believe me, my dear child, you will find school more pleasant every day, as you get better acquainted with your schoolmates ; and, through improvement in your studies, you will steadily grow in favor with your teachers. I will write Mrs. Mayhew to render your tasks as light as possible at first, and I have no doubt she will do all in her power to aid you. Only a few weeks, remember, and you will be home for a long vaca- tion, which will be all the more delightful for the privation you are at present undergoing. Your father, brothers and sisters all unite with me in sending you their love. I remain, my dear child, Your Affectionate Mother, NANCY BENNETT. To ELLA BEKNETT, Hopeville Female Seminary. From an Absent Wife to her Husband. ARGYLE, N. Y., March 2, 18. DEAREST LOVE: I am at last safely under uncle's roof, having arrived here last evening, baby and myself both well, but really very tired. We had no delay, except about two hours at Buffalo. Uncle met me at the depot with his carriage, and, in fifteen minutes from the time of my arrival, I was cosily seated in my room, which was all in readiness for me. Uncle and aunt seem greatly pleased with my coming, and both are loud in their praise of the baby. They very much regret that you could not have come with me, and say they intend to prevail on you to make them a visit when I am ready to go home. Baby looks into my eyes once in a while and says, solemnly, " Papa, papa!" I do actually believe he is thinking about home, and wants to keep up a talk about you. Everybody thinks he looks like his papa. By day after to-morrow I will write a long letter. I want you to get this by the first mail, so I make it short. With dearest love, I am, Your Wife, CAROLINE. Answer to the Foregoing. MICHIGAN CITY, IND., March 7. DEAR WIFE: I was indeed rejoiced to hear of your safe arrival, having felt no little anxiety for you, which is relieved by the receipt of your letter. I miss you very much, the house looks so dreary without your loved presence ; but I am, nevertheless, glad that you are making your visit, as the journey, I trust, will be beneficial to your health. Kiss baby for me. Only by his absence do I know how much I have enjoyed my play with our little Charlie. Don't take any concern about me. Enjoy your visit to the utmost extent. In one of my next letters I will write whether I can go East and return with you. Remember me to uncle and aunt. Your Ever-Faithful Husband, ARCHIBALD. From a Servant in the City, to her Parents in the Country. NEW YORK, June 1, 18. MY DEAR PARENTS : I take the first opportunity, since I arrived in the city, to write to you. It was a sore trial, I assure you, to leave home, but since coming here I have been quite contented, and I am get- ting so well accustomed to my work that I begin to like my place very much. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are both very kind to me. The family con- sists of father, mother and three children, the youngest being a little boy three years old a beautiful little fellow, that always reminds me of brother James. Eliza, the oldest girl, is thirteen, and Martha is eleven. They are both very kind to me, and do so much about the house that it helps me very considerably. Mr. Benedict is a clothing merchant in the city, and, I judge, is in very good circumstances. The girls are attending school at present. All the family are very regular in their attendance at church. For the first few days here, everything seemed very strange. I hardly knew what to make of so much noise and so many people on the streets. I have now, however, become accustomed to the multitudes, and would, I presume, consider my native village very dull indeed, compared with the bustle and activity of the city. I realize every day, dear parents, the worth of your good advice to me, which I never knew the value of so much before ; thanking you for the same, I will always endeavor to follow it. Give my love to Johnny, Mary, Jimmy and all inquiring friends. I shall anxiously look for a letter from you. Write me in the care of Solon Benedict, No. Thirteenth Street. Your Dutiful and Affectionate Daughter. BETSEY ANN FAIRBANKS. To MR. AND MRS. H. K. FAIRBANKS, Swallow Hill, Pa. The Mother's Reply. SWALLOW HILL, PA., June 7, 18 . DEAR BETSEY: Your letter, which has been received, affords great pleasure and satisfaction to your father and myself. Nothing could give our hearts greater happiness than to know of your enjoyment and firm purpose to do right. Now that you are removed from all parental restraint, it is of the most vital importance that you implic- itly rely upon the religious precepts which have been instilled into your mind, and that you daily pray to God for guidance and mercy. We are greatly pleased that you are well situated with Mr. and Mrs. Benedict ; in return for their kindness yon must be honest, industrious, kind and obliging, always doing your duty faithfully, which will be a real satisfaction to yourself as well as to your employers. Several of the neighbors, who have called, have wished to be remem- bered to you; Mary and Jimmy unite with you father and myself in sending you love. We shall constantly pray for your continued protection and pros- perity. I remain, dear Betsey, Your Affectionate Mother, HARRIET FAIRBANKS. Letter from a Father, Remonstrating with his Son. DANBURY, CONN., July 7, 18 . MY DEAR SON : I am sorry to learn that yon are not inclined to be as strict in your line of duty as yon should be. Remember, my son, that a down-hill road is before you, unless you rouse yourself and shake off immediately the habits of dissipation that are fastening themselves upon you. Be sure, dear boy, that nothing but sorrow and shame can come of bad company, late hours, neglect of duty, and inattention to the obligations of morality. I am willing to think that you have not given this matter sufficient thought heretofore; that your actions are the result of thoughtlessness, rather than a disposition to do wrong. 108 DESCRIPTIVE LETTERS. But be forewarned in time. You must change your course of action immediately, or incur my severe displeasure. I urge this, my boy, for your sake. Remember that my happiness is bound in your own, and that nothing could give me greater pleasure than your prosperity. I trust that it will not be necessary for me to UBC more severe language than this. Your Anxious Father, RUDOLF MATHEWS. The Son's Reply. BOSTON, MASS., June 9, 18 . DEAR FATHER: I realize that I need the good advice contained in yonr letter. I am aware, as I stop to think of my conduct, that I have given you reason for anxiety, but I intend, by attention to my business hereafter, and a complete reformation of my habits, to give 'you no occasion for concern about me in the future. Believe me, I love and respect you too much to intentionally wound your feelings, or to bring down your gray hairs with sorrow. Excuse me, dear father, for having given yon this uneasiness, and trust me as, Your Affectionate and Repentant Son, CHARLES MATHEWS. From a Married Man to a Friend About to Marry. ATLANTA, GA., Aug. 30, 18 . FRIEND BATCHELDER: Can it be possible ? Am I right, or am I dreaming? Has it come to this at last? You, Batchelder Button you cynic, railer against women, the unalterable, unchangeable bachelor, is it possible that you have at last been captured, and have surren- dered all your ordnance, heavy guns and small arms to the enemy? What a defeat! That large, strong heart of yours all crumbling to pieces, and surrendering to Cupid's battery ! Well, now, seriously, my friend, from my point of view, I think'you have done a very sensible thing. The man who goes the journey alone through life, lives but half a life. If you have found the woman fitted by temperament and accomplishments to render your pathway through life the joyous one that the married state should be, you are certainly to be congratulated for awakening to a true sense of your condition, though rather late in the day. Though but slightly acquainted with Miss Howell, I have formed a very favorable idea of her intelligence and worth, which opinion, I believe, is generally shared by those who know her beet. I doubt not, with her your married life will be a continually happy one. Your Friend, HERBERT TRACEY. From a Young Man Who Has Recently Entered College. HARVARD COLLEGE, MASS., May 18, 18. DEAR FATHER : I am happy to inform you that I passed my examination with credit, if I am to believe the commendation bestowed upon me by Dr. H . I was very agreeably surprised, soon after my arrival, to meet my former schoolmate, Hartley Montague, who is one of the most respected and influential in his class, with whom I am, as formerly, on quite intimate terms. Many things are quite new to me here. The society is very much mixed, and I cannot tell just where my level is; but I trust I shall be able to follow the good advice of my parents, and always do credit to myself and my relatives, who have labored so assid- uously to advance me to this position. I thank yon for the check yon so kindly sent me, which was fully ade- quate to cover all expenses of entrance, and leave me a surplus sufficient for the rest of the term. Love to dear mother and sisters. Hoping to meet you all at our forthcoming commencement, I am, Your Affectionate Son, BARFORD D. CLAY. Descriptive Letter From a Young Man at the " Old Home," to his Parents in the West. CAMBRIDGE, N. Y., June 18, 1873. DEAR PARENTS: Agreeable to your request, I take the first opportunity, after my visit to the "old home" and a hurried call upon our relatives, to write you how I found the people and scenes that you knew so well in the days lang syne, and that I remember as a boy. I arrived at Cambridge after a ninety minutes' ride from Troy. What a great change in traveling! When last I was here, it was a day's journey from Troy, by stage-coach. To-day, New York, in time, is nearer to our old home than Troy was then; and Troy, after traveling among the thriving, driving cities of the great West, seems like a way- side village, instead of the great metropolis that it once seemed to be; though it is a beautiful, growing, wealthy manufacturing city to-day, nevertheless. It is not that the villages and cities that we once knew grow less, but by observation and comparison we class them where they belong. At Cambridge I secured a livery team for a three days' sojourn among the scenes of my boyhood. Up the Battenkill. Could it be that this was the great river in which my parents were in such constant fear of their boy being drowned? Was this the Mississippi of my childhood? Alas! that I had floated down the Ohio River to the real Mississippi, that I had been up the Missouri, two thousand miles from its mouth, and that I had navigated the Father of Waters from its fountain-head to its outlet in the Gulf of Mexico. Had the Battenkill been drying up? Not at all. Though a brook, comparatively, there are the same milldams, the same trout-holes, and the same bending willows by its side ; and the first to meet me among our old neighbors was uncle Nat., the same old jolly fisherman, returning from his daily piscatorial excursion, with a small string of trout. Uncle Nat. complains bitterly of the scarcity of fish at present in the river, caused, he says, by "them city chaps'" from Troy, New York and Albany, who are in the habit of sojourning during the sum- mer months in the hotels among the mountains hereabouts. Stopping first at uncle Henry's, I visited the old homestead towards evening on the day of my arrival. Whatever may be said about the village and rivers growing smaller, it must certainly be admitted that the mountains, hills and rocks hold their own. Up there, on the hill- side, was " the old house at home," which I had not seen for fifteen years. I went up the walk. There were the maples that I assisted father in planting, twenty years ago great, spreading trees now. There was the same rosebush that mother and I cared for sixteen years ago. No other evidence of the flowers and shrubbery that mother so much delighted in remained about the premises. I had learned that the place had passed into the hands of an Irish- man named Sweeny, so I rapped at the front door, and was met by Mrs. S., from whom I obtained permission to stroll around the place. " Oh, yes," said the kind-hearted woman, " go all about, and when Mr. Swainy comes, he'll go wid ye." So I strolled in the quiet evening hour, alone, among the scenes of my childhood, where we boys picked stones and played ball in the summer, and slid down hill and chopped firewood in the winter. The barn was the same old barn. I clambered to its old girtbeam, and sat looking down on the haymow where I had jumped, hundreds of times, into the hay below. I climbed to the box, close under the rafters, where we boys used to keep doves. The same box is there yet. I went down into the stables, where we hunted hens' eggs. Apparently, the same speckled hens are there now. And down around the barn are the same old maples, and willows beside the brook. I went out to the fields. What immense tracts of land I thought these ten-acre fields, when I was a boy ! The same orchards are there. The old Jones sweet-apple tree is dead, however, and none of the trees are looking thrifty. I took a drink from the upper spring, in the Barnes lot, which tasted just as cool as ever, and getting down on my hands and knees to drink seemed like old times. I saw a woodchuck and several squirrels, in my walk, and heard the same old caw, caw, of the crows, which brought back the past the most vividly of any- thing I had heard. DESCRIPTIVE LETTERS. 109 Returning, and looking through the house, I found almost every- thing changed. Two American and three Irish families had occupied it since we left, and they, evidently thinking that they would soon leave, did not pretend to make any improvements for their successors to enjoy. To sum up the description of the house it has never been painted since we left; the dooryard fence is gone; the woodhouse has been removed; the outdoor cellar has caved in; the wagon- house leans so badly it is liable to fall over at any time; the house itself, in a few years, will go the way of the fences; and most of the outbuildings are already gone. Nearly every American family that once lived here has gone West; the population of the vicinity, at the present time, being largely made up of Irish. Another generation, and, it is probable, scarcely an American will be left to tell the tale. Though sorrowing to see the wreck of our old home, I am greatly enjoying the visit. The scenery is truly beautiful ; though, unfortu- nately, the people here know nothing of its beauties, and it takes us gome years on the level plains of the West to learn to appreciate it. One thing must be said of the people here, however, especially the Americans that are left they take their full measure of enjoyment. With continuous snow four months in the year, the winter is made up of sleighriding to parties and festal occasions; the sunshine of spring is the signal for maple-sugar-making, and sugaring-off parties ; the hard work of summer is broken up by fishing, berrying, and fre- quent excursions to various parts of the country; the fall is charac- terized by apple-parings and corn-huskings ; so that, with their maple sugar, berries, cream, trout, honey and pumpkin pies, they are about the best livers and happiest people I ever met. I never knew, till I returned, that they enjoyed themselves so well. I will continue the record of my visit in my next. Yours Affectionately, ALFRED T. WEEKS. Descriptive Letter. From a Young Lady Visiting Chicago, to her Parents in the East. CHICAGO, ILL., June 1, 1873. DEAR PARENTS: Having been the rounds among our relatives here, I seat myself to give you something of an idea of this wonderful city in many respects one of the most remarkable on the face of the earth, having a population to-day of over 300,000. You have heard so much of the city that I must give you a brief sketch of its history. The first white man ever known to have set foot on the spot where Chicago now stands, was a French Missionary, from Canada, named Pierre Jacques Marquette, who, with two others, having been on a missionary tour in the southern part of Illinois, when homeward bound was detained at this place in the fall of 1673, in consequence of the severe cold, until the following spring. That was two hun- dred years ago. The first settler that came here was Point-au-Sable, a St. Domingo negro, who, in 1796, commenced a few improvements seventy-seven years since. Au-Sable soon afterwards removed to Peoria, 111., his im- provements passing into the hands of one Le Mai, a Frenchman, who traded considerably with the Indians. The first permanent settler here was John Kinzie, who came over from St. Joseph, Michigan, and com- menced his improvements in 1804 sixty-nine years ago. Mr. Kinzie was, indeed, what Romulus was to Rome, the founder of the city. There was a fort built that year, a blockhouse made of logs, a few rods southwest of what is now known as Rush street bridge. Mr. Kinzie had a house near the south end of the bridge, which bridge, of course, had no existence in those days. An employe of Mr. Kinzie, named Ouilmette, a Frenchman, had a cabin a little west of Mr. Kinzie; and a little further west was the log cottage of one Burns, a discharged soldier. South of the fort, on the South Side, a Mr. Lee had a farm, in the low swamp lands, where now stands the heart of the business center of the city, and his cabin was a half mile or so down the river. For a quarter of a century the growth of the village was remarkably slow, as shown by the fact that in 1830 there were but twelve houses in the village, with three suburban residences on Madison street, the entire population, whites, half-breeds and negroes, making about one hundred. That was forty years ago. I should have told you that Chicago has a river, which is doubtless the cause of the wonderful commercial growth of the place of late years, which, at the time of its discovery, was two hundred feet wide, and twenty feet deep, with banks so steep that vessels could come up to the water's edge and receive their lading. A half mile or more from the mouth of the river, the stream divides : that portion north of the stream being known as the North Side ; that between the forks, the West Side ; and that south of the river, the South Side. At that time, the North Side was covered with a dense forest of black walnut and other trees, in which were bears, wolves, foxes, wild cats, deer and other game in great abundance; while the South Side, now the business center, was a low, swampy piece of ground, being the resort of wild geese and clucks. Where the court house stands, was a pond, which was navigable for small boats. On the banks of the river, among the sedgy grass, grew a wild onion, which the Indians called Chikago, and hence the name of the city. On a summer day, in 1831, the first vessel unloaded goods at the mouth of the river. In 1832, the first frame house was built, by Geo. W. Dole, and stood on the southeast corner 'of Dearborn and South Water streets. At an election for township trustees in 1833, just forty- one years since there were twenty-eight voters. In 1840, there were less than 5,000 people in the place. Thus you see this city, now the fifth in the order of the population in the United States, has grown from 5,000 to 300,000 in thirty-three years. It is needless for me to describe the wonderfully rapid up-building of the city since the fire. You have heard all about it. What I want to tell you more especially is concerning our relatives. LTncles John, William and James, you recollect perhaps, all came here in 1836. They worked that summer for different parties, and until the next spring, when, in the summer of 1837, each of the men they had labored for failed. Uncle John had due him $150. Fortunately, as he thought, he was able to settle the claim at fifty cents on the dollar, and with $75 he left the place in disgust, and went to work for a farmer in Dupage County, a little distance west of Chicago. Uncle William could not get a cent. He even proposed to take $50 for the $175 that were due him, but cash could not possibly be obtained. He finally settled his claim by taking six acres of swampy land on the South Side, which he vainly tried to sell for several years that he might leave the city; but, unable to do so, he continued to work in Chicago. Uncle James took fifteen acres in the settlement of his claim, which he also found it impossible to sell, his experience beingabout the same as that of uncle William. Well, now the luck begins to come in. Uncle William got independent of his land by and by, but at last sold an acre for money enough to put up one of the most elegant residences you ever beheld. He sold afterwards another acre for money with which he bought a farm three miles from the court house, that is now worth $500,000. With two acres more, he got money enough to put up five business blocks, from which he gets a revenue, each year, sufficient to buy several farms. Uncle James' experience is almost exactly similar to uncle William's. He has sold small portions of his land at various times, re-investing his money in real estate, until he is worth to-day about $2,000,000. Uncle William is said to be worth about the same amount. Uncle John came in from the country a few years ago, and, in various capacities, is working for his brothers around the city, being to-day a poor man; but will, I presume, be just as rich in eternity as uncles James and William. All have interesting families of intelligent children, among whom I have almost terminated one of the most delightful visits I ever made. Such in brief is the history of Chicago, and a sketch of two of it8 sample rich men, who were made wealthy in spite of themselves. In my next I will describe the parks and boulevards about the city. Till then, adieu. Your Affectionate Daughter, AMELIA SPARLAND. 110 HINTS ON WRITING LOVE-LETTERS. Letters of Love. F all letters, the love-letter should be the most carefully prepared. Among the written missives, they are the most thoroughly read and re-read, the longest preserved, and the most likely to be regretted in after life. IMPORTANCE OF CARE. They should be written with the utmost re- gard for perfection. An ungrammatical expres- sion, or word improperly spelled, may seriously interfere with the writer's prospects, by being turned to ridicule. For any person, however, to make sport of a respectful, confidential letter, because of some error in the writing, is in the highest degree unladylike and ungentlemanly. NECESSITY OF CAUTION. As a rule, the love-letter should be very guardedly written. Ladies, especially, should be very careful to maintain their dignity when writing them. When, possibly, in after time the feelings entirely change, you will regret that you wrote the letter at all. If the love remains unchanged, no harm will certainly be done, if you wrote with judgment and care. AT WHAT AGE TO WRITE LOVE-LETTERS. The love-letter is the prelude to marriage a state that, if the husband and wife be fitted for each other, is the most natural and serenely happy; a state, however, that none should enter upon, until, in judgment and physical de- velopment, both parties have completely ma- tured. Many a life has been wrecked by a blind, impulsive marriage, simply resulting from a youthful passion. As a physiological law, man should be twenty -five, and woman twenty-three, before marrying. APPROVAL OF PARENTS. While there may be exceptional cases, as a rule, correspondence should be conducted only with the assent and approval of the parents. If it is not so, parents are themselves generally to blame. If children are properly trained, they will implicitly confide in the father and mother, who will retain their love until they are suffi- ciently matured to choose a companion for life. If parents neglect to retain this love and confi- dence, the child, in the yearning for affection, will place the love elsewhere, frequently much too early in life. TIMES FOR COURTSHIP. Ladies should not allow courtship to be con- ducted at unseasonable hours. The evening O entertainment, the walk, the ride, are all favor- able for the study of each other's tastes and feelings. For the gentleman to protract his visit at the lady's residence until a late hour, is almost sure to give oftence to the lady's parents, and is extremely ungentlemanly. HONESTY. The love-letter should be honest. It should say what the writer means, and no more. For the lady or gentleman to play the part of a co- quette, studying to see how many lovers he or she may secure, is very disreputable, and bears in its train a long list of sorrows, frequently wrecking the domestic happiness for a life-time. The parties should be honest, also, in the state- SUGGESTIONS ON MARRIAGE. Ill ment of their actual prospects and means of sup- port. Neither should hold out to the other wealth or other inducements that will not be realized, as disappointment and disgust will be the only result. MARRYING FOR A HOME. Let no lady commence and continue a corre- spondence with a view to marriage, for fear that she may never have another opportunity. It is the mark of judgment and rare good sense to go through life without wedlock, if she cannot marry from love. Somewhere in eternity, the poet tells us, our true mate will be found. Do not be afraid of being an "old maid." The disgrace attached to that term has long since passed away. Unmarried ladies of mature years are proverbially among the most intelligent, accomplished and independent to be found in society. The sphere of woman's action and work is so widening that she can to-day, if she desires, handsomely and independently support herself. She need not, therefore, marry for a home. INTEMPERATE MEN. Above all, no lady should allow herself to correspond with an intemperate man, with a view to matrimony. She may reform him, but the chances are that her life's happiness will be completely destroyed by such a union. Better, a thousand times, the single, free and independ- ent maidenhood, than for a woman to trail her life in the dust, and bring poverty, shame and disgrace on her children, by marrying a man addicted to dissipated habits. MARRYING WEALTH. Let no man make it an ultimate object in life to marry a rich wife. It is not the possession, but the acquisition, of wealth, that gives happiness. It is a generally conceded fact that the inherit- ance of great wealth is a positive mental and moral injury to young men, completely destroy- ing the stimulus to advancement. So, as a rule, no man is permanently made happier by a marriage of wealth; while he is quite likely to be given to understand, by his wife and others, from time to time, that, whatever consequence he may attain, it is all the result of his wife's money. Most independent men prefer to start, as all our wealthiest and greatest men have done, at the foot of the ladder, and earn their independence. Where, however, a man can bring extraordinary talent or distinguished rep- utation, as a balance for his wife's wealth, the conditions are more nearly equalized. Obser- vation shows that those marriages prove most serenely happy where husband and wife, at the time of marriage, stand, socially, intellectually and pecuniarily, very nearly equal. For the chances of successful advancement and happi- ness in after life, let a man wed a woman poorer than himself rather than one that is richer. POVERTY. Let no couple hesitate to marry because they are poor. It will cost them less to live after marriage than before one light, one fire, etc., answering the purpose for both. Having an object to live for, also, they will commence their accumulations after marriage as never before. The young woman that demands a certain amount of costly style, beyond the income of her betrothed, no young man should ever wed. Asa general thing, however, women have common sense, and, if husbands will perfectly confide in their wives, telling them exactly their pecuniary condition, the wife will live within the husband's income. In the majority of cases where men fail in business, the failure being attributed to the wife's extravagance, the wife has been kept in entire ignorance of her husband's pecuniary resources. The man who would be successful in business, should not only marry a woman who is worthy of his confidence, but he should at all times advise with her. She is more inter- ested in his prosperity than anybody else, and will be found his best counselor and friend. CONFIDENCE AND HONOR. The love correspondence of another should be held sacred, the rule of conduct being, to do 112 LOVE-LETTERS. to others as you wish them to do to you. ~No woman, who is a lady, will be guilty of making light of the sentiments that are expressed to her in a letter. No man, who is a gentleman, will boast of his love conquests, among boon companions, or reveal to others the correspond- ence between himself and a lady. If an en- gagement is mutually broken off, all the love- letters should be returned. To retain them is dishonorable. They were written under cir- cumstances that no longer exist. It is better for both parties to wash out every recollection of the past, by returning to the giver every memento of the dead love. HOW TO BEGIN A. LOVE CORRESPONDENCE. Some gentlemen, being very favorably im- pressed with a lady at first sight, and having no immediate opportunity for introduction, make bold, after learning her name, to write her at once, seeking an interview, the form of which letter will be found hereafter. A gentleman in doing so, however, runs considerable risk of receiving a rebuff from the lady, though not always. It is better to take a little more time, learn thoroughly who the lady is, and obtain an introduction through a mutual acquaintance. Much less embarrassment attends such a meet- ing; and, having learned the lady's antecedents, subjects are easily introduced in which she is interested, and thus the first interview can be made quite agreeable. The way is now paved for the opening of a correspondence, which may be done by a note inviting her company to any entertainment sup- posed to be agreeable to her, or the further pleasure of her acquaintance by correspondence, as follows: 148 ST., July 2, 18-. Miss MYRA BRONBON: Having greatly enjoyed our brief meeting at the residence of Mrs. Powell last Thursday evening, I venture to write to request permission to call on you at your own residence. Though myself almost entirely a stranger in the city, your father remembers, he told me the other evening, Mr. Williams of Syracuse, who is my uncle. Trusting that you will pardon this liberty, and place me on your list of gentleman acquaintances, I am, Yours, Very Respectfully, HARMON WILLIAMS. Favorable Reply. 944 ST., July 8, 18-. MB. HARMON WILLIAMS. Dear Sir: It will give me much pleasure to see you at our resi- dence next Wednesday evening. My father desires me to state that he retains a very favorable recollection of your uncle, in consequence of which he will be pleased to continue your acquaintance. Yours Truly, MYRA BRONSON. Unfavorable Reply. 944 ST., July 2, 18-. Mies Myra Bronson, making it a rule to receive no gentleman visitors upon such brief acquaintance, begs to decline the honor of Mr. Will- iams 1 visits. HARMON WILLIAMS, ESQ. An Invitation to a Place of Public Amusement. 462 ST., April 4, 18. Miss FARRINGTON: May I request the very great pleasure of escorting you to Barnum's Museum, at any time which may suit your conven- ience? To grant this favor will give me very much pleasure. No pains will be spared by myself to have you enjoy the occasion, and I will consult your wishes in every particular as to time of calling for you and returning. Waiting an early reply to this, I remain, Most Sincerely, CHAS. STEVENSON. Reply Accepting. 876 ST., April?, 18 . MR. STEVENSON. Dear Sir: I thank you for your very kind invitation, which I am happy to accept. I will appoint next Monday evening, at which time, if you will call for me at our house, I will accompany you. Yours Sincerely, CLARA FARRINGTON. Reply Refusing. 876 ST., April 4, 18. MR. STEVENSON. Dear Sir: I am grateful to you for your very polite invita- tion, but, as I should go only with my own family were I to attend any place of amusement, I am unable to avail myself of your kind- ness. Thanking you, I remain, Yours Truly, CLARA FARRINGTON. Reply with Conditions. 876 ST., April 4, 18. MR. STEVENSON. Dear Sir: I shall be most happy to visit Barnum's Museum with you, but will prefer being one of a company in which yourself is included, such also being the wish of my mother, who sends her kind regards. A visit from you at our house, next Tuesday evening, will enable us to decide upon the time of going. Very Sincerely, CLARA FARRINGTON. LOVE-LETTERS. 113 Love at First Sight. 96 ST., June 1, 18 . DEAR Miss HAWLEY: You will, I trust, forgive this abrupt and plainly spoken letter. Although I have been in your company but once, I cannot forbear writing to you in defiance of all rules of etiquette. Affection is sometimes of slow growth, but sometimes it springs up in a moment. I left you last night with my heart no longer my own. I cannot, of course, hope that I have created any interest in you, but will you do me the great favor to allow me to cultivate your acquaint- ance? Hoping that you may regard me favorably, I shall await with much anxiety your reply. I remain, Yours Devotedly, BENSON GOODRICH. Unfavorable Reply. 694 ST., June 1, 18. MB. GOODRICH. Sir: Your note was a surprise to me, considering that we had never met until last evening, and that then our conversation had been only on commonplace subjects. Your conduct is indeed quite strange. You will please be so kind as to oblige me by not repeating the request, allowing this note to close our correspondence. MARION HAWLEY. Favorable Reply. 694 ST., June 1, 18. MR. GOODRICH. Dear Sir: Undoubtedly I ought to call you severely to account for your declaration of love at first sight, but I really can- not find it in my heart to do so, as I must confess that, after our brief interview last evening, I have thought much more of you than I should have been willing to have acknowledged had you not come to the con- fession first. Seriously speaking, we know but very little of each other yet, and we must be very careful not to exchange our hearts in the dark. I shall be happy to receive you here, as a friend, with a view to our further acquaintance. I remain, dear sir, MARION HAWLEY. A Lover's Good-bye Before Starting on a Journey. 104 ST., May 10, 18. MY DARLING MINNIE : I go west, to-morrow, on business, leaving my heart in your gentle keeping. You need be at no expense in placing a guard around it, for I assure you that, as surely as the needle points towards the pole, so surely my love is all yours. I shall go, dearest, by the first train, hoping thereby to return just one train sooner, which means that not an hour, not a minute longer will I be absent from you, than is imperatively necessary. Like the angler, I shall " drop a line 1 ' frequently, and shall expect a very prompt response, letter for letter. No credit given in this case ; business is business I must have prompt returns. Ever Faithfully Yours, WINFIELD BAKER. Reply to the Foregoing. 814 ST., May 10, 18. DEAR WINFIELD: I have had my cry over your letter a long, hard cry. Of course, I know that does not help the matter any. I suppose you must go, but I shall be so lonely while you are gone. However, you promise that you will return at the earliest moment, and that is one little ray of sunshine that lines the cloud. Shall we be enough happier after your return to pay for this separation ? Thinking that we may be, I will let that thought sustain me. In the meantime, from this moment until your return I will think of you, just once a long-drawn-out thought. Yours Affectionately, MINNIE LA SURE. Letter Asking an Introduction through a Mutual Friend. 912 ST., April 2, 18. FRIEND HENRY: I am very desirous of making the acquaintance of Miss Benjamin, with whom you are on terms of intimate friendship. Will you be so kind as to give me a letter of introduction to her? I am aware that it may be a delicate letter for you to write, but you will be free, of course, to make all needed explanations in your letter to her. I will send her your letter, instead of personally calling upon her myself, thus saving her from any embarrassment that may result from my so doing. By granting this favor, you will much oblige, Yours, Very Respectfully, WM. H. TYLER. Reply. 117 ST., April 2, 18. FRIEND TYLER: Enclosed, find the note you wish. As you will observe, I have acted upon your suggestion of giving her sufficient explanation to justify my letter. Your desire to please the lady, coupled with your good judgment, will, I doubt not, make the matter agreeable. Truly Yours, HENRY PARSONS. LETTER OF INTRODUCTION. DEAR Miss BENJAMIN: This will introduce to you my friend Win. Tyler, who is very desirous of making your acquaintance, and, having no other means of doing so, asks of me the favor of writing this note of introduction, which he will send you, instead of calling himself, thus leaving you free to grant him an interview or not. Mr. Tyler is a gentleman I very highly respect, and whose acquaint- ance, I think, you would not have occasion to regret. Nevertheless, you may not regard this a proper method of introduction, in which case, allow me to assure you, I will entertain the same respect for yourself, if you will frankly state so, though it would be gratifying to Mr. Tyler and myself to have it otherwise. With sincere respect, I am, . Very Respectfully, HEN'RY PARSONS. To the Father of the Lady. BURLINGTON, IOWA, Jan. 1, 18 . RESPECTED SIR: I take this means of consulting you on a subject that deeply interests myself, while it indirectly concerns you; and I trust that my presentation of the matter will meet with your approval. For several months your daughter Mary and myself have been on intimate terms of friendship, which has ripened into affection on my part, and I have reason to think that my attentions are not indifferent to her. My business and prospects are such that I flatter myself I can provide for her future, with the same comfort that has surrounded her under the parental roof. Of my character and qualifications, I have nothing to say ; I trust they are sufficiently known to you to give confidence in the prospect of your child's happiness. Believing that the parents have such an interest in the welfare of the daughter as makes it obligatory upon the lover to consult their desires, before taking her from their home, I am thus induced to request you to express your wishes upon this subject. I shall anxiously await your answer. Your Very Obedient Servant, DANIEL HARRISON. To WM. FRANKLIN, ESQ., 184 ST. 114 LOVE-LETTERS. Favorable Reply. 184- -ST., Jan. 1,18. MY DEAR MB. HARBISON: I very highly appreciate the manly and honorable way in which you have addressed me in reference to my daughter Mary. Believing you to he honest, industrious, ambitious to do well, and possessed of an excellent moral character, I unite with Mrs. Franklin in the belief that our darling child may very safely trust her happi- ness to your protecting care. If agreeable and convenient to you, we shall be happy to have you dine with us to-morrow. Very Sincerely Yours, WM. FRANKLIN. To MB. DANIEL HARBISON. Unfavorable Reply. 184 ST. DEAB SIB: Highly appreciating the straightforward and gentlemanly manner in which you have written me concerning a subject that every parent has an interest in, I am compelled to inform you that, though my daughter has treated you with much friendliness, as she is accustomed to with all her friends, she will be unable to continue with you a love acquaintance with a view to marriage, owing to a prior engagement with a gentleman of worth and respectability, which con- tract she has no occasion to regret. Fully sensible of your most excellent qualities, and the compliment paid in your selection of her, my daughter unites with me in the wish that you may meet with a companion in every way calculated to ensure your happiness. Yours, Very Respectfully, WM. FRANKLIN. To MB. DANIEL HARBISON. Reply to a Young Man that Uses Tobacco. 663 ST., July 18, 18. MB. BANNISTEB. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your courteous letter, containing a declaration of Jove. I will be frank enough with you to admit that, while I have been sensible of your affectionate regard for me for some months, I have also cherished a growing interest in you. In truth, to make a candid confession, I most sincerely love you. I should, per- haps, say no more, but I feel it due to you, as well as to myself, to be strictly honest in my expression, lest we foster this growing love, which, under present conditions, must be broken off. I have always admired your natural ability; I appreciate you for your industry; I respect you for your filial conduct towards your parents. In fact, I consider you quite a model young man, were it not for one habit, which has always been, heretofore, a very delicate sub- ject for me to speak of, fearing that it might give you offense. But believing it best that I be true to my convictions and state my objec- tions plainly, I thus freely write them. I have reference to the use of tobacco. Apparently, this is a little thing. I am aware that ladies generally consider it beneath their notice; but so thoroughly convinced am I that it is one of the most destructive habits, sapping the morality and vigor of our young men, that I could never consent to wed a man addicted to its use, my reasons being as follows: It would impoverish my home. Only ten cents a day expended fora cigar, in a lifetime of forty years, with its accumulations of interest, amounts to over four thousand dollars ! The little sum of eleven cents per day, saved from being squandered on tobacco, and properly put at interest, amounts in that time to $5,160! No wonder so many homes, the heads of which use tobacco, are without the comforts of life. It might wreck my happiness. It is a well-known physological fact that the use of tobacco deadens the sense of taste; that water and all common drinks become insipid and tasteless when tobacco is used, so that the person using the same involuntarily craves strong drink, in order to taste it. Therein lies the foundation of a large share of the drunkenness of the country. Observation proves that, while many men use tobacco that are not drunkards, almost every drunkard is a user of tobacco, having nearly always formed the habit from the use of this narcotic weed. It would surround me with filth. To say nothing of the great drain on the physical health by the constant expectoration of saliva, thus ruining the health of many robust constitutions, I could not endure the fetid breath of the tobacco-user. I sicken at the sight of the brown saliva exuding from between the lips; physiology proving that, with tobacco-chewers, nearly all the waste fluids from the body pass through the mouth. I am immediately faint at the thought of dragging my skirts through spittle in a railway car, or any place where it is thrown upon the floor; I turn with disgust at the atmosphere God's pure, fresh air that is tainted with the stench of tobacco smoke. It would corrupt my husband's morals. All the associations of tobacco are bad. It is true that many good men use tobacco. It is also a truth that nearly every man that is bad is addicted to its use. To smoke in peace, the man must resort to the place where others smoke. In that room are profanity, obscene language and every species of vulgarity. There may be occasionally an exception. The fact is patent, however, that, in the room in which vulgarity and obscenity prevail, there is always tobacco smoke in the air, and the vile spittle on the floor. You will forgive me for speaking thus plainly. I love you too well to disguise my feelings on the subject. I could not possibly constantly love a tobacco-user, for the reasons that I have given. While I devotedly love you, I cannot consent that you should bestow your affections upon a person that would instinctively repel you. Believing, therefore, under the circumstances, that our further cor- respondence should cease, I remain, Your Friend and Well-Wisher, MARIETTA WILCOX. Letter to an Entire Stranger. 478 ST., Jan. 1, 18. Miss HENDEBSON: I beg to apologize for addressing you thus, being an entire stranger; but having the misfortune to be unknown to you is my excuse for this strange proceeding, which, I am well aware, is entirely at variance with the rules of etiquette. I have for two sab- baths seen you at church, and I am frank to confess that your appear- ance has made so deep an impression upon me as to make me extremely desirous of forming your acquaintance. I am, at present, a clerk in the ribbon department at Smith & Brown's store. Will you do me the great favor of allowing this to commence a friendship, which, I trust, will never be regretted by yourself. Please deign to give me at least a single line in reply to this, and oblige, Your Sincere Admirer, WESLEY BARNUM. Unfavorable Reply. MB. BABNUM. Dear Sir : I considerably question whether it is due to propriety to answer your note at all. But as you might fear that your letter had miscarried, and thus be induced to write again, it is best, probably, for me to make an immediate reply, and thus settle the affair entirely, and relieve you, possibly, of further suspense. It will be impossible for me to recognize you, or to think under any circumstances of per- mitting an acquaintance to be commenced by such an introduction as you seem to deem sufficient. More especially should I regret allow- ing a friendship to be formed by recognitions in the hours of divine service in church, while the mind should be employed in religious observances. You will, therefore, please understand that I am not favorable to further recognition, nor to a continuance of corre- spondence. AMELIA HENDERSON. LOVE-LETTERS. 115 Reply More Favorable. 355 ST., June 10, 18. MB. BARNUM. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your note, and must confess that I am surprised at your request. I am entirely opposed to commencing, on general principles, an acquaintance with such an introduction, and consider it very improper, especially to allow it to originate in church during the hours of divine service. Were it not that I think your meaning kind and your intentions good, I would return your letter unanswered. As it is, I will take your request under consideration, and, if I think best to grant it, you may know of the fact by my recog- nition at the close of the service in the Sabbath School. Eespectfully, AMELIA HENDERSON. An Advertisement in a Morning Paper. PERSONAL. Will the lady who rode up Broadway last Thursday afternoon, about two o'clock, in an omnibus, getting out at Stewart's, accompanied by a little girl dressed in blue suit, please send her address to D. B. St., Herald office? REMARKS. It is useless to advise people never to reply to a personal advertisement like the above. To do so is like totally refusing young people the priv- ilege of dancing. People will dance, and they will answer personal advertisements. The best course, therefore, is to properly direct the dan- cers, and caution the writers in their answers to newspaper personals. If the eye of the young lady referred to meets the above adver- tisement, she will possibly be indignant at first, and will, perhaps, resolve to pay no attention to it. It will continue to occupy her attention so much, however, and curiosity will become so great, that, in order to ease her mind, she will at last give her address; in which case she makes a very serious mistake, as any lady re- plying to a communication of such a character, giving her name and residence to a stranger, places herself at a great disadvantage. Should her communication never be answered, she will feel mortified ever afterwards that she committed the indiscretion of replying to the advertisement at all; and, should the person she addresses prove to be some worthless fellow who may presume to press an acquaintance upon the strength of her reply, it may cause her very serious perplexity and embarrassment. It is clearly evident, therefore, that she should not give her name and address as requested; and yet, as the advertisement may refer to a business matter of importance, or bring about an acquaintance that she will not regret, she may relieve her curiosity on the subject by ( writing the following note in reply: THE REPLY. (Advertisement pasted in.) D. B. M.: I find the above advertisement in the "Herald" of this morning. I suppose myself to be the person referred to. You will please state your object in addressing me, with references. Address, A. L. K., Herald Office. It is probable that the advertiser, if a gentle- man, will reply, giving his reasons for request- ing the lady's address, with references, upon receiving which, the lady will do as she may choose relative to continuing the correspond- ence; in either case, it will be seen that she has in no wise compromised her dignity, and she retains the advantage of knowing the motive and object that prompted the advertisement, while she is yet unknown to the advertiser. Great caution should be exercised in answer- ing personals. The supposition is, if the adver- tiser be a gentleman, that he will honorably seek an interview with a lady, and pay court as gentlemen ordinarily do. Still, an occasion may happen to a man, who is in the highest sense a gentleman, wherein he sees the lady that he very greatly admires, and can learn her address in no other way without rendering himself offensive and impertinent; hence, the apparent necessity of the above personal advertisement. Instances have also occurred where gentlemen, driven with business, and having but little time to mingle in female society, or no opportunity, being strangers comparatively, desirous of form- ing the acquaintance of ladies, have honestly advertised for correspondence, been honestly answered, and marriage was the result. Those advertisements, however, wherein Sammy Brown and Coney Smith advertise for 116 LOVE-LETTERS. correspondence with any number of young ladies, for fun, mutual improvement, " and what may grow out of it, photographs exchanged," etc., young ladies should be very wary of an- swering. Instances have been known where scores of young ladies, having answered such an advertisement, could they have looked in upon those young men, a week afterwards, would have seen them with a pile of photo- graphs and letters, exhibiting them to their companions, and making fun of the girls who had been so foolish as to answer their advertise- ment. It is true that no one but the meanest kind of a rascal would be guilty of such a disgraceful act as to advertise for and expose correspond- ence thus, and it is equally true that the young lady who gives the advertiser the opportunity to ridicule her shows herself to be very foolish. Personal Advertisement. T)ERSONAL. A gentleman, a new comer in the city, having a suffi- 1 ciency of this world's goods to comfortably support himself and wife, is desirous of making the acquaintance of "a lady of middle years, with a view to matrimony. Address, in the strictest confidence, giving name, residence and photograph, H. A. B., Station H, Postomce. THE REPLY. To H. A. B. Sir: I am led to suppose, from the reading of the above, that it is dictated in sincerity, by a desire to meet with a lady who would be treated with candor and respect. I have at present no acquaintance to whom I am inclined to give a very decided preference, nor have I ever had any very distinct ideas on the subject of marriage. I am free, however, to confess that, should circumstances favor my acquaintance with a gentleman whom I could honor and respect, I might seriously think of a proposal. Believing that you wish, as you intimate, this letter in confidence, I will say that I am years old, am in receipt of annually, from property that is leased. I have been told that I was handsome, though others, probably, have a different opinion. Of that fact, you must be the judge. I am entirely free to select whom- soever I may choose. My social standing, I trust, would be satisfac- tory, and my accomplishments have not been neglected. It is not nec- essary that I should write more. I shall be happy to correspond with you with a view to better acquaintance, when, if mutually agreeable, an introduction may take place. You desire me to send name, ad- dress and photograph, which, I trust you will perceive, would be improper for me to do. It is due to myself, and, under certain circum- stances, to yon, that I should be very guarded as to the manner of my introduction. A letter addressed to M. A. L., Station A, Postoffice, will reach me. I sign a fictitious name, for obvious reasons. Respectfully, NANCY HILLIS. A Gentleman Makes a Frank Acknowledgment Gushing with Sentiment, and Running Over with Poetry. "WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H., Oct. 1. 18. MY DEAR MARY : One by one the brown leaves are falling, reminding us that the golden summer that we have so delightfully loitered through approaches its close. How thickly our pathway has been etrewu with roses; how fragrant have been the million blossoms; how sweetly the birds have sung; how beautiful have been the sunny days ; how joyous have been the starry nights ! Dear M., I do not need to tell you that this delightful summer has been to me one grand Elysian scene. I have gazed on and dreamed of thy beauty. I have been fed by thy sparkling repartee and merriment; I have drank at the fountain of thy intellectuality; but the feast is ended, and gradually the curtain is falling. Dear, beautiful summer; so beautiful to me because of thy loved presence. And standing now on the threshold of a scene all changed, I take a last, fond, long, lingering look on the beautiful picture that will return to me no more; and yet, who knowe, but on in that great eternity we may live again these Eden hours. "Like a foundling in slumber, the summer day lay On the crimsoning threshold of even, And I thought that the glow through the azure-arched way Was a glimpse of the coming of Heaven. There together w_e sat by the beautiful stream ; We had nothing to do but to love and to dream In the days that have gone on before. These are not the same days, though they bear the same name, With the ones I shall welcome no more. " But it may be the angels are culling them o'er, For a'Sabbath and Summer forever, When the years shall forget the Decembers they wore, And the shroud shall be woven, no, never! In a twilight like that, darling M. for a bride Oh ! what more of the world could one wish beside, As we gazed on the river unrpll'd Till we heard, or we fancied, its musical tide, Where it flowed through the Gateway of Gold?" Dearest, you must forgive my ardent expressions in this letter. With a temperament gushing to the brim and overflowing with senti- ment and rhapsody, I have passed the fleeting summer in thy charm- ing presence in one continual dream of poesy. I cannot now turn back to the solemn duties before me, without telling you what trem- bled on my tongue a thousand times, as we gathered flowers together and wove our chaplets in the sunny days gone by. Dear, darling Mary, 7 love you, I adore you. How often in the beautiful moonlight nights, as we strolled among the lilacs and the primroses, have I been on the verge of clasping your jeweled hand and telling you all my heart. But, oh ! I did not quite dare ; the hours were so delightful, even as the}' were. Fearing that I might be repulsed, I chose to accept the joy even that there was, rather than run the risk of losing it all. How many a morning have I arisen and firmly resolved that, ere another day, I would know my fate! But, ah ! the twilight would fall, and the evening hour would pass by, and I never completely dared to risk the result of a declaration. The morrow I knew would be joyous if I bridled my impulse; it might not be if I made a mistake. But the dream has passed by. To-morrow, I bid adieu to these silvan groves, the quiet meadows and the gurgling brooks, to go back to the prose duties of business. And now, at the close of this festal season, as I am upon the verge of going, having nothing to lose and every- thing to gain, I have told you my heart. I have not the slightest idea what your reply will be. You have been to me one 'continual puzzle. If your answer is adverse, I can only entertain the highest respect for you ever in the future ; and memory shall keep alive the recollection of the most blissful summer I have ever known. If your reply is favorable dearest, may I fondly hope that it will be? then opens before me a great volume of happiness, of which this joyous summer has been but the opening chapter. Dear M., may I come again and see you, and address yon hence- forth as a lover? The messenger who brings you this will return again in an hour for your answer. I need not tell you what an hour of suspense this will be to me. Upon your reply hangs my future. If your reply is favorable, I shall tarry another day; and will LOVE-LETTERS. 117 you grant me a long interview, as I have much to talk over with you? If unfavorable, please return this letter with your note. Accept my warmest thanks for the entertainment which I, in common with others, have received at your hand iu the past; and, if I may not sign myself your devoted lover, I shall at least, I trust, have ever the pleasure of subscribing myself, Your Sincere Friend, CLARENCE HARRINGTON. Favorable Reply. DEAR CLARENCE: I shall not attempt in this to answer your missive with the same poetic fervor that colors your letter from beginning to end. While it is given you to tread the emerald pavements of an imaginative Eden, in my plainer nature I can only walk the common earth. I fully agree with you in your opinion of the beautiful summer just passed. Though in seasons heretofore many people have been here from the cities, I have never known a summer so delightful. Yes, Clarence, these three months have been joy- ous, because shall I confess it? because you have been here. I need not write more. You have agreed to stay another day ; I shall be at home this afternoon, at two o'clock, and will be happy to see you. Yours Very Truly, MARY SINGLETON. the lady who knows how to get an excellent breakfast early in the morning, who is not only a model of neatness herself, but relieves her mother in household duties, keeping her younger brothers and sisters clean and orderly. I have admired and loved you for your musical talent and your fine conversational powers, but, as I could not keep the necessary servants to enable you constantly to gratify those talents to the exclusion of the more substantial duties, I feel that our marriage would be a mis- take for us both. You asked my reason for my changing love; I have reluctantly, yet plainly, stated it. Hoping, however, that you may always be happy in life, I am, Your Friend, CLINTON HOLMES. To a Lady, from a Gentleman Confessing Change of Sentiment. 844 ST., April 2, 18. Miss MARION THORNTON: Your note accusing me of cold- ness is before me. After spending several hours in a consideration of this subject, to determine what is my duty, I have concluded that it is decidedly best for me to be perfectly frank with you, and give my reasons for a change of sentiment. I do not think we could live happily together if we were married, because, from disparaging re- marks I have heard you make concerning people that are not wealthy, I think you would be entirely dissatisfied with my circumstances ; and the further fact that yon allow your mother to do all the drudgery of the household, you sitting in the parlor entertaining gentlemen, and affecting to have no knowledge of housekeeping, is proof that our tastes would not accord in home matters. I con- sider it just as honorable, and just as important, that young ladies should do something to support themselves, as that young men should. If the op- portunities are not as great for them to go abroad, they can, at least while at home, learn to be good in sewing, cooking and housekeeping, and thus be prepared when opportunities offer, to make pru- dent, economical, tidy housewives. I do not under-value the importance of being proficient in the lighter accomplishments which go to make a lady at ease in society; but I vastly more prize Reply to a Young Man Addicted to Intemperance. ., ofo // / J-ei&i '-t-t- 464. rz&mz -t^i^^i, -ez., {>= // -utt^ri f 118 LOVE-LETTERS. One Way of Breaking the Ice. 584 ST., July 1, 18. MY DEAR FRIEND CAROLINE: I returned yesterday from a brief trip into Canada, my journey being most agreeable; only one little episode breaking the monotony, ae I neared home, which was this : iu the next seat behind me in the car sat a young couple, who were evidently regretting that their ride was so near an end. Though buried in my reading, I could not avoid hearing much that they said. One question asked by the young man made a striking impression on my mind. " Maggie," said he, " we- have now been acquainted a good while ; you know me, and I know you. I do not need to tell you that I love you with all my heart ; now, do you love me ? " I knew the young fellow had taken that occasion, when the cars were thundering along, so that he might not be knocked down by the beating of his own heart. I confess to have been guilty of eavesdrop- ping, then. I listened intently for the lady's answer, but just at that moment, as my ill luck would have it, another train came thundering by us, and her voice was drowned in the noise. I got to thinking like this: suppose yon and I were riding thus, and I should ask precisely the same question; what would be your reply? I am very curious to know what your answer would be, and shall await a letter from you, with much anxiety. Most Truly Yours, ROLAND MILLS. An Offer of Marriage. 248 ST., Dec. 10, 18. DEAREST BERTHA: I have intended, oh, how many times! when we have been together, to put the simple question which I intend this note shall ask; but, although apparently a very easy matter to ask the hand in marriage of one I so deeply love as yourself, it is no easy task. I therefore write what I have never found courage in my heart to speak. Dearest, will you bestow upon me the great happiness of per- mitting me to call you mine? If I have spoken this too boldly, you will forgive; but I fondly hope that you will not be indifferent to my appeal. I trust, if you answer this in the affirmative, that yon will never regret doing so. Anxiously awaiting your answer, I remain, Yours Affectionately, HARLAN DEMPSTER. Favorable Reply. 367 ST., Dec. 10, 18. DEAR SIR: Yonr proposal is quite unexpected to me, but it is made with such candor and frankness that 1 can take no offence. I cannot, in this note, give you a definite reply. Marriage is a very serious mat- ter; and, while I regard you with the greatest favor, I desire to consult my near relatives, and consider the subject myself car jfully for a few days, ere I give you a final answer. I think I can assure you, however, that you may hope. Very Sincerely, FANNIE KIMBALL. Letter from a Young Man Who Proposes Marriage and Emigration. 482 ST., April 16, 18. DEAU CLARA: You have doubtless heard of my intention to go West in the coming month. Though surrounded here with my relatives and all the many friends of my boyhood, I have an intense desire to try my fortune amid new scenes, feeling that the fetters that now bind me and seem to hinder my upward progress will then be broken. I shall sunder my ties with some regrets, but, to commence my busi- ness career as I am desirous of doing, I must make the sacrifice ; in doing so, I do no more than thousands have done before me. In the great, broad fields of the growing West, a young man of resolution, ambition, honesty, temperance and perseverance cannot fail, I believe, to better his condition much more rapidly than he can here; you will, I think, coincide with me in this opinion. Dear Clara, of all my farewells, none will be so sad to me as that I shall bid to you. Dear, dear Clara, you cannot be indifferent to the fact that I have long devotedly loved you ; and, at the hour of parting, I feel that I cannot go without telling you my heart, and asking you if I may not have your love in return. And now, while I ani asking, will you not take me and my heart, and in turn allow me to be your protector through life? Dearest, I am going to press my suit still further. Will you not be mine before I go, and accompany me on my journey? I know this is asking a great deal of you. To accept of this proposition, is to take you from a home of affluence, where you are surrounded with every desired comfort. I have no right to ask the sacrifice ; and yet I have resolved to make bold before I go, and tell yon all. If you accept my offer, and will consent to cast your fortunes with me out in the g-reat Sea of the Hereafter, I can assure you that no trouble or sorrow will come to you through me ; and that, as you will be my dear, dear com- panion and sacred trust, so will I be to you all that alover and husband can be. Now, dearest, if you will accept my future as your own, and place yourself by my side, accepting the sorrow and partaking of the joy that is in store for me, yon will make me the happiest of men. If yon assent, God grant that you may never regret your faith. Do not decide the question hastily. The sacrifice is such, in leaving home and kin- dred, that you may not accept of my proposal even though you love. When you have fully determined, however, please send the answer, which I shall most anxiously await. Ever, Dear Clara, Your Affectionate, HENRY ADAMS. Reply. 172 ST., April 16, 18. DEAR HENRY: I cau make a reply to your candid question at once. I do not need to deliberate upon it long. I love you ; I confide in you. I will trust yon ; I will go with you ; I will accept the love and the future you offer. You may have many joys; you may experience some sor- rows : I will share and bear them all with you, trusting that patient, earnest, willing effort may crown our labors with success. Believing that God will guide and prosper us, I can only add, hoping to see you soon, that I am, Ever yours, CLARA DUNHAM. NOTES OF INVITATION AND WEDDING CARDS 119 sw Wedding Cards Invitations. WEDDING CARDS. the lady who marries resides with her parents, with relatives, guardians, or friends, and the marriage receives the approval of those parties, the ceremony usu- ally takes place at the residence of the bride, or at the church where she generally attends ; a reception being held at her resi- dence soon afterwards or upon the return from the bridal tour. Some parties prefer to marry very quietly, having but few guests at the wedding. Others make more elaborate display, and observe the time as an occasion of general rejoicing. Where many guests are invited, it is customary to issue notes of invitation to those persons whose at- tendance is desired, accompanied by wedding cards bearing the name of the bride and groom. The form of wording such notes and cards has changed but little for several years, though the style in which such wording appears, changes frequently. Two methods are pursued in preparing the invitations and cards : one being to have them neatly printed from type ; the other, and more expensive manner, is to have them engraved and printed in the metropolis, by a card- engraver, who makes an exclusive business of preparing such cards. The later style for cards and notes of invita- tion is to have the most of the wording in a light script, upon very fine, white, billet paper, and the cards upon thin bristol-board, some- times long, and frequently nearly square, accord- ing to fancy. The following cards and notes of invitation, while expressing the suitable wording, do not, in all cases, represent the size of the card or note of invitation. They are of various sizes, according to fancy, and generally a little larger than here illustrated. In sending the note of invitation, it is cus- tomary to inclose the cards in the same envel- ope. In cases where no guests are invited, yet it is desired to inform the acquaintances through- out the country of the marriage, it is usual to inclose the cards alone. Formerly, it was com- mon to use but one card, having Mr. & Mrs. Chas. H. Smith in the center of the card, while the lady's maiden name was placed upon the lower left-hand corner. Of late, it is regarded more in style to use two cards, one considera- bly larger than the other ; the larger bearing the names, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. H. Smith, the smaller, the lady's name alojie, thus: 120 NOTES OF INVITATION TO WEDDINGS. If it is definitely decided where the future permanent residence of the newly wedded couple is to be, it is proper to place the name of the town and state, at the lower left-hand corner of the larger card, as shown herewith. Invitations to the Wedding. HE following, are among the many of the various styles of notes of invita- the NEWAKK, H. J. tion to wedding cere- mony. The form shown here, is printed on paper about the width, but a little shorter than, com- mercial note paper, the wording being on the lower half of the sheet. In the center of the upper half of the sheet is the monogram, com- posed of the initial let- ters of the surnames of the bride and groom, blended together. This monogram is also printed upon the flap of the en- velope containing the invitation and cards. The accompanying is the note of invitation issued by Mr. & Mrs. D Col- lins, on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, M. Louise, to Jay H. Sabray ; the cere- mony taking place at their residence. Two cards accompany this rote, one reading Mr. $ Mrs. Jay H. Sabray, the other, M. Louise Collins. Actual size of one form of Note of Invitation. This dotted line shows the fold. ^ %j &t (? o' i AT THEIR HOME, ATLANTA, GA. , &*. NOTES OF INVITATION TO WEDDINGS AND RECEPTIONS. 121 If desirous of giving information of the time This style of invitation, printed on a fine card of return from the bridal tour, and an invita- about the size of a large envelope, is frequently tion to receptions afterwards, the address is employed. If desirous of using colored card- omitted on the larger card, and a third card board, a light olive or pink tint is sometimes may accompany the other two, worded as fol- admissible, though white is always in best lows : taste. THUS. H. CCMMINQS. MARY C. BENHAM. H^ ' m AT TUB ffj)//' / / / s&T / ^W &cZW&lJ -ezMfl. L.S't-tci'fiTi'i"*>vt7ir'H' OfMhitt*Hh vbfjll--U T J 1 1 y l|J' 11 I lull v_ IJ U 4 4 IJ CHIC-A-OO, -A.T 8 O'CLOCK:. GEORGE H. VANCE. ALICE D. SPENCER. AT FOtJS O'CLOCE, F. It. At Home, after October 15th. No. 12 Oakland Street. 122 NOTES OP INVITATION TO WEDDINGS AND RECEPTIONS. The cards are often made in this proportion, and fastened with a ribbon, thus : to The following invitation is accompanied by the cards shown above, fastened by a ribbon in the center. The larger card bears the names of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson; the other, the name of the bride, Angeline Sherman. Of their Daughter, Angeline, Tuesday Eve'g, Apr. 23d, '72, 112 Clinton St., Boiton. Not ^infrequently the cards are fastened at the top, as shown in this illustration: l*m The succeeding invitation is issued by the parents ot the bride, the reception taking place at their residence, after the ceremony at church. As with the other invitations, this is also accom- panied by the monogram. ^^ef^n^d'f/fi^ r /' &; S:3C County Clerk. of >\S.S. *'- ; ;; ; \ a _, helettiu celttf^- tnat on tne .... dau of. .... . /8J . Q/' toi-ned tn Q/nalliaae, y f ' . ' v jiitl t. } ana J~cl - _ _, aaleeavte to tne \ autnoliti- aiven tn. tne avove jtcen Committee of Arrangement* D. O. LEWIS, WM. W. BBOWN, D. B. SNOW, HIRAM D. KING, CHAS. WILSON, H. E. POTWIN. 128 RECORD AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE FAMILY. Family Hecords, How to Prepare the Register; giving Names of the Family, Births, Marriages and Deaths. URING LIFE, a carefully prepared record of the family, which should be arranged by the head of the household, is of great convenience for reference. This register should con- tain the name, birth, marriage, and death of each member of the family. It may be kept in the Bible, on a paper prepared especially for the purpose, suitable for framing, or in any manner whereby the same may be preserved. It may also contain brief biographical sketches of members of the family. N preparing the register, care should be taken to give the names of the family in full, the town and state where each was born, and date of birth; the state and town where each died, and date of death ; town and state where each married, and date, together with the name of the officiating clergyman, or magistrate, and of one or more witnesses to the marriage. In proving claims to pensions, or heirship to estates, this is frequently of great importance. Observe carefully the form of record shown on the opposite page. UARDIANS and parents are also recommended to prepare in a book of blank pages, made for the pur- pose, a biographical sketch of each child under their charge, noting pecul- iarities of birth, attending physician, color of hair, eyes, &c., when born ; strength of constitution, subsequent disposition, age at which the child first walks, talks, reads, writes, first attends school, and so on upwards until the child is able to take up the record itself. _ CHILDREN. oC< HE child's record should be made very full and explicit for many reasons, the principal being that it may be of great service to the future biographer of the child , while the physiologist may draw an important lesson by a comparison be- tween the habits of infancy and those of mature years. This record will certainly be a matter of value to the family, and like the infant- picture, it will be of especial interest to the man and woman as a daguerreotype of their early years. FORM OF FAMILY RECORD. 129 AMLY EQIS1 EH. NA3YIES. BXXTCEES. CHILDREN. WILLIAM WARD BAKER. HIRAM KING BAKER. WALTER HENRY BAKER. MARY EMILY BAKER. SARAH ADOLINE BAKER. CHAS. ALBERT DOW BAKER. August 6, 1834, at Rome, N. Y. April 14, 1837, at Rome, N. Y. July 2, 1839, at Rome, N. Y. May 10, 1842, at Rome, N. Y. Nov. 18, 1845, at Detroit, Mich. Oct. 4, 1848, at Detroit, Mich. f 1 MM>?>S>M>OOOOOO4>O^>SO^>e4>OO< HENRY DANIEL BAKER. j MARY EMILY BAKER. K>4>OOOO*O444>S<<>O43>>O<4>>O3S May 2, 1800, &t Concord, N. H. June 7, 1810, at Troy, N. Y. 1 ^|>@O>"S- O4>OOO.0S=S 4>O>O A Dec. 8, 1850, at Rome, N. Y. s . i I I I ) . I | $ June 9, 1862, at Detroit, Mich. April 17, 1869, at Rome, N. Y. Feb. 6, 1855, at Detroit. Mich. By Whom Solemnized Names of Witnesses. o oooooooooooooooooooooooo&ooo HENRY DANIEL BAKER and MARY EMILY MUNSON. By the Rev. A. H. BURLING, June 2, 1831, At Troy, New York. i A. D. BAKER, In Presence of < MARY E. SHERMAN, ( CYNTHIA BENSON. CHILDREN. WILLIAM WARD BAKER and BERTHA JANE CORBETT. By the Rev. D. P. SMITH, Sept. 1,1859,. At Saratoga Springs, N. Y. | HANNAH E. HOLMBS, In Presence of { THOS. E. ANDREWS, / W. H. BUBTON. WALTER HENRY BAKER and ALICE ANN BAILEY. MARY EMILY BAKER and MYRON BURTON ELDRIDGE. By the Rev. ARTHUR BROWN Sept. 4, 1865, At Rome, New York. By the Rev. D. O. SMITH, Aug. 16, 1865, At Detroit, Michigan. By WM. M. KELLOGG, J. P., March 4, 1872, At St. Louis, Missouri. CHAS. A. D. BAKER and FLORENCE PERCY BRIGGS. I D. R. NEWELL, In Presence of < SELDEN MARSHALL, ( SUSAN MAYNARD. | CAPT. O. D. KEMPLE, In Presence of < MALVINA SIMPSON, / HARRIET PUTNAM. ( ANNA E, MOORE. In Presence of < CHAS. D. WELDS, ( ABIGAIL MINARD. 130 ANNIVERSARIES OF MARRIAGE. Marriage Anniversaries, GOLD, SILVER AND OTHER WEDDINGS. ASHION has established the custom, of late years, of cele- brating certain anniversaries of the marriage, these being named as follows : The celebration at the expi- ration of the first year is called the COTTON wedding ; at two years comes the PAPER ; at three, the LEATHER ; at the close of five years comes the WOODEN ; at the seventh anniversary the friends assemble with the WOOL- EN, and at ten years comes the TIN. At twelve years the SILK AND FINE LINEN ; at fifteen the CRYSTAL wedding. At twenty, the friends gather with their CHINA, and at twenty-five the married couple, that have been true to their vows for a quarter of a century, are rewarded with SILVER gifts. From this time forward, the tokens of esteem become rapidly more valuable. At the thirtieth anniversary, they are presented with PEARLS ; at the fortieth, come the RUBIES ; and at the fiftieth, occurs the celebration of a glo- rious GOLDEN wedding. Beyond that time the aged couple are allowed to enjoy their many gifts in peace. If, however, by any possibility they reach the seventy-fifth anniversary, they are presented with the rarest gifts to be ob- tained, at the celebration of their DIAMOND wed- ding. In issuing the invitations for celebrating these anniversaries, it is customary to print them on a material emblematical of the occasion. Thus, thin wood, leather, cloth, tin-foil, silk, silver and gold paper, and other materials are brought into use. Of course, those who accept of such an invi- tation, and partake of the hospitalities of the host and hostess, are expected to contribute to the collection of gifts that will grace the oc- casion. The form of invitation for such an anniver- sary is represented in the following : .o ^ v /*- / COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. INVITATIONS TO WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES. 131 Invitation to the Crystal Wedding. Invitation to the China Wedding. ROME, N. Y. Invitation to the Silver Wedding. invite you to 6e /ileAent ctt l/iett ANNIVERSARY, No. 700 Broadway, New York. Ceremony at 8 o'Clock. 1850 I 1870. WILL RECEIVE THEIR FRIENDS AT THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OP THEIR /^ / J$> /7 Cs u-ed.-c&city (Q-u-e. ^u^i.'e- 46, t Refreshments will be Served at Ten o'Clock. 134 INVITATIONS TO PARTIES AND FUNERALS. Familiar Invitation to a Wedding. The following exhibits the size of paper, and the wording of a Funeral Notice, in common use in the metropolitan cities, where it is impossible, frequently, for all the friends to know of the death. No.- -St., Dec. 12, 18. DEAR HATTIE : I have Issued but few invitations for our Aggie's wedding, as we desire to be almost entirely private; but the presence of a few dear friends will give us all pleasure. Can we count you among those few? The ceremony will be at seven, on Tuesday evening next, December 18th, and at eight we will receive the other invited guests. Hoping to see you early, I am, Yours Affectionately, BERTHA HANSON. Answer Accepting the Invitation. No.- -St., Dec. 13, 18. MY DF.A i; BKRTHA: I accept with great pleasure your kind Invitation to Aggie's wedding, and will be punctual. I most earnestly pray that she may be very happy in her new life and home. Please give her my kindest love and best wishes. Your Friend, HATTIE HARMON. Answer Declining the Invitation. No.- st., Dec. 13, 18. MY DKAH BKRTHA: My recent great bereavement must plead my excuse for not attending the wedding of your dear daughter Aggie. I would not cloud the festal scene by my heavy weeds of mourning, and I could not lay them aside, even for an hour, while the wound In my heart is so fresh with grief. Deeply regretting that I cannot attend, I can only wish Aggie, in her new relations, the joyous life of happiness she so richly deserves. Your Sincere Friend, HATTIE HARMON. funeral SSJilUam ' /' Si-id &>& . W. at t/ie Invitation to a Picnic. Invitation to a Ball. Invitation to a Festival. goung Eatika of iHt. |ope5enitnarg Solicit the presence of Yourself and Frien d> HQR. VII. SKIENSOI, 1UB KENWOOD, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Fete Champetre, ON THE GROUNDS OF SPRINGDALE, WED^ESD/Y /FTEI(NOO^ JU^E 10, 1874. Entrance Ticket^ 50 Cents. The above cards may be displayed in this manner, but for actual use should be about four times larger. .-I- VISITING AND OTHER CARDS. 135 Visiting and Address Cards. OUR kinds of cards are in general use, viz. : Wedding, Autograph or Visiting, Ad- dress, and Business cards. The wedding has already been described. The visiting card is used principally by the lady in her calls among acquaintances in the city. The address card is also frequently used for the same purpose, and is useful to present when it may be desired to open future corre- spondence. The business card is valuable for advertising and as being introductory to busi- ness acquaintance. In the autograph card, Chas. H. Briggs will write his name as follows : His wife will write her name : His daughters will add Miss to their names, thus : Or the name may be without the Miss, thus The address card may read thus 18 Beverly Place. Or it may read thus : Appleton, Wis. Autograph cards should be used only among those acquaintances to whom the residence is well known. Business cards should contain upon their face the name, business, address and references, if references are used. NOTE. A former rule of etiquette, not now so much obsenred, was for the eldest daughter, only, to prefix " Miss " to her name. Language Flowers A DICTIONARY OF THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. VERY charming- and interesting- method of commu- nicating- thought is by the aid of flowers, their lan- guage and sentiment being understood by the parties who present them. Although the following list is very complete, this vocabulary may be still enlarged by the addition of other definitions, the parties having an understanding as to what language the flower shall represent. Thus an extended and some- times important correspondence may be carried on by the presentation of bouquets, single flowers and even leaves; the charm of this interchange of thought largely consisting in the romance attendant upon an expression of sentiment in a partially disguised and hidden language. Of course much of the facility with which a conversation may be conducted, thus, will depend upon the intimate knowledge possessed of the language of flowers and the variety from which to select. ILLUSTRATIONS. A declaration of feeling between a lady and gentleman may be ex- pressed by single flowers, as follows: The gentleman presents a Red Rose " I love you." The lady admits a partial reciprocation of the sentiment by returning- a Purple Pansy "You occupy my thoughts." The gentleman presses his suit still further by an Everlasting Pea "Wilt thou go with me ?" The lady replies by a Daisy, in which she says "I will think of it." The gentleman, in his enthusiasm, plucks and presents a Shepherd's Purse "I offer you my all." The lady, doubtingly, returns a sprig of Laurel " Words, though sweet, may deceive." The gentleman still affirms his declaration by a sprig of Heliotrope "I adore you." The lady ad- mits a tenderness of sentiment by the Zinnia "I mourn your absence." LANGUAGE OF THE BOU()JJET. A collection of flowers in a bouquet may mean very much. Thus a Rose, Ivy and Myrtle will signify "Beauty, Friendship and Love." A Bachelor's Button "Hope, " and a Red Rose "Love, " will indicate that " I hope to obtain your love." I DESIRE TO MARRY YOU. Jonquil Linden. I HAVE SWEET MEMORIES IN MY SOLITUDE. Periwinkle Heath. PRAY FOR ME IN MY ABSENCE. White Verbena Wormwood. Thus longer and shorter sentences may be readily expressed by flower-language; and by agreement, if the variety of flowers is not suf- ficient, a change of definition may be given the more common blossoms and plants, whereby the language and correspondence may be conducted without inconvenience. Acacia, Rose Friendship. Acanthus Art. Adonis, Flos Painful recollections. Ag-nus Castus Coldness ; life without love. Agrimony Gratitude. Almonds Giddiness; heedless- ness. Aloe -Bitterness. Amaranth Immortality; Unfad- ing. Amaryllis - Beautiful but timid. Anemone, Garden. Forsaken; Withered hopes; Illness. Amethyst Admiration. Anemone, Windflower Desertion. Angelica Inspiration. Apple Blossom Preference. Arbor Vitae Unchanging Friend- ship. Arbutus Thee only do I love. Ash Grandeur. Aspen Sighing. Asphodel Remembered beyond the tomb. Aster, Double German ..Variety. Aster, Large flowered Afterth'ought; Love of variety. Bachelors : Button -Hope; Single Bless- edness. Balm, Mint Pleasantry. Balm of Gilead Healing; I am cured. Balsamine . . -Impatience. Barberry -Petulance; HI temper. Basil Give me your good wishes. Bay Leaf I change but in death. Beech Lovers' tryst; Pros- perity. Begonia Deformed. Bindweed Humility; Nieht. r, El Bittersweet Nightshade. Truth. Birch Grace; Elegance. Blackthorn, or Sloe Difficulties. Bladder Tree Frivolous amusement Flowers and their Sentiment. Blue Bell - Constancy. Blue Bottle Delicacy. Borage Abruptness. Box Stoicism. Briers Envy. Broom. Neatness; Humility. Bryony, Black Be my support. Buckbean Calmness ; Repose. Bugloss Falsehood. Bulrush Docility. Burdock .Touch me not; Impor- tunity. Buttercup Riches; Memories of childhood. Cabbage Profit Calla Delicacy; Modesty. Camillia .Gratitude; Perfect Loveliness. Camomile Energy in Adver- sity. Candytuft Indifference; Archi- tecture. Canterbury Bell Constancy. Cardinal Flower Distinction; Prefer- ment. Carnation Pure and deep love. China Aster Love of variety. Cedar Leaf I live for thee. Cherry A good education. Chestnut Do me justice. Cereus, Night Blooming.Transient Beauty. Chiccory Frugality ; Economy. Chrysanthemum A heart left to desola- tion. Cinnamon Tree Forgiveness of inju- ries. Cinquefoil A beloved daughter. Cistus Surety. Clover, Red Industry. Clematis Mental Beauty; Ar- tifice. Clover, White I promise. Clover, Four Leaved Be mine. Cockle Vain is beauty without merit. Coltsfoot -Justice shall be done you. Columbine, Red Anxious and trem- bling. Coreopsis Always cheerful. Coriander. Hidden merit. Corn. Riches; Abundance. Cornelian, Cherry -Continuance; Dura- tion. Cowslip .Native grace; Pen- siveness. Coxcomb Foppery. Crocus. Cheerfulness. Cresses Stability. Crowfoot Ingratitude. Currant Thy frown will kill me Crown, Imperial Power ; Pride of birth Cucumber Criticism. Cypress -Despair ; Mourning. Dahlia Di guity and elegance. Daffodil Unrequited love. Daisy, Garden I sihare your feelings. Daisy, Single Field I will think of it. Dandelion Oracle ; Coquetry. Datura.. Deceitful charms. Dew Plant Serenade. Dittany of Crete Birth. Dodder Meanness; Baseness. Ebony Tree Blackness. Eglantine Poetry; I wound to heal. Elder Compassion. Elecampane Tears. Everlasting Al wavs remembered. Everlasting Pea Wilt thou go with me ? Fennel Force ; Strength. Fern ...Sincerity. Fir Elevation. Flax I feel your benefits. Flos, Adonis Painful recollections. Forget-me-not ..Do not forget. Foxglove -Insincerity; Occupa- tion. Fraxinella Fire. Fuchsia Taste; Frugality. A DICTIONARY OF THE LANGUAGE AND SENTIMENT OF FLOWERS. 137 Gentian Intrinsic worth. Geranium, Ivy I engage you for the next dance. Geranium, Oak A melancholy mind. Geranium, Rose I prefer you. Geranium, Scarlet Silliness. Gillyflower, Common Lasting Beauty. Gillyflower, Stock Promptness. Gladiolus Ready armed. Goats' Rue Reason. Gold Basket Tranquility. Gooseberry Anticipation. Grape Vine Intemperance. Grass Utility ; Submission. Greek Valerian Rupture. Golden Rod Encouragement. Gorse, or Turze Anger. Harebell Retirement ; Grief. Hawthorn Hope. Hazel Reconciliation. Heath Solitude. Heliotrope ladore you ; Devotion Henbane Blemish ; Fault. Hibiscus Delicate beauty. Hoarhound Fire. Holly Am I forgotten? Fore- sight. Hollyhock Fecundity ; Ambition. Honey Flower Sweet and secret love. Hone ysuckle Devoted love ; Fidelity Hop Injustice. Hornbean Ornament. Horse Chestnut Luxury. Houstania Innocence ; Content. Houseleek Domestic economy. Hyacinth Constancy ; Benevo- lence. Hydrangea Vain-glory; Heart- lessness." Ice Plant Your looks freeze me. Indian Plum Privation. Iris, Common Garden A message for thee. Iris, German Flame. Ivy Friendship; Marriage Jasmine, White Amiability. Jasmine, Yellow Grace and elegance. Jonquil Desire; Affection re- turned. Jumper Asylum; Aid; Pro. tection. Laburnum Pensive beauty. Ladyslipper Capricious beauty. Larch Boldness; Audacity. Larkspur, Pink Lightness; Fickleness Laurel, American Words, though sweet, may deceive. Lantana Rigor. Laurel, Mountain Glory; Victory; Am- bition. Laurestine I die if neglected. Lavatera Svveet disposition. Lavender Mistrust. Lemon Blossom Prudence; Discretion. Lettuce Cold hearted; Cool- ness. Lichen Dejection. Lilac, Purple First emotions of love Lilac, White Youth. Lily, Water Eloquence. Lily, White Majesty; Purity. Lily of the Valley Return of happiness. Linden, or Lime Conjugal; Marriage. Liverwort Confidence. Locust Tree, Green Lovebeyond the grave Lotus Leaf. Recantation. Lucern Life. Lupine Dejection. Madder Calumny. Magnolia Love of Nature. Maiden Hair Discretion. Marjoram Blushes. Manchineel Tree Falseness. Mandrake Rarity. Maple Reserve. Marigold Sacred affection. Marigold, Garden I Grief; Chagrin. Marigold, Rainv A storm. Marigold and Cypress Despair. Marshmallow Beneficence. Marvel of Peru Timidity. Mayflower Welcome. Meadow Saffron My best days are past Mezercon Desire to please. Mignonette Your qualities sur- pass your charms. Milfoil. War. Mint .Virtue. Milkweed Hope in misery. Mistletoe I surmount everything Mock Orange Counterfeit; Uncer- tainty. Monkshood Treachery; A foe is near. Morning Glory Coquetry; Affection. Mountain Ash I watch over you. Moss Maternal love. Mourning Bride I have lost all. Mug wort Good luck ; Happiness Mulberry, Black I shall not survive you Mulberry, White Wisdom. Mullen Good nature. Mushroom Suspicion. Musk Plant ..Weakness. Myrtle Love in Absence. Myrrh - Gladness. Narcissus Egotism ; Self-Love. Nasturtium Patriotism ; Splendor Nettle Cruelty. Nightshade Dark thoughts; Sor- cery. Oak Hospitality; Bravery. Oleander Beware. Olive Peace. Orange Flower Chastity. Orchis, Bee Error. Orchis, Spider Skill. Osier '. .Frankness. Osmunda .Reverie. Oxalis Wood sorrel. Pansy, Purple You occupy my thoughts. Parsley Festivity ; Banquet. Passion Flower Devotion; Religious fervor. Peach Blossom I am your captive. Peony Ostentation; Anger. Persimmons Bury me amid Na- ture's beauties. Peppermint Warmth of feeling. Pennyroyal Flee away. Periwinkle .Sweet memories. Phlox.. Our hearts are united. Pimpernel Rendezvous ; Change. Pine Endurance; Daring. Pine Apple You are perfect. Pink, Red Pure love. Plane, or Platane Geni us. Plum Tree Keep your promises. Plum, Wild Independence. Polyanthus Heart's mystery Pomegranate Conceit. Pompion, or Pumpkin Crossness; Coarseness Poplar, Black Courage. Poplar, White Time. Poppy, Corn Consolation. Poppy, White Sleep; Oblivion. Potatoe Benevolence. Primrose Modest worth; Silent love. Privit, or Prim Prohibition. Purple Scabious .Mourning. Queen of the Meadow Uselessness. Quince Temptation. Ranunculus, Garden You are radiant with charms. Reeds Music. Rest Harrow Obstacle. Rhododendron Agitation. Rhubarb Advice. Rosebud Confession of love. Rosebud, White Too young to love. Rose, Cinnamon Without pretension. Rose, Hundred leaved. ..The graces. Rose, Austrian Thou art all that is lovely. Rose Leaf. I never trouble. Rose, Monthly Beauty ever new. Rose, Moss Superior merit; Vo- luptuousness. Rose, Musk Capricious beauty. Rose, Red I Jove you. Rose, White ..Silence. Rose, Wild, Single Simplicity. Rose, Yellow Infidelity ; Unfaithful - ness. Rosemary Remembrance; Your presence revives me Rue Disdain. Rush Docility. Saffron , Meadow My best days are past. Saffron^ Crocus Do not abuse me. Sage Domestic Virtue ; Es- teem. St. John's Wort Animosity. Sardonia Irony. Satin Flower Forgetfulness. Scratch Weed Roughness. Scotch Thistle Retaliation. Sensitive Plant Sensitiveness; Mod- esty. Serpent Cactus Horror. Service Tree, or Sorb Prudence. Shepherd's Purse I offer you myall. Silver Weed. Naivete". Snapdragon Presumption. Snowball Goodness ; Thoughts of Heaven. Snowdrop Consolation ; A friend in adversity. Sorrel Parental Affection. Speedwell 9 Fidelity. Spindle Tree Your charms are gra- ven on my heart. Star of Bethlehem Reconciliation; Pu- rity. Straw, Broken Quarrel. Straw Agreement; United. Strawberry Perfect excellence. Sumach Splendid misery. Sunflower, Tall Lofty and wise thoughts. Sunflower. False riches. Sunflower, Dwarf. Adoration. Sweet Flag Fitness. Sweet Pea A meeting. Sweet Sultan Happiness. Sweet William ...Gallantry; Finesse; Dexterity. Syringa Memory ; Fraternal love. Sycamore Curiosity. Tare Vice. Teasel Misanthropy. Thistle Austerity. Thorn Apple Disguise. Thrift Sympathy. Thyme Activity. Tremella Resistance. Tube Rose Dangerous Pleasure; Voluptuousness; Sweet voice. Tulip, Variegated .Beautiful eyes. Tulip, Red Declaration of love. Valerian, Common. Accommodating dis- position. Valerian.. Facility. Venus's Looking Glass. .Flattery. Verbena Sensibility; Sensitive- ness. Verbena, Purple 1 weep for you; Re- gret. Verbena, White Prav for me. Vervain ..Enchantment. Vernal Grass Poor, but happy. Vetch I cling to thee. Violet, Blue Faithfulness. Violet, White Purity ; Candor ; Mod - esty. Volkamenia May you be happy. Wall Flower Fidelity in misfor- tune. Weeping Willow Melancholy. Wheat Wealth. Whortleberry Treachery. Willow, Common Forsaken. Willow Herb Pretension. Wood Sorrel , Joy. Woodbine Fraternal love. Wormwood Absence. Yarrow .Cure for the heart- ache. Yew. Sadness. Zinnia. .. I mourn your absence. 138 VOCABULARY OF " GIVEN " NAMES, FOR REFERENCE. Names of Men, Alphabetically Arranged. Aaron. Benjamin. Ebenezer. Frederick. Isador. Leander. N;ili um. Raymond, Theobald. Abel. Beriah. Edgar. Isaiah. Lemuel. Nathan. Reuben. Theodore. Abiel. Bernard. Edmund. Gabriel. Israel. Leo. Nathaniel. Reuel. Theodoric. Abljah. Abner. Bertram. Bertrand. Edward. Edwin. Gail. Gaius. Ivan. Leon. Leonard. Neal. Neil. Reynold. Richard. Theophilus. Theron. Abraham. Boniface. Egbert. Gamaliel. Jabez. Leonidas. Nehemlah. Robert. Thomas. Abram. Burnell. Elbert. Gardner. Jacob. Leopold. Newton. Roderic. Thompson. Adam. Burton. Elbrldge. Garret. Jairus. Leroy Nicolas. Roderick. Timothy. Addison. Byron. Eldred. George. James. Levi. Niles. Rodman. Titus. Adelbert. Eleazer. Gerald. Japeth. Lewis. Noah. Rodolph. Tobias. Adolphus. Cad wallader. Eli. Gerard. Jared. Lincoln. Noel. Rodolphus. Tristram. Adoniram. Caesar. Eliab. Gershom. Jason. Linus. Norman. Roger. Alanson. Caleb. Elias. Gideon. Jasper. Lionel. Norton. Roland. Ulysses. Alaric. Calvin. Elihu. Gilbert. Jay. Llewelyn. Rollo. Umphrey. Albert. Casimir. Elijah. Giles. Jean. Loami. Obadiah. Romeo. Uranus. Alexander. Cass. Eliphalet. Given. Jedediah. Lorenzo. Obed. Roswell. Urban. Alexis. Cassimer. Elisha. Goddard. Jefferson. Lot. Octavius. Rowland. Uriah. Alfred. Cecil. Ellzur. Godfrey. Jeffrey. Louis. Octavus. Royal. Urian. Allan. Chauncey. Ellis. Gregory. Jeremiah. Lucian. Oley. Rudolph. Uriel. Alonzo. Charles. Ellsworth. Griffith. Jeremy. Lucius. Oliver. Rudolphus. Alpheus. Christian. Elmer. Gustavus. Jerome. Ludovic. Ona. Rufus. Valentine. Alphonso. Christopher. Elmore. Guy. Jesse. Ludwig. Orestes. Rupert. Yard. Alvah. Claudius. Elnathan. Jethro. Luke. Orlando. Vardemond. Alvan. Clarence. Emanuel. Haman. Job. Luther. Orrlon. Salem. Vernet. Alvin. Clark. . Emery, Hanford. Joel. Lycurgus. Oscar. Salmon. Veronus. Alwln. Claude. Emillus. Hannibal. John. Lyman. . Osmond. Samson. Victor. Amariah. Clement. Emmerson. Harold. Jonah. Lysander. Oswald. Sampson. Vincent. Amasa. Columbus. Emmery. Harrie. Jonas. Othello. Samuel. Virgil. Ambrose. Conrad. Emory. Harrison. Jonathan. Madoc. Otto. Saul. Vivian. Amml. Constant. Enoch. Heman. Joseph. Madison. Owen. Seba. Amos. Constantine. Enos. Henry. Josephus. Mahlon. Sebastian. Wade. Andrew. Cornelius. Ephraim. Herbert. Joshua. Manasseh. Patrick. Sem. Walter. Anselm. Cuthbert. Erasmus. Herman. Josiah. Mansfield. Paul. Sereno. Washington. Anson. Cyprian. Erastus. Hezekiah. Josias. Marcellus. Peleg. Serenus. William. Anthony. Cyril. Eric. Hiram. Jotham. Marcius. Peregrine. Seth. Willis. Antony. Cyrus. Ernest. Homer. Joy. Marcus. Peter. Shelden. Winfleld. Archibald. Erving. Horace. Judah. Mark. Philander. Sherman. Winfred. Artemas. Dale. Ethan. Horatio. Julian. Marmaduke. Philemon. Siglsmund. Winton. Arthur. Dan. Eugene. Hosea. Julius. Martin. Philip. Silas. Asa. Dana. Eustace. Howard. Justin. Marvin. Philo. Silvanus. Zabdiel. Asahel. Danforth. Evan. Howe. Justus. Matthew. Phineas. Silvester. Zaccheus. Asaph. Daniel. Everett. Howell. Matthias. Pius. Simeon. Zachary. Asher. Darius. Ezekiel. Hubert. Kenneth. Maurice. Pluto. Simon. Zadok. Ashur. David. Ezra. Hugh. King. Melvin. Pompey. Solomon. Zabadiah. Augustln. Delos. Hugo. Kinnie. Merton. Pontus. Solon. Zachariah. Augustine. Delwin. Felix. Humphrey. Merwin. Stephen. Zedekiah. Austin. Demetrius. Ferdinand. l,:il>:m. Maximilian. Queen. Steven. Zelotes. Augustus. Denis. Fernando. Ichabod. Lambert. Micah. Quincy. Sylvan. Zenas. Azariah. Dennis., Festus. ImmanueL Langdon. Michael. Quintal. Sylvanus. Zenia. Derrick. Fletcher. Ingram. Laurence. Miles. Sylvester. Zeno. Barnabas. Dionyslus. Forrest. Inigo. Lawrence. Milton. Ralph. Zenos. Barnard. Donald. Francis. Ira. Lafayette. Morgan. Ransom. Tamer. Zephaniah. Bartholomew. Frank. Irving. Lazarus. Morris. Raphael. Taylor. Zeri. Barton. Earl. Franklin. Irwln. Legrand. Moses. Ray. Thaddus. Zerus. Basil. Eben. Frederic. Isaac. Names of Women, Alphabetically Arranged. Abigail. Aurora. Cornelia. Ettie. Hebe. Katie. Marianne. Paulina. Sophia. Achsa. Azalia. Cynthia. Ethel. Helen. Katrina. Marietta. Pauline. Sophronia. Ada. Ethelind. Helena. Keziah. Marilla. Penelope. Stella. Adaline. Barbara. Din-ilia. Ethelinda. Henrietta. Kittie. Marlon. Pera. Surelia. Addle. Beatrice. Deborah. Eudora. Hessa. Martha. Perebel. Susan. Adela. Beatrix. Dele. Eudosia. Hester. Larelda. Mary. Perrine. Susanna. Adelaide. Belinda. Delia. Eugenia. Hesther. Laura. Mathilda. Pettie. Susannah. Adelia. Belle. Delia. Eugenie. Hilda. Lauriet. Matilda. Phebe. Sylvia. Adelina. Bertha. Diana. Eunice. Honora. Laurietta. Maud. Philip. Adeline. Bessie. Dinah. Euphemia. Honoria. Laurinda. May. Phoebe. Tabitha. Adeline. Betsey. Dora. Eva. Hortensia. Lavinla. Meggie. Phyllis. Terine. Adora. Beulan. Dorcas. Evangeline. Huldah. Lena. Mehetabel. Pina. Theodora. Agatha. Blanch. Dorinda. Eve. Leonora. Mehitable. Polly. Theodosia. Agnes. Blanche. Dorothy. Evelina. Ida. Letitia. Melicent. Porcia. Theresa. Alethea. Bridget. Doxie. Imogene. Lettlce. Melissa. Priscilla. Thomaslne. Alexandra. Fama. Inez. Lexie. Meta. Tilda. Alexandrlna, Camilla. Edessa. Fanny. Ionia. Libble. Metta. Rachel. Tillie. Alice. Capitola. Edith. Fara. Irene. Lillian. Mildred. Rebecca. Tina. Alicia. Caroline. Edna. Fatima. Isabel. Lillie. Minnie. Rebekah. Tryphena. Almeda. Carrie. Effie. Faustina. i Isabella. Lilly. Miranda. Rena. Almira. Cassandra. Eleanor. Felicia. Isadora. Lois. Miriam. Revella. Ulrica. Althea. Cassie. Electa. Fidelia. Lorana. Morella. Rhoda. Ureneo. Alvaretta. Catharina. Electra. Flora. Jane. Lou. Myra. Rosa. Uretta. Alzina. Catharine. Elida. Floralia. Janet. Louisa. Rosabel. Urexie. Amabel. Catherine. Elinor. Florena. Jean. Louise. Nancy. Rosalia. Ursula. Amanda. Cecilia. Elisabeth. Florence. Jeanne. Lucia. Nannie. Rosalie. Uvenia. Amarilla. Cecily. Elizabeth. Florenia. Jeannette. Lucinda. Nanza. Rosalind. Amelia. Cedelia. Eliza. Frances. Jemima. Lucrctia. Naomi. Rosamond. Valeria, Amy. Celeste. Ella. Francelia. Jennie. Lucy. Nellie. Rose. Valina. Angelica. Celestlne. Ellen. Fredrica. Jenny. Lulu. Nettie. Rosella. Victoria. Angelina. Celia. Ellie. Jerusha. Lurelia. Nina. Rosetta. Victorine. Angeline. Charity. Eloise. Gabriella. Jessie. Lurella. Nora. Roxana. Vlletta. Ann. Charlotte. Elsie. Genet. Joan. Lureno. Roxie. Viola. Anna. Chloe. Elvira. Geneva. Joanna. Lurietta. Octavia. Ruth. Violet. Annabel. Christina. Erne. Genevieve. Josepha. Lydia. Olive. Viorene. Anne. Cicely. Emeline. Genieve. Josephine. Olivia. Salome. Virginia. Annette. Antoinette. Clara. Clarice. Emily. Emma. Georgiana. Geraldine. Joyce. Judith. Mabel. Madeline. Ophelia. Olympia. Samantha. Samima. Vivian. Antonia. Clarissa. Emmerett. Gertie. Julia. Maggie. Ora. Sara. Welthy. Antonina. Claudia. Eola. Gertrude. Jolt anna. M anal a. Orianna. Sarah. Wilhelmlna. Arabella. Clementina. Ercilla. Juliet. Malvina. Oriet. Sarepta. Wincie. Ardelia. Clementine. Ernestine. Hagar. Julietta. Marcella. Orletta. Selina. Winnie. Ariana. Cleopatra. Esmerelda. Hattie. Junietta. Marcia. Othalia. Serena. Aseneth. Constance. Esther. Hannah. Margaret. Orlinda, Sibyl. Zella. Athena. Cora. Estusia. Harriet. Katharine. Maria. Sibylla. Zelia. Augusta. Cordelia, Etta. Harriot Katherine. Marie. Pansy. Sonora. Zenobia. Aurelia. Corinna. PROSE AND POETIC GEMS FROM THE BEST AUTHORS. 139 Selections Album. HE individual is frequently called upon for his or her autograph. In complying, it is customary to couple with the same a senti- ment, signing the name beneath. If the matter written is original, be it long or short, it is usually more highly valued. If a brief selection be made, some of the following quotations may be appropriate : NATURE! though blessed and bright are thy ra)'S, O'er the brow of creation enchantingly thrown, Yet faint are they all to the luster that plays In a smile from the heart that is dearly our own! T IAKE heart, nor of the laws of fate complain, Though now 'tis cloudy, *t will clear up again. SO far is it from being true that men are naturally equal, that no two people can be half an hour together but one shall acquire evident superiority over the other. IF others be as fair, What are their charms to me? I neither know nor care, For thou art all to me. PURCHASE not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such A will cease to love. OMALL service is true service while it lasts ; ^ Of friends, however humble, scorn not one : The daisy, by the shadow that it casts, Protects the lingering dew-drop from the sun. LD Time will end our story, But no time, if we end well, will end our glory. 'PHE most delicate, the most sensible of all pleasures, consists in I- promoting the pleasures of others. A ND what is fame? the meanest have their day; The greatest can but blaze and pass away. AH! could you look into my heart And watch your image there! You would own the sunny loveliness Affection, makes it wear. H E who labors with the mind governs others ; he who labors with the body is governed by others. '"INHERE is pleasure in the pathless woods, A There is rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep Sea, and music in its roar: I love not Man the less, but Nature more. H E who surpasses or subdues mankind, Must look down on the hate of those below. LET us deal very gently with the erring. We should always re- member that had we been born with a like unfortunate organiza- tion, and been trained amid as unfavorable circumstances, we would have done as badly ourselves. ! DEEMED that time, I deemed that Pride Had quenched at length my boyish flame; Nor knew, till seated by thy side, My heart in all, save hope, the same. EARTH holds no other like to thee, Or if it doth, in vain for me. OH! many a shaft, at random sent, Finds mark the archer little meant; And many a word, at random spoken, May soothe or wound a heart that 's broken. T^HOSE who have finished by making others think with them, have A usually been those who began by daring to think with themselves. DESIRE not to live long, but to live well; How long we live, not years, but actions tell. w HO does the best his circumstance allows, Does well, acts nobly; angels could do no more. AH, well! for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried from human eyes; And, in the hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away. HE who sedulously attends, pointedly asks, calmly speaks, coolly answers, and ceases when he has no more to say, is in the pos- session of some of the best requisites of man. OOMETIME, when all life's lessons have been learned, ^ And sun and stars forever more have set, The things which our weak judgments here have spurned, The things o'er which we grieved with lashes wet, Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue ; And we shall see how all God's plans were right, And how what seemed reproof was love most true. SELECTIONS FOR THE AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. erase these simple rhymes, If ever you read any, And think of me, sometimes, Among the many ! nffiray you through life remain the same, =* Unchanged in all except your name. Scrond Memory, come and hover o'er ^^ This album page of my fair friend; Enrich her from thy precious store, And happy recollections send. If on this page she chance to gaze In years to come where'er she be Tell her of earlier happy days, And bring her back one thought of me. JEVhen I, poor elf, shall have vanished in vapor, &r May still my memory live on paper. d|_s half in shade, and half in sun, *=*T- This world along its path advances, Oh ! may that side the sun shines on Be all that ever meets thy glances; May Time, who casts his blight on all, And daily dooms some joy to death, On thee let years so gently fall They shall not crush one flower beneath. j^s flowers bloom'd in Petrarch's favorite grove, vr So glows the heart beneath the smile of love. f^ongest joys won't last forever i-~> Make the most of every day ; Youth and beauty Time will sever, But Content hath no decay. ' care not for beauty, but give me that heart 1 Where truth has its dwelling, and goodness a part. 4i s o'er the cold, sepulchral stone ^o^i- Some name arrests the passer-by, So, when thou view'st this page alone, Let mine attract thy pensive eye; And when by thee that name is read, Perchance in some succeeding year, Reflect on me as on the dead, And think my heart is buried here, 8f Cupid be blind, as the ancients declare, 5 'Tis strange he should always recognize the fair. tad I the power to carve or print Thy future, my dear friend, It would be fair and ever bright Unclouded to the end. fright be the years before thee, Friend of my childhood days ; Peace weave her olive o'er thee, And joy attend thy ways. T^rhen on this page you chance to look, ^y Think of me and close the book. fhy memory, as a spell Of love, comes o'er the mind; As dew upon the purple bell, As perfume on the wind, As music on the sea, As sunshine on the river, So hath it always been to me, So shall it be forever. ?ood sense and virtue must prevail O'er hearts where wit and beauty fall. fhe changeful sand doth only know The shallow tide and latest; The rocks have marked its highest flow, The deepest and the greatest: And deeper still the flood-marks grow ; So, since the hour I met thee. The more the tide of time doth flow, The less can I forget thee I hen you are gone, oh where has fled my rest? When yon are near, I feel supremely bless' d. [pair and flowery be thy way, & The skies all bright above thee, And happier every coming day To thee and those that love thee. Sweet is the girl who reads this line; y I wish her sweetness were all mine! jt may occur in after-life & That you, I trust, a happy wife, Will former happy hours retrace, Recall each well-remembered face. At such a moment I but ask, I hope 'twill be a pleasant task, That you'll remember as a friend One who'll prove true e'en to the end. rost noble and generous, benevolent and free, My heart beats with affection and friendship for thee. J^ry Album's open I Come and see I (oP'What! won't you waste a line on me? Write but a thought a word or two, That Memory may revert to you. SELECTIONS FOR THE AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. 141 t visions of midnight my thoughts are with thee ; O say, are thy fancies at midnight with me? hose who have written here before, Have sung thy praises o'er and o'er; And while the flattering verse they made, They doubtless felt the words they said. I lack the power that they possessed ; I stand in weakness here confessed; Powerless my feelings to reveal, I say much less than what I feel. rtf ay all your hours in sweetest bliss be spent, * Crowned with friendship, happiness, content. fhold it true, whate'er befall I feel it when I sorrow most 'Tis better to have loved and lost, Than never to have loved at all. f hough Adam was holy, and Eve was fair, His happiness lingered till woman was there. nrhene'er thine eye shall fondly trace T These simple lines I've sketched for thee, Whate'er the time, whate'er the place, Then wilt thou think of me ? fhe stars of heaven are not more true Than this unchanging breast to you. M|ive for those that love you, T-^> For those whose hearts are true, For the Heaven that smiles above you And the good that you may do. rake care of these verses, preserve them awhile, ? And some tedious hour they may help to beguile. pjrysterious maid! uncertain treasure, ^ Thou bring' st more of pain or pleasure; Endless torments dwell about thee, Yet who would live, and live without thee? Mjror weeks may pass and years may end, * "% Yet you will find in me a friend. the storms of life, When you need an umbrella, May you have to uphold it A handsome young fellow. rhen the billows roll and waves around me rise, One thought of thee will clear the darkest skies. &|_s life flows on from day to day, ^^ And this, your book, soon fills, How many may be far away From treasured vales and hills? But there is joy in future time To turn the pages o'er, And see within a name or rhyme, From one you'll see no more. jhe virtues of modesty, candor and truth, In woman exceed all the beauty of youth. rhy should I blush to own I love? 'Tis love that rules the realms above. Why should I blush to say to all That virtue holds my heart in thrall? fhe girl of my choice must be free from disguise, Show her heart in her face and her soul in her eyes. fcStfrany years may come and go, {=- Many faces greet the sight, But among them none can show One like you to me so bright. ,(8< ay, when I plough the watery deep, -^ Wilt thou this slight memento keep? -fVjftVhen in the course of human life, e; Five things observe with care ; To whom you speak, of whom you speak, How, when, and where. ^Vhen the charms of thy youth and thy beauty are gone, e-T Then goodness and virtue thy face will adorn. -Mrrithin the oyster- shell, unsought, e; The purest crystals hide ; Trust me, you'll find a heart sincere Within the rough outside. i trive to keep the " Golden Rule,' and learn your les- " sons well at school. 142 SELECTIONS FOR THE AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. A| little health, a little wealth, ^^ A little house and freedom; A few good friends for certain ends, And little use to need them. ,@ome write for pleasure, some write for fame, but I -iy write simply to sign my name. jfflrtray you live in bliss, from sorrow away, sS^" Having plenty laid up for a rainy day ; And when you are ready to settle in life, May you find a good husband and make a good wife. g^tount that day lost whose low descending sun, views ^ from thy hand nc worthy action done. f'~*" J hink of me when you are happy, Keep for me one little spot; In the depth of thine affection Plant a sweet " Forget-me-not. " jjSfrreanness shun and all its train; goodness seek and ' I " ! '" ' ' . : n The Inquisitive, Disagreeable Caller. TJMONG the disagreeable callers are the husband and wife who /* come with a child and a small dog; the husband making himself familiar with the hostess, the dog barking at the cat, the child taking the free run of the house, while the wife, in the meantime, passes around the room, handling and examining the ornaments. Other unpleasant callers are the man with the muddy boots, and the individual just in out of the rain, from whose overcoat and umbrella the water drips on the carpet. Ready to Go, Yet Waiting. O[OME evening callers make themselves odious by continuing their J^ visit too long, and even when they have risen to depart they lack decision of purpose to go, but will frequently stand several minutes before taking final leave, and then when wraps are on and they are nearly gone, they will stand in the doorway to tell one more story while the hostess protects herself as best she can from the incoming gusts of wind and storm, sometimes thus taking a cold that ends in death. When the guest is ready to go go. New Year's Calling. OF LATE years it has become fashionable for ladies in many cities and villages to announce in the newspapers the fact of their intention to receive calls upon New Year's day, which practice is very excellent, as it enables gentlemen to know positively who will be prepared to receive them on that occasion; besides, changes of residence are BO frequent in large cities as to make the publi- cation of names and places of calling a great convenience. The practice of issuing personal notes of invitation, which is sometimes done, to a list of gentlemen acquaintances, stating that certain ladies will receive on New Year's day, is not to be com- mended. It looks very much like begging the gentlemen to come and see them; moreover, should the practice generally prevail, it would, in a brief time, abolish New Year's calls altogether, as gen- tlemen would not feel at liberty to make calls unless personally invited; and thus the custom would soon go into disuse. Upon calling, the gentlemen are invited to remove overcoat and hat, which invitation is accepted unless it is the design to make the call very brief. If refreshments are provided, the ladies will desiro to have the gentlemen partake of them, which cannot conveniently be done in overcoat, with hat in hand. Gloves are sometimes retained upon the hand during the call, but this is optional. Cards are sent up, and the gentle- Gentlemen Making New Year's Calls. men are ushered into the reception- room. The call should not exceed ten or fifteen minutes, unless the callers are few and it should be mutually agreeable to prolong the stay. Best taste will suggest that a lady having the conveniences shall receive her guests at her own home, but it is admissible and common for several ladies to meet at the residence of one and receive calls together. Whether ladies make announcement or not, however, it will be usually safe for gentlemen to call on their lady friends on New Year's, as the visit will generally be received with pleasure. It is customary for the ladies who announce that they will receive to make their parlors attractive on that day, and present themselves in full dress. They should have a bright, cheerful fire, if the weather be cold, and a table, conveniently located in the room, with re- freshments, consisting of fruits, cakes, bread and other food, such as may be deemed desirable, with tea and coffee. No intoxicating drinks should be allowed. Refreshments are in no case absolutely essential. They can be dispensed with if not convenient. Ladies expecting calls on New Year's should be in readiness to receive from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. It is pleasant for two or more ladies to receive calls together on that occasion, as several ladies can the more easily entertain a party of several gentlemen who may be present at one time. While gentlemen may go alone, they also fre- quently go iu pairs, threes, fours or more. They call upon all the ladies of the party, and where they are not acquainted introductions take place, care being taken that persons do not intrude themselves where they would not be welcome. Each gentleman should be provided with a large number of cards, with his own name upon each, one of which he will present to every lady of the company where he calls. The ladies keep these cards for future reference, it being often pleasant to revive the incidents of the day by subsequent ex- amination of the cards received upon that occasion. An usher should be present wherever many calls are expected, to receive guests and care for hats and coats. The calls are necessarily very brief, and are made delightfully pleasant by continual change of face and conversation. But, however genial and free may be the in- terchange of compliments upon this occasion, no young man who is a stranger to the family should feel at liberty to call again without a subsequent invitation. The two or three days succeeding New Year's are the ladies' days for calling, upon which occasion they pass the compliments of the season, comment upon the incidents connected with the festivities of the holiday, the number of calls made, and the new faces that made their appearance among the visitors. It is customary upon this occasion of ladies' meeting to offer refreshments and to enjoy the intimacy of a friendly visit. TWO STORES CONTRASTED. 151 HE above shows the in- terior of the grocery store where cheese, butter, flour, sugar and other articles, con- taining moisture, are saturated with tobacco smoke. It may be the privilege of the proprietor to make his store the general re- sort of amusement seekers, loungers and smokers, but such a course is never uded as profitable to business. WHE charming window dis- * play of goods in this store attract to the interior, where the order and general neatness are evidences that the groceries for sale here are of pure quality, the butter not filled with the flavor of tobacco, nor the sugar with kerosene. These pleasant surround- ings further indicate thai prompt and genteel attention will be given the customer Suggestions About Shopping. Conduct in the Store. PURCHASERS should, as far as possible, patronize the merchants of their own town. It is poor policy to send money abroad for articles which can be bought as cheaply at home. Do not take hold of a piece of goods which another is examining. Wait until it is replaced upon the counter before you take it up. Injuring goods when handling, pushing aside other persons, loung- ing upon the counter, whispering, loud talk and laughter, when in a store, are all evidences of ill-breeding. Never attempt to " beat down " prices when shopping. If the price does not suit, go elsewhere. The just and upright merchant will have but one price for his goods, and he will strictly adhere to it. It is an insult to a clerk or merchant to suggest to a customer about to purchase that he may buy cheaper or better elsewhere. It is also rude to give your opinion, unasked, about the goods that another is purchasing. Never expect a clerk to leave another customer to wait on you ; and, when attending upon you, do not cause him to wait while you visit with another. When the purchases are made let them be sent to your home, and thus avoid loading yourself with bundles. Treat clerks, when shopping, respectfully, and give them no more trouble than is necessary. Ask for what is wanted, explicitly, and if you wish to make examination with a view to future purchase, say so. Be perfectly frank. There is no necessity for practicing deceit. The rule should be to pay for goods when you buy them. If, how- ever, you are trusted by the merchant, you should be very particular to pay your indebtedness when you agree to. By doing as you prom- ise, you acquire habits of promptitude, and at the same time estab- lish credit and make reputation among those with whom you deal. It is rude in the extreme to find fault and to make sneering remarks about goods. To draw unfavorable comparisons between ths goods and those found at other stores does no good, and shows want of deference and respect to those who are waiting on yon. Politely state that the goods are not what you want, and, while you may buy, you prefer to look further. If a mistake has been made whereby you have been given more goods than you paid for, or have received more change than was your due, go immediately and have the error rectified. You cannot afford to sink your moral character by taking advantage of such mis- takes. If you had made an error to your disadvantage, as a merchant, you would wish the customer to return and make it right. You should do as you would be done by. Permanent success depends upon your being strictly honest. Say "No" Politely. A COMMON saying is, "A man's manners make his fortune." This is a well-known fact, and we see it illustrated every day. The parents who considerately train a child amid kindness and love, rear a support for their declining years. The teacher that rules well and is yet kind, is beloved by his pupils. The hotel proprietor, by affability and an accommodating spirit, may fill his hotel with guests. The railway conductor who has a pleasant word for the lonely traveler, is always remembered with favor. The postofftce clerk who very carefully looks through a pile of letters and says, "not any" very gently, pleasantly adding a word of hope by saying, "it may come on the afternoon train," we always gratefully recollect. When the time comes that we can return the kindness, we take great pleasure in doing so. The man who shows himself to be a gentleman, even though he may not buy what we have to (jell when we solicit him, we always know will get his reward. His affability, when he declined, demon- strated that he could say "no" with a pleasant word. The very fact of his impressing us so favorably, even when he did not purchase, clearly indicated that he was thoroughly schooled in the ways of politeness, and that he lived up to the golden rule of doing to others as he desired others to do to him. WHAT TO OBSERVE AND WHAT TO AVOID WHEN TALKING. tiquette of Conversation. HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO SPEAK. gO ACQUIRE the art of conversation in a supe- rior degree, there must be intimacy with those who possess refinement and general informa- tion. There must also be observed certain general rules in order to accomplish the best results, prominent among which are the following: In the first place, in order to converse well, there must be knowl- edge; there must be a command of language, assisted by imagination; there must be understanding of the rules of con- struction to frame sentences aright; there must be confidence and self-possession, and there must be courage to overcome failure. To be an excellent conversa- tionalist is a very desirable ac- complishment. We talk more than we do anything else. By conver- sation we may make friends, we may retain them, or we may lose them. We may impart informa- tion; we may acquire it. We may make the company with whom we associate contented with itself, or we can sow inharmony and discord. Our success in life largely rests upon our ability to converse well; therefore, the necessity of our carefully study- ing what should and what should not be said when talking. Coarse and Boisterous. How to Please in Conversation. Use clear, distinct words to ex- press your ideas, although the tone of your voice should be subdued. Be cool, collected and self-possessed, using respectful, chaste and appropriate language. Always defend the absent person who is being spoken of, as far as truth and justice will permit. Allow people that you are with to do their full share of the talking if they evince a willingness to converse. Beware of talking much about yourself. Your merits will be dis- covered in due time without the necessity of sounding your own praises. Show the courtesy, when another person joins the group where you WHE refinement and culture of an individual can be largely deter- * mined by the tone of voice and the manner of speaking. In ordinary conversation the wild gesticulation, the coarse and boisterous laugh, and the uncouth position are all indicative of ill-breeding. In such a domestic group as is here represented the ties of nature may be quite as strong as in more refined circles, and yet the tendency is to introduce a variety of topics into the general conversation that were better not discussed. The rude jest, the coarse criticism of absent ones, the unclean song and the foolish retort, are the natural outgrowth of such a gathering. Education and knowledge of the rules that govern polite society would have prevented such a scene as this by providing instruction and lessons of culture and refinement. While there is at the present day every facility for improving the minds of the young, it is no less true that politeness and respect for superiors are not properly taught. are relating an incident, of recapitulating what has been said, for the advantage of the new-comer. Recollect that the object of conversation is to entertain and amuse; the social gathering, therefore, should not be made the arena of dispute. Even slight mistakes and inaccuracies it is well to overlook, rather than to allow inharmony to present itself. Aim to adapt your conversation to the comprehension of those with whom you are conversing. Be careful that you do not un- dervalue them. It is possible that they are as intelligent as yourself, and their conversation can, perhaps, take as wide a range as your own. Remember that the person to whom you are speaking is not to blame for the opinion he enter- tains. Opinions are not made by us, but they are made for us by circumstances. With the same organization, training and circum- stances around us, we would have the same opinions ourselves. Remember that people are fond of talking of their own affairs. The mother likes to talk of her children, the mechanic of his workmanship, the laborer of what he can accomplish. Give every one an opportunity, and you will gain much valuable information besides being thought courteous and well-bred. Be patient. The foreigner can- not, perhaps, recall the word he desires; the speaker may be slow of speech ; you may have heard the story a dozen times ; but even then you must evince interest and listen patiently through. By so doing you gain the esteem of the person with whom you are conversing. What to Avoid in Social Conversation. Do not manifest impatience. Do not engage in argument. Do not interrupt another when speaking. Do not find fault, although you may gently criticise. Do not talk of your private, personal and family matters. Do not appear to notice inaccuries of speech in others. REFINEMENT AS INDICATED BY CONVERSATION. 153 Do not allow yourself to lose temper or to speak excitedly. Do not allude to unfortunate peculiarities of any one present. Do not always commence a conversation by allusion to the weather. Do not, when narrating an incident, continually say "you see," " you know," etc. Do not introduce professional or other topics in which the company generally cannot take an interest. Do not talk very loud. A firm, clear, distinct, yet mild, gentle and musical voice has great power. Do not be absent-minded, requiring the speaker to repeat what has been said that you may understand. Do not speak disrespectfully of personal appearance when any one present may have the same defects. Do not try to force yourself into the confidence of others. If they give their confidence, never betray it. Do not use profanity, vulgar terms, slang phrases, words of double meaning, or language that will bring the blush to any person. Do not intersperse your language with foreign words and high- sounding terms. It shows affecta- tion, and will draw ridicule upon you. Do not carry on a conversation with another in company about matters of which the general com- pany knows nothing. It is almost as impolite as to whisper. Do not allow yourself to speak ill of the absent if it can be avoided ; the day may come when some friend will be needed to defend you in your absence. Do not speak with contempt and ridicule of a locality where you may be visiting. Find some- thing to truthfully praise and commend; thus make yourself agreeable. Do not make a pretense of gen- tility, nor parade the fact that you are a descendant of any notable family. You must pass for just what you are, and must stand on your own merit. Cultured and Refined. Do not contradict. In making a correction say, "I beg your pardon, but I had an impression that it was so and so. '' Be careful in correcting, as you may be wrong yourself. Do not be unduly familiar; you will merit contempt if you are. Neither -should you be dogmatic in your assertions, arrogating to yourself much consequence in your opinions. Do not be too lavish in your praise of various members of your own family when speaking lo strangers; the person to whom you are speaking may know some faults that you do not. Do not allow yourself to use personal abuse when speaking to another, as in so doing you may make that person a life -long enemy. A few kind, courteous words might have made him a life-long friend. Do pot discuss politics or religion in general company. You prob- ably would not convert your opponent, and he will not convert you. To discuss those topics is to arouse feeling without any good result. Do not make a parade of being acquainted with distinguished or wealthy people, of having been to college, or of having visited foreign TN the social gathering here brought to view we have a strong con- trast to that on the opposite page. The positions are graceful and easy, with quietude and gentleness of manner, and the self-possession which true politeness always produces. An air of refinement in dress and gesture indicates a degree of mental culture secured by early tiaining and the careful observance of the rules of social etiquette. In such a circle we should naturally expect the utterance of only the finest sentiments, the earnestness of sincerity, the purest of wit. Nothing is strained, far-fetched or improper, and the conversation is of that character that all may take a part in it and impart or receive lessons of truth and beauty, the remembrance of which will last as long as life itself. It is not necessary, in order to reap these advan- tages, to amass immense wealth. Even in the humblest households politeness, good nature and an easy demeanor may be cultivated with the happiest effects. lands. All this is no evidence of any real genuine worth on your part. Do not use the surname alone when speaking of your husband or wife to others. To say to another, that "I told Jones," referring to your husband, sounds badly. Whereas, to say, "I told Mr. Jones," shows respect and good-breeding. Do not feel it incumbent upon yourself to carry your point in con- versation. Should the person with whom you are conversing feel the same, your talk will lead into violent argument. Do not yield to bashfulness. Do not isolate yourself, sitting back in a corner, waiting for some one to come and talk with you. Step out ; have something to say. Though you may not say it very well, keep on. You will gain courage and will improve. It is as much your duty to entertain others as theirs to amuse you. Do not attempt to pry into the private affairs of others by asking what their profits are, what things cost, whether Melissa ever had a beau, and why Amarette never got married. All such questions are extremely impertinent, and are likely to meet with rebuke. Do not whisper in company; do not engage in private conver- sation ; do not speak a foreign language which the general com- pany present may not comprehend, unless it is understood that the foreigner is unable to speak your own language. Do not take it upon yourself to admonish comparative strangers on religious topics; the persons to whom you speak may have decided convictions of their own in opposition to yours, and your over- zeal may seem to them an impertinence. Do not aspire to be a great story-teller; an inveterate teller of long stories becomes very tire- some. To tell one or two witty, short, new stories, appropriate to the occasion, is about all that one person should inflict on the company. Do not indulge in satire; no doubt you are witty, and you could say a most cutting thing that would bring the laugh of the company upon your opponent, but you must not allow it, unless to re- buke an impertinent fellow who can be suppressed in no other way. Do not forget that " words are the chariot wheels of thought," and that Dr. Samuel Johnson, Addison and Goldsmith won honor by the grace and eloquence of their language. Do not spend your time in talking scandal; you sink your own moral nature by so doing, and you are, perhaps, doing great injustice to those about whom you talk. You probably do not understand all the circumstances. Were they understood, you would, doubtless, be much more lenient. Do not flatter; in doing so you embarrass those upon whom you bestow praise, as they may not wish to offend you by repelling it, and yet they realize that if they accept it they merit your contempt. You may, however, commend their work whenever it can truthfully be done ; but do not bestow praise where it is not deserved. 154 SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING THE DANCE. ETIQUETTE The Dance Rules that Should Govern It. The Preparations. The Invitations and General Conduct of the Entertainment. > HE entertainment yon intend giving is larger than a dinner party one to which yon will invite a greater number of your friends and associates so great a number, indeed, of young and middle-aged people, that the serious question is, how they shall be entertained ; you conclude that you will allow them to dance, and you will name your entertainment a ball. In this connection we will not express an opinion concerning the propriety or the impropriety of dancing. In the simple act of pass- ing through the figures of the dance there need be no wrong committed; but, as the ball is often conducted, very serious and unfortunate results follow. Evils of the Ball. For the company to assemble at a late hour and engage in unusual, exciting and severe exercise throughout the entire night is often too great a tax upon the physical system. To dress too thinly, and in a state of perspiration to be exposed, as ladies at the ball frequently are, to drafts of cold, is oftentimes to plant the seeds of a disease from which they never recover. Again, to come in contact, as ladies are liable to do, more especially at the public ball, with disreputable men, is sometimes to form alliances that will cause a lifetime of sorrow. Well may the watchful parent look with anxiety and suspicion upon the ball, because its associations are so frequently dangerous. If in this chapter we may give admonitions and suggestions that shall tend to correct some, of the evils of the dance, our labors will not be in vain. The dancing- master should be in the highest sense of the term a gentleman ; he should be thoroughly schooled in the laws of etiquette ; he should be a man of good moral character; he should be a physiol- ogist ; he should be a reformer. Such a man at the head of a dancing- school would be of infinite assistance to the young men and women coming upon the stage of action. In his class he would teach his pupils the laws of good behavior; he would warn them concerning the evils of bad association; he wouldinstrnct them in the importance of regularity of habit and of keeping proper hours; with which instruction he would reform many abuses that now exist at public entertainments. Fortunately we have some instructors who appreciate the impor- tance of their work, and are thus instrumental in doing a great amount of good to those who are so favored as to attend their classes. How to Conduct the Ball. The management of the ball will largely depend upon whether it is a public or private entertainment. If public, it will be under the control of managers who will send out tickets to those likely to attend, often several weeks before the ball is given. These tickets are sent only to gentlemen who invite such ladies to attend the ball with them as they may choose. In tendering the invitation, the gentleman frequently visits the lady personally. If he sends a written note of invitation, the form may be as follows : Wednesday, Oct. 10. Miss Hammond : May I have the pleasure of your company to the ball at the Grand Central Hotel, in New York, on the evening of October 2$th, at eight o' clock ? Very respectfully, W. H. SIMPSON. The following may be the reply : Thursday, Oct. n. Mr. W. II. Simpson : I shall be happy to accompany you to the ball at the Grand Central on the evening of October 2jth. CARRIE D. HAMMOND. Or, if the invitation is declined, the note may have this form : Thursday, Oct. //. Mr. W. H. Simpson : I regret that absence from the city (or assign such other cause as may occasion the refusal) will deprive me of the pleas- ure of accompanying you to the ball at, the Grand Central on the evening of October 2$th. CARRIE D. HAMMOND. If the ball is to be given at a private residence, the notes of invita- tion should be sent by messenger or post to each guest, two or three weeks before the dance, and will read as follows: Mrs. Conklin' s compliments to Miss Henry, requesting the pleasure of her company at a ball on Thursday evening, April i2th, at eight, o 'clock. This should invariably be answered within a day or two, and, if accepted, the reply may read in the following form: Miss Henry's compliments to Mrs. Conklin, accepting with pleasure her kind invitation for Thursday evening, April i2th. If declined, the answer may be Miss Henry' s compliments to Mrs. Conklin, regretting that the recent death of a relative (or assign such other cause as may occasion the refusal) will prevent her acceptance of the kind invitation for the evening of April 72th. FORMS OF INVITATIONS INDIVIDUAL CONDUCT. 155 Invitations to all the Family. In sending invitations to a family where there are parents, sons and daughters, all of whom you desire to invite, inclose an invitation full and complete to the heads of the family, one to the daughters, and one to the sons. Should there be a visitor staying with the family a distinct card must be sent, but all can be inclosed in one envelope, and addressed to the lady of the house. The invitation to each may read as follows : (To the Parents. ) Mrs. Hobart's compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, requesting the pleasure of their company at a ball on the evening of Sept. 8th, at 8 o'clock. R. 8. V. P.* (To the Daughters. ) Mrs. Hobart's compliments to Misses Ruth and Mary Hanson, requesting the pleasure of their attendance at a ball, Sept. 8th, at 8 o'clock. R. S. V. P.t (To the Sons. ) Mrs. Hobart's regards to Messrs. Robert D. , Henry H. and Chas. C. Hanson, soliciting their company at a ball on the evening of Sept. 8th, at 8 o'clock. R. S. V. P. (To the Visitor. ) Mrs. Hobart's respects to Miss Williamson, desiring the pleasure of her company at a ball on the evening of Sfpt. 8th, at 8 o'clock. R. S. V. P. The acceptance or regrets from each party invited should be inclosed in one envelope, and directed to the hostess, being sent by a messenger within from one to three days after the time the invita- tions are received. The hostess having considered how many sets may be accommo- dated in the dancing- room, it may be well to invite twice that number to the entertainment, thus allowing for those who will decline and for those who will desire to rest while the others are engaged in the dance. The requisites of a room suitable for dancing purposes are a smooth floor and good ventilation ; added to these, an elaborate trimming of the room with various decorations will be appropriate. Floral embellishment gives much attraction, and if an abundance of flowers, shrubbery and evergreens are about the music-stand, concealing the musicians from view, the effect will be all the more charming. The dressing-room should be provided with servants to receive the wraps, to each of which a card should be attached bearing the name of the owner, or checks may be provided and the same system pursued as is ordinarily observed in checking baggage. A dressing-table in the ladies' room should be supplied with soap, water, towels, brushes, combs, pomade, face-powder, cologne, needles, thread, pins, etc. ; while water, soap, towels, brush-broom, comb, hair-brush, bootjack, and blacking- brush, with a box of blacking, should be in the gentlemen's dressing apartment. Unlike the dinner-party, it is not absolutely necessary that each guest come promptly at a certain time ; still, for the sake of regularity of sleep, it is well for each to go early and to retire early, though it will be allowable to go somewhat later than the hour appointed. The host and hostess should be near the door to welcome arrivals, occupying any unused time in making the guests acquainted with each other by introductions. Other members of the family will also intermingle with the company, giving introductions and seeing that all are provided with partners for dancing. R 8. V. P. From th t R. S. V. P. may be , French, "Repondei s'il vouj plait." Answer if you plea isidered unnecessary, as a reply should always be made. It is expected that those who accept an invitation to a ball are able to dance; otherwise it is better to decline, as the wall-flower serves but to embarrass the hostess and other members of the company. A gentleman, having arranged to accompany a lady to a ball, may very appropriately send her a bouquet of flowers in the afternoon, and in the evening he should call promptly with his carriage at the appointed hour. Upon reaching the house where the entertainment is given, he will conduct the lady immediately to the ladies' dressing- room; when, retiring to the gentlemen's apartment and putting his own toilet in order, he will return to the door of the ladies' room, meet his charge, and conduct her to the ball-room and the hostess. Etiquette requires that the lady dance first with her escort, and afterward he should see that she is provided with partners, and that she enjoys herself, though she may dance with whom she pleases. He should conduct her to supper, and will hold himself in readiness to escort her home whenever she desires to go. In inviting a lady to dance, various forms of invitation may be used to avoid repetition, as, "Will you honor me with your hand for the quadrille? " " May I have the honor of dancing this set with you? " " May I have the pleasure? " " Will you give me the pleasure? " etc. A gentleman who may be at the party unattended will invite one of the ladies of the house for the first dance, but she, possibly being otherwise occupied or engaged, will quite likely introduce him to another lady, whom he must accept. The music will first play a march, then a quadrille, a waltz, a polka, a galop, etc., interspersed with several round dances to each quadrille, usually ending with a march prior to supper, when the gentleman, presenting his arm to the lady he is dancing with at the time, unless she has come with another gentleman, will proceed to the table, where possibly a little more freedom will prevail than at the dinner-party, though essentially the same etiquette will govern it. If any lady is without an attendant, it should be the duty of the lady of the house to see that she is provided with an escort. After supper several dances will follow, the company dispersing, let us hope, at an early, temperate hour. Each dancer should be provided with a ball-card bearing a printed programme of the dances, having a space for making engagements upon the same, with a small pencil attached. Much care should be taken to keep each engagement. It is a great breach of etiquette to invite a lady to dance and then fail to remind her of her promise when the time comes for its fulfillment. It is customary for the lady and gentleman who accompany each other to the ball to dance together once or twice only; to dance as partners oftener is likely to excite remark, though, if the parties be indifferent to comment, no harm will be done. To dance together continually is impolite, and will deservedly provoke severe criticism. While upon the floor, awaiting the music, a lady and gentleman should avoid long conversations, as they are likely to interfere with the dance : but a pleasant word or two in light conversation will be appropriate if the parties are acquainted; if not, they may quietly wait. The bow should be given at the commencement and close of each dance. General Suggestions to Those who Attend Balls. When all the ladies are provided for at the table then the gentle- men may think of their own supper. Ladies will consult their own pleasure about recognizing a ball- room acquaintance at a future meeting. Gently glide in the dance, wearing a pleasant expression. "Bow the head slightly as you touch hands lightly. " Should you make a mistake in taking a position, apologize to the party incommoded, and take another place in the set. 156 WHAT TO OBSERVE AND WHAT TO AVOID AT THE BALL. Any difficulty or misunderstanding at a public ball should be referred to the master of ceremonies, whose decision should be deemed final. In tendering an invitation to the lady to dance, allow her to desig- nate what set it shall be, and you are expected to strictly fulfill the engagement. A gentleman who goes to a ball should dance frequently; if he does not, he will not receive many invitations afterward; he is not invited to ornament the wall and "wait for supper." After dancing, a gentleman should conduct the lady to a seat, unless she otherwise desires; he should thank her for the pleasure she has conferred, but he* should not tarry- too long in intimate conversation with her. A gentleman having taken a lady's seat during a dance must rise as soon as it is over, and invite her to come and take it again. It is not necessary to bow more than once, though you frequently meet acquaintances upon the promenade; to bow every time would be tiresome. What Conduct to Avoid at the Ball. A ball-room engagement should not be broken. A lady should not enter or cross the hall unattended. No gentleman should enter the ladies' dressing-room at a ball. No evidence of ill-nature should ever show itself at the ball. Never lead a lady in the hall by the hand; always offer the arm. Guests should remain at the supper-table no longer than is necessary. A couple should not engage in a long, private, confidential talk in a ball-room. While one dance is in progress it is not in good taste to be arranging for another. Do not engage yourself for the last two or three dances; it may keep you too late. Neither married nor unmarried ladies should leave a ball-room assemblage unattended. A gentleman should not wait until the music has commenced before selecting his partner. Do not aim to put in all the steps in the quadrille. The figures are now executed in a graceful walk. A gentleman should not insist upon a lady continuing to dance when she has expressed a desire to sit down. Excepting the first set, it is not etiquette for married people to dance together at either a public or private ball. Do not contend for a position in the quadrille at either head or sides. It indicates frivolity. You should be above it. A gentleman should not take a vacant seat beside a lady without asking permission, whether he is acquainted or not. The lady should never accept of an invitation to dance with one gentleman immediately after having refused another. No lady at a ball should be without an escort at the supper-table The hostess should see that she is provided with one. A gentleman should never presume upon the acquaintance of a lady after a ball; ball-room introductions close with the dancing. Ladies should not boast to others, who dance but little, of the great number of dances for which they are engaged in advance. No gentleman should use his bare hand to press the waist of a lady In the waltz. If without gloves carry a handkerchief in the hand. A lady should not select a gentleman to hold her bouquet, fan and gloves during the dance, unless he be her husband, escort or a relative. Gentlemen should never forget that ladies are first to be cared for, to have the best seats, and to always receive the most courteous attention. A gentleman in waltzing should not encircle the waist of a lady until the dancing commences, and he should drop his arm when the music ceases. No gentleman whose clothing or breath is tainted with the fumes of strong drink or tobacco should ever enter the presence of ladies in the dancing- room. When the company has been divided into two different sets you should not attempt to change from one to the other, except by permission of the master of ceremonies. A lady should not refuse to be introduced to a gentleman at a private ball. At a public ball she will use her discretion, and she can with propriety refuse any introduction. Never eat your supper in gloves. White kids should be worn at other times throughout the dancing. It is well to have two pairs, one before supper, and one afterward. Ladies should not be allowed to sit the evening through without the privilege of dancing. Gentlemen should be sufficiently watchful to see that all ladies present are provided with partners. Do not, unless for very urgent reasons, withdraw from a quadrille or a set where your assistance is required. Even then you should inform the master of ceremonies, that he may find a substitute. A gentleman should not invite a lady to be his partner in a dance with which he is not perfectly familiar. It is tiresome and embarrassing to a lady to have a partner who appears awkward. No gentleman should play the clown in the ball-room. Dancing a break-down, making unusual noise, dressing in a peculiar style, swaggering, swinging the arms about, etc. , are simply the character- istics of the buffoon. The lady is not obliged to invite her escort to enter the house when he accompanies her home, and if invited he should decline the invitation. But he should request permission to call the next day or evening, which will be true politeness. No display should be made when leaving the ball. Go quietly. It is not necessary to bid the host and hostess good-by. To do so may cause others to think it later than it is, and thus the ball may be broken up sooner than the hostess might desire. A lady may not engage herself to two gentlemen for the same dance, excepting the waltz, the first of which may be danced with one and the last with another, she explaining the matter to her first partner, so that he may not be offended when she leaves him for the other. The members of the family where the ball is given should not dance too frequently. It is possible that others may desire to fill their places, and they should have the opportunity. It is the duty of the family to entertain the guests and not usurp their opportunities. The carrying on of a secret and confidential talk in a ball-room is to be avoided, as is also boisterous and loud conversation. The old adage of doing in Rome as the Romans do is particularly applicable to those who attend the ball, conduct, dress and general deportment being such as not to attract especial attention. A gentleman should not be offended if a lady that has declined an invitation from him is seen dancing with another. Possibly she did not despise the one, but she preferred the other, or she may have simply redeemed a forgotten promise. Special evidences of partiality should, however, as much as possible be avoided at places where all should be courteous to each other. HABITS AND MANNERS WHICH INDICATE GENTILITY WHEN EATING. 157 Etiquette Table. THE TABLE-HOW TO SET AND ARRANGE IT. HE dinner-hour will completely test the refinement, the cul- ture and good breeding- which the individual may pos- sess. To appear advantageously at the table, the person must not only understand the laws of etiquette, but he must have had the advantage of polite society. It is the province of this chapter to show what the laws of the table are. It will be the duty of the reader, in the varied relations of life, to make such use of them as circumstances shall permit. Rules to be Observed. Sit upright, neither too close nor too far away from the table. Open and spread upon your lap or breast a napkin, if one is pro- vided otherwise a handkerchief. Do not be in haste; compose yourself; put your mind into a pleasant condition, and resolve to eat slowly. Keep the hands from the table until your time comes to be serv- ed. It is rude to take knife and fork in hand and commence drum- ming on the table while you are waiting. Possibly grace will be said by some one present, and the most respectful attention and quietude should be observed until the exer- cise is passed. It is the most appropriate time, while you wait to be served, for you to put into practice your knowledge of small talk and pleasant words with those whom you are sitting near. By interchange of thought, much valuable information may be acquired at the table. Do not be impatient to be served. With social chit- chat and eating, the meal-time should always be pro- longed from thirty minutes to an hour. Taking ample time in eating will give you better health, greater wealth, longer life and more happiness. These are what we may obtain by eating slowly in a pleasant frame of mind.thoroughly masticating the food. If soup comes first, and you do not desire it, you will simply say, "No, I thank you," but make no comment; or you may take it and eat as little as you choose. The other course will be along soon. In receiving it you do not break the order of serving; it looks odd to see you waiting while all the rest are partaking of the first course. Eccentricity should be avoided as much as possible at the table. The soup should be eaten with a medium -sized spoon, so slowly and carefully that you will drop none upon your person or the table-cloth. Making an effort to get the last drop, and all unusual noise when eating, should be avoided. Fig. 9 The general arrangement of the table set for i The plates ar^ often left off, and furnished by th Fig. 10. Relative position of plate, napkin, goblet, salt-cup, knife and fork, when the table is set. If asked at the next course what you desire, you will quietly state, and upon its reception you will, without display, proceed to put your food in order for eating. If furnished with potatoes in small dishes, you will put the skins back into the dish again; and thus where there are side- dishes all refuse should be placed in them otherwise potato-skins will be placed upon the table-cloth, and bones upon the side of the plate. If possible, avoid putting waste matter upon the cloth. Especial pains should always be taken to keep the table-cover as clean as may be. Eating with the Fork. Fashions continually change. It does not follow, because he does not keep up with them, that a man lacks brains; still to keep some- where near the prevailing style, in habit, costume and general de- portment, is to avoid attracting unpleasant attention. Fashions change in modes of eating. Unquestionably primitive man conveyed food to his mouth with his fingers. In process of time he cut it with a sharpened instrument, and held it, while he did so, with something pointed. In due time, with the advancement of civilization, there came the two- tined fork for holding and the broad -bladed knife for cutting the food and conveying it to the mouth. As years have passed on, bringing their changes, the three and four- tined forks have come into use, and the habit of conveying food with them to the mouth ; the advantage being that there is less danger to the tnouth from using the fork, and food is less liable to drop from it when being conveyed from the plate. Thus the knife, which is now only used for cutting meat, mash- ing potatoes, and for a few other purposes at the table, is no longer placed to the mouth by those who give attention to the etiquette of the table. Set the table as beautifully as possible. Use only the snowiest of linen, the brightest of cutlery, and the cleanest of china. The setting of the table (Fig. 9) will have fruit-plates, castors and other dishes for gen- eral use, conveniently placed near the center. The spe- cific arrangement (Fig. 10) of plate, knife, fork, nap- kin, goblet and salt-cup, is shown in the accompanying illustration. It is customary for the gentleman who is the head of the household, in the ordinary family circle, to sit at the side of the table, in the center, having plates at his right hand, with food near by. When all the family are seated, and all in readiness, he will serve the guests who may be present; he will next serve the eldest lady of the household, then the ladies and gentlemen as they come in order. The hostess will siV oppo- site her husband, and preside over the tea, sauces, etc. 158 ACTIONS WHICH INDICATE BAD MANNERS WHEN EATING. ERRORS TO BE AVOIDED. O NOT speak disrespectfully to the wait- ers, nor apologize to them for making them trouble; it is their business to bring forward the food called for. It is courtesy, however, when asked you desire a certain article, to reply, If you please;" "Not any, I thank you, " etc. ; when calling for an article, o say, "Will you please bring me," etc.; and vhen the article has been furnished, to say, "Thank you." Never eat very fast. Never fill the mouth very full. Never open your mouth when chewing. Never make noise with the mouth or throat. Never attempt to talk with the mouth full. Never leave the table with food in the mouth. Never soil the table-cloth if it is possible to avoid it. Never carry away fruits and confectionery from the table. Never encourage a dog or cat to play with you at the table. Never use anything but fork or spoon in feeding yourself. Never explain at the table why certain foods do not agree with you. Never introduce disgusting or unpleasant topics for conversa- tion. Never pick your teeth or put your hand in your mouth while eating. Never cut bread ; always break it, spreading with butter each piece as you eat it. Never come to the table in your shirt-sleeves, with dirty hands or disheveled hair. Never express a choice for any particular parts of a dish, unless requested to do so. Never hesitate to take the last piece of bread or the last cake; there are probably more. Never call loudly for the wait- er, nor attract attention to your- self by boisterous conduct. Never hold bones in your fin- gers while you eat from them. Cut the meat with a knife. Never use your own knife when cutting butter. Always use a knife assigned to that pur- pose. Never pare an apple, peach or pear for another at the table without holding it with a fork. Never wipe your fingers on the table-cloth, nor clean them in your mouth. Use the napkin. Never allow butter, soup or other food to remain on your whiskers. Use the napkin frequently. Never wear gloves at the table, unless the hands from some special reason are unfit to be seen. FIG. u. BAD MANNERS AT THE TABLE. So. 1. Tips back his chair. " 2. Eats with his mouth too full. " 3. Feeds a dog at the table. " 4. Holds his knife improperly. " 5. Engages in violent argument at the meal-time. " 6. Lounges upon the table. " 7. Brings a cross child to the table. Never, when serving others, overload the plate nor force upon them delicacies which they decline. Never pour sauce over meat and vegetables when helping others. Place it at one side, on the plate. Never make a display of finding fault with your food. Very quietly have it changed if you want it different. Never pass your plate with knife and fork on the same. Remove them, and allow them to rest upon a piece of bread. Never make a display when removing hair, insects or other disagree- able things from your food. Place them quietly under the edge of your plate. Never make an effort to clean your plate or the bones you have been eating from too clean; it looks as if you left off hungry. Never tip back in your chair nor lounge upon the table ; neither as- sume any position that is awkward or ill-bred. Never, at one's ov muddy in appearance by gaslight. So purple and orange, that harmonize and are beautiful by daylight, lose their charm at night. The beauty of rose-color disappears under the gaslight; and all the shades of purple and lilac, the dark-blues and green, lose their brilliancy in artificial light. Ordinarily, the complexion will bear the strongest color at night. Apparent Size Affected by Color. The apparent size is affected by colors. As white upon the build- ing will make it appear larger, so a light-colored dress will have the same effect upon the person. Thus the large figure will appear best in close-fitting black, and next best in the sober hues. The smaller figure will show to advantage in the light colors. Black, however, for a person of any size, is the most suitable color for nearly all occasions; and, handsomely made, well-fitted, artistically trimmed, and suitably relieved at throat and bodice with rib- bons, lace and flowers corre- sponding with the complexion, makes always a most beautiful costume. Persons whose resources are limited and who cannot afford a varied wardrobe should by this fact be guided to a constant preference for black. Colors that Harmonize. The object of two or more different tints in dress is to obtain relief by variety, and yet the two shades brought thus in contrast should harmonize, else the beauty of each will be less- ened. Thus, a lady with a blue dress would greatly injure its effect by wearing a crimson shawl ; as she would also a lilac- colored dress by trimming it with a dark-brown material, no matter how rich. That the reader may understand the colors that will contrast and yet blend, the following list of harmonizing colors is given: Blue and gold; blue and orange ; blue and salmon-color; blue and drab; blue and stone-color; blue and white; blue and gray; blue and straw-color; blue and maize; blue and chestnut; blue and brown; blue and black; blue and white; blue, brown, crimson and gold. Black and white ; black and orange ; black and maize ; black and scarlet; black and lilac ; black and pink; black and slate-color; black and buff; black, white, yellow and crimson; black, orange, blue and yellow. Crimson and gold; crimson and orange; crimson and maize; crimson and purple ; crimson and black ; crimson and drab. Green and gold ; green and yellow ; green and orange ; green and crimson; green, crimson and yellow; green, scarlet and yellow. Lilac and gold; lilac and maize; lilac and cherry; lilac and scarlet; lilac and crimson; lilac, scarlet, white and black; lilac, gold and chestnut; lilac, yellow, scarlet and white. Orange and chestnut ; orange and brown ; orange, lilac and crimson ; SUGGESTIONS ON THE BEST TASTE IN DRESS. 181 orange, red and green ; orange, blue and crimson ; orange, purple and scarlet; orange, blue, scarlet, green and white. Purple and gold ; purple and orange; purple and maize; purple, scarlet and gold-color; purple, white and scarlet; purple, orange, blue and scarlet; purple, scarlet, blue, yellow and black. Red and gold; red, white or gray; red, green and orange; red, black and yellow ; red, yellow, black and white. Scarlet and purple; scarlet and orange; scarlet and blue; scarlet and slate- color; scarlet, black and white; scarlet, white and blue: scarlet, gray and blue; scarlet, yellow and blue; scarlet, blue, yellow and black. Yellow an& red; yellow and brown; yellow and chestnut; yellow and violet; yellow and blue; yellow and crimson; yellow and purple; yellow and black; yellow, purple and crimson; yellow and scarlet. FASHION-WHY DOES IT CHANGE? Because change is one of nature's laws. If there was no change there would be no motion ; and without motion there would be no life. Change is ever going forward in nature. To-day it is spring and all nature is waking to new life. A few weeks hence and every tree and shrub will be clothed in a garb of green, sprinkled with blossoms. Later the green of various shades will merge into the autumn tints ; and, later still, nature will doff her garb entirely, only to clothe her- self in the coming years again with various changes, according to the seasons. So mankind instinctively change in style of costume, oftentimes for better, and sometimes, it must be admitted, for the worse. But the change ever goes forward, fashion repeating itself within the century, often within a generation, almost as certain as the seasons do within the year. There is no use, therefore, in Graceful and Refined in Appearance. issuing a flat against changes of fashion. Best judgment is shown in accepting of the inevitable and adapting ourselves to circumstances. Hints to Gentlemen. It is best to conform to fashion, avoiding extremes. While it is well to guard against the adoption of a decidedly unwise fashion, it is well also to avoid an oddity in dress. Well-dressed gentlemen wear dark clothing cut and made to meas- ure. Watch-chain, one ring, shirt-stud and sleeve-buttons, are all the jewelry allowable for the gentleman. Other colors than black will be appropriate in their season and for various kinds of enjoyment. Hints to Parents. Give the boy a good suit of clothes if you wish him to appear manly. An ill-fitting, bad-looking garment destroys a boy's respect for himself. To require the boy to wear men's cast-off clothing, and go sham- bling around in a large pair of boots, and then expect him to have good manners, is like giving him the poorest of tools, because he is a boy, and then compelling him to do as fine work with them as a man would with good tools. TV7HATEVEE may be the fashion, there is such grace and reflne- ** ment bestowed upon the persons shown above, through properly made dress, as to win our admiration. Like the man or woman, the boy respects himself, and will do much more honor to his parents, when he is well dressed in a neatly fitting suit of clothes. Even his mother should relinquish her rights and let the barber cut his hair. As a rule well-dressed children exhibit better conduct than chil- dren that are careless in general appearance. While vanity should be guarded against, children should be encouraged to be neat in person and dress. The mother should strive also to make her boy manly. Possibly, as a pet, her boy has in infancy had his hair curled. Even now, when he is six or eight years of age, the curls look very pretty. But the mother must forego her further pleasure in the curls ; for the boy, to take his place along with the others, to run and jump, to grow manly and strong, must wear short hair. His mother can no longer dress it like a girl's. It will be necessary and best to cut off his curls. Hints to Ladies. Best taste will dictate an observance of fashion, avoiding extremes. 'Dress the hair so that it will exhibit variety and relief, without making the forehead look too high. Have one pronounced color in dress, all other colors harmonizing with that. See " Harmony of Colors." A dress should fit the form. Well-fitted and judiciously trim- med, a calico dress is handsomer than an ill-fitting silk dress. To present a handsome ap- pearance, all the appurtenances of the lady's dress should be scrupulously neat and clean. Every article that is designed to be white shou'ld be a pure white, and in perfect order. Much taste may be displayed in dress about the neck, and care should be observed not to use trimmings that will enlarge the appearance of the shoulders. The dress should be close-fitting about the waist and shoulders, though it should not be laced too tightly. As with the gentleman, quiet colors are usually in best taste. Heavy, rich, dark materials best suit the woman of tall figure; while light, full draperies should be worn only by those of slender propor- tions. Short persons should beware of wearing flounces, or horizon- tal trimmings that will break the perpendicular lines as the effect is to make them appear shorter. The pictorial illustrations herewith show how differently people appear with different dress, our opin- ions of their intellectual capacity, their standing and respectability being largely influenced at first sight by this appearance. Care should be taken to dress according to the age, the season, the employment and the occasion. As a rule, a woman appears her loveliest when, in a dress of dark color, we see her with the rosy com- plexion of health, her hair dressed neatly, her throat and neck tastefully cared for, her dress in neither extreme of fashion, while the whole is relieved by a moderate amount of carefully selected jewelry. We have aimed in this chapter on the toilet to present the scientific principles of dress principles that can be applied at all times, whatever may be the fashion. It now remains for the reader to study these principles and apply them in accordance with the rules of common sense and the fashions as they may prevail. 182 SUGGESTIONS ABOUT TRAILING DRESSES. CONDUCT IN THE STREET-CARS. RULES OF CONDUCT TO BE OBSERVED. ADIES and gentlemen, when meeting on the side- rwalk, should always pass to the right. Should the walk be narrow or dangerous, gentlemen will always see that ladies are protected from injury. Ladies should avoid walking rapidly upon the street, as it is ungraceful and unbecoming. Running across the street in front of carriages is dan- gerous, and shows want of dignity. The gentleman should insist upon carrying any package which the lady may have, when walking with her. Before recognizing a lady on the street, the gentleman should be cer- tain that his recognition will meet with favor. No gentleman should stand on the street- corners, steps of hotels, or other public places, and make remarks about ladies passing by. A gentleman may take two ladies upon his arms, but under no circumstances should the lady take the arms of two gentlemen. Upon the narrow walk, for her protection, the gentleman should generally give the lady the inside of the walk (Fig. 21), passing behind her when changing at corners. Allowing a dress to trail on the street is in exceedingly bad taste. Such a street costume simply calls forth criticism and contempt from the more sensible people. A gentleman walking with a lady should accommodate his step and pace to hers. For the gentleman to be some distance ahead, pre- sents a bad appearance. Should protection on the street be necessary, it is customary for the gentleman to give his right arm to the lady; but if more convenient, he may give the left. It is courtesy to give silent, respectful attention as a funeral pro- cession passes. It shows want of respect to pass between the carriages while the procession is moving. Staring at people, spitting, looking back after they pass, saluting peo- ple across the street, calling out loudly or laughing at people as they go by, are all evidences of ill-breeding. The gentleman accompanying a lady should hold the door open for the lady to enter first. Should he be near the door when a lady, unat- tended, is about to enter, he will do the same for her. In the evening, or whenever safety may require, a gentleman should give a lady his arm. It is not customary in other cases to do so on the street, unless with an elderly lady, or the couple be husband and wife. Some authorities claim that it is most sensible for the lady to walk always at the r free to hold trail, A gentleman will assist a lady over a bad crossing, or from an omni- bus or carriage, without waiting for the formality of an introduction. When the service is performed, he will raise his hat, bow, and pass on. In a street car or an omnibus, the passengers who are seated should strive to give seats to those who are standing, rendering such accommo- dation as they would themselves desire under similar circumstances. When crossing the pavement, the lady should raise her dress with the right hand, a little above the ankle. To raise the dress with both hands, is vulgar, and can be excused only when the mud is very deep. No gentleman will smoke when walking with, or standing in the presence of, a lady on the street He should remove the cigar from her presence entirely, even though permissioh be granted to continue the smoking. A gentleman should give his seat to any lady who may be standing in a public conveyance. For this favor she should thank him, which courtesy he should acknowledge by a slight bow. In an omnibus he will pass up the la- dies' fares. A true lady will go quietly and unobtru- sively about her business when on the street, never seeking to attract the attention of the op- posite sex, at the same time recognizing ac- quaintances with a courteous bow, and friends with pleasant words of greeting. Swinging the arms when walking, eating upon the street, sucking the parasol handles, pushing violently through a crowd, very loud and boisterous talking and laughing on the streets, and whispering in public conveyances, are all evidences of ill -breeding in ladies. A lady should have the escort of a gen- tleman in the evening. A gentleman at the hovse where she may call may return with her if she goes unattended ; gossip and scandal are best avoided, however, if she have some one from her home call for her at an appointed hour. On the narrow street-crossing the gentleman will allow the lady to precede him, that he may see that no injury befalls her. Should a lady stop in the street, when meeting a gentleman, it is courtesy for him to stop also. Should his business be urgent, he will apologize for not continuing the conversation, and ask to be excused. Should it be desirable to lengthen the interview, and the lady resumes her walk in the midst of her conversation, it is courtesy for him to turn and accompany her. Should she desire to end the conversation, a slight bow from her will indicate the fact, when he should bid her " good day " and take his leave. ight of the gentleman, whether on the street or indoors; her right hand being thus fan, or parasol. MISCELLANEOUS RULES OF CONDUCT. 183 UNCLASSIFIED I'/EVER exaggerate. Never point at another. Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten others. Never leave home with unkind words. Never neglect to call upon your friends. Never laugh at the misfortunes of others Never give a promise that yon do not fulfill. Never speak much of your own performances. Never fail to be punctual at the appointed time. Never make yourself the hero of your own story. Never send a present hoping for one in return. Never pick the teeth or clean the nails in company. Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil question. Never question a servant or a child about family matters. Never present a gift saying that it is of no use to yourself. Never read letters which you may find addressed to others. Never fail, if a gentleman, of being civil and polite to ladies. Never call attention to the features or form of any one present. Never refer to a gift you have made or favor you have rendered. Never associate with bad company. Have good company or none. Never look over the shoulder of another who is reading or writing. ' Never seem to notice a scar, deformity or defect of any one present. Never arrest, the attention of an acquaintance by a touch. Speak to him. Never punish your child for a fault to which you are addicted yourself. Never answer questions in general company that have been put to others. Never, when traveling abroad, be over-boastful in praise of your own country. Never call a new acquaintance by the Christian name unless requested to do so. Never lend an article you have borrowed unless you have permis- sion to do so. Never attempt to draw the attention of the company constantly upon yourself. Never exhibit anger, impatience or excitement when an accident happens. Never pass between two persons who are talking together, without an apology. Never enter a room noisily; never fail to close the door after you, and never slam it. Never forget that if yon are faithful in a few things, you may be ruler over many. Never exhibit too great familiarity with the new acquaintance; you may give offense. Never will a gentleman allude to conquests which he may have made with ladies. Laws of Etiquette, Never fail to offer the easiest and best seat in the room to an invalid, an elderly person, or a lady. Never neglect to perform the commission which the friend in- trusted to you. Yon must not forget. Never send your guest, who is accustomed to a warm room, off into a cold, damp, spare bed to sleep. Never enter a room filled with people without a slight bow to the general company when first entering. Never fail to answer an invitation, either personally or by letter, within a week after the invitation is received. Never accept of favors and hospitalities without rendering an exchange of civilities when opportunity offers. Never cross the legs and put out one foot in the street-car or places where it will trouble others when passing by. (See Illustration. ) Never fail to tell the truth. If truthful you get your reward. You will get your punishment if you deceive. Never borrow money and neglect to pay. If you do you will noon be known as a person of no business integrity. Never write to another asking for information, or a favor of any kind, without inclosing a postage stamp for the reply. Never compel a woman with an infant in arms to stand.Vhile you retain your seat. (See Illustration. ) Never fail to say kind and encouraging words to those whom you meet in distress. Your kindness may lift them out of their despair. Never refuse to receive an apology. You may not revive friend- ship, but courtesy will require, when an apology is offered, that you accept it. Never examine the cards in the card-basket. While they may be exposed in the drawing-room, you are not expected to turn them over unless invited to do so. Never, when walking arm in arm with a lady, be continually chang- ing and going to the other side, because of change of corners. It shows too much attention to form. Never should the lady accept of expensive gifts at the hands of a gentleman not related or engaged to her. Gifts of flowers, books, music or confectionery may be accepted. Never insult another by harsh words when applied to for a favor. Kind words do not cost much, and yet they may carry untold hap- piness to the one to whom they are spoken. Never fail to speak kindly. If a merchant, and you address your clerk; if an overseer, and you address your workmen; if in any position where you exercise authority, you show yourself to be a gentleman by your pleasant mode of address. Never attempt to convey the impression that yon are a genius by imitating the faults of distinguished men. Because certain great men were poor penmen, wore long hair, or had other peculiarities, it does not follow that you will be great by imitating their eccentricities. Never give all your pleasant words and smiles to strangers. The kindest words and the sweetest smiles should be reserved for home. Home should be our heaven. " We have careful thought for the stranger- And smiles for the sometimes guest; But oft for our own the bitter tone, Though we love our own the best. Ah! lips with the curl impatient Ah ! brow with the shade of scorn, 'Twere a cruel fate were the night too late To undo the work of the morn. *' 184 THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE DOMESTIC ANIMALS RUN AT LARGE. Etiquette Among Neighbors. DIVISION FENCES BETWEEN HOUSES. JO BE kind, and to treat politely the persons with whom we are immediately associated, is not all, nor should civility cease with the casual intercourse between neighbors; it should go beyond. We should regard the rights of the individual. Were all to do so, mankind would take a long stride in advance of the present sel- fish and thoughtless conduct which too often actuates even those who are reputed to be good and respectable. This want of regard for the rights of others is shown in many ways. To illustrate: The individual who will conduct a house or an establishment that is unpleasant, injurious to health, or detrimental to the community, evinces a disregard for the courtesy that is due to his neighbors. The parents who al- low children to annoy their neighbors, are al- ways a most undesira- ble people to have in the vicinity. The people of a com- munity who will de- liberately turn horses, cattle and hogs into the street, entirely dis- regarding the fact that the animals are liable to do much damage to others, demonstrate a lack of regard for neighbors which is in- excusable, and can on- ly be explained on the ground that the habit is so common that they do not realize the in- jury they are doing. The fact that we ac- costed Mr. Jones po- litely, and said pleas- ant things in his presence, was good so far as it went, but the further fact that we turned our cattle into the street, well knowing they were liable to tram- ple Mr. Jones' sidewalk to pieces, and break down his trees, demonstrates that, while we are very agreeable to his face, we care but little what we may do behind his back. This utter disregard for the wants of others causes people generally to become suspicious of their neighbors. It is true that this suspicion is gradually becoming lessened. The time was when the inhabitants built a castle as nearly as possible impregnable; around that was built a high enclosure, and still outside of that was a canal with a draw- bridge. Gradually the fact has dawned that we need not be thus suspi- FIG. 22. PEOPLE WHO ARE TROUBLED BY THEIR NEIGHBORS. cious. We need not build a house of stone, we need not construct a canal, but we still adhere to the high wall or fence, as we are oftentimes compelled to because of the disposition of the neighbor to trample upon our rights by allowing his animals to destroy our property. The reader has doubtless seen a town in which the people allowed their domestic animals to run at large, the hogs to root the turf to pieces by the roadside, the cattle to destroy sidewalks, to break through fences and to tear down trees. This want of courtesy is not uncommon. In short, it is altogether too common in many towns of the country, and upon the part of the owners of animals it shows a complete disregard of the rights of those who would beautify their homes, and thus correspond- ingly beautify the town. The code of etiquette should not alone apply among individuals when directly associated to- gether. It should ex- tend further. It should go out and permeate a neighborhood. It should diffuse itself throughout a town. It should bind together the people of a State of a nation. It should be a rule of action among all nations. Already the evidences of courtesv among na- tions begins to mani- fest itself. The Inter- national Congress is based upon this princi- ple. The idea of friendly association of the representatives of nations for mutual ad- justment of differen- ces, is the beginning of a recognition of the rights of each other. The above illustration represents a common scene. The neighbors suspect each other, and they destroy the beauty of their grounds in the attempt to shut each other out. Sus- picion and selfishness rule. Regardless of the rights of others, anil walks, to d yard. Inhs pie are chai als are allowed to trample to pieces the side- troy shade trees and to despoil the neighbor's mony, disorder, and ill-feeling among the peo- cteristics of the neighborhood. This is evidence of a higher civilization. When we can rise su- perior to selfishness, when we are willing to consider the rights and the requirements of others, when we are governed by the generous spirit of doing unto others as we would that they should do unto us, then we are directed by a power that will make an entire people, as a whole, what the laws of etiquette determine they shall be individually, in their intercourse with each other. The illustration (Fig 22) upon this page represents a scene which may be observed in many villages or cities a group of residences, modern and beautiful in architecture, surrounded and disfigured by high inclos- ures put up to guard against people who allow their cattle and other animals to destroy their neighbor's property. PEOPLE WHO DO TO OTHERS AS THEY WISH OTHERS TO DO TO THEM. 185 Charming, Beautiful Homes BARRIERS BETWEEN NEIGHBORS REMOVED. HE fences shown upon the opposite page, separating houses and lots, often prevent acquaintance with neigh- bors being made. The result of this non-intercourse is usually a suspicion that the neighbor is unworthy of confidence, an opinion which is never overcome except by interchange of civilities which would show each the worth of the other. Unacquainted with his neighbors, the resident, ceas- ing to consider their rights, grows careless of his obligations toward others, and consequently becomes a less worthy citizen. The illustration upon this page (Fig. 23) represents the scene very much changed. Again we have the same residences, and the same neighbors, who have become acquainted and have learned to value each other. The re- sult of this social in- tercourse and evident observance of the rights of others has wrought a vast change in the appearance of the homes, which is manifest at a glance. It is plainly appar- ent in the scene that a higher civilization pervades the neigh- borhood. The animals, that broke down the trees and devastated the sidewalks and grounds, have been withdrawn by their owners, and sent to pastures, where they belong. This of itself is evidence of decided advancement. Examine the scene further. The fences have disappeared, save a low coping that determines the outer edge of the lot. In this alone a heavy item of expense has been removed, while with it has come the enlargement of grounds, which, studded with finely trimmed trees, and intersected with winding pathways, surround every residence with a most elegant park. That this improvement is enjoyed, is shown in the congregating of the neighbors together in the shady nook, the gambols of the children on the lawn, and the promenade of the ladies and gentlemen throughout the beautifully embellished grounds. All delight in the scene, and all are made better by it. While the resident could be coarse and selfish in his own little lot, he is now thrown upon his good behavior as he mingles with others on the beautiful grounds, and thus FIG. 23. THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE PEOPLE LIVE IN HARMONY. all are improved. Even the cat and dog that quarrelled in the former scene are now acquainted with each other, and happily play together. To maintain pleasant relations among neighbors, there are a few things which the citizen must avoid. Among these are the following: Never allow children to play upon a neighbor's grounds or premises unless they are invited and made perfectly welcome by the neighbor. Never allow fowls or animals of any kind, which you have control over, to trespass upon the premises or rights of other people. Never borrow of neighbors if it be possible to avoid it. It is better to buy what you need than to frequently borrow. There are a few things which a neighbor should never be expected to lend. Among these are fine-edged tools, delicate machinery, and any article liable to easily get out of order. The less business relations among neighbors, the better. Never fail to return, with thanks, any arti- cle borrowed, as soon as you have finished using it, and see that it is in as good or bet- ter condition than when you received it. Articles of provi- sions which may be borrowed should be very promptly return- ed in larger quantity, to pay interest, and better in quality if pos- sible. In no way can a neighbor lose char- acter more effectually in business dealing than by the petty mean - ness of borrowing and failing to pay, or by paying with a poorer quality and in less amount. This illustration represents a neighborhood where the peo- ple evidently do unto others as they wish others to do unto them. They trust each other. The barriers between them are removed. No animal is allowed to do injury. Enjoying peace and beauty they evidently desire that the neighbor shall share the same. This co-operation, kindness and re- gard for all, give the beauty, the harmony, the peace, and the evident contentment which arc here presented. Avoid speaking evil of your neighbor. As a rule it is only safe to compliment and praise the absent one. If any misunderstanding arises between yourself and a neighbor, en- deavor to effect a reconciliation by a full explanation. When the matter is fully understood you will very likely be better friends evet afterwards. Never fail, if the grounds run together, to keep your premises in as good order as your neighbor's. Should you own the house and grounds, and others occupy the same, you will do well to arrange to keep the exte- rior of the premises in order at your own expense, as tenants have not the same interest. The improvements of grounds among neighbors thus will always be kept up; you will be compensated by securing the best class of tenants, and the neighborhood will be greatly improved. 186 I MIGHT HAVE DONE THE SAME UNDER THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES. Kindness to the Erring. A PLEA FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. officer of the law you may be, and it be- comes you to care for the prisoner in your charge. While law should be en- forced, for the good of the criminal as well as the protection of society, it does not become you to be unkind. Perhaps investigation may prove that your pris- soner is innocent and has been wrongly arrested. But if guilty, at most he is simply unfortunate. He had no power to say what qualities of mind he should inherit, what his temperament should be, or what training he should receive in in- fancy; all of which are usually determining causes that fix man's destiny in after-life. He stands before you largely the victim of unfortu- nate circumstances. He lacks the moral strength which others possess, and hence his weakness and his errors. True, he must pay the penalty of his trans- gression, but you can temper the administration of your government with such justice as will tend to the improvement and, possibly, the reformation of the criminal. Whatever the conduct of the prisoner, you should always rise superior to the feelings of passion or revenge. In a thousand ways our paths in life will be crossed by those who commit errors. It will be easy to find fault; it will be natural to blame. But we must never forget that further back, far beyond our sight, lie causes that tended to produce these results. Well may the mother look with deep anxiety upon the infant, wonder- ing what destiny lies before it. Alas! that a mother's hopes and prayers often do not avail. Drifted away from parental control, the footsteps fall amid temptation, and a life of sorrow is the result. We should never forget, in our treatment of the erring, that, were the mother present, she would plead with us to deal gently with her child. Very touchingly does the following poem ask that we be lenient for her sake: Some Mother's Child. T home or away, in the alley or street, Whenever I chance in this wide world to meet A girl that is thoughtless, or a boy that is wild, My heart echoes sadly, " 'T is some mother's ch ild ! " And when I see those o'er whom long years have rolled, Whose hearts have grown hardened, whose spirits are cold Be it woman all fallen, or man all defiled, A voice whispers sadly, "Ah! some mother's child !" No matter how far from the right she hath strayed ; No matter what inroads dishonor hath made; No matter what element cankered the pearl Though tarnished and sullied, she's some mother's girl. No matter how wayward his footsteps have been ; No matter how deep he is sunken in sin; No matter how low is his standard of joy Though guilty and loathsome, he's some mother's boy. That head hath been pillowed on tenderest breast; That form hath been wept o'er, those lips have been pressed; That soul hath been prayed for in tones sweet and mild; For her sake deal gently with "some mother's child." WHILE error must be deplored and virtue ever commended, we should deal carefully and considerately with the erring, ever remembering that a myriad of untoward circumstances are continually weaving a network around the individual, fettering and binding a soul that otherwise would be white and pure. It is a most fortunate circumstance for the child to be born of an ex- cellent parentage, to be reared amid kindness, and to be guided in youth by wise counsels. Given all these favoring circumstances, and the chances are that the pathway in life will be honorable. Deprived of these advantages, the individual is likely to fall short in excellence in proportion as the circumstances have been unfavorable. There are those who seemingly have only a smooth pathway in life. They were so fortunate as to be born with an excellently balanced organ- ization of mind. They have no passion unduly in excess. They have no abnormal longings, no eccentricities, no weaknesses. Roses strew their way, and they live a life well rounded out and full of honor. But while there are those who are apparently exempt from temptation, all are not so fortunate in ability, in strength of purpose and in power of will which may enable them to resist evil. Some are liable to easily err, and it will take, possibly, but a trivial circumstance to carry them aside. In the transgression they will get their punishment they will suffer sufficiently. It does not become the more fortunate, therefore, to take too much credit to themselves for being more virtuous and free from error. It is vastly more noble and charitable to extend sympathy and compassion. This sentiment is well expressed in the following poem, by Millie C. Pomeroy: You Had a Smooth Path. NE morning, when I went to school, In the long- vanished Yesterday, I found the creek had burst its tanks, And spilled its waters o'er my wav. The little path was filled with mud; I tried to cross it on a log; My foot slipped, and I, helpless, fell Into a mass of miry bog. My clothes were pitiful to see; My hands and face were covered quite. The children laughed right heartily, And jeered me when I came in sisrht. Sweet Jessie Brown, in snow-white dress, Stood, smiling, by the teacher's desk, The while he, gravely as he might, Inquired the secret of my plight. Then Jessie shook her snow-white dress, And said, "What will you give to me For coming here so nice and clean? My very shoes from dirt are free." The tutor frowned, and answered her, "You merit no reward to-day; Your clothes and hands are clean, because You had a smooth path all the way." And so, I think, when children grown Are white in grace or black with sin, We should not judge until we know The path fate had them travel in ; For some are led on sunny heights, Bevond the power of Sin to sway ; While others grope in darksome paths, And face temptation all the way. BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL FORMS. 187 Commercial Forms. NOTES, BILLS, ORDERS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, Etc., Etc. the transaction of business, it becomes necessary for all per- sons to occasionally write various business forms. Among those in most frequent use are Receipts, Orders, Bills of Articles Pur- chased, Promissory Notes, Checks, Drafts, etc. To better understand these, it is well to be acquainted with the meaning of the various commercial terms to be constantly seen in our general reading. Definition of Commercial Terms. $ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. lb for pound, and bbl. for barrel; *$ for per or by the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c ty lb, and Flour at $8@12 ^ bbl. J for per cent and j for number. May 1. Wheat sells at $1.20@1.25, "seller June." Seller June means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a cer- tain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the inter- est of the person selling " short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a cer- tain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices. The "longs "are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to " toss " the prices upward as much as possible. Promissory Notes. A promissory note is a promise or engagement in writing to pay a specified sum at a time therein limited, or on demand, or at sight, to a person therein named, or his order or assigns, or to the bearer. The person making the note is called the drawer or maker. A note is void when founded upon fraud. Thus, a note obtained from a person when in- toxicated, or obtained for any reason which is illegal, cannot be collected.* A note given upon Sunday is also void in some States. Notes bear interest only when it is so ex- pressed; after they become due, however, they draw the legal rate of the State, f Notes payable on demand or at sight, draw no interest until after presentation or demand of the same has * If, however, the note is transferred to an innocent holder, the claim of fraud or no value received will not avail. The party holding- the note can collect it if the maker is able to pay it. t If it is intended to have the note draw more than the legal rate of interest, after maturity, the words should so specify in the body of the note as follows: "with interest at the rate of per cent until paid. 188 COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. been made, unless they provide for interest from date on their face ; they then draw the legal rate of interest of the State. If "with interest" is included in the note, it draws the legal rate of the State where it is given, from the time it is made. If the note is to draw a special rate of interest higher than the legal, but not higher than the law allows, the rate must be specified. If the note is made payable to a person or order, to a person or bearer, to a person or his assigns, or to the cashier of an incorporated company or order, such notes are negotiable. When transferring the note, the indorser frees himself from responsibility, so far as the payment is concerned, by writing on the back, above his name, " "Without recourse to me in any event." * When a note is made payable at a definite period after date, three days beyond the time expressed on the face of the note (called days of grace) are allowed to the person who is to pay the same, within which to make such payment. Notes payable on demand are not entitled to days of grace. * If a note is payable at a bank, and is held there on the day upon which it falls due, until the usual hour for closing, ready for receiving payment thereon, no further demand upon the maker is necessary, in order to charge the in- dorser. The demand must, in all cases, be made upon the last of the days of grace; a demand *Banks usually charge interest on Days of Grace. before that time passing for nothing as against the indorser. The days of grace, which must be computed according to the laws of the State where the note is payable, are to be reckoned exclusive of the day when the note would otherwise become due, and without deduction for Sundays or holidays; in which latter case, by special enact- ments in most of the States, notes are deemed to become due upon the secular day next preced- ing such days. Thus, a note, due upon the twenty -fifth day of December, is payable on the twenty-fourth, as the day when due is Christ- mas day; if the twenty -fourth chance to be Sunday, it is due upon the twenty-third. In order to charge an indorser, the note, if payable at a particular place, must be presented for payment at the place upon the very day it becomes due; if no place of payment be named, it must be presented, either to the maker per- sonally, or at his place of business, during busi- ness hours, or at his dwelling house, within rea- sonable hours; if payable by a firm, a present- ment may be made to either of the partners, or at the firm's place of business; if given by sev- eral persons jointly, not partners, the demand must be made upon all. If the note has bee^i lost, mislaid, or destroyed, the holder must still make a regular and formal demand, offering the party, at the same time, a sufficient indemnity in the event of his paying the same * The simple indorsment of the name of the person selling the note, which serves as a transfer, upon the back of the same, is not in some States a guarantee for the payment of the note at maturity. When it is designed particularly to be a guarantee, it should be so stated on the back of the note, as follows: RICHARD ROE. "For -valve received, I (or tve) hereby guarantee the payment of the within note at maturity, or at any time thereafter, -with interest at per cent, until paid ; and agree to pay all costs or expenses paid or in- curred in collecting the same." RICHARD ROE. To avoid the danger of the signer of the guarantee claiming at a future time that said guarantee was written above his name without his knowledge, it is best to have his signature written twice, once above the guarantee, to serve as a transfer, and once below to serve as the guaran- tee, as shown above. Negotiable Note. With interest at legal rate per cent, from date. $500. CHICAGO, ILL., Jan. 1, 18. Three months after date, for value received, I promise to fay Charles Mix, or order, Five Hundred dollars, with interest. ORSON KENDALL. Negotiable Note. With interest at ten per cent, after maturity, until paid. $100. DES MOINKS, IA., April 2, 18. For value received, ninety days after date, I promise to pay Orlando Warner, or order, One Hundred dollars, with interest at ten per cent, after maturity, until paid. CHESTER BUTTERFIELD. COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS. 189 Form for Pennsylvania. MJ6 / / Note not Negotiable. fa it^e-ei; / Note for Two or More Persons. //^ ' /' // rf y ^/^np^--ui 0^^-^^ T <7 4dw>4, & 0000111 1111 2222222223333333 S 7 10 13 17 20 23 27 30 83 37 40 *6 0001111 1112 2222233388838444 48 $7 56 *8 6 11 16 21 27 32 37 43 48 53 59 64 $9 $10 001 11122222333344 444555666666 7 13 20 27 33 40 47 63 60 67 73 80 $100 847 9 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 27 29 31 33 36 38 40 42 44 47 49 51 63 56 58 60 62 64 67 1.33 2.00 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 S.33 6.00 6.67 7.33 8.00 $1.000 22 44 67 89 1.11 1.33 1.56 1.78 2.00 2.22 2.44 2.67 2.89 3.11 3.33 3.66 3.78 4.00 4.22 4.44 4.67 4.89 5.11 6.33 6.66 6.78 6.00 6.22 6.44 6.67 13.33 20.00 26.67 33.33 40.00 46.67 53.33 60.0C 66.67 73.33 80.00 INTEREST AT TEN PER CENT. DAYS. MONTHS. Year. 1234 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ;4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1234567 8 9 10 11 1 Am't INTEREST. 12334667 889 10 ~s S 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 17 18 3 6 8 10 IS 15 18 20 23 25 28 20 so: jj 8 7 10 13 17 20 23 27 80 33 27 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6 12 18 23 29 35 41 47 63 58 64 w 50' 60 70 !__*? IL $100 3 9 11 14 17 19 22 25 28 81 33 36 39 42 44 47 60 53 56 68 61 64 67 69 72 75 78 81 7 13 20 27 33 40 47 63 60 67 73 8 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 83 8 17 26 S3 42 60 68 67 75 83 92 83 1.67 2.50 8.33 4.17 6.00 6.83 6.67 7.50 8.33 9.17 80 90 1.00 10.00 $1.000 28 56 83 1.11 1.39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50 2.78 3.06 3.33 3.61 3.89 4.17 4.44 4.72 6.00 6.28 6.56 6.83 6.11 6.39 6.67 6.94 7.22 7.60 7.78 8.06 8.S3 16.67 25.00 SUB 41.67 60.00 58.33 66.67 76.00 88.13 91 67 100JX) 13 FORMS. BANK FORMS. Importance of Keeping a Bank Account. 'O business men or women, the keep- ing of a bank account is a matter of very considerable convenience, as well as pecuniary benefit. If much business is done, money is constantly accumulating, which is easily depos- ited, and is usually more secure from burglary in a reliable bank than elsewhere. It is true that money will sometimes be lost, through the rob- bery or failure of a bank ; but of all the chances for loss which business people have to contend with, that by failure of banks is the least ; while it is found that the practice of depositing each day's accumulations in a bank, having the same in readiness to draw whenever wanted, as a whole, works greatly to the advantage of people doing a large amount of business. Of course, where the deposits are large, and the rates of interest are good, the banker is considerably benefited by having the use of the money. Bankers, however, realize their indebt- edness to the customer, and in various ways, through their acquaintance and influence with wealthy men, often render such aid to their patrons in a time of need, as enables them to carry forward certain enterprises that would be found oftentimes very difficult to accomplish without such aid. If it is intended, when depositing money m a bank, to allow the same to remain for several weeks or months, the banker will usually give the person so depositing a " Certificate of De- posit ; " if, however, it is desired to draw the money out frequently, while daily, perhaps, adding more, the banker will present the depos- itor with a Pass Book, a Check Book, and De- posit Tickets. The Deposit Ticket is a blank form, which the customer will fill up, indicating when, as well as the amount, and kind of funds deposited. The following exhibits the form of a deposit ticket. That printed in Roman type represents the printed matter on the same ; the wording in script illustrates what is written by the depositor , thus : Deposit Ticket. in THIRD NATIONAL BANK, BY &3 For Money On Account. f In Full of All Demands. /fo- (^K2 / / tfisii-'f'fe'tjpt.i.'Zd. In Full of All Accounts. 0. '''tw.t. Mi., ><^/-te-e- For Money Advanced on a Contract. $1,000. HENDERSON, KT. , July 16, 18. Received of Harvey Maynard, One Thousand Dollars in advance, on a contract to build for him a brick house at No. 1171 Walnut street, St. Louis. SMITH MERRIAM. For Rent. $25. RICHMOND, VA. , May 1, 18 . Received of Walter B. Haskins, Twenty- ' ' five Dollars, for rent of dwelling at No. 784 Washing- ton street, for month of May, 1 8 . P. H. WATERMAN. For a Note. , . $500. CHARLESTON, S. C. ,Dec. 31, 18. Received of Goldwin Hubbard, his note at sixty days for Five Hundred Dollars, in full of account. MURRAY CAMPBELL. For a Note of Another Person. $200. PENSACOLA, FLA., May 2, 18 . Received of Herbert Spencer, a note of Robt. Hatfield, for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, which, when paid, will be in full of all demands to date. SAMPSON & COLLINS. WRITTEN FORMS OF BILLS OF PURCHASE. 201 BILLS OF PURCHASE. A Bill of Purchase is a statement of goods or wares bought at one time, embracing both the quantity and price of each article and the amount of the whole. If paid at the time of purchase, it should be receipted by the seller, as in the first of the following examples ; if settled " by note " as in the second example, or if " charged on acc't," it may be so stated. Forms of Bills of Purchase. p fit*) County of Cook, j Before me, Martin Stone, a notary public for and within said county, in the State aforesaid, appeared the above-named Elias Robinson and Rhoda E. , his wife, both personally known to me as the real persons whose names are subscribed to the annexed deed, as having executed the same, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instru- ment of writing as their free and voluntary act, for the use and pur- poses therein set forth. And the said Rhoda E. , wife of the said Elias Robinson, having been by me examined, separate and apart, and out of the hearing of her husband, and the contents and meaning of the said instrument of writing having been by me fully made known and explained to her ; and she also by me being fully informed of her rights under the homestead laws of this State, acknowledged that she had freely and voluntarily executed the same, and relinquished her dower to the lands and tenements therein mentioned, and also all the rights and advantages under and by virtue of all laws of this State relating to the exemption of homesteads, without compulsion of her husband; and that she does not wish to retract the same. Given under my hand and seal of office, this twelfth day of Novem- ber, A.D. 1882. MARTIN STONE, Notary Public. J NOTARIAL SEAL. AFFIDAVITS AND APPRENTICE FORMS. 205 AFFIDAVITS. AFFIDAVITS are of a confirmatory nature, and consist of written statements of facts, signed and sworn to (or affirmed) as true by the persons who make them. The cases in which they are used are numerous. A Common Form of Affidavit, Attached to a Declaration of Any Kind. STATE OF ILLINOIS, j County of Cook, | CHICAGO, November 6, 1882. Then the above-named Jesse James personally appeared and made oath (or solemnly affirmed) that the foregoing declaration, by him sub- scribed, Is true. Before me, GEORGE MOORE, Justice of the Peace. Form of Affidavit of Publication of a Legal Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of Cook, j FRITZ MEYER GEORGE C. LOWE. In the Superior Court of the City of Chicago, Illinois, of November term, 1882. Frank Smith, being duly sworn (or affirmed) according to law, says that he is the publisher of a weekly newspaper in the city of Chicago, in the county of Cook, and State of Illinois, called the Chicago Clarion, and that the above notice was published in his said news- paper for six consecutive weeks, the last publication of it being upon Saturday, November 18, A. D. 1882. Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me, this twentieth day of November, A.D. 1882. MOSES WILLETT, Justice of the Peace. Affidavit Requiring a Debtor to be Held to Bail. STATE OF OHIO, ) gg Cuyahoga County, j EDWAB PLACE i In the Court of Common Pleas of Cleveland, ROBERT^GRIMES. ) of November term, A. D. 1882. No. 283. Edward Place, of Cleveland, in said county, butcher, on oath declares that he has a demand against the within-named Robert Grimes, upon the cause of action stated in the within writ, which he believes to be justly due, and upon which he expects that he will recover Twelve Dollars and fifty- three cents, or upwards; and that he In courts of law or equity they are not testi- mony, because the makers of them (called affiants) are not cross-examined; but a false affiant may be punished as a perjurer, when the affidavit is required by law. has reasonable cause to believe that the said Robert Grimes is about to depart beyond the jurisdiction of the court to which said writ is returnable, and not to return until after judgment may probably be recovered in said suit, so that he cannot be arrested on the first exe- cution (if any) which may issue in said suit. EDWARD PLACE. Subscribed and sworn to this twenty- second day of November, A. D. 1882. Before me, JOHN BROWN, Justice of the Peace. Affidavit of a Creditor's Attorney, Requiring a Debtor to be Held to Bail. STATE OF OHIO, j Cuyahoga County, j ' EDWARD PLACE | In the Court Qf Common pleas of Cleveland, ROBERT GRIMES. f of November term, A. D. 1882. No. 282. George Phillips, of Cleveland, in said county, a lawyer and attor- ney of Edward Place, of said city, county and State, butcher, on oath declares that the said Edward Place has a demand against the within-named Robert Grimes, upon the cause of action stated in the within writ, which this deponent believes to be justly due, and upon which he expects that the said Edward Place will recover Twelve Dol- lars and fifty-three cents, or upwards; and that this deponent has reasonable cause to believe that the said Robert Grimes is about to depart beyond the jurisdiction of the court to which said writ is returnable, that is to say, into the Province of Ontario, Canada, and not to return till after judgment may probably be recovered in said suit, so that he cannot be arrested on the first execution (if any) which may issue in said suit. GEORGE PHILLIPS. Subscribed and sworn to this twenty-thifd day of November, A. D. 1882. Before me, QUARTUS K. RICE, Notary Public. APPRENTICE FORMS. APPRENTICE may be either a boy or a girl, usually not younger, if a lad, than fourteen years of age. No child can be apprenticed for a term ex- tending beyond his twenty-first birthday. The usual motive for apprenticing children is that they may be thoroughly taught some honor- able trade or calling, becoming perfectly familiar with which, they may always be able to earn a livelihood and acquire wealth. The methods of apprenticing children and for protecting their rights and interests are gener- ally provided for in the laws of the several States. These methods differ but little, how- ever, in any of the States. No minor can alone bind himself or herself 206 FOKMS OF APPRENTICESHIP. SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO ARBITRATION. to learn any trade or calling. The parents, guardians, or overseers of the poor must give their consent, and the child must be willing to be bound. Any act or habit of the master that may be injurious to the morals or intellect of the appren- tice is a sufficient cause for the proper authorities to dissolve the contract of apprenticeship. No apprentice, for instance, can be compelled to Binding an Apprentice A General Form. THIS AGREEMENT, made this twenty-second day of November, A. D. 1882, between Parker Ellis, the father, and Allen Ellis, his son, aged fourteen years, both of Pittsburgh, in Allegheny county, and State of Pennsylvania, of the one part, and Marcus Moran, blacksmith, of the same place, of the other part, witnesseth: That the said Allen Ellis, with the consent of his father, Parker Ellis, does by these presents bind himself out as an apprentice to the said Marcus Moran, to be taught and exercise and employ himself in the trade of a blacksmith, in which the said Marcus Moran is now engaged, and to live with and serve as an apprentice until the expira- tion of six years, ten months and four days from the date hereof. That during said time said Allen Ellis shall and will, to his best and utmost ability, skill and knowledge, intelligently and faithfully serve, and be just and true to his said master, keep his secrets and counsel, and everywhere, and at all times, shall obey his lawful com- mands. That he shall do and attempt no hurt to his said master, in person, goods, estate, or otherwise, nor willingly suffer injury to the same to be done by others, but forthwith give his said master notice when he shall have any knowledge of such injury done or about to be done. That he shall not convert to his own nse or waste his said master's goods or money, nor suffer the same to be done by others. That he will not lend his masters goods or effects to any person or persons whomsoever, nor allow any one else to do so without his mas- ter's consent That he will not buy or sell any merchandise of his own or of others, during his term of apprenticeship, without his master's permission. That he shall not play with card;* or dice, nor take part in any unlawful games of skill or chance, whereby his master shall suffer loss or damage. That he shall not loiter about or in play- houses, theaters, saloons, or other disreputable resorts, nor visit them, except the business of his master shall require him to do so. That he shall not, at any time, willfully absent himself from his master's premises or service without leave. That in all things he will behave as a faithful apprentice ought to do throughout his term of service. And the said Marcus Moran, in consideration of these premises and the sum of Twenty Dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby work on Sundays, except in a case of absolute necessity. Should the master die before the expiration of the apprenticeship, unless the contract includes the master's "executors and administrators," the apprentice is free to seek a new master. The following forms will serve to indicate what is particularly expected of parents, children and masters. acknowledged, does hereby promise, covenant and agree: That he will comfortably clothe and provide for the said Allen Ellis, his apprentice, and in sickness and in health supply him with sufficient and suitable food, lodging and medicine; and will instruct and teach his said apprentice, either by himself or others, whatever may be learned of the trade and mystery of blacksmithing during his said term of service. That he shall cause his said apprentice to be taught to read and write, and the elementary and compound rules of arithmetic and the rule of three. That he will, when the said term of apprentice- ship shall legally expire, give the said Allen Ellis, over and above the clothing he shall then possess, the following articles of apparel (name them here particularly), of quality, fit, and suitable for his condition in life. And for the true performance of all and singular the covenants and agreements aforesaid, the said parties bind themselves each to the other firmly by these presents. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto inter- changeably set their hands the day and year first above written. (Apprentice) ALLEN ELLIS, (Master; MARCUS MORAN, SARAH ELLIS, (Parent) PARKER ELLIS. JOSEPH MORAN. Witnesses.} Consent of a Parent, Indorsed on Indentures of Apprenticeship. I do hereby consent to, and approve of, the binding of my son, William Blair, as in the within indenture mentioned. Dated the twenty- second day of November, A. D. 1882. LOIS BLAIR. Certificate of a Justice as to Death of the Father of an Apprentice. I, Matthew Marr, a justice of the peace within and for the county of Cook and State of Illinois, residing in the town of Lake, in said county, do hereby certify that Thomas Blair, the father of the infant named in the within indenture, is dead (or has abandoned, and neg- lects to provide for, his family). Dated this twenty-second day of November, A. D. 1882. MATTHEW MARR, Justice of the Peace. ARBITRATIONS. 'HE SUBMISSION of any question concern- ing the rights of persons or personal ^ property, by parties in dispute, to the decision of one or more disinterested individuals, mutually agreed upon, instead of taking the con- troversy before a court of law, is called an arbi- tration. Both parties niay have sufficient confidence in some one person to abide by his single decision. Usually, however, each party selects one indi- vidual, and the two thus appointed choose a third one, who is called the umpire, to assist them in forming their judgment. In such a case the decision is made either by all agreeing, or the SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO AND FORMS FOR ARBITRATION. 207 agreement of two against the other, as may be provided in the submission. The parties engaged in determining disputes in this manner are known as arbitrators. The decision of the arbitrators is called an award. Arbitrations, and their determination of cases, are sometimes regulated by the laws of the State in which they occur. Arbitrations are not always voluntary on the part of the persons in dispute, for in some States one party may compel the other to refer the case to arbitrators, if he refuses to do so. This is called a reference. The courts may also sometimes order a dis- puted case to be settled in this manner, with the consent of both parties. A party cannot be compelled to agree to arbi- trate, nor after he has signed the agreement can he, as a general rule, be compelled to select his arbitrators, nor after the arbitrators are appointed can he be compelled to submit his side of the case. But after a valid award has been made the courts will enforce it. Either party may recall his submission to arbitration, how- ever, at any time before the award is written out; but the party who thus recalls the arbitration is responsible for all the costs and damages that have accrued in consequence of his previous con- sent to submit his case to arbitrators. If an award is illegal, unreasonable, incapable of being executed, or indecisive of any or all matters submitted to the arbitrators, it is not binding. Beside the agreement to submit the questions in dispute, called a submission, the parties usu- ally execute to each other, with sureties, a bond to abide by and perform the award, on which also a suit can be brought, if the award is not performed. Arbitrations are customary in disputes relating to wages for services, current accounts, failures to fulfill contracts, partnerships, annuities in lieu of dower, land titles, boundaries and trespasses. Awards may cover the payment of moneys, the fulfillment of agreements, the delivery of goods or writings, the assignment of mortgages and leases, and the specific conveyance of land, but not as to the title to land. Form of Submission to Arbitration. The following is the general form to be used in referring all matters in dispute between the parties at issue; the special form is used where the controversy is confined to one or two particular disagreements: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned, hereby mutually agree to submit all the matters in difference between us, of every kind, name and nature, to the determination and award of Edward Blair, Edward R. Stimpson and Robert Merritt, of Vil- lisca, Montgomery county, Iowa, as arbitrators. That said arbi- trators, or any two of them, shall hear and determine the matters in dispute between us, and award the payment of all the costs and expenses incurred in such arbitration. That the said arbitrators shall make their award in writing on or before the tenth day of January, A. D. 1883. Done at Villisca, Iowa, December 1, A. D. 1882. JOHN CLEVER, 1 MERRICK WELCH, T. S. WALLET. \ Wltne88es - SIMON J. GROVER. Form for Special Arbitration. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned, are partners doing business under the firm-name of Welch & Grover, at Villisca, Iowa, and are about to dissolve our partnership. That a controversy exists between us concerning the settlement of the firm business, and the business transactions and claims by and between us, subsequent to the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1882. That we hereby mutually agree to submit these matters in difference between us to' the determination and award of, etc. (As in the form of gen- eral submission, to the end. ) [Other special grievances may be embodied in a similar form. ]* Bond for Submission to Arbitration. Each party in dispute executes this bond to the other, so that both are equally bound to submit to the award of their chosen arbitrators. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Merrick Welch (or Simon J. Grover), of the town of Villisca, in the county of Montgomery, and State of Iowa, am held and firmly bound to Simon J. Grover (or Merrick Welch) in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, for the payment of which I bind myself and my legal representatives by these presents. The condition of this obligation is: That if the above bounden Merrick Welch (or Simon J. Grover), or his legal representatives shall submit, perform, and comply with the award, determination, judgment and orders of Edward Blair, Edgar R. Stimpson and Robert Merritt, the arbitrators named and selected by the said Merrick Welch and Simon J. Grover to award, determine, judge and order of and concerning the controversy existing between them, as partners, as to the settlement of the firm business and the business- transactions and claims by and between them subsequent to the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1882 (with power to award payment of costs and expenses incurred in said arbitration), then this obliga- tion shall be void ; otherwise it shall remain in full force. Sealed with my seal and dated this first day of December, 1882. JOHN CLEVER, } w .. MERRICK WELCH, T. S. WALLER, \ w (Or SIMON J. GROVER. ) 208 FORMS USEB IN ARBITRATION. ASSIGNMENTS. Sometimes the limitations of the time in which the arbitration award shall be made is embodied in the bond, as well as in the agreement of submission to the arbitration. Form of Notice to Arbitrators. EDWARD BLAIR, EDGAR R. STIMPSON and ROBERT MERRITT: GENTLEMEN You have been chosen arbitrators on behalf of the undersigned, to arbitrate and award between them, in such matters and things as set forth in their submission, which will be open to your inspection when you meet at the Runals House, in the village of Villisca, Iowa, on the second day of January, A. D. 1883, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to hear the allegations and proofs of Yours, etc., MERRICK WELCH, SIMON J. GROVER. Dated at Villisca, Iowa, this fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1882. From of Subpoena of Witness. The people of the State of Iowa, to Edmund W. Thomas and Samuel M. West: You, and each of you, are commanded personally to appear and attend at the Runals house, in the village of Villisca, in Montgomery county, Iowa, on the second day of January, A. D. 1883, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, before Edward Blair, Edgar R. Stimpson and Robert Merritt, of Villisca, arbitrators chosen to determine a controversy between Merrick Welch and Simon J. Grover, then and there to testify as a witness in relation thereto, before said arbitrators, on the part of the said Merrick Welch. Hereof fail not at your peril. Given under my hand, this twenty- sixth day of December, A. D. 1882. ERICK LARSON, Justice of the Peace. It is customary to allow fees to arbitrators for their services equal to those given referees appointed by courts of law to de- termine cases. Form of Arbitrators' Oath. Before entering upon their duties, the arbitrators should, if required by law or the submission, go before a judge of some court of record, or a justice of the peace, and make oath as follows: You do severally swear, faithfully and fairly to hear and examine the matters in controversy between Merrick Welch, of the one part, and Simon J. Grover, of the other part, and to make a just award according to the best of your understanding. So help you God. The arbitrators can administer the oath to witnesses before them, in the usual form of courts of law, when they are acting under the order of a court or statute. General Form for the Arbitrators' Award. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned, arbitrators of all matters in difference, of every kind, name and nature, between Merrick Welch and Simon J. Grover, by virtue of their agreement of submission of said matters, dated at Villisca, Iowa, on the first day of December, A. D. 1882, do award, order, judge and determine of and concerning the same as follows: 1. That, etc. 1 Plainly setting forth each point of difference be- 2. That, etc. I tween the parties, and the decision reached by the 3. That, etc. [ arbitrators on each item, in accordance with law 4. That, etc. I and equity, and with the testimony presented. In witness whereof, we have, in the presence of each other, here- unto set our hands this third day of January, A. D. 1883. EDWARD BLAIR, ROBERT MERRITT, EDGAR R. STIMPSON. Special Form of the Arbitrators' Award. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned, arbitrators of the controversy existing between Merrick Welch and Simon J. Grover, partners, doing business at Villisca, Montgomery county, Iowa, under the firm- name of Welch & Grover, relative to a settlement of their firm business, and especially of the business transactions by and between them since the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1882, by virtue'bf their' submission to us of the settlement of said matters, dated at Villisca, Iowa, on the first day of December, A. D. 1882, do award, judge and determine of and concerning the same as follows: 1. That the said partners are each equally liable for one-half of the indebtedness of said firm. 2. That each of said partners is fully entitled to receive one-half of all profits accruing to their said business, if any there be, since the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1882. 3. That the copartnership heretofore existing between the said Welch and Grover be, and hereby is, fully dissolved from and after the date hereof. 4. That John Allen, of Villisca, Iowa, merchant, is hereby appointed and confirmed a receiver to take charge of all accounts and evidences of debt of said firm, and to sell to the best advantage, for cash, within one year, all the real estate and personal property of every kind, held and owned by said partners. 5. That the money realized from the sales of the said property by the receiver of the said firm shall be discreetly used only for the payment of the indebtedness of said firm of Welch & Grover, until the expiration of two years from this date, at which time the surplus funds arising from such sales, and remaining after the indebtedness of the said firm, is all paid (if any such surplus shall exist), shall be equally divided between said partners by the said receiver. 6. That the promissory note executed June 15, A. D. 1882, by the said Merritt Welch to the said Simon J. Grover, for the sum of One Thousand Dollars, which was given as a collateral security in a con- tingency which we, the said arbitrators, find did never exist, is declared void and uncollectable for want of a proper consideration therefor. In witness whereof, we have, in the presence of each other, here- unto set our hands the third day of January, A. D. 1883. EDWARD BLAIR, EDGAR R. STIMPSON, ROBERT MERRITT. ASSIGNMENTS. ASSIGNMENT is the act which transfers the title to a right of property. The act may be by words, accompanied by de- livery of the thing assigned, or may be in writing. Corporations, legally existing, may lawfully assign their interest in papers or property to other corporations, or to individuals. The writing by which ownership is thus trans- ferred is called an assignment. FORMS AND SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO ASSIGNMENTS. 209 An assignor is one who transfers his interest, right or title to another. An assignee is one to whom a transfer is made. Certain assignments must be in writing, as transfers of real estate. All assignments relating to lands and tene- ments must be properly signed, sealed, acknowl- edged and recorded, like a deed. The usual phrase in making an assignment is "assign, transfer and set over;" but the words, "give, grant, bargain and sell," will constitute an assignment. Where property of any kind is assigned for the benefit of creditors, its immediate delivery to the assignee is required. An assignment may convey the whole property absolutely, or in trust, or only an equitable right to the benefit of it, the legal title remaining in the assignor. An assignment for the benefit of creditors may be at common law, or under a statute. At com- mon law the assignor may prefer creditors. By statute he can not. An assignment for the benefit of creditors must provide that the property be turned into cash and divided amongst creditors, and must not reserve any benefit to the assignor. Such an assignment should be of all the assignor's property liable to and not exempt from execution. Under some insolvent and bankrupt acts, the adjudication itself that a person is a bankrupt transfers his property to the assignee. When insured property is sold, the policy should be assigned to the purchaser. This can only be done with the consent of the insurer, to A Simple Assignment. For value received, I hereby assign all my right, title and interest in the within contract to John Doe. Dated Chicago, November 17, A. D. 1882. RICHARD ROE. Assignment of Wages. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Myrick J. Lasley, of Riverside, Cook county, and State of Illinois, in consideration of Fifty Dollars, the receipt of which I acknowledge, do hereby assign, transfer and set over to George Z. Bassett, of the same place, all claims and demands which I now have, and all which at any time between the date hereof and the seventeenth day of January next, A. D. 1883, I may or shall have against Cooper Donelson for all sums be indorsed on the policy. Forms for transfer of the policy and assent are usually printed on the policies. No one except the person owning insured property at the time of the assignment can legally become the assignee of an insurance policy cov- ering it, and then the consent of the insurers to the transfer must be obtained. Legal assign- ments can be made of copyrights, contracts, deeds, mortgages, bonds, leases, notes, drafts, accounts, judgments, all claims for money or wages, insurance, corporation shares, etc. All property assigned must be distinctly described in the assignment, or the schedule attached thereto. Stock in incorporated companies is assigned by an assignment on the back of the certificate, and by a transfer on the stock-book. Forms for this purpose are usually printed on the back of the certificate. All assignments, except statutoiy, are con- tracts, and subject to the same law. Thus, an assignment at common law for the benefit of creditors needs the assent of the creditors to make it valid. Assignments for the benefit of creditors are now regulated by statute law in nearly every State. An assignment of a debt or note carries with it all collaterals and securities. A mortgage cannot be assigned without a transfer, at the same time, of the debt, note or bond. In addition, in some States, the land also should be conveyed as in the form below. of money due, or to become due to me, as engineer in his factory ; that I do hereby appoint and constitute said George Z. Bassett, and his assigns, my attorney irrevocable, to do and perform all acts, matters and things in the premises in like manner, and to all intents and purposes, as I could if personally present. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of November, A. D. 1882. F. O. BUCK, Witness. MYRICK J. LASLEY. [The above form is proper for all assignments of rights. ] Form of Assignment of a Mortgage. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That whereas Donald Cooper, of the town of Aurora, in Kane county, and State of Illinois, on the fifth day of August, A. D. 1881, by his deed of mortgage of 210 FORMS OF ASSIGNMENT. that date, for the consideration of One Thousand Dollar?, did grant, bargain, sell and convey unto me, Cameron Smith, of Chicago, in Cook county and State of Illinois, my heirs and assigns, all and singular the real estate (minutely described) ; to have and to hold the same to me, the said Cameron Smith, my heirs and assigns, for- ever, upon condition (here insert the conditions of the mortgage). Now, therefore, I, the said Cameron Smith, in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to me in hand paid before the ensealing hereof, do by these presents sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto William Anderson, of Aurora, in Kane county and State of Illinois, his heirs and assigns, forever, the mortgage, debt, notes, and bonds, and the said (premises or property), to have and to hold the same to him, the said William Anderson, his heirs and assigns, forever, as fully, and in as ample a manner as I, the said Cameron Smith, my heirs or assigns, might hold and enjoy the same by virtue of the mortgage deed aforesaid, and not otherwise. And I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, hereby authorize and empower the said William Anderson, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to receive to his and their own use the sum or sums mentioned in the condition of said deed whenever the same shall be tendered or paid to him, or them, by the said Donald Cooper, his heirs, executors, or administrators, agreeably thereto, and to discharge the said mortgage, or to take and pursue such other steps and means for recovery of the said sum or sums, with the interest, by the sale of the said mortgaged premises, or otherwise, as by law are provided, as fully to all intents and purposes as I, the said Cameron Smith, my heirs, executors, or administrators, might or could do. And I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said William Anderson, his heirs and assigns, that I have good right to assign the said mortgage, debt, and premises as aforesaid, that there is now due thereon Dollars; and that he, the said William Anderson, shall and may have, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy the same (subject, however, to the right of redemption, as by law in such cases is provided), against the lawful claim of all per- sons. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of November, A. D. 1882. In presence of j JOHN JONES, > GEORGE DAVIS. ) CAMERON SMITH. [ The above should be acknowledged the same as a deed. ] Form of Assignment of a Lease. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Jacob Spencer, of Chicago, in Cook county, and State of Illinois, for and in considera- tion of Two Hundred Dollars, to me duly paid by George J. Watson, of the same city, county and State, do by these presents grant, con- vey, assign, transfer and set over unto said George J. Watson a cer- tain instrument of lease, bearing date the first day of May, A. D. 1882, executed by Andrew Knox, of the same city, county and State, to me for a term of two years, reserving unto said Andrew Knox the yearly rent of One Hundred and Eight Dollars, payable monthly. That this assignment shall take effect on the first day of November, A. D. 1882, to continue during all the remainder of said term of two years, subject, nevertheless, to the rents, covenants, conditions and provisions in said lease mentioned. That I do covenant, promise and agree, that I, Jacob Spencer aforesaid, am now in the full enjoyment and possession of said premises, and that they are now free and clear of all assessments, assignments, back- rents, bargains, demands, taxes, and all other encumbrances tending to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of said premises by the said George J. Watson during the unexpired term of this said lease. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of September, A. D. 1882. In presence of ROBERT SCOTT, > JACOB SPENCER. MICHAEL KANE. Assignment of an Insurance Policy. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That having sold and con- veyed the insured property within mentioned to George M. Porter, of Evanston, Cook county and State of Illinois, his heirs and assigns forever, I do hereby, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to me in hand paid by the said George M. Porter, assign and transfer the within policy of insurance to him, his executors, admin- istrators, and assigns; and the said George M. Porter, by subscribing this assignment, makes himself responsible for all the agreements to which I have bound myself by the within policy. Witness our hands and seals, at Chicago, Cook county and State of Illinois, this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1882. Signed, sealed and delivered "| in presence of BARTLETT C. CHAUNCEY, THOMAS W. EDMUNDS. J HENRY SILL, -(SEAL)- GEORGE M. PORTER. -(SEAL)- Assignment of Stock of Railroad and Other Corporations. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Charles Ross, of Sycamore, De Kalb county, and State of Illinois, for and in consider- ation of Ten Thousand Dollars, to me duly paid by Mortimer M. Elliott, of Aurora, Kane county, and State of Illinois, do hereby assign, convey, transfer and set over unto said Mortimer M. Elliott all my right, title and interest in the shares, scrip and capital stock and property of the corporation and concern known as the Pullman & Burlington Railroad company, which company has its place of business at Chicago, in Cook county, and State of Illinois. And I further covenant and agree to and with the said Mortimer M. Elliott, his executors, administrators, and assigns, that, at the request of him or them, I and my executors, administrators and assigns, shall and will at all times hereafter*execnte any instrument that may be neces- sary to vest completely in him or them all my rights, title and interest to said property, scrip and stock, and to enable him or them to possess, control, enjoy and transfer all the property and choses in action herein assigned, or intended to be assigned. In witness whereof, I hereunto affix my hand and seal, at Sycamore, De Kalb county, and State of Illinois, this twenty-first day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1883. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ROBERT FLAGO, WILLIAM B. SMITH. T?n<;<5 ?',"""? >SS ' Form of Assignment of a Patent. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That in consideration of One Thousand Dollars, to me in hand paid by Norman Endicott, of the city of Rochester, in the county of Genesee, and State of New York, I do hereby sell and assign to the said Norman Endicott all my right, title and interest in and to the letters patent of the United States, No. 100,000, for an improvement in hydraulic engines, granted to me September twenty-one, A. D. 1882, the same to be held and enjoyed by the said Norman Endicott to the full end of the term for which said letters patent are granted, as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me if this assignment and sale had not been made. Witness my hand and seal this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1882, at the city of Buffalo, in the county of Erie, and State of New York. In presence of SILAS W. JONES, > SOLOMON TIBBS. ROBERT SCOTT. Form of Assignment of the Copyright of a Book. KNOW ALL _MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That in consideration of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, to me in hand paid by Josiah Allen and Joshua Billings, partners and publishers, doing business at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and State of Massachusetts,. I do hereby sell and assign the copyright heretofore taken out by me for FORMS OF ASSIGNMENT. SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO BAIL. 211 the book entitled "Cottage Papers: A Literary Miscellany for All Ages," of which I am the author and proprietor, the certificate of which copyright is annexed to this assignment, with all my literary property, right, title and interest in and to said book, and all the profit, benefit, or advantage that shall or may arise from printing, pub- lishing and vending the same in all the States and Territories of the United States of America, to hold and enjoy the same during the full end and term for which the said copyright has been issued. In witness whereof, at Chicago, in Cook county, and State of Illinois, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1882. In presence of j ROGER RIDERHOOD, V MATTHEW HAWTHORN. JOHN HARMON. ) NOTE. To the foregoing assignment must be securely fastened either the original, or a properly certified copy, of the certificate of copyright for said book, issued by the librarian of Congress at Washington. Assignments of patent and copyrights should be acknowledged and recorded in the patent office, Washington, D. C. Assignment by a Debtor, for the Benefit of His Creditors. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that this assignment, made this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1882, by Norton Norris, of Salamanca, in the county of Gregory, and State of Tennessee, dealer in general merchandise, of the first part, and Hiram Hunt, of the same place, of the second part, and the several persons, creditors of the said party of the first part, who have executed or shall here- after execute or accede to these presents, of the third part, witnesseth : That whereas the said party of the first part is justly indebted in considerable sums of money, and has become unable to pay and dis- charge the same with punctuality, or in full ; and that he, the said Norris Norton, is now desirous of making a fair and equitable distri- bution of his property and effects among his creditors: Now, therefore, the said party of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and of the sum of One Dollar, to him in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained, granted and sold, released, assigned, transferred, and set over and by these presents does grant, bargain and sell, release, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular, his lands tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and choses in action, of every name, nature and description, wheresoever the same may be, more particularly enumerated and described in the schedule hereunto annexed, marked "Schedule 1," excepting and reserving such property only as is exempted by law* from attachment; to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns; but in trust and confidence, nevertheless, to sell and dis- pose of the said real and personal estate, and to collect the said choses in action, and sell and dispose oi the same for cash upon such terms and conditions as in his judgment may appear best, and most for the interest of the parties concerned, making sales thereof for cash or on credit, at public auction, or by private con- tract, and with the right to compound for the said choses in action, accepting a part of the value thereof for the whole, where the trustee shall deem it expedient so to do; and then, in trust, to dispose of the proceeds of the said property in the manner following, to wit: First. To pay all such debts as by the laws of the United States are entitled to a preference in such cases. Second. To pay and discharge all the just and reasonable expenses, costs and charges of executing this assignment, and of carrying into effect the trust hereby created, including the lawful commissions of the party of the second part for his services in executing the said trust. Third. To distribute and pay the remainder of said proceeds to the creditors of the said party of the first part, for all debts and liabilities which he may owe, or for which he may lawfully be held responsible, to any person whomsoever; provided, that should the proceeds aris- ing from the sale of his assets not be sufficient to pay all his indebt- edness, then the said debts are to be paid ratably and in proportion. Fourth. The residue and remainder of the proceeds of said sales and disposal of the assets of the party of the first part, if any there be, after paying all his debts in full, shall be repaid to him, the said party of the first part, his executors, administrators or assigns. And the party of the first part, for the better execution of these presents, and of the several trusts hereby reposed, does hereby make, nominate and appoint the said party of the second part, and his executors, administrators and assigns, his true and lawful attorney irrevocable, with full power and authority to do, transact and perform all acts, deeds, matters and things which can or may be necessary in the premises, as fully and completely as the said party of the first part might or could do, were these presents not executed ; and also for the purposes aforesaid, or for any of them, to make, constitute and appoint one or more attorneys under him, and at his pleasure to revoke the same ; hereby ratifying and confirming whatever the said party of the second part, or his substitute, shall lawfully do in the premises. And the party of the second part, hereby accepting these trusts, covenants to and with each of the other parties hereto, to execute the same faithfully ; and that this covenant shall be as binding upon his executors, administrators and assigns as it is upon himself. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. In presence of j URIAH WELCH, > DAVID T. ELLIS. ) Creditors assent by proving their debts or filing the same with the assignee. As it conveys real estate, it should be acknowledged and recorded as a deed. NORTON NORRIS,-(SEAL)- HIRAM HUNT.-(SEAL)- BAIL. f HE WORD BAIL, in law, has very much the same meaning as "guaranty," and is a voucher by a competent person, or persons, that another person will perform a duty required by the civil authority. The effect of such a voucher, or guaranty, is to temporarily set free, liberate, or release from custody a person, or persons, charged with the infraction of some public law. In law, such a guaranty is called a recogniz- ance, the surety being the bailor, and the pris- oner the bailee. The bailor usually engages, under the penalty of paying a certain sum of money, in case of forfeiture, that the bailee will be present and submit himself peaceably to the court whenever his trial or examination is appointed, and patiently abide the issue thereof. 212 FORMS USED IN GIVING BAIL. BILLS OF SALE. In case a prisoner who has been bailed out of custody does not appear for trial at the time specified in the bail-bond, the surety forfeits whatever sum is thereby pledged. Bail in civil transactions is seldom required. Guaranty Forms and Letters of Credit, elsewhere explained, appear to have superseded the neces- sity and practice of these obligations. Recognizance for Further Examination. STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) County of Cook, ( This day personally appeared before the undersigned, a justice of the peace in and for said county, Henry Carter, George R. Brown and James T. White, all of Chicago, in said county and State, and jointly and severally acknowledged them- selves to be indebted unto the people of the State of Illinois, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to be levied of their goods and chat- tels, lands and tenements. WHEREAS, the above bounden Henry Carter, on the thirtieth day of December, A. D. 1882, was brought and examined by and before Horace Donohue, a justice of the peace in and for the connty afore- said, on a charge preferred against the said Henry Carter, for stealing Fifty Dollars from the store of Julius Wright, in said county, and the further examination of said Henry Carter having been continued to the tenth day of January, A. D. 1883, at ten o'clock A. M. , and the said Henry Carter having been adjudged and required by the said justice to give bonds, as required by the statute in such case made and pro- vided, for his appearance to answer to said charge. Now the condi- tion of this recognizance is such that if the above-bounden Henry Carter shall be and appear before the undersigned, at the Third District Police court- room, in the city of Chicago, in said county, on the tenth day of January, A. D. 1883, at ten o'clock A.M., then and there to answer to the said people of the State of Illinois, on said charge, and abide the order and judgment of said court, and not depart the same without leave, then and in that case this recognizance to become void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. As witness our hands and seals .this thirtieth day of December, A. D. 1882. Taken, entered into and ~| acknowledged before HENRY CARTER, -(SEAL)- me, this thirtieth day I of December, 1882. f GEORGE R. BROWN, -(SEAL)- HORACE DONOHUE, Justice of the Peace. I JAMES T. WHITE. -(SEAL)- BILLS OF SALE. felLLS OF SALE are written evidences of agreements by which parties transfer to Bothers, for a consideration, all their right, title and interest in personal property. The ownership of personal property, in law, is considered changed by the delivery of such property to the purchaser; though in some States, without delivery, a bill of sale is good evidence of ownership, even against creditors, provided the sale was not fraudulently made for the pur- pose of avoiding the payment of debts. Juries have power to determine the fairness or unfairness of a sale, and upon evidence of fraud such bill of sale will be ignored and de- clared void. Any form of words, importing that the seller transfers to the buyer the title to personal prop- erty, is a bill of sale. Common Form of Bill of Sale. KNOW ALL MEN by this instrument, that I, Philetus Howe, of Middlebury, Vermont, of the first part, for and in consideration of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to me paid by Charles Rose, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Rose, party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, my undivided half of twenty acres of grass, now growing on the farm of Lorenzo Pease, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of mules, ten swine, and three cows, belonging to me and in my posses- sion at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the par- ty of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore -mentioned property and chattels unto the said party- of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand this tenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy. PHILETUS HOWE. Bill of Sale of Personal Property. KNOW ALLMEN by these presents, that I, John T. Hall, of Mont- gomery, Alabama, planter, in consideration of Six Hundred and Sevcnty-FiveDollars ($675) to me in hand paid by Oscar D. Scott, of Montgomery, Albany, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby bargain, sell, and deliver unto the said Oscar D. Scott the following property, to wit: Four mules @ $125 $500 Two sets Harness @ 20 40 Two Farm Wagons @ 35 70 One Corn-Planter @ 20 20 Three Plows @ 15 45 Total $675 To have and to hold the said goods and chattels unto the said Oscar D. Scott, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to his own proper use and benefit, forever. And I, the said John T. Hall, do avow myself to be the true and lawful owner of said goods and chattels ; that I have full power, good right, and lawful authority to dispose of said goods and chattels in manner as aforesaid ; and that I will, and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the said bargained goods and chattels unto the said Oscar D. Scott, his executors, administrators, and assigns, from and against the law- ful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof, I, the said John T. Hall, have hereto set my hand this first day of April, in the year of our Lord eighteen hun- dred and seventy-three. JOHN T. HALL. FORM AND SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO BILLS OF LADING. 213 BILLS OF LADING. }ILLS OF LADING are accounts in writing of merchandise shipped from one place to another, by any person, on board of an ocean or lake vessel, or on a railroad car, signed by the master of the vessel, or an officer of a freight line or a railroad company, who thus acknowledges the receipt of the goods, and agrees to deliver them safely at the place to which they are sent. One bill of lading is kept by the shipper, one by the party transporting the goods, and one is sent to the person to whom the goods are directed. The following shows form of bill: UNION LINE. THBOTJGH FBEIGHT LINE, OWNED AND OPEEATED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY, VIA P. F. & C. B. B. GEO B. EDWARDS, Eastern Manager, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. S. GRAY, Western Manager, Columbus, Ohio. W. W. CHANDLER, General Agent, N. W. Corner Dearborn and Washington Streets, Chicago, 111. MARKS. New York. This Bill of Lading FROM Chicago, 111., The Eate of Freight Through is to be per 100 Ibs. No. Chicago, 111., Received from the following packages (contents and value unknown,) in apparent good order, viz. Marked and numbered as in the margin, to be transported by the Union Line, and the steamboats, rail- road companies and forwarding lines with which it connects, on the following terms and conditions, viz. : It being expressly understood and agreed, That the Union Line reserves the right, in consideration of issuing a through bill of lading, and guaranteeing a through rate, to forward said goods by any railroad line between points of shipment and destination. It is further agreed That the rates given on bulk freight are given on the understanding that not less than 24,000 pounds will be loaded in each car, and that such minimum weight may, at the option of this line, be charged for, whether that quantity is placed in the car or not. It is further agreed That all weight in excess of 30,000 Ibs. per car will be charged double the rate named in this bill of lading. It is further agreed That the said Union Line, and the steamboats, railroad companies and forward- ing lines with which it connects, and which receives said property, shall not be liable for leakage of oils or any kind of liquids ; breakage of any kind of glass, earthen or queensware, carboys of acids, or articles packed in glass, stoves and stove furniture, castings, machinery, carriages, furniture, musical instruments of any kind, packages of eggs; or for rust of iron and of iron articles; or for loss or damage by wet, dirt, __1 fire or loss of weight ; or for condition of baling in hay, hemp or cotton ; nor for loss or damage of any kind on any articles whose bulk requires it to be carried on open cars; nor for damage to perishable property of any kind, occasioned by delays from any cause, or by change of weather; nor for loss or damage on any article of property what- ever, by fire or other casualty, while in transit, or while in depots or places of transhipment, or at depots or landings at point of delivery; nor for loss or damage by fire, collision, or the dangers of navigation while on seas, rivers, lakes or canals. All goods or property under this bill of lading will be subject, at its owner's cost, to necessary cooperage or baling, and is to be transported to the depots of the companies or land- ing of the steamboats or forwarding lines, at the point receipted to, for delivery. It is further agreed That unless this bill of lading, properly indorsed, be delivered to the agent of the Union Line at destination, on or before the arrival thereof the herein-above-described property, the said line is authorized to deliver the said property to the consignee, or to the party to whose care it is, by this bill of lading, consigned; and after such delivery, the said line shall be no longer responsible for or on account of any assignment or transfer thereof. [ The claims relating to the time when the liability of the Union Line ceases, and the responsibility of shippers as to costs and charges, omitted.*] It is further stipulated and agreed That in case of any loss, detriment, or damage, done to or sustained by any of the property herein receipted for during such transportation, whereby any legal liability or responsibility shall or may be incurred, that company alone shall be held answerable therefor in whose actual custody the same may be at the time of the happening of such loss, detriment, or damage, and the carrier so liable shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said goods. And it is further agreed That the amount of the loss or damage so accruing, so far as it shall fall upon the carriers above described, shall be computed at the value or cost of said goods or property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless the value of the articles has been agreed upon with the shipper, or so determined by the classification upon which the rates are based. It is further agreed That all weights furnished by shippers are subject to corrections. This contract is executed and accomplished, and the liability of the companies, as common carriers thereunder, terminates on the arrival of the goods or property at the station or depot of delivery (and the companies will be liable as warehousemen only thereafter), and unless removed by the consignee from the stations or depots of delivery within twenty-four hours of their said arrival, they may be removed and stored by the companies, at the owner's expense and risk. NOTICE In accepting this bill of lading, the shipper or other agent of the owner of the property carried, expressly accepts and agrees to all its stipulations, exceptions and conditions. W. W. CHANDLER, Agrent. 214 SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO AND FORMS FOR BONDS. BOND is a written admission of an obliga- tion on the part of the maker, whereby he pledges himself to pay a certain sum of money to another person or persons, at a certain specified time, for some real consider- ation. The person giving the bond is termed the obligor; the person receiving the same is called the obligee. A bond, as defined above, is a single bond; but generally conditions are added to the bond, whereby the person giving the same must per- form some specific act or acts, in which case the bond becomes void; otherwise it remains in full force and effect. The penalty attached to the bond is usually sufficient to cover debt, interest, and costs, be- ing generally placed at a sum twice the amount Common Form of Bond. KNOW ALL MEN by this instrument, that I, Jonas Clayton, of Wil- mington, Hanover County, State of North Carolina, am firmly bound unto Henry Morse of the place aforesaid, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to be paid to the said Henry Morse, or his legal representa- tives; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. The condition of this bond is such that, if I, Jonas Clayton, my heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of five hundred dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Signed, sealed and de- | livered in presence of f JONAS CLAYTON. f"'s3 GEORGE DOWNING. J c~~n Bond of Cashier of a Bank. KNOW ALL MEN by this instrument, that I, Nathaniel Howard, of San Antonio, County of Bexar, and State of Texas, am firmly bound to the First National Bank corporation of said town, county, and State, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be paid to the First National Bank corporation, or assigns, aforementioned : for which payment I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and admin- istrators by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this third day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. Whereas, the above bounden Nathaniel Howard has been appointed cashier of the First National Bank of San Antonio, aforementioned, by reason whereof various sums of money, goods, valuables, and other property, belonging to said Bank corporation, will come into his custody; Therefore, the condition of the above bond is such, that, if the said Nathaniel Howard, his executors or administrators, at the expi- ration of his time of service to said bank, upon request to him or of the real debt, the fact being stated that such penalty is the sum fixed upon as liquidated or settled damages, in event of failure to meet payments according to the conditions of the bond. The bond may be so drawn as to have the penalty attach and appertain to either the obli- gor or obligee. Though, under ordinary circumstances, the bond is in full effect, yet an act of Providence, whereby its accomplishment is rendered impos- sible, relieves the party obligated from an en- forcement of the penalty. Action on such instrument must be brought within twenty years after right of action ac- crues, or within such time as provided by the statutes of the different States. them made, shall deliver unto the said bank corporation or their agent, or their attorney, a correct account of all sums of money, goods, valuables, and other property, as it comes into his custody, as cashier of said bank, and shall pay and deliver to his successor in office, or any other person authorized to receive the same, all bal- ances, sums of money, goods, valuables, and other property, which shall be in his hands, and due by him to said bank corporation ; and if the said Nathaniel Howard shall justly, honestly, and faithfully, in all matters, serve the said bank corporation as cashier, during his continuance in such capacity, then the above obligation to be of no effect ; otnerwise to remain valid and in full force. Signed, sealed and delivered "I in presence of > NATHANIEL HOWARD. JOHN STODDARD. J Bond to a Corporation. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Cornelius Burr, of West Chester, Chester county, State of Pennsylvania, am firmly bound unto the Chester County Beet-Sugar Manufacturing Company, in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to be paid to the said com- pany, or their assigns, for which payment to be made, I bind myself and representatives firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal, and dated this first day of August, eighteen hundred and seventy. The condition of the above bond is such that, if I, the said Corne- lius Burr, my heirs, administrators, or assigns, shall pay unto the said Chester County Beet-Sugar Manufacturing Company, or assigns, Ten Thousand Dollars, in two equal payments, viz. : Five Thousand Dollars January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and Five Thousand Dollars July first next following, with accrued interest, then the above to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and deO livered in presence of > CORNELIUS BURR. CHARLES ROTCE. J SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO CORPORATIONS AND HOW TO ORGANIZE THEM. 215 CORPORATE ASSOCIATIONS. \ HEN THKEE or more individuals obtain from government the authority to act as one by their officers, with perpetual succession, and under a name selected for them, they become a corporation, with the right to transact the business for which it was organized in the same manner as an individual. When legally organized, the corporation, in a limited way, becomes a person and a citizen. The advantages of incorporation are these: It combines capital, knowledge and enterprise, with a limited pecuniary responsibility, which is gen- erally the amount of stock owned by a person. The powers possessed by a corporation are either granted or implied. The granted powers are such as the constitu- tion, laws and act of incorporation of the State give it. The implied powers are such as are usual, proper and necessary to carry into effect the objects of the corporation and its granted powers. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. in law, "words importing the plural number may include the singular;" so the United States statutes provide that "the word person may extend and be applied to partnerships and cor- porations." They also provide that "the word company or association, when used in reference to a corporation, shall be deemed to embrace the words, successors and assigns of such company or association," the same as if these words had been definitely expressed. A GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTION. No officer or agent of any banking or other commercial corporation, and no member of any mercantile or trading firm, or person directly or indirectly interested in the pecuniary profits or contracts of such corporation or firm, shall be employed or shall act as an officer or agent of the United States for the transaction of business with such corporation or firm; and every such officer, agent, or member, or person, so inter- ested, who so acts, shall be imprisoned not more than two years, and fined not more than two thousand dollars, nor less than five hundred dollars. IN THE STATES. The legislature of each State enjoys the right to regulate the organization of business and other corporations, religious, literary, charitable and miscellaneous, within its own borders. IN THE TERRITORIES. The legislative assemblies of the several Terri- tories are prohibited from granting private charters or especial privileges, but are allowed, by general incorporation acts, to permit persons to associate themselves together as corporate bodies for mining, manufacturing and other industrial pursuits, or the construction and oper- ation of railroads, wagon-roads, irrigating ditches, and the colonization and improvement of lands in connection therewith, or for colleges, seminaries, churches, libraries, or any benevo- lent, charitable or scientific associations. No corporation or association for religious or charitable purposes can acquire or hold real estate in any Territory during the existence of the territorial government, if its value exceeds fifty thousand dollars; and all real estate acquired or held by such corporation or association contrary to this restriction shall be forfeited to the United States; but vested rights in real estate existing in any Territory prior to the passage of this law were not impaired by it. In Washington Territory, however, the legis- lature has no power to incorporate banks or banking institutions. In the location of public lands by corporations under grants from Congress for railroads and other purposes (except for agricultural colleges), a fee of one dollar for each final location of one hundred and sixty acres is assessed against the corporation making such location. 216 FORM OF APPLICATION WHEN ORGANIZING A COMPANY. The federal laws provide that all valuable mineral deposits in lands belonging to the United States, whether previously surveyed or not, are free and open to exploration and purchase; that the land in which these mineral deposits are found may be occupied and purchased by citizens of the United States, or those who have declared their intention to become such, under regulations provided in such cases by law and the local cus- toms or rules of miners in the several mining districts, wherever they are applicable and con- sistent with the federal laws; and that in the case of an association of persons unincorporated, proof of citizenship of the parties may be given by the affidavit of their authorized agent, made on his own knowledge, information or belief; while in the case of a corporation organized under the federal laws, or the laws of any State or Territory, the filing of a certified copy of their charter, or certificate of incorporation, is suffi- cient evidence. HOW TO ORGANIZE A COMPANY. To illustrate the various steps to be taken in organizing a company, the following forms, as used in Illinois, accompanied by suggestions, will give the reader an idea of the methods of general procedure, subject to slight modifications, of a local character in different States. Form of Application for Incorporation. STATE op ILLINOIS, ) County of Cook, \ To SECRETARY OP STATE : We, the undersigned, George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, and Jonathan Bigelow, propose to form a corporation under an act of the general assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, " An Act Concerning Corporations," approved April 18, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof; and that for the purposes of such organization we hereby state as follows, to wit: 1. The name of such corporation is the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company. 2. The object for which it is formed is to carry on the business of manufacturing boots and shoes, in all its branches, and to sell the goods so manufactured in the best markets obtainable. 8. The capital stock shall be five hundred thousand ($500,000) dollars. 4. The amount of each share is one hundred ($100) dollars. 5. The number of shares five thousand (5,000). 6. The location of the principal office is in Chicago, in the county of Cook, State of Illinois. 7. The duration of the corporation shall be eighty (80) years. GEORGE C. ANDERSON, RUDOLPH S. SCHENCK, JONATHAN BIGELOW. The statutes of Elinois provide for the licens- ing of associations for pecuniary profit; not for pecuniary profit; religious purposes; moral pur- poses, etc. Of these associations for banking, insurance, real-estate brokerage, the operating of railroads, and money loaning, require to be licensed under the general law of the United States. Companies organized to conduct horse and dummy railways, and sales of land for burial purposes, however, have permission to incorporate under the laws of the State. THE APPLICATION. When three and not more than seven persons propose to form a corporation they rhust file with the Secretary of State a statement setting forth the objects of the association, the amount of its capital stock, the number of shares into which it is divided, the location of the principal office, and the duration of the corporation, which may not, however, exceed ninety-nine years; this statement must be signed and duly acknowledged before a proper officer by the proposed incorpora- tors. Thereupon the Secretary of State issues to such persons a license as commissioners to open books for subscriptions to the capital stock of such corporation at set times and places. No two com- panies of the same name may be licensed. The document must bear the following Endorsement on the Back. STATE OP ILLINOIS, > County of Cook, j I, , a notary public in and for the said Cook county, and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this thirtieth day of November, A. D 1881, personally appeared before me George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, and Jonathan Bigelow, to me per- sonally known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing statement, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein set forth. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. , Notary Public. A descriptive endorsement will also be made as follows : Corporation for Pecuniary Profit. Statement of incorporation of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company. Location, Chicago, Cook county, State of Illinois. Capital stock, $500,000. Object, manufacture and sale of boots and shoes. Duration, eighty years. LICENSED TO INCORPORATE. CHARTER OF AN ORGANIZED COMPANY. 21' The printed forms contain in addition to all these matters, which are essential, the following notes, which are important for the saving of time and trouble in the public office concerned, and to the incor- porators. The Constitution provides that all fees shall be paid in advance into the State treasury. . Fee for filing statement and issuing license, $2. 00 ; fee for filing report of commissioners and issuing certificate, $3. 50. Blanks furnished on application. The Secretary of State replies to the application, if accompanied by the fee indicated, forwarding the required license. Form of State License for Incorporating. -, Secretary of State. STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) Department of State. J To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, it being proposed by the persons hereinafter named to form a corporation, under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act Concerning Corporations," approved April 18, 1872, the object and purposes of which corporation are set forth in a statement, duly signed and acknowledged according to law, and filed this day in the office of the Secretary of State. Now, therefore, I, , Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby authorize, empower and license George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, and Jonathan Bigelow, the persons whose names are signed to the before-mentioned statement, as commissioners to open books for subscription to the capital stock of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, such being the name of the pro- posed corporation, as contained in the statement, at such times and places a? the said commissioners may determine. In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of State. Done at the city of Springfield this sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and sixth. , Secretary of State. The ^corporators, thus empowered, proceed with the work of incorporation, and having allotted the capital stock of the company, report as follows, on another printed form prepared for such occa- Form of ^corporator's Report. To Hon. , Secretary of State of the State of Illinois : The commissioners duly authorized to open books for subscription to the capital stock of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, pursuant to license heretofore issued bearing date the sixth day of December, A. D. 1881, do hereby report that they opened books for subscription to the capital stock of the said com- pany, and that the said stock was fully subscribed ; that the follow- ing is a true copy of such subscription, viz. : We, the undersigned, hereby severally subscribe for the number of shares set opposite our respective names to the capital stock of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, and we severally agree to pay the said company, on each share, the sum of One Hundred Dollars. NAMES. SHARES. AMOUNT. George C. Anderson 2,000 $200,000 Rudolph S. Schenck 2,000 200,000 Jonathan Bigelow 1,000 100,000 5,000 $500,000 That on the twentieth day of December, A. D. 1881, at the offices of the company in Chicago, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. , they convened a meeting of the subscribers aforesaid, pursuant to notice required by law, which said notice was deposited in the post-office, properly addressed to each subscriber, ten days before the time fixed therefor, a copy of which said notice is as follows, to wit : To You are hereby notified that the capital stock of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company has been fully subscribed, and that a meeting of the subscribers of such stock will be held at the offices of the company, 209 Wabash avenue, Chicago, on the twentieth day of December, A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for said company, and for the transaction of such other business as may be deemed necessary. GEORGE C. ANDERSON, ) RUDOLPH S. SCHENCK, V Commissioners. JONATHAN BIGELOW, ) That said subscribers met at the time and place in said notice specified, and proceeded to elect directors, and that the following persons were duly elected for the term of one year, as follows: George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, Jonathan Bigelow. Signed, GEORGE C. ANDERSON, ) RUDOLPH S. SCHENCK, } Commissioners. JONATHAN BIGELOW, ) Notarial Endorsement. The notarial endorsement is once more demanded to attest the regularity of the foregoing proceedings, and it is given on the back of the form last supplied, as follows : STATE OP ILLINOIS, | County of Cook, ( On this twentieth day of December, A. D. 1881, personally ap- peared before me, a notary public in and for said county, in said State, George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, and Jonathan Bigelow, and made oath that the foregoing report by them subscribed is true in substance and in fact. , Notary Public. Charter of an Organized Company. The papers are then all returned to the Secretary of State, except the license to act as commissioners, and subsequently that officer informs the incorporators that the certificate of organization has been issued, the final fee of $3. 50 having been forwarded with the document last mentioned. The certificate, which places the com- pany on a basis to commence business as a corporation, is an elegant compendium of all the papers that have theretofore been issued, tied with ribbon and bearing the great seal of State, comprising the following statement in due form, properly attested: -, Secretary of State. STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) Department of State, j To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, a statement, duly signed and acknowledged, has been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1881, for the organization of the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, under and in accordance with the provisions of "an act concerning corporations," approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which statement is hereto attached ; And whereas, a license having been issued to George C. Anderson, Rudolph S. Schenck, and Jonathan Bigelow, as commissioners to open books for subscription to the capital stock of the said company ; And whereas, the said commissioners having, on the twentieth day of December, A. D. 1881, filed in the office of the Secretary of State a report of their proceedings under the said license, a copy of which report is hereto attached ; 218 COST OF ORGANIZING A COMPANY. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND OTHER DETAILS. Now, therefore, I, -, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said "Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manu- facturing Company," is a legally organized corporation under the laws of this State. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of State. Done at the city of Springfield, this tenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and of the inde- pendence of the United Stites the one hundred and seventh. , Secretary of State. Charter to be Recorded. It then only remains for the corporation to take their certificate, etc., to the office of the recorder, the fact of record being endorsed on the back of the completed issue, thus : Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company No. , 88. State of Illinois, County of Cook, Recorded, January 20, 1882, at two p. M. Book of Corporations, Page . -, Recorder. What it Costs to Organize a Company. The actual cost of the organization of the company is thus ascer- tained to be in fees to the office of the Secretary of State $5. 50, notarial fees, postage and forms about $1. And when any doubt arises in the minds of corporators that cannot be removed by the perusal of the revised statutes touching corporations, a fee may be paid to counsel for advice. After or during incorporation, any number of members may be added, by subscription for shares in capital stock or subsequent purchase, in accordance with the conditions of the certificate. The law does not recognize young men or women who have not attained their majority, but in practice it is well known that minors in many companies hold stock. When the capital stock has all been subscribed, the commissioners, after at least ten days' personal notice, convene the subscribers at some specified time and place to elect as many directors or managers of such corporation as may be agreed upon. Each subscriber or stockholder, in person or by proxy, casts as many votes as he owns shares for as many persons as are to be elected managers or direc- tors; or he may give one candidate as many votes as the number of directors or managers multiplied by the number of his shares of stock shall equal ; or distribute his votes on the same principle among as many candidates as he may choose; and no directors or managers can be elected in any other way. Voting by Proxy. Voting by proxy, referred to above, is where a stockholder gives a written authority to some other stockholder to vote for him at the election of managers, if not himself able to be present at the election. The following is the form for such authority: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Eben C. West, of Chicago, 111. , owner of one hundred shares in the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, do hereby constitute and appoint Roswell Jones, of the same place, and also a shareholder in the said company, an attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead to vote as my proxy at an election of directors of said company, to be holden at No. Clark street, Chicago, December 7, A. D. 1882, according to the number of votes that I should be entitled to vote if then personally present, with power of substitution in case he cannot be present at the election. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Witness: ROBERT D. TWEED. Completing the Organization of a Company. After their election the board of managers or directors may be divided by such corporation into three classes, the first of whose term of office shall expire at the next annual election ; that of the second-class at the second annual election, and that of the third-class at the third annual election, the vacancies being filled at each annual election at which they occur. To complete the organization the commissioners file in the office of the Secretary of State a full report of their proceedings, as set forth above, with copies of the election notice sent to subscribers, the subscription list, and the list of the elected managers or directors, with the length of their respective terms of office ; the whole sworn to by a majority or all of the commissioners. The Secretary of State then issues his certificate of the complete organization of the corporation under his hand and seal of State and records it in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county in which the corpora- tion is located. The organization is then ready for business, which it must commence within two years or forfeit its license. Such a corporation may have a common seal, may sue and be sued, and possess such amounts of real estate as will enable it to carry on its business and dispose of it at will ; but no other real estate acquired by the corporation in the way of business can be retained by it, but must be sold at auction, after due advertisement, for the benefit of the organization, at least once a year. Officers of a Company. The officers of such a corporation consist of a president, secretary and treasurer, and such other official personages as may be deter- mined by the board of directors or managers, who may also require the officers or agents of the organization to give proper bonds for the performance of their duties and make by-laws for the govern- ment and continuance in office of all connected with the corporation. Shares of stock cannot be less than $10, nor more than $100 each, and are classed as personal property and transferable under certain restrictions and regulations. Correct accounts of all its business are required to be kept by each corporation, and these accounts are open to inspection by every stockholder in the organization, or his attorney, at reasonable hours. Should any corporation perform or neglect any act in such a manner as to forfeit its license to organize, all its subscribers may personally be sued for the indebtedness of the defunct organization, provided that its company assets are not sufficient to cancel its obli- gations. Officers and directors are liable, personally, if they permit the debts of the corporation to exceed the amount of its capital stock. HOW TO ORGANIZE ASSOCIATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. DEEDS. 219 Corporations for Social fNY three or more persons, who are citizens of the United States, may apply to the Secretary of State in a manner similar to money- making corporations for license to organize for other purposes, filing with him a duly acknowledged statement in writing of the name and particular business or objects of such association, the number of its trustees, directors or managers, and the names of those officials selected to serve during the first year. The Secretary of State may then issue his certificate of the organization of such corporation, and when this certificate is duly recorded in the office of the recorder of' deeds in the county where the association is located, the incorpora- tors may proceed to transact business. Such corporations may sue and Benevolent Purposes. and be sued; may make and enforce contracts in relation to their legitimate business ; may have a common seal ; may purchase, hold and dispose of real and personal estate for purposes of their respec- tive organizations; make by-laws for their own government not inconsistent with general laws; may elect trustees, managers or directors to control the affairs and funds of the corporation ; may bor- row money for the purposes of the organization and pledge its prop- erty for the payment thereof; may register the names of its officers in the county where it is located, and when its debts are paid may dissolve the corporation, distribute the property among its members, and register its dissolution papers in the county recorder's office. Corporations for Religious Purposes. -JflKNY church, congregation or society formed for the purpose of 5pK <*F religious worship may be incorporated as follows: By electing or appointing, at any meeting of its members held for that purpose, two or more members as trustees, wardens and vestrymen, or other such officers with powers and duties equivalent to those of trustees, as shall be in accordance with the customs and usages of such congregation, church or society; may adopt a corporate name; and may make and file, by the chairman or secretary of such meeting, a sworn affidavit setting forth the details of the business transacted at such meeting, in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county where the said church, congregation or society is located. The church, congrega- tion or society, thus incorporated, may adopt by-laws and regulations for the government of its own members, the election of its own officers, filling vacancies therein, removing trustees for immoral or other causes; may hold and control personal property, borrow money and pledge such property for its payment; may own and use land acquired by gift, devise or purchase, not exceeding ten acres ; may build houses or other buildings, lay out burial grounds, etc. , for the use of the church, congregation or society thus organized; may improve or repair or alter such buildings at will ; may own camp- meeting grounds, not exceeding forty acres, acquired by grant, devise or bequest, and fit them up for the comfort and convenience of worshipers, and may publish books, periodicals, tracts, etc. The statutes prescribe numerous regulations and provisions, aside from the foregoing, for the control of incorporated associations, relative to compulsory payments of stock instalments and the transfer of stock; powers and rights after the expiration of charters; inspection of accounts; the liability of directors and officers for corporation debts; annual statements of acquired real estate; the penalties for rendering false official reports; the legal powers of official meetings of directors or stockholders ; the change of articles of association, name and place of business of the organization ; the increase or decrease of capital stock and number of directors; the consolidation of associations; the holding of special meetings of stockholders, etc. Special provisions are also made for action by attorneys of corporations ; loans of money on real estate securities by foreign corporations; the building of elevated railways and conveyors; the formation of total abstinence societies ; the licensing of homestead loan associations and the regulation thereof. INSTRUMENT in writing, by which lands and appurtenances thereon are con- veyed from one person to another, signed, sealed, and properly witnessed, is termed a deed. A deed may be written or printed on parchment or paper, and must be executed by parties com- petent to contract. The law provides that an acknowledgment of a deed can only be made before certain persons authorized to take the same; these including, in different States, justices of the peace, notaries, masters in chancery, judges and clerks of courts, mayors of cities, commissioners of deeds, etc. In some States one witness, in some two, and in some none are required. To render a deed valid, there must be a realty to grant, and a sufficient consideration. To enable a person legally to convey property to another, the following requisites are necessary: First, he or she must be of sane mind; second, of age; and third, the rightful owner of the prop- erty. 220 FORM OF WARRANTY DEED AND QUIT-CLAIM DEED. The maker of the deed is called the grantor; the person or party to whom the deed is delivered, the grantee. The wife of the grantor, in the absence of any statute regulating the same, must execute the deed, or else, after the death of her husband, she will be entitled to a one-third interest in the property, as dower, during her life. A deed of a homestead not executed by the wife is void. Her acknowledgment of the deed must be of her own free will and accord, and the com- missioner, or other officer, before whom the acknowledgment is taken, must certify to the fact that her consent was without compulsion. Special care should be taken to have the deed properly acknowledged and witnessed, and the proper seal attached. The deed takes effect upon its delivery to the person authorized to receive it. Any alterations or interlineations in the deed should be noted at the bottom of the instrument, and properly witnessed. After the acknowledg- ment of the deed, the parties may not make the slightest alteration. An alteration after the deliv- ery, in favor of the grantee, vitiates the deed. By a general warranty deed, the grantor agrees to warrant and defend the property conveyed against all persons whatsoever. A quit-claim deed releases what interest the grantor may have in the land, but does not warrant and defend against others. Deeds, upon their delivery, should be recorded in the recorder's office without delay. Warranty Deed, with Covenants. THIS INDENTURE, made this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three, between Henry Botsford, of Lee, county of Berkshire, State of Massachusetts, and Mary, his wife, of the first part, and Calvin Daggett, of the same place, of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the following-described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the town of Lee, in the county of Berkshire, and State of Massachusetts, to wit: [Here describe the property. ] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appur- tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances: To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Botsford and Mary Botsford, his wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administra- tors, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit what- ever, in and to the above-described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this State pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Botsford and Mary Botsford, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and admin- istrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and 1 assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, abso- lute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bar- gain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever; and the above -bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons law- fully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have here- unto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and deliv- } ered in the presence of > ABIAL KETCHUM. \ HENRY BOTSFORD,-(SEAL)- MARY BOTSFORD. -(SEAL)- [The foregoing should be acknowledged before a legally authorize 3 See " Acknowledgments. " ] Quit-Claim Deed. THIS INDENTURE, made the fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, between Oscar Joy, of Nashville, county of Davidson, State of Tennessee, party of the first part, and Lorenzo Fisher, of the same place, party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of Eight Hundred Dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit- claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to the following- described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : [Here describe the land. ] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part,his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto sets his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and deliv- j ered in presence of V OSCAR JOY. 9*79 AZRO HOLLIS. ) [V^o [ The above should be duly acknowledged. ] QUIT-CLAIM DEED. FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT. EXTRADITION. 221 Long Form Quit-Claim Deed Homestead Waiver. THIS INDENTURE, made the fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between Park Converse, of Burlington, county of Des Moines, State of Iowa, party of the first part, and Elbridge Robinson, of the same place, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of Four Thousand Dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit- claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit: [Here describe (he land. ] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise thereunto appertaining; and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Park Converse, party of the first part, hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above- described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this State pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said party of the first part, for himself and his heirs, executors, and administrators, does covenant, promise and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that he hath not made, done, committed, executed, or suffered, any act or acts, thing or things, whatsoever, whereby, or by means whereof, the above-mentioned and described premises, or any part or parcel thereof, now are, or any time here- after, shall or may be impeached, charged, or incumbered, in any way or manner whatsoever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto sets his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and deliv- ) K~.~ ered in presence of > PARK CONVERSE. ! L - S -| GERRY HOBBS. I s*"s Acknowledgment Before a Justice of the Peace. STATE or IOWA, ) County of Des Moines, ) ' I, Gerry Hobbs, a justice of the peace in and for the said county, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Park Converse, who is personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and ws^fer of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and seal, this fourteenth day of October, A. D. 1872. GERRY HOBBS, .-... Justice of the Peace. '' EXTRADITION. SIGNIFICATION of the word "extra- dition" is delivery out of, or up from, and has been adopted by various States and nations to express the return from one to the other of fugitives from justice, for punishment in the place where the crime was committed. The constitution of the United States declares that "a person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the cause." Extradition between the several States is regu- lated by the laws of the United States, and between foreign States by treaties. Still, a foreign State sometimes extradites without a treaty, as was done by us in the case of a Cuban slave- trader, in 1863. The surrender of fugitives from justice having been abused for private purposes, governors of States from which the fugitives fled, in addition to the usual papers, require an affidavit asserting that the application is made for the purpose of public justice, and not for private gain. The usual papers are a duly certified copy of the indictment, and an affidavit showing that the criminal was within the State when the crime was committed, and fled therefrom after the crime to the State on which the demand is to be made. If there is not time to wait for an indictment, a duly certified copy of the complaint to the magis- trate and his warrant are sent. If the papers satisfy the governor, he issues a requisition on the other governor for the fugitive. A requisition is a request to have the criminal arrested and delivered to the person named in the requisition. With the requisition are sent copies of the indictment, or complaint, and the warrant. If the governor is satisfied with the papers, he issues a warrant to an officer of his State to arrest the criminal and deliver him to the person named HOW TO CAPTURE FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. in the requisition. If the governor refuses to issue the warrant, he may, in a proper case, be compelled to do so by a mandamus from the United States Circuit Court. The proceedings in the case of foreign States are substantially similar. The Secretary of State of each State, and of the United States, will furnish forms and instruc- tions on application. Treaties with other nations also specify the forms in which the extradition laws may be Affidavit. STATE OP GEORGIA, ) County of Harris, j* s Philip Maxwell, of Hannah, Harris county, and State of Georgia, being duly sworn, says : First That Robert Thorsen, alias "Big Bob," is a fugitive from justice from the State of Georgia, where he stands charged on oath with felony, committed in this State, viz. : With having, on the night of June 6, A. D. 1882, between the hours of eleven and twelve o clock, midnight, brutally assaulted the said Philip Maxwell, knock- ing him senseless with a wooden club believed to be three feet long and one and one- half inches thick; and with having then and there robbed the said Philip Maxwell, while he lay unconscious, of a silver watch and gold chain, of the value of Fifty Dollars, and of money, in greenbacks, gold and silver coins, of the value of One Hundred and Forty-three Dollars and sixty-five cents, lawful currency of the United States; which said acts are by the law of the said State of Georgia a crime. Second That the said charge was made on or about the seventh day of June, A. D. 1832, by the said Philip Maxwell, testifying under oath before the Hannah Police-court, in Harris county, Georgia, as to the facts above set forth, with such other details of tte crime as he could remember. Third That the said Robert Thorsen, alias "Big Bob," has fled from the said State last aforesaid and has taken refuge in the State of Wisconsin, from the laws and justice of the State of Georgia. AND DEPONENT PRATS that the said Robert Thorsen, alias " Big Bob," may be arrested and held in custody by the proper authorities of the State of Wisconsin until the proper authorities of the said State of Georgia shall have sufficient time to require, in manner and form as the law directs, the body of said Robert Thorsen, alias "Big Bob," from the executive and authorities of the State of Wisconsin, and until the said executive of said last above-named State shall make his warrant for the surrender of the body of said Robert Thorsen, aliax " Big Bob," to the end that he may be brought to the State of Georgia and dealt with as law and justice shall require. And this deponent further says, upon his oath, that this affidavit is made in order that the ends of public justice may be served, and not from motives of private gain or malice. PHILIP MAXWELL. Sworn before me, this twelfth day of July, A. D. 1882, at Hannah, Harris county, Georgia. JESSE SMITH, Clerk of the Criminal Court of said County. mutually enforced. In some countries extradi- tion is more difficult, and the methods more com- plicated than in others. The following forms are those in substance, that regulate our inter-state system of returning criminals : Philip Maxwell has been robbed by a well- known thief, at Hannah, Ga., and the robber has escaped to Wisconsin, beyond the jurisdiction of the State. Maxwell therefore goes before a magistrate, and makes the following affidavit : This affidavit, upon which the requisition of the governor of i Georgia for the return of the criminal is based, having been taken by a police or sheriff's officer to the governor of Wisconsin, the latter proceeds to issue the following warrant for the surrender of the criminal, if found within his State, to the authorities of the State of Georgia: The Order for Surrender. , governor of the State of Wisconsin, to the sheriffs of the county of Dane, and the sheriffs, constables and other peace-officers of the several counties in said State: WHEREAS, it has been represented to me by the governor of the State of Georgia, that Robert Thorsen (also well-known as "Big Bob"), late of Hannah, in said State, has been guilty of assault and robbery upon the highway upon the person of Philip Maxwell, of the same place, which said acts are made criminal by the laws of that State; and that he has fled from justice in that State, and has taken refuge in the State of Wisconsin; and that said governor of Georgia has, in pursuance of the constitution and laws of the United States, demanded of me that I should cause the said Robert Thorsen to be arrested and delivered into the custody of , sheriff of the county of Harris, in said State, who is duly authorized to receive him into his custody, and to convey him back to the said State of Georgia; and whereas the said representation and demand is accompanied by an affidavit taken before the clerk of the circuit court of the county of Harris in the said State of Georgia, whereby the said Robert Thorsen is charged with the said crime, which affidavit is certified by the said governor of Georgia to be duly authenticated: You are therefore required to arrest the said Robert Thorsen wherever he may be found within this State, and to deliver him into the custody of the said , sheriff of said county of Harris, to be taken back to the said State from which he fled, pursuant to the said requisition. i O ng Given under my hand and the privy seal of the State of Wisconsin, at the city of Madison, this sixteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Governor. Fugitives from Justice in Foreign Lands. After the preliminary affidavit and order of surrender have been properly made out, as above designated, it is usual for some police- officer, or other authorized person, to visit the country where the fugitive has taken refuge, and, with the aid of the United States minister to that government, secure the criminal and bring him back to the State where the crime was committed, for trial. The expenses are to be borne by the party who makes the requisition for his return. THE LAW AND FORMS RELATING TO THE GUARDIANSHIP OF CHILDREN. 223 GUARDIANS AND MINOR CHILDREN. MINOR is a person under twenty-one years of age, or, in some States, a maiden under eighteen years old. In England, and in many of the United States, sex makes no differ- ence. The legal term for a minor is "infant." The legal consequences of infancy are: First, inability to commit crime until of a certain age; secondly, inability to consent until a certain age; third, inability to make a contract of any kind except marriage; and, fourth, inability to sue or be sued, except by guardians. Infants may own and hold all kinds of property. Infants should have guardians of their persons and property. The parents are the guardians of the person. Courts of probate appoint suitable persons for guardians of their property. At fourteen the infant may select his or her guardian of his or her property. Infants whose parents are unfit to be guardians, or who suffer them to become a public charge, may have guardians of their persons appointed by some public officer. The parties so chosen are called guardians, and the infants wards. Thus the guardians of the person must supply the ward with necessaries and instruction, and the guardian of the property must preserve it, and cannot expend it or change it from real to personal property without the order of the court. The laws relating to the rights and duties of guardians vary in different States, but in essen- tial particulars resemble each other. Petition to Have a Guardian Appointed, Made by a Friend. To the Surrogate of the County of State of State of To the County Court of the County of - The petition of William J. Erskine, of the city of Milwaukee, Wis. , respectfully shows that Moses Erskine is a resident of the county of Milwaukee, and is a minor over fourteen years of age, and was fifteen years of age on the twelfth day of September last past. That he is entitled to certain property and estate, to wit, two building- lots at the northwest corner of Sholto and Schiller streets, in said city, and that to protect and preserve the legal rights of said infant it is necessary that some proper person should be duly appointed the guardian of his estate during his minority. Wherefore, your peti- tioner nominates, subject to the approbation of the (surrogate or county court of the county of ), George V. Norcott, of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, merchant, to be such guardian, and prays his appointment accordingly, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. WILLIAM J. ERSKINE. MILWAUKEE, Wis., November 1, 1882. To the bottom of this petition the merchant may add- I, George V: Norcott, of the city of Milwaukee, Wis. , merchant, hereby consent to be appointed the guardian of the person and estate of the above-named minor during his minority. GEORGE V. NORCOTT. MILWAUKEE, Wis. , November 1, 1882. Form of Bond of Guardian. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, George V. Norcott, of the city of Milwaukee, Wis. , merchant, and Samuel Finch, provi- sion packer, of the same city, are held and firmly bound unto (either the State, or the probate or county judge, as the law declares), in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said (State or judge), his executors, adminis- trators, or assigns ; to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and heirs (and each of them), and our executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the fourth day of November, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bonnden George V. Norcott shall and will faithfully, in all things, discharge the duty of a guardian to the said minor, according to law, and render a true and just account of all the property and moneys received by him, and of the application thereof, and of his guardian- ship in all respects, to any court having cognizance thereof, when thereunto required, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and deliv- in presence of J. T. BROWN, W. M. SMITH. GEORGE V. NORCOTT,-(8EAL)- SAMUEL FINCH. -(SEAL)- The obligee of the bond is sometimes the State, and sometimes the judge. 224 FORMS OF GUARANTY. INSURANCE. GUARANTY. GUARANTY (sometimes spelled guar- antee) is a written promise that a person will do as he has promised, or that on his default, the guarantor will pay all damages. The person who guarantees the performance of another is called the guarantor. The person to whom the pledge is made is called the guar- antee. The liability, in such a case, first rests upon the person who is guaranteed by another; and, secondly, if the first person fails, the individual who gives the guaranty is held to the same extent as the other. The consideration for giv- ing the pledge should be either named or expressed as "for value received." The laws recognize guarantees of any contract that may be legally made, and aid in enforcing them. The following forms will serve to show how they may be drawn, and some of their uses. Form of Guaranty on the Back of a Note. For value received, I hereby guarantee the payment of the within note. FORT WAYNE, IND., May 20, 1883. JOHN HOOVER. A Father's Guarantee of His Son's Fidelity as an Apprentice. ( Written on, the back of the Contract of Apprenticeship. ) In consideration of the performance of the agreements and cove- nants specified in the within indenture (or agreements) by Marcus. Moran with my son, Allen Ellis, I do hereby bind myself to the said Marcus Moran for the true and faithful observation and performance of all matters and things by the said Allen Ellis agreed and cov- enanted therein, and that he shall well and truly serve the said Marcus Moran. Witness my hand this twenty-second day of November, A.D. 1882. PARKER ELLIS. Guarantee for the Performance of a Contract for Labor. For a good and valuable consideration by us received, we, the undersigned, do hereby guarantee a faithful compliance with the terms of the above (or within) agreement, upon the part of the said contractor, William Hawkins. Done at Eenosha, Kenosha county, and State of Wisconsin, this tenth day of December, A. D. 1882. Signed, sealed and deliv- ered in presence of RICHARD SLOAN, MART ANN SLOAN. ROBERT N. MORRIS,-(8EAL)- THOMAS WILMOT.-(sBAL)- |IFNSURANCE is a guarantee of protection against loss by fire, tempests, disease, death ^ or other calamity common to all men, by individuals or corporations possessing large amounts of money, upon payment, by the insured, of a stipulated sum at set times agreed upon between the insurer and insured. Insurance is classed under the heads of fire, marine, accident and life. Fire insurance extends to stores, dwellings, barns, offices, out-buildings, manufactories and other structures, together with their contents. The more combustible the property is, or the more it is exposed to danger from neighboring buildings, etc., the greater the hazard and the larger the premium (a sum paid by the insured) will be. Marine insurance includes the hulks, sails, rigging and fittings of vessels or steamers in port or at sea, and the cargoes which are carried by them. Accident insurance covers the casualties to which travelers by land or sea are commonly exposed without undue carelessness on their part ; and if loss of limb or health results there- from, the insurer agrees to pay a stipulated sum to the insured, proportionate to the premium paid. Life insurance extends to all persons in good health, and is founded upon the established death-rate among such persons at all ages from youth to elderly manhood. The premium is regulated by the age of the insured at the time when the insurance is applied for, the prospect of long life, and the amount for which the policy is issued. An insurance broker is the agent of an insurance company to effect insurance with the people upon their property, and cannot change REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS IN AN INSURANCE POLICY. 225 the restrictions of his company or the privileges allowed by it. Insurance companies and agents are governed by the laws of the several States, so as to pre- vent frauds from being perpetrated upon the insured. The insurance companies are also pro- tected by State laws against frauds by the per- sons insured. The policy is the contract given by the insurer to the insured. The following is the general form of an insurance policy : Form of Fire Insurance Policy. No. 102,567. Cash Capital $2,000,000. -3 T HE !=$ $5,000.00. SEWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated 1864. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Stock P.olicy. In Consideration of Seventy Dollars, do insure Harry J. Weitzel against loss or damage by fire, to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars; $3,000 on his two- story and basement brick dwelling house, situate No. 976 Ericcson street, Albany, N. Y. ; $1,000 on his brick barn in rear of above dwelling: $1,000 on his household furniture, useful and ornamental, beds, bedding, linen, family wearing apparel, printed books and music, silver plate and plated ware, paintings, engravings, and their frames, at not exceeding their cost, piano, sewing-machine, fuel and family stores contained in above brick dwelling house and barn, for one year, to wit: from the twenty-third day of November, 1881, at 12 o'clock noon, to the twenty-third day of November, 1882, at 12 o'clock noon. 1. "Warranty of the assured The assured by the acceptance of this policy hereby warrants that any application, survey, plan, statement or description, connected with procuring this insurance, or con- tained in, or referred to in this policy, is true, and shall be a part of this policy; that the assured has not overvalued the property herein described, nor omitted to state to this company any information material to the risk; and this company shall not be bo'und under this policy by any act of, or statement to, or by any agent or other person, which is not contained in this policy or in any written paper above mentioned. It is also a part of this warranty that if the policy shall be continued by renewal, it shall be considered as continued under the original representa- tions; and that any change in the risk, not made known to this company at the time it is so continued, shall render this policy void. 2. "Why thla policy will toecome void This policy shall become void, unless consent in writing is endorsed by the company hereon, in each of the following instances, viz.: If the assured is not the sole and unconditional owner of the property; or the building herein described stand on ground not owned in fee simple by the assured; or if the interest of the assured in the property, whether as owner, trustee, consignee, factor, agent, mortgagee, lessee, or otherwise, is not truly stated in this policy; or if any change take place in the title, interest, location or posses- sion of the property (except in case of succession by reason of the death of the assured), whether by sale, transfer or conveyance, in whole or in part, or by legal process or by judicial decree, or the title or possession be now or here- after become involved in litigation, or if this policy be assigned or trans- ferred before a loss. 2. If the assured have or shall hereafter obtain any other policy or agree- ment for insurance, whether valid or not, on the property above mentioned, or any part thereof. 3. If the risk be increased by any change in the occupation of the building or premises herein described, or by the erection or occupation of adjacent buildings; or by any means whatever within the knowledge of the assured. 4. If any building herein described be or become vacant or unoccupied for the purposes indicated in this contract. 5. If the property herein described, being a manufacturing establishment, shall be run at night or overtime, or shall cease to be operated. 6. Or if any of the following-named articles be kept, stored or used in or on the premises herein described, any custom or usage of trade or manufac- ture to the contrary notwithstanding, viz.: benzine, benzole, benzine, var- nish, burning fluid, chemical oils, fire-works, gasoline, gunpowder, naphtha, nitro-glycerine, nitrate of soda, oily waste, petroleum and products, phos- phorus, rubber cement, saltpetre, spirit-gas, or any articles subject to legal restriction. 3. "What this company Is liable for This company shall not be liable under this policy for loss or damage by fire in any of the following instances, viz. : 1. If caused directly or indirectly by means or in consequence of an inva- sion, insurrection, riot, civil war or commotion, or military power, or by order of any military or civil authority, or in consequence of any neglect or violation of any law or ordinance, or by the fraudulent act or procurement of the assured. 2. If caused by lightning or explosion of any kind, unless fire ensues, and then for the loss by fire only. 3. If the building herein described or any part thereof fall, except the fall is the result of fire. 4. If caused by neglect of the assured to use all practicable means to save and protect the property at and after the fire, or when the property is endangered by a flre in neighboring premises. 5. For loss of accounts, bills, notes, deeds, manuscripts, evidences of debt or securities of property of any kind; or for loss by theft at or after the flre. 6. For any consequential or constructive loss or damage, beyond the actual damage by flre to the property, whether such loss or damage be occasioned by any ordinance or law regulating the construction or repair of buildings or otherwise. 4. What Is not Insured This insurance does not cover any of the following named articles or goods, unless separately and specifically men- tioned in writing in the policy, viz.: Money or bullion, drawings, models, patterns, tools, implements, paintings, sculpture, medals, casts, curiosities, jewels, watches, scientific apparatus, store furniture and fixtures, awnings, signs, yard fixtures; nor goods held on storage. 5. General privileges 1. Kerosene or refined petroleum oil of the legal standard may be used for lights only, lamps to be filled and trimmed by daylight and not within ten feet of artificial light. 2. Mechanics are allowed to make ordinary alterations and repairs to buildings not exceeding fifteen days in each year of this insurance, without notice to the company. Any extension of this pri- ilege must be previously consented to in writing on this policy. 3. Plate-glass, frescoes and wall decorations are covered by insurance on the building; but if there shall be any other insurance on the building, this company shall be liable only for such proportion of the loss on said plate- glass, frescoes and decorations as the amount hereby insured shall bear to the whole insurance on the building, whether such other insurance applies to said glass, frescoes and decorations or not. 6. Cancellation of policy 1. If any broker or other person than the assured have procured this policy, or any renewal thereof, or any endorse- ment thereon, he shall be deemed to be the agent of the assured, and not of this company, in any transaction relating to this insurance, including the delivering of this policy and payment of the premium. 2. This insurance may be terminated at any time by request of the assured, or by the company, on giving notice to that effect. On surrender of the policy, the company shall refund any premium that may have been paid, reserving the usual short rates in the first case, and pro rata rates in the other case. Agreement as to loss The amount of sound value and of damage to the property may be determined by mutual agreement between the com- pany and the assured; or failing to agree, the same shall then, at the written request of either party, be ascertained by an appraisal of each article of personal property, or by an estimate in detail of the building, by competent and impartial appraisers, one to be selected by each party, and the two so chosen shall first select an umpire to act with them in case of their disagree- ment; and, if the said appraisers fail to agree, they shall refer the differences to such umpire; and the award of any two, in writing, under oath, shall be binding and conclusive as to the amount of such loss or. damage, but shall not decide as to the validity of the contract or any other question except the amount of such loss or damage. Each party shall pay their own appraiser and one-half the umpire's fee. It shall be optional with this company to take the whole or any part of the articles at their appraised value, and also to repair, rebuild or replace the property lost or damaged with other of like kind and quality within a reasonable time, giving notice of their intention so to do within thirty days after completion of the proofs herein required. [Suggestions as to particular statement relative to property here omitted.] Any fraud or attempt at fraud, or any misrepresentation in any statement touching the loss, or any false swearing on the part of the assured or his agent, in any examination or in the proofs of loss or otherwise, shall cause a forfeiture of all claim on this company under this policy; and in such case, this company shall have the right at any time to require the same to be delivered up to be canceled. [What the Company is not liable for and other conditions are here omitted.] In Witness Whereof the Seward Insurance Company on its part, has caused these presents to be signed by its President or Vice-President, and attested by its Secretary, in the city of Hartford. But this policy shall not be valid unless countersigned by Hiram Hankins, agent of said Seward Insurance Company, at Albany, N. Y. SMITH C. WATKINS, Secretary. HENBY K. WILLIAMS, President. HIRAM HANKINS, Agent. 15 226 QUESTIONS AND FORMS RELATING TO LIFE INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. That our readers may understand the condition of insurance upon life, we present herewith the questions asked of an applicant, and the form of life insurance policy. Application for Assurance To the Home l.iiv Insurance Company, Brooklyn and New York. The applicant is expected and required to answer ail the following questions definitely and fully. Notice to applicants. It is desirable that the answer be written by the hand of the applicant ; if written by the agent, it will be at the request of and as the amanuensis of the applicant. 1. For whose benefit is the insurance to be effected? 2. Whose life to be insured? 3. Amount of assurance? 4. How do you wish to pay the premium? 5. When and where was the party to be insured born? 6. Is the party in good health, and free from any symptom of dis- ease? 7. Is the party whose life is to be insured married? 8. Has the party been vaccinated, or had the small -pox, or vario- loid? 9. Are the habits of the party uniformly and strictly sober and temperate? 10. Has the party ever been addicted to the excessive or intem- perate use of any alcoholic stimulants or opium? Does the party use, habitually, intoxicating drinks as a beverage? Does the party practice any bad or vicious habit that tends to the shortening of life? 11. What employments has the party been engaged in? Has the health of the party suffered thereby? Has the party been engaged or employed in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors? If so, in what way and when? 12. Is the party now deaf, dumb, blind, or crippled in any way. 13 Has the party ever had any of the following diseases, or any symptoms thereof? (Here follows a long list of well-known, ordi- nary maladies. ) If the party has had one or more of these diseases, please state particularly which. 14. Has the party had inflammatory rheumatism? If so, when and how often? 15. Has the party ever had disease of any vital organ? If so, what was it, and when? 16. Is the party subject to dyspepsia, diarrhoea, or vertigo? 17. Has the party ever had an habitual cough? Has he ever spit blood? 18. Has the party ever met with any severe personal injury? If so, what? 19. Has the party had, during the past ten years, any sickness or disease? If so, state the particulars of each and every such sickness or disease, and the name of each and every physician or physicians who prescribed or who were consulted? 20. Have the ancestors of the party generally reached old age? 21. Have the parents, uncles, aunts, brothers or sisters of the party been, or are any of them now afflicted with insanity, fits, cancer, dropsy, or chronic disease of brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, or liver? If so, state explicitly how many and who? 22. Are the parents of the party living? 23. Are the parents of the party dead? 24. How many brothers has the party had? How many sisters? How many are living, and their names? At what ages? What is the state of their health respectively? How many have died, and their names? At what age? Of what disease did they die? 25. Has the party employed or consulted any physician for self or family? Please answer this, Yes or no. If Yes, give name or names of each and every such physician, and residence. 26. Name and residence of an intimate friend to whom the party refers as competent and authorized to answer such questions as may be asked by the company relating to him or her. 27. What amount is now assured on the life of the party, and in what company or companies? 28. Has application ever been made to this or any other company for insurance on the life of the party, which was not granted? If so, what company, when, and for what reason? 29. Have you read the " Notice to Applicants'" at the head of this page, and have you duly considered your answers to all the foregoing questions? Do they definitely express what you intend to say, and are you aware that any untrue, evasive or fraudulent answer to the above queries, or any suppression or misstatement of facts in these answers in regard to the health, habits, or circumstances of the party, or of the family relations of the party, will vitiate the policy, and forfeit all payments thereon? [The party insured here affirms that he has truly answered the above, which affirmation is duly attested by a competent witness. ] The I. in- Insurance Policy. The foregoing questions being answered to the satisfaction of the company, a policy is issued to the party insured in the following form: No. 316,725. HOME Premium, $80.0O. -?=] T H E $< LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BROOKLYN AND NEW YORK, Agre, 49 Years. In consideration of the representations and agreements contained in the application therefor, and of the payment of two-thirds of the amount premium of Eighty Dollars, and the interest on one-third of the said annual premium (which third is a loan secured by this policy, to be liquidated as hereinafter stated), by Edward G. Martell, Does assure the life of Edward G. Martell, of Fleming, in the county of Cox, State of New Jersey, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars for the term of life, with participation in profits. And the said Home Life Insurance Com- pany does hereby promise and agree to and with the said Edward G. Martell to pay the sum assured (less the balance of the year's premium, if any, and any indebtedness to the company on account of this contract, or for any loan made on said policy) at its office in this city, to his wife, Mary Louise Martell, within sixty days after due notice and satisfactory proof of death, and interest, in accordance with the terms of this contract. Provided always, and it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of this policy, and the same is granted by this company, and accepted by the said Edward G. Martell upon these express conditions, that if the statements made by or for him, contained in the application bearing date the tenth day of January, 1881, upon the faith of which this policy is made (which statements he makes his own, and warrants to be full, correct and true), or any part thereof, shall be found untrue, incomplete or deceptive in any respect; or in case the said Edward G. Martell shall not actually pay the first premium as aforesaid, before the delivery of this policy, and while the said Edward G. Martell is in good health, or shall not pay, or cause to be paid to this company, at its office in the city of New York on or before the seventeenth day of January, at 12 o'clock, noon, in each and every year during the continuance of this policy, the said two-thirds of the annual premium of eighty dollars, to wit, the sum of fifty-three dollars and thirty- three cents, and annually in advance during the continuance of this policy, the interest on one-third of the annual premiums which may have loaned to the assured from year to year, or so much thereof as may remain unpaid; or in case the said Edward G. Martell shall not pay, or cause to be paid, any note or notes which may be given to and received by said company, in part pay- ment of any premium, on the day or days when the same shall become due ; Or In case the said Edward G. Martell shall, without the written consent of this company, previously obtained, engage as mariner, engineer, fireman, conductor, agent, messenger, laborer or servant in any capacity, in service on any sea, sound, inlet, river, lake or railroad, or in the manufacture of any explosive substance, or of any article of which any explosive substance or compound forms a component part, or in submarine operations or mining, or shall enter upon or engage in any aerial voyage, or in any military or naval service whatsoever (the militia not in actual service excepted) ; Or In case the said Edward G. Martell shall die in consequence of a duel, or of the violation of law, then, and in every such case, the said company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum assured, or any part thereof, and this policy shall cease, and be null, void and of no effect. [Provisions restricting the assured to moderation in living, avoiding hurtful business and non-payment of premiums, etc., are omitted.] In "Witness "Whereof, The Home Life Insurance Company has, by its president and secretary, signed and delivered this contract at the city of New York, in the State of New York, this seventeenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. , Secretary. , President. MARGINAL NOTE. Notice to the Holder of this Policy: No agent of this company is authorized or permitted to waive, alter or change any of the condi- tions of this policy, or agree to any terms not herein distinctly stated, nor to collect or receive any premiums which may become due and payable under it, without producing and delivering to the insured a receipt for said premium, signed by the president or secretary of this company. THE LAW BETWEEN LANDLORD AND TENANT. 227 LEASES. 4 PERSON leasing real estate to another is termed a landlord; the person occupying such real estate is known as a tenant. The person making the lease is known in law as the lessor; the person to whom the lease is made, as the lessee. No particular form of wording a lease is necessary. It is important, however, that the lease state, in a plain, straightforward manner, the terms and conditions of the agree- ment, so that there may be no misunderstanding between the landlord and tenant. It is essential that the lease state all the con- ditions, as additional verbal promises avail nothing in law. It is held, generally, that a written instrument contains the details, and states the bargain entire, as the contracting par- ties intended. The tenant can sub-let a part, or all, of his premises, unless prohibited by the terms of his lease. A lease by a married woman, even if it be upon her own property, at common law, is not valid; but, by recent statutes, she, in many States, may lease her own property and have full control of the same; neither can the husband effect a lease that will bind her after his death. His control over her property continues only so long as he lives. Neither a guardian nor a minor can give a lease, extending beyond the ward's majority, which can be enforced by the lessee; yet the latter is bound unless the lease is annulled. If no time is specified in a lease, it is generally held that the lessee can retain possession of the real estate for one year. A tenancy at . will, however, may be terminated in the eastern States by giving three months' notice in writing; in the middle and southern States, six months; and in the western States, one month; though recent statutes, in some States, have somewhat modified the above. The lease that specifies a term of years without giving the definite number is without effect at the expiration of two years. A lease for three or more years, being acknowledged and recorded in the recorder's office, is an effectual bar to the secret or fraudulent conveyance of such leased property; and it further obviates the necessity of procuring witnesses to authenticate the validity of the lease. Duplicate copies of a lease should always be made, and each party should retain a copy of the same. A new lease to the same person invalidates an old one. A lease on property that is mortgaged ceases to exist when the person holding such mortgage forecloses the same if it is prior to the lease. A landlord, consenting to take a substitute, releases the first tenant. Where there is nothing but a verbal agreement the tenancy is understood to commence at time of taking possession. When there is no time specified in the lease, tenancy is regarded as commencing at the time of delivering the writ- ings. If it is understood that the tenant is to pay the taxes on the property he occupies, such fact must be distinctly stated in the lease, as a verbal promise is of no effect. Short Form of Lease for a House. THIS INSTRUMENT, made the first day of May, 1872, witnesseth that Theodore Shonts, Ashville, County of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, hath rented from Tilgham Schnee, of Ashville, aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 46 Broadway, situated in said town of Ash- rille, for four years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred and Forty Dollars, payable monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Tilgham Schnee. At the expiration of said above-mentioned term, the said Shonts agrees to give the said Schnee peaceable possession of the said dwell- ing, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and deliv- ~| ered in presence of THEODORE SHONTS,-(sEAL)- JOHN EDMINSTER, f TILGHAM SCHNEE.-(sEAL)- Notary Public. J 228 FORMS OF LEASES AND NOTIFICATIONS. Lease of Dwelling-House for a Term of Years, with a Covenant not to Sub-let. THIS INDENTURE, made this first day of May, 1873, between Hiram Wilcox, of Oxford, county of Benton, and State of Alabama, party of the first part, and Barton D. Maynard, of the same town, county and State, party of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, in consideration of the covenants of the said party of the second part, hereinafter set forth, does by these presents lease to the said party of the second part the following- described property, to wit: The dwelling-house and certain parcel of land, situated on the south side of Main street, between Spring and Elm streets, known as No. 82 Main street. To have and to hold the same to the said party of the second part, from the first day of May, 1873, to the thirtieth day of April, 1875. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the leasing the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with the party of the first part to pay the said party of the first part, as rent for the same, the sum of One Hundred and Eighty Dollars per annum, pay- able quarterly in advance, at the residence of said party of the first part, or at his place of business. The said party of the second part further covenants with the party of the first part, that at the expiration of the time mentioned in this lease, peaceable possession of the said premises shall be given to said party of the first part, in as good condition as they now are, the usual wear, inevitable accidents, and loss by fire, excepted ; and that upon the non-payment of the whole or any portion of the said rent at the time when the same is above promised to be paid, the said party of the first part may, at his election, either distrain for said rent due, or declare this lease at an end, and recover possession as if the same were held by forcible detainer; the said party of the second part hereby waiving any notice of such election, or any demand for the possession of said premises. And it is further covenanted and agreed, between the parties aforesaid, that said Barton D. Maynard shall use the above-mentioned dwelling for residence purposes only, and shall not sub-let aiiy por- tion of the same to others, without permission from said Hiram Wilcox. The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors and administrators of the parties to this lease. Witness the hands and seals of the parties aforesaid. HIRAM WILCOX,-(8EAi,)- BARTON D. MAYNARD. -(SEAL)- Lease of Farm and Buildings Thereon. THIS INDENTURE, made this first day of March, 1873, between Moses Waite, of the town of Dojieston, State of Pennsylvania, of the first part, and Abijah Hazelton, of the same place, of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said Moses Waite, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said Abijah Hazelton, his executors, administrators and assigns, to be paid, kept and performed ; hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise and let, unto the said Abijah Hazelton, his executors, administrators and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Doyles- ton aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: [Here describe the land. ] Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Hazelton, his executors, administrators and assigns, for the term of five years from the first day of April next following, at a yearly rent of Eight Hundred Dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as long as said buildings are in good tenantable condition. And the said Hazelton, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences (the said Moses Waite, his heirs, assigns and administrators, to furnish all timber, brick, tile and other materials necessary for such repairs. ) Said Hazelton further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer- like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husband-like manner, according to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each spring of land now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if. the said Hazelton shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above-mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said Moses Waite may declare this lease terminated, by giving three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of April of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods or chattels, or other property in possession of said Hazelton, for sufficient to compensate for the non- performance of the above-written covenants, the same to be determined, and amounts so to be paid to be deter- mined by three arbitrators, chosen as follows : Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one, and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be final. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed and deliv- j ered in presence of > MOSES WAITE,~( SEAL )- HAHRY CRAWLEY. ) ABIJAH HAZELTON. -(SEAL)- Landlord's Agreement. THIS CERTIFIES that I have let and rented, this first day of May, 1872, unto Dennis Holden, my house and lot, No. 18, North Front street, in the city of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, and its appurtenances; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Twelve Hundred Dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; rent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. JONAS WHEELOCK. Tenant's Agreement. THIS CERTIFIES that I have hired and taken from Jonas Wheelock, his house and lot, No. 18 North Front street, in the city of Philadel- phia, State of Pennsylvania, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Twelve Hundred Dollars, to be paid monthly in advance; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and yield said premises one year from this first day of May, 1872, in as good condition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. DENNIS HOLDEN. Notice to Quit. To CHANDLER PECK, Sir: Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No. 14 Elm street, and now occupied by your- self, were rented to you, expired on the first day of May, 1873, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfully Yours, NEWTON, MASS. , May 4, 1873. DENSLOW MOORE. Tenant's Notice of Leaving. Dear Sir: The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 14 Elm street, I shall vacate on the first day of May, 1873. You wil! please take notice accordingly. Dated this first day of February, 1873. To DENSLOW MOORE, Esq. CHANDLER PECK. THE USES AND FORMS OF LETTERS OF CREDIT. 229 ERS OF CREDIT j||ETTERS OF CREDIT are written papers VLJi authorizing credit to the amount named to ^^ the persons bearing them. Such a letter is usually given by a banker, merchant, or other responsible man, to a distant banker or wealthy friend. The person bearing it may leave an equivalent with the party giving it, as a deposit of money, bonds, mortgages or stocks; or no security may be required, as in the case of a son or other near relative, or of a very intimate friend. It must have the written signa- ture of the person sending it, and be guarded in other ways, as are drafts, checks, etc. A copy of the letter, with a description of the person named, is also sent to the correspondent addressed, by mail, in order to make the recog- nition of the person to be credited the more certain. The person presenting the letter of credit, having been fully identified by the party to whom it is sent, must comply freely with any conditions stated in the letter before receiving the money. If the money to be received on the letter of credit is to be used in paying a debt owing by Form of Letter of Credit. 14 Soho Square, Beaver Street, LONDON, ENG. , Dec. 4, 1882. Messrs. DKEXEL, MORGAN & Co., New York City, U. S. A. Dear Sirs: I take pleasure in introducing to you Mr. George W. Hop- kins, of Belgrave Terrace, Newton street, London, C. W. , who visits the United States for the purpose of investing in manufacturing property in the city or vicinity of Philadelphia, Pa., and desires to open a credit with you of Ten Thousand Dollars during each of the months of May, June and July, of 1883. I hereby authorize you to honor his drafts to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the above-named sum, and charge the same to me. The signature of Mr. Hopkins accompanies this. Yours Very Respectfully, MOSES BRANDENBERG. Signature of GEORGE W. HOPKINS. t Mr. Brandenberg's Letter Sent by Mail. 14 Soho Square, Beaver Street, LONDON, ENG. , Dec. 4, 1882. Messrs. DREXEL, MORGAN & Co. , New York City, U. S. A. Gentlemen: We have to-day granted a letter of credit on your house (as per enclosed duplicate) to Mr. George W. Hopkins, for Thirty Thousand Dollars. the bearer of it to another party, the fact should be stated in the letter. Should the letter not be accepted by the person to whom it is directed, the bearer of it should at once notify the writer of it, and state the osten- sible reason for not honoring it. A gentleman of means may obtain from an- other, in similar circumstances, a letter to a business house where the latter is well known and the former is not, reciting the financial ability of the applicant for credit, and guaranteeing the payment of any indebtedness incurred by him within a certain limit. The person of the strange gentleman must be so described in the letter that the business firm to whom it is addressed may readily recognize him as the per- son entitled to present it. Or, if one gentleman has already incurred a debt, the letter of credit may guarantee the pay- ment of the amount due within a specified time. The gentleman who signs either letter is holden for the amount involved, provided the business house accepts the guarantee as soon as it is received. Mr. Hopkins is fifty-one years of age, six feet and one inch tall; has a dark complexion, with dark hair and eyes, and is slightly lame in his right foot. Respectfully Yours, MOSES BRANDENBERG. A Guarantee Letter of Credit. NEW ORLEANS, LA., May 3, 1882. Mr. ROBERT FLEMING, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: Mr. Asahel T. Cox, the bearer of this letter, is an extensive dealer in hardware, stoves and tinners' stock, at Baton Rouge, La. , who is now about visiting your city for the first time, with a view of purchasing large additions to his stock of merchan- dise. We have reason to know the condition of his financial ability, his character for fair dealing and his promptness in meeting his lia- bilities. We, therefore, do not hesitate to guarantee the payment of any indebtedness that he may contract with your house not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars, on not less time than sixty days. Very Respectfully Yours, GEORGE PROBITY & CO., 104 Breadalbane Street. 230 SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO AND LICENSE FORMS. The Letter Sent by Mail. 104 Breadalbane street, NEW ORLEANS, LA., May 3, 1882. Mr. ROBERT FLEMING, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: We have to-day given a guarantee letter of credit upon you for Ten Thousand Dollars in merchandise, to be paid within sixty days after your receipt of this. The bearer of our letter of credit is Mr. Asahel T. Cox, an acquaintance of long standing and a prosperous hardware merchant at Baton Rouge, La. Mr. Cox is twenty-nine years old, five feet four inches tall, with blue eyes, light hair, side whiskers of a darker shade, and has a hair- mole on his left cheek. -We commend him to your kind considera- tion. Yours Very Respectfully, GEORGE PROBITY & CO. LICENSE. a 6^>* ^P ^ LICENSE is a paper permitting a proper person, or persons, to sell certain merchan- dise, or transact other lawful and specific business with the public, within certain prescribed districts, on payment of a special tax or premium for such privilege. Licenses may be issued, respectively, by national, State, county, or municipal governments, or by others in authority. Licenses cover an indefinite number of objects, trades and professions, and are regulated by statutes and ordinances, providing restrictions and inflicting penalties for misrepresentations and other fraudulent practices. Form of Peddler's License. By authority of the city of Buffalo, permission is hereby given to John Ryan to peddle green fruit, numbered 872, from the date hereof until the first day of May next, in said city, subject to the ordinances of said city in such cases made and provided, and to revocation by the Mayor at any time, at his discretion. - ROBERT KENDALL. \ AMOS W. BARBER. NATURALIZATION. fOKEIGNERS, before they become citizens of the United States, as set forth in the following forms and explanations, are called aliens, and owe no allegiance to the State in which they reside. Aliens do not possess the right to vote for the election of any officer of the government, town, municipal, county, State or national; nor can they hold public offices until they are naturalized or have declared their intentions to become citizens. Their personal and property rights while aliens are, however, respected and protected by all branches of our government. Comparing individuals with governments, the alien seems to bear about the same relation to citizenship that the Territories of the United States do to the Union protected, but with cer- tain privileges withheld. The laws by which an alien is transformed into a citizen, and is endowed with all a citizen's rights and privileges, are established by the gen- eral government. The United States laws require the applicant for naturalization to be an individual who has lived within its territory for five years imme- diately before and up to the time of his application. He must also have resided during one year of the five in the State or Territory in which he makes his application. Two years before he can legally be naturalized, he must go before a federal court, or some local court of record, or the clerk of either of such courts, and make an affidavit that he proposes to become a full citizen of the United States at the proper time, and to renounce his allegiance to all other governments, princes or potentates, and, particularly, the sovereignty of the country from which he emigrated. In most States this declaration entitles him to vote. If an alien has served in the army or navy of the United States, and has been honorably dis- charged from such service, he may be naturalized after one year's residence in any State or Terri- tory. Such residence must, however, be definitely proven before the court. The first step in the process of legal naturaliza- tion, the applicant having duly shown that he is entitled to become a citizen, is to file in court a declaration of his intentions as follows: FORMS BY WHICH AN ALIEN BECOMES A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. Form of Declaring Intention to Become a Citizen. I, Gustave Baum, do declare on oath (or do affirm), that it is really my intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to all and any foreign prince, potentate, State and sovereignty whatever, and particularly to William, Emperor of the German confederation. GUSTAVE BAUM. Sworn (or affirmed) in open court, at Loredo, Webb county, State of Texas, this sixteenth day of January, A. D. 1881. SIMON R. PETERSON, Clerk. The Clerk's Certificate. The following is annexed, to the declaration of intentions: STATE OF TEXAS, ) County of Webb, j I, Simon R. Peterson, clerk of the circuit court of said county, do certify that the above is a true copy of the original declaration of intention of Gustave Baum to become a citizen of the United States, remaining on record in my office. ooo ooooff In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed <> my name and affixed the seal of said court, the CLERK OP ' ' sixteenth day of January, one thousand eight hun- CIRCUIT '' dred and eighty -one. COURT, i! SIMON R. PETERSON, Clsrk. Two years after filing bis declaration of intention to become a citizen, the alien, having been a resident of the United States for five years, goes into the court again, bearing the written proof that he has been sufficiently long in the United States to become a citizen, and there makes oath of his allegiance as a citizen in the following forms: Proof of an Alien's Residence and Moral Character. CIRCUIT COURT, ) COUNTY or WEBB, >. STATE OP TEXAS, ) Robert Morris, of Loredo, being duly sworn (or affirmed)says that he is a citizen of the United States, and is, and has been during the last past five years, well acquainted with Gustave Baum, now present; that said Gustave Baum has resided within the United States for at least five years last past, and for one year last past within the State of Texas ; and that dnring that time the said Gustave Baum has behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. ROBERT MORRIS. Sworn (or affirmed) in open court the twenty-fifth day of January, A. D. 1883. SIMON R. PETERSON, Clerk. The Applicant's Oath of Allegiance Accompanying the Fore- going Proof. CIRCUIT COURT, ) County of Webb, >. STATE OP TEXAS, ) I, Gustave Banm, do swear (or affirm) that the contents of my petition are true; that I will support the consti- tution of the United States; and I now renounce and relinquish any title or order of nobility to which I am now or may hereafter be entitled; and I do absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, State, or sovereignty whatever, and particularly to William, Emperor of the German confederation, of whom before I was a subject. GUSTAVE BAUM. Sworn (or affirmed) in open court, this twenty-fifth day of Jan- nary, A. D. 1883. SIMON R. PETERSON, Clerk. SEAL OF THE COURT. The applicant for citizenship having now complied with all the requirements of the naturalization law, by properly declaring his intentions, and proving his eligibility to become a citizen, and having taken the oath of allegiance to the United States government and renounced the claims of any other government upon him to the satisfaction of the court, is now entitled to receive the final certifi- cate that he is a citizen of the United States. The form of the cer- tificate is as follows: Certificate of Citizenship After Having Been Fully Naturalized. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, } STATE OF TEXAS, Vss. County of Webb, ) Be it remembered that on the twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, Gustave Baum, formerly of Berlin, in the empire of Germany, now of Loredo, Webb county, in the State of Texas, appeared in the circuit court (the said court being a court of record, having common-law jurisdiction, and a clerk and seal), and applied to the said court to be admitted to become a -citizen of the United States of America, pursuant to the provisions of the several acts of Congress of the United States of America, for that purpose made and provided. And the said applicant having pro- duced to the court such evidence, made such declaration and renunciation, and taken such oaths as are by the said acts required, it was ordered by the said court that the said applicant be admitted, and he was accordingly admitted by said court, to be a citizen of the United States of America. ^. In testimony whereof the seal of the said court is hereunto affixed this twenty- fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty- three, and in the year of our independence one hundred and seven. By the Court, SIMON R.' PETERSON, Clerk. If any alien die after declaring his intention to become a full citizen, and before he can legally do so, his widow and children are entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizens upon taking the oath of allegiance to this government. Minor Aliens. Alien parents coming x to this country bring male children under eighteen years of age. These boys, residing here continuously for five or more years, become of age. Then they are eligible to naturalization, and are not required to make the formal declaration of intention two years before applying for citizenship, as in other cases. But when they appear before the proper court to apply for citizenship they must make the declaration, and swear (or affirm) that for the three years immediately preceding their application such has been their intention, and in all other respects must comply with the naturalization laws. Proof of a Minor Alien's Residence and Good Character. CIRCUIT COURT, } County of Oswego, > ss. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) Thomas G. Magill, of Oswego, 1 N. Y. , being duly sworn (or affirmed), says that he is a citizen of the United States, and is, and has been during the last past five years, well acquainted with Saunders McCarty, now present; that said Saunders McCarty has resided within the United States for at least five years last past, and for one year last past within the State of New York; that during that time the said Saunders McCarty has behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the constitution of the United States; that said Saunders McCarty 16 SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO PARTNERSHIP. became of the age of twenty-one years on the tenth day of December, A D. 1882; and that he resided within the United States at least three years next previous to his becoming twenty-one years of age. THOMAS G. MAGILL. Sworn (or affirmed) in open court this first day of April, A. D. 1883. ALISON M. BARBER, Clerk. Oath of Recently Minor Alien for Naturalization. CIRCUIT COURT, County of Oswego, STATE OP NEW YORK, ) I, Saunders McCarty, do swear (or affirm) that the contents of my petition are true; that I will support the constitution of the United States; and I now renounce and relinquish any title or order of nobility to which I am now or may hereafter be entitled; and I do absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, State, or sovereignty whatever, and particularly to Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, of whom before I was a subject (or citizen) : And I do also swear (or affirm) that it is really my inten- tion, and has been for the last three years, to become a citizen of the United States. SAUNDERS MCCARTY. Sworn (or affirmed) in open court this first day of April, A. D. 1883. ALISON M. BARBER, Clerk. agreement between two or more persons to invest their labor, time and means together, sharing in the loss or profit that may arise from such investment, is termed a partnership. This partnership may consist in the contribu- tion of skill, extra labor, or acknowledged reputa- tion upon the part of one partner, while the other, or others, contribute money, each sharing equally, or in fixed proportion, in the profits. Or an equal amount of time, labor and money may be invested by the partners and the profits equally divided; the test of partnership being the joint participation in profit and joint liability to loss. A partnership formed without limitation is termed a general partnership. An agreement entered into for the performance of only a par- ticular work, is termed a special partnership; while the partner putting in a limited amount of capital, upon which he receives a correspond- ing amount of profit, and is held correspondingly responsible for the contracts of the firm, is termed a special partner. The conditions of such a part- nership, are regulated by law in different States. Negotiable paper of the firm, even though given on private account by one of the partners, will hold all the partners of the firm when it passes into the hands of holders who were ignorant of the facts attending its creation. Partnership effects may be bought and sold by a partner; he may make contracts; may receive money; endorse, draw and accept bills and notes; and while this may be for his own private account, if it apparently be for the use of the firm, his partners will be bound by his action, provided the parties dealing with him were ignorant of the transaction being on his private account; and thus representation or misrepresentation of a partner having relation to business of the firm, will bind the members in the partnership. An individual lending his name to a firm, as partner or allowing the same to be used after he has withdrawn from the same, is still responsible to third persons as a partner. A partnership is presumed to commence at the time articles of copartnership are drawn, if no stipulation is made to the contrary, and the same can be discontinued at any time, unless a specified period of partnership is designated in the agree- ment; and even then he may withdraw by giving previous notice of such withdrawal from the same, being liable, however, in damages, if such are caused by his withdrawal. Should it be desired that the executors and representatives of the partner continue the busi- ness in the event of his death, it should be so specified in the articles, otherwise the partnership ceases at death. Should adminstrators and exec- utors continue the business under such circum- stances, they are personally responsible for the debts contracted by the firm. If it is desired that a majority of the partners in a firm have the privilege of closing the affairs of the company, or in any way regulating the same, such fact should be designated in the agree- ment; otherwise such right will not be presumed. Partners may mutually agree to dissolve a partnership, or a dissolution may be effected by FORM OF PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT AND NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. 243 a decree of a court of equity. Dissolute conduct, dishonesty, habits calculated to imperil the busi- ness of a firm, incapacity, or the necessity of partnership no longer continuing, shall be deemed sufficient causes to invoke the law in securing a dissolution of partnership, in case the same cannot be effected by mutual agreement. After dissolution of certain kinds of partnership, Form of Partnership Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT male this tenth day of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, between Charles R. Field, of Salem, Washington county, New York, of the one part, and David G. Hobart, of the same place, of the other part, witnesseth: The said parties agree to associate themselves as copartners, for a, period of five years from this date, in the business of buying and selling hardware and such other goods and commodities as belong in that line of trade; the name and style of the firm to be "Field & Hobart." For the purpose of conducting the business of the above-named partnership, Charles R. Field has, at the date of this writing, invested Five Thousand Dollars as capital stock, and the said David G. Hobart has paid in the like sum of Five Thousand Dollars, both of which amounts are to be expended and used in common, for the mutual advantage of the parties hereto, in the management of their business. It is hereby also agreed by both parties hereto, that they will not, while associated as copartners, follow any avocation or trade to their own private advantage; but will, throughout the entire period of copartnership, put forth their utmost and best efforts for their mutual advantage and the increase of the capital stock. That the details of the business may be thoroughly understood by each, it is agreed that during the aforesaid period accurate and full book-accounts shall be kept, wherein each partner shall record, or cause to be entered and recorded, full mention of all moneys received and expended, as well as every article purchased and sold belonging to, or in any wise appertaining to such partnership; the gains, profits, expenditures and losses being equally divided between them. It is further agreed, that once every year or oftener, should either party desire, a full, just and accurate exhibit shall be made to each other, or to their executors, administrators, or representatives, of the losses, receipts, profits and increase made by reason of, or arising from such copartnership. And after such exhibit is made, the surplus profit, if such there be resulting from the business, shall be divided between the subscribing partners, share and share alike. Either party hereto shall be allowed to draw a sum, the first year, not exceeding Six Hundred Dollars per annum, from the capital stock of the firm, in monthly installments of Fifty Dollars each ; which amount may be increased by subsequent agreement. And further, should either partner desire, or should death of either of the parties, or other reasons, make it necessary, they, the said copartners, will each to the other, or, in case of either, the surviving party to the executors or administrators of the party deceased, make notice of the same should be given in the most public newspapers, and a notice likewise should be sent to every person having special dealings with the firm. These precautions not being taken, each partner continues liable for the acts of the others to those persons pecuniarily interested who have no knowledge of the dissolution and have had previous dealings with the firm. a full, accurate and final account of the condition of the partnership as aforesaid, and will, fairly and accurately, adjust the same. And also, upon taking an inventory of said capital stock, with increase and profit thereon, which shall appear or is found to be remaining, all such remainder shall be equally apportioned and divided between them, the said copartners, their executors or administrators, share and share alike. It is also agreed that in case of a misunderstanding arising with the partners hereto, which cannot be settled between themselves, such difference of opinion shall be settled by arbitration, upon the following conditions, to wit: Each party to choose one arbitrator, which two thus elected shall choose a third; the three thus chosen to determine the merits of the case, and arrange the basis of a settle- ment. In witness whereof the undersigned hereto set their hands the day and year first above written. CHARLES R. FIELD, Signed in presence of DAVID G. HOBART. ABEL SMITH, MYRON BROWN. Dissolution of a Firm. A silent partner withdrawing from the firm, a majority of the creditors not knowing of his interest in the business, a public announcement of his retirement is not deemed necessary. But if his name has been prominently associated in the partnership, a notice of the dissolution is published in some newspaper within the county where the business was transacted, in the following form: Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing under the name of Beecher, Moulton & Tilton, wherein John L. Beecher and Richard T. Moul- ton, both of the city of Huntsville, In the county of Butler and State of Kentucky, were general partners, and Frederick W. Tilton, of the city of St. Louis, in the county of St. Louis and State of Missouri, was a special partner, is this, the twenty-seventh day of January, A. D. 1883, dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN L. BEECHER, RICHARD T. MOULTON, FREDERICK W. TILTON. The business will be continued at Huntsville, Ky. , by John L. Beecher, who alone is authorized to settle the affairs of the said firm. HUNTSVILLE, Ky. , January 27, 1883. 244 THE FORM OF PASSPORT REQUIRED BY UNITED STATES CITIZENS ABROAD. are written permits, furnished for $5.00 each, to citizens of this country to travel unmolested in European or other dominions, virtually commending them to the protection of the foreign governments which they may visit. The Secretary of State of the United States at Washington, is alone authorized to grant and issue passports; but the ministers and other diplomatic representatives of our govern- ment abroad may also grant, issue and verify passports. None but citizens of the United States can receive passports, and they are only issued under such rules as the President of the United States prescribes. The unlawful granting or verifying of a passport by any officer of the United States subjects him to punishment by fine or imprisonment. Collectors of customs may also issue passports to United States vessels visiting foreign ports, and the master of the vessel is punished if he sails from an American port to a foreign country without one. The name, age and residence of the individual applying for a passport, with a description of his person and appearance, are entered in it, for the purpose of properly identifying' him. Though passports possess less importance now than formerly, it is well for the traveler abroad to always procure one before commencing a foreign journey. Passports are engraved and printed, in large letters and open lines, on parchment. The fol- lowing is the form: Form of Passport for Citizen of the United States when Traveling Abroad. # ->-s-$- No. 12567. \^ tf "k ". ' *V\ A NITED ATATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF ^TATE. .M A/ SJ> A* To all to whom thes# pr^s^nts shall come, Age, 36 years. Stature, 5 feet 6 Inches high. Forehead, high. Eyes, hazel. Nose, prominent. Mouth, small. Chin, medium. Hair, brown. Complexion, fair. Face, long. Signature by the bearer, ,^^3*** I-H OUTLINE OF THE LAW RELATING TO PATENTS. 245 are granted in the United States, giving the exclusive right to the inventor, his heirs and assigns, to make, use and sell the invention or discovery throughout the United States and the Territories thereof for a term of seventeen years. Before any inventor or discoverer can receive a patent he must make a written application for it, addressed to the commissioner of patents, and tile in the patent-office a written description of his invention or discovery, giving details of its various parts, the materials used, how constructed or compounded, the manner of operating it, and the results proposed to be accomplished by its use; all expressed in such full, clear, concise and exact language that any person, familiar with the art or science which the invention is designed to benefit or illustrate, may be enabled to make, construct, compound and use it. If it is a machine, the principle on which it performs its work must be explained, as well as the best methods of applying it to the objects of the invention. This is required to distinguish it from other machines. Every part, improvement or combination of the invention which the appli- cant claims as original with himself, must be particularly pointed out. The specifications must be signed by the inventor and be attested by two witnesses. When the character of the application requires drawings of machinery, or parts thereof, the Application for a Patent. To the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. : The petition of Joel Rice, of Florence, in the county of Erie, and State of Ohio, respectfully represents: That your petitioner has invented a new and improved mode of creating steam-power for the operation of machinery, propulsion of vehicles on common roads, and of all kinds of crafts upon navigable waters, which he verily believes has not been known or used prior to the invention thereof by your petitioner. He therefore prays that letters-patent of the United States may be granted to him therefor, vesting in him and his legal representatives the exclusive right to the same, upon the terms and conditions expressed in the acts of Congress in that case made and provided; he having paid Fifteen applicant must furnish one copy of each drawing, signed by the inventor or his attorney in fact, with two witnesses. This copy is filed in the patent- office, and the government officials attach another copy to the patent as a part of the specifications. If the article to be patented is compounded of several ingredients, specimens of the materials used in making it, and of the whole composition, must be forwarded with the application, in such quantities that experiments can be made accord- ing to the specifications by the official examiners. Where a machine for which a patent is asked can be illustrated by a working model thereof, the commissioner may require the applicant to furnish such model, in order to show how all parts of the invention are to be operated. The model must not exceed one square foot in size. An applicant for a patent-right must swear (or affirm) that he is, or believes himself to be the first, or original, inventor or discoverer of the art, machine, manufacture, composition or improvement which he desires to patent; that he does not know, and does not believe, that the same was ever before known or used; and must tell of what country he is a citizen. This affida- vit may be made before any person authorized to administer oaths in the United States; or, if the applicant is a resident of a foreign government, he may take this oath before an American min- ister, consul or a notary public of the foreign country where he resides. Dollarsinto the treasury, and complied with the other provisions of the said acts. " JOEL RICE. Form of Specifications for a New Method of Creating Steam- Power. BE IT KNOWN, that I, Joel Rice, of Florence, in the county of Erie, and State of Ohio, have invented a new and useful machine for the purpose of creating steam-power for the operating of machinery, the propulsion of vehicles on common roads, and of all kinds of crafts upon navigable waters; and I do hereby declare that the fol- lowing is a full, clear and exact description of the construction and operation of the same ; reference being had to the annexed drawings, FORM OF PETITION WHEN APPLYING FOR CAVEAT OR PATENT. making a part of this specification, in which figure one is a general view, in perspective, of the complete machine attached to an ordinary steam-engine; figure two is an ordinary fire -arch, surmounted by a semi-globular iron kettle, with a flat, iron top, closely fitted to the entire upper rim of the kettle, and fastened tightly down thereto by four separate hasps attached to said cover, staples and keys, all of iron, as shown in the working model accompanying this application; figure three is an iron pipe (a) three-fourths of an inch in diameter, the upper end of which passes diagonally into the lower part of the right side of the kettle, and the other end is attached to a tank of water (6) placed upon a standard (c) above the top of the kettle and one side thereof, so that by a hydraulic pressure, regulated by an automatic valve (d) within said pipe, and a small syphon () extend- ing from the tank to said pipe outside of said kettle, a supply of water equal to half a gill is ejected into the kettle through the pipe every thirty seconds ; figure four is a pipe (/) of similar size and construction, passing directly from the inside of the kettle, out- wardly, to the steam- chest of the engine, for the purpose of convey- ing steam from the kettle to the engine as a motive power for the propulsion of said engine. What I claim as my invention and dis- covery, and desire to secure by letters-patent, is the production of superheated steam by the injection of half a gill of cold water, every thirty seconds, into the red-hot kettle, and the passage of the super- heated steam directly to the engine to supply it with power, to per- form any work that any steam-engine may perform, increasing the ordinary force of common steam from two to fifteen-horse power by my invention, and the use of superheated steam created by the process above described. I also claim the right to patent, as my discovery and method of application, the use of superheated steam as a motor in the propulsion of all machinery to which it can be applied by ordinary steam-engines. PETER M. RICE, WILLIAM T. PETBIE, \ Witnesses. JOEL RICE. The Inventor's Oath Accompanying his Application. STATE OP OHIO, j County of Erie, f On this tenth day of July, 1882, before me, the subscriber, a notary public, appeared the within-named Joel Rice, and made solemn oath (or affirmation) that he verily believes himself to be the original and first inventor of the mode herein described for creating and applying superheated steam as a propelling power to ordinary steam-engines, and the propulsion of all kinds of machinery; and that he does not know or believe the same was ever before known or used ; and that he is a citizen of the United States. EBEN TATTERSALL, Notary Public. Petition for a Patent with Power of Attorney. To the Commissioner of Patents : Your petitioner, a resident of the city of Raleigh, in the State of North Carolina, requests that letters -patent may be granted to him for the invention set forth in the annexed specification; and he hereby appoints Charles S. Dixon, of the city of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, his attorney, with full power of substitution and revocation, to prosecute this application, to make alterations and amendments therein, to receive the patent and to transact all busi- ness in the patent-office connected therewith. Signed at Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, this seven- teenth day of October, 1882. ELLIOTT WELLS. Petition for a Patent for a Design. To the Commissioner of Patents : Your petitioner, residing in Noel county, South Carolina, requests that letters-patent may be granted to him for the term of seven years for tne new and original design set form in rne annexed specifica- tion. GEORGE S. 8TEELE. Here follow the specifications of the design (for emblems of civic or military societies, carpets, home ornaments, etc. ), carefully described in detail, and ending: "What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters-patent, is the design or pattern for (nam- ing the article) herein set forth. " Petition for the Registration of a Trade-Mark. To the Commissioner of Patents : Your petitioners respectfully represent that the firm of Lancaster, Berkshire & Kent is engaged in the packing of pork, for European markets, at the city of St. Louis, in the county of St. Louis, and the State of Missouri, and at the city of Cincinnati, in the county of Hamilton, and State of Ohio, and that the said firm is entitled to the exclusive use, upon the packages of the goods that they sell, of the trade-mark described in the annexed statement or specification, as shown more clearly in the accompanying specimen of said trade- mark. They therefore request that they may be permitted to obtain protection for such trade-mark under the law in such cases made and provided. LANCASTER, BERKSHIRE & KENT, By J. B. LANCASTER. Transfer of a Trade-Mark. We, J. B. Lancaster, Robert Berkshire and L. W. Kent, of the city and county of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, and the city of Cincinnati, county of Hamilton, and State of Onio, partners, under the firm-name of Lancaster, Berkshire & Kent, in consideration of Six Hundred Dollars to us paid by Roswell Jones, of the city and county of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, do hereby sell, assign and transfer to the said Roswell Jones and his assigns the exclusive right to use, in the business of packing pork for exportation, a certain trade-mark for packages of pork, deposited by us in the United States patent-office, and recorded therein January 15, 1883; the same to be held, enjoyed and used by the said Roswell Jones as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by us if this grant had not been made. Witness our hands this fifteenth day of January, 1883. J. B. LANCASTER, ROBERT BERKSHIRE, L. W. KENT. Petition for a Caveat. To the Commissioner of Patents: The petition of Michael Harris, of the town of Ralston, county of Vesper, and State of Virginia, respectfully represents: That he has made certain improvements in the sawing of lumber with upright and circular saws, and that he is now engaged in testing the same, preparatory to applying for letters-patent therefor. He therefore requests that the subjoined description of his invention may be filed as a caveat in the confidential archives of the patent- office. MICHAEL HARRIS. [Here follows the specification, in which the invention is clearly and fully explained. ] License to Use a Patent by Paying a Royalty Thereon. THIS AGREEMENT, made this sixteenth day of January, A. D. 1881, between John L. Palmer, of Knoxville, in the county of Knox, and State of Tennessee, party of the first part, and Jerome I. Case, of the city of Racine, in the county of Racine, and State of Wisconsin, party of the second part : WITNESSETH, That whereas letters-patent of the United States for an improvement in the grain -separators of thrashing-machines were granted to the said party of the first part, November 6, A. D. 1879; and whereas the party of the second part is desirous of making thrashing-machines containing said patented improvement: Now, therefore, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: FORMS ANT) IMPORTANT FACTS FOR THOSE WHO WANT PATENTS. 1. The party of the first part hereby licenses and empowers the party of the second part to manufacture, subject to the conditions hereinafter named, at his factory in Racine, in the State of Wiscon- sin, and in no other place or places, to the end of the term for which said letters-patent were granted, grain- separators for thrashing- machines containing said patented improvements, and to sell the same within the United States. 2. The party of the second part agrees to make full and true returns to the party of the first part, under oath, upon the first days, respectively, of January and July in each year, of all grain-separators containing said patented improvements manufactured by him. 3. The party of the second part agrees to pay to the party of the first part Five Dollars, as a license-fee, upon every grain- separator manufactured by said party of the second part containing said pat- ented improvements; provided, that if the said fee be paid upon the days specified herein for semi-annual returns, or within ten days thereafter, a discount of twenty per cent, shall be made from said fee for prompt payment. 4. Upon a failure of the party of the second part to make returns, or to make payment of license-fees, as herein provided, for thirty days after the days herein named, the party of the first part may terminate this license by serving a written notice upon the party of the second part; but the party of the second part shall not thereby be discharged from any liability to the party of the first part for any license-fee due at the time of the service of the said notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties above named have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. In presence of THOMAS LAY. JOHN L. PALMER, JEROME I. CASE. License Granted to Use a Patent in a Mechanic's Shop. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That in consideration of the payment to me of the sum of Sixty Dollars, by John Scott, of the village of Trenton, in the county of Yell, and State of Arkansas, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, I do hereby license and em- power the said John Scott to manufacture, at one blacksmith shop in the village of Trenton aforesaid, my improved rotary horseshoe, for which letters-patent of the United States, No. 31,265, were granted to me December 6, 1881, and to use and sell the said rotary horse- shoes, in his business of blacksmithing, for two years from and after this date. Witness my hand and seal this third day of April, A. D. 1882. ASAHEL MERRITT. i'"!'s!? Territory Assigned to the Purchaser of the Right to Sell a Patent. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, to me in hand paid by George M. Van Cleve, of the city of Syracuse, in the county of Onondaga, and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant and convey to the said George M. Van Cleve the exclusive right to make, use and vend, within the State of Delaware, and in no other place or places, the improvement in thrashing- machines for which letters-patent of the United States, dated July 5, 1882, were granted to me, the same to be held and enjoyed by the said George M. Van Cleve as fully and entirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me if this grant had not been made. Witness my hand and seal this fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1883 ' ROMEO KENDALL. fTTf Facts Which Patentees Should Understand. Tax on Patent*. A patent is not subject to either local, State or national taxes. Can Be Assigned. Patents can be assigned like other written evi- dences of proprietorship. (See ASSIGNMENTS.) Aliens and Minor*. Patents are granted to aliens, minorsor women; also to administrators and executors of deceased inventors. Assignees. Patents may be granted and also re-issued to the assignee of the inventor or discoverer; but the assignment must first be recorded in the patent-office. The Name of the Inventors and that of the assignee, if it be assigned, together with the title of the invention, must be permanently affixed to the model. Patents In Great Britain. Patent covers England, Wales, Scot- land and Ireland. No model required. Patent good for fourteen years. Fees from $200 to $300. Appeals. When an examiner rejects a case, appeal is made to the examiner-in-chief, next to the commissioner of patents, and lastly to the supreme court of the district. Patent Papers are not prepared at the patent-office at Washington, but should be prepared and all in readiness for examination before sending the model and papers to Washington. Public Property. The commissioner of patents has no power to renew a patent. The monopoly on the same expires at the end of seventeen years and it then becomes public property. Other Countries. Patents in Spain extend for twenty years; Italy, fifteen years; Russia, ten years; Australian colonies, fourteen years. Fees for the entire term in foreign countries will be from 3200 to $500. Interference. A disagreement as to who is the first to produce a certain invention is termed an interference. In such case a trial is had before the examiner, each contestant being represented by a competent person to pre- sent the merits of the case fully. Order of Examination. The case of a patent passes into its regular class, and is taken up for examination with others in its regular rotation. Exception to this is made in cases of re-issue, in foreign patents, and patents which are of especial importance to the public service. The Inventor of a patent must apply for the same in his own name, over his own signature. An attorney cannot sign for the inventor; and yet, in many cases, the inventor may find it most convenient and economical to employ a patent-solicitor of experience to care for his legal work. Inedibility. The law requires that all papers deposited at the patent- office shall be correctly and legibly written. Patents In Germany. Good for fifteen years. Patent maybe taken for one year and extended by payment of annual tax. Foreign Inventors must have their patented articlrfin use or for sale in the United States within eighteen months from date of patent. Patents In France. Patent good for fifteen years. No model required. Annual tax on patent of *20. Patent ceases if tax unpaid. Fees from $100 to $150. Infringement. An invention which is an improvement on a previous patent is not an infringement, unless to produce the improvement the pre- vious patent be used. Assignments, agreements, contracts, and all important papers relating to change of ownership should be recorded at Washington, the same as the original patent papers. Patents In Belgium. Patent allowed for twenty years, except wh ere first issued in another country, in which case patent expires according to the law where it was first issued. In Case of Death. If a person entitled to receive a patent should die before it is granted, his executors or administrators may receive it in trust for his heirs upon the same condition. If Tfot Patented. If an inventor makes and sells any newly invented machine before it is patented, the purchaser of it shall have the right to sell it to another person to be used without liability therefor. Original Papers relating to a patent, when decided, are retained at the patent-office. Copies of the same are sent to the patentee at the usual costs. Though patent be denied, the money paid on the application cannot be withdrawn. "When Finished. All applications for patents must be completed and prepared for examination within two years after the application is first filed in the patentoffice, or be considered as abandoned, unless some satisfactory reason for the long delay is given. New Designs. Patents are granted for new designs of ornamental character for three-and-a-half years, or seven and fourteen years, as may be desired in the application. The patent expires at the expiration of the time for which application was made, and no extension is granted. Foreign Patents. A patent procured in the United States, for which the owner desires a patent in a foreign country, may remain in the secret archives of the patent-office at Washington for a period not exceeding six months, in order to give opportunity to arrange for patents abroad. FACTS ABOUT PATENTS. PENSIONS ALLOWED FOR TOTAL DISABILITY. Re-Issue. Whenever a mistake has been made in the claims or specifi- cations of a patent a petition may be made for a re-issue, the petition to be accompanied by new drawings and corrected specifications. A new and cor- rected patent will thereupon be issued, and the former patent will be can- celled. Marked "Patented." All patented articles must be marked " patented " before being sold or used. It is a punishable offense to put the word " patented " upon any article for which a patent has not been issued. The penalty is a fine of not less than $100, with costs; one-half of the fine, when collected, to be paid to the person who prosecutes the guilty party, and the other half to the United States. Patents In Canada. The patent must be applied for within one year after the patent was allowed in the United States, by an American wishing a patent in Canada, else it is refused. Model required, and patent good for fifteen years. May import the article ready-made during the first year, but within two years must begin to manufacture the article on Canadian soil, or else arrange a definite place where the same may be obtained. Fees from $50 to $100. Selling Patents. Of the various methods for disposing of patents, there is, first, the selling of the patent entire to others, without reserving any rights; second, selling the patent on condition of receiving a royalty on each article manufactured where the patent is used; third, selling the right to manufacture, receiving a royalty for a certain length of time; fourth, selling the exclusive right to manufacture in certain territory on a royalty or not as may be agreed; fifth, selling the right to use in certain localities, or the right to manufacture in certain shops. Official Pees. SEC. 4934. The following shall be the rate for patent fees : On filing each original application for a patent, except in design cases *15. On issuing each original patent, except in design cases, $20. In design cases: For three years and six months, $10; for seven years, 815; for four- teen years, $30. On filing each caveat, $10. On every application for the re-issue of a patent, $30. On filing each disclaimer, $10. On every applica- tion for the extension of a patent, $50. On the granting of every extension of a patent, $50. On an appeal for the first time from the primary examiners to the examiners-in-chief, $10. On every appeal from the examiners-in-chief to the commissioner, $20. For certified copies of patents and other papers, including certified printed copies, ten cents per hundred words. For record- ing every assignment, agreement, power of attorney, or other paper of three hundred words or under, $1; of over three hundred and under one thousand words, $2; of over one thousand words, $3. For copies of draw- ings, the reasonable cost of making them. SEC. 4935. Patent fees may be paid to the commissioner of patents, or to the treasurer or any of the assistant -S} ^\ > PENSIONS. treasurers of the United States, or to any of the designated depositaries, national banks, or receivers of public money, designated by the secretary of the treasury for that purpose; and such officer shall give the depositor a receipt or certificate of deposit therefor. All money received at the patent- office, for any purpose, or from any source whatever, shall be paid into the treasury as received, without .any deduction whatever. SEC. 4936. The treasurer of the United States is authorized to pay back any sum or sums of money to any person who has through mistake paid the same into the treasury, or to any receiver or depositary, to the credit of the treasury, as for fees accruing at the patent-office, upon a certificate thereof being made to the treasurer by the commissioner of patents. Models Required. While a complete model is required not exceeding one foot square for a new invention, in case of an improvement upon a machine only a model of such improvement is required. A model may be made of wood or metal as best suits the convenience of the inventor, its simple pur- pose being to illustrate the working of the improvement or invention. Drawings. Paper must be used stiff enough to be stowed away in the portfolios; must be calendered and smooth. India ink, or other article giving a clear black mark, must be used. Size of the sheet should be exactly 10 by J5 inches, and one inch from its edge a single marginal line should be drawn, leaving the space for drawing exactly 8 by 13 inches. As much care is to be exercised in producing the drawings and specifications, the inventor should avail himself of the experience of some competent person in their preparation. Caveats give inventors time to test and perfect their discoveries, running for one year, and can be extended from year to year. They can only be filed by citizens of the United States and foreigners who have resided here one year and have declared their intention to become citizens. A caveat is secret, and the caveator can use the stamp " caveat filed." No model required for a caveat. The caveat does not secure exclusive right of sale a patent does. A caveat consists of a petition, specification, drawing and affi- davit of invention. Trade-Marks may be registered, giving person, firm or corporation exclusive right to use the same. Trade-marks remain in use for thirty years and may be renev.-ed for thirty years more. No one may use the patented trade-mark of another on a similar class of goods calculated to deceive, but the same mark may be used on another class of goods in another line of trade without infringement. Where the word "star "is used by a certain maker, to illustrate, on shirts, it would not be lawful to use the figure of a star on a competing shirt, as the purpose in this case would be to deceive. Neither can a word similar in pronunciation be used as the words " royal " and " loyal." < F^ (&- SNDIYIDUALS entitled to obtain pensions from the United States government for wounds or injuries to their persons or health, received in the line of duty, so that they are incapacitated for active service or for earning their own support, are the following: Any officer of the army, in either division, and any officer of the navy or marine corps. Any enlisted man, however employed, in the military or naval service of the United States. Any master serving on a government gun-boat, or any pilot, engineer, sailor, or other person not regularly mustered into the naval service. Any person not enlisted in the army, but who has served as a volunteer soldier or militiaman in any regularly organized military or naval force. Any assistant or contracting army surgeon, or provost-marshal, deputy provost-marshal, or enrolling officer. The following are the pensions per month, allowed for total disability in the army and navy, payable every six months : Army Pension. Lieutenant-colonels, and all above that rank, $30; major, $25; captain, $20; first lieutenant, $17; second lieu- tenant, $15; non-commissioned officers, musicians and private soldiers, $8. Navy Pension. Captain, commander, surgeon, paymaster and chief-engineer (by la\y ranking as commanders), lieutenant-command- ing and master- commanding, $30; lieutenant, surgeon, paymaster and chief-engineer (by law ranking as lieutenants;, and passed assistant- surgeon, $25; professor of mathematics, master, assistant-surgeon, assistant-paymaster and chaplain, $20; first assistant-engineers and pilots, $15; passed midshipman, midshipman, captain's and pay- master's clerks, second and third assistant-engineers, master's-mate and all warrant officers, $10; all petty officers, and all other persons not named above, but employed in the naval service, $8. PENSIONS TO RELATIVES. Only one full pension can be claimed by the relatives of a deceased officer, soldier or seaman, and these are classified, in order of precedence, IF ENTITLED TO A PENSION, HOW TO SECURE IT. as follows: Widow of officer, soldier, or sea- man, if he was married; then mother, if living; if mother is dead, then father; if there is no widow, father or mother, then to dependent brothers and sisters. The law of 1886 provides that the rate of pen- sion for widows, minor children and dependent relatives of soldiers and sailors, whose names had been previously placed on the pension-rolls, or hereafter to be enrolled thereon, and entitled, heretofore, to receive only a less rate, shall be $12 per month. The existing allowance of $2 per month for child under sixteen is continued. WHEN PENSIONS BEGIN. Invalid pensions to officers, soldiers and sea- men begin from the date of the pensioner's dis- charge from the service, if the application was tiled in the pension office prior to July 1, 1880. If filed after that date, the applicant can draw a pension only from and after the date of his ap- plication. The pensions of relatives begin at the date of the deatli of the pensioner. It will be noticed in the following declarations and this the government laws require that the identity of the claimant is established by the oaths of two witnesses, certified by a proper officer to be respectable and truthful, who are present and testify to the signature of the claimant. Applicants for invalid pensions must, if pos- sible, produce certificates from the captains or some other commissioned officers under whom they served, distinctly stating the times and places when and where the applicants were disabled or seriously wounded, and the nature of the disa- bility, and that this occurred while the claimant was actually in the service of the United States and performing his duty. Should the proper officer be dead or beyond reach, the applicant must swear to that fact, and produce the testimony of two credible witnesses upon the subject; and the good character of these witnesses must be vouched for by some judicial officer, or by some one well known at the treasury department at Washington. The testimony of these witnesses must be minute in detail, and they must show on what their knowledge of the facts is founded. The personal habits of the applicant and his occupation, after having been discharged from the service, must also be verified by the testimony of two trustworthy witnesses. The counsel of an intelligent lawyer, when applying for a pension, will greatly aid the claimant in establishing his rights. The fees of agents to obtain pensions are Five Dollars. THE FIRST STEP. The first thing to be done by the claimant for a pension is to make out, sign and verify by oath and proper witnesses, the following declaration if formerly in the army: Invalid Applicant's Declaration. STATE op OHIO, f County of Cuyahoga, J On this first day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty- seven, personally appeared before me, a judge (or clerk) of the circuit (or county) court, a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid, Jonas Allen, a resident of the city of Toledo, Miami county, and State of Ohio, aged forty- seven years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Jonas Allen who was enrolled on the twelfth day of October, A. D. 1861, in Company D, of the Seventieth Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Captain Robert Bell, and was honorably discharged at Cleveland, Ohio, on the seven- teenth day of July, A. D. 1864; that his personal description is as follows: Age, forty- seven years; height, five feet and five and one- half inches; complexion, pale; hair, brown; eyes, blue; that while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty at Honey Creek, in the State of Missouri, on or about the tenth day of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty- four, he (here state the name or the nature of the disease, or the location of the wound or injury; if disabled by disease, state fully its cause; if by wound, or injury, the precise manner in which it was re- ceived) ; that he was treated in hospitals as follows: (here state tke names or numbers, and the localities, of all hospitals in which treated, and the dates of treatment) ; that he has (not) been employed In the military or naval service otherwise than is stated above; (here state what the service was, whether prior or subsequent to that stated above, and the dates at which it began and ended); that he has not been in the military or naval service of the Unfted States since the seventeenth day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four; that since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the city of Toledo, in the State of Ohio, and that his occupation has been that of a clerk in a lawyer's office; that prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being, when enrolled, a carpenter and joiner by trade; that he is now (entirely, or partially, or seriously) disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries, above described, received in the service of the United States; and he there- fore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States. He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, Stephen J. Merritt, of Cleveland, Ohio, his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim; that he has (not) received (and, or nor) applied for a pension; that his residence is No. 3756 l)ollarhide street, Toledo, Ohio, and that his post-office address is the same (or some other, as the case may be.) JONAS ALLEN. GEOKGE. S. SWAN, I Witnesses. TIIOMAS WKENN, ) (two.) Also personally appeared George S. Swan, residing at No. 73 Erie street, Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, andT honius Wrenii, resid- 250 PROCLAMATIONS. BUCHANAN'S PROCLAMATION IN 1860. ing at No. 406 River street, Toledo. Miami county, Ohio, persons whom I certify to he respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Jonas Allen, the claimant, sign hi* name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appear- ance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this cltiim. [If t.he affiants sign this by making their marks, two witnesses who can write sign here.] Affidavit follows. GEORGE S. SWAN. THOMAS WRENN. Widow's Application When the Soldier Was Killed in Battle. The widow of a soldier, who died while in the line of his duty and Is entitled to a pension under the laws of the United States, must execute an affidavit similar to the foregoing, setting forth that she Doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the act of Congress, approved July 14, 1862, granting pensions; that she is the widow of Charles James Fox, late of the county of Oswego, and State of New York, who was a corporal in Company M, commanded by Captain Martin Roy, in the Ninety-third Regiment of New York Volunteer Infantry, mustered into the service of the United States, from the State of New York, in the war of 1861, and who was killed at the first battle of Bull Run, on the twenty-first day of July, A. D. 1861, as this deponent verily believes. She further declares that she was lawfully married to the said Charles James Fox, at Oswego, in the State of New York, by the Rev. William Pitt, a clergyman of the Congregational church, on the fourth day of February, A. D. 1856; that her husband, the aforesaid Charles James Fox, died on the day above mentioned, as she verily believes, and she remained his faithful wife until his decease. She further declares that she has remained his widow ever since the death of her said husband. She further declares that she had by her said deceased husband one child, a boy, now living, under the age of sixteen years, named Ebon Fox, aged eight years, and residing with her at Oswego, in the State of New York; and that she has not, in any manner, been engaged in. or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States, and that her maiden name was Stella Swift. My post-office address is 750 Fifth street, Oswego, Oswego county. State of New York. STELLA FOX. Also personally appeared Mary Rose and Hermann Lange, resi- dents of Oswego, in the county of Oswego, and State of New York, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Stella Fox sign her name to the foregoing declaration; and they further swear that they have known the parties above described to have lived together as husband and wife five years previous to and up to the time of deceased going into the aforesaid service of the United States, and that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of the applicant, and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. [Sworn to and xubscribed as in the declaration preceding. ] PROCLAMATIONS. PROCLAMATIONS are either verbal or written public announcements, from an official personage, relating to some especial exigency or a particular occasion. They may be addressed to a class or certain classes of people, or to all the citizens of a nation or State. They possess the character of a law, because they require obedience or co-operation of action President Buchanan's Proclamation for a Fast-Day in 1860. Numerous appeals have been made to me by pious and patriotic associations and citizens, in view of the present distracted and dan- gerous condition of our country, to recommend that a day be set apart for humiliation, fasting and prayer throughout the Union. In compliance with their request, and my own sense of duty, I desig- nate Friday, the fourth 'day of January, 1861, for this purpose, and recommend that the people assemble on that day, according to their several forms of worship, to keep it as a solemn fast. The Union of the States is at the present moment threatened with alarming and immediate danger panic and distress of a fearful character prevail throughout the land our laboring population are without employment, and consequently deprived of the means of earning their bread indeed hope seems to have deserted the minds of men. All classes are in a state of confusion and dismay; and the wisest counsels of our best and purest men are wholly disregarded. In this, the hour of our calamity and peril, to whom shall we resor*, for relief but to the God of our fathers? His omnipotent arm only can save us from the awful effects of our crimes and follies our own ingratitude and guilt towards our Heavenly Father. Let us, then, with deep contrition and penitent sorrow, unite in in those to whom they are addressed, although no penalty attaches to their infraction, except in time of war, invasion or insurrection, when offenders are punished by the ruling authorities, whether civil or military. The most of the following forms show procla- mations which have been actually issued upon important occasions by government officials. humbling ourselves before the Most High, in confessing our indi- vidual and national sins, and in acknowledging the justice of our punishment. Let us implore Him to remove from our hearts that false pride of opinion which would impel us to persevere in wrong for the sake of consistency, rather than yield a just submission to the unforeseen exigencies by which we are now surrounded. Let us, with deep reverence, beseech Him to restore the friendship and good-will which prevailed in former days among the people of the several States, and, above all, to save us from the horrors of civil war and " blood-guiltiness. " Let our fervent prayers ascend to His throne, that He would not desert us in this hour of extreme peril, but remember us as He did our fathers in the darkest days of the Revolution, and preserve our constitution and our Union the work of their hands for ages yet to come. An Omnipotent Providence may overrule existing evils for permanent good. He can make the wrath of man to praise Him, and the remainder of wrath He can restrain. Let me invoke every individual, in whatever sphere of life he may be placed, to feel a personal responsibility to God and his country for keeping this day holy, and for contributing all in his power to remove our actual and impending difficulties. JAMES BUCHANAN. WASHINGTON, D. C. , December 14, 1860. PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATIONS. MAYORS PROCLAMATIONS. 251 Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln. WHEREAS, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit: " That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thence forward, and forever, free; and the executive govern- ment of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. " That the executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States ; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Con- gress of the United States, by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testi- mony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are then in rebellion against the United States. " Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do, publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the day first above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof, respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana (except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin and Orleans, including the city of New Orleans), Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, Accomac, Northampton, Eliza- beth City, York, Princess Ann and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which excepted parts are for the present left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said desig- nated States and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be, PBEE; and that the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defense; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faith- fully for reasonable wages. And I further declare and make known that such persons, of suit- able condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, war- ranted by the constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this first day of January, in the OOP off, year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States of America the eighty- seventh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. Proclamation at the Time of the Chicago Fire. WHEREAS, in the providence of God, to whose will we humbly submit, a terrible calamity has befallen our city, which demands of us our best efforts for the preservation of order and the relief of the suffering. Be it known that the faith and credit of the city of Chicago is hereby pledged for the necessary expenses for the relief of the suffering. Public order will be preserved. The police, and special police now being appointed, will be responsible for the maintenance of the peace and the protection of property. All officers and men of the fire department and health department will act as special policemen without further notice. The mayor and comptroller will give vouchers for all supplies furnished by the different relief com- mittees. The head-quarters of the city government will be at the Congregational church, corner of West Washington and Ann streets. All persons are warned against any acts tending to endanger property. All persons caught in any depredation will be imme- diately arrested. With the help of God, order and peace and private property shall be preserved. The city government and the committees of citizens pledge themselves to the community to protect them and prepare the way for a restoration of public and private welfare. It is believed the fire has spent its force, and all will soon be well. R. B. MASON, Mayor. GEORGE TAYLOR, Comptroller. T. B. BROWN, President Board of Police. CHARLES C. P. HOLDEN, President Common Council. CHICAGO, October 9, 1871. Chicago Fire Proclamation in New York. MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, Afternoon of October 9, 1871. A disaster has fallen on the great city of Chicago, which not only has destroyed the best part of its dwellings, and paralyzed its industry and its business, but threatens the gravest consequences to the commerce and prosperity of our country. It has also reduced thousands of people to houselessness and privation. A dispatch from the mayor of Chicago comes in these words ; " Can you send us some aid for a hundred thousand houseless people? Army bread and cheese desirable." I have responded that New York will do everything to alleviate this disaster ; and I now call upon the people to make such organization as may be speediest and most effective for the purpose of sending money and clothing and food. I would recommend the immediate formation of general relief committees, who would take charge of all contributions, in order that no time may be lost in carrying relief to those of our fellow-citizens who have fallen under this dispensation of Providence. I suggest that the Chamber of Commerce, the Produce Exchange, the Board of Brokers, and the united presidents of the banks, and all religious and charitable associations immediately call a meeting of their respective members, and from them select independent relief com- mittees, who shall solicit subscriptions of money, food and clothing within their appropriate spheres of action. In the meantime I am authorized to state that contributions of food and clothing sent to the depots of the Erie and Hudson and Central railroads (under early and spontaneous offers of Jay Gould and William H. Vanderbilt), in even small quantities, from individuals or business 252 FORMS FOR PROCLAMATIONS. SUBSCRIPTION HEADINGS. sources, will be at once forwarded through to Chicago free of expense. I cannot too strongly urge upon our citizens immediate attention to this subject. A. OAKEY HALL, Mayor. President's Proclamation for Thanksgiving. By the President of the United States of America a Proclamation: In conformity with custom, the annual observance of which is justly held in honor by this people, I, Chester A. Arthur, President of the United States, do hereby set apart Thursday, the thirtieth day of November next, as a day of public thanksgiving. The blessings demanding our gratitude are numerous and varied; for the peace and amity which subsist between this republic and all nations of the world; for freedom from internal discord and vio- lence; for increasing friendliness between the different sections of this land of liberty, justice and constitutional government; for the devotion of our people to our free institutions, and their cheerful obedience to mild laws; for the constantly increasing strength of the republic, while extending its privileges to fellow-men who come to us; for the improved means of internal communication and the increased facilities of intercourse with other nations; for the general prevailing health of the year; for the prosperity of all our industries a liberal return for the mechanic's toil, affording a mar- ket for the abundant harvests of the husbandmen; for the preserva- tion of the national faith and credit; for the wise and generous provision to effect the intellectual and moral education of our youth; for the influence upon conscience of restraining and transforming religion, and for the joys of home ; for these and for many other blessings we should give thanks. WHEREFORE, I do recommend that the day above designated be observed throughout the country as a Day of National Thanksgiving and Prayer, and that the people, ceasing from their daily labors, and, meeting in accordance with their several forms, worship and draw- near to the Throne of Almighty God, offering to Him praise and gratitude for the manifold good which He has vouchsafed to us, and praying that His blessings and mercies may continue. And I do further recommend that the day thus appointed may be made the special occasion for deeds of kindness and charity to the suffering and needy, so that all who dwell within the land may rejoice and be glad in this season of national thanksgiving. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and of the independ- ence of the United States the one hundred and seventh. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. By the President : FREDERICK T. FRELINGHUYSEN, Secretary of State. Proclamation Concerning Mad Dogs. WHEREAS, it has been officially reported to me that mad dogs have recently bitten certain dogs and other animals within this corporation, thereby endangering their lives and the lives of our citizens: Therefore, in order to preserve the lives and peace of our citizens and their animals, I do hereby order that from and after the date hereof, for the next sixty days, any dog found running at large, with- out having a substantial wire muzzle securely fastened over its mouth, shall be shot by the city marshal or officers under his charge. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have affixed my signature and the official seal of the city of Herman, in the county of Grant, and State of Minnesota, this thirty-first day of June, A. D. 1880. PHILO STEPHENS, Mayor. Attest: ELI M. PAGE, City Clerk. SUBSCRIPTION PAPER. SUBSCRIPTION heading should be writ- ten very plainly and as briefly as may be, and express the object for which the money is sub- scribed. The following, with variations to suit the circumstances, will give the reader a general idea of the manner of preparing such a form: Form of a Subscription Heading. (Here Give Town, State, and Date.) ^ oo/rvv to- \ \ \ ' v-^U k k k v- v-^U \ ( ^^^ / ^ / ^ N v\ VNJ^ u^ yny^ . GO. THE LAW RELATING TO WILLS. LEGAL declaration of what a person determines to have done with his property after death, is termed a will. All persons of lawful age, possessed of sound mind, excepting married women in certain States, are entitled to dispose of their property by will. No exact form of words is necessary in order to make a will good at law; though much care should be exercised to state the provisions of the will so plainly that its language may not be mis- understood. The person making the will is termed the testator (if a female, testatrix). A will is of no force and effect until the death of the testator, and can be cancelled or modified at any date by the maker. The last will made annuls the force of all pre- ceding wills, if not an addition to them. The law regards marriage, and offspring result- ing, as good evidence of revocation of a will made prior to such marriage, unless the wife and children are provided for by the husband in some other manner, in which case the will remains in full force. To convey real estate by will, it must be done in accordance with the law of the State or country where such land is located; but personal prop- erty is conveyed in harmony with the law that obtains at the place of the testator's residence. There are two kinds of wills, namely, written and verbal, or nuncupative. The latter, or spoken wills, depending upon proof of persons hearing the same, generally relate to personal property only, and are not recognized in all the States, unless made within ten days previous to the death, or by persons in the military or naval service. Verbal or unwritten wills are usually unsafe, and, even when well authenticated, often make expensive litigation; hence the necessity of having the wishes of the testator fully and clearly defined in a written will. To give or make a devise of property by will and subsequently dispose of the same, without altering the will to conform to such sale, destroys the validity of the devise. A will made by an unmarried woman is legally revoked by marriage; but she can take such legal steps in the settlement of her property before marriage as will empower her to dispose of the same as she may choose, after marriage. No husband can make a will that will deprive the wife of her right of dower in the property; that is, her right to the proceeds of one-third of the real estate and appurtenances, as long as she may live. But the husband can will the wife a certain amount in lieu of her dower, stating it to be in lieu thereof. Such bequest, however, will not exclude her from her dower, provided she prefers it to the bequest made in the will. Unless the husband states distinctly that the bequest is in lieu of dower, she is entitled to both. Property bequeathed must pay debts and incumbrances upon the same before its distribu- tion can be made to the legatees of the estate. Though property may be willed to a corpora- tion, the corporation cannot accept such gift unless provision is made for so doing in its charter. A will may be revoked by marriage, a codicil, destruction of the will, disposing of property devised in a will, or by the execution of another will. The person t making a will may appoint his executors, but no person can serve as such exec- utor if, at the time of the proving of the will, he be under twenty-one years of age, a convict, a thor- oughly confirmed drunkard, $ lunatic, or an imbecile. ~No person appointed as an executor is obliged to serve, but may renounce his ap- pointment by legal written notice signed before 254 GENERAL FACTS RELATING TO WILLS. two witnesses, which .notice must be recorded by the officer before whom the will is proved. The person named in the will by the testator to administer the same is termed an executor. The individual appointed by a court is known as an administrator. The duties of each, in the settlement of an estate, are essentially the same. In case a married woman possesses property, and dies without a will, her husband is entitled to administer upon such property in preference to any one else, provided he be of sound mind. Any devise of property made to a subscribing witness is invalid, although the integrity of the will in other respects is not affected. In all wills the testator's full name should be written at the end of the will. If he be unable to write, he may have his hand guided in mak- ing a mark against the same. If he possesses a sound mind, and is conscious at the time of the import of his action, such mark renders the will valid. Witnesses should always write their respective places of residence after their names, their signa- tures being written in the presence of each other, and in the presence of the testator. Different States require a different number of witnesses. To illustrate: Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Iowa, General Form of Will for Real and Personal Property. I, Warren P. Holden, of the town of Bennington, county of Ben- nington, State of Vermont, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Lucius Denne Holden, the sum of One Thousand Dollars, of bank stock, now in the First National Bank of Troy, New York, and the farm owned by myself in the town of Arlington, consisting of one hundred and forty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assigns, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Fanny Almira Holden and Hannah Oriana Holden, each One Thousand Dollars in bank stock, in the First National Bank of Troy, N. Y. , and also each one quarter- section of land, owned by myself, situated In the town of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and recorded in my name in the recorder's office in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half-section is devised to my eldest daughter, Fanny Almira. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Emory Randor Holden, five shares of railroad stock in the Troy and Boston Rail- road, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw- mill thereon, situated in Muskegon, Michigan, with all the improvements Utah, Texas, California, New Jersey, Delaware, Indiana, Virginia, Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Louisiana and New York require TWO witnesses. The States of Florida, Mississippi, Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts Con- necticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- mont demand THREE witnesses to authenticate a will. Witnesses are not required to know the con- tents of a will. They have simply to know that the document is a will, and witness the signing of the same by the testator, or he to witness their signing. Proof of signature of the testator by the oath of two reputable witnesses, is sufficient to estab- lish the validity of a will in the State of Pennsyl- vania; no subscribing witnesses being absolutely demanded. CODICILS. An addition to a will, which should be in writing, is termed a codicil, and executed like a will. A codicil is designed to explain, modify, or change former bequests made in the body of the will. It should be done with the same care and precision as was exercised in the making of the will itself. and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Mary Leffenwell Holden, all my house- hold furniture, goods, chattels and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Six Thousand Dollars of bank stock, in the First National Bank of Troy, New York, fifteen shares in the Troy and Boston Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, possession and benefit of the home- farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law, said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Walter B. Holden, the income from rents of my store building, at 144 Water street, Troy, New York, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land therewith to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal pro- portion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Mary Leffenwell Holden, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life-interest in the above-mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above-named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Mary Leffenwell Holden, and my eldest son, Lucius Denne Holden. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shall be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Ben- FORMS FOR DIFFERENT KINDS OF WILLS. 255 nington, the residue of such moneys on deposit to revert to my wife, Mary Leffenwell Holden, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Warren P. Holden, to this my last will and testament have hereunto set my hand and seal, this tenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven. Signed, sealed and declared by Warren P. Holden, as and for his last will and testa- ment, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the pres- ence of each other, have subscribed our names here- unto as witnesses thereof. LUTHER O. WESTCOTT, Manchester, Vermont. HARTLEY B. HAWLEY, Bennington, Vermont. DANIEL K. BOTTOM, Bennington, Vermont. WARREN P. HOLDEN. Codicil. Whereas I, Warren P. Holden, did, on the tenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven, make my last will and testament, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Fanny Almira, has deceased, the third day of February, A. D. 1868, and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Francis Allen Holden, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Fanny Almira, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy. Signed, sealed, published and declared to us by the testator. Warren P. Holden, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his la st will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names as wit- nesses thereto, at the date hereof. HARTLEY B. HAWLEY, Bennington, Vermont. SAMUEL M. WEST, Arlington, Vermont. DANIEL R. BOTTOM, Bennington, Vermont. WARREN P. HOLDEN ] Shorter Form of Will I, Alvin B. Adams, of the city of Pittsburg, in the county of Alle- ghany, and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make my last will and testament in manner and form following: First. I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Mary, her heirs and assigns forever, one-half of all my property, real, personal and mixed, of what nature and kind soever, and wheresoever the same shall be at the time of my death; the same to be in lieu of her dower at common law. Second. I give, devise and bequeath unto such of my children as may be living at the time of my death, one-half of all my property, real, personal and mixed, of what nature and kind soever, and wheresoever the same shall be at the time of my death, to be divided among them share and share alike. Third. I hereby direct and empower my executor to sell and dis- pose of all my personal property to the highest bidder at auction, as soon as practicable after my decease, and to sell my real estate at auction or private sale, as it may in his judgment seem most advan- tageous, or for the interest of my said devisees. Fourth. I direct that the net avails of my real and personal prop- erty, so disposed of as aforesaid, and converted into money, shall be divided and paid to my said devisees within one year after my decease. Fifth. I hereby appoint my wife, Mary, guardian of the person and estate of such of my children as may be minors at the time of my death. Sixth. I hereby appoint William H. Adams executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I, Alvin B. Adams, the testator, have, to this my last will and testament, set my hand and seal this tenth day of April, A. D. 1865. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above-named Alvin B. Adams, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at his request, as wit- nesses thereto, in the pres- ence of the said testator and of each other. WINFIELD D. BROWN, Pittsburg, Pa. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Pittsburg, Pa. JOHN DOE, Pittsburg, Pa. . ALVIN B. ADAMS. Form of Will Where Property is Left to Wife Absolutely. This is the last will and testament of me, Thomas Wedgewood, made this eighteenth day of September, A. D. 1872, in Chicago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, as follows: I bequeath all my lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all my household furniture, ready money, securities for money, money secured by life assurance, goods and chattels, and all other parts of my real and personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever, unto my wife, Clara Wedgewood, her heirs, administrators and assigns, to and for her and their absolute use and benefit, according to the nature and quality thereof respectively, subject only to the payment of my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, and the charge of proving and registering this my will. And I appoint my said wife executrix of this my will, and hereby revoke all other wills. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above mentioned. Signed, sealed, published and ~ acknowledged by the said Thomas Wedgewood, as and for his last will and testa- ment, in the presence of us, who, in his presence, and at his request, and in the pres- ence of each other, have sub- scribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. SOLON W., WATSON, Chicago, 111. CHARLES D. SNYDER, Chicago, 111. THOMAS WEDGEWOOD. Form of Will with Entire Property Left to Wife, for Life or Widow- hood, with Disposition of the Same After Her Marriage or Death, Provision Being Made for Maintaining Children, Leg- acies to Executors, etc. Realizing the uncertainty of life, I, Charles W. Freeman, of Kenosha, in the county of Kenosha, and State of Wisconsin, make this last will and testament, while in the possession of sound mind and memory, this fourteenth day of August, A. D. 1870. I give, devise and bequeath unto my executors, hereafter named, all my estate and effects that I may die possessed of or entitled to, upon trust, to be, as soon as conveniently can be, after my decease, sold and converted Into money, and the proceeds invested in one or other of the public funds, and the dividends arising therefrom to be 256 VERBAL WILLS. SHORT WILLS. CLAUSES TO INSERT IN WILLS. paid yearly, each and every year, unto my wife, Harriet D. Freeman, during the term of her natural life, should she so long continue my widow; the first yearly payment thereof to commence and be pay- able at the expiration of the first year after my decease, if my wife remains a widow. Upon her second marriage, I direct that one-third of all moneys from my estate, set apart for her use by my executors, be given her for her use and behoof forever, to control as she may choose, and the remaining two-thirds I will to be given to my children, to be divided equally among all my children by my said wife, the share of each child to be paid on his or her respectively attaining the age of lawful majority; and I direct that the dividends arising therefrom shall be applied, at the discretion of my executors, toward the maintenance and education of my said childcen, until they shall severally and respectively attain the said age. And in case any or either of my said children shall happen to die under lawful majority, then I give and bequeath the share or shares of him, her, or them, so dying, unto the survivor or survivors of them. And I nominate and appoint my wife, Harriet D. Freeman, my eldest son, Clinton W. Freeman, and Walter C. Kimball, and the survivor of them, and the executors or administrators of such sur- vivor, to be the executors of this my will, and in consideration of the trouble thus imposed on them, I do hereby give and bequeath unto each of my said executors the legacy or sum of Five Hundred Dollars, free of legacy duty and all other deductions. And hereby revoking all former or other wills by me at any time made, I, the said Charles W. Freeman, to this which I declare to be my last will and testament, set my hand and seal. Signed by the said testator, Charles W. Freeman, and ac- knowledged by him to be his last will and testament, In the presence of us, present at the same time, and subscribed by us In the presence of the said testator and of each other. BARNARD McDoLK, Kenosha, Wis. HIRAM FLEMING, Kenosha, Win. RICHARD WILSON. Kenosha, Wls. J CHARLES W. FREEMAN. Nuncupative Will. In the matter of nuncupative will of Jonas Lyman, deceased. On the first day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, Jonas Lyman, being in his last sickness, in his dwell- ing, situate in Burlington, Iowa, at 84 Huron street, in the presence of the subscribers, did declare his last will and wishes concerning the disposition of his property, in the following words, viz. : He desired that his Seven Hundred Dollars in the First National Bank of Burlington, and Two Hundred Dollars in the hands of Silas Holmes, should be given to his mother. He also expressed a desire to have Silas Holmes act as his executor, to collect the same as soon as possible, with interest due, paying the entire amount, when collected, to his mother. He also said, "All my other property I want my mother to have for her separate use, except my bouse and lot where I live, which I will to my sister Mary. " At the time the said Jonag Lyman stated the foregoing as his will, he was of sound mind and memory, and desired us to bear witness that such was his wish and desire. Reduced to writing by us, this tenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. ABTAL OOODING, ARTEMAS WHITE, PETER II. SMITH. Affidavit to the Foregoing. STATE OP IOWA, } County of Lee, j ' Personally appeared before me, George HartweJl, clerk of the court of probate for said county, Abial Gooding, Artemas White, and Peter H. Smith, who deposed that they were present on the first day of July, A. D. 1871, at the dwelling of the said Jonas Lyman, situate at 84 Huron street, Burlington, Iowa, and did hear Jonas Lyman utter what is specified in the foregoing writing; that he wished them to witness that it was his last will; and that at the time he was of sound mind and memory, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me, this twelfth day of July, A. D. 1871. GEORGE HARTWELL, Clerk. A Short Form of Will, Conveying the Entire Real and Personal Property to the Wife of the Testator. A will which bequeaths all the property of the testator, real and personal, wheresoever it may be, carries with it property acquired after its publication, without a repetition of any formalities. The question in relation to a bequest in such cases is one of intention, not of power. The following will of Onslow Peters, the legality of which was tested and sustained by the courts, was found to be amply sufficient in length for the purpose for which it was de- signed. It read as follows : I, Onslow Peters, do make and publish this my last will and testa- ment, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. I bequeath all my property, real and personal, wheresoever the same may be, to my beloved wife, Hannah P. Peters. I appoint my said wife the executrix of this my last will and testa- ment. My will is that my said wife shall not be required to giv any bonds or security to the judge of probate for the faithful execution of the duties of executrix. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty- eight. CLAUSES FOR INSERTION IN WILLS. Cancelling Debts That Are, or May Be, Due. Whereas, there are certain sums of money due me, upon mort- gages, bills, and otherwise, from persons hereafter named (naming them), it is my will that such indebtedness, immediately after my death, shall be cancelled by my executors. And I do hereby release- those persons aforesaid from the payment of all debts due. Desiring that Difference of Opinion about Provisions of the Will be Settled by Arbitrators. It is my desire, that if any dispute, question or controversy shall happen concerning any bequest or other matter in this my will, such question shall be referred to the arbitration of my friends, A. D. and C. L. , with provision for them to choose an umpire; but should they not be able to act in the matter, then I desire that my wife and eldest son each appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators, with the power of choosing a third arbitrator; and what a majority of them shall deter- mine therein shall be binding upon all and every person or persons therein concerned. Providing that the Wife Shall Have the Custody of the Children, and Appointing a Guardian in Case of Her Death. And in case I shall leave any child or phildren at the time of my death, my will is that my wife shall have the guardianship of them during their minority; and in the case of her death, during the minority of said children, then I desire that my friend, D. M., shall have the guardianship of them during their minority; should he refuse, I will that A. J. shall take such supervision and guardian- ship. SUGGESTIONS AS TO SETTLING ESTATES DEVISED BY WILL OR LEFT WITHOUT A WILL. 257 DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATORS AND METHODS OF PROCEDURE IN SETTLING ESTATES. ' AVING made a will, the testator should recollect that marriage, birth of children, death, or the purchase or sale of real estate may affect the will. So the death or removal of executors may require a change. These alterations may be made by a codicil, which must be executed and witnessed the same as a will. The will, enclosed in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Will of A. B. ," should be kept in safe custody under the control of the testator. It should not be placed for safe keeping in the hands of interested par- ties, nor beyond the reach of the testator. It should also be placed where it will be absolutely forthcoming in case of the testator's sudden demise. After the death of the testator the will should be taken to the court, unopened, and there filed with an affidavit as to the custody of it and death of the testator. The judge having opened it, orders that publication be made according to law, that on a certain day it will be offered for proof, and causes notice to be given the heirs at law of the deceased and the executors named, if any, in the will. At the time appointed the widow, if there is one, some of the heirs, and one or more of the executors, appear in court, with the witnesses to the will. To enable the will to be probated the witnesses must swear the testator executed it as and for his last will, and was then of a sound and disposing mind and memory. At this period any party interested in the estate may contest the will before the court. Both husbands and wives are entitled to an interest in their joint estate, termed right of dower, which is not affected by wills, so that where it appears by the will that the provision is made by devise or Heir's Petition to Have Administrator Appointed. To the County Court of Kane county, in the State of Illinois: The petition of Raymond Scott, the oldest surviving son of Willard J. Scott, late of said county, deceased, respectfully showeth : That on the eighteenth day of December, A. D. 1882, the said Willard J. Scott died, leaving goods, chattels, rights, credits and real estate in the county aforesaid; that, at the time of his decease, the said Willard J. Scott was a widower, his wife having died at St. Charles, in said county, as can be duly verified, on the tenth day of May, A. D. 1881; that, to the best of the knowledge and belief of your peti- tioner, no last will and testament was left by the said Willard J. Scott, deceased; that he has left, as heirs to his estate, two children, one (the undersigned) aged twenty- seven years, and a girl, Mary, now in the fourteenth year of her age; and that the deceased was, at and immediately prior to his death, a resident of the said county of Kane. Your petitioner, therefore, prays that letters of administra- tion may be granted on the estate of the deceased, and that he may be appointed the administrator thereof. RAYMOND SCOTT Dated this twenty-first day of December, A. D. 1882, at St. Charles, in said county of Kane, and State of Illinois. (An affidavit is required of the petitioner to verify the facts as stated in his petition. See AFFIDAVITS. ) Bond Required of the Administrator. The petition of the nearest heir (whether widow or child) having been granted by the court, the administrator must execute a good legacy, in lieu of dower, the husband or wife must be called into court to accept or waive the provisions in the will. If the judge thinks the will properly proved, he orders it recorded and issues letters of administration to the executors. A certified copy of the will and above order should be recorded in the registry of deeds of every county in which there is land devised by the will. If the executors named do not wish to act, they file a disclaimer, and the judge then appoints an administrator with the will annexed. If an administrator dies before he has settled the estate, the court appoints his administrator to settle it, who is called administrator of estate yet to be settled. Persons administering on estate are by law required to give a bond with sureties in double the sworn value of the personal estate. This may be waived by the will. The law vests the personal estate in the executor or administrators from the death of the testator, and the real estate in the heirs at law. These latter enter into possession at once, by descent or will, but their rights are subject to the widow's privilege of residing in her husband's home for forty days after his death, and all homestead laws. In every State a widow has first, in preference to creditors, an allowance for the support of the family, or an award. Except in this respect all property is subject to the debts of the deceased. In many respects the work of administrators appointed by the court, in case there is no will, is similar to that of executors when there is a will. In case the deceased dies intestate (that is, leaving no will), then the widow, or the nearest heir to the estate, at once petitions the probate court for letters of administration to issue to some suitable person for its settlement, the following being the form of petition: and sufficient bond, in form following, in order to secure the estate from loss by carelessness or roguery. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Raymond Scott, as principal, and Edward Poor and David T. Rich, as sureties, all being residents of Kane county, in the State of Illinois, are held and firmly bound unto Roswell C. Otis, judge of the county court in and for said county, in the penal 1 sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, to be paid to said judge and his successors in said office; to the true pay- ment whereof we bind ourselves and each of us, one and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated the first day of January, A. D. 1883. The condition of this obligation is, that if the above-bounden Raymond Scott, administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Willard J. Scott, deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of him the said Raymond Scott, or into the hands and possession of any other person, or persons, for him, and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the county clerk's office of Kane, in the State of Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof; and the same goods, chattels and credits and all other the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death, or which at any time after shall come to the hands and possession of the said Ray- mond Scott, or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him, do well and truly administer according to law; and further do make, or cause to be made, a just and true account of his 17 258 FORMS FOR USE OF ADMINISTRATORS. said administration within ninety days from the date hereof, or when thereunto legally required; and all the rest and residue of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said administrator's account, the same being first examined and allowed by the county (or probate) court of the county having juris- diction, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons as the said court, by their decree or sentence, pursuant to law, shall limit and appoint; and shall well and truly comply with the law of this State relating to inheritances; and if it shall hereafter appear that any past will and testament was made by the said deceased, and the same shall be proved according to law, if the said Raymond Scott, being thereto required, do surrender the said letters of administration into the office of the clerk of said county (or probate) court of Kane county, as aforesaid, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of DANIEL J. SINCLAIR, GEORGE W. DEAN. RAYMOND SCOTT, -(SEAL)- EDWARD POOR, -(SEAL)- DAVID T. RICH. -(SEAL)- Administraior's Advertisement Calling for Settlement. The preliminaries being arranged, the administrator inserts the following notice in a local newspaper several times, which notice he posts on the court-house door, and in two other prominent places in the county. NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration upon the estate of Willard J. Scott, late of St. Charles, in this county, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay to RAYMOND SCOTT, Administrator. GENEVA, Kane county, Illinois, January 1, A. D. 1883. The Work of Settling the Estate. The administrator is now ready to begin the wosk of administration, under the sanction and restraint of the State laws upon this subject, using the first ready money realized from the estate (in most States) to pay the funeral expenses of the deceased, the bills for nurses and medical attendance in his last illness, and the probate fees of the court; debts (if any) due to the United States; debts (If any) due to the State in which he lived ; all liens that may exist upon and encumber any of his property, and, then, debts due to all other creditors. The administrator has no power outside of the State in which he acts in that capacity. The first work to be done, however, is to search for and gather up all the personal property and real estate owned by the deceased. This must be carefully inventoried and classified. In some States the inventory is submitted to two or more appraisers, in order to obtain the real value of the listed property, who bring in a report worded as follows: Inventory of Property of Willard J. Scott. A true and perfect inventory and just appraisement of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Willard J. Scott, late of the county of Kane, and State of Illinois, deceased, at the time of his death, to wit: [Here follows the list of property, the personal (including the bonds, notes, book-accounts, classified as "good,'" "doubtful" or "worth- less," as the case may be) in one column, and the real estate in another the footing of each being noted separately]. Taken and appraised by us, the third and fourth days of January, A. D. 1883. GEORGE ERICKSON, THOS. B. WELLS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, | County of Kane, \ 88 ' Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for the county of Kane, and State of Illinois, the above-named George Erick- son and Thomas B. Wells, who solemnly swear (or affirm) that at the request of Raymond Scott, administrator, they did well and truly, and without prejudice or partiality, value and appraise the goods, chattels and credits which were of Willard J. Scott, deceased, as set forth in the foregoing inventory, and in all respects perform their duties as appraisers, to the best of their skill and judgment. GEORGE ^ERICKSON, THOS. B. WELLS. Sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed this fifth day of January, A. D. 1883, before me. NELSON DODGE, Notary Public. If sufficient property belonging to the deceased cannot be found to pay off his indebtedness, under ordinarily careful management, the administrator should at oflce notify the county (or probate) court that the estate is insolvent, and proceed according to the laws of the State in which he lives concerning insolvent debtors. In Illinois, and possibly other States, every claim against a deceased person's estate must be accompanied by the claimant's affidavit that it " is just and unpaid, after allowing all just credits. " The administrator charges himself with whatever property of the deceased comes into his hands, valued at the sworn appraisement, and all moneys received on accounts, notes, bonds, mortgages and from all other resources of the estate; and credits himself with all moneys and effects paid out and bestowed upon creditors and heirs of the estate, together with his fees and commissions as administrator; and when the estate is fully settled he renders to the county or probate court, in the following form, his account, duly sworn to: Account of Raymond Scott with Estate of Willard J. Scott. The account of Raymond Scott, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were possessed by Willard J. Scott, late a citizen of Kane county, in the State of Illinois, deceased: RAYMOND SCOTT, ADMINISTRATOR, In account with ESTATE or WILLARD J. SCOTT, DECEASED. Debits. Credits. Carefully itemized. Carefully itemized. Total $ Total. Balance in favor of the estate . (Signed) RAYMOND SCOTT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, | County of Kane, j ' Before me, a justice of the peace for and within said county, personally appeared Raymond Scott, administrator aforesaid, who doth depose and say that the accom- panying account is just and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed this fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1883. WILLIAM H. WHITING, Justice of the Peace. The balance derived from the estate, after paying all costs, charges and expenses that have accrued or stand against it, is distributed among the heirs by the judge of the court according to law and equity. The judge then formally discharges the administrator from all further responsibility and care of the estate. IMPORTANT FACTS CONCERNING WILLS IN DIFFERENT STATES. 259 SUMMARY OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO WRITTEN WILLS. Age at which Testators can Make Wills, Rights of Married Women, Number of Witnesses Required, Courts that have Jurisdiction, Etc. Al:il>:im:i. All persons twenty-one years of age may devise real estate by will, and at eighteen or over may dispose of personal property. Two witnesses are required. Married women may be- queath their separate estates. Wills are recorded in the probate judge's office. Arizona Territory. Testators, male or female, must be twenty-one years old. Two wit- nesses are required. Married women may devise their separate property. A rkiiiiKith. Must be twenty-one years of age to devise real estate, and eighteen to devise per- sonal property. Three witnesses are required. Wills are recorded in the probate court of the county where most of the bequeathed land is situated; but if only personal property is devised, then in the county where the testator died. Mar- ried women devise their separate property as they please. California. At eighteen or over testators may devise real or personal property. Married women may dispose, by will, of their separate estate without the consent of their husbands. Two witnesses are required for all written wills. Colorado. The testator, if male, must be twenty-one; if female, eighteen. Either male or female may will personal property at seventeen. Neither husband nor wife can deprive the other of one-half the property by will, except wife may do so with written consent of husband. Two wit- nesses are required. Wills are recorded in county courts, where letters of administration are issued; also with the recorder in counties where the testa- tor owned real estate. Connecticut. All persons over eighteen can dispose of their property by will, either real or personal. Three witnesses are required. Ten years are allowed, after the testator's death, in which to probate his will. Wills are recorded in the probate courts. Dakota Territory. At eighteen persons may devise both their personal and real prop- erty. Two witnesses are necessary. Married women may dispose of their separate estates with- out the consent of their husbands. A will made by an unmarried woman is revoked by her mar- riage, and not revived by the death of her hus- band. Delaware. The testator must be twenty -one years old. Two witnesses are required. Married women, with the written consent of their husbands, given under their hands and seals, in presence of two witnesses, may dispose of their property by will. District of Columbia. Male testators must be twenty -one years old; females, eighteen. Three witnesses are required to testator's signature. Married women will their separate property to whom they please. Wills are recorded in the registry of wills. Florida. Required age, twenty-one. Three witnesses. Georgia. Testator must be twenty-one. Three witnesses required. Recorded in the court of ordinary. Idaho Territory. Testator must be twenty- one. Husband must leave wife one-half of com- mon property. At eighteen can dispose of goods and chattels. Married woman may dispose of her separate estate. Two witnesses required. Will first recorded in the probate court, and afterward in all counties where real estate is located. Illinois. Males must be twenty-one; females, eighteen. Two witnesses necessary. Wills filed in probate court and originals remain there. Indiana. Testator must be twenty-one. Two witnesses. Iowa. Must be twenty-one years old. Two witnesses. Kansas. Testator required to be twenty-one years old. Two witnesses. Kentucky. Testator must be twenty-one. If written by testator himself, one witness only required; if written by other than the testator, two witnesses necessary. A married woman may dispose of her separate'estate by will. Louisiana. Must be twenty-one. Two male witnesses required over the age of sixteen. Maine. Men and women alike may devise their property, real and personal. Three wit- nesses necessary. Wills, transferring real estate, are recorded like deeds. Estates are settled in the probate court. Maryland. Men must be twenty-one; women, eighteen. Three witnesses necessary. Wills of personal property do not require witnesses. Wills must be proven in the orphans' court of each county, or before the register of wills. Massachusetts. Any person may will real or personal property. A husband cannot be de- prived of one-half of his wife's personal property or a life interest in her real estate by her will, unless he consents to the devise. Three witnesses required to signature of testator. Wills are re- corded in the office of register of probate. Michigan. Testator must be twenty-one. Two witnesses. Copies of the wills must be re- corded in the county registers' offices where the lands are located. Minnesota. Men must be twenty-one ; women, eighteen. Two witnesses. Estates are settled in probate courts, where wills are recorded. Copies are recorded in counties where devised real estate is located. Mississippi. Testators must be twenty-one, male or female. Three witnesses required. Pro- bate is made in the court of chancery, or by the clerk thereof, and recorded in his office. Missouri. Must be twenty-one to devise real estate, and eighteen to bequeath personal prop- erty. Married women may devise real estate at the age of eighteen. Two witnesses. After pro- bate, wills are recorded in the office of the register of deeds. Montana Territory. Every person, at eighteen, may devise any kind of property in writing. Two witnesses. Nebraska. Two witnesses. Wills may be recorded in the office of the olerk of the county where bequeathed real estate is located. Nevada. Testators over eighteen years of age may dispose of any of their property after payment of debts is provided for. Married woman may devise her separate estate without husband's consent. Wills must be recorded in the courts where they are admitted to probate. New Hampshire. Must be twenty-one years old. Three witnesses. Wills are recorded in the office of the register of probate, and proved in probate courts. New Jersey. Must be twenty-one years old. Married woman cannot will away her husband's interest in her real estate. Two witnesses. They are proved and recorded in the office of the surro- gate of the county. New Mexico. Males over fourteen years and females over twelve years of age, if of sound mind, may execute wills, unless known to be prod- igals. Verbal wills require five witnesses, and all must testify clearly as to every part of the will. Written wills need three or more witnesses. Pro- bate judges approve of wills or reject them. Appeals are taken to the district court. New York. Wills must be signed by testa- tors at the end, but need not be sealed. Males can bequeath personal property when eighteen, and females at sixteen. Two witnesses to the sig- nature of the testator and his acknowledgment of the document are required to be affixed to the will, which is proven in the office of the surrogate of the county where the testator lived. North Carolina. Wills have two witnesses. Married women devise their separate estates. Wills must be recorded in the probate court of the county where the testator lived. Ohio. Must be twenty-one years old. Two wit- nesses. Wills are admitted to probate or record in the office of the probate judge. Oregon. Testators must be twenty-one years old in order to devise real estate, but may bequeath personal property if over eighteen years of age. Married women devise real estate subject to their husbands' interest in it. Two witnesses. Pennsylvania. Testators must be twenty- one years old. Two witnesses necessary, who, however, are not required to place their signatures to the will. A husband is not competent as a witness to his wife's will. Rhode Island. Real estate maybe devised by persons twenty-one years old, and per- sonal property by those over eighteen years. Two witnesses. Probate courts are located at Newport and Providence, where wills are re- corded. In other places they are recorded by town- clerks. South Carolina. Wills devising both real estate and personal property must be executed in the presence of three or more subscribing wit- nesses, and recorded in the probate court of the county where the testator resided. Tennessee. Where only personal property is devised the witnesses need not subscribe their names to the will. Married women can devise their separate property, unless they hold it under previous restraint. County courts are courts of probate. Texa. All persons, twenty-one years old, may devise their real and personal estate. Two witnesses necessary. Wills are admitted and proved in county courts, if presented for probate within four years after the death of the testator. Revises of real estate must be confined to written wills. Utah Territory. Testators, male and female, may devise their real and personal prop- erty by will when eighteen years old. This in- cludes the separate property of married women. Two witnesses required. "Vermont. Three witnesses. Real and per- sonal property of a married woman may be devised by her will. Estates are settled in probate courts. Wills may be recorded either in probate courts or in town-clerk's office wherever the de- vised real estate is located. Virginia. Persons of sound mind may devise their real estate by will after they become twenty- one years of age, and their personal property at the age of eighteen years. This includes the sep- arate property of married women. Two witnesses. Estates are settled in either corporation, county or circuit courts, in the county or corporation where the testator lived, or where his real estate is located. "Washington Territory. Two witnesses. Males must be twenty -one years old, and females eighteen years, devising both real and personal estate. Married women are restricted in this respect by their husbands' claims upon their property. West Virginia. All persons of twenty-one years old, may devise their real and personal estate by a written will, duly attested. Two wit- nesses. Wisconsin. Wills, including those of married women, must be in writing, and signed in the presence of two or more subscribing witnesses. Wills are proved and admitted to probate in county courts. "Wyoming Territory. There being no ter- ritorial laws on the subject, the usages of common law regulate the execution and proof of wills. They are proved and admitted to settlement in the Srobate courts. Married women are at liberty to evise their separate property as they please. Canadian Wills. Quebec. AH persons twenty-one years old and of sound mind may devise their real and personal property by will. Wills are of three kinds: The French will is made before two notaries, or one notary and two witnesses; the English, signed by the testator in presence of two subscribing wit- nesses, and the olograpii, written and signed by the testator's hand, which requires neither the presence of a notary or subscribing witnesses. The English and olograph wills require to be pro- bated. Married women cannot devise their estates without their husbands' consent. Ontario. Married women may bequeath their separate estate to whom they wish. Wills must be in writing, the signature of the testator being attested by two subscribing witnesses in the pres- ence of the testator and each other. An executor is a competent witness to the will. 260 CANADA, HER HISTORY, GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS FORMS. THE CANADIAN DOMINION, An Outline of its History, its Government, its Resources, with Other Material Facts, and its Forms for the Transaction of Business. history of Canada, so named from the Indian word "kan- ata," which signifies a number of huts, is briefly sketched in the following : Newfoundland was discovered in 1497, by Sebastian Cabot, and subsequently, in 1534, Canada proper was discovered by Jacques Cartier, who sailed up the river St. Lawrence to the point where now stands Montreal. The foundation of Quebec was laid by Samuel Champlain, in 1608; following which a French expedition was formed in 1617, to explore the unknown domains of Canada, an enterprise which was entered upon still later by the English, in 1689, and prosecuted with some advantage for the next twelve years. In 1754 a contest for ownership of the country broke out between the French and the English, which resulted in a five years' war and the tri- umph of the English, who came into possession by the treaty of Paris in 1763. Among the chief events of this war was the taking of Quebec in 1759, at which time Montcalm, the French general, and Wolfe, the English chieftain, both lost their lives. In 1791 an act of parliament divided Canada into two provinces Upper and Lower Canada. By an act of the imperial parliament, in 1867, these two divisions became known as the prov- inces of Ontario and Quebec; and, together with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, were consti- tuted the Dominion of Canada. In 1870 the province of Manitoba was formed, and, with the remainder of the Hudson Bay Territory, now known as the Northwest Territory, admitted into the Dominion. British Columbia and Vancou- ver Island followed in 1871, and Prince Edward Island in 1873. Of Canada proper, Ontario comprises the upper and western portion, whose inhabitants are principally English. Quebec includes the lower and eastern portion, the people in which are mostly of French descent, who retain their original language, religion and customs. The timber trade, from the first settlement of Canada, has ever been the principal industry of CONSTITUTION FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CANADIAN DOMINION. 261 the people, which, as the country is cleared of its forests, is being followed by the raising of cattle and the cultivation of the soil. The executive authority of the country is vested in the sovereign of Great Britain, and is repre- sented at the capital of the Dominion by a governor-general, assisted by a privy council. The legislative power is a parliament consisting of an upper house, styled the senate, and a house of commons; the seat of government for the Dominion being at Ottawa. The details for the government of the Cana- dian Dominion are clearly set forth in the follow- ing constitution, being the imperial act of 1867: CONSTITUTION FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, Entitled An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and the Government Thereof, and for Purposes Connected Therewith, which Took Effect March 29, 1867. WHEREAS the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick have expressed their desire to be federally united into One Dominion under the crown of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, with a consti- tution similar in principle to that of the United Kingdom : And whereas such a union would conduce to the welfare of the provinces and promote the interests of the British empire : And whereas on the establishment of the union by authority of parliament it is expedient, not only that the constitution o the legislative authority in the Dominion be provided for, but also that the nature of the executive government therein be declared : And whereas it is expedient that provision be made for the eventual admission into the union of other parts of British North America: Be it therefore enacted and declared by the queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and tem- poral, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Preliminary. 1. This act may be cited as The British North America act, 1867. 2. The provisions of this act referring to her majesty the queen extend also to the heirs and successors of her majesty, kings and queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Union of Different Provinces. 3. It shall be lawful for the queen, by and with the advice of her majesty's most honorable privy council, to declare by proclamation that, on and after a day therein appointed, not being more than six months after the passing of this act, the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick shall form and be one Dominion under the name of Canada; and on and after that day those three provinces shall form and be one Dominion under that name accordingly. 4. The subsequent provisions of this act shall, unless it is otherwise expressed or implied, com- mence and have effect on and after the union, that is to say, on and after the day appointed for the union taking effect in the queen's proclama- tion; and in the same provisions, unless it is other- wise expressed or implied, the name Canada shall be taken to mean Canada as constituted under this act. V Canada shall be divided into four provinces, named Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. C. The parts of the province of Canada (as it exists at the passing of this act) which formerly constituted respectively the provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada shall be deemed to be severed, and shall form two separate provinces. The part which formerly constituted the province of Upper Canada shall constitute the province of Ontario ; and the part which formerly constituted the province of Lower Canada shall constitute the province of Quebec. 7. The provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall have the same limits as at the passing of this act. 8. In the general census of the population of Canada, which is hereby required to be taken in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, and in every tenth year thereafter, the respective populations of the four provinces shall be distinguished. Executive Power Vested in the Queen. 9. The executive government and authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the queen. 1C. The provisions of this act referring to the governor-general extend and apply to the gover- nor-general for the time being of Canada, or other chief executive officer or administrator for the time being carrying on the government of Canada on behalf and in the name of the queen, by whatever title he is designated. 1 1 . There shall be a council to aid and advise in the government of Canada, to be styled the queen's privy council for Canada; and the per- sons who are to be members of that council shall be from time to time chosen and summoned by the governor-general and sworn in as privy C9uncil- lors ; and members thereof may be from time to time removed by the governor-general. 12. All powers, authorities, and functions which under any act of the parliament of Great Britain, or of the parliament of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the legislature of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick, are at the union vested in or exercisible by the respec- tive governors or lieutenant-governors of those provinces, with the advice or with the advice and consent, of the respective executive councils thereof, or in conjunction with those councils, or with any number of members thereof, or by those governors or lieutenant- governors individually, shall, as far as the same continue in existence and capable of being exer- cised after the union in relation to the govern- ment of Canada, be vested in and exercisible by the governor-general, with the advice or with the advice and consent of or in conjunction with the queen's privy council for Canada, or any members thereof, or by the governor-general individually, as the case requires, subject nevertheless (except with respect to such as exist under acts of the parliament of Great Britain or of the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) to be abolished or altered by the parlia- ment of Canada. 13. The provisions of this act referring to the governor-general in council shall be construed as referring to the governor-general acting by and with the advice of the queen's privy council for Canada. 14. It shall be lawful for the queen, if her majesty thinks fit. to authorize the governor- general from time to time to appoint any person or any persons jointly or severally to be his deputy or deputies within any part or parts of Canada, and in that capacity to exercise during the pleasure of the governor-general such of the powers, authorities and functions of the governor -general, as the governor - general deems it necessary or expedient to assign to him or them, subject to any limitations or directions expressed or given by the queen; but the appointment of such a deputy or deputies shall not affect the exercise by the governor- general himself of any power, authority or func- tion. 15. The commander-in-chief of the land and naval militia, and of all naval and military forces, of and in Canada, is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the queen. 16. Until the queen otherwise directs, the seat of government of Canada shall be Ottawa. Legislative Power. IT. There shall be one parliament for Canada, consisting of the queen, an upper house styled the senate, and the house of commons. 18. The privileges immunities and powers to be held, enjoyed and exercised by the senate and by the house of commons and by the members there- of respectively shall be such as are from time to time defined by act of the parliament of Canada, but so that the same shall never exceed those at the passing of this act held, enjoyed and exercised by the commons house of parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and by the members thereof. 19. The parliament of Canada shall be called together not later than six months after the union. SO. There shall be a session of the parliament of Canada once at least in every year, so that twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting of the parliament in one session and its first sitting in the next session. The Senate: Qualification of Senators. XI. The senate shall, subject to the provisions of this act, consist of seventy -two members, who shall be styled senators. 33. In relation to the constitution of the senate, Canada shall be deemed to consist of three divisions : 1. Ontario; 2. Quebec; 3. The maritime provinces, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; which three divisions shall (sub- ject to the provisions of this act) be equally repre- sented in the senate as follows : Ontario by twenty- four senators; Quebec by twenty-four senators; and the maritime provinces by twenty-four sena- tors, twelve thereof representing Nova Scotia, and twelve thereof representing New Brunswick. In the case of Quebec each of the twenty-four senators representing that province shall be appointed for one of the twenty-four electoral divisions of Lower Canada specified in schedule A. to chapter one of the consolidated statutes of Canada. 33. The qualification of a senator shall be as follows : (1.) He shall be of the full age of thirty years: (2.) He shall be either a natural-born subject of the queen, or a subject of the queen naturalized by an act of the parliament of Great Britain, or of the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the legislature of one of the provinces of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick, before the union, or of the parliament of Canada after the union : (3.) He shall be legally or equitably seized as of freehold for his own use and benefit of lands or tenements held in free and common socage, or seized or possessed for his own use and benefit of lands or tenements held in franc-alleu or in roture, within the province for which he is appointed, of the value of four thousand dollars, over and 262 THE CANADIAN CONSTITUTION. above all rents, dues, debts, charges, mortgages, and incumbrances due or payable out of or charged on or affecting the same (4.) His real and personal property shall be together worth four thousand dollars over and above his debts and liabilities (5.) He shall be resident in the province for which he is appointed. (6.) In the ease of Quebec he shall have his real property qualification in the electoral division for which he is appointed, or shall be resident in that division. 24. The governor-general shall from time to time, in the queen's name, by instrument under the great seal of Canada, summon qualified persons to the senate; and, subject to the pro- visions of this act, every person so summoned shall become and be a member of the senate and a senator. 25- Such persons shall be first summoned to the senate as the queen by warrant under her majesty's royal sign-manual thinks fit to approve, and their names snail be inserted in the queen's proclamation of union. 36. If at any time on the recommendation of the governor-general the queen thinks fit to direct that three or six members be added to the senate, the governor-general may by summons to three or six qualified persons (as the case may be), repre- senting equally the three divisions of Canada, add to the senate accordingly. 87. In case of such addition being at any time made the governor-general shall not summon any person to the senate, except on a further like direction by the queen on the like recom^enda- tion, until each of the three divisions of Canada is represented by twenty-four senators and no more. Number of Senators Allowed. 28. The number of senators shall not at any time exceed seventy-eight. 29. A senator shall, subject to the provisions of this act, hold his place in the senate for life. 30. A senator may by writing under his hand addressed to the governor-general resign his place in the senate, and thereupon the same shall be vacant. 31 . The place of a senator shall become vacant in any of the following cases : (1.) If for two consecutive sessions of the par- liament he fails to give his attendance in the senate : (2.) If he takes an oath or makes a declaration or acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or does an act whereby he becomes a subject or citizen, or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen, of a foreign power: (3.) If he is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or applies for the benefit of any law relating to insolvent debtors, or becomes a public defaulter: (4.) If he is attainted of treason cr convicted of felony or of any infamous crime: (5.) If he ceases to be qualified in respect of property or of residence; provided, that a senator shall not be deemed to have ceased to be qualified in respect of residence by reason only of his resid- ing at the seat of the government of Canada while holding an office under that government requiring his presence there. 32. When a vacancy happens in the senate by resignation, death, or otherwise, the governor- general shall by summons to a fit and qualified person fill the vacancy. 33. If any question arises respecting the quali- fication of a senator or a vacancy in the senate the same shall be heard and determined by the senate. 34. The governor-general may from time to time, by instrument under the great seal of Canada, appoint a senator to be speaker of the senate, and may remove him and appoint another in his stead. 35. Until the parliament of Canada otherwise Srovides, the presence of at least fifteen senators, icluding the speaker, shall be necessary to con- stitute a meeting of the senate for the exercise of its powers. 36. Questions arising in the senate shall be decided by a majority of voices, and the speaker shall in all cases have a vote, and when the voices are equal the decision shall be deemed to be in the negative. The House of Commons. ST. The house of commons shall, subject to the provisions of this act, consist of one hundred and eighty-one members, of whom eighty-two shall be elected for Ontario, sixty-five for Quebec, nineteen for Nova Scotia, and fifteen for New Brunswick. 88. The governor-general shall from time to time, in the queen's name, by instrument under the great seal of Canada, summon and call together the house of commons. 39. A senator shall not be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a member of the house of commons. 40. Until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall, for the purposes of the election of members to serve in the house of commons, be divided into electoral districts as follows : 1. Ontario. Ontario shall be divided into the counties, ridings of counti-js, cities, parts of cities, and towns enumerated in the first schedule to this act, each whereof shall be an electoral district, each such district as numbered in that schedule being entitled to return one member. 2. Quebec. Quebec shall be divided into sixty-five electoral districts, composed of the sixty-five electoral divisions into which Lower Canada is at the pass- ing of this act divided under chapter two of the consolidated statutes of Canada, chapter seventy- five of the consolidated statutes for Lower Canada, and the act of the province of Canada of the twenty-third year of the queen, chapter one, or any other act amending the same in force at the union, so that each electoral division shall be for the purposes of this act an electoral district entitled to return one member. 3. Xova Scotia. Each of the eighteen counties of Nova Scotia shall be an electoral district. The county of Halifax shall be entitled to return two members, and each of the other counties one member. 4.. ->< Brunswick. Each of the fourteen counties into which New Brunswick is divided, including the city and county of St. John, shall be an electoral district; the city of St. John shall also be a separate elec- toral district. Each of those fifteen electoral dis- tricts shall be entitled to return one member. 41. Until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, all laws in force in the several provinces at the union relative to the following matters or any of them, namely, the qualifications and dis- qualifications of persons to be elected or to sit or vote as the members of the house of assembly or legislative assembly in the several provinces, the voters at elections of such members, the oaths to be taken by voters, the returning officers, their powers and duties, the proceedings at elections, the periods during which elections may be con- tinued, the trial of controverted elections and proceedings incident thereto, the vacating of seats of members, and the execution of new writs in case of seats vacated otherwise than by dissolu- tion, shall respectively apply to elections of members to serve in the house of commons for the same several provinces. Provided that, until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, at any election for a member of the house of commons for the district of Algoma, in addition to persons qualified by the law of the province of Canada to vote, every male British subject, aged twenty-one years or upwards, being a householder, shall have a vote. 42. For the first election of members to serve in the house of commons the governor-general shall cause writs to be issued by such person, in sucih form, and addressed to such returning officers as he thinks fit. The person issuing writs under this section shall have the like powers as are possessed at the union by the officers charged with the issuing of writs for the election of members to serve in the respec- tive house of assembly or legislative assembly of the province of Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick; and the returning officers to whom writs are directed under this section shall have the like powers as are possessed at the union by the officers charged with the returning of writs for the election of members to serve in the same respective house of assembly or legislative assembly. 48. In case a vacancy in the representation in the house of commons of any electoral district happens before the meeting of the parliament or after the meeting of the parliament, before provision is made by the parliament in this behalf, the provisions of the last foregoing section of this act shall extend and apply to the issuing and returning of a writ in respect of such vacant district. Election of Speaker in the House of Commons. 44. The house of commons on its first assemb- ling after a general election shall proceed with all practicable speed to elect one of its members to be speaker. 45. In case of a vacancy happening in the office of speaker by death, resignation, or other- wise, the house of commons shall with all prac- ticable speed proceed to elect another of its mem- bers to be speaker. 46. The speaker shall preside at all meetings of the house of commons. 4'7. Until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, in case of the absence for any reason of the speaker from the chair of the house of com- mons for a period of forty-eight consecutive hours, the house may elect another of its mem- bers to act as a speaker, and the member so elected shall, during the continuance of such absence of the speaker, have and execute all the powers, privileges and duties of speaker. 48. The presence of at least twenty members of the house of commons shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the house for the exercise of its powers; and for that purpose the speaker shall be reckoned as a member. 49. Questions arising in the house of commons shall be decided by a majority of voices other than that of the speaker, and when the voices are equal, but not otherwise, the speaker shall have a vote. 50. Every house of commons shall continue for five yeai-s from the day of the return of the writs for choosing the house (subject to be sooner dis- solved by the governor-general), and no longer. 51. On the completion of the census in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, and of each subsequent decennial census, the representation of the tour provinces shall be re-adjusted by such authority, in such manner, and from such time, as the parliament of Canada from time to time provides, subject and according to the following rules : (1.) Quebec shall have the fixed number of sixty-five members: (2.) There shall be assigned to each of the other provinces such a number of members as will bear the same proportion to the number of its popula- tion (ascertained at such census) as the number sixty-five bears to the number of the population of Quebec (so ascertained) : (3.) In the computation of the number of mem- bers for a province a fractional part not exceeding one-half of the whole number requisite for entit- ling the province to a member shall be dis- regarded ; but a fractional part exceeding one-half of that number shall be equivalent to the whole number : (4.; On any such re-adjustment the number of members for a province shall not be reduced unless the proportion which the number of the population of the province bore to the number of the aggregate population of Canada at the then last preceding re adjustment of the number of members for the province is ascertained at the then latest census to be diminished by ona- twentieth part or upwards: (5.) Such re-adjustment shall not take effect until the termination of the then existing parlia- ment. 52. The number of members of the house of commons may be from time to time increased by the parliament of Canada, provided the propor- tionate representation of the provinces prescribed by this act is not thereby disturbed. The Raising and Distribution of Money. 53. Bills for appropriating any part of the public revenue, or for imposing any tax or impost, shall originate in the house of commons. 54. It shall not be lawful for the house of com- mons to adopt or pass any vote, resolution, address, or bill for the appropriation of any part of the public revenue, or of any tax or impost, to any purpose that has not been first recommended to that house by message of the governor-general in the session in which such vote, resolution, address, or bill is proposed. 55. Where a bill passed by the houses of the parliament is presented to the governor-general for the queen's assent, he shall declare, according to his discretion, but subject to the provisions of this act, and to her majesty's instructions, either that he assents thereto in the queen's name, 01 that he withholds the queen's assent, or that he reserves the bill for the signification of the queen's pleasure. 56. Where the governor-general assents to a bill in the queen's name, he shall by the first con- venient opportunity send an authentic copy of the act to one of her majesty's principal secretaries of state, and if the queen in council within two years after receipt thereof by the secretary of state thinks fit to disallow the act, such disallow- ance (with a certificate of the secretary of state of the day on which the act was received by him) being signified by the governor-general, by speech or message to each of the houses of the parliament or by proclamation, shall annul the act from and after the day of such signification. EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE POWEK AS DEFINED BY THE CONSTITUTION. 263 St. A bill reserved for the signification of the queen's pleasure shall not have any force unless and until within two years from the day on which it was presented to the governor-general for the queen's assent, the governor-general signifies, by speech or message to each of the houses of the parliament, or by proclamation, that it has received the assent of the queen in council. An entry of every such speech, message or pro- clamation shall be made in the journal of each house, and a duplicate thereof, duly attested, shall be delivered to the proper officer to be kept among the records of Canada. Executive Power in Each Province. 58. For each province there shall be an officer, styled the lieutenant-governor, appointed by the governor-general in council by instrument under the great seal of Canada. 59. A lieutenant-governor shall hold office during the pleasure of the governor- general; but any lieutenant-governor appointed after the commencement of the first session of the parlia- ment of Canada shall not be removable within five years from his appointment, except for cause assigned, which shall be communicated to him in writing within one month after the order for his removal is made, and shall be communicated by message to the senate and to the house of com- mons within one week thereafter if the parlia- ment is then sitting, and if not, then within one week after the commencement of the next session of the parliament. 60. The salaries of the lieutenant-governors shall be fixed and provided by the parliament of Canada. 81. Every lieutenant-governor shall, before assuming the duties of his office, make and sub- scribe before the governor-general or some person authorized by him, oaths of allegiance and office similar to those taken by the governor-general. 82. The provisions of this act, referring to the lieutenant-governor, extend and apply to the lieutenant-governor for the time being of each province or other the chief executive officer or administrator for the time being carrying on the government of the province, by whatever title he is designated. 83. The executive council of Ontario and of Quebec shall be composed of such persons as the lieutenant-governor from time to time thinks fit, and in the first instance of the following officers, namely, the attorney-general, the secretary and registrar of the province, the treasurer of the province, the commissioner of crown lands, and the commissioner of agriculture and public works, with, in Quebec, the speaker of the legislative council and the solicitor-general. 84. The constitution of the executive authority in each of the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall, subject to the provisions of this act, continue as it exists at the union until altered under the authority of this act. 85. All powers, authorities and functions which, under any act of the parliament of Great Britain, or of the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the legislature of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, or Canada, were or are before or at the union vested in or exercisible by the respective governors or lieutenant-governors of those pro- vinces, with the advice, or with the advice and consent, of the respective executive councils thereof, or in conjunction with those councils, or with any number of members thereof, or by those governors or lieutenant-governors individually, shall, as far as the same are capable of being exercised after the union in relation to the govern- ment of Ontario and Quebec respectively, be vested in and shall or may be exercised by the lieutenant-governor of Ontario and Quebec respectively, with the advice or with the advice and consent of or in conjunction with the respec- tive executive councils, or any members thereof, or by the lieutenant-governor individually, as the case requires, subject nevertheless (except with respect to such as exist under acts of the parlia- ment of Great Britain, or of the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) to be abolished or altered by the respective legisla- tures of Ontario and Quebec. 88. The provisions of this act referring to the lieutenant-governor in council shall be construed as referring to the lieutenant>governor of the province acting by and with the advice of the executive council thereof. 8T. The governor-general in council may from time to time appoint an administrator to execute the office and functions of lieutenant-governor during his absence, illness or other inability. 88. Unless and until the executive government of any province otherwise directs with respect to that province, the seats of government of the provinces shall be as follows, namely, of Ontario, the city of Toronto ; of Quebec, the city of Quebec ; of Nova Scotia, the city of Halifax; and of New Brunswick, the city of Fredericton. Legislative Power in Ontario. 89. There shall be a legislature for Ontario, consisting of the lieutenant-governor and of one house, styled the legislative assembly of Ontario. VO. The legislative assembly of Ontario shall be composed of eighty-two members, to be elected to represent the eighty-two electoral districts set forth in the first schedule to this act. Legislative Power in Quebec. "71. There shall be a legislature for Quebec, consisting of the lieutenant-governor and of two houses, styled the legislative council of Quebec and the legislative assembly of Quebec. T8. The legislative council of Quebec shall be composed of twenty-four members, to be ap- pointed by the lieutenant-governor in the queen's name, by instrument under the great seal of Quebec, one being appointed to represent each of the twenty-four electoral divisions of Lower Canada in this act referred to, and each holding office for the term of his life, unless the legislature of Quebec otherwise provides under the provisions of this act. 13. The qualifications of the legislative coun- cilors of Quebec shall be the same as those of the senators for Quebec. 74. The place of a legislative councilor of Quebec shall become vacant in the cases mutatis mutandis, in which the place of senator becomes vacant. 75. When a vacancy happens in the legisla- tive council of Quebec by resignation, death, or otherwise, the lieutenant-governor, in the queen's name, by instrument under the great seal of Quebec, shall appoint a fit and qualified person to fill the vacancy. 78. If any question arises respecting the quali- fication of a legislative councilor of Quebec, or a vacancy in the legislative council of Quebec, the same shall be heard and determined by the legis- lative council. 77. The lieutenant-governor may from time to time, by instrument under the great seal of Quebec, appoint a member of the legislative council of Quebec to be speaker thereof, and may remove him and appoint another in his stead. 78. Until the legislature of Quebec, otherwise provides, the presence of at least ten members of the legislative council, including the speaker, shall be necessary to constitute a meeting for the exercise of its powers. tO. Questions arising in the legislative council of Quebec shall be decided by a majority of voices, and the speaker shall in all cases have a vote, and when the voices are equal the decision shall be deemed to be in the negative. 80. The legislative assembly of Quebec shall be composed of sixty-five members, to be elected to represent the sixty-five electoral divisions or districts of Lower Canada in this act referred to, subject to alteration thereof by the legislature of Quebec: Provided that it shall not be lawful to present to the lieutenant-governor of Quebec for assent any bill for altering the limits of any of the electoral divisions or districts mentioned in the second schedule to this act, unless the second and third readings of such bill have been passed in the legislative assembly with the concurrence of the majority of the members representing all those electoral divisions or districts, and the assent shall not be given to such bill unless an address has been presented by the legislative assembly to the lieutenant-governor stating that it has been so passed. The Legislatures of Ontario and Quebec. 81. The legislatures of Ontario and Quebec respectively shall be called together not later than six months after the union. 83. The lieutenant-governor of Ontario and of Quebec shall from time to time, in the queen's name, by instrument under the great seal of the province, summon and call together the legisla- tive assembly of the province. 88. Until the legislature of Ontario or of Quebec otherwise provides, a person accepting or holding in Ontario or in Quebec any office, com- mission or employment, permanent or temporary, at the nomination of the lieutenant-governor, to which an annual salary, or any fee, allowance, emolument, or profit of any kind or amount what- ever from the province is attached, shall not be eligible as a member of the legislative assembly of the respective province, nor shall he sit or vote as such; but nothing in this section shall make ineligible any person being a member of the exec- utive council of the respective province, or hold- ing any of the following offices, that is to say, the offices of attorney-general, secret?. and registrar of the province, treasurer of the province, com- missioner of crown lands, and commissioner of agriculture and public works, and in Quebec solicitor-general, or shall disqualify him to sit or vote in the house for which he is elected, provided he is elected while holding such office. 84. Until the legislatures of Ontario and Quebec respectively otherwise provide, all laws which at the union are in force in those provinces respectively, relative to the following matters, or any of them, namely, the qualifications and dis- qualifications of persons to be elected or to sit or vote as members of the assembly of Canada, the qualifications or disqualifications of voters, the oaths to be taken by voters, the returning officers, their powers and duties, the proceedings at elec- tions, the periods during which such elections may be continued, and the trial of controverted elec- tions and the proceedings incident thereto, the vacating of the seats of members and the issuing and execution of new writs in case of seats vacated otherwise than by dissolution, shall respectively apply to elections of members to serve in the respective legislative assemblies of Ontario and Quebec. Provided that until the legislature of Ontario otherwise provides, at any election for a member of the legislative assembly of Ontario for the dis- trict of Algoma, in addition to persons qualified by the law of the province of Canada to vote, every male British subject, aged twenty -one years or upwards, being a householder, shall have a vote. 85. Every legislative assembly of Ontario and every legislative assembly of Quebec shall con- tinue for four years from the day of the return of the writs for choosing the same (subject neverthe- less to either the legislative assembly of Ontario or the legislative assembly of Quebec being sooner dissolved by the lieutenant-governor of the prov- ince), and no longer. 88. There shall be a session of the legislature of Ontario and of that of Quebec once at least in every year, so that twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting of the legisla- ture in each province in one session and its first sitting in the next session. 87. The following provisions of this act re- specting the house of commons of Canada shall extend and apply to the legislative assemblies of Ontario and Quebec, that is to say, the provisions relating to the election of a speaker originally and on vacancies, the duties of the speaker, the absence of the speaker, the quorum, and the mode of voting, as if those provisions were here re-enacted and made applicable in terms to each such legislative assembly. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 88. The constitution of the legislature of each of the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick shall, subject to the provisions of this act, continue as it exists at the union until altered under the authority of this act; and the house of assembly of New Brunswick existing at the pass- ing of this act shall, unless sooner dissolved, con- tinue for the period for which it was elected. Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. 89. Each of the lieutenant-governors of Onta- rio, Quebec and Nova Scotia shall cause writs to be issued for the first election of members of the legislative assembly thereof in such form and by such person as he thinks fit, and at such time and addressed to such returning officer as the gov- ernor-general directs, and so that the first elec- tion of member of assembly for any electoral district or any subdivisi on thereof shall be held at the same time and at the same places as the election for a member to serve in the house of commons of Canada for that electoral district. The Four Provinces. 90. The following provisions of this act respecting the parliament of Canada, namely, the provisions relating to appropriation and tax bills, the recommendation of money votes, the assent to bills, the disallowance of acts, and the signification of pleasure on bills reserved, shall extend and apply to the legislatures of the several provinces as if those provisions were here re- enacted and made applicable in terms to the respective provinces and the legislatures thereof, with the substitution of the lieutenant-governor of the province for the governor-general, of the governor-general for the queen and for a secre- tary of state, of one year for two years, and of the province for Canada. Powers of the Canadian Parliament. 91. It shall be lawful for the queen, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of commons, to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Canada, in relation to all mutters not coming within the classes of 264 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURES. subjects by this act assigned exclusively to the legislatures of the provinces; and for greater certainty, but not so as to restrict the gener- ality of the foregoing terms of this section, it is hereby declared that (notwithstanding anything in this act) the exclusive legislative authority of the parliament of Canada extends to all matters coming within the classes of subjects next herein- after enumerated : that is to say : 1. The public debt and property. 2. The regulation of trade and commerce. 3. The raising of money by any mode or system. 4. The borrowing of money on the public credit. 5. Postal service. 6. The census and statistics. 7. Militia, military and naval service, and defense. 8. The fixing of and providing for the salaries and allowances of civil and other officers of the government of Canada. 9. Beacons, buoys, lighthouses and Sable island. 10. Navigation and shipping. 1 1. Quarantine and the establishment and main- tenance of marine hospitals. 12. Sea-coast and inland fisheries. 13. Ferries between a province and any British or foreign country or between two provinces. 14. Currency and coinage. 15. Banking, incorporation of banks, and the issue of paper money. 16. Savings banks. 17. Weights and measures. 18. Bills of exchange and promissory notes. 19. Interest. 20. Legal tender. 21. Bankruptcy and insolvency. 22. Patents of invention and discovery. 23. Copyrights. 24. Indians and lands reserved for the Indians. 25. Naturalization and aliens. 26. Marriage and divorce. 27. The criminal law, except the constitution of courts of criminal jurisdiction, but including the procedure in criminal matters. 28. The establishment, maintenance and man- agement of penitentiaries. 29. Such classes of subjects as are expressly excepted in the enumeration of the classes of sub- jects by this act assigned exclusively to the legis- latures of the provinces. And any matter coming within any of the classes of subjects enumerated in this section shall not be deemed to come within the class of matters of a local or private nature comprised in the enumeration of the classes of subjects by this act assigned exclusively to the legislatures of the provinces. Exclusive Powers of Provincial Legislatures. 92. In each province the legislature may exclusively make laws in relation to matters coming within the classes of subjects next herein- after enumerated; that is to say: 1. The amendment from time to time, notwith- standing anything in this act, of the constitution of the province, except as regards the office of lieutenant-governor. 2. Direct taxation within the province in order to the raising of a revenue for provincial pur- poses. 3. The borrowing of money on the sole credit of the province. 4. The establishment and tenure of provincial offices and the appointment and payment of pro- vincial officers. 5. The management and sale of theipublic lands belonging to the province and of the timber and wood thereon. 6. The establishment, maintenance and manage- ment of public and reformatory prisons in and for the province. 7. The establishment, maintenance and manage- ment of hospitals, asylums, charities and eleemo- synary institutions in and for the province, other than marine hospitals. 8. Municipal institutions in the province. 9. Shop, saloon, tavern, auctioneer and other licenses in order to the raising of a revenue for provincial, local or municipal purposes. 10. Local works and undertakings other than such as are of the following classes: a. Lines of steam or other ships, railways, canals, telegraphs and other works and under- takings connecting the province with any other or others of the provinces, or extending beyond the limits of the province: b. Lines of steamships between the province and any British or foreign country: c. Such works as, although wholly situate within the province, are before or after their execution declared by the parliament of Canada to be for the general advantage of Canada or for the advantage of two or more of the provinces. 11. The incorporation of companies with pro- vincial objects. 12. The solemnization of marriage in the prov- ince. 13. Property and civil rights in the province. 14. The administration of justice in the prov- ince, including the constitution, maintenance and organization of provincial courts, both of civil and of criminal jurisdiction, and including pro- cedure in civil matters in those courts. 15. The imposition of punishment by fine, pen- alty or imprisonment for enforcing any law of the province made in relation to any matter coming within any of the classes of subjects enumerated in this section. 16. Generally all matters of a merely local or private nature in the province. What Shall be Done for Schools. 93. In and for each province the legislature may exclusively make laws in relation to educa- tion, subject and according to the following pro- visions: 1. Nothing in any such law shall prejudicially affect any right or privilege with respect to denominational schools which any class of per- sons have by law in the province at the union. 2. All the powers, privileges and duties at the union by law conferred and imposed in Upper Canada on the separate schools and school trustees of the queen's Roman Catholic subjects shall be and the same are hereby extended to the dissen- tient schools of the queen's Protestant and Roman Catholic subjects in Quebec: 3. Where in any province a system of separate or dissentient schools exists by law at the union or is thereafter established by the legislature of the province, an appeal shall lie to the governor- general in council from any act or decision of any provincial authority affecting any right or privi- lege of the Protestant or Roman Catholic minority of the queen's subjects in relation to education: 4. In case any such provincial law as from time to time seems to the governor-general in council requisite for the due execution of the pro- visions of this section is not made, or in case any decision of the governor-general in council on any appeal under this section is not duly executed by the proper provincial authority in that behalf, then and in every such case, and as far only as the circumstances of each case require, the parlia- ment of Canada may make remedial laws for the due execution of the provisions of this section and of any decision of the governor-general in coun- cil under this section. Uniformity of Laws in the Provinces. 94. Notwithstanding anything in this act, the parliament of Canada may make provision for the uniformity of all or any of the laws relative to property and civil rights in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and of the procedure of all or any of the courts in those three provinces, and from and after the passing of any act in that behalf the power of the parliament of Canada to make laws in relation to any matter comprised in any such act shall, notwithstanding anything in this act, be unrestricted; but any act of the par- liament of Canada making provision for such uniformity shall not have effect in any province unless and until it is adopted and enacted as law by the legislature thereof. Agriculture and Immigration. 95. In each province the legislature may make laws in relation to agriculture in the province, and to immigration into the province; and it is hereby declared that the parliament of Canada may from time to time make laws in relation to agriculture in all or any of the provinces, and to immigration into all or any of the provinces; and any law of the legislature of a province relative to agriculture or to immigration shall have effect in and for the province as long and as far only as it is not repugnant to any act of the parliament of Canada. Appointment of Judges. 96. The governor-general shall appoint the judges of the superior, district and county courts in each province, except those of the courts of probate in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 9?. Until the laws relative to property and civil rights in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and the procedure of the courts in those provinces, are made uniform, the judges of the courts of those provinces appointed by the governor-general shall be selected from the respective bars of those provinces. 98. The judges of the courts of Quebec shall be selected from the bar of that province. 99. The judges of the superior courts shall hold office during good behavior, but shall be remov- able by the governor-general on address of the senate and house of commons. 1OO. The salaries, allowances and pensions of the judges of the superior, district and county courts (except the courts of probate in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) and of the admiralty courts in cases where the judges thereof are for thfc time being paid by salary, shall be fixed and provided by the parliament of Canada. 1O1. The parliament of Canada may, notwith- standing anything in this act, from time to time provide for the constitution, maintenance and organization of a general court of appeal for Canada, and for the establishment of any addi- tional courts for the better administration of the laws of Canada. Revenues, Debts, Assets, Taxation. 1 Oti. All duties and revenues over which the respective legislatures of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick before and at the union had and have power of appropriation, except such portions thereof as are by this act reserved to the respective legislatures of the provinces, or are raised by them in accordance with the special powers conferred on them by this act, shall form one consolidated revenue fund, to be appropriated for the public service of Canada in the manner and subject to the charges in this act provided. 103. The consolidated revenue fund of Canada shall be permanently charged with the costs, charges and expenses incident to the collection, managyment and receipt thereof, and the same shall form the 1 first charge thereon, subject to be reviewed and audited in such manner as shall be ordered by the governor-general in council until the parliament otherwise provides. 104. The annual interest of the public debts of the several provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick at the union shall form the second charge on the consolidated revenue fund of Canada. Salary of the Governor-General. 1O.1. Unless altered by the parliament of Canada, the salary of the governor-general shall be ten thousand pounds sterling money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, payable out of the consolidated revenue fund of Canada, and the same shall form the third charge thereon. 106. Subject to the several payments by this act charged on the consolidated revenue fund of Canada, the same shall be appropriated by the parliament of Canada for the public service. 107. All stocks, cash, bankers' balances and securities for money belonging to each province at the time of the union, except as in this act mentioned, shall be the property of Canada, and shall be taken in reduction of the amount of the respective debts of the provinces at the union. 108. The public works and property of each province, enumerated in the third schedule to this act, shall be the property of Canada. 109. All lands, mines, minerals and royalties belonging to the several provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick at the union, and all sums then due or payable for such lands, mines, minerals or royalties shall belong to the several provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in which the same are situate or arise, subject to any trusts existing in respect thereof, and to any interest other than that of the province in the same. HO. All assets connected with such portions of the public debt of each province as are assumed by that province shall belong to that province. 111. Canada shall be liable for the debts and liabilities of each province existing at the union. 113. Ontario and Quebec conjointly shall be liable to Canada for the amount (if any) by which the debt of the province of Canada exceeds at the union sixty-two million five hundred thousand dollars, and shall be charged with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum thereon. 113. The assets enumerated in the fourth schedule to this act belonging at the union to the province of Canada shall be the property of Ontario and Quebec conjointly. 114. Nova Scotia shall be liable to Canada for the amount (if any) by which its public debt exceeds at the union eight million dollars, and shall be charged with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum thereon. 115. New Brunswick shall be liable to Canada for the amount (if any) by which its public debt exceeds at the union seven million dollars, and shall be charged with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum thereon. 116. Incase the public debts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick do not at the union amount to eight million and seven million dollars respect- ively, they shall respectively receive by half yearly payments in advance from the government of Canada interest at five per centum per annum on the difference between the actual amounts of their respective debts and such stipulated amounts. MONEY SUPPORT OF GOVERNMENT. EXPORTS. IMPORTS. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 265 HT. The several provinces shall retain all their respective public property not otherwise disposed of in this act, subject to the right of Canada to assume any lands or public property required for fortifications or for the defense of the country. Money for the Support of Government. 118. The following sums shall be paid yearly by Canada to the several provinces for the sup- port of their governments and legislatures: Ontario, eighty thousand dollars; Quebec, seventy thousand; Nova Scotia, sixty thousand; New Brunswick, fifty thousand; total, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars; and an annual grant in aid of each province shall be made, equal to eighty cents per head of the population as ascer- tained by the census of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the case of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, by each subsequent decennial cen- sus until the population of each of those two prov- inces amounts to four hundred thousand souls, at which rate such grant shall thereafter remain. Such grants shall be in full settlement of all future demands on Canada, and shall be paid half-yearly in advance to each province: but the government of Canada shall deduct from such grants, as against any province, all sums charge- able as interest on the public debt of that province in excess of the several amounts stipulated in this act. 119. New Brunswick shall receive by half- yearly payments in advance from Canada for the period of ten years from the union an additional allowance of sixty-three thousand dollars per an- num : but as long as the public debt of that province remains under seven million dollars, a deduction equal to the interest at five per centum per annum on such deficiency shall be made from that allow- ance of sixty-three thousand dollars. 13O. All payments to be made under this act, or in discharge of liabilities created under any act of the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick respectively, and assumed by Canada, shall, until the parliament of Canada otherwise directs, be made in such form and manner as may from time to time be ordered by the governor- general in council. 181. All articles of the growth, produce or manufacture of any one of the provinces shall, from and after the union, be admitted free into each of the other provinces. 133. The customs and excise laws of each province shall, subject to the provisions of this act, continue in force until altered by the parlia- ment of Canada. Exports and Imports Between Provinces. 123. Where customs duties are, at the union, leviable on any goods, wares or merchandises in any two provinces, those goods, wares and mer- chandises may, from and after the union, be im- ported from one of those provinces into the other of them on proof of payment of the customs duty leviable thereon in the province of exportation, and on payment of such further amount (if any) of customs duty as is leviable thereon in the province of importation. 184. Nothing in this act shall affect the right of New Brunswick to levy the lumber dues pro- vided in chapter fifteen of title three of the revised statutes of New Brunswick, or in any act amending that act before or after the union, and not increasing the amount of such dues; but the lumber of any of the provinces other than New Brunswick shall not be subject to such dues. 185. No lands or property belonging to Canada or any province shall be liable to taxation. 186. Such portions of the duties and revenues over which the respective legislatures of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick had before the union power of appropriation as are by this act reserved to the respective governments or legisla- tures of the provinces, and all duties and revenues raised by them in accordance with the special powers conferred upon them by this act, shall in each province form one consolidated revenue fund to be appropriated for the public service of the province. 187. If any person, being at the passing of this act a member of the legislative council of Canada, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, to whom a place In the senate is offered, does not within thirty days thereafter, by writing under his hand addressed to the governor-general of the province of Canada or to the lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia or New Brunswick (as the case may be), accept the same, he shall be deemed to have declined the same; and any person who, being at the passing of this act a member of the legislative council of Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, accepts a place in the senate shall thereby vacate his seat in such legislative council. Must Take the Oath of Allegiance. 188. Every member of the senate or house of commons of Canada shall, before taking his seat therein, take and subscribe before the governor- general or some person authorized by him, and every member of a legislative council or legisla- tive assembly of any province shall, before taking his seat therein, take and subscribe before the lieutenant-governor of the province or some per- son authorized by him, the oath of allegiance contained in the fifth schedule to this act; and every member of the senate of Canada and every member of the legislative council of Quebec shall also, before taking his seat therein, take and subscribe before the governor-general or some person authorized by him, the declaration of qualification contained in the same schedule. 139. Except as otherwise provided by this act, all laws in force in Canada, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick at the union, and all courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction, and all legal commissions, powers and authorities, all officers, judicial, ad- ministrative and ministerial, existing therein at the union, shall continue in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick respectively, as if the union had not been made; subject neverthe- less (except with respect to such as are enacted by or exist under acts of the parliament of Great Britain or of the parliament of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland), to be repealed, abolished or altered by the parliament of Canada, or by the legislature of the respective province, according to the authority of the parliament or of that legislature under this act. 130. Until the parliament of Canada other- wise provides, all officers of the several provinces having duties to discharge in relation to matters other than those coming within the classes cf subjects by this act assigned exclusively to the legislatures of the provinces shall be officers of Canada, and shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices under the same liabili- ties, responsibilities and penalties as if the union had not been made. 131. Until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, the governor-general in council may from time to time appoint such officers as the governor-general in council deems necessary or proper for the effectual execution of this act. 133. The parliament and government of Canada shall have all powers necessary or proper for performing the obligations of Canada or of any province thereof, as part of the British empire, toward foreign countries, arising under treaties between the empire and such foreign countries. English and French in Parliament. 133. Either the English or the French lan- guage may be used by any person in the debates of the houses of the parliament of Canada and of the houses of the legislature of Quebec; and both those languages shall be used in the respective records and journals of those houses; and either of those languages may be used by any person or in any pleading or process in or issuing from any court of Canada established under this act, and in or from all or any of the courts of Quebec. The acts of the parliament of Canada or of the legislature of Quebec shall be printed and [pub- lished in both those languages. 134. Until the legislature of Ontario and of Quebec otherwise provides, the lieutenant- governors of Ontario and Quebec may each appoint under the great seal of the province the following officers, to hold office during pleasure, that is to say, the attorney-general, the secretary and registrar of the province, the treasurer of the province, the commissioner of crown lands, and the commissioner of agricultural and public works, and in the case of Quebec the solicitor- general; and may, by order of the lieutenant- governor in council, from time to time prescribe the duties of those officers and of the several departments over which they shall preside or to which they shall belong, and of the officers and clerks thereof; and may also appoint other and additional officers to hold office during pleasure, and may from time to time prescribe the duties of those officers, and of the several departments over which they shall preside or to which they shall belong, and of the officers and clerks thereof. Powers and Duties of Executive Officers. 135. Until the legislature of Ontario or Quebec otherwise provides, all rights, powers, duties, functions, responsibilities or authorities at the passing of this act vested in or imposed on the attorney-general, solicitor-general, secretary and registrar of the province of Canada, minister of finance, commissioner of crown lands, commis- sioner of public works and minister of agriculture and receiver-general, by any law, statute or ordinance of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, or Canada, and not repugnant to this act, shall be vested in or imposed on any officer to be appointed by the lieutenant>governor for the discharge of the same or any of them ; and the commissioner of agriculture and public works shall perform the duties and functions of the office of minister of agriculture at the passing of this act imposed by the law of the province of Canada, as well as those of the commissioner of public works. 186. Until altered by the lieutenant-governor in council, the great seals of Ontario and Quebec respectively shall be the same, or of the same design, as those used in the provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada respectively before their union as the province of Canada. 187. The words " and from thence to the end of the then next ensuing session of the legislature," or words to the same effect, used in any temporary act of the province of Canada not expired before tHe union, shall be construed to extend and apply to the next session of the parliament of Canada, if the subject matter of the act is within the powers of the same, as defined by this act, or to the next sessions of the legislatures of Ontario and Quebec respectively, if the subject matter of the act is within the powers of the same as defined by this act. 138. From and after the union the use of the words " Upper Canada" instead of " Ontario," or "Lower Canada" instead of "Quebec," in any deed, writ, process, pleading, document, matter or thing, shall not invalidate the same. Concerning Proclamations. 139. Any proclamation under the great seal of the province of Canada issued before the union to take effect at a time which is subsequent to the union, whether relating to that province, or to Upper Canada, or to Lower Canada, and the several matters and things therein proclaimed shall be and continue of like force and effect as if the union had not been made. 140. Any proclamation which is authorized by any act of the legislature of the province of Canada to be issued under the great seal of the province of Canada, whether relating to that prov- ince, or to Upper Canada, or to Lower Canada, and which is not issued before the union, may be issued by the lieutenant-governor of Ontario or of Quebec, as its subject matter requires, under the great seal thereof, and from and after the issue of such proclamation the same and the several matters and things therein proclaimed shall be and continue of the like force and effect in Ontario or Quebec as if the union had not been made. 141. The penitentiary of the province of Canada shall, until the parliament of Canada otherwise provides, be and continue the peniten- tiary of Ontario and Quebec. 148. The division and adjustment of the debts, credits, liabilities, properties and assets of Upper Canada and Lower Canada shall be referred to the arbitrament of three arbitrators, one chosen by the government of Ontario, one by the govern- ment of Quebec and one by the government of Canada; and the selection of the arbitrators shall not be made until the parliament of Canada and the legislatures of Ontario and Quebec have met; and the arbitrator chosen by the government of Canada shall not be a resident either in Ontario or in Quebec. 143. The governor-general in council may from time to time order that such and so many of the records, books and documents of the province of Canada as he thinks fit shall be appropriated and delivered either to Ontario or to Quebec, and the same shall thenceforth be the property of that province; and any copy thereof or extract there- from, duly certified by the officer having charge of the original thereof, shall be admitted as evi- dence. 144. The lieutenant-governor of Quebec may from time to time, by proclamation under the great seal of the province, to take effect from a day to be appointed therein, constitute townships in those parts of the province of Quebec in which townships are not then already constituted, and fix the metes and bounds thereof. 145. Inasmuch as the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have joined in a declaration that the construction of the intei colonial railway is essential to the consolidation of the union of British North America, and to the assent thereto of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and have consequently agreed that provision should be made for its immediate construction by the government of Canada: Therefore, in order to give effect to that agreement, it shall be the duty of the government and parliament of Canada to provide for the commencement, within six months after the union, of a railway connecting the river St. Lawrence with city of Halifax in Nova Scotia, and for the construction thereof without intermission and the completion thereof with all practicable speed. 266 IMPORTANT FACTS FOR DAILY USE RELATING TO THE CANADIAN DOMINION. Admission of Other Colonies. 146. It shall be lawful for the queen, by and with the advice of her majesty's most honorable privy council, on addresses from the houses of the parliament of Canada, and from the houses of the respective legislatures of the colonies or prov- inces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia, to admit those colonies or provinces, or any of them, into the union, and on address from the houses of the parliament of Canada to admit Rupert's Land and the North- western Territory, or either of them, into the union, on such terms and conditions in each case as are in the addresses expressed and as the queen thinks fit to approve, subject to the provisions of this act; and the provisions of any order in coun- cil in that behalf shall have effect as if they had been enacted by the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 147. In case of the admission of Newfound- land and Prince Edward Island, or either of them, each shall be entitled to a representation in the senate of Canada of four members, and (notwith- standing anything in this act) in case of the admission of Newfoundland the normal number of senators shall be seventy-six and their maxi- mum number shall be eighty-two; but Prince Edward Island when admitted shall be deemed to be comprised in the third of the three divisions into which Canada is, in relation to the constitu- tion of the senate, divided by this act, and accord- ingly, after the admission of Prince Edward Island, whether Newfoundland is admitted or not, the representation of Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick in. the senate shall, as vacancies occur, be reduced from twelve to ten members respectively, and the representation of each of those provinces shall not be increased at any time beyond ten, except under the provisions of this act for the appointment of three or six additional senators under the direction of the queen. CANADIAN TABLES OF REFERENCE, Relating to Population, Game Laws, Nativity of Inhabitants, Denominational Strength and Tariff Duties. Population of Principal Cities of Canadian Dominion by Census of 1881. Name of City. Province Located In. Population. 1871. | 1881. Increase. Montreal Toronto Quebec Halifax Hamilton Ottawa St. John London Portland Kingston Charlotteto wn . Guelph St. Catharines. . Brant ford Belleville Trois- Rivieres.. St. Thomas Stratford Winnipeg. Chatham Brock ville Levis Sherbrooke Hull Peterborough.. Windsor St. Henri Fredericton Victoria .Quebec ..Ontario ..Quebec . Nova Scotia Ontario .Ontario .New Brunswick .Ontario .New Brunswick .Ontario .Prince Edward Island. ..Ontario .Ontario .Ontario .Ontario .Quebec ..36,100. ..35,961. ..27,412. ..26,127. .107,225 140,747 ..56,092 86,415 ..59,699 62,446. ..29,582. ..26,716. ..21,545. ..28,805. ..15,826 19,746. ..12,52O 15,226. ..12,407 14,091. ...8,807 11,485. ....6,878 9,890. ....7,864 9,631. ....8,107 9,616. ....7,305 9,516. . . .7,570 8,670. .Ontario .Ontario .Manitoba .Ontario .Ontario .2,197. .4,313. ...241. .8,367. .8,239. .7,985. .Quebec .Quebec .Quebec .Ontario... .5,873. .5,102. ..6,691. ,4,432. .Ontario .Quebec .New Brunswick. . . .British Columbia. .4,611. .4,253. .7,873. .7,609. .7,597. .7,227. .6,890. .6,812. ....33,522 ....30,323 2,747 6,518 9,245 5,867 3,920 ......2,706 1,684 2,678 3,012 1,767 1,509 2,211 1,100 6,170 3,926 7,744 2,000 2,507 906 2,795 ..6,006. ,.3,270. .6,561. .6,415. .6,218. .5,925. ..2,201 ..2,308 212 2,655 * The decrease of the population of the city of St. John is attributed to the great fire which occurred in the year 1877. Area, Population and Capitals of Canadian Provinces in 1881. Provinces. Ontario Quebec NovaScotia New Bruns- wick British Co- lumbia . . Prince Ed'd Island Manitoba.. N.W. Terri- tories. . . Area in Acres. ..65,111,463 UlL'.i.UJ* ..120,764,651 ...13,382,003 ...17,393,410 . .218,435,200 ....1,365,400 ...78,848,040 1,705,761,280 *%*** Stales. Female 1,359,027 ..440,572 ..321,233 4,945 ..108,891 ...65,954 ...56,446 ..976,470 . .678,175 ..220,538 ..164,119 ...29,503 ...54,729 ...37,207 946,758 Toronto. Capital of Province. .680,852 Quebec .220,034 Halifax .157,114 Fredericton. ..19,956 Victoria . .54,162 Charlottetov . .28,747 Winnipeg . . . ...28,113 ...28,333 Regina Total .. 2,221,061,447 4,324,810>2,188,854 2,135,956J Popula- Capital. 86,415 .62,446 36,100 .6,218 ..5,925 11,485 .7,985 Fishery and Game Laws in Ontario and Quebec. Seasons in which Fish must not be caught. Ontario. Quebec. Pickerel (Dore) From Apr. 15 to May 15. .From Apr. 15 to May 15 Maskinonge From Apr. 15 to May 15.. From Apr. 15 to May 15 Bass From May 15 to June 15.. From Apr. 15 to May 15 Salmon (with nets) From Aug. 1 to May 1 Salmon (with the fly) From Sept. 1 to May 1 Speckled Trout, Brook or River Trout From Sept. 15 to May 1 . . From Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 Salmon Trout and Lake Trout From Nov. 1 to 16 From Oct. 15 to Dec. 1 Whiteflsh From Nov. 1 to 16 From Nov. 10 to Dec. 1 Seasons in which Game must not be killed. Deer and Cariboo From Moose and Elk From Partridge, Pheasant, Grouse. From Wild Turkey and Quail From Woodcock From Snipe From Duck From Swans and Geese From Hares From Wildcat, Marten and Fisher. From Mink From Otter From Beaver From Muskrat . . . ...From Ontario. Dec. 15 to Oct. 1. Dec. 15 to Oct. 1. Jan. 1 to Sept. 1 . Jan. 1 to Oct. 1. Jan. 1 to Aug. 1. Jan. 1 to Aug. 15. Jan. 1 to Aug. 15. May 1 to Aug. 15. Mar. 1 to Sept. 1. May 1 to Nov. 1. Apr. 1 to Nov. 1. Quebec. From Feb. 1 to Sept. 1 From Feb. 1 to Sept. 1 From Mar. 1 to Sept. 1 May 1 to Nov. 1. May 1 to Nov. 1. May 1 to Nov. 1. .From .From From .From .From .From .From .From From From Mar. 1 to Sept. 1 Mar. 1 to Sept. 1 May 1 to Sept. 1 May 1 to Sept. 1 Feb. 1 to Sept. 1 Apr. 15 to Nov. 1 Apr. 15 to Oct. 15 May 1 to Oct. 1 Apr. 30 to Sept. 1 May 1 to Apr. 1 Net or seine flshing without license is prohibited. Nets must be raised from Saturday night until Monday morning of each week. Nets cannot be set or seines used so as to bar channels or bays. Indians are forbidden to fish illegally the same as white men. Each person guilty of violating these regulations is liable to fine and costs, or in default of payment is subject to imprisonment. No person shall, during such prohibited times, fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession any of the kinds of fish or game mentioned above. Birthplace of Inhabitants of Canadian Dominion by Cen- sus of 1881. Canadian Dominion 3,715,492 British Isles 470,092 United States 77,753 Germany 25,328 Other British Provinces 8,143 Other Countries 7,455 Russia and Poland 6,376 Not Given 6,334 France 4,389 Norway and Sweden 2,076 Italy 777 At Sea 38O Spain and Portugal 215 Denominational Strength in Canadian Dominion, 1881. Roman Catholics 1,791,982 Methodists 742,981 Presbyterians 676,165 Church of England 574,818 Baptists 296,525 Lutherans 46,350 Congregationalists 26,900 Disciples 20,193 Brethren 8.831 Jews 2,393 Of the above 1,170,718 Roman Catholics are in the Province of Quebec, and 320,839 are in Ontario. DUTY CHARGED BY CUSTOMS OFFICERS BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 267 TARIFF DUTIES UPON GOODS, Collected by the Canadian and American Governments on Various Articles in Common Use, According: to the Tariff Rates in Canada, and Adopted by the United States Congress, March 3, 1883. Various articles upon which duty is paid are here omitted, for want of room, but those are given which, by general use, most directly concern the people. Goods Subject to Duty. Canadian Duty. American Duty. Goods Subject to Duty. Canadian Duty. American Duty. Agricultural Implements, not otherwise herein provided for, twenty-five per cent, ad valorem. . Animals, living, of all kinds, except for breeding purposes, twenty per cent, ad valorem Artificial Flowers and Feathers, twenty-five per 25 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 15 per cent 15 pr. ct. and 12K pr. ct. 5 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 6 c. per ft 15 c. per bsh. 10 c. per bsh. 7% c. pr bsh. 10 c. per bsh. 1 c. per ft 10 c. per bsh. 15 c. per bsh. 10 c. per bsh. 15 c. per bsh. X c. per ft 40 c. per brl. Yz c. per ft 50 c. per brl. 50 c. per brl. 2 c. per ft 2O per cent 4 c. per ft 35 per cent 20 per cent 50 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 35 per cent 25 per cent lOOprctppk 25 per cent 10 3. per bsh. 10 per cent 10 c. per bsh. 10 c. per bsh. IK P er cent 10 c. per bsh. 20 c. per bsh. 10 per cent 10 per cent 20 per cent 10 c. per bu. K c. per ft \y t c. per ft 20 per cent 20 per cent 20 per cent 4 c. per ft Fruits in air-tight cans, including cans, three cents per pound if sweetened and two cents per pound 3 c. pr ft and 2 c. per ft 81.90prl. g. 15 percent 25 per cent 35 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 3 c. per ft 6 c. per ft 82 per ton 92 per ton *2 & 20 pr ct 25 per cent 20 per cent 2 c. per ft IK c. per ft 10 per cent 10 per cent 15 per cent 25 per cent 15 c. per bsh 10 per cent 1 c. per ft 5 cts. pr. ft 30 per cent 10 *15 820 830 and 15 pr. ct. 20 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent 825 830 30 850 and 15 pr. ct. 20 per cent 20 per cent 15 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 35 per c. and 25 per cent 35 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 35 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 20 c. pr. gal. 8 c. per ft *6 per ton 86 per ton 45 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 2 c. per ft 2 c. per ft 23 c. pr ft 15 per cent 15 to 20 pr c. 30 per cent 20 c. pr bsh. 65 c. to 81. 10 pr cubic ft. 1 c. per ft 2 c. per ft 40 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent 50 c. p gross, 30 per cent I 30 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 45 per cent 81.00 p 100 ft Free. 30 per cent Fruits, preserved in brandy or other spirits, one dollar and ninety cents per imperial gallon FURS, VIZ.: Fur-skins, dressed, fifteen per cent, ad valorem. Caps, hats, muffs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks and other manufactures of fur, twenty -five per Bird Cages of all kinds, thirty per cent ad Blacking, shoe, and shoemakers' ink, twenty-five BOOKS Books, printed, periodical and pamphlets, not elsewhere specified, not being foreign reprints of British copyright works, nor blank account-books, nor copy-books, nor books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn-books, fifteen Furniture, house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair, spring and other mat- tresses, show-cases, caskets and coffins of any material, thirty-five per cent, ad valorem Hair, curled, twenty percent, ad valorem Hats, caps and bonnets, not elsewhere specified, Honey, bees', in the comb or otherwise, three cents per pound British copyright works, reprints of, fifteen per cent ad valorem, and in addition thereto twelve Hops, six cents per pound IRON AND MANUFACTURES OF, viz.: Bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn-books, five Blank-books, viz. : Account-books, copy-books, or books to be drawn or written upon, thirty per Sewing-machines, whole, or heads, or parts of heads of sewing-machines, two dollars each, and in addition thereto twenty per cent, ad Printed, lithographed, or copper, or steel-plate bill-heads, checks, receipts, drafts, posters, cards, other commercial blank forms, labels of every description, advertising pictures or picto- rial show-cards or bills, thirty per cent, ad val- Ink, for writing, twenty-five per cent, ad valorem Jewelry and manufactures of gold and silver, twenty per cent, ad valorem Lard, tried or rendered, two cents per pound Lard, untried, one and a half cents per pound Lead, old and scrap, and in pigs, bars, blocks and Maps and charts, twenty per cent, ad valorem Playing-cards, thirty per cent, ad valorem Printed music, bound or in sheets, six cents per Leather, sole, tanned but rough or undressed, ten BREADSTUFFS, viz.: Sole leather and belting leather, tanned but not waxed; and all upper leather, and French kid, Indian corn, seven-and-a-half cents per bushel. . Boots and shoes and other manufactures of leather, including gloves and mitts and leather belting, twenty-five per cent, ad valorem Malt, fifteen cents per bushel, upon entry for ware- Marble, in blocks from the quarry, in the rough, or sawn on two sides only and not specially shapen, containing fifteen cubic feet or over, ten Buckwheat meal or flour, one-fourth of one cent. Meats, fresh or salted, on actual weight as re- ceived in Canada, except shoulders, sides, bacon Rye flour, fifty cents per barrel Nuts of all kinds, except shelled Almonds, 3 cts. per pound. Shelled Almonds five cents per ft . . . Oil-cloth for floors, stamped, painted or printed; table covers similarly prepared, and oiled and painted window blinds, thirty per cent, ad valo- Rice and Sago flour two cents per pound Brick, for building, twenty per cent, ad valorem. . Buttons of all kinds, twenty-five per cent, ad Carriages, wagons, railway-cars and carriages, wheelbarrows, and other like articles, thirty 30 per cent 40 c. per brl. 30 per cent 35 per cent 50 c. per ton 35 per cent 20 per cent 55 per cent. 30 per cent 75 c. per ton Organs, cabinet, viz. : On reed organs having not more than two sets of reeds, a specific duty of ten dollars each; having over two and not over four sets of reeds, fifteen dollars each; having over four and not over six sets of reeds, twenty dollars; having over six sets of reeds, thirty dollars each; and in addition thereto, fifteen per centum ad valorem on the fair market value Cement, hydraulic, or water lime, ground, includ- ing barrels, forty cents per barrel. China and porcelain ware, thirty per cent. Clocks, and parts thereof, thirty-five per cent, ad Coal, anthracite, fifty cents per ton of two Paintings, drawings, engravings and prints, twen- Coal, bituminous, sixty cents per ton of two Paper-hangings or wall paper, thirty per cent, ad *1 per 100 2 c. per tb 20 per cent 27J6 per cent 30 per cent $1.90pr Imp gal. and 20 per cent 20 & 30 p. ct 10 c. per bsh. 2 c. per ft 40 c. per brl. 4 cts. pr. ft 1 c. per ft 30 c. per bsh. 2 c. per ft 20 percent 1 ct. or. ft 2 c. per ft Free. 25 per cent 35 to 40 pr c. 25 per cent Some 50 pr c ; some $2.50 per ft. 25 to 50 pr c. 20 c. per bsh. 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 20 per cent 20 per cent 10 oer cent Envelopes and all manufactures of paper not otherwise specified, twenty-five per cent ad Corks, and other manufactures of cork wood or cork bark, twenty per cent, ad valorem Pencils, lead, in wood or otherwise, twenty-five Earthenware and stoneware, brown or colored, and Rockinghamware, thirty per cent, ad Pianofortes, viz. : All square pianofortes, whether round-cornered or not, not over seven octaves, twenty-five dollars each; on all other square pianofortes, thirty dollars each; on upright pianofortes, thirty dollars each; on concert, semi-concert or parlor grand pianofortes, fifty dollars each; and in addition thereto fifteen Essences, viz.: of apple, pear, pineapple, rasp- berry, strawberry, and other fruits, and vanilla, one dollar and ninety cents per imperial gallon Feathers, ostrich and vulture, undressed, twenty and dressed, thirty per cent, ad valorem Plants, viz.: Fruit, shade, lawn and ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, twenty per cent, ad Fruit, dried, viz. : Apples, two cents per pound FRUIT, GREEN, viz. : Apples, forty cents per barrel Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries, four cents per pound Plates engraved on wood, and on steel or other metal, twenty per cent, ad valorem Printing presses of all kinds, fifteen per cent, ad Cherries and currants, one cent per pound Cranberries, plums and quinces, thirty cents per Quinine, sulphate of, twenty per cent, ad valorem Sails for boats and ships, also tents and awnings, Oranges and Lemons twenty per cent, ad valorem Peaches, one cent per pound Salt (except salt imported from the United King- dom, or anv British oossession. or imoorted for 268 ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY AND THOSE THAT AKE FREE INTO THE UNITED STATES. Goods Subject to Duty. Canadian Duty. American Duty. Goods Subject to Duty. Canadian Duty. American Duty. the use of the sea or gulf fisheries, which shall be free of duty), in bulk, eight cents per one hundred pounds ; 8 c. pr 100 fts 15 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 1J c. per Ib 10 per cent 30 per cent 10 per cent $2.00 per ton 2 c. pr Ib and 10 per cent 3 c. pr Ib and 10 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 10 c. per bsh. 30 c. per bsh. 2 c. per n> 20 per cent 12 c. per I. g. 25 per cent 25 per cent 8 c. pr 100 fts \ 20 per cent 35 c. per M. 30 per cent 50 per cent 30 per cent $17 per ton 2J^ c. per ft to S2.50 p. doz. 25 per cent 81.75 per ton I Free. e Free. 30 per cent 40 per cent 25 per cent 15 c. per bsh. 10 per cent 30 per cent ( 10 per cent 1 30 per cent 7J c. p. w. g. 35 per cent 25 per cent hewn or sawn only, fifteen per cent, ad 20 per cent 20 per cent 22J pr. ct. 10 c p Ib and 25 per cent 20 per cent 10 c. p. sq. yd and 20 per cent 5 c. p. sq. yd. and 20 per cent 15 per cent 10 per cent 3 c. per Ib 30 per cent 20 per cent 12 p. m. ft., 1 c. p. cub. ft. l 1 1 3 1 I 2 d S ! I 9 Q J 35 per cent Lumber and timber, not elsewhere specified, Seeds, viz. : Flower garden, field and other seeds, for agricultural purposes, when in bulk or in large parcels, fifteen per cent, ad valorem; when put up in small papers or parcels, twenty-five twenty per cent, ad valorem -. WOOLS AND WOOLENS, viz. : Manufactures composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca goat, or other like animal, viz.: Shawls, blankets, and flannels of every description ; cloths, doeskins, cassimeres, tweeds, coatings, overcoatings, felt cloth of every description, not elsewhere specified; horse-collar cloth; yarn, knitting yarn, fingering yarn, worsted yarn under num- ber thirty; knitted goods, viz. Shirts, drawers and hosiery of every description; seven and a half cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty-two and a half per cent, ad valorem. . . Clothing, ready-made and wearing apparel of every description, including cloth caps, com- posed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or manufacturer, except knit goods, ten cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto twenty-five per cent ad valorem. . All manufactures composed wholly or in part ol wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca goat, or other like animals, not herein otherwise pro- vided for, twenty per cent, ad valorem Treble ingrain, three-ply and two-ply carpets, composed wholly of wool, ten cents per square yard; and in addition thereto twenty per Sewing silk and silk twist, twenty-five per cent ad Silk velvets and all manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component part of chief value, not elsewhere specified, except church vestments Soap, common brown and yellow, not perfumed, Steel, and manufactures of, viz. : On and after the first day of January, 1882, steel in ingots, bars, sheets and coils, railway bars or rails and fish Shovels,' spades, hoes; hay, manure and potato- forks; rakes and rake teeth; carpenters', coop- ers', cabinetmakers' and all other mechanics' tools, including files, edge tools of every descrip- tion, axes, scythes, and saws of all kinds, thirty Stereotypes and electrotypes of standard books, Tea, viz. : Black two cents per pound and ten per Green and Japan tea three cents per pound and Two-ply and three-ply ingrain carpets, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton, or other material than wool, worsted, the hair ol the alpaca goat, or other like animals, five cents per square yard, and in addition thereto Trunks, satchels, valises and carpet-bags, thirty Twines of all kinds, not otherwise specified, twen- Type for printing, twenty per cent, ad valorem. . . Vegetables, viz. : Potatoes, ten cents per bushel . . . Felt for boots and shoes and skirts, when im- Eorted by the manufacturers for use in their And all other vegetables, including sweet pota- Felt for glove linings, and endless felt for paper makers, when imported by the manufactrers for use in their factories, ten per cent, ad val- Watches and watch cases, twenty-five per cent. Wool, class one, viz. : Leicester, Cotswold, Lincoln- shire, Southdown combing wools, or wools known as lustre-wools, and other like combing wools such as are grown in Canada, three cents Wood and manufactures of, 'and woodenware, viz. : Pails, tubs, churns, brooms, brushes and other manufactures of wood not elsewhere specified, twenty-five per cent, ad valorem Hubs, spokes, felloes, and parts of wheels, rough Whips, thirty per cent, ad valorem VARIOUS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE IMPORTED FREE OF TARIFF DUTY INTO THE UNITED STATES, Not the entire free list, but including: those which most generally interest the people. Acids, boracic. Acids, carbolic, for chemical or manufactur'g purposes. Acids, muriatic. Acids, nitric, not 3hemically pure. Acids, sulphuric. Adhesive-felt, for sheathing vessels. African Fibre, unmanufac- tured, for beds. Agates, unmanufactured. Albumen. Almond-oil. Almond-shells. Aloes. Amber in the gum. American artists, works of. Ammonia, crude. Angelica-root. Angora Goats, alive. Angora Skins, without wool. Aniline-oil, crude. Animal -carbon. Animal Manures. Animals, specially imported for breeding purposes, must be of superior breed for improvement of stock Anise-seed. Anise-oil. Annotta or Annotto, and all extracts of, and seed. Antiquities, for cabinets. Aquafortis. Arsenic. Ashes, beet-root. Baggage of immigrants or. returning tourists, in actual use. Bagging Waste, fit only for making paper. Bags, gunny, old or refuse, fit only to be remanufac- tured. Balm of Gilead. Balsams, copaiva or copaiba. Balsams, fir, or Canada. Balsams, Peruvian. Bamboo sticks, canes, or for umbrella sticks. Bass wood-bark . Beads, amber. Bed-feathers, or downs. Beds, curled hogs-hair, for. Bees, of superior stock for breeding. Beet-root Ashes. Belladonna, root and leaf. Bell-metal. Bergamot-oil. Berries, for dyeing. Berries, juniper and laurel. Birds, living or stuffed. Bleaching Powders. Bologna Sausages. Bone-ash and bone-dust, for manufacture of phosphates and fertilizers. Bones, crude, burned, not manufactured, ground, cal- cined or steamed. Books which have been printed over twenty years. Books specially imported in good faith for the use or by the order of any college, school or seminary of learning, and not more than two copies of any one book on one invoice. Books, professional, of per- sons arriving in the United States. Books, as household effects of immigrants, when they have been used abroad for more than one year and are not intended for sale. Box-wood. Brazil or cream-nuts. Brazil-wood. Bronze, statuary, the|original creative work of American artists. Buchu-leaves. Bullion, gold and silver. Burgundy Pitch. Cabinet-woods. Calf-skins, raw. Caraway, oil of caraway- seeds. Cardamom-seed. Cars, Canadian, used only in through business between Canada and U. S. Cattle, specially imported for breeding purposes, muse be of superior breed for improvement of stock. Chalk, unmanufactured. Chamomile-flowers. Charcoal. Charts for library of Con- gress, United States. Cinnamon, oil of. Clothing, in actual use of persons arriving in the United States. Coal, anthracite. Coal stores of American ves- sels not unladen. Cocoons, silk. Coffee, in the natural berry. Coins, cabinets of. Coriander seed. Cork, bark or wood manu- factured. Cotton, raw. Cotton Waste, for making paper. Cream-nuts. Croton-bark. Cubebs. Cummin-seed. Cuttlefish-bone. Deer-skins, raw. Diamond-dust. Diamonds, rough or uncut. Dried Flowers. Dried Skins, not otherwise specified. Drugs, crude, used in dyeing or tanning. Eggs. Elephants' teeth. Elecampane-root. Fence-posts, cedar, round and unmanufactured. Fennel-seed. Fertilizers. Fire-wood. Fish, all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the Dominion of Canada, Prince Edward's Island, Newfound- land, or Labrador (but not British Columbia), except fish of the inland lakes, or of the rivers falling into them, and except fish pre- served in oil. Fish, simply packed in ice for preservation while in tran- sit to market and intended for immediate consump- tion. Fish- oil, the product of the sea -fisheries of Canada, Prince Edward Island, New- foundland and Labrador (but not British Columbia). Flax Waste for paper stock. Flint, flints and ground flint- stones. Flowers, natural, dried and prepared. Fossils. Fowls, land or water, living. Fruitplants, tropical and semi-tropical for propaga- tion or cultivation. Fur-skins, not dressed in any manner. Gentian-root. Ginger-root, green, fresh or dried. Glass, fit only to be renianu- factured. Glaziers' Diamonds. Glue, fish. Gold - beaters' moulds and skins. Gold Bullion. ARTICLES WHICH ARE ADMITTED FREE OF DUTY. 269 Gold Coin. Juniper Berries. Newspapers, imported by the Poppy-seed OiL Silver, sweepings Gold Medals. Gold, old and unfit for use Junk, old. Jute, rags for making paper. mails, not exceeding 1,000 grammes (2 Ibs. 3 ozs). Pulp, grass, for making paper. Singing-birds. Size, gold. without remanuf acture Gold Size. Jute, thread waste, fit only for making paper. Newspapers, to be recon- verted into paper. Quassia-wood. Quinine, salts and sulphates Skeletons, and other prepara- tions of anatomy. Gold Sweepings. Lamb-skins, not dressed in Nutgalls. of. Skins, fur, all not otherwise Grasses and Pulp of, for making paper. Grease, for use as soap-stock only, not otherwise speci- any manner. Laurel-berries. Lava, unmanufactured. Lavender, essence or oil of. Oakum. Oilcake, of linseed. Oil-stone. Rags, for making paper. Railroad-cars, for business be- tween Canada and United States. specified. Skins, wool of no commercial value. Skins, mats and robes. fied. Guitar Strings, gut. Gums, all not otherwise spe- cified. Leather, old scrap leather. Leaves, all not otherwise specified. Oils, almonds. Oils, bergamot. Oils, lavender. Railroad-ties, wood. Rattans, unmanufactured. Regalia, specially imported Skins, shark. Spanish-flies. Stones, lithographic, not en- Gut, cat or whip, unmanufac- tured. Gut and Worm-gut, for whip and other cord, manufac- Leaves, palm-leaves, unmanu- factured. Leeches. Lemon-peel, not preserved, Oils, ottar or otto, of roses. Oils, poppies. Oils, rosemary. Oils, valerian. for the use of any society incorporated or established for philosophical, literary, or religious purposes, or for the encouragement of the graved. Straw, unmanufactured. Tanning, articles in a crude state, used in tanning, not tured or not. candied or otherwise pre- Oils, vitriol or sulphuric acid. fine arts. otherwise specified. Gut-cord or cat-gut strings. pared. Oils, whale, American fish- Rennets, raw or prepared. Tapioca. Gut-rope or whip-gut strings. Leopard-skins, raw. eries. Rhubarb. Tea. Guts, salted. Licorice-root. Orange-flowers or buds. Rope, of raw hides, cut into Tea-plants. Gutta - percha, unmanufac- Life-boats, for the saving of Orange-peel, not preserved. strips. Teasels. tured or crude. Gypsum, unground. Hair, hogs', curled, for beds and mattresses, not fit for bristles. human life. Lime, phosphate of, crude, for fertilizing purposes. Linen Rags, for making paper. Linseed-cake. Ores, gold and silver. Paintings by American ar- tists. Paintings for municipal cor- porations. Rose-leaves. Saffron, and safflower, and extract of. Samples, small strips of silk, cotton or other fabrics, Telegraph-poles, wood. Theatrical Wardrobes, in- tended in good faith for the personal use of the actor or actress bringing them, and of a reasonable amount. Hair, horse and cattle, cleaned or uncleaned.drawn or undrawn, but unmanu- factured. Lithographic Stones, not en- graved. Loadstones. Palm-leaf, unmanufactured. Paper-stock, crude, of every description. small quantities of raw material, and articles of any description having little or no intrinsic value Timber, all round unmanu- factured. Tin, bars, blocks or pigs. Hair, sheep-skins, sheared. Harp-strings, gut. Hemp, Indian. Hide-rope. Hides, raw, hair removed by liming. Logs, unmanufactured, not otherwise specified. Machinery, models of. Madder, ground or prepared. Madder, extracts of, Madder-root. Pearl, mother of. Pebbles, for spectacles, Bra- zil or other, rough. Pelts, raw, not otherwise specified. Pewter, old, flt only to be remanufactured. as merchandise. Sandal-wood. Sarsaparilla. Sassafras Bark and Root. Scrap-leather, old. Seal-skins, raw or undressed. Tortoise - shell, unmanufac- tured. Trees, for use in the United States. Types, old, flt only to be remanufactured. Vaccine- virus. Hoofs. Hoop-timber, round, in its natural condition, with the Magnets. Mahogany. Medals, cabinets of Photographs, specially im- ported for exhibition, not for sale. Seeds, for use of United States. Seeds, garden, not otherwise Vanilla Beans and Plants. Vegetable substances for bark on. Hop-roots, for cultivation. Mercury. Metal, bell. Piling, rough logs with bark on. specified. Seeds, hemlock. Veneers of cabinetwoods, unmanufactured. Horn, in strips. Horn, tips. Horses, of superior breed for the improvement of stock. Mineral or Medicinal Waters, natural waters. Mineral Waters, natural, artificially charged with gas. Pitch, Burgundy. Plants, crude, used exclu- sively for dyeing or making dyes. Plants, for use of United Seeds, medicinal, crude, not otherwise specified. Shrimps. Silk, all raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being Violin-strings, gut. Walking-sticks, cut into suit- able lengths. Whetstones. Ice. States. doubled, twisted, or ad- White Chalk. celand Moss. other Improvements in the Plants, medicinal, crude. vanced in manufacture any Wood. ndian-hemp, crude. Arts. Plants, tropical and semi- way. Wood. All logs and round, ndia-rubber, crude. Models, for instruction or tropical for propagation or Silk, waste. unmanufactured timber, ndia-rubber, crude, in rough sheets. illustration in schools. Mother of Pearl. cultivation. Plaster of Paris, unground. Silk Bolting-cloth. Silkworm Eggs. not otherwise specified. Wood. All ship timber. singlass. Musk, crude, in natural pod. Plates, plain. Silver, bullion. Wood. All cabinet -woods, vory, and vegetable ivory, Mustard-seed. Polishing-stones, natural. Silver, coins. unmanufactured. unmanufactured. Myrrh-gum. Poppy-heads, crude drug. Silver, medals. Wood. All dye-woods in Ivory Nuts, unmanufactured. Necklaces, amber beads Posts, round, unmanufac- Silver, old, flt only for re- sticks. Japan-wax. strung on threads. tured wood. manufacture. Yeast-cakes. 1 VARIOUS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE IMPORTED FREE OF TARIFF DUTY INTO CANADA, Including: those in Most General Use Among the People. Articles for the use of the manufacture of phosphates Casts, as models for schools of Dyeing or tanning articles in Fur-skins of all kinds, not governor-general. and fertilizers. design. a crude state, used in dyeing dressed in any manner. Articles for the use of foreign Botany, specimens of. Canvas for manufacture of or tanning, not elsewhere Flint, flints and ground flint- consuls-general. Bristles. floor oil-cloth, not less than specified. stones. Articles imported by and for Brimstone, crude or in roll or forty-five inches wide and Fossils. the use of the Dominion flour. not pressed or calendered. Eggs. Gas-coke. government, or any of the Broom-corn. Cat-gut strings or gut cord Embossed books for the blind. Grease and grease scrap, the departments thereof, or for Buchu leaves. for musical instruments. Entomology, specimens of. refuse of animal fat. the senate or house of com- Bullion, gold and silver. Chalk and cliff stone, unman- Extract of logwood. Guano, and other animal and mons. Burgundy pitch. ufactured. vegetable manure. Army and navy and Canadian Burr-stones in blocks, rough Chamomile flowers. Fish-bait. Hair, angola, buffalo and militia, for the use of, viz: or unmanufactured, and not Citron and rinds of, in brine Fish-oil, and fish of all kinds, bison, camel, goat, hog, Arms, clothing, musical in- bound up into millstones. for candying. the produce of the fisheries horse and human, cleaned struments for bands, mili- Clothing, donations of for of the United States (except or uncleaned, but not curled tary stores and munitions of Carriages of travelers and charitable purposes. fish of the inland lakes and or otherwise manufactured. war. carriages laden with mer- Cochineal. of the rivers falling into Hemlock bark. chandise, and not to include Cocoa, bean, shell or nibs. them, and fish preserved in Hemp, undressed. Bells for churches. circus troupes nor hawkers, Coins, gold and silver, except oil). Hides, whether dry, salted or Berries for dyeing or used for under regulations to be pre- United States silver coin. Fish-hooks, nets and seines, pickled. composing dyes. scribed by the minister of Communion plate and plated and lines and twines, for the Horses, cattle, sheep or swine, Bones, crude and not manu- customs. ware for use in churches. use of the fisheries, but not for the improvement of factured, burned, calcined, Cabinets of coins, medals and Copperas. to include sporting fishing- stock, under regulations to ground or steamed. other collections of antiqui- Diamonds, unset, including tackle or hooks with flies or be made by the treasury Bone-dust and bone-ash for ties. black diamonds for borers. trawling-spoons. board and approved by the 270 TARIFF DUTIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BAXKS OF CANADA. governor-general in council. Hoofs, horn and horn tips. Iron-hoop, iron and steel scrap Ice. India rubber, manufactured. Licorice root. Lemons, and rinds of, in brine, for candying. Logs, and round unmanufac- tured timber, not elsewhere provided for. Lumber and timber, plank and boards, sawn, of boxwood, cherry, walnut, chestnut, mahogany, pitch-pine, rose- wood, sandalwood, Spanish cedar, oak, hickory and whitewood, not shaped or otherwise manufactured. Locomotives and railway pas- senger, baggage and freight cars, being the property of railway companies in the United States, running upon any line of road crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian locomotives and cars are admitted free under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations to be prescribed by the minis- ter of customs. Medals of gold and silver. Mineralogy, specimens of Mineral water not bottled. Models of inventions and other improvements in the arts; but no article or articles shall be deemed a irodel or improvement which can be fitted for use. Menageries horses, cattle, carriages, and harness of, under regulationsprescribed by the mininster of customs. Newspapers and quarterly, monthly and semi-monthly magazines, unbound. Oak-bark. Oil-cake, cotton-seed cake, palm nut cake and meal. Oils, cocoanut and palm, in their natural state. Oranges and rinds of, in brine, for candying. Ores of metals of all kinds. Paintings by Canadiim artists, In oil or water colors. Paintings in oil or water-col- ors, by well-known artists. Palm-leaf, unmanufactured. Pearl, mother of, not manu- factured. Pictorial illustrations of in- sects, etc., when imported by and for the use of col- leges and schools, scientific and literary societies. Pelts. Pitch not less than 15 gallons. Precious stones, all kinds, un- polished. Pumice and pumice stone. Rattans and reeds, unmanu- factured. Rhubarb root. Salt, Imported from the United Kingdom or any British pos- session or imported for the use of the sea or gulf fish- eries. Sand. Silk, raw or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in man- ufacture in any way, silk cocoons and silk waste. Skins, undressed, dried, salted or pickled. Settlers' effects, viz. : Wearing apparel, household furni- ture, professional books, im- plements and tools of trade, occupation or employment which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada, not to include machinery, or live stock, or articles imported for use in any manufacturing estab- lishment, or for sale; pro- vided that any dutiable article entered as settlers' effects shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of with- out payment of duty, until after two years' actual use in Canada; provided also that under regulation to be made by the minister of customs. Silver in sheets. Shellac, white. Steel for skates, shovels, etc. Steel rails for all but street railways. Tanners' bark. Teasels. Tortoise and other shells, un- manufactured. Turpentine, raw or crude. Turtles. Varnish, black and bright for ships' use. Veneers of wood and ivory, sawn only. Whalebone, unmanufactured. Whale-oil, in casks from on shipboard, and in the condi- tion in which it was first landed. Willow for basketmakers. Wool, unmanufactured, hair of the alpaca goat and other like animals. THE CUSTOMS TARIFF OF GREAT BRITAIN, No protective duties are now levied on goods imported customs duties being charged solely for the sake of revenue. Formerly the articles subject . to duty numbered nearly a thousand; now they are only twenty-two the chief being tobacco, spirits, tea and wine. The following is a complete list: Articles. Duty. \ a. d. Ale or beer, specific gravity not exceeding 1065, per bbl 8 Ale or beer, specific gravity not exceeding 1090, per bbl 11 Ale or beer, specific gravity exceeding 1090, per bbl 16 Beer, mum, per bbl 1 1 Beer, spruce, specific gravity not exceeding 1190, per bbl 1 1 Beer, spruce, specific gravity exceeding 1 190, per bbl 1 4 Cards, playing, per dozen packs 3 9 Chicory (raw or kiln dried), per cwt 13 3 Chicory (roasted or ground), per Ib 2 Chloral hydrate, per Ib 1 3 Chloroform, per Ib 3 Cocoa, per Ib 1 Cocoa husks and shells, per cwt 2 Cocoa paste and chocolate, per ft 2 Coffee, raw, per cwt 14 Coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground, per ft 2 Collodion, per gallon 1 4 Essence of spruce, 10 per cent, ad valorem Ethyl, iodine of, per gallon 13 Ether, iodine of, per gallon 1 5 Fruit, dried, per cwt 7 Malt, per quarter 1 4 Articles. Naptha purified, per gallon ............................................ Pickles, in vinegar ...................................................... Plate, gold, per ounce ................................................... Plate, silver, per ounce ................................................. Spirits, brandy, Geneva rum, etc., per gallon .......................... Spirits, rum, from British colonies, per gallon ........................ Spirits, Cologne water .................................................. Tea, per Ib ............................................................... Tobacco, unmanufactured, per Ib ....................................... Tobacco, containing less than 10 per cent, of moisture, per Ib ........ Tobacco, cavendish or negro-head, per Ib ............................. O Tobacco, other manufactured, per Ib .................................. Snuff containing more than 13 per cent, of moisture, per Ib ......... Snuff containing less than 13 per cent, of moisture, per Ib ............ Tobacco, cigars, per Ib ............................ ..................... Varnish containing alcohol, per gallon ................................ Vinegar, per gallon ...................................................... Wine containing less than 26 degrees proof spirit, per gallon ....... Wine containing more than 26 degrees and less than 42 degrees spirit, per gallon ...................................................... Wine, for each additional degree of strength beyond 42 degrees, per gallon .................................................................. Duty. \ s. d. 10 17 1 10 10 16 6 6 3 1 ^ 3 6 4 6 4 3 9 4 6 5 12 3 1 2 6 3 THE POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANK, CANADA. Post-office savings-banks in Ontario and Quebec are open daily for the receipt and repayment of deposits, during the ordinary hours of post-office business. The direct security of the Dominion is given by the statute for all deposits made. Any person may have a deposit account, and may deposit yearly any num- ber of dollars, from 91 up to S3OO, or more with the permission of the post- master-general. Deposits may be made by married women, and deposits so made, or made by women who shall afterward marry, will be repaid to any such woman. Deposits for children under ten years of age may be made: Firstly. By a parent or friend as trustee for the child, in which case the deposits can be withdrawn by the trustee until the child shall attain the age of ten years, after which time repayment will be made only on the joint receipts of both trustee and child. Secondly. In the child's own name and, if so deposited, repayment will not be made until the child shall attain the age of ten years. A depositor in any of the savings-bank post-offices may continue his deposits at any other of such offices, without notice or change of pass-book, and can withdraw money at that savings-bank office which is most con- venient to him. Each depositor is supplied with a pass-book, which is to be produced to the postmaster every time the depositor pays in or withdraws money, and the sums paid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the postmaster receiving or paying the same. Each depositor's account is kept in the postmaster-generalls office, in Ottawa, and in addition to the postmaster's receipt in the pass-book, a direct acknowledgment from the postmaster-general for each sum paid in is sent to the depositor. If this acknowledgment does not reach the depositor within ten days from the date of his deposit, he must apply immediately to the postmaster-general, by letter, being careful to give his address, and, if neces- sary, write again, because the postmaster's receipt or entry in the pass-book is not sufficient without the further receipt for the money from Ottawa. Every depositor must send his book once a year, viz., on the anniversary of his first deposit, for comparison with the books of the department, and for insertion of interest. The book will be returned to him by first mail. At no other time should a depositor suffer his book to be out of his own pos- session. When a depositor wishes to withdraw money, he can do so by applying to the postmaster-general, who will send him by return mail a check for the amount, payable at whatever savings-bank post-office the depositor may have named in his application. Interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is added to the principal on the 30th of June in each year. FORMS FOR THE TRANSACTION OF LEGAL BUSINESS. 271 CANADIAN LEGAL FORMS. In General Use in the Transaction of Various Kinds of Business. WILL be seen by examination, the forms for the writing of legal documents in Can- ada are essentially the same, with slight alterations, as are used in the United States. Sev- eral of the forms, in most frequent use in the AGREEMENT. Formal Parts of an Agreement. Memorandum of agreement made this day of , A. D. 188 , between of the first part, and of the second part : Witnesseth, that the said parties hereto do hereby agree, each with the other, in manner following: 1. That, etc. (Here add the terms of the particular agreement. ) In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered | I L. s. j in the presence of . . ., Witness. ASSIGNIVIENTS.. -Assignment by Endorsement. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, the within-named A. B. , in consideration of $ to me paid by C. D. , have assigned to the said C. D. , and his assigns, all my interest in the within- written instrument, and every clause, article, or thing therein contained; and I do hereby constitute the said C. D. my attorney, in my name, but to his own use, to take all legal measures which may be proper for the complete recovery and enjoyment of the assigned premises, with power of substitution. In witness, etc. Assignment of an Entire Interest in a Patent. in consideration of $ to me paid by , of , I do hereby sell and assign to the said all my right, title and interest in and to the patent of Canada, No , for an improve- ment in granted to me , the same to be held by and enjoyed by the said to the full end of the term for which said patent is granted, as fully and entirely as the same could be held and enjoyed by me if this assignment and sale had not been made. Witness my hand and seal this .... day of , one thousand eight hundred and , at BILL OF SALE. Bill of Sale of Chattels. ., bargainer, and THIS INDENTURE, etc. , between . . bargainee : WHEREAS the said is possessed of the hereinafter set forth, described and enumerated, and hath contracted and agreed with , for the absolute sale to of the same, for the snm of $ Now this indenture witnesseth, that in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of the sum of 8 , of lawful money of Canada, paid by the to the said , at or Dominion, for which credit is due " O'Sullivan's Practical Conveyancer," are herewith given. These, with others elsewhere presented, give the reader a very extended list of legal forms for reference and use. before the sealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) the said ha. . bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents do. . bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said , executors, administrators and assigns, all those, the said and all the right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and at equity, or otherwise howsoever, of the said of, in, to, and out of the same, and every part thereof ; to have and to hold the said hereinbefore assigned and every of them and every part thereof, with the appurtenances, and all the right, title and interest of the said thereto and therein, as aforesaid, unto and to the use of the said , executors, administrators and assigns, to and for sole and only use forever; and the said do., hereby, for heirs, executors and administrators, covenant, promise and agree with the said . . . . , executors and administrators, in manner following, that is to say : That the said now rightfully and absolutely possessed of and entitled to the said hereby assigned and every of them, and every part there- of; and that the said now ha. . in. . good right to assign the same unto the said , executors, administrators and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of these pres- ents; and that the said , executors, administrators and assigns shall and may, from time to time, and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, possess and enjoy the said hereby assigned and every of them, and every part thereof, to and for .... own use and benefit, without any manner of hindrance, interruption, molestation, claim or demand whatsoever, of, from or by , the said , or any person or persons whomsoever: And that free and clear, and freely and absolutely released and discharged, or otherwise, at the cost of the said , effectually indemnified from and against all former and other bargains, sales, gifts, grants, titles, charges and encumbrances whatsoever: And moreover, that , the said , and all persons rightfully claiming or to claim any estate, right, title or interest of, in or to the said hereby assigned .... and every of them, and every part thereof, shall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request of the said , executors, administrators or assigns, but at the cost and charges of the said , make, do and execute or cause or procure to be made, done and executed, all such further acts, deeds and assurances for the more effectually assigning and assuring the said hereby assigned unto the said execu- tors, administrators and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, as by the said , executors, administrators or assigns, or his .... counsel shall be reasonably advised or required. In witness, etc. Signed, sealed, etc. 272 FORMS FOR GIFT, INCORPORATION AND LEASE. COUNTY OP , ) To WIT : ) I, , (the bargainee) in the foregoing bill of sale named, make oath and say: That the sale therein made is real, and for good consideration, namely: and not for the purpose of holding or enabling me, this deponent, to hold the goods mentioned therein against the creditors of the said bargainer. Sworn before at , in the county of , this day of A. D., 18... , a Commissioner. Gift of Personal Property. THIS INDENTURE, made between A. , of , of the one part, and B. , of , of the other part. WHEREAS, (getting out the reason and reality of the gift). Now, this indenture witnesseth, that in pursuance of his said desire, and in consideration of his natural love and affection for the said B. , he, the said A. , doth hereby give and assign unto the said B. , All and every the goods, chattels and effects in the schedule here- unto annexed, marked A. , Together with full power and authority for the said B. , and his assigns to enter into and upon any dwelling-house, lands and here- ditaments, for the time being, belonging to or occupied by the said A. , in or upon which any property comprised in or assigned by this indenture shall be, or be supposed to be, and stay therein or upon, and return therefrom to inspect and take 'an inventory or inventories of the properties and effects hereby assigned, and to remove the same at his or their pleasure. And the said A., doth hereby, for himself and his heirs, covenant with the said B , that he, the said A. , hath full power to assign and give the said goods and chattels hereby assigned in manner aforesaid, And that it shall be lawful for the said B. , and his assigns to take, hold and enjoy the same, free from any disturbance or hindrance whatever, and that free from any encumbrance. Tn witness, etc. INCORPORATION. Declaration of Incorporation. We (getting out the names of at least Jive of the intended corpora- tors) do solemnly declare that it is our intention to become incor- porated under the Act Respecting Benevolent, Provident and other Societies, Revised Statutes of Ontario, chaptered 167. 1. That the intended corporate name of our society (or institution, etc. , as the case may be) is 2. That the objects of the said society are as follows: 3. That the manner in which our first trustees or managing officers are to be appointed is as follows : In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands at , in the county of , this day of 188. .. Declared before me. A. B. C. D. , Witness. j< -p G H! I. J. CERTIFICATE ON THE FOREGOING FOR THE JUDGE TO SIGN. The within declaration having been presented to me after execution by the parties thereto, as appears by the affidavit of , there- unto attached, I certify that the said declaration appears to me to be in conformity with the provisions of the Act Respecting Benevolent, Provident and other Societies, R. S. O. chap. 167. Justice of the High Court of Justice, Division ; or Judge of the County Court of the County of LEASE. General Form of Lease. THIS INDENTURE, made the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , in pursuance of the act respect- ing short forms of leases, between , of the first part, and , of the second part : WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns to be paid observed and performed the said party of the first part ha., demised and leased, and -by these presents do., demise and lease unto the said party of the second part , executors, administrators and assigns, all that messuage or tenement situate , To have and to hold the said demised premises for and during the term of , to be computed from the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , and from thence- forth next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended. Yielding and paying therefor, yearly, and every year during the said term hereby granted unto the the said party of the first part, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of , to be payable on the following days and times, that is to say, on, etc. ; the first of such payments to become due and to be made on the day of next. And the said party of the second part covenants with the said party of the first part to pay rent ; and to pay taxes ; and to repair ; and to keep up fences, and not to cut down timber; and that the said party of the first part may enter and view state of repair ; and that the said party of the second part will repair according to notice ; and will not assign or sub-let without leave ; and that will leave the premises in good repair. Clause as to renewal may be as follows: And also, that immediately after the expiration of the said term of years, he, the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, shall and will grant another lease of the said hereby demised prem- ises, with the appurtenances, containing the like covenants, condi- tions, provisos and agreements as are in this lease contained and expressed, and at and under a yearly rent, payable in quarterly pay- ments, the amount to be ascertained in manner following, that is to say: To be fixed on, and determined upon, and declared by two appraisers, to be named and appointed, one of them by the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, the other by the said party of the second part, executors, administrators and assigns, "with power to them, the said appraisers, to name and call in a third if they cannot agree; such appraisement to be made within fourteen days after the end of the term hereby granted; such rent to be payable in quarterly payments as aforesaid, and to commence from and immediately after the termination of the first term. Notice to Quit by Landlord. To A. B. , or whom else it may concern: I hereby give you notice to quit and deliver up to me, on or before the flay of , 18. ., the peaceable and quiet possession of the premises you now hold of me, with the appurtenances, situate at , in the of Dated this day of , A. D. 18. .. , Witness. Yours, etc. , , Lessor. Notice to Quit by Tenant. To A. B. , Esq. : I hereby give you notice that it is my intention to determine the said lease, and to quit and deliver up, on or before the day o f ( is. ., the possession of the premises now held by me, with the appurtenances, situate at , in the township of , in the county of Dated this day of , A. D. 18. . , Witness. Yours, etc. , , Lessee. Notice to Claim Double Rent. To A. B. : I give yon notice that if you do not deliver up possession of the house and premises situate No in street, in the FORMS USEFUL FOR LANDLORD AND TENANT. 273 ........ of ............ , on the ...... day of ........ , according to my notice to quit, dated the ...... day of ........ , I shall claim from you double the yearly value of the premises for so long as you shall keep possession of them after the expiration of the said notice, according to the statute in such case made and provided. Distress Warrant Upon Goods When Tenant Does Not Pay Rent. To A. B. , my bailiff, ............ greeting: Distrain the goods and chattels of ............ , the tenant in the house he now dwells in or upon the premises in his possession, situated ........ , for the sum of ........ , being the amount of ........ rent due to me on the same, on the ...... day of ........ , 18. ., and for your so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant and authority. Dated the ........ day of ........ , A. D. 18. . Oath of Appraisers of Goods Attached. Yon, and each of you, shall well and truly appraise the goods and chattels mentioned in this inventory, according to the best of your judgment. So help you God. Inventory of Goods Attached. An inventory of the several goods and chattels distrained by me , the day of , in the year 18. ., in the house, out- houses and lands of , situate , by authority and on behalf of your landlord, for the sum of , being rent due to the said on the day of ,18... In the dwelling-house: On the premises: Mr : Take notice, that as the bailiff to your landlord, I have this day distrained on the premises above-men- tioned, the several goods and chattels specified in the above inventory for the sum of , being rent due to the said .... the day of , 18. ., for the said'premises ; and that unless you pay the said rent, with the charges of distraining for the same, or replevy within five days from the date hereof, the said goods and chattels will be appraised and sold according to law. Given under my hand, the day of , A. D. 18. . , Witness. Appraisement of Goods Attached. Memorandum : That on the day of , in the year of our Lord 18. ., , of , sworn appraisers, were sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, by me, , of , well and truly to appraise the goods and chattels mentioned in the inventory, according to the best of their judgment. Present at the swearing of } the said and > , Constable. witness thereto. } Memorandum to be Endorsed on the Inventory. Memorandum : That on the day of , in the year of our Lord 18.., , of , and , of were sworn on the Holy Evangelists by me, of , constable, truly to appraise the goods and chattels mentioned in this inventory, according to the best of their judgment. As witness my hand. [Signatures, etc. , as above. ] Bailiff's Sale of Goods Attached. Notice is hereby given, that the cattle, goods and chattels, dis- trained for rent on the day of , 18. ., by me, , as bailiff to , the landlord of the premises of , the tenant, will be sold by public auction, on the day of , 18. ., at .... o'clock, which cattle, goods and chattels are as follows, that is to say: [Describe the property. ] day of , 18.. Surrender of Lease. Where a surrender of lease is required to be in writing, it must be by deed, and may be conveniently written on the back of the lease intended to be surrendered. No particular form of words is neces- sary, if the intention can be gathered that the lessee intends to sur- render and yield up to the lessor the lease in question for the nnexpired portion of the term. A covenant may be added that the lessee has, in himself, good right, full power, and lawful and absolute authority to surrender and yield up the premises to the lessor. MORTGAGE. Mortgage of Land. THIS INDENTURE, made (in duplicate) the day of , A. D. 18.., 'in pursuance of the Act Respecting Short Forms of Mortgages, between WITNESSETH, that in consideration of of lawful money of Canada, now paid by the said mortgagee. . to the said mortgagor. . (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the said mortgagor. . do. . grant and mortgage unto the said mortgagee. ., heirs and assigns forever: All and singular, th. . certain parcel or tract of land and premises Provided this mortgage to be void on payment of of lawful money of Canada, with interest at per cent, per annum, as follows : and taxes and performance of statute labor. The said mortgager., covenant., with the said mortgagee., that the mortgagor will pay the mortgage -money and interest, and observe the above proviso; That the mortgagor., ha., a good title in fee simple to the said lands; and that . .he. . ha. . the right to convey the said lands to the said mortgagee.., and that on default the mortgagee., shall have quiet possession of the said lands, free from all encumbrances. And that the said mortgagor. . will execute such further assurance of the said lands as may be requisite. And also, that the said mortgagor., will produce the title-deeds enumerated hereunder, and allow copies to be made at the expense of the mortgagee. And that the said mortgagor., ha., done- no act to encumber the said lands; and that the said mortgagor., will insure the building on the said lands to the amount of not less than currency; and the said mortgagor. . do. . release to the said mortgagee. . all claims upon the said lands, subject to the said proviso: Provided that the said mortgagee. ., on default of payment for .... month, may enter on, and lease or sell the said lands : Provided that the mortgagee. . may distrain for arrears of interest: provided that in default of the payment of the interest hereby secured, the principal hereby secured shall become payable; provided that until default of payment the mortgagor. . shall have quiet possession of the said lands. And the said A. B. , wife of the said mortgagor, hereby bars her dower in the said lands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. Mortgage on Chattels. THIS INDENTURE, made the day of . . ., 18. ., between A. B. , of, etc. , and C. D. , of, etc. : WITNESSETH, that the said , for and in consideration of the sum of $ , of lawful money of Canada, to him in band well and truly paid by the said , at or before the sealing 18 274 FORMS RELATING TO MORTGAGES. and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth bargain, sell and assign unto the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, all and every the goods, chattels, furniture and effects in and about the dwelling-house (or store) of the said A. B. , situate at, etc., and hereinafter particularly mentioned, that is to say: (Here specify the chattels; or you may refer to a schedule, saying after the word etc. "which are particularly specified in the schedule hereunder written. ") To have, receive and take the said goods and chattels hereby assigned, or intended so to be, unto the said , his executors, administrators or assigns, as his and their own proper goods and effects. Provided always, that if the said , his executors, or administrators, shall pay unto the said , his executors, administrators or assigns, the full sum of $ , with interest there- on at the rate of per cent. , on the day of next, then these presents shall be void. And the said doth hereby, for himself, his executors and administrators, covenant, promise and agree to and with the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, that he the said , his executors or administrators, or some or one of them, shall and will, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, the said sum of money in the above proviso mentioned, with interest for the same as aforesaid, on the days and time, and in the manner above limited for the payment thereof. And, also, that in case default shall be made in the payment of the said sum of money in the said proviso mentioned, or the interest thereon, or any part thereof, or in case the said shall attempt to sell or dispose of, or in any way part with the possession of the said goods and chattels, or any of them, or to remove the same or any part thereof out of the without the consent of the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, to such sale, removal or disposal thereof, first had and obtained in writing; then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful for the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, peace- ably and quietly to receive and take unto his or their absolute possession, and thenceforward to hold and enjoy all and every or any of the goods, chattels and premises hereby assigned or intended so to be, and with his or their servant or servants, and with such other assistant or assistants as he may require, at any time during the day to enter into and upon any lands, tenements, houses and premises belonging to and in the occupation of the , where the said goods and chattels, or any part thereof, may be, and to break and force open any door, lock, bolt, fastening, hinge, gate, fence, house, building, enclosure and place, for the purpose of taking possession of and removing the said goods and chattels ; and to sell the said goods and chattels, or any of them, or any part thereof, at public auction or private sale, as to them, or any of them, may seem meet; and from and out of the proceeds of such, sale, in the first place, to pay and reimburse himself or themselves all such sums of money as may then be due, by virtue of these presents, and all such expenses as may have been incurred by the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, in consequence of the default, neglect or failure of , his executors, administrators and assigns, in payment of the said sum of money, with interest thereon, as above mentioned, or in consequence of such sale or removal as above mentioned; and, in the next place, to pay unto the said , his executors, administrators and assigns, all such surplus as may remain after such sale and after payment of all such sum or sums of money, and interest thereon, as may be due by virtue of these presents at the time>>f such seizure, and after payment of the costs, charges and expenses incurred by such seizure, and sale as aforesaid. And the said doth hereby further covenant, promise and agree to and with the said ., his executors, adminis- trators and assigns, that in case the sum of money realized under such sale, as above mentioned, shall not be sufficient to pay the whole amount due at the time of such sale, then he. the said his executors or administrators, will forthwith pay any deficiency to the said , his executors, administrators and assigns. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written, Signed, sealed and deliv- ered in presence of Affidavit of Mortgagee. ONTARIO, ) . .. County of J lo I, C. D. , of the of , in the county of , the mortgagee in the within bill of sale, by way of mortgage named, make oath and say, that A. B. , the mortgagor in the within bill of sale, by way of mort- gage named, is justly and truly indebted to me, this deponent C. D. , the mortgagee therein named, in the sum of $ , mentioned therein. That the said bill of sale, by way of mortgage, was executed in good faith, and for the express purpose of securing the payment of the money so justly due, as aforesaid, and not for the purpose of protecting the goods and chattels mentioned in the said bill of sale, by way of mortgage, against the creditors of the said A. B. , the mortgagor therein named, or preventing the creditors of such mort- gagor from obtaining payment of any claim 'against him. C. D. Sworn before me, at the of , in the county of , this day of , 18. .. E. P. , a Commissioner. Notice of Sale Where Mortgagee Does Not Pay. To... : In the matter of the sale of lot under " An Act to Give to Mortgagees Certain Powers, now Commonly Inserted in Mort- gages:" I, , hereby require you, on or before the day of , 18. ., to pay off the principal money and interest secured by a certain indenture of mortgage, dated the day of , 18. ., and expressed to be made between on all th , which said mortgage was registered in the registry office for the on the day of , 18. ., under the number , and has since become the property of the undersigned. And I hereby give you notice that the amount due on the said mortgage for principal, interest and costs respectively, is as follows: And unless the said principal money and interest and costs are paid on or before the said day of , 18. ., I shall sell the said property, comprised in the said indenture (and above described), under the authority of the act entitled "An Act to Give to Mortgagees Certain Powers, now Commonly Inserted in Mort- gages," at Dated at the day of , 18. . ., Witness. Discharge of Chattel Mortgage. DOMINION OP CANADA, ) Province of Ontario. \ To the clerk of the count. ... of , I, , do certify, that ha. . satisfied all money due on or to grow due on a certain chattel mortgage made by to , which mortgage bears date the day of , A. D. 18. ., and registered in the office of the clerk of the county court of the count. . . of on the day of , A. D. 18. ., as No. . . ., that such chattel mortgage has been assigned , and that I am the person entitled by law to receive the money, and that such mortgage is therefore discharged. Witness my hand this day of ., A. D., 18. . Witness, Residence, , Occupation [ Usual affidavit of execution to be added. ] TIMBER MARKS. WILL. COPYRIGHT. THE ROYAL FAMILY. 275 TIMBER MARKS. An application for the registration of a timber mark or marks shall be made in duplicate after the following form: To the Minister of Agriculture, (Trade-Mark and Copyright Branch,) Ottawa: I (name of person or firm), of (residence), engaged in the business of lumbering (or getting out timber and floating or rafting the same), within the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, hereby request the registration of the accompanying timber mark (or marks) which I (name of person or firm), declare was not in use, to my knowledge, by any other person than myself at the time of my adoption thereof, and of which the following are a description and drawing (or impres- sion) in duplicate. I herewith forward the fee of $2 required by the "Act Respecting the Marking of Timber. " In testimony thereof I have signed this application in the presence of the two undersigned witnesses, at the place and date hereunder mentioned. (Place and date. ) (Signature of the proprietor. ) (Signature of two ivltnesses. ) WILL Form of Will. This is the last will and testament of me, A. B. , of, etc. , made this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and I, A. B. , of , in the county of , gentle- man, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. First. I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, E. B. , to be sole executrix of this my last will, directing my said executrix to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses, and the legacies hereinafter given, out of my estate. Second. After the payment of my said debts and funeral expenses, I give to each of my children the sum of Dollars, to be paid to each of them as soon after my decease (but within one year), as conveniently may be done. Third. And for the payment of the legacies aforesaid, I give and devise to my said executrix, all the personal estate owned by me at my decease (except my household furniture and wearing-apparel), and so much of my real estate as will be sufficient, in addition to the said personal estate herein given, to pay the said legacies. Fourth. I give to my said executrix all my household furniture and wearing- apparel for her sole use. Fifth. I devise to my said executrix all the rest and residue of my real estate, as long as she shall remain unmarried and my widow, with remainder thereof, on her decease or marriage, to my said children and their heirs respectively, share and share alike. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand to this my last will and testament. Signed by the testator, as and for his last will and testa- ment, in the presence of us, who, in his presence and at his request, and in the pres- ence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. ('.!)., Merchant. E. F., Clerk. A. B, Testator. Codicil to a Will. This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me, A. B. , of, etc. , bearing date the day of , A. D. 18. ., (thedate of the will). I do hereby revoke the bequest to my son John, and do give and bequeath the same to my daughter Jane, to and for her own absolute use and benefit forever. In all other respects I do confirm my said will. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of ., A. D. 18.. Signed, published and declared " by the said A. B., the testator, as and for the codicil to his last will and testament, in the presence of us . who, at his re- quest, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as wit- nesses to the due execution hereof. R. S., Merchant. X. Z., Clerk. "Who May Copyright. Copyrights may be secured by any person domiciled in Canada, or any part of the British possessions, or being a cit- izen of any country having an international copyright treaty with the United Kingdom, who is the author of any book, map, chart, musical com- position, or of any original painting, drawing, design, etc., upon the following conditions: The books, maps, etc., must be published in Canada; and in the case of a work of art, it must be pro- duced in Canada, either prior to or simultaneously with its production elsewhere. Two copies of COPYRIGHT IN CANADA. books, maps, etc., must be sent to the minister of agriculture; and in the case of paintings, statuary, etc., a written description of the same must be furnished. Pee for Copyright. The fee for registering a copyright is one dollar, and it runs for twenty- eight years. It may also be renewed for a further term of fourteen years upon the same conditions. Period of Copyright. An interim copy- right may be obtained, pending the publication of any literary, scientific or artistic work, by depositing in the office of the minister of agricul- ture a copy of the title, or a description of such work. The interim copyright runs for one month, and the fee is fifty cents. The work, however, must be published inside the time specified, or the author incurs a penalty not exceeding one hun- dred dollars. Penalty for Infringement. The penalty for infringing a copyright is the forfeiture of every copy of the work to the owner of the copy- right, and the payment of a fine of not less than ten cents, nor more than one dollar, for every copy found in possession. THE QUEEN AND THE ROYAL FAMILY, Jan. 1, 1883. THE QUEEN VICTORIA, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Empress of India, Defender of the Faith. Her majesty was born at Kensington Palace, May 24, 1819: succeeded to the throne June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV.; was crowned June 28,1838; and married February 10, 1840, to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. Her majesty is the only child of his late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, son of King George III. The children of her majesty are: Her Royal Highness VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA, PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND AND PRUSSIA, born November 21 , 1840, and married to his Royal Highness William, the Crown Prince of Germany, January 25, 1858, and has had isgue four sons and four daughters. His Royal Highness ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, born November 9, 1841; married March 10, 1863, Alexandra of Denmark (Princess of Wales), born December 1, 1844, and has had issue, Prince Albert Victor, born January 8, 1864; George Frederick Ernest Albert, born June 3, 1865; Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, born February 20, 1867; Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, born July 6, 1868; and Maude Charlotte Mary Victoria, born November 26' 1869. Her Royal Highness ALICE BAUD JIAKY, born April 25, 1843; married to His Royal Highness Prince Frederick Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862, and has issue five daughters and one son: second son killed by accident May, 1873. Died December 14, 1878. His Royal Highness ALFRED ERNEST ALBERT, Duke of Edinburgh, born Aug. 6, 1844; married Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, January 23, 1874, and has issue one son. Her Royal Highness HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA, born May 25, 1846; mar- ried to His Royal Highness Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, July 5, 1866, and has issue two sons and two daughters. Her Royal Highness LOUISA CAROLINA ALBERTA, born March 18, 1848; married to the Marquis of Lome, eldest son of the Duke of Argyle, March, 1871. His Royal Highness ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK ALBERT, born May 1 , 1850. His Royal Highness LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, born April 7. 1853; married April 27, 1882, to Princess Helen of Waldeck. Died March 28, 1884. Her Royal Highness BEATRICE MARY VICTORIA FEODORE, born April 14, 1857. 276 ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO EXEMPTION FROM FORCED SALE. Exemptions i Forced Sale. ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS. Showing Property Exempt from Attachment, or Levy and Sale on Execution. . Home worth 82,000, and Per- sonal Property 91-000. The exempted home may consist of a house and lot in an incorporated town, village or city, or of 160 acres of land, with buildings, in the country, either not exceeding $2,000 in value. The exempted personal property comprises wages for labor or service, $25 per month, burial-places, pews in churches, household furniture, all necessary and proper wearing- apparel for the whole family, family portraits, books used in the family, etc., worth not more than $1,OOO. ARIZONA. Home worth 85,000, and Per- sonal Property $600. The homestead may include a quantity of land and a dwelling-house and its appurtenances, with water-right sufficient to irri- gate the land; also, stoves in use in dwellings, church pews, burial-places of families, all arms and accoutrements kept tor use, all wearing- apparel of families, all library and school-books to the value of 8150, family pictures; ten sheep or goats owned by a householder, with their fleeces, and the yarn or cloth made from them; two cows, five swine, and enough provisions for the house- hold to last six months; all household goods, furniture and utensils not exceeding in value $600; the tools, implements, materials, animals, etc., necessary to carry on any trade, profession or business, not exceeding in value 8600; ne sewing-machine and one musical instrument, with hay, grain and other food for exempted animals sufficient for three months. ARKANSAS. Home 82,500, and Personal Property 9500. The homestead in towns and cities may comprise one acre of land; in the country, ICO acres; but if the homestead be no more than eighty acres in the country, or one- quarter of an acre in a town or city, its value is unlimited. The personal roperty of an unmar- ried man exempted from execution, besides his necessary wearing apparel, must not exceed in value 8200, nor, if married, $500, to be sejected by the owners. CALIFORNIA. Home 95,000, and Personal Property. An unmarried person's homestead, consisting of an indefinite quantity of land and a dwelling-house thereon, is limited to 81,000; a married person's to $5,000 in value. The other exemptions are chairs, tables, desks and books, to the value of $200; necessary household, table and kitchen furniture, including one sewing-machine, stoves, stove-pipe and stove furniture; wearing apparel, beds, bedding and bedsteads, hanging pictures, oil paintings and drawings, drawn or painted by a member of the family; family por- traits in their frames; provisions sufficient for three months; farming utensils or implements of husbandry ; also two oxen, or two horses, or two mules, and their harness, one cart or wagon, and food for such animals, etc., for one month; all seed, grain or vegetables, actually provided for planting or sowing within the ensuing six months, not exceeding $200 in value; seventy-five bee- hives; one horse and vehicle of a maimed and crippled person when necessary in his business; tools of a mechanic or artisan necessary to his trade; notarial seal, records and office furniture of a notar3 r ; instruments and chest of a surgeon, physician, surveyor, dentist, necessary to their profession, with their scientific or professional libraries and office furniture; the law professional libraries and office furniture of attorneys and judges, and libraries of ministers of the gospel; the cabin or dwelling of a miner not exceeding $500 in value; also his sluices, pipes, hose, wind- lass, derricks, cars, pumps, tools, implements, and appliances necessary for mining operations, not exceeding $500 in value ; a miner's claim worked by him, not exceeding $1 ,000 in value , and two horses, oxen or mules, and harness, and food of horses, etc., for one month, when necessary to be used in any windlass, derrick, car, pump or hoisting gear, two oxen, horses, or mules, with harness, and hack, carriage, cart, etc., by which a cartman, drayman, peddler, teamster, etc., earns his living, and the horse, vehicle, and harness of a physician or minister of the gospel, with food for one month; three cows with their sucking calves, and four hogs with their sucking pigs; poultry, not exceed- ing $25 in value; earnings of debtor for services rendered within thirty days before levy, necessary for the use of his family residing in the State, supported by his labor; shares in a homestead corporation not exceeding $1,000 in value, when the holder does not own a homestead; all benefits of life-insurance whose annual premiums do not exceed 8500; fire-engines, etc., of fire companies; arms and accoutrements required to be kept by law; court-houses, jails, and buildings, and lots, cemeteries, and certain other public property. COLORADO. Home worth $2,000, and Per- sonal Property. There is exempted a homestead worth not to exceed 82,000, and to the head of a family owning and occupying the same, there are exempted various articles of personal property, as follows: Household furniture 8100; provisions for the family six months; tools, implements or stock- in-trade 8200: library and implements of any professional 83OO; working animals worth $200; one cow and calf, ten sheep, cattle-feed for six months; farm wagon, cart or dray, plow, harrow, and 850 worth of other farming implements. CONNECTICUT. No Home exempted. Per- sonal Property of the following value: Necessary apparel and bedding, and household furniture necessary for supporting life; militia arms, uni- forms, equipments and musical instruments; implements of the debtor's trade; library worth 8500; one cow and ten sheep (the latter not exceeding in value $150); a liberal variety and specified amounts of household provisions, fuel, etc. ; the horse, saddle, bridle, buggy and harness, of value not more than $200, belonging to any practicing surgeon or physician; one sewing- machine in use; one church pew in use, and one boat used in fishing, with its necessary tackle, sails and implements, worth not more, in all, than 8200, and the family burial-place. DAKOTA. Home of 160 acres, with build- ings, or, in a village or city, a house and one acre of land, with Personal Property. The house- holder's homestead, as above described, is without limit in value. Besides the following family pos- sessions, the householder may select 81,500 worth of other personal property, which is also exempt: The family pictures, a church pew, a burial lot, a family Bible, school-books and other books worth 8100, all necessary wearing apparel of the family, and a year's supply of provisions and fuel. . No Home exempted. Per- sonal Property worth $200. There is no homestead exemption in this State. Local laws regulate exemptions of personal property in various por- tions of the State, covering the family Bible, library, school-books, pictures, church pew, burial-ground, clothing, and implements of trade (ranging in value from $50 to 875), and from 8150 to $200 worth of other property. Sussex county does not give the additional personal property exemption. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. No Home exempted. Personal Property of the follow- ing value: The following property of a house- holder is exempt from distraint, attachment, or sale on execution, except for servants' or laborers' wages due : Wearing apparel, household furniture to the amount of 8300; provisions and fuel for three months; mechanics' tools or implements of any trade, to the value of 8200, with stock to the same amount; the library and implements of a Erofessional man or artist, to the value of $300; a jrmer's team and other utensils, to the value of $100; family pictures and library, in value 8400; earnings not exceeding $100 per month, and one cow, one swine and six sheep. .. Farm, or House and-Lot, and Personal Property. Homestead of 160 acres of land and improvements, if in the country ; a resi- dence and one-half acre of ground, if in a village or city; together with $1,000 worth of personal property. An additional sum of 81,000 worth of property is exempt from all debts incurred prior to May 10, 1865. CSKORCJIA. Real or Personal Property, or both, worth 91,600. The constitution of 1877 and statutes of 1878 absolutely exempt from levy, except for purchase-money, taxes, or liens for labor or materials, etc., real or personal property, or both, to the value of $1,6OO, the debtor choos- ing whatever he desires shall be exempted. IDAHO. Home worth 8500, and Personal Property. The head of a family, being a house- holder, either husband or wife, may select a home- stead not exceeding in value 85,000. Exemption extends to chairs, tables, books and desks, worth $200; necessary household, taole and kitchen fur- niture, a sewing-machine, stoves, stove-pipe and stove furniture, clothing, beds and bedding, family paintings and pictures and their frames, provisions for the family for three months, two ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO EXEMPTION FROM FORCED SALE. 277 cows and calves, and two sows and pigs; farming implements, teams, seed-grain and vegetables, etc., worth $200; mechanics' tools, etc., worth $500; instruments of medical practitioners; libra- ries of professional men, and office furniture of lawyers and judges; miners' cabins to the value of $500, and their mining tools and implements $200; earnings of laborers, etc. I 1 . 1 - 1 \ 1 S. Home worth $1,000, and Per- sonal Property. Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a householder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until the youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of widow. Insurance money received or due upon burned buildings of the homestead is also exempt. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvement of such homestead. No release or waiver ot exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife, if he have one, and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of persona! property owned by the debtor are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent: First Neces- sary wearing-apparel, Bibles, school-books, and family pictures of every person. Second Other property worth $100 to be selected by the debtor. When the debtor is the head of a family, and resides with the same, in addition, other property worth $300 may be selected; though such exemp- tion shall not be allowed from any money due such debtor. A debtor taking the benefit of this act shall make a schedule, subscribed and sworn to, of all his or her personal property, including all moneys on hand and due the debtor; and any property owned by the debtor and not included in said schedule, shall not be exempt as aforesaid. And thereupon the officer having an execution against the same, shall summon three household- ers who, upon oath, will appraise and fix a fair value upon each article in said schedule, and the debtor shall then select from such schedule such articles as he or she may desire to retain, the aggregate value of which shall not exceed the amount exempted, to which he or she may be en- titled, and deliver the remainder to the officer having the writ. The officer having the writ is authorized to administer the oath to the debtor and appraisers. To head of family the sum of $50 is exempt from garnishment for wages. INDIANA. Personal property to the value of $600. There is no specific homestead exemption in this State. On contracts made since May 31, 1879, a householder may claim, as exempt, real estate or personal property to the value of $600. Exempt goods may be removed from one part of the State to another without molestation. In case of debts founded upon contracts made previ- ous to May 31, 1879, the exemption is only $300. A debtor's property must be scheduled and sworn to by the debtor, appraised under direction of the law officer. Exemptions do not affect liens for labor, purchase-money or taxes. IOWA. Farm of 40 acres, or House and Lot in City, and Personal Property. The homestead must embrace the house used as a home by the owner thereof, and if he has two or more houses thus used by him, at different times and places, he may select which he will retain as a homestead. If within a town plat, it must not exceed one-half acre in extent, and if not in a town plat it must not embrace in the aggregate more than forty acres; in each case comprising all the buildings and improvements thereon, without limitation of value. All wearing apparel kept for actual use, and suitable to the condition of the party, and trunks to contain the same, one shot-gun, or rifle, the proper tools, instruments or books of any farmer, mechanic, surveyor, clergyman, lawyer, physician, teacher or professor ; the horse or team, consisting of not more than two horses or mules, or two yoke of cattle and wagon with harness, by use of which any physician, public officer, farmer, teamster, or other laborer, habitually earns his living. All private libraries, family Bibles, por- traits, pictures, musical instruments and paintings not kept for sale. If the debtor is the head of a family there are further exempt, two cows, one calf, one horse, fifty sheep, their wool and goods manufactured therefrom, six stands of bees, five hogs and all pigs under six months; the necessary food for all animals exempt for six months; all flax raised by the defendant on not exceeding one acre; one bedstead and necessary bedding for every two in the family; all cloth manufactured by the defendant, not exceeding 100 yards in quantity; household and kitchen furniture not exceeding 8200 in value; all spinning-wheels, one sewing-machine, looms, and other instruments of domestic labor kept for actual use; the necessary provisions and fuel for the use of the family for six months; a pew in church, and a lot in bury ing- ground not exceeding one acre. The printer has exempted the necessary type, presses, etc., for his office to the value of $1,200. The earnings of a debtor for personal services, or those of his family, at any time within ninety days next pre- ceding the levy are also exempt from attachment and execution. None of the foregoing exemptions are for the benefit of a single man not the head of a family, nor of non-residents, nor of those who have started to leave the State, but their property is liable to execution, with the exception of ordin- ary wearing-apparel and trunks to contain the same; and, in the latter case, of such wearing-ap- parel and such property as the defendant may select, not to exceed $75, to be selected by the debtor and appraised. But no exemptions shall extend to property against an execution issued for the purchase-money thereof. KANSAS. Home of 160 acres of Farm, or House and One Acre in a Village or City, and Per sonal Property. A homestead to the extent of 160 acres of farniing land, or of one acre within the limits of an incorporated town or city, occupied as a residence by the family of the owner, together with all the improvements on the same, shall be exempt from forced sale under any process of law, and shall not be alienated except by joint consent of husband and wife, when that relation exists. No money value is limited in the homestead. Ex- emptions do not affect indebtedness for taxes, pur- chase-money or improvement in homesteads. The law exempts, to heads of families, family books and musical instruments, a church pew, a burial lot, clothing, bedsteads, bedding, stoves and cook- ing utensils used by the household, one sewing- machine, all working tools, $500 worth of other household furniture, two cows, ten hogs, one yoke of oxen, and one horse or mule, or in lieu of one yoke of oxen and one horse or mule, a span of horses or mules, and twenty sheep and their wool ; necessary food for the support of the stock for one year; one wagon, two plows, drag, and other farming utensils not exceeding $3OO; fuel and provisions for the family one year; the tools and implements of any mechanic, miner, or other per- son, kept for the purpose of carrying on his business, and in addition thereto stock in trade not exceeding $400 in value; library, implements, and office furniture of any professional man. Single persons may hold, exempt, their clothing, church pew, burial lot, necessary tools and imple- ments used in business, and stock in trade to the value of $4OO; if professional, their libraries, office furniture, etc., are exempt. K.ENTTTCKT". Homestead worth 91,000 and Personal Property. A. dwelling house, land and appurtenances for homestead, worth $1,000. Two work beasts, or one and one yoke of oxen ; two cows and calves; plows and agricultural Imple- ments: growing crops; household furniture; books worth $50; ten head of sheep, worth $25; provi- sions for family one year, and for stock to value of $70; washing apparatus worth $50; profession- al libraries and instruments worth $500; mechan- ics' tools worth $100; wages not exceeding $50. lATUISIANA. The Home and 92,000 in Per- sonal Property. the homestead lands and tene- ments of a debtor, whether in city or country, and without specified money valuation, are exempt, if properly declared as such and recorded in the book of mortgages of the parish where the land is located. Heads of families also hold, exempt from execution, one work-horse and one wagon, or cart, one yoke of oxen, two cows and calves, twenty-five hogs (or 1,000 B>s of bacon or pork instead), and on a farm sufficient feed for the year and farming implements worth $2,000, to- gether with clothing and necessary household furniture, bedding, etc. MAINE. Home worth 9500, and Personal Property. There is exempted a lot of land, dwell- ing-house, etc., not exceeding $500 in value; necessary apparel; a bed, bedstead and bedding for every two members of a family; one cooking- stove, all stoves used for warming buildings, and other necessary furniture to the value of $50; one sewing-machine for use, not exceeding $100 in value; all tools necessary for the debtor's occupa- tion; all Bibles and school-books for the use of the family, one copy of the statutes of the State, and a library not exceeding $150 in value; one heifer, two swine, ten sheep, and the wool and lambs from them; one yoke of working cattle, or instead thereof, one pair of mules, or two horses, not exceeding $300 in value; all produce of farms until harvested; corn and grain for use of debtor and family, not exceeding thirty bushels; all potatoes raised or purchased for use in family; one barrel of flour; a sufficient quantity of hay to winter all exempted stock; all flax raised for use, on one-half acre of land; lumber to the amount of $10, twelve cords of fire-wood, five tons of anthra- cite coal, fifty bushels of bituminous coal, and all charcoal for use in the family; one pew in church; domestic fowls to value of $50, one horse-sled or ox-sled, $20 in value; one haraess worth $20 for each horse or mule; one cart or truck-wagon, one harrow, one plow, one yoke, two chains, and one mowing-machine; for fishermen, one boat not exceeding two tons burthen. MARYLAND. No Homestead exemption, but Personal Property. No home is secure from execution; but the law exempts to householders wearing apparel, books, and mechanics' tools (except books and tools kept .lor sale, or unless execution issues upon judgment for seduction or breach of promise of marriage), together with $100 worth of other property, to be selected by the debtor; or, In case no such division of the property can be agreed upon, then the debtor receives the equivalent of his exemption in money, after his goods have been sold. Equitable interests in personal prop- erty cannot be levied upon. MASSACHUSETTS. Home worth $S00, and Personal Property. Every householder, hav- ing a family, is entitled to a homestead, valued at $800, in farm, or lot of land, and buildings thereon, if he records his design to hold it as such. Neces- sary clothing, one bedstead, bed, and necessary bedding for every two of the family; one stove used for the dwelling, and fuel not exceeding the value of $20, for the use of the family; one sewing-machine, of a value not exceeding $100, in actual use by such debtor, or family; other house- hold furniture necessary for him and his family, not exceeding $300 in value; Bibles, school-books, and library used by him or his family, not exceed- ing $50 in value; one cow, six sheep, one swine, and two tons of hay ; the tools, implements and fixtures necessary for carrying on his trade or business, not exceeding $100 in value; materials and stock necessary for carrying on his trade or business, and intended to be used therein, not exceeding $100 in value; provisions necessary for the family not exceeding $50 in value; the boat, fishing tackle, and nets of fishermen, actually used by them in the prosecution of their business, to the value of $100; the uniform of an officer or soldier in the militia, and the arms and accoutre- ments required by law to be kept by him; one pew in church, unless required to be sold because of some tax legally laid thereon, and shares in co- operative associations, not exceeding $20 in the aggregate; also rights of burial, and tombs while in use as repositories for the dead. MICHIGAN. Home worth 91,500, and Per- sonal Property. Any quantity of land, not exceed- ing forty acres, and the dwelling-house thereon, with its appurtenances, and not included in any recorded town plat, city or village, or, instead thereof, at the option of the owner, a quantity of land not exceeding in amount one lot, being within a recorded town plat, or city, or village, and the dwelling-house thereon, and its appurten- ances, owned and occupied by any resident of the State, not exceeding in value $1,500. Household furniture to amount of $250; stock-in-trade, a team or other things which may be necessary to carry on the pursuit of particular business, up to $250; library and school-books not exceeding $150; to a householder, ten sheep, two cows, five swine, and their food for six months. MINNESOTA. Home of Eighty Acres in Farm Lands, or House and Lot in Village or City, and Personal .Property. Eighty acres of land selected as a homestead, or a lot and dwelling- house thereon in any incorporated town plat, city, or village, being a homestead; the family Bible, family pictures, school-books, or library, and musical instruments; all wearing apparel of the debtor and his family, all beds, bedsteads, and bedding kept and used by the debtor and his family ; all stoves and appendages put up or kept for the use of the debtor and his family; all cook- ing utensils, and all other household furniture not herein enumerated, not exceeding $500 in value; three cows, ten swine, one yoke of oxen and a horse, or in lieu of one yoke of oxen and a horse, a span of horses or mules, twenty sheep and the wool from the same, either in the raw material or manufactured into cloth or yarn; the necessary food for all the stock mentioned in this section, for one year's support, either provided or growing, or both, as the debtor may choose; also, one wagon, cart, or dray, one sleigh, two plows, one drag, and other farming utensils, including tackle for teams, not exceeding $300 in value; seed-grain and vegetables; the provisions for the debtor and his family necessary for one year's support, either provided or growing, or both, and fuel necessary for one year; the tools and instruments of any mechanic, miner or other person, used and kept for the purpose of carrying on his trade, and, in addition thereto, stock-in-trade not exceeding $4OO In value; also the library and implements of any professional man; one sewing-machine; the earn- ings of minor children and laboring men and women, not exceeding $20. None of these articles of personal property are exempt from execution or attachment for the purchase-money thereof. MISSISSIPPI. Home worth 92,000, and Personal Property. A homestead is allowed to every householder, with a family, not exceeding 278 ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO EXEMPTION FROM FORCED SALE. 160 acres of land, nor worth more than $2,000. Of personal property : The tools of a mechanic, agricultural implements of a farmer, implements of a laborer; wearing apparel ; books of a student, libraries, books and maps owned by teachers; life-insurance policy, not exceeding $ 10,000; two cows and calves, five hogs, five sheep, 150 bushels of corn, 300 bundles of cattle-feed, ten bushels of wheat or rice, 200 pounds of meat, one cart or wagon, one sewing-machine, household furniture worth $100, and growing crops. In towns, vil- lages and cities, instead of the foregoing, personal property is allowed to householders of the value of $250. MISSOURI. Home worth tl,500 to 93,000, and Personal Property. Married men are allowed a homestead of 160 acres of land to the value of $1,500. In cities of 40,000 inhabitants or over, homesteads shall not include more than eighteen square rods of ground, nor exceed in value 83,000. In cities of less size, homestead shall not include over thirty square rods, nor exceed $1,500 in value. Personal property to the value of not less than $300 to the heads of families, besides spin- ning-wheels, cards, a loom, yarn, thread, and cloth woven for family use, 25 pounds each of hemp, wool and flax; all wearing apparel of the family, four beds and bedding, and other household furni- ture, worth not more than $100. MONTANA. Home worth 92,500, and Per- sonal Property. A homestead not exceeding in value $2,500 ; in a city or village not to exceed one- quarter of an acre, or farm land not exceeding 160 acres, the debtor taking his choice and selecting either, with all improvements thereon included in the valuation. The lien of a mechanic, laborer, or mortgage lawfully obtained upon the same, is not affected by such exemption. In addition to the homestead, personal property to the value of about $1,400, according to value of articles enu- merated by statute, is allowed to the householder occupying the same. N Kit IS A SKA . Home worth $2,000, and Personal Property 9500. A homestead not exceed- ing in value $2,000, consisting of the dwelling- house in which the claimant resides and its appur- tenances, and the land on which the same is situ- ated, not exceeding 160 acres, to be selected by the owner thereof, not in any city or incorporated village; or, instead thereof, at the option of the claimant, contiguous land, not exceeding two lots in any such city or village, owned and occupied by the head of a family. All heads of families who have no lands, town lots or houses, have exempt from forced sale the sum of $500 in personal property. Other personal property is exempted, which is enumerated by statute. NEVADA.. Home worth 95,000, and Personal Property. The husband, wife, or other head of the family, is entitled to a homestead not exceed- ing in value $5,000, and a debtor has exempted from attachment personal property not exceeding in value $1,500, enumerated in the statute. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Home worth 9500, and Personal Property. Homestead to the value of $500; necessary apparel and bedding and household furniture to the value of $100; Bibles and school-books in use in the family; library to the value of $200; one cow, one hog and one pig, and pork of same when slaughtered; tools of occupation to the value of $100; six sheep and .heir fleeces; one cooking stove and its furniture; provisions and fuel to the value of $5O, and one sewing-machine; beasts of the plow, not exceed- ing one yoke of oxen, or a horse; military arms and equipments. Domestic fowls, $50. NEW JERSEY. Home worth 91,000, and Personal Property 9200. A householder with a family may own, exempt, a house and lot worth $1,000, with all wearing apparel, and other per- sonal property of the value of $200. NEW MEXICO. Home worth 91,000; Pro- visions, 925; Furniture, 910; Tools, 920. Real estate to the value of $1,000 is exempt in farms if the heads of families reside on the same; also the clothing, beds and bed-clothing necessary for the use of the family, and fire-wood sufficient for thirty days, when actually provided and intended therefor; all Bibles, hymn-books, Testaments, and school-books, used by the family, and family and religious pictures; provisions actually pro- vided to the amount of $25, and kitchen furniture to the amount of $10, both to be selected by the debtor; also tools and instru- ments belonging to the debtor that may be neces- sary to enable him to carry on his trade or busi- ness, whether agricultural or mechanical, to be selected by him, and not to exceed $20 in value. Real estate, when sold, must be first appraised by two freeholders of the vicinity, and must bring two-thirds of the appraised value. NEW YORK.. Home worth 91,000, and Personal Properly. The homestead, consisting of a house and lot, is exempt to the value of $1,000, if properly recorded as such. This exemption extends to married women, widows and minor children of deceased householders. The necessary furniture of the household, working tools and teams, professional instruments, furniture and library worth not more than $250, ninety days' food for team, and debtor's earnings for sixty days, if necessary to support the family. NORTH CAROLINA. Home worth 91,000, Personal Property $500. Every homestead, and dwellings and building used therewith, not exceeding in value $1,000, to be selected by the owner thereof; or, in lieu thereof, at the option of the owner, any lot in a city, town or village, with the dwellings used thereon, owned and occupied by any resident of the State, and not exceeding the value of $1,000. Personal property to the value of $500, selected by the debtor. OHIO. Home worth 91,000, and Personal Property. There is exempted by law the family homestead, not exceeding in value $1,000; the wearing apparel of such family ; beds, bedsteads, bedding necessary for the use of the family; two stoves and fuel necessary for sixty days; domestic animals and their food for sixty days, to the value of $65, or, instead, household furniture of equal value; other necessary household furniture worth $50; family provisions to the value of $50; mechanical or agricultural tools worth $100, if in use in business. In case the debtor is not the owner of a homestead, he is entitled to hold, exempt from levy and sale, personal property not exceeding $500, in addition to the chattel property as aforesaid. ONTARIO, CANADA. Grants that are Free, and Homesteads that are in the possession of actual settlers, in the Algoma and Nippissing Districts, and certain lands between the river Ottawa and Georgian Bay, are exempt from seizure, while in personal property, beds, bedding, and wearing apparel of the debtor and his family, household furniture, provisions, farm stock, tools and implements, to the value of $60, are exempt from seizure. OREGON- Personal Property. Books, pic- tures, and musical instruments to the value of $75; wearing apparel to the value of $100, and, if a householder, to the value of $50 for each mem- ber of the family ; tools, implements, apparatus, team, vehicle, harness, or library, when necessary in the occupation or profession of a judgment- debtor, to the amount of $400; if the judgment- debtor be a householder, ten sheep with one year's fleece, two cows, five swine, household goods, fur- niture, and utensils, to the value of $300. No article of property is exempt from execution issued upon a judgment for the purchase-price. PENNSYLVANIA. Real or Personal, 9300. Property, either real or personal, to the value of $300, besides wearing apparel, Bibles and school-books. Homesteads are not exempt. QUEBEC, CANADA. Personal Property enumerated as follows is exempt from forced sale, being used and owned by the debtor: Bed, bed- ding, and bedstead; necessary apparel for him- self and family; set of table and stove furniture; all spinning-wheels and weavers' looms in use in the family; one ax, one gun, one saw, six traps, fish-nets in common use, and ten volumes of books; fuel and food for thirty days, worth $20; one cow, four sheep, two hogs, with necessary food for thirty days; tools and instruments used in his trade to the value of $30; fifteen hives of bees, and wages and salaries not yet due; besides certain other properties granted by the courts. RHODE ISL.AND.-JVo Home exempted, but Personal Property. the law exempts from sale on execution the household furniture, and family stores of a housekeeper, provided the same do not exceed in value $300; all the necessary wearing apparel of a debtor and his family; one cow, one hog, and the tools or implements of a debtor's profession to the value of $200. There is no homestead exemption. SOUTH CAROLINA. Home worth 91,000, Personal Property $500. There is exempt from sale and execution in the State a homestead not exceeding in value $1,000, and personal prop- erty, in the household of a family, worth $500. The products of the homestead are, however, not exempt. The homestead cannot be sold, except for the purchase of another, nor can the home- stead right be alienated or waived. TENNESSEE. Home worthl,000,and Per- sonal Property. The homestead, consisting of the dwelling-house, outbuildings, and land appur- tenant, to the value of $1,000; also a generous allowance of household goods and utensils, with working tools and agricultural implements, amounting to several hundred dollars. TEXAS. Home worth 95,000, and Personal Property. To every citizen, householder, or head of a family, two hundred acres of real estate, including homestead, in the country, or any lot or lots in a town or city, used as a homestead, not to exceed $5,000 in value at the time of their desig- nation as a homestead (subsequent increase in value by improvements or otherwise does not subject it to forced sale); household and kitchen furniture, $500. To every citizen not the head of a family, one horse, saddle and bridle; all wear- ing apparel, and tools, books, and apparatus of his trade or profession. To the family, all house- hold and kitchen furniture, cemetery lots, books family portraits and pictures, five milcb-cowsi twenty hogs, working animals, twenty sheep and family provisions. UTAH. Home worth tl,000, and Personal Property. To each member of the family 9250. To the head of a family is allowed a homestead not exceeding in value $1,000, to be selected by the debtor, and personal property to the value of $700 or more, according to the value of articles exempt by statute; aside from the homestead, each member of the family is allowed $250. No property shall be exempt from sale on a judgment received for its price, on a mechanic's lien, or a mortgage thereon. VERMONT. Home worth 9500, and Per- sonal Property. Homestead to the value of $500, and products; suitable apparel, bedding, tools, and articles of furniture as may be necessary for upholding life; one sewing-machine kept for use; one cow, the best swine, or the meat of one swine; ten sheep, one year's product of said sheep in wool, yarn or cloth; forage sufficient for keeping ten sheep and one cow through one winter; ten cords of firewood, or five tons of coal; twenty bushels of potatoes; such military arms and accoutrements as the debtor is by law required to furnish; all growing crops, ten bushels of grain, one barrel of flour, three swarms of bees and hives, together with their produce in honey; 200 pounds of sugar, and all lettered gravestones; the Bibles and all other books used in a family; one pew in church; live poultry not exceeding in value $10; the professional books and instruments of physicians; professional books of clergymen and attorneys, to the value of $200; one yoke of oxen or steers, or two horses, used for work, as the debtor may select, in lieu of oxen or steers, but not exceeding in value the sum of $200, with suffi- cient forage for the keeping of the same through the winter; also one two-horse wagon with whiffletrees and neckyoke, or one ox-cart, as the debtor may choose ; one sled, or one set of traverse sleds, either for oxen or horses, as the debtor may select; two harnesses, two halters, two chains, one plow and one ox-yoke, which, with the oxen, or steers, or horses which the debtor may select for team-work shall not exceed in value $25O. VIRGINIA. Home and Personal Property 92,000. Every householder or head of a family shall be entitled to hold exempt from levy his real and personal property, or either, including money or debts due him, to a value not exceeding $2,000, to be selected by him. The personal property exempted is defined by the statute of the State. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. - Home worth 91,000, and Personal Property. To each householder, being the head of a family, a homestead worth $1,000, while occupied by such family. All wearing apparel, private libraries, family pictures and keepsakes; to each house- holder, one bed and bedding, and one additional bed and bedding for every two additional mem- bers of the family, and other household goods of the coin value of $500; two cows and their calves, five swine, two stands of bees, twenty -five domestic fowls, and provisions and fuel for six months. To a farmer, one span of horses and harness, or two yoke of oxen, and one wagon, with farming utensils not exceeding $500, coin value. To attor- neys, physicians and clergymen, their libraries valued at not to exceed 81,000, with office furniture and fuel. Small boats and firearms kept for use, not exceeding $50 in coin value; parties engaged in lightering, two lighters and a small boat, valued at S250; the team of a drayman. To a mechanic, the tools and implements of his trade and materials not exceeding in value $500. To a person engaged in logging, three yoke of cattle and yokes, chains, and tools to the value of $300. WEST VIRGINIA. Home tcortft 91,000, and Personal Property. The head of a family, or the infant children of deceased parents, may pos- sess, exempt from execution, a homestead valued at $1,000, if it is properly recorded in the public land records, before debt is contracted, and may also select personal property, which shall be exempt, worth $200. ' Working tools to the value of $50, belonging to mechanics, artisans or labor- el's, are also exempt. WISCONSIN. Farm of Forty Acres, or House and Lot in Village or City, and Personal Property. A. homestead, of land not exceeding ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. 279 forty acres, used for agricultural purposes, and the dwelling-house thereon and its appurtenances, and not Included in any town, city or villaga. or instead thereof, land not exceeding in amount one-fourth of an acre within an organized town, city or village, and the dwelling-house thereon, and its appurtenances, owned and occupied by any resident of the State, is not subject to forced sale on execution or any other final process from a. court. All private property is exempt from execution against any county, town, city, village or school district in the State. This is according to the National Constitution. Other exemptions are as follows: Family pictures, Bibles, school-books, library books, and other household furniture valued at $200; two cows, ten swine one voke of oxen and one horse, or a span of horses or mules; ten sheep and the wool from same, either raw or manufactured ; the necessary food for above stock for a year's support; one wagon, cart or dray, one sleigh, one plow, one drag and other farming utensils, including tackle for teams, not exceeding 850 in value; provisions and fuel for one year; tools and implements or stock in trade of a mechanic or miner, or other person, not exceeding $200 in value; library or implements of any professional man, not exceed- ing $200 in value; all moneys from insurance of exempt property; earnings of all persons for sixty days next preceding the issue of any process; all sewing-machines kept for use; any swords, plate, books, or other articles, presented by Con- gress or the members thereof. WYOMIXG. Home worth 91,500, and Per- sonal Property. A homestead consisting of a house and lot in a village or city, or land not ex- ceeding one hundred and sixty acres, the value not in either case exceeding 1,500, is allowed to a householder occupying the same. Also the fol- lowing property of a householder, being the head of a family, is exempt: Wearing-apparel, family Bibles, pictures, school-books, cemetery lots, bed- . ding, furniture, provisions, and such other articles as the debtor may select, not exceeding in value 500. Tools, team of stock in trade of a mechanic, minor, or other person, kept and used for the purpose of carrying on his business or trade, not exceeding $300, are exempt. Library, instruments and implements of any professional man, worth not more than $300. The person claiming exempt tion must be a resident of the territory. Suggestions Relating to Collection of Debt. Facts Concerning Judgments and Circumstances Under "Which Debtors May be Imprisoned. Imprisonment for debt Has been abolished in every State and Territory. It was considered of so much importance that in some States it is prohibited in their constitutions. At the same time there are some fraudulent acts committed when incurring the debt, or in refusing to pay it, for which there is imprisonment to a certain extent. The first limitation is, that the creditor must advance the board- bill to the jailor. Another is, the writ of arrest cannot be issued unless indorsed (by some judicial officer) with the amount for which the debtor is required to enter into bonds not to leave the jail limits, which usually embraces the county. On giving bond in such sum the debtor may live anywhere within the limits. Another is, that the writ cannot issue until proof by affidavits of the requisite facts is furnished to the judicial officer who is authorized to allow the writ. Finally, the debtor may make, under the insolvent law, a genuine assignment of all his property exempt from execution, and then he is discharged. He may have a trial of the truth of the charges, and if they are found untrue he will be discharged. Imprisonment after judgment is usually a satisfaction of it. An action of trespass lies against the plaintiff if the writ issues without authority, and an action on the case when the charges are false and the arrest malicious. For the above reasons creditors rarely imprison fraudulent debtors. The cases in which there can be an arrest may be classified. Thus: The debtor may be arrested at the commencement of the suit or after the judgment. There are few States in which he may be arrested before judgment, in cases resting on contract. On the other hand, the defendant may be arrested at the commencement of the suit in all States for wrong-doing. In addition to the affidavit stating the grounds for the arrest, and the allowance of the writ by the officer, the plaintiff is generally required to give a bond to the defendant, conditioned to pay all damages. There are few cases connected with a debt where it is safe to arrest; many where it is dangerous, and very many where it is useless. METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The following system of Measures and Weights, owing to its com- plete decimal character, and the consequent freedom from labor it affords in calculation, by converting one denomination into another, has been adopted by most European nations. Its use has also been legalized in the United States, and Its ultimate adoption, as a uniform system of measurement and weight, by all the civilized countries, it is believed, will be only a matter of time. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. WEIGHTS. Dry Meas'e Liquid Measure. Weight or quantity of water at maxi- mum density. Equtv. in bnylmli Weignf Troy Grains. Avoird. Ounces. Pound Peck Bus. Gills. Pints Qrts. Gals. Centilitre. Decilitre. . latre Dekalitre. Hectolitre W of a litre ^ of a litre Unit of capac- ft) Milligramme.. . Centigramme. . Decigramme... lolTo of a gramme. j-^j- of a gramme, -i- of a gramme. TJnitof weight 10 grammes.. 100 grammes.. 1,000 grammes.. 10,000 grammes.. 100,000 grammes.. 1,000,000 grammes.. 1 millimetre .0154 .84 .211 10 millimetre ^ cubic centimetre- 1 cubic decimetre. 10 cubic decimetre. 100 decimetre 1 litre 10 litre .1543 1.543 15.43 2.11 1.05 0.26 2.64 26.41 10 litres 100 litres 1.13 Dekagramme.. Hectogramme.. Kilogramme... Myriagramme.. .3527 3.527 ""2.2048 22.046 220.46 2204.6 2.83 MEASURES OF LENGTH. Millier or Ton- neau 1 cubic metre... . MEASURES OF SURFACE. Equivalents *,n English Standard Measures. Equivalent in English Standard Measures. Inches. Feet. Yards. Rods. Fur- longs. Miles Inches Square Feet. Square Yards. Square Poles. Roods. Ac- res. Millimetre. Centimetre. Decimetre. . Metre Dekametre. Hectometre Kilometre.. Myriametre 4-5^ of a metre Y^j- of a metre j-y of a metre Unit of measure 10 metres. . 100 metres. 1,000 metres.. 10,000 metres.. 0.0397 0.3937 3.937 39.37 393.7 L 155 Square Decimetre 15.50 1,550.06 .107 10.76 1.20 119.60 11,960.33 3.28 32.80 328. 3280. 1.09 10.94 109.36 1093.63 Sqr. Dekametre, er Are 3.95 395.38 .099 9.88 0.247 2.47 1.99 19.9 199. .497 .62 6.21 Hectare 280 GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ON THE COLLECTION OF DEBTS. ow to Collect a Debt. WHAT TO DO WHEN NECESSARY TO SETTLE AN ACCOUNT BY LEGAL PROCESS. OUTLINE OF PROCEEDINGS, THOUGH an earnest effort be made to do business upon a strictly cash basis, debts will be incurred which dishonest, care- less, improvident and unfortunate people will neglect to pay. To understand the necessary steps to be taken in the collec- tion of such debts is a matter which, while it concerns all, is nevertheless understood only by the few ; and, thus lacking acquaintance with the course which should be pursued, vast num- bers of people are defrauded of their hard earnings and honest dues, and themselves frequently thrown into bankruptcy, when prompt and decisive measures pursued in the collection of debts would have saved to them fortune and independence. Indebtedness having occurred, and the party owing the same neglecting to pay, what shall be the first step taken in its collection? Naturally that will very mate- rially depend upon the nature of the indebtedness and the circumstances under which the debt was made. To illustrate, the following are among the various means by which debts are incurred : How Debts are Made. By buying goods to be paid for when convenient. By buying goods on credit, settlement being made at certain times. By employing service, to be paid for at certain stated periods. By obtaining the use of lands, houses and other property, and con- tracting to pay for the same as per agreement. By purchasing houses, lands and other property, giving a mortgage on the same as security for balance unpaid. By borrowing money ; usually secured by note and mortgage, or responsible indorsement, as the case may be. General Suggestions. To avoid any of these various classes of indebtedness, the following safeguards can be used : First, do a strictly cash business. Mark goods in the beginning as low as you intend they shall be sold, and then part with them only for cash in hand, unless in cases of emergency. This is the best way to obviate all necessity of collecting, and is by far the best course to pursue alike for the buyer and the seller. By adopting the cash system as the method of dealing, the price would rule much lower, and yet the merchant would suffer no loss, while the customer would thus be enabled to buy much cheaper, and paying- for everything at time of purchase, would buy more sparingly, more economically, and hence would save and lay up money. Precautionary Measures. Send goods abroad only to be paid for when taken. If goods are bought on account, to be paid for at stated periods, let such period be as short as possible, and collect promptly at the time specified. If engaged in the service of others, secure payment if possible once a week, unless engaged in working for a strictly responsible firm who make it a rule to pay monthly. If furnishing boarding-house or hotel accommodations, make it a positive rule to collect all bills at periods not exceeding a week apart. To do otherwise is almost certainly to meet with loss, though there are exceptional cases with strictly responsible parties who may arrange to pay monthly. If renting houses, lands or other property, always have leases made in duplicate, one of which should be kept by the landlord, and the other by the tenant ; the wording of the lease being specific as to the conditions of payment, and forfeiture, (see " Landlord and Tenant," elsewhere) if payment be not made promptly. In cities it is customary to have rent paid weekly or monthly, in advance. The payments should always be made at the landlord's residence or place of business. Ac- knowledgment of the payment should be made on the back of the lease when rent is paid. Loaning Money. If loaning money, always require a promissory note of the borrower. (See "Promissory Notes," elsewhere). Some exceptions may be made, of course, where the amount is quite small, among very intimate friends. Ordinarily, however, always take a note; and if the amount is consid- erable, or the responsibility of the borrower in the least doubtful, have the payment of the note secured by a mortgage on property worth sev- eral times the amount loaned. (See "Mortgages," elsewhere). When difficulty is experienced in collecting an account, get the same, if pos- sible, converted into a note, as it is much easier to handle and collect Be very certain, when loaning money on real estate, that the amount of security is not only sufficient to pay the note, but that it is free from encumbrance. If a loan is made taking personal property as security, covered by chattel mortgage, see that no other mortgage has been placed on the same property before. FIRST LEGAL STEPS IN COLLECTING THE DEBT. 281 If the loan is secured by mortgage on real estate, which is much the safest, ansAbstract of Title should be required of the borrower, signed by the county clerk or other responsible person, showing that the prop- erty mortgaged is entirely free from encumbrance. Or, if there be encumbrance already upon the same, ascertain what its amount may be. See also that your mortgage, taken as security, is recorded immediately. We have thus enumerated some of the means with which loss by credit may be avoided; but should credits be given, and the par- ties owing neglect or refuse to pay, the following suggestions, it is hoped, may aid in the collection of the debt. Preliminary Proceedings. Of course the first steps to be taken in the collection of a debt will depend upon circumstances. The party owing may have met with a sudden reverse of fortune maybe willing, but unable, without great sacrifice, to pay at present; and thus a variety of circumstances will tend to determine the action to be pursued in the commencement whether it be sharp, positive and energetic, or mild and lenient. We will suppose, however, that the debtor neglects or refuses to pay a just debt. It becomes necessary, therefore, to proceed to its collection by the various discreet and legal steps at command. These are : First, To write a letter calling attention to the account unpaid, stat- ing the time when the obligation was due, and accompanying the same with a bill of goods bought, when, etc. Second, Another letter, a little more pointed than the first, urging the necessity of immediate settlement. Third, To sue for the same before a competent legal officer. First Efforts at Collection. The necessary forms will be very similar to the following: DUNNING LETTER NO. I. MR. A. B. CUSHMAN, ELYRIA, O., Feb. 10, 1877. Oberlin, O. Dear Sir: Please find enclosed a statement of your account to Jan- uary first, at which time we had hoped to have settled with all our cus- tomers. Early attention to this will greatly oblige, Yours Re'spectfully, BROWN, MEYER & CO. DUNNING LETTER NO. 2. MR. A. B. CUSHMAN, ELYRIA, O., Feb. 20, 1877 Oberlin, O. Dear Sir : We are compelled to place some of our accounts in the hands of collectors for settlement; but pur relations with you have always been so pleasant, we wish to avoid doing so in your case. As all uncollected bills go into the hands of the collector next Monday, you will please call upon us before then, and oblige, Yours Respectfully, BROWN, MEYER & CO. Borrowed Money. In case the indebtedness is for borrowed monev, possibly a small amount, for which no promissory note was given, the easiest method, probably, of disposing of the matter, when it is discovered that the individual does not intend to pay, is to erase the transaction from the memorandum and forget the affair entirely, if possible ; considering yourself fortunate in discovering, before loaning a larger amount, that the borrower was a dead beat. It may be best that you continue on friendly terms, and you cannot afford to break pleasant relations lor a small amount of money, though by this neglect the borrower has forever forfeited your confidence, unless the matter is satisfactorily explained. Should you propose, however, to press collection, a letter similar to the following may be written : REMINDER NO. I. GALESBURG, ILL., Aug. 15, 1877. MR. WEBSTER : The ten dollars borrowed by you on the Fourth of July was to have been paid, according to agreement, on last Monday. Thinking that, possibly, the matter had escaped your recollection, I take this means of reminding you of the fact. Respectfully Yours, CHAS. B. WEEKS. No attention being paid to this letter, it may be well enough to write one letter more, as follows: REMINDER NO. 2. GALESBURG, ILL., Aug. 24, 1877. MR. WEBSTER: I mailed a note to vour address some days since, in relation to money borrowed of me on the Fourth. I fear you must have failed to receive it, otherwise you surely would have given it your attention. As I put all unsettled accounts into the hands of a justice for collection next week on Wednesday, I should like to see you before that time. Respectfully Yours, CHAS. B. WEEKS. Legal Proceedings. You have exhausted the usual moral means of collecting your due, and the debt is not yet paid. It is proposed now to collect it, if possi- ble, by legal process. In the first place, can it be collected ? Is the debtor worth enough to be compelled to pay it, aside from the property which the law exempts? What does the law exempt? (See '" Exemptions from Forced Sale," elsewhere), which applies to heads of families; also, ("Limitations" elsewhere. Being satisfied that the debt is collectible, you now place the account in the hands of a Justice of the Peace, unless the amount to be collected is so large as to be out of the justice's jurisdiction. The amount which can be collected through a justice varies in different States. Limit of Jurisdiction with Justice of the Peace. The following shows the largest amount in the different States and Territories which the justice of the peace, through his official position, can have jurisdiction over : Alabama 1100 Arizona 30O Arkansas 3OO California 300 Colorado 300 Connecticut 100 Dakota Ter 100 Delaware 100 Florida 100 Georgia 100 Idaho Ter 3OO Illinois 2OO Indiana 200 Iowa 100* Kansas 300 Kentucky 50 By consent of parties, Louisiana *100 Maine 20 Maryland 100 Massachusetts 300 Michigan 300 Minnesota 100 Mississippi 150 Missouri 250 Montana 300 Nebraska 200 Nevada 300 New Hampshire.... 100 New Jersey 2OO New Mexico Ter. ... 100 New York 100 North Carolina 200 $300. Ohio 8300 Ore*ron 250 Pennsylvania 3(H) Rhode Island 100 South Carolina 100 Tennessee 1 ,000 Texas 200 Utah Ter 300 Vermont 200 Virginia... 100 Washington Ter. . . 300 West Virginia 300 Wisconsin 200 Wyoming Ter 100 First Legal Steps. The amount to be collected being within the jurisdiction of the justice, he will issue a Summons, which will be taken by a constable to the debtor, if he can be found, and read to him, which is termed "serving a summons" upon the person owing the debt. Form of Summons. The wording of this summons will be somewhat as follows : STATE OF ) to any Constable of said County The People of the State of GREETING : You are hereby commanded to summon A. B. to appear before me at on the day of , at o'clock M., to answer the complaint of C. D. for a failure to pay him a certain demand not exceeding ; and hereof make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand this day of 18 . JOHN DOE, J. P. It may be remarked that the law varies in different States as to where a debtor may be sued. In some States he cannot be sued out of the town where he resides. In others more latitude is given, the facts concerning which the justice will explain, upon application, as to his own State. Upon the issuance of a summons, the constable will proceed to serve the same immediately. But if the defendant cannot be found, or shall evade the service of process by refusing to listen, or by secreting himself, the constable may leave a copy of the summons with some member of his family of the age of ten years or upward; 282 WHO ARE EXEMPT FROM SERVING ON JURIES. and afterward report to the justice when and how his summons was served, and the circumstances attending the same. In the summons the justice will specify a certain place, day and hour for the trial, not less, usually, than five, nor more than fifteen days from the date of such summons, at which place and time defendant is notified to appear. A summons is usually served at least three days before the trial is to take place. The justice indorses on the summons the amount demanded by .the plaintiff, with the costs due on the same, and upon the serving of the summons the debtor may pay to the constable the demand and sts, taking his receipt for the same, which will satisfy the debt and pre- vent all further costs. The Costs* The average costs accruing up to this point are: justice for issuing summons, 25 cents ; constable for serving, 35 cents ; the entire cost de- pending, somewhat, upon how far the constable has to travel, he being entitled, ordinarily, to five cents per mile each way for mileage. In many cases, when served with a summons, the debtor will imme- diately settle the claim rather than allow a greater accumulation of costs ; but should he refuse to make settlement, the constable will return the summons indorsed somewhat as follows: " Served by reading the within to the defendant on the ;th day of July, 1876. JOHN SMITH, Constable* In suing an incorporated company, a copy of the summons must be left with the president. If he is absent, then with the secretary, gene- ral agent, cashier, or principal clerk, if either can be found in the county In which suit is brought If neither can be found in the county, then by leaving a copy of the summons with any clerk, engineer, director, Station agent, conductor, or any such agent found in the county. At the time appointed for the trial, both the plaintiff and defendant, or their representatives, are required to be promptly in attendance, the plaintiff being present for the purpose of proving his claim, and the defendant for the purpose of stating his defense, or the reasons why the claim should not be paid. Should 'either party fail to appear, he must suffer the penalty hereafter explained. Trial by Justice and Jury. When the parties appear, the justice will proceed to try the case, and softer hearing the allegations and proofs, will, if the claim be proved, give judgment against the defendant, including costs and such interest as the law allows. If no claim is proved, the judgment will be against the plaintiff, who will be held responsible for costs. Should either party demand a jury, he can have the same in all cases of trial before a justice of the peace, upon making a deposit with the justice of the jury fees. Th jury shall comprise any number from six to twelve, as the parties may agree, though the number usually provided by law is six or twelve. Upon determining to have the case tried by jury, the justice w II put into the handsof the constable, or other authorized officer, the following FORM OP WRIT FOR SUMMONING JURORS. STATE OF COUNTY, to any Constable of said County The People of Ike State of GREETING: We command you to summon -- lawful men of your county to appear before me at - o'clock - M., who are not related to - plaintiff, or to - defendant, to make a jury between said parties in a certain cause pending before me; and have then and there the names of this jury and this writ. Witness my hand this - day of - 18 . JOHN DOE, J. P. In the case of jury trial, the justice will enter judgment according to the verdict of the jury. Who are Competent as Jurors. In most States the following requisites are necessary to make the individual competent to serve on a jury 1. He should be a resident of the county, and not exempt from serving on jury. 2. Twenty-one years old and under sixty. 3. Of fair character, in the possession of natural faculties, free from legal exceptions, of sound judgment, well informed, and who under stands the English language. Who are Exempt from Serving on Juries. In general, the following persons, according to the statutes of many States, are exempt from serving on juries, namely: the governor, lieu- tenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, attorney general, members of the general assembly during their term of office, judges of courts, clerks of courts, sheriffs, coroners, postmasters, mail carriers, practicing attor- neys, all officers of the United States, officiating ministers of the gospel, school teachers during their terms of school, practicing physicians, con slant ferrymen, mayors of cities, policemen, and active members of the fire department The Result of Failing to Appear. Should the plaintiff fail to appear within the hour appointed, the jury, or the justice, alone, being in readiness to hear the trial, and no good reason being given for his non-attendance, the suit is dismissed, unless the defendant should desire to have the case tried then or at another time. Should the defendant fail to appear, the justice will hear the case, and if the claim is proved, he will enter "Judgment against the defend- ant for the amount which is due the plaintiff, and will issue an Execution for its collection. A "Judgment" is simply the decision of the court that a certain demand or claim shall be paid, and no particular form is required in rendering it The Execution. An execution is a writ which authorizes an officer, to whom it is directed, to carry into effect the decision of the court. In some States the law permits the imprisonment of a debtor if he refuses to pay the claim against him, and an execution can be issued directing the proper officer to imprison the delinquent until the claim is satisfied. It is more common, however, to issue an execution authorizing an officer to levy upon personal property of the debtor, and a judgment being rendered by the justice against a party, the next step usually taken is to issue an execution for the collection of the amount due. If the plaintiff is satisfied that the debt will be lost unless execution issue immediately, he may take oath to that effect, and the justice will issue an execution authorizing an officer to make levy upon goods at once, but sale of the same usually will not take place under twenty days. If no fear of losing the debt is expressed, execution will issue, gene- rally, in about twenty days from the time judgment was rendered, and the officer usually has about seventy days to make a levy and sell the property to satisfy said execution. FORM OF EXECUTION AGAINST GOODS AND CHATTELS. STATE OF i COUNTY, f ss ' to any Constable of said County The People of the State of - GREETING: We command you, that of the goods and chattels of A. B. in your county, you make the sum of dollars and cents, judgment, and dollars and cents, costs, which C. D. lately recovered before me in a certain plea against the said A. B., and hereof make re- turn to me within seventy days from this date. Given under my hand this day of , 18 . JOHN DOE, J. P. When the Writ of Execution against personal property is placed in his hands, it is the duty of the constable to make a levy upon and sell such personal property as he can find sufficient to satisfy the debt, which is not exempted from sale by law, giving ten days' previous notice ot such sale by advertisement in writing to be posted up at three of the most public places in the vicinity where the sale is to be made, and or the day appointed for the sale, the constable sells to the highest WHO CANNOT BE ARRESTED. bidder the property levied upon, or as much of the same as may be necessary to pay the judgment, interest and costs. Of course discretion must be used by the constable in selecting- prop- erty not exempted from sale, and not already attached or covered by chattel mortgage ; and when covered by the latter, whether it will sell for enough to pay both claims. Attachment of Goods. If a creditor, his agent or attorney, has good reason to believe that there is danger of losing his claim, because the debtor is a non resident of the State, or conceals himself, in defiance of an officer, so that process cannot be served upon him, or has departed from the State with the in- tention of removing his goods from the State, or has fraudulently con- veyed or assigned his effects so as to hinder or delay his creditors, or is about to do so, he can go before a justice of the peace and make affidavit setting forth the nature and amount of the indebtedness, after allowing all just credits and set-offs, for any one or more of the causes mentioned. He will also state the place of residence of defendant, if known, and file a bond with said justice in double the amount sworn to be due, with suf- ficient security, payable to defendant, against whom the writ is issued, conditioned for satisfying all costs and damages awarded to such defend- ant, for wrongfully suing out said attachment That being done, the justice will issue a Writ of Attachment, which authorizes the constable in whose hands it is placed to proceed at once to the residence or place of business of the debtor, or elsewhere where he may have goods and effects within the jurisdiction of the court, and immediately take possession of a sufficient amount of personal prop- erty with which to pay the claim and all costs ; provided, however, if at the residence of the debtor he is allowed to enter. Should the debtor be present when the constable has got possession, he will read the writ to him, the time being specified in the same when his trial will take place. In the meantime the constable or officer will take possession of the goods by removing them or putting them in charge of some person until the day of the trial. If the goods are being re- moved to another county, he can, in most States, follow and take them there. The Trial. At the trial, if it is proven that the debtor had no intention of leaving or refusing to pay his just due, and any damage has been done by the seizure of the property, the creditor will be held responsible for such damage. If the defendant or his representative does not put in an appearance, after having been notified, the justice, at the day appointed, which is usually within a month from the time the attachment was issued, will hear the case, and if the claim be proved, will render judg- ment accordingly, and order a sale of the necessary amount of goods to pay the debt and all costs. Attaching the Body. Where an attachment has been issued against a defendant and the constable returns no property found, and yet the plaintiff is satisfied that the defendant has property concealed, removed or assigned with intent to defraud his creditors, and that there is danger of losing his claim unless the debtor is held to bail, it is common in several States for the justice to issue a Capias for the arrest of the debtor, the form of which is as follows: STATE OF FORM OF CAPIAS. COUNTY, The People of the State of - GREETING : to any Constable of said County You are hereby commanded to take the body of and bring him forthwith before me, unless special bail be entered; and if such bail be entered, you will then command him to appear before me at , on the day of , at o'clock M., to answer to the com- plaint of A. B. for failure to pay him a certain demand not exceeding dollars ; and hereof make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand, this day of , 18 . JOHN DOE, J. P. Before issuing a capias, the justice will take from the plaintiff, or his representative, a bond with approved surety, which is substantially in the following form : vs. ' V Befo -D . f C STATE OF" FORM OF BOND FOR CAPIAS. , Justice of the Peace. COUNTY, We hereby bind ourselves to pay all damages and costs, if any, which may be wrongfully occasioned by a capias in this case. Dated this day of , 18 . [SEAL.] [SEAL.] Ordinarily the capias is issued only as a last resort, and when it is evident that the claim can only be collected by arresting the defendant and depriving him of his liberty, unless he give satisfactory bail. Being provided with a warrant for the apprehension of the debtor, the defendant is arrested, if found, and brought forthwith before the justice, unless some friend or other person will guarantee that the debtor will promptly appear at the hour and p/'ace appointed for trial. This guarantee, termed "giving bail," is in the following form, written on the back of the capias: FORM OF SPECIAL BAIL. I, A. B., acknowledge myself special bail for the within named C. D. Witness my hand, this day of , 18 . A. B. This indorsement must be signed by one or more responsible persons whom the constable is willing to take as security, the condition being that the defendant, if judgment is rendered against him, at the time of trial will pay the same, with costs, or surrender himself, according to the terms of the capias. And in case he fails to pay, or surrender, the persons who signed the bail are held for the payment of the claim. Who Cannot be Arrested. By constitutional right, the following persons are privileged from arrest: Members of congress, except for treason, felony, and 1 breach of the peace, are not liable to arrest during their attendance upon the session of their respective houses, nor while going to or returning from the same. Electors are also privileged from arrest, except for trea- son, felony or breach of the peace, while in attendance upon elections, or while going to or returning from the same. In many States, also, the militia, except in the above cases, are exempt during their attendance at musters, or while going or returning. Attorneys and counselors at law, judges, clerks, sheriffs, and all other officers of the several courts are likewise free from arrest while attending court, and while going to and returning from the same, as are also witnesses and other persons necessarily attending any courts of record on business. Suing the Carnishee. Another means left open for the collection of a claim in various States of the Union, is that o: securing the debt by suing a third person who may be owing the defendant. In such case the plaintiff can pro- ceed against this third person, who is called the garnishee, in the same manner as against the debtor, though a certain amount of the money owing is, in some States, exempt, and cannot be garnisheed. Levying upon Real Estate. When no personal property can be found with which to pay the debt, and the debtor is known to possess real estate in sufficient amount to pay the claim, then it is allowable, in certain States, for the justice to certify to the clerk of the circuit court, in the county where judgment was rendered, a transcript of the judgment, which shall be filed by the clerk; and thereupon the same will become a lien upon the real estate of the debtor, and execution may issue from that court, and proceedings be had for the sale of the land and payment of the debt and costs from the proceeds of the sale. Appealing to Higher Courts. Where an action has been brought before a justice to secure a claim, a summons has been issued, the day has been set for a hearing, a*nd judg- ment has been rendered by a justice or a jury, and the decision is that 284 EXPENSE OF A LAWSUIT. the debtor must pay the claim with costs, the debtor can then appeal to the next higher legal tribunal, being- the circuit, district court, court of common pleas, or other courts, which are known by different names in different States. Before the defendant can appeal, however, he is required to give a bond, which must be signed by one or more responsible persons, by which he guarantees, in a sum twice the amount of the claim, to pay the debt and all costs if he is beaten in the higher court. The case is then entered upon the docket of the clerk of the higher court for trial, and if time permits will be tried at the next term of that court. Upon trial in this court, if the defendant is beaten again, he can, by giving bond as before, in double the amount of the debt and costs then accrued, carry the case for trial up to the Supreme Court of the State, where the matter generally ends. How Soon the Debt may be Collected. Thus it will be seen where, in each trial, the defendant promptly de- fends his case and appeals to the higher courts when he finds himself beaten, he can escape the payment of the original debt for one, two or more years. As each appeal is attended with heavy costs, however, few men care to punish themselves so much for the sake of wreaking re- venge upon anybody else. In most cases the debtor will pay the debt in the earlier part of the prosecution, unless he thinks he has good reason for not doing so. What does Law Cost? What will it cost to collect the debt? That question naturally arises, and is, very properly, one that should be considered. Of course it is impossible to determine, definitely, what the costs will be. If a lawyer be employed for an ordinary justice suit, occupying the time but an hour or so, his fee will be five dollars. Should the claim be of considerable amount, and the time of the attorney be employed a day or two, the law- yer's charge will be from ten to twenty dollars. Should the plaintiff come off victorious, and obtain judgment against the debtor, the other costs will be mainly borne by the debtor. Should it be shown that the plaintiff has no just claim, the justice, or jury, if there be a jury, will decide that there was no cause of action, and will assess the costs of suit to the plaintiff. The costs of an ordinary justice suit in most States, will average about as follows: Docketing the suit, 25 cents; issuing summons, 25 cents; constable for serving summons, 35 cents; each mile traveled in serving summons by constable, 5 cents; justice fee for entering up judgment, 25 cents; for discharge of docket, 25 cents; fee of justice for hearing- statement of each party and giving decision, $2. The above are the inevitable costs which will be incurred if the plaintiff and defendant have a trial without witnesses, lawyers or jury, and then settle according- to the decision of the justice. If witnesses are called, the expense is 50 cents per day for each wit- ness, to be claimed at time of trial. Fee of justice for issuing each sub- pcena for witness, 25 cents; constable for serving each subpoena, 25 cents; for mileage each way in serving a subpoena, 5 cents; for admin- istering oath to each witness, 5 cents. Should the suit be tried by a jury, each juryman is entitled, before a justice, to 50 cents for hearing the case, should the jury agree ; for en- tering verdict of the jury, 15 cenfs; fee of constable for waiting on jury, 50 cents; for entering satisfaction of judgment, 10 cents. Should judgment be obtained against the debtor, and he refuse to settle, the justice will issue an execution to levy upon and sell a sufficient quantity of debtor's goods to pay the debt and all costs. Fee for execu- tion, 50 cents; fee of constable for serving and returning execution, 50 cents; for advertising property for sale, 50 cents; commissions on sales, not exceeding ten dollars, 10 per cent. ; for all in excess of that amount, 5 per cent; except, when through settlement or other cause the property is not sold, in that case the commissions will be one half the above amount. The defendant, thinking that equity may not be had before a certain justice, may have the case tried before the nearest justice; this procedure is termed a " Change of Venue." Fee of justice for transcript in change of venue, 50 cents. Should either party desire to appeal to a higher court, the expenses of appeal before the justice will be: For bond, 35 cents; for entering appeal, 25 cents; for transcript of judgment and proceedings in case of appeal, 50 cents. In the higher court the cost of trial will usually average from twenty to fifty dollars. Collecting Large Amounts. When the amount to be collected exceeds the jurisdiction of the jus- tice, the plaintiff will apply to the clerk of such higher court as has jurisdiction in the case. This is the circuit court, district court, court of common pleas, or other court of similar character. The clerk of this court, upon application, will issue a summons, which is placed in the hands of a sheriff or his deputy, is served upon the debtor as before, and the case is tried usually before a jury of twelve persons at the next term of that court. The proceedings in this court are usually so intricate as to make it advisable for the person unaccustomed to legal technicalities to employ an attorney to conduct the case, as is also generally most convenient even in the lower courts. The Law of Different States. We have given thus, in outline, the principal methods resorted to in the different States for the collection of debt The forms here shown, while not conforming fully to the exact methods pursued in different States, are yet sufficiently accurate to enable the reader to possess a general understanding of the methods of procedure. The special -law of the State where the creditor may reside, as it relates to the collection of debt, can be learned by application to the justice of the peace in that State, who, upon the plaintiff stating the circumstances, will usually give the necessary information with which legal proceedings may be commenced. POWER OF ATTORNEY TO COLLECT DEBTS. 285 iscellanoous |porms.| GENERAL FORMS OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. USINESS firms and individuals having a large trade, where indebtedness is una- voidably incurred for a long or short time, frequently find it necessary to em- ploy collectors whose special and entire duty it is to promptly collect such indebt- edness or see that the same is paid whom due. Oftentimes their work of collec- tion will be in portions of the country hundreds or thousands of miles front the place of business or residence of the creditor. It is usual under these circum- stances to invest such an agent, thus doing business, with what is termed "Power of Attorney," which is done by a written instrument usually under seal. The person or persons so authorized are called attor- neys, and the person or persons so appointing are termed constituents. If a power of attorney is to be recorded, it should be acknowledged. Where any act of the attorney is to be by deed, the authority to execute it must also be by deed. A document authorizing the attorney to execute a sealed instrument, must of itself be under seal, and a power to convey lands requires the same regulations in its acknowledgment by both husband and wife, in many States, as a deed by them would require. The following illustrates the general form and wording of such a document, together with other papers related thereto: GENERAL FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Henry G. Holden, of Londonderry, in the County of Windham, and State of Vermont, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, con- stitute and appoint James H. Hill, of Downer's Grove, County of Du- page, and State of Illinois, a true and lawful attorney for me, and in my name, place and stead, and in my behalf, to \liere insert the things m/n'cA the attorney is to do], hereby giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority in IWe premises to use all lawful means in my name and for my sole benefit, for the purposes aforesaid. And generally to do and perform all such acts, matters and things as my said attorney shall deem necessary and expedient for the completion of the authority hereby given, as fully as I might and could do were I personally present. In witness whereof, I, the said Henry G. Holden, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Signed and sealed in presence of I HENRY G. HOLDEN. [SEAL.] Letter of Substitution Appended to Power of Attorney. It is customary to authorize the attorney to employ another to assist him when necessary, which person so appointed is termed a substitute. The power to appoint such sub-agent generally accompanies the docu- ment giving power of attorney, and is worded as follows: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Jas. H. Hill, of Downer's Grove, in the County of Dupage and State of Illinois, named in the let- ter of attorney above mentioned, have made, appointed and substituted, and by these presents do make, appoint and substitute John Holland, of said Downers Grove, to be the true and lawful attorney of the said expeuieni: lor me complete execution ot tne authority therein given, as fully in all respects, and to all intents and purposes, as I myself might and could do by virtue of the power and authority therein delegated, if I were personally present. In witness whereof, I, the said Jas. H. Hill, have hereunto set my hand and seal, the fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Signed and sealed in presence of ( JAS. H. HILL. [SEAL.] GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY TO COLLECT DEBTS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Henry G. Holden, in the town of Londonderry, County of Windham, and State of Vermont, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Jas. H. Hill my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name, to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive of John Holland, and of all and every person and persons whomsoever indebted to me by note, account, or otherwise, all such sums of money, debt, and demands whatsoever, as now are or may be due and owing to me from them or either of them. And in default of pa3 r ment of the same by them or either of them, to take all lawful means, in my name or other- wise, for the recovery thereof, by attachment, arrest or otherwise, and to arrange and agree for the same; and on receipt thereof to discharge the same, and seal and deliver in a lawful manner, and do all lawful acts concerning the premises as I would do myself were I personally present; and make and revoke such attorneys under him as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid. Hereby confirming all my said attorney shall in my name lawfully do, or cause to be done, in or about the premises. In witness whereof, I, the said Henrv G. Holden, have hereto set my hand and seal, this ninth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Signed and sealed in presence of | HENRY G. HOLDEN. [SEAL.] f LETTER OF REVOCATION. Whereas I, Henry G. Holden, of Londonderry, County of Windham, and State of Vermont, did on the first day of "December, in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, by a certain instrument in writing or letter of 286 VERDICT OF A CORONER S JURY AND REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. attorney, make and appoint Jas. H. Hill, of Downer's Grove, County of Dupage, State of Illinois, to be my lawful attorney in my name and for my use, to [here set fort ft -what the attorney tvas authorized to do, fre- cicely in the langitage of the original power}, as by the same writing, reference thereto being had, will fully appear: Now know all men by these presents, that I, the said Henry G. Holden, for a just cause, have revoked, recalled and made void the said letter of attorney, and all powers or authorities therein granted, and all acts which shall or may be done by virtue thereof. [If another attorney is to be appointed continue thus .'] And further know ye, that I, the said Henry G. Holden, do by these presents name, constitute and appoint John N. Hurd, of Aurora, County of Kane, and State of Illinois, to be my lawful attorney. Signed and sealed in presence of | HENRY G. HOLDEN. [SEAL.] DUTIES OF CORONERS. The office of coroner is one which the people of every community must provide for. Sudden deaths, which take place through violence, poison, suicide, and accident, demand investigation by persons compe- tent to determine the cause of such death; hence in every State there are statutes regulating the manner of holding the coroner's inqxiest. The duty of the coroner, upon being notified of a person being found dead, supposed to have come to his or her death through violence or unnatural means, is to summon a jury of six men, usually. Upon their assembling he will appoint one of the number a foreman, who, upon their being sworn to do their duty^will carefully proceed to inves- tigate the cause of the death, witnesses being sworn by the coroner, and all other measures taken calculated to arrive at the true facts of the case. As soon as the inquest is held and the verdict of the jury is rendered, if the deceased is unknown and is unclaimed by friends, immediate measures are taken to bury the body, which is done at the expense of the deceased person's estate if such there be. If not, then at the ex- pense, generally, of the county. All goods found, after ten days' notice, according to the law of various States, are sold, and the proceeds, along with the moneys, papers or other valuable thing or things, deposited with the county treasurer, the coroner taking a receipt therefor. In the hands of the county treasurer they are to remain five years, subject to the order of the legal representatives of the deceased. If in that time they are not called for, then the property vests in the county. It is made the duty of the coroner to keep a book of record in which is fully detailed all the circumstances attending every inquest, the testi- mony of witnesses, etc., and where any person or persons are implicated in the death, to arrange to have such witness or witnesses knowing the fact appear at the next term of court. It is made the duty of the foreman to bring in the verdict, which will vary according to circumstances, as follows: VERDICT IN CASE OF MURDER. STATE OF COUNTY, j ss- At an inquest held at the house of A. B. in the town of - county of , on the day of , 18 , before C. D., a coroner or justice of the peace in said county, upon the body of E. F. [or, a person unknown], there lying dead, the following jurymen being sworn to inquire into all the circumstances attending the death of the said E. F. \or, a person unknown], decide that one G. H., of [or, late of] the town of , in the county of , aforesaid, [or as the case may be"] on the day of , in the year 18 , at o'clock in the afternoon of that day, made an assault upon the body of the deceased with a rod of iron \or as the case may be], from which assault wounds were inflicted on his left breast, causing the death of the deceased on the day of , 18 . [If others -were implicated in the murder, state the fact, and who.'} In witness whereof, the jurors have to this verdict set their hands on the day of the inquest. [7V? be signed by the jurors.'] The justice or coroner should indorse on the verdict of the jury his acceptance thereof, which may be as follows: The within verdict was made, signed and delivered to me this day of , 18. A. B., Coroner or "Justice of the Peace. VERDICT IN CASE OF SUICIDE. At an inquest held {proceed as in case of verdict for murder], decide that the said O. P. [or, person unknown] did on the day of , 18 , at the town of , in said county of , voluntarily and with his own hand [here state the nature of his death], from which act he instantly died [or as the case may bt\. In witness whereof, etc. [as m case of -verdict for murder]. VERDICT WHERE DROWNED BY ACCIDENT. STATE OF COUNTY, At an inquest held [proceed as in case of verdict for murder], decide that the said R. H., on the day of , at o'clock . M., at , in the county aforesaid, went into river in the town of , to bathe, and was accidentally drowned. In witness, etc. [as in case of verdict for murder}. VERDICT IN CASE OF NATURAL DEATH. STATE OF COUNTY, At an inquest held [proceed as in case of verdict for murder], decide that the said E. B. on the day of , at in the town of , in the county aforesaid, being found lying on the highway in the town of [or as the' case may be], with no marks of violence upon his body, came to his death from natural causes. In witness whereof, etc. [as in case of verdict for murder.] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. It is common with societies and assemblies of various kinds to entrust the special work of such society or assembly, requiring considerable in- vestigation, to a committee usually consisting of three, five or more, who are expected to examine the subject which they are appointed to investi- gate, and at a certain specified time, or at their earliest convenience, bring in a written report of their conclusions. It is customary to have such committee of an odd number, as three, five, etc., so that in case of the committee failing to agree there can be a majority vote, and a majority as well as a minority report. The following may serve as specimens of various kinds of reports: MAJORITY REPORT. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Aurora, in Common Council assetnbled ; Your committee, to whom was referred the proposition of John Jones to sell to the city a gravel bed, comprising a piece of land of four rods by ten in size, being lot four in block ten in the original plat of the city of Aurora, having had the same under advisement, ask leave to report as follows, to wit: The gravel in this bed, though not of the uniform quality that may be desired, is yet sufficiently good to answer the purpose of grading the streets. The quantity in this jot, according to estimate, will be sufficient for the city's use in the east division of the city for the next five years, and, considering its accessibility, the city is recommended to buy the lot at the price offered, namely, five hundred dollars. L. O. HILL, H. H. EVANS. MINORITY REPORT. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Aurora, in Common Council assembled : The undersigned, the minority of a committee to whom was referred the proposition of John Jones to sell to the city a gravel bed, comprising a piece of land four rods by ten in size, being lot four in block ten in the original plat of the city of Aurora, having had the same under advise- ment, asks leave to report as follows, to wit : The gravel in this bed is not such as the city should purchase as a covering for the streets, being in certain veins too fine, and in other places altogether too coarse. As there are other points in the city where lots can be purchased containing gravel which is much better adapted to the purpose of graveling streets, just as accessible and quite as cheap, the undersigned therefore recommends that the city do not purchase the lot at the price offered, namely, five hundred dollars. S. B. HAWLEY. REPORT OF THF TREASURER OF AN ASSOCIATION. The undersigned, treasurer of the New York Mxitual Benefit Associa- tion, herewith submits his annual report: The balance in the treasurer's hands at the commencement of the present year, was forty-four (44) dollars. During the year, as shown by the accompanying exhibit A, which is hereto appended, there have been received into the treasury, from all sources, five hundred and ninety one (591) dollars and eighty-four (84) cents. During the same time the ex- penditures have been two hundred and fifty-seven (257) dollars and ten (10) cents, leaving a balance in the treasury, and subject to the order of the society, the sum of three hundred and thirty-four (334) dollars and seventy-four (74) cents. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. VAN OSDEL, Treasurer, N. T. M. B. A. COPYRIGHT LAW. 287 A. Dr. NEW YORK MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, To A. VAN OSDEL, Treas., Cr. 1877. Dec. 31. To cash paid to as- sist various mem- bers $110.00 To rent paid S. B., 70.00 " carpet 41.00 " stationery 5.10 " advertising 31.00 $257.10 Balance on hand.. 334-74 1877. Jan. I. By balance on hand from last year's account. Dec. 31. By dues " initiation fe fines 44.00 \82.OO 64.00 1.84 $591.84 The undersigned, a committee appointed for the purpose, have com- pared the foregoing account with the vouchers, and find it to be correct. ARTHUR H. KING, L. A. BRADLEY. REPORT OF A SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CITY HALL. The Committee on City Hall beg leave to submit the following report: The present state of the building requires the early attention of the city, both in reference to needed changes in the arrangement of some of the rooms and in general repairs. The roof is in need of immediate repair, the paint being so worn away as to leave much of the tin exposed to the weather, which is, con- sequently, badly rusted. The ceiling, walls and seats of the upper hall also require calcimining and painting, and many lights of glass need resetting. They recommend that this room be generally repainted, which, by the painter's estimate, annexed and marked A, can be done for ninety-one (91) dollars. In connection with this improvement, they recommend the remodel- ing of the office of city clerk, by constructing a platform eight inches in height and seven feet in width on the south and west sides of the room, with a low railing on the outer" side of the same. This change can be cheaply made from the present high railing in the room, which should be taken down. The outer doors should also be changed to swing out, instead of in as they now do. The cost of these changes will be but eighty-nine (89) dollars. The entire sum required for the above pur- poses' will amount to one hundred and eighty (180) dollars. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. B. CUMMINGS, ) N. E. CUSHM AN, V Committee on City Hall. A. W. HARTMAN. ) A. ESTIMATE FOR PAINTING ROOF AND INTERIOR OF UPPER HALL. For painting roof two coats, mineral paint $26.00 For calcimining ceiling of upper hall.. 14.00 For setting seventeen panes of large glass 9.00 For painting walls two coats 2 i -O For painting and graining seats 18.00 $91.00 BARNARD & STONE, Painters. REPORT OF COMMITTEE AT AN AGRICULTURAL FAIR. To the President and Superintendent of the Washington County Fair '. GENTLEMEN Your committee to whom was assigned the duty of deciding concerning the relative merit of swine on exhibition at this show, make the following report: The exhibit of different breeds is good, there being nine distinct classes in the exhibition. Of these, for size, cleanliness and generally superior condition, the first premium is awarded to four animals of the Poland China breed, in pen C, division four. The second premium is given to pen D, division three, containing three animals, Sunolks, which are to be commended for their great weight, considering their age. Very Respectfully ARTHUR MONROE, WILBUR HANCHETT, DEXTER D. BROWN. DIRECTIONS FOR SECURING COPYRIGHTS. 1. A printed copy of the title of the book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, or a descrip- tion of the painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, or model or design for a work of the fine arts, for which copyright is desired, must be sent by mail, or otherwise, prepaid, addressed LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, D. C. This must be done before publication of the book or other article. 2. Copyright Fees A fee of 50 cents, for recording the title of each book or other article, must be enclosed with the title as above, and 50 cents in addition (or $1 in all) for each certificate of copyright, under seal of the Librarian of Congress, which will be transmitted by an early mail. 3. To Perfect Copyright Within ten days after publication of each book or other article, two complete copies of the best edition issued must be forwarded by mail, under free labels sent by the Librarian, to perfect the copyright, with the address LIBRARIAN OP CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, D. C. If sent by express, instead of mail, the charges are to be prepaid by the senders. Without the deposit of copies above required, the copyright is void, and a penalty of $25 is incurred. No copy is required to be deposited elsewhere. 4. Notice of Copyright No copyright hereafter issued is valid unless notice is given by inserting in every copy published, on the title-page, or the page following, if it be a book; or, if a map, chart, musical composition, print, cut, engraving, photograph, painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, or model or design intended to be perfected as a work'of the fine arts, by inscribing upon some portion of the face or front thereof, or on the face of the substance on which the same is mounted, the following words, viz. : Entered according to act of Congress, in the year , by , in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Or thus: Copyright, 18 , by A. B. The law imposes a penalty of $100 upon any person who has not obtained copyright who shall insert notice " Entered according to act of Congress," etc., or "copyright," or words of the same import, in or upon any book or other article. 5- Translations, Etc. Any author may reserve the right to trans- late or to dramatize his own work. In this case, notice should be given by printing the words, Bight of translation reserved, or All rights reserved, below the notice of copyright entry, and notifying the Librarian of Congress of such reservation, to be entered upon the record. 6. Duration of Copyright Each copyright secures the exclusive right of publishing the book or article copyrighted for the term of twenty- eight years. Six months before the* end of that time, the author or designer, or his widow or children, may secure a renewal for the further term of fourteen years, making forty-two years in all. Applications for renewal must be accompanied by explicit state- ment of ownership, in the case of the author, or of relationship, in the case of his heirs, and must state definitely the date and place of entry of the original copyright. 7. Time of Publication The time within which any work copy- righted may be issued from the press is not limited by any law or regulation, but depends upon the discretion of the proprietor. A copyright may be secured for a projected work as well as for a com- pleted one. 8. Assignment Any copyright is assignable in law by any instru- ment of writing, but such assignment must be recorded in the office of the Librarian of Congress within sixty days from its date. The fee for this record and certificate is one dollar. 9. Copies, or Duplicate Certificates A copy of the record (or duplicate certificate) of any copyright entry will be furnished under seal, at the rate of fifty cents each. 10. To Be Copyrighted Separately In the case of books pub- lished in more than one volume, if issued or sold separately, or for periodicals published in numbers, or of engravings, photographs, or other articles published with variations, a copyright is to be taken out of each volume of a book, or number of a periodical, or variety, as to size or inscription, of any other article. 11. Copyrights for Works of Art To secure a copyright for a painting, statue, model or design intended to be perfected as a work of the fine arts, so as to prevent infringement by copying, engraving, or vending such design, a definite description must accompany the application for copyright, and a photograph of the same, at least as large as " cabinet size," must be mailed to the Librarian of Congress within ten days from the completion of the work. 12. Full Name of Proprietor Required Every applicant for a copyright must state distinctly the name and residence of the claim- ant, and whether the right is claimed as author, designer, or pro- prietor. No affidavit or formal application is required. 288 Important Facts and Tables for Reference Compiled, Condensed, Tabulated and Arranged Expressly for This Work. Presidents of the United States. Where They Lived, Where They Died, and Where Buried. NAME. Residence. Born. InatiU'd into Office. tut time. Term of Office. Died. Age ui Death Of What Died. Where Died. Where Buried. Geo. Washington. . John Adams Thos. Jefferson. . . James Madison. . . James Monroe John Q. Adams. . . . Andrew Jackson. . M. Van Buren Wm. H. Harrison. John Tyler James K. Polk Zachary Taylor... Millard Fillmore. . Franklin Pierce... James Buchanan. . Abra'm Lincoln.. . Andrew Johnson. Ulysses S. Grant. . R. B.Hayes .Va 1732 .Mass . . 1735 .Va 1743 .Va 1751. .Va 1758. .Mass.. 1767. .Tenn.,1767. .N. Y...1782. .Ohio.. 1773. .Va 1790. .Tenn..l795. .La 1784. .N. Y...18OO. .N.H...1804. .Penn.,1791. .Ill 1809. .Tenn.,1808. .Ill 1822. .Ohio.. 1822. .1789 .1797 .18O1 .1809 .1817. . 182.-). .1829 .1837. .1841 .1841 .1845. .1849 .1850. .1853. .lav?. .1861. .1865. .1869. .1877. .57. .8 years Dec. 14", 1799. .62. .4 years July 4, 1826. .58. .8 years July 4, 1826. .58. .8 years June 23, 1836 .58. .8 years July 4,1831. .58..4years Feb. 23,1848 .62. .8 years June 8, 1845 .55. .4 years July 24,1862. .68..! month April 4,1841. .51.. 3 y. 11 mos Jan. 17,1861. .50. .4 years June 15,1849. .65..! y. 4m. 5 d.... July 9,1850. 50. .2 y. 7 m. 26 d. . .March 8, 1874. .49. .4 years Oct. 8,1869. .66..4years June 1,1868. .52..4y. 1 m. 10 d... April 15, 1865. .57..3y. lOm.20d...July 31,1875. .47. .8 years July 23, 1885. ,55..4vears .68.. .91.. .83.. .85.. .72.. .80.. .78.. .80.. .68.. .73.. .54.. .66.. .74..] .65. < .77..] .56.. .67..] .63. .( Vcute Laryngitis. . Old Age Old Age Old Age Old Age Paralysis Mount Vernon Mount Vernon, Va Quincy, Mass Beneath Unitarian Ch. at Quincy, Mass. Monticello, Va Near Monticello, Va Montpelier, Va Center of a large field at Montpelier, Va. New York, N. Y Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va Washington. D. C.. . Beneath Unitarian Ch. at Quincy, Mass. . Hermitage, Tenn.. . Hermitage, 11 m's. from Nashville, Tenn. Kinderhook, N. Y... Kinderhook, N. Y Washington, D. C. . North Bend, Ohio, 15 miles west of Cin.. . Richmond, Va Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va Nashville, Tenn Garden of homestead at Nashville, Tenn. Washington, D. C. . Frankfort, Ky iropsy Old Age Political Over w'k.. \poplexy Cholera Jilious Disorder.. . 'aralysis Jastritis ^leuro-Pneumonia Bullet Wound ^aralysis dancer Buffalo, N. Y Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, N. Y Concord, N. H Old Cemetery, Concord, N. H Wheatland, Pa Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pa. Washington. D. C. . Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, 111 Greenville, Tenn... Greenville, Tenn Mt. McGregor, N. Y. Riverside Park, N. Y tJas. A. Garfleld... .Ohio . . SHI .1881 50 6 m. 15 davs . . . Sept. 19, 1881 . Nov. 18, 1886 .50. .Bullet Wound Long Branch, N. J. . Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, O ..56.. Apoplexy New York Albany, N. Y C. A. Arthur .N. Y...183O. N. Y 1 KV7 .1881. 1885 .51..3y.5m. 15d.... 48 * Abraham Lincoln died from the effects of a pistol-shot, fired by John Wilkes Booth, at Ford's Theatre, Washington, on the evening of April 14, 1865. He lived ten hours, and died the next morning. t President Gar-field was shot by Charles J. Guiteau, at Washington, July 2, 1881, and died at Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 19, 1881. For this crime, Guiteau was hanged at Washington, D. C., June 30, 1882. Governors, State Senators and Representatives When Elected, and Terms of Office. States and Territories. When election for State Officers is held. Salary of Term of p of Membcrs of tio^rnors the Legislature. * Termol Senators Represec alive*. Bow often the L gislature meets. When Legislature meets. Limit of Session. . . 1st Monday in August. . . . *3,000. . . . .2,600. . . .3,500. . ..6,000.. ..3,000.. ..2,000.. ..2,600.. . .2,000. . . ..3,500.. . .4,000. . ..2,600... . .6,000. . . ..6,000... ..3,000... ..3,000.. . .5,000. . . .4,000. ..1,500 ..2 ye ..4... ..2... ..4... ..2... ..2... ..4... ..4. .. ..4... ..4'.'.' ..4... ..4... ..2... . .2. . . .A... .A... ..2... ..4... i'.a'.l! ..4. .. ..4... ..4. .. ..2... ..4... ..4... ..3... ..3... ..4... ..2... ..4... ..4... ..2... ..2... ..4... ..2... ..4... ..4... ..4... ..2... ..4... j,rs 84 per day ' 4 per day ' 6 per day ' 8 per day ' 4 per day ' 300 per session . ' 4 per day ' 3 per day ' 6 per day.... ' 4 per day.... ' 4 per day ' 5 per day ' 6 per day ' 550 per session . ' 3 per day ' 5 per day ' 4 per day ' 150 per session . ' 5 per day ' 650 per session . ' 3 per day ' 5 per day ' 300 per session . ' 5 per day ' 4 per day ' 3 per day ' 8 per day ' 3 per day ' 4 per day ' 500 per session . ' 1,500 per session . ' 4 per day ' 5 per day ' 3 per day 1_, 1,000 per session . ' 1 per day ' 5 per day ' 4 per day ' 5 per day ' 4 per day ' 3 per day ' 54O per session . ' 4 per day " 4 per day. .. " 350 per session " 4 per day . . .4 ye ...2... ...4... ...4... ...4... ...2... ...2... ...4... ..A... ..A... ...2... ...4... ...4... ...4... ...4... ...4. . ...4... ...2... ...4... ...1... ...2... ...2. . ...4. . ...4... ...2... ...2... .. 4. . ...2... ...2... ...3... ...2... ...2... ...2... ...4... ...4... ...1... ...4... ...2... ...4... ...2... ...2... ...4... ...2... ...4... ...2... ...2... ars. . 2 ye a,rs. . Biennially ' Biennially Biennially ' Biennially '....Biennially "... .Annually. '.. ..Biennially ' Biennially '....Biennially ' Biennially '. ...Biennially ' Biennially '. ...Biennially ' Biennially ' ...Biennially . .Tu. aft. 2nd Mon. in Nov ... 1st Monday in January .50 days .60 days 60 days Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska . .1st Tuesday in Nov . .1st Monday in Sept . Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov.. . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Tuesday in Nov . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Wednesday in Oct ..1st Tuesday in Nov . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . ..Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Monday in Aug . .Tu. aft. 3d Mon. in Apr. . . 2 . ....4... '....2:.. '....1... '....2... '....2... '....2... '.,..2... '....2... ' 2 . ... 1st Monday after January 1. ... ... 1st Wednesday in January ...1st Wed. aft. 1st Mon. in Jan... .60 days .40 days .None . . .60 days ... 1st Tuesday in January ...Tu. after 1st Mon. in Jan . . .1st Wednesday in November. . . . . .2nd Monday in December. . . . .None . . 60 days .40 days 60 days ...1st Wed. aft. 1st Mon. in Jan... . . .Thu. after 1st Mon. in Jan . . .2nd Monday in January . . .2nd Tuesday in January . None . . .60 days None . . .50 days 60 days '....2... '....2 .. '....2... 2. . '....4... '....2... '....2... '....1... '....2... '....1. . '....2... '....2... '....2... ....2... .. .2... ....2 .. ....2... '....1... ''.'.'.'.2'.'.'. '....2... '....2... '....2... '....1... '....2... '....2... ' Biennially ' Biennially ' Biennially . . . .Annually . ....Biennially . .Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially. .. ..Biennially. .... Annually . Annually . Biennially ... Biennially Biennially Biennially . . . .Annually . Annually . Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially ....Biennially . ...Biennially Biennially Biennially Biennially 60 days ... 1st Wednesday in January . . .1st Wednesday in January ...1st Wednesday in January ...1st Wednesday in January . . .Tu. after 1st Mon. in Jan . . .Tu. after 1st Mon. in Jan ...1st Wednesday aft. Jan. 1 . . .2nd Monday in January . . .1st Tuesday in January . . 1st Monday in January .. .1st Wednesday in June ...1st Monday in January ...2nd Tuesday in January ... 1st Tuesday in January . .1st Wed. aft. 1st Mon. in Jan. . . ... 1st Monday in January . . .1st Monday in January . . . 1 st Tuesday in January .None .. .90 days .None .. .None .. 60 days .None .. 70 days 60 days 40 days 60 days None . . 60 days .None.. .None .. 60 days .None.. .40 days :50 days 150 days 150 days .75 days .60 days . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . .. Tu. aft. 1st, Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. st Mon. in Nov. . ..Tu. aft. st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Tuesday in Nov . .Tu. aft. st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. st Mon. in Nov. . ..4,500... . .5,000. . ..1,000.. . .3,000. . . .4,000. . ..5,000... ..2,600... . .2,500. . . ..6,000... '. '.2.6OO'. '. '. ..5,000... 10,OOO. . . ..3,000.. ..4,000.. ..1,500... New Hampshire. . New Mexico New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Ohio . .Tu. aft. st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Tuesday in Nov . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .2nd Tuesday in October. . Oregon Pennsylvania . . . Rhode Island South Carolina.. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia... Wisconsin Wyoming . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1 st Wednesday in April. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . ..1st Thursday in Aug . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Monday in August . .1st Tuesday in Sept . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Tuesday in Nov . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . .Tu. aft. 1st Mon. in Nov. . . . 1st Tuesday in Sept .10,000... ..1,000... ..4,500... . .4,000. . ..4,000.. ..2,600.. ..1,000.. ..5,000.. ..2,600.. ..2,700.. ..5,000.. ... 4th Tuesday in November . . . 1 st Monday in January ...2nd Tuesday in January ....2... ....2... ....2... ....2... ....2... ....2... ' 1... ' 2.. . . .2nd Monday in January ... 1st Wednesday in October ... 1st Wednesday in December. . . ... 1st Monday in October . . .2nd Wednesday in January. . . . . . .2nd Wednesday in January . .2nd Tuesday in January .60 days .None .. .90 days .60 days .45 days .None .. .60 (lavs 4 h From 5 cents to 40 cents per mile is allowed Representatives, in some States, in going to and from the seat of government. TABLES OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND VARIATKJN OF TIME. 289 WEIGHTS. Troy. 24 grains (gr.)l penny w'ht, dwt. 20 dwts 1 ounce, oz. 3.2 grains, 1 carat, diamond wt. By this weight gold, silver, and jewels only are weighed. The ounce and pound in this, are the same as in apothecaries' weight. Apothecaries'. 20 grains 1 scruple. 3 scruples 1 drachm. 8drs 1 ounce. 12 ozs 1 pound. Avoirdupois. 16 drams ( drs.) 1 ounce, oz. 16 ozs. 1 pound, Ib. 25 Ibs 1 quarter, qr.* 4 quarters 100 weight, cwt. 20 cwts 1 ton. * Formerly 28 ll>s. were al^wed to the quarter, but the practice is now nearly out of use excepting in the coal mines in Pennsylvania, the Eastern fish markets, and the U. S. Custom House. Grains are the same in each of the above weights. 5,760 grains, apothecaries' or troy weight 1 Ib. 7,000 grains, avoirdupois weight 1 Ib. Therefore, 144 Ibs. avoir, equal 175 Ibs. apoth. or troy. Of Liquids. 1 gallon oil weighs 9.32 Ibs. avoir. 1 gallon distilled water, 8.35 Ibs. 1 gallon sea water, 10.32 Ibs. 1 gallon proof spirits, 9.08 Ibs. Miscellaneous. IRON, LEAD, ETC. 14 Ibs 1 stone. 21& stones 1 pig. 8 pigs 1 fother. BEEF, PORK, ETC. 200 Ibs 1 barrel. 196 Ibs. (flour) 1 barrel. 100 Ibs. (fish) 1 quintal. MEASURES. Dry. 2 pints 1 quart, qt. 8 quarts 1 peck, pk. 4 pecks 1 bushel, bu. 36 bushels 1 chaldron. 1 United States standard (Win- chester) busliel 18X inches in diameter, and 8 inches deep contains 2150.42 cubic inches. Liquid or Wine. 2 pints 31 l /z gallons.. 2 barrels U. S. standa gallon Beer gallon 31 " " .1 barrel bbl. .1 hogshead hhd. d .231 cubic inches. .231 .1 bbl. Time. 60 seconds ...1 minute. 60 minutes 1 hour. 24 hours 1 day. 7 days 1 week. 4 weeks 1 lunar month. 28 31 9 da 8 y s, 0r \ l calendar mouth. 30 days. . ! 1 month, ( in com- puting interest ). 52 w eeks and 1 day. . . . ) 1 v . ar 12 calendar months. . . J * yedT - 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds 1 solar year. Circular. 60 seconds 1 minute, 60 minutes 1 degree. 30 degrees Isign. 90 degrees 1 quadrant. 4 quadrants ) ., , , 360 degrees jicncie. A convenient method of finding the difference in time between two places, is to notice their dis- tance apart in degrees of longi- tude, and allow 4 minutes to each degree, based on the following CALCULATION: 1440 minutes 1 day, or revolution of the earth. 1 revolution of the earth is 360 degrees; therefore, 1 degree 4 minutes. MEASURES. Long. DISTANCE. 3 barl eycorns .. 1 inch, in. " " it. ft. 1 yard, yd. 12 ins 1 foot, ft. . . y< 5K yds 1 rod, rd. 3 ft. 40 rds 1 furlong, fur. 8 fur 1 mile. CLOTH. 2X inches 1 nail. 4 nails 1 quarter. 4 quarters 1 yard. MISCELLANEOUS. 3 inches 1 palm. 4 inches 1 hand. 6 inches 1 span. 18 inches 1 cubit. 21.8 inches 1 Bible cubit. 2J4 feet 1 military pace. 3 feet 1 common pace. Square. 144 sq. ins 1 sq. foot. 9 sq. f t 1 sq. yar'l. SOJ^sq. yds 1 sq. roo^ 40 sq. rods 1 rood. ' 4 roods 1 acre. Surveyors'. 7.92 inches 1 link. 25 links 1 rod. 4 rods 1 chain. 10 square chains. ) , 160 square rods. . . . \ x acre> 640 acres 1 square mile Cubic. 1728 cubic inches.. ..1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet 1 " yard. 128 cubic feet 1 cord ( W9od. ) 40 cubic feet. ..1 ton (shipping. ) 2150.42 cubic in...l standard bu. 268.8 " " --.I " gal. 1 cubic ft., four-fifths of a bushel. To find the number of bushels in a bin of any dimensions, find the number of cubic feet by mul- tiplying the three dimensions of the bin in feet; deduct one-fifth, and the result is the number of bushels. PAPER. The Sizes in Inches. Flat Writing-Papers. Flat Letter 10 x 16 Flat Cap. 14x17 Double Flat Letter. 16 x 20 FlatFoolscap ...13x16 Crown ...15 x 19 Folio Post 17x22 Demy 16x21 Medium 18x23 Check Folio 17x24 Bank Folio 19x24 Double Cap 17x28 Royal 19x24 Super Royal 20x28 Imperial 23x31 Of the different sizes there are also several different weights of each size, as Demy 20, 22, 24, 26, and 28 Ibs. per ream. Stationers usually rule, cut and fold the sizes required to make the various styles of letter and note papers a flat sheet making one, two or four sheets of letter or note paper. Ledger Papers. Flat Cap 14 x 17 Crown 15x19 Folio 1 7 v 22 Demy 16x21 Medium 18x23 Royal 19 x 24 Super Royal 20 x 28 Imperial 23 x 31 Elephant 23 x 28 Book Papers. The usual sizes of these, from the different American and Eng- lish manufacturers, differ but little from the above, except to fill special orders. Paper Counts. 24 sheets 1 quire. 10K quires 1 token. 20 quires 1 ream. 2 reams 1 bundle. 5 bundles 1 bale. Units of Anything. 12 pieces 1 dozen. 12 dozen 1 gross. 12 gross 1 great gross. 20 units 1 score, Railway Signals. One pull of bell-cord signifies "stop." Two pulls mean "go ahead." Three pulls signify "back up." One whistle signifies "down brakes." Two whistles mean " off brakes." Three whistles signify " back up." Continued whistles indicate "danger." Rapid short whistles, "a cattle alarm." A sweeping parting of the hands, on a level with the eyes, signifies " go ahead." A slowly sweeping meeting of the hands, over the head, means /g | .70 .76 .81* | .874 .93* 1.05 | 1.16*|1.28* | 1.40 8 .13*6 20 v .26* .33* .40 -46 .53* i .60 .66* I .73* | .80 .86* .93* |1.00 11.06* 1.20 1 1.33*11.46* | 1.60 Q .15 .224 .30 374 .45 .524 .60 | .674 .75 | .824 | .90 .974 11-05 11.12V4 |1.20 1.35 | 1.50 |1.65 | 1.80 Days 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .16* .25 .33* .41 * .50 .58* .66* | .75 .83* i .91* | 1.00 |1.08* |1.16* |1.25 |1.33* 1.50 I 1.66*| 1.83*| 2.00 2 .33* .50 .66* .83* 1.00 |1.16* 1.33* |1.50 |1.66* |1.83* | 2.00 |2.16* |2.33* |2.50 |2.66* 3.00 i 3.33*1 3.66*| 4.00 3 .60 .75 11.00 |1.25 1.50 |1.75 |2.00 |2.25 |2.50 |2.75 | 3.00 |3.25 |3.50 |3.75 |4.00 4.50 | 5.00 | 6.50 | 6.00 4 .66* |1.00 |1.33* |1.66* 2.00 |2.33* |2.66* |3.00 J3.33* |3.66* | 4.00 |4.33* 4.66* [5.00 15.33* 6.00 | 6.66*| 7.33*| 8.00 5 .83* |1.25 |1.66* |2.08* 2.50 |2.91* 3.33* |3.75 |4.16* |4.58* | 5.00 |5.41* |5.83* |6.25 |6.66* 7.50 | 8.33*| 9.16*;iq,00 6 11.00 11.50 |2.00 |2.50 3.00 |3.50 |4.00 4.50 5.00 |5.50 I 6.00 |6.50 |7.00 17.50 18.00 9.00 110.00 111.00 112.00 EXPLANATION. The large figures at the top of the columns show the rate per week, while the smaller figures Indicate the amount per hour or per day. Thus If it is desired to find the amount per hour when working for $8.OO per week, we commence with the figure 1, in the left hand column under the head of "hours," and trace towards the right till we reach the column headed by $8.00, where we find 13X cents, the equivalent of one hour's labor at $8.00 per week. In like manner we find the price of several hours, one day, or several days. To find wages at $13, $14, $15, $16, or more, per week, find the amount at $6.50, $7, $7.5O, $8, etc., and multiply by K. POPULATION AND GROWTH OF THE UNITED STATES. 291 STATES AND TERRITORIES. AREA IN SQUARE MILES. No. OF INHABITANTS. No. Inhab. to Sq. Mile in 1880. M'sR.R. in each State Jan. 1, 1888. STATES AND TERRITORIES. AREA IN SQUARE MILES. No. OF INHABITANTS. No. I nhab. M's R. R. In . Mile each State 1880. Jan. 1, 1888. 1880. | 1885. 1880. | 1885. in Alabama Arkansas. . . . California Colorado Connecticut. . ....52,250... ....53,850... ...158,360... ...103,925... .. .4.990... 2,050... .1,262,505.... ...802,525 ...864,694 .. .24..., .. .44.... 5 2,801 2,361 3,650 3,731 976 316 South Carolina. . .30,570: . . Tennessee 42,050. . . Texas. 2R5.78O. . ....994,577.... ....1,542,359 ....1.591,749..., 332,286 ....1,512,565 618,457 . . . .1,315,497. . . .1,563,423. . . . ..32 1,906 ..36 2,252 ...5 8,289 ..34 944 ..35 2,791 ..24 1,196 ..23 5,159 ...194,327 243,910. ...622,700 1 124 71... Vermont 9,565. . . 42 450 ...146,608 West Virginia Wisconsin ....24,780... ....56,040... Florida ....58,680... ...269,493 342,617. 4 2,132 59.475... .1,542,180 25 3,505 Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas ....56,650... ....36,350... ....56,025... ....82,O80... ....40,400... .3,077,871... M.978,301 .1,624,615.... 1,753,980. .. .996,096. ... 1,268,562. 54 54.... 28 9,907 5,815 . . . .8,259 8,129 TERRITORIES. Alaska 557,390... Arizona 1 13,020. . . Dakota 149,100. . . Dist. of Columbia 70... Idaho 84,800... Indian Territory .64,690. . . Montana 146,080 New Mexico 122.580.... Utah 84,990.... Washington 69,18O Wyoming 97,890. . . Other Lands 5,740. . . . 30,178 40,440 1,058 130,135 415,263 1 4,31 5 177,624 203,459. .. .2,537 18 32,610 865 75,000 1 921 ....39,159 , ...1,678 119.565 131,985 1,223 143,963 1 1,145 75,116 1 1,031 20,789 883 .1,648,690 ....40. .. 2,237 Louisiana ....48.720... ...939,946 19 ... 1 ,458 Maine 33,040. . . . Maryland 12,210. . . . Massachusetts 8,315 Michigan 58,915. . . . Minnesota 83,365... Mississippi 46,810.. Missouri 69,415. . . . Nebraska 76,855. . . . Nevada 110700 ...648,936 ...934,943 .1,783.085.. ..1,941,465. . 1 ,636,937. ... 1 ,a53,658. ...780.773 ...1,117,798. .1,131,597 .2,168,380 ...452.402 740,645. 62 266 19 76 ....214.... 27 9 24 31 5 1,178 1,252 . . . .2,073 ...6,168 . . . .5,114 .2,168 ... 5,608 4,804 954 New Hampshire. . .9,305. . . New Jersey.. 7.815 New York 49,170. . . . North Carolina. . .52,250. . . Ohio 41,060... Oregon 96,039. / . . Pennsylvania 45,215 Rhode Island 1,250. . . . ...646,941... .1,131. 116. ...1,278,133. .5,082.871 .1,309,750 .3,198,062 ...174,768 194,150. .4,282,891 .-..276,531 304,284. 37.... ....144 ....103 26 77 2 94 ....221 ...1,067 1,970 7,563 2,371 ....7,558 , 1,273 .7,942 210 3,602,270. . . . ..50,155,783 150,224 " In several States there is nearly one person more to the square mile than is here mentioned. Principal Countries of the World; Population, Area, Religion and Government, Country. Population. Date o/l Area of Census. \ Square Miles Inhabitants to Sq. Mile. Capital. Population. Prevailing Religion. Form of Government, China (Est ), including Corea. .388,631,975.. ...1882 4,503,788.. ...86.3 Peking 1,648,890... Buddhic Empire India ...253,906,449.. . . . 1881 1 ,383,504.. . ..184 t Calcutta. .. 871,504... . ...Hindoo Empire Russia (Estimated) ...102,682,124.. ...1884 8,520,637... . . . 12 St. Petersburg 929,093... . . . .Greek Church Empire United States, and Territories .. 50,497,057 .. .. 1885 -3,802,990... ...14.5 Washington 187,928.... Protestant Republic German Empire ....45,234,061.. ...1885 212,028.. ..213.. Berlin 1,315,297... . . . .Protestant Monarchy Austria-Hungary . . . .37,786,346. . ...1880 210,942.. ..157 Vienna ....1,103,857... Catholic Monarchy France 37,672,048.. ...1881 2O4.O92.. . . 184 Paris 2,269,023.... ... Catholic Japan 36,700,118.. ...1882 148,456.. ..247.3 Tokio 594,283.... Buddhic Empire Great Britain and Ireland.. . . . .35,026,108. . ...1881 120,832.. ..290 London 4,764,312... .... Protestant Monarchy Italy 28,459,451.. ...1881 114,926.. ..249 Rome . . . 300,467. . . Catholic Turkish Empire (Estimated) 42,209,359.. ...1883 2,406,492.. . . . 17.5 Constantinoole 873,565... .... Mohammedan Spain (Estimated) ....16,081,859.. ...1877 182,752.. ...85 Madrid 397,690... Catholic Monarchy British America 4,324,810.. ...1881 3,470,392.. 1.2 Ottawa 27,412... Protestant Monarchy Brazil.. 9,448,233.. ...1885 3,275,326.. 3 Rio Janeiro 357,332... Catholic Monarchy Mexico (Estimated) ....10,006,882.. ...1882 743,948.. ...13.5 Mexico City 300,000... Catholic Republic Belgium 5,655,197.. ...1882 11,373.. ..497 Brussels 389,782... Catholic Bavaria 5,284,778.. ...1885 29,375... ..180 Munich 261,981. Catholic Monarchy Sweden 4,603,595.. ...1885 170,979.. ...27 Stockholm 215,688... Protestant Monarchy Persia (Estimated) 7,653,600.. ...1881 610,000.. ...12.5 Teheran 200,000... Mohammedan Monarchy Portugal ., 4,160,315... ...1878 36,510... ..114 Lisbon 246,343... Catholic Monarchy Holland-Netherlands 4,225,065.. ...1885 .'12,648... ..334.8 The Hague 188,696... Protestant Monarchy Columbia 4,000,000.. ....1881 504,773.. 7.9 Bogota 100,000... Catholic Republic Switzerland 2,846.102.. 1880 15,992.. ..178 Berne 44,087... Protestant Confederation Peru 3,049,945.. ...1876 503,718.. ....6 Lima 101,488... Catholic Republic Australasia 3,091,897.. ...1883 3,075,135.. ....1 Protestant Monarchy Chili (Estimated) 2,377,949.. ...1884 256,399.. 9.3 Santiago 200,000... ....Catholic Republic Bolivia 2,300,000.. ...1880 Unknown.. LaPaz 76,372... Catholic Republic Denmark (Estimated) 2,018.432.. . . . 1882 13,784. . ..146.4 Copenhagen 273,323... Protestant \Vurttemberg ............ 1,971,118.. ...1885 7,675.. ..256.8 Stuttgart 125,906... Norway 1,925,000.. ...1885 122,869.. ...15 Christiania 130,027... . . . . Protestant Monarchy Venezuela 2,121,988.. ...1883 632,695... 3.3 Caracas 73,509... Catholic Republic Argentine Republic 3,026,000.. ...1886 1,125,086... ....2.7 Buenos Ayres 398,498... ....Catholic Republic Greece 1,979,305.. ....1881 25,O41.. ...79 Athens 84,903... Greek Church Monarchy Baden 1,570,254.. ....1880 5,851.. ..271.8 Karlsruhe 49,998... Catholic .Grand Duchy 1,278,311.. .. 1884 41,830.. ....2.9 few Guatemala 55,728... Catholic Ecuador (Estimated) 1,066,137.. ....1875 251 22.. 4.3 Quito 80,000... Catholic Republic Hesse 947,224.. 1882 2,866.. ..33O.5 Darmstadt 48.153... ....Protestant .Grand Duchy Liberia 1,068,000.. ...1880 14,300.. ....74.7 Monrovia 13,000... Protestant Republic Hayti (Estimated) 800,000.. ...188O 10,2O4.. ...78.2 Portau Prince 35,000... Catholic Republic Uruguay 700,000.. ....1884 73,538.. ....9.4 Montevideo 104,472... Catholic Republic San Salvador 554,785.. ...1883.... 7,225.. . . .77 San Salvador 18.500... Catholic Republic Nicaragua 275,815.. ...1884 49,500.. 5.6 Managua 12,000... Catholic Republic Honduras 458,000.. ...1884 39,600.. ....10.6 Tegucigalpa 12,000... Catholic Republic San Domingo 350,000.. ...1883 18,045... ...22 San Domingo 10,000... ....Catholic Republic Paraguay 476,048.. ...1879 91,970... 5 Asuncion 16,000... Catholic -Republic Costa Rica 180,000.. ...1879 26,040.. 7 San Jose 2,OOO... Catholic Republic Hawaii (Estimated) 73,000.. ....1883 6,677.. ...10.8 Honolulu 7,OOO... Protestant Monarchy 1 Australasia has seven organized colonies New South Wales, Victoria. Queensland, Sonth Australia, Western Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, whose respective capitals, with the population of each city, are as follows: Sidney (1884), 250,000; Melbourne (1883), 282.947; Brisbane (1883), 36,109; Ade- laide (1881), 38,479; Perth (1881), 5.O44; Auckland (1881), 39,966; Hobart (1881), 21,118. There is no general seat of government in Australasia, the whole being controlled by the home government in England. 292 GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, AND STATISTICAL TABLES. Area and Population of the Earth. Divisions. America. Area in Sq. Miles. .15,258,686 Population. Pop. to Sq. Mile. 100,415,400.... ....6.6 .. Europe .................. 3,700,000 ........ 327,743,400 .................... 88.6 . . .16,770,000 795,591,000 47.4 . . . 12,000-000 205,823,200 17.1 ....3.156,841 2,862,103 1,452,397 Asia Africa Australasia Other Countries. . . Total 50,885,527 1,433,887,500 28.1 All these collectively are estimated to speak more than 3,000 languages. The amount of deaths per annum is 33,333,333, or 91 ,954 per day, 3,730 per hour, 60 per minute, or 1 per second. It is estimated that the popu- lation of the earth, at the present time, is being increased at the rate of about 16,500,000 annually. The average duration of life throughout the globe is 33 years. One- fourth of its population dies before the seventh year, and the half before the seventeenth. Out of 10,000 persons only one reaches his hundredth year, only one in 500 his eightieth; and only one in 100 his sixtieth. Another estimate of the earth's population is as follows: Races. Whites 600,000.000 Mongolians 600,000,000 Religions. Pagans 810,600,000 Christians 388,000,000 Mohammedans 201,000.000 Jews 7,000,000 All Infidels (Est.) 93,387,500 The Christians are divided as follows: Church of Rome. Protestants. East and Greek Church. 201,000,000. 106,000.000. 81,000,000. Blacks 250,000,000 Copper Colored 12,000,000 Oceans, Seas, Bays and Lakes. Oceans. Sq. Miles. Pacific, about 80,000,000 Atlantic, " 40,000,000 Indian, " 20,000,000 Southern, " 10,000 000 Arctic, ' 5000000 NOTE. The seas, bays, gulfs, etc., connected with each ocean, are included in the foregoing estimate. It may be proper to remark, however, that the exact superficial extent of the several oceans is not known with certainty, nor the exact proportion of land and water. Seas. Length in Miles. Mediterranean, about 2,000 Caribbean " 1,800 China ' 1,700 Bed " 1,400 Japan " 1,000 Black " 932 Caspian.. Baltic... Okhotsk . White ... Aral .640 .600 .600 .450 .250 Capacity of Large Rooms. Estimating a person to occupy an area of 19.S inches square. CHURCHES. Will Contain St. Peter's, Rome 54.000 Cathedral, Milan 37,000 St. Paul's, Rome 32,000 St. Paul's,London 25,000 St. Petronio, Bologna 24,400 Cathedral, Florence 24,300 Cathedral, Antwerp 24,000 St. Sophia's Constantinople. 23,000 St. John's Lateran 22,900 Notre Dame, Paris 21,000 Cathedral, Pisa 13,000 St. Stephen's, Vienna 12,400 St. Dominic's, Bologna 12,000 St. Peter',s, Bologna 11,400 Cathedral, Vienna 11 ,000 St. Mark's, Venice 7,500 How Savings Accumulate. The following shows the result of daily savings, and placing the same at interest for SO' years at O per cent. It is thus seen how carefully managed Life Insurance Companies become possessed of large wealth : Saved Daily 1 cent 10 cents 20 " . 30 " 50 " . BO BO $950 9,504 19,006 38,015 47.520 57,024 , 66,528 76.032 85,537 Bays. Length in Miles. Hudson's, about 1,200 Baffin's... " 600 250 Length. Width. Miles. Miles. ....380. ....360. ....330. ....300. ...250. ....240. ....270. ....200. ....180. Chesapeake Lakes. Superior Baikal Michigan . . . Great tilave Huron AVinnipeg... Erie Athabasca.. Ontario Maracaybo . Great Bear . Ladoga Champlain . Nicaragua 120. L. of the Woods.... 70. Geneva Constance .150 . .150.. .125.. .123.. .50.. .45.. Cayuga 36. ..120 ..35 ..60 ..45 ..90 ..40 ..50 ..20 ..40 ..60 ..40 ..75 ..12 ..40 ..25 ..10 ..10 ...4 George 36 3 Capacity of a Freight Car.* A load nominally is 20,000 pounds. The following number can be carried. Whisky 60 barrels Salt 70 " Lime 70 " Flour 90 " Eggs 130tol60 " Flour 200 sacks. Wood 6 cords. Cattle 18 to 20 head. Hogs Sheep Lumber Barley Wheat Flax Seed Apples Corn Potatoes Oats . .50 to 60 .80 to 100 " 6,000 feet. . .300 bush. . .340 " ..360 ' ..370 " ..4OO " ..430 " ..680 " Bran 1,000 Butter 20,000 pou'ds This table is for 10-ton I a larger capacity have been Quantity of Seed to Plant. Asparagus Roots 1,000 plants to a bed 4x225 feet. Beans 1 qt. plants 150 feet of row. Beets 1 oz. plants 150 feet of row. Cabbage 1 oz. gives 2,500 plants. Celery 1 oz. gives 7.000 plants. Cucumber 1 oz. for 150 hills. Lettuce 1 oz. gives 7.000 plants. Melon 1 oz. for 120 hills. Onion Four pounds to the acre. Radish-,- 1 oz. to 100 ft. of ground. Spinach 1 oz. to 250 feet of row. Squash 1 oz. to 75 hills. Tomato 1 oz. gives 2,500 plants. Turnip 1J^ pounds to the acre. The Longest Rivers of the World. Rivers. Locality. Rise. Discharge, j Miles Misspuri N.America... Mississippi. . . N. America... Amazon Brazil Hoang-Ho China. Murray Australasia . . . Obi Siberia Nile Egypt, Nubia. Yang-tse-Kia. . China Lena Siberia Niger Soudan St. Lawrence . . Canada Volga. Russia Maykiang Siam Indus Hindostan . . . . Dan-ibe Germany. Mackenzie N. America. . . Brahmapootra. Thibet Columbia N. America. . . Colorado N. America. . . Susquehanna . . N. America. . . James N. America. . . Potomac N. America. . . Hudson N. America... Rocky Mountains Lake Itaska Andes Koulkoun Mountains Australian Alps Altaian Mountains Blue Nile, Abyssinia Thibet.... Heights of Irkutsk Base of Mt. Loma River St. Louis Lake in Volhonsky Thibet Little Thibet Black Forest. River Athabasca Himalaya Rocky Mountains San laba Lake Otsego Allegheny Mountains Gr. Black Bone Mount'n. Adirondacks, Mt. Marcv Gulf of Mexico.. Gulf of Mexico.. Atlantic Ocean.. Yellow Sea Encounter Bay. . Arctic Ocean Mediterranean. . China Sea Arctic Ocean .... Gulf of Guinea.. G'f St. Lawrence Caspian Sea Chinese Gulf Arabian Sea Black Sea Arctic Ocean Bay of Bengal... Pacific Ocean Gulf of Califor . . Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Bav. Bay of N. Y 4194 2, 616 3, 944 3,000 8,000 2,800 2,750 2,500 2,500 2,300 1,960 1,900 1,700 1,700 1,630 2,500 1,500 1,090 1,000 400 500 400 325 Historical Facts Relating to the United States. Year Settled States. Where Settled. 1 By Whom. IAdmit'd to the Capitals. 1565 Florida 1607 Virginia* 1614 New York* 1620 Massachusetts * 1623 N. Hampshire-. 1 624 New Jersey * . . . 1625 Maine 1627 Delaware* 1633 Connecticut*... 1634 Maryland* 1636 Rhode Island*. 1663 NorthCarolina* 1669 Wisconsin 1670 Michigan 1670 South Carolina'" 1682 Pennsylvania.' 1685 Arkansas 1690 Texas 1690 Indiana 1699 Louisiana 1711 Alabama 1716 Mississippi 1720 Illinois 1725 Vermont 1733 Georgia* 1 757 Tennessee 1764 Missouri 1769 California 1775 Kentucky 1788 Ohio 1811 Oregon 1833 Iowa 1846 Minnesota 1850 Kansas 1861 Nevada 1862 West Virginia.. 1 854 Nebraska 1858 Colorado St. Augustine Spaniards .......... 1845 Tallahassee. Jamestown ...... English ............ 1 788t Richmond. Manhattan ....... Dutch .............. 1788t Albany. Plymouth ........ English Puritans., 1788t Boston. Dover ............ English ........... 1 788t Concord. Bergen ........... Dutch and Danes. . 1787t Trenton. Bristol ........... English ........... 1820 Augusta. Cape Henelopen. Swedes and Finns. 1787t Dover. Windsor .......... From Massachu'ts 1788t Hartford. St. Mary's ........ English ........... 1 7 88t Annapolis. providence ...... English ........... 1790f Prov.&N'port Albeinarle ........ English ............ 1789f Raleigh. Green Bay ....... French ............. 1848 Madison. Detroit ........... French ............. 1837 Lansing. Port Royal ....... English ............ 1788t Columbia. Philadelphia ..... English ............ 1787t Harrisburg. Arkansas Post... French ............ 1836 Little Rocf. .Spaniards .......... 1845 Austin. French ............. 1816 Indianapolis. French ............. 1812 Baton Eouge. French ............. 1814 Montgomery. Natchez .......... French., ........... 1817 Jackson. Kaskaskia ....... French ............. 1818 Springfield. Fort Dummer... From Massachu'ts 1791 Montpelier. San Antonia Vineennes Iberville.,- Mobile Savannah English 1 788t Atlanta. Fort London From N. Carolina. 1796 Nashville. St. Louis French 1821 Jefferson City. SanDiego Spaniards . 1850 Sacramento. Boonesboro From Virginia 1 792 Frankfort. Marietta FromN. England. 1803 Columbus. Astoria From New York .. 1859 Salem. Burlington From N. England. 1846 Des Moines. St. Paul From N. England . 1 857 St. Paul. Ft.Leavenworth. Fr.N.E.&W.States. 1861 Topeka. Washoe From California... 1864 Carson City. (See Virginia)... Formed fr. Va 1862 Charleston. Fr.N.E.*W.States. 1867 Lincoln. Denver Fr. Western States 1876 Denver The thirteen original States, t Date of adoption of Constitution. Principal Exports of Various Countries. ARABIA Coffee, aloes, myrrh, frankincense, gum arable. BELGIUM Grain, flax, hops, woolens, linens, laces, various manufactures. BRAZIL Cotton, sugar, coffee, tobacco, gold, diamonds, wheat, dye-woods. CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA and NEW BRUNSWICK Flour, furs, lumber, fish. CAPE COLONY Brandy, wine, ostrich feathers, hides, tallow. CENTRAL AMERICA Logwood, mahogany, indigo, cocoa. CHILI Silver, gold, copper, wheat, hemp, hides, sugar, cotton, fruits. CHINA Tea, silks, nankeens, porcelain, opium, articles of ivory and pearl. DENMARK Grain, horses, cattle, beef, pork, butter, and cheese. EASTERN.WESTERN and SOUTHERN AFRICA Gold, ivory, ostrich feathers. EGYPT Rice, grain, linseed, fruits.indigo, cotton, sugar. ECUADOR ana NEW GRENADA Coffee, cotton, indigo, fruits, sugar, cocoa. GREENLAND Whale oil, whale bone, seal skins. HINDOSTAN Cotton, silks, rice, sugar, coffee, opium, indigo. HOLLAND Fine linens, woolens, butter, cheese, various manufactures. ITALY Silks, wines, grain, oil, fruits. IRELAND Linens, beef, butter, tallow, hides, potatoes, barley, etc. JAPAN Silk and cotton goods, Japan ware, porcelain. MEXICO Gold, silver, logwood, cochineal, fruits. PERSIA Carpets, shawls, wine, silk, cotton, rice, rhubarb, guns, swords, etc. PERU Silver, gold, Peruvian bark, mercury, sugar, cotton, fruits. RUSSIA Hemp, iron, linen, grain, timber, furs, tallow, platiua. SPAIN and PORTUGAL Silks, wool, wine, oil, fruits, salt, etc. SWEDEN and NORWAY Iron, steel, copper, timber, fish. SWITZERLAND Watches, jewelry, paper, laces, linen, cotton and silk goods, etc. TURKEY Grain, fruits, cotton, oil, wines, carpets, muslin, swords. UNITED STATES Eastern States Lumber, beef, pork, fish, cottons, woolens, etc, Middle States Flour, wheat, salt, coal, cottons, woolens, etc. Southern States Cotton, rice, tobacco, corn, lumber, pitch, fruits. Western States Corn, wheat, lead, coal, iron, salt, lime, beef, pork. VENEZUELA Sugar, coffee, cocoa, cotton, indigo, fruits. WEST INDIES Sugar, rum, molasses, coffee, spice, cotton, Indigo, fruits. GOLD AND SILVER PRODUCTION AND AMOUNT OF MONEY IN CIRCULATION, From reports by the Director of the United States mint. Corrected to the latest date. 293 Precious Metals in the United States. Statistics showing where our gold and silver come from. Estimate of the Total Production of Gold and Silver. Gold From All Countries. Estimated total yield of gold in all countries, from 1493 to 1875. United States 179 874 123 Where Gold Comes From. Deposit of domestic produc- tions of gold at the U. S. Mints from 1793 to June 3O, 1886. Where SilverComes From. Deposits of domestic produc- tions of silver at the U. S. Mints from 1793 to June 3O, '86. Amount of Specie In the United States July 1, 1886. according to the report of the Director of the Mint, was. Gold 4548,320,031 Chili 89024298 Russia 82 880 291 Various countries 68,244,000 State. Amount. State. Amount. Australasia 889,963,800 California 8740,061,407.17 Montana 57.942,047.01 Colorado 50,087,096.25 Idaho 28,242.403.89 Nevada $92,818,836.47 Colorado 23 ,9 1 0,646.24 Utah 18.973,228.37 Montana 13,588,327.90 Silver 3O8 784 223 Total 6159241948 Brazil 509 347 107 Total $857,104,254 Russia 507,749,653 Dakota 25,912,794.26 Nevada 23,402,999.35 Oregon 18,747,932.24 North Carolina. . 1 1 ,068,347.20 Georgia 8,415,475.79 Arizona 1 3,515,770.65 New Mexico 5,555,100.10 California 3,925,546.95 Michigan 3,629,325.39 Idaho 1,397,222.91 Amount of Paper Money In circulation in the United States July 1, 1886, was as fol- lows: Paper money $912,543,922 Amount of paper in excess of specie in the U. S. $19,516,619 Austria-Hungary.. . .226,248,247 Bolivia 144,398,100 Mexico 130,174,396 Total Gold and Silver from 1493 to 1875. Mexico 2,730,455,055 Arizona 4.005,061.03 New Mexico 2,434.41 2.84 Virginia 1 ,715,578.01 South Carolina 1,599.890.33 Dakota 552,639.59 Oregon 60,386.62 North Carolina 49,179.87 Wyoming 12, 126.16 Various countries. . . .74,458,340 Peru 80,327,582 Bolivia 1,431,398,047 United States 1,175,000,138 Peru 1,145,684,666 Wyoming 753,768.86 Washington Ter. . . .398,181.95 \laska 263664.17 Texas 2i739.03 Pennsylvania 2,588.47 Alaska 2,195 01 Total 4,643,087,395 Australasia 889,963,800 New liranada 596,501 ,675 Russia 590,629,944 Alabama 226,974.58 Tennessee 87 665.93 Washington Ter 1 .772.97 South Carolina 1.244.70 The Total Production Of precious metals from sur- face and mines of the earth, from the earliest period to the close of 1879, is estimated to be as follows-. Silver From All Countries. Estimated total yield of sil- ver, in all countries, from 1493 to 1875. Mexico $2,600,280,659 Brazil 509,347,107 Austria-Hungary. . . .491,209,850 Africa 359, 325,340 Vermont. . . 85,598.21 Michigan 23 O29 71 Massachusetts 91 7.56 Virginia 222.29 Alabama 64.02 Vermont 49.94 Maine 22.00 New Hampshire 11 ,020.55 Maine 5,638.20 Maryland 4,848.57 Germany .... 269 731 339 Other European Texas 2,147.40 Pennsylvania 1 138.34 Nebraska 651.63 Indiana 40.13 Tennessee 10.15 Nebraska 6.18 Maryland 3.24 Add refined bul- lion 16~> 984 502 64 Bolivia 1,286,999,947 Peru 1,065,357,084 Chili 218,491,438 Gold $14,068,375,000 Silver 11,315,000,000 Austria-Hungary. . . .264,961 ,603 Various countries. . .142,702,340 not reported. . .37,169,366.65 Refined bullion,2S8.183,599.24 Other sources, or not reported. . .41.793,414.43 Total $25,383,375,000 countries 251,888,604 Total $10,802,329,343 AMOUNT OF MONEY IN CIRCULATION FOR EACH PERSON IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, Estimated amount of gold and silver and paper money in circulation in twenty-four countries, from the report of the Director of the Mint, Oct. 1883. Countries. i Tear. Paper. Specie. 1 per each Countries. I Tear. I Paper. 1 person. | | | Specie. Money per each Countries. Tear. Paper. Specie. Monej pereach person. Austria 1883.... $8.34. .. Australia 1882 9.03. . . Belgium 1883 .11.38 *3.31... $11.65 25.01.... 34.04 23.93 35.31 France 1883 15.16.... 39.41. . Germany 1883 4.59. . . .12.31. . Great Britain 1883 5.77. . . .19.31 . . Greece 1883 12.00 2.73. . Italy 1883 10.36 7.73. . .54.57 .16.90 .25.08 .14.73 .18.09 Norway-Sweden. . . .1881.. . . Peru 1879. . . ..5.19 2.77.. ..4.29 62.. ...7.96 ...4.91 Portugal 1879. . . Russia 1883. . . Spain 1883. . . Switzerland 1883. . . ..1.10 8.79.. ..5.18 1.21.. .4.14. ...12.03. . ..6.42.... 11.14.. . . .9.89 ...6.39 ..16.17 .17.56 Brazil 1883 9.18... Brit. India 1882 24. .. Canada 1883 11.33... Colombia 1879 63. .. Denmark 1881 9.62.. 9.18 ..4.07 4.31 ..3.07.... 14.40 ..1.50 2.13 ..8.74... .18.36 Japan 1881 3.82 3.80.. Mexico 1883 21 5.23. . Netherlands 1883. . . . 18.92. . . . 18.34. . . . .7.62 . . .5.44 ..37.26 Turkey 1882. . . United States 1883. . . ...21 3.00... 17.63.... 16.88.. ...3.21 .34.51 LUMBER MEASURE. To find the number of feet in a board 1 inch thick from 3 to 30 inches wide, and from 4 to 24 feet long, see the following table. Explanation. The figures at the top of the columns indicate the number of feet in length; those at the extreme left the width of the board in inches. To ascertain the number of feet multiply the number of feet in length by the number of inches in width and divide the product by 12, the result will be the number in feet and inches. Thus multiply 9 inches wide by 13 feet long, and the result will be 117. Divide this by 12 and we have the product 9 feet and 9 inches. See the table. LENGTH IN FEET. 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 12 feet 13 feet 14 feet 15 feet 16 feet 17 feet 18 feet 19 feet 20 feet: 21 feet 22 feet 23 feet 24 feet ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. 3 inches wide. .1...00 .1...03 .1...06 .1...09 .2... 00 .2... 03 .2... 06 .2... 09 .3... 00 .3... 03 .3.. .06 .3... 09 .4... 00 .4.. .03 .4... 06 .4... 09 .5... 00 .5... 03 .5... 06 .5... 09 .6... 00 4 inches wide. .1...04 .1...08 .2... 00 .2.. .04 .2... 08 .3... 00 .3... 04 .3. ..08 .4... 00 .4... 04 .4... 08 .5... 00 .5... 04 .5... 07 .6... 00 .6... 04 .6... 08 .7.. .00 .7... 05 .7... 08 .8... 00 5 inches wide. .1...08 .2... 01 .2... 06 .2... 11 .3... 04 .3... 09 .4... 02 .4... 07 .5... 00 .5.. .05 .5... 10 .6... 03 .6.. .08 .7... 01 .7... 03 .7... 11 .8.. .04 .8... 09 .9.. .02 .9... 07 10... 00 6 inches wide. .2.. .00 .2.. .06 .3.. .00 .3.. .06 .4... 00 .4... 06 .5... 00 .5... 06 .6.. .00 .6... 06 .7... 00 .7... 06 .8.. .00 .8.. .06 .9... 00 .9... 06 10... 00 10... 06 11... 00 11... 06 12.. 00 7 inches wide. .2... 04 .2.. .11 .3... 06 .4... 01 .4... 08 .5... 03 .5... 10 .6... 05 .7.. .00 .7... 07 .8... 02 .8... 09 .9.. .04 .9... 11 10. ..06 11... 01 11. ..08 12...03J12...10 13...05il4...00 8 inches wide. .2... 08 .3... 04 .4... 06 .4... 08 .5... 04 .6... 00 .6... 08 .7... 04 .8... 00 .8... 08 .9... 04 10... 00 10... 08 11... 04 12... 00 12... 08 13. ..04 14... 00 14... 08 15...04il6...00 9 inches wide. .3.. .00 .3... 09 .4... 00 .5.. .03 .6... 00 .6... 09 .7... 06 .8... 03 .9.. .00 .9... 09 10... 06 11... 03 12... 00 12... 09 13... 06 14... 03 15... 00 15... 09 16... 06 17...03il8...00 10 inches wide. .3... 04 .4... 02 .5... 06 .5. ..10 .6... 08 .7... 06 .8... 04 .9.. .02 10... 00 10. ..10 11.. .08 12... 06 13... 04 14... 02 15.. .00 15... 10 15. ..08 17... 06 18... 04 19... 02 20... 00 11 inches wide. .3. ..08 .4... 07 .5... 00 .6.. .05 .7... 04 .8... 03 .9... 02 10... 01 11... 00 11.. .11 12. ..10 13... 09 14... 08 15... 07 16.. .06117... 05 18... 04 19... 03 20. ..00 21... 01 22... 00 12 inches wide. .4.. .00 .5.. .00 .6... 06 .7... 00 .8... 00 .9... 00 10... 001 11... 00 12... 00 13... 00 14... 00 15... 00 16... 00 17... 00 18...00!l9...00 20... 00 21. ..00 22.. .00 23... 00 24. 00 13 inches wide. .4. ..04 .5... 05 .6... 00 .7... 07 .8... 08 .9.. .09 10.. .10 11.. .11 13.. .00 14... 01 15... 02 16... 03 17... 04 18... 05 19...06;20...07 21... 08 22... 09 23... 10 24... 11 26. 00 14 inches wide. .4... 08 .5... 10 .7... 06 .8... 02 .9.. .04 10... 06 11... 08 12... 10 14... 00 15. ..02 16... 04 17... 06 18.. .08 19.. .10 21. ..00 22... 02 23... 04 24... 06 25. ..08 26... 10! 28... 00 15 inches wide. .5... 00 .6... 03 .7... 00 .8... 09 10... 00 11... 03 12... 06 13... 09 15. ..00 16. ..03 17... 06 18... 09 20...00'21...03 22... 06 23... 09 25... 00 26... 03 27... 06 28...09'30...00 16 inches wide. .5.. .04 .6... 08 .8-... 00 .9... 04 10... 08 12... 00 13... 04 14... 08 16.. .00 17.. .04 18... 08 20... 00 21... 04 22... 08 24... 00 25... 04 26... 08 28... 00 29... 04 30... 08 32... 00 17 inches wide. .5... 08 .7... 01 .8... 06 .9. ..11 11. ..04 12... 09 14... 02 15... 07 17.. .00 18... 05 19... 10 21... 03 22... 08 24... 01 25... 06126... 11 28... 04 29... 09 31... 02 32...07J34. .00 18 inches wide. .6. .00 .7. ..06 .9... 00 10... 06 12... 00 13... 06 15... 00 16... 06 18... 00 19... 06 21.. .00 22... 06 24... 00 25... 06 27... 00 28... 06 30... 00 31... 06 33... 00 34... 06 36... 00 19 inches wide. .6... 04 .7... 11 .9... 06 11... 01 12.. .08:14.. .03:15.. .10 17... 05 19... 00 20... 07 22... 02 23... 09 25... 04 26... 11 28... 06 30... 01:31. ..08 33... 03 34... 10 36... 05 38... 00 20 inches wide. .6... 08 .8... 04 10... 00 11... 08 13.. .04 15... 00 16... 08 18... 04 20... 00 21... 08 23... 04 25... 00 26... 08 28... 04 30. ..00 31...08J33...04 35... 00 36... 08 38... 04:40... 00 21 inches wide. .7... 00 .8... 09 10... 06 12... 03 14...00U5...09 17...06 19... 03 21... 00 22.. .09 24... 06 26... 03 28... 00:29... 09 31... 06 33... 03 35... 00 36... 09:38 06 40...03i42...00 22 inches wide. .7.. .04 .9... 02 11... 00 12... 10 14... 08 16... 06 18... 04 20... 02 22... 00 23... 10 25... 08 27... 06 29.. .04 31... 02 33... 00, 34... 10 36... 08 38.. .06140. ..04 42...03!44...00 23 inches wide. .7... 08 .9... 07 11. ..06 13... 05 15... 04 17... 03 19... 02 21... 01 23. ..00 24... 11 26... 10 28... 09 30. ..08 32.. .07 34... 06 36... 05 38... 04 40... 03,43.. .02 44... 01 46... 00 24 inches wide. .8... 00 .0...00 12.. .00 14.. .00 16... 00 18... 00 20... 00 22... 00 24. ..00 26... 00 28... 00 30... 00 32... 00 34...0036...00;38...0040...00 42... 00 44... 00 46... 00:48... 00 25 inches wide. .8... 04 .0...05 12... 06 14. ..07 16... 08 18... 09 20... 10 22... 11 25... 00 27... 01 29... 02 31... 03 33.. .04 35.. .05 37.. .06 39.. .07 41... 08 43... 09 45... 10 47.. .11|50.. .00 56 inches wide. .8... 08 .0...10 13... 00 15... 02 17... 04 19... 06 21... 08 23... 10 26... 00 28... 02 30... 04 32. ..06 34.. .08|36.. .10 39.. .00 41.. .02 43.. .04 45... 06 47... 08 49.. .10 52... 00 27 inches wide. .9... 00 .1...03 13... 06 15. ..09 18... 00 20... 03 22... 06 24...09J27...00 29... 03 31... 06 33... 09 36...00i38...03 40... 06 42. ..09145.. .00 47. 03 49... 06 51.. .09 54.. .00 28 inches wide. .9... 04 .1...08 14... 00 16... 04 18...08:21...0023...04 25. ..0828. ..00 30... 04 32... 08 35... 00 37.. .04:39.. .08142.. .00:44.. .04 ! 46.. .08149. 00 51... 04 53... 08 56!oO 29 inches wide. .9... 081.2... 01 14... 06 16... 11 19... 04 21... 09 24.. .02 26... 07 29.. .00 31... 05 33... 10 36. ..03 38...08 41...0l!43...0645...11 48... 04 50. 09 53... 02 55. 07 .18 (VI 30 inches wide. 10... OOj. 2... 06 15... 00 17... 06 20... 00 22... 06,25... 00 27... 06 30... 00 32... 06 35.. .00 37... 06 40... 00 42... 06 45.. .00 47. ..06 50. .0052. 06 55...00 57...06;60.!!66 IMPORTANT FACTS FOR REFERENCE. United States Soldiers in the Late Civil War. Number of men furnished from April 10, 1861, to June 3O, 1865. itories. Furnished. New York Pennsylvania... Ohio Illinois Indiana Massachusetts. . Missouri Wisconsin Michigan Iowa , New Jersey Kentucky , Maine Connecticut .467,047 .366,107 .319,659 .259,147 .197,147 .152,048 .109,111 ..96,424 . .89,372 . .76,309 ..81,010 . .79,025 ..72,114 ..57,379 Maryland New Hampshire . Vermont West Virginia. . . . Tennessee Minnesota Rhode Island Kansas Dist. of Columbia California........ Delaware Arkansas New Mexico Ter. . Louisiana 50,316 34,629 35,262 .32,068 .31,092 .25,052 .23,699 .20,151 . 16,872 .15,725 .13,670 . .8,289 ..6,561 . .5,224 Colorado Ter. . . Indian Nations Nebraska Ter. North Carolina Alabama Texas Oregon Florida Nevada Washington Ter. .4,903 .3,530 .3,157 .3,156 .2,576 .1,965 .1,810 .1,290 .1,080 ...964 Mississippi 545 Dakota Ter 206 Colored Troops. .186,017 Total 2,95 1 ,708 Religious Denominations in the United States. Denominations. I No. of Members. No. of Churches. No. of Ministers. Roman Catholics adherents and church members claimed Baptists Methodist Episcopal Methodist Episcopal (South) Lutheran Presbyterian . Christian (Disciples of Christ) Congregational Protestant Episcopal United Brethren in Christ Reformed Church in the United States United Evangelical Presbyterian Church (South) Protestant Methodist Cumberland Presbyterians Mormons Evangelical Association Dunkards The Brethren United Presbyterians Reformed Church in America Free-Will Baptists Methodist Episcopal (Colored) Friends Second Adventists Anti-Mission Baptists . Universalists Winebrenrians (Church of God) Unitarian Congregational Wesleyan Methodists Moravians Seventh-Day Adventists Jews Free Methodists Adventists .Reformed Episcopal Seventh-Day Baptists Reformed Presbyterian New Jerusalem Swedenborgian Primitive Methodists Mennonites American Communities Shakers Independent Methodists Six-Principle Baptists .6,832.954. .2,296,327. .1,724,420. ...860.687. ...950.868. ...600,695. ...591,821. ...381,697. ...338,333. ...157,835. ...155,857. .144,000. .123,806. .135,000.. .111,863.. .110,377.. .117,027.. .100,000. ..84.573.. ..80,167.. ..78,012.. .112,938.. . .60,000. , ..70,000., ..40,000.. ..27,429.. ..30,000., ..17,960., ..17,087.. ..6,626. .26,060. . 17,925. .5,553.. .5,858.. .5,100.. .3.8O4.. .3,000.. .4,524.. .1,465.. ...366.. .2,010.. .2,457;; . . .654. . .1,576.. ...250.. ...826.. ...509.. .1,432.. .'.'.392'.; ...800.. ...900.. ...956.. ...400.. ...335.. .9,491. . 15,570. .13,683. .12,318. ..84. .640. .269. .11,100. ...9,448. ...8.539. .17,273. ...3,994. .3,369. ..94. .167. ..93. .50,000. ..2,838. ..2,400. . .2,100. ..2,000. .300. ..14.. ..18.. ..13.. ..20.. 7,043 16,596 24,658 11,703 3,132 5,218 3,782 3,713 3,432 2,196 748 363 1,O81 1,385 1,386 3,906 1,545 200 719 545 1.213 638 200 600 400 729 35O 394 400 ....94 144 202 260 107 100 110 143 89 52 350 Total 1 6,5 1 5,856 14 12 100,020 Foreigners in the United States. ACCORDING TO Where Born. Number. German Empire 1,966,742 Ireland 1 ,854,571 British America 717,084 England 662,676 Sweden , 194,337 Norway 181,729 Scotland 170,136 France 106,971 China 104,541 Switzerland, 88,621 Bohemia 85,361 Wales 83,302 Mexico 68,399 Denmark 64,196 Holland 58,090 Poland 48,557 Italy 44,230 Austria 38,663 Russia 35,722 Belgium 15,535 Luxemburg 12,836 Hungary 11,526 CENSUS OF 1880. Where Born. Number- West Indies 9,484 Portugal 8,138 Atlantic Islands 7,512 Cuba 6,917 Spain 5,121 Australia South America At Sea, under foreign flags.. . Europe, not specified Africa, not specified ,.4,906 .4,566 ,.4,068 .3,314 ..2,204 India 1 ,707 Great Britain, not specified 1,484 Turkey 1 ,205 Sandwich Islands 1.147 Asia, not specified 1,054 Pacific Islands 806 Greece 776 Central America 707 Japan 401 Malta 3O5 Gibraltar 167 Greenland ...129 Thickness. Strength. Strength of Ice. Thickness. Two Inches Will support a man. Four Inches Will support a man on horseback. Five inches Will support an eighty-pounder cannon. Strength. Eight Inches Will support a bat- tery of artillery, with carriages and horses attached. Ten Inches Will support an army ; an innumerable multitude. Education of Presidents. Washing-ton.. Fair English edu- cation. Adams Harvard. Jefferson William and Mary Madison Princeton. Adams, J. Q,.. Harvard. Jackson Limited education Van Buren Academic course. Harrison Hampden College. Tyler William and Mary. Polk University of N. C. Taylor Slight rudiments. Fillmore .Limited education. Pierce Bowdoin. Buchanan Dickinson. Lincoln Education limited. Johnson Self-educated. Grant West Point. Hayes Kenyon College. Garfleld Williams College. Arthur Union College. Cleveland Academic course. Monroe and Harrison did not grad- uate. Monroe left college to join the revolutionary army. Financial embarrassment prevented Harrison from pursuing a full course. Polk graduated at 23. Tyler at 17. The majority graduated at 20. Political Representation. Number of Presidential Elect- ors, United States Senators and Representatives in Congress that each State is entitled to by Con- gressional apportionment between 1.883 and 1893. States. Elect- Sen- ors. I ators. Rep- re- sen- ta~ fives. Alabama 10 2 8 Arkansas, 7 2 5 Calitornia 8 2 6 Colorado 3 ..2 i Connecticut 6 ...2 4 Delaware 3 2 i Florida 4 2 2 Georgia 12 2 10 Illinois 22 2 20 Indiana 15 2 13 Iowa 13 2 ii Kansas g 2 7 Kentucky 13 2 n Louisiana 8 2 6 Maine 6 2 4 Maryland 8 2 6 Massachusetts. .14 2 12 Michigan 13 2 11 Minnesota 7 2 5 Mississippi g 2 7 Missouri 16 2 14 Nebraska 5 2 3 Nevada 3 2 i N. Hampshire. 4 2 a New Jersey g 2 7 New York 36 2 34 NorthCarolina.n 2 . g Ohio 23 2 21 Oregon 3 2 i Pennsylvania 30 2 28 Rhode Island... 4 2 2 South Carolina, g 2 7 Tennessee 12 2 10 Texas 13 2 n Vermont 4 2 2 Virginia 12 2 10 West Virginia.. 6 2 4 Wisconsin u 2 g Totals 401 76 32S The Territories of Arizona, Da- kota, Idaho, Montana, New Mex- ico, Utah, Washington and Wyo- ming;, have each one delegate. The Time of Fast Trotters. Horses that have trotted a mile in 2 minutes and 19 seconds and in less time, during the following years, up to aud including the season of 1885. Horse. Time. Year. Maud S ................. 2 :08 %. . . . 1885 Jay-Eye-See ............ 2:10 ...... 1884 St. Julien .............. 2 :1 1 %. . . 1880 Rams .................. 2 : 13>J ____ 1878 Maxy Cobb ............ 2:13y... 1884 Phallas ................ 2:13j....1884 Clingstone ............. 2:14 ...... 1882 Goldsmith Maid ....... 2:14 ...... 1874 Trinket ............... 2:14 ..... 1881 Lulu ................... 2: 14^.... 1883 Hopeful ................ 2 : 1 4 ____ 1878 Smuggler .............. 2 : 15>J ____ 1876 Hattie Woodward ..... 2:15J4 ____ 1880 Lucille Golddust ....... 2:16^. . . .1877 Edwin Thorne ......... 2:16} ____ 1884 Wilson ................. 2 : 1 GX ____ 1883 Minnie R ............... 2 16^.. ..1884 American Girl ........ 2: 16}.... 1874 Darby .................. 2:16}.... 1879 Maud Messenger ....... 2 :16J. . . . 1884 Phil. 'Thompson ....... 2:16^.... 1884 Jerome Eddy .......... 2 :16}J ____ 1882 Cleora ................. 2: 16^ ____ 1883 DickSwiveler ......... 2:16j| ____ 1884 Charley Ford ........ 2:16% ____ 188O Occident ............... 2 : 10^. ... 1873 Gloster ............ ..... 2:17 ...... 1874 Phyllis ................ 2:17 ...... 1884 Harry Wilkes .......... 2:17 ...... 1884 Fanny Witherspoon.. .2 : 17 ...... 1883 ClemmieG.... ..... 2:17 ...... 1883 Director.... ....2:17 ...... 1883 Majolica ............... 2:17 ...... 1883 Black Cloud ........... 2;17}. ... 1882 Dexter.... _____ 2:17#. ...1867 Piedmont .............. 2:17"^. ...1881 go-So .................. 2:17>{....1881 Santa Claus ............ 2:17}$.. . .1881 Robert McGregor ..... 2 .17% . . . .1383 Hannis ................. 2:17^.... 1882 n- uesne .............. 2:17....1883 Cloud ............. 2:18 ...... 1874 Lady Thorne (2) ....... 2:18 ...... 1883 Nettie ................. 2:18 ...... 1874 Judge Fullerton ....... 2:18 ...... 1875 Great Eastern ......... 2:18 ...... 1878 Edwin Forrest ......... 2:18 ..... 1878 Protine ................ 2:18 ...... 1878 Josephus ............... 2.18 ...... 1881 KateSprague .......... 2:18 ...... 1881 Catchtty .............. 2:18 ...... 1884 Lady Thorn (1) ....... 2:18X....1869 Lucy ........ . .......... 2:18*.. ..1872 Lady Maud ............ 2:18#....1875 Midnight .............. 2:18^.... 1878 Monroe Chief ......... 2:18^. ...1882 Rosa Wilkes ........... 2:18*. ...1882 Slow-Go ................ 2:18)4.... 1877 Col. Lewis .............. 2:18K....1878 Nutwood ............... 2:18J4....1880 J. B. Thomas .......... 2 :18J. . . .1882 William H ............ 2:18^.. . -1882 Patchen ............. 2:18^. ...1880 Bonlta ................. 2:18*.. ..1883 Cozette ................ 2:19 ...... 18/6 Albemarle ............. 2:19 ...... 1878 Edward ................ 2:19 ...... 1878 Alley ................ 2:19 ...... 1879 Kittle Bates Wedgwood Adele Gould ...... 2:19 ...... 1 882 2:19 ...... 1882 *.* MaudS.. at Cleveland, 0., August 2, 1884, trotted one mile in 2:093-4; and, at Lexington, Kv., November 4, 1884, she trotted one mile in 2*91-4. Jay-Eye-See trotted one mile, t Pioridenoe, R. I., August 1, 1884, In 2:10. Seven Wonders of the World. Pyramids of Egypt. Tower, Walls and Terrace Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Statue of Jupiter Olympus, on the Capitoline Hill, at Rome. Temple of Diana, at Ephesus. Pharos, or watch - tower, at Alex- andria, Egypt. Colossus of Rhodes, a statue 105 feet high, overthrown by an earth- quake 221 B. C. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, a Grecian- Persian city in Asia Minor. Agricultural, Mechanical, Statistical and Other Reference Tables. 295 Value of Indian Meal. As a food, 1OO pounds of Indian meal isequal to the following: Pounds Per Acre. The following is about the number of pounds of each which may be grown on an acre : Age Attained by Birds. Roman and Arabic Numerals. Nutriment of Foods. Name Age of Attained Bird. in Yean. Roman. Arabic, j Roman. Arabic. Kind, of Food.. | j^S^ei' Tine of Digestion ii!"'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .2 III 3 DCC 700 DCCC 800 CM 900 Bread, baked 60... Rice, boiled 38. . . hr. m. ...3 15 ...1 00 Name of Amount in Article. Pounds. Heron .80 ,. Pounds lame ' Per Acre. Pelican 50 White Turnips 1,200 Mangel Wurzel 22,100 Parsnips 11,100 Cabbage 10,800 Sparrow Hawk 40 Skylark 30 V 5 VI 6 VII 7 MM 2,000 MMM 3,000 IV 4,000 Beans, boiled... 37... Mutton, roasted .30... Poultry, " ..27... ..2 30 ...3 15 4 00 4 00 Cabbage 700 Carrots 700 Crane 24 Linnet 23 Rye Straw 666 Ruta Bagas 625 Apples 8,500 Potatoes 7,600 Nightingale 18 Lark 18 IX 9 X 10 XX 20 XXX 30 XL 40 L 50 LX 60 LXX 70 VI 6,000 VII 7,000 Veal, " ..25... Pork, " ..24... 4 00 ...5 15 Carrots 6,900 Goldfinch 15 VIII 8,000 Venison, boiled. .22. . . . . . 1 45 Corn Stalks 333 Timothy Hay 200 Barley Ill Rye 90 Oats 83 Pears 5,100 Hay 4,000 Onions 2,700 Cherries 2,000 Plums 2,100 Partridge 15 Pheasant 15 Robin 12 Blackbird 12 Thrush 10 IX 9,000 X 10,000 XX 20,000 XXX.. ..30,000 XL 40.000 Fish, " . .20. . . Potatoes, " ..13... Apples, Raw 10... Cabbage, boiled. . .7. . . Turnips, " ...4... ...2 00 3 30 1 30 4 30 ...3 3O Wheat 76 Beans 60 Oil Cake 40 Weight of Lumber. Different kinds of sea- soned lumber contain the following number of pounds in 1,000 feet. Beans 2,200 Peas 1,900 Oats 1,800 Barley 1,650 Wheat 1,200 Wren 3 Constituents of Milk. Of l.OOO parts of milk there are various constituent substances as follows . XC 90 C 100 CC 200 CCC 300 CD 400 LX 60,000 LXX. . . . 70,000 LXXX . .80,000 XC 90,000 C 100,000 Cucumber 2 Armies of Different Nations. Number of men in army and navy combined : D 500 DC 600 M.... 1,000,000 Average Shrinkage. Considering dryage and rot, the following is the average shrinkage for six months from time of har- vesting: MM... 2,000,000 Constituents. Number. Growth of Trees. According to observation of Illinois Horticultural Society the growth of different trees during 12 years was as fol- lows: Kind of Tree. Diameter. I Ft. High Country. No. of Men . Water 840 ,000,984 Milk-Sugar 45 Kind of Lumber. Pounds. Butter 40 France .552,000 Pitch Pine 4,150 Maple 4,000 Phosphate of Lime 17 Chloride Potassium 9 Phosphate Magnesia 4 Free Soda 3 Common Salt 3 Germany Turkey 461,316 374,150 .350,000 Beech 4,000 Name of Amount of Article. Shrinkage. Wheat 6 pr. ct Corn 20 " China Hickory 3,960 Locust 3,800 Dogwood 3,960 Austria-Hungary Great Britain British India .296,321 191,016 . 188,914 Cherry 3,720 Walnut 3,690 Potatoes 33 " Strength of Rope. Good hemp rope will bear the following weights, according to /size: Circumference. Pound*. Time of Germination. An experiment with corn planted at various depths resulted in the young plant appearing above ground in the following number of days: Depth Day. when im-hen. appeared. White Willow 1# ft.... 40 Yellow Willow. ... 1J^ ... .35 Larch 8 in 25 Switzerland Spain 117,420 105,221 71 000 Ash 3,550 White Maple 1 ft.. ..20 Ash-Leaf Maple ... 1 f t. . . .20 WhiteAsh 10 In.. ..20 Persia . .56,961 Cypress 3,350 ..47,200 46 480 Chestnut 10 n 20 43 000 Red Pine 3,075 Poplar 3,056 Birch 2,950 Black Walnut 10 n 20 Butternut 10 n 20 Elm _10 n....20 Portugal United States Denmark 37,981 37,011 ..36,840 Cedar 2,925 Yellow Pine 2,890 White Pine 2,880 Willow 2,780 1 Inch 200 1# " 312 1% " 450 1^ " 612 2 10 Birch 10 n 20 Eclipses of the Sun and Moon Visible in the United States, from 1885 to 1900. Relative Worth of Foods. Of 1OO parts In the follow- ing foods it is estimated that each possesses properties as follows : Norway Spruce 2,670 2 " 800 Hemlock 2,350 2# " I. * 2 4 13K Butternut 1,960 2% " 1,250 2% " 1,512 Per Cent, of Sweet Decay of Stumps. Nutrition in Wheat Flour. Of 1 OO parts of wheat flour "Boussingault's scale of nutritive equivalents" shows how many parts of other foods it takes to equal the same. Thus: Moon. Sun. Name, of 1 Percent, of Food.. miucle-making. Per ct. of heat and fat making. Name of Per Lent Article. of Sweet Jan. 28, 1888 July 22, 1888 Jan. 17, 1889 Nov. 15, 1891 May 11, 1892 Oct. 20, 1892 Sept. 14, 1894 March 10, 1895 July 23, 1897 May 23, 1900 Sept. 21, 1885 Feb. 8, 1887 Sept. 4, 1895 Aug. 23, 1896 Jan. 7, 1898 Dec. 27, 1898 Dec. 16, 1899 Apples 5 Barley 15 ....10. ....69.. Time of f lnd of Decay Btump. in y ear> Beans 24 ....57K Beef 15 ....30.. Pine 200 Cedar 9 to 18 Maple Sap 2} Buckwheat 8J Butter ....95.. Spruce 7 to 14 Name of S umber Food. of ParU. Cordwood Weights. Wood weighs per cord, on the average, as fol- lows: Kind of Wood. Wt per Cord. Cabbage 4 Cheese 65 Chicken 18 Corn 12 5.. ....19.. ....32.. ....73.. Maple 5 to 18 Turnips 1,335 Oak 5to8 Ash 5 to 8 Carrots 777 Potatoes 313 Number of Seeds In a Pound. Cucumbers 1J. ... Eggs, white . . 17 1.. . Lumber Required To build a mile of board fence, ordinary width of board: 1 board high 2,640 feet 2 boards " 5,280 " 3 " " ....7,920 " 4 " " ..10,560 " 5 " " . . 13,200 " Rice 177 Maize 130 Hickory 4,468 Ash 3,449 Lamb 11 Milk 5 ....35.. 8.. Barley . . 130 Red Oak .3,255 Barley Meal 119 Beech 3,234 Kind. Number. Oats 17 Oats 117 Hard Maple 2,864 White Clover 686 400 Peas 23%. . . . ....60.. 50 Rye Ill Yellow Oak 2,920 Rpri dnvpr. 24fl.fi4O Buckwheat 108 Wheat 107 Birch 2,368 ' Buckwheat. . .25,500 Pitch Pine ...1.903 RVR. 23 nm 79i Total Cost of from 1 to 600 Pounds at from 6 to 8| Cents per Pound. At At At At At At At At At At j vt At At At At At At At At At At At No. of 6c. 6* C. 6* C. 6% C. 6* c. 6* c. 6* C. 6% c. 7c. 7* c. 7,', ' c. 7% c. 7* c. 7* c. 7* c. 7* C. 8c. 8}* c. 8* c. 8% c. 8* c. 8* c. B>s. per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft ! It per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft Amts Amts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Amts Amts Am'ts Amts Amts All l'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Amts Ain'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Amts to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1.. ...6.. ...6* ... 6* ...6% ...6}* ...6* ...6* ...6* ... 7.. .. 7*]... 7*... 7% ... 7* ... 7* ... 7* ...7* ... 8.. ... 8*1 ... 8* i ... 8% ... 8}* ... 8% 2.. .. 12.. "UM . . 12}* ..12* . . 13. . ..13* ..13* ..13* . . 14. . -.14* 14* . . U\ ..15.. -.15* -.15* .. 15* ..16.. .. 16* :.. 16* .. 16* ..17.. .ri7* 3.. . 18.. ..i8% ..Mfi ..19* ..19}* ..19* . 20* ..20* ..21.. ..21% . 21*. 22* . 22}* - 22% -.23* . 23* ..24.. . . 24% . . 24* 25* .. 25* 25% 4.. . 24.. ..24* .. 25.. ..25}* ..26.. ..26}* . 27.. ..27* . . 28. . ..28* B 29. . . . 29* . 30.. . 30* ..31.. . 31* . . 32. . . . 32* . 33. . 33* ..34^ .. 34* Oi. . CO.. ,.& ..31* ..31% ..32}* ..MM . 33* . . 34% . . 35. . ..35* . 36* . . 36* . 37* . 38* -.38* . 39% .. 40 . . . 40* . . 41* 41% .. 42* .. 43* 6.. . 33.. ..36* ..37}* ..38* . . 39. . ..39* . 40}* ..41*|. .42.. -.42* . 13}*.. 44* . 45.. - 45* .. 46* . 47* . . 48. . . . 48* . . 49* 50* ..51.. .. 51* T.. . 42.. ..S ..43* ..**;* ..45}* ..46% . 47* ..48* . . 49. . -.49* . 50* - . 51* . 52* . 53%;.. 54* . 55* ..56.. . . 56% . . 57* 58* . . 59* .. 60% 8.. . 48.. . . 49. . . . 50. . . . 51. . . . 52. . . . 53. . . 54.. ..55.. ..56.. ..57.. 58 ... 59.. . 60 . . 61.. .. 62.. . 63.. . . 64. . .. 65.. .. 66.. 67.. ..68.. .. 69.; 9.. .. 54.. RKX4 *78 ..56* ..57% ..58}* ..59% ..60* ..61* .. 63.. .. 64* .. 55* . . 66% .. 67* ..68* -.69* ..70* . . 72. . .. 73* : .. 74* .. 75% .. 76}* . . 77* 10.. ..CO.. ..61* ..62}* ..63* ..65.. ..66* ..67* ..68* . . 70. . ..71* . . ra* . . 73^ .. 75.. ..76* -.77* .. 78* . . 80. . . . 81* . . 82* ..83* .. 85.: .. 86* 20.. .1.20.. .1.22}* .1.25.. .1.27K .1.30.. .1.32}* .1.35.. .1.37X .1.40.. .1.42* .1. 15.. .1.47* .1.50.. .1.52* .1.55.. .1.57* .1.60.. .1.62}* .1.65.. .1.67*1.1.70.. .1.72* SO.. .1.80.. .1.83* .1.87* .1.91* .1.95.. .1.98* .2.02* .2.06* .2.10.. .;.i:i\ .2. 17*; .2.21* .2.25.. .2.28* .2.32* .2.36* .2.40.. .2.43* .2.47* .2.51* .2.55. . .2.58* 4O.. .2.40.. .2.45.. .2.50.. .2.55.. .2.60.. .2.65.. .2.70. . .2.75.. .2.80.. .2.85.. .8. X). . .2.95.. .3.00.. .3.05.. .3.10. . .3.15.. .3.20. . .3.25.. .3.30. .3.35.. .3.40.. .3.45.. SO.. .3.00.. .3.06* .3.12}* .3.13* .3.25.. .3.31* .3.37* .3.43* .3.50.. .3.56* .3. (2* .3.68^ .3.75.. .3.81* .3.87* .3.93* .4.00.. .4.06* .4.12* .4.18* .4.25.. .4.31* 0.. .3.60.. .3.67* .3.75.. .3.82}* .3.90.. .3.97}* .4.05. . .4.12}* .4.20.. .4.27* .4. 15.. .4.42* .4.50.. .4.57* .4.65.; .4.72}* .4.80.. .4.S7H .4.95^ .5.02* .5.10.. .5.17* 7O.. .4.20.. .4.28* .4.37J4 .4.46* .4.55.. .4.63* .4.72* .4.81* .4.90.. .4.98* .i. )7}* .5.16* .5.25.. .5.33* .5.42}* .5.51* .5.60.. .5.68* .5.77}* .5.86* .5.5. . .6.03* SO.. .4.80.. .4.90.. .5.00.. .5.10.. .5.20.. .0.30. .5.40. . .5.50. . .5.60.. .5.70.. .5. >.. .5.90.. .6.00.. .6.10.. .6.20.. .6.30.. 1.6.40.. .6.50.. .6.60.. .6.79.. .6.80. . .6.90. . 90.. .5.40.. .5.51* .5.62}* .5.73* .5.85.. .5.96* .6.07* .6.18* .6.30. . .6.41* .. )2* .6.63^ .6.75.. .6.86* .6.97}* .7.08*1.7.20.. .7.31* .7.42* .7.53* .7.65.. .7.76* 100.. .6.00.. .6.12* .6.25.. .6.37}* .6.50. . .6.62* .6.75. . .6.87* .7.00. . .7.12* .7. !5.. .7.37* .7.50.. .7.62}* .7.75.. .7.87* .8.00.. .8.12}* .8.25. . .8.37* .8.50.. .8.62* 2OO.. 12.00. 12.25. . 12.50. . 12.75. . 13.00. . 13.25. . 13.50 . 13.75.. 14.00.. 14.25.. 14. >0. . 14.75.. 15.00. . 15.25.. 15.50.. 15.75.. 16.00.. 16.25. . 16.50.. 16.75. . 17.00. 17.25. . 8OO. . 18.00. 18.37* 18.75. .119.12}* 19.50 . 19.87}* 20.25. . 20.62* 21.00. . 21.37* U. 5.. 22.12* 22.50.. 22.87K 23.25. . 23 62* 24.00. . i24.37}* 24.75.. 25. UK 25.50. 25.87* 4OO. 24.00. 24.50. . 25.00. . 25.50. . 26.00. . 26.50. . 27 00 . 27.50. . 28.00 . 28.50. . 29. M).. 2950.. 30.00. . 30.50.. 31.00.. 31.50. 32.00.. 32.50.. 33.00. . 33.50.. 34.00. 34.50. . 500 . 600.. 30.00. 36.00. 30.6%' 36.75.. 31.25.. 131.87}* 32.50.. 37.50.. 38.25.. [39.00.. 33.1-2}* 33.75.. 39.75. . 40.50. . 34.37*35.00 .'35.62* 41.25. . 142.00. . 42.75.. 36.25.. 36.87* 37.50.. 38.12}* 38.75. . 43.50.. 44.25.. 45.00.. 45.75. 46.50.. 3937}* 40.00 .I40.62K 47.25. . 48.00. . 48.75. . 41.25.. 49.50. . 41.87* 50.25. . 42.50. 51.00. 43.12* 51.75. . Total Cost of from 1 to 600 Pounds at from 8f to 11 Cents per Pounds. At At At At At At At At At At . It At At At At At At At At At At At No of 8* c. 8% c. 9c. 8* c. 9* c. 9% c. 9* c. 9* c. 9* C. 9* C. 1( C. 10* c. 10* c. 10% c. 10* c. 10* c. 10* c. 10% C. lie. 11* c. ll*c. ll%c. per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft !>< If. per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft tts. Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Am'ts Amts An I'tS Am'ts Amts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Atnts Amts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Am'ts to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1.. ...8* ...8% ... 9.. ...9*. ...9* ...9% ...9*. ...* ...* ...9* . . 10. . .-10* .. 10* .. 10% ..10* .. 10*;. .10* .. 10% ..11.. - H* ..11* -.11% .. .. n* ..17* . . 18. . .. 18* '.. 18* .. 18* . . 19. . -.19* .-19* -.19* ;o.. -.20* ..20* ..20* ..21.. .. 21*1.. 21* ..21* ..22.. ..22* -.22}* 22* 3.. ..26* ..26% ..27.. . . 27% . . 27* -.28* ..28* -.28* -.29* -.29* to. . .. 30% .. 30* .. 31* ..31* . . 31% . . 32* ..32% .. 33 . ..33% .. ?3* ..34* 4.. ..35.. ..35}* ..36.. .. 36}* .. 37.. ..37}* . . 38. . ..38}* . . 39. . ..39* .. t o . ..40* ..41.. -. 41* ..42.. .. 42* ..43 . .. 43* ..44.. .. 44}* . . 45. . ..45* 5.. -.43* ..m .. 45.. -.45%.. 46* -.46* ..47* ..48* ..48* -.49% .. 1 0.. -.50* .. 51* ..51* .. 52}* -.53* ..53* .. 54% ..55.. ..55% ..56* .. 56% 6.. ..52* ..53* .. 54.. ..54*. .55* ..56* ..57.. ..57* ..58* -.59* .. t o. . ..60* ..61* ..62* ..63.. . . 63* . . 64* ..65* . . 66. . ..66* .. 67}* ..68* V.. ..61* ..62* . . 63. . . . 63% . . 64* ..65* ..66* ..67% ..68* ..69* .. ' 0.. ..TO* -. 71* .-72* .. 73* . . 74% . . 75* .,76* . . 77. . 77% ..78* -.79% 8.. .. 70. ..71.. . . 72. . .. 73..'.. 74.. . . 75. . . . 76. . ..77.. . . 78. . . . 79. . .. J 0. . ..81.. . . 82. . ..83.. .. 84 . . . 85 . . . 86. . .. 87 . .. 88.. ..89.. ..90.. ..91.. 9.. ..78* ..79% ..81.. . . 82* . . 83* ..84* ..85* -.86* -87* -.88* .. S 0. . .. 91* 92* .. 93% .. 94}* .. 95*|. .96* .-97% . . 99. . 1.00* .1.01* .1.02% 1O.. ..87*. -.88* ..90.. .. 91* .. 92}* ..93* ..95.. ..96* ..97* ..98* .1.1 K).. .1.01* .1.02* .1.03* .1.05.. .1.06*1.1.07* 1.08* .1.10.. .1.11* .1.12}* .1.13* SO.. .1.75.. .1.77J* .1.80.. .1.82}* .1.85.. .1.87* .1.90.. .1.92* .1.95.. .1.97* .>.( .. .2.02* .2.05.. .2.07* .2.10. . .2.12* .2.15. .2.17* .2.20. . .2.22* .2.25. .2.27* 80.. .2.62}* .2.66* .2.70.. .2.73* .2.77* .2.81* .2.85.. .2.88* .2.92* .2.96* .:i.i K).. .3.03* .3.07* .3.11* .3.15.. .3.18* .3.22* .3.26* .3.30.. o QQa/" .0-00^ .3.37* .3.41* 4O.. .3-50 . .3.55.. .3.60.. .3.65.. .3.70.. .3.75. . .3.80. . .3.85.. .3.90.. .3.95. . .4.1 .. .4.05.. .4.10.. .4.15.. .4.20.. .4.25.. .4.30.. .4.35.. .4.40. . .4.45. . .4.50. . .4.55.. 50.. .4.37* .4.43* .4.50. . .4.56* .4.62}* .4.68* .4.75. . .4.81* .4.87* .4.93* .:>.< K). . .5.06* .5.12* .5.18* .5.25.. .5.31* .5.37* .5.43* 5.50.. .5.56* .5.62* .5.68* eo.. .5.25. . .5.32* .5.40.. .5.47}* .5.55.. .5.62* .5.70. . .5.77* .5.85.. .6.W* ..< 0. . .6.07* .6.15.. .6.22}* . 6.30. . .6.37* .6.45. .6.52}* .6.60. . .6.67}* .6.75.. .6.82* to.. .6.12}* . 6.21}* j. 6.30.. .6.38* .6.47}* .6.56* .6.65.. .6.73* .6.82* .6.91* .?.( 0. . .7.08* .7.17* .7.26* .7.35.. .7.43* .7.52* .7.61* .7.70.. .7.78* .7.87* .7.96* 80.. .7.00.. .7.10.. .7.20.. .7.30. .'. 7.40. . .7.50.. .7.60. . .7.70. . .7.80.. .7.90.. .S.( o.. .8.10 : .8.20.. .8.30 . .8.40.. .8.50.. .8.60.. .8.70 . .8.80.. .8.90. .9.00.. .9.10.. 9O.. .787)* .7.98* .8.10.. .8.21* .8.32}* .8.43* .8.55. . .8.66* .8.77* 8.88* .9.1 0.. .9.11* .9.22* . 9-33* .9.45.. .9.56* .9.67* .9.78* .9.90. 10.01* 10.12* 10.23* 100.. .8.75.. .8.871* .9.00. . .9.12}* .9.25.. .9.37* .9.50.. .9.62* .9.75.. 9.87* UM 0. 10.12}* 10.25. 10.37* 10.50. . 10.62* 10.75.; 10.87* 11.00. 11.12K 11-25.. 11.37;^ 800.. 17.50.. 17.75.. '18.00. . 18.25.. 18.50.. 18.75. . 19.00. . 19.25.. 19.50. . 19.75..! .'O.I 0. 20.25.. 20.50. 20.75.. 21.00. . 21.25.. 21.50.. 21.75. . 22.00. 22.25.. i22.50.. 22.75.. 3OO.. 26.25.. 86.62* 27.00. . 27.37}* 27.75.. 28.12* 28.50. . 28.87* J9.25. . 29.62}* -iiu 0. 30.37* 30.75. 31.12* 31.50. . 31.87* 32.25.. 32.62* 33.00. 33.37* 33.75. . 34.12* 4OO.. 85.00.. 35.50.. 36.00.. 36.50.. 37.00.. 37.50. . 38.00.. 38-50 . 39.00. . 39.50. . 40.1 0. 40.50. . 41.00. 41.50.. 42.00.. 42.50.. 43.00. . 43.50. . 44.00. 44.50. .J45.00 . 45.50. . 500 . 43.75. . J4.37* 45.00. . 45.62}* 46.25. . 16.87* 47.50. . 18.12* 48.75. . 19.37* 50.0 0. 50.62* 51.25. 51-87}* 52.50. . 53.12* 53.75. . 54.37* 55.00. .'55.62}* 56.25.. 56.87* 6OO.. 52.50. . 53.25.. 54.00.. 154.75.. 55.50.. 56.25. . 57.00. . 57.75. . 58.50.. 59.25.., 60.00. 60.75 . 61.50. 62-25. . 63.00.. 63.75. . 64.50.. 65.25.. 66.00. .|66.75.. 67.50.. 68.25.. Total Cost of from 1 to 600 Pounds at from Hi to 14 Cents per Pound. At At At At At At At At At At A t At At At At At At At At At At No. of 11*C. 11*. C. H*c. ll%c. 12 c. 12* C. 12*c. 12% c. 12* c. 12* c. 12? '<-. 12* c. 13 c. 13* C. 13* c. 13%e 13* c. 13* c. 13* c. 13% C. 14 c. per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft aer ft per ft per ft K'l It, per ft per ft per ft per ft per ft pe ft per ft per ft per ft per ft n>s Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Am ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Amts Am'ts Am'ts Am'ts to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to CO i.. ,mt ..11* ..11* ..ux ..12.. -.12* ..12* ..12% ..12* ..13* ..12^1.. 12* ..13.. ..13* -.13* .. 13% .. 13* -. 13* .. 13* .. 13% .14.. .. ..23.. -.23* ..23}* .. 23* -.24.. ..24* ..24* -.24* ..25.. ..25* 25*1.. 25* ..26.. ..26* ,.26* .. 26* ..27.. -. 27* ..27* .. 27* ..28.. 3.. ..34* -.34% -.35* ..35% -.36.. ..36% ..36* .. 37* ..37* .. 37* ] '_ 38* . . S8X ..39.. ..39% -. 39* .. 40* ..40* . . 40% ..41* ..41* .. 42.. 4.. ..46.. .. 46}* . . 47. . -.47}* .. 48.. ..48* ..49* ..49* ..So!: ..50}* tC. .. 51* . . 52. . .. 52* .. 53.. .. 53}* ..54.. -.54* ..55..!.. 55* .. 56.. 5.. ..57* ..58* -.58* .. 69% ..60.. ..60* ..61* .. 61* .. 62}* 63* 53* .. 64% ..65.. .. 65* .. 66* ..66% .. 67* .. 68* ..68* .. 69% . . 70. . 6.. . . 69. . -.69* ..70* -.71* -.72.. ..72* .. 73* -. 74* ..75.. .1.75* 76* 1 .. 77* ..78.. ..78* .. 79* ..80* .. 81.. .. 81* .. 82* .. 83* ..84.. T.. ..80* .. 81% ..82* ..83* .. 84-- ..84* ..85* .. 86% .. 87}* ..88% 89* ... 90* ..91.. -.91* -.92* .- 93^ .. 94* ..95% .. 96* .. 97* . . 98. . 8.. ..92.. . . 93. . ..94.. . . 95. . -.96.. ..97.. . . 98. . ..99.. .i.oo^ 1.01.. ii. 02. . ! . 1.03. . .1.04.. .1.05.. .1.06.. .1.07.. 1.08.. .1.09.. .1.10.. .1.11.. .1.12. 9.. .1.03}* .1.04* .1MX .1.06* .1.08-. .1.09* .1.10* .1.11% .1.12K .1.13* .1. 14* .1.15* .1.17.. .1.18* .1.19* .1.20% .1.21* .1.22% .1.23* .1.24% .1.26. 10.. .1.15.. . 1.16^ .1.17}* .1.18* .1.20-. .1.21* .1.22}* .1.23* .1.25.. .1.26* .1. 27}* .1.28* .1.30.. .1.31* .1.32* .1.33* .1.35.. .1.36* .1.37* .1.38* .1.40. SO.. .2.30.. .2.32}* .2.35 .2.37}* -2.40- - .2.42}* .2.45.: -2.47* .2.50.. .2.52}* .2. V... .2.57}* .2.60.. .2.62}*:. 2.65.. .2.67}* .2.70.. .2.72* .2.75.. .2.77}* .2.80. 3O.. .3.45.. .3.48* .3.52}* .3.56* .3.60- . .3.63* .3.67* .3.71* .3.75.. .3.78* :i. <'.'.. .3.86* .3.90.. .3.93* .3.97K .4.01* .4.05.. .4.08* .4.J2* .4.16* .4.20. 4O.. .4.60.. .4.65.. .4.70. . .4.75.. .4.80-. .4.85.. .4.90.. .4.95. . .5.00.. 5.05.. '.6. 10.. .5.15.. .5.20. . .5.25.. .5.30.: .5.35.. .5.40.. .5.45.. .5.50 . .5.55. . .5.60. SO.. .5.75. . .5.81* .5.87}* .5.93% .6.00-. .6.06* .6.12}* .6.18* .6.25.. .6.31* ,:-; .6.43^ .6.50.. .6.56* .6.62}* .6.68* .6.75.. .6.81* .6.87* .6.93* .7.00. eo.. .6.90.. .6.97}* .7.05.. .7.12}* .7.20. . .7.27}* .7.35.; .7.42}* .7.50.. .7.57* '.t. 65.: .7.72V* .7.80.. .7.87* .7.95.. .8.02}* .8.10.. .8.17* .8.25.. .8.32* .8.40. TO.. .8.05. . .8.13* .8.22}* .8.31* .8.40. . .8.48 ' .8.57}* .8.66* .8.75.. .8.83* H. >;'.; .9.01* .9.10.. .9.18* .9.27}* .9.36* 9.45.. .9.53* . 9.62}* .9.71* .9.80. 8O.. .9.20.. .9.30.. .9.40.. .9.50.. .9.60.. .9.70.. .9.80.. .9.90.. 10.00.. 10.10.. io] JO.. 10.30.. 10.40. . 10.50.. 10.60. 10.70.. 10.80. 10.90.. 11.00. . 11.10.. [11.20. 9O.. 1OO.. 300.. 10.35.. 11.50. . 23.00. . 10.46* 10.57}* 11.62}* 111.75.. 23.25.. 123.50.. 10.68* 10.80-. 10.91* 11.02}* 11.87}* 12.00. . 12.12K 12.25. 23.75.. 24.00. .124.25. . 24-50. 11.13* 12.37K 24.75.. 11.25.. 11.36*; 11.47* 12.50.. 1 12.62}* 12.75.. 25.00. . 25.25. . 25.50. . 11.58* 12.87V* 25.75. . 11.70.. 13.00. 26.00. 11.81* 13.12}* 26.25.. 11.92}* 13.25. . 26.50. . 12.03* 13.37* 26.75. . 12.15. 13.50. 27.00. 12.26* 13.62}* 27.25. . 12.37* 13.75. 27.50. 12.48* 12.60. 13,87* 14.00. 27.75.. 28.00. 300. . 4OO.. 34.50.. 34.87}*!35.25. 46.00. . 46.50. . 47.00.. 35.62}* 36.00.. 36.37}* 36-75. 137.12}* 47.50.. 48.00. . ! 48.50. . 49-00. 49.50.. 37.50.. ! 37.87* 38.25. . 38.62* 50.00.. 50.50. .151.00.. 51.50. 39.00. 52.00. 39.37}* 39.75. . 52-50.. 53.00.. 40.12}* 53.50. . 40.50. 54.00. 40.87* 54-50. . 41.25. 55.00. 41.62* 42.00. 55.50.. ! 56.00. 500.. eoo.. 57.50.. 58.12}* 58.75.. 59.37}* 60.00.. 60.62}* 61.25. 69.00.. 69.75.. j 70.50.. 71.25.. 72.00. . ;72.75.. 73.50. 61.87}* 74.25.. 62.50.. 75.00. . 63.12}* 63.75.. 64.37}* 75.75.. 176.50. . 77.25. 65.00. 78-00 5.li->i< 66.25. 78.75.. 79.50 . 66.87^,67.50. 80.25.. 181.00. 68.12K 81.75. . 68.75. 69.37* 70.06. 82.50. 183.25.. 84.00. Explanation To find the cost of 9 pounds at 6% cents per pound, fol- low down from the number 6% until opposite the 9 in the first column, and Add to this $7.31* the coat-of 9O pounds, and the total wili be 8.04%. Thus, by addition, the cost within one cent of any amount, can be quickly learned. the amount is found to be 61% cents. To get the cost of 99 pounds at 8} i if the price is between 6 and 14 cents. cents per pound, first find the cost of 9 pounds at 8* cents, which is 73* cents. Coprright 1885 by Thos. E. Hill BOARD, WEIGHT OF A BUSHEL, AND SHORT-RATE INSURANCE TABLES. 299 EXPENSE OF BOARD PER DAY. The following table will be found convenient for the proprietors find the price of five days' board at $5.00 per week, it will be found by of hotels and boarding-houses in giving the price per day where the reference to be $3.57. (See table). When the board exceeds $10.00 board is a certain specified price per week. Thus, if it is desired to per week, double the numbers. Days. 5Oc. 75c. $1.OO $!.:.-, i H.5O $1.75 $!8 $2.25 $2.5O $3 $3.5O $4 $4.5( $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $1O 1 .7 .11 .14 .18 .21 .25 .29 .32 .36 .43 .50 .57 .64 .71 .86 1.00 1.14 1.29 IM 2 .14 .21 .29 .36 .43 .50 .57 .64 .71 .86 1.00 1.14 1.29 1.43 1.71 2.00 2.29 2.57 2.86 3 .21 .32 .43 .54 .64 .75 1.00 .8 3 .96 1.07 1.29 1.50 1.71 2.29 1.93 2.14 2.57 3.00 3.43 3.86 4.29 5lT 4 .29 .43 .57 .71 .86 1.14 1.29 1.43 1.71 2.00 2.57 2.86 3.43 4.00 4.57 5.14 5 .36 .54 .71 .89 1.07 1.25 1.43 1.61 1.79 2.14 2.50 2.86 3.21 3.57 4.29 5.00 5.71 6.43 7.14 6 .43 .64 .82 1.07 1.29 1.50 1.71 1.93 2.14 2.57 3.00 3.43 3.86 4.29 5.14 6.00 6.86 7.71 8.57 7 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 LEGAL WEIGHT OF A BUSHEL IN DIFFERENT STATES.* States and Territories. Wheat. Rye. Oats. Bar- ley. Buck wheat. Shell- ed Corn. Corn Cob. Corn Meal. Pota- toes. Sweet Pota- toes. Onions. Tur- nips. Beans. Peas. Dried apples. Dried peach- es Flax- seed. Tim- othy seed. Blue- grass seed. Clover- seed- Coal, anthra- cite. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Arkansas Arizona. -.60.. 60 . .56. .56. "i->" .48. 45 -52- 54 .70. -50.. -60.. -50- -57- .... -60.. 60 -46- -24.. -33- -56.. .45. -14.. -.60.. -80.. California Colorado Connectic Dakota . . Delaware District C Georgia.. Illinois- Indiana Iowa Kansas .. Kentucky Louisiana Maine ... Maryland Massachu Michigan Minnesott Missouri. Montana. Nebraska Nevada . . 60 54 88 50 40 52 "ut II" -60- ..60- ..60.. -60-. .56. .56. .56. .32. .32. .32. .48. .48. .48. -52.. ..48-. ..42- -56.. -56.. -56.. 56 .70. -50.. -50- 4ft -60-. -.60.. -60.. -46II ..57- -50.. -52.. Iso". .60- -60.. -.60.. -60- -60- -60.. ii^ii .45. ..14- -60.. -60- -80- 'olumbia 60 .56. 88 56 d 60 ..60- ..60- -60- ..60- -60- ..60- 60 -56. .56. .56 .56. .56- -56- .32- .32. .32. 132". .32. .32. 88 .47. .48. .48. .48. .48. .47. ..52- ..52- ..50- ..52- -50.. ..55- -.56- -56.. ..56.. ..56.. ..56. -55- 50 .70. .70. .68. .70. .70. .70. -48.. ..48- -50- -50- -60.. ..60- ..60- -60.. ..60- -60- -55.- ..55-- -46- -50.. -55.. -57.. -57-. -.48- -57- -57- -57- .55. -55. Iss". .60. -.60- -60.. -.60- -60- -60-. -60- Ileol". -24.. -24- -.25.. -24.. -24.. -24- ..33- ..33- ..33- ..33- ..a3.. -39- -86.. -66.. -56- -54- -56- .45. .45. 45. .45. -45. .45. -14.. ..14- ..14- -14.. -14.. -14- -60.. ..60.. -60.. -60- -60.. -60.. -80- -80- IIso" -80.. -76.. setts ... i -60- ..60- ..60.. -.60.. -60- -50. .56- -56- .56- 56 .30. .32. !:wl 3" .48. .47. .48. .48. 48 ..48-. -48- -48- -48- 42 -56-. -56.. ..56- -56.. .56 ITO". -.50.. ..48.. -50- -50- ..60- -60- -.60.. -60 -56- ..56- -56.. -52- -56- -52.. -54.. .50. Iss". -64- -60- IleoII -60- -22- -28 . -28- ..28- -56- '.45. '.45~. -14- -64" -60- 60 -60- -60.. -60- -56- .56. .56. .56. .32. .35. .32. .48. .48. .48. 50 -52- -52.. -52.. 40. ..56- ..56.. ..56-. 52- TO" -50- -50- -60.. ..60- -60.. .60 -50". -57- -57- -57- Isol .55. ..60-- ..60- ..60- -60- . 60 . -24.. I'ail". -33- -33- -56- -56- .45. .45. .45. -14.. ..14.. -14.. -60.. -60.. -60.. :i : : New Ham New Jers New Yort North Car Ohio Oregon .. Pennsylvt Rhode Isl South Ca Tennessee Vermont Virginia . Washingt West VTrj Wisconsii pshire.. ;y olina.. . inia -60- -60.. -60.. -60.. -60.. -60.. -60-. .56. .56. .56. .56. .56. .56. 56 .32. .30. .88 .30. .3d. 36. '.48. .48. .48. .48. .46. 17 -50- -48- -50- -50.. -42- 48 -.56.. ..56- ..56-. -.54.. -56.. -56- 56 -- -50.. -46- -60.. -60- .-60- IleoII ..60.. .60. -54- "56!". -57". r.soii ..60- ..60- -62-- -60- ..60.. -60- -50- -60.. -25- -28- II3- -33- ..28- -55- -55- I44L '.45. ----- -64." -60- -64.. -60.. -60- 62. ..-II and 56 3-' 48 56.. -50.. -60.. -50.. rolina an Ter. . ;inia -60- "60- -60- -.60.. .56. .56. .56. .56. 56 33. 32. 32. 32. 86 .48. .48. .48. .48. 45 -56- -50- ..46- -52.. -42- -56.. ..56.. -56- -56.. -.56.. .70. .72. ITO". ..50.. -50- "56" ..60.. ..60- ..60.. -60-. -50- -.50.. ..50.. -56- -57.- -56.. -52.. -57- -50.. leo". .55. 50 ..60- ..60.. -60.. -60- .60 . -60.. -60- -60.. ..60- ..60 ..26.. -26- -28- ..as.. "32". ..28- -44.. -56 . !"56- '.45. .45. .45. 40 -14.. -14.. ..60 IlflO- -60.. -60- I.'aol." ..60- 56 88 48 ..52- -56- -60- ..60- ..25.. ..33.. -56.. 45 -60-. i -60.. .56. 32. .48. -50- -56.. .70. -60- -50- .42. ..60- ..28- -28- ..56- .45. -.60.. * Some States, not here mentioned, only legalize and recognize the Standard United States bushel, without reference to weight. SHORT INSURANCE RATES. By the following table may be seen the customary short rates of a year, the rate for one month is 4-20 of the annual rate, or 20 cents, insurance for periods less than a year or month. (See Table. ) For six months it would be 14-20, or 70 cents. (See EXPLANATION. When the rate is one per cent., or $1 on $100 for following table, which, by a little study, will be readily understood.) For Periods of Several Years. For Periods Less than One Year. I YEAR. 2 YEARS. 3 YEARS 4 YEARS. 5 YEARS. Charge this Proportion of whole Premium. i month, 5 4 S of annual rate 3u g u it TTtF 4 " M " i 5 " H " " ] 6 ti 7 mo's, ^ of annual rate. o " H " I TS-Q i mo. 2 " 3 " 4 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " ii " 2 mo. 4 " 6 8 " 10 " 12 " I 4 " 16 " 18 " 20 " 22 " 6 " 9 " 12 " 18 " 21 " 2 4 " 27 ' 3 ' 33 " 4 mo. 8 " 12 " 16 " 20 " 24 " 36 ' 4 ' 44 ' 5 mo. IO " 15 " 20 " 25 -30 " 35 " 40 ' 45 " 50 55 " or 20 per cent. " 30 " " ' 40 " 50 " " " 60 " " " 70 " " " 75 " " " 80 " " 85 " 90 " " " 95 For Periods Less 5 days^^of monthly rate i 10 ' T B A than One Month. 5 days^ 6 ^ of monthly rate u ^ 300 AGRICULTURAL TABLES FOR FARMERS, GARDENERS AND OTHERS, For many facts and figures in these various reference tables, credit is due the " American Almanac," edited by A. R. Spofford, " Jniversal Assistant," by R. Moore, the " American Farm and Home Cyclopaedia," by H. R. Allen, " Farmers' and Mechanics' Manual," Statesman's Year Book," by Frederick Martin, "The Circle of Useful Knowledge " and other valuable works. Univi E. Warring, Moore's by Geo. Vitality of Seeds. Length of time that the seeds of various herbs and tables retain their powers of germination. vege- Number to an Acre Of plants or trees set at regular distances apart. Cost of Producing Pork. The cost of producing a pound of pork depends upon the cost of corn per bushel, as follows: Distances apart. | No. of plants. | Distances apart. \ No of Plants. Vegetables. Tears. Vegetables.. Years. 3 inches by 3 inches 6 inches by 4 inches 6 inches by 6 inches 9 inches by 9 inches 1 foot by 1 foot ....696,960 ....392,040 174,240 77,440 43,560 6 feet by 6 feet ...1,210 1 031 C b 8 to 10 Leek 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 8 to 10 Parsley 680 Corn per Bushel in Cents. Will make the cost of pork per hundred. Squash 8 to 10 Parsnip 9 feet by 9 feet 537 Broccoli Cauliflower Artichoke 5 to 6 5 to 6 5 to 6 Pepper Salsify Tomato 2to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 1 to 2 IX feet by IK feet 2 feet by 1 foot 2 feet by 2 feet 19,360 21,780 10,890 10 feet by 10 feet 11 feet by 11 feet 12 feet by 12 feet 435 360 302 15 17 1.50 1.78 2.00 Pea Radish Beets Cress Lettuce Mustard Okra .... 5 to 6 4 to 5 3 to 4 3to 4 3 to 3 to 3 to Herbs. Anise Hyssop Balm Caraway 3 to 4 3to4 2 to 3 .2.... .1 . . 3 feet by 1 foot 3 feet by 2 feet 3 feet by 3 feet 3K feet by 3J4 feet 4 feet by 1 foot 4 feet by 2 feet 14,520 7,260 4,840 3,555 10,890 5,445 3 630 14 feet by 14 feet 15 feet by 15 feet 16 feet by 16 feet 16& feet by 16J feet 17 feet by 17 feet 18 feet by 18 feet 222 193 170 160 150 134 120 20 22 25 30 33 35 38 2.38 2.62 2.96 3.57 3.92 4.00 4.52 Spinach Beans Carrots 3 to 3 to 3to 6 2to 3 2tO 3 2tO 3 Dill Fennel Lavender Sweet Marjoram Summer Savory Sage 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 ..Ito2 .2 to 3 4 feet by 4 feet 4& feet by V& feet, 5 feet by 1 foot 5 feet by 2 feet 5 feet by 3 feet 5 feet by 4 feet 2,722 2,151 .......8,712 4,356 2,904 2,178 20 feet by 20 feet 25 feet by 25 feet 30 feet by 30 feet 33 feet by 33 feet 40 feet by 40 feet 50 feet by 50 feet 108 69 48 40 27 17 40 42 45 50 55 60 :... 4.76 5.00 5.35 5.95 6.54 7.14 Celery Corn (on cob) 2to 3 2 to 3 Thyme Wormwood 2 to 3 ..2 to 3 5 feet by 5 feet 5)^ feet by 5} feet. 1,742 1,417 60 feet by 60 feet 66 feet by 66 feet 12 10 70 8.57 Cost of Small Quantities of Hay. Facts About, Sheep. The weight of any animal at a certain age, will, of course, depend upon the manner in which it is fed and cared for. Supposing sheep to be well fed and sheltered, the following presents an average yield of flesh and wool at a certain age. Weight of Horses. Price per Ton. \ ^J^ 100 Ibs. worth. id) Ibs. 1 300 Ibs. worth. 1 worth. lOOIbs. worth. Breeds. Stallions. Geldings I Age when and Mares. | Matured. Four dollars 10 cts. .20 cts. ..40 cts. .60. ..$ .80 Five dollars 12 25 50 75. . . .1.00 Six dollars 15 "" * -"0 1-20 Cleveland Bay 1 ,400 Clydesdale 1,900 English draft 1, 800 Hambletonian 1,150 Mambrino 1,200 ...1,300 6 ...1,700 4Ji ...1,650 6 ...1,100 5 ...1,150 5 900 5 Seven dollars 17. Eight dollars 20. Nine dollars 22 Ten dollars 25 Eleven dollars 27. Twelve dollars 30. Thirteen dollars. ..32. Fourteen dollars. . .35 Fifteen dollars 37. ....35.. ....40. ....45. ....50. ....55.. ....60.. ....65.. ....70. ....75. 70..... 1.05.... 1.40 80 1.20.. ..1.60 90.... 1.35.... 1.80 ....1.00. ...1.50.... 2.00 ...1.10.. ..1.65.. ..2. 20 ...1.20 1,80 2.40 ...1.30".. ..1.95.. ..2.60 ...1.40.. ..2.10. ...2. 80 ...1.50.. ..2. 25.. ..3. 00 Breeds. weigh? Ewes weigh. Age at Year* jield of woollb Cotswold 300 Lincoln 300 Leicester 250 Merino, American .150 Merino, Spanish... 125 Southdown 200 Shropshire 200 Common "Scrub". 120 ...200... ..200... ..150... ..130... ...110... ...140... ..140... ....90... 2... 2... 2... 3... 2... 2... 3... 14 11 8 9 10 6 6 4 Percheron Norman . . .1,750 Pony Canadian 950 Pony Mustang 500 Pony Shetland 300 " Scrub," or Native 1,000 Thoroughbred 1, 150 Ass 700 ...1,550 4 900 4 450 3 250 3 950 4^ ...1,000 2 600 6 Mule . . . ...1,000 5 Quantity of Seed Required to Sow or Plant an Acre. Kind of Seed. Quantity. \ Kind of Seed. Quantity. } Kind of Seed. Quantity. Asparagus in 12-inch drills 16 qts Asparagus plants, 4 by 1^ feet 8,000 Barley 2^ bu Beans, bush, in drills 2K feet IJi bu Beans, pole, Lima, 4 by 4 feet 20 qts Beans, Carolina, prolific, etc., 4 by 3 10 qts Beets and mangold, drills, 2J feet 9 Ibs Broom corn in drills 12 Ibs Cabbage, outside, for transplanting 12 oz Cabbage, sown in frames 4 oz Carrot in drills, 2& feet 4 Ibs Celery, seed 8 oz Celery, plant, 4 by K feet 25,000 Clover, white Dutch 13 Ibs Clover, Lucerne ' 10 Ibs Clover, Alsike 6 Ibs Clover, large red with timothy 12 IDS Clover, large red without timothy 16 Ibs Corn, sugar 10 qts Corn, field 8 qts Corn, salad, drill 10 inches 25 Ibs Cucumber, in hills 3 qts Cucumber, in drills 4 qts Egg plant, plants 3 by 2 feet 4 oz Endive, in drills 2J^ feet 3 Ibs Flax, broadcast 20 qts Grass, timothy with clover 6 qts Grass, timothy without clover 10 qts Grass, orchard 25 qts Grass, red top or herds 20 qts Grass, blue 28qts Grass, rye 20 qts Grass, millet 32 qts Hemp, broadcast. J bu Kale, German greens 3 Ibs Lettuce, in rows 2X feet 3 Ibs Leek 4 Its Lawn grass 35 Ibs Melons, water, in hills 8 by 8 feet 3 Ibs Melons, citrons, in hills 4 by 4 feet 2 Ibs Oats 2bu Okra, in drills 2K by K feet 20 Ibs Onion, in beds for sets 50 Ibs Onion, in rows for large bulbs 7 Ibs Parsnip, in drills 2J4 feet 5 Ibs Pepper, plants, 2K by 1 foot 17,500 Pumpkin, in hills 8 by 8 feet Parsley, in drills 2 feet Peas, in drills, short varieties Peas, in drills, tall varieties Peas, broadcast Potatoes Radish, in drills 2 feet , Rye, broadcast Rye, drilled Salsify, in drills 2X feet Spinach, broadcast Squash, bush, in hills 4 by 4 feet . . , Squash, running, 8 by 8 feet Sorghum Turnips, in drills 2 feet Turnips, broadcast Tomatoes, in frames Tomatoes, seed in hills 3 by 3 feet. Tomatoes, plants Wheat, in drills Wheat, broadcast 2 qts 4 Ibs 2bu 3bu 8bu 10 Ibs 10 Ibs 30 Ibs 3 Ibs 21bs 4 qts 31bs 3 Ibs 3 oz 8 oz 3,800 l*bu . 2bu Facts Concerning Production of Soil, Amount of Rainfall, Condition of Temperature, Weights, Foods, Etc, 301 Foreigners in the U. S. By the census of 1880 there was in the States and Terri- tories a population as follows: Average Annual Rainfall At different parts of the United States ajid Territories. Place. Inches. Place. Inches. City. \ State. \ Degree. St. Louis, Mo 43 Muscatine, la 42 Baltimore, Md 41 Ft. Laramie, Wy. T 15 Ft. Defiance, Ariz 14 Ft. Craig, N. M 11 San Diego, Cal 9 Ft. Colville, Wash. Ter 9 Ft. Bliss, Tex 9 Ft. Bridger, Utah 6 Ft. Garland, Col 6 St. Louis Mo 55 Baltimore Md 54 Harrisburg Pa 54 Wilmington Del 53 Trenton N. J 53 Columbus O 53 Females 24,636,963 Place, Inches. Providence, R. 1 41 Fort Smith, Ark 40 Hanover, N. H 40 Ft. Vancouver 38 Cleveland, 37 Native born 43,475,840 Neah Bay, Wash. Ter 123 Sitka, Alaska 83 Ft. Haskins, Or 66 Mt. Vernon, Ala 66 Foreign born 6,679,943 Ft. Boise Idaho 52 Salt Lake City. .Utah 52 Romney W. Va. 52 Summary of the Bible. The following table is pub- lished as containing accurate particulars of the English ver- sion of the Bible : In the Old Testament. Letters 2,728,100 Meadow Valley Cal 57 Washington, D. C 37 Average Temperature In different States and Territories. Ft. Tonson, Ind. Ter 57 White Sulphur Springs, Va.37 Ft. Gibson, Ind. Ter 36 Key West, Fla 36 Peoria, 111 35 Burlington, Vt 34 Buffalo, N. Y 33 Ft. Brown, Tex.. .. 33 Leavenworth. . .Kan 51 Santa Fe N. M 51 Sterlacoom. . W. Ter 51 Ft. Myers, Fla ; 56 Washington, Ark 54 Huntsville, Ala 54 Natchez, Miss 53 Place of | State or Average Observation. | Territory. Temperature. Hartford Conn 50 Springfield 111.. 50 Words ,592,493 Tucson Ariz 69 Jacksonville Fla 69 New Orleans La 69 Austin Tex 67 Mobile Ala. 66 Jackson Miss 64 Little Rock Ark 63 Columbia S. C 62 Ft. Gibson . Ind. Ter. 60 Raleigh N. C 59 Atlanta Ga 58 Nashville Tenn 58 Richmond. Va. 57 Camp Scott Nev. 50 Verses 23,214 Chapters 929 Ft. Leaven worth, Kan 31 Detroit Mich 30 Books 39 Denver Col 48 Boston Mass 48 Albany N. Y 48 Providence R. 1 48 Detroit Mich 47 Ft. Randall Dak 47 Sitka Alaska 46 Concord N. H 46 Augusta Maine 45 In the New Testament. Letters 838,380 Memphis, Tenn 45 Newark, N. J 44 Milwaukee, Wis .....30 Penn Yan, N. Y 28 Ft. Kearney 25 Words ... .181,253 Verses 7,959 Brunswick, Me 44 Cincinnati, 44 Ft. Snelling, Minn 25 Sa't Lake City, U. T 23 Mackinac, Mich 23 Chapters 260 Books 27 Total. New Haven, Conn 44 Philadelphia, Pa 44 Charleston, S. C 43 Dallas, Or 21 Sacramento, Cal 21 New York City 43 Madison Wis 45 Gaston, N. C 43 Ft. Massachusetts, Col 17 Louisville Ky 56 San Francisco... Cal 55 Washington D. C 55 Helena Mont 43 Montpelier Vt 43 St. Paul Minn 42 Richmond, Ind 43 Ft. Marcy, N. M 16 Chapters 1,189 Marietta, 43 Ft. Randall, D. T 16 00 S Weights by Railroad. When not able to ascertain the weight definitely, railway companies make the following standard of weights in bulk. Articles. Pounds. | Articles. Salt Eggs Bark Barley Apples Liquors Charcoal Buckwheat Wood oak Clover seed Hides (green) Ice, coal, lime Stone, dressed Plastering lath... Wood hickory. . . Bricks, common. . Nails and spikes. . Sand, gravel, etc. , Stone, undressed . Per bushel. . Barrel.. Cord.. Bushel.. Bushel.. Per gallon.. Bushel.. Bushel.. ....Cord.. ....70 ...200 .2,000 . . . .45 . . . .50 ....10 ....22 ....48 .3,500 Bushel.. Each.. Bushel.. Cubic feet.. Per 1,000. . Cord.. Each.. Keg. .Per cubic feet.. ...Perch.. ....85 ....80 ...180' ...600 .4,500 5 ...106 ...150 .4,000 Beef, pork, bacon ................. Per hhd. Salt fish and meat ................ Per firkin Ashes, pot or pearl ................... BarreJ Butter, tallow, lard ................. Perbbl Coke, and cake meal ................ Bushel | Resin, tar, turpentine ............... Barre | Onions, wheat, potatoes. ............ Bushe Bran, feed, shipstuffs, oats .......... Bushe Liquors, malt and distilled .......... Barre Apples, and barrelled fruits .......... Barre Grain and seeds, not stated ......... Bushe Timothy and light grass seed ....... Bushe Hides (dry), salted or Spanish ........ Each Shingles ....... Per M., short, 900 tts., Long Lumber pine, poplar, hemlock. ..Ft. b. m Lumber oak, walnut, cherry, ash, Ft. b. m Oysters ....... Per bushel, 100 fts., per 1,000 Flour and meal. .Per bushel, 56 fts., Barrel .. .1,000 100 450 333 40 300 60 35 350 200 60 40 33 1,400 4 5 350 216 Landholders of Great Britain. The English law of entailment, which provides that the eldest son shall inherit his parents' lands and tenements, has brought about the following results : Amount of Land. Number I Acres Owners. , Land. Less than 1 acre . From 1 to 10 acres . From 10 to 50 acres . From 50 to 100 acre*. From 100 to 500 acres . From 500 to 1,000 acres. From 1,000 to 2,000 acres . From 2, 000 to 5,000 acres . . From 5, 000 to 10,000 acres. From 10, 000 to 20, 000 acres. From 20, 000 to 50, 000 acres. From 50,000 to 100,000 acres . 100,000 acres and over No acres stated No rentals stated ..816,294 179,348 ..131,454 508,006 ...76,109.... 1,827,698 ...27,052 1,878,088 ...34, 684. ...7,383, 718 ....5,625. ...3,900,419 ....3,310. ...4,634.549 ....2,402.... 7, 372,568 831.... 5,701, 593 382. ...5,248,785 169.... 4, 988,804 47.... 3, 220, 554 25.... 5, 113, 500 6,945 ...124 2,570 Facts Concerning Poultry. -Different breeds, their live weight, when full grown, the annual number of eggs they will lay, etc. Breeds. weight of Males. I!.- laid per year. mm i the pound. BraUmas, light 11 J. Brahmas, dark lOJf. Cochins, black 10... Cochins, buff 10... Cochins, white 11. .. Cochins, partridge 11 ... Common 3J. Dorkings 6}. Dominiques, American ...5... Games, black-breast'd, red.7K- Ham burgs 4. . . Houdans 7. Leghorns, black 4}. . Leghorns, brown 4).. Leghorns, dominique 4}.. Leghorns, white 4K- Plymouth Rocks 8J. . 150 7 150 8 ..170 9J. ..120 8 ..140 8 ..150 8 ..160.... 11 ..J20 9 ..170. ...10 ..170. ...10 ..180.... 12 ..170 9 ...3%. ...200. ...10 ...3#. ...200. ...10 ...3J 200 10 ...S&....200....10 ...6K-...175 8J, 7 7 7J 9 8 3 5 4 5 3 5 of II,- 1 aid per Polish Spanish, black Ducks, common Ducks, Aylesbury Ducks, Cay uga Ducks, Pekin Ducks, Rouen Geese, common Geese, African Geese, Egyptian Geese, Embden Geese, Toulouse Turkeys, common Turkeys, black Turkeys, bronze Turkeys, buff Turkeys, Narragansett.. ..3K....170 ..... 9 ..6 ...... 170 ..... 9 ..3 ....... 90 ..... 9 ..6 ....... 80 ..... 8 Foods for Sheep. In the course of several experiments by De Raumer, a French scientist, it was found that 1,000 pounds of different kinds of foods produced the following results. It will be seen by examination that wheat proved the most valuable food, barley came next, while mangolds stood lowest in the scale. Substances. in li ase of weight I Wool | Tallow, ing animals. | produced, j produced ..5K- ...100 ..... 8 ..5K ..... 75 ..... 8 ..6K ..... 80 ..... 8 ..7 ....... 20 ..... 4 .18 ....... 30 ..... 4 ..6 ....... 40 ..... 4 .15 ....... 20 ..... S .20 ....... 40 ..... 3 .10 ....... 50 ..... 7 .12 ....... 50 ..... 6 .15 ....... 50 ..... 6 .12 ....... 50 ..... 7 .U ....... 50 ..... 6 Potatoes with salt Potatoes without salt. . . Mangold-Wurzels Wheat Oats Barley Peas Rye, with salt Rye, without salt Corn-meal, wet Buckwheat 46J4 fts. ..6} fts..l ..44 tts. ..6KD . .38K tts...5X fts. ..< .155 fts. .14 fts.. .146 fts.. 10 fts. .42M tts. .136 tts. .11)^ fts. .60 fts. .134 tts.. U% tts. .41 tts. .133 fts.. 14 tts.. 35 fts. ..90 fts.. 12 fts. .43 fts. .129 fts. .13^ fts. . 17J^ fts. .120 fts. .10 fts. .33 fts. 302 Healthiest Regions, Value of Foods, Educational Advancement, Etc. Healthiest Regions for Consumptives. The following table. In a scal^ of 100, shows the per cent, of deaths from consump- tion. From this it will be seen that the Atlantic States have a much higher death rate from this disease than most of the Western States and Terri- No. of Deaths State. in each >. Articles. Pounds. Canning Fruit. A general rule for the can- ning of fruit is to add one pound of sugar to four pounds of fruit, and water sufficient to keep it from burning. If the fruit be very tart, more sweet may be added if desired. Whether glass or tin, the cans must, of course, be air-tight. Cannot Read or Write. The per cent, of illiteracy in the scale of 100 among the people of different countries is shown in the following table, as taken from Kiddle & Schem's Cyclopaedia of Educa- tion, New York, 1877: Per Ct. Country. Tear, oflllit- Nebraska 9 Corn 62K Montana 9 Colorado 8 Kansas 8 Louisiana .' . .8 North Carolina 8 Alabama 6 Oats 59 Barley 58 Rye 53X Wheat 44^ Oil-cake, linseed 43 Peas, dry 37} No. of Deaihs State. in each Ml. Vermont 26 Maine : 25 Massachusetts 25. Florida 6 Mississippi 6 Utah 6 Arkansas 5 Georgia 5 South Carolina 5 Texas 5 Amount of Oil in Seeds. The amount of oil in a cer- tain seed will vary according to conditions of growth. In a scale of 100 this is considered about an average per cent. site time for boiling and the amount of sugar it is well to add at the time of canning. 1 Ijuantitj Fruit Time for of 8U S" rrutl - boiling. perqt. | Min. Oi. India 1871 95 Mexico Recent 93 Poland Recent 91 Russia Recent 91 Argentine Rep.. Recent 83 Greece Recent 82 Spain 1860 80 Italy 1861 73 Hungary Recent 51 Rhode Island 25 New Mexico 3 Small pears.Vhole.30 8 Siberian apples 25 8 Connecticut 20 Delaware 20 District of Columbia 20 Relative Value of Foods. One hundred pounds of good hay for stock are equal to Kind of Seeds. P Cent, of Oil. Tomatoes 20 None Quinces, sliced 15 10 Austria Recent 49 Ireland Recent 46 England Recent 33 New York 20 Michigan 16 Turnip seed 45 Peaches, whole. . . .15 4 Pie-plant, sliced . . .10 10 Plums 10 8 Wild grapes 10 8 Belgium Recent 30 France 1872 30 United States. . . .1870 20 Netherlands Recent 18 Scotland Recent 16 Ohio 16 Articles. Pounds. White mustard f 37 Bitter almond 37 Washington Territory 16 West Virginia 16 Beets, white silesia 669 Turnips 469 Hempseed 19 Linseed 17 California 14 Rye-straw 429 Clover, red, green 373 Indian corn 7 Oats 6J$ Sour apples 10 5 Japan Recent 10 Carrots 371 Blackberries 9 6 Strawberries 8 8 Illiteracy in the U. S. By the census of 1880, per- sons over ten years old that could not write: Whites 2,851,911 Colored 2,798,689 Natives 4,880 271 Mangold. 368% Wheat bran 4 Wisconsin 14 Dakota 12 Potatoes, kept in pit 350 Oat-straw 317 Oat-straw 4 Meadow hay 3)^ Gooseberries 8 8 Iowa 12 Oregon 12 Tennessee 12 Potatoes 260 Carrot leaves (tops) 135 Hay, English 100 Wheat-straw S Wheat flour 3 Barley 2J Raspberries 6 4 Virginia 12 Illinois U Lucerne 89 Clover, red, dry 88 Potatoes, turnips, cab- bages i y 2 Whortleberries 5 4 Foreigners 777,873 Could not read, total . . 4,528,084 Salaries of Kings, Queens, Presidents and other Rulers. The following table, condensed from the "Statesman's Year Book," shows the yearly salary paid to kings, queens and members of royal households and presidents of various republics, according to the most reliable authorities in 1880. Out of these salaries some rulers have much to pay, in order to maintain the character of their position, so that their actual clear savings, annually, cannot be easily shown. Country. Salary. Country. Ruler. Salary. Country. Salary. Turkey { *%& 5 y . a ' \ 10,000,000.00 Russia j^Touseho^d ^ .9,608,000.00 ( King 2,811,060.00 Italy -{Prince Amadeo 57,960.00 ( Duke of Genoa 57,960.00 (Emperor and! pr e uSfa ny ::::;:::) a^.^S- 2 ' 957 ' 077 - 86 Morocco Sultan 2,420,000.00 .< TJ (As Emperor > .2,250,600.00 Austria-Hnng'ry ] Ag ^ { .'2,25O',eOO.OO King 1,352,400.00 , Queen 56,350.00 *"* ) Parents of King 202,860.00 King's Sisters 154,560.00 K fami?v d r yal ( .2,260,440.00 Japan -1,246,134.40 (Khedive 483,000.00 Egypt 1 His father 193,200 00 ( Royal family 345,250.00 Saxony |S5! Belgium Wurtemberg. . Portugal 710,010.00 } Royal family 77,376 60 ..King 637,560.00 (King 439,877.76 } Royal family 76,425.09 (King 396,060.00 ^ Queen 64,239.00 ( Ferdinand 106,260.00 Baden j G f al D f ^ Uy nd \ ...407,796.20 H l G ry d al?a U , k 1ly and | -290,380.53 Great Britain and Ireland, including queen and members of 'the royal household ( rk ........ \ Greece ............. Netherlands 5 srlands ..... } Brunswick Saxe Weimar Roumania. ... Queen(Prit>i/ Parse)* 289,800.00 Queen (other allow- ance) .............. 1,569,750.00 Prince of Wales ...... 193,200.00 Princess of Wales ...... 48,300.00 Duke of Edinburgh. . . 120,750.00 Duke of Connaught. ..120,750.00 Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia. .38,640.00 Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein . .28,980.00 Princess Louise, Mar- chioness of Lome... .28,980.00 Princess Henry (Bea- trice) of Battenberg.. 28,980.00 Duchess of Cam- . bridge ................ 28,980.00 Grand Duchess of Mecklenb'g-Strelitz.. 14,490.00 Princess of Teck ....... 24,150.00 Duke of Cambridge. . . .57,960.00 Princess Helena, of Waldech, Duchess of Albany ............ 28,980.00 King .................. 268,330.68 Heir Apparent .......... 32,196.78 King .................... 32,196.78 Kin & ................... 241,500.00 Royal family ........... 60,375.00 Duke .................. 242,000.00 Grand Duke .......... 202,860.00 King .................. 228,942.00 Anhalt | family nd . r yal \ 140,070.00 India .............. Governor-General ____ 178,710.00 Schaumberg-Lippe, Prince ................ 121,000 00 Franoe 5 President ............. 115,920.00 ace ........... \ State household ....... 115,920.00 Schwarzburg- } p r jnn- streets occupied by railway tracks. jove, and divide by 45 bove, and divide by 40 ibove, and divide by 36 ibove, and divide by 30 1 Large Wie-glass holds 2 ounces 1 Tablespoonful is equal to $4 ounce * J Distances Around the World. The following includes the principal stopping places, and distances between them, in a direct line around the world. JMKw. Average Velocity. Boxes of Different Measure. A box 24 inches long by 16 inches wide, and 28 inches deep, will contain a barrel (3 bushels). A box 24 inches long by 16 Inches wide, and 14 inches deep, will contain half a barrel. A box 16 inches square and 8 2-5 inches deep, will contain one bushel. A box 16 inches by 8 2-5 inches wide, and 8 inches deep, will contain half a bushel. A box 8 inches by 8 2-5 inches square, and 8 inches deep, will contain one peck. A box 8 inches by 8 inches square, and 4 1-5 inches deep, will contain one gallon. A box 7 inches by 4 inches square, and 4 4-5 inches deep, will contain half a gallon. A box 4 inches by 4 inches square, and 4 1-5 inches deep, will contain one quart. In purchasing anthracite coal, 20 bushels are generally allowed for a ton. Object. Per hour. \ Per sec. Electric! Light in A rifle bi Sound m A hurric A storm A horse Steambo Sailing v Slow riv Rapid ri A moder A horse A man w ty moves 288,0 100 miles KX> miles ,466 feet ,142 feet 117 feet 52 feet 29 feet 26 feet 14 feet 4 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 4 feet >ves 192,( ill moves 1,000 miles, or 1 Singapore to Calcutta 1, 200 Calcutta to Bombay 1,409 Bombay to Aden 1,664 Aden to Suez 1,308 at runs 8m es, or Suez to Alexandria 250 Alexandria to Marseilles 1,300 rers flow 7 miles, or Marseilles to Paris 536 ate wind blows 7 miles, or .rots 7 miles, or alks 3 miles, or 304: Debt of Different Countries, How Various Colors are Made, Length and Cost of American Canals, Center of Gravity of Population, Etc, Average Height and Weight Of Human Beings, at Different Ages. Males. Age. Feet | l.lis. Age. Birth \%....l 2 years 2%... 25 4 years 3 31)6 .3K...384-5 .4 50.... 6 years. . . 9 years. . . 11 years. . . 13 years. . . 15 years. . . 17 years. . . 18 years. . . 20 years. . . 30 years. . . 40 years. . . 50 years... 60 years. . . 70 years. . . 80 years. . . 90 years.... 5%.. 1 ..754-5 ..140K ..140 ..138 ..127K... .Birth . .2 years. . ...3 years.. ..6 years.. ..9 years. . ..11 years. . .. 13 years. . .. 15 years. . ..17 years.. ,.18 years.. ..20 years.. ,.30 years.. .. 40 years. . ..50 years.. .60 years.. ..70 years.. ,.80 years.. .90 years. . .4 35)6 .4 47 .4 3-5.. 72 2-3 .5 89 .5.... 104^ .51-6.115)6 .51-6.1194-5 .51-6.121^5 .5.... 123 4-5 .5 119^ .5.... 113) .5.... 108 4-5 .5.... 108 4-5 Bait for Different Game. Animal. Bait Required. Squirrel. ... Muskrat.... Woodchuck Mink Skunk Fox Opossum Raccoon Badger Otter Marten Beaver Wolf.... Grain, nuts, or ear of corn. Carrots, potatoes, apples, etc. Roots, fruit, corn or bread . Fowl, flesh or roasted flsh. Mice, meat, piece of a fowl. Fowl, flesh, flsh, toasted cheese. Nuts, corn, mice, piece of fowl. Chicken, flsh or frog. Mice, or flesh of any kind. . . .Fish, piece of a bird, or otter musk. Head of a flsh, piece of meat, or fowl. Fresh roots. Waste parts of tame or wild fowl. The Pulse in Health. New-born infants From 140 down to 130 During 1st year From 130 down to 115 During 2d year From 115 down to 100 During 3d year From 105 down to 95 From 7th to 14th year From 90 down to 80 From 14th to 21st year From 85 down to 75 From 21st to 60th year From 75 down to 70 In old age From 75 up to 80 Center of Population. The change of center of population each ten years, in the United States, is shown in the follow- ing table. In ninety years the center of gravity has moved westward 467 miles, on almost a straight line from east to west. The very rapid settlement of the northwest of late would indicate that the line will move considerably northward in the next ten years. Date. Location. Westward move. Miles. 1790, 23 miles east of Baltimore 1800, 18 miles west of Baltimore 41 1810, 40 miles northwest by west of Washington. 36 1820, 16 miles north of Woodstock, Va 50 1830, 19 miles southwest of Moorefleld, W. Va.. .39 1840, 16 miles south of Clarksburg, W. Va 55 1850, 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, W. Va.65 1860, 20 miles south of Chillicothe, 81 1870, 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati, O 42 1880, 8 miles west by south of Cincinnati, O 58 Total..., ....467 Capacity of Cisterns. In calculating the capacity of cis- terns, 31!^ gallons are estimated to one barrel and 63 gallons to one hogshead. Circular Cistern one foot in depth. 5 feet in diain. holds 4% barrels. 6 feet in diam. holds 6J^ barrels. 7 feet in diam. holds 9 barrels. 8 feet in diam. holds 12 barrels. feet in diam. holds 15 barrels. 10 feet in diam. holds. . . .18) barrels. Square Cistern one foot in depth. 5 feet by 5 feet holds 6 barrels. 6 feet by 6 feet holds. ...8)^ barrels. 7 feet by 7 feet holds... llj^ barrels. 8 feet by 8 feet holds... 15* barrels. 9 feet by 9 feet holds. ..19) barrels. 10 feet by 10 feet holds. . .23^' barrels. Audible Sounds. The distance at which sounds can be distinguished depends much on favoring winds. Description of Sound. \ feet. \Miles A powerful human voice in the open air and no wind 460 Beating a drum 10,560 2 Music of a heavy brass band 15,840 3 A strong human voice with a breeze barely felt 15,840 3 Report of a musket 16,000 3 Cannonading, very strong 475,000 90 American Canals Their Length and Cost. The following table comprises the canals of the United States and Canada, of which the cost has exceeded $1,000,000. Name. State. Miles. Cost. Chesapeake and Ohio Maryland. . Delaware and Hudson New York and Pa. . Illinois and Michigan Illinois. . Erie New York. . Welland Canada. , Central Division Pennsylvania. . James River and Kanawha Virginia. . Ohio and Erie Ohio. . Lehigh Pennsylvania. . Miami Ohio . . North Branch Extension Pennsylvania. . Morris and Essex New Jersey. . West Division Pennsylvania. . Wabash and Erie Indiana. . Chesapeake and Delaware. . .Delaware and Md. . Delaware and Raritan New Jersey. . Schuylkill Division Pennsylvania. . Chenango New York. Cornwall Canada. . Lachine Canada. , Beauharnois Canada. , Sandy and Beaver Ohio. . Delaware Division Pennsylvania. . Cham plain New York.. North Branch Pennsylvania. . Susquehannah Pennsylvania. , St. Lawrence Canada. , .191 $10,000,000 .108 9,000,000 .102 8,654,337 .363 7,143,789 ..36.. .173.. .147.. .307.. ..85.. 7,000,000 5,307,252 5,020,050 4,695,824 4,455,099 ..178 3,750,000 ...90 3,528,302 ..101 3,100,000 ..104 3,096,522 ,.469 3,057,120 ...13K 2,750,000 ...43 2,844,103 ,.108 2,500,176 ...97 2,419,950 ...12 2,000,000 ....8K 2,000,000 ...21 1,500,000 ...76 1,500,000 ...60 1,275,715 ...63 1,257,601 ...73 1,096,178 ...39 1,039,256 ...10 1,000,000 National Debt of Principal Countries. The following table, from Porter's Census Book, shows the increase and decrease of the public debt of these different countries in the past sixteen years: Countries. 1870. 1883. '84, '85, '86. France $2.777,522,000. . . .$3,829,982,399. .$6,148,952,000 'S6 Great Britain 3,883,467,000 3,766,671,000. . .3,71 1 ,262,470 "86 Russia 1 ,070,630,000 3,318,953,000. . .3,669,944,394 -So Spain 1,386,952,500 2,579,245,000 190,000,000 '85 Italy 1,900,000,000 2,540,313,000. ..2,246,903,485 "86 United States 2,480,672,428 2,120,415,371. . .1,783,438,698 '86 Austria-Hungary 1,654,610,000 Turkey Portugal Australia Holland Canada Rou mania Sweden-Norway. . . Greece German Empire*. . Denmark . . 1,881,1 15,350... l,493,648,000-'85 . . .603,446,000 1 ,376,486,500 744,839,018 '85 . . .291 ,900,000 457,451.000 476,440,328 '85 . .442,851,500 704,596,595 85 .389,320,000 426,491 ,640 "86 . .175,191 ,000 264.703,607 '85 . . 1 18,742,600 140,053,648 "86 . . . .29,199,000 97,330,000 95,31 1 ,312 '85 . . . .60,000,000 94,361,438 90,496,660 -84 . . .720,242,000 49,317,595 140,748.500 >85 . . . .63,264,500. ...... .48,665,000 27,986,340 '85 ...180,065,500.... . . .369,854,000. . . . ....82,730,500.... ....63,000,000.... * The debt given for the German Empire in 188S does not include the debts of any of the States composing it, but only the Empire proper. Combinations of Shades that Make Different Colors. Mixing Red and Black makes Brown Mixing Lake with White makes Rose Mixing Umber and White makes Drab Mixing White and Brown makes Chestnut Mixing Yellow and Brown makes Chocolate Mixing Red with Light Blue makes Purple Mixing Carmine with Straw makes Flesh Color Mixing Blue with Lead Color makes Pearl Mixing Carmine with White makes Pink Mixing Lamp-Black with Indigo makes Silver Gray Mixing Lamp-Black with White makes Lead Color Mixing Paris Green with White makes Bright Green Mixing Yellow Ochre and White makes Buff Mixing White tinted with Purple makes French White Mixing Black with Chrome Green makes Dark Green Mixing Chrome Green with White makes Pea Green Mixing Emerald Green with White makes Brilliant Green Mixing Vermilion with Chrome Yellow makes Orange Mixing Chrome Yellow with White Lead makes Straw Color Mixing White tinted with Red and Yellow makes Cream Mixing White with tints of Black and Purple, makes Ashes of Roses Mixing White, tinted with Black and Purple, makes French Gray Mixing Chrome Yellow, Blue, Black and Red. makes Olive 305 FINANCIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. This financial statement represents the gross total public expenditure and total yearly public debt, gathered from the U. S. Treasurer's report, made July 1 of each year. Yr. President. Vice-President. Public Expenditures. Public Debt. Tr. President. Vice-President. Public Expenditures. Public Debt. 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 iase 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 G. Washington.. G. Washington. . John Adams *F John Adams F 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 185.2 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 Jas. K. Polk... Jas. K. Polk Jas. K. Polk Jas. K. Polk Zach. Taylor M. Fillmore M. Fillmore.. .. M. Fillmore,. . Frank. Pierce... Frank. Pierce.. Frank. Pierce. . . Frank. Pierce... Jas. Buchanan... Jas. Buchanan. . . Jas. Buchanan... Jas. Buchanan... George M. Dallas. ..D George M. Dallas. . . D George M. Dallas. . .D George M. Dallas.. .> Millard Fillmorel. . W Wm. R.King W D. R. Atchison W D. R. Atchison W Wm. R. King|| D D. R. Atchison D Jesse D. Bright D Jesse D. Bright D 3. C. Breckenridge. D 3- C. Breckenridge. D 3. C. Breckenridge. D 3. C. Breckenridge. D Hannibal Hamlin. .R Hannibal Hamlin.. U Hannibal Hamlin.. R Hannibal Hamlin. .R Andrew Johnson^ . ..R Lafayette S. Foster.fi Benj. F. Wade R Benj. F. Wade R Schuyler Colfax R Schuyler Colfax R Schuyler Colfax. . . R Schuyler Colfax R Henry Wilson R Henry Wilson R Henry Wilson**.... .R Thos. W. Ferry R Wm. A. Wheeler R Wm. A. Wheeler. . . .R Wm. A. Wheeler. . . . R Wm. A. Wheeler.... R C. A. Arthur*,* R David Davis R Geo. F. Edmunds. . .R Geo. F. Edmunds. ..K Thos. A. Hendricks*D . . 30,490,408 71 . . 27,632,282 90 ..60,520,851 74 . 60,655,143 19 56,386,422 74 . . 44,604,718 26 . 48,476,10431 ..46,712,60883 . . 54,577,061 74 .. 75,473,17075 .. 66,164,77596 . . 72,726,341 57 .. 71,274,58737 ..82,062,18674 . 83,678,64292 . . 77,055,125 65 .. 85,387,31308 . 565,667,563 74 . 899.815,911 25 1,295,541,11486 1,906,433,331 37 1,139,344,081 95 1,093,079,655 27 1,069,889,97074 . 584,777,996 11 . 702,907,842 88 . a91, 680,858 90 . 682,525,27021 . 524,044,597 91 . 724,698,933 99 . 682,000,385 32 . 707,805,070 13 . 477,320,017 86 . 473,928,653 59 . 533,895,767 06 . 535,285,915 56 . 312,114,68864 . 257,981,43957 . 265,408,137 54 . 245,498,578 00 260,226,935 11 242,483,138.50 .315,835,428.12 . .15,925,30301 ..15,550,20297 ...38,826,53477 ...47,044,86223 ..63,061,85869 ...63,452,77355 ...68,304,79602 ...66,199,341 71 .,.59,803,11770 . . .42,242,222 42 ...35,586,55856 ..31,972,53790 . ,28,6!>9,831 85 .. 44,951,881 03 ..58,496,83788 ...64,842,28788 ...90,580,87372 ..524,176,412 13 1,119,772,13863 1,815,784,37057 2,680,6-17,869 74 2,773,236,173 69 2,678,1:26,103 87 2,611,687,851 19 2,588,4.52,213 94 2,480,672,427 81 2,353,211,33232 2,253,251,32878 2,234,432,993 20 2,251,690,46843 2,232,284,531 95 2,180,395,067 15 2,205,931,392 10 2,256,205,892 53 2,245,495,072 00 2,120,415,37063 2,089,962,227 33 1,918,312,99403 1,884,171,72800 1,830,528,923 57 1,438,542,995 39 1,389,136.383.00 1,225,598,401.99 G. Washington.. G. Washington. . G. Washington.. G. Washington. . G. Washington.. G. Washington.. $3,797,436 78 . 75,463,476 52 ...77,227,92466 . . .80,352,634 04 ...78,427,40477 ...80,747,58739 ...83,762,17207 ...82,064,47933 ...79,228,52912 ...78,408,66977 ...82,976,29435 ...83,638,05080 ...80,712,63225 ...77,054,68630 ...86,427,12088 ...82,312,15050 ...75,723,27066 . . .69,218,398 64 ...65,196,31797 ...57,023,19209 ...53,173,21752 ...48,005,58776 . . .45,209,737 90 . . .55,962,827 57 ...81,487,84624 ...99,833,660 15 ..127,334,93374 ..123,491,965 16 ..103,466,63383 ...95,529,64825 ...91,015,566 18 ...89,987,42766 ...93,546,67698 ...90,875,87728 ...90,269,77777 ...83,788,43271 . .81,054,05999 ...73,987,35720 . . .67,475,043 87 ...58,421,41367 ...48,565,40650 ...39,123,19168 ...24,332,235 18 ,...7,301,69883 . . . .4,760,082 08 ....37,51305 336,957 83 ....3,408,12407 ...10,434,221 14 ....3,573,34382 5,250,875 54 John Adams F John Adams F John Adams F John Adams F John Adams F Thomas Jefferson.. ,F . . . .8,962,920 00 . . . .6,479,977 97 ....9,041,593 17 .. 10,151,24015 . . . .8,367,776 84 . . . .8,625,877 37 John Adams John Adams John Adams Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson.. Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson. . Thos. Jefferson. . Jas. Madison.... Jas. Madison. . . . Jas. Madison. ... Jas. Madison Jas. Madison Jas. Madison Jas. Madison.... Jas. Madison James Monroe... James Monroe. . . James Monroe. . . James Monroe. . . James Monroe. . . James Monroe... James Monroe. . . James Monroe. . . John Q. Adams . . John Q. Adams. . John Q. Adams. . John Q. Adams. . A. Jackson Thomas Jefferson.. ,F Thomas Jefferson.. ,F Thomas Jefferson.. .F Aaron Burr B Aaron Burr R Aaron Burr R Aaron Burr R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R George Clinton R Elbridge Gerry R Elbridge Gerryt R John Gaillard R John Gaillard R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R D. D. Tompkins R John C. Calhoun... .R John C. Calhoun... .R John C. Calhoun. ..R John C. Calhoun... R John C. Calhoun... D ....8,583,61841 .. 11,002,39697 .. 11,952,534 12 . . 12,273,376 94 .. 13,270,48731 . 11,258,98367 . 12.615,11372 .. 13,598,30947 . 15,021,19626 .. U, 292,292 99 .. 16,762,70204 . . 13,867,226 30 . . 13,309,994 49 . . 13,592,604 86 .. 22,279,122 15 . . 39,190,520 36 . . 38,028,230 32 . . 39,582,493 35 . . 48,244,495 51 . . 40,877,646 04 . 35,104,875 40 . . 24,004,199 73 .. 21,763,02485 . . 19,090,572 69 .. 17,676,59263 .. 15,314,17100 .. 31,898,53847 . . 23,585,804 72 .. 24,103,39846 . . 22,656,764 04 . . 25,450,479 52 . . 25,044,358 40 . . 24.585.281 55 A. Lincoln A. Lincoln A. Lincoln A. Lincoln A. Johnson A. Johnson A. Johnson U. S. Grant U. S. Grant. . . . U. S. Grant U. S. Grant U. S. Grant U. S. Grant U. S. Grant U. S. Grant R. B. Hayes R. B.Hayes R. B. Hayes R. B. Hayes J. A. Garfleld C. A. Arthur C. A. Arthur C. A. Arthur G. Cleveland G. Cleveland John C. Calhoun D\ - - 3O.OSW.446 12 G. Cleveland A. Jackson A. Jackson John C. Calhoun... D Martin Van Buren../) Martin Van Buren.. D Martin Van Buren. . D Martin Van Buren. . D R. M. Johnson... :..D R. M. Johnson D . . 34,356,698 O6 . . 24,257,298 49 . . 24,601 ,982 44 .. 17,573,141 56 .. 30,868,16404 . . 37,265,037 15 . . 39,455,438 35 H7R14 HSR IS A. Jackson A. Jackson M. Van Buren . . . M. Van Buren . . . M. Van Buren R M .Tnhnarm n as 29fi nan i W. H. Harrison. . ' John Tyler John Tylert W Wm. P. Mangum... IT Wm. P. Mangum... W Wm. P. Mangum. . . W .. 31,797,53003 . . 32.936,876 53 .. 12,118,105 15 . . 33,642,010 85 ...13,594,48073 ...20,601,22628 ...32,742,92200 ...23,461,65250 John Tyler. * The political complexion of the different Presidential terms is indicated by a single letter opposite each year, denned as follow: F, Federalist; R, Republican; D, Democrat; W, Whig. Owing to changes in political prin- ciples, Jefferson's administration, which is marked Republican, at a later date would have been classed under another head. t Elbridge Gerry died November 13, 1814, and was succeeded by John Gail- lard, Vice-President pro tern. J William H. Harrison died April 4, 1841, after being one month in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency, and Willie P. Mangum became Vice- President pro tern. Zachary Taylor died July 9, 1850, being succeeded by Millard Fillmore; William R. King succeeding to the Vice-Presidency the first half of the Pres- idential term, and David R. Atchisoii the last half. * Mr. Hetidricks aied in offlce, Nov. 25, 1885. || William R. King died April 17, 1853; David R. Atchison becoming Vice- President pro tern, for the first half of the Presidential term, and Jessee D. Bright for the last half. If Abraham Mncoln was assassinated by J. Wilkes Booth, April 14, 1865. Andrew Johnson succeeded to the Presidency, Lafayette S. Foster to the Vice- Presidency the remainder of the first half of the Presidential term, and Ben- jamin F. Wade the last half. * Henry Wilson died November 22, 1875, and was succeeded by Thomas W. Ferry, Vice-President pro tern. V* James A. Garfleld was assassinated by Charles J. Giteau, July 2, 1881. Through his death, Sept. 19, 1881, Chester A. Arthur succeeded to the Presi- dency and David Davis to the Vice-Presidency. Judge David Davis was suc- ceeded by Geo. F. Edmunds as acting Vice-President. Chester A. Arthur died Nov. 18, 1886. 20 306 Occupations of the People in the United States During 1870 and 1880, According to Last Census, Showing the Number of Persons Engaged in the Different Vocations, and the Increase and Decrease of the Number During the Ten Years. OCCUPATION. Number in 1870. Number in 188O. Increase in 1O Years. Agricultural laborers 2,885,996 3,323,876 437,880 Apiarists 137 1,016 879 Dairymen and dairywomen 3,550 8,948 5,398 Farm and plantation overseers 3,609 3,106 Decrease Farmers and planters 2,977,71 1 4,225,945 1,248,234 Florists 1,085 4,550 3,465 Gardeners, nursery and vine-growers 32,547 51,482 18,935 Stock-drovers. 3,181 3,449 268 Stock-herders. .5,590. ....24,098 18,508 Stock-raisers 6,588 16,528 9,940 Turpentine farmers and laborers 2,478 7,450 4,972 Others in agriculture 45 Total engaged in agriculture 5,922,472 7,670,493 1 ,748,022 Professional and Personal Services. ...2,053... ...2,017. .. ...4,071.... ...2,266.... 846. . ..24,794..., ..4,812.. . 3,375.. ,.. 9,104.. . . .2,331 .. 1,131.. .44,a51.. ..1,543,. Actors Architects Artists and teachers of art Auctioneers Authors, lecturers and literary persons. Barbers and hair-dressers Billiard and bowling saloon-keepers 1 ,220 Boarding and lodging-house keepers 12,785 19,058, Chemists, assayists and metallurgists 608 .1,969. Clergymen 43,874 64,698. Clerksand copyists 6,138 25,467. Clerks in government offices 8,672 16,849, Clerks in hotels and restaurants 5,243 10,916. Collectors and claim agents 693 .4,213 Dentists 8,505 . . . .12,314. Designers and draughtsmen 934 2,820 Domestic servants 975,734 . .1,075,653 Employes of charitable institutions 848 ..2,396. Employes 'of government 14,407 .31.401. Employes of hotels and restaurants 23,438 77,413 Engineers (civil) 7,374 8,261 Hostlers 17,586 31,697. Hotel keepers 26,390. Hunters, trappers, guides and scouts 1,111.. Janitors 1 ,763 . . Journalists 5,286. Laborers (not specified) 1,032,853. Launderers and laundresses 60,906 121,942.. Lawyers 40,736 6.4,137.. Livery stable keepers 8,5O4 14,213. . Messengers 8,717 13,985. Midwives 1 ,186 2,118.. Musicians (professional) 1 ,610 30,477. . Nurses 10,976.. 13,483., Officers of army and navy 2,286 2,660. . Officials of government 44,743 57,081 . . Physicians and surgeons 62,445 85,671.. Restaurant keepers 35,185 13,074.. Sextons 1,151 2,449.. Showmen and showwomen 1,177 2,6O4.. Soldiers and sailors of U. S. army and navy ..23,338 24,161. . Teachers and scientific persons 128,160 227,710. . Veterinary surgeons 1,166 2,130. "Watchmen (private) and detectives 13,384.. Whitewashers 2,873 3,316.. Other professions 4,570. . ....32,453.. 1,912.. . . . 6,763 ....12,308.. .1,859,223 2,759 1,358 5,033 65 285 .... 19,057 323 6,273 1,361 20,824 19,329 , 8,177 5,673 3,520 3,809 1,886 .99,919 .... 1,548 . ..16,994 . . .53,975 .887 ... 14,111 .... .6,063 . . . .801 4,994 7,022 . 826,370 , .61,036 23,401 5,709 5,268 932 28,867 2,507 ..374 12,338 23,226 ..Decrease 1,298 1,427 823 .....99,550 .. 964 443 Total professional and personal serv's. .2,684,793 4,074,238 1,389,445 Manufacturers and Mining. Agricultural implement makers 13,811 4,891 1,080 Apprentices to trades , 15,302 44,170 28,868 Artificial-flower makers 1,169 3,399 .2,230 Bag makers 866 1,408 542 Bakers 27,680 41,309 13,629 Basket makers.. . . 3,297 5,654 2,357 OCCUPATION. Number in 1870. Number in 1880. Increase in 1O Years. Blacksmiths 141,774 172,726 Bleachers, dyers and scourers 4,901 8,222. Blind, door and sash makers ,., ...5,155 4,946. Boatmakers 2,101. . 2,063. Bone and ivory workers 208 1,888. Bookbinders and finishers 9,104 13,833. Boot and shoe makers 171,127 194,079. Bottled and mineral water makers 2,081 . Box-factory operatives 6,080 15,762. Brass founders and workers 4,694 11,568. Brewers and maltsters 11,246 A 16,278. Brick and tile makers. . . 26,070 36,052. Bridge builders and contractors 1,029 2,587. Britannia and japanned ware makers 1,092 ..1,375. Broom and brush makers 5,816 8,479. Buildersand contractors 7,511 10,804. .. ..30,952 3,321 ...Decrease ...Decrease 1,680 ..4,729 22,952 44,354.. 1,272 . 42,835. . 1,942.. 2,228. , 344,996.. 15,669.. 42,464.. 3,834.. 3,534 . Butchers Button-factory operatives Cabinet makers Candle, soap and tallow makers. . Ca makers Carpenters and joiners Carpet'makers Carriage and wagon makers Charcoal and lime burners Cheese makers Chemical works employes Cigar makers 28,286 Clerks and bookkeepers in manufactories . 5,861.. Clock and watch makers ...1,779.. Confectioners . . .8,219.. Coopers. 41,789.. Copper workers .2,122.. Corset makers Cotton mill operatives 111,606.. Distillers and rectifiers 2,874. Employes (not specified) , 20,242 . Engineers and firemen .34,233.. Engravers . -.4,226. Fertilizer establishment operatives .316. . File makers, cutters and grinders 1,413 . Fishermen and oystermen 27,549.. Flax-dressers - .1,046 . ...76,241. ....4,872. ...50,654. ....2,923. . . . .4,708. ..373,143. . . . 17,068. ...49,881. ....5,851. ..4,570. ....2,923. ..6,874 ..5,032 ..9,982 ..1,558 ....283 ..2,663 .3,293 .31,887 ..3,600 ..7,819 .. .981 ..2,480 .28,147 . 1,399 . 7,417 ..2,017 ..1,030 ...56,599.. ..10,114.. ...13,820.. ..13,692. .49,138. , .2,342. 4.660. .28,313 .4,283 12,041 ..5,473 .7,349 ..220 169,771. ..3,245. ..34,536 ..79,625. ...4,577. . 1,383. .. .1,839. ..41,352. ..1,894 ..58,165 371 ..14,294 ..45.392 351 ...1,067 . . ..420 ..13,803 . ..848 2,086.. ... .1,534.. 9,518.. 2,329.. ...18,508.. Fur- workers Galloon, gimp and tassel makers Gas works employes Gilders .. . Glass works operatives Glove makers . .- Gold and silver workers Gun and locksmiths .8,184.. Hair cleaners and dressers 1,026.. Harness and saddle makers 32,817.. Hat and cap makers 12,625.. Hosiery and knitting mill operatives 3,633 . . Iron and steel works and shop operatives. ..86,203. . Lace makers Lead and wire works Leather case and pocket book makers Leather curriers, tanners and finishers 30,678. . Lumbermen and raftsmen 17,752. . Machinists 54,755 . Manufacturers 42,877. . Marble and stone cutters 25,831 . . Masons, brick and stone 89,710 . Meat and fruit preserving employes 770 . . Meat packers, curers and picklers 1,164.. Mechanics (not specified) 16,514.. Mill and factory operatives. . '. 41 ,619. . Millers 41 ,582. . Milliners, dress makers and seamstresses. . . .92,084. . ....1,580.. . . . .2,235. . ....4,695.. ....1,763.. ...17,934.. ....4,511 . ...28,405.. ...10,572.. ,...1,965 ..39,960. ..16,860. ...12,194. .114,539. ..1,666 ..2,609 ... .229 ..8,416 ..2,182 . .9,897 . .2,388 .. .939 .7,143 ..4,235 ..8,561 .28,336 .1,708. .2,105. .1,347. ...29,842. ...30,651. . 101,130. ..44,019. ..32,842. . 102,473. 3,436. 7,858., ....30,836.. ....53,440. ..285,401. 12,899 46,375 1,142 7,011 12,763 2,090 2.272 . . . Decrease . . . Decrease 11,858 ....193,317 Occupations of the People of the United States During 1870 and I860 Continued, 307 According to Last Census, Showing the Number of Persons Engaged in the Different Vocations, and the Increase and Decrease of the Number During the Ten Years. OCCUPATION. Number in IS 70. Number in 18HO. Increiisf in 1O Years. Miners 152,107.. Mirror and picture frame-makers 970.. Jfail makers Officials of man'f'g and mining companies. . .2,720. . Oil mill and refinery operatives 1 ,747. . Oil-well operatives and laborers 3,803.. Organ makers 667. . Painters and varnishers 85,123. . Paper hangers 2,490 . . Paper mill operatives 12,469. . Pattern makers 3,970. . Photographers, etc 7,558. . Pianoforte makers and tuners 2,535. . Plasterers 23,577. . Plumbers and gas-fitters 1 1 ,143. . Potters 5,060.. Printers, lithographers and stereotypers 41,073. . Print-work operatives 3,738. . Publishersof books, maps and newspapers. . .1,577. . Pump makers 1 ,672 . . Quarrymen 13,589. . Quartz and stamp mill laborers 617.. Ragpickers 436.. Railroad builders and contractors 1,292.. Roofers and slaters 2,750.. Rope and cordage makers 2,675. . Rubber-factory operatives 3,886. . Sail and awning makers 2,309. . Salt makers 1,721.. Saw and planing-mill operatives 47,298. . Sawyers 6,939.. Scale and rule makers 416. . Screw makers 780. . Sewing-machine factory operatives 3,881.. Sewing-machine operators 3,042. . Shingle and lath makers 3,788. . Ship carpenters, caulkers, riggers, etc 21 ,074. . Shirt, cuff and collar makers 4,080.. Silk-mill operatives 3,256. . Starch makers 229. . Stave, shook and heading makers 1 ,858. . Steam-boiler makers 6,958. . Stove, furnace and grate makers 1 ,543. . Straw workers 2,029. . Sugar makers and refiners 1,609.. Tailors and tailoresses 161,820. . Thread-mill operatives Tinners and tin-ware makers 30,524. . Tobacco-factory operatives 11 ,985. . Tool and cutlery makers 5,351 . . Trunk and valise makers 2,047. . Umbrella and parasol makers 1 ,439. . Upholsterers 5,736. . Wheelwrights 20,942.. Wire makers and workers 1 ,834. . Wood choppers 8,338. . Wood turners, carvers, etc 7,947. . Woolen-mill operatives 58,836. . Others in man'f'g and mining industries 8,270. . . 234,228. ....2,503. ....5,803. ....8,198. 82,121 1,533 ...3,929. ...7,340. ...2,437. 128,556. ...5,013. ..21,430. ...5,822. ....5,413. ...22,083. ...19,383. ....7,233. ...72,726. ....5,419. ....2,781. ...1,366. ..15,169. ....1,449. ....2,206. ....1,206. ....4,026. 5,478 2,182 3,537 1,770 43,433 2,523 8,961 1,852 2,432 2,878 ...Decrease 8,240 2,173 31,653 1 ,681 1,204 Decrease 1,580 , 832 1,770 ...Decrease 1,276 ...3,514. ...6,350. ...2,950. ...1,431. ..77,050. ...5,195. ...1,027. ...1,361. ...2,725. ...7,505. ....5,166. ...17,452. ..11,823. ..18,071. ...1,385. ...4,061. ..12,771. ...3,341. ...4,229. ...2,327. 133,756. ...3,259. ..42,818. 2,484 641 . .Decrease 29,752 ..Decrease 611 581 ..Decrease 4,463 1,378 ..Decrease 7,743 14.815 1,156 2,203 5,813 1,798 2,200 718 ..Decrease .20,446. .13,749. ..3,013. ..1,967. .10,443. .15,592. ..7,170. .12,731. .12,964. .88,010. .13.542. ....12,294 8,461 8.398 966 528 4,707 .Decrease 5,336 4,393 5,017 ....29,174 5,272 Total manufacturing and mining 2,707,421 3,837,112 1,129,691 Trade and Transportation. Agents'. 10,499 18,523 8,024 Bankers and brokers 10,631 15,180 4,549 Boatmen and watermen 21,332 20,368 Decrease Brokers (commercial) 4,193 OCCUPATION. Number in 187O. Number in 188O. Increase in 1C Years. . . . .2,494. ....2,373. ..,27,704. ...45,831. ....2,305. . 101,849. ....4,809. Canalmen 7,338 4,329. . Clerks in stores 254,359 353,444. . Clerks and bookkeepers in banks 7,103 10,257.. Clerks and bookkeepers inexpress comp's 767 1,856. . Clerks and bookkeepers (insurance) 1,568 2,830. . Clerks and bookkeepers (railroad) 7,374 12,331 . . Commercial travelers 7,262 28,158. . Dealers (not specified) 101,271 112,842.. Dealers in agricultural implements 1,939 1,999.. Dealers in books and stationery 3,392 4,982. . Dealers in boots and shoes 7,019 9,993. . Dealers in cabinet ware 4,087 7,419.. Dealers in cigars and tobacco 8,234 11,866.. Dealers in clothing 7,595 10,073. . Dealers in coal and-wood 6,636 10,871 . . Dealers in cotton and wool 1,701.. Dealers in crockery, china, glass, etc 1 ,765. . Dealers in drugs and medicines 17,309.. Dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, etc 40,953. . Dealers in gold, silverware and jewelry 6,786. . Dealers in groceries 74,410. . Dealers in hats and caps 3,375 Dealers in ice 1 ,464 2,854. Dealers in iron, tin and copper wares 9;O03 15,076. Dealers in junk 3,574. Dealers in leather, hides and skins 2,261 2,382. Dealers in liquors and wines 1 1 ,178 13,500. Dealers in live stock 7,723 12,596. Dealers in lumber 9,440. 11 ,263. Dealers in marble, stone and slate 1,405. Dealers in music and musical instruments 848 1,906. Dealers in newspapers and periodicals 1,455 2,729. Dealers in oils, paints and turpentine 986 1,940. Dealers in paper and paper stock 1,862. Dealers in produce and provisions 9,337 35,129. Dealers in real estate 8,933 11 ,253. Dealers in sewing machines 13,152 6,577. Draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc 120,756 177,586. Employes and officials of trad'gand trans, co's 4,152 9,702. . Employes of banks, (not clerks) 424 1 ,070. . Employes and officials of express comp's 8,629 13,004., Employes of insurance comp's (not clerks).. 11,611 13,146., Employes in warehouses 5,022. , Employes of railroad comp's (not clerks)... 154,027 236,058. Hucksters and peddlers 34,337 53,491 . . Milkmen and milkwomen 3,728 9,242. . Newspaper criers and carriers 2,002 3,374.. Officials and employes of trading <.nd trans, co's 976 9,702. , Officials of banks 2,738 4,421.. Officials of insurance companies 762 1,774. Officials of railroad companies 1 ,902 2,O69. , Officials and employes of street railway co's.. 5, 191 11,925. Officials and employes of telegraph co's 8,579 22,809. . Officials and employes of telephone co's 1 ,197. . Packers 1,894 4,176.. Pilots 3,649 3,770. . Porters and laborers in stores, etc 3,513 32,192.. Sailors 56,663 60,070.. Salesmen and saleswomen 14,203 72,279. . Saloon-keepers and bar-tenders 14,362 68,461 . . Shippers and freighters 3,567 5,166. , Steamboat men and women 7,975 12,365. . Stewards and stewardesses 1 ,245 22,803. . Toll-gate and bridge keepers 2,253 2,303. . Undertakers 1,996 5,113.. Weighers, gaugers and measurers 926 3,302. . Others in trade and transportation 177. . ..Decrease 99,085 3,154 1,089 1,262 4,957 20,896 11,571 1,590 2,974 3,332 3,632 2,478 4,235 ....793 10,395 4,878 . .Decrease 27,439 1,434 1,390 6,073 121 2,322 4,873 1,823 . .Decrease 1,058 1,274 .... :..954 . .Decrease 15,792 2,32O 3,425 56,830 5,550 646 4,375 1,535 ..Decrease 82,031 19,154 5,514 1,372 8,726 1,683 1,012 167 6,734 14,230 ..Decrease 2.282 121 28,679 3,407 58,076 54,099 1,5,99 4,390 21,558 50 3,117 2,376 Total trade and transportation 1,191,238 1,810,256 618,018 308 FACTS CONCERNING MONEY, MILITARY MATTERS, INTEREST, AND THE MOST VALUABLE METALS, Value of Foreign Coins in United States Money. Proclaimed by the Secretary of the Treasury, Jan. 1, 1886. Country. Monetary Unit. Standard. Vain,' in U. S. Money. Standard Coin. Argentine Republic. Austria Belgium Bolivia , Brazil British Poss. in N. A. Chili Cuba Denmark Ecuador , Egypt France German Empire Great Britain Greece Hayti India Italy Japan Liberia Mexico Netherlands Norway Peru Portugal. Russia Spain Sweden ... Switzerland Tripoli Turkey United States of Col. Venezuela .Peso .Florin .Franc .Boliviano .Mllreisof lOOOreis.... .Dollar .Peso .Peso .Crown .Gold and silver 96,5. .1-20, 1-10, 1-5, 1-2, and 1 peso, M ar- .Silver 37,1 Lf? en t m e and argentine. .Gold and silver 19,3.. 5, 10, and 20 francs .Silver 75,1. .Boliviano .Gold 54,6 .Gold $1.00 .Gold and silver 91, 2.. Condor, doubloon, and escudo .... . Gold and silver 93,2. .1-16, X, %, X, and 1 doubloon Gold ... 26,8. . 10 and 20 crowns .Peso .Piaster .Franc .Mark .Pound sterling .Drachma .Gourde .Rupee of 16 annas .... .Lira ... .Yen .Dollar .Dollar .Florin .Crown .Sol .Milreis of 1000 reis. ... .Silver 75,1.. Peso .Gold 04,0. .5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 piasters .Gold and silver 19,3.. 5, 10, and 20 francs .Gold 23,8.. 5, 10, and 20 marks Gold 4.86,6J^i^ sovereign and sovereign Gold and silver 19,3.. 5, 10,20,50, and 100 drachmas. ... .Gold and silver 96.5.. 1,2, 5, and 10 gourdes Silver 35,7 Gold and silver 19,3. .5, 10,20,50, and 100 lire Silver 81,0. . 1 , 2, 5, 10, and 20 yen, gold, and sil- Gold 1.00 [ver yen. Silver 81 ,6.. Peso or dollar, 5, 10, and 25, and Gold and silver 40,2 [50 centavo . .Gold 26,8. .10 and 20 crowns Silver 75,1 .. Sol .Gold ... ...1.08.... 2, 5, and 10 milreis.... .Rouble of 100 copecks. . .Peseta of 100 centimes. . .Crown .Franc .Mahbubof 20piasters .Piaster . . . Silver 60,1. .K, 14, and 1 rouble Gold and silver 19,3 . .5, 10, 2O, 50, and 100 pesetas . Gold 26,8. . 10 and 20 crowns .Gold and silver 19,3. .5, 10, and 20 francs .Silver... 67,7 .Peso .Bolivar... .Gold 04,4. .25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 piasters. . Silver 75,1 . .Peso . Gold and silver 1 9,3 .. 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 bolivar Metals and Their Alloys. Name of Metal. The Alloys. Copper (white) Is Copper and Arsenic. Bath Metal is Copper and Tin. Bronze Metal is Copper and Tin. Bell Metal is Copper and Zinc. Britannia Metal is . . .Antimony, Cop., Bis. and Tin. Cannon Metal is Copper and Tin. Dutch Gold is Copper and Zinc. German Silver is Copper, Nickel, Tin and Zinc. Gold (Standard) is Gold and Copper. Gold (Old Standard) is... .Gold, Copper and Silver. Gun Metal is Copper and Tin. Pewter is Lead and Tin. Silver ( Standard) Is Copper and fill ver. Solder is Lead and Tin. Type Metal is Antimony and Lead. When Money Doubles at Interest. Rite per cent. Common Interest. Compound Interest. 2 50 years 35 years 1 day. 3 33>g years 23 years.. 164 days 4 25 years 17 years..246 days 5 20 years 15 years... 75 days 6 : . . 16% years 14 years..327 days 7 14 years 104 days. ..10 years.. .89 days 8 12}^ years 9 years 2 days 9 11 years 40 days 8 years.. .16 days 10 10 years 7 years.. 100 days 91 at Compound Interest In 100 years would give the following: 1 percent $2.75 12 per cent 884,675.00 3 per cent 19.25 15 per cent 1,174,405.00 6 per cent 340.00 18 per cent. . . . 15,145,207.00 10 per cent...l3,809.OO 24 per cent.2,551,799,404.00 Number of Men Called for by United States Government During the Civil War. Periods of service, and number of men obtain- ed under each call. DATE OF CALL. April 15, 1861 July 22 and 25, 1861 i May and June, 1862 i July 2, 1862 August 4, 1862 June 15, 1863 October 17, 1863.... i February 1,1864.... ' March 14, 1864 April 23, 1864 July 18, 1864 December 19, 1864 . . . .75,000. 500,000. '.300,000. .300,000. .100,000. 500,000. '.200,000. ...85,000. .500,000. .300,000. .3 months. .3 years... .3 years... .9 months. .6 months. .3 years... .3 years... .100 days. .l,2,3yr's .l,2,3yr's ..91,816 .700,680 .421,465 . .87,588 ..16,361 .291,293 .113,000 .386.461 .212.212 Totals. .2,860, 000 2,706,163 Strength of the United States Army at Various Dates. January 1, 1861 14,663 1,704 16,367 July 1, 1861 183,588 3,163.... 186,751 January 1, 1862 527,204 48,713.... 575,917 January 1, 1863 698,802. . . .219,389. . . .918,191 January 1, 1864 611,250.. ..249,487.. ..860,737 January 1, 1865 620,924. . . 338,536. . . .959,460 May 1, 1865 797,807.... 202,709.. 1,000,516 May 1,1885 25,000 May 1, 1885 EXPLANATORY. The calls of October 17, 1863, and February 1, 1864, were combined, and the product of the draft of July, 1863, was credited thereon. In addition to the foregoing number, 63.322 men were obtained, chiefly from the Territories and the seceding States, under different calls. The whole number of men obtained by draft was 168,649. The whole number of colored troops obtained was 186,097. Most Valuable Metals. The following, according to the Colliery Engi- neer, are the most valuable known metals, nine- teen of which are worth more than gold, their value here given being stated in avoirdupois pounds. Vanadium A white metal, discovered in 1830, worth $10,000 per pound. Rubidium An alkaline metal, so-called, for exhibiting dark red lines in the spectrum analy- sis, worth $9,070 per pound. Zirconium A metal obtained from the min- erals zircon and hyacinth, in the form of a black powder, worth $7,200 per pound. Lithium An alkaline metal; the lightest metal known, worth $7,OOO per pound. Qlnclnnm A metal in the form of a greyish black powder, worth $5,400 per pound. Calcium The metallic base of lime, worth $1,500 per pound. Strontium A malleable metal of a yellowish color, worth $1,200 per pound. Terbium Obtained from the mineral gado- linite, found in Sweden, worth $4,080 per pound. Yttrium Discovered in 1828, is of greyish black color,and its lustre perfectly metallic, worth 84,080 per pound. Erbium The metal found associated with yttrium, worth $3,400 per pound. Cerium A metal of high specific gravity, a greyish white color, with a lamellar texture, worth $3,400 per pound. DIdymlum A metal found associated with cerium, worth $3,200 per pound. Ruthenium Of a greyish color, very hard and brittle, extracted from the ores of platinum, worth $2,400 per pound. Rhodium Of a white color and metallic lus- tre, and extremely hard and brittle. It requires the strongest heat that can be produced by a wind furnace for its fusion, and worth $2,300 per pound. Niobium Previously named columbinum, first discovered in an ore found at New London, Conn., worth $2,300 per pound. Barium The metallic base of baryta, worth $1,800 per pound. Palladium A metal discovered in 1802, and found in very small grains, of a steel-grey color and fibrous structure, worth $1,4OO per pound. Osmium A brittle, grey-colored metal, found with platinum, worth $1,300 per pound. Iridlnm Found native as an alloy with os- mium in lead-grey scales, and is the heaviest of known substances, worth $1,090 per pound. Gold Found native in several countries, of great antiquity, worth 8296.62^ per pound. Silver A metal found and used since the days of Abraham, worth $18.86 per pound. Insignia of Military Rank. The various designs of Shoulder Straps in the Army and Navy indicate rank as follows: Kind of Shoulder Strap. Bank Indicated. Two Stars, Shield In Center Gen. of the Army. Three Stars Lieut. General. Two Stars Major General. One Star Brigadier General. An Eagle Colonel. Two Silver Leaves Lieut. Colonel. Two Gold Leaves Major. Four Bars , Captain. Two Bars First Lieutenant. Without any Device Second Lieutenant. In the JTavy. Four Stars and Anchor Admiral. Three Stars and Anchor. ..< Vice Admiral. Two Stars and Anchor Rear Admiral. One Star and Two Anchors Commodore. Two Anchors and Eagle Captain. Two Silver Leaves and Anchor Commander. Two Gold Leaves and Anchor. .Lieut. Commander. Four Bars and Anchor Lieutenant. TABLES PREDICTING WEATHER, FACTS FOR BUILDERS, DATES OF FIRES AND PERIODS OF DIGESTION. 309 Greatest Fires of Modern Times. Builders' Table of Brick Required. (Allowing 7 Brick to Superficial Square Foot.) Date. Year, j City. Property Burned. Destroyed. Number of Bricks required in a Sept. 2-6 1666 London, Eng 13,300 Buildings $53,000,000 Sept. 27 1729 Constantinople 12,000 Buildings July 21 1794 London, Eng 631 Buildings 5,000,000 Sept. 14 1802 Liverpool, Eng 5,000,000 of wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall surface. 4 inches 8 inches 12 inches 16 inches 20 inches thick. thick. thick. thick. thick. Wall 24 inches thick. 1 7 15 23 30 38 .. 45.. Sept. 15 1812 Moscow, Russia 12,000 Buildings 147,000,000 Dec. 16 1835 New York, N. Y 674 Buildings 19,000,000 April 27 1838 Charleston, S. C X the city 3,000,000 May 4-7 1842 Hamburg, Ger % the city 36,000,000 April 10 1845 Pittsburgh, Pa 1,100 Buildings 10,000,000 15 30 45 60 75 .. 3 23 45 68 90 113 .. 4 30 60 90 120 150 .. 5 38 75 113 150 188... 6 45 90 135 180 225 .. 90.. 135.. 180.. 225.. 270. . May 28 1845 Quebec, Canada 1,650 Buildings i 7 53 105 158 210 263... g 60 120 180 240 300... 9 68 135 203 270 338... 10 75 150 225 300 375... O 150 300 450 600 750... 30 225 450 675 900 1,125... 4O 300 600 900 1,200 1,500... 5O 375 750 1,125 1,500 1,875... 6O 450 900 1,350 1,800 2,250... 70 525 1,050 1,575 2,100 2,625... 8O 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,000... 9O 675 1,350 2,025 2,700 3,375... ... 1OO 750 1,500 2,250 3,000 3,750... . ..200 1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 .. ... :tOO 2,250 4,500 6,750 9,000 11,250... ... 4OO 3,000 6,000 9,000.... 12,000 15,000.. ... T>00 3,750 7,500.... 11,250 15,000 18,750... ... OOO 4,500 9,000 13,500 18,000 22,500.. ... 7OO 5,250 10,500.... 15,750.... 21,000 26,250... ... 8OO 6,000 12,000.... 18,000.... 24,000 30,000.. . . . 9OO 6,750 13,500. . . . 20,250. . . . 27,000 33,750. . . . 1 000 7,500 15,000. . . . 22,500. . . . 30,000 37,500. . 315.. 360.. 405.. 450.. 900.. ...1,350.. ...1,800.. ...2,250.. . : 2,700.. ...3,150.. ...3,000.. . . .4,050. . ...4,500.. ...9,000.. . 13,500.. . 18,000.. . 22,500. . . 27,000. . . 31,500.. . 36,000. . . 40,500. . . 45,000. . June 28 1845 Quebec, Canada 1 ,365 Buildings \ ' 00 ' 000 July 19 1845 New York, N. Y 450 Buildings 6,000,000 July 20 1846 St. Johns, N. F Most of the city 5,000,000 Aug. 17 1848 Albany, N. Y 600 Buildings 3,000,000 May 17. 1849 St. Louis, Mo % the city 3.000,000 May 4 1850 .... San Francisco, Cal 3,000,000 May 3 1851 San Francisco, Cal... 2,500 Buildings 3,500000 June 22 1851 San Francisco, Cal. . .500 Buildings 3,000,000 July 12 1852 Montreal, Canada 1,200 Buildings 5,000,000 Feb. 17 1856 Charleston, S. C Most of the city 8,000,000 June-July 1861 London, Eng Immense Wharves 10,000,000 July4 1866 Portland, Maine 1,600 Buildings 15,000,000 Oct. 14 1866 Quebec, Canada 2,517 Buildings Oct. 8-9 1871 Chicago, 111 25,000 Buildings. . . .290,000,000 Nov. 9-11 1872 Boston, Mass 959 Buildings 100,000,000 July 14 1874 Chicago, 111 346 Buildings 5,612,425 April 28 1875 Oshkosh, Wis One square mile 3,000,000 Oct. 26 1875 Virginia City, Nev. . .Bus. part of city 4,000,000 June 20-22 1877 St. John, N. B All Public Bldgs 15,000,000 June 8 1881 Quebec, Canada 700 Buildings 2,000,000 Dec. 7 1882 London, Eng Bus. Bldgs. 1 block. . . . 15,000,000 Hcrschcl's Table for Foretelling the Weather. This table and the accompanying remarks, originally formed by Dr. Her- schel, and approved, with some alterations, by the experienced Dr. Adam Clarke, are the result of many years' close observation, the whole being on a due consideration of the sun and moon in their several positions respect- ing the earth. They claim to show what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the moon into any of its quarters. If the new moon, first quarter, full moon or last quarter happens Time in Which Food Digests in Hours and Minutes. Kind of Food. Hours. J 1 ,^ Kind of Food. \ Hours. J{Jj' Apples, sweet, mellow, raw. .1....30 Apples, sour, mellow, raw... 2.... 00 Apples, sour, hard, raw 2. . . .50 Barley, boiled 2. . . .00 Hens, domestic, boiled ..4.... 00 Hens, domestic, roasted... ...4.... 00 2 so Liver, beef's, fresh, broiled.. .2 00 . Bass, striped, fresh, boiled. . .3 00 Milk, raw o i- Between. \ In Summer. In Winter. Beefsteak, broiled 3 00 Beef, fresh, rare-roasted 3. . . .00 Beef, fresh, dry-roasted 3 30 Mutton, fresh, boiled Mutton, fresh, broiled Mutton, fresh, roasted ...3.. ..00 ...3. ...00 ...3 15 2 and 4, " ..Cold, frequent showers. . .Snow and stormy 4 and 6, " ..Rain Rain 6 and 8, " ..Wind and rain Stormy 8 and 10, " ..Changeable Cold rain if w. be W. ; snow if E . Beef, with must'd, etc., b'l'd 3. . . .30 3 15 Beef, fried 4. . . .00 Oysters, fresh, stewed Parsnips, boiled Pigs'-f eet, boiled ...3.... 30 ...2.. ..30 ...1 00 Beef, old, salted, boiled 4.. .15 Beets, boiled 3 45 12 and 2, aft'n. .Very rainy Snow or rain 2 and 4, " ..Changeable Fair and mild 4 and 6, " Fair . Fair Bread, corn, baked 3. ... 15 Bread, wheat, freshly b'k'd. . .3 30 Bread, wheat, not fresh 2. . . .00 Pork, salted, fried Pork, salted, boiled Pork, (fresh), roasted ...4.. ..15 ...4.. ..30 ...5... 15 6 and 8, " .. c Fr.weath. if w.N. W.;.. c Fr. and frosty if w.N. or N. W.; 8 and 10, " . . ( rainy if w. S. or S. E >. rain or snow if S. or S. E 10 and midnight. .Fair Fair and frosty Butter, melted 3 30 Pork, salted, broiled Pork steak, broiled Potatoes, Irish, baked ...3.. ..15 ...3. ...15 ...2.... 30 Cabbage, b'l'd, with vin 4 00 Cabbage, b'l'd, without vin. . .4 30 Obnervutlon*. 1. The nearer the time of the moon's change, first quarter, full or last quarter are to midnight, the fairer will the weather be during the seven days following. 2. The space for this calculation occupies from 10 at night till 2 next morning. 3. The nearer to midday, or noon, the phases of the moon happen, the more foul or wet weather may be expected during the next seven days. 4. The space of this calculation occupies from 10 o'clock in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. Cabbage, raw, with vin 2 00 Cabbage, raw, without vin. . .2 30 Cake, sponge, baked 2.... 30 Calf's-foot jellv 30 Potatoes, Irish, boiled ...3.... 30 ...1 00 Sago, boiled ...1 45 Salmon, salted, boiled. . ..4 00 Carrots, orange, boiled 3. . ..15 Cheese, old, raw 3 30 Sausage, fresh, broiled. . . ...3.... 20 1 30 Codfish, dry -salted, boiled 2 00 ...3 00 Custard, baked 2 45 3 00 Ducks, domestic, roasted 4 00 Ducks, wild, roasted 4.... 30 Soup, oyster ..3 30 Soup, mutton ...3.. ..30 Facts for Builders. 100 square feet of surface, 4 inches to weather, requires about 1,000 shingles. 1,000 shingles requires of shingle nails about 5 pounds. 70 yards of surface will require about 1,000 laths. 100 square yards of plaster will require 16 bu. sand, 8 bu. lime, 1 bu. hair. 1,000 laths will require of lath nails 11 pounds. 100 cubic feet of wall will require 1 cord stone, 3 bu. lime and 1 cubic yard of sand. One-fifth more siding is required than surface measure, to allow for lap. 2 00 Eggs, fresh, raw 2 00 Tripe, boiled i no Eggs, fresh roasted 2. ...15 Eggs, fresh, soft-boiled 3 00 Trout, salmon, fresh, boiled. 1 30 Turnips, boiled .... 3 3O Eggs, fresh, hard-boiled 3 30 2 30 Eggs, fresh, fried 3 30 Goose, wild, roasted 2. . . .30 Turkey, tame, boiled Veal, fresh, broiled ...2.... 25 ...4 00 Green corn and beans, b'l'd .3 45 Hash, warmed 2 30 Veal, fresh, fried ...4.... 30 Venison, steak, broiled. . . ...1....35 310 LOCATION AND SIZE OF THE PRINCIPAL PUBLIC PARKS IN THE UNITED STATES, In the Cities Containing: 10,000 Inhabitants and Over; From Authentic Sources, Including Late Additions to Public Grounds and New Parks Recently Opened. Albany, JT. Y. Washington Park, 98K acres; Beverwyck Park, 5 acres; Capitol Park, 8 acres ; Academy Park, & acres ; St. Joseph's Park, about 1 acre; Van Rensselaer Park, about 1 acre; Townsend Park, about % acre; Bleecker Park, about % acre; Clinton Park, about X acre; Hudson Avenue Park, about % acre. Allegheny, Pa. Allegheny Park, 1OO acres. Atlanta, Ga. Peters Park, 1O6 acres; L. P. Grant Park, 1OO acres; Capitol Square Park, 5 acres. Attleborongh, Mass. Attleborough Park, 1 acre. Aurora, 111. Lincoln Park, 8,% acres; Wau- bansie Park, 8% acres. Augusta, Me. Soldiers' Monument Square, % acre. Austin, Texas State University Grounds, 4O acres; Northwestern Park, 33 acres; Capitol Square, 14^ acres; State Department Grounds, S acres; High School Grounds, 3% acres; Church Square, 3% acres. Baltimore, Md. Druid Hill Park, 693 acres, with lake of 53 acres; Patterson Park, 56 acres; Riverside Park, 17K acres; Federal Hill Park, 8) acres. Bangor, Me. Broadway Park, 1O acres; City Common, 4 acres;DalePark,l^acres; Union Square, % acre; Davenport Square, 1} acre; Whitney Square, ^ acre. Bay City, Mich. Carroll Park, 81 acres; Madison Street Park, 4 acres; Washington Street Park, 4 acres; South Centre StreetPark, \y, acres; Centre Street Park, 1 acre. BInghamton, IT. T. Ross Park, 85 acres. Birmingham, Conn. The Green, 8 acres. Bloomlngton, 111. Franklin Square, 4 acres. Boston, Mass. The Common, 48 acres; Public Garden, 81 & acres; Independence Square, 6K acres; Thomas Park, 4} acres; Franklin Square, 8K acres; Blackstone Square, 3}^ acres; Chester Square, 1% acres; Worcester Square, % acre; Union Park, % acre; Central Square. & acre. Bridgeport, Conn. Beardsley Park. 18O acres; Seaside Park, 75 acres; Washington Park, acres ; Washing- ton Park, 8% acres. Dayton, O. National Military Home Grounds, about 8OO acres; Miami and Mad River Levees (used for Parks), 1O acres; City Park, 4 acres; Public Landing (Canal), 8 acres. Denver, Col. City Park, 38O acres; Jewell Park, 16O acres; Argo Park, 18 acres; Capitol Park, 5 acres; Curtis Park, 4 acres; Fuller Park, 4 acres; Clover Park, 4 acres. Des Molnes, Iowa Capitol Square, 1O acres; Governor's Square, 6 acres; State Square, 8 acres; Franklin Square, about 8 acres; Court House Square, 8 acres. Detroit, Mich. Belle Isle (Island) Park, about TOO acres; Grand Circus Park, about 8 acres; Cass Park, about 5 acres; Campus Martius, about 3 acres; Clinton Park, 1)^ acres; Adelaide Campau, Stanton, Macomb, Elton and Crawford (elliptical) Parks, each about ^ acre; Centre and West Parks, each from % to j acre; Library, East and School Parks, formerly ranging from % to ^ acre each, are now the sites of the Public Library, Police Commissioners' and High School buildings. Dubuque, Iowa Public Square, 4Ja^res; Jackson Park, 3J^ acres; MarketSquare,3%a res; Washington Park, 8 acres. Easton, Pa. Farmers' and Mechanics' Insti- tute Grounds, 8O acres; Borough Circle, about 8 acres. East Norwich, JT. "S". Play-ground, 1 acre. East Saglnaw, Mich. Hoyt Park, about 8O acres, densely covered with native oak and elm trees; City Hall Square, about 8 acres, to be occupied by the City Hall and Hoyt Library build- ing. Ean Claire, WIs. Randall Park, 3 acres; Central Park, 8 acres; University Park, 8 acres. East Weymouth, Mass. Agricultural Fair Grounds, 5O acres. Elizabeth, 5f. J North Park, 1O& acres; Jackson Park, 5<1( acres; Jefferson Park, 4)^ acres; Wilson Park, 8)6 acres; Singer Park, 8% acres; Scott Park, K) acres; City Park, improved, 1 acre. Lewlstou, Me. City Park, 1O acres. Lexington, Ky. Woodland Park, about SO acres part of Henry Clay's old homestead, " Ash- iand"; Grate Park, 3 acres. Lincoln, Neb. Public Park, 11X acres; Capitol Grounds, 11} acres; University Grounds, 11X acres. Lincoln, R. I. Town Hall Square, about ^ acre; Poor Farm, about 3O acres. Little Rock. Ark. Arsenal Grounds, 36 acres; 5 Private Parks, open to the public. Lockport, ST. Y. Dudley Square, about 3 acres; City Park, about 834 acres; Davison Park, about 1 acre. Logansport, Ind. Simpson Park, 13 acres, Walnut Park, 11 acres; Old City Park, 9 acres; Water-Works Park, 3 acres. Los Angeles, Cal. East Los Angeles Park, 5O acres; Hill and Sixth Street Park, 434 acres; Plaza Park, 8 acres. Louiavllle, Ky. Alms-House Grounds, about 8OO acres; House of Refuge Grounds, 7O acres ; Blind-Asylum Grounds, 3O acres ; City Hos- pital Grounds, 15 acres; Baxter Square, 1O acres. Lowell, Mass. Rogers' Fort Hill Park, 3O acres; South Common, 8834 acres; North Com- mon, 11 J4 acres; Park Square, 1< acres. Lynchburc, "Va. Fair Grounds, 8 acres; City Park. O acres; Park Avenue Reservoir Grounds, 334 acres; Clay Street Reservoir Grounds, 1 acre. Lynn, Mass. Free Public Forest, 98 acres; Lynn Common, 7J acres; Fayette Park, 9 acres; City Park, 1J^ acres; Washington Square, % acre. Macon, Ga. Central City Park, nearly 1OO acres, on which are located the annual State Fairs; improvement cost, perhaps, $300,000.00; Tatnall Square, about 8O acres; Water Stand-pipe Square, about 1 acre. Madison, "WIs. Capitol Park, containing the State House, 14 acres; Orton Park, .1 acres. The Five Lakesare asfollows: Mendota,orFourth, Lake, 7 miles long and 5 miles wide; Monona, or Third, Lake, 5 miles long by 3 miles wide: Wau- besa, or Second, Lake, 4 miles long by 8 miles wide; Kesonsa, or First, Lake, 334 miles long by 3 miles wide; Wingra, or Dead, Lake, 1% miles long by 1 mile wide. Maiden, Mass. Two Public Squares, un- named and unimproved, containing less than $4 acre each. Manchester, N. H. Merrimack Square, about O acres; Concord Square, 434 acres; Park Square, 334 acres; Hanover Square, 3 acres; Tre- mont Square, S8Ji acres. Mill-thorough, Mass. High-School Com- mon, 9 acres; Union Park, 8 acres ; Soldiers' Mon- ument Grounds, % acre. Memphis, Tenn. Bluffs Public Grounds, along the Mississippi River, about 1C acres; Esti- val (private) Park, about 7 acres; Court Square, 4X acres; Market Square, 1J^ acres. Merlden, Conn. New City Park, about 9 acres; Winthrop Square, % acre. Middletown, Conn. Washington Green, 3J4 acres; Union Park, % acre. Milwaukee, "Wls. National Soldiers' Home Grounds, 4O8 acres; Kilbourne (Reservoir) Park 891-6 acres; Juneau Park, 13;k acres; Eighth Ward Park, (No. I , 8 acres; Eighth Ward Park (No. 2), 8 acres; Fifth Ward Park, about 1 & acres; Fourth Ward Park, 1}4 acres; Seventh Ward Park, 1 acre; Grand Avenue Park, 1 acre. Minneapolis, Minn. Lake Harriet, sur- rounded by a boulevard, 4OO acres; Central Park, 3O acres ; Northview Park, 83 acres; Riv- erside, ao acres; Prairie Park, 1O^ acres; Elliott Park, 4 acres; Steele Square, 834 acres; Murphy Square, 834 acres; Market Square, 834 acres; Hawthorne Square, 8 acres. Mobile, Ala. Bascomb (now CottrelPs) Race Course, 97 acres; Arlington Park, about acres; Frascati Park, about 8O acres; Bienville Square, about 4% acres; Washington Square, about 4% acres. Montgomery, Ala. City Park, 8X acres; The Triangle, 34 acre. Mountain Lake Park, Md. In Garrett County, contains 85O acres. (B & O.) Similar in Educational facilities to Chaiitauqua Lake, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn. Lunatic Asylum Grounds, 5OO acres; Vanderbilt Grounds, 85 acres; Base Ball Park, 73 acres; Fisk University Grounds, 57 acres; Normal School Grounds, 3O acres; Baptist Theological School, 3O acres: Spring Park, 15 acres: Blind School Grounds, 15 acres; City Park, 14 acres; St. Celia Academy Grounds, 18 acres; Central College Grounds, 8 acres; Public Square, 7 acres; Capitol Grounds, 634 acres. Nashua, N. H. North Park, 5O acres, South Park, 85 acres. New Albany, Ind. Public Square, 1^ acres. Newark, N. J. Military Park, about 634 acres; Lincoln Park, 4)4 acres; Washington Park" 9% acres; Milford Park, about 1 acre; Central Square, about 7-8 acre; Clinton Park, about % acre; Jackson Park, % acre; Lombardy Park, about % acre. New Hertford, Mass. The Common, 73^ acres, in which stands the Soldiers' Monument. New Britain, Conn. Walnut Hill Park, 1OO acres; South Park, about 8 acres; Central Park, \% acres. New Brunswick, N. O and 9O acres. Norwich, Conn. Williams Park, about 9 acres, containing a Soldiers' Monument; Franklin Park, about 4 acres; Broadway Park, about 8 acres. Oakland, Cal. Independence Square, about 5 acres; Plaza, 8 acres; Lafayette Park. \y. acres; Oakland Park, 1% acres; Harrison Park" 134 acres; Lincoln Park, 1% acres; Jefferson Park, 1J4 acres. Ogdensbnrg, N. Y. River Bank Park, 5 acres; Hamilton Park, 3 acres; Mansion Park, 3 acres. Omaha, Neb. Hanscom Park, 4O acres; Jefferson Square, 8 acres. Orange, N. J. Llewellyn Park, about 75O acres. Oshkosh, "Wis. Stock-Growers' Association Grounds, containing the finest Exhibition Hall in the State, 5O acres. Oswego, N. Y. Franklin Square, about 4% acres; Washington Square, about 4* acres. Paterson, N. J. Garret Mountain, 350 feet above the sea, with a view of from20to 100 miles, north and south about 8OO acres ; Passaic Falls Park (in the city), about 1O acres, and containing the Soldiers' Monument. Pawtncket, R. I. Wilkinson Park, % acre; Mineral Spring Park, 34 acre. Peorla, 111. Jefferson Park, 58 acres; Brad- ley Park, 45 acres; Central Park, 5^ acres; Court House Square, 3 acres; State House Square, 3 acres; Morton Square, 8;^ acres. Petersburg, "Va. West End Park, about 3O acres, containing a lake of several acres, Ex- hibition Buildings anda race course; Central Park, 1 1 4 acres, with a lake of about ^ acre, stocked with carp, a fountain and spring. Philadelphia, Pa. Fairmouut Park, S.791X acres. Pittsburgh, Pa. Snyder Square, % acre; Goosetown Park, % acre. PIttsfield, Mass. The City Park, 7 acres; Public Square, 1 acre; Small Park, J^ acre. Portland, Me. Deering Oaks, 4434 acres; Eastern Promenade, 18 acres; Western Promen- ade, 1634 acres; Lincoln Park, 834 acres. Portsmouth, O. City Park, 3& acres, con- taining the Soldiers' Monument. Pottsville, Pa. Court House Square, about JS acre. Providence, R. I. Roger Williams Park, 1O1 acres; Dexter Training Ground, 934 acres; Cove Promenade, 734 acres; Blackstone Park, 5 acres; Roger Williams Square, 1 acre; Washing- ton Square, 1 acre; Franklin Square, 34 acre; Pros- pect Terrace, % acre, and four smaller ones. Qulncy, 111. Madison Park, about 7 acres; Washington Park, about8% acres; Franklin Park, about & acre. Racine, "WIs. East Public Park, 8;V acres; West Public Park, 8X acres; Fourth Ward Park, 8 acres. Reading, Pa. City Park, 5 acres. Richmond, Ind. City Park, about 3 acres; a City Farm of 8O acres; a park (unnamed) of 312 Location and Size of the Principal Public Parks in the United StatesContinued, 1OO acres, containing a beautiful glen, lake, groves and valuable springs. Richmond, Va. Reservoir Park, 8O3 acres: Chimborazo Park. 39 acres; Capitol Park, 13K acres; Gamble's Hill Park, 8% acres; Mon- roe Square, 7K acres; Marshall Square, 3K acres; Taylor's Park, 8 acres, City Spring Park, % acre. Rochester, K. Y. Jones Square, OJj'acres; Brown Square, 5 acres; Franklin Square, IK acres; Washington Square, 1 acre; Wadsworth Square, 1 acre; Madison Square, % acre; Plymouth Square, % acre. Rockford, 111. Remington's Park (private), 8O acres- County Fair Grounds, 15 acres; East Rockford Public Square, 3K acres; West Rockford Public Square, 3 acres. Rock Island, 111. Government Arsenal and Armory Grounds, 97O acres: Court House Square, 8% acres: Union Square, 3X acres; Franklin Square, 1% acres; Market Square, 1 acre. Rome, BT. Y. East Park, 1 acre; WestPark, 1 acre. Rutland, Vt. North, Centre and South (or Elm), all comprising Main Street Park, contain, in all, about 1O acres; North and South Depot Parks (united), 1 acre. Sacramento, Cal. State Agricultural Park, containing the State Race-Course, 5O acres; Cap itol Park, on which stands the State House, 4O acres; East Park, between 3O and 4O acres. Saglnaw City, Mich. City Park, 1% acres. St. Joseph, Mo. Exposition Grounds, 1O acres; Smith's Park, 1 acre; Patee Park, 1 acre; Mitchell Park, 1 acre; Washington Park, K acre. St. l.oni*. Mo. Forest Park, 1,378 acres; Tower Grove Park. :<>>rt , Pa. Ross Park, 1 acre. Woburn, Mass. Woburn Common, K acre. "Worcester, Mass. Elm Park, 38 acres; Central Park, 7 acres; North Pond, % acre. York, Pa. Public Common, 3O acres. Youngstown, Ohio Central Square, 3% acres; Spring Park, 1^ acres. Zanesvtlle, Ohio Three Parks, containing, in all, 8O acres, and located in various portions of the city. SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL PARKS IN THE CANADIAN DOMINION. Chatham, Ont. Victoria Park, 15 acres; Tecumseh Park, 11 acres. Frederlcton, BT. B. Fenety Avenue, 3K acres. Halifax, BT. 8. Point Pleasant Park, 435 acres; North Common, 135 acres; Citadel and Glacis Military Headquarters, 45 acres; Public Gardens, terraced, 1O acres; Mulgrave Park, O acres; Grand Parade, 1% acres: Graf ton Street ] Park, IK acres; Inglis-Street Esplanade, 1% acres. Hamilton, Ont. Private Park, 3O acres. Hall, Qne. Marston's Grove, 6 acres; Batti- son's Grove, 4 acres. Kingston, Ont. The City Park. 35 acres; Military College Grounds, 15 acres; Queen's Col- lege Park, 1O acres; Victoria Park, 4 acres; Artillery Park, 3 acres. l,nml<>ii, Ont Queen's Park, 31 acres; Vic- toria Park, 15 acres. Montreal, Que. Mt. Royal Park, 4O4 acres; Logan's Park. 84 acres; Dominion Square, 8% acres; Viger Square and Place, 5Jf acres; Champ de Mars, 3% acres; St. Louis Square, 3 acres; Papineau Square. 3K acres; St. Patrick Square. 3K acres; Hay-Market Square, 3 acres; Belle Rive Park, 8 acres; Dufferin Square, 1% acres; Western Square, 1% acres; Victoria Square, 1% acres; Jacques Cartier Square, 1 acre: Parthenais Square, 1 acre: Richmond Square, % acre; Phillips Square, K acre; St. James Square, K acre; Place d'Armes Square, J acre; Wellington Square, % acre. Quebec Cove Field. 3OO acres: The Espla- nade, 34 acres; The Glacis, 3O acres; Place d'Armes, 3 acres; Governor's Garden, 3 acres; Lower Governor's Garden, 3 acres. St. John, BT. B. King Square, 1O acres; Queen Square, 1O acres. Three Rivers, Que. Platow Square, 3K acres; Champlain Square. 3% acres; Victoria Square, 1% acres; La Fosse Square, % acre. Toronto, Ont. Island Park, 3OO acres, High Park, 18O acres; Queen's Park. 113 acres; Exhibition Park and Grounds, OO acres; River dale Park, 17K acres; Horticultural Gardens, 1C acres; St. Andrew's Square, 3% acres; Clar- ence Square, 1% acres; St. Patrick Square, ^ acre. Location and Size of the Principal Public Parks in Various Parts of Europe, 313 PARKS IN GREAT BRITAIN. ENGLAND. Birmingham Cannon Hill Park, i>7 acres; Small Heath Park, 41 acres; Calthorpe Park, 31 acres; Summerfleld Park, 18 acres; Adderley Park, 1O acres; Highgate Park, 8 acres; Bur- bury-Street Recreation Grounds, 4 acres; Park- Street Gardens, 4 acres; St. Mary's Garden, 2 acres. Brighton The Tenantry Downs, 1O5 acres; Preston Park, 61 acres; The Level, 1O# acres; The Old Sterne Enclosures, 3 acres. Bristol Clifton and Durdham Downs, 442 acres; Bedminster Park, 33 acres. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, 4OO acres, in- cluding the Pleasure Grounds, which contain I 7O acres. Kingston - on - Thames Richmond Park, 3,255 acres; Home Park, 65O acres; Bushy Park, 1,8OO acres; Hampton Court Park and Gardens, 44 acres. Leeds Roundhay Park, 35O acres; Wood- house Moor, >:{ acres; New Wortley Recreation Grounds, 8O^ acres; Hunslet Moor, 31 acres; Woodhouse Ridge, 17 acres; Bank Lodge Recre- ation Grounds, 15) acres; Bramley Recreation Ground, 11 acres. Liverpool Sefton Park, 383 acres; News- ham Park, 15O acres; Stanley Park, 1OO acres; Prince's Park, 44)4 acres; Wavertree Park, 33 ; acres; Shell Park, 15 acres; Botanic Gardens, I 1 % acres; Kensington Recreation Grounds, 4X acres: St. James Mount Gardens, 4 acres; St. Mar- tin's Recreation Ground, 3 acres ; Prince's Boule- vard, 3 acres; Abercromby Square, 1% acres; St. Mary's Recreation Ground, 1% acres; Aubrey- Street Recreation Ground, 1) acres; Falkner Square, 1)6 acres; Great George Square, 1J^ acres. London and Vicinity Wimbledon Com- mon, 638 acres; Regents' Park and Zoological Gardens, 473 acres; Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, 39O acres; Wandsworth Common, 3O2 acres; Victoria Park, 29O acres; Hampstead Heath, 24O acres; Alexandra Park, 192 acres; Battersea Park, 185 acres; Greenwich Park, 174 acres; Finsbury Park, 115 acres; South- wark Park, 63 acres; Green Park, 6O acres ; St. James* Park, 59 acres; Camberwell Park, 55 acres; Hackney Downs, SO acres; Lincoln Inn's Square, 13)6 acres; Eaton Square, 13^ acres; Cadogan Square, 19% acres; Russell Square, 1O acres; Clapham Common, 1O acres; Bryanston Square, 3)6 acres; Montague Square, 2 acres. Manchester Alexandra Park, CO acres; Philips' Park, 31 acres; Queen's Park, 3O acres; Cheetham Park, 5 acres; Ardwich Park, 4 acres; WillertStreet Open Space, 1)6 acres; Churnett- Street Open Space, 1% acres; Mount-Street Open Space, 1 acre; Prussia-Street Open Space, % acre. Nottingham Bui well Forest, 135 acres; The Forest, 7O acres; Meadows' Recreation Ground, 3O acres; The Arboretum, IT! acres; Robin Hood Chase, (with St. Ann's Hill, Elm Ave- nue, and Corporation Oaks), 1O acres; Waterloo Promenade, 7 acres ; The Queen's Walk, O acres ; Meadows' Cricket Ground, O acres; Castle Grounds, 5 acres; Bath Street, 4 acres; St. Mich- ael's Recreation, 1 acre; Trent Walk, 1 acre; Bui well Boggs, lacre. Oldham Alexandra Park, 73 acres; North Moor Free Library Grounds, % acre. "Windsor The Great Park and Forest, 1, 8OO acres, containing Virginia Water (Lake), which has a surface of 15O acres; Little Park, 5OO acres; Frogmpre, 3O acres. For other prom- inent Parks in this vicinity, See Kingston-on- Xhames. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen The Links, ISO acres; Duthie Park, 44 acres ; Victoria Park, 9 acres; The Union Terrace Gardens, ' acres. Dundee Balgay Park, 4O acres; Baxter Park. 35 acres; Magdalene Green, 3O acres; Stobsmuir Park, 35 acres; Barrack Park, 2O acres; Law Hill, 17 acres; Bleaching Green, 15 acres; Fairmuir, 13 acres; The Howff, 4 acres. Edinburgh Queen's Park, 614)6 acres; Blackford Hill, 95 acres; Bruntsfield's Links, 34J6 acres; East Meadows, 31)6 acres; West Meadows, 31)6 acres; West PrinceVStreet Gar- dens, 88 acres; Calton Hill, 33 acres; Stock- bridge Park, 2OJSC acres; East Prince's-Street Gar- dens, 8% acres; Abbey Mount Gardens, 4% acres. Glasgow Glasgow Green, ISO acres; Queen's Park, 9O acres: Alexandra Park, 8O acres; Kel- vingrove Park, 74 acres. IRELAND. Cork City Racing Park, 34O acres; Manly kc Promenade, 1 mile long. Dublin PJicenix Park, 1,753 acres; St. Stephen's Green, 64O acres. PARKS IN FRANCE. Bordeaux Bordelais Park, 69% acres; Bot- anical Garden, 35% acres; Hotel de Ville Garden, 3% acres; Gambetta Square, 1)6 acres; Pey-Ber- land Square, 1% acres; St. Michel Square, % acre. I^llle The Citadel Garden, 3O)6 acres; Quin- conse de 1'Esplanade, 18^ acres; Vauban Gar- den, 15):;' acres; Botanical Garden, 5)fJ acres; Republic Square, 3% acres; Ramponeau Garden, 3)6 acres; Little Gardens near the Bunkerque Gate, 3)6 acres; Reduit Square, 3)6 acres; Tenu Square, 1% acres; Jussieu Square, 1)^ acres; Tree-Culture Garden, \% acres; Putilleul Square, 1 acre. Marseilles Bovely Park, 118 acres; La Prado, 48)6 acres; Zoological Garden and Long- champ Garden, 15% acres; Pharo Park, 13^ acres; Allees de Meilhan et des Capucines, nearly 9 acres; Cathedral Esplanade, 8% acres; Arena Place, 6% acres; St. Michael Place, 6 acres: Cours Pierre Puget, 8K acres; Colline Pierre Puget3% acres; Cours du Chapitre, 8)< acres; Cours Belsunce, 3 acres; Lazarette Place, 8 acres; Place d'Aix, nearly 3 acres; Cours Julien, 8 acres; Courette Esplanade, 3% acres; Joliette Place, 3 acres; Costellane Place, 1% acres; The Bourse Square, 1% acres; Montyon Place, 1% acres; St. Ferreole Place, 1% acres; Sebastopol Place, 1J acres; Prefecture Place, 1)^ acres; Notre-Dame du Mont Place, 1)6 acres; Fourth of September Place, 1 acre; Pentagon Place, 1 acre; African Place, nearly 1 acre; Central Place, % acre; Moulins Square, % acre; St. Victor Place, ^ acre; Reform Place, % acre ; Dumarsais Place, % acre ; Place de La Rotonde, % acre ; Grand Chea- tre Place, )6 acre; Corderie Place, )6 acre. Nantes Botanical Garden, 17)6 acres; Cours St. Pierre, 4 acres; Cours St. Andre, 8)^ acres; Square Cours Cambranne, 3)6 acres; Boulevard Delorme, 1% acres; Square du Palais de Justice, 1% acres. Paris and Vicinity Forest of Fontainbleu, 41,OOO acres; Bois (Woods) of Vincennes, 3,35O acres; Bois (Woods) of Boulogne, 3,O95 acres; St. Cloud Park and Gardens, 1O8 acres; Luxembourg Gardens, 85 acres; Garden of Plantes, 75 acres; Buttes Chaumont Park, 62 acres; Trocadero Park, 54% acres; Gardens along Observatory Avenue (2 miles long and 150 feet wide), 39 acres; Montsouris Park, 88 acres; Mqnceau Park, 21)6 acres; Champs Elysees, , fav- orite drive), 2O)6 acres; Champs de Mars Park, 17)6 acres; Bois de Boulogne Avenue, 16)6 acres; Ranelagh, 14)6 acres; Observatory Square, 5% acres; Victor Square, 4)6 acres; Batignolles Square, 8% acres; Parmentier Square, 3)6 acres; Place des Vosges, 3 acres; Square of La Mairie du XXc., 2)6 acres; Violet Square, 2 acres; Temple Square, 2 acres: Menages Square, 1^ acres; Bellville Square, 1% acres; Italy Square, \% acres; Station Square, 1)6 acres; St. Jaques Square, 1% acres; St. Pierre Square, 1)6 acres; Montrouge Square, 1)6 acres; Square de Mal- herbes, 1 acre; Montholon Square, 1 acre; Louis XVI. Square, 1 acre; Monge Square, 1 acre; Latour-Maubourg, 1 acre. PARKS IN GERMANY. Berlin Zoological Garden, 49O acres; Trep- tower Park, 28O acres; Park-Square in Fried- richshain, 125 acres; Park-Square in Humboldt- shain, 89 acres; King's Square, Opera Square and Pleasure Garden, (together), 37 acres; Small Zoological Garden, 17 acres; Leipsic Square, 3 acres; Belle Alliance Square, 3% acres; Wilhelm's Square, 2)6 acres; Garden Square, 2)6 acres; Lausitzer Square, 1)6 acres; besides 47 other open-air resorts, containing, in all, 68 acres. Bremen Burger Park (outside of the City), 857 acres; Wall Park, 93 acres. Dresden King's Largest Park, 874)6 acres: People's Garden, 134% acres; Citizens' Meadow, 84)6 acres; Galais Garden. 13% acres; Bosmann Square, 8)6 acres; Albert Square, 3)6 acres. Frankfort - on - the - Main Garden of Palms, 19)6 acres; Zoological Garden, 18^ acres; Friedberger Addition, 11)6 acres; Taunus Addition, 7)6 acres; Obermain Addition, 6J^ acres; Eschenheimer Addition, 6 acres; TheNizza (Untermainquai), 6 acres; Bockerheimer Addi- tion, 4)6 acres; Operahouse Square, 3% acres; 'Peters-Kirchof Park, 3% acres; Rossmarkt, 3 acres; Untermain Addition, 1% acres; Beethoven Square, 1% acres; Gallus Addition, 1J acres; Dom Square, 1)6 acres; Obermainquai Addition, 1)6 acres; Goethe Square, 1% acres; Oppenheim- er Square, 1% acres; Romerberg, 1) acres; Paul's Square, lacre; Glauberg Square, 1 acre; Theatre Square, 1 acre; Food-Market, nearly 1 acre ; Aff enthor Square, 1 acre ; Germania Square, % acre; Borsen Square, % acre. Hanover Elenriede (City Forest), 1 ,709;. acres; Georgengarten, 334 acres; Wilfen Square, 13)^ acres; Waterloo Square, 13X acres; Bella Vista, 7)6 acres; Theatre Square, 7)6_ acres; Georges Square, 5 acres; Klages-Market, 5 acres; Friederiken Square, 5 acres; Ernst-August Square, 3)6 acres. telpslc Rosenthal Park, 378 acres; Scheih- enhola Square, 37 acres; Johanna Park, 15} acres; Promenade around the City, 39 acres; W. Burgerschule Place, 2% acres; Flossplace Square, 2 acres; Rabenstein Place Square, 1% acres; Marian Square, 1% acres; Liebig-Street Square, 1 acre. Munich (Bavaria) English Garden, 57:t ' , acres; Oberc Fsaranlagen (on both banks of the river), 136 acres; City Park (Theresienweise), 86J4 acres; Gasteig and Bogenhauser Square, 63.% acres; Bavaria Park, 19 acres; Fruhling- Street Square, 18) acres; Square by the Pindko- theken, 11% acres; Hofgarten, 9^ acres; Maxi- milian Square, 6) acres; Lindwurm-Street Square, 6M acres; Square by the Glyptothok, 6^ acres; Glocken-Street and Sonner-Street Square, 4X acres; Auen-Street Square, 4K acres; Charles Place Square, 2)6 acres; Orleans Place Square, 1% acres; Maximilian-Street Square, 1% acres; Prater Island Square, IK acres; Worth-Street Square, 1)6 acres; University Square, 1)6 acres; Blumen-Street Square, % acre. Stuttgart Public Forest, surrounding the City, 1,75O acres; King's Square, 175 acres; Uhlandsheight, Charles Hill, Heisberg (with Ob- servatory), The Silverberg, Castle and Military- Street Squares in all about 40 Squares, and con- taining about 33 acres; City Garden on Kanzlie- Street, and Wister Garden (with Concert Hall) both together, 6X acres; Castle Square (new) 7% acres; Charles' Square, 5 acres; Silverberg: Pleas- ure Grounds, 4 acres; Feuersen Square, 8M acres; Leonhard's Square, 3)6 acres. PARKS IN OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE. AUSTRIA. Trieste Imperial Gardens (Miramir), 3O acres. Vienna The Prater, 1.5OO acres;The Au- garten, 3O acres; People's Garden, 8 acres; Bot- anical Gardens, 7 acres; The Hof-Garten, 6 acres; Ring-Strasse Gardens, 6 acres; The Liechtenstein Garden, 5 acres. SWITZERLAND. Qeneva The Botanical Gardens, 8 acres. HOLLAND. Amsterdam Great Vondelspark, outside of the City, 5,7OO acres : Park near Haarlem Gate, 14)i acres; Sarphati Park, 1O acres; Wetering Plantation, 1O acres; Vondelspark (2), 9K acres; Vondelspark (3), 8^ acres; Park near the Zung- poort, 7 acres; Frederick Square, 5) acres; Lin- nseus-Street Park, 4) acres; Park, formerly Wood of Leyden, 4X acres; Rembrandt Square, 8^ acres; Wusp Square, 8K acres; Leyden Square, 2 acres. Rotterdam City Park, 3OO acres; The Deergarden, 1OO acres. The Hague The Bosch, l.OOO acres; Wil- helm Park, 1 y^ acres. ITALY. Milan The Public Garden, 2O acres. Turin Valentine Park, 7 acres; Ajuola della Cittadella, 5) acres; Cavour Park, 3 acres; Piazza Solferino, 1% acres; Ajoula Balbo, 1)6 acres; Garden . C., 555 ft. Corner-stone laid in 1848; completed, 1884. Commemorates the career of General George Washington. 30. Second Pyramid of Gheezeh, Egypt, 447 ft. Founded bv King Cephren, about 3390 B. C. 31. Trajan Column at Rome, Italy, 134 ft. Erected in honor of the Dacian victories of Trajan, who died A. D. 117. 33. Cathedral at Florence, Italy, 376 ft. Begun in 1298; com- pleted about 1444. Several architects were employed, among them Giotto. 33. Cathedral at Cologne, Germany, 51O ft. Begun about 1250: completed about 1863; original architect unknown. 34. Pantheon at Rome, Italy, 143 ft. Built by Agrippa, 27 B. C., in honor of- the heathen gods. 35. St. Peter's Church, "Vienna, Austria, 39O ft. Modeled after St. Peter's Church at Rome. 36. Board of Trade Edifice, Chicago, III., 38O ft. Begun in 1883; completed in 1885. Built by the Board of Trade. 37. Hotel des Invalldes, Paris, France, 31O ft. This asylum for veteran soldiers was founded under Louis XIV., of France, in 1670; it covers nearly 16 acres. 88. Tower of Ivan "Veliki, Moscow, Russia, 36O ft. Built in honor of the Czar " Ivan the Great," who flourished in the 16th century. 39. Leaning Tower at Pisa, Italy, 188ft. Founded by Bonanus, of Pisa, and William, of Innspruck, in 1174; it is 13 feet out of perpendicular. 30. Temple of Jupiter Stator, at Rome, Italy, 98 ft. In the Forum ; very ancienC ; origin obscure. 31. Cathedral at Freiberg, Germany, 385 ft. Begun in 1122; completed, 1513. Gothic and elegant. 38. The Baptistery at Pisa, Italy, 19O ft. Built by Diotisalvi. and completed in 1161. It is also known as the Church of St. John. 33. Cathedral at Chlchester, Eng., 871 ft. Begun in 1108; com- pleted in the 13th century; the original spire, built in the 14th century, fell down in 1862, and was replaced in 1866. 34. Niagara Falls, New fork and Canada, 164 ft. Between Lakes Erie and Ontario. Father Hennepin visited them in 1678. COMPARATIVE DIAGRAM SHOWING HEIGHT OF VARIOUS ELEVATED OBJECTS, 315 .500 FT Description of Monuments, Pyramid, Cathedrals, Etc. 1. Chnrch of Isaac, St. Petersburg, Russia, 336 ft. The foundation, alone, is said to have cost 84,000,000. It is remarkable for its magnificent architecture, imposing porticoes, fine proportions, four grand entrances, and solid granite steps. 2. Science School at South Kensington, r.iiir., 11O ft. Estab- lished in London in 1837; transferred to South Kensington in 1857. 3. Column of July, Paris, France, 154 ft. l-'oun.lrd July 28, 1831, to commemorate the French Revolution of 1789. Built of bronze, in the form of a pillar. 4. Bell-Tower of St. Mark's Church at Venice, Italy, 383 ft. Church founded in 977. Tower formerly used as an observatory by Galileo, the astronomer. It is four-sided, 42 ft. square at the ba&e, and crowned with a pyramidal pinnacle. 5. Colosseum at Rome, Italy, 157 ft. Founded as an amphithea- tre by the Emperor Vespasian, about 72, and dedicated in 80. It derives its name from its great size, and, although a ruin, is an imposing relic of Rome's ancient grandeur. 6. Cathedral at Antwerp, Belgium, 4O3 ft. Begun between 1352 and 1411. Of G9thic architecture, 500 ft. long and 230 ft. wide, it con- tains 66 chapels, and is adorned with several of Rubens' famous paintings. 7. Office of the "Xew York Tribune," New York, 885 ft. Erected by the Tribune owners, about 1875. The New York Tribune was founded in 1841, by Horace Greeley. 8. Bunker Kill Monument, near Boston, Mass., 881 ft. Corner-stone laid June 17, 1825, by Gen. Lafayette; dedicated by Dan'l Web- ster, June 17, 1843. It commemorates the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 9. The Albert Memorial Monument, London, FIILT , ISO ft. Built by the suggestion of Queen Victoria, in memory of the Prince-Consort; begun May 13, 1864; turned over to Her Majesty July 1, 1872. Designed by Gilbert A. Scott. 10. Cathedral at Chartres, France, 4O3 ft. Begun about 1020; dedicated in 1260. The highest and newest spire, represented above, was finished in the 16th century, and is of florid style. 11. Church of St. Martin, I .:i nd-hii! , Bavaria, 46O ft. Founded in 1450. 18. Big Trees, Calaveras Co., California, 3OO to 33O ft. "The Father of the Forest" (prostrate) was 450 ft. long; "Burnt Tree" (prostrate), 97 ft. in circumference. Others quite as large, and probably 1,000 years old, are also found in Mariposa County, Cal. 13. Mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople, Turkey, 188 ft. Built for a church by Constantino in 325; rebuilt by Justinian in 532-38; transformed into a mosque in 1453. 14. Great Pyramid of Gheezeh, In Egypt, 46O ft. Buiit by Cheops, an Egyptian king, it is believed, before Abraham was born. Its object has been greatly discussed, based upon its measurements, which are supposed to lead to astronomical, mathematical and prophetic results. 15. St. Peter's Church at Rome, Italy, 448 ft. Founded in 1450, by Nicholas V. ; dedicated in 1625; completed by Pope Pius VI., about 1800. The dome and the interior of this church are marvels of architecture, vastness and decoration. 16. Church of St. Genevleve, Paris, France, 874 ft. Known as the Pantheon. Built by Soufflat (architect), between 1764 and 1790, for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of illustrious citizens of France. 17. Old St. Paul's Chnrch, London, Eng., 508 ft. Built on the site of the present St. Paul's Cathedral, about 600; destroyed by fire in 1666. 18. St. Michael's Church, Hamburg, Germany, 488 ft. Seats 6,000 persons. Its organ contains 5,600 pipes. The church is 245 ft. long, 180 ft. wide, and has a crypt supported by 69 granite columns. 19. Capitol at Washington, D. C., 887}4 ft. Corner-stone laid in 1793; first occupied by Congress in 1800; partly burned by the British in 1814; reconstruction begun in 1815; new corner-stone laid in 1818; completed in 1827. Enlargement corner-stone laid in 1851; structure completed in 1867. 80. Hotel de Ville, Brussels, Belgium, 374 ft. Begun in 1401. Built in the Gothic style, and remarkable for its beauty. The tower is sur- mounted by a copper statue of St. Michael, 17 ft. high. 81. Church of St. Theobald Thariii, 38O ft. 88. Tower of Aslnelll, Bologne, Italy, 37O ft. Built in the 12th century; is remarkable for being out of perpendicular, and occupies a prom- inent location in the city. 83. Cathedral (Minster) at York, Knir.. 198 ft. Begun in the 12th century ; finished in 1472. This is considered by some the finest church in England. Its length is 524 ft. ; its breadth, 249 ft. The principal window is 78 ft. high, and, in stained glass, depicts 200 historical scenes. 84. Cathedral of St. Stephen, Vienna, Austria, 441 ft. Founded in the 14th century. It is 354 ft. long by 230 ft. wide, contains nearly 40 marble altars, and a magnificent pulpit; underneath the Cathedral are vast catacombs. 85. Church of St. Botolph, Boston, Kntr., 898 ft. Built in 1309. John Cotton, one of the first ministers of Boston, in the United States, was vicar of this church. At the top of the tower is a lantern, which when lighted, may be seen at sea at a distance of 40 miles. 86. Victoria Tower, Westminster, Eiig., 331 ft. estimates were prepared in 1865; the bridge company was organized in 1867. It rests upon four cables, each 16 inches thick, and each containing about 5,000 single wires. 88. Egyptian Obelisk at Rome, Italy, 135 ft. Occupies the cen- ter of the oval space, or colonnade, in front of St. Peter's Church, between two great fountains. 316 ANIMALS, FRUITS, ETC., THAT ARE NATIVE IN ASIA AND AFRICA. ASIA. Birds. Eagle; falcon; rhinoceros-bird, vulture; nearly all known game-birds and domestic fowls, except turkeys. Fruits, Vegetables, etc. Aloe ; almond ; anise-seed; apple; apricot; banyan; banana; barley; bean; betel; buckwheat; camphor; cashew; cassia; chestnut; cinnamon; cit- ron; clove; cocoa; cocoanut; cotton; cur- rent; datura; date; fig; grape; guana; guava; jalap; lemon; lentil; lime; mangos; teen; melon; mulberry; myrrh; nutmeg; olive; opium; orange; pandonus; pea; pear; peach; plantain; plum; pomegranate; rice; sarsaparilla ; shaddock; sugarcane; tea; walnut; wheat. Minerals. Coal; copper; diamonds; gold; iron; pearls: petroleum; precious stones in great variety; salt; silver; tin. Quadrupeds. Antelope; ass; bear; buf- falo; camel; deer; dog, (various); ele- phant; gayal; goat; fox; hog; horse; hyena; jackal; leopard: monkey; ox; rein- deer; sacred ox; sheep: tiger: wolf; yak; 288 kinds of native quadrupeds in all. Reptiles, Many poisonous snakes, including the hooded snake, (cobra de capello) python, lizard, (various), and others. Trees. Aloe: almond; apple; apricot; areca; banyan; bamboo; birch; camphor- tree; chestnut; cinnamon; cocoa; cocoanut; clove; cypress; date-palm; ebony; fig; fir; india-rubber tree; iron-wood; larch; lemon; lime; mangrove; maple; mulberry; myrrh; myrtle: oak; olive; orange; palm; peach; pear; pine, (Norway); pine, (Siberian); poplar; rosewood; sandal-wood; teak; wal- nut; willow. AFRICA. Birds. Crow; cuckoo; dock; eagle; fal- con; guinea-fowl; goose; honey-bird; ibis; indicator; kestrel; kingfisher, (several kinds); lammergeyer; lark; ostrich; parrot; partridge; pigeon; secretary-bird; starling; swallow; vulture; in all, over 300 varieties mostly resembling those of Europe. Fruits, Vegetables, etc. Aloes; cinna mon;- coffee; cotton; custard-apple; date fig; frankincense; juniper-berry; lemon lotus; myrrh; olive; onion; orange; papyrus pawpaw; peach; peanut; rice; tamarind toff; wheat; yam; spices in their variety. Minerals. Coal; copper; diamonds gold; iron; salt. Quadrupeds. Ape ; antelope, (three vari eties); baboon; bison; camel; chimpanzee dog-faced baboon; elephant; fox; galago (or lemur) : giraffe; goat; gorilla; hyena hyrax; jackal; leopard; lion; ox; panther quagga; rhinoceros, (five species); sheep wart-hog; wild-cat; zebra. Reptiles. Anaconda, (or python) ; cha meleon; crocodile; frog; harmless snakes lizard; toad; tortoise, (or turtle); tree snake; venomous serpents; viper. Several of the Highest Mountains in Asia and Africa. 29.000 FT .29,000 FT. 28,000 ... ,^..._ ^~^...::.^^^ ..__ 28.0DO 27,COO .................... ............................... .At^.-Sf..^^-. .................. JF:.:;-.. ......... S*K.... ..................... /C^.-JX- ................................................... 37,000 ^ T.KINCHINGINGA. 24,000 23,000 22,000 21,000 17000 16^000 I5M! |2,000_ 24,000 23,000 22.000 21,000 17000 16.000 DEMAVENDfF "'^'SJHIAN-SHAN MTS. " MT.KUUTSHEWSKAJA^ TAURUS MTS. /LEBANON MT.HERMON. g QQQ 7!oOO 6.000 5,000 4,000 3.000 2.000 1,000 V Mt. Everest Mt. KlnchlitKlngi Mt. Dhawala-ffir Mt. * houmalarif Mt. lliii.loo-lvoh Mt. K.-nia Thlan-.Sha.il Mts Mt. KJlamand.faro... Iv in- n- 1. n n Mt. Ararat Mt. K.liutlii-\v*ka.ln Mt. Abba Iared Mt. li-llia\ i-n.l Southern Asia, Himalaya Mts 88, OOO... 5J^ Southern Asia, Himalaya Mts 88, 178... 5% .Southern Asia, Himalaya Mts 88, OOO.. .53^ Southern Asia, Himalaya Mts 23,989...4K Southern Asia, Hindoo-Coosh Mts. SO, 2: JO. . .3V East Africa. Zanguebar 8O,OOO. . .8 V Shantung, Northeast China 8O,OOO. . .3% East Africa. Zanpruebar 2O,OOO...3V China. North of Thibet Armenia, in Asia. .Kamschatka, Northern Asia N. Abyssinia, S. W. of Hayda , N. Persia, 4O miles E. of Teheran. 1-7,810. 15, 763. 1;,000. 14,700. . . 8 .8V Cameroon Mts Mt. ArJIsh Peak of Teneriffe. Sollman Mts Lebanon Mts Mt. Miltsln Red Mts Altai Mts'. Mt. Spttzkop "I :.!! us MtS Mt. Hermon Mt. Slnal Table Mountain... . .Western Africa. Lower Guinea . .Province of Anpora, Turkey, Asia. . .East of Africa, Canary Isles , . .Hindostan, Southern Asia , .Eastern Syria, West of Damascus. . ..Morocco, Northeastern Africa . .Madagascar, East of South Africa, ..Between China and Russia . .Cape Colon v, South Africa . . Northwest Turkey in Asia . .Syria, West of Damascus . .N. W. Arabia, S. of Jerusalem . . Cape Colony, South Africa. . . 13,OOO. 1 3.OOO. 12,188. 18,000. 12,OOO. 11,400. 11,OOO. 1O,3OO. 10,85O. 1O,OOO. 10,OOO. ..7,47. ..3,678. ..SK ..*% ..*% ..%x ..% 3* ::JS ..IV ..IV ..1* ANIMALS, FRUITS, ETC., THAT ARE NATIVE IN NORTH AMERICA. 317 Birds. Blackbird; bittern; bobolink; bluebird; bunting; bluejay; brant; crane, (sandhill, blue, etc.); chicken hawk; chip- ping-bird; cat-bird; crow; ducks, (wood, blue-wing teal, green-wing teal, widgeon, mallard) ; eagle ; flnch ; goose, (wild) ; ground- bird; grouse, (or prairie-hen); heorn; hum- ming-bird; kingfisher; martin; meadow- lark; mocking-bird; mudhen; nighthawk; owl, (horned, barn, etc. ) ; partridge ; pigeon ; quail; raven; red-bird; reed-bird; robin; sparrow; thrush; turkey-buzzard; warbler; whip-poor-will; wild-turkey; wren; wood- cock; yellow-bird. Quadrupeds. Antelope ; badger ; bear, (black, brown, grisly and white); beaver; bison, (or buffalo); catamount; chipmunk; caribou; deer, (red); dog, (Esquimaux); elk; fox, ( red, gray and black) ; field-mouse; goat; gopher; hare; horse; lynx; marmot, (or prairie-dog) ; mink; mole; moose; musk- ox; musk-rat; opossum; otter; panther, (or cougar); porcupine, (or hedge-hog); puma; rabbit, (gray and white); reindeer; raccoon; skunk; sheep; sea-lion; squirrel, (fox, flying, gray and red) ; weasel; wildcat; woodchuck; wolf, (black, gray and prairie). , , . Fruits. Apple; beechnut; bilberries; blackberry; black currant; black- walnut; blueberry, (or whortleberry); butternut; cherry, (choke and black) : chestnut; cran- berry; grape; hazelnut; hickorynut; lemon; mandrake; orange: plum; peanut; pecan- n apple; strawberry. Minerals. Antimony; coal; copper; diamonds; gold; iron; lead; mercury; salt; silver. Eeptiles. Alligator; black snake; blood- sucker, (or leech); blue -racer snake; centi- pede ; frog, ( common, bull and horned ) ; king snake; moccasin- snake; rattle-snake, (missisaugua) ; striped snake; tarantula; toad, (tree, common, horned, etc.); turtle, (mud and snapping) ; water- snake. Trees. Apple, (wild or crab); ash; bass- wood, (or whitewood) ; beech; birch; black- walnut; butternut; cedar, (red and white); cherry, (black, choke and red); chestnut; cottonwood; dogwood; elm; hazelwood; hickory, (shell bark and pignut); ironwood; larch; lemon; locust; logwood; mahogany; maple, (hard and soft); oak, (live, white, burr, black and red); orange; palmetto; pecan; persimmon; pine, (hard and soft); plane; plum; poplar; redwood; spruce; thornapple; willow, (common, basket and weeping). Vegetables Acorn; artichoke; cotton; gourd; maize, (or Indian corn); parsnip; potato; rice; sweet potato, (or yam). Several of the Highest Mountains in North America. I8,OOO.F.L iilK ..IK .-IK ..IK ..i ..i ..i ..i .. & Mt. K a \veali Fremont's Peak . Mt. St. Helena... . . .California, Tulare County! '.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. 14JOOO. ..Western Wyoming Ter 13,57O. . .S. E. Washington Ter 1 :.!<<> if Mt. Mansfield 20 miles N. W. of Montpelier, Vt Peaks of Otter 20 miles N. W. of Lynchburg, Va Camel's Hump Green Mountains, Vermont ... .4,430. ....4,860. ....4,188. .. % .. K .. % Mt. Dana E. California. Mono Co 13^887 ' 21% Saddle Back Mt Near Rangeley. N. W. Maine 4,OOO. .. % Mt. I/yell E. California, Mono Co 13,817. 8> Mt. Diablo 30 miles E. of San Francisco, Cal. . . .3,876. .. % Mt. Hood Northern Oregon 11,885 2% Mt. Round Top Eastern New York, Greene Co 3, 8O4. K Mt. Baker N.W.Washington Ter 11,OOO 8 Alleghany Mts St. Lawrence River, S. W. to Georgia8,5OO. .. X Mt. Linn California Coast Range 1O,OOO. . . 1 ^ Int. Wachusett Jear Fitchburg, Massachusetts 8,O8O. % Mt. Adams S. W. Washington Ter 9,57O...1 Mt. St. Bernardino. Southern California 8.37O IK Highlands Hudson River, E. New York 1 , 6OO . 37 miles S. W. of St. Louis. Mo 1 .5OO. .- K .. v Pilot 1 n..i> Laramle Peak S. E. Wyoming Ter . .. .. 8,OOO 1}| Mt. Tom S. W. Massachusetts, Hampden Co... 1,8OO... K 318 ANIMALS, FRUITS, ETC., THAT ARE NATIVE IN EUROPE. Birds. Bee-eater; crow; cuckoo; dove; duck; eider duck; flamingo; gray eagle; goldfinch; goose; guinea-fowl; hawk; hen; jackdaw; lark; magpie; nightingale; owl; partridge ; pheasant ; pelican ; pigeon ; raven; red grouse; sparrow; spoonbill; swallow; swan; thrush; turkey; vulture. Fruits and Vegetables. Apple; cab- bage; cherry; chestnut; lemon; lettuce; peach; pear; plum; turnip. Minerals, etc. Alum; antimony; bis- muth: coal; cobalt; copper; gold; iron; lead; manganese; mercury; salt; silver; sulphur; tin; zinc. Quadrupeds. Antelope ; ass ; anroch ; badger; beaver; boar; brown bear; buffalo; camel; cat; chamois; deer, (fallow, red and rein); dog; elk; fox; hare; ibex; lynx; monkey; polar bear; porcupine; rat; rab- bit; roebuck; saiga; seal; stag; turtle; wild bull and cow; wild sheep; wolf. Eeptiles. Few, if any, venomous ser- pents; a few harmless snakes; leeches; liz- ards; toads; frogs. Trees. Apple; beech; birch; cherry; chestnut; date-palm; elm; fir; lemon; lime; oak; pear; pine; plum. Inhabitants. The inhabitants of Europe comprise a very great number of nationalities, including Greeks, in Greece; Italians, in Italy; Swiss in Switzerland; Tyroleans in Tyrol ; French in France ; Spaniards in Spain ; Portuguese in Portugal; Roumanians in Roumania; Germans in Germany; Holland- ers (or Dutch), in Holland, or the Nether- lands; Flemish in Flanders; Danes in Den- mark; Norwegians in Norway; Swedes in Sweden; Icelanders in Iceland: English in England; Welsh in Wales; Russians in Russia; Poles in Poland: Werds in Saxony or Rhenish Prussia; Czechs or Slovaks in Bohemia and Moravia; Serbs, in Servia; Croats in Croatia; Slavons in Slavonia; Dal- matians in Dalmatia; Bosnians in Bosnia; Herztfgovinians in Herzegovina; Motenegrins in Montenegro; Bulgarians in Bulgaria; Lithuanians in Lithuania; Georgians in Georgia; Armenians in Armenia; Albanians in Albania; Basques in Biscay; Moors in Barbary; Maltese in the Island of Malta; Finns in Finland: Esthonians in Esthonia, Russia; Lapps in Lapland; Magyars in Hun- gary; Turks in the Ottoman Empire; mixed tribes of Tartars in Tartary, and Turks in Turkey; and many others. Boundaries. Europe is bounded on the North by the Arctic Ocean ; on the East by the Caspian Sea and Asia; on the South by the Mediterranean Sea and Africa; and on the West by the Atlantic Ocean. It is one-third as large as Asia, or America, and one-fifth as large as Africa. Several of the Highest Mountains in Europe. 1 8,0 00 FT. 17.000 16,000 15,000 14.000 13,000 12000 11.000 10,000 9,000 8,000 I8.000FT. 7.000 16,000 15.000 14,000 13,000 12,000 .11,000 .10,000 9,000 8.000 / MT. L /ELBOORZX "THE W i lfeS' i "MT "" v^^' "X"- . PLOPg./WT. .MStLAM.AllS*^ T ^ . ....... ,. 7000 :: 6 ;ooo 5000 .............. /^VP\J>^^ 3,000^ 2.000 1,000.7 MT i . w ww Mt. r.i i>.,.. ix. Mt. Blanc Mt. Rosa Mt. Cervln Mt. Pelvonx Mt. Flint ter Aarhor Mt. Vlso Mt. Ortler Spitz.... Mt. Mulahacen Mt. Oenevra The Slmplon Mt. Cents Peak of Valetta. .. Mt- Maladetta Great St. Bernard. t'aiitabrian Mts Mt. Perdu Vol. Etna Mt. Cucolo Mt. St. Gothard CaHtlle Mountains.. Mt. Olympus Mt. Athos Mt. K..III Mt. PIcDu Midi.... Pindiis Mountains. Mt. To Minify. Monte Rotundo Mt. Gulone Skandlnavlan Mts. Mt. Parnassus ...Caucasia, Southern Russia ..Savoy, Eastern France ..Vallais, S. Switzerland ..Pennine Alps, Switzerland-Italy. ..Piedmont, Eastern France n Vallais, Southern Switzerland ..Pennine Alps, France-Italy . . Tyrol, Austria-Hungary ..Spain , . .Between Eastern France and Italy 11, 6 14 Northwestern Italy-Switzerland. . . 1 1,541 IT, 796 15, BIO 15,3O8 14, 771 14,108 14,O36 13,599 1 8, 8 1 1 I I ,!;> .83. . .Savoy, Eastern France I 1, I ISO ..Isl.of Malta. Mediterranean Sea. ..11,389 ..Pyrenees, Huesca, N. Spain ........ 11,168. ..Alps, Southern Switzerland ....... 11,O8O. ..Asturias, Northern Spain .......... 10,998. ..Pyrenees. Northern Spain ......... 10,994. ..Eastern Sicily, Italy ............... 1O,87^. ..Island of Sicily, Italy .............. 1O,871. . .Tessin, Southern Switzerland ...... 1O,595. . .Bet. Old and New Castile, Spain. . . 1O,551 . ..N. W. Turkey, Asia Minor ........... 9,745. ..Southern Turkey in Europe ......... 9,638. . .Montenegro, Western Turkey ....... 9,575. ..Pyrenees, Bet. France and Spain ____ 9,54O. ..Northern Greece and Turkey ........ 8,95O. ..Northern Hungary. Thiessau Dist. ..8,779. . .Island of Corsica, near Ajaccio ...... 8,763. ..Northern Greece, Parnassus ........ 8,339. ..Northwestern Norway ............... 8,153. . .Northern Greece, Dist. of Phocis ____ 8,O68. . .IX Pass of Velasquez. Rhodope Mts Sierra D'Eetrella. Mt. Oenargentu... Jura Mountains... Mt. B'Or Cevennes Mts Sierra de Molina . . ObdorsK Mts Fltchtel Qebirge... Rlesen Oeblrgre Ural Mt Vosges Mts Black Forest Bohemian Mts Krz Oeblree Ben Jfevls Ben Miiilch Dhul Mt. Cairngorm Ben Attow Vol. Vesuvius Ben I>awers Brockeii Mts Ben Wyvls Siiowdon Mts , Cam Tiial Sea Fell Hel vellyn Mt. Sklddaw Moravian Mts . . Pyrenees , . .Eastern Turkey. Adrianople . .Central Portugal. Beira ..Western Italy, Sardinia . .Western Switzerland . .Eastern France, Cote d'Or . .Southeastern France, Lozere . .Northern Spain, Guadalajara. ...... ..N.E.Russia, Siberia ..Central Germany, Bavaria . . Eastern Germany, Bohemia . .N. E. Europe, Asiatic boundary . .E. France, near Basle, Switz . .Southern Germany, Baden ..N. W. Austria, Bohemia ..Eastern Germany, near Saxony... . .Western Scotland, Inverness .Northeastern Scotland, Aberdeen.. . .Northeastern Scotland. Inverness . . .Northwestern Scotland, Ross . .Western Italy, Near Naples . .Central Scotland, Perth ..N. W. Germany, near Harzburg. .. . .Northern Scotland, Ross . .N. W. Wales, Caernarvon ..S. W. Ireland, Kerry . .N. W. England, Cumberland .N. W. England, Cumberland . . N. W. England, Cumberland . . Moravia, Northern Austria .7,917. .7,8OO. .7,534. .7,000. .6,588. .6,188. .5,794. .5,550. .5,397. .5,886. .5,880. .5,375. .4,688.. .4,675.. 4,613.. .4,590.. .4,406.. .4,387. .4,095. 4,OOO. .3,948. .3,945. 3,740. 3,780. 3,571. 3,414. 3,O98. 3,055. 3,088. 3,OO6. 319 ANIMALS, FRUITS, ETC . THAT ARE NATIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA. Birds. Alector; condor; curasso; dove; emeu, (or ostrich); gallinazo; hawk; hum- ming-bird; parrot, (in immense variety); partridge; pheasant; pigeon; sea (or guano) bird; snipe; tanager; toucan; trogon; tur- key-buzzard; and hundreds of others. Fruits and Vegetables. Anana; apple; brazil-nut; breadfruit; cassava; cacoa; coffee; corn; cotton; flg; ginger; guimbi; indigo: jnjud ; olive; orange; peach; pepper; peruvian-tea; potato; quabyra; quinoa; sugar; rice; tobacco; vanilla- bean. Minerals, etc. Alum; boras; coal; copper; diamonds; epsom salts; glauber salts; gold; guano; gypsum; iron; lead; limestone; mineral pitch; nitre; platina; rock-salt; sulphur; tin; topaz. Quadrupeds. Agouti ; alpaca, (sheep) ; ant-eater; armadillo; badger; bear; biscat- cha; capybara; carpincho; chinchilla; deer; elk; ferret; fox; glutton; guanaco; jaguar; llama; monkey, (marmosets, howlers, sapa- jous); neutra; ocelot; peccary; puma, (or cougar); rabbit; river-hog; seal; sea-lion; sea-elephant; sloth; tapir; tiger-cat; tocu toca; vicuna; wildcat; wild-hog; wolf; zarata ; 2orrino. Reptiles. Alligator; anaconda, (or boa- constrictor); baba; bat; cayman; centipede; corral-snake; electric eel, (or torpedo); lizards; macourel- snake; rattlesnake; tri- gonocephalis-snake ; vampire. Trees. Algarroba; aloe; apple; brazil- wood; breadfruit tree; cavella de clava; castor- tree; cedar; cinchona; cocoa; co- paiba; copal; cotton-tree; ebony; flg; india- rubber; leaved cactus; logwood; mahogany; misosa; mulberry; olive: orange: palm; peach; pine; rosewood; satinwood; vegeta- ble-silk tree. Inhabitants. The aborigines of Peru were Indians, known as Incas and Aymaras, and of these some wandering tribes remain savages. The population comprises white descendants of Spanish immigrants, Chinese, Indians, negroes and mixed races. The re- public of Columbia was captured from the native Indians in 1836 by Spaniards, and held by them until 1819, when allegiance to Spain was severed. The Spaniards also set- tled in Venezuela among the native Indians in 1520, but in 1811 independence from Spain was declared. Ecuador was owned and con- trolled by native Indians for centuries; in 1532 Lt was captured by Pizarro, and for 275 years was subject to Spain, but revolted in 1820. The population of Bolivia is composed of civilized native Indians, wild Indians, whites of Spanish descent, and mixed races. The aborigines of Brazil were savage Indians. It became subject to Portugal in 1549, was settled by Portuguese, and became an inde- pendent empire in 1822. The present pop- ulation consists of Negroes, Indians, mixed races, Creoles and white persons of European descent. Native Peruvians originally ruled in Chili, but it became subject to Spain about 1540. The present inhabitants are of Spanish and native descent. The Argentine Repub- lic, then inhabited by native Indians, was settled by Spaniards in 1535, since which time the country and government have passed through many changes. The population con- sists of Italians, Bisques, French, Spaniards, English, Scotch, Irish, Germans, etc. The inhabitants of Uruguay comprise Africans, Portuguese, English, Germans, Argentines, Brazilians, French, Spaniards, Basques, and Italians. In Paraguay the population is chiefly Indians, with mixed races (Spanish- Indians), Africans, Germans, Swiss, Dutch, English, Italians and Australians. Pata- gonia is principally peopled with savages, and has been but slightly explored. Several of the Highest Mountains in South America. 23,000 FT. 3 23 000 FT 22,000 ;/ ^rr-r^ ^ I_ _^L_ ^^..^^ZZaaooo 2 1,000 20 ' 000 M: -V/ ^,A K X....YgL,;^, .^,. ^, A -N^* .Western Bolivia 1 8,OOO. . .3V .Eastern Chili 1 6,OOO . .3 .Western Ecuador 15,934.. .3 .Western Patagonia 8,OOO. . . 1 J. .Southern Extremity, Patagonia 3OO 320 DISTANCES FROM PRINCIPAL CITIES TO DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES, By Shortest Established Railroad and Water Passage. Name of City. i Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miis. Name of City. Miles. From Albany, N. Y., to Amherst, Mass 249 Andover, Mass 224 Annapolis, Md 369 Auburn, N. Y 173 l"ii. in Atlanta, Ga. to Albany, N. Y 1,161 From Baltimore, Md. to Albany, N. Y 337 From Boston, Mass., to Albany, N.Y 201 Charleston, S. C., to Albany, N. Y 929 From Cincinnati, Ohio, to Akron, 246 Annapolis, Md 649 Atchison, Kan 995 Auburn, N. Y 1,346 Augusta, Ga 171 Atlanta, Ga 867 Andover, Mass 22 Annapolis, Md 45 1 Augusta, Me 177 Baltimore, Md 395 Barnstable, Mass 73 Bangor, Me 244 Braintree, Mass 11 Buffalo, N. Y 478 Annapolis, Md 511 Albany, N. Y 737 Augusta, Ga 695 Augusta, Me 558 Bangor, Me 633 Baton Rouge, La. . 1,358 Bloomington, 111 781 Boston, Mass 395 Atchison, Kan 1,659 Atlanta, Ga 308 Auburn, N.Y 1,202 Barnstable, Mass. ..274 Batavia,N. Y 261 Annapolis, Md 548 Athens, 159 Binghamton, N. Y..142 Bloomington, 111 943 Aurora, 111 834 Baltimore, Md 867 Bangor, Me 1,500 Augusta, Me 1,281 Aurora, 111 1,143 Baltimore, Md 586 Bangor. Me 1 ,356 Bath, Me 1,256 Baltimore, Md 560 Belief ontaine, O 116 Bloomington, 111 307 Bloomington, Ind. . . 163 Boston, Mass 991 Buffalo, N. Y 444 Burlington, Iowa. ..447 Buffalo N. Y 265 Buffalo, N. Y 421 Burlington, Iowa. 1,024 Cairo 111 1,208 Bath, Me 1,300 Belfast, Me 1,442 Binghamton, N. Y. 1,233 Bloomington, 111 819 Boston , Mass 1 ,254 Bristol R. 1 1 ,233 Burlington, Iowa. 1,060 Cairo, 111 937 Bloomington, 111.. 1,144 Canan'daigua, N. Y. .222 Carson City, Nev. .2,657 Cayuga N Y 184 Canandaigua, N. Y. .324 Charleston, S. C 586 Chester. Pa 81 Burlington, Iowa. 1,225 Cairo, 111 1,385 Belfast, Me 1,298 Binghamton, N. Yl,089 Bloomington, 111.. 1,229 Boston, Mass 1,109 Branchville, S. C 62 Bristol, R.I 1,089 Carson City, Nev. .2,758 Charleston, S. C... 1,109 Chatham, Mass 177 Chicago, 111 1 ,020 Charleston, S. C 918 Circleville. O 104 Chicago 111 293 Charleston, S. C..... 929 Chicago, 111 837 Cincinnati. O 737 Cleveland. 480 Concord N H 260 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,869 Chicago, 111 853 Buffalo, N. Y 1,451 Burlington, M. J 944 Burlington, Vt 1,298 Burlington, Iowa. .1.002 Cairo, 111 803 Canandaigua, N. Y. 1 ,395 Carson City, Nev. .3,745 Charleston, S. C 308 Cincinnati, O 560 Cleveland, 482 Columbus, 512 Council Bluffs, la. 1,340 Cumberland, Md... 191 Davenport, Iowa. 1,036 Denver, Colo 1,965 Cincinnati, O 991 Buffalo, N. Y 1,307 Burlington, N. J 800 Burlington, Vt 1,154 Burlington, Iowa. 1,310 Cairo, 111 1,462 Cleveland, 663 Columbia, S. C 974 Columbia, S. C 675 Columbus, Ind 94 Davton, O 552 Denver. Colo 1,930 Des Moines. Iowa. .1,174 Detroit Mich 553 Concord, N. H 59 Columbus. 120 Concord, N. H 1,018 Denver, Colo 2,033 Des Moines, Iowa. .1,377 Detroit, Mich 736 Canandaigua, N. Y 1,251 Carson City, Nev.. 3,674 Chattano'ga,Tenn.l,118 Chicago 111 1 103 Dover. Me 26y Charlotte, N. C 267 Chattanooga, Tenn. 137 Chicago 111 .795 Des Moines, Iowa. .1,209 Detroit, Mich 568 Duluth. Minn 1,457 Erie Fa 365 Duluth, Minn ..1,499 Dover Del .399 Des Moines, Iowa... 629 Fort' Ann, N. Y 66 Chillieothe, O 423 Elmira, N. Y 255 Erie, Pa 401 Fargo, D. T 1,598 Dover, N. H 69 Duluth, Minn 1,666 E. B'dg'wat'r, Mass. .27 Erie, Pa 566 Chillieothe, 1,017 Cincinnati, O 918 Chattahoochee, Fla. 373 Cleveland, 1,176 Fort Edward. N. Y...54 Green Bay, Wis. . .1,059 Helena, Mont 2,824 Hoosac Falls, Mass... 32 Houston, Tex 1,916 Jackson, Mich 609 Jackson, Miss 1,462 Kinderhook, N. Y...17 LaCrosse, Wis ..1,097 L. Champlain, N. Y. .78 Lawrence, Mass 227 Leadville, Colo. . . .2,102 Lincoln, Neb 1,369 Cincinnati, O -.325 Cleveland, O 583 Dover, Del 706 Dunkirk. N.Y 401 Elgin 111 329 Concord, N. H 1,316 Cumberland, Md. . 1 ,059 Davenport, Iowa. 1,009 Denver, Colo 1,665 Des Moines, Iowa. .1,152 Detroit Mich . . . .887 F't Kearney, Neb. . 1 ,535 Fort Wayne, Ind 705 Frankfort, Ky 718 Fall River, Mass 49 Fargo D T 1,765 Columbia, S. C 130 Cumberland, Md 508 Davenport, Iowa. 1,286 Denver, Colo 2,216 Des Moines, Iowa. 1,460 Detroit Mich ..819 Erie, Pa 353 Evanston, 111 305 Evansville, Ind 243 Fargo, D. T 1,038 F't Kearney, Neb. . 1 ,017 Fort Wayne. Ind.... 180 Frankfort Ky 118 Frederick, Md 6 Geneva Lake, Wis. .938 Green Bay, Wis... 1,095 Harper's Ferry, Va. .95 Harrisburg, Pa 84 Hartford, Conn 298 Huntsville, Ala 76O Indianapolis, Ind... 700 Iowa City, lo wa. . . 1 ,090 Jackson, Mich 645 Janesville, Wis 944 Kansas City, Mo. .1,342 Keokuk, Iowa 1,103 LaCrosse, Wis... 1,133 Leadville, Colo. . . .2,138 Le'v'nworth, Kan. 1,239 Lincoln, Neb 1,405 Fitchburg, Mass 49 Green Bay, Wis.. 1,262 Helena, Mont 3,025 Indianapolis, Ind. 1,059 Jackson, Mich 810 Jackson, Miss 1,554 Kinderhook, N. Y..184 La Crosse. Wis. . .1,298 Lansing, Mich 775 Leadville, Col 2,305 Lincoln, Neb 1,572 Little Rock, Ark. .1,665 Louisville, Ky 1,119 Lowell, Mass 26 Dover N H 1,316 Dubuque, Iowa ...1,133 Fall River, Mass.. 1,198 Fort Dodge, Iowa. 1,294 F't Kearney, Neb. .1,761 Fort Wayne, Ind 505 Galena, 111 1,118 Dover, N. H 1,178 Dubuque, Iowa 1 ,291 Fall River, Mass. .1,054 F't Kearney, Neb . . 1 .785 Fort Wayne, Ind.. 1,098 Galena, 111 1,957 Gettysburg, Pa 921 Green Bay, Wis... 1,453 Harrisburg, Pa 672 Hartford, Conn 927 Indianapolis, Ind... 890 Kalamazoo, Mich. 1,329 Kansas City , Mo ... 1 ,592 LaCrosse, Wis... 1,383 Lansing, Mich 1 ,286 Le'v'nworth, Kan. 1,461 Little Rock, Ark.. 1,585 Louisville, Ky 781 Lowell, Mass 1,136 Fremont, O 175 Galion, 177 Hamilton O 20 Little Falls, N. Y 73 Lockport, N. Y 285 Louisville, Ky 861 Harrisburg, Pa 561 Helena, Ark 574 Indianapolis, Ind... 115 Iowa City, Iowa 530 Jackson, Miss 676 Jefferson City, Mo. .465 Jeffersonville. Ind.. 136 Kankakee, 111 253 Green Bay, Wis. .. 1,037 Greenville, Tenn... 160 Griffin Ga 59 Lowell, Mass 227 Macon Ga 1 198 Madison, Wis 955 Manitowoc, Wis 979 Marquette, Mich. . .1,207 Memphis, Tenn 1.302 Milwaukee, Wis 827 Minneapolis, Minn. 1,237 Muscatine, Iowa 837 Nebraska C'y., N. 1,315 New Orleans, La.. 1,644 New York, N. Y 143 Niagara Falls, N. Y.305 North Adams, Mass.. 53 Ogdensburg, N. Y. .200 Ogden, Utah 2,346 Omaha Neb 1,314 Harrisburg, Pa... 886 Hartford, Conn... 1,062 Italamazoo, Mich.. 650 Kansas City, Mo 947 Marshfield, Mass.... 34 Madison, Wis 1,158 Mansfield, Mass 86 Mattapan, Mass 30 Memphis, Tenn 1,476 Milledgeville, Ga.. 1,191 Milwaukee, Wis... 1,009 Minneapolis, Minn 1,438 Mobile Ala 1 (MHi LaCrosse, Wis... 1,075 Lansing, Mich 643 Little Rock, Ark.. 1,056 Los Angeles, Cal. .3,781 Louisville, Ky 697 Lafayette, Ind 179 Lawrence, Mass. . . 1 ,280 Leavenworth, Kan.. 974 Louisville, Ky 471 Maeon Ga . . 103 Lynchburg, Va 217 Lyons, Iowa 990 Madison Wis... 990 Lecompton. Kar. 800 Little Rock, Ark 667 Logansport, Ind 177 Long Branch, N. J.. 777 Louisville, Ky 137 Madison, Wis 431 Mansfield, 184 Mackinac, Mich 801 Madison, Wis 1,083 Memphis, Tenn 316 Milwaukee, Wis 880 Montgomery, Ala. . . 175 Montpelier, Vt 1,472 Mansfield, O 556 Montgomery, Ala. 1,421 Montpelier, Vt 202 Muscatine, Iowa.. 1,038 Neb'aska C'y, Neb. 1,516 Nashville, Tenn... 1,251 New Bedford, Mass. . .55 Newburyport, Mass. .35 New Haven, Conn. . . 160 New Orleans, La.. 1,735 Newport, R. 1 68 New York, N. Y 207 Niagara Falls, N. Y.506 Ogden, Utah 2,547 Omaha, Neb 1,517 Pittsfield, Mass 150 Plymouth, Mass 48 Portland, Me 107 Portland. Ore 4,073 Providence, R. 1 44 Marquette, Mich ... 1 ,243 Milwaukee, Wis 938 Milledgeville, Ga 769 Montgomery, Ala... 998 Montpelier, Vt . . .625 Marquette, Mich. ..1,493 Madison, Wis 1,012 Memphis, Tenn 620 Milwaukee, Wis ..1,093 Montgomery, Ala... 483 Montpelier, Vt 1 ,557 Muscatine, Iowa. . .1,325 Nashville, Tenn 440 New Haven, Conn... 950 New Orleans, La 630 Ne wport, R. I 1 ,036 Memphis, Tenn 484 Milledgeville, Ga. . . .764 Minneapolis, Minn.. 793 Montgomery, Ala. . .756 Montpelier, Vt 937 Muscatine, Iowa.... 513 Nashville, Tenn 291 Nebraska C'y. Neb. .791 New Albany, Ind 110 Newark, 153 New Orleans, La 874 New York, N. Y 744 Ogden, Utah 1,822 Omaha, Neb 79O Oswego N. Y . . . 180 Philadelphia, Pa... 231 Pittsfield, Mass 150 Portland, Me 317 Portland, Ore 3,870 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. .75 Pueblo, Colo 1,924 Racine, Wis 879 Muscatine, Iowa.. 1,015 Nashville, Tenn.... 291 New Haven, Conn. 1,094 New Orleans, La. . 1 ,223 Newport, R. 1 1,180 New York, N. Y... 1,018 Niagara F'lls, N. Y. 1 ,056 Nashville, Tenn 829 Nebraska C'y, Neb. 1 ,351 New Orleans, La. .1,316 New York, N. Y 188 Niagara Falls, N. Y.431 Ogden, Utah 2,382 Omaha, Neb 1,350 New York, N.Y 817 Niagara F'lls, N.Y. 1,271 Norwalk, Conn 919 Ogden, Utah 2 632 Richmond, Va 5OO Rochester, N. Y 228 Rock Island, 111 998 Rome, N. Y .... 109 Norwalk, Conn .... 1 ,063 Ogden, Utah 2,497 Omaha, Neb 1,292 Oswego, N. Y 1,255 Philadelphia, Pa. . .930 Pittsburgh, Pa 586 Portland, Me 1 ,370 Providence, R. I... 1,211 Quincy, 111 682 Parkersburg, Va. ..398 Penn Yan. N. Y.T...200 Philadelphia. Pa 96 Pittsburgh, Pa 340 Portland, Ore 3,906 Portland, Me 495 Quebec, Can 759 Ouincy, 111 1,350 Racine, Wis 915 Omaha, Neb 1,600 Oswego, N. Y 1,111 Philadelphia, Pa. ..786 Pittsburgh, Pa 1.141 Portland, Me 1,215 Rutland, Vt .105 Saco, Me 301 Sacramento, Cal.. 3,077 St. Louis, Mo 1,123 St. Paul, Minn 1,151 Salt Lake C'y, U. ..2.823 S. Francisco, Cal. ..3,228 Saratoga, N. Y 37 Philadelphia. Pa 667 Pittsburgh, Pa 313 Portland Me 981 Racine, Wis 1,080 Raleigh, N. C 775 Rock Island, 111.... 976 Roxbury, Mass 1,256 Sacramento, Cal.. 2,615 St. Louis Mo 536 Richmond, Va 170 Richmond, Va 591 Suincy, 111 . 1 375 Portland, Ore 2,099 Raleigh, N. C 1,250 Richmond, Va 638 Rock Island, 111 374 Sacramento. Cal. .2.513 Salt Lake City. U. . . 1 ,810 S. Francisco, Cal. ..2,655 Rochester, N. Y 354 Rock Island, 111. ..1.034 Sacramento, Cal..3.O67 St. Paul, Minn 1,263 Salt Lake City, U. .2,419 S. Francisco, Cal. .3,206 Savannah, Ga . . . 690 Rochester, N. Y 429 Rock Island, 111. ..1,193 ock Island, 111.. 1,284 Roxbury, Mass 1,112 Sacramento, Cal.. 3.360 St. Louis, Mo 959 St. Joseph, Mo 1,682 St. Louis, Mo 973 St. Paul, Minn 1.417 Salt Lake City, U. .2,669 S. Francisco, Cal ..3.407 Sarnia, Ont. . . 1 ,248 Sarnia, Ont 618 Savannah, Ga 1,020 Scheneetady, N. Y...17 Shaker Village, N. Y.154 Sing Sing, N. Y .118 St. Paul, Minn 1,205 Salt Lake Citv, U. .2,165 S. Francisco, Cal.. .3,010 Sacramento, Cal.. 3,278 St. Louis. Mo 1.320 St. Paul, Minn 1,430 Salem, Mass 15 Salt Lake City, U. .2,586 S. Francisco, Cal. . 3,430 Sarnia, Ont 819 Sioux City, Iowa. .1,332 Springfield, Mass 98 Susp'n B'dge, N. Y. .304 Syracuse, N. Y 148 Toledo, O 574 Spartanburgh, S. C. .192 Springfield, 111 760 Springfield, Mo 970 Stockton, Cal 2,918 Stone Mountain, Ga. .15 Svracuse, N. Y.... 1,320 Toledo, O 527 Sitka, Alaska 4,739 Springfield, Mass 326 Tallahassee, Fla. .1,060 Terre Haute, Ind. . . .778 Toledo O 610 Savannah. Ga 874 Seymour, Ind 87 Springfield, 111 338 Springfield, 84 Savannah, Ga 1,112 Springfield, 111.... 1,270 Springfield. Mass 98 Taunton, Mass 35 Toledo. O 775 Washington, D. C..432 Wheeling, W. Va...774 Wilmington, Del.... 351 Winnipeg, Man 1,865 Worcester, Mass 44 Yankton, D. T 1,623 Springfield, 111. ...1.288 Springfield, Mass.. 1.012 Ter7-e Haute, lnd.l,1O5 Toledo, O 860 "Washington. D. C.455 West Point. N. Y. .. 924 Wheeling, W. Va.. 1,169 Winnipeg, Man... 1,948 Winona, Minn 1 .409 Yankton, D.T 1,706 St. Louis, Mo 340 St. Paul. Minn 785 TTtica, N. Y 96 Vicksburg, Miss.. 1,543 "Washington. D. C.370 Watertown, N. Y. ... 187 West Point, N. Y 94 Winnipeg, Man... 1,662 Winona, Minn 1,123 Worcester, Mass. . . .204 Yankton, D. T. . . . 1 ,402 Topeka, Kan 1,269 Troy, N. Y 231 Terre Haute, Ind. . 187 Toledo O ....202 Trenton, N. J 962 Washington. D. C. . .39 Wheeling, W. Va...398 Wilmington, Del 69 Winnipeg, Man ... 1 ,698 Winona, Minn 1,159 Yankton. D. T 1,456 Zanesville, O 468 Utica, N. Y 1,267 "Urbana O 100 West Point, N. Y.1.O68 Winnipeg, Man 1,640 Winona, Minn 1,101 Worcester, Mass. . .1,210 Yankton, D. T.... 1,398 "Vincennes, Ind 192 "Washington, D. C..490 Wheeling, W. Va. . . . 251 Wilmington, Del. . . .660 Wooster O 220 321 Distances from Principal Cities to Different Parts of the United States, Continued, Name of City. i >iiie. Name of rttty. 1 Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. I Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. From Chicago, 111., to Albany N.Y ..837 From Denver, Col., to Abilene, Kan 476 From Detroit, Mich., to Albany, N.Y 553 From Hartford, Con n., to Albany, N.Y .. 19O From l.oiii vvill<-. Ky., to Albany N Y 861 From Milwaukee, Wis., to Albuquerque, N. M.1,391 Alleghany City, Pa. 468 Annapolis, Md 833 Albany, N. Y 1,930 Alton. Ill 1,023 Albion, Mich 96 Albuquerque, N. M. 1,675 Ann Arbor, Mich 38 Atchison, Kan 840 Alexandria, Va 347 Atlanta, Ga 471 Albert Lea, Minn. . . 326 Albuquerque, N. M.I, 476 Allegheny City, Pa. 553 Alton 111 342 Arapahoe, Col 186 Augusta, Me 2,302 Baltimore, Md... 1,965 Bierstadt, Col 78 Annapolis, Md 336 Atlanta, Ga 1,062 Augusta, Me 1 ,294 Baltimore, Md 697 Bardstown, Ky 39 Atchison, Kan 556 Atlanta Ga 795 Augusta, Me . . . 905 Auburn. N. Y 418 Augusta Ga . 966 Aurora, 111 322 Aucrusta. Ga 947 Baton Rouge, La 743 Bedford, Ind 71 Appleton Wis 120 Aurora 111 38 Bloomington, 111.. 1,154 Boston, Mass 2,033 Buffalo, N. Y 1,655 Burlington, Iowa. ..900 Burlington, Vt 2,295 Cairo, 111 1,200 Canon City, Col 161 Cameron, Col 48 Cape May, N. J.... 2,017 Castle Rock. Col 33 Charleston, S.C... 2,216 Cheyenne, Kan 106 Chicago, 111 . ...1,113 Baltimore, Md 568 Bangor, Me 979 Augusta, Me 178 Austin, Tex 987 Baltimore, Md 853 Bangor, Me 1 ,263 Baltimore, Md 298 . Baton Rouge, La. . 1,430 Bloomington, 111.. 1,094 Boston, Mass 117 Bloomington, Ind.... 97 Boston, Mass 1,119 Bowling Green, Ky. 114 Buffalo N. Y . . 563 Atlanta, Ga 880 Battle Creek, Mich .121 Bay City, Mich 197 Bloomington, 111 383 Boston, Mass 736 Buffalo, N.Y 258 Burlington, Iowa. . .491 Burlington, Vt 898 Cape May, N. J 620 Charleston, S. C 819 Aurora, 111 123 Austin, Tex 1 ,072 Baltimore Md 938 Boston, Mass 1.020 Buffalo, N.Y 542 Burlington, Vt. ...1.182 Cairo 111 365 Boston C'rn'rs,Conn.73 Bridgeport, Conn.... 51 Bristol Conn 19 Cairo, 111 330 Charleston, S. C 781 Chattanooga, Tenn. 336 Chicago, 111 296 Bangor, Me. . . 1 253 Beloit, Wis 69 Boston, Mass 1,009 Bloomington, 111 211 Buffalo, N.Y 532 Burlington, Vt.... 1,172 Cairo, III 450 Charleston, S. C 1,103 Bristol, R. 1 1O4 Chattanooga, Tenn.687 Cheyenne, Wy. T.. 1,017 Cincinnati, O 293 Cleveland, O . . 357 Buffalo, N.Y 469 Burlington, Iowa. 1,218 Carson City, Nev. .3,811 Canton, Conn. . 22 Cincinnati, 107 Cleveland, O 380 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,301 Chicago, 111 280 Cloverdale, Ind 126 Columbia, S. C 712 Columbus, Ky. 350 Cape May, N. J. 894 Columbia, S. C 837 Columbus, 314 Concord, N. H 1,083 Denver, Col 1,113 Des Moines, Iowa ..357 Decatur, 111 173 Cincinnati, O 1,255 Cleveland, 1,469 Colo. Springs, Col . .91 Cincinnati, O 267 Charleston, S. C. . . 1,093 Chattanooga, Tenn. 772 Cheyenne. Wy. T 1 027 Cleveland, 73 Concord, N. H 799 Chambersburg, Pa.. 344 Charleston, S. C .927 Columbus, 257 Concord, N. H. .1,202 Concord, N. H 2,196 Detroit. Mich 1.397 Eagle Park, Col 294 Erie, Pa 1,565 Council Bluffs, la... 772 Davenport, Iowa. ..467 Denver, Col 1,397 Chattanooga. Tenn. 960 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .2,028 Chicago, 111 1,011 Crawfordsville, Ind. 170 Cumberland, Tenn.. 198 Chicago. Ill 85 Cincinnati, O 378 Danville, Ky 95 Cleveland, 347 Detroit. Mich 28O Des Moines, Iowa... 641 Dover, Del 614 Cincinnati, O 854 Cleveland, 654 Dayton, 197 Decattfr, 111 295 Columbia, S. C 922 Columbus, O. 399 Dover Del .. . 898 Fort Harker, Kan.. 420 Fort Riley, Kan. ...503 Fort Wayne, Ind. .1,261 Grand R'p'ds, M'h. 1,394 Greeley, Col 52 Hamilton, Can... 1,585 Harrisburg, Pa .... 1 .829 Hartford, Conn ... 2, 1 24 Hudson NY 1 959 Dubuque. Iowa 188 Duluth, Minn 565 Duluth, Minn 754 Columbia, S. C 859 Columbus, 734 Covington, Ky 855 Des Moines, Iowa 655 Detroit, Mich 374 Dover, Del 845 Concord, N. H 1 ,073 Delavan, Wis 58 East Saginaw, Mich. .98 Eaton Rapids, Mich. 100 Elgin, 111 320 Erie, Pa 168 Elgin. Ill 36 Denver, Col... . 1 198 Erie, Pa 452 Fairfleld, Iowa 257 Fargo, D. T . . 745 Cumberland, Md 476 Elgin, 111 332 Des Moines, Iowa. . .360 Ellettsville Ind 102 Detroit, Mich.. . 274 Fargo, D. T 1,029 Faribault, Minn 433 Flint, Mich 64 Davenport, Iowa. .1,194 Denver, Col 2,124 Des Moines, Iowa. . 1 .368 Detroit, Mich 727 Dubuque, Iowa 1,197 Duluth. Minn 1,657 Elgin, 111 1,047 Frankfort, Ky 65 Dover, Del 888 Fernandina, Fla . . 1 ,275 Fort Wavne, Ind 148 Fort Worth, Tex.. 1,023 Oalva, 111 140 Fort Wayne, Ind 239 Glasgow, Ky .... 59 Duluth, Minn... . 480 Elgin, 111 121 Independence, Mo.. 727 Jackson, Mich. .. .1,321 Jacksonville, 111 915 Kansas City, Mo. . .638 Kansas Falls. Kan. .494 Kit Carson. Col 151 Lansing, Mich. .. .1,358 Lawrence, Kan 600 Leadville, Col 278 Long Branch, N. J .2,014 Fort Kearney, Neb. .966 Geneva Lake, Wis. .369 Grand Haven, Mich. 189 Grand Rapids, Mich. 158 Grass Lake, Mich 65 Green Bay, Wis. . . .369 Gosport, Ind 112 Granada, Miss 477 Green Bay, Wis 539 Greencastle, Ind 139 Erie, Pa. . , 442 Escanaba, Mich 243 Fargo. D. T 578 Fond du Lac, Wis. . . .95 Fi eeport, 111 103 Gal veston, Tex 1 , 150 Geneva Lake, Wis 85 Gettysburg!!, Pa 771 Green Bay, Wis 242 Hannibal, Mo 329 Harrisburg, Pa 716 Hartford, Conn... 1,0 11 Helena, Mont. T. . .2,007 Hot Springs, Ark .. .693 Elmira, N. Y 385 Hammond, Ind 303 Harrisburg, Pa 724 Harrod sburgh, Ind... 85 Holly Springs, Miss.382 Indianapolis, Ind... 110 Iowa City, Iowa 533 Jacksonville, 111. . . .365 Jackson, Miss 573 Kansas City, Mo 458 Knoxville, Tenn 445 Lafayette. Ind 198 Erie Pa 596 Grand Haven, Mich. .85 Grand Rapids, Mich. 116 Green Bay, Wis 126 Hancock, Mich 386 Indianapolis, Ina. .. 278 Ii-hpeming, Mich 308 Jacksonville, III.... 301 Janesville, Wis 71 Hamilton, Can 186 Hannibal, Mo 613 Fall River, Mass. . . . 15O Hartford, Conn 727 Helena, Mont 1,723 Hillsdale, Mich 61 Fort Kearney, Neb.1,693 Fort Scott, Kan ... 1 ,594 Fredericksburg, Va.409 Freeport, 111 1,130 Galesburg, 111 1 , 1 75 Galveston, Tex 2.010 Getty sburgh. Pa 339 Grand Rapids, Mich. 885 Haddam, Conn 26 Harrisburg, Pa 292 Houston, Tex 1 ,099 Hudson, N. Y ...846 Louisville, Ky 1,302 Madison, Wis 1,418 Manitou, Col 80 Howell, Mich 52 Hudson, N. Y 562 Indianapolis, Ind. ..2u Ionia, Mich 123 Joliet, 111 122 Iowa City, Iowa 237 Jackson, Miss 708 Jacksonville, Fla. .1,248 Janesville, Wis 91 Jefferson Citv, Mo. .408 Kansas City, Mo. . .489 Kewanee 111 132 Memphis, Tenn 1,450 Milledgeville, Ga. .2,075 Mitchell, Col 23 Montgomery, Ala. 1 ,H95 Montreal, Can 1 ,957 Nashville, Tenn ... 1 .455 New Haven, Conn. 2,028 New Orleans, La.. 1,638 Newport, R. 1 2,174 New York N Y 1,980 Kalamazoo. Mich.. 156 Kansas City. Mo.... 574 Kenosha. Wis 34 La Crosse, Wis 195 Long Branch, N. J. .891 Madison, Wis 96 Manitowoc, Wis 77 Menasha, Wis 99 Iowa City, Iowa 521 Jackson, Mich 76 Janesville, Wis 375 Jefferson City, Mo. .692 Kalamazoo, Mich . . 144 Kansas City, Mo 773 Keokuk, Iowa 534 Lansing, Mich 85 Lawrenceburg, Ind. 107 Leavenworth, Kan. .626 Lebanon. Ky 66 Lexington, Ky 94 Indianapolis, Ind... 922 Jackson, Miss 1 .429 Jefferson City, Mo. 1 .320 Kansas City, Mo. . 1 ,500 Keokuk. Iowa 1 .260 Lansing, Mich 83.". Leadville, Col 2.29(i Lea v'n worth, Kan. 1,600 Lexington, Ky 954 Lincoln, Neb 1,563 London, Can 617 Long Branch, N. J. . 138 Louisville, Ky 962 Mackinac, Mich.. 1.017 Macon, Ga 1.165 Madison, Wis 1 ,017 Memphis, Tenn 1 .269 Milwaukee, Wis. . . 1 ,001 Mobile, Ala 1,432 IjaCrosse, Wis 280 Lansing, Mich 245 Leadville, Col 1,284 Leavenworth, Kan.. 589 Lincoln, Neb 552 Long Branch, N. J.. 901 Madison, Wis 138 Marquette, Mich 390 Milwaukee, Wis 85 Minneapolis, Minn.. 420 Mobile, Ala 845 Lynchburg, Va 781 Macon, Ga 576 Mammoth Cave, Ky. .93 Marquette. Mich 686 Memphis, Tenn 377 Meridian, Miss 462 Michigan City, Ind. .288 Milwaukee, Wis 381 Mitchell, Ind 61 Mobile, Ala 883 Menomonee, Wis. . . . 181 Michigan City, Ind. .143 Montreal, Can 834 Muskegon, Mich 97 New Haven, Conn.. 902 New Orleans, La 998 Newport, R. 1 1,050 New York, N. Y 902 Neenah, Wis 130 Niag'ra Falls, N. Y.I, 626 Ogden, Utah 5O9 Oil City, Pa 1,713 Leadville, Col 1,568 Lincoln, Neb 836 Long Branch, N. J. .617 Mackinac City, M'h. 290 Madison, Wis 370 Marshall, Mich 108 Michigan City, Ina. .228 Milwaukee, Wis 274 Minneapolis, Minn.. 704 Mt. Clemens, Mich... 25 Monroe, Mich 35 Montreal. Can 560 Muskegon, Mich 207 Omaha, Neb 569 Ottawa, Can 1 ,899 Paterson, N. J.... 1.996 Pensacola, Fla 2.O85 Philadelphia. Pa.. 1.936 Pittsburgh, Pa 1 ,.'>81 Pinon, Col 112 Portland, Me 2,241 Pueblo, Col 125 Quebec Can 2 229 Montgomery, Ala... 490 Nashville, Tenn.... 184 New Orleans, La. . . .754 New York, N.Y 852 Niagara Falls, N. Y.583 Omaha, Neb 796 Niagara Falls, X. Y.503 Oconomowoc, Wis... 31 Oconto, Wis 157 Ogden, Utah 1,600 Omaha, Neb.. 575 Montreal, Can 844 Nashville, Tenn....482 New Haven, Conn. . .915 New Orleans, La. . . 915 Newport, R. 1 1,060 New York, N. Y 912 Niagara Falls, N. Y.513 Oil City, Pa .600 Oshkosh, Wis 102 Raleigh, N. C 2,317 Red Cliff Col 300 Nebraska City, Neb. 782 New Haven, Conn. . .628 Montgomery, AJa. 1.237 Muscatine. Iowa. .1,231 New Britain, Conn 10 Ogden, Utah 1,828 Paris, Ky 113 Peoria, 111 319 Ottawa, Can 776 Pittsburgh, Pa 553 Portage City, Wis 98 Portland, Me 1,118 P't Washington, Wis.25 Prai. du Chien, Wis. 194 Racine, Wis 23 Richmond Va. . . 2.OTW Newport, R. I 776 Omaha, Neb 497 Rochester, N. Y... 1.603 Rock Island, 111 930 Rome, N. Y 1,844 Sacramento, Cal. .1,361 St. Louis, Mo 1,000 Salt Lake City, U'h.655 Sandusky O 1 531 New York, N. Y 628 Niagara Falls, X. Y.22!) Niles, Mich 191 Ogden, Utah 1.813 Omaha, Neb 773 Ottawa Can 502 Newburgh, N. Y 112 New Haven, Conn 36 New Orleans. La. .1,612 Newport, R. 1 125 New York, N.Y 110 Niagara Falls, N. Y.498 Omaha Neb 1 508 Philadelphia, Pa. . . .776 Pittsburgh, Pa 420 Portland, Me 1,178 Racine, Wis 358 Raleigh, N. C 857 Paterson, N. J 883 Pensacola, Fla 972 Philadelphia, Pa.... 823 Portland, Me 1,128 Pullman 111 14 Richmond. Va 1,018 Ripon, Wis 83 Richmond, Va 706 Pueblo Col 1 107 Pentwater, Mich... 251 Philadelphia, Pa. . . .539 Portland, Me 844 Salem, Ind 35 Rock Island, 111 197 St. Paul, Minn 324 San Antonio, Tex.. 1,400 S. Francisco, Cal.. .2,496 Saratoga Sp'gs, N. Y.945 Savannah, Ga 1,173 Sheboygan, Wis 52 Streator, 111 181 Quebec, Can 1,116 Racine, Wis 62 S. Francisco, Cal.. .1,499 Santa Clara, Col 180 Sar'toga Sp'gs, N.Y 1 ,968 Savannah, Ga 2,245 Sidney, Col 58 South Fork, Col .297 Portland, Ore 4,064 Providence, R.I 90 Raleigh, N. C . . 647 S. Francisco, Cal.. .2,708 St. Joseph, Mo 579 St. Louis, Mo 275 St. Paul, Minn 702 Richmond, Va 933 Pueblo, Col .. ..1,391 Richmond, Ind 2L':i Rock Island, 111 181 Sacramento, Cal. .2,260 Salt Lake City. U'h.1,566 S.Francisco, Cal.. 2,411 St. Paul, Minn 410 guebec, Can 832 wramento, Cal. .2.544 St. Paul, Minn 598 Richmond, Va 468 St. Louis. Mo 1,208 St. Paul, Minn 1,421 Salt LakeCity. U'h.2.577 Savannah, Ga 764 Shelbyville, Ky 30 Tennessee River. . . 220 Toledo, 333 S Pueblo Col 120 Salt Lake City, UTi. 1,850 San Francisco, Cal. 2,695 Santa Fe, N. M 1,626 Sarnia, Can 49 Three Rivers, Mich. 145 Toledo, O 60 Toronto, Can 147 Waukesha, Wis. . . .295 Wayne, Mich 18 Springfteld, 111.... 1,095 Springfield. Mass. .2,032 Svracuse, X. Y 1,805 Toledo O 1 356 Toledo, 334 S. Francisco, Cal.. .3,420 Savannah, Ga 987 Springfield, Mass 31 "Washington. D. C. .340 Waterbury, Conn 33 Wethersfleld, Conn 4 Wilmington, N. C...716 Winnipeg, Man... 1,856 Wi listed. Conn 36 Yankton, D. T.... 1.614 Vicksburg, Miss 752 Toronto, Can 421 Vicksburg, Miss.... 838 "Washington. D. C. .898 Watertown, Wis 44 Waukesha, Wis 21 Waupaca, Wis 130 Santa Fe, N. Mex. .1,342 Tallahassee, Fla. .1,339 Toronto. Can 515 Utica, N. Y 745 Vicksburg, Miss.... 753 Washington, D. C. .813 Wheeling, W. Va ..451 Winnipeg, Man 845 Yankton, D. T 603 "Warsaw, Ky 88 Topeka, Kan 571 Toronto, Can 1 ,628 Washington. D. C.I ,926 West Point. N. Y. .2,024 Wheeling, W. Va. . 1 ,590 Wilmington, Del . . 1 .999 TTtica, N. Y 1,858 Washington. D. C. ..761 Wheeling, W. Va. . . .407 Wilmington, Del 798 Wilmington, N. C...931 Winchester, Ky 115 Winnipeg, Man ..1,140 Yankton, D. T 905 Whitewater, Wis 51 Winnipeg, Man 865 Winona, Minn 221 Winnipeg, Man... 1,1 39 Yankton, D. T 887 Ypsilanti, Mich 30 Yankton, D. T 613 21 322 Distances from Principal Cities to Different Parts of the United States Continued, Name of City. j Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. 1 Name of City. Miles. 1 Name of City. Miles. Name of City. 1 Miles' From New York to Adrian, Mich 747 From Xeiv Orleans, l.il . tO Albany, N. Y 1,644 Alton, 111 658 Philadelphia, Pa., to Albany, N. Y 231 From Richmond, Va., to Albany, N. Y 500 From St. l.mil*. Mo., to Albany, N. Y 1,123 Alton, (Upper). ... 23 From St. Paul, Minn., to Albany, N.Y 1,151 Albert Lea, Minn. ... 116 Albuq'erque. N. M. 1,801 Allegheny City, Pa. .878 Alton, 111 666 Albany, N. Y 143 Alliance, 436 Alexandria, Va 84 Allegheny Pa .. .432 Appleton, Wis 1,1O4 Alton, 111 989 Alton, 111 1,053 Ann Arbor, Mich. . . .716 A'tchison, Kan 1,360 Atlanta Ga 952 Atchison, Kan 1,055 Atlanta, Ga 1,223 Augusta, Me 2,140 Annapolis, Md 134 Atlanta, Ga 549 Atchison, Kan. 330 Atlanta, Ga 93O Augusta, Me 491 Baltimore, Md 170 Bangor, Me 836 Atlanta, Ga 536 Atlantic City.N. J. 1,067 Baltimore, Md 959 Beardstown, 111 112 Belleville, 111 14 Binghamton, N. Y.I, 030 Bloomington, 111 156 Annapolis, Md 1 ,244 Atlanta Ga 1 205 Baltimore, Md.... 1,316 Bangor, Me 1,979 Baton Rouge, La. 1,766 Baltimore, Md 96 Belief on taine, O 608 Bloomington, 111.... 949 Boston, Mass 318 Bay City, Mich 1,102 Beloit, Wis 1,083 Boston, Mass 591 Atlantic C'y, N. j. .1J291 Augusta, Ga 938 Augusta, Me. 1 503 Aurora, 'ill 938 Baton Rouge, La. ... 129 Bloomington, 111 788 Boston, Mass 1,735 Bismarck, D. T 1,823 Bridgeport, Conn. 1,560 Buffalo, N. Y 1,454 Burlington, Iowa. 1,122 Burlington, Vt 1,805 Cairo, 111 550 Canton, Miss 206 Akron, O 610 Burlington, Iowa. 1,321 Burlington, Vt 662 Baltimore, Md 188 Bangor Me 478 Austin Tex 1 397 Buffalo, N. Y 510 Cairo, 111 . 8OO Baltimore, Md. ... 1 ,283 Bangor, Me 1,575 Baton Rouge, La.. 1,320 Belfast, Me 424 Bloomington, 111.... 984 Boston, Mass 207 Buffalo, N. Y 423 Burlington, Iowa. 1,106 Burlington, Vt 304 Carson City, Nev. .2,800 Charleston, S. C 817 Chattanooga, Tenn.830 Chicago, 111 912 Burlington, Iowa. 1,030 Canandaigua, N. Y. .495 Cape May, N. J 338 Charleston, S. C 375 Charlotte, N. C 282 Charlotteville, Va. . . .97 Cheyenne, Wy. T. . 1 ,950 Chicago, 111 933 Boston, Mass 1320 Brookfleld, Mo 203 Cairo, 111 146 Bloomington, 111 535 Boston, Mass 1,330 Breckenridge, Minn. 217 Buffalo, N. Y... 856 Canandalgua, N. Y..352 Cairo, 111 1,053 Carlisle, Pa 126 Carlinville, 111 57 Canton, Miss 486 Cedar Falls, Iowa. 1,1 11 Chattanooga, Tenn. 762 Charleston S. C ..786 Cape May, N.J.... 1,089 Burlington, Vt 1,496 Cape May, N. J 1,218 Charleston, S. C. . . 1 ,417 Chat'ano'ga, Tenn . 1 ,067 Chicago, 111 410 Cape May, N. J. . . . 1,482 Carondelet, Mo 719 Carson City, Nev. 1,803 Cedar Rapids, la. .1,222 Centralia, 111 663 Cincinnati, 638 Charleston, S. C 959 Chattano'ga, Tenn.. .499 Cheyenne, Wy. T.. 1,022 Chicago 111 280 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,838 Chicago, 111 .... 823 Cleveland, 768 Coleman's Falls, Va. 161 Concord, N. H 656 Cincinnati, O 667 Chip'ewa Falls, Wis. 105 Cincinnati O 785 Cincinnati, O 744 Champaign, 111 787 Chattanooga, Tenn. 650 Cheyenne, Wy. T.. 1,932 Chicago, 111 915 Cincinnati, O 874 Col. Springs, Col.. 2,165 Concord, N. H 1,799 Davenport, Iowa. 1,069 Denver, Col 1 ,638 Clayton Del 65 Danville, Va 141 Cincinnati O 340 Cleveland, 580 Cleveland, 505 Dayton, 698 Columbia, S. C.... 1,247 Columbus, Ky 1 66 Concord, N. H 1,392 Corinth, Miss 309 Cleveland, O. ... 671 Columbia, S. C 749 Columbus, O 624 Columbia, S. C 651 Columbus, 548 Concord, N. H 397 Corry , Pa 410 Denver, Col 2,O08 Columbia, S.C.... 1,247 Columbus, 724 Concord, N. H 1^397 Des Moines, Iowa. 1,504 Detroit, Mich 905 Concord, N. H 298 Covington, Ky 745 Cumberland, Md....366 Davenport, Iowa. 1,082 Dayton O . . ..694 Dover, Del 38 Davenport, Iowa. ..344 Denver, Colo 1,000 Des Moines, Iowa. . . .496 Detroit Mich 564 Des Moines, Iowa.. 305 Dover, Del 1,212 Crestline, 544 Davenport, Iowa. 1,006 Dayton O 619 Dubuque, Iowa 1 ,394 Duluth, Minn 1,579 Evansville, Ind 906 Fargo, D. T 1,678 Faribault, Minn... 1,663 F't Kearney, Neb.. 2.098 Fort Wayne, Ind.... 800 Fredericksburg, Va. . .58 Oalena, 111 1 ,377 Duluth, Minn 155 Eau Claire, Wis 95 Elgin, 111 374 Erie, Pa 766 Fargo, D. T 240 Denver, Col 1 ,980 Des Moines, Iowa. .1,221 Detroit, Mich 1 ,289 Dover, N. H 1,799 Dubuque, Iowa 1,O08 Duquoin, 111 627 E vanston, 111 927 Enterprise, Miss. ... 146 Fargo, D. T 1,628 Ft. Kearney, Neb. . 1,815 Fort Wayne, Ind.. 1,036 Galveston, Tex 290 Green Bay, Wis. ..1,111 Grenada, Miss 294 Hannibal, Mo 870 Decatur, 111 936 Denver, Colo 1 ,936 Des Moines, Iowa. .1,180 Detroit, Mich 539 Dover, Del 76 Dover, N. H 385 Duluth, Minn 1,469 Elmira, N. Y 283 Evansville, Ind 911 Fargo, D. T 1,568 Forest, 585 F't Kearney, Neb. . 1 ,505 Fort Wayne, Ind 675 Galena 111 995 Dover Del 1 046 Des Moines, Iowa. 1,256 Detroit, Mich 628 Dover, N. H 297 Dubuque, Iowa 468 Du Quoin, 111 71 Elgin 111 . ..316 Fernandlna, Fla.. 1,685 Dubuque, Iowa 1 ,087 Elmira N. Y 274 Evanston, 111 292 Fargo, D. T 1.145 F't Kearney, Neb. .1,090 Grenada, Miss 398 Hannibal, Mo 145 Hermann, Mo 81 Independence, Mo. .272 Indianapolis, Ind... 262 Jacksonville, 111 91 Jackson, Miss 698 Jackson, Tenn 252 Jeffeison Bar'ks, Mo.. 10 Jefferson City, Mo. .115 Kansas Citv, Mo... 222 Kenosha, Wis 381 Kokomo, Ind 269 Fort Dodge, Iowa. ..218 Fort Wayne, Ind. ... 558 Galveston, Tex... 1,560 Hamilton, Can 784 Harrisburg. Pa 1 ,126 Hartford, Conn... 1,421 Hot Springs, Ark. . 1 ,103 Houston, Tex 1 ,509 Erie, Pa 486 Geneva Lake, Wis. 1,018 Goldsboro, N. C 319 Gordonsville, Va 76 Grand Rapids, M.. 1,075 Green Bay, Wis... 1,132 Greensboro', N. C. ... 189 Halifax, N. S 1,318 Hannibal, Mo 1,153 Hanover C. H., Va. .. 18 Harrisburg, Pa 2O4 Hartford, Conn 468 Indianapolis, Ind. 1,013 Jackson, Mich 981 Jacksonville, Fla 615 Jeffersonville, Mo. 1,133 Joliet, 111 1,199 Evansville, Ind 993 P't Kearney, Neb. .1,598 Fort Wayne, Ind. ...751 Fredericksburg, Va.299 Galena, 111 1,070 Galveston, Tex.... 1,900 Gettysburg, Pa 228 Marrisburg, Pa 182 Hartford, Conn HO Indianapolis, Ind. . .812 Jackson, Miss 1,319 Kalamazoo, Mich.. 772 Knoxville, Tenn ....740 Lansing, Mich 725 Le'v'nworth, Kan. 1,393 Lexington, Ky 844 Little Rock, Ark. . .1,430 Louisville, Ky 852 Lowell Mass . .256 Hudson, N.Y 1,160 Indianapolis, Ind. ..603 Jackson, Mich 522 Harrisburg, Pa. ... 1 ,435 Hartford, Conn 1,612 Helena, Ark 276 Houston, Tex 361 Gettysburg, Pa 135 Green Bay, Wis. ..1,034 Hartford, Conn 198 Helena, Mont 2,830 Huntsville, Ala. ..1,135 Indianapolis, Ind... 736 Jackson, Miss 1,461 Joliet 111 863 Jackson, Miss 1,118 Jacksonville, 111 625 Jacksonville, Fla. .1,658 Joliet, 111 446 Indianapolis, Ind. . .862 aackson, Miss 367 Jackson, Tenn 442 Jacksonville, 111 816 Jefferson City, Mo. .850 Joliet, 111 878 Kankakee, 111 859 Kansas City, Mo. . . 1,002 La Crosse, Wis... 1,195 Lansing, Mich 1,192 Leav'nworth , Kan . 1 ,034 Lincoln, Neh 1,467 Louisville, Ky 754 Kalamazoo, Mich.. 554 Kankakee, 111 466 Leadville, Col.... 1,132 Lansing Mich . 504 La Crosse, Wis 129 Lansing, Mich 513 Kansas City, Mo. .1,277 Lafayette, Ind 784 Lansing, Mich 728 Le'v'nworth, Kan. 1,303 Lebanon, Pa 86 Louisville, Ky 776 Madison, Ind 764 Madison, Wis 1,004 Mattoon, 111 864 Kalamazoo, Mich.1,149 Kankakee, 111 1,150 Kansas City, Mo. . . 1,209 Keene, N. H. 687 Kenosha, Wis 983 La Crosse, Wis... 1,213 Leadville, Colo. . . .2,218 Lexington, Ky 195 Louisville, Ky 706 Le'v'nworth, ..Kan. 309 Lecompton, Kan.... 347 Little Rock, Ark.. 1,120 LongBranch, N. J. 1,215 Louisville, Ky 702 Milwaukee, Wis ...324 Minneapolis, Minn.... 8 Minnetonka, Minn. . . .20 Montgomery, Ala. 1,280 Montreal, Can 1 ,158 New Haven, Conn. 1 ,225 New Orleans, La. .1,352 Newport, R. 1 1,374 New York, N. Y. . .1,390 Niagara Falls, N. Y.827 Oconomowoc, Wis. .294 Oil City, Pa 1,010 Little Rock, Ark. . . .590 Louisville, Ky 275 Madison, Wis 418 Memphis, Tenn 316 Meridian, Miss 503 Mexico, Mo 108 Milledgeville, Ga. .1,075 Milwaukee, Wis 365 Mobile, Ala 638 Moline, 111 233 Montgomery, Ala... 895 Montpelier, Vt.... 1,557 Nashville, Tenn 348 New Haven, Conn. 1,160 New Orleans, La 725 New York, N.Y... 1,084 Ogden, Utah 1,482 Omaha, Neb 496 Oswego, Kan 363 Lynchburg, Va 406 Macon, Ga 1,055 Madison, Wis 998 Memphis, Tenn 1,159 Meriden, Conn 92 Milledgeville, Ga. . . .990 Milwaukee, Wis 902 Mobile, Ala 1,332 Montgomery, Ala. 1,127 Montpelier, Vt 344 Nashville, Tenn. . . 1,001 New Albany, Ind. . . .853 New Haven, Conn 76 New Orleans, La.. 1,501 Newport, R. 1 162 Mattoon, 111 743 Memphis, Tenn 376 Menasha, Wis 1,100 Menominee, Mich.. 1,185 Meridian, Miss 191 Michigan C'y, Ind. 1,018 Milwaukee, Wis 998 Minneapolis, Minn. 1,363 Mobile, Ala 140 Montpelier, Vt 2,282 Nashville, Tenn 348 New Haven, Conn. 1,575 New York, N. Y... 1,501 Ogden, Utah 2,409 Marquette, Mich... 1,213 Memphis, Tenn.... 1,153 Milwaukee, Wis 908 Minneapolis, Minn. 1 ,243 Mobile, Ala 1,500 Lowell, Mass 617 Lynchburg, Va 147 Mackinac, Mich.. 1,284 Madison, Wis 1,071 Manasses, Va Ill Manitowoc, Wis... 1,1 11 Milwaukee, Wis. . . 1,018 Monroe. Mich 865 Natural B'dge, Va.. 181 New Bedford, Mass. .559 New Orleans, La.. 1,143 New York, N. Y 358 N. Mountain, W. Va.152 Ogden, Utah 2,462 Omaha Neb 1,430 Montpelier, Vt 528 Nashville, Tenn.... 928 Newark, N. J 79 Nebraska C'y, Neb. 1,321 New Haven, Conn. . . 166 New Orleans, La .1,412 Newport, R. 1 250 New York, N. Y 88 Niagara Falls, N. Y.458 Ogden, Utah 2,352 Oil City, Pa 444 Piqua O 621 Ottawa, Can 1.100 Paterson, N. J. . . . 1 ,293 Philadelphia, Pa.. 1,137 Portland, Me 1,442 Quebec, Can 1,430 Red Wing, Minn 41 Richmond, Va 1,343 Ripon, D. T 281 Ogden, Utah 2,441 Omaha, Neb 1,396 Paterson, N. J 16 Peoria 111 995 Philadelphia, Pa. 1,008 Pilot Knob Mo 87 Petersburg, Va 383 Philadelphia, Pa 88 Pittsburgh, Pa 431 Omaha, Neb 1,136 Philadelphia, Pa. 1,412 Pittsburgh Pa.... 1,378 Ponchatoula, La 48 Portland, Me 1,842 Portland, Ore 3,264 Providence, R. I... 1,689 Oswego, N. Y 595 Petersburg, Va 23 Philadelphia, Pa.... 268 Pilot Knob, Mo.'...l,O95 Portland Me 699 Pittsburgh, Pa 652 Portland, Me 1,492 Racine, Wis 342 Raleigh, N. C 1,317 Richmond, Va 1 ,008 Rock Island, 111 230 Sacramento, Cal. . 1 .950 St. Joseph, Mo 305 St. Paul, Minn 690 Salt Lake City, U.. .1,500 S. Francisco, Cal. ..2,030 Savannah, Ga 1 ,245 Sedalia, Mo 189 Rush City, Minn 54 St. Cloud, Minn 75 St. Louis, 690 Sar't'sra Sp'gs, N. Y. 1 ,265 Sparta, Wis ..154 Portland, Me 341 Pittsburgh, Pa 355 Portland, Me 398 Portland, Ore 3,870 Quincy, 111 1,057 Richmond, Ind 667 Richmond Va 268 Portland, Ore 3,965 Providence, R. I 188 Quincy, 111 1.162 Portland. Ore 3,892 Racine, Wis 995 Savannah, Ga 1,498 Springfield, III 595 Stevens Point, Wis. 213 Stillwater, Minn 25 Streator, 111 505 Raleigh, N. C 537 Racine, Wis 977 Richmond, Va ... .358 Richmond, Va 1,143 Sacramento, Cal. .2,625 St. Louis, Mo 725 St. Paul, Minn 1,352 Salt Lake City, 0. .2,481 S.Francisco, Cal.. 2,425 Springfield, 111 820 Springfield Mo 962 Raleigh, N. C 270 Rock Island, 111. . . .1,081 Sacramento. Cal 3,172 St. Joseph, Mo 1 ,337 St. Louis, Mo 1,084 St. Paul, Minn 1,390 Salt Lake C'y, U. . .2,465 8. Francisco, Cal. .3,310 Savannah, Ga 877 Springfield, 111.... 1,035 Tallahassee, Fla. .1,190 Toledo, O . . . 694 Rock Island, 111. ..1.005 Sacramento. Cal.. 2.992 Salt Lake City, U. .2,374 Sandusky, O 566 S. Francisco, Cal.. .3,224 Sacramento, Cal.. 2,958 Sag Harbor, L. 1 458 St. Louis, Mo 1.008 St. John,N. B 1,042 Salisbury, N. C 238 Salt Lake City, U. .2,439 Saltpetre Cave, Va. .205 San Diego, Cal.... 3,500 S. Francisco, Cal.. 3,038 Saratoga Sp'gs, N. Y.538 Savannah, Ga 490 Toledo, O 653 Toronto, Can 745 Vicksburg, Miss.. 1,163 Waseca, Minn 84 Springfield, 111 95 Springfieid, 111 946 Springfield, Mo 200 Washington, D. C. 1,223 Watertown, Wis 280 Waukesha, Wis 303 West Point. N. Y.. 1,321 Wheeling, W. Va 861 Wilmington. Del.. 1,261 Winnipeg, Man 454 Toronto, Can 1,430 "Vicksburg, Miss.... 235 Vinlta, Ind. Ter.... 1,086 "Washington, D. C..960 Wilmington, Del.. 1,034 Winnipeg, Man. . . .1,760 Wyandotte, Kan.. 1,011 TTankton, Dak 1,851 Sterling, 111 282 St. Louis. Mo 1,O08 St. Paul. Minn 1,137 Terre Haute, Ind. . .809 Toledo O 518 Toledo, O 450 Vinita, Ind. T 363 "Washington, D. C. .951 Weston, Mo 310 "Vicksburg, Miss.. 1,400 Washington, D. C. .230 Wilmington, N. C...6O6 Zanesville, 610 Springfield, 111.... 1,100 Toledo, O 840 Washington, D. C..138 Wheeling, W. Va...451 Xeuia O 603 Wheeling, W. Va. . . .590 Wilmington, Del 999 Wyandotte, Kan 286 "Washington, D. C. . .77 West Point, Va 38 Ypsilanti, Mich.... 568 323 Distances from Principal Cities to Different Parts of the United States Continued, Name of City. i M ;;.- Name of Oity. Miles. I Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Miles. Name of City. Mlln,. From Indianapolis llHl.. tO Albany, N.Y 1,013 From Memphl*. Tenn., to Albany, N. Y 1,302 Alton 111 338 From Om:i h:i. Neb., to Albany, N. Y 1,314 From PlttsburKh, Pa., to Albany, N.Y 574 From S. Francisco Cal., to Albany, N.Y 3,228 Albuq'erque, N. M.I, 197 Allegheny C'y, Pa. 2,879 Alton, 111 2 053 From Washington D. C., to Albany, N.Y 370 Annapolis, Md 775 Atlanta, Ga 602 Baltimore, Md 700 Altoona, Pa 912 Annapolis, Md 1,032 Atchison, Kan 646 Annapolis, Md 1,331 Atchison, Kan 166 Alliance, 6 93 Anderson, Ind 359 Amherst, Mass 619 Atlanta, Ga 1,292 Annapolis, Md 366 Annapolis, Md 3,245 Annapolis, Md... 40 Bedford, Ind 107 Atlantic City, N. J. 1,208 Augusta, Ga 487 Augusta, Me 1,652 Austin, Tex 470 Augusta, Me 1,686 Atlantic City, N. J. .413 Baltimore, Md 340 Birmingham, Pa 1 Bloomington, 111 594 Boston, Mass 638 Burlington, Iowa. . .675 Butler, Pa 41 Cairo, 111 715 Canal Dover, O... .110 Carson City, Nev. .2,120 Charleston, S. C. ..1,141 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,529 Chicago, 111 468 Cincinnati, O 313 Cleveland, 150 Columbus, 193 Conneautville, Pa.. 113 Connellsville, Pa 57 Coshocton, O 124 Atlantic City, N. J. 3.282 Augusta, Ga 3,350 Alexandria, Va 7 Bloomingdale, Ind... 60 Bloomington, 111 80 Boston, Mass 1,059 Burlington, Iowa... 308 Burlington, Vt.... 1,188 Carson C'y, Nev.... 691 Charleston, S. C 890 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,120 Chicago, 111 193 Aurora, 111 464 Baltimore, Md... 1,350 Beardstown, 111 467 Boston, Mass 1,517 Buffalo, N.Y 1,039 Augusta, Me 633 Augusta, Me 3,600 Baltimore, Md 3,206 Bangor, Me 3,674 Aurora, 111 851 Baltimore Md 39 Bay St. Louis, Miss.428 Bangor, Me 1,720 Bangor, Me 708 Beardstown, 111. . .2, 142 Benecia, Cal 33 Boston, Mass 3,430 Buffalo, N. Y 2,953 Burlington, Iowa. .2,104 Burlington, Vt.... 3,592 Cairo, 111 2,115 Bellaire O 349 Beardstown, 111 428 Belleville, 111 330 Bismarck, Mo 274 Boston, Mass 1,476 Bowling Green,Ky. .263 Brighton, Tenn 30 Buffalo, N. Y 928 Cairo, 111 170 Canton, Miss 170 Carondelet, Mo 343 Charleston, S. C 620 Chattano'ga, Term.. 179 Cheyenne, Wy. T.. 1,338 Chicago, 111 517 Cincinnati, O 484 Burlington, Iowa. ..294 Burlington, Vt 1,679 Cape May, N. J 1,401 Carson City, Nev 87 Cedar Rapids, la 278 Charleston, S. C.. .1,600 Cheyenne, Wy. T 516 Chicago, 111 497 Cincinnati, O 790 Columbia, S. C 1,334 Columbus, 811 Columbus. Neb 92 Cooper's Lake,Wy. 600 Concord, N. H 1,580 David City, Neb 61 Denver, Col 569 Bladenburgh, Md 6 Boston, Mass 432 Burlington, Iowa. 1,020 Burlington, Vt 534 Columbus, Ind 41 Columbus, 184 Concord, N. H 1,167 Cooper's Lake, Wy. 1 ,204 Crawfordsville, Ind.. 43 David City, Neb 665 Delphi, Ind 72 Denver, Col 1,260 Cairo, 111 1,O91 Cambridge, Mass 464 Cambridge, 402 Cape May, N. J 260 Cedar Rapids, la.. 1,1 18 Charleston, S. C 455 Chat'ano'ga, Tenn.1,097 Cheyenne, Wy. T. .1,830 Cape May, N. J.... 3,315 Carson City, Nev... 337 Charleston, S. C... 3,407 Chat'ano'ga, Tenn. 2,529 Chicago, 111 2,411 Cincinnati, O 2,655 Cleveland, O 2,768 Des Moines, Iowa. . . .547 Detroit, Mich 290 Cumberland, Md 150 Davenport, Iowa. ..651 Dayton, 264 Columbia, S. C 3,422 Columbus, 2,725 Colfax, Cal 205 Concord, N. H. 3,494 Cincinnati, 497 Columbia, S. C 500 Dubuque, Iowa 381 Edinburg, Ind 30 Evanston, Wy. T. .1,559 Fort Wayne, Ind 130 Frankfort, Ind 47 Columbus, Tenn 61 Columbus, Ky 153 Concord, N. H 1,457 Corinth, Miss 93 Covington, Ky 395 Cumberland, Tenn. .179 Decatur, Tenn 1 88 De Lassu, Mo 262 Denver, Colo 1 450 Des Moines, Iowa. . .262 Detroit, Mich 773 Dover, Del 1,395 Fairfleld, Iowa 244 Ft. Madison, Iowa. .351 Fort Wayne, Ind 645 Fremont, Neb 47 Galesburg, 111 337 Glenwood, Neb 60 Grand Island. Neb. .154 Green Bay, Wis 681 Green River, Wy. T.845 Iliinlin, Iowa 506 Harrisburg, Pa 1 ,213 Hartford. Conn... 1,508 Indianapolis, Ind.. ,6O4 Jacksonville, Fla. 1,745 Kansas City, Mo. . . .224 Kearney, Neb 195 Keokuk, Iowa 337 Lansing, Mich 742 Laramie C'y, Wy. T.573 Le'v'nworth, Kan... 187 Lincoln, Neb 58 Long Branch, N. J. 1 ,398 Los Angeles, Cal.. 2,389 Louisville, Ky 796 Decatur, 111 550 Dennison, 92 Denver, Col 1,581 Davenport, Iowa. 2,228 Dayton, 2,675 Denver, Col 1 ,499 Des Moines, Iowa. .2,054 Detroit, Mich 2,695 Dover, Del 3,309 Elgin 111 2 375 Cumberland, Md 152 Davenport, Iowa. . .996 Des Moines, Iowa. . .825 Detroit, Mich 308 Duluth, Minn 1,159 Erie, Pa 148 Franklin, Ind 20 Denver, Col 1,926 Grand Island, Neb.. 758 Des Moines, Iowa. 1,170 Dover, Me 639 Green River, Wy.. 1,449 Hartford, Conn 922 Iowa City, Iowa 430 DeSoto, Mo 306 Detroit, Mich 751 Duluth, Minn 1,163 Duquoin, 111 245 Ft. Kearney, Neb. .l) 195 Fort Wayne, Ind 320 Girard, 70 Harrisburg, Pa 249 Hartford, Conn 541 Indianapolis, Ind. . .381 Jefferson City. Mo. .775 Kansas City, Mo 938 Lafayette, Ind 445 Lincoln, Neb 1,020 Logansport, Ind 390 Louisville, Ky 420 Mackinac, Mich. . . .598 McKesport, Pa 50 Madison, Wis 606 Elko, Nev 619 El Paso, Tex 1,186 Erie, Pa 2,863 Fargo, D. T 1,666 Fort Wayne, Ind. .2,559 Frankfort, Ky 2,802 Grand Rapids, M. 2,612 Hamilton, Can... 2,883 Harrisburg, Pa 3,127 Hartford, Conn... 3,420 Hot Springs, Ark. .2,443 Houston, Tex 2,134 Hudson, N.Y 3,257 Indianapolis, Ind. 2,256 Jackson, Mich 2,619 Lansing, Mich 2,656 Lexington, Ky. ...2,802 Los Angeles, Cal 483 Louisville, Ky 2,708 Duluth, Minn 1,459 F't Kearney, Neb. 1,495 Fort Wayne, Ind 981 Galesburg, 111 977 Jeffersonville, Ind..lO9 Kankakee, 111 138 DuvalPs Bluff, Ark. . .87 Fargo, D.,T 1,461 Forrest Citv. Ark 45 Fort Scott, Kan. ...388 Fredericton, Mo 244 Galveston, Tex 633 Green Bay, Wis 759 Grenada, Miss 82 Hartford, Conn. . . 1,269 Houston, Tex 613 Humboldt, Tenn 82 Huntsville, Ala 213 Indianapolis, Ind. . .486 Iron Mountain, Mo. .279 Ironton, Mo 286 luka, Miss 115 Germantown, Pa 27 Gordonsville, Va 96 Grafton, Va 254 ' Lafayette, Ind 64 Lansing, Mich 396 Green Bay, Wis. . .1,055 Harper's Ferry, Va. .45 Hartford, Conn 340 Helena, Mont 2,820 Indianapolis, Ind. ..639 Kansas City, Mo.. 1,228 Kenosha, Wis.. .. 863 Laramie C'y, Wy. .1,177 Lawrenceburg, Ind. .95 Leav'nworth, Kan. .571 Lecompton, Kan 662 Lincoln, Neb 662 Little Rock, Ark.... 543 Logansport, Ind 91 Louisville, Ky 110 Keokuk, Iowa 1,063 Lawrence, Mass 497 Leav'nworth, Kan.1,387 Long Bridge, Va 2 Louisville, Ky 761 Lowell, Mass 458 Lynchburg, Va 178 Manasses, Va 34 Mansfield, 175 Mansfield, Pa 8 Madison, Ind 86 Marquette, Mich.... 858 Mattoon, 111 524 Madison, Wis 350 Memphis, Tenn 486 Macon, Ga 1,395 Madison, Ind 794 Marshalltown, la. ..108 Mendota, 111 419 Milwaukee, Wis 553 Nashville, Tenn 638 Nebraska C'y, Neb. 1,090 Newark, 160 Marysville, Cal 142 Milwaukee, Wis... 2,496 Mojave, Col 382 Napa, Cal 46 Jackson .Miss 382 Milledgeville, Ga. . . .725 Milwaukee, Wis 278 Mobile, Ala 843 Jefferson Bar'ks, Mo. 339 Kansas City, Mo... 538 Kimms wick, Mo 328 Lamar, Kan 348 La Grange, Tenn 49 Lansing, Mich 836 Martinsburgh, Va. . . .74 Memphis, Tenn 1,138 Milwaukee, Wis 575 Montpelier, Vt.... 1,721 Montreal, Can 1,341 Nebraska C'y, Neb. .103 New Haven, Conn. 1,412 New Orleans, La. .1,136 Newport, R. 1 1,558 New York, N. Y. . . 1 ,396 Niagara F'ls, N. Y. 1 ,010 North Platte, Neb. ..291 Ogden Utah 1 029 Newcastle, O 50 New Orleans, La. .1,378 New Philadelphia, O.113 New York, N. Y 431 Ogden, Utah 1997 New Orleans, La. .2,425 Newport, R. 1 3,472 New York, N. Y. . .3,310 Niagara F'lls, N. Y.2,925 Oakland, Cal 4 Montgomery, Ala... 755 Montpelier, Vt 1,313 Monticello Ind 84 Milwaukee, Wis 898 Minneapolis, Minn. 1,380 Montgomery, Ala. . .839 Montpelier, Vt 636 Montreal, Can 526 Leadville, Colo.... 1,728 Lexington, Ky 471 Little Rock, Ark 134 Louisville, Ky 377 Lutesville, Mo 216 Madison, Wis 734 Marquette, Mich 907 Meridian, Miss 185 Michigan City, Ind. .665 Mill Spring, Mo 334 Nashville, Tenn 293 Nebraska C'y. Neb. .770 New Albany, Ind 112 New Haven, Conn. . .935 New Orleans, La . . .862 New York, N. Y 812 North Platta, Neb. . ,a<5 Ogden, Utah 1,633 Omaha, Neb 6O4 Omaha, Neb 965 Philadelphia, Pa... 355 Portland, Me 772 Ogden, Utah 895 Oil City, Pa 3,011 Omaha, Neb 1 ,907 Mt. Vernon, 479 Portland, Ore 3,515 Quincy, 111 702 Rahway N J 424 Paterson, N. J. . . .2,294 Petal uma, Cal 35 Philadelphia, Pa.. 3,224 Pittsburgh, Pa 2,879 Portland, Me 3,539 Quebec, Can 3,527 Raleigh, N. C 3,347 Reno Nev 306 Nashville, Tenn.... 684 Navy Yard 2 Newark. O 454 Osceola, Neb 85 Ravenna, 112 Richmond, Ind 313 Richmond, Va 377 Rochester, Pa 26 New Orleans, La 960 Newport, R. 1 392 Ottumwa, Iowa 219 Peoria, 111 390 New York, N. Y 230 Ogden, Utah 1,342 Milwaukee, Wis 681 Mobile, Ala 317 Montpelier, Vt 1,503 Moscow, Tenn 39 Nashville, Tenn 232 New Orleans, La.... 376 New York, N.Y... 1,159 Ogden, XI tab 1,798 Olathe, Kan 466 Philadelphia, Pa. . . .736 Pittsburgh, Pa 381 Portland, Me 1,2O8 Pra" du Chien, Wis. .491 Princeton, Ind 188 Richmond, Va 1,013 Rock Island, 111..... 375 Rushville Ind 45 Philadelphia, Pa.. 1,320 Portland, Me 1 ,625 Quincy, 111 366 Racine, Wis 530 Rawlins, Wy. T 709 Red Oak, Ind. T 53 Richmond, Va 1.430 Rochester, N. Y... 1,047 Sacramento, Cal. .2,637 St. Louis, Mo 652 St. Paul, Minn 878 Salt Lake City, U. .2,019 S. Francisco, Cal. .2,879 Sewickly, Pa 13 Sharon, O 71 Omaha, Neb 1,310 Richmond, Va 3,038 Rock Island, 111 ..2,230 Sacramento, Cal 90 San Antonio, Tex. 1,918 San Jose, Cal 48 San Raphael, Cal 14 Santa Rosa,Cal 50 Sar't'ga Sp'gs, N. Y . 3,266 Savannah, Ga 3,275 Sonoma, Cal 38 South Vallejo, Cal.. ..31 Springfield, 111.... 2,125 Stockton, Cal 92 St. Louis, Mo.. . .2,030 Parkersburg, Va. ..358 Peoria, 111 924 Philadelphia. Pa 138 Piedmont, W. Va...l80 Pittsburgh, Pa 300 Point of Rocks, Md. . .43 Portland, Ore 3,866 Providence, R. I 418 Quincy, 111 1,075 Raleigh, N. C 286 St. Joseph, Mo 1O8 Omaha, Neb 1,116 Rock Island, 111 333 Sacramento, Cal 1,763 Springfield, 111 587 St. Louis, Mo . 262 Paducah, Ky 166 Springfield, 237 Steubenville, O 43 Terre Haute, Ind. . .446 Tiffin, 52 St. Paul, Minn 603 Salem, Ind 143 Pass Christian, Miss.434 Philadelphia, Pa.. 1,153 Pilot Knob, Mo 284 Sacramento, Cal. .2,266 St. Louis Mo .316 St. Louis, Mo 496 Richmond, Va 77 Salt Lake City, U. . 1 ,762 Sandusky, O 213 S. Francisco, Cal. .1,907 Sar't'ga Sp'gs, N. Y. 1 ,352 Savannah, Ga 1 ,585 Schuyler, Neb 76 Sedalia, Mo 307 Rock Island, 111 994 Sacramento, Cal. .3,073 St. Louis, Mo 951 Toledo, O 248 8. Francisco, Cal.. .2,2:>6 Savannah, Ga 790 Trenton N. J . .387 "Valparaiso, Ind. . . .424 Warren, O 80 Warsaw, Ind 360 Troy, N. Y 3,228 St. Paul, Minn 1,223 Salt Lake City, U. .2,379 S. Francisco, Cal. ..2,981 Sioux City, Iowa.. 1,328 Springfield, Mass 919 Tiffin, 566 Seymour, Ind 59 Sioux City, Iowa 735 Springfield, 111 . 223 St. Paul, Minn 1.O06 Salt Lake C'y, U... 1,816 Toledo, O 2,654 Toronto, Can 2,926 Tucson, Ariz 978 Sidney, Neb 99 Tallahassee, Fla. .1,836 Tie Siding, Wy. T... 160 Toledo, O 740 Toronto, Can 1 ,012 Wahoo, Neb 19 Washington, D. C. . .300 Washington, O 31 Wellsville, 48 Terre Haute, Ind 73 Thornton Ind 38 Selma, Ala 298 Tulare, Cal 251 Truckee, Cal 271 Springfield, 111 411 Texarkana, Ark. . . .279 Toledo O . .686 Trenton, N. J 796 Vicksburg, Miss 627 Wheeling, W. Va 65 Winnipeg, Man... 1,358 Xenia, O 248 Virginia City, Nev. 358 Vinita, Ind. T 2,O64 Washingt'n, D. C. 2,981 Wheeling, W. Va. 2,620 Wilmington, Del. .3,029 Winnemucca, Nev. .475 West Point, N.Y... 280 Wheeling, W. Va....353 Winnipeg, Man 1,658 Winona, Minn 1,119 Yankton, D.T.... 1,416 Zanesville, O 428 Vincennes, Ind 1O4 "Washington, D. C. .639 Wheeling, W. Va. .. .325 Wilmington, Del 811 Tuscumbia, Ala 145 Washingt'n, D. C.I, 138 Wilmington, Del.. 1,144 Winnipeg, Man. ... 1 ,460 Washington. D. C. 1 ,31O Wheeling, W. Va. . . .948 Wilmington, Del.. 1,348 Wyandotte, Kan 210 Yankton, Dak 1,071 Youngstown, O 65 Zanesville, 174 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS AND THEIR RESULTS, GIVING THE Number of Presidential Candidates, Number of States Voting, Totals of Electoral Votes at Each Election, Popular Vote, Former Occupation of Candidates, and General Remarks. January, 1789 First Presidential Election Washington Chosen. No. of State! and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties fa the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President Electoral Cast for Vice-Pres Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 13 States, Entitled to 73 Electoral Votes. Federalist . . . ! George Washington. John Adams ..10.. ...69... Surveyor, Planter, Gen'l Lawyer, Diplomatist Jurist, Diplomatist Jurist, Private Sec'y Jurist, Governor Jurist, Governor General, Lieut.-Gover'r. Until 1824 the Electoral voters were chosen liv the Legislature of each State, and not by the people; hence no popular vote appears. New York failed to pass a proper election law in time to vote, and Rhode Island and North Car- olina had not adopted the Constitution, so their four votes were not ' -.st. Each elector voted for two candidates, the high- est number for one electing. There was no candidate for Vice-President. but John Adams, having the vote next highest after Washington, was declared Vice-President by the electors. Conn., N. J., Pa., Del., Md., Va., S. C. and Ga., cast their votes for Washington 3 States not voting. ...34... 9. R. H. Harrison ... 6 Anti-Federa't- John Rutledge Samuel Huntingdon. Benjamin Lincoln. . . ....6... ....2... 1 John Hancock 4 George Clinton ....3... Farmer, Governor John Milton 2. State Secretary Militia Colonel Merchant, Governor James Armstrong Edward Telfair ....1. . ....1... Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties | 10 None 69 69 November, 1792 Second Presidential Election Washington Again Chosen. No of States Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Presi- dent and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Cast for President. Cast for Vice-Pres Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. IS States, Entitled to ISC Electoral Votes. Federalist . . . j f Republican..-! Geo. Washington . . . Surveyor, Planter, Gen'l Lawyer, Diplomatist Electoral voters chosen by State Legislatures, and not by the people. Maryland withheld 2 electoral votes and Ver- mont 1. The Democratic (or Anti-Federalist) Party was now known as " Republicans." Washington elected President, and Adams Vice- President. Conn., N. J., Pa., Del., Md., Va., S. C., N. C., N. Y., R.I., Ga., Ky., Vt., N. H. and Mass, cast their votes for Washington. and John Adams George Clinton ..15.. ...132.. ....77.. ....50 Thomas Jefferson. . . . Aaron Burr Not Voting 4.. 1.. 3.. Governor, Statesman... Lieut.-Col., Senator Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties [ 15 None 132 | 135 December, 1796 Third Presidential Election Adams Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parries in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. ie States, Entitled to 138 Electoral Votes. Federalist Republican. . < John Adams and "lios. Pincliney "i" " 7 -j" .".59." Lawyer, Diplomatist Electoral votes still chosen by State Legislatures, and not by tho people. All the electors voted for two candidates each a total of 276 votes. Adams elected President, and Thos. Jefferson Vice-President. Va., Tenn., S. C., Pa., N. C.. Ky. and Ga. voted for Jefferson; Vt., R. I., N. Y., N. J., N. H., Mass., Md., Del. and Conn, voted for Adams. Oliver Ellsworth John Jay James Iredell ....11.. 5.. 3 Jurist, Statesman Jurist, Diplomatist George Vashington. John Henry 2.. Surveyor, Planter, Gen'l Statesman, Senator .2 2 Charles C. Pinckney. Thos. JcCerson Aaron 3ttrr Samuel Adams George Clinton ...1.. Statesman, Diplomatist Governor, Statesman.. . Lieut.-Col., Senator Statesman, Governor. . . Farmer, Governor ....68.. ....30.. ....15.. .7 Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties 16 None 71 205 November, 1800 Fourth Presidential Election Jefferson Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of .States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 16 States, Entitled to 138 Electoral Votes. Republican.. ) Federalist. . . I Thomas Jefferson and '..'ie:: ...73."! ".73."' Governor, Statesman. . . A tie between Jefferson and Burr led to a close contest in Congress; but on the 17th of February, 1801, on the 36th ballot, Thos. Jefferson was elected President and Aaron Burr Vice-President. Conn., N. J., Pa., Del., Md., Va., S. C., N. C., R. I., Ga.. Ky., Tenn., N. Y., Vt., N. H. and Mass, voted for Jefferson. John Adams and Chas. C. Pinckney and John Jay ...65... ...64... ....1... Lawyer, Diplomatist. . . Statesman, Diplomatist Jurist, Diplomatist Totals. [ 2 Pol. Parties. | 16 None 73 2O3 Presidential Elections and Their Results C 325 ontinued, November, 1804 Fifth Presidential Election Jefferson Again Chosen. Ne. of State* Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 17 States, Entitled to 176 Electoral Votes. Republican. . < Federalist.... j ..15.. ..162.. Governor, Statesman. . . Jefferson elected President; Clinton elected Vice- President. N. J., Pa., Md., Va., S. C., N. C., R.I., Ga., Ky., Tenn., N. Y., Ohio, Vt., N. H. and Mass, voted for Jefferson, and Conn, and Del. voted for Pinckney. and ..162.. ...2.. ....14 Statesman, Diplomatist Statesman, Diplomatist and ..14 Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties | 17 None 176 176 November, 1808 Sixth Presidential Election Madison Chosen. No of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 17 States, Entitled to 176 Electoral Votes. Republican. . J Federalist.... ; James Madison and George Clinton ..12.. ..122.. 6. 3.. ..113.. .9 Cabinet Officer Farmer, Governor Madison elected President; Clinton elected Vice- President. Madison had the votes of Vt., N. Y., N. J., Pa.. Md., Va., N. C., S. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn. and Ohio, and Pinckney those of Conn., Del., N. H., R, I. and Mass. Votes not cast 1. and James Monroe Chas. C. Pinckney. . ...5.. ..47 . 3.. Senator, Governor Statesman, Diplomatist Senator, Diplomatist. . . and Rufus King ....47.. Totals. 2 Pol. Parties. 17 None 175 175 November, 1812 Seventh Presidential Election Madison Again Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Vote". Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 18 States, Entitled to 818 Electoral Votes. Republican.. Federalist.... ) James Madison and Elbridge Gerry DeWitt Clinton and ..11.. ...7.. ..128.. ....89.. ...131.. 86 Cabinet Officer Lawyer, Governor Senator, Statesman Jurist, Congressman . . . Madison elected President; Gerry elected Vice- President. Vt., Pa., Md., Va., N. C., S. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn., Ohio, and La. voted for Madison, and N. H., Mass., R. 1., Conn., N. Y., N. J. and Del. for Clinton. Votes not cast 1. Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties. 18 None | 217 217 November, 1816 Eighth Presidential Election Monroe Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- PresMent. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 19 States, Entitled to 881 Electoral Votes. Republican.. / Federalist.... James Monroe and ..16.. ...183.. 183 Senator, Governor Monroe elected President; Tompkins elected Vice- President. N. H., R. I., Vt., N. Y., N. J., Pa., Md. Va., N. C., S. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn., Ohio, La. and Ind. voted for Monroe, and Mass., Conn, and Del. for King. Votes not cast 4.^ Rufus King and John E. Howard James Ross ...3.. ....34.. ....22.. 5.. 4.. Senator, Diplomatist... Governor, Senator Jurist, Senator Jurist, Statesman Robert G Harper .3 Totals. 1 2 Pol. Parties 19 None 217 217 November, 1820 Ninth Presidential Election Monroe Again Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidate for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for President Former ccupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 24 States, Entitled to MJK Electoral Votes. Republican. . ? Opposition Republican James Monroe and Dan! D. Tompkins.. . ..24. . ...231.. ..218 Senator, Governor Monroe elected President; Tompkins elected Vice- President. Every State in the Union (24) voted for James Monroe. Votes not cast 3. I John Q. Adams .1.. Statesman, Diplomatist Jurist, Senator and Richard Stockton 8.. Daniel Rodney ..4.. Robert G. Harper. . . . 1.. Jurist, Senator Richard Rush 1.. Statesman, Diplomatist Totals. 2 Pol. Parties. 24 None 232 232 326 Presidential Elections and Their Results Continued, November, 1824 Tenth Presidential Election John Q. Adams Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. hl.Ttnr.il Votes Cast for President. l.l.Ttor.il Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 24 States, Entitled to 261 Electoral Votes. Republican.. . 11.. ..155,872.. ...99.. Jurist, General This election was the first of which a popular vote was recorded. From the number of candidates, and the charac- ter of the ballot cast, this election was known as the ' ' Scrub-race." Adams and Calhoun were elected President and Vice-President, respectively, by Con- gress, where the contest was finally determined. Me., N. H., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt., N. Y., voted for Adams; Del., Va. and Ga. for Crawford; N. J.,Pa., Md., N. C., S.C., T3nn., La., Miss., Ind., 111. and Ala. for Jackson, and Ky., Ohio and Mo. for Clay. Votes not cast 1. John Q. Adams and .. 7.. ..105,321.. ...84.. ..182.. Statesman, Diplomatist Jurist, Cabinet Officer . Jurist, Cabinet Officer. . Soldier, Statesman Senator, Diplomatist. . . Jurist, Senator Jurist, Senator Jurist, General Wm. H. Crawford... and ..3.. ...44,282.. ...41.. . 24.. Henry Clay and Nathan Sanf ord Martin Van Buren . . . ..3.. ...46,587.. ...37.. ... 3O. . ....9.. ... 13.. . .. 2 . Senator, Diplomatist... Totals. 1 Pol. Party 24 352,062 | 261 260 November, 1828 Eleventh Presidential Election Jackson Chosen. No of State! and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties In the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Klectoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 24 States, Entitled to 261 Electoral Votes. Democratic. . < National J Republican ) Andrew Jackson John C. Calhoun and William Smith . 15.. ..647,231.. . 178.. ..171.. 7.. Jurist, General Jurist, Cabinet Officer. . Jurist, Senator Jackson elected P. esldent; Calhoun elected Vice- President. N. Y., Pa., Va., La., N. C., S. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn., Ohio, Ind., Miss.. 111., Ala. and Mo., voted for Jack- son; Me., N. H., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt., N. J., Del. and Md. voted for Adams. John Q. Adams and Richard Rush ..9.. ..509,097.. ...83.. 83 . Diplomatist, Senator. . . Statesman, Diplomatist Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties. 24 | 1,156,328 261 ; 261 November, 1832 Twelfth Presidential Election Jackson Again Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Namei of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for Prenident. Electoral Vote- Cast for Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 24 States, Entitled to 288 Electoral Votes. Democratic. . J S'th Carolina ( Democrats i National ( Republican } Anti-Masonic < Andrew Jackson ' . 16. . and Martin Van Buren... i William Wilkins ..687,502.. ..219.. ..189.. 30 . General, President Jurist, Senator Jackson elected President; Van Buren elected Vice-President. The " South Carolina Democrats " were local pol- iticians in South Carolina, who were known as "Nulliflers," for attempting to annul certain national laws which they deemed a curtailment of the rights of the State. Jackson promptly sup- pressed the rebellious party. Me., N. H., N. Y., Va., Ga., N. J., Pa., N. C., Tenn., La., Miss., Ind., 111., Ala., O. and Mo. voted for Jack- son; Mass., R. I., Conn., Del., Md. and Ky. for Clay; S. C. for Floyd, and Vt. for Wirt. Votes not cast 2. Floyd and Wirt had a popular vote, together, of 33,108. John Floyd and .. 1.. ... 11.. 11 Statesman, Governor. . . Henry Clay and John Sergeant ..6.. ..530,189.. ...49.. ... 49 . Statesman, Senator William Wirt .. 1 *33 108 7 Lawyer, Cabinet Officer Unknown and Amos Ellmaker .... 7.. Totals. 1 4 Pol. Parties. 24 1,250,799 286 | 286 November 1836 Thirteenth Presidential Election Van Buren Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties In the Contest Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Votes Cast for Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 26 States, Entitled to 294 Electoral Votes. Democratic. . Whig 1 Martin Van Buren... and Richard M. Johnson. William Smith Hugh L. White . 15.. 2 . ..761,549.. .. 170.. . 2 ..147.. ... 23.. Jurist, Senator Lawyer, Senator Jurist, Senator Van Buren elected President; Johnson elected Vice-President. Me., N. H., R. I., Conn., N. Y., Pa.. Va., N. C., La., Miss., 111., Ala., Mo., Ark. and Mich, voted for Van Buren; Vt., N. J., Del., Md., Ky., O. and Ind. for Harrison; Mass, for Webster; Ga. and Tenn. for White; S. C., for Mangum. "736,656 votes were cast for Harrison, White, Webster and Mangum, together. Jurist, Senator Lawyer, Senator Congressman, Govern'r General, Senator Lawyer, Congressman. . Lawyer, Senator Willie P. Mangum... John Tyler .. 1 .. 11 . . 47. . . 7.. .*736,656.. ...73.. ... 14.. ...77.. and Francis Granger Daniel Webster .. 1.. Totals. 1 2 Pol. Parties 26 | 1,498,205 294 294 | 327 Presidential Elections and Their Results Continued, . November, 1840 Fourteenth Presidential Election Harrison Chosen. Mo. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidate for Pres- ilrii I and Vice- President. No. of States Voting Total Popular Vote. .Electoral Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 26 States, Entitled to 894 Electoral Votes. Whig 1 Win. H.Harrison and John Tyler . 19.. .. 7 . .1,275,017. .1,128,702. . . 234. . ...60.. ..234.. .. 48 . General, Senator Lawyer, Governor Harrison elected President; Tyler elected Vice- President. Mr. Tyler succeeded to the Presidency upon the death of President Harrison, April 4, 1841, serving until March 3, 1845. Me., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt., N. Y., N. J., Pa., Del., Md., N. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn., O., La., Miss., Ind. and Mich, voted for Harrison, and N. H., Va., 8. C., 111., Ala., Mo. and Ark. for Van Buren. Democratic. . Liberty 5 and Richard M. Johnson. L. W. Tazewell ...11 . James K. Polk 1 James G. Birney and ..0.. 7,059. .... 0.. 0.. Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Totals. | 3 Pol. Parties. 26 2,410,778 294 294 November, 1844 Fifteenth Presidential Election Polk Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 86 States, Entitled to 875 Electoral Votes. Democratic.. < Whig < James K. Polk . 15.. .1,337,243. . . 170. . Lawyer, Governor Polk elected President; Dallas elected Vice-Presi- dent. Me., N. H., N. Y., Pa., Va., S. C., Ga., La., Mo., Miss., Ind., 111., Ala., Mich, and Ark. voted for Polk, andMass.,R.I.,Conn.,Vt.,N.J.,Del.,Md.,N.O.,Ky., Tenn. and O. for Clay. and George M. Dallas Henry Clay and Theo. Frelinghuysen James G. Birney and . 11.. .1,299,068. ..105.. ..170.. .. 105 . Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Liberty ) ..0.. . . 62,300. .... 0.. Totals. | 3 Pol. Parties. 26 2,698,611 275 275 November, 1848 Sixteenth Presidential Election Taylor Chosen No of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest CandUtates for Pres- ident and Vice- Preeident. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Cut "for President. Klectoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 30 States, Entitled to S9O Electoral Votes. Whig 5 Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore . 15.. .1,360,101 .. 163.. .. 163.. Planter, General Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, General Lawyer, Jurist Lawyer, Statesman Taylor elected President; Fillmore elected Vice- President. Mr. Fillmore succeeded to the Presidency July 9, 1850, when President Taylor died, and served until March 3, 1853. Conn., Del., Ga., Ky., La., Md., Mass., N. J., N. Y., N. C., Pa., R. I., Tenn., Vt. and Fla. voted for Taylor; and Ala., Ark., 111., Ind., Me., Mich., Miss., Mo.,N.H., O., S. C., Va., la., Tex. and Wis. voted for Cass. Democratic.. < Free-Soil . . . . 5 Liberty $ League t Lewis Cass and Wm. O. Butler Martin Van Buren. . . and . 15.. .1,220,544. ...291,263. . . 127. . ::::*: . .. 127.. 0.. Gerrit Smith ... 0.. Lawyer, Statesman Clergyman and C. C. Foote .... 0.. Totals. | 4 Pol. Parties 30 2,871,908 290 290 |.: November, 1852 Seventeenth Presidential Election Pierce Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Name> of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 81 States, Entitled to 896 Electoral Votes. Democratic.. } Whig ) Franklin Pierce 27. . and William R. King Winfleld Scott 4.. and William A. Graham John P. Hale and Geo. W. Julian .1,1*11.474. .1,386,978. ...156,149. . . 254. . ...42.. .... 0.. ..254.. ...42.. .... 0.. Lawyer, General Lawyer, Senator Pierce elected President; King elected Vice-Pres- ident, but died April 18, 1853. Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., Ga., 111., Ind., La., Me., Md., Mich., Miss., Mo., N. H., N. J., N. Y., N. C., O., Pa., R. I., S. C., Va., Fla., la., Tex., Wis. and Cal. voted for Pierce; and Ky., Mass., Tenn. and Vt. voted for Scott Lawyer, Senator Lawyer, Senator Lawyer, Statesman Free-Soil . . . . j Totals. | 3 Pol. Parties. 31 3,144,601 296 296 328 Presidential Elections and Their Results C ontinued, November, 1856 Eighteenth Presidential Election Buchanan Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. .Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Caat for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 31 States, Entitled to M Electoral Votes. Democratic. . < Republican., j American or \ Know Noth'g ( 19.. .1,838,169. .. 174.. Lawyer, Statesman.. Buchanan elected President; Breckenridge elected Vice-President. N. J., Pa., Del., Va., N. C., S. C., Ga., Ky., Tenn., La., Miss., Ir.d., 111., Ala., Mo., Ark., Fla., Tex. and Cal. voted for Buchanan; Me., N. H., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt., N. Y., O., Mich., la. and Wis. voted for Fremont; and Md. voted for Fillmore. and Jno. C. Breckenridge John C. Fremont and Wm. L. Dayton Millard Fillmore and Andrew J. Donelson . . 11.. .. 1.. .1,341,264. ...874,534. .. 114.. .... 8.. ..174.. ..114.. ....8.. Lawyer, Senator Explorer, Senator Jurist, Senator Lawyer, Statesman Soldier, Lawyer Totals. 3 Pol. Parties. 31 4,053,987 296 296 November, I860 Nineteenth Presidential Election Lincoln Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Pol'itical Parties in the Contest. Candidate for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for Pr.'!>i.l,-nt. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 33 States. Entitled to 3O3 Electoral Votes. Republican.. I Democratic. . < Constitutio'l $ Union ; Independent \ Democratic j Abraham Lincoln .... and Hannibal Hamlin. . . John C. Breckenridge and Joseph Lane John Bell . 18.. . 11.. .1,865,913. ...847,404. ..180.. ...72.. ..180.. Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Governor Lawyer, Senator Lincoln elected President; Hamlin elected Vice- President. Me., N. H., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt., N. Y., N. J., Pa., 0., Ind.. 111.. Mich., la., Wis., Cal., Minn, and Ore, voted for Lincoln; Del., Md., N. C., S. C., Ga., La., .. 3.. ...591.900. ...39.. ...72.. General Governor Lawyer, Statesman Governor, Senator Jurist, Statesman and Edward Everett Stephen A. Douglas. . and Herschel V. Johnson. .. 1.. .1,374.664. ... 12.. ...39.. ... 12.. Miss., Ala., Ark., Fla. and Tex. voted for Brecken- ridge; Va., Ky. and Tenn. voted for Bell, and Mo., and part of N. J. voted for Douglas. Totals. | 4 Pol. Parties. 33 4,679,881 303 | 303 November, 1864 Twentieth Presidential Election Lincoln Again Chosen. No. ofStatw and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Kii-.-t.iral Cast for President. Electoral Caat for Vk-e-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 30 States. Entitled to 314 Electoral Votes. Republican.. ) Democratic.. J Abraham Lincoln and . 22.. .2,216,067. ..212.. 212 Lawyer, Statesman Eleven States, then in rebellion, did not vote, a loss of 81. Mr. Johnson succeeded to the Presidency April 15, 1865, President Lincoln having been assassinated. Me., N. H., Mass., R. I., Conn., Vt.. N. Y., Pa., Md., O., Ind., 111., Mo., Mich., Wis., la., Cal., Minn., Ore., Kan., W. Va. and Neb. voted for Lincoln; and N. J., Del. and Ky. voted for McClellan. Geo. B. McClellan and Geo. H. Pendleton... ..3.. .1,808,725. ...21.. ...21.. Explorer, General Lawyer. Congressman. . Totals. | 2 Pol. Parties. 25 4,024,792 233 233 November, 1868 Twenty-first Presidential Election Grant Chosen. No of Stairs and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of the Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Il*m] Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 37 States, Entitled to 317 Electoral Votes. Republican.. 5 Democratic. . < Ulysses S. Grant 26 .3.015.071. .. 214.. General, Secre'y of War Journalist, Statesman.. Three States Miss., Va. and Tex. did not cast their electoral votes, numbering 23. Me., N. H., Vt.. Mass., R. I., Conn., Pa., N. C., S. C., Ala., O., Tenn., Ind., 111.. Mo., Ark., Mich., Wis., la.. Cal.. Fla., Minn., Kan., W. Va., Nev. and Neb. voted for Grant; and N. Y., N. J.. Del., Md., Ga., La., Ky. and Ore. voted for Seymour. and Schuyler Coif ax Horatio Seymour . . 8. .2,709,613 ...80.. .. 214.. and Francis P. Blair, Jr. . 80 Totals. 1 2 Pol. Parties. | 34 5,724,684 294 294 Presidential Elections and Their ResultsContinued, November, 1872 Twenty-second Presidential Election Grant Again Chosen. >o. uf States and No. of Electoral Votes. Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 37 States, Entitled to HOG Electoral Votes. Republican. . < Liberal Republican ^ Democratic. . \ Prohibit'n or; Temperance J Labor Reform. Uncertain Revenue ) Reform ^ Anti-Masonic } Social Refin ' Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson . 31.. .3,597,070. ..286.. 286 General, Secre'y of War Mechanic, Statesman... Founder of N. Y. Tribune Lawyer, Governor Lawyer, Senator Lawyer, Governor Lawyer, Statesman Lawyer, Statesman Clergyman Clergyman Lawyer, Statesman Grant elected President; Wilson elected Vice- President. As will be seen, there were nine different tickets in the field, and the entire campaign was remark- able for the variety of opinions and prejudices which it evolved. The Liberal-Republican party, which nominated Horace Greeley for President, originated as fol- lows: The National Republican Convention, which nominated General Grant for re-election, had adopted a platform urging the continuance of coercive measures in the South until the freed negroes should be invested with all the rights of white citizens. This gave offense to a number of the party leaders, who favored a conciliatory course and the withdrawal of troops from the Southern States. This party, however, suffered a signal defeat, a majority of the States supporting the policy of the National Republicans. Three electoral votes of Georgia cast for Greeley, after his death, were lost; six of Arkansas, and eight of Louisiana, because of double returns, were thrown out of the canvass 14. Me.. N. H.,Vt., Mass., R. I., Conn., N.Y..N.J., Pa., Del.. Va., N. C., S. C., Ala., O., Ind., 111., Miss., Mich., Fla., la., Wis., Cal., Minn., Ore., Kan., W. Va., Neb., Nev., Ark. and La. voted for Grant; and Md., Ga., Ky., Tenn., Mo. and Tex. voted for Greeley. Horace Greeley and B. Gratz Brown Thos. A. Hendricks . . and B. Gratz Brown Charles O'Conor and ..6.. .2,834,079. ....29,408. 3.. ...42.. ...18.. .... 0.. ...47.. James R. Black and John Russell Charles O'Conor Charles J. Jenkins. . . 5,608. .... 0. . .... 0.. ....2.. .... 0.. David Davis 1.. Jurist, Statesman A. H. Colqnitt 5.. Congressman, Governor Lawyer, Statesman George W. Julian John M. Palmer 3.. T. E. Bramlette 3.. Willis B. Machen Nathaniel B. Banks. . .... 1.. ... 1.. Planter, Senator W. S. Groesbeck and Fred. Law Olmsted . . .... 1.. . . . O. . Lawyer, Congressman . . Landscape Gardener . . . Lawyer, Statesman. Charles F. Adams. . . . and J. L. Barlow ....0.. 0.. Victoria Woodhull. . . 0.. and Frd'k Douglass 37 6,466,165 Journalist, Orator Totals. | 9 Pol. Parties. 352 352 November, 1876 Twenty -third Presidential Election Hayes Chosen. No. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. PoliticalVartie/in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting Total Popular Vote. Electoral Votes Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pres. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 38 States, Entitled to 369 Electoral Votes. ( Republican. . < Democratic.. < Greenback . . } Prohibit'n or) Temperance 1 American or ; Anti-Masonic / Rutherford B. Hayes and Wm. A. Wheeler Samuel J. Tilden and Thos. A. Hendricks. . . 21.. .4,033,975. .. 185..' 185.. .4,284,893. ..184 184.. 81,740 ' Lawyer, Governor Lawyer. Congressman. . Lawyer, Governor Lawyer, Senator Manufactu'r, Statesman Lawyer, Congressman.. Lawyer, Governor Lawyer, Lecturer Clergyman, Author Farmer, Merchant Owing to doubtful returns from Louisiana, Ore- gon, Florida and South Carolina, and the closeness of the Electoral vote, it was found necessary for Congress to appoint an Electoral Commission of 15 influential and competent men to decide the con- test. They met in the early part of 1877, and by a vote of 8 to 7, decided that Hayes and Wheeler were elected President and Vice-President, and on the 4th of March, 1877, they were duly inaugurated. Me., N. H., Vt., Mass., R. L, Pa., S. C., Ohio. La., 111., Mich., Fla., Iowa, Wis., Cal., Minn., Ore., Kan., Neb., Nev. and Col. voted for Hayes; and Conn., N. Y., N. J., Del., Md., Va., N. C., Ga., Ala., Ky., Tenn., Ind., Mo., Ark., Miss., Tex. and W. Va., voted for Tilden. and Samuel F. Cary Green Clay Stewart. . and Gideon T. Smith James B. Walker and Donald Kirkpatrick 0.. 9 5**** 0.. 2,636 0.. O. . i Totals. [ 5 Pol. Parties. 38 | 8,412,766 369 369 November, 1880 Twenty -fourth Presidential Election Garfield Chosen. So. of States and No. of Electoral Votes. Names of ttie Political Parties in the Contest. Candidate for Pres- ident and Vice- President. No. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral Cast for President. Kli-.-toral Votes Cast for President. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 38 States, Entitled to 36 Electoral Votes. Republican. . < Democratic. . ' Prohibit'n or$ Temperance / Greenback . . < American or) Anti-Mason f James A. Garfleld and Chester A. Arthur. . . . Winfleld S. Hancock, and Wm. H. English Neal Dow . 19.. . 19.. .4,454,416. .4,444,952. ... 10,305. ..214.. ..155.. 0.. ..214.. . . 155. . Teacher, Lawyer Lawyer, Collector Major-General Lawyer, Farmer Merchant, Manufactur'r Garfleld elected President; Arthur elected Vice- President. Mr. Arthur succeeded to the Presidency upon the death, by assassination, of President Garrteld, Sept. 19, 1881, and served until March 4, 1885, when his term expired. Mr. Garfleld was shot by Charles S. Guiteau, at Washington, D. C.. July 2, 1881. Me., N. H., Vt., Mass.. R. 1., Conn.. N. Y., Pa., O., Ind.. III.. Mich., la.. Wis., Minn., Ore.. Kans., Neb., and 0. J. B. Weaver .. 308,, r )78. .... 0. . and o John W. Phelps 1,696. .... 0.. Colo, and a minority of Cal. voted for Garfleld ; and N. J., Del., Md.. Va.. N. C.. S. C.. Ga., Ala., La., Ky., Tenn., Mo., Ark.. Miss., Fla., Tex., a majority of Cal., W. Va. and Neb. voted for Hancock. and Samuel C. Pomeroy.. ....0.. Totals. | 5 Pol. Parties 38 9,219,947 369 369 330 Presidential Elections and their Results Continued, November, 1884 Twenty-Fifth Presidential Election Cleveland Chosen. Nc'.nf M ir.'S ud No. of Electoral Vulva. Vi i . .! t !.. Political Parties in the Contest. Candidates for Pres- ident and Vice- President. !fo. of States Voting. Total Popular Vote. Electoral VotCB Cast for President. Electoral Votes Cast for Vice-Pws. Former Occupation of Candidates. General Remarks. 88 States, Entitled to 4O1 Electoral Votes. Democratic. . < Republican.. * Prohibition . 5 Greenback... < National ) Rights , Grover Cleveland and Thos. A. Hendricks . . . 20.. .4,911,017. ..219.. ..219.. Lawyer, Governor Cleveland elected President; Hendricks elected Vice-President. Ala., Ark., Conn., Del.. Fla., Ga., Ind., Ky., La. Md., Miss., Mo., N. J., N. Y., N. C., S. C., Tenn., Tex.' Va., W. Va. voted for Cleveland; and Cal., Colo., III., la., Kan., Me., Mass., Mich., Minn., Neb., Nev. N. H., O., Ore., Pa., R. I., Vt. and Wis. voted for Blaine. This contest was won by the Democratic party, its first national victory after the election of Pres- ident James Buchanan, in 1856. The cause was attributed to a combination of circumstances, among which were dissatisfaction with the Repub- lican candidates, a consequent falling off of the Republican vote, and the introduction of distracts ing prohibition, greenback and other issues. James G. Blaine and John A. Logan John P. St. John . 18.. .4,848,334. ..151,809. . . 182. . ..182.. Journalist, Senator Lawyer, Senator and William Daniel Clergyman Benj. F. Butler and A. M. West ...133,825. Lawyer Belva A. Lock wood., and Laura De Force ....11,362. Lawyer Totals. | 5 Pol. Parties. 38 | 10,056,347 1 401 | 401 | United States Cabinet Officers, During Various Presidential Administrations, Washington's Administration. First Term. Thomas Jefferson, of Va., Sec'y of State; Alexander Hamilton, of N. Y., Sec'y of Treas. ; Henry Knox, of Mass., Sec'y of War and Navy; Edmund Randolph, of Va., Att'y-Gen'l. Second Term. Thomas Jefferson, of Va., Edmund Randolph, of Va., and Timothy Picker- ing, of Mass., Sec'ys of State; Alexander Hamilton, of N. Y., and Oliver Wolcott, of Conn., Sec'ys of Treas.; Henry Knox, of Mass., and Timothy Pick- ering, of Mass., and James McHenry, of Md., Sec'ys of War and Navy; Edmund Randolph, of Va., and Win. Bradford, of Pa., and Charles Lee, of Va., Atfys-Gen'l. John Adams' Administration. Timothy Pickering, of Mass., and John Marshall, of Va., Sec'ys of State; Oliver Wolcott, of Conn., and Samuel Dexter, of Mass., Sec'ys of Treas.; James McHenry, of Md., and Samuel Dexter, of Mass., Sec'ys of War; George Cabot, of Mass., and Benj. Stoddard, of Md., Sec'ys of Navy; Charles Lee, of Va.. Att'y-Gen'l. Jefferson's Administration. First Term. James Madison, of Va., Sec'y of State; Albert Gallatin, of Pa., Sec'y of Treas.; Henry Dearborn, of Mass., Sec'y of War; Benja- min Stepdard, of Md.^ Robert Smith, of Md., and Jacob Crowninshield, of Mass., Sec'ys of Navy; Lev! Lincoln, of Mass., and Robert Smith, of Md., Att'ys-Gen. Second Term. James Madison, of Va., Sec'y of State; Albert Gallatin, of Pa., Sec'y of Treas.; Henry Dearborn, of Mass., Sec'y of War; Jacob Crowninshield, of Mass., Sec'y of Navy; Robert Smith, of Md., John Breckinridge, of Ky., and Csesar A. Rodney, of Del., Att'ys-Genl. Madison's Administration. First Term. Robert Smith, of Md., and Jas. Monroe, of Va., Sec'ys of State; Albert Gallatin, of Pa., Sec'y of Treas.; Wm. Eustis, of Mass., and John Armstrong, of N. Y., Sec'ys of War; Paul Hamilton, of S. C., and Wm. Jones, of Pa., Sec'ys of Navy; Caesar A. Rodney, of Del., and William Pinkney. of Md., Atfys-Gen'l. Second Term. James Monroe, of Va., Sec'y of State; Albert Gallatin, of Pa., and George W. Campbell, of Tenn., and Alex. J. Dallas, of Pa., Bec'ys of Treas.; John Armstrong, of N. Y., and James Monroe, of Va., and Wm. H. Crawford, of Ga., Sec'ys of War; Wm. Jones, of Pa., and Benj. W. Crowninshield, of Mass., Sec'ys of Navy: Wm. Pinkney, of Md., and Richard Rush, of Pa., Att'ys- Gen'l. Monroe's Administration. First Term. John Q. Adams, of Mass., Sec'y of State; Wm. H. Crawford, of Ga., Sec'y of Treas. ; John C. Calhoun, of S. C., Sec'y of War; Benj. W. Crowninshield, of Mass., and Smith Thompson, of N. Y., Sec'ys of Navy; Wm. Wirt, of Va., Att'y- Gen'l. Second Term. John Q. Adams, of Mass., Sec'y of State; Wm. H. Crawford, of Ga., Sec'y of Treas. ; John C. Calhoun, of S. C., Sec'y of War; Smith Thompson, of N. Y., and Sam'l L. Southard, of N. J., Sec'ys of Navy; Wm. Wirt, of Va., Att'y- Gen'l. John Q. Adams' Administration. Henry Clay, of Ky., Sec'y of State; Richard Rush, of Pa., Sec'y of Treas.; James Barbour, of Va., and Peter B. Porter, of N. Y., Sec'ys of War; Samuel L. Southard, of N. J., Sec'y of Navy; Wm. Wirt, of Va., Att'y-Gen'l. Jackson's Administration. First Term. Martin Van Buren, of N. Y., and Edward Livingston, of La., Sec'ys of State; Samuel D. Ingham, of Pa., and Louis McLane, of Del., Sec'ys of Treas. ; John H. Eaton, of Tenn., and Lewis Cass, of Mich., Sec'ys of War; John Branch, of N. C., and Lev! Woodbury, of N. H., Sec'ys of Navy ; William T. Barry, of Ky., Postmaster-Geni ; John M. Berrien, of Ga., and Roger B. Taney, of Md., Att'ys-Genl. Second Term. Edward Livingston, of La., and Louis McLane, of Del., and John Forsyth, of Ga., Sec'ys of State; Louts McLane, of Del., and Wm. J. Duane, of Pa., and Levi Woodbury, of N. H., Sec'ys of Treas. ; Lewis Cass, of Mich., Sec'y of War; Levi Woodbury, of N. H., and Mahlon Dickerson, of N. J., Sec'ys of Navy; Wm. T. Barry, of Ky., and Amos Kendall, of Ry., Postmasters- Gen'l; Roger B. Taney, of Md., and Benj. F. Butler, of N. Y-.Att'ys-Gen'l. Van Buren's Administration. John Forsyth, of Ga., Sec'y of State; Levi Wood- bury, of N. H., Sec'y of Treas.; Joel R. Poinsett, of 8. C., Sec'y of War; Mahlon Dickerson, of N. J., and James K. Paulding, of N. Y., Sec'ys of Navy; Amos Kendall, of Ky., and John M. Niles, of Conn., Postmasters-Gen'l ; Benj. F. Butler, of N. Y., and Felix Grundy, of Tenn., and Henry D. Gilpin, of Pa., Att'ys-Genl. Harrison's Administration. Daniel Webster, of Mass., Sec'y of State; Thos. Ewing, of Ohio, Sec'y of Treas.; John Bell, of Tenn., Se'y of "War; George E. Badger, of N. C., Sec'y of Navy; Francis Granger, of N. Y., Post- master-Gen'l; John J. Crittenden, of Ky., Att'y- Gen'l. Tyler's Administration. Daniel Webster, of Mass., and Hugh S. Legare, of S. C., and Abel P. Upshur, of Va., and John C. Calhoun, of S. C., Sec'ys of State; Thos. Ewing, of Ohio, and Walter Forward, of Pa., and George M. Bibb, of Ky., Sec'ys of Treas.; John Bell, of Tenn., and John C. Spencer, of N. Y., and Wra. Wilklns, of Pa., Sec'ys of War; George E. Badger, of N. C., and Abel P. Upshur, of Va., and David Henshaw, of Mass., and Thos. W. Gilmer, of Va., and John Y. Mason, of Va., Sec'ys of Navy; Francis Granger, of N. Y., and Charles A. Wickliffe, of Ky., Post- masters-Gen'l; John J. Crittenden, of Ky., and Hugh S. Legare, of S. C., and John Nelson, of Md., Att'ys-Gen'l. Folk's Administration. James Buchanan, of Pa., Sec'y of State; Robert J. Walker, of Miss., Sec'y of Treas.; Wm. L. Marcy, of N. Y., Sec'y of War; George Bancroft, of Mass., and John Y. Mason, of Va., Sec'ys of Navy; Cave Johnson, of Tenn., Postmaster-Gen'l ; John Y. Mason, of Va., and Nathan Clifford, of Me., and Isaac Toueey, of Conn., Att'yg-Gen'l. Taylor's Administration. John M. Clayton, of Del., Sec'y of State; Wm. M. Meredith, of Pa., Sec'y of Treas. ; George W. Craw- ford, of Ga., Sec'y of War: Wm. B. Preston, of Va., Sec'y of Navy; Thomas Ewing. of Ohio, Sec'y of Interior; Jacob Col lamer, of Vt.,Postmaster-Gen1; Reverdy Johnson, of Md., Att'y-Gen'l. United States Cabinet Officers, During Various Presidential Administrations Continued, 331 Fillmore's Administration. John M. Clayton, of Del., and Daniel Webster, of Mass., and Edward E.verett, of Mass., Sec'ys of State; Wm. M. Meredith, of Pa., and Thomas Cor- win, of Ohio, Sec'ys of Treas. ; Geo. W. Crawford, of Ga., and Chas. M. Conrad, of La., Sec'ys of War; Wm. B. Preston, of Va., and Wm. A. Graham, of N. C., and John P. Kennedy, of Md., Sec'ys of Navy ; Thos. Ewing, of Ohio, and Alexander H. H. Stuart, of Va., Sec'ys of Interior; Jacob Collamer, of Vt., and Nathan K. Hall, of N. Y., and Samuel D. Hub- bard, of Conn., Postmasters-Gen'l ; Reverdy Johnson, of Md., and John J. Critteuden, of Ky., Att'ys-Gen'l. Pierce's Administration. Wm. L. Marcy, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; James Guthrie, of Ky., Sec'y of Treas.; Jefferson Davis, of Miss., Sec'y of War; James C. Dobbin, of N. C., Sec'y of Navy; Robert McClelland, of Mich., Sec'y of Interior; James Campbell, of Pa., Postmaster- Gen'l; Caleb Cashing, of Mass., Att'y-Gen'l. Buchanan's Administration. Lewis Cass, of Mich., and Jeremiah S. Black, of Pa., Sec'ys of State; Howell Cobb, of Ga., and Philip F. Thomas, of Md., and John A. Dix,of N. Y., Sec'ys of Treas. ; John B. Floyd, of Va., and Joseph Holt, of Ky., Sec'ys of War; Isaac Toucey, of Conn., Sec'y of Navy; Jacob Thompson, of Miss., Sec'y of Interior; Aaron V. Brown, of Tenn., and Joseph Holt, of Ky., and Horatio King, of Me., Post- masters Gen '1; Jeremiah 8. Black, of Pa., and Edwin M. Stanton, of Ohio, Att'ys-Gen'l. Lincoln's Administration. First Term. Wm. H. Seward, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, and Wm. P. Fessenden, of Me., Sec'ys of Treas.; Simon Cam- eron, of Pa., and Edwin M. Stanton, of Ohio, Sec'ys of War; Gideon Welles, of Conn., Sec'y of Navy; Caleb B. Smith, of Ind., and John P. Usher, of Ind.. Sec'ys of Interior; Montgomery Blair, of Md., and Wm. Dennison, of Ohio, Postmasters-Gen'l, Edw'd Bates, of Mo., and Jatnes Speed, of Ky., Att'ys Gen'l. Second Term. Wm. H. Seward, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; Hugh McCulloch, of Ind., Sec'y of Treas.; Edwin M. Stanton, of Ohio, Sec'y of War; Gideon Welles, of Conn., Sec'y of Navy; John P. Usher, of Ind., Sec'y of Interior; Win. Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster-Gen'l; James Speed, of Ky., Att'y-Gen'l. Johnson's Administration. Wm. H. Seward, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; Hugh McCulloch, of Ind., Sec'v of Treas.; Edwin M. Stanton, of Ohio, and Join M. Schofield, of N. Y., Sec'ys of War; Gideon Welles, of Conn., Sec'y of Navy; John P. Usher, of Ind., and James Harlan, of Iowa, and Orville H. Browning, of 111., Sec'ys of Interior; Wm. Dennison, of Ohio, and Alexander W. Randall, Postmasters-Gen'); James Speed, of Ky., and Henry Stanbery, of Ky., and Wm. M. Evarts, of N. Y., Att'ys-Gen'l. Grant's Administration. First Term. Elihu B. Washburne, of 111., and Hamilton Fish, of N. Y., Sec'ys of State; Geo. S. Boutwell, of Mass., Sec'y of Treas.; John A. Rawlins, of 111., and W. W. Belknap, of la., Sec'ys of War; Adolph E. Borie, of Pa., and George M. Robeson, of N. J., Sec'ys of Navy; Jacob D. Cox, of Ohio, and Columbus Delano, of Ohio, Sec'ys of Interior; John A. J. Creswell, of Md., Postmaster- Gen'l; Ebenezer R. Hoar, of Mass., and Amos T. Akermnn, of Ga., and Geo. H. Williams, of Ore., Att'ys-Gen'l. Second Term. Hamilton Fish, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; Wm. A. Richards, of Mass., and Benj. H. Bristow, of Ky., Sec'ys of Treas.; Wm. W. Belknap, of la., and Alphonso Taft, of Ohio, and James Donald Cameron, of Pa., Sec'ys of War. Geo. M. Robeson, of N. J., Sec'y of Navy; Columbus Delano, of Ohio, and Zachariah Chandler, of Mich , Sec'ys of Interior; John A. J. Creswell, of Md., and James W. Marshall, of Va., and Marshall Jewell, of Conn., and James N. Tyner, of Ind Postmasters-Gen'l; Geo. H. Williams, of Ore., and Edward Pierrepont, of N. Y., and Alphonso Taft, of Ohio, Att'ys-Gen'l. Hayes' Administration. Wm. M. Evarts, of N. Y., Sec'y of State; John Sherman, of Ohio, Sec'y of Treas.; George W. McCrary, of la., Sec'y of War; Richard W. Thomp- son, of Ind., Sec'y of Navy; Carl Schurz, of Mo., Secretary of Interior; David M. Key, of Tenn., Postmaster-Gen'l- Charles Devens, of Mass., Att'y- Gen'l. Garfield's Administration. James G. Blaine, of Me., Sec'y of State; William Windom, of Minn., Sec'y of Treas.; Robert T. Lincoln, of 111., Sec'y of War; Wm. H. Hunt, of La., Sec'y of Navy; Thomas L. James, of N. Y., Postmaster-Gen'l: Wayne McVeagh, of Pa., Att'y- Gen'l ; Samuel J. Kirkwood, of la., Sec'y of Interior. Arthur's Administration. James G. Blaine, of Me., and Fred. T. Freling- huysen, of N. J., Sec'ys of State; Wm. Windom, of Minn., Chas. J. Folger, of N. Y., Walter Q. Gresham, of Ind., and Hugh McCulloch, of Ind., Sec'ys of Treas.; Robert T. Lincoln, of 111., Sec'y of War; Wm. H. Hunt, of La., and Wm. E. Chandler, of N. H., Sec'ys of Navy; Samuel J. Kirkwood, of la., and Henry M. Teller, Colo., Sec'ys of Interior; Thomas L. James, of N. Y., Timothy O. Howe, of Wis., Walter Q. Gresham, of Ind., and Frank Hatton, of la., Postmasters-Gen'l; Wayne Mc- Veagh, of Pa., and Benjamin H. Bi-ewster, of Pa., Att'ys-Gen'l. Cleveland's Administration. Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware, Sec'y of State ; Daniel Manning, of New York, Sec'y of Treas. ; William C. Endicott, of Mass., Sec'y of War; W. C. Whitney, of N. Y., Sec'y of Navy ; Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Miss., and Wm. F. Vilas, of Wis., Sec'y of Interior; William F. Vilas, of Wis., and Don M. Dickinson, of N. Y., Postmaster Gen'l. Augustus H. Garland, of Ark., Att'y-Oen'l. Speakers in the U. S. House of Representatives. NAME. From what State. Born. Served in what Congress. Died. NAME. what State. Born. Served in what Congress. Died. F. A. Muhlenburg Jonathan Trumbull F. A. Muhlenburg Jonathan Dayton Theodore Sedgwick Nathaniel Macon Joseph B. Varnum .Pa.... .Conn.. .Pa.... .N. J... .Mass.. .N. C... . Mass. . . .1750.. .1740.. . 1750. . .1760.. .1746.. .1757.. .1750.. .1st 1789-1791 2d 1791-1793 .3d 1793-1795 4th and 5th 1795-1799 6th 1799-1801 7th, 8th and 9th 1801-1807 10th and llth 1807-1811 ..1801 ..1809 ..1801 . . 1824 ..1813 . . 1837 ..1821 John White John W. Jones John W. Davis Roberta Winthrop.... Howell Cobb Linn Boyd Nathaniel P. Banks .Ky.... .Va.... .Ind.... .Mass.. .Ga .Ky.... . Mass. . . .1805. .1805.. .1799.. .1809.. .1815.. .1800. .1816.. .27th 1841-1843 .29th 1845-1847 .30th 1847-1849 .32d 1849-1851 .32dand33d 1851-1855 .34th 1856-1857 ...1844 . . . 1848 ...1859 ...1868 . . . 1859 Langdon Cheves Henry Clay John W. Taylor Philip P. Barbour Ky .8. C.. .Ky.... N. Y... .Va .1777.. .1776.. .1777.. .1784.. .1783.. 12th and 13th 1811-1820 .13th 1814-1815 .14th, 15th and 16th. .1815-1820 16th 182O-1821 17th 1821-1823 ..1852 ..1857 . . 1852 ..1854 ..1841 James L. Orr William Pennington . . . Galusha A. Grow Schuyler Coif ax James G. Blaine .S. C... .N. J... .Pa .Ind.... .Maine. .H22.. .1796.. .1823.. .1823.. .1830.. .35th 1857-1859 36th 1860-1861 37th 1861-1863 .38th, 39th and 40th. . 1863-1869 ,41st, 42dand43d 1869-1875 ...1873 ..1862 ..1885 John W. Taylor Ky .N. Y... .1784.. 19th 1825-1827 Michael C. Kerr Samuel J. Randall .Ind... .Pa .1827.. .1828.. 44th 1875-1876 .44th, 45th and 46th. .1876-1881 ..1876 John Bell James K. Polk .Tenn.. Tenn.. .1797.. .1795.. 23d 1834-1835 24th and 25th 1835-1839 ..1869 ..1849 Joseph W. Keifer John G. Carlisle .Ohio... Ky .1836.. .1835.. 47th 1881-1883 48th 1883-1885 Robert M. T. Hunter... Va .18O9.. 26th 1839-1841 ..1887 Ky .1835.. 49th 1885-1888 332 PICTURESQUE AND NOTABLE PLACES FREQUENTED AS PLEASURE RESORTS, Situated in Various Parts of the United States; Giving Historical Data, Facts, Figures and Special Features of Interest and Attraction Pertaining to Each. Adirondack Mountains, .N . If. North- eastern New York, comprising the Counties of Hamilton, Franklin, Essex and Clinton, is now known to sportsmen and pleasure-seekers as the Adirondacks. A chain of mountains extends through the counties named, from northeast to southwest, on an elevated plateau, or ridge, which is nearly 2,000 feet higher than the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Five of these mountains are remarkable for their height. Mount Marcy, the tallest, rises 5,337 feet above the sea-level; Mounts St. Anthony and McMartin are each esti- mated to be 5,000 feet, and Mounts Emmons and Mclntyre, 4,000 feet above it. Owing to the irregularity of the mountain chain, and the con- sequent effect upon the country, the scenery ;s grand and romantic. The rivers Au Sable and Saranac, originating in the recesses of the mountains, flow into Lake Champlain, on the east, while the Cedar and Boreas rivers, uniting with the headwaters of the Hudson, empty into that stream. There are numerous other rivers and creeks throughout the Adirondack region, with several ponds and lakes of varied magnitude, which add much to the grandeur and excellence of this famous resort. Game and fish are found within its borders. On the mountains abound groves and forests of ash, birch, beech, maple, hemlock, spruce, cedar, tamarack, flr and white pine trees. Rapids and falls in the streams, which are principally navigable for light boats, add diversity to the rugged surroundings. Tourists are conveyed by boats and footpaths to the numer- ous places of summer resort. Timber and iron ore form the principal staple productions of the Adi- rondack region, which is accessible by several railroad and water routes. Alexandria Bay, X. Y. At the approach of the St. Lawrence River, a short distance east of Kingston, Can. .the tourist enters Alexandria Bay, quite as frequently designated " The Lake ef the Thousand Isles," and which extends down the St. Lawrence forty miles, with a breadth of five miles. The scenery on this lake is among the fin- est on the continent. Scattered here and there, everywhere throughout the placid waters, Me 1,692 islands, of every conceivable size and shape; ! some being mere rocky projections above the sur- face; others, nearly as small, covered with verd- ure, while others, of larger size, are luxuriant In j shade trees and grassy plats, and often lying in | most attractive clusters. One is 12 miles in length and 2 miles wide. The beautiful color of ! the leaves and grass is attributed to the bountiful supply of water surrounding the islands. Light- houses, indicating the frequent changes in the channel of the stream, add greatly to the pictur- esque diversity of the scenery; and on other islands have been erected elegant residences, with ornamental grounds. Hotels abound at several points, and boating, fishing and hunting offer variety and pleasure to the seeker of rest and recreation. A Ili-utiaiiy Spring*, Va. Within a few miles of Alleghany Station. Va. on the Pennsylva- nia Railroad, is situated this quiet and secluded health resort. The springs are of the saline class, abounding in Epsom salts, and the waters are es- teemed as a remedy in diseases of the stomach. A ride of eight miles brings the tourist to the cele- brated Puncheon Run Falls, where a mountain stream plunges, in cascades nearly perpendicular, a distance of 1,800 feet. In the vicinity of the springs, also, is " Fisher's View," revealing wild and beautiful scenery. \ im ry Fark. Ocean Grove Not many years ago a company of Methodist clergymen and laymen in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylva- nia organized the Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting Association, and secured seaside lands six miles south of Long Branch, N. J., upon which to estab- lish a permanent camping ground and summer resort for Christian families. This is the now well-known Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. Under its charter the Association frames its own laws, and thus secures to visitors perfect freedom from the evils of liquor-selling, Sabbath desecration and all disturbing elements of society. A bracing atmosphere, boating, bathing and driving com- prise the principal attractions, and half a million of people, it is stated, annually avail themselves of its advantages. Asbury Park contains nearly 500 acres, tastefully improved, and lies five miles south of Long Branch. Atlantic City, N. J . Between Long Branch and Cape May, on what is known as Absecom Beach, is locat sd this attractive resort for invalids and tourists. Such are the advantages of its situa- tion on the seacoast, that both summer and win- ter it receives many visitors. During the warm weather there is safe and delightful surf-bathing, with notable facilities for sailing and fishing; while in the colder seasons the mild temperature, sunny skies and pleasant surroundings, make a sojourn there extremely agreeable. Atlantic City is a pleasant town, with handsome hotels, pretty cottages and wide and shady streets, suit- able for long drives, and possesses very desirable accommodations for the throngs who visit it. The ease with which it may be reached from Phila- delphia and New York add much to its popularity as a seaside resort. Au Sable Chasm Among the many remark- able features of the Adirondack region, in New York, as described above, is a natural chasm in the Potsdam sandstone, through which the Au Sable river flows from the northern termination of the Adirondack Mountains toward Lake Champlain. This channel is in some places near- ly two hundred feet deep, and overshadowed by cedar trees and tall precipices of varied shapes. At one point the channel is only ten feet in width, while at another it expands to fifty feet. The chasm is nearly two miles long, and the dark and raging waters dash madly down shallow rapids, cascades and falls, leaping in one place, a distance of twenty feet, and at another, sixty feet the whole forming a scene that rivals the famous cataracts of mountain streams in Switzerland. The surroundings are as remarkable as the chasm itself, embracing views of mountain ranges and peaks, and Lake Champlain. The pleasure-seeker in this locality may enjoy fine drives and rambles, fresh air and good fishing stations. Ita rnra t Cl ty Beach, N. J. On the New Jersey seacoast, three miles from Barnegat City, and fourteen miles from Barnegat Bay Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad (by steamer) this new summer resort invites visitors by its beautiful location, its numerous cottages and its still and surf -bathing, hunting, fishing, boating and other recreations. Bedford Springs, Pa. In 1804 a remark- able cure developed the presence of a valuable health-restoring spring at this point, and the locality soon became the summer resort of numer- ous visitors. The great natural beauty of the valley invests it with increased interest. From it, on the west, in the vicinity of the springs, abrupt- ly rises the spur of a mountain; while, on the east, is found a similar elevation clothed with delight- the variety and beauty of their scenery. The ease ful woods. At its foot meanders a gentle stream, and from a fissure in the limestone flows the spring, discharging a barrel a minute. Above it the hill is supplied with terraced walks, leading to the summit, where a pavilion offers rest and affords a sufficient recompense for the labor of the ascent by the beautiful view of the surround- ing scenery which it presents. The water of the spring is greatly esteemed for its medicinal vir- tues. Berkeley Springs, W. "Va. This beauti ful spot was a favorite with General Washington, and subsequently became the resort of the gay and wealthy from all the adjacent country, and in the elements of a fashionable watering-place soon rose to the dignity of a rival to more famous resorts. The scenery is attractive, and the place maintains its reputation by its spring, which affords abundant opportunities for drinking and bathing in its healthful waters. Blue Mountain Lake In the Adirondack (N. Y.) Region, at the base of Blue Mountain, rising to a height of 3,824 feet, lies this beautiful sheet of water, which forms one of the finest at- tractions of this great resort. A line of steamers make daily trips through this and the neighbor- ing lakes, Raquette, Eagle and Utowana, a dis- tance of twenty miles, and even twenty miles further, passing through Forked Lake and Long Lake to Saranac. Blue Mountain Lake is 3) miles long and 2 miles wide; Eagle Lake, 2 miles long and y t mile wide; Utowana Lake, 3 miles long and 1 mile wide. Blue Ridge Springs, Va. -More than 1,200 feet above the ocean surface, and forty miles from Lynchburg, Va., is situated this quiet and agree- able resting-place for health-hunters. The mount- ain air, and serated waters make it a. favorite resort. California Big Trees Forty-seven miles from Milton Station, on the Stockton and Copper- opolis (Gala.) Railway, the tourist comes upon the Calaveras Big Trees, the highest of which tapers upward a distance of 435 feet, and has a circum- ference, near the ground, of 110 feet, while anoth- er, forty miles from Visalia, on King's River, measures 44 feet in diameter. This is the largest in California. The Mariposa group of forest giants comprises 600 trees, 125 of which are each over 13 feet thick, while several are from 30 to 33 feet in diameter. One, remarkable for its grand dimensions, rises to a height of 90 feet and there throws out a limb having a thickness of six feet. The route to the Yosemite Valley passes near these monsters. Cape May, 3T. T. For particular excellence in whatever pertains to a delightful seaside water- ing place, Cape May has become justly cele- brated. All that nature had left undone, the improvement of the age has supplied, for the health, comfort and enjoyment of old and young. The beach ranks among the finest elswhere for the purposes of bathing, promenading or driving, while the city itself, with its broad avenues lying between lines of shade-trees, and abounding in handsome residences, hotels and ornamental grounds, invites thousands of gay and cultured people from all parts of the Union, to enjoy its beauties. Catsklll Mountains Running parallel with the Hudson river, along the west bank, prin- cipally in Greene Co., N. Y., a distance of about twelve miles, the Catskill Mountains have been a source of wonder and delight to thousands for Notable Places in the United States Frequented as Pleasure Resorts Continued. 333 with which they can be reached and traversed, and the facilities offered for visiting their most picturesque objects, have given them a wide repu- tation, while their scenery has always employed the pencils of artists of every degree. Civilization has so far intruded upon their wildest haunts as to establish hotels here and there for the accom- modation of tourists, while mighty cascades, quiet lakes and mountain rivulets, deep gorges and towering peaks, in diversified grandeur, are found on every hand. High over their fellows rise, Overlook, Round Top and High-Peak Mountains, estimated to reach an elevation of nearly 4,000 feet above tide-water. Kaaterskill " Clove " (or gorge) is a ravine 5 miles long, about 6 miles from High-Peak, traversed by a rivulet from two mountain lakes, forming three notable cascades, the descent of each being, respectively, 180, 80 and 40 feet, and between these and the Hudson there are several other falls. Plattekill Gorge, 5 miles south, is also remarkable for the grandeur of its cascades, which spring from rock to rock a distance of 2,000 feet below the headwaters of the stream. These and the charm of numerous forest trees form but a portion of the many delights that attend a visit to the Catskills. Cayuga Lake, JS. Y. West of Auburn, and between Cayuga and Seneca counties, in Central New York, is embosomed among the hills this beautiful sheet of water. Its depth and purity make it attractive to visitors, who, with boats, may traverse all portions of it. Its elevation above the ocean is nearly 400 feet, and above Lake Ontario about 150 feet. This fact and its beautiful surroundings admirably fit it for a sum- mer pastime resort. Its length is 38 miles; its width from 1 to 3% miles. 4 h :i ii t :ui". H. This cele- brated peak of the White Mountains has an eleva- tion of 6,293 feet, and may be ascended in various ways by carriage, horseback, on foot, or by the Mt. Washington Railroad, which climbs (by cog- wheels) an upward grade of 3,695 feet within 3 miles. The air is very bracing and very cold at this lofty summer resort. Narragansett Pier, 1C. I. This pleasant ' and quiet resort is 8 miles southwesterly from Newport, on the western shore of Narragansett ! Bay. Excursions to the numerous islands in the I bay, to Providence and Newport, with other social : amusements, maintain the popularity of the | place. Natural Bridge of Virginia The fissure crossed by the bridge (which is a rock, covered with earth) is estimated at a depth of from 205 to 290 feet. This fissure is about 45 feet wide at the bottom and about 90 feet at the top. The length of the bridge is about 90 feet; its breadth, in the middle (or thinnest part) is about 60 feet; and at the summit, about 40 feet thick. A por- tion of this thickness is composed of soil, on which large trees have grown. The view from the top of the bridge is quite extensive and very pleasant, including North Mountain and the Blue Ridge. The stream passing under the bridge is a branch of the James River, called Cedar Creek. New Paltz, N. Y. Little Lake Minnewaska, in Ulster County, only % mile long and % mile wide, is so eligibly situated amidst fresh moun- tain breezes and delightful scenery, that it offers great advantages to summer tourists. At an ele- vation of 1,200 feet is a hotel, from which can be seen the Hudson Highlands of New York, the Orange Mountains of New Jersey, the Green Mountains of Vermont, and the Berkshire Hills and Housatonic Mountains of Massachusetts. Newport, K. I. This well-known watering place was settled in 1637, and is intimately con- nected with stirring events in old Colonial and Revolutionary times. The beauty of the city and its surroundings render it highly esteemed as a pleasure resort, and its reUques of former ages invest it with great interest. Here is the mysteri- ous Old Stone Mill, whose origin and design are utterly unknown ; a Baptist church built in 1638; the Hanging Rocks, Purgatory and Touro Park. Good taste and lavish expenditure have made Newport a gem. Newport News, Va. Situated on Hampton Roads, 12 miles from Norfolk, this favorite resort invites visitors, who enjoy its sandy beach, surf- bathing and pleasant drives. Niagara Falls, N. Y. By act of Congress, In 1885, this great cataract became a national public park. The river is 33 miles long. Lake Erie is 334 feet higher than Lake Ontario, into which the river empties. Within a mile above the falls the descent is 52 feet. The total width of the river at Goat Island is 4,750 feet. The height of the waterfall on the American side is 164 feet, and on the Canadian side about 150 feet. The new Niagara Suspension Bridge is 1,300 feet long, and 190 feet above the river. Its towers are each 100 feet high. The stairway beside the inclined railway has 290 steps. Goat Island was so named from goats placed there about the year 1790 by Mr. John Stedman, who left them so uncar- ed for during one winter that they died of expos- ure. There are 17 islands in the river, near each other, above the Falls, all owned by the estate of Peter B. Porter, to whom the property was ceded by the State of New York in 1818. The height of the river-bank at the Biddle Staircase is 185 feet. The old Suspension Bridge, 2 miles below the Falls, has a floor for the railway 60 feet wide, and the track is 258 feet above the river. The length of the bridge from the center of the towers at each end is 822 feet. The height of the towers on the American side is 88 feet, and on the Canadian side, 78 feet. The width of the river at the whirlpool is 300 feet, and its estimated depth is 250 feet. North Park, Colo. This park, esteemed an excellent resort for sportsmen, is located a little west of the central-northern part of the State, and has an elevation of nearly 8,000 feat above the ocean. It embraces an area of about 2,500 square miles, and abounds with antelopes, bears, deer, wolves and fish. Oak Bluffs (Martha's Vineyard), Mass. This religious summer resort is con- trolled by Baptists, whose Tabernacle will seat 5,000 persons. The surrounding grounds have been attractively improved, and it is estimated that 25,000 visitors arrive and depart during the season. Martha's Vineyard is an island 21 miles long by 6 miles wide, between which and the main land flows Vineyard Sound, 4 miles wide. Ocean Beach, N. ft. Eight miles south of Long Branch, near Shark River, and half a mile from the ocean, is located this recent acquisition to the watering-places of New Jersey, which is principally remarkable for good fishing facilities. Ocean City, N. J. Not many years ago, near Great Egg Harbor, opposite Somers Point, the Methodists established a pleasant religious resort, bearing the above name. It has a beach 7 miles long, smooth and hard, and handsome resi- dences, abundant flowers and local celebrities, for attractions. Notable Places in the United States Frequented as Pleasure Resorts Continued, 335 Ocean Grove, N. J. See " Asbury Park." Old Orchard Beach, Saco Bay, Me. Fifteen miles west from Portland, Me., Old Orchard Beach, the summer resort, extends from the Dunstan River, on the north, to the Saco River, on the south, a distance of 6 miles, with a solid sand-beach. In Saco Bay, in that vicinity, are the following islands, which add to the pictur- esqueness of the scenery : Stratten's Island, about half a mile long and containing a few houses, but no trees; close by is Bluff Island, about 450 feet long, with a cluster of trees near the center; Wood Island, off the mouth of the Saco River, is nearly half a mile long, covered with trees, and contains a lighthouse and fog-bell: Stage Island is nearly % mile long, and has no trees, but a graystone monument 40 feet high; Basket Island is about 450 feet in diameter; Ram Island is oval- shaped and about 450 feet long; Eagle Island is about 450 feet across, with foliage, but no trees. There are 8 hotels. Old Point Comfort, Va. This favorite Southern bathing and pleasure resort is three miles each from Hampton and Fortress Monroe, near the mouth of the James River as it empties into Chesapeake Bay. Near by is the Government Home for Soldiers. Surf-bathing, steamboat ex- cursions, etc., enter largely into the recreations of visitors. Petrified Forest, Cal. About 8O miles from San Francisco, in the Napa Valley, in *the vicinity of Calistoga, is situated the Petrified For- est, one of the most remarkable of wonders in California. Within a tract of 3 or 4 square miles, the tourist finds portions of nearly 100 trees turned to stone. Some project from the sides of the mountains, while others are found upon the surface. Their condition is attributed to the action of silica held in solution in the hot alkaline waters discharged by the neighboring Mount St. Helena. Pictured Rocks, Mich. On the shores of Lake Superior, 20 miles from White-Fish Point, on the steamboat route to Point Au Sable, Michi- gan, the traveler is shown the famous Pictured Rocks. For about 5 miles along the coast these rooks rise, often abruptly, from the water's edge to a height varying from 50 to 200 feet. They present numerous marks and figures in colors upon their surface ; which the fancy may weave into representations of numerous things, creating much wonder. It has been decided, however, that they have been formed by the action of water and the stains imparted by certain minerals. Rangeley IJakes, Me. This group of 6 lakes, in the western part of the State, is connect- ed by streams passing from one to the other, until an unbroken water-route of about 60 miles is formed. Their names are Umbagog, Lower Richardson, Molechunkamunk, Mooselucmagun- tic, Cupsuptic and Rangeley. The surrounding scenery is extremely picturesque and grand, and the entire resort presents many attractions for artists, tourists, hunters and fishermen. Indian Rock is a favorite camping ground for sportsmen. Near by is Dixville Notch, from one point of which portions of Canada, Vermont, New Hamp- shire and Maine may be seen. Rawley Springs, Va. Nestled in the midst of delightful scenery, in Rockingham County, 1 1 miles from Harrisburg, not far from the Luray Caverns, these 5 fine mineral springs, at an eleva- tion of 2,000 feet above tide-water, invite the tourist to a pleasant retreat. The waters strong chalybeate possess tonic properties, which, with the bracing mountain air, invigorates the visitor. Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va. These mineral waters, found in Monroe County, are recommended for the relief of sufferers from bronchitis, asthma, chronic pneumonia, conges- tion and phthisis. They occupy a space of 1,400 acres in a verdant glen of the Alleghany Moun- tains, 1,300 feet above the sea, and are surround- ed on all sides by rugged mountains, with every variety of scenery. Richmond, Va. Like ancient Rome, the beautiful capital of Virginia lay claim to seven hills. The city, besides all its natural and archi- tectural advantages, possesses numerous objects of especial interest to visitors, including the grave of President Monroe, the famous Libby war-prison, the equestrian statue of Washington by the sculptor Crawford, as well as Houdon's statue of Washington in Revolutionary uniform, the elegant State House, and St. John's Church, where Patrick Henry delivered his memorable and eloquent speech on the eve of the Revolution- ary War, in which he said with fervent patriotism : "There is no retreat but in suumission and slavery ! " Roanoke Red Springs, Va. The water of these springs differs little from that of the Red Sulphur Springs of W. Virginia, noted above, and the place is made attractive, also, by the neigh- boring forests, streams, mountain scenery, pure air and genial society. Rockbrldge Alum Springs and Rock- bridge Baths In Rockbridge County, Va., near Goshen, there are 5 fountains, brick cottages, a hotel, with fine grounds and beautiful scenery. Chronic dyspepsia, irritation of the stomach, scrofula and skin diseases are relieved by the waters. Near the springs are the Baths, on the shore of North River, amid pleasing scenery. Iron and carbonic-acid gas enter largely into the waters, which are recommended as a tonic. Rye Beach, BT. M. Seven miles from Ports- mouth, on the sea-shore, and popular as a water- ing place on account of its safe and excellent bathing facilities. The scenery is fine from the neighboring Straw's Point, covering views of a long sea-coast and the Isles of Shoals. Saguenay River, Can. The mouth of this river is 120 miles below Quebec, on the St. Lawrence River, into which it empties. The river is about 100 miles long, its upper part being dis- tinguished for cataracts and wild waters. Toward its mouth it becomes extremely deep, so that large vessels ascend it for 65 miles. The river flows through an immense chasm in the rocky cliffs which tower above its surface to a height of 1,500 feet, and its depth at its union with the S t. Lawrence is more than 2,000 feet. The scenery is sombre, with scant vegetation, and is remark- able for the absence of a river beach, the rocks rising quite perpendicularly, generally, from the waters' edge. Salt I.ako, Utah The Great Salt Lake fs 80 miles long by 40 miles wide, bounded by mountains, and is remarkable for its placid sur- face and saline taste. Salt Lake City, the head- quartersof Mormonism, is situated at its southern end. About 3 miles distant from the city is the militaiy post of Camp Douglas. In the city is the famous Mormon Tabernacle, seating 15,000 persons, the new and costly Mormon Temple and a City Hall which cost $70,000, besides numerous Mormon churches and a few of other denomina- tions. San linls Park, Southern Colorado. A tract of land containing nearly 18,000 square miles of land, bounded on the west by the Sierra Mimbres Mountains, and on the east by the Cor- dilleras Mountains, from whose snowy peaks and sides flow 35 rivers and rivulets, 19 of which empty into San Luis Lake, while the others flow on to the River Del Norte. Immense forests of hemlock, cedar, pine, spruce, fir, oak, aspen and E>inon abound, relieved by fertile meadows, which form extensive cattle resorts from year's end to year's end. The climate is moderate, and vegeta- tion luxuriant. Saratoga Springs, BT. f. These celebrat- ed medicinal waters were known to the American Indians 350 years ago, or more, and the first white man's house (Sir William Johnson's) was built in that vicinity in 1773. The neighboring Plains were the scene of a great battle between the French and English, in 1693, and another, more famous, between Generals Burgoyne, of the English, and Gates, of the American Colonial troops, in 1777. As a summer resort, Saratoga stands high in public estimation, from the excel- lence of the waters, which flow from 28 springs (6 of which are spouting fountains), and which are valued for their tonic and cathartic qualities. Saratoga Lake, 8 miles long by 2% miles wide, nearly 4 miles from the village, is a favorite resort for visitors. Hotels are numerous at the springs, and during the season (which is very gay\ from June 15 to September 15, each year, are liberally patronized. The Saratoga battle- ground is at Stillwater, 15 miles southeast of the Springs. The local surroundings of the springs add, also, to the pleasure of the guests. Seneca I.ak.-, jr. Y. In Seneca County, and adjoining Ontario, Yates and Schuyler Coun- ties. Its length is 36 miles, but its width varies from 2 to 4 miles, and it is elevated about 200 feet above the surface of Lake Ontario. Its depth is 630 feet, and it seldom freezes over. Its situa- tion amid beautiful scenery renders it very attract- ive to tourists. From it, by the Oswego and Seneca Rivers, the waters flow into Lake Ontario. At its north end is the pretty village of Geneva; at its south end is the village of Watkins, and at the beginning of the Cayuga and Seneca Canal is the village of Seneca Falls. The lake is navigated by steamboats. Sharon Springs Howe's Cave, JT. Y. Situated in Schoharie County, 210 miles from New York City. Five springs, one each of pure water, chalybeate, magnesia, white sulphur and blue, sulphur, flow near together, and, combining their waters beyond, empty into a neighboring stream, in their course over the cliffs falling a distance of 65 feet. Water-baths are furnished, as well as a bath in which the patient is plastered over with sulphurous mud, heated to 110 degrees, for the relief of rheumatism. Much beauty Is revealed in the local walks and drives in the neighborhood. Near by, also, is Howe's Cave, a subterranean wonder, having (it is stated) a depth of 12 miles, brilliant with thousands of stalactites, which reflect the gas-lights used to illuminate the cavern for some distance beyond its entrance. Shoshone Falls, Idaho On the Oregon Short Line Railroad, tourists can make an excur- sion south, by stage, from Shoshone station to this magnificent cataract, where the Snake River pours an immense volume of water through a narrow canon, over a precipice 210 feet high, to the bottom of a gorge whose walls rise to a per- pendicular height of 1,000 feet. The walls of the canon are formed from lava, curiously mottled and worn away by the action of the elements. Four miles above are the Twin Falls, the passage from one to the other being made in a sail-boat, if desired. The place is being fitted up for a pop- ular resort. South Park, Colo. South of Middle Park, described above, is another nfctural park, 9,000 feet above the ocean level, entirely surrounded by mountains, and embracing an area of 2,000 square miles. The mildness of the climate invites invalids to visit it, and tourists and hunters find much to interest them in its scenery and game. Spring Lake, 3T. J. Ten miles south of Long Branch, on the Atlantic Coast. In addition to picturesque seaside scenery, it boasts of pleas- ant fields, groves, orchards, and the beautiful little lake from which it derives its name. Fish 336 Notable Places in the United States Frequented as Pleasure Resorts Continued, ing, boating and the kindred enjoyments of out- door, cottage and hotel life abound. Swampscott, Ma**. This favorite resort of Bostonians is 1 mile beyond the village of Lynn. It has three sea-beaches, and picturesque headlands, elegant villas, safe and excellent bath- ing, and is everywhere indicative of wealth and fashion. In a business point of veiw it has a large trade in fresh ftsh principally cod and haddock caught in the vicinity by residents, and forwarded to market. Sweet Chalybeate Springs, \V. "Va. A predominance of carbonic acid in these waters, which have a temperature of 73 degrees, causes them to produce a peculiar effect (misnamed sweet) upon th? palate when swallowed; and as a remedy for mephitic disorders they have acquired a celebrity that renders this resort a very attrac- tive one. Trenton Falls, K. Y. Seventeen miles from Utica, Oneida County, where Kanata Creek, within a distance of 2 miles, descends, in 6 cata- racts, 312 feet. One of the six (High Falls) leaps over a precipice 40 feet high. The scenery is romantically beautiful, and delights numerous visitors. Washington, I>. C. The District of Colum- bia, the Federal Territory of the Nation, originally contained 100 square miles, but part of the grounds were afterward surrendered to Virginia ; its present size is 64 square miles. Washington City is 4% miles long by 3% miles at its greatest breadth. Its location is on the eastern bank of the Potomac River, 16} miles from its mouth, and 184K miles from the sea. Georgetown, a suburb of Washington, was laid out in 1751, but the loca- tion of the Federal Capital was not decided until 1790. The plan of the city was drawn by Major L'Enfant, a French officer, under the supervision of President Washington. The first public sale of lots was held Oct. 17, 1791, but the city grew very slowly. The transfer of the government from Philadelphia to Washington was made in October, 1800. The government then consisted of only 54 persons. The great city was a mere hamlet, and most of its houses were small huts. But it soon began to increase in population at the rate of 8OO souls a year. August 24, 1814, the British invaded the capital, burned all the government buildings, and destroyed a large number of the public records, inflicting a loss estimated at 81,000,000. During Monroe's administration the city took upon it a new growth, and many important improve- ments were made. The reconstruction of the Capitol was begun in 1815, and finished in 1827. Its site covered 1J^ acres; its length was 352 feet; height of main edifice, 70 feet; to top of dome, 145 feet; cost, $2,433,814. The corner-stone of the subsequent enlargement was laid July 4, 1851, and the work was finished in 1867. The material is white marble tinged with blue, with 100 col- umns. Its entire length is 751)6 feet; its greatest breadth, with steps and porticoes, is 348 feet; total area of its site, more than 3J^ acres. Each wing is 142% feet long, and 238% feet wide. The height inside of the dome is 180 feet; total height of dome, 287% feet; the statue of Freedom by Crawford, on the top of the dome, is 19% feet high. The dome was 9 years building, and cost 8 1 ,250,000. The total cost of the Capitol new and old was nearly 813,000,000. The Capitol grounds contain 46 acres, well supplied with trees. The Senate Chamber is 113)^ feet long and 80J^ feet wide. The Hall of Representatives is 139 feet long and 93 feet wide. The Supreme Court room is semi- circular, 45 feet high, and 75 feet long. The old Hall of Representatives, now Statuary Hall, is also semicircular, 57 feet high and 96 feet long. The Library of Congress, main room, is 91} feet long, 34 feet wide and 38 feet high; the two annex rooms (wings) are each 90J^ feet long, 29J4 feet wide, and 38 feet high. At the main entrance to the Capitol is a gigantic allegorical group of figures, designed by John Quincy Adams, entitled "The Genius of America." It represents Liberty, Justice and Hope, in sandstone, by Persico, and cost $1,500; beside the entrance doors, in niches, are large statues, also by Persico, wrought in Italian marble, of War and Peace, which cost $12,000. Above the door, in stone, by Capellano, is a laurel-crowned bust of Washington. The " Discovery of America " is one of two great groups in marble, on the grand portico, executed by Persico, representing Columbus in armor and an Indian maiden. Near by is another huge group, by Greenough, called " Civilization," representing an American pioneer, his wife and child, attacked by an Indian. The two groups cost 848,000. On this portico the oath of office was administered to new Presidents of the United States, from Jackson to Cleveland. The nine panels of the great bronze door, by Randolph Rogers, at the main entrance (the rotunda) exhibit in sculpture the following scenes: " Examination of Columbus by the Council of Salamanca; " "Columbus' Depart- ure from the Convent, on going to Court;" " The Audience at the Court of Spain;" "Starting of Columbus on his First Voyage;" " First Landing at San Salvador;" " First Encounter with the Indians;" "Triumphal Arrival of Columbus at Barcelona;" "Columbus in Chains," and "Death of Columbus." Along the sides, and at the top of the door, and between the panels, are small stat- ues (16) representing the cotemporaries of Colum- bus and ( 10) of his historians ; on the transom a bust of Columbus above the American Eagle. This door was cast in Munich, by F. Von Muller, is 19 feet high, 9 feet wide, weighs 20,000 Ibs, and cost 830,000. The Senate portico is adorned with a group in marble, representing " American Civil- ization and the Decadence of the Indian Races," designed by Thos. Crawford, containing many figures, and costing 850,000. "History and Jus- tice" form the group over the Senate door. At the entrance of the Senate extension is a bronze door, designed by Crawford and cast by J. T. Ames at Chicopee, which cost nearly $57,000. It con- tains varied scenes in the American Revolutionary War and our early national history. The statue of Freedom, surmounting the dome, modeled by Crawford, weighs 14,985 Ibs., and cost nearly $25,000. Greenough's giant statue of Washington seated in a Roman chair, fronting the central portico, executed in Italy, about 184O, cost more than 840,000. The Naval Monument, in commem- oration of members of the navy who fell in the Rebellion of 1861-5, seated at the foot of Capitol Hill, is 44 feet high, of pure Italian marble, with a granite pedestal, from which flows a fountain of water. Statues of " America and Peace," and others, of " Victory and Peace," with images of heathen gods and agricultural implements and products, form the attending ornamental groups. The rotunda and dome, charming in themselves, are rich in historical and allegorical paintings. That of "The Apotheosis of Washington," by Brumidi, on the canopy, cost $39,500, and is a remarkably fine work of art. The eight historical paintings set in panels around the rotunda, each being 12 by 18 feet square, are by various artists, and cost $74,000. Over the paintings are has relief designs of heads, in medallion, of Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, Cabot and LaSalle, costing, in all, 89.500. The four oblong panels over the doors of the rotunda, cut in stone, represent well-known scenes in American early history. They are by various sculptors, and cost $14,000. The frescoes in the sunken space encircling the rotunda, which is 9 feet wide, were executed by Brumidi and Castigini. In Statuary Hall, under the arch, are figures of Liberty surmounting a spread eagle. Over the entrance is a marble statue of History recording events in a winged car, the wheel of the car forming a clock dial. This is called "Fran- zoni's Historical Clock." In accordance with a resolution of Congress, each State has been invited to contribute the statues of two of her promi- nent citizens, in marble or bronze, to this hall. The re'sponse has been quite unanimous, and Rhode Island sent figures of Roger Williams and Gen. Greene; Connecticut, Jonathan Trumbull and Roger Sherman; New York, Geo. Clinton and Rob't R. Livingston ; Massachusetts, John Winthrop and Samuel Adams; Vermont, Ethan Allen and Jacob Collamer; Maine, Wm. King; Pennsylvania, Rob't Fulton, and Ohio, Jas. A. Garfield all fine specimens of sculpture. Vinnle Ream contributes her statue of Lincoln, and there is plaster model of Houdon's Washington at Richmond. The Library of Congress contains 550,000 volumes, and more than 100.000 pamphlets. Its value is immense. The President's Mansion (or White House) is 170 feet long and 86 feet wide, occupy- ing grounds containing about 75 acres, 20 of which are improved; it is 1J^ miles west of the Capitol. Altogether it has cost the Government probably 8400,000. The State, War and Navy Department Building, without its steps and projections, is 471 feet long, 253 feet wide and 128 feet high; with steps and projections, it is 567 feet long and 342 feet wide. Its cost was 812,000,000. The Depart- ment of the Interior Building (often called the Patent OflSee) is 453 feet long, 331 feet wide and 75 feet high. It cost ?2,700,000. The General Post-Office is a finely designed marble edifice, two stories high, 300 feet long and 204 feet wide, and containing 85 apartments. It cost the Govern- ment nearly 82,000,000. In the United States there are about 48,000 post-offices; 67,000 persons in post office employ, and the annual revenue is more than 845,000,000. The Department of Agri- culture Building is of brick, with stone trimmings, 170 feet long and 61 feet wide and 3 stories high. It cost 8140,000. Connected with it is the Gov- ernment Botanical Garden, valuable and luxuri- ous with more than 2.000 varieties of plants and flowers, besides trees and fruits. The plant-houses, of glass and iron, are nearly 400 feet long, and filled with choice tropical and other plants. Over 2,000,000 packages of seeds and nearly 70,00(1 plants are here distributed annually to sections best adapted to them. In the building is a library of 10,000 agricultural books, and a fine museum of agricultural productions and thousands of plants, minerals and various woods. The Treasury Building is constructed of freestone, on Pennsyl- vania Avenue. It was completed in 1841, and im- proved in 1855-69, with granite from Maine. Its length is 460 feet, its breadth, 264 feet, and porti- coes and columns adorn its fronts. It has three stories and a basement, and has cost over 87,000,000. The Government Printing Office is a four-story brick edifice, employing from 2,500 to 3,000 persons, running over 100 presses, and costs nearly 83,000,000 annually for expenses. Every process known in the arts of printing and binding is adopted in its operations. The Smithsonian Institution, named after its English founder, James Srnithson, is an educational college. In his will he bequeathed for its benefit $515,169. It is in the control of Congress. The corner-stone was laid in 1847 and the building was completed in 1856, at a cost of 8450,000. Its grounds contain 52 acres, laid out as a public park. The total length of the main building is 426 feet. Its liberal endowment enables it to devote $70,000 per annum to investigations. The National Museum, founded by the government, forms a part of the institu- tion, and is rich in natural and scientific curiosi- ties. There are many other public and private buildings, of considerable interest, and the city abounds in parks and public squares. Many of these are adorned with costly statuary, as follows : Dupont Circle Set apart for a statue of Admiral Dupont. Thomas Circle Equestrian statue of Gen. George H. Thomas: erected by Army of Cum- berland Society; modeled by J. Q. A. Ward; 16 Notable Places in the United States Frequented as Pleasure ResortsContinued, 337 fet-t high; cost, with pedestal and lamp-posts, $79,000. Washington Circle Equestrian statue of Washington, in old-style military costume, by Clark Mills; erected by Congress; cost, $50,000. Judiciary Square (19 acres) Pension Building, District Court House, and Lot Flannery's full length statue of Lincoln, surmounting a marble column. Greene Square (3J4 acres) Equestrian statue of Gen. Nath'l Greene, by H. K. Browne; 33)4 feet high; cost, with pedestal, $50,000. Lin- coln Square (6 acres) Bronze Group, " Emancipa- tion," representing Lincoln, with the Emancipa- tion Proclamation, protecting a crouching slave, whose fetters are broken; designed by Thos. Ball, and cast at Munich, Bavaria; cost 817,000, contrib- uted by freed negroes at the South. Rawlins Square Bronze statue of Gen. Jno. A. Rawlins, Sec'y of War un^er Grant, by J. Bailey; height, with pedestal, 20 feet; cost, $10,000. McPherson Square Equestrian statue of Gen. Jas. B. McPher- son, by Jas. T. Robisso; erected by Army of the Tennessee Society, from cannon donated by Con- gress; figure, 14 feet high; cost, $23,500; with pedestal, $48,500. Farragut Square (about 1 acre) Bronze statue of Admiral Farragut, by Vinnle Ream; metal taken from Farragut's ship, the Hartford ;30 feet high ; cost, $20,000. Scott Square (1 acre) Equestrian statue of Gen. Wlnfleld Scott, by H. K. Browne; cast from cannon captured in Mexico; 29 feet high; cost, $45,000. Lafayette Square (7 acres) Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson, by Clark Mills; erected, 1853; made from cannon captured by Jackson; cost, $50,000. On the Senate staircases are Hiram Powers' statue of Franklin, costing $10,000; Powell's painting of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie, costing $25,000; Stone's statue of John Hancock, costing $5,550, and Walker's painting of "The Storming of Chapul- tepec," costing $6,000. At the staircase of the Representatives' Hall are Powers' statue of Jeffer- son, in marble, costing $ 10,000, and Carpenter's painting of " Lincoln Signing the Emancipation Proclamation," costing $25,000. In the Represen- tatives' Hall are Bierstadt's two paintings of " Set- tlement of California" and "Discovery of the Hudson River," costing, together, $20,000. The city contains 6,111 acres; has 100 streets and 20 avenues, of which Pennsylvania Ave. and Massa- chusetts Ave. are each 4K miles long. Total popu- lation over 200,000, including about 20,000 Gov- ernment employes. Washington Monument occu- pies a space of 20 acres; its corner-stone was laid in 1848, and the structure was finished in 1884; its foundation is 80 feet square, set in solid rock; the base is 55 feet square; at the top it is about 30 feet square; total height, 555 feet; built of gran ite and marble; cost about $1,200,000. Long Bridge, over the Potomac River, is one mile long. Naval Observatory grounds contain 19 acres; the Navy Yard, 27 acres; the Arsenal grounds, 45 acres. Total value of Government property, $88,537,311. Walking Glen, K. Y. Eighty rods from Watkins Station, near the head of Seneca Lake, a vast gorge in a tall, rocky bluff, 500 feet high, through which flows a noisy mountain stream, forms the glen, extending a distance of about 3 miles. The scenery is rugged and romantic in the deep gorge, with cascades and towering rocks, a dark pool, narrow footpaths, hemlock trees, dif- ficult stairways and a balcony overhanging the gorge; solitude and grandeur distinguish the place, and the admirer of nature may here view it in its wildest phases. Prominent objects are the Mountain House, a chalet Cottage, an iron suspension bridge across the gorge, an art-gallery, Glen Cathedral (amphitheater 1,000 feet long), Rainbow Falls, Pluto Falls, Omega Falls, etc. Other glens in the vicinity present additional charms for the tourist. West Point, Bf. T. The early history of the Union is intimately connected with this beau- tiful place on the west bank of the Hudson River, 52 miles north of New York City. In the Revolu- tionary War, the neighborhood bristled with forts built by Colonial troops. Above the river at an altitude of 600 feet may still be seen the ruins of Fort Putnam, and from that deserted fortress the tourist may view some of the finest scenery in America. The Government Military Academy and grounds, where so many great warriors have been educated, are finely located and ably main- tained. Kosciusko's Monument is a prominent feature at this delightful resort. Weyer's Cave, Va. Not far from the fam- ous Luray Caverns, the visitor to Augusta county meets with another remarkable cave, called Weyer's, of considerable extent, and rich in nat- ural and strange creations. Several chambers are traversed, in which much of phenomenal beauty and grotesque formations are revealed. The pas- sage-ways and halls glisten with snowy drapery. Near by is the Cave of the Fountains, which also serves to charm visitors with its beauty. 'White Mountains Vi-\v from the Glen House On the eastern side of Mt. Wash- ington, at its base, a visitor at the Glen House may have a clear view of five notable -peaks: Mt. Washington, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Clay and Mt. Madison, which rise, respectively, 6,293; 5,800; 5,700; 5,400, and 5,361 feet. Tucker- man's Ravine is an immense rift on the south side of Mt. Washington, the walls of which are 1,000 feet in height. Several interesting cascades are found in the vicinity, one ("Crystal") having a fall of 80 feet. White Sulphur Spring, W. Va. With a location of 2,000 feet above the ocean, and sur- rounded by groves, streams, forests, lawns and flowers, with mountain breezes, these springs have long been a most popular resort. The spring also possesses remarkable curative powers, which serve to attract scores of indisposed persons to it. Its virtues have been known for a century. Yellowstone National Park, VVyo. Ter. Length of Park, 65 miles; width, 55 miles; covers 3,575 square miles, or 2,388,000 acres. Yel- lowstone Lake is 22 miles long and 15 miles wide. The park contains from 5,000 to 10,000 springs and 50 geysers that throw water from 50 to 200 feet. The great falls of the Grand Canon are 350 feet in height. The Yosemtte "Valley Reached by four stage routes. Situated on the Merced River, Mari- posa County, Cal., 220 miles (by road) from San Francisco. The Valley contains a level plateau about 6 miles long and from % to 1 mile wide, and is surrounded by granite cliffs, rising almost per- pendicularly to a height varying from 3,000 to 6,000 feet. From the tops of these cliffs spring magnificent and beautiful cataracts. All through the valley flowers abound, relieved with plants and shrubs, and their varied hues and odors are delightful to the senses. The valley has been known since 1851, and is the property of the State, set apart for a public resort. The name Yosemite, given to it by the Indians, means " Large Grizzly Bear." " El Capitan " is a solitary stone pillar with a perpendicular elevation of 3,300 feet. The "Bridal Veil," a cataract of great beauty, falls over a cliff 900 feet high. Opposite to it is " The Virgin's Tears Creek," with a fall of 1,000 feet. " Cathedral Rock " is a granite pile, 2,660 feet high. "The Spires" are two graceful columns. "The Three Brothers" is a triplet group of rocks, the highest peak of which rises 3,830 feet. " Sentinel Rock " is 3,043 feet high. "The Yosemite Falls " is a grand piece of scenery, broken into cascades, the first having a fall of 1,500 feet; then shorter ones to a depth of 626 feet, and finally a plunge of 400 feet into the valley. East of the Falls is a bold peak, rising 3,030 feet above the valley. The " Half Dome," in the vicinity, is a granite crest rising nearly 5,000 feet above the valley. " North Dome " is 3,568 feet high. " Vernal Fall " descends about 400 feet. The "Cap of Liberty," a huge mass of rock, is 2,000 feet high. " Nevada Fall " is nearly 600 feet high. The views from the various points of the valley reached by travelers are among the sublimest in the world. 338 LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES, Many of which are Prominent as Summer Resorts. Lakes In Arizona. Becker's Lake, Apache Co Dry Lake, Apache Co . Laguna, Yuma Co Lake Selado, Apache Co Mineral Lake, Apache Co Orteges Lake, Apache Co Salt Lake, Apache Co Long. .4...'.' K ...2.. *i K 20r Atkins Lake, Jefferson Co .............. 3 Bee Lake, Miller Co .................... 1% Big Lake, Mississippi Co ............... 12 ........ 6.. Big Mossy Lake, Ashley Co ............. IK ____ J^-K BlantonLake, Miller Co ................ 2 ......... % Bradshaw Lake, Miller Co... .......... 2 ......... % Buford Lake, Mississippi Co ............ 4 ........ 2.. Cannon Lake, Mississippi Co ........... \% ....... % Carson Lake, Mississippi Co ............ 4 ........ 1 . . ChicotLake, Chicot Co ................ 22 ....... 1.. Clayton Lake, Jefferson Co ............ 2% ....... % Clear Lake, Miller Co .................. IK ...... 0. . Clear Lake, Mississippi Co .............. 6 ........ 1. . Coffee Lake, Ashley Co .................. % Cottoney and Bennyfleld Lakes, Ark's. 2 Crabtree Lake, Miller Co ............... 3K ....... % Cypress Lake, Pulaski Co ............... 1 ......... K Davis Lake, Desha Co .................. 3 ......... % Pish Lake, Hempstead Co .............. 1 ......... Flat Lake, Mississippi Co ............... 4 ........ 1.. Golden's Lake, Mississippi Co .......... 4 ........ 4. Grand Lake, Chicot Co ................. 7 ......... % Grassy Lake, Hempstead Co ............ IK ....... K Hanaberry Lake, Arkansas Co ......... 2 ........ . K Jacob's Lake, Arkansas Co ............. K ...... 20r Kelly Lake, Miller Co .................. 5 ......... % Lake Comfort, Miller Co ............... 4 ......... K Lake Tyronza, Mississippi Co ........... 6 ........ 3. . Lake Walker, Mississippi Co ........... 3K ...... 2% Lloyd's Lake, Miller Co ................. 2 ......... % Long Lake, Phillips Co ................ 18 ......... X Mason's Lake, Chicot Co ............... 6 ........ 1 . . Mud Lake, Arkansas Co ................. 4 ......... K Noble Lake. Jefferson Co .............. 5 ......... K Oak Lake, Miller Co .................... 2 ......... K Old-Town Cypress Lake, Phillips Co. .20 ......... X Red Lake, Miller Co ................... IK ....... X Red Lake, Hempstead Co ............... 5 ......... % Round Pond. Phillips Co ................. X ....... % Scott Lake, Miller Co ................... IK ....... % Silver Lake, Desha Co .................. 6 Walnut Lake, Desha Co ............... 6 Wild Cat Lake, Ashley Co ................ ^ Young's Lake, Mississippi Co .......... 3 Lakes In California. Lake Mary, Mono Co Lake Tahoe (or Bigler), Placer Co. . . Little Lake, Inyo Co Loon Lake, Placer Co Lower Lake, Modoc Co. Long. ..3.... 22... 20r Lakes In California. e g s g Alkali Chain Lakes (3), Modoc Co. . . 16 ........ 3. . Annie Lake, Modoc Co .................. 1 ........ K Bigler (or Tahoe) Lake, Placer Co... 22 ...... 12.. Blanca Lake, Santa Barbara Co ......... K ....... % Blue Lake, Lake Co .................... 3 ........ 1 . . Blue Lake, Humboldt Co ................. K ....... % Blue Lakes, Alpine Co .................. 1# ....... Borax Lake, Lake Co ................... 1 X ....... Buena Vista Lake, Kern Co ........... 12 ........ 8.. Burnside Lake, Alpine Co .............. 1 ......... K Canon Lake, Mono Co ................. IK ....... K Capel's Lake, Amador Co .............. IK ...... 1.. Cascade Lake, Kern Co ................. IK ....... % Castac Lake, Kern Co ................... IK ...... 1 . . Clear Lake, Lake Co ................... 35 ...... 10. . Clear Lake, Modoc Co ................ 14 ...... 14. . Crescent Lake, Mariposa Co ............. K ....... X Donner Lake, Placer Co ............... 2 ........ 1.. Eagle Lake, Lassen Co ................ 13K ...... 4. . East (Twin) Lake, Mono Co ............ 3 ........ 2.. Echo Lake, Eldorado Co ................ 3 ......... ^ Eleanor Lake, Tuolumne Co ............ Ijf ....... % Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles Co ........ IK ...... 1 . . Fall Lake, Shasta Co ................... 4 ......... K Fallen Leaf Lake, Eldorado Co ........ 3 ........ l.. Gold Lake, Sierra Co ................... 1 ......... K Goose Lake, Kern Co ................... 4 ........ 2.. Goose Lake, Modoc Co ................. 60 ...... 12.. Granite Lake, Tuolumne Co ............. K ....... K Grant Lake, Mono Co ...... '. ............ IK ....... 3 Grass Lake, Amador Co ................ 4 ........ 2 . . Guadalupe Lake, Santa Barbara Co ---- 2K ....... K Gull Lake, Mono Co ...................... K ....... K Highland Lake, Alpine Co ............. IK ....... % Honey Lake, Lassen Co ................ 15 ........ 2.. Horse Lake, Lassen Go ................ 4 ........ 3.. Independence Lake, Pla6er Co ......... 1 ........ 1 . . Independence Lake, Sierra Co ......... 2 ......... K Karman Lake, Mono Co ............... 1# ....... K Kern Lake, Kern Co .................... 8 ........ 4.. Laguna, Los Angeles Co ............... 1 ......... K Laguna, Santa Barbara Co ............ IK ....... K Lake George, Como Co ................. 3 ........ IK Lower Klamath Lake, Siskiyou Co. Lundy Lake, Mono Co Meadow Lake, Placer Co Middle Lake, Modoc Co Modoc Lake, Modoc Co Mono Lake, Mono Co Mud Lake, Amador Co Nina Lake, Tuolumne Co Owen's Lake, Inyo Co Saline Lake, Inyo Co Silver Lake, Amador Co Silver Lake, Eldorado Co Silver Lake, Mono Co Tenaya Lake, Mariposa Co Thurston Lake, Lake Co Tulare Lake, Tulare Co Tule Lake, Sonoma Co Tule Lake, Siskiyou Co Twin Lakes, Alpine Co Upper Lake, Modoc Co Webber Lake. Sierra Co West Twin Lake. Mono Co SZaca Lake, Santa Barbara Co ..2... .20... .30... .15... ..2... 1. 22.. ::: ..3... Miles Wide. ...2.. . 12.. ...-K ...-K ...2K . 12.. ...1.. . . .IK ">.'.' . 11.. ...IK ....K .16.. .. ..2K ..IK -.2 .16 Lakes In Colorado. Chicago Lake, Clear Creek Co Crystal Lake, Hinsdale Co Grand Lake, Grand Co Green Lake, Clear Creek Co Lake John, Grand Co Lower Twin Lake. Lake Co San Cristoval Lake. Hinsdale Co. San Luis Lake, Castilla Co Santa Maria Lake, Hinsdale Co Trapper's Lake, Garfleld Co Upper Twin Lake, Lake Co V.6lr .2*:: .2.... IK.- ...IK Lakes In Connecticut. Ball's Pond, Fairfleld Co Bantam Lake, Litchfleld Co Benedict Lake, Litchfleld Co Beardsley Lake, Litchfleld Co Bear Lick Lake, Litchfleld Co Big Meadow Lake, Litchfleld Co Blakely Lake, Litohfleld Co Bolton Reservoirs, Tolland Co Brown Lake, Litchfleld Co Burr's Lake, Litchfleld Co Canaan Mt. Lake, Litchfleld Co Catlin Lake, Litchfleld Co Centre Lake, Litchfleld Co Cob Lake, Litchfleld Co Columbia Reservoir, Tolland Co Cook Lake, Litchfleld Co. Cream Hill Lake, Litchfleld Co Long. 1. 3K-. K.. ...i.. ::::* ....K ..-K ...K Dead Swamp Lake, Litchfleld Co Doolittle Lake, Litchfleld Co Fuller's Lake, Litchfleld Co Gardner's Lake, New London Co ...... Greenwood's Lake, Litchfleld Co ....... Hatch Lake (1), Litchfleld Co Hatch Lake (2), Litchfleld Co Humlston Lake, Litchfleld Co Indian Lake, Litchfleld Co Lake Mt. Riga, Litchfleld Co Lane Lake, Litchfleld Co Lockwood's Lake, Litchfleld Co Long Lake, Litchfleld Co Loon Lake, Litchfleld Co Long Meadow Lake, Litchfleld Co Lower (Washinee) Lake, Litchfleld Co Mashapaug Pond, Tolland Co Mountain Lake, Litchfleld Co Mount Tom Lake. Litchneld Co Mudge Lake, Litchfleld Co North Lake (1 ), Litchneld Co .......... North Lake (2) , Litchneld Co North Colebrook Lake, Litchfleld Co North Spectacle Lake, Litchfleld Co PhelpsLake, Litohfleld Co ............ Pine Swamp Lake, Litchfleld Co ....... Pistebaugh Pond, New Haven Co ..... Ouaspaugh Pond, New Haven Co ..... Railroad Lake, Litchfleld Co ......... Round Hill Lake, Litchfleld Co ........ Saltonstall Lake. New Haven Co ..... Shenipsit Lake, Tolland Co ............. Shepherd's Lake, Litchfleld Co ......... Smith's Lake, Litchfleld Co Square Pond, Tolland Co ............... South Spectacle Lake, Litchfleld Co Thompson, Lake. Litchfleld Co Tobey Pond, Litchfleld Co %. $ ..K ...K ...K ...K ..2.. ..K IK. - . 2K.. K., IK. . .lK-. 2 ____ 1 . . . . I ..K IK- 1. . . K- K- 1 . Lakes In Connecticut. Tyler Lake, Litchfleld Co Tipper (Washin'g) Lake, Litchneld Co Wadham's Lake. Litchfleld Co Waremaug Lake, Litchfleld Co Warren Lake, Litchfleld Co Waumgumbaug Lake, Tolland Co Wononscopomuc Lake, Litchfleld Co Wood Creek Lake, Litchfleld Co Lakes In Dakota. Long. AlaehuaLake, Alachua Co 6 3.. Albert Lake, Grant Co 3 l Andes Lake, Charles Mix Co io. ....... 'y, Antelope Lake, McHenry Co 5 ' u Arrowwood Lake, Stutsman Co 2K V Bailey's Lake, Clark Co Big Stone Lake, Grant Co 32 \\\ % Blackwater Lake, Stevens Co l Brant Lake, Lake Co .>......." A. Budge Lake, Kingsbury Co 4 2.' Byron Lake, Beadle Co 3 ....K Chandler's Lake, Barnes Co %. . . ChediLake, Brown Co 2 ....Yi Cottonwood Lake, Burleigh Co 3 2K Crystal Lake, Aurora Co J y^ Dakota Lake, Brown Co 1 .. Devil's Lake, Ramsay Co 55 ... . . . 14K Dry-Wood Lake, Sisseton Reserv 5 K to "K Duck Lake, Stevens Co l % Island Lake, Rolette Co 3 2K Jessie Lake, Grigg Co l K Jim Lake, Stutsman Co 3} y^ Jones Lake, Aurora Co J^ \ % Kampeska Lake, Codington Co 5 2K Koch's Lake, Barnes Co % u Lake Albert, Grant Co 2K iK Lake Cottonwood, Codington Co 3. ... 1 Lake George, Charles Mix Co 2 '.'.'.'.. 3f Lake Herman, Lake Co 4 2.. Lake Madison, Lake Co 7 2K Lake Mazeppa, Grant Co 2 1.. Lake Norden, Hamlin Co ...IK 1 " Lake Rose, Rolette Co 2 V Lake Thurston, Brule Co ..2 % Larrabee Lake, Foster Co 3K .'.!.. Long Lake, Burleigh Co 13 2!! Long Lake, Rolette Co 2. Lord Lakes, Rolette Co IK K Minnewaukan (See Devil's Lake) Minnie Lake, Barnes Co % ibr Parker Lake, Aurora Co K % Pelican Lake, Codington Co 5 i} Platt Lake, Aurora Co IK 1 . . Pleasant Lake. Aurora Co Jf . . , Poinsett Lake, Hamlin Co 5K 3.. Preston Lake, Kingsbury Co 7 2 Pugh Lake, Grant Co 2 1 . . Punished Woman's Lake, Codingt'n Co. 1 % Red Lake, Brule Co 5K 2K Red Willow Lake, Grigg Co 1%. . Rice Lake, Burleigh Co 4 \y. SibleyLake, Grigg Co % % Silver Lake, Kingsbury Co %. ... % Silver Lake, Turner Co 1 l.. Spring Lake, Walworth Co 2 l.. Spring Lake, Kingsbury Co 2 1 . . Spirit Lake, Kingsbury Co 2 \X Spirit-Wood Lake, Stutsman Co \y, 1 . Stuart Lake, Rolette Co 3.1 2.. Swan Lake, Turner Co 2 K Swan Lake, Walworth Co 6 2. . Tchanchicaha Lake, Brown Co 3# 2. . Thompson Lake, Kingsbury Co 6 3. . Traverse Lake, Sisseton Reserv 25 2. . Twin Lake, Codington Co 6 IK Twin Lakes, Rolette Co & K White Lake, Aurora Co 5..K to IK Whitewood Lake, Kingsbury Co 8. . . '. ... IK Willow Lake, Clark Co IK X Lakes in Florida. Wide. Ahapopka Lake, Sumter Co 18 15^ Alligator Lake, Brevard Co 5 2.. Alligator Lake, Bradford Co iy l% Alpine Lake, Sumter Co ^ Jf Apopka Lake, Orange Co 15 8. . Apthorpe Lake, Manatee Co 3 2.. Ariana Lake, Polk Co IK IK Arbuckle Lake, Polk Co 5 IK Ashby Lake, Volusia Co IK 1 Bartlett Lake, Putnam Co % K Beresford Lake, Volusia Co 2 K Big River Lake, Washington Co 4K. 1 to 2. . Big Western Lake, Washington Co 3 2. . Bradford Lake, Leon Co 1 1.. Black Lake, Washington Co IK 1 - . Blue Lake, Washington Co 3 2.. Borum Lake, Jackson Co K Jf Brooklyn Lake, Clay Co 4 IK LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. 339 Lakes In Florida. Miles Long. Miles Wide. ..IK Buffum Lake, Polk Co 3 Butler Lake, Bradford Co IK ! Cedar Pond, Jackson Co 1 X Chalo Apopka Lake, Hernando Co 15. . .1 to 3.. Chipola Lake, Calhoun Co 16. . . 1 to 3. . Compass Lake, Washington Co 3 2.. Cowpeii Lake, Washington Co 2 J Crescent Lake, Putnam Co 14 4. . Crescent Lake, Sumter Co \ X Crescent Lake, Volusia Co 2 1 . . Cypress Lake, Jackson Co 3 2.. Cypress Lake, Polk Co 4 3. . Crystal Lake, Sumter Co 5C K De Lancey Lake, Marion Co IK IK Dexter Lake, Volusia Co 5 1 . . Dimple Lake, Sumter Co % % Dora Lake, Orange Co 6 3. . Dry Lake, Washington Co 1 1 . . East Bay Lake, Calhoun Co 15. . . 1 to 5. . Eustis Lake, Orange Co 6 5. . Ferra Pond, Bradford Co 1 % % Florence Lake, Sumter Co 1 K Forsha-lee Lake, Leon Co IK ' Francis Lake, Manatee Co 4 3. . Front Lake, Sumter Co K X Gap Lake, Washington Co 2 1.. George Lake, Orange Co 12 8.. Grandin Lake, Putnam Co 5 2.. Green Lake, Washington Co IK 1.. Griffin Lake, Sumter Co 9 3% Hamilton Lake, Polk Co 3K 3. . Hamoc Lake, Washington Co 2 1.. Hancock Lake, Hernando Co 1 % 1 . . Hancock Lake, Polk Co 4 2\ Harney Lake, Volusia Co 4 3.. Harris Lake, Calhoun Co 1 IK Harris Lake, Sumter Co 11 5J Hatchensaw Lake, Polk Co 7 2K Hawkins Lake, Orange Co K K Heron Lake, Sumter Co 1 & Hix Lake, Washington Co 2 2.. lamona Lake, Leon Co 8 2K Island Lake, Washington Co 1 1 . . Istakpoga Lake, Manatee Co 8 6. . Jackson Lake, Leon Co 9 ...3.. Jesup Lake, Orange Co 15. ..4 to4K Katrine Lake, Sumter Co K X Ker Lake, Marion Co 4 2K Kissemee Lake, Polk Co 14 6 Lafayette Lake, Leon Co 6 1.. Lake Bryant, Marion Co 4 4 . Lake Broward, Putnam Co 2 1.. Lake Charm, Orange Co 4 2K Lake Como, Putnam Co 3. ..Ktol.. Lake Dunham, Sumter Co 3 2.. Lake Geneva, Bradford Co 1 % Lake George, Putnam Co 18 ]0. . Lake Helen, Volusia Co K X Lake Jumper, Marion Co 2K IK Lake Louisa, Sumter Co 5 3.. Lake Luffman, Brevard Co 4 1 . Lake Marguerite, Putnam Co 2K 9 Lake Maitland, Orange Co 2J^ 1 Lake Minnehaha, Orange Co % LakeSibelia, Orange Co IX K Levy's Lake, Alachua Co 4 2K Little Lake George, Putnam Co 3 2. . Little River Lake, Washington Co 1 K Little Sampson Lake, Bradford Co 2% IK Little Santa Fe Lake, Bradford Co 3% 1 Livingston Lake, Polk Co 2% 1 \ Lochloosa Lake, Alachua Co 7 4.. Lower Nyakka Lake, Manatee Co 1 ^ Lucas Lake, Washington Co 2 1 . . Marian Lake, Polk Co 3 IK Mariana Lake, Polk Co 1 % 1 . . Marianna Lake, Brevard Co 6 2.. Miccosukee Lake, Leon Co 7 3. . Minmesla Lake, Sumter Co 5 2.. Minnehaha Lake, Sumter Co 2K 2.. Mirror Lake, Sumter Co K % Monroe Lake, Orange Co 12 5.. Monroe Lake, Volusia Co 9 3K Munson Lake, Leon Co 1 K If orris Lake, Orange Co f 6 4. . Okeechobee Lake, Dade Co 40 30. . Okliakonkonhee Lake, Polk Co 7 IK Orange Lake, Marion Co 11 6.. Panasofka Lake, Sumter Co 5 2.. Parke Lake, Polk Co 3K 2.. Pierce Lake, Polk Co 5 2K Pithladioco Lake, Alachua Co 4K 3.. Poinsert Lake, Brevard Co 3 1.. Porter's Lake, Washington Co 4 1.. Rattlesnake Lake, Washington Co 1 ^ Rosa Lake, Sumter Co IK Rosalie Lake, Polk Co 3K 2X Rudy Lake, Polk Co 3K 2.. Salt Lake, Brevard Co IK 1 . . Sampson's Lake, Bradford Go 3 2% Sam's Lake, Sumter Co 2% 2.. Sandhill Lake, Clay Co ...3 2.. Santa Fe Lake, Alachua Co 8 4.. Santa Fe Lake, Bradford Co 6K 3% Sarah-Jane Lake, Sumter Co 1% Silver Lake, Sumter Co 1 1 . . Sister Lake, Volusia Co 2K IK Lakes In Florida. Long. Miles ide. Smith Lake, Clay Co .................... 6 ........ 3. . South Lake, Brevard Co ................ 6 ........ % South Prong Pond, Bradford Co ........ 2% ...... 1 . . Stearnes Lake, Manatee Co ............. IX ...... 1.. Stella Lake, Sumter Co .................. K ....... X Swift Creek Lake, Bradford Co ......... lj| ....... X Takopekaliga Lake, Orange Co ....... 16 ........ 8. . Tahoptalaga Lake, Orange Co ........ 12... 2 to 5.. Tiger Lake, Polk Co .................... 3 ........ IK Tinoz Lake, Hernando Co ................ % ....... K Trinity Lake, Sumter Co ................. K ....... K Upper Nyakka Lake, Manatee Co ...... IK ....... & "Washington Lake, Brevard Co ........ 4 ........ 1 . . Weekiva Lake, Orange Co .............. IX ....... K Weir Lake, Marion Co .................. 5K ...... 3K Weshayakapa Lake, Polk Co .......... 4 ........ 3K Winder Lake, Brevard Co .............. 6 ........ 2K Woodruff Lake, Volusia Ca ............ 2K ...... IK Worth Lake, Dade Co ................. 18. . . X to IK Lakes In Idaho. Mil, Mil,. Long. Wide. Alturas Lakes, Alturas Co each 2 2. . Bear Lake, Bear Lake Co 20 5. . Coeur d'Alene Lake, Kootenai Co. . ..25 4.. Fish Lake, Kootenai Co 6 K Hayden Lake, Kootenai Co 1 1.. John Gray's Lake, Oneida Co 9 4. . Kaniksu Lake, Kootenai Co 30.. 1 to 10.. Marsh Lake, Cassia Co IK rt.. Pend d'Oreille Lake, Kootenai Co 65. . .4 to 6. . Red Fish Lake, Alturas Co 5 2.. Samaria Lake, Oneida Co X & Spirit Lake, Kootenai Co 5 1.. Swan Lake, Oneida Co % X Wah-hah Lake, Nez Perces Co 2 K Lakes In Illlnola. Mill-: Mil,. Long. Wide. Bangs' Lake, Lake Co 1^ K Big Grassy Lake, Greene Co 3 IK Big Lake, Jackson Co 3K 2^ Bluff Lake, (See Lake Maria) Butler's Lake, Lake Co K X Cade Lake, Greene Co 3 K Calumet Lake, Cook Co 3K IX Cedar Lake, Lake Co Ch annel Lake, Lake Co IX X Chouteau Slough, Madison Co 5 3Ur Cranberry Lake, Lake Co X K Crooked Lake, Lake Co % Crystal Lake, McHenry Co IK K Deep Lake, Lake Co 1 K Deer Lake, Lake Co K X Diamond Lake, Lake Co K K Duck Lake , Lake Co K K Dunn's Lake, Lake Co K X Dyson's Lake, Carroll Co 3 K Fish Lake, Lake Co K K Fourth Lake, Lake Co IX K Fox Lake, Lake Co 2 v ..Jf Gage's Lake, Lake Co % I..K Grass Lake, Lake Co K X Grassy Lake, Lake Co 2 K Gray's Lake, Lake Co K X Hastings Lake, Lake Co K X Honey Lake, Lake Co K Horseshoe Lake, Alexander Co 4 K Horseshoe Lake, Madison Co 10 1.. Huntley's Lake, Lake Co K X Hyde Lake, Cook Co.... 1 X Lake Breeze, Madison Co 3 IK Lake Catharine, Lake Co % X Lake Lima, Adams Co 4K 2. . Lakes Maria and Bluff, Lake Co IK K Lake Milligan, Alexander Co 2 X Lake Potato Prairie, Greene Co 3 K Lake Zurich, Lake Co ^ % Libertyville Lake, Lake Co K % Little Lake, Jackson Co 3K K Long Lake, Lake Co IX K Long Lake, Madison Co 12 X Loon Lake, Lake Co 1 K Monaghan Lake, Lake Co X K Kippersink Lake, Lake Co IK K Petite Lake, Lake Co 1 ^ Pistakee Lake, Lake Co 2X % Round Lake, Lake Co % K Sand Lake, Lake Co K X Second Lake, Lake Co K K Silver Lake, Lake Co X X Slocum's Lake, Lake Co K K Slouch Lake, Lake Co K X Smith's Lake, Madison Co 1 K Sullivan Lake, Lake Co K K Sun Lake, Lake Co X X Swan Lake, Jackson Co IK 5? Taylor's Lake, Lake Co K K Third Lake, Lake Co .K K Turner's Lake, Lake Co X X Wauconda Lake, Lake Co 1 % Wooster Lake, Lake Co K K Lake, in Indiana. - Baugher Lake, Noble Co % % Bear Lake, Noble and Washington Cos. . \ Jj' Lakes in Indiana. * Beaver Lake, Newton Co... ............. IK ....... K Big Lake, Noble Co ...................... 1 ......... K Bixler Lake, Noble Co ................... % ....... K Bruce Lake, Fulton Co .................. 1 ......... Cedar Lake, Starke Co ................. 3K ....... ^ Clear Lake, La Porte Co ................. ....... % Clear Lake, Steuben Co ................. 3 ........ 2. . Crane Lake, Noble and Washingt'n Cos. ^ ....... % Crooked Lake, Steuben Co ............. 3 ........ IK Deer Lake, Noble Co .................... K ....... & Eagle Lake, Noble Co ................... & ....... K Eagle Lake, Kosciusko Co .............. IK ....... % Eagle Lake, Noble Co ................... 1 ......... X English Lake, Starke Co ............... IK ....... % Gordy Lake, Noble Co ................... K ....... M Hardy Lake, Noble Co .................. % ....... K High Lake, Noble and Washingt'n Cos. 1 ......... K Indian Lake, Noble Co .................. K ....... % James Lake, Steuben Co ............... 6 ........ 2. . Lake of the Woods, Marshall Co ...... IK ...... ! Long(l), Noble Co ...................... 1 ......... K Long (2), Noble Co ...................... 1 ......... K Lower Long Lake, Noble Co ............. % ....... % Lower Lake, Noble Co .................. 1 ......... K Manitan Lakes, Fulton Co ............ 2 ........ 1.. Maxinkuckee Lake, Marshall Co ....... 2X ...... 1 % Mill Pond, Noble Co. (1) ................. 4 ....... 32r Mill Pond, Noble Co. (2) ................ 3 ........ K Mud Lake, La Porte Co ................. 2 ......... % MuncieLake, Noble Co ................. 1% ....... K IVorth Mud Lake, Fulton Co ............ J ......... & Pine Lake, La Porte Co ................ 1 % ...... IK Pretty Lake, Marshall Co ................ K ....... K Reservoir Lake, Orange Co ........... 6 ......... K Rider Mill Ptrad, Noble Co ............... % ....... K River Lake, Noble Co ................... 1 ......... % River Lake, Noble and Washingt'ii Cos. % ....... K Round Lake, Noble Co ...... ............. K ....... K Sackrider Lake, Noble Co ............... & ....... K Smalley Lake, Noble Co ................ ^ ....... K Sand Lake, Noble Co ..................... K ....... M South Mud Lake, Fulton Co .............. \ ....... % Skinner Lake, Noble Co ................ 1 ......... K Tamarack Lake, Noble Co ............. 1 ......... K Tippecanoe Lake, Kosciusko Co ........ 3 ---- XtK Tippecanoe Lake, Noble Co ............. 1 ......... %, Turkey Lake, Kosciusko Co ............ 8. .. 1 to IK Twin Lakes (3), Marshall Co ........... 3 ......... % Waldron Lake, Noble Co .............. IX ....... K Wible Lake, Noble Co .................... K ....... K Wolf Lake, Noble Co .................... K ....... K take* In Iowa. * * Badger Lake, Monona Co .............. 6 ......... % Bancroft Lake, Kossuth Co ............ IK ..... -K Bass Lake, Humboldt Co ............... 1 ......... K Big Slough Lake, Clay Co .............. 2 ......... % Blue Lake, Monona Co .................. 7K ....... M Bradley Lake, Des Moines Co .......... 1 ........ 1.. Bright's Lake, Worth Co ............... 1 ......... K Brower's Lake, Woodbury Co .......... 2 ......... X Brown Lake, Woodbury Co ............. 2K ..... 53r Brush Lake, Calhoun Co ................. ....... & Cairo Lake, Hamilton Co .............. 3 ......... K Centre Lake, Dickinson Co ............. 1 ......... K Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo Co ............ 5 ........ 2. . Clear Lake, Des Moines Co ............. 2 ......... K Crystal Lake, Hancock Co .............. IX ....... 96 Diamond Lake, Dickinson Co ........... % ....... % Eagle Lake, Kossuth Co ................. K ....... X Eagle Lake, Emmett Co ................ 2 ........ 1.. Eagle Lake, Hancock Co ................ 2X ....... % EastOkoboji Lake, Dickinson Co ...... 5 ---- Mt& Elbow Lake, Palo Alto Co .............. 2 ......... K Elk Lake, Clay Co ....................... 1 ......... X Elm Lake, Wright Co ................... 2 ........ 1.. Four-Mile Lake, Emmett Co .......... IK ....... K Garfield Lake, Hancock Co ............. X ....... & Goose Lake, Kossuth Co ................ IX ....... \ Goose Lake, Clinton Co ................ IK ...... IX Gross Lake, Buena Vista Co ............ 1 ......... K Grover's Lake, Dickinson Co ....... ,...1 ......... % Guard's Lake, Monona Co ............... 2 ......... % Heigh Lake, Emmett Co ............... 2 ......... % Holly Springs Lake, Woodbury Co ..... K ...... 16r Holte's Lake, Dickinson Co ............ 1 X X to % Indian Lake, Sac Co ..................... K ....... % Iowa Lake, Emmett Co ................. 1 K. K to IK Iowa Lake, Hamilton Co ................ 2K ...... 1 . . Keokuk Lake, Muscatine Co ............ K ....... X Knapp Lake, Sac Co ...................... % ....... X take George, Hancock Co .............. % ....... X Lake Wood, Hancock Co ................. M ....... M Lard Lake, Sac Co ...................... 1 ......... K Little Spirit Lake, Dickinson Co ......... K ....... X Little Wall Lake, Hamilton Co ......... 1 ........ 1 . . Little Wall Lake, Wright Co ........... 1 ........ 1. . Lost Island Lake, Clay Co .............. 2K ....... K Marble Lake, Dickinson Co ............. % ....... K Marshy Lake, Humboldt Co ............ 1 ......... % Medium Lake, Palo Alto Co ............ 2 ........ 1.. Mud Lake, Clay Co ...................... % ....... M Mud Lake, Emmett Co .................. 3...1 to IK Otto Lake, Fremont Co .................. % ....... K Owl Lake, Humboldt Co ................ 2 ........ 1. . 340 LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. .... ..4K..lto3K ...% ....... K ..4 ........ 2.. ...K ....... K ..IK ...... 1.. ...K ....... X - ,.7...KtolK ..3* ...... 1.. ..i ........ K ...* ....... K ...K ...... K ...X ....... K ...K ....... K Lakes in Iowa. f Palo Alto Lake, Palo Alto Co IK 1 Pelican Lake, Palo Alto Co 2. . . .X to % Pickerel Lake, Buena Vista Co K K Ray Lake, Des Moines Co 1 K Rice Lake, Winnebago Co IX ! Rice Lake, Worth Co IK K Rush Lake, Palo Alto Co 1 % Rush Lake, Sac Co 1 K Sand-Hill Lake, Woodbury Co 6 X Silver Lake, Monona Co 3 K Silver Lake, Dickinson Co 2. . .X to IK Silver Lake, Worth Co IX X Silver Lake, Palo Alto Co Spirit Lake, Dickinson Co Stony Lake, Dickinson Co Storm Lake, Buena Vista Co Swan Lake, Des Moines Co Swan Lake, Palo Alto Co Swan Lake, Guthrie Co Swan Lake, Dickinson Co Swan Lake, Emmett Co Trumbull Lake, Palo Alto Co Twelve-Mile Lake, Emmett Co Twin Lake, Wright Co Twin Lake, Winnebago Co Twin Lake (E. ) , Hancock Co Twin Lake (W.), Hancock Co Twin Lake (N.), Calhoun Co Twin Lake (S.), Calhoun Co TTpper Lake, Fremont Co i K Virgin Lake, Palo Alto Co K K "Wahaboncey Lake, Fremont Co 2 1.. Wall Lake, Wright Co 2.. ...'.. .2.. Wall Lake, Sac Co 6...Xtol.. West Okoboji Lake, Dickinson Co 5K. % to 3. . I,ake>* In I^oulMluiia. g, { Arthur Lake, Calcasieu Par 10. . . 1 to 2. . Bristineau Lake, Bossier Par 25 2.. Black Bayou, Caddo Par 45 15r Bodeau Lake, Bossier Par 11 K Bon Garcon Lake, Avoyelles Par % K Borgne Lake, Orleans Par 30 15. . Castor Lake, Rapides Par 2 2. . Catahoula Lake, Rapides Par 15 5. . Catahoula Lake, St. Martin's Par 3 X Charles Lake, Calcasieu Par 2K 2K ChicotLake, St. Martin's Par 5 2.. Clear Lake, Caddo Par 6 2. . Cocodra Lake, Rapides Par 10. . . 1 to 4. . Cross Lake, Caddo Par 15 IK Butch John Lake, Bossier Par 2 IK False River Lake, Point Coupee Par. 30 1 . . Ferry Lake, Caddo Par 15 3. . Grand Lake, Iberia Par 25 12. . Grand Lake, St. Martin's Par 50 20. . Grassy Lake, Assumption Par 2X 2. . Grubb's Lake, Rapides Par 2 1 . . Indian Lake, Calcasieu Par 3 1 . . Jatt Lake, Grant Par 12 2. . r,ake Arthur, Vermillion Par 6 IK Lake Bigneur, Vermillion Par 4 2. . Lake Catharine, Orleans Par 3 2K Lake Wilson, Avoyelles Par . . .K K Maringoin Lake, Iberville Par 2K IX Martin's Lake, St. Martin's Par 2K % Maurepas Lake, Livingston Par 12 10. . Moreau Lake, Point Coupee Par 4 4. . Morton Lake, Webster Par 2 27r Natchez Lake, Iberville Par 3K IK Nautachie Lake, Grant Par 4 1 . . No. 2 Old River Lake, Pt. Coupee Par. .4 K Old River Lake, Point Coupee Par. . .37 1 . . Oskibe Lake, St. Martin's Par 2 IK Pearl Lake, Avoyelles Par 4 2. . Peigneur Lake, Iberia Par IK 1 . . Palourde Lake, Assumption Par 6 6. . Ponvchartrain (Lake), Several Par. . .40 24. . Roseau Lake, Avoyelles Par IK 1 . . Round Lake, St. Martin's Par 3 3.. St. Agnes Lake, Avoyelles Par 3 K Saline Lake, Avoyelles Par 4 1 . . Saline Lake, Winn Par 48 6. . Spanish Lake, Iberville Par IX 1. . Sodo Lake, Caddo Par 12 2.. Sykes Lake, Webster Par 5 27r Tasse Lake, St. Martin's Par 6 2K Tasse Lake, Iberia Par IK 1 . "Verret Lake, Assumption Par 11 2J Wallace Lake, Caddo Par 20 2. . White Lake, Vermillion Par 12 8. . In Maine. Long. Alligator Lake, Hancock.Co 3X 1^ Barrows Lake, Washington Co 2 1.. Baskahagan Lake, Washington Co 3K 3.. Beaver Dam Lake, Washington Co 2 1 . . Big Lake, Washington Co 12 2. . Big Wilson Pond, Piscataquis Co 5 3K Boyden's Lake, Washington Co 3 IK Caribou Lake, Piscataquis Co 5 3. . Cathanes Lake, Washington Co 4 2K i k<- In Maine. Long. Centre Pond, Piscataquis Co 2 Chain Lakes (3), Washington Co 8 Chain Lakes (7), Franklin Co 40 Chamberlain Lake, Piscataquis Co. . . 10. . . Chesuncook Lake, Piscataquis Co is! ! ! Chimquassabamtook Lake, Piscat. Co. 6.!.' Clifford's Lake, Washington Co 3. . . Cold Stream Pond, Penobscot Co 4x Cranberry Lakes (3), Washington Co. .4. . . Crawford Lake, Washington Co 5. . . Cupsuptio Lake, Franklin Co 4... l>exter Pond, Penobscot Co 3. . . Eagle Lake, Hancock Co 2!.! Eagle Lakes, Aroostook Co. each 14. .. East Maguerrowoc Lake, Wash. Co 2K. Endless Pond, Penobscot Co 5... Eskulassis Lake, Penobscot Co IjSf. Fifth Lake, Washington Co 3K. Fish River Lake, Aroostook Co 4. . . Fourth Lake, Washington Co 4... Gardner's Lake (1), Washington Co. . .7. . . Gardner's Lake (2), Washington Co. ..5. . . Great Tunck Pond, Hancock Co 4. . . Hadley Lake, Washington Co 4K- Hebron Pond, Piscataquis Co 3 . Highland Lake, Cumberland Co 4. . . Hot-Brook Lake, Washington Co 3. . . Jo. Mary Lake, Piscataquis Co 3. . . .luior Lake, Penobscot Co 5. . . Kennebago Lake (1), Franklin Co 5... Kennebago Lake (2), Franklin Co 1 ... I,;i k r Onaway , Piscataquis Co 4. . . Lambert Lake, Washington Co 2. . . Little Kennebago Lake, Franklin Co. . 1 ... Little Machias Lake, Washington Co. . 1 . . . Lobster Pond, Piscataquis Co 2. . . Long Lake, Aroostook Co 9... Long Lake, Cumberland Co 10. .. Long Pond, Piscataquis Co 6. . . Long Pond, Washington Co 3... Loon Lake, Piscataquis Co 3... Love Lake, Washington Co 2K. Machias Lake, Washington Co 3 Madenteaunt Lake, Penobscot Co 1 ... Mapaug Lakes, Washington Co 6... Mattaceunt Lake, Penobscot Co 3. . . Mattagamon Lake, Penobscot Co 3K. Mattamiscontis Lake, Penobscot Co. . .2 Mattawamkeag Lake, Aroostook Co. . .8. . . Medybemps Lake, Washington Co 8. . . Meluncas Lake, Aroostook Co 3. . . Millinokett Lakes, Penobscot Co 6. . . Molasses Pond, Hancock Co 2K. Molechunckamunk Lake, Oxford Co. . .6. . . Monson Pond, Piscataquis Co 2 Moosehead Lake, Piscataquis Co 40 Mooslucmaguntic Lake, Oxford Co. . .12. . . Mud Pond, Piscataquis Co 2... Mud Lake, Piscataquis Co 1... Musquash Lake, Washington Co 3. . . Nahmakauta Lake, Piscataquis Co 5 Narraguagas Lake, Washington Co 2 Newport Pond, Penobscot Co 4 Nichols' Pond, Penobscot Co 2K. Nickatous Lake, Hancock Co 8 North Lake, Washington Co 2 Old Stream Lakes (3), Washington Co.SK. Orange Lake, Washington Co 2 Pamedumcook Lake, Piscataquis Co. .6. Wide. ...1.. ..... IK 3tp5. . ..... 5.. ..... 3.. ----- 3.. _____ 2.. _____ 3.. ... 1.. ....!.. ....IK ...... K ..... 2K ....IK ....!.. ....IK .-K $ ..K .IK i! Parmachene Lake, Oxford Co 5. Patrick Lake, Washington Co IK- Peaked Mountain Lake, Wash. Co 2. . . Penamaquan Lake, Washington Co. . . 3. . . Pleasant Lake, Piscataquis Co Pleasant Lake, Washington Co Pocomocus Lake, Washington Co. . . . Pocomoonshine Lake, Wash. Co 3K 2.. Portage Lake, Aroostook Co 5 2K Pushaw Lake, Penobscot Co 7 3. . Ragged Lake, Piscataquis Co 3 1.. Rangely Lakes, Franklin Co 9 3. . Reed's Pond, Hancock Co 6X- Richardson Lakes, Oxford Co 17. .. Ripogenus Lake, Piscataquis Co 3. . . Roach Lake, Piscataquis Co 7. . . Rocky Lake, Washington Co 2K 1 . . Rocky Pond, Hancock Co IK 1.. St. CroixLake, Aroostook Co 2 1.. Schoodic Lakes, Piscataquis Co 8 3. . Schroodic Lake, Washington Co 9 K Sebago Lake, Cumberland Co 13 11.. Sebec Lake, Piscataquis Co 12 5. . Seboosis Lake, Penobscot Co 7 1 . . Scraggley Lake, Penobscot Co 3K 1 . . Shining Lake, Washington Co 2 2. . Shin Ponds, Penobscot Co 3K 1. . Sisladobsis Lake, Penobscot Co 8K IK Spider Lake, Piscataquis Co 2 IK Squawpan Lake, Aroostook Co 10 3. . TelosLake, Piscataquis Co 5 2.. The Five Lakes, Aroostook Co., each.. 2 1.. Third Lake, Washington Co 6 1 . . Toddy Pond, Hancock Co T% 1.. Tunk Lakes (2), Washington Co 3 IK Twin Lakes, Penobscot Co 7 3. . Umbagog Lake, Oxford Co 12 3. . Lakes In Maine. ^ ** Umcoleuf Lake, Aroostook Co 2. . IX Umsaskis Lake, Aroostook Co .... .5U. '. '.'. 1 V Upper Lake. Aroostook Co 7 IK Wabasses Lake. Washington Co 4..!! .. 1 Webb's Pond, Hancock Co. .. 3K 1 Weld Pond, Franklin Co " .' " '5. Welokennabacook Lake, Oxford Co! '. .5. '.'.'.'.'.'. .3. '. West Maguerrowoc Lake, Wash. Co. . .3 1 West Musquash Lake, Washington Co.SK. .... .2 Wilson Pond, Piscataquis Co 3 1 Witteguerguacum Lake, Wash. Co. .. 12. ..." 3 l.a lv<-s in Massachusetts, j"^'" Alnm Lake, Hampden Co }. Alum Pond, Worcester Co 5t Ashley Lake, Hampden Co. ... ... .i Asnebumskit Pond, Worcester Co. .... . . v' Basin Lake, Berkshire Co ''''' ' MilfB Wide. ....K ....% ....K Berkshire Lake, Berkshire Co 3 Blair Lake, Hampden Co... Brewer Pond, Berkshire Co 1 Centre Lake, Berkshire Co ! .1. Chapin's Lake, Hampden Co K. Chaubunagungamaugr Pond, Wos. Co 3 Clarksburgh Reservoir, Berkshire Co. . K. Cochituate Lake, Middlesex Co 4 Cougamack Lake, Hampden Co '. . '. .3x' Crane Lake, Berkshire Co K- Crystal Lake. Worcester Co l East Lake, Berkshire Co. Five-Mile Lake, Hampden Co. ... Fresh pond, Middlesex Co 2. Frog Pond, Boston Common ii Gilder Lake, Berkshire Co K Goose Lake, Berkshire Co .2. . | Great Lake, Hampden Co .....K^ Great Lake, Berkshire Co 2. . . Greenwater Lake, Berkshire Co. .-K 2 ..K Hammond Pond, Nantucket Co Hayes Lake, Berkshire Co Hazzard's Lake, Hampden Co Hinsdale Reservoir, Berkshire Co Horn Pond, Middlesex Co Horse Lake, Hampden Co '.'.. Jamaica Pond, Suffolk Co Iiake Onota, Berkshire Co Lily Lake, Berkshire Co Long Lake, Berkshire Co Long Lake, Hampden Co Long Lake, Nantucket Co Ludlow Reservoir, Hampden Co Mahkeenac Lake, Berkshire Co . Marsh Lake, Berkshire Co Mauapoag Pond. Norfolk Co Micomet Lake, Nantucket Co Moffat Lake, Berkshire Co. -K i? ..x --K ..K. Mountain Lake, Berkshire Co Mud Lake, Berkshire Co Mystic Pond, Middlesex Co Nine-Mile Lake, Hampden Co North Lake, Berkshire Co North Meadow Lake, Hampden Co. . North Spectacle Lake, Berkshire Co. Noyes Lake, Hampden Co Pattaquatic Lake, Hampden Co Paukapoag Pond, Norfolk Co Plain Lake, Berkshire Co Plantain Lake, Berkshire Co Pontoosuc Pond, Berkshire Co Pottapogue Pond, Worcester Co Quaboag Pond, Worcester Co Quinsigamond Pond, Worcester Co. . . Rand Pond, Berkshire Co Reservoir (1), Suffolk Co Reservoir (2), SuffolkCo Richmond Pond, Berkshire Co. .. . Rudd Lake, Berkshire Co Sandisfield Reservoir, Berkshire Sechacha Pond, Nantucket Co Sigourney Lake, Hampden Co. . . Silver Lake, Middlesex Co Shaw Lake, Berkshire Co CO....K. Slab Lake, Hampden Co.. Slip Lake, Hampden Co South Lake, Berkshire Co South Spectacle Lake, Berkshire ( Spat Pond, Middlesex Co Spy Pond, Middlesex Co Thomas Lake, Berkshire Co Three-Mile Lake, Berkshire Co Wales Lake, Hampden Co Watuppa Pond, Bristol Co. Wa Jshacum Pond, Worcester Co 1 West Lake, Berkshire Co K- . Wheeler Lake, Berkshire Co K- Winchell Lake, Berkshire Co j . . Windsor Lake, Berkshire Co K- Yocum Lake, Berkshire Co. . , K- Lakes In Michigan, j^ 3 Agobebic Lake, Ontonagon Co 16 Antoine Lake, Menominee Co 1 LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. 341 Lakes In Michigan. Long. Augusta Lake, Presque Isle Co 1 1.. Austin's Lake, Kalamazoo Co 2 1.. Bald Eagle Lake, Oakland Co 1 % Bailey's Lake, Keweenaw Co 2 % Bass Lake, Mason Co 2 % Bear Lake, Muskegon Co 2) IX Beaver Lake, Alpena Co 2X % Betsie Lake, Benzie Co 2 Bevins' Lake, Oakland Co % K Big Lake, Osceola Co 2 1 . . Big Clam Lake, Wexford Co 3 3.. Big Portage Lake, Jackson Co 2 % Big Sable Lake, Mason Co 1% 1% Black Lake, Muskegon Co 3 IK Black Walnut Lake, Oakland Co 1 K Blue Lake, Muskegon Co IK ! Brevoort Lake, Mackinac Co 6 3.. Brooks Lake, Oakland Co K % Brush Lake, Montmorency Co 2 IX Buckhorn Lake, Oakland Co % X Bush Lake, Oakland Co 1 % Campbell's Lake, Delta Co 1 1.. Canandaigua Lake, Oakland Co IK % Carp Lake, Ontonagon Co 5 1. . Carp Lake, Mackinac Co 3 IK Carpe Lake, Emmett Co 4 2. . Cass Lake, Oakland Co 2 % Cedar Lake, Alcona Co 6 Cedar Island Lake, Oakland Co X X Chippewa Lake, Mecosta Co...; IK 1.. Clam Lake, Antrim Co 4)5 K Clark's Lake, Jackson Co 2K K Clear Lake, Mecosta Co 1 K Coldwater Lake (1 ), Branch Co 2)4 % Coldwater Lake (2), Branch Co 3 2.. Comer's Lake, Otsego Co 2 K Commerce Lake, Oakland Co % X Grain's Lake, Mackinac Co IK % Cranberry Lake (1), Oakland Co % X Cranberry Lake (2), Oakland Co K X Cranberry Lake (3), Oakland Co % X Cranberry Lake (4), Clare Co 2 Crooked Lake, Emmett Co 7 2. . Crooked Lake. Oakland Co ^ X Crotched Pond, Oakland Co IX X Crystal Lake, Benzie Co 9... 2 to 3.. ahuff Lake, Wexford Co K K Deer Lake, Charlevoix Co 2 1.. Deer Lake, Keweenaw Co 3 IK Deer's Lake, Oakland Co 1 K Devil Lake, Alpena Co 4K >| Devil's Lake, Lenawee Co 2)5 Dickinson Lake, Oakland Co K X Duck Lake, Oakland Co 1)5 % Duck Lake, Benzie Co 1 K 1 . . Duck Lake, Muskegon Co 2 1% Eliza Lake, Houghton Co IK K Elizabeth Lake, Oakland Co % X Elk Lake, Antrim Co 2 %' Elk Lake, Grand Traverse Co 9 l Fife Lake, Grand Traverse Co 1% 1 . . Fremont Lake, Newaygo Co 2 1.. George Lake, Chippewa Co 6 3.. Gillett's Lake, Jackson Co 1) K Goose Lake, Jackson Co 1% K Gould's Lake, Keweenaw Co K X Grand Lake, Presque Isle Co 8. ..1 to 1)5 Grand Sable Lake, Schoolcraft Co 2X 1 . . Grass Lake, Oakland Co 1 X Grass Lake, Jackson Co IX % Grass Lake, Antrim Co 2 2.. Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw Co 2K IX Green's Lake, Oakland Co & X Green Lake, Benzie Co 4 3.. Green Lake, Grand Traverse Co 3 2.. Gull Lake, Kalamazoo Co 4 1.. Gulliver Lake, Schoolcraft Co IK 1J4 Hawberry Lake, Menominee Co 1 < Hess Lake; Newaygo Co IK 1.. Higgins Lake, Roscommon Co 7 5.. Hoopis Lake, Keweenaw Co % X Horsehead Lake, Mecosta Co IK j^ Horseshoe Lake, Ogemaw Co IK } Houghton Lake. Roscommon Co 17 7.. Hubbard Lake, Alcona Co 7 2. . Indian Lake, Schoolcraft Co 6K 4. . Indian Lake, Kalamazoo Co 2K K Intermediate Lake, Antrim Co 6K % Kelley's Lake, Ogemaw Co IX X Lac La Belle. Keweenaw Co 2)5.. % Lake Bailey, Keweenaw Co 1)5 % Lake Fanny Hooe, Keweenaw Co 2 X Lake Upton, Keweenaw Co % X Lakeville Lake, Oakland Co IK K Leet's Lake, Kalkaska Co 2 1 . . Lincoln Lake, Mason Co 4 Little Clam Lake, Wexford Co 3 1 . . Loon Lake, losco Co 2 1 . . Loon Lake, Oakland Co K x Long Lake, Kalamazoo Co 2 K Long Lake, Mecosta Co 1% % Long Lake, Presque Isle Co .' 8 1 . . Long Lake, Montmorency Co 3 . . 1 Long Lake, Grand Traverse Co 5K 2. . Long Lake, Alpena Co ' 7% l . . Long Lake, Clare Co 3 IX Lake. In Michigan. *J Long Lake (1), Oakland Co K X Long Lake (2), Oakland Co IK M Long Lake (3), Oakland Co 1 K Long Lake (4), Oakland Co 1 K Long Lake (5), Oakland Co 1 X Long Lake (6), Oakland Co 1 K Long Lake (7), Oakland Co 2 % Lower Herring Lake, Benzie Co IK ! Lower Straits (1), Oakland Co K 34 Lower Straits (2), Oakland Co 1 X Mac Donald Lake, Schoolcraft Co 2 1.. Mad Dog Lake, Oakland Co IX K Manganese Lake, Keweenaw Co < K Marble Lake, Branch Co 2 1 . . Martin's Lake, Mecosta Co 1 K Mich. Centre Mill Pond, Jackson Co 2 1.. Middle Manistique Lake, Mackinac Co. 7 4. . Milakokia Lake, Mackinac Co 4 2K Mille Coquins Lake, Mackinac Co 5 2.. Mosquito Lake, Keweenaw Co 2 ^ Moss Lake, Delta Co 2 ].. Mud Lake, Alpena Co 1 K Mud Lake, Huron Co % K Mud Lake, Schoolcraft Co IK Mud Lake, Chippewa Co 10 1 . . Mud Lake, Jackson Co 1 \ Mud Lake (1), Oakland Co K X Mud Lake (2), Oakland Co K X Muskegon Lake, Muskegon Co 6 3.. Narrin Lake, Oakland Co K V North Manistique Lake, Mackinac Co. .2 2. . Nowland's Lake, Charlevoix Co 1 % Orchard Lake, Oakland Co 2 IK Otsego Lake, Otsego Co 6 1.. Otter Lake, Houghton Co 2K 1.. Ox-Bow Lake, Mason Co IX % Ox-Bow Lake, Oakland Co 1 % Pagan Lake, Oakland Co K X Paw Paw Lake, Berrien Co 3}..Kto^ Pere Marquette Lake, Mason Co 2)| K Pettibone Lake, Oakland Co 1 K Pine Lake, Charlevoix Co 15 3.. Pine Lake, Oakland Co IX K Pipestone Lake, Berrien Co 1 K Platte Lake, Benzie Co 5 3.. Pleasant Lake, Jackson Co 1 K Pleasant Lake, Wexford Co % K Pond Lake, Oakland Co & X Portage Lake, Houghton Co 5 2.. Pretty Lake, Mecosta Co % ^ Prospect Lake, Van Buren Co IX K Rice Lake, Newaygo Co. .. j 1 K Rose Lake, Osceola Co 2 1 . . Round Lake, Kalkaska Co 3 2.. Round Lake, Lake Co IK % Round Lake, Emmett Co 2 1. . Rush Lake, Huron Co 2% 1.. Sage Lake, Ogemaw Co 3.... \ St. Helen's Lake, Roscommon Co 7 2.. Sand Lake, losco Co IK 1.. Sand Lake, Lenawee Co IX ! Schlatter's Lake, Keweenaw Co 1% ^ Seymour Lake, Oakland Co % K Siscowit Lake, Isle Royale Co 7 IK Smith Lake, Berrien Co 2X K South Arm Pine Lake, Charlevoix Co. 10 1 . . South Manistique Lake, Mackinac Co. .6 2^jJ Square Lake, Oakland Co X X Star Lake, Lake Co 2^ 1.. Stony Lake, Oakland Co & X Strawberry Lake, Osceola Co IK % Sunday Lake, Ontonagon Co 5 2.. Tan Lake, Oakland Co K % Tawas Lake, losco Co 2K 1.. Thayer's Lake, Keweenaw Co 2 K Three-Mile Lake, Van Buren Co IX ! Three-Mile Lake, Oakland Co 3 K Thumb Lake, Charlevoix Co 2. . .< % Torch Lake, Houghton Co 5 IK Torchlight Lake, Antrim Co 18 IK Trout Lake, Mackinac Co 2K.. 2X Turtle Lake, Montmorency Co 3 2.. Tuttle Lake, Alpena Co IK IK Twin Lake (1), Otsego Co 1)5 % Twin Lake (2), Otsego Co 1 & Union Lake, Oakland Co IX Yi Upper Herring Lake, Benzie Co IK 1 Upper Platte Lake, Benzie Co 2 IK Upper Straits Lake, Oakland Co 2 K Upson Lake, Keweenaw Co 1 X Van Auben Lake, Van Buren Co 1 1 . . Vanettan Lake, losco Co 2K IK Voorheis Lake, Oakland Co 1 K Walled Lake, Oakland Co IK 1.. Waller's Lake, Oakland Co & X Walloon Lake, Charlevoix Co 10. 1 . . Wampler's Lake, Lenawee Co 2 1 . . West Platte Lake, Benzie Co 1 1 . . Whipple Lake, Oakland Co 1 X White Lake, Muskegon Co 6 IK White Lake, Oakland Co 1 % Williams Lake, Oakland Co K X Wing Lake, Oakland Co K X Woodard Lake, Wexford Co K K Lakes In Minnesota. JJJ' ^ Albert Lea Lake, Freeborn Co 8 1 . . Alexander Lake, Morrison Co 5 2. . Alley Lake, Renville Co 8 1.. Amelia Lake, Pope Co 2 ^ Annie Lake, Beltrami Co 3 IK Artichoke Lake, Big Stone Co 4 2.. Bald Eagle Lake, Ramsay Co 3 2.. Ball-Club Lake, Itasca Co 7 IK Bass Lake, Morrison Co 2 IK Bass Lake, Itasca Co 6 IK Battle Lake, Otter Tail Co 6 2K Bay Lake, Crow Wing Co 5 3.. Bear Lake, Murray Co 6 2.. Bear Lake, Freeborn Co 2K IK Bemidje Lake, Beltrami Co 6 2X BigKandiyohi Lake, Kandiyohi Co 3K 3K Big Marine Lake, Washington Co 4 2J^ Big Stone Lake, Big Stone Co 35 2. . Birch-Bark-Fort Lake, Todd Co 2K 1.. Birch-Bark Lake, Stearns Co 3 2. . Black Loon Lake, Jackson Co 1% IX Boon Lake, Renville Co 4 IK Bowstring Lake, Itasca Co 6 5. . Boy Lake, Cass Co 8 3. . Buffalo Lake, Becker Co 2)5 K Buffalo Lake, Wright Co 2 IK Buffalo Lake, Murray Co 1 K Calhoun Lake, Hennepin Co 1 % Camp Lake, Swift Co IK Cannon Lake, Rice Co 2K 1. . Carlos Lake, Douglas Co 5 1.. Cass Lake, Cass Co 15 8.. Cedar Lake, Hennepin Co K K Cedar Lake, Martin Co 3 1 . . Cedar Lake, Rice Co 2 IK Cedar Lake, Stearns Co 2 2. . Chippewa Lake, Douglas Co 5 IK Chisago Lake, Chisago Co 7K 5j Christiana Lake, Douglas Co 5 2. . Ci rcle Lake, Rice Co 2 Ifc- Clear Lake, Jackson Co IK % Clear Lake, Stearns Co 3 2. . Clear Lake, Sibley Co 2K K Clearwater Lake, Stearns Co 2 2.. Clearwater Lake, Wright Co 5 2.. Clitherall Lake, Otter Tail Co 3K 2K Cora Bell Lake, Murray Co K K Cormorant Lake, Becker Co 5 4.. Cormorant Lake, Grant Co 4 2. . Cotton Lake, Becker Co 2 2.. Cottonwood Lake, Lyon Co 1 % Crooked Lake, Cass Co 6 2. Cross Lake, Cass Co 8 5.. Cross Lake, Pine Co 5 ^ Current Lake, Murray Co 2 1 . . Barling Lake, Douglas Co 2 IK Dead Lake, Otter Tail Co 8K 3K Dead Coon Lake, Lincoln Co 2K 1.. Deer Lake, Itasca Co 5 IK Detroit Lake, Becker Co 4 2. . Diamond Lake, Kandiyohi Co 2 2.. Dora Lake, La Sueur Co 2K 1.. Eagle Lake, Kandiyohi Co 2 IX Eagle Lake, Nobles Co & K Eagle Lake, Blue Earth Co 2 ].. East Battle Lake, Otter Tail Co 3) 3. . Eden Lake, Stearns Co 1 K Elbow Lake, Grant Co 3 K Elbow Lake, Hubbard Co 5 % Elk Lake, Grant Co 3 K Emerson Lake, Brown Co 6 2.. Fair Lake, Grant Co 2 ^ Fairy Lake, Todd Co 3 1.. Flaherty Lake, Jackson Co 1^ % Flat Lake, Becker Co 2 IK Florida Lake, Kandiyohi Co 2 1 . . Floyd Lake, Becker Co 2 1.. Foot Lake, Kandiyohi Co 3 1 . . Forest Lake, Washington Co 5 ^ Fox Lake, Martin Co 3) % Fox Lake, Murray Co 2 jj Frank Lake, Swift Co % & Freeborn Lake, Freeborn Co 3 1)5 French Lake, Rice Co 2 IK Frog Lake, Becker' Co 2 IX Geneva Lake, Freeborn Co 5 2.. Geneva Lake, Douglas Co 2 1. . Goose Lake, Nicollet Co 2K..XtoK Goose Lake. Redwood Co 1 K Graham Lake, Nobles Co 2K IX Grand Lake. Stearns Co IK L. Grass Lake, Kanabec Co 1 1 . . Green Lake, Beltrami Co.. K X Green Lake, Chisago Co 3K 2X Green Lake, Kandiyohi Co 4 3K Griffin Lake, Big Stone Co 3 IK Grindstone Lake, Pine Co 2 Grove Lake, Pope Co 2 1 . . Gull Lake, Cass Co 12 8.. Gun-Flint Lake, Cook Co 10 2K Hall Lake, Martin Co IK % Hanska Lake, Brown Co 8 )5 Harriet Lake, Hennepin Co % % Hart Lake, Swift Co K X Hassel Lake, Swift Co 2 1 . . Height-of-Land Lake, Becker Co 4 2.. 342 LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. .Lakes In Minnesota. Henry Lake, Big Stone Co .............. 2 ........ 1.. Heron Lake, Jackson Co ............. 11 ........ 3.. Horseshoe Lake, Todd Co ................ % ....... K ' Horseshoe Lake, Rice Co ............... 1% ...... IX Horseshoe Lake. Redwood Co .......... 1 ........ K Howard Lake, Wright Co .............. IK ...... ! Hummel's Lake, Brown Co ............. 4 ........ 3.. Ida Lake, Douglas Co .................. 5 ........ 2.. Indian Lake, Nobles Co ................. 2 ........ 1. . Island Lake, Lyon Co .................... % ....... K Kabekona Lake, Cass Co .............. 3 ........ 2.. Kansas Lake, WatonwauCo ........... 1 ........ 1.. Koronis Lake, Stearns Co .............. 4K ...... 3.. tac-qui-Parle, Lac-qui-Parle Co ...... 14 ........ 1 K Ladyshoe Lake, Lyon Co ................. ^ ....... & Ladyslipper Lake, Lyon Co ............ 1% ....... % L'Hommedieu Lake, Douglas Co ....... 3 ........ 2 . . Lake Amelia, Pope Co .................. 2 ......... % LakeBenton, Lincoln Co ............... 9 ........ IK Lake Charlotte, Stevens Co ............. IK ....... K Lake Ellen, Pope Co .................... IK ....... % Lake Emily, Pope Co ................... 4 ........ 1.. Lake Johanna, Pope Co ................. 2 ......... % Lake Leven, Pope Co .................. 2 3 ........ 2. . 2K ....... % 16... 1 to 5.. 2 ........ 1.. Lake -Lilian, Kandlyohi Co Lake Marshall, Lyons Co Lake Minnetonka, Hennepin Co LakeMonson, Swift Co Lake Reno, Pope Co ..................... 2 ......... % Lake Sarah, Murray Co ................. 4K ...... IK Lake Seigel , Ly on Co ................... 1 ........ 1 . . Lake Shaokatan, Lincoln Co ............ 5 ........ 2.. LakeShetak, Murray Co .............. 10 ........ 2.. Leech Lake, Cass Co ................... 30 ....... 16. . Lida Lake, Otter Tail Co ............... 6 ........ 3K Lightning Lake, Grant Co .............. 1 ........ 1 . . Lime Lake, Murray Co .................. 2 ......... K Little Kandiyohi Lake, Kandlyohi Co. 3 ........ 2. . Little Rock Lake, Benton Co ........... 2 ........ 1 . . Loon Lake, Blue Earth Co .............. IK ...... 1.. Lone Tree Lake, Chippewa Co .......... 2 ......... K Long Lake, Crow Wing Co ............. 6 ........ 4.. Long Lake, Grant Co ................... 2 ......... % Long Lake, Kandiyohi Co ............... 2 ......... X Long Lake, Morrison Co ................ 3 ........ 2 . Long Lake, Renville Co ................. 2 ........ >S Long Lake, Todd Co .................... 2 ........ 1.. Long Lake, Watonwau Co .............. 2 ........ % MacDonald Lake, Otter Tail Co ....... 2K ...... 2.. Madison Lake, Blue Earth Co .......... 2 ........ 1.. Maple Lake, Polk Co .................... 9....Xtofc- Mary Lake, Douglas Co ................. 3 ........ 2. . Mayhew Lake, Benton Co ............... 1 ......... X Micha Lake, BeltranciCo ............... 3 ........ IK Middle Lake, NicolletCo ................ SK-KtoIK Mille Lacs, Mille Lacs Co .............. 20 ....... 15. . Mille Lake, Morrison Co ............... 20 ....... 20. . Miltona Lake, Douglas Co .............. 6 ........ 3. . Moose-Horn Lake, Carlton Co .......... 2X ....... Jf Moose Island Lake, Stevens Co ......... 2K ...... IK Moose Lake, Cook Co ................... 4 ........ IK Morg Lake, Kanabec Co ................ 2 ........ 1 . . Mountain Lake, Cook Co ............... 7 ........ 2X Mud Lake, Renville Co .................. 1 ......... K Mud Lake, Cass Co ...................... 1 ........ 1.. UTest Lake. Kandiyohi Co .............. IK ...... 1.. New Auburn Lake, Sibley Co ........... 3 ........ 1.. North Fowl Lake, Cook Co ............. 2K ...... Ifc Norway Lake, Cass Co .................. 3 ........ 1.. Norway Lake, Kandiyohi Co ........... 4 ........ 2K Ocheeda Lake, Nobles Co .............. 7 ........ 1% Oliver Lake, Swift Co ................... 3K ....... K Onamia Lake, Mille Lacs Co ............ 2 ........ 2.. Osakis Lake, Todd and Douglas Co. . . 10 ........ 3. . Oscar Lake, Douglas Co ................ 4 ........ 3.. Otter Tail Lake, Otter Tail Co ......... 9 ........ 3.. Pearl Lake, Stearns Co ................ IK ...... ! Peirce Lake, Martin Co ................. IK ...... 1.. Pelican Lake, Cass Co ................. 10 ........ 5. . Pelican Lake, Wright Co ............... 3 ........ 2K Pelican Lake, Swift Co ................... K ....... K Pelican Lake, Grant Co ................. 3K ...... 2J Pelican Lake, Otter Tail Co ............ 5K ...... 2K Pelican Lake, Stearns Co ............... 1 ......... % Pepin Lake, Goodhue Co .............. 30 ........ 3.. Perch Lake, Carlton Co ................ 3 ........ 1.. Pine Lake, Pine Co ...................... 1% ....... K Pine Lake, Otter Tail, Co ................ 5K ...... 2. . Pleasant Lake, Stearns Co .............. 1% ....... % Pokegamma Lake, Cass Co ............ 12 ........ 5.. Pokegamma Lake, Pine Co ............. 4 ........ 1 . . Pomme de Terre Lake, Grant Co ....... 3K ...... 1.. Pulaski Lake, Wright Co ............... 2 ........ 1.. Red Lake, Beltrami and Kittson Co. 60 ....... 35. . Red Rock Lake, Douglas Co ............ 3 ........ 2. . Rice Lake, Freeborn Co ................. 3 ........ 1.. Rice Lake, Todd Co ..................... 3 ........ 1.. Rice Lake, Beltrami Co ................ 15 ....... 4.. Roberdo Lake, Rice Co ................ 2 ........ IX Rock Lake, Becker Co .................. 2K ...... 2. . Rock Lake, Lyon Co .................... IK ...... ^ Round Lake, Pope Co ................... 1 ........ 1 . . Round Lake, Jackson Co ............... 2 ........ IK Round Lake, Becker Co ................ IK ...... 1)5 Round Lake, Grant Co ................. IK ...... 1.. Rush Lake, Chisago Co ................. 5K ...... 3.. In Minnesota. Rush Lake, Otter Tail Co Sag-a-naga Lake. Cook and Lake C St. Mary's Lake, Swift Co Sandy Lake, Itasca Co Sauk Lake, Stearns and Todd Co's School-Grove Lake, Lyon Co Serpent Lake. Crow Wing Co Severance Lake, Sibley Co Shakopee Lake, Chippewa Co Shell Lake, Becker Co ShibleLake, Swift Co Shields Lake, Rice Co. Miles Long.. Miles \. ide. ..5 2K .28 8.. ...IX K ..6 2K .10. ...4: f :::::; 3 * ...2 K ...2 .K Silver Lake, Mille Lacs Co Silver Lake, Martin Co .............. Silver Lake, Sibley Co Skunk Lake, Jackson Co SlomansLake, Morrison Co Smith Lake, Stevens Co South Fowl Lake, Cook Co Spider Lake, Itasca Co Spirit Lake, Otter Tail Co ........... Spunk Lake, Stearns Co ............. Stalker Lake, Otter Tail Co .......... Star Lake, Otter Tail Co ............. State Line Lake, Nobles Co .......... Sturgeon Lake, Pine Co .............. Summit Lake, Nobles Co ............. Swan Lake, Lyon Co ................. Swan Lake, Nicollet Co .............. Swan Lake, Todd Co ................. Swan Lake, Itasca Co Talcot Lake, Murray Co Tamarac Lake, Carlton Co Tamarac Lake, Decker Co Ten-Mile Lake, Cass Co Ten-Mile Lake, Otter Tail Co Ten-Mile Lake, Lac-qui-Parle Co Tetonko Lake, Le Sueur Co Thief Lake, Beltrami Co Timber Lake, Nicollet Co Titlow Lake, Sibley Co Toad Lake, Becker Co Toqua Lake, Big Stone Co ........... Traverse Lake, Traverse Co ......... Trout Lake (1), Itasca Co ............ Trout Lake (2), Itasca Co ............ Tuff's Lake, Rice Co ................. Turtle Lake, Pope Co ................ Turtle Lake, Otter Tail Co ........... Turtle Lake, Martin Co .............. Twin Lake (1), Freeborn Co ......... Twin Lake (2), Freeborn Co Twin Lake. Beltrami Co Two-River Lake, Steams Co Union Lake, Polk Co Union Lake, Rice Co Upper Lake, Beltrami Co Vacanga Lake, Kandiyohi Co Victoria Lake, Douglas Co Wahbynew Lake, Itasca Co Washington Lake, La Sueur Co Washington Lake. Sibley Co Waverly Lakes, Wright Co Westport Lake, Pope Co Whipple Lake. Pope Co White Bear Lake, Ramsay Co White Bear Lake, Washington Co White Earth Lake, Becker Co Whiteflsh Lake, Cass Co White Oak Lake, Pine Co Willow Lake, Redwood Co Willow Lake. Chippewa Co Winnebagashish Lake, Cass Co Worm Lake, Grant Co Yankton Lake, Lyon Co ..2 1.. -.1 K 3 ........ 2.. IK ....... K 2K ...... IX 3 ........ 1 . ..3.... ..4 .1.. .1.. .1.. .3.. .1.. IK 1> .ViK.'.'.'.'.'.'i.. .,7K 3K ::t*:: 4 ........ 2.. 2 ........ 1 . . 2 ......... K 4 ........ 1.. 10 ........ 2. . 4 ........ IK ..4 1.. ..3 K ..2. ..1 to IK :::::::i? ..3 1.. .25 2.. -.5 IK ..3 IK ..IK IK ..IK K ..5 3K ..3K.. ....!.. ..2 1.. 4K ...... 1.. 3 ........ 1.. 3 ....... IK 6 ........ 4. . 3... 1 to IK 2 ..... ...1.. 12 ........ 2.. 4K ...... 3K 3K IK 12 IK K 2K 12 2 K K 10. . IX IK ...... ! Lakes In Mississippi. $ Bay Lake, Sunflower Co 1 Dawson Lake, Sunflower Co 2 Shacklef ord Pond, Sunflower Co 1 takes in Missouri. J Big Lake, Pemiscot Co 6 2K Cooper Lake, Pemiscot Co 4 .3.. Eastwood Lake, Pemiscot Co 4 2. . Niccormy Lake, Dunklin Co 6 1.. Pemiscot Lake, Pemiscot Co 6 4J Tanner's Lake, Pemiscot Co 3 2.. takes in Montana. X Ashley Lake, MissoulaCo .............. 5 Badwater Lake, Meagher Co ........... % ....... K Flat-Head Lake, MissoulaCo ......... 28 ....... 10.. take Elaine, Missoula Co .............. IK. -X to % Mason Lake, Meagher Co .............. 1 ......... K Meadow-Creek Lake, Madison Co ....... IX ...... 1 Mt. Edith Lake, Meagher Co ............. %; ....... K Red Rock Lake, Madison Co ........... 8 ........ IK Twin Lakes, Meagher Co ................ ^ ....... X takes In Nebraska. J *jj| Clear Lake, Cherry Co ...IK-.- X Cottonwood Lake, Holt Co 1 K Dad's Lake, Cherry Co 3K IK Freshwater Lake, Cherry Co 1 K Marsh Lake, Cherry Co 2 1.. Moon Lake, Brown Co 4 1 . . Pelican Lake, Cherry Co .2 1 . . Red Deer Lake, Cherry Co 2 1.. Swan Lake, Holt Co 1& K Twin Lake, Brown Co IK K "Willow Lake, Brown Co ) K Wide. Alkali Lake, Roop Co 80 10.. Alkali Lake, Esmeralda Co % K Crook Lake, Roop Co 3 1.. Duck Lake, Roop Co 3 1.. Fish Lake, Esmeralda Co X- Forty-Nine Lake, Roop Co 10 3.. Granite Lake, Roop Co K K High Rock Lake, Roop Co 7 1.. Humboldt Lake, Humboldt Co 15 7.. Massacre Lake, Roop Co 3 1 . . Middle Lake, Roop Co 7 3.. Pyramid Lake, Washoe Co 40 15. . Pyramid Lake, Roop Co 45 8.. Summit Lake, Humboldt Co 3 1.. Summit Lake, Roop Co IK 1 . . "Walker Lake, Ssmeralda Co 33 20.. Washoe Lake, Washoe Co 6 3. . West Lake, Roop Co 4 3.. Winnemucca Lake, Roop Co 32 5.. Winnemucca Lake, Washoe Co 30 10. . Long. Wide. Connecticut Lake, Coos Co 5 4.. Crystal Lake, Belknap Co 2 1 . . Echo Lake, Carroll Co X M Goose Pond, Grafton Co 3. 1 . . Muscoma Lake. Grafton Co 5 IK Second Lake, Coos Co 3 1% Tarleton Lake, Grafton Co 3 1 . . Third Lake, Coos Co IK K 'Winnepiseogee Lake, Belknap Co. ..22 8. . Winnesyoam Lake, Belknap Co 7 3.. takes in New Jersey. II mld's Lake, Morris Co Denham Lake, Morris Co Dundee Lake, Passaic Co Green Pond, Morris Co Greenwood Lake, Passaic Co Hopatcoug Lake, Morris Co Splitrock Lake, Morris Co Spring Lake, Monmouth Co , takes in New Mexico. Miles Long. .1K-. Miles Wide. 9.... .7.... .2.... ...1.. ...3.. ::::& Mile Black Lake. Mora Co .................. IK ....... X Kromiss Lake, Mora Co ................. K ....... M ta Cuera Lake, Mora Co .............. 1 ......... X Sebolla Lake, Mora Co ................... ^ ....... X takes In New York. Amber Lake, Hamilton Co ............. 2 ........ K Ballston Lake, Saratoga Co ........... 3 ........ 1.. Beaver River Lake, Lewis Co .......... 2 ........ 1.. Black Lake, St. Lawrence Co .......... 20 ........ 2 . Blodgett's Pond, Wyoming Co ........... % ....... % Blue Mountain Lake, Hamilton Co ____ 3K ...... 2.. Brant Lake, Warren Co ................. 5 ......... K Buonaparte Lake, Lewis Co ............ 5 ........ 3.. Canandaigua Lake, Canandaigua Co.I5. ..< tolK CayugaLake, Cayuga Co ............. 28 ---- 1 to3K Catamount Lake, St. Lawrence Co ..... IK ...... 1.. Catlin Lake, Essex Co .................. 3 ......... K Chautauqua Lake, Chautauqua Co ---- 18. . . 1 to 3. . Chasy Lake, Clinton Co ................. 3 ........ llf Crooked Lake, Cortland Co .......... 18 ........ IK Cranberry Lake, St. Lawrence Co ...... 9 ........ 3. . Cross Lake, Onondaga Co .............. 5 ......... X Eagle Lake, Hamilton Co .............. 2 ........ K Fern Lake, Clinton Co ................ 1 ......... K Greenwood Lake, Orange Co ......... 12 ........ 1.. Harris Lake, Essex Co ................. 2 ......... K Horseshoe Pond, St. Lawrence Co ...... IK ....... K Indian Pond, St. Lawrence Co ......... 1 ......... K Java Lake, Wyoming Co ................ % ....... ^ Jourdan Lake, St. Lawrence Co ........ 2 ........ 1 . . take Champlain, Eastern N. Y ...... 125.X to 15. . Lake George, Warren Co .............. 32 ........ 3.. Long Lake, Hamilton Co .............. 13...KtolK Loon Lake, Warren Co ................. 2K ...... 1 . . Lower Chateaugay Lake, Franklin Co.2K ....... % Lower Lake St. Regis, Franklin Co ____ 2 ........ 1.. Lower Saranac .".ake. Franklin Co ..... 6 ........ 2. . Massewepie Lalo, St. Lawrence Co... 2 ......... K Minnewaska Lake, Ulster Co ............ K ...... K Mohonk Lake, Uls *r Co ................ K ....... K Mud Lake, St. Law -ence Co ............. IK ....... K Oneida Lake, Oneida Co .............. 20. . .4 to 7. . LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. 343 Lakes In New York. JJj n e g ' Miles Wide. ...I.. tol.. ....% Otsego Lake' Otsego Co 7^.. ..IK n -nn T tt Afarli -on Po 3 % ...i.. ...-K ...3.. Schroon Lake, Essex Co 10. . .IK t* .1.. Skaneateles Lake, Onondaga Co 15. . ilK ..% -K .2.. Sylvia Lake, St. Lawrence Co 1J Taylor Pond, Clinton Co 1J^ -K -& "Upper Chateaugay Lake, Clinton Co. .3. . Upper Saranac Lake, Franklin Co 7. . Utawara Lakes, Hamilton Co 3.. IK !i!! Lakes In North Carolina. JJ Alligator Lake HydeCo 7.... Miles Wide. Mattamuskeet Lake, Hyde Co 20 ...5.. ...2.. ...6.. Lakes In Oregon. JJJJJ Albert Lake Lake Co 12.... Miles Wide. ...6.. ...IX ...5 . ...9.. ...4.. ..20.. ...3.. ...3.. Malheur Lake, Grant Co 30 ... Olive Lake, Grant Co 3. ... ..15.. ...2.. ...4.. ...6. 1 . Upper Kla'math Lake, Lake Co 26 ...8.. ...8.. ...2.. Lakes In Pennsylvania. JJjj X .... K Flk Lake Sullivan Co &". . as K y 2 Hunter's Lake, Sullivan Co 1M - - .'....K Lake William Sullivan Co %.. y a Lake Winolia, Wyoming Co 1^.. .'.'.'.'i.. as ...K "".K y t Oil Creek Lake, Crawford Co 2. . . . i/ JK ,...K K . K i/ Lakes In Rhode Island. JJJ n Miles Wide. ... .X Belleville Pond, Washington Co K- y ...1.. Easton's Pond. Newport Co 1K-. Grassy Pond, Washington Co 1. . . . ;.".!!K Georgia ville Pond, Providence Co IK- Greenhill Pond, Washington Co %.. ::::| Hopkins' Pond, Washington Co 4 Juniper Pond, Newport Co .) Keeck Pond. Providence, Co 1J. . ....2.. ...64r K Moswansicut Pond, Providence Co. . . .1 BTonguit Pond, Newport Co IX- Olney Pond, Providence Co ).. Point Judith Pond, Washington Co. . .5 Quicksand Pond, Newport Co 1K-. K Si? Ei? Sachem's Pond, Newport Co IX- K Lakes In Rhode Island. Salt Pond, Newport Co Sneech Pond, Providence Co Stafford's Pond, Newport Co Sucker Pond, Providence Co Tucker's Pond, Washington Co "Wallum Pond, Providence Co Worden's Pond, Washington Co "If awcoo Pond, Washington Co RESERVOIRS. Almy, Providence Co Bowditch, Providence Co Diamond, Providence Co Harris, Providence Co Jillson, Providence Co Pascoag, Providence Co Place, Providence Co Ponegansett, Providence Co Saunders, Providence Co Simmons' Lower, Providence Co Simmons' Upper, Providence Co Slack, Providence Co Smith and Sayles', Providence Co Still water, Providence Co "Waterman , Providence Co Wenscott, Providence Co Westeonnaug, Providence Co Wilson, Providence Co .l ..K :: .i ....K ':.'.\:. .IK- .IK. .i .IK. ::: ..2... ..1*. '.'.. .2 Lakes In Texas. Austin Lake, Matagorda Co Caddo Lake, Marion Co Cedar Lake, Matagorda Co. .... Kerry Lake, Marion Co Grasmeyer's Lake, Fayette Co. . . . Green Lake, Calhoun Co Kranover Lake, Fayette Co Mission Lake, Calhoun Co Moon Lake, Marion Co Jfowhere Lake, Fayette Co Oyster Lake, Matagorda Co Powder-Horn Lake, Calhoun Co Shlpp's Lake, Bastrop Co Lakes In "Utah. Alkali Lake, Iron Co Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho Co's. . . Clear Lake, Millard Co Fish Lake, Millard Co Funk Lake, San Pete Co Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake Co Hot Spring Lake, Salt Lake Co Little Salt Lake, Iron Co Panquiteh Lake, Garfleld Co Rush Lake, Tooele Co Rush Lake, Iron Co Sevier Lake, Millard Co Utah Lake, Utah Co .25 15.. ...2& IX :::*:: ...IK.. Wide. Miles Long. ::*::::: ...4 2.. ...4 1.. .1. ..83 ....... 40.. ...2 ........ 2.. 1. J \S J '::.2.::::::.iy 2 ...IK K .20 10.. .30 12.. Lakes In "Vermont. Miles Miles Long. Wide. Bomoseen Lake, Rutland Co 8 2.. Bristol Lake, Addison Co 2 1.. Caspian Lake, Orleans Co 3 1.. Crystal Lake, Orleans Co 2} % Lake Champlain, Eastern Vt 125..Ktol5.. Lake Dunmore, Addison Co 5 1 . . Lake Memphremagog, Orleans Co 33. . .2 to 4. . Seymour Lake, Orleans Co 4 2. . Silver Lake, Addison Co % K Willoughby Lake, Orleans Co 6 IK Mile Mile Lakes In "Virginia. ^ wide Drummond Lake, Norfolk Co 8 5. . Lakes in Washington Ter. JJj n 1 ^jj, American Lake, Pierce Co 5 1.. Beaver and Pine Lakes, King Co y t J^ Black Lake, Thurston Co 2j % Crooked Lake, Thurston Co 2J $4 Green Lake, King Co 1J \% Lake Terrel, Whatcom Co 1 j Lake Washington, King Co 22J$ 4.. Lake Wilderness, King Co X X Long Lake, Thurston Co 2 y t Owhap Lake, Pierce Co 3 1 . Padden Lake, Whatcom Co % X Quinaiult Lake, Chehalis Co 14 4. . Rock Lake, Whitman Co 8 K Sammamish Lake, King Co ?K IK Samish Lake, Whatcom Co 3JJ.......K Spanaway Lake, Pierce Co 1 % K Steillacoom Lake, Pierce Co 2 J Tanwax Lake. Pierce Co 2 % Tapp's Lake, Pierce Co 2} % "Union Lake, King Co 2 1.. "Whatcom Lake, Whatcom Co 11 1.. Lakes In Wyoming Ter. JJ,^ 8 *,' Battle Lake, Carbon Co 2 1.. Separation Lake, Carbon Co IK 1 Lakes In Wisconsin. Mile? Long. Ammison Lake, Douglas Co IX L. Barker Lake, Sawyer Co 2 J Bass Lake, Sawyer Co 4 1.. Bear Lake, Barron Co 4J 1.. Beaver Lake, Oconto Co 1J$ 1.. Beaver Dam Lake, Barron Co 5 J Beaver Dam Lake, Dodge Co 10... 1 to 3.. Big Lake, Sawyer Co 1 1.. Big Lake, Lincoln Co ..2 1J Big Sand Lake, Burnett Co 3 1} Birch Lake, Forest Co 1% J^ Bladder Lake, Ashland Co ItJ Blaisdell's Lake, Sawyer Co 1J 1.. Butte des Morts Lake, Winnebago Co. .5j 2K Cedar Lake, Barron Co 7 ll/ Chaqua Lake, Sawyer Co 4. . . Chetek Lake, Barron Co 2}. Chetek Lake, Sawyer Co Christie Lake, Oconto Co Clam Lake, Burnett Co Clam Lake, Sawyer Co '. \y^ % Connor's Lake, Sawyer Co 2 1.. Connell Lake, Chippewa Co 2 1 . . Court Oreilles Lake, Sawyer Co 7 5.. Crab Lake, Lincoln Co 2% 2. . Crystal Lake. Barron Co 1 % Dead Lake, Pepin Co 1J % Deer Lake, Sawyer Co 1 jjj Desert Lake, Wisconsin and Michigan.3%" 3. . Devil's Lake, Sawyer Co 1 1 . . Eagle Chain Lakes, Lincoln Co 25. ..J^tol.. Echo Lake, Barron Co % J English Lake, Ashland Co \% J^ Enterprise Lake, Langlade Co 1% 1 . . Fence Lake, Lincoln Co 3}J 2J Fish Lake, Sawyer Co 3 1 J$ Fish Lake, Waushara Co 2 j Fisher Lake, Florence Co 1 X 1. . Flambeau Lake, Lincoln Co 2J 1)^ Flat Lake, Sawyer Co 3 1.. Fox Lake, Dodge Co 3 2.. Geneva Lake, Walworth Co 8 2.. Granite Lake, Barron Co 2} 1} Green Lake, Green Lake Co 9 1 J^ Grindstone Lake, Sawyer Co 4 3.. Gussie Lake, Green Lake Co % J^ High Lake, Lincoln Co iy 2 Hunter's Lake, Sawyer Co 1 y t Island Lake, Ashland Co 1} l.. Kelly's Lake, Oconto Co 1& 1.. Koshkonong Lake, Jefferson Co 9 6.. Lake Kegonsa, Dane Co 4 2J Lake Labelle, Waukesha Co 31tf 1)2 Lake View, Lincoln Co \% Lake Emily, Dodge Co 1 1.. Lake Mendota, Dane Co 9 5.. Lake Winnebago, Winnebago Co 29 12.. Lake Waubesa, Dane Co 2 1 . . Lake Pepin, Pepin Co 20 3.. Lake Monona, Dane Co 4 2.. Lake Poygan, Winnebago Co 9 5. . Laura Lake, Lincoln Co IX IX Lily Lake, Langlade Co IX 1 . . Little Chief Lake, Sawyer Co 1J? 1 . . Little Duck Lake, Sawyer Co 2 1.. Little Green Lake, Green Lake Co 1 % Little Butte des Morts Lake, Win. Co. .3 1 . . Little Pahquawong Lake, Sawyer Co. . 1 % Long Lake, Chippewa Co 6 1} Loon Lake, Shawano Co. Loon Lake, Barron Co Loss Lake, Dodge Co Lost Lake, Sawyer Co Lower Turtle Lake, Barron Co. . . Maria Lake, Green Lake Co Mindemoga Lake, Sawyer Co Minnesuing Lake, Douglas Co. . . . Moon Lake, Barron Co Moose Lake, Ashland Co Mud Lake, Dodge Co Mud Lake, Burnett Co Mudhen Lake, Burnett Co Muller's Lake, Langlade Co Bf ebagamain Lake, Douglas Co. . Nok webay Lake, Marinette Co. . . North Pelican Lake, Lincoln Co. . , Pahquewong Lake, Sawyer Co. . . Pelican Lake, Lincoln Co Pewaukee Lake, Green Lake Co. . Pickerel Lake, Langlade Co Pickerel Lake, Sawyer Co Pine Lake, Ashland Co Pine Lake, Forest Co Plum Lake, Lincoln Co Post Lake, Langlade Co Prairie Lake, Barron Co Puckoway Lake. Green Lake Co. Rat Lake, Forest Co Rice Lake, Barron Co. l* M ".'."a.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'i.. IK % ;.'.'.'.2.'.'.'. .'.'.'i.. ..!.. ..2.. ::.| :2 , :..4.. i.. :-*::: ::::$:::: 2^.... .3.. IK .. IK 2X-. ....3^.. 4 X 3K K ::::l*':::::. l $ Rich Lake, Langlade Co Ripley Lake, Jefferson Co Rock Lake, Jefferson Co Rush Lake, Winnebago Co St. Germain Lake. Lincoln Co Sand Lake, Sawyer Co Sand Lake, Barron Co .... 2.... 2.... 3.... 4K-. ..!.. ..!.. ..2.. ..2.. ..IK 344: LOCATION AND SIZE OF SMALL LAKES IN THE UNITED STATES-CONTINUED. Lakes in Wisconsin. Sand Lake, Lincoln Co Sand Lake, Forest Co Miles Long. ;;;$*,; Miles Wide. ...IK IX Shawano Lake, Shawano Co 7 ...3 . Silver Lake, Waushara Co ...2.... ...1.. Somo Lake, Lincoln Co ....3.... ,...K 4 4* Spirit Lake, Burnett Co ...\y,.. ...1.. Spread Eagle Lake, Florence Co. . . ..3 ... ...1 Squirrel Lake, Lincoln Co ...4 J K Stone Lake, Forest Co ...3K.. ...& Kiakes In 'Wisconsin. Sugar Camp Lake, Lincoln Co Miles Long. Miles Wide. Swamp Lake, Lincoln Co Tomahawk Lake, Lincoln Co ...2K... '"zy Trade Lake, Burnett Co 2 1 Trout Lake, Sawyer Co ...1 ...1.. Trout Lake, Douglas Co Trout Lake, Lincoln Co ...2*.. Tug's Lake, Lincoln Co ...1 '.'.'.!.. Turtle Lake, Ashland Co ...2 Twin Lakes, Forest Co ...5.... \y Lakes in Wisconsin. Miles Long. TTpper St. Croix Lake, Douglas Co 4 Upper Turtle Lake, Barren Co 2K. . . "Webb-s Lake, Burnett Co 1 K- . . White Lake, Shawano Co 1M-.- White Clay Lake, Shav/ano Co 1 Whiteflsh Lake. Douglas Co \%. .. White Potato Lake, Oconto Co 3 Wingra Lake, Dane Co 1&... Winneconne Lake, Winnebago Co 3 Wood Lake, Burnett Co IK Losses in Great Battles of the World, Including the American Revolution. Battles. Date. Losses. Le'psic, Saxony ...Oct 1813 ..100,000 Waterloo, France Eylau, Prussia Austerlitz, Moravia Syracuse, Sicily Hastings, England ..June.... 1815 53,000 ...Feb.... 1806 50,000 . . .Dec 1815 42,000 ...B.C 413 40,000 1066 30,000 Towtown, England Jena, Germany Bannockburn, Scotland. 1461 30,000 ...Oct.... 1806 30,000 1314 30,000 Friedland, Prussia, 1807 25,000 Hohenlinden, Bavaria. . Ligny, France Marengo, Italy 1800 23,000 . .June.... 1815 19,000 1800 18,000 Yorktown, Virginia New Orleans, La 1781 8,587 1815 ..2,000 .1775 1,503 Losses in Battles of the Civil War. Battles. Date. Losses. Wilderness Battles May 4-31, 1864 61,E98 July 1-3, 1863 56,190 to July I, 1862 34,500 pt. 19-20, 1863 34,000 to Mav 5, 1863 30,000 lugust 30, 1862 28,000 ...July 4, 1883.27,000 Prs i., April 9, 1865.27,000 Prs April 6-7, 1862 22,916 1 Jan. 1-3, 1863 21,550 .Sept. 17, 1862 21.500 ..Dec. 11. 1862 18i796 Richmond, June 26, Chickamauga, Tenn.. .Sf Chancelorsville, April 27 Second Bull Run, Va. . . J Sur. of Vicksburg, Miss. Lee's Sur. Appomatox, Vi Pittsburg Land'g, Tenn., Stone'River, Dec. 31, am Autietam, Md Mission Ridge, Tenn. ..Nov. 24-26, 1863 15,600 Gainsville, Va August 29, 1862 15,000 FairOaks, Va May 31, 1862 12,500 Howard House, Ga July 22, 1864 11,722 Winchester, Va Sept. 19, 1864 1 1,000 Corinth Miss .Ont. 3-4. 1862. .11. (TOO Petersburg, Va Five Forks Va Cedar Creek, Va . .July 30, 1864 10,268 ..April 1, 1865 9,000 ...Oct. 19, 1864 9,000 . .Nov. 30. 1864 8.578 Hatcher's Run ... Feb. 6-7, 1865 7,390 Nashville, Tenn Dec. 15-16, 1864 7,000 Peach Run Creek, Ga July 20, 1864 6,500 Sur. of Richmond, Va April 3, 1865. .6,000 Prs Resaca, Ga May 15, 1864 5,600 Petersburg, Va July 30, 1864 5,000 First Bull Run, Va July 21, 1861 4,849 Sabine Cross Run, La April 8, 1864 4,700 Ream's Station, Va August 25, 1864 4,500 Yorktown, Va Mav 1862 4 .800 Winchester, Va Perrysville, Ky Fort Fisher, N. C South Mountain, Va Wilson's Creek, Mo Prairie Grove, Ark Olustee,Fla ..June 14, 1863 4,000 ....Oct. 8, 1862 3,500 . .Jan. 15. 1865 3,500 . Sept. 14, 1862 3,100 ..Aug. 10, 1861 3,024 ...Dec. 7, 1862 3,000 .Feb. 20, 1864 3,000 Kenesaw. Mt. Ga Allatoona, Ga Cedar Mt. Va ..June 27, 1864 3,000 ....Oct. 5, 1862 2,700 ...Aug. 9, 1862 2,500 Griswoldville, Ga Helena, Ark Fisher's Hill, Va Paducah, Ky Waynesboro, Va Hanover, C. H. Va Carthage, Mo Mill Springs, Ky Fort Pillow.Miss . .Nov. 22, 1864 2,400 ...July 4, 1863 1,886 ..Sept. 22, 1864 1,700 ..Mar. 25, 1864 1,500 Mar. 1864 1,331 ...May27, 1862 1,330 ...July 5, 1861 550 . .Jan. 19, 1862 500 .April 12, 1864 300 War of the Rebellion. Total Losses of the Union and Confederate Armies As Shown by Official Reports. UNION ARMY. Causes of Death. Privates. Officers. Total. Disease 221,791. .2,795. .224,586 Killed, or Died of Wounds. 103,673. .6,365. .110,038 Causes Not Reported 12,093 28.. .12,121 Drowned 4,838. . . . 106 4,944 By Accidents 3,972 142 4,1 14 Other Known Means 1 ,962 60 2,022 Murdered 587 37 624 Suicide 365 26 39 1 Effects of Sunstroke 308 5 313 Executed 267 267 Killed after Capture 86 14 100 Executed by Enemy 60 4 64 Total 350,002. ..9,582. .359,584 Number taken prif oners 212,842 " who deserted 199,105 " who died in prison 28,258 - CONFEDERATE ARMY. Taken Prisoners (Including Last Sur'der). .476,169 Died of Wounds and Disease 131,643 Deserted 94,362 Killed while Fighting 49,482 Died in Prison 26,774 TOTAL DEATHS IN BOTH ARMIES. Union 359,584 Confederate 181 ,075 Total 540,659 Fastest Speed. Up to 1885 the follow- ing was the shortest time consumed in going one mile : Different Alphabets. The number of letters in the alphabets of diff- erent nations is as fol- lows: Object. Min. Sec. Nation. No. of Letters. Locomotive SO/i' Skating 1 05& Turkish 28 Running Horse.. 1 39^ Arabic 2S Trotting Horse.. 2 09# German 26 Bicycle 2 39 English 26 Skating 3 00 Spanish 25 Tricycle 3 03K French 25 Running Man. . . .4 16& Greek 24 Rowing 5 02^ Latin. 23 Snow Shoes 5 39^ Hebrew . 22 Walking 6 23 Persian * 22 Swimming 12 42# Italian 20 American Wars. Cost and Number of Troops. Wars. Or>f Men Engaged. Revolutionary War War of 1812 Mexican War Civil War, 1861-186 8135,205,604 395 364 109,159,303 449,670 101,235,000 101,282 5. . . .6,189,929,908. . . .2,859,132 Portraits on U. S. Postage Stamps. One Cent Stamp Ttenia.min Franklin Two Cent Stamp. . . Four Cent Stamp. . . Five Cent Stamp. .. Six Cent Stamp . . . Ten Cent Stamp Portraits on U. S. Currency. 810000 . ..Gold Notes Andrew .Tnptsnn 5,000 " 1,000 " " . . .Alexander Hamilton. 500 " 100 " " Thomas H. Benton. 50 " " ... .Silas Wright. 20 " Sl,OOO....SilverCe 500.... " 100.... " 50.... " 20.... " 10.... " 810,000. ...Greenbac 5,000. ... " 1,000.... " ' 500.... " ' 100. ... " ' rtiflcates. . .William L. Marcy. ' " .Charles Sumner. ' " Edward Everett. ' " .Commodore Decatur. ' " Robert Morris. ' DeWitt Clinton. General Mansfield. 50.... " ' 20.... ' 10.... " < Alexander Hamilton. 5.... " " 2.... " 1.... " " George Washington. Famous Tunnels. Name. Where. ** Thames London, Eng 1 1,880 Blaizy i a 4r>s Nerthe 15 153 i R93 Sutro Nevada... 21 19(1 Nochistong 21 659 Hoosac S Mt. Cenis I lass, and N. Y 25,080 'ranee and Italy 39,840 [ungary 48 840 Mt. St. Gothard. ..F SIZE OF ANIMALS, LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN THE UNITED STATES, Etc. 345 Size of Animals. Man 4 to 5 feet in Lapland and Lab- rador; 5J to 6} feet in Europe and Asia; 5 to 5% in Africa and America; and 6 to 8 feet in Pata- gonia. Name of Animal. Size. Fox , Mole Stag Wolf Lion Otter Lynx Civet Sable Lama Tapir Hyena Jackal Ferret Ermine Polecat Weasel Badger Giraffe Marmot Roebuck Raccoon Vampire 1^ to 8 feet 6 inches 4to5feet 2& to 3 feet . .6 to 8 and 9 feet 3# feet 4 feet 2 feet 11 inches 6 feet 6 feet 3 feet 14 inches 10 inches 17 inches 7} siamese > France French French. Greenland Greenlanders Danish and Esquimaux. Germany Germans German. Greece Greeks Greek. Holland Dutch Hindoostan..., ....Hindoos.... Dutch. .Hindoostanee and others. Iceland Icelanders Icelandic. Ireland Irish English and Irish. Italy Italians Italian. Japan Japanese Japanese. Mexico Mexicans Span ish . Norway Norwegians Danish. Poland Poles Polish. Peru Peruvians Spanish. Paraguay : Paraguayans Spanish. Prussia Prussians German. Portugal Portuguese Portuguese. Persia Persians Persian. Russia Russians Russian. Sweden Swedes Swedish. Switzerland Swiss German, French, and Italian. Spain Spaniards Spanish. Siberia Siberians Russian (mostly). Slam Siamese Siamese. Scotland Scotch English and Gaelic. Turkey Turks Turkish. United States Americans English. Venezuela Venezuelans Spanish. West Indies West Indians ' Spanish. Wales ... .Welsh English and Welsh. MULTIPLICATION TABLE. For the convenience of those who, though once familiar with the Multiplication Table, may have forgotten portions of it, or may not at the moment be able to recall the amount which results from one number being multiplied by another, this table is given. The x signifies multi- plied by, and =, signifies equal to. IX 0= o 2X 0= 3X 0= 4X 0= 5X 0= 6X 0= 7X 0= 8X 0= 9X 0= 10 X 0= 11 X 0= 12 X 0= IX i- i 2 X 1=2 3X 1- 4X i- * 5X 1= 5 6X 1- 6 7X 1= 7 8X 1= 9X 1- 9 10 X 1 = 10 11 X i- 11 12 X 1 12 IX 2= 2 2X 2 = * 3X 2 = 6 4X 8- 8 5X 2-10 6X 2-12 7X 2-14 8 X 2 = 16 9X 2 18 10 X 2= 20 11 X 2 22 12 X 2= 24 IX 3= 3 2X 3= 3X 3= 9 4 X 3 = 12 5X 3 15 6X 3 = 18 7X 3 = 21 8X 3 = 24 9X 3= 27 10 X 3= 30 11 X 3 33 12 X 3= 36 IX 4= 4 2X 4 = 8 3X 4 =-12 4X 4-16 5X *=-20 6X 4-24 7X 4 28 8X 4 = 32 9X 4 36 10 X 4= 40 11 X 4- 44 12 X 4= 48 IX 5 = 5 2X 5 = 10 3 X 5 = 15 4X 5 = 20 5X 5-25 6X =30 7X 5 = 35 8X 5 40 9X 5= 45 10 X 5= 50 11 X 5= 55 12 X 5= 60 IX = 6 2X 6 = 12 3 X 6 = 18 4X 6 24 5X 6 = 30 6X 6 = 36 7X 6 = 42 8X 6 = 48 9X 6- 54 10 X 6= 60 11 X 6= 66 12 X 6= 72 IX 7 = 7 2X 7 = 14 3 X 7 = 21 4X 7 = 28 :>X 7-35 6X 7 42 7 X 7 = 49 8X 7 =56 9 X 7 = '63 10 X 7 = 70 11 X 7= 77 12 X 7= 84 -X = 2 X 8 = 16 3X 8 24 4X 8 = 32 5X 8 40 6X 8-48 7X 8 = 56 8X 8 = 64 9X 8= 72 10 X 8= 80 11 X 8= 88 12 X 8= 96 IX 9 = 9 2X 9 = 18 3X = 27 4 X =36 5X 9-45 6X 9 54 7X 9 = 63 8X 9 72 9X 9 = 81 10 X 9= 90 11 X 9 99 12 X 9 = 108 1 X 10 = 10 2 X 10 20 3 X 10 = 30 4 X 10 = 40 5 X 10 = 50 6 X 10 = 60 7 X 10 = 70 8 X 10 = 80 9X10= 90 10 X 10 = 100 11 X 10 = HO 12 X 10 = 120 1 X U = 11 2 X 11 = 22 3X11 = 33 4 X U = ** 6 X 11 = 55 6 X 11 = 66 7 X U = 77 8 X 11 = 88 9 X 11 = 99 10 X 11 = HO 11 X U 121 12 X 11 = 132 1 X 12 = 12 2 X 12 24 3 X 12 = 36 4 X 12 48 5 X 12 = 60 6 X 12 = 72 7 X 12 84 8 X12 = 96 9 X 12 = 108 10 X 12 = 120 11 X 12 = 132 12 X 12 = 144 346 MODERN FASHIONABLE CARRIAGES AND VEHICLES IN GENERAL USE. Carryall. Buckboard Wagon. Double Suspension Brougham. Cabriolet. Omnibus or Gurney. Whitechapel Buggy. Double Suspension Victoria. Landaulet Rockaway. Spider Phaeton. Body-Break Wagon. Physicians' Phaeton. Spindle Wagon. Dog Cart. Eight-Spring Spider Cart. Two-Wheel Sulky. Landaulette. Ladies' Phaeton. Dos-A-Dos Cart. 347 LATE STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS. Brougham. Dos-a-dos Wagon. Village Cart. Vis-a-vis Phaeton. Canopy Top Phaeton. Victoria. Surrey Wagon. Four Passenger Wagon. Top Surrey. Side-Bar Buggy. Corning Buggy. Concord Spring Buggy. Depot Wagon, 7\1\V Square Body Sleigh. Shell Body Cutter. Pony Sleigh with Rumble. Victoria Shell Body Sleigh. Six-Passenger Shell Body Sleigh. Russian Cabriolet Sleigh. Cabriolet Sleigh. Russian Vis-a-vis Sleigh. Victoria Sleigh. Leather Top Landau Sleigh. Copenhagen Sleigh. Portland Cutler. Jump Seat Sleigh. Curricle Sleigh. Russian Sleigh. Albany Swell Cutter. 34:8 Leading Events Which Happened on Every Day of the Year for the First Six Months. Day. Notable Events in January. Year. 1 .American Slaves Emancipated 1863 8. First Revolutionary flag displayed 1776 8. Battle of Princeton, N. J 1777 4.U. 8. Treaty with Great Britain ratified.. .1784 5. Steamship San Francisco wrecked 1854 6 . Great Earthquake in New England 1663 7. Liberia colonized by Americans 1822 8 . Battle of New Orleans, La., fought 1815 9 . Astor Library opened in New York 1854 10. Penny postage established in England 1840 11. City of Mexico captured by Juarez 1861 12 . Battle of Wetumka, Florida 1836 13 . Patent to Plymouth colony issued 1630 14. Conspiracy in New Mexico against U. S. . .1847 IS.Nootka Sound discovered by Capt. Cook. . 1778 16. Vermont declares for State Independence!??? 17.Battle of Falkirk, Scotland 1746 18. William I of Prussia Emp. of Germany.. 1871 1 9 . Gold discovered in California 1848 2O. Prim's Insurrection in Spain ended 1866 21 .Louis XVI. of France executed 1793 22. Americans capture Frenchtown, Canada. 1813 23. Steamer Pacific lost 1856 24. Arsenal at Augusta, Ga., seized by Conf'd.1861 25. Anti-Slavery society formed in N. Y 1785 26 . American Income tax repealed 1871 37. Abdication of Stanislas, King of Poland. .1736 28 .Paris Surrendered to the Germans 1871 29. Kansas admitted to the Union 1861 SO. Bell Chimes in vented 1487 31 . Corn-Laws abolished. . , . . .1849 Day. Notable Events in April. Year. 1 . First House of Representatives organized. 1789 2 . U. S. Mint established at Philadelphia. . . . 1792 8 . Jesse James, the outlaw, shot 1882 4. Adoption of presentstyle of U. S. flag 1818 5. Eng. report'rs exclud'd from Union army. 1862 6. First U. S. Senate organized 1789 7. Ohio first settled by colony at Marietta . .1788 8 . Brig. Young re-elected Mormon leader . . 1872 9. Am. Anti-Slavery Society dissolved 1870 1O.U. S. Bank Incorporated 1816 1 1 . Surrender of Fort Sumter demanded 1861 12. Lee surrenders his Army to Gen. Grant. .1865 13. Fort Sumter surrendered 1861 14. President Lincoln assassinated 1865 15. First U. S. Patent Law passed 1790 1 6 . San Salvador destroyed by earthquake . . . 1854 IT. Great Battle of Warsaw, Poland, fought. 1793 IS.Wilkes' Expedition to the S. Pole sailed.. 1838 19. Battles of Lexington and Concord 1775 2O. Siege of Boston begun 1775 21 .Houston Defeats Santa Anna in Texas 1836 22. Texas Becomes Independent of Mexico. . . 1836 23. First Conn, charter granted by Eng 1662 24 . First Newspaper in United States 1704 25. Va. voted to secede from the Union 1861 26.Wilkes Booth, the assassin, killed 1865 27. Fire in Charleston burns half the city . . . 1838 28 . Sur. of Fts. Jackson an<" St. Philip 1862 29 . Peace between England and Russia 1856 30. Washington Inaugurated 1st Pres 1789 Day. Notable Events in February. Year. I.Sherman's March through S. Carolina. . . .1865 2. Peace between the U. S. and Mexico 1848 3. Sherman's March through Mississippi 1864 4. First American President elected 1789 5. Earthquake in Canada, lasting 6 months. 1663 6. Alliance between France and the U. S 1778 T. Death of Pope Pius IX, at Rome 1878 S.Mary Queen of Scots beheaded 1587 9. Total Abstinence Society est. in Congress.1842 1O. Marriage of Queen Victoria 1840 11. Shipment of American beef to England. .1875 12. Savannah, Ga., founded by the English. . . 1733 13. William III. and Mary Sovereigns of Eng. 1689 14. Russia establishes Turkistan in Asia 1865 15. Historic Elm, at Boston, blown down 1876 16. Fort Donelson captured by Grant 1862 17. Congress asked to abolish Slavery 1790 18. Treaty of Peace with England procl'md. .1815 19. Papal domain one-third ceded to France. 1797 2O.Concepcion, Chili, destroyed by Earth'ke. 1835 21 .Invasion of New Mexico by Texan Rang. . 1862 22. Florida ceded to the U. S. by Spain 1819 23. Battle of Buena Vista, Mexico 1847 24. Santiago, Chili, founded by Valvidia 1541 25. First United States Bank chartered 1791 26. France proclaimed a Republic 1848 27. Meeting of the " Alabama" Claims Com. .1871 28. Yellowstone National Park established. .1871 29. Union of Sardinia and Tuscany sub'mtd. 1860 Day. Notable Events in May. Year. I.Hudson's 1st voyage for dis. of Polar Sea. 1607 2 . Battle of Chancellorsville, Va 1863 3. Jamaica discovered by Columbus 1797 4. Bourbon Reign restored to France 1814 5. Brit, attack Ft. Ontario, at Oswego.N. Y .1814 6. Lord Cavendish assas. at Dublin, Ire'd 1882 7.Colum. River (Ore.) dis. by Capt. Gray. . .1792 8. Treaty of Wash'ton bet. U. S. and Eng 1871 9. St. Domingo becomes a free Republic 1801 lO.Phila. Centennial Exhibition opened 1876 1 1 .Attempted assass. of Emperor of Ger 1878 12. Pacific R. R. opened for business 1869 13. First Settlement at Jamestown, Va 1607 14. Garibaldi declared Dictator of Italy 1860 15. First Trial by Jury 970 16. Mill River (Mass.) floods destroys towns. .1874 1 7 . Papal States annexed to France 1809 1 8 . War dec. by England against France 1756 1 9 . Lincoln and Ham] in nominated 1860 2O.Cornwallis occupies Petersburg, Va 1781 21 .Lawrence, Kansas, captured and sacked. . 1856 22. Ecuador, S. A., declared independent 1822 23 . War declared by Mexico against U. S 1846 24. End of famine in Jamestown Colony 1610 25. Virginia Provincial Assembly organized. .1774 26. Treaty with Sweden and Norway 1869 27. Prof. Morse compl'ts 1st telegraph line.. .1844 28. First Baptist Ch. organized in Boston . . . .1664 29. Maximilian arrives at Vera Cruz, Mexico. 1864 3O. Treaty of Paris 1814 31. Battle of Fair Oaks, Va 1862 Pay. Notable Events in March. Year. 1 . Nebraska admitted into the Union 1867 2. Importation of slaves forbidden by U. S. .1807 8. Idaho Territory created 1863 4. Washington Inaugurated Pres. of U. S....1793 5. Boston massacre by British troops 1770 6. Massacre of Texans at Fort Alamo 1836 7. Ports of Boston closed to all commerce. . .1774 8. Queen Anne, Sovereign of England 1702 9. Naval Battle bet. Merrimac and Monitor.. 1862 lO.McClellan's troops adv. on Manasses 1862 1 1 .First London daily newspaper issued 1702 12. Congress abolishes tax on manufactures. 1868 13. Capt. of New Madrid, Mo., by Gen. Pope. .1862 14. First train over the NiagaraSusp. bridge. 1855 15. Maine admitted into the Union 1820 16. First Indian appeared at Plymouth, Mass. 1621 17. First President of Texas elected 1836 18. Vera Cruz, Mexico, besieged by Miramon. 1859 19. Boston, Mass., incorporated as a city 1822 2O. Great Fire, Boston, 349 buildings burn'd.1760 21 .U. S. Extradition Treaty with Sweden. . . . 1860 22. Massacre of 349 colonists at Jamestown. .1622 23. Patrick Henry's famous speech 1775 24. British Frigate Eurydice sunk; 300 lost.. .1878 25. Boston commerce suspended 1774 26. Bombay, India, transferred to England... 1668 27. Florida discovered 1512 28. First Blood in the Mexican war 1846 29. Vera Cruz, Mexico, taken by Americans . . 1847 3D. Fifteenth Amendment declared adopt'd. . . 1870 31 . United States Treaty with Japan 1854 Day. Notable Events in June. Year. 1 .Tennessee admitted to the Union 1796 2 .Naval Battle on Lake Champlain 1813 8. Gen. Lee succeeds Johnston incommand.. 1862 4. Ft. Pillow, Tenn.,evac'tedbyBeauregard.l862 5. First balloon ascension in France 1783 6. Surrender of Memphis 1862 7.1ndependence proposed by R. H. Lee 1776 S.Roanoke Colony return to England 1586 9. War declared by France against Eng 1756 lO.War declared against U. S. by Tripoli 1801 11. Battle of Sauchieburn, Scotland 1488 12. New York Incorporated 1665 13. Hurricane in Labrador destroys 300 lives. 1871 14. American Flag Adopted 1777 15. Washington commands American army.. 1775 16. Battle of Kellogg's Grove, 111 1832 17. Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 18. Battle of Waterloo 1815 19.War declared with England 1812 2O. Battle of Stone Ferry .1779 21.McCormick's Reaper first patented 1834 22. First Continental Currency Authorized. . .1775 23 . Battle of Landshut, Silesia 1 760 24. Canada discovered by the Cabots 1497 25 . Ouster defeated 1876 26. Usurpation of Richrad III., of England. . . 1483 27. Queen Victoria Crowned 1838 28. Battle of Monmouth 1778 29. Grand Trunk R'y accident 100 killed. . . . 1864 3O. Battle of Fort Recovery, Ohio 1794 CHRONOLOGY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS. Before Christ. The Deluge 2348 Babylon built 2247 Birth of Abraham 1993 Death of Joseph 1635 Moses born 1571 Athens founded 1556 The Pyramids built 1 25O Solomon's Temple finished 1OO4 Rome founded 753 Jerusalem destroyed 587 Babylon taken by Jews 538 Death of Socrates 4OO Before Christ. Rome taken by the Gauls 385 Paper invented in China 17O Carthage destroyed 146 Caesar landed in Britain 55 Caesar killed 44 Birth of Christ O After Christ. Death of Augustus 14 Pilate, governor of Judea 27 Jesus Christ crucified 33 Claudius visited Britain 43 St. Paul put to death 67 After Christ. Death of Josephus 93 Jerusalem rebuilt 131 The Romans destroyed 580,000 Jews and banished the rest from Judea 135 The Bible in Gothic 373 Horseshoes made of iron 481 Latin tongue ceased to be spoken 58O Pens made of Quills 635 Organs used 66O Glass in England 663 Bank of Venice established '. 1 157 Glass windows first used for lights 11 8O Leading Events Which Happened on Every Day of the Year for the Last Six Months. Day. Notable Events in July. Year. 1. Battle of Malvern Hill 1862 2. Partial Emancipation of Russian Serfs. . .1858 3. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa 1863 4 . Declaration of Independence 1776 5. Battle of Buenos Ayres 1808 O.Capt. Wm. Kidd arrested in Boston 1699 I. March of Gen. Havelock for Cawnpore. . . 1857 8. Dec. oflnd. first Read in Public 1776 9. Accession of Ferdinand VI King of Spain. 1746 lO.Ten Senators expel'd from U. S. Senate. . . 1861 1 1 .British Evacuate Savannah 1782 12. Battle of the Boyne 1690 13. Ordinance of 1787 passed by Cont'l Con. .1787 1 4 . French Revolution 1789 15. Napoleon Bonaparte Captured 1815 16. District of Columbia Established 1790 17. $7,200,000 appropriated to buy Alaska. . .1868 18. Battle of Blackburn's Ford or Bull Run. .1861 19. League of Augsburg against France..... .1686 2O. First Pub. Fast held in New England 1775 21 . First Battle of Bull Run 1861 8. Battle of Atlanta, Ga 1864 23. Robert Emmett's Insurrection in Dublin. 1803 24. Mine under Ft. at Pet'sburg, Va., comp'd.1864 25.Battleof Niagara Falls 1814 26. P. O. Dep't est. by Continental Congress. . 1775 27 . Bank of England Chartered 1694 a. Confederates deft'd at More's Hill, Mo.. . .1862 3 S> . Treaty with Japan 1858 SO. First Colonial Assembly at Jamestown. . . 1619 31 . Plattsburgh N. Y. Invaded by British 1813 Day. Notable Events in October. Year. 1. Treaty with Winnebago Indians 1837 a.N. Y. City Anti-Slavery Soc'y Organized.. 1833 3. Whisky Riot in Philadelphia 1867 4. First Code of Law for Plymouth Colony. . 1636 5. Battle of the Thames in Canada 1813 6. Boulogne, Fran., Besieged by Henry VII. .1492 7.Battle of Stillwater 1777 8. Hill's Manual First Issued 1873 9. Chicago Fire, Loss, $290,000,000... 1871 1O. Naval Academy Established at Annapolis. 1845 1 1 . Slavery Abolished in Maryland 1864 12. Columbus Discovers America 1492 13 . Battle of Queenstown Heights. 1812 14. Daniel O'Connell Arrested for Consp'cy. . . 1843 15 . Hill's Album First Issued 1881 16. Portland, Me., Burned by the English 1775 11. Battle of Saratoga 1777 1 8 . Napoleon Commences his Retreat 1812 19. Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. . . .1781 ao. Kingdom of Westphalia Abolished 1813 81.A "Dark Day "in New England 1716 22. Edict of Nantes Revoked by Louis XIV. . . 1685 23 . Meal Tub Plot Against James II in Eng. . . 1679 24. Mob in Los Angeles, Cal., hang 18 Chinm'n. 1871 25 . Battle of Agincourt, France 1415 86. Massacre of Capt. Gunnison and Party. . . 1853 27 . Cuba Discovered 1492 as . Harvard College Founded 1636 29 . Severe Earthquake in New England 1727 SO.End of the Crusades 1270 Si . Execution of the Girondists at Paris 1793 Day. Notable Events in AugUSt. Year. 1. Battle of the Nile 1798 2. Close of 1st Session 13th Congress 1813 S.Columbus first Sailed for America 1492 4. Order by Pres. Lincoln for 300,000 men.. .1862 5. First Atlantic Cable Landed 1858 6.Ar. of "Mother Ann" in N. Y. from Eng.. .1774 1. War Department Established 1789 S.Elbr'g. Gerry, U. S. Envoy in Fran, depts. 1798 9.Trty defin. bound. bet.U. S. and Brit. Am. 1842 ID. Missouri Admitted as a State 1821 11. Free Soil Nat. Conv. at Pittsburg, Pa 1852 12. Com. Hardy sails from Stonington, Conn. 1814 13. Great Earthquakes, last'g 3 d'ys, in Peru. 1868 14. Fort Oswego N. Y. taken by the French.. . 1756 15. Fort Dearborn Massacre at Chicago 1812 16. Battle of Bennington 1777 17.Los Angeles, Cal., taken by U. S 1846 18. First Am. child born of Eng. Parents 1587 1. Peace of St. Ildefonso 1796 2O.Atlantic Sunk 1852 21 .Slave Insurrection in S. Hampton, Va 1831 aa.Gold Fields Discovered in Australia 1851 23. Fort Morgan Surrendered 1864 24. Washington, D. C., Burned by British 1814 25. Montreal taken by the Iroquois 1689 26. First American Pension Granted 1776 aT. Battle of Long Island 1776 28. British Slavery Abolished 1833 2.Haverhill, Mass., des. by Fren. andlnd's. 1708 SO. Treaty of Peace bet. Dutch and Indians.. . 1645 31 .Martial Law Proclaimed by Fremont 1861 Day. Notable Events in November. Year. 1 . Great Earthquake in Lisbon 1755 2. Washington's Farewell to his Army 1783 3. Great Patent Granted to Plymouth Co 162O 4.Venetia Annex'd to Kingdom of Italy 1866 5 . Gun-powder Plot Discovered 1605 6.A. Lincoln First Elected President 1860 7. London Gazette, Oldest Living Journal. . .1665 S.The Trent Affair 1861 9. Battle of Piketon, Ky 1861 1O. Louis Napoleon Banished to America 1836 11. Pilgrims Cast Anchor in Cape Cod Harb.,1620 12. Panic in England 1857 13. Remarkable Display of Shooting Stars 1833 1 4 . First American Episcopal Ordained 1784 15. Explosion of Powder at Inkernmn, Russia. 1855 16. Capture of Fort Washington 1776 1 7 . First Meeting of Congress at Wash 1800 1 8 . Cape of Good Hope Discovered 1497 19. 1st Protestant Mis'n'ry Soc'y in New Eng.. 1644 2O. War Declared Against Holland by G. B. . . 1780 21. The Phoenix was Lost on Lake Michigan.. 1847 a3. Grand Duke Alexis Arrives inWash'ton.. .1871 83 . Battle of Chattanooga, Tenn 1863 24 . Destructive Eruption of Vesuvius 1759 25 . New York Evacuated 1783 SO . Treaty with Sardinia 1838 87. Cracow declared a free Republic 1815 a8. Three hundred Africans landed in Ga 1858 a9.Ohio admitted to the Union 1802 SO. Peace Treaty bet. U. S. and Eng. signed. . 1782 Day. Notable Events in September. Year. 1 . Napoleon III. Captured at Sedan 1 870 a. Treasury Department Established 1789 8. Definitive Treaty of Peace with G. B 1783 4. French Republic Proclaimed 1870 5. Pacific Ocean Discovered by Balboa 1513 6.Great New York fire; Loss, $10,000,000. . . 1839 7. Independence of Brazil 1822 8 . Loss of the steamer "Lady Elgin" 1860 9. California admitted to the Union 1850 1O. Perry's Battle on Lake Erie 1813 ll.Battle of Brandywine 1777 ia. Hudson Discovers Hudson River 1609 13. Capture of Quebec Wolfe Slain 1759 1 4 . Salem, Mass. , Founded 1628 15. Moscow Burned 1812 16. First Overland Mail for California 1858 IT. Battle of Antietam 1862 1 8 . Washington Laid Corner Stone of Capitol. 1793 19. Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn 1863 aO.Paoli Massacre 1777 21. Great Fire in New York 1776 22. Post Office Department Established 1789 2S.Andre Arrested 1780 24.Battle of Monterey 1846 25.12thAmendm'ttotheCon. of U. S 1804 26. Battle of Silstria, Turkey 1809 81. Steamer Arctic Lost 1854 aS.Explos. of Str. Adelphia 12 Lives Lost.. .1878 29. Great Auroral Display in U. S 1859 SO.Siegeof Yorktown Begun 1781 Day. Notable Events in December. Year. I.Portugal Becomes Independent of Spain . .1640 2.Battle of Austerlitz 1805 S.Illinois Admitted to the Union 1818 4. First Gen. Assembly in Pa. at Chester 1682 S.Ind. of U. S. Acknowledged in England . . . .1782 6.Hayti Discovered by Columbus 1492 7. Delaware Ratifies the U. S. Constitution. .1787 8. Firein Santiago, S.A 2,000 People Burn'd.1863 9. S. A. Becomes Independent of Spain 1824 10. 1st Pat. for Locomotive Steam Engine... .1828 11. Washington's Army at Valley Forge 1777 12-Treaty with Brazil 1828 13 . Battle of Fredericksburg 1862 14. Charleston, S. C., Evacuated by British. . . 1782 IS.Patent Office Burned at Wash., D. C 1836 16. Dreadful Earthquake at Naples, Italy 1857 17. Violent Bread Riots at Montreal, Can 1875 1 8 . American Slavery Abolished 1865 19.Battle on the Black Water 1861 2O. South Carolina Secedes I860 a 1 . The Pilgrims Landed 1620 aa.Plymouth Settled 1620 83. Wash. Resigned his Military Commis 1783 24.Tr'y of Peace Bet. U. S. and Eng. Sig'nd. .1814 25. Merry Christmas 1 26. Expulsion of Tea Ships from Phila 1773 27. First Negro Insurrection 1522 28. Iowa Admitted 1846 29.TerribleR. R. Accident at Ashtabula, O...1876 SO . Banks Generally Susp'd Cash Payments. . . 1861 31. Battleof Quebec 1775 CHRONOLOGY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS. After Christ. Mariner's compass used 12OO Coal dug for fuel 1234 Chimneys first put to houses 1836 Spectacles invented by an Italian 124O The first English House of Commons '. . 1258 Tallow candles for lights 1 29O Paper made from linen 13O2 Printing invented 1436 Gunpowder invented 134O The first almanac 147O America discovered 1492 First book printed in England 15O7 After Christ. Luther began to preach 1517 Interest fixed at ten per cent.in England. .. 1647 Telescopes invented 1549 First coach made in England 1564 Clocks first made in England 1568 Bank of England incorporated 1594 Shakspeare died 1616 Circulation of the blood discovered 1619 Barometer invented 1 623 First newspaper 1629 Death of Galileo 1 643 Steam engine invented . .1649 After Christ. Great fire in London 1666 Cotton planted in the United States 1759 Commencement of the American war 1 775 Declaration of American Independence 1776 Recognition of American Independence 1782 Bank of England suspended cash payment. 1791 Napoleon I. crowned Emperor 18O4 Death of Napoleon 1 821 Telegraph invented by Morse 1 882 First daguerreotype in France 1 889 Beginning of the American civil war 1 861 End of the American civil war 1 865 350 TABLES OF DISTANCES, EXPECTATION OF LIFE, INFLUENCE OF THE MOON, Etc. Expectation of Life and Present Value of Widow's Dower. Ex- Ex- Ex- Ex- Ex- as she may live, it becomes necessary that some definite calculation be made as to how long the widow will probably live to receive this in- Age. pec- ta- tion Age. pec- ta- tion Age. pec - ta- tion Age. pec- ta- tion Age. pec- ta- tion terest. This matter being determined, a calculation can readily be made as to how much she is entitled to at present, which being ascertained, the estate can be satisfactorily settled. To illustrate, by the above table, which is generally adopted in the settlement of estates, it will be seen years. years. years. years. years. that, if the widowoe 60 years of age, she will probably live 15 and 45- 100 years longer, or until her age is 75 and 45-100 years. i 2 3 4 28.15 36.7 38-74 40.01 40.73 40.88 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 34-22 33-84 33.46 33-08 32.70 32.33 40 4' 42 43 44 26.04 25.61 25-19 24-77 24-35 23.92 60 61 62 I 3 64 65 15.45 14.86 14.26 13-66 12-43 80 81 82 83 f 4 85 5-85 5-50 5.16 4.66 4-57 By the following table is given the value of an annuity of one dol- lar from i to 35 years at 5 per cent, per annum. Thus for 15 years the value of one dollar will be $10.3796. Suppose the widow's dower in- terest in the estate to be $100 per year. To find the present value of the widow's interest, therefore, multiply the $100 by 10.3796, and the result is $1,037.96, which is the amount that the widow is entitled to in the set- 6 40.69 26 31-93 46 23.37 66 11.96 86 4.21 7 40.47 27 31.50 47 22.83 67 11.48 87 3-90 8 9 40.14 39-72 29 31.08 30.66 48 49 22.27 21.72 69 II.OI 10.50 89 3-67 3-56 Dollars, Dollars, Dollars, Dollars, o i 39-23 38.64 30 3 1 30.25 29.83 So 51 21.17 20.61 70 7' 10.06 9.60 9 91 3-73 3-3 2 Years and Years Cents and Years Cents and Years Cents and 2 38.02 32 29-43 52 20.05 72 9.14 92 3- '2 looths. looths. looths. looths. 3 4 37-4 1 36.79 33 34 28.62 53 54 19.49 18.92 73 74 8.25 93 94 1.98 i 9523 7.7217 '9 12.0853 28 14.8981 5 36.17 i 35 28.22 55 18.35 7S 7-83 95 1.62 2 1-8594 i 8.3064 20 12.4622 29 15.1401 6 35.76 36 27.78 56 17.78 7 6 7.40 88632 7 35-37 27. 11 57 17.20 6.00 I 34.98 ,g 26.91 58 16.63 7o 6. TO o Ss^ 13 4880 5 -59 9 34-59 39 26.47 59 16.04 79 6.21 n 7086 ft 5 -O 75 1 / In the settlement of estates where the widow is entitled to a third I 6.4632 7 11.2740 26 '4-375' 35 16.3741 interest in the real estate, or a " dower " interest, as it is termed, as long 9 7.1078 8 11-6895 27 14.6430 Annual Salaries of Principal United States Civil, Military and Naval Officers. legislative. President $50,000 Vice-President 8,000 Secretary of State 8,000 Secretary of Treasury 8,000 Secretary of Interior 8,000 Secretary of Navy 8,000 Secretary of War 8,000 Postmaster-General 8,000 Attorney-General 8,000 Speaker House Rep'sentatives. .8,000 United States Senators 5,000 Representatives in Congress . . .5,000 U. S. Minister to England 117,500 Germany 17,500 France 17,500 Russia 17,500 China 12,000 Brazil 12,000 Spain 12,000 Japan 12,000 Mexico 12,000 Central America 10,000 Chili 10,000 Peru 10,000 Venezuela 7,500 Turkey 7,500 Sweden and Norway 7,500 Netherlands 7,500 Denmark 5,000 Greece 5,000 Uruguay 5,000 Portugal 5,000 Switzerland 5,000 Liberia... 4,000 Judges. Chief Jus. U. S. Sup. Court. .. 10,500 Associate Judges 10,000 U. S. Circuit Judges 6,000 U. S. Dis. Judges, .from 3,500 to 5,000 Judge U. S. Court of Claims 4,500 Heads of Departments. Director of Geolog. Surveys. $$6,000 Auditor of Railroad Accounts. .5,000 Superintendent of Census 5,000 Sup't Naval Observatory 5,000 Commissioner of Patents 4,500 Director of the Mint 4,500 Commis. of Gen. Land Office.... 4,000 Superintendent Signal Service. 4,000 Commissioner of Pensions 3,600 Sup't Nautical Almanac 3,500 Comd'r of Marine Corps 3,500 Commissioner of Agriculture. .3,000 Commis. of Indian Affairs 3,000 Commissioner of Education 3,000 Army and Navy. MILITARY OFFICERS. General of the Army $13,500 Lieu tenant-General 11 ,000 Major-Generals 7,500 Brigadier-Generals 5,500 Colonels $3,500 Lieutenant-Colonels 3,000 Majors 2,500 Captains, Mounted 2,000 Captains, not Mounted 1,800 First Lieutenants, Mounted 1,600 First Lieuts. ,not Mounted 1,500 Second Lieutenants, Mounted. . 1,500 Second Lieuts., not Mounted. . .1,400 Chaplains 1,500 NAVAL OFFICERS. Admirals *13,000 Vice-Admirals 9,000 Rear-Admirals 6,000 Commodores 5,000 Captains 4,500 Engineers 4,200 Commanders 3,500 Lieutenant-Commanders 2,800 Lieutenants 2,400 Masters 1 ,800 Ensigns 1,200 Midshipmen 1,000 Distances by Water From New York City to Miles. Amsterdam 3>5io Barbadoes 1,906 Batavia 13,066 Bermudas 660 Bombay n,574 Bordeaux 3>3io Boston 310 Botany Bay I 3> 2 94 Buenos Ayres 7,uo Calcutta.. '2,425 Canton 13,900 Cape Horn 8,115 Cape of Good Hope 6,830 Chagres Charleston Columbia River. Constantinople. . Copenhagen Dublin Gibraltar Halifax Hamburg Havana Havre Kingston Lima Miles. .. 2,308 -- 750 --15,965 -- 5,140 -- 3,640 -- 3,225 -- 3,300 .. 612 -- 3,775 .. 1,420 -- 3,210 . . 1,640 ..11,310 Lisbon Liverpool. London Madras Melbourne Monrovia Naples New Orleans. Panama. Pekin Pernambuco . Philadelphia . Q_uebec Miles. -- 3, '75 .. 3,210 -- 3,375 ..11,850 ...12,811 - 3,825 - 4,330 - 2,358 --J5-325 -- 4,760 240 -- 1,400 Rio Janeiro Sandwich Islands. San Francisco St. Petersburg Singapore Smyrna Stockholm Tahiti Trieste Valparaiso Vera Cruz Washington Round tie Globe.. Miles. - 3,840 . 4,420 .12,710 . 5,000 4.050 12,225 - 9,750 - 2,250 400 .25,000 The Influence of the Moon on the Growth of Plants. Does the light of the moon affect the growth of plants? Does it make any difference in the growth of a plant what time in the moon it is planted? Undoubtedly it does. Light is a great promoter of growth, and, the more brilliant the light, the stronger and more vigor- ous the growth, all the other con- ditions being favorable. It is a fact, also, with certain plants, that when young they require, like young ani- mals, considerable time for rest and sleep. To have this sleep is to give them ultimate strength and vigor, which is essential to their subse- quent complete development. To illustrate: The seeds of cer- tain vines and other plants sown in the new of the moon will vegetate, and the plants are likely to appear above ground, near the old of the moon, at a time when the moon's radiance is so brilliant that they are compelled to grow under its strong light. Upon the rising of the sun, the growth is still forced forward, and the tender plant, thus in its in- fancy, gets no rest. The seed sown in the old of the moon will bring forth the plant in the new of the moon, or during the dark nights; at which time it ob- tains the needed rest and sleep, in the darkness, which is essential to its future productiveness. That the light of the moon has thus a very perceptible and impor- tant influence upon the growth of plants when very young and tender, is a fact which thousands have veri- fied, though few understand the phi- losophy of the same. H- 351 FOREIGN WORDS AND PHRASES. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Ad captandum, For the purpose of captivating. Ad infinitum, To an unlimited ex- tent. Ad libitum, At pleasure. Alias, Otherwise. Alibi, Elsewhere. Alma mater, Gentle mother; often applied to the institution where one is educated. Amor patrice, Love of country. Analice, In English. Anmis mirabilis, A year of wonders. Apriori, Beforehand; from previous knowledge. Bona fide, In good faith; genuine. Beat the Unionists, whose loss in the defense was 17 killed. Battle of Arkansas Post, Ark. Fought January 10 and 11, 1863, by the Union river fleet under Admiral Porter, and the Union land forces under General McClernand, against the Confederate force who held the post. On the second day the fortifications were carried by the Unionists. The Confederate loss was about 200 killed. 4,500 prisoners, about 4, 500 stand of arms, and 20 cannon. The Unionists lost about 100 killed and 500 wounded. A Naval Battle January 10, 1863, two Con- federate iron-clads undertook to break up the Union blockade at Charleston, S. C. Two Union vessels were seriously injured, and the inner line of the fleet disturbed. Otherwise the attack was a failure. Capture of Transports January 12, 1863, three Union transports and a gunboat surrendered to the Confederates on the Cumberland river, Tenn. Battle at Bayou Teche, i.a. Fought January 15, 1863, between a party of Unionists and the Confederate force which held the place. The latter were captured, and the Confederate gunboat Cotton was destroyed. Battle at Sabtiie City, Tex. Fought January 20. 1863, between Confederates and 2 vessels of the blockading squadron. The latter were captured, and 1 was destroyed. Third Siege of Vicksburg January 22, 1863, General McClernand resumed the Union siege of Vicksburg, Miss. , and work was renewed on the Union cut-off canal at that point. The Union ram, Queen of the West, ran the blockade at Vicksburg, February 2, but was afterwards captured by the Confederates. February 13, the iron-clad Indianola also ran the blockade, and was captured by the Confederates. February 18, 1863, the Union gunboats began to shell Vicks- burg, but without accomplishing anything. Fight at Fort McAllister, Ga. Fought between the Union iron-clad Montauk, sailed by Commander Worden, and 3 wooden gunboats and a force of Confederates in the fort. Two unsuc- cessful efforts were made, January 27 and Febru- ary X, 1863, to capture the fort. February 27, the Confederate steamer Nashville, while attempting to run the Union blockade, got aground and was destroyed by the fleet. Battle of Blackwater, Va. Fought January 30, 1863, between a force of Confederates, under General Pryor, and the Union army, under Generals Peck and Corcoran. After 2 severe engagements, the Confederates were repulsed, with a Union loss of 24 killed and 80 wounded. Skirmish at Rover, Tenn. Fought January 31, 1863, between a party of Unionists and another of Confederates, the latter being defeated with a loss of 12 killed and 300 wounded. Battle Near MIddletown, Tenn. Fought February 2, 1863, between Stokes' Union Tennessee cavalry and a Kentucky Union regi- ment and a Confederate camp. The camp was captured, the occupants dispersing. Fight at Bradyvllle, Tenn. Fought March 1, 1863, between 2,300 infantry and cavalry, under General Stanley, and a force of about 800 Confederate cavalry. After a sharp skirmish the latter were routed and driven more than three miles, some of them being cut down as they ran. Skirmish at Eagleville, Tenn. Fought March 2, 1863, between a brigade from the regular Union army and a force of Confederates, in which the latter were routed. Skirmish Near Thompson's Station, Tenn. Fought March 5, 1863, between 7 regi- ments of Union soldiers, with a battery, under Colonel Coburn, and a force of Confederates, numbering 30,000 men, under Van Dorn. Over- come by superior numbers, after an unequal struggle, Coburn surrendered, part of his com- mand escaping safely. The Unionists lost 100 killed, 300 wounded, and about 1,200 prisoners. The Confederates admitted a loss of 150 killed and 150 wounded. Battle at Unlonville, Tenn. Fought March 7, 1863, by a force of Unionists under General Minty and a body of Confederate cavalry, the latter being defeated, with the loss of their wagons, horses and tents and about 60 prisoners. Battle of Fairfax, Va. Fought March 9, 1863, between General Stoughton, with a Union force, and a band of rebel cavalry. The latter passed through the Union lines, and captured the General and some of his men. Fight at Newbern, N. C. Fought March 13, 1863, between an attacking force of Confeder- ates and the Unionists who held the place. The attempt resulted in a failure to recapture the place. Battle at Port Hudson, La. March 13, 1863, Commodore Farragut's Union fleet attempted to pass the Confederate batteries, but only a part of the vessels succeeded. One the Mississippi- ran aground and was destroyed. Battle Near Kelly's Ford. Va. March 17, 1863, a force of 200 Union cavalry, under General Averill crossed the Rappahannock river, where only one horseman could pass the ford at once, and, notwithstanding a galling tire from the Confederate rifle-pits and sharpshooters, charged upon the Confederate intrenchments, killing or capturing nearly the entire force of their enemies. They then encountered a body of Confederate cavalry, under Stuart, with whom they had a hand-to-hand encounter for five hours. The Confederates were routed with great slaughter, and the Unionists took 80 of them prisoners. Buttle at Milton, Tenn. Fought March 20, 1863, between 4, 000 Confederates under Wheeler and Morgan, and 1,323 mounted Unionists, under Colonel Hall. The Confederates were totally defeated, with a loss of 400. Capture of Jacksonville, Fla. March 20, 1863, the Confederates were driven from the city by a Union brigade of colored soldiers. Battle of Steele's Bayou, Miss. Fought March 22, 1863, between about 4,000 Con- federates and General Sherman's division of the Union army, assisted by Union gunboats. The brief contest resulted in the retreat of the Confederates, with heavy loss, while the Unionists lost but one man, who was killed. Capture of Mount Sterling, Ky. March 22, 1863, a force of Confederates, under Clark, captured Mount Sterling. The lli-fiii \vixl, Tenn., Affair March 25, 1863, Brentwood was occupied by about 500 Unionists. That day the place was captured and sacked by about 3, 000 Confederates under Wheeler, Forrest, Armstrong and Stearns. Green Clay Smith, with a body of Union cavalry pursued them as they departed with their spoils and prisoners, in the direction of Columbia. About nine miles from Brentwood he overtook them, charged upon them, killing many and driving them six miles further. The Confederates having been reinforced by Wheeler's cavalry, 2,500 strong, Clay slowly withdrew from the advancing foe, retreating two miles, when the Confederates gave up the pursuit. The Confederate loss was estimated at fully 400 men, many horses, ambulances, etc. Smith did not lose a man as prisoner, but brought away 47 of the enemy. Battle of Somerset, Ky. Fought March 29, 1863, between a force of Unionists, under Car- ter and Gilmore, and a body of Confederate cav- alry, under Pegram. The battle resulted in the total defeat of the Confederates, and their evacu- ation of Kentucky. Buttle near Woodbury, Tenn. Fought April 1, 1863, between a Union force under General Hazen, and 600 Confederates, under Colonel Smith. The latter were defeatea, with a loss of 20 killed and wounded, 30 prisoners, 50 horses, besides mules'and wagons. Battle near Nashville, Tenn. Fought between General Mitchell, with 300 Union cavalry, and an encampment of Confederates, April 6, 1863. Mitchell made a sabre charge, killing 15 Confed- erates, taking 5 prisoners and capturing all their arms, tents, horses and equipments. Attack on Charleston, S. C. April 7, 1863, Commodore Dupont, with nine Union iron-clad war-vessels, attacked Charleston. The fight con- tinued for two hours, under a sharp fire from Forts Sumter and Moultrie, when the Union fleet retired, five of the vessels being disabled, and one the Keokuk subsequently sank at her anchor- age. The Union loss was 16 wounded 1 fatally. Fight at Franklin, Tenn. Fought April 10, 1863, between a large Confederate force under Van Dorn, and the Union troops occupying the town, under General.Granger. After a protracted flght the Confederates were driven off and pur- sued until nightfall. Three Battles In Louisiana April 11, 1863, General Banks, with the Union troops under Emory and Weitzel, started from Berwick, at the mouth of the Atehafalaya river. In three sharp engagements with the Confederate forces in the Bayou Teche region, on April 15, 16 and 17, he took nearly 2,000 prisoners, caused the destruction of their 3 gunboats and several transport vessels, with a large amount of other Confederate property, dispersing their army in that section. The Union loss was 700. Porter's Fleet Runs Past Vicksburg April 17, 1863, Commodore Porter succeeded in running six vessels of his Union fleet safely past the Confederate batteries at Vicksburg. Battle of Fuyetteville, Ark. Fought April 18, 1863, between 2, 000 Union troops occupy- ing the town and an attacking party of Confed- erates, numbering 3,000, with four cannon. The Confederates were repulsed, the Unionists losing 5 killed and 17 wounded. Capture of a I'nioii Steam-Ram April 22, 1863, the Union ram. Queen of the West, was captured by the Confederates, in Grand Lake, La. , with her commander. Captain Fuller, and all her officers and crew, numbering 90. The same day General Banks occupied Wash- ington and Opelousas, Miss. Battle at Fairmont, W. Va. Fought April 30, 1863, between the Union forces, under Colonel Mulligan, and Confederate troops. The former were repulsed, and the Baltimore & Ohio railroad bridges, at Fairmont and Cheat river were blown up. Battle at Monttcello, Ky. Fought May 1, 1863, between 5,000 Union troops, under General Carter, and the Confederate forces under Pegram. The latter were driven from the field, with a loss of 66 men. On the same day the Confederate troops, under Marmaduke, were driven out of Missouri by the Union General Vandever. Battle of Port Gibson, Miss. Fought May 1, 1863, between the united Union armies of Generals Grant and McClernand and the Confed- erate force under General Bowen. The latter, after a severe flght, were defeated with the loss of 1,550 men and 5 cannon. Grlerson's Raid in Mississippi Colonel Grierson, of the 6th Illinois regiment, with his own and the 7th Illinois cavalry, 900 strong, and 6 can- non, started from La Grange, Tenn. . April 17, 1863, to march southerly through the center of Missis- sippi. May 2, 1863, they reached Baton Rouge, La. , having traveled nearly 800 miles in 16 days, and having passed through 17 counties. As they went they destroyed Confederate railroads, bridges, cars, locomotives and stores of all kinds, fought successfully against several attempts to capture them, and brought into Baton Rouge more than 1,000 horses and a large number of cattle, besides 500 colored people who followed them. Battle of Chancellorsvllle, Va. The Army of the Potomac, under General Hooker, made its second attempt to capture the Confed- erate fortifications at Frederieksburg, Va. , between April 27 and May 3, 1863. The main body of the Union army crossed the Rappahannock river April 27, at Kelly's ford, about 20 miles northwest of Frederieksburg, taking a position 10 miles west of that stronghold, at Chancel lorsville. The main battle, after two days' severe skirmish- ing, took place May 3, between the Confederate army, under Lee and Jackson, and Hooker's army. The Unionists, in this battle, were defeated. In the meantime the Union General Sedgwick had crossed the Rappahannock river and occupied Frederieksburg, but he, too, was defeated and compelled to retire. Hooker's army recrossed the river on the night of May 5. Hooker's whole effective force was about 95,000; Lee's, in all, 60.000. The Union losses were about 17,00012,000 killed and wounded 5,000 missing; the Confeder- ates, 13,00010,300 killed and wounded. Nt ,.111-111:1 u In Virginia. During the battles of Chancellorsville, May 1-4, 1863, the Union General Stoneman, with a large body of cavalry. raided Virginia destroying large quantities of Confederate provisions at different points and a portion of the railroad between Gordonsville and Charlottesville. and considerably damaging one or two other railroads. Capture of Alexandria, tia. May 5, 1863, Admiral Porter and his Union gunboats captured this town. Streight's Snrrendei After effective ser- vice and hard fighting in the enemy's country, May 8, 1863. Union Colonel Streight, with 1,700 men, was captured by the Confederate cavalry under Forrest, near Cedar Bluff, Ala. BATTLES DURING THE THIRD YEAR OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. 363 Fight on the Cumberland River Fought May 9, 1863, between Union Kentucky cavalry, under Colonel Jacobs, and a Confederate guerrilla force, near Horseshoe Bend, Tenn. The latter were defeated, with the loss of a number killed, 8 prisoners and the destruction of their camp. Battle at Raymond, Miss. Fought May 12, 1863, between a Union force, under General McPherson, of Grant's army, and two divisions of Confederates, under Gregg and Walker. After a fierce flght of two hours, the place was captured, the Confederates losing 103 killed, 720 wounded and prisoners. Union loss, 69 killed, 341 wounded, and 32 missing. Battle Wear Jackson, Miss. Fought May 13, 1863, between Grant's Union army and Confederate troops under Joseph S. Johnson. The latter was defeated, losing the town, 7 cannon, 400 prisoners, and large quantities of military stores. The State House was burned. Fight at Linden, Tenn. Fought May 13. 1863, between 55 men of the 1st Tennessee cavalry, under Colonel Breckenridge, and twice that number of Confederates. The latter were defeated, with the loss of 43 officers and privates, 50 horses and a quantity of other property. Battle at Suffolk, Va. Fought May 15, 1863, between a Confederate detachment and a party of Unionists, in which the former were defeated. Battle Wear Holly Springs, Miss. Fought May 15, 1863, between Faulkner's Con- federate cavalry and a Union force, the former being defeated. Battle of Baker's Creek, Miss. Fought May 16, 1863, between the Confederates, under General Pemberton, and the Union army, under General Grant, about 25,000 men being engaged on each side. The flght ended in the defeat of the Confederates, who lost 2,600 killed and wounded, 2,000 prisoners and 29 cannon. Battle of Big Black River, Miss. Fought May 17, 1863, between the Confederates under Pemberton and Grant's Union army, the former being again defeated, with a loss of 2,600 men and 17 cannon. Destruction at Austin, Miss. May 24, 1863, Colonel Ellet's Union marine brigade burned the town, which had been occupied by the Confederates. A Navy- Yard Destroyed May 25, 1863, the Unionists destroyed the Confederate navy- yard at Yazoo city, Miss. Loss of a Union Gunboat May 28, 1863, in an encounter between the Union gunboat Cincinnati, on the Mississippi river, and the Confederate batteries at Vicksburg, Miss. , the former was sunk, going down with flying colors. The Union loss was 25 killed and wounded and 15 drowned. A Raid In South Carolina June 3, 1863, the second South Carolina Union regiment (colored), under Colonel Montgomery, numbering 200 men, passed up the Coosa river, landing in full view of two Confederate regiments, who retreated. Penetrating 25 miles into the country, Montgomery brought away 725 negroes, a lot of blooded horses, and other property belonging to the Confederates, valued at 8600,000. Battle at Triune, Tenn. Fought June 11, 1863, between 5,000 Confederate cavalry and two batteries, under Forrest, and a force of Union cavalry, under Colonel R. B. Mitchell. The Confederates were defeated, wjth a loss of 21 killed and 70 others wounded and taken prisoners. Mitchell's loss was 6 killed. Sinking of a Blockade-Runner Off Charleston, June 11, 1863, the Confederate and notorious blockade-runner, the Herald, was suak by a broadside from the Union blockading fleet. Battle of Winchester, V:i. Fought June 14, 1863, between about 7,000 Unionists, under Milroy, and the advance of Lee's army on its way to Pennsylvania. Besides a small number killed and wounded, Milroy lost 4,000 prisoners, about 30 guns, many small arms, and 300 wagons. A Naval Fight Fought June 17, 1863, in Wilmington waters, off the coast of North Carolina, between the Confederate ram Atlanta and the Union war vessel Weehawken, com- manded by Captain John Rodgers. The Atlanta wa*i decoyed and captured. Battle Near Aldle, Va. Fought June 17, 1863, between Union troops, under Colonel Kil- patrick, and 5 regiments of Confederate cavalry, under Fitzhugh Lee, with artillery. After a desperate hand-to-hand encounter, the Confeder- ates retreated, leaving 100 prisoners in the hands of the Unionists. Second Battle f Big Black River, Miss. Fought June 23, 1863, between a Con- federate force, under Johnston, and a division of the Union army, under Osterhaus. The latter was defeated. Fights In Tennessee June 24, 1863, the Union general, Rosecrans, began his advance from Murfreesboro, Tenn. On the same day, Willich's brigade, of McCook's division of the Union army, wrested Liberty Gap from the Con- federates, sustaining a loss of 75 killed and wounded. Next day, Willich, Wilder and Carter's brigades of Rosecrans' army defeated a division of Confederates, under Claiborne. The Unionists lost 40 killed and 100 wounded; the Confederates, who retreated in disorder, suffered a much greater loss. June 24, 1863, Wilder's mounted Union brigade captured Hoover's Gap from the Con- federates. His loss was 53 killed and wounded. June 26, 1863, Wilder's Union brigade destroyed the Decherd bridge in the rear of the Confederate general, Bragg, between Tullahoma and Chatta- nooga. Other fights and skirmishes were features in this nine days' campaign by the Unionists under Rosecrans, whose total loss was 85 killed, 462 wounded and 13 missing. The Con- federates lost 1,364 prisoners and 11 cannon, and were expelled from Middle Tennessee. Morgan's Raids June 27, 1863, John Morgan, with 2,500 Confederate guerrillas and 4 cannon, began a raid in Kentucky. On the 3d of July, a sharp flght occurred between them and a reconnoitering party of Unionists under Captain Carter. The captain was killed, his men retreated, and Morgan occupied Columbia. On the 4th of July, Morgan fought 200 Unionists, under Colonel Moore, at Tebb's Bend, on Green river, Ky. For four hours the battle raged, when Morgan was repulsed and retreated, leaving his dead on the field. At Lebanon, Morgan captured 300 Union militia, robbed and paroled them. Morgan then raided Southern Ohio and Indiana. At Corydon, Ind. , in a flght, Morgan had 2 men killed and 7 wounded, while the opposing Unionists lost 15 killed and wounded. There and at other places large amounts of merchandise and horses were seized by the raiders, money was extorted as a ransom for property, and their operations created general excitement. In the meantime, a pursuit by armed men to capture Morgan was vigorously prosecuted. At Buffing- ton's island, in the Ohio river, July 19, Morgan encountered a force of Unionists under General Judah, Lieutenant O'Neil (of the 5th Indiana cavalry), and two gunboats, and a bloody battle ensued, which resulted in the utter rout and dispersion of Morgan's band. They left behind them about 1,000 prisoners, all their artillery, and large quantities of stolen plunder. John Morgan and 500 of his men escaped, but were hotly pur- sued by General Shackleford, of the Union army, and on July 26, at West Point, Ohio, Morgan, finding himself surrounded by a superior force, unconditionally surrendered, his band having been slain, dispersed or captured. Battle of Grey's Gap, Tenn. Fought June 30, 1863, between Union cavalry and infantry under Stanley and Granger and a force of Con- federate cavalry and infantry. The latter were driven from point to point, hotly pursued, and many of them were killed, drowned and wounded in their flight. The capture of Shelby ville, Tenn. , by the Unionists, with a large number of prisoners and a quantity of arms and commissary stores, were the results of this day's work. Capture of Tnllahonta, Tenn. July 1, 1863, the Unionists under Brannon, Negley and Sheridan occupied Tullahoma, which the Con- federates had evacuated on the previous night. This was one step in the campaign which drove the Confederates from Middle Tennessee. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Fought July 1-3, 1863, between the invading Confederate army under General R. E. Lee, and the Union army of the Potomac under General Meade. The forces engaged or near at hand, July 2, were about equal, each numbering between 70,000 to 80,000 infantry and artillery. The battle, one of the most terrible of the war, resulted in the defeat of the Confeder- ates, their compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania and Maryland, their withdrawal from the valley of the Shenandoah, and heavy losses, as follows: 5,000 killed, 23,000 wounded left on the field, 8,000 prisoners, 3 cannon and 41 battle flags; 24, 978 small arms were collected on the battle Held. The Union loss was 2,834 killed, 13,713 wounded, and 6,643 missing. Battle at Helena, Ark Fought July 4, 1863, between about 4,000 Unionists, under General Prentiss, and 7,600 Confederates under General Holmes, the latter being defeated with the loss of of 173 killed, 687 wounded, and 776 missing. The Union loss did not exceed 250 in killed and wounded. Surrender of Vlcksbu rg, Ml ss. General Grant began his siege of Vicksburg, May 18, prose- cuting it with great vigor until July 4, 1863, when Pemberton, the Confederate General occupying the place, surrendered to the Union army 27,000 prisoners, 132. cannon and 50,000 stand of arms. Thus the Mississippi river was opened to the Gulf of Mexico. Battle of Port Hudson, I>a. General Banks' Union army invested Port Hudson in May, 1863, the place being strongly fortified and defended by a force of Confederates under General Gardner. Three important assaults were made upon this stronghold by land and water, May 27, June 11 and 14, in which some of the Con- federate works were captured, but the Unionists were on both days repulsed, with the loss of about 3,000 men. The siege was continued until July 7, when Gardner capitulated (owing to the surrender of Vicksburg), and on the 9th of July, 1863, General Banks entered the town, taking 6,408 prisoners, 2 steamers, 51 cannon, and a quantity of small arms. Draft Riots at the North. From July 13 to 16, 1863, New York, Boston and other Northern cities, were the scene of riots in opposition to the drafting of soldiers for the Union army. In New York mobs held possession of the city for- three days; the drafting offices were demolished and the buildings burned. A colored orphan asylum was pillaged and burned down. Collisions were frequent between the authorities and the mob, and many persons were killed. These riots cost the city more than 81,500,000 for losses by them. Battle at Jackson, Miss. Fought July 17, 1863, between the Union army under Sherman and the Confederates under Johnston. The result was the occupation of the city by Sherman, the capture of a large quantity of stores, 40 locomo- tives and the rolling stock of three railroads. Capture of Natchez, Miss. -July 17, 1863, General Ransom and a party of Unionists cap- tured this city from the Confederates, taking a large quantity of ammunition, 13 cannon, 2,000 cattle and 4,000 hogsheads of sugar. Battle of Elk Creek, Ark. Fought July 17, 1863, between 2,400 Unionists under General Blunt, and 5,000 Confederates under General Cooper. The latter were defeated, with the loss of 184 men. The Unionists lost 40 men. TJnion Cavalry In North Carolina July 20, 1863, the cavalry expedition sent out by the Union General Foster, attacked the Wilming- ton & Weldon railroad at Rocky Mount, burned the long bridge over Tar river, tore up two miles of track, destroyed the depot, a large cotton factory, a supply train and 5,000 bales of cotton belonging to the Confederates. Battle at Wytheville, Va. Fought July 20, 1863, between Union cavalry under Colonel Tolland, of the 34th Ohio mounted infantry, and a Confederate force; it resulted, after a severe conflict, in the defeat of the Confederates, the burning of the town, the seizure of 3 cannon, 700 stand of arms and 120 prisoners. The Confeder- ates also lost 75 men killed and many wounded. The Unionists lost 65 killed and wounded, including among the former Colonel Tolland. Bombardment of Chattanooga, Tenn. July 22, 1863, Colonel Wilder, of Rosecrans' army, shelled Chattanooga, creating considerable agitation among its Confederate occupants, but without definite results. Recapture In Louisiana July 22, 1863, the Union gunboat Sachem recaptured Brashear city from the Confederates Battle Near Manassas Gap, Va. Fought July 23, 1863, between 800 Unionists, under General Spinola, and about twice as many Con- federate troops from Georgia and North Carolina. The latter were utterly routed. Buttle In the Southwest Fought July 23, 1863, between Kit Carson's Union 1st New Mexico regiment and a party of Navajos, near Fort Canby. The Indians were defeated. Kentucky Invaded The Confederates re-invaded Kentucky, July 23, 1863. July 31, 1863, the Unionists in that State, commanded by Colonel Sanders, completely routed the Confederate forces under Scott and Pegram, and martial law was declared. Battle at Culpeper, Va. Fought August 2, 1863, between Union cavalry under Buford, and Confederate cavalry under Stuart. The battle was indecisive, but 100 prisoners were taken by the Unionists. Battle of Grenada, Miss. Fought 17th of August, 1863, between a Union expedition sent out by General Hurlbut, under Lieutenant - Colonel Phillips, of the 9th Illinois mounted infantry, and a Confederate force of 2,000 men under General Slimmer, who occupied Grenada. The Confeder- ates were so hardly pressed by the attacking party that they fled in confusion, leaving behind an immense quantity of ordnance and stores. These, with the depot, the machine-shop, the railroad track, 57 locomotives, and more than 400 cars, were destroyed by the Unionists. The "War In Arkansas August 22, 1863, the Union force under General Blunt, numbering 4,500, attacked 11,000 Confederates under General Cooper, in the Indian Territory, and compelled the latter to retreat to Red river. On the same 364 BATTLES DURING THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. day, Union cavalry under Colonel Woodson, suc- cessfully attacked numerous Confederate guer- rilla, bands in Arkansas, capturing the Confederate general, Jeff. Thompson, with his entire staff. On the 29th of July, 1863, the Confederate army under General Price, then in Arkansas, was severely Pressed by the Union forces under General Steele. he same day, Steele's advance, under General Davidson, drove 3,000 Confederates, under Marma- duke, out of Brownsville and across the Arkansas river. September 1, 1863, General Blunt defeated the Confederates under Cooper and Cabell, and captured Fort Smith, Ark. The same day the Confederates evacuated Little Rock, and General Steele occupied it September 10, 1863. Quantrell's Raid A force of Confederate guerrillas, numbering 350, collected in Cass county, Mo. , under the leadership of Quantrell. In the dead of night, August 25, 1863, they unex- pectedly attacked the town of Lawrence, in Kansas, set it on tire, burned 182 buildings to the ground, destroying 82,000,000 of property; killed 145 persons, including helpless women and children, and wounded 591 citizens, many of them mortally. Soon afterwards, the guerrillas having departed, the citizens organized a force, com- manded by General James H. Lane, and pursued the marauders to Grand River, Mo. There, when attacked, the murderers dispersed in various directions, but about 80 of them were slain. Occupation of Kiioxville, Tenn. The Confederate General Buckner, evacuated Knox- ville, leaving behind a considerable quantity of quartermaster's stores, with other valuable property, and General Burnside, with his Union force, occupied the place September 3, 1863, to the delight of the inhabitants. Battle at Sablne City, Texas Fought September 8, 1863, between the Confederate force occupying the fortifications of the town and the 19th Union army corps under General Franklin, with 4 Union gunboats. The fight was quite severe, but resulted in the repulse of the Unionists and the loss of 2 of their gunboats. \ Hair* at Chattanooga, Tenn. After the battle of Stone river, at the beginning of 1863, the Confederate army under Bragg occupied Chattanooga. September 8, 1863, when Rosecrans and his Union army approached, the Confederates abandoned the place, and, on the 9th, Crittenden's division of the Union army occupied it. Bragg's army having been reinforced by Longstreet, managed to drive the Unionists out of Chatta- nooga, while Rosecrans attempted to force the Confederates from their threatening position in that vicinity. The result was the battle of Chickamauga. Affairs at Cumberland Gap, Teiin. This narrow pass, which separates Kentucky from Tennessee, and became an important point during the civil war, was occupied early in the contest by the Confederates, then by the Unionists, and again by the Confederates. September 9, 1863, General Burnside's Union army recaptured it, with 2,000 prisoners and 14 cannon, from General Frazer. Battle of Chlckamanga, Tenn. Fought September 19 and 20, 1863, between about 50,000 Confederates, under Bragg, who began the con- test, and about 55,000 Union soldiers, besides cavalry, under Rosecrans. The cavalry and about 10,000 of Bragg's infantry were not, how- ever, long in the action. At the close of the first day both armies occupied nearly the same position that they did in the morning. The battle occupied the whole of both days, and resulted in defeat and the retreat of the Unionists to Chattanooga. The Union loss was 1,644 killed, 9,262 wounded, and 4. 945 prisoners. The Confederate loss is esti- mated at not far from 18,000 men. A Cavalry Defeat Confederate cavalry, under Wheeler, which had come north of the Tennessee river for the purpose of operating against Rosecrans' Union army, encountered Union forces October 9, 1863, at Farmington, Tenn. , and near Shelby ville, Ky. , and was defeated, with considerable loss, at both points. Battle of Missionary Ridge, 'IVim. General Thomas, who succeeded Rosecrans in command of the Union army, was practically besieged by the Confederates at Chattanooga. A battle was fought November 24, 25 and 26, 1863, at this point, between about 80,000 Unionists, under Grant, who had partially raised the siege and re- inforced the garrison, and about 50, 000 Confeder- ates under Bragg. The latter's army occupied strong positions above Chattanooga, on Lookout mountain at the south and Missionary ridge on the east. Hooker, with 10.000 Unionists, went to Lookout mountain to assail the Confederate left. Sherman, Sheridan, and other Union commanders, with -their several divisions, stormed and carried the Confederate redoubts, as did Hooker those on Lookout mountain. The Confederates fled from a galling fire from their own cannon, and were vigorously pursued. The Union losses were 757 killed, 4,529 wounded, and 330 missing. The Confederate loss in killed and wounded did not, probably, exceed 4,000; but they lost 6,142 prisoners, 40 cannon, and 7,000 stand of small arms. This battle ended the war in Tennessee for a year. The Storming of Knoxville, Tenn. Under instructions from superior officers, General Burnside prepared for a vigorous defense of Knoxville. The second division of the 23rd army corps under General Julius White, and other troops, was to co-operate with Burnside. November 14, 1863, a fight occurred in the vicinity between General White's command and Confeder- ates on Huff's hill, in which the Confederates were dislodged with considerable loss on both sides. November 16, another severe fight occurred near Knoxville, between the 23rd and 9th Army corps, with artillery, and a Confederate force at Campbell's station, but the Unionists were obliged to retreat, which they did in good order, although hotly pursued. On the 17th a close siege of Knox- ville began, which terminated, November 28, in an attempt of the Confederates to carry the fortifica- tions by storm, commanded by General Long- street. The assault, however, was repulsed with so much vigor, that, in connection with the defeat of Bragg at Missionary Ridge, the Con- federates deemed it advisable to raise the siege. Longstreet, therefore, retreated, followed by Burnside's forces, while another army, under Foster, started from Cumberland Gap to cut off their retreat. The number of Unionists engaged in this siege was about 12,000; their loss was less than 50 ; the loss of the attacking party was about 500. BATTLES OF THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE WAR. Battles Jfear Bfewbern, 3T. C. February 1, 1864, a Confederate force, estimated at 15,000, attacked a small number of Union troops, under General Palmer, at Bachelor's creek, an outpost of the Unionists at Newbern. The latter, finding themselves outnumbered, fell back in good order, with only a slight loss, although the fight was severe, and they were pursued by the Confeder- ates. Next morning a Confederate force in boats boarded the Union gunboat Underwriter, which had run aground and, after a sharp struggle, cap- tured her with about one-third of her crew. Engi- neer Allen and part of the crew of the gunboat, rose up against the crew of the Confederate barge that was carrying them off, overcame them and rescued the commander and crew, bringing them safely into port. Battle at Steveiisburg, Va. Fought all day, February 6, 1864, between the second and third corps of the Union army, under General Sedgwick, and a Confederate force. The Union- ists withdrew, having lost 200 men in killed and wounded. Sherman's Raid In Mississippi Febru- ary 3, 1864, General Sherman, with a Union force of 25,000 men, marched from Big Black river on a grand raid through the Confederate State of Mississippi, returning to Vicksburg, March 4, 1864. At Messenger's station there was a sharp skirmish with a Confederate force, resulting in a Union loss of 12 killed and 35 wounded, and a much larger one on the part of the Confederates. At Canton Sherman's troops captured artillery, ammunition and prisoners. Jackson, Brandon, Morton, and Meridian were visited, with some opposition, but with loss to the Confederates. At Meridian the Unionists remained seven days, destroying Con- federate stores, ammunition and public buildings, the arsenal, hotels, etc. Other places visited by the Unionists were Enterprise, Marion, Quitman, Hillsboro, Lake station, Decatur, Bolton and Lauderdale springs. At these places railroad property, machine shops, lumber and flour mills were destroyed. Near Decatur a skirmish oc- curred, in which the Confederates were repulsed with the loss of 5 killed and three prisoners. The expedition marched more than 400 miles in 24 days, liberated 10,000 slaves, and brought away an immense amount of booty. The estimated losses of the Unionists during this raid were 50 men killed and wounded and about 100 prisoners. The Confederate losses in killed and wounded were considered much larger, and in deserters and prisoners were estimated at more than 600. Escape of Union Prisoners February 9, 1864, a large number of Union prisoners escaped from the Confederate Libby prison, at Richmond, Virginia. Battle of Plymouth, JT. C. Fought Feb- ruary 17, 1864, between about 10,000 Confederates, under General R. F. Hoke, and about 1,500 Unionists, under General Wessel, who occupied Fort Williams, one of the defenses of Plymouth. Six times the Confederates assaulted this strong- hold without capturing it, but on the fourth day, after fighting six times his own force, Wessel gave up the unequal contest and surrendered. Battle ofOlustee, Fla. Fought February 20, 1864, between a Union force of about 4,500 infantry and 400 cavalry, with 20 cannon, under General Seymour, and an estimated Confederate force, under General Finnegin, of 3,000. The fight lasted three and a half hours, and resulted in the retreat of the Unionists before a superior force to Barber's station. Union loss 2,000 men, besides artillery, ammunition and wagon trains. Confederate loss about 1,000 men. A Raid on Richmond, Va. February 28, 1864, a Union cavalry expedition, under General Kilpatrick, started from the army of the Potomac to liberate Union prisoners at Rich- mond. After several skirmishes, March 4, 1864, Kilpatrick withdrew from the raid, having destroyed a large amount of Confederate property in the vicinity. Colonel Ulric Dahlgren had command of a branch expedition of Union cavalry in another direction, which also destroyed a large amount of property; but on the third of March his command fell into a Confederate ambush, and he lost his life, and a large number of his men were taken prisoners. Capture of Fort de Russey, I,a. March 15, 1864, a large Union force under General Mower, of Smith's Red river expedition, stormed this formidable fortress of the Confederates. The veterans, however, after a short but sturdy fight, carried the fort, capturing 12 cannon, 2,000 bar- rels of powder, a large supply of army stores and ammunition, with 325 prisoners. Surrender of Union City, Tenn. March 24, 1864, between the Confederate force under Forrest and 500 Unionists under Hawkins, who occupied the place. The latter repulsed the attacking party several times, but at length surrendered. Battle at Pad-icah, Ky. Fought March 25. 1864, between 6,000 Confederates under Forrest, Buford, Harris and Thompson, and the 40th Illinois regiment under Colonel S. G. Hicks, numbering 655 Unionists, assisted by some Union gunboats. Hicks made a stand at Fort Anderson, and repelled several attacks and refused to sur- render. Three more attacks were then made on the fort, but were repulsed with heavy losses each time, Thompson being killed. The Confederates retired next day, having suffered an estimated loss of 300 killed and from 1,000 to 1,200 wounded. The Union loss was 14 killed and 46 wounded. Battles In Arkansas March 26, 1864, a small Union force, from Rosecrans' army, marched from Pine B'uff, Ark. , to Mount Elba and Longview, on the Washita river, destroying at the latter place several pontoon bridges, 35 wagons loaded with camp and garrison equipage, ammunition, stores, etc. , and capturing 320 prisoners. March 30, 1864, this Union force encountered 1,200 Confederates at Monticello, routing them, capturing a large quantity of arms, wagons, and 300 horses and mules, and losing but 15 men during the expedition. Battle of Jf atchltoches, I.a. Fought March 31, 1864, between a cavalry division, under Lee, of General Banks' Union army, and a Con- federate force under Taylor, estimated at 1,000. After a brisk but brief skirmish the Confederates were completely routed, with a loss of 6 or 8 killed and wounded and 25 prisoners. The Unionists lost none. Battle of Crump's Hill, l.a. Fought A j-i\ 2, 1864, between 3 brigades of Union troops under Lee, and a body of Confederates. The foiiner made a charge which caused the Con- federates to retreat, and the Unionists pursued them seven miles, killing and wounding a number. The Confederates made a stand, however, and a severe fight of an hour's duration ensued. Then the Confederates again retreated. A number of prisoners fell into the hands of the Unionists. Fight Near Pleasant Hill, l.a. Fought April 7, 1864, between the cavalry of Banks' and Smith's Union armies and about 3,000 Confederate cavalry under Green. At first it was a running fight, but the Confederates being reinforced. Colonel Haral Robinson, of Lee's Union cavalry brigade, dashed upon them with so much vigor that Green's force was whipped and driven from the field. This engagement lasted two and a half hours, and the losses on each side were estimated at 40 killed and wounded. Robinson pursued the retreating enemy until the latter reached a superior reinforcement. He then retired. Battle Near Sablne Cross Roads, I-a. Fought April 8, 1864, between the advance of General Banks' Union army, under General Stone, and from 18,000 to 22.000 Confederates under Kirby Smith, Dick Taylor, Green, Price BATTLES DURING THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. 365 and Mouton. The Unionists were repulsed on that day. but on the next, after a severe conflict, the Confederates were defeated, 2,000 of them throwing away their arms during their flight. The losses in killed and wounded were very heavy, being estimated at 2,000 on each side. The Con- federate General Mouton was slain, and 700 Confederate prisoners were captured. Battle of Fort Pillow, Tenn. The Unionists occupied the garrison with 19 officers, 276 white infantry and 262 colored infantry, a section of light artillery (colored), and 1 battalion of white cavalry, the whole being commanded by Major Booth. On April 12, 1864, the Confederates under Forrest attacked the fort, but by the aid of a gunboat they were kept at bay by the garrison. Major Booth was killed, and Major Bradford took command of the beleaguered fort. A demand to surrender from Forrest was refused by Bradford. New and commanding positions having been gained by the Confederates, their attack was resumed, and they soon carried the fort. No quarter was shown to its inmates, either black or white, male or female, and even children were slain by the invaders. Thus the Unionists were destroyed. Gunboat Battles In North Carolina- April 17 and 18, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C. , the Confederate iron-clad ram Albemarle, with the aid of a battery, destroyed 2 Union gunboats. On May 5, 184, an effort was made by Union gun- boats to destroy the Albemarle, but the attempt failed. October 27, 1864, Lieutenant Gushing, of the Union navy, succeeded with a torpedo in blowing this formidable craft to pieces, narrowly escaping his own destruction. Battles of the 'Wilderness, Va. May 4, 1864, General Grant, commanding the Union army of the Potomac, about 130, 000 strong, crossed the Rapidan river into the "wilderness" of Virginia, to dislodge the Confederate General Lee and his 60,000 troops from their position between the Unionists and the Confederate capital. As Grant advanced, Lee prepared for a stubborn contest. From May 5 to May 31 there was fought a terrible series of battles, unprecedented in American annals for their sanguinary results. During those 27 bloody days various fortunes of war were experienced by both armies, and closed, leaving Lee on the south side of the North Anna river, and the Union force on the shores of the Pamunky river. The Union losses during these battles were 5,584 killed, 28,364 wounded, and 7,450 missing a total of 41,398 which does not include the losses in Burnside's corps. No trustworthy statement of the Confederate losses was made, but they are estimated at about 20,000. Butler's Operations on the James River, Va. On May 5, 1864, General Butler and a Union force started from fortress Monroe, for a cruise up the James river in transports toward Richmond, destroying railroads, bridges, etc. Occasional skirmishes were had with Con- federates, and on the 16th of May occurred The Battle of Fort Darling:, "Va. Fought between Butler's Union army and a force of Confederates under Beauregard. Butler's troops were forced to retire, with the loss of about 5,000 men, mostly prisoners, and several cannon. The fight was resumed on the 19th, and after a short conflict the Confederates were repulsed. Next day the Confederates drove the Unionists out of their intrenchments. Another flght ensued, and the Unionists recovered their rifle-pits. Second Battle of Fort Darling Fought May 21, 1864, between the Unionists under Gil- more, of Butler's army, occupying the intrench- ments, and a large force of Confederates of Beauregard's army, who advanced upon the fort. Gilmore's batteries opened upon them at short range, and the several fierce charges of the Confederates were repulsed, with heavy loss. The Union gunboats also assisted in shelling the Confederates during this battle. Battle of the Kulp House, Va. Fought May 22, 1864, between a force of Confederates, under Hood and Hooker, and Schofleld's divisions of Sherman's Union army. Hood made the attack, but was repulsed and driven off, leaving his dead and wounded on the field, and losing many prisoners. Battle of "Wilson's "Wharf, Ta. Fought May 24, 1864, between a brigade of Con- federate cavalry, under Fitzhugh Lee, and two regiments of negro Union troops, under General Wild, who occupied a strong position on the north bank of the James river. Lee demanded the surrender of the post, which was refused. A severe conflict followed for several hours, but the Confederate attempts to capture the position proved fruitless, and they finally abandoned the assault. Battle of \t-\v Hope Church, Ga. Sherman's Union army, in pursuit of Johnston's Confederate forces in Georgia, after several unimportant skirmishes, found themselves con- fronted with the Confederates about three miles from Dallas, Ga. , May 25, 1864. After a general action the Confederates were driven three miles and into their inner intrenchments. Battle of Powder Springs, Ga. Fought in May, 1864, between McPherson's division of Sherman's Union army and a con- siderable force of Confederates of Johnston's army. After a sharp engagement the latter were driven toward Marietta, with a loss of 2,500 killed and wounded (left on the field), and about 300 prisoners. The Union losses did not, it is officially stated, exceed 300. Sherman's Expedition from Chatta- nooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga. In the spring of 1864, General Sherman, with a force of 100,000 Unionists and 254 cannon, aided by Generals Thomas, McPherson and Schofleld, commanding divisions, started to march from Chattanooga, through the Confederates' country, to Atlanta. Opposing this expedition was the Confederate General J. E. Johnston, aided by Hardee, Hood, and Polk, with Wheeler's cavalry, their entire force numbering about 60,000 men, including 10,000 cavalry and artillery. The Union expedition began its operations May 7, 1864, and closed them successfully at Atlanta, Ga. , Sep- tember 2, of the same year, occupying Dalton, May8. Sheridan's Raid In Virginia May 13, 1864, General Sheridan, with his Union cavalry force, reached the rear of Lee's army, near Hanover junction, breaking 2 railroads, capturing several locomotives, and destroying Lee's depot for supplies at Beaver Darn, containing more than 1,000,000 rations. Battle of Resaca, Ga. Fought May 15, 1864, between General Sherman's Union troops and Johnston's Confederate army. The battle lasted two days, and resulted in the evacuation of Resaca by the Confederates and their pursuit by the Unionists. The losses were estimated at 3,600 killed and wounded, including among the latter Generals Hooker, Willich, Kilpatriek, and Manson. The Confederates lost, it is estimated, 2,000 killed and wounded, including 3 general officers reported among the former, several hundred prisoners, and 7 cannon. Second Battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Fought June 3, 1864, between the Union army, under Grant and Meade, and the Confederate forces, under Lee and Longstreet. Grant had about 150,000, and Lee about 50,000 men. The fight was brief but desperate, lasting less than half an hour, and resulted in the repulse of the Union army at every point. Grant's loss in killed, wounded and missing, including 3 brigadier-gener- als killed, was about 7,000 men, Lee's loss, includ- ing one general officer, was less than half that number. Battle of Pine mountain, Ga. Fought June 14, 1864, between a body of Confederates, who held the place, and a force of Union artillery under Sherman. During this fight the Confeder- ate General Leonidas Polk was killed, and on the next day the stronghold was found to have been abandoned, the Confederates having intrenched themselves along the lines of hills connecting Kenesaw and Lost mountains, this line was abandoned, however, on the 17th. Being pressed by the Unionists under McPherson, the Confeder- ates took to Kenesaw mountain and there were strongly intrenched. Sheridan's Raid In Virginia June 7, 1864, General Sheridan and a Union cavalry force set out to destroy the Confederate railroads lead- ing from Gordonsville. On the llth, at Buck Childs', he encountered a force of Confederate cavalry, which was driven back and outflanked. The result was a complete rout of the Confeder- ates, who left their dead and nearly all their wounded on the field, besides the capture of 20 officers, 500 men and 300 horses by the Unionists. About five miles from Gordonsville the Confeder- ates had constructed rifle-pits, and on the 12th there was a cavalry engagement of considerable Importance. The Confederates lost heavily, in- cluding several general officers. Sheridan lost about 85 killed and 490 wounded. The raid was successful. Morgan's Second Guerrilla Raid The Confederate guerrilla General Morgan again invaded Kentucky, June 7, 1864. Alter plundering Lexington and taking Cynthiana, he was attacked and had nearly all his force captured or dispersed by the Union General Burbridge. By the 17th of June, Morgan was discomfited and his raid ended. Morgan's operations were finally ended September 5, 1864, at Greenville, Tenn. , where he was killed. Averlll's Raid In the Shenandoah Valley, Va. June 16, 1864, General Averill, with a body of Unionists proceeded to destroy the Virginia and East Tennessee railroad, in order to cut off Lee's communications with Richmond. He succeeded in destroying 15 miles of the track, and burned five bridges, depots, cars, large quantities of Confederate stores, and captured 200 prisoners and 150 horses. His loss was 6 men drowned, 5 wounded, and 14 missing, during his rugged expe- dition of 355 miles. First Battle at Petersburg, Va. Fought June 15 and 16, 1864, between the Con- federate army under Lee (about 70,000 strong), which occupied the town, and Grant's army, about 100,000. A series of engagements resulted first in the repulse of the Unionists under W. F. Smith, and subsequently other repulses, which cost the Union army a loss of 1,198 killed, 6,853 wounded, and 2,217 missing. June 21, 1864, an attempt was made by the Unionists to seize the Weldon railroad, which cost them 3,000 men. Afterwards this and other roads were seized by them, which prevented supplies reaching Lee's army at Petersburg. July 30, 1864, a mine con- taining 8,000 pounds of powder was exploded undfcr a Confederate fort at Petersburg by the Unionists. The effect was not so beneficial as was expected by the Unionists, the earth being blown into an inaccessible position, so that entrance to the city was extremely difficult by that route. The Confederates poured in shell upon the attacking party, and after four hours' ineffectual assault the Union forces withdrew, having lost 4, 003 men killed, wounded and missing, while the Confederate loss is set down at less than 1,000. August 5, the Confederates exploded a mine in front of a Union corps, without infiict- ing serious injury, and considerable fighting ensued, without important results or serious losses on either side. Battle of Rood's Hill, Va. Fought in June, 1864, between 6 regiments of Unionists under General Sigel and about 7,000 Confederate infantry, with cavalry and artillery, of Brecken- ridge's army. Sigel was defeated with the loss of killed, wounded and missing cannon. about 600 ng. and 5 A Naval Victory June 19, 1864, in the French port of Cherbourg, the famous Con- federate ocean-cruiser Alabama, commanded by Raphael Semmes, was defeated and sunk by the United States war-ship Kearsarge, commanded by Commodore Winslow. Semmes escaped. Battles of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Finding the Confederates strongly intrenched upon Kenesaw mountain, June 27, 1864, General Sherman ordered his Union troops to attempt to dislodge them. This assault was participated in by McPherson, Thomas, Blair, Dodge, Logan and other division commanders of the Union army. The assault was well made, but the Con- federate intrenchments could not be carried. A flank movement was at once made, with such effect that early on the morning of July 3, 1864, the Union skirmishers appeared on the mountain above the Confederate intrenchments, which had been abandoned on the previous night. In the attack of June 27, the Unionists lost from 2,000 to 3,000 men. Battle of Monocacy River, Md. On the 9th July, 1864, an action occurred between 15,000 Confederates, under Early, and Rickett's division of the sixth Union army corps, under General Wallace. The latter were outflanked and forced to fall back, with the loss of about 1,200, including about 600 prisoners. Battle Near "Washington, D. C. Fought July 11, 1864, about 5 miles from the city between Union troops, under General Augur a brigade of veteran infantry and Confederate skirmishers. The former were the attacking party. The Con- federates were completely routed, leaving about 100 of their dead and wounded on the field. The Union loss was about 200. Battle of Peach-Tree Creek, Go.. Fought July 20, 1864, between Sherman's Union army and the Confederate forces under Johnston. Hooker's Union corps suffered in the severe conflict, but the Confederates were driven to their intrenchments, leaving more than 500 of their number killed and over 1,000 wounded on the field, 7 stand of colors and many prisoners. Their entire loss was estimated at 5,000. Sherman lost 1,500 killed, wounded and missing. Battle of the Howard House, Ga. Fought July 22, 1864, between the Confederate army under Hood (who had superseded Johnston) and Sherman's Union army, the former attacking the latter. The conflict was general and stubborn until the Confederates gave way, repulsed. Sherman's loss, including the death of General McPherson, was 3,722 killed, wounded and prisoners. The Confederates, it is estimated, lost 3,240 killed, or 8,000 in all. Another Fight In Front of Atlanta, Ga. Fought July 24, 1864, between the Con- federate army, under Hood, and a portion of Sherman's Union army, under Howard and Logan, the former coming out of their Atlanta intrench- raents to attack the latter. This bloody conflict resulted in the complete repulse of the attacking 366 BATTLES DURING THE FOURTH YEAR OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. party, with a loss of about 650 killed, and probably not less than 4,300 wounded. Sherman lost less than 600 in killed, wounded and missing. Battle STear "Winchester, Va. General Crook, with a small Union force, was defeated on the 24th of July, 1864, by the Confederates under General Early. Union Raids In Georgia In the latter part of July, 1864, General Sherman organized two cavalry expeditions to destroy the Macon railroad, which was a source of Confederate sup- plies. They consisted of General Stoneman, with 5,000 Union cavalry, and General McCook with 4,000 cavalry. Another object was to release the Union prisoners at Andersonville. In making a premature descent upon Andersonville, Stoneman encountered a superior force of Confederates, who defeated him and took him and 700 of his men prisoners. McCook proceeded to the Macon rail- road, but Stoneman failing to meet him there, he withdrew to Newman, Ga. , where he fell in with a considerable force of Confederate infantry. Surrounding McCook's command they forced him into a battle, compelling him to tight his way out, which he did with the loss of 500 of his men. He then returned to the main army at Marietta. Substantially the raid was a serious failure. < h:i in In- i--.li u i-u. Pa., Plundered and Burned July 30, 1864. a cavalry force under the Confederate General McCausland, entered Cham- bersburg, plundered the citizens, and burned about 250 buildings, at an estimated loss of $1, 000,000. Battle of Moorefield, W. Va. Fought August 7, 1864, between Union cavalry under Averill and a body of Confederate cavalry, the lat- ter being defeated with the loss of all their artil- lery, 50 prisoners, many wagons and small arms. . The remainder were driven to the mountains, Farragut's Fleet at Mobile, Ala. August 5, 1864, the Union fleet commanded by Rear-Admiral Farragut, commenced the attack in Mobile bay by blowing up and causing the evacua- tion of the Confederate Fort Powell, permitting the passage of 17 Union vessels into the bay. One had been sunk by the fort batteries ; the Confeder- ate war-vessel Tennessee surrendered after a iharp engagement, and her commander, Buch- .111:111. was killed; another Confederate vessel was eaptured and another was beached. On August f, Farragut opened flre on the Confederate Fort &aines, which contained 600 men. On the 8th this !ort was surrendered by its officer. A co-operating federal force, under General Granger, assisted in toe reduction of another Confederate fort on August 23, leaving Farragut in control of the entrance of the bay. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. From August 9 to the 15th, 1864, General theridan's Union cavalry had several encounters tt more or less severity with the Confederates inder Early. Skirmishes occurred within ten aiiles of Winchester; Sulphur Springs bridge, where Custer's Union cavalry were repulsed; near White Post, the Confederates retiring after a 3 hours' contest; at Newtown, which Early suc- ceeded in holding; near Strasburg, Early retiring, and the Unionists occupying the town; at Berry- ville, where Mosby's force captured Sheridan's supply train, destroying a large number of wagons and driving off several hundred horses, mules and beef cattle. Sheridan's force, August 15, 1864, retired to Charlestown. Buttle at Deep Bottom, "Va. Fought August 16, 1864, between the Federal forces and a superior number of Confederates, the former being obliged to retire, though without heavy losses. Fights on the Weldon Railroad, Va., August 18, 1864, the Unionists made an advance upon this road, in order to cut off the enemy's supplies, but were driven back by the Confed- erates. A sharp flght followed, and the lost ground retaken and fortified. Next day the flght was renewed and the Union lines were broken. This battle cost the Unionists about 3,000 men, a great proportion being taken prisoners. On the 21st the Confederates made another vigor- ous attempt to dislodge the Unionists from the road, but were repulsed with a severe loss; the Unionists suffered but slightly in comparison. Battle of Ream's Station, Va. Fought August 25, 1864, between the Union corps under Hancock and a heavy force of Early's Confederate army, the latter being the attacking party. Both sides fought desperately, and Hancock withdrew from Ream's station, having lost 9 cannon and 3.000 men killed, wounded and taken prisoners. The Confederates lost 1,500 killed and wounded. This battle gave the Confederates repossession of the Weldon railroad southward, although the track had previously been destroyed by the Unionists. Kllpatrick's Raid In Georgia General Kilpatrick, of Sherman's Union army, with 5,000 cavalry, August 18, 1864, broke the track of the West Point railroad, near Fairburn, and then struck the Macon road, near Jonesboro. Here he encountered a heavy force of Confederates, under Hoss, but maintained possession of the road for several hours. Finding himself likely to be over- whelmed by numbers, he retreated, made a circuit and again struck the road at Lovejoy's station. Here he was once more menaced by the Confederates. Making a charge upon them, cap- turing 4 cannon and a number of prisoners, he retired to Decatur, without having very seriously broken up the Macon railroad. Battle of Jonesboro, Ga. Fought August 31, 1864, between a force under Howard, of Sher- man's Union army, and a heavy force of Confed- erates from Hood's army, under Hardee, and Lee's command. The conflict in front of Jonesboro lasted two hours, when the Confederates withdrew to their fortifications. Their loss, as officially reported by Hood, was 1,400 killed and wounded. Union losses were comparatively light. On the first of September General Davis, with a body of Union cavalry, attacked the Confederate lines at Jonesboro, carrying their fortifications, and the Confederates effected their escape southward. In the meantime the Unionists were busily engaged in destroying the Macon railroad. Raiders In Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky The Confederate cavalry under Wheeler, atter breaking the Union railroad and destroying property at Adairsville and Calhoun, Ga. , August 14, 1864, demanded the surrender of Dalton, then occupied by less than 500 Unionists under Colonel Laibold. This was refused, and Wheeler sharply attacked Laibold's position, but the latter having been reinforced next morning, Wheeler was driven off. Wheeler then passed into Tennessee, and formed a Union with Forrest and other raiders; but the whole were driven from the State by the Union forces under Generals Kousseau, Steadman and Granger. September 4, 1864, the famous Confederate guerrilla, John Morgan, was sur- prised and killed near Greenville, Tenn. , by a Union force under General Gillem, his band being dispersed or captured. September 8, 1864, the Confederate raider, Jessie, and 100 of his men were captured at Ghent, in Kentucky. Surrender of Atlanta, Ga. The grand object of Sherman's Union expedition to Atlanta was achieved on the night of September 1, 1864, by the Confederate General Hood and his forces evacuating the city and its fortifications. Before leaving, he blew up seven trains of cars and destroyed other property. General Slocum, of the 20th Union Army corps, occupied the city September 2, and it then became the headquarters of the Federal army in Georgia. Hood withdrew to Macon. Battle of Winchester, Va. Fought September 19, 1864, between a heavy force of Con- federates under Early , in position nearWinchester, and Union troops under Averill and Sheridan. The fight lasted from noon until five o'clock in the evening, when the Confederates retreated, pur- sued by Sheridan's troops. Union loss 653 killed, 3,719 wounded, and 618 captured. Confederate loss, about 6,000 2,000 wounded were found in the hospitals at Winchester, and about 3,000 were taken prisoners. Battle of Fisher's Hill, Va. Fought September 22, 1864, between Sheridan's Union army and Early's Confederate troops, who were intrenched at that point. A flanking movement and a general charge along the Confederate lines compelled the latter to evacuate their forti- fications, the Unionists pursuing them through the night. Early's loss was about 300 killed and wounded, and also 1,100 prisoners, 16 cannon, with his camp equipage, wagons, horses, small arms, and ammunition. Sheridan's loss was about 300 men. By the 29th of September, the Confederates had been driven from the Shenandoah valley. Battle of Pilot Knob, Mo. The Con- federate General Price, with a force estimated at 10,000 men invaded Missouri, from Arkansas, September 23, 1864, raiding the country with apparently but little opposition. On the 26th Price attacked the little town of Pilot Knob, then occupied by a Union brigade under General Ewing, but was repulsed in all his attempts with severe losses. Price then occupying Shepherd's mountain, in that vicinity, Ewing blew up his magazine and retired to Harrison's station, where he intrenched. Price closely pursued him, break- ing up the railroad, but Ewing finally escaped to Rolla, with little loss, from the dangers that surrounded him. Price Defeated During the month of October, 1864, the Confederate General Price committed various depredations in Missouri, although harassed and watched by Union forces under several commanders. October 25, when on the Fort Scott (Kas.) railroad, Price was beaten with serious loss. On the 26th, at Mine Creek, his Generals Marmadukeand Cabell, with a large number of their men, were captured; and he was defeated also at Des Cygntfs, Kas. , on the 27th, and on the 28th at Newtonia. This ended the invasion of Missouri. Price lost 10 cannon, a large number of small aVms, 1,958 prisoners (besides his killed, wounded and deserters), and nearly all his trains and plunder. His defeat was caused by the exertions of 7,000 Union cavalry, whose total losses in killed, wounded and missing, were less than 350. Battle of Allatoona, Ga. On the 5th October, 1864, a strong force of Confederates under General French, unsuccessfully attacked the small Union garrison under General Corse, with a loss of 2,000 men, killed and captured. Union loss 700 men, over one-third of the entire command. General Corse was wounded in the face. Battle of Thorns' Brook, Va. Fought October 8, 1864, between Union cavalry, under Generals Merritt and Custer, and the Confederate cavalry divisions of Generals Rosser and Lomax. The latter were defeated and driven twenty miles, with the loss of about 330 prisoners and several cannon. The Union loss was less than 100. Battle of Cedar Creek, Va. Fought October 19, 1864, between Sheridan's Union army (he being temporarily absent, but returning before the fight was over), and Early's Confeder- ate forces in the valley of the Shenandoah. The latter were the attacking party, but their assault was steadily met, after the first panic, by the Unionists, who subsequently repulsed and routed their foes. During the first part of the battle it is estimated that the Unionists lost 1,300 prisoners, 20 cannon, considerable camp equipage, ambu- lances, wagons and medical supplies. Before the close of the contest the Unionists, it is estimated, captured and recaptured the following: 1,264 prisoners, 48 cannon, 398 horses and mules, 65 ambulances, 50 wagons, 15,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, 1,580 small arms, 10 battle-flags, harness, medical stores, etc. The Confederates lost about 3,000 men in killed, wounded and pris- oners. The Unionists lost 5,990, including 2,000 temporarily missing, and a large number of offi- cers. But the victory, though gained at heavy loss, was considered decisive for the Unionists. Bombardment and Capture of Plym- outh, N. C. Commodore Macomb, with 7 Union gunboats, began bombarding the Confederate stronghold of Plymouth, N. C. , October 29, 1864. The attack lasted until the 31st, when a Union shell exploded the Confederate magazine, and soon afterwards the Union commander took pos- session of the place without further resistance. Sherman's March from Atlanta to Savannah, Ga. On the 1st of November, 1864, the Confederate force under Hood in Georgia was estimated at 35.000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry. About this time Sherman arranged the details for his expedition from Atlanta to the sea-coast through the Confederate State of Georgia. The Union army for this enterprise comprised 60,000 infantry, 5,500 cavalry, and between 60 and 70 pieces of artillery. On the 14th of November the storehouses, depot buildings and machine shops, covering 200 acres in the city of Atlanta, were burned by the Unionists, and but little more than the dwellings and churches of the place sur- vived the flames. On the 15th of November the advance guard of the expedition left Atlanta, followed on the next day by the main army. Battle Near Morrlstown, Tenn. Fought November 13-14, 1864, between General Breckenridge, with a Confederate force estimated at 3,000 strong, and General Gillem, with 1,500 Unionists and 6 cannon. The latter were routed losing several hundred prisoners and artillery. Gillem then escaped, with the remainder of his force, to Knoxville. Battle of Hollow-Tree G-M,, Tenn. Four miles from Franklin, Thomas' Union cavalry overtook Hood's retreating Confederate army, November 17, 1864. and attacked it in front and rear, capturing 413 prisoners and three battle- flags. Another Battle at Franklin, Tenn. Hood's Confederate army then fell back to Frank- lin, but Johnson's division of Thomas' Union army repulsed them on the Harpeth river bank, and Union cavalry took possession of the town, cap- turing the Confederate hospitals, containing more than 2,000 wounded men, 200 of whom were Union- ists. Hood was still pursued after leaving Franklin, but escaped into the interior of Georgia, with but little additional loss. Battle of Grlswoldvllle, Ga. Fought November 22, 1864, between a detachment of Kil- patrick's Union cavalry (from Sherman's army) with a brigade of Union infantry, and about 5,000 Confederates, mostly militia, with some of Hardee's corps. The latter were the attacking party. The flght was brief but sanguinary, and resulted in the retreat of the Confederates, who left more thar 300 of their dead on the field, and lost more than S.OOO in wounded and prisoners. The Union loss was abeut 40 killed and wounded. BATTLES DURING THE FIFTH YEAR OF THE LATE CIVIL WAR. 367 Occupation of Mllledgevllle, the Cap- ital of Georgia Sherman's Union army occupied Milledgeville, November 23, 1864. The Confederate legislature, in session there, hastily adjourned, and the citizens were panic-stricken. The Unionists burned the magazines, arsenals, depot-buildings, various factories, store-houses, containing large amounts of Confederate public property, and about 1,700 bales of cotton. Private property was everywhere respected. Railroads were generally torn up and destroyed. Capture of Fort McAllister, near Savannah, Oa. The fort was manned by about 200 men, Confederate infantry and artillery, and lay in Sherman's way to the objective point of his expedition, the city of Savannah. Decem- ber 13, 1864, the fort was carried, in a single assault, by nine regiments of Unionists. On the game day Sherman was enabled to communicate with the Union naval squadron at the mouth of the Ogeechee river, under Admiral Dahlgren and General Foster. Capture of Savannah, :. A demand from the Union General Sherman upon the Con- federate General Hardee, who then occupied Savannah, for the surrender of the city , November 17, 1864, was refused. Sherman, therefore, pre- pared to carry the place by a military and naval assault. Hardee, recognizing the exigencies of the times, evacuated the city on the night of November 20, first destroying the Confederate war vessels in the harbor; and thus Sherman's expe- dition successfully terminated. Hardee's com- mand moved toward Charleston, S. C. Results of Sherman's Expedition from Atlanta to Savannah Sherman's Union army brought with them to Savannah 15,000 slaves, more than 1,000 prisoners, 150 cannon, 13 locomotives in good order, 190 railroad cars, a very large supply of ammunition and other war material, three steamers and 32,000 bales of cot- ton, besides achieving national benefits growing out of the success of his expedition. Hood In Tennessee and Alabama The Confederate General Hood, who had retired before Sherman's Union army to Gaylesville, in North- eastern Alabama, visited Jacksonville, and thence proceeded northwesterly toward the Tennessee river, watched by the Union forces under General Thomas. The Confederate troops began their northward inarch about November 20, 1864, ap- proaching Pulaski, Tenn. At this point, General Schofleld and General A. J. Smith concentrated their Union forces, on learning of Hood's ap- proach. The latter moved directly upon Gaynes- boro, thus flanking Schofleld, who fell back to Columbia, and being pursued by Hood, retreated to Franklin. Battle of Spring Hill, Tenn. Hood, with his Confederate army, attacked Schofield's Union cavalry November 29, 1864. A fight ensued, in which Schofield lost less than 300 men, and then he retreated to Franklin, 18 miles from Nashville. Here he formed his lines in a strong position and prepared for a battle with Hood. Battle of Franklin, Tenn. Fought November 30, 1864, between Schofleld's Union force, consisting of two army divisions, com- manded by Generals Stanley and Cox, and two corps of Hood's Confederate army, under Generals Lee and Cheatham. The tight was extremely hot, the Confederates making repeated charges upon the Union batteries; but the Con- federates were finally repulsed, and Schofleld was reinforced by General Smith's corps. The Union loss was 189 killed, 1,033 wounded, and 1,104 missing. Hood's loss was 1,750 killed, 3,800 wounded, and, 702 taken prisoners. Skirmish at Overall's Creek, Tenn. Fought December 4, 1864, at the blockhouse, occupied by a Union force and Bates division of Cheatham's Confederate corps, the latter attack- ing the former, and using artillery. The Union General Milroy coming up with infantry, cavalry and artillery, attacked the Confederates and drove them off. Battle Near Murfreesboro, Tenn. Fought December 5, 6, and 7, 1864. General Rousseau and about 8,000 Unionists were occupy- ing Fortress Rosecrans, and were approached by two divisions of Lee and Cheatham's Confederate corps, with 2,500 of Forrest's Confederate cavalry. The Confederates hesitating to attack the fort General Milroy, with seven regiments of Union infantry, was sent out to engage them. He found them a short distance off, posted behind rail breastworks. A fight ensued, in which the Confederates were routed, with the loss of 30 killed, 175 wounded, 207 prisoners, and two cannon. On the same day Buford's Confederate cavalry entered Murfreesboro and shelled it, but were speedily driven out by a regiment of Union infantry and a section of artillery. A 1'iiioii Raid In Virginia By orders from General Grant, December 6, 1864, a Union force of 20,000 men, with 22 cannon, proceeded down the line of the Weldon railroad, with instructions to destroy the road and penetrate the enemy's country, capturing such points and sup- plies as should come in their way. The weothei was bad, but the expedition, which was absent u week, was mainly successful. Some opposition was encountered, but the entire loss of the Union ists did not exceed 100 men. They destroyed 3 rail- road bridges, 15 miles of track, burned Sussex Court-house, and brought in a few prisoners. Battle of Nashville, Tenn. Fought De- cember 15 and 16, 1864, between General Thomas, with four corps of Union infantry and Wilscn'a cavalry, dismounted, aided by a division of Reai^ Admiral Lee's Mississippi naval squadron, and Hood's concentrated army of Confederates. The first day's fight resulted in driving the Confeder- ates from their intrenchments with a loss of abjut 600 killed and wounded, 1,000 prisoners ann 1.6 great guns. The Union loss that day was about 500 killed and wounded. The attack was rene od by the Unionists next morning on Hood's -\sw position, and resulted, soon after noon in fne complete rout of the Confederates, suffering severe losses. All their dead and wounded were left on the Held of battle. The Confederate losses in the two days' contests footed up about 2,*JCO killed and wounded, 4,462 prisoners captured, including 287 officers, 53 cannon and thousands of small arms. The Confederates were pursued. Stoneman's Raid In "Virginia December 15, 1864, Generals Stoneman and Burbridge of the Union army in Tennessee, sallied out to Glade's Spring, W. Va. , destroying a railroad track east of Abingdon, and mining the principal salt works in that region. This movement severed the Confed- erate communication between Richmond and East Tennessee, and deprived the Confederates of important public property. The Flash at Fort Fisher, Tf. C. In December, 1864, an expedition was fitted out under the Union Generals Butler and Weitzel and the North Atlantic naval squadron, under Admiral Porter, to break up the Confederate blockade- runner's depot at Wilmington, N. C. A prelimi- nary explosion, December 23, 1864, having failed to reduce the fort to splinters, the fleet attacked it next day. Five hours' cannonading, resisted by the Confederate garrison, resulted in blowing up two magazines within the inclosure and setting it on fire in several places. December 25 the assault was renewed on sea and shore by the Union forces, but General Weitzel reporting, after a reconnoissance, that it would be inexpedient to carry the fort by assault, the attempt was aban- doned, leaving the fort substantially uninjured, and the expedition retired. BATTLES OF THE FIFTH YEAR OF THE WAR. Battle at Beverly, W. Va. Fought Jan- uary 11, 1865, between a Union force occupying the town and Confederate troops under General Rosser. The former were defeated, the latter capturing the town and a large portion of the force defending it. Capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. The Union assault upon Fort Fisher, the formidable Confed- erate stronghold at Wilmington, N. C. , mounting 72 great guns, was resumed January 13, 1865, by about 8,000 Union troops under General Terry, with Admiral Porter's fleet and 1,000 or more marines a Confederate force of 2,300 men occu- pying the fort. The fleet began the bombardment of the fort on that day, and in the afternoon of the 15th the Union soldiers, with the sailors and marines, attacked the fort by land and sea. At 4 o'clock one-half of the fort had been captured. That evening reinforcements of Union soldiers arrived, and the Confederate defense surrendered. The fighting had been very severe. Of the gar- rison, 217 were killed or wounded, besides the force surrendered. The Union loss was about 1,000, besides which were 200 men killed or wounded on the next day by the accidental blow- ing up of a magazine. Fight at Fort Anderson, If. C. Fort Anderson, one of the defenses of the mouth of Cape Fear river, near Wilmington, defended by about 6,000 Confederates, under General Hoke, strongly intrenched, was attacked, January 18, 1865, by 8,000 Union soldiers of Cox's division, under General Schofleld, and Admiral Porter, with 14 gunboats and a monitor. A heavy flre from the fleet and the operations of the land force continued during the day, and before day- light on the 19th the Confederates evacuated the fort. The Confederate loss was 12 cannon, a quantity of ammunition, and about 50 prisoners. The Unionists lost 3 killed and 5 wounded in the fleet, and less than 50 killed and wounded in the skirmishes of the land forces. Skirmishes on Town Creek, X. C. Fought January 20, 1865, between a Confederate force in rifle-pits and Union troops under Terry. The latter lost 10 killed and 47 wounded, but drove the Confederates inside their works. A similar Union force soon afterwards charged upon some Confederates in the same vicinity. They were met with grape and canister. Another charge was then made by the Union soldiers, and the Confederates were routed, with the loss of 2 cannon and 373 prisoners, the rest escaping. The Union loss was about 30. Evacuation of Wilmington, ST. C. January 21, 1865, finding themselves beleaguered with a heavy Union force, the Confederates pre- pared to evacuate Wilmington. That night they burned their war material and stores, about 1,000 bales of cotton, 15,000 barrels of resin, extensive cotton-sheds and presses, an unfinished iron-clad, three steam-mills, three large turpentine fac- tories, with wharves, railroad bridges and other property, and moved out. At daylight on the 22d, the Union troops under Generals Terry and Cox occupied the city, taking about 700 prisoners, and capturing a large amount of Confederate property. Sherman's March to "Wilmington, W. C., from Savannah, Oa. January 13, 1865, Sherman's Union advance corps left Beaufort, N. C. On the 15th a skirmish occurred with a Confederate force on the Charleston railroad for the possession of a Confederate pontoon and trestle bridge. The Unionists suc- ceeded in saving the bridge from being burned and drove off the Confederates. The Union loss was about 50 killed and wounded. January 19, the march of the main Union army from Savannah, under Sherman, began. By a system of feints the Unionists misled the Confederates as to their intentions. At the Salkehatchie river. Mower and Smith's divisions captured a bridge from the Confederate force which held it, losing 18 killed and 70 wounded in the struggle. Feb- ruary 16, the Confederates surrendered the city of Columbia, S. C. , to Colonel Stone, of the 25th Iowa infantry. The Confederate soldiers set fires in the city, and that night the city was burned, and within two or three days afterwards the arsenal, railroad depots, and tracks, machine shops, foundries, etc., were destroyed by the Unionists. March 9, Wade Hampton's Con- federate troops surprised Kilpatrick's and on tne unionists, marcn 12-14 tne unionists spent in destroying all the buildings and much valuable military and public property. March 8, the Confederates under Hoke captured two Union regiments, commanded by Colonel Upham, securing over 1,000 prisoners. March 10, Hoke's Confederate force fought Cox's Union brigade, but the latter were the victors, driving off Hoke, who left his killed and wounded on the field, besides losing about 200 prisoners. Battles at Fort Steadnmn and Hatcher's Run, Va. Fought February 6 and 7, 1865, between the 2d, 6th and 9th corps and Griffin's division of the 5th corps of Grant's army in Virginia and Lee's Confederate army. Steadman's fort, occupied by the 14th New York Union heavy artillery, was carried by the Con- federates at the outset, and its guns were turned against the Unionists. The Confederates also captured two Union batteries between Fort Stead- man and Fort Haskell, and with them taught the Union troops. They failed, however, to carry the Union Fort Haskell. A tremendous cannonade followed, the Union batteries being massed against Fort Steadman with so much vigor that some of the Confederates retreated, first into the fortress and then out of it, leaving all the guns that they had captured. A large portion of the escaping Confederates, 1,758 in all, werecaptured. The Confederate loss at this point was estimated at 2,500. The Union forces on the left then moved out against the Confederate intrenched lines of pickets, which were swept right and left, resulting in the capture of about 300 prisoners. Another attack by the Unionists, reconnoitering across Hatcher's Run, resulted in driving in another Con- federate picket line, with the capture of 70 more prisoners. Subsequently the Confederates rallied their forces and attacked the 6th and 2d corps of Grant's army. The flght was severe and con- tinued until dark and even into the night, but the Unionists were the victors. The Confederate total losses in both battles were set down e.t 5,000 men 1.883 prisoners. The Unionists lost 171 killed, 1,236 wounded, and 983 missing. 368 A FEW OF THE WELL-KNOWN OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR. Evacuation of Charleston, 8. C. Febru- ary 18, 1865, the city of Charleston was evacuated by the Confederates, and occupied by the Union General Gilmore. A large amount of valuable property was destroyed, including 6,000 bales of cotton. Ammunition stored in the railroad depot exploded, and many lives were lost. General Gilmore displayed the American flag over the ruins of Fort Surnter. Sheridan's March Through the Shen- andoah Valley, Va. General Sheridan, with a strong Union force, left Winchester, Va. , Febru- ary 24, 1865. This expedition was principally dis- tinguished by Sheridan's Capture of Karly' Army. March 2, 1865, near Waynesboro, Va. , Sheridan's Union force encountered the Confederates under Early. The latter Bred one volley, when General Custer's division advanced upon them. The Con- federate line suddenly broke, and Custer's force surrounded them, capturing 87 Confederate offi- cers, 1,165 enlisted men, 13 flags, 5 cannon, more , than 100 horses and mules and about 100 wagons and ambulances. Custer's brigades immediately pursued the fleeing Confederates, destroying the depot at Greenwood station, with their artillery and other captured war material. Next day the prisoners were sent to Winchester. An attempt to rescue them by the Confederate General Rosser only succeeded in his being beaten off, with the loss of 27 more prisoners. March 26, 1864, Sheri- dan arrived at City Point, Va. , having made a most successful raid. His total losses were 2 offi- cers and about 50 men in killed, wounded and prisoners. Battle of Averysboro, IT. C. Fought March 16, 1865, between four divisions of Sherman's Union army, under General Slocum, and about 20,000 Confederates under Hardee. After a severe action the latter retreated, leaving 108 of his dead on the field. The Union loss was 77 killed, 477 wounded and no prisoners. Battles near Bentonvllle, X. C. Fought March 18-21, 1865, between General Sherman's Union army and Johnston's Confederate army. The latter were defeated, with heavy losses, including 267 killed and 1,625 prisoners. The Union loss in killed, wounded and missing, was 1,643. Sherman now had possession of Goldsboro, N. C. , and concentrated his army there. Skirmish on the Quaker Road, Va. Fought March 29, 1865, between one division of Meade's Union 5th corps, with 3 batteries, and a detachment of Lee's Confederate army. After a short and sharp conflict, the Confederates with- drew to their original position, they having made the attack. The Union loss was 459 killed, wounded and missing. That night, under a heavy Confederate cannonade, the Union 9th corps lost 51 men. Skirmish on the Boydton Road, Va. Fought March 30, 1865, between Merritt's corps of Meade's Union army and Confederate infantry and cavalry. Another smart skirmish occurred between detachments of the same armies on the same day, and the total Union losses were some- thing less than 200 men. A Federal Repulse Proceeding along the Boydton (Va. ) road toward Five Forks, March 31, 1865, Meade's Union advance and Sheridan's Union cavalry encountered a strong force of Confeder- ates, who stubbornly resisted the Federal advance and brought on a conflict, which resulted in the repulse of the Unionists, with a loss of from 2,500 to 3,000 men. Between 300 and 400 Confederate prisoners were captured. Subsequently, under the flre of the Union batteries, the Confederates withdrew. Battle of Five Forks, Va. Fought April 1, 1865, between a part of Lee's Confederate army and three divisions of Union infantry and four of Union cavalry, commanded by Sheridan, while Meade's army threatened the Confederate line from Dinwiddie to Petersburg. After a pre- liminary contest, Sheridan broke through the Confederate lines, inclosing the Five Forks fortifi- cation and its Confederate garrison and capturing it. The battle for two hours was one of the most terrific of the war, and resulted in the utter defeat of the Confederates. They lost 1 nearly 3,000 killed and wounded and 5,000 prisoners. The Union loss was about 1.000 men, including General Winthrop, who was killed. Evacuation of Petersburg:, Va. Satur- day night and Sunday morning, April 1 and 2, 1865, Grant's Union army, under Meade and Sheridan, invested Petersburg with such vigor that -on the afternoon of the second day Lee evacuated the place, his communications with Richmond being- severed. The losses were very heavy on both sides. Evacuation of Richmond, Va. Peters- burg having been lost, President Davis, of the Southern Confederacy, retired from its capital, on Sunday, April 2, 1865, and on the following morning General Weitzel with his force entered Richmond, capturing about 500 cannon, 5,000 stand of arms, and 6,000 prisoners. Thirty locomotives and 300 cars were abandoned by the Confederates. The Confederate fleet was destroyed, and as the rear-guard of Lee's army moved out of the city they fired it, burning con- siderable property and stores. Surrender of General I.ee Lee's army was followed by Grant's Union forces after the evacuation of Richmond, and on the 9th of April, 1865, Lee surrendered to General Grant, at Appomatox Court House, Virginia, and his officers and men were paroled as prisoners of war. They numbered over 2/.000. Lee's losses in killed and wounded, from March 25 to April 3, 1865, were something more than 10,000. There were released 350 wagons, 10.000 small arms, and 30 great guns. Capture of Southern Cities April 12, 1865, Mobile was captured by the Union army under General Canby, who captured 1,000 Con- federate prisoners, 150 cannon, and 3, 000 bales of cotton. On the same day the Unionists captured Salisbury, N. C. , and Columbus, Ga.. On the following day they captured Raleigh, N. C., taking Governor Vance prisoner. The End of the War General Johnston, of the Confederate army, surrendered to the Unionists, April 26, 1865, at Durham's station, near Greensboro, N. C. This closed the war of the Rebellion. Distinguished Officers in the Union Service During the Civil War.' Robert Anderson. Maj.-Gen. ; b. near Louisville, Ky. ; died in France in 1871. Edward D. Baker. Colonel; U. S. Sen. from Or.; b. in London, Eng. , in 1811; killed at Ball's Bluff, Va. , in 1861. Don Carlos Buell.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Mari- etta, O. , in 1818. Served in Mexican War. Ambrose E. Burnslde.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Liberty, Ind., 1824; Gov. R.I. , andM. C. ; d. in 1880. Benlamln F. Butler. Maj.-Gen; b. at Deer- field, N. H., in 1818, has been M.C. from Mass. Edward R. S. Canby.* Brig. -Gen. ; b. inKy. in 1819; shot by Modoc Indian chief, in Cal.in 1873. John C. Fremont. Maj.-Gen.; b. at Savan- nah, Ga. . in 1813; Repub. can. forPres. in 1856; has been U. S. Sen. from Gal. , and later Gov. of Ariz. Ulysses S. Grant.* Gen. -in-Chief of the U.S. A. during the latter part of the war; was b. at Pt. Pleasant, O. , in 1822. Eight years Pres. d. in 1886. Henry W. Halleck.* Gen. -in-Chief of the U. S. Army for a time; b. at Waterville, N. Y., in 1815; d. at Louisville, Ky., in 1872. WInfleld 8. Hancock.* Maj.-Gen.; b. in Montg.Co., Pa., in 1824; d. in 1886. Joseph Hooker.* Brevet Maj.-Gen.; b. at Hadley, Mass., in 1815; d. in 1879. Oliver O. Howard.* Brevet Maj.-Gen; b. .t Leeds, Me. Philip Kearney. Maj.-Gen.; b. in N. Y. City, in 1815; wounded at Second Bull Run, where he d. , in 1862. John A. Logan. Maj.-Gen. ; b. in Jefferson Co., 111., in 1826; U. S. Sen. from 111. d. in 1886. Nathaniel I.yon.* Brig. -Gen. ; b. at Ashford, Conn., in 1819; slain at Wilson's Creek, Mo., in 1861. Geo. B. McClellan.* Gen. -in-Chief of the U. S. Army, for a time; b. at Phila. , Pa., in 1826; was Dem. can. for Pres. in 1364; elected Gov. of N.J. in 1878. d. 1885. Ervln McDowell.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Frank- linton, O., in 1818. d. 1885. James B. McPherson.* Maj.-Gen. of vols. B. at Clyde, O., in 1828; k. at Atlanta, in 1864. Geo. G. Meade.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Cadiz, Spain, in 1815; d. at Phila. in 1872. T. F. Meagher. Brig. -Gen.; b. at Waterford, Ireland, in 1823; accidentally drowned by falling from a steamer near Ft. Benton, Montana, in 1867. John A. McClernand. Maj.-Gen. : b. in Breckenridge Co., Ky. ; has been M. C. Ormsby M. Mltchel.* Maj.-Gen.; b. in Union Co., Ky., in 1810; d. of yellow fever at Beaufort, S. C., in 1862. Richard J. Oglesby. Maj.-Gen.; b. in OldhamCo., Ky., in 1824; has been Gov. of 111., and U. S. Sen. from that State. Alfred Pleasanton. Maj.-Gen. ; b. at Washington, D. C., in 1824; author of treatise on healing effect of sunlight passing through blue glass. John Pope.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Kaskaskia, 111., in 1823. Fltz John Porter.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Ports- mouth, N. H., in 1823. Thomas E. G. Ransom. Brig.-Gen. ; b. in 1834; d. in Chicago in 1864. Win. S. Rosecrans.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Kingston, O., in 1819. Franz Slgel. Maj.-Gen.; b. at Zinsheim, Baden, Germany. John M. Schofleld.* Maj.-Gen.; b. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in 1831; U. S. Secretary of War in 1868. John Sedgwlck.* Maj.-Gen. ; b. at Cornwall, Conn., in 1813; k. at Spottsylvania, Va., in 1864. Philip H. Sheridan.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Somerset, O., in 1831; present General U. S. A. 'Wm. T. Sherman.* Maj.-Gen. in the war; present Gen. U. S. A. ; b. at Lancaster, O., in 1820. Alfred H. Terry. Brig.-Gen.; b. at Hart- ford, Conn., in 1827. Geo. H. Thomas.* Siaj.-Gen.; b. in South- ham Co., Va., in 1816; d. at San Fran.,Cal., in 1870. Leading Officers in the Confederate Service. 1 Peter G. T. Beauregard.* Gen. ; b. at New Orleans, La. , in 1818. Braxton Bragg.* Maj. -Gen. ; born in N. C. about 1815; d. at Galveston, Tex. , in 187,*. Jefferson Davis. Col. ; b. in Christian Co., Ky. , in 1808; was President of the Southern Con- federacy; formerly U.S. Senator from Miss., and was Sec. of War under Pres. Pierce. J. A. Early.* Maj.-Gen. ; b. in Va. about 1815. Richard S. Ewell. Lieut. -Gen. ; born in D. C., in 1820; d. at Springhill, Tenn. , in 1872. Wnxle Hampton, Jr. Lieut. -Gen. ; b. at Columbia, S. C., in 1818; has been Gov. of S. C. ,nd member of the U. S. Senate, d. in 1879. Win. J. Hardee.* Brig.-Gen. ; b. at Savan- nah, Ga. , in 1818; d. at Wytheville, Va., in 1873. Ambrose P. Hill.* Maj.-Gen.; b. in Cul- peper Co. , Va. , about 1825; k. at Petersburg, Va. , in 1865. EXPLANATORY.-' Ormduated at We Point; b. Dan'l H. Hill.* Gen. ; b. in S. C. about 1822. John B. Hood.* Lieut. -Gen. ; b. in Bath Co. , Ky. , about 1830. d. in 1 879. Ben|. Hufrer.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at Charleston, S. C. , in 1806. d. in 1877. Thos. J. Jackson (Stonewall).* Lieut. - Gen.; b. at Clarksburg, Va. , in 1824, d. from wounds received at battle of Chancellorsville. Albert S. Johnston.* Gen. ; b. in Mason Co. , Ky. , in 1803; k. at Shiloh, in 1862. Joseph E. Johnston.* Maj.-Gen.; b. in Pr. Edward Co., Va., in 1807. George W. C. Iee.* Gen. ; b. in Va. about 1835. born; d., died; k., killed. t Many other distinguished namex hc James I^ongstreet.* Lieut. -Gen. ; b. in S. C. about 1820. Ben|. McCnlloch. Maj.-Gen.; b. in Ruth- erf ord Co. , Tenn., in 1814; k. at Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, 1862. Kieonldas Polk.* Maj. -Gen. ; b. at Raleigh, N. C. , in 1806; k. at Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Ga. , in 1864. Sterling Price. Maj.-Gen. ; b. inPr. Edward Co., Va. , 1809; M. C. from Mo., and was Gov. of that State; d. at St. Louis in 1867. Ki !> E. Smith.* Maj.-Gen.; b. at St. Augustine, Fla. , about 1825. Jas. E. B. Stuart. Maj.-Gen.; b. in Pat- rick Co. , Va. , in 1832; k. in battle near Richmond in 1864. Earl Van Dorn. Maj. -Gen. . b. in Miss, in 1821; d. in 1863. ild be here mentioned, but lack of space prerenta. OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 369 20. Mississippi. 21. Missouri. 22. Nebraska. 23. Nevada. 24. N. Hampshire 25. New Jersey. . New York. 27. N. Carolina. 28. Ohio. 29. Oregon. 30. Pennsylvania. 31. Rhode Island. . S. Carolina. . Tennessee. 34. Texas. 35. Vermont. 36. Virginia. 37. West Virginia. 38. Wisconsin. Alabama. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware- Florida. Georgia. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts Michigan. Minnesota. OW THE UNITED STATES ARE GOVERNED. Duties and Privileges of PERSONS IN OFFICIAL POSITIONS. 3 Early Discovery, Settlement and Government of the Country E RECORD of North American discovery and settlement may be thus briefly told: Greenland, by Icelanders, in A. D. 980; Bahama islands, by Christopher Columbus, in 1492; Isthmus of Darien, by Columbus, in 1494; Florida, by Sebastian Cabot, in 1497; Newfoundland and Canada, by John and Sebastian Cabot, in 1497; North and South Carolina, by Sebastian Cabot, in 1498; Hudson bay, by Sebas- tian Cabot, in 1512; the Mississippi river, by De Soto, about 1541; Davis' strait, by John Davis, in 1585; the Hudson river, by Henry Hudson, in 1608; and Baffin bay, by William Baffin, in 1616. In 1500, Amerigo Vespucci explored Brazil, S. A., and gave his name to both of the American continents. The Spaniards early settled the West India Islands and New Mexico. The French occupied Canada in 1534, with the valley of the Mississippi, and other regions south and west. The English ma' 3 e their first permanent settlement at Jamestown, Va. , in 1607, and a few years later several districts (including the present city of New York) were populated by Hollanders and Swedes. In 1620, the Puritan Pilgrims landed on the bleak coast of Massachusetts. By 1770, England, after a series of conflicts, had captured the country, occupied by the French, Dutch, and Swedish settlers, and was in possession of nearly the whole of North America, except Mexico, which was held by Spain. Soon afterwards, Russia acquired terri- tory on the northwestern coast. Such was the ownership of the continent when the war of the Revolution began, in 1775. At that time there were thirteen American colonies. These after- wards became the thirteen original States. The colonists, who were subjects of Great Britain, became restive under various restrictions placed upon them by the mother country. Among these were a species of search warrant, which permitted government officials to enter stores and private houses to search for goods upon which prescribed taxes had not been paid. Another was a stamp tax, which required every document used in the trade or legal business of the colonies to bear a stamp costing not less than an English shilling each, and a larger sum in proportion to the value of the document used. This tax was afterwards repealed, but in 1767 another act of parliament provided for taxing paper, glass, tea and other goods imported into the colonies. This enactment being resisted upon the part of the people, the English government sent troops to Boston to enforce the law, when a collision ensued between the troops and the citizens, in which several of the latter were killed and wounded. Owing to the bitter opposition these taxes were soon repealed, excepting that of threepence on each pound of tea imported. But even this tax the colonists refused to pay, and when the first ship- load of tea arrived in Boston harbor, the citizens went upon the vessel and threw the tea overboard. In order to subdue and punish her American subjects, the English government thereupon devised other oppressive measures and annoy- ances, which, in the spring of 1775, resulted in the conflicts between the British soldiers and citizens at Concord and Lexington, and commenced the seven years war, known as the War of the Revolution for American Independence. The war had been in progress for about a year, when the Continental Congress in session at Inde- pendence Hall, in Philadelphia, July 2, 1776, adopted a resolution, introduced by Richard Henry Lee, declaring: That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. Two days later the Declaration of Independence, prepared by Thomas Jefferson, was brought into Congress, and, amid intense excitement on the part of the citizens, was adopted. The announce- ment that it had been signed was made by the ringing of a bell in the cupola of the building. Such was the birth of American freedom. 370 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE SIGNERS OF THE DOCUMENT. t i i t i I i I t i i I * 1 I > 1|x V |y <%>< w Signers of the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock - Quincy, - Ma John Adams, tiuincy, - - Mass. ^ Robert Treat Paine Boston, . Mass / William Whipple - ft Matthew Thornton Kittery, . . Maine. - Ireland. i William Ellery Newport, . . R, I. < John Hart Hopewell, . . N. J. &l Benjamin Frar.Hin Boston, . . Mass. ~ ' John Morton Ridley, . Penn. / George Clymer - Philadelphia, Penn. ^ James Smith Ireland. Richard Henry Lee Stratford, . Va. y Francis Lightfoot Lee Stratford, . Va, a Carter Braxton Newington, . Va, 2 William Hooper . Boston, . . Mass. / Joseph Hewes - - John Penn . Kingston. . N. J. Carolina County, Va, { Button Gwinnett England. r Lyman Hall - - Connecticut. $JL George Walton - L Frederick County, Va. i ! Signers of the m El Declaration of Independence. Elbridge Gerry Marblehead, . Mass. Stephen Hopkins Scituate, . . R. 1. . Josiah Bartlett Amesbury, . . Mass. = '~ Roger Sherman Newton, , Ma.M, J 1 Francis Lewis - Llandaff, . Tales \ 3 Philip Livingston - Albany, . . N. Y. f . i William Floyd Suffolk Co., . N. Y. J Oliver Wolcott Windsor, . Conn. ) William Williams Lebanon, . . Conn. M ^ ' Samuel Huntington - Windham, . Conn. V A Lewis Morris Morrisania, . N. Y. { i Richard Stockton, Princeton, N. J. 4 John Witherspoon Yester, . Scotland { P F. Hopkinson Philadelphia, . Pa. \ A. Clark - Elizabethtown, N. J. i _ Robert Morris - Liverpool, England Jj ' Benjamin Rush Poquestion Cr'k, Pa. ^ ,, Thomas McEeon - Chester Co., . Pa. 4 > Samuel Chase Somerset Co., . Md. $ I William Paca Hartford Co., . Md. i George Wythe Thomas Jefferson Elizabeth City, Va. Monticello, . . Va. J ^ ' Benjamin Harrison City Point, . Va. " j Thomas Nelson, Jr. York Co., . . Va, | 1 Edward Rutledge Charleston, . 8. C. ^ Thomas Hajward, Jr., St. Luke's Par.. S. C. \ ^ Thomas Lynch, Jr., Pr. George Par. S. C. $ i-j Arthur Middleton - Ashley River, 8. C. i .'1 ^^ lm r INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA. The Declaration of Independence. DECLARATION by the represen- tatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled. Passed, Thursday, July 4, 1776. When, in the course of human events, it be- comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature, and of nature's God, entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are en- dowed, by their Creator, with certain Inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of govern- ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its founda- tion on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments, long estab- lished, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same ob- ject, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. . He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless sus- pended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accom- modation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representa- tion in the legislature; a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses, repeat- edly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time, after such dis- solutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from with- out, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose, obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in time of peace, stand- ing armies, without the consent of our legis- latures. He has affected to render the military inde- pendent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unac- knowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock-trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us, without our consent : For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury : For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it, at once, an example and a fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rula into these colonies: THE RATIFICATION AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. 371 For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally, the forms of our government; for suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us, in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of Ms protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries, to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undis- tinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose charac- ter is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts, by their legislature, to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acqkiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GENERAL CONGRESS as- sembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority, of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; and that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that, as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things, which independent states may of right do. And, for the support of this declara- tion, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. The Ratification of the Constitution by the Thirteen Original States. the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the thirteen British colonies were known as the ' ' Thir- teen United States of America. " Beyond the efforts of Congress to sustain the conflict between the States and the ' ' mother country, " and to encourage Washington in his design to free the soil from British domination, the political changes were unimportant, until England dispatched a messenger to New York with offers of peace, about the beginning of the year 1782. November 30, 1782, the pre- liminaries of peace were signed at Paris, France, and, on September 3, 1783, the treaty was concluded, the independence of each of the several States was acknowledged, and boundary lines established. The government of the States was then principally vested in Con- gress and their own legislation; but, May 14, 1787, a national convention met at Philadelphia. After four months' deliberation, the present Constitution of the United States was adopted, and submitted to the people of each State for ratification or rejection. Their action was tardy in the extreme, for although Delaware, the first State to accept it, voted for it December 7, 1787, Rhode Island, the last, did not ratify it until May 27, 1790; but every State voted in its favor. Congress ratified it March 4, 1789, at which time it became the law of the land. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. E, THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. House of Representatires. Sect. II 1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qual- ifications requisite for electors of the most numer- ous branch of the State Legislature. 2. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three- fifths of all other persons. The actual enumera- tion shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. 372 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina fire, South Carolina five and Georgia three. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. The Senate. Sect. III. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years, and each senator shall have one vote. 1. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year : and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise during the recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. 8. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 3. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. 4. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside; and no person shall be con- victed without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 5. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. Election of Congressmen. Sect. IV. Times, places and manner of hold- Ing elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sect. V. 1. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be author- ized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each House may provide. General Rules. S. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. 3. Each House shall keep a journal of its pro- ceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Sect. VI 1. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treas- ury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to or returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place. 2. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. Sect. "VII 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amend- ments as on other bills. How Law is Hade. 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President of the United States. If he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, to- gether with the objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of .the persons voting for and against the bill shall 6e entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sun- days excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. 8. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the Presi- dent of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. The Powers of Congress. Sect. VIII. The Congress shall have power I. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the com- mon defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts, and excises, shall be uniform throughout the United States; 3. To borrow money on the credit of the United States; 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; 4. To establish a uniform rule of naturaliza- tion, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcy throughout the United States. 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; 6. To provide for the punishment of counter- feiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; t. To establish post offices and post roads; 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Su- preme Court; ID. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; II. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; 13. To raise and support armies, but no appro- R nations of money to that use shall be for a mgrer term than two years -, 13. To provide and maintain a navy; 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrec- tions, and repel invasions; 18. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such parts of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States re- spectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; 17. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings; and, 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the forego- ing powers and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officers thereof. Emigration and Taxes. Sect. IX. 1. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be pro- hibited by the Congress prior to the year one thou sand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceed ing ten dollars for each person. 8. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may re- quire it. 3. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4. No capitation, or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumer- ation hereinbefore directed to be taken. 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 8. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by laws; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. Titles Forbidden. 7. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States, and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them shall, without the con- sent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sect. X. 1.' No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post lacto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any impost or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. 3. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Election of President. ARTICLE II. Sect. I. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and. together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: 3. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Repre- sentative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 3. (Annulled, see amendments, Article XII.) 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President: neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 8. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. 1. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period, any other emolument from the United States, or any 01 them. CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES. 373 8. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: " I DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT 1 WILL FAITHFULLY EXECUTE THE OFFICE OF THE PRESI- DENT OF THE UNITED STATES; AND WILL, TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY, PRESERVE, PROTECT, AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. " Powers of the President. Sect. II. 1. The President shall be com- mander-in-chief of the ariny and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. a. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro- vided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint embassa- dors and other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law; but the Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think r-voper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sect. III. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration, suen measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive embassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully exe- cuted and shall commission all officers of the United States. Sect. IV. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con- viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Administration of Justice. ARTICLE III. Sect. I. The Judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sect. II. 1. The Judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to contro- versies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more States; between a State and citizens of another State; between citizens of different States; be- tween citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 9. In all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not com- mitted within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sect. HI. 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 9. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeit- ure, except during the life of the person attainted. Rights of the Several States. ARTICLE IV.-Sect. I. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sect. II. 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 9. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. 3. No person held to service or labor in one State under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sect. III. 1. New States may be admitted by the Congress of this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. 9. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belong- ing to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any partic- ular State. Sect. IV. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the Legis- lature or of the executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. How Amendments May be Made. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legisla- tures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no State, without its consent shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. 1. All debts contracted, and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the confederation. 9. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treatiesmadeorwhich shall be made, under authority of the United States, shall be thesupreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 3. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or pro- hibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner: nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in case-3 arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Trial by Jury. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been com mitted, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be con- fronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be con- strued to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor pro- hibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prose- cuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. The Electoral Tote. ARTICLE XII. 1. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. They shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice- President; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representa- tives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the Presi- dent, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no persons have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the Presi- dent, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote. A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Repre- sentatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. Z. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no person have a malority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose a Vice-Presi- dent. A quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President, shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII. 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for FIRST CONGRESSES AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. FEDERAL OFFICERS. crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Who are Citizens. ARTICLE XIV. Sect. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State in which they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal pro- tection of the laws. Sect. II. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislatures thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such a State, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. Sect. III. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of Presi- dent and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legis- lature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or com- fort to the enemies thereof, but Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. What Debts Shall be Paid. Sect. IV. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in supressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned ; but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims, shall be held illegal and void. Sect. V. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. Sect. I. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of race, color, or previous con- dition of servitude. Sect. II. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The First Congresses. HE first Continental Congress, formed while the thirteen colonies were yet under British dominion, exerted no political influence, and had no part in the government of the United States, for it dissolved before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It met in Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., September 5, 1774, and adjourned October 26, the same year. The second Congress assembled at the Pennsylvania State House, Philadelphia, May 10, 1775, and on July 4, 177*% adopted the Declaration of Independence. The third Congress was held at Baltimore, Md. , beginning December 20, 1776. The fourth Congress opened at Philadelphia, March 4, 1777. The fifth Congress began its session at Lancaster, Pa. , September 27, 1777. The sixth Congress met at York, Pa., September 30, 1777. The seventh Congress gathered at Philadelphia, July 2, 1778. The eighth Congress was held at Princeton, N. J. , June 30, 1783. The ninth Congress opened at Annapolis, Md. , November 26, 1783, and here, December 23, 1783, Washington resigned his office of commander-in-chief of the army. The tenth Congress began at Trenton, N. J. , November 1, 1784. The eleventh Congress assembled at the City Hall, in New York, January 11, 1785, where the new government was organized, and Washington, the first president, was inaugurated in 1789. The Federal capital remained at New York until 1790. Congress met again at Philadelphia, December 6, 1790, and the seat of government remained here until 1800, at which time the Federal capital was permanently established at Washington, D. C. , Congress first assembling in that city November 17, 1800. The First Presidential Election. ACH of the thirteen original States having duly accepted 3" the Federal Constitution, it was ratified by 9 Congress, and went into operation in 1789. At this t j me p UD ij c opinion pointed unmistakably to General Washington as the first President of the new republic. Tne first Wednesday of January, 1789, was set apart for the choice of presidential electors in each of the States by the voters thereof; the first Wednesday of February, 1789, was fixed upon for the selection of a President by the chosen electors, and the first Wednesday of March, 1789, as the date when the new administration of governmental affairs should commence operations. The first Congress of the Federal Union met without a quorum in the House of Representatives, and did not organize until March 30, 1789, nor did the Senate convene until April 6, following, at which time presidential ballots were counted. All the States, except New York (which neglected, through indifference, to hold an election), had chosen presidential electors, and Washington was their unanimous choice for President, receiving sixty-nine votes, while John Adams, having received thirty-four votes, was declared Vice-President. April 30, 1789, the new executive officers were publicly inaugurated at the City Hall, in New York; and thus the Republic began its long career of prosperity, with a government as complete as that of either Great Britain or France. Duties of Principal Federal Officers. ORDER to become acquainted with the general government of the country, the reader should first carefully study the Constitution of the United States, which is herewith given, with headings, displayed in a manner such as to make it easily understood. To become familiar with the State, county, town and municipal government, and the duties of persons in the several State, county, town and city offices, the student should acquaint himself or herself with the Constitution of the State in which he or she may be a resident, and follow with a reading of the statutes of that particular State. The object of this chapter is to give the reader an understanding of the duties of some of the leading federal officers, together with a view of the manner in which Congressional law is made and the country governed. The article on the duties of Congressmen very fully reveals the method of procedure in the passage of bills that make up the laws of the land, some of which may be only for personal benefit, while others are necessary and are framed for the general good. Through laws thus passed by Congress, have the general federal offices been created. The succeeding pages quite fully outline the frame -work of the general government. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 375 President's Mansion, Washington, D. C. I The President of the United States, PRESIDENT must be thirty-five years old, a native of the United States, and a resident of the United States fourteen years. He holds office for four years, and swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, to the best of his ability. He is commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when it is called into actual service of the nation; and may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal ofUcer in each of the executive depart- ments upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. He has power to grant pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment; has power, by and with the advice and consent of the United States Senate, to make treaties (provided that two-thirds of the Senators present concur); and shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint embassadors, ministers, and consuls to foreign countries, judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not otherwise provided for in other ways or established by law. If vacancies occur during the recess of the Senate, the President may grant com- missions to new appointees which shall expire at the end of the next session of the Senate. From t'-ne to time he is to give Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend such legislation as shall to him seem necessary and expedient; on extraordinary occasions, or in a national emergency, he may call either house of Congress, or both, as he pleases, to convene, and if they disagree as to the time when they shall adjourn, he may adjourn them, as he may deem best. He shall sign all bills , passed by Congress before they can become law; but he may return to the house where it originated, any bill, order, or resolution, with his objections, which he cannot approve. If he fails to sign it, or return it to Congress within ten days after its passage, it becomes a law without his approval. ARTHUR- 21st President. His term of office begins on the 4th day of March next succeeding his elec" tion; his salary shall be $50,000 a year, to be paid monthly, and he has the use of the furniture and other effects, belonging to the United States, that are usually kept in the Pres- ident's mansion known as the "White House," where he resides. CLEVELAND 22nd President. POLK llth President. FlLMORE. 13th President. 15th President. 17th President. KAYE.S- 19th President. TAYLOR 12th President. PIERCE Hth President. 16th President. GRAN 18th President. 20th President. 370 DUTIES OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT. CABINET OFFICERS. Their Eligibility, Requirements and Privileges. '/HE Vice -President is elected at the same time and by the same process as the Presi- dent of the United States. No man who is ineligible for the office of President can be elected Vice-President. He goes into office with the Presi- dent, and their terms of office expire on the same day. In case the President resigns or dies, or becomes unable to exercise the functions of his office, or is removed from it, the duties of his position shall be performed by the Vice-President during the remainder of the term for which both were elected. In case both die or resign or become unable to perform the duties required of them, or are removed from office, Congress has the power to declare by law what other officer shall then act as President. The Vice-President is-, by virtue of his office, the President of the United States Senate, and in case of his death, removal, resignation, or inability, the Senate may elect a presiding officer of the Senate, who shall also be President of the United States should any cause create a vacancy in that office. The Vice-President may be removed from his office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. As presiding officer of the Senate, he cannot vote except when there is an equal division of the Senate on any question, and his vote is decisive. It is his duty, also, as presiding officer of the Senate, to open, in the presence of the assembled Senate and House of Representatives, all the certificates of the election of the President and Vice-Presi- dent of the United States, and superintend the counting of the votes accompanying the certificates. Officers of he Cabinet. Duties of the Several Members of the President's Cabinet. HE EXECUTIVE departments of the United States government are seven in number: the Department of State, the Department of War, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Justice, the Department of the Navy, the Department of the Interior, the Post-office Depart- ment. The Department of Justice is governed by the Attorney- General, the Post-office Department by the Postmaster- General, and the others by secretaries, respectively. Each head of a department is entitled to a salary of $8, 000 a year, payable monthly. The head of each department is authorized to prescribe regulations, not inconsistent with law, for its government, the conduct of its officers and clerks, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use and preservation of the records, papers and property pertaining to it. From the first day of October until the first day of April, in each year, all the bureaus and offices in the State, War, Treasury, Navy and Post-office Departments, and in the General Land Office (at Washington) are required to be open for the transaction of the public business at least eight hours in each day; and from the first day of April until the first day of October, in each year, at least ten hours in each day, except Sundays and days designated by law as public holidays. The clerks in the departments are arranged in four classes, dis- tinguished as the first, second, third and fourth classes. No clerk can be appointed in either of these classes, in any department, until he has been examined and found qualified by a board of three examiners, consisting of the chief of the bureau or office into which such clerk is to be appointed, and two other clerks to be selected by the head of the department. Women may, at the discretion of the head of any department, be appointed to any of the clerkships therein authorized by law, upon the same qualifications, requisites and conditions, and with the same compensations as are prescribed for men. Each head THE WAR PRESIDENT AND HIS CABINET OFFICERS. 377 of a department may, from time to time, alter the distribution among the various bureaus and offices of his department of the clerks pre- scribed by law, as he may find it proper and necessary so to do. Clerks and employes in the departments, whose compensation is not otherwise prescribed, receive the following salaries per year: First Class Clerks. 81,200 Second Third do do 1,400 1,600 Fourth Class Clks. . $1, 800 Women Clerks win Messengers 810 Asst. Messengers... $720 Laborers 720 Watchmen 720 Temporary clerks, performing duties similar to those in either class, are entitled to a salary of the same rate as permanent clerks. Each head of a department is authorized to employ as many clerks of all classes, and such other employes, at such rates of compensation, respectively, as Congress may, from year to year, appropriate money for paying them. No money can be paid to any clerk employed in either department at an annual salary, as compensation for extra services, unless expressly authorized bylaw. Further restrictions are also placed upon the employment of extra and temporary clerks and subordinate assist- ants in the depart- ments, and the law prescribes the rates of their compensa- tion, in case their employment be- comes necessary. The chief clerks in the several departments and bureaus and other offices connected therewith have supervision, under their immediate superior, over the duties of the other clerks therein, and see that they are faithfully per- formed. And it is also the business of the chief clerks to take care, from time to time, that the duties of the other clerks are dis- tributed among them with equality and uniformity, according to the nature of the case. The chief clerks also report monthly to their superior officers any existing defects that they may know of in the arrangement or dispatch of the public business; and each head of a department, chief of a bureau, or other superior officer must examine the facts as stated, and take proper measures to amend such existing defects. The disbursing clerks authorized by law in any department are appointed by the heads of the departments from clerks of the fourth class. Each of these clerks is required to give a bond to the United States for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, according to law, in such amount as may be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and with sureties approved by the Solicitor of the Treasury, and renew, strengthen and increase the amount of such bond, from time to time, as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct. above pictorial illustration is from F. B. ijjf? Carpenter's painting, made at the White a/ House, in Washington, in 1864, representing (J the memorable meeting of Lincoln and his cabinet assembled to listen to the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation. Some of the sketches will be readily recognized. In the picture William H. Seward, Secretary of State, who sits in front of the table, is evidently considering certain features of the document. Edwin M. Stanton, head of the War Department, sitting at the extreme left, listens intently 5 so, also does Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Each disbursing clerk, except the one employed in the Treasury Department, may, when so directed by the head of his department, superintend the building which it occupies. Each disbursing clerk, in addition to his salary as a clerk of the fourth class, is entitled to receive $200 more a year, or $2, 000 in all. In case of the death, resignation, absence or sickness of the head of any department, the first or sole assistant thereof, unless the President directs otherwise, performs the duties of such head until a successor is appointed or the sickness or absence ceases. In case of the death, resignation, absence or sickness of the chief of any bureau, or any officer thereof whose appointment is not vested in the head of the department, the assistant or deputy of such chief or officer, or his chief clerk, may perform the duties of his superior, unless the President orders otherwise. The President, in case of the vacancies created as above mentioned, may authorize and direct the head of any other department,- or any other officer in either department (whose appointment is vested in the President) to per- form the duties of the vacant office until a successor is appointed, or the sickness or absence of the incumbent ceases. But no vacancy of this kind, occasioned by death or resignation, may be temporarily filled for a longer time than ten days. And any officer perform- ing the duties of another office, dur- ing such vacancy, is not entitled to any compensation beyond his own proper salary. Treasury, who stands with arms folded. Lincoln, Officers or clerks as he sits with paper in hand, is all attention; so , j._. is Gideon Welles, heaj of the Navy, who, in long, or anv department, white beard, sits opposite Seward. Caleb Smith, w hf>n Inwfiillv HP Secretary of the Interior, stands next to Welles; Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General, stands tailed to investigate beside Smith, and Edward Bates, Attorney-General sits at the extreme right. frauds or attempts Altogether the faces and the scene represented t A a t ff .,,/\ th& m\v will go down into the future as one of the memora- ble events connected with the efforts made for the eminent or any preservation of the American Union in the dark and troublous days of the rebellion. official misconduct or irregularity, are authorized to administer oaths to witnesses; and any head of a department or bureau may, when any investigation in his depart- ment requires it, subpoena witnesses before the proper officer, to testify in the case, and resort to compulsion by the court to enforce the attendance of such witnesses. Heads of departments or bureaus are furnished the necessary legal assistance by the Attorney-Gen, eral ; and evidence is to be furnished by the departments in suits pending in the court of claims. Each department is allowed to expend $100 a year for newspapers, to be filed in that department. The head of each department makes an annual report to Congress, giving a detailed statement of the manner in which the contingent fund for his department has been expended, the names of every person to whom any of it has been 378 THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. paid, the nature of the service rendered, the kind of property furnished, and its price, etc. ; he also reports to Congress, annually, the names of the clerks and other persons who have been employed in his department and its offices, the time and manner of their employment, the sums paid to each, whether they have been useful, need to be removed, etc. The Secretaries of State, the Treasury, the Interior, War and Navy, the Postmaster-General, the Attorney -General and the Com- missioner of Agriculture, are required to keep a complete inventory of all the property belonging to the United States in the buildings, rooms, offices and grounds occupied by them, respectively, and under their charge, as well as an account of the sale or other disposition of any of such property, except supplies of stationery and fuel in the public offices, and books, pamphlets and papers in the library of Congress. The head of each department is required, as soon as practicable after the last day of September, in the year whenever a new Congress assembles, to cause to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Interior, a full and complete list of all officers, agents, clerks and employes in his department, or in any of the offices or bureaus con- nected with it. Such list must include, also, all the statistics peculiar to his department required to enable the Secretary of the Interior to prepare the Biennial Register. A Summary of His Duties. HE duties of the Secretary of State are from time to time prescribed by the President of the United States, and relate principally to carrying on correspondence, issuing commissions or instructions to or with public ministers or consuls from the United States, or to negotiations with public ministers from foreign states or princes, or to memorials or other applications from foreign public ministers or other foreigners, or to such other matters respecting foreign affairs as the President of the United States assigns to the department; and he conducts the business of the department in such manner as the President shall direct. He has custody of the seal of the United States, and of the seal of the Department of State, and of all the books, records, papers, furniture, fixtures and other property in or belonging to the department. When the President has approved and signed any bill, order, reso- lution or vote passed by Congress, or which becomes a law in any other prescribed manner, the Secretary of State shall receive it from the President or the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and give it due publication in print in the manner ordered by law. Also, when any new amendment to the national Constitution has been legally adopted, the Secretary of State shall give it due publication as prescribed in the statutes. Annual Reports* He shall report annually to Congress the following particulars : An abstract of all the returns made to him pursuant to law by customs collectors at the various ports of the country, of seamen registered by them, and impressments of seamen and detention of vessels by foreign authorities. A statement of all such changes and modifications' in the commercial systems of other nations, in any manner made, as shall have been communi- cated to his department. Important information communicated by diplomatic and consular officers if he deems it valuable for publication to the people. A full list of all consular otflcers. A report of any rates or tariff of fees to be received by diplomatic or consular officers, prescribed by the President during the preceding year. A statement of such fees as have been collected and accounted for by such officers during the preceding year. A statement of lists of passengers arriving in the United States from foreign places, returned to him every three months by collectors of customs. Names of any consular officers of foreign citizenship who may have been employed under salaries, and the circumstances of their appointment. A statement of expenditures from the contingent fund required to be made by him, which must include all the contingent expenses of foreign inter- course and of all foreign ministers and their offices, except such expenditures as are settled upon the certificate of the President. Every act of Congress that becomes a law of the land by regular process, together with every foreign treaty, postal convention, or congressional joint resolution adopted, must be sent to the public printer for legal publication by the Secretary of State, who is also to publish iti one or more newspapers (not exceeding three) such com- mercial information that he may receive from diplomatic and consular officers as he may consider important to the public interests. Passports. It is from this department, also, that passports are furnished, for $5.00, to all persons who desire to travel in foreign countries where passports are necessary. Copies of records in this depart- ment are copied by clerks for all persons at a cost to the applicant of ten cents for each 100 words in the desired statement. Annual Salaries of Assistant Officers. The subordinate officers of this department, with their salaries, are as follows : 3 Asst. Secretaries 83. 500 1 Chief Clerk 2,500 1 Translator 2,100 4 Bureau Chiefs.. 2,100 11 Clerks $1,800 4 do 1,600 2 do 1,400 10 do 1,200 2 Clerks *1,000 10 do 900 1 Engineer 1,200 1 Assistant 1,000 Messengers, Watchmen, Firemen, Laborers, etc., ranging from 5660 to 840. Each chief clerk has the supervision of the clerks in his bureau or division of the department, and regulates the amount and character of the duties of each, reporting particulars concerning such clerks, their short-comings, etc. , to his superior officer monthly. In case of the death, removal, resignation, sickness, or incapacity of the head of any bureau, the next officer below him performs his duties until a successor is appointed. WAR DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 379 OF WAR. An Outline Sketch of His Official Work, the Number of His Assistants and their Salaries. HE EXECUTIVE of War is appointed by If the President to assist in carrying on the government of the country, and performs such duties as shall from time to time be enjoined on or intrusted to him by the President relative to military commissions, the military forces, the warlike stores of the United States, or to other matters respecting military affairs. He must prepare and communicate to Congress estimates of necessary expendi- tures and needed appropriations for his department, including estimates for such sums as will be required to print and bind documents relating to his department, and for the compensation of his subordinate officers and clerks, and estimates for the construction of public works. All estimates for the public service in this and all other Cabinet departments are transmitted to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of War has the custody and charge of all the books, records, papers, furniture, fixtures, and other property belonging to his department; controls the collection at the seat of government of all flags, standards, and military colors captured by the army from the enemies of the country; defines and prescribes the kinds and amounts of supplies to be purchased by the subsistence and quarter- masters' departments of the army; regulates the transportation of supplies from the places of purchase to the several military posts or stations at which they are required, and the safe-keeping and storage of such supplies, provisions, etc. , and the transportation of troops, munitions of war, equipments and stores ; provides for the taking of weather observations at military stations in the interior of the con- tinent, and other points in the States and Territories; for giving notice on the Northern lakes and sea-coast, by magnetic telegraph, of the approach and force of storms, and for the establishment and reports of signal offices in various parts of the country concerning the weather, for the benefit of agricultural and commercial interests, with telegraph lines to connect weather-reporting stations, etc. ; furnishes non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have in any manner lost their certificates of discharge from the army with duplicate certificates; details employes of the department to administer proper oaths in the settlement of officers' accounts for clothing, camp and garrison equipage, quartermasters' stores, cannon, etc. The Secretary of War must report to Congress annually a statement of the appropriations of the preceding fiscal year (beginning always July 1) for his department, showing how much was appropriated under each specific bureau or branch of the department, and the balance that remained on hand unexpended, together with his estimates of the amounts of appropriations, specifically stated, that will probably be needed for the ensuing year, aside from what may remain of the balances in his hand; also a statement of all his official contracts for supplies or services during the preceding year, military expenses, etc. Another important duty of the Secretary is to submit to Congress reports of river and harbor examinations and surveys made by order of Congress, with statements showing the extent to which the commerce of the country will be promoted by the contemplated improvement of these rivers and harbors, with a view to the wisest appropriation and expenditure of the public money in this direction. Once a year, he reports to Congress an abstract of the returns of the Adjutants -General relative to the militia of the several States. The annual reports of the Secretary to Congress are made at the beginning of each regular session, and embrace the transactions of his department during the preceding year. The War Department is divided into branches, governed by the following army officers: The Adjutant-General, Quartermaster- General, Paymaster-General, Commissary-General, Surgeon-General, Chief of Engineers, Chief of Ordnance, and the Court of Military Justice. Annual Salaries of Assistant Officers. 900 840 720 660 180 There are also 125 private physicians, at Washington and various military posts, who receive 8100 a month, with quarters and fuel ; 185 hospital stewards, at 820 to $35 a month, with rations, quarters, fuel, and clothing; about fifty paymaster's clerks, at 81,200 a year; ninety national cemetery keepers, at from 8720 to 8900 a year, with residences; 450 weather observers in the Signal service, at from 825 to 8100 a month, with allowances; about 500 employes at armories and arsenals, and 450 clerks, superintendents, jani- tors of the several buildings of the department, at rates ranging from 8*0 to t200 a month. 1 Disbursing Clk 2- 000 95 Clerks. . .. 1,400 32 Clerks 7 Bureau Chiefs. 2,000 52 Clerks ... 1,800 1 Engineer 390 Clerks ... 1,400 ... 1,200 1 Messenger 1 Draughtsman.. 1,800 52 Clerks 1,600 2 Engineers... ... 1,200 ... 1,200 50 Laborers 8 Charwomen. . . . 1 Anatomist ... . 1.600 191 Clerks. . . . ,. 1,000 380 THE MILITARY EQUIPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Equipment, Salaries and Duties of Army Officers. HE PRESIDENT of the United States is the commander-in- chief of the array. The array of the United States, on a peace footing, consists of five regiments of artillery, ten regiments of cavalry, twenty-five regi- ments of infantry, an Adjutant -General's department, an Inspector- General's department, a Quartermaster's depart- ment, a Subsistence department, a corps of engineers, a battalion of engineer soldiers, an Ordnance department, the enlisted men of the Ordnance department, a Medical department, with its corps of hospital stewards, a Pay department, a Bureau of Military Justice, a force of Indian scouts, not exceeding 1,000; officers on the array retired list, and the Professors and corps of Cadets, and a military band at the West Point Military academy. What Constitutes a Regiment. A regiment of artillery consists of twelve bat- teries of artillery (or cannoniers) , and each battery has not exceeding 122 private soldiers attached to it. One battery in each regiment is equipped as light or flying artillery, so called from the rapidity with which it can be moved; seats being contrived for the men who work it, with sufficient horses to enable them to proceed at a gallop. A regiment of cavalry consists of twelve troops of mounted soldiers, each troop containing not more than seventy-eight enlisted privates. Two regiments of the cavalry are made up of enlisted colored privates. Any of the cavalry force may be dismounted and armed and drilled as infantry, at the discretion of the President. A regiment of infantry consists of ten com- panies, each company containing from fifty to 100 privates, as the exigencies of the service may require. The enlisted men of two regiments of^ infantry are colored men. There can not be in the army, at one time, more than 30,000 enlisted men. Duty of Quartermasters. The Quartermaster's department has charge of purchasing and distributing to the army (and marines in land service) all military stores and supplies requisite for their use, which other corps are not directed by law to provide; to furnish means of transportation for the army, its mili- tary stores and supplies, and to pay for, and to provide for and pay all incidental expenses of the military service, which other corps are not directed to provide for and pay. . The Subsistence department is in charge of picked subordinate officers, whose duty it is to receive, at each military post or place of deposit and preserve, the subsistence supplies of the army, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, and to purchase and issue to the army such supplies as enter into the composition of the army ration. Duty of Military Engineers. The Corps of Engineers regulates and determines, with the approval of the Secretary of War, the number, quality, form, and dimensions of the necessary vehicles, pontoons, tools, implements, arms and other supplies for the use of the battalion of engineer soldiers. This battalion consists of five companies of enlisted privates of the first and second class, each company containing not more than sixty- four privates of each class. This battalion is recruited and organized, with the same limita- tions, provisions, allowances, and benefits, in every respect like other troops on a peace footing. The enlisted men are instructed in, and perform the duties of, sappers, miners, and pontooniers; aid in giving practical instruction in those branches at the West Point military academy, and may be detailed to oversee and aid laborers upon fortifications and other works in charge of the engineer corps of the government, and, as fort-keepers, to protect and repair finished fortifi- cations; but engineers cannot assume nor be ordered on any duty beyond the line of their immediate profession, except by a special order of the President, who may also transfer engineers from one corps to another, regard being paid to rank. Ordnance Department. The Ordnance department has in charge the enlistment, under the direction of the Secretary of War. of master-armorers, master-carriage makers, and master-blacksmiths, who are mustered in as sergeants; subordinate armorers, carriage-makers and blacksmiths are mustered as corporals; artificers, as privates of the first-class, and laborers, as privates of the second-class. The Chief of Ordnance, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, organizes and details to other military organizations or garrisons such numbers of ordnance enlisted men, furnished with proper tools, carriages and apparatus as may be necessary, and makes regulations for their government; he also furnishes estimates, and, under the direction of the Secretary of War, makes contracts and purchases, for procuring the necessary supplies of ordnance and ordnance stores for the use of the United States army; directs the inspection and proving of the same, and the construction of all cannon and carriages, and ammunition wagons, traveling forges, arti- ficers' wagons, and of every implement and apparatus for ordnance, and the preparation of all kinds of prescribed ammunition and ordnance stores; establishes depots of ordnance and ordnance stores, in such parts of the United States, and in such numbers as may be deemed neces- sary; executes, or causes to be executed, all orders of the Secretary of War, and (in time of war) the orders of any general or field officer commanding an army or detachment, for the required, supply of all ordnance and ordnance stores for active service; and, half-yearly, or oftener, he makes a report to the Secretary of War of all the officers and enlisted men in his department, and of all ordnance and ordnance stores under his control. The Army Medical Department. The Medical department furnishes surgical or medical aid to members of the army ; has super- vision of the purchase and distribution of the hospital and medical supplies; unites with the line officers of the army, under the rules and regulations of the Secretary of War, in superin- tending the cooking done by the enlisted men; attends, under the direction of the Surgeon- General, to the proper preparation of the rations for the enlisted men; provides such quantities of fresh or preserved fruits, milk, butter and eggs, as may be necessary for the proper diet of the sick in hospitals, and trusses for ruptured soldiers or pensioners. The Pay department is charged with the punctual payment of the troops, and is presided over by the Paymaster-General, and as many assistant paymasters as are required to perform that duty. The Bureau of Military Justice has control of the proceedings of courts-martial, courts of military inquiry, military commissions, etc. Salaries of Leading Army Officers. The General of the army ranks next in com- mand to the President in the control of the national troops. He has a salary of $13,500 a year, and selects from the army such a number of aids, not exceeding six, as he may deem neces- sary, who, while serving on his statt, bear the rank of colonels of cavalry. The Lieutenant-General of the army ranks next below the General; has a salary of *11,000 a year, and is allowed to select from the army two aids and a military secretary, who rank as lieutenant- colonels of cavalry while serving on his staff. Three Major-Generals have command under the Lieutenant-General. Each is entitled to 87,500 a year, forage for five horses, and three aids, whom he may select from captains or lieutenants in the THE MILITARY EQUIPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 381 army, whose pay over and above the pay of their rank is 200 a year. Six Brigadier-Generals, each drawing $5,500 a year, and each having two aids, who may be selected by him from lieutenants in the army. Each draws forage for four horses. Officers of a Regiment of Artillery. Each regiment of artillery is commanded by one Colonel, one Lieutenant-Colonel, one Major for every four batteries, one Adjutant, one Quartermaster and Commissary, one Sergeant- Major, one Quartermaster-Sergeant, one chief musician (who is an instructor of music), and two principal musicians; the Adjutant and Quarter- master and Commissary are extra Lieutenants, selected from the first or second lieutenants of the regiment. Each battery of artillery is officered by one Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, one First Sergeant, one Quartermaster-Sergeant, four Sergeants, four Corporals, two musicians, two artificers and one wagoner; but one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, two Sergeants and four Corporals may be added to each battery, at the discretion of the President. Officers of a Regiment of Cavalry. Each regiment of cavalry has for its officers one Colonel, one Lieutenant-Colonel, three Majors, one Surgeon, one Assistant-Surgeon, one Adjutant, one Quartermaster, one Veterinary Surgeon (with the rank of regimental Sergeant- Major), one Sergeant-Major, one Quartermaster- Sergeant, one Saddler-Sergeant, one chief musician (who is an instructor of music), and one chief trumpeter. Two AssistantSurgeons may be allowed to each regiment, and four regiments have an additional Veterinary Surgeon. The Adjutant and the Quartermaster of each regiment are extra Lieutenants, selected from the first or second lieutenants of the regiment. Each troop of cavalry is officered by one Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, one First Sergeant, one Quartermaster-Sergeant, five Ser- geants, four Corporals, two trumpeters, two farriers, one saddler and one wagoner. Officers of a Regiment of Infantry. The officers of each infantry regiment consist of one Colonel, one Lieutenant-Colonel, one Major, one Adjutant, one Quartermaster, one Sergeant- Major, one Quartermaster-Sergeant, one chief musician, two principal musicians. The Adjutant and the Quartermaster are extra lieutenants, selected from the first or second lieutenants of the regiment. Each company of infantry is officered by one Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, one First Sergeant, one Quartermaster -Sergeant, four Sergeants, four Corporals, two artificers, two musicians, and one wagoner. Salaries of Regimental Officers. Colonels receive as compensation $3,500 a year, and forage for two horses; Lieutenant-Colonels, $3,000 a year, and forage for two horses; Majors, *2,500ayear, and forage for two horses; Captains, mounted, $2,000 a year, and forage for two horses; Captains, not mounted, $1,800 a year; Adjutants, $1,800 a year, and forage for two horses; Regi- mental Quartermasters, $1,800 a year, and forage for two horses; First Lieutenants, mounted. $1,600 a year, and forage for two horses; First Lieuten- ants, not mounted, $1,500 a year; Second Lieu- tenants, mounted, *l,500ayear, and forage for two horses; Second Lieutenants, not mounted, $1,100 a year; Chaplains. $1,500 a year, and forage for two horses; Acting Assistant Commissaries, $100 a year in addition to the pay of their rank, Ordnance Store-keeper and Paymaster at the Springfield (Mass.) Armory, $2,500, and forage for two horses; all other Store-keepers, $2, 000 a year, and forage for two horses. Each commissioned officer below the rank of a Brigadier-General, including Chaplains and others whose rank or pay assimilates, are allowed 10 per cent, of their current yearly pay for each term of flve years of service. The Pay of Enlisted Men. The following enlisted men are paid these sums monthly during their first terms of enlistment, with some modifications prescribed by law: Sergeant - Majors of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $23 each; Quartermaster -Sergeants of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $23 each; chief trumpeters of cavalry, $22; principal musicians of artillery and infantry, $22; chief musicians of regiments, $60, and the allowances of a Quartermaster-Sergeant ; Saddler Sergeants of cavalry, $22; First Sergeants of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $22; Sergeants of cavalry, artillejy and infantry, $17; Corporals of cavalry and light artillery, $15; Corporals of artillery and infantry, $15; saddlers of cavalry, $15; blacksmiths and farriers of cavalry, $15; trumpeters of cavalry, $13; musicians of artillery and infantry, $13; privates of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $13; Sergeant-Majors of engineers, $36; Quartermaster-Sergeants of engineers, $36; Sergeants of engineers and ordnance, $34; Cor- porals of engineers and ordnance, $20; musicians of engineers, $13; privates (first class) of engineers and ordnance, $17; privates (second class) of engineers and ordnance, $13. To these rates of pay $1 a month is added for the third year of enlistment, $1 for the fourth year, and one more for the fifth year, making $3 a month increase for the last year of enlistment; but this increase is "retained pay," and is not given to the soldier until his term is ended, and it is for- feited if he misbehaves himself before he receives his discharge. Occasional extra services by soldiers and non-commissioned officers also entitle them to additional pay. Hospital Stewards. Hospital stewards are either enlisted for that position, or appointed from the enlisted men in the army, and are permanently attached to the medical corps, under the regulations of the Secretary of War. There is one hospital steward for each military post; and they are graded as of the first, second and third classes. The first class receive $30 a month, the second $22, and the third $20. Hospital matrons in post or regimental hospitals receive $10 a month, and female nurses in general hospitals, 40 cents a day; but one mili- tary ration, or its equivalent, is allowed to each. Women are employed as matrons and nurses in post or regimental hospitals in such numbers as may be necessary, and as nurses in general or permanent hospitals at such times and in such numbers as the Surgeon-General or the medical officer in charge of any such hospital deems proper. Pay Department in the Army. The pay department of the army consists of one Paymaster-General, with the rank of colonel, two Assistant Paymasters-General, with the rank of colonel of cavalry, two Deputy Paymasters- General, with the rank of lieutenant of cavalry, and sixty Paymasters, with the rank of major of cavalry. Officers of the pay department are not entitled, by virtue of their rank, to command in the line or in other staff corps. When volunteers or militia are called into the service of the United States, and the officers in the pay department are not deemed by the President sufficient for the punctual payment of the troops, he may appoint and add to such corps as many paymasters, called additional paymasters, ranking as majors (not exceeding one for every two regiments of volun- teers or militia) as he may deem necessary; but these additional paymasters may only be retained in service so long as they are required to perform the special duty for which they are appointed. Pay masters and additional paymasters are allowed a capable non-commissioned officer or private as a clerk. If suitable persons for this office cannot be found in the army, they are authorized, with the approval of the Secretary of War, to employ citizens as clerks, at a salary of $1,200 a year. The Paymaster-General performs his duties under the direction of the President. The army is paid in such a manner that the arrears shall at no time exceed two months, unless circumstances render further arrears unavoidable. The Deputy Paymasters-General, in addition to paying troops, superintend the payment of armies in the field! The paymasters and additional paymasters pay the regular troops and all other troops in the service of the United States, when required to do so by order of the President. The Signal Service. The chief signal officer is of high rank in the army, with a corps of seven or more first lieuten- ants as acting signal officers, one scientific pro- fessor, and assistants, besides six- inspectors ranking as first and second lieutenants. The work is divided into several divisions, each in charge of a proper officer, as follows: General correspon- dence in charge of letters and records; property and disbursing in charge of supplies and ac- counts; station for instructing observers; tele- graphin charge of army telegraph lines; indica- tionsissues weather warning, etc.; weather review and international bulletin; scientific and study; instruction; printing; instrument and ob- servatory. Judge Advocates. The Bureau of Military Justice consists of one Judge Advocate-General, with the rank of Brigadier-General, and one Assistant Judge Advocate-General, with the rank of colonel of cavalry. It is the duty of the Judge Advocate- General to receive, revise and cause to be recorded the proceedings of all courts-martial, courts of inquiry and military commissions, and perform such other duties as have been prescribed for that office, from time to time, by the laws of the country. There are eight Judge Advocates of the army, holding the rank of major of cavalry. They perform their duties under the direction of the Judge Advocate-General, and preside over courts- martial, courts of inquiry, etc. ; have power to issue a like process to compel witnesses to appear and testify which courts of criminal jurisdiction within the State, Territory or district where such military courts are held may lawfully issue, and have power to appoint a reporter, who records the proceedings of such court and the testimony taken before it, and sets down the same, in the first instance, in short-hand writing. The reporter, before entering upon this duty is sworn, or makes affirmation, faithfully to perform the same. Brevet Officers. In the army, promotions of officers to higher grades in the service are regulated by law. In time of war, the President may confer commis- sions by brevet (giving a higher rank and title, without increase of pay) upon commissioned officers of the army for distinguished conduct and public service in presence of the enemy. Such commissions bear date from the particular action or service for which the brevet rank was con- ferred. Such officers may be assigned to duty or command according to their brevet rank by a 382 THE MILITARY EQUIPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. special assignment of the President; but brevet rank does not entitle an officer to precedence or command, except when so assigned, nor is he entitled to wear, while on duty, any uniform other than that of his actual rank, nor to be addressed in orders or official communications by any title other than that of his actual rank. Military Cadets. When any cadet (student) of the United States Military Academy at West Point has gone through its classes and received a regular degree from the academical staff, he is considered a candidate for a commission in any portion of the army for whose duties he may be deemed competent. But should there be no vacancy then existing in such corps, he may be brevetted as a supernumerary officer, with the rank of second lieutenant, until a vacancy occurs. Non-commissioned Officers. Under regulations established by the Secretary of War, non-commissioned officers may be examined by a board of four officers as to their qualifications for the duties of commissioned officers in the line of the army, and are eligible for appointment as second lieutenants in any corps for which they are qualified. Meritorious Privates. Whenever a private soldier distinguishes him- self in the army, the President may, on the recommendation of the commanding officers of the regiment to which such private soldier belongs, grant him a certificate of merit. Educational. Schools arc established at all posts, garrisons, and permanent camps, at which troops are stationed, in which the enlisted men are instructed in the common English branches of education, and especially in the history of the United States. It is the duty of the post or gar- rison commander to set apart a suitable room or building for school and religious purposes, and the Secretary of War details such officers and enlisted men as may be necessary to carry out this measure. Retiring Boards Yeteran Officers. From time to time the Secretary of War, under the direction of the President, assembles an Army Retiring Board, consisting of not more than nine, nor less than five, officers, two-fifths of whom are selected from the Medical corps, and besides these the board is composed, as far as may be, of seniors in rank to the officer whose disability is the subject of inquiry. The members of the board are sworn to discharge their duties honestly and impartially. The board inquires into and determines the facts touching '.he nature and occasion of the disability of any officer who appears to be incapable of performing the duties of his office, and shall have such powers of a court-martial and of a court of inquiry as may be necessary for that purpose. The proceedings and decision of the board are transmitted to the Secretary of War, and are by him laid before the President for his approval or disapproval and orders in the case. When an officer has served forty consecutive years as a commissioned officer, he may, upon making application to the President, be retired from active service and placed upon the retired list, at the discretion of the President. When any officer has served forty-five years as a com- missioned officer, or is sixty-two years old, he may , at the discretion of the President, be retired from active service. When any officer has become incapable of per- forming the duties of his office, he shall either be retired from active service, or wholly retired from the service by the President, in the manner provided by law. Officers are retired from active service upon the actual rank held by them at the date of their retirement; are withdrawn from command and the line of promotion; are entitled to wear the uniform of their rank; continue to be borne on the army register; are subject to the rules and articles of war, and to trial by court- martial for any breach thereof. The whole number of officers on the retired list cannot at any time exceed 300. Retired officers may be assigned to duty at the Soldiers' Home (Dayton, Ohio) when selected by the commissioners of the home, approved by the Secretary of War; and a retired officer cannot be assigned to any other duty, but may, on his own application, be detailed to serve as professor in any college. No retired officer, in these positions, however, will be allowed any additional compen- sationonly his regular pay as a retired officer. Rights of Enlisted Men. No enlisted man can, during his term of service, be arrested on mesne process, or taken or charged in execution for any debt unless it was contracted before his enlistment and amounted to 20 when first contracted. Cooks. Cooks for the army are detailed, in turn, from the privates of each company of troops in the service of the United States, at the rate of one cook for each company numbering less than thirty men, and two cooks for each company numbering more than thirty men, and they serve on each detail ten days. Officers as Teachers. The President may, upon the application of any established college or university wihin the United States, having capacity to educate at the same time not less than 150 male students, detail an officer of the army to act as president, superin- tendent or professor thereof, but the number of such officers may not exceed thirty at any time; are to be apportioned throughout the United States, as nearly as practicable, according to population, and are governed by general rules prescribed, from time to time, by the President. Officers' Reports. Every officer commanding a regiment, corps, garrison or detachment, is required, once in two months, or of tener, to make a report to the chief of ordnance, stating all damages to arms, imple- ments or equipments belonging to his command noting those occasioned by negligence or abuse, and naming the officer or soldier by whose negli- gence or abuse such damages were occasioned. Every officer who receives clothing or camp equipage for the use of his command, or for issue to troops, must render to the Quartermaster- General, quarter-yearly, returns of such supplies, according to prescribed forms, with the requisite vouchers. Army Officers as Cifil Officers. No army officer in active service can hold any civil office, either by election or appointment, and if he accepts or exercises the functions of a civil office he ceases to be an officer of the army and his commission is vacated. Should he accept a diplomatic or consular appointment under the government, he is considered as having resigned his place in the army, and it is filled as a vacancy. Musicians and Their Pay. The leader of the band at the military academy receives 875 a month, and the chief musicians of regiments $60 and the allowances of a quarter- master sergeant. Army Clothing. The uniform of the army, and the quantity and kind of clothing issued annually to the troops, are prescribed by the President. West Point Military Academy. The officers of the West Point Academy consist of a superintendent, a commandant of cadets, a senior instructor of artillery tactics, a senior Instructor of cavalry tactics, a senior instructor of infantry tactics, a professor and an assistant professor of civil and military engineering, a professor and an assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy, a professor and an assistant professor of mathematics; one chaplain, who is also professor of history, geography and ethics, aided by an assistant professor; a professor and an assistant professor of chemistry, miner- alogy and geology, a professor and an assistant professor of drawing, a professor and an assistant professor of the French language, a professor and an assistant professor of the Spanish language, one adjutant, one master of the sword, and one teacher of music. The superintendent, the commandant of cadets and the professors are appointed by the President, and the assistant professors, acting assistant pro- fessors and the adjutant are officers of the army, detailed to such duties by the Secretary of War, or cadets (students) assigned by the superin- tendent, under the direction of the Secretary of War. The superintendent and commandant of cadets may be selected, and alj other officers on duty at the Military academy may be detailed from cavalry, infantry or artillery; but the academic staff (as such) is not entitled to any command in the army, outside of the academy. The superin- tendent and the commandant of cadets, while serving as such, have, respectively, the local rank of colonel and lieutenantxjolonel of engineers. The superintendent, and, in his absence, the next in rank, has the immediate government and military command of the academy, and is com- mandant of the military post at West Point. The commandant of cadets has the immediate command oT the battalion of cadets, and is the instructor in the tactics of artillery, cavalry and infantry. Supervision of the Military Academy. The supervision and charge of the academy is vested in the War Department, under such officers, or officer, as the Secretary of War may assign to that duty. Leaves of absence are granted by the superin- tendent, under regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary of War, to the professors, assistant pro- fessors and other officers of the academy for the entire period of the suspension of the ordinary academic studies, without deductions from their respective pay or allowances. The professors are placed on the same footing, as to retiremenWrom active service, as officers of the army. Salaries of Military Tea-hers. Pay of the Academic staff: Superintendent, same as a colonel; Commandant of cadets, same as a lieutenanKzolonel; Adjutant, same as an adjutant of the cavalry service; Professors, who have served more than ten yeurs at the academy, the pay and allowances of a colonel, and all other professors those of a lieutenantrolonel ; the instructors of ordnance and science of gunnery and of practical engineering have the pay of a major, besides ten per centum of their current yearly pay for each and every term of five years' service in the army and at the aoademy, and such professors are placed upon the same footing, as regards restrictions upon pay and retirement from active service, as officers of the army; each assistant professor and each senior instructor of cavalry, artillery and infantry tactics, and the instructor of practical military engineering, receives the pay of a captain; the master of the THE MILITARY EQUIPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 383 sword receives at the rate of (1,500 a year, with fuel and quarters; the librarian and assistant librarian of the academy each receive 8120 addi- tional pay; the non-commissioned officer in charge of mechanics and other labor at the academy, the soldier who acts as clerk in the adjutant's office, and the four enlisted men in the philosophical and chemical departments and the lithographic office, receive each 850 additional pay. Requirements of Military Cadets. The corps of cadets consists of one from each congressional district in the United States, one from each Territory, one from the District of Columbia and ten from the United States at large, and are appointed by the President. Appointees to cadetships are required to be between seventeen and twenty-two years old ; but if they had served faithfully in the Southern rebellion as Union volunteers, the law allowed them to be two years older, and no person who served in the rebellion against the Union could receive a cadet's appointment. Cadets are ap- pointed one year in advance of the time of their admission to the academy; they draw no pay or allowances until they are admitted; they are examined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War before their admission, and they are required to be well-versed in reading, writing and arithmetic, and to have a knowledge of the elements of English grammar, descriptive geography (particularly of our country), and of the history of the United States. Previous to admission, also, each cadet is required to take an oath of fidelity to his country and his duties, and to sign articles binding himself to serve the Government eight years, unless sooner dis- charged. How Cadets are Drilled. The cadets are arranged into companies, under the direction of the superintendent, each of which is commanded by an officer of the army for the purpose of military instruction. Each company is allowed four musicians. The corps is taught and trained in all the duties of a private soldier, non-commissioned officer and officer, goes into encampment at least once a year for three months, and is instructed and drilled in all the duties incident to a regular camp. Cadets are also subject to do duty in such places and on such service as the President may direct. No cadet who is reported as deficient in either conduct or studies, and recommended to be dis- charged from the academy, can, except upon the recommendation of the academic board, be returned or re-appointed, or appointed to any position in the army before his class have left the academy and received their commissions. The superintendent of the academy has power to convene general courts-martial for the trial of cadets, and to execute the sentences of such courts (except sentences of suspension or dismis- sion), subject to the limitations and conditions existing as to other general courts-martial. The Board of Visitors. A Board of Visitors is appointed once a year to attend the annual examination of cadets at the Military academy. Seven persons are appointed by the President of the United States, and two United States Senators and three Representatives in Congress are designated by the presiding officers in the Senate and House of Representa- tives, respectively, at the session of Congress next preceding the examination. It is the duty of this Board of Visitors to inquire into the actual state of the discipline, instruction, police administration, financial affairs, and other concerns of the academy. The visitors appointed by the President report the results of their examination to the Secretary of War, for the information of Congress at the beginning of the next session; the Congressional visitors report directly to Congress, within twenty days after its meeting, their action as visitors, with their views and recommendations concerning the academy. These visitors receive no compensation for their services, except the payment of their expenses for board and lodging while visiting West Point, and an allowance of not more than eight cents per mile for traveling expenses, going and returning by the shortest mail routes. Articles of War. The statutes of the United States contain a code of laws for the government of the army, known as the ' ' Articles of War, " and to these every officer and soldier is required to yield implicit obedience or suffer the penalties therein provided. These articles number 128. They include all ranks and conditions of the army, the formation, juris- diction and conduct of general courts-martial, field-officers' courts, regimental courts, and garrison courts. Officers can only be tried by general courts-martial. (See ' ' Judge Advocates- General. ") The other courts are composed of officers chosen by commandants in the field, in the regiment, and in the garrison for the trial of minor offenses committed by soldiers and non- commissioned officers. Military Prison. A military prison has been established at Rock Island, 111., by the government, for the confine- ment and reformation of offenders against the rules, regulations and laws for the government of the army of the United States, in which are confined and employed at labor, and governed according to law, all such offenders as have been convicted before any court-martial or military commission of the United States and sentenced to imprisonment therein. The Secretary of War appoints a board of five members, consisting of three officers of the army and two civilians, who each hold their office for three years (unless sooner removed), and are each paid 85 a day while on duty, besides their neces- sary traveling expenses. With the Secretary of War, twice a year, and oftener if deemed expedient, they visit the prison for the purposes of examination, inspection and correction, and to inquire into all abuses and neglect of duty on the part of the officers or other persons in charge of the prison, and make such changes in the general discipline of the institution as they deem essential. The officers of the prison consist of a comman- dant and such subordinate officers as may be necessary, a chaplain, a surgeon and a clerk, all of whom are detailed by the Secretary of War from the commissioned officers of the army, and he also details a sufficient number of enlisted men to act as turnkeys, guards and assistants in the prison. The commandant controls the prison, has charge of the prisoners and their employments, and custody of all the property of the government connected with the prison, receives and pays out all money used for the prison, causes accounts to be kept of all the property, expenses, income, business and concerns of the prison, and transmits full and regular reports thereof to the Secretary of War. Under the direction of the Secretary of War, he employs (for the benefit of the United States) the convicts at such labor and in such trades as may be deemed best for their health and reformation ; has power to sell and dispose of the articles manufactured by the convicts, regularly accounting for the proceeds thereof; takes note and makes record of the good conduct of the con- victs, and shortens the daily time of hard labor for those who earn such consideration by their obedience, honesty, Industry or general good conduct. One of the inspectors of the army, at least once in three months, visits the prison for the purpose of examining into the books and all the affairs thereof, and to ascertain whether the laws, rules and regulations relating to it are complied with, whether the officers are competent and faithful, and whether the convicts are properly governed and employed and humanely and kindly treated. Of the results of his inspection he makes full and regular reports to the Secretary of War. National Service. Should the United States lie invaded or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian tribe, or of rebellion against the government of the United States, the President may call forth such number of the militia of the State or States most convenient to the place of danger or scene of action as he may deem neces- sary to repel such invasion, or to suppress such rebellion, and issue his orders for that purpose to such officers of the militia as he may think proper. If the militia of more than one State is called into the active service of the United States by the President, he apportions them among such States according to representative population. In a time of rebellion the militia is subject to the same rules and articles of war as the regular troops of the United States. When called into actual service, however, the militia is reorganized in a manner similar to regular troops. Each regiment of infantry then has one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, one major, one adjutant (a lieutenant), one quartermaster (a lieutenant), one surgeon, two assistant surgeons, one sergeant-major, one regimental quarter- master-sergeant, one regimental commissary- sergeant, one hospital steward and two principal musicians; the regiment composed of ten companies, each company consisting of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieu- tenant, one first sergeant, four sergeants, eight corporals, two musicians, one wagoner, and from sixty-four to eighty-two privates. The militia is then also further organized Into divisions of three or more brigades each, and each division has a major-general, three aids-de-camp, and one as- sistant adjutant-general (with the rank of major). Each brigade is made up of four or more regi- ments, and has one brigadier-general, two aids-de- camp, one assistant adjutant-general (with the rank of captain), one surgeon, one assistant quartermaster, one commissary of subsistence, and sixteen musicians as a band. When thus called into actual service, the Presi- dent may specify the period for which such service will be required of the militia, not exceeding nine months. During the time of service they will be entitled to the same pay, rations, clothing, and camp equipage provided by law for the regular army of the United States. They are also allowed mileage for the distance between their places of residence and the place of rendezvous from which they start for the field of military operations, with forage for the animals of mounted regi- ments, loss of horses, etc. Courts-martial for the trial of militia are com- posed of militia officers only. National Armories. At each United States arsenal (or place where military arms and munitions of war are stored) is established a national armory, where muskets and carbines for the military service are manu- factured. These armories are each in charge of one superintendent, who must be an officer of the ordnance corps of the army. THE DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. HE 1SECRETARY OP THE His Duties as Manager of the United States Moneys. MONG THE requirements it is stipu- lated that the Secretary of the Treasury shall iut be interested, directly or indirectly, in carrying on any business of trade or commerce, or own any interest in a sea-vessel; that he shall not purchase or own any public lands or public property, or be concerned in buying or selling government securities, whether of the United States or any State thereof, or profit by any negotiation or transaction relating to the busi- ness of his department, other than his legal allowances, under penalty of fine and removal from his office, and he shall further be incapable of holding any other office under the United States Government. Every clerk in the department is also under similar restrictions and subject to similar penalties in a lighter degree. The general duties of the Secretary require him, from time to time, to consider and prepare plans for the improvement and management of the national revenue and the support of the public credit; to superintend collection of the revenue; to prescribe the forms of keeping and rendering all public accounts and making proper returns ; granting, under certain restrictions, all warrants for moneys to be issued from the Treasury in accordance with the laws of Congress ; report to, or inform, either house of Congress, in person or in writing, respecting all matters referred to him by the Senate or House of Representatives, or which pertain to his office, and to perform such general duties relative to the national finances as he shall be directed, with considerable discretionary power: such as the collection of duties on imports and tonnage, under his super- intendence. Whenever it is possible, he shall cause all accounts of the expenditure of public money to be settled within the fiscal year. It is the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to make and issue, from time to time, such instructions and regulations to the several collectors, receivers, depositaries, officers and others who may receive Treasury notes, United States notes, or other securities of the United States, and to those employed to prepare and issue such notes and securities, as he shall deem best to promote the con- venience and security of the public, and protect the government or individuals against loss or fraud. He prescribes forms of entries, oaths, bonds and other papers, with rules and regulations, in accordance with law, to be used in carrying out the various provisions of the internal revenue law, or the law relating to raising revenue from imported goods by duties or warehouse charges. He prescribes such directions, rules, and forms to revenue collectors as are necessary for the proper observation of the law. He prescribes the forms of the annual statements to Congress, which show the actual condition of commerce and navigation between the United States and foreign countries, or along the coasts between the collection districts of the government, in each year. He, under the direction of the President, from time to time, establishes regulations to .secure a just, faithful, and impartial appraisal of all goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, with proper entries of their true values and amounts. When the revenue received at any port of the United States by collections does not amount to $10,000 a year, the Secretary may discontinue it as a port of delivery. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to receive deposits of gold coin or bullion, by the Treasurer or Assistant- Treasurers of the United States, in sums of not less than $20, and issue certificates of deposit therefor of not less than $20 each ; and these certificates shall be received in payment of public dues, as duties on imported goods, etc. , the same as gold or bullion. The Secretary may designate any recognized officer of the government as a disbursing agent, for the payment of all moneys appropriated for the construction of government buildings in the district to which such officer belongs. When any person or corporation unjustly withholds from the government any moneys belonging to it, the Secretary may employ individuals (not exceeding three) to recover such moneys upon terms and conditions prescribed by himself; and the persons so employed THE TREASURY BUILDING AT WASHINGTON. 385 receive no compensation except out of the moneys so recovered, and if they accept money or emolument for themselves from the persons from whom they attempt to recover said moneys, they become liable to fine and imprisonment by the government. Plans for Raising: Money. In his annual report to Congress the Secretary shall present: Estimates of the public revenue and public expenditures for the current fiscal year, with plans for improving and increasing the revenues from time to time; a statement of all contracts for supplies or services which have been made by him, or under his direction, during the preceding year; a statement of the expenditure of moneys appropriated for the payment of miscellaneous claims against the government not otherwise provided for; a statement of the rules and regulations made by him, with his reasons for making them, to secure a just and faithful appraisal of all goods, wares, and mer- chandise imported into the United States, and their amounts and values; a full and complete statement of the sums collected from seamen, and expended for sick and disabled seamen, as a hospital tax for that purpose. The secretary shall make other reports to Congress, at prescribed times: A statement of the amount of money expended at each custom- house during the pre- ceding fiscal year, with the detailed number, occupa- tion and salaries of all persons employed at each en s tom-hou s e during the same period. A statement showing the re- sults of the infor- mation collected during the pre- ceding year by the Bu reau of Statistics concerning the 1 condition of the agriculture, manufactures, domestic trade, currency, and banks in the States and Territories. The reports made to him by the auditors relating to the accounts of the war and navy departments respectively, showing the applica- tion of the money appropriated by Congress lor those departments for the preceding year. An abstract, in tabular form, of the separate accounts of moneys received from internal duties or taxes in each of the States, Territories and collection districts, required to be kept at the Treasury. A copy of each of the accounts kept by the superintendent of the Treasury buildings of all contingent expenses of the several bureaus of the department, and of all amounts paid for furniture, repairs of furniture, or of the sale of old furniture. Also the number, names, and salaries of persons employed in surveying the lake and sea-coasts, their respective duties, and the amounts expended by the superintendent of this branch of the government service. Statistics of Commerce. The secretary is also charged with the duty, under prescribed regulations, of printing and presenting to Congress the annual report of the statistics of commerce and navigation, prepared by the Bureau of Statistics; of printing annually a condensed state- ment of the whole amount of the exports and imports to and from foreign countries during the preceding fiscal year; of publishing in some newspaper at Washington, every three months, a statement of Treasury Building, Washington, D. C. the whole receipts, during the previous quarter-year, showing the amounts received from customs, public lands, and miscellaneous sources, and also the payments made during said quarter to civil officers and employes, the army or the navy, for Indian affairs, fortifications or pensions; of publishing in some newspaper at Washington, on the first day of each month, the last preceding weekly statement of the Treasurer of the United States, showing the amount to his credit in the different banks, in the mints or other depositories, the amounts for which drafts have been given and those unpaid, the amount remaining subject to his draft, and any recent changes in the depositories of the Treasury. Bureau of Statistics. The Bureau of Statistics is superintended by a division clerk, who is appointed for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. The purpose of the bureau is the collection, arrangement and classification of such statistical information as may be procured, tending to show, each year, the condition of the agriculture, manu- factures, domestic trade, currency and banks of the several States and Territories. Under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, the chief of the Bureau of Statistics prepares annually a report, containing in detail statements substantially showing: Sta- tistics concern- ing the commerce and navigation of the United States with foreign countries, to the close of the fiscal year; compre- hending all goods, wares and merchandise ex- ported from the United States to foreign coun- tries, and all goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States from foreign countries, and all navigation employed in the foreign trade of the United States. These statistics exhibit the kinds, qualities and values of the articles exported or imported, minutely stated; also what articles are of foreign or native produc- tion. The statistics of navigation show the amount of tonnage of all vessels arriving from foreign countries in the United States, and all vessels departing from the United States to foreign ports ; the amount of tonnage of vessels belonging to the United States, and the amount of tonnage of vessels owned in foreign countries, arriving in and departing from the United States, with other particulars. Bureau of the Mint. The Bureau of the Mint is under the general direction of the Secre- tary of the Treasury. Its chief officer is the Director of the Mint, who is appointed by the President; serves five years, unless he dies, resigns or is removed for cause, and has a salary of $4, 500, besides his necessary traveling expenses. The Bureau of the Mint has under its control all the government mints for the manufacture of gold, silver and other coins, and all the assay offices for the stamping of bullion in order to establish its fineness and coin value. In his annual report to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Mint sets forth what and how valuable have been the operations of the mints during the preceding fiscal year, and the estimates for their operation during the next succeeding year. The Secretary of the Treasury appoints the number of classified clerks necessary to carry on the duties of this bureau. LOCATION OF LAND-OFFICES, AND HOW TO PRE-EMPT LAND. Suggestions And Facts Relating TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN./. First Home in the Wilderness. I Inspectors, Revenue Officers, Sub-Treasurers and Superintend of Mint,*-; How to Secure a Home on Government Land.* HE Government of the United States owns and controls the public lands, not previously disposed of, where the Indian title has been extinguished by purchase or otherwise. The public lands are open to pre-emption by citizens of the United States, except in the following cases: Lands reserved by any treaty, law or Presidential proclamation, for any purpose; lands lying within the limits of any incorporated city or town; lands actually settled or used for business pur- poses, and not for farming, and lands on which salt-springs or mines are situated. Who May Pre-empt Laud. Every head of a family, or widow, or single person, more than twenty-one years old, being a citizen of the United States, or having filed his written intention to become such, or who may, himself or herself, actually settle on land subject to pre-emption, inhabiting, building a residence thereon, and improving the land, may enter at the proper land-office any quantity of such land, not exceeding 160 acres, upon which he or she may reside, by paying to the governlnent the sum of $1. 25 per acre, as a minimum price. Who May Not Pre-empt Land. No person who owns 320 acres of land in any State or Territory, or who abandons his or her own land to settle on public lands in the same State or Territory, has a right to pre-emption. No person is entitled to more than one pre- emption, and cannot secure a second tract of public land by this means. Where the Land- Offices are Located. Host of the public lands subject to pre-emption lie west of the Mississippi river. Land-offices, where all necessary information relative to the settlement and entry of these lands may be obtained, are located in the several States and Territories, as follows: Alabama Huntsville and Montgomery. .\ rkaiiMas -Little Rock, Catnden, Harrison and Dardanelle. Arizona Ter. Prescott and Tucson. California San Francisco, Marysville, Hum- boldt, Stockton, Visalia, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Shasta, Susanville and Bodie. Colorado Denver City, Leadville. Central City, Pueblo, Del Norte. Lake City, Gunnison, Durango and Gleenwood Springs. * Though belonging to the Department of the Interior this subject in treated here, u the Dakota Ter. Mitchell, Watertown, Fargo. Vankton, Bismarck. Deadwood. x\berdeen, Grand Forks, Huron and Devil's Lake. Florida Gainesville. Idaho Ter. Boise City, Lewiston, Oxford, Hailey and Coeur d'Alene. Iowa Des Moines. Kansas Topeka, Salina, Independence, Lar- ned, Wichita, Kirwin, Concordia, Wa-Keeny, Ober- lin and Garden City. Louisiana New Orleans and Natchitoches. Michigan Detroit, East Saginaw, Reed City and Marquette. Minnesota Taylor's Falls, Saint Cloud, Du- luth, Fergus Falls, Worthington, Tracy, Benson, Crookston and Redwood Falls. Mississippi Jackson. Missouri Boonville, Ironton and Springfield. Montana Ter. Miles City, Bozeman and Helena. Nebraska Neligh, Beatrice, Lincoln, Niobra- ra. Grand Island, North Platte, Bloomington, Me Cook and Valentine. Nevada Eureka and Carson City. New Mexico Ter. Santa Fe and Las Cruces. Oretcon Oregon City, Roseburg, Le Grand, Lakeview and The Dalles. Utah Ter. Salt Lake City. Washington Ter. Olympia, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Spokane Falls and North Yakima. Wisconsin Menasha. Falls of St. Croix. Eau Claire, Wausau, La Crosse and Bayfleld. Wyoming Ter. Cheyenne and Evanston. The Pre-emptor's Oath. Previous to making a pre-emption, every citizen must make oath before the land register or receiver in the district where the desired tract is located, or before the clerk of the county or other court of record, that he has never availed himself, on a former occasion, of his privilege to pre-empt public land ; that he does not own 320 acres of land in any State or Territory ; that he has not settled upon and improved such land to sell it on speculation, but for his own exclusive use; that he has not, in any way, contracted or agreed with any other person that the title of the said land, in whole or part, shall be for the benefit of any one except himself. The certiflate of this oath is filed in the land office of each district, and a copy of it is also sent to the General-Land Office for preservation. Penalty for False Swearing. Any person taking this oath and jwearing falsely forfeits the money he has paid for the specified land and all his right and title to the land itself, and if he has previously bargained to transfer his pre-emptive title to any other person, that conveyance is null and void. Preliminary Steps. Before any person can enter land as above described, he must give satisfactory proof to the register and receiver of the laud-office that he has properly settled upon and improved the land that he desires to pre-empt. Within thirty days after first settling upon said land, the pre-emptor must file with the register of the proper land-office a written declaration of his intention to enter such tract of land under the pre-emption laws. Failing to make this statement within the pi-escribed time, or in furnishing the necessary proof of settlement and improvement of such land, or make the required payment, within one year after settling upon it, any other person may enter the same tract. When two or more persons settle on the same tract of land, the right of pre-emption is in the one who made the first settlement. The head of any family, or single person, twenty-one years old, being a citizen of the United States, is entitled to enter one quarter-section (160 acres), or less, but no more, of public lands not otherwise disposed of, after having filed a pre- emption claim, (if such land is subject to pre- emption), at $1.25 per acre, or eighty acres or less, in one tract, at *2. 25 per acre. Those possessing land may enter adjoining pub- lic land, if the tracts do not exceed 160 acres. Upon applying to the register of the proper land office, he must swear that he is the head of a family, or twenty-one years old, or has served in the army or navy of the United States, as the case may be. and that he is securing the desired tract for his own use, for actual settlement and culti- vation; taking this oath, and paying to the regis- ter of the land-office the sum of five dollars, where the land does not exceed eighty acres, and ten dollars for a larger amount. When Ownership is Actually Acquired. The certificate of the register of the land-office, however, does not issue to the applicant for five years, at the end of which time, or two years later, he, or his widow, or his heirs, must prove by competent witnesses that he, she, or they a from land sales belong to the Treasury Department. DUTIES OF VARIOUS UNITED STATES OFFICERS. 387 resided upon or cultivated the tract for five successive years after the the above affidavit was made, and that they still retain the land, and then take an oath of allegiance to the United States Government. He, she, or they will then be entitled to receive a patent for the land. Any false swearing concerning these particulars is punished, as in other cases of perjury. The register of the land-office keeps a record of all the proceedings touching each tract of land claimed as a homestead. No such homestead can be levied upon and sold for any debt contracted before the government patent is issued. When the Payment Must be Hade. The payment for the homestead, besides the five or ten dollars prepaid when the land is entered, must be all paid before the expiration of the five years previous to the issue of the patent. Further information on this and other points can be obtained by applying to the land-office. Tree Culture on Homesteads. Any settler who has cultivated for two years as much as five acres in trees to an eighty-acre home- stead, or ten acres on a homestead of 160 acres, is entitled to a free patent for his land at the end of three years. Each settler may claim as many quarter- sections of homestead lands, not adjoining each other, as have been improved by the culture, for ten years, of fortyacres of timber thereon. Land Officers. The President appoints a Register of the Land- Office and a Receiver of public moneys for each of the land districts of the United States, and each is required to reside at the place where the land- office to which he is appointed is directed to be kept. Each receives a salary of $500 a year, with liberal fees and commissions for locating land- warrants, issuing land-certificates, etc; but the salary, fees and commissions cannot in any case exceed an aggregate of 43,000. All balances received and remaining in the hands of registers and receivers above this amount, must be paid into the United States Treasury, as other public moneys. the receivers make to the Secretary of the Treasury monthly returns of the moneys received in their several offices, and pay them over pur- suant to his instructions. Applicants for Land. Should any person apply to any register to enter any land whatever, and the Register knowingly and falsely informs the person so applying that the same has been already entered, and refuses to permit the person so applying to enter such land, the Register is liable therefor to the applicant for Bve dollars for each acre of land which the latter offered to enter, to be recovered in an action for debt in any proper court. CUSTOM-HOLSE OFFICERS. The laws of the United States provide for the collection of duties on imported goods and merchandise in 110 collection districts of the Union, with one Collector of Customs, appointed by the President, for each district. Collectors of Customs. Collectors of customs at the various ports of entry of the United States are appointed by the President, for the term of four years. The oath of office, taken and subscribed by each collector before some magistrate authorized to administer oaths within the collector's own district, affirms his past and present fidelity to the Government of the United States, and that he will use his best endeavors to detect and prevent frauds against the laws of the United States imposing duties upon imports. Duty of the Collector. At each of the ports to which there are appointed (by the President) a collector, naval officer and customs surveyor, it is the duty of the collector to receive all reports, manifests and documents to be made or exhibited on the entry of any ship or vessel, according to the customs laws of the United States; to record all manifests; to receive the entries of all ships or vessels, and of the goods, wares, and merchandise imported in them; to estimate, with the naval officer, when there is one, or alone, when there is none, the amount of the dues payable thereon, indorsing such amount upon the respective entries; to receive all moneys paid for duties, and take all bonds for securing the payment thereof; to grant all permits for the unlading and delivery of goods; to employ, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, proper persons' as weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectors at the several ports within his district, to provide, with the like approval, at the public expense, storehouses for the safe keeping of goods, and such scales, weights and measures as may be necessary. It is his business to furnish statistics of com- merce and navigation for the use of the Bureau of Statistics, at Washington, relating to the kinds and quantities of all imported articles free from duty, subject to specific and ad valorem duties; the value of articles exported from his district to foreign countries; an accurate account of the characters and tonnage of all vessels sailing from his district to foreign countries; a similar record of all vessels arriving within his district from foreign countries, and an account of the kinds, quantities and value of merchandise entered and cleared coastwise at ports within his collection district. It is his duty to cause the seizure of any vessel ntted out for piratical or aggressive purposes in violation of the law of nations. Duties of Naval Officers. The Naval Officer of any port is appointed by the President, and holds his office four years, unless sooner removed. His duties are as follows * To examine quarter-yearly, or oftener, if directed so to do by the Secretary of the Treasury, the books, accounts, returns and money on hand of the collector, and make a full, accurate and faithful report of their condition to the Secretary of the Treasury; to receive copies of all manifests and entries; to estimate, together with the collector, the duties on all merchandise subject to duty, and no duties can be received without such esti- mates; to keep a separate record of such estimates , to countersign all permits, clearances, certificates, debentures and other documents to be granted by the collector; to examine the collector's abstract of duties (taxation) and other accounts of receipts, bonds and expenditures, and certify to their correctness if found right. Every naVal officer is entitled to a maximum compensation of $5, 000 a year out of any and all fees and emoluments received by him. Deputy naval officers may be appointed by the respective naval officers, when necessary, and in several of the largest commercial cities of the United States they each receive a salary of $2,500 a year. The naval officers are responsible for the acts of their respective deputies. Duty of Surveyors of Customs. The Surveyor of Customs at any port is appointed by the President, and holds his office four yeai's, unless sooner removed. At ports where a collector, naval officer and surveyor are appointed, it is the duty of the latter, subject to the direction of the collector, to superintend and direct all inspectors, weighers, measurers, gaugers at his port, to report weekly to the collector the name or names of all the above-named subordinates who are absent from or neglect their business; to visit or inspect the vessels which arrive in his port from foreign ports each day, and to report the same, with all necessary particulars concerning them, to the collector every morning; to put on board of each of such vessels, immediately after their arrival in port, one or more inspectors of cargoes; to ascertain the proof, quantities and kinds of dis- tilled spirits imported, rating such spirits accord- ing to their respective degrees of proof as defined by the laws imposing duties on this class of merchandise; to examine whether the goods imported in any vessel, and the deliveries thereof, agreeably to the inspector's returns, correspond with the permits for landing the same, and to report any disagreement or error in the same to the collector, and to the naval officer, if there is one; to superintend the lading for exportation of all goods entered for the benefit of any drawback, bounty or allowance, and examine and report whether the kind, quantity and quality of the goods so laden on any vessel for shipment to a foreign port correspond with the entries and permits granted therefor; to examine, and from time to time, especially twice a year, try the weights, measures, and other instruments used in ascertaining the duties on imports, with standards provided by each collector for that purpose, to report errors and disa- greements in tlio smut' to the collector, and to obey and execute such directions as he may receive for correcting the same agreeably to the standards. Authority to Employ Assistance. Every collector of customs has authority, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to employ within his district as many proper persons as deputy-collectors as he deems necessary, and they are declared to be officers of the customs. During the absence or sickness of collectors, such deputy may exercise the powers of a collector, the collector being responsible for the acts of his deputies. The Secretary of the Treasury has power, except in cases otherwise provided, to limit and flx the number and compensation of the clerks employed by collector, surveyor or naval officer, and may fix and limit the salaries of their respective deputies. Rules Must be Posted Up. Every collector, naval officer and surveyor is required to keep posted up in his office a fair table of the rates of fees and duties demandable by law, and to give receipts for fees received by him whenever they may be requested, under a penalty- of $100 for non-compliance, recoverable to the use of the informer. And every officer of the customs who demands or receives any other or greater fee or compensation than the law allows for any duty of his office, is liable to the aggrieved party in the sum of $200 for each offense. Restrictions upon Collectors. No person employed in the collection of duties on imports or tonnage may own, either in whole or in part, any vessel, or act as agent, attorney or consignee for the owner of any vessel, or of any cargo or lading on any vessel, or import, or be concerned in the importation of any merchandise for sale, under a penalty of $500. Collectors, naval officer and surveyors must attend in person at the ports to which they are respectively appointed, keeping fair and true accounts and records of all their transactions as officers of the customs, subject to the inspection 388 DUTIES OF VARIOUS UNITED STATES OFFICERS. of the Secretary of the Treasury, w'ho prescribes the form and manner of keeping Buch accounts and records, or to the inspection ~ r Buch persons as lie ma> appoint for that purpose; the neglect of this duty involves a penalty of *1,000. Appraisers of Merchandise. Four appraisers of merchandise are appointed by the President, who are employed in visiting such ports of entry, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury as may be deemed useful by him for the security of the revenue, and who at Euch ports afford such aid and assistance in the appraisement of merchandise as may be deemed necessary by the secretary to protect and insure uniformity in the collection of customs duties. Whenever an appraisement of imported merchandise is to be made at any port for which no appraiser is provided by law, the collector of that district may appoint two respectable resident merchants, who shall be the appraisers of such merchandise. Any such merchant who refuses to assist at such appraisement, is liable to a fine not exceeding $50 and the costs of prosecution. Assistant Treasurers. Assistant Treasurers are appointed by the Presi- dent, to serve for four years, at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, San Francisco, Chicago and Cincinnati. The Assistant Treasurers have the charge and care of the rooms, vaults and safes assigned to them respectively, and there perform the duties required of them relating to the receipt, safe- keeping, transfer and disbursement of the public moneys. All collectors and receivers of public money of every description in the cities where there are sub-treasuries are required to deposit with the sub-treasurers all the public moneys collected by them or in their hands, there to be safely kept until otherwise disposed of according to law. If any assistant treasurer fails safely to keep all public moneys deposited by any person, he is deemed guilty of embezzlement and punished by fine and imprisonment. Officers of Internal Revenue. The United States are divided into 131 internal revenue collection districts. The President appoints for each of these dis- tricts one Collector of Internal Revenue, who must be a resident of the district for which he Is appointed. Appointment of Deputy Collectors. Each collector is authorized to appoint, in writing, as many deputy-collectors as he may think proper, to be by him compensated for their services; to revoke any such appointment, giving notice thereof to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and to require and accept bonds or other security from such deputies. Duty of Internal Revenue Collectors. It is the duty of the collector and his deputies (each of whom has equal authority with the collector) to collect all internal revenue taxes levied or assessed against individuals or corpo- rations within the portion of the district assigned to him; but each collector is in every respect responsible both to the United States and to individuals, as the case may be, for all moneys collected, and for every act done or neglected to be done by any one of his deputies while acting in that position. Superintendent of Exports. In any port of the United States where there is more than one Collector of Internal Revenue, the Secretary of the Treasury may designate one of them to have charge of all matters relating to the exportation of articles subject to tax under the internal revenue laws, and there may be appointed under such collector an officer to superintend all matters of exportation and draw- back. This officer is known as Superintendent of Exports. Inspectors of Tobacco and Cigars. In every collection district where it is necessary the Secretary of the Treasury appoints one or more inspectors of tobacco and cigars. This officer is entitled by authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to receive such fees as the latter may prescribe to be paid by the owner or manufacturer of the inspected articles. Internal Revenue Gangers. In every collection district where it may be necessary, the Secretary of the Treasury appoints one or more internal revenue gaugers, whose duty it is to determine the amount of articles which he is called to examine. Requirements and Penalties. Collectors of internal revenue are required to report violations of the revenue laws to the dis- trict attorney of his district for prosecution. Every collector, deputy collector and inspector is authorized to administer oaths and take evi- dence in reference to matters in his department of the public service. Any officer of internal revenue may be specially authorized by the commissioner to make seizures of property which may become forfeited or jeopardized by a violation of the revenue laws. Any revenue officer who discloses to any other person the operations, style of work or apparatus of any manufacturer whose establishment comes under his inspection, is liable to be fined heavily and imprisoned. Neither can any internal reve- nue officer be or become interested in the manu- facture of tobacco, snuff, cigars or spirits, under penalty of being dismissed from office, besides a heavy fine; and the law also provides severe penalties for extortion, receiving unlawful fees, etc. , by revenue officers. Superintendents of the Manufacture of Money. The United States Government has mints at Philadelphia, San Francisco, New Orleans, Carson, (Nev. ), and Denver, and assay offices at New York, Boise City (Idaho), and Charlotte, N. C. The officers of a mint are a superintendent, an assayer, a melter and refiner, a coiner, and, at Philadelphia, an engraver. Besides these are various assistants and clerks, and numerous workmen. Restrictions upon Employes. Every officer, assistant and clerk of a mint must take the oath of fidelity, which oath is deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, and the superintendent may require any employe of the mint to take such an oath. The assayer, the melter and refiner, and the coiner of every mint, before entering upon the duties of his office, is required to execute a bond to the United States, with one or more securities. In the temporary absence of the superintendent, the chief clerk acts in his place; and in that of the Director of the Mint, the Secretary of the Treasury designates some one to act for him. Duties of Hie Superintendent of the Mint. The Superintendent of each mint has the control of it, the superintendence of the officers and other persons employed in it, and the supervision of its business, subject to the direction of the Director of the Mint, to whom he makes reports at such times and in such form as the director prescribes. These reports exhibit in detail, and classified, the deposits of bullion, the amount of gold, silver and minor coinage, and the amount of unparted, standard and refined bars issued, and such other statistics and information as may be required. He receives and safely keeps, until legally withdrawn, all moneys or bullion designed for the use or expenses of the mint. He receives all bullion brought to the mint for assay or coinage; is the keeper of all bullion or coin in the mint, except when it is in the hands of other officers, and delivers all coins struck at the mint to the persons to whom they are lawfully payable. From the report of the assayer and the weight of the bullion, he computes the value of each deposit and the amount of the charges or deductions, if any, of all which he gives a detailed memorandum to the depositor; and he also gives, at the same time, a certificate of the net amount of the deposit, to be paid in coins or bars of the same species of bullion as that deposited, the assayer verifying the correctness of such certificate by countersigning it. Duties of the Assayer. The Assayer assays all metals and bullion when- ever assays are required in the operations of the mint. From every parcel of bullion deposited for coinage or bars, the superintendent delivers to the assayer a sufficient portion for the purpose of being assayed, and the assayer reports to the superintendent the quality or fineness of the bullion assayed by him. with such information as will enable the superintendent to compute the amount of charges to be made against the depositor. Duty of the Melter and Refiner. The Melter and Refiner executes all the oper- ations necessary to form ingots of standard silver or gold and alloys for minor coinage, suitable for the coiner, from the metals legally delivered to him for that purpose, or to form bars conformably with the law from gold and bullion delivered to him for that purpose. He keeps a careful record of all transactions with the superintendent, noting the weight and character of the bullion, and is responsible for all bullion placed in his care until he returns it to the superintendent, receiving proper vouchers therefor. Duty of the Coiner. The Coiner executes all the operations necessary in order to form coins, conformable in all respects to the law, from the standard gold and silver ingots and alloys for minor coinage legally delivered to him for that purpose, and is responsi- ble for it until it is returned to the superintendent. As coins are prepared from time to time, the coiner delivers them to the superintendent, who receipts for them and keeps a careful record of their kind, number and actual weight. The coiner, also, from time to time, delivers to the superintendent the clippings and other portions of bullion remaining, after the process of coining, the superintendent receipting for the same and keeping a careful record of their weight and character. At the end of every calendar year the coiner, in the presence of the superintendent and assayer, defaces and destroys the obverse (or date) work- ing-dies, so that no more coins of that date can be issued. Duty of the Engraver. The Engraver prepares all the working-dies (or moulds) required for use in the coinage of the mint, and when new coins or devices are required, under the supervision of the Director of the Mint, he engraves the models, moulds and matrices, or original dies for the same; but the director has power to engage, temporarily, the services of other artists for such work. DUTIES OF VARIOUS UNITED STATES OFFICERS. 389 The Light- House Board. The President appoints two officers of the navy, of high rank; two officers of the corps of engineers of the array, and two citizens in civil life, of high scientiflc attainments, whose services are at the disposal of the President, together with an officer of the navy and an officer of engineers of the army as secretaries; and these gentlemen constitute the lighthouse board. This board is attached to the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, and under his super- intendence discharges all administrative duties relating to the construction, illumination, inspec- tion and government of light-houses, light- vessels, beacons, sea-marks, and whatever belongs to them, embracing the foundations of works already in existence, procuring illumi- nating and other apparatus, supplies, and materials of all kinds for building and for rebuilding, when necessary, and keeping in good repair the light-houses, light-vessels, beacons and buoys of the United States; has charge and custody of all the archives, books, documents, drawings, models, returns, apparatus and other things pertaining to the light-house service. Upon the requisition of the Secretary of the Treasury, the board furnishes all the estimates of expense which the several branches of the light- house system may require, and such other information as it may be necessary to lay before Congress at each session. The board is authorized, whenever an appro- priation may be made by Congress for a new light-house on land not belonging to the United States, to purchase the necessary site for such light-house with money appropriated for that purpose. Who Build Light- Houses. The President causes, from time to time, such officers to be detailed from the engineer corps of the army as are necessary to superintend the con- struction and renovation of light-houses. The plans, drawings, specifications and estimates of cost of all illuminating and other apparatus, and of construction and repair of towers, buildings, etc., connected with the lighthouse service, are prepared by the engineer-secretary of the board. Who May be Light- House Inspectors. The Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific and lake coasts of the United States are divided into fifteen light-house districts, each of which is under the supervision of either a commodore, captain or commander of the navy, who is called the inspector. The engineer in charge of each district is either a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major or captain of the Engineer Corps of the United States. The laws provide that there be detailed from the engineer corps of the army such officers as may be necessary to superintend the construction and renovation of light-houses; also, that an officer of the army or the navy be assigned to each district as a light-house inspector, subject to the orders of the lighthouse board, who receives no pay or emolument beyond his own lawful com- pensation in the regular line of his profession, with mileage while traveling under orders con- nected with his duties. Working Force in Light- House Offices. Each inspector and engineer has an office in every district to which they are assigned, and are allowed (according to their various locations and duties) the assistance of certain employes, paid by the Government, as follows: In the inspector's offices one or two clerks, one messenger, one keeper of the buoy depot, one superintendent of construction, one or more assistant superin- tendents of construction, a store-keeper, a foreman of depot, a copyist, and a watchman of the buoy depot. Engineers in Light-House Department. In the engineer's department are employed, but not in every office: One assistant engineer, a superintendent of construction, and one or more assistant superintendents of construction, a foreman of the lamp-shop, one lampist, a foreman of laborers, a draughtsman, and a messenger. In both the inspectors' and engineers' de- partments are employed steam-tugs, or vessels, for the conveyance of supplies, implements, etc. , generally officered as follows: One master, one mate, one engineer, assistant engineer, and a pilot occasionally. The Light- House Keeper. At lighthouses are employed : One keeper, at from 4375 to *1,000 a year, according to location, with assistant keepers, with salaries ranging from $160 to 8450 a year; keepers of light-ships receive 4800 or 81,000 a year. The Life-Saving Service. By law the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to establish stations at certain points on the Atlantic coast and the shores of the Northern lakes, for affording aid to the shipwrecked vessels and rescuing their crews and passengers. Articles Used for Saving Life. This life-saving service is divided into seven ocean districts and three lake districts. The various stations are supplied with the requisite apparatus as may, in the judgment of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, be best adapted to the purposes of each station, such as life-boats, ropes, mortars for sending ropes on board wrecked vessels, contrivances for getting passengers safely on shore, etc. Each district is in charge of a superintendent, who possesses the powers and performs the duties of an inspector of the customs for each of the coasts on which stations are established. These districts number seven on the Atlantic coast, and three on the great lakes; and each superintendent receives from the Secretary of the Treasury the proper instructions relative to the duties required of them. Each station is in charge of a keeper, who is instructed in his duties by the Secretary of the* Treasury. At some stations experienced surf men are engaged to assist in aiding wrecked vessels. Quarantines. The law provides for the restraint, stoppage and government of all vessels arriving at sea- ports and inland 1 ports from places where infectious diseases prevail, or vessels on which cases of such infectious diseases exist. This law, the health-laws of the several States, and the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, are required to be duly observed by the officers of the customs-revenue of the United States, by the masters and crews of the several revenue-cutters belonging to the Government, and by the military officers commanding in any fort or station upon the coast, and all such officers of the United States must faithfully aid in the execution of such quarantines and health-laws, according to their respective powers and within their respective precincts, as directed, from time to time, by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Revenue Marine Service. The President, for the better security of the col- lection of import or tonnage duties on commercial vessels and cargoes, causes the maintenance of as many revenue-cutters as may be necessary for the protection of the Government revenues, the expense ol which >e paid out of the sum annu- ally appropriated by Congress for this service. Duties of Officers in this Service. The officers of the rovenue-cutters are re- spectively deemed officers of the customs, and are subject to the direction of such collectors of the revenue, or other custome officers, as, from time to time, may be designated fortliat purpose. They are required to board all vessels arriving within the United States or within twelve miles of the United States coasts, if bound for United States ports, and search and examine every part of such vessels, and demand and receive and certify the manifests required to be on board of certain vessels; to affix and put proper fastenings on the hatches and other communications with the hold of such vessels, and remain on board such vessels until they arrive at the port or place of their destination. How Revenue-Cutters are Known. The revenue-cutters on the Northern and North western lakes are specially charged with the duty of aiding vessels in distress on the lakes. Revenue-cutters are distinguished by a peculiar flag or ensign; and the officers are empowered to stop any vessel liable to seizure or examination by firing upon her after hoisting the revenue fiag, if the merchant-vessel's officers refuse to let the revenue officers board her. The Coast Survey. Surveys of the sea-coasts and lake-coasts of the United States may be authorized by the President for the purpose of aiding navigation by the production of correct charts of courses, distances, depth of water, etc., along such coasts. The public vessels in actual service and officers of the navy and army are employed, as far as prac- ticable, in this survey. What is Done With the Surveys. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to dispose of the maps and charts of the survey of the coast, from time to time, and under such regulations as he may prescribe, besides those distributed gratuitously among foreign govern- ments, the departments of our own Government, and literary and scientific associations. Steamboat Inspectors. The laws of the United States provide for the inspection of the hulls and steamboilers of merchant, passenger, and excursion vessels propelled by steam in United States waters, owned in the United States, except on canals. From time to time the President appoints a Super- vising Inspector-General, who is selected with reference to his fitness and ability to reduce to a system and carry into effect all the provisions of the law relating to steamboat inspection. Under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, it is his business to superintend the administration of the steamboat inspection laws and regulations; preside at the meetings of the board of supervising inspectors; receive all reports of inspectors; receive and examine all accounts of inspectors, and report fully, at stated periods, to the Secretary of the Treasury, upon all matters pertaining to his official duties. Inspection Districts. The United States are divided into ten inspection districts, each of which is in charge of a super- vising inspector, appointed by the President, each of whom is chosen for his knowledge, skill and practical experience in the uses of steam for navigation, and who must be a competent judge of the character and qualities of steam vessels and all parts of the machinery used in steaming. 390 DUTIES OF VARIOUS UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Annual Meetings. The supervising inspectors and Supervising Inspector-General assemble as a board at Wash- ington once a year (in January), and at such other times as the Secretary of the Treasury may require, for joint consultation, and assign to each supervising inspector the limits of territory in which he is to perform his duties. The board also establishes all essential regulations necessary to carry out in the most effective manner the provisions of the laws. These regulations, when approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, have the force of law. . Each supervising inspector watches over all parts of the territory assigned to him; visits and confers with, and examines into the doings of the local boards of inspectors within his district, and instructs them in the proper performance of their duties; and, whenever he deems it expedient, he visits any licensed vessels at his discretion, and examines their condition with reference to the inspection laws and regulations having been observed and complied with, both by the owners or masters, or the board of inspectors. Restrictions Upon Inspectors. No person who is directly or indirectly inter- ested in any patent required to be used on any steamer by the steamboat inspection laws, or who is a member of any association of owners, masters, engineers or pilots of steamboats, or who is directly or indirectly interested in any steam- vessel, or who is intemperate in his habits, or who does not possess the required skill or experience, may not hold the office of either supervising or local inspector, and if any such person attempts to perform the functions of an inspector, he is punishable by a fine of *500 and dismissal from office. Must Not Employ Unlicensed Officers. The boards of local inspectors license and classify the masters, chief mates, engineers and pilots of all steam-vessels, and it is a punishable offense for any steamboat owner to employ an unlicensed officer of these grades. Whenever a supervising inspector ascertains that any of the above-named steamboat officers fails to perform his duty according to law, he is required to report him to the board of local inspectors in the district where the vessel was inspected or belongs, and if necessary or expedi- ent, to have the offending party prosecuted; and if the local board is in fault for licensing him the facts must be investigated, and the delinquent inspectors are liable to removal from office. It is the duty of the inspecting supervisors to see that the local boards faithfully perform their duties of inspection; to inspect boats and grant licenses in districts where there are no local boards, or where it is difficult to apply to them ; to furnish to local inspectors all needful infor- mation concerning licensed persons, individuals from whom licenses have been withheld, or whose licenses have been revoked or suspended; boats whose owners have refused or neglected to have them properly repaired, and persons who have been refused certificates. United States Fish Commissioner. The laws provide that the President shall appoint from among the civil officers or employes of the government a Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, who must be a person of proved scientific and practical acquaintance with the fishes of the sea-coast, and who receives no salary additional to that which he drew before his appointment. It is his business to prosecute investigations and inquiries on the subject, with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what, diminution in the number of the food fishes of the coast and lakes of the United States has taken place, and, if so, to what causes this diminution is due, and, also, whether any, and what, pro- tective, prohibitory, or precautionary measures should be adopted in the premises, and report the same to Congress. He may take, or cause to be taken, at all times, in the waters of the sea -coast of the United States, where the tide ebbs and flows, and also in the waters of the lakes, such fish or specimens thereof as may, in his judgment, from time to time, be needful or proper for the conduct of his duties, any law, custom, or usage of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Pension Agents. The President is authorized to appoint all pension-agents, who hold their respective offices for four years, unless sooner removed or sus- pended. Each pension-agent, whether man or woman, is required to execute an official bond, with sufficient security, for such an amount and in such form as the Secretary of the Interior may approve. The President may establish pension- agencies, not exceeding three in any State or Territory, whenever in his judgment the public interest and the convenience of pensioners require. Agents for paying pensions receive a com- mission of two per centum on all disbursements made by them to pensioners. They are also allowed, where an'agent disburses $50,000 annu- ally to pensioners, not exceeding $500 for clerk- hire, office-rent, and office expenses; where an agent disburses $100,000 annually, not exceeding $750 a year for such office expenses; and for every $50,000 additional disbursed by an agent, he or she is allowed not more than $250 a year additional income; but no agent can receive from fees and commissions more than $4,000 a year. Each agent is, however, entitled to thirty cents in full for each voucher prepared and paid by him or her, including necessary postage, which sum is paid to the United States. Pension-agents and their clerks are authorized to take and certify the affidavits of all pensioners and their witnesses who come before them for that purpose, but they receive no fee for this service. In paying a pension the pension-agent is authorized to deduct from the amount of it the attorney's fee for aiding the pensioner, as agreed upon or as prescribed by the Commissioner of Pensions, where no sum was agreed upon. For this service the pension-agent may retain thirty cents. Pension Surgeons. The Commissioner of Pensions is authorized to organize, at his discretion, boards of examining surgeons, not to exceed three members, to examine the physical condition of pensioners or applicants for pensions in the interest of the gov- ernment. In ordinary examinations each surgeon receives a fee of one dollar, and for special cases three dollars each. The Secretary of the Interior also appoints a surgeon as medical referee, who, under the control and direction of the Com- missioner of Pensions, has charge of the examination and revision of the reports of examining surgeons, and performs other duties touching medical and surgical questions in the Pension-Office as the interests of the service may demand. His salary is 82,500 a year. The Secretary of the Interior may also appoint qualified surgeons, not exceeding four in number, to perform the duties of examining surgeons when so required, and they are borne on the rolls of his office as clerks of the fourth class, with salaries of $1,800 a year each. THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. 391 wm ecretary of i the Interior. A Sketch of the Work in the Department of the Interior. HE DEPARTMENT of the Interior, at Wash- ington, is governed by the Secretary of the Interior. There is also an Assistant Secre- tary of the Interior, appointed by the Presi- dent, whose duties are prescribed by the Secretary, or by law. There are in the Department of the Interior the following bureaus, controlled by their respective commissioners: The General Land Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Pen- sion Office, Patent Office, and Office of Education. Duties of the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior has supervision of the census, when di-ected by law; the public lands, including mines; the Indians; pensions and bounty lands; "patents for inventions; the custody and distribution of government publications; the educa- tional interests; the Government Hospital for the Insane, and the Columbia Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. He exercises all the powers and performs all the duties in relation to the Territories of the United States that were by law or custom performed, previous to March 1, 1873, by the Secretary of State. He has, also, supervisory and appellate powers in relation to all acts of United States marshals, and others, in taking and returning the census of the country. He has also supervision of all the expendi- tures of his department. He also reports annually to Congress the nature, character, and amounts of all claims presented to him during the preceding year, under laws or treaty stipulations for compensa- tion for depredations committed by Indians, whether allowed by him or not, and the evidence on which he based his action; .xlso, the quantity and kind of the copies of public journals, books and documents received from the government for distribution, and the manner of their distribution in detail. DUTIES OF OFFICERS IN THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT- General Land Office. The Commissioner of the General Land-Office performs, under the directions of the Secretary of the Interior, all executive duties per- taining to the survey and sale of the public lands of the United States, or in anywise respecting such public lands, such as relate, also, to private claims of land, and the issue of patents for all grants of land under the authority of the government. He makes plats of lands surveyed under the authority of the United States, and gives such information respecting the public lands and concerning the business of his office as may be directed. All patents issued from the Land-office bear the authority of the United States, are signed by the President, countersigned by the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, and are recorded in that office. Duty of the Recorder. It is the duty of the Recorder of the General Land-Office, under instructions from the com- missioner, to certify and affix the seal of the office to all patents for public lands, and to attend to their correct engrossing, recording and trans- mission i to prepare alphabetical indexes of the names of persons entitled to patents and those who receive them, and to prepare copies and exemplifications of matters on flic or records in the General Land-Office as the commissioner may direct. Duties of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has the management of all Indian affairs and all matters arising out of Indian relations. To him are transmitted, for examination, all accounts and vouchers for claims and disbursements connected with Indian affairs, and by him they are passed to the proper accounting officer of the depart- ment of the Treasury for settlement. The President may prescribe such regulations as he deems proper for carrying into effect the vari- ous legal provisions relating to the control of Indian affairs; and the Secretary of the Interior also prepares and publishes regulations, at his dis- cretion, establishing the method of presenting claims, arising under treaty stipulations or Congressional laws, for compensation for depre- dations committed by Indians, and the character of the evidence brought to support such claims. It is the duty of the Secretary of the Interior, also, to make and maintain such rules as are necessary to prohibit the sale of arms or ammu- nition within any district or country occupied by uncivilized or hostile Indians. It is the duty of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to report annually to Congress a tabular statement showing distinctly the separate objects of expenditure under his supervision, during the fiscal year next preceding each report, In his annual report he embodies the statements of all agents or commissioners issuing food, clothing or supplies of any kind to Indians, with the number of Indians present and actually receiving such supplies. Commissioner of Pensions. The Commissioner of Pensions performs such duties in the execution of the various pension and bounty-land laws of the United States as the President directs. The commissioner is authorized, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to appoint a person to sign the name of the com- missioner to certificates or warrants for bounty lands to soldiers, sailors, etc. The commissioner is authorized to detail, from time to time, any of the clerks in his office to investigate any suspected attempts to defraud 392 DUTIES OF VARIOUS OFFICERS IN TlIE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. the United States in or affecting the adminstration of any law relative to pensions, and to aid in the prosecution of any person implicated, with such additional compensation as is customary in cases of special service; and such person is empowered to administer oaths in the course of such investi- gation. Officers of Indian Affairs. The Board of Indian Commissioners consists of not more than ten persons, appointed by the President ; men eminent for intelligence and philanthropy, who receive no compensation for performing their duties under such appointment. The board has power to appoint one of its members as its secretary, who is entitled to such reasonable salary as may be agreed upon by the board, to be paid from any moneys appropriated by the government for the expenses of the com- mission. The board supervises all expenditflres of money appropriated for the benefit of Indians within the limits of the United States, and inspects all goods purchased for Indians, in ^connection with the Indian service, and has access to all books and papers relating thereto in any government office; but the examination of vouchers and accounts by the executive committee of the board is not necessary to secure their payment. Duty of Indian Inspectors. The President is authorized to appoint several Indian inspectors, not exceeding five in number, each of whom holds his office for four years, unless sooner removed. As often as twice a year one or more of the inspectors is required to visit each Indian super- intendency and agency and fully investigate all matters pertaining to the business of each, including an examination of its accounts, the manner of expending money, the number of Indians provided for, contracts of all kinds con- nected with the business, the condition of the Indians, their advancement in civilization, the extent of the reservations, and what use is made of the lands set apart for that purpose, and, generally, all matters belonging to the Indian service. Each inspector has power to examine on oath all officers and other persons in and about the superintendencies and agencies, and to suspend from office any superintendent, agent, or employe, and appoint another person temporarily to fill the vacancy created by the suspension, reporting his action to the President. The inspectors are, also, each empowered to enforce the laws and prevent the violation of the laws in flhe several agencies and superintendencies. It is so arranged that the same inspector may not investigate the affairs of any superintendency or agency twice in succession. Jndian Superintendents. The President is authorized, from time to time, to appoint four or more superintendents of Indian affairs, and each holds his office four years. Each superintendent, within his district, exer- cises a general supervision and control over the official conduct and accounts of all officers and persons employed by the government in Indian affairs, under such regulations as are established by the President, and may suspend such officers and persons from their offices or employments for reasons forthwith to be communicated to the Secretary of the Interior; and, also, to perform within his district such duties as may be properly assigned to him. The Secretary of the Interior may, at his discretion, authorize the temporary employment of clerks by superintendents of Indian affairs whenever the public interests seem to require it. Whenever a superintendency is discontinued by the President, or abolished by law, the agents in that district report directly to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Indian Agents. From time to time the President is authorized to appoint numerous Indian agents, locating them among the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi river, and from Texas to Oregon. The President has power to discontinue any agent at his dis- cretion, or to require one agent to perform duty at two agencies for one salary. Each agent holds his office four years, and before entering upon his duties is required to give a bond with such security as the President or Secretary of the Interior may require. Within his agency he manages and superintends the intercourse with the Indians according to law, and executes and performs such regulations and duties as may be prescribed by the President, the Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or the Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Where Indian Agents Must Live. Every agent is required to reside and keep his agency within or near the tribe of Indians to which he is assigned, and at such place as the President may designate, and may not leave the limits of his agency without permission. The President may require any military officer of the United States to execute the duties of an Indian agent, and such officer receives no other compensation than his army pay and actual traveling expenses. Legal Powers of Agents. Indian agrents are authorized to take ac- knowledgments of deeds and other instruments of writing, and to administer oaths in investi- gations committed to them in the Indian country, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. The President also appoints a competent number of sub-Indian agents, to be employed and to reside wherever the President may direct. Location of Each Agency. The limits of each superintendency, agency and sub-agency are established by the Secretary of the Interior, either by tribes or geographical boundaries. All special agents and commissioners not appointed by the President are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. Indian Interpreters. An interpreter is allowed to each agency. Where there are several tribes in the same agency speaking different languages, one interpreter may be allowed by the Secretary of the Interior for each of such tribes. Interpreters may be nominated by the proper agents to the De- partment of the Interior for approval, and may be suspended by the agent, for cause, from pay and duty, and the circumstances reported to the Department of the Interior for final action. Indian Interpreters Preferred. Whenever persons of Indian descent can be found who are properly qualified for the perform- ance of the necessary duties, preference is given to them in all cases of appointments of interpret- ers and other persons employed for the benefit of the Indians. The Secretary of the Interior must, under the direction of the President, cause the discontinu- ance of the services of such agents, sub-agents, interpreters, etc., as may from time to time become unnecessary in consequence of the emi- gration of the Indians, or other causes. No person employed in Indian affairs may have any interest or concern in any trade with the Indians, except for and on account of the United States, under a penalty of $5,000 and removal from office. Teachers Among the Indians. In every case where the President may judge improvement in the habits and con- dition of Indians practicable, and ascertains that the means of instruction can be introduced among them with their own consent, he may employ capable persons of good moral character to instruct them in the mode of agriculture suited to their situation, and to teach their children in reading, writing and arithmetic, under such regu- lations as the President may prescribe. And when any of the Indian tribes are, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, competent to direct the employment of their blacksmiths, mechanics, teachers, farmers or other persons engaged for them, the direction of such persons may be given to the proper authority of the tribe. Indian Traders. Any loyal citizen of the United States, of good moral character, may be permitted to trade with any Indian tribe upon giving a bond to the United States of not less than $5,000, with good security, approved by the proper authorities, conditioned that he will faithfully observe all laws and regu- lations made for the government of trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and in no respect violate the same. United States Surveyors. The President appoints one Surveyor-General in the States and Territories named below, each embracing one surveying district: Louisiana, Florida, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Dakota Territory, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Each Surveyor- General has but one office in his district, located, from time to time, as the President shall direct, and must reside in the district to which he is appointed. The term of office of Surveyors- General is four years. The Records of Surveys. The Secretary of the Interior takes the neces- sary measures for the completion of the surveys in the general surveying districts for which Sur- veyors-General have been appointed, at the earliest practicable period; and when the surveys are finished, the field-notes, maps, records and other papers pertaining to land-titles within the same are turned over to the Secretary of State of the respective States, and the office of Surveyor-General in every such district ceases and is discontinued. Every Surveyor-General is authorized to employ a sufficient number of skillful surveyors as his deputies, who are sworn to a faithful performance of their duties. He frames regulations for their direction, and has power to remove them for negligence or misconduct in office. What Shall be Surveyed. Each Surveyor-General is required to cause to be surveyed, measured, and marked all base and meridian lines through such points, and per- petuated by such monuments and such other correction parallels and meridians as are prescribed by law and instructions from the General Land-Office, in respect to the public lands within his surveying district to which the Indian title has been or may be extinguished. He causes to be surveyed all private land-claims within his district after they have been confirmed by authority of Congress, so far as may be necessary to complete the survey of the public lands. He DUTIES OF VARIOUS OFFICERS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. transmits to the register of the respective land- offices within his district general and particular plats of all lands surveyed by him for each land district, forwarding copies of such plats to the Commissioner of the General Land-Office. As far as is compatible with his other duties, he is required occasionally to inspect the surveying operations in his district, sufficiently to satisfy himself that the field-work is being faithfully executed according to contract. In case he cannot give his personal attention to such inspec- tion, he is authorized to appoint a confidential deputy to make the required examination. There is allowed for the several offices of the Surveyors-General, for clerk-hire, office-rent, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, such sums as Congress may appropriate from year to year. Whenever he thinks that the public interest requires it, the President is authorized to transfer the duties of Land Register and Receiver in any district to the Surveyor-General of the district in which such land district is located. The Patent-Office. The Patent-Office is a bureau of the Interior Department, wherein are kept and preserved all the records, books, models, drawings, specifi- cations and other papers and things pertaining to patents for inventions. In the Patent-Office are the following officers, appointed by the President: A Commissioner of Patents, an Assistant Commissioner of patents, and three Examiners-in-chief. All the other officers, clerks and employes, named below, are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, on the nomination of the Com- missioner of Patents, their salaries varying from 8900 to 82,500 per year: A chief clerk, an examiner in charge of interferences, one examiner in charge of trade-marks, twenty-four principal examiners, twenty-four first assistant examiners, twenty-four second assistant examiners (two of whom may be .emales), twenty-four third assistant examin- ers, a librarian, one machinist, three skilled draughtsmen, thirty-five copyists of drawings, one messenger and purchasing clerk, one skilled laborer, eight attendants in the model room, and eight others in the same room. The PatentOfflce has a seal, with which letters- patent and papers issued from it are authenti- cated. The Commissioner of Patents and the chief clerk are severally required to give a bond for the faithful discharge of their duties, and a true accounting of public moneys coming into their hands. Must Not be Pecuniarily Interested. No officer or employe of the Patent-Office is allowed to acquire or take, during his or her term of service, any right or interest, directly or indi- rectly, except by inheritance or bequest, in any patent issued by the office. Under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Patents superin- tends or performs all duties respecting the granting and issuing of patents directed by the laws, and has charge of all books, records, papers, models, machines and other things belonging to the Patent-Office. He, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, from time to time, establishes regu- lations, consistent with law, for the conduct of proceedings in his office. He also causes to be classified and arranged in suitable cases, in rooms and galleries of the Patent-Office, set apart for that purpose, the models, specimens of compo- sition, fabrics, manufactures, works of art and designs which are deposited in the Patent-Office; and these rooms and galleries are kept open during suitable hours for inspection by visitors. He may restore to the respective applicants such models accompanying rejected applications for patents as he deems it unnecessary to preserve, or he may sell or otherwise dispose of them after the application has been finally rejected for a year, paying the purchase-money into the Treasury, as other patent^moneys are directed to be paid. Description of Patents. He may cause to be printed copies of the patent- claims of current issue, and copies of such laws, decisions, regulations and circulars as may be necessary for the information of the public. He is authorized to have printed, from time to time, for free distribution a limited number of the complete specifications and drawings of each patent, together with suitable indexes, one copy being placed for free public inspection in each State-house of every State and Territory , copies for the like purpose in the clerks' offices of the Federal district courts, and one in the library of Congress all being certified under the hand of the Com- missioner and seal of the Patent-Office, and not to be taken from their places of deposit for any other purpose than as evidence in suits at law. He is also authorized to have printed such additional copies of these specifications and drawings, duly certified, for sale at a price as low as may be warranted by the actual cost and demand for them, and to furnish a complete set of them to any public library that will pay for binding and transporting them and will provide suitable places of deposit, open to the public. The lithographing and engraving are done by contract after competitive bidding, and the printing is done at the Government Printing- office. Report of Commissioner of Patents. Annually, the Commissioner of Patents lays before Congress a report, setting forth the amount of moneys received for patents, for copies of records or drawings, and all other sources; details of all the moneys paid out for contingent and miscellaneous, expenses-, a list of all the patents granted during the preceding year, generally classified; an alphabetical list of all the patentees and their places of residence; a list of all the patents that have been extended during the year, with such other information of the condition of the PatentOffice as may be useful to Congress or the public. Superintendent of Public Documents. The Superintendent of Public Documents, appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, collects, arranges, preserves, packs and distributes the publications received at the Department of the Interior for distribution, and performs other duties belonging to his office, including the com- piling and supervising of the ' 'Biennial Register, " for the use of Congress and the several States. The Returns Office. The Secretary of the Interior is directed to provide, from time to time, a proper apartment in his department, to be called the Returns office, in which he causes to be filed the returns of con- tracts made by the Secretary of War, the Secre- tary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Interior, and appoints a clerk to attend to its business. His duty is to file all returns made to the office, so that they may be easy of access, keeping all returns made by the same officer in the same place, and numbering them in the order in which they are made. He also keeps an index- book, with the names of the contracting parties and the number of each contract opposite to the names, and this book is to be open for public inspection. He also furnishes copies of these returns to any person who is willing to pay five cents for copying every 100 words; he has also to certify to the correctness of each copy made. The Office of Education. The Office of Education is a bureau of the Department of the Interior, the duties of which include the collection of facts and figures showing the condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories, and to diffuse such information respecting the organization and management of schools and methods of teaching as shall aid the people of the United States in the establishment and maintenance of efficient school systems, and otherwise promote the cause of education throughout the country. The office of education is managed by a com missioner of education, who is appointed by the President. The persons employed in the office of education include a chief clerk, one statistician, and one translator. Hospitals. Besides the foregoing bureaus and offices of the Department of the Interior, the Secretary of the Interior is charged with the supervision of the Government Hospital for the Insane, in the District of Columbia, which has for its objects the most humane care and enlightened curative treatment of the insane of the army and navy of the United States and the District of Columbia; and the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, in the District of Columbia, which was established for *he education of deaf mutes from the several States and Territories. Department of Agriculture. Congress, some years since, made provision for a Department of Agriculture at Washington. The general design and duties of the Govern- ment Department of Agriculture are to acquire and distribute among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and compre- hensive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable plants and seeds. The chief officer of this department is the Commissioner of Agri- culture, who is appointed by the President. Besides a chief clerk, the commissioner appoints the following assistants: One chemist, one assistant chemist, one entomologist, one micro- scopist, one botanist, one statistician, one superintendent of experimental gardens and grounds, one assistant superintendent of the same, one disbursing clerk, one superintendent of the seed-room, one assistant superintendent of the seed-room, one librarian, one engineer, one superintendent of the folding-room, two attendants in the museum, and one carpenter. Duties of the Commissioner of Agriculture. The Commissioner of Agriculture has charge of the building and premises appropriated to the use of that department at Washington, and of the library, furniture, fixtures, records, and other property belonging to it. It is his duty to procure and preserve all infor- mation concerning agriculture which he can obtain by means of books and correspondence, and by practical and scientific experiments (official records, accurately kept, are made in his office), by the collection of statistics, and by any appropriate means within his power. He is also required to collect new and valuable seeds and plants, and to test, by cultivation, the value of such of them as ought to be thus tested; propagate such as may be worthy of propagation, and distribute them among agriculturists. 394' DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. of the Navy. The Bureaus of the Naval Department. ROMINENT in the President's cabinet is the Secretary of the Navy. The business of the naval department is distributed among the following eight bureaus: The Bureau of Yards and Docks, presided over by an offlcei selected from the navy, not below the grade of commander; the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, presided over by a similar naval officer; a Bureau of Navigation, presided over by a similar officer ; a Bureau of Ordnance, and Bureau of Construction and Repair, presided over by similar officers, the latter being also a skillful navy constructor; the Bureau of Steam- engineering, presided over by one of the chief engineers of the navy, who is also a skillful engineer; the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, presided over by a paymaster of the navy, of not less than ten years' standing; the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, presided over by one of the surgeons of the navy. The chiefs of these bureaus are appointed by the President, hold their offices for four years, and receive only the salary pertaining to each of their official grades in the navy. Duties of the Secretary of the Navy. The duties of the Secretary of the Navy are as follows : To execute such orders as he shall receive from the President relative to procur- ing naval stores and materials, and the construction, armament, equipment and employment of vessels of war, and other matters con- nected with the naval establishment; to have custody and charge of all the books, records and property in and belonging to the Navy Department ; to cause the collection of all flags, standards and colors taken by the navy from the enemies of the United States. The annual reports of the secretary to Congress shall present: A statement of the appropriations of the preceding fiscal year, how much money was expended, and in what manner, and the probable demand of the balances of appropriations remaining unused in each department of the navy; a statement of al! offers for contracts for supplies and services made during the year, and accepted, by classes; a statement showing how much money was expended during the preceding fiscal year for wages of mechanics and laborers employed in building, repairing or equipping vessels, or in handling stores, and how much money was spent in purchasing stores and materials, with the cost and value of articles received, used, and remaining on hand, at the navy-yards; a statement of all sales of vessels and materials of the navy, by whom bought, the amounts realized from such sales, etc. The respective bureaus of the department furnish to the secretary all estimates for the specific, general and contingent expenses of the department and bureaus. The Hydrographic Office. Attached to the Bureau of Navigation in the Navy Department is a hydrographic office, for improving the means for navigating safely the vessels of the navy and merchant marine by providing, under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, accurate and cheap nautical charts, sailing directions, navigators and manuals of instruction for the use of all such vessels. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to provide such charts, maps, etc. , to be prepared and printed and distributed to navigators at the cost of printing and paper. The moneys thus received from the sale of maps, charts, etc. , is to be applied to the purchase and preparation of more of the same articles. Nautical Observations. The Naval Observatory at Washington is in charge of a naval officer, who receives only the pay of an officer of his grade for shore duty. The ' ' Nautical Almanac, " containing the result of naval and astronomical observations, is supervised! annu- ally by a naval officer or professor of mathematics in the navy, appointed by the secretary for that purpose. The meridian of the Naval Observatory, at Washington, is established as the American meridian for .all astronomical purposes, and the meridian of Greenwich, England, for all nautical purposes. THE NAVAL EQUIPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. 395 aval iscrvice -i-OF THE-i- . ates. Facts Concerning the Various Branches of the United States Navy. IjHE ACTIVE officers of the United States Navy are graded as follows: Admiral, Vice-Admiral, rear- admirals, commodores, captains, commanders, lieutenant-commanders, lieutenants, masters, ensigns, and mid- shipmen. When the present Admiral and Vice-Admiral die, resign, or are removed, the grade will cease to exist, as no vacancy in it can be filled by pro- motion from the next lower rank. The relative rank between officers of the navy and officers of the army is as follows: The Vice-Admiral ranks with the lieutenant- general, Rear-admirals with major-generals, Commodores with brigadier-generals, Captains with colonels, Commanders with lieutenant- colonels, Lieutenant-Commanders with majors, Lieutenants with captains, Masters with first lieutenants, and Ensigns with second lieutenants. How Many N:i \.-il Officers are Allowed. There are allowed on the active list of naval officers of the line, one Admiral, one Vice- Admiral, ten rear-admirals, twenty-five commo- dores, fifty captains, ninety commanders, eighty lieutenant -commanders, 280 lieutenants, 100 masters and 100 ensigns. During war, rear- admirals are selected from those officers on the active list, not below the grade of commanders, who eminently distinguish themselves by their courage, skill and genius in their profession, and not then unless they have, upon the recommen- dation of the President, received the thanks of Congress for distinguished service. During peace, vacancies in the grade of rear-admiral are filled by regular promotion from the list of commodores. Requisites in the Medical Service. The active list of the Medical corps of the navy consists of fifteen medical directors, fifteen medical inspectors, fifty surgeons, and 100 assistant surgeons. All appointments in the Medical corps are made by the President. No person can be appointed assistant surgeon until he has been examined and approved by a board of naval surgeons, nor be less than twenty- one years old, nor more than twenty-six. No person can be appointed surgeon until he has served as an assistant surgeon at least two years in the navy, at sea, nor until he has been approved for such appointment by a board of naval surgeons. The President selects the surgeons, and appoints to every fleet or squadron one who is denominated ' ' surgeon of the fleet, " and is surgeon of the flag-ship. The Pay Department of the Nary. The active list of the Pay corps of the Navy consists of thirteen pay directors, thirteen pay inspectors, fifty paymasters, thirty passed as- sistant paymasters and twenty assistant pay- masters. All appointments in the pay corps are made by the President. No person can be appointed assistant paymaster who is less than twenty-one years old or more than twenty-six years, nor until his physical, mental and moral qualifications have been approved by a board of paymasters appointed by the Secretary of the Navy. The President may designate among the pay- masters in the service, and appoint one to every fleet or squadron, who is denominated "paymaster of the fleet. " The Engineer Corps of the Nary. The active list of the Engineer corps of the Navy consists of seventy chief engineers, divided into three grades, ten having the relative rank of captain, fifteen of commander, and forty-five of lieutenant-commander, or lieutenant. One engi- neer in-chief is selected by the President to serve in each fleet or squadron of the navy, and is denominated ' ' engineer of the fleet. " There are also in the navy 100 first assistant engineers, who have the relative rank of lieutenant or master in the navy, and 100 second assistant engineers, with the relative rank of master, or ensign. Religious Service in the Navy. The laws provide for the appointment by the President, for service in the public armed vessels of the United States, a number of chaplains (or ministers of the gospel), not exceeding twenty- four. A chaplain must not be less than twenty- one, nor more than thirty-five years old at the time of his appointment. Every chaplain is permitted to conduct public worship according to the manner and forms of the church of which he may be a member, and each chaplain must report annually to the Secretary of the Navy the official services performed by him during the previous year. Mathematicians in the Naval Service. The number of professors of mathematics employed in the navy cannot exceed twelve, and they are appointed and commissioned by the President. They perform such duties as may be assigned to them by order of the Secretary of the Navy, at the Naval Academy, at the Naval Observatory, and in ships of war, instructing midshipmen of the navy, or otherwise. Three have the relative ranks of captains, four of com- manders, and five of lieutenant-commanders, or lieutenants. Naval Constructors. The President may appoint naval constructors, who have rank and pay as naval officers, and are required to perform duty at any navy-yard or other station. Cadet engineers, who graduate with credit in the scientific and mechanical class of the Naval Academy, may, upon the recom- mendation of the academic board, be immediately appointed as assistant naval constructors. Store-Keepers. The President may appoint a civil engineer and a naval store-keeper at each of the navy-yards where such officers are necessary. The Secretary of the Navy may appoint citizens who are not officers of the navy to be store-keepers at foreign stations, when suitable officers of the navy cannot be ordered on such service, or when, in his opinion, the public interest will be thereby pro- moted. Number Who May Enlist, and their Age. The number of persons who may at one time be enlisted in the navy, including seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, mechanics, firemen, coal- heavers, apprentices, and boys, may not exceed 7,500. Boys between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years may be enlisted to serve in the navy until they arrive at the age of twenty-one years, and other persons may be enlisted to serve for a period not exceeding five years unless sooner dis- charged by the direction of the President. No minor between sixteen and eighteen years old can be enlisted without the consent of his parents or guardian. No boy less than sixteen years old, no insane or intoxicated person, and no deserter from the navy or army can be enlisted in the naval service. Any person enlisted in the mili- tary service may, on application to the Navy Department, approved by the President, be transferred to the navy or marine corps, to serve therein the remainder of his term of enlistment, 396 7 THE NAVAL EQUIPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. subject to the laws and regulations of the naval service. But such tranfer does not release the soldier from any indebtedness to the government. Provision is also made in the laws for sending men from distant stations to the places of their enlistment at the expiration of their terms of service. Honorable discharges may be granted to seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, firemen, coal-heavers and boys who have enlisted for three years; and it is the duty of every commanding officer, on returning from a cruise, to report to the Secretary of the Navy a list of his crew who enlisted for three years as being entitled to an honorable discharge as a testimonial of obedi- ence and fidelity. And every commanding officer of a vessel is required to discourage his crew from selling any part of their prize-money, bounty- money, or wages. Flag-Officers. The President may select any officer not below the grade of a commander on the active list, and assign him to the command of a squadron, with the rank and title of ' 'flag-officer;" and any officer so assigned has the same authority and receives the same obedience from the commanders of ships in his squadron, even though they hold com- missions of an older date than his, that he would be entitled to receive if his commission were the oldest. The laws prescribe with great minuteness the naval system of promotion from a lower rank to a higher one. The Naval Academy. The Naval Academy of the United States is established at Annapolis, Md. The students are styled "cadet midshipmen," and of these one is allowed to be appointed for every member or delegate of the House of Representatives in Congress, one for the District of Columbia, and ten are appointed annually from the United States at large. How Cadets are Appointed. In March, every year, the Secretary of the Navy notifies (in writing) every member and delegate in Congress of any cadet vacancy that may exist in his district. The nomination of a candidate to fill such vacancy is made upon the recommenda- tion of the member or delegate, if made before the first day of July of that year; but if it is not made by that time, the Secretary of the Navy must fill the vacancy. The candidates for the District of Columbia and the United States at large are selected by the President. All candi- dates from Congressional or Territorial districts and the District of Columbia must be actual residents, respectively, of the localities from which they are nominated. Age of Candidates. All candidates must be between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years, and physically sound, well formed and robust, and each is examined, how and where the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe. Any candidate rejected at such examination does not have the privilege of another examination for admission to the same class, unless recommended by the board of examiners. Should any candidate be found to be mentally or morally disqualified for admission, the member of Congress or Territorial delegate is notified to appoint another, who will be also duly examined and admitted or rejected. Length of Time in School. The academic course of cadet midshipmen con- tinues for six years. Cadet midshipmen who are found to be deficient at any examination shall not be continued at the academy or in the service, unless the academic board of examiners so recommend. When cadet midshipmen have successfully passed the graduating examination at the academy, they receive appointments as midship- men in the navy, and take rank according to their proficiency in academic studies. Who Determines the Coarse of Study. The Secretary of the Navy has authority to issue regulations for the education, at the naval academy, as naval constructors and steam engineers, of midshipmen and other persons who exhibit a peculiar aptitude for such professions. For this purpose such per- sons are formed into a separate class at the academy, to be styled cadet engineers, or are otherwise supplied with all proper facilities for such a scientific mechanical education as will fit them for their proposed professions. These students may not at any time exceed fifty in number, and are selected by the Secretary of the Navy. No person other than a midshipman can be eligible for appointment to this class unless he first produces satisfactory evidence of mechanical skill and proficiency, and passes an examination as to his mental and physical qualifi- cations. The course of study for cadet engineers is four years, including two years' service on naval steamers. They are examined from time to time, and if found deficient, or if dismissed for mis- conduct, they cannot remain at the academy or in the service, except upon the recommendation of the academic board. How Vessels are Ranked and Classified. The classification of vessels in the navy includes four grades, commanded as follows: First rate vessels by commodores, second rate by captains, third rate by commanders, and fourth rate by lieutenant-commanders. Steamships, carrying forty or more guns, are classed as first rates, those of twenty guns and under forty as second rates, and all those of less than twenty guns as third rates. How Vessels are Named. The vessels of the navy are named by the Secre- tary of the Navy, under the direction of the President, according to the following rule: Sail- ing vessels of the first class, after the States of the Union, those of the second class after the rivers and principal cities and towns of the United States, and those of the third class as the President may direct. Steamships of the several classes are named in the same manner precisely, care being taken that not more than one vessel in the navy shall have the same name. The Secretary of the Navy may change the names of any vessels purchased for the naval service. Punishment for Offenses. Congress has prepared sixty articles for the government of the officers and men in the navy. They have special reference to offenses committed against discipline, good order and morality, and the penalties attached to these and infractions of duty ; the composition and powers of courts- martial and courts of inquiry, the sale or misuse of government property, the treatment of prize vessels and prisoners of war, the general conduct of all persons in the navy, etc. Punishment with Death. The following offenses are punishable with death, and the code applies to all persons in the navy : Mutiny, disobedience of orders, striking a superior officer, murder, acting as a spy, inter- course with an enemy without leave, receiving secret messages from an enemy, desertion in time of war, deserting a trust, sleeping on watch, leaving a station without orders, willful stranding or injuring of a vessel, unlawful destruction of public property, striking his flag or treacherously yielding to an enemy, cowardice in battle, desert- ing duty in battle, neglecting orders to prepare for battle, neglecting to clear ship for action, or to join in attack when signal is made to give battle, failing to encourage the men to fight, failing to seek an encounter with an enemy when duty requires it, or failing to relieve and assist other vessels of the fleet or squadron when in battle. Other Punishment. Courts-martial may adjudge the penalties of imprisonment for life, or for a stated term, at hard labor, and have jurisdiction in this respect over the offenses of profanity, falsehood, drunken- ness, gambling, fraud, theft or other conduct tending to the destruction of good morals; cruelty; oppression; quarreling and fomenting quarrels; challenging or fighting duels, or acting as a second in a duel; contempt of superior offi- cers^ seeking to form combinations against a commanding officer to weaken his authority; using mutinous words; neglect of orders; not endeavoring to prevent the destruction of public property, negligent stranding of any vessel of the navy; misconduct in convoying merchant or other vessels; receiving goods or merchandise for freight on board of a naval vessel without high authority; aiding or abetting in making false muster-roll; wasting public property ; plundering or abusing citizens on shore; refusing to appre- hend offenders or to receive prisoners; absence from duty without leave; violating general orders or regulations; desertion in time of peace; harbor- ing deserters, etc. Duties of commanders in active service are designated respecting accurate accounts of men transferred to and from their respective ships, showing their exact positions in the navy at the date of transfer; complete lists of the officers, men and passengers, sent quarterly to head- quarters; noting deaths and desertions on board ship; care of the property of deceased persons; inspection of provisions; the health of their crews; presence at the final payment of crews; promulgation of the articles for the government of the navy, etc., and liability to be court- martialed for neglect of these rules and restrictions. What Constitutes a Conrt-Martial. Rules prescribe that no officer shall be dismissed from the service except by an order of the Presi- dent, or by the sentence of a general court- martial. A general court-martial may be convened by the President, the Secretary of the Navy, or the commander-in-chief of a fleet or squadron. It consists of not more than thirteen nor less than five commissioned officers, not more than one-half of lower rank than the officer to be tried. The Duty of a Conrt-Martial. It is the duty of a court-martial, in all cases of conviction, to adjudge a punishment adequate to the nature of the offense. In a sentence to suffer death, two-thirds of the members must vote in favor of such sentence, or it cannot be inflicted ; in all other cases, sentences are decided by a majority of the votes of the members. No sentence of a court-martial extending to the taking of life or to the dismissal of a commis- sioned or warrant-officer can be carried into execution until confirmed by the President. All other sentences may be carried into execution on confirmation of the commander of the fleet or officer ordering the court. THE OFFICERS IN THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. 397 The Postmaster-General An Insight into the Workings of the Postal Service. HIS EXECUTIVE department of the Government is superintended by the Postmaster- General. His term continues through that of the Presi- dent, by whom he is appointed, and one month more, unless he sooner dies or resigns, or is removed for cause. In this department are also three Assistant Postmasters- General, appointed by the President. There is also in this depart- ment an Assistant Attorney-General, appointed by the Postmaster-General. Oath of Persons in the Postal Service. Before entering upon his or her duties, or drawing any salary, every person employed in the postal service, from the Postmaster- General down, has to go before some civil or military officer and take the following oath of office: I, A. B. , do solemnly swear, (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform all the duties required of me, and abstain from everything forbidden by the laws in relation to the establishment of post-offices and post-roads within the United States; and that I will honestly and truly account for, and pay over, any money belonging to the said United States which may come into my posses- sion or control: So help me God. Duties of the Postmaster-General. The duties of the Postmaster- General are as follows: To establish and discontinue post-offices; to instruct all persons in the postal service with reference to their duties; to decide on the forms of all official papers ; prescribe the manner of keeping and stating postal accounts ; to inforce the prompt rendering of postal returns relative to said accounts ; to control, subject to the settlement of the Sixth Auditor of the Treasury Department, all expenses incident to the service of his department; to superintend disposal of the moneys of his department ; to direct the manner in which balances shall be paid over; issue warrants to deposit money into the treasury, and to pay it out; to superintend generally the business of the department, and execute all laws relative to the postal service ; to keep an account of all property in charge of the department, and report the same to Congress annually; to negotiate and conclude postal arrangements with foreign countries, and may reduce or increase the rates of postage between this and foreign countries; to publish the results of postal conventions with foreign countries; to deliver to the Sixth Auditor of the Treasury a copy of mail-carrying contracts; to issue warrants (on the quarterly statements of the Sixth Auditor) of payments of postmasters on account of the postal service, for carrying such amounts to the credit of the postal revenues on the books of the Auditor; to discharge from custody any person confined in jail on a judgment in a civil case in favor of the department if the defendant can show that he has no property of any kind ; to prepare estimates and transmit them to Congress annually through the Secretary of the Treasury, for the necessary appropriations of money for his depart- ment, specifying in detail the purposes for which it is needed, such as printing, binding, salaries of employes, and other items. PostmaEter-G-eneral's Reports. The Postmaster- General shall report to Congress annually: All contracts for carrying the mails made within the preceding year, with all particulars concerning them, and no person employed in the Post-Office Department shall become interested in any such contract, or act as agent, with or without compensation, for any mail-contractor, under pain of instant dismissal from office and other penalties; a statement of all land and water mail routes established or ordered within the preceding year, besides those contracted for at the annual mail-lettings, with the particulars attending them, and of all allowances made to mail contractors within the preceding year above the original contract prices, and the reasons therefor, etc. ; a state- ment in detail of all expenses curtailed within the preceding year ; a detailed statement of the finances of the department for the preceding year, showing its resources, engagements, and liabilities; a report of the fines assessed against mail contractors and deductions from their pay, with the particulars; a copy of each contract for carrying mails between the United States and foreign countries, and a statement showing its benefits to the department; a report of all contracts, except for carrying mails, with the details thereof, a report on the postal business and agencies in foreign countries; a statement of the money expended in the department for the pre- ceding fiscal year, with details. All of these reports and statements are to be printed at the public printing office, together or separately. THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. Division of Labor in Large Post-Offices. The postmaster, with a private secretary, has an office, where he maintains a general super- vision over the entire post-office and its business, answering correspondence relating to postal business, and giving the public such information concerning the postal service as may be necessary for the general good. In his office, also, is an " inquiry clerk," whose business it is to receive all complaints concerning missing letters and other mail-matter, to institute searches therefor in his own or other interested post-offices, etc. 398 DUTIES OF OFFICERS IN THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. In the larger post-offices, like that at Chicago, the work is divided into sections. The general laws provide for clerks, at various salaries, and the postmasters, with the consent of the Post master-General, assign to each a distinctive branch of labor. In the Chicago Post-Offiee, for instance, there are five divisions, embracing all the operations of the office, as follows: THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Composed of the assistant postmaster, the auditor of post-office accounts, the book-keeper, the cashier, the watchmen, etc. THE MAILING DEPARTMENT Devoted to the reception and sending-off of mail-matter passing into and through the office, and out of it, in the regular course of business. THE LETTER DELIVERY Including the superin- tendent of free delivery and the letter-carriers, with the general delivery, the box-delivery, etc. THE REGISTERED-LETTER DEPARTMENT For the registry and mailing of valuable letters and the delivery of registered letters to the proper parties. THE MONEY-ORDBR DEPARTMENT In which money-orders upon other post-offices in the United States and several foreign countries are issued, and similar orders from other post-offices are paid to the proper persons. Special Postal Agente. Connected with the principal post-offices are also two or more special agents of the Post-Office Department, whose business it is to superintend the railway postal service, and special agents employed in the free delivery and money- order service, in the interest of the Depart- ment. Assistant Postmaster. This officer is appointed by the postmaster, who is responsible for his acts. He is, as his title indicates, the active assistant of the postmaster in supervising the work of the post office. He cannot be a contractor for carrying any mail, nor be interested in any mail-carrying con- tract, and his salary varies according to the location and circumstances of his appointment. Post-Office Auditor. The auditor is charged with the examination and correction of the accounts of the postmaster with the Government, his subordinate officers, clerks and employes of the post-office. The Post-Office Book-keeper. The book-keeper is charged with the duty of correctly opening, keeping and closing, from time to time, the accounts of the postmaster with the Government and with every individual doing business with or for his post-office, subject to the orders of the postmaster and assistant postmaster, by whom his salary is fixed. The -Post-Office Cashier. This officer has supervision of all the money paid into or out of the post-office, subject to the orders of the postmaster and assistant postmaster, and provides for its safe keeping and proper deposit with the United States Sub-Treasurer, or in some other designated place. The Post-Office Watchmen. The duties of the watchmen are principally con- fined to the custody of the post-office building and its contents at night and other designated periods during the absence of officers and employes. Interior Work of Large Post-Offices. The duties of mailing clerks are varied according to the departments in which they are employed, as for instance: To open all packages of letters addressed to that office, to count and compare them with the postbill accompanying the package and to check any error in the bill: to file the bill, and send the letters to the letter-carriers' department, the general delivery, the box-de- livery, the registry office or the money-order office, as may be necessary for their proper care and safe delivery. If the office is a "distributing post-office," letters for various other places within the dis- tributing limits of the office are sorted, billed, repacked and forwarded to their proper destina- tion by mail. Some of the clerks sort out newspapers and periodicals, and send them to the proper delivery, or mail them for other points. Newspapers and periodicals for other newspapers and periodicals within the delivery of that office are sent to the "exchange clerks," to be sorted and properly distributed; so, also, transient newspapers and periodicals are sorted and sent to the proper deliveries in the postroffice. Other clerks receive, sort, stamp, bill and mail letters designed for other places. Others receive, examine and mail transient packages of news- papers and periodicals directed to other post- offices. Others receive regular daily, weekly and other newspapers and periodicals sent from publishing houses direct to subscribers, exchanges, etc., weigh them, to ascertain the amount of postage to be prepaid by the publishers, and send the accounts to the proper officer, after which such papers and periodicals can be forwarded by mail to any part of the country without further charge to the publishers or subscribers. Delivery clerks receive domestic and foreign letters, newspapers, periodicals not directed to any special box, street or number. These go into the general delivery, to be there called for by their owners. Other letters and papers, directed to a specified box, are placed in that box to remain until called for. Post-Office Stamp Department. In large offices there is a wholesale stamp department and a retail stamp department. In the first, stamps are sold to merchants and others by the sheet, or in greater quantities; stamped envelopes by the package or larger quantity, and postal cards by packages or hundreds. In the retail department sales extend from a single one-cent stamp to a dozen or more of any required sorts'. In this department, also, the clerk weighs transient packages to be sent by mail, to ascertain the required amount of postage to be prepaid, if requested so to do. Letter Delivery. The superintendent of free delivery is placed in charge of the letter-carriers and their work. He sees that letters are promptly and properly sorted by the clerks for the branch offices or the various letter-carriers. One or more clerks are stationed in the general delivery to promptly and carefully assort and deliver the letters and papers, domestic and foreign, sent to their department. In some offices there is a foreign-letter delivery, con- ducted like the ordinary general delivery. When letters remain a designated time in the general delivery uncalled for, they are advertised in some public newspaper, kept a certain time longer, and are then forwarded to the dead-letter office of the Post-Office Department at Washington. All letters not properly directed for mailing, or on which the postage is not prepaid, are also sent to the dead-letter office at stated periods. In the box-delivery, clerks are stationed to wait upon those who call for the contents of their boxes, and properly distribute whatever mail-matter is sent to their department. Those persons who rent lock-boxes and drawers wait upon them- selves, having the proper keys to their respective compartments of this delivery. Kegistered-Letter Division. For the greater security of valuable mail- matter, the Postmaster-General established a uniform system for the registration of letters. Mail-matter can only be registered on the appli- cation of the party who posts the same, and the fee for registration, in addition to the regular postage, is ten cents, to be in all cases prepaid. The registry clerk in the post/office gives the person registering the letter a receipt for it, properly describing it. The letter is classified on the books of the office sending it as a registered letter; it is then carefully mailed to the post- master at the posfroffice to which it is directed; is classified there as a registered letter, and delivered to the person to whom it is addressed only upon his giving a receipt therefor as a registered letter. The proper number of clerks is detailed to the registered-letter department of a large office by the postmaster thereof. In smaller offices the postmaster and his ordinary clerks attend to the registration of letters, as they are presented, and the delivery thereof whenever they arrive. The Honey-Order Division. In order to promote public convenience, and to insure greater security in the transfer of money through the mails, the Postmaster-General has established and maintains, under rules and regulations which he deems expedient, a uniform money-order system at all suitable post-offices, Known as "money-order offices." The post- master of every city where branch post-offices are in operation subject to his supervision, is authorized, under the direction of the Postmaster- General, to issue, or cause to be issued, by his clerks and assistants in charge of such branch offices or stations, postal money-orders, payable at his own or at any other money-order office, or at any branch post-office or station of his own or any other money-order office, as the remitters thereof may direct; and the postmaster and his sureties are, in every case, held account able upon his official bond for all moneys received by him or his designated assistants or clerks in charge of stations, from the issue of money- orders, and for all moneys which may come into his or their hands, or be placed in his or their custody by reason of the transaction by them of money-order business. Any postmaster who issues a money-order without having previously received the money therefor, is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be fined not less than t50 nor more than $500. Prices of Postal Money-Orders. Money-orders not exceeding 815, ten cents. " " 30, fifteen cents. " " 40, twenty cents. " " 50, twenty-five cents. None are sold exceeding $50, nor can one indi- vidual or firm send more than three orders amounting to $50 to one and the same party on the same day. Money-orders are payable only to the persons in whose names they are drawn, but the right to collect the amount may be transferred in writing on the money-order to one other (and no other) individual by the person in whose favor the order is originally drawn. Blank applications for money-orders are kept at money-order offices, which each applicant can fill DUTIES OF OFFICERS IN THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. 399 up with his name, the name and address of the party to whom the order is to be paid, the amount and date of the application, and all such appli- cations are preserved in the money-order office for a stated time after the money-order is issued. The postmaster who issues a money-order sends a notice thereof by mail, without delay, to the postmaster on whom it is drawn. After a money-order has been issued, if the purchaser desires to have it modified or changed, the postmaster who issued it can take it back and give a new one instead, for which a new fee has to be paid. The postmaster who issues a money-order shall repay the amount of it upon the application of the person who obtained it and the return of the order, but the fee paid for it is not returned. The Postmaster-General transfers money-order funds from one postmaster to another, and from the postal revenue to the money-order fund; and also to the postmaster at any money-order office, by a warrant on the United States Treasury, and payable out of the postal revenues, such sums as may be required over and above the current revenues at his office to pay the money-orders drawn upon him. He also requires each post- master at a money-order office to render to the Post-Office Department weekly, semi-weekly, or daily accounts of all money-orders issued and paid, of all fees received for issuing them, of all transfers and payments made from money-order funds, and of all money received to be used for the payment of money-orders or on account of money-order business. Commissions to Postmasters. Postmasters at money-order offices are allowed, as compensation for issuing and paying money- orders, not exceeding one-third of the whole amount of fees collected on orders issued, and one-fourth of one per cent, on the gross amount of orders paid at their respective offices, provided that such compensation, together with the post- master's salary, does not exceed $4,000 a year, except in the case of the postmaster at New York city. There is at Washington an officer of the Government known as the superintendent of the money-order system, whose salary is $3,000 a year. Officers in the Honey- Order Department. The officers in charge of the postal money-order division of the Chicago PosKifflce, aside from the postmaster and assistant postmaster, are a superintendent, an examiner and a cashier. The superintendent supervises and controls the direct operations of his office under the instructions of the Postmaster-General and the postmaster. The examiner examines the correctness of each money-order presented from another post-office before passing it to the cashier for payment, reserving a minute of it, which must compare with the order in name, place of issue, number and amount. The cashier, upon receiving the order from the examiner, pays it to the proper person waiting to receive the money. The cost of the stationery and incidental expenses of the money-order division of each post-office are, if possible, paid out of the fees received from the sale of money-orders. The Dead-Letter Office. The dead-letter office is a branch of the Post- Office Department at Washington, for the pur- poses herein named. The Postmaster-General regulates the period during which undelivered letters may remain in any post-office, and when they shall be returned to the dead-letter office, and he makes regulations for their return from the dead-letter office to the writers when they cannot be delivered to the persons to whom they are addressed. When Letters are Advertised. As- often as the Postmaster-General may prescribe, but not oftener than once a week, post- masters are required to advertise the list of letters remaining uncalled-for and unclaimed in their respective offices. This is done by inserting the list in a newspaper of the vicinity having the largest circulation within that post-office delivery, or by a written list posted in some public place. Alter the list has been published, the postmaster is required to post up in a conspicuous place in his office a copy of such list. Sent to the Dead- Letter Office. At the end of the time prescribed by the Post- master-General for keeping undelivered letters in his office after advertising them, the postmaster sends them to the dead-letter office, together with the following other letters: Letters deposited in that office to be mailed to other offices, on which the name of the post-office was accidentally omitted, or on which the address was too imperfect to be properly understood; letters on which prepayment of postage was neglected, and letters addressed to a known fraudulent institution or firm. What is Done With Dead Letters. At the dead-letter office, all letters sent to it are opened and examined. If they contain valuable inclosures they are registered, and when they cannot be delivered to the party addressed nor to the writer, the contents are disposed of, and a careful account is kept of the amount realized in each case, and may be reclaimed within four years by the sender or the party addressed. All other letters of value or importance to the party addressed or the writer, and which cannot be returned to either, are disposed of as the Post- master-General directs. Letters with Writer's Address on Envelope. Prepaid letters, bearing upon the outside the name and address of the writer, are not adver- tised, but if not called for within a time set by the writers, are returned to the persons sending them, without charge. Hail Contractors. Before making any contract for carrying the United States mails, except on railways, and, under certain circumstances, upon steamboats or other vessels, the Postmaster-General must give public notice by advertising once a week for six weeks, in one or more newspapers published in the State or Territory where the mail service is to be performed (one of which papers must be published at the State or Territorial capital), and such notice must describe the route, the time at which the mail is to be made up, the time at which it is to be delivered, and the frequency of the service. Proposals for Carrying the Hail. Every proposal for carrying the mail over any specified route must be accompanied by the oath of the bidder, that he has the pecuniary ability to fulfill his obligations and that his bid is made in good faith and with the intention to enter into contract and perform the service in case his bid is accepted; that the signatures of his guarantors are genuine, and that he believes them pecuniarily responsible for and able to pay all damages to the United States arising from his failure to fulfill his contract. The guarantors must be one or more responsible persons. Proposals for carrying mails are delivered sealed, and are kept sealed until the bidding is closed, and are then opened and marked in the presence of the Postmaster- General and one or two of the Assistant Post- masters-General, or any other two officers of the Post-Office Department, to be designated by the Postmaster-General. Any bidder may withdraw his bid, in writing, twenty-four hours before the time for opening it. Bids are Recorded. All bids are recorded and preserved l>y the Postmaster-General. Postmasters are forbidden to give any bidder a certificate of the sufficiency of his guarantor or surety before the guarantee or contract is signed by such guarantor or surety, and if he "knowingly makes any false or illusory certificate," may be forthwith dismissed from office and fined or imprisoned, or both. Contracts Run for Only Four Years. No contract for carrying mails on land can be made for a longer term than four years, nor on the sea for more than two years. No mail con- tractor can receive any pay until he has executed his contract according to law and the regulations of the department. The laws prescribe the manner of carrying mails in detail, prohibit sending letters by private expresses, provide for carrying letters on vessels, steamboats, etc., and punishment for obstructing or delaying the mail. The Railway Postal Service. Railway routes on which mails are carried, including those in which the service is partly by railway and partly by steamboat, are divided into three classes, according to the size of the mails, the speed at which they are carried and the frequency and importance of the service, so that each railway company receives, as far as practi- cable, a proportionate and just rate of compen- sation, according to the service performed. The pay for carrying mails on any railway of the first class does not exceed $300 per mile a year, on railways of the second class not more than $100 per mile a year, and on those of the third class not more than $50 per mile a year, unless one-half the service on any railway is required to be per- formed in the night, when twenty-five per cent, additional may be paid by the Postmaster- General. Postal Clerks Carried Free. On all railways carrying mails, the person in charge of them is transported free, and mail- matter and the route agent are to be carried on any train. The pay for carrying mails on railways which receive government aid is fixed by Congress. Postal Car Accommodations. Among the conditions of the railway postal service are the following: That the railway shall furnish mail trains with postal cars sufficiently large, properly fitted up, furnished, warmed and lighted for the accommodation of route-agents and the necessary clerks to accompany and dis- tribute the mails. The clerks sort the mails for each station on the route and the post-roads connecting therewith, while traveling, and deliver the mail bag thus made up at mail-stations, by kicking or throwing it from the car at places where the train does not stop, or by handing it to the authorized mail-mes sengers at depots where the train halts. Different Classes of Postmasters. The Postmaster-General establishes post-offices at all such places on post-roads defined by law as he may deem expedient. Postmasters are divided into five classes. Those of the fourth and fifth classes, who do the least business, are appointed and may be removed by the Postmaster-General, and the others are appointed by the President, holding their offices for four years, unless sooner removed. 400 DUTIES OF OFFICERS IN THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. Where Postmasters Hast Live. Every postmaster must reside within the delivery of the office to which he is appointed, and before entering upon its privileges, emolu- ments and responsibilities, must execute a bond to the Government with good and approved security; and if it is designated as a money-order office, his bond contains an additional condition for the performance of his duties and obligations in connection with the money-order business. The bond of any married woman who may be appointed postmaster is as binding upon her and her sureties, and she is as liable for misconduct in office, as if she were a man. Every person employed in the postal service must take and subscribe to an oath that he (or she) will faithfully perform all the duties required of him (or her), and abstain from everything for- bidden by the laws in relation to the establishment of post-offices and post-roads within the United States; and that he (or she) will honestly and truly account for and pay over any money belonging to the United States which may come into his (or her) possession or control. Every person employed in the postal service is subject, however, to all penalties and forfeitures for violations of the laws relating to such service, whether he has taken the oath of office or not. Requirements of Postmasters. Every postmaster keeps an office in which one or more persons must be on duty during such hours of the day as the Postmaster-General directs, for the purpose of receiving, delivering, making up and forwarding all mail-matter received thereat. He must also keep a record, in prescribed form, of all postage-stamps, envelopes, postal books, blanks, and property received from his predecessor, or from the Post-Office Depart, ment or its agents; of all receipts of money for postage and box-rents, and of all other receipts on account of the postal service, and of any other transactions which are required by the Post- master-General. These records are preserved and delivered to his successor, and shall at all times be subject to examination by any special agent of the department. He renders to the Postmaster-General, under oath, once in three months, in such form as the latter prescribes, an account of all moneys received or charged by him, or at his office, for postage, rent of boxes or other receptacles for mail-matter, or by reason of keeping a branch post-office, or for the delivery of mail-matter in any manner whatever. The Postmaster-General may also require him to send with his quarterly accounts a sworn state- ment of the truth of such accounts, showing, besides, that he has not knowingly delivered, or permitted to be delivered, any mail-matter on which the postage was not at the time paid. Penalty for Neglect. If he neglects for a month to make his quarterly returns to the department, he and his sureties forfeit and pay double the amount of the gross receipts at such office during any previous or subsequent equal period of time; and if at the time of trial no account has been rendered, they are liable to a penalty in such sum as the court and jury estimate to be equivalent thereto. Where Postmasters Must Keep Money. He is required to safely keep, without loaning, using, depositing in an unauthorized bank, or exchanging for other funds, all public money collected by him, or which comes into his pos- session, until it is ordered by the Postmaster. General to be transferred or paid out. Postmasters in cities where there is an Assistant Treasurer of the United States, must deposit the postal reve- nues and all money accruing at their offices with such assistant treasurer as often as once a week, and of tener if the Postmaster-General requires it. Every postmaster must promptly report to the Postmaster-General every delinquency, neglect or malpractice of mail-contractors, their agents or mail-carriers, that comes to his knowledge. When More Post-Office Clerks are Allowed. Whenever unusual business accrues at any post- office, the Postmaster-General may make a special order allowing reasonable compensation for clerks, and a proportionate Increase of salary to the postmaster during the time of such extraordi- nary business. The Postmaster-General may designate offices at the intersection of mail-routes as distributing or separating offices, and if any such office is of the third, fourth, or fifth class, he may make a reasonable allowance to the postmaster for the necessary cost of clerk-hire arising from such duties. The Postmaster-General may discontinue any post-office where the safety and security of the postal service and revenues are endangered from any cause, or where the efficiency of the service requires it. No postmaster, assistant postmaster or clerk employed in any post-office, may be a mail- contractor or concerned in any contract for carrying the mail. No postmaster can act as an agent for any lottery office, or, under any pretense of purchase, or otherwise, sell lottery-tickets, nor can he receive or send any lottery-scheme, circular or ticket free of postage, under penalty of 150 for each violation of this regulation. Salaries of Postmasters. The salaries of postmasters must be readjusted by the Postmaster-General once in two years, and in special cases as much oftener as he may deem expedient. The salary of a postmaster, and such other expenses of the postal service authorized by law as may be incurred by him, and for which appropriations have been made by Congress, may be deducted <5ut of the receipts of his office, under the direction of the Postmaster-General. Whenever, by reason of the extension of the free delivery of letters, the box-rents of any post- office are decreased, the Postmaster-General may allow, out of the receipts of that office, a sum sufficient to maintain the salary at the amount fixed upon before the decrease in box-rents. No postmaster can, under any pretense whatever, have, receive, or retain for himself, in the aggre- gate, more than the amount of his salary and his commission on the money-order business of his office. When a Town May Have Letter-Carriers. As frequently as the public convenience may require, at every city or town containing a popu- lation of 20,000 within the delivery of its post- office, letter-carriers may be employed for the free delivery of mail-matter. Letter-Boxes. The Postmaster-General may establish, in places where letter-carriers are employed, and in other places where, in his judgment, the public con- venience requires it, receiving-boxes for the deposit of mail-matter, and cause the matter deposited therein to be collected as often as may be for general accommodation. The compensation of letter-carriers is estab- lished by a law of Congress, and graded according to service or location. The uniform dress worn by letter-carriers is prescribed by the Postmaster-General, and it is a penal offense for any person not connected with the letter-carriers' department of the postal service to wear such uniform. Every letter-carrier must execute a bond, with sureties, to be approved by the Postmaster- General, for the safe cxistody and delivery of all mail-matter and the faithful account and payment of all money received by him. If any person willfully or maliciously injures, tears down or destroys any public letter-box, or assaults a letter-carrier while performing his duty, he is liable to prosecution, a fine of not less than *100 nor more than (1,000, or to imprisonment from one to three years. The Postmaster-General may establish branch offices for the receipt and delivery of mail-matter and the sale of postage-stamps and envelopes, within any post-office delivery, and prescribe the rules and regulations for their government. No Gifts to Letter-Carriers. No extra postage or carriers' fees may be charged or collected upon any mail-matter col- lected or delivered by carriers, nor can any person employed in the postal service receive any fees or perquisites on account of duties performed by him in his official position. All expenses of letter-carriers, branch offices and receiving boxes, or incident thereto, are kept and reported in a separate account by the post- master, and the Postmaster-General is guided in the expenditures for this branch of the service by the income derived from it. THE JUDICIAL SERVICE OF THE COUNTRY. 401 The Attorney-General. The Judiciary Department of the United States. HIS EXECUTIVE department of the Government is in charge of the Attorney-General of the United States. He is assisted by another officer, learned in the law, called the Solicitor-General ; also three officers, learned in the law, called Assistant Attorneys - General ; a Solicitor of the Treasury, an Assistant Solicitor of the Treasury, a Solicitor of Internal Revenue, a Naval Solicitor, and an Examiner of Claims for the Department of State. All of the offi- cers above designated are appointed by the President, each and all of whom hold their positions for four years, unless for sufficient cause they are sooner removed. Duties of the Attorney-General. It is the duty of the Attorney-General to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law whenever required by the President. No public money can be expended upon any building, site or land purchased by the Government on which to erect any armory, arsenal, fort, fortification, navy-yard, custom-house, lighthouse or other public building until the Attorney-General, in writing, decides upon the validity of the land-title and the Legislature of the State in which the land is located has given its consent, to such purchase; and other government officers are named as assistants in procuring sound title to such lands. The head of any executive department may require the Attorney General to give his opinion concerning any question of law arising in his department, including the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, who may call upon him for legal advice. Most of the questions of law referred to the Attorney- General, he may submit to his subordinate officers for examination and opinion, but not any questions involving a construction of the Constitution of the United States, and his approval of their opinions is required to make them valid. He has a general superintendence over district attorneys and marshals of the United States in any State or district, and when the public interest requires it, he may employ other counsel to aid district attorneys in their duties. Should the head of any department require the attendance of counsel in examining witnesses in any claim case, the Attorney-General mnst furnish a subordinate lawyer for that purpose, and regulations exist for the appointment and preparation of such counsel. He may also send the Solicitor-General, or any officer of the Department, of Justice, to any State or district of the United States to attend to the interests of the Government in any Federal or State court. Be has also a general supervision of the accounts of district attorneys, marshals, clerks or other officers of United States courts. He shall also sign all requisitions for the advance or payment of all moneys in the Treasury, appropriated for the use of the Department of Justice. He is also authorized to publish in book form, from time to time, such opinions of the officers of the Dapartment of Justice as he shall deem valuable for preservation, with indexes and foot-notes, the work to be done at the Govern- ment Printing-office. At the beginning of each regular session of Congress, he has to make a report of the business of the Department of Justice for the last pre- ceding fiscal year, including the expense accounts of the Federal courts, statistics of crime ii the United States, the number of pending suits, etc. ; also a report of the additional counsel and attorneys employed to assist in United States law cases. The officers of the Department of Justice, under the direction of the Attorney-General, shall assist in performing all legal services required for other departments, in prosecuting or defending govern- ment, claims, suits, etc., and the Attorney- General may require any solicitor or officer of his department to perform any duty required of the department or any of its officers. Unless the Attorney- General otherwise directs, he and the Solicitor- General shall conduct and argue suits and writs of error and appeals in the Supreme Court, and suits in the courts of claims, in which the Government is interested. The traveling expenses of the officers of this department, while visiting courts, etc., in remote States and districts, are paid in addition to their salaries. 402 THE JUDGES OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Administration of Justice. The United States Supreme Court. i>HE CONSTITUTION declares that the judicial power of the United States is vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, hold their offices during good behavior, and receive for their services compensation that may not be diminished during their continuance in office. This judicial power extends to all cases in law and equity arising under the Constitution, the laws of the United States, and all treaties with for- eign countries made under their authority. The Supreme Court of theUnited States consists of a Chief Justice and eight associate jus- tices, appointed by the President, any six of whom con- stitute a quorum. The associate jus- tices have preced- ence according to the dates of their commissions, or, when the commis- sions of two or more of them bear the same date, according to their ages. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Chief Justice, or he be- come unable to perform the labors and exercise the powers of his office, his duties devolve upon the associate justice who is first in precedence, until such disability is removed or another associate justice is appointed and qualified. This provision applies to every asso- ciate justice who succeeds to the office of Chief Justice. The Supreme Court has power to appoint a clerk, a marshal, and a reporter of its decisions. The clerk is under the same obligations, the same restrictions, the same oath or affirmation of office, and the same bond, as is the clerk of a United States district court. One or more deputy clerks may be appointed by the court on the application of the clerk, and may be removed at the pleasure of the court; and their duties and responsibilities are similar to those of deputy clerks in a United States district court. The Judges of the United States Supreme Court. P. Bradley. Stephen J. Field, Sam. F. Miller, Nathan Clifford, M. B. Waite, K. A. Swajne, David Davis, W. Strong. Ward Hun TTTHE above illustration, from a photograph by .1. S. M. Fassett, of Washington, represents the Judges of the Supreme bench, as they appeared in 1876. The picture is valuable as The marshal of the Supreme Court is required to attend the court at its sessions ; to serve and execute all processes and orders issuing from it, or made by the Chief or associate justices, in pursuance of law, and to take charge of all property of the United States used by the court or its members; and with the approval of the Chief Justice he may appoint assistants and messengers to attend the court, with the same compensation allowed to similar officers in the lower house of Congress. The reporter of the Supreme Court is required to see that its decisions, made during his term of office, are printed and published within eight months after they are made, and in any subse- quent year he must print and publish another volume of the same sort. He also delivers a specified number of copies of such printed decis- ions to the Secre- tary of the In- terior. At the completion of his first volume of reports he is entitled to receive $2,500, and for every subsequent volume prepared and published by him, $1,500; but all his work must be done within the legally- prescribed time and manner. The law also pro- vides for the . proper distribu- tion of these de- cisions to officers of the United States Govern- ment, and the price at which other persons may buy them. Thus are preserved, from year to year, most valuable additions to our national legal lore, which, sub st an t i al 1 y bound in volumes, are gradually en- larging the law libraries of the land. The Supreme Court holds one session annually, beginning on the second Monday in October, and such adjourned or special terms as it may deem necessary for the dispatch of its business. The Supreme Court has exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies of a civil nature where a State is a party, except between a State and its citizens, or between a State and citizens of other States, or showing the dress worn and the position assumed by the judges when together in session, the Chief Justice being in the center, and the eight Asso- ciate Justices sitting four upon each side. DUTIES OF OFFICERS IN THE JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. 403 aliens, In which last-named cases it has original, but not exclusive, jurisdiction. And it has, exclusively, all such jurisdiction of suits or pro- ceedings against embassadors, or other public ministers, or their domestics, or domestic ser- vants, as a court of law can have consistently with the law of nations; and original, but not exclusive, jurisdiction of all suits brought by public ministers or embassadors, or in which a consul or vice-consul is a party. It has power, also, to issue writs of prohibition in the district courts when proceeding as courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; and writs of mandamus in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law to any courts appointed under the authority of the United States, or to persons holding office under the authority of the Govern- ment, where a State, or an ambassador, or other public minister, or a consul or vice-consul is a party. The trial of issues of fact in the Supreme Court, in all actions at law against citizens of the the United States, are by jury. The laws provide largely for the character of the practice in this Supreme tribunal, which is final in its action and decrees. What is Required of Judges. The Justices of the Supreme Court and the United States district and circuit courts, before entering upon their public duties, are solemnly sworn, or made to affirm, that they will admin- ister justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that they will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on them, according to the best of their abilities and under- standing, agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the United States. Continuance of Salary in Old Age. None of these judges may exercise the pro- fession or employment of counsel or attorney, or be engaged in the practice of the law, and diso- bedience In this direction is deemed a high misdemeanor and treated accordingly. When any one of these judges resigns his office after having held it at least ten years, and has attained the the age of seventy years, he receives, during the remainder of his life, the same salary that was by law payable to him at the time of his resignation. Division into Districts. The United States are divided into flfty-flve federal judicial districts. A district judge is appointed for each district by the President of the United States, unless otherwise provided for by the statutes. Each judge must reside in the district for which he is appointed. The records of the district court are kept at the place where it is held. The jurisdiction of the district courts in suits, and the places and times of holding such courts, are regulated by law. The law also provides for the government of the judges in holding, changing or postponing courts, according to circumstances. Restrictions upon Clerks. No clerk, assistant, or deputy clerk of any United States court is allowed to act as solicitor, proctor, attorney or counsel in any cause pend- ing in either of said courts, or in any district for which he is acting as said officer, and, if he does, he may be stricken from the roll of attorneys upon complaint. Within thirty days after the adjournment of each term of court, the clerk is required to for- ward to the Solicitor of the Treasury a list of all judgments and decrees, to which the United States are parties, that have been entered in said court during such term, showing the amount adjudged or decreed in each case, for or against the United States, and the term to which execution thereon will be returnable. Duties of Clerks. At each regular session of any court of the United States, the clerk presents to the court an account of all moneys remaining therein or sub- ject to its order, stating in detail in what causes they are deposited, and in what causes payments have been made. In the absence or disability of the judges the clerks administer oaths to all persons who identify papers in admiralty causes. The Attorney-General exercises general super- visory powers over the accounts of clerks and other officers of United States courts. Judges of district courts, in cases of absence or sickness, hold terms of court for each other, with the same powers and effects as if held in their own district. United States Circuit Courts. The judicial districts of the United States are divided into nine circuits. The Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are allotted among these circuits by an order of that court. For each circuit there is also appointed a circuit judge, who has the same power and jurisdiction as the justice of the Supreme Court allotted to the circuit. Circuit courts are usually held in each judicial district of the United States, (see District Courts), and are presided over by the circuit justice of the United States Supreme Court, or by the circuit judge, or by the district judge of the district sitting alone, or by any two of said judges sitting together. It is the duty of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and of each justice of that court, to attend at least one term of the circuit court in each district of the circuit to which he is allotted during every period of two years. Cases may be heard and tried by each of the judges holding a circuit court sitting apart, by direction of the presiding justice or judge, who designates the business to be done by each. Circuit courts may be held at the same time in the different districts of the same circuit. Special terms are arranged in certain circuits of the United States. The law also regulates the circum- stances under which district judges may sit in circuits, in cases of error or appeal from their own decisions; when suits may be transferred from one circuit to another; when causes may be certified back to the courts from which they came, and under what circumstances circuit justices may hold courts of other circuits at the request of another circuit justice, or when no justice has been allotted to a circuit, after a vacancy occurs. The circuit judge of each circuit, except in cases otherwise provided for by law, appoints a clerk for each circuit court. The court also, at the request of the circuit clerks, appoints deputy clerks, and both clerks and deputies are governed by the regulations concerning district clerks and their deputies. District Attorneys. In nearly every district where United States circuit and district courts are established throughout the nation, the President appoints a person learned in the law to act as attorney for the United States in such district, who holds his position for four years, and is sworn to the faithful execution of his office. It is the duty of each district attorney to prosecute, in his district, all delinquents for crimes and offenses cognizable under the authority of the United States, and all civil actions in which the United States are concerned, and, unless otherwise instructed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to appear in behalf of the defendants, in all suits or proceedings pending in his district against collectors or other officers of the revenue, for any act done by them or for the recovery of money exacted by or paid to such officers, and by them paid into the Treasury- On instituting any suit for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture, he is required to imme- diately transmit a statement of the case to the Solicitor of the Treasury. Also, immediately after the close of every term of th circuit and district courts for his district, he forwards to the Solicitor of the Treasury (except in certain cases, as provided by law) a full and particular state- ment, accompanied by the certificates of the clerks of the respective courts, of all causes pending in said courts, and of all causes decided therein during the term in which the United States are party. Marshals and their Duties. A marshal is appointed in nearly every district, by the President, and holds hie office for four years. It is the duty of the marshal of each district to attend the district and circuit courts when in session, and to execute throughout the district all lawful precepts directed to him and issued under the authority of the United States; and he has power to command all necessary assistance in the execution of his duty. The marshals and their deputies have, in each State, the same powers as sheriffs and their depu- ties, in executing the laws of the United States. If a marshal dies, his deputies continue to per- form their official duties, and are held responsible for their acts under the bond of the deceased marshal, the same as if he were still alive. Marshals and their deputies whose term of office expires, or who are removed, have legal power to execute all processes remaining in their hands. Within a month before the commencement of each term of the circuit and district courts in his district, every marshal is required to make returns to the Solicitor of the Treasury of the proceedings had upon all writs of execution or other processes in his hands for the collection of moneys adjudged and decreed to the United States, respectively, by such courts. And every marshal to whom any execution upon a judgment in any suit for moneys due on account of the Post-Office Department has been directed, ia required to make returns to the sixth auditor, whenever he directs, of the proceedings which have taken place upon such process of execution. When Vacancies Occur. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the dis- trict attorney or marshal within any circuit, the circuit justice of such circuit may fill it, and the person so appointed serves until an appointment is made by the President; and the marshal thus, appointed must give a bond, as if he had been appointed by the President, and the bond shall be approved by the circuit justice, and filed in the office of the clerk of the court. Juries. Jurors chosen to serve in the courts of the United States, in each State respectively, must possess the same qualifications (subject to modifi- cations), and be entitled to the same exemptions, as the jurors in the highest court of law in such State may have and be entitled to at the time when such jurors for service in the United States courts are summoned: and they are selected by ballot, lot, or otherwise, in accordance with the custom in such State court, so far as that mode may be found practicable in a United States OFFICERS AND OTHERS WHO FREQUENT A COURT ROOM. court or by its officers. And for this purpose the United States courts may, by rule or order, con- form the selection and impaneling of juries, in substance, to the laws and usages relating to jurors in the State courts in such State. Number of the Grand Jury. Every grand jury impaneled before any district or circuit court must consist of not less than six- teen, nor more than twenty-three persons. If less than sixteen attend they are placed on the grand jury, and the marshal is ordered, at a date fixed by the court, to summon from the body of the district, and not from bystanders, a sufficient number of persons to complete the grand jury. Vacancies in the jury arising from the challeng- ing of jurors are also filled in a similar manner. From the persons summoned and accepted as grand jurors, the court appoints a foreman, who has power to ad- minister oaths and affirmations to wit- nesses appearing \ , before such jury. Grand juries are not summoned to attend the United States courts, ex- cept at the discre- tion and upon the orders of the pre- siding judge. The circuit and district courts of the States and Territories and the supreme court of the District of Columbia, dis- charge their juries whenever they con- sider their attend- ance unnecessary. No person can be summoned as a juror in any circuit or district court oftener than once in two years, and any juror sum- moned to serve oftener than once in two years is ineligible, if chal- lenged. The grand jury Impaneled and sworn in any dis- trict court may take cognizance of all crimes and offenses within the jurisdiction of the circuit court for such district as well as of the district court. Laws in relation to grand jurors, however, differ in certain localities. Who May Not Serve on Juries. Every person summoned to serve as a grand or petit juror in United States courts, are disquali- fied and subject to challenge who have willfully or voluntarily taken up arms or joined in any rebellion or insurrection against the United States, giving it aid and comfort, or any assist- ance, directly or indirectly, in money, arms, horses, clothes, or anything whatever for the benefit of any person engaged in such insurrec- tion, or about to join it; or who has resisted, or is about to resist, with force amd arms, the execu- tion of the laws of the United States. At every term of any United States court, the district attorney, or other person acting in behalf of the United States in such court, may move, and the court may require the clerk to administer to every person summoned to serve as a grand or petit jury in that court, an oath embodying the substance of the above-named cause for disquali- fication as a juror, and liable to be challenged; and unless such persons can truly take such oath, they cannot be allowed to serve on juries in that court. Nor can any person sjrve as a juror in a United States court in any proceeding or prosecution based upon or arising under the provisions of laws enforcing the fourteenth amendment of the Federal Constitution (relative to the equality of civil rights of all citizens, regardless of their color), unless such person can take and subscribe an oath, in open court, that he has never coun- seled, advised or voluntarily aided in any combination or conspiracy against said amend- ment and the laws enforcing it. The Court Room. rnilK illustration shown above represents the I usual attendants upon a lawsuit during its trial in court. Behind the desk is seated the judge; in front is the clerk of the court and beside him sits the court crier. Seated in a chair by the judge's desk is the witness being questioned by the lawyer who sita with his client at the end of the table. At the adjoining table several reporters are writing; at the extreme right are the twelve jurymen ; on the opposite side of the room are four lawyers, one of whom is standing and is objecting to the course pursued by the lawyer who is examining the wit- ness. Inside the railing and near the entrance sits the deputy sheriff, who has general charge of the court-room; at the extreme left and outside the railing sit spectators and individuals who may be called as witnesses. the court must report to Congress the causes of such removal. The chief clerk has authority to disburse, under the direction of the court, the contingent fund which may from time to time be appropriated to its use by Congress; and his accounts are settled by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury in the same way as the accounts of other disburs- ing agents of the Government are adjusted. Statement of Judgments Rendered. At the beginning of the annual session of Con- gress, the clerk transmits to it a full and complete statement of all the judgments rendered by the court during the previous year, stating the amounts thereof and the parties in whose favor they were rendered, together with a brief synopsis of the nature of the claims; and at the end of every term of the court he transmits copies of its decisions to the heads of the vari- ous departments of the Govern- ment, to specified government offi- cials, and to other officers charged with the adjust- ment of claims against ttoe United States. No member of either branch of Congress- can prac- tice as an attorney or counselor in the court of claims. The court of claims has jurisdic- tion over all claims founded on statutes or contracts, or which are referred to it by either house of Congress ; all set-off and counter- claims of the Gov- ernment against persons presenting claims upon it; the claims of disburs- ing officers for relief from respon- sibility on account of the capture, while in the line of his duty, of Gov- ernment funds, The United States court of claims, is located at Washington, in apartments provided at the expense of the Government. It consists of one chief justice and four judges, who are appointed by the President, and hold their offices during good behavior. Each of them is required to take an oath to support the Constitution and faithfully discharge his duties. When Court is in Session. The court of claims holds one annual session, beginning early in December and continuing as long as the prompt transaction of its business may require. Any two of the judges constitute a quorum and can hold a court. The court appoints a chief clerk, an assistant clerk (if necessary), a bailiff and a messenger. The clerks are required to take the constitutional oath of fidelity, and perform their duties under the direction of the court. For misconduct or incapacity they may be removed by the court, but vouchers, records or papers in his charge, and claims for captured or abandoned property, arising from the exigencies of insurrection or other cause. The methods of procedure and practice in such court of claims are particularly described in the United States statutes. It has also power to appoint commissioners to take testimony to be used in the investigation of claims that come before it, to prescribe the fees which they receive for their services, etc. Any final judgment against a claimant on any claim prosecuted in the court of claims according to the provisions of the law forever bars any further claim or demand against the United States arising out of the matters involved in the controversy. These brief sketches of the various United States tribunals will serve to give the reader a faint idea of the power and dignity that distinguish in our national judicial system. THE CAPITOL BUILDING AND THE WHITE HOUSE. 405 A Sketch of the Capitol at Washington. jBOUT one and one-half miles easterly from the President's Mansion is the United States Capitol, a structure distinguished as much by its size and elegance of finish as by being the place in which the two houses of Congress assemble to enact the national laws. The corner-stone was laid by Washington in September, 1793, and it was first occupied by Congress in November, 1800. In 1814 it was partially burned by the British soldiery; the reconstruction of the burned wings sfa was begun in 1815; the corner-stone of the main building 7 was laid in March, 1818, and it was finished in 1827. In 1850 \/ it was decided to extend the structure, and the corner-stone of the new work was laid July 4, 1851, with an address by Daniel Webster. The structure was completed in 1867. The whole edifice has an eastern front, and its entire length is 751 feet four inches, and its greatest depth, including steps and porticoes, is 348 feet. The building covers about three and a half acres of ground. The main or old portion is built of sandstone, painted white, and the extensions are of white marble, slightly variegated with blue. The outside of the building is adorned with architectural ornaments and several groups of sculpture. An iron dome rises from the center to a height of 287 1 A feet above the basement floor, having a diameter of 135J4 feet. The top of this dome is surmounted by Crawford's bronze statue of Liberty, nineteen and a half feet high. The inside of the Capitol is liberally decorated with frescoes, sculptures and paintings. The rotunda, inside of the dome, is a circular apart- ment, ninety-six feet in diameter and 180 feet high. The chamber occupied by the United States Senate is situated in the center of the northern extension of the Capitol ; is of rectangular form, being over 113 feet in length, more than eighty feet in width, and thirty- six feet in height. The galleries surrounding it will seat 1,200 persons. The House of Representatives occupies the center of the southern extension of the Capitol, and is 139 feet long, ninety-three feet wide and thirty-six feet high. The galleries will seat 1,000 people. The Supreme Court of the United States holds its sessions in the old Senate chamber, on the east side of the north wing of the central building. It is a semicircular apartment, seventy-five feet long and forty-five feet high. The former Hall of Representatives, also of a semi-circular form, ninety-six feet long, and fifty-seven feet high, is in the south wing of the central building, and is used as a depository for the historical statues contributed by the several States, in accordance with the invitation of Congress, in 1864, with other statuary and paintings. It is considered the most stately and beautiful apartment in the Capitol. The Library of Congress is another attractive room, ninety-one and a half feet long, thirty-four feet wide and thirty-eight feet high, on the west side of the rotunda, together with two wings, each ninety and a half feet long, twenty-nine and a half feet wide. The Capitol grounds cover an area of fifty-one and a half acres, handsomely laid out, and containing a great variety of trees. THE PRESIDENT'S MANSION. T THE western end of the city of Washington stands the staid and venerable home of the Presi- dents of the United States, during their terms of office. Close by it, and surrounding it, are the Government buildings occupied by the State Depart- ment, the Treasury Department, the War Department and the Navy Department, representing, in one group, the executive, diplomatic, pecuniary, and defensive sinews of the nation. Having an attractive location, with handsomely ornamented grounds in front, and a fine park in its rear reaching to the Potomac river, the President's house occupies a prominent position in the national capital. The corner-stone of the mansion was laid October 13, 1792, and the structure was first occupied in 1800 by President John Adams. It is properly called the "White House," owing to its freestone For view of President's mansion see walls having been painted white. Its designer was Mr. James Hoban, who embodied in it a resemblance to the palace of the Duke of Leinster, in Great Britain. It contains two stories and a base- ment, is 170 feet long and eighty-six feet wide. The portico on the north front is supported by eight columns of the Ionic order of architecture; on the south front is a semicircular colonnade of six other Ionic columns, and the roof is surrounded with a hand- some balustrade. During the warof 1812, when the British army invaded Washington, President Madison was forced to flee, and the English troops destroyed the mansion. This was in 1814. In the following year Congress authorized its reconstruction, and in 1818 the new edifice was flrst occupied by President Monroe. The main entrance to the mansion is in the north front, where a massive door-way opens into the main hall, divided midway by a row page devoted to President's Duties. 406 PRELIMINARY WORK AT THE OPENING OF CONGRESS. of pillars resembling marble, and along its walls are ranged the portraits of the chief magistrates who formerly occupied it. On the left of the hall the visitor is ushered into the celebrated ' ' East room, " which occupies the entire lower eastern portion of the mansion. It is in this apartment, which is handsomely furnished, that the Presidents hold their levees and state assemblages. It is eighty-six feet long, forty feet wide and twenty-eight feet high, and is warmed with four fire-places. Three other apartments of some celebrity, the "Green," the "Blue, "and the "Red," adjoin the East room, each deriving its name from the color which distinguishes it from the adjacent ones, and all are handsomely furnished. The Red room is sometimes used as a general reception parlor. The north front of the mansion has six rooms, which are chambers used by the President and his family, and on the soijth front are seven rooms, described as the ante-chamber, audience room, cabinet-room, ladies' parlor, the President's private office, and two others used for various purposes. The main or state dining-room is west of the Red room, and joining it is the ordinary dining-room used by the President's family. The ladies' parlor is for the private use of the President's family, and is considered the handsomest apartment in the building. The basement contains eleven rooms, including kitchens, pantries, etc. The Duties of How Bills are Passed and Laws Made. ILTHOUGH the Constitu- tion of the United States quite fully details the work to be done by Congress, the following outline of the form of procedure will doubtless be interesting, it being much the same as that observed in the State legislatures in the passage of State laws: The day having arrived for the regular meeting of a new Congress, the members of the House of Representatives gather in their hall in the Capitol at Washington, at three o'clock in the afternoon, and come to order. The Clerk of the last previous Congress rises and says : ' ' The hour fixed by law for the meeting and organization of the House of Representatives of the Forty Congress having arrived, the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the Forty Congress will proceed to read the list of members-elect to the House of Representatives for the Forty Congress, prepared by him in accordance with law. " He then reads the list by States, comprising about 200 names. During the reading, some member, whenever a certain name is called (each member answering to his name), says : " I reserve a point of order on that name, " intimating that he has objections to the called member's right to a seat in Congress. The list being called through, the Clerk says: "One hundred and ninety-three persons have answered to the call. Being a quorum of the body, the Clerk is now ready to receive motions. " Sometimes, at this point, members rise and state their objections to seating certain new members, making motions to refer the credentials of such members to the Committee on Elections, etc. This business consumes considerable time in discussion, with more or less bitterness of feeling and speech. At length the Clerk says: " The Clerk appeals to members of the House to preserve order. " Sometimes the confusion continues after this. At length the Clerk is heard to say : ' ' The gentle- man from Tennessee is out of order. The tellers will please take their places" to aid in the organization of the House. Selection of a Speaker. Nominations for Speaker are then made by several members. A vote is taken by voice, counted by the tellers, and announced: "Whole number of votes cast, ; necessary to a choice, ; Mr. A. has ; Mr. B., ." The Clerk announces: "Mr. A., of New York, having received a majority of all the votes given, is duly elected Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives for the Forty Congress. The gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Brown) and the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. Jones) will please conduct the Speaker-elect to the chair, and the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Robinson), the senior member of the body, will please administer to him the oath required by the Con- stitution and laws of the United States. " Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones then conduct Mr. A. to the chair, where he stands and expresses, in a brief speech, his thanks for the honor conferred upon him, and pays a handsome compliment to the intelligence and political strength of the new Congress. The oath of fidelity to the Constitu- tion, the laws and his duties, is then administered to him by Mr. Robinson. Admitting the Members. The Speaker then says : ' ' The first business in order is the swearing-in of members. The various delegations (by States) will present themselves in a convenient number as they are called. " As the various members present themselves, the other members listen in silence, or occasionally interpose an objection to a certain member being qualified. These objections properly take a written form, and are referred to the Committee on Elections for examination; with the necessary affidavits to show why the members objected to should not have a seat in Congress. Long dis- cussions sometimes intervene, and if the objec- tions are not withdrawn, the oath is not administered to the member in dispute until the Committee on Elections report favorably in his case. The Delegates elect from the several Territories are also sworn in. Ready for Business. A member offers a resolution, which meets with no opposition, but is immediately read, con- sidered and agreed to, as follows: "That the Senate be informed that a quorum of the House of Representatives has assembled, and that Mr. A., one of the Representatives from New York, has been chosen Speaker, and that the House is now ready to proceed to business. " Mr. C., of Illinois, rises and presents a resolu- tion, which is read, considered and adopted, appointing the Speaker and four members a com- mittee to revise the rules of the House for its better government, to report at an early day. 3Ir. G. , the Secretary of the Senate, now appears on the floor of the House to announce: "Mr. Speaker I am directed to inform the House that a quorum of the Senate has assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to business. " Sometimes discussions as to the rights of certain members to seats in the House are then resumed. Presently, a member rises and asks unanimous consent to take up and concur in a resolution just received from the Senate. No objection being made, the resolution is read, announcing the appointment of two members of the Senate to join certain members of the House (to be selected by the House) to wait upon the President of the United States, and inform him that a quorum of each House has assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication that he may be pleased to make. Waiting Upon the President. Mr. E. moves that the House appoint three members to join the committee on the part of the Senate. The motion being agreed to, the Speaker appoints Mr. L. , of Georgia; Mr. M. , of Tennessee, and Mr. N. , of New Jersey, as the committee on the part of the House. HOW LAWS ARE MADE BY CONGRESSMEN. 407 During the absence of this committee but little business is done, beyond discussions upon the eligibility of certain members, or the election of the following officers of the House of Repre- sentatives: A Clerk, a Sengeant-at-Arms, a Door- keeper, Postmaster and Chaplain, in the order named. Members nominate candidates for each office as their own names are called, if they choose; the Speaker appoints tellers, and the voting is done by voice. The vote having been announced, the successful candidate is declared elected by the Speaker. He then comes forward and qualifies for his new position by taking the Constitutional oath of fidelity. Sometimes the election of Chaplain is postponed, in order to find a candidate who is entirely satisfactory to the majority. Somebody then proposes a regular hour for the daily meeting of the House, and the hour of twelve, noon, is usually adopted. The drawing of seats for the members of the House is usually next in order, either by themselves or their colleagues. This is also consid- ered a good time to lay before the House the papers in the various contested election cases of members of the House, to be referred to the Committee on Elections when that committee has been appointed by the Speaker, within a few days after the organi- zation. The Joint Com- mittee of the two Houses of Congress, appointed to an- nounce to the Presi- dent the readiness of Congress to receive any communication from him, having ful- filled their duty, return to their respec- tive houses and report what they have done, and are then dis- charged from further duty in the case. The President's an- feeling and confusion, but the organization is similarly effected. The Vice-President of the United States is inducted into the chair of the Senate; the new Senators are sworn in, or have their credentials referred to the Committee on Elections, and but little other business is, gener- ally, transacted. The New Member. Among the members of the House of Repre- sentatives whose credentials were found to be all right, and whose eligibility and claim to a seat in Congress are therefore undisputed, is Mr. Sempronius Smith, from the Tenth District of Wisconsin. Mr. Smith has been a prosperous merchant, and mill-owner, a wide-awake and useful citizen, and his popularity resulted in his being sent to Congress to represent the interests of a large and thrifty constituency. For a few days after the organization, he wisely refrains from making himself conspicuous in the councils ffioooo Interior of House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. HIS ILLUSTRATION represents the members of the House of Representatives in session during the meeting of Congress. The full number entitled to vote, from 1888 to 1893 is 325. The speaker of the house occupies the upper seat; at one end of his desk sits the door-keeper, at the other end the sergeant-at-arms: at the desk in front are the "lerks. and at the lower desk, are the nual or inaugural message is, about this time, delivered to both houses, in joint session in the House of Repre- sentatives, being usually read by the Clerk of the House and his assistants. After it has been read, the Senate retires to its own chamber and both houses proceed to refer certain portions of the message to appropriate committees for con- sideration and future action. A resolution is usually adopted in the House of Representatives, authorizing the printing of several thousand copies of the message for the use of members and others. By this time the first day's session has drawn to a close. A motion to adjourn is therefore made, seconded and adopted, and the House dissolves until the next hour of meeting. In the Senate Chamber. In the Senate, on the first day of the new session, the proceedings are usually marked by less official reporters. In the gallery above the speaker, goes to Congress without at leas.t one selfish motive one "axe to grind." Pott, his prede- cessor, had half a dozen axes to grind, and came very near ruining a good portion of his constitu- ency by advocating his selfish measures. Smith confesses (to himself only, however,) that he has one motive of a personal nature in coming to Congress. The city in which he lives Smithtown (named after his uncle, its first settler) is located on the west bank of the Nippewisset river, near its headwaters. Fifteen miles below, on the east bank, is Poppleton, another thriving city, in which Smith and his relatives own large real estate and commercial interests. The Grand Trunk Through-route Railroad runs around Smithtown to the north, and completely ignores it, while passing trains from Iowa to Milwaukee. On the other hand, the Great Occidental Railroad, running from Chicago to a junction with the Northern Pacific, has a station at Poppleton, and receives and delivers freight and passengers, regularly. Smith's idea is to connect Smithtown and Pop- pleton by steamers running on the Nippe- wisset river as a means of benefiting both towns. But the Nippewisset can hardly be called a navigable stream, for although it is forty rods wide and seventy miles long, and empties into the Mis- sissippi, it is full of shallow water be- tween Smithtown and Poppleton, and in the summer time an empty pontoon could hardly be floated between the two points. Smith has formed an idea to remedy this evil, and it is taking shape in his brain. In his seat in Congress and in his private lodgings he is engaged in put- ting it upon paper. newspaper correspondents have their seats; the re- mainder of the gallery, which will hold about 1,000 persons, being allotted to spectators. The members occupy the seats in the body of the house, the individuals standing on the floor being pages, who serve the members when they desir< communicate with the clerks or with each other. of the nation. He is "learning the ropes." He confers with his colleagues and a few new acquaintances in the House upon national topics. Naturally he is shrewd and honest, and he comes to Congress fully decided to do his duty. A Loral Bill for Personal Gain. INTRODUCTION OK THE BILL. One day, when the introduction of bills pages, who serve the members when they desire to is in order, he rises in his seat in the House, and, catching the Speaker's eye, he says: ' ' Mr. Speaker 1 hold in my hand a bill entitled: ' An Act to build a dam across the Nippewisset river at a point three miles below the town of Poppleton, Lomax county, Wisconsin, and appropriating $15,000 for that purpose.' This bill, sir, is in the interest of a large and populous section of my district, and is offered for the That more or less of personal selfishness should sometimes reveal itself in Congressional legisla- tion is a natural consequence. In order to show the routine work of introducing a bill, the nature of the lobby, the means which may influence the passage of a law in Congress, where personal benefits are conferred, the following illustration is given. This class of bill is presented as illus- trative of the work of the lobby and the means sometimes used to influence legislation in securing appropriations for personal profit. Mr. Smith does not believe that any man ever purpose of facilitating trade and commerce between the great Northwest and the metropolitan city of Chicago and the Atlantic sea-board. I desire, sir, to have it read and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. " Smith ' ' fairly ached " to make a speech on his bill, but he wisely refrained until it should regularly come before the House. He sent it to the Speaker by a page. Smith's colleague (Benson) requested that it be read before being referred, as it was short. He thought that an internal improvement bill of this sort had sufficient public interest to demand this consideration. The fact is that Benson only preferred his request to satisfy his own curiosity. He had no special interests in Smith's district, and if the bill did no injury to the State, it might pass and welcome. 408 THE PASSAGE OF A BILL THROUGH CONGRESS. The Speaker said: " If there are no objections, the bill will be read by the Clerk. " TEXT OF THE BILL. The Clerk read as follows: "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America In Congress assembled. That permission is hereby granted to Robert Sweet, Thomas P. Glade and John Q. A. Sweet to construct and maintain a substantial dam across the Nippewisset river, three miles below ths city of Ppppletpn, in the county of Lomax and State of Wisconsin. ' ' SECTION 2. The said dam shall be constructed of natural stone and timber, and earth, put together as crib-work, and extend from the present east shore of the Nippewisset river, at a point known as Winkle's ford, to the west shore of said river to a point known as the northeast corner of Tripp's farm. 1 ' SECTION 3. The lands likely to be overflowed by reason of the construction of the said dam are swamp-lands, owned by the State of Wisconsin; and the said Robert Sweet, Thomas P. Glade and John Q. A. Sweet, their heirs and successors, are hereby authorized and required to build and maintain strong and substantial dykes, or levees along the line of the banks of said river, between the river and said swamp-lands, to pi-event the overflow of the river into said swamps. "SECTION 4. There is also appropriated to the said Robert Sweet, Thomas P. Glade and John Q. A. Sweet, to aid in the construction of said dam and dykes, or levees, the sum of *15,000, to be paid from moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated. " One word of explanation which was not granted to the House by Smith. The parties named in this bill were brothers-in-law to Smith. REFERRED TO A COMMITTEE. The Speaker: " If there is no objection, the bill will be sent to Committee on Appropriations. " A Member: " I move that it be ordered printed and sent to the Committee on Commerce. " Another Member: ' ' I second that motion. " The yeas and nays being called for, the motion prevailed. Smith himself voting in the affirmative. That afternoon Smith's bill was sent to the room of the Committee on Commerce by a mes- senger, with other bills that had been referred to them during the day. THE WORK OF THE LOBBY. Smith had a lobby force at the capital, a number of personal friends from Smithtown and Poppletpn, who knew the value of Smith's project to the interests of their respective towns and their own pockets. Ostensibly the surrounding country was to be greatly benefited by the passage of the bill. Now the lobby went to work in good earnest. They advocated the measure to every member of the House who would listen to them. They were liberal in dinners, wines and cigars. They had an argument to meet every objection. It was not a trumpery affair. A whole district would be benefited; towns would flourish, farmers be encouraged, commerce be increased, and labor enlisted. They all understood the merits of the bill. Smith was modest; he only pleaded the best interests of his constituents. Glade, one of the parties named in the bill, was there. He got in some good arguments also. Smith knew two or three of the Committee on Commerce, and by his manly bearing and quiet demeanor gave them a favorable impression of himself. THE BILL BEFORE THE COMMITTEE. When the full bill came up in the committee for consideration, Smith was requested to be present with one or two of his friends to explain any- thing that might be deemed questionable. Smith and his friends did their best to convince the committee of the fairness and utility of the measure. They described the geographical position with neat diagrams, and the commercial interests with nicely-arranged statistics. They represented the value of the Nippewisset river below the proposed dam as already worthless for commercial purposes a thing of swamps and shoals and bars. They pointed with much enthusiasm to the increased value of lots and lands made available by making the river navigable above the dam. The committee courte- ously dismissed Smith and his friends, and then discussed the question of reporting the bill favorably to the House. One or two opposition members argued against the measure on political grounds, and one or two more objected otherwise, but the value of the levees or dykes to the com- merce of that section of country was a strong argument. The chairman thought the improve- ment was richly worth the sum it would cost for its promotion of commerce in the Northwest. He had known railroads that promised less to receive large grants of land and great subsidies of money without a murmur of opposition. Now 15,000 people and 500 farms were to be benefited by the appropriation of an insignificant sum of money. He believed in encouraging steamboats, canal-boats, sail vessels or railroads impartially, in proportion to their relative business. A rail- road company needed more help than a steamboat company, and always got it. He should vote for the measure as one of the committee, or as its chairman with his casting vote. Then the vote was taken. It stood five to three before the chairman voted; then it stood six to three. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. Next day the chairman of the Committee on Commerce stood up in the House and favorably reported Smith's bill without amendment. The House went into Committee of the Whole that afternoon to consider spine appropriations for special objects. Smith's bill was among them. Smith was a little nervous. It is true he had won an important victory. The Committee on Com- merce was made up of men of good common sense and ability, and their recommendation was on the side of the dominant political party in the House. But now the bill had to run the gauntlet of the entire House friends and foes. Smith made an able plea in behalf of it, and his col- league (Benson) made another. One or two Eastern members, with pardonable sectional indifference, briefly objected to the West swallowing up so much of the public money; but an old stalwart veteran from Massachusetts said that the East had no reason to be ashamed of the West and its energetic commercial prosperity. The two sections were no longer divided in their interests. Massachusetts was the older and the better cultivated State in the matter of intellect and commercial affairs, but Wisconsin was fast overtaking any of the New England States in both of these advantages. Then he wound up with an oratorical slap at New York's overgrown steam- ship and railroad monopolies, and said he should vote for Smith's bill. Two or three other gentle- man spoke of Wisconsin in the most favorable terms. Her war record was briefly reviewed and compared favorably with her agricultural, manufacturing and political position in the Union. Many members listened to the discussion with perfect indifference. One man suggested an amendment by striking out the appropriation. This bit of waggery caused a general smile and hastened the vote on the bill. The yeas and nays were called for and taken; the bill received a handsome majority on the question of reporting it favorably to the House, and then the com- mittee rose. One secret of the success of Smith's bill, thus far, is found in the real benefit that it proposed to bring to everybody living above the dam; the population below the dam had not yet found out enough about it to oppose it intelligently. On the following day, the action of the Com- mittee of the Whole was duly reported to the assembled House, and the bills favorably passed upon by the committee were called up in rotation for action by the House. That is, the members moved the second reading of each one as it came up, and it was so ordered. Debate followed the second reading. Some of the bills were discussed at length; some were laid on the table; some were postponed; others were ordered to be engrossed for a third reading and put upon their passage. One or two were passed by good majorities. One or two more were recommitted to their respective committees for further consideration and amendment. A SPEECH IN FAVOR OF THE BILL. Smith's bill was read a second time. Benson good-naturedly spoke in favor of its passage. He had been in Congress one or two terms, and always spoke to the point and pleasantly. In consideration of its having favorably passed the Committee on Commerce and the Committee of the Whole, he felt it due to his colleague (Smith) and the State which they both represented, to move its third reading and passage by the House. An opposition member, from a district in another portion of the Union, wished to know if the lobby had come well-primed to urge this bill through the House. Benson indignantly repelled the insinuation of corrupting influences. The parties named in the bill were business men in good standing not millionaires, and men who had no money to throw away in buying votes for a paltry sum of 815,000. Suppose they had a prospective money interest in the bill. So had every business man in the county. The lobby were a unit in advocating the measure, and not a word of genuine opposition had been heard except from the opponents of the dominant party in this House. " I, " said Benson, in conclusion, "I move, sir, that the bill go to a third reading and be put upon its passage. " Smith seconded the motion. The crisis had come in the House, but he felt rather sure of success. The men from below the dam had not been heard from. The other eight members from Wisconsin knew of no good reason why the bill should not pass, and they said little or nothing in regard to it. Besides, they might need the votes of Smith and Benson in some little measures of their own during the session; so they were a unit on this question. The yeas and nays on the passage of the bill were called. The vote showed political bias and considerable indifference as to the result. It stoOdt Yeas, 94; nays, 65; not voting, 37. So the bill was passed. THE BILL GOES TO THE SENATE. A day later, Smith's bill, with others, is taken to the Senate Chamber by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and handed to the Secretary of the Senate. The latter officer, at the proper time, announces to the Senate the receipt of these bills, which have been sent to that branch of Congress for its concurrence. As the title of each is read, some Senator moves its reference to a committee, or to be laid on the table, or to be read in full a first or a first and second time. A Senator, hearing the title of Smith's bill read, requested that it be read in full. Having heard it read, the Senator moved that the bill be sent to the Committee on Commerce. Another Senator moved that it go to the Com- mittee on Appropriations. This last motion being seconded, the first Senator withdrew his motion. The President: " Unless objection is made, the bill will be sent to the Committee on Appro- priations. " No one objected; and the bill was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS WITH A CONGRESSMAN. One of the Senators from Wisconsin was on this committee. When Smith learned the reference of his bill in the Senate, he sought the Senator from Wisconsin, with whom he had considerable, acquaintance; had a conference with him in regard to its merits, and reported the action of the House Committees and the House in detail. Some of Smith's lobby friends also interviewed the Senator from Wisconsin, and favorably impressed him with the merits of the enterprise. In the afternoon of the following day. Smith's bill was brought up in the committee. Smith was not present, nor was it necessary. He had fully explained matters to the Senator from his State. When the bill had been read by the clerk of the committee, the members of the committee naturally turned to the Senator from Wisconsin, with gentlemanly deference, and he briefly and comprehensively expressed a favorable opinion of it. Smith could not have done better. The State would really derive benefit from the passage of the bill. He would not deprecate the value of any other public work authorized by Congress, but this comparatively insignificant appropriation would have an effect upon the interests of inter- State commerce far outside of Wisconsin. The whole Union was more or less benefited, frequently, by these little aids to commerce. One of the committee objected to the largeness of the amount of the appropriation. In his opinion the dam and dykes ought not to cost more than the amount named in the bill, but the parties to be benefited directly by this appropria- tion and improvement ought to pay at least one- third of the expense out of their own pockets. He proposed to amend the bill by striking out "815,000," and substituting therefor "810.000." The Senator from Wisconsin was on his feet in a moment. Only the week before he had assisted the objecting Senator to increase the appropria- tion in a bill of a similar character, but of no more merit than this. He made a little speech, in which he denounced the niggardly spirit in public enterprises, under a senseless cry of ' ' retrench- ment and reform." He begged permission to introduce a witness to show that *15,000 was the smallest possible sum that could be beneficially expended in making the Nippewisset river navi- gable for boats. The parties who requested the passage of the bill had asked nothing for the erection of the necessary wharves and piers at Poppleton or Smithtown. They were willing to bear the burden of this expense themselves. He sent a messenger for one of Smith's lobby, a gentleman familiar with the entire county men- tioned in the bill. The committee questioned him in reference to the amount of work that 815.000 would accomplish. He said it might possibly build the dam. and, perhaps, most of the dykes, yet he thought that 820,000 would be none too much to finish the work proposed; but the county would willingly make up any deficiency remaining after the expenditure of the appropriation. FAVORABLE CONSIDERATION BY THE COMMITTEE. The committee was favorably impressed by this testimonv, and the Senator cheerfully withdrew his proposed amendment. No other objection was made to the bill as it came from the House. One member of the committee thought the matter should have been put into the general appropria- tion for rivers and harbors; but that was all. A vote was taken on the concurrence of the com- mittee on the merits of the measure. There are PASSAGE OF A BILL IN CONGRESS OF GENERAL INTEREST. 409 always members of committees who talk and vote against the dominant party in Congress. There was one in this committee, and he voted against Smith's bill. Otherwise the committee agreed unanimously to report the bill favorably to the Senate. Next day the chairman of the committee so reported it to the Senate, without amendment. The Tenure-of-Office law being then under con- sideration, a Senator moved that Smith's bill be read a second time, ordered printed, and laid on the table for future consideration. To this the Senate agreed. Several days passed, for the discussion of the Tenure-of-Office law was vigorously and exten- sively pressed. As soon as he saw his way clearly to gain the attention of the Senate, the Senator from Wis- consin, who had considered Smith's bill in the Committee on Appropriations, having in the meantime conferred with Smith, called up the Nip- pewisset river-dam bill for a third reading. This motion brought the bill squarely before the Senate. The Senator from Wisconsin recited the action of the committee in favorably recom- mending it for passage without amendment, and also the favor with which it had passed the House. He briefly dwelt upon the benefit which the bill endeavored to confer upon a large class of intelligent and industrious citizens in Lomax county and upon the interests of inter-State com- merce. It was in the days when the civil service and tenure-of-office questions deeply agitated both branches of Congress. The debates had been exciting and tedious, and the minds of the Sena- tors were filled with conflicting views upon these subjects. They gave little attention to minor matters; hence the explanations of the Senator from Wisconsin easily served to settle any doubts of the constitutionality or practical benefits of Smith's bill. So the bill was read a third time and put upon its final passage without a dissenting voice. The vote on its passage stood: Yeas, 37, nays, 15, absent or not voting, 13. Then the Secretary of the Senate announced that the bill had passed An hour afterwards, in the House of Repre- sentatives, the Secretary of the Senate announced that the Senate had passed, and the Vice-Presi- dent had signed, the House bill to construct a dam across the Nippewisset river, in Lomax county, Wisconsin. SIGNED THE BILL. The Speaker of the House thereupon signed Smith's bill also, and it was dispatched to the President of the United States for his approval or veto. (See "Duties of the President.") A day or two subsequent to this, the President's Private Secretary appeared in the House of Rep- resentatives and announced that the President had approved and signed the bill to build a dam across the Nippewisset river, in Lomax county, Wisconsin. Smith was happy, and received the congratula- tions of his friends for so successfully getting his first bill safely through Congress, within ten days. Smith now owns two steamboat lines on the Nippewisset river A Bill of General Interest. IN THE HOUSE. On the last day of the last session of the Fortieth Congress, the President of the United States signed, and thus approved, a bill, which had been regularly passed by both Houses of Congress, entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1870, and for other purposes." On the 9th of April, 1869, at the first session of the Forty-first Congress, in the House of Repre- sentatives, Mr. Dawes, from Massachusetts, addressed the speaker as follows; " I ask unani- mous consent to report from the Committee on Appropriations a bill making available an appro- priation heretofore made for furniture for the Presidential Mansion. The appropriation made at the last session of Congress cannot be made available until next July, unless this bill is passed. " The bill introduced by Mr. Dawes, who was at that time chairman of the Standing Committee of the House on Appropriations, was a perfectly legitimate piece of legislation. He also pre- sented to the House, at the same time a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Boutwell, who stated that the appropriation bill of the previous session, mentioned above, had been referred to the Comptroller of the Currency for his views, and that the comptroller had expressed the opinion that the money appropriated to purchase furniture for the President's House could not be drawn before July 1, 1869. The Secretary also requested that a bill similar to that now intro- duced by Mr. Dawes might be passed by Congress. The House received the bill presented by Mr. Dawes, which was read a first and second time, without opposition. It was in substance as follows- "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the sum of 25,000 appropriated by the act approved March 3, 1869, entitled ' An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June 30, 1870,' for the purpose of refurnishing the President's House, may be made available for that purpose without increasing the amount. " Mr. Brooks, of New York, asked: "Can the gentleman name what is the amount appropriated for the White House this year'" Mr. Dawes replied: "There has been none made by this Congress. The last Congress appro- priated $25,000 the usual amount at the coming in of a new administration. It has never been less than that. On one occasion it was more. " No further remarks being made, the bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, and being engrossed, it was accordingly read a third time, and passed by the House as it was introduced by Mr. Dawes. For some unexplained cause, Mr. Dawes then moved to reconsider the vote by which the House had passed the bill, and also moved that the motion to reconsider such vote be laid on the table. The bill was now ready to go to the Senate for concurrence, amendment or defeat. IN THE SENATE. On the following day, in the Senate, a message was received from the House of Representatives, by its Clerk, Mr. McPherspn, announcing that the House had passed the bill making available an appropriation heretofore made for furniture for the Presidential Mansion, and requesting the concurrence therein of the Senate. Mr. Fessenden, of Maine, said "That is a very short bill, and I move that it be taken up at once and acted upon. It is absolutely necessary to pass it, because the money which has been appro- priated for that purpose cannot be used in the present fiscal year as the law stands. This bill is merely to allow the money to be used at once." He then called attention to the letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, expressing the opinion of the Comptroller of the Currency as to the unavailability of the appropriation in its present condition. Mr. Stewart, referring to the bill, said: " It had better be read. " By unanimous consent, the bill was read twice by its title, and was then considered as in Com- mittee of the Whole. Mr. Conkling said: "Let us hear the letter read of which the chairman told us. " The Chief Clerk then read Secretary Boutwell's letter in reference to the appropriation. Mr. Fessenden said: "I notice that the bill reads that 'the sum of *25,000, etc., is hereby made available for such purpose.' It is available now, but not until the close of the fiscal year. I think, therefore, that it will be necessary to amend it. I move to amend it by inserting after the word ' available ' the words, ' during the present fiscal year ' " The amendment was agreed to as in Committee of the Whole. The bill was next reported to the Senate as amended, and the Senate concurred in the amendment. It was ordered that the amendment be engrossed, and the bill read a third time. So the bill was read a third time and passed. IN THE HOUSE. A message from the Senate, by its Secretary, Mr. Gorham, announced to the House that the Senate had passed the bill, with an amendment, in which he was directed to ask the concurrence of the House. Mr. Dawes said: "I ask unanimous consent that the bill just returned from the Senate may be taken up, and the amendment of the Senate concurred in. Messrs. Kerr, Brooks, and others objected. IN THE SENATE. Mr. Fessenden, in the Senate, on the same day, said: "In regard to the bill authorizing the 825,000 appropriated for furnishing the President's House to be used during the current year, which we sent back to the other House with an amend- ment, I understand that it cannot be got up in the House," owing to the objections of Messrs. Kerr, Brooks and others,' ' and it is sent back to me informally, with the request that it be passed as it is. I move, therefore, regarding the bill as here by unanimous consent, that we reconsider the vote by which it was passed, and then vote down the amendment, and pass it" the bill as it came from the House at first " without amend- ment. " Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont, said. "It has not been returned formally. " Mr. Edmunds said: "No, but informally. " The President of the Senate said: "The vote will be regarded as reconsidered if there be no objection. " Mr. Edmunds and others said: " Let it be done by unanimous consent. " The President of the Senate said: ' ' There being no objection, the vote on the passage of the bill making available an appropriation heretofore made for furniture for the Presidential Mansion will be regarded as reconsidered. The amend- ment will be regarded as rejected, and the bill passed without amendment if there be no objec- tion. " IN THE HOUSE. In the House a message from the Senate, by its Clerk, Mr. Gorham. announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, an act making available the appropriation heretofore made for furniture for the Presidential Mansion. IN THE SENATE. A message from the House, by its Clerk, Mr. McPherson, announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the bill making available the appropriation for furniture for the White House; and the President of the Senate then signed it. It was then ready to be sent to the President of the United States for approval and signature, in the same form as that in which Mr. Dawes introduced it in the House of Representatives on the previous day The history of this bill is something unusual, and the action upon it irregular, but the legality of the measure is unquestioned. After the Senate had passed the bill with the amendment, it was the duty of the House to either accept or reject the amendment by ballot. This it failed to do. It was irregular, also, for the Senate to reject its own amendment without having the bill before it, as it should have had, but it could not have it. The bill having, therefore, finally passed both houses without amendment, and the presiding officers having both signed it. it became a law, for it is not likely that the President would veto a bill of so much importance to the house in which he lived. It was something unusual, too, for the Senate to first consider the bill " as in Committee of the Whole," there agree to it, report it to the Senate as a body, and then put it on its passage. Congressional Committees. Committees are appointed in the different houses of Congress to con- sider bills relating to the following. Elections. Ways and Means. Appropriations. Judiciary. Banking and Currency. Weights and Measures. Commerce. Agriculture. Foreign Affairs. Military Affairs. Post-Offlce and Post-Roads. Public Lands. Indian Affairs. Territories. Railways and Canals. Manufacture?. Miners and Mining. Public Buildings and Grounds. Pacific Railroad. Improvement of the Mississippi River. Education and Labor. Militia. Patents. Invalid Pensions. Pensions. Claims. War Claims. Public Expenditures. Private Land Claims. District of Columbia. Revision of the Laws. Expenditures in the Department of State. Expenditures in the Treasury Department. Expenditures in the War Depart- ment. Expenditures in the Navy Depart- ment. Expenditures in the Post-Offlce Department. Expenditures in the Interior Department. Expenditures in the Department of Justice. Expenditures in Public Buildings. Rules. Accounts. Mileage. Public Library. Printing. Enrolled Bills. Census. Civil Service. Ventilation of Hall. 410 THE GOVERNMENT OF TERRITORIES. Territorial Laws. The Duties of United States Officers in the Territories. ( HE executive power of the Territories of the United States is vested in a governor, who is appointed by the i?\/5 President, and who holds his office for four years, unless sooner removed. He resides in the Territory to which he is assigned, although appointed from some other portion of the United States. Powers of the Governor. In his office he is commander-in-chief of the militia of his Territory, grants pardons and reprieves, remits fines and forfeitures for offenses against the laws of the Territory; issues respites for offenses against the laws of the United States, till the decision of the President can be made known thereon; commissions all officers appointed under the laws of such Territory, and takes care that the statutes are faithfully executed. The governor has also the same powers to either approve or veto any bill passed by the Territorial legislature, and the process in either case is similar to that indicated in the description of the government of the several States of the Union. Duties of the Territorial Secretary. The President also appoints a secretary for each Territory, who resides in the Territory to which he is appointed, and who holds his office for four years, unless sooner removed. In case of the death, removal, resignation or absence of the governor from the Territory, the secretary executes all the powers and performs all the duties of the governor during such vacancy or absence. It is the duty of the secretary, also, to record and preserve all the laws and proceedings of the legislative assembly, and all the acts and pro- ceedings of the governor in the executive depart- ment; transmit copies of the laws and journals of the legislature, after each session thereof, to the President and Congress, and copies of the executive proceedings and official correspondence of the Territory to the President twice a year; prepare the laws passed by the legislature for publication, and furnish the copy to the public printer of the Territory. Territorial Legislature. The legislature consists of two branches the council and house of representatives, members of both branches being duly qualified voters, are elected by the people in the various districts in the Territory. They remain in office two years, and hold their regular sessions once in two years, each legislature appointing its own day of meet- ing. Members must reside in the county or dis- trict from which they are respectively elected. The apportionment of districts and the election of legislators are established by the laws of the United States. Territorial Laws Submitted to Congress. Laws passed in certain Territories have to be submitted to Congress, and if they are not there approved, they become null and void. The Terri- torial legislatures are not allowed to pass laws interfering with the primary disposal of the soil, imposing taxes upon property of the United States, or taxing the land or property of non- resident owners higher than that of persons residing in the Territory. Length of Time Legislature is in Session. The sessions of each Territorial legislature are limited to forty days. The president of the council and the speaker of the house are both elected bjr their respective branches of the legisla- ture. The qualifications of members and their rights to hold other offices while they are mem- bers, etc., are regulated by United States law. The legislature cannot pass any law altering the salary of the governor, the secretary, or the offi- cers or members of the legislature as fixed by the laws of the United States. The subordinate officers of each branch of every Territorial legislature consist of one chief cler.k, one assistant clerk, one enrolling clerk, one en- grossing clerk, one sergeant-at-arms, one door- keeper, one messenger and one watchman. Territorial Representation in Congress. Every Territory has a right to send a Delegate to the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to serve during each term of Congress, and this Delegate is elected by a majority of the qualified voters of the Territory. Such Delegate has a seat in Congress with the right of debating, but not of voting. How Minor Offices are Filled. Justices of the peace, and all general officers of the militia of the Territory, are appointed or elected by the people in such manner as may be prescribed by the governor and legislature; all other officers not otherwise provided for by the laws of the United States are appointed by the governor, with the advice of the Territorial coun- cil, vacancies being tilled temporarily by the governor's appointment during a recess of the legislature until it meets again. When a Resident May Vote. Voters must be twenty-one years old, and citi- zens of the United States, or persons who have legally declared their intentions of becoming such, and without regard to "race, color or previous condition of servitude." No officer, soldier, seamen, mariner or other person in the service of the United States can vote in any Ter ritory until he has been permanently domiciled there for six months, and no person belonging to the army or navy can be elected to, or hold, any civil office or appointment in any Territory. All township, district and county officers, except justices and general officers of the militia, are appointed or elected in such manner as the gov- ernor and legislature provide. Territorial Supreme Courts. The supreme court of every Territory consists of a chief justice and two associate justices, any two of whom constitute a quorum for business. They are appointed by the President, hold their offices for four years, unless sooner removed, and open a term of their court annually at the seat of Territorial government. Each Territory is divided into three judicial districts, in each of which a Territorial district court is held by one of the justices of the supreme court, at such time and place as the law prescribes; and each judge, after his assignment, resides in the district to which he is assigned. The supreme court and the district courts, respectively, of the Territories, possess chancery as well as common law jurisdiction. Territorial Prisoners. A penitentiary established in some of the Terri- tories when ready for the reception of convicts, is placed in charge of the attorney-general of the Territory, who makes all needful rules and regulations for its government, and the marshal having charge over such penitentiary must cause them to be duly executed and obeyed; and the rea- sonable compensation of the marshal and his depu- ties for their services under such regulations are fixed by the attorney-general. MINISTERS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 411 Diplomatic Officers of the United States. HE diplomatic officers of the United States include the following: EMBASSADORS. Persons sent by one sovereign power to another sovereign power to transact public business of importance and interest to one or both of them. ENVOYS Extraordinary Public ministers, or officers, I sent from one sovereignty to another on special business of importance. MINISTERS Plenipotentiary Embassadors, or negotiators, or envoys, sent to a foreign seat of government with full diplomatic powers. MINISTERS Resident Embassadors with diplo- matic powers who reside continually at a foreign seat of government. COMMISSIONERS Persons appointed by a sover- eign power to confer with similar persons from another sovereign power, and decide any special and disputed question of international interest or importance. CHARGES D'AFFAIRES Ministers of the third or lowest class, sent to a foreign seat of government. AGENTS Officers sent to a foreign country, with limited powers, to treat upon specified inter- national matters. SECRETARIES OF LEGATION Officers appointed by the President to accompany ministers to foreign governments to assist them in their official duties. Appointed by the President. The foregoing diplomatic officers are appointed by the President, and confirmed by the United States Senate. But one minister resident is accredited to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Salvador, and Nicaragua, living in either of these States that he may select. Ministers resident and consuls-general, com- bined in the same person, are accredited to the Republics of Hayti and Liberia. The consul-general at Constantinople is the secretary of legation to Turkey, but receives compensation only as a consul-general. Any regularly-appointed diplomatic officer upon whom devolves another similar office while hold- ing the first, is allowed 50 per cent, additional pay as long as he holds the second office. All fees collected at the legations are accounted for to the Secretary of the Treasury. Consular Officers. "Consul general," "consul," and "com- mercial agent," denote full, principal and permanent consular officers, as distinguished from subordinates and substitutes. Either of these terms designate an officer of greater or less degree, appointed to reside at a certain place in a foreign country, to protect the commerce and commercial interests of the United States. "Deputy-consul " and "consular agent" denote consular officers who are subordinate to such principals, exercising the powers and per- forming the duties within the limits of their consulates or commercial agencies, respectively, the former at the same ports or places, and the latter at ports or places different from those at which such principals are respectively located. " Vice-consuls " and " vice-commercial agents" denote consular officers who are temporarily substituted to fill the places of consuls-general, consuls or commercial agents when they are tem- porarily absent, or relieved from duty. The term ' ' consular officer " includes the fore- going persons and none others. No consul-general or consul may hold those offices at any other place than that to which each is appointed. Restrictions Upon Consuls. All consular officers whose salaries exceed *1,000 a year, cannot, while holding office, be interested in or transact any business as merchants, factors, brokers or other traders, or as clerks or agents for any such persons. Consular Clerks. The President has authority to appoint consular clerks, not exceeding thirteen in number, who must be citizens of the United States and over eighteen years old when appointed, and assign them from time to time to such consulates and with such duties as he shall direct. Such clerks must be duly examined as to their qualifications by an examining board, who report to the Secretary of State, before their appointment. Duties of Consular Officers. Consuls and vice-consuls have the right, in the ports or places to which they are severally appointed, of receiving the protests or declara- tions which captains, masters, crews, passengers or merchants, who are citizens of the United States, may choose to make there, and also such as any foreigner may make before them relative to the personal interest of any citizen of the United States. Every consular officer is also required to keep a list of all seamen and mariners shipped and discharged by him, giving the par- ticulars of each transaction, the payments made on account of each man, if any; also, of the number of vessels arrived and departed, the amounts of their tonnage, the number of their seamen and mariners, and of those who are protected, and whether citizens of the United States or not, and as nearly as possible the nature and value of their cargoes and where produced, making returns of the same to the Secretary of the Treasury; also to take possession of the personal estate left by any citizen of the United States (other than seamen belonging to any vessel), who dies within the jurisdiction of that consulate, leaving no representative or relative by him to take care of his effects. The consul inventories the effects, collects debts due to the deceased, pays those due from him, sells such of the property of the deceased as is perishable in its nature, and after one year the remainder, unless, in the meantime, some relative or representative of the deceased comes to claim his effects, paying the accrued fees. In case no relative or representative appears, the consul forwards the remainder of the effects, the accounts, etc. , to the Secretary of the Treasury in trust for the legal claimants. Persons dying abroad may appoint consular officers their agents for the disposal of their effects, etc. , or any other person instead, and the consular officer may be called upon to assist in caring for the property and interests of the deceased. Consular officers are required to procure and transmit to the Department of State authentic information concerning the commerce of such countries, of such character, in such manner and form, and at such times as the Department of State may prescribe; also, the prices-current of all articles of merchandise usually exported to the United States from the port or place at which the consular officer is stationed. Other duties of a commercial character are fully prescribed by the laws, with restrictions and penalties for violations of the rules and regulations governing consulates. HOW ELECTIONS MUST BE CONDUCTED. Who May and Who May Not Vote. LL PERSONS born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indi- ans not taxed ; all children born out of the limits and jurisdic- tion of the United States, whose fathers were or may be at the time of their birth citizens thereof, and any woman who is now or may hereafter be married to a citizen of the United States, and who might herself be lawfully naturalized, are deemed citizens of the United States; but the native born son of a foreign subject, residing in the United States, must be naturalized. Rights of Citizens in Foreign Countries. All naturalized citizens of the United States, while in foreign countries, are entitled to and receive from this Government the same protection of persons and property which is accorded to native-born citizens; and it is the duty of the President, whenever an American citizen is unjustly deprived of his liberty by any foreign government, to demand the reason for his imprisonment, and, if his imprisonment is unjust or in violation of the rights of American citizens, to demand his release; should this demand be refused or unreasonably delayed, the President may take measures (not amounting to acts of war) to have him released, communicating all facts and proceedings relative to the case to Congress, as soon as practicable. After that, any invasion of the rights of any such American citizen by a foreign government is a reasonable ground for diplomatic adjustment or a declaration of war by the United States. Military Force Not Allowed at Elections. The laws of the United States forbid any naval or military officer to bring any armed troops to places of election, general or special, unless it be to repel armed enemies of the United States, or to keep peace at the polls; and no military or naval officer is permitted to prescribe or fix, or attempt to prescribe or fix, by proclamation, order, or otherwise, the qualifications of voters in any State, or in any manner interfere with the freedom of any election in any State, or with the exercise of the free right of suffrage therein. The laws also provide that neither ' 'race, color, or previous condition of servitude" can affect the rights of citizens to vote, and prescribe penalties for refusing to let citizens vote lawfully, for wrongfully refusing to receive a lawful vote at an election, and for unlawfully hindering a person from voting. Supervisors of Election. In order to correct any abuses of this sort, it is decreed that on the application of any two citizens in any city or town of more than 20,000 inhabit- ants, or whenever in any county or parish, in any Congressional district, ten citizens of good stand- ing, previous to any registration of voters for an election for Representatives or Delegate in Con- gress, or previous to any election at which such Representative or Delegate is to be voted for, may make known in writing to the judge of the United States circuit court, in that circuit, their desires to have such registration or election, or both, guarded and scrutinized, the judge, within not less than ten days prior to the registration or election, as the case may be, -is required to open the circuit court at the most convenient point in his circuit. He then proceeds to appoint and commission, from day to day and from time to time, under his hand and the seal of his court, two citizens, residents of the city, town, election dis- trict or voting precinct of the town, city, county and parish, who shall be of different political parties, and able to read and write the English language; and these citizens shall be known and designated as "supervisors of election." Any circuit judge may appoint a United States district judge to perform this duty for him, in case he is unable to perform it himself. What Supervisors of Election Shall Do. The supervisors of election, so appointed, are authorized and required to attend, at all times and places fixed for the registration of legal voters, and challenge any person offering to regis- ter; to attend at all times and places when the names of registered voters may be marked for challenge, and to cause such names registered to be, as they deem proper, so marked; to make, when required, the lists of persons whose right to register and vote is claimed and verify the same ; and upon any occasion, and at any time when in attendance upon the duty here noted, to personally inspect and scrutinize such registry, and for pur- poses of identification to sign their names to each page of the original list and of each copy of any such list of registered voters, at such time when any name may be received or registered, and in such a manner as will, in their judgment, detect and expose improper removal or addition of any name therefrom or thereto. The Duty to Challenge Totes. The supervisors of election are authorized at all times and places for holding elections of Repre- sentatives or Delegates in Congress, and for count- ing the votes cast at such elections to challenge any such vote offered by any person whose legal qualifications the supervisors, or either of them, may doubt; to be and remain where the ballot- boxes are kept at all times after the polls are open until every vote cast at such time and place has been counted, the canvass of all votes polled wholly completed, and the proper and requisite returns or certificates made, as required by any State, Territorial , municipal or Federal law ; and to personally inspect and scrutinize, from time to time, and at all times, on the day of election, the manner in which the voting is done, and the way and method in which the poll-books, registry-lists, and tallies or check-books are kept. In order that each candidate for Delegate or Representative in Congress may obtain the benefit of every vote cast for him, the supervisors of election are, and each of them is, required to personally scrutinize, count and canvass each ballot cast in their election district or voting pre- cinct, whatever the indorsement on the ballot, or in whatever box it may have been placed or is found; to make and forward to the officer known as chief supervisor such certificates and returns of all such ballots as such officer may direct and require, and to certify on all registry lists any statement as to the truth or accuracy of the lists or to the truth or fairness of the election and canvass, that they deem honest and proper to be made, in order that the facts may become known. Must Stand Where Each Voter Can be Seen. The better to enable the supervisors of election to discharge their duties, they are authorized and required, in their respective election districts or voting precincts, on the day of registration, on the day when registered voters may be marked to be challenged, or on the day of election, to take such a position, from time to time, as will, in their judgment, best enable them to see each person who offers himself for registration or to vote, and permit them to scrutinize the manner in which the registration or voting is being done; and at the closing of the polls for the reception of votes, they are required to sit or stand in such a position near the ballot-boxes as will best enable them to canvass the ballots and see that the election has been fairly conducted. TIME OF RESIDENCE REQUIRED IN DIFFERENT STATES IN ORDER TO VOTE. 413 HOW FOREIGNERS ARE NATURALIZED AND BECOME CITIZENS. I ERSONS born in foreign nations and coining to the United States to reside, are required to submit to certain forma of law before they can become citizens of any State or Territory, as follows: Going before either a district or circuit court of the United States, or a district or supreme court of any Territory, or any court of record having jurisdiction in such cases, he must declare on oath that he intends to become a citi- zen of the United States, and to renounce forever his allegiance to any foreign sovereign or State, especially naming the kingdom or empire of which he was formerly a subject. Two years, or more, after thus declaring his intention to become a citizen, he applies to the court for admission td all the rights and privileges of a citizen of the United States. At this time he must clearly state, under oath, that he will sup- port the Constitution of the United States and again renounce all allegiance to any foreign sovereign or government, especially the one under whom he formerly lived. He must also show, to the satisfaction of the court, that he has resided within the United States five years, and within the State or Territory in which the court is then held fora certain period; that he has during that time behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Federal Constitution: that he is well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and that he expressly renounces and abandons any hereditary title of nobility or association with any of the orders of nobility which he possessed in his native or adopted foreign country, and this renunciation is recorded in the court. Witnesses are necessary to prove the fact of his having resided in the country the requisite time before a being su before applying for citizenship, his own oath not sufficient. Any person who immigrates into the United States from a foreign country three years before coming of age, and maintains his resi- dence here until twenty-one years old and two years longer, may, at the expiration of the whole five years, be admitted to all the rights and privileges of a citizen without making the preliminary declaration of his intention to become such ; but he must then make oath that for two years past such has been his intention, and fully comply with all the other requirements of the naturalization laws. The provisions of this law apply equally to white persons of foreign birth, of African nativ- ity or African descent. When Native-Born Citizens and Foreigners May Vote. HE CONDITIONS under which a person born in the United States or Territories may vote at general State elections are: That the person shall be a male, twenty-one years of age, and have resided in the State where he votes a definite period of time. Certain States require educational and property qualifications. After arriving in the United States, a foreigner may go before a competent court and make oath that he desires to become a citizen of the United States. The paper given him by the court is a certificate that he has " declared his intention " to become a citizen. Five years afterwards he may go again before a proper court and take out papers of naturalization. The foreigner is then naturalized, and is a citizen of the United States, entitled to vote the same as a native-born citizen. Each State has its own law as to the time a foreigner shall have lived in the United States before he can vote in that State. Thus in Illinois the law requires that the voter must be a citizen. This makes it necessary that the foreigner must have taken out his naturalization papers, and have been a resident in the United States for five years preceding the time when he can vote. This is the law in several States. Other States require only that the foreigner, in order to be allowed to vote, shall have declared his intention to become a citizen. He then has the same privilege as the native-born, concerning the length of time he shall remain in the State where voting. Different States, it will be seen, have different laws as to the time the voter shall be a resident of the State. In most of the States voters are required to be registered before election. The length of time that those persons entitled to vote must remain in the State, county, or election precinct before voting, is shown in the following list of States. Time of Residence Required in State, County and Precinct. Alabama State, one year; county, three months: ward or precinct, thirty days. Arizona Territory, one year; county, ten days. Arkansas State, one year; county, six months, precinct or ward, thirty days. California State, one year; county, ninety days; precinct, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Chinamen not allowed to become citizens. Colorado State, six months; women vote at school elections. Connecticut State, one year; town, six months. Must be able to read State laws. Foreigners required to be naturalized. Must have good moral character and a freehold yielding 87 annually, or pay State tax, or have done military duty. Dakota" Territory, ninety days. Women allowed to vote. Delaware* State, one year; county, one month. Must pay a county tax. Foreigners must be naturalized. Paupers not allowed to vote. District of Columbia No elections are held here. The various local officers are ap- pointed by Congress and the President. Florida State, one year; county, six months. Georgia State, one year; county, six months. Voters must have paid their taxes. Idaho* Territory, fourmonths; county, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Illinois State, one year; county, ninety days: election district, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Indiana* State, six months; town, sixty days; ward or precinct, thirty days. Foreigners must be residents of the United States one year. Iowa State, six months; county, sixty days; town or ward, ten days. Foreigners required to be residents of the State two years. Kansas State, six months; township or ward, thirty days. Kentucky "State, two years; county, town, or city, one year; precinct, sixty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Louisiana State, one year; parish, ten days. Maryland State, one year; city or county, six months. Foreigners must be naturalized. Maine State, three months. Paupers and Indians not allowed to vote. Foreigners must be naturalized. Massachusetts State, one year: Congres- sional district, town or city, six months. Must have paid a State or county tax. Must be able to read and write. Paupers not allowed to vote. Foreigners must be naturalized. Michigan "State, three months; township or ward, ten days. Foreigners must be residents of the State two years and six months. Minnesota State, four months; election district, ten days. Foreigners must have lived in the United States one year. Mississippi State, six months; county, one month. Foreigners must be naturalized. Missouri State, one year; county, city or town, sixty days. Nebraska State, six months; county, forty days ; ward or precinct, ten days. Nevada State, six months; county or district, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. New Hampshire Town, six months. Must be tax-payers. Foreigners must be naturalized. New Jersey State, one year; county, five months. Foreigners must be naturalized. New Mexico Territory, six months; county three months: precinct, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. New York State, one year; county, four months; district, town, or ward, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. * No registration required. North Carolina State, one year-, county, thirty days. Voter must own fifty acres of land or have paid taxes. Ohio State, one year; county, thirty days; town, village or ward, twenty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Oregon State, six months; county or district, ninety days. Pennsylvania State, one year; election district, two months. Must have paid State or county taxes within two years. Former citizens returned from abroad may vote after six months' residence. Foreigners must be naturalized. Rhode Island State, one year; town or city, six months. Must own property in his town and pay taxes on it. Foreigners must be natural- ized. South Carolina State, one year: county, sixty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Texas "State, one year; county or election district, six months. Paupers not allowed to vote. Tennessee* State, one year; county, six months, and must pay poll-tax. Foreigners must be naturalized. Utah Territory, six months. Wives, widows and daughters of citizens can vote. Vermont * State, one year; town, three months. Foreigners must be naturalized. "Virginia State, one year; county, city, or town, six months. Foreigners must be natural- ized. Paupers not allowed to vote. "West Virginia State, one year; county, thirty days. Foreigners must be naturalized. Paupers not allowed to vote. Wisconsin State, one year. Paupers not allowed to vote. 'Wyoming* Territory, ninety days. Women allowed to vote. CONSTITUTIONS AND BY-LAWS. Forms of Constitutions. ARTICLES AND SECTIONS. General Directions Relating to Constitutions and By-Laws. Constitutions. S A BASIS of action in the government of an association of people, who propose to hold regular and frequent meetings, it becomes necessary to make a specific agreement by such association of the course of action they will pursue, and the rules by which they shall be governed in their deliberations. This agreement is termed a " CONSTITUTION." In its preparation, care should be taken, while making it sufficiently explicit, to have the document as concise, clear and distinct as possible. In the adoption of a constitution by an assembly, it is usually customary to consider it section by section. After it has been accepted, the secretary should make record of the constitution in a blank-book suitable for the purpose. This should be signed by the members of the society, who consent to accept of the same as their fundamental rule of action. Amendments to the constitution should be made in the same book with convenient marks for reference showing where they may be found. By-Laws* When it is desired to add matter more clearly denning cer- tain articles of the Constitution, such explanatory notes are termed ' BY- LAWS." When the Constitution is quite explicit, for most associations by-laws are unnecessary. If it is desir- able, however, to be very minute in explanation, that members of an association may fully understand their rights and duties, by-laws are sometimes quite essential. When added, they should follow immediately after the Constitution. Explanatory words giving the character of each article in the Constitution, may be placed above, or at the left side of the article, as shown in the following forms. Prevention of Cruelty tr Animals. PREAMBLE. RUELTY to Animals being a prevailing fault, cal- culated to cultivate the baser passions of man's nature, it becomes necessary, in order to counteract the same, to take individual and united action in opposition thereto. The better to accomplish a re- form in this direction, the undersigned agree to form an association, and be governed in their fun- damental action by the following CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. The title and name of this Society shall be " THE SAC- RAMENTO SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OP CRUELTY TO ANIMALS." OBJECTS. ARTICLE II. The objects of this Society are to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals within the limits of the City of Sacramento; to enforce all laws which are now or may hereafter be enacted for the protection of dumb animals, and r to secure by lawful means the arrest, conviction and punishment of all persons violating such laws. OFFICERS. ARTICLE III. The officers of this Society shall be a President, six Vice - Presidents, a Counsel, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of nine persons, who shall constitute the Board of Directors. The President, Counsel, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The officers shall be elected an- nually by ballot, and shall hold their offices until others are elected to fill their places. MEMBERS. ARTICLE IV. Any person, male or female, may become a member of this Society upon election by the Society, or Executive Committee, and the payment of the sum of two dollars ; and the annual membership fee shall not exceed that amount. Sec. 2. Any person may become a life - member of this Society, upon the payment to the Treasurer of the sum of twenty-five dollars. ANNUAL MEETING. ARTICLE V. The annual meeting of this Society shall be held on the first Thursday in April of each year, when the annual election of officers s hall take place. Sec. 2. Every member of the Society who has been such for ten days or more, and who is not in arrears for dues, shall be entitled to vote at the said election. Sec. 3. At the annual meeting the Executive Committee shall present a general report of its proceedings during the past year, and the Secre- tary and Treasurer shall aJo present their annual reports. Sec. 4. Special meetings ot the Society may be called by the President, (or in case of his absence or inability, by one of the Vice-Presidents), and shall be so called upon the written request of fifteen members. Notice of such meeting shall be inserted in at least two daily papers of the city of Sacramento. CONSTITUTIONS AND BY-LAWS. 415 COUNSEL. ARTICLE VI. The Counsel shall be the legal adviser of the Society, Its Officers and Executive Committee, and shall have general charge and conductor all suits and proceedings instituted by or against it, or them, or either of them, or in which the Society may be interested. He shall receive for his services_such pecuniary compensation, or fees, as cutive Committee. shall be determined by the Execi SECRETARY. ARTICLE VII. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of all the proceedings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, and to record the same in the Society's books provided for that purpose ; to conduct the correspondence and keep copies thereof, and to perform such otherfduties as are customary for such an officer, under the direc- tion of the Executive Committee. TREASURER. ARTICLE VIII. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the funds be- longing to the Society, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee. He shall, previous to the annual meeting of the Society, prepare and submit to the Executive Committee for audit, a detailed account of his receipts and disbursements during the past year, which annual account, duly audited, lie shall present to the Society at its annual meetlug. AGENTS. ARTICLE IX. The Executive Committee may appoint from time to time sucli special agents as it may deem advisable, and shall have the power to remove the same at its pleasure. Sec. 2. The appointment of every agent of the Society shall be in writing, and he shall receive such pecuniary compensation for his ser- vices as may be determined by the Executive Committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ARTICLE X. The Executive Committee shall have the management, control and disposition of the affairs, property and funds of the Society, and shall have the power to fill for the unexpired term any vacancy that may occur in any of the offices of the Society or in its own body. Sec. 2. No member of the Executive Committee, except the Counsel and the Secretary, shall receive or derive any salary or pecuniary com- pensation for his services. Sec. 3. The Executive Committee shall hold meetings for the trans- action of business at least once in every mouth, and at all such meetings five members shall constitute a quorum. ALTERATIONS OR AMENDMENTS. ARTICLE XI. This constitution may be altered or amended by a two- thirds vote of all the members present, at any regular or special meeting of the Society, provided such alteration or amendment has been propos- ed and entered on the minutes, together with the name of the member proposing it, at a previous meeting of the Society. By - Laws. HOURS OF MEETING. ARTICLE I. The hours of assembling for the stated meetings of the Society shall be as follows: From the 1st of April until the 1st of Octo- ber, at eight o'clock P. M., and from the 1st of October until the 1st of April, at half -past seven o'clock, P.M. ADMISSION OP MEMBERS. ARTICLE II. The names of all persons desiring admission to this Society shall be presented to the Secretary, who shall bring the same before the members of the Society for election at any regular meeting. DUTIES OF AGENTS. ARTICLE III. It shall be the duty of agents appointed to use their utmost efforts to secure kind and gentle treatment to all dumb animals, by rigi''. prosecution of violation of law relating to the same. Sec. 2. The agent shall be empowered, and Is expected to use his best efforts to distribute all tracts, papers and literature placed in his hands which may be calculated to accomplish the work for which the Society is organized. Sec. 3. The agent is authorized, if In a locality where no Society exists, to organize an association to be governed by such officers, and such action as will most effectually abolish cruelty to animals. At each regular meeting of the Society, the following shall be, after calling the meeting to order, and the opening exercises, the Order of Business. 1. Beading of the minutes. 2. Report of the Board of Directors. 3. Reports of Standing and Special Committees. 4. Reportsvof officers. 5. Receiving communications and bills. 6. Admission of new members, and election of officers at the annual meeting. 7. New business. 8. Reports of .the Secretary and Treasurer 9. Adjournment. CONSTITUTION OF A VILLAGE LYCEUM Name and Object. Officers of the Society. Duties of the Officers. PREAMBLE. ROWTH and developmentof mind, together with readiness and fluency of speech, being the re- sult of investigation and free discussion of religious, educational, political, and other topics, the undersigned agree to form an association, and for its government* do hereby adopt the following CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. The name and title of this organization shall be " The Cambridge Literary Association," and its object shall be the free discussion of any subject coming before the meeting for the purpose of diffusing knowledge among its members. ARTICLE II. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Corres- ponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian, who shall be elected annually by ballot, on the first Monday in January of each year, said offi- cers to hold their position until their successors are elected. ARTICLE III. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all public meetings of the Society. The first Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, and in case of the absence of both President and Vice-President, it shall be the duty of the second Vice-President to preside. The duty of the Secretary shall be to conduct the cor- respondence, keep the records of the Society, and read at each meeting a report of the work done at the pre- ceding meeting. The Treasurer shall keep the funds of the Society, making an annual report of all moneys received, dis- bursed, and amount on hand. It sljall be the duty of the Librarian to keep, In a careful manner, all books, records and manuscripts in the possessiou of the Society. ARTICLE IV. There shall be appointed by the Pres- ident, at the first meeting after his election, the follow- ing standing committees, to consist of three members Appointment each, namely: On lectures, library, finance, and print- of ing, whose duties shall be designated by the President. Committees. The question for debate at the succeeding meeting shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present. ARTICLE V. Any lady or gentleman may become a member of this Society by the consent of the majority of the members present, the signing of the constitution, Conditions of and the payment of two dollars as membership fee. It Membership, shall be the pr. allege of the Society to elect any t>erson whose presence may be advantageous to the Society, an honorary member, who shall not be required to pay membership fees or dues. ARTICLE VI. This assoclatton shall meet weekly, and at such other times as a majority, consisting of at least five members of the association, shall determine. The President shall be authorized to call special meet- j n gs upon the written request of any five members of the Society, which number shall be sufficient to consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VII. It shall be the duty of the finance com- mittee to determine the amount of dues necessary to be collected from each member, and to inform the Treas- urer of the amount, who shall promptly proceed to col- lect the same at such time as the committee may desig- nate. ARTICLE VIII. The parliamentary rules and general Parliamenta- form of conducting public i.ieetings, as shown In HILL'S ry Authority. MANUAL, shall be the standard authority in governing the deliberations of this association. ARTICLE IX. Any member neglecting to pay dues, or who shall be guilty '>f improper conduct, calculated to brinp this association into disrepute, shall be expelled Penalty for from the membership of the Society by a two-thirds Violating vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Rules No member shall be expelled, however, until he shall have had notice of such intention on the part of the as- sociation, and has been given an opportunity of being heard in his own defense. ARTICLE X. By giving written notice of change at Alterations an y regular meeting, this constitution may be altered and or amended at the next stated meeting by a vote of two- Amendments. thirds of the members present. Times of Meeting. tism nt 416 FORMS OF CALLS FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS. Calls for Public Meetings. Forms of Wording in Calling Public Meetings. varied ciently MONG the duties of the projector of a public meeting will be the writing of the " Call," which should be clear, distinct, arid brief, yet suf- ficiently explicit to enable people to know when, where, and for what object they meet. The following, which may be according to circumstances, will suffi- illustrate the general form : Democratic Rally ! AT THE COURT ROOM, Monday Evening, Nov. 7, at 8 o'clock. The DEMOCRATS OF PAXTON, WORKING MEN, BUSINESS MEN, AND CITIZENS GENERALLY, are cordially invited to be present. The meeting will be addressed by the HON. JOSIAH ADAMS, HON. T. M. BAXTER, AND OTHER ABLE SPEAKERS. School Meeting. The Friends of Education are reqnested to meet at the house of Solomon Biggs, in Walnut Grove, Saturday evening, Sep. 1st, at 7 o'clock, to take action relative to opening a public school in this vicinity. The meeting will consider the selection of directors, the location of the school building, and the propriety of opening a school this fall, before the building is complete. Old Settlers' Reunion. All persons in Adams and adjoining counties, who settled here prior to 1850, are requested to meet at the Court House, in Clinton, Satur- day afternoon, June 10, at two o'clock, to make arrangements for an Old Settlers' Reunion, to be held at such place and time as the meeting shall determine. Firemen's Review. The entire Fire Department of this cityi< hereby notified to appear on dress parade, Saturday afternoon, at 1.30, on Broadway, between Green and Spruce streets, provided the weather is pleasant, and the streets dry. If the weather does not permit, due notice of postpone- ment will be given. GEO. H. BAKER, Fire Marshal. Woman Suffrage Convention. The Friends of Woman Suffrage are invited to meet in mass conven- tion, at Dixon's Hall, in Chester, June 14, at ten o'clock, A.M., at which time the session will commence, and continue two days, closing on Friday evening. Hon. Asa Gushing, Rev. H. W. Cooper, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Chas. Fuller, and other distinguished speakers will be present, and participate in the proceedings of the convention. Hot for Horse Thieves ! All Citizens of Jonesville and surrounding country, favorable to protecting their stock from the depredations of thieves, are expected to be present at the Eagle School House, in District No. 10, on Saturday evening, July 12, at 8 o'clock, sharp, to aid in forming an association that will give horse and cattle thieves their just dues. Railroad Meeting. The Midland and Great Western Railroad Company are about locating their railway through this county, having surveyed three routes, one through Hastings, one by way of Brownsville, and the other through this village, passing up the river just east of Fuller's mill. The Company propose to take this route on one condition, nami ly: that we furnish depot grounds and right of way through this village. Citizens of Pikeville! what action shall we take in this matter? Shall we have a railroad at our own doors, or be compr lied henceforth to go ten miles to the nearest depot? Eve'y citizen interested in the growth of our beautiful village is requested to be present at the Town Hall, next Tuesday evening, May 7, at half past seven o'clock, to con- sider this subject. Let there be a full expression from all the people at this meeting. RESOLUTIONS SUITABLE FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 417 Fourth of July ! The liberty-loving citizens of Eagleville, who desire to participate this year at home in a genuine, old-fashioned Fourth of July celebra- tion, such as will make the American Eagle proud of the village that bears his name, will meet at Allen's Hall next Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, to consider the advisability of holding such celebration. Shall We have an Agricultural Fair? Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Mechanics, Artists and others, favor- able to the establishment of an Agricultural and Mechanics' Fair, are desired to meet at the Town Hall, next Monday evening, June 20, at 8 o'clock, to take the necessary steps towards perfecting such organ- ization. Eight Hour Meeting. All mechanics, artisans, laborers, and others, who favor making eight hours a legal day's work, that they may occasionally see their wives and children during the winter months, in the day time, are re- quested to meet in Boyd's Hall, Monday evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock, on which occasion the'meeting will be addressed by that distinguished advocate of the rights of the working man, Hon. Archibald P. Green. Temperance Convention. The Friends of Temperance, independent of party or sect, are invited to meet in convention at Fullerton Hall in Fairbury, Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 10 A.M., to consider and discuss the means by which we may arrest the present increasing tide of intemperance in this vicinity, by which our youth are corrupted, our Sabbaths desecrated, and our homes impoverished and desolated. Come up and help us, sons, husbands, fathers I Come up and aid us, daughters, wives, mothers I We want the influence of your presence. Dr. Carr, the eloquent champion of temperance, will be with us. Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. John Berryman- F- Dr. Williams, and others will participate in the discussions of the cV VC UW.7 /WVVV />TAV^ AV /w/VVV^WfrM^iV ?Z^^^^^fev2^5Z?2<2^7z^ /.^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^ / ' , ,' M.J ^ x^ 0.,rf r , ff,< #//7 .r^ * f ^U*^iti#uJ/s&tfrrv??u ' ft ft /f / A X 420 RESOLUTIONS APPROPRIATE FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. Suitable for Forming Associations, Remonstrance, On the Departure of Friends, Expression of Wishes, etc. Resolutions at a Temperance Meeting. " Mr. Chairman : Your committee on resolutions respect- fully submit the following : " WHEREAS, The saloons of this city are being kept open at all hours of the day and night, in violation of the ordinances governing the same ; and " WHEREAS, Drunkenness is evidently on the increase, in consequence of the total lack of necessary legal restraint, which should close their doors at proper hours of night, and Sundays ; therefore, be it " Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by this meeting to investigate the extent of this violation, and report the same to the city council at their next meeting. " Resolved, That we call upon the mayor, aldermen, and city mar- shal of this city to enforce the law relating to the sale of liquors, and we hereby remind them that the people will hold them to strict accountability for allowing the ordinances governing and restraining saloon keepers to be violated." Resolutions on tbe Departure of a Clergyman. " At a meeting of the Presbyterian society, held in the lecture room of their church, on Tuesday evening, the loth instant, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : " WHEREAS, Our pastor, the Rev. Hiram G. Morgan, has received a call from the First Presbyterian church of , and, for the purpose of accepting the same, has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city ; and " WHEREAS, We all realize that none but a selfish interest can prompt us to retain him, when a broader field with nobler opportunities is open to him ; therefore, be it " Resolved, That we accept the resignation which severs our relation as pastor and people with feelings of heartfelt sadness. " Resolved, That the ten years of faithful service rendered by him to this society have been greatly blessed in upbuilding our church, Increas- ing its membership, and creating feelings of Christian fellowship and good will among other denominations. " Resolved, That for bis ministering to tbe temporal wants of the poor, and the spiritual needs of all ; for the tender solicitude and earnest sympathy which have always brought him to the bedside of the sick and dying ; for his efforts in behalf of the education of the masses; and for his exertions to ameliorate the condition of suffering humanity at all times and under all circumstances, the members of this parish, and the people of this city, owe him a debt of gratitude which they can never repay. " Resolved, That, in parting, our kindest wishes will ever attend him, and that we recommend him to the parish to which he is to minister as one worthy their full confidence and highest esteem. Committee. Resolutions on the Departure of a Sunday School Teacher. "WHEREAS, Mr. Grant Watkins is about to remove from our midst and sever his connection with this school, in which he has so long and faithfully labored as teacher ; therefore, be it " Resolved, That we deeply regret the necessity of losing him in the Sunday School work, and most fervently wish for him a future of active usefulness in his chosen field of new associations and interests, ever praying that by a well ordered life and a Christian consecration he may at last unite, with all the truly faithful, in sweeter songs of redemption in the bright hereafter." Resolutions Favorable to Forming an Association. " Mr. Chairman : Your committee, to whom was referred the duty of preparing resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting, beg leave to report the following : " WHEREAS, Our county is being infected by a band of organized horse thieves and highwaymen, making property and human life insecure ; and " WHEREAS, The safety of the people demands that some immediate action be taken looking to the protection of life and property ; therefore, be it " Resolved, That an association of citizens favorable to such pro- tection be formed, to be known and styled ' The Grant County Protect- ive Association.' " Resolved, That this association be governed by five directors, chosen by this meeting. Such directors to choose their president, secretary, and treasurer from their number, any one of whom, upon hearing of the loss of property belonging to any member of this association, shall have authority, upon consulting with two other directors, to take the necessary steps to recover the same, and punish the thief, the expenses of recovery not to exceed the value of said property. " Resolved, That each member of this association shall pay to the treasurer two dollars, as membership fee, upon signing the consti- tution, and shall bear his share of the necessary expense incurred in recovering stolen property, and convicting thieves. " Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by this meeting to draft articles of association for the government of the society, regu- lating dues, times of meeting, etc., for each member to sign, essentially embodying the ideas expressed in these resolutions." Resolutions Remonstrating against a Nuisance. " Resolved, That the continuance of the bone boiling establishment and glue factory of Messrs. Smith & Jones in the midst of a densely populated neighborhood, is an intolerable nuisance, which is incom- patible with the health and comfort of those who reside in the vicinity. " Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chair, whose duty it shall be to apprise the authorities of the existence and nature of the nuisance; and, in case such action shall not produce its abatement, then, to employ counsel, and take such other legal steps as the case may require." Resolutions at a Stockholders' Meeting, in Favor of a Certain Route. "Resolved, That the" proposed railroad bridge of this company, at Jackson, be located north, rather than south, of the village, for these reasons : " 1. To build a bridge south of the town will necessitate placing a depot so far from the center of the village as to prevent the people of Jackson from patronizing the road, inasmuch as the South Western railway already has a depot near the center of the town. PETITIONS TO PUBLIC BODIES. 421 " 8. The south line will require more than double the amount of trestle work for the bridge. " 3, The right of way by the southern route is much the most ex- pensive. Even with the purchase of the Jackson foundry grounds (which will remove the abrupt curve in the upper route), the right of way will cost less than by the south survey, to say nothing of bring- ing the depot nearer the center of the village, and lessening the expense of trestle work ; therefore " Resolved, That, for the foregoing and other reasons, the directors are recommended to take the northern instead of the southern route, for the proposed railway through the town of Jackson." Resolution Instructing Members of the Legislature. " Resolved, That we are opposed to the present oppressive law on our statute books relative to stock running at large, and we hereby pledge ourselves to vote for no candidate for either house of the legislature who is not pledged to its speedy repeal. " Resolved, That the secretary is instructed to furnish a report of this meeting, together with this resolution, to such papers as will bring the subject most generally before the people." Resolution of Thanks to the Officers of a Convention. The following resolution, presented just before the close of a convention, is put by the member who makes the motion it being personal to the presiding officer. " Resolved, That the thanks of this convention are hereby given to the president, for the able, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has presided over its deliberations, and to the other officers for the satisfactory manner in which they have fulfilled the duties assigned to them." ETITIONS. A PETITION is a formal request or supplication, from the persons who present or sign the paper containing it, to the body or individual to whom it is presented, for the grant of some favor. It is a general rule, in the case of petitions presented to courts that an affidavit accompany them, setting forth that the statements therein made, so far as known to the petitioner, are true, and that these facts, by him stated as within his knowledge and that of others, he believes to be true. PETITIONS TO A CITY COUNCIL. The people of a town or city very frequently have occasion to petition their town authorities or city government for the granting of favors or the enactment of laws. The following are among the forms of petition to a city council : For Opening a Street. TO THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF , IN COMMON COUNCIL ASSEMBLED Gentlemen The undersigned respectfully solicit your honorable body to open and extend Walnut street, which now terminates at Adams street, through blocks Nos. 10 and 12 in Hall's addition to , to Benton street, thereby making Walnut a nearly straight and continuous street for two miles, and greatly accommodating the people in that portion of the city. (Here insert city. State and date.) [Signed by two hundred tax-payers, more or less.] Remonstrating Against a Nuisance. To THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF - ASSEMBLED: -, IN COMMON COUNCIL Gentlemen. Your petitioners pespectfully represent that during the past summer John Jones has converted the barn located at No. 184 Monroe street, between Van Buren and Jackson into a slaughter house, which, with the de- caying offal about the premises, produces a stench that is unbearable to the citizens living in that vicinity. In all respects the affair is a nuisance to the neighborhood, and we ask your honorable body to have the same removed. I Here insert city. Stale and date.) [Signed by one hundred persons, more or less, residing in the neighborhood.] Asking for a Policeman. -, IN COMMON COUNCIL -, feeling To THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF ASSEMBLED: Gentlemen The undersigned citizens and tax-payers of that life and property are very insecure after dark in portions of this town, respectfully ask your honorable body to appoint a night policeman to have supervision of the. streets and alleys from Harrison to Walnut streets, on Broadway. (Here give citj. State and date ) [Signed by one hundred tax-payers, more or less.] PETITIONS TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Petition from Farmers Asking for the Extermination of the Canada Thistle. To THE HONORABLE THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF , IN LEGISLATURE CONVENED The undersigned citizens of county, respectfully represent that this, and neighboring counties, are becoming infested with that pest, the Canada thistle. As yet they are not in sufficient quantity to be beyond con- trol, but it is feared if they are allowed to go without restraint two years longer, they will be so spread as to make their extermination next to impos- sible. We, therefore, respectfully request your honorable body to take some action looking to their immediate subjection, thus saving the farming com- munity from an evil which cannot be removed if allowed to exist much longer. (Here give county, f-fcite and date ) [Signed by one thousand farmers, more or less.] Petition from Farmers, Relative to Stock Running at Large. To THE HONORABLE THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF , IN LEGISLATURE CONVENED- Your petitioners, residents and tax payers of county, respect- fully represent to your honorable body that the farmers of this State are at present smbjected to an immense drain on their resources, by being compelled to build thousands of miles of fence, not for their own use, but for the pur- pose of preventing the encroachment of others At a low estimate, it is costing millions of dollars every year for this needless fencing. The man who wishes to keep stock may fence the necessary pasturage for the same, but to compel the farmer who does not have stock in any considerable quantity to keep up miles of fence, continually to rot down and be rebuilt, is an oppression which is causing many farmers to remain in poverty, who otherwise might be in comparatively independent circumstances. We.'therefore. petition you to enact a law to prevent stock of every descrip- tion from running at large. (liere give county. State and date.) [Signed by five hundred farmers, more or less.] Petition to the Governor Asking for Pardon. To JOHN M. PALMER, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS The Petition of the undersigned citizens respectfully represents' That on the ninth day of July, 1871, John Jones, of the city of Chicago, was convicted before the criminal court, in the said city, of the crime of man- slaughter, and sentenced therefor to the State prison at Joliet. where he now remains, for the term of twelve years; that the evidence upon which he was convicted, as will be seen by the summary appended, was not altogether con- clusive; that previous to that time the said Jones had maintained the reputa- tion of being a peaceable and upright man- and that his conduct since imprisonment, according to the letter of the warden, filed herewith, has been most exemplary. The said Jones has a family who need his support, and under the impression that the well-being of society will not be injured by his enlargement, and that the ends of justice, under the circumstances of the case, have been sufficiently answered, they respectfully implore executive clemency in his behalf. (Here give town. State and data.) [Signed by etc., etc.] 422 HOW TO CONDUCT PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS. f Celebrations SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS, Etc. and Festivals. HINTS RELATING TO PUBLIC DINNERS, PICNICS FESTIVALS. Etc. The Committees Necessary and the Plan of Organization. PLEASING variety in the routine of life is an occasional celebration. These are given often by certain societies, and comprise festivals, public dinners, picnics, excursions, reunions, etc. FOURTH OF JULY. A very appropriate day for a general celebration, in the United States, is the Fourth of July. In preparing for such a celebration it is first necessary to appoint suitable committees to carry out the details of the work incident to such an occasion. This is done by calling a meeting of the citizens at some public place, "/or the purpose of making arrangements for celebrating the forthcoming anniversary of American Indepen- dence!" which meeting should organize in the usual form, by the appointment of a president and secretary. The meeting should consider the feasibility of such celebration, and, if it is deemed advisable to celebrate this anniversary, should appoint an executive committee of three, to have general supervision of the whole affair, to be assisted by : 1. A finance committee, who will solicit the necessary funds. 3. A committee on grounds, to select a suitable place for holding the cele- bration, furnishing speakers' stand, seats for people, etc. 3. Committee on orator, who will provide speakers, reader of Declaration of Independence, etc. 4. Committee on music, to provide band, singing by the glee club, etc. 5. Committee on procession, who will induce the various societies, and a representation from the different trades, to appear in street procession, along with the representation of the different States in the Union. 8. Committee on military display, who will organize any military exhibi- tion that may be thought advisable, take charge of firing guns, etc. f. Committee on fireworks, who will attend to the arrangements for such exhibition in the evening. 8. Committee on amusements, whose especial duty it shall be to organize such street display of burlesque, etc., as will entertain and amuse the people. The executive committee may appoint the president of the day, the necessary marshals, and arrange for additional attractions and novel- ties calculated to secure the success of the celebration. Let these arrangements be made three or four weeks before the "Fourth." Now, let the executive committee thoroughly advertise the list of committees, and what it is proposed to accomplish. In the meantime, the finance committee should report to the executive what amount of money may be relied upon, and the committee on orator should report the names of their speakers, while the various other committees will report what the attractions are to be in their several departments. Then the executive committee should prepare their posters and programmes, descriptive of what may be seen by strangers from abroad who attend the celebration, and crowds of people will come from near and far. It is not necessary for many people to be interested at first in the celebration, to make the same a success. The resolve by one person to have a grand celebration, who will call a public meeting, associate with himself two others, as an executive committee, and follow by the appointment of the necessary committees, publishing the whole to the world, and going ahead, will generally make a very successful celebration. In the smaller towns so many committees may not be necessary, but having a good executive committee, the work is made much lighter by being distributed among a good many persons, though it will always devolve upon two or three individuals to carry the affair through to a successful conclusion. PUBLIC DINNERS. The same regulations, to a certain extent, as in the Fourth of July celebration, may be observed in other public entertainments, though it may not be necessary to have as many committees. Where it is resolved to give a public dinner to a distinguished man, the first move is to extend to the person an invitation, as numerously signed as possible. If he accepts, he either fixes the day himself, or leaves that to the option of the party inviting him. In the latter case, they designate a time that will best suit his convenience. Arrangements having been made thus far, committees may be appointed on table, invitations, toasts, etc., the affair being con- ducted according to the etiquette of such occasions. PICNICS AND FESTIVALS. These social entertainments, which are usually conducted in the interest of certain societies, are mostly pleasant affairs in proportion as they are agreeably conducted by the managers. They should be especially noticeable for the absence of all formality, jollity and mirth reigning supreme. If another committee is appointed, outside of the executive, let it be a committee on fun. TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS APPROPRIATE FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 423 ENTIMENTS: A MONG the delightful titbits that afford JL\. variety and merriment on certain festal occasions, may be toasts and sentiments, thus : For a Christmas Dinner. "Christmas hospitality: And the ladies who make it delightful by their mincing ways." " The sports of the holidays : Sleighing the Dears, and taking com- fort among the Buffaloes.' 1 '' For the Thanksgiving Festival. " Our opinion on the Eastern Question: We agree with Russia, that Turkey ought to be gobbled.' 1 '' "The health of our venerable host: Although an American citizen, he is one of the best Grand Seniors that ever presided over Turkey." "Thanksgiving: The magnetic festival that brings back erratic wan- derers to the Old Folks at Home." "The thanksgiving board: While it groans with plenty within, who cares for the whistling of the wind without." "Thanksgiving: The religions and social festival that converts every family mansion into a Family Meeting House." For the Fourth of July. "The American Eagle: The older he grows the louder he screams, and the higher he flies." " The Union of the States, and the Union of the Sexes: The one was the beginning of man's independence, the other is the end of it." "Our Standard Sheet: It has often been badly mangled, and terribly scorched, but is, nevertheless, the noblest sheet that ever covered a hero on the bed or glory." For a Wooden Wedding. " Our Host and Hostess : The flre of affection they mutually kindled five years ago has not gone out ; on the contrary, we are glad to see them wooding up." ' The Wooden Wedding of our Friends: And may all the children be chips of the old block." "The Hero and Heroine of this Wooden Festival: May they flourish like green bay trees in their youth, and retain all their pith when they become elders." For the Tin Wedding. " The Golden Rule of Matrimony : Marry the first time for love the second time for Tin." 'The Fair Bride: She blushed at her first marriage, but she shows more metal to-day." " Tin Weddings'. And the bright reflections to which they give rise." For the Crystal Wedding. " Crystal Weddings: The medium through which the bliss of endur- ing affection is magnified, reflected, and made transparent to every- body." "The fifteenth year of Wedlock: A matrimonial Stage, chiefly re- markable for its Tumblers." " Our Hospitable Hostess : And may it never be her fate to look on life 'as through a glass darkly.' " " The New Married Couple : They will not find the friendship of their friends as brittle as their gifts." For a Silver Wedding. 'A quarter of a century of Married Happiness: The best five-twenty bond in the world." "The Bridal Pair: Their admirable performances in double harness well entitle them to the plate." " Our Kind Entertainers : Know all men, by these presents, how sin- cerely we love them." For the Golden Wedding. "Matrimony's Pleasant Autumn : May it always bear golden fruit." " The Bridegroom's Prize: Not toys of gold, but the more attractive metal by his side." * Selected from Barber's Ready-made Speeches, published by Dick & Fitzgerald, New York. 424 HOW TO ORGANIZE AND CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS. SPublic ^Meetings. HOW TO CALL, ORGANIZE AND CONDUCT PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGES. Duties of Officers, Order of Business, Introduction of Resolutions, and Parliamentary Usages in the Government of Public Gatherings. HE people of every community, in order to introduce laws, regulations, and organizations by which they shall be gov- erned and benefited, find it necessary to meet from time to time in public assemblages. Thus, before a school can be established, it is necessary to have a meeting of the citizens, to take the preliminary steps towards obtaining the school. Before a church organization can be had, a meeting of persons favorable to such proceeding must first take place, to secure sufficient concert of action to accomplish the object. To obtain unity of sen- timent, and harmony of action, in the carrying forward of any important enterprise, the people must be called together, and the minds of a suf- ficient number directed into the desired channel to effect the contemplated purpose. In educating public sentiment, calling the people together, and introducing the resolutions that shall embody the sense of the meeting, much written business is required that may properly be considered here. To show the manner in which a meeting is convened, called to order, organized, and con- ducted, we will take a political gathering as an example. To illustrate: William Jones, who lives in the town of Monroe, being a zealous politician, is desirous of having a republican meeting in his town, just before election. He, therefore, con- sults with John Belden, Arthur Bennett, George Moody, and others, who have a certain influence, as to time and place. Arrangements are also made with two or three persons, accustomed to public speaking, to address the meeting. Notice is then given, by written placards or printed posters, as follows : " Republican Meeting. ALL CITIZENS of Monroe, who favor the principles of the REPUBLI- CAN PARTY, are requested to meet on THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 1st, at the TOWN HALL, at SEVEN O'CLOCK, to take snch action as may be deemed best to promote the Success of Ihe Party in the COMING ELECTION. The Meeting will be addressed by the HON. WILLIAM SPENCER, THOMAS HOPKINS, ESQ., and OTHERS." The projectors assemble at the Hall early, and decide, from an examination of the audience, who will make a suitable presiding officer, and secretary , or these persons may be selected SELECTION OF OFFICERS AT PUBLIC MEETINGS. 425 previous to the meeting, with the understanding that they will be present. Selection of Chairman. Half or three-quarters of an hour is usually given from the time when the meeting is appointed, for general conversation, while the audience is assembling. At half-past seven, Wm. Jones steps forward, and says : " The meeting will please come to order." As soon as the audience becomes still, Mr. Jones continues : " I move that Samuel Lockwood act as Presi- dent of this meeting." Mr. Arthur Belden says : " I second the motion." Then, Mr. Jones puts the question thus : " It has been moved and seconded, that Mr. Samuel Lockwood act as President of this meet- ing. All in favor of the motion vr'll manifest the same by saying, ' Aye.' ' As soon as the affirmative vote has been expressed, he will say : " Those who are opposed will say, ' No.' ' If the " Ayes " predominate, he will say : " The ' Ayes ' have it. Mr. Lockwood will take the chair." If, however, the ' Noes ' are in the majority, he will say : " The ' Noes ' have it ; the motion is lost." Thereupon, he will nominate another person, or put the question upon the nomination of some one else.* As soon as the chairman is chosen, he will take his place. Appointment of Secretary. Mr. Arthur Bennett then says : " I move that Mr. Hiram Cooper act as Secre- tary of this meeting." This motion being seconded, the Chairman puts the question, and declares the result. * If considerable political excitement exists in the community, the opposite party will sometimes gather in large force, which is termed " packing " the meeting ; will vote their own officers into place, and conduct the meeting according to their own wishes. When, however, a meeting is called in the interest of a certain political party, it is con- sidered disreputable for another party to seek, through overwhelming force, to control the meeting in their own interest. The meeting is now organized. The Chair- man will direct the Secretary to read the call, or, if a copy of the call is not to be obtained, he will ask one of the projectors to state the object of the meeting. Order of Business. That speech being concluded, the President will say : " You have heard the call, and understand its object ; what is the further pleasure of the meeting ? " Mr. Jones, thereupon, says : "I move that a Committee of three be ap- pointed by the chair to draft resolutions express- ive of the sense of this meeting." This is seconded. The Chairman then says : " Gentlemen, you have heard the motion ; are you ready for the question ? " If any one desires to speak against the motion, or has any remark to make, he arises, and says : " Mr. Chairman." The Chairman turns towards the speaker, and listens to him, and each in succession. When they are all done, or in case no one responds to the call, he puts the question in the previous form, and declares the result. Committee on Resolutions. The resolution being adopted, the Chairman says: " I will appoint as such Committee William Jones, Albert Hawkins, and Henry Peabody." Where a motion is made moving the appoint- ment of a committee, it is parliamentary usage to appoint, as the first person selected on such committee, the mover of the resolution. The Committee withdraws to prepare the resolutions, or to examine those previously pre- pared for the purpose. Upon the retirement of the Committee," the audience will call for the leading speakers of the evening to address the meeting. When the speeches are concluded, the Chairman of the Committee comes forward, and says : 426 REPORTS OF MEETINGS AND GOVERNMENT OF CONVENTIONS. " Mr. Chairman, the Committee report the following resolutions." He then reads the resolutions, and gives them to the Secretary. The Chairman now says : "You have heard the resolutions. What shall be done with them ? " Arthur Bennett says : " I move they be adopted." The motion is seconded. The Chairman then says : " The question on the passage of the resolu- tions is now before the house. Are there any remarks to be made on the subject ? " * If no objections are made, the President will put the question, and declare the result. The formality of appointing a Committee on Resolu- tions may be avoided by the resolutions being introduced and read by one of the projectors of the meeting. The resolutions adopted, and the speeches .concluded, the Chairman will ask : " What is the further pleasure of the meet- ing?" Adjournment. If there be no further business, some one moves an adjournment. As the question is not debatable the Chairman puts it direct. If carried, he says : " The meeting is adjourned." If thought best to convene another meeting, the Chairman will declare : " The meeting is adjourned to the time fixed upon." The foregoing, it will be seen, by varying the call, and changing the business to suit, will answer for most political gatherings, or any pub- lic meeting. If it is desirable to make the proceedings public, it is the duty of the Secretary to fully write up the business of the meeting, and trans- mit the same to the nearest newspaper favorable to the cause. If the meeting be of sufficient * If there is a pood deal of business lief ore the meeting, the chairman may dispatch such business much more rapidly by immediately putting a question, when moved and seconded, without inviting remarks. importance, it may be well for him, immediately after being chosen to fill the position, to move the appointment of two Assistant Secretaries, who will aid him in writing up the proceedings for two or three newspapers. The Secretary's Report. The Secretary's report of a meeting, will, of course, vary according to circumstances. In the record of the foregoing meeting, it would read as follows : Pursuant to call, a meeting of the Republican citizens of Monroe was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 10th, Samutl Lockwood being chosen president of the meeting, aiid Hiram Cooper appointed secretary. On motion of Mr. William Jones, the chairman appointed as a com- mittee on resolutions, Messrs Wm. Jones, Albert Hawkins, and Henry Pc-abody. During the absence of the committee, the meeting was very ably addressed by Hon. W. Spencer, of Belmout, who reviewed the work that had been done by this party, in a speech of some forty minutes. Mr. Spencer was followed by Thomas Hopkins, Esq., of Cambridge, in a half hour's speech, in which he particularly urged upon all Repub- licans the necessity of vigilant effort from this time forward till the election. The committee on resolutions reported the following, which were unanimously adopted. (Here the Secretary Inserts the Resolutions.) On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Government of Conventions. While the foregoing form is applicable, with suitable variations, to the management of ordi- nary public meetings, it is generally necessary in political conventions, which contain fre- quently a large number of delegates with a great diversity of interests to subserve, several candidates being often before the convention seeking position, to make first a temporary, and afterwards a permanent organization. Comprised, as the convention is, of delegates, who are representatives from constituencies of different parts of the county, or state, the assemblage is a legislature of the party, and is governed by nearly the same rules. The strict- est application of these rules is often necessary, in order to preserve decorum in its discussions, and dignity in its action. A convention may be called, either by some committee appointed by previous conventions to make the call, or it may be convened by invitation of the leading friends of a particular GOVERNMENT OF MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 427 cause, or measure. The call should contain some general directions as to the mode of elect- ing delegates. The night before the convention a caucus is generally held in the several towns of the county, for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the same. These delegates are some- times instructed by the meeting to vote for cer- tain men or measures, in the convention. Two sets of officers are chosen in the conven- tion temporary, and permanent. The first is for the purpose of conducting the business pre- paratory to organization. The temporary chairman is chosen in the manner heretofore designated. In selecting the permanent officers, it is usual to allow the delegation from each county, district or town- ship, the right to name one member of the com- mittee on permanent organization. In order to save time, it is common to appoint a committee, at the same time, on credentials, whose duty it is to ascertain if each delegate is entitled to vote in the convention. During the interval that follows, it is custom- ary, while the committees are engaged in their labors, to call upon various prominent men to address the gathering. The officers recommended by the committee chosen for the purpose, are generally elected ; the real business of the convention can now be performed. It is customary to give the thanks of the con- vention to its officers just previous to adjourn- ment. In that case, the member who makes the motion puts the question upon its adoption, and declares the result. PARLIAMENTARY RULES.' 'HE foregoing illustration of the method of conducting public meetings and conventions will give the reader a general idea of the mode of procedure in the organization and management of any public gathering ; as many questions arise, however, concerning parliament- ary usage on disputed questions, the following rules of order will be of interest to all persons who may have occasion to participate in the work of public meetings : Duties of the President of a Meeting. The presiding officer of a meeting should possess acuteness of hearing, a clear, distinct voice, positiveness of manner, self- possession, and a clear understanding of his duties, which are as follows : First, if the meeting be temporary in its character, the president, having been appointed by the members of the congregation present, will, after taking the chair, proceed to state the object of the meeting, or call upon some member in the audience, who is supposed to know the object of the gathering, to do so. SELECTION OF A SECRETARY. Should no one move the appointment of a secretary, the president will suggest the necessity of a recording officer, and will call upon the meeting to nominate a suitable person for the position. Upon his nomination the chairman will put the same to vote and announce the result, as he will all motions and propositions properly presented, that may necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings. In making a statement to the assembly, or putting a ques- tion, it is customary for the chairman to arise and stand while doing so, though he may retain his seat if much more conve- nient, while reading any communication or message to the meeting. ORDER. He should strictly maintain order, or call upon some one or more persons in authority to do so ; should see that members of the meeting, while engaged in the presenting of motions or in debate, observe the order and decorum enjoined by parlia- mentary rules ; should decide all questions of order ; should appoint members of committees when required by motion to do so, and should not leave his chair unless the same be filled by a vice president (if there be one) or by the appointment of a pro tempore chairman. QUORUM. When presiding over a deliberative assembly, such as a council or legislature, his actions will be largely governed * Parliamentary rules ure called parliamentary from the fact that the rules end regulations that now govern public bodies, throughout this country, are substantially those that have been long in use by the British Parliament in England. 428 DUTIES OF CHAIRMEN AND SECRETARIES PARLIAMENTARY RULES. by the rules and regulations of the body itself. In such cases it is customary for the chairman to ascertain whether or not a quorum of members be present. Should such not prove to be the case within thirty minutes from the time appointed for the opening of the meeting, it will be in order to adjourn from lack of a quorum, though it will be proper to send an officer in authority to secure the attendance of a sufficient number of members to make a quorum, whereby business may be transacted. At any time during the session, should it be ascertained that less than a quorum of members is in attendance, the chair- man must announce the fact, and suspend the transaction of business, as the proceedings of the meeting are illegal when less than a quorum is present. Should the meeting open with a quorum of members, some of whom should afterwards leave, and the fact be discovered when calling the yeas and nays upon any question, that a quo- rum is not present, the meeting should adjourn. It will be in order to take up the uncompleted business at the next meeting exactly at the same point it was when the absence of a quorum was ascertained at the preceding meeting. SIGNING PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. It is the duty of the presiding officer to place his signature to all documents and proceedings of the assembly, when neces- sary, in order to authenticate the same. In general, the chairman being created by the meeting, as a representative of the members present, his duty is to obey their commands, and declare the will of the assemblage in a just and impartial manner. Duties of the Secretary. The secretary, upon taking the chair at a temporary meeting, will provide himself with the necessary stationery with which to note the proceedings on the occasion. READING CALL, ETC. He will, upon request of the president, read the call for the meeting, all communications, messages, and resolutions that may be offered ; will furnish a copy of the proceedings for pub- lication, if desirable, or for any person interested who may wish to examine the same ; and will preserve the record of pro- ceedings for presentation and examination at a subsequent meeting, if held. WHAT TO MAKE RECORD OF. The secretary of a deliberative assembly will, after reading the minutes of preceding meeting, make note of and enter upon his journal the substance of all proceedings and enactments passed by the assemblage. All discussions, motions proposed, and other matter not voted upon, are not entered. Such is the rule in legislative assembles. In other meetings it is frequent- ly customary to present a report, not only of what is actually done, but also an outline of the discussions and proceed- ings in the meeting. PRESERVATION OF IMPORTANT PAPERS. The secretary should file all papers of importance, after hav- ing read the same, and being the custodian of all such, should never allow any member or other person to remove them without permission from or direction of the assembly. CALLING ROLL AND SIGNING PAPERS. He should call the roll when ordered, for the purpose of either noting the absentees or taking a vote of the yeas and nays. He will inform committees of their appointment, the nature of the business they are chosen to consider, will authen- ticate all proceedings, acts, and orders of the meeting by his signature, and will issue calls for special sittings. It is customary for the secretary to stand while reading any extended document or calling the roll of members in large assemblages, and to retain his place throughout the session of the meeting unless some one be appointed pro tempore to act as secretary during his absence. Where one or several assistant secretaries are chosen, less inconvenience is occasioned by the temporary absence of the secretary. The Treasurer. The office of treasurer, while often distinct, is frequently coupled with that of secretary. This portion of his duty con- sists in entering in a book provided for the purpose, an account of all moneys received and disbursed in behalf of the body which he serves. ORDERS TO PAY MONEY. The rule is, to pay out no moneys without an order bearing the signatures of the president and secretary, or the chairman of a finance committee, who is empowered to audit bills, which orders the treasurer should carefully preserve as vouchers. BONDS. It is further customary to require bonds of such officer for the faithful performance of his duty, where any considerable amount of money is handled, he being also required to yield possession of his books to his successor, in good order. The Committees. All public bodies find it necessary, in order to systematize their work and expedite business, to appoint certain individu- als of their number to have charge and control of certain de- partments of the work, relating to their deliberations. SELECT AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Where appointed for a particular occasion, the committee is known as and called a select committee ; where appointed at the beginning of a session, to consider all matters of a certain nature, it is termed a standing committee. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. A " committee of the whole " consists of all the members. As it is the duty of the standing and select committees to pre- pare measures to be acted upon by the full assembly, so it is the duty of the "committee of the whole " to consider and ar- range the preliminaries of the business that the assembly is to consider. This committee can act with much less formality than is consistent with the customary forms of parliamentary usage in full assemblage. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 429 Appointment of Committees. The constitution and by-laws of an association usually pro- vide for the appointment of standing committees, who sit per- manently during the session. The members of such commit- tees in deliberative assemblies, unless otherwise ordered, are appointed by the presiding officer. The necessity of a select committee is usually suggested by some member of the assembly, who frequently moves that a certain number be appointed, either by the chairman or the meeting. Should this committee be appointed by the meeting, it is customary to select by majority vote one at a time, thus giving the assembly ample time to consider the fitness of each candidate for the proposed committee ; though the entire num- ber may be voted upon at once, if thought desirable, to save time. CHAIRMAN OF A COMMITTEE. While the members of the committee possess the right to select their chairman, it is a recognized courtesy to select the first person appointed on the committee as chairman of such com- mittee. The necessity of appointing a new committee is sometimes obviated, if there be already a committee appointed, by assigning the matter to be considered to such committee. VARIOUS COMMITTEES. In most legislative bodies the committees appointed by the presiding officer at the opening of the session, are sufficient in number to appropriately consider any subject that may be brought before the meeting. Thus, in the City Council, there is usually provision made for the appointment of a committee on " police," on " fire and water," on " abatement of taxes," on " streets and alleys," on " license," public grounds," etc. Committees are also appointed by legislative assemblies, whose duty it is to consider everything of a judicial character, mat- ters relating to taxation, public institutions, etc. Any matter arising during the session, decidedly distinct in its character, and requiring considerable deliberation, is usually referred, by motion of one of the members of the assembly, to the commit- tee having jurisdiction over that kind of business. CALLING THE COMMITTEE TOGETHER. When a committee is appointed, it is usual for the first named member to call such committee together as soon as possible, though it is not allowable for a committee to hold its meeting during the session of the main body, unless ordered to do so. Committee Reports. No order is necessary to require a committee to report. Whenever a conclusion is arrived at by the majority, a report should be made by the chairman of the committee to the main body. The minority of a committee can also present a report, by obtaining leave to do so. If a majority cannot be obtained, or an agreement made, the committee should report the fact and ask to be discharged. Upon being discharged, a new com- mittee may be appointed as before, or the matter may be dis- posed of by the main body. RECEIVING THE REPORT. When a report is made, the chairman, or person appointed to present the report of the committee, rises in the assembly, and states to the presiding officer that the committee which he represents is ready to make their report concerning the matter which they have had under consideration. The person making this announcement may himself move that the report be re- ceived and (if a select committee) the committee discharged, though it is more usual for some other member of the assem- bly (to make such motion. The question is then put by the presiding officer to the meeting, as to whether the report will be received then ; or, if not then, a time is fixed upon when it will be received. REPORT IN WRITING. The person making the report usually presents the same in writing, reading the document in his place, after which he pre- sents the report, and all papers relating to the subject, to the secretary ; or the report may be given to the secretary to read, after which the meeting will consider the matter of its accept- ance. As a rule, upon someone member of the meeting moving the acceptance of the report, the same being seconded, the presid- ing officer will announce the report accepted, without taking a vote thereon. If, however, decided objection is made, a vote by the meeting will be taken. A report by a select committee being accepted, the commit- tee is dissolved, though anything further arising on the ques- tion, the matter may be recommitted to the same committee. When accepting a report, it is common for a member to move that the report be accepted and the committee discharged. Reports may be made by the simple expression of opinion by the committee, or by resolution or resolutions. Committee of the Whole. When it becomes necessary for the assembly to form itself into a committee of the whole, such action is taken on motion of some member of the meeting. The motion being carried, the presiding officer appoints a chairman of the committee, and himself takes a seat with the other members of the assem- bly, the chairman of the committee taking his seat with the clerk at the secretary's desk. CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. The chairman appointed by the presiding officer is usually accepted by the meeting, though the meeting possesses the power to select another chairman, should the members see fit to enforce the privilege, some one member of the meeting put- ting the question on the selection of another candidate. QUORUM. The same number is necessary in the committee of the whole to form a quorum as in the main body, and should the number be less than a quorum, the committee is com- pelled to rise, when the chairman informs the presiding officer that the committee is unable to transact business for want of a quorum. DISSOLVING THE COMMITTEE. While the committee of the whole is in session the president usually remains in the room, so that, should any disturbance BIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS OF MEETINGS PARLIAMENTARY RULES. arise in the committee, he may take the chair, dissolve the committee, and restore the body to order. Should such action be taken, the motion must be put as before, that the committee may sit again. The secretary makes no record in his journal of the proceed- ings of the committee, but only the report of such committee to the main body. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CANNOT ADJOURN. A committee of the whole cannot adjourn; it must rise. Neither does it take the ayes and noes, nor take up the pre- vious question. If unable to finish the business before time for adjournment, the committee may rise ; the presiding officer will resume the chair ; the chairman of the committee will report progress and ask leave to sit again, which leave is usually granted upon mo- tion. REPORT TO THE MAIN BODY. Should the subject be concluded, on motion the committee will rise, the president will resume his seat, and the committee will report its proceedings and conclusions to the main body, upon the motion of some member, as with other reports. With the exception that members may speak as often as Ithey can obtain the floor in committee of the whole, the same rules apply to the committee of the whole as govern the main body. THE SECRETARY. The assistant clerk usually acts as secretary of the commit- tee of the whole, and the presiding officer of the main body may participate in the proceedings of the committee of the whole, along with the other members of the assembly. EXAMINATION OF MATTER BEFORE THE COMMITTEE. In the case of any communication referred to a committee, it is usual to proceed to have it read by the clerk, section by section, or paragraph by paragraph, he noting such sugges- tions as the members may see fit to make, and adding such amendments as may be thought best. Should the paper originate in the committee, erasures and interlineations may be made on such paper, in such number as may be thought best, though a clean copy of the same should be made when completed. Should the paper originate out- side of the committee, amendments and changes should be made on a separate sheet of paper. When the amendments are complete, the committee should rise, and report to the general assembly. Duties of Members of a Meeting. Having defined the duties of the officers and committees, it is equally important that members of the assembly also under- stand their duties and privileges. EQUALITY OF MEMBERS. An assemblage of citizens, meeting in deliberative assembly is, in the highest sense of the term, a representation of a free and independent people, standing, for the time, upon a plane of exact equality. Every member of the meet- ing will assume the position he is fitted to fill, and will win the esteem and respect of his associates there, in proportion to his worth, perhaps more nearly than anywhere else. APPRECIATION OF EACH MEMBER'S ABILITY. If well informed in parliamentary usage, the fact is very clearly seen. If possessed of a high degree of intellectual culture if gifted with fluency of speech and readiness in de- bate the fact is clearly shown on such an occasion as this. Wealth and poverty stand side by side. Eminence in position and lowliness of condition are lost sight of for the time, and the real worth of the speaker, and active participator in the public meeting, is revealed in the proceedings of the as- sembly. The same rights being accorded to all, it therefore becomes each member to exhibit such deportment as will, in the highest degree, promote the harmony and efficiency of the meeting. ORDER AND DEPORTMENT OF MEMBERS. Upon calling the meeting to order, every member should, if possible, become seated, with head uncovered. The member wishing to speak will arise and address the presiding officer, when the president, upon hearing such address, will call the member by name, or indicate him by position, that the body may give attention to his remarks. It is customary for a member to stand while speaking, if able to do so, and the rules of decorum forbid any unseemly con- duct upon the part of other members, calculated to disturb the speaker, such as general conversation, laughing, hissing, or passing about the room between the speaker and the presiding officer. Right to the Floor. Two or more persons arising to speak at nearly the same time, the chairman will decide who was first up, by calling the name or otherwise indicating such person, whereupon he pro- ceeds, unless he voluntarily withdraws in favor of another. In case the president is unable to decide the matter, it should be left for the meeting to determine who is entitled to the floor. Readiness of discernment, and promptness of decision, how- ever, upon the part of the chairman, usually render this appeal unnecessary. TREATMENT OF A DISORDERLY PERSON. In cases of persistency in any improper course of action, or breaches of decorum, it is in order for any member of the assembly to make complaint of such offending member to the chairman, who names the offender, states in presence of the meeting the offence complained of, and offers the offender an opportunity for explanation of his conduct. WITHDRAWAL FROM THE ASSEMBLY. If the offence is of such grave character as to require the ac- tion of the meeting upon the same, the member so offending should withdraw, though the privilege may be given him of re- maining. It is optional with the meeting whether the member be allowed to remain or not, while his conduct is being con- sidered by the assembly. In no case, however, should he vote upon matters relating to himself. If he does so, the vote should not be received, as no person has a right to act as judge upon his own conduct. INTRODUCING BUSINESS AT PUBLIC MEETINGS PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 431 KINDS OF PUNISHMENT INFLICTED. After a due consideration of the offense, the assembly may reprimand the offender ; may deprive him of the privilege of voting, or speaking, for a certain length of time ; may compel him to apologize, or suffer expulsion ; or, if deemed for the best interests of the assembly, may expel him from the associa- tion. Speaking to the Question. No one can speak more than once to the same question, without permission from the assembly, even though he may change his mind on the subject ; when he obtains the floor, he may speak as long as he chooses, unless a regulation exists to the contrary. The person introducing the subject, however, after every one else wishing to speak on the matter has spoken, may close the debate. MAKING EXPLANATION. A member may, however, be permitted to make an explana- tion relating to any material part of his speech, though he is not allowed to review the same at length for the purpose of introducing additional arguments. RESPECT DUE THE CHAIRMAN. Upon the chairman rising to make any explanation or state- ment, the member occupying the floor at the time should re- sume his seat, giving the president an opportunity of being heard. DESIGNATING MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. The rule of a well conducted meeting, in order to prevent personalities, is to avoid calling any person by name during a debate in assembly ; it being customary to designate the person referred to by number, or as the member from such a state, such a county or district, or " my opponent," " my colleague," or the member who spoke last, etc. Impropriety of Personalities. To secure continued harmony among members of a public assembly, everything of a personal nature should be studiously avoided. Any allusion to the personal appearance of another member, reference to his peculiarities, ridicule of his private opinions on political or religious matters, is all very ungentle- manly, and will, in the end, react to the injury of the person making the remarks. Such a course of action will sometimes make a lifelong enemy of the person alluded to. It is desirable for each member of the assembly to secure all the friends in the meeting it is possible to obtain ; to do this, he should treat every member of the meeting as he would wish to be treated, under like circumstances. The speaker should confine himself closely to principles involved in the subject he is treating, though he may criticise the position taken by his ad- versary. Any personal allusions, however, should be of a courteous and complimentary character. NECESSITY OF THE CHAIRMAN PRESERVING ORDER. When a member fails to observe the rules of decency and decorum, becomes personal and offensive, it is the duty of the chairman to call the speaker immediately to order, and check such language. The neglect of a presiding officer to do this will frequently cause a body that meets in -continuous session to be- come greatly demoralized, and cause it to lose its power and efficiency for good. CALLING TO ORDER. When a member is called to order by the president he should take his seat, unless allowed to explain. In case the meeting be appealed to, the question is decided without debate. If the body is not appealed to, the question shall be decided by the chair. If the decision be favorable, the speaker is allowed to proceed ; if unfavorable, the speaker is not allowed to proceed without permission of the assembly. Introducing the Business of a Meeting, The officers and members of an assembly understanding their duties, they are then in readiness for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting, or any work they may have met to consider. In legislative assemblies, generally, the order of business is provided for in the by-laws of the association, and generally comes in the following order : I. The secretary reads his record of the preceding meeting. 2. Reports of standing committees. 3. Reports of special committees. 4. Special orders. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New business. Official Form of Conducting a Meeting. The rapidity with which business may be transacted in a de- liberative assembly will greatly depend upon the readiness of action, and executive ability of the presiding officer. If such officer be thoroughly informed in parliamentary usage, quick and positive in decision, the council or association that other- wise would be detained in discussions and business half the day or night, may have the same business dispatched in an hour. PROMPTITUDE OF THE PRESIDING OFFICER. The president should be promptly in his seat at the minute appointed, and should strictly enjoin upon members the neces- sity of punctuality. Thus, much time is gained in the early part of a meeting. Upon taking the chair, the president will give the signal, and will say, " The meeting (or council, society, club, associa- tion, as the case may be) will please come to order." READING OF THE MINUTES. If a previous meeting has been held, and the record of the same has been kept by the secretary, the president will say : " The secretary will please read the minutes." The minutes of the preceding meeting should be as brief as possible, and plainly state the work transacted at the last meet- ing. At the close of their reading, the president will say : " You have heard the minutes read ; what action will you take on them ? " If the minutes are correct, some member will say : " I move the minutes stand approved." This motion is seconded, when the president says : " It is moved and seconded that the minutes stand ap- 432 PRESENTING PETITIONS; CALLING AYES AND NOES PARLIAMENTARY RULES. proved. All in favor of the motion manifest the same by saying ' Aye ! ' " " Those of the contrary opinion, ' No ! ' " The formality of a vote on the minutes is dispensed with in many associations, as follows : At the close of the reading of the minutes, the president says: " You have heard the reading of the minutes ; what action will you take thereon ? " A member says, " I move that the minutes, as read, stand approved." The president says, " If no objection is offered, the minutes will stand approved." The president will then promptly call for reports of " stand- ing committees," if there be a standing rule to that effect, " special committees," etc., reports, petitions, etc., from the members, passing in under each head. New Business. New business usually comes in under the head of communi- cations or petitions, and is presented by some member rising to his feet and saying : " Mr. president (or Mr. chairman)." The attention of the president having been arrested, he will call the member by name, or designate his number, and an- nounce his willingness for the member to proceed. TWO PERSONS RISING AT THE SAME TIME. If two members should rise at nearly the same time, the presi- dent will determine who was first up. If his opinion is ap- pealed from, the matter will be decided by a majority vote of the meeting. Should there be a tie, the president will vote and determine the matter. A member making a statement relating to some matter, or presenting a communication or petition in writing from some person or persons, such communication or petition should be signed by the petitioner or petitioners. Presenting Petitions. The member who presents a petition should be so informed of the character of his petition, as to be able to make a plain statement of the nature of its contents, and whether it is worthy of consideration or not. The person presenting the petition, or some other member, may move that the communication be received, and referred to the committee having charge of that class of business. At the same time, he should give the paper to the secretary. His motion being seconded, the president will say : " If no objection is offered, the communication (or petition, as the case may be) is so referred. The secretary makes note of the fact, and holds the paper in his custody, until given to the proper committee. IMMEDIATE ACTION ON THE PETITION. If it is desirable to have the petition acted upon at once, the person presenting it offers a motion to that effect, and upon its being seconded it is put to vote by the president, as follows : " It has 'been moved and seconded that (here the president should so distinctly state the question that all may understand the proposition before the meeting). All in favor of the motion will manifest the same by saying * Aye ! ' " When the ayes have voted, he will say : " All opposed to the motion, ' No ! ' " Or the motion having just been made, the president may say : " It has been moved and seconded that (here he states the question) be passed. All in favor of the same, etc." Calling the Ayes and Noes. Frequently the member who makes a motion, for the purpose of placing the ayes and noes of each member on record, will say : " I move the adoption of the resolution, and that the clerk call the ayes and noes thereon." The president will then state the question, and say : " The clerk will please call the ayes and noes." As a rule, unless a motion receives a second, the question is not put to vote ; the idea being that if a motion does not pos- sess sufficient popularity to secure a second, it is not worth the while to take up the time of the assembly in putting the same to vote. Stating the Question. A motion that has been made and seconded, has next to be stated by the president. Until it is so stated, no action can be taken thereon, as it is not yet before the meeting for discus- sion. Having been stated, and being before the meeting, it can only be withdrawn by motion and second, the same as it was introduced. EXPLANATION OF THE QUESTION. Whenever any member fails to understand the question, the president should state the same for the information of the member, if desired. The assembly can consider but one question at a time, which should be disposed of before another question can be intro- duced. INTRODUCTION OF MOTIONS. As a rule, to insure the passage of a resolution, it is safest for the person introducing the same to have the proposition plainly reduced to writing (see chapter on resolutions). Thus the clerk or president having occasion to announce the motion, is much more likely to bring the matter clearly before the meeting. Whether the proposition readily receive the sanction of the assembly or not will depend upon the following conditions : 1. The assembly should completely understand the objects, tendency, and character of the resolution, or 2. If the resolution relate to a matter of public interest, and is obviously a subject that requires immediate atten- tion, and its passage will be of very decided benefit, an assem- bly will be apt to consider it favorably at once, and will be likely to take immediate action relating to its passage. TEMPORARY SUPPRESSION OF THE QUESTION. If, however, the body deem the proposition of no especial consequence, or wish more time for the investigation of the HOW TO ADOPT OR DEFEAT RESOLUTIONS PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 433 subject, or an opportunity to make amendments and changes rendering it more acceptable, then they may cause its suppression, at least for a time, by some member moving that the question lie on the table. If this is seconded, this question takes precedence of any other before the assembly. If this motion is decided in the affirmative, the main ques- tion, and all matters relating to it, is removed from before the meeting, until such time as it suits the convenience of the as- sembly to take the matter up. If decided in the negative, the business relating to the prin- cipal motion before the house will proceed, as though the mo- tion to " lie on the table " had not been made. Previous Question. A question may be postponed by moving the previous question, which is done as follows : Upon a motion being made to adopt a resolution, it is allow- able for a member to move that " the question be now put." This last motion, which is termed moving the previous ques- tion, becomes the immediate question before the house, and at once shuts off debate on the main question. When the friends of a measure are afraid to have the same discussed, it is com- mon for them to move that " the question be now put ; " hoping to have strength enough, if the resolution is not discussed, to carry their point. If their motion is carried, then the original question is put, and immediately disposed of. It is common, also, for the party anxious to defeat a measure, being fearful that its discussion will make a favorable impres- sion on the members, to move " that the question be now put ;" their hope being that the members, being unacquainted with the resolution, will not consent to its adoption, until it has been more thoroughly discussed. POSTPONEMENT OF THE QUESTION. When it is decided that the question should not then be put, all further discussion of the original question is usually post- poned for that day. This depends upon the standing rule of assembly, however. With some state legislatures it is the rule, if the question is decided in the negative, to resume the debate and proceed with the discussion. Formerly, in the English parliament, when it was decided that the question be not put, the question could not be brought up again during the session. At the present time, however, the decision that the motion shall not be put, effects a postpone- ment only until the next day.* * "The operation of a negative decision is different in different assemblies; in some, as for example, in the house of representatives of congress, it operates to dispose of the principal or main question, by suppressing or removing it from before the house for the day; but in others, as in the house of representatives of Massachusetts, and in the house of assembly of New York (in the former by usage only, and in the latter by rule'), the effect of a negative decision of the previous question is to leave the main question under debate for the residue of the sitting, unless sooner disposed of by taking the question, or in some other manner. In England, the previous question Is used only for suppressing a main question; the object of the mover is to obtain a decision of it in the negative; and the effect of such a decision, though in strictness only to suppress the question for the clay, is, practically and by parlia- mentary usage, to dispose of the subject altogether. In this country, the previous question is used chiefly for suppressing debate on a mam question; the object of the mover is to obtain a decision of it in the affirmative; and the effect of a decision the other way, though in some Suppression of Questions. When it is desirable to suppress a question, or prevent its passage, there are several plans resorted to by parliamentarians. Among these are : 1st. Moving an adjournment, which is immediately in or- der ; and if the hour be late, will oftentimes be passed. 2d. Moving that the question be laid on the table for the present ; the argument being that, on a subsequent occasion, the meeting will have more time and better opportunity to consider the merits of the question, and hence will be better informed concerning its merits. 3d. To secure, if possible, an indefinite postponement of the question, which virtually defeats it. If the maker of the mo- tion for postponement is fearful that the question is so popular with the assembly that the members will not submit to an in* definite postponement, he will 4th. Aim to secure at least a postponement to a certain time in the future, hoping that it will be subsequently forgotten, or the pressure of business will be such that it cannot be taken up at the time appointed. Or, the member, trusting to the unpopularity of the ques- tion, or the unwillingness of the meeting to pass a measure without due consideration, may move the " previous question," by 5th. Moving that the question be now put. The member may suggest indefinite changes in the question, sufficient to show the importance of some amendment, and thereupon 6th. Move its reference to a committee having jurisdiction over that class of questions, or a select committee, as the case may be. If the question has been once considered in com- mittee, it may be recommitted. Or the member may 7th. Move an amendment to the question, which will great- ly change, modify, or weaken the force of the question. Should all these means fail, and the question be put and carried, subsequent light on the subject may cause the mem- bers to change their opinions, in which case 8th. The question may be taken up at the next sitting or any subsequent meeting, and be reconsidered. To Secure the Passage of a Question. ist. The member introducing a question should have given, the matter very careful and considerate attention ; being thus thoroughly informed concerning its merits, and consequently able to fully illustrate and represent the claims of the measure he advocates. 2d. Personal acquaintance, conversation, and explanation with various members of the assembly relative to the question to be brought forward, will aid much in securing favorable consideration of the subject. 3d. The introduction of the motion when adjournment is assemblies operating technically to suppress the main question for the day only, is, in general, nierely to suspend the taking of the question for that day ; either leaving the debate to go on during the residue of the day, or the subject to be renewed oil ttje next or some other day. The operation of an affirmative decision is the same, in both countries, namely, the putting of the main question immediately, and without further debate, delay, or consideration." (Jushing^s Manual. 28 AMENDMENTS TO THE QUESTION PARLIAMENTARY RULES. not probable, and, if possible at a time when there is not a sufficient amount of business before the meeting to make an excuse for laying the question on the table, will aid in having it passed. 4th. The motion being seconded, the member introducing the same should then obtain the floor, and properly present the claims of the question to the members of the assembly. 5th. If the meeting is adjourned, the question laid on the table, or the consideration of the motion postponed to a cer- tain time, the motion should be promptly brought up at the first opportunity. 6th. Should the matter be referred to a committee, the privilege may be obtained of fully acquainting the committee with the claims of the question. 7th. Should the question be so amended as to entirely change the character of the original question, and thus passed, the member may subsequently, under another name, introduce a question embracing essentially the same principles, indirect- ly, as the original question, and perhaps secure for the propo- sition favorable consideration. 8th. Another trial. Subsequent events may so change the opinions of members of an assembly as to induce them to vote favorably upon a question that they have before rejected. The Disposal of Questions. Motions and questions while nearly synonymous in parlia- mentary usage, are somewhat different in meaning. To move that an act be passed, is termed a motion. The subject, how- ever, to be acted upon, is called a question. The action of the assembly is termed a resolution or vote. The motion being put, and the question adopted by a vote of the assembly, the deci- sion is then known as an ordinance, order, law, statute, resolu- tion, etc.. according to the character of the meeting. To move the previous question by moving that the question be now put, if carried in the affirmative, causes the question to be put immediately, and is thus at once disposed of without further debate. If decided in the negative, the question was formerly disposed of for the session. At the present time, it disposes of the question for the day only. In some parliament- ary bodies, according to the standing rules, the debate goes on. The effect of securing a postponement of a question with- out date, is to suppress the motion entirely. If postponed to a certain day, it can be taken up on that day, or as soon as the business of that day is completed. PUTTING THE QUESTION. In putting a question to the assembly, after it has been care- fully considered, altered, amended, etc., as the case may be, the presiding officer should ask if the assembly is ready for the question? If no further suggestions are offered by the members, the chairman will then state the question, and call for a vote of the members, in the first place on the affirma- tive, the form of which has been heretofore considered. TAKING UP THE QUESTION. A question having been postponed to a certain time, the member interested in the question has a right to insist, at the appointed time, that the question be taken up. No delay or debate is allowed on the matter of taking it up. The presid- ing officer will then put the motion whether the meeting pro- ceed to take up the order of the day. If the decision be favorable, the members will proceed to consider the business appointed for the day. Referring to a Committee. . If it be thought best to refer a question to a committee, it is done on motion. Such reference to a committee is termed a " commitment " of the question. If to a special committee, the chair may name such committee, or they may, upon request of the presiding officer, be appointed by the meeting. Fre- quently, the person moving that the question be referred, not desiring to be on the committee himself, will, with the motion, suggest the name of some one as chairman of the committee. If no objection is made, such person may be selected. APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE. It is more common, however, for the person interested in a measure, to move its reference to a committee, the presiding officer to appoint the same. If it be a select committee, it is in accordance with parliamentary rule for the presiding officer to appoint as chairman on the committee, the mover of the res- olution.* When a question is referred, the committee may be instructed by the assembly to take such course of action in the examina- tion of the subject as is desired, and report upon the whole, or portions of the subject, as may seem advisable. A portion may be referred to one committee, and the remainder of the prop- osition, involving a different principle, may be given to an- other committee. The clerk may give the bill to any member, but it is usual to hand it to the one first named on the committee. PLACE OF MEETING. The committee may meet where they please, unless ordered to meet in a certain place by the assembly ; and can meet at such time as they desire, when the main body is not in session. Any member of the main body may be present at the meet- ing of the committee, but cannot vote. Amendments to the Question. The committee having given their report to the meeting, or the question having been considered by the assembly itself, may lack yet a few essential points necessary to make the same what it should be when passed. To' add these is what is termed amending the question. , DIVIDING THE QUESTION. Mr. Gushing recommends where a question contains two or more parts that are so distinct from each other as to form sep- arate propositions, some of which the assembly may favor, and the others not, that the motion be divided, and submitted in * "Though the majority on a committee should be favorable to a measure, the minority may be of those who are opposed to it in some particulars. But those totally opposed to it should never be appointed: and if any one of that view be named, he should rise and state the fact, when the main body will excuse him from serving." C'Aoi/7(wt' Assistant. REFERENCE TO COMMITTEES PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 435 parts to the assembly, for their approval or rejection. This is thought a more expeditious manner of disposing of the same than to add several amendments to the question, the result in the end being the same. This division may be made by motion ; the mover designat- ing in his motion the manner in which he would have the di- vision made. JUDGMENT OF THE ASSEMBLY. It is, of course, for the presiding officer and the assembly to consider whether the^uestion is of such a complicated nature as to require such division. As a rule, no division should be made, unless the parts are so separate and distinct that either alone would form a separate and distinct proposition. BLANKS. The member of an assembly who introduces a long and com- plicated question, containing several points, yet one so depend- ent on the other as not to be separable, may prepare his ques- tions with blanks for the assembly to fill up. The proposition before the meeting, in such case, may con- tain an outline of all that is required, while the members of the assembly will very readily fill the blanks with the time, amount, cost, or whatever they may wish to particularize. Amendments. Much time may frequently be saved in a deliberative assem- bly by the member who introduces a motion, carefully consid- ering the question himself before presenting it, as well as learning the wishes of the members by private consultation. As this is not always practicable, however, many questions must first be made ready for being voted upon by being amended in the public assembly itself. For the purpose of effecting such changes in a question as the members may desire, the question may be altered : 1st. By an amendment. 2d. By an amendment to an amendment. As there must be a line drawn somewhere, parliamentary law prevents there being any more amendments to amend- ments than the foregoing ; but still more changes may be made in the proposition before the meeting, by alterations in the amendments. AN AMENDMENT TO AN AMENDMENT. To illustrate : John Smith, member of the assembly, says : " I move that a committee of five be appointed by this meeting to collect funds for the poor of this town." The motion being seconded, and the question stated by the chairman, William Jones says : *' I move an amendment ; that this committee to collect funds consist of seven persons, to be appointed by the chair. The amendment being seconded, and stated as before, James Brown says: " I move an amendment to the amendment ; that the chair- man of this meeting appoint seven persons a committee to collect funds, to be used wholly in the interests of the poor of the west division of this city." The question being again before the house as in the former case, Walter Harper says : " I move another amendment ; that one half of the funds col- lected go to the children's aid society, the other half to the general poor fund of the entire city." The chairman here remarks that the last amendment is out of order, as there can be but one amendment to an amend- ment. He further says : " The amendment to the amendment is first in order. It is moved " (Jiere he stales the amendment to the amendment, or calls upon the mover to do so, puts the question and declares the resztltj. If the motion is lost, he says : " The next question in order is the amendment to the ques- tion, (here he states the amendment, and puts the same as before). Should this be lost, he says : " The question is now on the original motion." (He here states the question, puts the motion as before, and announces the result.) Nature of Amendments. Amendments cannot be made to privileged questions ; such as a motion to adjourn, the previous question, or to lay on the table. An amendment to an amendment, even though greatly at variance with the amendment, will still be in order, it being left to the discretion of the assembly to determine whether they will change from their previous action. SPEAKING TO AN AMENDMENT. A member who may have spoken to the main question, may speak to the amendment, after the same is moved. If it is desired to add to a sentence a new paragraph, it is important that the paragraph be very carefully considered, being made as perfect as possible, as it cannot be changed after being adopted in that form. Or, should it be resolved to strike out a paragraph, the same care should be taken to have the sentence as complete as may be, after the words are stricken out.* COMMITMENT TO A COMMITTEE. When a long and complicated question is before the house, if there be a standing committee, the easiest method of dis- posing of the question is to refer the same to such committee. If, however, the time of the convention will admit, and there be no other business appointed or occupying the present atten- tion of the assembly, it will be in order for the members to immediately proceed to the disposal of the question, by the following process : 1st. By amendments striking out all unnecessary matter. 2(1. By the addition of all essential matter. 3d. By combining two or three propositions, where it can be done, in one. * When it is moved to amend by striking out certain words, and in- serting others, the manner of stating the question is, first to read the whole passage to be amended, as it stands at present, then the words proposed to be struck out ; next, those to be inserted ; and lastly, the whole passage, as it will be when amended. And the question, if de- sired, is then to be divided, and put, first, on striking out. If carried, it is next on inserting the words proposed. If that be lost, it may be moved to insert others. Ilatsall. 436 QUESTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED FIRST PARLIAMENTARY RULES. 4th. By voting separately on each distinct proposition, un- til all are disposed of. WHAT AMENDMENTS ARE IN ORDER. An amendment may be made to the question ; and an amendment to that amendment is in order ; but no amend- ment to the amendment of the amendment can be made. If it is desired to introduce a change, it is best to state the objection to the amendment of the amendment, and, if pos- sible, defeat such amendment, when another amendment may be introduced and possibly carried, in the place of the one defeated. If an amendment has been accepted by the assembly, it cannot afterwards be altered or rejected, but the amendment may be so amended as to present the question in the desired shape. Thus, if the amendment consist of one, two, three, and it is moved to insert four, and the motion prevails, four cannot afterwards be rejected, for it has been adopted in that form. Should it be moved to strike out two, three, and the motion be lost, two, three, cannot afterwards be stricken out, as the meet- ing resolved to allow them to remain. The only alternative now left the meeting, should it seem very desirable to strike out two, three, is to make the proposi- tion to strike out one, two, three, or the amendment may be to strike out two, three, four, The rule in parliamentary practice is, that while certain words, which have been accepted or rejected, cannot after- wards be changed, such words may afterwards be adopted or rejected, if accompanied by other words.* Inserting Clauses and Striking Out. When it is proposed to amend by adding a certain para- graph, and such paragraph or words are rejected, such para- graph or words can only be subsequently added by the adding of other words with the same, thereby changing the sense of the words intended to be added. When it is proposed to reject certain words or a paragraph, and the meeting vote to allow such words to remain, those words cannot afterwards be stricken out, unless other words be added with these words, thereby changing the sense of what it was before designed to strike out. Amendments Changing the Question, by Striking Out Certain Words and Adding Others. The following changes may be made in a proposition : I. To strike out certain words and insert nothing in their place. * When a motion for striking oat words is put to the question, the parliamentary form always is, whether the words shall stand as part of a principal motion, and not whether they shall be struck out. The reason for this form of stating the question probably is, that the ques- tion may be taken in the same manner on a part as on the whole of the principal motion ; which would not be the case if the question was stated on striking out; inasmuch as the question on the principal mo- tion, when it comes to be stated, will be on agreeing to it, and not on striking out or rejecting it. Besides, as an equal division of the as- sembly would produce a different decision of the question, according to the manner of stating it, it might happen, if the question on the amendment was stated on striking out, that the same question would be decided both affirmatively aud negatively by the same vote. The common, if not the only mode of stating the question, in the legisla- tive assemblies of this country, is on striking out . Cushing's Manual. 2. To insert other words in the place of those stricken out. Amendments may then be made, striking out a part of the words added, with others, or adding words stricken out with others. Fixing Time, Amount, Etc., by Amendments. In determining the time at which the assembly shall convene in the future, or the number of anything desired, the rule is not in the amendment to fix the time and amount at so short a period or small an amount as to be* certain to unite the members upon the proposition at first ; as to adopt a less would preclude the adoption of a. greater; but the vote is to be taken on the greater, and recede until a sufficient number of votes can be secured to carry the amendment.* Privileged Questions. Parliamentary usage has determined that when a question is being debated, no motion shall be received except the fol- lowing, which are termed " privileged questions," and come in the following order : 1st. A question having been moved, seconded, and put by the chair, must be decided by a vote of the assembly before anything else is in order. 2d. A motion to adjourn takes precedence over all others, for the reason that, otherwise, the assembly might be compelled to continue in session, without such motion, an indefinite time against its will. This question, however, cannot be enter- tained after a question has been actually put. and while the members of the meeting are voting upon the same. 3d. An order of the day stands next in precedence. That is, a question that has been postponed to a certain hour ; should the person interested in the question move that it be taken up and disposed of then, such motion is in order. Thus, if a question has been postponed to 9 o'clock, and at that time it is moved to take up that question, even though there be an- other question before the house, that motion must be received by the chair. 4th. The previous question stands next in order, and when moved and seconded, must be put. This question admits of no lesser motion, such as amendment or postponement to a certain time. * In Senate, January 25, 1798, a motion to postpone until the second Tuesday in February, some amendments proposed to the constitution. The words "until the second Tuesday in February" were struck out by way of amendment. Then it was moved to add " until the first day of June." Objected, that it was not in order, as the question should first be put on the longest time; therefore, a shorter time decided against, a longer cannot be put to question. It was answered, that this rule takes place only in filling blanks for a time. But when a specific time stands part of a motion, that may be struck out as well as any other part of the motion ; and when struck out, a motion may be received to insert any other. In fact, it is not till they are struck out, and a blank for the time thereby produced, that the rule can begin to operate, by receiving all the propositions for different times, and putting the questions successively on the longest. Otherwise, it would be in the power of the mover, by inserting originally a short time, to preclude the possibility of a longer. For till the short time is struck out, you cannot insert a longer; and if, after it is struck out, you can- not do it, then it cannot be done at all. Suppose the first motion nad been to amend, by striking out " the second Tuesday in February," and inserting, instead thereof, " the first of June." It would have been regular then to divide the question, by proposing first the ques- tion to strike out, and then to insert. Now this is precisely the effect of the present proceeding ; only, instead of one motion and two ques- tions, there are two motions and two questions to effect it; the motion being divided as well as the question. Jefferson's Manual. VOTE OF THE CHAIRMAN ; A TIE VOTE PARLIAMENTARY RULES. AMENDMENT AND POSTPONEMENT. If an amendment and postponement are proposed, the latter is put first, because, in case of postponement, the amendment, at the time appointed, may be then brought up, when the main question is again considered. A motion for postponement being followed by one referring the question to a committee, the latter must be put first. Reading Papers. A motion being made relative to reading papers which relate to the principal question, must be put before the main ques- tion. In referring to a committee, the order of the commitment is as follows : 1st. Committee of the whole. 2d. Standing committee. 3d. Special committee. A motion being made and seconded cannot be withdrawn, though, if no one object, the chairman need not put the ques- tion. A motion having been made and it being subsequently moved to commit the question, or to postpone, to amend, or to lay on the table, the motion to lay on the table comes first. That being lost, the next question is on the amendment. Next comes the postponement ; then the commitment, and lastly, the putting of the question. POSTPONEMENT. If it is moved that a question be postponed to a certain time, the time appointed can be amended, and the amendment can be amended. The amendment to the amendment comes first, and the amendment before the main question. It being moved to insert or strike out anything, and the matter to be inserted or stricken out being amended, the amendment must be put first. DATES AND NUMBERS. Blanks being filled with different sums or dates, the ques- tion is to be put first on the longest time and largest sum. A disagreement between members should be disposed of be- fore the putting of the main question. An appeal from the decision of the chair, or a motion to withdraw a question, must be acted upon before the putting of the main question. Orders of the Day. When several questions have been postponed to a certain day, such questions are termed the orders of the day. Upon a motion being made on the day appointed, that the orders of the day be taken up, such motion takes precedence of any other question that may be introduced at the time, and being decided in the affirmative, must be first put. The questions are then considered in the order of their priority, in their appointment for that particular day. A question which has been postponed to a certain hour, or which lies on the table, it is regarded discourteous to call up in the absence of the mover or against his wishes, provided the matter has reference to private and local concerns in his particular charge ; especially if the delay of the question does not particularly interfere with the order of business before the general assembly. Decisions as to Order. Whenever, as is frequently the case, disagreements and ques- tions of order arise among members of an assembly, and the chairman is appealed to as the arbitrator in such case, he will himself decide the matter, and the expression of his decision is in order before the transaction of other business. If, how- ever, any member of the assembly objects to the ruling of the chair, he can appeal from the decision of the presiding officer, and have the matter decided by a vote of the meeting. In such cases the presiding officer will put the question on the appeal as follows : " // is desired that an appeal be taken from the chair. Do the members of this meeting sustain the decision of the chairman ? " The question is then before the assembly for consideration and debate, in which the chairman will take part if he desires to do so. Vote of the Chairman. As a rule in most assemblies, on ordinary questions, the chairman is not expected to participate in the debate, but sim- ply to make statement of facts, maintain order, and facilitate the business of the meeting by affording information relative to questions in order, put questions, determine the vote, etc. While the chairman does not usually vote, he nevertheless re- tains the great advantage of being able to determine, if he chooses, in case of a tie vote, what the majority vote shall be. A TIE VOTE. In legislative assemblies, such as councils, legislatures, etc., the regulations of the code under which the assembly works sometimes give the presiding officer the privilege of voting only in case of a tie vote, and in that case he is compelled to vote. In all other meetings, the chairman may cast his vote when a ballot is taken. This privilege he does not usually exercise, however, unless he is desirous of making a tie, for the purpose of preventing the passage of a question. AN EXAMPLE. Thus, if there be eleven persons to vote besides the chair- man, and the vote stands six for the adoption of the resolu- tion and five against, the chairman may vote with the minori- ty, and thus defeat the resolution by making the vote a tie. HE MAY VOTE OR NOT. Or, in case the vote is a tie, he may vote with the opponents of the measure, and thus defeat the proposition, or, if unwilling to have his vote go on record, he may decline to vote, as the question is defeated in either case. Reading All Papers. When papers are brought before the meeting, it is the con- ceded right of every member of the assembly to have them read at least once, before he can be compelled to vote on them, though no member should insist on the privilege of all papers, accounts, etc., being read, without the consent of the other mem- 438 MEMBERS OF MEETINGS ENTITLED TO SPEAK FIRST PARLIAMENTARY RULES. bers. To do so would so trespass on the time of the assembly as to seriously prevent the transaction of business. If, however, it is evident that when a member caHs for the reading of any document pertaining to the question, that his object is infor- mation, and not delay, the chairman may instruct the clerk to read the paper without a vote of the members, unless the same be objected to, in which case the question must be put READING SPEECHES. Neither has a member a right to insist on the clerk reading any book pertaining to the subject, nor can the member him- self claim the privilege of reading a document, even his own speech, without leave of the house, if the same be objected to. If the speaker, however, is earnestly desirous of affording more light on the subject, without consuming time unneces- sarily, he is usually allowed to proceed, without objection. If the time of the assembly be taken up with a large amount of business, it is customary to read the title of a petition or communication to be considered, and refer the same to the ap- propriate standing committee. If, however, any member of the assembly insists that the paper shall be read, his right is admitted to exist. Proper Time for Speaking on a Question. The usual plan of procedure in speaking to a question is as follows : 1st. A motion is made by a member. 2d. The motion is seconded by another member. 3d. The question is then stated to the meeting by the chair- man, with the further remark, as follows : " The question is now before the meeting, what is your pleas- ure in reference to it" The question is now in condition for debate. Every mem- ber has a right to the expression of his opinion once upon the subject, either for or against. He has also the privilege of talking as long as he chooses, even adjourning to the next day, and the next, in legislative assemblies, unless by common con- sent a regulation has been imposed, restricting the time of speaking to a certain period. HINTS TO CEASE SPEAKING. If, however, the person speaking fails to secure the attention of the house, it should be a sufficient evidence that his re- marks are without influence and effect, and good judgment will dictate that he should resume his seat. If disorder is caused by his continuance in speaking, it is the duty of the chairman to preserve decorum in the meeting, by calling the speaker to order, and requesting him to take his seat. The Member Entitled to Speak First. As between several speakers who may wish to speak upon a question which has been introduced, the person making the motion is, by courtesy, entitled to speak first. The person moving an adjournment is entitled to speak first upon the reassembling of the meeting, after the adjournment ; and of two members rising at the same time, the person opposing the question has a right to the floor before the member favoring the proposition. LOSING THE RIGHT TO THE FLOOR. A speaker having resigned his right to the floor, thereby for- feits his privilege of speaking any more to the question then under discussion, except by express permission of the assem- bly, unless for the purpose of offering some brief explanation in reference to his former remarks on the question. The question having been put in the affirmative, and a rote taken on the same, any member who has not yet spoken may speak to the question before the negative is put. The coming of other members into the room after the affirmative of the question has been put, when the negative is under discussion, makes it necessary to put the affirmative again. Times of Speaking. As a rule, no member can speak more than once to the main question. Should the question be referred to a committee, however, he may speak on the report of the committee, though the question is the same as before. Should there be an amendment, he may speak upon that, though it may involve essentially the same principles as the main question ; and he may also speak upon an amendment to an amendment. Thus, a member desirous of speaking to a question again, may, by moving its reference to a com- mittee, and the addition of amendments, obtain the floor sev- eral times, essentially upon the same question. Suspension of Rules. When it is discovered that a standing rule of the assembly is in conflict with a question of very considerable importance, which it is desirable should be acted upon, it has become the custom to suspend such rule, for the purpose of passing the question ; such suspension taking place by motion, being seconded and passed by a majority vote.* Taking a Vote. There are several methods of putting a question to vote ; these being by ballot, viva voce, by calling the yeas and nays, by raising of hands, by standing, and by dividing the house, one party going to one side of the room, the other to the op- posite side. The question is in all cases put first in the affirmative, and if the chairman cannot himself determine by either of the above methods, in consequence of there being a large number of per- sons present, he may appoint certain members to act as tellers, to take the vote in different divisions of the house, taking the affirmative vote first. The method adopted will depend upon the number and char- acter of the audience, and the size and convenience of the room in which the meeting convenes. * It is usual, In the code of rules adopted in deliberative assemblies, and especially legislative bodies, to provide that a certain number ex- ceeding a majority, as two thirds or three fourths, shall be competent to the suspension of a rule in a particular case; when this is not pro- vided, there seems to be no other mode of disposing with a rule than by general consent. Cushing^s Manual, HONORARY MEMBERS OF MEETINGS ; THE LADIES ; ADJOURNMENT. 439 Concluding Remarks. The harmony and success of a public meeting will depend very largely upon the order preserved by the presiding officer. !f the assemblage be of a character where any trouble is to be apprehended, it is well for the projectors of the meeting to notify officers, having authority to preserve order, to be in at- tendance. The chairman, however, will greatly aid in the preservation of stillness, by requesting all persons in the room to come forward and be seated in his near presence Let him see that every seat, if possible, is filled in front. A magnetic connection and sympathy exists between the presiding officer and the audience, when the congregation is placed closely around the chairman's desk, that is favorable for the president of a meeting. Seated near the chairman, the audience can more distinctly hear all that is said, they will take a greater interest in the meeting, and hence will observe better order. HONORARY MEMBERS. Veteran members of the meeting, and persons who have won honorable distinction in the cause that the meeting assembles to consider, distinguished past presiding officers, and other notabilities whose presence will lend dignity to the rostrum, the chairman may appropriately call to the stand, to occupy a seat beside him, all of which, well managed by the presiding officer, tends to give dignity, respectability, and influence to the proceedings of the assemblage. The Ladies. In the preparation of this work on parliamentary usages, the author has, for convenience sake, made reference to, and spoken only of, the masculine gender. Realizing, however, that the time is now at hand when the women of the country will take a much more active part in public affairs than they have done hitherto, this chapter is also prepared with special reference to the wants of conventions, and other assemblages, composed wholly, or in part, of ladies ; the only change re- quired in the wording being the personal pronouns, which make reference to the male sex. Titles of Women who act as Officers. When a woman acts as presiding officer of a meeting, the person addressing her should say, " Mrs. President," or " Miss President," as the case may be. The presiding officer will designate the speaker, if a lady, by name, by number ; or as the lady, the number, the delegate, the representative, etc., as may be most convenient. The titles of clerk, secretary, recording officer, treasurer, etc., are the same, whether applied to ladies or gentlemen. Adjournment. If the meeting be a regular session of a legislature, or coun- cil, and it is moved and voted to adjourn, such adjournment is understood to be until the next regular meeting. If it is de- sired to meet before that, the meeting will adjourn to reassem- ble at the time specified. If the meeting be not in regular session, it is necessary, if the business be unfinished at the time of adjournment, to ad- journ to a certain time. If, however, the business for which the assembly was called is completed, and no subsequent as- semblage is necessary, it is moved and seconded to adjourn, which being put by the president, and carried, the meeting is dissolved. SUPPLEMENTARY PARLIAMENTARY RULES. ADJOURNMENT. 1. Adjournment from one hour to another the same day is called a recess. 2. A motion to adjourn is always in order with reference to the order of business. 3. Should not be made when another person occupies the floor. 4. Must be seconded. 5. Cannot be debated ; but remarks are sometimes allowed, without debate or reproof. 6. Must not have a reference to the main question. 7. Cannot be amended. 8. A simple majority determines the motion. 9. If carried, cannot be reconsidered. 10. If carried, closes the session until another day and postpones all pending proceedings. 11. Where a special hour for the next^neeting has been previously agreed upon, an arrangement to change it may be made after-the adjournment has been carried. 12. But in such discussion all reference to the main question under debate before the motion to adjourn was made, must be omitted. AMENDMENTS. 1. A motion upon any question under discussion may seem cor rect in all points, yet circumstances not known to the mover may lead another member to offer an amendment to the language or bear- ing of the motion, to improve its meaning or importance. 2. Or a part of the first motion may suit several members and be objected to by others. 3. An amendment is not in order while another is speaking, but if presented at a proper time may prevent a division of the meet- ing and the defeat of its objects. 4. Every motion to amend must be seconded. 5. A majority vote adopts or rejects an amendment. 6. If the original motion or resolution consists of several pro- positions, they may be divided on the demand of a member, amend- ed, and each submitted to a separate vote. 7. An amendment must have direct reference to the original motion and its objects, and may either favor or oppose it. 8. Amendments can be debated. 9. Only one amendment to an amendment is allowable. 10. The amendment to the amendment must first be voted upon ; then the amendment as amended,and then the original proposition as amended. 11. Should any wish to postpone the adoption or rejection of the original motion, the vote should be taken before amendments are adopted ; but those adopted will stand as a part of the original mo- tion. 12. An amendment, or an amendment to an amendment, can be reconsidered after adoption or rejection. 13. A motion to refer the original motion to a proper committee must be voted upon before other amendments can be offered. 14. Amendments may consist of striking out certain words and 440 COMMITTEES; CHAIRMAN s DECISION; CONDUCT OF DEBATE. sentences, of inserting new ones, or of adding others, or of all these. 15. The following motions cannot be amended: To adjourn no time mentioned; for order of the day; all incidental questions, (such as appeal, or questions of order, objections to consideration of a question, the reading of papers, leave to withdraw a motion, sus- pension of the rules of order); to lie on the table; for the previous question; to amend an amendment ; to postpone indefinitely; to re- consider a vote. COMMITTEES. 1. Committees in legislative bodies are of three kinds Stand- ing, Select, and Committee of the Whole. STANDING COMMITTEES. 2. .Standing committees form an important feature in every legislative or other permanent deliberative assembly. 3. They are appointed by the presiding officer, after consultation with hi j advisers, or a caucus of members may recommend certain persons for each committee. 4. They remain in office until the final adjournment of the as- sembly, unless sooner relieved for cause, or removed by death or re- signation. 5. Each standing committee has one class of deliberative work confided to it for consideration. 6. With its chairman it constitutes a strong branch of the as- sembly; has power in legislative bodies to summon witnesses and call for papers to expedite its work, and employs a clerk. SELECT COMMITTEES. 7. Select (or special) committees are appointed by the presiding officer of the assembly for a specific purpose, such as the consideration of any one branch of regular business that may be referred to a com- mittee. 8. The first person appointed to serve on a committee is usually nonored with its chairmanship. 9. The mover of the appointment of a committee should be the first person named by the chairman to serve upon it, and his refusal to do so is a breach of legislative courtesy, unless a good reason is given for declining. 10. The decisions of a committee are made by a majority vote, and are sent to the assembly in the form of a report, which may em- body a series of resolutions. 11. It is the privilege of the minority, however, to express their views in another report, and present it to the assembly, showing why they differ from the majority. 12. After a committee has reported upon the question which it was called to consider, it should be moved by some member of the assembly that the report of the committee be accepted and the com- mittee discharged, unless it is decided to recommit. COMMITTEE OP THE WHOLE. 13. A committee of the whole includes every member of the as- sembly, and its object is to interchange views on the merits of any special matter under discussion, prior to putting it upon its passage. 14. This form of consideration is usually moved by a member who is interested in the measure, is seconded, and then adopted or defeated by a majority vote. 15. Its business is confined to the one measure to be consid- ered. 16. The presiding officer of the assembly does not act as chair- man of the committee of the whole, although he must be present, but appoints some competent member to take his place. 17. As the committee of the whole is simply a deliberative body, it cannot call the ayes and nays on the main question, but may limit its session (at the outset) to a certain lenght of time, and regulate the debate by rule. 18. When the discussion is ended, the committee does not ad- journ it only " rises," then dissolves into the original assemblage, reports progress, and asks for permission to sit again, if the business is not finished. 19. A quorum of the assembly constitutes a quorum of a com- mittee of the whole. 20. The assistant of the clerk of the assembly usually acts as clerk of the committee of the whole. COMMITMENT. 1. A motion to refer a measure to a committee opens the main question to debate. 2. It cannot be made, however, while the floor is occupied. 3. A motion to commit must be seconded. 4. Has preference in debate to the main or previous question, (for it is debatable), a motion to postpone, or a motion to amend. 5. It can be so amended as to name the number of persons to comprise the committee, the manner of their appointment, and the time when they shall report. 6. It requires only a majority vote to carry it. 7. If carried it may be reconsidered. 8. A measure thus committed may, or may not, be accompanied with specific instructions as to its consideration. 9. Such instructions, when given, must be followed. 10. If no instructions are given, the committee may exercise its own methods untrammelled. 11. If a measure has been reported by a committee to the as- sembly in such a manner as to be unsatisfactory, it may be returned to the same committee for reconsideration. This is called recom- mitment, and requires a new report. CHAIRMAN'S DECISION. 1. A motion to appeal from the decision of the chairman may be debated. 2. Cannot be amended. 3. May be reconsidered, if carried. '4. May be made at any time, whether the floor is occupied or not. DEBATE-HOW CONDUCTED. 1. A debate cannot begin until a motion is made, thus bringing some measure before the assembly, nor until the motion is seconded. 2. No member may speak more than twice on the same meas- ure, unless a motion to amend is made, and then only concerning the amendment, unless by a vote of the assembly. 3. Whatever time is allotted by rule to each member for de- bate, it may be extended by a vote of the assembly. 4. The member who introduced the measure may open and close the debate, if he chooses to do so. 5. Random reflections on individual members or on the acts of the assembly are forbidden during debate. 6. A member speaking must yield the floor to the chairman when he rises to state a point of order or of information. 7. A call to order requires a member to cease speaking until the question is decided. 8. Respectful attention to the speech of the member who has the floor is only ordinary courtesy. 9. To interrupt a member who is speaking by hisses or other marks of dislike is a breach of decorum, to be frowned down by the assembly. 10. If two or more members rise at the same time to speak to a question, etiquette gives the one opposed to it the preference. 11. Members are not to be spoken of by name, but custom al- lows reference to them by such terms as " the gentleman from Texas," " the previous speaker," or '? the member on my right. " 12. If a member, through courtesy, yields the floor to another, he loses his opportunity lo speak again, unless the assembly gives him permission to do so. 13. If the chairman wishes to speak on either side in a debate, he calls another member to preside during the time he occupies the floor. 14. A motion to close the discussion is not debatable, but may be amended or reconsidered, and the same is true of a motion to limit the debate. MOTIONS ; QUESTIONS OF ORDER ; PREVIOUS QUESTION ; READING PAPERS. 441 DIVISION OF A QUESTION. ( SEE AMENDMENTS. ) MOTION TO -LIE ON THE TABLE. 1. A motion to lay a measure on the table, and so take it from before the assembly until it comes up again in order, or is called up, maybe received when it is apparently or really useless or inexpedient; or when more time to gather information concerning its value is desired, or when more pressing business demands attention, or when it is not presented in an acceptable form. 2. The motion to lay upon the table cannot be debated, or amended; nor can the vote be reconsidered if the assembly decides to table. 3. If laid on the table, the measure, with all previous action upon it, is temporarily dead. 4. The motion to take it from the table for consideration is not debatable, nor can it be amended; but if the assembly decides not to take it from the table, a motion to reconsider that vote is in order. 5. A motion to lay on the table has the preference over other motions to call the main question, to postpone, to commit, or to amend. MOTIONS. 1. Most motions are required to be seconded before being put to vote. In one or more State legislatures, this is not required as in Massachusetts. 2. Only a majority vote is required, in most cases, to carry a motion ; the exception is a special rule. 3. A motion to take up a question out of its proper order, or to suspend the rules, or to amend them (after previous notice), requires, under general rules, only a majority vote. 4. A motion must be stated by the chairman before discussion, when an amendment is proposed, and before a vote is taken. 5. A principal motion is the main one under consideration. 6. Other motions relating to the principal question, such as to amend, to refer to a committee, to postpone further action, to lay on the table, etc,, are called subsidiary motions. 7. Principal motions and subsidiary motions cannot be made to- gether. 8. Principal motions should always be offered in writing; sub- sidiary motions may be verbally made. 9. Members may call for the re-reading of a motion under dis- cussion. 10. No motion can be withdrawn from consideration by the mover without the consent of the assembly. 11. In making a motion the mover must stand in his place and address the presiding officer, or the motion cannot be received; and it is required that the chair recognize the mover. 12. When a motion is before the assembly, only privileged motions can be introduced. (See Questions of Privilege.) 13. As almost all legislative business is transacted by motions, the list of those ordinarily in use is quite extensive, and most of them are noted throughout this summary of Parliamentary Rules. 14. Motions, ordinarily, as to precedence, rank as follows : To fix the time to which to adjourn; to adjourn no time named; for the order of the day; to lie on the table ; for the previous question; to postpone to a certain time; to commit; to amend; to postpone indefinitely. A motion to reconsider a vote may be made at any time, but cannot be acted upon until the business before the as- sembly is disposed of. ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. A motion may be made and carried to-day to bring up for consideration an important topic one week from this day, and when the time arrives, that topic will be the order of (he day. 2. When the time named arrives, a call for the order of the day has preference over all other motions, even though a member has the floor. 3. If the call is voted down, the order of the day stands post- poned indefinitely, and the regular business of the assembly proceeds as usual. 4. If the call for the order of the day prevails, all other busi- ness is laid aside. 5. A motion to call up the order of the day is not debatable, nor can it be amended ; but whether adopted or defeated, its recon- sideration can be moved. 6. By a vote, the assembly can postpone a portion of the order of the day to a future time. QUESTIONS OF ORDER. 1. If a member, in his speech, breaks a rule of the assembly, another says, " I rise to a point of order," although the offending member is still speaking, and states the nature of the infraction. The chair decides at once upon the complaint, without discussion. His decision may be objected to by some member, who says, " I ap- peal from the decision of the chair. " The chairman then states the point of order and his decision, and says " Shall the decision of the chair stand?" This question may be debated (in some cases, but not in all,) by a majority vote of the assembly. During these proceedings the offending member suspends his speech. 2. Or, if the speaking member breaks a rule of decorum, any other may rise in his place and say, " I call the gentleman to order," and the chairman proceeds as before. 3. If the appeal from the chair's decision is laid upon the table by a vote of the assembly, it is considered as sustaining that decis- ion. 4. All deliberative bodies are not equally strict in observing parliamentary rules, and slight infractions of them are not noted. It is not profitable for a member to be always calling others to order; he becomes disliked, and gains nothing. THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. 1. The "call of the previous question," in a deliberative as- sembly, is a term applied to a measure introduced when it is desired 10 stop discussion of the main question, and has that effect unless the call is voted down. 2. The call for the previous question may be made by any member. 3. It cannot be debated or amended. 4. It must be seconded before it can be voted upon. 5. It takes precedence over all former motions on the main question, except to lay on the table. 6. It havingbeen caii'ed and seconded, the chairman asks, " Shall the main question be now put ?" 7. If the vote, then taken, favors the affirmative, the main ques- tion is given to the assembly for action, without debate. 8. If then the vote upon the main question is in favor of its adoption, its fate is decided. But if the nays have a majority, the main question is only postponed for futher consideration. READING PAPERS. 1. Papers supporting any measure under consideration, explain- ing particular points at issue, or giving any important information on the subject, maybe received by the secretary and announced by the chairman to the assembly. 2. Such papers cannot be brought into any discussion on which they have a bearing until they have been once read aloud to the as- sembly. 3. Any member may call for the reading of the papers when the question to which they relate is before the assembly. 4. The motion cannot be debated or amended, but is usually consented to tacitly, and the papers are accordingly read by the clerk, under the instructions of the chair. 5. Members cannot read other papers or books aloud during a discussion, without the permission of the assembly, and a motion and vote on the privilege may be required, if necessary. 442 POSTPONEMENT; QUORUM; RIGHT TO FLOOR; SUSPENSION OF RULES. 6. Papers relating to measures in charge of a committee may be received and sent to the committee without reading; although, if in- sisted upon, they must be read aloud to the assembly. POSTPONEMENT. 1. Motions to postpone action on any measure before the as- sembly are of two kinds. 2. One kind proposes a postponement to a definite date ; the other, a postponement indefinitely. 3. A motion for either is debatable, and may be so amended as to fix a time, or change a time, to which the postponement ex- tends. 4. Such an amendment changes an indefinite postponement to a definite one. 5. A motion to postpone a measure supersedes a motion to refer it to a committee, to amend it, or to call the previous question, until the proposed postponement is voted down. 6. A motion to postpone indefinitely opens the main question to debate. 7. If such a motion is carried, it permanently suspends all further consideration of the main question and subsidiary motions relating to it. 8. If such a motion is defeated, consideration of the measure may be resumed at the point of proceedings when it was interrupted. PRIVILEGED QUESTIONS. 1. Privileged questions, as noted below, possess more import- ance than all other motions or questions under discussion. 2. Some of them are debatable and others are not. The fol- lowing is their order of precedence: First. To fix the time to which the meeting shall adjourn not debatable. Second. To adjourn not debatable. Third. Relating to the rights and privileges of the assembly, or any member of it debatable. Fourth. Call for the order of the day not debatable. 3. Any of these may be reconsidered after a vote. QUORUM. 1. A quorum is a specified number of members of any deliber- ative body required to be present before a session can be held. 2. This number is fixed in different bodies in various countries, but, if not otherwise agreed upon, a majority is sufficient to organize. 3. Unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business, its proceedings are not usually deemed legal or authori- tative. 4. A wise chairman will refuse to preside unless a quorum is present. Should he take the chair, til he can do is to order the roll called and declare the meeting adjourned if a quorum does not re- spond. The fact that the necessary number of members to consti- tute a quorum in a legislative body are in the room does not form a quorum, unless' they answer to their names when the roll is called. 5. While the chair may allow, if no quorum is present, the dis- cussion of the business first in order, in preference to adjourning, no vote, except to adjourn, can be taken. 6. If there is a quorum present when the session begins, and the members gradually absent themselves until less than a quorum remains, unless some one objects a debate can proceed, but no questions can be decided. RIGHT TO THE FLOOR. 1. A member desiring to speak upon some pertinent subject, to present a petition or other document to the assembly, or to cor- rect a statement, must rise in his place, uncovered, and call out "Mr. President," "Mr. Chairman," or whatever title the presiding officer bears. Two or three members may do this at the same mo- ment, and it is the duty of the presiding officer to announce the name of the first whose voice he heard. This is the signal for the others to sit quietly down until another opportunity occurs. The member whose name has bfeen pronounced has the floor for >,ue time being. 2- If the decision of the chair is not satisfactory to a majority of the members, one of them rises to a point of order, staUs the fact, and, on motion, the matter ft carried by a vote as to whom the floor belongs. 3. The mover of a measure which has been seconded, and is fairly before the meeting for debate, is customarily allowed to make the first speech upon it. 4. If any member having the floor yields it, in courtesy, to ano;her, it is a disputed question whether the first can again claim it after the second has finished his remarks. The first is generally con- ceded the floor again, but strict parliamentary discipline does not favor it. RECONSIDERATION OF A VOTE. 1. A vote to adjourn cannot be. reconsidered. 2. A vote to reconsider a past vote brings the original measure or motion again before the assembly. 3. The vote to reconsider may be argued with the original mo- tion, but cannot be amended, nor can it, after the ballot, be recon- sidered again. 4. A majority in favor of reconsidering a past vote opens the main question to general discussion. RECOMMITTAL. 1. A motion to recommit a measure to a committee may be debated, amended, or reconsidered. 2. Opens the main question to debate. SUSPENSION OF RULES OF ORDER. 1. A motion to suspend the rules cannot be debated or amended, under special rules may require a two-thirds vote to adopt it, and the vote, either for or against the motion, cannot be reconsidered. 2. If the motion to suspend the rules is defeated, it cannot be renewed for the same purpose until after one adjournment has been made. 3. The motion to suspend the rules must state its object usually some business which the rules do not allow members to act upon at certain stages of legislation. 4. If any member infringes a rule of order it is the right of any other member to take notice thereof and to insist that the rule be en- forced. In that case the rule should be enforced by the chairman without delay. When a member has called another to order it is then too late to suspend, to alter, or repeal the rule. It must be en - forced. SUBSTITUTE. 1. Is classed as an amendment, and is governed by the same gen- eral rules of order. 2. Cannot be received while an amendment to an amendment is pending. 3. May be directly opposite in spirit to original motion, of which, until disposed of, it takes the place in discussion. 4. Must be seconded and stated by the chairman before being voted upon. 5. Debate must be confined to its merits. 6. It can be amended once, but an amendment to it cannot be amended. 7. By amendment a substitute can be referred to a proper com- mittee for deliberation and report. 8. On motion, the vote upon a substitute can be reconsidered. WITHDRAWING A MOTION. 1. A motion that has been received, seconded and discussed, cannot be withdrawn by the mover, without passing the ordeal of a vote, unless permission be obtained to do so, by a unanimous vocal consent of the assembly. 2. A motion once withdrawn is dead, so far as any further action is concerned. 3. A motio7i to withdraw cannot be debated, but may be amend- ed, and a vote upon it may be reconsidered. SUMMARY OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. 443 RECAPITULATION PARLIAMENTARY RULES. The following is a Condensed Summary of Important Parliamentary Usage as Observed in the United States Congress and other Public Bodies. Hlotlon to A d.f 0111*11 Must be seconded;* can- not be amended; cannot be reconsidered; must not refer to main question; requires a majority vote; is not in order when another has the floor; if carried, postpones all fur- ther proceedings ; time of next meeting can be changed after adjournment, if previously fixed. Motion to Amend Must be seconded; can be debated; allows reference to main question; yields to all motions except to indefinitely postpone; may be amended only once; not in order when another member has the floor; may be referred to a committee; may strike out words, add words, insert words, or substitute words; requires a majority vote; can be reconsidered after vote. Motion to Amend an Amendment Same rules, except that it cannot be amended. Motion to Amend the Rules Must be sec- onded; is debatable; does not allow refer- ence to main question then under discus- sion; not in order when another is speaking; may be amended ; requires a majority vote, unless special rules otherwise provide;! may be reconsidered after vote. Motion to Appeal from Speaker's De- cision When relating to indecorum Must be seconded; allows no reference to main question; in not debatable; cannot be amen- ded ; is in order at any time; requires a ma- jority vote; may be reconsidered after vote. In other cases In order at any time; must be seconded; does not allow reference to main question ; is debatable ; cannot be amen- ded; requires a majority vote; can be re- considered. Motion to Call to Order In order at any time when indecorum suggests it ; needs no seconding; undebatable; allows of no refer- ence to main question; cannot be amended; requires only a majority vote; vote can be reconsidered. Motion to Refer to a. Committee Not in order when a member is speaking; must be seconded: is debatable; opens the main ques- tion to debate ; may be amended; requires only a majority vote; vote may be recon- sidered; may include instructions to the committee. Motion to Recommit Assembly may refuse committee report, when motion to recom- mit will be in order; must be seconded; opens the main question to debate; may be de- bated, may be amended; majority vote de- cides; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Extend Time for Debate Not in order when a member has the floor; must be seconded; is undebatable; does not allow reference to main question; may be amen- ded; requires only a majority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to TLlmlt Debate Not in order when a member is speaking, must be seconded; is undebatable, does not allow refe:ence to main question ; may be amended ; requires a majority vote, which may be reconsidered. * True parliamentary law presumes that every motion is seconded, and saves time by not asking for the second. t Two-thirds votes are only required under spe- cial rules not general ones. Motion to Close Debate Not in order when member has the floor; must be seconded; may be amended; does not allow reference to main question; not debatable; requires a majority vote; vote can be reconsidered. Motion to Reconsider an Undebatable Question May be moved and recorded while a member has the floor, but business in hand must not be interrupted by it; must be made same day the original vote was taken, and by member who voted with the majority; must be seconded; cannot be de- bated ; does not allow reference to main ques- tion; cannot be amended; majority vote is sufficient; vote cannot be reconsidered. Motion to Refer a Question (See Motion to Commit; same rules apply.) Motion for Committee to Rise Not in order while member is speaking; must be seconded; not debatable; does not allow re- ference to main question; cannot be amen- ded; requires only a majority vote; vote cannot be reconsidered. "Shall the Question be Discussed*" Question must first be introduced ; objection to discuss it must then be made, before de- bate; motion to discuss is in order at any time; needs no seconding; cannot be de- bated; cannot be amended; does not allow reference to main question ; requires a ma- jority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Make Subject a Special Or- der Not in order when floor is occupied; must be seconded; can be debated; may be amended ; does not allow reference to main question; requires a majority vote; vote can be reconsidered. Motion to Substitute Same rules as in Motion to Amend, to which the reader is referred. Motion to Suspend the Rules Not in order when a member is speaking; must be second- ed; cannot be amended; not debatable; does not allow reference to main question; re- quires a majority vote; vote cannot be. recon- sidered. Motion to Take from Table Not in or- der when another has the floor; must be sec- onded; cannot be amended; does not allow reference to main question; is not debatable ; requires only a majority vote; a vote in the affirmative cannot be reconsidered. Motion to Take up Question out of Its Proper Order Not in order when the floor is occupied; must be seconded; cannot beamended; does not allow reference to main question; not debatable; requires a majority vote; can be reconsidered. Motion to Withdraw a Motion Not in order while a member is speaking; must be seconded; is not debatable; must not refer to main question ; cannot be amended ; re- quires only a majority vote; vote can be reconsidered. Motions Order of Precedence (1) To flx time to adjourn; (2) To adjourn without day; (3) To take up the orders of the day; (4) To lie on the table; (5) For the previous question; (6) To postpone a measure or mo- tion to a future time; (7) To refer a measure or motion to a committee; (8) To amend a motion or measure; (9) To postpone any question without specifying a certain time to take it up. Motion i" r Leave to Speak after Breach of Indecorum Not in order while the floor is occupied; must be seconded; does not allow reference to main question; cannot be debated; cannot be amended; requires only a majority vote; vote can be reconsidered. Motion to Iile on the Table Cannot be made until the floor is clear; must be sec- onded; does not allow reference to main question ; cannot be debated er amended; only a majority vote required; affirmative vote cannot be reconsidered. Objection to Consideration of a Ques- tion. Must be made as soon as the ques- tion is introduced, although a member is speaking, and before it is debated; needs no seconding; is undebatable; cannot beamen- ded; requires a majority vote, unless spe- cial rules prevent; vote may be reconsidered. Motion for the Orders of the Day Is in order although a member has the floor; need not be seconded; cannot be debated or amended; allows of no reference to main question; requires only a majority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Postpone to a Definite Time Not in order when a member has the floor; must be seconded; limited debate allowed only on the propriety of postponing; does not allow reference to main question ; may be amended; requires only a majority vote ; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely Not In order while a member is speaking; must be seconded; cannot be amended ; is debatable, and opens main question to discussion ; re- quires only a majority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motion for the Previous Question Not in order while the floor is occupied; must be seconded ; does not allow reference to the main question ; cannot be amended ; is unde- batable; requires a majority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motions Relating to Priority of Busi- nessAre not in order while a member is speaking; must be seconded; are unde- batable; allow of no reference to main ques- tion; may be amended; require only a major- ity vote; vote can be reconsidered. Questions of Privilege Not in order while a member has the floor; motions must be sec- onded; are debatable; maybe amended; do not allow a reference to main question; only a majority vote required; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Read Papers Not in order while member is speaking; must be seconded; cannot be amended; cannot be debated; does not allow reference to main question; is decided by a majority vote; vote may be reconsidered. Motion to Reconsider a Debatable Question May be moved and entered on record while a member is speaking, but must not interrupt business in hand ; must be made the same day the original vote was taken, and by one who voted on the successful side; must be seconded; may be debated; cannot be amended; opens main question to debate; requires only a majority vote; vote cannot be reconsidered. SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC SPEAKING. ^ man or wo- man in any com- munity who can express ideas cor- rectly, plainly, and readily, with good voice and self-pos- session, in the pres- ence of others, always wields a I commanding influence provided this accom- plishment is guided by good judgment, which teaches when to speak, where to speak, what to speak, and how to speak. The art which enables an indi- vidual, when standing on the feet, to express a thought methodically and clearly to an intel- ligent and critical audience, in a manner such as will influence and instruct the auditors, is one very much to be desired. Can it be acquired by the average individual? The consideration of that question is the purpose of the following chapters. FORMS OF ADDRESSES SUITABLE FOR Introductions, Inaugurations, Valedictories, Celebrations, Funerals, Reunions, Banquets, Anniversary Exercises, Fairs, Commencements, Improvement Meetings, Etc. SUGGESTIONS FOR BEGINNERS. ANY people who have an ambition for public speaking do not awake to the ne- cessity and importance of this subject until the period of their school-days has long passed, when the conviction is likely to force itself upon their minds that they are too late to acquire the art. Such, however, should not be discouraged. To begin practice in extempore speaking, establish a debating club, which should include a membership of half a dozen or more persons, to meet regularly during the week, at stated times, for the discussion of current topics of the day, either at a private residence, some hall chosen for the purpose, or at a schoolroom; the exercises of the occasion being interspersed with essays by members of the club, the whole to be criticised by critics appointed. A few weeks thus spent will oftentimes develop in the club several fluent essayists and speakers. If desirous of distinction, it is not enough that the speakers simply utter their own thoughts. There should be especial effort made to present the idea in an original, attractive and efficient form. To be effective, the speaker must exhibit variety in gesture, tone of voice, and method of illustration. Gestures and sentences should be VIEW OF A LITERARY SOCIETY IN SESSION AT A PRIVATE HOUSE. 445 gracefully rounded; the illustrations, in strong and telling words, should be so proportioned, and the arguments so arranged, as to grow stronger from the beginning to the end ; while the thoughts should be so presented as to be appropriate, and in harmony with the occasion. The speakers and essayists whom we know as wielding the greatest influence in the world's his- tory, added to these graces of oratory depth of investigation , independence of thought, and freedom of expression. They scorned to traverse the beaten paths, simply be- cause of cus- tom and pop- ularity. They chose to be in- dependent. Rather than follow, they preferred to lead the opin- ion of others. The follow- ing sugges- tions give an outlin e of what is ne- cessary for the production of a ready, easy speaker. First. The foundation of the discourse should be thoroughly fixed in the mind, and the order of succession in which the arguments are to follow. Second. These should be so arranged that one thought should be the natural outgrowth of the other, and each idea should be so distinctly marked out as to be in readiness the moment it is wanted. Third. The speaker should vividly feel all that xo) The Cambridge Literary Club in Session. HIS Society, organized for the purpose of Social, Literary and Oratorical Culture, Q meets weekly at the residence of its members. ORDER OF EXERCISES : Calling meeting to order by President; Roll Call and Reading Minutes of previous meeting by Secretary; Music; Recitation; Essay, by a member se- lected at previous meeting, which takes fifteen minutes to read. Four critics, appointed by the President, make each a five minutes' talk upon the subject of the essay; Music. of Ten Minutes. he may design to speak, in order that clear ideas may be expressed. The mind should not, how- ever, be so absorbed with the subject in hand as to prevent its acting readily in the development of the topic under consideration. It is possible for the feelings to become so vehement in their expression as to paralyze utterance from their very fullness. fourth. The feelings, in speaking, must be resolved into ideas, thought into images, to express which there must be suit- able language. While the main idea should be firm- ly grasped, in its elucidation it should be separated into its principal members, and these again di- vided into sub- ordinate parts, each under perfect com- mand of the speaker, to be called upon and used at will, until the subject is ex- hausted. Fifth. The full, complete and ready use of the imagination is of the greatest importance to the extemporaneous speaker, which power may be greatly cultivated by reading the works of Wal- ter Scott, Dickens, and other standard writers who excel in imaginative description. To hold up before the audience a clear, distinct outline of the subject in hand, and paint the picture in fit- ting language so vividly that the auditors will Twenty minutes devoted to reading, by the editress, of the "Vanguard," the paper of the club, composed largely of contributions from different members of the society; An- nouncement, by the President, of subject for debate; Four debaters consume each five min- utes in discussing the subject; Music; An- nouncement of time, place and Essayist for next meeting; adjournment. The foregoing programme of exercises is subject to variation according to vote of a majority of the club, or as the President may think best. THE EFFECT OF PERSONAL APPEARANCE UPON AN AUDIENCE. delightedly follow its progress, step by step, is the distinguishing excellence of the off-hand speaker. With many persons of real talent, the powers of imagination work too slowly to hold the attention of the audience. This hindrance, however, can be largely overcome by practice. Sixth. The difficulty of embarrassment, which afflicts some people upon public appearance, is overcome by practice, and by having a perfectly distinct understanding of what is to be said, which consciousness tends to give confidence and self- possession. To obtain the ability to present this clear conception of the subject, the speaker should study logic, geom- etry, and kindred subjects, that ar- rive at conclusions through a process of analytical reas- oning. The speak- er should be able to think method- ically, being able to decompose his thoughts into parts, to analyze these in- to their elements, to recompose, re- gather, and con- centrate these again in a manner such as will clearly illustrate the idea sought to be conveyed. Seventh. One of the most efficient aids to pub- lic speaking is the ability to write. The public speaker will do well to commence by writing in full what he is desirous of saying. He should, at the same time, make a study of the various masters of oratory. Writing gives great clear- ness to the expression of thought, and, having plenty of time in its composition, the mind is able to look at the subject in every phase. With the main idea clearly defined and kept constantly in view, let the speaker examine the subject in Fig. I The Dandy Who fails on the Platform because the diamond and fancy clothing detract at- tention of the hearers, and convey the impression that he gives more thought to dress than he does to ideas. every light, the different faculties of the mind con- centrating upon a single point. Thus, step by step, the subject is considered in all its bearings, the various details of the idea being completely studied, and the whole matter thoroughly develop- ed, until the subject has reached its perfect form. Eighth. The daily study of synonymous words and their meanings will give greater facility of expression. The mind should also be stored with a variety of information on subjects per- taining to the arts and sciences, from which one can constantly draw in cases of emergency. It is impossible for the speaker to extem- porize what is not in the mind. And, further, all reading and study should be done with such care that every idea thus acquired will be so thoroughly impressed on the mind as to be available when we wish to commu- nicate our ideas to others. Ninth. In pub- lic speaking, one Fig. 2-Solid Man of the great secrets \Vhose unostentatious yet substantial appearance is so much in his favor, when of SUCC6SS is a before an audience, as to make him a per- son of very considerable power, however knowledge of llU- little he may say. , man nature. To acquire this, the speaker should carefully study men the passions and impulses that influence mankind their phrenological characteristics, and know them as they are. To do this, he should freely mingle in society, interchanging ideas, and seeking every opportunity for the practice of ex- tempore speaking. Tenth. An important element necessary to suc- cess in the off-hand speaker is courage. While it is essential that he use choice and fitting lan- guage in the expression of ideas, let him not hes- itate, when he has commenced a sentence, be- CONTRAST IN DKESS AND MANNER WHEN SPEAKING. cause he cannot readily call to mind the exact language necessary to beautifully clothe the thought. Push vigorously through to the end, even though at a sacrifice, for a time, of the most perfect forms of speech. This courage that dare stand up and speak a sentence ungrammatically, even, is necessary to make the good speaker of the future. Finally, while all cannot become equally profi- cient in oratory, the industrious student of average talent, who earnestly resolves to win success as an extempore speaker, will find himself, in the ma- jority of cases, in time, self-possessed in the pres- ence of others. With ideas clear and distinct, vivified and quickened by imagination, clothed in fitting words and beautiful language, he will be enabled to instruct and entertain an audience in a manner vastly better than most people would suppose who may have listened to his maiden ef- forts in the commencement of his public speaking. Instruction and Practice in Elocution. Facts relative to Oratory, Eloquence, Expression, Gesture and Personal Appearance. to sweetness IB MEN be- gan to mul- tiply upon the earth, the uses of language in- creased and assum- ednew expressions in accordance with the desires and needs of individ- uals. Thus, af- fection required one tone of voice and one collection of words and phrases especially adapted to its com- munications. The voice of Fig. I. Careless, Ungainly and slovenly in appearance, consequently lucks the power to favor- ably impress his hearers as a public speaker, although he may possess real talent of a high order. . . petition 0-avp nHprnnna tr> & 41 ' another claSS Of tones and sentences expressive of its wishes. Anger, and fear, and hope, and every sentiment common to humanity, each found a rhetoric of its own, of such a distinctive character that it could not be easily mistaken for another. The cry of grief, the exultation of joy, differed then, as now, as widely as the East from the West, and the ear conveyed to the brain the peculiar sound of each. By-and-bye, when savage-life gave way to civilization, new sentiments were born, and na- ture and custom have given language to all. In the calm home-life the voice is modulated and the earnestness of true confidence. In the school, in the various trades and occupations of men, in the halls of legislation, in the courts, on the plat- form, in the pulpit, and in the drama, nature and art have established utterances greatly diversified. Lan- guage has thus be- come a power in our human exis- Fig. 2. -Orderly, tence, and on the Self-poised, genteelly dressed, and has large influence with his auditors, be- lips of the Orator cause of fine personal presence, though -i he may lack the genius that makes the Can SWay tlie Iia- tions, as the winds awaken and arouse the sleeping ocean. The human voice has been created an instru- ment in which are united the melody of the flute, the violin and the organ. The lungs supply the air, and the throat and nostrils serve as pipes for the construction of sweet sounds, producing tunes and all the changes of expression required by every consonant and vowel, and by every vary- ing sentiment. So perfect is this arrangement for the formation of language, that rapid speakers are enabled to pronounce from 7,000 to 7,500 words an hour, or about two words in a second. 448 SOME OF THE REASONS WHY A PUBLIC SPEAKER IS NOT SUCCESSFUL. The art of correct and impressive speaking em- braces elocution, oratory, eloquence, rhetoric, emotion, feeling, agitation, and logic, or the power of demonstration. Elocution is the correct method of giving utter- ance to a connected discourse, either long or brief, before an audience, accompanied with ap- propriate gestures. Oratory is the highest degree of elocution, and is the art of present- ing a subject in its most effective and eloquent manner. Eloquence is the expression of a great degree of emotion, whether pleasura- ble or sad, w r ith such earnestness and skill as to excite a similar emotion in the breasts of the audience. With fervency and fluen- cy it utters the most elevating thoughts in the choicest lan- guage, and with the most app ropriate and graceful move- ments of the entire physical organ- ization. Rhetoric is the art of framing correct, forceful and elegant sentences, either in writing or speaking, and these may, on the lips of an acknowledged orator, supply the place of genuine emotion. Rhetoric may thus become an artificial eloquence, conveying powerful sentiments which the speaker may not feel in his heart. A true actor on the stage, or platform, may become so perfect in the rhetoric of his performance as to represent the Disadvantages in Public Speaking. fHE above illustration shows the fol- lowing unfavorable conditions for the speaker. 1. If in the day-time, the light in the hall, coming wholly from windows in the rear of the speaker, throws a shadow whereby his face cannot be seen. 2. If in the night, the unshaded lights, in the vicinity of the speaker, upon which the audience are compelled to look, will pain the eyes and divert attention of the hearers. 3. The disordered condition of maps, pictures, etc. , upon the wall will annoy and hold the attention of some auditors who have large order and are keenly sensitive to disorder. 4. The holding of the manuscript by the speaker, in front of his face, will break the magnetic connection between most varied and strongest emotions of human nature without experiencing them. Emotion, Feeling, and Agitation are varying results of true oratory, and are produced by the elo- quence of the speaker. Emotion is a mental ex- citement, inducing pity, grief, fear, joy, enthu- siasm, or other natural passions. Feeling applies to a sym- pathetic condition of either mind or body, and is mani- fested with less ex- citement than emo- tion. Agitation is the violence of in- tense excitement, arising from phy- sical or mental disorder. Logic is the art of reasoning sys- tem a tically upon any subject, and embraces its cause, progress and effect. ''Pure logic" is the formal expression, himself and hearers, and then the audi- ence will become listless and inattentive. 5. The balustrade and table in front of the speaker prevent the effect that governed by fireneral may be exerted upon an audience by j gesture and posture of the lower limbs. rules, of any idea 6. The seating of a small audience in the rear of a hall gives an empty appearance to the room, alike depress- ing to speaker and hearers. 7. The scattering of an audience apart breaks magnetic conditions that are favorable to a speaker when the audience is seated closely together and near the platform. 8. Members of the audience com- municating one with another, reading newspapers, moving about the room, or going out, make conditions unfavorable to the speaker and those who would listen to the discourse. that may present itself. "Applied logic " is the appli- cation of this meth- od and these rules to any specific topic on which an argu- ment is proposed. Logic was first used as a form of reasoning by 'Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, who, indeed, gave form and character to the principles and practice of public speaking. Aristotle divided oratory into three classes, as follows : The Demonstrative, which embraces praise in a high degree, as eulogies of great men ; censure, ACCESSORIES THAT ARE OF ASSISTANCE TO THE PUBLIC SPEAKER. 449 reproach, or severe accusation against individ- uals, the acts of public bodies, or of governments; philosophic addresses, etc. The Deliberative, which includes debates on sub- jects of national or district importance, in the halls of legislation or other public places, educa- tional or moral lectures, etc. The Judicial, which relates to the ora- tory of the courts of justice, where practice. All of these class- es admit of the purest and most brilliant elocution- ary efforts. Aris- totle also classified rhetoric into three distinct parts per- suasion, expression, and arrangement. In persuasion, the orator presents him- self, his motives, and the object of his discourse, in a persuasive atti- tude, with the de- sign o f obtaining the confidence of his hearers. In ex- pression he treats of the arguments to be advanced in support of his object, and in this division he ex- emplifies the use of logic as a means of mak- ing his arguments clear and strengthening them. In arrangement, he teaches the proper method of . / l presenting the argument, arranging propositions in the most effective manner, delivering them in appropriate language, and enforcing them with suitable and impressive gestures. Conditions Favorable for the Public Speaker. HE following arrangements in a hall favor the speaker, who would have the best conditions by which he may have influence with an audience. 1. The stand used for manuscript should occupy as little room upon the platform as possible. 2. All lights in the vicinity of the speaker, or upon the platform, should be so shaded that the audience cannot see them. 3. If convenient, the auditors upon the platform should be so seated that the speaker can occasionally turn and address them also. 4. The less the speaker is confined to manuscript, if thoroughly conver- sant with the subject, the better will be the effect of his speech with the aud- ience. In Oratory, the features and the hands per- form an important part, introducing illustrations of the topic under discussion, emphasizing the language as it varies "From grave to gay, from lively to severe," and vividly depicting each emotion or passion as it is indicated by the tongue. True oratory springs from the impulses of the in- ner life as affected by outward circum- stances, and the true orator is "a man terribly in earnest." Such a speaker needs no manuscript to aid him in his dis- course. Observe the impassioned eloquence of Patrick Henry, on the eve of the American Revolutionary war : 5. The speaker should be carefully and well dressed, but not in the ex- " There ls no retreat but trerne of fashion. A Prince-Albert or in submission and slavery, dress-coat becomes the platform speak- Our chains are forged ! er who would appear to the best advau- c .i anking may be tage before a fashionable audience. 6. The front part of the platform heard on the plains of Bos- should have nothing upon it that can ton... The next gale that obstruct the view of the entire figure sweeps from the North of the speaker. The position of the 1U brf to Qur earg the feet and lower part of the body fre- quently have much to do in enforcing clash of resounding arms! an idea when accompanied by suitable ...I know not what course words, others may take; but as 7. A large audience, a congregation for me) _gi ve me liberty, well dressed, a handsomely furnished ,, hall, an audience composed of the most or 8 lve l respectable and influential in the com- rp-i munity, and who give close attention I h a t Was nat- all these are favoring conditions, cal- -i . -\ culated to assist the public speaker in WrQ* OruKYry, ant making a good impression. R Q stu di e d COHlpO- sition could carry with it the eloquence and power of these few simple sentences. The man who is confined to his manuscript composition on the platform is not an orator he is only a reader. In this respect he lacks free- dom of gesture, and is unable to face his audience and allow them to see the varying emotions caused by his subject reflected in his features. 450 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EMBARRASSMENT AND SELF-POSSESSION. How differently does the true orator appear! Untrammeled on the platform by papers, he stands before his audience in the dignity of hu- man nature, every feature enlivened by the thoughts that fill his brain, a clear, ringing voice to give them expression, and body and limbs all alive with harmonious and touching gestures. Such a man is a power in the land, for good or evil, swaying the masses, pleading the cause he advocates with earnestness, fidelity and eloquence, and leaving the impress of his intellect upon the minds and hearts of his hearers. The distinguishing mechanical features of a fin- ished address are dis- tinct articulation, in- flections, accent, em- phasis, modulation and gesture. Articulation is the art of using the vocal organs, including the teeth, with such ease and perfection that every portion of a word or sentence is distinctly uttered, every vowel and con- sonant fully pronoun- ced, and no words or letters clipped off, as it were, or omitted from any sentence. Beginners, especially children, in their haste to get through a sen- tence, when "speaking a piece," often do this in a very ridiculous manner, but no finished ora- tor is guilty of the practice. In the sentence, "He could pay nobody," the words, by careless speaking become, "He could pain nobody." This example will serve to show the necessity of a clear enunciation of every word and syllable, lest the entire passage be changed and its sense destroyed. Inflection is a slide, or a change of the voice. The monotone is devoid of any rising or falling changes; hence the term "monotonous" is ap- Fig. 1 Bashfulness. The above illustrations represent the effect of practice and culture. While speaker No. 1, by his unpol- ished manner and diffidence, is an ob- ject of pity or ridicule, as a public plied to a continuous flow of words in a single tone of voice. Still, the monotone, as the ex- pression of great sublimity of thought, is some- times used by the best orators and readers. While it may serve to express earnestness, it does not convey the idea of deep emotion. The rising inflection may start a sentence with a monotone, but becomes louder and more sig- nificant as it proceeds. It is strongly marked in the asking of a question, as : " Where were you yesterday?" throwing the emphasis on "yester- day, " with a gradual raising of the voice. The falling inflection begins with a high tone of voice and ends the sentence in a moderate one; for example : ' ' Yester- day I stayed at home," answering the question and em- phasizing "yester- day," also, because that word covered the principal object in asking the question. The circumflex tone begins with the fall- ing inflection and ends with the rising one, as: "I went out yes- terday, but I stay here to-day , " ' ' to- day" elevated. The word or in the sentence : "Will you stay or go ? " throws the rising inflection on "stay," and the falling on "go." In the negative sentence: "Study not for rec- reation, but for instruction," the rising inflection is on the affirmative, "instruction," while "re- creation" has the falling tone. Affection or tender emotion requires the rising inflection, coupled with softness: "Then spake the father, Come hither, my child." These inflections enter into all the expressions of the human voice, ever varying, according to the sentiment to be promulgated. Nature teaches Fig. 2 Self-possession. speaker, No. 2, representing a well- known orator, as he apostrophizes a glass of water, entrances his au- dience by his self-possession, his ear- nestness, and his naturalness. IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE WHO WOULD SPEAK WELL. 451 them and frames their utterances, while art ac- quires and simulates them on the stage, on the platform, in the pulpit, in the halls of legislation, or in the legal tribunal. Accent is a peculiar force of the voice displayed in the pronunciation of a particular syllable in a word, or a particular word in a sentence, to make it more effective. A variety of English words have two or more accentuations. Thus the word "ac-cent," in the sense here used, has the accent on the first syllable "ac"; but if we say that such a word should be accented, the "cent" is most strongly pronounced. Emphasis is a stronger expression given to the utterance of a word or sentence, for the purpose of impressing it upon the mind, than can be given by inflection or accent alone; requiring elevation of tone, indicating either earnestness or emotion, or calling attention to some peculiarity of thought or argument advanced by the speaker. In writ- ing, the emphasized word is usually underscored; in type, it is put in italic letters. Modulation is the natural or acquired melodious form of utterance to suit the sentiment with musi- cal precision. Indeed, modulation is a feature of music as well as of elocution, giving sweetness of tone and variation to the voice. It combines articulation, inflection, accent and emphasis, and enriches the entire discourse with harmony of ex- pression. Gesture is any natural movement of the limbs or body that indicates the character of the prevail- ing feeling or emotion of the heart. It appeals at once to our sympathies with far greater elo- quence than words, and when combined with oratory makes the latter more effective. Without proper gestures, an orator loses much of his pow- er to control the thoughts and opinions of his auditors; they add to the earnestness of his ex- pressions, increasing his eloquence, and carrying conviction with every proposition advanced. In real oratory the eye speaks as well as the lips ; the motions of the arms, and hands, and head, and body, are all brought into subjection to the dominant argument, and the grace and dig- nity of the human form are exhibited in all their brilliancy. "Hamlet's" advice to the players "Suit the word to the action, and the action to the word," is worth heeding. A downward movement of the arm or hand at a rising inflec- tion would be but a burlesque. Volume is the character of the voice as deter- mined by the utterance of various emotions, in which the throat expands or contracts, producing whispers, wailings, etc. , and is expressive of the inward emotion, whatever it may be. Time is a slight pause made by the speaker, with the design of giving an opportunity to con- sider the importance of the word or phrase to which he would call specific attention. Pitch represents the proper elevation of the voice, and its use in elocution is to regulate the tone of the discourse to its character. If not re- garded as it should be, the delivery becomes faulty and disagreeable. Force applies to the energy which is given to certain words and phrases, as expressive of the earnestness with which they should be received. It is 'mental emphasis, laying stress, in degrees, upon whatever is uttered. Avoid talking through the nose and getting into a sing-song strain of delivery. Do not take the other extreme and become too grand in lan- guage for the subject. Speak of common things naturally, distinctly and intelligently. Do not use great, swelling words, chosen from the dictionary, for the sake of ' ' showing off. " The Anglo-Saxon tongue is filled with short, express- ive words words of one or two sj^llables, that point a sentence with wit and eloquence better than a flow of dissyllables. Pitch the tone of voice no higher than is ne- cessary to reach the ears of the person farthest from you in the audience, but be sure that it reach- es its limit without losing its distinctness. In this lay one ot the strongest features of the elo- quence of the lamented Wendell Phillips. Oratory should express in the features, the position of the body, and the movements of the head and limbs, the emotions which govern the utterances of the speaker, as indicated in the figures, explanations and examples which follow : 452 GESTURE AND FACIAL EXPRESSION AS AIDS IN ORATORY. FACIAL EXPRESSION AND GESTURE. As Illustrated by Drawings Prepared Expressly for this Work. OR THE purpose of setting clearly before the student in elocution and oratory the gesture, posture, and expression of face ap- propriate to the delineation of an emotion or thought of the mind the ac- companying illus- trations are given. They are prepar- ed by us from atti- tudes representing Prof. Walter C. Ly- man, a teacher of elocution and voice culture in Chicago, who has graduated from his classes ma- ny superior readers, several of whom Unexcited. "/I I'l- the muscles of the features, limbs ' and body are relaxed; the eyes as- have been success- ful in attracting to themselves upon the Stage much at- sume a mild and quiet expression; the tention, because of "row is expanded ^and inkled; the ', arms and hands hang idly by the side; one foot is slightly advanced, but I he body rests lightly upon both ; the voice is natural and cheerful, as illustrated in the following example : their faithful ren- dition of character. Following these fourteen illustra- tions, representing the Professor in various attitudes, are twelve repre- sentations by Miss Mnmio T 'sVirvrt nf orator is~attained when burning words, 1. Oil >rt, 0[ born of the time and appropriate to the Chicago a pupil of occasion, are accompanied by natural ' and graceful gesture. Professor Lyman s. Much care has been taken in the production of these illustrations to truthfully represent natural posture, and a correct, clearly defined expression of the face, when actuated by passion, sentiment, or emotion. To the multitude of students in the field of elocutionary study, these examples from life will be invalua- ble as giving need- e d instruction i n this important art. An interesting study is found in the contrasts of the appearance of the individual when representing these various sentiments and emotions. While Dignity expresses manhood in its self-possessed and energetic mood, Fear cringes and shrinks, and trem- bles, and the two Weeping Violent Grief. JPHE head droops, inclining to one serve to show the LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In com- pliance with the request of the publish- ers of this work, I herewith submit to you the following illustrations as rep- resentations of the gesture, posture and facial expression, indicative of the emotion, thought, or sentiment, which may stir the heart under varying cir- cumstances. The highest degree of power by the emotions upon the outer man. Expec- tation displays eagerness, hope and forwardness of pur- pose, while Horror side; the eyes overflow with tears; the lips and countenance are drawn effect of inward downward; the body inclines forward; the hands are wrung; the lower limbs are relaxed and retiring; the move- ments are slow, and the voice low, un- less the grief is excessive, and the breath comes and goes with agitation, broken by moans and sobs. EXAMPLE "Oh, my sorrow is more than I can bear ! My wife, my child, all gone wreck- reverses the pO86 ed swallowed in the great deep, and -, .> that too, when I was so anxiously and 1116 expression, watching waiting their coming; and -^i clirinkino- rp- they so near the land ! nKing, 1 A few hours more I would have clasp- pulsive movements, ed them to my heart. Alas, that the " storm should rise when they, in glad Supplication 6X- anticipation, were so near their haven, , .. . r and so near the husband's and father's hlDltS desire and 11U- mility, while Des- pair indicates the absence of all emotions but one the sense of loss in its most extreme form. Other contrasts are shown in the following: SUGGESTIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC SPEAKING. 453 this illustration, representing the emotion of Love, the whole be- ing is subdued, the head and body inclin- ing for ward; the forehead is tranquil; the eyebrows droop ; the eye sparkles with affection ; the palm of the right hand is pressed over the heart, and the left hand, with open fingers, is folded over the right wrist ; the lower limbs stand to- gether in easy position, with the right foot in ad- vance ; the voice is low and musical, and often there is an air' of melan- choly thought. EXAMPLE "I love you, Margery dear, because you are young and fair. For your eyes' bewild'ring blueness, and the gold of your curling hair. No queen has hands that are whiter, no lark has a voice so sweet, And your ripe young lips are redder than the clover at our feet. My heart will break with its fullness, like a cloud o'ercharged with rain, Oh! lell me, Margery darling, how long must I love in vain?" 'HE height of enthusiasm, the wildness of Madness or insan- ity, the struggle going on within, are manifested in this character. The head is dishevelled and uneasy; the arms and hands are moved about now pressing the head, now thrown convulsively from it. Every move- ment of the body is ir- regular, rapid and reck- less; the eyes, with fear- ful effect, turn uneasily from object to object, dwelling on none ; the countenance is distorted, and the world is a blank. Madness _ lnsanity . EXAMPLE "Mark how yon demon's eyeballs glare. He sees me; now, with dreadful shriek, He whirls a serpent high in air. Horror! the reptile strikes its tooth Deep in my heart, so crushed and sad. Aye, laugh, ye fiends, I feel the truth, Your work is done I'm mad ! I'm mad ! ! " head is either erect or thrown slightly back, in Laughter and Mirth; the forehead is smooth ; the eyes are partly closed and full of cheerful ex- pression, sometimes fill- ed with tears of joy ; the mouth is open and ex- tended; the shoulders are elevated ; the elbows are spread, the hands resting on the sides of the body below the waist; and the voice is loud and joyous in tone. Should the mirth, however, be inward and silent, the form is convulsed with emotion, as in the ex- Laughter-Mirth, pression of grief. EXAMPLE " So he took me for a Priest, did he? Ha ! Ha ! ! Ha ! 1 ! Ha ! ! ! ! Couldn't he tell the difference between a saint and a sinner? Ha ! Ha ! 1 Ha ! I : Ha ! ! ! ! Why, that man don't know the difference between his heels and his head, Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! Ha!!!!" in Horror, the head is thrown forward, then upward, and then drawn back ; the eyes, with fierce expression, stare wildly at the ob- ject; the countenance is distorted and affrighted ; the form is contracted and half-turned away from the object ; the low- er limbs droop and are slightly thrown apart ; the elbows are thru stout from the body; the hands are raised and open, with the palms outward, while the fingers seem contracted; and the voice is an excited half- Horror, whisper. EXAMPLE " Which of you have done this? Avaunt and quit my sight ! Let the earth hide thee ! Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes, Which thou dost glare with. Hence, horrible shadow ! Unreal mockery, hence ! " 454 POSTURE AND GESTURE IN ORATORY. a feeling of body are turned away from the ob- ject; the lower limbs are parted, with the feet at right angles, the left being advanced ; the forehead and the eye- brows are contracted ; the mouth is slightly open ; the eyes indicate the feeling within; the left hand is held partly in front of the face, with the fingers extended and the palm outward, as if pushing away the hated object, while the tongue utters a short and sharp guttural exclamation. Disgust, head and Disgust. EXAMPLE " She did not all too early die Unchecked the course of true love ranr, I married my Louisa Ann. There the romance, however, ends ; Dear reader, you and I are friends ! You don't like my Louisa Ann No more do I I never can /'" 5MBUED with Earnestness, the entire form stands erect; the brow is ex- panded ; the eyes express sincerity and a desire to convince the hearers of the truth and importance of the subject under discussion ; the chest is thrown well forward ; the lower limbs are slightly parted, with the feet at right angles ; the left arm is extend- ed, with open hand; the right hand is closed, and the voice is full and dis- tinct, and moderate or elevated, as the theme or the feelings may sug- gest EXAMPLE "Ye call me chief ; and ye do well to call him chief, who for twelve long years has met upon the arena every shape of man or beast the broad empire of Rome could furnish, and who never yet lowered his arm. If there be one among you who can say that ever, in public fight or private brawl, my actions did belie my tongue, let him stand forth, and say it. If there be three in all your company dare face me on the bloody sands, let them come on. " Earnestness. r HEN the individual is moved with Anger, the head is erect; the eye burns and flashes ; the lips are compressed; the brows contracted, the nostrils are distend- ed ; the body is convuls- ed with passion, the fists are clinched ; and the lower limbs are spread, with one foot strongly planted in ad- vance of the other ; the voice is either low or sup- pressed, or harsh, loud and quick; the whole appearance indicates ag- itation, fierceness and conflict, and every move- Anger, ment indicates energy. EXAMPLE " Now imitate the action of the tiger, Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood; Lend fierce and dreadful aspect to the eye, Set the teeth close, and stretch the nostrils wide ; Hold hard the breath, And bend up every spirit to its full height." " In the contempt and anger of his lip. " r ITH the sense of Dignity, or self-valuation, the head is held erect, or thrown slightly back; the fv^rm is straightened and raised to its full- est height ; the forehead is expanded; the eye- brows are raised; the eyes indicate a subdued fierceness ; the lips are compressed, and the countenance firm ; the arms are folded across the chest, or the left hand is thrust into the bosom ; the lower limbs are straight and together, with the feet at right an- gles ; the movements are Dignity. slow and methodical. EXAMPLE " I am a Roman citizen Here,in your capital,do I defy you. Have I not conquered your armies, fired your towns, and dragged your generals at my chariot wheels, since first my youthful arms could wield a spear? And do you think to see me crouch and cower before a tamed and shattered senate? The tearing of flesh and rend- ing of sinews is but pastime compared with the mental agony that heaves my frame. " EMOTION AND FEELING ILLUSTRATED IN GESTURE. 455 with joyous Expectation, the chin is thrown forward; the eyes open, and beaming with an- ticipation, are directed towards the desired ob- ject ; the countenance and lips express earnest- ness ; the body inclines tow r ards the object; the hands are clasped; one foot is advanced; the movements are slow and graceful ; the voice is cheerful and moderate ; the forehead is unwrink- led, and the expression, "not only of the counten- ance, but of the whole being, is pleasing. Expectation. EXAMPLE "There has fallen a splendid tear From the passion-flower at the gate. She is coming, my dove, my dear: She is coming, my life, my fate; The red rose cries, 'She is near, she is near;' The larkspur listens, 'I hear, I hear,' And the lily whispers, 'I wait.' " JOKNE down with a feeling of Despair, the head is bowed, the chin resting upon the breast ; the eye- brows are depressed ; the eyes are rolled down- ward and express agony; the muscles of the face are convulsed and trem- ulous; the mouth is open- ed ; the nostrils are ex- panded ; the hands are tightly clasped, or wrung as if in pain ; the teeth gnash ; the body sways violently to and fro ; the voice, if heard at all, is little better than a groan, and the breath is a suc- cession of sighs. Despair. EXAMPLE " O my offence is rank, it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon 't, A brother's murder! Pray I cannot. Though inclination be as sharp as will ; My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent; And, like a man to double business bound, I halt in pause where I shall first begin. " JISTKACTED by Fear, the head is thrown forward, especially the chin; the eyes stare wild- ly at the object; then turn away; the should- ers are elevated ; the body shrinks and con- tracts ; the lower limbs are relaxed and droop, with one foot thrown back ; the hands are con- tracted, with the palms outward, in front of the breast; there is a convul- sive motion of the chest, the breathing is explo- sive, and the voice is rapid, high and broken. Fear causes the form Fear. and limbs to contract. EXAMPLE " In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up ; it stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof; an image was before my eyes; there was silence, and I heard a voice saying, Shall mortal man be more just than God ? shall a man be more pure than his Maker?" IjN the act of Supplication, the head is held back; the eyes, lips and count- enance express earnest- ness ; the body is bent forward ; the hands are either spread heaven- ward, are clasped, or wrung, in intense emo- tion ; one or both knees are bent to the ground ; the movements are still or restless, according to the condition of the mind, and the voice is regulated by the same i n fl u e n c e sometimes slow, moderately fast, low and pleading, or high and exultant with praise and thanksgiving. Supplication. EXAMPLE " 'Gilchie Manito, the mighty,' Cried he, with his face uplifted. In that bitter hour of anguish ; 'give you r children food, O Father ! Give us food, or we must perish ; Give me food for Minnehaha ! For my dying Minnehaha!' " 456 THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMAN TO NEW FIELDS OF LABOR. RESULTS OF HIGHER CIVILIZATION. I HE civilization of the age is signalized by the advancement of woman to a higher plane of thought and action than she formerly oc- cupied. Among the savage nations, wo- man's condition is that of the very lowest ; in the semi-civilized countries she is largely regarded as tit only for menial labor, and even in civilized Europe, to-day, among the lower classes, the woman, harnessed with a dog, transports a large share of the produce to market, and in the same manner she serves as a creature of burden in scaven- ger and other work. Only back to the first of this century, among the most in- telligent of our best society in America and Eu- rope, woman was thought unworthy and incompetent to perform work requiring any great degree of intellect- uality. She was permitted to teach primary schools at a very low salary ; beyond that, very few intellectual pursuits were open to her outside of lit- erature. Gradually, how- ever, woman has beaten her way to the front, in spite of ridicule, jealousy and opposition. College trustees have resisted the opening of their doors to her; the managers of higher institutions of learning have opposed the idea of employing her as the superin- tendent of their schools. Physicians have fought against her invading their domain. Church- goers have insisted that they would never listen to a woman-preacher. Lawyers have laughed at the suggestion that she might enter their pro- fession, and judges in authority have refused her admission to practice in certain courts. But the march of progress has been forward, and the intelligent sentiment of the age has de- manded that woman be allowed to enter any pur- suit, the work of which she could perform just as well as men. The result has been the filling of hundreds of clerkships in the Treasury Depart- ment at Washing- ton with women, very satisfactorily to the government and all parties concerned. Large numbers have en- tered the postal ser- vice, holding va- rious important po- sitions. Thous- ands have gone into the educational field, and as teach- ers, managers, and heads of academ- ies, seminaries, and advanced pub- lic schools, have demonstrated both business capacity and intellectual tal- ent of a high order. A large percen- tage of women are successfully engag- ed in mercantile pursuits. She is well represented in the medical profession, she is fast entering the pulpit, and the time is not far distant when on the platform, whether engaged in general lecture, moral teaching, political discussion, or legal ar- gument, she will be found the exponent of truth and co-worker with man in reform. And while all this transpires she will be no less the kind mother, and the devoted, faithful wife. WOMAN 8 GESTURE IN ORATORY AND ELOCUTION. 457 the illustration of Dignified Repose, the posi- tion is erect, quiet and graceful; the right foot is a little in advance of the left; the right arm and hand listlessly pend at the side, with the left fore- arm resting easily upon a book or table; all the muscles are relaxed ; the eyes express tranquilli- ty; the forehead is free from lines of care ; the voice is subdued, but natural and cheerful, and the whole appearance of the individual evinces inward and outward contentment. Dignified Repose. EXAMPLE " DEAR LADIES: With the multitude of ignorant people about ns who need education, shall we not lend our assistance towards making the world wiser and better? To do this we should make the most of the privileges presented through the power of lan- guage; but to give words their greatest effect, these arts, including tone of voice, facial expression and gesture, must be studied and mastered, if we would use language to the best advantage. " indication of Laughter is represented here. The face, beaming with wreathed smiles, is slightly elevated ; the form is sprightly and elastic, and convulsed with joyousness ; the right arm and hand are extended, with the open palm turned towards the object of ridicule ; the mouth opens widely to give vent to laughter, and the voice is loud and musical with gay ety . Laughter is also a pecu- liar feature in represen- tations of scorn. This is easily distinguished. Laughter. EXAMPLE "What /in love! ha! ha! the idea! and with that fellow! The thought is so supremely ridiculous! My name to be changed to Mrs . Philander Jacob Stubbs I And on the strength of the report ha! ha! Philander Jacob came around to see mother last night! I think I feel a pain in my heart already ha! ha! Mrs. Philander Jacob Stubbs, indeed! Laughable, isn't it ha! ha! ha.! Mrs. Stubbs! Mrs. Stubbs ! ha ! ha ! ha ! " JOTH feet, in Anger, are firmly planted apart upon the floor ; the up- per part of the form and head energetically incline forward; the forehead contracts ; the eyebrows lift; the eyes fiercely flash ; the arms rigidly stretch down the sides, with the hands clinched; the breath comes quick and heavily ; the voice is shrill and harsh. The emotion of anger, under a sense of .personal injury, may de- velop into resentment or revenge, and become furious or sullen, accord- Anger. ing to temperament. EXAMPLE " Smile on, my lords! I scorn to count what feelings, withered hopes, Strong provocations, bitter, burning wrongs, I have within my heart's hot cells shut up, To leave you in your lazy dignities; But here I stand and scoff you ! here I fling Hatred and full defiance in your face I " IBSENCE ot all hope creates Despair, and ac- cording to the sharp- ness of suffering the ex- pression varies some- times indicating bewil- derment and distrac- tion ; a look of wildness, and then a laxation of vitality bordering on insensibility ; again, a terrific gloom of counte- nance ; the eyes are fix- ed ; the features shrunk- en and livid, and the muscles of the face are tremulous and convul- sive; occasionally tears and laughter alternate, but frequently stupidity Despair. an d sullenness appear. EXAMPLE " Me miserable! which way shall I fly Infinite wrath and infinite despair? Which way I fly is hell; myself am heli; And in the lowest deep a lower deep. Still threatening to devour me, opens wide, To which the hell I suffer seems a heaven ! .... Farewell, remorse ! All good to me is lost !" 458 INTENSE FEELING AS EXPRESSED IN FACE AND GESTURE. [O represent the expression of Love with fidel- ity to nature, the gaze should be intently fixed up- on the object of affection, with mingled tenderness a n d a d m ir a t io n ; the hands are clasped in the fervency of emotion ; the head and body incline forward ; the features indicate earnestness, the lips being slightly parted , the lower limbs are firmly balanced up- on the feet, and the voice is mild and melodious, in harmony with the thoughts of the heart. Love is a beautifier. Love EXAMPLE "Come in the evening, come in the morning, Come when you're looked for, or come without warning; Kisses and welcome you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come the more I'll adore you I Light is my heart since the day we were plighted, Red is my cheek that they told me was blighted; How sweet is the thought, to be ever united '." GITAT1ON and disorder mark the whole appearance in Mad- ness. Every move- ment is sudden and irregular, quick and uncontrolled ; the eyes, extended to their utmost limit, protrude wildly and turn rapidly from object to object ; the hair is tossed loosely about the head and face ; the open hands are thrown upward to the head, and press and clasp and tou- sle it as if to drive away the agony of the brain ; the breath comes and goes excitedly ; the coun- tenance is distorted. Madness- EXAMPLE " Here have I watched, ill this dungeon cell, Longer than memory's tongue can tell ; Here have I shrieked in my wild despair, When the damned fiends from their prison came, Sported and gamboled, and mocked me here, With their eyes of fire, and their tongues of flame, Shouting forever and aye my mime. " REPRESENTING Dignity, the step is firm ; the body is stretched to its full height ; the head is elevated and poised a little to one side ; the eyes are wide-open, ' ' with a downward ten- dency ; " the brow is ex- panded; the right arm is thrown energetically across the chest, assert- ing the right to speak and the will to enforce that right ; every mus- cle is firmly set, and the voice is slightly raised, with a tone of command that signifies possession of a perfect woman- Dignity, hood. EXAMPLE " I perjure myself, I sink my soul in falsehood to gratify your greed for gold? never! Out, wretch! leave my sight for- ever! Think you that I have no knowledge of the difference between right and wrong? Think you I would blast the happiness of another and carry in my heart forever the knowledge of a lie for a few paltry dollars? And you thought to tempt me to this by an offer of money. Base creature,-! despise you ! Begone !-never let me see you more ! " Earnestness, the form assumes its full height ; the head is erect, with the features slightly elevated; the breath has a firm, quickened movement; the eyes are clear and the brows knit; the voice is deep ; the lips are slight- ly compressed; the countenance is fearless ; the right arm is ex- tended, with the open palm of the hand turned up- ward, and there is Earnestness. a dignified air. EXAMPLE " You think I love it! If this nerveless hand Could gain immortal strength, this very hour, I'd sweep this hellish traffic from the land, And crush its blighting, maddening, nightmare power Yea, now, with all my latest dying breath, I'll curse the thing that drags me down to death! Aye, curse it ever, ever!" ORATORICAL POWER AIDED BY NATURAL, AND EFFECTIVE GESTURE. 459 fHE head and bust, in Fear, are first thrown forward and then recede : the chin is drawn toward the chest; the mouth opens ; the eyes are ex- panded and gaze upon the fearful object; the face is distorted, and con- tracted ; the lower limbs tremble ; the hands, out- spread, are held, with the palms outward, before the face and chest in great disorder ; the voice is very high and abrupt, and the breathing con- vulsive. Fear, protract- ed, becomes dread, ter- ror and fright. Fear. EXAMPLE " Oh, take it away! take it away the evil thing! Ah, how its cruel eyes, and blasting breath, and flashing tongue, image of Eden's destroyer, blight my very soul ! Take it away ! Oh, how it chills my blood and clogs my breath ! Away with it away ! Its ghostly hiss, its slimy folds, whisper of death! O! Save me from its fangs! Oh, this is terrible! Help! help! help ! I faint! Help! help! Oh, take it from me I " agitation the expression of Horror ; the chest and head are thrown backward and to one side ; one hand flies to the head, while the other, with open palm and outspread lingers, appears to be warding off the terrible vision ; the eyes stare wildly at the object, with eleva- ted brows ; the lips and other features have a contorted appearance, and there is an inw T ard shrinking of the entire form, one foot being thrown far back. pervades the form in Horror. EXAMPLE "Oh, Horror! horror! The vessel is on fire! See the red flames bursting through the deck, twining and climbing up mast and rope! The sails are a sheet of flame, and higher, higher still, the fire ascends ! See the poor men and women huddling at the stern as the fierce winds blow the vessel onward ! Oh, who will save them now? Is there no hand to help no power to quench the flame? Oh, horror, horror, horror ! They are lost !" exaggerated species of dignity, Scorn, is ex- pressed in the straight- ened and rigid form ; the elevated eyebrows ; the scowl upon the forehead, as the lady turns slightly away from the object; the closed lips ; the right hand thrown well for- ward, with the palm bent downward ; and the voice, as manifested in bitter laughter, sarcasm, or disgust, varies in its tone and expression. The emotion of scorn frequently involves the display of either deris- ion, mockery, contempt, Scorn. or all combined. EXAMPLE "Is the obligation to our fathers discharged? Is the debt we owe posterity paid? Answer me, thou coward, who hidest thyself in the hour of trial! If there is no reward in this life, no prize of glory in the next, capable of animating thy dastardly soul? Think and tremble, thou miscreant! at the whips and stripes thy master shall lash thee with on earth, and the flames and scorpions thy second master shall torment thee with hereafter!" attitude and the expression of Supplication are represented as fol- lows : Either one or both knees rest upon the ground ; the features as- sume an earnest appear- ance; the hands are tightly clasped beneath the chin, and the emo- tions of the heart are reflected in the move- ments of the entire form. These and the voice are regulated by the ferven- cy of the petitions offer- ed, being sometimes very subdued in tone ; at times rising to an ar- dent key, and tremulous Supplication. with feeling. EXAMPLE "With flashing eye and burning brow, The mother followed heedless how, And kneeling in his presence now ' O, spare my child, my joy, my pride ! O, give me back my child!' she cried: ' My child ! my chifd ! ' with sobs and tears She shrieked upon his callous ears." 460 WHAT TO SAY AND HOW TO SAY IT. Forms of Speeches for Public Meetings. While These May not be Followed Literally, They will Give Suggestions. forms for organizing a meeting are ex- plained upon another page. The president of the assemblage, when called to the chair, will sometimes briefly thank the audience for the honor bestowed upon him, and will then suggest that the meeting select a secretary, after which the meeting will proceed with the usual business. The following are among the forms frequently used at the opening, and in the early portion of meetings. Appropriate Remarks for Presiding Officer upon taking the Chair. Form Xo. 1. I thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the honor you bestow in electing me to this position. Form No. %. With a deep sense of the responsibility resting upon me in assum- ing the duties of this position, I nevertheless fully appreciate the hon- or you bestow upon me in electing me as the presiding officer of your society. I hope the confidence you have given me may be fully re- paid upon my part by an able and impartial discharge of my duty. Form No. 3. GENTLEMEN: I suppose it would become me, in accepting the presidency of this organization, as is customary, to assert that in choosing me you have made a very poor selection as a chairman of your meeting. But as that would be a reflection upon your judg- ment, and as you will doubtless soon discover all this, there is no need of parading that fact before you at this time. I have one consolation in taking the chair. The presiding officer is not expected to make speeches. It is his business to listen. It is not his mission to inaugurate new measures. His duty is to serve the will of the meeting. My work, therefore, being light while in the chair, I accept of the position. But I am not disposed at this time to make a speech. I thank you for the trust you repose in me, and I will endeavor to perform my duty here as I understand it. The meeting being now organized, I await your further pleasure. Form Xo. 4. My thanks are due you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the honor you confer in selecting me to preside over the deliberations of your society in the coming year. I value the compliment especially as coming from a company a society, the members of which are, in the highest sense, intelligent and well-informed. I esteem the honor, also, because you have bestowed upon me this favor of your own free will, entirely un- solicited upon my part, and I prize it because I hope in my humble- way, through this position, to very materially aid you in the ac- complishment of that for which we labor in common. I cannot promise what the future will be. The hereafter is always uncertain; but I can hope, with you, that our work together will be effective, pleasant, and productive of good results. I enter upon my duties with a full realization of the fact, also, that my success will depend upon your support and co-operation. Hop- ing for that, I assume the position, trusting that I may discharge its duties, partially at least, to your satisfaction. Speech of President Stating Object of Meeting Organized for the general suppression of vice. MY FRIENDS: If I do my duty here I will not regret your se- lecting me as the president of this convention. I especially appreciate the compliment when 1 consider the fact that the gathering includes several who have, in the various meetings of this society, honored the same position to which I am now chosen. We meet again on this occasion to proclaim our vows of fidelity to the cause, to detail the work that has been accomplished, the good that has resulted, and the victory we hope yet to achieve. We do not hesitate to gird on our armor and continue in the service fearlessly. Very many of those 1 see before me have done battle in the work for long years. They have performed much hard labor, and they have given freely of time and money to carry the cause forward, and the result has been that wo have seen the crime, once so common upon our streets, very largely suppressed. Our young men have been educated to spend their evenings amid the refining influences of home, while hundreds of debauchees have been rescued, and have returned as faithful husbands and tender fathers to their families. Our labor has been long and arduous, but the grand results have justified the effort. Fruitful, however, as has been our work, we are not done. Its full completion is yet in the future. But however distant away, as long as there is a soul to save from the terrible thraldom of passion and vice, so long will we press forward in this cause As we have met, and taken counsel in the past, so do we meet in consultation again. Rejoicing in the good, grand work this society has wrought in the past, I can only hope, with yourselves, that this convention of ear- nest men and women will be fruitful in the suggestion and adoption of measures that will give peace to unhappy homes,, and blessing to the righteous cause. Another Speech Explaining Object of Meeting, Upon being chosen as the president of a society established for philosophical inquiry and investigation of religious subjects. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I appreciate the compliment you bestow in choosing me to be the presiding officer at this meeting, from the fact that whatever the attendance may be, I deem the purpose of this gathering to be one of very considerable importance. Important, because in a certain sense it is the only organization of the kind in this city, and important because in a free interchange of opinion, such as is proposed here, there is opportunity for enlargement of mental vision and intellectual growth, such as will make this society of great service to its members because of its educational privileges. There exists great need of such an organization as will give full and USUAL FORMS APPROPRIATE FOR USE BY THE CHAIRMAN OF A MEETING. 461 free opportunity for the expression of opinions upon political, moral, social, and religious events or the hour, because in the utterance of our peculiar ideas we are liable to give a new thought, and in listening to a wide variety of opinions we learn many things. In saying this, I am not disposed to hold the church or our clergy in light esteem. It is a fact that every well-balanced human mind possesses the organs of spirituality and veneration, faculties that tend to worship. It is natural for every people to have a religion of some kind. It is best that they should, because, through the exer- cise of the religious in man's nature, the lower and base in man's nature is held in subjection. It is well, therefore, for people to assemble at least one day in seven at some stated place, at some regular time, and there, under the administration of some competent person, receive spiritual and moral instruction, such as is calculated to make mankind better and happier. This involves the necessity for a Sabbath, a church and a clergyman. I grant that religious teach- ing frequently inculcates nothing but superstition and bigotry. But this does not argue against the fact that one day in seven should be set apart as a day for religious instruction and spiritual im- provement. From the fact, also, that the free-thought participants in a meeting of this character so often give expression to feelings of bitterness toward the church, I am inclined to ask you to give credit to the religious organization of the church for the following: The furnishing of a place where we can meet for moral teach- ing. An earnest effort to give moral instruction. The opening of Sunday-schools, whereby the young, under the guidance of good teach- ing, may be taught the ways of morality. The doing of an immense amount of charitable work, the founding of hospitals and many in - stitutions of benevolent character, by which the sufferings of people are relieved and their condition made better. In addition to this, the church, through its efficient organization, affords opportunity for social privileges among the young; in socials, pic-nics, and enter- tainments, while it gives social privileges to all its members of the greatest importance to any one who would pass through life suc- cessfully and happily. I am turning out of my course, ladies and gentlemen, to give this eulogy of the church, though slightly foreign to the purpose of our meeting, from the fact that many so-called liberals are so very illiberal as to spend much of their time, when speaking, in denun- ciation of those who may not meet with us on these occasions. As all organized reform-effort, in whatever direction, whether religious or secular, is a step in the scale of progress, it does not become us to come here to spend time in denunciation. The purpose of the organ- ization which we form to-day should be the presentation and dis- cussion of those principles, methods of action, and reforms, which tend to the improvement and elevation of manhood. Whoever will give us another truth, whoever will tell us a new plan, whoever will present us something better than we have known heretofore that person will be welcomed as a speaker, and a colaborer in this organization. With an earnest hope that this society we are organ- izing to-day may serve a beneficent purpose, I am pleased thus to aid in its beginning. Ladies and gentlemen, what is the further pleasure of the meeting t Suitable Forms for Presiding Officer when Introducing Speaker. Form \ o. 1. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Mr. Henry K. Williams. Form No. 9. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Henry K. Williams. Form No. 3. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to introduce to you Mr. Henry K. Williams, of Boston, who will now address you. Form No. J . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: In order that you may be well-informed concerning the prohibition movement throughout the West, I intro- duce to you Hon. Henry K. Williams, of Boston, who will address you on the subject at issue. Form No. .">. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Thanking you for the honor bestowed by selecting me as the chairman of this meeting, I now have the pleas- ure of introducing the speaker of the evening, the Hon. Martin W. Wilson, of Cleveland, who will address you on the subject of Tariff- Reform. Form No. 6. FELLOW CITIZENS : I am not unmindful of the honor you bestow in choosing me as your presiding officer for this occasion. Tendering you my thanks for the compliment, I proceed to the business of the meet- ing by introducing to you General Thos. M. Snow, of Wisconsin, who will detail to you some of the scenes through which he has passed during the last six months. Form No. 7 . As the chairman of this meeting, I will explain the object of this gathering. As is well-known, the property of no person in this sec- tion is secure from robbery. Thieves are abroad night and day, and persons in this region, especially farmers, have been heavy losers, par- ticularly of horses. Feeling that definite and positive action should be taken to more effectually guard ourselves, this meeting is called for the purpose of organizing a protective association. In order that we may better understand how such an organization may be formed and be made beneficial to our community, Mr. Walter D. Hammond, the secretary of the Home Protective Association of Mount Hope, has been invited to visit us and detail how the Mount Hope Associa- tion was organized and what good it has accomplished. In accord with that invitation Mr. Hammond is now here, and to you I now introduce him. Speech Announcing Change of Programme. It becomes necessary to announce to you a change of programme for the exercises of to-day. By a letter just received from the Hon. William Marsh, we learn that he cannot be with us until Thursday afternoon; and through a telegram, received a short time since, we are informed that the band must delay their coming until to-morrow. Under these circumstances we vary the arrangement of exercises considerably, but fortunately, in no sense, to the disadvantage of our audience. The fact is we have now present with us two superior vocalists, who have promised us songs; a well-known pianist, who has volunteered to furnish us instrumental music, and the time as- signed this afternoon to Mr. Marsh will be occupied by Professor Holland, with a paper on " Universal Suffrage. " Earnestly desiring that our audience may be all in their seats promptly at the opening of each session, we now begin the exercises of the day. Forms of Oral Announcements, The most important, features of the announcement being repeated, in order (hat time and place be thoroughly understood. The meetings of this society during the week will be as follows : The Literary Society on Wednesday evening, at the residence of Charles N. Brown, at 88 Lincoln street Wednesday evening, at 88 Lincoln street. The Ladies Aid Society at Mrs. Ira Minard's, 971 Maple Avenue, at two o'clock Thursday afternoon Thursday after- noon at two o'clock. Mrs. Minard's residence is 971 Maple Avenue. The Young Folks' Prayer-meeting in the vestry of this church, Friday afternoon at three o'clock Friday afternoon, in the church vestry. The Patrick Henry Debating Club will hold their meeting at Everett Hall, 101 Seminary Avenue, Thursday evening, October 14. An essay by Miss Helen Williams, and a recitation by Arthur D. Cum- mings, followed by a variety of instrumental and vocal music, will be among the attractions of the occasion Everett Hall, 101 Seminary Avenue, next Thursday evening. 462 INAUGUKAL ADDRESSES AND SPEECH OF WELCOME. Brief Inaugural Address of a Mayor. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL: In meeting with you this evening for the first time as the municipal directors of the affairs of this city, I am glad to find among you so many with whom in the past I have been permitted to sustain most pleasant business relations and social in- tercourse. Such relations and such intercourse it is my wish to perpetuate in our deliberations in this chamber. We are here to-night, however, as the servants of a numerous and prosperous people, who have laid upon us the responsibility of main- taining good government. While we gather here from every section of this municipality, representing different wards, I trust that every one of us has a lively interest in the welfare of all our citizens. There is work for us all to do. We have many things to regulate, to establish, to perform, in our official capacity. In my hands I hold the latest reports from the chiefs of the fire department, the city treasury, the health office, and the magistrates. From these I have learned facts that show the necessity of a better organization and equipment of our firemen; the judicious expenditure of our limited city funds; the cleansing of various unhealthy districts in certain wards, and a more efficient enforcement of several of our city ordi- inmces. It should be our duty, gentlemen, at the earliest moment, to see that these several interests are cared for, while the general good of the entire city should receive our attention throughout our term of of- fice. I trust that in our deliberations we may be so united in sentiment that our labors will be less arduous than if hampered by the delays and vexations of inharmonious discussions. Let us now proceed to business. Form of a President's Inaugural. MEMBERS OF THE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE: We meet to-day in the third annual convention of this association. As in the past, we come together to consider the interests of the laboring classes, and in our discussions I wish to direct your attention to the following subjects pertaining to the cause of Labor. 1. The interests of the country as affected by a protective tariff. 2. The benefits resulting from Labor unions. 3. Strikes, whether beneficial or not, and their results upon the laboring classes. 4. Arbitration, as a means of settling misunderstandings between employers and employes. 5. New lands. Where they are, and how to reach them, and the inducements offered the unemployed in going there. 6. Convict labor. What course should be pursued by the State and general government, to prevent it from coming too strongly in com- petition with our workingmen. 7. Less hours for general labor. The attention of the convention is especially called to the need of working less hours in all manufac- turing institutions, and in all the industries, in order that the un- employed may have an opportunity to work. While much important matter will doubtless come before the meet- ing, I direct the attention of the members to these topics, as subjects exciting general comment, worthy of your careful thought. Trusting that the harmony which has prevailed in our meetings heretofore may be shown in this, I will now read the programme of exercises for to-day. Remarks by a Teacher at the Opening of School. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It has fallen to my lot to become your instructor during the coming term of school, and the hope is that in our intercourse together our time spent in each others' society may be pleasant and profitable. It should be understood, in the be- ginning, that I have not come here to govern you. I trust you have such kindly dispositions as to make it useless for any one to come here to rule. The real mission of the teacher should be to assist, to aid pupils in acquiring an education. While we hope it will not be necessary to have many laws estab- lished here, there is one rule that it will be very important to have observed, and that is, " the golden rule " the doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. I expect you to do to me as you would be done by were you a teacher and I the pupil, and I will try and do the same by you. I doubt not you all hope to grow to be men and women, having such an education as will fit you to take any place that may be assigned you in life. I expect you to have an ambition to get this learning, and having that, I expect to assist you a good deal in getting it. Now, to accomplish what we have undertaken to perform, it will be necessary for you to do some things. And of these will be coming to the school regularly; punctuality at the opening of each session; carefully asbtaining from whispering during school-hours, and a thorough resolve that you will be perfect in your lessons. But I will lay down no rules now. I hope and expect you will be such good pupils that few rules will be needed. We will now begin the exercises of the school. Speech of Welcome to a Distinguished Guest. GOVERNOR RAYMOND : These gentlemen and myself represent the citizens of Chicago and by them we have been instructed to give you, and the ladies who accompany you, a hearty welcome to the hospi- tality of the " Garden City. " Although this may possibly be your first visit to our city, we do not consider you at all in the light of a stranger in a strange land; for your fame has preceded you, and in our homes your name is known In connection with your enviable war-record and the import- ant measures which have distinguished you in our national councils. Nor are you in any sense a stranger to the great metropolis of the Central States of our Union, for yon have often spoken brave words in our behalf as a commercial and manufacturing city words for which we heartily thank you and gladly welcome you here to-day. As we have been informed that your visit has no political or com- mercial significance, we do not propose, in welcoming you, to beset you with an imposing anay of facts and figures relating to our munici- pal position in the Union, but, instead, to make your sojourn with us a source of pleasure and recreation. For this purpose all our ar- rangements have been perfected for escorting you to such places as we deem will give you most delight, and to provide such other en- tertainments as hospitality may suggest for your comfort and con- venience. We have provided suitable apartments for you at the Hotel, and shall be pleased to regard you as our guest while you remain in the city. We ask, however, that should it be consistent with your wishes and arrangements, you will allow us to announce a public reception to- morrow evening, at your hotel, in order that your numerous friends, embracing the wealth and culture of our population, may be enabled to express their welcome to you in person. The Reply. GENTLEMEN: The warm greeting which meets me at the threshold of your thrifty and renowned city, I believe, is an earnest of the esteem which the people of Chicago desire to express for me. and I fully appreciate their kindness and very generous reception. My first visit to' Chicago, gentlemen, was in 1832, when General Scott (under whom I was then only a subaltern officer) came to Fort Dearborn, in pursuance of military orders from headquarters. The city was not then in existence, and the place was a wilderness. Gen- eral Scott, for want of better accommodations, slept in a wooden trough, and I, a mere lad, was glad to "bunk" upon the ground in a blanket. The fort was a hospital, for the cholera was making fearful ravages in the little garrison. To-day I come to a city, they tell me, of 600,000 inhabitants, where not a vestige of the old Indian village or the fort remains. A city so great that the most terrific conflagration of modern times has not been able to destroy its vigor or wealth. A city that controls the FORMS OF SPEECHES WHEN PLACING CANDIDATES IN NOMINATION. 463 trade of nations. A city that has no equal for rapid growth and aug- mentation in the world. A city that contains the elements of high civilization in great profusion. Gentlemen, I am telling yon nothing new, and I desist; but I am come prepared to be still farther astounded than I now am at your prosperity and the magnitude of your business and social institutions. With the Queen of Sheba, I feel that " the half has not been told. " I therefore submit myself to your care and direction, believing that as your guest I shall find new causes for enlarging my views of Chicago and her hospitable citizens. Speeches Nominating a Candidate for Office. No. 1. MB. PRESIDENT: I suggest the came of Henry L. Smith as that of our Assessor for the coming year. NO. a. MB. PRESIDENT: As a gentleman every way competent to fill the office, I will nominate John H. Williams as our candidate for the office of County Treasurer. No. 3. MB. PBESIDENT: I desire to place in nomination for the Presidency of this convention a gentleman whose long acquaintance with educa- tional work, prominent position in his profession, and thorough fit- ness for the place make him eminently fitted to hold this office. I therefore nominate, as the President of this organization in the com- ing year, Colonel Abner D. Kellogg. No. 4. The needs of this convention, in the coming year, make it impera- tive that we select as the first officer of this organization a person of extended experience and large executive ability, coupled with the ability to preside over the deliberations of this body in a manner such as to do our meetings credit. As such, I suggest, as the Pres- ident of our convention, William H. Daniels. No. 5. Ma. PRESIDENT: I present the name of Cyrus D. Fillmoreas that of our candidate 'for Mayor. I, in common with others, believe him to be, in the present contest, the strongest man that can be selected. Whatever may be the personal choice of individuals, it becomes us, upon this occasion, to choose as a candidate an individual whose per- sonal popularity, with all classes, will carry the largest vote. We have many important issues before the people at the present time. There are principles involved in which we are deeply interested. We cannot afford to lose the coming election. We must not. Hence the need of selecting a man who will unite all factions, and, while he can be sure of election, will, when in the place, fill the office with honor to himself and credit to the city. I nominate, as our candidate for Mayor, Cyrus D. Fillmore. Speech Declining a Nomination for Office. GENTLEMEN: I thank you for your expression of approval and for your selection of myself as a candidate for office. But circumstances will prevent my acceptance of any office you might tender me at present. Under other conditions I might be pleased to serve yon, but at the present time I must content myself with being simply a humble constituent of the person who may be elected. Ingersoll's Speech Nominating James G. Blaine, At Republican Convention held at Cincinnati in 1876. MB. PRESIDENT: The Republicans of the United States demand, as their leader in the great contest of 1876, a man of intelligence, a man of integrity, a man of well-known and approved political opinion. They demand a statesman. They demand a reformer after, as well as before, the election. They demand a politician in the highest, broadest, and best se-nse, a man of superb moral courage. They de- mand a man acquainted with public affairs, with the wants of the peo- ple, with not only the requirements of the hour, but with the demands of the future. They demand a man broad enough to comprehend the relation of this government to the other nations of the earth. They demand a man well versed in the powers, duties, and prerogatives of each and every department of this government. They demand a man who will sacredly preserve the financial honor of the United States ; one who knows enough to know that the national debt must be paid through the prosperity of this people; one who knows enough to know that all the financial theories in the world cannot redeem a single dol- lar; one who knows enough to know that all the money must be made, not by law, but by labor; one who knows enough to know that the people of the United States have the industry to make the money and the honor to pay it over just as fast as they make it. The Republicans of the United States demand a man who knows that prosperity and resumption, when they come, must come together; that when they come they will come hand in hand through the golden harvest-fields; hand in hand by the whirling spindlers and the turn- ing wheels; hand in hand past the open furnace doors; hand in hand by the flaming forges ; hand in hand by the chimneys filled with eager fire, greeted and grasped by the countless sons of toil. This money has to be dug out of the earth. You cannot make it by passing resolutions in a political convention. The Republicans of the United States want a man who knows that this government should protect every citizen at home and abroad ; who knows that any government that will not defend its defenders, and protect its protectors, is a disgrace to the map of the world. They demand a man who believes in the eternal separation and divorce- ment of church and school. They demand a man whose political re- putation is spotless as a star, but they do not demand that their can- didate shall have a certificate of moral character signed by a Confed- erate Congress. The man who has, in full, heaped and rounded measure, all these splendid qualifications, is the present grand and gallant leader of the Republican party, James G. Blaine. Our country, crowned with the vast and marvelous achievements of its first century, asks for a man worthy of the past and prophetic of her future; asks for a man who has the audacity of genius; asks for a man who has the grandest combination of heart, conscience, and brain beneath her flag. Such a man is James G. Blaine. For the Republican host, led by this intrepid man, there can be no defeat. This is a grand year, a year filled with the recollection of the Rev- olution; filled withproud and tender memories of the past, with the sacred legends of liberty, a year in which the sons of freedom will drink from the fountains of enthusiasm, a year in which the people call for a mar, who has preserved in Congress what our soldiers won upon the field, a year in which they call for the man who has torn from the throat of treason the tongue of slander; for the man who has snatched the mask of Democracy from the hideous face of rebel- lion; for the man who, like an intellectual athlete, has stood in the arena of debate and challenged all comers, and who is still a total stranger to defeat. Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, James G. Blaine marched down the halls of the American Congress and threw his shining lance full and fair against the brazen forehead of the de- famers of his country and the maligners of his honor. For the Re- publican party to desert this gallant leader now is as though an army should desert their general upon the field of battle. James G. Blaine is now and has been for years the bearer of the sacred standard of the Republican party. I call it sacred, because no human being can stand beneath its folds without becoming and without remaining free. Gentlemen of the Convention: In the name of the great Republic, the only Republic that ever existed upon this earth; in the name of all her defenders and of all her supporters; in the name of all her soldiers living; in the name of all her soldiers dead upon the field of battle, and in the name of those who perished in the skeleton clutch of famine at Andersonville and Libby, whose sufferings he so vividly re- members, Illinois Illinois nominates for the next President of this country that prince of parliamentarians, that leader of leaders, James G. Blaine. 464 THE FLAG PRESENTATION. PRESENTATION AND OTHER SPEECHES. & presentation speech should be short. It may allude to the work that the individual has accomplished, by which he or she is en- titled to the gift. It may appropriately speak of the high regard in which the recipient is held by the donors of the gift, and it may bespeak a delightful, prosperous future for the person addressed, besides being brimful of good wishes ; but the speech should come early to the point and close. In the meantime it may be well for the man- agers of the affair to have some one besides the recipient of the gift appointed to make an appro- priate response, unless he or she is thoroughly capa- ble of making a suitable re- ply. In most cases it is a relief to the recipient to be informed of the intended presentation, as he or she, in that case, can make a re- sponse that will be more satisfactory than if taken by surprise and without time for preparation. As a rule, the article should be concealed from view until ., . i f .1 Lady Presenting a Flag, it is spoken of in the pre- sentation, when it will create renewed interest. Presentation of a Flag by a Lady above your heads, a silent token of our respect and regard, but should necessity require, we are confident that in brave hands it will lead to success, and in the hours of trial will be wherever it shall wave the signal of victory. Into your hands we now place it. God grant that the need of trailing it in blood may never arise, but should dnty or your country call, we know it will wave over the heads of brave men we know you will do it honor. Response of the Captain. Miss CHANDLER: Responding, in behalf of my company, to the sentiments you express, I but speak the words which my comrades would utter, when I say that we deeply feel and most highly appreci- ate this appropriate and beautiful gift which we receive at your hands. If it shall be our mission to unfurl it only when peace and harmony shall prevail, it will be well. Should it be our fate to go forth in defense of home and loved friends, we shall carry it as a token of the love, the respect and the solicitude we bear for those who remember us thus kindly. The sight of this will ever nerve our men to greater bravery it will be an inspiration. We thank you for this offering, and for the sentiment that comes with its presentation. We shall carry it fearlessly in peace and in war ; and throughout the length and breadth of this country we propose it shall wave over States ever loyal and true to the government we resolve that it shall ever be the emblem of a nation that shall never be dismembered or disunited. Again tendering you our high regard for this testimonial, our color-bearer will now receive it, while the band will express our heart- felt appreciation of your gift as they render the " Star-Spangled Banner. " To a volunteer company of (he state mil) "ta, the flag being held by a gentleman while the lady ma :ev the address. CAPTAIN AKTHUR BENSON AND MEMBER OF COMPANY H OP THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE NEW YORK VOLUNTEER MILITIA GENTLE- MEN: In recognition of the public spirit, the patriotism and the bravery that move you to form an organization for the protection of your homes and your country, should you be called upon to tight in their defense, it becomes my duty, in behalf of the ladies of this town, to present you a silken flag. This emblem of our nationality has been fashioned into these stars and stripes, has been trimmed and embellished as you see it here, by hands that will never tire of working for you. As you look upon its silken folds you may understand that it is the grand emblem of our country's greatness, and it is more. It is the bearer of the hope and love of the donors who present it whose hearts will go with you to the end, should fate determine that it shall be carried into the battlefield. Our hope is that it may never do other duty than rustle peacefully Presentation Speech at a Silver Wedding. MR. AND MRS. : It becomes my pleasant duty, in behalf of your friends assembled here to-night, to remind you that we are not forgetful of the fact that you have turned a quarter of a century in wedded life. This of itself, in an age when marital separations are so com- mon, is worthy of recognition; but it is not alone that fact that causes your friends to convene at this time. For years it has been our privilege to know your household in genial friendship. In the varied walks of neighborly and social in- tercourse, you have contributed abundantly toward the making of life pleasant in the circle in which we have moved. We do not forget that when the laugh was merriest your happy presence added pleas- ure to the scene; and when sorrow visited our homes your words of consolation -and sympathy made the sorrow lighter. There comes a time, at various periods in life, when we can honor and reward those whom we esteem. Such is the present occasion. Recollecting our many obligations for kindness you have rendered, and the pleasant years made agreeable through your acquaintance, your friends herewith present you this tea-service and desire your acceptance of the same. The gift, while appropriate as a memorial of twenty-five years of wedlock, is presented as a token of the high favor in which you are held by your many friends. PRESENTATION AND POLITICAL SPEECHES. 465 May it adorn your table in the future, and may the refreshing bev- erage you shall sip from these silver goblets be such as will aid in prolonging your lives to that time when, at your golden wedding, we shall, by the sight of these present gifts, be reminded of the pleasant scene that took place twenty five years before the delightful oc- casion which we celebrate to-night. Reply to the Presentation Speech. DEAR FRIENDS: It is at such a time as this that words fail to ex- press the feelings of the heart. There comes occasionally a period in life when our unworthiness is made all the more manifest by the bestowal of kindness upon us. It is true that we have mingled in your society for years. But while, in our humble way, we may have contributed some pleasure to those about us, we have ever been the recipients of continued enjoyment at your hands ; and it is we who are under obligation not yourselves. We accept these gifts to-night, dear friends, with a full apprecia- tion of the kind motives which presented them, and not that we de- serve them as free gifts at your hands. There may be some things in our lives commendatory. We have journeyed together in married life for twenty-five years. Some shadows have crossed our path in that time, and many joys have il- lumined our way. Upon the whole, we have had more happiness than sorrow; more roses than thorns have strewn our pathway. Thug in this twenty-five years of consort together we have our recompense. We have striven to do our duty as neighbors and friends, and for the little we have done we have, in all our intercourse with you, been repaid a thousand- fold. We accept these gifts, therefore, with a sense of deep obligation to those kind friends by whom they are presented, and we shall use and cher- ish them, in all the years to come, with the earnest hope that, at like anniver- sary festal gatherings we may have frequent opportunity to repay the kindness which you have thus be- stowed. much pleasure ; first, because the volume, of itself, is one of rare value, which I shall highly prize, and, second, because it comes to me as a token of your appreciation of my efforts since I have had the pleas- ure of being with you. I assure you I will turn its pages in happy recollection of the pleasant faces I have met in this room during my school duties. I will always remember your willing hearts, your kind intentions, your many evidences of love and regard for me, and your unceasing efforts to make my work as light and agreeable as possible. I thank you for this beautiful testimonial, and also for the as- surance you give me, that, as I read its pages, I may be reminded that the donors not only hold me in kindly remembrance, but they are resolved to profit by the teaching that has been given here. My earnest hope is that your future life may realize all that your studious habits and school-days now seem to promise. Knowing you as I do, I expect you, in noble manhood and womanhood, to honor this school by your future lives of usefulness, prosperity and happi- ness. Speech, Presenting a Book, By the pupil of a school to a teacher at the close of her last term. Miss WILLIAMS : I am appointed by the pupils of this school to present you, in their name, this volume a cyclopedia of poetry, containing the poetic gems of ancient and modern times. In presenting this testimonial, I assure you in behalf of your pupils that, as a patient teacher, a wise counselor and a most excellent instructor, you will ever be remembered by the students of this school with feelings of the highest regard and esteem. We look back over the period during which we have received in- struction from you with sincere pleasure We recollect your efforts in our behalf with grateful remembrance, and we learned of your in- tended resignation as a teacher, and the leaving of this school, with sincere regret. In the turning of the pages of this volume you will, we hope, be reminded of those who presented it. In that remembrance of us please do not recollect the dullness we have often shown, and the disobedience, we fear, we have sometimes manifested. But please remember that we shall strive, in the hereafter, to profit by the in- struction you have given, and when we are far separated from each other, it may please you to know that we consider that we are better and wiser from the instruction we have received from you. Response of the Teacher. MY DEAR PUPILS : I receive and accept of your elegant gift with Speech of the Candidate for Congress. Speech Upon being Nominated as a Candidate for Office. MR. PRESIDENT AND FELLOW CITIZENS: My thanks are due for the compliment paid in selecting me to represent this district in the State senate. As I desire to go into the legislature unpledged and un- trammeled, I shall make few promises as to what I shall do if elected. It may not be amiss, however, to state that there is certain work which our representative, whoever he may be, should feel himself bound to perform, should he occupy a seat in the legis- lative councils. And of this may be mentioned the establishment of a re- form school in this portion of the State in which can be received and trained a large number of boys who now bid fair to become ultimately per- manent inmates of our prisons. The law should be stronger relating to the preservation of game. The rate of taxation on certain manufacturing in- dustries should be lessened. The law relating to less hours for laboring men in the State service should be enforced, and much other needed legislation is evident. So far as / am concerned, I can only say, if elected, I propose to do my duty as I understand it. That duty I conceive to be consists in working for the best interests of the con- stituency, and in serving the State and the entire people faithfully. Should it be my fate not to be chosen to fill the place for which you have placed me in nomination, the sun will probably rise and set as it has done heretofore, and I will console myself with the thought that there is a blessing in defeat. But should I be elected, I shall hope that my efforts may avail in accomplishing some work that will be beneficial to yourselves and the State, Again thanking you, gentlemen, for your generous support, I can only hope that the expression you give here will be the voice of the people, and that our party in the coming election may carry the ban- ner of victory. Speech of Congressional Candidate from Hotel Balcony, In reply to a serenade at the Clarendon House. FELLOW CITIZENS: In response to your call for a talk from me, I beg to assure you that I appreciate the honor you do me in this gathering. But while I tender you my thanks for this ovation, I am not unmindful of the fact that the cause on this occasion is greater than any man. We are in the midst of an exciting political contest, in which principles are involved of the utmost importance, and 30 466 PRESENTATION SPEECHES. whether those principles shall triumph or not, in the coming election, is the question of vital significance. It must be clearly evident to the unprejudiced mind that the ma- chinery of government is seriously destroyed, when so many of our people, in the midst of an abundance, should be compelled to beg for common necessaries of life. The fact is as plain as the unclouded noonday sun, that a government is wofully weak that will compel tens of thousands of strong, able-bodied men, anxious to work, to stand idle, while their families suffer for the means of maintaining existence. We are in the midst of plenty. The factories, shops and warehouses are full to repletion with goods that people require. The fields are teeming with grain, the banks are plethoric with money, and yet, in the midst of all this abundance, there is not wisdom enough in our national legislators to secure a proper division of this wealth among those who have produced it. But, fellow-citizens, I shall not now take your time in a discussion of the cause of hard times and the remedy. I can only say that as your candidate for Congress, I deeply feel the need of prompt and efficient action by our general government; and if I am elected, I hope to faithfully perform my part in the work that so greatly needs to be done. I thank you, gentlemen, for this person- al compliment to me, and with you I pray for the success of that cause which is righteous and just. Speech when Presenting a Prize To the successful competitors in a boat-race. GENTLEMEN: Much discussion has been developed from time to time (in country school-houses and village debating clubs) as to the relative superiority of mind over muscle. Indeed, the question has been many times definitely settled (by these authorities), and yet it is ever bobbing up in actual life and begging for a final decision. Gentlemen, I am not here to solve the problem I only rise to do honor to the union of mind and muscle that has brought victory to your banner and made you the proud recipients of this beautiful prize, the gift of fair hands, which you have so gallantly won. I see in your frank and youthful features the glow of health and energy; I see in your bared arms the cord-like sinews that denote strength and endurance ; and I see in the successful management of your boat the expression of an iron will to accomplish, whatever the opposition, and of a skill indicative of the intellect that controls your muscles and makes your manhood great. Yours was not an easy triumph. Seven clubs competed with you for this rare and beautiful prize. I see in their crews, as they stand around you, skill and energy which you may be proud to have de- feated. But in you they acknowledge the possession of superior skill, a superior force, and I doubt not that next to winning this prize for their respective clubs they rejoice most in your talents and suc- cess. Gentlemen, you are young. Soon you will be entering for a greater race than this. The contest of life ,is before you. The prizes are honor, prosperity, wealth and influence. These are within your reach, for the same energy, the same skill, the same spirit of emu- lation, that you have manifested to-day, will be requisite if you de- sire to "go in and win " fame and fortune in the future. There are lessons to be learned in this regatta from which you will be the gainers if you heed them. In the systematic training, the physical preparation for this contest, you have been taught the value of healthful diet and judicious exercise. To everything that tended to insure success you gave the closest attention. You avoided any- thing that was likely to weaken your bodily energies. You practiced temperance and sobriety. You gave up late hours and dissipation; you studied your own organization, and day by day you saw the benefit you received from systematic and self-denying regimen. All pointed to this crowning victory. So, in the mastery of life, in business vocations, in hours of re- creation, the same careful watchfulness over yourself the same so- briety and temperance, the same healthful treatment of your vital pow- ers, will well repay you. There is one thing, however, in this regatta that you will have to avoid in the race of life. As your oars harmoniously swept your boat along towards the home-stake, I noticed that you looked one way and sped another. In the life-contest you will do otherwise or fail. You will be your own lo'ok-out, your own steersman, and you will need to keep a keen watch before you if you would win. To-day the course has been clear. In the course of life you will encounter snags and fogs, and other boats will cross your bows, and all your skill and energy will be required to keep your way clear, to avoid damaging collisions, and to hold your own. But you tire of these allusions, and wonder where I will take you to in these airy flights. So I return to this present place and time. Gentlemen, this richly ornamented silver vase that I hold before you is yours. You have worn it fairly, and these fair donors gladly give it to you. Altogether it is a fair operation. And as I hand it over to you, Mr. Captain, and retire to private life, I but echo the sentiment that so generally lights up every face about me when I say, "Long life and success to the Arrow Club. " Speech Accompanying Presentation of a Watch to a Clergyman. REVEREND AND DEAR SIR: For more than twelve months past, we, as members of your church and congregation, have profited by your ministrations, and within that period you have greatly endeared yourself to us by your suavity, your amiable character, your earnest devotion to duty, and the hearty interest you have ever manifested in our welfare as a people. In the sacred desk you have faithfully advocated your religion and ours, have wisely warned us against the evils that beset us in our everyday life, and have earnestly pleaded with us to seek our truest happiness in the paths of rectitude and sobriety. In our homes you have been our sincere and sympathizing counsel- or and friend. In our hours of pain and sorrow you have spoken gentle and soothing words to our troubled hearts; our children have profited by your instruction; you have united our sons and daughters in holy wedlock; your benediction has rested upon us in our domes- tic and business affairs, and in all things you have proven yourself our competent and loving pastor. With a deep sense of your many benefactions, those assembled here have requested me, in their name, to present to you this WATCH, as a token of our mutual and increasing admiration and esteem for yourself, and of our gratitude for your labors in our behalf. We ask you, dear sir, to accept it as freely as we offer it; for it is fitting that you who are daily and hourly preparing us for the joys of Eternity, should bear about you this monitor of passing Time, ever marking, as we sincerely hope, hours, days and many years of happiness for you and yours. The Clergyman's Reply. FRIENDS AND BRETHREN: Rapidly as time has passed with me since I first came among you, a perfect stranger, you have in one short year become very near and dear to me, and we are no more strangers. On the contrary, yon have so freely bestowed upon me your confidence and generosity that it seems as if I had always known and loved you in the bonds of gospel truth. Busy as I have been in forwarding the interests of this church and society, I have received from you so many tokens of esteem and affection that my duties have been greatly lightened, and I have found time to institute new labors in your behalf. At all times your sympathy and encour- agement has been freely given, and gratefully appreciated. As I re- ceive this beautiful WATCH, which all must greatly admire, my heart warms with renewed joy in your service, for it assures me that your friendship is not for an hour, or a day, or a year, but for all time; and it shall be my heart's endeavor to merit in future, with renewed energy, the esteem which you have thus so bountifully expressed. I pray you to accept my thanks for your beautiful gift and the kind words accompanying it. As pastor and people, may our ties unite us closer and closer in the bonds of Christian love throughout time and eternity. PRESENTATION SPEECHES. 467 Address to a Retiring Public Officer, Accompanying a testimonial from the employes. MR. HAZLITT: We have learned with unfeigned regret of your in- tention to resign your office as Superintendent of this railway at the close of the present month, and avail ourselves of this occasion to express, in some degree, the esteem with which we regard you in your official capacity, and our admiration for your private char- acter. During the many years in which you have so ably controlled the machinery of this great corporation, each one of us, from conductor to engine- wiper, has had reason to remember your many acts of for- bearance and words of kindness; for many times, when we have un- intentionally neglected duty, or done that which we ought not to have done, we have experienced undeserved consideration at your hands. Instead of discharging us, and thus making our lives miserable, you have given us gentle counsel and encouragement to perform our du- ties better; and in this way you have made us your sincere friends, and taught us faithfulness in our respective departments. For all these acts and lessons we now gratefully thank you. But we would not confine our gratitude to mere empty words. With the means which your generosity has enabled us to save from our wages we have purchased this gold-cased chronometer watch, which we ask you to accept as our parting gift. It is not much; but as a railway officer you know the value of correct time, and the necessity of always being " on time," and we deemed it not only an appropriate present, but one which you might be induced daily to wear near your kind and generous heart. Whenever you look upon its face, will you not think of us who gave it as a memento of our now-ending long and pleasant relations? And our blessing goes with you wherever you may go. Speech at a Wooden Wedding. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: An occasion like this is eminently calcu- lated for the reception of congratulations. Here are two hearts that have beat as one full five years without desiring to be two again. Five years ! Ask them how long it seems, and they will tell you five months ! Fortunately the calendar attests the truth of the record, and if any further proof is necessary, we offer in evidence their three curly -headed children, the largest four years old. Why this should be called a wooden wedding I don't know. None of us is willing to confess being a blockhead, and it would be danger- ous to insinuate that our excellent host and hostess are either sappy or wooden-headed, gnarly or knotty in disposition, or inclined to leave. Why, then, this array of washtubs, washboards, pails, clothes- pins, rolling-pins, potato-mashers and pudding- sticks? All are use- ful in their way, especially the rolling-pins and potato-masher's (in case of domestic war), and I have read of one woman, whose husband neglected to provide sufficient firewood for the kitchen, who bought and burned about a hundred and fifty dozen clothes-pins for cooking purposes. But she was a rare exception. Our hostess is better treated than that. Well, I suppose wood has its uses as well as everything else, and if on this occasion it tends to unite in warmer friendship our host and hostess and their guests, it serves a good purpose, and leads us to look forward with hope and satisfaction to the next important an- niversary of their married life the tin wedding of five years hence. May we all be there ! Speech Accompanying a Testimonial of Esteem. SIR: A few more days and the term of your office will expire. We had hoped, until after the recent election, that you might have held it still longer; but the people have determined otherwise, and it only remains for us to bow submissively to the will of the majority. You step down from public to private life without the loss of one worthy qualification that you possessed when you entered upon your official duties. Nor has the tongue of slander, in all the lapse of time since then, been able to stain a single attribute of your private char- acter. Malice has been unable to overcome you by its persistent op- position, and your course has been every way satisfactory to your constituents. We have, indeed, been proud of you in your high position, and we are none the less proud of you now. On the contrary, we are so proud of you that at the first opportunity we propose to elect you to a higher office than that which you now relinquish. Looking about for some suitable testimonial to present to you, as a token of our admiration and good wishes, we remembered your pub- lic spirit, benevolence and love of country, and decided, Sir, to ask your acceptance of this elegantly engrossed and richly framed copy of Washington's Farewell Address when he was about to retire, like you, to private life. Its money-value is small; but with it we offer you, also, our unfeigned appreciation of your labors in our be- half and that of our common country. The Reply. GENTLEMEN: I thank you not less for your hearty words of en- couragement and esteem than for this beautiful memento of the hon- est patriotism and counsels of the Father of his Country. In all my experiences of public life, it has been my endeavor to avoid sectional prejudices and to labor entirely for the best interests of our entire nation. Yet, in all those hours of solicitude concern- ing public affairs, my heart has warmly turned to my constituents for encouragement and approbation, and I have not failed to receive at your hands the most gratifying assurance that I was pursuing a satisfactory course in whatever I undertook in behalf of the whole people. You say you are proud of me. I believe you; but you are not prouder of me than I am of my constituents, and it has been a pleas- ure to serve you to the best of my ability. I know not to what fields of public duty I may be called in the future, but I now "step down and out " with a feeling of relief, and the assurance that my labors have not been in vain. Again thanking you for your kind appreciation and this elegant testimonial of your esteem, I bid you good-night and pleasant dreams. Speech of a Candidate When Serenaded. GENTLEMEN : I love music, but especially that kind that wakes me in the night to assure me of the esteem, kind remembrance and hearty support of my friends in the exciting contest upon which we have entered. The poet may praise " the music of the spheres," but the stalwart warrior best delights his senses by the " music of the spears," on the eve of a great battle. These are not " piping times of peace," gentlemen, in our camp. We have our armor on, our swords by our sides, and our hands on the hilts, ready for service, keeping step with "the music of the Union," and marching on, I trust, to certain victory. Still the strains of martial music on the mid- night air are very inspiriting. They serve to arouse our energies, to drive away our cares, and bid us hope for the best. The principles involved in this campaign should be our strongest reliance. Good men may be nominated on a bad platform, and be defeated, while ordinary candidates, backed by sound political prin- ciples, to which they stand solemnly pledged, are honored by their election. It is of course best to advocate good measures and nomi- nate good men to enforce them; but, whatever the man, let the prin- ciples of the party be such that every good citizen-voter can support them, and then our confidence in the cause will spur us on to victory. Gentlemen, I congratulate you upon the very broad and wise platform on which we base our prospects at the coming election. Your candi- dates may be defeated, but such defeat cannot injure or destroy your principles. Stand by them, therefore, till you have vindicated them and the justice of our cause. Thanking you again for this delightful " concord of sweet sounds," and rejoicing in your confidence, I bid you good-night and pleasant dreams. 468 FORMS OF MISCELLANEOUS SPEECHES. Speech of Welcome By Gen. W. T. Sherman, at. reunion of the Army of the Tennessee. FELLOW- SOLDIERS: lam glad to meet those here present on this day, and in this place. It is said that we could not meet on any day which is not the anniversary of some battle, but it was not accident that we hold this reunion of the Army of the Tennessee in St. Louis. The day was chosen to do honor to those who took part in the cap- ture of Camp Jackson in the suburbs of St. Louis. We have malice toward none, and charity to all. Forgiving the past, but not forget- ting it, we will cherish the memories of the war forever. Each year diminishes the members of our society, but not the glorious memories of the civil war of 1861-'65; beneath this we have the kindliest feel- ings toward all. I am glad to see this hall filled with faces that come back to me as plainly as when we parted at Raleigh. Mayor's Address of Welcome to Secretary of War. SIR : In extending to you the hospitalities of this city, its municipal authorities and citizens unite in offering you a hearty welcome, wor- thy not only of the high position which you hold in the government of this nation, but of the respect and admiration that we cherish for your private character. We welcome you as the chief of one of the most important depart- ments at the National Capital a department upon which the integri- ty and defense of our country greatly depend. We welcome you as one who in other distinguished political offices has left a proud and unsullied record of dutiesperformed in the spirit of patriotism and fidelity to our institutions. We claim for our city a population of 500,000 people, with a large mercantile and manufacturing business, which it will be our pleasure to exhibit to you as fully as your inclination and opportunity may demand. We have those among us who are deeply interested in the higher branches of literature, art and science, whom we would like to pre- sent to you as worthy representatives of the culture of our city. In brief, Sir, whatever our city affords in all its social and indus- trial departments that may attract your special attention, we shall be pleased to submit it to your inspection and enjoyment. Our desire is to make your visit here so agreeable that you will take away with you none but the most gratifying assurances of our prosperity and hos- pitality, and that you may be induced to revisit us with delight. The Reply. MR. MAYOR AND GENTLEMEN OF The warmth of yonr reception merits a grateful response in my bosom; for in becoming your guest, even for a day or two, I feel that while I minister to your pleasure, I reap the purest gratification on my part. The past of your city is replete with historical, commercial, polit- ical and social associations, which possess great interest for me; and I see in her near future a wealth of augmented prosperity no less cer- tain than deserved. Since you accord to me the privilege of seeing for myself the works which make your city great, and of meeting those ladies and gentle- men who have wrought these triumphs of art, science and literature, I most confidently place myself in your hospitable hands. I thank you, gentlemen, for your cordial greeting, and none the less heartily because I have reason to believe that your esteem attaches to my person no less than to the position which I hold as a public serv- ant. Defeated Candidate's Reply to a Serenade, By Daniel Webster at the time of defeat for the candidacy of the presidency, at the Baltimore convention, 1852. FELLOW-CITIZENS: I thank you for your friendly and respectful call. I am very glad to see you. Some of you have been engaged in an arduous public duty at Baltimore, the object of your meeting be- ing the selection of a fit person to be supported for the office of Pres- ident of the United States. Others of you take an interest in the re- sult of the deliberations of that assembly of Whigs. It so happened that my name among others was presented on the occasion; another candidate, however, was preferred. I have only to say, gentlemen, that the convention did, I doubt not, what it thought best, and exer- cised its discretion in the important matter committed to it. The result has caused me no personal feeling whatever, nor any change of conduct or purpose. What I have been, I am in principles and character; and what I am, I hope to continue to be. Circumstances or opponents may triumph over my fortunes, but they will not triumph over my temper or self-respect. Gentlemen, this is a serene and beautiful night. Ten thousand thousand of the lights of heaven illuminate the firmament. They rule the night. A few hours hence their glory will be extin- guished "Ye stars that glitter in the skies, And gaily dance before mine eyes, What are ye when the sun shall rise?" Gentlemen, there is not one among you who will sleep better to- night than I shall. If I wake, I shall learn the hour from the con- stellations, and I shall rise in the morning, God willing, with the lark; and though the lark is a better songster than I am, yet he will not leave the dew and the daisies and spring up and greet the purpling east with a more blithe and jocund spirit than I possess. Gentlemen, I again repeat my thanks for this mark of respect, and commend "ou to the enjoyment of a quiet and satisfactory repose. May God b\ '8 you all. Speech of Congratulation to a Candidate For office, immediately after his nomination. SIR: At the very outset of this political contest we hail you as our standard-bearer, congratulating you upon your harmonious, almost unanimous nomination for Congressman, and ourselves upon the prospect of being so ably represented in our national councils. Since you first came among us you have, by your affability, indus- try in your profession, and public spirit, won deserved consideration at the hands of our citizens. Especially have your political princi- ples, and the eloquent earnestness with which on several important oc- casions you have advocated them, produced the happiest effect in convincing the opposition of their errors and leading them to embrace the views of our own party. Your arguments in behalf of your prin- ciples have been unanswered, and where you have not succeeded in converting our opponents, you have very thoroughly silenced them. We feel that with you for our leader in this contest we are going straight on to victory, and that, when elected, you will ably advance our national and local interests. We feel that you will be no mere ornamental figure-head in the halls of Congress, but believe that on every question of importance your voice will be lifted and your vote cast in the advocacy of good government. We are well-acquainted with your views of protection, financial re- trenchment and reform, the Mormon question, and internal improve- ments, and we are satisfied that upon these and other issues you will capably represent your party and constituents. Trusting that our efforts to elect you may be successful, and we believe they will be, we pledge you our untiring and hearty support. The Candidate's Reply. GENTLEMEN: The genuine heartiness of your congratulations, and the unanimity with which you have labored for my nomination, to- gether with your pledges to support me throughout this campaign, serve to strengthen the determination which I had already formed, should I be elected, to be the consistent representative of my con- stituents. The political contest upon which we are now entering will require us to exert all the energies we possess to overcome the political chicanery and vindictive animosity of our opponents; but I assure you that, as your leader, I will not flinch a moment, whatever the op- position to our success may be. If " eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," like 's detectives, our motto should be, " we never sleep ! " Money and trickery will confront us on every hand ; but when SPEECH AT FIREMEN'S REVIEW AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL TALK. 469 I look into your faces, gentlemen, and see written there the deter- mination to fight this battle to the bitter end, I feel that it will be manfully fought. It is too soon to figure the result. Ours will be no easy victory, and energy and watchfulness alone can decide whether we triumph or succumb to a superior force. We all hope for the best we will work for it we will fight for it. " Who does the best his circumstance allows, Does well acts nobly angels could no more. " Gentlemen, you well know my principles, and I am glad to know that they are yours. Together let us give " a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether," and after the votes are counted I trust to re- turn your congratulations of to-day with compound interest. Speech of Mayor at a Volunteer Firemen's Review, The different flre companies being grouped in the vicinity of city hall, the mayor occupying a position where he can overlook the firemen as he addresses them. FRIENDS OF AURORA: An examination and review of the different fire companies of Aurora by the city council recalls the fact that one hundred and twenty firemen report here for duty at the present time, who, in case of fire, are assisted in extinguishing it by fifteen hundred feet of hose, two miles of Holly water-pipe, ten hydrants, three Holly pumps, hose-carts, and three excellently equipped fire- steamers. All in all, in her fire-extinguishing appliances, Aurora can safely challenge comparison with any of her sister cities; not only is this so in number of men, number of steamers, hose-carts and accessories thereto, but particularly are we fortunate in having always at hand, in the central and business portion of the city, a great abundance of never-failing water. Two parties are to be thanked for this very superior fire-extin- guishing equipment we see here to-day namely, the men who have so generously volunteered, in many cases at personal loss and discom- fort, to do the firemen's duty, and the taxpayers who have at various times, in all, appropriated some $50,000 in furnishing the necessary machinery to aid our firemen in subduing a conflagration. That the department has attained an excellent degree of efficiency is shown in the fact that, at all ordinary times, within a reasonable distance from the engine-houses, water is thrown upon a fire, in the day-time, within ten minutes after the first tap of the bell, and at night the time for getting to a fire need not exceed fifteen minutes. How efficiently our fire department does its work, and the large amount of property it saves, has been repeatedly demonstrated to our people. We have seen several wooden buildings completely wrapped in flames and nearly burned down when the alarm was given, following which our firemen came to the rescue and the conflagration was sub- dued, while an adjoining wooden building, directly alongside, not two feet away, was scarcely scorched. It is not many months since we saw, through the efficiency of our fire department, a fine church edifice saved from destruction. We saw the Hoyt Brothers' manufactory rescued from the flames, while the sparks danced like hail- stones upon its roof, and but a few months ago the valuable central school-building was preserved to us through the gallantry of our firemen a saving vastly greater than the entire amount ever appropriated for the support of the fire depart- ment. For this, and much other noble work done by our firemen in the past year, I desire, in behalf of the city council and the people of Au- rora, to tender you our warmest thanks. The people have voted liberally to furnish you the needed appli- ances for extinguishing fires. They now, as exhibited in this review, have the consciousness of knowing that the money they expended has been wisely appropriated that we have a most excellent body of fire- men, and that this department of our municipal protection is in a very high degree efficient. Thankful for our general freedom from large fires in the past twelve months, grateful to you for the thorough manner in which you have guarded us from conflagration, the hope is, that through your con- tinued efficiency we may be alike fortunate in the year to come. Speech at a Christmas Festival. To Sunday-school pupils; the room being decorated with evergreens, while one or two Christmas-trees laden with gifts stand near by. FRIENDS OP THE SABBATH- SCHOOL AND SUNDAY-SCHOOL PUPILS: In the midst of our festival rejoicings we assemble here to-night to make our holiday still more pleasant by the exercises of this oc- casion, and as I look into the expectant faces of these boys and girls, these young ladies and gentlemen that I see before me, we ask what does this evergreen, hung with a profusion of articles to be distrib- uted among the pupils of this school, mean? It means that good parents and kind friends have made it possible for you to attend this Sabbath -school in the past year. It means that you have been blessed with a most able and efficient pastor, who pre- sides over the ministrations of this church. It means that your school has been managed by a superintendent who is solicitous for your welfare. It means that faithful teachers have labored through- out the year for your welfare: and together, with pastor, superin- tendent, teachers and friends, all hold you in kindly remembrance to-night. And now, my young friends, what do you propose to give back in exchange for all this kindness bestowed upon you in the last twelve months? These gifts cannot all be upon one side, and you do not wish them to be. You do not desire to be under obligation. You hope to pay for all this kindness ; and I will tell you how you may, to the entire satisfaction of your parents, your pastor, your super- intendent and your teachers. And that will be by emulating, in the coming year, the teaching of that one whose birth we celebrate in this Christmas festivity. As Christ taught forgiveness to all, so you must carry no hatreds, no animosities into the coming year. As Christ taught love to all, so you must exercise the kindliest of feelings to every one. You should emulate the Divine Master in seeking to do good to every one with whom you come in contact; and particularly by bringing into this Sabbath- school, in the next year, every boy and girl whom you know may be benefited by its influence. As Christ taught charity to all, so you must lend a helping hand to those who need assistance; and as Jesus said. Honor thy father and moiher, so may you be that obe- dient to parents, that kind, that watchful of their needs, as to make them a thousand-fold glad that you are their children. As your teachers and superintendent have labored in your behalf in the past year, so must you be very careful to remember their ad- monitions and practice their teaching. Doing that, your parents and your teachers will feel abundantly repaid for all they have done for you, even down to the distribution of these gifts to you to-night. President Garfield used to say that he never stood in the presence of a boy without a feeling of veneration at the thought of what that boy might achieve in after-life. As I stand in your presence to-night and look into the faces of these happy boys and girls life all before you, with its privileges and opportunities I can well understand the sentiment that moved the martyred President as he studied the life of a child and thought of its future possibilities. How soon this little girl the very youngest will develop through girlhood to maidenhood. How very soon she will pass out from home out into the great world, with confiding step and heart, leaning on the arm of a trusted companion, to assume the duties of wifehood, motherhood and womanhood. And these boys how soon they will take the helm to do our work. How the great world of travel, adventure, agriculture, invention, manufacture, teaching, legislation, and finance will absorb them. And who of this audience will be the good, the true, the noble, and the successful in the coming time? May you so heed the teaching of this Sabbath- school that you will all be of that number. May the year just opening before you in your Sabbath- school be one of real profit. May you each bring one new pupil to this school in the coming year, to enjoy these blessings with you. May we all meet here again next Christmas-time. And now, hoping that you will enjoy the Christmas-tree to the full, I wish you, in behalf of parents, friends and teachers, a most de- lightful, happy New-Year. 470 A VARIETY OF SPEECHES. Speech at Old Settlers' Reunion. FELLOW CITIZENS OLD NEIGHBORS AND PIONEERS IN HALLOCK COUNTY: Forty years ago, in company with Old Benjamin Crawford, who died last year, I hunted for ducks on this very block of ground, worth to-day a large fortune of itself. At that time there were only seventeen white persons in the town, three or four blacks, and a tribe of Winnebago Indians, encamped, at that time, about three miles west of our village. There were two frame-houses in the place. The rest were made of logs, containing usually about three rooms, with sometimes a chamber. In a careful review of my own life and recollection of those who were here in those early days, I doubt if there has ever been a period in all our experience when we had a greater amount of happiness than fell to our lot in those pioneer days. Everybody had work plenty of it. Nobody feared being dis- charged ou Saturday night because of over production. Good health generally prevailed, the result of exercise, fresh air, hard work and sound sleep. There were no cliques in society, no aristocracy, no snobbery, no bankruptcies, no envy, and no distress because certain men were getting very rich while others were very poor. There were no heart-burnings because one neighbor had a better furnished house than the others, and the women they were women in those days had no worry because they had nothing to wear. Old Deacon Towne told me, on one occasion, when we were talking of the old times, that himself and family came from a handsomely furnished house in Troy, New York, to his log cabin, up near the big woods, and in all his experience he never saw such genuine hospi- tality, nor such a genial and happy time as his neighbors all had on their plain fare and the few opportunities around them. Yes, we lived right down to the barest necessaries in those days, and in doing that we learned that our real wants, in order to make us happy, are very few. Forty winters, since some of us came here, have spread their white covering, and as many beautiful springs have brought the birds and flowers to us, returning every season to a vastly larger population than we had the year before. But I cannot tell you how, step by step, we have grown. I will leave that for others, who will give you the history of these forty years more in detail. Suffice it to say, the early settlers in this locality have been most fortunate in the peace and happiness which surrounded them in their pioneer days, in the wealth which has been showered upon them, and in the privileges which they enjoy to-day. Speech at an Improvement Meeting. MR. PRESIDENT: While it is unquestionably true that the manu- facturing of articles that may be sold abroad is a most prolific source of revenue and ultimate wealth to a town, it is equally important that a healthy atmosphere be about us, and that our homes, by their charming surroundings, be such as will cultivate those graces of na- ture which enable a people to make the right use of wealth when it is acquired. I have therefore this to suggest as a means of beautify- ing this city: That the inhabitants upon any street, for the space of one block, form an improvement society for that block, to do the fol- lowing: First To take away all front fences from before dwellings. Second To set elms by the roadside and a sufficiency of ornamental trees to suitably shade the streets. Third To secure a smooth stone sidewalk, at least eight feet in width. Fourth To grade the front lot from the house to the roadway, and cover the same with sod. Fifth To have the street swept as often as may be necessary to keep it clean, and the lawns all mown and kept in excellent order. Sixth To have all alleys and foul places carefully cleaned, and put into a condition such as will make the atmosphere in the immedi- ate vicinity perfectly healthy. The taking down of fences, setting trees, and putting grounds in order, will not be very expensive in the first place, and the keeping of them in fine condition afterwards can be done with comparatively small expense, the labor being performed by men who need this em- ployment. When these improvements which I have indicated are carried into effect generally, throughout the town, ours will be one of the health- iest and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Selling Goods at Auction. The business of disposing of goods at auction is one of large mag- nitude. Frequently, when all other means prove futile in getting rid of property, the auctioneer's persuasive language, added to the in- herent impression that auction prices are invariably low, entails spirited competition, and thus the figures realized often exceed the most sanguine expectations. As in other classes of trade, there are men engaged in this pursuit who are utterly unprincipled, and who are very properly dubbed " Peter Funks ;" while on the other hand in- dividuals, whose character and honor are as high as the highest and as good as the best, also discourse on the auction-block. In Trinity building, the great real-estate mart of New York city, millions of dol- lars of property change ownership " under the hammer" each year and in all the leading cities of the Union vast quantities of dry-goods, boots and shoes, and other staple articles, reach the jobber through the same channel. At the beginning of an auction, the terms of sale are stated. If it be a vendue of merchandise, the crier or auctioneer commences about as follows : The Words of the Auctioneer. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : These goods are to be sold to the highest bidder, without reserve. If I accept the first bid and get the second, then the article must be sold. Strangers will be required, in every case, to pay a deposit. Bid promptly, and I will dispose of the goods quickly. I begin the sale by offering this splendid photograph album, known as the Superdonbonsical brand; it is manufactured in the city of Berlin by Henri Von Hytenschuitzenheimer and cost twelve dollars, besides import- duties. How much am 1 bid to start it? Start it along, it is for sale at your own price; how much do I hear for it? One dollar! One dollar is no money for it, but no matter I'm bid a dol- lar for it One dollar. One dollar-one dollar-one dollar-one dollar- one dollar ; at one dollar-one dollar and a quarter I have-one dollar and a quarter-and a quarter-and a quarter-will you go the half? half, I'm bid; one dollar and fifty, one dollar and fifty will you give the seventy-five? Why what are you people thinking about? one dollar and fifty cents would not pay the import-duties on this magnifi- cent, hand-made, morocco-bound album, with separation pages, a hinge to every leaf and a patent back and spring clasp seventy -five one dollar and seventy-five I am bid and now will you make it two dollars? at one dollar and seventy-five two dollars will you make it? Will you go the two do I hear the two shall I have the two? One dollar and seventy-five going at one dollar and seventy-five going going at the low price of one dollar and three-quarters once ! twice ! one dollar and seventy-five, fair warning and a fair sale going, going, going, gone 1 Next lot. Fourth of July Oration. FELLOW CITIZENS : The Declaration of American Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress at the State House, Philadel- phia, July 4, 1776, to the reading of which we have just been listen- ing, stands to day the charter of our national liberty. It was the first grand step of American freedom and progress in their march across this continent, whose influence now binds together a nation extending from Lake Itasca, on the norrh, to Mexico, on the South, and bounded respectively, on the east and on the west, by the Atlan- INDEPENDENCE DAY FORM OF A FOURTH OF JULY ORATION. 471 tic and Pacific oceans. It was the death-knell of England's power over her American colonies, and severed the ties that bound them to contribute to her support without a voice in their own government. At this distance from the occurrences of that day, when the en- thusiastic and just indignation that prompted this immortal State pa- per has passed away, the allegations against KingGeorge and his min- isters have, to a certain degree, lost much of their interest; and yet those wrongs still stand, and will continue to stand while the world lasts, a momentous page in our national history. At this period, when all nations have learned to respect us, and we count England among our best friends and commercial allies, the bitterness of these charges against her has, in our minds, faded away. In the bosoms of the Revolutionary fathers, however, they created a fervor of pa- triotism stronger than the love of life and property, and in defense of their principles these men took up arms, defied tyranny, fought, bled and died. With them, as the great orator, Patrick Henry, defined it, the issue was simply "liberty, or death!" To gain the one, they braved the other, regarding their sufferings as a sacrifice to se- cure the prosperity and political freedom of their posterity. No- where is this sentiment more forcefully, more brilliantly expressed than in the closing sentences of the Declaration itself: " With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. " It was no empty boast. Living or dying, whatever might be the result, they went forth to battle for their rights with such earnestness, such fidelity to each other and their country, that they won the prize for which they fought, and the American Republic, born of patriotism and of strife, won victory and peace for succeeding generations. Such a spectacle entranced the nations, and the colonies did then, in deed and in truth, " assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitled them. " The one great principle established by the triumph of the Amer- ican colonies was this: The equality of all men under the law, pos- sessing the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness, as one common heritage. That principle prevailed, with one exception, through all the vicis- situdes of the young republic, fortified by the wisdom of a Washing- eon, a Jefferson, an Adams, and a Hamilton, and the result of their deliberations was that grand guarantee of our liberties, the Constitu- tion of 1788-'79. At that time negro slavery was viewed with differ- ent eyes from those that witnessed its horror in after-years, and its enormity was not appreciated by the founders of the government; a fact that has led to many sneers, that while the continental patriots fought for their own liberty, they forged the chains of their slaves, and thus cast discredit upon their motives for freedom. This criti- cism, though severe, had a particle of reason in it; but in that day, and among that people, slavery was considered no offense against Divine or human law. The benefits secured to every individual (excepting slaves) were re- presentation in the national councils, the right of equal suffrage, trial by jury, freedom from unjust and onerous taxation, protection to life, and peaceful possession of individual property. And these rights and privileges are our heritage to-day. It is in honor of these rights and privileges under the Constitution, secured to us by the valor of our forefathers, that we celebrate this day. In the long strides of the civilization of the nineteenth century, our nation has kept step with the progress of the world, and, under our Constitution and beneficent laws, every encouragement has been afforded us for the development of the arts and sciences; labor has been appreciated as a source of wealth and improvement, and has at- tained to a high position in the work of perfecting the great enterprises of the age ; inventors and inventions have been encouraged and pa- tronized; literature has achieved honor by its freshness and brill- iancy, and everything that comfort or luxury could suggest has been multifariously furnished at prices within the reach of moderate in- comes. To enumerate the blessings we have in this way enjoyed under the provisions of our national charter would be a herculean labor; and in any other country such progress as we have made in one hundred years would have required two or three centuries. Above me wave the stars and stripes of our country among the peaceful branches of the grove, and the shadows of the flag we love and venerate as the ensign of our liberties flit over the happy faces of our sturdy yeomanry and their comely wives and daughters. The birds are singing in our leafy bowers; flowers and fruits, and waving fields of grain, enrich our soil; peaceful homes dot the landscape all around us, and the voices of merry children fall sweetly upon our ears. These are the blessings of peace wrought out for us by the hardy Continentals and their brave and wise leaders of the American Revolution. To-day we venerate their memory; and if from their spirit-homes they are permitted to witness our happiness and the blessings they purchased for us in those rugged times and dark days, I am sure they must rejoice with us in the triumph of the princi- ples they established, and in behalf of which they laid down their lives by the wayside and on the battlefield. Let us never forget these men, nor those noble mothers, wives and daughters of the Revolution, whose patriotism was no less sincere and enthusiastic than that of the men they encouraged to take up arms against tyranny, and was only less demonstrative because of the gentleness of their sex. The lessons which the lives and deaths of these brave and noble men and women bequeathed to us are worthy of our consideration, and I would dwell upon some of the peculiarities which made them great and sustained them in the hour of trial and danger. I have al- ready referred to the deep, inborn patriotism which the rule of op- pression to which they were subjected so thoroughly developed. It was a sentiment born of the period and the circumstances of their existence a sentiment that, subdued all selfish propensities and found expression in actions of just defiance and heroism. They were men of simple habits, living lives of industry in their several vocations, and overcoming difficulties by their energy and perseverance. They were men of integrity and honor, knowing and doing their duty as citizens in all the relations of life. They possessed no false ambition to become rich by speculation and fraud, nor to aspire to stations of honor and profit for selfish purposes; nor did they encourage hurtful extravagance. They respected the laws of the government under which they lived, until those laws became unjustly oppressive and destructive to the best interests of the entire colonies. They encouraged morality and truth in their dealings with each other and also toward strangers with whom they came in contact, and were severe in punishing infractions of law and evil practices. Such were the men and women in "the times that tried their souls," and such were the examples which they left for us to follow. Young ladies and gentlemen, whose beaming eyes gaze into mine as I look around over this assemblage, in your blooming manhood and womanhood remember these dead heroes and their families, their sufferings and their endurance, their unselfish patriotism, and, above all, the examples of their private virtues. The world needs such men and women as they were every day, and it is in your power to emu- late them in all that reflects honor upon their memories. There are battles to be fought against wrongand oppression in numerous forms, social obstacles to overcome, love of country to cherish and main- tain, truth and honor to be upheld, and it will soon devolve upon you to govern this broad nation, with all its interests confided to your care. In the near future this responsibility will fall like a mantle upon your shoulders, and it will behoove you to see that the trust is not misplaced. To-day there is not one of the old Revolutionary patriots alive. They did their work, and did it well, and then passed on. Other generations came upon the stage of action, but through all the years that intervened between then and now, their staunch prin- ciples and sturdy teachings were owned and heeded. Will you own and heed them also? If you will, I may safely prophesy from this stand that the glory of the Union will not depart from it in your day and generation, and I foresee, in that case, greater wonders await- ing our second centennial birthday than we in the last century have witnessed. Revere the stars and stripes forever. They are the sym- bols of our prosperity as well as our integrity the mementoes of a past age the hope of our country's future. 472 INDEPENDENCE DAY WHEKE TO PLACE DIFFERENT DIVISIONS IN A PROCESSION. CELEBRATING THE FOURTH OF JULY. History of the Day and Forms for its Observance. 1761 to 1773 the thirteen American colonies owned and (*5 controlled by Great Britain were in a continuous state of excite- <$ ment caused by the excessive taxation imposed upon them, the arbitrary rule of the home government In their affairs, and their in- sufficient representation in the national councils of legislation. The colonists felt justly aggrieved, and the spirit of revolution was strongly manifested on several occasions; so much so that in one or two instances their public demonstrations of indignation resulted in the repeal of certain obnoxious measures. After several serious collisions between the colonists and the na- tional authorities, owing to the increased taxation and oppression of the government, this spirit of rebellion culminated, in 1773, in the destruction of three cargoes of tea sent to Boston, on which the col- onists were required to pay an onerous tax. This bold act brought a new cri- sis into co- lonial af- fairs. The colonist s were in open rebel- lion, and the milita- ry forces of the govern- ment were increased, with new powers, to subjugate the rebels. In the con- test which ensued the colonists were fre- quently vie- to r i o u s , and their enthusiasm in the work e 95'HIS illustration represents a lengthy procession, composed themselves IS) Qf many distinct parts, among them the various trades or- from the ganized to celebrate the Fourth of July. In this the orator of doit inion f 16 day occupies a central position. Before his carriage come * p j. the fire companies, the military display, chief marshal and the police, who may be detailed for the day ; next behind is the ora- Britamwas tor's carriage, with the distinguished guests and others to ap- unbounded. The legislative body which they formed, known as the Continental Congress, was organized and composed of the most brilliant intel- lects and patriotic spirits in the country. It began its first session at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia (afterward known as Independ- ence Hall), September 5, 1774, continuing until near the end of Oc- tobei. Little was accomplished at this session, beyond giving ear- nest expression to their determination to secure civil and political lib- erty. The year 1775 was marked by the battles of Lexington and Concord, the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, the battle of Bunker Hill, the evacua- tion of Boston by the British, and other stirring events. The sec- ond session of the Continental Congress began at the Pennsylvania State House, May 10, and continued throughout the year, encourag- ing the efforts of the patriots in the field, and stimulating the project How to Organize a Fourth of July Procession. for an early separation of the colonies ftom the home government. June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee introduced in Congress his fa- mous resolution, " That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; that they are absolved from all al- legiance to the British crown, and that all political connection be- tween them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, to- tally dissolved. " This resolution was adopted by twelve of the col- onies, July 2, 1776. On the fourth, the Declaration of Independ- ence, prepared by Thomas Jefferson, was adopted amid great re- joicings and the wildest enthusiasm. Wherever the news spread, it was greeted with shouts, bonfires, processions, and other unusual demonstrations of delight. This is "the day we celebrate," and the reason why its joyful ob- servance is go general throughout the land and in other countries wherever Americans can assem- ble in its honor. That it should be so widely recognized and cele- brated is only a just tribute to the patri- ots who se- cured to us the liber- ties we en- joy. Years ago John Ad- ams said: "It will be celebrated by succeed- ing genera- tions as the great an- niversary pear on the platform; next follow the mayor and aldermen, in . i y t carriages, succeeded by the civic societies; next come the dif- ferent trades-wagons, the rear being made up of citizens in car- ought to be riages; several bands scattered throughout the procession, each commem- placed at the head of a distinct division, add much to the at- ora ^ed as tractiveness of the occasion. The interest is increased when the cavalcade exhibits a large amount of variety. deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be sol- emnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forth, forevermore. " In the celebration of the day the managers should seek to present a large and varied programme, both in the procession and upon the speaker's stand. No exercise should be unduly long. The pro- cession, formed at ten o'clock, and commencing to move at eleven, should exhibit a variety of that which will instruct and amuse; bands of music being judiciously distributed through the same so that the music of one will not interfere with the other. On the platform, there should be prayer, singing by glee-club, poem, reading Declara- tion of Independence, music by the band, oration, singing by quar- tette, announcement of afternoon exercises, music, and benediction. DIVISION OF A FUNERAL PROCESSION ; HOW AND WHERE PLACED. EXERCISES AT BURIAL SERVICE. Forms in Use on certain Occasions. , one of the American national holidays, oc- ^Pf curs May 30 of each year, and is devoted, with appropriate * ceremonies, to decorating with flowers the graves of the sol- diers who fell in the civil war between the Northern and Southern States, from 1861 to 1865, both inclusive. The custom originated among the women of the Southern States in the early years of the con- test, and was annually observed by them. This touching memorial of the honored dead soon became general throughout the country, and in 1868 and 1869 the 30th day of May was set apart for its ob- servance by order of General John A. Logan, who was then com- mander -in-chief of the military association known as the "Grand Army of the Repub- lic. " Since then it has been reg- ularly ob- served by the society, the follow- ing being some of the established forms. The Post Comman- der of each post having previously issued an order for the meeting of all its me mbers at the Post Hall, or elsewhere, on Decor ation-Day , only a mason, but prominent in military circles, and in munici- the com- pal affairs ' as wel1 as a P atron of the various civic societies, The attendance at the burial service by various orders and rades, in different classes being large, the above diagram will be of as- uniform, sistance, as showing the proper position for each in the proces- gather at the appointed time and place, and quietly take their usual stations. The Chaplain's Prayer. While the comrades stand at ease, the Chaplain offers this prayer: ALMIGHTY FATHER 1 humbly we bow before Thee, our Creator, Preserver, Guide and Protector. We thank Thee for our lives : for the mercy which has kept us until this hour; for Thy guidance in our marches by day and by night; for Thy constant care in the hour of danger; and for the preservation of our national integrity and unity. Be graciously near to our comrades who suffer from dis- ease or wounds, and to the widows and orphans of those who fell in our holy cause; in all distress comfort them, and give us willing hearts and ready hands to supply their needs. Grant that the mem- ory of our noble dead, who freely gave their lives for the land they loved, may dwell ever in our hearts. Bless our country; bless our The Arrangement of a Funeral Procession. 3 > 7f\HE procession here shown represents a funeral conducted r- by the masonic fraternity, the deceased having been not Order; make it an instrument of great good; keep our names on the roll of Thy servants, and at last receive us into that Grand Army above, where Thou, O God, art the Supreme Commander." Decoration of Unknown Graves. If a monument in memory of unknown or unreturned soldiers is to be decorated, a firing party of comrades, with three rounds of blank cartridges, is detailed to do escort duty. These march to the cemetery with arms unloaded and reversed. At the cemetery the Post may be divided into detachments, or may keep in phalanx, un- til all the graves are decorated, and then assembles in some proper portion of the grounds for services, conducted as follows: First, there is usually performed music by the band or a hymn. Prayer by the Chap- lain. After which, the Command - er delivers the follow- ing: Address at Cemetery. " To-day is the fes- tival of our dead. We unite to honor the memory of our brave and our be- loved, to enrich and ennobleour lives by re- calling a public he- roism and a private worth that are immor- sion. In this the catafalque, or hearse, is immediately pre- tal, to en- ceded by the bearers, the next before being the clergyman courage by and undertaker, the masons, civic societies, fire-department our solemn and military companies. Following is the riderless horse of service a deceased, mourners, friends, city councilmen and citizens, more zeal- Numerous bands distributed through the cavalcade enhance oils and the impressiveness of the affair. stalwart patriotism. Festival of the dead! Ye?, though many eyes are clouded with tears, though many hearts are heavy with regret, though many lives are still desolate because of the father or brother, the husband or lover, who did not come back; though every grave, which a tender rever- ence or love adorns with flowers, is the shrine of a sorrow whose influence is still potent though its first keen poignancy has been dulled despite of all, to-day is a festival, a festival of our dead; no less a festival because it is full of solemnity. " And now, as in this silent camping-ground of our dead, with soldierly tenderness and love, we garland these passionless mounds, let us recall those who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes. Let us recall their toils, their sufferings, their heroism, their supreme fidelity in camp, in prison-pen, or on the bat- tle-field, ami in hospital, that the flag under which they fought, and from the shadow of whose folds they were promoted, may never be dishonored; that the country for whose union and supremacy they surrendered life may have the fervent and enthusiastic devotion of 474 VARIOUS FORMS IN USE BY THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. every citizen; that, as we stand by every grave as before an altar, we may pledge onr manbood that, so help us God, the memory of our dead shall encourage and strengthen in us all a more loyal patriot- ism. " Words of the Officer and Chaplain. At the close of this address, the Officer of the Day says: " In your name, my comrades, I scatter (or deposit) these me- morial flowers upon this grave (or monument), which represents the graves of all who died in the sacred cause of our country. Our floral tribute shall wither. Let the tender fraternal love for which it stands endure until the touch of death shall chill the warm pulse- beats of our hearts." The Chaplain then adds : " Comrades, by this service, without distinction of race or creed, we renew our pledge to exercise a spirit of fraternity among our- selves, of charity to the destitute wards of the Grand Army, and of loyalty to the authority and union of the United States of America, and to our glorious flag, under whose folds every Union soldier's or sailor's grave is the altar of patriotism. " G. A. R. Public Exercises in a Hall. Should inclement weather interfere with the foregoing exercises at the cemetery, the public is invited to join the comrades in cele- brating the day in some hall. The audience having been seated, the Post enter in uniform, with their heads covered, and stand in the portion of the hall assigned to them. On the platform sit invited guests, the orator of the day, and the Chaplain. The Commander, standing before the comrades, or on the platform, calls the Post to order, to hear the Adjutant read such portions of instructions from departmental headquarters as may have been pre- viously selected by the Commander. The Commander's Speech on Decoration. When the Adjutant has finished reading, the Commander says: "Obedience is a soldier's duty. It is not, however, merely in obedience to the orders read that we assemble here. The most gen- erous instincts of our hearts prompt us to do what the orders from headquarters command. This day commemorates a valor on sea and on land that is illustrious. This day is eloquent with a patriotism which did not speak only from the lips. This day is sacred with the almost visible presence of those who, out of prison-pens and hospi- tals, from camps and battlefields, have joined the innumerable com- pany of those who muster to-day upon the parade-ground of heaven. Comrades, salute the dead!" At this order the Commander, with each comrade, places his left hand upon his heart, and with his right hand raises his hat from his head. After remaining in this position, in silence, for a moment, the Commander drops his left hand by his side, replaces his hat on his head, and commands the Post to uncover and be seated. Words of Welcome. Removing his hat, after quiet is restored, the Commander says to the audience: "Friends: As Commander of this Post, I welcome you, in the name of my comrades, to this public service. To us Decoration- Day is the memorial day of stalwart bravery, of patriotic heroism, of na- tional faith. It is the freedom day of a race emancipated from bondage, and of a nation redeemed from iniquity. It is dear to every soldier. It deepens in our hearts a memory of our brave and our beloved, the grand army of the immortals; and that memory makes precious to us the badge of the G. A. R. , which we wear upon our breasts. May we join so reverently in these exercises that what we call a decoration-day may be to our dead their day of corona- tion. " Dedication Services. The following are the forms of dedicating memorial shafts, statues, tablets, etc., as established by the Grand Army of the Republic. The city or town officials and other guests of the society, by in- vitation, assemble at the hall, monument, or other designated place, and are seated on the platform. At the front of the platform stands a table or desk, covered with an American flag, upon which rest two crossed ewords, with their points toward the audience, and upon these an open Bible. The comrades of the dedicating Post are drawn up in front of the platform, and, if in the outer air, as near the ob- ject of dedication as possible. After music by the band, or choir, the civil authority, usually the mayor of a city, president of the village, chairman of the town board, or some other selected officer, addresses the Commander of the Post, in substance, as follows: " Commander I have been authorized to invite you at this time to accept from the citizens of , at the hands of its accredited rep- resentatives, this memorial, and to request that it may be dedicated by you to the noble purpose for which it has been set up (or erected. )" The Commander's Speech of Thanks. The Commander responds, addressing the civil officer by his title: " In the name of my comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, representing as they do all soldiers and sailors who defended the in- tegrity and authority of the nation, I thank you and those whom you represent, for this memorial, (naming it.) Its very silence is im- pressive. Without articulate speech it is eloquent. It needs no words. It is itself an oration. It assures us that our dead are held in remembrance those dead who gave their lives for the security of the citizen and the union of the States. It is significant of brave and loyal obedience to the command of the nation always and everywhere, since the obligations of citizenship are not restricted to time or place, or to the conflict of arms. It gives encouragement for the future, since the recognition and approval it gives of patriotic fidelity and heroism will be an incentive for the display of public valor and virtue in all coming time. There can be no doubt that the honor you pay to the patriot dead, and to their memorable deeds, will serve not only to make American citizenship in these days more reputable, but also to maintain and perpetuate, through all future generations, the union and authority of the United States of America." Commander's Dedication Speech. The Commander, giving the order, "Attention, Post!" here says. " In the name of the Grand Army of the Republic, I now dedicate this memorial (naming it. ) I dedicate it to the memory of those who in the navy (the sailor on guard salutes) guarded our inland seas and ocean coasts, and fell in defense of the flag. I dedicate it to the memory of those who in the army (the soldier on guard salutes) fought for our hillsides and valleys and plains, and fell in defense of the flag. I dedicate it to the memory of those who on land and sea fought for the Union, and fell in defense of the flag; (the guard of honor salutes and stands at salute) who on land and sea fought for the authority of the Constitution, and fell in defense of the flag; who on land and on sea fought for their country, and fell in the defense of the flag. Comrades, salute the dead!" G. A. R. Burial Service Of soldiers or sailors belonging to the society of the Grand Army of the Republic. At the request of the family or friends of a deceased soldier or sailor who has been honorably discharged from the national service, a Post may participate in the funeral ceremonies, if so disposed. Assembling at the recent residence of the deceased, or wherever the religious services have been appointed, the Commander details the usual number of comrades to act as pall-bearers, if no others have already been selected. The corpse is then escorted to the grave by comrades, as set forth in army regulations, the left in front, a guard of honor surrounding the remains, and the hearse preceded by the Post, in charge of the Officer of the Day. At the grave the Post halts, forming two lines, between which the remains pass to the front, where they are placed upon a bier. Ceremonies at the Grave. If the nature of the ground permits, the Post forms about the grave in the manner best suited to participation in the obsequies, and the ceremony proceeds as follows: The Commander stands at the head of the coffin ; the Chaplain at its foot; the officers and Past- Commander in the rear of the Com- mander ; the Post behind the Chaplain, and the Post colors stationed in the front. This arrangement having been completed, the Commander says: " Assembled to pay our last tribute of respect to this dead soldier REFLECTIONS UPON THE CHANGE CALLED DEATH. 475 (or sailor) of our Republic, let us unite in prayer. The Chaplain will invoke the Divine blessing." The Chaplain offers a brief and appropriate prayer, to which the comrades add a simultaneous " Amen 1" If a choir is present, a hymn is sung; after which the Commander delivers a short address in unison with the occasion. At its close, a comrade, laying a wreath of evergreens or flowers upon the coffin, says: "In behalf of the Post, I give this tribute, a symbol of undying love, for comrades of the war. " A second comrade, laying upon the coffin a rose or other flower, says: " Symbol of purity, we offer at this lowly grave a rose. May future generations emulate the unselfish devotion of even the low- liest of our heroes. " A third comrade, laying a laurel-leaf upon the coffin, says: " Last token of affection from comrades in arms, we crown these remains with a symbol of victory. " Chaplain's Address at the Grave. The Chaplain's address, which immediately follows, is of the fol- lowing import: " The march of another comrade is over, and he lies down after it in the house appointed for all the living. Thus summoned, this open grave reminds us of Ihe frailty of human life and the tenure by which we hold our own. 'In such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh. ' "It seems well that we should leave our comrade to rest where over him will bend the arching sky, as it did in great love when he pitched his tent, or lay down, weary and footsore, by the way or on the battlefield for an hour's sleep." [Should it be a sailors funeral, the Chaplain substitutes for the foregoing paragraph the following : " As we leave our comrade to rest, no longer to hear the sound of the waves, or float upon the bosom of the deep, no longer to sail beneath peaceful skies, or to be driven before the angry storm, may he find welcome in that land where there is no more sea."] " As he was then, so he is still in the hands of the Heavenly Father. ' God giveth his beloved sleep. ' " As we lay him down here to rest, let us in great charity forget each foible of our deceased comrade as human, and cherish only his virtues. Reminded also, forcibly, by the vacant place so lately filled by our deceased brother that our ranks are thinning, let each one be BO loyal to every virtue, so true to every friendship, so faithful in our remaining march, that we shall be ready to fall out here to take our places at the great review, not with doubt, but in faith; the merciful Captain of our salvation will call us to that fraternity which, on earth and in .heaven, may remain unbroken." (A moment's pause.) " Jesus saith, ' Thy brother shall rise again. I am the Res- urrection and the Life.'" CThe remains are here deposited in the grave. ) " Behold, the silver cord having been loosed, the golden bowl broken, we commit this body to the grave, where dust shall re- turn to the earth as it was, and the spirit to God who gave it. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, looking for the resurrection and the life to come through our Lord Jesus Christ." After a prayer, the Post forms again in marching order and returns to its hall. Address at the Funeral Of an active, useful man who dies in middle-life. FRIENDS: A broken column most fittingly represents the untimely death of a man thus in middle-life. And when to live was so desir- able when the work to be done had been but just commenced, it is doubly painful to bid adieu to the friend thus passing into the un- known. And yet, in the mysterious way by which great blessings are wrought, we are compelled to admit that possibly in this dispen- sation some good will come to these mourning friends that cannot now be seen. He has laid his burdens suddenly down. We can hardly reconcile ourselves to the thought that others should take them up, and yet the future may reveal the good, the discipline that there may be in this He goes out into the unknown, and all is blank. He leaves his labor here unfinished, and unskilled hands must carry to completion the work which he has begun. All seems wrong, and we refuse to be comforted, and yet who shall say it is not best? Other hands and minds may assume his task and do it so well that his labor and influence shall not be lost. And he well, we do not know what grand fields of thought and action he may enter upon, but we feel that he is not dead. To say that death ends all is to admit creation a failure. Why be born? Why be brought into existence, merely to toil, to suffer and die, with no compensation on earth? To millions, if this earth was all, life would not be worth the liv- ing. To create man simply to live out his brief time here without purpose and then die, would be like the construction of a machine for the simple purpose of making it. But as we do not construct for simple experiment, as we do not build to simply tear down again, so we do not believe the God of nature makes anything in vain ; but, on the contrary, that in the creation of man he had a great, grand plan, the fulfillment of which we see but dimly shadowed on earth. Change is constantly going forward, but annihilation and death never take place in nature. " There is no such thing as death In nature nothing dies; From each sad remnant of decay Some forms of life arise. The little leaf that falls All brown and sere to earth, Ere long will mingle with the buds That give the flower its birth. " And as in nature nothing dies, so man does not. Life here is but the budding to a life beyond, the first steps, the primer school. And what we call death is but another birth the passing through of the real self into a broader sphere beyond, to be great and good and blessed there, in proportion to the life well-lived and the good done on earth. The house in which our brother dwelt is left behind. It was but the simple habitation fitted for his use while he remained here. Al- ways frail, it took but a breath to shatter it, and when at length there came a shock strong enough to weaken it, and our friend could no longer remain, he passed into the unseen, and we behold left only the tenement in which he lived. Between himself and where we stand there hangs a curtain, beyond which, wisely, we cannot in this life see. But we can hope and be- lieve. And as in nature there is no death, so faith tells us our brother is not dead, but living wiser, greater, grander than ever before, be- cause he was great and good here, with opportunities multiplied for happiness and advancement, a thousand fold. For do we not, if we live rightly here, advance from a lower to a higher sphere on earth, and shall not our advancement be always? Glorious thought ! As we cannot live a twelvemonth on earth with- out increased knowledge, so, as the cycles of time go their unceasing rounds, man must, in obedience to the eternal law of progress, be for- ever growing wiser and richer in the knowledge of truth and justice and right. We gather to-day to mourn as for the departure of a friend whom we shall not soon see again, but we have faith that we shall meet him a little way on in the future. And the eye that shone so brilliantly, and the voice that addressed us so kindly, and the hand that grasped our own so cordially, will again greet us on the other side. Remarks on the Death of a Child. DEAR FRIENDS: I know how impossible it is to silence your grief with words. The heart pleads for utterance in tears, and let it speak thus. We bow in sorrow at the taking of our little one, feel- ing that while the ripened fruit may be gathered, it is unkind that the bud should be taken before it has even opportunity to unfold into blossom. But in nature fruits fall, and so do blossoms and buds. In the ways of kind nature this is perhaps best, and in the taking from our arms this little one we accept the cross and bear it, believing that the bud will yet blossom and bear fruit in the angel-land whither the spirit of this little one has so early flown. Perhaps it is best that this child's life on earth went out so soon. With the trials that meet struggling human-kind on every side, with the sorrows that line the pathway from childhood to old age, who can contemplate the passing of an innocent soul thus into the beauti- 476 WORDS OF CONSOLATION TO MOURNING FRIENDS. ful beyond without feeling that possibly our loss is to this young soul a great gain. We do not fully know the future life. It is well that we should not. It is best that we rest content on earth until we are called to go. A cloud is therefore wisely placed between this life and eter- nity, through which we may not see ; but we may hope, and we do hope with a belief that becomes an absolute faith, that the sun is radiantly shining beyond this portal called death, and into a beautiful sunshine, with glad arms to welcome our little one, our child has been taken and is now amid the pleasures and the beauties that await the pure and the innocent in the hereafter. Parents, kindred, friends very beautifully has Longfellow pictured the sunny future of this child, so early taken from us, as he asks that we accept our loss in Resignation. TIIERE is no flock, however watched and tended, But one dead lamb is there ! There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair 1 The air is full of farewells to the dying, And mournings for the dead; The heart of Rachel, for her children crying, Will not be comforted! Let us be patient! These severe afflictions Not from the ground arise, But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. We see but dimly through the mists and vapors; Amid these earthly damps, What seem to us but sad, funereal tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. There is no Death! What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death. She is not dead, the child of our affection, But gone unto the school Where she no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ himself doth rule. In that great cloister's stillness and seclusion, By guardian angels led, Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution, She lives, whom we call dead. Day after day we think what she is doing In those bright realms of air; Year after year, her tender steps pursuing, Behold her grown more fair. Thus do we walk with her, and keep unbroken The bond which nature gives, Thinking that our remembrance, though unspoken, May reach her where she lives. Not as a child shall we again behold her; For, when with raptures wild In onr embraces we again enfold her, She will not be a child, But a fair maiden, in her Father's mansion, Clothed with celestial grace; And beautiful with all the soul's expansion Shall we behold her face. And though at times, impetuous with emotion And anguish long suppressed, The swelling heart heaves, moaning like the ocean That cannot be at rest, We will be patient, and assuage the feeling We may not wholly stay ; By silence sanctifying, not concealing. The grief that must have way. Address on the Death of a Young Lady. FRIENDS: How feeble are words to carry consolation to hearts be- reaved of a loved daughter in the household. A tender, clinging vine, interwoven in sweet memories from the hour the angel first gave her to our home; a gentle spirit of light that flitted in and out like a gleam of sunshine. No one can fill her place in the vacant chair; no one will take her place in our hearts. And we would not have the void filled, even if we could. It will be a sacred thought in all the years to come, to parents and friends, that she shed radiance in the home as long as she did. It will be a blessed recollection that she grew up to love and be loved by those who will ever cherish her memory so tenderly. It is in such an hour as this that hope spreads her pinion, and we rest our faith on the belief that our darling is not dead. She is only gone from us for a little while. Out among the angels she is a star, and her loving ways and bright eyes are just as beautiful as they were here. We lower the corse into the tomb, but not our darling Min- nie. We strew with flowers and wet with our tears only the frail casement in which she lived. Over the river she has gone only a little in advance of us. Some one must go first. Perhaps in the ways of a kind Providence it is best that it should be she who is to welcome us on the other shore . WHEN falls the night upon the earth, And all in shadow lies, The sun's not dead; his radiance still Beams bright on other skies. And when the dawn-star groweth dim Upon the brow of morn, It still shines on, though earthly eyes, That miss it, grow forlorn. Some other world is glad to see Our star that's gone away; The light whose going makes our night Makes somewhere else a day. And she is just our loved one still, And loves us now no less; She goes away to come again, To watch us, and to bless. Grace for a Morning Repast. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, we returns thanks for Thy bountiful good- ness that has brought us to the beginning of this day in life and health. We thank Thee for this evidence of Thy continued favor, and, bow- ing in gratitude to Thee, our generous Benefactor, desire Thy bless- ing upon this food. Amen. Grace for Noon Repast. SUPREME POWER: Creator of all things, wilt Thou be pleased to bless this food to our use? May we be so guided by Thy guardian care, that all we undertake and do shall be prospered? Go with us, and watch over us for the remainder of this day, and for the good we may accomplish, and the happiness we shall enjoy, Thine shall be the glory. Amen. Grace at an Evening Repast. OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, and art ever mindful of our needs, at the close of this day's labor we gather around this board, which Thy bounty has so graciously supplied with nourishing refreshment, and return our grateful thanks. And we beseech Thee that what Thou hast so freely provided may be blessed to our use and Thy glory. Amen. FORMS OF BENEDICTIONS AND SPEECHES SOLICITING FUNDS. 477 Various Forms of Ministerial Benedictions and Ascriptions. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fel- lowship of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. And now unto the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, one God ever blessed, be ascribed all glory and honor, praise, power, majesty and dominion forever. Amen. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of His Son Jesus Christ; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be with you, and remain with you, always. Amen. Now the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep with the blood of the eternal covenant, even our Lord Jesus Christ, make you perfect in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is well- pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Speech Soliciting Funds for Church Edifice. WORDS OP THE PASTOR. BELOVED: Before pronouncing the benediction I wish to call your kind attention to the Rev. Charles Peabody, of Brooklyn, who has a few remarks to offer. Mr. Peabody, as most of you know, is the authorized agent of the Church Extension Committee of our Eastern Synod, and whatever he has to present to your consideration you will doubtless receive with interest. WORDS OF MR. PEABODT. I do not propose to detain you long, lest the good effect of the ex- cellent sermon to which we have just listened should be marred, but will merely present the object of my visit in a few brief sentences and lay the claim of the Synod before you. At the beginning of the year 1883, we had a church extension fund of about $45,000, and pledges, to be paid during the year, of some $25,000 more, leaving us a working fund of about $60,000. On the first of January, 1883, we owed upon unfinished church edifices nearly $20,000, which we had to pay, and did pay, within the first six months of 1883. Between the first of January, 1883, and Christmas of that year, we contracted for the erection of thirty new churches, in various parts of the Synod, at an average cost of $3,000 each an aggregate of $90,000, most of which will become due June 1, 1884. At the beginning of July, 1883, we had on hand about $40,000 of the old fund, and had received, in fresh subscriptions, bequests, etc., $15,000 more so that our available working fund was some $55,000. On the first of January, 1884, we had paid out of this amount $15,000, which was required for sundry expenditures, in addition to the sum already contracted for the thirty new churches. In the meantime, by business failures and slow contributions, our working fund had become reduced (in- cluding the $15,000 for extra expenditures) to about $35,000, leaving a surplus to be raised before the first of June of $55,000. The time is near at hand, and although money has been contributed, we are still behind about $40,000, which, for the honor of our religion and our own character as a benevolent people, we are very anxious to raise. If by the first of June we can wipe out these contract debts, we shall only be about even, for any surplus funds received since the first of January last will have been absorbed in the incidental expens- es of the work. I am, therefore, here to-day to ask you to contribute as liberally to our church extension fund as your benevolence may dictate. Remember that this debt of $40,000 represents the free- dom of thirty new churches and as many increasing congregations in new and thinly settled districts of the Great West people who, in their Eastern homes, enjoyed the same blessed gospel privileges as you do now, but who, after emigrating West, find themselves in straitened circumstances, dependent upon their farm-labor for their support, yet anxious to worship in their own old way, and once more enjoy the benefits of stated preaching, with Sunday-school and other religious privileges. We have been careful, this year, to refrain from making any im- portant contracts for more new churches, preferring to release the Synod from debt and begin again anew when our funds shall com- mence flowing in for future operations. With the wealth and pros- perity enjoyed by churches like this, we hope to clear our books. I have stated our necessities plainly, and earnestly call upon yon to con- tribute your quota this morning to the extinction of our mutual obligations. Remember, " it is more blessed to give than to re- ceive;" "freely ye have received, freely give;" " God loveth a cheer- ful giver." Let me not appeal to you in vain for aid. The cause is worthy, and with the help of your faith and good works, under the Divine blessing, will prosper and redound to the glory of the Master. Speech Soliciting Funds for a Park. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: You have responded so generally to the call for this meeting, that I am encouraged to hope its object is pop- ularly appreciated and will be generously sustained by your influence and money. The circumstances which led to this movement in favor of estab- lishing a village park, in the enjoyment of which all may participate, are these. The village, now five years old, was laid out with an eye only to the conveniences of daily life, having facilities for such domes- tic business in groceries, stores and shops of various kinds, as the present wants of the citizens demanded. At that time no thought of future improvement was practically cherished, and as a conse- quence the omission of a park from the village plat was not especi- ally considered important. Now, however, we begin to feel the necessity of having a place suitable for village gatherings, holiday celebrations and general enjoyment, under the blue skies and in the open air, apart from the business centre of the village. At an op- portune moment Mr. Blank offers to sell us fifteen acres of excel- lent land on the borders of the village, convenient of access, and every way suitable for the purposes of a park. His price is forty dollars an acre, or $600 for the lot, with its beautiful shade-trees and a living spring of water. To improve this park, and make it an agreeable resort for young and old, will require $1,000. As the years go by, more and better improvements will be needed, but for the present this sum will be sufficient to put it in excellent order, clear- ing up the underbrush, destroying unsightly weeds and stumps, plowing, grass-seeding and flower-planting. For myself, I would recommend that it never be fenced; but others will say, how shall we keep the cattle out of it? Gentlemen, common law does not re- quire a man to fence his land to keep off intruders; it simply makes the intruder responsible for all damages done to property on anoth- er's land. If any one has a cow, or a horse, or sheep, he must pro- vide proper pasture for his animal within an inclosure, or be held responsible for the ravages it commits. It is cheaper to hire cows pastured than to suffer them to run at large, if bills of damages are taken into the account. Let the village authorities regulate this mat- ter, promptly and stringently, and every man of the village may re- move his front and his line fences, and feel perfectly safe from the I incursions of intruding bovines. 478 SPEECHES IN FAVOR OF IMPROVEMENT AND EDUCATION. We have figured up the cost of the proposed park at Si, 600, which, divided among our 1,000 inhabitants, is only $1. 60 per head, and I am grandly mistaken if we have not among us ten substantial men who will subscribe for immediate use at least $50. 00 each, so that the cost to each of the others will only be $1. 10. A subscription paper has been prepared, and every property-holder within the corporation is expected to subscribe not less than $1.00, and from that np to $5.00 or $10.00, according to his means. As soon as $1,000 has been subscribed, the meeting will select a committee from gentlemen and ladies present to purchase the park and arrange for its immediate improvement and ornamentation. Sub- scriptions are now in order. Speech Soliciting Funds for a Public Fountain. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The winter is past, the time of the singing of birds has come, and hot weather will soon be upon us. Everything betokens a heated term of considerable duration, and it is well, for the sake of our own comfort as citizens of this growing town, and that of our dumb animals, that we should provide a public fountain at the junction of two of our principal thoroughfares, where young and old, man and beast, may come and slake their thirst, freely and fully, until winter resumes its icy sway. How has it been in the past with us in this respect? True, for years we had Collins' old well, at the corner of Main and Clay streets, but midsummer always made water scarce in it; the curb was high; the windlass was ungainly and even dangerous; the worn-out bucket leaked like a sieve, and the old thing creaked and dragged until it became a terror to all who undertook to draw water from it. Then Phillips, at his own expense, tore away the old curb and windlass, and put in a log-pump, with a handle that tired out every- body who used it before the pail was full. Finally some one choked up the pump with potatoes, and nobody could use it any longer. Carter was then hired by the council to take out the old pump and put in a chain-pump, with an iron casing, which worked much better and easier, but one day the bottom fell out of the well, and no more water could be had. At this stage of affairs some one proposed to dig a new well and refit the iron pump; but the council, in a fit of economy, voted down the measure, because it would cost too much. Last summer the farmers from the surrounding country, with their families, and horses, and dogs, together with our own citizens and teamsters, were put to great inconvenience, and some distress, for want of a public drinking resort, where pure, cold water nature's own beverage! could be obtained. In consequence, private wells and houses were visited, and much unnecessary trouble ensued. In view of these difficulties, a few of our public- spirited citizens, whose generosity has more than once been successfully appealed to in behalf of suffering humanity, met together and discussed the feas- ibility of procuring a public fountain for the village, and the cost of so useful an ornament to our Main street. Correspondence with proper parties at the metropolis adduced the fact that a good sub- stantial street fountain, properly placed, with all the machinery ne- cessary to supply it freely with water for six months, would cost $800. This information led a number of us to call this meeting for the purpose of debating the subject of the contemplated fountain, to decide by our votes whether we shall have it, or not, and to ask each and every one present to subscribe to a fund for its purchase. I have gone over the ground of our past failures of wells and pumps, and have endeavored to explain the necessity that exists for speedy action. Several of our prominent business men have pledged them- selves to pay one-half of the expense out of their own pockets, in order to encourage this laudable enterprise, and we have prepared subscription papers for the balance of the fund, which we cordially ask you to sign this evening. We are sure that the sum is so small $400.00 that a limited subscription from each will ensure the en- tire sum and give us a lasting and beautiful monument to your liberal- ity. I see many here who, we are satisfied, will keenly appreciate this public improvement as a benefit to themselves and their house- holds, and these undoubtedly will feel greatly disposed to help others to participate in its purchase. The papers will now be circulated. A Visitor Speaks to the Pupils of a Public School. MY DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS: I have been listening with much pleas- ure to your recitations to-day, and with no less delight to the en- couraging words of your teachers whenever you faltered in your an- swers. For I remember when I was a boy, like some of you little ones, I was always very sorry to have the teacher speak harshly to me, if I could not, at first thought, answer correctly to his question. But when he spoke kindly to me, he always encouraged me, and I could more quickly remember what I should say. Boys and girls, you are very much like men and women in your likes and dislikes, and you feel, quite as keenly as I should, any harsh or unjust word or action on the part of your instructor. In old times, years before you were born, we had no such noble schools as you have. We had but few books, and I think, now, they could not have been as attractive and interesting to study as those I see lying upon your desks. We used to deem them very dull ; and then, too, our teachers were not so wise and skillful in imparting instruction as yours are in the public schools to-day. They were usually young men attending college, and teaching to earn money to pay for their education ; sometimes they were cross to us, and at others they were very unjust in punishing us for not learning faster than we did. Our school-houses were also very inconvenient places, and often really uncomfortable for teachers and pupils. But now all this has been changed by the improvements of the age, and the school-houses and books and teachers are all of a better class, so that learning may be made pleasant and much more easily gained. If a boy could read, write and cipher through the " rule of three," it was quite as much as he had reason to expect from the district school. Perhaps he could not spell half the words in the spelling-book aright, nor write a ten-line letter without making fifty mistakes, nor cipher a sum in compound addition correctly. But now you may easily master all these things and many more and better ones, and if yon pay proper attention to the lessons you receive, you can go into the high-school, and there gain a sensible, practical education that will either fit you for the business of life, or prepare you to take a higher course in college. I spoke about cross and harsh teachers. I do not know of any in this school, and I do not think there are any here. But if they never speak harshly to you, they may yet feel very sad that some one of you is not doing what you ought to do, that is when you play on the sly in school-hours, when you whisper, and when you neglect your studies. Now, if you are obedient and studious chil- dren, you will make the teacher happy and have the satisfaction of knowing you are doing right. You young people should recollect, and I trust that you do, that in a few years you will be on the stage of action, doing the work of men and women. Will you be successful? That will depend upon what you know. And what you know then will largely depend upon what you learn in this school. The years are going by very quickly, and you will be obliged to put your knowledge to the test very soon. I say this because some young people do not know the value of school. They look upon the school -yard and the school-room as one vast play-ground not you but some boys and girls I have known and they never wake up to a sense of what they need, and what they have lost, until it is too late. Have a mark, young people; aim for it, and you will rise vastly higher than you will if you have no purpose in life. Your teachers are here to assist you. They are not here to punish. They do not want to spend their time in governing you. They desire to aid in the securing of that education which shall fit you to do your work nobly in life. It is pleasant to witness the opportunities you possess. It is very satisfactory to see the drill, the system, and methods pursued in SPEECHES OF VARIOUS KINDS. 479 your studies and recitations: and 1 -uOuot not it will be equally sat- isfactory to witness your success in after-years, the result of your attending this school. Response to Speech of Welcome, By James 6. Elaine when visiting Chicago Board of Trade. GENTLEMEN: I consider it a compliment that this welcome should be extended to me by a commercial body whose business is conducted amid a torrent of confusion which it would seem as hopeless to attempt to check as it is to stem the flow of the Atlantic tide. Remember- ing that well, I thank you very sincerely for the cordiality of your re- ception. I had the honor, nine years ago this very month or possi- bly the month of October to have a similar reception in this room. It had just then been completed, as I remember, and it was consid- ered and believed, at that time, to be far beyond any anticipated needs of the commerce of Chicago. To-day it is so far behind that you are building a new and grander and larger structure, and well you may. Within the past week I have visited five cities to the west of you, and I find them all directly tributary to Chicago as the Queen City of com- ing years. They look to this as the Mecca of their commercial pil- grimage, and every frontiersman tells the story of its greatness, and every arrangement that adds to his herds is increasing and prospering the growth and business and building up the commerce of your city. Ten years ago you were waiting for telegrams from London as to prices of produce before you could trade. To-day London is waiting for telegrams from New York and Chicago. We have ceased to wait for Europe to fix a market. You have such absolute control of it that you make Europe wait till you fix the prices. But, gentlemen, it is a dangerous thing to get on the strain of what Chicago is to become. This much is certain: That it is to be the second city of this conti- nent that it is to outstrip every other commercial centre except New York. I hope no Chicago man of this generation will take of- fense at this exception. But that it 's to be second only to New York is to see clearly the prophecy of present facts, and that should be open to no objection. I see a majority of you are young men. Yon will grow older by- and-by. I see very few gray hairs among you, but occasionally a bald head. You know a preacher once said that a man in his church who was bald got it through the truth glancing off the top of his head. I venture you have had some such experience to increase the want of hair on the Chicago Board of Trade. I thank you sincerely; I thank you more than I can express for the cordiality of your reception. Speech at a Base-Ball Dinner. FELLOW-PLAYERS: As I look around this table I see honest, manly faces, strong limbs, and genial companions, which do my heart good, especially as I fail to see a single " muff " among you. Everything, it is said, has its uses ; and we who know the arduous, active life of a professional base-ball player are willing to accord to him the righteous award of skill, energy and endurance. He may not move senates by his eloquence, nor determine intricate points of international law, but he understands the physical requirements of a first-class base-ball player and how to gain them by careful training and temperate habits. He sets a good example for professional men by striving to excel in his calling, lest he should be defeated in the very first contest and render future games extremely doubtful in point of victory. As a pitcher, he graduates his muscular power to the proper momentum, so as not to under or over-pitch, economizes his strength, and becomes as vigilant as a detective on a doubtful scent. If he is a batter, he must exercise the same sort of endur- ance, energy and vigilance, always being sure to knock the ball so far that he can run all the bases and reach home before the fielders can recover it. With all this training, this professional and phys- ical development, come robust health and the acquirement of facul- ties that he can exercise to the best advantage in other kinds of bus- iness. Nor would I withhold all due honor to fielders, whose use- fulness in our favorite game should not be underrated. Like the rank and file of a fighting army, they may not make much individual display, but in the result their activity and vigilance greatly adds to the renown of the pitcher and batter. Gentlemen, as one of your- selves, proud of our organization, and desiring nothing so much as our success, trusting in you all as abundantly able to crown yourselves with glory, I unite with you in the earnest effort to succeed. Reception of a Visiting Fire Company. MB. FOREMAN, AND FIREMEN ALL: During the weeks that we have been anticipating your coming, we have also been studying plans by which we might make your visit a pleasant one; for we designed, as we now do, to offer you our heartiest welcome. We welcome you to our municipality, our homes, our engine-houses, and as many agree- able sights and sounds as the city affords. We are glad to welcome you as brothers in the cause of protection against the ravages of fire. Such a brotherhood as ours ought to be united, for it is a dangerous service, often requiring the utmost skill to prevent serious catastrophes, with unity of purpose and prompt obedience to the commands of our officers. It is understood that you have brought with you your machine, and we judge from your appearance that you have also brought sterling material to man it. A little healthful emulation as to the merits of our respective engines and companies, on whichever banner victory may perch, we trust will result in cementing us still closer as mem- bers of our worthy profession. We have heard something of your superiority in your own city, and we shall be proud to furnish you every facility for displaying your gallantry here. Indeed, our citizens purpose to give you a public reception to-morrow afternoon, in connection with a friendly contest between our local companies and yourselves. In the meantime we have assigned you comfortable apartments and a free table at the Park House, where we shall be pleased to have you make yourselves entirely at home as friends and guests whom we greatly esteem. Reply by the Foreman of the Visiting Company. MR. FOREMAN AND GENTLEMEN: We anticipated a generous recep- tion at your hands, for the fame of your hospitality has become gen- eral among the firemen of our city. Although this is our first professional visit, we have heard that your fire department keeps abreast with the improvements and the demands of the age, and that in you we should find " foemen worthy of our steel. " A glance at your numbers and make-up convinces us that the report was true, and the test of skill which you propose for to-morrow afternoon meets with our warm approval. We fully appreciate the genuine heartiness of your welcome, and the excellent quarters which you have provided for us during our visit. We hope, before the snow falls, to be able to reciprocate these favors with interest. We believe that under your guidance we shall greatly enjoy this visit. Enterprise and activity are visible on every hand, and as these are qualities entirely in harmony with the fireman's profession, we anticipate, in your society, a "high old time." Again thanking you for your kindness, we await your further pleasure. 480 THE FORMS AND CEREMONIES RELATING TO BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. THE BAPTISMAL SERVICE. ^jmf clT6 * According to the General Church Forms. sv|?*ENERALLY the baptism of children forms a part of the morn- JM ing services of the church, after the opening prayer, the first " hymn, and the responsive reading of selections from the Psalms. The minister coming from the pulpit into the chancel, the parents, guardians, godfathers and godmothers (if there are any) range them- selves before him, with the child, or children, uncovered, in front of the baptismal font. Then the minister addresses the congregation: Address to the Congregation. DEARLY BELOVED: You have heard in the Gospel the words of our Saviour, comman- ding children to be brought to him ; \ how he blamed all \ those who would have kept them from him; how he exhorts all men to follow innocency as little children. You perceive how by his outward conduct and gentle words, he declared his good-will to- ward them ; for he took them into his arms, laid his hands upon them and. blessed them. You are not to doubt, therefore, but earnestly be- lieve, that he will likewise favorably receive these in- fants now present- ed here for bap- tism; that he will embrace them with the arms of his love and mercy ; that he will make them partakers of his everlasting kingdom. Being thus per- suaded, let us de- voutly return thanks: certain days throughout the year, it is customary, in most churches, to baptize those children that may be presented by their pa- rents. At that time, in commemoration of the oc- casion, it is usual to decorate the church beautifully Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee that Thou hast brought us to a certain know- ledge of the truth, and that Thou wilt make these children inheritors of eternal life. We pray Thee to increase in us knowledge. Bestow upon these infants Thy heavenly blessing, and enable them by Thy grace to overcome evil and to accept Thee for their best friend, Saviour, counselor and guide, following Thee in all wis- dom, humility and obedience. Bless these parents and guardians, and help them by Thy grace and Spirit to bring up these children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, so that both parents and children may be united to Thee on earth and together enjoy the pleasures of the world to come. Amen. Naming each one separately and distinctly, as he conies to it, the minister, who usually baptizes by sprinkling water upon the child's head, says: (Naming it), I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. When all have been baptized, the minister addresses the parents and guardians as follows: BELOVED: The children of our love should come to us as bless- ings, gathering like "olive-plants about our table," living "well- springs of pleasure " in our homes. Yet while we enjoy their pres- ence, their winning ways, their loving smiles and innocent amuse- ments, we should never forget our responsibility in bringing them into this world, nor the duty which their coming imposes upon us. From the moment that they enter into our households, until they go hence in the strength of manhood and womanhood, upon us rests the burden of preparing them for good and useful lives. Not only have we to provide, day by day, for their bodily needs, their comfort and their education, but a heavier responsibility rests upon us of instilling into their innocent minds the principles of vir- tue and truth. The wisest man that ever lived has left it on record for our instruction that if we " train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it." Thus much for our en- couragement to teach the right thing in the right way ; to guide the young to do the right and avoid the wrong; to lead them in the paths of moral integrity, to respect the rights of others, and to become so- ber, industrious, honest, polite and trustworthy men and women. In accordance with our religion, we may nay, we should devote ourselves to this service, believing that the Divine blessing attends the proper in- struction of an in- fant soul. There- fore, by this act of baptism, we to-day consecrate them to the cause of truth and purity, believ- ing that with the blessing of heaven upon our endeav- ors they may be- come happy and prosperous, and be helpful to others who are not so. In the water which we place upon their foreheads we behold the representative of that purity and innocency which we would preserve in their existence. And to you who have brought these children into being, and have presented them at this altar, we look for the solemn promise that as your circumstances permit, will you follow the injunction to lead them carefully in wisdom's ways, always having their best interests, spiritual and moral, as well as physical and mental, at heart, en- couraging them in seeking after truth and embracing it; by your ex- ample, also, teaching them to live aright? Answer We will. We, therefore, welcome these little ones into the visible and cor- porate church of Christ on earth. Then follows a brief prayer. Parents and children then retire, and the regular service proceeds. Baptism of Children. with flowers. The view here displayed shows the posi- tion taken before the altar by the fathers and moth- ers, as they present their little ones for the reception of this very beautiful ordinance. As will be seen, when standing before the clergyman, the husband or god- father stands at the right of the lady. SUGGESTIONS AND DIRECTIONS CONCERNING MANAGEMENT OF FESTAL OCCASIONS. 481 Its* THE BANQUET HALL. Order and Arrangement of the Banquet. j^JPJ ANQUETS are given in honor either of some noted occasion, or _?rf some distinguished foreigner or prominent citizen, generally by an organization or association of men. A committee of ar- rangements is appointed, which has the entire control and manage- ment of the affair, and which is subdivided into committees on in- vitation, finance, supper, etc. , etc. Invitations, handsomely gotten up, are issued several days before the banquet is to come off, and read generally in this wise: " The Chamber of Commerce of the city of request the pleas- ure of your presence at a banquet to be given at the House, on Thursday evening, the 21st of De- cember next, at 8 o'clock, in honor of the Centennial of American In- dependence. You are invited to re- spond to the toast, 'Our Pilgrim Fathers. ' " On the evening named the guest is expected to pre- sent his card of in- vitation (which he generally retains as a memento or souvenir), at the time and place named, when he is shown into a par- lor or reception room, where he is received by the committee and in- troduced to such of the guests as he may be unacquain- ted with. Some little time having been spent in con- versation, the guests are grad- ually marshalled, and at the signal from the head- waiter that the banquet is served, the guests are escorted by the committee to the hall, and, while the more prominent are conducted to the center- table, the others are ushered to seats at the tables on either hand, the reporters being favorably placed at a table of their own, or interpersed among the other guests. All are expected to stand opposite their respective places until a signal be given by the presiding officer, who, if a clergyman be present, generally re- quests him to ask a blessing. Being seated, each guest finds before him a plate, with a napkin, on which rests a button -hole bouquet, a finger-bowl with its doiley, a goblet for water, and a variety of glasses for wines of different kinds, should wine be admitted, together with an elaborately gotten up menu, or bill N the occasion of a banquet, the hall is usually trimmed with decorations suitable for the event, and various methods are pursued in arranging the tables, the one here shown being a common one. Two long tables extend lengthwise of the room. At the end of these is a table across the end of the hall of fare. The bouquet he is expected to attach to his coat, and he is privileged to retain the menu as a souvenir of the occasion, if he desires so to do. The guests being seated, the waiter immediately serves them through the various courses, from oysters to nuts and apples and cream or roman punch. Etiquette forbids that the guest shall eat heartily of any of the viands, or drink deeply of the wines which in some in- stances are served with each course. On no account should he ask that his plate or his glass be replenished, as this would mark him as vulgar. An exception to this rule may be made in the case of cham- pagne, as this wine is not considered intoxicating, and it is generally served with the dessert. It is the wine in which the toasts are drank. After the various coursesare served, which usually re- qnires from an hour to an hour and a half, the presid- ing officer raps to order, and in a short and pithy speech announces the object of the meeting, the pur- pose of the ban- quet, and, if it is in honor of an in- dividual, proposes the health of such individual, where- upon the guests all rise, except the party toasted, drink the toast standing, and gen- erally give cheers to the distinguish- ed guest. Should the banquet be given in honor of an occasion, the chairman proposes as a toast, " The day we celebrate," which likewise is frequently drank standing. A series of toasts are then read, drank, and responded to by parties who have been invited to do so, and who are expected to pfepare and deliver a short, witty and mirth pro- voking speech. Music follows each toast if it has been provided or a quartette of male voices is introduced; a good singer among the guests is frequently called upon to entertain his fellow-guests; and it is esteemed unkind for him to decline. After the regular toasts have been responded to, the chairman may call upon any in- dividual in the company for remarks, until the hour for adjournment has arrived, when the musicians are called upon for " Auld Lang Syne," or " Home, Sweet Home," and the party is dispersed. Brief, appropriate banquet speeches follow on succeeding pages. and situated upon a platform. The guests at this table occupy one side, the president being in the center, with the most honored guest at the right, and other guests and speakers upon each side. Thus the speaking is distinctly heard. 31 482 FORMS OF SPEECHES IN REPLY TO TOASTS. Speech of a Sentimentalist, In. response to the toast of " Tlie Ladies. " GENTLEMEN: With all my heart I respond to this toast! I assure you It inspires me like one of Miss Braddon's delightful love-stories. The ladies! Yes, I admire them greatly in the aggregate; I honor them in the abstract, and some of them I absolutely love ! " Why should I fear to own to all That beauty does my heart enthrall?" Gentlemen, in proposing this toast you honor your manhood and every daughter of Eve; in responding to it I can only echo the sen- timent of Sir Walter Scott: "O woman, in our hours of ease. Uncertain, coy, and hard to please, And variable as the shade By the light quivering aspen made; When pain and anguish wring the brow, A ministering angel thou !" And speaking of angels, what a delightful combination some fine genius has made in'writing of " mother, home and heaven ! " Yes, my mother ! Sacredly to her honored gray hairs I answer to this toast. To my sister, my earliest playmate, beloved guide and helper in my infantile pilgrimage, I sacredly respond to this toast. My sweetheart ! What words can paint her beauty and her good- ness? I wish her happiness, sleeping or waking ! My friend I Truest of the true, faithful among the many that are untrue; always bright, tractable, hopeful and wise I respond for her! My cousin ! poor child, she was older than I, but we loved each other in our childhood, and when she married unfortunately, and died of a broken heart, last year, she left me only the memory of her beau- tiful character to cherish forever. My wife that is to be ! " She's all my fancy painted her; She's lovely she's divine!" But the rest of that verse does not apply in my case, for she has surely promised to be mine ! I hope for her good health and happi- ness! Did I hear somebody whispering near me, " How about mother- in-law?" Gentlemen, excuse me if I stand up squarely before you, and defend that much-maligned relative. Fortunately I know whom she will be, and I tell you that should my wife and I, in the far fu- ture, marry our daughter (that is to be) to some heartless, dis- sipated fellow, I hope that he may find his mother-in-law a terror to his soul, and I'J1 back her up in it, you may believe. I tell you sons- in-law determine the mother-in-law question every time! Show me a man who respects himself and his wife as he ought, and proves himself an honorable gentleman on all occasions, and his mother-in- law will love him better, if possible, than his wife ever did. That's my mother-in-law. Gentlemen, I take pleasure in responding to the toast The Ladies all the ladies of our land! Speech at a Dry-Goods-Merchants' Reunion. FELLOW TRADESMEN: When the formation of this society was con- ceived it had no higher purpose than to unite us for mutual protection and companionship, and on that basis it has proved itself a useful and social union. From a small membership it has risen to the dignity of a thoroughly organized, popular and powerful association, per- fectly able to carry out its proposed beneficent measures, and enjoy- ing a fund of prosperity commensurate with its usefulness. We have now been in existence for five years, and within that period no less than twenty-five similar organizations have been formed in this county alone; so that the dry-goods trade of this section has been greatly benefited and improved by our co-operation. To-night we celebrate the fifth anniversary of our society, and I am happy to an- nounce that its records have never yet been sullied by the business failure of any of its members, nor saddened by the hand of death. We meet, therefore, under peculiarly gratifying circumstances, for the exchange of our congratulations upon the success of the move- ment, with high hopes for- the future, and to commemorate the fame of those distinguished manufacturers and merchants of America who have made dry : goods the great element of mercantile prosperity that it has now become. Gentlemen, I therefore heartily propose as a toast "All honor to the Dry-goods Merchants of America Living or Dead!" A Landsman's Response to the Toast of " The Navy." MB. CHAIRMAN, AND GENTLEMEN : It was rather remarkable that the committee should have designated me, above all others, to re- spond to this important toast. For my marine experiences have been limited in number and extent, and while they have sometimes proved exceedingly unpleasant to myself, I must acknowledge that they have been a source of considerable amusement to my fellow-voyag- ers. For my navigation has been strictly confined to steam-vessels, in which I rated as a first-class cabin-passenger, with my fare paid and state-room secured in advance; and in all my voyages I have never encountered worse marine disasters than wretched attacks of sea-sickness. Fortunately, however, my knowledge of naval affairs has not been restricted to my own experiences. As the years have rolled by, I have frequently been thrown into the society of many distin- guished gentlemen who belonged to the United States Navy, and am ready to bear testimony to all the good qualities claimed for this sterling branch of our government defenses. Around the names of Decatur, McDonoiigh, Biddle, Bainbridgn, Lawrence, Perry, Chauncey, Elliott, Fjirragtit, Dahlgren, and a host of other true " hearts of oak," circle brilliant halos of fame for their gallant services by sea and land, and all patriotic Americans point to them with proud appreciation. Gentlemen, these men are dead, but their victories illumine our history as a nation with a lustre that charms the mind of youth as it reads the story of their tri- umphs. We may praise our army for its deeds of valor on the tented field, and well does it deserve the highest encomiums for its gallantry; but I have noticed that in numerous sieges on the sea-coast without the aid of the Navy the success of the Army would have been exceed- ingly doubtful. And in the list of noble vessels whose names we love to cherish, stand the veteran " Constitution" (our " Old Iron- sides"), the " United States," the " Chesapeake," the " Wasp," the "Hornet" and the "Monitor." Gentlemen, I must not dwell too long in recalling the past. We hear the press occasionally sneering at the apparent insignificance of our Navy in " these piping times of peace." Let them sneer; for there never was a time, as yet, in our history when the United States needed a Navy that she did not have it, with a force of fighting men to make it glorious. In the future, as in the past, I look for the re- newal of this phenomenon at the proper time, and I believe there will never come a period in our national existence when our Navy will yield its prestige to a foreign or domestic foe, or fail to add new laurels to its victorious record. Response to the Toast of " The Army." MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: It devolves upon me as a duty to reply to the sentiment just offered. To a soldier, duty should I ever be a pleasure; and as one of the great Army thus brought to the front, I willingly and proudly respond to the good wishes embodied in this toast. I could have wished, gentlemen, that some one else had been chosen to perform what I am called upon to do, for it would probably have been done far better. I see before me many who could more eloquently speak of the value and exploits of our military organization, because they have been longer in it and have seen more service. TOASTS AND RESPONSES. 483 I am happy, on this occasion, to meet so many old comrades stal- wart young fellows whom I knew before they aspired to shoulder- straps; with whom, side by side, I carried a musket into many bloody fights, which their valor turned to victories. I am glad to see them here to-night, safe and sound, and by their high-rank uniforms attesting that republics are not always ungrateful. Gentlemen, the record of the United States Army is brilliant with deeds of bravery and distinguished conquests. Tracing it from the first fight of the Revolution, in 1775, to this day, when peace is in all our borders, Americans have reason to glory in its achievements, and we know that it stands well in the estimation of the world. What the Army has been in the past, and it owes much to the courage and energy of our citizen-soldiery, we may safely rely upon it in the future, when the alarum of invasion or intestinal conflict shall be sounded. As in the past, the nation will rise as one man, and the cry of " to-arms!" will again meet with a hearty response. There is another reason why all honor should be accorded to this important bulwark of our nation, and it is this: While in most for- eign countries military service has to be enforced by conscription, or draft, or by royal edict, here the latent patriotism of the people, and the liberal provisions of the government, lead them to volunteer freely for the maintenance of the Army. The Army also owes much to the moral and substantial support of the people at large. Who so honored as General Washington, Gen- eral Grant, General Sherman and General Sheridan? Who so esteemed as the men who have fallen in defense of our flag, whose graves we decorate with spring-time flowers from year to year? My comrades, we have reason to rejoice that the American soldier, living or dead, may count his admirers by the thousands. At a Party-Prefacing the Toast, " Our Host and Hostess." GENTLEMEN: I tL.ink you will all agree with me when I refer to this occasion as one of those bright oases in ordinary life which re- lease us from business cares and afford us opportunity to unbend and mingle in cheerful recreation with our esteemed friends. I am sure that we all need a stimulus of this sort after a season of drudgery at the desk or counter, in order to clear away the dust and cobwebs from our brains, to revive our social natures, and to develop the finer sentiments and feelings of humanity. When I look around this gen- erous board and see so many friendly faces, my heart warms, and there comes bubbling up the desire that these happy reunions might be more frequent in our existence. But while I rejoice with you that the hour has been a triumph of social enjoyment, we should not be forgetful of those to whose thoughtful care and hospitality we are in- debted for it. Certainly we can, each one of us, appreciate the bounty and good taste that have provided this delightful banquet, and I, therefore, have no hesitation in asking you to pledge to them our warmest regards while I propose the healths of our excellent host and hostess. The Host's Reply. GENTLEMEN FRIENDS: It would ill become me to sit still with that hearty sentiment ringing in our ears and nestling in our hearts, and, in my own name and that of my wife, I rise to thank you, sin- cerely and earnestly, for your very kind expressions of esteem and friendship for us. True gratitude does not require to be clothed in many words. Language is frequently inadequate, in such cases, to convey more than a mere and remote idea of the feelings that are prompted by such very gratifying and generous sentiments as you have so unanimously uttered. In all sincerity and earnestness, as your friends, we hope for your individual prosperity in all the re- lations of life and business, trusting that in the early future we may have the pleasure of again meeting you, under as agreeable circum- stances, to renew our mutual and harmonious enjoyment. A Toast "The Ladies." Response by a tender-hearted bachelor. GENTLEMEN: I think you must have known me and my sentiments pretty well when you assigned to me the duty of responding to the toast of " the ladies;" for I confess it is a subject to which I have given much thought, and of which I have expressed much admira- tion. Really, it touches a tender chord in my bosom, and I sup- pose I am peculiarly sensitive about it because my mother was a lady. Oh, these mothers! how much we owe to them! Our being, our ear- liest nourishment, our consolation, our training in the ways of life. They are our guardian-spirits, our lovers, our helpers, our teachers, our best friends. I pity the man who has never felt a mother's love,- or her slipper, when he has wandered into forbidden paths and been caught at it: I tell you these are things to remember. In imag- ination I can feel them tingling still; but far better comes the re- membrance to my heart, that while she caused my tears to flow, she had all she could do to keep her own from mingling with mine. And my sister! I heartily respond for her, because, being older than I, she guided my infant footsteps over many rough places, carried me when I wrs tired and boxed my ears when I was naughty. My sweetheart! I cannot tell you how many there were of her! I never knew but no school-room could seat all of her. I don't know which of her I loved the best. I know some of her loved me well, but my stolen cherries, nuts and candy better! She was of all ages, all styles of beauty white and brown pale and quiet rosy and a romp; but I loved her dearly, and for her I respond to-night. My cousin ! Yes, I respond in memory of her, hateful and aggra- vating though she was ; stealing my gum, begging half my apple, cuf- fing me when I kissed her, wheedling me into writing her composi- tions for her after school and making me like her whether I wanted to or not ! My friend ! I remember her in all sweetness ! She never sauced me; she never tormented me by word or deed; she never "went back" on me; I could trust her with all I had; she always kept my secrets; always gave me good advice ; always sewed on my buttons, and never grumbled; taught me how to be good, and how to be polite, and how to be manly ; I tell you she was a friend, indeed, to be proud of. But she is dead! My wife ! Don't laugh. It is true that I have none now ; but in the future, when I join hands with her at the altar, and proudly call her mine though I do not now even know her name or the number of her shoe I shall marry her because I love her. I wish for her good health wherever she is to-night! And now, gentlemen, when the roosters are waking up and dawn is appearing, it is time to close our festivities and retire to our couches. May pleasant dreams await us there ! Response to the Toast of " The Press." GENTLEMEN: To speak ably to a toast relating to a subject so im- portant and of so much magnitude might well stagger the confidence of any individual, unless he be an editor; and the smaller the cir- culation of his paper, so much greater, ordinarily, would we expect to find his confidence on an occasion like this. That I have been announced as the speaker to respond to this toast seems to me a pleasant parody, when I consider the genuine elo- quence and intelligent comprehension of the topic that some older and more experienced journalist would have brought to bear upon it. But the fiat has gone forth, and I rise, in accordance with your behest, to utter a few words about my chosen profession. Gentlemen, what the power of the press has been in the past, in shaping public opinion, correcting public morals, rebuking social and political abuses, and instructing the people, is too well-known to be repeated here in detail. Whatever progress the arts and sciences, domestic culture, legislation, education, and commerce, have achieved, is largely due to the influence of the press. Our national integrity! advancement and prosperity owe much to types and printers' ink. In truth "the press, the lever that moves the world," has done good service and with Archimedean energy has moved the world as no other earthly power could move it. Show me an enterprise of man that the newspaper has not developed and strengthened, and I will show you an enterprise that the dark ages would be ashamed to en- courage. 484 BANQUET SPEECHES. We find much fault with the press for revealing crime and wicked- ness, and clothing it with attractiveness and " sensation " that it does not deserve. We accuse it of shaping public opinion to the detri- ment of society. Gentlemen, remember that the people rule in this country, and that the press, like Abraham Lincoln in the war, can only echo and fulfill the wishes of the people. Educate the people to think for themselves, to study and maintain their own opinions, regardless of the press, and the press will find its true level and be the exponent of the real sentiments of the public. As it is, the average citizen prefers to let the press think for him; and when he is called to serve upon a jury, his mind is so imbued with the opinions of the reporter and editor that he is incompetent to form an honest judgment on the evidence of sworn witnesses. This is all wrong. Gentlemen, believe me the brains of the com- munity are not all in the editor's skull. I accord to my profession all the influence, all the wisdom, that it has any reason to claim; but it is not infallible. Men and women should be more independent of it. Like the lawyer, the editor, trammeled by political ambition and personal motives, does very much special pleading as the advocate of many things which he should be ashamed to approve. But still the press is a mighty engine for reform. It can gather and disseminate really important information with greater rapidity than the slower process of book-making and distributing can possibly do, and reach a larger class of readers. If all the motives and energies of the press are on the side of morality and truth, it will fulfill the func- tions of a missionary in a good cause; but if the paper is " satanic" in its principles, and its readers lack the moral stamina to resist its influences, the effect must be more or less evil. No, the man or woman who is willing to sit calmly down, and say, " Well, my paper says so and so is right, and I suppose it is, be- cause the editor is a sharp fellow and knows, probably, better than I r:o," does not comprehend the privileges he or she possesses to think and act independently. All honor to the press as a power for good, but none for it as the conservator of immorality. Speech at a Printers' Banquet. FELLOW- PRINTERS: It having devolved upon me to respond to the sentiment just offered " The Art Preservative of All Arts, and the Artists of the Composing- Room" I may as well say right here that I know all about those fellows of whom I am proud to be one on this occasion. The dinner we have just eaten was one to make each of ns per- fectly satisfied with ourselves and our vocation. In our office phrase, it was a " fat-take," and counted immensely in the " make-up " of this evening's enjoyment. With the exception of a feeling of un- wonted tightness under the lower button of my vest, I am unusually self -satisfied and happy, and I see by your pleasant faces that our feelings are reciprocal. But I was to speak about "the art preservative of all arts." Trusting to my present condition of mind and body, I should say it must be a good dinner, like this we have just eaten; for I think that if there is anything more preservative or congenial in the arts than such cookery, it can only be found in the "black art" which we practice. But seriously, gentlemen, the subject is too broad, too magnif- icent, and comes up at too late an hour this evening, to receive more than a passing mention. All honor to our profession I would say " trade," but art is a profession, and I am talking about art. I say, all honor to all our art to the men who invented and perpetuated it until we came upon the stage sad bunglers as they were in the busi- ness. All honor to the typos and the pressmen who are covering them- selves and their profession with honor by the skill and beauty with which they have invested it. All honor to the press of the conn- try even to those editors whose sharpest, most pungent articles are written with shears and paste, instead of pen and ink. All hon- or to the men who advertise their business, and grow corpulent and wealthy by their free use of printers' ink. All honor to the men who write and publish books. All honor to each and every reading man, woman and child in the universe, for their appreciation of our art. All honor to the men who design and draft the beautiful al- phabets and ornaments with which we adorn our finest work. All honor to the pressman who "over-lays" his fellows and makes our art more brilliant by his clear "impressions." All honor to the paper-men who understand our needs and strive to make our art finer and better by the variety and excellence of their products. Finally, all honor to our art itself the art that is working won- ders in the education and the reformation of the world and to you, my fellow-typos, whose nimble fingers and good taste furnish last- ing monuments of the progress of the age. Speech at an Iron Manufacturers' Festival. MB. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: In an epoch so filled with sur- prising inventions, improved methods of living, and important bene- fits to all classes of society, it is difficult to determine the specific name that should be given to this age. After some considerable de- liberation I have decided in my own mind that this is, really and truly, the IRON AGE not the one of which we have read so much in the history of the past, when life was a burden and held under a tenure of doubtful stability when men's hearts were wrung by cruelty and oppression but an age into whose composition iron and steel have so largely entered that it has reformed society and busi- ness, and greatly changed all our commercial relations. Look at the perfect network of railroads now traversing this continent and that of Europe, and pushing through the deserts and cities of the great East. Look at the majestic iron steamers that plow all navigable seas and oceans'. Look at the immense forges, rolling-mills and fac- tories that illumine the skies in all civilized countries with their lurid furnace -flames. Look at all these, and then ask, what power so potent as that of iron in this century? Without it all branches of in- dustry would cease, and the clock of time would be set back five hundred years. No, gentlemen, in this era of progress, Iron is King! Accord whatever credit we may to science, art and literature, as motors in the great work of civilization, Iron holds its own in the scale, and is one of the world's greatest industrial agents in pro- viding labor for workingmen. Indeed, the value of the iron-trade to all classes of society is incalculable, for it is universal not for any one age or country, but for all time and in every land. Mr. President and Gentlemen, when I consider this subject and endeavor to estimate its true worth, I am bewildered at its greatness and the inadequatcnessor figures to represent it intelligibly. To-night I shall go no further with it, but leave it in its vastness for future political economists to investigate and assess. For one I am glad to be here to testify to its gigantic powers and increasing influence upon the world at large." Gentlemen, I give yon : "The Iron Trade and its Artisans. " Artists' Reunion. Response by the president to the toast, " Our Art and Artists. " FELLOW- ARTISTS: I suppose that most of us are aware of the very important part which fidelity to nature and the higher principles of art bear in the success of our profession; and I fancy, sometimes, that the lessons which we have received in this direction, while pur- suing our studies, may have a meaning that extends beyond our can- vas and our easels. I doubt not that in the experiences of most of us here present we have more than once had occasion to note the similarity between the work of perfecting a superior painting and of shaping our lives to our ideal of honor and usefulness. In the studio, when the picture has gathered form and awaits the finer touches of the pencil, we carefully scan it from different points of vision, noting each defect in coloring and expression, and toning down, heightening, obliterat- ing and retouching, as our skill and tastes may dictate, until we con fess that in our eyes it is perfect. Thus it behooves us, as artists RESPONE TO CONGRATULATION AND SPEECH ON HARD TIMES. 485 as men who revere art who strive for excellence and fame who re- spect ourselves and our talents to stand aside occasionally and criti- cally examine ourselves our outer and inner lives and note where- in we have come short of being the ideal men that we were designed to be. In the painting we have created with our pencils, a few move- ments of the hand will effect a wonderful transformation. If de- fects exist in character may we be equally adroit in the removal of blemishes and in the attainment of that which is wanting. We are told that " an undevont astronomer is mad." Gentlemen, if our art is at all inferior to the sublime science of astronomy, it is because it is doing business more with our earth than with the im- mense universe beyond. We may with the utmost fidelity transfer to our canvas the finest landscapes and wildest charms of nature, and so win the highest applause from hosts of admirers. But alas! our choicest paintings are but types and shadows of the real grandeur of the works of nature which inspire our genius and should fill us with the spirit of devotion to the bounteous Providence which has spoken these beautiful things of earth into existence. An undevout artist is no less mad than tbo unbelieving astronomer. Gentlemen, I am aware that this is an unusual train of thought to be introduced upon a festive occasion like this, but I am here to ac- cord to my calling, and yours, all the dignity and emphasis to which it is entitled. I revere the memory of the dead and gone masters of our art; I rejoice in the perpetuation of their works and genius, and I believe that we who are endeavoring to leave to a grateful pos- terity paintirgs worthy of our profession should feel the importance of our mission, be faithful in our representations of nature, true art- ists in spirit as well as in works, and carry with us the character of high-minded, broad, generous, faithful men. And now, turning to lighter matters connected with our profession, allow me to suggest that you who are expert portrait-painters should be "sharper than a serpent's tooth." I have observed that you paint portraits of gentlemen very conscientiously, for where the original possesses a pug-nose, you invariably give him one in your picture, and oftentimes, no doubt, it causes the poor man a world of uneasiness. As a remedy, I would suggest a schedule for such emergencies, fixing the price of an aquiline nose at so much, and a pug for something less, and let the gentleman decide for himself which he will have portrayed. This, brother artists, is the true mis- sion of art to make every one satisfied with himself and with your work. Should a cross-eyed man desire to be taken with straight visual organs, always be ready to accommodate him. What else should you do? He pays for the work, and takes his choice, prefer- ring straight eyes to crooked ones. Who can blame him? These are little things, gentlemen, but very suggestive, and you will do well to heed them. I have thus responded to the toast in accordance with the assign- ment of the committee, and from the fullness of my heart, every sentiment of which is fraught with veneration for Art, and esteem for my fellow-artists. Response to a Speech of Congratulation, Made by John A. Logan to Illinois Republican Association. MR. PRESIDENT, AND FELLOW-CITIZENS OP ILLINOIS: I welcome you heartily, and tender you my sincere thanks for the expression of good will manifested to-night in this voluntary visit. It is pleasant at all times to meet with one's co-workers, and it is especially so to meet with those with whom our labors have been most immediately cast. Born and reared in the State of Illinois, a flood of personal and agreeable recollections rushes upon me as I behold your familiar faces. Some of you stood with me as boys upon the shore of life's great ocean, panting with eagerness to explore the inviting but untried expanse before you. Some of you were side by side with me when our young manhood, full of vigor and latent possibilities, began the struggle with forbidding fortune, and in the face of obstacles which magnified and ennobled your subsequent success. With some of you I have rejoiced in the accomplishment of objects for which we have striven, and with some of you I have grieved over the nonfriii- tion of your best-grounded hopes. With all of you I have been closely associated during some portion of our respective careers, and can dwell with gratification over the retrospect of our personal acquaint- ances a retrospect which, while full of pleasures, should not fail to remind us that, though we have passed the heyday of youth, and are standing under the more subdued light of middle-age, we are still in the priir.3 of usefulness, and with life's mission still unfilled. Some of yon that are here have come upon the field of labor at a more re- cent period, but are no less my friends and fellow-laborers. To one and all of you, gentlemen, I desire to manifest my deep appreciation of the spirit which prompts your visit at this time, and to extend the hand of fellowship and of hearty greeting to my friends of Illinois here assembled. Speech at a Manufacturers' Convention, Qiving the Causes of Depression in Business. The periods of financial depression come frequently in late years. Why ? Does anybody know why ? Apparently very few people have any distinct idea as to the causes that produce general financial dis- tress throughout the community. Ask a dozen of the best business men of your town to-day the reason for the present hard times, and you will get a dozen different answers. One will tell you that it is "presidential year. " Another will tell you that it is " wildcat spec- ulation. " Another, that it is " over-trading. " Another, that it is "lack of sufficient protection. " Another, that it is "wasteful ex- travagance," etc. etc. Evidently there is no clearly defined idea in the minds of business men relative to the causes that produce com- mercial stagnation. For this reason I have chosen this subject. To explain, I will go back in history. Primitive man had no labor-saving implements to aid him in securing warmth and food. To obtain these necessaries, he had to labor with every possible phys- ical effort all throughout his working hours. Time passed, and inventive genius produced labor-saving devices, such as the sickle, the hoe, the plough, the fanning-mill, the spinning-wheel, etc. With these came opportunity for rest from long hours ; and, with greater leisure for study and intellectual advancement, labor-saving machinery began to rapidly multiply. The result was, with the pro- ductive power of the country increased, the time of labor has been shortened from sixteen hours to fourteen, from fourteen to twelve, and from twelve to ten. The history of these shortenings of the hours would fill a volume. Working the long hours with labor-saving machinery would make an over-production, succeeded by stagnation in business, bankruptcies, strikes, riots, and general disturbance. This was followed by a short- ening of the hours, when, the productive power being lessened for a time, the demand for goods equaled or exceeded the supply, and then came an era of better times. The hours of factory labor have never been shortened without great effort, and whenever they have been reduced, the periods soon following have been those of great financial prosperity to the country. During a period of several years preceding the civil war, our mechanics, with the aid of improved machinery, working twelve hours a day, had produced a vast overabundance, and the business of the country was at a standstill. The time of a day's labor was lessened two hours near the opening of the war, and nearly a million of men went to the battlefields. This made an immense reduction of the productive power of the country ; and then came that era of great financial prosperity which the people enjoyed for several years, known as " war-times. " Good times stimulated invention to its utmost, and the planing- machine, the mower, the reaper, threshing-machines, telegraphs, tele- phones, and a vast array of other machines came to our aid, and along with them the laborers from other countries. Added to all this, the 486 THE CAUSE OF HARD TIMES AND THE REMEDY. war closed, and the soldiers returned, also to enter the field of pro- duction. The result was what? In the fall of 1873 an immense overstock of every description of goods that could not be immediately consumed. Then followed the general failures among business men who had not foreseen the crisis that was approaching. What made the panic of 1873? An immense overproduction, brought about by laboring men working in the manufactories ten hours each day, aided by steam and labor-saving machinery. Or, in other words, the power of production was in excess of the ability to consume. The balance was destroyed, and financial disturbance was the result. Fortunately, soon after this panic, the Territories offered mining inducements, and thousands of our discharged laborers went there. Millions of acres of new lands were opened to settlers, and hundreds of thousands of surplus laborers have found themselves homes and employment there. These avenues of employment, besides furnish- ing homes for large numbers of immigrants from foreign lands, have made a fairly active and prosperous trade for business men for sev- eral years. The immense productive power of the country, however, assisted by a general introduction of steam and labor-saving machinery, has been, of late, greatly overbalancing the power to consume, and the certain results are following. The hundreds of thousands of men who have gone to the new lands are producing wheat in such abun- dance as to bring the price below the cost of production. The result is disappointment to the farmer. He does not realize the price he had expected. He does not carry forward the improvement he had anticipated; he does not patronize the merchant and the merchant does not order goods. Dull times at the factories are realized because merchants do not order ; more mechanics are discharged ; few goods are shipped; railroads do not pay dividends, their stocks shrink in value, and financial distress prevails among those who hold this class of securities. It is clearly evident that the power to consume must balance the capacity to produce, or a general stoppage of production must cease. Such is the fact. When production has been stimulated by great de- mand, and the power to produce is in excess of consumption, then comes an overproduction. Then follows a lowering of the working- man's wages, and, finally, the discharge of large numbers of mechan- ics from the factory. With the power to buy destroyed among the great mass of the common people, manufacturers cannot sell, and then the discharge of laborers goes forward all the more rapidly, and general idleness prevails. The business man who, a few years since, saw and realized the immense productive power of the country, consisting of great armies of foreign laborers who have come to our shores, aided by steam and labor-saving-machinery, could have readily understood that in the near future there must be a great overproduction, and, consequently, a lowering of prices, and cessation of trade. Such are the facts to-day. We produce more than we consume, and we have the result. While other causes may have their remote effects, this is the real cause of hard times. When there is a scar- city of carpets in the market, the carpet business is. good. When there is an overabundance of carpets in stock, the business is dull. And so throughout the entire range of production. An excess of production being the cause of dull times, what is the remedy? Clearly, a less production. How shall this be brought about? There are various ways. One is, to do as we are doing now, and as we always do in a panic; shut down the mills and factories for a few months, until we have eaten up and worn out the goods on hand, and wait until scarcity shall cause trade to revive. Another, is to lessen the productive power of the country. How shall the latter be accomplished? Clearly, the most sensible way is by short- ening the hours of labor. Beyond question, the interests of all classes would be subserved to-day by shortening time to eight hours for a day's work. Estimating that we have twenty millions of laboring men in the country, each working ten hours daily, two hours less each day would be one-fifth of their time to be taken from production, or the equivalent of four millions of laborers taken from the produc- ing classes. That immense reduction of the working force would soon create such scarcity of production as would set every idler at work, in order to produce what we now have. Every person earning money, and consequently enabled to buy and consume, would greatly increasethe consumptive power; so that, with the production de- creased, and the ability to consume increased, there would not be an overstock of goods, and there would be, constantly, an active de- mand which makes good times. How shall we effect a reduction of time to eight hours a day? It is a matter very difficult to accomplish, from the fact that the laborer does not want to work eight hours for eight hours' pay, and the man- ufacturer, in the close competition vvith which he has to contend, is not willing to give ten hours' pay for eight hours' labor. At this point laborers and employers divide. Bach admits the ne- cessity for a reduction of the hours, but neither is willing to bear the expense of the reduction. Under the circumstances, the most feasible plan seems to be that of a gradual reduction, which may be effected by all business men, first giving their employes a half -holi- day on Saturday, without a reduction of pay. This would be a reduc- tion of one-twelfth of the working-time; and this reduction of time, with twenty millions of men, would, in order to produce what we now make, give employment to 1,600,000 more men than we now employ. From the half-day the time might be gradually extended until it should include all of Saturday; and this reduction of working- time should be favored by our business educators, being, as it is, for the best interests of all classes. Our laborers need recreation. If they cannot get it on the secular days, they will take it on Sunday. Give them the opportunity to. have it on Saturday, that they may spend the Sabbath in moral and spiritual improvement, and all will be the gainers. Then may follow the going to labor at a later hour in the morning; and so on, by gradual reduction, the hours of toil may be lessened, and the intellectual opportunities of our laborers may be improved, while the productive and consumptive power of the country may be so balanced as to give continual prosperity to all its interests. That the lessening of the hours of daily labor brings better pay to the workman, and greater prosperity to the employer and the bus- iness man, is proven by a single illustration : Suppose stove manufacturers, finding an overstock on hand, decide to reduce their working-time to eight hours per day, and pay accord- ingly. The first probability of a scarcity of stoves will increase the demand, and very soon, working their foundries only eight hours a day. the orders will come in faster than they can fill them. The stove-ifcaker goes to the boot and shoe manufacturer, whom he knows has been discharging men, for some of his idle workmen, and is told that, as the proprietors are working only eight hours a. day in making boots and shoes, they are not discharging any men. On the contrary, they are employing more. The same reply is made at the reaper- factory, at the woolen-mills, and the various manufactories in town. The stove-maker returns to his office, marks up the price of his stoves to correspond with their scarcity in the market, and then bids for workmen, and pays them even a higher price than he paid when they worked ten hours, because men are scarce. But he must have them even at an advanced price, in order to fill his orders orders that are profitable because the price of stoves has been advanced ; and yet, with this advance, workmen can buy more freely than before, because they have regular, steady employment at better wages than formerly. SUGGESTIONS TO FARMERS. 487 We may anticipate many objections that will arise, one being that raising the price of home-made goods, similar articles will flow in from foreign countries, so that our manufacturers could not compete with low-priced goods produced by cheap labor and long hours abroad. The reply to this may be, that a tariff should protect us from this-inva- sion; but, better yet, what applies to onr industries here applies equally throughout all the civilized world. An International Con- gress, composed of representatives from all nations, should consider this matter and have a gradual reduction of working-time throughout the entire world, so that with the incoming of the labor-saving ma- chine mankind may get the advantage of it as a labor- saver. It is designed to benefit the world, and i- should do so. As it comes forward to do our work, the hours of physical toil should be lessened accordingly, and they must be, as the permanent prosperity of any people can only be preserved when the ability to produce is balanced by an equal power to consume. Speech at a County Agricultural Fair. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Another year of seed-time and harvest has passed away since we last assembled on these grounds to witness the excellence of this county in producing the necessaries and lux- uries of life. Rain and sunshine, spring and autumn, and summer and winter, have wrought their mysteries of nature, and here we see the noble work that they have perfected. On every hand we behold these generous products of the soil, the fruits of the orchard, the flowers of the garden, the handiwork of the dairy, the loom, and the kitchen. Delicate fingers have wrought this beautiful embroidery, these artificial flowers, these dainty quilts and rugs, which excite our admiration by the skill which they display, and appeal to our senses by the air of comfort and luxury which surrounds them. It is gratifying to me to observe these triumphs of the outer and inner life of the farm, for it indicates a good degree of prosperity, praiseworthy industry, and the exercise of a taste that only needs specific culture to excel in the fine-arts that make home beautiful and elevate the sentiment of the household. Not far off I hear the lowing of sightly cattle, the bleating of sheep, the sonorous utterances of swine, the cackling of hens, and the defi- ant crow of the Shanghai. It is only another indication that other branches of farm-life as well as the raising of grain, vegetables and fruit, have prospered during the past twelve months. For my part, I am glad it does not devolve on me to award the prizes upon this ex- hibition. If it did, I think the blue ribbon would grace everything here offered for competition. But that should not be, and the managers, with a greater wisdom and a better sense of justice, have entrusted that labor to men and women more competent to judge between good and evil than I am. No doubt you will all be satisfied, and some of you very happy, when their awards are made. Near by I observe that the manufacturers of farm-machinery have not forgotten to be present with their labor-saving instrumentalities, glittering with bright paint and gold, to decorate thespace allotted to them. The interest that you have in these things, however, goes be- low the gilding and the paint, and you have long since learned to appreciate the usefulness and value of them as important agents in your agricultural success. I have been at many county fairs in my time. I was at twenty last year. Some of you may remember seeing me here. I thought then that in all points yon rather excelled your neighbors by the variety and true excellence of your exhibition, and now I am convinced that county yields the palm to none in these particulars. Last year Senate county raised an average of thirty-five bushels of winter wheat to the acre, and No. 1 at that. But since I came here to-day I am assured that you overlap Senate county by three bushels per acre, and you ought to be very proud of the record, for Senate county claims to be the best in the State. I hear that your county is also furnishing many very fine road and draught horses of the Norman and some other lighter breeds. I have seen several specimens of travelers while on my way hither, and I am satisfied that in this direction you are making gradual and im- portant improvements. Of course, in making this branch of industry successful, you im- port blooded stock to mix with your best domestic animals, and so, from year to year, the improvement will increase. At your trials on the course, however, you will, I hope, be careful not to let the love of money or fast horses outweigh other superior qualities in your esti- mation. Farmers' boys and girls, I have a word for you! Don't leave the farm. Stay there and work, and earn an honest, healthful living in the pure air of the country, rather than rush headlong into the crowded streets and contaminated atmosphere of city life. There may be more excitement, more to see and hear and learn, than on the farm, but it is dangerous to health and morals and comfort. Make your homes, with the assistance of your parents, pleasant places by exercising your own good taste and skill in devising new attractions and decorations; and, above all, read, learn and master the !>rts and sciences that are most easily reached in the retirement of the country fireside. Good -books cost little now, comparatively, and are easily obtained. From them gather wisdom and entertain- ment as you can but however much you may visit the city, stick to the farm. And, farmers, a word to you. Cease making farm-life a drudg- ery. Dress up and put your homes in attractive condition. Com- mence your labors at a reasonable hour in the morning, and close at a reasonable hour at night. Beginning work at four o'clock in the morning and ending at nine at night, the year round, will drive the best boy living off to the city. Make your homes charming. Why not? Must your children go to the city to find beauty ! Must they go there to see beautiful pleasure-grounds, attractive architecture and hand- somely decorated homes? Must they go away from home in order to find that pleasure, beauty, and attraction, which young people love? In landscape-gardening, and floriculture, you have the finest of op- portunities. In the growing of fruit and ornamental trees, in op- portunity for sports and games, you have a thousand advantages where the city has one. " Can't afford it?" You can't afford to do otherwise. The noblest mission of man is to live long, be happy, and make others happy about him. No man that overworks can live to a great age. No man's family living in the midst of constant toil, drudgery, and lack of re- creation, can have perfect health and real enjoyment. Nature will not be cheated. The body will endure so much toil and no more. The innate love of the beautiful will not be deprived of its gratification. Make your farm a treadmill of hard, grinding toil : let your house go unpainted, and the door-yard grow up to weeds ; let your horses go uncleaned, and ypur wagon be covered with mud ; let your pig-pen be close upon one side, and the cow-yard near by the other; let this spirit of neglect and hard work characterize your farm- life, and the children will quit, and you will be deprived of their as- sistance long before they are grown to an age whereby they can aid you. " Can't afford to spend time and money to fix up about the house? 1 ' Do you wish to have your children interested with you in all your labors? Would you like to have one of them carry forward the farm, after you have done with it, while the rest settle in the immediate vicinity? Then give plenty of time for growth and recreation to the children. Reduce your work to a system. Take down your fence in the near vicinity of the house, and give yourself several acres of beautiful green lawn about your home. Leave an abundance of open space for air, light and view in the front of your house; but on this broad lawn, on either side of the residence, set groups of evergreens, fruit and ornamental trees. Not too many, but enough to give variety. Cultivate a love of the beautiful, and show it in your works about your homes. It does not cost much money to do this. It is mostly a matter of taste and love of order and neatness. The rustic sum- mer-house, with trailing vines that hang upon it, need not be ex- FORMS OF VARIOUS SPEECHES. pensive. The preparation of the flower-beds will cost you but little time. The floral beauties that will make your home brilliant will cost you nothing. The ladies and the children of the household will care for them with the greatest pleasure. Place a broad piazza on the front of your house, upon which the family can sit when they rest from the active labors of the day in the warm season. Trim your house and outbuildings handsomely and paint them; keep the grass cleanly cut upon your lawns, and with the accessories I have men- tioned your homes will be beautiful; they will be attractive to the children they will be charming to all that come within their influ- ence; and in them you will be vastly happier than when living in homes and on farms that present, as many do, only dreariness and evidences of bare, hard life. Washington's Birthday. Speech at a gathering in honor of the occasion. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: That a little child should have been born of reapectable people in moderate circumstances, in the British colony of Virginia, February 22, 1732, is not of itself a remarkable fact, especially as the child differed little from other children at birth. It is a very common occurrence in these days, in Virginia, and in all parts of the globe. But once in a while it has happened that the nativity of one of these little ones who are continually coming into the world derives great interest from the wit, wisdom, genius, or prowess of the individual, gradually displayed after he has entered " the world's broad field of battle," and has won victories, in either war or peace, which Fame proudly blazons on her scroll. A baby seems a very little thing a toy, a doll to be loved and petted and played with. An apple-seed is another little thing, seemingly of no special value in itself; but the seed and the child, if properly treated, grow up together and may become a valuable, fruit-bearing tree and an energetic, wise and useful man. So when the boy-baby came into the household of Augustine Washington, one hundred and fifty years ago to-day, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, there was really nothing to distinguish him from any other child born into that county about that time, except the family to which he belonged, and that was not particularly noted. But the tremendous conse- quences that this event wrought in the history of Great Britain, America and the world at large have filled the trump of Fame for a hundred years, and founded one of the grandest nations of the globe. I am not here, to-day, to recount in detail the early trials, the noble acts of the youth, the arduous labors of the man, the steps by which he climbed to his honored niche in the history of mankind. With these things we are familiar; but. we are here to rejoice, with mil- lions of our countrymen, that ever George Washington was born ; to rejoice that he was the great and good man appointed by Providence to cheer and guide an oppressed people to a better and nobler condi- tion of life, where they could enjoy personal and political freedom, pursue happiness and found a nation of such breadth, such grandeur, such liberty, that it might become the asylum of the poor and down- trodden of all nations. Washington was only human; subject to the errors and infirmities of our common nature; yet by will and cir- cumstances fitted far above his fellows for the mission which he had to fulfill. As a man he was noble ; as a soldier he was firm and brave and shrewd; as a hero he won the confidence of the people; as a patriot he triumphed over tyranny; as a statesman he left the im press of his character upon the institutions of his country. He was emphatically " the man of the time," and there seldom comes a time inhuman affairs when a good and great man great in manhood, wisdom and energy is not useful. There is one other in our nation- al history, who, like Washington, came from the ranks of ordinary life to leave the stamp of his sturdy integrity, wisdom, and useful- ness upon bis age and country. It was Abraham Lincoln; and it i very difficult to refer to either Washington or Lincoln, in thought or word, without remembering the other and the services each ren- dered in behalf of humanity and good government. If Washington possessed a peculiar talent, a shrewdness, an executive power fitted to the destiny he accomplished, so did Lincoln, more than any other living man, possess attributes which admirably fitted him for hia great work. And as with one, so with the other; when his mission on earth was fully accomplished he lay down, blessed and honored, to a hero's rest. Well may we, year by year, assemble in honor of the birth of Washington, and on the same day unite in one grand sentiment " The memory of Washington and Lincoln." Speech of a Speaker who had Nothing to Say. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: If there is one comfort greater than another, to a person who has nothing to say at such a time as this, it is the realization of the fact that having nothing to say, he can an- nounce that fact, take his seat and enjoy the remainder of the pro- gramme unmolested. I can truly say that I have not burdened my mind with the smallest idea to present you on this occasion. I have not taxed my memory with anything, and hence I have no taxes to pay. I comply simply because you call, and, whatever one's calling may be, it is his duty to respond, especially if he cannot escape. Of course, if I had had about a week of preparation, I might now arise and make you a dashing extemporaneous speech. The subjects are upon every side that would inspire me. It would be easy to dwell upon the wealth of beauty that we see around us. I should like to speak of the flash- ing wit, the brilliant oratory and the burning eloquence to which we have listened. This elegant repast, this genial gathering, the im- portance of this reunion, the glorious benefit resulting from this meeting all these any one of them afford themes for a speech. Of course there are a thousand subjects incidental to this gather- ing that suggest a speech, but should I enter upon a consideration of any one of them I would regret it, and so would you. It is an old, trite saying that the time to sit down is when the audi- ence wants you to speak longer. In my case, if I wanted to speak longer you would want me to sit down. I will therefore retire, humbly hoping that this speech will not be misreported and that when you want a brilliant speech you will always call upon me. Valedictory Address, Delivered before a class graduating at college. MR. PRESIDENT AND FELLOW-STUDENTS: It has devolved upon me, as the senior member of the class of 1884, to give expression to a few thoughts appropriate to this occasion. I do so with a keen ap- preciation of the relations we have so long sustained with each other, the faculty of this college, and the world of affairs into which we are about to emerge, and with which we are henceforth to mingle, not knowing what is before us, but hoping in the ardor of young man- hood for the best. Fellow Students, we have been companions for four years four years, to some of us, of diligent application to our studies; four years of light and shade to all of us; four years of social fellowship and pleasant recreation ; four years of mental and physical improve- ment. We have sympathized with each other in troubles and sor- rows; have lightened each other's hearts in times of sadness, and have enjoyed college-life in each other's society, I will venture to say, as well as any other class that ever graduated from these classic halls. We go hence with our diplomas, which the world looks upon as the keys that are to unlock the doors of science, art, literature, theology, physic and merchandi3e for us, and open the avenues of wealth and honor to us. We go hence, as we are, to the battle of life. What success we shall have, what victories we may win, the future alone can tell. But we go forth with strong hope and abiding faith that all will be well with us if we perform our duty faithfully in whatever calling or sphere fate may assign us. Where will fate or fortune place us in the great sea of the future? I see in imagination this class all scattered, many the heads of fami- VARIOUS FORMS OF SPEECHES. 4-89 lies, engaged in the peaceful pursuits of agriculture and trade; others on the rough sea of political life, some of whom will doubt- less reap honor in State and Congressional legislation, bestowing ben- efit upon their fellow-men, while they hold high and responsible po- sitions in official life. But as we go forth, each to fulfill his destiny, let us forget all our boyish prejudices, if any we have, against each other, and through our lives be helpful friends to each other as opportunities may offer. For myself, and I think I speak for all, these college friendships are too sacred to be lightly broken or forgotten, and in our farewells and final pressure of our hands together, let us renew the bonds which our fellowship in our Alma Mater has woven. Mr. President and Professors one and all we go hence with the profoundest esteem for the wisdom, forbearance and uniform jus- tice and kindness that you have ever manifested toward us within these walls. We have been often hasty, heedless of your feelings and our own best interests, and have at times caused you great an- noyance by our boyish follies; but in all these things you have proven yourselves our true friends and mentors, and in our hearts we have cherished no malevolence, no hatred toward you. In whatever we have given you offense we would ask your forgiveness, and carry away with us a heartfelt gratitude for all the many favors we have received at your hands. Fellow Students of the Freshmen and Sophomore classes, I take a restrospective view, as I look into your youthful faces, and I see this graduating class as it was four years ago, a handful of inexperienced, puzzled freshmen, the sport of the sophomores, and unheeded or plagued by the seniors. What we felt and endured then, half- discouraged by our outward circumstances and our inward fears, you now feel and endure; but look up, boys, look up! The freshmen will soon be sophomores, and the sophomores seniors ; and the troubles of the present will fade away in the future like a morning dream. On your part yon have youth, good intellects and capable teachers, and if you fail and I do not believe you will you will have only your want of assiduity to study to blame for it. The four years' course is not the bugbear that you fear it is, and its difficulties will dissolve before the energy and application that you (I am sure; are now determined to exercise. We leave you here to so maintain the honor of this institution that you may depart from it with its bless- ing. The hour of parting draws nigh. In spite of hope and faith in the future, there is a tinge of sadness in the present, which I, for one, do not fear to cherish and confess, for it testifies to the genuineness of our human sympathy and heartfelt friendship. Farewell, and peace go with you all ' Opening a New Railroad. Speech at the driving of the last spike by the president. MESSRS. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: No one knows better than yourselves the difficulties which we encountered at the outset in the establishment and construction of this railroad. You recall to mem- ory, if you have ever forgotten it, the distrust and doubt with which we placed its stock upon the market, at a time when we had nothing to show but our unfledged charter and the right of way over about one-third of the distance which we proposed to build our line. I recollect, if you do not, the timidity with which I approached the first capitalist whose aid we sought, and laid our plans before him. He listened patiently to the story of our prospects and condition, and generously subscribed for five hundred shares, paying for one hundred, and wishing us success. The magic of his name was worth a thou- sand shares more. Our confidence was restored, and that of the people along the line was strengthened by the announcement of his interest in the road. The shares were rapidly sold, money flowed in briskly, and the work went on with proportionate energy, and with every confidence in the final result. To-day the track of 567 miles is laid, and well-laid; the rolling-stock has been purchased and will begin to run to-morrow morning; the shares are all sold; the assessed installments have been promptly paid, and in five minutes more the spike will be driven that unites the distant cities of C and S by many ties of wood and iron of such strength and durability that the most important interests of both cities will be entrusted to it. I am not {turning to the spectators), Ladies and Gentlemen, advertising the stock of this road on this occasion for none of it is for sale, and it stands at par the best evidence that the confidence of capitalists and the public is secured in our favor. But we thank you for the encouragement you give us by your attendance upon this ceremony, and we trust that you will not withhold from us your patronage. We are not, properly speaking, a " grand-trunk line," but wherever our cars shall run you are welcome to ride at regular rates. (Taking the sledge-hammer and the spike, and placing the latter where it belongs:) C and S , with this sledge I unite you in the bonds of commercial sisterhood. (Drives the spike. ) The work is done, the road is finished. Let on the steam ! (Chorus of steam-whistles, and cheering by the audience. ) Fourth of July Celebration Abroad. Speech by the United States consul at a reunion of Americans. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Assembled as we are to-day beneath the blue skies and amid the luxuriant products of a foreign nation, our hearts beat warmly at the recurrence of this cherished anniversary of American freedom. Some of us have come from the sterile hills of New England, some from the sunny S,outh, some from the prairies of the West, and we all sit down together at one table to celebrate the day made glorious by our forefathers in the declaration of our na- tional independence. At that time in our history they were in the midst of the great struggle for social and political freedom; the end was uncertain ; blood had yet to be spilt before peace could be con- quered; yet, trusting in a just and overruling Providence, jeopar- dizing their lives and fortunes, they feared not. to proclaim the equal freedom of all men under the law. The victory was not yet won, but they went forth, in the spirit of that declaration, to seal it with lib- erty or death, hopeful of the triumph which awaited them. To-day we remember their bravery, their energy, and their patriotism; to-day we rejoice in the principles which they maintained; to-day we are proud to be citizens of the great and prosperous nation which they founded. More keenly do we feel this pride when we look around us where we are to-day, when we see the errors and incon- sistencies of other governments, and miss the educational, social and political advantages which we enjoy in our own country. Let us be thankful for our native land; for the stars and stripes whjch wave over us; for our prerogatives of national and individual freedom. I propose " The Memory of the Revolutionary Fathers." Celebration of Queen Victoria's Birthday in America. Speech by an American at a reunion of English and American ladies and gentlemen. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I don't know what kind of weather pre- vailed in England on the twenty-fourth of May in the year of grace 1819; but it was a blessed day for Great Britain, for it gave the king- dom one of its most esteemed and favored sovereigns the Lady in whose honor we have gathered here. Fulfilling the destiny of every true woman, she united herself in marriage to the man of her choice a Prince every way worthy of her confidence and affection, and so public- spirited and progressive and intelligent as to endear himself to the better classes of the Queen's subjects. To the regret of all civilized nations he was taken away in the prime of his manhood ; and I believe that if man was ever sincerely mourned and his mem- ory revered, that man was Prince Albert of Coburg. True to his memory, faithful to the trusts imposed upon her in rearing her fath- erless children aright, Victoria proved herself equal to the emer- gency, and with unswerving fidelity has ruled judiciously over the greatest nation of the globe. It is no disgrace for any civilized peo- ple to honor her by celebrating this her natal day, whatever their political government, and it is with pride and pleasure that I pro- pose: "Queen Victoria Sovereign, Wife and Mother Long may she reign ! " 490 WRITING FOR THE NEWSPAPER. Writing for the Press. |N writing for the Press, while being explicit, the writer should make the statement as brief as possible. Though in ordinary con- versation talk may be cheap, in the newspaper, words cost money. If sent by telegraph, they cost for transmission ; time is consumed in their examination by the editor and proof- reader ; money is expended in putting them in type ; ink and paper must be furnished on which they make their impress ; and time is to be occu- pied by the reader in their perusal ; therefore, each word should convey as much significance as possible. General Directions. 1. If, unavoidably, a long article is written relating to a variety of subjects, it is well to break the sameness of the appearance by sub-heads, scattered through the article, relating to different subjects considered in the composition. 2. Write very plainly, on white paper with black ink, taking care to write names of persons, dates and places, with the utmost distinctness. 3. Use sheets of paper about six by nine inches in size, numbered in their order if more than one sheet be used. Very large sheets, on the compositor's case, make it inconvenient for the type setter. 4. Write on but one side of the sheet. Thus the paper containing your communication may be, if necessary, cut into parts, and distributed among several compositors who will place your composition in type. 5. As a rule, in short news articles, never use the pronouns / or you, A plain, succinct record of the news is all that is required. If necessary for the writer to refer to himself, it is better to say " Our reporter " or " The writer." 6. Never waste time in complimenting the editor or his paper, when writing a letter for publication. Commence at once with the subject in hand, and close when you have done. Local Reporting. That kind of journalistic writing most easily taken up, and yet quite difficult to do well, is that of presenting in attractive form a judici- ous report of home news. Much demand exists for more reportorial talent, especially on the country newspaper. Thousands of exciting incidents and events transpire, the details of which, written up for the press, would greatly edify the readers of the country journal, the editor of which, know- ing nothing of the affair, is compelled to fill his paper with foreign news of less interest to his subscribers - As a general rule, there is not sufficient local matter to be obtained, nor space to be filled, in the weekly country journal, to make it an object for the publisher to employ, at a weekly salary, a person whose exclusive business shall be col- lecting local news ; and yet the editor is desirous of obtaining all the important home intelligence there is, and will willingly pay for such as he may publish, at the rate of from $1 to $5 per column, when an arrangement may be made for the correspondent to write regularly. Of course no writer should expect compensa- tion until it is clearly shown that his or her writings are of decided service to the paper in which they are published. When they become so, editors and publishers readily concede the fact, and are willing to pay what the articles are worth. SUBJECTS FOR LOCAL NEWS. 491 Important Reportorial Qualifications. The reporter should be truthful. In writing of any event, great care should be taken to state the actual facts. To do this, the reporter should possess the energy to go to the scene of action, if possible, himself, and learn the exact condition of affairs. It is often unsafe to depend upon hearsay. The reporter should carefully guard against allowing his own opinions to warp or bias his report of the sayings or doings of others, thus giving, almost without his being conscious of the fact, an untruthful representation. A plain, unvarnished report should be made, and nothing else. Much discretion should be exercised in the personal mention of individuals. A dozen words, thoughtlessly written, may do irreparable injury to the reputation of an innocent person : a paragraph in praise may add to the life-long happiness and prosperity of the individual upon whom it is bestowed. As a general rule, while praise may be personally given, if wrongs exist, it is better to speak of them in general terms, rather than couple them with names of the individuals at fault ; though, if the person be notoriously persistent in a course of wrong doing, justice demands newspaper exposure. Subjects of Local and General Interest. ITEMS FOR THE NEWSPAPER. For the advantage of the inexperienced wri- ter, making record of home news, the following partial list is given, containing subjects of general interest to the public. Accidents. When, where, to whom. Amusements, Excursions, Etc. When, where; character of amusement, etc. Births. When, where, name of parents and sex of child. Burglary. When, where, by whom, amount stolen, etc. Change Of Business Firms. When, and names of the parties. Crops. Present condition and future prospects. Crime Of any kind. Names of offenders ; nature of the crime. Churches. Change of pastors, revivals, election of church officers, etc. Dissolutions of Partnership. Names of parties, where going, what to do. Deaths. Who, when, where, cause. Discoveries. Of curiosities, or anything new or valu- able. Distinguished Arrivals. At the hotels or else- where. Divorces. Who, when, where, cause. When and where married. Elopements. Names of parties and circumstances. Election Intelligence. Election takes place when, candidates to be, or are elected, etc. Fires. Whose property, when, where, cause, amount of insurance, names of companies insured in. Facts and Figures. Concerning any products raised in the vicinity, amount sold, profits, etc, Festivals. Held by whom, for what object, amount realized, etc. Improvements. By whom, where, and costs. Inventions. Patents granted to whom, what for, na- ture of the improvement. Lectures. Past, or to come ; when, where, by whom, substance of what was said. Marriages. Who, when, where, by whom married, where gone on bridal tour. Murders. When, where, who, by whom, object of the murder, circumstances. New Comers. Their business, where located, where from, etc. New Manufactures. In prospect, when, where, by whom established, kind, etc. New Buildings. To be or built, erected by whom, for what purpose, cost, etc. Price of Staple Commodities. In the market, prospect for the future, etc. Parties Leaving Town. Who, when, where going, business going into. Presentations. By whom, to whom, where given, what presented, why. Railroads. New roads in prospect, profits of present roads, etc. Sales Of .Real Estate. By whom, to whom, who will occupy, amount paid, etc. Shows, Exhibitions, Fairs. Where, when, who gives them, character of entertainment. Schools. Facts and figures concerning them, change of teachers, improvements needed, etc. Secret Societies. Election of officers, prosperity and condition of the society. Strange Phenomena. In the heavens, in the ele- ments, on or in the earth, where, when. Suggestions of Improvements Needed. Where, when, by whom, cost, etc. Surgical Operations. By whom performed, of what character, condition of patient. 492 EVILS RESULTING FROM ILLEGIBLE PENMANSHIP. Sickness. Who sick, cause, by what physician attended, health of the community. Telegraphs. What new lines are to be established, present cost of telegraphing, etc. Violation of Law. Whereby parties are arrested and fined, what offense, when, where, etc. Writing for the Metropolitan Press. In every locality something will occasionally transpire the details of which will be of general interest to the public at large, in which case the publishers of papers in the large cities will esteem it a favor for some person to give them the facts. Should the town in which the correspondent is stationed be sufficiently large, and the news frequently occurring important, the publisher will pay an accepted regular correspondent for news that he prints, from $1 to $10 per article, as may be agreed between publisher and corre- spondent. Only such matter is desired for the metropoli- tan journal as will interest the people throughout the entire .country. Of such news are facts concerning : Enactments of Law. Severe accidents. Fires. Crops. Murders. Elope- ments. Burglary. Schools. Churches. New manufactures. Railroads. Elections. Weather. Discoveries. Inventions. Strange phenomena. Important Statistics. Personal mention of dis- tinguished persons, etc. RESULTS OF BAD PENMANSHIP. Especial pains should be taken, when writing for the press, to write legibly. The error is very common with some authors and prominent men, of writing in a manner such as to seriously tres- pass upon the time and patience of printers and correspondents upon whom they inflict their penmanship. This fault is a very serious one, and causes much waste of time and pecuniary loss to prin- ters. Lawyers frequently prepare their briefs, clergymen their sermons, and others their copy, in a penmanship so entirely illegible as to com- pel several re-settings of much of the same, in type, before it is correct. Of course this loss of time must be borne by the compositor, and frequently, with those printers employed in setting type by the thousand, bad manuscript entails a loss in their earnings of several dollars per week. While to filch from the pocket of the printer, in this manner may not be deemed so dishon- orable as to steal his purse, the result is, how- ever, all the same. Again, business men who would regard it a great intrusion for another to trespass on their time for even a half hour, will show the dis- courtesy to write a letter to a correspondent which may consume hours and even days of his time in deciphering the same. This evil would be less if it stopped here. Unfortunately, however, it goes beyond and afflicts the coming penmanship of our youth. The boy that will pick up the half consumed cigar and smoke out the balance of the stump, thinking that thereby he makes a man of him- self, will look upon bad penmanship, when executed by distinguished men, as an evidence of genius, and is not unlikely to imagine himself a great man, because he imitates their pot-hooks and scrawls. Eminent men are liable to have faults. If the error is an illegible penmanship, this defect is none the less a fault, because the man may have distinguished reputation and redeeming qual- ities in other directions. Young writers should not therefore ape bad penmanship as an evidence of genius. Of two articles written for the newspaper, all things else being equal, that one stands much the best chance for publication which is most plain in penmanship. Let the young author see that the composition is not only correctly written, when prepared for the press, but that it is so perfectly legible that its merit may be readily seen upon examination. BOOKS AND BOOK MAKING. FGuO. QUARTO, " 4to." Duodecimo, " I2mo." HE accompanying illustrations, upon this page, represent the principal sizes of books, namely: Folio, a long book ; Quarto (4fo), nearly square, ( shape of HILL'S MANUAL ); Octavo ( Svo ), the general size ; and Duodecimo ( ~L2mo ), a small book, as seen below. FOLIO. The standard size of book paper is 25 x 38 inches ; one half of the sheet being 19x25 inches, which folded in two leaves, having four pages, makes a book of the size called a folio. QUARTO. When the half sheet is folded in four leaves, making eight pages, it forms a quarto in size. OCTAVO. The half sheet folded again, eight leaves, sixteen pages, forms an octavo, or folded into sixteen leaves forms a sixteenmo. DUODECIMO. By folding the same into twelve leaves, making twenty-four pages, we have a duodecimo. Folded into eighteen leaves, or thirty-six pages, we form an ~L8mo ; into 24 leaves, and we have a 24w0, &c. The words Post, Crown, Demy, Royal, etc., used in connec- tion, as Royal Octavo, designate the sizes of paper of which books are made. Modern facilities for the manufacture of paper enable pub- lishers to have any desired size made to order, as has been done in the case of this book. OCTAVO, "Svo." The marks a, b, c ; 1, 2, 3 ; 1*, 2*, 3*, IA, &c., occasionally found at the bottom of a page, are what printers term signature marks, being printed for the direction of the binders in folding the sheets. The art of covering books In a superior manner, was in use long before the art of printing was discovered, some of the most beautiful and elaborate binding being executed as early as the llth century. Books, which were in manuscript, in those days, were few, and so very valuable that great care was taken in their preservation, jewelers and other artisans engaging in the manufacture and ornamentation of their covers. With the advanced civilization of the 19th century, however, the superior machinery for book binding has not only cheapened the cost, but the facilities in some large establishments, are such as to enable manufacturers to elegantly bind, in muslin, one hundred and fifty copies per hour. 494 BOOK AND NEWSPAPER TYPE. NAMES OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES OF BOOK AND NEWSPAPER TYPE. The poetry and other matter occupying the lower portion of the following oblong spaces, it will be seen, are printed in a style much more open than the matter occupying the upper part 9f the space. This results from placing a thin piece of metal, called a lead, between the lines. Reading matter having these leads between the lines is called leaded: thus, the reading matter in the following spaces is what is termed solid and leaded; the upper portion being solid, and the lower part leaded. This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of n This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newsp This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, fr This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Bri This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Tw This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. A This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. ABODE This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. ABODE 1234 This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. ABCDEFG 123456789 10 This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of new.paper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 123456789 10 11 12 This page contains a specimen of fourteen kinds of newspaper and book type, from Brilliant to Two-line Small Pica. ABCDEFG HIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ4 12345678910 Thii pg contftittt ft specimen of fourteen kindi of newspftper ftnd book tjp, from Brilliant to Two-lino Small Pica. ABCDEFQHIJ.KLMNOPQ&8TDVWXYZ& 123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BRILLIANT. In-lin Eiperie. ' ** the per.ere, idling, careless ho; will ripen meuurabl; the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fail to a. K wil' mainly be because he did not. at theoutnet, determine t nets and dispatch. The bo; who is promptly at his work ii those with whom he may eirgage. The boy should a!so recollect that ere long he lute fello' Th,. of employer, if he in true to the trust* imposed upon him, while an apprent surceas as * tradesman and worth; eitiien, he should not onl; form theae < To do this he should avoid bad Associates, and thoroughly reeoUs. in the co temptrale, truthful, and scrupulously hont. -knowledge of the trade to which he is put, apprentice, are punctuality, order, ueat- the esteem of his employer. The be called upon to Oil the pla e and employee. To attain the highest >rrect habits of business, bat he should its all permanent happiness and surcptw. imeocement, to be economical, prudent. THE FUTURE LIPE. B; Wm. C. Bryant. ow irial! 1 know thee in the sphere which keeps The disembedied spirit* of the dead, hen all of thee that time could wither, sleep* And perishes among the dust w* tread f PEAEL. Experience proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fail to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he Is put, it will mainly be because he did not at the outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. Among the business habits that are highly valued in the apprentice are punctuality, order, neatness and dispatch. The boy who Is promptly at his work in the morning soon wins the esteem of his employer. The lad who keeps the shop and store in a neat and orderly manner ere long becomes a valuable assistant, and the youth who, in addition to these qualifications, is active in the dispatch of business, is certain to make himself useful to those with whom he may engage. The boy Will not thy own meek heart demand me there I That heart whose fondest throb to me was given ! My name on earth was ever In thy prayer, And wilt thou never utter It in heaven ! NONPAREIL. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fail to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at the outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. Among the business habits that are highly valued in the appren- tice are punctuality, order, neatness and dispatch. The boy who is The love that lived through all the stormy past. And meekly with my harsher nature bore, '^ And deeper grew, and tenderer to the last, Shall it expire with life, and be no more? DIAMOND. Experience proves that the ap twi s foretells the inclination of the skillful, and capable man, as unti lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, acquire a master-knowledge of the trade outset determine to be a master-workman Amen; the business habits that ate hi-hl ness and dispat, ' ~ ' employer. Th< valuable assistant, and tb business, is ce recollect that imposed upon him while entice foreshadows the workn 'ee. The upright, obedient, ii takably as the perverse, idli boy is measurably the maker ' to which he is put. it will i:ut. Good morals and lued tn, just as surely as the bend of a lustrious lad will graduate a steady, if 'his own destiny ; and if he fail to nainly be because he did not at the iteady industry are indispensable. lity, order, i mess habits that are highly valued in the apprentice are punctuality, order, neat* h. The boy who is promptly at his work in the morning soon wins the esteem of his lad who keeps the shop and store in a neat and orderly manner ere long becomes a nt, and the youth who, in addition to these qualifications, is active in the dispatch of Ul'l in the dispatch of kite mmseu useiui 10 inose witn wnom he may enirage. The boy should also may be called upon to 911 tbo place of employer, if he is true to the trusts .n apprentice ana employe. To attain the highest success as a tradesman and not only form these correct: habits of business, but he should carefully cultivate tarnished morality ; upon which resu all permanent happiness and success. For I shall feel the sting of ceaseless pain. Nor hear the voice I love, nor read again. In thy serenest eyes, the tender thought. AGATE. EXPKRIENCK proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The u p- right, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a sceady, skillful and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny, and if he fail to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he .s put, it will mainly be because he did not at the outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. punctuality, order, neatness and dispatch. The boy who is promptly at his work in the morning soon wins the esteem of his employer. The lad who keeps the shop and store in a neat and orderly manner ere long becomes a In meadows fanned by heaven's life-breathing wipd, In the resplendence of that glorious sphere. And larger movements of the unfettered mind, Wilt thou forget the love that joined us here? MINION. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the in- clination of the .tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistak- ably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fail to acquire a master-knowl- edge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at the outset determine to be a master- workman. A happier lot than mine, and larger light, Await thee there ; for thou hast bowed thy will In cheerful homage to the rule of right, And loveat all, and renderest good for ill. SIZES OF NEWSPAPER AND BOOK TYPE. BREVIER. EXPEIUENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, indus- trious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fail to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is For me, the sordid cares in which I dwell, Shrink and consume my heart as heat the scroll, And wrath has left its scar that fire of hell Has left its frightful scar upon rny soul. LONG PRIMER. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is Shalt thou not teach me in that calmer home The wisdom that I learned so ill in this The wisdom which is love till I become Thy fit companion in that land of bliss? PICA. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclina- tion of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of GREAT PRIMER. Experience proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig fore- tells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, BOURGEOIS. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig fore- tells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capa- ble man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fail to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade Yet, though thou wearest the glory of the sky, Wilt thou not keep the same beloved name, The same fair, thoughtful brow, and gentle eye, Lovelier in heaven's sweet climate, yet the same? SMALL PICA. EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will grad- uate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as un- mistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fail to acquire a master- knowledge of the trade to which lie is put, it ENGLISH. Experience proves that the appren- tice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The up- right, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skillful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into the TWO LINE SMALL PICA. Experience proves that the apprentice foreshad- ows the workman, just as surely as the bend of a twig foretells the inclina- 406 PROOF READING. DIRECTIONS FOR READING PROOF. TYPOGRAPHICAL MARKS 1 I THOUGH several differing opinions exist as to the individual by wuom the art of printing was / first discovered , yet all authorities concur in admitting Peter Schoeffer to be the person 3 who invented cast metal types, having learned ^j the art-ef- of cutting the letters from the Gut- s ;/ enbergs/ he is also supposed to have been the first whoengraved on copper plates. The 7 /-/ _r_n A _ _A\ ?_ i ;_ ,.1 /?! o V following testimony is preseved in the family, 8 by Jo. Fred. Faustus, * ^ ./ s. _S \^^S ' k Ascheffenburg : ' Peter Schoeffer, of Gernsheim, perceiving 1 ; \y his master Fausts design, and being himself "fa rdesirous\ardentl^) to improve the art, found out (by the good providence of God) the method of cutting (incidendi) the characters in a matrix, that the letters might easily be */ / singly cast ! instead of bieng cut. He pri- 14 1 vately cut matrices] for the whole alphabet: Faust was so pleased with the contrivaiK /that he promised Peter to give him hi^only ^vjf. 16 /d a ughter Christina in marriage, a/promise 3 {^ / /which he soon after performed. /*f "" i ^/^ CT 19 s>^ I fBut there were many dijffiiculties at first no \ t4/tj I V /\ v ^r with these letters, as there had been before 3 . 20 , with wooden ones, t)*e metal being too soft to support the fopce of the inTpression : but 9 ^ / this defect was soon remedied, by mixing s / 1 i 13 a substance with the metal which sufficiently^. hardeprea it/' G wnen ne anowea nt*. 4 ca*) vwm tneae EXEMPLIFIED. THOUGH -several differing opinions exist as to the individual by whom the art of printing was first discovered , yet all authorities concur in admitting PETER SCHOEFFER to be the person who invented cast metal types, having learned the art of cutting the letters from the Gutenbergs : he is also supposed to have been the first who engraved on copper-plates. The following testimony is preserved in the family, by Jo. Fred. Faustus, of Ascheffenburg : PETER SCHOEFFER, of Gernsheim, perceiv- ing his master Faust's design, and being him- self ardently desirous to improve the art, found out (by the good providence of God) the method of cutting (incidendi) the characters in a matrix, that the letters might easily be singly cast, instead of being cut. He privately cut matrices for the whole alphabet: and when he showed his master the letters cast from these matrices, Faust was so pleased with the con- trivance, that he promised Peter to give him his only daughter Christina in marriage, a promise which he soon after performed. But there were as many difficulties at first with these letters, as there had been before with wooden ones, the metal being too soft to sup- port the force of the impression : but this defect was soon remedied, by mixing the metal with a substance which sufficiently hardened it.' EXPLANATION OF THE CORRECTIONS. ACKELLAR'S American Printer gives the follow- ing rules for correcting proof which will be found of convenience to all who write for the press : A wrong letter in a word is noted by drawing a short per- pendicular line through it, and making another short line in the margin, behind which the right letter is placed. (See No. i.) In this manner whole words are corrected, by drawing a line across the wrong word and making the right one in the margin opposite. A turned letter is noted by drawing a line through it, and writing the mark No. 2 in the margin. If letters or words require to be altered from one character to another, a parallel line or lines must be made underneath the word or letter, viz. for capitals, three lines ; small capi- tals, two lines ; and Italics, one line ; and, in the margin oppo- site the line where the alteration occurs, Caps, Small Caps, or Ital. must be written. (See No. 3.) When letters or words are set double, or are required to be taken out, a line is drawn through the superfluous word or letter, and the mark No. 4 placed opposite in the margin. Where the punctuation requires to be altered, the correct point, marked in the margin, should be encircled. TYPOGRAPHICAL MARKS ILLUSTRATED. 497 When a space is omitted between two words or letters which should be separated, a caret must be made where the separa- tion ought to be, and the sign No. 6 placed opposite in the margin. No. 7 describes the manner in which the hyphen and ellipsis line are marked. When a letter has been omitted, a caret is put at the place of omission, and the letter marked as No. 8. Where letters that should be joined are separated, or where a line is too widely spaced, the mark No. 9 must be placed under them, and the correction denoted by the marks in the margin. Where a new paragraph is required, a quadrangle is drawn in the margin, and a caret placed at the beginning of the sen- tence. (See No. 10.) No. II shows the way in which the .apostrophe, inverted commas, the star and other references, and superior letters and figures, are marked. Where two words are transposed, a line is drawn over one word and below the other, and the mark No. 12 placed in the margin ; but where several words require to be transposed, their right order is signified by a figure placed over each word, and the mark No. 12 in the margin. Where words have been struck out, that have afterward been approved of, dots should be marked under them, and Stet. written in the margin. (See No. 13.) Where a space sticks up between two words, a horizontal line is drawn under it, and the mark No. 14 placed opposite, in the margin. Where several words have been left out, they are tran- scribed at the bottom of the page, and a line drawn from the place of omission to the written words (see No 15) ; but if the omitted matter is too extensive to be copied at the foot of the page, Out, see copy, is written in the margin, and the missing lines are enclosed between brackets, and the word Out, is inserted in the margin of the copy. Where letters stand crooked, they are noted by a line (see No. 16) ; but, where a page hangs, lines are drawn across the entire part affected. When a smaller or larger letter, of a different font, is improperly introduced into the page, it is noted by the mark No. 17, which signifies wrong font. If a paragraph is improperly made, a line is drawn from the broken-off matter to the next paragraph, and No U" written in the margin. (See No. 18.) Where a word has been left out or is to be added, a caret must be made in the place where it should come in, and the word written in the margin. (See No. 19.) Where a faulty letter appears, it is marked by making a cross under it, and placing a similar one in the margin (see No. 20) ; though some prefer to draw a perpendicular line through it, as in the case of a wrong letter. MARKS USED IN CORRECTING PROOF. @ Turn letter. Indent line one em quadrat. (J? Take out ; expunge. A The caret shows where the letter or word is omitted. Insert space. Less space. / Close up entirely. Remove type, and insert a space, in place of what is removed. s *^_/ Take out type, and close up. X Bad type. ^7 Push down space. Plane down a letter. No paragraph. Placed under erased words, restores them. Written in the margin, restores a cancelled word or words that have dots under them. 1 1 Begin a paragraph. / Letters stand crooked. /~/ Should be a compound word. C or i_ Remove to the left. D or -I Remove to the right. i | Carry higher up on page. i i Carry down. Three lines, beneath writing, denote capitals. Two lines, beneath writing, denote small capitals. One line, beneath writing, denotes italics. Wrong font type. ^2- Transpose letters, words or sentences. t. e. Lower case, or small letters. i). . Small capitals. O Period. Colon. t? Calls attention to some doubtful word or sentence. . f. 498 ORNAMENTAL DESIGNS FOR CARD WRITERS. ^> MSTJS^ ""Ti Pen i Pencil Flourishing. ^^ S) _ (B "For Time will teach thee soon the truth, There are no birds in last year's nests " V SPECIMENS OF ORNAMENTAL CARDS. 499 50() ROMAN AND BRUSH-LETTER ALPHABETS. BRUSH LETTERS FOR MARKING PURPOSES - MODERN STYLE. PLAIN ROMAN LETTERS. A B CDEFGHI JKL MN OPQESTUVW XYZ.& M T- -**"** .. *<. :A ,./ THE- PUBLISHERS- OF-THE (The signatures of the committee of awud are here omitted for want of room.) 504 SPECIMENS OF MONOGRAMS OF TWO, THREE, FOUR AND NINE LETTERS. M-O-N-O-G-R-A-M-S. G-B. - C - O. I. - I. - It. II. ORNAMENTAL INITIAL LETTERS. 506 NEW ORNAMENTAL CAPITALS. ORNAMENTAL INITIAL SCRIPT, FOR ENGRAVING, FANCY NEEDLE-WORK, ETC. 507 508 ORNAMENTAL, INITIAL SCRIPT, FOR ENGRAVING, FANCY NEEDLE-WORK, ETC. CORRECT PUNCTUATION IN SIGN PAINTING. SigmfPunctuation. Illustrations of the Proper Wording and Punctuation of Sign Writing. Unusually Large Mark are used to Distinctly Illustrate Punctuation, The following samples of Signs will be found convenient by Sign Writers as showing correct punctuation. BANK. POSf -OFFICE. JOHN SMITH. JOHN HENRY SMITH. J. H. SMITH. JOHN H. SMITH. CHARLES SMITH. HENRY JONES. C. SMITH & H. JONES. SMITH & JONES. The period (.) is used at the end of every sentence, even if it be but one word ; as, Sank. Merchant Tailor. John Smith. Will- iam Jones, Dealer in Hats, Caps and Furs. The period is also used t-o show the omission of letters, at the last of a name or word, called abbreviation ; as Co. for Company ; H. J. Smith for Henry James Smith. In the abbreviation of Chas., Win., Thos., Jas., Robt., Bros., and Saml., while the rule is to use the apostrophe, it is customary to use the period. The comma (,) is used, in sign painting, to show the omission of words. This is shown in the following sentences : Brown and West and Co. areDealers in Paints and Oils and Glass, and so forth. To avoid repeating the and we use the comma, thus : Brown, West $ Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, $c. The apostrophe (') is used to show the omis- sion of letters, in the beginning or middle of a word, thus: 'tis for it is; "'twere for it were; 510 CORRECT PUNCTUATION IN SIGN PAINTING. '73 for 1873; comply for company ; pack'g for packing; d*s for days; m's for months; y's for years ; geri*l ag't for general agent, etc. The apostrophe is also used to show the pos- sessive, thus : Brown's Bank. If the owner's name terminates with an s, the apostrophe follows the s; as, Wells' 1 Bank, Briggs* Store. If two or more persons are spoken of, in the possessive, the apostrophe follows the s ; as, Ladies' Entrance; G-ents' Parlor; Tomlinson Brothers' Bank. If, however, the person's name takes the character of an adjective, de- scribing the article, no apostrophe is required ; as, Briggs House ; Merchants Bank. This character (ister. , tut not ^forgotten. Cometij. ittij t lint eerin etr>. EANS, see I'.N s r.. EABJT, see ENT. EAP, see EEP and EP. EAK, see EER. 34 530 VOCABULARY OF RHYMES. EARD Heard, herd, sherd, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs iner, as erred, preferred, etc. Allowable rhymes, beard, the preterits and participles of verbs in ere, ear, and ar, as revered, feared, barred. EARCH. Search, perch, research. Allowable rhymes, church, smirch, lurch, parch, march, etc. K A It X . see K It X . K A 11 S r. see ERSE. K A It T, see ART. EARTH. Earth, dearth. Perfect rhymes, birth, mirth, etc. Allow- able rhymes, hearth, etc. EASE, sounded EACE. Cease, lease, release, grease, decease, de- crease, increase, surcease. Perfect rhyme, peace. Nfarly perfect rhymes, piece, niece, fleece, geese, frontispiece, apiece, etc. Allowable rhymes, less, mess, etc. , lace, mace, etc. , miss, hiss, etc. , nice, vice, etc, EASH, see r.s 1 1 . EAST. East, feast, least, beast. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and par- ticiples of verbs in ease, as cease, increased, etc. Nearly perfect rhyme, priest. Allowable rhymes, haste, taste, etc. , best, chest, etc. , fist, list, etc. , and the preterits and participles of verbs in ess and iss, as dressed, hissed. EAT. Bleat, eat, feat, heat, meat, neat, seat, treat, wheat, beat, cheat, defeat, estreat, escheat, entreat, retreat. Perfect rhymes, obsolete, replete, concrete, complete. Nearly perfect rhymes, feet, fleet, gleet, greet, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, discreet. Allowable rhymes, bate, grate, hate, etc., get, met, etc., bit, hit, etc. See ATE. EATH. Breath, death, etc. Allowable rhymes, heath, sheath, teeth. EATHE. Breathe, sheathe, etc. Perfect rhymes, wreath, inwreath, bequeath, beneath, underneath, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, seethe, etc. EAVE. Cleave, heave, interweave, leave, weave, bereave, inweave. Perfect rhymes, receive, conceive, deceive, perceive. Nearly perfect rhymes, eve, grieve, thieve, aggrieve, achieve, believe, disbelieve, relieve, reprieve, retrieve. Allowable rhymes, live, give, etc , lave, cave, etc. , and have. EBB. Ebb, web, etc. Allowable rhymes, babe, astrolabe, etc., glebe, etc. ECK. Beck, check, deck, neck, speck, wreck. Allowable rhymes, break, take, etc., beak, sneak, etc. ECT. Sect, abject, affect, correct, incorrect, collect, deject, detect, direct, disrespect, disaffeot, dissect, effect, elect, eject, erect, expect, indi- rect, infect, inspect, neglect, object, project, protect, recollect, reflect, re- ject, respect, select, subject, suspect, architect, circumspect, dialect, intel- lect. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in eck, as decked, cheeked, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ake and eak, as baked, leaked. 7T,I>. Bed, bled, fed, fled, bred, led, shred, shed, sped, wed, abed, inbred, misled. Perfect rhymes, said, bread, dread, dead, head, lead, read, spread, thread, tread, behead, o'erspread. Allowable rhymes, bead, mead, etc., blade, fade, etc., maid, paid, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in ay, ey, and eigh, as bayed, obeyed, weighed, etc. Kl K, see EED. EDGE. Edge, wedge, fledge, hedge, ledge, pledge, sedge, allege. Allow- able rhymes, age, page, etc., siege, oblige, etc., privilege, sacrilege, sorti- lege. EE. Bee. free, glee, knee, see, three, thee, tree, agree, decree, degree, disagree, foresee, o'ersee, pedigree, he, me, we, she, be, jubilee, Lee. Near- ly perfect rhymes, sea. plea, ttea, tea, key. Allowable rhymes, all words of one syllable ending in y, ye, or ie, or polysyllables of these terminations having the accent on the ultimate or antepenultimate syllable. EECE, see EASE. EECH, see EACH. EED. Creed, deed, indeed, bleed, breed, feed, need, meed, heed, reed, speed, seed, steed, weed, proceed, succeed, exceed. Perfect rhymes, knead, read, intercede, precede, recede, concede, impede, supersede, etc. , bead, lead, mead, plead, etc. Allowable rhymes, bed, dead, etc. , bid, hid, etc. , made, blade, etc. EEF, sez IEF. EEK, see EAK.. EEL,, see EA1.. EEM, see EAM. EEN, see EAST. EEP. Creep, deep, sleep, keep, peep, sheep, steep, sweep, weep, asleep. Nearly perfect rhymes, cheap, heap, reap, etc. Allowable rhymes, ape, rape, etc. , step, nep, etc. , hip, lip, etc. EER. Beer, deer, fleer, geer, jeer, peer, meer. leer, sheer, steer, sneer, cheer, veer, pickeer, domineer, cannoneer, compeer, engineer, mutineer, pioneer, privateer, charioteer, chanticleer, career, mountaineer. Perfect rhymes, here, sphere, adhere, cohere, interfere, persevere, revere, austere, severe, sincere, hemisphere, etc. , ear, clear, dear, fear, hear, near, sear, smear, spear, tear, year, appear, besmear, disappear, endear, auctioneer. Allowable rhymes, hare, dare, etc. , preter, deter, character, etc. EESE, see EEZE. EET, see EAT. EETH, see EATH. EEVE, see EAVE. EEZE. Breeze, freeze, wheeze, sneeze, squeeze, and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ee, as bees, he sees. Perfect rhymes, cheese, these, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, ease, appease, disease, displease, tease, seize, etc. . and the plurals of nouns in ea, as teas, pleas, etc.. and the polysyllables ending in es, having the accent on the ante- penultimate, as images, monarchies, etc. EFT. Cleft, left, theft, weft, bereft, etc. Allowable rhymes, lift, sift, etc. , and the third person singular, present tense, of verbs in afe, aff, augh, and iff, as chafed, quaffed, laughed, whiffed, etc. EG. Egg, leg, beg, peg. Allowable rhymes, vague, plague, etc., league, Teague, etc. EIGH, see AY. EIGHT, see ATE. KIOX, see AIX. ,, ee AI I,. EIX, see AIX. EIXT, see AIXT. EIR see ARE. EIT, see EAT. EIVE, see EAVE. EIZE, see EEZE. ELL. Ell, dwell, fell, hell, knell, quell, sell, bell, cell, dispel, foretell, excel, compel, befell, yell, well, tell, swell, spell, smell, shell, parallel, sen- tinel, infldel, citadel, refel, repel, rebel, impel, expel. Allowable rhymes, bale, sail, etc., heal, peal, etc., eel, steel, etc. . Held, geld, withheld, upheld, beheld, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ell, as swelled, felled, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ale, ail, etc., heal, seal, etc., oe impaled, waled, etc. , healed, sealed, etc. EJL.F. Elf. pelf, self, shelf, himself, etc. ELK. Elk, whelk, etc. EI.M. Elm, helm, realm, whelm, overwhelm, etc. Allowable rhymes palm, Him, etc. EL.P. Help, whelp, yelp, etc. EL.T. Belt, gelt, melt, felt, welt, smelt, pelt, dwelt. Perfect rhyme, dealt. EL.VE. -Delve, helve, twelve, etc. EI/VES. Elves, themselves, etc. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in elf and elve, as twelves, delves, shelves, etc. EM. Gem, hem, stem, them, diadem, stratagem, etc. Perfect rhymes, condemn, contemn, etc. Allowable rhymes, lame, tame, etc. , team, seam, theme, etc. EM E, see EAM. EMX. Condemn, contemn, etc. Perfect rhymes, gem, hem, etc. Allow- able rhymes, lame, tame, etc. , team, seam, etc. EMPT. Tempt, exempt, attempt, contempt. EX. Den, hen, fen, ken, men, pen, ten, then, when, wren, denizen. Al- lowable rhymes, bane, fane, etc. , mean, bean, etc. EXCE. Fence, hence, dense, pence, thence, whence, defense, expense, offense, pretense, commence, abstinence, circumference, conference, confi- dence, consequence, continence, benevolence, concupiscence, difference, dif- fidence, diligence, eloquence, eminence, evidence, excellence, impenitence, impertinence, impotence, impudence, improvidence, incontinence, indiffer- ence, indigence, indolence, inference, intelligence, innocence, magnificence, munificence, negligence, omnipotence, penitence, preference, providence, recompense, reference, residence, reverence, vehemence, violence. Perfect rhymes, sense, dense, cense, condense, immense, intense, propense, dispense, suspense, prepense, incense, frankincense. EXCH. Bench, drench, retrench, quench, clench, stench, fench, trench, wench, wrench, intrench. EXD. Bend, mend, blend, end, fend, lend, rend, send, spend, tend, vend, amend, attend, ascend, commend, contend, defend, depend, descend, distend, expend, extend, forefend, impend, misspend, obtend, offend, por- tend, pretend, protend, suspend, transcend, unbend, apprehend, compre- hend, condescend, discommend, recommend, reprehend, dividend, reverend. Perfect rhymes, friend, befriend, and the preterits and participles of verbs in en, as penned, kenned, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and parti- ciples of verbs in ean, as gleaned, yeaned, etc. EXDS. Amends. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in end, as friends, he mends, etc. EXE, see EAX. EXGE. Avenge, revenge, etc. ENGTH. Length, strength, etc. EXSE (sounded EXZE). Cleanse. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in en, as hens, fens, he pens, he kens, etc. EXT. Bent, lent, rent, pent, scent, sent, shent, spent, tent, vent, went, absent, meant, ascent, assent, attent, augment, cement, content, consent, descent, dissent, event, extent, foment, frequent, indent, intent, invent, lament, misspent, o'erspent. present, prevent, relent, repent, resent, ostent, ferment, outwent, underwent, discontent, unbent, circumvent, represent, abstinent, accident, accomplishment, admonishment, acknowledgment, ali- ment, arbitrament, argument, banishment, battlement, blandishment, as- tonishment, armipotent, bellipotent, benevolent, chastisement, competent, compliment, complement, confident, continent, corpulent, detriment, differ- ent, diffident, diligent, disparagement, document, element, eloquent, emi- nent, equivalent, establishment, evident, excellent, excrement, exigent, experiment, firmament, fraudulent, government, embellishment, imminent, impenitent, impertinent, implement, impotent, imprisonment, improvident, impudent, incident, incompetent, incontinent, indifferent, indigent, inno- cent, insolent, instrument, irreverent, languisnment, ligament, lineament, magnificent, management, medicament, malcontent, monument, negligent, nourishment, nutriment, Occident, omnipotent, opulent, ornament, parlia- ment, penitent, permanent, pertinent, president, precedent, prevalent, provident, punishment, ravishment, regiment, resident, redolent, rudiment, sacrament, sediment, sentiment, settlement, subsequent, supplement, intel- ligent, tenement, temperament, testament, tournament, turbulent, vehe- ment, violent, virulent, reverent. Allowable rhymes, paint, saint, etc. EXTS. Accoutrements. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ent, as scents, he assents, etc. EH. Step, nep, etc. Allowable rhymes, leap, reap, etc., rape, tape, etc. EPT. Accept, adept, except, intercept, etc. Perfect rhymes, crept, slept, wept, kept. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ape, eep and eap, as peeped, reaped, shaped, etc. ERR. Err, aver, defer, infer, deter, inter, refer, transfer, confer, pre- fer, parterre, administer, wagoner, islander, arbiter, character, villager, cottager, dowager, forager, pillager, voyager, massacre, gardener, slan- derer, flatterer, idolater, provender, theater, amphitheater, foreigner, lavender, messenger, passenger, sorcerer, interpreter, officer, mariner, har- binger, minister, register, canister, chorister, sophister. presbyter, law- giver, philosopher, astrologer, loiterer, prisoner, grasshopper, astronomer, sepulcher, thunderer, traveler; murderer, usurer. Allowable rhymes, bare, care, etc., ear, fear, etc., bar, car, etc., sir, fir, her, etc. ERCH, see EARCH. ERCE, see ERSE. K !l 1, see EARD. ERE, see EER. ERGE. Verge, emerge, absterge, immerge. Perfect rhyme, dirge. Nearly perfect rhymes, urge, purge, surge. Allowable rhymes, barge, large, eto. ERX. Fern, stern, discern, concern. Perfect rhymes, learn, earn, yearn, etc. Allowable rhymes, barn, yarn, etc. , burn, turn, etc. ERSE. Verse, hearse, absterse, adverse, averse, converse, disperse, immerse, perverse, reverse, traverse, asperse, intersperse, universe. Per- fect rhymes, amerce, coerce, etc. , fierce, tierce, pierce, etc. Allowable rhymes, farce, parse, Mars; etc., purse, curse, etc. ERT. Wert, advert, assert, avert, concert, convert, controvert, desert, divert, exert, expert, insert, invert, pervert, subvert. Allowable rhymes, heart, part, etc. , shirt, dirt, etc. , hurt, spurt, etc. VOCABULAKY OF RHYMES. 531 ERVE. Serve, nerve, swerve, preserve, deserve, conserve, observe, reserve, disserve, subserve. Allowable rhymes, starve, carve, etc., curve, etc. ESS. Bless, dress, cess, chess, guess, less, mess, press, stress, acquiesce, access, address, assess, compress, confess, caress, depress, digress, dispos- sess, distress, excess, express, impress, oppress, possess, profess, recess, re- press, redress, success, transgress, adulteress, bashfulness, bitterness, cheerfulness, comfortless, comeliness, dizziness, diocese, drowsiness, eager- ness, easiness, embassadress, emptiness, evenness, fatherless, tllthiness, fool- ishness, forgetfulness, forwardness, frowardness, fruitfulness, fulsomeness, giddiness, greediness, gentleness, governess, happiness, haughtiness, heavi- ness, idleness, heinousness, hoaryness, hollowness, holiness, lasciviousness, lawfulness, laziness, littleness, liveliness, loftiness, lioness, lowliness, man- liness, masterless, mightiness, motherless, motionless, nakedness, neediness, noisomeness, numberless, patroness, peevishness, perfldiousness, pitiless, poetess, prophetess, ransomness, readiness, righteousness, shepherdess, sorceress, sordidness, spiritless, sprightliness, stubbornness, sturdiness, surliness, steadiness, tenderness, thoughtfulness, ugliness, uneasiness, un- happiness, votaress, usefulness, wakefulness, wantonness, weaponless, wari- ness, willingness, willfulness, weariness, wickedness, wilderness, wretched- ness, drunkenness, childishness. Allowable rhymes, mass, pass, etc. , mace, place, etc. ESE, see EEZE. ESH. Flesh, fresh, refresh, thresh, afresh, mesh. Allowable rhymes, mash, flash, etc. ESK. Desk. Perfect rhymes, grotesque, burlesque, etc. Allowable rhymes, mask, ask, etc. EST. Best, chest, crest, guest, jest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, vest, west, arrest, attest, bequest, contest, detest, digest, divest, invest, infest, molest, obtest, protest, retest, suggest, unrest, interest, manifest, etc. Per- fect rhymes, breast, abreast, etc.. and the preterits and participles of verbs in ess, as dressed, expressed, etc. Allow ible rhymes, cast, fast, etc. , haste, waste, etc. , beast, least, etc. See EAST. ET. Bet, jet, fret, get, let, met, net, set, wet, whet, yet, debt, abet, beget, beset, forget, regret, alphabet, amulet, anchoret, cabinet, epithet, parapet, rivulet, violet, counterfeit, coronet, etc. Perfect rhymes, sweat, threat, etc. Allowable rhymes, bate, hate, etc. , beat, heat, etc. ETCH. Fetch, stretch, wretch, sketch, etc. Allowable rhymes, match, latch, etc. , peach, bleach, etc. ETE, see EAT. EVE, see EAVE. EUM, see TIME. E W. Blew, chew, dew, brew, drew, flew, few, grew, new, knew, hew, Jew, mew, view, threw, yew, crew, slew, anew, askew, bedew, eschew, re- new, review, withdrew, screw, interview, etc. Perfect rhymes, blue, clue, cue, glue, hue, rue, sue, strue, accrue, ensue, endue, imbue, imbrue, pur- su?, subdue, adieu, purlieu, perdue, residue, avenue, revenue, retinue. EWD, see EUD. EWX, see USTE. EX. Sex, vex, annex, convex, complex, perplex, circumflex, and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in eck, as checks, he checks, etc. Allowable rhymes, ax, wax, etc. , and the plurals of nouns and thi rd persons singular of verbs in ake, ack, eak, eke, ique, ike, etc., breaks, rakes, etc. , he takes, he breaks, racks, he ekes, pikes, he likes, he pipes, etc. EXT. Next, pretext, and the preterits and participles of verbs in ex, as vexed, perplexed, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ax, as waxed, etc. E Y, see AY. IB. Bib, crib, squib, drib, glib, nib, rib. Allowable rhymes, bribe, tribe, etc. IBE. Bribe, tribe, scribe, ascribe, describe, superscribe, prescribe, pro- scribe, subscribe, transcribe, inscribe. Allowable rhymes, bib, crib, etc. ICE. Ice, dice, mice, nice, price, rice, spice, slice, thrice, trice, advice, entice, vice, device. Perfect rhymes, rise, concise, precise, paradise, etc. Allowable rhymes, miss, kiss, hiss, artifice, avarice, cockatrice, beneflce, cicatrice, edifice, orifice, prejudice, precipice, sacrifice, etc., piece, fleece, etc. ICH, see ITCH. ICK.. Brick, sick, chick, kick, lick, nick, pick, quick, stick, thick, trick, arithmetic, asthmatic, choleric, catholic, phlegmatic, heretic, rhetoric, schismatic, splenetic, lunatic, politic, empiric. Allowable rhymes, like, pike, etc. , weak, speak, etc. ICT. Strict, addict, afflict, convict, inflict, contradict, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ick, as licked, kicked, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ike, eak, as liked, leaked, etc. ID. Bid, chid, hid, kid, lid, slid, rid, bestrid, pyramid, forbid. Allow- able rhymes, bide, chide, parricide, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in y or ie, as died, replied, etc., lead, bead, mead, deed, need, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in ee, as freed, agreed, etc. IDE. Bide, chide, hide, glide, pride, ride, slide, side, stride, tide, wide, bride, abide, guide, aside, astride, beside, bestride, betide, confide, decide, deride, divide, preside, provide, subside, misguide, subdivide, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ie and y, as dyed, replied, etc,, and the participle sighed. Allowable rhymes, bead, mead, etc., bid, hid, etc. IDES. Ides, besides. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nowns and third persons singular of verbs in ide, as tide, he rides, etc. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in ead, id, as beads, he leads, etc. , kids, he bids, etc. IDGE. Bridge, ridge, abridge, etc. IDST. Midst, amidst, etc. Perfect rhymes, the second person singular, of the present tense of verbs in id, as thou biddest, thou hiddest, etc. Allow- able rhymes, the second persons singular of the present tense of verbs in ide, as thou hidest, thou readest, etc. IE, or Y. By, buy, cry, die, dry, eye, fly, fry, fle, hie, lie, pie, ply, P r y, rye, shy, sly, spry, sky, sty, tie, try, vie, why, ally, apply, awry, belie, comply, decry, defy, descry, deny, imply, espy, outvie, outfly, rely, reply, supply, untie, amplify, beautify, certify, crucify, deify, dignify, edify, fal- sify, fortify, gratify, glorify, indemnify, justify, magnify, modify, mollify, mortify, pacify, petrify, purify, putrefy, qualify, ratify, rectify, sanctify, satisfy, scarify, signify, specify, stupefy, terrify, testify, verify, vilify, vitrify, vivify, prophesy. Perfect rhymes, high, nigh, sigh, thigh. Allow- able rhymes, bee, she, tea, sea, etc., pleurisy, chemistry, academy, apostasy, conspiracy, confederacy, ecstasy, democracy, embassy, fallacy, legacy, supremacy, lunacy, privacy, piracy, malady, remedy, tragedy, comedy, cosmography, geography, geometry, etc., elegy, certainty, sovereignty, loyalty, disloyalty, penalty, casualty, ribaldry, chivalry, infamy, constancy, fealty, cavalry, bigamy, polygamy, vacancy, inconstancy, infancy, com- pany, accompany, dittany, tyranny, villainy, anarchy, monarchy, lethargy, incendiary, infirmary, library, salary, sanctuary, votary, auxiliary, con trary, diary, granary, rosemary, urgency, infantry, knavery, livery, recov- ery, robbery, novelty, antipathy, apathy, sympathy, idolatry, galaxy, husbandry, cruelty, enemy, blasphemy, prophecy, clemency, decency, in- clemency, emergency, regency, progeny, energy, poverty, liberty, property, adultery, artery, artillery, battery, beggary, bribery, bravery, delivery, drudgery, flattery, gallery, imagery, lottery, misery, mystery, nursery, raillery, slavery, sorcery, treachery, discovery, tapestry, majesty, modesty, immodesty, honesty, dishonesty, courtesy, heresy, poesy, poetry, secrecy, leprosy, perfidy, subsidy, drapery, symmetry, drollery, prodigy, policy, mutiny, destiny, scrutiny, hypocrisy, family, ability, activity, avidity, assiduity, civility, community, concavity, consanguinity, conformity, con- gruity, diuturnity, facility, falsity, familiarity, formality, generosity, gratuity, humidity, absurdity, adversity, affability, affinity, agility, alac- rity, ambiguity, animosity, antiquity, austerity, authority, brevity, calam- ity, capacity, captivity, charity, chastity, civility, credulity, curiosity, magnanimity, majority, mediocrity, minority, mutability, nicety, pervers- ity, perplexity, perspicuity, prosperity, privity, probability, probity, pro- pensity, rarity, rapidity, sagacity, sanctity, sensibility, sensuality, solidity, temerity, timidity, tranquillity, virginity, visibility, university, trumpery, infirmity, iniquity, integrity, laity, liberality, malignity, maturity, mor- ality, mortality, nativity, necessity, neutrality, nobility, obscurity, tlTnit.V- nnrti]if.v n*>rrpt.iiit,v ni*r*rt*iT i it.v nvii^Htv nvr^Hinpalitv society, variety, customary, melody, philosophy, astronomy, anatomy, colony, gluttony, harmony, agony, gallantry, canopy, history, memory, victory, calumny, injury, luxury, penury, perjury, usury, industry. IECE, see EASE. IEF. Grief, chief, fief, thief, brief, belief, relief, etc. Perfect rhymes, reef, beef, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, leaf, sheaf, etc. IEGE. Liege, siege, oblige, disoblige, assiege, besiege. lELD. Field, yield, shield, wield, afield. Nearly perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in eal, as healed, repealed, etc. IEW, see EE1V. IEXI>, see EBTD. IERCE, see ERSE. IEST, see EAST. IEVE, see EAVE. IFE. Rife, fife, knife, wife, strife, life. Allowable rhymes, cliff, skiff, stiff, whiff, etc. IFF, see IFE. IFT. Gift, drift, shift, lift, rift, sift, thrift, adrift, etc. , and the preter- its and participles of verbs in iff, as whiffed, etc. IG-. Big, dig, gig, flg, pig, rig, sprig, twig, swig. Allowable rhymes, league, Teague, fatigue, etc. Mi K, see IEOE. Hi II, see IE. I6HT, see ITE. ION, see IBTE, 10 I K. see EAGTJE. IK.E. Dike, like, pike, spike, strike, alike, dislike, oblique. Allowable rhymes, leak, speak, antique, etc., lick, pick, etc. II.li. Bill, chill, fill, drill, gill, hill, ill, kill, mill, quill, rill, shrill, skill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, trill, will, distill, fulfill, instill, codicil, daffo- dil, utensil. Perfect rhymes, all words ending in ile, with the accent on the antepenultimate syllable, as volatile, etc. Allowable rhymes, byle, chyle, file, feel, reel, etc., meal, peal, seal, etc., and words in ble, having the ac- cent on the antepenultimate, as suitable, etc. ILiD. Child, mild, wild, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and parti- ciples of verbs of one syllable in ile, or of more syllables, provided the accent be on the last, as piled, reviled, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ill, as filled, willed, etc., in oil, as oiled, boiled, foiled, etc. I 1. 1. Gild, build, rebuild, etc. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and parti- ciples of verbs in illed, as filled, willed, etc. Allowable rhymes, child, mild, and their allowable rhymes, which see. ILE. Bile, chyle, file, guile, isle, mile, pile, smile, stile, style, tile, vile, while, awhile, compile, revile, defile, exile, erewhile, reconcile, beguile. Allowable rhymes, oil, boil, etc., bill, fill, etc. H.K.. Milk, silk, bilk, etc. II/T. Gilt, jilt, built, quilt, guilt, hilt, spilt, stilt, tilt. II,TH. Filth, tilth, etc. IM. Brim, dim, grim, him, rim. skim, slim, trim, whim, prim. Perfect rhymes, limb, hymn, limn. Allowable rhymes, lime, time, climb, etc. , team, gleam, etc. 1MB, see I M . IME. Chime, time, grime, climb, clime, crime, prime, mime, rhyme, slime, thyme, lime, sublime. Allowable rhymes, brim, dim, maritime, etc. IMES. Betimes, sometimes, etc. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ime, as chimes, he rhymes, etc. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons sin- gular, present tense, of verbs in earn and im, as dreams, brims, he swims, etc. J M V, see 1 >I . 532 VOCABULARY OF RHYMES. gu the IMP. Imp, pimp, limp, gimp. IMPSE. Glimpse. Rhymes, the plurals of nouns, third person present, of verbs in imp, as imps, he limps, etc. IN. Chin, din, fln, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, pin, shin, sin, spin, skin, thin, tin, win, within, assassin, javelin, begin. Allowable rhymes, chine, dine, etc. , lean, bean, etc. , machine, magazine, etc. INCE. Mince, prince, since, quince, rinse, wince, convince, evince. INCH. Clinch, flinch, winch, pinch, inch. INCT. Instinct, distinct, extinct, precinct, succinct, etc. , and the pre- terits and participles of verbs in ink, as linked, pinked, etc. IND. Bind, find, mind, blind, hind, kind, grind, rind, wind, behind, un- kind, remind, etc. , and the preterits and participles of verbs in ine, as refined. Allowable rhymes, rescind, prescind, and the noun wind, as it is frequently pronounced, also the participles of verbs in oin, as joined. INE. Dine, brine, mine, chine, fine, line, nine, pine, shine, shrine, kine, thine, trine, twine, vine, wine, whine, combine, confine, decline, define, in- cline, inshrine, intwine, opine, calcine, recline, refine, repine, superfine, interline, countermine, undermine, supine, concubine, porcupine, divine. Perfect rhymes, sign, assign, consign, design, etc. Allowable rhymes, bin, thin, tin, origin, join, loin, etc. , polysyllables ending in ine, pronounced in, as masculine, feminine, discipline, libertine, heroine, etc. ING. Bring, sing, fling, cling, ring, sling, spring, sting, swing, wing, wring, thing, etc., and the participles of the present tense in ing, with the ac- cent on the antepenultimate, as recovering, altering, etc. INGE. Cringe, fringe, hinge, singe, springe, swinge, tinge, twinge. infringe. INK.. Ink, think, wink, drink, blink, brink, chink, clink, link, pink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, bethink, forethink. INT. Dint, mint, hint, flint, lint, print, squint, asquint, imprint. IP. Chip, lip, hip, clip, dip, drip, nip, sip, rip, scrip, ship, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, whip, equip, eldership, fellowship, workmanship, rivalship, and all words in ship, with the accent on the antepenultimate. Allowable rhymes, wipe, gripe, etc. , leap, heap, etc. IPE. Gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, type, stripe, wipe, archetype, prototype. Allowable rhymes, chip, lip, workmanship, etc. IPSE. Eclipse. Rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons sin- lar, present tense, of verbs in ip, as grips, strips, etc. Allowable rhymes, e plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ipe, as gripes, wipes, etc. IK, see TJR. IKi'II, see TTRCH. I II 1>, see I 1C I). IRE. Fire, dire, hire, ire, lyre, mire, quire, sire, spire, squire, wire, tire, attire, acquire, admire, aspire, conspire, desire, inquire, entire, expire, inspire, require, retire, transpire, Tyre. Perfect rhymes, friar, liar, brier, and nouns formed from verbs ending in ie or y, as crier, dyer, as also the comparative of adjectives of the same sounding terminations, as nigher, shyer, etc. IRGE, see ERGE. IRI.. Girl, whirl, twirl. Nearly perfect rhymes, curl, furl, churl, etc. IRM. Firm, affirm, confirm, infirm. Nearly perfect rhymes, worm, term, etc. IRST. see ITRST. IRT, see TJRT. IRTH. Birth, mirth. Perfect rhymes, earth, dearth, which see. ISS. Bliss, miss, hiss, kiss, this, abyss, amiss, submiss, dismiss, remiss. Allowable rhymes, mice, spice, etc., peace, lease, etc. IS, pronounced like IZ. Is, his, whiz. ISE, see ICE and IZE. ISH. Dish, wish, fish, cuish, pish. ISK. Brisk, frisk, disk, risk, whisk, basilisk, tamarisk. ISP. Crisp, wisp, lisp. 1ST. Fist, list, mist, twist, wrist, assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, subsist, alchemist, amethyst, anatomist, antagonist, annalist, evangelist, eucharist, exorcist, herbalist, humorist, oculist, organ- ist, satirist, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in iss, as missed, hissed, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ice, as spiced, sliced, etc. IT. Bit, cit, hit, fit, grit, flit, knit, nit, pit, quit, sit, split, twit, wit, whit, writ, admit, acquit, commit, emit, omit, outwit, permit, remit, sub- mit, transmit, refit, benefit, perquisite. Allowable rhymes, beat, heat, etc., bite, mite, light, etc. ITCH and HITCH. Ditch, piteh, rich, which, Fitch, bitch, flitch, hitch, itch, stitch, switch, twitch, witch, bewitch, niche, enrich. ITE and IGHT. Bite, cite, kite, mite, quite, rite, smite, spite, trite, white, write, contrite, disunite, despite, indite, invite, excite, incite, polite, requite, recite, unite, reunite, aconite, appetite, parasite, proselyte, expedite, Perfect rhymes, blight, benight, bright, fight, flight, fright, height, light, knight, night, might, plight, right, tight, slight, sight, spright, wight, affright, alight, aright, foresight, delight, despite, unsight, upright, bedight, oversight. Allowable rhymes, eight, weight, etc., bit, hit, etc., favorite, hypocrite, infinite, requisite, opposite, apposite, exquisite, etc. ITH. Pith, smith, frith. ITHE. Hithe, blithe, tithe, scythe, writhe, lithe. Allowable rhyme, with. IVE. Five, dive, alive, gyve, hive, drive, rive, shrive, strive, thrive, ar- rive, connive, contrive, deprive, derive, revive, survive. Allowable rhymes, give, live, sieve, forgive, outlive, fugitive, laxative, narrative, prerogative, primitive, sensitive, vegetive, affirmative, alternative, contemplative, de- monstrative, diminutive, distributive, donative, inquisitive, lenitive, mas- sive, negative, perspective, positive, preparative, provocative, purgative, restorative. IX. Fix, six, flix, mix, affix, infix, prefix, transmix, intermix, crucifix, etc. , and the plurals of nouns and third persons of verbs in ick, as wicks, lickg, etc. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singu- lar of verbs in ike, as pikes, likes, etc. IXT Betwixt. Rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ix, as fixed, mixed, etc. ISE and IZE. Prize, wise, rise, size, guise, disguise, advise, author- ize, canonize, chastise, civilize, comprise, criticise, despise, devise, enter- prise, excise, exercise, idolize, immortalize, premise, revise, signalize solemnize, surprise, surmise, suffice, sacrifice, sympathize, tyrannize, and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs end- ing in ie or y, as pies, lies, he replies, etc. Allowable rhymes, miss, hiss, precipice, etc. O, see OO and OW. OACH. Broach, croach, proach, abroach, approach, encroach, re- proach. Perfect rhyme, loach. Allowable rhymes, botch, notch, etc., mutch, hutch, etc. O A J, see ATJD and ODE. OAF, see OFF. OAK, see OKE. O A I,, see OLE. O A M . see OME. OAN, see ONE. OAP, see OPE. OAR, see ORE. OARD, see 6ltl>. OAST, see OST. OAT, see OTE. OATH, see OTH. OB, Fob, bob, mob, knob, sob, rob, throb. Perfect rhymes, swab, squab. Allowable rhymes, daub, globe, robe, dub, etc. OBE. Globe, lobe, probe, robe, conglobe. Allowable rhymes, fob, mob, etc. , rub, dub, etc. , daub, etc. OCE, see OSE. OCK. Block, lock, cock, clock, crock, dock, frock, flock, knock, mock, rock, shock, stock, sock. Allowable rhymes, oak, poke, cloak, etc. , look, took, etc., buck, suck, etc. OCT. Concoct. Rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ock, as blocked, locked, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in oak and oke. as croaked, soaked, yoked, etc. OD. Clod, God, rod, sod, trod, nod, plod, odd, shod. Allowable rhymes, ode, code, mode, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs {now, as sowed, did sow, etc. ODE and OAD. Bode, ode, code, mode, rode, abode, corrode, ex- plode, forbode, commode, incommode, episode, etc. Perfect rhymes, road, toad, goad, load, etc. , and the preterits and participles of verbs in ow, as owed, showed, etc. Allowable rhymes, blood, flood, clod, hod, nod, broad, fraud, etc. See OOD. OE, see OW. OFF and OTJGH. Off, scoff, etc. Perfect rhymes, cough, trough, etc. Allowable rhymes, oaf, loaf, etc., proof, roof, etc. See OOF. OFT. Oft, croft, soft, aloft, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in off and uff, as ruffed, scoffed, etc. OG. Hog, bog, cog, dog, clog, fog, frog, log, jog, etc. Perfect rhymes, dialogue, epilogue, agog, synagogue, catalogue, pedagogue. Allowable rhymes, rogue, vogue, etc. OGUE. Rogue, vogue, prorogue, collogue, disembogue. Allowable rhymes, bog, log, dialogue, etc. OICE. Choice, voice, rejoice. Allowable rhymes, nice, vice, rice, etc. OID, Void, avoid, devoid, etc. , and the preterits and participles of verbs in oy, as buoyed, cloyed, etc. Allowable rhymes, hide, bide, ride, etc. Oil,. Oil, boil, coil, moil, soil, spoil, toil, despoil, embroil, recoil, tur- moil, disembroil. Allowable rhymes, isle, while, tile, etc. OIN. Coin, join, subjoin, groin, loin, adjoin, conjoin, disjoin, enjoin, purloin, rejoin. Allowable rhymes, whine, wine, fine, etc. See INE. OINT. Oint, joint, point, disjoint, anoint, appoint, disappoint, counter- point. Allowable rhymes, pint. OISE. Poise, noise, counterpoise, equipoise, etc., and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in oy, as boys, cloys, etc. Allowable rhymes, wise, size, prize, and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ie or y, as pies, tries, etc. OIST. Hoist, moist, foist. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in oice, as rejoiced. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ice, as spiced. OIT. Coit, exploit, adroit, etc. Allowable rhymes, white, light, might, sight, mite, etc. OKE. Broke, coke, smoke, spoke, stroke, yoke, bespoke, invoke, pro- voke, revoke, etc. Perfect rhymes, choke, cloak, oak, soak. Allowable rhymes, stock, mock, etc., buck, luck, etc., talk, walk, etc., look, book, etc. See OCK and OOK. OL,. Loll, doll, droll, extol, capitol, etc. Allowable rhymes, all, ball, etc. , bawl, etc. , hole, mole, etc. , dull, mull, etc. OI.D. Old, bold, cold, gold, hold, mold, scold, sold, told, behold, en- fold, unfold, uphold, withhold, foretold, manifold, marigold. Perfect rhymes, preterits and participles of verbs in oil, owl, ole and oal, as rolled, cajoled, foaled, bowled, etc. OI-K. Bole, dole, jole, hole, mole, pole, sole, stole, whole, shole, cajole, condole, parole, patrol, pistole, etc. Perfect rhymes, cos,}, foal, goal, sole, bowl, droll, prowl, roll, scroll, toll, troll, control, enroll, etc., soul, etc., to roll, etc. Allowable rhymes, gull, dull, etc., bull, full, etc., loll, doll, etc., tool, cool, etc. OI>EN. Stolen, swollen. OI/T. Bolt, colt, jolt, holt, dolt, molt, revolt, thunderbolt. Allowable rhymes, vault, fault, salt, etc. OI/VE. Solve, absolve, resolve, convolve, involve, devolve, dissolve, revolve. OM, see UM. . Loam, dome, home, tome. Perfect rhymes, foam, roam, comb. Allowable rhymes, dum, hum, come, bomb, etc. , troublesome, etc. See OOM. OMB, see OOM. OMPT, see OTJNT. ON. see TTN. ON. Don, on, con, upon, anon, etc. Perfect rhymes, gone, undergone, etc. Allowable rhymes, dun, run, won, etc., own, moan, etc., lone, bone, etc., Amazon, cinnamon, comparison, caparison, garrison, skeleton, union, jupon. OND. Pond, bond, fond, beyond, abscond, correspond, despond, VOCABULARY OF RHYMES. 533 diamond, vagabond, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in on, as donned, conned, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in one, oan ami un, as stoned, moaned, stunned, etc. ONCE, see UNCE. ONE. Prone, bone, drone, throne, alone, stone, tone, lone, zone, atone, enthrone, dethrone, postpone, etc. Perfect rhymes, grown, flown, disown, thrown, sown, own, loan, shown, overthrown, groan, blown, moan, known. Allowable rhymes, dawn, lawn, etc., on, con, etc., none, bun, dun, etc., raoon, boon, etc. ONG. Long, prong, song, thong, strong, throng, wrong, along, belong, prolong. Allowable rhymes, bung, among, hung, etc. ONGUE, see TING. OMV , see UNK. OX8E. Sconse, ensconce, etc. Allowable rhymes, once, nonce, askance, etc. ONT. Font. Perfect rhyme, want. Allowable rhymes, front, affront, etc., confront, punt, runt, etc., the abbreviated negatives, won't, don't, etc. OO. Coo, woo. Nearly perfect rhymes, shoe, two, too, who, etc. , do, ado, undo, through, you, true, blue, flew, strew, etc. Allowable rhymes, know, blow, go, toe, etc. OOD. Brood, mood, food, rood, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, the pret- erits and participles of verbs in oo, as eooed, wooed, etc. Allowable rhymes, wood, good, hood, stood, withstood, understood, brotherhood, livelihood, likelihood, neighborhood, widowhood, etc., blood, flood, etc., feud, allude, habitude, etc. , the preterits and participles of verbs in ue and ew, as brewed, strewed, etc., imbued, subdued, etc., bud, mud, etc. , and the three apostro- phized auxiliaries, would, could, should, pronounced wou'd, cou'd, shou'd, etc. , ode, code, and the preterits and participles of verbs in ow, as crowed, rowed, etc. , also nod, hod, etc. OOP. Hoof, proof, roof, woof, aloof, disproof, reproof, behoof. Allow- able rhymes, huff, ruff, rough, enough, etc. , off, scoff, etc. OOK. Book, brook, cook, crook, hook, look, rook, shook, took, mis- took, undertook, forsook, betook. Allowable rhymes, puke, fluke, etc., duck, luck, etc., broke, spoke, etc. OOI.. Cool, fool, pool, school, stool, tool, befool. Allowable rhymes, pule, rule, etc, dull, gull, etc., bull, pull, etc., pole, hole, etc. OOM. Gloom, groom, loom, room, spoom. bloom, doom, etc. Perfect rhymes, tomb, entomb, and the city Rome. Nearly perfect rhymes, whom, womb, etc. Allowable rhymes, come, drum, etc., bomb, thumb, clomb, etc. , plume, spume, etc. , and from, home, comb, etc. OON. Boon, soon, moon, noon, spoon, swoon, buffoon, lampoon, pol- troon. Allowable rhymes, tune, prune, etc., bun, dun, etc., gone, done, etc. , bone, alone, etc. , moan, roan, etc. See ONE. OOP. Loop, poop, scoop, stoop, troop, droop, whoop, coop, hoop, etc. Perfect rhymes, soup, group, etc. Allowable rhymes, dupe, up, sup, tup, etc., cop, top, etc., cope, hope, etc. OOR. Boor, poor, moor, etc. Perfect rhymes, tour, amour, paramour, contour. Allowable rhymes, bore, pore, etc. , pure, sure, etc. , your, pour, etc. , door, floor, etc. , bur, cur, etc. , sir, stir, etc. OOSE. Goose, loose, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, the nouns deuce, use, etc., profuse, seduce. Allowable rhymes, dose, jocose, globose, etc., moss, toss, etc., us, pus, thus, etc. OOT. Root, boot, coot, hoot, shoot. Nearly perfect rhymes, suit, fruit, etc., lute, impute, etc. Allowable rhymes, rote, vote, etc., goat, coat, etc., but, hut, soot, etc. , foot, put, etc. , hot, got, etc. OOTH. Booth, sooth, smooth. Allowable rhymes, tooth, youth, un- couth, forsooth, etc. Though these are frequent, they are very improper rhymes, the th in one class being flat, and in the other sharp. OOZE. Ooze, noose. Perfect rhymes, whose, choose, lose. Nearly per- fect rhymes, the verbs to xise, abuse, etc. Allowable rhymes, doze, hose, etc. , buzz and does, the third persons singular of do, with the plurals of nouns and third persons singular, present tense, of verbs in ow, o, oe, ew, ue, as foes, goes, throws, views, imbues, flues, etc. OP. Chop, hop, drop, crop, fop, top, prop, flop, shop, slop, sop, stop, swap, underprop. Attainable rhymes, cope, trope, hope, etc. , tup, sup, etc. , coop, etc. OPE. Sope, hope, cope, mope, grope, pope, rope, scope, slope, tope, trope, aslope, elope, interlope, telescope, heliotrope, horoscope, antelope, etc., and ope, contracted in poetry for open. Allowable rhymes, hoop, coop, etc. , lop, top, etc. , tup, sup, etc. OPT. Adopt rhymes perfectly with the preterits and participles of verbs in op, as hopped, lopped, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and parti- ciples of verbs in ope, upe, oop, and up, as ccped, duped, hooped, cupped, etc. OR. Or, for, creditor, counselor, confessor, competitor, emperor, an- cestor, ambassador, progenitor, conspirator, successor, conqueror, gov- ernor, abhor, metaphor, bachelor, senator, etc. , and every word in or, hav- ing the accent on the last, or last syllable but two, as abhor, orator, etc. Allowable rhymes, bore, tore, etc., boar, hoar, etc., pure, endure, etc., pur, demur, etc. , stir, sir, etc. ORCH. Scorch, torch, etc. Allowable rhymes, birch, smirch, church, etc. , porch, etc. ORCE. Force, divorce, enforce, perforce, etc. Perfect rhymes, corse, coarse, hoarse, course, discourse, recourse, intercourse, source, resource, etc. Allowable rhymes, worse, purse, etc. , horse, endorse, etc. ORD. Cord, lord, record, accord, abhorred. Allowable rhymes, hoard, board, aboard, ford, afford, sword, etc., word, curd, bird, etc., and the pre- terits and participles of verbs in ore, ur and ir, as bored, incurred, stirred, etc ORE. Bore, core, gore, lore, more, ore, pore, score, shore, snore, sore, store, swore, tore, wore, adore, afore, ashore, deplore, explore, implore, re- store, forbore, forswore, heretofore, hellebore, sycamore. Perfect rhymes, boar, oar, roar, soar, four, door, floor, and o'er for over. Allowable rhymes, hour, sour. etc. , pow'r for power, show'r for shower, etc. , bur, cur, etc. , poor, your, etc. , abhor, orator, senator, etc. See OOR and OR. ORGE. Gorge, disgorge, regorge, etc. Allowable rhymes, forge, urge, dirge, etc. ORK.. Ork, cork, fork, stork, etc. Allowable rhymes, pork, work. ORI..D. World rhymes perfectly with the preterits and participles of verbs in url, as hurled, curled, etc. OHM und ARM. Form, storm, conform, deform, inform, perform, reform, misinform, uniform, multiform, transform. Allowable rhymes, form (a seat) and worm. ORX, rhyming with HORN. Born, corn, morn, horn, scorn, thorn, adorn, suborn, unicorn, Capricorn. Alloivable rhymes, the participles borne, (suffered) shorn, etc., the verb mourn, the nouns urn, turn, etc. ORX, rhyming with MORN. Born, shorn, torn, worn, lorn, love-lorn, sworn, forsworn, overborn, forlorn. Perfect rhyme, mourn. Allowable rhymes, born, corn, etc. , urn, burn, etc. ORSE, see ORCE. Horse, endorse, unhorse. Allowable rhymes, worse, curse, etc., remorse, coarse, course, corse, etc. ORST, see URST. ORT, see ART. ORT, rhyming with WART. Short, sort, exhort, consort, distort, extort, resort, retort, snort. Allowable rhymes, fort, court, port, report, etc., dirt, shirt, etc., wort, hurt, etc. ORT, rhyming with COURT. Fort, port, sport, comport, disport, ex- port, import, support, transport, report. Allowable rhymes, short, sort, etc., dirt, hurt, etc. ORTH. Forth, fourth. Allowable rhymes, north, worth, birth, earth, etc. OSK, (sounded) OCE. Close, dose, jocose. Perfect rhymes, morose, gross, engross, verbose. Allowable rhymes, moss, cross, etc. , us, thus, etc. OSE (sounded) OZE. Close, dose, hose, pose, chose, gloze, froze, nose, prose, those, rose, compose, depose, disclose, dispose, discompose, ex- pose, impose, inclose, interpose, oppose, propose, recompose, repose, sup- pose, transpose, arose, presuppose, foreclose, etc. , and the plurals of nouns and apostrophized preterits and participles of verbs in ow, oe, o. etc. , as rows, glows, foes, goes, etc. Allowable, rhymes, the verbs choose, lose, etc., and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in ow, rhyming with now, oe cows, and the word buzz. OSS. Boss, loss, cross, dross, moss, toss, across, emboss. Allowable rhymes, the nouns close, dose, jocose, etc. , and us, thus, etc. OST. Cost, frost, lost, accost, etc., and the preterits and participles of words in oss, as mossed, embossed, etc., the verb exhaust, and the noun holocaust. Allowable rhymes, ghost, host, post, compost, most, etc., coast, boast, toast, etc., bust, must, etc., roost, 'and the preterits and participles of verbs in oose, as loosed, etc. OT, see AT. Clot, cot, blot, got, hot, jot, lot, knot, not, plot, pot, scot, shot, sot, spot, apricot, trot, rot, grot, begot, forgot, allot, besot, corn- plot, counterplot. Allowable rhymes, note, vote, etc., boat, coat etc., but, cut, etc. OTCH. Botch, notch, etc. Perfect rhyme, watch. Allowable rhymes, much, such, etc. OTE. Note, vote, mote, quote, rote, wrote, smote, denote, promote, re- mote, devote, anecdote, antidote, etc. Perfect rhymes, boat, coat, bloat, doat, gloat, float, goat, oat, overfloat, afloat, throat, moat. Allowable rhymes, bout, flout, etc., hot, cot, etc., but, cut, etc., boot, hoot, etc. OTH. Broth, cloth, froth, moth, troth, betroth. Perfect rhyme, wrath. Allowable rhymes, both, loth, sloth, oath, growth, etc., forsooth, the noun mouth, and the solemn auxiliary doth, to which some poets add loathe, clothe, but I think improperly. See OOTH. O1T, see OO and OW. OUBT, see OTJT. OUCH. Couch, pouch, vouch, slouch, avouch, crouch. Allowable rhymes, much, such, etc., coach, roach, etc. OUD. Shroud, cloud, proud, loud, aloud, crowd, overshroud, etc. . and the preterits and participles of verbs mow, as he bowed, vowed, etc. Alloio- able rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ow, as owed, flowed, etc., blood, flood, etc., bud, mud, etc. OVE. Wove, inwove, interwove, alcove, clove, grove, rove, stove, strove, throve, drove. Allowable rhymes, dove, love, shove, glove, above, etc., move, behoove, approve, disprove, disapprove, improve, groove, prove, reprove, etc. OUGH, see OFF, OW and TJFF. OUGHT. Bought, thought, ought, brought, forethought, fought, nought, sought, wrought, besought, bethought, methought, etc. Perfect rhymes, aught, naught, caught, taught, etc., sometimes draught. Allow- able rhymes, not, yacht, etc. , note, vote, etc. , butt, hut, etc. , hoot, root, etc. OUI<, see OLE and OWI-. OUl/D. Mould. Perfect rhymes, fold, old, cold, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in owl, ol and ole, as bowled, tolled, cajoled, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in ull, as gulled, pulled, etc. OUNCE. Bounce, flounce, renounce, pounce, ounce, denounce, pro- nounce. OUXD. Bound, found, mound, ground, hound, pound, round, sound, wound, abound, aground, around, confound, compound, expound, profound^ rebound, redound, resound, propound, surround, etc., and the preterits and participles of verbs in own, as frowned, renowned, etc. Allowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in one, oan and un, as toned, moaned, sunned, etc., consequently fund, refund, etc., and wound (a hurt), pro- nounced woond. OUNG, see UNG. OUNT. Count, mount, fount, amount, dismount, remount, surmount, account, discount, miscount. Allowable rhymes, want, font, don't, won't, etc. OTJP, see OOP. OUR. Hour, lour, sour, our, scour, deflour, devour, etc., rhymes per- fectly with bower, cower, flower, power, shower, tower, etc. , pronounced bow'r, tow'r, etc. Allowable rhymes, bore, more, roar, pour, tour, moor, poor, etc. . pure, sure, etc. , sir, stir, bur, cur, etc. OTJRGE, s?e URGE; OURNE, see Oil \ and URN. OURS. Ours rhymes perfectly with the plurals of nouns and third per- sons present of verbs in our and ower, as hours, scours, deflours, bowers. VOCABULARY OF RHYMES. showers, etc. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons present of verbs in oor and ure, as boors, moors, etc. , cures, endures, etc. OURS. Yours rhymes perfectly with the plurals of nouns and third persons present of verbs in ure, as cures, endures, etc. Allowable rhymes, ours, and its perfect rhymes and the plurals of nouns and third persons present of verbs in oor, ore and ur, as boors, moors, etc., shores, pores, etc., ours, slurs, stirs, etc. OURSE, see ORCE. OURT, see CRT. OURTH, see O K I II . 01 s, see US. OUS, pronounced O I/< ' K. House, mouse, chouse, etc. Allowable rhymes, the nouns close, dose, jocose, etc., deuce, use, produce, etc., us, thus, etc. , moose, and the noun noose. Ol'. Si:, pronounced OUZE, see OWZK. OUT. Bout, stout, out, clout, pout, gout, grout, route, scout, shout, snout, spout, stout, sprout, trout, about, devout, without, throughout, etc. , rhymes perfectly with doubt, redoubt, misdoubt, drought, etc. Allowable rhymes, note, vote, etc. , boat, coat, etc. , lute, suit, etc. . got, not, etc. , nut, shut, hoot, boot, etc. OUTH. Mouth, south, when nouns have the th sharp. The verbs to mouth, to south, may allowably rhyme with booth, smooth, etc. , which see. O W sounded OU. Now, bow, how, mow, cow, brow, plow, sow, vow, prow, avow, allow, disallow, endow, etc. Perfect rhymes, bough, plough, slough, (mire), etc., thou. Allowable rhymes, go, no, blow, so, etc. OW, sounded OWE. Blow, stow, crow, bow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row, show, sow, strow. stow, slow, snow, throw, trow, below, bestow, foreknow, outgrow, overgrow, overflow, overthrow, reflow, fore- show, etc. Perfect rhymes, go, no, toe, foe, owe, wo, oh, so, lo, though. hoe, ho, ago, forego, undergo, dough, roe, sloe, and the verb to sew (with the needle). Allowable rhymes, now, cow, vow, do, etc. See the last article. OWI., see OJLE. Cowl, growl, owl, fowl, howl, prowl, etc. Perfect rhymes, scowl, foul, etc. Allowable rhymes, bowl, soul, shoal, goal, etc., dull, gull, etc. OWN, see ONE. Brown, town, clown, crown, down, drown, frown, grown, adown, renown, embrown, etc. Perfect rhyme, noun. Allowable rhymes, tone, bone, moan, own, and the participles thrown, shown, blown. OWSE, see OU8E. Blouse. Perfect rhymes, brouse. trouse, rouse, spouse, carouse, souse, espouse, the verbs to house, mouse, etc., and the plurals of nouns and third persons, present tense, of verbs in ow, as brows, allows, etc. Allowable rhymes, hose, those, to dose, etc. OX. Ox, box, fox, equinox, orthodox, heterodox, etc. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons present of verbs in ock. as locks, stocks, etc. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons pres- ent of verbs in oke, oak, and uck, as strokes, oaks, cloaks, sucks, etc. OY. Boy, buoy, coy, employ, cloy, joy, toy, alloy, annoy, convoy, decoy, destroy, enjoy, employ. OZE, see OSE. u UB. Cub, club, dub, drub, grub, rub, snub, shrub, tub. Allowable rhymes, cube, tube, etc. , cob, rob, etc. UBE. Cube, tube. Allowable rhymes, club, cub, etc. UCE. Truce, sluice, spruce, deuce, conduce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, seduce, traduce, juice, reduce, etc., rhyme perfectly with the nouns use, abuse, profuse, abstruse, disuse, excuse, misuse, obtuse, recluse. I < 1 1 . see UTCH. troublesome, martyrdom, Christendom. Allowable rhymes, fume, plume rheum, and room, doom, tomb, hecatomb. TIME. Fume, plume, assume, consume, perfume, resume, presume, de- plume. UMP. Bump, Pump, jump, lump, plump, trump, stump, rump, thump. UN. Dun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, shun, tun, stun, spun, begun. Per- fect rhymes, son, won, ton, done, one, none, undone. Allowable rhymes on, gone, etc. , tune, prune, etc. flee OUT. UNCE. Dunce, once, etc. Allowable rhyme, sconce. UNCH. Bunch, punch, hunch, lunch, munch. UND. Fund, refund. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in un, as shunned, etc. UNE. June, rune, untune, jejune, prune, importune, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, moon, soon, etc. Allowable rhymes, bun, dun, etc. . Clung, dung, flung, hung, rung, strung, sung, sprung, slung, stung, swung, unsung. Perfect rhymes, young, tongue, among. Allowable rhymes, song, long, etc. UNGE. Plunge, spunge, expunge, etc. UNK.. Drunk, sunk, shrunk, stunk, spunk, punk, trunk, slunk. Perfect rhyme, monk. UNT. Brunt, blunt, hunt, runt, grunt. Perfect rhyme, wont (to be ac customed). UP. Cup, sup, up. Allowable rhymes, cope, scope, and dupe, group, . Abrupt, corrupt, interrupt. Perfect rhymes, the participles of verbs in up, as supped, etc. Ult. Blur, cur, bur, fur, slur, spur, concur, demur, incur. Perfect rhymes, sir, stir. Nearly perfect rhymes, fir, etc. Allowable rhymes, pore, oar. etc. URB. Curb, disturb. Nearly perfect rhymes, verb, herb, etc. Allow- able rhyme, orb. URCH. Church, lurch, birch. Nearly perfect rhymes, perch, search. Allowable rhyme, porch. URD. Curd, absurd. Perfect rhymes, bird, word, and the preterit a and participles of verbs inur, as spurred. Allowable rhymes, board, ford, cord, lord, etc.. and the preterits and participles of verbs in ore, oar and or, as goared, oared, abhorred, etc., also the preterits and participles of verbs in ure, as cured, immured, etc. See OKI). URE. Cure, pure, dure, lure, sure, adjure, allure, assure, demure, con- jure, endure, manure, enure, insure, immature, immure, mature, obscure, procure, secure, calenture, coverture, epicure, investiture, forfeiture, fur- niture, miniature, overture, portraiture, primogeniture, temperature. Al- lowable rhymes, poor, moor, power, sour, etc. , cur, bur, etc. URP.-Tur'f, scurf, etc. . Buck, luck, pluck, suck, struck, tuck, truck, duck. Allowable rhymes, puke, duke, etc. , look, took, etc. UCT. Conduct, deduct, instruct, obstruct, aqueduct. Perfect rhymes. the preterits and participles of verbs in uck, as ducked, sucked, etc. Al- lowable rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in uke and ook, as puked, hooked, etc. UD. Bud, scud, stud, mud, cud, rhyme perfectly with blood and flood. Allowable rhymes, good, hood, etc. , rood, food, etc. , beatitude, latitude. UDE. Rude, crude, prude, allude, conclude, delude, elude, exclude, ex- ude, include, intrude, obtrude, seclude, altitude, fortitude, gratitude, inter- lude, latitude, longitude, magnitude, multitude, solicitude, solitude, vicissi- I tude, aptitude, habitude, ingratitude, inaptitude, lassitude, plenitude promptitude, servitude, similitude, etc. Perfect rhymes, leud, feud, etc. , and the preterits and participles of verbs in ew, as stewed, viewed, etc. Allow- able rhymes, bud, cud, etc. , good, hood, etc. , blood, flood, etc. UDGE. Judge, drudge, grudge, trudge, adjudge, prejudge. UE, see EW. UFP. Buff, cuff, bluff, huff, gruff, luff, puff, snuff, stuff, ruff, rebuff, counterbuff, etc. Perfect rhymes, rough, tough, enough, slough (cast skin), chough, etc. Allowable rhymes, loaf, oaf, etc. UFT. Tuft. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in uff, as cuffed, stuffed. , UG. Lug, bug, dug, drug, hug, rug, slug, snug, mug, shrug, pug. .41- lowable rhymes, vogue, rogue, etc. UICE, see USE. VISE, see I8E and USE. UlE, see IE. UK.E. Duke, puke, rebuke, etc. Nearly perfect rhymes, cook, look book, etc. Allowable rhymes, duck, buck, etc. Ur. and UL.L,. Cull, dull, gull, hull, lull, mull, null, trull, skull, an- nul, disannul. Allowable rhymes, fool, tool, etc., wool, bull, pull full bountiful, fanciful, sorrowful, dutiful, merciful, wonderful, worshipful and every word ending in ful, having the accent on the antepenultimate syllable. UUE. Mule, pule, yule, rule, overrule, ridicule, misrule. Allowable rhymes, cull, dull, wool, full, bountiful. See the last article. ULGE. Bulge, indulge, divulge, etc. VI.K. Bulk, hulk, skulk. UL.SE. Pulse, repulse, impulse, expulse, convulse. UL.T. Result, adult, exult, consult, indult, occult, insult, difficult. Al lowable rhymes, colt, bolt, etc. UM. Crum, drum, grum, gum, hum, mum, scum, plum, stum, sum, swum, thrum. Perfect rhymes, thumb, dumb, succumb, come, become, overcome burthentome, cumbersome, frolicsome, humorsome, quarrelsome, . Purge, urge, surge, scourge. Perfect rhymes, verge, diverge, etc. Allowable rhymes, gorge, George, etc., forge, etc. URK.. Lurk, Turk. Perfect rhyme, work. Nearly perfect rhymes, irk, jerk. perk. URL., see IRL.. Churl, curl, furl, hurl, purl, uncurl, unfurl. Nearly perfect rhymes, girl, twirl, etc., pearl, etc. URN. Burn, churn, spurn, turn, urn, return, overturn. Perfect rhymes, sojourn, adjourn, rejourn. URSE. Nurse, curse, purse, accurse, disburse, imburse, reimburse. Perfect rhyme, worse. Allowable rhymes, coarse, corse, force, verse, dis- perse, horse, etc. URST. Burst, curst, accurst, etc. Perfect rhymes, thirst, worst, first. URT. Blurt, hurt, spurt. Perfect rhymes, dirt, shirt, flirt, squirt, etc. Allowable rhymes, port, court, short, snort, etc. US, Us, thus, buss, truss, discuss, incubus, overplus, amorous, boister- ous, clamorous, credulous, dangerous, degenerous. generous, emulous, fab- ulous, frivolous, hazardous, idolatrous, infamous, miraculous, mischievous, mountainous, mutinous, neceseitoiis, numerous, ominous, perilous, poison- ous, populous, prosperous, ridiculous, riotous, ruinous, scandalous, scrupu- lous, sedulous, traitorous, treachorous, tyrannous, venomous, villainous, vigorous, adventurous, adulterous, ambiguous, blasphemous, dolorous, for- tuitous, sonorous, gluttonous, gratuitous, incredulous, lecherous, libidinous, magnanimous, obstreperous, odoriferous, ponderous, ravenous, rigorous, slanderous, solicitous, timorous, valorous, unanimous, calamitous. Allow- able rhymes, the nouns use, abuse, diffuse, excuse, the verb to loose, and the nouns, goose, deuce, juice, truce, etc., close, dose, house, mouse, etc. USE, with the 8 pure.. The nouns use, disuse, abuse, deuce, truce. Per- fect rhymes, the verb to loose, the nouns goose, noose, moose. Allowable rhymes, us, thus, buss, etc. USE (sounded) UZE. Muse, the verbs to use, abuse, amuse, diffuse, excuse, infuse, misuse, peruse, refuse, suffuse, transfuse, accuse. Perfect rhymes, bruise, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in ew and ue. as dews, imbues, etc. Allowable rhymes, buzz, does, etc. USH. Blush, brush, crush, gush, flush, rush, hush. Allowable rhymes, bush, push. USK. Busk, tusk, dusk, husk, musk. UST. Bust, crust, dust, just, must, lust, rust, thrust, trust, adjust, adust, disgust, distrust, intrust, mistrust, unjust, robust. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in uss, as trussed, discussed, etc. UT. But, butt, cut, hut, gut, glut, jut, nut, shut, strut, englut, rut, scut, slut, smut, abut. Perfect rhyme, soot. Allowable rhymes, boot, etc., dispute, etc. , boat, etc. UTCH. Hutch, crutch, Dutch. Perfect rhymes, much, such, touch, UTE. Brute, lute, flute, mute, acute, compute, confute, dispute, dilute. depute, impute, minute, pollute, refute, repute, salute, absolute attribute. constitute, destitute, dissolute, execute, institute, irresolute, persecute. prosecute, prostitute, resolute, substitute. Perfect rhymes, fruit, recruit. etc. Allowable rhymes, boot, etc., boat, etc., note, etc.. hut, etc. UX. Flux, reflux, etc. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons of verbs in uck, as ducks, trucks, etc. Alloieable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons of verbs in ook, uke, oak, etc., as cooks, pukes, oaks, etc. Y, see IE. ELECTIONS FROM THE POETS. AND EVER THE TRUTH COMES UPPERMOST, AND EVER IS JUSTICE DONE. ETERNAL JUSTICE BY CHARLES MACKAY. : i HE man is thought a knave or fool, Or bigot plotting crime, Who, for the advancement of his race, Is wiser than his time. For him the hemlock shall distill, For him the axe be bared ; For him the gibbet shall be built; For him the stake prepared: Him shall the scorn and wrath of men Pursue with deadly aim; And malice, envy, spite and lies, Shall desecrate his name. But truth shall conquer at the last. For round and round we run, And ever the right comes uppermost, And ever is justice done. PACE through thy cell, old Socrates, Cheerily to and fro; Trust to the impulse of thy soul And let the poison flow. They may shatter to earth the lamp of clay That holds a light divine, But they cannot quench the fire of thought By any such deadly wine. They cannot blot thy spoken words From the memory of man, By all the poison ever was brewed Since time its course began. To-day abhorred, to-morrow adored, So round and round we run, And ever the truth comes uppermost, And ever is justice done. PLOD in thy cave, gray Anchorite ; Be wiser than thy peers; Augment the range of human power, And trust to coming years. They may call thee wizard, and monk accursed And load thee with dispraise; Thou wert born five hundred years too soon For the comfort of thy days. But not too soon for human kind : Time hath reward in store; And the demons of our sires become The saints that we adore. The blind can see, the slave is lord; So round and round we run, And ever the wrong is proved to be wrong, And ever is justice done. T7EEP, Galileo, to thy thought, And nerve thy soul to bear; They may gloat over the senseless words they From the pangs of thy despair. [wring They may veil their eyes, but they cannot hide, The sun's meridian glow; The heel of a priest may tread thee down, And a tyrant work thee woe ; But never a truth has been destroyed: They may curse it and call it a crime ; Pervert and betray, or slander and slay Its teachers for a time; But the sunshine aye shall light the sky, As round and round we run ; And the truth shall ever come uppermost, And justice shall be done. TfND live there now such men as these ' With thoughts like the great of old? Many have died in their misery, And left their thought untold. And many live, and are ranked as mad, And placed in the cold world's ban, For sending their bright, far-seeing souls Three centuries in the van ; They toil in penury and grief, Unknown, if not maligned ; Forlorn, forlorn, bearing the scorn Of the meanest of mankind ; But yet the world goes round and round And the genial seasons run, And ever the truth comes uppermost, And ever is justice done. ' O LAND BEYOND THE SETTING SUN ! f " 537 LAND beyond the setting sun ! O realm more fair than poet's dream 1 How clear thy silvery streamlets run. How bright thy golden glories gleam 1 Earth holds no counterpart of thine ; The dark -browed Orient, jewel- crowned, Pales, as she bows before thy shrine, Shrouded in mystery so profound. The dazzling North, the stately West, Whose rivers flow from mount to sea; The South, flower-wreathed in languid rest, What are they all compared with thee? All lands, all realms beneath yon dome, Where God's own hand hath hung the stars, To thee with humblest homage come, O world beyond the crystal bars ! Thou blest hereafter! Mortal tongue Hath striven in vain thy speech to learn, And fancy wanders, lost among The flowery paths for which we yearn. But well we know, that fair and bright, Far beyond human ken or dream, Too glorious for our feeble sight, Thy skies of cloudless azure beam. NEVER AGAIN. [EVER again will the roses blow For us as the roses we used to know. Oh ! never again will the wide sky hold Such wealth of glory and sunset gold ; And never again will I whisper, dear, The pleasant fancies you smiled to hear; We know thy happy valleys lie In green repose, supremely blest: We know against thy sapphire sky Thy mountain peaks sublimely rest. And sometimes even now we catch Faint gleanings from the far-off shore, And still with eager eyes we watch For one sweet sign or token more. For oh, the deeply loved are there ! The brave, the fair, the good, the wise, Who pined for thy serener air, Nor shunned thy solemn mysteries. There are the hopes that, one by one, Died even as we gave them birth; The dreams that passed ere well begun, Too dear, too beautiful for earth. The aspirations, strong of wing, Aiming at heights we could not reach; The songs we tried in vain to sing; Thoughts too vast for human speech ; Thou hast them all, Hereafter! Thou Shalt keep them safely till that hour When, with God's seal on heart and brow, We claim them in immortal power! Never again! for the dream is done That a word, and a look, and a touch begun. Love, if we always could dream, ah, then ! The words are as sad as " it might have been ! " For us, there is nothing but memory, In the coming days, of what could not be! Love, you are near me, and yet as far As the round earth is from the fartherest star. Kiss me and smile in my eyes once more, Tho' your lips should quiver, and tears run o'er. Put your hand in mine for one moment, one, And then, good-bye, for the dream is done ! And never again, at the day's decline, Shall I sit with your little hand in mine And look at the beauty of sunset skies, And the sweeter beauty of your sweet eyes 538 "SHE ISN'T HALF so HANDSOME AS WHEN, TWENTY YEARS AGONE." SE t h 5 5|p^^^^'x3y ^If^^^^p^^ IQ " ir ~ 3! 5 i^P* * *^|- g f/O^ ^ ^ ^ --* I f^N^i^ Vo HANNAH JANE. a-i-as^Nfij* I : * "^ 4^ " BT PETROLEUM V. NA8BT. !E isn't half so handsome as when, twenty I can't forget just at this point another form appears years agone, The wife I wedded as she was before my prosperous years; At her old home in Piketon, Parson Avery I travel o'er the dreary road we traveled side by side, made us one; And wonder what my share would be, if Justice should divide. The great house crowded full of guests of , She had four hundred dollars left her from the old estate ; every aegree, The girls all envying Hannah Jane, the On that we married, and, thus poorly armored, faced our fate. boys all envying me. I wrestled with my books; her task was harder far than mine 'Twas how to make two hundred dollars do the work of nine. Her fingers then were taper, and her skin as white as milk, Her brown hair what a mess it was ! and soft and fine as silk ; At last I was admitted ; then I had my legal lore. No wind-moved willow by a brook had ever such a grace, An office with a stove and desk, of books perhaps a score; t The form of Aphrodite, with a pure Madonna face. She had her beauty and her youth, and some housewifely skill, i She had but meagre schooling; her little notes, to me, And love for me and faith in me, and back of that a will. \ .,, Were full of crooked pot-hooks, and the worst orthography; I had no friends behind me no influence to aid; A Her "dear" she spelled with double e, and " kiss'' with but ones; I worked and fought for every little inch of ground I made. But when one's crazed with passion, what's a letter more or less? And how she fought beside me! never woman lived on less; df9 She blundered in her writing, and she blundered when she spoke, In two long years she never spent a single cent for dress. fr 1 i And every rule of syntax, that old Murray made, she broke ; But she was beautiful and fresh, and I well, I was young; Her form and face o'erbalanced all the blunders of her tongue. Ah ! how she cried for joy when my first legal fight was won, When our eclipse passed partly by, and we stood in the sun ! The fee was fifty dollars 't was the work of half a year 1 t i I was but little better. True, I'd longer been at school; First captive, lean and scraggy, of my legal bow and spear. 1 ^ . ^ I My tongue and pen were run, perhaps, a little more by rule; But that was all. The neighbors round, who both of us well knew, Said which I believed she was the better of the two. I well remember when my coat (the only one I had) Was seedy grown and threadbare, and, in fact, most shocking bad, The tailor's stern remark when I a modest order made: fy 4 All's changed: the light of seventeen 's no longer in her eyes; " Cash is the basis, sir, on which we tailors do our trade. '' 1 Her wavy hair is gone that loss the coiffeur's art supplies; Her winter cloak was in his shop by noon that very day; Her form is thin and angular; she slightly forward bends; She wrought on hickory shirts at night that tailor's skill to pay; V , Her fingers, once so shapely, now are stumpy at the ends. I got a coat, and wore it ; but alas ! poor Hannah Jane 1 i She knows but very little, and in little are we one; Ne'er went to church or lecture till warm weather came again. 1 9 The beauty rare, that more than hid that great defect, is gone. Our second season she refused a cloak of any sort, My parvenu relations now deride my homely wife, That I might have a decent suit in which t' appear in court; And pity me that I am tied, to such a clod, for life. She made her last year's bonnet do, that I might have a hat: I know there is a difference; at reception and levee, Talk of the old-time, flame-enveloped martyrs after that! The brightest, wittiest, and most famed of women smile on me ; No negro ever worked so hard; a servant's pay to save, And everywhere I hold my place among the greatest men ; She made herself most willingly a household drudge and slave. And sometimes sigh, with Whittier's judge, "Alas ! it might have What wonder that she never read a magazine or book, been." Combining as she did in one, nurse, house-maid, seamstress, cook . When they all crowd around me, stately dames and brilliant belles, What wonder that the beauty fled, that I once so adored! And yield to me the homage that all great success compels, Her beautiful complexion my fierce kitchen fire devoured; Discussing art and state- craft, and literature as well, Her plump, soft, rounded arm was once too fair to be concealed; From Homer down to Thackeray, and Swedenborg on " Hell," Hard work for me that softness into sinewy strength congealed. I can't forget that from these streams my wife has never quaffed, I was her altar, and her love the sacrificial flame: Has never with Ophelia wept, nor with Jack Falstaff laughed; Ah ! with what pure devotion she to that altar came, ? Of authors, actors, artists why, she hardly knows the names ; And, tearful, flung thereon alas ! I did not know it then 1 She slept while I was speaking on the Alabama claims. All that she was, and more than that, all that she might have been ! vi $% IK Mi Ww^\t_ ^wsK * ^ ( ~-f.:7 ^j>rix It,,..,*.--* '**" -^="^ = = ,11 .ll 111" iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiigiiimiiii The Old Oaken Bucket. ,,Xet X'lS tf iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriii ^^'^ And quick to the white-pebbled bottom it fell! Then soon, with the emblem of truth overflowing, And dripping with cool- ness, it rose from the well: The old oaken bucket, the i ron-bou nd bucket, The moss-covered bucket, arose from the well. Pow sweet from the green, mossy brim to receive it, As, poised on the curb, it inclined to my lips! Not a full, blushing goblet could tempt me to leave it, The brightest that beauty or revelry sips. And now far removed from the loved habitation, The tear of regret will intrusively swell, As fancy reverts to my father's planta- tion, And sighs for the bucket that hangs in the well: BY SAMUEL WOODWORTH. 4- fOW dear to this heart are the When fond recollection pre- sents them to view ! The orchard, the mead- ow, the deep -tangled wildwood, And every loved spot which my infancy knew I The wide-spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it; The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell; The cot of my father, the dairy-house nigh it, And e'en the rude bucket that hung in the well: The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket which hung in the well. What moss-covered ves- sel I hailed as a treasure; For often at noon, when returned from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleas- ure, The purest and sweet- est that nature can yield. How ardent I seized it, with scenes of my childhood, The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket which hung in the well." hands that were glowing The old oaken bucket, the i ron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket that hangs in the well. 542 DRAW UP THE PAPERS, LAWYER, AND MAKE 5 EM GOOD AND STOUT." BETSEY AND I ARE OUT. RAW up the papers, lawyer, and make 'em good and stout For things at home are cross-ways, and Betsey and I are out We who have worked together so long as man and wife, Must pull in single harness the rest of our nat'ral life. "What is the matter?" say you. I vow! it's hard to tell: Most of the years behind us we've passed by very well; I have no other woman she has no other man, Only we've lived together as long as ever we can. So I've talked with Betsey, and Betsey has talked with me; And we've agreed together that we can't never agree; Not that we've catched each other in any terrible crime ; We've been a gatherin' this for years, a little at a time. There was a stock of temper we both had for a start; Although we ne'er suspected 'twould take us two apart' I had my various failings, bred in the flesh and bone, And Betsey, like all good women, had a temper of her own. The first thing I remember whereon we disagreed, Was somethin' concerning heaven a difference in .our creed. We arg'ed the thing at breakfast we arg'ed the thing at tea And the more we arg'ed the question, the more we didn't agree. And the next that I remember was when we lost a cow ; She kicked the bucket, certain the question was only How? I held my own opinion, and Betsey another had; And when we were done a talkiu', we both of us was mad. And the next that I remember, it started in a joke; But full for a week it lasted, and neither of us spoke. And the next was when I scolded because she broke a bowl ; And she said I was mean and stingy, and hadn't any soul. And so that bowl kept pouring dissensions in our cup; And so that, blamed cow-critter was always a comin' up; And so that heaven we arg'ed no nearer to us got; But it gave us a taste of somethin' a thousand times as hot. And so the thing kept workin', and all the self-same way; Always somethin' to arg'e, and somethin' sharp to say. And down on us come the neighbors, a couple dozen strong, And lent their kindest sarvice for to help the thing along. And there has been days together and many a weary week, We was both of us cross and spunky, and both too proud to speak, And I have been thinkin' and thinkin' the whole of the winter and fall, If I can't live kind with a woman, why, then I won't at all. And so I have talked with Betsey, and Betsey has talked with me, And we've agreed together that we can't never agree; And what is hers shall be hers, and what is mine shall be mine; And I'll put it in the agreement, and take it to her to sign. Write on the paper, lawyer the very first paragraph Of all the farm and live stock, that she shall have her half; For she has helped to earn it, through many a dreary day, And it's nothing more than justice that Betsey has her pay. Give her the house and homestead; a man can thrive and roam, But women are skeery critters, unless they have a home. And I have always determined, and never failed to say, That Betsey never should want a home, if I was taken away. There's a little hard money that's drawin' tol'rable pay; A couple of hundred dollars laid by for a rainy day ; Safe in the hands of good men, and easy to get at; Put in another clause, there, and give her half of that; Yes, I see you smile, sir, at my giviu' her so much; Yes, divorce is cheap, sir, but I take no stock in such. True and fair I married her, when she was blithe and young; And Betsey was al'ays good to me, except with her tongue. Once, when I was young as you, and not so smart, perhaps, For me she mittened a lawyer, and several other chaps; And all of 'em was flustered and fairly taken down, And I for a time was counted the luckiest man in town. Once, when I had a fever I won't forget it soon I was hot as a basted turkey and crazy as a loon Never an hour went by when she was out of sight; She nursed me true and tender, and stuck to me day and night. And if ever a house was tidy, and ever a kitchen clean, Her house and kitchen was as tidy as any I ever seen; And I don't complain of Betsey or any of her acts, Exceptin' when we've quarrelled and told each other facts. So draw up the paper, lawyer; and I'll go home to-night, And read the agreement to her and see if it's all right. And then in the mornin' I'll sell to a tradin' man I know And kiss the child that was left to us, and out in the- world I'll go. And one thing put in the paper, that first to me didn't occur That when I'm dead at last, she shall bring me back to her; And lay me under the maples I planted years ago, When she and I was happy, before we quarrelled so. And when she dies, I wish that she would be laid by me', And lyin' together in silence, perhaps we will agree; And if ever we meet in heaven, I wouldn't think it queer If we loved each other the better because we quarrelled here. GIVE US YOUR HAND, MR. LAWYER! HOW DO YOU DO TO-DAY?" 543 HOW BETSEY AND r IVE us your hand, Mr. Lawyer: how do you do to-day? You drew up that paper I s'pose you want your pay. Don't cut down your figures; make it an X or a V; For that 'ere written agreement was just the makin' of me. Goin' home that evenin 1 I tell you I was blue, Thinkin' of all my troubles, and what I was goin' to do; And if my bosses hadn't been the steadiest team alive, They'd 've tipped me over, certain, for I couldn't see where to drive. No for I was laborin' under a heavy load ; No for I was travelin' an entirely different road; For I was a-tracin' over the path of our lives ag'in, And seeiu' where we missed the way, and where we might have been. And many a corner we'd turned that just to quarrel led, When I ought to've held my temper, and driven straight ahead; And the more I thought it over the more these memories came, And the more I struck the opinion that I was the most to blame. And things I had long forgotten kept risin' in my mind, Of little matters betwixt us, where Betsey was good and kind; And these things flashed all through me, as you know things sometimes will When a feller's alone in the darkness, and everything is still. " But," says I, " we're too far along to take another track. And when I put my hand to the plow T do not oft turn back; And tain't an uncommon thing now for couples to smash in two;" And so I set my teeth together, and vowed I'd see it through. When I come in sight o' the house 'twas some'at in the night, And just as I turned a hill-top I see the kitchen light; Which often a han'some pictur' to a hungry person makes, But it don't interest a feller much that's goin' to pull up stakes. And when I went in the house, the table was set for me As good a supper 's I ever saw, or ever want to see; And I crammed the agreement down my pocket as well as I could, And fell to eatin' my victuals, which somehow didn't taste good. And Betsey, she pretended to look about the house, But she watched my side coat-pocket like a cat would watch a monse ; And then she went to foolin' a little with a cup, And intently readin' a newspaper, a-holdin' it wrong side up. And when I'd done my supper, I drawed the agreement out, And give it to her without a word, for she knowed what 'twas about ; And then I hummed a little tune, but now and then a note Was bu'sted by some animal that hopped up iu my throat. Then Betsey, she got her specs from off the mantel-shelf, And read the article over quite softly to herself; Read it by little and little, for her eyes is gettin' old, And lawyers' writin' ain't no print, especially when its cold. And after she'd read a little, she gave my arm a touch, And kindly said she was afraid I was 'lowin' her too much; But when she was through she went for me, her face a-streamin' with tears, And kissed me for the first time in over twenty years! I don't know what you'll think, Sir I didn't come to inquire But I picked up that agreement and stuffed it in the fire; And I told her we'd bury the hatchet alongside of the cow; And we struck an agreement never to have another row. And I told her in the future I wouldn't speak cross or rash If half the crockery in the house was broken all to smash; And she said, in regards to heaven, we'd try to learn its worth By startin' a branch establishment and runnin' it here on earth. And so we sat a-talkin' three-quarters of the night, And opened our hearts to each other until they both grew light; And the days when I was winnin' her away from so many men Was nothin' to that evenin' I courted her over again. Next mornin' an ancient virgin took pains to call on us, Her lamp all trimmed and a-burnin' to kindle another fuss; But when she went to pryin' and openin' of old sores, My Betsey rose politely, and showed her out-of-doors. Since then I don't deny but there's been a word or two; But we've got our eyes wide open, and know just what to do; When one speaks cross the other just meets it with a laugh, And the first one's ready to give up considerable more than half. Maybe you'll think me soft, Sir, a-talkin' in this style, But somehow it does me lots of good to tell it once in a while ; And I do it for a compliment 'tis so that you can see That that there written agreement of yours was just the makin' of me. So make out your bill, Mr. Lawyer: don't stop short of an X; Make it more if you want to, for I have got the checks. I'm richer than a National Bank, with all its treasures told, For I've got a wife at home now that's worth her weight in gold. 544 MAUD MULLER, ON A SUMMER S DAY, RAKED THE MEADOW, SWEET WITH HAY. ,. v Maud Muller AUD MULLER, on a summer's day, I Raked the meadow,sweet with hay. Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth Of simple beauty and rustic health. The sweet song died, and a vague unrest And a nameless longing filled her breast A wish, that she hardly dared to own, For something better than she had known. ' Maud Muller, on a summer's day, Raked the meadow, sweet icith hay. " Singing, she wrought, and her merry glee The mock-bird echoed from his tree. But, when she glanced to the far-off town, White from its hill-slope looking down, The Judge rode slowly down the lane Smoothing his horse's chestnut mane. He drew his bridle in the shade Of the apple-trees to greet, the maid, ."AND THE PROUD MAN SIGHED WITH A SECRET PAIN, 'AH, THAT i WERE FREE AGAIN!" 545 She stooped where the cool spring bubbles up And filled for him her small tic cur And blushed as she gave it, looking down On her feet so bare, and her tattered gown. " Thanks ! " said the Judge, "a sweeter draught From a fairer hand was never quaffed. " He spoke of the grass and flowers and trees, Of the singing birds and the humming bees; Then talked of the haying, and wondered whether The cloud in the west would bring foul weather. And Maud forgot her brier- torn gown, And her graceful ankles bare and brown, And listened, while a pleased surprise Looked from her long-lashed, hazel eyes. At last, like one who for delay Seeks a vain excuse, he rode away. Maud Muller looked and sighed: " Ah me! That I the Judge's bride might be! "He would dress me up. in silks so fine, And praise and toast me at his wine. "My father would wear a broadcloth coat; My brother should sail a painted boat. "I'd dress my mother so grand and gay; And the baby should have a new toy each day. "And I'd feed the hungry and clothe the poor, And all should bless me who left our door." 1 But low of And health, cattle, and song of birds, and quiet, and loving words. " " No doubtful balance of rights and wrongs, No weary lawyers with endless tongues, " But low of cattle, and song of birds, And health, and quiet, and loving words." But he thought of his sister, proud and cold, And his mother, vain of her rank and gold. So, closing his heart, the Judge rode on, And Maud was left in the field alone. But the lawyers smiled that afternoon, When he hummed in court an old love -tune. And the young girl mused be- side the well, Till the rain on the unraked clover fell. He wedded a wife of richest dower, Who lived for fashion, as he for power. Yet oft, in his marble hearth's white glow, He watched a picture come and go; And sweet Maud Muller's hazel eyes Looked out in their innocent surprise. Oft, when the wine in his glass was red, He longed for the wayside well instead, And closed his eyes on his garnished rooms, To dream of meadows and clover-blooms; And the proud man sighed with a secret pain, " Ah, that I were free again! "Free as when I rode that day Where the barefoot maiden raked the hay." The Judge looked back as he climbed the hill, And saw Maud Muller standing still : "A form more fair, a face more sweet, Ne'er hath it been my lot to meet. " And her modest answer and graceful air Show her wise and good as she is fair. 'Would she were mine, and I to-day, Like her, a harvester of hay. She wedded a man unlearned and poor, And many children played round her door. But care and sorrow, and child-birth pain, Left their traces on heart and brain. And oft, when the summer sun shone hot On the new-mown hay in the meadow lot, And she heard the little spring brook fall Over the roadside, through the wall, 35 546 'FOR OF ALL SAD WORDS OF TONGUE OR PEN, THE SADDEST ARE THESE: ' IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN!' '' In the shade of the apple-tree again She saw a rider draw his rein, And, gazing down with timid ; ; grace, She felt his pleased eyes read her face. Sometimes her narrow kitchen walls Stretched away into stately halls ; The weary wheel to a spinnet turned, The tallow candle an astral burned ; And for him who sat by the chim- ney lug, Dozing and grumbling o'er pipe < and mug, " And she heard the little spring-brook fall Over the roadside, through the wall." A manly form at her side she saw, And joy was duty and love was law. Then she took up her burden of life again, Saying only, " It might have been !" < ' Alas for maiden, alas for Judge, For rich repiner and household drudge '. God pity them both ! and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall ; For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: " It might have been!" Ah, well ! for us all some sweet hope lies Deeply buried from human eyes; And, in the hereafter, angels may Roll the stone from its grave away ! BY FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE. HAT shall I do with all the days and hours That must be counted, ere I see thy face? How shall I charm the interval that lowers Between this time and that sweet time of grace-' [ in slumber steep each weary sense Weary with longing? Shall I flee away Into past days, and with some fond pretense Cheat myself to forget the present day? (Shall love for thee lay on my soul the sin Of casting from me God's great gift of time? Shall I, these mists of memory locked within, Leave and forget life's purposes sublime? ^>ih, how, or by what means, may I contrive To bring the hour that brings thee back more near? How may I teach my drooping hope to live Until that blessed time, and thou art here? f J'll tell thee; for thy sake, I will lay hold Of all good aims, and consecrate to thee, In worthy deeds, each moment that is told, While thou, beloved one ! art far from me. l^or thee, I will arouse my thoughts to try All heavenward flights, all high and holy strains ; For thy dear sake, I will walk patiently Through these long hours, nor call their minutes pains. t will this dreary blank of absence make A noble task-time; and will therein strive To follow excellence, and to o'ertake More good than I have won, since yet I live. (So may this doomed time build up in me A thousand graces, which shall thus be thine ; So may my love and longing hallowed be, And thv dear thought an influence divine. HO, THERE ! FISHERMAN, HOLD YOUR HAND ! ' 547 THE LOST STEAMSHIP. BY FITZ-.TAMES O BRIEX. JO, THERE : fisherman, hold your hand ! Tell me what is that far away There, where over the Isle of Sand Hangs the mist-cloud sullen and gray? See ! it rocks with a ghastly life, Raising and rolling through clouds of spray, Right in the midst of the breakers' strife Tell me, what is it, fisherman, pray? " That, good sir, was a steamer, stout As ever paddled around Cape Race, And many's the wild and stormy bout She had with the wind in that self-same place; But her time had come; and at ten o'clock Last night she struck on that lonesome shore, And her sides were gnawed by the hidden rock, And at dawn this morning she was no more. " ' Come, as you seem to know, good man, The terrible fate of this gallant ship, Tell me all about her that you can, And here's my flask to moisten your lip. Tell me how many she had on board Wives and husbands, and lovers true How did it fare with her human hoard, Lost she many, or lost she few?" ' Master, I may not drink of your flask, Already too moist I feel my lip; But I'm ready to do what else yon ask, And spin you my yarn about the ship: 'Twas ten o'clock, as I said, last night, When she struck the breakers and went ashore, And scarce had broken the morning's light, Than she sank in twelve feet of water, or more. l But long ere this they knew their doom, And the captain called all hands to prayer; And solemnly over the ocean's boom The orisons rose on the troubled air: And round about the vessel there rose Tall plumes of spray as white as snow, Like angels in their ascension clothes, Waiting for those who prayed below. 'So those three hundred people clung, As well as they could, to spar and rope; With a word of prayer upon every tongue, Nor on any face a glimmer of hope. But there was no blubbering weak and wild: Of tearful faces I saw but one, A rough old salt, who cried like a child, And not for himself, but the Captain's son. 1 The Captain stood on the quarter-deck, Firm but pale, with trumpet in hand, Sometimes he looked on the breaking wreck, Sometimes he sadly looked on land. And often he smiled to cheer the crew But, Lord: the smile was terrible grim Till over the quarter a huge sea flew, And that was the last they saw of him. ' I saw one young fellow, with his bride, Standing amidship upon the wreck; His face was white as the boiling tide, And she was clinging about his neck. And I saw them try to say good-bye, But neither could hear the other speak; So they floated away through the sea to die Shoulder to shoulder, and cheek to cheek. ' And there was a child, but eight at best, Who went his way in a sea we shipped, All the while holding upon his breast A little pet parrot, whose wings were clipped. And as the boy and the bird went by, Swinging away on a tall wave's crest, They were grappled by a man with a drowning cry, And together the three went down to rest. ' And so the crew went one by one, Some with gladness, and few with fear; Cold and hardship such work had done, That few seemed frightened when death was near. Thus every soul on board went down Sailor and passenger, little and great: The last that sunk was a man of my town, A capital swimmer the second mate. " 'Now, lonely fisherman, who are you, That say you saw this terrible wreck? How do I know what you say is true, When every mortal was swept from the deck? Where were you in that hour of death? How do you know what you relate? " His answer came in an underbreath "Master, I was the second mate I" 548 k 'l SAW TWO CLOUDS AT MORNING." A WISH FOR THE SAW two clouds at morning, ri fAnd in the T dawn they floated on, And mingled into one : I thought that morning cloud was blest, It moved so sweetly to the west. I saw two summer cur- rents Flow smoothly to their meeting, And join their course with silent force, In peace each other greeting; ._35 Calm was their course W through hanks of green, |!| ; While dimpling eddies played between. Such be your gentle motion, Till life's last pulse shall beat; Like summer's beam, and summer's stream, Float on in joy, to meet A calmer sea, where storms shall cease, A purer sky, where all is peace. l / saw two clouds at morning, tinged by the rising sun." THE SCULPTOR BOY. HISEL in hand stood a sculptor boy, With his marble block before him : And his face lit up with a smile of joy As an angel dream passed o'er him. He carved that dream on the yielding stone With many a sharp incision ; In heaven's own light the sculptor shone. He had caught that angel vision. Sculptors of life are we, as we stand, With our lives uncarved before us; Waiting the hour when, at God's command, Our life dream passes o'er us. Let us carve it then on the yielding stone, With many a sharp incision: Its heavenly beauty shall be our own Our lives, that angel vision. A TRAVELER THROUGH A DUSTY ROAD. 549 AND GREAT TRAVELER, throuj ' Strewed acorns on the lea ; And one took root and sprouted up, And grew into a tree. Love sought its shade at evening time, To breathe his early vows ; And Age was pleased, in heats of noon, To bask beneath its boughs. The dormouse loved its dangling twigs, The birds sweet music bore; It stood a glory in its place, A blessing evermore. A little spring had lost its way Amid the grass and fern; A passing stranger scooped a well, Where weary men might turn. He walled it in, and hung with care A ladle at the brink: He thought not of the deed he did, But judged that Toil might drink. He passed again and lo! the well, By summers never dried, Had cooled ten thousand parching tongues, And saved a life beside. ;h a dusty road And Age was pleased, in heats of noon, to bask beneath its boughs A dreamer dropped a random thought ; 'Twas old and yet 'twas new; A simple fancy of the brain, But strong in being true. It shone . upon a genial mind, And lo! its light became A lamp of life, a beacon ray, A monitory flame. The thought was small its issue great ; A watch-fire on the hill, It sheds its radiance far adown, And cheers the valley still. A nameless man, amid a crowd That thronged the daily mart, Let fall a word of hope and love, Unstudied, from the heart. A whisper on the tumult thrown, A transitory breath, It raised a brother from the dust, It saved a soul from death. O germ ! O fount ! O word of love ! O thought at random cast! Ye were but little at the first, But mighty at the last ! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEATH. HERE is no such thing as death In nature nothing dies; I From each sad remnant of decay Some forms of life arise. The little leaf that falls All brown and sere to earth, Ere long will mingle with the buds That give the flower its birth. WE ARE TWO TRAVELERS, ROGER AND I. THE VAGABONDS. BY J. T. TROWBBIDGE. ?E ARE two travelers, Roger and I. Roger's my dog Come here, you scamp! Jump for the gentleman mind your eye! Over the table, look out for the lamp ! The rogue is growing a little old; Five years we've tramped through wind and weather, 1 And slept out-doors when nights were cold, And ate and drank and starved together. We've learned what comfort is, I tell you! A bed on the floor, a bit of rosin, A bit of fire to thaw our thumbs (poor fellow 1 The paw he holds up there's been frozen,) Plenty of catgut for my fiddle, (This out-door business is bad for strings,) Then a few nice buckwheats, hot from the griddle, And Roger and I set up for kings ! No, thank ye, sir, I never drink; Roger and I are exceedingly moral Aren't we Roger? See him wink! Well, something hot, then, we won' t quarrel, He's thirsty, too, see him nod his head! What a pity, sir, that dogs can't talk I He understands every word that's said, And he knows good milk from water- and-chalk. The truth is, sir, now I reflect, I've been so sadly given to grog, I wonder I've not lost the respect (Here's to you, sir!) even of my dog; But he sticks by, through thick and thin; And this old coat, with its empty pockets And rags that smell of tobacco and gin, He'll follow while he has eyes in his sockets. There isn't another creature living Would do it, and prove through every disaster, So fond, so faithful, and so forgiving, To such a miserable, thankless master I No, sir! see him wag his tail and grin! By George ! it makes my old eyes water That is, there's something in this gin That chokes a fellow. But no matter! We'll have some music, if you're willing, And Roger (hem! what a plague a cough is, sir!) Shall march a little. Start, you villain! Stand straight! 'Bout face! Salute your officer! Put up that paw ! Dress ! Take your rifle ! (Some dogs have arms, you see !; Now hold your Cap while the gentleman gives a trifle, To aid a poor, old, patriot soldier ! March ! Halt ! Now show how the rebel shakes When he stands up to hear his sentence. Now tell us how many drams it takes To honor a jolly new acquaintance. Five yelps, that's five; he's mighty knowing! The night's before us, fill the glasses ! Quick, sir! I'm ill, my brain is going! Some brandy, thank you, there, it passes. Why not reform? That's easily said; But I've gone through such wretched treatment, Sometimes forgetting the taste of bread, And scarce remembering what meat meant, That my poor stomach's past reform; And there are times when, mad with thinking, I'd sell out heaven for something warm, To prop a horrible inward sinking. Is there a way to forget to think? At your age, sir, home, fortune, friends, A dear girl's love, but I took to drink; The same old story; you know how it ends. If you could have seen these classic features, You needn't laugh, sir; they were not then Such a burning libel on God's creatures; I was one of your handsome men: If you had seen HER, so fair and young, Whose head was happy on this breast! If you could have heard the song I sung When the wine went round, you wouldn't have guessed That ever I, sir, should be straying, From door to door, with fiddle and dog, Ragged and penniless, and pi lying To you to-night for a glass of grog! She's married since; a parson's wife: 'Twas better for her that we should part, Better the soberest, prosiest life Than a blasted home and a broken heart. Have I seen her? Once: I was weak and spent On a dusty road: a carriage stopped: But little she dreamed as on she went, Who kissed the coin that her fingers dropped! " You've set me talking, sir, I'm sorry; It makes me wild to think of the change I What do you care for a beggar's story? Is it amusing? You find it strange? I had a mother so proud of me ! 'Twas well she died before Do you know If the happy spirits in heaven can see The ruin and wretchedness here below? Another glass, and strong, to deaden This pain ; then Roger and I will start. I wonder, has he such a lumpish, leaden, Aching thing, in place of a heart? He is sad sometimes, and would weep if he could, No doubt remembering things that were, A virtuous kennel, with plenty of food, And himself a respectable cur. I'm better now; that glass was warming. You rascal! limber your lazy feet! We must be fiddling and performing For supper and bed, or starve in the street. Not a very gay life to lead, you think? But soon we shall go where lodgings are free, And the sleepers need neither victuals nor drink; The sooner the better for Roger and me ! WHOM FIRST WE LOVE, YOU KNOW, WE SELDOM WED. 551 BY MRS. CRAWFORD. E PARTED in silence, we parted by night, On the banks of that lonely river; Where the fragrant limes their boughs unite We met and we parted forever I The night-bird snng, and the stars above Told many a touching story Of friends long passed to the kingdom of love, Where the soul wears its mantle of glory. We parted in silence, our cheeks were wet With the tears that were past controlling: We vowed we would never, no, never forget, And those vows, at the time, were consoling; But those lips that echoed the sounds of mine Are as cold as that lonely river; And that eye, that beautiful spirit's shrine, Has shrouded its fires forever. And now, on the midnight sky I look, And my heart grows full of weeping; Each star is to me a sealed book, Some tale of that loved one keeping. We parted in silence, we parted in tears, On the banks of that lonely river; But the odor and bloom of those bygone years Shall hang o'er its waters forever. HOM first we love, you know, we seldom wed. Time rules us all. And life, indeed, is not The thing we planned it out, ere hope was dead ; And then, we women cannot choose our lot. Much must be borne which it is hard to bear ; Much given away which it were sweet to keep. God help us all! who need, indeed, His care: And yet, I know the Shepherd loves His sheep. My little boy begins to babble now, Upon my knee, his earliest infant prayer; He has his father's eager eyes, I know; And, they say, too, his mother's sunny hair. But when he sleeps, and smiles upon my knee, And I can feel his light breath come and go, I think of one (Heaven help and pity me !) Who loved me, and whom I loved, long ago ; Who might have been ... ah ! what, I dare not think ! We are all changed. God judges for us best. God help us do our duty, and not shrink, And trust in Heaven humbly for the rest. But blame us women not, if some appear Too cold at times ; and some too gay and light. Some griefs gnaw deep. Some woes are hard to bear. Who knows the past? and who can judge us right? Ah! were we judged by what we might have been, And not by what we are too apt to fall ! My little child he sleeps and smiles between These thoughts and me. In heaven we shall know all. 552 POOR LONE HANNAH. HANNAH BINDING SHOES Fair young Hannah, Ben, the sun-burnt fisher, gayly woos; Hale and clever, For a willing heart and hand he sues. May-day skies are all a-glow, And the waves are laughing so ! For her wedding Hannah leaves her window and her shoes. BY LUCY LAKCOM. i\ OOR lone Hannah, Sitting at the window, binding shoes! Faded, wrinkled, Sitting, stitching, in a mournful muse ! Bright-eyed beauty once was she, When the bloom was on the tree. Spring and winter Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. Not a neighbor Passing nod or answer will refuse To her whisper: " Is there from the fishers any news? " O, her heart's adrift with one On an endless voyage gone ! Night and morning Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. May is passing; 'Mid the apple-boughs a pigeon coos. Hannah shudders; For the mild southwester mischief brews. Round the rocks of Marblehead, Outward bound, a schooner sped. Silent, lonesome, Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. 'Tis November; Now no tear her wasted cheek bedews. From Newfoundland Not a sail returning will she lose. Whispering, hoarsely, "Fishermen, Have you, have you heard of Ben?" Old with watching, Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. Twenty winters Bleach and tear the ragged shore she views Twenty seasons; Never one has brought her any news. Still her dim eyes silently Chase the white sails o'er the sea. Hopeless, faithful, Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. MAKE ME A CHILD AGAIN, JUST FOR TO-NIGHT. 553 LULLABY. BT ALFRED TENNYSON. WEET and low, sweet and low, Wind of the western seal Low, low, breathe and blow, Wind of the western sea ! Over the rolling waters go; Come from the dying moon, and blow, Blow him again to me; While my little one, while my pretty one sleeps. leep and rest, sleep and rest ! Father will come to thee soon. Rest, rest on mother's breast; Father will come to thee soon ! Father will come to his babe in the nest; Silver sails all out of the west, Under the silver moon. Sleep, my little one ! sleep, my pretty one, sleep ! ROCK ME TO SLEEP, MOTHER. BY FLORENCE PERCY. ACKWARD, turn backward, OTime, in your flight, Make me a child again, just for to-night! Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore; Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair; Over my slumbers your loving watch keep Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep ! \ ackward, flow backward, O tide of the years ! 1 I am so weary of toil and of tears Toil without recompense tears all in vain Take them, and give me my childhood again ! I have grown weary of dust and decay Weary of flinging my soul- wealth away; Weary of sowing for others to reap Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep! ired of the hollow, the base, the untrue, Mother, O Mother, my heart calls for you i Many a summer the grass has grown green, Blossomed and faded, our faces between; Yet with strong yearning, and passionate pain, Long I to-night for your presence again. Come from the silence so long and so deep Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep 1 ver my heart, in the days that are flown, ) No love like a mother's love ever has shone No other worship abides and endures Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours; None like a mother can charm away pain From the sick soul and the world-weary brain. Slumber's soft calm o'er my heavy lids creep Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep ! ome, let your brown hair just lighted with gold, Fall on your shoulders again as of old ; Let it drop over my forehead to-night, Shading my faint eyes away from the light ; For with its sunny-edged shadows once more Happy will throng the sweet visions of yore Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweep Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep! f other, dear mother, the years have been long Since I last listened to your lullaby song; Sing, then, and unto my heart it shall seem Womanhood's years have been only a dream; Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace, With your light lashes just sweeping my face, Never hereafter to wake or to weep Rock me to sleep, mother rock me to sleep ! 554 O, TELL HER, MY FRIEND, THAT I MISS HER SO MUCH. HOSE evening bells, those evening 'T bells! \^ How many a tale their music tells Of youth, and home, and native clime, When I last heard their soothing chime ! Those pleasant hours have passed away. And many a heart that then was gay, THE EVENING BELLS. BT THOMAS MOORE. Within the tomb now darkly dwells, And hears no more those evening bells. And so it will be when I am gone ; That tuneful peal will still ring on, When other bards shall walk these dells And sing your praise, sweet evening bells !-*- A MESSAGE. * !-#- BY EBEN E. REXFORD. !,OU ARE dying, my friend ! Your bark will go drifting, ere breaking of day, Toward the shores lying over the shadowy bay; And at morn you will see, rising fair through the mist, The hills which the sunshine eternal has kissed. You are going away ! You will meet on the shores, which your vessel will find, Dear friends who sailed outward, and left us behind; You will know them, and clasp them, and kiss them once more, Grown young again there, on the beautiful shore. Dear friend, when you meet The woman I loved, on the shore far away, Will you give her the message I give you to-day? You will know her, I know, by her face, that was fair As the face of an angel, and beautiful hair. Falling down, like a kiss, from the furthermost blue. And her voice, when she greets you, you'll know as of old, Her voice, and her face in its tresses of gold. O, tell her, my friend, That I miss her so much since she left me that night, When the mists of the sea drifted over my sight, And hid her in shadows, so dense and so deep, That, remembering the time, even now I must weep. And tell her for me, That I wait for the morn, which for her has be^nin, When our ways, which were severed on earth, shall be one ; I shall come to her, over the wide solemn sea, And clasp her, and claim her tHat tell her for me. Friend, you will not forget? Already your bark is afloat on the tide, That shall bear you out over the waters so wide; At morn you will see her, and tell her for me, That I love her, I miss her, this side of the sea. And her eyes, like a star, In a clear summer night, snining out through the dew. OH! WONDER NO MORE AT THE DIMMED EYE-LIGHT/ 555 THERE'S BUT ONE TO MEND N OLD wife sat by her bright fireside, Swaying thoughtfully to and fro, In an ancient chair whose creaky frame Told a tale of long ago ; While down by her side, on the kitchen floor, Stood a basket of worsted balls a score. The good man dozed o'er the latest news, Till the light of his pipe went out, And, unheeded, the kitten, with cunning paws, Rolled and tangled the balls about; Yet still sat the wife in the ancient chair, Swaying to and fro in the fire-light glare. But anon a misty tear-drop came In her eye of faded blue, Then trickled down in a furrow deep, Like a single drop of dew ; So deep was the channel so silent the stream, The good man saw naught but the dimmed eye-beam. Yet he marvelled much that the cheerful light Of her eye had weary grown, And marvelled he more at the tangled balls ; So he said in a gentle tone : ' I have shared thy joys since our marriage vow, Conceal not from me thy sorrows now. " Then she spoke of the time when the basket there Was filled to the very brim, And how there remained of the goodly pile But a single pair for him. 1 Then wonder not at the dimmed eye-light, There's but one pair of stockings to mend to-night. ' I cannot but think of the busy feet, Whose wrappings were wont to lie In the basket, awaiting the needle's time, PAIR OF STOCKINGS TO-NIGHT. Now wandered so far away; How the sprightly steps, to a mother dear, Unheeded fell on the careless ear. ' For each empty nook in the basket old, By the hearth there's a vacant seat; And I miss the shadows from off the wall, And the patter of many feet; 'Tis for this that a tear gathered over my sight At the one pair of stockings to mend to-night. ' 'Twas said that far through the forest wild, And over the mountains bold, Was a land whose rivers and dark'ning caves Were gemmed with the rarest gold ; Then my first-born turned from the oaken door, And I knew the shadows were only four. 'Another went forth on the foaming waves And diminished the basket's store But his feet grew cold so weary and cold They'll never be warm any more And this nook, in its emptiness, seemeth to me To give forth no voice but the moan of the sea. ' Two others have gone toward the setting sun, And made them a home in its light, And fairy fingers have taken their share To mend by the fireside bright; Some other baskets their garments fill But mine! Oh, mine is emptier still. ' Another the dearest the fairest the best Was ta'en by the angels away, And clad in a garment that waxeth not old, In a land of Continual day. Oh! wonder no more at the dimmed eye -light, While I mend the one pair of stockings to-night. YOU AND P we could leave this world behind Its gains and loss, its praise and blame. Nor seeking place, nor fearing shame, Some fair land quite forgotten find, We might be happy, you and I, And let this foolish world go by. No paradise of love and bliss, No dreams of youth in Eden bowers, But some dear home of quiet hours, Where all of life we would not mi88, But find some day sweet ere we die, And let this cruel world go by. It will not be we are too weak To snatch from Time and Life one day But, when they both have passed away, O Love ! we will each other seek Where none can part us, none deny This world and all its woes gone by. 556 "THE NIGHT SETS IN ON A WORLD OF SNO\V. : A SNOW-STORM m IS A fearful night in the winter time, As cold as it ever can be; The roar of the blast is heard, like the chime Of the waves on an angry sea ; The moon is full, but her silver light The storm dashes out with its wings to-night; And over the sky from south to north Not a star is seen, as the wind conies forth In the strength of a mighty glee. ill day had the snow come down all day, ^ As it never came down before; And over the hills, at sunset, lay Some two or three feet or more; The fence was lost, and the wall of stone, The windows blocked, and the well-curbs gone; The haystack had grown to a mountain lift. And the woodpile looked like a monster drift, As it lay by the farmer's door. *he night sets in on a world of snow, While the air grows sharp and chill, And the warning roar of a fearful blow Is heard on the distant hill; And the Norther ! See on the mountain peak, In his breath how the old trees writhe and shriek ! He shouts on the plain, Ho, ho, Ho, ho! He drives from his nostrils the blinding snow, And growls with a savage will. fuch a night as this to be found abroad, In the drifts and the freezing air, Sits a shivering dog in the field by the road; With the snow in his shaggy hair! He shuts his eyes to the wind, and growls; He lifts his head and moans and howls; Then crouching low from the cutting sleet, His nose is pressed on his quivering feet: Pray, what does the dog do there? farmer came from the village plain, But he lost the traveled way ; And for hours he trod, with might and main, A path for his horse and sleigh; But colder still the cold wind blew, And deeper still the deep drifts grew, And his mare, a beautiful Morgan brown, At last in her struggles floundered down, Where a log in a hollow lay. TWO TENDER FEET UPON THE UNTRIED BORDER OF LIFE'S MYSTERIOUS LAND. 557 n vain, with a neigh and a frenzied snort, She plunged in the drifting snow, her master urged, till his breath grew short, With a word and a gentle blow ; But the snow was deep, and the tugs were tight, His hands were numb, and had lost their might; So he wallowed back to his half -filled sleigh, And strove to shelter himself till day, With his coat and the buffalo. e has given the last faint jerk of the rein To rouse up his dying steed, And the poor dog howls to the blast in vain, For help in his master's need; For a while he strives, with a wistful cry, To catch a glance from his drowsy eye, And wags his tail if the rude winds flap The skirt of the buffalo over his lap, And whines when he takes no heed. H -f. \'\ *V'\ ' v*\ " VV wind goes down, and the storm is o'er: 'Tis the hour of midnight past; The old trees writhe and bend no more In the whirl of the rushing blast; The silent moon, with her peaceful light, Looks down on the hills, with snow all white; And the giant shadow of Camel's Hump, The blasted pine and the ghostly stump, Afar on the plain are cast. aQut cold and dead, by the hidden log, $j Are they who came from the town : V The man in his sleigh, and his faithful dog, And his beautiful Morgan brown In the wide snow-desert, far and grand, With his cap on his head, and the reins in his hand The dog with his nose on his master's feet, And the mare half seen through the crusted sleet, Where she lay when she floundered down. LITTLE FEET. BY FLORENCE PERCY. WO little feet so small that both may nestle In one caressing hand Two tender feet upon the untried border Of life's mysterious land; Dimpled and soft, and pink as peach-tree blossoms In April's fragrant days How can they walk among the briery tangles Edging the world's rough ways? These white-rose feet, along the doubtful future, Must bear a woman' s load ; Alas! since woman has the heaviest burden, And walks the hardest road. Love, for a while, will make the path before them All dainty, smooth and fair Will cull away the brambles, letting only The roses blossom there. But when the mother's watchful eyes are shrouded Away from sight of men, And these dear feet are left without her guiding. Who shall direct them then? How will they be allured, betrayed,, deluded, Poor little untaught feet Into what dreary mazes will they wander, What dangers will they meet? Will they go stumbling blindly in the darkness Of Sorrow's tearful shades? Or find the upland slopes of Peace and Beauty Whose sunlight never fades? Will they go toiling up Ambition's summit, The common world above? Or in some nameless vale, securely sheltered, Walk side by side in Love? Some feet there be, which walk Life's track unwounded, Which find but pleasant ways ; Some hearts there be, to which this life is only A round of happy days. But they are few. Far more there are who wander Without a hope or friend, Who find the journey full of pains and losses, And long to reach the end ! How shall it be with her, the tender stranger, Fair-faced and gentle-eyed, Before whose unstained feet the world's rude highway Stretches so strange and wide? Ah! who may read the future? For our darling We crave all blessings sweet And pray that He who feeds the crying ravens Will guide the baby's feet. WELL MEET NO MOKE AT BINGEN LOVED BINGEN OX THE RHINE!' BINGEN ON THE RHINE, SOLDIER of the Legion lay dying in Algiers: There was lack of woman's nursing, there was dearth of woman' s tears ; But a comrade stood beside him, while his life-blood ebbed away, And bent with pitying glances, to hear what he might say. The dying soldier faltered, as he took that comrade's hand, And he said, " I nevermore shall see my own, my native land. Take a message and a token to some distant friends of mine ; For I was born at Bingen at Bingen on the Rhine! " Tell my brothers and companions, when they meet and crowd around. To hear my mournful story, in the pleasant vineyard ground, That we fought the battle bravely ; and when the day was done, Full many a corse lay ghastly pale beneath the setting sun. And midst the dead and dying were some grown old in war, The death - wounds on their gallant breasts the last of many scars ; But some were young, and suddenly beheld life's morn de- cline; " A soldier of the Legion And one had come from Bingen fair Bingen on the Rhine ! " Tell my sister not to weep for me, and sob with drooping head, When the troops come marching home again, with glad and gallant tread; But to look upon them proudly, with a calm and steadfast eye, For her brother was a soldier too, and not afraid to die ; And if a comrade seek her love, I ask her in my name To listen to him kindly, without regret or shame; And to hang the old sword in its place, my father's sword and mine, For the honor of old Bingen dear Bingen on the Rhine 1 " There's another, not a sister: in the happy days gone by You'd have known her by the merriment that sparkled in her eye; Too innocent for coquet- ry, too fond for idle scorning; friend! I fear the light- est heart makes some- times heaviest mourning. Tell her the last night of my life (for ere this moon be risen, My body will be out of pain, my soul be out of prison), 1 dreamed I stood with her, and saw the yellow sunlight shine " Tell my mother that her other sons shall comfort her old age, For I was still a truant bird that thought his home a cage; For my father was a soldier, and even as a child My heart leaped forth to hear him tell of struggles fierce and wild; And when he died, and left us to divide his scanty hoard, I let them take whate'er they would but kept my father's sword; And with boyish love I hung it, where the bright light used to shine On the cottage wall at Bingen calm B ugen on the Rhine ! lay dying in Algiers. ' ' On the vine-clad hills of Bingen fair Bingen on the Rhine! "I saw the blue Rhine sweep along; I heard, or seemed to hear, The German songs we used to sing, in chorus sweet and clear; And down the pleasant river, and up the slanting hill, The echoing chorus sounded, through the evening calm and still; And her glad blue eyes were on me, as we passed, with friendly talk Down many a path beloved of yore, and well- remembered walk; And her little hand lay lightly, confidingly in mine: But we'll meet no more at Bingen loved Bingen on the Rhine! " 'ALL SIGHTS WERE MELLOWED, AND ALL SOUNDS SUBDUED. 559 His voice grew faint and hoarse his grasp was childish weak; His eyes put on a dying look he sighed, and ceased to speak; His comrade bent to lift him, but the spark of life had fled: The soldier of the Legion in a foreign land was deadl And the soft moon rose up slowly, and calmly she looked down On the red sand of the battle-field, with bloody corpses strown. Yes, calmly on that dreadful scene her pale light seemed to shine, As it shone on distant Bingen fair Bingen on the Rhine! THE CLOSING SCENE. [THIN the sober realm of leafless trees, The russet year inhaled the dreamy air; Like some tanned reaper, in his hour of ease, When all the fields are lying brown and bare. The gray barns looking from their hazy hills, O'er the dun waters widening in the vales. Sent down the air a greeting to the mills, On the dull thunder of alternate flails. All sights were mellowed, and all sounds subdued, The hills seemed further, and the stream sang low, As in a dream the distant woodman hewed His winter log with many a muffled blow. The embattled forest, erewhile armed with gold, Their banners bright with every martial hue, Now stood like some sad, beaten host of old, Withdrawn afar in time's remotest blue. On sombre wings the vulture tried his flight; The dove scarce heard his sighing mate's complaint; And, like a star slow drowning in the light, The village church vane seemed to pale and faint. The sentinel cock upon the hill-side crew Crew thrice and all was stiller than before; Silent till some replying warden blew His alien horn, and then was heard no more. Where erst the jay, within the elm's tall crest, Made garrulous trouble round her unfledged young; And where the oriole hung her swaying nest, By every light wind, like a censer, swung. Where sang the noisy martins of the eaves The busy swallows circling ever near Foreboding, as the rustic mind believes, An early harvest and a plenteous year; Where every bird, that waked the vernal feast, Shook the sweet slumber from its wings at morn, To warn the reaper of the rosy east; All now was sunless, empty, and forlorn. Alone, from out the stubble, piped the quail; And croaked the crow through all the dreary gloom ; Alone the pheasant, drumming in the vale, Made echo in the distance to the cottage loom. There was no bud, no bloom upon the bowers; The spiders wovf their thin shrouds night by night, The thistle-down, the only ghost of flowers, Sailed slowly by passed noiseless out of sight. Amid all this in this most dreary air, And where the woodbine shed upon the porch Its crimson leaves, as if the year stood there, Firing the floor with its inverted torch; Amid all this, the center of the scene, The white-haired matron, with monotonous tread. Plied the swift wheel, and, with her joyless mien, Sate like a fate, and watched the flying thread. She had known sorrow. He had walked with her, Oft supped, and broke with her the ashen crust, And in the dead leaves still, she heard the stir Of his thick mantle trailing in the dust. While yet her cheek was bright with summer bloom, Her country summoned and she gave her all; And twice war bowed to her his sable plume Re-gave the sword to rust upon the wall. Re-gave the sword but not the hand that drew, And struck for liberty the dying blow; Nor him who, to his sire and country true, Fell 'mid the ranks of the invading foe. Long, but not loud, the droning wheel went on, Like the low murmur of a hive at noon; Long, but not loud, the memory of the gone Breathed through her lips a sad and tremulous tune. At last the thread was snapped her head was bowed ; Life dropped the distaff through her hands serene. And loving neighbors smoothed her careful shroud, While death and winter closed the autumn scene. 560 SHE STOOD AMONG HER ROSES. PASSED before her garden gate: She stood among her roses, And stooped a little from the state In which her pride reposes, To make her flowers a graceful plea For luring and delaying me. "When summer blossoms fade so soon," She said with winning sweetness, "Who does not wear the badge of June Lack? something of completeness. My garden welcomes you to-day, Come in and gather, while you may." I entered in: she led me through A maze of leafy arches, Where velvet-purple pansies grew Beneath the sighing larches, A shadowy, still, and cool retreat That gave excuse for lingering feet. She paused; pulled down a trailing vine; And twisted round her finger Its starry sprays of jessamine, As one who seeks to linger. But I smiled lightly in her face, And passed on to the open space. MIGNONETTE. Passed many a flower-bed fitly set In trim and blooming order, And plucked at last some mignonette That strayed along the border; A simple thing that had no bloom, And but a faint and far perfume. She wondered why I would not choose That dreamy amaryllis, " And could I really, then, refuse Those heavenly white lilies! And leave ungathered on the slope This passion-breathing heliotrope? " She did not know what need to tell So fair and fine a creature? That there was one who loved me well Of widely different nature; A little maid whose tender youth, And innocence, and simple truth, Had won my heart with qualities That far surpassed her beauty, And held me with unconscious ease Enthralled of love and duty; Whose modest graces all were met And symboled in my mignonette. I passed outside her garden gate, And left her proudly smiling: Her roses bloomed too late, too late She saw, for my beguiling. I wore instead and wear it yet The single spray of mignonette. Its fragrance greets me unaware, A vision clear recalling Of shy, sweet eyes, and drooping hair In girlish tresses falling, And little hands so white and fine That timidly creep into mine; As she all ignorant of the arts That wiser maids are plying Has crept into my heart of hearts Past doubting or denying; Therein, while suns shall rise and set, To bloom unchanged, my Mignonette ! Vf (' . w ?.: 'NOT A BONNET IN CHURCH BUT SHE KNOWS IT WELL. 561 HOU knowest her, the thing of laces, and silk, And ribbons, and gauzes, and crinoline, With her neck and shoulders as white as milk, And her doll-like face and conscious mien. A lay-figure fashioned to fit a dress, AH stuffed within with straw and bran ; Is that a woman to love, to caress? Is that a creature to charm a man? Only listen ! how charmingly she talks Of your dress and hers of the Paris mode Of the coming ball of the opera box Of jupons, and flounces, and fashions abroad. Not a bonnet in church but she knows it well, And Fashion she worships with downcast eyes; A marchande de modes is her oracle, And Paris her earthly paradise. She's perfect to whirl with in a waltz; And her shoulders show well on a soft divan, As she lounges at night and spreads her silks, And plays with her bracelets and flirts her fan, With a little laugh at whatever you say, And rounding her " No " with a look of surprise, And lisping her "Yes"' with an air distrait, And a pair of aimless, wandering eyes. Her duty this Christian never omits ! She makes her calls, and she leaves her cards, And enchants a circle of half-fledged wits, And slim attaches and six-foot Guards. Her talk is of people who' re nasty or nice, And she likes little bon-bon compliments; While she seasons their sweetness by way of spice, By some witless scandal she often invents. Is this the thing for a mother or wife? Could love ever grow on such barren rocks? Is this the companion to take for a wife? One might as well marry a musical box. i You exhaust in a day her full extent; 'Tis the same little tinkle of tunes always; You must wind her np with a compliment, To be bored with the only airs she plays. 36 "FULL MANY A FLOWER IS BORN TO BLUSH UNSEEN. ELEGY WRITTEN IN A COUNTRY CHURCHYARD. BY THOMAS GRAY. HE curfew tolls the knell of parting day: The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea, The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds. Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight, And drowsy tinkling? lull the distant folds; Save that, from yonder ivy-mantled tower, The moping owl does to the moon complain Of such as, wandering near her secret bower, Molest her ancient, solitary reign. Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, Each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. The breezy call of incense-breathing morn, The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed, The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn, ' No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn, Or busy housewife ply her evening care; No children run to lisp their sire's return, Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share. Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield, Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke: How jocund did they drive their team afield! How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke I Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure; Nor Grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave. Await, alike, the inevitable hour The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Nor yon, ye proud, impute to these the fault, If memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise, Where, through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault The pealing anthem swells the note of praise. Can storied urn, or animated bust, Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can Honor's voice provoke the silent dust, Or Flattery soothe the dull, cold ear of death? Perhaps, in this neglected spot, is laid Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire Hand, that the rod of empire might have swayed, / Or waked to ecstacy the living lyre: But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page, Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll; Chill Penury repressed their noble rage, And froze the genial current of the soul. Full many a gem, of purest ray serene, The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Some village Hampden, that, with dauntless breast, The little tyrant of his fields withstood Some mute, inglorious Milton here may rest, Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood The applause of listening senates to command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise, To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read their history in a nation's eyes, Their lot forbade; nor circumscribed alone Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined , Forbade to wade through slaughter to a throne, And shut the gates of mercy on mankind; The struggling pangs of conscious Truth to hide, To quench the blushes of ingenuous Shame, Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride With incense kindled at the Muse's flame. Far from the maddening crowd's ignoble strife, Their sober wishes never learnt to stray; Along the cool, sequestered vale of life They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. Yet even these bones from insult to protect, Some frail memorial still erected nigh, With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture decked, Implores the passing tribute of a sigh. Their names, their years, spelled by th' unlettered Muse, The place of fame and elegy supply ; And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die. For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey, This pleasing, anxious being e'er resigned, Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day, Nor cast one longing, lingering look behind? I BUT HOW WE SPEAK TO THESE LITTLE ONES LET EACH OF US BEWARE. 563 On some fond breast the parting soul relies, Some pious drops the closing eye requires; Even from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, Even in our ashes live their wonted fires. For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonored dead. Dost in these lines their artless tale relate; If chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred spirit shall enquire thy fate Haply, some hoary- headed swain may say, "Oft have we seen him, at the peep of dawn. Brushing, with hasty steps, the dews away, To meet the sun upon the upland lawn. "There, at the foot of yonder nodding beech, That wreathes its old, fantastic roots so high, His listless length at noontide would he stretch, And pore upon the brook that babbles by. "Hard by yon wood, now smiling, as in scorn, Muttering his wayward fancies, he would rove; Now drooping, woful-wan, like one forlorn, Or crazed with care, or crossed with hopeless love. " One morn I missed him on th' accustomed hill, Along the heath and near his favorite tree; Another came, nor yet beside the rill, Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he. "The next, with dirges due, in sad array, Slow through the church-way path we saw him borne ; Approach and read (for thou canst read) the lay, Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn." EPITAPH. Here rests his head upon the lap of earth, A youth to fortune and to fame unknown ; Fair Science frowned not on his humble birth, And Melancholy marked him for her own. Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere; Heaven did a recompense as largely send: He gave to misery all he had, a tear ; He gained from heaven 'twas all he wished a friend. No farther seek his merits to disclose, Nor draw his frailties from their dread abode, (There they, alike,' in trembling hope repose,) The bosom of his Father and his God. TWO I : PAIRS. BT MRS. 8C8AK TEALL PERRY. ) little pairs of boots, to-night, Before the fire are drying; Two little pairs of tired feet In a trundle bed are lying; The tracks they left upon the floor Make me feel like sighing. Those little boots with copper toes! They run the livelong day; And oftentimes I almost wish They were miles away; So tired am I to hear so oft Their heavy tramp at play. They walk about the new-ploughed ground Where mud in plenty lies ; They roll it up in marbles round, They bake it into pies, And then, at night upon the floor, In every shape it dries ! To-day I was disposed to scold. But when I look to-night At those little boots before the fire, With copper toes so bright, I think how sad my heart would be To put them out of sight. For in a trunk up stairs I've laid Two socks of white and blue: If called to put those boots away, Oh God, what should I do? I mourn that there are not to-night Three pairs instead of two. I mourn because I thought how nice My neighbor 'cross the way, Could keep her carpets all the year From getting worn or gray ; Yet well I know she'd smile to own Some little boots to-day. We mothers weary get, and worn, Over our load of care; But how we speak to these little ones Let each of us beware; For what would our fireside be to-night, If no little boots were there? 564 "HAD BEEN HEAPING FIELD AND HIGHWAY WITH A SILENCE DEEP AND WHITE." THE FIRST SNOW-FALL. BY JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. \Y/HE snow had begun in the gloaming, \, And busily, all the night, Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every pine and fir and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for an earl, And the poorest twig on the elm-tree Was ridged Inch-deep with pearl. From sheds new- roofed with carrara Came chanticleer's muffled crow ; The stiff rails were softened to swan's-down; And still wavered down the snow. I stood and watched from my window The noiseless work of the sky, And the sudden flurries of snow-birds, Like brown leaves whirl- ing by. I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn Where a little headstone stood : How the flakes were fold- ing it gently. "Every pine and fir and hemlock wore ermine too dear for an earl." Up spoke our own little Mabel, Saying, "Father, who makes it snow?" And I told of the good All- father Who cares for us here below. Again I looked at the snow- fall, And thought of the leaden sky Tlat arched o'er our first great sorrow When that mound was heaped so high. I remember the gradual patience That fell from that cloud like snow, Flake by flake, healing and hiding The scar of our buried woe. And again to the child I whispered " The snow that husheth all, Darling, the merciful Father Alone can bid it fall ! " Then with eyes that saw not I kissed her, And she, kissing back, could not know That my kiss was given to her sister As did robins the Babes in the Wood. A DEATH-BED. Folded close under deepening snow. BY JAMES ALDRICH. ?ER suffering ended with the day ; Yet lived she at its close, And breathed the long, long night away, In statue-like repose. But when the sun, in all his state, Illumed the eastern skies, She passed through glory's morning-gate, And walked in Paradise. PERHAPS SOME LOVER TROD THE WAY, WITH SHAKING KNEES AND LEAPING HEART. 565 THE CROOKED FOOTPATH. 9999999999999?. ?H, here it is I the sliding rail That marks the old remem- bered spot, The gap that struck our schoolboy trail, The crooked path across the lot. It left the road by school and church: A pencilled shadow, nothing more, That parted from the sil- ver birch And ended at the farm- house door. No line or compass traced its plan; With frequent bends to left or right, In aimless, wayward curves it ran, But always kept the door in sight. The gabled porch, with woodbine green, The broken millstone at the sill, Though many a rood might stretch between, The truant child could see them still. No rocks across the path- way lie, No fallen trunk is o'er it thrown ; BT OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. ' And yet it winds, we know not why, and turns as if for tree or stone. " THE OLD LOVE. And yet it winds, we know not why, | And turns as if for tree or stone. Perhaps some lover trod the way, With shaking knees and leaping heart; And so it often runs astray, With sinuous sweep or sadden start. Or one, perchance, with clouded brain, From some unholy ban- quet reeled; And since, our devious steps maintain His track across the trod- den field. Nay, deem not thus: no earth-born will Could ever trace a fault- less line; Our truest steps are human still, To walk unswerving were divine. Truants from love, we dream of wrath; O, rather let us trust the more! Through all the wander- ings of the path We still can see our Father's door! MET her, she was thin and old, She stooped and trod wi th tottering feet ; Her locks were gray that once were gold, Her voice was harsh that once was sweet ; Her cheeks were sunken,and her eyes, Robbed of their girlish light of joy. Were dim: I felt a strange surprise That I had loved her when a boy. And yet a something in her air Restored to me my youthful prime ; My heart grew young and seemed to wear The impress of that long- lost time; I took her wilted hand in mine, Its touch awoke a world of joy; I kissed her with a reverent sigh. For I had loved her when a boy! 566 "TILL CHAKLEY WENT TO THE POOR-MASTER, AN' PUT ME ON THE TOWN." OVER THE HILL TO THE POOR-HOUSE. BY WILL M. CARLETON. VER the hill to the poor-house I'm trudgin' my weary way I, a woman of seventy, and only a trifle gray I, who am smart an 1 chipper, for all the years I've told, As many another woman, that's only half as old. Over the hill to the poor-house I can't make it quite clear ! Over the hill to the poor-house it seems so horrid -_ queer! Many a step I've taken a-toilin' to and fro. But this is a sort of jonrney I never thought to go. What is the use of heapin' on me a pauper's shame? Am I lazy or crazy? am I blind or lame? True, I am not so supple, nor yet so awful stout, But charity ain't no favor, if one can live without. I am willin' and anxious an' ready any day, To work for a decent livin 1 , an' pay my honest way; For I can earn my victuals, an' more too, I'll be bound, If anybody only is willin' to have me round. Once I was young and ban' some I was, upon my soul Once my cheeks was roses, my eyes as black as coal ; And I can't remember, in them days, of hearin' people say, For any kind of reason, that I was in their way. 'Taint no use of boastin', or talkin' over free, But many a house an' home was open then to me ; Many a ban' some offer I had from likely men, And nobody ever hinted that I was a burden then. And when to John I was married, sure he was good and smart, But he and all the neighbors would own I done my part; For life was all before me, an' I was young an' strong, And I worked the best that I could in tryin' to get along. % And so we worked together; and life was hard but gay, With now and then a baby, for to cheer us on our way; Till we had half a dozen, an' all growed clean an' neat, An' went to school like others, an' had enough to eat- So we worked for the childr'n, and raised 'em every one; Worked for 'em summer and winter, just as we ought to 've done ; Only perhaps we humored 'em, which some good folks condemn, But every couple's childr'n's a heap the best to them. Strange how much we'think of our blessed little ones! I'd have died for my daughters, I'd have died for my sons ; And God he made that rule of love; but when we're old and gray, I've noticed it sometimes somehow fails to work the other way. 'From " Farm Ballads, Strange, another thing: when our boys an' girls was grown, And when, exceptin' Charley, they'd left us there alone; When John he nearer an' nearer come, an' dearer seemed to be, The Lord of Hosts he come one day an' took him away from me. Still I was bound to struggle, an' never to cringe or fall Still I worked for Charley, for Charley was now my all; And Charley was pretty good to me, with scarce a word or frown, Till at last he went a-courtin', and brought a wife from town. She was somewhat dressy, an' hadn't a pleasant smile She was quite conceity, and carried a heap o' style ; But if ever I tried to be friends, I did with her, I know; But she was hard and proud, an' I couldn't make it go. She had an edication, an' that was good for her; But when she twitted me on mine 'twas carryin' things too fur; An' I told her once 'fore company (an' it almost made her sick), That I never swallowed a grammar, or et a 'rithmetic. So 'twas only a few days before the thing was done They was a family of themselves, and I another one; And a very little cottage for one family will do, But I have never seen a house that was big enough for two. An' I never could speak to suit her, never could please her eye, An' it made me independent, an' then I didn't try; But I was terribly staggered, an' felt it like a blow, When Charley turned ag'in me, an' told me I could go. I went to live with Susan, but Susan's house was small, And she was always a-hintin' how snug it was for us all; And what with her husband's sisters, and what with childr'n three, 'Twas easy to discover that there wasn't room for me. An' then I went to Thomas, the oldest son I've got, For Thomas' buildings 'd cover the half of an acre lot: But all the childr'n was on me I couldn't stand their sauce And Thomas said I needn't think I was comin' there to boss. An then I wrote to Rebecca, my girl who lives out West, And to Isaac, not far from her some twenty miles at best; And one of 'em said 'twas too warm there, for any one so old, And t'other had an opinion the climate was too cold. So they have shirked and slighted me, an' shifted me about So they have well-nigh soured me, an' wore my old heart out: But still I've borne up pretty well, an' wasn't much put down, Till Charley went to the poor-master, an' put me on the town. Over the hill to the poor-house my childr'n dear, good-bye! Many a night I've watched you when only God was nigh ; And God '11 judge between us; but I will al'ays pray That you shall never suffer the half I do to-day. Published by Harper & Brothers. H-Srj-gH-SH-gH-^i^H-SH-S-hSH-e-hBH-e+^^ MY GOOD OLD CHRISTIAN MOTHER, YOU'LL SEE, WILL BE SURE TO STAND RIGHT UP FOR ME." 567 \ 1 --* / Vv ^^^^..,A;. BY JOSHUA D. ROBINSON. AM all alone in my chamber now, And the midnight hour is near, And the faggot's crack, and the clock's dull tick, Are all the sounds I hear; And over my soul in its solitude Sweet feelings of sadness glide; And my heart and my eyes are full when I think Of the little boy that died. I went home one night to my father's house Went home to the dear ones all, And softly I opened the garden gate, And softly the door of the hall ; My mother came out to meet her son. She kissed me, and then she sighed, And her head fell on my neck, and she wept For the little boy that died. And when I gazed on his innocent face, As still and cold he lay, And thought what a lovely child he had been, And how soon he must decay ; "O Death, thou lovest the beautiful!" In the woe of my spirit I cried, For sparkled the eyes, and the forehead was fair, Of the little boy that died. Again I will go to my father' s house Go home to the dear ones all, And sadly I'll open the garden gate, And sadly the door of the hall ; I shall meet my mother, but, nevermore, With her darling by her side; And she'll kiss me and sigh, and weep again For the little boy that died. I shall miss him, when the flowers come, In the garden where he played; I shall miss him more by the fireside, When the flowers have all decayed ; I shall see his toys and his empty chair, And the horse he used to ride; And they will speak, with silent speech, Of the little boy that died. I shall see his little sister again, With her playmates about the door, And I'll watch the children at their sports, As I never did before; And if, in the group, I see a child That's dimpled and laughing-eyed, I'll look to see if it may not be The little boy that di\ ft GOOD wife rose from her bed one morn, And thought, with a nervous dread, Of the pile of clothes to be washed, and more Than a dozen mouths to be fed. There's the meals to get for the men in the field. And the children to fix away To school, and the milk to be skimmed and churned ; And all to be done this day. ft had rained in the night, and all the wood Was wet as it could be ; There were puddings and pies to bake, besides A loaf of cake for tea; And the day was hot, and her aching head Throbbed wearily as she said : " If maidens but knew what good wives know, They would be in no haste to wed. " =\ pennie, what do you think I told Ben Brown? " Called the farmer from the well ; And a flush crept up to his bronzed brow, And his eyes half bashfully fell, "It was this," he said and coming near, He kiss'd from her brow the frown ; "'Twas this,'' he said, "that you were the best, And the dearest wife in town. " he farmer went back to the field, and the wife, In a smiling and absent way, Sang snatches of tender little songs She'd not sung for many a day. And the pain in her head was gone, and the clothes Were white as the foam of the sea; Her bread was light and her butter was sweet, And as golden as it could be. ^ pust think," the children all called in a breath, " Tom Wood has run off to sea ! He wouldn't, I know, if he only had As happy a home as we. " The night came down, and the good wife smiled To herself as she softly said: " 'Tis so sweet to labor for those we love, It's not strange that maids will wed ! " ^ - L -i~ - 572 "JENNY KISSED ME WHEN WE MET, JUMPING FROM THE CHAIR SHE SAT IN." JENNY KISSED ME. ENNY kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she satin; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in ! Say I'm weary, say I'm sad; x Say that health and wealth have missed me ; Say I'm growing dull, but add, Jenny kissed mel ROLL CALL. ORPORAL Green ! " the orderly cried; " Here ! " was the answer, loud and clear, From the lips of a soldier who stood near, And " Here ! " was the word the next replied. " Cyrus Drew ! " then a silence fell This time no answer followed the call ; Only his rear man had seen him fall, Killed or wounded he could not tell. There they stood in the failing light, These men of battle, with grave, dark look?, As plain to be read as open books, While slowly gathered the shades of night. The fern on the hill -side was splashed with blood, And down in the corn, where the poppies grew, Were redder stains than the popples knew; And crimson-dyed was the river's flood. For the foe had crossed from the other side, That day in the face of a murderous fire, That swept them down in its terrible ire; And their life-blood went to color the tide. "Herbert Kline! " At the call, there came Two stalwart soldiers into the line, Bearing between them this Herbert Kline, Wounded and bleeding, to answer his name. " Ezra Kerr ! " and a voice answered, " Here 1 " " Hiram Kerr! " but no man replied. They were brothers, these two, the sad winds sighed, And a shudder crept through the cornfield near. " Ephraim Deane ! " then a soldier spoke: " Deane carried our Regiment's colors," he said; " Where our Ensign was shot, I left him dead, Just after the enemy wavered and broke. "Close to the roadside his body lies. I paused a moment and gave him to drink. He murmured his mother's name, I think, And death came with it and closed his eyes. " 'Twas a victory; yes, bnt it cost us dear, For that company's roll, when called at night, Of a hundred men who went into the fight, Numbered but twenty that answered " Here ! " / "OH, WHY SHOULD THE SPIRIT OF MORTAL BE PROUD?" 573 UP-HILL. [OES the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend. But is there for the night a resting-place? A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin? May not the darkness hide it from my face? You cannot miss that inn. Shall I meet other wayfarers at night? Those who have gone before. Then must I knock, or call when just in sight? They will not keep you standing at the door. Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak? Of labor you shall find the sum. Will there be beds for me and all who seek? Yea, beds for all who come. Yea, beds for all who come," OH, WHY SHOULD THE SPIRIT OF MORTAL BE PROUD? BY WILLIAM KNOX. H, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, Man passes from life to his rest in the grave. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade, Be scattered around and together be laid ; And the young and the old, and the low and the high, Shall moulder to dust and together shall lie. The infant a mother attended and loved, The mother that infant's affection who proved; The husband that mother and infant who blessed, Each, all, are away to their dwellings of rest. The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye, Shone beauty and pleasure her triumphs are by; And the memory of those who loved her and praised, Are alike from the minds of the living erased. The hand of the king that the sceptre hath borne, The brow of the priest that the mitre hath worn, The eye of the sage and the heart of the brave, Are hidden and lost in the depth of the grave. The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap ; The herdsman, who climbed with his goats up the steep; The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread, Have faded away like the grass that we tread. The saint who enjoyed the communion of heaven, The sinner who dared to remain unforgiven, The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just, Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust. So the multitude goes, like the flowers or the weed That withers away to let others succeed; So the multitude comes, even those we behold, To repeat every tale that has often been told. For we are the same our fathers have been; We see the same sights our fathers have seen, We drink the same stream and view the same sun, And run the same course our fathers have run. The thoughts we are thinking our fathers would think, From the death we are shrinking our fathers would shrink, To the life we are clinging they also would cling; But it speeds for us all, like a bird on the wing. They loved, but the story we cannot unfold; They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold ; They grieved, but no wail from their slumbers will come; They joyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb. They died, aye ! they died ; and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their brow. Who make in their dwellings a transient abode, Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road. Yea ! hope and despondency, pleasure and pain, We mingle together in sunshine and rain; And the smiles and the tears, the song and the dirge, Still follow each other, like surge upon surge. 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath; From the blossom of health to the paleness of death, From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud, Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? 574 "GOD'S PLANS GO ON AS BEST FOR YOU AND ME." AKE me no vows of constancy, dear friend, To love me, though I die, thy whole life long, And love no other till thy days shall end, Nay, it were rash and wrong. If thou canst love another, be it so; I would not reach out of my quiet grave To bind thy heart, if it should choose to go; Love should not be a slave. My placid ghost, I trust, will walk serene In clearer light than gilds these earthly morns. Above the jealousies and envies keen, Which sow this life with thorns. Thou wouldst not feel my shadowy caress, If, after death, my soul should linger here; Men's hearts crave tangible, close .enderness. Love's presence, warm and near. It would not make me sleep more peacefully That thou wert wasting all thy life in woe && For my poor sake : what love thou hast for me, Bestow it ere I go ! Carve not upon a stone when I am dead The praises which remorseful mourners give To women's graves a tardy recompense But speak them while I live. Heap not the heavy marble on my head To shut away the sunshine and the dew; Let small blooms grow there, and let grasses ware, And rain- drops filter through. Thou wilt meet many fairer and more gay Than I; but, trust me, thon canst never find One who will love and serve thee night and day With a more single mind. Forget me when I die ! The violets Above my rest will blossom just as blue, Nor miss thy tears; e'en nature's self forgets; But while I live, be true! SOMETIME. OMETIME, when all life's lessons have been learned. And snn and stars for ever- more have set, The thing.* which our weak judgments, here have spurned, The things o'er which we grieved with lashes wet, Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue ; And we shall see how all God's plans were right. And how what seemed reproof was love most true. And we shall see how, while we frown and sigh, God's plans go on as best for you and me; How, when we called, He heeded not our cry. Because His wisdom to the end could see. And e'en as prudent parents disallow Too much of sweet to craving babyhood, So God, perhaps, is keeping from us now Life's sweetest things because it seemeth ijood. And if, sometimes, commingled with life's wine, We find the wormwood, and reoel and shrink, Be sure a wiser hand than yours or mine Pours out this portion for our lips to drink. And if some friend we love is lying low, Where human kisses cannot reach his face, Oh, do not blame the loving Father so, But wear your sorrow with obedient grace I And yon shall shortly know that lengthened breath Is not the sweetest gift God sends His friend, And that, sometimes, the sable pall of death Conceals the fairest boon His love can send. If we could push ajar the gates of life, And stand within, and all God's workings see, We could interpret all this doubt and strife, And for each mystery could find a key! But not to-day. Then be content, poor heart ! God's plans like lilies pure and white unfold; We must not tear the close- shut leaves apart,* Time will reveal the calyxes of gold. And if, through patient toil, we reach the land Where tired feet, with sandals loose,may rest, When we shall clearly know and understand, I think that we will say, " God knew the best!" TIS A JOY TO PRESS THE PILLOW OF A COTTAGE CHAMBER BED. >75 BY COATES KINNEY. .-HEN the humid shadows hover over all the starry spheres. And the melancholy darkness gently weeps in rainy tears, 'Tis a joy to press the pillow of a cot tage chamber bed. And listen to the patter of the soft rain overhead. I Every tinkle on the shingles has an echo in the heart, And a thousand dreary fancies into busy being start ; And a thousand recollections weave their bright hues into woof, As I listen to the patter of the soft rain on the roof. There, in fancy, comes my mother, as she used to years agone, To survey the infant sleepers ere she left them till the dawn; I can see her bending o'er me, as I listen to the strain Which is played upon the shingles by the patter of the rain. Then my little seraph sister, with her wings and waving hair, And her bright-eyed cherub brother a serene, angelic pair, Glide around my wakeful pillow, with their praise or mild reproof, As I listen to the murmur of the soft rain on the roof. And another comes to thrill me with her eyes' delicious blue. I forget, as gazing on her, that her heart was all untrue; I remember that I loved her as I ne'er may love again, And my heart's quick pulses vibrate to the patter of the rain. There is naught in art's bravuras that can work with such a spell, In the spirit's pure, deep fountains, where the holy passions swell, As that melody of nature, that subdued, subduing strain, Which is played upon the shingles by the pattei of the rain. E GO our ways in life too much alone; We hold ourselves too far from all our kind; Too often we are dead to sigh and moan ; Too often to the weak and helpless blind; Too often, where distress and want abide, We turn and pass upon the other side. Y' 16 other side is trodden smooth, and worn By footsteps passing idly all the day. Where lie the bruised ones that faint and mourn, Is seldom more than an untrodden way; Our selfish hearts are for our feet the guide, They lead us by upon the other side. Jt should be ours the oil and wine to pour Into the bleeding wounds of stricken ones; To take the smitten, and the sick and sore, And bear them where a stream of blessmg runs; Instead, we look about the way is wide, And so we pass upon the other side. jgth, friends and brothers, gliding down the years, Humanity is calling each and all In tender accents, born of grief and tears! I pray you, listen to the thrilling call; You cannot, in your cold and selfish pride, Pass guiltlessly by on the other side. AMBITION. BY LORD BYRON. He who ascends to mountain tops shall find The loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds and snow ; He, who surpasses or subdues mankind, Must look down on the hate of those below. Though high above the sun of glory glow, And far beneath the earth and ocean spread, Round him are icy rocks, and loudly blow Contending tempests on his naked head; And thus reward the toils which to those summits led. BLESSED ARE THEY THAT MOU.