fT! THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTS ON THE GROWTH OF WHEAT, BARLEY, AND THE MIXED HERBAGE OF GRASS LAND. BY WILLIAM FEEAM, B.Sc. Lond., P.L.S., P.G.S., F.S.S., ASSOCIATE OF THE SURVEYORS' INSTITUTION ; CONSULTING BOTANIST TO THE BRITISH DAIRY FARMERS' ASSOCIATION AND THE EOYAL COUNTIES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ; PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE COLLEGE OF AGRI- CULTURE, DOWNTON, SALISBURY, AND FOR- MERLY PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE EOYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CIRENCESTER. LONDON : HORACE COX, " THE FIELD " OFFICE, 346, STKAND, W.C. 1888. P ' LONDON : PRINTED BY HORACE COX, 10, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. TO SIE JOHN BENNET LA WES, BART., LL.D, F.R.S., AND PEOF. JOSEPH HENEY (HLBEET, M.A., LL.D., F.E.S., WHOSE LONG-CONTINUED AND SUCCESSFUL INVESTIGATIONS IN EVERY DOMAIN OF AGRICULTURAL INQUIRY HAVE MADE THE NAME OF THE ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTAL STATION FAMOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, THIS VOLUME, RECORDING THE METHODS AND RESULTS OF SOME OF THEIR RESEARCHES, IS BY PERMISSION RESPECTFULLY M368238 PREFACE. HAVING had occasion to study somewhat closely the work of the Rothamsted investigators, it occurred to me that their valuable memoirs, dealing as they so largely do with actually ascertained results, might be advan- tageously condensed into the form of a text-book. Hence arose the present volume which, though it is concerned with a portion only of the many questions that have been brought within the range of experimental inquiry at Rothamsted, yet deals with subjects of first class importance, equally in their scientific bearing as in their economic aspect. To the student the discussion of concrete results should prove at least as useful as the consideration of abstract assertions, whilst it is possible that it may be even more suggestive. In the endeavour to make each subject as far as possible complete in itself, a certain amount of repetition has been unavoidable. Many questions, again, which are but lightly touched upon in these pages, are more fully dealt with in other of the Rothainsted memoirs than those which the writer has laid under contribution. Even as this work is passing through the press a fresh memoir issuing from Rothamsted throws further light upon the classical inquiry as to the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation. vi Preface. In several instances the information here given is brought very nearly down to date. This has been rendered possible only through the characteristically kind and ready manner in which Sir John Lawes and Dr. Gilbert have responded to my requests, and for which my grateful acknowledgments are tendered. At the present time, when there has been preferred a somewhat vague demand that the Government should undertake the support of agricultural experiment stations, it seems a fitting moment in which to make more widely known the nature and results of the splendid work which private enterprise has with such conspicuous success maintained at Rothamsted. Whatever merits this book may possess are due to the illustrious investi- gators with whose name the volume is associated. Its faults, whatever they be, are mine alone. W. FREAM. COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE, DOWNTON, SALISBURY, January, 1888. CONTENTS. PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY 1 WHEAT. II. EARLY EXPERIMENTS ON WHEAT 6 1. THE HOLKHAM EXPERIMENTS 6 2. THE RODMERSHAM EXPERIMENTS 12 III. EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND FOR FORTY YEARS 18 PLAN OF THE EXPERIMENTS 19 INFLUENCE OF SEASON ON THE WHEAT CROP 23 EFFECTS OF THE UNEXHAUSTED RESIDUE OF MANURES 30 CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND FOR FORTY YEARS WITHOUT MANURE 35 WITH MINERAL MANURES ALONE 38 WITH AMMONIA-SALTS ALONE 41 WITH AMMONIA-SALTS AND MINERAL MANURES IN ALTERNATING YEARS ... 43 COMPARISON BETWEEN AMMONIA-SALTS AND NITRATE OF SODA AS SOURCES OF NITROGEN 45 Contents. PAGE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND FOB FORTY YEARS WITH FARM- YARD MANURE SUPPLIED EACH YEAR ... 49 QUANTITY OF AMMONIA REQUIRED TO PRO- DUCE AN INCREASE OF ONE BUSHEL PER ACRE IN THE WHEAT CROP 54 THE B.OTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT COMPARED WITH THOSE AT WOBURN, HOLKHAM, AND EODMERSHAM 56 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF FORTY YEARS' EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND 58 IV. INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE CULTIVATION OF WHEAT 32 V. THE HOME PRODUCE, IMPORTS, AND CONSUMP- TION OF WHEAT 74 BAELEY. VI. EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF BARLEY UPON THE SAME LAND FOR TWENTY YEARS 87 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BEST AND WORST SEASONS OF THE TWF.NTY YEARS 92 AVERAGE YIELD OF BARLEY PER ACRE PER ANNUM FOR EACH DESCRIPTION OF MANURE 96 QUANTITY OF AMMONIA REQUIRED TO PRO- DUCE AN INCREASE OF ONE BUSHEL PER ACRE IN THE BARLEY CROP 103 EFFECTS OF THE UNEXHAUSTED RESIDUE OF MANURES 106 THE EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF BARLEY COMPARED WITH OTHER SIMILAR EXPERIMENTS . Ill Contents. ix SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OP TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF BARLEY UPON THE SAME LAND 117 VII. EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS G-ROWTH OF BARLEY UPOM THE SAME LAND FOR THIRTY- TWO YEARS 122 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BEST AND WORST SEASONS OF THE THIRTY-TWO YEARS ... 126 VARIATIONS IN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BARLEY CROP 128 THE HOME PRODUCE AND THE IMPORTS OF BARLEY 130 CULTIVATION OF WHEAT AND OF BARLEY COMPARED 132 GRASS. VIII. AGRICULTURAL RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE MIXED HERBAGE OF PERMANENT MEADOW 133 PLAN OF THE CONTINUOUS EXPERIMENTS ON MEADOW HERBAGE 138 RESULTS OBTAINED UPON THE VARIOUSLY MANURED PLOTS OF MEADOW LAND ... 143 1. Without manure : Plots 3 and 12 ... 144 2. Ammonia-salts alone : Plot 5 145 3. Nitrate of soda alone : Plots 15 and 17 146 4. Mixed mineral manure alone : Plot 7 149 5. Superphosphate of lime alone: Plot 4-1 153 6. Mixed mineral manure, with and with- out potash : Plots 7 and 8 155 Effect of mixtures of nitrogenous and mineral manures ... l' r >8 6 Content*. PAGE 7. 400Z6. ammonia-salts, with mixed mineral manure containing potash: Plot 9 159 8. 400Z6. ammonia-salts, with mixed mineral manure containing potash, and 2000Z6. cut wheat straw : Plot 13 161 9. SQOlb. ammonia-salts, with mived mineral manure containing potash : Plots lla and lib 164 10. 550Z6. nitrate of soda, with mixed mineral manure containing potash : PlotU ... 167 11. 275Z6. nitrate of soda, with mixed mineral manure containing potash : PlotU ... 170 12. 400Z6. ammonia -salts, and super- phosphate of lime : Plot 46 172 13. 400Z6. ammonia -salts, and mixed mineral manure, with and without potash: Plots 9 and 10 ... 175 14. Mixed mineral manure alone 7 years ; succeeding ammonia - salts alone 13 years: Plot 6 ... 178 15. Equal nitrogen and equal potash, in nitrate of soda and sulphate ofpot 2 36 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. 1844 the land might fairly be considered as, agriculturally speaking, exhausted. Since then the cultivation has been of the simplest description, and no attempt has been made to increase the crop by deep or subsoil ploughing ; the land has, however, been kept free from weeds. A summary of the results, given in four periods of ten years each, is presented in Table IV. TABLE IV. PERMANENTLY UNMANURED PLOT. Dressed grain per acre. Weight per bushel. Total produce (grain and straw). Mean of 10 years, 1844-1853 1854-1863 1864-1873 1874-1883 Bushel s. 15* 16* m io Ib. 58-25 57-57 58-97 58-25 Ib. 2711 2728 1924 1614 Mean of 40 years 14 58-26 2244 The increased yield of grain during the second ten years as compared with the first is attributed to the favourable seasons of the second decade ; the total produce (grain and straw), a much more accurate measure of the available fertility of a soil than is the grain alone, is also slightly higher over the second period than over the first. The decline during the third decade as compared with the second is seen to be very marked, much more so than that of the fourth as compared with the third. But the more recent seasons had been so unfavourable for the growth of wheat that the produce of the fourth ten years cannot be accepted as correctly representing the reduction due to soil exhaustion alone. This is proved by the fact that the produce of the last year, 1883, in a rather better season, was 13| bushels per acre, which closely approximates to the average yield of the forty crops. The annual decline in the produce, due to exhaustion Continuous Growth of Wheat Without Manure. 37 irrespective of variations due to good or bad seasons is, probably, up to a certain period, equivalent to about a quarter of a bushel per acre per annum, representing a gross produce in grain and straw of 401b. per acre. But, with each decline, the reduction must obviously become less and less ; atmospheric influences, and even the small amount of ammonia brought down in the rain, will produce a great effect upon a declining crop. Hence, the actual process of the exhaustion of the soil differs considerably from all the preconceived ideas on the subject. The soil, in fact, not only contains more fertility, but also holds it with a much firmer grasp, and parts with it less readily, than was previously thought to be the case. The average annual amount of total produce (grain and straw) removed has been 1 ton per acre, containing nearly 19001b. of absolutely dry matter; and there is strong evidence, derived from other experiments in the field, to prove that the carbon, indeed a large proportion of the organic matter, is derived from the atmosphere, whilst the nitrogen and the mineral matter are taken from the soil. This would divide the products into from 94 to 95 per cent, atmospheric constituents (including water), and from 5 to 6 per cent, soil constituents. The average amount of soil constituents (minerals and nitrogen) annually removed by this unmanured wheat crop is from lOOlb. to 1201b. per acre ; and of the three most important constituents of plant growth there have been removed about 171b. of potash, lOlb. of phosphoric acid, and 201b. of nitrogen. It appears, then, that upon a field which has been under arable cultivation certainly for two or three centuries and possibly for a much longer period and which has consequently lost a very considerable amount of its original fertility, there is after the removal of forty unmanured crops a yield which differs very little from the average of some of the great wheat-growing countries of the world ; the yield of the TJnited States, India, and China being, it is stated, from 38 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. 12 to 13 bushels per acre. As the Rothamsted soil certainly contains a very much less stock of fertility than the soils upon which wheat is extensively grown in other countries, it is impossible to attribute the comparatively large yields there to any other cause than to the clean state of the land. The amount of food at the disposal of the crop is small, but it is not shared to any great extent with other plants. The large produce of both wheat and barley on the unmanured land in the Woburn experiments also shows how much the crops grown upon the ordiuary cultivated land of this country are reduced by weeds. It is true that weeds do not exhaust a soil, as, in their decay, the fertility which they have taken up becomes again available ; but they take up nitrates, which, during their growth, revert to the form of organic nitrogen (that is, nitrogen, combined with carbon), and this must undergo nitrification in the soil before becoming again available as plant food. Considering the high price paid for active nitrogen,' as in salts of ammonia or nitrate of soda, a serious loss is incurred if this nitrogen goes to promote the growth of weeds, as so much time must elapse before it is again available as food for a future crop. CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND WITH MINERAL MANURES ALONE. The plot which received mineral manures alone next claims consideration. Bearing in mind the fact that uniformity of manuring was not resorted to on all the plots till after the expiration of eight years, the remaining thirty -two years of the total forty may be conveniently divided into four periods of eight years each. In Table V. the corresponding results on the unmanured plot are given for the sake of comparison. During the first eight years (1844-1851) plot 5 received Continuous Growth of Wheat with Mineral Manures Alone. 39 ammonia-salts as well as mineral manures, and the average yield during those eight seasons was 29 bushels per acre, or nearly 12 bushels annually in excess of the produce on the unmanured plot ; whilst during the first eight years of the mixed minerals, without the ammonia-salts (1852-1859), the average produce was 19 bushels per acre, or about 3 bushels more than the permanently unmanured produce. Comparisons respecting subsequent periods are afforded by the table, and it will be seen that, whilst the TABLE V. SHOWING THE AVERAGE PRODUCE OF DRESSED GRAIN, AND TOTAL PRODUCE (GRAIN AND STRAW) PER ACRE ON PLOT 3 (PER- MANENTLY UNMANURED), AND PLOT 5 (RECEIVING MIXED MINERALS FOB A PERIOD OF THIRTY-TWO YEARS), OVER FOUR PERIODS OF EIGHT YEARS EACH, AND OVER THE TOTAL PERIOD. Dressed grain. Total produce (grain and straw). Without manure. Plot 3. Mixed minerals. Plot 5. Without manure. Plot 3. Mixed minerals. Plot 5. 8 years, 5> ) 32 years 40 years 1852-1859 1860-1867 1868-1875 1876-1883 ,1852-1883 ,1844-1883 Bushels. 18* Uft 12* 10* Bushels. 19 15i 14 12f Ib. 2736 2183 1833 1610 Ib. 3191 2450 2144 1899 13* 14 15i 2090 2244 2421 average produce of the unmanured plot for forty years was 14 bushels, the average of thirty-two years for the plot receiving mixed minerals was 15J ; hence the application of a very liberal supply of minerals has only been competent to increase the yield by 1 bushels per acre per annum ! Again, the average total produce for the thirty-two years shows a difference of only 3 3 lib. in favour of the minerals. The amount of nitrogen in this 3311b. would not exceed 31b., and this represents the whole of the nitrogen which the 40 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. wheat upon an acre of land, though furnished with an abundance of minerals, and certainly at the commencement containing more crop residue than the unmanured land, has been able to obtain from the soil and the atmosphere in excess of that in the wheat grown without manure ! The history of these plots 3 and 5 is very instructive. Their yields year by year rarely differ from each other by more than from 3 to 4 bushels per acre. The yield on both is slowly declining, and for the last twenty-four years neither has given as much as 20 bushels per acre ; and, without some change in the manures, it is hardly likely this amount can ever be grown again. The soil contains a large amount of the mineral food of plants ; it also contains organic nitrogen that is, nitrogen combined with carbon, the residue of previous vegetation. This organic nitrogen is not directly available as food for the wheat plant, but every year a certain portion of it is converted into nitric acid, which combines with the lime in the soil. In this state it is very soluble in water, is readily washed out of the soil by heavy rain, and is a most important and essential food of the wheat plant. The amount of nitric acid formed each year will vary, the process of nitrification being most rapid in the hottest weather, provided the soil is sufficiently moist. The amount of nitric acid which the wheat crop can take up will also vary, and in a cold and wet winter much will be washed beyond the reach of the roots of the plant. These facts are of universal application, and by them it is possible to explain some of the causes which tend to the production of good or bad crops of wheat. Analysis proves both plots 3 and 5 to have lost a large amount of organic nitrogen, and that, in the first nine inches 1 depth, the mineral- manured soil has lost rather the more. The total loss of nitrogen over a given area is larger than the amount of that substance removed in the crops, and the reason is that, except when the crop is in full vigour of growth, the drainage waters contain nitric acid. Of the 281b. to 321b. of nitrogen per acre available each year at The Nitrogen of the Soil. 41 Rothamsted, from soil, seed, rain, &c., only about two-thirds are removed in the crop, whilst one-third goes into the drains and is lost. The experiments under discussion provide an explanation of the fact that on some soils more especially the newly cultivated soils of the United States and of Canada a large increase in the wheat crop frequently follows the application of mineral manures. Soils rich in organic matter may yield an increased amount of nitric acid by the applica- tion of phosphates and potash, but in all cases the source of the nitrogen is the soil ; and the loss by the unmanured soil of perhaps from SOOlb. to lOOOlb. of nitrogen per acre during the forty years of these experiments is a fact of the greatest importance. CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND WITH AMMONIA-SALTS ALONE. Leaving the mineral-manured plot, the next subject to study is the produce of plots 10a and 106 (ammonia-salts without minerals), and plots 17 and 18 (ammonia-salts in alternation with minerals). Recent legislative enactments, giving the cultivator of the soil a claim for the manure ingredients possessing a pecuniary value, which he has applied and left in the land, add greatly to the interest of this and allied investigations. The difference between the plots lOa and 106 is that lOo. received one dressing of minerals followed by thirty-nine dressings of salts of ammonia, whereas 106 received three dressings of minerals in the course of the first seven years, since when both plots have been treated exactly alike. Table VI. indicates (1) the produce of each plot in each of the first eight years ; (2) the average produce over succeeding periods of eight years each ; (3) the average produce over thirty-two years. To be precise, it should be stated that 106 received minerals alone in 1844 and 1850, was unmanured in 1846, received minerals with ammonia- The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. salts in 1848, and ammonia-salts alone (like 10a) in 1845, 1847, 1849, 1851, and in each of the last thirty -two years ; 10a received mineral manure alone in 1844, and ammonia- salts alone in each of the last thirty-nine years. TABLE VI. AMMONIA-SALTS ALONE. Dressed grain, Total produce (grain and straw). Plot 10a. Plot 106. Plot 10a. Plot 106. 1844 . . Bushels. 15* 81| 271 25* 19i 32 27 28| Bashels. 15* 81| 17| 25* 25 32f 18 28| Ib. 2120 6246 4094 4593 3701 4992 4810 5036 Ib. 2120 6246 2671 4579 4530 5117 3120 4985 1845 1846 . 1847 .. .. 1848 1849 1850 .. . 1851 .. 8 years, 18521859 ... 18601867 ... 1868-1875 ... 18761883 ... 32 years, 18521883 ... 22? 24 19 16 27* 27 20* 18* 4055 4076 3060 2618 4885 4563 3264 2935 20* 23i 3452 3912 Of the period preceding 1852, in the season of 1848, lOb received mineral manures, as well as ammonia-salts, and yielded 25J bushels per acre, as against 19| bushels on 100., which received the same ammonia- salts without minerals. On the other hand, when 106, in 1850, received minerals alone, the produce was only 18 bushels per acre, as against 27 bushels obtained on 10a, manured with ammonia- salts only. Though, in the periods of eight years, the produce of 10& is always in excess of that of 10a, the difference is nevertheless seen to be a declining one. As the drainage water from cultivated fields is known to contain but a very small amount of potash, and frequently no Ammonia-salts and Minerals in Alternation. 43 phosphoric acid, there is no difficulty in tracing the increased produce obtained on 106 over 10a to the minerals applied to the former in 1848 and 1850. These large applications of potash and phosphoric acid, although in the form of soluble compounds, appear to enter into very fixed combinations, somewhat similar to those already existing in the soil, and in this respect they differ altogether from compounds of nitric acid and ammonia, as the latter appear to be either washed away or destroyed, unless they are fixed by vegetation, whilst the former are fixed by the soil itself, and are only taken out of it by means of vegetation. CONTINUOUS GEOWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND WITH AMMONIA-SALTS AND MINERAL MANUEES IN ALTERNATING YEAES. The ' experiments on plots lOo- and 106 show that potash and phosphoric acid were still producing an influence upon the wheat crop thirty-three years after their application. Turning now to plots 17 and 18, it will be possible to trace the unexhausted residue of another substance perfectly soluble in water namely, salts of ammonia. On these plots the mineral manures and the ammonia-salts are never used together. When plot 17 receives minerals, plot 18 receives ammonia- salts, and when plot 18 receives minerals, plot 17 receives ammonia-salts. Therefore, during the thirty-two years, each plot received sixteen applications of mineral manures and sixteen applications of ammonia- salts. For the crops of the first eight years (1844-1851) the two plots received different artificial manures, yielding a very similar produce. Table VII. records the average produce of the mineral manures, and also of the ammonia- salts over four periods of eight years each, and, for comparison, the average produce on plot 5, receiving minerals alone, is given. The bottom line, giving the average of the entire thirty- 44 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. two years, is wonderfully instructive. It shows that during the sixteen alternate seasons in which plot 17 received ammonia-salts, and the sixteen alternate seasons in which plot 18 received that substance, the average produce was 30 bushels per acre, whilst during the alternate years, in which the plots received minerals only, they yielded but 15f bushels; or, in other words, only a fraction more than plot 5, which received no ammonia-salts during the whole period. It is estimated that the 4001b. of ammonia-salts applied per acre contain 861b. of nitrogen, but the resources TABLE "VTL AMMONIA-SALTS COMPARED WITH MINERALS. Dressed grain per acre. Total produce (grain and straw) per acre. life Mineral manure*. Plots 17 or 18. Ammonia- salts. Plots 17 or 18. liSs -.-r K ll 8 years, 1852-1859... 1860-1867... 1868-1875... 1876-1883... 32 years, 1852-1883... Bushels. 19 14 4 12f Bushels. 15 Bushels. 32$ 3H 28* lb. 3191 2450 2144 1899 3235 2696 2404 1869 lb. 5938 5297 4781 4930 is* m 30 2421 2551 5237 of the soil were evidently competent to furnish the nitrogen contained in 15 bushels of wheat and its straw, inasmuch as plot 5, receiving no ammonia, gave that produce. In the additional 15 bushels and its straw obtained by the application of the ammonia-salts, certainly less than 261b. of nitrogen are carried off, thus leaving 601b. of nitrogen per acre to be accounted for. Although analysis proved that, in 1881, the soil of plots 17 and 18 contained rather more total nitrogen and nitrates than plot 5, still, to a depth of as much as 27in. there was no evidence of the existence in the soil of Ammonia-salts versus Nitrate of Soda. 45 the large amount of nitrogen supplied in the manure, and not accounted for in the crop. Hence, when ammonia-salts are applied to grow wheat, it is not safe to calculate upon any of the unexhausted residue being available for the purpose of growing a second corn crop. The evidence also indicates that the exhausting character which farmers attri- bute to corn crops is quite as much due to the nitrogen which they do not assimilate being washed out of the soil, as it is to the amount of that substance which is removed in the produce. COMPARISON BETWEEN AMMONIA-SALTS AND NITRATE OF SODA AS SOURCES OF NITROGEN. One other series of experiments with artificial manures remains to be discussed. The results already considered are those of experiments in which mixed minerals alone, or salts of ammonia alone, are employed. It is necessary now to notice those in which one uniform quantity of mixed minerals is used in each case, but with different amounts of nitrogen in the form of ammonia- salts, and also as nitrate of soda. The nitrogenous applications were as follows : Plots 6a and 6fc, 2001b. of sulphate and muriate of ammonia, con- taining 431b. of nitrogen ; plots 7a and 76, 4001b. of the same salts, containing 861b. of nitrogen ; and plots 8a and 86, 6001b. of the same salts, containing 1291b. of nitrogen; whilst plot 9a received 861b. of nitrogen as nitrate of soda, instead of as ammonia-salts. Table VIII. is drawn up on the same principle as the preceding tables, and similarly records the result in four periods of eight years each. It is apparent that in the separate periods of eight years each, and also in the whole period of thirty-two years, the increase of wheat obtained by adding 431b. of nitrogen (plot 6) to the minerals varies from 8 to 11 bushels per acre, the total increase over the whole period being not quite 46 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. 9 bushels per acre. The addition of another 431b. of nitrogen (plot 7) again increases the amount of wheat by between 8 and 9 bushels over the whole period, as compared with plot 6, receiving only half as much nitrogen. The addition TABLE VIII. AMMONIA-SALTS COMPARED WITH NITRATE OF SODA. Dressed Grain, per Acre bushels. Mix, miu. Mixed mineral manures and manures Mixed minerals ammonia-salts. 5516 Taking the whole thirty-two years, the difference in the average produce per acre per annum is seen to be less than one bushel of grain in fact, only three-quarters of a bushel. Of total produce, grain and straw, the mixed minerals and ammonia-salts on plot 7 gave an increase over the farmyard manure on plot 2, over the same period, of 1561b. per acre per annum. The most striking contrast between these two manures, which furnish almost identical results, is that whilst the farmyard manure supplies to the soil a large amount of organic matter, the artificial manure supplies none. Each year plot 2 received in the farmyard manure about 85401b. of organic matter, whilst the crop grown upon it would not contain more than one-half this quantity. Yet the artificial manures on plot 7, supplying no organic matter whatever, produced a crop which contained rather the larger amount of organic matter of the two ; and it can be shown that, by merely increasing the amount of nitrogen, a still larger amount of organic matter can be obtained in the crop. Thus plot 8, receiving 1291b. of nitrogen per annum (still much less than that supplied in the farmyard manure) gave, over Nitrogen in Different States of Combination. 51 a period of thirty-two years, a total produce, grain and straw, of 68321b. per acre, or 11431b. more than that obtained by the farmyard manure on plot 2. Hence, it is concluded, the amount of non-nitrogenous (chiefly carbona- ceous) organic matter in the crop bears no relation to that supplied in the manure ; the atmosphere, and not the soil, is the source of this supply. In the two years 1863 and 1864 the farmyard manure applied to plot 2 was estimated to furnish 4001b. of nitrogen, and the total produce was 13,6531b. ; whilst that of plot 16, which received only 3441b. of nitrogen, in ammonia- salts, was 19,8731b. There were, therefore, in the two years, 62201b. excess of crop on the artificially manured plot. The nitrogen, then, of farmyard manure and that of ammonia- salts, or of nitrate of soda, must obviously be in different states of chemical combination. This indeed is so, for in the dung the nitrogen is mostly combined with carbon, in which form it is both insoluble and inactive, and, for most crops, at any rate, it only becomes available when, by the process of nitrification, it ceases to be in combination with carbon, and passes into the form of a soluble nitrate. Nitrate of soda contains nitrogen in this form, and this is the reason it is so imme- diately available to a growing crop, and becomes speedily lost in the drainage water if there is not a growing crop ready to make use of it. The time required for the nitrification of different portions of farmyard manure will be very variable ; the carbon may be separated from the nitrogen in urine in a very short time, whilst it may take many years to nitrify portions of the nitrogenous organic matter of straw, espe- cially on heavy land. Since it requires a considerably larger application of nitrogen in the form of farmyard manure to grow the same amount of crop as that produced by a much smaller application of nitrogen in the more active form of ammonia- salts, or nitrates, it follows that in the soil where dung has been employed there ought to be found a larger amount both of carbon and of nitrogen than in the soil where E 2 52 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. artificial manures have been used. It is indeed an ascertained fact that, to accumulate nitrogen in the soil, it must be in combination with carbon, though very little is yet known in regard to the various compounds of carbon existing in the soil. But, respecting the subject now under discussion, the evidence as to the underground fertility of plots 2, 3, and 7, as brought out in the analyses of their soils to various depths, is both interesting and instructive. It is estimated that, within 27in. from the surface, the nitrogen on plot 2 (farm- yard manure) will amount to more than 80001b. per acre, and that it would exceed the amount on plot 7 (mixed minerals and ammonia-salts) to the same depths by more than 17001b., and that on plot 3 (permanently unmanured) by more than 22001b. By far the largest amount of this difference is found in the first 9in. of depth ; to that depth the dunged land con- tained nearly double the amount of nitrogen which is found on the unmanured plot, and more than one and a half times as much as is found on the plot receiving minerals and ammonia-salts ; and it is estimated that plot 3, after the removal of forty unmanured crops of wheat in succession, still contains about 24001b. of nitrogen per acre in the first 9iu. from the surface ; this, in fact, represents the residue of the natural fertility, or, to use a term imported into the Agricultural Holdings Act, the inherent capability of the soil. The relation between the carbon and nitrogen in these three soils, which differ so greatly in their total amounts of nitrogen, indicates that they do not differ much in their character. On the unmanured land there is not quite ten of carbon to one of nitrogen ; on plot 7, receiving minerals and ammonia-salts, it is ten and a half to one ; on the dunged land it is not quite twelve to one. Yet the unmanured plot has received neither carbon nor nitrogen in manure ; plot 7 has received a very large amount of nitrogen, but no carbon ; whilst the dunged plot has received a very large amount of both carbon and nitrogen. The relation of carbon to nitrogen in the farmyard manure is about twenty to one a proportion Fertility of Soils. 53 totally different from that in the soil. The close relation between the carbon and nitrogen, in the soils of plots 3 and 7, indicates that the larger amount of nitrogen in plot 7 is not due to the direct storing up of ammonia by the soil, but to the nitrogen forming part of the vegetable growth, and being thus stored up in the stubble and roots. If the nitrogen of the ammonia-salts had been stored up in any form except that of vegetable growth, the relation of carbon to nitrogen would have been lower on plot 7 than on plot 3, instead of which it is higher; there is also proof founded on analyses of the soils of plot 7 and plot 3 that, of the two, the latter contains by far the larger amount of unexhausted fertility. The adjoining field, where barley is grown continuously, furnishes similar evidence. For twenty consecutive years, 14 tons per acre of farmyard manure were applied to one plot of barley, after which period the plot was divided into two, the dung being continued on the one half, and stopped on the other. Up to 1883, twelve unmanured crops had been taken, yielding an average of 34J bushels per acre, and, as the last of these crops, in the rather favourable season of 1883, exceeded 35 bushels, there is evidence of a long future before the fertility due to the residue of the twenty years' application of dung will be exhausted. In the same field the plots manured with rapecake yield on analysis a considerably larger amount of nitrogen than any of the plots where minerals, or minerals with ammonia-salts or nitrate, have been used. It follows that whilst fertility may be stored up in the soil, in the form of such mineral substances as potash or phosphate, it does not appear that the more valuable substance, nitrogen, can be stored up unless combined with carbon ; in other words, whilst the soil fixes potash and phos- phoric acid independently of vegetation, nitrogen is only fixed by the agency of vegetation. 54 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. QUANTITY OF AMMONIA REQUIRED TO PRODUCE AN INCREASE OF ONE BUSHEL PER ACRE IN THE WHEAT CROP. One important point remains for discussion. It con- stitutes the subject of the fourth section of the report of the first twenty years' experiments, and deals with the amount of increased produce obtained for a given amount of ammonia supplied in manure. The data are furnished in Table XI., which shows the annual average amount of ammonia in manure (or of nitrogen as nitrate, reckoned as ammonia) that was required for the production of one bushel (of 601b.) increase of wheat grain, with its proportion of straw, on the most important plots, in two periods of six years each, and in the total period of twelve years ; in two or three cases there were some modifications made in the manures, but, to avoid complicating the table, these are not introduced. Long before the expiration of the first twenty years of the wheat experiments, the investigators published their opinion, founded on experiment, that the grower might assume, for practical purposes, that he would, on the average of seasons, get one bushel of wheat and its proportion of straw, beyond the produce of the soil and season, for each 51b. of ammonia applied in the manure for the crop. The results shown in Table XI. confirm this opinion. 501b. of ammonia, or its equivalent of nitrogen, would be supplied in rather under 2cwt. of commercial sulphate of ammonia, or in Ifcwt. of commercial muriate of ammonia, or in about 2|cwt. of genuine Peruvian guano, or in rather more than 2|cwt. of nitrate of soda. These amounts are more than are usually employed in common practice for the wheat crop, and most growers would consider double these quantities to be very heavy, if not excessive, dressings. Assuming that the results obtained by the use, per acre, of 501b. or lOOlb. of ammonia (or their equivalent of nitrogen in nitrate of soda) Ratio of Increase in Crop to Ammonia Supplied. 55 most nearly represent those which may be expected in ordinary practice, and, further, that the results obtained by these amounts in the cases -where the mineral constituents (unless silica) are not in relative defect are also such as are most likely to be obtained in ordinary farm practice, the authors subject the tabulated results to a thorough exami- nation. The figures show how very striking is the difference TABLE XI. Manures per acre per annum, for 12 years, 1852-1863. Average quantity of ammonia required to pro- duce one bushel (=601b.) Plots. increase in wheat crop. First Second The 6 years. 6 years. 12 years 1852-57. 1858-63. 1852-63. lb. lb. lb. 6 2001b. amm.-salts, and mixed min. manure 5-59 4-36 4-86 7 4001k >5 5-86 4-95 5-37 8 6001b. J> J> 5> 8-01 6-80 7-35 16 SOOlb. 5 5> 55 9-98 9-00 9-47 m or V 18) 4001b. amm.-salts, in alternation with ") mixed mineral manure ... ) 6-92 6-47 6-69 10a 4001b. amm.-salts alone (19 yrs. 1845-63) 20-52 22-74 21-57 106 4001b. (13 yrs. 1851-63) 10*39 12-16 11-20 11 4001b. andsuper-phosph.of lime 8*92 8-25 8-57 "{ 4001b. , , and sup er-phosph. , and ^ sulphate of soda . . . j 6-39 5-24 5-76 { 4001b. andsuper-phosph.,and~) fi -o sulphate of potash., j 5-27 5-85 { 4001b. and super-phosph., and ") sulphate of magnesia j 6-31 5-31 5-77 9a 5501b. nitrate of soda and mixed min. man. 6-59 4-73 5-41 9& 5501b. alone ... . 11-29 14-73 12-80 of effect upon the immediate increase of a given amount of nitrogen in manure, whether used in the form of ammonia- salts or of nitrate, according to the available supply of mineral constituents in the soil. With the overwhelming evidence before him which such a comprehensive summary of experimental results on the point affords, the grower cannot fail to see that he not only very injuriously further reduces 56 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. his immediately available supply of mineral constituents, but also pays very dearly for his increase, if he tries to obtain it by means of purely nitrogenous manures when his soil is already unduly exhausted of mineral constituents. The above table is taken from a more comprehensive one, which also gives the result on each plot for every one of the 12 years. As showing the difference of effect of a given amount of ammonia in one season as compared with another, the results on plot 6, receiving 501b. of ammonia (in 2001b. of ammonia- salts) each year, and always with mixed mineral manure, are instructive. Taking the average of the 12 years, it required 4*861b. of ammonia in manure to yield 601b. of increase of grain and its proportion of straw ; whereas, in the remarkably productive season of 1863, it required only 2*421b., but in 1853, 7'131b. ; in 1860, 8'851b. ; and in 1852, 12'451b. The conclusion on the point under notice is that, great as is the difference of effect of a given quantity of ammonia, according to the amount applied per acre, to the mineral con- dition of the soil, and to the season, still, when only moderate quantities were used, when there was a sufficient supply of mineral constituents, and taking the average of many seasons that is, under the conditions the most comparable with those of the average of common practice, the result was in marked accordance with the early estimate, that almost exactly 51b. of ammonia were required to be expended to obtain an increase of one bushel of wheat grain and its pro- portion of straw. THE EOTHAMSTED EXPEEIMENTS ON THE CON- TINUOUS GEOWTH OF WHEAT COMPAEED WITH THOSE AT WOBUEN, HOLKHAM, AND EODMEESHAM. It may fairly be objected that these experiments on the continuous growth of wheat furnish results true of one Results in Different Localities Compared. 57 description of soil and of one locality only. Table XII., however, summarises the results of experiments made on very various soils, under various conditions due to previous treatment, and in various seasons, notwithstanding which the general characters of the results are seen to be accordant. TABLE XII. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE GROWTH OF WHEAT BY DIFFERENT MANURES, ON DIFFERENT SOILS, IN DIFFERENT LOCALITIES, AND IN DIFFERENT SEASONS. Dressed grain per acre bushels. Average annual results. Manures. Bothamsted, Herts. Woburn, Beds. Hoik- ham, Norfolk. Bodmer- sham, Kent. 8 years, 1856-63. 32 years, . 1852-83. 7 years, 1877-83. 3 years, 1852-54. 4 years, 1856-59. Broad- balk Field. Hoos Field. Broad- balk Field. Unmanured Mix. min. man. alone ... Amm.-salts alone (86lb. nitrogen) 16 19 23i 38| 15 16| 26i 37| 13i 15i 20| 32f 15! 16! 23f* 37f 18 19i 27i 32f 25| 28! 31! 33^ Mix. min. man. and amm. salts (861b. nitrogen). * By amm.-salts = only 431b. of nitrogen. Thus, not only is there general agreement in the character of the results in different localities, when the averages of a number of years are taken, but the non-effect of the residue from previous applications of ammonia-salts is as marked in the sandy soil at Woburn as in the very different loamy soil at Eothamsted. This latter point is illustrated in Table XIII. , which shows the produce of wheat grown year after year on the same land in Stackyard Field, Woburn. This field received mineral manure and ammonia- salts (= 861b. of nitrogen) for five successive years, in the year following which one portion again received the same manure, 58 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. and the other the mixed mineral manure alone. In the next year, 1883, the portion which received the whole manure in the previous year received mineral manure only ; whilst the other portion received both minerals and ammonia-salts. Tt is seen that in each year, 1882 and 1883, the nitrogenous- manured portion yielded large crops (43^ and 45f bushels) ; whereas, the portion on which mineral manures alone followed ammonia-salts and large crops, yielded very small TABLE XIII. WHEAT GROWN YEAR AFTER YEAR ON THE SAME LAND, STACKYARD FIELD, WOBURN. Harvests. Dressed grain, bushels. 1877 431 1878 27 1879 '. 1880 28* 1881 1882 (1) 13i (2) 43^ 1883 (2) 455 (1) 17 (1) Mixed min. man. alono. (2) Mixed min. man. and amm. -salts. (= 861b. nitrogen.) crops 13 and 17^ bushels respectively, against 14f and 17 1- bushels on a plot where the same mineral manures were used year after year. There was, then, no available and effective residue where the ammonia-salts had been previously applied. Though in 1884 there was notable effect from unexhausted residue of nitrogenous manure, this probably arose from there being very little rain, and, consequently, very little loss by drainage during the winter of 1883-4. SUMMAEY OF THE EESULTS OF FORTY YEARS' EXPERIMENTS ON THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF WHEAT UPON THE SAME LAND. The forty years' experiments on the continuous growth of wheat have established, with regard to the soil, the following Summary of Results. 59 facts. An unmanured soil has yielded forty successive crops, averaging 14 bushels per acre, solely by means of its existing fertility. At the outset the soil contained a large amount of organic nitrogen, derived from previous vegetation ; it like- wise contained a large amount of mineral food. Every year a portion of the organic nitrogen has been nitrified by the agency of organisms living in the soil ; part of the resulting nitrates has contributed to the growth of the wheat crop, and part has been washed out of the soil or other- wise lost. This loss of nitric acid is greater in wet seasons, and the amount taken up by the wheat crop is consequently smaller ; so that comparatively dry seasons should be favour- able to the production of large wheat crops. The stock of soil fertility in the form of organic nitrogen has been considerably reduced, and the stock of both potash and phosphoric acid has likewise been largely reduced. Never- theless, the stock of fertility that remains would appear to be sufficient to grow crops of wheat for a very long period, though the produce must necessarily lessen in course of time. With regard to manures, minerals alone have added very slightly to the unmanured produce, whereas manures con- taining nitric acid alone, or some easily nitrifiable compound of nitrogen, have considerably increased the crop ; hence the soil had a stock of minerals which the crop was unable to utilise, on account of the insufficient supply of available nitrogen. Manures consisting of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen (as ammonia-salts, or as nitrates), appear competent to grow large crops of wheat continuously. In the ordinary course of agriculture with rotation, as practised in this country, the supply of mineral constituents immediately available for the wheat crop is almost invariably in excess, relatively, to the immediately available supply of nitrogen from the atmosphere, or the accumulated stores within the soil itself. Furthermore, with few exceptions, the worse the so-called " condition " of the land that is, the more it is in 60 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. the agricultural sense exhausted the more striking would be the effect of exclusively nitrogenous as compared with that of exclusively mineral manures. A given weight of nitrogen, as nitric acid (or nitrate), has produced more growth than the same weight of nitrogen as ammonia- salts. The amount of nitrogen supplied in the manures is very much in excess of the amount recovered in the increase of the crops ; and, after a certain amount of growth has been reached, each increase of crop requires a proportionately larger application of manure. When the price of wheat is high, larger crops can be grown more profitably than when the price is low. In the form of farmyard manure, a con- siderably larger amount of nitrogen is necessary to produce a given increase of crop; but, though a given weight of nitrogen, in the form of nitric acid, will produce more growth than the same weight of nitrogen in dung, the influence of the nitrate upon succeeding crops will be very much less. There is no evidence to show whether the whole available effect of the nitrogen in one manure is greater than it is in the other. Finally, with regard to unexhausted manures, it appears that, in the absence of vegetation, or when applied to crops in excess of their requirements, both potash and phosphoric acid form insoluble compounds with the soil, and become available for future crops. Under similar circumstances, nitrates and salts of ammonia do not appear to form permanent compounds with the soil, but are liable to be washed out by rain, or to be otherwise lost. The applica- tion of more nitrogen, as nitrates or salts of ammonia, than the crop can utilise, does not appear to interfere with the nitrification of the organic nitrogen of the soil. The stock of nitrogen of the soil itself, therefore, may be reduced, although the annual application of nitrogen may be much in excess of the amount of that substance removed in the crop. When large wheat crops have been grown by the use of nitrates or salts of ammonia, with mineral manures, the Accumulation of Fertility. 61 soil does not appear to have gained or lost fertility. Nitrifi- cation may have gone on as usual, but the loss has been made good by the amount of nitrogen stored up in the stubble and underground portions of the large crops so grown. When dung is applied continuously, the accumula- tion of unexhausted fertility becomes very large, and the removal by crops of the substance accumulated would extend over a long series of years ; therefore, dung applied to land in the ordinary process of agriculture will not be entirely exhausted until a considerable number of years from the time of its application. 62 The Eothamsted Wheat Experiments. IV.-INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE CULTIVATION OF WHEAT. Climate and Our Wheat Crops" is a title so suggestive of important agricultural and economic problems, that it is hardly surprising it should have been made the subject of an essay (E. A. S. Journal, 1880), in which Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert sought to trace a connection between the general character of the seasons and the amount of their respective wheat crops. It has been remarked that, so far as climate is concerned, the British Isles are outside the zone favourable to the growth of wheat, and that its successful cultivation is due to the skill of the farmer in contending against adverse meteorological conditions ; that, however, the decline in the wheat area cannot be attributed to any general change for the worse in the characters of the British climate, is proved by the circumstance that, by dividing the 108 years ending with 1880, into six periods of eighteen years each, there is even a slight progressive increase of mean temperature from the first to the last of these six periods (Mr. Glaisher). It is to the greatly increased production of wheat in other countries at a lower cost than in our own, and to low rates of transport, by which it is brought into our markets in quantity and at a price much reducing the value of home produce, that the lessened area under the crop is chiefly to be attributed. As only about 5 per cent, of the total wheat crop is derived from the soil itself, the remainder coming, directly or indirectly, from the atmosphere ; and as the amount of matter accumulated from either source depends mainly on the quantity, and the relations to one another, of heat and Temperature and Rainfall. 63 moisture, the preponderating influence which the character of the seasons exercises over the growth of our crops is no more than might be expected. Though the connection between meteorological phenomena and the progress of vegetation is not yet so clearly comprehended as to enable us to estimate with any accuracy the yield of a crop by studying the statistics of the weather during the period of its growth, the present attempt is, nevertheless, a valuable contribution towards such an object. Temperature and rainfall are the chief factors demanding attention, but it is necessary to distinguish between the total heat and the total rainfall of a season, and the distribu- tion of temperature and of rainfall over the different periods of the season. It is obvious that a given amount of rain equally distributed through the spring and summer in each of two seasons, will have a very widely different effect on vegetation in the two cases, if the one season should be a hot and the other a cold one. On the other hand, if the temper- ature of the two seasons be the same, but the rainfall very different, so also will the effect on vegetation be very different. The defect of our climate for the production of wheat is apparently more connected with an excess of moisture than with a deficiency of heat, during the periods of active growth and maturing. It is, in fact, when a cold season, or one of only moderate temperature, is accompanied by an excess of rain, that the yield of our wheat crops is the most defective. During the present century, each of the following years was more or less remarkable so far as the growth of the wheat crop is concerned; 1816, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1853, 1854, 1857, 1860, 1863, 1864, 1868, 1870, and 1879. Of these, 1816 and 1879 have the reputation of yielding the two worst wheat crops within the period included by those dates ; on the other hand, 1834 is generally referred to as one of the most productive years of the century. Four seasons of reputed very high productiveness which occurred before the commencement of the Rothamsted experiments, 64 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. were those of 1832-3-4-5. So abundant were these four wheat crops, that the average price, even under protection, went down from 54s. 5d. per quarter over the first harvest year, to 49s. 9d. over the second, 41s. 5d. over the third, and 42s. 8d. over the fourth. The lowest price reached was 36s. per quarter in the last week of 1835, and the first of 1836. And such was the distress suffered by the agricultural interest, as the result of abundant wheat crops, and the low prices following, that select committees of both Houses of Parliament were appointed to inquire into the matter; in 1880 a Royal Commission inquired into the distress caused, not by abundant, but by deficient crops and large importa- tions, though by no means such low prices as during the period of great abundance. The characters of some of the remarkable seasons may now be noticed. The abundant wheat crop of 1832 was grown under the influence of a mild and rather wet winter, a spring of moderate characters, and a summer of only moderate temperatures, and with heavy rains excepting in July. The crop of 1833 was the result of a generally mild and moderately wet winter and early spring, excepting January and March, which were cold. The remainder of the spring and the early summer were hot and mostly dry, and the rest of the season upon the whole favourable. The result was a high yielding, but not bulky, straw crop. The crop of wheat of 1834 one of the heaviest on record was grown in a season warmer than usual almost throughout, but especially in the winter and in the spring, excepting April ; and, after an excess of rain in the winter, there was a considerable deficiency for four months to the end of May, again a deficiency in June, but afterwards heavy rains, though with high temperatures. The crop of 1835, which was of extraordinary bulk and luxuriance, was grown in a season in which the winter was as open and as much marked by an absence of snow and frost as the three preceding winters ; the spring was, upon the whole, favourable to the wheat Seasons of High Produce. 65 crops, and the summer brilliantly fine till the last week in June. At the end of June heavy rains and high winds laid the crops ; but bright breezy weather in July stayed the damage, though much did not ripen well. The rest of the season was fine, and the wheat crops were got in in excellent order ; but, though bulky, they were decidedly inferior in both yield and quality to those of 1834. Generally, then, these four consecutive seasons of abundant wheat crops were characterised by mild and open winters, upon the whole mild springs, and average, or warmer than average, summers, especially the last two of the four. In each season there were individual months of considerably more than average fall of rain, sometimes earlier and sometimes later, and accordingly influencing the bulk of the crop. But each season was characterised by less than the average fall of rain during several months of the growing period, and this was particularly the case in the season of 1834, the one of the most extraordinary productiveness. Passing now to those seasons of high productiveness which have occurred during the progress of the Rothamsted experiments, the season of 1854 comes first in chronological order. The crop, which was very abundant both in corn and straw, was, after a severe winter period, grown under higher than average temperatures during the earlier, but lower during the later, periods of growth, and with much less than the average fall of rain in every month from seed-time to harvest, excepting in May and August. The heavy corn, but not heavy straw, crop of 1857 was obtained under the influence of about average winter and early spring, but high summer, temperatures, and, as in other cases of high productiveness, there was here again much less than the average fall of rain from seed-time to harvest, the only months of any excess being January, June, and August. The wheat crop of 1863 gave probably the highest average produce per acre over the country at large since 1834 ; its season of growth was marked by an extremely mild winter and early spring, with much less p 66 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. than the average fall of rain, so that the plant was brought early forward. Then came, in the early summer, a consider- able amount of rain, after which there was a deficiency up to harvest. The temperature was only about the average in June and July, conducing to continued luxuriance rather than to early maturation ; whilst August, the harvest month, was both warmer and drier than usual. The conditions were, therefore, those of a lengthened and almost unbroken course of gradual accumulation, with, finally, a favourable ripening period. The crop of 1864 was produced under the influence of warmer than average weather in early winter and in spring ; only moderate, or even lower than average summer, temperatures, but much less than the average fall of rain from seed-time to harvest ; every month being considerably deficient, excepting May, which was average, and March, in which alone there was an excess. In the season of 1863 the period of growth was almost throughout one of drought, with high temperatures prevailing through spring and summer; the result was a very early harvest, a not bulky but a high- yielding crop on good and well-farmed soils, but a deficient one on light and poorly-farmed land. After a by no means favourable winter, followed by prolonged spring and summer drought and heat, the wheat crop of 1870 was deficient in straw, and also yielded less corn than that of 1868, but still considerably more than the average, with a high proportion of corn to straw, and high quality of grain. Generally speaking, out of the six years of highest productiveness throughout thirty-six seasons (1844-1879) of experiments, the three which gave the highest produce of all (1863, 1864, and 1854) were marked by generally higher than average mean temperatures during the winter and early spring (excepting the early winter of 1853-4, which was severe), but generally only average, or lower than average, summer temperatures. Indeed, June, 1854, was colder than June of the disastrous year 1879. Each was also characterised by very much less than the average fall of rain from seed-time to Seasons of Low Produce. 67 harvest, there being in no case an excess in more than two out of the nine months from November to July inclusive. The other three seasons of high productiveness (1857, 1868, and 1870), though they gave less corn than the foregoing, and very much less straw, were, nevertheless, seasons of considerably more than average produce of corn, and of high quality of grain. These crops were grown under much more variable winter conditions as to temperature, but under much higher both spring and summer temperatures, especially those of 1868 and 1870 ; whilst, with the higher temperature there was, as in the cases with lower temperature and more abundant crops, much less than the average fall of rain from seed-time to harvest, one or two months only showing an excess. Turning to the seasons of unusually low productiveness, in that of 1853 the early winter had been unseasonably wet and warm, the land being generally saturated with water, and in many cases flooded ; the spring was unseasonably cold, and also wet, and the summer was, upon the whole, colder than the average, and very wet. The characteristics of the season of 1860, yielding a crop both late and much below the average both in quantity and quality, were a winter alternately very cold and very mild, and upon the whole wet, followed by a spring, summer, and autumn generally stormy, cold, wet, sunless, and unseasonable. In the season of 1879 there was, from seed-time to harvest, a considerable deficiency of tem- perature, compared with the average, in every month except- ing March. It is remarkable, however, that there was even a lower mean temperature in June, 1854 a season of very great abundance than in June, 1879, the season of the worst crop known within the century. But it was by the continuity and excessive amount of the rainfall that the season of 1878-9 was especially characterised, the excess during the eleven months, from November to September inclusive, being more than eleven inches over the average, and the total amount was more than double that over the F 2 68 The Eothamsted Wheat Experiments. same period of some of the seasons of high productiveness. A comparison of 1879 with 1816 shows that the former year was characterised by a season which was, from seed-time to the end of the summer, worse than that of the latter. 1816 suffered more from low temperature, but less from excess of rain during the summer. Both crops were, however, very late, and, for getting in the crop, the season of 1816 was much worse than that of 1879. It is now desirable, disregarding as much as possible the specialities of individual seasons, to consider the average character of classes of seasons, arranged according to the general character of their wheat crops. The classes are as follows : Six years of high produce of both corn and straw 1832, 1834, 1835, 1854, 1863, and 1864 ; four years of high produce of grain, but not of straw 1833, 1857, 1868, and 1870 ; four years of very low produce 1816, 1853, 1860, and 1879. Taking the six years of high produce, and confining attention, in the first place, to the period of six months, from November to April inclusive, in only one of the six seasons which go to make the average were there two months, and in four others there was only one month, of the six of in any material degree lower than average temperature, and in only one season (1854) was there a really severe winter month. With these few exceptions, every other month of the six within each of the six seasons was either about average or over average, and in many cases very much over average, as to temperature. As to rainfall over the same period, in two of the seasons there were two months, and in two there was only one month with any considerable excess of rain ; whilst in the other two there was a deficiency in every month of the six. There were, therefore, in each of the six seasons, four, five, or six of these six months considerably drier than the average. Concerning the next three months of May, June, and July : in two out of the six seasons, each of the three was warmer than the average, in two each was Seasons of High and Low Produce compared. 69 colder than the average, and in two there were warmer and colder months, with about average mean temperatures. As to rainfall, in one out of the six years there were two of the three months, in four there was only one of the three, and in the other there was no month, with an excess of rain. In only one of the six years was the total rain of the three months over the average; though in three of the six seasons there was an excess in August. It may be added that the average mean temperature of these six seasons was higher than that of one hundred and eight years (1771-1878) in every month of the twelve ; but the excess was very much greater in the months prior to May, than in May and afterwards. Upon the whole, then, these seasons of highest productiveness were characterised by higher than average temperatures during most of the winter and the early spring. Some were consi- derably warmer during the summer also, but the majority were characterised by but little higher, or even lower, than average temperatures in the summer. There was also a prevailing deficiency of rain in the winter and spring, but a less marked deficiency in the summer. In the second class of seasons, those of high produce of grain, but of small produce of straw, and therefore of com- paratively small total produce, the distribution of the excess of temperature is exactly the opposite of that observed in the case of the seasons of heaviest gross produce. The result was associated with little more than fairly average condi- tions as to temperature during the early stages of develop- ment of the plant, but with a considerable excess during the period of active above-ground growth, and of maturation. There is, at the same time, though a considerable total deficiency of rain, a much more marked deficiency during the periods of more active above-ground growth, and of ripening, than during the earlier stages. In the third class of seasons, those of unusually low produce, the averages show an actual deficiency of tempera- ture in ten months out of the twelve ; and in only one from 70 The Bothamsted Wheat Experiments. seed-time to harvest was there an average excess of any importance, namely, in January. With this great deficiency of average temperature, there appears, almost throughout, an excess of rain, the excess being very much the greater in April, and afterwards up to harvest, than previously. The number of rainy days is also greatly in excess, especially in the summer months. Very low productiveness was, then, associated with both low temperatures and excess of rain, especially during the periods of more active above-ground growth and ripening. In Table XIV. the column A refers to the six seasons of much both grain and straw; the column B to the four seasons of much grain but not much straw ; the column C to the four seasons of low produce. The averages are made up from different periods, as noted at the foot of the table, and all the figures are deduced from the records at Greenwich. The wheat season is, of course, from October to September. TABLE XIV. SUMMARY OF TEMPERATURE AND OF RAINFALL. A. B. C. Average.* Average monthly mean temperature (degrees F.) 49-7 49-8 47-2 48-6 Annual rainfall (inches) 21-44 19-53 32-89 25-4 Number of days on which O'Olin. rain or more, fell 140 136 199 141 * In the first line the average temperature is that of 108 years 1771-1878. In the second line the average rainfall is that of 63 years 1815-1877. In the third line the average number of days is that of 55 years 1815-1869. From the comparisons which have now been made of the various seasons, it would appear that mildness and com- parative dryness, of at any rate considerable portions of the winter and early spring, favouring root development, that is, an extended possession of the soil by the plant, and a some- what early start, have been the characteristics of the most productive seasons. Indeed, with these favourable early conditions, an abundant and high-yielding crop may be Characteristics of Noteworthy Seasons. 71 obtained with only fairly average or even under average summer conditions. But there can be little doubt that, when high summer temperatures, without excess of rain, do succeed upon the favourable conditions of early growth and of plant just mentioned, the proportion of grain yielded by the bulky crop will be the greater. The less bulky, and some- what less abundant in grain, but still high-yielding crops have, on the other hand, generally had less favourable conditions for winter root development, and for early growth in spring, but have been developed under the influence of considerably higher than average summer temperature, with, at the same time, deficiency of rain almost throughout, and a considerable deficiency during the summer months. The seasons of unusually deficient wheat crops have been characterised by severe, or at any rate very changeable, winter and spring conditions, with, at the same time, generally an excess of rain during these periods, frequently saturating the soil, causing much drainage, and discouraging root development and early growth in spring. But the more striking characteristic of the bad seasons is a great deficiency of average temperature, and especially a great excess of rain, from the period of active above-ground growth until harvest. The crop of 1816, however, suffered more from low tempera- ture than from excess of rain, and that of 1879 much more from an excess of rain than from low temperature until mid- autumri, after which 1816 continued wet, and 1879 became dry. It would appear that any defect of our climate in appro- priateness for the production of full and well-matured wheat crops is more connected with an excess of rain, and conse- quent wetness of soil and humidity of atmosphere, than with any deficiency of average summer temperature. A few more words, in conclusion, respecting the ne\er-to- be^forgotten season of 1879. In that year the wheat plant, which luxuriates in a comparatively dry soil and climate, passed its whole existence under exactly opposite conditions, and the result was only what might have been expected. 72 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. Though it has long been known that an excess of rain is injurious to the wheat crop, it is only within comparatively recent years that one, at least, of the material causes of the adverse influence has been clearly made out, namely, the great loss of nitrogen carried off by drainage in the form of nitrates. Moreover, when the manures are autumn-sown, this loss is much greater during the winter than during the later period of the season. Table XV. shows the bushels of grain and the weight of straw, and of total produce, obtained in each of the seven years, from 1873 to 1879 inclusive, by autumn sowing and by spring sowing respectively, of the ammonia-salts. TABLE XV. AUTUMN SOWING AND SPRING SOWING OF AMMONIA-SALTS. 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 Dates of Bowing ammonia-salts. Grain, Straw, and Total Produce per acre. Grain. Straw. Total Produce. Autumn. Oct. 18 28 23 30 17 Nov. 3 Oct. 15 Spring. Autumn sown. Spring sown, Autumn sown. Spring sown. Autumn sown. Spring sown. Ib. 5031 4588 4915 4083 4795 7017 4063 Mar. 25 19 23 24 Apr. 11 Mar. 14 10 Bushels. 22 39f 25| 23* 19* 22 H Bushels. 32| 29| 25* 25* 33i 3H 16 Ib. 2021 4645 3422 2212 1835 3071 906 Ib. 3079 2776 3204 2428 2788 4952 3012 Ib. 3344 7094 5110 3793 3048 4486 1275 Averag 68 22* 27f 2587 3177 4021 4927 Only in 1874, therefore, was the result decidedly in favour of autumn sowing. In 1873, 1877, 1878, and 1879 it was decidedly against autumn sowing ; whilst in 1875 and 1876 the difference was immaterial. It is particularly worthy of note that during the period between the autumn sowing and the spring sowing the rainfall was far less in the season of 1874 than in any of the others. The season of 1875 ranks next in this respect. Loss of Nitrogen in Drainage Waters. 73 Hence, independently of other adverse effects arising from low temperature and excess of rain, the Rothamsted experi- mental wheat crops of 1879 suffered very considerably from loss of the nitrogen of the manure by drainage. Experi- mental evidence proves that similar loss may arise when animal nitrogenous manures (such as hair, horn shavings, woollen rags, &c.) and vegetable nitrogenous manures (such as rape-cake) are used. Further, the drainage water from the dunged plot in the experimental wheat-field is sometimes found to contain a considerable amount of nitric acid, but always very much less than that collected at the same time from adjoining plots receiving much less nitrogen as manure, but in the form of ammonia-salts or nitrate of soda. Whilst, therefore, it is to be assumed that the loss of the nitrogen of manure by drainage in the season of 1879 was propor- tionally much greater in the experimental wheat-field than in the case of land farmed in the ordinary way, there can nevertheless be no doubt that much of the land of the country at large also suffered loss in the same way. 74 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. Y.-THE HOME PRODUCE, IMPORTS, AND CONSUMPTION OF WHEAT. INASMUCH as wheat furnishes the staple food of the British people, all questions affecting this cereal are necessarily of profound economic interest. Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert have written two papers " On the Home Produce, Imports, and Consumption of Wheat" (R.A.S. Journal, 1868, and 1880, and also Journal of the Statistical Society, June, 1880) ; and at the outset of the inquiry, they had to face very serious difficulties arising out of the crude and imperfect character of the statistical information at their disposal, though since then some improvement has been effected in the official collection of agricultural statistics. The second of the two papers now under notice does not extend beyond the season of 1879-80, nevertheless, in the tables which follow, the statistical record is brought down to the harvest of 1887. In a paper on " Our Daily Food ; its Price and Sources of Supply," read before the Statistical Society, March 17, 1868, Mr. (now Sir) James Caird estimated the cost of wheat and wheat flour consumed in the United Kingdom at 30,000,OOOZ. sterling more for the year, in consequence of the bad season of 1867, than after the good harvest of 1863, and that out of this total extra cost, 27,400,000?. more would have to be paid for foreign corn after the bad harvest than after the good one. He noticed the influence which such a result must have upon the trade of the country, and insisted upon the great advantages which would accrue from early know- ledge as to the area and yield of our various crops. During only the preceding two years (1866-7) had voluntary returns Yield of Wheat per Acre per Annum. 75 been collected throughout the United Kingdom referring to the number of acres under each crop, and to some other points ; but, in regard to the important question of the amount of produce obtained, either per acre or in the aggregate, there were no returns nor any reliable information. In these circumstances certain of the plots of the experimental wheat- field at Eothamsted were, after careful observation and comparison, selected as affording a trustworthy estimate of the general yield over the country, and every year since 1862 there has appeared in the Times a letter containing an estimate of the yield of wheat for the current season. The results of the experimental wheat-field were regarded by Mr. Caird, in the above-mentioned paper, as having "proved a very satisfactory index of the general yield over the chief wheat-producing area of the kingdom," and as affording " the most instructive series of facts for the guidance of the British corn-grower on record." The selected plots com- prise: Plot 3. Unmanured every year, experiment commencing 1843-4. Plot 2. 14 tons farmyard manure every year, commencing 1843-4. Plot 7. Mixed mineral manure, and 4001b. ammonia-salts, each year, 1851-2 and since. Plot 8. Mixed mineral manure, and 6001b. ammonia-salts, each year, 1851-2 and since. plot 9. Mixed mineral manure, and 5501b. nitrate of soda, each year, 1854-5 and since. In forming the estimate of the average produce per acre of the country at large, the plan adopted is to take the mean produce of the unmanured plot, of the farmyard manure plot, and of the three artifically manured plots reckoned as one, and to reduce the result so obtained to bushels of the standard weight of 611b. per bushel. Merely as an example, Table XVI., published in October, 1787, is given. Though ex- perience proves that this mode of estimates leave but little to 76 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. be desired as a means of computation of the average yield of the country over a number of years, it has not been found TABLE XVI. ESTIMATED YIELD OF WHEAT PER ACRE, 1887. Bushels of Dressed G-rain per Acre. Harvest. Unmanured. Plot 3. Farmyard manure. I'lot _>. Artificial manures. Mean of Plots 7, 1 8, and 9 (or 16). Means of Plots 3, 2, and 7, 8, 9 (or 16). t~ $ 00 s S If ss Present year, 1887 14* m 13f 13 34J 31f 34* 33f 29* 30* 33* 32* 34* 35 871 36* 39| 36f 36f 362 34* 34 35| 35$ 28 (1) 25* (2) 28* (3) 27f (4) Average 10 years, 1877-86 Average 25 years, 1852-76 Average 35 years, 1852-86 Weight per Bushel of Dressed Grain, in U)8. 3 ' fa Artificial mai lures. ' Si PS l : :* Harvest |s & |s s I>I 00 So, is is S3 oo* lii g(N Present year, 1887 59J 881 62 63i 63 M$ 61J Average 10 years, 1877-86 Average 25 years, 1852-76 Average 35 years, 1852-86 58* 57* 58* 60* 60* 60 60f 60| 59f 59* 59| 59* 59* 58| 58* 60i 59 59| 59* 59 59i Total Straw, Chaff, $c., per Acre, cwt. d Artificial manures. > S* 1- "S cj . 03 "N r? s S*^ Harvest g*C 'o'o'n |K * is 8 oo i II || I 5 * Present year, 1887 Average 10 years, 1877-86 8 8| 30* 24* 32 40i 36i 30* 42i 38* 23i 25 Average 25 years, 1852-76 12 33 34 40| 41 -f 38 v 27* Average 35 years, 1852-86 11 31f 33* 40* 41* 38| 27* (1) Equal to 28| bushels, at 611b. per bushel. (3) Equal to 27 bushels, at 611b. per bushel. (2) Equal to 25 bushels, at Glib, per bushel. (4) Equalto26| bushels, at 611b.perbusb.el. to be equally applicable for each individual year. The so- calculated average produce per acre on the selected plots Yield of Wheat per Acre per Annum. 77 gives somewhat too high a result for the country at large in seasons of great abundance, and too low a result in un- favourable seasons. Accordingly, in some seasons, instead of the actual average indicated by the experimental plots, a higher or a lower figure has been adopted ; and especially in the case of some of the then (1880) recent bad seasons a higher one was taken. Independently of any such admitted differences between the so directly calculated and the actually adopted estimates for individual years, the question arises Whether the average result indicated by the several selected plots remains as applicable as heretofore ; or whether the produce of some is annually declining, or that of others annually increasing, irrespectively of the influence of season, so as to vitiate the continued applicability of such results for the purposes of such an estimate ? This point has already been discussed in connection with the forty years' experiments on the con- tinuous growth of wheat, so that it is only necessary here to repeat that the produce of the unmanured plot is gradually declining from exhaustion, that the farmyard manure plot is increasing in fertility, and that there is no evidence of material increase or material decrease on either of the plots receiving ammonia-salts other than that due to season. Comparing the direct average of the experimental plots with that actually adopted as the average for the United Kingdom each year, the experimental plots indicate for the whole twenty-eight years (i.e., up to 1879-80) about three-quarters of a bushel less per acre per annum than the actually adopted estimates founded upon them. Taking the average of the twenty-eight years' adopted estimate of produce per acre as 100, the first column of Table XVII. shows the deviation from this general average for the whole period, over the first eight, the second eight, the third eight, and the last four years of the twenty-eight ; and the second column shows the deviation, from the same standard, of the average produce per acre on the selected plots. 78 The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. After making allowance for the seasonal variations in each of these periods, it appears that, in fairly average seasons, the mean produce of the experimental plots fairly represents the average produce ; that in seasons of unusual abundance the experimental plots indicate too high a figure, and that in seasons of great deficiency they give too low a figure. Still, it is, upon the whole, concluded that there is no better basis for estimating the annual yield of the country each year than that of the average produce of the same selected plots as heretofore relied upon ; but that, as hereto- fore, some judgment must be exercised each year, according to the characters of the season, in deciding whether to adopt the actual figure indicated by the experimental plots, or in which direction, and in what degree, it should be modified. TABLE XVII. SHOWING THE DEVIATION OVER EACH SEPARATE PERIOD FROM THE ADOPTED AVERAGE OF THE WHOLE PERIOD TAKEN AS 100. Actually adopted averages. Averages of Plots 3, 2, and 7, 8. and 9. First eight years, 1852-59 ... Second eight years, 1860-67... Third eight years, 1868-75 ... Last four years, 1876-79 103 104 98 89 101 106 99 71 Total period, 28 years . . . 100 98 In illustration of the difficulty of this inquiry, it will be appropriate to notice at this stage the nature of the data upon which the investigators had to rely for information upon the following points : 1. The area tinder wheat. 2. The average yield of wheat per acre. 3. The aggregate home produce, and the amount of it available for consumption. 4. The imports. 5. The population. 6. The average con- sumption of wheat per head of the population per annum. 1. From 1852 to 1865 inclusive, it was necessary to rely on estimates alone in fixing the area under wheat in England Nature of the Statistical Data available. 79 and Wales. For Scotland, there were the returns collected by the Highland Society for 1854, 1855, 1856, and 1857; but for the two years prior to 1854, and for the years subse- quent to 1857, down to 1865 inclusive, estimates only were available. For Ireland, returns were available throughout. From 1866 onwards the " Agricultural Returns " have given the much-needed official information as to the acreage of wheat in the United Kingdom. 2. The only returns or official estimates as to the average yield of wheat per acre were for Scotland for four years, and for Ireland for each year within the period of the inquiry. For England and Wales, comprising from 85 to 90 per cent, of the total area under wheat, it was necessary, in the absence of any official information whatever, to fall back upon the average produce per acre each year of the selected plots at Eothamsted, in the manDer already described. 3. The aggregate home produce is deduced from a know- ledge of the acreage under crop, combined with a trustworthy estimate of the average yield per acre, whilst the amount available for consumption is arrived at by deducting from the total produce the quantity annually returned to the land as seed. On adequate grounds it is assumed that 2| bushels per acre are required for this latter purpose. 4. The imports have throughout been taken from the Eeturns for the United Kingdom, either of the net imports of wheat and wheat flour, or of the imports and exports from which the net imports can be calculated. Moreover, the net imports have been calculated, not for the calendar years, but for the harvest years, that is, from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the next. 5. The figures as to population are taken from the esti- mates of the Begistrar-G-eneral. The middle of the calendar year being the end of June, and the middle of the harvest year the end of February, the plan adopted has been to add to the number officially recorded for the preceding mid- summer two-thirds of the difference between that figure 80 The RotTiamsted Wheat Experiments. and the number given for the next midsummer, thus bringing the estimate up to the end of February. Any irregularities are detected immediately after the Census years. 6. The average consumption of wheat per head of the population per annum is a difficult matter to determine. In the first paper (1868) the estimate was founded on the calcu- lation of eighty-six different dietaries, arranged in fifteen divisions, according to sex, age, activity of mode of life, and other circumstances ; and the result so obtained was compared with that arrived at on the basis of the population, and of the amounts of the available home produce, and of the net imports of wheat each year. For Scotland, and for Ireland, it was only possible to found an estimate on the basis of population, and on the amounts of the home and foreign supplies. On these bases the average consumption of wheat in the United Kingdom collectively was estimated to be 5J bushels per head of the population per annum, during the later years to which the inquiry related. This estimate is, in the course of the second paper (1880), submitted by the investigators to close criticism. They comment on the fact that the average consumption per head has increased in the United Kingdom as a whole since the establishment of free trade in corn, though probably more rapidly at first. The quantity consumed will vary according to the prosperity or otherwise of the people, to the price of wheat itself, and to that of other articles of food also. Independently of the influence of lower prices for wheat, and of the increased prosperity of the masses of the population, among the cir- cumstances tending to increase the consumption of wheat in recent years may be mentioned the increased price of meat ; whilst, among those tending to limit the rate of increase of consumption, may be noted the fact that the proportion of the total wheat consumed which is derived from foreign sources is rapidly increasing, and the drier foreign wheats will undoubtedly yield a larger percentage of flour, and flour Consumption of Wheat per Head per Annum. 81 of better quality than much of the home-grown grain. Upon the whole, the investigators were led to conclude that their estimates of consumption (5'1 bushels per head per annum) over the first period of eight years (1852-59) might be somewhat too low ; also that their previously published estimates of consumption for the years subsequent to the first sixteen, were more probably too low than that their estimates of average produce per acre, and of aggregate produce founded upon them, were too high. For reasons assigned, however, they adopt in their second paper their previous estimates of average produce per acre each year without TABLE XVIII. YIELD OP WHEAT PER ACRE PER ANNUM. Average produce per acre. According to in- creased con- sumption and imports. According to annually adopted estimates. Bushels. Bushels. Average 8 years, 1852-31859-60... 28i 28 Ditto 1860-11867-8 ... 28f 28f Ditto 1868-91875-6 ... 26| 26f Average 3 years, 1876-71878-9 ... 27 27i Average 27 years, 1852-3 187 271 27f change. They also adopt their previous estimates of con- sumption per head for the first two periods of eight years each without change 5'1 bushels and 5'5 bushels respectively. But, for the third period of eight years, they assume the consumption to be at the rate of 5'6 bushels per head, and for the last three years (1876-78) at the rate of 5'65 bushels, instead of 5.5 bushels over those eleven years, as previously reckoned ; and, until further experience should indicate further change to be necessary, they propose to adopt 5| bushels as the average consumption per head of the popula- tion per annum over the United Kingdom. Beckoning consumption at the rate of 5'1 bushels per head per annum G The Rothamsted Wheat Experiments. the first eight years, 5'5 the second eight, 5'6 the third eight, and 5'65 the next three years (instead of, as previously, 5*5 bushels over the last eleven years), the two estimates, recorded in Table XVIII., of the average produce per acre per annum over the United Kingdom, are then seen to be in very close agreement. With reference to the circumstance that the average pro- duce per acre, founded on the annual estimates, is slightly higher over the last two periods than that founded on con- sumption and imports, it must be borne in mind that the quantity of wheat consumed by farm-stock is an unknown and varying element, and either the estimate of the consump- tion per head of the population must be fixed to include the average consumption in other ways, or the annual estimates of produce per acre, and of the aggregate home produce founded upon them, should exceed those founded on con- sumption and imports. It is remarked that an increase of one- tenth of a bushel in the consumption per head per annum would, if derived from home produce, represent an increase of one bushel per acre per annum over the United Kingdom, assuming a population of 33,000,000, and an area under wheat of 3,300,000 acres figures which closely represented the actual facts a very few years before 1880. With an increasing population and a diminishing area under wheat, such an assumed increase in consumption per head would, of course, correspond to more than a bushel per acre. A most comprehensive and elaborate table presents in one view particulars of the home produce, imports, and consump- tion of wheat in the United Kingdom during each of the harvest years from 1852-3 to 1879-80. Space is too limited to permit of the reproduction of this valuable table, but in Table XIX. are given the details for each of the last eight or nine harvest years, together with averages of the four periods of eight years, of the two periods of sixteen years, and of the entire period of thirty-two years. In discussing the facts set forth in the complete table, it is Home Produce, Imports, and Consumption of Wheat. 83 J 2l ft 00 co tt r>- * oo 10 CO fr- lO -Tfl O CM ib >b cb >b i cb ib ib CM rH O CO j> cs ip ip cb cb 4? cb iO CO 00 CM ! CO IO CM , 05 000 OS OOSt- I rH rH CM rH CM rH rH CM 1>- rH OS 1> 00 CM 00 CD 1> (M O CO I> OS CM Tjl CM 7^ rH^ r-^ 00^ ~ OS~ 10" rH rH 1O O CO O OrH CO CO CM lO O CO IO Wr-^CO^ l>^io" CM 71 CM Qu 6,4 rH CO CO OS t^'o"l>^ > %*& lO CO lO O < O^ O OS rH - co" ; CO"CM"CO"CM" rH 73 CO "* CO GO 00 00 O rH CM CO ! lO CO t^ 00 CO 00 CO 00 I I I I -^ IO CO t^ OS ^ os"co"os""^" co"t^ IO IO rH lO O 00 rH CM CO I> *>,rH I-H"OO" CM~O" s a a5 ! "53 M *o HX ' -i* > S^S ^acoooco-^ooio i> gSO 2CMCMCMCMC\1 rH C l^,t-^ i a5 PS OS CO 2 || rH 3 P Ii r i> co I-H -^ 10 1 j! i-H O CO OS 1/5 i/^ co co | |i 33 s 5 "o . "o a s 1 1 = ^ 8 * * * PilODUCE, FOB For 100 nitrog Recovered in Increase. Tj< OS /5 C CO CO CO CO s ^ g ,0 j ^s ,a -a 09* c ri g I 2 1 | H N CO ^1 W T}( CO O O JU M > (3 CO 1 a 1 g g - g -a | I S 'a i a 1 a 2 ^ a a ^ M B ** rH S iH " - 1 H 3 1 | O t CO ?O OS oo do W CO O (N CXI (M + + + Pi; OO<1!>!> + + + m s "g M s _-'3 a,- i O 1-1 ^ 2 , o i> Og S 8 ! ~ CO "f 5; gaj ' co rt o * co M 1-ieteH 0 3 Ib. + 108 + 1245 + 506 + 1-3 - 1-1 + 0-5 + 3-8 + 93-8 + 35-3 t>^ | l\ HAY. 1st period, 13 years, 1856-68 ... 2nd period, 7 years, 1869-75 ... Total period, 20 years, 1856-75 2nd period, per cent. -f- or 1st period Ib. 3317 2257 2946 -32-0 57-8 43-0 52-6 -25-6 171-8 95-4 145-1 -44-5 Ib. 3425 3502 3452 + 2-2 59-1 41-9 53-1 -29-1 175-6 189-2 1804 + 7-7 Ib. 3914 4040 3958 + 3-2 56-9 55-9 56-6 -1*8 254-5 252-8 254-0 -0-7 Ib. - 439 - 538 - 506 + 2-2 -14-0 - 3-5 -78-9 -63-6 -73-6 NITROGEN. 1st period 2nd period Total period ... 2nd period, per cent. -for 1st period MINERAL MATTER (Asn). 1st period 2nd period Total period 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period A consideration of the facts shows it is probable that, after the thirteen years' application of ammonia-salts to plot 6, N 2 180 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. some, at any rate, of the supplied nitrogen remained within the soil, and that some of this was available to the growing plants during the succeeding seven years. Moreover, a glance at the table will show that as much nitrogen was taken up as on the plot where the ammonia-salts were still annually applied ; but in reference to this point there is the significant fact that the surface soil of plot 6 showed at the end of twenty years a notably lower percentage of nitrogen than the corresponding layer of plot 5, thus pointing to the soil itself as being the source of nitrogen. The reader may here find it instructive to refer back to the discussion of the results on plot 7, page 149. Since the application of the mixed mineral manure, the flora of plot 6 has become much more complex. Agrostis vulgaris and Festuca ovina are less predominant, Holcus lanatus has much increased, whilst Dactylis gloinerata, A vena elatior, Avena pubescens, Lolium perenne, and Poa pratensis are more favoured than on plot 5. Of leguminous plants, the creeping and comparatively surface - rooting Lathyrus pratensis has much increased, as has the legu- minous herbage as a whole. With its increasing complexity, the roots of the herbage would doubtless acquire possession of a more extended range of soil and subsoil, and more varied powers of underground food-collection would come into play. Whilst, therefore, some part of the nitrogen of the increased produce obtained on the substitution of the mineral for the nitrogenous manuring would probably be derived from the residue of the previous applications, it is probable that the greater part would be due to increased power of underground food collection, by virtue of which not only the immediately preceding, but the earlier accumula- tions, or what may be termed the normal stores of the soil and subsoil, would be drawn upon. That such was really the case is concluded from the fact of the reduction of the per- centage of nitrogen in the surface soil of plot 6, as of plot 7, where mineral manure alone had been applied for twenty years, and where the very complex and highly leguminous Effect of Minerals following Ammonia-salts. 181 herbage accumulated throughout the period an otherwise unaccountably large amount of nitrogen. There was, over the seven years, more of every mineral constituent (except soda) taken up on plot 6 with the mineral manure than on plot 5 with the ammonia-salts. Of potash there was nearly four times, of phosphoric acid about two and a half times, of sulphuric acid about one and a half times, and of silica (of which there was none in the manure) more than one and a half times, as much taken up as where the ammonia-salts were still used. There was, however, less of every mineral constituent (except soda) taken up than where the mixed mineral manure had been applied from the com- mencement (plot 7). It is obvious that it was of potash chiefly, of phosphoric acid also notably, but of most of the mineral constituents more or less, that the available supply had become so deficient under the continuous application of the ammonia- salts. It has already been shown how ineffective was a supply of phosphoric acid (superphosphate) when used alone (plot 4 I.), and how comparatively little was its effect when used in conjunction with ammonia-salts, but without potash (plot 4&) ; and here again is strikingly brought out the influence of a liberal available supply of potash within the soil, both upon the quantity and the quality of the produce. Lastly, such evidence as is forthcoming does not favour the supposition that any considerable proportion of the nitrogen of the ammonia-salts applied during the thirteen years, and not recovered in the crops during the period of the applica- tion, remained in an available condition in the soil, and was reclaimed in the succeeding seven years under the influence of the mixed mineral manure. 15. Equal Nitrogen and equal Potash, in Nitrate of Soda and Sulphate of Potash, and in Nitrate of Potash; in each case with Superphosphate of Lime : Plots 19 and 20. The marked effects of nitrate of soda and of sulphate of potash pointed to the desirability of determining whether 182 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. nitrate of potash would be more or less effective than a mixture of nitrate of soda and sulphate of potash, the mixture containing the same amounts of nitrogen and potash as the nitrate of potash. In 1872, plots 19 and 20 were set apart for this test. In each of the seven years, 1872-78 (and the experiment is still in progress), plot 19 received 2751b. nitrate of soda, and plot 20 3271b. nitrate of potash, both containing the same weight of nitrogen. Plot 19 also received 2901b. sulphate of potash, containing the same weight of potash as the 3271b. nitrate of potash. Each plot has also received annually 3i cwt. superphosphate of lime. For comparison there is given in Table XLV. the average produce over the same seven years, and also over the preceding fourteen years, on plot 16, manured annually, during the whole period of twenty-one years, with 2751b. nitrate of soda, 3001b. sulphate of potash, lOOlb. sulphate of soda, lOOlb. sulphate of magnesia, and 3| cwt. superphos- phate of lime. The quantities of manures on each plot are not repeated in the table. TABLE XLV. AVERAGE PER ACRE PER ANNUM, BY NITRATE OF SODA AND SULPHATE OF POTASH, AND BY NITRATE OF POTASH, CONTAINING EQUAL NITROGEN AND EQUAL POTASH, IN EACH CASE WITH SUPER- PHOSPHATE; PLOTS 19 AND 20. Per Acre per Annum. Plot 16. Plot 19. Plot 20. 14 years, 1858-71 7 years, 1872-78. 14 years HAY. One crop only each year . . . C First crop only each year.. ....< Including second crops, ( 1875-77-78 5451 4716 5639 66-1 54-0 69-0 331-4 283-8 369-9 lb. 4368 5273 49-1 62-5 261-4 336-4 lb. 4362 5191 47-9 61-1 254-4 322-6 NITROGEN. 7 Years '1 MINERAL MATTER (Asn). 14 years 7 years ( * Different Artificial Sources of Nitrogen and of Potash. 183 Plot 16 received rather more potash, and more soda, magnesia, and sulphuric acid, than plot 19 ; and plot 20, with the same amount of nitrogen and potash as plot 19, received no soda, and less sulphuric acid, but the nitric acid and the' potash were applied to the soil in combination. Each plot has maintained a fairly mixed herbage. With only a moderate supply of nitrogen, and this in the form of nitrate, and with a liberal supply of potash, leguminous herbage increased on all three, this increase being mainly due to Lathyrus pratensis, but partly, on plots 19 and 20, to Trifolium repens also. On all three plots the bulk of the gramineous herbage is made up of a good many species ; and 011 plot 16, which has been the longest under treatment, the mixture is greater that is, there is less predominance of individual species ; Festuca ovina, Agrostis vulgaris, Alopecuras pratensis, Avena flavescens, and Holcus lanatus are somewhat equally represented, whilst Poa trivialis, Dactylis glomerata, and Lolium perenne each show moderate growth. On plots 19 and 20 Festuca ovina is more prominent, and Holcus lanatus is increasing; Agrostis vulgaris, though abundant, is decreasing ; whilst Alopecurus pratensis, Avena flavescens, Avena pubescens, and Poa trivialis are each fairly represented and increasing. There is, on all three plots, a pretty normal character of growth ? fair proportion of stem, and tendency to maturation of the grasses. The yields of dry matter, of nitrogen, and of mineral matter indicate greater maturation or ripeness on plot 20 with the nitrate of potash, than on plot 19 with the nitrate of soda and sulphate of potash. Analyses of the ash of the first crops for the seven years, and of the second crops for the three years, show that the produce of plot 16, with the fuller mineral manure and longer continuance of the experiment, contained, both per acre and per cent, in its dry substance, more phosphoric acid, considerably more potash, and rather more magnesia, than 184 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. that of either plot 19 or 20. But it contained less lime than that of either of the other plots, and less soda and chlorine than that of plot 19 ; whilst that of plot 20, with nitrate of potash, but without soda in the manure, contained very much less soda than that of either plot 16 or plot 19 with it. The produce of plot 20 contained less sulphuric acid, chlorine, and silica, than that of plot 19, but more lime, and especially more potash, both per acre and per cent. The conclusion is that there is no marked difference in the amount, or in the botanical composition, of the produce, whether the nitrogen and the potash be supplied as nitrate of soda and sulphate of potash, or as nitrate of potash ; but the data at command as to the chemical composition would indicate a somewhat more matured condition of the produce grown by the nitrate of potash. The great practical value of the Rothamsted experiments is very well illustrated in the two cases now to be brought under notice. They deal, on the one hand, with the effects upon the herbage of permanent meadow produced by the application of a mixture containing the ash-constituents, and the nitrogen, removed by the crop ; and, on the other hand, with the results obtained after the application of farmyard manure. In the one case the results serve to demonstrate the fallacy of a weighty proposition first enunciated by Liebig, and, in the second case, they throw much light upon the solution of that important question the fate of the nitrogen of the soil. 16. Mixture supplying the Ash-constituents, and the Nitrogen, of 1 ton of Hay : Plot 18. This is the last of the series of experiments with artificial and chemical manuring substances. Commencing in 1865, this plot has annually received a mixture containing the quantities of potash, soda, lime, magnesia, phosphoric acid, silica, and nitrogen, contained in 1 ton of hay, and it also supplied sulphuric acid and chlorine in abundance. The object in view was, in part, to put to the test of direct experiment the principles of manuring set forth Liebig's Theory put to the Test. 185 by Liebig, according to which all the constituents, neither more nor less, removed in crops, should be returned to the soil. Liebig wrote, in his " Principles of Agricultural Chemistry : " " Our first object will naturally be, to restore to the soil the mineral constituents in the same quantity and in the same proportions as those in which they have been removed in the crops ; and none must be omitted" Another object of this experiment was to acquire data as to the proportion in which the several constituents artificially supplied would be removed in the increase of crop. The manures actually applied, and the constituents they contained, were as follows : /38-Olb. potash 761b. commercial chloride of potassium < 7*01b. soda C36'71b. chlorine 351b. sulphate of magnesia J * 61b " m agnesia (. 11 'lib. sulphuric acid (261b. bone ash .. ( H'Olb. lime (. 8'21b. phosphoric acid (.261b. sulphuric acid (sp. gr. I' 7) 1 6' 91b. sulphuric acid 501b. silicate of soda ( ?lb - 8od a (. 23'Olb. soluble silica 501b. silicate of lime ( Plb. lime I 8-Olb. soluble silica YSO'llb. nitrogen 1641b. " ammonia-salts " J 44'41b. sulphuric acid (46'2lb. chlorine If the quantity of constituents as shown in the right-hand column be compared with the contents of IJtons of hay as given previously in Table XXIX., page 142, it will be seen that fully sufficient of each constituent has been supplied for an increase of 1 ton of hay, whilst of soda, sulphuric acid, and chlorine there is more than sufficient. The experiment was carried on for eleven years, and in Table XL VI., page 186, comparison is made with the results on the unmanured plot during the same eleven years. It may be seen that the average yield of hay over the first half of the period was about 35cwt., and over the second 186 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. half rather less than 30cwt. ; whereas over the whole period it was rather more than 32cwt. Hence there was a reduction in the total produce during the later years. But, in order to estimate the effects of the manure, it is necessary to deduct something for the annual yield of the soil and seasons ; and, as plot 18 had, like plot 3, been unmanured from the com- TABLE XLVL AVERAGE PER ACRE PER ANNUM, BY A MIXTURE SUPPLYING THE ASH CONSTITUENTS, AND THE NlTROGEN, OP 1 TON OF HAY; PLOT 18. Average per Acre per Annum. Plot 3. Without manure. Plot 18. Nitrogen and ash constituents of 1 ton of bay. Plot 18. + or- Plot 3. HAY. 1st period, 5| years Ib. 2514 Ib. 3908 Ib. + 1394 2nd period, 5 years Total period, 11 years, 1865-75 ... 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period ... 1787 2151 28'9 3301 3604 15-5 + 1514 + 1453 NITROGEN. 1st period . 35-1 50-1 + 15'0 24-3 39-9 + 15'6 Total period 29-7 45-0 + 15-3 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period 30-8 20-4 MINERAL MATTER (Asn). 1st period 146-7 222-7 + 76-0 2nd period 96-9 175-7 + 78'8 Total period 121-8 199-2 + 77'4 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period , -33-9 -21-1 mencement of the trials in 1856, it will be fair to deduct from the total amount that obtained on the unmanured plot. The differences, given in the right-hand column, show an average annual increase of produce, due to the manure, of not quite 12Jcwt. during the first period, about 13|cwt. during the second, and not quite 13cwt. over the whole Liebig's Principle Refuted. 187 period. The increased amount of nitrogen in the produce is only about 45 per cent, of that supplied ; and the increase of mineral matter removed is not much more than half as much as would be contained in 1 ton of hay. It is clear, then, that the annual supply of not only the mineral constituents, but the nitrogen also, of 1 ton of hay> yielded less than two-thirds instead of 1 ton of increase of produce; moreover, the character of the, herbage was materially modified. The gramineous herbage was much increased, the leguminous much reduced. The chief interest of this plot lies, perhaps, in the circum- stance of its putting to the test the principle enunciated by Liebig, and quoted above. Liebig, in his earlier writings, did not recognise the fact that a considerable proportion of the constituents removed from the land in crops is, in the actual practice of agriculture, periodically returned to it, and that, therefore, the loss to the soil is not measured by the amount of constituents in the crops grown, but more nearly by that in the produce sold off the farm. Further, his recommendations for the carrying out of his principle were confined to the application of the " mineral " or asJi- constituents ; he maintaining that the atmosphere would supply the necessary nitrogen. It is true that, subsequently, in the course of controversy, he changed the meaning of his terms, and then included ammonia- salts in the category of mineral manures. It is seen, however, that even with a supply of the amount of nitrogen, as well as ash-constituents, con- tained in 1 ton of hay, not two-thirds of a ton of increase of produce was obtained. With regard to the applicability of Liebig's principle, certain considerations must not be overlooked First, there is no conceivable condition of chemical combination, and of distribution within the soil, in which the various constituents could be annually supplied so as to be all annually taken up by growing vegetation ; and there is conclusive evidence that, in some cases, the unrecovered residue is, in greater or less 188 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. part, lost by drainage ; and that, so far as it k not so, it becomes so locked up, or distributed within the soil, that it is at any rate very slowly, and, in some cases, perhaps never fully recovered in subsequent crops. Secondly, the principle ignores the difference in the character and capabilities of different soils. Take two opposite cases : A light, porous, almost exclusively sandy soil, which itself yields up little or nothing to growing plants, but which may, nevertheless, produce good crops under high farming, will probably suffer great loss of manurial constituents by natural drainage; so that, if no more were to be supplied than were removed, there must obviously be a decline of fertility. Suppose, on the other hand, a rich and deep loam, which would, under good mechanical cultivation and drainage, supply annually a considerable amount of potash, for example, to say nothing of other constituents, for hundreds and perhaps for thousands of years ; surely, in such a case, it is not necessary to supply as much in manure as has been removed in the crops. Further, experience teaches that, in the actual condition of our soils, and of agricultural practice, the exact compo- sition of the crops we remove, or wish to grow, is no direct guide to the description and the amount of manurial con- stituents which will be most effective. Thus, an average crop of wheat will remove even rather more phosphoric acid than an average crop of barley; but experience teaches that, in the case of land of the same description, and in the same condition, superphosphate of lime is, as a rule, used with very much more benefit to the spring-sown barley than to the autumn-sown wheat. The wheat, being put in four or five months earlier, has so much more time for root- distribution, and acquires a greater capability for food collection. The barley, on the other hand, depends very much more upon the stores available within the surface soil. Again, superphosphate is, in practice, of very special benefit to the so-called " root crops," though the amount of Rational Principles of Manuring. 189 phosphoric acid they take up, compared with other crops, would not indicate this. Then, turning from the mineral or ash-constituents to the nitrogen, an average crop of beans will contain from two to three, and one of clover-hay from three to four, or more, times as much nitrogen as one of wheat or barley ; but land in such condition as to grow a full crop of the rich-in-nitrogen beans or clover, without nitrogenous manure, would not grow a full crop of wheat or barley, containing so much less nitrogen, without liberal nitrogenous manuring. It is, then, under the existing conditions of practical agri- culture, certainly not necessary to supply to the land all the constituents that have been removed from it, or that would be contained in the crops it is wished to grow, and neither more nor less of them than would be so removed. On the contrary, we should supply all, or only some, and more or less, according to the circumstances. 17. Farmyard Manure alone, and with Ammonia-salts in addition: Plots 2 and 1. The effects of various important individual constituents of manures, and of various mixtures of them, having been discussed, it now remains to interpret the results obtained on the application of that complex and heterogeneous mixture, farmyard manure. For eight years, 1856-63, plot 2 received annually farm- yard manure at the rate of 14 tons per acre. Over the same period, plot 1 received the same quantities of farmyard manure, but with 200lb. ammonia-salts per acre per annum in addition. At the end of the eight years the application of farmyard manure was stopped on both plots, but the ammonia-salts were still annually applied to plot 1. The reason the farmyard manure was withheld was partly because so large an annual application was obviously not thoroughly taken up by the soil, and it was thought somewhat obstructed the vegetation; and partly because calcula- tion indicated how small a proportion of the constituents applied was recovered in the increase of crop, and that there 190 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. was, therefore, a considerable accumulated residue, the amount and the duration of the effects of which it would be of interest to trace. TABLE XLVIL AVERAGE PER ACRE PER ANNUM, BY FARMYARD MANURE ALONE, AND WITH AMMONIA-SALTS ; AND BY THE KESIDUE OF THE DUNG, ALSO WITHOUT AND WITH AMMONIA-SALTS : PLOTS 2 AND 1. Average per Acre per Annum. Plot 3. Unmanured continously. I'M -'. As stated above. Plot l. As stated above. Plot 2. + or Unmannred. Plot 1. + or Unmanured. - i~ COO fu+S HAY. 1st period, 8 years, 1856-63 2nd period, 6 years, 1864-69 3rd period, 6 years, 1870-75 Total period, 20 years, 1856-75 Ib. 2665 2699 1692 2383 b. 4804 4846 2517 4130 Ib. 5538 5366 3331 4824 Ib. + 2139 + 2147 + 825 + 1747 Ib. + 2873 + 2667 + 1639 + 2441 Ib. + 734 + 520 + 814 + 694 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period . . + 1-3 + 0-9 3-1 3rd period, per cent. + or 1st period -365 -47-6 -39-9 NITROGEN. 1st period 37-2 58'2 68-3 + 21-0 + 31-1 + 10*1 2nd period 37-3 53-3 63-9 + 16-0 + 26-6 + 10-6 3rd period 23-0 27-5 41-0 + 4*5 + 18-0 + 13*5 Total period 33-0 47-5 58-8 + 14*5 + 25*8 + 11*3 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period . . + 0-3 8'4 6-4 3rd period, per cent. + or 1st period 38*2 52'7 40-0 MINERAL MATTER (Asn). 1st period 160-5 329-1 370*5 + 168*6 + 210*0 + 41*4 2nd period 152-2 275-0 291-8 + 122-8 + 139*6 + 16*8 3rd period 91-5 136-4 164'V + 44-9 + 73'2 + 28*3 Total period .... 137-3 255*0 285-1 + 117*7 + 147'8 + 30*1 2nd period, per cent. + or 1st period 5-2 16'4 21-2 3rd period, per cent. + or 1st period 43-0 58-6 55-5 In Table XL VII. the comparisons are made with the un- manured plot 3. It has already been intimated that plot 2 Effect of Farmyard Manure. 191 received farmyard manure alone for eight years, 1856-63, and then remained unmanured for twelve years, 1864-75 ; whilst plot 1 received farmyard manure and ammonia-salts for eight years, 1856-63, and ammonia-salts only for twelve years, 1864-75. It is remarkable that, over the first six years of the cessation of the application of the manure, the average pro- duce was almost exactly the same as, and even rather more than, during the application 48461b. against 48041b. ; and the average annual increase was almost identical 21471 b. against 21391b. Though one or two of the six years were very productive seasons, the result is still very striking. The next six years were rather the reverse in this respect, and this, with the fact that the then remaining residue would doubtless be in a less readily available condition, led to there being little more than half as much average produce, and less than two-fifths as much average increase, as over the first six years of the action of the inanurial residue. The figures show that very much more nitrogen was removed in the crops during the first than during the second six years of the action of the residue. Moreover, the amount of nitrogen taken up per acre per annum over the first six years was less than during the eight years of manuring. The reverse was the case with the yield of hay. Of mineral matter, there was twice as much removed in the first as in the second six years of the action of the residue ; and there was of it a greater falling off in the first six years, compared with the years of the application, than of either the hay or the nitrogen. The effect of the farmyard manure was to reduce the number of species, to bring into greater prominence the gramineous and miscellaneous herbage, but to reduce the leguminous. The gramineous species became fewer. Poa trivialis, Bromus mollis, and Avena flavescens were the most prominent, whereas, without manure, not one of these made much show, Festuca ovina, Agrostis vulgaris, Avena 192 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. pubescens, and Holcus lanatus being then the leading grasses. After the supply of farmyard manure ceased, however, the same grasses as without manure gradually became more prominent on plot 2, whilst the Poa trivialis and Bromus mollis had, in 1877, become insignificant in quantity. It may be stated generally that, in the later years, there was on plot 2, as compared with plot 3, a higher percentage and a considerably larger quantity per acre of gramineous herbage ; a considerably lower percentage and a smaller amount per acre of leguminous herbage ; and a rather lower percentage, but a somewhat larger actual amount, of miscellaneous herbage. As the grasses increased, and the leguminous plants diminished, under the farmyard manure, the herbage con- tained a considerably lower and decreasing percentage of nitrogen ; but there was a higher percentage of total mineral matter. Of lime, magnesia, soda, and sulphuric acid there was more, and of potash, phosphoric acid, chlorine, and silica very much more, removed per acre from the farmyard manured than from the continuously unmanured plot. There was a greater or less available residue of all the mineral constituents, and more especially of potash, phosphoric acid, and silica, many years after the cessation of the appli- cation of the manure. At what rate, and in what proportion, have the several constituents of the farmyard manure, which were not recovered during the years of the application, been recovered since, and what prospect is there of their final total recovery ? To answer this question there is on the one hand, a toler- ably correct estimate of the amounts of nitrogen, and of the several mineral constituents, removed in the crops during the separate periods, but it is a more difficult matter to arrive at the amount of the same constituents contained in the 112 tons of farmyard manure applied per acre to the plot during the eight years. The following figures, however, The Nitrogen of Farmyard Manure- 193 are based on the best available data. Of nitrogen it is estimated that the farmyard manure will, on the average, contain O64 per cent., and, therefore, that 20071b. were applied per acre per annum ; or, in all, 16061b. in the eight years. During the eight years the produce removed about 29 per cent, as much nitrogen as is thus estimated to be supplied in the manure ; during the next six years about 20 per cent. ; and during the last six of the twenty years about 10 per cent, more was removed, making a total of about 59 per cent, as much removed in the whole produce of the twenty years as had been supplied during the eight years. But it must not be assumed that the whole of the nitrogen of the crops came from the manure. It would be more correct to deduct the amount obtained in the un- manured produce, and to regard only the so-reckoned increase as due to the manure. Estimated thus, only 10*4 per cent, of the supplied nitrogen was recovered as increased yield during the eight years of the application ; only 6 per cent, more during the next six years; and only 1*7 per cent, during the second six years since the application ; making, in all, a recovery as increase during the twenty years of about 18'1 per cent, of that supplied in the first eight years. Thus, on the supposition that the whole of the nitrogen of the produce was derived from the manure, there would still remain, at the end of the twenty years, about 41 per cent. of the 16061b., or about 6581b., not accounted for. But, on the supposition that only the increase above that in the un- manured produce was derived from the manure, which is, doubtless, at any rate much nearer the truth, there would remain unaccounted for, at the end of the twenty years, 81*9 per cent, of the nitrogen supplied that is, about 13151b. ; and yet, during the last six years of the twenty, less than 2 per cent, of the original amount supplied was recovered as increase. The prospect of recovering the whole, or even a considerable proportion would thus seem, to say the least, extremely remote. o 194 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. FATE OF THE NITKOGEN IN THE SOIL. It has already been shown what large quantities of nitrogen were supplied to the farmyard manure plots in the experi- ments upon permanent meadow land, and how little became recovered in the crop. Does this large amount of un- recovered supplied nitrogen remain in the soil, and in such a condition of combination and distribution as to be avail- able to succeeding crops ? Or may not some of it be lost by drainage, or in other ways, and the remainder become so locked up or distributed as to be so slowly recoverable, if ever, that it can be reckoned of scarcely appreciable practical value ? TABLE XLVIII. ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF DRY SOIL PER ACRE AT EACH DEPTH; NITROGEN PER CENT. IN THE DRY SOILS, AND ESTIMATED NITROGEN PER ACRE, AT EACH DEPTH. . Nitrogen. C3 Per cent, in Dry Per Acre. i Spil. M fl jhj -1 llol n C*> 2 O cj S3 5 ill] Ib. Percent. Percent. Ib. Ib. Ib. 1st depth, l-9in. ... 2,183,375 0-2565 0-2800 5600 6113 + 513 2nd depth, 10-18in. 2,835,339 0-0724 0-0849 2053 2407 + 354 3rd depth, 19-27in. 2,964,176 0-0458 0-0473 1358 1402 + 44 4th depth, 28-36in. 3,049,436 0-0425 0-0402 1296 1226 - 70 5th depth, 37-45in. 3,104,583 0-0381 0-0337 1183 1046 -137 6th depth, 46-54in. 3,080,909 0-0376 0-0319 1158 983 -175 Total, 27in. . . . 7,982,890 9011 9922 + 911 Total, 54in. ... 17,217,818 12,648 13,177 + 529 Samples of the soils of all the experimental grass plots were taken in February and March, 1876, that is, after the experiments had been in progress twenty years, and before Nitrogen Recovered, and not Recovered, in Hay Crop. 195 the next growing season had commenced. Table XL VIII. shows, for plot 3 (unmanured) and plot 2 (farmyard manure eight years, unmanured twelve years) : 1. The calculated average amounts of soil, free from stones, and free from moisture expelled at 100 C., in pounds per acre, for each layer of 9in. down to a depth of 54in. ; 2. The percentage of nitrogen in the dry mould of each 9in. layer, as determined by the soda-lime method ; 3. The calculated nitrogen per acre in pounds ; 4. The difference in amount between the two plots. The foregoing results as to the accumulation of the nitrogen of the manure within the soil, adopted on the basis of the determinations to the total depth of 54 inches, may be discussed in connection with the figures given below in Table XLIX. TABLE XLIX. ESTIMATED NITROGEN SUPPLIED IN THE MANURE, RECOVERED IN THE INCREASE OF THE HAY CROP, DETERMINED AS BESIDUE IN THE SOIL, AND NOT RECOVERED IN EITHER THE INCRKASE OR THE SOIL, TO THE DEPTH OF 54 INCHES. Nitrogen c Per Acre. f Manure. Per Cent. Supplied in farmyard manure in 8 years Eecovered in increase in 20 years (over Plot 3) Not recovered in increase ... Ib. 1606 291 18-1 1315 529 81-9 32-9 Residue, determined by soda- lime, in soil 54in. deep Not recovered in increase or in soil 786 49-0 In interpreting these figures it is necessary to bear in mind the uncertainty in the estimate of the amount of nitrogen supplied in the manure ; the difficulty in determining how much of the nitrogen of the produce was derived from that supplied ; the possible natural difference, apart from the influence of manure, in the soils and subsoils of the respective o 2 196 The Eoihamsted Grass Experiments. plots ; and also the unavoidable range of error in the sampling of, and determinations of nitrogen in, the soils, and the calculation of such data into quantities per acre. Taking into account the figures relating to the first, second, and third depths only that is, only so far as the manured soil shows more nitrogen than the unmanured the result as to accumulation and loss of nitrogen will stand as shown in Table L. TABLE L. ESTIMATED NITROGEN SUPPLIED IN THE MANURE, RECOVERED IN THE INCREASE OF THE HAY CROP, DETERMINED AS EESIDUE IN THE SOIL, AND NOT RECOVERED IN EITHER INCREASE OR SOIL, TO THE DEPTH OF 27 INCHES. Nitrogen of Manure. Per Acre. Per Cent. Supplied in farmyard manure in 8 years Ib. 1606 291 18-1 Recovered in increase in 20 years (over Plot 3) 1315 911 81-9 56-7 Residue, determined by soda-lime, in soil 27in. deep 404 25-2 It is then practically beyond doubt that only a com- paratively small proportion of the nitrogen supplied in the farmyard manure was recovered in the increase of crop ; that there was a considerable accumulation of it within the soil ; and that there was also a very considerable amount so far unaccounted for. Such a result would seem to require some confirmation, and this is not wanting. The great practical importance of the subject now under discussion renders it desirable to notice somewhat fully this confirmatory evidence. Among the experiments at Eothamsted, wheat has been grown year after year on the same land from 1843-4 up to the present Nitrogen Recovered, and not Recovered, in Wheat & Barley. 197 time, and barley in like manner from 1852 up to the present time. In the case of each crop, one plot has received 14 tons of farmyard manure per acre per annum, and another a mixed mineral manure, without nitrogen, every year. The results shown in Table LI. were obtained from these plots. TABLE LI. NITROGEN SUPPLIED IN FARMYARD MANURE, RECOVERED, AND NOT RECOVERED, IN THE INCREASE OF PRODUCE OF WHEAT AND OF BARLEY. Nitrogen per Acre per Annum. Jfi g TS d _n Is >>5 > c3 .2 iS T?.g S s !i I 1 Sj ^ y o ^ I' 3 lb. ib lb. lb. Per cent. Percent. Wheat, 20 yrs., 1852-71 2007 20-1 49-3 29-2 14-6 85-4 Barley, 20 yrs., 1852-71 2007 23-9 45-3 21-4 107 89-3 For 100 Nitrogen in Farmyard It will be seen that the figures in the fourth column are got by deducting those in the second from those in the third. After making allowance for certain variations in the method and duration of the experiments with wheat and barley, on the one hand, and with the meadow herbage on the other* the general result is that, according to the estimates, a higher proportion of the supplied nitrogen was annually recovered over the twenty years in the autumn-manured and autumn- sown (and so longer grown) wheat, than in the spring- manured and spring-sown barley ; and that about the same proportion was recovered in the barley as over the eight years in the grass. Obviously the estimate of the nitrogen in the increase is likely to be nearer the truth in the case of the two cereal crops than in that of the mixed herbage, the character of which, and consequently the capability of collection from normal sources, is so changed by manure. Any way, neither with the wheat, the barley, nor the mixed herbage, was there 198 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. more than from 10 to 15 per cent, of the nitrogen, supplied in the farmyard manure, recovered in the increase of crop during the years of application. In the case of the barley experiments, after the farmyard manure had been applied for twenty years in succession, the plot was divided. To one-half the dung was still annually applied, but the other was now left without any further manure. The result as to the recover} of the nitrogen of the manure in the two cases is recorded in a table which is not reproduced here. The figures indicate, however, that over the twenty years of the application (on the whole plot) 10' 7 per cent, of the supplied nitrogen is so estimated to be recovered in i he increase of the crop ; over the next six years of the continued application, on half the plot, 15*7 per cent ; and over the total period of twenty- six years 11/8 per cent. On the other half there was the 10'7 per cent, of the twenty years' supply recovered during the twenty years, 2*9 per cent, more of it during the next six years, and in all 13'6 per cent, of the twenty years' supply recovered in the twenty-six years. That is to say, of 40141 b. of nitrogen estimated to be supplied in the twenty years, 86'4 per cent., or 34681b., remained unaccounted for in the increase of crop at the end of the twenty-six years. As only 2'9 per cent, of the original supply of nitrogen was recovered in the first six years after the application of the manure ceased, or, say, O5 per cent, per annum, it would obviously take from one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eighty years to recover the whole of the 89'3 per cent. (=100 10*7) which remained, if at the same rate as during the first six years. There can be little doubt, however, that part of the unrecovered amount has been lost by drainage or otherwise, arid that, whatever residue remains, a gradually decreasing proportion of it will be annually recovered. With regard to the wheat plots, samples of the soils have been taken, and their nitrogen estimated, with the view of determining whether or not the whole of the unrecovered Distribution of Nitrogen in the Soil. 199 nitrogen of the farmyard manure remains available within the soil. In the autumn of 1865, after twenty-two years' continuous growth of wheat, samples of the soils were taken from many of the plots, in each case from the first 9in., the second 9in., and the third 9in. in depth. Eather more than one and two- thirds as much nitrogen was determined in the first 9in. of the farmyard-manured as in the corresponding layer of the unmanured plot, and about one and a half times as much as to a corresponding depth of any of the plots receiving artificial nitrogenous manures. Determinations made after the farmyard manure had been applied some years longer showed more than twice as much nitrogen in the first 9in. as without manure. Table LII. is drawn out in the same form as Table XL VIII., page 194. TABLE LII. EXPERIMENTAL WHEAT FIELD. ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF DRY SOIL PER ACRE AT EACH DEPTH ; NITROGEN PER CENT. IN THE DRY SOILS, AND ESTIMATED NITROGEN PER ACRE, AT EACH DEPTH. Average Dry Soil per Acre, exclusive of Stones. Nitrogen. Per cent, in Dry Soil. Per Acre. cdl I] P yi *1 if i Plot 2. Farmyard Manure. 1*1 1st depth, l-9in. ... 2nd depth, 10-1 Sin. 3rd depth, 19-2 7in. Ib. 2,287,155 2,712.508 2,848^973 Ib. 0-1090 0-0738 0-0561 Per cent. 0-1882 0-0810 0-0619 Ib. 2493 2002 1598 Ib. 4304 2197 1764 Ib. + 1811 + 195 + 166 Total, 27in. ... 7,848,636 6093 8265 + 2172 Furthermore, in the case of the wheat experiments, as shown in Table LIIL, page 200, the loss of nitrogen by drainage or otherwise is estimated to be about 40 per cent, of that supplied ; in that of the hay plot reckoned to the same, or 27in., of depth (Table L., page 196), 25'2 per cent., or, to the depth of 54in. (Table XLIX., page 195), 49 per cent. 200 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. It is now clear that only a comparatively small proportion of the nitrogen supplied in farmyard manure is recovered in the increase of crop. The residue actually determined in the soil is very large ; and it is possible that the whole of the nitrogen existing as nitric acid, especially in the subsoil, is not accounted for by the soda-lime determinations. It is very remarkable, however, that, notwithstanding this great ascertained accumulation, and the annually renewed supply by manure, larger quantities of corn, or of straw, or of both, and also of hay, are every year obtained by the use (in con- junction with mineral manures) of much less than half as much nitrogen applied as ammonia-salts or as nitrate of soda. The wheat plots so manured, and so yielding, at the same time show less than two-thirds as high a percentage of nitro- gen in the first 9 inches of depth. TABLE LIII. EXPERIMENTS ON WHEAT. ESTIMATED NITROGEN SUPPLIED IN THE MANURE, RECOVERED IN THE INCREASE OF CROP, DETERMINED AS EESIDUE IN THE SOIL, AND NOT RECOVERED IN EITHER THE INCREASE OR THE SOIL, TO THE DEPTH OF 27 INCHES. Nitrogen of Manure. Per Acre. Per Cent. Supplied in farmyard manure in twenty-two years Recovered as increase of crops Ib. 4415 470 107 Not recovered in increase . ... 3945 2172 89-3 49-2 Residue determined by soda-lime in soil 27in. deep Not recovered in increase or in soil 1773 40-1 But, according to the estimates, besides the actually- determined large residue within the soil, there was also in each case a very large amount of nitrogen unaccounted for, either in the increase of crop or in the soil, to the depths examined. Direct experiments have shown that the soil Sources of Loss of Nitrogen. 201 in the wheat field, which is manured annually with farmyard manure, retains near the surface, owing to its greatly increased porosity, very much more of the rainfall than the soil of the plots not so manured. Accordingly the drain from the farmyard- manured plot runs much less frequently than do the drains from the unmanured or the artificially- manured plots. There will, obviously, be less loss of water by drainage. But it is found that a given volume of the drainage water from the farmyard-manured plot contains from two to three or more times as much nitrogen, in the form, of nitrates and nitrites, as that from the unmanured plot, or from the plots with mineral without artificial nitro- genous manure. Here, then, is a determined source of loss of the supplied nitrogen. A considerable further loss is pro- bably due to decomposition of the nitrogenous organic matter within the soil and evolution as free nitrogen. Consequently, there is cumulative evidence to show that the nitrogen supplied as farmyard manure was recovered in very small proportion during the years of its application ; that in after years it was recovered in constantly decreasing proportion ; that there, nevertheless, remained a considerable, but very slowly available, residue ; that there was a con- siderable loss by drainage ; and, finally, that there is probably a further loss by decomposition, and evolution into the atmo- sphere. It is well, however, to remember that in ordinary agricul- ture much less farmyard manure would be applied than in these special experiments, and the losses by drainage would from that cause alone be proportionately less. Much, obviously, would also depend on the character of the soil and the subsoil. Again, in an ordinary rotation of various crops, more of the supplied nitrogen would probably be gathered up before it finally passed beyond the reach of vegetation, than in the case of a single cereal crop grown year after year on the same land. For somewhat similar reasons a better result might have been looked for with the mixed herbage, as com- 202 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. pared with the cereal crops, than the evidence would appear to show. That it was not so may perhaps be taken to indicate that, in estimating the proportion of the nitrogen of the produce due to that supplied in the manure, it should not be assumed that as much was derived from natural sources as in the case of the unmanured produce ; but more should be reckoned as derived from the manure. FATE OF THE FERTILISING MINERALS IN THE SOIL. Having thus somewhat fully discussed the fate of the nitrogen of farmyard manure, it remains to glance ever so briefly at the behaviour of the mineral constituents. Of the lime estimated to be supplied in the manure in the eight years, only about 12^ per cent, was obtained in the total produce of those years, about 9 per cent in the next six, and little more than 4 per cent, in the last six years, making in all only about 25 \ per cent, in the twenty years. Deduct- ing the yield in the unmanured produce, however, there was an increase obtained representing only 3^ per cent, of the amount supplied during the first period, little more than 2 per cent, in the second period, and a small fraction of 1 per cent, in the third period, or a total of less than 6 per cent, in the twenty years. Of the magnesia the proportion was much larger, that in the total twenty years' produce representing 70 per cent., and the increased yield about 21 per cent., of that supplied. Of the potash the produce contained, in the three periods of eight, six, and six years, 44 per cent., 22 J per cent., and 10J per cent., in all 77 per cent. But the increased yield, over that from the unmanured plot, was only 30^-, 13, and 4J per cent. ; in all, only about 48 per cent, of that supplied. Pota.sh is, at any rate in moderately clayey soils, very little subject to loss by drainage ; but it would appear that the Minerals Recovered, and not Recovered, in Hay Crop. 203 unrecovered residue becomes so locked up (or distributed) as to be but slowly available to succeeding crops. Of soda, there was, in the presence of an abundant supply of potash, even less taken up in the manured than in the unmanured crop during the years of the application. In later years there was some, but comparatively little, increase in the amount compared with that in the unmanured crop. Of phosphoric acid, in the twenty years about 57 per cent. of the quantity estimated to be supplied was contained in the total produce, whilst the increased yield represented 33 per cent. The residue of the phosphoric acid, like that of the potash, is very little subject to loss by drainage. Of sulphuric acid there is proportionately a much less increased amount than of phosphoric acid. Of chlorine, the increased amount found in the produce is, during the years of application of the manure, greater in proportion to the estimated supply than that of any other constituent. Both chlorine and sulphuric acid are very subject to loss by drainage. Lastly, of silica, the produce of the twenty years contained about 41J per cent, as much as there was estimated to be supplied of soluble silica in the manure, and the increased yield of it represented about 22 per cent. The general results may now be summarised. Of the three more important constituents of manure nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid, when these are supplied in farmyard manure, the nitrogen is recovered in the least proportion in the increase of the crop for which it is supplied. It leaves a large determinable residue within the soil, which, however, is very slowly available to succeeding crops ; and, finally, it is subject to serious loss by drainage, and probably by evolu- tion into the atmosphere also. The potash so supplied is recovered in increase in much greater proportion during the years of the application, in much greater, though still rapidly decreasing proportion, in subsequent years, and is very little subject to loss by drainage. The phosphoric acid again, is 204 The Rotkamsted Grass Experiments. recovered in much greater proportion than the nitrogen, but not in so large a proportion as the potash ; it, too, like potash, is but little subject to loss by drainage. The much less immediate effect of a given amount of nitrogen when supplied in farmyard manure than when in ammonia-salts or nitrate of soda, the consequent necessity to supply so much more in that form to obtain a given result, and the very slow action of the remaining residue, are important factors in the scientific explanation of the prac- tically recognised much lower money value of a given amount of nitrogen so supplied. Reverting now to plot 1, the results on which have already been given in Table XL VII., page 190, it remains to point out the difference in effect when, besides the farmyard manure, 2001b. of ammonia-salts were also annually applied per acre, both over the eight years of the application of the farmyard manure, and over the next twelve years of the action of the residue. The ammonia-salts caused the herbage to assume a darker green colour ; gramineous species became more, and both leguminous and miscellaneous species less prominent, than either on the unmanured plot 3, or on plot 1 with farmyard manure alone. Compared with the latter, in the early years, Poa trivialis and Bromus inollis were even more prominent, as also was Dactylis glomerata, and these three grasses made up a large proportion of the total produce. During the later years, as on the plot without ammonia, but in a greater degree, Agrostis vulgaris and Holcus lanatus became very prominent, as also did Anthoxanthum odoratum and Festuca ovina; whilst, on both plots, Poa trivialis, Bromus inollis, and Dactylis glomerata diminished very much. Of leguminous plants, Lathy rus pratensis is the most prominent on both plots, but much more so on plot 2 than on plot 1 ; and, whilst without ammonia (plot 2) there was nearly 1 per cent, of Trifolium pratense, with it there was none. A much greater Effect of Ammonia-Salts. 205 number of species, gramineous, leguminous, and miscel- laneous, contribute to the produce without (plot 2), than to that with (plot 1) , the ammonia-salts. Although, as is shown in Table XL VII. , the increase of pro- duce due to the ammonia-salts was pretty constant, the actual amount of produce per acre was nearly 40 per cent, less over the last six years than over the first eight. Where the farmyard manure was used alone, however, the decline was greater still, being nearly 48 per cent. The 2001b. of ammonia-salts annually applied are estimated to supply about 411b. of nitrogen, equal to about 501b. of ammonia. Yet the figures show that the increased yield of crop represents an average of only about 27-| per cent, of the nitrogen so supplied. Of mineral matter there was also an increased amount taken up under the influence of the ammonia-salts, though it shows a steady falling off. Over each period there was more lime, magnesia, phosphoric acid, and sulphuric acid, and very much more chlorine, taken up with, than without, the ammonia- salts. As the increased amounts of lime and magnesia, of potash and soda, and of phosphoric acid, must have had their source in the previous supplies within the soil, or in the residue from the farmyard manure, the action, so far, of the ammonia- salts has been more rapidly to utilise, and, there- fore, the more to exhaust, these otherwise dormant stores. But it is probable that, of both the potash and the phos- phoric acid supplied in the dung, part remains unliberated from its original condition of combination in the manure, and part becomes so locked up (or distributed) within the soil as to be only very slowly available. Upon the whole, the evidence goes to show that the effect of the ammonia-salts was to reduce the complexity of the herbage, to render it more gramineous, to increase the amount of produce, and, with this, to draw more upon the mineral stores within the soil. It is also clear that, although 206 The Bothamsted Grass Experiments. the application of the ammonia-salts was the means of turning to account some of the accumulated residue of the mineral constituents supplied in the dung, the limit of the imme- diately available supply was very soon reached, the remainder becoming less and less rapidly recoverable. It was, in fact, retained in a condition so slowly available as to be of but little effect in increasing immediate crops, and, therefore, of but little practical value, except as a storehouse against exhaustion. Two points only now remain for consideration, namely, the character of the second crops, and the influence exercised by the nature of the season upon the produce of hay. Both of these are matters of high practical interest. THE SECOND CEOPS. So far the produce of the first crops only, of each year, has been taken into account. The estimated amounts of second 'crop, on each plot, in each season, are collected in an elaborate table in an appendix to the paper published in the Philosophical Transactions. But the general character and bearing of the results are sufficiently brought to view in an abstract table, too extensive to be reproduced here, in which are recorded the figures for a selection of the plots only, representing very characteristically different con- ditions of manuring. The plots for which the results are so given are : Plot 3. Unmanured every year. Plot 7. Mixed mineral manure (including potash), without nitrogenous manure, every year. Plot 9. Mixed mineral manure (including potash), and 4001b. ammonia- salts, every year. Plot 11. Mixed mineral manure (including potash), and SOOlb. ammonia-salts. Plot 14. Mixed mineral manure (including potash), and nitrate of soda containing the same amount of nitrogen as the ammonia-salts on plot 9. Proportion of Second Crop to First Crop. 207 The particulars given are : The actual amounts of produce of the first crops, the estimated amounts of the second crops, and the proportion of the second to the first reckoned as 100 ; and at the bottom of the table are stated the averages of the first crops, of the estimated second crops, and the percentage of the second to the first, for the first eight years of the twenty, in every one of which the second crops were fed off by sheep, and their quantities estimated, and for eight subse- quent (though not consecutive) years, in seven of which the second crops were fed and estimated, and in the eighth (the last of the twenty), in which the second crops were cut, removed, and weighed. There are also given the particulars of the produce for the same plots for the three years subse- quent to the first twenty (1876-78). The salient features presented in this numerical summary may now be noticed. Although, without manure, the amounts of produce, of both first and second crops, are small, the proportion of second crop to first is greater than under either of the selected manurial conditions ; that is, it is greater where the total removed from the land is comparatively small, and where, especially, the variety of the herbage is the greatest, and where, consequently, the possession by the roots of the upper layers of the soil, and the capabilities of food-collection generally, will be the most varied. Next in proportion of second crops to first comes the mineral-manured plot (7). Here again, the crops, though much larger than without manure, are not really large ; but, as without manure, the herbage is complex, and the command by the roots, especially of the upper layers of the soil, will be very varied. On plot 9, the first crops average about one-and-a-half times as much as with the mineral manure alone, but the estimated average of the second crops is very nearly the same in the two cases. Thus, with the much more luxuriant growth of first crops under the influence of the ammonia- salts, and the much more simple and almost exclusively 208 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. gramineous herbage, the actual quantity of the second crop is small, and its proportion to the first little more than half as much as without manure, and only about two-thirds as much as with the mineral manure alone. On plot 14 the first crops averaged more still ; they, also, consisted almost exclusively of free-growing (though chiefly other) grasses, and they comprised but few species. With these characters, the second crops averaged even rather less than with the ammonia- salts, and bore a smaller proportion to the first. In the case of plot 11, with double the amount of ammonia-salts of plot 9, there were upon the whole still larger first crops, and almost exclusively gramineous herbage, which contained, however, a very abnormally high percentage of nitrogen, and, with the obvious excess available, there is here more second crop, and a higher proportion of second crop to first, than with the smaller amount of nitrogenous manure. There is, moreover, a tendency to a greater amount, and proportion, of second crop in the later years. The general result is that, when (with mineral manure) active nitrogenous manures are used, but not in excessive amount, the increase of the first crop will, in favourable seasons, be such as to leave comparatively little available nitrogenous residue for the second crop ; whilst, the produce under such circumstances being characteristically gramineous, and comprising comparatively few species, the condition of the herbage is not very favourable for subsequent growth. The percentage of both mineral matter and nitrogen is generally, however, much higher in the dry substance of the second and less matured produce, than in that of the first and more matured, so that the removal of the second crops is a considerably greater drain upon the resources of the soil than might be suspected from the comparatively small amounts of the produce. It is evident, too, that the actual and relative amounts of second crop depend not only on the balance of available coustituents remaining within the soil, Influence of Season on Crop. 209 and on the climatal conditions, but also on the variety, and the unexhausted condition, of the plants themselves which are comprised in the mixed herbage. INFLUENCE OF SEASON ON THE PEODUCE OF HAY. The object of this discussion is to endeavour to trace the connection between certain measurable characters of season on the one hand, and the luxuriance or sluggishness of growth of the mixed herbage on the other, with comparatively little reference to the effects of the different manures. Common observation recognises a general connection between the characters of the weather as to moisture, heat, and light, and the luxuriance or scantiness of vegetation. When, however, the amounts of growth in different seasons are compared with the usual meteorological records of the period, it at once becomes apparent how complicated is the connection, and how inadequate are such records for a fuller explanation of the differences of result obtained in different seasons. And, however difficult and intricate the subject may be when the growth of a crop consisting of a single species only is concerned, it is far more so when the problem has to deal with the relations of the various climatal condi- tions to the development of a great variety of species growing together, as in the case of the mixed herbage, and numbering, as they do, from less than twenty to more than fifty, accord- ing to the varied manurial conditions provided. The method adopted is to draw attention to the actual and the comparative characters of season under which some of the largest, and some of the smallest, amounts of produce have been grown. In a series of tables are recorded the actual amounts of produce of hay per acre (first crops) on the same five selected plots as were taken (page 206) to illustrate the second crops, the monthly rainfall in inches (at Eothamsted), 210 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. the number of days in each month when the rainfall exceeded O'Olin., together with the monthly mean iriaximum tempera- ture, the monthly mean minimum temperature, the monthly mean temperature, and the monthly mean range of tempera- ture, all at Greenwich. Further, in the respective tables, there are given, for each season, the total rainfall, the total number of days on which O'Olin. or more fell, and the means for each item of temperature : 1. For the total 12 months ; July to June inclusive ; 2. For 4 months July to October ; 3. For 4 months November to February ; 4. For 4 months March to June : 5. For 3 months April to June ; 6. For 2 months April and May. With each of the five very different conditions of manuring (on plots 3, 7, 9, 11, 14) the year 1869 gave the highest amount of produce. On the other hand, 1870 gave, with two out of the five conditions of manuring, the lowest produce, with two others the lowest but one ; but the remaining or nitrated plot was an exception, giving, in this year of drought, 1870, an abnormally high produce for the season a fact which was considered when the general results on plot 14 were under discussion. There can be no hesitation, therefore, in taking the season of 1869 as that of the highest productiveness of the twenty, and that of 1870 (with the exception mentioned) as one of the lowest productiveness ; the next in order in this latter respect being 1874. The produce of these two most contrasted seasons is set forth in Table LIV., page 211, where also a comparison is made with the average of the twenty years, and the deficiency in 1870 compared with 1869. A very full table, not given here, shows some of the meteorological conditions under which the two very different crops were grown. The lowest line in Table LIV. shows that (excluding the nitrate plot 14) there was an average yield per acre of nearly 40001b. (about If tons) more hay in 1869 than in 1870; Characteristics of a Good Season. 211 and without manure, and with purely mineral manure, the excess amounted to more than the average produce of those plots. TABLE LIV. PRODUCE OF HAT PER ACRE ON SELECTED PLOTS. AVERAGE OP THE 20 YEARS ; PRODUCE OF 1869, THE YEAE OF HIGHEST PRODUCTIVENESS; PRODUCE OF 1870, THE YEAR OF LOWEST PRODUCTIVENESS ; DIFFERENCE OF EACH FROM THE AVERAGE ; AND DIFFERENCE OF THE ONE FROM THE OTHER. 13 GO g5 1*3 1 gl d I 1! gj c^ CO g ! S s'^ "*>rt "S CO og S| fc| ||I ||| III d 1 II II *i Average, 20yrs., 1856-75 2383 lb. 3958 lb. 5711 lb. 6726 lb. 6407 lb. 5037 1869 4256 6124 7700 8610 8526 7043 1870 644 1968 3306 5150 6300 3474 < 1869 i+ 1873 + 2166 + 1989 + 1884 + 2119 + 2006 + or average ^ -.g^Q , -1730 -1990 -2405 -1576 - 107 -1563 1870 less than 1869 | - 3612 -4156 -4394 -3460 -2226 -3569 The character of the weather of 1868-9 is thus summarised : After five months of unusually high temperature (May to September, 1868), and unusual drought during the first three of them, the two following months (October and November, 18o'8) were again dry, but cold. The three winter months were very warm, and all more or less, but December especially, very wet. The result was an unusual winter growth of grass. The dry and cold weather of March, however, checked vege- tation ; but, with its early start and marked progress in the winter, it recovered rapidly under the influence of the very warm and sufficiently wet weather of April. The two remaining months of the grass season were, however, unusually cold, May being at the same time very wet, but June dry, a condition which was compensated by the previous abundance of moisture ; whilst, although the ruling temper- atures were low for those months, they were yet actually p 2 212 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. sufficient for active vegetation. The result was luxuriant and succulent, though not maturing, growth. Indeed, according to notes taken on the ground, the plots generally manifested great luxuriance ; but the most prominent plants, whether gramineous, leguminous, or miscellaneous, were much more backward than usual at the time of cutting. Thus, the excessive produce of grass in 1869 was due not so much to the climatic conditions during the limited period of really active accumulation and above-ground growth, as to the preceding very favourable, instead of as usual detrimental, conditions throughout the three winter months, thus bringing the herbage unusually forward, and rendering it more capable of turning to the best account such climatic elements of growth as followed. This result is somewhat analogous to that observed in the case of the Rothamsted experiments on the continuous growth of wheat ; the seasons of extraordinary productiveness of that crop having been marked rather by moderately favourable conditions throughout, than by spe- cially favourable ones during the period of most active above- ground growth. The conditions which prevailed in 1870, the year of least productiveness, must now be examined. After the enormous first crops of 1 869 less than average second crops were grown. Not only would there be comparative exhaustion of manurial constituents, but, succeeding upon the dry weather of June, and the cold weather of both May and June, there was a considerable deficiency of rain in July and August, but little more than the average in September, and again a deficiency in October ; and, with the continued lack of rain in July and August, July was warmer, but August for the most part unseasonably colder, than usual ; whilst September, with its fair amount of rain, was generally warmer, and October, with its defect, at times much colder than the average. The autumn conditions were therefore, upon the whole, adverse to growth. Over the five months November, 1869, to March, 1870, inclusive the rain gauge indicated more Characteristics of a Sad Season. 213 than the average total fall, though there was a considerable deficiency in January. There were heavy and continuous falls of rain in November and December, with great fluctua- tions of temperature, some very warm, and some very cold weather, and numerous gales. The first three months of 1870 again were marked by frequent alternations of warm and very cold weather, the colder periods prevailing, and being sometimes very severe. Snow was frequent, but the total fall was deficient in January, and but little above the average in February and March. Vegetation generally was very backward, and grass land was very brown and bare. April, May, and June, the three months of most active accumulation and growth, were largely deficient in rain, and with the exception of about a fortnight at the end of April and the beginning of May, when the weather was cold and cloudy, the whole period was unusually warm and sunny, the three months together being not only much warmer than the average, but very unusually deficient in rain. The day temperatures especially were high, though the night tempera- tures were, in April and May, low ; and throughout the three months the degree of humidity of the atmosphere was considerably below the average. Thus, after an autumn very deficient in rain, and fluctuating as to temperature, a winter and early spring very stormy, very fluctuating as to temperature, in fact very inclement, and vegetation consequently very backward to start with, the three months of most active above-ground growth were very unusually dry, very unusually hot in the days, and frequently colder than the average in the nights. It was under these conditions that the smallest crop of the twenty years was obtained. Upon the whole then, the registered meteorological condi- tions of the season of least productiveness more obviously account for the deficient crop, than do those of the previous season account for its excessive yield. In the case of the crop of 1870, the conditions previous to the period of active 214 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. growth were strikingly unfavourable for the herbage, and the period of active growth was itself strikingly adverse, both in its extreme dry ness, and in its coincident high day and low night temperatures. In the case of the excessive, but succulent and immature, growth of 1869, the climatic conditions previous to the period of most active vegetation were obviously very favourable ; but those of the period of active above-ground growth itself were such as would only conduce to great luxuriance provided there were an already forward condition of the herbage. The years 1868 and 1874 are also noticed, the former being perhaps the second in order of productiveness and the latter the second in unproductiveness. Table LV. summarises the results in these two years, and may be usefully compared with Table LIV., page 211. TABLF. LV.- -PRODUCE OF HAT PER ACRE ON SELECTED PLOTS. AVERAGE OF THE 20 YEARS ; PRODUCE OF 1868, THE TEAR SECOND IN ORDER OF PRODUCTIVENESS ; PRODUCE OF 1874, THE TEAR SECOND IN ORDER OF UNPRODUCTIVENESS ; DIFFERENCE OF EACH FROM THE AVERAGE; AND DIFFERENCE OF THE ONE FROM THE OTHER. Plot 3. Plot 7. Plot 9. Plot 11. Plot 14. Means. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Average, 20yrs., 1856-75 2383 3958 5711 6726 6407 5037 1868 1960 4264 6622 7616 7728 5638 1874 1412 3088 3290 3540 5484 3363 ( 1868 - 423 + 306 + 911 + 890 + 1321 + 601 average | jgy^ - 971 - 870 -2421 -3186 - 923 -1674 1874 less than 1868 - 548 -1176 -3332 -4076 -2244 -2275 Another table gives a very full abstract of the meteoro- logical conditions of the two years under notice, and, as before, the relation of the season to the yield of crop is discussed, but the briefest summary must suffice here. The season second in order of productiveness was charac- terised by unusually high temperatures throughout the whole period of growth, with a sufficiency of rain up to the end of April, conditions which brought the herbage very early Good and Bad Seasons. 215 forward, and rendered it comparatively independent of the extreme heat and drought of the months of May and June, which would otherwise have been fatal at that period, and which were, in fact, very injurious where the conditions of manuring had not been such as to bring the vegetation sufficiently forward previously. It is a curious result that the year of the lowest produce of the twenty, 1870, was the one of the most extreme heat and drought of the series, and that the year of the highest pro- duce but one, 1868, was only second to 1870 in heat and drought of the growing period. But there was this difference : the winter and early spring of 1870 had been very adverse, the herbage was in a very backward state, and the heat and drought commenced a month earlier ; whereas, from the commencement of 1868, for a period of nearly four months, the conditions both as to heat and moisture were favourable, and it was not until May that the heat and drought set in, then serving to elaborate and mature, rather than materially to check, vegetation in such condition of luxuriance and forwardness. With regard to the season second in order of unproduc- tiveness, it appears that, although the winter and early spring of 1873-4 were, upon the whole, considerably warmer than usual, there were periods of some severity as to temperature, and the whole period was very deficient in rain ; so that, instead of the warmth of the usually cold months availing to bring vegetation forward, it remained very back- ward when it was overtaken by the unfavourably cold days, and the very unusually severe frosty nights, of the greater part of May, whilst the short period of warmer weather which then set in was unaccompanied by sufficient moisture, and the herbage was already too much damaged to recover. According to notes taken on the ground at the time, the foliage of the grasses became spotted, and the earlier flower- ing stems were bleached, and in many cases killed. The greatest damage was done on the plots highly manured with 216 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. ammonia-salts, where Dactylis glomerata, which was both abundant and forward, suffered very much. The four selected seasons most strikingly illustrate the intricacy and difficulty of the attempt to trace the relation between the amount of growth of the mixed herbage of grass land, and such meteorological conditions as are sufficiently recorded. Very dissimilar climatal conditions characterised the two seasons of highest productiveness, and again very dissimilar ones those of lowest productiveness. The character of the produce was also very different in the two cases of the largest crops, and again very different in the two of the smallest crops. Taking a comprehensive view of the four seasons, it is apparent tTiat in both seasons of high productiveness the period prior to that of most active above-ground growth had brought the herbage into an unusual state of forwardness ; when, in the one, abundance of rain, with, upon the whole, low temperatures, gave great luxuriance, but comparatively leafy, succulent, and immature produce ; whilst, in the other, the luxuriant early growth was followed by both unusual drought and unusual heat, yielding quantity by virtue of high development and maturation, as distinguished from succulence and immaturity. As in both the cases of high productiveness the period antecedent to that of most active growth had been favourable, so in both those of very defec- tive growth they had been very unfavourable. The winter and early spring of 1870 had not, upon the whole, been deficient in rain, but the period had been extremely variable as to temperature, frequently very inclement, and, upon the whole, colder than usual. The herbage was, from these causes, very backward at the commencement of the active growing period. April, May, and June followed, with a great deficiency of rain, very high day and low night temperatures, yielding very stunted and prematurely ripened produce. The winter and early spring of 1874 had, on the contrary, been very unusually deficient in rain, whilst the Character of Herbage dependent on Season. 217 temperatures had ruled higher than the average, both day and night, especially the latter, and the already backward herbage was very materially damaged, yielding not only checked and stunted, but reallv damaged crops. It has already been shown how greatly both the botanical and the chemical composition of mixed herbage vary accord- ing to the description of manure applied ; and the foregoing typical illustrations of the effects of the varying climatic conditions of different seasons clearly indicate how different, both botanically and chemically, will be the character of the produce dependent on the character of the sea- sons. In fact, a given quantity of gross produce of the mixed herbage may be one thing in one season and quite another in another season, both as to the proportion of the different species composing it and as to their condition of development and maturity. 218 The Rothamsted Grass Experiments. IX. - BOTANICAL RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE MIXED HERBAGE OF PERMANENT MEADOW, (a) THERE is at Rothamsted nothing which will more impress the visitor than the seven acres of meadow land in the Park, the many years' experiments upon which with different manures constitute the subject of this memoir. The twenty parallel plots into which this area is divided appeal at once and forcibly to the eye by the obvious differences in their herbage. A plot here with rich green grasses waving luxuriantly upon it ; another, on which the yellow meadow vetchling apparently constitutes the leading feature ; a third, irregular, patchy, and much afflicted with sorrel ; and yet another, on which, at the time of my visit (August), the white-flowered umbels of the earth-nut put everything else in the shadethese and the like appearances convince with an eloquence which the pen is powerless to imitate. The land in Rothamsted Park has probably been laid down with grass for some centuries. No fresh seed has been arti- ficially sown within the last fifty years certainly, nor is there record of any having been sown since the grass was first laid down. The experiments commenced in 1856, at which time the herbage appeared to be of uniform character. With (a) " Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Eesults of Experiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land." Part ii., the Botanical Eesults. By Sir J. B. Lawes, Bart., F.E.S., Dr J. H. Gilbert, F.E.S., and Dr. M. T. Masters, F.E.S. Phil. Trans., part iv., 1882. Pp. about 250. (This notice is taken from an article which I contributed to Nature, vol. XXIX., page 81. W. F.) Botanical Analysis of the Herbage. 219 few exceptions the same description of manure has been applied year after year to the same plot ; and two plots, the third and twelfth, have been continuously unmanured. For the first nineteen years the first crop only was cut and carried away, and the second crop was usually fed off by sheep who were receiving at the time no other food. Of recent years it has been more and more the practice to make the second crop also into hay, and it is intended to adhere to this plan in future, weather permitting. The produce of every plot is weighed as hay, and the result calculated per acre. Taking the average of the first twenty years, the unmanured plots, 3 and 12, gave the lowest yields of all, 21J and 24cwt. respectively. Next above these is plot 5, manured with ammonia-salts at the rate of 4001b. per acre per annum, the yield giving an annual average of 26^ cwt. per acre. The highest average recorded, 62f cwt. per acre, resulted from a mixed manure, containing 5001b. sulphate of potash, lOOlb. sulphate of soda, lOOlb. sulphate of magnesia, 3|cwt. superphosphate of lime, 6001b. ammonia-salts, and 4001b. silicate of soda, a tremendous dressing, by the way. The average yields on the rest of the plots, each one of which received different manurial treatment from that of the others, range themselves between these extremes. But the mere quantitative estimation of the yields per acre was a comparatively simple task to that of making a qualitative botanical examination of each crop. The proxi- mate analysis was into the three classes of gramineous herbage, leguminous herbage, and miscellaneous herbage, the last-mentioned containing all plants not referable to the Graminese or the Leguminosae ; and even this task would not be a very difficult one. But when it is stated that in certain seasons a complete botanical analysis was made, whereby each species of plant was separated from all the others, then the irksomenesss of the work will be appreciated. For the details of these analyses I must refer to the memoir itself, 220 The Eoihamstecl Grass Experiments. but the following is worth reproducing. "To quote an extreme case in illustration of the difference in the character of the herbage, and of the difference in the degree of difficulty of separation accordingly, it may be mentioned that whilst a sample of 201b. from one plot in 1872 only occupied from four to five days in botanical analysis, a sample of equal weight from another plot n* the same year occupied thirty The total number of different species of plants that have been detected on the plots is 89; of these, 20 are gramineous, 10 are leguminous, and the remaining fifty-nine belong to miscellaneous orders. The 89 species comprise 59 dicoty- ledons, 26 monocotyledons, and 4 cryptogams, three of which are mosses (Hypnum) ; they are arranged under 63 genera and 22 orders. Of the miscellaneous plants there are 13 species of Compositse, 6 of Rosacese, 5 each of Ranunculaceae and Umbelliferse, 3 each of Labiatae, Polygonacese, Liliacese, Caryophyllese, Scrophulariacese, and Musci, 2 each of Rubiacese and Plantaginese, and 1 each of Cruciferse, Hype- ricinese, Dipsacese, Primulacese, Orchidacese, Juncacese, Cyperaeese, and Filices. Six genera only were represented by more than one species ; these were Eanunculus, 5 species, Rumex 3, and Potentilla, Gralium, Leontodon, and Veronica, 2 each. The 20 species of grass comprise 14 genera; Festuca is represented by 4 species, Avena by 3, Poa by 2, and Anthoxanthum, Alopecurus, Phleum, Agrostis, Aira, Holcus, Briza, Dactylis, Cynosurus, Bromus, and Lolium by 1 each. The fact that the four genera whose names are here italicised were only represented by one species each serves to indicate somewhat the nature of the land. Had it been wet or marshy in parts, Alopecurus geniculatus might have been looked for as well as Alopecurus pratensis. Had not the plots been quite away from hedgerows, several species of Bromus might have accompanied Bromus mollis, whilst Brachypodium sylvaticum might also have been looked for. The total absence of Glyceria further shows the fairly dry The Flora of Eoihamsted Park. 221 character of the soil. Lastly, the 10 species of Leguminosse fall under 5 genera of Trifoliuui 4 species, Lotus and Vicia 2 each, Lathyrus and Ononis 1 each. Ten species of grasses occur on all the plots : Anthoxanthum odoratum, Alopecurus pratensis, Agrostis vulgaris, Holcus lanatus, Avena flavescens, Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca ovina, and Lolium perenne. Festuca elatior was only found in one plot, and Festuca loliacea in two. Phleuni pratense occurred in about one- fourth the number of plots, Aira caespitosa in about one-half, Briza media, Cynosurus cristatus, Festuca pratensis, and Bromus mollis in sixteen or seventeen. No leguminous plant occurred in all the plots, but Lathyrus pratensis was found in nineteen plots, Trifolium repens and Trifolium pratense in seventeen, Lotus corniculatus in sixteen, and Trifolium minus, Trifolium procumbens, Lotus major, Ononis arvensis, Vicia sepium, and Vicia Cracca only in one each. These details will serve to indicate the nature of the flora of the plots. Certain miscellaneous plants common on many old pastures in this country are conspicuous by their absence. The dry and level character of the meadow will account for the absence of Caltha and Juncus. No species of Geranium is recorded. But the most noteworthy fact appears to be the absence of certain scrophulariaceous genera, which are by no means uncommon on old grass lands, namely, Bartsia, Euphrasia, and Ehinanthus. The quality of the land is probably too good for the first two, and the application of manure would certainly be against Euphrasia, but Ehinan- thus Crista-galli (yellow rattle) is very common on old meadows, as, for example, in Derbyshire and Worcester- shire. The object which the authors kept in view in writing this section of their report was, in their own words, "to show both the normal botanical composition of the herbage, aiid the changes induced by the application of the different manuring agents, and by variation in the cliinatal conditions 222 The Rofhamsted Grass Experiments. of the different seasons ; and, as far as may be, to ascertain what are the special characters of growth above ground or under ground, normal or induced, by virtue of which the various species have dominated, or have been dominated over, in the struggle which has ensued." At the outset it was noticed that those manures which are most effective with cereals grown on arable land, were also most active in increasing the quantity of grass amongst the herbage, and that the manures which are most beneficial to beans or clover produced the greatest proportion of leguminous herbage. Thus, the highest gramineous produce resulted from a highly nitrogenous manure, such as ammonia-salts or nitrate of soda, with alkaline-salts, particularly potash ; but side by side with the increase in the total gramineous herbage, there was a decrease in the actual number of species of grass. On the other hand, the highest percentage of leguminous produce was the result of a mixed mineral manure with potash. The percentage (by weight) results on the following plots illustrate these points : Plot 7. Plots 3 and 12. Plot 11. GrramineaB 61 - 03 67-43 Qtr.n-i Leguminosae . . . i 23-06 8-20 O'Ol Other Orders 15-91 24-37 4-08 100-00 100-00 100-00 Plot 7 was the most favourably manured for leguminous produce, it received mixed mineral manure alone, including potash ; plots 3 and 12 were the two unmanured ones ; plot 11 was the most favourably manured for gramineous produce, it received SOOlb. ammonia-salts per acre, with mixed mineral manure, including potash. Special observations and complete botanical separations made at intervals of five years to determine the influence of seasonal variations show that " a given quantity of the pro- The Struggle for Existence. 223 duce grown under the same conditions as to manuring might be composed very differently in two different seasons." The influence due to the special medium through which a particular plant-food, such as nitrogen, is presented to the plant, is aptly illustrated in the following words : " Because a particular grass, or other plant, is little benefited by ammonia-salts for instance, it does not follow that it will not be favoured by nitrates ; nor, because if while growing in association with other species it may not be specially benefited by a particular manure, does it follow that it would not derive advantage from the same substance when growing separately." Nearly all the plants on the plots are perennials, very few are annuals, Bromis mollis being the only case amongst the grasses. The advantage possessed by deep-rooting over surface-rooting plants was well brought out in the droughty season of 1870, when the latter suffered considerably from lack of moisture. The locomotive power of underground stems is of great use to some plants ; " the stock continues to grow at one end, year after year, the opposite end gradually dying away. In the course of a few years the plant therefore occupies quite a different position from that which it a,t first had." Notwithstanding the general rule that the chief effect of nitrogenous manures is to favour the extension of foliage and give it depth of colour, whilst that of mineral manures is to encourage stem formation and the production of seed, and notwithstanding that excessive nitrogenous manuring prolongs the development of the vegetative organs till perhaps the resources of the plant are exhausted or the season is over, whilst excess of mineral manures may induce premature ripening, yet so far as the experiments have gone no absolute change in the distinctive form of any plant has been effected by the prolonged use of the different manures, though changes of degree are sometimes very marked, as in the tufts of Dactylis glomerata. The battle for life between the various species of plants 224 The Eothamsted Grass Experiments. growing in the meadow is dependent much less on the chemical composition of the soil than on its physical character, its capacity for holding water, and its permeability to roots. The immediate source of victory lies very generally in the powerful root-growth of the survivors, the term " root " here covering all kinds of underground stem. The various influences affecting the struggle for existence amongst meadow plants are discussed by the authors in a fascinating manner, and this part of the memoir is of special value to the botanical student. Every plant occurring on the plots is dealt with individu- ally, and in the case of each grass and leguminous plant and of the more commonly occurring weeds, a table showing the relative predominance is given. The fact that plants closely allied morphologically may yet differ widely in their physio- logical endowments is strikingly illustrated by the two species Poa trivialis and Poa pratensis. These two plants, sprung at some former period from a common ancestor for this, we presume, is the morphological significance of their being placed in the same genus differ only in the most trivial points : Poa pratensis (smooth-stalked meadow grass) is smooth, stoloniferous, and has a blunt ligule ; Poa trivialis (rough- stalked meadow grass) is rough, has no stolons, and possesses a long pointed ligule. We read that " the stolon- bearing Poa pratensis is especially benefited by nitrogenous manure in the form of ammonia-salts (in combination with mineral manure), but not at all by nitrate of soda, whereas the more finely-rooted and non- stoloniferous Poa trivialis has declined markedly on the ammonia plots, but has remained very prominent on the nitrate plots, especially where the larger amount of nitrate was used with the mixed mineral manure." Thus in 1872, on plot 9 (mineral manure and ammonia- salts), Poa pratensis gave 22'67 per cent of the total produce, and Poa trivialis only 0'64 ; on plot 14 (mineral manure and nitrate of soda) Poa trivialis gave 2476, and Poa pratensis only 2'57 per cent. It is suggested that the Conclusion. 225 relatively shallow-rooting Poa trivialis predominates on the nitrate plots by reason of its fine surface-roots arresting and taking up the nitrate before it has had time to penetrate too deeply ; this plant invariably makes rapid growth upon the application of the nitrate of soda in the spring. The remaining portion of the paper is devoted to a dis- cussion of the botany of each separate plot in each season of complete botanical separation, and is carried out with the same elaborate detail as the earlier portion. No one can read this memoir without being impressed with the great power, too frequently overlooked, possessed by the subterranean members of the plant body in deciding the struggle for existence ; much of the internecine warfare is carried on in the dark. Such a splendid series of experiments on grass land has never before been consummated, and the results deserve the most careful study not only of the agriculturist, but of the botanist, the chemist, and the evolutionist. It may perhaps be long before the great lessons learnt in Eothamsted Park have filtered down to those to whom they should be of most practical value, but I do not despair of a time coming when the intelligent manuring of grass lands for very specific objects will form a part of ordinary agricultural practice. Those who put their hands to the plough in the field of agricultural research must be content to trudge along, laboriously and unnoticed, in the furrow. Their discoveries cannot be made in a week, or a month, as are many in electricity or in chemistry, but, like those at Rothamsted, where the investigations were commenced more than half a century ago, they can only be looked, for, even after the expenditure of much thought and of unflagging industry and perseverance, as "the long result of Time." INDEX. ACCUMULATION, 61, 109, 123, 124, 196 Achillea Millefolium, 138, 155, 169 Acreage of wheat (United Kingdom), 78, 83 barley, 131 Agricultural results of the grass experiments, 133 Agricultural Holdings Act, 52 Agrostis vulgaris, 137, 146, 152, 160, 161, 163, 166, 169, 170, 174, 177, 180, 183, 191, 204, 220, 221 Aira caespitosa, 137, 220, 221 Alopecurus pratensis, 137, 163, 166, 169, 170, 174, 177, 183, 220, 221 Ammonia, quantity required for given increase in wheat crop, 56 in barley crop, 103 Ammonia-salts, 8, 15, 16, 41, 43, 45, 60, 72, 91, 98, 145, 146, 159, 161, 164, 169, 172, 175, 178, 181, 189, 200, 204, 205, 219, 224 " Ammonia-salts " defined, 22, 139 Analytic method, 88 Annual grasses, 223 Anthoxanthum odoratum, 137, 160, 174, 204, 220, 221 Anthriscus sylvestris, 169 Arrhenatherum avenaceum (see Avena elatior) Ash constituents, 89, 111, 184 Autumn manuring, 97, 98, 188, 197 Avena, 220 Avena elatior, 137, 166, 174, 177, 180 Avena flavescens, 137, 163, 170, 177, 183, 191, 221 Avena pubescens, 137, 163, 177, 180, 183, 191 BARLEY, composition of, 142, 188 cultivation of, 120, 132 Barley crop, nitrogen recovered in, 197 Battle for life, 223 Bean crop, nitrogen in, 189 228 Index. Bedstraw, yellow (see Gali.mii) Bent grass (see Agrostis) Birdsfoot trefoil (see Lotus cornicnlatus) Black knapweed (see Centaurea) Botanical results of grass experiments, 218 Botanical analysis of hel'bage, 219 Briza media, 137, 220, 221 Bromusmollis, 137, 169, 170, 177, 191, 192, 204, 220, 221, 223 Bunium flexuosum (see Conopodium denudatum) Burnet saxifrage (see Pinapinella) Buttercup (see Ranunculus) CANADA, soils of, 41 Carbon of the soil, 52 Carbon, source of, 37 Carbonaceous manures, 11, 15, 51, 102, 161 Carex preecox, 138 Caryophyllacese, 220 Centaurea nigra, 138 Cerastium triviale, 138 Chickweed, mouse-ear (see Cerastium) China, yield of wheat in, 37 Chlorine, 142, 163, 166, 170, 183, 192, 205 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 203 Clover (see Trifolium) Clover crop, nitrogen in, 189 Cocksfoot (see Dactylis) Cornpositse, 220 Composition of barley, 128, 142 crops, no direct guide to manures required, 188 hay, 142 manures, 32, 139 second grass crops, 208 wheat, 142 " Condition" of soils, 9, 13, 15, 28, 59, 88, 96, 98, 115 Conopodium denudatum, 138, 163, 169, 218 Consumption of wheat, 74, 80, 81, 83 Cow parsnip (see Heracleum) Crowfoot (see Ranunculus) Cruciferss, 220 Cryptogams, 220 Cultivation of barley, 120, 132 Index. 229 Cultivation of wheat, 132 Cynosurus cri status, 137, 220, 221 Cyperacese, 220 DACTYLIS glomerata, 137, 160, 161, 163, 166, 170, 174, 177, 180, 183, 204, 216, 220, 221 Dandelion (see Taraxacum) Dicotyledons, 220 Dipsacese, 220 Dogstail (see Cyiiosurus) Downy oat grass (see Arena pubescens) Drainage waters, 40, 42, 47, 51, 58, 59, 60, 73, 99, 109, 119, 158, 161 188, 198, 199, 201, 203, 204 Drought, effect of, 223 Dutch clover (see Trifolium repeus) EARTH nut (see Couopodium denudatum) Exhaustion of soils, 92, 98, 113, 122, 124, 126, 132, 174, 206 FALSE oat grass (see Aveua elatior) Farmyard manures, 8, 10, 49, 97, 123, 189, 193, 200 Fate of minerals in the soil, 202 nitrogen, 184, 194 Fertility of soils, 9, 36, 37, 38, 53, 59, 98 Festuca, 220 elatior, 137, 221 loliacea, 137, 221 ovina, 137, 146, 152, 160, 161, 163, 169, 170, 174, 177, 180, 183, 191, 204, 221 pratensis, 137, 221 Field woodrush (see Luzula) Filices, 220 Foxtail grass (see Alopecurus) G-ALITJM, 220 verum, 138 Germander speedwell (see Veronica) Gramineous herbage, 135, 137, 145, 146, 151, 155, 157, 160, 163, 166, 169, 170, 172, 174, 178, 183, 187, 191, 192, 204, 208, 219, 220, 222 HAIR-GRASS (see Aira) Hay, composition of, 142 230 Index. " Heavy " soils, 6 Heracleum Sphondyliurn, 138 History, 1 Holcus lanatus, 137, 152, 160, 161, 163, 166, 169, 170, 174, 177, 180, 183, 192, 204, 220, 221 Holkham experiments on wheat, 6 Home produce of wheat, 83 barley, 130 Hypericinae, 220 Hypnum, 220 IMPORTS of wheat, 74, 79, 83 barley, 130 India, yield of wheat in, 37 JUNCACEJE, 220 KNAPWEED, black (see Centaurea) LABIATE, 220 Lathyrus pratensis, 138, 152, 155, 157, 170, 180, 183, 204, 218, 221 Legislation, 41 Leguminous herbage, 135, 138, 145, 146, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 163, 169, 170, 172, 177, 178, 180, 183, 187, 191, 192, 204, 219, 220, 222 Leontodon, 220 Lesser stitchwort (see Stellaria) Liebig, 153 his theory, 184, 185, 187 Light soils, 6, 188 Liliaceae, 220 Lime in barley and wheat crops, 89, 142 in hay crop, 142, 145, 147, 155, 157, 161, 166, 167, 170, 171, 173, 183, 192, 205 recovered, and not recovered, in crops 202 Loam, 188 Locomotive power in plants, 223 Lolium perenne, 137, 169, 170, 177, 180 183 220 90 1 Lotus, 221 corniculatus, 138, 152, 155, 157, 221 major, 221 Index. 231 Luxuriance of crops, 94, 127 Luzula cainpestris, 138 MAGNESIA in wheat and barley crops, 89, 142 hay crop, 142, 147, 155, 157, 166, 170, 171, 173, 183, 192, 205 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 202 Malt tax, 130 Manures, composition of, 32, 139 Manuring, autumn and spring, 97, 98, 188, 197, 225 rational principles of, 189 Maturation, 129, 153, 183, 208 Meadow clover (see Trifoliuin pratense) fescue (see Festuca pratensis) foxtail (see Alopecurus) vetchling (see Lathyrus) Milfoil (see Achillea) Mineral manures, 7, 9, 15, 39, 41, 43, 53, 59, 91, 98, 111, 149, 153, 159, 161, 164, 167, 170, 175, 178, 187, 207, 211, 223 Minerals of the soil, fate of the, 202 Miscellaneous herbage, 135, 138, 145, 146, 151, 155, 160, 163, 169, 170, 177, 191, 192, 204, 219, 220, 222 Monocotyledons, 220 Morphological characters of plants, 224 Mosses, 220 Mouse-ear chickweed (see Cerastiuin) " Mulching," effect of straw, 164 NITRATES, 38, 60, 201 Nitrate of potash, 181 soda, 45, 51, 98, 99, 101, 146, 167, 169, 170, 181, 200, 224 Nitrites, 201 Nitrification, 38, 40, 51, 59 Nitrogen, evolution of free, 201, 203 in ammonia-salts, 205 in bean crop, 189 in clover crop, 189 in different forms of combination, 51, 60, 110, 121, 147, 168, 181, 183, 200, 204, 223, 224 in farmyard manure, 193, 200, 204 in hay crop, 142, 165, 187, 191, 192 in wheat and barley crops, 89, 142, 189, 197 232 Index. Nitrogen in wheat straw, 163 loss of, 40, 73, 201 of the soil, 34, 39, 44, 52, 101, 107, 113. 116, 124, 153, 184 194 organic, 38, 40, 59 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 201. 203, 205 source of, 37, 41, 152, 180 Nitrogenous condition of soil, 96 manures, 14, 17, 98, 100, 150, 179, 189, 223 OAT grass (see Avena) Oats, 108 Ononis, 221 Orchidacese, 220 Organic matter, 50, 97, 139 nitrogen, 38, 40, 59 PERENNIAL grasses, 223 Peruvian guano, 13, 16 Phleurn pratense, 137, 220, 221 Phosphoric acid in barley crop, 89, 142, 188 in drainage waters, 158 in hay crop, 142, 147, 153, 155, 157, 163, 166 170 171, 173, 181, 183, 192, 205 in soil, 43, 53, 59, 60, 126 iii wheat crop, 37, 89, 142, 188 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 203 Physiological characters of plants, 224 Pirnpinella Saxifraga, 138 Plantaginese, 220 Plantago laiiceolata, 138 Plantain (see Plantago) Poa, 220 Poa pratensis, 137, 161, 163, 169, 174, 177 180 *n 004 Poa tririalis, 137, 163, 169, 170, 183, 191, 192, 204 Q21 224 Polygouacege, 220 Population of United Kingdom, 79 Potash in barley crop, 89, 142 in drainage waters, 158 in soil, 43, 53, 59, 60, 126, 129 Index. 233 Potash iii wheat crop, 37, 89, 142 manures, 151, 155, 159, 161, 164, 167, 170, 171 175 recovered, aiid not recovered, in crops, 202 Potentilla, 220 Primulacese, 220 Purple clover (see Trifolium prateuse) QUAKING grass (see Briza) Quality of hay, 172 crop, 92, 94, 96 Quantity of crop, 92, 94, 96 RAINFALL, 63, 70, 94, 95, 210 RanunculacesB, 220 Ranunculus, 220 bulbosus, 138, 155 repeiis, 138, 155 Rape cake, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 53, 102.. 126 Ribgrass (see Plantago) Ribwort (see Plantago) Rodmersham wheat experiments, 12 " Root-crops," 188 Root distribution in the soil, 149, 152, 180, 188, 207, 223, 225 growth, 224 Rosaceae, 220 Rotation, barley grown in, 114, 116 Rough cocksfoot (see Dactylis) Rough-stalked meadow grass (see Poa trivialis) Rubiaceae, 220 Rumex, 220 Acetosa, 138, 146, 155, 163, 169, 218 Rye grass (see Lolium) Rye-leaved fescue (see Festuca loliacea) SAWDUST, 154, 156, 178 Scrophulariacese, 220 Season, characters of a bad, 27, 67, 95, 127, 212, 215 characters of a good, 26, 65, 94, J27, 211, 214 favourable for wheat, 59 influence of, 23, 63, 209 Second grass crops, 206 234 Index. Sedge, vernal (see Oarex) Sheep's fescue (see Festuca oviua) Silica in barley and wheat crops, 89, 129, 142 in hay "crop, 142, 147, 155, 164, 166, 170, 171, 173, 181, 184, 192 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 203 Silicates, behaviour of, 167 Silicate of linie, 164 of soda, 104, 164 Smooth-stalked meadow grass (see Poa pratensis) Soda, 129, 142, 155, 166, 170, 171, 173, 181, 183, 192, 205 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 203 Soda-liine process, 200 Soft brome (see Bromus mollis) Soil, 6 ? 44, 133, 188 distribution of nitrogen in, 194 inherent capabilities of, 52 Sorrel (see Rumex Acetosa) Speedwell, germander (see Veronica) Spring manuring, 97, 98, 188, 197, 225 Stellaria graminea, 138 Stitchwort, lesser (see Stellaria) Straw as manure, 161, 164 strength of, 130 Struggle for existence, 145. 223 Sulphate of soda, 175 of potash, 181 Sulphuric acid in barley and wheat crops, 142 in hay crop, 142, 155, 157, 170, 171. 173, 181. Ib4 192, 205 recovered, and not recovered, in crops, 203 Superphosphate of lime, 98, 100, 139, 153, 172, 174, 181, 188 Sweet vernal (see Anthoxanthum) Synthetic method, 88 TALL fescue (see Festuca elatior) Taraxacum officinale, 138, 169 Temperature, 63, 70, 94, 95, 210 Timothy grass (see Phleum) Trifoliuin, 221 minus, 221 pratense, 138, 152, 204, 221 Index. 235 Trifolium, procumbeus, 221 repens, 138, 183, 221 Tufted hair grass (see Aira) Turnips, 114 UMBELLIFER^E, 220 Unexhausted manures, 30, 32, 45, 60, 106, 179, 190, 206, 208 source of fertility in, 34 United States, yield of wheat in, 37 soils of, 41 Unmamired produce, 9, 14, 24, 36, 96, 112, 116, 122, 136, 144, 204, 207, 211, 219 VARIATIONS in chemical composition of barley crop, 128 Vernal sedge (see Carex) Veronica, 220 chamsedrys, 138 Vetchling, meadow (see Lathyrus) Vicia, 221 WEATHER, factors of, 209 Weeds, 35, 36, 38 Wheat, composition of, 142. 188 crop, cause of lessened area, 62 nitrogen removed by, 197, 200 crops, remarkable, 63 White clover (see Trifolium repeus) Woodrush, field (see Luzula) YARROW (see Achillea) Yellow bed straw (see Galium) Yellow oat grass (see Avena flavescens Yield of wheat, 75, 79 Yorkshire fog (see Holcus lanatus) 1888. 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"THE FIELD" OFFICE, 346, STRAND, w.c. c 10 A CATALOGUE OP BOOKS IN TWO VOLUMES, Demy Svo., price 15s. each., by post 16s., THE MODERN SPORTSMAN'S GUN AND RIFLE, INCLUDING CAME AND WILDFOWL GUNS, SPORTING AND MATCH RIFLES AND REVOLVERS, Vol. I. Game and Wildfowl Guns. Vol. II. The Rifle and Revolver. By J. H. WALSH, " STONEHENGE," EDITOE OF "THE FIELD," Author of" Dogs of the British Islands" " The Greyhound," " British Rural Sports, Ac. PRESS OPINIONS ON VOLUME I. " A perusal of Mr. Walsh's book has forced upon us the conclusion, one that will be shared by nearly every reader, that it is indisputably the standard work on the subject, and is likely long to remain so a position it richly merits. Sportsmen will anxiously look forward to the second volume of the work, for there is every reason to anticipate that the same high standard will be maintained, and that the rifle will receive as complete an exposition as the ' Game and Wild Fowl Guns.' 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