University of California Berkeley Catalogue of Contemporary, aro, Antiquarian anti jfirst editions of General literature in Clegant Btnte ings for presentation anti of Interest to Collectors Being a selection from the stock of ELDER AND SHEPARD 238 Post Street, San Francisco, California LIMITED AUTOGRAPH EDITIONS of NOTABLE WORKS Subscriptions entered in the order of receipt. The publishers reserve the right to increase the price of any or all of the following without notice : Pf)iIOCOpf)P Ot 2DC0pair BY DAVID STARR JORDAN. One hundred and three copies, of which one hundred are for sale, on Imperial Japan vellum in two colors. Bound in full genuine parchment, decorated in gold and red after the style of the Florentine bindings. Price, net, |5.oo. ^80 l&Omame Ot t&e Commonplace By GELETT BURGESS. Ninety-three copies of Ruisdael hand-made paper, bound in half genuine parchment, of which ninety are for sale. Price, net, $5.00. Thirteen copies on Imperial Japan vellum, bound in full levant, extra, of which ten are for sale. Price, net, $15.00. <&!)* Jitibt &0nntt0 Of a ^OOHlUm BY WALLACE IRWIN. One hundred and three copies on Sterling Japan parchment, bound in half genuine parchment, of which one hundred are for sale. Each with an original plaint from the Lover. Price, net, $2.00. TOe l&u&aipat of flDmat l&bappam, Junior BY WALLACE IRWIN. o ne hundred and three copies on Sterling Japan parchment, bound in half genuine parchment, of which one hundred are for sale. Each with an original message from the poet. Price, net, $3.00. & IBallOOn &0Cen0ion at S^itmiffjlt BY GEORGE ELI HALL, illustrated with silhouettes in color by Gordon Ross. Thirty copies on Imperial Japan vellum, bound in full suede, of which fifteen are for sale. Price , net, $5.00. CLlrtpf arcr5 in Utalp BY KATHARINE HOOKER. Private edition of four hundred copies of which two hundred are for sale. On Ruisdael hand-made paper, with illustrations on Imperial Japan vellum. The few remaining copies (original price, $7.50), Price, net, $10.00. Bound in full levant from original design by Morgan Shepard. Price, net, 155.00. OTHER LIMITED EDITIONS j^O feCt0 in ltabnt BY MRS. E. H. J. CLEAVELAND. Seventy-five numbered copies on Imperial Japan vellum, printed in two colors, bound in flexible suede. Price, net, $1.50. &onnet0 from t&e {Eropfiieg of 3o0e S^atia He fteretiia Rendered into English by EDWARD ROBESON TAYLOR. Third revision. Three hundred and fifty numbered copies, oblong format, flexible binding, circuit edge. Price, net, $1.25. Bound in full leather, hand carved and colored. Price, net, $5.00. Bound in full paneled calf, extra, by Root, London Price, net, $7.50. V HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Collected Works. 8 vols., crown 8vo. Boston. Newly bound in half green crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $26.00. Arabian Nights Entertainment. Carefully revised and occasionally corrected from the Arabic, etc., etc., by Jonathan Scott. Illustrated with engravings from paintings by Smirke. 6 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1811. Old full calf, sound. $15.00. Armstrong, Sir Walter. Life and Art of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Illustrated with 90 reproductions of the ar- tist's finest pictures in photogravure, with sketches and draw- ings rendered in color tints. Special paper Edition de Luxe, limited to 1,000 copies. Imperial 4to. London and New York, 1902. $40.00. Another copy. Japanese Edition de Luxe, limited to 350 copies with double set of the illustrations. London and New York, 1902. $80.00. Barante, M. de. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne. Illustrated portraits, maps and other plates. 12 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1854. Handsomely bound in full mottled calf, extra; red edges, by Hayday. $48.00 Bindings of Tomorrow. A Record of the Work of the Guild of Women Binders and of the Hampstead Bindery, with critical introduction by G. Elliot Anstruther. Profusely illus- trated with embossed photolithographs in color, being re- productions of the original bookbinding designs. Limited edition; large square 8vo. London, 1902. Original cloth; uncut. $25.00. Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson, includ- ing a journal of his tour to the Hebrides. First issue of Mur- ray's Cabinet Edition, with steel engraved vignettes on title page and frontispiece. 10 vols., crown 8vo. London, John Murray, 1835. Newly bound in full polished calf ; t.e.g., un- cut, by Root. $45.00. Another set. Newly bound in half brown crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $30.00 ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO Burke, Edmund. The Works and Correspondence. Best English edition. 8 vols., 8vo. London, Rivington, 1852. Bound in tree calf, marble edges. (Sound, but not very fresh.) $57-50. Burns, Robert. Poetical Works. Edited by William Ernest Henley and Thomas F. Henderson. Centenary edi- tion. Portrait frontispiece. 4 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1896. Bound in full brown levant; heavy thistle design on the back, plain sides; t.e.g., uncut, by Riviere. $50.00. Byron, Lord. Works. First issue of Murray's Cabinet Edition with steel vignette frontispiece and title pages. 17 vols., Fcap 8vo. London, 1832-3. Newly bound in half blue crushed morocco, linen sides; t.e.g., uncut. $45.00. Byron, Lord. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Beauti- fully illustrated with a series of steel engraved vignettes. Original issue on thick paper of the edition. Royal 8vo. Lon- don, John Murray, 1841. Bound in full paneled calf, t.e.g., uncut, by Tout. $34-OO. Carlyle, Thomas. Collected Works. Portraits and other engravings. 35 vols, 8vo. London, Chapman & Hall. Newly bound in full polished calf, t.e.g., uncut. $225.00 Chesterfield, Lord. The Letters with the Characters. Edited by John Bradshaw. Portraits. 3 vols., 8vo. London, Sonnenschein, 1892. Newly bound in half dark blue crushed levant; t.e.g., uncut. $20.00. Children's Singing Games. With Tunes to Which They are Sung. Edited by Alice B. Gomme; pictured in black and white by Winifred Smith; hand-colored by Miss Cardew. 2 vols., small 4to. London, David Nutt. Bound in full red crushed levant; interesting conventional design cov- ering front and back boards; t.e.g., uncut, by Hampstead Bindery. $60.00. China, Its Costume, Arts and Manufactures. Edited principally from the originals in the cabinet of the late M. Bertin by M. Breton. Translated from the French. Embel- lished with many colored plates. 3d edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1813. Bound in half calf; marble edges. $17.50. 2 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS Cole, Timothy. Old English Masters. Engraved by Timothy Cole with historical notes by John C. Van Dyke and comments by the engraver. Limited edition of 150 sets, in- cluding a copy of the text edition numbered and printed on hand-made paper and a portfolio of proof impressions of the 48 wood engravings. New York, 1902. $150.00 Coleridge, S. T. Complete collected works. Original issues of William Pickering, Edward Moxon and John Murray. 23 vols., crown 8vo. London, v.d. 16 vols. in full fawn calf, t.e.g., uncut, and 7 vols. newly bound in uniform style. $105.00 This is a much esteemed edition and clean, uncut copies are very desirable. Collier, J. Payne. The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols., crown 8vo. London, John Murray, 1831. Bound in full calf; marble edges, by Hay day. Book- plate of William Twopeny. $18.00 Cruikshank, George. Ainsworth, W. Harrison. Rook- wood. 4th edition, illustrated with engravings by George Cruikshank, with an extra set in color. 8vo. London, 1836. Bound in full red crushed levant, extra; gilt edges, by the Hampstead Bindery. $5 5 .00 Cruikshank, George. Ainsworth, William Harrison. 'The Miser's Daughter." 3d edition. Profusely illustrated with etchings by George Cruikshank with duplicate set of plates in color. 8vo. London, 1848. Bound in red crushed morocco, decorated with reproductions of figures from illus- trations of the book in inlaid leathers on the sides, and gold tooling; t.e.g., uncut, by the Hampstead Bindery. $67.50 Cruikshank, George. Dibdin, Charles. Songs Naval and National, with a Memoir. Illustrated with engravings in color by George Cruikshank. First edition crown 8vo. Lon- don, 1841. Bound in full niger morocco with appropriate design in gold tooling; gilt edges, by the Guild of Women Binders. $22.50 Cruikshank, George. Land and Sea Tales, by The Old Sailor. Illustrated with engravings in color by George Cruikshank. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1836. Bound in full niger morocco; t.e.g., uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders. $18.00 3 ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO Cruikshank, George. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. Profusely illustrated with etch- ings by George Cruikshank with a duplicate set of the plates in color. First edition 8vo. London, 1845. Bound in full green crushed morocco with reproductions of figures from the illustrations of the book in inlaid leathers on the sides; gilt edges, by the Hampstead Bindery. $57. 50 Cruikshank, George. Reach, Angus B. Clement Lorimer, or The Book with the Iron Clasps. Illustrated with engravings by George Cruikshank. First edition crown 8vo. London, 1849. Bound in three-quarter crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut, by Tout. $*7-5o Cruikshank, George. Savage Club Papers. Edited by Andrew Halliday with contributions in prose, verse and illustrations by members of the club. First edition 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1868. Bound in full mottled calf; gilt on the rough; original covers bound in, by Riviere. $27.50 Cruikshank, George. The Spirit of the Public Jour- nals. Complete set of the three volumes for the years 1823, 24 and 25. Illustrated with 18 humorous designs by George Cruikshank, and other plates. 8vo. London, 1824, 25 and 26. Bound in full niger morocco; gilt edges, by the Guild of Women Binders. $25.00 Cruikshank, George. Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Illustrated with etchings by George Cruikshank in color. First edition post 8vo. Bound in full red crushed morocco, full gilt; t.e.g., uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders. $37-5 The colored etchings were published separately from the book and are extremely rare. Cruikshank, George. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. 27 illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank. First edition crown 8vo. London, 1852. Bound in full polished calf ; gilt edges, by Root. $20.00 Cruikshank, George. Sunday in London. Illustrated in 14 cuts by George Cruikshank and a few words by a friend of his. First edition post 8vo. London, 1833. Bound in full niger morocco; gilt edges, by the Guild of Women Binders. $14.00 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS Cruikshank, George. Tales of Other Days by J. Y. A. Illustrated with engravings by George Cruikshank. First edition 8vo. London, 1830. Bound in full red crushed levant, extra; t.e.g., uncut, by the Hampstead Bindery. $32.50 Cruikshank, George. Tim Bobbins. Lancashire Dia- lect and Poems. Illustrated with colored etchings by George Cruikshank. First edition 8vo. London, 1833. Bound in full wine crushed levant, full gilt; t.e.g., uncut, by the Hampstead Bindery. $35oo Cruikshank, J. R. Lessons of Thrift. Published by a member of the "Save-All Club." Profusely illustrated with colored plates and designs by J. R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Lon- don, 1820. Bound in full red crushed levant with reproduc- tions of figures from the illustrations of the book in inlaid leathers on the sides, by the Hampstead Bindery, gilt edges. $50.00 D'Israeli, Isaac. Works, Including Curiosities of Liter- ature, first and second series, and Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First. Original 8vo edition. 1 1 vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1824, 28, 30 and 31. Bound in full calf. $45-00 De Foe, Daniel. Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Cooke's edition; embellished with engravings. 3 vols., 241110. London, n.d. Newly bound in half calf, yellow edges. $7.50 Deuchar, David. A Collection of Etchings after the Most Eminent Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1803. Bound in contemporary half red straight- grained morocco with heavy border gold roll; gilt edges. $25.00 An interesting book for the collector of etchings. It has no letter press but the impressions of etchings after the Dutch masters are excellent. The binding is quite attractive. Dickens, Charles. Works and Life. Gadshill Edition with introductions by Andrew Lang. Original illustrations and steel engravings. 36 vols., crown 8vo. London, Chapman & Hall. Newly bound in half morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $150.00 Doran, Dr. Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited and revised by Robert ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO W. Lowe. Illustrated with 50 copper plate portraits and 80 wood engravings. 3 vols., 8vo. London, Nimmo, 1838. Newly bound in half red morocco, linen sides, t.e.g., uncut. $27-50. Doyle, J. A. The English in America. Maps and plates. 3 vols., 8vo. London, Longmans Green & Co., 1887. Newly bound in half red crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut, by Larkins. $20.00 Drayton, Michael. Nimphidia and Muzes Elizium. Vale Press Edition. Decorations and illustrations designed by Charles Ricketts; hand colored by Miss Cardew. 8vo. London, 1896. Bound by the Guild of Women Binders in full brown crushed levant, elaborately gold tooled with panel of floiver design; border heightened with a mass of dotted tool- ing; t.e.g., uncut. $55.oo Eliot, George. Complete Works. First Issue of the English Cabinet Edition. 21 vols., crown 8vo. London and Life, by J. W. Cross, with portraits. First edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885 ; in all 24 vols. Newly bound in half brown crushed morocco, linen sides; t.e.g., uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. $112.50 An exceedingly choice set. The binding is an excellent piece of work but finished in an absolutely severe style. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Complete Works. Riverside Edition. 12 vols., crown 8vo. Boston. Newly bound in full green crushed morocco ; French mitred back and sides; t.e.g., uncut. $75-OO Another set. Newly bound in half brown crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $42.00 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays. Riverside Edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo. Boston. Newly bound in green crushed morocco; French mitred back and sides; t.e.g., uncut. $15.00 Evelyn, John. Memoirs. Edited by William Bray. Portraits and plates. 5 vols., 8vo. London, Colburn, 1827. Bound in half calf ; t.e.g., by Root. $30.00 Fielding, Henry. Works, with biographical essay by Leslie Stephens. Limited large paper copy with impressions 6 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS on India paper of the many illustrations. 10 vols., royal 8vo. London, Smith-Elder & Co., 1882. Bound in three-quarter dark green crushed levant; t.e.g., uncut. $100.00 Gilchrist, Alexander. Life of William Blake, with selections from his poems and other writings. Illustrated from Blake's own works in facsimile by W. J. Linton and in photolithography with a few of Blake's original plates ; 2 vols., 8vo. London, Macmillan, 1863 ; full calf, marble edges; book- plate of William Twopeny. $22.50 Gower, John. Confessio Amantis. Edited and col- lated with the best manuscripts by Dr. Reinhold Pauli. Beau- tifully printed in large type. 3 vols., 8vo. London, Bell & Daldy, 1857. Bound in full calf, yellow edges. $27.50 Grote, George. History of Greece. Best English large type edition. 12 vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1851, v.d. Newly bound by Root in full polished calf, extra; t.e.g., uncut. $100.00 Hakluyt, Richard. Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation ; comprising the volumes upon America. 5 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889. Bound in half dark green morocco ; t.e.g., uncut. $30.00 Helps, Arthur. The Spanish Conquest in America and Its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Govern- ment of Colonies. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1855. Bound in half crushed morocco; linen sides; t.e.g. $20.00 Heredia, Jose Maria de. Sonnets. Rendered into English by Edward Robeson Taylor. 3d revised edition, limited. Oblong format. San Francisco, 1902. Newly bound in full paneled calf ; t.e.g., uncut, by Root. $7.50 Herodotus. History. A new English version with copious notes and appendices by George Rawlinson. Illus- trated. Best English large type edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, John Murray, 1862. Newly bound in half dark green morocco; French mitred back; t.e.g., uncut. $36.00 Herrick, Robert. Works. Beautifully printed. 2 vols., post 8vo. Edinburgh, W. & C. Tait, 1823. Bound in full paneled calf ; red edges. $25.00 7 ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO Hervey, John. Memoirs of the reign of George the Second. Edited by the Right Honorable John Wilson Croker. Frontispiece and facsimiles. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1848. Bound in full calf; t.e.g., book-plate of William Twopeny. $30.00 A highly esteemed book of memoirs, rather rare, especially in the good condition of the present copy. Hume, David. Philosophical Works. Edited by T. H. Green and T . H. Grost. Best edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, Longmans, Green & Co., 1874. Bound in full calf ; bev- eled boards; marble edges. $27.50 Jerrold, Douglas. Writings. Collected Edition. 8 vols., crown 8vo. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1851-3. Newly bound in half red calf ; t.e.g. $30.00 Johnson, Captain Charles. A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, etc., from the famous Sir John Falstaff; to which is added a general account of the Voyages and Plunders of the Most Notorious Pirates, interspersed with Divers Tales and Pleasant Songs. Adorned with six and twenty large copper plates engraved by the best masters. A complete copy in fine state. Folio, London, 1836. Bound in full paneled calf, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. $112.50 Johnson, Samuel. Complete Works and Life by James Boswell. Oxford English Classics edition. 15 vols., 8vo. Oxford, William Pickering, 1825. Bound in full polished calf, marble edges. $90.00 Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, with critical observations on their works. Best English Library Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1854. Newly bound in half dark green crushed levant with white inlay on back; linen sides. $22.50 Junius. Letters. With many engraved portraits and Vignettes. 2 vols., 8vo. London, T. Bensley, 1801. Bound in contemporary mottled calf. Book-plate of Perce de Bathe, M. A. $14.00 Another copy. 1797. Newly bound in full black calf, yellow edges, by Larkins. $15.00 Lanier, Sidney. Shakespeare and His Forerunners. Illustrated with portraits, facsimiles, title pages and other 8 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS pictorial matter. Large paper edition, limited to 100 copies. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Boards, uncut. New York, 1902. $25.00 Same. Edition de Luxe, on Japanese paper with du- plicate set of the portraits. Limited to 250 numbered copies. 4to. Portfolio. $50.00 Lamertine, A. de. Histoire des Girondins. 6 vols., crown 8vo. Paris, 1860. Elegantly bound by Riviere in full mottled calf, extra; gilt edges. $20.00 Layard, Austen Henry. Nineveh and Its Remains. 2 vols., and Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. I vol. profusely illustrated. 3 vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1853. Bound in full calf, marble edges. $25.00 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Steel engraved frontispiece and title pages. 10 vols., crown 8vo. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1846, v.d. Newly bound in half dark blue crushed morocco; t.e.g. by Root. $35.00 Lyel, Charles. Travels in North America, with geo- logical observations of The United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, including the second visit. Illustrated. 4 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1845, e ^ c - Bound in half calf; t.e.g., uncut. $12.00 Mayhew. Acting Charades, or Deeds not Words. A Christmas Game to Make a Long Evening Short, by the Brothers Mayhew. Illustrated throughout in silhouettes with frontispiece by H. G. Hine. Small square 8vo. London, D. Bogue. Bound in full calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. $9.00 Menzies, Sutherland. Royal Favorites. Third edi- tion ; illustrated with authentic portraits. 2 vols., royal 8vo. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1870. Newly bound in full red calf, gilt edges. $27.50 A work of historical interest; very readable. This edition is the only one with portraits and is scarce. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Adorned with many beautiful engravings designed by H. Richter, engraved on copper by I. Richter ; a few pages foxed. 2 vols., 4to. Lon- don, 1794. Bound in full contemporary Russia; sound and in t ere sting. $ 1 5 .00 Montaigne's Essays. In three books, with notes and quotations and an account of the author's life with a short ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO character of the author and translator, by the Marquis of Hali- fax. Translated by Charles Cotton. 6th edition corrected and amended. 3 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1743. Newly bound in full black calf, yellow edges. $17.50 Montaigne. Essays written by him in French and done into English by John Florio. Limited edition, printed at the Riverside Press under the direction of Mr. Bruce Rogers from original type with initials and decorations by Mr. Rogers. Frontispiece portrait engraving by Mr. M. Lamont Brown. 3 vols., folio. Boston, 1902. Each $40.00 Montesquieu. Oeuvres Completes. Nouvelle edition, avec des notes d'Helvetieus sur L'Esprit des Lois. Beautifully printed. 12 vols., 241110. Paris, 1795. Old full calf, sound, gilt edges. $30.00 Mosher, Thomas B. Complete collection of Mr. Mosher's editions, including special issues on Imperial Jap- anese vellum. Catalogue upon application. Motley, John Lothrop. Complete Works and Corre- spondence. Best English large type edition. n vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1857. Newly bound in full polished calf; t.e.g., uncut. $i35oo Niebuhr, B. G. The collected Historical Writings and Life. Best English edition. 14 vols., 8vo. London, 1851, etc. Bound in half morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $60.00 Ovide. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide en Latin, Tra- duites en Francois Avec des Remarques, etc., par M. L'Abbe Banier. Many very beautiful engravings and decorations by B. Picart and other masters. 2 vols., folio. Amsterdam, 1732. Bound in contemporary calf, gilt edges; zvith book-plates of Mansf. de Cardonnel Lanson and of Samuel Parker. $45.00 Palgrave, Francis T. The Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrical Poems. 2 vols., Fcap, 8vo. London. Newly bound by Root in half calf ; t.e.g. $5-OO Full calf; t.e.g. $8.00 Palou, Francisco. Relacion Historica de la Vida del Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra. Complete copy with portrait and map. Clean and uncut. Small 4to. Mexico, 1787. Original vellum binding; lettered on back; tied with thong and buttons (thongs broken). $50.00 10 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS Another copy; not in equally good condition with the preceding, although complete and clean. In original vellum, frayed at the edges. $3 5 .00 Pastor, Ludwig. The History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages ; drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican and other original sources. 6 vols., 8vo. London, Kegan Paul, 1899. Bound in tree calf, gilt edges. $40.00 Philosophers and Actresses. Scenes vivid and pictur- esque from the one hundred and one dramas of art and passion. Illustrated with 35 engravings on wood. i6mo. London, Vizetelly. Bound in full calf ; t.e.g., uncut, by Tout. $6.00 Plutarch's Lives. Translated from the Greek with notes historical and critical. Copper engravings. 8 vols., 8vo. London, J. Tonson, 1727. Newly bound in full black calf, yellow edges by Larkins. $30.00 Pollard, A. F. Henry the Eighth. Colored frontis- piece and 42 photogravure illustrations. Limited edition of 1,150 numbered copies. 4to. Paris and New York, 1902. Bound in half red morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $25.00 Pope, Alexander. The Poetical Works. Adorned with plates. Large paper copy. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1804. Bound by Morrell in half calf, yellow edges. $30.00 Proctor, Adelaide Anne. Legends and Lyrics: A Book of Verse with an introduction by Charles Dickens. 2 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1875. Newly bound in half red calf; t.e.g., uncut. $6.75 Ranke, Leopold. The Ecclesiastical and Political His- tory of the Popes of Rome during the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries. Translated from the German by Sarah Austin. Best edition. 3 vols., 8vo. London, John Murray, 1840. Newly bound in half morocco; marble edges. $15.00 Rochefoucauld. Maxims and Moral Reflections by the Due de la Rochefoucauld. New edition revised and improved. 24mo. London, 1775. Newly bound in full paneled calf ; yel- low edges. $6.75 Another edition; with portrait frontispiece. 241110. London, 1791. Newly bound in full black calf ; yellow edges. $5.00 II ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO Rogers, Samuel. Italy and Poems. First issue of the edition, with steel engravings and vignettes after Turner and others. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1830-34. Bound in full polished calf, gilt edges, by Root. $55-OO Roscoe, Thomas. Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent. 8th edition revised by his son, with portraits and other plates. The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Edited and revised by his son, with portraits and plates. 2 vols., 8vo. In all, 3 vols., 8 vo. London, 1864-76. Bound in full paneled calf, gilt edges. $25.00 Saint Simon. The Memoirs of the Duke of St. Simon on the Reign of Louis the Fourteenth and the Regency; abridged from the French by Bale St. John. 4 vols., crown 8vo. London, 1837. Bound in half calf, marble edges. $20.00 Scott, Sir Walter. Waverley Novels. Illustrated with steel engravings and etchings by George Cruikshank. 48 vols., crown 8vo. London, Fisher, 1837, v -d- Newly bound in half crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut, by Root. $120.00 Sill, Edward Roland. Poems. Riverside Limited Edition ; printed under the direction of Mr. Bruce Rogers. Portrait frontispiece. 8vo. Boston, 1902. Buckram back, uncut. $5.00 Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de. Histoire des Repub- liques Italiennes du Moyen Age. Nouvelle Edition. Illus- trated. 10 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1840. Handsomely bound in full calf, extra, marble edges, by Hay day. Book-plate of William Twopeny. $50.00 Shakespeare. Works. The Edinburgh Folio Shake- speare, limited to 1,000 numbered sets. Edited by William Ernest Henley. Based upon the text of the first folio, 1623. Illustrated with 10 authentic portraits of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. 40 parts to be bound in 10 vols. Printed at Edinburgh for F. A. Stokes and Co., New York, 1901-2. $80.00 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Centenary Edition; edited by George Woodberry. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Boston. Newly bound in half brown crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $14.00 Smith, F. Hopkinson. Collected Works. Limited Autograph Edition; printed on Ruisdael hand-made paper 12 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS with extra illustrations in color and other plates, many of them signed by the artists. 10 vols., crown 8vo. New York, 1902. Bound in three-quarter crushed morocco; gilt back; linen sides; t.e.g., uncut. Per volume, $25.00. At present three volumes are ready, the balance to be delivered as published. Spenser, Edmund. Poetical Works. Engraved frontis- piece. 5 vols., crown 8vo. London, William Pickering, 1825. Bound in full calf; marble edges. Book-plate. $30.00 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Memorial of Westminster Abby and of Canterbury. Limited large paper edition; illus- trated with platinum photographs. 3 vols., large square 8vo. Philadelphia. Newly bound in three-quarter green crushed levant; t.e.g., uncut. $36.00 Story, William Wetmore. Collected Works, Prose and Poetry. 8 vols., crown 8vo, 2 vols., i6mo; in all 10 vols. Boston. Newly bound in half green crushed morocco; t.e.g., uncut. $25.00 Straparole, J.-F. Les Facetieuses Nuits. Avec une Preface et des Notes par G. Brunet. Illustrated with designs by J. Gamier and engravings by Champollion. Limited edi- tion. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Paris, 1882. Newly bound in half red calf ; linen sides; t.e.g., uncut, by Morrell. Talfourd, T. N. Vacation Rambles and Thoughts, comprising the recollections of three continental tours, 1841-42 and 43. 2 vols., crown 8vo. London, Moxon, 1845. Bound in half brown calf, linen sides; t.e.g., uncut. $5-OO Taylor, Jeremy. 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Illus- trated with old engravings. 4to. London, 1748. Bound in full calf. Prevost, L'Abbe. Manon Lescaut. Illustrated with fine etchings. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Bound in full morocco, by Tout. Forster's Voyage. 2 vols., 410. 1777. Ticknor's Spanish Literature. 3 vols., 8vo. 1849. Bound in full contemporary calf. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Works and Life. Por- trait. 4 vols., 8vo. 1873 to 1886. Newly bound in half levant. 15 ELDER AND SHEPARD, SAN FRANCISCO Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations, Works and Life. 8 vols., 8vo. 1874. Bound in full calf. Jeaffreson's Works Lawyers, Doctors, Clergy, etc. 12 vols., 8vo., and crown 8vo. 1858-1872. Newly bound in half calf. A very pleasant collection of chatty literature. Anquetil's Memoirs of Louis the Fourteenth. 2 vols., 8vo. 1791. Newly bound in half morocco. St. John, Henry. Life of Raleigh. 2 vols., crown 8vo. 1868. Newly bound in half calf. Daru, Histoire de Venise. 9 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1853. Bound in full calf, extra, by Bedford. 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