THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES v ' MUNSON'S SYSTEM OF PHONOGRAPHY. THE PHRASE-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY, CONTAINING A LIST OF USEFUL PHRASES, PRINTED IN PHONOGRAPHIC OUTLINES ; A COMPLETE AND THOR- OUGH TREATISE ON THE ART OF PHRASEOGRA- PHY; A TABLE OF THE ABBREVIATIONS OF "PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY" IN OUTLINES ; EXERCISES FOB PRACTICE ON THE PHRA- SES, ETC., ETC., ETC. BY JAMES E. MUNSON, OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER, N. Y. SUPERIOB COURT ; LAW AND GENERAL BEPOBTER SINCE 1S57; AUTHOR OF THE "COMPLETE PHO- NOGBAPHER," THE " DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY," ETC. NEW YOEK: J. E. MUNSON, PUBLISHEB, ASTOK HOUSE. 1879. Copyright, 1879, by JAMES E. MXJNSON. -I-!- PREFACE. THIS text-book is the first and only one of its kind that has ever been given to the public in connection with any system of Phonography. Other phrase-books, or lists of phonographic phrases, it is true, have been published, but they have inva- riably been made up, in whole or in great part, of phrases that the authors have concocted in their own minds, the selection oftentimes being controlled more by the symmetrical appearance that the signs have on the printed page than by practical considerations ; and the number that have originated in the notes of actual shorthand -reporting has been exceedingly small. In this first and very important respect, the List given in this book differs radically from all others. These phrases have been selected with great care from the phonographic notes taken by the author, while pursu- ing his prcfession of verbatim reporting, and covering a period of about twelve years. To these have been added a goodly number of valuable contributions by other practitioners of the system. Had the entire collection of phrases thus obtained been printed, it would have swelled this book to more 44846S iv. PREFACE. than double its present size. But by a critical and pains- taking process of elimination, omitting the less valuable phrases, and retaining only those of known practical usefulness, the number has been reduced to its present limits. To the casual reader, this List of phrases may look like every other; but to the student, who takes it up for the purpose of making it his own, it will not be long in disclosing its marked superiority. And yet, notwithstanding the comparative excellence of the List, the most valuable feature of the book will, no doubt, be found in the chapter entitled " Phraseog- raphy." It is sometimes remarked, and in a general sense it is the fact, that every phonographer may do his own phrasing. Still, when the principles of Phraseog- raphy are applied indiscriminately in the writing of un- vocalized phonography, ambiguities, or collisions in the meaning of signs, will now and then occur, and no one can be an invariably correct stenographer who does not know where these points of danger lie, and by what expedients they may be avoided. But, unfortunately, they are seldom detected except through the reporter's experience ; and they are by no means identical in character, or to be found in the same place, in any two systems of shorthand. In this book, however, the learner or writer of Practical Phonography will find clear and explicit rules and directions on all these points, which, if properly observed and followed, will obviate the necessity of learning in that severe school where all have heretofore been compelled to acquire their knowledge of the stenographer's art. In other words, the many things that the author has learned only by long experience and through many years of PREFACE. v. practice, are represented, explained and illustrated in these pages, for the benefit of others. It must not be supposed that the phrases of the List are of arbitrary construction, and that their acquisition will call for a severe taxing of the memory, for such, as any phonographer knows, is not the case. They are the natural fruits of the system as properly and intel- ligently developed, and are simply choice illustrations of the best way of applying those principles with which every writer of the system is already familiar. As has just been stated, this is the only work of its kind in existence. The reason why this is so is two- fold. In the first place, no one of the authors of other systems of phonography has had the necessary expe- rience in practical reporting to qualify him to teach the shorthand writer in the more advanced and difficult department of his studies. And, secondly, with the old systems containing as they do so many exceptions to general rules, and employing for several of the most frequent words of the language abbreviations consisting of tick or vowel signs, that will not admit of being ex- tensively used in phrase -writing, instead of simple con- sonant-stems, to which all of the various means of phrasing may be freely applied even under the most favorable circumstances, such a work as this could only be partially realized. Indeed, the extraordinary capac- ity of the author's system of Practical Phonography for almost unlimited natural phrase-making, is to be found in no other mode of shorthand. Although this book, as regards the number of pages it contains, is not a large one, yet it represents a vast amount of work. For many years past, both at the time of taking notes, and while afterward transcribing vi. PREFACE. them, or comparing the transcripts with them, the au- thor has constantly had his attention directed to the subject of practical phrase-writing ; and during the last two years, the brief signs for if, y and h f and the best way of using them, have received special consideration. The fact, too, that there was to be had no work similar in kind to this, from which a hint, to assist in the selection of matter or in its mode of treatment, could be obtained, has added greatly to the labor and diffi- culty of its preparation. In conclusion, it may be added that Practical Pho- nography is now the only system of shorthand that can justly lay claim to having a series of text-books that teach the entire art of verbatim reporting, accurately and fully at every step, from the very beginningi through all the elementary principles, and up to and including the application of those principles to every phase of the most rapid and difficult shorthand work. PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. DIRECTIONS TO THE LEARNER. THERE are several ways in which Phraseography, as pre- sented in this book, may be studied by the learner, each of which, in its turn, should receive his careful attention. I. A knowledge of the Principles can best be acquired by studying the Rules (pages 117 to 157), in connection with the accompanying illustrative Examples and their phonographic outlines shown in the List. II. The actual phonographic Forms of phrases may be most expeditiously fixed in the memory 1. By constantly recurring to them in the List and carefully making their outlines, either actually by writing them with pen or pencil, or mentally while tracing them with the finger on the knee, table or whatever is most convenient. 2. By thoroughly learning the One Hundred Exercises on the Phrases (pages in to 115), and practicing them from Dictation, by means of the Key (pages 163 to 1 68) and an oral reader, until each and every one of them may be written with accuracy, precision and speed. III. Especial attention and study should be directed to all words and phrases, in the writing of which there is anything exceptional or peculiar. Therefore, the outlines of Words Written out of Position (page in) and of Phrases Distinguished (page 158) should be effectually memorized and put to use. IV. When the writer has, in this manner, mastered all of the Principles, as well as the Exceptions, so that he has no hesitancy in applying them properly at all times and under all circumstances, then, and only then, will he be fully quali- fied to " make his own phrases." But having reached that point of proficiency, he has- a right to consider that he has succeeded in making the Art of Pho- nography completely his own, and that he may begin to put in practice, on his own account and in his own way, all its principles of abbreviation, Phrase-writing included, fearlessly and with no uncertainty as to the results being entirely satis- factory. THE PHRASE BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY, A a short period ? A A good -__ .j. a short time ago \ t - a good deal -- - - able to _S._ a good deal of able to do . about this (or those) f a short __ _ about when ^^v 10 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. about whether T~X- about which / about which a / advantage of -'-_ advertising a_V_ advertising the.r_ about which an / about which It *> after a (wan) JS^.- after all V. about which the ^ f 1 after business \ about which there . / \q_pi after business hours V_^ about which there is ^ about you-r \^_j>/ after he V__/^v after he called V__/-^_ above a -\. above his \ above the >* after he came V_^-V__^~N after he came there V_^-x__^ -s after he had ^_^->> i above their >v absolutely necessary ~ V.P' after he has (/' is) V s~b after he left V s-^/~- abuse a.\^ after he received ^_v^v/" according to after he wag V_^\ according to a according to agreement after him v^_x~S after his > o according to my after his death V_o e- according to that after I V^ C i according to the after I saw him >>, S i account book ^\ after I saw him there ^? account current account sales ** ( , ^-s * ^ after looking > 1 after me v^ ^ in \_ act of Congress after she V_^ act of Parliament \f after such V^o acts of Congress acts of Parliament ~\f ad valorem _Q|. V after that \^^ after that date V_^ V l after that day V_ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. n after that time -^ - al.its.C_ after the V_, after the other V^ all of ' all of her ' ~^\ after them V_ V 1 ( after they V_ all of it ' all of mine after they had v_ M- ^~. ,-~~ all of my (\ after they have V | / / 1 all of our ( u after this V^ after we x^. i all of that '_ _^ all of the ' after which V_ A after which it V^ 7 ( after which it may x^_^ all of the other// all of their ^\_ all of them ( \. after which it muni V_^ all our after you-r V u e^, V all our own. after you become V^.^^ all persons after you were Vwv/ after your own V^ / all right ' all such '/ again a . ^_ . all that ngain and again . all that a against the _ jt?-- against us ^-^ all are aware A ail that has all that I ^ all that IB ' all that may all are ready r~ all classes all directions all have ' all that she _J all that they ' / all that we all that you all have been all have been there *x. all that you can ' all that you have (j 12 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. all that you may alongside of the ?rC, all that your alongside of their ^-P all the/T- although a._f_\,_ all the other- A although it f* all the others | /-Vo although it has ( all their I . . although it has not /^ all their own although it has not been r^*\ all this ' * although it is i all this business v^j^ although it is not f**-' all this time V although the 1 all those * although thr if all will &_ although there is II all you-r */f although there is not '/ all you have V all your own " ^o^/T although there is nothing // si ^i--/ although this ,' ( \^ all yours although this case f( Almighty Father .f^_ always be_ ^\ Almighty God " f\Sl always ready almost always *"""* " always there along a _StX always was A ^_^/ y along about "> always were/ a^ along about that time *S am a along after V-l am I not C along the ^~--i am not along their V - among a ..X_XN_ _ along their path x^_-^-^ among all <^_y along there X. s among all his ^_P alongside of >-P among all their ^L / alongside of a ^~f among all their own < *^^^^/ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 13 among an _ > z. _ and I (7i/ among as >_> and I may among his ^~J> and I think ^f . among its >^j> and is among other "x_^ and is a-n _ *> among other things x_^"^_i> and is it _ ' among our t^* and is it as among our own s^j> and is not among the ^_, and is the . . among the best v among their x^_ s among their own ^_^-v_^ and is thr -^_ - and so forth -\- r . and that _\ _ among us *_ -^ f^V - o among you-r \^s" among your ov.-n ^^ and that has (or is) * and that has been N^ and that has (or is) not ** and a-n and that has not been ^Xj and h-as and that has (or is) nothing VL .., yo ,ind h-as a and h-as it and that has (or is) the and that that ( and as it has (or is) _ _ . and that the A _ and as it has (or is) not f^_ and that thr ^ and h-as the and. that there has (or is) (^ and h-as thr _ and then (, and as to _*_ . and this _/__ anet _(_ 14 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK i another affair \ ~~ ^ any part of another day any part of it (or the) another instance any part of their another point any party another thing any person .. any better any special ^^^ any better tlvan ^ N any statement ^^^ any body O any subject any boily else any body else there ^ any business any worse ^^^rx anything about . - anything beside any business there 9 any interest anything else anything further any more x anything less f any more than anything like ^.^C any of , anything more ^_^,t ., any one J any one else anything more than ^_^ anything more than that ^_ any one else there fc anything more than the any one of the Cf anything more than t ' lr ^_^ ^ any one there * any other u anything said anywhere else _ _ _/ any other party are a any other payment /A are about any other person .. are all *^ any other subject are as ' any other thing are not " any other time are of any part are our PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 15 are the rX^-^S. are you certain about ___ X? /^ A are thr are you clear ^ are there many are you in the habit x( x^ are they v are you just as ^ are those are you positive X-X* X\ are we _ _ _ are you positive about that f are_ we able to are you prepared ^") .ire we about ^^ are you quite clear i are we becoming V_ are you tiuite sure C*^ are we certain about ^ are you sure S are we deceiving ^^ f C/\ ^ ' are we decided p are you ^ure about H ^ 1 J\ are you sure about that ^\ are we deciding J> x xl L^ are we doing ^ l^^ are you sure of it ,or the) ^ are you acquainted ^ as far as has (or is) V^^ f O are you aware as far as may ^-^ ^i v are you certain -x f> O \ as far as might V^^ o~^ 16 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. p as far as our _ :>^^< as is usual -Q. as far as possible v- ^ as it S\ x> as it is r as far as thr V h\ as it were-'*^ Op as far as there is ^-* ft as far as they sf. _ as large as _'__ as lately as_6r_ as far as was v_^ as little as _jC? e*\ as far as will V / ^v o ^ as long __ e as far as you-r ^ .. as long ago as far as you can v ft, \ as long as ^"^ v-T as far as your own y P as fast as _"P_ ?^7 as long as it o as great jur_ as long as they ^"^ as long as they have ^~\j as long as this ^3 as great as a^ as long as you-r as has 5? _ as long as you have / as has been _>i_ as~ many _ as soon as as well as the 6 QJ? as soon as thr as well as their b as soon as they as would ?"N- as soon as you-r \ as yet _ (- _ as soon as your own as such . _ * as you _ xp_ as you have /^ _ as you have been x* 5 t as you have said x" as that an _ __ as your-/ \ at all hazards ^~ !> ~) p as usual at first A_ at his at such a /*" ^ 1 at such an f/ -* > at his own ^ -" at that < at home ^~^ at that date C 1 1 at last at that interview <" at least S at that place 1 be regretted V / at yourselves /^ be requested X.X p attain a./J- - Attorney General \. be said \_ be seen V B Baggage master ' -j be seen that \ be seen there V bank account ^-*" be such N^ bank note ^ ^ be sure \ be sustained \,-j be a >y be that \ be able to \ be the be an N. be the fact be certain \_ be thr V be consistent >^ 9 be they \ be done V be glad V be this N be thought V be good enough V be thought that \ ^"^--^ be it /x be it resolved /* NX be told that \ ^ CV/" bear in mind . J. be kind enough. \ bearing date _ _ 20 PHONOGRAPHIC . PHRASE BOOK. bearing in mind _ _ _ before I \f. bearing interest became acquainted \__v^-x before I do or had) \rl before it _\>_ because a (or I) because I was ) because it is before no other \^_x ? i before or after \f before or since \j because it is not t/ before the V because it may \^~^ before the country \s-/ because the before the nation \y-I2 because thr because there is before thr \_ - before you-r v, because tbey V before you can Xu because this ~ = - before you shall \i^ because you begin again because your <^- f beginning a become acquainted \ - _ beginning the V become of \ .-> being thr \^ _ become of the \_= believe a 5^ _ become of their \ _=> becoming a \ , believe that V. believe the (or it). _ becoming the \ , been a X- -t believe thr S. believing a ^ been the - y- - been thr _\_ _ before a-n N^_ _ before and after \fi before and behind VV believing the ^ best impression \fT*\\ best of my belief X~\ best of my knowledge X""^ -1 best of my memory ^fV~v*>X before another \>*-__^- before any other \i best of my recollection \T^^ bet recollection ^^ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 21 better off _N but an ^ better than ^> but another >^ . between that _|_ - but as \> between the -j-- but as the \> between thr_ \__ but I am \ < _^ between them J but I am not X^ between themselves | but I am not positive >_^ \ between those 1 c but it N_ _ [ between you-r 1 but it has (or is) No between you and 1 but it has or is) not Vq_^ between yourself 1 /O ^ but it has (or is) nothing V, beyond all ' V f~ \ (^ ' but lately V rt, \ r beyond the but littleNr beyond thr ( but not JS. _ . bill book X-/TS. but one X_ _ bill of exchange \J^~/ > but such as \> bill of particulars \ \ but such as are V bill of sale V^X^t V bills payable \/A C \ JL bills receivable \*f* V^^X bona fide \. < / Vc but such as were X> but that \ but that has or isj\ but that has (or is) not \ book account \ 1 but the X_ _ book debt V but their own o book entries \ but themselves X branch of _^~r1 but there o British America -,^- / but there are X burden of proof V**V o hut there is O business there \^- but a J^ - _ but they have not X o V" but we \ 22 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. but we believe _V__ f\ \ by that _C_ . but we must V * but we think \ /T^ j but you-r \ by the _\ _ by the by ^ but you have >> by the fact \_ X but you may >^~x by the way ^"^ but you were \r by thr J by a _N by their own *5 by all ^ by them ^ by all thr ^ V by themselves } by an * by this or those 1 , f by and by ^ by another ^ \ ^ by this time / by this account ^ ' ^ by those accounts ^ by him v^> by his ^ by his own ^* ' \' VJ> by way ot ^N by which / by it _ _ _ by which means }^ by its __ by wliitli you ^/ by its own J i ^'_ c\ by you-r by little^* c by many ^"^ call for S> by me (/ my) ^"^ call forth k by mine ^^ 5 call me "~ ^^ ^ at "~ by my own ''" ^^ ' call them C. \ by our call thr by reason ^ = v call upon o by Mtme "" call you-r by Bucb / call your own PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 23 n they (. ca can we can we be V can you-r can you fix can you mention CT can you name can you not can you speak c-f can you state can you tell can you tell how much can you tell me how mucrT l^^~*s~\ can you think <- r can you think of anything 7 "^ *^/ can you think of anything else cannot be "^ cannot be made cannot be received cannot be sail cannot be sure cannot go cannot say ) cannot see JH_ cannot understand cannot you \ care of care of the care of their carry away ~ carry on carrying away carte blanc'r aid ~V^ "*} che \ 24 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. cash price \ \3 charitable uses.Sv- casus belli Q:-/^- - charter party '^v V A Catholic Bishop _ ^v PS/I chef d'oeuvre ~* Catholic Church / chief clerk 7^ 7/ 4 Catholic priest ^N^ Chief Justice / y cause a child of God f.TL b cause of action children of God /? _ caveat emptor \^ -x children of Israel /' certain about o^~ "X children of men T 7 / certain extent < S f\ Christian brethren .~ P cestuy que trust _l -n. _ Christian brother . P ' cestuy que use 1 pT Christian character ^ cestuy que vie L Christian Church c y / / change a. 7. _ ff^ _.. Christian religion / /I change of i Christian society f~) change of the -i- - Christian system Q change of their _/ _ Church and State ./_ changing a / T Church of Christ / changing the / Church of England 7 / " / charge a _ _ _ 0b Church of God / n Charg^ d'Affairs _ *- 1 Church of Rome 7 r i I charge of l~ Circuit Court YjA' s charge of a / Circuit Court of the U. S. T^y charge of anything / ^-^' circumstances of the case r^~ t charge of the circumstantial evidence J charge of their./. _ citizens of the U. S. . P charge of their own L, - U City of Boston -P-. charging a - charging the - City of New York J P Civil Law_f^j^ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 25 civil list --Of civil power ^_^ civil service reform i ^./Vo/V contrary to that -- -C T/l contrary to the . T/j contrary to their civil suit O 1 I civilized world f> 11 \o corpus delicti _ _ _^" 1 correcting a c 1 clerical error ^ correcting the c 1 close by _c o_ _ costing a collateral facts ^~^_ collateral warranty c ~ t ^ costing the could all collecting a c / could all their collecting the c . i could ever colored race c could have 3 comes down . p_ _ ^^t commanding officer ^*s. could it could never ) . commissioner of patents -)-- could not common carrier v_y " J could not be Common Council ^~i^ common law " Common Pleas ^/\o . common scold/ could not say could not see could not understand _ could not undertake common sense could our compound interest jV^"* 7 could that condition jjrecedent -Lex- Con federate States v_n confidential communicationV 1 j-^> Constitution of the U. S._P.. could the could the other could thr \ could their own constitutional amendment f I/ contested election L contrary to __ _. could there be _ could they could this (or those) 26 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. could we criminal jurisprudence . . . could we ever cross action could we have ^ cross bill \ could we not cross examination could you current money / 1 ^~^~- ' could you ever t Custom House U \^* ^ could you have = D could you name , N Danger of t could'you not ^ danger of a J? could you state o danger of the t could you tell counter affidavit _ ^~. counter claim danger of thr L dangerous weapon U u *s dare not ^^ county court l/*. dare not say j course of business _ c ^. _ n ^-* dare say "^ r court martial _c^T^/ day after day Court of Appeals =-\ L . day after to-morrow | 1 Court of Bankruptcy c- \^\ 1 \ / day of t V N/ Court of Chancery C-T^ day of the I Court of Claims c-c / b day of the date L Court of Common Pleas c-^_x day of the week lr-v Court of Equity c / days after b Court of Sessions i did not you delivering a _ P _ did that _J__ delivering the f i did the _ depend upon L did they j Ni i depend upon it \or the) I 1 did we.pS depend upon thr L deputy marshal 1 ^-yb 1 did we believe p did we call p^ deputy sheriff I 1 y did we claim p derive a _^_ V I did we do _O_ derive the > did we ever ' Ci I derive their _l_ _ did we get p v - did a .J_ . did we go p did he | did we have p did he ever j did we make, p did he have l_^- did you H_ did he make 1^^ did you ask "r ' did he say j did he tell 1 ) did he tell you 1 did-it ^ did you become fj did you believe C\ ^ did you belong f| did you calculate ^~^ C\ did not . J did you call ) did not do , f did you claim f~\ did not have ' did you deliver H did not know did you do _(Y 1 did not say . did not see j did you ever ' H did you ever claim ^"- O did not think * f did you examine C\ ^ ^~N did not understand . * f did you furnish H 28 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. did you get /_j_ _ did you purchase Q did you give f~| did you read /^ /I /^ did you go f) did you receive ^"]y did you go down stairs f~\ did you recognize X^_p did you go there r\ /j did you refer f\,? did you have H did you regard C\ f~ did you have any Q did you remain thr C\ did you have arrylbusiness did you remember (~\ * ^ did you have arryjinteresf V^-^^__^^ did you render f~\ ^^ did you have an^J interview did you retjuest C\ / ^, did you have aiVyjother did you have an^other interv'w did you say (~\ did you say, sir ) C\ did you have anything O IA- ^^ did you see O J-^ did yon have anything else v^^-V ^ did you have anything to dofl r^i did you see him ,/ f\ did you see him there C\ )~^ did you have anything to sayfj v^_x^x\ did you sign C\ )^ . x did you investigate rj r\ ^~"\ did you sign your C\ did you keep r J Vo_ did you sign your name C\ * *V^"~N did you know H ^ did you look QX did you sign your own <\ did you sign your ownlname r did you look after f\/" I T did you suppose C\ *>o did you make C\ did you suppose the O did you mean C\ did you suppose there C\ did you mention f~\ v" -^) -O- c '~o did you tell A did you notice f~\ "1 did you observe O to l^s did you occupy C\ if did you understand C\ did you use II 1 direct evidence L. *^ o did you pay H \ direct examination 9 ~-~^ i did you proceed C\ bf disbursing agent Jv V PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK 29 disbursing clerk -*V-- - do we ever j l^** > disbursing officer Cv_ _ do we go L District of Columbia -I-- 1 L do we have (, Divine ISeing U ~A^ ^\ do we make k-x___ do all . f _ do you _|__ do another |_ 1 ^ do as b do believe J j ^^ do you believe J do you belong J O >< do you call J r*i do have t do you claim J ^ do not (or don't', -J- do you do do not know vj_^ do you go l do not they *) do you go there ' V do not think ' do you have t V do not understand J do you have anything to do (r^s^l do not undertake 4. ^. do you have to gO-_lc do not )ou --J do you imagine I ^ r\ " do the _L_ do you know [ , do their J do you know of \^) do their own Cj do you know -whether "" "\ do themselves \ i (D do you make k-s do these I do you mean \^^ I / do they 1 do you mean to |^> do this 1 do you recollect I/ pC do we J_ . do you remember l^~\ do we believe J do you remember whether U-^ n \ do we call J do you say 1 1 do we claim J ^^ do you say, sir 1 do we do .P. do you see 1 ] 30 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. do you tell -J._ during how much of /L do you think 1 during my 1 do you understand (^ during that 1 do you undertake ' l^ . 1 does a ,}b-. during that time J during the -- - U-> does he J-v, during the latter part of the does he have f~^\ during the month V~ does he not J-^ during the time does he not have J-j during this 1 does his O during your y E does not say L, I / Each ayi_<7l I / down thr.J _ earlier than ^VO duces tecum ~p~ early part PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 31 early part of _\C\> ever since then \^_,?_ earn a ^ ever there .L^ . easier than fX _ ever we (or would) V^ East Indies. _ ever you-r V^ Eastern States t _ >. . everlasting God Sr 1 - /-\ 1 J eftecting a v / t> everlasting life ^^ effecting the '-. , C /^ every little while Vr eight or nine V every one V. eight or ten l/J f every time V_ end the ^, Engineer's Department ^ -f M enter a s ^N va Us everything else V,^^ everywhere else v/t evidence in chief C 1^ ^~~? enter into ^.^_^^^s\ ex contractu -^n enter into the x__^-^_x\ ex necessitate even the eye witness . _\ f> ever a_V,_ F ever as Vi, Face a ^y, ever had V_^ faster than ^ ever has been Vc fear of God ( ever I V^ feasting a (^ ever is Vo feasting tlie (^_^ over more V_^ -N federal constitution I -- C /U ever since Vog federal government ^s/ ever since that time V?__^> I federal officer ^/\Q, 32 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. fee simple f - V ^Z-* for his own account_\^__y v^ fellow citizens Vp for his own interest l ^-ci_^^ ^ JfX fellow creatures Vic , for his own part ^-o^s felo de se-W^H- for his own sake Vj^_^i__ few circumstances ( first place \e ^v^ for his own use Vo/ for how many V_x~sx x ' first rate Vo-' for how much v/ **^~} first time Vc for instance vo five or seven d for its vx> five or six ^ five or six years ^- for less than Vj / for many V J /'-\_x for a. \?- for many years \^/~^^ f for a little while ^ > _y'~^i for many years after ^~-S~~^j' for a n.oment >>-^_ for many years past v^ ^s V~_ for all Q_ for my own part V_-~x^x, ^ for an V for my own sake ^^~^^?~ for another I __ for my part '"-^"Nfy for another purpose I for my sake ^ ^~~b for certain Va^ ' for no other purpose v~ for collection y^, ^ for not V_^ or* ^ for ever and ever V V^-, \^ .ur ,,c v^-s for several L^ for several years v for some little {Jf~^J^~ for he is ^o, for some reason ^-4 x/~" for lie was ^->*^V / / for his Vo for some time v_~^ ^ for something ^--~s / for his account Vo ^ for such \^a for liis interest VA__>J' for his own Vq_^ for such a V^> &L \e r T for such an Va PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 33 for such is not _ Js. . for that ^, for this \f, for this purpose Vw . C= * for the N_ for this reason v^ ^ \> for the benefit C_ for the first time N_ for the last timeUU-ir^ for what V for which L for which their (or theyare) ^ for the most part v-^v^ for the other V^ for which there is v^ for you-r *> u for the purpose * L for the purpose of L x> for the purpose of the v_. for the purpose of their (_. NO for the purpose of their own * . for your own V. for your own benefit ^. for your own sake L C- for your sake V_ (L. t /i foreign bills v ' > for the purposes t x> for the sake of U -, forever and ever C form a _> \. for the sake of the Co-j form the ~ for the sake of their C. ^ forming a ^ ' for the second time W^ for the support v from place to place \> from that from that day S .--> from that place V XJ from that time *j gathered together generation after generation L\ gentlemen of the jury /. c/ get the _, from the *~ from the time give that ____^_ give the _ from their from this place C -7 from this time \ from time to time II from town to town give them their giving a , V giving the ( glad of it ^^ going there from week to week ~^_ _"^_ from year to year ,s:s: from you-r from your own c gold standard u good bye good day good deal ,'tet a good deal) from your own knowledge L^ good evening p further cross A - - V^r o good many times ^ ^ * further direct V ^^1 good morning _^ s__. t L further notice V > ~- / l good night f b further say *\ further testimony V. good while (^^ good while ago _^ future cotirse.L. _ "* ' good while since < ^ future day t future state y \ govern their = grand jury y PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 35 great advantage _ had as A . Great Britain e-<\ had been ^ Great Britain and Ireland <^\^> great danger c-i had been done ^v 1 * had been there k^^ great deal (see a great deal) had gone there = great extent ^f had had ( el ' r great favor c~. had he "" great interest 7 had he been there ^ great majority c-' ~y had he ever """"I great majority of cases ^ ^2__) had he not ^" great many <_^ ^_^- hadit.L. great many cases e?-~~^~~^ *" had its *" *=-* J great many occasions c-" ' had not (or hadn't) great many things c - --^_P had not been >^ great many times e-^~^ -I had not known ' great measure c-" -o had not understood * f great number of <^\ great proportion ^\ had or not * had seen ^ ' great while f had all ' 1 P had we had 1 o 1 had an J had vou had another J n had you asked K 36 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. n had you been _ *^_ _ has many_-X 71 had you been thr f\ has not had you done I nJ had you ever I has not been >> has not been done ^^> had you gone ' ^ 9>V J has not been thr ^v had you gone there ' has not taken i , o had you known *" f has that_ v _ had you reference *^ has the ?_ had you seen ^_x f\ has them _C _ . 1 had you understood v, o has thr . . _ halfa}^ has there been <^\ half an ^ has therefore < -^~- half an tor^*\ i has this__ half dozen I has to _ _ half of ^> has to be A hand in hand ^ hath a A has a-n ? have a _7_ has been * have an ^^" has been done S. have another ^^. . has been found " \ have been ^~^ P ^ has done-J- - have been thr ^so_ . P has had ' have done J has he _f^. have had _1_ ^ has he not. have that H( having thr V ^^_^ have the v - have thr ^ he always was s- Nol he and s ^ have them (or they) have this 'or those) 7 he called s~^_ he can t have we V he cannot have you-r ^-~ have you anything ^ ^_-% - he change 7 he charge / have you been V- have you been engaged V" <^-7 have you been there S>- ^ C have you ever > "- he could he could not he didn. _ have you ever had occasion^\ he ever ~^__ .1 U3 have you had ^- have you known ^*~^^ ? he gave , he give he go have you never ^""^ -^^ he had ^ have you no ^" %N " he has ^ & have you not 7 he has been ''"N. have you nothing ^-^ -f have you seen p- I x_^ have you told S- having a ^~^_^ he has done x- > he has never ^~t>^^, he has not ^ ?s^ he has nothing s~^j having been ^^ ? \^s he has received ^ ^~ having been thr ^"\^ J having done ^~~^_-^ he has said '^*^\ he have ,- j 448468 38 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. he is _x-v he is generally , * J he is not x t,^ he wits said ^~N he was thr x-v 1 he will x^-^ / he is therefore xTi he would . ^ he may be x v/ X he may have x- ~^- -, he may have been x ^^ he would have been , he would no doubt L 1 he would not L he may have been thr ^ ^'"^ he would not have i he may have done so , ^~p he may have had x-v^-p ) he not s* he would pot have been L heir at law. _ r heirs at law 4x- he ought . 1 _ Y Her Majesty ~\-N he received s-~*s~ he said x*t> he says x^s he seemed x JTN / -^ Her Majesty's Government V ^ "N "^ Her Majesty s ministers v- -^ -s *-^> her own o here and there T^^ he shall.-< he should 7 hereinbefore referred j-v _ him a _x^v_ he spoke s^ him and x b he therefore ^~ * him another x""~"~^ he told ' f- him thr ^ \ he told him x > his own .. he told me x x ffl * x -^_^- hither and thither -"^v he told them x (v holding a ev ( he told us s v > he told you ^\ holding the C^\ Holy Ghost x-^. -. he was ^-^. Holy Scriptures - B \ he was a x v he was not XN Holy Spirit x ^ honor to be \ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 39 honor to transmit . _J-^_ . how has it (or the) honorable gentleman _ 7^7 how has thr honorable gentlemen ^-r&_ how have honorable member TTTT^ . how I ""^ honorable senator how is hope of \> how is it House of Commons how is that * House of God how is the House of Lords how is thr House of Parliament \f House of Representatives *"" how is your how it Houses of Parliament ^~\f how it is (or its how a how long how are how long after V. c. > how are we how long afterward v > c> how are you-r how long ago how as to how long before \j how can how long before you were \*r how do you |_ how long had he been thr U* :> how do you do >nl how do you know !*._/ !~\ how long had you been thr I how long had you known hirr. L^f"^ " 1 how do you know of l^^j how long have V- how do you like V how long have you >-^/ how do you make [^ how long have you been N- x sA how do you manage l^-^_^ how long have you b'n engag'iyy - ~^~\ how do you mean I- ^ liow do you remember J, ^ how far ' t - ^^^ 7 how long have you been in the- x country , *^_~Zj^ / ^ how long have you been in thisV country ^^^*f / how long have you been tlir"^>-^ how has how long have you claimed^- 40 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. how long have you known . Sv^_^>. . how many years after .TT^T/T^' how long have you kno\vnhTnTV^ rN how many years after thatfc how long have you lived^~v_rf how long have you resided \*ss how many years ago^' ^_ how many years befo^^'^^^' how long previous \ ^^^_jy Vo how long prior \^ how may ' ^ N 1 u *^" > how much / how long since ^""^' > how much further / how long since you """ how much is that ^"^^7 ^^~ how long since you have (j how much is thr A how long was he gone ~~^)^ how much money ^^^~^-^__^ how long was he thr ' ' ^^_^^ how much of f how long was it how often ' \^ how long was that *~l how long was this ^~^~^) how long were you /^-c, how requisite **^ how soon how soon after ' ^ how long were you acquainted how we how long were you there^^*"^ how will ^-^ how many ' ~ "" ' how many cases *~ how will they ^ how will we ' how many days k how will you how many days after b x how would . . how many is how }-ou-r how many is thr how you can how many more ' ^^""^ human being-^-- - how many occasions / ^^~~^ human kind v how many places xD human life how many such ' ^ ~~f \-_ human nature how many times ' v "~'" ^U-j) human race ^_s? how many years '""^ *~-g human understanding PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 41 I I admit ./|^ I am obliged - - 5y. I am pleased >^ I advise V^- I am quite clear ^ N. I agree .- - -- - I am _ . I am quite sure Zi^X I am resolved I am afraid 1 am anxious c/ 1 am aware 1 am aware of \j I am responsible I am satisfied I am, sir } I am sorry I am certain I am sure ^s I am certain that I am sure of it (or the) ^? I am compelled \ I am confident ^J I am sure of that / I am sure there is^y^ I am convinced C^ I am, dear sir "1 *> I am glad ^^~ "^ / vi I am sure there is not J I am sure there was ) ) "^7 I am sure there was not / I am gratified A A ~ T V * I am surprised ^ I am greatly I am therefore ^> I am inclined I am very ^_ I am looking I am very certain V>-* ^ I am never ^ I am very clear v^. I am nevertheless I am very glad ^-t_ 1 am no more I am very sorry VoX I am not I am not accustomed [^ I am not in the habit ^"^ I am not inclined *"" I am very sure ^-O I am very sure of it ^or the \*-y ^~~\ ^ I am very truly yours V^ / I ask you-r I am not positive ^^Np I am now I beg ^> I beg leave \ _/ v^ 42 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. I beg permission \ _ I can tell .T7L A ^^ I beg to \_ / -\ I can therefore ^ -\ I beg to be X-^. I cannot I beg to suggestX^ I beg you-r \ I cannot answer I cannot be "\ I cannot be certain %/^ ' I believe so -v I believe that-o I believe the I cannot be responsible \/b 1 cannot be sure vj q> -^ I cannot do I I cannot say / I believe thr .< I believe there is -c I believe there was -V I believe we -<. / I cannot say how > , I cannot say how many J v^^^_^ I cannot say how much )~^s-^ /~P / I believe you-r < I cannot say how often J~* /-? Vi I believe you have '-v I beseech .-v I call thr ^~D I cannot say how soon )~- ^_^ I cannot say, sir Jl T I cannot tell ^J I cannot understand I call upon \ I call you-r I cannot undertake 1 /I I conducted ' -i I call your Honor's attention f. I could - f - - I called "* I could not I called upon ^ I can. I could not answer s I could not entertain I can be \ I could not have done I can be there \ I can do 1 I could not have said J I could not positively | I can state I could not say rt PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 43 I could not say how many I do not feel.d__ I could not say, sir I do not find ' j) I dare k _ *} I do not know ^ ^ 1 I dare not " I do not know about 4 I dare say V ) I declare. J .. j. 1 I do not know anything- 3_^,.. I do not know that \ I decline = 3 I do not know whether 4 _ 1 I decline to say i= 1 ) ^\ I do not know which \ ^ I demand "^ 1 I do not think ,) I depend upon 1 I do not think there is A V f I did 1 I do not understand j ' I did not T I did not feel I do not understand it $ \ I do not understand that 't^_j I did not intend f I do not understand you-r 3^__j I did not know I do say 1 I did not notice I do, sir (k I did not say b I doubt.!.. \ I did not see ) \ I doubt whether v I did not think ) m I entertain J I did not understand * 3 I expect \ I did not understand it i f I fail ^, P I did not understand that | I fear -"L - I did not understand you-r C 1 find ^^ I differ /j ^{ * I forget. V. I do.l. I forgot _ JT- I do believe J I found.. I do maintain |_ I hadj._ I do not_.-J I had been S^ I do not desire J) I had known him ^"^ 44 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. I had not. ... I have not undertaken ~^ \ I had not been \ I have seen * ^ /i 3 I had occasion I have shown ^ I had rather * I have spoken \ I had supposed "^P I I liave taken | I have I have the ^ I have a-n I have understood ^~~- f I have another *"~- I have undertaken \_ I have been V I hope ^ I have done J I hope he may / V_ S ^_^ I have found ^> I hope I may ' NV ^_^ I have generally y 4 I hope that \ I have had I I hope you may VV^^N I have just / 1 imagine ._ I intend , I have never c \^_ I intended x^-^_^ I have never been \^ I knew I have no.^, , I knew of I have no doubt.i . _ I know ^ > I have no idea. .^ ^. _ I know a ^ -s I have no intention i^^^_ / ^> I know that x^_-j I have not I know there ^. s- I have not been ^^\ I know there is ^-^__^P I have not had I maintain *-^_^ I have not known ^ ? I maintain that ^__. 1 -~^ I have not noticed [ I maintain the +^^ I have not understood ' s -^-__^> I maintain their /_^ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 45 I may j. N _ I might not I may as well * fc I must / Q I may be '"x I need _^^ . I may be able to /- v I need not say ^ I may be mistaken /. *. I never V I may be said f \ T I may be sure <-~\ y I may be told *"~~N. I now I observe }f I often V3 I may have /- ~> I ought I may have been ^-^ I ought to 1 may have been thr *"^ I may mention t^-*^~^_^) I perceive '-\% I perhaps _3n>_ I may not ;, I presume so A. A o> I may not be >-^a \ ) I probably _ \ . I may not be sure /-a y I may not be there /-^ A. I propose . \ NO I purpose \y\, I mean -^^ I remain ^\^~s I mean the {or to) I remark s . I mean their I mean to be I remember V-~N I said f I mean to be able to f I said so I I mean to do I mean to have ' X I mean to have it (or the) )4 I said that 1 -f I said they I I mean to have their I mean to say 1 meant ->-3__ ' I might I might have ^l_ I say so ) I say that ) ( \ I say that you } I see <. I sent ji^ 46 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. I sent back . X_A . . I stand/.. I sent lor you-r ^--v I suppose "\, o I sent for your letter A-I I sent you-r A^ I suppose so j> &J I suppose that ^ I sent your letter s,/- / V I shall rl. I suppose the NS I suppose thr V) I shall not contend >' I suppose there is *^> I shall render ' I suppose they N,., I shall say < ) < C s I suppose they have yz I shall support ^. 1 suppose you y^ I shall therefore ./ 1 supposed Y '/ f 1 I shall undertake <^__^i Ithank-ed_^_ I should ; I thank them ) I should be ) f V I thank you v I should go J I think _Y_ _ I should go there j I think he { I should have , f I should have been ~J I think I have been -f I think It ^ I should never / I think it is _ Ov -c 1 should not . - I think so 4 I should suppose J ^2 f x> I think that' / T signed that v py I think the V I signed that document 'j L <"3 I think thr -f I speak A . I think there are / v I spoke . jk . I think there is 1 ^-\ 1 spoke of \i I think there is not / I spoke of the ^ I think there were 1 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 47 I think there were not _i _ I understand you have said TTfr. - \xj I think they 1 I understood ^ f I think they are' 1 I understood him '~ v f^ I think they were 1 I think they were notvXf I understood that ' f 1 understood them (or they) "~- f } J I think they would Y \f I understood you ^ P V I think we 4 I undertake i I think we did 4 I undertook /Vv - ^\_ I think we do r I used ^ I think we shall ' Y I want J ^_ I think you-r / ~~~ \/> I want to P I think you had ( I want to call your attention? I think you have -/ I want to call y'r Honor's att'nP LO I think you may/ I want to know ? Cf \ L- ^=> I think you must { v*^-^a I was / " "<. I think you said / I was a < I think you were { J / I thought .'_ I was about S. I was absent \. \ ^ J " / I thought that ( I was going ^~v_x J trust b I was not I trust that I I was once A. < I trust they /> I was thr / C^. I understand ' I was therefore J I understand it "~ f 1 went S 1 understand that "*~ ( I went down S I understand them (or they) " f I went down there S I understand you ^~( I went down -stairs 'T) a I understand you have ^~fo I will ..". et-yf I understand you have been ^~~/^ I will be "N^ 48 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. I will be glad t\_ I would like ^y^~ I will be pleased "V I will be sure "\ ^ "V -^ I will have ^~ I would like to have ' : ^y I would make *x I would not _ _ I will not "" I would not be I will not be "\ I will not be certain "\^_^ 1 will not be satisfied "^Xp I will not be sure "*v *- I will not say _ )_ _ I would not be able to I would not be sure , >* I would not be very _ I would not have y_ I would not know , I will not see *f) - - I wish _2_ I wish it _ . _ I wish the _ I would not say I would not take / J I would rather "^y/9 ' I would rather not "S/^, I wish thr -"} - - I would rather say i \/9 I wish there was ^ if a ( I wish therefore ) "^ if all .fN I wish to be _ ^ I wonder ^O*"- ifan.^- if another-L . I wondered 1"V_ . if he ( O^ir (^^ I won't -*-- if he can (^ ^_^ trt- (^_^ I won't be 'S I won't be certain S >r-^ I won't be sure *s I won't say S I would "TV . . if he is ( x - % if he is not ( s _ x v if he was ^- ^ I would be ^-v I would go '^v if I am ( ? x if I can (, I would bave ^v ifit-^- PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 49 if it be - . if it be not ^ if it is if they ha*e.v - if they -were i if this ^ if it is necessary Vi^_p/ if it is not if those v if we i if it is possible if we take I if it is unnecessary if we wish (J~ if its , Vo if we would -*l if not ifyou-r ( if possible i NO if she i if she had I <, I if she was I | if she would , \ if so i r if you believe t if you can ^ ^^ if you find I ^- if you have V. if you knew ^^ if you know v if such/ i if that i if the if you must ^__^_^ if you please V if you think v^ 3 1 if thr.U c V if you were ^^_^^ if there be I if there has been I X^_o if you would ^ immediately afterwards ^~^^f\ if there is ( ^ if there is anything v in a , in a clear if there is not I in a great many ^\._^-^^_^ Q-s if there is nothing i in a great many cases O if there were I / ^*' in a little f^~ if they i if they are 1 in a matter ^_^ in a moment V if they are not I *_^ in a most 50 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK in a very few, in bank - - in a way in business in accordance v _^-^_ > in business there in addition in advance U_P m all in chief in communication x__x- -^ in company V_^- in all circumstances in all kinds in comparison in compliance in all other in conclusion ^ in all probability - in connection in all such ^ in all that in consequence in consideration U in all their in curia / in all these cases <^-S\ in all this (or those) in another in detail ^ in eacb in effect in another case o in another manner ^_^ ' Desse > in evidence in answer s* in existence ^ ^ p in any ^_^^^ 6 in extenso ^ ^ P in any business in extremis v _ ^ j in any case ^_^-^_ o in fact in any instance in favor in any other in full V. ' v in any other business in future r in any other than in any other way in any way in futuro ^-1 in general I/ in his own affairs in point of fact in possession in preference ^_^\ x in his own business o in preparation r\ N. 'O in his own name in presence ^__jx in his speech Q in his testimony in progress v f in proportion ^_j\ in like _^ in pursuance in like manner ^___^ in re /' in loco ^^( in March ^^ -> in receipt in reference ? in most cases f~) in regard in my in relating ^_**_^ in my life /'t in relation / iS in my presence in respect ^^ in my speech ^_^_. in opposition V^ in response ,.. _ in return in or ^ _, in short-hand in or about ^ in order in order that in sight in situ ,, in so many in order that you may in some .-zrr^ . in other in some cases ~a s & in other ways in other words ^y^ in some instances -g ^__p io in some respects N/\_D in our in some way ?r ^--s 52 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. in statu quo -<_z>- in such ^a in the latter.^-Jl - in the latter end ^J in such case ,, in the latter part ( * *^i in such cases LO in such matters in the latter part of ^J in the midst in suit X~N in terrorem / ^1/ in the next place ^ x ^_, ) in the night ^ V in that in the past in that matter ia the presence ^~ in the in the present v _ r . in the afternoon in the present case ^_ in the business in the present instance ^% ^^--V^ o in the case ^ o in the city in the city of ^_. in the city of New York in the course o f' in the second place ^^ a in the way in the way of ^_^_ vj in the winter time in the words of my * ex ' y vU >, in the course of debate v _ f p in the course of this debate v _ > . s> in the day time i- in the world ,__/ in the year in their in the early part ^_^^ in the early part of Y \> in the evening in their behalf x^^^ in their own ^__^~-_-- ^~ in their own names ^ ^-^_xx_^^->, in the Fall -v in their service cx^Vo in the first ' in them in the first instance in the first place in themselves . fo in this ^_^ in the habit ^ in this account in the interest in this action PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 53 in this business. in your life-. in this case ^tj "-C_* in this claim in your lifetime in your mind U^s in this enterprise in your name in this instance xj in your opinion in this interview ^~f X y O in this manner V tr> ., in this place ^f in this relation No in your own ^_^ C in your own name in your own opinion in your presence ^^ in this respect *^ ~*"~>^v_ inasmuch as (, ^* o in this suit V ~V inside of _>r ^_ in this undertaking international law v '* ' in this way ^^ ' / [_^^^ in this world i into a ^T3_ into the in those into their j^rl- U in those cases in those instances in those interviews (j into these ^ into this (or those) - ^ into this country ^1 ^ in those respects r ^ Vx> is a-n **ir in toto ^-^| in transitu ' ^- / | in view is as O" is -done.. is general-ly. . in which is he in which he is he not . . in which way ^_^ in whichever > in you-r is he there is his 'O~ is in in your answer / is it in your direct examination 7-^3) is it any 54 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. is it as it can be_|.. _ 1 v is it as the. . . . it can be said I is it his ... . it cannot 1 y" is it necessary ,-r\^ it cannot be [_ is it not . is it payable is it possible.^. is not-,,- - it cannot be said | it clearly j ^ \ it has been j "N , it has been done 1 is that s it has been found JJ c *^j is that all - *>- - i-, that true.p. . 1 it has been said j it has not 1 | isthe..^.. ' it is 1 is there - > .-- it is a-n 1 & Jb is there any .. . _ . it is absolutely necessary 1 < X r ry / is there any other -j^^-^ it is clear ! ^ is there anything - ^f_^^_^ it is clearly ! is there not-^- ~\s" it is generally 1 is there nothing -=-c_>- is therefore----- it is generally known i it is important 1 ~-? M^,. it is inconvenient 1 i is this o.^- it is indeed 1 is to d it is just ! is to be it is known I it a..j._ it is likely L-<- it appears I it is nearly i / it appears that I it appears to hive*- 1 it appears to have been L 1 \, it is necessarily ! _>' it is necessary | ^/ it is no doubt 1 it can ^ r it is none 1 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 55 it is not ! . it must have been . L^ it is not intended I ^ ^ it must necessarily 1^ / it is not known 1 it must not be L_^^^ it is now 1 it seems i it is observed 1 it seems so t^ it is only | it seems that 1 it is possible 1 it seems to have l^ it is quite 1 CSL it seems to have been J_^ it is quite certain 1 it sometimes L^.^ ^"S it is quite clear 1 it therefore 1 \i \ it is quite likely^ /< ^ it was.p. it is said L it was after-^- - it is so j it was afterward-P- it is that' 1 it was done-L- - ^ it is the 1 6 it was entirely O it is thr i "f it was found O it is therefore i it was necessary n it is true -1" it was never O 1 it is uncertain 1 just as well as./O- - just as well as another /6 / V it will be said P * > *N^ just before A^ T it will be seenP ' it will not. just now F- ! just say so / it will not be just such D ' it will not do just taken / it will not have ' just the / v^ it won t i . Justice of the Peace judicial investigation . know that - ^ just about this time of just after A. know the v^ know thr ^ ' just answer t- 1 ^ know their own business ^_^ A just as e know them v t \ just as good as V* know there are -^_./~N just as much as CO know there is ^ P / just as soon as Q_a know there is not ^^__- fi -' PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 57 know there is nothing v^ _JZ 4 learned counsel ^C~rf_ know they are v, s learned friend f^ know they are not \__^- ' learned gentleman f know you-r ^ know your own ^- knows a ^ $ learned judge ^> left hand /^-^> legislative action f / ~> knows that x o knows them > t legislative session (J, less than r (, knows this (or those) - s let us .(?. knows your - let us be i"\ L let us be satisfied (*\p Labor saving I V let us be sure <^*v *~ laboring classes I \^* O let us bear in mind ^^/^^ ladies and gentlemen I Ja /^~~ J \^' let us consider f?\ . . lager beer saloon ' let us go f laid down ( \ let us have (\^ larger than ^ let us look f* last night let us not i""" last past let us proceed i^\o last session (J at. let us say f*\ r\ last time ' let us see f\ last week ' ^-i last will and testament latter part._ . let us try (*\ letter book f letters patent ( latter part of lex fori I ^. law of ' . J lex loci ( law of nations lex talionis /^ f' law of nature "" life estate ' T lay corporations / \3 like a f~~ 58 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. like that like the ' like them like this (or those; ' v> little else..^r look at ./T7~| look at that f 1 look at them ,. -i look at this (or those) v s- 1 look like (* little less / look like business s* y little more J[ look like his signature /"= 3 little more than f look like that f* r_ little while j ' JT^S looks like , little while after /^ \ looks like business f x_9 little while ago .f loan a f long as looks like his signature f Lord and Sav'r, Jesus Christ \^ r loss of money / ^_^ long after ^~^V^_ long ago lunatic asylum _ _pv long "before V, Major General l-y?. long enough ^x_ make a .-^ long has been ^"^ make it appear ^ x_rv long since > ~ Ji 9 make it clear ^~^~ long time ^~|^_ N make that ^^ . long time after ^~(^_ make them / - -, long time ago ^"U-^ \ make this (or those) -^^ 7 long time since ^~U j>^_p V3 makes the / > a long while makes their s~**jC> long while ago mala fides .srrJ- V. long while after b manner in which ^~* *-^ longer than => may have been thr ^3 may have done ^5 may have done so -^p> may it please the court ) ,-* many occasions <- - s many persons ^ ^- I \ may it please your Honor ,-* may likewise ^ r~ /~/ many such x ^j> may never , ~^~~\ many things , _^\__P may nevertheless ^ -^^\^ marriage settlement ' '- / j may not ^ mastering a ^^ >/ may not be --a mastering the ''r 1 matter of fact \ may not be said --a T may not liave r* may alo , f\ may not have been ^ may as well /C~ may perhaps ' NX may as well have been ^^ \o may prevent ^ sr\ may be ' x may probably ^ NS may be able to x x may be aware s >. Vv may seem ^~f~^ may serve s~~ir may be certain ^->. ' may sometimes s~~tr~^~t> may be done ^ x^ may the <~* may be greater s -v J may therefore ^ v may be likely s s^ - may we * ^ may be rather s x ~> may you-r ^ ^ may be said ^ v^ may be sure ., ' may yours '-> me a ;? may be very, *^~^ me another may be very sure ^=T me there may have ^5 mean by that 60 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. mean to .^. more than any one -.-. mean to be more than any one eke er~~_^~*\ mean to say more than any other // more than once ^ members of Congress s~~* more than that p members of Parliament s~~v\/' more than the ^-3 members of the Bar ^"~*v more than the other <^-j> members of the Legislature s 6 / more than thr ^ i ^ Methodist Church 7T . morning after ^^__ S ^-> Meth. Episcopal Church 4> most always ^~k a O /S might have ^_ most happy -'""JK might have a >-, most important , v N^ r~ * might have done it \^_^ most likely might not ^ most of the time ^~\ might not be ^"~\. Mr. Chairman "^ *~* miss a-n Mr. President y mode of combination ^> \_D Mr. Speaker 'C?\ i ___ ' 1 Monday afternoon much as / months after vo much as possible, o^ more and more c~<~^ much as the / more or less ^/^ much as thr O more probable ^~^\ much as there is % $ more probable than c^fv. much money * ' more than ^ 3 (, much of C more than any ~~^_s must also -- I J PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 61 must always . s. ( a my dear brother ^~^|- must be '~~&v must be able to <^^v must be made (or met) ^"X my dear friends '"" my dear madam ^~ my dear mother "" v l__^ must be ready '"~V A must be thr ^""X must be told /- b. must become <^~\ must do /-~& must do something /& my dear sir ^~^] \ . , o' my dear sister J my father X my fellow citizens Vn / >. o my friend my friends must go ^Tf my mind must have / & my mother must have been s &. my noble friend *~ \ must have known ^~\ -- \ my opinion \ _ must know / j>^^ my own must make /- ir^> my own account must not ^ b^ my own interest must say '^~t>\ must see ^~t>\ must take -^~J> my own knowledge / my own opinion \ my own relations ; must tell ^~e> my belief ^\- my text N my beloved ' x> my beloved brethren ' ^L Near as possible -^- - , X3 near as we can s V \j my beloved friends \ va near as you can my brethren ' ^\ nearer than '2^ my brother \ necessary charges v_>^ my dear ^~^\ - necessary consequence ^-~O^ my dear brethren ^~ S need not 62 PHONOGRAPHIC : PHRASE BOOK. need not be ^^-^ no less than .- (. .(, need not say ,^- no more e~x neither a-n ^^ ^^ no more money ^ * ^ " " neither the no more than ^_~~^ nervous system No) no necessity v_^TJ never a V., no notice ^^-^^^i never be v V. no occasion ^^^ never do V no one \__^-^ never said ~~ \^> ^ l^ never said so vj> no one else x_^-v c no one there ^_^^^ -I S never shall V ) never since v Vx^_p no part --_x\ no part of v -\ new one ^_^_ no person x ^ 'V New Testament _ _ J-^_ no, sir ^ 9 New York ^f no statement f^ New York City . JP no such ^* New York State _j[ next of kin x^_s> D no such thing -^y> no wonder x ^. next thing R_^ nine or ten non resident "~~ North America nine or ten thousand /~ no account ^^ ^ North Carolina . north ide J> no better -. -x northeast quarter ^^"O no better than > >. Northern States no communication N / * ' " northwest quarter < ~- -3 no connection ^ ' ^ not a ^T_ no doubt ^ -| not a minute no instance s ^_p not a moment d no intention v ^^^5 not at that time J PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 63 not enough ^^T^_ o not more than Object of . ?f . not necessarily *~*r objected to \ not necessary objection overruled \ not new objection sustained Np not now objections overruled \> not once J objections sustained ^p not one 3 ofS. not only > ' of all ^~ not only that """* X of all its not so much J of all others vLo / not that ' of all the not the of all their \^ not to my knowledge ^L-^_^ D of all their own V^ > - nothing about it " \_^ of an ^* ., 1 nothing else I, of another Va nothing less y_i of course nothing more than \^~^ of course not - i nothing said l^n of course there is v - r ^ > 1 -* nothing said or done ( p * of his being there \ I ^ nothing was said ' . of his decease pL 1 s / nothing was said or done ' v ^ V of his disease T > I/I now and then (, i of his own ^ ' now then ^"^ of his own accord f ~ nowhere else ^~^o of his speech ^\ number of \> of it number of the "X of its number of their _\ . Vo of its own ^ ( f number of you-r Vu of other V_ 64 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. of our *\ (d&'syi0{r \ on another occasion ~~ C**1" of such / on any other of the ^ on any other occasion^^"^ ~^~ of the world ^^ of their V of their own \^_^_^ ^ 9 on as on both sides ~j on business v \ \, of you-r ' of your opinion v of your own S>- of your own knowledge S*- off and on ^-* ' * on business there v A on each v - f on her ^ on her account ") ^ ^^~^ on her side A officers of the Navy ^>/ V on his official dispatch v C^xJ on his account often a ^-* ^> on his behalf N. Oh, yes ^ Oh, yes, sir / Old and New Testament <^ 1 old gentleman r old lady (** Old Testament fj on a _ on his own on his own account on his own behalf **" ~^\ on his part \ on it on its on me on account on mine on all C - x on more ^~ on all occasions ^^ on more than one occasion ~i_D on all sides ^ on my on all subjects ^^ on my account ^ on all such ^/ on my own on an on my own account on another on my own part *"" ~~ ^\ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 65 on ray part on the day of the date J7l__ on the ground on no other V ~^"~y' X on no other occasion "" ^ N ~~f X on the left-hand ~~~ on one occasion ^j_D on the morning on one or two occasions J Ha on one side J on that ground **- on the relation ^-*^' on that subject \ on the on the account on the right-hand ^> on the side | on the side of t on the bed ~"^ on the side of a U on the contrary y on the side of the ^ - on the date ^ on the side of the bed "x on the day I on the side of the case on the day of (, A on the day of the on the side of their T H> on the stand 66 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. on the subject 7N _ one after ^"^ on the subject of \, one another ^\ ^ on their ^ ^ on their account on their own ^ ~'^~ one day ^N one evening^ one of the ^i on their own account on their own part "*\ one of their ^ one or both ~N on their part 'x one or more ^^_f~Nf on them ( one or other ^ ^ on themselves (o on these "~^\ on these occasions T~^l. =^ on this ^rt one or the other ^ one or two ^_^i ^ one party ~\A one side ^i on this account ~f one side of ^ on this check v / on this occasion ^ j one side of the "^ one side of the case |i D on this point 1 one side of their ~~^ on those - . to- on those checks Jo one side or the other """i . one thing ~~\_^ V on what ^7^1 _ one thing more ^X> ^ on which .77. one thing or another ^_^^ on your only a - on your direct examination ^~7 only an <^_y on your own C only be ^-A on your own account O- -^ only ground ^^ on your own part ~^~ only had ^-^t once in a great while _^ 1 only one C_ -^ once in a while ~\JT\ once or twice ^^x r only one day ; --v only one time C^"\ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 67 only so far .O^-v or the . only such CL/? v__ or we 5 only upon c ^--\ or we be ->s open a-n )i or we shall \ open the i or you > open their \ . or you must have "^"f^^ o opportunity of \ order a _ \-_ or a _5 _ order the u or an ordinary circumstances ^f or another . - o_ other than ^ or as * other than that \ or as it (or the) ought a ' or as it is ought an J >r as their ought not or have ^ ought to or have been ^ ought to be *v or is it or they v or is thr w or not ^ ought to be able to S. ought to be done x. ought to have _L_ . or of ^-- ought to have a-n U or other __i_ ought to have been Lv or otherwise L_ ought to have been thr LN. or our ought to have done L or rather 1 J ought to have had li or some ought to make or some other ought we ' or some such ^~J n ought you or something like that '"^ our own J"^^*! or something to that effect j our own business v__p 68 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. out a . P i out of out of business N^^^ out of nature ^- Paper money V pan passu _Y_ \ \ t part of out of the _ L _ _ part of a out of the country part of the out of the way ^ i _ out of their, t. . out of their own L - party of the second part *X out of town 1 out of your w out of your own f pass a > passage money y peculiar circumstances \ - over a ^~* peculiar circumst's of the case\ over all N- over all other /> t ( over an ^ penal actions \ ^ per annum \^~* per cent. \/~' t over and above ^X over and over \ per minute V-~? <\ perhaps not _\j_^_ over it . _ . perhaps they V \c over its perhaps we \ over the over the other - y_ over their \ \ perhaps you-r \> personal actions - c^- - personal estate (Vp over them j over this y personal expenses A own a ^7^\ personally about that Q^^, own, use Jb. personally acquainted Q^- PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 69 place after that _\>. . prove a !\^, _ . place of business Ni*"' public house \ . . X S~ V plaintiff's counsel V-r \^ public matters \ point of fact v. public service >v point of it (or the) V. \\e public works \. point of view \__ Q^_o police court \/" e ~ political economy. . _ Quarter day ? quarter section positive about y K\ positive about that f positive about this J post mortem V~V^[^-N t> question of fact C question of law C quit claim quite agree post office No post road V'' quite as likely quite as much / postage stamp \o quite certain . postal card \>/*~ quite likely power of attorney ^^ (^ _, quite probable r \ Presbyterian Church >o / (\ _ \ quite sure J) / \ present circumstances \j> quite sure there (or they are) ) . \ o present time -i ~s quo animo C ^_^, ^ President of the U. S. Jp s\3 (3 previous question \ quo warranto C e->^ R ' Sf__ previous to that "\ Railroad car is ^1 \ /^f price current a I railroad carriage ts *~~7 prima facie -VT"l ) railroad station cs^ p primary evidence ^^~~^ s~\. ^ railway car tS l pro rata N/| railway carriage t/ \j c\ pro tanto \ j\ /- promissory note j ^^* railway station Roman Catholic / ( u -. read the third time / (J Roman Catholic Church / (^ ^-=> L- real action -^/f- round about * real estate ^ run a / real estate broker ,^/. run away Si real property /*\ received your letter jisJ run away from thr / ^V* N running away / ^ recent session. -/^- s - s re-cross examination } re-direct examination /fy~^H2 refer the ^ refer their *^ Sabbath day 7 l*s Sabbath school 1 7 P said and done J J P said and done there J referring a s' P said he L~*^ 9 1 referring the / said I I remain thr V i> said or done l/J remembering a \ x x remembering the \ s ( said or done there v \ said there j res gestae. .^f Saint Paul seems to have say anything that you <^-. say how many \ ^ -^_^ I seems to have been ^^ **+. seems to me N say how much i-^,-y Senate and House ^^-j> say so Senate & House of Rep's shall another *. shall be <. * ^ ^ Secretary of Legation a-> shall become ^ 72 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. shall do f^_ shall endeavor < -1 i she was -) she was not ) shall entertain < -1 she was there ) ; shall expect gfc -f she would ) J ) shall go -^ shall have ^ S ship's husband ) short and clear t -J* 4 shall have been ^ short distance [ shall have been thr \^ *J short session^ c shall have the (or to) ^_ short time j shall make >^> 9 shorter lhm.S shall manage -^ -J j * shortly after \ shall never "^-l should a ).. shall not .^ . should all . 0. . shall not be *-v ^ \ should another. /. . shall take place r / should be shall the. J _ shall thr / should be very ) should do ) shall there be v' should endeavor ) shall therefore *^/ ) ^~ should go ) shallwe r should have ) shall we be <^ should have been 1 shall we do j f ^ should have been thr ) 1 ; shall we say 5j ) ) should never ) ^* ' J shall we see (? should never have been ) ) m she has ) should not - ... she has been ) "S should not be ) she has done JJ should not have been , ; she is ) should say ) she told me ) &t ) r*S nS X V \ 1 should the . PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 73 should thr ..).. since I have been the . should there be ) since I have been thr ut should we ) since I have seen should we be ) since I was should we do ) since that / should we say *' J should we see ') show a silver currency /-r since a so as J so as to } Of since his so as to be JL since his death ,-, since 1 f so do ) so far J since 1 have so far as J since I have been , so far as aj 74 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. so far as I J. . so they are_L . so far as I am J^ so to speak ,i so far as I can J^ \ so very much J ^~O so far as they so must )^-^ some one or other some years a~~> so there can be j some years ago so there has or is x N \ so there has been J so there has (or is) not j some years before some years past something before /r-^_^ so there may something else ._ something more than a~~*<^> 3 specie payment ^ yv something or other a -x_x\ spirit land - -,, something to that effect spoke of the *M sometime or other a-^ s_ sometime previous o-v xx x~p sometimes it is o-v-^s sometimes there is a^t^i spoke of their A. - 9 > spoken of \ stand still j f f standing order ^^~\ D 1 somewhere about tf~>/ T^ 1 standing room ^* \ somewhere along a v/C s standing there ^^-~s- somewhere along there a ^^ state liovv many [ +^-^_^ somewheres about 0>S somewheres along there a ~~^\^_^ state how much 1- v y / state of affairs [, soon after -3^.- state of facts u^ soon after that State of New York U_^ soon thr state of the I soon thereafter .state of the case t o south aide -f . Ji southeast quarter < ^ > yO Southern States L t C southwest quarter c* 1 state of tLeir 1 . . I, I state -whether L^ Statute of Frauds * ' still another s^~ speak of ? _ . still more /* N speak of a ^. stock book _ J\ speak of the -^ - stock broker \ speak of their -%_ struck jury 1 subject matter \^- ^ 76 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. /> /> such a _<_ _ ^_.t_ such will J_2 such an J such will not such another j such will not be ft such are / such would be j such are not 9 sum and substance a ^"v, such as summing up ^ ^^^^ such as are o*C such as are not <> Sunday afternoon Sunday school ^ such as that L such as the suppose they were \> , V// suppose you were V/ such as thr (or they are) U r, sure way J such as this (or those) surrounding circumstances take care of I - = such as you have^^ take charge 1 -, P . such cases /O take into 1 ... such has or is 6 1 take occasion 1 ~~> sucli has been CN. take pains 1 such has not been 4 1 ^> take part 1 <\ i such have 6 take place i such matters /-- ^ 1 take possession 1 i ^P /> such may be * v take such 1 f> such may have * take that 1 . such means /-* take them 1 , 1 such things as that f^ take this 1 such was r take this occasion 1 , 1 ^ > - :) such were f^ take you-r 1 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 77 take your opinion..! ^ . take your own L-, ten thousand dollars. J. . terra firma I/V,,^ I .* / ^> N take your view 1 . than ar. . x_ taken aback (or back) 1 than it A _ S\ ' - than it would ^ taken down 1 _, than otherwise _vr>. . taken place 1 ^ than that 1 ^^ taken up 1 ~ than the * \, takes occasion 1 -^ than the other Y talk about .TTA / I than thr.l. talking about * ^^N than there are W talks about ' ^ than there was L tell her L than there were IT tell him U-N ( than this (or those) \, t tell how U~\ thank a ' tell how long L-^^--- thank the _ . . tell how many \*~^~^_/ thank you-r tell how much U vx-> that a _> f 1 f c tell me U-j or \ -^- that all v tell that I that all they > ( tell the P that an (or and) v tell them j f ' that and other (or another). I .. f tell us L that are v ) f tell you-r L that date ) tell you many lv~v^x that day \ f tell you much ^-~j ( 1 that does | tell you where L/ that had \ s tell your ownJ ten thousand J 1 ( that had been ] that had not been ;i 78 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. c ^ that has. . that is the {or to) that has been ^~> that is thr that has ever been \_-, that is to be ^x that has not *" / that is to say ^ that have that it A . 6 that have been 4 that it has that have known (or none) that it has not that have not that it has nothing f / , 4 ^-" that have now that it is that he ^ that it is all ( that he has (or is) ^"~*> C o/ that it is necessary Vfcr that he received ^~*/ that it is now ^ ^ that he was ^~) that it is thus f that I > V) that its that I am ^ - / that may toe ^""\ / ' that I have ' ., (f that said so T that I was <. that such/ ' '( that I was not J that that \ that is * ( that that you have \ ( G that is a ^ that the that is about >. that then ? that is about all X f ( that is about all there is ^> that is all f i that thr .V . . that there had V /I that there has ^ that is not ** that is not so ^A that is only ^-^ that there has been (o P that there has neverv^ that there is V r _^ that is quite certain ' *" that there is not ^ that is said V that there is nothing \>s \-S PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 79 that therefore -V- - that you may . rT^ that they > that you mean ^"^ that they are \__ that you must v "'" Ti that they had / that they have ' > ( that they were / / ( that you said f f ( that you told y* f L/ that you were that this / ( the other - /- - that this interview > Lv^_^v the other day / , the other side | / that time 1 ( that was \ the other side of the' case / the others / v that was all ^) that was not \ ( them a.^_- that was said \ them all ( that we ' / them thr.L. that we do not 5 then a U that we shall be able to \ that we use \ ^ then after t then again C = that were ^^ then be U>^ that were not then it -C_ . (/) that were there ^ then it was L that which / / then it would (r\ that which is ) then the 4 ( that which must be / CA-B. then thr-/-- \ ut. N that will be sL then there are / then there was ( that you-r * then there was not / that yon can / s then there were/ -6- that you have x> t * then you-r L 80 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. then you sayAt* - - there was .(._ I C there areA-^ . there was never \ there had C * t there was no one f ^~ 1 f there had been V Cv. there was not ( ~^*\ t there was nothing \ there has been \. Lf f there was nothing else v^^ \ there has never (a_-< t / W there were v/ \. there has not (L there were not C" there is C there were there C/' there is a-n (= there will (/ there is another C x there will be (f\ there is no Q_x there would \ there is no such t^ there you-r v. there is not (a> these are-.l. there is nothing (j_^ these circumstances ^ f ' ^^ there is only one (V>y->. these will () there it C these will be Q there it is 'or its) they are A . _ there may be v ^ they are able to t there may have been C-> they are believed (^ there may not C^ they are not C there may not have been C, they are said C there must be v~->. they are there C there must have been \s~\ they are used f there that C they did (. there the C they did not A. ... there they \ they do ( there they were ( they do not \ / there was C they had V. iM/ ( PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 81 they had not ( think a-( - they have (j think another-/-- they have another (/ x V think it. they have been think it is they have been there 0*v. think it probable they have done u think of f ^^* they have had u think that ( they have never (j \^_ V think the. ... . they have no C/ think thr../. . they have no other v^-j ' think there is../- . they have not (j- think there is a / they have nothing w"~T think there is no' / they have spoken C^-^ think there is not /"* | they have their / think there is nothing / they may \^-^ (^. * think they .. / . ^ they may be t^^v think they areS/. . they may have C^ thinks a / they may not C^ thinks the . they might not C-^ thinks thr z they must V-* this accident./ . they must know C-T>^_^- / this advantage / /* they must never V^--^_-i this afternoon / V they must not V^->_^ they said p '/ this business / this can be / \ they think ( this cannot be / they were (J/ this case / they were not v" this circumstance / , r they were there \/^ this date ( they would \ this day / 82 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. this defence- ./_ this difference f Thursday afternoon C. thus far C this evening / thus it is 4. / this has /^ thus there is l) this has been / time and again this instance / to a . [ . . k_p t this is / to a certain extent 1 this kind I to all p this matter ^ to an | J this note ( to another . 1 . this speech (* to be J this subject / to become . this then ( to dictate. this thing / to do . . this time f to have I.. this was U to have a . 1 this was not / . \ to have been ' those are V^ to have done 1 those circumstances fc / / those were (o/ to have had | to have known (or none) 1 though that A . . to have the ... I though the .( . . to have their. L . though thr (or they are)./ . to his 1 -L- though they ( to his death P three or four.. C/{^ to his knowledge 1 V through a . P . to his own 1 through it f 3^, to his own knowledge i through the ^^~/ to infer ... through thr t. . to it.. .. ' V 1 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 83 to leave to your own TV C to make to your place to my recollection . I . ^ told him t s^ to other . told me C-> ot, f C to others to-morrow afternoon . ^J ^-^_? C to our I n to-morrow evening t ~^ /v * ' / to ourselves ..1 ^t, ._. to prevent. \>-' to-morrow morning '~ \f- to-morrow night to receive too deep. /C to remain there. . too far . .^ to reply -*- too much to say- took charge . j^ to say anything - .- took charge of their 1 to see . < ^-" took me I 6 1 ^^ to such . . . took part 1 to take - .- . took place 1 L_ ^so to the ... took possession i to the present date . took their | ^ to the present time ^-1 took them | to the time , t v t v took you-r I to the world total amount 1 to their .1 towards eaf h 1 to theirs - .(_ V towards it \ to them . towards them 1 to think . . . towards which 1, to what towards you r ,1 ' r\ to write treasure trove L tf / to you-r _ . true bill .1. _ L to your house - - true God ] 84 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. true or not . .I/T^ under the circum'a of the case Tuesday afternoon i twice as much ~i~/ ^ 7 two or more \f~~^ under them x ^ under these ^_--v under this (> those) > -t two or three. .1 n under what x ^ two or three days . .1 two or three o'clock \.'. l <\ * 1 under what circumstances v s\ under you-r x^_ ^^ Q under your own x ^ 1 United States k two or three times- -J- two or three years U-z,--'}- u ^ United States of America Q~^/ Uncalled for x_ United States Senate & under a ^ ^ United States Senator Q^_ , under all the circumstances c_j> under all the circum's of the case c> under certain circumstances ^._^>~~f unless it (or the) d<7 unless it is ^# unless there (or they are) x^3 under circumstances ^~f under his own ^_~JL~S under his own signature unless there is <^y unless they <^_* unless they were ^f/ under it -. ^ under said act x e under side ' under side of the v 1 \ unless this C-^ unless this is xL/ unless this is done CL# P unless this was Q_^ J under such x^_>> unless you-r d_* / under such circumstances x. _ * 3 ~ under such regulation* x, ^^ J unless you were C^ir until it (or the) % under such rules v s n under that x ^ under the v ^ until thr until there is ^ under the circumstances x, O up and down j> PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 85 up there _ o_ very great _>S*T- up to that time \ upon a-n ... <^~^ very great extent v*y very lately \J- upon another ."TT'' very likely \~f^~ upon his ^" very little ^/ upon his own very much V^^ upon his own behalf "\ e very probable v>J x >v upon it f ^ very seldom V. upon such r very short \~y upon that ( very short distance ^, upon that day r very short lime \~ J 3 upon the very shortly ^_ upon the part of \, very shortly after ^-^V upon the subject \ very soon Vj^y very soon after ^^_>v upon their own \__^ very soon thereafter ^^_^\ upon them . r . very sure V. upon themselves r_ very well VJ upon this (or those) Q very well, sir \*J 1 upon which r Vice President ^^o usually a .). . Vice President of the U. S.^-y, <* V r\ vice versa \_/) i i Valuable consideration ^^ V, V^ viva voce _ 3\- "^ 7\^ value their .> . voluntary assignment V. ^ variety of ^^ w variety of causes War record very best \_- . warm weather ^~~v > very certain \a^~-^ was a . . very clear S. was all ' 86 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. was an . _ . was another . ^ was there anything else said J^., -* "^^T was it not ) r was there anything said _- was it so S >n was thr anyt'g said and done^ - -^-^^^p was not I* was thr anyt'g said and done lhr\ J was not intended ' -\ was thr anyt'g said or done^^^f was not it M was thr anyt g said or done thr J J \^^fA was not known *" ? was there anything said there^*^ was not seen ** ' ') J was there no j_^ was or not was or was not 5 ) was there no one C_x^ was there no one elseO->. fe ") was present %<,_, was there no one else there ^^. was received } U was there nothing ._ we belong ~-v we did not know there was we did not think 5 ^ we call -x ^^ we did not understand we call upon ~^ we differ. ."j. f we called up*bn ~~\ we disclaim .1 ^ s> \ we can "X ? we dispute \ 1 we can have ~"\ ., we distrust * we cannot ~N^ 1 " we do_J we cannot have """N we do not, 5.. we cannot have the s we do not know, 5 ^._ we cannot have their ~ > \ we do not think .5.. we cannot know ""^ ^ we doubt we cannot remember ^\ we ever >- we change. /. we fail \. we charge . ' _ ( we fear_\^. we could .... we feel _ ^_ <; f we could have we find __ . we could not we found . "x Q we could not have 1 we had ... tftf... 88 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. we had not . . . we took pains \ . we have - T^ . we went ^N we have been ~" X we were ~*\/ we have been thr -^ we have done >> * P we were not ^N/, we were there ~*\/7 we have had ~~N we will pv we have not x we will not < ^ > N we have not been ~"~\ we wish ^>j- itf'-J- we have your own ~~v we won't ~x we may ~^ we would -x we may say ~\_ we may soon ~"N we would be ~\ we would not ^\ we might ->, Wednesday afternoon (^o we niuot ~~\^^ week after. TN. tv ? we ought 1 week after that ~^ we ought not. week after week "^ ^nf. we ought to L week afterwards ~^ we received ~\^- week or ten days ^y__V^_ ij we regret x / OV / week or two "^ J' we saw / weeks after "N we say ) weeks ago "x we see \. well done f_\ we shall _ well known I we should 1. well, now 1 we talked . L well, perhaps f N. we thank-ed v X} well, sir (} we therefore ^""Sy well, then ((, ^ we think \ . went out of ~b we thought went up "^ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 89 were a-n . xT^ Wesleyan Church -jf-7 were all >_ what do you seen * were you in the habit <^ what else r were you informed (^ what else was V) .S*-' were you not C, what else was done r ~) were you notified C^- what else was done there IO were you present & \_s what else was said rD J were you then (^ (* what else was said and done rj J 90 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK what else was said or done.^O * -= what is your ..4. what else was said or done thr KD .. what else was said there ]fj J what it.J. what it is fc IxOv U what else was there r J what it is worth ^ what had you n what it was O b what had you done H what its L what has b what makes l^~v o what has been tL what makes them \^~--f what has it b what makes you-r I 1/ what has not been l_/v what may i- what lias that i what month v~* -i i V what has the b what of L. what has thr L> what question J what has this f 1 8 X what reason V 1 what have I what the 1 what have been Uv^ what then J __ what they i what have you been Lv. I ^ V P what time... crt 1- x what have you done L 1 ~ s 1 what took place 1 o ^ what he L-s what was b ^* what he said U-h . p what was afterwards b O ^~~^ what he was I v what was done L what he was not U-^ what was he > \ what is b what was it |> \vhat is it (or the) b what was necessary \^Q/ what is that i what was said n what is thr i -B- what was said and done P I what is then U what was said and done there b O r what is this L V3 what was said or done U PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 91 what was said or done there. Q, what was said there U J n v what was she L what you r . . | . . what you believe J n what you can 1 n what was that L what you can do 1 . /^ ' *hat was the ts 1 what you claim J ^~^ what was then L what you have L nC what was thr n what you remember t N what was this L what you said p o I C p what was your L what you say L )n P what we. 1. what you think ) what we believe 4.^ ov what you were I/ what we call \ when a-n TV. p what we can 1 when are l what we claim L_^^N when are you-r V what we have L when do yoa (ar bad yonf\l what we said b when have O pi what we say L when he ^V^N ) p what we think J when he came ~\-~v__x x IV what were I/ when he came there~\ v_ -/" N what were its \? \ /* when he was ^V-x what were we V when I ^, what were you v when is a what were you doing I '' I, ,, when is it (or the) ^) what will 1 when is tbr u what will be [^ when it .">. what will we ,1 when it has ~8 what will you L when it has been ~X^ what would \ ft- j wlieu it is "> what would be k when it is done ~h 92 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. when it is known ."> ? when vou make~ > V^^ when it is necessary ~VJ> / when you were ^V/ when it may ~V v where a . ^T when it was "V where are c where are thr c-^ when that ~"^ where are they f\ when the .">_ where are those c (o when thr /\ - when there is~~ > \ when there is no \ where arc we c where are you-r c where are your own e^ti J- - when there is not ~""\ when there was ^N when they ~~^ / when this (or those) ""^ when was ~~^ where did you ^ (rts / where do s*\ where do they x^J where do yon where do you live / Y V. 'q when we 4 when we come !i__ where do you m'n to be und'st'd where do you now / l^_^, / S when we do j, when we do not j when we were~^\/' where do you reside / 1/1 where do you say / I where does ./\ when were i/ where does this / L when were we ^Tr where had you ' 1 when were you ^V/ where has X"^ when will 1 when will you-r ^> where has it 'or the) S where has thr s^ when would ^ where have x**V. whether he ever ~~N where was this C^C ~N whether lie lias ~"\ >^ where was your Cs\ whether be -was N h 94 PHONOGRAPHIC -PHRASE BOOK. whether I T5y which has nothing -0^- - whether or not ~~*\ which has now $_^ whether the ~>. which have / whether we ^\ which have a-n ^ whether we shall \ which have anything ^C_--x_^- whether we were ~J \ which have become /^ _ \S whether you-r ^ , \ which have been \^ whether you are \ which have done c. whether you nave \ & which have never l^_ . wh'r you may (or remember)~^\ which have no l^_^ wh'r you were (or recollect)~N which liave not ^_^ which a <..- ^ which cannot 2, which is not ^ which cannot be Z, which is nothing: 4-, which had / ^^ / | / which is now 4_^t which has 6 which is the / which has been dL which is thr Q which has never ^, which is your J> which has not ^ which it ./ which has not been v which it is (or its) / PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 95 which it is not _^_ . which we call - o which we have / which matters little f' "B which matters not / j^ which we have had u /7 which we have not been t^. which may r~~* which we maintain X___^ which might /-- which we make /-^ which must /^ which we say / which muHt be *~a^ j which were 6^ which must not / ^ which were in fr which must not be /-_ ^ which were never t/^ \_ which of . I. / s*^_^s which were no fr which of the ./ which were not f* which of their ./, . / which of their own / which were nothing r \^_^ which were on r which one S which will require r~ /~) ^ ' which was only ^J, which would j which we which we believe ,/ which would be / which would indeed / 96 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. which would never _ / while he may ^~*s-\ which would no doubt / while he was ^^ which would not / while it which would not be /^ while it is (or its) which would show / while it is not n -J which you / while the which you believe J CN while thr . .1. 1 ^ which you can _ while there has j which you, cannot 2 which you claim J ^^ while there has not V ^ which you have / while there is J which you have been while a ... while yon -were while an who also ,^./^\ while another _ o_ . who also was present ^^jO while he who always /~~N 1. ^*~** ^q_, while he has *~~*> who are -j^ while he U " ^^* who are not PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 97 who are the - - who have not ^~ who are thr _^^ who have not been who are they ^_^^ who are those ^.^ who are we who have not done ' who have nothing \ who he was - _. ^ x who are you who came ^^_^ who came there ^^ who is who is it (or the) ^_ who is thr who can who it ^ who coukl PI, who else ^/* who it is (or its) who makes /->.,, who else was ^f\ who else was present ^^\ who else was there ~J*\ ^^ who had who has who may who may be who may not who may not be who mean who has been who mean to be who has been thr who mast who has done ^ who of ^_^ who has never who said who has no ^^ who said so ' ^\ who has not ^_^ who said there was ^_^ who has nothing who has the ' who thr V who therefore ^_^^ who has thr who told ^_^ who have who have been who told him who told me . ^t _ <.C- .. who have been thr who have had ^5 U \ 1 who told that "7 who told them * ? 98 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. who told us why an . *t who told you-r j why another . .J. . who was ^_ ^v why are who was not ^^ why are we \ who was thr why are you-r *" who were x-v /' / why do you wlio were not ^_^/> why had who were present ^^/^V why has who were there /"} why has it (or the) ' who were they x/ why has thr ^ v who were we x* why have who were you-r ^^/~ why is who will why is it (or the) cT 1 ^ -K who would ff'i/ why is thr w b > *-i who would be . . why it k who would not why it is (or its) who would not be why it is not whom we ^_^^ N why not " whom will why the whom will we why thr _\_ . whom will you ^_^ why there is no oL-^ whom you why there is no more X_>~ N whose handwriting ^c-^^ why there is no more than d^f~^, -v whose signature ^ why there is not d^- ^^ whose was ^_ why there is nothing d^_^ v whose were _ / why there is so much J """o whose were they ^^/i ~> ^ why was N / whose were those _,,// why we a why a . why we can ' PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 99 why we know _ ,S ' will not say - - why we say \ will perhaps xA. "V why we think / will probably ,r\. \, why we were *^ will the -^ - why will will thr . /T why will it (or the) will there be /^ > why will thr i . will there never f ^~- why would ' will there not f why would we V^ /~~^ \ will there not be / \ why you-r will therefore / ^~ < why you can " will they (7 why you cannot ^~* will they have /7 why you have S\ will you-r ( why you make ^^ will you be (\ "V why you may x will you be kind enouglyx why you must *^~*> ^^~-^V will you be thr /^\ why yon -were ^ / ^ will you havex?*" will all -xrr U will you look /**^ /*" will another _ /. . will you look at [ will be .^\ will you look at this papej.^ "j (o will be dene ^V win a _-TV_ . N\ * =^. will be found /"V winter time |) <-v L v will be seen /"\ wire puller V X~N will have /7 with a ,/.. will it - -.- with advantage ( will it not __,, with all r, will not -- with all its --- k> will not be will not go with all that /) with all that that'V " 100 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. with all their . /)_ with which it is not . C- . with an ( _ with you-r ( with another-/ - with your own / with as ( with him / with your sanction f with yourself / *-2 with him there ( within a ./ . with it within the . . . with its *O within their./.. with its own within their own./.. e^ s r^ with many / without a_> with me / ^ / without doubt ) t with or without ( without that ( > > with reference / i v with regard (/" without the. without thr v . . with regret / / without this (or those) \> with relation / O witness' stand . \_p with respect / J( won't be :v. with the- .- won't endeavor " ^ with the subject ... won't know ~s - with their ./. . won't know anything ~^_^^^^_^ with them ( won't notice ~> . with them that I won't say ~5 with themselves \ / won't understand ~X^_j> with this (or those) ( won't undertake ~i ^. L_ with this understanding / with which ( ^* 1 Word of God ~\_ words of God *>- / ^ with which he ( words of ray text c >v_^=> with which it ( words of our text *> [_^= with which it is ( working days ^ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 101 working there - - - < s^- -^ would not you have - -^ - / C worth a \ would require ~"\/ \ would a r ^Y would say. ). . would all ~~*y'~~ would see 3 - - would an ~^ would such -v would be ~"N. ^k would the - <^- would be sufficient "~N 1 ? >b would do J . n> \_ would thr -" r> < would there be ~^ would have - ^- would they x would have been there '> would have done "75 would you-r ~Y woukl you have ~> would have said ~?\ would you not ~> would he ~^^ would he not ~"^ would you not have known -> would you not know ~^ would it - . _ Y would it be would it make ^^ Year after year -s^- year ago./^. I would make ~*V-N_. year and a half S would not - =_- year or two SA would not be _ would not be very years afterwards years ago would not do _ years and years f would not have ^^ years before / would uot have been years old X would not have said year's rent s^ would not say yes or no C^" would not see yes, sir.O. . ^ - would not you yet a 5 102 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. yet an C- - you are acquainted -/?- yet another.xt you arc aware XJ ' yet h-as fc i you are not . yet have G> you are said f \ yet it, r. . you are satisfied /" yet it has (, you are supposed r_ f V. yet it has no ^ ^ ^| you arc sure C ) yet it has not & you are sure of it /" J yet it has nothing <- yet it is (, yet it is no ^ x you are very sure^ /^ you are very sure of it _x you believe /^ v \ ^ yet it is not t' you can ft- yet it is nothing G. you can be \ yet its 6 you can have yet the f you can never X- yet thr.A f you can state yet there has been -/^~. you can tell yet there is _ /T. ^" you cannot yet there is no./f. you could - yet there is not . Xl you could be yet we { you could do n yet you-r C you could have , you all . . _ you could not ^ you and.xT. you could state you and I f you could tell you and your X" you did .1 _ you another ~f~ you did say 1 you are /" you did not ' you are able to /" you did not know PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 103 you did not say -.- - you did not think' you do 1 N you do not J). . you have said - -T- you have seen X you have spoken x" you knew you do not know ^ you know ^ x you do not know them ^. you do not say 1 you do not think '3 1 ^ you know nothing ~^^_, you know whether >- ^->. you made ~-N you do say 1 you may -^^ H ) you ever V^_ you mean - ry ^_ s - you fear .^t you mean to .^. you feel _H_ V4 /^ you find you mean to be ^ you mean to say you found you had fa _ \ _ you might _T1 you might not /v " you had not you might not be "^~^\ you have _X~_ you must *^-*> you have a X^ you must be ^'~s. you have anything x~ you have been X" you must be sure ~-i>. y you must be sure of it -*s. you have been there x; you have done T you must bear in mind ^ N V 5>-^ you must have been ~^~\ you have had XT you have known (or none') x~ you must never ~-c*^, you must not ^-&_^ you have never /^. you have no (^_^ you must not be /^-v>v you must now ~^_^ you have not XT you must recall *-* you have nothing X^_ you have noticed x" ^^ you must recollect ^_/ you recall ~/ 104 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. you represent ^/\ . you should never JJ you require .... T < -\^ you lhank-ed . . _ you saw_ . _ you think _Y_ _ you mmy.J. you told -/?. you say you X you understand _ T. . . you say you can X you understood ^~^r-f. you say you cannot X_, you were ^/_ , you say you may L ., you were called upon */ \ you say you mean L> you were not */* you say you must >t & you were there /* you see JJ- _ you will./2. you see there ?\.. you will believe /? you see there is _*V . you shall . . . you will call upon /? you will claim /5 a you shall be <^ you will not -,_- - you shall do r you shall have you will therefore -/'?- you would /" j you shall not you shall not be "rX,- you shall therefore .<^/. you would have f young man 5T?_ young men_^ ? _ you should .JJ. young person ^^ . . you should be J young woman C you should be certain J) your belief _/^ . you should be sure JJ your Honor f you should be there --\jj *t^ your letter . /-/ you should do _} your mind . f- you should have ^ your own .f . you should not your own account f you should not be .*). . your own note S" PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 105 ABBREVIATIONS OF PRJ A According LCTICAL PHONOGRAPHY. baptism because become N \ f ~\\ V . ^- before X \T* began begin acknowledge '_ ' f? administratrix U ^ 9 advantage _/_ /_/ _p_ k .. advertise _ _ A ** *^\ almost already C altogether among s__x *_#? an and angel f -- ~\~'\t^s>~ "I \t^f P circumstance _J circumstantial _ _ _ citizen P. do.L 1 Dr. (Doctor) ' I ^1 doctrine | J collect c = 1 c come , contingency -L- controversyJ^--^ correct c c 1 c could . I c ' <. ^_y I H dollar. 1 -, domestic U~j, during .1 _ p n n n dwell III L B Effect *s ^ V \ county cross-examine endeavor L v -t ^ D December J s defendant I degree - i . X.X,^ -x-- . evangelical ^-^^^ ever V^ executrix a o democracy-tic extraordinary * Y- democrat v- s describe F Fact description - --y develop L l^ L L 1^ V \ Vi did*!.. difficult-y /" familiarity .^r^^l _ ^ Y February Jw^. _ financial-ly _ rtrtT dignify III for ^_ dignity 1 _ discriminate _|. _ \, 7 N v^f ^~N found - _L . r-Tl \(T~ \ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 107 frequent . ' <->| him /~ ^ >/ (^ -/ I^-~N-\ general-ly J i generation O \ \ x^, i 6 t gentleman s l immediate s~ gentlemen J importance-t ' Jy^ ^^^"^^ give-n inartificial-ly_s-(_ ./_ glory c . indignity go indispensable-y ^^ govern _^_, _=. ^ _^ v 1 " I ^-^f ^~A /' .infer V ^^^ V. V^ \_/ governor V^_ ^ j ^^ influence _>^-i_ ^~^l^^lt ^^voT^T^, Great Britain <=-<\ inscribe Had J. half ^~ halve ./T" insurance v_P intelligence J -"yf _/ /^ < \ >> intelligent *^J t^ interrogatory ' has hath >_ . is . o J have __ January_Cr-_ health-y I ^ I A 1 vl IV I C Jr. (Junior) 4 jurisprudence . _5L _ K heaven ^ e^v_9^>^ Kingdom held..\ _\ . / . knew he.p?\ AA/^A/^ knowledge . _* _ -\ r/AX" /\/^ her \ / V f V L_ L here -"^N-.">\ - ^^ - -X] -~^\ - ^X- Language _ _ _ _ 108 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. *.'.. LJ.r.L. legislature / / length- y ( long (adj.'] ^_ *^ _ **~^- u Malignant -^^- - -^^- - -/"/-^ manufactory ^^^ o / ob'ject . _ . _ object' \\j \ objection >O \\ ^9 observation jf Oh / manufacture ~ opinion \ \ \ \ o manufacturer -^\- Massachusetts _T^_ member ^-^ x~^ memoranda _ ' opportunity V _ other 5. __ our ' ^ ^_ over ; memorandum owe / 1 / 6 . misdemeanor ^~*\ own <^ ^ 1 mistake ,- a x~a ,- j, 3 Mr. (Mister) _^_ . "^~V mistook movement P Parliament-ary V P x v | x particular _ N never V_ ' V_ nevertheless ^^ \J new f~ X N. V ^.^ peculiar \ \ -_ \ \ f peculiar! tyj-^^ . pecuniary _\ _ people _<}_ _\ . V performance \ . New York t _ next v.^ ~i notwithstanding . l~*l v 1 Vo perpendicular \ _ >\ perpendicularity | -^-_ plionographer _~- - phonographic ^^~ ^-^l now _ number \ \ \ VLJS^ phouos^raphy plaintifif _\__ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 109 plenipotentiary \ popular-ity \ _ _Y prerogative preservation principal-le <\_ . !\_ _\ privilege -^ probability Jj probable-y \_ ' \ <\ I proportion _ \___if\_ public-sh remembrance representative / \ /\I /\ responsible-y ___^^^._ resurrection X Rev. (Reverend) /\. .revolutionary _/T5!i Roman Catholic / (, s San Francisco _ _ ^_ _ P ^ satisfaction _*._ I satisfactory f Savior V_ send _ CL^ , September several V_ shall _-A should _ ) signify ^ " ' L> similar - .. _ J_ F -> - similarity ~~ 110 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. u Understood J^-rrrjL usual-ly _ ). -V^. . young f ( 6 your _x: x" _b_ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. ill WORDS THAT ARE WRITTEN OUT OF POSITION Advantage _/_ altogether .7P- other _\ _ . another ^~r~^l over . _~ _ any own . _~ . do JL _ send for_L~ found gentleman go held _. their ( there \ . . truth J_. what _{._ where.-/ which. /_ EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE ON THE PHRASES. 112 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK ,^-^^^ 1 _ PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 113 jt vi X /. rrx. _ e i ?_z>. -x^ 114 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 115 5. J^lJ^s^ .^ / II^^J^-V^- ^\r-- ^ 1 t ^ Il^rfJ ^ L V~-~c fa *.. yjj. sr= ....^,. / ^^"^T \ vJ x JQ~D.-\/ ^A 1 V c y the stem Net. EXAMPLES : Are we not, has it not, has not, I have not, is not, it is not, that is not, they have not. b. By the n-hook and Halving Principle combined. EXAMPLES : Are not, am not, can not, could not, did not, do not, had not, may not, shall not, they are not, we aie not, were not would not, you are not. 183 In case, however, the writer wishes to follow not with another stem, which in the particular instance cannot be joined to the n-hook, the stem Net may be employed. EXAMPLES: Shall not, shall not be, should not, should not be. . 184. Not necessary. These words should not be joined together if the not is itself connected with a preceding stem, because they would then be liable to be mistaken for the out- line of the word unnecessary. Thus, the phrase it is not necessary, if written with a continuous outline, would be liable tu be read it is unnecessary. 185. But the words not necessary, standing by themselves, or beginning a phrase, may, of course, be joined. 186. Notify inform. The writer should always insert the sign of the diphthong I in notify and notified, to prevent their being mistaken for inform and informed. EXAMPLES: Were you notified, were you informed. 144 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 187. Occupy keep. When the word occupy is joined to a preceding stem it should always have the diphthong I inserted, to prevent its conflicting with keep. EXAMPLES: Did you occupy, did you keep. 1 88. Of, in phrases, is written or indicated as follows: Initially a. By the stem Vee, EXAMPLES : Of a, of all, of an, of another, of the, of their, of your own. 6. By proximity -That is, by omitting the sign for of, and writing the outline of the next following word close to that of the preceding one. EXAMPLES : All of my, all of our, burden of proof, Court of Appeals, loss of money. 189. Sometimes both the sign and the indication (proximity) are allowed to disappear, the outlines of the words between which of occurs being joined together ; leaving it to the context or sense to supply the omitted word. EXAMPLES : Bill of sale, cause of action, Court of Claims, 'in point of fact, matter of fact, point of view. Finally and medially a. By the u-hook. EXAMPLES : Day of, each of, half of, know of, law of na- ture, out of, out of their own, out of your, out of your own, part of. the. variety of causes. 6. Occasionally by the stem Vee. EXAMPLES : All of the, all of their, any one of the, are you sure of that, spoken of. 190. Of COHL of COH-. When of is followed by a word that begins with the prefix com- or con-, as in the expression A court of competent jurisdiction, Proximity may be used to indicate the of, and the dot-sign to represent the prefix. EXAMPLE : Mode of combination. In ordinary practice, however, the dot may be omitted, and Proximity used for both o/ancl the prefix. 191. Of Our. The phrase of our is represented by prox- imity and Ree, because the stem Ver 1 in rapid writing is lia- ble to be mistaken for of all (Vel 1 .) CAUTION. 192. Inexperienced phonographers sometimes feel timid about employing Proximity for of, and in its stead make free PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 145 use of the stem Vee. But by so doing they make a serious mistake, for they not only lose materially in brevity, but subject themselves to the constant danger of confounding of with for. 193. Old late. These words, when standing alone, are distinguished by writing the former with Lee Dee, and the latter with Leet. But in the three phrases old gentleman, old lady and Old and New Testament, the half length is used for old. 194. On in. On, because of its liability to conflict with in, is never joined in phrases except at the beginning, where, of course, it is distinguished by its position. EXAMPLES : Which were on, which were in. 195 Once may sometimes be written with the Way- hook and ens circle combined. EXAMPLES : At once, [but once, where once]. 196. One, in phrases, is written as follows : Initially By the stem Wen 8 . EXAMPLES : One after, one evening, one side of the case. Finally and medially a By the stem Wen. EXAMPLES : Any one, no one, no one else, not one, on one occasions. b. By the Way-hook and n-hook combined. EXAMPLES : At one, at one time, each one, where one, which one. c. In a few cases only all of which are given in this List by the n-hook. EXAMPLES : Every one, some one, some one or other. 197. If it were made a general rule to write one with the n-hook, it would frequently conflict with an. 198. One or is written with the outline Way-Ner. EXAMPLES : One or both, one or more, one or two. 199. Or, in phrases, is written as follows : Initially By the stem Er. EXAMPLES : Or a, or another, or as it is, or have been, or some such, or you. Medially By either Er or Ree, accord ing to which is most convenient. 146 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. EXAMPLES : Day or two, eight or ten, four or five, greater or less, had or not, once or twice, said or done, true or not. Finally and medially By the r-hook. EXAMPLES : At or, in or about, on or before, two or three, was or was not, with or without. 200. See Note under One or. 201. Other, in phrases, is written as follows : Initially By the stem DHr 1 . EXAMPLES : Other than, other than that. Finally and medially o. By the thr-hook. EXAMPLES : Each other, such other, our other. b. By the Lengthening Principle. EXAMPLES : Among other, any other, for no other pur- pose, from all other. 202. Other --their. If written with the same outline and in the same position, other and their would frequently conflict. Ic is for this reason that, when standing alone, or beginning a phrase, other is written in a different position from tlieir. But when joined to preceding stems that mode of distinction cannot, of course, be made, and resort must be had to some other. 203. The rule for the writing and distinguishing of these words is as follows : a. The thr-hook and the Lengthening Principle, without vocalization, may always be used for their. b. They may also be used for other in connections where their never or seldom is used, as for instance, after most ad- jectives, and nouns and pronouns in the possessive case. c. In cases where there is liability of conflict, other may be written either (a) with the stem Dher* or (b) with the Mr-hook * The syllables Dhee and Dher are pronounced the and ther. In the ordinary spelling the digraphs, or double letters, sh and tfi are used to represent the simple or single consonant breath sounds of the words thin and thin. But the corresponding sonants ot these sounds have no dis- tinctive representation the sonini of sh being written with j in the word pleasure and z in azure, and that of th with the same sign \tlt], as in thine. Hence, phoneticians (or then own convenience, and in order to be consistent about the representation of these sounds, have adopted the digraphs zk and dk a-, the mate> of sA and th. to stand for their sonants. PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 147 or Lengthening Principle, vocalized with the short vowel u of other. EXAMPLES: To other to their, to others to theirs; of other, or other, [by other, Btithr 1 ]. 204. Oil", in phrases, is written as follows: Initially By the stem Ree 1 . EXAMPLES: Our own, our own business. Finally and medially a. By the r-hook. s EXAMPLES: All our, among our, at our house, by our, in our, on our account, which our. 6. Occasionally by the stem Ree. EXAMPLES : As our, or our, words of our text. 205. Own, in phrases is written as follows : Initially By the stem En 1 . EXAMPLES : Own a, own use. Finally and medially a. By the n-hook on stems. EXAMPLES : All our own, among oui own, from your own knowledge, our own, on your own part, their own, your own note. b. By the n-hook turned on the inside of large final hooks. EXAMPLES : At their own, but their own, by their own, do their own. c. By the stem En. EXAMPLES : Among all your own, in his own, on his own behalf, on their own account. 206. Own know. Own, in phrases, should always be vocalized when it is liable to conflict with know, as in the sen- tence, " Do you own (know?) the house in question?" 207. But when there is no danger of such conflict it need not be vocalized. EXAMPLES: For his own account, my o'.vn opinion. 208. Part, when standing alone, is written with the abbre- viation Pee 1 . But when joined to a preceding stem, it is~ written with either Pee or Pret, according to which makes the easiest junction. EXAMPLES : On my own part, on my part, on the one part, on the other part. 148 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. "209. Remember is generally written with the abbreviation Er-hm; but after did you and do you it is contracted to Em. EXAMPLES : Did you remember, do you remember whether, how do you remember. 210. Say See. The word see, when joined as the final word of a phrase, should always be vocalized, to distinguish it from say, which need never be vocalized. EXAMPLES : Cannot say, cannot see. 211. In the middle of phrases, howeve/, this precaution is seldom required. EXAMPLE: Did you see him. 212. Says. Most witnesses, in narrating, on the witness stand, conversations that they have heard or participated in, make very free use of the word says. Hence, it will be well for the reporter to practice on the phrases under that word until they are thoroughly familiarized. See Xote under Say see. 213. Send sent. These words naturally both belong to the second position; but if they were so written there would be no way of distinguishing them except by writing send with the long outline sN D 3 . Therefore, it is better (as wi'h the word found) to remove send to the third position. Loaned [ind 3 ] may be distinguished from lent [int 8 ] in the same way. EXAMPLES : I sent I send [sNt impression is that the job will be completed by Monday afternoon. 44. I admit calling there on that day, but I cannot say who was present. 45. We ought never to come away without seeing each one of the committee. 166 PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. 46. In March last did you keep house there, or did you oc- cupy only a single room ? 47. A half a loaf is better than no bread at all. 48. The remark should never have been made unless he had intended to follow it up with proof it was not called for in the connection in which it was uttered. 49. I shall be most happy to have you call at your earliest convenience. 50. Are you sure of it, or is there some doubt in your mind on the point ? 51. Did you have anything to say to him at the time of your call there ? 52. It was either at that particular time, or just about that time that I spoke with him. 53. I can mention a reason that I think is more probable than any other that has been given. Very well, you can state it. 54. Will it not be better to remain there in one place than to be running hither and thither ? 55. At first I conducted the proceedings entirely alone, but after that, I was away a great deal of the time and had to em- ploy an assistant. 56. I have the honor to transmit a message to you from the governor. 57. If we may depend upon the statements that have been made, then ought we not to take immediate action rather than to wait ? 58. I shall remain until such time as he shall return. 59. They dare not say it in our presence, because they know that we can refute the slander. 60. They have charge of their own business, but when they move in their new building they will require an assistant 61. How do you like being engaged in the public service for a little while? 62. Were you informed that the note had gone to pro- test? 63. All that I heard was that some one or other had been there after you left, who said that he came there on his own behalf no one else was there that I am aware of. 64. By whom were you notified of my arrival ? I was not notified at all. PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK. ie? 65. Is the news from Great Britain as gratifying as you expected ? I find everything all right. 66. Among all their own people there was no one to take their part. 67. Was he there before or after you had dined ? I be- lieve that he was there just after dinner time. 68. They are much better educated than their brothers. 69. Do you remember now, or did you remember then, what was said by the minister on the subject of infant bap- tisms ? 70. Mr. President and fellow citizens : Am I to be thus traduced after an honorable discharge from the service of my country? 71. Did you order the medicine from the drug-store on the corner of 2ist street ? 72. A good many things have been said by you, or have been insinuated by others, that cannot possibly be true. 73. Can there be anything which will require more attention